Plastic Ornameni MADE IN EXTERIOR COMPOSITION PLASTER- CEMENT. 1917 CATTAlvOGUE 105 DECORATORS SVPPLY CO ARCHER A\t ^ LEO ST. CHICAGO, ILL. BLVM m tMlH 1 ^^EXyV 1 LIB 8» /;\'1^.RIS Wm. Wolfarth. rrtsuhnt OscAR Spindler. Vicf-Pnsid>iU W. T. Foster, Stcrttary ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF PLASTIC ORNAMENTS CAST IN PLASTER FOR INTERIORS AND IN COMPOSITION FOR EXTERIORS MANUFACTURED BY THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ARCHER AVE. AND LEO ST. CHICAGO. ILL. "mt^ .k-^ ^ rrt r,.,.. ^. "N,i^ ;,ii '.. * - - ^iJ» ^ ,-**#* DECORATORS SVPPLY CO Cement- Plaster-Composilion -V^food Cvlerior 4nd Interior of Duiutinf* * CHICAGO ' SRLF URL PREFACE r)LASTER Relief Ornaments need no introduction to the Architects, Builders and Decorators of this country, *■ same having been used by them to adorn the interior of buildings since the first introduction of the building arts from Europe, where said medium has been for two thousand years and is now very extensively employed to beautify private and public edifices internally as well as externally. The very luxuriously ornamented interiors of buildings erected during the Renaissance periods of the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries in Italy, France, Germany and England, were made possible by using this pliable, light material for executing the designs. Their beauty is unsurpassed to-day, their stability testified by past centuries. The modern buildings of to-day, built in Berlin, Paris, London, New York, are richly ornamented with Plastic Ornaments, cast in plaster for interiors, in cement composition for exteriors. All over the civilized world the material has found its place and is now recognized as the most adaptable, easiest applied and least expensive of mediums for executing ornamentation to beautify buildings. *This usage being well established and very rapidly on the increase in this country, we have taken the initiative to make it still much more popular by devoting years of exertion and study and the expenditure of capital to make and bring forward the largest, most diversified in design and size, as well as most artistic number of models, ready to be cast into orna- ments, ever brought together by anyone in any country. The illustrations in this book of ornaments, here given, will easily bear out the foregoing statement. The forms of the designs underlying the carrying into execution the fine models, have been carefully studied and selected to meet the requirements of our designers and decorators, recognizing equally the beauty of the period or so-called styles of the past, as well as the diversified but not less beautiful forms of the present. We have endeavored to show quite a number of ceiling and wall decorations, complete for the aid of Decorators, and wish to advise all our customers to write us for special designs in all cases where their requirements are not met by our illustrations. Our facilities for furnishing finely executed designs are unsurpassed, our experience for o\ier thirty years in ornamental designing in Europe and America furnishes the basis of our possibility in this direction. Aside from the multitude of models shown, we carry a large number of odd ones, of which we are glad to furnish designs upon application. We are confident of having overcome all the difficulties, as well as the high prices, formerly connected with the using of this material for ornamenting houses, by making it possible for the Architects, Decorators and Contractors, with- out their making special designs, to furnish their clients with a high class of decorations, the cost of which does not include the great expenses for new models, and is therefore very moderate and easily within the reach of all Home-builders. Con- sidered along with its stability which is on a par with all the rest of the solid building materials employed, and is not, like stencils, washed off with every retinting, our ornaments furnish the most economical artistic medium for decorating houses yet invented. Suffice to say, we are very confident that our efforts to supply the largely increasing demands for more richly ornamented houses will be appreciated by the Architects, Decorators and Homebuilders as being of service to them, and respectfully request that they specify our goods on their plans, giving their clients thereby the best at the least expense. We keep a very large stock of ornaments, cornices, mouldings, etc., on hand ready to be sent out at a day's notice. Our large establishment is on a very efficient basis, enabling us to ship even complicated orders on ten days time. The orna- ments illustrated in this book are manufactured in five materials, viz.: Portland Cement — for exterior use; Exterior Composition — to be applied on the outside of buildings: Fibrous Plaster Casts— used for interior enrichment of walls and ceilings: Compo Casts principally used for wall decorations: Wood Mouldings to be used in conjunction with interior ornaments. The application, character and use of the afore- mentioned materials is amply explained in the descriptions alongside the illustrations and further augmented on the in- struction page 4. If, after careful perusal of our notes and review of our illustrations, you need any further information before ordering, please write to us. We are confident of being able to serve you and can always retain those as customers who have once given our goods a fair trial. THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. *A testimonial for this statement is found in the universal employment of plaster ornaments for the enrichment of buildings for exposition purposes. CEILIMO CLCcTRic LIGHT rernr. covr ELECTRIC LIGHT BYLB, INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION THE above illustration shows the section of a cove, finished on top or against the ceiling with a wood moulding, on the bottom or wall with a larger wood moulding, illustrating the exact position and finish of the cast cove against ceiling and wall, including the final finish with a wood moulding. In our illustration we have shown for top moulding No. 4158, for bottom moulding No. 4170, both being plain wood mouldings, inexpensive yet perfectly appropriate. Where no special moulding is mentioned in ordering coves with mouldings, we will ship those two kinds. We have shown the section of a bulb center, to illustrate the finish and outline of same in general; likewise the section of an electric-light rosette will show the position of our material in relation to the opening left for the electric-light bulb. In all cases where electric-light open- ings for bulbs are left in our casts we have mentioned same with gross size alongside of illustration. For special infor- mation regarding character, application and use of the different kinds of material and finish, see descriptions alongside of illustrations. For general enlightenment observe the following rules: Wherever prices are given for certain materials, the ornaments shown are furnished in those materials only. In our preface we refer to the five materials used in executing our designs —Portland Cement, Exterior Composition, Fibrous Plaster, Compo, Wood. Exterior Composition is material warranted to withstand the hardships of any climate, and should always be painted like exterior woodwork. The orna- ments are either furnished open, free of groundwork, or with a solid background from '2 to 1 inch thick. In all cases mentioned, exact information is furnished on same sheet where illustration is shown. Nail or screw in place all exterior ornaments. Fibrous plaster casts are furnished either with or without background, thin cheesecloth ground, or on solid background averaging '2 inch in thickness. The exact information for each article is found alongside its picture. Its application in general is as follows: All ornaments without ground should be pasted on wall surface with rye flour paste, made with boiling water; add ' _. pint of Venetian turps to every full pail of paste. After applying ornaments on surface, nail same with ',-inch long brads as an additional safeguard. Never paste on hard oiled surface, but always sandpaper hard oil off first, giving the wall surface the needed suction for cohesion. Ornaments cast on cheesecloth should be trimmed out first by cutting off with a sharp knife all the outer surplus of cloth not needed for a protection of the ornament — cut along outer ornamental outline. Where the cloth covers the entire width of surface, on friezes for instance, the trimming of the cloth may become unnecessary. Paste up the cloth background, same as the open ornaments, with rye flour paste, and nail same for further protection. Ornaments cast on solid background, as coves, friezes, panels or cornices, should be nailed or screwed upon wood or brick construction. On iron or tile construction fasten same with wire hooks or bolts, or, where the paster is strong enough, stick the ornaments with plaster after having scratched the surface of plaster where the ornament is to be applied. Compo casts are very sharp and imitate wood carving of the highest order in appearance. We furnish same plain or mounted on veneer wood background. The application of this material in either state is amply explained alongside the illustrations where same are shown. Wood mouldings are furnished either plain or ornamental. as shown on pages 89 and 91 . The ornaments are compo, the wood always whitewood unless otherwise ordered. Mould- ings are, of course, always nailed or screwed in place. The fine crevices, cracks or openings, between casts should always be pointed up with fine plaster of Paris, on interior ornaments. On exterior composition use oil putty after the first coat of paint has been applied. Where the above explanations are found insufficient, please write to us for further information, which will be furnished. THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. BARONIAL R K L I E F ?4 • No. Size 303-1 Pflttern 18" x 18' 4279 Moulding 2 '..'wide Prices on Application Always send correct size o( room. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. } CEILING. BARONIAL No. 3035 Pattern 4299 Moulding Prices on Application 22"4' I 13' 3* wide Always send correct size of room. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. BARONIAL RELIEF !■ No. Pattern Silo 2973 Pattern 28- X 28- 2974 Pattern 24' diameter 2975 Pattern 24- I 49'/ 4271 Moulding 3' wide Prices on Application Always send correct size of room. INSTRUCTION AND KXl'l. ANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. ELIZABETHAN RELIEF l;s' No. Size 2971 Pattern 34 ^.' diameter 2972 Pattern 34',." X 34!-v' 4273 Moulding 3' wide Prices on A p p I i c a t i on Always send correct size of room INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING, ELIZABETHAN RELIEF 1 - No. 3030 3031 303 1 A 303 IB 3032 4502 4278A PaHern Panern Ornament Ornament Pattern Rosette Moulding Size 22' I 22" 32' diameter 20' X 20' 15- X 10- 32- X 36 .• 8' diameter 3" wide Prices on Application Always send correct size of room. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING, ELIZABETHAN R E L 1 E.F 1 ■ . " No. 3034 3034A 3034B 3034C 4281 Pattern Ornament Ornament Ornament Moulding Size 30- I 30- 29- I 29- 10- X 23- 10- jc 23- 3';- wide Prices on Application Always send correct size of room. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. BARONIAL RELIEF \- No. 3049 3048 4274 Partem Pattern M 1)11 1 (I in K Sizes 14- X 14* 21* diameter 2 \" wide Prices on Application Always send correct size of room, INSTRUCTION AND KXPI, ANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING, BARONIAL RELIEF r No. 2962 Pattern 2963 Pattern 1570 MouMinR Size 31 '5" I 31 H' 221,' , 22,4' 2S- wide Prices on Application Always send correct size of room INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. BARON' I A L R K I. I E F 1" No. Sizo 2«70 Pallcrn 28'j- x 44 , • 4227 MiiuldinR 3' wide Relief 1" Prices on Appliratinn INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING. ELIZABETHAN RELIEF i-i" No. Size 2968 Pauern 62H' x 62^' 2969 Patlern I5\i' X 15?i' 4226 Moultling 2' wide Prices on Application INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE i:)ECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING, GOTHIC TRACERY RELIEF 1'/ No. Size 750 Center Ornnnient 19'(' x 19\ 20ft4 Pattern 43' i 43" 1501 MoiiklinR 1 \' v/iilc Prices on Application Always send correct measurement o( room. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING ORNAMENTS. CENTERS No. 742 703 1102 1105 633 508 267 60 92 880 Centerpiece Centerpiece Centerpiece Centerpiece Corner Ornament 1< Side Ornament Running Ornament Running Ornament Running Ornament Rosette Size 32' X 32" 28' X 28" 32'v' X 32'..' 21" X 21" [ 16" mitre line 20 1'^ 22" X 10- 1 ',' wide 2',* wide 2 ' .. ' wide 1 ' -" diameter Style Italian R. Louis XV. Empire Empire Louis XV. Empire Empire Louis XV. Louis XV. Empire Price $8 00 each 4 00 each 5 00 each 3 00 each 2.50 each 2 00 each .14 ft. .24 ft. .24 ft. . 14 each Prices Subject to Discount Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size of Corner Ornament given along each side and through center line. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center hne. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 7*7^ '^. € / r Si- ) /. -C'^' \-r 1 1 ''^- .^=^%.-Sii4 ■- L/^ '^. '^f^^ C F: I L I N G , LOUIS XVI * R E I. I K H ■ AVERAGE No. Size Price 767 Centerpiece 37- I i7- SS 00 each 620 Corner Ornament 34- I 34- I 37- 8 00 each Size of Ci 200 Vine Ornament 2 J- wide 30 fl. Size of C( Prices Subject tu Discount Size of Centerpiece Riven ihrouRh center lines. Size of Corner Ornament Riven alonR each side and throuRh center line. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING, LOUIS XVI CEILING, LOUIS XV, RKLIEF 1- AVERAGE No. 768 629 628 268 Centerpiece Corner Ornament Side Ornament Rimning Ornament Size 30" X 30- 12- X 12- jc 17- 13- X 13- 1 ' .- wide Size of Centerpiece given through Pfigg center lines. $5 00 each ^'^^ °* Corner Ornament given along 2.00 each each side and through center lines. 2.00 each Size of Side Ornament given along . 16 ft. base line and through center line. No. 719 682 683 67 RELIEF 1- AVERAGE Centerpiece Corner Ornament Side Ornament Running Ornament Size 34- I 34- 20- X 20- X 20- 34- X 14 I J- 1 ' J- Wide Price $6 GO each 4 00 each 4 03 eich 16 ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING. LOUIS XV. AVERAGE 1113 647 «48 649 Centerpiece Corner Ornament Side Ornament Side Ornament Size 53- X 41- 36- X 36- X 48- 27- I 18- 32- I 34- Price S12 00 each 8 00 each 4 00 each 6 00 each Siie of Ceilinx. 13'-3- x 13'-3- Sixe of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size of Comer Ornament Riven along eich side and through center lines. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center line. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. no. 1112 Centerpiece 640 Corner Ornament 643 Side Ornament 641 Ornament 642 Ornament 644 Ornament 645 Ornament CEILING. LOUIS XV, Size 56- X 56- 36- X 36- X 52" 76- X 38' 23' wide 23" wide 30- long X 11 '.* wide 30- long X II "j" wide RELIEF Price SI 2 00 each 10 00 each 10 00 each 5 00 each 5 00 each 3 00 each 3.00 each AVERAGE Size of Ceihng. 13'-0' x 13'-6' Prices Subject to Discount Size of Centerpiece given through center Imes. Size of Corner Ornament given along each side and through center lines. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center Une. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. LOUIS XV. REI. IKF 2- CAN BE USED IN 1. A H G E HIGH KOOM 783 Centerpiece ftOO Corner Ornament 022 Side Ornament 1526 Moulding Prices Subject 1 i> I size 46" X 46" - X 27- X 28- 41- X 21- 2 'i' wide Price $14 00 each 7 00 each 7 00 ench 24 (t. Discount Silc o( Cenlcriiiece niven through cetiter lines. Siie of Corner Ornamenl ijiven along each side and through center lines. Siie o( Side Ornament given along base line and through center hne. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING. LOUIS XV. RELIEF i;,- CAN BE USED ON A FAIRLY GOOD SIZE ROOM No. 707 529 582 1546 1517 Centerpiece Corner Ornament Side Ornament Moulding, right or left Moulding, right or left Size 36- I 36" 25- I 25- I 32 > 20- X 14" Price $8.00 each 5.00 each 2.50 each .12 ft. .20 ft. Prices Subject to Discount Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size of Corner Ornament given along each side and through center hnes. Size of Side Ornament given along base Une and through center line. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 -„//^ v'"r 'r.j^'i^ :j//^^sJ^ ■■ip-' THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. r^ V CEILING, LOUIS XV No. 777 Ccnicrpiece 570 Side Ornament 35 Band Prices Subject lo Discount AVERAGE ' Size Pri T 51- X 43- $10 00 eoch 35- I 20- 00 each 21,- wide 24 (1. Size of Centerpiece Riven ihrouRh center lines. Size of Corner Ornament Riven alonR each side and through center lines. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center line. CEILING. LOUIS XV. 772 3 513 42 68 67 Centerpiece Corner OrnomenI Side Ornnment RunninR Ornnment RunninK Ornament KunninK Ornament AVERAGE 22',- X 22'., 6- I 6- X 8- 24- X 12- 2'/ wide 1 'j- wide 1*,- wide S3 50 each . 50 each 2 00 each 24 ft. 16 ft. 16 ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING, ART NOUVEAU CEILING, LOUIS XV, BELIEF '.- AVERAGE Size of Centerpiece given IhrQUgh center lines. No. RELIEF 1- AVERAGE Size Price No. Size Price Size of Corner Ornament given along 793 Centerpiece 40- X 40" S8 00 each 784 Centerpiece 28- X 28- $6 00 each each side and through center lines. 686 Corner Ornament 30- X 30" X 32" 5 00 each 669 Corner Ornament 16- X 16" I 22" 4 00 each Size of Side Ornament given along 687 Side Ornament 36" X 26" 5 00 each 2797 Band 8'»" wide 50 (t. base line and through center line. 66 Running Ornament 2ij" wide .24 ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. LOUIS XVI RELIEF !• AVERAGE Nu. 711 004 2704 1508 Centerpiece Corner Ornament Running Ornament Mouliting Size 36" X 36" 30- X 30" X 36- 8- wide 2*j' wide Price $8 00 each 8 00 each 50 ft. 24 ft. Prices Subject to Discount Size of Centerpiece Kiven through center lines. Size of Corner Ornament given along each side and through center hnes. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center line. CKILING. ART NOUVEAU No. 787 674 675 2708 Centerpiece Comer Ornament Side Ornament Running Ornament AVERAGE S.ze 371.,' X 37I.J- 28- X 28- X 24- 20- X 18- 6- wide Price S8 00 each 5.00 each 4 00 each .50 ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. ART NOUVEAU RELIEF ' • AVERAGE No. Size Price 786 672 673 2790 Centerpiece Comer Omajnent Side OmameDt Running Ornament 31- I 31- 23" I 23* X 27- 25- I 17" U" wide I 19H' $6 00 each 4 00 each 3 00 each 60 (t. Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size of Comer Ornament given along each side and through center line. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center lines. Size of Running Ornament. lO'.." center to center. Pric e s Subject to D sc o u n t INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING, ART NOUVEAU RELIEF . ," A V K H A G P No. Size Price 788 Centerpiece 32- I 32" S6 00 each 676 Corner Ornament 17- X 17- X 21- 3 50 each 677 Side Ornnment 18- X 16- 3 00 each 27«9 Band 3* wide 32 ft. Size of Centerpiece Riven ihrouRh center lines. Size of Corner OrnnmenI Riven nlong each side and throuRh center lines. Size of Side Omameni Riven aloPR base line and throuRh center line. CEILING. LOUIS XVI. RELIEF AVERAGE No. Size Price 7Q4 688 689 235 Centerpiece Corner Ornament Side Ornament Leaf 16 32- I 32- - I 16- X 21- 17- I 17- 2>,' wide $6 2 2 00 each 50 each 50 each 24 ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. / ->*' h / y /* ./ y ^ V. fT' -^ ^^ ^>?>^ CEILING. ART NOUVEAU AVERAGE No. 785 670 671 2795 Centerpiece Comer Ornament Side Ornament Running Band Size 44- I 44- 21' X 21- X 28- i5'j- X igi..- 2',.- wide Prices Subject to Discount Price $10 00 each 4 00 each 3 00 each .32 ft. Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size of Comer Ornament given along each side and through center line. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center lines. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING. ElMPIRE CEILING. ART NOUVEAU RELIEF ,• AVERAGE No. Size Price 714 Centerpiece 31h"x23'3- - $5 00 each 752 Side Center 12 S' 1 SO each 883 Rosette IH' 08 each 3119 Palmette 7«'l3«- 40 each 3118 Palmette ♦ H' I *• .30 each 257 Bell Ornament J<' wide .12 ft. 287 Leal Ornament !■ wide 12 It. 275 Pearl Ornament »<• wide 12 ft. 936 Rosette 1 '■.■• ,08 each R E L 1 E K .- AVERAGE Size of Centerpiece Riven throUKh center lines. Size of Comer Ornament given along No. Size Price each aide and through center lines. 727 Centerpiece 38' X 38" $8 00 each Size of Side Ornament given along base 031 Corner Ornament 19- > 19- X 25- 4 00 each line and through center lines. 1500 Moulding ' .' wide 05 ft. 1509 Moulding 1 *, ■ wide 10 ft. Prices Subject lo Discount INSTRUCTION ANU EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. LOUIS XV, RELIEF .' AVERAGE lo. Size Price 771 Centerpiece 34' I 23" $5 00 each 4 Comer Ornament 12- X 12- X 10- 1 50 each U Side Ornament 15- I 7'~- 1.50 each 69 Running Ornament 2iv" wide .24 ft. OS Running Ornament 1 ». ' wide .16 ft. CEILING, EMPIRE RELIEF ' j' AVERAGE Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. No. Size Price Size of Comer Omament given along 776 507 78 Centerpiece Side Ornament 27- I IT 21- I 20- S5 00 each 3 50 each Corner Ribbon 4'2" I 41.2' 40 each Size of Side Omament given along base 258 Running Ornament IW 12 ft. line and through center line 276 Pearl 12 ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. ART NOUVEAU CEILING. EMPIRE RELIEF ' ..- AVERAGE R EL lEF '.. • AVERAGE % No. Size Price No. Size Price 701 Centerpiece 44- I 44' $10 00 each 779 639 Centerpiece 22',- < 20- U- X 5'.,- S4 00 each 1 2S each 20 909 Ribbon Rosette 51.,- i8' 'h' diameter 70 each 14 each 14 ft. 10 each .14 ft. 638 276 271 Side Ornament Pearl Band II',- X 5'.,- ,'(' wide 1 ',- wide 1 25 each 12 ft. 24 ft. 226 899 2ft2 Leaf Rosette Leaf lij- wide IH' wide Prices Subject to D s c o u n t INSTRUCTION A N D K X 1' I. A N A T I O N O N PAGE 4 CEILING. LOUIS XV. CEILING, LOUIS XIV. RELIEF ,• AVERAGE No. Size Price 774 Cetiterpiece 38- I 26" $6 00 each 90 Corner Ornament T X 7- x8',- 1 00 each 551 Side Ornament 25- I 13',- 3 00 each 218 Flower 1- wide 20 ft. 01 Band 2^4' wide 24 ft. 89 Band 3 h ' wide 32 ft. Prices Subject to Discount Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size of Corner Ornament given along each side and through center lines. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center line. No. 760 503 88 8S1 280 261 Centerpiece Side Ornament Ribbon Rosette Bell Flower Bell Flower ■ AVERAGE Size 25'.." X 25'..- 32- X 17' 3'..' X 3':.' 1' diameter 1 ' ,' wide 1 ' ,' wide Price £4 00 each 4 00 each 40 each 08 each .12 ft. .12 ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 '^^^y •f .5 > -1 . i >i >i>Mi > i»a» 3 iii>'#i^i<^ . ^<»*^^^«^ i»»;>aaiiiia[i3iiaai>»3ti»ri.^ CEILING. E M IM R E Prices Subject to Discount CEILING, ITALIAN RENAISSANCE No. RELIEF '.- AVERAGE Slz'e Price R K -IKE • AVERAGE 790 Centerpiece 17' X 17- $2 25 each No. Size Price 751 Center Ornament 15" diameter 1 80 each 1101 Centerpiece 30- X 30- S8 00 each 1100 Side Ornament 15- » 15- 1 SO each 635 Side Ornament 18- I 10- 2 00 each 276 Pearl i'** ,12 ft. 848 Rosette 3'^' I 31,' 24 each 279 Bell 1' wide 12 (t. 899 Rosette 1 '4" diameter . 10 each 914 Rosette 1 ',* diameter 10 each 289 Leaf Ornament 1- wide .12 ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. '^■*^*-''*-**-''-''" *-■■-■"•■*- '-■'-■'-■'''"^^-^-'-^'-'-^ly-'i-^-^^'^.^l^^r^^-^^-^^'^^^rt^*-^ *-^*-^*--''-'^-^'--^-^''--*-^-? CEILING. EMPIRE RELIEF ' .■■ AVERAGE No. Size Price 744 85 591 260 276 Centerpiece Comer Ribbon Side Ornament Running Ornament Running Pearl 10* diameter 1'.- I 5" 7,'..-i5f.i- >i' wide A" wide $2 50 each 30 each 60 each 12 ft. 12 ft. Prices Subject to Oiscoun CEILING, EMPIRE RELIEF ' • AVERAGE No. Size Price 705 Centerpiece 22* diameter S3 00 each 3113 Omameni 12- X 3* .60 each 883 Rosette l'«* 08 each 259 Running Ornament ;4' wide 12 ft. 276 Running Pearl I'l' wide .12 ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 '^-O^.'^'^kTS^' •^\VL,T>i' c^^'^X'O .^M^ ^ ^^' V ... ^@,'. CEILING. GERMAN RENAISSANCE CEILING. ART NOUVEAU ,- RELIEF No. Size 729 Centerpiece 20 1 i-.x 28- 549 Side Ornament 15 S- X ll'-i" 548 Corner Ornament 10 S- I 10'..- I UM 2785 Running Ornament 2 '.- wide CEILING . ELIZABET ',• RELIEF No. Siie 1092 Centerpiece 24',- I 24 l^' 560 Side Ornaments 4315 I',' I 1'*' 2789 Running Ornament 2',' wide Prices Subject to Di s c o u n I Price $4 00 each 1 50 each 1 50 each 32 per ft. Price $4 00 each 1 25 each 16 each 32 peril. 1 • RELIEF 1001 542 2786 2780A Centerpiece Side Orn«incnl RtinninR ()rn«mcnt Running (Ornament 23' X 25' 11'/ X 10- 2 ' j' wide 2 ' j' wide $4 00 each 1.25 each 32 per ft .32 per ft CEILING. ART NOUVEAU 1 RELIEF No. 1090 Price Centerpiece 26- I 28- S4 00 each 1 25 each 540 Side Ornament 2787 Running Ornament 2 ■«' wide THE I DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEl No. Size Price 1084 Cenlerpiece 52" I TO- $20 00 each 596 Side Ornament SS- X 16',- 8 00 each 595 Corner Ornament 34- X 34- I 31- 8 00 each 552 End Ornament 12'-- X 10" 1 50 each 200 Leaf 2i,- wide 24 (t. 267 Bell IH' wide 14 ft. 4316 Rosette 2- X 2- .10 each CEILING, ADAMS 1!:- RELIEF Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING, EMPIRE RELIEF Jj* AVERAGE No. Size 738 Centerpiece 35' x 35' 500 Side Ornament IS'i'xO).' 73 Ribbon Sh'liW 274 Pearl ',' 245 Bell IJv' wide 1316 Wreath 17" wide over Ribbons. IIH' high Prices Subject to Discount CEILING, COLONIAL RELIEF ' ■ AVERAGE Price No. Size Price 2 00 each 734 Centerpiece 25' diameter $5 OO each 40 each 457 Shell 4',- I 4i,' .30 each 12 ft 274 Pearl *>.' 224 Leaf Pk- wide .14 ft. I 80 each 880 Rosette 1*n' diameter .14 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING. EMPIRE CEILING. EMPIRE RELI EF '4- AVERAGE RELIEF >,- AVERAGE No. Size Price No. Size Price 737 500 78 274 228 Centerpiece Side Ornament Ribbon Pearl Leaf 30- I 27- 20- X ior 4H"x4H' %' »ide IM" wide JS.OO each 2.00 each .40 each .12 ft. .12 ft. U07 22 878 850 264 Centerpiece Ribbon Rosette Rosette Bell 17I.J- I 17V^' 5- I 4"-S' 1 ^4 - diameter 1^^' diameter ':-' wide $2,50 each 30 each 12 each 12 each 14 ft. Prices Subject to D i sc o un t I NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION O N PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. EMPIRE LOW RELIEF ABOUT .■ AVERAGE No. Size Price 755 713 278 Centerpiece 24" x 24' Corner Ornament 12' x 12' Bellflower J*' wide S4 00 each 1 60 each 10 ft. Size of Centerpiece Riven through center lines. Size of Comer Ornament given along each side and through center lines. Size of Side Ornament Riven along base line and through center line. No. 775 80 575 244 241 8«9 CEILING. EMPIRE Centerpleco Corner Ribbon Side Ornament Bellflower Bellflower Rosette ■ AVERAGE Siie 26- X 22' 3,li'x6' US' l8(»' 1 >i ' wide \^\' wide If^" diameter Price S4 00 each .40 each 1.2S eacb .14 ft. 16 ft. 10 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING. EMPIRE RELIEF !• AVERAGE, FOR LARGE ROOM No. Size Price 829 766 625 612 240 Centerpiece Centerpiece Corner Ornament Side Ornament Bellflower 13" X U- 49- X 49- 20' I 20" X 20' 17- X 21- 2',' \^'ide $1 50 each 14 00 each 4 00 each 3 00 each 20 ft. Prices Subject to Discou n t Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size ot Comer Ornament given along each side and through center lines. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center line. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. EMPIRE RELIEF 1',- AVKRAOe No. 759 Centerpiece 505 Corner Ornament 512 Side Ornsment 241 BeJI Size 50" diameter 18- X 18" X 23" 20" X 20" 1\" wide Price $]4 00 each 3 00 each 2 50 each .16 ft. Size of Centerpiece Riven throuRh center lines. Size ot Corner Ornament given along each side and IhrouKh center lines. Size of Side Ornament Riven alonR base line and tllrough center line. CEILING. EMPIRE RELIEF I ' AVERAGE No. Size Price 7S9 Cunterpiccc 50' dtameter $14 00 each 2703 Band 2'.