/"iiiiTiiif^ I LIBRARY i uittvissiTY or V CALIPOBNU I v^^^^~^ ^^ THE HI8T0E"Y r OF THE IRON. STEEL. TINPLATE. AND.. . . OTHER TRADES OF WALES. WITH DESCRIPTIVE SKETCHES OF THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE DURING THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL ERA UNDER REVIEW. BY CHAELES WILKIKS, F.G.S. Author oj the " History of the Coal Trade of Walet,'* " History of th9 Literature of Wales," etc., etc.; and one of the Secretnries for Glamorgan of th» Cambrian Archceological Astooiation. JOSEPH WII^LIAMS, PRINTER AND PUBUSHER, " TYST " OFFICE. 1903. .7 ^ IDEiCIC ATION. §*» To SIR W. T. LEWIS. Bart.. D.L„ etc., etc. I DEDICATED my "HISTORY OF THE COAI. TrADK OF WAIVES " to you, as the most prominent agent for many years in its marvellous development, by opening Collieries, and which you further aided by Dock and Railway enterprise. This, the Companion Volume, treating of the " Iron, STEEL, TiNPLATE, AND OTHER TRADES OF WALES," I also Dedicate to you, feeling assured that in so doing I carry out the opinion of the Leaders of Industries generally, that the same powerful influence you exercised in the Coal Trade has also been as strikingly shewn in those of the Iron, Steel, and Tinplate Trades. In the re-construction of Cyfarthfa, in the colossal undertaking at Dowlais-Cardiflf, in substantial aid to the old Iron Industries of Booker Blakemore at Melingriffith, &c., in large expenditure at Tre forest and Hirwain, in your energetic efforts to acquire and re-start Plymouth Iron Works— your native place— and your financial aid to other iron and allied works, you have laboured incessantly to give employment to vast and ever increasing multitudes, and have thereby well-earned the designation of being the true friend to the best and most enduring interests of the people of Wales. 631 EARTH TO EARTH. HAT a beginning ! some will exclaim, to the story of the rise and progress of our great industries, and the social life accompanying them for the last two centuries I And yet what beginning is there so fitting ? " Ashes to ashes," uttered at the ending of one's history, reminds the bystanders of man's common origin and of his ending—the brilliant intellect and the lofty stature ; all come to this. The more we pry into the great storehouse— the Earth— the more are we astounded at the riches and the marvels she yields. In the shallow ground of a few feet only we find all the reminders of men since the dawn of human history. In our land the long and narrow and the round skulls of the aborigines, and their flint axes and ornaments of gold, and here and there relics of the Roman, from the ingot of lead he levied as tribute, to the remains of his altars and his tombs. In other lands similarly interesting remains, either of the barbarian or of the conqueror— instruments of war or achievements of art. Dig down only a few feet and you find all these; but in the depth of half-a-raile or three-quarters, to which we have been enabled to penetrate. Mother Earth, as in a huge coffer, hides all her treasures. If man were still a nomadic being, a tiller of the earth, and a caretaker of sheep, the only indication he would have of earth's VI. INTRODUCTION. riches would be the vastness of woods and the beauty of foliage and flowers, with the mingling of wild life, as in the dense shades and green openings of African forests. But man has become the miner and the artificer far more so than in Biblical days, and from one end of the earth to the other he has burrowed, and by persistent labour and skill brought all the metals into the domestic, scientific, or trading uses of the world. Nature has not given her treasures readily. She has been chary in yielding her secrets to him. She has exacted deepest thought and incessant application. There has been no written or verbal revela- tion. A trifling accident, simple at times to a degree, gives a faint clue ; yet, once upon the trail, fullest knowledge has been eventually gained by labours that have wrinkled and aged the explorer. We repeat, no direct revelation to man. But, instinctively, man knows that there are incalculable treasures to be won without the aid of genii or of lamp, and this thought-legacy has been handed down the ages, and each age has laboured, and each age has won. ^ LIST OF PORTRAITS. ^»^»3'v*»Hi^"^S^V'^ Sir William T. Lewis Richard Crawshay, Esq. . . William Crawshay, Esq. (ist) William Crawshay, Esq. (2nd) Sir J. J. Guest D. Evans, Esq. E. Windsor Richards, Esq. L. Gordon I^enox, Esq. W. Menelaus, Esq. E. P. Martin, Esq. G. T. Clark, Esq. R. T. Crawshay, Esq. W. T. Crawshay, Esq. W. Evans, Esq. PAGB. Frontispiece 64 80 96 112 192 200 232 290 296 304 314 316 320 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL AND TINPLATE TRADES. CHAPTER I. IN a manner unpretending, suited to the reading of all sorts and conditions of men, and not for the student in metallurgy- alone, or the lover of statistical information, I purpose giving the History of Iron in connection principally with Wales, and in doing so endeavour to show how grateful we should all be to that most valuable of metals, marvellous of all wonder- workers, before whose achievements the fabled deeds of magician and genii become only as children's tales. Dr. Ure's testimony to the value of iron well summarises its virtues. " A precious metal,'' he remarks, ** capable of being cast in any mould (a Japanese idol or a gridiron), of being drawn out into wires of any desired strength or fineness, of being extended into plates or sheets, hardened and softened at pleasure .... accommodating itself to all our wants, our desires, and even our caprices ; equally serviceable to the arts, the sciences, to agricul- ture, and to war It is a medicine of much utility, and the only metal friendly to the human frame." The poet even goes beyond all this in his testimony to iron- stone, which the poet of all time, William of Avon, may have had in mind in his " Sermons in Stone" : — " Only a Stone ! " But such a Stone ! From it doth come the Pen I and my Betters wield for purposes as various as The men. Needles by fair and gentle Used for our and their adornment ; The Plough that frets the harvest field, Forerunning golden corn and prosperous 2 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, Times. The Spade, without which gardens Were the haunt alone of thorn and nettle rank ; The Scythe and Reaper's hook, Home needs, the useful and the Beautiful ; the Rail and Ship to link old Friends and sundered lives, and Spread commercial blessings far And wide. And these denied, if Our brave isle be threatened by the Foe, from such like Stones as this Shall spring the Sword ; and Straightway armed, we'll stand Upon our shores, defending hearths And homes and those we love ; The sacred rites and laws, and Institutions wise and good. Of this our England." But for iron, which is of older date as an industry than coal, Wales would have been another Ireland, with a peasantry dependent upon the scant agriculture ; and the little holdings of a former ancestry — such as still exist in the bye-ways of Cardiganshire — would have become the unending cause of contention, perhaps of outrage and disaster. The working of gold has never given more than an ephemeral prosperity, and that of diamonds a brilliant, but not long-enduring lustre. Even tin — which the Phoenicians traded for with Cornwall before the Christian era — never lifted that land into the condition into which iron has elevated Wales. Up to the last lingering struggle for freedom, that waged by Owen Glyndwr, Wales was chiefly represented by a mass of farm labourers, who tilled the land when they were not engaged in contest one with another, and here and there a few homes of Welsh landowners, such as those of Rhys ap Thomas and Ifor of Maesaleg. The only industry of any notable kind was at Flint, where the Saxons had a small ironworks for swords and armoury. The land produced food, the flocks clothing, and at the fairs pedlars brought their wares from distant England to barter for our products. In this vegetating kind of way we might have gone on, never rising above the condition of our AND TINPI^ATE TRADES. 3 relatives, the Bretons, but for the discovery of iron, which, in the course of a century or two, has peopled the valleys, and, attracting the surplus population of the remotest counties, given them in their adopted home a fair measure of prosperity. What more interesting theme than iron can we have ? Our oldest book, the earth, with its leaves represented by- strata, and its illustrations by fossils of flora and fauna from earliest dawn in the history of the globe's formation, shows unerringly, by the researches of such men as Lyell, that when man appeared he fashioned for himself instruments and weapons of flint, of stone, horn, and wood. As the faint rays of intellect were developed he had recourse to metals which are found in the crevices of rocks : gold, copper, silver being thus found, and would naturally attract the eye of our rude forefathers, and the result would be instruments and weapons of the bronze period. The making of iron, winning it by fire, was reserved for a later period, when human intelligence had progressed, and its wide- spread character marked it out for universal use. It is the Roman Ferrum, the Eixon of Germany, the Fer of France, the Ferro of Italy, the Jeren of Sweden, the Ternet of Denmark, the Vas of Hungary, the Bierro of Spain, the Talago of Russia, and the Ferro of Portugal. In the early inscriptions of Egypt and Chaldaea iron is not mentioned, but upon one found in the city of Gudea we use the skill to which the Babylonians had attained. The King says, speaking of the statue: — "Neither in silver, nor in copper, nor in tin, iron, or bronze, let anyone undertake the inscription hereon." But if not mentioned in any inscription, iron was unquestion- ably known, as an iron chisel was brought to light in the Pyramids, which date from B.C. 1186, and in Plittersdorf, Bonn, an ancient statuette of cast iron of Isis, the Egyptian goddess, was discovered in the second century of our era. In the excavations of Pompeii an iron crown was found in the hands of a skeleton. Still more singular has been the discovery in Eastern Germany, called by Ptolemy, lyuna Silva, a district inhabited by Celts subjected to German influence, of a mode of extracting iron, and in the burial place of a King sixteen 4 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, centuries before Christ fragments of iron were found, and hammers, pincers, and other tools, with iron keys, nails, and knives. Homer, in his " Iliad," Book 23, refers to iron wheels. Still referring to its ancient use, I may be permitted, as in the "History of the Coal Trade," before touching upon local history, to refer to the most ancient of references — those in the Bible. There are numerous references to iron in the Bible, showing the early date of its use and its varied uses. I^et us note a few. In Numbers. — Smite him with an instrument of iron. Deuteronomy. — Og's bedstead was a bedstead of iron. Deuteronomy. — The Lord brought you out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt. Jeremiah. — A land whose stones are iron. This is very applicable to Wales, and, indeed, to other districts in the island. It is said of Bolckow-Vaughan that the great impetus to the rise and rapid development of Middles- borough was due to the great ironmaster striking his foot against a stone on the mountains, and, as this resisted his blow, he took it up, found it exceedingly heavy, and, proving to be ironstone, led to investigation and the discovery of valuable seams. (See Appendix^ Joshua. — Altar of stones over which no man hath lifted any iron. This reminds one of the old Druidical altars on the Welsh mountains. In other places we have references to chariots of iron, to spears, harrows, tools, and horn?. Job. — Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass. Psalms. — . . . Break them with a rod of iron. There are five references to tin : — Numbers. — Tin that may abide fire. Isaiah. — And I will take away all thy tin. Ezekiel. — All they are brass, and tin, and iron. And, again. — As they gather lead and tin into the furnace. Also. — Tarshish was thy merchant in tin and lead. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 5 Daniel.— His lips of iron; feet, part iron. Then was the iron and clay broken in pieces. The fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron. The fourth beast whose teeth were of iron. Amos. — Thresh Gilead with instruments of iron. Micah. — For I will make thy horns iron, and thy hoof. Ezekiel tells us that Jarvish was the merchant in iron, and Dan and Javan were occupied with bright iron, and we have illustrations also where the furnace is suggestive of affliction, of the conscience being seared with a hot iron, and of a people ruled with a rod of iron. The Chronicles refer to the building of the Temple of Jerusalem, when Hiram, a name dear to Freemasons, sent a man to Solomon skilled in iron. So much for iron in our oldest of books. As regards steel, there are three references in the Bible, as follows : — A bow of steel is broken. — Samuel. A bow of steel shall strike him through. Jeremiah exclaims. — Shall iron break iron and steel. In the Bible there are 84 references to brass. In the time of the Grecian monarchy under Alexander weapons were mostly of brass. It may be interesting to add that the Bible contains also 267 references to gold and 122 to silver. Kings, vi. 6, treats of iron swimming, and is of interest in these days when iron and steel are used so freely in naval architecture. We pass from Biblical reference with a concluding note that Tubal Cain, son of Cain, is described as an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron. So he who had left Abel dead upon the ground made atonement through his children to mankind. It will be admitted that, though iron has not the antiquity of brass and silver, or of gold, it dates from an early historic period; even the same iron ore which we still use in Wales to-day from Elba, was supplied in the time of Diodorus Siculus. Elba was then known as ^thalia, and Bilbao, a household word now at Cardiff, is referred to by Pliny under its ancient name of Bibilis. 6 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, IRON IN PRE-ROMAN TIMES. The Roman is credited with having taught us how to make cheese, as at Gelligaer; to have introduced windows, and in many ways aided in civilizing the Briton, but when the Roman came here he found that the method of extracting iron from the earth, and the uses of iron were known. Caesar tells us that on his arrival in Britain, 600 years before the Christian era, our money was paid by weight, and consisted of brass and iron, the former of which was imported, the latter found in our own mines, in places chiefly bordering on the sea. It is reasonably inferred from this, and from discoveries I will mention, that the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, Castell Coch, (these mineral veins in the face of the quarry at Castell Coch, were in later years worked by Mr. Booker^, and Llantrisant were referred to. The quantity of cinders left by the Romans in the Forest, the name of Cinderford, and the references in Domesday Book and in authorities on the Roman occupation of the Welsh borders, attest this. With regard to the Llantrisant dstricit, the Rev. W. Harris, prebendary of Llandaff, in a paper read before the Society of Antiquaries, observes that four miles north-west of Bolston Gaer (near Miskin), the seat then of William Bassett, a large bed of cinders has been smelted over again, as the heat of our modern furnaces is more intense than the methods of Roman times, and under this a coin of Antonius Pius was found in 1762, with a piece of fine earthenware charged with greyhounds, hares, &c. The coin and tile afford conclusive evidence of the Roman workings, and their site is on the southern edge of the mineral basin, and in the immediate neighbourhood of masses of the hematite iron ore. By the side of the road to Croes Faen, at the very edge of the old workings, a wall is built up massively and ancient, which strongly reminds antiquaries who have studied the handiwork of Roman builders that this, too, dates from Roman times. At Mwynddu, in old Roman workings, wooden shovels of Roman make were found, and are now in Sir W. T. Lewis's possession. (See App€7idix.) AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 7 The immense excavations in the hematite iron ore field of Glamorgan very much resemble the ancient workings in Gloucestershire, evidently before gunpowder was invented, and very probably about the same date. Antoninus Pius, so-called from his devotional character, extended the boundary of the Roman power in Britain. He died A.D. 161, so it maybe inferred that iron-making, in the somewhat crude manner of the Romans, was practised in Wales in the second century. Varteg, now in ruins, evidently owes its name to the Roman Marteg, from Marte, the ablative of Mars, and traditions of Roman works there were current a century ago. It was evidently from these sources in Wales and on the Welsh borders that iron was obtained, and, being made here in a rude state, fully 40 per cent, being left in the cinder, was taken to Bath, where it was fashioned into weapons and distributed at Caerleon and other Roman stations. And not only weapons, Roman horse-shoes have been found, and the discovery of a horse-shoe in a British barrow suggests that the Briton was familiar with the manufacture. It is also asserted by old authorities that iron was smelted by the Romans at Darran-y-Bwllfa, Cwmdare, where piles of smelting refuse remains. This, however, is problematical. A smelting furnace can also be seen near the farm of Hendre Fawr, in the Taflf Valley, stated by Mr. William Jones, of Cyfarthfa, to have been evidently a very old furnace, and, from its substantial character, to date from Roman days. The absence of any marked Roman road in the district may throw some doubt about this, but it is evidently one of the earliest remains, and if the surmise of a Roman villa in Penydarren Park, in the same valley, be substantiated with the known Roman roads of Pontsarn and the camp at Dolygaer, near Merthyr, the probability becomes great that the Roman did not pass unheeded the iron stones of our rivers any more than the hematite of the districts bordering upon the sea. THE OLD BLOOMERIES. At this early stage of our history we cannot err in a notice of the ancient bloomeries, traces of which exist to this day in Wales, 8 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, as described by lolo Morganwg and Gwalter Mechain. ** On the surface of the mineral tract of Wales," states the Rev. Walter Davies, in his interesting and scarce work on Wales, **we frequently found heaps of scoria, more or less reduced, and some of them with an accumulation of soil on their surface, wherein stand decayed and hollow oaks, &c. In some parts of the island these heaps are attributed to the Phoenicians, in others to the Danes, because they are vulgarly called Danish cinders. In Gloucestershire they are called Roman cinders, and in Glamor- ganshire and Monmouthshire, Y Varteg, Frere, father of Sir Bartle Frere, who was one of the proprietors of the Llanelly Ironworks, in Breconshire, will have our own countrymen, the Ancient Britons, to partake of the trade. He states his opinion as follows : — * The most ancient way of reducing the iron ore was with charcoal, in a kind of smith's hearth, called a bloomery. . . . . These heaps are generally unaccompanied by any vestiges of building .... and some are so small that they contain hardly the refuse of one ton of iron, making it probable that in early days a farmer or two and their servants, assisted, perhaps, by an itinerant of this branch of metallurgy, set up their rude ironworks, and made, as occasion required, a few pieces for their own and their neighbours* use. When more iron was wanted some other spot was thought more convenient for obtaining the fuel or ore. The apparatus was at most a hammer, an anvil, and, perhaps, a pair or two of portable bellows, though probably the wind, when directed by screens or some contrivance similar to that found in use in Peru — a long ditch cut up the slope of the hill and covered with stones, turf, and earth, forming a kind of reclining chimney — gave the requisite intensity to the fire, and such an establishment was as easily set up in a fresh place as on the old spot, for wherever the materials were at hand the work might be carried on immediately.' The charcoal being the most unwieldy, as well as the most perishable, requisite for the operations, the ore was certainly carried to the charcoal rather than the fuel to the ore." In the long lapse of time from the departure of the Romans to the Norman days we have a few scant records respecting iron yielded to us from ancient places of sepulture, such as the AND TINPLATE TRADES. 9 tumulus of Gorseddvven, near Ruthin, believed to be that of Gwen, one of the sons of Lly warch Hen, referred to by the prince and bard, who flourished in the sixth century. In this tomb bronze spears and rusty iron were exhumed in the present century. The earliest glimpses of social life in Wales are gleaned from the manuscripts of the monk and the poems of the bard. The monk was not always devoted to vespers and orizons, or to penning the records such as are preserved to us in the Black Book of Carmarthen, or in that of Llandaflf, the latter of which is chiefly devoted to the extent of the see, in the enumeration of the outrages by the owner of lands, and the bequest of acres to the Church in atonement. The monk, following the Roman, was certainly our earliest ironmaster, as he was also the earliest collier. He was also a skilled artisan, and it seems likely that from this class, which may fittingly be termed the early middle class of Wales, we have had our carpenters, our smiths, and our builders. One of the earliest references to the monk as an iron- master is quoted by me in " The History of the Coal Trade of Wales," thus translated from the ** Cartulary of Margam," by Mr. G. T. Clark : — ** Iron and for two lots of iron produced by one (iron) worker, working in the forest of Neath, and not more, because many workers did not work in the same place in the same period, the war being the cause. Total ii. Sold as before and nothing remains." In the tenth century, about 925 A.D., we have a record of ironmaking given us in the Laws of Hywel Dda. It is there stated that the smith was one of the officers of the Royal House- hold. He had to do everything about the palace without charge, except he was required to make the suspension iron of a cauldron, the black of a coulter, the socket of a fuel axe, and the head of a spear. For these he was paid the value of his labour. In the enumeration of household necessities mention is given of boiling pots that were of cast iron ; of kettles, hedge bills, wood axes, auger, hooks, knives, &c. One is tempted to moralise on the length of time that passed, and slow development of civilization which took place between that ancient kettle of Hywel Dda and the one which prompted the inspiration of James Watt ! The smith made his own iron. He was, as artisan, one of the three lO HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, privileged guests to whom access was freely accorded. He was also by ancient law one of the three ornaments to a household thus described — ** A book, a teacher versed in song, and a smith in his smithy." In the Moelmutian laws we have an indication of iron mining. Iron mines were secured to the public at large. Every individual had an uninterrupted right to dig iron ore, wherever it might be found (as also to gather acorns !). In the eleventh century, in Domesday Book, there is a reference to the Welsh borders — very likely the Forest of Dean: — *'The city of Gloucester paid to the King — William the Con- queror — 36 dicres of iron and one hundred iron rods for nails or bolts for the King's ships." In the Triads we further learn that there were three arts which aliens were not allowed to learn without permission from their lord — bardism, metallurgy, and literature. Another triad also bears on the subject, and shows the acquaintance existing at the time with iron : ** The three hardest things in the world : a flint stone, the steel of nine fires, and the heart of a miser." In the twelfth century we have reference in the " Mabinog- ion " to the freedom of travel accorded to an artisan : — " The knife is in the meat, the drink is in the horn, and there is revelry in the hall of Gwrnach the Giant, and except for a craftsman bringing his craft, the gate will not be opened to-night.'* ("Mabinogion," vol. II. p. 293.) In the poems of the bards we have a good deal of fossil history, and gain material which the annalist of battles passed over. Thus, in the twelfth century Gwalchmai writes of spear ringing on spear (Giraldus, it must be stated, refers to men armed with a lance and sometimes with a sword). In the same century iron was made Morlais at Castle, in a rough manner, fully 50 per cent, being left in the cinder. The use of coal in iron making was also known then. Bleddyn Vardd, who flourished a.d. 1280, in his elegy on David, brother of the last Llewelyn, refers to him as — *• A man^he was with a battered shield and a daring lance, broken spear.*' AND TINPLATE TRADES. II The spear then was one of the principal weapons, fitted with an ashen staff. In the thirteenth century lylygad Gwr tells us :— " His lance is crimsoned with his foeman's blood. Like Arthur, with his steel lance his land to guard, His sword was swiftest of her glittering blades." Llewelyn ap Madoc, Prince of Powys, is thus described by Llywarch Llaety, thirteenth century : — "Armed wnth a bright shining spear, which pierces without warning, and a flashing sword, which cuts the air. A sure wound inflicter." In " lolo'' MSS. we read ofCadwgan of the Battle-axe, in the warlike days of Wales. He was a chieftain of the Rhondda Valley, and when going to w^ar would ring his battle-axe on the rocks as a signal to his followers. GrufFydd ah Ynad Coch, on Llewelyn's fall, exclaims, "Head of Llewelyn. . . . O that the spear should pierce it." In the fourteenth century lolo Goch, in his poem to Owain Glyndwr, mentions "latch and bolt, and key." In Caerphilly Castle, which dates from the same period, there are two stone-built furnaces, one for ore. That iron was scarce and valued is shown by a Parliamentary enactment of that time, Stat. 28, Ed. III., c. 5, that no iron should be carried out of the country. We have now brought our researches down to Norma-i days. Documentary evidence is at hand showing that mineral ground was acquired by the widow of Gilbert De Clare, who built Morlais Castle ; but we have to assume that De Clare also had the coal land, and was able elsewhere to obtain ironstone fjr smelting. Mention has been made of iron cinders at Morlais Castle. The smithy heap, not far from the well, afforded evidence, when personally examined many years ago, of the use of coal, as well as charcoal, in smelting. Some distance away, where a portion of a tower had fallen, I also obtained a quantity of nails of ancient pattern. These indications of Norman ironmaking may 12 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, fitly precede the following notices of early mine letting in Senghenydd, dating from Norman times. For these, which are of rare interest, I am indebted to Sir W. T. Lewis, Bart. Evidence has been given of ironmaking during the Roman occupation of Wales, and now there come before us traces as unquestionable of the Norman. The historic Norman has been delineated in the building up of his castles to safeguard the territories he had won ; now we see him in the industrial work of 6s. 8d." **3rd June, 1659. — Phillip, Earl of Pembroke, to Meredith Richard. Lease of 20 acres adjoining Fossevelyn and the Fairs and Market Tolls of Merthyr. Minerals reserved for 99 years from 3 June, 1659. Rent £^'' **3o Oct., 1677. — Philip, Earl of Pembroke, to George Hart. Lease of coal, and quarries, in the Manor of Senghenydd, Rudry, and Whitchurch for 21 years. Rent TIMES OF CHARLES THE FIRST AND OF CROMWELL. In 1640 the ironworks of Pontygwaith, to which reference i^as made in connection with Morley, the Sussex man, were carried on by Lewis, of the Van, Caerphilly, a descendant of Ifor Bach. At that time Lewis was joined in partnership with one Cook, very likely a Sussex man, an ironmonger of London, after whom a farm on the uplands was named Ty Cook, and this is still existing, and is so called in the neighbourhood to this day. Lewis, the ironmaster of Pontygwaith, who also had a small ironworks at Caerphilly, appears to have been singled out by Oliver Cromwell as a Royalist whose wings required clipping. In the Merthyr Valley, in Commonwealth days, an agent of the Protector was stationed, named Lieutenant Coch, who used to forage over the mountains and seize upon the effects of Jacobite farmers, which were put up for auction at Merthyr. It may be reasonably inferred that the Protector was apprised of Lewis's Jacobitism by the lieutenant, who had not the force at hand to seize the works at Pontygwaith. for his aids and abettors, competent enough to overawe a farmer and his few men, might naturally expect to meet with a score or so of sturdy ironworkers, so it was notified, we may be certain, to the troops on their way to St. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 21 Pagan's to make a detour up the Taff to seize Lewis, but he had timely notice, and escaped, and so, according to history, failing to catch the man, they destroyed his works. This took place in 1648, just before the Battle of St. Pagan's. It was probably on this occasion or during the patrollings of Horton and his dragoons in the Breconshire Valleys that the troopers made their appearance at Merthyr, and are reported to have stabled their horses in the Church of St. Tydfil. Horton, who very likely was the one in command at the destruction of Pontygwaith Works, did not escape signal retribution, for, in his skirmishes around, he lost four troops of dragoons, and was put to great straits by the breaking down of bridges and the hostility of the mountaineers. Even at St. Pagan's his ill-luck attended him, and his force was giving way but for prompt succour given by the others. Cromwell, who soon thundered down on his way to take command, was, singularly enough, when in Carmarthenshire, in sore straits for aid from the Carmarthenshire iron furnaces, the existence of which in 1648 might have escaped notice but for his letters. It is not stated exactly where the works were. About the time, old tourists write, a forge was at work in the ruins of Whitland Abbey, *' occupying a place once devoted to privacy and prayer." Oliver wrote as follows : — ** Por my noble friends the Com- mittee of Carmarthen. The Leaguers before Pembroke, 9 Ju., 1648. Gentlemen, — I have sent the bearer to you to desire we may have your furtherance and assistance in procuring some necessaries to be cast in the Iron Purnaces in your county of Carmarthen, which will the better enable us to reduce the Town and Castle of Pembroke. The principal things are shells for our mortarpiece ; the depth of them we desire may be of fourteen inches and three quarters of an inch. That which I desire at your hands is to cause the service to be performed, and that with all possible expedition ; that so, if it be the will of God, the service being done, these poor wretched creatures may be freed from the burden of the army. In the next place we desire some D cannon shot and some culverine shot may with all possible speed be cast for us and hasted to us also. We give you thanks," he continues, " for your care in helping us with bread 2Z HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL,- and (word lost). You do herein a very special service to the State, and I do most earnestly desire you to continue herein, according to our desire in the late letter. I desire that copies of this paper may be published throughout your county (some proclamation) and the effects thereof observed for the case of the county, and to avoid the wronging of the country-men. " Not doubting the continuance of your care to give assist- ance to the public in the services we have in hand, I rest, your affectionate servant, "O. CROMWKI.L." At the beginning of the Civil War, Poyer, ancestor of Bishop lyewis, of Llandaff, and Powell seized a ship laden with arms and ammunition, and with these took the field. In Cromwell's letters (lix.) we read that Hugh Peters went across to Milford Haven, and from the ** Lion," a Parliament ship riding there, got ammu- nition, which gives an idea of the character of that supplied from the Carmarthenshire ironworks. From the ship they obtained two demi-culverines, two whole culverines, and safely conveyed them to the Leaguers, with which new implements an instan- taneous essay was made, and a storming, but without success. In another part we are told that they had ** not got their guns from Wallingford yet." In connection with Cromwell and Wales it may be here stated that many of the Welsh prisoners captured after the Battle of St. Pagan's were shipped off to the West Indies ! For Cromwell to have figured as a customer of a small Carmarthenshire ironworks was nothing very extraordinary, but to be himself an ironmaster is more remarkable, and is one of the incidents of his life lost sight of in the more prominent events of his career. Dud. Dudley is the authority for this statement. In his rare work, " Metallum Martes," he remarks, concerning the time when Government interfered with his ironmaking, that "in the interim of my proceedings, Cromwell and the then Parliament granted a patent and an Act of Parliament unto Captain Buck for the making of iron with pit coal and sea coal. Cromwell and many of his officers were partners, who set up diyers and sundry works and furnaces, at a vast charge, in the AND TINPLATE TRADES. 