* wide 40 fl. 530 Spandril 50' wide x 23' throuRh center 8 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING, GREEK CEILING. LOUIS XV. RELIEF ■<■ AVERAGE No. Size Price 773 Centerpiece 22' X 22' S3 00 each 320 Honeysuckle lOVi'lSJi- .80 each 780 Side Ornament 9W x9W 1 25 each 220 Bell IM" wide 14 ft. 212 Bell IH' wide .12 (t. 882 Rosette 1' diameter 08 each 889 Rosette 1*^' diameter 10 each Prices Subject to Discount RELIEF .,■ AVERAGE Size ol Centerpiece given through No. Size Price center lines. Size ol Corner Ornament given along each side and through center lines. 778 632 517 Centerpiece C.orner Ornament Side Ornament 28>,- X 22- 20- I 20" X 28" 20- X 20- S4 00 each 4 00 each 3 50 each Size ol Side Ornament given along base line and through center line. 1571 li30 Wood Moulding Wood Moulding .- wide 1' wide 04 It. 12 It INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. 1100 Centerpiece 588 Corner Ornament 500 Side Ornament CEILING. GREEK RELIEF 2- AVERAGE Size I'-j" iliameler ," I 59'j' I <>T 92- I 32- Price $10 00 each 20 00 each Ift 00 each THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Prices Subject to Discount Size of Centerpiece Riven throunh center lines. Size of Comer Ornament given alonij each side and ihroush center Unes. Size of Side Ornament Riven along base line and through center line. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING, GREEK RELIEF ABOUT AVERAGE No. Size Price 72J Centerpiece 46" » 46' $12 00 each 532 Comer Ornament 14" j 14- x 17 ^j" 2 50 each 528 Side Ornament 10',"'ll2'i- 2 00 each 2751 Running Ornament 3," wide 40 ft. Prices Subject to Discount Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size of Comer Ornament given along each side and through center hues. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center Ime. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 ■ p' '■ 1 •Vy 1 -w^'M^ ^ THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. GREEK REI. lEK 1- AVEKAGE No. Size Price 7« 589 1365 Centerpiece, relief 5" Comer Ornement Festoon 56" X 56- 50- X 50- X 33' 9' wide. 26" long $20 00 each 10 00 each 2 40 each Prices Subject to Discount Size of Centerpiece given through center lines. Size of Corner Ornament given along each side and through center lines. INSTRUCTION A N D EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. RENAISSANCE RELIEF - A \ ER AG E No. Size Price 769 Centerpiece 48- I 48- SU 00 each 502 Corner OrnamenI J2' I 32- I 22- 5.00 each Size of C« 515 Side Ornament 45* I 16'...' 5.00 each Size of Co 255 Bell 2,4- wide .24 (t. Size of Si Size of Centerpiece given though center lines. Size of Corner Ornament given along each side and through center lines. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and through center line. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. GERMAN RENAISSANCE RELIEF r A V E K A O V. No. 728 Centerpiece 520 Corner Ornament 527 Side Ornament 27«2 Band Size 52- % 42" 25- X 25- I 34- 20- z 24 1^- 4H- wide Price $12 00 each 5 00 each 4 00 each 36 11. Size of Centerpiece given throiiKh center lines. Size of Corner Ornament Riven alonR each side and IhronKh center lines. Size of Side Ornament Riven along base line and through center line- Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING, COLONIAL CEILING. COLONIAL RELIEF h- AVERAGE 10« Centerpiece 22 Ribbon 274 Pearl 230 Leaf Size Price 35-1 24- $0 00 each 4H-X4W 40 each H- wide 12 ft. l',' wide .14 ft. Prices Subject to Discount No. RELI EF 'j ■ AVERAGE Size Price 1104 Centerpiece 21" X 21- $3 00 each 322 Honey Suckles 2',- X 21,- 20 each 78 Ribbon 4Jj" X 4'...- 40 each 899 Rosette H* diameter 10 each 265 Bell J,- wide 12 ft. 212 Bell 1 Is' wide 12 ft. 27b Pearl .';.' wide 12 ft. I N STRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING. EMPIRE CEILING. EMPIRE No. 7S1 Centerpiece 276 Pearl 211 Leaf A* ER AG E Size 20- X 20- 1^' wide ;,' wide Price S3 00 each 12 fl. 12 fl. RELIEF 1 - AVERAGE No. Size Price 741 Centerpiece 19'a' X lOij- S3 00 each 030 Side Ornament 10' I T~,' 80 each 250 Bell m" wide 12 ft. 276 Pearl !>' wide 12 ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAtJE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING ORNAMENTS. CENTERS No. Size Relief Style Price No. Size Relief Style Price 1110 Centerpiece 21- x21- 'ij- Italian Ren. $3.00 each 1103 Centerpiece 24" X 24" ■^ ' Empire S4 00 each 758 Centerpiece 43',,' X 43'.- ■"".s' Empire 10 00 each 743 Centerpiece 24- X 14' i^- Empire 2 50 each 789 Centerpiece 21 'v- X 21'-;- 1- Louis XVI. 3 00 each 637 Ornaments IS',- X 13' ■'>- French Ren. 2 00 each 770 Centerpiece 24- X 16- 's' Empire 2 50 each 636 Ornaments 15' ." X 8' .- ■'s' French Ren, 1 50 each 708 Centerpiece 19- X 12- ' ;_. ' Louis XV. 2 00 each 510 Ornamenis 19- X 17- !-.• Louis XVI. 2 50 each 763 Centerpiece 15- X 15- 'o- Empire 2 00 each 1108 Centerpiece 35- X 35- i' Louis XV. 6 00 each Size o Centerpiece gi iren through cen ter lines. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CEILING ORNAMENTS, CENTERS No. Size Reliel StyU- Price 716 Centerpiece 24- X .14- • 1",- Louis XV. $4 00 each 520 Ceiling Ornament 16- X 16- Empire 2 00 each 566 Ceiline Ornament 52- X 29- 1',' Louis XIV. 7 00 each Sll CeilinR Ornament 41- X 16- 'i " Louis XIV. 4 00 each 545 Ce.linR Ornament 25- X 25- '*" Louis XVI. 4 00 each 544 Ceiling Ornament left, same size and d esign Louis XVI. 4 00 each 608 Ceiling Ornament 20- X 27- I'.' Louis XV. 4 00 each 574 Ceiling Ornament 32':- X 21- 2 'i - Louis XV. 4 00 each 579 Ceiling Ornament 37- X 27- U4' Louis XV. 5 00 each Relief Style 1 'a' Empire No. Size 611 Ceilinc Ornament 22i.,*x20' 568 Corner Ornament 33' x 33" x 40' mitre line 2' Louis XV. 32 MouldiHR Ornament 23''xl3!j* 11*" Louis XV. 4038 Ornament ^^-I'T^H" 2^' Louis XV. 4039 Ornament 4'j* x OH" 'iH' Louis XV. Price $3 00 each 7,00 each 2 00 each 1 00 each 1 00 each Size of Centerpiece Kiven ihroiiKh center lines. Size of Corner Ornament given along each side and throuRh center lines. Size of Side Ornament given along base line and throuRh center line. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CENTERS AND CEILING ORNAMENTS No. Size ReUef Style Price eac h No. Size Relief Style price each $2 00 1 25 30 60 7 00 6 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 516 Ceiling Ornament 10' X 19* i. ' Empire $1 50 867 Rosette 12 U' x 12'," 4'4" Roman Classic 509 Ceiling Ornament 14',- X 18- 1',' Roman Classic 2 OO 871 Rosetie O'^'xSH' Light Hole 3' 2'.' Roman Classic 617 Ceiling Ornament 12',' X 20" H" Art Nouveau 1 50 900 Rosette 3^*"x3^,' Light Hole 1 '4' 'j' Roman Classic 523 Ceiling Ornament li\- X 14Vi- «• Moorish 1 50 808 Rosette 8" diimeter l^j' Greek Art Nouveau Empire 519 Ceiling Ornament 6\' X a'i." M' Moorish 60 702 Centerpiece 50* x 37' 1 'v' 619 Ceiling Ornament 17- X 16'.,' Art Nouveau 1 50 764 Centerpiece 42' x 26' IH' 618 Ceiling Ornament 14- X 10' ■, J - Art Nouveau 1 25 730 Centerpiece 13'.,"xl3'i' H' Gothic 518 Ceiling Ornament 9- X 24- Moorish 2 00 718 Centerpiece 22' x 22' IH' Empire 521 Ceiling Ornament 25' X 30 - 1 ■!■■ Empire 6 00 721 Centerpiece 19'^'xl9S' ?>*' Empire 607 Ceiling Ornament 12- X 3- .■ Louis XVI 40 765 Centerpiece 14 • ," x 14 '■..' 1' Gothic 3116 Ceiling Ornament 11- X 2i 1 ■,- Empire 2 00 Size of centerpiece given through center line. 869 Rosette Prices Subject to 7- X 7- Discount 1 ,■ Roman Classic .60 INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CEILING AND WALL PATTRRNS No. Style Relief Price 29S4 Moorish «• $5 00 sq.yd. 2955 Empire M' 5 OOsd.yd. 2957 Japanese H' 5 OOsf). yd. 2956 Louis XV. H' S 00 sq.yd 2958 Empire H- 5 00 sq.yd. 2959 German Ren. 5 00 sq, yd. 2960 Moorish 5 00 sq. yd. Cast on ■i' background. Prices Subject to D s c o u n t INSTRUCTION AND KXIM, ANATION ON PAGE 4 DOOR AND WINDOW TOPS No. Size Relief Price 3000 Louis XV. 59H' I lOij' 2»." $6 00 each 3001 Louis XV. 57- X 19 >4- 3is' 12 00 each 3002 Louis XV. 65- x34'..- 2,i.' 10 00 each 3003 Louis XV. 44- I 23'," 4- 10 00 each 3004 Louis XV. 44- X 20- 2",- 8 00 each 3005 Louis XV. 60- X 261..- ' ' .' background. 3',- 12 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 COFFERED CEILINGS No. Style 2950 Greek 2951 Roman 2952 Roman 2953 Roman Write for Prices Send correct sire of Room. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CENTERS AND CEILING ORNAMENTS No. Relief Style Price 757 y Moorish $10 00 each 995 i'l' Renaissance 3 00 each- -Elec. L. Opening 21^' 2402 1 'i' Louis XVI. 8 00 each 739 3'..- Italian Ren. 24 00 each Elec. L, Openine 5' 712 2',- Greek 8 00 each 717 I',' Empire 8 10 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 O'V^W^ CENTERS AND ROSETTES No. Relief Style 709 2>«- Empire 715 I'l,' Empire 731 IH' Empire 745 Hi- Louis XVI. 844 2H' Gothic 081 H*" Modern Ren. 1111 2- Greek Price S12 00 each 30 00 each 3 00 ca^Vi 5 00 each 2 00 each 1 50 etch- Elec. L. OpeninR 1' 20 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND KXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CENTERS No. Relief Style Price 722 2 Italian Ren. $20 00 each 726 3?. Italian Ren. 8 00 each 748 1-, French Ren. i 00 each 754 '■i Colonial 3 00 each 704 1>, German Ren. 8 00 each 750 1W ' Gothic 3 00 each- -Elec. L. OpeninR 2" 735 I« ' lulian Ren. 3 00 each 710 IK Moorish 3 00 each- -Elec. L. Opening 1',' 701 2 French Ren. 30 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 "•'jr^V, 924 .^ : / V *^^ ^^ 897_ I'' 21X21" 8,70 „ 8/2x8^2 9)7 * ldXl3'* Wi?^ o. ' ■=•^^1/ '^:;'|\- 901 nxii 7X17 li^ 902 ■'y/M^'' V' 4 12X12 ,V ^ ':^ ^ <1 j'JM '^^-Tf .-^^^'t 19X19 ^ 7: 724 ■ 6/iX7" 6X6" "-'-»-'^ 989 CENTERS AND ROSETTES Ho. Relief Slylc Price • No. Relief Slylc Price No. Relief Style Price 924 7- Empire S4 00 each «00 3'.- Gothic $4 00 each 984 1 '>' Art Nouvcan $0 GO each 740 4- Roman 7 00 each 001 5- Greek 3 00 each 985 3 ,- Roman 4 00 each 753 3- Empire 3 00 each 002 4'i' Greek 3 00 each 086 4- Roman 8 00 each 8S4 3- Gothic 60 each 000 4',- Roman 2 00 each 987 ' j' Louis XVI. 16 each 868 2'.' Renaissance 1 00 each 017 8- Roman 4 00 each 988 !'.• Louis XV. 40 each 870 O'j" Roman 2 00 each 918 I '.' Roman 40 each •989 2-,' French Ren. 60 each 872 4- Roman 2 50 each 724 O'.- Italian Ren. 6 00 each 901 1- Roman 40 each 873 3'j' Roman 2 50 each 928 2S- Roman 5 00 each 903 Empire 30 each 897 5'.' Roman 5 00 each •983 'j" Roman 30 each 096 S'l- Roman 1 50 each •753 El. L. Opg. 2'," diameter. 983 El. L. Opu. 1 ',' diameter. 089 E. L. Opg. 2 ," diameter, 900 EI. L. Opg. 1',' diameter. PricesSubjecttoDiscount INSTRUCTIONANDEXPLANATIONONPAGE4 67 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 9% 906 873-^ e5i. yOO h 8661 7AQ an 986 ses >>oi 3^ THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ^30Q ||1 1 k mn n m ■ iBf 1 IB E ^ ■1 ■ ROSETTES No. Reliel Size Style Price No. Relief Size Style Price No. Relief Size Style Price 91S l,"^" i'j- l3's- Greek $0 40 994 h' 9\- x9>,' Celtic $0 80 1083 3',.- 29',- I 29 4- Italian Ren. $10 00 916 Ih" 4' X 4- Greek .50 4302 H" *',• X 12- Colonial 80 4304 1 i' 12- X 12- Italian Ren. 2 00 992 2h' 5'-..- J 5,'i" Greek .60 762 IH' SO'i.- I 30'.- Greek 7 00 1081 2'," 48- X 48- Greek 12 00 997 2H' 6*4 • X 6J4" Greek .80 919 IH' 20' X 20" Moorish 4 CO 4311 I'.- 12'j- X 121.J- Louis XVI. 2 00 998 3- 8H' x8H' Greek 1.20 4314 2k' 9',,- X U '.- French Ren. 1 00 4313 2- 7'4' I 7!.- Roman .80 921 -S" 2M'z2>.,- Roman .12 4310 41.- 20- X 20- Roman 00 4312 1- 6- l6- German 50 43M 2)i' 6'.- I «'»• Roman .80 4309 4M' 18- r 18- Roman 5 00 4303 1 ',- 10'.j'i low- Moorish 1 20 920 %• 7',- I 7'.- Louis XVI. .60 4308 3H' 12- X 12' Roman 3 00 4305 1- 10- I 32" Colonial 3 00 4300 i'l' 9- I 9- Greek 80 Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 T!Sr '""^H^^ € .^!*',v. ^^»' French Ren. 40 847 \i' 6"x6' French Ren. 50 80S ly,- 4i.4-i4'.r Roman 30 802 IH' 4l,' X *H' Greek 30 979 «" *H- X 4M' Empire 30 978 H' ei4-x6"j- Italian Ren. 40 8«0 M' 4i»'x4H' Celtic 40 806 H" 4'2'x4H- Empire .30 849 ;-s" 5- x5' Renaissance 40 857 1- 5'." X 5'4- Greek 40 858 w- 6- I 6- Greek 40 832 Ji' 4U-X5',- Colonial 36 976 Ji' 2',- X 6»4- Colonial 36 853 %• 3H" X Sij' Colonial 30 975 H- 2H- X 6- Colonial 30 974 H' 2M' X 5M- Colonial 30 973 H' 3Mi'x5«' Empire 30 850 «" 4H- X 7- Empire 40 972 H' 5"x7' Empire 40 852 %• 3«"x4;<- Colonial 30 971 H' 2M'x4«- Colonial 24 970 H- 2U" x*'i' Colonial 24 969 «' iht' X 4>'8' Empire 30 862 1- 4'.j' x4S" Roman 30 848 K 3'4"x3'4" Louis XVI. 24 809 ?*' 4-x4' Empire .24 817 3'li' I3H- Empire .24 96S '■,' 3'S' x3!,' Gothic .24 907 i," 3>.'' x3ii- Colonial 24 966 %' i'A' xi>A' Colonial 24 823 J4- 3'x3' Empire .24 965 H' 3H' X 4' 1'.- Classic .30 964 K- 4" x4- Empire 30 963 ft- 3- X 3W Colonial 24 807 H- 3,'j-x3M- Roman 30 803 IH- 3W X 3H,' Greek 36 815 IW 3>.r x3«' Gothic .36 911 IW 3W'x3M>' Roman ,24 Electnc Light Price No. ReUef Size Opening Style Each 820 1- 3H"x3H' Louis XVI. $0 24 962 1)»" 2«'x2i4' Roman 24 885 1- 2y,"x2%- Greek 24 814 1>4" 2yt'x2H' Gothic 24 961 ih;; 2H'i2H' Roman 24 801 2>rx2>4' Renaissance .24 819 4' 3' X 3' Greek 24 875 1'4' 2M'x2i4' Greek .20 890 ■*' 2Wx2i^" Roman .20 876 H' 2H'x2H' Roman 20 060 H' 3H'x3Hi' Empire .20 959 A- 3H' X 3?s' Empire .20 958 H' 2«'i2;4- Italian Ren. 20 957 H' 2M-X2H' Italian Ren. 16 956 H' 2H'x2H' Gothic 20 955 \i' 2«-x2'4- Italian Ren. 20 954 ".' 2J»'x2l4' , . Roman 20 886 ■'i' 2H'x2H' Greek 20 953 ?s' 2M'x2W- Renaissance 20 952 M' 2M'x2!-»' Roman 16 951 A- 2W'x2.l<- Empire 16 950 )4' 2M-X2M' Roman 16 878 1- 1J<"X1M" , , Roman 16 879 »»" 2- X 2- Roman 16 877 %' 2>i'x2M' Roman 16 887 %■ lM'xl«' Roman 14 880 H' l)<"x2' Roman 14 891 'i' IM'xlM" Roman 14 941 r" 2" X 2" Empire 14 942 2' X 2" Roman 14 943 ^li" 2' X 2' Roman 14 944 3j,' 2,1-4' I 214' Empire 14 945 'i- l^'xl'i' Empire 12 946 A" lH'xl!s' Empire 12 947 A' l«'i2- Empire 12 948 A- lJ4'xl,5»' Louis XVI. 12 949 A- IM'il?-*" Greek 10 925 S' IH'xlH' Roman 10 836 '»• IH'xlH' Roman 10 026 fit' 2- I 2' Roman 12 040 ,'i' IH'xlM' Roman 10 939 M" iw'xm- Gothic 10 038 »i' IH'xUi- Gothic 10 888 iH'xm' Roman 12 892 4' IH'xlH' Roman 12 805 W IH'xlS' Roman 10 806 H' l>i'xl'4' Roman 10 937 !i' IH'xlH- Roman 10 936 *»' IW'xlH' Roman 10 935 ">• IH'xlH- , , Roman 10 934 H- m-xiy,- Italian Ren. 10 864 »ii' IW'XII.4' Gothic 10 861 H' IW'xHs' Empire 10 881 H' 1M'XU4' Empire 08 883 ■ '' m-xiMi' Empire 08 803 I'.'ilS- Roman OS 800 -.- I' I 1' Roman 08 882 A; 1- X 1' Roman 08 884 ■ 4 1','xlW' Roman 08 804 1' X 1" Gothic 08 Above Prices Subject to Discount V. 839 6" 84-0 932 5- 696 4" 611 4-* 825 4-^4." 613 4" il ® 638 812 903 828 4-' 804 833 5 - 1 ^<^ 805 4/4' 802 979 4 V 0k i 832 976 ., 8S3, , 4VSH a»A(6»/4 3'4<5;^ 975 974- . 973 , \ 'I. <\ 850 4^x7' <;^^ 972, 6 1^7 852,, 971 , 970, 969,. >^ la & ® II Q 662. 646 ^- -'• ; 809 4' 617 968 967. 3 V 966 3V 823 3" 965,, 964 'I ■ ^ 607 803 615. 3V4" .^'^ /^ a>-4" *s ,'-1 :^ '?j; 890. 876 z'''A*^.'i. ^y^ ® @ ^ X' 960 911 820 3'->." 962, 2.V4-' 865 2S.-4," 814. 961 96d 801 . EV4. 8t<3 ■5" m|^#^CS9^®©©©© 959 958. 957 ei/4 a '-'8. 9S6 955 954. 88b 953 952 951,, 2V+" 2>i' 2V 2>'4' 7^4 950 S) ^g> Q ® ® © ^ ^ %«^ «j-^ !ir- ^?4^ ,!«?• fei' '2^' 't'^ 'a^"' » '.tf- ^t^ .^tr ^.i^ 'Xf ^,if «,^.^ "K ^^- fe' ^ © Q ^^:> # ^ © 'i.^ s (3) ^ © "§> <5 ^ ® ^ 926 94-0 939 936 885 892 895 896 937 936 935 934. 664 861. 681 883 893 800 862 884 894 *" I/*" iVz" 1/4 I'/i" I'/j." I Va 1 V4-" I'/i l'''^ 1''- l^'iVi'i I'/H l>iv4- 8S-X84- 5".-x5'4- 6'4-x6i4- 6',-x6«,' 4- 6.',-l6'3- 7- X 7- .- 7-x7- diameter. 851 hole Relief 2 1" 2' 1: I Style Price Each $0 70 .60 .80 Louis XV. Roman Greek Louis XVI. Empire Louis XVI. Colonial Empire Louis XVI. Empire 50 60 60 60 60 60 2" diameter 856 hole INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 ROSETTES AND VENTILATORS THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. No. KeUci Size » Style Price Enc 4301 6" 12' I 12' Roman $4.00 3.00 3 00 4370 11'.,' 61.' I 6'i' Classic 4377 3'j" 12- X 12' Roman 1097 2' 32'v" « 32's' Frcncli Ren. 10 00 437S I'.' 30',' X 301.- Louis XVI. 6-00 4506 4" 13- X 13- Roman 4 00 4369 4- 10- X 10- Gothic 3-00 4371 5- 12',- X 12',- Romanesque 3 00 No. 4376 4399 4345 4348 4374 4372 4373 Relief 5' 2H' 6' 9' 8' 8' Size 7- l7- 24t.'l24ti' 24- I 24' 161.,' X \6'i' 36' I 36" 7' i8- 20'j- X 20';- Style French Ren. German Ren. Roman French Ren. French Ren. Romanescjue French Ren. Price Each S2 00 6 00 10.00 7,00 20 00 3 DO 8 00 Prices Subject to Discount 4300 and 1007 are perforated. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. VENTILATORS ALL PERFORATED No. Relief Style Price 4522 Classic $8 00 each 3313 3- Renaissance 8 00 each 4523 1 w Classic 10 00 each 4521 2>i- Louis XV. 10 00 each 4524 54' Renaissance 20 00 each No. ReUef Style Price 4500 4" Renaissance S20 00 each 4525 1'.' Greek 00 each 4526 1' Gothic 12 00 each 4527 1- Greek 14 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 H-533 "1 1 < i \ » V I bO" [- THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. VENTILATORS ALL PERFORATED No. 4Si3 4S42 452g ReUaf 2- Style Classic Louis XIV. Louis XVI. Price $20 00 each 10.00 each 12 00 each No. Relief Style Price 4532 3'.' Classic SI6 00 each 4S41 2>.' Louis XVI. 24.00 each 4540 1,'i' Classic 10 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTHUCTK^N AND EXIM. ANATION (iN PAGE 4 r r • tiu -ii^i- No. 4546 4547 3828 4535 4544 4555 4556 Relief 1 ',' 4" r 2',' I' style Price Each Louis XVI. $6 00 Elizabethan Adams Roman Roman Classic Classic 3 00 3 50 60 30 30 24 Prices Subject to Discount ROSETTES ANa CENTERS No. 4537 4548 4539 4530 4536 4549 4550 4 3 I, '4 1« H H Style Classic Adams Roman Gothic Roman Adams Adams Price Each 3 00 3 00 1 50 80 2 00 8 00 8 00 No. 4551 4553 4554 4552 4557 4558 Style Adants Gothic Roman Adams Classic Adams Price Each 8 00 60 .30 20 00 30 .40 INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. >v>v> V / / / No. Relief 4390 4384 4383 4381 4386 4S03 4509 4513 4501 4510 4507 4504 4508 1- I': i .oj|;x.oh' 3'.' x3U" 3!4' "3''' 3'x s^-r 4' x4'' 4^'x4^r 4- x4" 5!4- X S'*- 5' X 5" Style Italian Ren French Ren. Italian Ren. Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Gothic Roman French Ren. Roman French Ren. French Ren. Classic Roman ROSETTES AND VENTILATORS^^ H»le Price N,.. Relief Size S.yle o^-Ji;!^^ |S " Relief Opening Each SI 25 40 40 60 24 .16 24 36 30 40 JO 4S11 4512 4302 4308 4514 4515 43H7 4516 4518 4301 4505 4388 4517 6' X 6" 3- I 3- 17>./x 17J/ 30" X 30- 3'.- xi- 5- X 5- 13- X 13- f X 0' s'-rxS',- 22' X 22- 9'2'x?'.' 10'.- I 10'. 6'^.- X 6' j- French Ren. Oothic ClBSsir Colonial French Ren. Classic French Ren. Classic Colonial French Ren. Italian Ren. French Ren. Classic $0 50 24 4 00 6 00 40 40 i- 3.00 . 60 50 , - 6 00 1 00 6- 1 50 60 INSTRUCTION 4385 4303 4380 4382 4378 4304 4370 4395 4306 4307 4353 4380 sue 6' X 6' 8- I 8- 6' X 0- i'l" X 5'/ 0" X 0" 10 'j' X 10' ir I 11" Il'j- I II': 5- x5- O- X 9- 22',- X 22' 36'.- X 36' Style Classic Renaissance Italian Ren. French Ren. Italian Ren. Classic Italian Ren. Roman Louis XVI. I-ouis XVI. ' Roman Classic Opening Price Each SI. 00 1 50 80 60 1 75 2 00 3 00 2 50 80 2 50 5 00 4380 and 4302 are perforated. AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 Prices Subject to Discount ROSETTES 4332 4331 4330 4329 4328 4327 4326 4318 4320 4344 4343 4359 4358 4336 43SS 4349 4301 432S 4367 4360 4351 4335 4354 4341 4357 4337 4338 4350 4340 4362 4339 4356 4368 4322 4347 4363 4364 4342 4346 4319 4352 4333 4334 4324 4365 4321 4366 4323 4317 1099 ReUef M' IH' IH" 2- 1' M' !«• 1' H' IM* I'A' H' 2' H' IH' IW 2- 2)6' 3H' 3%' V H- H' 3" 2M' 4'- 3' 1«' IK' !«• 3«" 5- IH' 1«' Hi' IM' 3K' 3H- 6H- Size 2H'x2H' 3X-x3>i' 5' I 5' Sli" I sw 6" I 6- 5- I 5- 7- I 7- 8- X 8" ISlj" I 13'i- 2H'l2-,- 2H' z 2Js- 2><' I 2;»' 4' i4- 4M" x4i»- 3«-x3?4' 4K'x4?i- 6Ji •l6f4- 9H'x9W 6'l6' 6* I 6' 6«' l5»4' 4H" I 4M- 4J<'l4J<' 5-x5' SH'xSW 7Ji' I 7«' 6K'x6--s- 13K"x 13»4" 6' x6" 7- I T 7'4" I 7'4- 8'x8' 4- x4- 25' x31'j- 61. J- x6'j" 5'x 5- 8M" x8K' 8>i' x8M" 13" X 13' 16'4' I 16»i" 9' I 14- 13" X 13" 12J4' X 12'4" 15H" X 15k." 6" x6" 24i,"x24;4" 6" x6" 13" X 13" 13- X 13" 36- T 36" StWe Classic Classic Classic Classic Gothic Classic Roman Roman French Ren. Classic Roman Classic Classic Greek Roman Roman Greek Roman English Gothic English Gothic French Ren. Greek Roman Romanesque Romanesque Modem Ren- Modem Ren. French Ren. Roman Roman Roman Elizabethan Classic Louis XV'I. Art Noveau Roman Elizabethan Roman Baronial Modern Modern Roman Italian Ren. Roman English Gothic French Ren. Gothic Roman Roman Roman ole Opening Price Each SO. 16 .24 .36 .36 .60 2U" .50 4" 1.00 3H" 90 1"4" 2 00 .24 .24 .20 .30 IK" .30 .30 .40 .60 1.00 .60 .60 .60 .50 .40 2" .60 SO 80 .60 2.00 2«" .80 3\^- 1.20 2' 1.60 1.20 .30 m- 6 00 2' 1.00 IH" .60 1.50 2.00 2.00 *H' 3.00 1.50 6" 3.00 3.00 3.00 60 4M' 4.00 .60 3.00 3.00 4" 20.00 Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 (i G^^ ^ Jp 413 S-4J30 ■^' "2» iK^s'^l «1^': ^v\>»u. ^.*-.. lb- •^ IL^^Viv/ f <^ ■• •5''<5'«S1 '^2 4335 f« 4JS4 5' 4J«0 i&, *^:^€I -JC^ 6' " 6' 43«t THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ROSETTES Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 217 •<£ *^i'^iS2J ^''•■*^~^7'J '^«*-w.-vy "-«-«-. y^/ 236 235 23B 271 232 234 as w» ^i.<^i^K^i-' 269A •'^Sv,tj..-«3v,^/». .#<'».• ^T%V J «*1;^' 225 ^"•^^' J \iL^ V "^^^ii^^-i.: Y » □ . j> 242 252 A^^'v v^< sr^ •< v^ V V'-^ wv V*-*"^ 237 224 233 216 222 206 201 205 221 BELLS. LEAVES AND FLOWERS No. Width Pro- Style Price No. Width Pro- Style jection per ft. jection 217 \H Empire SO 24 242 3'=- ■'.• Empire 236 1>S Louis XVI. 20 252 3^,- Empire 235 2», Louis XVI. .24 219 5- 1^4" Empire 238 1*4 Louis XVI. 24 291 4>i- H4- Empire 271 1« I'i' Art Nouveau 24 259 >»• H- Empire 232 IH ; h; Italian Ren. 24 246 IH' A' Greek 234 2« Italian Ren. 32 245 Greek 269 1J4 ' A' Louis XVI. 24 243 IM' M' Greek 269A I'i ' A' Louis XVI. 24 237 1 i," «»' Louis XVI 227 3>i W Louis XVI. 40 224 1 W %' Empire 225 4 ' a'* Louis XVI. 40 213 2- A' Empire 207 3 ' '4' Louis XVI. .30 All running orts are cast on strings open. Spec Price No. Width Pro- Style Price per ft. $0 40 30 per ft. $0 32 233 314- jection A' Italian Ren. 32 216 21," *s' Empire 40 200 2H- A' Louis XVL 30 40 222 414' M- Empire ,40 12 206 IH' V%\ Empire 20 12 203 2- Empire .24 14 201 2' Empire 24 .14 205 l^i' m' Empire 24 30 16 251 3- 1',- Empire 14 221 3'.- !'.• Empire 36 24 223 4',- 1',- Empire .36 Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 ■ *»- *^ ^ *•- *^ "* V N. N. > V. N V S. V -S. 217 m ^4}^^^^^^ 283 212 281 288 278 -^ ti>i >i n un >i li >i n u >4 li u n 284 264 220 2(2 207 '4^^.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^.^.^ - 230 CM ii«44i44445^-f-i4i 240 268 250 244 241 255 247 253 2(0 2(S 279 280 261 258 tiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. '~- 289 V:il?»Vi** 'V-ijXi* iVt*.V<* 'VijvV *- 218 267 226 ^ _ »^ 270 231 229 239 5* 211 228 266 208 209- 210 202 BELLS. LEAVES AND FLOWERS Width 1- Nci. 287 280 283 212 281 288 278 284 2a* 220 262 207 230 240 Prices S u P. Open A' ft" A' A' b j e c t Style Pi Empire Kmpire Empire Empire Louis XVI. Empire Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Louis XVI. Roman Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. to Discount per ft. SO "12 12 12 12 12 14 12 No. 208 250 244 241 255 247 253 200 265 270 280 261 258 280 Width 1 '. 1 ', I ', I'll '% 3W i: I** p. Open All running Ornaments are cast on strings, open. Style Price per ft. No. Width Louis XVI. $0 16 218 1' Empire 12 267 I'-,' Empire 14 226 IH' Empire 16 270 UH' Empire 24 231 1 Mi" Italian Ren. 28 229 m" Empire 32 239 IH" Louis XVI. .12 211 H" Louis XVI. .12 228 1" Louis XVI. 12 266 1>," Louis XVI. 12 208 IH' Louis XVI. 12 209 2M' Empire 12 210 2H' Louis XVI. 12 202 2ii" Special discount on large quantities. INSTRUCTION AND P. Open M" H" H" A" H" H" %• r- H' Stylf Price pci Louis XVI. Empirt' Empire Empire Empire Italian R« L A N A T I (J N ON 1> A G E 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All urnaments shown are cast without back ground : held together by strings. 27IB A' W- V V' %' 4' »' Louis XV. .40 2<> 2H H- Louis XV. 24 91 2 A' Louis XV. 24 41 S' A- Louis XV. .40 66 2 4 A' Louis XV. 24 35 2 *^' Louis XV. 24 89 3 4' X. ' Louis XV. .32 18 34 H- Louis XV. 32 42 2 4 A' Louis XV. 24 43 4 4' k' Louis XV. 40 44 54 s- Louis XV. 40 69 24 A- Louis XV. .24 49 6'i- a- Louis XV. 50 45 5ii H- Louis XV. 40 Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 ilM^hiSite ■^4 f * s 1 1 S I. \ 271) * « ;■ >' > ^ > ) V > .' >' ?: ?' 2720 ;•.;.*•*< Vs 1 5« 2721 5. i mi 273a 2717 274t .'V^f. ,"fi< ;< w. rt.ii ,>w. ,^=r< >7.-f. .■'^* .■< w ,>f 273t 273S 2722 2740 .^' i '« J il ui u2 itMa iil 5^4$ ■' 2747 2740 2723 2741 2744 5^ 1^ 4;^ ^^ 4>^4^^," French Ren. 40 2748 ''s' 27i6 1»4- A" Louis XVI. 24 2735 5- Creek 40 2749 3' A* Moorish A' Renaissance 2722 IH' ft'. Greek 24 2737 1 ^h" Empire .16 2750 3- iZ 2723 1'?- Greek 24 2738 II,' A Empire .16 2795 2>j' \t' Art Nouveau 2724 3H' A' Greek 32 2739 1 :," Moorish 24 2799 3" A' An Nouveau M 272S 2H' A- Greek 24 2740 A Greek 24 2798 6- **• Art Nouveau 50 2726 2H" A- Louis XVI 24 2741 Greek 24 2797 8- S' Art Nouveau 2727 2^>" »»• 24 2742 3 '-i' A Greek 40 2790 11' «• Art Nouveau U- Greek 60 2728 3»|- !i' 40 2743 2 '*" Louis XV. .32 2751 3'4" 2720 2'^' 32 2744 2 ''n' ij Italian Ren. .24 2752 7" *ii" Empire 50 2730 4<»' A- Greek 40 2745 2^«' A Moorish 32 2794 \\- IV Louis XVI. 2731 2- Gotliic 24 2717 I'j- Empire 16 2753 1' Empire Pric es Sub j ec 1 1 a Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON P AGE 4 FLEUR DE LIS AND RIBBONS No. Relief Style Price Piaster 400 21-i- Classic SI 80 each 401 Ui" French Ren. 2 00 each 402 «' French Ren. 80 each 403 IH' Classic 80 each 404 IM- Classic 60 each 405 %• Classic 50 each 400 %• Classic 40 each 407 H' Classic 30 each 408 H' Classic 20 each 409 2H- Classic 60 each 410 H- Gothic 30 each 413 a- Empire 30 each 415 H' French Ren. 50 each 415 ^' Empire 10 each 417 H' Empire 12 each 418 >*' Gothic 12 each 419 %" French Ren. 60 each 420 Hi' Empire 30 each 421 'A' Classic 24 each 426 H' Empire 12 each 427 'A' Empire 24 each 430 W Renaissance 50 each 443 M" French Ren. 40 each 444 %• Gothic 30 each 1405 t^i' ItaUan Ren. 2 00 each 1406 H' Italian Ren. 50 each 1407 S;' Italian Ren. 40 each 1408 Italian Ren. 40 each 1409 Italian Ren. 50 each 1410 '-* Empire 40 each Ho. Relief Style Price Plaster 1411 M' Empire $0 40 each 1415 N" Louis XVI. 50 each 1416 K- Empire 40 each 1417 Jii' ItaUan Ren. 40 eac^ 1418 A- Colonial 30 each 1419 3-* Empire 60 each 1420 %• Louis XVI. 70 each 1421 'A' Italian Ren. 70 each 1422 «• Empire 70 each 1423 H" Empire 1 20 each 1424 %• Empire 70 each 1425 H' Italian Ren. 1 00 each 20 H' Louis XVI. 70 each 22 H' Italian Ren. 40 each 65 yi' Louis XVI. 1 00 each 70 yi' Empire 1 00 each 71 M' Empire 70 each 72 «• Empire 80 each 73 H- Empire 40 each 78 W Louis XVI. 40 each 76 H" Empire 80 each 79 %• Empire 2 00 each 80 1- Empire 80 each 82 X" Empire -70 each 83 5<' Empire 40 each 85 M' Colonial 30 each 86 %' Colonial 40 each 93 )i' Colonial 1 20 each 95 %• Colonial 40 each All Ribbons and Fleur de Lis are cast without background. Above Prices Subject to Discount 6'txM" 4V;x7" 401 (l . Kit *i « ,11 f| (( > *%!•'•» 4^'f 'ir *\t/-' .^,t/v l.-t I i i ^-- -t^ 4^- 7R ^4 l/{;( /, 42( 4I( 421 407 420 413 405 ^l^ Kii^ Vi^ *t^- 2Vx2" M' 3"X5" 3Vx6" 4V:<5'i 4V: .^. 1428 ^ 22x4" THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FLEUR or-: LIS AND RIBBONS Price si Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 PEARLS. BEADS AND REELS No. Width Projection Style Price per ft. 294 i'<' "«" Renaissance SO 12 ?76 ,'.' i**' Renaissance 12 292 H" H' Renaissance 12 293 A" %' Renaissance 12 274 S' = S' Renaissance 12 275 ■'4" A' Renaissance 12 273 1 ■'." A" Renaissance 14 272 1- ,'.• Renaissance 14 277 1,',- ■'•s' Renaissance 14 295 '," ;«" Renaissance 16 1732 1'.' A" Renaissance 14 1748 ?i- J^j;' Renaissance 12 1809 A' ?<• Italian Ren. 12 1808 A" a^* Roman .12 1824 1^" A' Roman .12 1823 A- '«• Roman 12 1822 H' A' Renaissance 12 1810 A- '7' Greek 12 1812 M- S' Greek .12 1814 a- A" Greek .12 1813 H' M" Greek 12 1804 H' il" Renaissance 12 1807 H' H' Renaissance 12 1806 1' H' Roman 16 1811 H' H' Roman 12 1816 H' H" Greek 14 1815 H' H- Italian Ren. 14 1817 %• H" Roman .14 1821 11.4- I- Roman 16 1818 \H- H' Roman .16 1820 1 ;»" %• Roman .16 1704 ,'i" A" Greek .12 1741 ^s' '4" Greek .12 1702 %• A' Greek .12 1705 %' 1," Greek .12 1747 S' A- Greek .12 1766 A' A" Italian Ren. 12 1722 A' A- Italian Ren. .12 1764 %' 1," Roman .12 1750 H' A' Greek .12 1715 H" >»• Roman .12 172J %' %• Roman .12 1709 A- A' Greek .12 1769 ?•»• A- Greek .12 1719 H" "," Roman .12 1714 A- A" Roman .12 1768 H" A' Roman 12 1739 A" H" Roman 12 1727 A' A" Roman .12 1763 A' H" Roman .12 1738 H' W Greek .12 1754 K- >»" Italian Ren. .12 1758 W A- Italian Ren. .12 1728 'A' W" Greek 12 1765 A- H' Greek 12 1729 (•;• «' Italian Ren. 12 1772 A- A' Italian Ren. 12 1793 A" W Greek 12 1771 A' A- Greek .12 1725 A- A" Greek .12 1740 H- ^• Italian Ren. .12 1735 H- H' Italian Ren. .12 1778 M- a; Italian Ren. 12 1784 H' «' Roman 14 No. Width Projection style Price per ft. 1782 U" .'.• Roman $0 14 1801 il" ■'4' Roman 14 1710 H' «• Roman 14 1777 H" H' Roman 14 1774 %• H' Roman 14 1773 %' %' Roman 14 1737 H' H' Roman 16 1779 1" A' Roman 16 1756 1' %• Roman 16 1803 1' H- Roman 16 1802 1- ^A' Roman 10 1776 IK' '<" Roman 16 1780 Hi- H' Roman 16 1790 lA' IT Italian Ren. 20 1800 1 A' !»«' Roman 20 1713 ;-4" H" Italian Ren. 12 1701 X' H" Greek 12 1703 A- H" Roman 12 1730 A- 'A' Italian Ren. 12 1706 H' y*- Greek 12 1707 «' A' Greek 12 1762 ft' ft' Greek 12 1761 *»• ft" Italian Ren. 12 1717 %• ft" Greek 12 1708 ft' %' Greek .12 1712 %' %• Greek .12 1753 %' ft' Roman 12 1716 %• ft' Greek 12 1718 A' H' Greek 12 1726 M' ft- Italian Ren. 12 1711 %' ft' Greek 12 1805 ft' H' Greek .12 1733 K' A' Greek .12 1721 H" %• Roman 12 1736 H' W Greek 12 1759 H- ft" Italian Ren. 12 1787 ft' A' Greek 12 1795 M' M" Roman 12 1749 ft' H' Greek 12 1755 H' ft' Italian Ren. 12 1734 a- a- Greek 12 1770 A' H' Roman 12 174S ft' w Roman 12 1783 a' %• Greek 12 1752 'A- H' Roman 12 1775 H' >!' Roman 12 1743 H' A' Roman 12 1751 ti- H- Roman 12 1757 A" .15" Italian Ren. 12 1786 H' ft' Greek 14 1746 H' «' Roman 14 1744 H' %• Greek 14 1774A H' «' Roman 14 1773A M' H' Roman 14 1720 H" H' Roman 14 1724 H- H- Roman 14 1788 H- H' Italian Ren. 16 1799 1' H' Italian Ren. 16 1797 1' H' Greek 16 1742 m- «' Roman 10 1794 iw H' Roman 10 1819 I'r 1" Roman 18 1798 I'i" T^' Roman 18 1789 1'4' H' Roman 18 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. PRARLS. BEADS AND REELS Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND K X I> L A N A T I O N ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 2787 ^ ■^^^^:^ _-. ^ _-' ^ 2TIC 1757 fc-ip;^*;^^^^^*;^*;^- rjfyrjTjYjTy/j C^zC ^3^ ^ '^"^ '^^ i r^mmm^^^m fftfnmNninr' '<->:ih^r^r^ . ^^^r^r^<^^^<^.^/^-^^ rj cj cj rj cj rj rj cj LEAVES AND BANDS No. Wjdih Relief style Price No. Width Re!ief Style Price No. Width Relief Style Price pe ft. pe ft. per ft. 214 1'.- ■'•" Moorish %n 14 2772 5- S' Adams $11 40 2759 4'4- lii" Louis XVI. $0 32 2787 2M' M' Art Nouveau 32 125 7h' IW Art Nouveau 50 2760 4».- H" Louis XV. 36 2786 2 4' H' Aft Nouveau 32 2695 5- 1^4' Romanesque 45 2774 5>,- W Louis XIV. 40 2789 IV,- H' German Ren. 32 2692 10" 3«" Art Nouveau 80 2754 2'«" A" Greek 32 2788 iH' ■'«• Art Nouveau 32 2784 IJj" «- Roman 20 2770 2'4- A- Greek .24 2775 *H' M" Alt Nouveau 40 2756 3' a' Louis XVI. 30 2761 2'4- A' Greek .24 2776 3'i- H" Art Nouveau 32 2757 2' H' Louis XIV. 24 1114 6- l"- .40 2765 7',- Gothic 50 2711 2H' Sullivanesque 24 4194 8' .• 2\i" Louis XV. .80 2771 7- ■' h" Greek 40 2758 4" A- Sullivanesque 32 4203 T,' 2" Louis XV. SO Prices Subject lo Discount [NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 |«B 'S70 i ^ 4(6C "~''^~" 'ilfc = ■ =1 J =— ==: ' " 4162 'VI J 4143 - n ^ ^ 1^ 'Z <^-^' .« :'^ ':\<.-- " J 4 ' ' ■ _ J . 4145 11/ 4144 ds 4163 ^ 4164 L Vi • ' ■ '♦'^7 4168 I ^ 'l!* — l''e I . . -*^ _^ fc "- . I -^ flfff'f((r^f('((fffffrfffi(f'(if'if(ft(f([f([(ffi ^ **uauiwyw i wwiwwi»j Bga ■^ 4170 i ' j ' ■Wi '! l '/fe "^•>'I4I7I Vft 4149 I r r— (llltlJtl|llll1|t>|lIlti'>]il|)IIMfl"ini>IMltHIINMHl|»IltI|»""IHIK((t|H)trt(IMt|'IimMJ('(»tMN»IJI'Mm(ji rJ '*''*'*~"" ^ "vai!JKaoajrariM.-aiiiaH!iiai:.5''' '^,4172 Vb ■ 4151 ■ I f* l -;T-4r -rr TTT ... TT- tt; -Tr TTr-rTT--rT- rrr Mt lit 11. TC »ir nr m Jit yf yrr tt. fT^" Tf TTT I 4152 ^ ^ ' ' "' " * y b»;^^2i^l^;fej " ---,-- -^ V'H t'y>-C''^-^-^>^'^'^>''-^ — '— — - — — — - — - " ^'7' tfe>'>^^%''»'<^'*S'>C^'>-*^ —7—— — — "— — — —a I -^-v ■. — - ■— -■ .r-. .•-.>— >-.-.,.. ife ^ '^-ire 7'^;r 4155 4156 '-^> 4157 ^ >, .. ... ^,l I'* I I''" v''" .'''': ,'■ WOOD AND PLASTER MOULDINGS No. Widlh Pro- Material Style Price No, Width Pro- Material Style Price No, Width Pro- Material Style Price jection t>cr4t. jection PC (1. jeclion pe It, 1.S9I 1 1 • I',- Plaster Gothic $0 IH 41S4 7',- 1 '.• Plaster Classic $0 42 4108 2U' li'.- Wood and Compo. Empire iU 32 1.W0 2^*" '<• Plaster Renaissance 24 4155 4',- 2'.- Plaster Renaissance 40 4109 2't' I'.- Wood and Compo, Louis XVI, 48 4142 ^V- I'll' Plaster Greek ^4 4156 5',- 2',- Plaster Italian Ren. 40 4170 '•i- '.11 ' Wood Renaissance 16 414.1 I'l,' 12 4157 6* 2',- Plaster Renaissance 44 4171 '^' Wood and Compo. Louis XV, 32 4144 i'l' l'<' Plaster Greek ?2 4158 1 '.- 1, • Wood Renaissance 10 4172 2'r '^' Wood and ComfHj, Greek 48 414.'> 1' - .12 4159 .J- Wood Renaissance 24 4173 ■2»- ■ -," Wood and Compo, Louis XV. 18 414A I'l- Plaster Roman 24 4100 1'..' ir Wood Kennissancc 10 4174 ^•y. ".," Wood and Compo, Louis XV, 32 4147 1>," Plaster Louis XV. 2H 4161 1 ,'.■ 1- Wood and Compo, Renaissance 32 4175 lA- Wood Renaissance 24 4140 1 I,.' Louis XV, 2H 41«2 2',- if Wood Renaissance 14 4170 3- I'i' Wood and Compo, Renaissance 48 4149 31." 1" Plaster Empire 28 4163 2',- tr Wood and Compo. Renaissance 28 4177 4U' ■*• Wood and Compo, Classic 48 4150 4- 1" Plaster ,12 4164 1 ;.' 1'.- Wood and Compo, Renaissance 12 4178 4",- Wood and Compo, Greek 48 4I.S1 th' 1',' Plaster Romanesque ,12 4165 2- Wood and C >mpo Empire 24 4179 4- Wood and Comi>o, Renaissance 48 41.S2 5>.- 1'4' Plaster Louis XVI. 42 4160 2'.- In' Wood and C impo Empire 32 4180 4- ',' Wood and Compo, Moorish 48 4153 V I'V Plaster 14 4167 2',- I'l' Wood and t: ini|H> Empire 40 4181 4'j- 1 ',' Wood and Compo. Empire 48 All wood mou diniis arc prepared with smooth-whitened finish i>rU e s S ubifct to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAG E 4 WOOD. COMPO ORNAMENTED. AND PLASTER MOULDINGS 1593 'v 1564 ,', 1592 J. 1563 H 1596 H 1594 \i 1571 A 1537 H 1547 U 1544 H 1590 H 1566 W 1595 M' 1597 H 1598 Vi- 1509 H 1561 1 1585 1- 1574 H 1546 'A 1572 H' 1530 ■«" 1573 1^ 1562 ■ 4' 4100 i.^" 4101 1;" 4102 1, 4103 A" 4104 A" 4105 1," 4106 '^ 156g 1 15Q9 >,' 4107 '4 4108 '* jection Material Style Price A- Wood Art Nouveau $0 04 per ft. ".,■ Wood Louis XVI. .04 per ft. A- Wood Louis XVI. .04 per ft. ■4' Wood Louis XVI. .04 per ft. ij- Wood Art Nouveau 04 per ft. i." Wood Louis XV. 04 per ft. A" Wood Louis XV. 04 per ft. ■'«" Wood Louis XV. 04 per ft. '<" Wood and Compo. Louis XV. 12 per ft. A- Wood Louis XV. 04 per ft. f,- Wood Louis XVI. 04 per ft. ^h" Wood Louis XVI. 04 per ft. ''^' Wood Gothic 04 per ft. H' Wood Louis XV. .05 per ft. 'i" Wood Louis XV. 05 per ft. i'.- Wood Louis XVI, ,04 per ft. A- Wood Plain 05 per ft. !'.■ Wood and Compo. Louis XVI. , 18 per ft. A' Wood Louis XIV. OS per ft. '•2" Wood and Compo. Louiz XV. , 12 per ft. "«' Wood Louis XV. 05 per ft. ?H* Wood and Compo. Louis XV. 12 per ft. H- Wood Louis XV. . 08 per ft. H' Wood and Compo. Louis XV. , 16 per ft. A- Wood Louis XV. 10 per ft. A- Wood and Compo. Louis XV. 18 per ft. >!r" Wood and Compo. Italian Ren. 20 per ft. h- Wood Classic 08 per ft. A" Wood and Conpn. Greek 20 per ft. H- Wood Louis XVI. 08 per ft. H' Wood and Conpo. Louis XVI. 20 per ft.. :-h" Wood Louis XV. 08 per ft. ^iK* Wood Louis XVI. 10 per ft. A' Wood Louis XVI. 08 per ft. W Wood and Compo. Louis XVI. ,20 per ft. Width Projection 1538 1 ', 410Q I', 4110 IH 4111 I'j 4112 i\ 4113 I'i 4114 1 '1 4115 lA 4116 I ', 4117 I '4 4118 i;« 4119 1?4 4120 lA 4121 1'4 4122 1 ^4 4123 1 '4 4124 1 '4 4125 2 4126 2 4127 2!4 4128 2H 4129 2ij 4130 2i,i 4131 I'i 4132 IH 4133 1=, 4134 1(1 4135 2 4136 2'4 4137 3 4138 2,', 4139 2)1 4140 2>. 4141 3'. 2's'' 1 'h" Wood Wood and Wood Wood and Wood Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood abd Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood and Wood Plaster Plaster Wood and Plaster Plaster Wood and Wood Wood and Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Compo. Style Louis XVI. Louis XV, Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Empire Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Louis XVI. Classic Classic Renaissance Renaissance Louis XV. Classic Greek Louis XIV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XVI. Louis XIV. Empire Empire Renaissance Price $0 10 per ft. 20 per ft. 12 per ft. 24 per ft. 12 per ft. 24 per ft. 20 per ft. 20 per ft. 20 per ft. 24 per ft. 24 per ft. 24 per ft. 24 per ft. 24 per ft. 24 per ft. 24 per ft. 30 per ft. 28 per ft. 30 per ft. 32 per ft. 16 per ft. 32 per ft. 30 per ft. 28 per ft. 28 per ft. 14 per ft. 24 per ft. 20 per ft. 28 per (t. 36 per I't. 24 per ft. 32 per ft. 24 per ft. 48 per ft. All wood mouldings are prepared with smooth, whitened finish. Above Prices Subject to Discount ?fc 41 14 1 = ^•1594,^;^ t- t ^ 41171 ;i=.i?*1547 -— : : ^ -d?157l ^ ii? 1537 '""""""" """""""•""'^"-• ^'■••'^"**"^''" «V i::^' 1544 ~ ' "-- • — - ■j^^-jL^.-^Lj,ji^.,ijOi\ - 4)19 :«^1566 — ^^: ; •h. S? 1SQ« J'8 -* '^ -* "^ "^ "^ '" '' '- '^ '-^ _ f. = . -, ^<,-^>--v,-^^^ .:- - r ]585=z: ,'«*1509 ^"-^ ^--— ■ - -:.- ^.^^--^.- . ^^^...^^^J.. ^^ ? ^,23 1 '^t ■ -'- " ■■':-'■ ^' ■•a. ij ^ ,.'- ft - 4124 I :-ri585:^ ^ I ■ ?^ 1574 ■ :« 154€:; . ^--^"'^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^•^^^^ ^ 4,27 /.sr, — ^ : ---^:^=r^-^ ^« aic:^ I562_ -^%ioo^^^ - -- % K »==^===^===^==, 4129 •y_ — -^'•^^- i^- : -T..r.- .... .r- , r -.i..rTT..i r t ^^ . ,^ .... .^ "" l" f Ti l i M MMiiiiaii l-' ^ ' I T I . -r^.-. > 4J05' \- 4133 -< .% ^ 4/07 ' 4137 I53B. Jfe :>K 4110 4139 '8 THE i:)ECORATORS SUPPLY CO. WOOD, COMPO ORNAMENTED. AND PLASTER MOULDINGS Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 EGG AND DARTS No. 2049 2035 2013 20S3 2012 1912 2045 190« 1942 • 2015 2009 2008 2050 2040 2025 1947 1993 1929 2043 2051 1934 1988 1954 1977 1951 2052 1983 1924 1922 1940 2033 2034 1985 1928 19fi4 1933 2019 1959 2041 1976 2001 2014 1901 2010 1927 1930 1989 2024 1903 2047 2048 1916 2031 1971 2003 1982 1920 2016 1921 1915 1032 1025 2002 2000 1995 1999 1919 1998 2046 1958 2023 1984 2026 2020 1911 1910 Style Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Greek Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Exterior composition 20 '7 extra. Price Plaster $0 12 per H. .12 per ft. . 12 per ft. .12 per it. .12 per ft. 14 per ft. 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. .14 per ft. . 16 per ft. . 14 per ft. 14 per ft. 16 per ft. 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. 18 per ft. 18 per ft, 18 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .24 per ft. 24 per ft. 28 per ft. 36 per ft. .12 per ft. .12 per ft. .12 per ft. .12 pec ft. .14 per ft. . 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. .16 per ft. . 16 per ft. .16 per ft. . 16 per ft. 18 per ft. 18 per ft. .18 per ft. 18 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .22 per tt. 30 per ft. .42 per ft. 32 per ft. 48 per ft. .12 per ft. 12 per ft. 12 per ft. 12 per ft. 14 per ft. 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. .14 per ft. . 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. 14 per ft. . 16 per ft. .16 per ft. . 16 per ft. .16 per ft. 18 per ft. 18 per ft. .18 per ft. 18 per ft. 18 per ft. .24 per ft. 18 per ft. 18 per ft. .22 per ft. 22 per ft. .30 per ft. 2049 ^^ 2035 2013 ^g 2053 M 2012 1942 20i5 £1 2009 ^^ 2006 Z050 ^l 2040 .sfg 2025 *r 1947 1993 1929 2043 2051 1934 198a 1954 1977 2052 1983 ^SS 1924 1922 ^g '■'^^ iti 1928 ^g p964 ^p I93J 2019 1959 204 1 1976 2001 2014 190) 2010 1930 2024 J903 2% 2047 i* 2048 i 1910 ;? 2051 .1 1971 .4 ^'■6 >£ 7,b 2003 I98X 1920 .«p 20lt> £^ o I 192 1 ^^ 1915 1932 iTR 1925 #R 2002 ji;^ 2000 .^t 1995 1999 jpS 1919 ^e 204 e 1'4 i95a ^m 2023 1984 £026 S.^/S, 1)8 2020 «p 191 1 1910 S2 ^ . 2049 ^.r ,..V.»U!i'..Ui..!,;'.w» 2035 ^;^ ij 2052 ij? i.ii..i.i>jinniu>.ii.iiiiunn,ip^ 2047 y»r . v..\u'..'Ai>u..v.»Wi'.u'..!,;'.j* 2035 i^ UUUlUUlUUUJUHiJll* 1983 yV j'j«.i?.Wi!m!i 2049 ^fo» l!WiA!<\!WU>U'll!UiM!* 2013 ii^? ^uuuiWWkiWWUMUiViiifc 1924 ^-^ .^ HUm Lm lAUUi >AtJ (M 1916 j^^ ^miwmmvmmvam 2053 Jj._ ^tjiijimnijmiiiijitjitjii^ \m jj>^. UitWii^Mii^MMWi^ 2031 i- imimmmiima^ 2012 |j._ i»jiiii!ipi»ji,i!Ji!Jtii!/iiitiiLi^i94o ^^_ ujiUiiUiiUilujAiiMujii* 1971 5=- ;v»Av'Av'AUAUAt>ivuvuu> 1912 ■}._ iijmfjifjyjmamyiMioii \- uuhuuuhum 2003 ^- vmmmvmnmip^o^ '^^. nuuummuum^ 2034 ^^._ ,4UiiM^.u.u.u..;> ,902 j^^V^^vA^VA^ii^il^ik^iiiil^^^'!''" 4^ LUlliyiliMLi)ili> 1933 i-^ iiMiili^liiii/iLijJJ* '"s I2 vii'4'4'4'4'4i^'4'4'4'>2008 '" THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Our illustrations on opposite page will give you ■ correct plan how to run your plaster or wood shape before applying our ornaments. '' TH UUlHUiiUiiU* "» M i^-.u.ilVUA^IA^i^'"' "■' l\ i-uuuuyyk» tummmiji." ^ unuuiuii » lUilJiiiil "!'' ~ A^^^ liC J> 1910 EGG AND DARTS Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 EGG AND DARTS No, 1918 1962 1961 1960 1963 1966 2004 2030 2042 1957 2007 1914 1917 19U 1946 2022 1909 1908 19S6 1981 2039 1973 1967 2027 1965 1979 2006 1968 1969 2018 1945 1926 1943 1948 1944 2054 1931 1937 2037 1941 1905 2036 19S3 1907 1970 1936 1952 1923 1949 1935 1904 1980 1900 1980 1938 Style Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Louis XVI. Roman Greek Roman Roman Italian Ren. Louis XV, Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Roman Roman Roman Roman Romanesque Renaissance Roman Renaissance Renaissance Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Roman Roman Roman Roman Greek Roman Renaissance Roman Roman Roman Italian Ren. Roman Exterior composition 20 ' , extra. Price Plaster $0 12 per ft. .12 per ft. , 12 per ft. . 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. 14 per ft. . 14 per fl. .14 per ft. . 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. 16 per ft. 18 per ft. 20 per ft. 18 per ft. 20 per ft. .20 per ft. .22 per ft. ,24 per ft. ,30 per H. ,40 per ft. .48 per ft. .40 per ft. . 14 per ft- . 14 per ft. .14 per ft. . 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. .16 per ft. . 14 per ft. .18 per ft. 14 per ft. 16 per ft. 16 per ft. 18 per ft. ,18 per ft. . 18 per ft. 20 per ft. .22 per ft. , 16 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. ,20 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .26 per ft. .28 per ft. .24 per ft. .30 per ft. .32 per ft. .36 per ft. .36 per ft. .44 per ft. 1966 _1 192 '*4»a -r 194^ Pm_^JTl»m.^'K*»R \% \% I'/i I'; ^^ ^ ""^ v»-^m mm^ w ^., ... ... ... ..- 1.- .1. ..^^A.. \ W 1^' 1909., 1908 I3S6 1981 4!jL %^ 4^L^ Aiy^ -"P 1986 l" 2'/. 2" 2V If 1900 tOOiO # // 2% "^Al iiik iuik iii Z'2 J'l THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Our illuiitration on psKe M will give you a correct plan how to ran your plaster or wood shape be- fore applying our ornaments. I EGG AND DARTS Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION ANT) EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 EGG AND DART. LAMBS- TONGUE, BEAD, AND CORNICE MOULDINGS No. 1785 1700 1731 1760 1781 1791 1792 1796 1827 1826 2285 2281 2289 2092 2282 2277 2102 2105 2103 2125 2134 2158 2274 2275 2200 2056 2057 2175 2060 2157 2146 2174 2280 2188 2284 2286 2189 2283 2287 2187 2185 2186 2193 2291 2067 2068 2176 2177 2178 2279 2038 2044 1990 2017 2005 2028 1974 1994 1991 1992 2061 2059 2064 2065 2062 2066 2063 2058 2032 2055 Style Roman Renaissance Greek Greek Roman Greek Greek Greek Roman Roman Greek Roman Roman Italian Ren. Greek Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Greek Greek Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Classic Greek Roman Greek Greek French Ren. Roman Roman Roman Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Roman Roman Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Greek Greek Italian Ren. Roman Roman Roman Greek Roman Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Roman Roman Louis XIV. Renaissance Greek Louis XVI. Greek Roman Roman Roman Price Plaster SO- 12 per ] . 12 per 12 per ft. 12 per . 12 per - 12 per 12 per I 12 per ft. 14 per 18 per .20 per ft. 40 per I . 16 per ft. . 14 per 14 per 1 14 per . 14 per . 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. . 16 per : . 16 per 14 per 14 per ft. . 16 per - 16 per 20 per 1 20 per 1 36 per , 56 per 1 12 per 1 12 per -24 per .24 per I .24 per ; .24 per 24 per 24 per 24 per 30 per 36 per . 24 per 1 .32 per 1 40 per 44 per 24 per 44 per 20 per 20 per 1 .18 pe 18 per I 14 per 14 per 1 12 per { . 14 per 1 14 14 .14 14 14 .16 16 18 1 16 22 30 26 36 t per . per per i per i per I per ' per '■ per I per I per per .32 per 36 per 40 per Exterior composition 20'. t extra. ft^m^t^mmkk ""* ^( ^ymim4^^\ "" liiiJMiiftifriirifitsr 2092 ^-^■^^^^-^ -W I'A- 22S2 H 2277 «| 2102 ^ 2tOS %| . . < 22ST ^^^^^^^^l^^l^^g^ IHI !?;»■ ,v,i- 2103 * 2I2S 2134 1J<4>K I mt HOi'^.-'ii.-.'.V./.; r na-r iv.- » rtiXiJ -r ^P" ..jr ' IL. mm iliilKiiUHKii-^r I i;^. 7L>^ 1' r *.* ■ ^ * > ^-i EGG AND DART. LAMBS' TONGUE. BEAD AND CORNICE MOULDINGS THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Our illustralion on page 06 will give you a correct plan bow to run your plaster or wond shape be- fore applying our ornaments. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 LAMBS' TONGUES No. 2267 2250 2252 2269 2214 2247 2246 2219 2240 2231 2248 2263 2251 2213 2218 2244 2222 224S 2243 2201 2204 2236 2258 2265 2254 2262 2270 2257 2211 2232 2217 2223 2216 2208 2241 2210 2203 2234 2255 2230 2221 2209 2227 2229 2238 2237 2239 2215 2259 2233 2253 2225 2260 2271 2249 2224 2235 2207 2205 2228 2206 2212 2226 2266 2220 2264 2261 2202 2242 2256 Style Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Greek Roman Greek Roman Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Greek Roman Roman Greek Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Roman Italian Ren. Roman Roman Greek Greek Roman Roman Greek Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman • Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Price Plaster $0 12 per ft. 12 per ft. . 12 per ft. .12 per ft. . 14 per ft. , 14 per ft. - 14 per ft. .14 per ft. .14 per ft. . 16 per ft. .16 per ft. .16 per ft. .18 per ft. .20 per ft. .24 per ft. .24 per ft. .30 per ft. 24 per ft .24 per ft. .30 per ft. .36 per ft. .40 per ft. .12 per ft. . 12 per ft. .12 per ft. - 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. .14 per ft. 14 per ft. 14 per ft. 16 per ft. - 16 per it. . 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. .16" per ft. . 16 per'ft. . 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. 20 per ft. .24 per It. 28 per ft. .36 per ft. 32 per ft. .44 per ft. . 12 per ft. .12 per ft. .12 per ft. 12 per ft. 12 per ft. 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. . 14 per ft. .14 per ft. .16 per ft. 16 per ft. 20 per ft. 20 per ft. 18 per ft. . 18 per ft. .20 per ft. .24 per ft. .22 per ft. 28 per ft. .32 per ft. .32 per ft. .24 per ft. 60 each ees? j^? £258^* eeso ^p 2265 >,^' 2552 fg'^ 225* '^^ 2EfeQ J?^ e2e>s tcf eei4- »p PS7C rfjj^' ■A V* ee4ci*^ 2257 ^P 2252 «p> 22.7 -# •2251 J?p 1 2225 ^^ 2248 jgp? ')'4- 2263 ^P* 8251 WS 224-5 -^J 224.5 ■t'A- Exterior composition 20*;;, extra. 2204- 8236? -2fe — P2i6 'i^pi 3815 Up 8e» <«p 2855 -^' .8253 ^^' eees ^p 8860 «p ,'4 ZZtl^ 2250^ 2252, 2269, 2247 it' !»' ^»»1#- <>->- w w <»■' W w %« - w »'«**^ 2258 2265 r^ 2254 2232 |y.^i;ViL;«i!'^y.-»c-«!>:.-i:'!L-«S j 2231 - >.-»* ^ 2217 2223 i w i ffil liW > W W W » /" (» /<► y^ yn y » >»'.>^ ^^^^ W *» >» >» >» >» >► >» >» ' 2"' -.i^^^^i^i^U^m^ ^"^» V»^'^vV>> ';>iM/ 2215 r._ x-^ THE 2?3i |»t* **<*»« »»^»4*»»Tt-y »-iT*W>»Vt»WWM>>*»W DECORATORS SUPPLY /• ^ 22S3 -1 2225 ■.-. v^ ^ -■ .^ .■.^^.,:^ CO. > 2260 ^^^j_^ - ..^>cK>JC<>-^,^s^' 2271 i . -J 2249 ., . ,. -. -,,--. -, -j Our illustrations on page 08 will 2224 >.■>.>■>:.■, ^■*,V.-*->W give you a correct plan how to mn your plaster or p 2235 /,.• '.: ■i;'";». ■:f|iv'C,P'^»( wood shape be- fore appljing our ornaments. 2207 [^iisi^i.gijf^gi0^4)^ ^ 220S '^^^f0iv*^^^^^0^^^ \) 2241 *.i4..^.Lt^i^.i.l4..i.,tU*.ii.< V / ' ^^'° l»»^g^>'fg'!Wgi*^^ «M*A*AAM-M«Ai*«MAAt«MMMfttfU 2216 ''^'^^^^O^^JC:^^:^^ 2244 ««[».■;,■;.';,;*.■« 3 X ^ 2226 V^-&\i^ 2266 ^Vi^^^^ 2209,. "'^'ll*R*'*«?<^J^ X 2243 iMrv^rv-Vv/t^ ^ 2227 ; <:. <;* •;;*. | / 2229^^0.^^qv^^ ^ 2264 2261 2201 A'jrCV/K.' ./»;"' ^'^'^ ^''' 2238C, ^S-iJT' iT/,.-fc.V SKr-^ .'. 1 Jv-' 4 ^^^ 1 J 2202 2204J Lr' 2237 i*m**ii 2242 2236 fei^ ujQi..! su,^ '^ 2239 if » \ ::^ / J ZZS6 LJ 7- LAMBS' TONGUES Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 CORNICE ORNAMENTS No. 183; 1834 2072 2071 2074 2075 2076 1007 2070 1900 1055 1950 1987 1902 1972 1975 1039 2011 197S 2352 2303 2307 2353 2029 2304 2305 2302 2299 2351 2297 2296 2298 2301 2300 2306 2354 2355 2350 2308 2364 2363 2362 2361 2360 2309 2310 2311 2359 2165 2179 2357 2312 2356 2313 2314 2021 2073 Style Roman Greek Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Greek Roman Roman Louis XVI. Roman Roman Greek Greek Greek Roman Greek Roman Roman Roman Renaissance Roman Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Roman Roman Roman Greek Italian Ren. Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Renaissance Louis XVI. Renaissance Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Greek Greek Roman Italian Ren. Louis XVI. Roman Renaissance Greek Louis XVI. Greek Modern Roman Roman Pnce Plaster SO 24 per ft. 12 per ft. 28 per ft. 28 per ft. .28 per ft. . 16 per It. .16 per ft. .14 per ft. . 16 per ft. .16 per ft. . 16 per ft. . 16 per ft. 20 per ft. .24 per ft. .20 per ft. .24 per ft. .32 per ft. .48 per it. .48 per ft. .14 per ft. .14 per ft. . 16 per ft. , 16 per ft. .16 per ft. -20 per ft. .18 per ft. •18 per ft. .18 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .24 per ft. .24 per ft. .32 per ft. .32 per ft. .40 per ft. .40 per ft. .40 per ft. .40 per ft. .12 per ft. 14 per ft. 14 per ft. 16 per ft. . 16 per ft .16 per ft. .18 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .24 per ft. .24 per ft. .28 per ft. .28 per ft. .40 per ft. .32 per ft. .40 per ft. .32 per ft. 48 per ft. Exterior composition 20'; extra. 1132 1634 2072 y-r ^^^^^^-| 23 E4 m»mxm» ^ Mm ssti»--r 23S3 M(paiB>KiMW g«iaril»C>ii'i^' 2171 2074 2V 2304 2305 23C2 23EI 2360 •T*''*'**^BWtM^^i,^,„yiUyA^^I 3V 2355 t iK) »< r»<> nTi i i >(i rt»i i l i I 1971 2313 2314 2021 2073 CORNICE ORNAMENTS Prices Subject to Di.scfiuni INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. 2132 21U 2106 2108 2107 2161 2114 2109 2126 2153 2119 2116 2118 2122 2138 2127 2173 2133 2163 2159 2155 2156 2110 2112 2120 2123 2160 2149 2117 2147 2I1S 2154 2101 2113 2150 2137 2104 2128 2135 2130 2120 2131 2130 2124 2I2I 2100 2141 CORNICE ORNAMENTS Style Louis XVI. Roman Roman Roman Roman Greek Renaissance Empire Renaissance Greek Renaissance Romanesque Romanesque Italian Ren. Louis XVL Italian Ren. Romanesque Louis XVL Roman Roman Roman Louis XV. Empire Empire Greek Greek Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Renaissance Roman Roman Roman Louis XV. Romanesque Romanesque Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Classic Romanesque Romanesque Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Exterior composition 20 't extra. Price Plaster $0 12 per ft. 12 per ft. . 12 per ft. .14 per ft. -16 per ft. .16 per ft. .18 per ft. 18 per ft. 18 per ft. .20 per ft. .24 per ft- 24 per ft. .24 per ft. .24 per ft. .36 per ft. 36 per ft. 44 per ft. . 12 per ft. . 12 per ft. . 12 per ft. . 14 per ft. 18 per ft. . 18 per ft. . 12 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .20 per ft. .28 per ft. 28 per ft. -32 per ft .36 per ft. .12 per ft. .14 per ft. .14 per ft. 14 per ft. .14 per ft. .14 per ft. -14 per ft. 18 per ft. .20 per ft. 32 per ft. 22 per ft. .22 per ft, 44 per ft. .32 per ft. ■ 32 per ft, .36 per ft. 2132 ■ . . 2111 ~^"^ 2106 - " 2108 -. - 2107 ^ . -■ «..-.. 2161 ,,. 2114 . --.--1-.-^ ■>-.,- -f^. - ■■] 2109 "■ 2126 2153 2119 ^ 2116* '^':-;^ 2133 ' 2163 2159 __ 2155 ' ' ■^ ^ > ^ ■» ^ ^.^-^ ' ' • ••'•'.' ^ 2112 ^'^°. • ■ ' J " 2^23 J 1)1) ']i| illCfltftKltlfl-flflfll 2160 2149 «.v<«y^T#^'>^ 2117 2154' 2101 2113 2150. ^^> 2137 Jt^^CA r 2104 2128 '~ 2135 i nif (I I f 2136 2129 2131 \ryA..^jJ>iiin^L^-^jJe^2'^ THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Our illustratiot) un page 102 wilt f.ive you a correct plan how to run your plaster or wood shape be- for applying our ornaments. 2118 ' 2147 2130 ^i A'^. f^ 2122 2115^ 2124 i^ggi 2136 V ,1 V? f>^JT- 2121 -T-TT^T^'tr^'Tr 2127 V ili^,.t/2' 2100 , *• >^ i'v- ^ f^ 7> . I 2173 2141 AJ^/ ;M-* -ti^ ^# P 2090 yicjiimmm^i^^Ji^^ '^ — "^• i8384J2JiAJJ&JJaJJiLlJaJI ^al 2.82 ¥aif jarjoii ^1 2183 ^gg;i^^^^ f 2329 |||||||||llllllllllllllllllll l4' THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 2330 anwilUlllHlllUHMMHItMHIHIIIiMOHlty ^r 2331 {)jilW)il().i)jl()iliM)iitW).ltW>i ==1 23324]iUaLlLUL]LllLliOLliL]iLlii.) iP 209sti^i^U^^^^ -^ iii^MiiidkMAAd'4 «/»■ 233i.Ui^ V^ i,iinu ULLiumiLUiLi.i ^ 2097 iU>LLLLl»i l.U-ULlXliLL -f 2098 fl.|,,|.Ui.t^^liilj^.i^iljfei^li ^ 2099•.■i«;^^^■' ; lh^i'^l^ f 2 3 3 8 ^L LLyLiLiL ^ ^ _ '/• ^ w ■ ■■- -■- — ^i^MSMMi0i 23«ijjOiSJOOi 'il4 r(h ^■'■'^ i--t^-i-^.Q.'^ IV l'4- 237(dUUiU/lU4kiU4 ^# ';i»vi(\ni»vii,r;i»*'vi(,n( i'« F I'l.' i>/ti ""tlXJLlUiiLLiyH if "'Ulik iJH> JJii> ~'^ ilil 2328 >pr 23724iMLiiUiU£JOi ^F .I'll 1^' ^17Q jg |r^ ^n^ in,^ mf^ l-.f^ in,^ _^ 'IMlllllllll "I «„4ji,j^i^jjji^,.ii' rif^Mjpf^ if'-.fvj{ I 2- . [v . u/ . v. ^ . ^^4V f 237|jyjyo4iAfe.~^ ! ^y^ — - - - ^ ^ ^ L 2'i :3]^L_^^^^^^^^ i CORNICE ORNAMENTS Prices Subjert to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 DENTILS No. 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 481S 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 482S 4826 4827 4828 Style Price Plaster Modem German $0 36 per ft. Modem German 36 per ft. Modern German .32 per ft. Modern German .30 per ft. Modern German 26 per ft. Modern German .26 per ft. Modem German .26 per ft. Greek .26 per ft. Modern German 26 per ft. Modern German 26 per ft. Modern German ,24 per ft. Modern German .24 per ft. Classic .26 per ft. Classic .26 per ft. Classic ,24 per ft. Classic 24 per ft. Classic 24 per ft. Classic 22 per ft. Classic ,22 per ft. Classic .22 per It- Classic .18 per ft. Classic .18 per ft. Classic 18 per ft. Classic 16 per ft. Classic 16 per ft. Classic 16 per ft. Classic .16 per ft. Clfssic 34 per ft Classic 34 per ft No. 4829 4830 4^31 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4649 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 Style Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Classic Price Plaster $0 34 per ft. .34 per ft. 34 per ft. 34 per ft. ,32 per ft. .30 per ft. .30 per ft. .30 per ft. .28 per ft. ,28 per ft. 28 per ft. .28 per ft. .28 per ft. 26 per ft. .26 per ft. .26 per ft. .26 per ft. .56 per ft. .48 per ft. ,48 per ft. .40 per ft. .40 per ft. ,40 per ft. 36 per ft. .36 per ft. ,36 per ft. ,36 per ft. .^6 per ft. 36 per ft. .36 per ft. Exterior composition 20', extra. Above Prices Subject to Discount <>i AAAAJSf > I i ( u 1 1 1 ^r . , , m. ^ >\ 91 *l ^1 '^ ^X '^ V "T " llMMUr ~f «eoT lULfLiiiLrii -r ""^ kkkkLtttkLkkt r - iiiiiiiif ^r 4 4 Ail A A aI «f I J J J J -T r TTTTTl t ^^ IH' li I b b I I b i^ ^I^ k b bTTl b I *»^ u n n n 1^ ''^ II 1 1 1 1 III ^^ I- I I I I I I I I ^ C 4... i^YY I I I I I I if ~>^. "" k k I k I I I k k I k hf '^^ "» 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 n I i I ^' I n i 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 - 4012 4814 4aiS 4a K 4117 4aia 4ato aaii 4ai2 H- r 4616 W i;i" IK ni Li ■ TT!TT»r XLLLif ' JJLLLU>f 2 oxuxir LLLUlLI '^ rrrnii r iiJiiii" ~rnmni ■ l>4' lill II t'^ I b h I I I ' \K J J 9 r LLLr m rf •L» •l> O •^ -if 1505 J*' ' .-^ — »/--« 1518 — ^ z:^ ,J% ^n 1532 1^ M 1535 I " " " 1506 1582 2ii 1577 ' - • ... ' '•• ' ■ :^ '' 1515 1 '-•4 ^ --A ^ -rA -^ 1500 •? ^ \b5A- 1579 1580 . ~-=:^:^i-^-^£^,^ 1583 %^'i:^^^'' 1553 ''-^ "— ^■=^' — '-'f '--^' ~r-^rl ~i'-'^r j-r 1578 K ,_^ 1/4- 1587 1586 .•^^— ^ftc A>>~>^.:^ ..t-.T ■ V/ , 1514- 1 ' ^;__^ ^ /' . -_,^^'^ X ^— 1552 ' "^~ "1523" ^ .-tf -J.- t "^y-tf/i --rf "? -T! 2" 1557 ^.^^^ - ,• ^ r '■A ;-^.;^-^^^ 1 7" 1519 ■H ■v lo^^A^ B5 ^■vv ^.: . H fir 1504 ROLL AND STEM MOULDINGS No. Widlh Thickness Sivlf Price pe r ft. No. Width Thick •„" y,- Ltiuis XV. %f 10 1576 2'"i' 1 1 ., IMi- %' Classic Ri.ll 10 1582 "<■ ? 