2$ Forest of Dean, and after they had spent much in their inven- tions and experiments, which were done in spacious wind furnaces, and also in pots of glass-house clay, they failed, and in 1655, wearied by their invention, they desisted." The failures in ironmaking at this time were frequent, the alarm at the destruction of wood great, and with it all the results at the best of times were very small. The foot blasts, or bloom - eries, by men treading the bellows, yielded only a lump, or bloom, in a day, of one hundred-weight. The water bloomeries did better, and doubled the make; and even Dudley, with his improvements, rejoiced in the fact that he was able to make two or three tons ot pig or cast-iron in twenty-four hours. With his invention he turned out one ton a day with pit coal, the discovery of which in the making of iron was of priceless advantage, as the woods were being swept out of existence, and in Ireland particularly it was reported that there was not enough small stuff left to produce bark for tanning, nor timber even for common use. In 1655 we hear of Captain John Copley, from Cornwall starting the making of iron *' with pit coal at Bristow" (Bristol). He obtained engineers' aid in blowing his bellows, and, for a time, succeeded, then gave it up and went to Ireland, abandoning ironmaking. With these references to the times of the Com- monwealth, and the grim Protector posing as an " affectionate servant" and an ironmaster, we pass on and come down the stream of time nearer to the margin of our own days. Amongst the floating traditions of Aberdare, some of which may have a groundwork of fact, there is one to the effect that an early furnace was erected at Cwmaman, at a place still known as Cae Cashier, on the Cashier's Field, and this was built, so it is stated, three hundred years ago by three brothers. Irishmen, who had settled in the place. They were of different occupations, one being by trade a stone-mason, another a wood-turner, and the third a blacksmith. The furnace was blown by two men labouring at a large bellows. The effort was not a success, bu some relics of the wood-turner's work remain in the parish. In 1663 more trustworthy authority is given for the existence of a furnace at Caer Luce, near Llwydcoed. Ironstone for this 24 HISTORY OP THE IRON, STEEL, furnace was extracted at Cwmnant yr Bwch and at Cwm Davydd Hywel. At the latter place it is certain by the old plan of scouring, remains of which may be seen to-day on the estate, which remains in the occupation of Mr. Edmund David Howells, formerly of Plymouth Works, the worthy descendant, in whose father's time the mine was extensively worked. Even in the present generation Mr. Howells has supplied large quantities to Monmouthshire works, where the ore is held in high esteem. In 1666 a furnace was at work at Hirwain, built by Mr. Mayberry. This was also a charcoal furnace, and the requisite ore was brought to it on horseback. The old mode of scouring, which preceded mining by levels, and was practised in the Aberdare and Merthyr Valleys in the early days of the iron era, can easily be pictured by a visit to Gelly Isaf, but the deep ruts formed by the rush of pent-up streams have long ago been made by Nature's hand into meadow- land, and large trees have filled many of the hollows. Bristol from an early day was associated with Welsh indus- tries. This is shown by the following extracts from Bute documents : — " 25th Oct., 1677. — Philip, Earl of Pembroke, granted to George Hart, of Bristol, merchant, all mines of coal, and quarries of stone, in the wastes or forests within Senghenydd supra, Senghenydd subttis, Rudry, and Whitchurch, for 21 years, at the yearly rent of 40s." "23 Oct., 1701. — The Trustees of Henriette, Countess Dowager of Pembroke (Sir Jeffrey Jeffreys and John Jeffreys), to Evan Moses and Lewis William. *' Lease of Bryn Pillog, Gwayne y Menith, and Penvedw, and liberty to dig coals thereunder, and under Nant Melyn and Bryn Glaes, for 71 years or 3 lives. Rent ;^5." "4th June, 1702. — The like as 23 Oct., 1701." In the the year 1720 one of the leading ironmasters of the country, Mr. William Wood, gave a graphic description of the infant trade of ironmaking. infantile as compared with what it became in the next century; but even in 1720 Wood stated that it was, '* next to the woollen manufacture, the most considerable AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 25 of all others of this nation." **We now use,'' he adds "about 30,000 tons of iron a year, but for lack of cordwood we have to buy 20,000 tons from our neighbours." So 10,000 tons was the whole iron-make of this country, and we were as solicitous for the manufacture to spread in other countries of the world as for its development in our own. Only a few years before — 17 15 — iron was first made in the province of Virginia, and was quickly followed by Maryland and Pennsylvania. Our importations of iron from abroad were chiefly from Sweden, from which place we obtained 15,000 tons of iron, and from Russia 5,000. From this date there seems to have been increased mineral working : — *'2nd Ap., 1723. — Thomas, Lord Windsor, to the Hon. William Morgan, of Tredegar, Coal and Iron Mines and Stone and Slate Quarries in the Commons of Senghenydd, Rudry, and Whitchurch, 21 years, ;^20." '* 15 Sep., 1741. — Herbert, Lord Windsor, to the Hon. Thomas Morgan, of Ruperra, Coal and Iron Mines and Stone and Slate Qaarries in the Commons of Senghenydd, Rudry, and Whitchurch, 21 years from determination of last lease, rent, ;^20." Pontygwaith yr Haiarn, near Tredegar, comes next under notice as one of the oldest places on the hills for ironmaking. The Rev. R. EUis ('* Cynddelw ") stated many years ago that the traditions of the old inhabitants fixed the earliest date of working there as at the close of the seventeenth century, probably about 1690. It was from here that in after time the furnaces of Llanelly, Breconshire, and the small works at Brecon, were supplied with iron ore. The impression is that the works were carried on in a primitive way until about 1738, when two gentle- men from Brittany came upon the scene and erected the furnace, the ruins of which are still visible. The furnace was blown by hand bellows, and charcoal was the fuel used. The smelted iron was manufactured into saucepans, kettles, and small agricultural implements. The size and form. of the furnace resembled a limekiln. It appears to have paid lor a few 26 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., years until 1745, when the gentlemen from Brittany returned to their old homes. In 1 711 we find ironworks being carried on at Llanelly, Breconshire, and from the books preserved there and examined by Mr. Frere, the father of Sir Bartle Frere, have an interesting insight into the industrial life of nearly 200 years ago. A bushel of wheat was then sold at 6s., of malt 4s. A bag, of coal at the pit reached 2d. Labourers were paid 6d. per day, but if they worked in water clearing away mud, then they had 8d. A mason occasionally employed had is. 2d. a day ; a millwright, head man, is. 3d. ; a stock- taker, per week, with house and fire, 7s. A ton of bark sold for 20s. 6d., a ton of pig iron £5 19s., of bar iron ;^i5 los. Iron by the pound was sold at 2d. The produce of a furnace was 20 tons, of forge work per month 11 tons, and the rent of coals and mines was ;^20 per annum. The next extracts from documents supplied by Sir William Thomas Lewis are of the utmost importance, as showing the liberal way in which the lord of the manor dealt with mineral property : — " 2nd Ap., 1723. — Thomas, Lord Windsor, granted to the Hon. William Morgan, of Tredegar, all mines of iron and coal and all quarries of stone and slate in commons or wastes of Senghenydd supra, Senghenydd siibtus, Rudry, and Whitchurch ('except all mines of lead and also except all leases or grants that are already made of any mines or minerals of what nature or quality soever within the said lordships or manors '), for 21 years, at the yearly rent of £20." [Note by Mr. Corbett: — Very probably this was the beginning of the Dowlais Works.] It is to be noted that this is a very substantial advance upon previous rents, but that may be on account rather of the iron than of the coal. From this date we carry on the extracts of mining ground conveyances to Sir John Guest's time, and then take up the narrative thread to the end :— "15 Sep., 1741. — Herbert, Viscount Windsor, granted to the Hon. Thomas Morgan, of Ruperra, the same premises as in AND TINPLATE TRADES. VJ the last lease for 21 years, from the expiration (1744), at ;^2o per annum." This lease would have expired 1765, but was probably surrendered because : — ** 10 March, 1748. — Herbert, Viscount Windsor, leased to the Hon. Thomas Morgan the Waun Fair and also the mines of coal and iron and quarries of stones, tile, and slate, in the Commons or wastes in Senghenydd supra for 99 years from i May, 1748. Rent £26 for the whole." ** 10 March, 1748.— Herbert, Lord Windsor, to the Hon. Thos. Morgan, of Ruperra. 20 acres and Tollhouse, called March nad y Wayne, and Merthyr Fairs and Market Tolls — and Iron and Coal Mines, etc., in the Commons called Blaen Rumney, or in the free Commons and wastes in the several portions of Merthyr Tydfil, and Gelligaer, or elsewhere, within that part of the Manor of Senghenydd super et suptus, commonly called Supra Cayach, for 99 years from ist May, 1748. Rent £22,, and an additional rent of £2, for part of the term." "2nd Feb., 1752. — Underlease. Hon. Thos. Morgan to John Waters. Toll house, etc., called March nad y Wayne, and Merthyr Fairs and Market Tolls, and liberty to dig coal for the House and lime kiln, for 90 years from ist May, 1752. Rent £12.'' ** 19 Septr., 1752. — Herbert, Viscount Windsor, leased to Herbert Moses, Brynpwllog, Gwaynemenith, Penvedw, and Brynglas, and the mines of coal and iron ore there, for 99 years, if Herbert Moses, Evan Moses, and Charles Herbert, or either of them, should so long live. Rent ;^20." *' 23 June, 1763. — Alice, Viscountess Windsor, granted a lease to Thomas Lewis, of Newhouse, Thomas Price, of Watford, and John Jones, of Bristol, ironmasters." The lease recites that the lease of the Hon. Thomas Morgan had been assigned to the lessees. [Note by Mr. Corbett : — There cited lease is described as dated Nov., 1749, by mistake apparently.] 28 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, Terms, 85 years from ist Nov., 1762. Rent £5, in addition to the ;^26 reserved by the former lease. The whole of the premises afterwards became vested in the Dowlais Co. (t e., those of 1748-1752. 1763). " 19 Sep., 1752, takes the place of lease of 23 Oct., 1701. — Herbert, I,ord Windsor, to Herbert Moses. Waste ground at Blaencarne, called Bryn Pyllog, Gwayne y Menith, and Pen y Vedw, with liberty to work coals there- under, and under Bryn Glas for 99 years, from xst Oct., 1752, or three lives. Rent ;^5 and £15.'' *' 23 June, 1763. — Alice, Lady Windsor, to Thomas Lewis, of New House, Llanishen ; Thomas Price, of Watford ; and John Jones, of Bristol. Lease of 22 acres of land in the parish of Merthyr Tydfil for works. 85 years, from ist Nov., 1762. Rent, £^. Also with liberty to work coal, &c., as in lease of 1748." See March nad y Wayne, Blaen Rumney, etc. [Note by Mr. Corbett : — It seems that Price and Jones then held the premises demised by the lease of 1748.] **5th Sep., 1771. — Herbert Moses to Thomas Guest. Assignment of Lease of 19 Ssp., 1752, for residue of term. Rent ;^70." (This was * waste ground at Blaencarne, called Bryn Pyllog, Gwayne y Menith, and Pen y Vedw.') "Nov. 22, 1787. — ^John Morgan to William Lewis, John Guest, Joseph Cowles, and Wm. Taitt. Assignment of lease of 10 March, 1748, for 59 years, from 10 March, 1788. Rent £^S " William Lewis and the others had succeeded to Price and Jones. "4th March, 1833. — Marquess of Bute to Josiah John Guest, William Lewis, Rev. William Price Lewis, and Thomas Revell Guest, called the Dowlais Company, for residue of term granted by lease of 1748, at an additional rent of ;^2,3i5, the same properties as in lease of 1748." This completes our extracts from official documents supplied from the legal branch of the Bute Estate by Mr. Corbett, through the courtesy of Sir W. T. Lewis, Bart. CHAPTER II. ABEEDARE IIST OLD DAYS. ^i€ BERDARE Valley muFt have been a picturesque one /-A before ironmaking assumed greater proportions than A- -^ the little kilns upon the hillside, or the scarcely less insignificant ones by the side of the Cynon. One of the earliest notices of it is that there were three men in the parish to whom it was proper to prefix the word " Mister," and one of these was Mister Rees, of The Werfa, Aberdare, and of The Court, Merthyr. About the Werfa residence black game was frequent until the early ironmakers on their holiday excur- sions made them as extinct as the dodo. Samuel Rees was one of the founders of the old Merthyr families. His principal residence was at The Court, Merthyr. He was survived by his widow, Jane, who married Dr. Thomas, who, again, was the founder of several well-known families of the district, and himself one of the characters. He was the principal magistrate in his day, dealing with the numerous, but petty, cases that came before him with the rule, as he once told a friend, of " equity, not law." He would show old-fashioned sympathies in his ruling, and, as a matter of fact, was not very severe. Another ** Mister" of the Aberdare Valley was Mathews, one of whose descendants figured in dramatic history. At this time ironmaking was feeble in the country, and it was a complaint echoed on several occasions in Parliament that, while we paid ;^i50,ooo a year to Sweden for iron, chiefly in ready money, that countr}', instead of buying our produce in return, bought their necessities and superfluities from the French and others. Hence the cry was to import from our own Colonies in America, and Acts were passed in furtherance of this, and to enable us to get pig iron from the States and be less dependent 30 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI^ upon the Swedes. In the meanwhile the infantile industry was expanding, though slowly, and far-seeing men forecast the day when, by the aid of pit coal and improved machinery, we should not only become independent of other countries, but attain the position of being the greatest exporter. There was scarcely a land beneath the sun which had not its stores of mineral wealth, even more richly bestowed than England and Wales. Fortu- nately for us, the genius to invent and the dogged perseverance to over-ride all difficulties made Great Britain the workshop of the world. It was the home of Watt, Boulton, and Wilkinson, who brought steam first to bear in the making of iron with pit coal ; the home of Cort, who made invaluable discoveries in puddling and rolling ; the hot-blast inventions of Neilson, and the inventions of others, whom to particularise would take too long a tale to tell. In the use of pit coal it was found necessary to obtain better means for blowing the furnaces than the old leather bellows, which did well when charcoal was used. This was at first supplemented ; then, on the Continent, a water- blowing machine was used, which gave a strong blast, and the next step was a forcing-pump worked by a water-wheel or a steam-engine, and was brought into successful use at the cele- brated Carron Works, Scotland, by Mr. John Smeaton. These were the Works which attracted so much attention in their day that the inspired ploughman-poet, Robert Burns, journeyed to see. He arrived there on a Sunday, and, not choosing to give his name, was denied admittance, whereupon Burns returned to the inn at Carron, and wrote the following lines upon a pane of glass in a window of the parlour where he was shown : — ** We cam' na here to view your warks In hopes to be mair wise, But only lest we gang to hell It wa'd be nae surprise." The poet's concluding lines were to the effect that, as the porter of the Ironworks refused him to go in, so he hoped, should it be his fate to go to the dusky regions, the porter there would be similarly disobliging ! AND TINPLATE TRADES. 3 1 The introduction of pit coal was the turning point of the iron industry. In the year 1740 the quantity of charcoal pig iron manufactured in England and Wales only amounted to 17.300 tons, and in 1780 the quantity had decreased to 13,100 tons, due to the use of pit coal as a substitute for charcoal. In 1750, just before the coming upon the scene of Anthony Bacon into Glamorganshire, there were only two furnaces at Pontypool, turning out 900 tons annually of pig iron ; one, yielding 400 tons, at Irlanelly, Brecon shire ; one at Ynyscedwyn, 200 tons; one at Neath, 200 tons ; one at Caerphilly, 200 tons ; and one at Kid- welly, 100 tons. It is evident that at this time, when there was no gleam of fire on the heights of Dowlais and Cyfarthfa, and the hollow of Penydarren was in the shade, and on the site of Plymouth furnaces the corn waved, and in autumnal days the Boaz and Ruth of their days reaped the harvest in peaceful years, agricul- ture of a primitive kind was a more important industry than either coal or iron, and a glance at the district whence the future ironworkers were to come will not be devoid of interest. Let us, aided by the records of a past generation, wander mentally back through the years into Cardiganshire, Carmarthen- shire, and North Pembrokeshire, and glean homely annals of the people just before the news was brought, in the tardy and primitive way that news travelled, of the beginning of the iron- works, of the urgent need of men, and of the high wages paid. *' Iron had been found," was the cry. It was something like the cry of gold in Australia, and the rush that followed was akin to the fevered rush we have seen take place in Australia and in Africa. Servants had very small wages. Good, active girls only obtained £2 5s. per annum, and servant men, competent in all ordinary matters, £^ los. to £^. There was abundance of labour to be had. More hands than work could be found for them. In fact, the great lament was what to do with the children as they grew up, for the need inland and on seaboard was scant. You might see boys and girls, grown-up almost, at street corners not knowing what to do, and when one was hired the remark generally made was, **You will have to tie your laces pretty 32 HISTORY OF THB IRON, STEEL, tight to Stay with me," meaning that he or she must work well. A penny was given on hiring, called an earn, as a surety. Farm servants worked from sunrise to sunset in summer. It was a common occurrence to get up at four o'clock, fetch a load of lime from Cardigan, and back at eight. Peat was obtained from Prescelly Mountain, with a stone as a break, and the peat was made into ricks and thatched for the winter in those *' no coal days." Heather was made into brooms, and sold for 2d. or 3d. each. Furze was cultivated — the land ploughed and furze sown ; and horses were fed with chaffed hay and furze, and throve upon it. Lime was the only thing used for top-diessing; all the manure went to plant potatoes. Horned cattle had no hay ; all that went to the horses. The food of the cattle, when there was no "bite" for them, was furze and oats or barley straw. The living was, as may be expected, plain, just the sort to rear the future ironworkers and colliers on — breakfast, skim milk and oatmeal, with barley bread and skim cheese ; dinner, bowl of flummery and bread and cheese. Once or twice a week, when herrings were plentiful, and these were driven in by the tide and left amongst the shingle, they had them for dinner if they lived near the coast, and potatoes "in their coats." Tea was unknown. Whispers of that article, at a fabulous price per pound in the large towns were current amongst the farmers. That was all. Supper was generally a substantial meal — broth, with corn beef or fat bacon boiled in it, and vegetables, all boiled together. They never saw butter on the table. That went into casks for .sale, and was one of the first articles sent by road to the early ironworkers. And — this may be said in all verity — the butter then was butter, pure from the cow, without a suspicion of being a concoction of grease. The butter-men, who also brought eggs and pigs, and occasionally herrings, were the links of communi- cation between the ironworks and the remote country districts. It was these who brought home wonderful tales of the iron age, of high wages, and need of men, tempting the young fellows at the farms with even greater success than the recruiting sergeant in •* Bony's wars." And I have it, on testimony that is indisputable, that these butter-men, coming as some of them did from the coast, had at chance times a keg or two of brandy concealed in AND TINPLATE TRADES. 33 the cart and a few yards of silk, for both of which there was always a buyer. These smugo^led commodities were even anticipated by far-seeing customers, who would go out miles on the road on the day when the butter cart was due, and thus fore- stall other purchasers, as well as the exciseman, who in time learnt to suspect every butter cart of containing something smuggled. One of the tales told in early ironworks days of the craft of the Cardigan butter-man in outwitting his enemy, the exciseman, was given in the last generation. The butter-man was bringing several kegs of brandy into Merthyr — a larger quantity than usual — when he had a timely warning to be cautious, as some few miles out he would be met by the excise- man, armed with powers to examine his cart. Very cautiously the dealer made his way to a certain point from which he was able to reconnoitre the road for a long distance, himself unper- ceived, and after waiting some time he was able to detect a suspicious horseman on the road, whom he believed to be the exciseman. In a very short time he had taken the kegs out, concealed them amongst the fern, and jogged on, looking the picture of innocence, as the enemy rode up. He offered no resistance to a search being made amongst his butter casks, and in a few minutes the officer saw that he had been misled, and, apologising to the dealer, rode on, thinking possibly the true smuggler was not so far advanced on the road. Once out of sight, the kegs were soon replaced, and long before the excise- man had returned, were safe in the cellar of one of the leading grocers of Merthyr. A few more items from farm districts and we pass on : — Butter was y^d. per lb. ; a pig ten weeks old could be bought for 5s. ; young lambs, 5s., especially in bad seasons ; a fowl from 6d., and, as demand increased at the works, lod. to is. ; a duck, IS. 6d. ; goose, 3s. Amongst the class with more money, brown sugar was lod. ; white, is. 2d. ; tea at first a guinea per lb., and long afterwards 7s. 6d., then 5s. ; barley, 5s. a bushel. For fuel : In the kitchen, fagots and peat; in the parlour, culm. Rigid economy and energetic work were characteristic of the old farmers in pre-ironworks days. One case may be cited in illustration, which was quoted by Mr. Henry Richard in his 4 34 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., comment upon the economical, industrious, and provident character of the rural population : — "A farmer for thirty years had cultivated a small farm of about thirty-five acres in extent, in the most bleak and mountainous district of Glamorgan, for which he paid ;^35 per annum. On that barren spot he had brought up thirteen healthy children, without any other means of supporting his family than the scanty produce of his small farm. This," said Henry Richard, "was only one instance of hundreds of similar ones which were to be found in different parts of the Princi- pality." Such is a glimpse of life in the purely agricultural districts just before the glint of fire flashed along the hillsides, and in our next chapter endeavour will be made to picture the scene and the men. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 35 CHAPTER III. THE BEGm^ING OF DOWLAIS, THE ACORN IS PUT INTO THE GROUND! ENTRY UPON THE SCENE OF LEWIS OF THE VAN AND THE FIRST GUEST. /;^^\ OWLAIS, by virtue of its age, claims precedence over I W Cyfarthfa and of Anthony Bacon. The difference is but -^^-^ slight. Dowlais Works date from 1758, Cyfarthfa from 1765. Anything smaller than the Dowlais of its youth can scarcely be imagined. The bleak hillside, over which Ivor Bach had tramped in his Robin Hood-like days, and near which tradition states he was slain, was the home of a hermit, one Maelog. This, again, is traditionary. The Dowlais property — a great, barren extent of mountain land — was in 1747 leased by the Dowager Lady Windsor, who owned nearly all Dowlais, except- ing a small portion called Pen5^darran, to Mr. Thomas Morgan, of Machen Place, Newport, one of the direct line of the Tredegar famil3% now so genially represented by Lord Tredegar. Now note the conditions — they are worth}^ of preservation and of con- sideration. Such chances never occur now for making vast fortunes. The term was for 99 j^ears, subject to an annual payment of ;^26 ! The extent was an area of 2,000 acres, and, to prove that the owners of the land knew of its mineral wealth, and that it was not simply a marshy ** waun," minerals are specially named in the lease. It was free from any restriction as to sub-letting and royalty, and empowered the lessee to work coal, iron ore, limestone, sandstone, and fire-clay. 36 HISTORY OP THE IRON, STEEt, Morgan did not trouble about any of these things, but appears, from the ** History of Merthyr," to have made it simply a hunting ground. He may have had some ulterior motive in leasing the spot, for he was owner of a small furnace at Caer- philly (the ruins of which can still be seen), but he did not carry it out, and one fine day sub-leased it for ;^ioo per annum to a Mr. Lewis, who is not otherwise described. Lewis, evidently a shrewd man with an object, went home and told his wife what he had done, and was astounded at her conduct. Instead of rejoicing she was almost demented, saw ruin staring them in the face, and behaved so wildly that, for simple peace of mind, poor Lewis hurried back to the agent and induced him to cancel the agreement. It is related that both lived to see the wretched mistake they made, Lewis, very possibly, mo odily reflecting on Bve, and Paradise Lost. A few years passed, and Morgan disposed of the lease to David John, of Gwernllwyn Isaf, Dowlais, one of the old yeomen of the place and direct ancestor of Mr. Davis, of the Cwm, Caerphilly, now represented by Mrs. Davis, Bryn- tirion, Merthyr, and the familj^ received an annual rent until 1850. The lease was assigned by John to the Rev. Thomas Lewis, Llanishan, Monmouthshire, who paid ;^26 per annum. In the course of a little time one of the Lewis family — Lewis of the Van, a descendant of Ivor Bach and of the old ironmaster of Ponty- gwaith, who figured in our notices of ironmaking during the time of Cromwell — came into possession of the lease by applica- tion to the Bute family, with all its immunities and privileges as first granted to Mr. Morgan, with one important proviso — that, instead of ;^26 per annum, Lewis must in future pay £28. 1 have stated that nothing more diminutive than the first Dowlais can be imagined. A small furnace was put up, and the materials to do so were brought from Caerphilly and Pentyrch over the mountains. He began ironmaking in 1758 on a very small scale in connection with his Caerphilly and Pentyrch works, and was so little satisfied with it that he began at once to look about for an able man to take charge or enter into partner- ship with him, and, in the meanwhile, he plodded along at a quiet gait. The valiant ancestor, Ivor Bach, was of the warlike stamp, AND TINPLATE TRADES. fj Lewis, his descendant, of the industrial. One had revelled over the mountain land, dashing against Norman steel-clad invader with all a Welshman's impetusity. Lewis had greater issues at stake than a hillside conflict, for was he not one of the world's patient workers, laying carefully, methodically, the foundation of an industrial epoch before whose brilliant glare all these shadows of feudal times should disappear ? From records and traditions I am here enabled to add matters of interest which have not hitherto been given in the " History of Merthyr," or any subsequent narrative. Mr. Lewis, of the Van, had been aided by a relative of his, William Lewis, in the trans- port of material from Caerphilly to Dowlais, and, subsequently, in the transport, by the same route, of the iron made, which was sent on the backs of ponies and mules to Cardiff". The first shipment at Cardiff" was, according to a tradition handed down in the family, superintended by William Lewis, the ancestor of Sir William Lewis, and there is more than ordinary interest attached to the fact when we consider the prominence our excellent knight has taken in the development of the mineral district, and the great changes brought about by him at the Cardiff" Docks. One may well be pardoned here for halting at this stage of our narrative a little while to muse over this most interesting of facts. To picture in the mind's eye William Lewis toiling on the old Roman road from Caerphilly to Gelligaer, and on over the Waun Mountain to Dowlais, bringing, after many journeys, the materials necessary to build the furnace ; and then, when pig iron had actually been made, the same worthy and energetic man driving a small troop of mules and ponies back by the same route to Cardiff, where a tiny sloop was in waiting for the iron. That first export of iron ! How great the event ! How imbued William Lewis must have felt with the importance of the occasion. There never had been anything like it, and his eyes must have glistened as the loads were transferred, and excitement reached its height as sails were unfurled and the vessel glided away into the misi of the distance. One hundred and thirty years have passed since then, and that small load of pig iron and the unpretentious sloop stand with us now like as to the index of a colossal volume. That early venture, probably 38 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, only to Bristol, has been followed all through the years by a tonnage which in its aggregate would confuse the clearest mind, for Dowlais has been one of the chief railway makers of the world. Russia, America, in fact every country where the rail has been laid down, has been indebted to Dowlais and the unam- bitious men who first, literally, set the ball rolling. It was the destiny of William Lewis's family to do more than preside at the first export. His son, who had become a contractor in the Collieries at Dowlais, migrated to Plymouth early in 1800, and had the principal contracts in opening out the Plymouth Collieries, and erecting the first Blast Furnaces — the Dufifryn. His son, again, was one of the principal agents at Plymouth Works for many years. His son, again, Mr. T. W. Lewis, became, and for nearly 40 years, was the mechanical engineer under Mr. Anthony Hill, followed again by his son, Mr. Henry W. Lewis, ot Abercanaid ; and as ironmaster, coalowner, and the ruling power of the great mineral estate, we have in Sir W. T. Lewis one who may be said to have attained a position and brought about a realisation such as the wildest dreamer could never have imagined. And it is not yet ended ; and for the sake of the great interests of Glamorgan it is to be hoped that for a long time again his course will be onward and upward, and Tigour and clearness of intellect be spared for yet remoter years. We have left Lewis of the Van — a picturesque mansion, half in ruins, fronting Caerphilly Castle — looking about for a man to take from him the troubles of management at Dowlais furnaces, and this man he found in John Guest, of Broseley. John Guest was a small freeholder, living at tlie White House, in Broseley, and carrying on the combined trades and pursuits of a brewer, farmer, and coal dealer. In addition to these he had a small iron furnace which he worked, and it would seem with some degree of success, as it must have been this which brought him under notice of Lewis, of the Van. His wife's name was Wilmot, and when he first came under the notice of the Welsh iron- masters, in 1760, he was a robust tniddle-aged man, very indus- trious, and held in great esteem. His family was one of the oldest in the district. There was a large G carved over the porch, denoting it to be the home of the Guests. It is stated in AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 39 the ** History of Merthyr" that when *♦ Sir John Guest, in the hey- day of his fame, sought to learn the ancestry of the Guests, he found that the name was one of the oldest institutions of the parish. It was a good old Saxon family, and there generation had succeeded generation like the elms of the hedgerows and the beech of the woodland." No record exists as to the first meeting between Lewis and Guest. All that is known is that an engagement was entered into, and that the day came when the first Guest started for the Welsh mountains, a journey then in the middle of last century only now paralleled by one to South Africa. It was a time, as shown in the history of the coal trade of Wales, when early pioneers could not be induced to go into Wales except on very advantageous terms, and that not only had these to be signed and sealed, but the pioneer himself prudently made his will before starting, and, then, like the hero of Bunyan, went guided by faith and guarded by prayer over his solitary way. It is many years since the tale was first told to a generation greying now with time, of that memorable journey of the first Guest, and it may well be told again to the younger men who have come upon the scene since then. John Guest had a faithful servant in his tamily called Ben, and generally known as Ben Guest — probably no relation. John Guest started on his journey riding an old grey mare, and Ben, with a good strong stick in his hand, walked by her side, putting up together here and there on their wild and often roadless way. John Guest, good old soul, bore this arrangement some time quietly, but he did not like the idea of riding while his friend and servant trudged, painfully at times, by his side. So at last he could not endure it any longer, and insisted on Ben mounting behind, and it was in this way, in the closing hours of the evening in autumn time, that they were seen entering the obscure shepherds' hamlet of Merthy, by the Twynyrodyn road, and, being directed by a villager, put up for the night at the Three Salmons, which, by the way, had an inviting outlook from the back over the village churchyard ! What a memorable incident this in the life of a family which has had so great and beneficent an interest in Wales. What if it were only a travel-stained man and his 40 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI<, humble servitor, and the'destination a bleak hillside, and a small unpretending furnace, with a dozen men at the most ! Only look at the outcome, which it will be a pleasant task to trace ! — the development of the iron and steel industry of Wales, honours, dignities, knighthood, then a place amongst the nobles of England, and the support and comfort of a vast population of over 30,000 souls. These, looking ahead from that unpretentious entry of the first Guest, were the results attained, and the land which had known only a sparse agriculture which had groaned under the weight of Norman castles, and echoed to the cries of con- tending armies, woke to the morning light of peace and the iron industry. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 4 1 CHAPTER IV. THE FIRST GUEST IN HIS EXILE AT DOWLAIS. REMINISCENCES OF HIS EARI.Y DAYS IN WALES. ^^VECOLLECTIONS of the adventurous Englishman who ^T^ had come to link his fortunes with Lewis of the Van at "^ \^ Dowlais were common enough amongst the last genera- tion. He was a tall man, strongly built, and evidently well-fitted for pioneer work. The people thought him eccentric and somewhat reserved, but a kind man ; reverenced, according to the old term, by his men. One of his first efforts was to get a knowledge of Welsh, and he was soon able to talk a little with the workmen in their own language. Guest had sole charge of the solitary furnace, and built him- self a house by the Morlais, and in a quiet way plodded on, using charcoal as fuel, and getting small, but good yields. The time came when the iron world in all directions was beginning to use pit coal in iron-making, and Lewis and Guest made arrange- ments to give the invention of Dudley a trial. For this purpose it was necessary to get a new cylinder from Cardiff", and reading the accounts, in the old and fast-fading records of that day, is more reminiscent of the building of pyramids and the conveyance of Egyptian gods than of anything else. There was quite a small army of men brought together, of all sorts and conditions, from the ironworkers of Dowlais to the mule and pony drivers and the spare farmer hands around. Twenty-four oxen, we are told, were requisitioned, and the eventful day came when, with all the wild gesticulations and cries of tired and heated men shouting voluminously in strange dialects to wondering and wearied oxen, the cavalcade, after a world of difficulty and 42 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, danger, came over the Waun Mountain, and rested awhile ere the descent to Dowlais was made. This expedition was long remembered as one of the eventful incidents of Guest's early days. Unfortunately, there was no great success at first, and the weekly yield at this time was only eighteen tons. The slow, almost tedious growth of Dowlais augured eventful great- ness, though not so evident to the pioneers. That Dowlais was even then discussed as a Land of Promise is shown by the number of men who began to throng thitherwards, not only from other parts of Wales, but from England. Very soon after Guest had settled down Mr. Wilkinson, father of the well-known ironmaster, came to Dowlais, and is entered in the rate-books of the Parish, in conjunction with Guest, as leasing land and starting a furnace at Plymouth. He built a furnace, the ruins of which were visible a few years ago, behind the old Vulcan Steps at Dowlais also, but he evidently did not ** come to stay." At a considerable distance from this furnace there was a water-wheel which acted as the motive power to a large bellows, supplying the furnace with blast. The blast again was conveyed through a long clay pipe of a very frail character. The whole thing soon collapsed, and Wilkinson gave up the rivalry and retired from both Dowlais and Plymouth. John Guest does not appear to have had any doubts of ultimate success himself, for he soon invited a number of his old Broseley friends, and eventually most of his family were gathered around him. Previous to this his life, as described in the history of that time, handed down from the old people who are dead and gone, was a very lonely one. He, in fact, was an exile from his kith and kin, living amongst a strange people, of whose language and manners and customs he knew little. From a friend of '* lolo Morganwg," who used to visit at Penyrheol House, Merthyr, and drink inordinately of tea, as many a dozen cups at a time — fortunately the cups were small- there has been handed down some interesting particulars of that exile. Mrs. Williams, the friend in question, was a little girl at the time of Guest's early career, the daughter of one Nicholas, the smith, of Pant Coed Ivor. Once a week a post- woman, mounted on a small pony, brought the letters from Brecon to the AND TINPI.ATK TRADES. 