2^4• H- Louis XVI. 2() 'S 1589 i«' 1' Roman Roll .20 1515 3* ^^S: IK" Roman Roll 24 1500 *'v I 1: Renaissance Band .26 1528 2' Louis XV. MnulrtinR .24 1554 'T' 1555 3H' l?i," Louis XVI. Moulding .28 1525 3 5i,' Hf Louis XVI. Moulding 28 1576 IH* 'S- IM' Louis XVI. Moulding 28 1580 2- 1- Italian Renaissance 26 1583 IH" 6^« 1" Italian Renaissance 30 1553 2i- ■''** Prices S ub j ec t to Discount ness Style I Romanesque Classic Roll Gothic Roll Louis XV. Roll Gothic Roll Louis XVI. Roll French Renaissance French Renaissance Classii Motddin^ Classic MouldioR Classic MouldiUK Classic Moulding 109 'rice per ft. No. Widlh Thickness Style Price per ft. $0 28 1578 2" 1- Classic Moulding $0 20 28 1587 2' «• Greek Moulding .20 32 1586 214' H' Greek Moulding .22 .32 I5I4 2.lj' lii' Renaissance Moulding 24 .32 1511 2^' U,- Classic Moulding 26 .34 1575 2.Mi" I?i" Classic Moulding .28 14 1524 3'i' I>i" Classic Moulditig .28 .24 1552 3K' I»«- Classic Moulding .28 16 1523 35(," >i' Classic Moulding .28 .20 1557 4' l!j' Classic Moulding 32 16 1519 3>i" 2' Renaissance Moulding 28 20 1504 5' 2S" Louis XVI. Moulding 40 INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. I p ROLL AND STEM MOULDINGS No. Width Thickness Style 1502 4'.- 2".' Classic Roll 1568 5h" iH- Classic Stem 1503 6- 2«' 1549 S'A- 3- Classic Roll 1551 6H- Ih- Classic Roll 1536 7H' 2H' 1588 8- 2" Classic Stem 1548 7M" 2M- 1534 7- 2»i- Classic Stem 1512 3- 2'»" Italian Ren. Stem Price SO 36 per ft. 40 per ft. 44 per ft, 44 per ft. 40 per ft. SO per ft. 50 per ft. 50 per ft. 50 per It. 30 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount Price $0 32 per ft. 36 per ft. 34 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. 44 per ft, 44 per ft. 48 per ft. .60 per ft. [NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. Width Thickness Style 1527 31,- 21...- Classic Roll 1501 4^- I'j- Louis XVI. 1513 3',' 1'h- Italian Ren. Roll 1510 4'," 3'.- Italian Ren. Roll 1558 5- 2'.- Greek Stem 1516 5 4- 2'.- Italian Ren. 1529 5- 3 4- Classic Roll 1559 81,- 1 '," Italian Ren. Roll 1531 81." 21 .- Classic Roll 1521 7',- 4'-- Classic Roll ■'/'.'. -■^ ' :. - '/ '- -* Tl /^^^ 4182 '"!^ i_ — * * ♦ « * - ^ « « . 4189 r<'' > .^' J^ ,0' i^ y -.'- 1^^ 4185 ^ uJr '^^,, 4198 --■^■~- , ( ■*^^ »-^ 1 4i99 -^'. --^^.'^* 4196 if fI« Cm ilH< Gi KZ/» I i' ^-3^4^ T en I K-3-H-H .«i' lO mmmm ^1* U) •l¥- Wi^ i^sKM J K-3>i^( 4197 I I ^-4'/^^ I^3¥h| ii? 4VH| lf-5 -^ .T 4204 4200 4188 -y- M90 4201 z' /", /f. - /t*. j^ T^iiiIrf^r^riTrr^n'* -' -^-''-^ - ^^t.^ V* 4186 /^ ^> 4184 4202 4193 -5^2^ ^ 1 V 4205 STEM MOULDINGS No. WiJlh Thickness .Style 4182 IS' 7.,- Louis XVI 153J 2'." «.- Louis XVI 4189 3- 1- Gcr. Ren. 4185 3- Oer. Ren. 4lg8 7',- 21" Louis XVI 4100 7'j' 3 'i' Louis XIV 4106 6',- 3 'i" Louis XVI 4107 7 '.' 41- Louis XIV 4204 7- 41^- Louis XV, 4205 11- G'..' Louis XV. Prices Subject to Disc. u n t Price SO I« per ft .26 per ft . 26 per ft 26 per ft 44 per ft, SO per ft. 50 per ft 55 per ft 70 per ft I 00 per ft No. 4200 4188 4190 4201 4186 4184 4202 4103 4192 Width 5',- 5 la- s' 10- 4- 4'.- 4.4- SH- 10 «• I'.- IS' 2W 31," 3h" Hi' 5" 5Ji" Style Italian Ren. Greek Louis XVI. Classic Roman Ger. Ren. Classic Classic Renaissance Price $0 36 per f 36 per f 44 per f . 55 per f .40 per f 40 per f 44 per f . 50 per f -80 per f INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. No. Width Thickness Style 4207 4" 1 ''4' Louis XVI. 4220 3',- 1 's' Louis XVL 4221 1 s- I ' «' Rotnan 4206 2'r 11," Italian Ren. 4219 21, - I '." Roman 4217 3',- 1 ',' Renaissance 4223 3'v" 1 'l " Empire 4211 41.J- 2 ' .' Renaissance 4213 5" 3- Renaissance 4210 O'l" 5'.- Renaissince Price $0 36 per ft. 32 per ft. . 18 per ft. .22 per ft. ,22 per ft. .28 per ft. ,32 per ft. .36 per ft. 44 per ft. 60 per ft. STEMS No. Width Thickness Style Price 4225 9 'a' 6- Renaissance $0 80 per ft 4224 3- 1"," Louis XVI, .28 per ft 4224A 3- I '," Louis XVI, 28 per ft 4222 2 ' " 1 ' i" L..uis XVI, 24 per ft 4215 14',- 2" Roman 80 per ft 4212 4',- 2',- Roman 36 per ft 4208 4'..- 3- Roman 4216 4 '." 3 '4' Gothic 44 per ft 4218 5 ' . ■ 6- Gothic ,60 per ft 4214 91,- 61 ,- Louis XV, ,80 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 — ' . -fc — » 'tS^,!$^S,^&K m**af -i .>; j!^; ^ THE DECORATOF SUPPLY CO. ■ •^ ^ ■^■c:^^ No. 41g3 4209 Width 2- Thickness Style Art Nouveau 2'.- H^' Louis XIV. 4229 i'K 1 i,' *'j: 4232 2*-i' 4240 5' 2\' Louis XIV. 4W- 2\* Louis XVI. 4239 4'-,- 2 •'4' 8',- l^' 4230 8' s- Roman Prices Subject lo Discount STEMS Price No. Width Style Louis XVI. 4257 3- Ui" 22 per fi 4251 423« 3.^; Naturalistic Oak 4235 6- Greek 4237 5- 3'.- 4255 6U" 3'.- 4249 OS- 4- 4245 6- 41." 4240 10- ^>?: 4191 9' I»rice SO 28 per ft. 28 per ft. 34 per ft. .40 per ft. 48 per ft. .55 per ft. .55 per ft. .55 per ft. .80 per fl. 1.00 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. STEMS No. Widlh Thickness Style 4258 2- iw- Laurel Stem 4234 3' 1' Greek 42 S3 3W 1' Louis XVI. 4252 3i»- IKf Louis XVL 4250 2M- ly,' Renaissance 4241 314- l-X.' Louis XIV. 4244 3M' IH' Louis XVI. 4248 2H' 2M- Renaissance 4247 4W 2' Renaissance 4238 sw 2M' Classic 4254 6- 3M' Fruit Stem 4242 8' en- Italian Ren. SO 26 per ft. . 26 per ft. .28 per ft. .28 per ft. .26 per ft. .28 per ft. .34 per ft. .34 per ft. 34 per ft. . 36 per ft. 50 per ft. 80 per ft. No. 4268 4267 4266 4265A 4265 4264 4263 4262 4250 4201 4260 4242A Width 2- 2' 4" 21,- 4J 7" 11' Thickness r Style Modern Ren. Classic Classic Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Classic Renaissance Fruit Stem Art Nouveau Renaissance Roman Italian Ren. Pric< $0 18 per -- ,- ft- 18 per ft. 30 per ft. 26 per ft. 26 per ft. 26 per ft. 28 per ft. 44 per ft. 44 per ft. 48 per ft. 70 per ft. 80 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount [NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 >> >v ^ 4tl2 >; ^i -> 4tl3 =^^^''^\ ^ ^. 4SI3A ^ .isx^. 4(14 ^■ym K •' 4t0t -^ ^- i 4SI0 4S08 U r I N N .-I r\ r\ r\ t^Ia^ -\ 4627 462E 4SI5 4fil6 fe^fc:^^^;^ 4EI9 4617 4609 I iV r I 3 •t > > 3'/; > > |~ ^■::tf^t':;»i'^^\;(i! ^y?^ \V:i\K\iiih.K<*,<* fix*** No Width Thickness Slyle 4012 1 ' .- 1 j" French Ren. 4013 1 'j' ''\' French Ren. 46UA 1 ' ,' M- ' French Ren. 4A14 2" «" French Ren. 4600 3- X' EnKliBh 4610 3 '," H' Classic Laurel 4008 5- W Classic Laurel 4627 4- K" Greek 4620 5- Un' Chinese 4015 3- lU' Classic 4010 3- Classic 4611 4- French Ren. 4619 4- 2 'i' Mcidcm Ren. Prices Subject to Discount Price Plaster $0 20 per ' . 20 per .20 per . 24 per .30 per 30 per 34 per 30 per .34 per .28 per . 28 per .32 per .34 per 4I88A 1 rri 1 n T TnTmTTfnn n 1 1 ^{ 4(21 Vv? Vi5 K.« VS9 VSSHK* \kSS KiS VS*VS» ttS KSS. V.v5 v.n% V^ .>^>.i >.it >til i.i4.t>.* >3 %.,< >, < till k.A >,i4 J 3494 4(18 STEM MOULDINGS. ETC. Price Plaster .34 per ft. 45 per ft. .50 per ft. .22 per ft. .30 per ft. .34 per ft. .34 per ft. .48 per ft. .46 per ft. 48 per ft. .50 per ft. 50 per ft. .60 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. Width Th ickness Style 4017 5- 1 =.' Louis XVI. 4009 5- 3'4' Louis XV. 4O07 6- 3',' Art Nouveau 4023 2" M' Baronial 4621 3- lU" Louis XVI. 4024 4 1 ,- IH' Gothic 4020 4- I'i' Elizabethan 4471 8- 2» Louis XVI. 4447 8- m' Louis XVI. 4188A 8- IT Classic Laurel 4628 7 1 J ' 2,4' Art Nouveau 3494 9 Adams 4618 11- 3'.- Classic THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ^^^ ks. ^^^^^m ^^^^ ^^ ^ a^ \ STEMS No. Width Thickness Style Price No. Width Thickness Style Price 4250A ■»2g3A 4285A 4" 3T 2- 2n- 2- Modern $0 36 per ft. 4287 2 i" I 1 - Louis XVI. Roman .36 per ft. 4284 i- 2 1." Classic 30 per ft. Roman 36 per ft. 4269 2I .. .^. %l«^ hts_-l^K^- 1540 1556 1542 4 •' ♦ '^ o r CO 1543 1520 >2» ROLLS FOR THEATRE DECORATION No. Style Price ISSO Louis XV. $1 00 per (1 1540 Louis XV. R. and L. 1 40 per (t 1556 Louis XV. 80 per 11 1542 Louis XV. 80 per fl 1543 Empire R. and L. .70 per ft 1520 Louis XV. .40 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. PROSCENIUM ARCH DECORATIONS Style 4978 Modem $3 60 per fl. 497S Modern 4976 Modem 2 00 per ft. 4979 Modem 3.00 per ft. Prices Sub ect to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 H^'^BS- r^-"^»r W-MfflfflMy' ;tf7^ Hi III v^v.V^j v'VX'^i v*v.V>j v**/.V^i ti> ^5 \\ iifiiif THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. PROSCENIUM ARCH DECORATIONS Style 49S2 Roman $1.60 per ft 4977 Classic 1.40 per ft 4980 French Ren. 2 20 per ft 4981 French Ren. 3.60 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. WiiMiitifUniMa UiUtUluuiUUiumKiniMimiMiiii I 111 111 II mill I II 1 1 1 1 rrr I rmr minmim"n« MWi^n-m ' \ M mm )t&Ml * 'i^* >i^* WsJ JK1 - )f.iVri.WtVrfM'i \ t Vi4 VH VII Vil 1 mm t \vt Vt )l>< iv< i^^^fv- S':!!!-^^'^^^^?^^^''^''^^'^^^'''^^^'"'*^'^'^ >^v.-.i I "T^^^^^rrr^^^^^f^^iei^^F ■ kJJJ k^VJ kisj i:s\i ikV! kS* ^V< ki» i^ ViJ« to!« ^^ VS* VS« \S!i ^\* «» vw ^ ^^pwwPWBiiMiJii iim I iwwpwiii^im 11,111 III I ,, ilJiJlJiJlJUlJlJlJiJiJllAJIJlliJiJiilil> 'S^WiapBra^OJSM^nRP'wnJlS'nJK'TB^^ 7)rK!U/o!iYAliiw!iw^ii^^ "inr ■ • ^^^;!»}y>3;»»;»?^^^w«^ff^:y3W^^ .^^wwa>^y ♦417 ■ "«/,'«.'',•,«,<* <<■.«* «/^/ »»,#»«»<><>«»«»•»■» cl«4»»» iiJiiiniAiiJiJiJAiiJiJiiiikiiiiiiiiiAi^ lVAAf>a'j/aVAlV/aV/vfjfA^lfAMAMAllA'JlfivEv^'lUlAUvU\U^^^^ Prices Subject to Discount SOFFITS FOR BEAMS No. Width Thickness Style Price 4494 8- Ih" Classic $0 45 per ft. 44<>8 9* 1 ! i" Greek 50 per ft. 4492 12- 1 '.' Classic .60 per ft. 13- 1 i" Modem .60 per ft. 14- 1" Renaissance .65 per ft. 4497 15- 2- French Ren. .70 per ft. No. Width Thickness Style Price 4490 6' l).i' Classic $0 40 per ft. 4441 IS- m- SuUivanesque 4491 IS' I'i" Renaissance 80 per ft. 4493 19- is;' Modem 4496 Zl' 2- Greek INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 w^^'^T^ I ■ I ■ ^^^w^im < ■■ ■■ ■ »^ii»' P ^' w 'w w w v ^ '^ ^ . ^ J ^' i ■ w ^ w * .y- y « w m i ^r^r'^^^-^r^^ ^^^^^^i^A^^^^^^f^r^' '^v-t'-. - «^w;*»k^v»*^ "?;'■*■"?;"'' ■?;"*• "?5''* •?}/ I » A*StAK<«A>4>»SU**>»»>vJW>>JM»*^>Jt/»K!MkSs***>JMka>W^ t>.;ta^;i»g^afe.;«^iavv;.ii^jtf<..^ijy»i;:^ pi THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CORNICES Ho. 1171 1176 1172 1173 1177 Stylo Classic Italian Ren. Romanesque Colonial Classic Price SI 20 per ft. 1 .20 per ft. .80 per ft. .70 per ft. .55 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Miitiitliiiii....t..UtUttUtUUtlliiUnAiUAiiAJLiiUUtllAii !2"' No. 3410 1152 3414 3418 3410 Style Modem French Colonial Classic Louis XVI. Price SI .20 per ft. 1.00 per ft. 85 per ft. .05 per ft. 55 per ft. CORNICES rices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. IZ96 r 1281 ^2'/^-^ .yiliiPiEiECg«ttitititgy|gMigirirififittiriyTnirioritrMr«Mr: 128 B f w\ } V' V vv^ ' ^^v"iw^''^■'^yy'vr''''"'j^^^f r3- -^ 1 1 mmimnummnrCT T Ki UiUtlUUIIlUUUll nrmuuiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiii 1291 '2^ 'J\ il '/I- 'yl- !' Vl VI - i ' ' ■ i HWi W tti iP Jim W M^IWiaiMMMM I J il ■» lU W i yi g l g lPl ff t g^ iT" ' 1285 i i l. ' ^ ■MiBW.' jS 1 J 125/ tsar ^v .'^.iA4r.^!V.;%,\a,iS t^.JAtktt rjnj.^i* S'> i nrA ii V /.'ir/ iri.^i il' il'j['J(mW^W!W5S% ' 1237 mmti jttjHiavi ia JB3U ui I r -S^- o 1229 CORNICES, BEAMS AND ARCHITRAVE MOULDINGS No. Style Price 1224 Louis XVI. Cornice $0 85 per ft. •1227 Roman Ionic Cornice 75 per ft. tl22« Roman Ionic Cornice 65 per (1. tl285 Roman Ionic Beam .90 per ft. •1297 Roman Ionic Beam .70 per ft. 1237 Greek Architrave .40 per ft. 1229 Greek Architrave 28 per ft. tBeam 1285 matches Cornice 1226. and *Beam 1297 matches Cornice 1227. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 -1-^-^ "v"-- — -- -.- -»-■•■- -<- "^ -.- -.-"V* - I220 -4^:r» THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 1222 I _-_ _-. —— -— — — •— — ^ ^ _ ^ _ _ ^.^ _ ' ^ ^ ■ ^ , , \ -^ , , 1286 1291 -6^2- IX ^ IZ30 /ivwiv»/iwi>»/i»,»>i>*^fi.»>i»,»^ii»yi^»>ii»/i'»/ii»yix.r/:i»/iir/!'»/M»/h», 1293 1215 ■ jj'. ' lViVi ' . ? V '' . ' v : 'V i V ' Vl. ' flVl. ' J ; ' ' . 'l V'Vi ' V ' .l ' » ' lV i' . ' lV ' '- '^ ' ^Myi i , » | t , » l » ^MVI » /iyi » /| i . » l » . » ) ' . » l » /i;. ' ] ' , 'i' .»l ' » ''' .' CORNICES AND BEAMS No. Style Prii <- 1220 Moorish Cornice -SO 50 per meal ft. •1222 Greek Ionic Cornice 50 per ineallt. •1286 Grei'k Ionic Beam .50 per ineal ft. tl2«l Roman Beam 55 per ineal It. 1230 CnUiniai Cornice .40 per ineal ft. 1293 Roman Beam 40 per ineal ft. 1215 I.ouis XV. Moulding 40 per ineal ft. 118 Moorish Cornice and Frieze 80 per ineal ft. •Beam 128G matches Cornice 1222. tBeam 1291 matches Cornice 1246. Page 132. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AN1> EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. MOORISH CORNICES AND COVES No. Style Relief Price 1250 Moorish Cornice $1 50 per ft 1009 Moorish Cove ',* .60 per ft 1005 Moorish Cove ■U" .45 per ft 1042 Moorish Cove .^' .45 per ft 1032 Moorish Cove >«• .36 per ft 1235 Moorish Cornice .00 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 B^c^.V. ..r»iA- - <,* 1^ THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. iC \aYi. * , ^ i } A. II II 11 II II II I r II II II II 11 II II n II II II II II < 73 No. Style Relief tOOO Sullivanesque Cove I'l' 1070 Golhic Cove 1 '»' 1048 Gothic Cove >i' loll EKyptian Cove H' 1236 Moorish Cornice COVES AND CORNICES Price SI . 20 per lineal ft. 80 per lineal ft. ,70 per lineal ft. 50 per lineal ff. 1 00 per linenl (t. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. 12J8 weisht 5 lbs per foot. JJJJJJJJJjjjarxiJjXjJ LUJJJJJJJJ_f Jjjjj ' = UJJJUJ 1221 r»v»*r»«»r-f rvrv ^____-»jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjltrjjjjj_i_ 1239 -8- 1238 ^ r^..^,A II JULi Ml m Ml uti JJii Ml m m uii uii jJlinSinJinJinik m mm wi j^ju? ^ IJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ-LU ' ' t*j*j ,4ai-tAAj AA.i-*AiJi 1 / :itit,%ni'm ' ^.fiXn i ir^w^mif^^^ I 233 -6/2- / L J J>.l I. ,1 ' V J A ;, A I A I. A *. A 1 .1 JL A ' A J A » A » A r A 1223 1203 T ; n \; \; A },\ij 1212 jfr;f»r;iir; I -3!4^ CORNICES No. Slyle 1209 Greek Corinthian 1248 Greek Ionic 1231 Renaissance 1223 Renaissance 1203 Art Nouveau 1212 Roman Ionic Price $1 40 per ft .00 per ft. .45 per ft. .60 per ft. .40 per ft. .40 per ft. 'Beam 1288, Page 123 matches Cornice 1209. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 1271 fmrmpmwmrmfmrmrmrm^mwmmmrmimmm jjjjjjj-jjrrT_oxo33J3JJJJXi-UJjJj. mh^h^^j-%ji^^m)n)i'VYVi^vrrh'V]'V}^yy\yp^^^ umwwwwwm w^. 1273 -4/2- .i».i » ri ,n »Mpi n n»i»»i.,«>ii »M.m i» y |<<)y»Mi| ) i)»» » ii»»»ii y ii ^ r» r)i wy'yffiw<»)r"' i 'rwrH . ii»»r'ifitT!y > r < 'i»« y 'i'wyr'CT»'r'nr>r yJlJj^AJIJlJlJlJiUlUUUIUlMMJMUMUl^^a (274 'irMLi'iimiiuiiJiiiLiiix ¥¥¥i?^inraOTnm 1/ -2h^ ^^^ii ^ii^mmmmmmmm mim^ 1277 CORNICES No. Style Price 1271 Roman Corinthian $1 00 per ft. 1273 Roman Ionic .75 per (t. 1274 Roman Ionic .45 per ft. 1275 Roman Ionic .45 per It. 1276 Roman Ionic .45 perlt. 1278 Roman Ionic .40 per ft. 1277 Roman Cor. Architrave .50 per ft. Beam 1185 matches Cornice 1271. Page 138. Prices Subject to Discount IN STRUCT [ON AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 fe£.* •it-y' ■ V f^^^^ * tj mnmxi' u 11 u im u im ;. ;; :. - ' I inn nnnniJjJi • !►• r 1 -7'4 1241 ■ I I ! I I • M I J THE DFXORATORS SUPPLY CO. 1210 m 1 1 1 1 1 MI I n M 1 1 1 » 1 1 1 1 1 1 • « • t • n « 1 1 1 1 • itmiin »i iiiif II 11 M HI I M 1 1 1 1 III III II iiiMrt iliT^f 7 1234 y 1200 'miri'i''"|mnMi|niTiiiniinMTn'v'imu|ii;n|Miiiii||iiiniiiiMiiiMiMiiiiii||i|iiipi;ii|[iiii;]i;Fn[iffli||i -43/4- -^ ^y 1218 1214 -4- "^.^fp"^vv^*r^'r'«*^'r^*r''*p^f' ■ 'nr ^ Vniii¥*iiin'nnf'ifr**'n'i*-*n'.-nr "I'll '< i 1244 No. Style 1241 Roman 1210 Classic 1234 Classic 1200 Classic 1218 Greek Ionic 1214 Louis XVI. 1244 Louis XVI. CORNICES Price SO 65 per ft. .60 per ft. .40 per ft. .40 per ft. .SO per ft. .45 per U. .65 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 'rjSTytt^^KJB^-^^il^ 1225 I26S ' JJJJJ J jj J J JJJJJ.IJ J j J J J J J jjjjjjj i^^:^^^mm 1246 -8?4- y >*afc>M**i i*MMM«n iiti <»M i «*t^4**iM ttaa*aaiMa**Maaa>iiaMMtti<M^/ ^fv(^ rfWi<^»«n^wrrgngn>^w^wrfiWhii»»iWipH»»iiiBiiia ^ 1207' 1217 -6 * / CORNICES No. Style Price 1225 Roman Corinthian $1.00 per fl. 1265 Louis XV. .70 per ft. 124 ,,.„.Tr-— - , , „ , „ . , , ^ , — -■ T "■"T~M ■ ,>^y"p -r -T -7T TTTTT T TT.mi THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 1247 lEMMMMMiiMMiMMlMMMI yjyiijjxij i jjJLm J J I II iJ F ij 1 1 J uxuiiiu J jxjjjl^ iasl -W--T F'lfF'T wYf TT #i!f i;n ¥Jii liii #jiF Tin j'jirrjn zjr vamBsvamnnnnaBBnnnm^^nB ,■ .,. ,,. ,„ ,,. .„ ,„,,,,,: .„ ,,..........,.,.,....,......,. .^. .,......., fl^ffrr/rr 1254 ♦-aJs 4. 267 .314- ^ nrrnr" ' •t""^'^ 1232 No. 1247 1251 1254 1257 12)2 Style Greek Louis XVI. Roman Ionic Roman Ionic Louis XVI. Prices Subject to Discount CORNICES Price $1 .80 per ft. 1 20 per (t. 40 per It. .40 per It. .50 per (t. INSTRUCTION ANU E X P L A N A T I O N ON PAGE 4 *^'*^ M .^h»l iir"rj*fc y ^ ' y ^ m • k f < 9^2- 1270 ; <:rf.rfrfirf;^!S^T7?S?!girgRg!!gg!!??"?*ggg?yg^^^ * 7^1- ^-r-r^-r^^^^^^^^ 5 1256 ^sm^assisis^s2^s^sss^^g^g^f^m ^^ ■iM- J \\\\\ u j jjxii i J i ijjijj J jjjj ij jj i i jjjjjjjjjj 26 3 ^ILMlLikJk^ikJMkJksik^iiLMiJA^i^ iiy »»r " >Tf ^w ^ir ^r «p«W«^l9i4^«»ffMf»4twt»|l94«#ilP1l^)aM|«>fi^tV|t9«IVil»4l91t»4t»it<»'«)»4tM>»4» 1267 ^ffljiyiiwrtMJ aiiMiy iiu ^ <^/f 'Manj; |trtll'» irtlfl.l'r \ft.\fi,l/ii\fi,l \(l ('-.|ff,l/J,lff.|(T,((f:h';:|'fjrJ l^l'T l'7l(7.|(J.|^ill7j/rir7,|(J||fi||(;il/».l^ll^||/f|ir?,|(f;l^il^.|/[llffll ,J5., 1208 ♦^'/2' .r,,jr^».r|».tfijfjf inmU lUUklUklUUilklUilliUUUUUUL ,aHr:'(7: ^^>.ci^^^ TA'^^'v^ \!l£i/^':^ ^-^ISt/^'^ '1 1201 CORNICES No. Style Price 1270 Colonial $0.85 per ft. 1256 Louis XV. 70 per ft. 1263 Roman .60 per ft. 1267 Greek .70 per ft. 1208 Greek 60 per ft. 1201 Greek .55 per ft. •Beam 1281. Page 123 matches Cornice 1270. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 xrfi 1 rrm i i i lyn i j ufvui' 1216 J J I IV ^ 1206 illMlilliiil ^- s'yi' — > csj r^ ^ ■-1 n m n n n n nn \i n u n m n n mimmm nn WMimHiVMiiM ,y A ^i ^ tm^ft^^^m ^ m ^ m^m ^ m^tn^i l***> •»- h<»*^4i^ii«fc^fc aiaaa^o 1249 'r. ir Jjiti!fflisr!irBBifflnflfflnffliit ii8fiiiiJi!?flii!Bflflflri!i!i!iiuiiiiiU MiMM | J JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJiJJJJ JJJJJ-U JJJJJJJJJJ-LUXUJJXJJ-- 12 5 8 «— sM- (O *i»4 CORNICES m^^i",^^ .mr !(•«•«•>»»>«•>» 1259 12'- 1260 ■9^- "/,'-■ -*»i ' l ! > ' A ! > ! l ! > ' l ' i!im ' l!» ! »y ! i r 1213 * 9/+- (O J- .^'^ 0^^ ;/^~ '■ 6 « tV > , w » .'». ■ « » »■*» w « » "" ii . » « i* w < n > . mm il f T K w , w '^ f i»' . ''^Tf , w i O '■■ irv • 1155 O) M- 'K. ~li. a. j'lairymo***.*: ' irf. 1156 ' '-f . I — 6- -. t in *-4'/8^ .^^A^'^ 1180 CORNICES No. Style Price 12S9 Louis XV!. $0.70 per ft. 12IS0 Colonial 80 per It. 1213 German Ren. 1 00 per ft. 1155 Louis XVI. 60 per ft. 1156 Louis XIV. .45 per ft. 1180 Roman 65 per ft. Beam No. 1180 matches Cornice No. 1225. Page 132. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 mmi0mm:ti(^mmmmmmmMm r#f*t%«rritw#ftii«ff>ii*rot|Vfr*i««r THE i:)ECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CORNICES AND ARCHITRAVES No. Widlh Drop style I'ricc 1162 1*H' 18' lAnic $1.50 per (t. 1160 9M' 10' Sullivanesquc 1 00 per ft. 1164 4»<- UH' Empire 80 per (t. 1261 3M' 4 li- Louis XVI. .40 per (t. 1163 2' ft' Ionic .40 per ft. 1105 2M' 12' Greek .60 per ft. 1183 1.4' «' Greek .40 per ft. 1167 IW IIM.' Greek .60 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE I DECORATORS ' SUPPLY i CO. i |i dImillmlilpIJiilJImira r !fm w^r''^ TT r r 'ri"f<"f«'f"f''f«' \^' **-.• f/»- ">.. v'' '»'.'• F "WPPP 5 7^ 7^ ^ y ^ No. Widlh Drop Style 1158 6%' 7>4- SO 1161 6" 6H- Colonial 1262 s».- 3>4- 1298 T '% 1157 iU" Greek 1182 19'.- 8H' 1 1159 6" 3H' Louis XV. 1184 6'4- 2'^- 1166 4- 8M- Louis XIV. 1186 12S- 5M' Louis XIV. 1185 11- 4" 1299 17' 61.,- Greek 1 Prices Subject to Discount CORNICES AND BEAMS Price 00 per ft. 50 per ft. 40 per ft. ,50 per ft. , 70 per ft. .20 per ft. 30 per ft. .45 per ft. 55 per ft. 75 per ft. .05 per ft. 00 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 Ill 'w yf\ )\[[ '111 )in ijiujiTf jw lijj w Ti'j m ^ LIU LUllliAULiUllllUli mMw u «u (u lu III lit ju 111 til iu lit au.tu III 3431 m^'^j 3438 j\mj\mji^/tm/^Ji^/^m/.^^^y^/m>f^/iS»/i<»>t< V VV \v. •. S, '- V*. t -. --^ ". 342( . j.j^ummjiMin mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ■/ 3436 CORNICES No. Style Price 3420 Roman Doric $0,80 per ft. 3431 Louis XVI. .50 per ft. 3438 American Indian .55 per ft. 3437 Chinese .70 per ft. 3426 Roman .50 per ft. 3436 Classic .50 per ft. Cornice No. 3431 matches Beam No. 3447. Page 149. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRDCTION AND EXPLA NATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CORNICES No. 3427 3424 3434 3430 3422 3425 Style Renaissance Adams SuUivancKque Modern French Modern Gothic Classic Price $0.90 per ft. .70 per ft. .70 per ft. .70 per ft. .50 per ft. .40 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CORNICES No. Style Price 3439 French Ren. $0 75 per ft. 3440 American Indian 3441 Louis XIV. .40 per ft. 3442 Colonial . SO per ft. 3443 Naturalislic 50 per ft. 3444 Italian Ren. .40 per ft. 3445 Louis XIV. .60 per ft. Prices S ubject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 3428 Wk^i i\ r*-*, M*^ N<^ vvN 3429 M 9-9^9 M-Nlil-9^9^9»9J9 9.9, 9 9 ^disr^^^w" .^Mw ' 344E f ' > . ■, ■ . . - . ^\ ■' A ^ , V s . A .' p* _. ^^^^ ^^^^ 1 ■^ _£: k'^ ^■LK. i'^si»:f^^K. <>Wt:l< ^ ^•>y^'^ .tv^^ij mgusk^mmi ■'«W!Rflf«Wr 3447 3K -»ii -_-**! - ^11 - ^11 . -an -~_jri ,,ju Jii ^^ ii'i|i'i]i'irriri'ipH'' J ;:i iiiooiJOTiiriiiooiiJiir V^l ao 14^ iH as JH M vl B 1 M II WWW JJJJJJJJJJJJJ l^ »(^ 4(^ %i^ '*i^H \i^H ki^^ t^pn «(/|( 4(^^ ./^^ »as^ » 34-03 CORNICES No. 3402 3405 3404 3403 Slyle Louis XVI. Greek Colonial Roman Price $2.00 per ft. 1 .40 per ft. 1 ,60 per ft. 2.00 per It. THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 1 Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 9 f''^'^M ''■>..y 1019 /' i< #' *■>- 1051 )»n mwm» ii iW i H iifni»"»'*Ti'»'«rw^'n"■* '•» ♦ ■» '■» ■•* ■•» ■'» ■•» "» " "» ■'• ■■'' ''li ''1^ '■''' '■''^ "» ■» • • ■» ^1^ ^ f i268 1282 I" ^ >i' • ;•' » »" # >" 9 >ii » »" » ;" • )" r ;" 9 )" • »" » ;i< » )" •;" • )" 1284 18^4*- 13 '^4- CNl ■4 f^ -2^ COVES, CORNICES. AND BEAMS Style 1019 Louis XVI. Cove 2' $1 -ftO per ft 1051 Louis XV. Cove IH' .90 per ft 1268 Greek Ionic Cornice . 90 per ft 1282 Roman Beam .50 per ft 1284 French Ren. Moulding . 60 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 . ,0 IJf ,. 1002 vr ; - -, M>tl«5IWI) W I» ll »l | » > l»ii>WM«Wi^ 1003 ,r"^»^:/ \ "t -14- \M- -5?^- 1198 -3)4- i ^<< 11^ i <(< Jl 4i^t^jt^^4,<.^^4,^^^^[^^„y, ^,^;^ Jzi 1199 tfi6irt4^i«<^^^ .1 ^ COVES AND CORNICES No. Stylo Relief Price •1002 Louis XV. Cove *4" SI 20 per lineal ft 1000 Louis XVI. Cove l|j' 1 20 per lineal ft •1001 Louis XVI. Cove IH' 3 00 each 1003 Louis XV. M" .50 per lineal ft 1108 Greek Cornice .... 50 per lineal ft nog Romanesque Cornice .... 36 per lineal ft •1001 Corner. ■1002A Extension of plain part without cartouche. 1009 Same as 1002. Sije 15" on cei ling 22' ..• on wall. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS | SUPPLY CO. _Ll>kl M HH 11 III ill lir i\l ,4li ■fl'li '•" "■ -"' i 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 LU ■j;. Jii ^;; jg^;.- ^:i -;;; ^.i .iu i:i ^u f 1266 TS^^O .12: bgKsssf JJWJUUX JUWrWA, 1204 qppww '!jiwsr^'^» NT>^yyv y^» y a * ^ yy '#»y .fWj>'ttWB^'^'-'»^.' -#-" ""/r^"^ 1008 .^ r- r.r" ,^ <»r' ,if^ ,J^ <^ ,>^ ^>^ i^ iW" 1008 A u ZlVt CORNICES AND COVES No. Style Relief 1266 Roman Cor. Cornice .... 1204 Greek Doric Cornice ... 1008 Louis XV. Cove 4' 1008A Louis XV. Cove 4' Prices Subject to Discount Price $1.80 per ft. 1 .40 per ft. 3.00 per ft. 3 00 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 -*^ "w«if4«ralilfWiil ^^j r^jiL^u ^M jjiijii _-^»» —-'J i iW^ r E ,I^W j -20- fV2 ) ! u ill jiuii ill ill Jii;ij^i5Jj^iIj4i O) mju ill ill 111 '11 I ill iiiiiiiiiiiiinjujajytU^JJiiiiiUJ, -^ ^/^. 1242 .rwi' r J ,f o c 'V 1073 ■6.^- CORNICES AND COVES Mo. Style 1242 Rnman Cor. Cornice .... 1073 Louis XIV. Cove 2* 1018 Italian Ren. Cove I" 1279 Art Nouveau Cornice I 'i' Cornice 124*; matches Beam 1182. Page 134, Prices Subject to Discount Price $2.00 per ft. 1 20 per ft. .55 per ft. .80 per f(. INSTRUCTION ANlJ KXPI. ANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Prices Subject to D 1 s c o u n t COVES AND FRIEZE No. StrJe Relief Price 1037 Louis XV. Cove 2- $1.40 per ft. 104S Louis XV. Cove ih- 1 40 per ft. 1074 Louis XVI. Cove %• .60 per ft. 2510 Italinn Ren. Frieze 2%- 1 00 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 1017 •li 1 .v''5^ ^ ' ™ li'j ' y^^:>$'^ ' *- t ■a^i- THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. tFor wood mouldings for coves with un- finished edges see pages 89 and 01 and explanation un page 4. 1036 T>^_ ■6^4- ^■■^ "/" 1067 1 .... >^ »...».>.♦ .til >ii.»ii^iju All ill >ii>i.ji..iiu^t^iii.t iuiu .til ill iui;i^UiUiu. ^ ^ *>'< *#)ip'1*i. m^i M: " ^iW^.^,»i 12 28 COVES AND CORNICES No. Style Relief Price tl017 Louis XV. Cove !■ il 40 i>er lineal ft. 1017A Corner of Cove * 2 50 each tl036 Louis XVI. Cove 1 ■" 1 00 |ier lineal It. 1036A Louis XVI. Cove 15- w dlh on ccilinn 1 GO per lineal ft. 19- d op pn wall. 110«7 Louis XVI. Cove 1" 60 per lineal ft. 1072 Greek Cove •\" .50 per lineal ft. 1228 Romanesque Cornice 2- 70 per lineal ft. •103G A cove same design as 1036 but larger size. Prices Subject to Discount [NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ri>riMvrrt^',:Viii«r''«*>V'»r>f*K<9B»>?f» ik i'Ur%i i'liKr iwf* ^Tffc ■i^^i* .flH^ 1030 :jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin No. 1030 1024 1047 1023 1053 Style French Ren. French Ren. Louis XIV. French Ren. French Ren. Price SI. 40 per ft. 1.40 peril. 1 .60 per (t. 1.80 per It. 2 . 20 per It. COVES Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE I DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. i:ii3 W- ■ir- »o ^5!^!^:^!^?!^:^^^:^^!!'!^!:!!^^''^:^^ No. Style 1029 Classic 1049 Italian Ren. 1050 Italian Ren. 1052 French Ren. 1034 French Ren. 1039 French Ren. Prices Su b ec t to O i s c o u n COVES Price $1 00 per ft. 1 40 per tt. 1 80 per ft. I 00 per ft. 1 00 per ft. I 20 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. --/>^^^ r''.:-^ '^^^^^f^^ ."■-^ ■■ -, •tv N^ FRIEZES No. Relief Sljrie Price No Relief Style 2650 2699 2669 2668 Art Nouveau Art Nouveau Empire Louis XV. $0 80 per ft. 80 per ft. 70 per ft. 1 20 per ft. 2648 2649 2670 25J9 Art Nouveau An Nouveau Louis XIV. German fiacksround Cheesed oth. Price $0,80 per ft. .75 per ft- .65 per ft. .70 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. 2505 2603 2601 260S 2558 1?;' FRIEZES &lyle Price No. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. $0 65 per ft. .75 per ft. .80 per ft. .90 per ft. .70 per ft. 2606 120 lOQ 2004 Backgr lund Cheesecio th. Prices Subject lo Discount Style Price Louis XVI. $0.70 per ft Louis XVI. .55 per ft Louis XVI. 1 .45 per ft Louis XVI. 70 per ft INSTRCCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FRIEZES No. ReUef Slyle 2629 ^• Empire 2S2« M' Louis XV 2647 >s' Louis XV 2031 «' Colonial 2627 %• Empire Price $0.&5 per ft. .70 per ft. .70 per It. .90 per ft. .36 per ft. No. 2630 2504 2626 116 2628 Background, Cheesecloth. Style Empire Empire Colonial Louis XVL Celtic Price $0.40 per ft. .50 per ft. .40 per ft. .40 per ft. .40 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 FRIEZES No. Relief Style 2642 ■ij" Empire 2641 ,'j' Empire 2640 H" Empire 2636 %• Italian Ren 2637 H" Empire 2643 H' Louis XV. 2644 ><• Louis XV. 2645 ?4' Louis XV. Price SO. 36 per ft. .36 per (t. .36 per ft. .50 per It. .50 per ft. .40 pet ft. .50 per It- .50 per ft. No. 2634 2635 2639 2688 2633 2646 2632 Background, Cheesecloth. >4' Style Colonial Colonial Empire Empire Empire Louis XV. Empire Price SO. 36 per ft. .40 per ft. .50 per ft .50 per ft .50 per ft .40 per ft. .70 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 FRIEZES No. RcUel Style 175 Ji' Italian Ren. 2S24 H' Empire 2S4« K' Empire 2S48 H' Empire 147 H' Empire PricesTSub ject to Discount Price SO. 45 per ft. .40 per ft. . 55 per ft. . 55 per ft. ■ 55 per ft. Background Cheesecloth No. 2549 2559 182 107 180 ReUef %' H- IM' 2- Style Colonial Empire Italian Ren. Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Price $0.50 per ft. . 55 per ft. . 45 per ft. .50 per ft. 1.00 per ft. INSTRDCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 2658 '■.x:i^,}^'j '^-f!LlT^ '■^JJ^li ■ 2653 ^r / i^ljf 'iJ — -^ '^ 2652 ' '' i. — !