43 village of Merthyr, and as she stopped at the smithy it fell to the lot of the little girl on several occasions to take the letters for Mr. Guest to save the post-woman the journey. We are further told that at this early date only two newspapers were brought by the post-woman — one for Mr. Guest and another for a respectable yeoman ot Merthyr, who resided at Pondside. The little girl was rewarded every time she gave the letters and paper to Mr. Guest with a penny, and one Christmas Day, as a great treat, with a sixpence. She often described to her son, Mr. Morgan Williams, of Penyrheol, the appearance of Mr. Guest. He looked a lonely, somewhat a melancholy, man. She found him frequently sitting on a large stone — a boulder evidently — in front of his one furnace, which was about the size of a lime-kiln, and as soon as she came in sight he rose from his seat nimbly and came towards her, evidently anxious to hear news from home. Then, giving her his penny, he would again perch on the stone, read- ing his letters and newspaper. That weekly post, brought far away over the Beacons, was to Guest the red-letter day of his life. He heard all about his Broseley home, tidings perhaps of the coming wife and stalwart sons ; and the newspaper, the " Cambridge Intelligencer," brought him in touch with the busy world, which seemed so far away from the Welsh hillside, and told him of the stirring news which found hot disputants, undoubtedly, in the sanded kitchen of the "White Horse" at home. It was a momentous time in English history. The shadows of the American Revolution were thrown forward. Pitt, " like a caged lion, w^as growling de6ance in his retreat," and Flowers, the Radical editor of the newspaper, was writing with a venom, which soon afterwards led to his imprisonment. All these things led Guest for a time from contemplation of his furnace and the direction of his men, till faded again the objects which passed over his mental vision, and then again the ironmaster took up vigorously the momentarily dropped role. Then we find, as time passed unevent- fully by, that one by one Guest became surrounded by his family and many of his old friends. His father. Thomas Guest, of Broxley, had reared a large family — full particulars of the various members are given in the ** History of Merthyr " — but it would 44 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, appear that only John rose to distinction. One brother, Thomas, was employed at Dowlais Works for years, and died at Dowlais. Robert was also employed at Dowlais, and the brothers' sons, who were many, filled various positions — moulders, master refiners, forge clerks, &c., — as the works expanded. It was John Guest who first worked coal at Dowlais, and when it was in little use at the Works, he would sell it to the Vaynor farmers. The sale took more the form of an exchange than anything else. The farmers would bring a sack of lime to the works, and barter it for a sack of coal, giving a halfpenny to Mr. Guest in addition. This sack of coal was then taken home, divided into three loads, or three small sacks, and on the backs of mules taken into Herefordshire, and even into further counties, and sold for lod. the sack. It was related in the last generation that upon one occasion Mr. Guest, finding that coal was becoming more useful, rose the price to one penny, and this caused a good deal of consternation amongst the old-fashioned farmers, and for many a day they could talk of nothing else. And in our quiet ravines and wooded hollows, even had there been much news stirring, it was tardy enough in getting here. Even fifty years later is is said that the Battle of Waterloo was discussed — long after Napoleon had been safely confined in St. Helena. But our farmers and early ironworkers soon had sub- ject matter for gossip. England was initiating the most regrettable course of estranging American friendship by the imposition of new and heavy duties on imported merchandise. It was in 1765 the obnoxious Stamp Act was passed. In the same year the American Congress was first held in New York; in 1767 duties were levied on tea, paper, and painted glass ; in 1773. 300 chests of tea were destroyed, and in 1775 the memorable battle of Lexington took place. Go to the secluded churchyard of Vaynor, where amidst the old farmers of that time sleeps now Robert Crawshay, the last of the Iron Kings, and as you read the "simple annals" of the buyers of coal and sellers of lime, the scarcely decipherable mementoes of the dead become rounded into significance. You see again the grey forefathers of the hamlet— the Jenkinses and Richardses and Watkinses — and fancy again peoples the AND TINPLATE TRADES. 45 ruined village of Pontsticill, and for a brief time you are back in the past, when the solitary Dowlais furnace was the beacon light, and a marvel of which few imagined the outcome. John Guest, from turning out 500 tons a year, gradually in- creased it to 1,500 ; and, considering the primitive appliances he had, this was very satisfactory. His only means of getting mine and even coal was by scouring. The mountain streams would be dammed up to a considerable height at such places as Twyn- carno, and then suddenly cleared away, scouring out the mine from the sides, which, by its greater weight, would sink to the bottom of the brook or stream, and be collected afterwards. Fuel, in his time, was principally charcoal, and there are traditions extant that the heights of Dowlais were well wooded, presenting more the appearance of the Cyfarthfa side than of the bare, treeless expanse it now does. ' In local history he is stated to have been a good, kind master, and amongst other benefits and privileges gave his men once a year a dinner on the Waun Mountain, but the men indulged so excessively in drinking as well as eating that, much against the grain, Mr. Guest gave it up. By this time, 1780, the labours of the pioneer of the Guest family were beginning to tell. He had reached his sixtieth year. The prime of life had passed — the end could be seen mentally and not afar oflf. Ivike the prudent, thoughtful man he was, he had trained up his son, Thomas, to relieve him of the increasing responsibilit}^ of his works, and at his death, on November 25th, 1785, Thomas stepped naturally into his place. During the career of the first Guest, Lewis of the Van had retained an in- terest in the Dowlais furnace; Mr. Thompson, the father of Alderman Thompson, had also an interest in the works, but sold out his share to Mr. Tait, who had been a traveller for the Dowlais Company, as it was formally called after the death of the first Guest. The death of the pioneer, John Guest, ends naturally the first epoch in the history of the distinguished family which has had such an important influence over the destinies of the iron and coal trade for nearly a hundred and fifty years. The beacon light that he lit on the hillsides of Dowlais was, before he died. 46 HISTORY OF THK IRON, STEEI,, flashed back again from the opposite Cyfarthfa Hills ; and before following the career of the Guests it will be incumbent to sketch the beginning and early annals of Anthony Bacon, and of Cyfarthfa. AND TINPI^AE TRADES. 47 CHAPTER V. A]SrTHO]SrY BACON AiS[D THE BEGINNING OF CYFAETHFA. THE FIRST FURNACE. JOHN WESLEY AT MERTHYR. ^jT^ ND who was the great Anthony Bacon, the man who /% preceded the Crawshays, whose name was on every / JL tongue a hundred years ago, and of whom no memorial ^ remains in stone or graven image? The most trust- worthy account of him is that he was a native of Whitehaven, famous for its iron ore deposits, largely used in the days of Anthony Hill, at Plymouth ; that he was a successful merchant in London, and, hearing of the venture of Lewis and Guest, travelled down into Wales to see for himself if the reports were true of its being a land of iron and, consequently, gold. The old inhabitants who knew him have long been dead, but the narrative has been handed down from them, and is preserved in the history of the neighbourhood, that he made his entry about 1763 into Merthyr, and, as there was no road down the valley, he must have come over the Waun Mountain. His mode of travel was b}^ mule carriage, and he put up at the Star Inn, from where he made trips around the district, in particular visiting Hirwain, where the north crop of the ironstone measures was well developed, and the simplest tyro in ironmaking could see that prospects were good. It took some time to note the various features of the mountain land which was to be the scene of his pioneer efforts, but eventually in August, 1765, the lease was drawn up between Messrs. Bacon and Brownrigg, of White- 48 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL haven, and Earl Talbot and Mr. Richards, of Cardiff, whereby, subject to conditions and the rights of small leaseholders, they were to have the great mineral tract of Cyfarthfa, of 4,000 acres (eight miles in length and five in width), for 99 years, the rental to be ;^ioo per annum. Messrs. Talbot and Richards were not going to give their property away, as Morgan, of Newport, had done, for a paltry rent of £2.6. They must have, what was con- sidered a large sum in those days, ;^ioo. Sir W. T. Lewis, amongst his records, preserves one of interest — the celebrated lease which matured in 1864, and on the 25th March, 1864, he, with Mr. Clark, on behalf of Lord Dynevor and Mr. Richards, went and took possession. And there was another proviso ; the small leaseholders had to be settled with — the little farmers of the mountains. Most of these were in monetary difficulties, and the gossip in the village a century ago, was that one Williams, a dealer, held most of the "skins," and he, too, had to be bargained with. With reference to the lease granted to Anthony Bacon, it would appear that though the land arranged for was eight miles in extent, it included only the iron and coal mines, and according to Malkin, who wrote in 1803, there was comparatively little surface, only sufficient upon which to erect his works for smelt- ing and forging the iron, some fields for the keep and con- venience of his horse and other necessary requirements. He at first constructed one furnace, and little besides was done for at least ten years. The next advance was the creation of a forge for working pig into bar iron. The contract with Government for cannon was at the beginning of the American war. The cannon were conveyed in carriages, and sometimes sixteen were necessary to convey one cannon. The roads were so cut up by the conveyance that it took a month to repair them. Anthony Bacon was evidently bent upon doing the thing in a thorough manner, for in the same year. May ist, 1765, he bought up other leases, previously granted to one of the venturers by the Hon. Lewis Windsor Hickman. Earl of Plymouth, and thus, while Lewis and Guest held land from the Dowlais heights to Merthyr, Bacon and his friends ruled over Plymouth and Cyfarthfa, a track of land such as would have closely approached AND TINPLATE TRADES. 49 the domain of a Lord Marcher a century or two before, and compared with which a German barony would have been nowhere. The lease was drawn up by the great lawyer of the dis- trict, who did all the legal business for a wide area — Bold, of Brecon, Cardiff being almost as insignificant then as Merthyr, though it was the abode of one of the officials of the hill districts, the coroner. In early parish books many are the entries in early iron works days to '* fetching the crowner." Anthony Bacon's first difficulty after signing the lease was to come to terms with the small farmers, who held leases for the soil at varying terms and dates. The rental of these farms varied from £5 ^^ £^^- Very few were more, and Bacon arranged to buy them out for £100 each, which they gladly accepted, especially as it was accompanied by the offer that employment should be found for them and their horses in coal getting or carting materials for the furnace. There was one man, however, who was not to be settled with so easily, and this was Evan Williams, who did a little chandling in the village, and lived in a thatched cottage on the Penheolgerrig road. Williams wanted more than a hundred pounds, and he had it. These details settled, Bacon set about work in earnest. Old traditions affirm that his first furnace was at Plymouth, and that the forerunner of the great Cyfarthfa Works was only a forge. Be that as it may, the year 1765 saw the building of THE FIRST FURNACE AT CYFARTHFA. A hundred years ago it stood unchanged before the modern- ising influences of steel had come about, the notable, remarkable ** Number Five." It never had time to get ivied and grey like a Norman castle, for it was never the haunt of anything but industry. Stern work and huge fires had been unceasingly associated with it. Time had covered it over with a sombre cast making it blend with age and gloom ; but there it stood, while every living soul, from the master to the simplest man and boy, had been swept away, the old ironworkers falling away as an ebbing tide ; the new coming in as ceaselessly as the tide does at the full. And yet liberties had been taken with the old furnace, 5 50 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, Stray seeds of ferns and wild flowers had found out quiet and sheltered recesses, and there in the spring and summer soothed, as it were, the old monarch, just as sun-glints do at times some dark rock. Aye, and more than that, wild birds even amidst the smoke and fire and roar of the blast would gather there, too, and chirps unexpectedly be heard clear above the ring of beaten iron. This was nearly 50 years ago. No wonder that ** Number Five " makes one pause when one recalls its wonderful history : how it figured as the years went by in turning out iron that took part in the American War, how it aided in every industrial need here and elsewhere, and, when the land had peace, took a not insignificant part in supplying the iron that was required to rail our own country and America, and Russia as well. Bacon's progress was as slow as that of Guest had been, and the getting of fuel was the difficulty with both men. The course of things was that work at the furnace should be carried on three days a week, and the other three be devoted to wood-cutting, which the men enjoyed immensely, especially as on their own account they com- bined it with snaring game, shooting blackcock, and making a foray amongst the fitch ocks and other vermin that abounded in the woods. These sports necessitated dogs, and the barking that ensued in Cyfarthfa Woods was, in the past generation, suggested as giving origin to the name ** Cyfarthfa," or the barking place of dogs. In North Wales there is a Cyfarth fa and the same origin is given. The very pursuit for fuel has suggested that Aberdare Hill, which was principally the foraging ground, was called Bryn Gwyddil, not as being the haunt of the Irish raiders in byegone days, but simply the haunt of these woodmen. In the recollections of the old people of the village, handed down to their children and their children's children, the bounty of Anthony Bacon to the small farmers was not put to good use. The tale told is that most of them frequented the ale-house until it was all gone, and then were only too glad to get employ- ment at the works or in hauling coal from the mountain levels. In the whole district there were ninety farms, and of these Cyfarthfa swallowed up twenty. Bacon built himself a house, which can still be seen fronting the office, blackened with the smoke of a century and a half, and AND TINPI^TK TRADES. 5I there applied himself diligently to the make of iron, and its despatch by mules and ponies to Cardifif by the mountain road. Some idea of the difficulty attending this method of transport can be gained even now by anyone choosing to climb up the Waun Mountain and travelling even to Gelligaer, and in Bacon's time the hardship was still greater. He appears to have been a man of resources, and when he had in 1767, built another furnace and found a good market for his iron the old charcoal make being of great excellence, he began to make known to the farmers the desirability for the general good of the parish that a road should be made down through the valley to Cardiff. He was an adroit man. The historian tells us that, so far as the village history was concerned, he was the first to put into practice the theory that one of the most approachable ways of getting a man's sympathy in any movement is, first, to give him a good dinner and plenty of drinkables. The plan has always found favour since, and, no matter what the movement is, goes along more merrily with an accompaniment of the clink of knives and forks and popping of corks. Bacon gave a dinner ; where we are not told, only that it was in the village, and very probably at the Star ; and to this he invited all the farmers. It was one of the red-letter days of village history. The tables were well laid. There was no champagne then in village inns, but plenty of good nut-brown ale, for which Merthyr had great repute, even in the days of the Commonwealth. The dinner attracted every one of the farmers and leading villagers ; and the way the ale went around showed that business was meant. We are told that when the tables were cleared, more ale still was brought forward, so that when Bacon arose to speak, and brought on a number of sound reasons why a road should be made, and spoke of the abundance of coal and iron in the valley, the audience were in a good mood to listen and to applaud. It is true that some needed an interpreter ; but they got on very well with an occasional aid. Then Bacon spoke of himself, and his partner, Brownrig, of Whitehaven, and promised that if the road were made, he and his partner would carry on the works with energy. This, and his offer of a large sum in aid of the cost, finished his appeal ; and a paper was handed around, and soon bore good witness in a 52 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, lengthy and substantial subscription list of the strength of his appeal. The road was contracted for by Mr. Robert Thomas, grandfather of Dr. Thomas, The Court, and, in 1767, the date of the second furnace, was completed. Mr. Bacon was evidently a wag. In the old house, now converted into engineers* offices, the fire-place bears his crest — a pig! In the meanwhile. Guest, at Dowlais, was plodding along ; and it is interesting to note that the two ironmasters. Guest and Bacon, never appeared as rivals, but in a good homely way had struck up a friendship, and often met to cement it. One of the recollections of the old village life is that Guest was frequently to be seen either walking down or riding a pony in the direction of Cyfarthfa, and always carrying a little basket in which was his dinner. So the two old-fashioned men met in this homely, thrifty way. They were both Englishmen, living amongst strangers, in a strange land, and this alone led to an intimacy such as occurs now in African wilds, or on American prairie clearings, when white men get within cable tow of one another. Some of the incidents of Bacon's early career were the staple subject of gossip for many years after his time. He built a smith's shop at Cyfarthfa, and a great deal of the iron used was brought from Plymouth furnace on the backs of horses. A number of men were employed in this shop ; and one day a woman from the country came by with a donkey-load of the old- fashioned red plums, ofifering them at a penny a jugful ; and all the men, with the exception of two, rushed out, and were regaling themselves, when the roof of the shop fell, killing the two who had remained. In his time a brutal murder was committed in his house. This was a prelude to the appearance of shady characters, who thronged to the works as they expanded, and there sought and found concealment ; for in the early years of ironmaking, and on well into the middle of this century, whenever a man was wanted for some crime or other, one of the likeliest places searched was the iron valley. The murder at Bacon's house was perpetrated upon one of his servant maids by a discarded lover. The poor girl had sent him adrift for some reason or another, and having given a new sweetheart a pair of AND TINPI,ATE TRADES. 55 silver buckles, the new lover wore them very ostentatiously in public, some say at Ynysgau Chapel, which was one of the first places built after Cwmyglo, and these buckles were recognised by the jilted man, and he vowed revenge. It is probable that the buckles were his own gift, and so were quickly detected. Making his way to Bacon's house he saw the girl, and accused her of her falseness to him. This roused her anger, hot words passed, and, catching up a knife, he stabbed her fatally. She did not die at the moment, for she was able to crawl upstairs, marking her progress on the wall with a blood-red hand, and this was seen when the other servants came home, and the body of the poor girl was found. There was soon a great outcry. The fellow was known, and quickly hunted down, tried, and hanged at CardiiBf. Another reminiscence of Bacon's career is of more general interest. The clergyman, or the parson, as he was called at the time, was Thomas Price. On his mother's side he was a Scudamore, and descended from Owen Glyndwr. He had been an Oxford student, and for a college chum had the Earl of Oxford, who never forgot the happy days passed with him ; and when he had the opportunity, presented him to the living of Merthyr. Previous to his time the villagers and the parson were often at loggerheads, a fact borne out by the records of St. Tydfil's Church, but Thomas Price endeared himself to his people, and no matter whether they eschewed religious worship for sports, or were stern Presbyterians, they all lived together with him in amity. An instance of this was often told by the old people. Price, from living in an agricultural district, found, as time passed, that sulphur and smoke and coal dust were not pleasant or healthy changes from the odour of clover fields, and he became ill, and had to retire for a lengthened period into Monmouthshire. This, for some months, was borne quietly, but when the stay became prolonged, a petition was formulated by the villagers, and sent to him begging his return, and he did so. Fifty of the villagers met him at Abergavenny, and as there were no roads, they had to cross the mountains on horseback, the rector carried in one of the primitive vehicles used for carting hay and fern* 54 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STBKI., At one of the halting places the clergyman had arranged a sub- stantial dinner, which put everyone in good humour, and after this the procession was re-formed, and, passing over the Trevil range by Twyn y Cynon and Pant, reached Gwaelody garth, then the rector's dwelling. Worthy families, fifty years ago, could be named in many places of the district, descended from the good old rector, one or two, in past years, holding positions of influence. The rector was an old friend of John Wesley, and it is shown by the itinerary of the great apostle that he visited Aberdare and Brecon, and, hearing that his old friend was the Rector of Merthyr, came down from the mountains to call upon him, but, unfortunately, Price was from home. It is on record that the rector was the first to introduce tea into the village, and this he did when the price was 20s. the pound. Price knew the value of tea, and how to make it, but some of his friends, for whom he obtained packages, were not so well informed, and one boiled it as he would cabbage, and when he sat down to enjoy his costly dish, came to the conclusion that the " mess " was not worth the money. While Guest was inviting friends to join him in his increasing works. Bacon did the same thing, and one may easily infer that this was done after one of the interviews between the two iron- masters, for Bacon'ti invite was also to Broseley to a Mr. Homfray. another of the early pioneers, whose family have made their mark from Merthyr over the hills to Newport. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 55 CHAPTER VI. THE HOMFRAYS OF PENYDARREK THE VOYAGE TO CARDIFF. I HAVE stated that when Guest, of Dowlais, wanted aid, he sent to a small iron establishment near Broseley, known as the Calcott Works. These were owned by a Mr. Homfray, who also had a forge at Stewpony, near Stourbridge. Homfray had three sons, Samuel, Jeremiah, and Thomas, and as they were men of enterprising character, the invitation from Dowlais and Cyfarthfa was readily accepted. They came down, visited Guest, and saw his two furnaces, then went to Cyfarthfa, and had an interview with Anthony Bacon. It has not been recorded what arrangement was entered into, if any, with Guest^ but with Bacon a contract was at once planned for them to build a forge at Cyfarthfa, Bacon to supply them with Cyfarthfa pig iron, for which they were to pay him £^ los. per ton long weight, and 4s. per ton for coal. This settled, the Homfrays returned home to pick out some of the ablest men they knew, and then return. Few more stirring episodes are current in the industrial history of Wales than the expedition which started from Stourbridge for Wales when the full complement of men had been selected. Amongst them were the Turleys, the Lees, the Hemans, the Browns, a descendant of whom, in after years, was mayor of Newport. Wives, sons, and daughters, were there, and roots of old-fashioned flowers and fruit trees, and one carried a blackbird in a cage, and most brought with them some reminder of the old home they were leaving, for all they knew, and as it turned out, for ever. How were they to go down into the strange land, amidst people whose language and manners and customs were so 56 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, diflferent to their own ? It was soon decided. Two of the brothers, Samuel and Jeremiah, the latter of whom lived to have an equipage and four greys, his coachman and footman in livery, all worthy of a prince. Thomas remained with the men, and having obtained a boat sufficiently large, passed down with the tide to Worcester, and there slept. This was the first stage of the journey, and when the morning dawned, a few of the men agreed, amongst themselves, that the undertaking was a foolish one. ''Better go back home," said they; and they meant it. This did not suit the northern blood of Thomas, who adopted physical measures in addition to swearing roundly, so on they journeyed again, and reached Gloucester, where the captain humoured them a bit, gave them a couple of days' holiday, took them to see the cathedral, and organised rook shooting. Then the boat was abandoned, and a barge bought, and on they went until the Bristol Channel was reached, and for hours the trip was sunny and pleasant to a degree. Then night came on, and with it a storm, and here it seemed as if the expedition would end summarily, for the master of the barge lost his head, and admitted he had never been in the channel before, and did not know where to go. It is said that these bold men of enterprise talked a while about punishing the fellow in an efifectual way, and throw him into the waves, so that he should not bring others to their doom, as he had evidently brought them, but more merciful views prevailed, and as sunshine and calmer weather came with the morning, he was forgiven, and very shortly they came to anchor under Penarth Head. Once in Cardiff, with solid ground under their feet, and within a day's march of their destination, they forgot their troubles, dismissed the master of the barge, first paying him so well that he left the barge in the mud, determined to go home by land as he could ; and then* Jeremiah Homfray coming upon the scene with wagons, they entered on the final stage of their journey. We have an interesting account handed down from one of the descendants of the eventful evening, the 13th of May, 1782, when they came within sight of the Merthyr Village, passing Plymouth, with its one furnace, and found themselves in the village street. They appear to have been thirsty souls after their voyage on so much AND TINPI^ATE TRADES. 57 sea wave, for we hear that they speedily found that there were three public-houses — the Star, the principal inn ; the Crown, a thatched house, famous for its ale ; and the Boot, to say nothing of others. The place they saw was very small and insignificant, most of the houses low and thatched. The population, too, was small. At the Boot they slept for the night, until accom- modation elsewhere could be prepared for them ; and here, it is recorded that Brown, the ancestor of the mayor of Newport, being short of funds, sold his dog for ninepence. There is one interesting fact in connection with the adventurers who came into Wales with the Homfrays. Amongst them was Ann Botham, the mother of Mary Howitt, and Charles Wood, her grandfather was one of the Cj^farthfa adventurers. Mary Howitt, who, with her gifted husband, William, obtained a memorable place in English literature, tells of her childhood in the Penydarren Ravine, where the little community of northerners settled down, and it is evident that the young girl's mind received early and pleasant impressions from bold mountains and woody hillsides. The foundry built at Cyfarthfa was, like the forge, worked by Homfray, and the direct management was under a Welsh- man, named Roberts, who, in our own generation, had influential descendants in the Aberdare Valley, and is genially represented to this day by Mr. Roberts, late of Treforest Works. Bacon was an energetic and influential man. The latter is indicated by the fact that previous to 1768, he was returned Member of Parliament for Aylesburj^ as a colleague of the notable John Wilkes, and he retained his seat in Parliament up to 1780. When the American War broke out, Bacon was enabled to get substantial orders for cannon. Charcoal-hammered iron was found to be well adapted for the work, and many a load of cannon went from Cyfarthfa to be shipped at the old Cannon Wharf, Cardifi". The opening of the forge at Merthyr was one of the great events of iron history, and few sketches are more interesting than those handed down from that remarkable day. There was, we are told, a considerable crowd gathered, for the population was rapidly increasing, and Dowlais men, Plymouth 58 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, men, blended with the villagers in seeing the first working of the forge. Shonny Cwmglo was there with his wonderful harp. Shonny could not read a note ; but once let him hear a tune, and he could play it ; and in playing and visiting ale-houses and all scenes of merriment, Shonny lived until he was a century old. He never played better than on that day ; and the boys and girls danced in the meadows near, and all was hilarity. Shonny played louder still, and the crowd roared more vigorously as the men began to work ; and so delighted was Samuel Homfray that he seized the best new hat of his foreman, Joseph Hemans, and threw it under the hammer ; and Joseph, not to be outdone even by his master, threw Samuel's under in turn. Position, never of much account in those days, was forgotten altogether. As the narration adds, it was the merriest forgetfulness of mastership possible. Two years of brisk times were enjoyed, and Bacon and the Homfrays prospered. Then came some reverses. Captain Smythe, grandfather, by the way, of our famous Baden Powell, in his treatise on the Bute Docks alleges that Bacon, not content with supplying the British Government with cannon, which were dispatched to Plymouth and Portsmouth, supplied the Americans as well, and lost his contract, which, afterwards, was taken up by the Carron Company, Scotland. This statement we cannot substantiate, so that it may have only been village gossip. For two years the connection lasted between Bacon and the Homfrays, when the latter began to complain that he was not served so promptly or fully as he could wish with Cyfarthfa pig iron ; and one day, like the impetuous Northerner he was, he went to Cyfarthfa furnace to know the reason why, and forcibly lapped the furnace, so as to help himself. This led to a row; Homfray's men came upon the scene ; from words both parties resorted to blows ; and after a big fight, in which most suffered — for it was no child's play — all connection ended between the Homfrays and Bacon. Before we trace the further career of the Homfrays, it will be well to note the retirement of Anthony Bacon from what had been the happiest speculation of his life. The world had wagged AND TINPLATE TRADES. 59 well with him. At Cyfarthfa he had a foundry, a forge, and two furnaces, and a furnace at Hirwain, and another at Plymouth. Iron-making, though on a scale we should now regard as paltry, paid well. He sent his mule troops to Swansea and to Cardiff, and realized for his iron £i8 per ton. His profit is estimated from all his Welsh sources at ^10,000 a year, but he was getting tired. He sought a little change from his furnaces. At Aberaman House, in the Aberdare Valley, and amongst his friends was an old bard, named Evans, who was held in great repute far and near, but was, like the majority of bards, as poor as a church mouse. Bacon helped him in his need, and the poet gave him, as he felt the hand of death upon him, the greatest treasure he possessed, a copy of the "Gododin,** the famous "Iliad'* of the Welsh Homer — Aneurin. There were at this time only three in existence — one at the British Museum, another at Hengwrt, and that of Krans's. Bacon is stated to have accepted the book with pleasure ; and, if the further history of the book be true, as related a century ago, it is only another of the proofs abounding showing the danger of lending books. Bacon, in the close of his Welsh career, was visited by the indefatigable historian of Brecon, Theophilus Jones, who borrowed the book, and forgot to return it. Jones died ; and at his death Mrs. Jones presented it to the Rev. T. Price (Carnhuanawc) ; and at his sale it was bought by Sk Thomas Phillips. In justice to the memory of Theophilus Jones, he stated that it was given him by Mr. Bacon. The manuscript book is now probably with Sir Thomas Phillips' descendants. It was Anthony Bacon's intention to develop the mineral riches of the Aberdare Valley. This he did not do. At a certain period of his career, about 1783. the desire came upon him to arrange his property in Wales, and to quit the scenes of his marked success as an ironmaster. With him at Cyfarthfa was a young man named Richard Hill, who married into a family into which Bacon should have married also, but did not, and the amends he made, according to local history, was to take a lively interest in Richard Hill's prospects ; and after employing him as an agent or overman at Cyfarthfa, he made arrangements with him to take the furnace at Plymouth into his sole government, 6o HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, paying 5s. per ton for all the iron he made there. This was the intoduction of the Hill family and of Plymouth Works into our Iron annals. We have seen that, through Anthony Bacon, the family of Homfray came upon the scene. His next step was to dispose of Cyfarthfa. In 1784 Mr. Tanner, of Monmouth, was introduced into the valley, and, in conjunction with other gentlemen, a similar arrangement was made both with the Cyfarthfa and Hirwain properties for a time, until a sale could be effected ; and eventually this was done as regards Cyfarthfa, by which Bacon and his heirs realised ;^ro,ooo a year from the district, where he had first only incurred a liability of ;^ioo! Having made his settlement. Bacon disappeared from the scene, troubled, the local historians say, with unrest, and is reported to have died when his children were yet young. He had two sons and a daughter. One son was an ensign, and fought at Waterloo. This son had Cyfarthfa ; the other, Thomas Bushby, who took the name of Bacon, died in 1861 at Plymouth. It is stated that the children were handsomely provided for, but that a good deal of the wealth gained in Wales was flitted away by one of the descendants over the gambling-table. Certainly, this was not by Anthony Bacon himself, who had undergone the labour and anxiety of earning it ; but it is generally the case — and the truism is as old as humanity — that the fortune which lightly comes, goes as lightly. The immediate successors of Bacon at Cyfarthfa was Mr. Tanner of Monmouth, a Mr. Cockshutt, and Bowser, who had a small works in Carmarthenshire. Bowser appears to have been a London capitalist, and started, first, at Kilgetty, then Car- marthen, and next Hirwain. His son in our days was one of the founders of the Whittington Insurance Society. The manager selected for Cyfarthfa was Thomas Treharne, one of the founders of a respectable family in the neighbourhood, and still represented. An Aberdarian gave in years gone by a vivid account of the entry of Treharne upon the scene, which deserves a place by the side of that of the Horn frays. It was but one remove from the wanderings of the Patriarchs, of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 6 1 with their tents and their countless flocks, and the sojourning by deep wells in the valleys of old. The family came up from the far-oflf land, not of Goshen, but of Carmarthen, with thirty or forty horses and mules. They carried with them all their family, and their possessions. Children were perched amidst beds and chests of drawers. The inseparable cat was there, as well as the household guardian, the dog ; and the travellers, too, had their flowers, for it was, as in the case of the Homfrays, a widespread impression that the iron valley was a lonely and a dark seclusion, where vegetation was scant, and the roads were of iron-stone, and the earth dry as that of the desert. Treharne went to live at Cyfarthfa, and became an excellent manager. Cyfarthfa was still upon a small scale. There was only one furnace in blast and seven blacksmiths' bellows at work. The mine was had principally by scouring, and in greater part collected from the bed of the river by the women of the village, just as they collect sandstones now and retail the results with the plaintive cry of " *Isa gro?' " In a quiet way Cyfarthfa progressed ; yet not having Anthony Bacon's energy and influence. Bowser did not thrive, and drifted into difficulties. These became so acute that Mr. Bowser borrowed all Treharne's savings to pay the men, " the expected cheque not coming to hand." In another week or two the climax came, and is thus related in village history : Treharne, coming home to dinner, brought bad news. Taking a mighty pinch of snuff", he exclaimed : ** It's all up with us ; the bailiff's are come from London, and are in the works ! " There was general consternation at this. Fortunately, Gwendraeth Ironworks remained, and he and his family, gathering the cavalcade of horses and mules again, made their way back home, leaving Bowser and Tanner to their fate. In the annals of the Treharne family, he is said to have remained there at his old post for two years ; and every time the name of Bowser was mentioned he would think of his hundred guineas, and bring down his hammer on the iron with a fierce blow, as if he had the delinquent under his hand. The day came, however, when, as he was busy working, a voice called out, "Tom, how do you do?" and, looking round, there was Bowser come to pay him all he owed. 62 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, and to get him back to Cyfarthfa ; and back he went, with the whole procession of himself and friends, and with still more children perched amongst the household goods. Then we find that Tanner, having lost money, sold out. Bowser retained the furnace at Hirwain ; Cockshutt and a man named Stephens remained at Cyfarthfa, where Treharne ruled as manager ; and then, upon the scene came the memorable iron king, Richard Crawshay, linking his fortunes for a little time with the others, until he acquired and ruled the whole of the Cyfarthfa domain. To his eventful coming and his early career we shall devote our next chapter. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 63 CHAPTER VII. THE CEAWSHAY FAMILY A RACE OF IRON KINGS. THE FIRST ENTRY INTO WAI.ES. ORIGIN AND CAREER OF RICHARD CRAWSHAY. f the Baileys. They were of the old Cyfarthfa lineage, and while Richard Crawshay was advancing in wealth and power, and making his name resound throughout the land by his indomitable energy and his ability, the Baileys would appear to have plodded on as their fathers and forefathers had in old fashioned farm pursuits in Yorkshire. 74 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, But the news of Crawshaj^'s success reached them at length, and one of the boys, possibly with the Robinson Crusoe craze upon him, as comes to boys generally at a certain period of their life, made up his mind to travel down into the dark country and try, as his uncle had, to make his way in the world in other forms than by hoeing turnips. It was a daring project ! Even nowa- days it would be a tedious journey from Yorkshire down into Mid-Wales, but then, when all travelling was primitive and roads were few and bad, it was a task of great difficulty. Joseph was the name of the adventurous boy, and the tale of his coming forms one of the most interesting pages of the " History of Merthyr." About the year 1806, Mr. Wayne, who was afterwards identified with Gadlys Works, and materially helped in the fortunes of Aberdare, was furnace manager under Mr. Crawshay at Cyfarthfa, and the tale told is that now and then he and Mr. Knowles, the sub-manager, tired of the heat and the burden of the day,got away from the dense sulphurous blasts into the purer air of Quaker's Yard, and there quietly enjoyed themselves for a few he UTS eie letuining. It was like the retirement to Pontsarn or to Penarth, to Weston or to Ilfracombe, that is done nowa- days. At Quakers' Yard there was an old-fashioned inn with sanded floor instead of boards, and there was good home-brewed ale there, made in a simple,;honest fashion, that mellowed the feelings of the old ironworkers, and made them think of the land where there were no blast furnaces and where the wild hops sported on the hedgerows. Wayne and Knowles had gone down on this particular day about 1806 in a trap, as usual, and were seated comfortably sipping their ale, when there looked in at the door a sturdy boy, shoeless, ragged, and with a hungry look. They naturally expected him to touch his broken cap and to solicit alms, but he did nothing of the sort. In a self-reliant way he asked them if they could direct him to where Mr. Crawshay lived — the great ironmaster. One can imagine honest Wayne, a genuine man of the good old type, exclaiming " God bless me, yes ; but what do you want with Mr. Crawshay ?" And the self" reliant boy replied in the same collected tone, and as if he was surprised such a queston should be put, •' Why, he's my nncle," and then he went on to tell the astonished Cyfarthfa men that he AND TINPLATE TRADES. 75 had been told that his uncle was a great ironmaster down in Wales, and he had travelled down on foot all the way, asking here and there, and getting along just as he could. The two conferred together, first, we may be assured, calling in the land- lord to give the lad something to eat, and, after their conference the wayworn nephew was told that he should have a ride in their trap, for they were going back to Cyfarthfa, as they worked under Mr. Crawshay. The offer was only too thankfully received, we need scarcely add. Little was said upon the journey, with the keen-eyed boy behind, and the two managers wondered pretty well all the journey, first, how they should break the matter to the ironmaster, and, secondly, whether it was true ! Wayne, being on more familiar standing with Mr. Crawshay, was the one to open the ball, and as he did so, in some doubt, the lad was sent for, and questioned by the ironmaster, and then, in order to thoroughly sift the matter, Mr. Kirkhouse, of Llwyn- celyn, was called in, and his decision was prompt and satis- factory — the boy was Joseph Bailey, and the nephew of Richard Crawshay. Then began that steady and upward career, which is the opening chapter of so many a great life in the annals of our industries. He started at the lowest step of the ladder, some ordinary position in the works. His steadiness, and the great trait of the Crawshays, his perseverance, won him place after place. In a time of rough, unpolished days, when the chief feature of life was the getting up to eat and work and the lying down to sleep, when the schoolroom was managed by the oldest of women and chapels were scarcely past their infancy, when fights were common between the natives and the strangers, and the swarming hive tempted the outlaw from many a county to come there for refuge — at such a time no greater mark of confi- dence could be reposed than to travel twenty miles over the mountains to Brecon for the weekly pay. This Joseph did, and it was not many years before the faithful servant became manager, and lived at Llwyncelyn, and when Richard Crawshay died he was left, as I have stated, two-eighths in the Cyfarthfa Works. For some time previous to the death of Richard, William 76 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, Crawshay the grandson, a man of the iron stamp of the grand- father, had been to the front at Cyfarthfa learning well all the details of his apprenticeship to ironmaking, and it was but to be expected that when the grandson took the reins as representing the first William Crawshay, who did more in the London finance world than in Wales, that Joseph Bailey felt the scope for his own exertions was narrowed. He wanted a field for himself. Hence it was that he and Wayne entered into arrangements with the Blaenavon Iron Companj', which had started two fur- naces and had a small ironworks at Nant3^glo as well, to buy the latter works. This done, he and Wayne pushed ahead, and for a time prospered. Wayne, as will be shown when his life and career come under view, was an excellent man, but lacking in the enterprise of Joseph Bailey, and after a time he decided to withdraw from the partnership, and start for himself in the Aberdare Valley. Joseph was then joined by his brother, Crawshay Bailey, and, though occasionally the two self-willed and indomitable spirits did not run placidly together, on the whole they did very well. It was on the occasion of a little dis- agreement between the brothers that Crawshay Bailey determined also to have a place of his own, and hearing that the small works of Aberaman, which Bacon had started, but had not developed as he intended, were in the market, he went into that valley to see what chances there was of a successful ironworks there. He was rather pleased with the examination, and at a certain figure he thought they might be made to pay. A worthy Aberdarian, who, from ruling supreme in the dark coal world below, now exercises sway over corn fields and meadow lands, gold-tipped orchards, and a typical mountain stream, tells us the tale in his own interesting way of how Crawshay Bailey acquired Aberaman Works. It was a long time ago ; an auction of the works had been announced, and big men and little men from various parts of the district met there, and there was a keen examination of the works preparatory to the sale. At length the auctioneer mounted the rostrum, and expatiated, as they always do, on the nature of the place, and its advantages if taken up by men of capacity and capital, and then the bidding began. It was evidently the intention of the local men who wished to buy to AND TINPLATE TRADES. 77 get it at as low a figure as possible, so when a stranger aiade his appearance who seemed to be a farmer, and not to be too much burdened with the world's wealth, and began to bid, they were annoyed and bid more freely, and as he continued they were determined, as they said, to make him pay for his foil}'; but the old farmer persevered, and the works were knocked down to him. Even the auctioneer had his doubts of a sale, and some- what sharply questioned the buyer how he proposed to pay the money, and the response was as sharp : *' Now, if you like; I am Crawshay Bailey ! " It was like an explosion in their midst, and yet, after the first surprise, the genial Aberdarians were onl}^ too pleased to have such a neighbour, and throughout his career he lived harmoniously amongst them. He was one of the old- fashioned school, paid no attention to appearances ; one of the men who believed more in paying one's debts than living in style. Many are the anecdotes current about him. He had a limekiln on the estate and sold lime, and the money for this was always paid to him personally. The money for his iron went through the ordinary course to the cashier and to his credit in the bank, and so, of course, he saw little of it ; but the lime money he had the handling of, and he used to say the limekiln paid him better than the works. Anecdotes of his peculiarities and of his goodness are current yet amongst the old people of the Aberdare Valley, and at Nantyglo, and Beaufort, where the brothers Bailey carried on for many years a successful iron trade, at one time having eight furnaces at Nantyglo and six at Beaufort in full blast. It was reported at one time that Crawshay Bailey was more deeply overdrawn at the Abergavenny Bank than the manager approved, and every Saturday it was a question whether the cheque would be honoured in time to pay the men. One Saturday the crisis came, and while the bank officials were hesitating about the policy of continuing the overdraft, another messenger dashed up with the great news, " Mr. Bailey had struck the famous seam of black band." "Tell him," said the manager, handing the money required, " to draw upon us for any amount he may need !" This was the turning point in the fortunes of the Baileys, and wealth flowed in apace. 78 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, One Striking proof of their goodness has often been told. During the bad times in iron which came periodically, necessi- tating blowing out or damping down of furnaces, the men were put to work at living wages in making roads, enlarging ponds, and as better times came they were on the spot to take advantage of the ** turn " and start again. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 79 CHAPTER IX. WILLIAM CRAWSHAY, THE IRO]^ KI^G. IT is one of the wise provisions of Natnre that, big as the man may be, the world goes on well without him when he is summoned off the stage. Man is only really missed in the circle of his home. In the industrial life, as in the national game, a player is bowled out, and it is " Next man," or a rank and file man drops down, and another steps into his place. It wounds one's little vanity that such should be, but it is the inevitable — the unchanging law — that there is no indispensable man. Scarcely had Richard Crawshay's funeral procession ceased to reverberate through the streets than his son and successor, like the old kings of Israel, "reigned in his stead.'' The dis- position of Richard's will was as follows : — Three-eighths to his son William, three-eighths to Mr. Benjamin Hall, and two- eighths to Mr. Bailey. The works were free from mortgage, having been purchased from the descendants of Mr. Bacon for The will of Richard Crawshay was one of the most singular of productions. It was referred to many years ago in a quaint collection of curiosities and eccentricities as follows : — "To my only son, who never would follow my advice, instead of making him my executor and residuary legatee, as till this day he was, I give him one hundred thousand pounds. — Proved 26th of July 1 8 10, by the oath of Benj. Hall, Esq , the sole executor." This son, William Crawshay, never resided at Merthyr. He was reputed one of the richest men in England, and so extensively engaged in foreign speculations — largely in West India business — that the growing works even of Cyfarthfa had no interest for him, and he was quite satisfied that under the care of his son William they would be successful. The financier and West India merchant did not long survive his father, Richard. He 8o HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, died a few years after the great ironmaster, leaving three sons — William, George, and Richard. It will be interesting just briefly to follow the fortunes of these sons. George remained at Cyfarthfa, and for some j^ears was part-proprietor of the works, and after him the large section of Merthyr known as Georgetown was called. Then he lelt for France, where he married the daughter of a French nobleman. Returning to England, he, establishing an ironworks at Gateshead, became mayor on several occasions — a dignity afterwards held by his son. Richard and William married two sisters, the daughters of Mr. Thompson. Richard became an extensive brewer in Norfolk. It was the destiny of William, then, alone to begin his career, and, upon the foundations raised by his grandfather, to fully establish the great ironworks, and bring Cyfarthfa to the zenith of its fame. In 1819 we find that six furnaces were in blast, and in that year the produce was 11,000 tons of pig iron and 12,000 tons of bars. In 1821 Cyfarthfa turned out more pig and bar than had been produced in the whole country between 1740 and 1750, and fully half of the total yield so late as 1788. The bar iron produced by William Crawshay was in great repute, and in the countries bordering on the Mediterranean the trade was immense. One of the ironmaster's methods was to help Turkey by taking bonds, and this gave additional impetus to trade. Cyfarthfa bar being so esteemed, there was some rivalry between makers, and it was found that the mark used by the Penydarren Company was so similar to that of the Cyfarthfa bar that it was imperative Mr. Crawshay should protect his rights. He accordingly brought an action against Alderman Thompson for imitating his mark, and, having gained the trial, he published the report in Russian, Turkish, and other languages. In the conduct of his legal business Mr. Meyrick was the chief lawyer, as the term was freely used in those days. Previous to the great case, Crawshay versus Thompson, being carried on, it is related that when the ironmaster first consulted Meyrick he was not at all willing to institute legal proceedings, but proposed, with the characteristic frankness aud sturdy manliness for which he was famed, to have the quarrel settled in the old British way ! - ^ -r- - > ■ ■ • „^ WlH)A»l CRAWSHAY f > , • , BOKh 1764 tHl Zk liiS4 i M iJkt L:-iU /j^j L:Ai^ L'M:- i ::y r^ jkl ij^i i j!,\: i::U, :j;^[ ij!^l \j.\ AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 8 1 Against this, naturally, the lawyer, with financial foresight, so protested that the ironmaster gave it up with shrugs of the shoulders and protests about the weakness of such a course. When the ironmaster was a young man an incident happened which would have enlisted the services of Sherlock Holmes. It has been stated that during Bacon's time a murder was committed at Cyfarthfa ; so also in the early days of William Crawshay, and, as this created a long enduring sensation, we cannot pass it by. We must premise by stating that William Crawshay took a higher social position than Bacon or Richard Crawshay did. They were content to live in the dingy house opposite the works. William removed to Gwaelodygarth House, and obtained a competent architect to plan a castle, with a wide area of grounds, parks, and meadows, such as can be seen to this day. It was ready in twelve months, at a cost of ;^3o,ooo. When installed with his game- keepers, gardeners, and a large staff of servants, he vied then with any magnate of the land, and yet was the plain, unassuming, and energetic iron-master, as his grandfather had been. One of his gamekeepers was named John Lloyd, who lived with his wife on the borders of the estate at Pontsarn, and it was a well-known fact that they did not live happily. They were not well mated. Though living in a lonely spot, some of the servants of the castle, or farm labourers, came occasionally in contact with them, and it was at length remarked that the wife was never to be seen. When questioned, John Lloyd said that she had gone away to Llangyfelach Fair ; but as she did not re-appear, and as it was well-known that they had lived a quarrelsome life, the subject of the strange disappearance was mentioned to Mr. Crawshay, who made a personal inquiry. He too, was dissatisfied. John Lloyd's face was an evil one, and his replies confused ; a close search was made about the house and grounds, and, this failing, London detectives were sent for, and these made a rigid investigation. Everyone became intensely interested. The times were primi- tive, and though education was at a low ebb, and people resorted to their own way in settlement of disputes, there was a rough manhood to the fore which regarded evil deeds with sturdy dis- approval. If John Lloyd had reason to find fault with his wife ; if— and this was the case— he was jealous of her, there was a way 7 82 HISTORY OP THE IRON, STEEI^ to punish her and the offending man other than by sacrificing the poor thing's life. The London detectives were looked upon with awe, as being of a diflferent order to themselves, and they little doubted the crime would be brought home to the offender. Yet hours and days passed, weeks followed and there was no sign. It was said that bloodhounds were to be employed, but, if so, it was kept very secret, and eventually the men went back to town, and John Lloyd remained free. The supposition was that the villain, having murdered his wife, had ** boiled her down for the Cyfarthfa hounds ! " — ^and, having had several days' time before her disappearance was noticed, had been enabled to do this without detection. It would seem that preparing the food for the hounds was part of his duty, and it was noticed about the time that he was unusually careful in cleaning the furnace and vessels, and this was remembered, and the detectives, who had the hint, made these a special object of search. It was only in the present generation that the murder came out. About twenty- five years ago an old man died in a poor-house in Tydfil's Well who turned out to be the suspected murderer, and near about the same time — most singularly — a skeleton was brought to light on the borders of the Cyfarthfa grounds, which was believed to be that of the unfortunate woman. John Lloyd died, and made no sign — died poor, diseased, wretched ; and the neighbours say that his long life was one of poverty and sickness. Assuming — and it would seem almost to be a certainty — that he destroyed his wife, Nemesis — incarnate justice — was upon his track from the very hour he did so, and peace of mind was never his again. William Crawshay never lost an opportunity of making his works perfect. He would be second to none. Down the Glamorganshire Canal the puddled iron went by thousands of tons yearly. Mills of the most elaborate character were erected, and one of these, designed by William Williams, a grandson of the former of that name, connected with No. 8 puddling furnace, was opened in 1846 amidst general rejoicings. There were eighteen balling furnaces and twenty puddling furnaces attached to this mill, and in March, 1847, these turned out no less than 6,144 ^ons of rails. For the railway era had dawned, and merchant bar had become secondary to the sinuous length of AND TINPLATE TRADES. S$ iron, which was to become more significant in ironmaking than any production which had preceded it. It was to be the great link of hamlets, of towns, and of cities, and still more of nations. The cannon had breathed forth its hoarse voice of war ; the rail was to be the silent messenger of peace and goodwill, winding around throughout the land, skirting seas, piercing through mountains, waking up industries in, late a while, hollows which had only echoed to the voices of Nature, to those of stones, and brook, and birds, with the mowers' rasping sound and the reapers' toil. Never before in human history had there been such a marvellous wonder-worker ! But for the steam engine and the rail England might have gone back into Tudor days or the contentious war of the Commonwealth. The railway was to be the precursor of a civilisation which would admit of no retro- grading step. Houses of God, even if they had neither spire nor bells, were to be multiplied, schools become numerous, and in the wonderful increase of peaceful and elevating pursuits England, as the great workshop of nations, was to lead the van. In the aid of this grand object William Crawshay stood a head and shoulders above all men. As we shall show, Cyfarthfa, Dowlais, and Plymouth were the great suppliers of rails, not only for England and Wales, but, as the railway domain ex- panded, taking in other countries. It was in Wales that the great bulk of rails was produced, and there was a time when America was solely dependent upon us, and not even a solitary rail was made in that great continent. William Crawshay did with America and its need for rails as he had done with Turkey and its requirement for merchant iron — he took scrip to an enormous extent, thus aiding the Americans financially in starting their extensive lines ; and it has often been privately whispered that some scrip and not a few bonds were never realised in the ironmaster's time. In 1845-6 Cyfarthfa had eleven furnaces in blast, with a yielding capacity of 80 tons, and a total yield in the year of 45,760 tons, which in time was to be doubled. He was associated with Mushet, the great authority upon iron and a keen analyst of coal, and in conjunction with him, brought out a patent for making iron from copper slag, which does not appear to have been S4 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, successful. It was remarked at the time that in all probability the failure was a fortunate one, as William Crawshay put all his energies after that into rail-making, and allowed his tendency to speculative inventions to sleep. Orders poured in to Cyfarthfa ; its rails, like its bars, had a fame, and the great district expanded, and workmen revelled in a luxury of which before-hand they had no conception. An idea of the wages earned was given years ago by an old man — an inmate of the workhouse — who, in 1830, earned his £;^o a month. He was assisted by two boys, and regularly into the house was brought the ^30 ! That it was not economically used is shown by the fact that the workman drifted after all into the " Union." He was a type of the mass of men. A few saved money and acquired a little property, The great multitude worked hard, lived freely, and died early, leaving no memento of their industry, and but a poor fading testimonial in the obscure chapel and churchyards to their life. 1830 was a time when newspapers were only in their infancy, and the sources of valuable information such as we now get from ** newspaper files " were but poor and scanty rills. The chroniclers of those days were principally magazines, and from one of these I am fortunate in getting an insight into the con- dition of Cyfarthfa Works at that time. In the "Mechanics' Magazine," of 1830, there was published a detailed account of Cyfarthfa, from the pen of a tourist who came into the valley, wondered greatly at what he saw, and took copious notes, which he published. The number of persons employed was 5,000, so by a moderate computation Mr. Crawshay supported 20,000 souls. The annual sum he expended for labour was ;^3oo,ooo. The number of horses employed was 450, the number of steam engines 8, doing the work of 12,000 horses; of water wheels 8, equal to the power of 654 horses ; furnaces of all kinds, 84 ; 3 forges, I foundry, 8 rolling mills, i boring mill. There were annually used 90,000 tons of iron stone, 40,000 tons of lime» 20,000 tons of coal, 80,0000 lb. of gunpowder, 120,000 lb. of candles. The next item is a startling one, showing the ramifica- tions of the mine works underground and the net work in the vicinity of the works — one hundred and twenty miles of tram- ways, a canal of several miles, with aqueducts, bridges, &c. AND TINPI^ATE TRADES. 85 " Of train wagons, made chiefly of iron, there are many thou- sands." Then we get a vivid account of the new Castle : — '* Mr. Crawshay has lately built a castle for his own residence in the vicinity of the works, which covers an area of 174 square feet, and contains 72 apartments. The locks and hinges alone cost ;£"70o. There is a pinery allocated to the castle which is heated by steam and cost £850, an extensive grapery also, that cost nearly as much." In the same magazine, about the end of the year, a former old inhabitant of Merthyr, who signed himself James Kemp, Black Bear, Piccadilly, evidently a publican, who had gleaned sufficient of the workmen's money to retire, or to transfer himself to more congenial quarters than the sulphurous hollow, writes in strong contradiction of many of the statements made by the tourist, and placed the rate of wages at not more than an average of 15s. per week. He adds that Merthyr was a dear place, flour being 5s. per sack — dearer than in Bristol — though the cost of a sack of flour from Bristol to the ironworks was only 2S. In addition to these corrections, the old inhabitant vents his spleen upon the ironmaster, whom he refers to as of lordly origin, and comments upon the grandeur won from the poor working man. The editor, very laudably, takes up the cudgels for Mr. Crawshay, who on many occasions indicated that he was a large-hearted, generous man. His comments are well worth preserving: *'Our correspondent is pleased to trace the rise of the Cyfarthfa family entirely to the labour of the poor men they employed. But is the spirit of enterprise, the intelligence, the sagacity, the perseverance by which that labour was directed to go for nothing? Persons in humble life should be the last — though, we regret to say, they are the first — to speak disrespect- fully of the elevation of individuals of their own class, since in nine cases out of ten the individual is the architect of his own good fortune, and the rise of one man by honest means furnishes a ground of hope to all, that they may by a proper exertion of the powers which Nature has given them, be equally successful." — Editor, " Mechanics' Magazine.'' These sentiments are well worthy of being re-produced, and in many respects are as forcible of application now as they were 96 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, then. The working men in the good times of the railway age had abundance of money, and a good deal of it was squandered. Not a solitary instance is extant of any institution having been started by themselves, and the great employers of labour in those primitive times thought that, in providing a comfortable means of livelihood for their people they had done their part. It has been said that Richard Crawshay was free with his guineas to his men — much more so than William — but William was occasionally munificent. When Hungary appealed to the world against the tyranny of its oppressors he voluntarily gave ;^50o, and other struggling nations came in for his support, for he hated injustice, and the tyranny of one man, or one nation, against another ; and here it may be mentioned, though not in chronological order, that when the second Gethin explosion occurred few men grieved more deeply than he, and he took the care of the widows and orphans into his own hands, and would not allow any outside aid. I have stated that no record is extant of the working men having by co-operation left behind them any institution. But it must not be thought that all the workmen were simply those who lived to eat, drink, and sleep. Cyfarthfa in its early days had some men of a specially high class. Many were of a thoughtful cast of mind, and between them started a PHILOSOPHIC ASSOCIATION, which was highly scientific as well as philosophic. They had expensive telescopes, microscopes, and globes, held periodical meetings, and discussed subjects of the most profound character- It has been said that they were a little tinged with the doubts of Thomas Paine, and not a little moved by the French Revolution, but it was not from their body sprung the great Riots, which I shall next bring under notice. Mr. William Crawshay retained to the last the government of Cyfarthfa Works, Hirwain, which was sub-managed by his son Henry, who afterwards left for the Forest of Dean, and Treforest by Francis, to whose share it afterwards fell. AND TINPtATE TRADKS. 87 CHAPTER X. THE EIOTS AT MEETHTR TYDFIL I^ 1831. IMUST go back a little in the eventful life of William Crawshay, the Iron King, to relate the story of the Riots of 1 83 1, which took place at a time of extreme depression in the district, and just a little before the advent of the railway age, which may be well termed the golden age in the history of the iron trade. It was in June, 1831. Colliers were but of little account then. Miners were an important body — almost as much so as ironworkers, and the procession to the levels was of dingy-coated men, with candles in their caps, not of the coal-dusty men we now see. For two years the iron trade had been in a lamentable condition, and reduction after reduction had been carried, and still works did not pay. At Cyfarthfa, during 1830 and up to March, 1831, a great accumula- tion of iron stone had taken place, and Mr. Crawshay had this on his hands, with a large stock of iron in various stages of manufacture, for which there was no sale. Bar iron was then £$ per ton, and pig iron proportionately low. Matters came to a crisis. Mr. Crawshay was anxious not to stop the works, so he gave notice on March 28th of a reduction from is. to jd. on rarious classes of iron-stone. The miners continued working, and up to May 23rd no murmuring was heard against him, though in every direction the badness of the times was felt, and in addition electioneering excitement was on in Brecon, where a Reform candidate was being run. Nor was this all. Low wages, Reform agitation, and a strong prejudice against the Court of Requests, formed a triad of reasons for prompting the men to take up an aggressive course, leaving the peaceable track BS HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, of industry for one of strife. On Thursday, in the early days of June, a large mob assembled at Merthyr, and marched over to Aberdare, where they compelled Mr. Rowland Fothergill, under penalty of his life, to sign a paper declaring that he had not said that his miners were getting 5s. a week more than Mr. Crawshay's. Then they demanded food, and the house was literally cleared of bread, cheese, and beer. The next step, for their hunger was not satisfied, was to visit Aberdare shops. Mr. Scale resisted, but the shopkeeper more prudently threw out of the window all the bread and cheese he had, and then they marched back to Merthyr. Arriving there, they visited the houses of the bailiffs attached to the Court of Requests. These houses they destroyed, burnt the furniture, and then went and sacked the Court of Requests, burning in particular all the books, thus fondly hoping to clear off their debts. Other places followed ; one, a grocer's shop, was pillaged, and old people used to relate that the rapidity with which every eatable thing was cleared off was astonishing. One venerable woman filled her apron with flour, into which pepper and other things were thrown, and she marched off rejoicing, crying out, ** This is Reform." Probably thinking, as many had cleared off with their plunder, that their numbers had been seriously diminished, they marched next to Cyfarthfa Works, then to Penydarren and Dowlais, forcing every man to join them, and it was late at night when they dispersed, to meet on the morrow. The ironmasters in the meantime had not been inactive. Brecon then was the chief town in Wales, and here was stationed a part of the 93rd Highlanders, under Major Fall, who had been urgently called upon by a special messenger to come to the rescue. This he did, and by hurried marches arrived at Merthyr at ten o'clock Monday morning. By this time the mob had gathered in still greater numbers, and as the Highlanders came down the Pandy Road they swarmed around them, every man carrying a firelock or a bludgeon, and all swearing lustily at the armed force. With steady tramp, undismayed at the savage-looking multitude, the soldiers marched steadily on until they came to the Castle Hotel, in which by this time Mr. John Guest, Mr. William Crawshay, Mr. Hill, and other leading ironmasters had gathered, and the AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 89 high-sheriff of the county, mounting a chair as the soldiers drew up in front of the "Castle," addressed the mob and read the Riot Act. Yet, still defiant, the mob pressed on savagely against the Highlanders, shouting out wild oaths, pushing their bludgeons tauntingly in their faces, as if to sting them on to begin an assault. Mr. Hill, one of the most worthy and amiable of iron- masters, followed the high-sheriff in imploring the crowd to disperse. Still no change. Then Mr. Guest spoke in the same manner, and was succeeded by Mr. Crawshay, who sturdily eyed the great concourse, unmoved and fearless. His friends had tried to soothe the mob, implored them. Not so he. The old Norman spirit, that which had won Saxon England by the sword and had made the Crusades memorable for ever, was not to be cowed by a crowd who had grown up around him from their boyhood. ** Go home," he roared, **you shall get no advance of wages from me by threats or violence. I defy you ! Go home, if you value the safety of your life. But this I promise you. If you all go home quietly, and send a deputation from each mine level to me in fourteen days, I will thoroughly investigate your complaints of distress, and do everything in my power to relieve you." It was all in vain. Kind words and stern fell uselessly. A bold fellow, who was known to be a resolute poacher, called ** Lewis the Huntsman," got on a lamp-post by the aid of some of the rioters, and spoke in Welsh : '* We are met, boys," he shouted, "to have our wages raised, instead of which the masters have brought the soldiers against us. Now, boys, if you are of the same mind as I am, let us fall upon them and take their arms away." He then dropped down, and immediately there was a mad rush upon the soldiers, and, in less time than it takes to tell, the bayonets of the front rank, numbering about twenty, were wrested from them, and used furiously against them. So dense was the crowd, and the pressure so great against the soldiers, that those who retained their arms only used them with difficulty. For a time the Major and his men fought with the bayonet, more in fencing off the blows of stick and gun than in wounding their antagonists ; but there is a point where mercifulness becomes the sign of fear or weakness, and when the officer in command with a number of men were struck down 90 HISTORY OP THK IRON, STEEI., and bayoneted, the signal was given to the soldiers who had gained the security of the " Castle," and could operate from the windows, to fire, and in a moment a volley was poured into the mass with a deadly precision that soon told. For a minute or two the misguided miners and ironworkers, staggered as they were, fought to regain their lead ; but when one by one fell, pierced with bullets, and the shrieks of the death - stricken sounded above the roar of battle, there was a rush away into bye-lanes, and anywhere, in fact, where shelter could be found. Some sturdy fellows made a daring attempt to get up the back way of the "Castle," and thus put the soldiers between two fires. This was quickly seen and resisted, and the battle practically was over, though now and then from the outlying district a bullet crashed into the "Castle," one passing between Mr. Crawshay and the high-gherifi*, fortunately wounding neither. When the roll was called over a dozen of the soldiers were found to have been injured — two very severely, and it was reported in after times that one died ; Major Fall was severely cut about the head and was covered with blood, and of the mob sixteen were stated to have been killed and many injured. The total death and injury were never accurately known. The survivors and families of the slain and wounded concealed all possible traces. Wounded men remained at home, reported as sick; dead were buried with as much privacy as possible. The flight from the town of armed rioters was very great, and years after it was nothing unusual for an old sword or bayonet to be found in a garden or in the mountain side, having been hidden so as to destroy any trace. It may well be imagined that the fewness of the soldiers, who, by one account, were under fifty in number, made the posi- tion of the ironmasters and others in the *' Castle," one of great risk, and it is now well known that had the soldiers been over- powered a lamentable slaughter of these would have followed. As it was, when the mob had been driven ofi* it was deemed prudent to retire from the *' Castle," and while express messengers went to Tarious quarters for reinforcements, the gentlemen and High- landers made for Penydarren House, then the residence of Mr. Forman. This was one of the best positions for defence in the AND TINPI,ATE TRADBS. 