==^— ^4, > ;^^ 26 54 ifc^^^ui i^^ii •ry 2655 ^)^f / r -Ji-*?? X /• -■'/' ^J^^t 102 ^^^^ 2664 ^^^ FRIEZES No. ReUef Style Price No. Reliel style Price 2es« >»• Italian Ren. $0,40 per ft. 26S2 1,- Italian Ren. S0.40p«r ft. 2658 H' Italian Ren. .45 per ft. 2654 W Italian Ren. .40 per ft. 2665 ^4' Louis XIV. .50 per ft. 2655 »»• Italian Ren. 45 per ft 2653 *4' Italian Ren. .70 per ft. 102 w Italian Ren. .60 per ft 2659 H' Italian Ren. .50 per ft. 103 >«- Italian Ren. 50 per ft 2657 M' Italian Ren. ,40 per ft. Background, Cheesecloth. 2664 '* Italian Ren. 1 00 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE ! l DECORATORS [>; SUPPLY CO. I I ■4ii-j^'.Mt.* ■4^iiv:J■. T»* ^(,' ^^ h^' {t^^ '•^>.> "-/^^W^ t; ^, >^ ^ ^ k 4. St ^Si^-r^ ^'^ u'*^^^~i: • 1^ ^^ 1 ] list ToVix It 'A FRIEZES No. Background 2762 '■j" background 2763 Cheesecloth 276S Cheesecloth 2769 Cheesecloth 2767 Cheesecloth 1656 Cheesecloth Style Adams Art Nouveau Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Renaissance $0 40 per ft. 55 per ft. .40 per ft. 50 per ft. 55 per ft. 20 00 each No. 2777 2764 2778 2779 2766 Background Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Relief Style Modern Ren. Art Nouveau Italian Ren. Empire Louis XV'I. Price $0.45 per ft. .40 per ft. .45 per ft. .50 per ft. .55 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. : -/♦' .Jf^ .^ .y^' ./f^ ,7^ .7* ,> ,/< ./^ J' ^•- ./^ y< .>• .X.y?*'^ ./^' AAA. 7^- 1 '*. !••• FRIEZES No. Background Relief Width Style 2755 Open outline 1 ,- 6 ." . Greek 2693 Open outline 1- 7'^' Louis XV. 2694 Cheesecloth A' 10!.' Louis XV. 2685 Cheesecloth *4' n«i- Modern 2690 Cheesecloth H' 13' Japanese 2698 1' background 15'," Louis XVI ^jy Open outline 3- 9- Louis XV. Price $0 40 per ft. 50 per ft. .50 per fi. .50 per It. .55 per ft. .65 per ft. .80 per ft. No. 2687 2686 2512 26Q1 2547 2696 Background Cheescloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth 1" background ^h' background Relief H' >.-- Width 16'.' 13- 12 's- Style Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Art Nouveau Louis XVI. Romanesque Price SO 40 per ft, . 65 per ft 60 per ft 55 per ft .50 per ft .60 per ft Pric4s Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 FRIEZES No. Background Relief 2675 2072 2673 2671 2674 1' 2'4" Style Greek French Ren. German Ren. Italian Ren. Louis XV. Price $1 .00 per ft. 1 .00 per ft. .00 per fl. 2.20 per ft. 1.80 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 266 FRIEZES No. BaclcKround Relief Style Price 2678 1 ■' •<"»erttisn Ren. $1 20 per ft. 2670 Cheeseclolh 1,.' Art Nouveau 1 20 per ft. 2680 H- ^J- Louis XVI. 2 00 per ft. 26S4 H' Ui- Gothic 45 per ft. 2683 Roman Classic 50 per ft. 2682 A- Moorish 45 per ft. 2681 Cheesecloth 1" Louis XV. 1 20 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. Relief style 117 ij* Empire 140 H- Empire 142 H' Empire 165 H' Empire 171 H' Empire IQO %' Empire 191 H' Empire Price $0.60 per It. . 55 per ft. . 50 per ft. ■ 50 per f 1. .50 per ft. .50 per fl. .40 per fl. Prices Subject to Discount FRIEZES Background. Cheesecloth. Wo. 193 2S1» 2530 2523 2553 2562 W Style Empire Empire Empire Empire Empire Empire Price SO. 55 per ft. .40 per ft- .60 per ft. .45 per ft. .55 per ft. .60 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 ^\L X' %'^ v« K57 m ZS32 r^ ^44^^AMi>*> ^H^^'Am:^^-^ ^V^jA'K>^^-^ THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 2501 No. 2555 2557 25i2 2501 ^^i Relief Style ' Empire Empire Empire Empire Price $0.80 per ft. .80 pet ft. .70 per It. .70 per ft. Background, Cheesecloth. Prices Subject to Discount FRIEZES [NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ■.;■• .*> y 2 W?J1 kiw#< /^ /• 2S00 1'- -^-. ^-^^ KB t5V 2529 •^^i^. JL> ^j* ». , ^A ^. ':. > S I- Jr. 2SS4 IN kWcr . FRIEZES No. Background Reliei Style Price No. Background ReUef Style Price 2584 1,^' 1!.- Italian Ren. $0 70 per ft. 2S«4 Cheesecloth 1'.' Louis XVI. $0 90 per ft. ■^> Roman 05 per ft. 110 U*' Empu-e .GO per ft. 158 Cheesecloth German Ren. .40 per (t. 128 h' IH' Romanesque . 60 per ft. 2500 Cheesecloth IS' Italian Ren. .50 per ft. 160 1J«" Louis XIV. .80 per ft. 2529 '-■ 2' Louis XVI. .70 per ft. 100 u.* 1- Empire 1.20 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 2535 > 2667 2513 139 . -5- '/ r -^. /*- ^. ii)' ^t"Tj:j >>» THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 2666 No. Background Relief 2535 2513 2667 139 2666 I, Mi' IK' 1« • Slyle Gothic Empire Suliivanesque Louis XV. Empire Prices Subject to Discount FRIEZES Price SI. 20 uer ft. 1 .20 per (t. 1 .40 per ft. 1.20 per ft. 1.40 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 1.185 1386 1J78 1390 1388 Background 1- 1' Relief Style ^4* Empire ^1' Kmpire 1 >lt' Roman 3H" 2, '4* Prices Subject to Discoi Greek Roman FRIEZES Price Plaster $0.50 per ft. 70 per ft. 70 per ft. 1 00 per ft. 1 00 per ft. Exterior composition 20 ^, ex No. 1367 1375 1383 1374 1376 Background Relief H 1 1 Style Empire Empire Roman Empire Roman I*rice Plaster $0.50 per ft. . 70 per ft- l . 00 per ft. .70 per ft. .80 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Friezes in bold relief made also in exterior com- pusition especi- ally adapted for exterior. FRIEZES No. Background Relict style Price Plaster No. Background Relief Style Price Plaster 2614 2619 161 2620 1- l.S' Greek Spanish Italian Ren. SuUivane $0.50 per ft. .80 per ft. .80 per ft. 1.20 per ft. 2618 2528 2S31 IH' IH' SuUivane Italian Ren. Empire $0.60 per ft. .60 per ft. .80 per ft. Exterior composition 20 S extra. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 PANELS Mo. Background ReUei Style Price Plaster No. Background Relief Style Price Plaster 1663 H' !%• Italian Ren. $9.00 each 1657 H" i;*- German Ren. $5 00 each 1653 H' 2y,- Louis XV. 6 00 each 1659 »." I' Italian Ren. 4 00 each 1660 J«' ■yi- SuUivanesque 4 00 each 1662 >li' 2M- Italian Ren. 3 00 each 1658 'A' %• Sullivanesque 6 00 each 1661 'A' 2* Italian Ren. 12 00 each 1654 H" Vi- Empire 4 00 each Exterior composition 20'^; extra. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 28i»60' 1564 ■^' f2'24 1666 1667 IZxZA 1665 ^ -T y > ,.^>37^ J. / 43»68 No, Backgruund Relief 1664 Ji' 1665 X' 1666 J4' 1667 Ji' 6>i' 1'.' 3- Style . Renaissance Renaissance Renaissance Art Nouveau Prices Subject to Discount PANELS Price Plaster Price Exterior $50 00 each $60 00 each 5 00 each 8 00 each S 00 each 8.00 each 30.00 each 30 00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PACE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FIGURE FRIEZES AND PANELS Thickness No. Size Background Slyle Price *4400 12- I 18' J>- Renaissance $1.20 per ft *4404 12- X 18- ■ ?^* Renaissance 1 . 20 per ft 4401 16- X 48" H' Renaissance 4 00 per ft 1675 18- X 18- %' Classic 6.00 each 4402 20" I 60- 1" Classic 4.00 per ft 4403 24" X 60- 1'," Classic 4.00 per ft *Length taken from Center to Center of Cupids. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FIGURE PANELS No. Size Background Style Price 4425 II- i75'i' 1- French Ren. $3 00 per ft. 4427 11- I 75 S- 1- French Ren. 3 00 per ft. 4424 11- x72- 1- French Ren. 3 00 per ft. 4428 11- X 37',- 1- French Ren. 3.00 per ft. 3706 10- X lo;,- %' Italian Ren. 4 00 each 3707 10- I 10-1- w Italian Ren. 4 00 each 3705 «^.-ll7W >,- Character Heads 4 00 each 3704 7M- z 19- ?»' Panel Modern Ren. 4 00 each 3703 Id- X 28- %• Filiures Classic 8,00 i-uth 3702 25',- X 47',- 1 ',- Classic 14.00 each Prices Subject to Discount [NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE CCCORATORS SUPPLY CO. IIS 134 143 ^> ^Ty/ssT- , •<|v-.,- -;,,jr ,v FRIEZES No. Background 113 Cheesecloth 115 Cheesecloth 134 Cheesecloth 143 Cheesecloth 154 Cheesecloth 164 ■".' Style Empire Louis XV. Empire Empire Louis XV. German Ren. Price $0 70 per ft. 45 per ft. 45 per ft. -65 per ft. 45 per ft. .60 per ft. No. 2506 252S 2543 2545 2561 2565 Background Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth H' I' Style Italian Ren. Louis XV. Italian Ren. Empire Louis XVI. Louis XIV. Price $0 45 per ft .50 per ft 65 per ft ,65 per ft 45 per ft 70 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FRIEZES No. Background Relief Slyle 144 i^» 1'." Louis XIV. 2520 s," 1'.- German Ren. 2509 l^- IH" Italian Ren. 148 Cheesccloth ''^' Empire 109 Cheesecloth Empire Prices Subject to Discount Price $0 80 per ft .70 per (t. .65 per ft. .75 per ft 65 per ft INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGK 4 an ^^r^^g^^ 2^ : v > r^ ^_ ^*-'»c/ :>^_'-i "TP Ttr MWMi ■M>^ ■ rapOi I M «ii*M; >■>>. ^yJi.K^A ;.^Qi^ R'lT Trf 'I > 4^'. ■-^ey^ll-^i-j^-^:^ tr^"^ r- c ^>^~>r 'y' ^,, W*-**^/ -v->^ ,^» ll.i,^ .i," _» _^» ^ ji igi dii isi jsi jji jg j5 ^ I ' (»•■•■■* ■/^==:^^^?==:<^«J^:====^^^!^:==^ I j ; llTi^fff^lfrn^ ^-j^ ^j-_ ^-j;^' ii^r^r' - ii r I- . , r n rr I I I "H n w ^ '►^ :in'Liriirh'"'^'^i5^"' , ^ «- . ^ ^;u'!- - — ___».< r - - FRIEZES No. Background Relief Style 4439 '4' >h" Classic 44«3 1^" 1 .' Modern Ren 4444 >J- Modern Ren 4454 H' Adems 4455 H' Classic 4456 H' Modern Ren 4457 H' *<• Modern Ren 44«0 H" H' Old Italian 4458 1' Old Italian 4451 K- «• Classic 4459 H' M" Greek Price $0 26 per (t. 36 per ft. 32 per ft. 32 per ft. 32 per ft. 36 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. -40 per ft. No. 4446 4450 4440 4452 4443A 4443 4453 4462 4461 4442 Background elief Style ** Elizabethan ^i' Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Price SO 44 per ft. ,28 per ft- 30 per ft. ,32 per ft. 36 per ft. 36 per ft. 40 per ft- 40 per ft. 60 per ft. . 70 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 it K^^jif^^^t 44SS HV^J^M^j^A^'^.Mll^MM'^!^^^ " 4471 Ai Al cSTAl AJ Al AJ AJ AIc^A 4479 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ?^ ^^^,^' 4480 TX "\."^ i ^ I i i i i i i_ 4481 ^.'\ J|*'w //A\ %jrV Aw *»'' 1*^ 4483 4484 |)i . 447S fr,ii|iii|.ii|.ii|.ii|.'i|.ii|.>i|.'i|.'ih'ii''i. ]--[j^L'j|[g!li!i[LJIi2ligll''^<|L^l^^^^ 4473 4485 4472 Mlllllllimil^^ rmi'M'i'i'inni'i 4489 FRIEZES. MOULDINGS. SOFFITS FOR BEAMS. ETC. No. Widlh Thickness style Pr ce Plaster 440S 11- :,- Gothic $0 55 per (I. 4478 4 .- 1" Italian Ren. 32 per ft. 4470 i-r 1'4' American Indian 20 per It. 4480 2'i- S' American Indian 30 per ft. 4481 5- %• American Indian 40 per ft. 4482 «• H' Classic 45 per tt. 448J 8ij- IW Elizabethan 45 per ft. 4484 9- H' Greek 45 per ft. 4485 16- 1 '.■ Greek ,70 per ft. No. Width Thickness 3423 IS' IM' 44«4 6- J»' 4625 3M' IM' 4476 3h' H' 4475 4>r «• 4474 4' H" 4473 4" M' 4472 10' 1- 448<> 18- I'." Style Gothic French Ren. Baronial Renaissance Laurel EnKlish Ren. Greek Greek American Indian Art Nouveau !*rice Plaster $0 65 per ft. .40 per ft. .30 per ft. .30 per ft. .35 per ft. -30 per ft. 30 per ft. .45 per ft. .70 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON I>AGE 4 ^ r^. vf-rff ' ^^.j^,m <^<»>:<:$<»>^<^>^/ **• H' H' \H' \H' Style Classic French Ren. Empire Greek Italian Ren. Moorish Art Nouveau Art Nouveau Price $0 SO per ft. .36 per ft. ,44 per ft. SO per ft. .50 per ft. .44 per ft. 05 per ft. 1 00 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 FRIEZES No. Relief St;le Price No. Relief Style Price lOS l>4' Empire $0 65 per ft. 2542 W" Empire 44 per ft 124 IH' Italian Ren. .65 per ft. 2544 H' Italian Ren. 48 per ft 145 «' Romanesque 50 per ft. 2566 H' Empire 80 per ft 150 H' Empire 44 per ft. 2582 I' Empire .55 perlft 2518 H' Empire 60 per ft. 2613 M' Romanesque .55 per ft 2521 ■>." Empire .60 per ft. Background, Cheesecloth. 2616 H' Empire .60 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 2554 r r ^ i^ , ■ ^ lO ;- ^•> .-^ ^ .^*> - >^ ^ > IT .1- 2531 2602 i- J y/ j'^'/ JL/'j - 'a'J-I '^' t-l'-.'JA-J.^- *'/:jU'./ >J^>:^>_/ 1Z2 2522 J I' ••• '<■ B^ '/• a^ 2534 114 256 126 «r. y^ lAzr :j^ ir7 2/^ ^ :r7 Zrr ^J- :y^ 1^7 J^ \ ^^ t j^ 2580 I ^" :i^. ^^ 'f^lS^ J ■^. ?3 2563 « 123 2574 iL 2624 ,^ 2625 2590 ^ i -XL^^ ^^>^. -^ r^-. A,>-/. 2^_^_^ J>i^^^_^ 2623 I 2583 "" 1 ^'4,:^^ j.. ^:^ i^X-i^^j^ iT 2622 n ' II h h II II II li It 2600 2621 No. Relief Style 2554 A' Greek 2602 A' Celtic 2522 A' Moorish 2534 A' Empire 2560 H' Gothic 2580 A' German Ren 2563 ;.' Italian Ren. 2574 H- Empire 2593 '4* German Ren 2583 A' German Ren 2600 H' Celtic Prices Subject to Discount Price SO 30 per ft. 32 per (t. 32 per ft. .36 per ft. 36 per ft. .36 per ft. 36 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. .50 per ft. FRIEZES No. 2537 122 114 126 123 2e24 2625 2623 2622 2621 Relief 1.* A- Style Empire Empire Empire Empire Empire Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Empire Price $0 .36 per ft 36 per ft .40 per ft .36 per ft, .40 per ft .36 per ft .36 per ft .40 per ft .40 per ft .44 per ft 2621 ,'4' Empire .44 per ft. Backfcround. Cheesecloth. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 187 l-f 178 ;i>.^K 'vij^ J«-'::>^ Ilk/ ^'irf -r f 135 152 C- i-,Cc^ Jlcz l»C^i. i£yci 181 .•^'■^'? .:'',i'^':- j'^^'? ?''^4'< ?i'»^^'/''i:'£4''t';^^'? •'''^ 1 *? ■^/^ ^ '•• '^r ''-'. ^<<--'^ "^v-^/^ '^•'^v<^> '=>'^'^ 179 fe9 t t S ^ "''■ #^'; "''• Iv '"''- 1%' '"''- '^'v '"^- ■^^• ''.'^ 183 ^ V. -' • • r. I 127 I f f ^ ^ I r36 186 FRIEZES No. Relief style 178 W Empire 135 W Empire 179 A" Empire 129 A- Empire 127 Empire 185 s- Empire 136 w Empire 184 H- Empire 172 H' Empire 101 H' Empire Price $0 32 per ft. .32 per ft. .32 per ft. .36 per ft. .36 per ft. 36 per ft. 40 per ft. 44 per ft. .44 per ft. 50 per ft. Background, Cheesecloth. No. 152 181 169 183 168 149 186 189 137 159 Relief W M' A- Style Empire Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Greek Empire Empire $0 Price 32 per ft. .32 per ft. -36 per ft. .36 pet ft. .40 per ft. , 32 per ft. 44 per ft. 44 per ft. 48 per ft. 48 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount 188 INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 ■f ■'. y 2551 -<:: .- -'"J y: 2591 ^ ; '*- 2577 '^^^li^^ 2571 O ^^ V>if %^ %'•» y0 \i l^ 'i/i^~ '/'"^^ 177 257 5 ?-v r?; ?"jj i^ ?'/; ^ sl'^ ^"'^'^;, fw!| ^'^'^ ^: ^-T^, 2573 &h^^2.^^^^\ |,p .^ I* .,|. IJ '- \. -^^^^ M2 25 72 2576 ^ .t 2567 I 1»- THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 25 7 9 2586 FRIEZES No. Background Relief Stylo 2551 Cheesecloth Louis XVI 2577 Cheesecloth Eiqpire 2571 Cheesecloth Greek 2575 1^- 1«' Greek 2569 Cheesecloth %• Empire 174 Cheesecloth w Greek 2572 Cheesechith w Greek 2576 Cheesecloth '.^• Greek 2567 1 , " 1- Greek Price $0 32 per ft. 36 per ft. .36 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. .40 per ft. .44 per ft. .48 per ft. .50 per ft. No 2579 2591 2581 177 2573 112 2515 2578 2586 BackRround Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Relief 1 \' %• w I' Stylo Greek Empire Greek Greek Greek Empire Greek Greek Empire Price $0 54 per fl 32 per f 36 per f 44 per f 40 per f 44 per f 48 per f 48 per f 00 per f Prices Subject lo Discount NSTRUCTION ANIJ EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 121 ^ 166 ' y -^ ^ '^ Asi. - / >•' • '-**.•:-. .■<" 2663 ..-«# ^r-'-'..f ■'. ' ' I / IMiiiir'""""""""M""""'"niiT""""Tf|ii"': r* ,T. v'^ -iT^f '^^j i» 'fT^^''^ 2533 2502 i ^ ■•<4>Jiiri»»i>;>^, f ,., i . i . ^ ^,.^v>^ f--«''4>iA*fe»>i»ii>vif»ji»:i^^ ST •-- rV .;?^ 2660 i>-'«'-V'-ii-'i^ii*i* ♦->- » »- T'-.-t-'W ♦•>»■»- "♦-"i**. 2592 A 'J /^J Kv -^ ^ '. rp-M2J rrziJS -J -v\ . 15 5 FRIEZES No. Background Relief Style h- ' i" Celtic 166 Cheesecloth ■,' Louis XV. 2663 Cheesecloth ' I " Louis XV. 2662 Cheesecloth ■ ,- 2661 Cheesecloth A^" Louis XVI. 2651 Cheesecloth w Elizabethan Cheesecloth H' Louis XVL Prices Subject to Discount Price SO . 20 per ft. .32 per ft. .46 per ft. -44 per ft. .40 per ft. .44 per ft. .60 per ft. Nu. 2660 187 2677 2676 2533 2592 155 Background Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Relief i-j' H' 1' IH' H' H' 1 Style Empire Roman Tudor Gothic Tudor Gothic Elizabethan Empire Greek Price $0 65 per ft. 44 per ft. 1 00 per ft. 70 per ft. 44 per ft, 60 per ft. 1 00 per ft. » 1" tireek 1 00 per ft. NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 .' ■^.*' ■}.i .i' " T ^ 2538 2590 • ^ • tT '.'-' '^^z--' :^/-' :^*^--' '.^*^''-^I§' J /• y / y /V'C. >;-Cf /;-c^ v;-c/ ~io ■*~ A '*' A '*~ M -^ A 2611 / <''>-*'' yJ/j.^\ y^ry"^ ^ ' ^-- ^f ;--' / r^ r^(f^( f\:t f^f r^t 138 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FRIEZES No. Background Rcliel Sljle 2538 Cheesec oth Louis XV. 156 > , ' gmpire 2570 ,', ' 1'." l.ouis XV. 130 Cheesec oth ^■%' Renaissance 140 ",• Romanesque 2611 ?.• Ji" Sullivanesquc 2610 H' H- Sullivanesque 2608 M' «- Sullivanesquc 2590 A- Greek Price Plaster SO 32 per (I. .32 per ft. .40 per ft. .44 per ft. 48 per ft. 44 per ft. 65 per ft. 70 per ft. 30 per ft. No. 2514 2612 2705 2701 2568 2609 2607 138 Background Cheesecloth ,14' H H A Style Egyptian Louis XVI Greek Greek Greek Celtic Gothic Moorish Price Plaster $0 44 per ft. .32 per ft .40 per ft .40 per ft 44 per ft .44 per ft . 44 per ft .70 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 2SB9 2S52 Mb "^^^S^JtH -^'-Sx?» '^^'^oSIb .-l^qio ■ r-.-T>T-;.fi.\*».fr.rT-f.;.i.i-i-. *■..■■ r. !•;■<■. ■.•.■;.i.>^»f.-.-T...t.r.-.-i«i-v:>:.- L 7 -::<7 -:-^7 ^i<7 "^S 7 -:;<^7 ^^^.7 --<7 2S87 I ■Vt-mmfji&M-mYme^'^^Mmnim '^ '.m-K^ys&^KJi^ssH*.- -4 |)^)f W)?4)^')^)^')-/W)^'V4 Ti.^ ri^ ?»w ?»„ ?i_ 7*- 7\- ?\^ ?*w 7\^ 7\- \ 2SS4 X r4a>w4*i-/iJw*i:4ifU*i ^aiQi -'4^0i: -UiC^^^^ S^^klk ^\*/ s^'J^klV ■»*# ^J^i -■' FRIEZES No. Background Relief Style 2589 ', ' k ' 2587 ft' 1?." 2594 w •1.' 2595 H' J>' Moorish 2540 H' H' 153 H' Moorish 141 1 , " 1* Moorish 2510 ' ." H' 2552 Ch eesecloth Moorish Price SO 36 per ft. 40 per ft. 44 per ft. 48 per ft. 48 per ft. 48 per ft. 60 per ft. 70 per ft. .26 per ft. No. 108 2599 106 176 2598 2550 2597 2596 Background Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Cheesecloth '*" Cheesecloth Cheesecloth Relief H' H' H' Style Moorish Moorish Japanese Moorish Arabian East Indian Moorish East Indian Price $0 32 per ft. 36 per ft. 40 per ft. 40 per ft. 44 per ft. 44 per ft. . 48 per ft. 62 per ft- Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE r r r 119 2556 iH ^^'' x^'' x^' ' .^^'^ j^'''' >»'"''" .^^'■/' ^ r r 'r ^n^rV V^ ? ^C/ ^^T/ ^:^/ ^/ ^f / y/^^T/ > -^ >-!>/'> /-i/M/-^/-^/ 7 ~ 2588 ^ ^^^ ^^/ ^ >: ^- 1- r ! r > r ^ r t r I |^i ft ^ i ^ 2617 ^.^r^rr/^r-rrc]^^ 25 8 5 r r I 1 192 r r r J J J r J r r 188 19 7 » -*_ >- -_/-^ ■^_ -v. ->» - ^ > ' - ' - '- ^ >^- ^''^' ^/^^>^' ^> ''i^-/r. ;^ wvA^^^y ' "^y^ y^ ■" fJJ^'f'J''"y!^>f \^\ No. Backf;roun 1'!' 1'.' Louis XVI. 10 each 4037 29 'i' 13' Hi- Louis XV. 4 00 each 4040 29 '-j' 13' ?*• Louis XV. 4 00 each 4041 24- 6' w Louis XV. 2 00 each 4042 24' 12' ?i' Louis XV. 3 00 each 17' V Louis XV. 1 20 each 4044 16 »-y' 8" M* Louis XV. 2 00 each 12- 5' •j' Louis XV. .80 each 4046 12- 5' Louis XV. .80 each Prices Subject to Discount No. Width Relief Style Price 1590 ,- ,'.- Louis XVI. $0 04 per ft !.S03 ,' X 3<;- 314" X 2'i" *',' X *<;■ 4' ,- X 6-".,- Widlh Across Mitre *H' 2H' IH" Style Price Plaster No. Width Relief Style Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XVI. Louis XV. Louis XIV. Louis XV. $0 40 each . 16 each .24 each .20 each .30 each 40 each 1562 1530 1567 1544 1565 1564 1563 All of ahovc ornaments, where to be applied on canvas or wood, can be furnished in compo at plaster prices. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XIV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Price SO. 16 per f 12 per f .12 per f .04 per f 12 per f 04 per f ,04 per f Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Compo. shipped in flexible state must be applied within 5 days; applied with glue and nailed on walls which must be first canvased. Compo. furnished on 3-ply veneer background sawed out. wood less than ', inch thick, is shipped nailed to boards and should not be removed until ready to apply on walls. These can be painted or gilded before nailing to the walls, use thin wire nails. Compo. so pre- pared is most suitable for walls hung with silk or lapeslry but can b«^ used on any unpre- pared wall. I Wherever you have a number of I odd sized Panels to treat, give us the sizes and we will make working drawings for same showing how t>i apply our orna- ments after y<'U have selected the designs. WALL PANELS MOULDINGS Width Heiehl Relief Style Price Plaster 28'->' 23'.* ' .' Louis XV. S6 00 each 30- 16 'j' >»• Louis XV. S 00 each 18' 20'..' IM' Louis XV. 3 50 each V IK- Louis XV. I 20 each 30* 21' «' Louis XV. 6.00 each 8' %• Louis XV. 2 50 each 54' %' Louis XV. 8 00 each 5- 4- M' Louis XV. 36 each No. 4027 4026 4024 4025 4028 4029 4030 4031 Prices Subject to Discount No. 1547 1592 1573 1564 1530 Width H' A" H.' H' A" H' Style Lou;s XV. Louis XVI. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Price $0 12 per ft. .04 per ft 08 per ft. 04 per ft. . 12 per ft. All of above ornaments, where to be applied on canvas or wood, can be furnished in compo at plaster prices, except 4024 and 4025. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. 10 9 59 84 Size 13", • X 13'. 14- I 14- 12- I 12- 7 1/ I 7 ij- 3',- i3 '.- Width Across Mitre Relief 10- 7- 2'j' Prices Subject to Discount Style Louis XV. Louis XVI. Louis XV. Louis XVI. Louis XIV. WALL PANELS price $1 20 each I 20 each 1 20 each 50 each 24 each No. 1S41 1539 1538 1573 1537 Style Plaster Plaster Wooil Wood Size 2" 1 w IH' IH' Relief 1 1 Price SO. 20 per f. 18 per f! .10 per f 08 per f 04 per f 1 INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All these orna- ments furnished tn plaster. WALL PANELS No. Width Heisht Relief Style Price No. Width Height Relief Style Price 4022 40- 14- J.- Louis XVI. $6 00 each 3136 2^- S'-..- '•J Empire $0 32 each 4021 37' •• 12- ;^- Louis XVI. 6.00 each 630 9^- 7.S- hi Empire 80 each 553 13 l-j- OW *4' Louis XVI. 1 20 each SS 2h' 4- W Empire 32 each 628 13- 12 H' %■ Louis XVI. 1 60 each 268 1 .4- H" Louis XVI. 16 per ft. 1354 6'j- 7M' y,- Art Nouveau 50 each 237 Uk- *).' trench Ren 16 per ft. 638 11 '..' 6' H' Art Nouveau 80 each 230 1 1.' W Empire 14 per ft. 1360 10- 4- H' Art Nouveau .30 each 276 >-j- 1566 =!- a; Empire Louis XVI. 12 per ft. 04 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount IN STRUCT ON AND EX PLAN ATION ON P AGE 4 iddDy WALL PANELS No. Width IleJKht Relief Style Price Plaster 17 19 15 20 1574 1573 24- 19 'a- 20- 20; I'r 14- 13- 31- 8" Louis XIV. Louis XIV. Louis XIV Louis XIV. Louis XIV. Louis XV. S4 00 each i (10 each 4 00 each 1 00 each .05 per ft. .04 per ft. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All these orna- ments furnished in plaster on thin cheesecloth back- ground. WALL PANELS C O R N E R S W O O D M O U L D I N G S No. 2 3 5 Size 13' X T T,' X TH' 9'," X 9H' Width Across Mitre 7' 8>2- Relief V,- Style Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XVI. Price in Plaster $0 90 each .eO each .90 each No. 1571 1572 1573 Width ft" H- IH' Relief ft- S' Price $0 04 per ft. .05 per ft. .04 per ft. 6 10' X 10' 8;.' 13>" Louis XVI. .90 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CoRipo. shipped in flexible state must be applied within 5 days; applied with glue and nailed o n walls which must be first ranvased. Compo. furnished on 3-ply veneer background sawed out, wood less than - ^ inch thick, is shipped nailed to boards and should not be removed until ready to apply on walls. These can be painted or gilded before nailing to the walls, use thin wire nails. Compo, so pre- pared is most suitable for walls hung with silk or tapestry but can be used on any unpre- Iiared wall. Wherever you have a number of odd-sized Panels to treat, give us the sizes and we will make working drawings for same showing how to apply our oma- ments after you have selected the designs. WALL PANELS Compo. MOULDINGS No. Size Across Helief Style Prices on 3-ply Mitre Plaster Compo. Veneer No. Width Relief 4000 62- X 17 W I '4" Louis XV. tlO 00 $10 00 $15 00 1571 A- 4001 62- X 101,- H- Louis XV. 6 00 6 00 00 1500 A- 4002 53- X 57' M' Louis XV. 18 00 18 00 27 00 1502 1',- ?»• 4003 8',- V 8'.- 4" »i' Louis XIV. 50 50 .75 4004 5- \ 5- 3- M- Louis XV. 25 25 35 Prices Subject to D i sc o u n t INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION C Price $0 04 per ft. .04 per (t. .16 per ft. PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All these orna- ments furnished in plaster. WALL PANELS No. Size Width Across Relief Style Price No. Width Relief Style Price 4019 4020 58 12 33 25- X 25- 14- X 19ij' 8la'xl0- 7i,' x9>r 2%' wide 18- 13- 7- 5- 1-.- i" Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. S3 00 each 2 40 each 90 each .80 each .50 per ft. 4133 1537 1544 1 ',• .>."• Louis XIV. Louis XV. Louis XV. $0 14 per ft 04 per ft .04 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Ornament 60. in- cluding c i r c u l»r part of moulding. all furnished with cheesecloth back- ground. Center and bottom, ornament No. 402i all furnished with 't inch back- ground. All furnished in plaster. 4018. top of wall panel. 60. bottom of wall panel. 3827. pilaster cai> and top ornament. 4023, center and bottom. No. 4018 00 3827 4023 96 Wiilth 37- 19' 17' 17' HeiKht 40' 12- 30',' 50',' Relief 2 ■," 2'4- 5" 1" 1 '*' Style Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. WALL PANLL AND PILASTER Width Price S14.00 each 3 00 each 10 00 each 8 00 each 32 each No. 1S69 1537 1569 1537 1544 Relief I' Curved Curved A' Style Louis XV. Louis XV. Louis XV. Price $0.08 per ft .04 per ft .40 per ft .30 per ft .04 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. WALL PANEL CORNERS No. Widlh Heighl Relief 4912 10';- 10'.- 1 'r 4912A lOS" 10 ■ .." 1 ',' 491 2B 15- u- 1 J- 4913 24- 24- 2- 4914 24- 24- 1 '.■■ 4915 28- 20- 1 ,; 4916 IS- 15- 4917 22- 22- ' i- 4918 21',- 21 1,- 1 '.- 4919 28- 28- 2- 4920 18- 18- 2- 2470 21',- 22- 2',- 2471 19- 23- 2',- Style Price Louis XV. 53 50 each Louis XV. 3 50 each Louis XV. 1 75 each Louis XVI 2 40 each Louis XVI. 2 00 each Louis XVI. 4 50 each Louis XVI. 2 00 each Roman 1 50 each Louis XVI. 3 00 each Louis XV. 5 00 each Louis XVI. 2 50 each Figure Spandril 4 00 each Figure Spandril 4 00 each Ho. 4291 4207 4264 1539 4234 4175 4292 4276 MOULDINGS Width 5' 4" 3- IW 3- 3- 3" 4' ReUef 1' 2" IM" H" I' !• 2' Style Louis XV. Louis XVI. Classic Louis XVI. Roman Louis XVI. Louis XV. Art Nouveau Price SO 36 per fl 36 per ft 30 per f 18 per f .28 per f 30 per f 28 per t 36 per fi Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. WALL PANEL CORNERS MOULDINGS Sl7C ' " X ' _■ " 10- X 10- 10- X 10- 8" X 8- G- X f S',- X 5ij" 7- I 7- 4- X 10-xl0-x4" 18- X 18" 12- X 12' 14- X 14- 12- I 12- 4- diameter 6 ' i" diameter 9 '4' diameter 13' diameter Prices Subject to Discount No. Relief 4904 1'," 4905 1- 490« I'l' 4907 1- 4908 1).' 4909 Ih- 4910 lU- 4911 r 4900 4' 4901 IH- 4902 lu- 4903 iH- SOS Ik' 4517 !• 866 2" 4323 3 '5- Louis XVI. Knman Louis XVI. Roman Louis XVI. Louis XIV. Louis XVI. Roman Renaissance Classic Greek Classic Roman Classic Roman Roman Price %\ 00 each 80 each 80 each 80 each .60 each .60 each 70 each 1 40 each 3 00 each 1 60 each 2 00 each 2 00 each 30 each .60 each 1 25 each 3.00 each No. 1501 1511 4224 4234 4287 4228 4224A 4234 1510A 1568 4235 1536 Width y 3" 3' 211," 3- 3- 6- '% T Relief Style 1 ' .' Louis XVI. i' Roman 1.14' Louis XVI. 1' Roman 1.^4' Louis XVI. i4' Louis XIV. I'^i' Louis XVI. !• Roman 4' Renaissance IH' Classic 2«' Greek 3K' Roman Price $0 36 per fi 20 per f 28per fi 28 pec (I 28 per f 24 per ( .28 per f 28 per f .56 per i .40 per t\ .40 per fi .50 per I INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 471. lop of wall panel; 1300. fes- toon; 317. flower basket; 473. bot- tom ornament 233. band onm- ment. All above cheesecloth bark. 2949, complete pilaster, furnished li inch thick; 2948. complete pilaster panel cheesecloth back- ground. WALL PANELS AND PILASTER PANELS 471 33' 11- h' Italian Ren. $6 00 each 1360 7" 12- ];• Italian Ren. 317 7- 8- >i' Italian Ren. 1 00 each 473 33- 15* Italian Ren. ft 00 each 233 i'i' Italian Ren. 40 per f 2949 Ti' 89' ,- Italian Ren. 8 00 each 2948 21' 90' •'' Italian Ren. 16 00 each Prices Sub ect to D SCO u n t INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 PILASTER PANEL ORNAMENTS No. Width Relief Style Price 2040 32'.- I h' Kinpirc $6 00 each 2947 32',- Empire 3 00 per lineal ft 2«4S 211,' 2H' Italian Ren. 2 00 per lineal ft 2944 ll'i' !«" Italian Ren. 8,00 each Pric es S ubi ect to Discount I N S T R U C T I O N AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 2941 and 2940 one complete panel l4'-3" long, cast with a ^4 inch background. 2 9 4 3 furnished with cheesecloth background, and is a continuous orna- ment. 2 9 4 2 furnished with cheesecloth background, and is a contin\ious orna- ment. PILASTER PANEL ORNAMENTS No. Width Relief Style Price 2Q41 25- 2- Italian Ren. $2 . 50 per Uneal ft 2940 25- 2- Italian Ren. 2.50 per lineal ft 2943 Il- 1- Italian Ren. .60 per ft. 2942 ls'.,- 1- Renaissance .80 per ft. Prices S ub j ec t t Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 2901 is one com- plete pilaster, cast in 3 sections. PANELS AND PILASTERS No. 1670 1677 2003 2«01 2902 Thickness l.'a" *• 3- Column Style , Italian Ren. Italinn Ren. Louis XIV. Italian Ren. Mudern Price $24 00 each 40 00 each 32 00 eoch 2 40 per lineal ft. 40 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. PILASTERS No. 2904 2905 2906 2907 Style Art Nouveau Italian Art Nouveau Renaissance Price Sati.OO each 12 00 each 36-00 each 24 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. PILASTER No. Style Price 2908 Renaissance S54 00 each 2911 French 10 00 each 2915 Italian Ren. 24 00 each 2909 Modern French 24 00 each 2912 Modern French 16 00 each 2910 Francis I. 12 00 each 2913 Italian Ren. 8 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. Background Relief 3901 4' 4' 3901A 4" 4- 3902 -I4' ijg- 1608 *4' I.1.J' 1668A ^i' m- 3903 *,' li.j- Prices Subject to Discount Style Italian Ren. Classic Francis I. Adams Adams Francis I. PANELS Price $20.00 each 20 00 each 12,00 each 16 00 each 16 00 each 16 00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 r^'-- *^ ^ '303 •'^^ 13?',. /H.r /Jt^-xS L^ THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. W R E A TH S No. Relief Style U03 H" Empire 1304 S- Louis X.\l. 1305 A' Colonial 1306 M- Emiiire 1307 H' Italian Km 1308 H" Italian Ren 1309 Empire 1314 Empire 131S W Empire 1317 '4' Empire 1321 Empire 1323 U' Empire Price Plaster $1 60 each 1 00 foch 2 00 rach 1 00 i-nch I 00 each 1 20 each 80 each 2 40 each 1 00 each 3 00 each I 00 each 1 40 each No. 1324 1320 1327 1328 1334 1330 1330 1342 1350 1351 1358 1350 1* I' \' %' r Style Kmpirf Empire Empire Italian Ron. Empire Louis XVI. Empire Empire Empire Louis XVI. Empire Colonial Price Plaster $1 00 each SO each 2 00 each 2 60 each 4 00 each 1 60 each 2 60 each 1 00 each 1 60 each 2 00 each 00 each 2 40 each >rices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All wreaths furnished with backKTound. Wreaihs carried in several sizes are marked with same number as uriginal design with letters attached, as 134QA 1349 B. etc. No. Relief Width Height 1312 *4- 21- 19'.- 1319 1 .V." 28- 30- 1319A 1" 22- 23- 1322 H" 20- 25- 1325 1«' 11- 81^- 1333 m* 13 '4- is- 1338 les' 15- 20- 1340 2- 14- 14- Prices Subject to Discount WREATHS Style Renaissance Roman Roman Empire Classic Empire Renaissance Classic Price Plaster i3 00 each 7 00 each 5 00 each 4 00 each 1 50 each 2 20 each 4.00 each 2 40 each No. 1341 1344 1349 1349A I349B 1352 1353 Relief Width Height Style Price Plaster 3f,- 25'.,- Empire $6 00 each 1 Renaissance 4 00 each 1 '.'■ 1 '■- 40- 20- 29' - 13'.,- 27- 13'.- Empire Empire Empire 4 00 each 7 00 each 2 40 each IT 13- 13'i- Empire Empire 3 00 each 1 60 each Exterior composition 20*, INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. •Wreaths 13 11. 133 1.1335 and 1356 made in several sizes designated by letters A. B. C. WREATHS N(i. Relief 1301 2" 1302 '4* •1311 2' 131IA 1311B 1318 1320 1329 1330 •1331 1331A 1331B 133 IC 1332 i',- J'l Exterior composition 20', Prices Subject to Di Width 48- 13- 17'j" 12- 21- 33- 19 '■■>• 2V 14'," 12" 0" 17" HciKht Style 38- Empire 12'." Empire 21 V.' Empire 10' Empire 27' Empire 4'." • Empire 52" Empire 24" Louis XVI. 19- Renaissance 14- Empire 12" Empire 9' Empire 17'a" Empire 33 'i- Classic Price Plaster $12 00 each 1 00 each 3 SO each 2 40 each 6.00 each 40 each 12 00 each 4 SO each 4 SO each 2 00 each I 00 each 1 20 each 3 00 each 7 00 each No. •1335 1335A 13351) 1337 1343 1345 1348 1354 135S •1356 1350A 1350B 1347 1357 Relief 1 ':" Width IQ';' 25- 13- 10- Ti' 11" lO'^i- 6'.," 10- 15- 12- 20- 5».- 12';," HeiBht 19'j" 25- 13- 10- 6H- 7',- 1 1 H" 7M1- 7H' 5M' 4'i" 7" A' 5'j" Style Italian Ren, Italian Ren. Italian Ren, Italian Ren. Renaissonce Italian Ren, Empire Art Nouveau Louis XVI, I.ouis XVI, Louis XVI, Louis XVI, Louis XVI. I.ouis XVI. Price Plaster $3 00 each 4 00 each 1 00 each 1 20 each Ot) each 1 20 each 1 00 carh .00 each 1 20 each 1 40 each 1 20 each 2 00 each .00 each 1 20 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. No. Relief 3065 ..- 3066 ».- 3067 l'- 3068 i;- 3069 »;• 3070 ;,'- 3071 4- 3072 I."' 3073 jj' Prices Subject PANEL ORNAMENTS. DROPS AND LYRES Size 13 H" I 9- 12't' x9'.- 12 I J- I 8- 10" I 26- 10" X 26" »-« 25- 6?«' I 7,i-j" 7- I 11",- 10" X 14- t o D i s c o It n I Style Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVL Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Greek Price SI SO each 1 50 each 1 50 each * 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 80 each 1 50 each 2 00 each No. 3302 3304 3064 534 600 547 3074 3063 Relief h" H' J»- H' H' l.H- 1' - Size 17',- I 18- 17' J- X 17'.- 42- z 8'4- 26'. -X 15'.- 37- X 12- 52',-, 14- 68'.- X 12',- "■ X 15' " Above prices in lots not less than six Style Louis XV. Empire Louis XVI. Louis XV. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XV. Classic INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION Price $4 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 5 00 each 7.00 each 10 00 each 3 00 each ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. SPANDRILS, WREATHS AND DROPS No. Relief Site Style Price 3241 1- 24- X 38- Modern Ren. S8 00 each 3242 1- 24- X 38- Modern Ren. 8 00 each 3311 1- 20- X 28- Modern Ren. 5 00 each 3310 2" 20).,- X 24- Roman 5 00 each 352 1 '■.■■ 4'j- X «- Italian Ren. I 00 each 3317 1- ll'j- Empire 1 80 each 391 1 '," 7- K 27- Emitire 2 50 each No. 350 351 387 3315 386 385 384 Sire Style Price 5',- X 21 1 J- French Ren. $2 00 each 7' X 16 H- Modern Ren. 1 .50 each 31.4" x30- Modern Ren. 2 00 each 25- X 26- Modern Ren. 6 00 each 15- X 27',- French Ren. 4 00 each 7- X 30- Roman 4 00 each 21 ',- X 551,- Classic 14 00 each N AND E> [PLANATION N PAGE 4 Prices Subject to Discount THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. MISCELLANEOUS AND DROP ORIS No. Relief Size Style Price 3075 5- 18- X 48" Louis XVX. $12 00 each 3077 5" 29- X 50" Louis XVI 20 00 each 3078 5" 28- X 60" Louis XVI. 20 00 each 347S 2" 13' J- X 54" Louis XVI. 10 00 each 3476 11." 21" I 93- Modern 20 00 each 2914 6' 44- X 58- Louis XVI. $20 00 each 3477 2- 21- I 41- Art Nouveau 12 00. each 3904 1" 20- X 25- Louis XVI. 6.00 each 3076 IH' 24- X 28- Louis XVI 18 00 each 390S 4M- 24- I 24- Chinese 8 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND E XPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No, 374 .170 2uis XVI. Italian Ken. French Ren. Empire Empire Empiff Italian Rpn I-niii:^ XVI. DROPS AND WREATHS Price $12 00 each 00 e«ch 7 00 each 7 00 each 3 00 each 1 no each 3 00 each 1 20 each 1 no each 2 40 each No. 3303 3309 3301 3300 3310 388 382 383 Relief 2;-,- i- 2" IS" IK' 14' Width 24- II- 31' .- 22- 14- 10- 13' 13- Height 24- 12 '2- 31 Il- ls 'i' 23- 35- 20- 24- Style Louis XVI. Empire Roman Italian Ren. Empire Italian Ren, Louis XIV. Louis XIV. Above prices in lots not less than Price S6 00 each 1 80 each 8 00 each 3 50 each 3 50 each 4 00 each 3 50 each 3 50 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE VASES. TORCHES. AND DROPS No. ReUef Style Price Plaster 300 H Colonial $0 30 each 301 N ' Colonial 40 each 302 H ' Colonial .40 each 303 A ' Colonial .40 each 304 M Colonial .40 each 305 H Louis XVI. 1 20 each 300 H Louis XVL .80 each 307 W Colonial .80 each 308 fi Colonial 1 20 each 309 M Louis XV. -80 each 310 H Colonial .40 each 311 '4 Colonial .40 each 312 I's Colonial 1 50 each 313 'i Colonial 1 20 each 314 I's Louis XIV. 1 80 each 315 I'i Louis XIV. 3 00 each 316 H' Italian Ren. 60 each 3)7 2H- Empire 10 00 each 349 ^■i' Louis XVI. 2 00 each 353 IH' Colonial 4 00 each 354 ^s' Empire I 60 each 355 2W Empire 2 00 each 356 '% Empire 3 00 each 357 }i' Empire 1 50 each 359 H' Louis XVI 40 each No. ReUet Style Price Plaster 360 H' Louis XVI. $0 80 each 361 H' Empire 80 each 362 «' Louis XVI. I 00 each 363 H" Empire 1 60 each 364 «- Empire .70 each 365 H- Empire 2 00 each 366 H' Empire 1 60 each 367 «• Empire I 60 each 369 %• Empire 1 60 each 371 H' Louis XVI. 1 60 each 372 A- Empire .80 each 373 A- Empire 80 each 375 i«* Elizabethan 2 00 each 377 H' German Ren. 80 each 378 Jk' German Ren. .80 each 389 IH" Italian Ren. 4 50 each 390 H" Empire 1 60 each 392 H' Empire 1 60 each 393 H- Colonial 80 each 394 H' Empire 1 00 each 395 H- Empire I 60 each 396 !«• Italian Ren. 3 00 each 397 M- Empire 50 each 398 %• Empire 80 each 399 H" Empire 1 60 each THE DECORATORS SUPPLY ■" CO. VASES. TORCHES. AND DROPS Prices Subiec! lo Discount INSTRUCTION AND KXPI, ANATION ON PAGE 4 HONEYSUCKLES AND LEAVES No. Relief Style Price Plaster 3100 '■i" Empire $0 20 each 3101 H- Empire 30 each 3102 '•■;• Empire 30 each 3103 '*' Empire 32 each 3104 1" Empire 50 each 3105 'a' Empire 36 each 3106 't" Greek 80 each 3107 ?i' Greek 30 each 3108 1 H' Empire 2.50 each 310Q 'i" Empire 40 each 3110 '," Empire .50 each 3111 1" Empire 60 each 3112 ■;»" Greek 40 each 3113 'i' Empire 60 each 3114 ■■i" Empire 20 each 3115 ''.' Empire 1 60 each 3118 ■'s" Empire 30 each 3124 1" Empire 30 each 3125 ,-. Empire 32 each 3126 'i' Empire 32 each 3127 ■-i" Empire 50 each 3128 ■%' Empire 80 each 312Q i'.- Empire 40 each 3130 ■'h' Empire 36 each 3131 /»' Greek 60 each 3132 1" Empire 1 20 each 3133 w Greek 60 each 3140 %• Romanesque 60 each 3142 M' Romanesque 40 each 3143 A- Romanesque -32 each 3145 ^«' Louis XVI. 40 each 3146 f.' Italian Ren. .28 each 3148 ?-S" Romanesque 24 each 3150 ;-,• Greek ,20 each 3151 M' Italian Ren. .20 each No. Relief Style Price Plaster 3152 «' Italian Ren. SO 24 each 3153 %' Italian Ren. 24 each 3154 A" Sullivanesque 24 each 3155 «• Italian Ren. 24 each 3156 A' Italian Ren. 24 each 3157 H' French Ren. 40 each 3158 A' Italian Ren. .24 each 3159 H' Louis XVI. 2.00 each 3160 m' Gothic 3 00 each 3161 1- Renaissance 4 50 each 3170 \H' Italian Ren. 40 each 3171 1- Italian Ren. 2 00 each 3174 'A' Italian Ren. .28 each 3175 H" Sullivanesque 28 each 3176 A' Italian Ren. 24 each 3177 A" French Ren. 24 each 3178 H' Italian Ren. .24 each 3179 1 '■.- Italian Ren. 60 each 3180 H" Italian Ren 40 each 3181 «• Italian Ren. .80 each 3182 H' French Ren. 60 each 3183 H' Greek 60 each 3184 H' Italian Ren. 60 each 3185 H' Romanesque 60 each 3186 H' Italian Ren. 40 each 3187 A- Renaissance 40 each 3188 i'-*' Italian Ren. 40 each 3189 ^s" Italian Ren. 40 each 3190 2- Louis XVI. 2 50 each 3191 2H- Louis XVI. 80 each 3192 H" French Ren. 80 each 3193 ^i" Empire I 20 each 3194 A- Italian Ren. .40 each 3195 2- French Ren. 4 00 each HONEYSUCKLES AND LEAVES Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 FESTOONS No. 1364 Relief 1 ' ■' h Height 10' Style Renaissance Price Plaster S2 40 each No. 1382 Relief Lene 2- 26".- th HeiKht Style 18'-- German Ren. Price Plaster $2 60 each 1365 1 2L' 10)..' Greek 2 40 each 1384 2'.' 34' li" Roman 3 60 each 3 00 each 3 00 each 1368 1 ''J 42" 20- German Ren. 7 00 each 138g 2',' 31' 12' Italian Ren. 1371 1372 1373 1 M 26' 13' Italian Ren. 2 60 each 1392 1'4' 22',' 11" Empire 1 28' «• Greek 2 40 each 1393 I',' 26' 16 ' - Louis XVL 4 00 each 1"V 36' 12 '5" Roman 3 60 each 1394 1'.- 24- li- Louis XVI. 3 00 each 3 20 each 1381 1?4 27- 12- French Ren. 3 60 each 1395 Ih' 30- 12',' Roman Exterijr ComposiUon 20'"t extra. Prices Sub i ect to D s c u n t INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All lengths printed below are measured from center to center ot drops. Ornaments carried in several sizes are marked A, B C. etc. No. 1361 1362 1366 1370 1377 1370 1380 1380A U80B U80C 1387 2 ',• 2',- 1 '.'■ 2- 1 ':,' 2S' 3" 21." Length 19' 30- 32- 35- 11- 36- 31- 25- 38' 42- 20- HeiKhl IDS' 10 ' .- 10- 20' .- g- 13- 14- 10- 18- 22- 13- extra. Exterior composition 20 '' ices Subject to Discount Style Empire Empire Empire Empire Empire Empire Italian Ken. Italian Reii. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. FESTOONS Price Plaster $1 80 each 4 50 each 3 60 each 4 00 each 1 20 each 3 60 each 3 60 each 3 20 each 5 03 each 7 00 each 3 60 each No. 1301 1300 1307 1308 1308A 1308B I398C 1309 1300A 1300B 1390C 2».- 1 w 1' 2i.j" 2 Lj' 2'v- 3- Length 31- 29- 30- 21- 18- IS" 26- 34" 32- 38- 46- Height 13'j- 20- 17- 13" 8- 16" 18" 15" 21- 24- Style Empire Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Empire Empire Empire Empire Roman Roman Roman Roman Price Plaster $3 00 each 9 00 each 5 00 each 2 00 each 1 80 each 1 20 each 2 60 each 00 each 5 00 each 7 00 each 8 00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 SPANDRILS AND WALL PANEL ORNAMENTS Relief A- A 2' Style Sulltvanesque Sullivanesque Moorish Classic Louis XV. Renaissance Italian Ren. Price S4 00 each 40 per ft. 8 00 each 40 each 1 60 each 1 20 each 4 00 each No. 3232 3057 3056 3054 3061 3060 3233 lelief Style ■ «" Italian Ren. i'i_ Renaissance Empire Louis XVI. ' :: Renaissance 2- Renaissance French Ren. Price $4 00 each I 20 each 1 80 each 4 00 each 80 each 60 each 5 00 each No. Relief 3234 2' 3053 1" 3055 2'»' 3050 1 'i' 3051 2'i' 3052 4 '4- Style French Ren. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Louis XVI. Price $5 00 each 6 00 each 6 00 each 8 00 each 8 00 each 12 00 each Prices Subi ject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. Relief Size Style 3353 l"i" K'j- X 15- "Modern Ren 3354 1«' lO'j-x 14'/ Modern Ren 3358 2Vi- 8- I 20- Roman 3355 I'*' 15- I 30" German Ren 3356 2>4" 21-1241,- Louis XVI 3361 2'," 17 'j- i24- Louis XVI. 3359 2'.' 16- X 20- Louis XVI. THE )ECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FESTOONS Price Plaster S5.00 each 4.50 each 2 .00 each 3.60 each 5. 00 eflch 5.00 each 5.00 each No. 3351 3352 3357 3300 3350 Relief 2- 2v.r 2 4' 2'*- Size 9h' X 22 'v- 18 S' x27h' 15,4- X 22,4" 18" X 40' QH'xSOVj* Style Itnlian Ren. Italian Ren. Louis XVI. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Price Plaster 3 20 each 5 00 each 5 00 each 8 00 each 0.00 each Prices Subject to Discount Exterior composition 20 % extra. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. k. SHIELDS No. Relief Size Style Price Plaster No. Relief Size Style Price Plaster 3713 2h' 11'.- X 20'^- Art Nouveau $4 00 each 3754 2" 12- X 13" Louis XVI. 2 50 each 3701 2' 16}./ I lO'.- Italian Ren. 4 00 each 3755 I 'i' 11" X 15" French Ren. 2.00 each 3697 ih' 8'-4-l 171.,' French Ren. 2.00 each 3756 IW 15 4" X 114' Louis XIV. 3 00 each 3696 XH" 6?j-i 13 l4- French Ren. 1.50 each 3735 *'.;• 16" X IT Louis XVI. 5 00 each 3722 1' 14" X IV Tudor 3.00 each 3711 4" 18" I 25" Louis XVI. 7-00 each 3721 IH' \T X 17,4' Louis XVI. 5.00 each 3725 1»," 33" X 20" Louis XVI. 12 00 each 3757 2H' 13" I 5- Renaissance 1.50 each 3724 i;*" 33' I 20- Louis XVI. 12 00 each 3718 3M' 1694" I 23' English 6.00 each 3723 5" 30" I 20" Modern Ren. 10 00 each 3710 *H' 104" I 16" Louis XVI. 4.00 each 3712 2U- 9;." I 10" Italian Ren. 2.50 each Eit erior composition 20% extra. Prices Subject to Discount THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. SHIELDS AND CLASPS No. Relief Size 2840 >»• 17- X 18 S- Style Price Interior No. Relief Size Style Price Interior Gothic S4 00 each 3000 2,H' 7',- X 0- Louis XVI. SI SO each 2830 %' 10- X 18',- 2841 IJi' 4'.-x5'.- 2805 4- 26',-x21'.- 289SA 6- 40'/x31- 3007 2>," 10',- X 10' .- 3008 2>4- 10'/ X 9',- 2880 2l»" ll',-x9',- Gothic 4 00 each 2840 l^' 7 ',- X 12- Empire 1 .50 each . Louis XVI. 00 each 3009 12- X 13- Louis XVI. 3 00 each Louis XVI. 8 00 each 3005 3H' 22- X 10',- Louis XVI. 3 00 each Louis XVI. 12 00 each 30(»5A 5H' 44',- X 22- Louis XVI. 12 00 each Louis XVI. 2 00 each 3070 2«' 9- I 0',- Louis XVI. 1 50 each Louis XVI. 2 00 each 2846 2'4- 23- X 9- Louis XVI. 3 00 each Gothic 2 00 each 3072 3ii- 15- X 15',- Mod. K. Ren. 4 00 each >2X? ^H'. 22'.-xlO',- Louis XVI. 4 00 each 3038 1 ^«' 4- X 3 -,- Louis XVI. 30 each 2801 3- 20',- I 15'.- Louis XVI. 4 00 each 2803 5»4' 09- X 20',- Mod. F. Ren. 28 00 each 2890 2- 52 '.-I 21- Louis XVL 10 00 each Above based on lots of not less than six. Exterior romposltion 20 ' r extra. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. 3829 3832 3831 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 ReUef 8'4" *• «• 1«' Style French Ren. Louis XVI. Modern Ren. Italian Ren. I-'rench Ren. An Nouveau llalian Ren. Italian Ren. Prices Subject to Discount CARTOUCHES AND SHIELDS Price Plaster SIO 00 each CO each 8 00 each 3 00 each 6 00 each 5 00 each 3 00 each 4 00 each No Relief 3838 lu- 3825 3- 3839 Iji- 3830 2S- 3840 2' 3841 2* 3842 1 i,j- Exterior composition 20 ' Style Italian Ren. French Ren. Italian Ren. French Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Price Plaster $4 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 5 00 each INSTRnCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 2400 igVxioV No. Relief 2424 242S yi' 2426 H' 2427 K" 2428 %• 2430 «• 2431 X" 2432 M' 2433 M' 2434 H' 2435 y,' 2436 H' 2437 >»' 2444 ■r Prices Sub Style Price Plaster No. Elizabethan M 40 each 2443 Gothic 36 each 2442 French Ren. 30 uch 2441 Gothic 20 each 2440 Italian Ren. 30 each 2439 French Ren. 20 each 2438 German Ren. 30 each 2411 German 30 each 2413 Flemish 30 each 2407 Gothic 16 each 2408 German 24 each 2412 Italian Ren. 36 each 2414 Flemish 32 each 2406 Italian Ren. 1 50 each 2418 Relfet 1)4* I" '2- l-H- IS" IH- 2 It- Exterior composition 20^" SHIELDS Sryle German Ren, French Ren. Louis XV. Italian Ken. ItHlian Ren. Louis XIV. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Louis XV, Louis XV. Louis XVI. Flemish extra. Price Plaster $1 00 each GO each 1 SO each 1 00 each 50 each GO each 90 each 1 00 each 80 each 70 each 80 each 50 each 1 50 each 1 00 each INSTRUCTION Price Plaster S3. 00 each 3 00 each 1.20 each 2.00 each S 00 each 3 . 00 each 4.00 each 1 20 each 2 50 each 2 00 each 3 00 each 5 00 each 4 00 each I 50 each AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 No. Relief Style 2429 3>.- Louis XV. 2417 2- Heraldic 2405 2i.- Louis XVI. 2415 2- Louis XV. 2420 2- Louis XV. 2421 1',' Louis XVI. 2422 1'.' German Ren. 2403 2;.- Louis XV. 2401 4" German Ren. 2410 2S.' Louis XV. 2409 3H' Louis XV. 2416 31," Classic 2400 2»,- Heraldic 3859 3'," French Clasp THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All ornaments car- ried in several sizes are marked same number with letters added. A, B. etc. -zm No. 2490 2490A 2497 2497A 2497B 2490 Relief i h' 3' 4- Width 32- 24- 25- 34- 44- 13- Height 33- 25- 20' .- 30- 48- lO'i- Style Louis XV. Louis XV. German Ren. German Ren. German Ren. Classic Price Plaster $10 00 each 7 00 each 00 each 10 00 each 10 00 each 3 50 each SHIELDS No. 2494 2488 2489 2423 2802 17v Rel 2' li 1? ef 4- ♦ ' Width 17 '■■' 19ij- 24 '4- 18- 22- Height 22- 20- 39,^- 37" 29- Style Louis XV. German Ren. Louis XV. French Ren. Italian Ren. Price Plast $5 00 ea 00 ea 9 00 ea 00 ea 7 00 ea er Eh :h .h h h Prices Subject to Discount Exterior composition 20' ; extra. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 SHIELDS AND PEDIMENT ORNAMENT No. RelitI Width lifiKlll Style Price Plaster 3804 2- 55- 43- • I.ouis XV. Slo 00 each 3805 14' 108- 40- Modern 40 00 each 3800 4" 21'2" 14" Louis XIV. 00 each 3807 15- 30' 20- Modern 20 00 each 3808 6- 32 '.,• 48- Art Nouveau 10 00 each 3809 3- 60' 23- Louis XV. 16 00 each 3810 9' ISO- 05- Louis XIV. 100 00 each Exterior composition 20 ■;, extra. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ic, SHIELDS No. Heliet Style Price 3779 5- Modern Ren. S14 00 each 3719 7H- French Ren. 20.00 each 3780 4" French Ren. 20 00 each 3781 4- French Ren. 16 00 each 3782 Il- Modern Ren. 32 00 each 3734 ls- Louis XV. 60 00 each 3784 9" Modern Ren. 24 00 each 3785 9' Louis XV. 28 00 each Exterior composition 20 % extra. Prices Subjecl to Discount No. 3780 and No. 3781 used for 10' Coves only. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 ■1 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Prices Subject to Discount MISCELLANEOUS ORNAMENTS Relief Style I'rice Plaster 2' Louis XVI. $8 00 each 5- Modern Ren. 10 00 each 2' Modern Ren. 8 00 each 5- Louis XV. 24 00 each 3' Modern Ren. 10 00 each 2's- Modern Ren. 8 00 each No. Relief Style Price Plaster 3802 T French Ren. $40 00 each 3318 P." Classic 0,00 each 4528 1' French Ren. 16 00 each 3319 2' Classic 8 00 each Exterior composition 20 '',': extra. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATOK - SUPPLY CO. CARTOUCHES No. Relief Style Price Plaster 4047 4),- Modern Ren. S36 00 each 3850 low French Ren. 48 00 each 3824 8M- Modern Ren- 24 00 each 3844 lOH' Modern Ren. 14 00 each 3664 V Italian Ren. 12 00 each 3849 low- Art Nouveau 16 00 each 3S43 s' Modern Ren. 24 00 each Exterior composition 20 *", extra. Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All ornaments car- ried in several sizes, are marked same number with leiters added. A, B, etc. SHIELDS No. Riliif Width IleiEhl Style Price Plaster Nu. Relief Wiilth Height Style Price Plaster 2404 5',- 12- 15- ticrnjaii Ren. $4 00 each 2803 3- 26"-j- 35'/ Empire $10 00 each 2408 T 27',- 40- Luuis XV. 16 00 each 2803A T 50- 67' Empire 36 00 each 2408A 9- 40- 00- Louis XV. 24 00 each 28031] 5- 38- 50- Empire 20 00 each 24Q9 61,- 24- 28- Gertnan Ren. 10 00 each 2804 4'.- 42- ZS'i' French Ren. 16 00 each 2490A 8" 32- 36- German Ren. 14 00 each 2804A 6- 56- 38' French Ren. 24 00 each 2400B «• 42- 48- German Ren. 24 00 each 2805 10- 3Ha' 21,4' Spanish Ren. 12.00 each 2800 4 'a' 29- 33- German Ren. 12.00 each 2806 5- 16- 20- Classic 6 00 each Exterior composition 20 ' ,' extra. Prices Sub jec to D i SCO unt INSTRUCT O N AND E X 1 LANATION ON PAGE 4 THE K DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. r -TV SPANDRILS AND SHIELDS No. Relief Style Price Plaster 3236 3'j' Classic Spandril $32.00 each 3626 la- Renaissance Shell 24 00 each 3627 s' Classic Cartouche 16 00 each 3237 IH' background M" Classic Spandril 10 00 each 3238 IH' backgrovind ^s* Classic Spandril 10 00 each 1087 9- Ceiling Ventilator 36 00 each 2898 V Renaissance Shell 12 00 each 3677 2H- U. S. Shield 12.00 each Prices Subject to Discount For right spandril see 3235 page 239. Exterior composition 20*^- extra. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 -26/4- THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. MISCELLANEOUS ORNAMENTS No. Relief Name -^ Price Plaster No. Relief Name Price Plaster 3628 3671 3673 3674 3235 13' 71.- 3>,' Corbel. Louis XV. Pediment. Ren. Cartouche. French Ren. Window Frame S|>andril, Classic $24 00 each 32 00 each 40 00 each 16 00 each 32 00 each For left spandril 3226 3227 3228 3229 see 3236 page 238. 4" 3' 3- 3.4' Crown. Austrian Imperia Crown. German Imperia Crown. Grand Ducal Crown, Royal Crown S4 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each Exterior composition 20'-; extra. Pric e s S ub j ect to D i s c o u n t INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION O N PAGE 4 No. •14S0 I4S1 Relief 2" Style Italian Ren. Italian Ren. Size Base Height bZ' ■■ X 41- 90" I 60- •1452 1'*' French Ren. 44;.,' I 21" 1453 I'l' French Ren. 60' I 30" 1454 2!i" French Ren. 78' i 40* *As cut. sizes in each section same as cut. Prices Subject to Discount Price Exterior S20.00 each 36.00 each 8.00 each 16 00 each 22.00 each GABLES No. 1455 •1456 1457 1458 Relief 3'.' 3'4' 2- Style French Ren. French Ren. French Ren. French Ren. Size Bise Height 48- I 24- 08"j" I 34',' 39" I 19'/ 84- % 40- Price Exterior SIO 00 each 24 00 each 8 . 00 each 32.00 each • 1459 4" German Ren. 74-x49ij- 32 00 each 1460 2,- German Ren. 54- x 36- 16.00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 - 48" 'is - THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CARTOUCHES AND SPANDRILS No. Relief Slyle Price Plaster 324« 1 K^' ModernSten. $20 00 each J248A \'4' Modern Ren. 20 00 each 3240 Ih' Clasfiic 12 00 each 324QA IM- Classic 12 00 each 3790 S' French Ren. 28 00 ^nch 3250 U4- Classic 00 each 3250A I'." Classic 00 each Prices Subject t o D s c o u n 1 No. 3795 3251 3251A 3252 3252A 3707 ReUef 8' 1" 1" 1- 1" ■»' Exterior cnmiinsition 20 ' INSTRUCTION AND Slyle Art Nouveau Nuliiralistic Oak Naturalistic Oak Art Nouveau Art NouvcaB Modern Ken. extra. Price Plaster NO 00 each 14 00 each 14 00 each 00 each 00 each 30 00 each EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. SPANDRILS. SHIELD AND EMBLEM No. Relief Style Price Plaster 3239 5- Figure Spandri! $26 00 each 3239A 5' Figure Spandril 26 00 each 3794 2' Masonic Emblem 8 00 each 3253 2M' Art Nouveau 14 00 each 32S3A 2H- Art Nouveau 14 00 each 3254 6- Classic 40 00 each Prices Subject to Discount No. Relief Style Price Plaster 3254A 0- Classic $40 00 each 3255 4" Renaissance 14 00 each 3255A 4" Renaissance 14 00 each 3792 6- Modern Ren. 14 00 each 4520 7" hole Flag Base 14.00 each Exterior composition 20' r extra. IN STRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 -JO" 1433 SPANDRILS AND GABLES No. Relief Style Pricf Plaster 3243 1 '.• Musical Spandril $12 00 each 3243A 1'.' Musical Spandril 12 00 each 1499 T Modern Ren. 40 00 each 3244 3' Classic 24 00 each 3244A 3" Classic 24.00 each 1498 2- French Ren. 14 00 each 3245 I'J" Sullivanesque i 8 00 each No. Relief SIrle Price Plaster 324SA Sullivanesque S8.00 each 324« Classic 8 00 each 3246A Classic 8 00 each 3247 Classic 8 00 each 3247A Classic 8.00 each THE I DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Prices Subject to Discount Exterior composition 20 '','. extra. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLA NATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. SPANDRILS AND MUSICAL ORNAMENTS No. 3256 32SAA 384« 3847 3848 Relief 3h 3M 4' 8' 5 Style Music Spandril Music Spandril Louis XV. Louis XV. Musical Drop Price Plaster $20 00 each 20 00 each 24 00 each 32.00 each 20.00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 soae THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. DOOR TOPS No. ReUef 3018 4H' 3028 2' 3029 8' 3027 9- Slyle Art Nouveati Art Nouveau An Nouveau Renaissance 3026 2'i' Renaissance Prices Subject to Discount Price Plaster $lr) 00 each 8 00 each 20 00 each 16 00 each 20 00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. IIIililil.l;iii:ai!ii: r i-«V*\'*V*V«*-**i' c/. ,_ -76" i 56" DOOR TOPS No. 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 ReUef 6ii' 6' 8),' 7- 6' 17' T Style Classic Classic Colonial Empire Roman French Ren. Louis XIV. Modern Ren. Prices Subject to Discount Price Plaster S24.00 each 24.00 each 24.00 each 24.00 each 24.00 each 40.00 each 24.00 each la 00 each No. Width at Bottom •30D8A 46" •3008B 34' •3008C 70)2' Relief Height Price Plaster 6* 41* $20 . 00 each 7I^» 36* 16 00 each 6' 43' 28.00 each Width taken across bottom of door top. •Same design as cut. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. All on uniform solid background I inch thick. All Gables shown are carried in several sizes. marked same num- bers with letters added, A. B etc. 1466 1479 GABLES No. Price Pricc Price Relief Style S ze Base Each No. Relief style Size Base Each No. Re ief Style Size Base Each Exterior Exterior Exterior 4ft2 4r)2A 402 B 4f>2C 1 '..." Empire 48- X 24- $12 00 1466E 3- Italian Ren. 120- X 54- $45 00 1470C 1 \^' French Ren. 111- X 25- S24 00 1 1,,- Empire 50- X 28- 8 00 1472 1 'j" Sullivancstiue 72- X 21 ,■ 16 00 1470D 3- French Ren. 132- X 40" 40 00 1" Empire 36- X 18- 24 00 1472A 2',- Sullivanesque 108- X 32- 26 00 1470E 3; French Ren. 162- X 51- 50 00 2 1 ,." Empire 72- X 36- 24 00 1472B 3- Siillivanesnue 144- X 42- 42 00 1479F 3 ,i" French Ren. 102- X 60- 80 00 4G2D 2 ' ." Empire 00- X 48- 36 00 1475 1 '.- German Ren. 33- X 28- 8 00 1485 1 French Ren. 36' ,- X 18- 8 00 4ft6 1 '," Italian Rett. 57- X 25' J 14 00 1475A l 1 ,- German Hen. 54- X 48- 18 00 1485A 1 ,• French Ren. 51" X 25- 12 ,00 460 A I i' Italian Ren. 46- X 20- 10 00 1475B 3'»- German Ren. 84- I 74- 48 00 1485B 1 .,- French Ren. 70- X 34- 20,00 400 B 21.,- Italian Ren. 66- X 30- 18 00 1470 1 '4" French Ren. 58- X 18- 12,00 1488 1 Italian Ren. 44 'v" X 22 'i" 12 .00 400C ^'i.' Italian Ren. 80- X 38- 26 00 1470A l»i' French Ren. 66- X 101 r 12 00 1488A 1 ."" Italian Ren. 50- X 201.," 16.00 400D 3" Italian Ren. 102- X 46- 36 00 1479B I'i' French Ren. 80- X 28- 18 00 148SB 2- Italian Ren. 77- X 38 '2- 24.00 Prices Sub i e c t to D SCO u n t 247 INSTRUCTION AND EXPI.ANATION ON PAGE 4 SHELLS No. Style Measurements Inside Backg Width Height round Depth Thickness of Background Shape on Face Price Plaster DESI 1 G N 160 2 1600 Classic 66- 24- 18- ^4 Ellipse $24 00 each 1«01 Classic 38- l3,^- 11 'j- H' Ellipse 12 00 each 1602 Classic 39>,' 13'.- 13- H' Ellipse 12 00 each 1603 Classic 57^.