91 district, and at five o*clock in the afternoon the march took place, four coaches containing the wounded. Once at Penydarren House they were safe, and soon fifty of the Glamorgan Militia, with Captain Howells, and Major Rickards with the L,lantrisant Cavalry, made their appearance, and the situation was regarded as tolerably secure. Throughout the night the force remained under arms, and every now and then their attention was caught by the report of a distant shout, as of a great body of people, and the occasional discharge of a gun. It was intended to pull down Mr. Crawshay's house by the rioters, but the rigorous ironmaster was rightly feared, and the threat was not carried out. On Saturday intelligence was brought that an immense body of the rioters had again gathered, and had made their way up the Brecon Road in the valley two miles beyond Cefn, where the rocks stand out like a fortress, with ivied towers ** along the steep." Spies had taken information, evidently, that the re- mainder of the Highlanders, with baggage and ammunition, were on the way, and this march was to intercept them. To aid the Highlanders, Captain Moggridge with forty of the Cardiff Cavalry, went out to meet them and reached Cefn securely. Here forces were joined, and the return journey was made for a time in safety until the rocky battlements were reached, and there it was seen that the rioters were in great force, that the road was simply blocked with great boulders, and crowds on the top, with rocks loosened, were prepared to sweep away any force that came along the road. News was instantly brought down to the town of this alarming state of things, and Major Rickards, Captain Morgan, and Lieutenant Franklin, with 100 more Cavalry, were dispatched to the relief of Captain Moggridge, but upon their arrival at the spot the rioters were found to be too strongly posted. They were well armed, the roads impassable, and every now and then huge stones would sweep the ravine, so that it would have been death to attempt to force the way. For a little time a resolute effort was made, but it was futile, and a stampede of the Cavalry followed, men escaping, fortunately, but four of the horses were injured. Captain Moggridge was then abandoned for a time, and Penydarren House re-gained. In- formation was next brought that a detachment of the Swansea 92 HISTORY OF THK IRON, STEEI., Cavalry was on its way, and the rioters, who were as well posted with information as the ironmasters, sent off a considerable force from the heights beyond Cefn to the Aberdare Road, and very soon the jingling of the Cavalry was heard under charge of Major Penrice, who evidently never expected such a reception as he received. The rioters had made their arrangements with a good deal of skill, and the Major literally rode into a trap, with such a formidable armed mass covering him with their guns that he did not even make an attempt to fight, but surrendered at discretion. His men, it is stated, gave up their swords, and were allowed to march back to Swansea. It was many a long day before this was forgotten, and the generation had to die out before the miserable weakness ceased to be the subject of jibe and banter. The mob now, still better armed with the Cavalry swords, had renewed prospects of success, and a combined attack by all the rioters upon Penydarren House was determined upon. In the mean- while, by the influence of Mr. John Guest and Mr. Perkins, one of the principal solicitors of the town, efforts were being made to bring about peaceful relations, and a deputation of orderly work- men waited upon the crowd and did their best to effect a truce. The rioters were, however, for the time, determined to make one more effort, and Monday was selected as the day. On Sunday, the force at Penydarren House were delighted with the appearance of Captain Moggridge, who had skilfully made a wide detour over the mountains, a long way to the rear of the rioters* camp, and successfully entered the town. This gave the ironmasters and others great confidence and a strong additional force, and Sunday was passed in tolerable quietness. With Monday came the final attempt. The intention of the rioters was to assemble on the Waun Mountain, and, being there joined by ironworkers from the Monmouthshire district, to make an organised assault on Penydarren House. The troops were now in a better state of readiness. The Highlanders numbered no men, and there were 300 Cavalry and 50 of the Glamorganshire Militia, all animated with a military spirit, and bent upon retrieving a reputation which had been weakened by the discomfiture on the Brecon Road and the disarming of the Swansea men. The Penydarren forces, under charge of, principally, Colonel Morgan, with the magistrates AND TINPLATE TRADES. 93 of the district, instead of waiting the assault, marched out, and took the initiative, making a formidable appearance as thej^ proceeded up through Dowlais, and here they came in sight of the great mass, estimated to be nearly 20,000 in number, on their way to the attack. For a few minutes each party remained at a standstill, while Mr. John Guest advanced to the front and addressed them. He was a man held in great respect, and at any ordinary time his pleadings would have told. Now, however, the blood of the men was ** up." They were enraged at the military having been brought, as they reasoned, to subdue them, and blood had been shed, and blood called for blood. The murmurs which followed Mr. Guest's appeal increased in volume, and then came the last step. The high-sheriflf read the Riot Act, the Highlanders were ordered to level their muskets, the ominous word, *'Fire,*' was on the point of being given, but so slowly that every possible chance was aflforded the men to give way, and very gladly did the magistrates note a gradual falter of the leading ranks of the mob, and then a sullen, but decided, retreat. Many returned home ; every road was thronged, and the greatest part made tracks for the mountains, and then over by the Morlais Castle to Kilsanws, getting into the Brecon Road to the ravine where their great success had been won. Here, with all the arms gathered in the conflict, they were seen from the tower of Cyfarthfa to be exercising in line with the sabres and pistols taken from the Cavalry, and the bayonets of the Highlanders and their own fowling-pieces, and making a very good similitude of a military demonstration. The firing was incessant, and a good deal of alarm was caused when the whole body was seen as if making their way again for the town, two black flags being borne and mischief evidently intended. Then came to the observers evident differences amongst the rioters, a division of forces, and a thinning off of the crowd, and at this juncture a dispatch was sent by Mr. Crawshay to the military urging a prompt attack, as so large a number had separated. The officer in command did not adopt this course, but proceeded to clear the town and scatter the crowds that still collected, thinking it better to wait for stronger signs of the disbanding of the main body of the rioters. The waiting policy proved the best, and an excellent move was 94 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI^ carried out the following night by Mr. Guest and other magis- trates, who took certain measures which resulted in the capture of fourteen of the ringleaders, who were taken in their beds. One of the best measures of the military at this juncture was to carry out scouting parties, who, well armed and prepared for any exigency, hunted the mountains and the district cwms, getting hold of many who had figured in the riots. Captain Franklin was very successful in this course, and upon one occasion they were led by Mr. Crawshay, who had evidently received information from a special source. The route they took was into the Hirwain district, and in a wood they were fortunate in getting hold of the very man who had harangued the mob from the lamp-post and led on the attack upon the Highlanders. This capture was hailed with delight. He was lodged in the I^amb Public-house, well guarded, while a troop of horse was sent for to bring him into the town. That he was anything but a contrite man at his capture may be inferred from a remark made by Mr. Crawshay himself. " Nothing," he said, " can now exceed his hardened ferocity." The capture of I^ewis, the huntsman, and of Dick Penderyn, both miners, and the principal ringleaders, broke up the conspiracy. All men captured were next sent home, with two exceptions — Lewis, the huntsman, and Dick Penderyn. From this time peace was restored. On Friday, June 17th, the inquiry was opened before Mr. Kvan Thomas, Justice of the Peace for Glamorgan, to investigate the circumstances attending the death of John Hughes, one of the rioters. Before this gentleman Dr. Thomas, Court, William Williams (tailor), and Abbot (hairdresser) were the chief witnesses, and gave evidence. It was shown that John Hughes was shot while running away with a soldier's musket. He, too, had been a soldier, had been distinguished in six engagements, and many commented at the time that one who had borne so valorous a life and come out from so many battles without a scar should have fallen in such an inglorious manner. The result of the examination was the committal of the two men — Lewis and Penderyn — to CardijBT Gaol, and at the next Assizes both were found guilty and con- demned to die. In the case of Dick Penderyn this was carried out to the letter, and he was hanged at Cardiff. Lewis was AND TINPLATE TRADES. 95 reprieved, and about this man more romance has been woven than surrounds much more prominent characters in history. By some he has been said to have been of gentle descent, the child of a frail and beautiful daughter of a country family of distinction, and that immense influence was exercised in getting his freedom ; by others that at one time, how or why is not stated, he had been of great service to a person of distinction who had influence with the King. It now will never be known, in all probability, why he was allowed to escape, but that he did is certain. When in gaol he was visited by one of the Quaker ironmasters of the Neath valley, and some interesting anecdotes of the visit may be seen preserved in the pages of the "Red Dragon." And now comes another, and concluding, item of the great Riot — one that has a tinge of the romantic, and more than a quarter of a century ago formed the subject of wonderment and of discussion by many a fireside in the valley of iron and coal The incline connecting Dowlais with the Tafi'Vale Railway had been completed, and, after many trials, a passenger train had been run, and had come to grief, running wild to the bottom and injuring many. The news created the wildest excitement. Thousands had congregated of young and old, and amongst them was one of those ancient, yellow-tanned old women of the " village,*' who were the walking chroniclers of their time, and knew, in particular, every detail of the Riots of the old and troublous times. In the crowd she saw an old man, apparently an American, who was looking on with keen interest, and eyeing the people as they trooped by. The ancient lady looked intently at him, paused, mused, and then going towards him spoke, " Is it you, Lewis?" He was startled by her question, and, in turn, eyed her, spoke quietly a few words, and then disappeared amongst the crowd. It was " Lewis yr Heliwr," a huntsman at Bodwigiad, a miner after that at Gellyfaelog Level, leader at the Riots, the condemned, then the reprieved. He had been an exile ever since that day in America, banished under imperative com- mand, it was surmised, never again to return to his old haunts, and as time had passed and age had come to him, enfeebling gait and silvery hair, there had grown up in his mind the 96 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, yearning desire, which old exiles invariably feel, to return home and *' die at home, at last." And he had come ; had seen in the lapse of a generation that nearly all he had known had been swept away; that the village had become a great town, and the restless spirits were represented by a youthful and more settled race. The recognition by the old woman disturbed him. He was not seen again, and the belief was that he returned to the new home he had made on the other side of the Atlantic, and long ago has ceased to be. THE AUTHOR TO HIS READERS. In the closing years of Mr. W. Crawshay, I wrote, at a gloomy time in the fortunes of Merthyr, about the probable decline of the town, and in reply received the annexed, which is well worthy of preservation as one of the last mementoes of the Iron King, and a proof that he could write English as expressive and as vigorous as his speech : — Sir, — In your paper of the yth instant, you have paid me a compliment which I cannot but acknowledge as publicly as you have made it, and I thus do so direct to yourself, in the expec- tation that this my letter will also appear in your paper. I thank you sincerely for your flattering expressions as to myself, and could have wished, that through a long life, I had merited all you say of me, more particularly in the one point, ** Never hasty in decision." I have, however, no cause myself to complain of the result of a rather hasty temperament, for I have been blessed, as a manufacturer and tradesman, with unusual and ample success, and I hope that no man has at any time been injured by my quick determinations. Your highly complimentary article, and this my acknowledg- ment of it, arise from the early termination of my present lease of the Cyfarthfa Iron Works, and the negotiation which has been so nearly broken off, for its renewal ; I say nearly, for since my letter of the 28th of March to Mr. Jacob Jones, I have received an invitation to meet a gentleman, on the part of my landlords, again upon the question of renewal, and I now again say, that "I AND TINPI^ATK TRADES. 97 will not fail to give the earliest information in my power of any alteration which may afifect the welfare of my workmen and others interested in the continuance of the Cyfarthfa Works." There is much to be said, and felt, as to what you write of the *' Decline of Merthyr ! " I am willing and ready to devote my few remaining years, under the aid of my son, to stave oflf this, some day, inevitable event. But instead of being baffled upon superficial trifles, after having agreed as to the mineral rents and royalties, I have a right to look to the most liberal encourage- ment in such minor matters, rather than stringent extortion, from those who are so deeply interested in the carrying on and success of the Cyfarthfa Iron Works, for the welfare of their large house and other property in the neighbourhood, and which are wholly dependent upon the continuance of the iron trade of Merthyr Tydfil, and of which Cyfarthfa forms so large a part. I have to labour, however, henceforth under many disadvantages in carry- ing on the Works at Cyfarthfa, in opposition to those of Scotland, Lancashire, and the East Coast, where iron ore, newly discovered, is used, to contend even with which I am obliged to convey the same ore to my works, at a cost much aggravated by long carriage, and mineral profit (of course) to those who raise it, and this to a greater extent than two-thirds of all I use in my furnaces at Cyfarthfa! But I feel. Sir, that I am digressing from my intended simple acknowledgment of your article, so complimentary to me, and I will only further allude to one other disadvantage under which I am compelled to labour at Cyfarthla, though I will never, by availing myself of similar injustice to my workmen, take that advantage which is enjoyed by many of my brother competitors in the manufacture of iron, over me — *' The Truck System ! " I wholly and utterly disapprove of it, and will while I live, pay my men for hard work in hard money, and money only ; and I feel that I should be justified in joining any league to put an end to a system which I have no doubt gives to those who practice it a clear advantage over me of 10 per cent., or 2s. in the pound, upon all amounts incurred for labour, and which Truck System, 8 98 HISTORY OF THK IRON, STEBL, althougli attempted and intended to be suppressed by the legis- lature, is openly and notoriously carried on, under masked declarations and provisions, to the contrary. I am, Sir, Your obliged and obedient servant, WILLIAM CRAWSHAY. Cavkrsham Park, April 9, i860. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 99 CHAPTER XI. SIR JOHN JOSIAH GUEST, M.P., THE lEOlSr KING. ELECTIONS OF 1835 AND 1895 CONTRASTED. LISTEN ! along Time's corridor — not for the jingling of , harness or rattle of trappings such as Norman knight with poised lance might have given, but for the entry of one of the stalwarts of earth's humanities; a veritable king amongst men, born to rule, and in his ruling — stern as it may have been thought by the tens of thousands over whom he reigned supreme — blessing all with more of the world's comforts than they had ever known before. The atmosphere of Time is apt to magnify, and the dwarfs of past history look to us sometimes like giants. Not so with John Guest. Nearly 44 years have passed since he was laid to rest, but his mental stature remains unchallenged. He was a king, not of the stamp requiring tinsel and glitter to distinguish him amongst the crowd. His appearance was noble, and his life was in harmony. Thomas Guest, his father, was one of the solid old-fashioned men of history, imbued with the strong religious convictions of Wesleyanism, and in act and word living up to his faith. He preached occasionally, in that good, old style of our forefathers, before religion became mixed up with politics, or the pulpit was converted into a platform. His sons, Thomas and John Josiah, often went with him on Sunday and listened to him ; John with benefit. Thomas was of more impulsive nature, and is said in his young days to have fought a duel in France, but the wildness of youth moderated, and his lOO HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEBI., after-life was all that was consistent and good. He died in 1807, when on a mission of charity to Ireland, and John Josiah Guest became the ruling power. Sir John was born on the 2nd of February, 1785, nine months before the death of the first Guest — his grandfather — whom he much resembled in sturdy independence of thought and energy of action. Visitors to Dowlais who s elected the lower, or Gellyfaelog road, before climbing up into the lurid light and dense smoke of the great works, could notice, in crossing the bridge, a cottage down by the side of the Morlais River, which, half a century ago, looked more like a farm than an ordinary dwelling. It was here lived " Mary Aberteifi," who had the rearing of young Guest after his mother's premature death ; and John received from her hands all the attention which Mary could g^ve from her turkeys, for the native of Aberteifi was a skilled breeder of these birds, and when she had a flock regularly took them to Bristol Market and got good prices for them. It was a rough training, but it had the advantage of giving him as sturdy a bringing up as the natives of Carmarthenshire and Cardiganshire got, and a finer physical lineage it is difficult to meet. Mr. Tait, uncle of John Guest, lived at Cardiff, and journeyed at regular intervals to Dowlais. which was under the management of John Evans, senior, whose family we shall notice again. John Evans, well grounded himself in ironmaking, had the duty of instructing young Guest and another nephew of Tait's, named Kirkwood, and the boys grew up, having that blending of hard work and fun which has been the lot of so many in the Iron Valley. Nothing pleased Guest better, having a fine flow of animal spirits, than to have a game with the young workmen, and to this was due in a great measure the genial influence he had .over them in after days. Young Kirkwood died early, and in 1815 Mr. Tait died, leaving his share of eight- sixteenths in the Dowlais Works to Guest. It is related that when Tait was on his death-bed he sent for his nephew and told him that he would soon have sole control, but the magnitude of the undertaking appeared so much to the young man that he seriously admitted to his uncle it was too big a job, and that he would rather look out for some other walk in life. It was well AND TINPI.ATE TRADKS. lOI for him and for Dowlais that he was induced to change his views, and when he did step into power it was with all the inherent faith in his own resources that is an essential to the man making his way in the world. Dowlais had grown up with the tedious, but unerring, growth of the oak. Its five furnaces by 1815 had increased to fifteen, each turning out weekly over 150 tons of iron. In 1817 he married Miss Rankin, an Irish lady, who had come to this country during the Rebellion of 1798, and for a time life seemed to be opening out for him pleasantly and well. His chief residence was Dowlais House, and he held also Troedyrhiw House, where to this day and in the neighbourhood the reminders of his residence can be seen in the fine avenue of trees planted by him. It is related that one Sunday, riding from Troedyrhiw to church, his wife suddenly paused, turned her horse's head around, and rode back. In a moment he was by her side, wondering whether she was well or not, but she soon explained the reason. *'Josiah," she said, "I cannot go to church while so many of your workmen are breaking the Sabbath." This incident set him thinking, and from that date all Sunday work, except that which was absolutely necessary, was discontinued. Nine months of happy married life, and John Guest found himself alone— his wife dead at the early age of 23 — and the world seemingly a blank. "Out of the furnace of affliction" — the Jewish philosopher drew his illustration from personal know- ledge — the ironmaster came at length with more gravity in bearing than he used to have, but he did the right thing, and threw himself, with all his energies, into his duties, so that he might forget. And time citracised the mental wound as it does the physical, and under his able and directing hands the works expanded and the mineral estate became more fully developed. In 1815 promissory notes were issued at Dowlais. In 1822 more furnaces were built ; another in 1823, and the total annual yield was increased in that year to 22,287 tons. In 1823 he became still more the banker, opening a bank at Cardiff, which was managed by a Mr. Dore, and a branch at Merthyr, and so con- tinued until the great crisis of 1825, when the action of Govern- ment in connection with the issue of £1 notes, which in some I02 HISTORY OF THB IRON, STEEI., quarters had been issued without sufficient warranty of capital behind, brought many a promising firm to ruin. Mr. Guest saw the gathering storm, and hurried up to I,ondon to consult his agents, Roberts and Co., who refused to assist him, and simply offered him advice. This was rejected with emphasis, and by dint of persistent effort gathered sufficient funds, hurried back just in time to meet the great run on his banks, and saved them. It was the greatest financial trial of his life. Had he failed at this stage, it would have altered the whole current of his life, but, weathering the storm, he had the satisfaction of saving a large number besides himself, and thenceforth the trials which beset him were only those incidental to his business of iron- making. In 1825 he entered Parliament for Honiton as a mode- rate Conservative. Honiton was then regarded as a close borough, and it is stated that he was chiefly indebted for his election to a London club and the unwearied efforts of Mr. Meyrick, the Merthyr solicitor, and a little cluster of Mertbyr friends, who went there to help him in his first contest for Parliamentary honours. Mr. Guest was subsequently returned for the same borough, but in 183 1 he was opposed by Sir G. Warrander and defeated. He was not long out in the cold. In March, 1832, Merthyr was enfranchised, and on the i6th of that month a meeting was held at the Castle Hotel, Mr. William Crawshay in the chair, and Mr. Guest was unanimously solicited to come forward and represent the borough. Mr. Guest, responding to this request, expressed the natural anxiety he felt to represent his native town, and the happiness he should derive in the event of their mutual wishes being carried out, and so matters remained until the dissolution. In November, 1832, Parliament was dissolved, and on Tuesday, December ii, Mr. Guest was returned un- opposed. In the evening of the same,day he dined with 130 of the electors at the Bush Hotel, and great was the rejoicing when it was announced that their new member had given ;£"50o in charities to the poor. It was at a vestry meeting later on in December that Mr. Guest gave a good idea of his views on the prominent subjects of the day, and it is well worth rescuing them from the fading AND TINPI^TE TRADES. IO3 parish records to show the "mental stature" of the iron king. On the question of "Slavery" Mr. Guest spoke: "I think he is not deserving the name of a man who claims to himself liberty of action and does not wish to extend that boon to all mankind. It is a national stain, and a national sin, therefore let the nation suffer for it. I am disposed to consider the claims of all parties. I am unwilling to claim anything for the slave which will count as resources that he cannot command, and I would look to the interests of the slave himself and to the interests of the planter also. Gentlemen, I always professed to be against monopolies of all sorts, and I still adhere to that opinion. I want free trade of all description. One oi the next questions to come before the House will be the Kast India Charter, and my wish would be to throw open the whole of that trade to all the world. With regard to the question of tithes, let justice be done to the clergy, who have a vested interest in their property ; let them have a proper commutation of tithes. No man can doubt that the present system of tithes is one which I will not call shameful, but one under which the country cannot prosper. With regard to the Church, I believe its best friends, and I profess to be a good, or, at least, an honest, friend to the Church, wish for a reform for the sake of that Church itself. When I say reform, I mean not spoliation, but reform in the general sense of the word. With regard to the question of taxes, great stress has been laid by many strong friends of liberty on the impolicy of the taxes on knowledge. Knowledge is power, and I wish that power to be extended to all ranks of society, in order that they may become better and happier men. I will do all in my power to procure the removal or the amelioration of these taxes which press upon industry, and place them instead upon those who are better able to bear them." Speaking further on Free Trade, "he believed that when the United States and France thought properly on the subject, they would extend the right hand of friendship, and the result would be more trade than by acting on the old and exploded system of bounties and Protection." Mr. Guest now became a prominent man. As an ironmaster he was becoming famous; in political parties, literary and scientific gatherings, 104 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STESi;, he took a position, and if some cynics in his little world wondered that he did not figure in long and eloquent speeches in the House, others knew that he was a powerful factor behind the scenes, and while men of lighter calibre forged in front of the stage, he did real statesman work in Committees. Joseph Hume, the eminent statistician, admitted in later years, that there was no more able man in aiding him than Mr. Guest. Absorbed as he was in adding furnace to furnace, and incessantly to and fro from I^ondon duties, there were moments when the loneliness of life pressed upon him. There was no one to welcome him home, and by the autumnal and the winter fireside the loneliness was still more felt. "Children's voices" sounded not, nor the rippling laugh of woman. It was always the din and blast— blast of furnace and din of hammer. And then came a time when this ended. The historian tells us that in 1833 "he married the I,ady Charlotte Elizabeth Bertie, sister of the Earl of Lindsay, and from that time he dated the beginning of his best and happiest projects. We should rather say their projects, for in all that he was deficient she excelled, and while we credit him with founding the greatest ironworks in the world, and giving sustenance and substantial comfort to twenty thousand souls, it is chiefly to her influence we must look for all that was done in the way of moral and mental elevation ; and if, after the lapse of many years and the expenditure of vast sums of money, the results were not in harmony with her hopes and the means employed, we must deem the ruggedness of the material operated upon as the cause." This was written nearly forty years ago. It tempts one to anticipate the current of the history, to sketch mentally in out- line the noble life that he lived, the vastness of his undertakings and his successes. The end ; the widowhood of the devoted helper ; more years ; Lady Charlotte's marriage with Mr. Schreiber ; another phase of life ; a second widowhood, and the lone lady, changed from the erect and noble presence of her young days, is back again in the scene of her old labours and triumphs. An old lady now, stick in hand, wrinkled with years. And there she stands, amongst Bessemer rails, and the whirl of machinery, change everywhere visible, and she, the meditative AND TINPI.ATE TRADBS. IO5 looker-on, changed too. Another vision called up for a moment fades, and we take up the dropped thread and continue the eventful narrative. In 1834 their union was blessed with the birth of a son and heir. Sir Ivor — Lord Wimborne of to-day — was ushered into the world amidst far-spread rejoicings. At the General Election of January, 1835, Mr. Guest was opposed by Mr. Meyrick, the nominee of Mr. Crawshay, but after an active canvass the shrewd lawyer saw that his chances were small and declined the hazard of a contest. On the accession of Victoria to the Throne in 1835 Mr. Guest was opposed by John Bruce Pryce, and it is interesting to note the results of the contests as compared with the one just passed through in July, 1895. The difference in the numbers not only show the result of household suffrage, but of the immense industrial develop- ment that has occurred since that time. Guest polled in Dowlais 108 votes, in Merthyr 164, and in Aberdare 87. In Dowlais Bruce Pryce failed to poll any, but secured 67 in Merthyr and 68 in Aberdare — a total of 135, as compared with Mr. Guest's 309. At this election, while Mr. Guest was proposed for Merthyr on the one hand, he contested the county of Glamorgan on the other against Lord Adare and Mr. C. M. R. Talbot, when the returns stood as follows: — Adare, 2,009; Talbot, 1,791; Guest, 1,590. The vigorous raanlihood of the Iron King was strikingly shown during this contest. In one of his speeches he said in reply to some taunts thrown out by his opponents, ** I am also charged with not having supported Sir A. Agnew's Sabbath Bill. That I am favourable to a religious observance of the Sabbath I can give a practical proof during the last seven years, for I am the only person who has stopped working the furnaces at Merthyr on a Sunday. I am a friend to the Church, but an enemy to bigotry and intolerance. I am reminded that I am not of high birth ; my father and grandfather raised themselves, and I have done the same by the labours of my countrymen, but I have paid them for it, and we have gladdened the hearts of thousands." This at the time was compared in the most eulogistic way with similar utterances of William Crawshay. The honest stamp of manhood was upon both. I06 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, At the contested election one of the incidents was the appearance of Lady Charlotte upon the hustings, where she spoke with the eloquence and ready wit for which she was famous. Her ladyship's influence at the election was admitted, and, though the times were far rougher than now, she com- manded the fullest attention, and no one dared to utter a jibe against the lady of handsome presence and marked intellectual bearing. At the Coronation of Queen Victoria in July, 1838, John Josiah Guest was singled out by Her Majesty for well- deserving honours, and was elevated to the rank of Baronet. You may count upon the fingers of the hand the survivors of that time who were men and women grown when the news was brought that henceforth it was no longer to be plain Mr. Guest, but Sir John. On the 2ist of July, 57 years ago, three hundred persons on horseback and thousands on foot proceeded to Troedyrhiw to meet the newly-created baronet. The reception when he arrived can be summed up in a word. It was magnificent ! like a Roman triumph. Again I refer back to fast-fading records for the speech delivered by him at Dowlais on receipt of the con- gratulatory address made to him : — "The dignity with which Her Majesty has been pleased to honour me receives additional value from the knowledge that you, my constituents and neighbours, consider it not unmerited. But it is chiefly prized by me as having been conferred for my successful efforts to advance the commercial interests of this great country. It is gratifying for me to think that a large portion of my public life has been spent in the service of a constituency of whose worth and independence I have so much reason to be proud, and with whom I have been from my earliest youth so naturally connected, and that I have been enabled to assist in raising to wealth and importance a town which has favoured me with its confidence, and in so doing contributed to the comfort and welfare of .so large a portion of my fellow- countrymen, to whose laborious energy and perseverance I am mainly indebted for my present position, and it is to me a source of the highest satisfaction." AND TINPLATE TRADES. 107 Let US again look back to the pioneer from a far-ofif English county sitting on a boulder by his one solitary furnace ; to his great successes, to the continued progress of his son, and now of his grandson, whose achievements yet remain to be noted. Great as these achievements were in the light of subsequent history, they can only be regarded as the laying of an enduring foundation for a still greater superstructure, when Dowlais fires had the answering flash of the new Dowlais by the sea. I08 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEBI^ CHAPTER XII. SIR JOHN JOSIAH GUEST, BAET. THE TALE OF A GREAT LIFE AND ITS END. LET us now, as briefly as we can without sacrificing matters of interest and example, tell the world what Sir John accomplished. Almost at the start he had undertaken to give day and night schools, which grew with the years and culminated in an institution which was built at a cost of ;^7,ooo, and second to none in the country. He built a church at Dowlais at an expense of ;^3,ooo. This was consecrated in November, 1827, by Dr. Sumner, late Bishop of Winchester. Sir John contributed largely to the support of the clergyman, and aided generously all Noncomformist efforts. He contributed ;^250 towards a church at Merthyr, and materially aided in the erection of a market-house. In every movement that had for its object the welfare of the district he took a lively interest, and was the first appointed chairman of the Tafif Vale Railway. After the troublous da3's of strikes and riots had ended — and it was evident that for the general good a railway connection with Cardiff was a necessity — the ironmasters put their heads together. The credit of initiation is given to Mr. Anthony Hill. In consultation, Mr. Hill, Mr. Crawshay, Sir J. J. Guest, and Mr. Homfray agreed that leading authorities should be sought. Mr. Brunei was a personal friend of Mr. Hill, and the engineer was solicited to attend and report, which he did, and full details can be seen of the scheme — then regarded as of almost aational importance in the history of the coal trade. If credit be due for its initiation to Mr. Hill, this was all, as he had his tramway to the Navigation, and then the canal. Mr. Crawshay had the canal ; Mr. Homfray AND TINPLATE TRADES. 109 the same ; and thus the chief incentive was with Sir John, and to him in a great measure its successful carrying out was due. The Act of Parliament was obtained in 1836, opened part of the way in 1838, and in 1841 opened the entire distance — 24^ miles. Like every outcome of human speculation, or ingenuity, the railway had its youth of trial and misfortune, and many a time Sir John must have had his doubts of its ultimate success. He lived to see these doubts disappear, and, first with iron and then with coal, it has played a great part in the mineral development of the district. If the promoters had, however, foreseen the marvellous coal era, in the midday prosperity of which we are now rejoicing, the plans would have been very differently carried out from what they were. There would have been a great net- work of rails, every valley would have been connected, and while the original line would have commanded a wide area, not a " foreign line" would have entered, but all touched upon the Taff Vale circle. Started at ;^ioo a share, the stock in the early days fell at one time to ;^40. It is reported that one of the iron kings offered his at a loss on every share of ;^40, but the offer was refused, and the family — if he did not — lived to see them exceed ;^30o in value per share ! Sir John was unremitting in good works. He aided in forming a literary society, and later founded a savings' bank at Dowlais to encourage thrifty habits, and in 1846 established a workmen's library. In the meanwhile his iron kingdom formed one of the wonders of travellers. In far-away nooks of England, amidst a rural peasantry, whose geography was limited to their parish, and their history to the ails and incidents of their village, the mar- vellous tale would be told of that great realm of Cyclops, which would have appalled even Tubal Cain ; the incessant fires which wrung drops of iron from the stone until it flowed in rivulets, the glare which lit the country for many miles, the beat of monster hammers, the whirl and roar of the blast, the army of men and the dense population perched on that bleak hillside, all gaining a comfortable living by the remarkable energy of one man. It was beyond their comprehension. All they knew of industry was the farmer folk with a few hands, and a smithy which employed two. no HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, But at Dowlais, in 1845, the works employed 7,000 men, women, and children, and covered an area of 40 acres, ten of which were occupied by the dififerent buildings. Over a quarter of a million sterling was paid away annually in wages. The consumption of coal was 1,200 tons weekly. Eighteen furnaces in blast made nearly 1,600 tons of iron weekly, or an annual produce of 74,880 tons, being an average of more than 80 tons per week, per furnace — a yield that has since been considerably exceeded ; but in those days it was regarded as a very large one. The quantity of finished iron manufactured monthly was equal to 1,800 tons of bar iron, and one mill alone in that year made 400 tons of rails in one week. The connection between the young Taff Vale and the Dowlais Company can easily be ,seen when we state that the average quantity of iron carried down from Dowlais was 70,000 tons per annum, and in one year the bill paid to the railway company was ;^25,64i — a sum then equal to eight- tenths of the value of the whole iron carried down the valley. Fifty years ago— that is 1845 — when the works were in full operation, it was estimated that if the colliers had worked one continuous seam of coal for twenty-four hours, half an acre would have been cleared, producing 1,600 tons of coal. The produce of that now extinct industry, the iron mine levels, was, in 1845, 80,000 tons per annum, and as 140,000 tons of coal were worked in that year we have a clear idea of the great Dowlais industry. But there are other interesting facts at hand. In one year these works paid to the Poor-rate alone £2,^']'], and to other rates ;^i,6i8, making a total of ;^4, 1 95. The basis was in coal at 7^, and each blast furnace was rated at £z^Z- The eighteen furnaces were worked by seven powerful engines, two of which had 12ft. blowing cylinders and 9ft. stroke. The steam power in operation was equivalent to 2,000 horses ; besides there were twenty water balances for raising coal to the surface, and many locomotive engines, with about 600 horses in constant employment. The tramroads below and above ground, if placed in a continuous straight line, would extend over a length of 2,000 miles! The average wages of colliers and miners were then 25s. per week. In the ironworks refiners and puddlers were paid 35s., rollers and beaters 40s., carpenters and smiths 21s. AND TINPI.ATE TRADHS. Ill Uninterruptedly the kingdom of Dowlais prospered under the judicious rule of Sir John. It was not a model state, an Utopia, such as the philosophic mind has portrayed, one of those blissful places where vice has no place and virtue reigns supreme and undisturbed. Thomas More and Doctor Samuel Johnson, each in his way, have sketched the earthly paradise, and many a poet followed with even a more wanton luxuriance of all the delights and beauties which are so sparingly distributed in the ordinary course of life — constant summer days, soft music, and fragrance of perennial flowers. No; Dowlais gave no idea of this sort of thing, and it is well in the economy of earth's government that such things are relegated to the poetic mind or to the future state. It is in the workshop and amidst stern and different individualities that the manhood of man and the development of strong resolves, iron wills, unflagging perseverance, are shown. The iron and steel, purified from dross and made perfect, and enduring in the inten- sity of fire, is typical of the strong virtues and sterling character- istics evolved in such kingdoms as that of Dowlais. There was no soft dreaminess, no Eastern langour there. " Nor'westers " beat upon that stern hillside, and eastern winds and storms alter- nately revelled there, and the necessities and trials of life had to be combated, and out of the years of endurance came forth every now and then sweet singers who made the tips re-echo with melody, and reliant minds who went from Dowlais, as from a great and perfecting school, and became pioneers in many a part of this country and in many another part of the world. Just as our iron and steel have figured in every land under the sun, so have gone, wherever coal had to be mined or iron won and made, many of the men who aided in the early days of mining and iron making in Dowlais. It is only a few years ago that an active, strongly-built man, still hale, but grey with the years, came, as from an old battlefield, scarred in face and minus a leg, who had grown up with the youth of Dowlais, and when a competent workman left for America, where his abilities had even further scope. He came here in the evening of life, an ironmaster himself, with compact works and a little army of 112 illSTORY OP THE IRON, STEEI«, men, just to look around at the place of childhood and shake hands with some of the old cronies he had left. Every now and then the "old boys" come back to the school. One I well remember, who had chosen a sea life, had been in every port, and when an old man came and nestled down at Gellyfaelog, near the place of Sir John's early days, and the old man vowed to the last that, though he had been in a host of foreign countries, Dowlais to him, with its smoke and its fires and its many squalid homes, was the best place he had ever seen. In twenty-four years the population had doubled. In 1852 it was computed that no less than 4.500 men, 3,000 women, and 3,000 children were dependent upon the works for a subsistence, and only once was there any kind of falter. For a long period the Dowlais Company had enjoyed the most favourable of leases, and it was no wonder that the large income derived enabled Sir John through bad as well as good times to maintain the great works in fullest action. He did not, as Mr. Wayne, of the Gadlys Works, used to do, stop furnaces and forges when bad times set in and restart as the times improved. Uninterruptedly furnace and forge and mill were kept going, and one secret was that the Dowlais Company's lease was only £26 a year, and from Penydarren alone they profited to the extent of ;^io,ooo per annum. But a few years before its expiration, it was known that the Marquess of Bute had expressed his intention to get a rental more in accordance with the worth of the estate, and as time crept on the gloom deepened when people talked about the matter, and some pictured the stoppage of the works, and the desolation and ruin of the whole district. As the time drew to a close the despondency became still more marked, and then came a rumour that a renewal would only be granted upon the annual payment of a sum which appeared fabulous, and hope altogether seemed to fly. For a little the suspense was overwhelming, and then came the reaction which caused men to shake hands with complete strangers in the streets, and to give way in all places to an exuberance of delight; the new lease had been signed, and, instead of ;^26, Sir John had agreed to terms which, on the enormous output of coal and iron-stone worked, amounted in some years subsequently to above ;^25,ooo per annum. SIR JOHN J. GUEST, BART., M.P. AND TINPLATE TRADES. II3 I am enabled by the kindness of an old friend to give an interesting description of the worthy Baronet and of the Dowlais Works 50 years ago, which, in its practical terseness, is worth more than pages of eulogy. He writes : — *' Fifty years ago I can well remember the interest that Sir Josiah John Guest, when home from his Parliamentary business, took in the management of the Works. Often accompanied by Lady Charlotte and the children, they would go through every department, and carefully superintend the mills. Fifty years ago there was a general depression in the iron trade, and this was accompanied with a bad harvest, which made things very much worse ; but a gleam of hope came over all Dowlais. Sir John had accepted a very large order for rails for the Russian Government, which proved to be a difficult one to roll, but Sir John surmounted it, and turned out a good rail, though the task was much greater then owing to the speed of the rolls not being equal to what they now are. This order was the means of bringing the Grand Duke Constantine of Russia and suite to Dowlais. They were entertained by Sir John and Lady Charlotte at Dowlais, and so great was the excitement throughout the whole neighbourhood, that the roads from Dowlais House to the big ponds, midway between Dowlais and Rhymney, were lined with people to see the Russians. Next morning they visited the Works, one lot going with Sir John to the mills, whilst Lady Charlotte took the other lot underground, through the Old Brewhouse Level and down the "Raslas" pit to see the colliers at work. The coal trams were fitted with seats and lined with calico to make them look as comfortable under the circumstances as possible. This order was the means of cheering the hearts of the people. Then came the Great Western order for the Great Western Railway between Paddington and Bristol. To this order the late Sir John, also the late Mr. Brunei and Mr. Parfitt, the inspector, paid very great attention ; indeed, so great was the attention paid that Sir John would watch the heating of the pile in the furnace and have the furnace door drawn up to satisfy himself that the pile was of the best material and properly heated, for the old tilting hammer of those days would have no mercy on the pile, but smash it up. There were no " blooming " 9 114 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., rolls in those days to humour the pile with a gentle reduction from one groove to another (which the late Mr. Robert Crawshay once said was the curse of the iron trade). So much was the interest taken in this order that if the mill turned out from 48 to 50 tons of good rails in the twelve hours, there was a quart of beer given to the mill men at the end of every turn. When within half an hour of the end of the turn, there was a general shout of the mill men, **Come way, oh ! Come way, oh ! " to get the quantity rolled and the quart of beer. Woe betide the engineer and fireman if the steam got down and they lost their quart. Sir John was the greatest man of the period in the iron trade. He was a man also well-conversant in every branch of the trade in the ironworks, even from cutting a ton of coal to the higher class of mechanics. If he passed by the furnaces (blast) and found the furnace cobbled, or the molten iron did not run owing to some defect in the body ®f the furnace, he would assist the founder by driving his iron bar with a sledge hammer until it ran. Again, if he saw some defect, he would soon want to know the cause, or, if he passed through the mills and found any unusual " knock " in the engine he would soon call the attention of the engine driver to it. Should any dispute arise between his agents and his men, he would have them together and discuss the matter and put them right. There were no paid agitators in those days. Sir John, like the late Mr. Anthony Hill, would never allow anyone to step in, let the matter be ever so serious, but settle it himself. Sir John was a gentleman of great foresight. He was one of the promoters of the Taff Vale Railway, and though the line was at the commencement not supposed to be a great success, and many sold out. Sir John still persuaded his friends not to do so, and assured them that there was a good future for the Taff, and it would, in course of years, pay well. Sir John's first scheme for the Taff was to run to Penarth and not Cardiff, and that a dock should be made at Penarth for shipping coal. Again, Sir John was one of the first M.P.'s who sat in Parliament over the electric tele- graph, and a gentleman of the name of Highton, an engineer on the Tafif Vale, was one of the first promoters of the telegraph. Sir John sat in Committee of the House of Commons and helped AND TINPLATE TRADES. II5 it through. Without a doubt, Sir John was one of the greatest men of his time, and no man took a greater interest in educating his workmen's children. He was the first to build schools for the purpose, and the first schoolmaster he had was the late Mr. Thomas Jenkins, of Llantrisant, father of Mr. William Jenkins, of Consett House, Cleveland district of the North of England. When years crept upon Mr. Jenkins, Sir John brought three younger men to manage the schools, so as to meet the growing requirements of the age. One of them — Mr. Matthew Hirst— remained at Dowlais until the Schools were taken over by the School Board, and was the means of turning out some excellent men ; in fact, the whole of the present stafi" of officials in the works and the Dowlais offices were educated by Mr. Hirst. This is a further proof of Sir John's foresight in bringing men of good, sound abilities to educate the workmen's children, who were destined, some to superintend and the rest labour at one of the largest works in the world. "Yet it must not be forgotten that the stride since has been enormous. The "Big Mill" which rolled the first Great Western rail fifty years ago, is but a toy compared with the Kitson engine and the Tennant and Walker fifteen -ton converters of molten steel to be run into ingots for rails 120ft. long. Dowlais has kept pace with the age, for it is now inscribed in history that the longest rail ever rolled was that of the Great Western for the Severn Tunnel, and this was i2olb. to the yard." I retain a leaflet, edged with black, the copy of a sermon given by the Rev. Canon Jenkins, delivered some time after, which expresses in the best possible way the opinions current at that time about the new lease, and it may well find a place here : — *' The renewal of the Dowlais lease, considering Sir John's state of health and time of life, w^as an act that greatly astounded most of his friends. God had blessed him with abundant means, and he might have retired in the enjoyment of a princely income from the immense responsibility of carrying on such large works. Had he done so, I believe it would have added, not merely to his worldly gain, but greatly to the comfort, peace, and tranquility of his declining years. But in mercy, more especially to this populous district, he acted otherwise, and in Il6 HISTORY OP THE IRON, STEEL, SO doing he was influenced by strong feelings of compassion and kindness to the thousands he had collected together from north and south, from east and west, and who looked to him as the only one likely and able to carry on the largest ironworks m the world.'* This extract is a significant one to use here, as it will indicate to the thoughtful reader that the tale of a great life is coming to an end. For some time prior to 1852 Sir John had become a great sufferer. Men of iron frame, blessed with a magnificent constitution, are apt to think that they are proof against the ordinary ills and ails of life, and as the years go by, leaving them seemingly untouched, they recall the times of the patriarchs of old, who amidst their flocks on the everlasting mountains left the three score years and ten limit of human life far behind. But the patriarchs lived with Nature on lofty height, by stream, and wood. The cares of the world, the necessity of seeing that every cog was in its place in the great machine that supported so many thousand souls, the social w^orld — to be one of those governing the destinies of the nation — the ceaseless rush from the works to the remote city — all tell its tale, under which the mechanism of life wears away. So with Sir John, and after a wearying illness the end came. On the 26th of November, 1852, at the age of 67, he died, and Dowlais awoke on the morrow feeling that in him they had lost the noblest and truest of friends. His historian wrote : — " With the chill winds and the gloom of November he lay stricken, dead. We well remember the universality of the woe in our district. The place seemed to have but one great heart ; men and women spoke in the streets with subdued voices, for the hush of death, instead of being confined to chamber and mansion, seemed to pervade the whole valley. On the day of burial the sorrow and gloom were intensified. Though it was Saturda3% every place of business was closed ; even the market remained silent until the evening. He was buried, according to his wish, in the scene of his birth, his childhood, his career, and his success." The "Gentleman's Magazine" in those days gave the obituary notices to which historians in after times were indebted, and Sir John was awarded a high place. We cannot do better AND TINPI^ATE TRADES. 117 than give it: — "Sir John Guest was a man of great mental capacities, a good mathematician, and a thorough man of business, not without a taste for the refinements of literature. The creation of Dowlais and its material prosperity was not his only merit, for he differed from his compeers in being a man of generous instincts and of enlarged sympathies. His care for the workmen did not end with the payment of their daily earnings ; he took a comprehensive view of his social duties ; he recognized in pre- cept, as well as in practice, the principle that property has its duties as well as its rights, and he extended his care beyond the present generation into the next. . . . It is a great thing to be a supporter of twelve thousand men, but it is a greater, nobler, and holier thing to be their guide, philosopher, and friend.** 1 18 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, CHAPTER XIII. THE HOMFEATS, FOEMAIS^S, AND ALDEEMAN THOMPSON, OF PENYDAEEEN. NOTABLE ADVENTURES: THE CHARGE OF THE "BWCH GAFR O GETHIN." THE IRON HORSE. WE have told of the early connection of the Homfrays with Cyfarthfa and of its ending. They were deter- mined to find a place and build works of their own, and the spot they found in a dingle by the Morlais, known as Penydarren. This they obtained for ^3 per annum, and in the year 1784 the ravine, or dingle, under the shelter of a great rock, was taken by the three young Homfrays and a gentleman named George Forman, who held a lucrative position in the Tower, and was possessed of considerable wealth, which lie was desirous of investing in the iron trade. The four partners began operations. They resolved on building a furnace, and there was a curious tradition handed down, and now almost forgotten, which tells of the singular incidents occurring at the first attempt. The brothers Homfray could not ask Mr. Bacon for models and measurements, and, besides, they believed the Stourbridge furnace to be a better pattern, so it was decided to send a couple of men to bring the size and particulars. They used the nearest route, as the crow flies, over the mountains, and the men, reaching Stourbridge, took the measurement with sticks, and, tying them in a bundle, walked back into Wales. On their route they put up one night at a wayside inn, and forgot to take their bundle upstairs. In the morning it was AND TINPLATK TRADES. II9 missed. There was a great outcry and search, and at length the maid-servant innocently admitted having lighted the fire with them ! They bore the blow as well as they could, and it was arranged that one should remain at the inn while the other went back again for another bundle of sticks, and then with the utmost speed the ravine was reached, and the work of building the furnace was begun. This was soon erected, and success crowned their endeavours. The Homfrays found the Merthyr people tractable, but unskilled in iron working, so another batch of ironworkers was sent for to carry out Corts' patent, which in 1784-9 electrified the iron world. The new contingent from Stafibrdshire prudently ignored the Severn, and travelled to Wales by land. This ** batch " intro- duced the Smiths. Wilds, Browns, Shintons, and Millwards into the district, most of them becoming founders of respectable families, still, in 1895, represented. The next step made by the partners was to enlist the services of a body of men from Pengored Tinworks, Cardigan. For the Yorkshire men a row of cottages was built, called " Tai y Saeson." There they lived, mixing little with the people for years. Every Saturday a body of them would go down into the village into the old-fashioned public-houses, and there coming into collision with the Welsh people many a street fight was the result in the old constable days. The strangers, however, were careful to go in sufficiently strong numbers to hold their own, and not to visit the *' Crown " or the "Star" too often when the enemy were numerous. It was in connection with these strangers that a remarkable event took place which we must relate under the heading of— THE BWCH GAFR O GETHIN: A LEAF FROM THE HISTORY OF MERTHYR. Far and wide went the tidings of the Saeson incursion among the old inhabitants, but such was the influence of the great moneyed Englishmen who were then beginning to look to Wales as an excellent scope for speculation that the intrusion was " put up with." There was, however, an exception. Up among the hills, with an unbounded range, boasting a fair I20 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEU harem, and no peer to dispute his title, was a veritable lord of the manor in the form of a large buck goat, known and feared as the Bwch Gafr o Gethin. Large of size, bright of eye, nimble of foot, and strong of horn was he. Woe betide the incautious rustic who insulted him or the careless stranger who ventured within his domains. How the intelligence of the Saeson inroad reached this monarch of the hills is unknown to us. That his keen scent could have snuffed a Yorkshireman so far off is doubtful ; that his bright ej^e could have discovered the strangers is problematic. Perhaps, in coming years, when our Gosses and Lewises turn their attention from the molluscs on our shores to the higher developed animals inland, and learn the language and methods of information possessed by these, some light may be thrown on a now "vexed" subject. That the Bwch Gafr did learn of the intrusion is certain, for one fine day he descended from Penlan, putting to flight all opposers, and by short cuts known only in his goatish directory entered the village. Curs put their tails down arid scampered off when they saw him, and little boys, as well as big ones, gave him a clear road. With the inquisitiveness of a rustic first visit- ing a town he put his head in at a door or two, and then out again, and near the old church, tempted by some savoury matters displayed in a shop, would have charged home and taken them by right of conquest but for an active and pretty strong shopkeeper. These little bits of playfulness, however, did not take his mind off the object of his journey, for with little hesitation he passed through the village and made direct for Penydarren. Arrived at the works, he reconnoitred the spot with the eye of a general, and leaving unharmed the various knots of his countrymen who were employed there, bounded towards a portion of the works — the forge — where the English- men worked. These looked around ! What could that be ? — those glaring eyes, the large beard I The Bwch Gafr gave them time just to see their strange assailant, and then with a mighty bound he rushed upon his foes. Down like rows of ninepins before a ball directed by a muscular arm they fell, now one, now another. Strong men tried to grapple him ; other strong men AND TINPLATE TRADES. 121 seized hold of iron bars ; legs cased in stout boots kicked as only Yorkshiremen can kick, but it was of no avail. Animated by the spirit of Caractacus, fired with all the remembrance of long centuries of wrongs endured and evils suffered, the heroic Bwch Gafr bore down all opposition, and bruised, wounded, half- maddened, as w^ell as frightened, in most inglorious haste the Saeson cleared the forge, and like so many Mercuries with winged feet, never drew breath until they were in security. But when the forge was cleared the Bwch was satisfied ; he had per- formed his dut}', won his laurels. He would not deign to make war on a flying foe. He had shown his countrymen how to avenge themselves, told them that the old war fire still lurked among his tribe, and now he would go. And so he went, first w^ith antics expressive of his satisfaction, then with gravity through the village, and up to his mountain home. This is no fancy picture. It was gravely told to the Historian of Merthyr by Mr. Samuel Parry, deacon of Pontmorlais Chapel. The incident, however strange, is a true one, and for many a long day it formed the staple subject of mirth in the little village. Gwilym Tew of Glantaf, composed a humorous poem on the occasion, which may be seen in the little volume left behind him, and it was often sung like that on the pressgang by the grand- sires and grand-dames who now sleep in the old graveyards of the district. The early days of the ironworks deserve a record from a social, as well as an industrial, point of view. THE GOOD TIMES IN IRON began with the making of rails. There were three distinct stages of the iron age before the advent of steel. The first was the smelting of the ore in charcoal furnaces, and the beginning of a small iron trade. The next, when the pig iron was con- verted into puddled bar, and the third when the rail was first made in this district and the iron horse came into existence. What a day was that for the philosophic mind, when the scream of the iron horse sounded in the valle5% and the strange creature, amidst fire and smoke, seemingly from nostrils, swept away tons of manufactured metal as if they were straws. 122 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., The horse pictured by Job, poetically and graphically given, is nowhere in comparison. It was the wonderment of the land, Pufi5ng Billy and its genus were, as compared with the present, very ordinary creations. Still, to the simple villager they sur- passed everything that had been seen. Exhume one now from Kensington Museum, imagine its asthmatic puffs, its slow paces, the cog wheels, the early tendency to prance instead of going onward decently with its load, and contrast it with the grand locomotives one sees nowadays, with steel and burnished brass, its power prodigious, its speed wonderful. See it glide forth with its load of human life, its long train of merchandise, and vote it, as we do, the next creation to that of man. God made man in His image, and man in the highest flight of his brain power constructed the iron horse. Give it but a little coal and water, and it needs but the trained hand to journey from town to town and from city to city with tireless speed. Coal cut by the collier deep down in the earth one day is before another day has passed in use at Metro- politan factories. On through the silent night, when passenger traffic is scant or has ceased, the engine, with its 500 tons of coal, steams away from the Dare, and, while the Welsh world is sleep- ing, glides on, meeting the dawn at Swindon, and at the breakfast hour runs into Paddington. The iron horse when it first made its appearance in Wales was, however, very primitive in appearance as compared with the present. It was chiefly to Homfray, of Penydarren, that Merthyr was indebted for the appearance of the iron horse, and in another chapter we will tell the interesting tale of it coming upon the scene and its associations with TREVETHICK. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 1 23 CHAPTER XIV. SIE JOHI^ J. GUEST. ANECDOTES OF HIS CAREER AND OF THE FIRST ORGANISED STRIKE OF 1810. LADY CHARLOTTE AND THE " MABINOGION." SIR JOHN GUEST diflfered from Mr. Anthony Hill in the matter of motive power. Sir John believed in steam and mechanism ; Mr. Hill in water. Dowlais, under Sir John, was wonderfully advanced in all eno;ineering matters. Early in the thirties Brunton was head engineer at Dowlais, and one of his achievements, which Sir John much admired, was a blast engine, which has only in recent years been taken down. It embodied all the latest principles, producing steam at high pressure and condensing again. Brunton was in advance of his time. He was the first to ventilate pits by the exhaustion of air. These are records handed down by old inhabitants, for the transforming hand has been as busy in obliterating as the past was in building up. The old rope walk at Dowlais, to wit, was the place of the first engine, in the spot known as Cwm yr Engine, and lofty tips now cover all. Adrian Stephens, in later days, was a great authority in all engineering matters at Dowlais, and under his direction the first locomotive was built, and called "Lady Charlotte." Adrian Stephens was the inventor of the steam whistle, and while in the throes of discovery was aided considerably by Sir John, who had a thorough inventive mind, and on one occasion brought down some old organ pipes from London, which Stephens utilised. The successes at Dowlais were chiefly due to the full development of 124 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., mechanical arrangements, and for this the chief credit must unquestionably be given to Sir John. An old and good authority, Mr. Thomas Price, of the loco- motive department, Taff Vale Railway, states that Sir John made himself conversant with every detail of iron-working and coal- cutting, and he could not only roll a bar of iron as well as any workman, but cut a tram of coal as well as any collier. He was not content with being merely the directing mind, but put himself in the position of the humblest of his men, so as to thoroughly understand their condition, and this guided him in his humane government. By some surface critics he has been blamed for not leaving Dowlais more enriched with institutions and its people more advanced, but how few of these who criticised would have done a tithe of his performances if they had been in his place ? It takes many a generation to show the settled condition of English communities, and Dowlais, built up, as it were, from a medley of nationalities, required a longer time than that of one life to indicate the results of Sir John's enlightened policy. There was one incident which occurred in his lifetime worth more than a passing notice, as it showed the primitive opinions of the people in respect of property. The early inhabitants of Dowlais had a strong belief that if a house could be raised in a night the builder could claim it as legally his, free of ground rent, and defy landowners, noble or simple, to exact the same. The upper part of Dowlais and the mountains were the property of the Marquess of Bute, and for years encroaching squatters would '*peg out " a piece of land, fence it in, build a house or hut, and take possession. The starting idea was to build a house in one night. Gradually a man would take a month, or even six months, and think he was quite as much the owner as if he had kept to ancient tradition. This seemed to be tolerated. No one objected. The Marquess and his agents were merciful, and around the little houses gardens were formed, and trees grew, and the dwellers praised their own foresight and prudence in becoming freeholders for so little an expenditure of time or money. Then some of the more aspiring of the squatters began to extend their gardens, planting apple trees, and others to form paddocks, and even meadows, and in one or two cases even the AND TINPLATE TRADES. 1 25 rudimentary lines of small and cosy farms were shown, and the ambitious collier or ironworker looked forward to the day when the old labours would be abandoned, and tending sheep and cattle become his pleasant lot. It was this kind of thing which caused at length the Marquess of Bute's agents to begin action, and down came the storm upon the offenders. In a short time it seemed as if an Irish estate had been transferred and fitted in as patchwork amongst the Welsh mountains. Evictions took place, the same as in the sister island, and, though the mass of the squatters ended their opposition with a protest, there was a good deal of indignation shown, and the arm of the law had to be strengthened. A SQUATTERS' COLONY. One of these colonies was in many respects remarkable. It was a cluster of dwellings fashioned under the eaves of the mountain line, in a spot that had been quarried, and was thus protected from the northern and eastern gales. The cottages were strongly built and formed into a square, as if for defensive purposes, and to each one there was a garden filled with produce. The people living there were colliers of the quiet, old-fashioned kind, and of a Sunday, being far awaytrom anyplace of worship, it was the custom to have a religious service, now in one house, and again in another, each having its turn. So orderly was the community that visitors from Merthyr and Dowlais often attended and took part, and few pleasanter recollections are retained of those far-away years than the summer afternoons, when fervent exhortation was followed by pathetic hymns, given with a tremor in the voice as if the singers felt that the end of their colony was coming near. It was a month or two after the last gathering that I again visited the scene, and all was changed. A strong force of police had been there, the walls were razed, furniture thrown out, beds made into bonfires. Desolation was complete. It was pitiful to see the ravage, th» woodbine and the ivy torn down, and gardens wTecked, and many lamented that the evicted had not conformed to the law, and given way in time. 126 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, There was no question but that Sir John deeply sympathised ; but even he, with all his tenderness of heart, could not prevent the law from taking its course. Some of Sir John's characteristics were shown at the time of the FIRST ORGANISED STRIKE AT DOWI.AIS IN 1810. The history of this has been handed down from an old and respectable inhabitant, long since at rest, and, as it has never been published, will be read with interest. He writes : — In the year 1808 I had to commence working in the old puddling forge, though at the time scarcely eight years of age, my humble duty being confined to that of sweeping the puddlers' standing plates, and also the ** run " over which the balls were taken to the rolls. The old puddling forge contained twenty furnaces, eighteen of which were usually in work. In the year 1810 the price for puddling iron was reduced from 12s. to los. 6d., and during the month's notice it was determined by the men to resist the reduction by a strike. On the evening of the day on which the notice expired the men met by appointment in the club-room of a public-house at Pwllyrhwyaid, the room at Dowlais Inn — the only public-house at Dowlais — being refused. Here the men took an oath in due form not to work at the reduced rate. On the following day some of the men went into the country to visit their friends, others remaining at home. Indeed, they had no other alternative, as employment was scarce. The men had no funds in reserve, and in about a month some few began to drop in at the reduced rate, and most singularly these were the men who were prominent in starting the strike. Sir John rewarded these by allowing them to select their own furnaces — a course that was the cause of much ill-feeling among the men and women for years after. In about five weeks the whole of the men returned, with one exception, and this was a Prussian, "who would not violate his oath." The others solaced them- selves for breaking it by arguing that it had been taken illegally, but the Prussian was firm, and maintained it through life. In early life he had been a sailor, and he turned the knowledge to AND TINPLATE TRADES. 