- 18- 9H' %• ElUpse 20 00 each DESI I GN 1607 1606 French Ren. 20- 10- 6- -H- '; Circle 6 00 each 1607 French Ren. 32- 12;'j- 8- }- Ellipse 8 00 each '1608 French Ren. 36- 22'.- lO'a' H" '2 Circle 12 00 each 1609 French Ren. 36- 11 >,- 8- H' Ellipse 8 00 each DESI [ G N 16 17 1616 French Ren. 22- 11- 10- H' U Circle 6 00 each 1617 French Ren. 29" 14W 7- H- ', Circle 8 00 each 1618 French Ren. 31>i' 14M- 14.';- -'4- Ellipse 10 00 each DESIGN 162 5 1622 Classic 60- 30- 15- .'.J Circle 24 00 each 1623 Classic 27- 13';- 13'...- M Circle 10 00 each 1624 CUssic 24H- 12'4- 12- M' W Circle 8 00 each 1625 Classic 38- 19".- 4- H Circle 10.00 each ♦1626 Classic 46"2- 27I5- 3- H' H Circle 16 00 each DESI : GN 1 635 1630 French Ren. 17H- 10- 9;4- M' ElUpse 5 00 each 1631 French Ren. 20Ji' 10',- 10 h' «' H Circle 6 00 each 1631A French Ren. 24- 12- 7- K- H Circle 6 00 each 1632 French Ren. 23K- 12H- 12K- X- ii Circle 7 00 each 1633 French Ren. 27 H' 13K' 9Ji' M' }2 Circle 8 00 each 1634 French Ren. 31- 15>,- 7- %' J,j Circle 8 00 each ♦1635 French Ren. 31M- 17?,- 3«' M' }.i Circle 8.00 each 1636 French Ren. 35- 17'...- 3'-;- %• 'a Circle 8-00 each 1637 French Ren. 36" 18" 16- W ';. Circle 12 00 each 1638 French Ren. 37 \- 17',- 3';- H- ElUpse 10 00 each 1639 French Ren. 40- 20- I 'j- W H Circle 10 00 each •1640 French Ren. 46 > 2- 27],- 2- Js- Jv, Circle 12 00 each 1641 French Ren. 54- 25 h- 12},- H' Ellipse 18 00 each 1642 French Ren. 64,W- 32i.r m- Flat ;, Circle 16 00 each •1643 French Ren. 35- 22»4- ny,' H' }■■; Circle 14 00 each DESI G N 1646 164S French Ren. 22- 11- 11- ,li Circle 6 00 each 1646 French Ren. 14- 7- 5'4- H- ;-, Circle 4 00 each 1647 French Ren, 20'4- 10',- 4',- H" .S Circle 5 00 each DESI G N 1680 1680 Colonial 12- 6" 5!i- M- M Circle 3 00 each 1681 Colonial 15" 7li~ ■!»• H Circle 4 00 each 1682 Colonial 18- 9- 9- }i Circle 5 00 each DESIGN 1685 1684 French Ren. 26- 13- 6- H Circle 8 00 each 1685 French Ren. 20,'*- 10;,- 5- H" Jt, Circle 6 00 each 1686 French Ren- 23" 11 '..- 2h- W H Circle 6 00 each DESI G N 1690 1690 Classic 20- 7 '4- *<-,.• ElUpse 4.00 each 1691 Classic 30- 10- 8- ElUpse 8 00 each DESIGN 1694 1694 French Ren. 17" 8',- 3" '3 Circle 4 00 each 1695 French Ren. 33- 17'..- 6- ' J Circle 8 00 each •Shape of ' 1608. 4' j" straight at bottom; " 1626, ,41,- straight at bottom: • 1635, 2" straight at bottom; • 1640, 4 '.." straight at bott< Dm; • 1643. 5',- straight at bottom. All • marked Shells have straight ending at bottom extending below ' j circle. THE DFXORATORS SUPPLY CO. Sizes on all Shells I on the illustration given are over all. including back- ground. If in doubt, send ioT correct shape or outline of shell before ordering. Always send in full size pattern of [opening where shell is to fit. SHELLS 1' r i c e s Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND K X P I. A N A T I O N ON PAGE 4 When designing Moorish Arches, please use our shown patterns and sizes. MOORISH ARCHES AND CENTERS No. Relief Style 7*6 la- Moorish Centerpiece 3292 1>4' Moorish 3253 I' Moorish 3298 Moorish Arch, width 2' 11' ,' between stiles 3299 Moorish Arch, width 6' 2; 2' between stiles Prices on Application. StUe 4?4* wide Height 3' 4" from cap to frieze Stile 9* wide Height 4' 7.' a' from cap to frieze Prices Subject to Discount [NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ^2816 has horns like 2815. • A I 1 ornaments CHrried in several sizes, are marked same number, with letters added» A. B. etc. 2807 FIGURES AND ANIMALS No. Relief Name * Price Piaster 592 2'-»' Leopard Classic $10 00 each 593 2!-i,' Leopard Classic 10 00 each 2807 4>,' Squirrel H 00 each 2808 4V," Squirrel 8 00 each 2809 4?»' Rain's Head 6 00 each 2810 2«' Fish Dragon 4 00 each 2811 2'.- Fish Dragon 10 00 each 2812 2'i' Dolphin 10 00 each Prices S ubject lo Discount No. Relief Name Price Plaster 2813 1 h' Griffin $10.00 each 2814 1 h' Dragon 10 00 each 2815 13 L.' Elk 32 00 each •2815A 6ii- Elk 8 00 each ♦2816 lOH- Elk 32 00 each 2817 1'." Lion 2.00 each 2818 1" Lion 1 SO each •281SA. 9'j" wide. 13' high. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. Prices Subject to Discount MISCELLANEOUS FIGURES No. RcUef Name Price Plaster 3639 21' Corbel, Egyptian $40 00 each 3641 Full Frog. Grotesque 30 00 each 2842 Full Griffin. Renaissance 40 00 each 361S Full Lion. Modern 12 00 each 3620 FuU Bear. Modern 120.00 each 2838 Full Griffin. French 20 00 each 9550 42- Corbel. French 40.00 each 3621 Full Sphinx, Egyptian 120 00 each 3623 39- Gargoyle. Gothic 30 00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. BIRDS AND FISH No. Relief Na^e Price Plaster 3630 12 ' J- Eagle SSO 00 each 3650 4- Eagle 12 00 each 3618 6- bise Jij" Owl 8 00 each 3640 7'i- Eagle 24 00 each 3617 Full 10" Dolphin 16 00 each 3634 12- Eagle 40 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. * 28 29 similar to EsKle 2828. 83 in- ches wide, 44 inches high 12 inches relief. EAGLES AND SMALL SHELLS No. 2826 2827 t2820 2819 2825 2824 2821 2828 •282<) Relief 2'." 12li' 4H- 2M' h" I*," 12- Style Empire Empire Heraldic Classic Classic Empire Egyptian Empire Empire Price S3 00 each 40 each 24 00 each 5 00 each 2 SO each 2 00 each 8 00 each 8 00 each 20 00 each t Furnished right and left. Prices Subject to Discount No. ^822 2823 457 429 422 442 441 428 454 440 Style Empire Classic Colonial Colonial Colonial Colonial Colonial Louis XVI. Colonial Louis XVI. Price 2 50 each £2 00 each 32 each 24 each 2 00 each .32 each .32 each 80 each 2 00 each .60 each No. Relief Style Price 438 t.j» Colonial 50 each 439 )-3" Colonial $0 32 each 437 H" Colonial 50 each 456 2- French Ren. 2 00 each 431 1' Classic 1 20 each 432 1!j' Colonial 2 00 each 433 2h' Colonial 3 00 each 435 3- French Ren. 3 00 each 434 IS' Colonial 2 00 each 451 2- French Ren. 2 50 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 4 ■ ,.T n .In K-3t^ 2654 f \ ■•, 2L852 2453 ^^[^ k4/2-^ 2452 *r-by^^ *. — 7^'^ — 7< « ^ ^ «^ — 64— -x ANIMAL HEADS No. Relief Name Price Plaster 2453 2 '," Linn $0 80 each 285J 'i' Lion 20^each 4',' DoK 1 20 each 2854 1 '.j- Lion 40 each 1»." Lion 50 each 2858 2'.' Lion 80 each 2»,- Lion 2851 2'4' Lion 1 00 eacli 2850 2>.' 2'i" Jaguar Lion 80 each I 20 each Prices Subject I o Discount No. 2454 2451 Relief Name Price Plaster No. Relief Name Price Plaster $1 20 each 2855 5 4- $2 00 each 1 20 each 2491 5J4- 5 00 each 1' Lion 1 60 each 24S0 6M" 4 00 each Lion 2 00 each 2458 5»<- 4 00 each 3H' Lion 4 00 each 2447 8»i- Lion 1 CO each 2859 7>,' Lion 1 20 each 2493 6S\- l.ion lY-. lion 2 00 each 2492 9i.i' W. Lion 1 80 each 28«0 9'..- Dear 4 ,4' Lion 1 00 each INSTRUCTION AND KXPLANAT ON ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. ■2 4- P 30- 5643 ANIMAL HEADS No. Relief Name Price Plaster 3652 T'a- Goat SIO 00 each 3651 »h- Bear 10 00 each 3624 lO* Goat 20 00 each 3653 3>i' Corner Caryatide 10 00 each 3658 2M' Emblem ol Commerce 8 00 each 3649 4- Goat S 00 each 3659 Horns 14!, 'head 8' Bull 16 00 each 36SS 10- Horse 12.00 each 3643 4H' Modern Lion 4.00 each Prices Subject to Discount I NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 4k ^^ ^^^^ HEADS K.. No. Relief Name and Style Price Plaster No. 3645 3657 3644 2832 3656 3646 Relief »«■ 4H' H' Name and Style Woman Base-relief Price Plaster S6 00 each 3619 2834 13 !,' 16- Woman Classic Cherub 10 00 each Christ Man- Base-relief 5 00 each 6 00 each 2833 3647 36S4 3648 6- 6' I'i' Girl Man Base-relief Woman Modern Woman -Base-relief 4 00 each 8 00 each 4 00 each 8H' Woman — Louis XV. Ancel Man — Base-relief 16 00 each 6 00 each 3 00 each Pric e s Subject to Discount IN STR UCT ION AND EXPL AN A TION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS i SUPPLY CO. * "" > \ - IS' No. Relief Name and Style Price Plaster 3720 3'j- Angel $3 00 each 3730 3- Cupids 3 00 each 3730A 3- Cupids 3 00 each 3731 1';' Cupids 2 00 each 3731 A 1'^' Cupids 2 00 each 28 ISA 1' Lion 1 50 each 3732 1- Dolphin I 00 each 3732A 1' Dolphin 1 00 each 3728 3 ' J- Cupid 8 00 each 3728A 3',- Cupid 8 00 each 3749 2 '-■■ Cupid 4 00 each Prices Subject to Discount HEADS No. Relief Name and Price Plaster No. Relief Name and Style Eagle Price Plaster 3750 IV..- Style Head SI 00 each 3693 lOH' $16 00 each 3733 3" Mirror Holder 5 00 each 3727 4- Lion 2 00 each 3737A 2'." Caryatide 4 00 each 3689 4- Grotesque 6 00 each 3737 2!.' Csryatide 4 00 each 3726 5- Goat Head 6 00 each 3736 1 ^4* Bird 2 00 each 3720 5- Cherub 8 00 each 3650 4v-j' Eagle 12 00 each 3708 4' ■• Corbel 2 00 each 3752 1 I..' Rams Head 50 each 3716 61 .' Head 6 00 each 3751 1'*' Head 1 00 each 3717 6' .• Head 6 00 each 3738 4'.i" Caryatide 8 00 each 3714 6' .' Head 6 CO each 3739 I- Caryatide 10 00 each 3715 6',- Head 6 00 each 3753 3H' Head 2 00 each 3709 ',' Panel 4 00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 Z479 f 6,- 3',' 2'.- 31.,- 4»,' 2?.' 3''," Name AnRel's Head Monk's Head Child's Head Old Man's Head AnRel's Head Lady's Mask Man's Caricature AnKel's Caricature Price Plaster $2 00 each 1 50 each 2 00 each 1 50 each 3 no each 3 00 each 3 no each 4 00 each Woman's Caricature 3.00 each No. 2467 2480 2487 2867 2871 2870 2869 Relief 4S" 31 ." 4',- 6S" 6" 10' .- Name Woman's Caricature Woman's Mask Man's Mask Ansel's Head Man's Caricature Woman's Head Man's Mask Price Plaster J4 00 each 3 00 each 3 00 each 4 00 each 8 00 each 8 00 each 00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 7 ;'"'9lz '^M '^^^ i; 13' '^ ♦. 2845 ^^ ^1 10- No. Relief Style 2M3 3Jt' French Ren. 2845 6* French Ren. 2874 2' French Ren. 2875 iH' French Ren. 2876 S' Greek 2877 SH' French Ren. 2878 4*i' An Nouveau Prices Subject to Discount CARYATIDES AND HEADS Price Plaster $10.00 each 20.00 each 2.50 each 3.00 each 20.00 each 20.00 each 3.00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE I 1 (ORATORS SUPPLY CO. FIGURE ORNAMENTS No. Relief 3744 8' 3741 Full 3098 Full 3788 9" 2900 10- 3789 14- 3688 14- Name and S*yl<- Eagle Figure Eagle Angel Terminus Eagle Terminus Price I*laster $24 00 each 120 00 eath 48 00 each 40 00 each 20 00 each 48 00 each 28-00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. CARYATIDES, FIGURES AND DOOR TOPS No. ReUef Names and Style Price Plaster 3790 26- Terminus S36 00 each 3790A 26- Terminus 36 00 each 3800 16H' Corbel 16 00 each 3803 12- Cupid 16 00 each 3758 5' Caryatide 12 00 each 3801 8' Caryatide 24 00 each 3016 4H- Door Head 16 00 each 301S 4H' Door Head 16 00 each Prices S ubject to Discount INSTRUCTIO N AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. No. 3606 3632 3631 3605 3636 36ZS 3660 Relief Top? '4'. Base 10' 8S- Ton 7 ' Full. T Cap 8' Full. 7 ,-. Base 10 ,■ round base t'. base 7" i' square base CARYATIDES AND FIGURES Style Gi^ek Caryatidc Modern Ciryatide Modern Caryatide Greek Caryaiide Modern Figure Classic Caryatide Mercury Price Plasler $36 00 each 24 00 each 24 00 each 36 00 each 36 00 each 32 00 each 36 00 each No. Style Price Plaster 3625A Relief 12' from back plate Same SOD. 00 each Height 106- as Cap 24* Face 17' projection 3625 Base 18' Face 14' projection Across Elbows 37" Back Plate 5- thick Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FIGU No. Relief Name Price Plaster 3613 17- seat Boy S60 00 each 2897 Q' seat Boy 30 00 each 2897A V seat Boy 30 00 each 3612 17' seat Boy 60 00 each 3510 lu,- Pediment 40 00 each 3614 17- Gnome 24 00 each FIGURE ORNAMENTS No. Relief Name Price Plaster 2830 12 h" Cartouche $48.00 each 3609 Full, base 9" dia. Boy 12 00 each 3642 19- base Boy 3611 7' backgrotmd -^s' Panel 24 00 each 3622 T Boy 20 00 each Prices Subject lo Discount [NSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FIGURES No. 3822 3695 3605A 3822A Relief Name Full Posts 9* Caryatide 71^' Caryatide Full Posts Price $40 . 00 each 24 00 each 24 00 each 40 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTROCTION A ND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FIGURES No. 37M 37e6A 3821 3823 3821A Full FuU Full Name Crescent Figure Crescent Figure Figure Terminal Figure Price $60 00 each 60 00 each 120 on each 40 00 each 120 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE )ECORATORS SUPPLY CO. No. 2461 2463 2464 2472 2473 2471 2470 2466 2468 Relief 2J4- 2W' 2'A- 1" 1" 1«" IH' M- *»• Name Ftgure«Spandril Figure SpandrjL Figure Boy Figure Spandril Figure Spandril Figure Spandril Figure Spandril Figure Woman Figure Angel HUMAN FIGURES Price $12 00 each 12 00 each 8 00 each 2 00 each 2 00 each 4 00 each 4 00 each 2 00 each 2 00 each No. Relief 246S 1- 2474 M' 248S i^. 2484 H' 2482 '.«: 2383 M" 2476 \K 247S SH" Name Figure Angel FiKure Angel Figure Angel Figure Angel Figure Angel Figure Angel Figure Boy Figure Angel Piice S2,00 each 2-00 each 1.00 each 2.00 each 6.00 each 2.00 each 6.00 each 10.00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FIGURES No. Relief Name Price Plaster 3600 Full 12" X 12- base. Ui.y $48 00 each 3(S01 FuU 12- X 12- base. B..y 48 00 each 3602 Full 12- X 12- base. Boy 48 00 each 3603 FuU 9- X 9- base. Man 36 00 each 3604 Full 9- X 9- base. Man 36 00 each 3608 FuU 19- dia. base. Herald 120 00 each 3616 FuU 12- X 12- base. Liberty 32 00 each 2899 FuU 10" dia. base. Woman 36 00 each Prices Subject tu Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. PROSCENIUM ARCH CENTER SHIELDS No. Reliel Slyre Size Price 3778 lOT French 98' l27i,- $40 00 each 3793 14'.,- An Nouveau 111- X 54- 70 00 each 3692 9',- French 114' I 57- 70 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. PROSCENIUM ARCH CENTER SHIELDS Ho. Reliel Style Size Price Plaster 3700 5W French Ren. 87 '2- X 50" $40 00 each 3799 12" Modern Ren. 87' I 52" 70 00 each 3690 7'..." French Ren. 106K." I 46' 60.00 each Pric es S ub j e c t to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE , ^^ DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. FIGURE AND DOOR TOPS No- Relief Name ■J'*5 I4- Carlouche 3508A Full Herald ■>'«! 6}-j- Door Top 3906 3' Pediment Prices Subject to Discount Price Plaster $200 GO each UO 00 each 20 00 each 26 00 each INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO PANELS Ho. 3797 3797A J772 J77J 3771 3777 Backfiround Relief ?.' IM' ■i- I' a' 1' W I' Name Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure — Spring Price Plaster $16 00 each 16 00 each 3 00 each 3 00 each 3 00 each 8 00 each SS5 377S 3776 3770 3774 Background w M' M' W ReUef Ifi" »M' 1' IH' Style Figure — Ceiling Fig ure — Summer Figure — Autumn Classic Figure — Winter Price Plaster S48 00 each S 00 each 8 00 each 3 00 each 8.00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 37T6 ww 1 / -4 T 11 -— ^^^' ">\j THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. No. Relief 3798 10 W- 3746 14- 3747 Full 4543 Full Rd. 374S 12- 3743 Full FIGURES Style , Price Figure Pedestal * $00 00 each Louis XV. 24 00 each Figure and Dancing Cupids 30 00 each Modern 20.00 each Louis XV. 32.00 each Santa Claus SO 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. -o6>^' -d i ^'t W'^'-ni !JV^ J^ mmj- *^. k/M 36S4. -36/2 '^ :>\ *3 j»**. 50" . i 4 y ^ k- .36>4 3t ^vi:^: /-. v ' r r /C'^:5" ;.''^J -36>t ^^» .36/*. ^ ^ tT SHIELDS AND FIGURE No. Relief Name Price Plaster 3675 2- Holland $12 00 each 3676 2H' German Empire 12 00 each 3678 2- English 12 00 each 3679 2" French Rep. 12 00 each 3680 2' Denmark 12 00 each 3681 1" Sweden 12 00 each No. Relief Name Price Plaster 3682 IH" Belgium $12 00 each 3683 IM' Spain 12 00 each 3684 2!4' Austrian Emp. 3685 2'.' Russian 12 00 each 3607 Fu 11 h ase 21 1.- di am. Art Nouveau Figure 120 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. THEATER BOX ORNAMENTS No. Si?e Stylf Price Piaster 4«50 23* I 62- Louis XVI. $20 00 each •»'>52 36- I 108- Louis XV. 32 00 each 'SW 23" X 40- Classic 10 00 each ^'Sl 20- X 80' Art Nouveau 32 00 each 3017 41- X 55" Classic 20 00 each <593 18- I <)<>• French Ren. 30 00 each Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PACE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. In ordering bal- cony fronts, always mention your cur- ves, inward or out- ward, and give correct size of radius. Prices quoted on baJcony fronts are for str.iight casts. BALCONY FRONTS AND FIGURE No. Relief Style 2977 2' Louis XVI. 2879 9M' Louis XV. 2976 3' Louis XV. Prices Subject to Discount Price $2.00 per ft. 60.00 each 2.00 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 y r t ^» -III -:» ^» ^» -i» -lU-^lL lit JEl I» J[I-J» .J» ^ 2 985 2980 2982 -Zf/'H ■(■I'/i-' -6>S" « 6- THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. I BALCONY FRONTS No. 2983 2980 2982 Slyle Empire Louis XV. Egyptian Prices Subject to Discount Price S2 40 per ft. 2 00 per ft. 2.40 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. I I -., -imaij mw^wwi^^itiy* .'T^ - . ± 1151 r%i--'^T'^ f^'ir Ar^i'i"faf^ 2 981 %" i\ •0 A L r^ 2984- ^j^ la i^M BALCONY FRONTS AND CORNICE No. Style 1151 Colonial Cornice 2981 French Ren. 2984 Empire Prices Subject to Discount Price $1 80 per ft. 1.80 per ft. I 60 per ft. INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON PAGE 4 Zl^'i ' \k Im i/i Im Im r Jilll!LliailL»IL»iiJii: I TTirOTTiTOTTriTIlOllI n ^a3S«^ *A#±i i-^ IS !■ X V - ■ CO .L THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. BALCONY FRONTS No. Slylc Price 29go French Ren. SI 80 per ft 2998 Renaissance 1 .80 per ft 2985 Art Nuuvenu 1 80 per ft Prices Subject to Discount INSTRUCTION AND EXPLANATION ON 1' A G E 4 THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. VIEWS IN OUR INSTITUTION 1 GENERAL OFFICE 4 DISPLAY OF COLUMN CAPS 7 LIGHTING FIXTURE DISPLAY ROOM 10 A CORNER IN OUR STOCK ROOMS 2 PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY'S OFFICE 5 VICE PRESIDENT'S OFFICE 8 GENERAL DRAFTING ROOM U CARVING ROOM 3 CONFERENCE ROOM 6 GENERAL SALESROOM. 9 SHOW ROOM 12 MODELLING ROOM You can reach this place from downtown in 15 minutes: take Archer avenue or Ashland avenue car going south on State street; either car will bring you direct to our door. No. 2547 Archer avenue, two blocks west of Halsted street THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. VIEWS IN OUR INSTITUTION 13 ODDS AND ENDS 16 TKIMMING BOUGH LUMBER 10 TERRA COTTA CASTING 22 POURING GLUE MOLDS 14 A GROUP OF EMPLOYEES 17 CABINET SHOP 20 PLASTER CASTING 2J SECTION OF SHIPPING ROOM 15 FINISHING ROOM 18 WOOD TURNING 21 CEMENT CASTING 24 SECTION OF COMPO SHOP TN presenting this catalogue to the trade we wish to emphasize the fact that the kind of goods shown herein are only *■ a small percentage of our production. As we embody the different articles we manufacture in separate catalogues we have refrained from illustrating any other in this book, and therefore mention here the different branches of our manu- facture, viz.: 1st — Portland cement furniture, mantels, fountains, etc. 2nd — Exterior composition ornaments, capitals and brackets. 3rd — Interior fibrous plaster in connection with plaster finish. 4th' — Interior composition in conjunction with wood work. 5th — Grille work. 6th — Electric lighting fixtures. 7th — Complete ornamentation for interior and exterior of theaters. 8th — Show window backgrounds. Exterior composition is used very extensively for the ornamental features of buildings, and for that purpose has taken the place of much more expensive materials. It is very durable and easily applied. It combines with a very low price a very artistic finish. Its manifold uses for Capitals, Brackets. Cornices, Friezes, Panels, Arches, Shells and Gables fill a constantly increasing demand by the profession. We can refer to a great number of fine buildings beautified by us with this class of goods. We have shown in this book a great variety of ornaments adapted for exterior use and in all cases have given the price for them. All Decorators and Architects now use plastic ornaments for the enrichment of interiors, and we have aimed in this book not only to show the illustrations of the ornaments but have shown the application on ceilings and walls on a great number of plates, to aid the Decorator to make a selection. The interior decorations of public buildings, theaters, churches and residences of to-day require a great deal of relief ornamentation for its refined finish. The manufacture of these goods, made of fibrous plaster, forms a great part of our business. The immense possibility of this inexpensive material as a decorative medium has made it stand foremost in the minds of Architects searching for an ornamental finish at a reasonable cost. No up-to-date building can lay claim to any architectural or decorative prominence without a liberal use of this class of ornamentation in its interior. This part of our manufacture is immensely increasing as the nature of it becomes more and more understood. The interior composition we have several times referred to, and shown in another catalogue, forms quite a part of our output. When properly applied and finished it will give exactly the same results as wood carving, having the same grain; when filled it represents any wood used, as oak, mahogany, birch, etc.; it would deceive an expert to distinguish the fine examples of this class of goods in our show rooms from wood carvings. Our thousands of models, running in style through all architectural periods known, enables us to make almost any conceivable design to imitate wood carving on interior wood work, such as windows and door trims, sideboards, consols, mantels, etc. The very fact that this material is so inexpensive has made it possible that almost any building has a liberal amount of this ornamentation distributed all over its interior wood finish. We cannot say too much of its merits as a decorative medium on wood work, and would like to invite the trade to make a trial with it in order to be convinced. We have issued a special catalogue of fret or grille work, also one on capitals and brackets, and another for Elec- tric Lighting Fixtures, which has stood the criticism of the best people using this class of ornamentation for beautifying houses. We would like it understood that we aim to manufacture these articles in any design and style to meet the general scheme of the interior decoration. We finish these goods in any color or wood. A fine grille is always a highly desirable ornamentation for openings between rooms. We justly lay claims to the distinction of being the foremost people in this country in the manufacture of these goods. In conclusion we wish to state that our range of manufacture covers almost every conceivable relief ornamentation known to the art of architecture, except in stone and metal. For this class of work, we, however furnish the models neces- sary. We respectfully invite all interested in the ornamental arts of building to visit our establishment, to be convinced that we are the largest and most advanced manufacturers of relief ornamentation in its various branches in the United States. THE DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. We have excellent facilities for furnishing special designs quickly. Estimates given on application. We issue eight different catalogues, one each for Grille Work, Plaster and Exterior Ornaments, Composition Orna- ments for woodwork, Capitals and Brackets, Cement furniture, etc.. Complete Theater Ornamentation, Electric Lighting Fixtures and Show-window Backgrounds. Write for them. COMPLETE INDEX OF ALL ORNAMENTS SHOWN IN CATALOG No. Page No. Page No. Page 1 197 159 188 291 . . 80 2 ,200 160 172 292 . 87 3 31-200 161 175 293 87 4 38 164 180 294 87 5 200 165 170 295 87 6 200 166 190 297 80 197 168 188 300 . . . . . 221 10 197 169 188 301 . . . . . 221 12 202 170 172 302 . . . . . . 221 13 38 171 170 303 . . . . . 221 15 199 172 188 304 . . . . . 221 16 82 174 189 305 . . . . . 221 17 199 175 104 300 . . . . 221 18 82 170 192 307 . . . . . . 221 19 199 177 189 308 . . . . 221 20 39-85 178 188 309 . . . . 221 22 . 46-50-85 179 188 310 . . . . 221 26 . 199 180 104 311 . . . . 221 29 . , 82 181 188 312 . . . . 221 30 . . 82 182 104 313 . . . . 221 31 . 82 183 188 314 . . . . 221 32 . 59 184 188 315 . . . . 221 33 . 202 185 188 310 . . . . 221 35 . 31-82 180 188 317 .... 206 40 82 187 190 320 50 41 . 82 188 193 322 50 42 . 31-82 189 188 337 221 43 82 190 170 349 221 44 82 191 170 350 217 45 , 82 192 193 351 217 48 82 193 170 352 217 49 82 194 193 353 221 50 82 195 193 354 221 51 82 190 193 355 . . . . . 221 52 82 197 193 356 . . . . 221 53 82 198 193 357 . . . . 221 54 . 82 199 161 359 221 58 202 200 25-44-80 360 221 59 197 201 80 301 221 60 203 202 81 302 . . . . 221 6S 85 203 80 303 . . . . 221 66 32-82 205 80 364 . . . . . 221 67 26-31-82 206 80 305 ,, , . . . . 221 68 31-38-82 207 81 306 221 69 16-38-82 208 81 307 221 70 85 209 81 309 221 71 85 210 81 371 221 72 85 211 57-81 372 221 73 45-85 212 50-56-81 373 221 76 85 213 80 374 219 78 . . 38-46-56-85 214 88 375 221 79 85 210 80 370 219 80 85 217 80 377 221 82 85 218 40-81 378 221 83 85 219 80 379 219 84 . . . 197 220 50-81 380 219 85 . . . 42-85 221 80 382 219 86 47-85 222 . . 80 383 219 88 40-198 223 80 384 217 89 40-82 224 45-80 385 217 90 . 40 225 80 380 217 91 40-82 220 39-81 387 217 92 10-82 227 22-80 388 219 93 . 85 228 40-81 389 221 95 85 229 81 390 221 96 . 203 230 50-81-198 391 217 100 . 172 231 81 392 221 101 . 188 232 18-80 393 221 102 . 165 233 17-80-200 394 221 103 . 165 234 17-80 395 221 104 . 193 235 . 35-80 390 221 105 . 186 230 20-80 397 221 10« . 192 237 23-80-198 398 221 107 . 164 238 23-80 399 221 108 . 192 239 21-81 400 85 109 . 181 240 48-81 401 85 110 . 172 241 47^9-81 402 85 112 . 189 242 80 403 85 113 180 243 80 404 85 114 187 244 47-81 405 85 115 180 245 45-80 406 85 116 162 246 .80 407 85 117 170 247 81 408 85 118 125 250 57-81 409 85 119 193 251 80 410 85 120 161 252 70 413 85 121 190 253 81 415 85 122 187 255 54-81 416 85 123 , 187 257 37 417 85 124 180 258 38-81 418 85 125 88 259 42-80 419 85 126 187 260 42-81 420 85 127 188 261 40-81 421 85 128 172 262 39-81 422 254 264 40-81 420 85 130 . 191 265 50-81 427 85 134 180 206 81 428 254 135 ... . 188 267 16-44-81 429 254 136 18H 208 26-81-198 430 85 137 188 269 19-80 431 254 138 191 269A 19-80 432 254 139 173 270 81 433 254 140 170 271 39-80 434 254 141 192 272 . . ,87 435 254 142 170 273 87 437 254 143 180 274 .... 45 -46-50-87 438 254 144 181 275 37-87 439 254 145 186 276 38-39-41- 440 254 146 191 42-50- 57-87 198 441 . . . . . 254 147 164 277 87 442 . . .... 254 148 181 278 47-81 443 . 85 149 188 279 41-81 444 85 150 186 280 40-81 451 .... 254 151 193 281 81 454 .... 254 152 188 283 81 450 254 153 192 284 81 457 45-254 154 180 286 81 471 200 287 , , 37-81 473 , . .... 206 156 191 288 . . 81 500 46 158 . . 172 289 41-81 501 . 22 No. Page 502 54 503 40 505 49 507 38 508 16 509 45 510 58 511 59 512 49 513 22-31 514 22 515 54 516 00 517 50 518 00 519 00 520 59 521 60 523 60 528 52 529 30 530 49 532 52 534 216 540 43 542 43 544 59 545 59 547 216 548 43 549 43 551 40 552 44 553 198 555 272 500 43 566 59 568 59 570 31 574 59 575 47 582 30 588 51 589 53 590 51 591 42 592 251 593 251 595 44 596 44 599 . .' 60 600 216 604 33 607 60 608 59 609 29 611 59 612 48 617 .... . 60 618 60 619 00 620 25 622 29 625 . 48 628 26-198 629 26 030 57-198 031 37 032 50 033 16 635 41 636 58 637 58 638 39-198 639 39 640 28 041 28 042 28 043 28 044 28 645 28 647 27 648 27 649 27 650 226 604 18 005 18 600 17 067 17 069 32 070 30 671 36 072 34 073 34 074 33 075 33 076 35 077 35 079 59 082 20 083 26 084 24 685 24 686 32 087 32 088 35 089 35 090 20 091 20 692 23 093 23 094 23 095 23 090 19 097 19 698 21 699 21 701 00 702 60 703 16 No. Page No. l>.ge 704 66 831 .72 705 42 832 .71 707 30 833 . 71 708 58 834 . 71 709 65 835 . 72 710 66 836 . 71 711 33 837 . 71 712 04 838 71 713 47 839 . 71 714 37 840 . 71 715 65 841 . 17 716 59 842 . 72 717 64 843 . 71 718 60 844 . 65 719 26 ' 845 72 720 22 846 72 721 60 847 71 722 60 848 41-71 723 52 849 . 71 724 07 850 . 71 726 55-02 851 . 72 727 37-55 852 71 728 55 853 71 729 43 854 67 730 00 855 72 731 05 856 . 72 734 45 857 . 71 735 60 858 71 737 40 859 72 738 45 860 71 739 04 861 71 740 07 802 71 741 57 863 72 742 16 864 71 743 58 865 72 744 42 806 72-205 745 05 867 . 60 746 250 868 . 67 748 66 869 60 749 53 870 . 67 750 15-06 871 . 60 751 57 872 . 67 752 37 873 .67 753 07 874 72 754 00 875 . 71 755 47 876 . 71 757 04 877 ... 71 758 58 878 . 46-50-71 759 49 879 .71 760 40 880 10-21-45-71 761 39 881 40-71 702 68 882 50-71 703 58 883 37-42-71 764 60 884 71 765 60 885 71 766 48 886 71 767 25 887 . 71 768 ,. . ... 20 888 .. . . 71 709 .. . . . . 54 889 . 47-50 770 .. . ... 58 890 . . 