1 27 account by having to splice and otherwise keep in repair the main trajfic incline rope. The organiser of the strike, and the first to give in, was David Bowen, otherwise "Dai Buff," who had the repute of being an adroit poacher. The consummate tact shown by Sir John in stamping out the first strike on record is well worth remembering. Sir John used to meet the men on the road — Dowlais had no street then — and in a jocular way would present the men with small sums of money to buy, as he said, tobacco with, and the wives also were not forgotten, and received presents of tea and sugar, and the elder ones snuff. From amongst the many of his pointed sayings on the occasions of his accidentally meeting the strikers, I select the following: — '* Don't be in a hurry to give in. It is very likely I may not want you for the next six months — perhaps more." *' The merchants have taken more from me than I intended to take from you." "I have a notion of converting all the iron from the blast furnaces into cannon and shot — a far more profitable trade than making bar iron." ** I have not been paid for half the iron we have made for the last three months ; yet I have contrived to pay you." "You stopped the works when you thought proper, and I will start them when I think proper." " You have nothing to do now but to hold out in the best way you can until I send for you." '•I cannot imagine what you promise yourselves by idling your time about Dowlais. Why not seek employment elsewhere, as it is very possible that the next offer you have from me will be less than the one you refused." The old inhabitant ends his story with a quaint reference to the habits of the people of his day, and we are told that pugilism was rife, cock-fighting and badger-baiting common, and yet many redeeming qualities were to be distinguished. With this interesting notice of Sir John and of the genial way he bore himself during a time of strife we pass to a notice of — 128 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI^ LADY CHARI.OTTE AND THE " MABINOGION." Just as Sir John in his most useful life gained the lasting respect and, indeed, affection of the people, so also his accom- plished wife came in for a great share of honour from the wives as well as workmen, and even amongst the children her name was a household word. It was a remarkable transition to her from a noble home and a wide circle of friends to the " Cinder Hole," as Dowlais was called. She had literarj' proclivities, however, and devoted herself cheerfully to her new life. The schools were a great object of her interest from the first, and it was a matter of common knowledge after a few years had passed that she knew personally every child, and every child had no pleasanter treat than to meet and be noticed smilingly by her lyadj^ship. She looked, too, after the houses of the men, visited every cottage, and chatted familiarly with the wives ; but all was done unostentatiously, and she never intruded upon the home life when the tired man was taking a meal or resting after his day's labour. Her practice was to look in casually when the wife was alone, and in many a way advise and practically help to make a struggling life better. Accomplished in speaking and in writing, self-reliant, with the courage of her opinions and con- victions, she also may be said to have lived a dual life, carrying out the duties of wife and mother with thorough devotion, and yet throwing herself in many a spare hour into all the abandon- ment of the legendary lore of Wales. To do this it was, of course, necessary that she should master the language, and only those who have done so can measure the difficulties of the task. To begin as a child begins, and then, enriched with the new language, advancing in the interesting discovery of the new literature, each turn of the road bringing fresh beauties to light. Those who have made themselves familiar with the classics, or have ex- plored new fields of thought aided by Bohemian, German, French, or Spanish thinkers, are like men who have stepped out from the lanes and highways of youth into those of other lands, finding that, though there is a great similitude between all humanity, every one has in a way an individuality of his own. In her studies I^ady Charlotte had the assistance of an excellent AND TINPLATE TRADES. 129 Welsh scholar in the person of Mr. Jenkins, head schoolmaster of Dowlais, and father of the late William Jenkins, of Consett. She was aided also by "Tegid," " Ab lolo," and others, and stood forth at length the exponent to the English world of the beauties of the ** Mabinogion." Mr. Thomas Stephens, author of the " Literature of the Kymry," was little given to err in his criticism. It was his aim to be just, and the misfortunes of others, sometimes, that in carrying this out he was severe. Gentle or simple, man or woman, never came in for flattery at his hand, and hence his criticism of Lady Charlotte's work is worth pages of eulogistic comment. And this is what he states of the " Mab- inogion " : — ** They combine dignity of expression with a fine, easy flow of language, and are remarkable for their quaintness and simplicity. They contain many passages of exquisite beaut}'-, and a poetical colouring enriching the whole prevails throughout ; such being their character, they demanded in the translator qualities which are not of frequent occurrence. A knowledge of two languages is far from being the only quality required, tor the spirit of the original should be as fully as possible transferred, in addition to the literal meaning. I have in many parts com- pared the translation with the original, and have uniformly found reason to think that our ancient tales have been fortunate in being translated by Lady Charlotte Guest. Her version correctly mirrors forth the spirit of these antique stories, and is as much distinguished for elegance as fidelity." Lady Charlotte retained to the last an interest in her old Dowlais home. The death of her husband, her own departure to other scenes, her subsequent marriage to Mr. Charles Schreiber, naturally alienated her a great deal from the people amongst whom she had passed so many years of interest to her- self and of advantage to them ; and only at rare times did she re-visit, looking around, as the thoughtful and the aged look in returning to old scenes, to see where the hand of time had changed, or had swept away ! She died at an advanced age in 1895. The advance of Dowlais under the resident trusteeship of Mr. G. T. Clark and Lord Aberdare, the management of Mr. lO I30 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STKBI,, Menelaus, with the details of the great steel era, will form a future chapter. In our next we deal with the interesting episodes of the Homfrays, and others of Penydarren, and of the coming upon the scene of the Iron Horse. AND TINPI,ATK TRADES. 131 CHAPTER XV. PElsTYDAEREISr WOEKS. TREVETHICK AND HIS LOCOMOTIVE. GREAT WAGER BETWEEN HOMFRAY AND RICHARD CRAWSHAY. SOCIAI. TIMES AT CARDIFF IN 1800. IT took a long time to elaborate tramways and railroads. As early as 1698 Sir Humphrey Mackworth had wooden rails at Neath, and one of the earliest of iron was in 1789, at Loughborough. Early in the century tramways were getting into prominence. It was so self-evident that greater loads could be moved on smooth roads that the wonder is they had not been tried before. There was a tramway formed from Penydarren Works to the Navigation, nine miles in length, and many a load of bar iron had been conveyed down this and despatched in boats to Cardiflf when Trevethick came upon the scene. Trevethick was a Cornish inventor who had for some years been occupied in bringing a steam locomotive into notice, and he appears to have travelled down to Wales and brought his plans before various ironmasters — in particular, before Mr. Homfray, of Penydarren. The result of a long and keen investi- gation was to convince Homfray that it was a great discovery, and, in order to bring it to a thorough practical trial, he made a bet of one thousand pounds sterling with Richard Crawshay that he would convey a load of iron by steam-power to the 132 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEBL, Navigation from his works. Crawshay had doubts, almost bordering on certainties, that it could not be done, and accepted the bet, and forthwith preparations were begun. It will give more than local interest to the story to add that Trevethick selected as his assistant a Mr. Rees Jones, an ingenious mechanic, of Penydarren, who is this daj^ worthily represented amongst us by Mr. Rees Jones, late of Treh arris, and now of the Ocean Collieries. The Cornish genius brought most of his materials to Merthyr, and he and Jones went to work with vigour, watched, it may be taken for granted, by a number of inquisitive people, who had never seen and never expected to see anything like such a performance before. It is tolerably certain that some of the old-fashioned natives thought that there was something uncanny in the matter, like the monster that Godwin evolved from his imaginative brain, and that no good would come out of it. At last it was ready. With a tall, clumsy stack made of bricks, it had a dwarf body, perched on a high framework, and large wheels. The cylinder was upright, and the piston worked downwards, and every movement was attended with a clang of discord and a grating sometimes that put everyone's teeth on edge. With the completion of this, which was gracefully called *' Trevethick's High-pressure Tram Engine," came the day of trial, February 14th, 1804. And such a day ! Merthyr, now becoming accustomed to remarkable events, never saw one like it before. All the population turned out, and crowded about the strange creation of iron and brick and wheels. It breathed stertorously, and moved. "It's alive!" shouted one of the crowd, and Trevethick and Jones were regarded as something higher than ordinary humanity. Every eye was rivetted upon the wonderful object. The man who shouted " It's alive " was outdone by another, who, backing from it with affright, roared out "It's a-coming," and upset women and children and old men who could not get out of his way, and led to impious wrath and strong observations. But the sun came out, a merry laugh greeted the frightened one, and bold men to the number of 70, who went in for immortality, crowded on the iron and trams and about the engine, and prepared for the eventful moment of departure. Ten tons was the quantity of bar iron in the trams. AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 1 33 Homfray, we may be sure, was there, and Crawshay. Trevethick was ready for the start. The engine only breathed heavy, deep puffs. Its screaming capacity had not been originated ; that was to come years after by the hand of Adrian Stephens. The signal was given ; everyone looked at the stern-faced, hopeful Trevethick; a jet of steam burst forth, the people yelled, the wheels moved, they hurrahed, and as the whole mass, with the crowd of workmen perched on it, slowly glided away a great hoarse shout burst forth that assured Homfray he was the master of the situation, and that Crawshay was a thousand pounds poorer. All down the tramway went the excited spectators, one tumbling over the other in their eagerness to keep pace with the engine, and everything went smoothly until the bottom of the village was gained, and then in passing under a bridge the stack of the engine not only carried it away, but also came to grief itself, and the engine was at a standstill ! Trevethick was equal to the emergency, and, though no one was allowed to help him, he soon re-built the stack, and away it went at the rate of five miles an hour to the Navigation, fully establishing the claim of the inventor to carry iron down. It was unfortunate for Crawshay that he did not stipulate a return journey, for this the driver could not do, and every effort on the part of Trevethick failed, on account of gradients and curves, to bring the empty trams back again. In connection with this trial it may be added that the attention of the whole of the country was rivetted on the experi- ment. The ** Cambrian" newspaper, then in its youth, gave in the old stiff style of reporting, with quaint turns and grave reflections, its opinion of the whole affair. It even went so far as to state that ** to those unacquainted with the exact principle of this new engine it may not be improper to observe that it differs from all others yet brought before the public by dis- claiming the use of condensing water, and discharges it in the open air, or applies it to the heating of fluids, as conveniency may require ! " The conclusion of the " Cambrian " report is well worth preserving — ** It performed the journey without feeding or using any water, and will travel with ease at the rate of five miles per hour. It is not doubted but that the number of 134 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STBKI*. horses in the kingdom will be very considerably reduced, and the machine in the hands of the present proprietors will be made use of in a hundred instances never yet thought of for an instant." We shall all want to come back to see how the world has rubbed on since we left it ! Just like the village boy from the little cluster of houses by the coast who has gone on up to Babylon, and made his name famous, returns to find marine terraces and hotels, and boarding houses, and a pier with its attractions, all clustered about the place where, in the old days, he saw only the restless tide coming in at its appointed hour, and going out, seemingly, as idle. If the reporter of the ** Cambrian," with his trim sentences, would only come back and see what the ** machine" has become — how it has revolutionised society, and become the help -meet in all varieties of forms; how in its later days it has brought man and man in closer intimacy, and attained the height of its social influence when in the holiday season it gives the millions of operatives their much-needed leisure and fresh air, and re-awakens friendships and re-links the severed. It is but just that the career of Trevethick should be glanced at before we touch upon other matters. He resided in Merthyr for a little time at the house of Mr. Jones, Pontyrhun, and was much liked for his amiable character. His engine, after serving a long time on the tramwa5% was removed to a pit, called Winch Fawr, and in after years was again taken to the top of the incline owned by the Penydarren Company, and there it was *• restored," patched and re-patched, until only the original cylinder remained. It is only a few years ago that two London men came down from the Kensington Museum to hunt it up, or find some relic to take back, but they failed in their mission. Trevethick assisted after this in forming an engine for Tredegar, and another for the tramroad between Hirwain and Aberdare, and then disappeared from Wales. Subsequently he was heard of in Cornwall with a traction engine, and as he had not sufficient control over it in its movements on the highway it played fine doings with garden walls and turnpike gates, and was voted nearly by everybody as an unmitigated nuisance. A good tale is told of one of his exploits. One night, pretty well at the midnight hour, he drew up at a turnpike gate and knocked the AND TINPI^TK TRADES. 135 man up, and soon the gateman appeared, not to see a demure and apologetic gentleman with a quiet horse, but a strange, fiery dragon belching flame and smoke. The man hurried to open the gate — the sooner that thing was out of the way the better. "How much have I to pay ? " roared Trevethick as the gate flew open. "N-nothing to p-pay, good Mr. D-devil," quavered the gateman, naturally thinking his visitor was from the lowermost regions, and away flew the engine amidst flames and the roar of wheels. To his dying day the gateman believed he had seen the devil ! And Trevethick went on and in his way prospered, and visited Spain, and rose in the world, became a man of note, a noble in fact, and then one of the thousand revolutions of that strange country arose, and Richard fled, leaving honours and wealth, and when he died, poor and in obscurity, as so many a genius died, only a spur remained of his Spanish fortune. The great trial did a good deal to bring Penydarren and the Homfrays and Formans before the world. At a visit of members of the Iron Institute in 1902 to Dusselldorf, Mr. E. P. Martin gleaned the interesting fact that the engineer who laid down the tram rails from Penydarren to the Navigation was Mr. Curl. THE FIRST RAIL. It was here that the first rail ever made in Wales was rolled, for the first important railway, September, 1830, that between Liverpool and Manchester. Here, too, the first cable was made, that for the bridge which spans the Straits of Menai. In these and other instances the firm won and retained a great name. The capital supplied by Mr. William Forman and Alderman Thompson was of much service. It was stated that Mr. William Forman had a position in the Tower of London. He had ample means, and was locally known in the City as "Billy Ready Money." Anyone having a speculation on hand, and wanting cash at once, would visit Mr. Forman, who was a shrewd, come- at-able man, and if there was anything in it the money was soon forthcoming. But nothing visionary would do. It must have 136 HISTORY OP THE IRON, STEEIo reasonable grounds for a good return. Mr. Alderman Thompson was another of the thoughtful, careful investors who became linked with Penydarren, but the returns did not please the " Alderman," who, at his frequent visits, bemoaned his lot and regretted that he had ever put his money into it. A tale is told of John Rees, the bard, who had a little box at the foot of the incline, and plenty of leisure within it to court the Muses until they put him by, as Morgan Williams phrased it, in Thomas Town Cemetery, grey in years and ungladdened with the world — as old poets realise. One day the Alderman came down and saw rails here and there on the ground, and lumps of coal, and other signs of waste, and again bemoaned himself and pictured his own speedy ruin. Coming to John Rees's little lodge he noticed John, who was lazy that day, drawing the cinders up with his hands to save himself going out to replenish the fire, and this trait of frugality made the Alderman exclaim, ** Ah, here's a honest man ; you're the man for me ! " The Homfrays did not confine their energies to the Merthyr District. They built the first furnace at Ebbw Vale, the first at Sirhowy, the first at Tredegar, and were in connection with Forman at one time at Abernant Works. The brothers were men of remarkable energy, but comparatively poor. Samuel Homfray married a sister of Sir Charles Morgan, of Tredegar Park, the widow of one Captain Ball, and an easy lease was shortly after given to him of the Tredegar Works, in connection with Mr. Fothergill, senior, and Mr. Forman. In proof of the easy nature of the lease, and as another illustration of a point touched upon several times in the course of this history as showing how naturally huge fortunes were made by the saving and thoughtful, I may state that the acreage of Tredeger was 3,000, and the rent was 2s. 6d. per acre for 99 years. It is not so easy to build up a fortune now as it was then. There is one incident in connection with the career of Samuel Homfray which throws a little light on his own success in retaining a fortune when made. Here is a copy of the case. *' A trial took place, before Baron Perryn, at Hereford on Saturday, July 31, 1789, between Samuel Homfray, of Merthyr Tydfil, and Mr. Richard Griffiths, of Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan, surgeon. Taken in shorthand by William Blanchard, AND TINPLATE TRADES. I37 shorthand writer, Clifford's Inn, London." The copy of the affidavit ran as follows : — *' That Mr. Samuel Homfray, Mr. John Richards, Mr. Blannin, and Mr. Griffiths dined at Mr. Wrixon's on the 6th of September, 1789, and each gentleman having had his pint and a half of wine, and being somewhat excited thereby^ resolved to have a game of cards, so they sat down to play at Lazarus for small stakes. The luck soon ran against Homfray, and as the stakes were increavSed from a small to a large amount, Mr. Homfray found himself loser to Mr. Wrixon, ninety guineas and a half, and to Mr. Griffiths, Cardiff, 251 guineas. Towards the end of the game one of the company, Richards, noticed what he thought to be foul play, and drew Homfray's attention to the circumstance. This led to high words, after which Homfray apologised, and play was resumed. At the close the ironmaster observed that he had lost more money than he found it convenient to pay, whereupon Griffiths replied by saying he could pay as he could, and in small sums if convenient, meanwhile giving him a memorandum of the debt; but Homfray would not listen to any such proposition, adding that, as a tradesman, it would injure his reputation if it were known he had lost such sums at play. This led to another altercation, when allusions were made to marked cards, and broad hints were thrown out of sharp play." Homfray seems to have been confirmed in his belief that he had been cheated, and hence the indictment of Griffiths, which was for fraud, and for illegally winning above ten pounds sterling. Notes taken at the trial, which caused a great deal of attention amongst all classes, shows that the Pennydarren iron- master was a social, good-natured man, fond of his wine, and extremely partial to hunting. It was this passion for the field that took him to Cardiff, and at the time he played the remark- able game of Lazarus he had two valuable hunters with him. Evidence was tendered to show that Griffiths was jealous of Homfray's hunters, and that prior to the dinner and to the game of cards which followed it, he observed in the liberal speech of that time to one of the party, " Damme, Bob ; we will do Sam for his horse to-night." Homfray was equally free with the 138 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, expletives, and whimsically accused an unlucky deuce of being his special foe, towering up continually, as if it were the embodi- ment of some provoking imp. Several Cardiff gentlemen of high repute in Cardiff were called to give Griffiths a character, and, after a long and tedious hearing the jury returned a verdict of '* Not guilty." In connection with the Ironworks a company's shop was carried on in the High Street, opposite the "Angel." This was kept by one Morgan Lewis, who received a circular piece of paste- board from the workmen bearing the amount due, and gave them goods in return. During the Riots of 1800, a time of depression in the trade, this place was literally sacked by the mob, and many of the things thrown into the street. One tale handed down for a couple of generations, as showing the anxiety of the crowd to get as much as they could, was that one old woman was seen putting sugar, salt, and pepper loose in her apron, satisfied as long as she had it, and content to separate them, if possible, when she got home. The Caerphilly Volunteers were called for to quell the disorder, but as the Dragoons marched before them they were not required. The entry of the Dragoons was long remembered. One drew his sword on going through the street, and sliced off the top of a tall, old-fashioned hat worn by a man, and told him to go home, which he did instanter, and another cut a dog in two opposite the " Star." After this Riot two of the leaders — Aaron Williams, a labourer, and Samuel Hill, collier- were tried at Cardiff, and hanged. In 18 1 5 the manager of the shop issued silver tokens of the value of IS. on behalf of the Penydarren Company, and also copper tokens, 6d., is., and is. 6d. But a great trial awaited the Company, the currency having become deteriorated, and about 1818 it was called in, as well as tokens, and new coins at standard values were issued to the holders by Government. It followed that, though the Company did well with the tokens at first, yet, when they only received the actual value, they were involved in very serious loss. Spurious tokens, too, had crept in, and made the matter worse. Some records of old Penydarren are of interest. Penydarren House was the residence of Samuel Homfray. Up the avenue AND TINPI^ATE TRADES. 139 dashed the buflf and red liveries in the golden days of its history, and in rooms, long afterwards deserted until modern times, once rang the sound of song and revelry. Jeremiah married the widow of Captain Richards, of Cardiff, and for a time lived at the Court, Llandaff. Samuel Homfray presided on the bench. He was the great man of the village. Overseers of the poor received their orders from him to relieve old workmen and " foreigners,' as strangers were callecl» He ruled the place, and at one time Penydarren was even rated at a higher figure than Dowlais, or Plymouth, as is shown in parish records. Homfray left eventual^ for Tredegar, and was succeeded at Penydarren House by William Forman. This brings us to the last era in the history of Penydarren. 140 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STKEI,. CHAPTER XVI. THE EMINENT MEN OF PENYDABEEN. CAREER OF THE FORMANS, HOMFRAYS, AND AI.DERMAN THOMPSON. /^> NE of the singularities of old Penydarren was that at one € W time there was not a man or a boy in the fitting-shop ^^ who had not been maimed in one way or the other. The loss of a finger was common. Many were minus arm, hand, or leg. The younger workmen were noted for their vivacity and practical fun, and this would account for many mishaps. The old farmers from the hills, who journeyed by the Works with butter, eggs, fowls, and other matters, were special objects of attention, and woe betided the farmer in driving slowly by if he did not keep a sharp look-out over his commodities. With the agility of a redskin on the war-path, the " boys '* would scale the old-fashioned cart, hand eggs, plums, or other small goods to his companions behind, and when the " Crown '' or the ** Star" was reached the farmer's basket would be empty. This character would only apply to some of the younger, for old Penydarren men were earnest supporters of the Wesle^^an cause, and few Works had such a leaven of really able men. One of the most eminent was Evan Hopkins, He worked, at one time, at Dowlais, where his drawings, paintings, and ingenious bent came under the commendation of Sir John Guest. Afterwards, when at Penydarren, Mr. Willtam Forman singled him out, and Alderman Thompson, too, became his patron. After working some years at Penydarren, he was sent by Mr. Forman to Rhymney to assist in the erection of a new blast engine, and after this, at the direction of the Alderman, he went to South America. This was in 1833, and he received the AND TINPLATE TRADES. I4I important appointment of the management at Marmato of the valuable gold mines of that district. This completed, he was appointed the director of the Silver Works of St. Ann, and the engineer-in-chief of all the establishments of the Columbian Mining Association, which post had previously been held by the late Robert Stephenson, CK. He returned home in 1842, published his ** Terrestrial Magnetism," and was honoured with the dignity of being made a Fellow of the Geological Society. It was not long before he went back again, and was consulted by the President of New Granada, who invited him to the capital to confer upon the prospect of connecting the Pacific with the Atlantic, He was entertained ior some time at the Palace, and in 1847, was sent out to inspect and survey the Isthmus of Pan- ama, generally, geologically, as well as to the facilities towards a communication' between the two seas. He completed the survey in 1848, projected the present Panama Railway, and returned to England, when he published the second edition of his admirable work on Geology and Magnetism, with a geological section of the Andes. The prominent idea of the work is the connection of all the great geological arrangements of the globe with the operations of terrestrial magnetism. Mining engineers found in this theory a good deal of scope for speculation. It accounted for the ** throb" which now and then attracted their attention in the deep-coal workings, and suggested the possi- bilities of some of the fatalities of the coal pits hitherto inex- plainable and mysterious, and associated with some of the most terrible of colliery explosions. The theory of Hopkins startled the scientific world. Some at once abandoned their ingenious theory, while others, and amongst these Ansted, stoutly opposed him and charged him with generalising from local and imperfect data. It is many years since the time of its appearance, and now, writing nearly half a century afterwards, it is gratifying to add that Hopkins' conclusions, if not thoroughly demonstrated, are yet favourably held. It is a long narrative that of his after career. In 1852 he was commissioned to proceed to Australia to establish the Port Philip Gold Coast Company, which was carried out. Next he was heard of in Egypt, spending happy and useful hours with 142 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., his friend Stephenson at Cairo, and studjing diligently the nature of the Isthmus of Suez. Every now and then valuable papers were read by him before the Geological Society, the British Associa- tion, and the Institute of Civil Engineers, the fruits of his many wanderings, his varied researches and meditations, philosophic and scientific. His last work was the second edition of "Cosmogony," the aim of which was to show the harmony existing between the Scriptures and Geology, from an entirely diflferent point to that taken by Dean Buckland, Pye Smith, or any other theological writer. One critic wrote : — *' It opens out a great field of conjecture to the thoughtful reader, and at the conclusion one is impressed with a profound estimate of the man who has endeavoured to reconcile the wisest conclusions of science with the teachings of Holy Writ.'' Like many an able man after a singularly eventful career, winning honours, fame, and some of the world's wealth, Hopkins quietly retired from the front, and, passing the closing years of his life in seclusion, disappeared at length so unobtrusively that the date and the place of his death were unknown. THE PETHERICKS. Another prominent family connected with Penydarren were the Pethericks. Amongst the leading agents was John Petherick, who came from Camborne, Cornwall, and, marrying Martha Prosser, of Kington, in Herefordshire, lived at Peny- darren in the smoke-tinted house behind the Works. John, their son, after his early education with Mr. Shaw, and then at Taliesin Williams's, afterwards the leading school of the district and a nursery of many leading men — including Edward Williams, of Middlesborough ; Sir. W. T. Lewis, the Davises of Blaengwawr — was sent to the University of Breslau, where his vivacious spirit was shown by fighting a duel. Fortunately, he came ofi" with only a sword mark over the eye, but he carried this to the grave. He returned to Penydarren, and seemed to be settling down to a track similar to his father's, when one of those singular instances occurred which so frequently change the current of one's history — the links seemingly slight, which yet lead to great things. AND TINPU\.TE TRADES. I43 A person by the name of Gallaway came to Cardiff to super- intend the shipment of railway men from Penydarren for the Viceroy of Egypt, in whose service Gallaway's son was a bey. John saw Mr. Gallaway, became intimate with him, and the result was an arrangement to go out to Egypt. Preparations were made, but abandoned for the time, and young Petherick went coal-mining to Ireland, thence to Nassau, where he managed the extensive mines of the English and German Mining Company, and there he remained several years ; but, his health failing, he visited France and Switzerland, and then found the relief and benefit he sought for his malady in the bracing air and waters of Llandrindod. After his recovery he entered into an engagement with the Viceroy of Egypt, and started for Cairo. He did excellent service for the Viceroy in seeking for coal, and in his endeavours had some lively experience. In one case a pit had been sunk to a depth of 266 yards, and Petherick was lowered to examine it, and found that it was in blue marl, and that it would be as likely to find coal there as on the top of the Pyramids. His description of the interview with the Viceroy on his return is amusing. He found him seated playing cards with three old Turks, who all ceased their game on his entrance. The Viceroy eagerly enquired the result, and as Petherick narrated his experience and failure his face elongated until it became quite a picture. Then he became lost in thought for a few minutes, and asked the mining engineer what was the depth of the pit, and then whether coal Jhad been found at a greater depth in Wales. On being told that it had at much greater depth, the old Turk struck the table with so much violence that the cards fled in all sorts of ways, exclaiming as he did so, his eyes flashing fire, that he would sink a thousand yards before he gave it up. But he had to give it up. Petherick's life in Egypt, his intimate knowledge of the Arabs, and of Arab life may be seen in that most readable of books from his pen, **Eg3'pt, the Soudan, and Central Africa." From his setting out until his return, we are presented with an admirable representative of Great Britain — a man daunted by no troubles, discouraged by no difficulties, fixed and pledged to a certain line of action, and by his strong will, and sometimes by his strong arm, affecting his purpose to the full. In 144 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, 1847 he started for the iron mines of Koudoran, and was most warmly entertained by the Governor-General. He has given a full account of the iron manufactures, recalling the early iron days in Wales. The natives reduced the ore with charcoal, in small cupolas made of clay, 4ft. in height and i8in. in diameter, similar to a limekiln, the blast being supplied by a skin bag worked by the hand — the early Welsh method was by a small bellows. The results, in lumps of iron of 2lb weight, were then taken to the market. Petherick, in his many years of labour, helped largely to develop the natural resources of Central Africa, and took a leading part in the discovery of the White Nile. He became Her Majesty's Consul at Soudan, and ere his career ended was held in high honour by his country, and by the Geographical and Scientific Societies of the day. Another member of the family was his exact opposite. John seems to have monopolised the vivacious, energetic, and adventurous characteristic of the family. His brother, THE HERMIT OF MOUNTAIN ASH, was in everj^ respect dissimilar. Well educated, with a leaning to refined pursuits, he appears, after a few years passed amidst the whirl and blast of Penydarren and its crowd of toilers, to have sought a retreat amongst the hills, and to have found it near Cefn Pennar, Mountain Ash, where no gleam of furnaces was to be seen, and none of the constant pulsation of ironworks could be heard. Here he became a recluse, taking lively interest in Nature, and that without losing his interest in man. In the early manhood of Lord Aberdare (Mr. Bruce) he w^as to be seen there an occasional visitor, and visitors from Duffryn found the retreat a pleasant one upon a summer's day, and were interested in the variety and skill of his occupations. Most of the furni- ture of the cottage was made by his own hands. The clock that ticked from a marvellously-ornamented case was his own make, and so were the paintings and strange ornamental productions which were shown. One of his oldest friends was Mr. William Wilkins, the philosophic bookseller of the town (a personal friend of Robert Dale Owen and of many of the celebrities of the day), who was the means of introducing cheap literature AND TINPLATE TRADES. I45 amongst the early ironworkers, and came in for many a notice at the hand of the wondering tourists who came into Wales to see the Cyclopean world. The bookseller and the hermit were most attached friends, and Mr. Bruce often made up the triumvirate, when the highest speculations of the mind came in for eloquent expatiation or learned discussion. It was a treat in our youth during the long summer noons sometimes, as a special favour, to be taken to the hermitage, and to look, listen, and wonder. Petherick was a man of good physical appearance, and with his lofty forehead and fine white beard attracted notice from strangers whom he encountered in the winding lanes around Cefn Pennar, and especially on the mountain heights, from which, with bis rustic garb and long staff", he could look far away to the dim- lit cloud of smoke resting upon the scene of his early life and work. Another of the Penydarren men was Maskew of the office, an Irish gentleman of refined intellect and punctilious manner. His office was adorned with admirable specimens of his hand- writing, in which he gave expression to wise thoughts, and excellent, if homely, advice — **What is worth doing is worth doing well," "Time is money," and other aphorisms. There was one special hobby of his when he was regarded as an old gentleman of 60, and that was to discuss the subject of Junius with anyone whom he met ; Edmund Burke and a host of others would be talked about, and his pet conclusion, always brought in as a finale, that the author was Sir Phillip Francis. Mr. Maskew, at the closing of the Works, went away for a time, and at last found a happy retirement at the Mumbles, where, with his old friend Mr. Todd, of Merthyr, he lived until he had touched his ninetieth year. Still another old Penydarren man was Mr. David Davies, whom we notice in connection with Beaufort Tinplate Works, Morriston ; and yet another, Mr. Watkins, Registrar of Cardiff", who reached a fine old age and was lately amongst us, though his early years were so far back as the meridian of Penydarren. Yet another well-known name, Benjamin Martin, one of the Martin family, prominent in connection with the industries of II 146 HISTORY OF THK IRON, STBEI,, Swansea, of Penydarren, and of Dowlais. Mr. Martin resided at Gwaunfarren, Upon Homfray's departure for Tredegar, Mr. William Forman came to reside at Penydarren. His son Edward lived at Gwaelodygarth Fach, or the Cottage, a place he built with great care and laid out with taste. The pillars of the gateway are noted to this day as marvels of masonry. At the rear, the pond by the side of the tramway, one now converted into a swimming bath, indicate the design he had in view, all frustrated by his lamentable death by drowning at Pontsarn. The Cottage then became the residence of the Davies's, afterwards of the Mardy. The connection between the Formans and Penydarren was continued to a late date, even after the death of the principals, and their memory is handed down in kindly benefaction to the old. The Works are now no more, and ruin meets the eye instead of the old picture of active life. Moss gathers where the fiery tongue of flame lapped greedily around the heated iron, and the track of the wheel and the rail is marked by weeds. Once it was a solitude laved by the tranquilly flowing mountain stream of Morlais ; it had its epoch of life, and babel voices and sounds, and the flash and din and the whirring w^heel, and thud of ponderous hammer gave it prominence. These are gone, the Homfrays are gone, the Formans, Alderman Thompson, managers, agents, even men, scattered, many to the four winds of heaven, and all now long at rest, and the lichen and the moss are again gathering on the rock, and weird voices tell of man's glory, his decadence, and decay. The very track of the old workmen has been converted into a theatre. Still more, as in the scenes where the Greek and Roman flourished, we meet relics of their day in sculpture and masonry, in roads and arches, so at Penydarren, finely chiselled stones which formed part of mills and engine-houses, and even the vitrified stones of furnaces are to be seen in garden walls, surrounding the collier's plot and piggeries, or built up in the mountain cottages, bringing home to the thoughtful observer, more so than any lesson of ancient history, the changes that AND TINPLATE TRADES. H7 have taken place under the shadow of the g^eat rock — Penydarren. The final transformation scene has been the conversion of part of the site of old Penydarren into a Power Generating Station for the Electric Tramway Company, a somewhat fitting close for a place memorable as that from which Trevethick started the first locomotive. 