71 771 .. . . . . 38 891 . . 71 772 .. . . . . 31 892 . . 71 773 .. . . . . 50 893 . . 71 774 . . . ... 40 894 . . 71 775 .. . ... 47 895 . . 71 776 .. . . . . 38 896 . . 71 777 .. . . . . 31 897 . 67 778 . ... 50 898 . 71 779 .. . ... 39 899 39-41-46-56 780 .. . 50 900 67 781 .. . 18 901 .67 782 .. . 17 902 . . 67 783 .. . 29 903 . . . 71 784 .. . . . . 32 904 . . 72 785 .. . . . . 36 905 . . 72 786 34 900 . . 67 787 33 907 . . 72 788 35 908 . . 71 789 58 909 . . 39 790 41 910 . . 71 791 41 911 . . 71 792 .. . ... 24 912 . 71 793 .. . 32 913 . 72 794 ,. . 35 914 . 41 795 20 915 68 796 23 910 68 797 23 917 . 67 798 19 918 . 67 799 21 919 . 68 800 71 920 68 801 71 921 . 68 802 71 922 . . 72 803 71 923 . . 72 804 71 924 . . 67 805 71-205 925 . . 71 806 . 71 920 . . 71 807 71 928 . 67 808 60 929 . 72 809 71 030 . 72 810 71 931 . . . 72 811 71 932 71 812 71 033 72 813 71 034 71 814 71 035 71 815 71 030 37-71 816 72 937 . 71 817 . 71 938 . 71 818 72 939 71 819 71 040 71 820 71 941 71 821 71 942 71 822 72 043 71 823 71 944 71 824 71 945 71 825 71 946 . 71 820 72 047 . 71 827 71 048 . 71 828 71 040 71 829 48-72 950 71 830 71 951 . 71 COMPLETE INDEX OF ALL ORNAMENTS SHOWN IN CATALOG CONT. No 952 953 . 954 955 . 956 . 957 . 958 . 959 . 960 . 961 962 . 963 964 965 . 966 967 . 968 . 969 970 . 971 . 972 973 974 975 976 977 . 978. 979. 980. 981 . 983 . 984. 985 . 986 . 987 . 988 . 989. 990. 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 looo lOOl , 1002 1002A 1003 1006 1008 1008A 1009 1011 1012 1014 1017 1017A 1018 1019 1021 1023 1024 1029 1030 1032 1034 1036 1036A 1037 1038 1039 1042 1045 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1062 1065 1067 1069 1070 1072 1073 1074 1081 1083 1084 1087 1090 1091 1092 1097 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 . 1104 . lies . 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 Page 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 65 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 60 68 153 153 153 153 153 127 154 154 153 127 145 145 157 157 155 152 145 158 158 159 158 126 159 157 157 156 145 159 126 156 158 127 159 159 152 159 158 123 126 157 126 127 157 155 150 6» 08 44 238 43 43 43 73 79 58 56 16 56 46 58 51 58 65 28 27 88 139 278 122 142 139 155 . 156 157 . 158 159 160 , 161 162 163 164 105 100 107 170 171 172 173 174 176 177 178 179 180 182 183 184 185 180 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 232 , 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 241 242 244 245 240 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 , 254 255 256 257 258 259 200 261 262 . 203 , 204 205 266 . 267 . 268 269 270 271 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 281 282 283 284 Page No Page No Page 136 1285 124 1398B 225 136 1286 125 1398C 225 138 1288 123 1399 . 225 138 1289 123 1399A 225 138 1291 125 1399B 225 137 1292 123 1399C 225 138 1293 125 1405 85 137 1296 123 1406 . 85 137 1297 124 1407 85 137 1298 138 1408 85 137 1299 138 1409 85 138 1301 215 1410 85 137 1302 215 1411 . 85 141 1303 213 1415 . 85 121 1304 213 1416 85 121 1305 213 1417 85 121 1306 213 1418 . 85 140 1307 213 1419 85 121 1308 213 1420 85 121 1309 213 1421 . 85 141 1311 215 1422 . 85 139 1311A 215 1423 . 85 UO 1311B 215 1424 . 85 138 1312 214 1425 . 85 137 1314 213 1450 240 138 1315 213 1451 . 240 138 1316 45 1452 240 138 1317 213 1453 240 141 1318 215 1454 240 141 1319 214 1455 . 240 140 1319A 214 1456 240 140 1320 215 1457 . 240 140 1321 213 1458 . 240 140 1322 214 1459 240 142 1323 213 1460 . 240 144 1324 213 1462 . 247 144 1325 214 1462A 247 153 1326 213 1462B 247 153 1327 213 1462C 247 131 1328 213 1462D 247 134 1329 215 1462E 247 142 1330 215 1466 247 129 1331 215 1466 A 247 154 1331A 215 1466B 247 128 1331E 215 1466C 247 135 1331C 215 1466D 247 132 1332 215 1466E 247 134 1333 214 1466F 247 129 1334 213 1472 . 247 131 1335 215 1472A 247 128 1335A 215 1472B 247 129 1335E 215 1472C 247 130 1336 213 1475 . 247 131 1337 215 1475 A 247 125 1338 214 1475B 247 135 1339 213 1475C . 247 132 1340 214 1475D 247 131 1341 214 1479 . 247 144 1342 213 1479A 247 125 1343 215 1479B 247 128 1344 214 1479C 247 125 1346 215 1479D 247 129 1347 215 1479E 247 124 1348 215 1479F 247 132 1349 214 1485 . 247 124 1349A 214 1485A 247 124 1349E 214 1485B 247 157 1350 213 1485C 247 124 1351 213 1488 . 247 125 1352 214 1488 A 247 128 1353 214 1488B 247 133 1354 ... 198-215 1488C 247 129 1355 215 1489 . 247 131 1356 215 1498 243 120 1356/\ 215 1499 243 127 1356E 215 1500 109 124 1357 215 1501 110-205 128 1358 213 1502 110 128 1359 213 1503 no 131 1360 198-206 1504 109 155 1361 225 1505 109 131 1362 225 1506 109 144 1304 224 1507 109 132 1305 53-224 1508 33 133 1300 225 1509 91-194 129 1307 174 1510 110-205 135 1308 224 1510A no 126 1370 225 1511 109-205 133 1371 224 1512 . no 139 1372 224 1513 110 144 1373 224 1514 109 133 1374 174 1515 109 139 1375 174 1516 110 134 1376 174 1517 30 133 1377 225 1518 109 135 1378 174 1519 109 130 1379 225 1520 117 136 1380 225 1521 . no 137 1380>! I 225 1522 109 138 13801 ) 225 1523 109 134 1380C 225 1524 109 142 1381 224 1525 109 132 1382 224 1526 29 154 1383 174 1527 no 134 1384 224 1528 109 152 1385 174 1529 110 141 1386 174 1530 0-91-194-195-190 134 1387 225 1531 no 130 1388 174 1532 109 130 1389 224 1533 111 130 1390 174 1534 no 130 1391 225 1535 22-109 130 1392 224 1530 . . 110-205 130 1393 224 1537 9 -194-197-202-203 130 1394 224 1538 91-197 155 1395 224 1539 197-204 123 1396 225 1540 117 152 1397 225 1541 197 123 1398 225 1542 117 152 1398/ i 225 1543 117 No Page 1544 . 91-195-202-203 1546 . 30-91 1547 . 91-190 1548. no 1549 . no 1550. 117 1551 . . no 1552 . . 109 1553 . 109 1554 109 1555 109 1550 117 1557 109 1558 no 1559 no 1500 109 1561 91 1562 91-195-201 1563 91-194-195 1564 91-194-195-196 1565 195 1506 91-198 1567 195 1568 . 110-205 1569 91-203 1570 . 12-89 1571 . 50-91-194-200-201 1572 91-200 1573 91-196-197-199-200 1574 24-91-199 1575 109 1576 . , 109 1577 . 109 1578 . 109 1579 . 109 1580 109 1581 109 1582 . 109 1583 109 1584 109 1585 91 1586 109 1587 109 1588 no 1589 109 1590 91-194-194-201 1591 . 15-89 1592 91-196 1593 . 91 1594 91 1595 91 1596 37-91 1597 91 1598 91 1599 . 37-91 1600 249 1001 249 1602 . 249 1603 249 1600 , 249 1007 249 1008 249 1609 249 1616 , 249 1617 . 249 1618 . 249 1622 249 1623 . 249 1024 . 249 1025 . 249 1020 249 1030 , 249 1031 249 1031 A 249 1632 249 1633 . 249 1634 . 249 1635 , 249 1636 . 249 1637 249 1638 249 1639 249 1640, 249 1641 . 249 1642 249 1643 249 1645 249 1646 249 1647 - 249 1053 , 176 1654 . 176 1656 166 1657 - 176 1058 170 1059 . 176 1660 176 1001 . 176 1662 176 1663 . 176 1604 . 177 1005 , 177 1006 177 1067 177 1668 212 1608A 212 1075 178 1070 209 1677 . 209 1080 249 1081 249 1082 249 1684 249 1685 249 1680 249 1090 249 1091 249 1694 249 1695 249 1699 275 1700 . 97 No 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1710 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1720 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1730 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 , 1762 , 1763 1764 1765 1766 . 1708 . 1769 . 1770 . 1771 1772 1773 1773A 1774 1774A 1775 . 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 , 1781 . 1782 . 1783 . 1784 . 1785 . 1786 , 1787 , 1788 . 1789 . 1790 . 1791 . 1792 1793 1794 1795 . 1790 1797 , 1798 1799 . 1800 . 1801 . 1802 1803 . 1804 1805 . 1806 . 1807 . 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 . 1813 . 1814 1815 . 1816 1817 1818 . 1819 . Page 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 97 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 97 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 97 87 87 87 97 87 87 87 87 87 97 97 87 87 87 97 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 COMPLETE INDEX OF ALL ORNAMENTS SHOWN IN CATALOG-CONT, No 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1826 1827 1832 1834 1835 1830 1837 1838 1900 1001 1902 1003 1004 1905 1006 1007 1908 1000 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1910 1917 10i8 1019 1920 1921 1922 1923 1024 1925 1020 1927 1928 1020 1930 1931 1032 1033 1934 1035 1036 1037 1938 1030 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1945 1046 1947 1948 1949 1950 1051 1952 1953 1054 1055 1056 1057 1958 1950 1060 1061 1062 1963 1964 1965 1066 1967 1908 1909 1970 1071 1972 1973 1074 1075 1976 1977 107H 1970 1080 1081 1982 1083 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1980 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1006 1997 lOOK 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Page . 87 . 87 . 87 . 87 . 87 . 07 97 101 101 105 105 105 105 55 93 101 . 93 . 95 . 95 93 . 95 . 95 . 95 93 93 . 93 . 93 . 95 93 . 93 . 95 . 95 93 . 93 93 93 95 03 03 . 95 93 . 93 93 . 93 . 95 93 93 93 . 95 95 . 95 05 101 93 . 95 93 . 95 95 95 . 95 93 95 95 101 93 95 95 93 101 95 95 93 93 95 95 95 95 93 95 95 95 05 95 95 03 101 05 07 101 93 03 101 OS 05 05 . 93 93 98 03 95 101 . 03 . 93 . 97 . 97 . 07 93 97 93 101 101 03 03 93 95 97 95 No. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2030 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2040 2047 2048 2040 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2070 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2001 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2008 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2100 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2120 'aee No. OS 2130 93 2131 03 2132 93 2133 101 2134 93 2135 93 2136 . 93 2137 . 93 2138 93 2141 97 2146 95 2147 93 2149 93 2150 101 2153 05 2154 93 2155 03 2156 93 2157 93 2158 , 95 2159 97 2160 101 2161 95 2163 93 2165 97 2173 93 2174 03 2175 03 2170 05 2177 95 2178 97 2170 95 2180 93 2181 03 2182 95 2183 03 2184 97 2185 93 2180 93 2187 03 2188 93 2189 93 2193 93 2105 . 03 2196 . 03 2198 . 03 2199 . 05 2200 . 07 2201 97 2202 97 2203 97 2204 07 2205 97 2206 97 2207 97 2208 07 2200 07 2210 97 2211 97 2212 97 2213 07 2214 101 2215 101 2216 101 2217 101 2218 101 2210 101 2220 101 2221 108 2222 108 2223 108 2224 108 2225 108 2226 108 2227 108 2228 105 2229 105 2230 105 2231 , 105 2232 . 105 2233 105 2234 97 2235 105 2236 105 2237 105 2238 105 2239 105 2240 105 2241 105 2242 . 103 2243 . , 103 2244 97 2245 07 2246 103 2247 97 2248 103 2249 103 2250 103 2251 , 103 2252 103 2253 103 2254 103 2255 103 2256 103 2257 103 2258 103 2259 103 2260 103 2201 103 2262 103 2263 , , 103 2204 103 2265 103 2200 103 2267 07 2200 103 2270 103 2271 103 2274 103 2275 Page 103 2277 103 2279 103 2280 103 2281 . 07 2282 103 2283 103 2284 103 2285 103 2286 103 2287 07 2289 103 2291 103 2290 103 2207 103 2208 103 2290 103 2300 103 2301 . 97 2302 . 97 2303 103 2304 103 2305 103 2300 103 2307 101 2308 103 2300 97 2310 07 2311 07 2312 . 07 2313 . 97 2314 101 2315 105 2310 105 2318 105 2320 105 2321 105 2322 . 97 2323 97 2324 97 2325 07 2326 07 2327 . 07 2328 105 2320 105 2330 105 2331 105 2332 - 97 2333 99 2334 99 2335 99 2336 00 2337 90 2338 00 2330 00 2340 90 2341 09 2342 00 2343 00 2344 99 2345 99 2340 09 2347 99 2348 99 2340 . 99 2350 00 2351 09 2352 99 2353 99 2354 99 2355 09 2350 99 2357 99 2359 90 2360 99 2361 00 2362 09 2363 90 2364 00 2367 99 2308 99 2309 99 2370 90 2371 99 2372 00 2373 09 2374 90 2375 90 2376 00 2400 00 2401 99 2402 09 2403 90 2403 A 09 2404 90 2405 99 2406 09 2407 90 2408 09 2400 . 99 2410 99 2411 90 2412 99 2413 00 2414 99 2415 99 2410 99 2417 99 2418 99 2419 90 2420 09 2421 90 2422 90 2423 99 2424 00 2425 09 2420 00 2427 00 2428 97 2429 97 2430 . 07 2431 . . 231 - 97 2432 . 231 . 97 2433 231 . 97 2434 231 97 2435 231 97 2436 231 07 2437 231 97 2438 231 07 2439 231 07 2440 231 . 07 2441 231 97 2442 231 101 2443 231 101 2444 231 101 2446 255 101 2447 255 101 2448 255 101 2449 255 101 2450 255 101 2451 255 101 2452 255 101 2453 255 101 2454 255 101 2455 255 101 2450 255 101 2457 255 101 2458 255 101 2459 255 101 2460 255 101 2461 267 101 2462 250 108 2463 267 108 2464 207 108 2465 207 108 2466 207 105 2467 259 105 2468 267 105 2460 259 105 2470 204-267 105 2471 204-207 105 2472 207 105 2473 207 105 2474 207 105 2475 267 105 2470 207 105 2477 250 105 2478 259 105 2470 250 105 2480 250 105 2481 250 105 2482 267 105 2483 207 105 2484 267 105 2485 267 105 2486 259 105 2487 259 105 2488 232 105 2480 ■ 232 105 2490 232 105 2491 - . ■ 255 105 2492 . 255 105 2493 ■ 255 105 2494 232 105 2495 259 101 2496 232 101 2400A 232 101 2497 232 101 2407A 232 101 2407B . 232 101 2408 ... 237 101 2408A 237 101 2499 237 101 2400A 237 101 2499B 237 101 2500 172 101 2501 171 101 2502 190 101 2504 162 108 2505 161 108 2500 180 105 2507 226 105 2509 181 105 2510 156 105 2511 193 105 2512 167 105 2513 173 105 2514 191 105 2515 180 231 2510 192 231 2517 103 04 2518 180 231 2519 170 . 22 2520 181 237 2521 180 23 1 2522 187 231 2523 170 231 2524 , 104 231 2525 180 231 2526 162 231 2527 193 231 2528 175 231 2520 172 231 2530 170 231 2531 175 231 2532 ■ ■ 171 231 2533 • • 190 231 2534 • ■ 187 231 2535 173 259 2537 187 231 2538 101 231 2539 160 231 2540 192 232 2541 103 231 2542 . ■ 186 231 2543 . ■ 180 231 2544 . 18« 231 2545 180 231 2546 164 231 2547 167 231 2548 104 No. 2549 . 2550 . 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2550 2557 2558 2550 2560 2561 2502 2563 2564 2565 2506 2507 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2570 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2580 2587 2588 2580 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2505 2500 2507 2508 2590 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2006 . 2007 2608 . 2600 2610 2011 2012 2013 2614 2616 2617 , 2618 2619 2620 2021 2622 , 2623 2624 2625 2620 2627 2628 2629 2630 2031 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 . 2639 2640 . 2041 2042 . 2043 2044 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2051 2052 2053 2054 2655 . 2656. 2657 . 2058 2059 2660 2061 . 2662 2603 2004 2605 2606 2667 2668 . 2669 2670 Page . 164 192 189 192 170 187 171 103 171 161 164 187 180 170 187 172 180 186 189 191 189 191 189 189 189 187 189 189 189 180 180 187 189 186 187 172 103 180 192 193 192 191 180 100 187 192 192 192 192 102 192 187 161 187 161 161 161 161 191 191 191 101 101 101 186 175 186 193 175 175 175 187 187 187 187 187 162 162 102 102 162 162 163 163 163 163 103 103 103 163 163 163 163 163 163 103 162 160 160 160 100 165 105 165 105 105 165 165 105 190 190 100 100 165 165 173 173 100 100 100 COMPLETE INDEX OF ALL ORNAMENTS SHOWN IN C AT A LO G - C N T . No. 2671 . 2672 . 2673 . 2674 2675 - 2676 2677 , 2678 . 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2608 2699 2701 . 2702 . 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 , 2728 , 2729 2730 . 2731 . 2732 . 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 1784 2785 2786 2786A 2787 2788 2789 2790 2792 2794 Page No. 168 2795 . 168 2797 . - 168 2798 . 168 2799 . 168 2800 . 190 2801 . 190 2802 . 169 2803 . 169 2803 A 169 2803B 169 2804 . . 169 2804A 169 2805 . 169 2806 167 2807 . 167 2808 167 2809 . 163 2810 . 167 2811 . 167 2812 . 88 2813 . 167 2814 . 167 2815 . 88 2815A 167 2816 167 2817 . 167 2818 160 2818A 191 2819 193 2820 . 49-193 2821 . 193 2822 . 191 2823 . 193 2824 193 2825 . 193 2926 . 193 2827 . 193 2828 88 2829 193 2830 193 2832 . 193 2833 193 2834 193 2838 83 2839 82 2840 83 2841 83 2842 - 83 2843 83 2845 83 2846 83 2849 83 2850 83 2851 . 83 2852 . 83 2853 83 2854 83 2855 . 83 2856 83 2857 83 2858 83 2859 . 83 2860 83 2861 83 2863 83 2864 S3 2865 83 2866 83 2867 83 2868 83 2869 83 2870 83 2871 83 2872 83 2873 83 2874 . 83 2875 83 2876 52-83 2877 83 2878 . 83 2879 88 2889 167 2890 88 2891 . 88 2893 . 88 2895 , 88 2895A 88 2896 88 2897 . 166 2897A 166 2898 166 2899 . 88 2900 . 166 2901 166 2902 166 2903 166 2904 88 2905 88 2906 88 2907 . . 88 2908 . 88 2900 . 88 2910 166 2911 166 2912 166 2913 . 82 2914 . 82 2015 . 82 2937 , . 82 2940 . 88 2941 . 43 2942 43-88 2943 43 .'944 43-88 2945 88 2940 43-88 2947 34-83 2948 55 2949 33-83 2050 Page No. 36-83 2951 32-83 2052 33-83 2953 35-83 2954 237 2955 259 2956 232 2957 237 2958 237 2959 237 2960 , , 237 2962 237 2963 237 2964 237 2968 251 2969 251 2970 251 2971 251 2972 , 251 2073 251 2974 251 2975 251 2076 251 2977 251 2080 251 2081 251 2082 251 2983 258 2984 254 2985 254 2998 254 2999 254 3000 254 3001 254 3002 254 3003 254 3004 254 3005 254 3007 . 254 3008 264 3008A 257 3008B 257 3008C 257 3009 252 3010 229 3011 229 3012 229 3013 252 3014 260 3015 260 3016 229 3017 229 3018 255 3026 255 3027 . 255 3028 255 3029 255 3030 , 255 3031 255 3031 A 255 3031B 255 3032 255 3033 . 255 3034 259 3034A 259 3034B 259 3034C 2 59 3035 259 3048 . 259 3049 259 3050 250 3051 259 3052 259 3053 259 3054 259 3055 260 3056 260 3057 260 3058 260 3059 260 3060 276 3061 229 3062 229 3063 229 3064 229 3065 229 3066 229 3067 220 3068 264 3069 264 3070 238 3071 268 3072 261 3073 209 3074 200 3075 200 3076 210 3077 210 3078 210 3100 210 3101 211 3102 211 3103 211 3104 211 3105 211 3106 211 3107 218 3108 211 3109 210 3110 208 3111 208 3112 208 3113 208 3114 207 3115 207 3116 207 3118 207 3110 206 3124 206 3125 63 3126 63 63 63 61 01 61 01 01 01 61 12 12 15 14 14 13 7 276 276 277 278 277 277 278 279 279 279 62 62 62 62 62 62 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 262 262 275 245 245 245 245 245 9 5 10 10 10 10 6 11 11 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 226 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 218 218 218 218 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 42-223 223 . 223 60 37-223 . . 37 223 223 223 No. 3127 . 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3136 . 3140 . 3142 . 3143 . 3145 . 3146 . 3148 3150 . 3151 3152 , 3153 3154 . 3155 3156 3157 . 3158 3159 3160 3161 3170 . 3171 . 3174 . 3175 . 3176 3177 . 3178 . 3179 3180 . 3181 3182 . 3183 3184 . 3185 3186 . 3187 3188 3189 3190 3101 3102 3193 . 3194 . 3105 . 3226 3227 . 3228 . 3229 3230 3231 . 3232 , 3233 3234 3235 3236 . 3237 . 3238 . 3239 . 3239A 324! . 3242 . 3243 . 3243A 3244 3244A 3245 3245A 3246 3 246 A 3247 . 3247A 3248 . 3248A 3249 3249A 3250 . 3250A 3251 . 3251A 3252 . 3252A 3253 . 3253A 3254 . 3254A 3255 . 3255A 3256 . 32S6A 3202 . 3203 . 3298 3299 3300 . 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3313 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3350 3351 3352 3353 Page 223 3354 223 3355 223 3356 223 3357 223 3358 223 3359 223 3360 198 3361 223 3400 223 3401 223 3402 223 3403 223 3404 223 3405 223 3406 223 3407 223 3408 223 3400 223 3410 223 3411 223 3412 . 223 3413 223 3414 223 3410 223 3417 223 3418 223 3419 223 3420 223 342 1 223 3422 . 223 3423 223 3424 223 3425 223 3426 223 3427 223 3428 223 3429 223 3430 . 223 3431 - 223 3434 223 3436 223 3437 223 3438 223 3430 223 3440 223 3441 223 3442 223 3443 223 3444 223 3445 230 3446 239 3447 239 3475 239 3476 226 3477 226 3494 226 3506 226 3600 226 3601 239 3602 238 3603 238 3604 238 3005 . 242 3606 . 242 3607 217 3608 217 3608A 243 3609 243 3610 243 3611 243 3612 243 3613 243 3614 243 3615 243 3616 243 3617 243 3618 241 3619 241 3620 241 3621 241 3622 241 3623 241 3624 241 3625 241 362SA 241 3626 241 3627 . 242 3628 . 242 3630 . 242 3631 . 242 3632 . 242 3634 . 242 3636 . 244 3637 244 3638 . 250 3639 250 3640 250 3641 250 3642 219 3643 219 3644 216 3645 219 3646 216 3647 219 3648 219 3649 219 3650 219 3651 219 3652 . 217 3653 . 74 3654 217 3655 217 3656 217 3657 . 235 3658 235 3659 227 3660 227 3664 227 3665 227 3665A Page No. . 227 3666 . . 227 3667 . 227 3668 . , 227 3069 227 3670 . 227 3671 . 227 3672 . 227 3673 142 3674 142 3675 . 151 3676 151 3677 151 3678 151 3679 . 150 3680 150 3681 . 150 3682 150 3683 122 3684 143 3685 143 3688 143 3689 122 3690 143 3692 143 3693 122 3605 122 3695A 146 3696 . 149 3697 . 147 3698 183 3700 . 147 3701 , 147 3702 146 3703 147 3704 149 3705 140 3706 . 147 3707 . 146 3708 . 147 3700 146 3710 146 3711 146 3712 148 3713 148 3714 148 3715 . 148 3716 148 3717 , 148 3718 148 3710 149 3 720 149 3721 218 3722 , 218 3723 - 218 3724 . 115 3725 . 219 3726 . 268 3727 . 268 3728 . 268 3728A 268 3720 . 268 3730 . 263 3730A 263 3731 . 274 3731A 268 3732 . 271 3732A 264 3733 . 264 3734 264 3735 264 3736 264 3737 264 3737A 252 3738 268 3739 . 253 3741 253 3743 257 3744 252 3745 252 3746 264 3747 252 3749 256 3750 263 3751 263 3752 238 3753 238 3754 239 3755 253 3756 263 3757 263 3758 253 3765 . 263 3766 . 219 3766A 229 3767 252 3770 253 3771 252 3772 264 3773 256 3774 257 3775 257 3776 . 257 3777 257 3778 257 3779 256 3780 253-258 3781 256 3782 250 3784 256 3785 257 3788 256 3789 257 3790 257 3790A 256 3791 256 3792 263 3703 236 3704 220 3705 229 3796 Page 229 220 220 229 229 239 229 239 230 274 274 238 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 261 258 270 260 258 265 265 228 228 261 270 228 170 170 170 170 170 179 258 258 228 228 228 228 258 258 258 258 228 234 258 228 228 228 228 228 258 258 258 258 . 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 234 228 258 258 258 258 258 261 273 261 273 273 273 258 258 258 258 258 228 228 228 228 262 271 266 266 241 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 269 234 234 234 234 234 234 261 201 262 262 271 242 269 242 241 241 COMPLETE INDEX OF ALL ORNAMENTS SHOWN IN C AT A LOG ~ CO N T . Nc. J707 3707A J7«8 370« JgOO 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 J814 3815 3816 3821 3821 A 3822 3822A 3823 3824 3825 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3859 3901 3901 A 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 40411 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 Page No. 272 4111 272 4112 273 4113 270 4114 262 4115 262 4116 235 4117 262 4118 233 4110 233 4120 233 4121 - 233 4122 . 233 4123 . 233 4124 . 233 4125 - 235 4126 235 4127 235 4128 235 4129 235 4130 235 4131 266 4132 266 4133 265 4134 265 4135 266 4136 236 4137 230 4138 203 4139 76 4140 230 4141 230 4142 230 4143 230 4144 230 4145 230 4146 230 4147 230 4148 230 4149 230 4150 230 4151 230 4152 230 4153 230 4154 236 4155 - 236 4156 244 4157 - 244 4158 244 4159 236 4160 236 4161 231 4162 212 4163 212 4164 212 4165 212 4166 218 4167 218 4168 271 4160 201 4170 201 4171 201 4172 201 4173 201 4174 195 4175 105 4176 195 4177 195 4178 195 4179 195 4180 195 4181 195 41S2 195 4183 195 4184 195 4185 . 195 4186 195 4188 203 4188A 202 4180 202 4190 198 4101 198 4192 203 4193 196 4194 196 4196 196 4197 196 4198 196 4199 196 4200 196 4201 196 4202 194 4203 194 4204 194 4205 194 4206 194 4207 194 4208 59 4200 . 59 4210 194 4211 194 4212 194 4212A 194 4213 194 4214 . 194 4215 194 4216 236 4217 91 4218 91 4219 91 4219A 01 4220 . 01 4221 01 4222 01 4223 01 4224 01 4224A 01 4225 01 4226 91 4227 . 13 4342 91 4228 113-205 4343 01 4229 113 4344 91 4230 113 4345 01 4231 113 4346 01 4232 . 113 4347 91 4233 113 4348 91 4234 114-204-205 4349 01 4235 113-205 4350 91 4236 113 4351 01 4237 113 4352 01 4237A 116 4353 01 4238 114 4354 01 4230 113 4355 01 4239A 113 4356 01 4240 113 4357 91 4241 114 4358 01 4242 114 4350 01 4242A 114 4360 91 4244 114 4361 91 4245 1 13 4362 91 4246 113 4363 91-202 4247 114 4364 91 4248 114 4365 91 4240 113 4366 91 42 50 114 4367 91 4250A 116 4368 91 4251 113 4369 91 4252 114 4370 91 4253 114 4371 91 4254 114 4372 . 80 4255 113 4373 89 425SA 116 4374 89 4256 . 116 4375 89 4257 . 113 4376 89 4258 . 114 4377 89 4259 114 4378 . 89 4259A 108 4379 89 4260 . 114 4380 89 4261 114 4381 , 89 4262 114 4382 . 89 4263 114 4383 89 4264 , 1 14-204 4384 80 4265 . 114 4385 80 4265A 114 4386 89 4266 114 4387 89 4267 . 114 4388 89 4268 114 4389 89 4269 116 4390 89 4270 116 4391 89 4271 7 4392 80 4272 116 4393 89 4273 8 4394 89 4274 . 11 4305 80 4275 116 4396 80 4276 116-204 4397 . 80 4277 116 4398 89 4278A 9 4399 89 4279 5 4400 80 4280 116 4401 89 4281 10 4402 89 4282 116 4403 89 4283A 116 4404 89 4284 116 4405 89-204 42 85 A 116 4406 89 4286 116 4407 89 4287 116-205 4408 89 4288 116 4400 89 4289 116 4410 89 4290 116 4410A 80 4291 204 4411 111 4292 204 4412 113 4293 108 4413 III 4294 108 4414 111 4295 108 4415 1 1 1 4296 108 4416 Ml 4299 6 4417 1 15 4300 68 4418 lU 4301 79 4410 Ml 4302 68 4420 - I 1 i 4303 68 4421 > 11 4304 68 4422 1 1 1 4305 , 68 4423 , 8H 4306 68 4424 U I 4308 68 4425 111 4309 68 4426 1 1 1 4310 68 4427 . U 1 4311 68 4428 11 1 4312 68 4430 11 I 4313 68 4431 11 1 4314 68 4432 H« 4315 43 4433 111 4316 44 4434 111 4317 79 4435 112 4318 70 4436 112-204 4319 70 4437 112 4320 70 4438 113 432 1 79 4439 112 4322 79 4440 112 4323 79-205 4441 112 4324 79 4442 108 4325 79 4443 112 4326 70 4443 A 112 4327 79 4444 112 4328 79 4446 112 4320 79 4447 112 4330 70 4448 112 4331 79 4449 112 4332 79 4450 108 4333 79 4451 112 4334 70 4452 . 112 4335 79 4453 112 4336 79 4454 112 4337 70 4455 112-205 4338 70 4456 112-205 4339 70 4457 112 4340 70 4458 14 4341 79 4459 79 4460 79 4461 79 4462 73 4463 79 4464 79 4465 73 4471 79 4472 79 4473 79 4474 79 4475 77 4476 79 4178 79 4470 79 4480 79 4481 79 4482 70 4483 70 4484 73 4485 79 4480 79 4400 79 4491 79 4402 79 4403 79 4404 70 4405 73 4406 73 4407 73 4408 73 4499 73 4500 73 4501 73 4502 73 4503 73 4504 77 4505 77 4506 77 4507 77 4508 77 4500 77 4510 77 4511 77 4512 71 4513 . 77 4514 77 4515 77 4516 77 4517 77 4518 77 4510 77 4520 77 4521 77 4522 77 4523 77 4524 77 4525 73 4526 178 4527 178 4528 178 4529 178 4530 178 4532 185 4533 185 4534 185 4535 , 185 4536 185 4537 185 4539 . 185 4540 185 4541 184 4542 184 4543 184 4544 . 184 4545 184 4546 184 4547 184 4548 184 4540 184 4550 184 4551 184 4552 184 4553 179 4554 179 4555 184 4556 179 4557 179 4558 184 4550 184 4560 185 4562 185 4563 145 4564 185 4565 185 4566 185 4567 185 4568 182 4560 182 4570 120 4571 182 4572 182 4573 182 45 74 182 4575 182 4577 115 4578 185 4579 185 4580 182 4582 182 4593 182 4600 182 4601 182 4602 182 4603 182 4604 182 4605 182 4606 182 4607 Page No. 182 4608 182 460O 182 4610 182 4611 183 4612 183 4613 115 4613A 183 4614 183 4615 183 4616 183 4617 183 4618 183 4619 183 4620 183 4621 183 4623 183 4624 183 4625 183 4626 183 4627 183 4628 120 4800 120 4801 120 4802 120 4803 120 4804 120 4805 120 4806 120 4C07 120 4808 . 120 4809 74 4810 77 4811 9-69 4812 77 4813 77 4814 77 4815 73 4816 77 4817 77 4818 77 4810 77 4820 77 4821 77 4822 77 4823 77 4824 77 4825 77 4826 77-205 4827 77 4828 69 4820 242 4830 74 4831 74 4832 74 4833 74 4834 74 4835 74 4836 74 4837 235 4838 75 4830 76 4840 75 4841 75 4842 69 4843 76 4844 76 4845 76 4846 76 4847 75 4848 75 4849 75 4850 273 4851 76 4852 69 4853 76 4854 76 4855 76 4856 76 4857 76 4858 76 4900 76 4901 76 4902 76 4003 76 4004 76 4005 76 4006 76 4907 69 4908 69 4009 - 60 4910 . 60 4011 . 60 4912 . 69 4912A 60 401211 69 4913 69 4014 69 4915 69 4916 69 4017 69 4018 69 4910 69 4920 69 4050 69 4951 69 4052 69 4075 60 4076 69 4077 275 4078 108 4979 108 4080 108 4981 108 4982 108 05 50 108 115 1 15 Page 115 115 lis US 115 115 115 lis 115 115 US 115 US US US 115 115 183 US 115 US 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 . . 20S 205 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 275 275 275 118 118 119 118 118 110 110 119 252 GENERAL INDEX EXTERIOR COMPOSITION AND INTERIOR PLASTER Arches Architraves Balcony Fronts Bands and Runnings Orts Beams Beam Soffits Bellflowers Cartouches and Shields Caryatides Ceilings. — complete Ceilings. — coffered Ceiling Ornaments Ceiling and Wall Patterns Centerpieces Cornices Cornice Ornaments Coves Dentils 250 124.130,137,146 276,277,278,279 80.81.82,83,88 123,124,125,136,138,141,142,149, 152 120,183 80,81 , - , . 228 to 239. 241 . 260,261,262.263,265 5 to 57 63 16,58,59,60,64 61 . 15 to 60. 64, 65, 66, 67. 69. 76 . . 121. 122, 124tol55, 157 97.101,103.105 123,126, 127,145, 152 to 159 107 Door and Window Tops Drop Ornaments . . Eagles Egg and Darts ... 62,245,246,271 216 to 221 253,254,258,261 93,95,97,101,105,108 Electric-light Rosettes 65,67,68,69,71.72,77.79 Festoons and Drops 174,224,225,227 Figures 258, 260 to 268, 271, 273, 274. 276 Figure Panels and Orts 177,178,179.212,264 Figures, Animals and Miscellaneous . 251,252.253,254 neurdeLis .85 Friezes 160 to 175, 178 to 193 Gables , 240, 243, 247 Heads. Human, Animal and Masks 251, 255 to 260 Honeysuckles , 37. 42. 60, 223 Lambs-Tongue Mouldings 97,99,101,105 Leaf and Darts 97,101,103,105 Leaves 223 Mouldings 89, 91. 194 to 205 Musical Ornaments 216.218.226 Pilasters and Pilaster Panels 203. 206 to 212 Proscenium Arch Mouldings 117.118.119 Proscenium Arch Center Orts 269. 270 Ribbons 39,40.42,45,46,47.56.85 Rosettes 65 to 74. 76, 77, 79 Shells 249,254,275 Spandrils 217, 226, 238. 239, 241 to 244, 267 Stem, Fruit and Flower Mouldings 108 to 1 16 Torches 22 1 Vases 221 Ventilators . , 73.74,75,77 Wall Panels 194 to 205 Wreaths 45. 213 to 217. 219