148 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, CHAPTER XVII. THE PLYMOUTH lEOlSTWOEKS ANJD THE HILL FAMILY. THE I.EWIS FAMILY. IN the early days of ironmaking, somewhere about the middle of last century, two small furnaces were worked at Plymouth, under the ownership of Wilkinson and Guest. When Bacon came upon the scene he appears to have bought these up, as in 1765 he is rated for them in Parish books, and retained them until his death. After his death, his affairs were placed in Chancery, and it was from that Court that Richard Hill, manager at Cyfarthfa, and who had married Mrs. Bacon*s sister, took the property. The arrangement was on a basis of 5S. per ton, reduced to a fixed annual rental. In a short time Mr. Hill bought the whole of the estate and furnaces. It was a small affair — the Works — very little more important than a smithy. It consisted of one furnace only in working order, worked by a large bellows, 25ft. in height, and a large water wheel. The Hill family believed in water, and the workmen were in the habit of giving the boys ha'pence to sit on the bellows, and thus lend additional weight. As compared with the great works which afterwards arose in many quarters, it was quite on a Liliputian scale. There was a colliery in connection, but that has been described as more like rabbit burrowing than anything else. Only three colliers were employed. It was in connection with coal that the Joseph family came first into notice. They agreed to supply the ore furnace with coal at 48. per ton on each ton of pig that was made, and the stipulation was that this should be continued as long as the furnace was in blast. The old people had peculiar arrangements. AND TINPLATE TRADES. I49 Land was let for building at a certain price " as long as a brook passing near it continued to run," and farms in the district and houses in the town are still linked with this addition. Morgan Joseph and his brother David were the first of the family to begin at Cyfarthfa, and then Plymouth, and worthy representatives still remain amongst us. In 1796 the total yield of Plymouth furnace was only 2,200 tons. In the railway age it averaged 40,000 tons. Mr. Hill, the pioneer of his family, was one of the most competent ot ironmasters, having had excellent experience, both at Hirwain and Cyfarthfa. He was unassuming in manners, hospitable, and sociable. It is related in local history that when he became churchwarden he endeavoured to put a stop to ball- playing on Sunday. From Elizabethan times Sabbath pastimes had been carried on, and the blank north wall of the Church afforded a capital place for the favourite game, and no amount of entreaty could induce the parishioners to discontinue it. After many attempts, Mr. Hill adroitly had a door and several windows put in the north side, and the ball-playing was stopped. The means of the ironmaster were not sufficient to enable him to build cottages for the workmen as the works increased, so he induced a Bristol merchant to speculate in this way, and that trader profited. At this time the yield of the one furnace was 15 to 25 tons per week, and sometimes he made £^ a ton profit. This was exceptional, as his arrangement with Cyfarthfa was to supply at £s a ton, when, of course, he had to be satisfied with much less profit. In addition to the Joseph family, the Aubreys, Steeles, and others were at this time introduced into the district. In 1807, upon the occasion of the erection of a third furnace, a Company was formed under the name of THE PLYMOUTH FORGE COMPANY, composed of Mr. R. Hill, senior, Mr. R. Hill, junior, Mr. Myers, and Mr. Strattel. These erected Pentrebach Works, with the great object of bringing the make up to 100 tons a week of bar iron. The said Works consisted of a shed, ultimately filled with sixteen puddling furnaces, a rolling mill, and a water wheel. A few years afterwards Mr. Strattel was bought out and a new 150 HISTORY OF TfflE IRON, »TB«I*, Company formed, and for some years it was carried on, Mr. Richard Hill resigning all active management to his son, and with the death of the pioneer, in 1818, who was buried, like Richard Crawshay, in Llandafif, the brunt of the work fell upon the second son, Anthony, Richard, the eldest, living at Llandaff, where his part of the business was chiefly the sale. He had a keen eye for profit, and it was noticeable when the two brothers were together that Anthony was more interested in the quality of the iron, Richard being absorbed in the value. John Hill, another brother, was also a partner, but took little active interest. ANTHONY HILL, THE CONSERVATIVK AND SCIENTIFIC IRONWORKER. Mr. Anthony Hill has left a long-enduring reputation. He was the most scientific ironmaster of the district. He was a good geologist, chemist, and metallurgist, and nearly the whole of his time was devoted to study and experiments in the laboratory. The imaginative mind pictured him as one of the alchymists of old, ageing and withering in the weird glare of miniature furnace and in the potent odours of mystic herbs. Though quiet and unassuming in manner, there was yet something about Mr. Anthony Hill which made him stand, as it were, above the ordinary run of men, and kept the crowd at a distance from undue sociality or familiarity. The thoughtful reserve of his nature did this ; so different to some smaller employers, who knew every one of their workmen by name and their ailments, and that of their families. Workmen spoke of Mr. Hill with warmth and with respect, but he was a mystery to many. •* Master has something wonderful in one of his little boxes in the laboratory," said one. " It is like snuff. He puts that into the furnace and it is that makes the good iron." Men who spoke in this way little knew that ironmaking was something more than melting iron stones, that the chemical process was one open to great development, and that a time would come when a •* chemist's shop " would be in connection with every ironworks. Mr. Hill's methods were kept in profound secrecy. Only one agent shared it with him, and that was David Joseph, and the AlfD TINPI^ATK TRADBS. X5I result of his treatment of iron was that in a very short time Plymouth bars became famous; and when the railway age began his rails were rated Ar, and were remarkable for their durability. He was of an inventive mind,fand in 1814 patented the use ot puddlers' and heaters' cinders. His idea was to use the cinder without deteriorating the iron, and, being an able assayist, he made many experiments in combining the matrix, or shale, of the ironstone with the cinders from the forges. This was the subject of his patent ; but legal proceedings arose, and eventually he lost. His next great invention was an abridgment of the process for converting pig iron into malleable iron without the refinery process, by an application of blast as it ran out of the furnace. This was the germ of the Bessemer process ; but, after many experiments it was abandoned, though he was never convinced of its inutility. The fact was that Anthony Hill, in scientific investigation, was in advance of his time. He was one of the few speculative minds busily engaged in elaborating. The time was to come when still greater minds would carry out their theories into practical successes. If these pioneers of thought did not succeed, they were still useful labourers — agents in the unravelling of great designs. In 1815 a fourth furnace was built at Plymouth. In 1819 one at Dufifryn, worked by a water-wheel ; and about 1824 two additional furnaces and a steam-blowing engine were projected and another water-wheel put up at Pentrebach, called afterwards the Little Mill. When No. 8 was built, Mr. Mushet, one of the greatest authorities in iron analysis of the past, and an intimate friend of Mr. Hill, voted it the largest furnace in the world. Its fine proportions came in strongly for admiration. This furnace was erected under the superintendence of Mr. David Joseph. By the year 1825 John Hill had retired, and the time was memorable for one of the happiest speculations of Anthony Hiirs life. The Plymouth Company had been in the habit of supplying iron to a firm in Liverpool, but the principal died just after a consignment had been sent; and, as the widow did not intend carrying on the business, Anthony journeyed to Liverpool 152 HISTORY OF THE IKON, STEEL, to see the late merchant's customers, and try to do business. One of these resided at Whitehaven ; so to Whitehaven he went, putting up one evening at a wayside inn. This was found to be a noisy house. Great shouting was to be heard in the tap- room, and every now and then cries of "Iron, iron, iron." In the morning Mr. Hill made inquiries about the cry, and learnt that a man had taken out a licence for working an iron mine in the vicinity. The tract was 6,000 acres in extent, and the owner of the soil and minerals was Lord Egremont. Mr. Hill saw that there was a good opening for speculation, bought the man out for a trifle, and leased the tract, paying a rental of ;^50 a year, and is. a ton royalty, the said ton being equivalent to a dozen of our drafts of 300 lb. The hit was a brilliant one, and remarkable for so studious and retiring a man as Mr. Hill ; for, though he never developed the rich tract, and was satisfied in getting enough mine to work, its worth was proved after his death by his trustee getting no less than 2,000 tons a week. The lease ran out about the sixties, and was worked afterwards by the lord of the manor. In 1839 Mr. Hill had serious thoughts of retiring from the trade of ironmaster ; but, fortunately for the best interests of the district, he did not do so ; and shortly after the new mill was projected, and the first talent of the country sought, first in its design, and then in its construction. Mr. Bryan Donkin, President of the Civil Engineers, and the first man in the country in mechanical skill, was called into council ; and it is matter of history that it was then Mr. Thomas William I^ewis, father of Sir William T. Lewis, came to the front, and, succeeding Mr. Bevan, who was getting old, undertook various important engineering operations, especially in the construction of the new water mill, which was then the largest of its kind in the country. The money tor this — a substantial amount — was advanced by the West of England Bank. It was at this period of Mr. Thomas William Lewis' career, when thoroughly engrossed with his duties as a mechanical engineer, that his son William first comes under our notice, serving his apprenticeship as pattern-maker and fitter, then assistant in the Drawing Office, and afterwards destined to the highest position in the industrial history of Wales. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 1 53 THE BOYHOOD OF SIR WII.LIAM T. LKWIS. The old men who within the last decade or two have departed from us, and now rest at length from their labour, used to recall the early days of our Notable Man, and refer to him as having in school and in his early labours in the Drawing Office shown a distinctiveness of individuality which augured a career above his fellows. They noticed his thoughtful bent and precision of manner, by some termed old-fashioned, so different in the way of boys who revelled in the turmoil of boyhood, in escapades in the Bush Field, encounters and clannish conflicts, which were characteristic features of the times 40 and 50 years ago. It was a momentous day that which dawned in his history when Mr. W. S. Clark, agent to the Marquess of Bute, talking with Mr. Williams, of the Greyhound Hotel, who was partner with Mr. Nixon in the Werfa Colliery, said he wanted an assistant engineer, and asked if he could recommend one. Mr. David Williams, who was familiar with Plymouth, then at once recalled to mind the son of Mr. Thomas William Lewis, of Plymouth Works, and named him ; and the arrangement was made that Mr. Williams should make inquiries, and, if 3^oung William Lewis would like, then he might call and see Mr. Clark. This was one of the most important turns in the life history of our Baronet. Had his father refused, or had he shown a disinclination, the country would certainly have gained another mechanical engineer of a high order of ability, but it would have lost the hand which has had so much to do in moulding the industries and affecting the best interests of the country. It is an old and now a ^veil-known tale that the boy who presented himself to Mr. Clark the next morning with a roll of drawings in proof of his ability as a penman and a draughtsman was chosen, and planted his foot firmly on the first step of the ladder of usefulness and of fame. From that day he passed out of the history of Plymouth into a broader field, and will come before us again and again ere these annals are completed. In 1841 the new mill was started with its three trains of rolls ; and in May the first bar was rolled. Then came difficulties — dry summers, small yields of iron ; and from 1843 to 1844 the 154 HWTORY OP THE IRON, STBEI., times were trying, and even the philosophic calm of Mr. HilFs nature was troubled. Mr. William Thomas, of Wernlas, the cashier, used to relate that often he would journey into the town of a Friday to borrow from some of the tradesmen to pay the men's wages. In 1844 Richard Hill died, and the sole control rested with Anthony. Many a time the able men who surrounded him brought under his notice the advantages of steam. Mr. .Guest, of Dowlais, had long adopted it, guided by one of his best advisers. Mr. Brunton (Cwmavon), and Mr. D. Joseph, Bevan, Thomas Joseph, and Brown were men who took the same view ; and in 1844 an engine was offered to him at Bristol which had been made for Victoria Works, then under the direction of Mr. Wayne. It was then Mr. James Stephens came under notice ; and the engine having been bought, he and Mr. Thomas Lewis brought their abilities and energies into a focus, as it were, and thenceforward Plymouth Works were placed in a most eflScient condition, and prepared to meet the growing wants of the railway age. It was at this point in its history that the Plymouth Works grew in favour with the iron-dealing world, and gained a name which lingers yet, though the Works are, with the exception of smithy, fitting and carriage branches for the needs of the collieries, almost brushed away from the face of the earth. Far and near spread the merits of Plymouth bar iron. Its rails, too, came in for equal commendation. They were held as Ai in the London markets ; and wherever iron was required for its excellence it was sought from the compact establishment under the government of Anthony Hill. In the meantime the small colliery had grown in harmony with the Works. At first, as stated, it was very small. The collieries of the early days, when coal working was confined to a level or two, were described in local history as having one hole to go in at, and another for the air to go out — simply level and cross heading, and no idea of air doors, brattice work, or fires for ventilation. As the level extended accidents occurred; and it was notorious that these happened usually on Mondays, from the accumulation of gas on the Sundays. An old collier, asked AND TINPI^TE TRAILS* 1 55 how he managed in those early days, said that they would go into the works, take oflf their jackets, and dust the gas out, and then fall to. One of the earliest to suffer was a member of the Joseph family, who was killed by an explosion. Morgan Joseph long held a position in the management of the mines, and in colliery direction an early name was the great grandfather of Sir William T. Lewis, Thomas William Lewis, and his son Lewis Thomas Lewis, the first named being the earliest coal agent at Plymouth, and the last colliery manager of all the Plymouth Collieries until his death in 1853, and also Thomas Joseph, son of Morgan Joseph, afterwards of Dunraven Colliery. He, again was followed by Mr. Smith, and afterwards by Mr. Heppel. In the engineering department Mr. Adrian Stephens, of railway-whistle fame, was occupied, but he left early for Dowlais, and afterwards lor Pen- ydarren, James Stephens, his brother, remaining. Of the eventful ending of Mr. Anthony Hill's career, and of the worthy men associated with him, we shall treat in the next chapter, and clear the way for the remarkable epoch associated with Plymouth and with Mr. Richard Fothergill. This will form a chapter more striking than any in the history of Plymouth, followed as it was by an exile from industrial, social, and Parliamentary life which comes in occasionally for wondering comment, and sometimes for regret, as we talk of the men and the times that are gone. 156 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, CHAPTER XVIII. PLYMOUTH WORKS. CLOSING YEARS OF ANTHONY HILL'S LIFE. NOTICES OF OLD PLYMOUTH MEN. FULLY immersed in ironmaking, in chemistry, an active Fellow of the Geological Society, Mr. Hill yet was energetic in local politics, figuring at the various Boards, strengthening their deliberations by the gravity and weight of his counsel, and, as handed down in local history, helping materially to preserve the arena from becoming an intolerable scene of squabbling, such as characterised so many a Local Board in the initial chapters of their history. Though a Conservative of the purest order, mixing, living amongst a people noted for their Liberalism, many for their Radicalism, by common consent, political views were ignored, and the tribute of his time was, " That on the broad platform of sympathy, man for man, fellow-feeling, and every high and noble Christian precept, Anthony Hill and the people met." Though never, like the Crawshays and Guests, a rich man, his practical bene- volence was in accord with a larger revenue than he possessed. He gave away £s^^ ^ y^a-r i^ charities. He looked minutely after the schools of his district, established a new church at Pentrebach, and endowed it with ;^20o per annum, and when an old workman succumbed to the inevitable, and was obliged to give up the duties of collier or puddler, he remained a pensioner upon the estate, and was looked kindly after until his course was run. It was a subject of regret that Mr. Hill did not enter more generously into the social needs of the town, and when the question of Incorporation was brought forward, he continued a AND TINPLATE TRADES. I57 strong opponent, the result of which was that Merthyr remained the "Village," and even the necessity of local government was only forced into practical life by the decimating influence of the cholera. Merthyr, from a shepherds' hamlet, had become by leaps and bounds the largest populated place in Wales, and the tens of thousands congregated from all parts of the country found themselves restricted to a water supply and drainage which were only adapted for a cluster of cottages. The description of Dr. Probert, who came to the district when a young man, related to us in after years, was simply an appalling one. The water supply was from contaminated wells ; the scene at these in early morning and at night was indescribably bad, and though a rough manhood was vindicated, and women with children in their arms and kettle in hand had a privilege accorded of being the first to be served before those who brought bigger utensils, yet occasional fights took place, and language of the coarsest kind was common. The cholera, which first swept away its thousand victims in a very short time in 1849, was the impelling spurt to a better state of things, and long before the career of Anthony Hill came to an end, he saw a condition arise which ended in the old hamlet having one of the best supplies of water in the country, and a drainage of a high order of merit. One of the earliest attempts at Incorporation took place in the time of Mr. Anthony Hill, and is well remembered by the oldest inhabitants. The Temperance Hall was the scene of gathering, and a writer of the time described the various leaders of industry marching to the place, and, like the barons of old, each ironmaster or his chief agent had his retainers. The trades- people, then a growing party, were the proposers, the owners of property, who feared that they would be mulcted in heavier rates than have since accompanied the development of the School Board principle, were the opponents, and, as the wordy contest was a strong one, there is no knowing into what extremes it would not have ended, but in the very height of the fray, the gas was put out. No one knew the actor in the stirring drama, but everyone long remembered the rush that took place, and the rapid clearing of the hall. For a time. Incorporation was shelved, lyooking back at the movement, which was principally supported 158 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, by the " Merthyr Telegraph," the conclusion to thoughtful minds is, that if it had been carried out, the result to day would have been that of Merthyr taking its place amongst the corporate towns of Wales, and being now associated with progressive institutions — such as Cardiff— and Anthony Hill, full of years and honour, loved by all men, died, disappeared, as we all do sooner or later, from the stage ; and earnest as was the tribute to his worth — long continued, and only now fading away — as one by one the associated men of his time pass into the Eternal, it is one of the facts which impress themselves on thinking men that, as the great actors in our industries fade, others come upon the stage, and life's eventful drama is carried on, no curtain ever falling permanently upon the scene. Nature's boards are never deserted ; " the house " is never closed. Anthony Hill, in August, 1862, full of years and of respect, died ; died at a time when the glowing summer was ending, and the harvest was being gathered in, typical of his life, and when he was carried to his long home, there was not a man or woman who did not mourn. Kind-hearted to a degree, he was also stern in his moral government, and it was essential that he should be. He had one inflexible rule. If any agent or any employe in his works loved, not wisely but too well, and the case was brought before him, the onlj' condition of remaining in his service was, " Marry.'* And those who remember the licence of early days, amongst a crowd of often undisciplined spirits, remember how well this strengthened the moral Iffe of the district, and made the practice of religion in chapel and church more than lip utterance or pro- fession. When the grave had closed over him, the full extent of his generous disposition was known. He left several thousand pounds sterling to his agents and workmen, and it was pithily said, " Not an old man was left unremembered." Mr. Hill's benefactions would make a long list. Amongst them were donations to the Blind Asylum (Swansea), and the Hospital for the Eye (Bristol). It has often been thought and expressed that the pioneers of the iron and coal trade, who came into Wales, and made great fortunes, did little beyond paying the wages of the workmen, and left them socially and morally very AND TINPI^ATE TRADBS. I59 much as they found them. A good deal might be mentioned in modification or correction of this statement, and certainly no finger can point at Anthony Hill. Mrs. John Hill, the widow of his brother, resided for many years at Plymouth, and was one with him in all his humane efforts, and is still affectionately remembered. She died at Bath at a good old age. After the death of Mr. Anthony Hill the works were sold to Messrs. Fothergill, Hankey, and Bateman, for a quarter of a million sterling. THE NOTABLE MEN OF PLYMOUTH. Before passing to the second and final epoch of the history of Plymouth Works, when the Works became vested in the ownership of Mr. Fothergill and others, it is but right that we should pass in brief re\new the notable men and events associated with Mr. Hill. First let me note Mr. William Thomas Lewis, senior, a man of that solid industrial capacity which has charac- terised the family, and came into still greater prominence in the life history of his son, T. W. Lewis, and his grandson, Mr. Henry Watkin Lewis, who after doing excellent mechanical and engineering work for Mr. Hill, was even more fully employed with Mr. Fothergill. Then we have Mr. Wolrige, who was closely associated with Mr. D. Joseph. Then Mr. Lewis Thomas Lewis, colliery manager, the old master of Tom Curnew, who was for some time colliery manager. He began as a door-boy at Plymouth, then graduated to the post of collier, and under the tutelage of his uncle, Michael Curnew the overman, became fireman, and afterwards manager. He was selected to manage Ferndale after the first explosion, figured next at the Great Western, and when Mr. Fothergill came upon the scene, was chosen for his "driving" capacity, the comment being that if anyone could bring coal out, Tom Curnew was the man. His closing scene was at the Bute Collieries, Treherbert, where he was the soul of many a social gathering as well. When old age and infirmity claimed him, his declining years were softened of much of their rigour by the beneficence of his old master. Sir William T. Lewis. Through the mist of years we see the sturdy Northern l6o HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, mining engineer, Mr. Heppel ; note Roberts, in the blast furnace management at Plymouth, and Mr. Place at Duffryn in the same capacity. A tribute is well due to those genial furnace managers. Both were imbued with bardic and Eisteddfodic likings, and even to a late period in his life nothing was more grateful to Roberts than to sit in the conduct of one of those popular gatherings which brought out the native talent of the district. Mr. Roberts drifted out of ironmaking into connection with a flourishing building society. Mr. Place left, first for the Patent Nut and Bolt Company and afterwards for Swansea, and in one of the last holidays of his life gathered around him some kindred spirits at the Wells of Builth, and revelled in the recalling of old Eistedd- fodic worthies. These matters are mentioned to show that the old Plymouth men were not mere makers of iron. Another leading agent of Mr. Hill's time was Mr. Theophilus Creswick, mechanical engineer, a gentleman of marked ability. Another was E. Watkin Scale, a son of the Mr. Scale of Aberdare, who brought a large capital into the district, and, unfortunately, lost nearly all in founding a business, which under Mr. Fothergill, uncle of Mr. Richard Fothergill, became a prosperous one. Mr. G. W. Laverick was the last colliery manager under Mr. Hill, and bore the character of a man of ability as a mining engineer. Then there was the well-known mine agent and poet, W. Evans (" Cawr Cynon "). He was the author of many poems of merit, and, like Alaw Goch in the neighbouring valley, often made some prominent event the subject of his poetic muse. He was a great man in the early Eisteddfodau, and bore to the end the character of a genial worthy. He was succeeded by his son, Richard, who soon afterwards went to America. One remarkable phase of Mr. Hill's time which enlisted the efforts of poet and prose writers was THE CHARTIST DAYS! The starting point was very likely the Strike of 183 1, which was principally maintained by the workmen of Plymouth and Dowlais, and was kept up for eight weeks. The movement was first fomented by the introduction of the Trades Union principle. This, states local history, was not originated amongst the native AND TINPLATE TRADES. l6l workers, but was introduced by Englishmen, and the teaching was, that as wealth was a monopoly, and as ironmasters clubbed together and were thus enabled to make their own terms with the men, so they, too, ought to band themselves in defence. Secret Societies were forthwith started in many public-houses, and at these a password, as in the Whiteboy times of Ireland, was demanded before admittance could be gained. To these Societies well-paid spies were in the habit of proceeding and gaining all special information, and then imparting it to the agents of the ironmasters. The Strike over, after much suffering had been endured, the only benefit that accrued to the men was in finding out that a good deal of the cause of low wages from which they had suffered, and which led them to strike, was due t TINPI^TK TRADES. 305 THE STREETS AND WORKMEN'S COTTAGES: A PEN PICTURE. We continue to quote: — **The interior of the houses is, on the whole, clean. Food, clothing, furniture — those wants the supply of which depends upon the exertions of each individual, are tolerably well supplied. It is those comforts which only a governing body can bestow that are here totally absent. The footways are seldom flagged ; the streets are ill-paved, and with bad materials, and are not lighted. The drainage is very imperfect ; there are few underground sewers, no house drains, and the open gutters are not regularly cleaned out. Dust bins and similar receptacles for filth are unknown ; the refuse is thrown into the streets. Bombay itself, reputed to be the filthiest town under British sway, is scarcely worse I The houses are badly built, and planned without any regard to the comfort of the tenants, whole families being frequently lodged — sometimes sixteen in number — in one chamber, sleeping there indis- criminately. The sill of the door is often laid level with the road, subjecting the floor to the incursions of the mountain streams that scour the streets. The supply of water is deficient, and the evils of drought are occasionally felt. The colliers are much disposed to be clean, and are careful to wash themselves in the river, but there are no baths, or wash-houses, or even water pipes. In some of the suburbs the people draw all their supply from the waste water of the works, and in Merthyr the water is brought by hand from springs on the hillsides, or lifted from the river, sometimes nearly dry, sometimes a raging torrent, and always charged with the filth of the upper houses and works. It is fortunate that fires are rare, for it seems to be the custom among the miners to keep a certain quantity of gunpowder under their beds in a dry and secure place ! " Let us pause a few moments to breathe, and look back upon the condition of things 50 years ago. Could any picture be more repelling or revolting? — the colliers, grandfathers of the present, resorting to the river to wash, the hot water from the works, the fouled water of the rivers, the contaminated supply from the springs, forming the ugly representative of that grand element 21 306 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STtt©!^ which flows, divinely one may say, through every valley, the life which the clouds have handed down as a great gift and blessing to men. Then the single room, with its sixteen inmates, in those grim iron days, so pestiferous and reeking that the ancient postman in those terrible periods had to turn aside from the door after knocking, so that the stream of stench and microbic- laden air should pass him by unscathed. What a horrible condition! Contrast it with the Tregaron of 1800. Like the iron village, long and straggling, with the Teifi by its side itistead of the Taff ; with a great mass of trees, such as the iron- works districts had before being cut down for fuel, and around the same character of bold mountain scenery. But there the resemblance ends. The air all round pure, invigorating ; quiet- ness prevailing, the lowing of the oxen heard for a mile, the habits frugal ; most of the blessings of life, in fact, but little money, and the greater part of the revenue derived from trading with the "iron village" ; no roar of works, no blast, no huge gathering of grim people, a Sunday calm prevailing, and, instead of the *' fouled springs,'* note the spring below the town on Baster Sunday, when the young men and women flock to it, treating each other with the ** bara can " and drinking freely of the water. Contrast can no farther go. But Mr. Clark was left remarking that it was a fortunate matter that fires were so rare, as it was a custom among the miners to keep a certain quantity of gunpowder under their beds, as a dry and secure place. Mr. Clark does not add one fact. In a very squalid neighbourhood by the river side, a fire broke out one night, and a crowd collected, though it was almost midnight when the alarm was made. Amongst the earliest on the scene was a well-known man, named Jim Appleton, the town sweep, who stood looking on with interest. But suddenly a cry arose, "There's a keg of powder in the house," and a general flight ensued, with the exception of the sweep and another. Jim, instead, of fleeing, rushed into the house and discovered the keg, which was becoming charred ! Without fear he shouldered his burden and marched out, where willing hands drenched the keg and Jim at the same time. Notice of the heroic act was sent to Lord Aberdare, who presented Jim with a ^^5 note as a reward. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 307 and Jim's courage and I^ord Aberdare*s generosity formed a pleasant subject for comment and even poetic laudation for some time afterwards. For the then wretched condition of the district Mr. Clark states : — " There is no excuse whatever, as Merthyr stands 500ft., and Dowlais 1,000ft. above the sea — both in healthy positions, open to the sun and wind, and on declivities sufficiently steep, with the aid of the frequent rains, to keep the streets, if well paved, tolerably free from accumulation. Iron is cheap, and the clay beds on the hill-sides throw copious springs of pure water." Sir H. De la Beche, in a recent report upon Merthyr, observes : — " At present, be the disposition to cleanliness what it may, from the absence of drainage and proper places whereon to throw their house refuse — whatever neatness may exist inside, the outsides of the dwellings are beset with stinking pools and gutters." Mr. Clark pays a well-merited compliment to the old iron- masters of the Iron Age, that the ** truck system " had not lately prevailed. ** The workpeople," he adds, " are regularly paid in cash, and the masters derive no direct profit from their expenditure.'* There was another feature of the paternal which should not be overlooked. The ironmaster was a farmer, as well as employer of ironworkers, and it was the custom to send down to the "village" so many sheep per week, which were killed, cut up, and supplied to workmen at a trifle above the cost. The same, too, occasionally with oxen ; but the fish of the streams and the game of the woods were sacred. **It is remarkable," he continues, "that the Merthyr districts have been particularly free from Chartist outbreaks. The practice of paying labourers in public-houses is still common everywhere, and it is difficult to avoid it, since much of the labour is let out to small contractors, who find their advantage in paying their men in such places. "Any notice," states Mr. Clark, " of the Welsh iron manufacture would be very incomplete that passed over in silence the character of the very peculiar people by and among whom that manufacture is carried on. The Welsh minerals have been worked only in times so recent that 308 HISTORY OP THE IRON, STEEI«, we do not find any of these old feudal customs and restrictions that prevail in the lead works and stanneries of the North of England and of Cornwall. In their stead, however, is found a very interesting admixture of native Celtic customs with those of a modern manufacture. English manufacturing towns, such as Manchester or Birmingham, are a mere collection of warehouses and shops, standing in a plain country, upon a well-behaved, sluggish river, and possessing little interest beyond what they derive from the immense importance of their commerce. Mr. Whittaker, indeed, speaks of an uncommon lively tradition remaining in a street in Manchester, but even Dryasdust con- fesses this to be rare. Such towns boast but few peculiar customs, or marks of remote antiquity, foster no peculiar language, and are inhabited by a business-like, matter-of-fact race of men. In manufacturing Wales there is nothing of all this. A town, in population exceeding some English cities, stands on the brink of a furious torrent, and is surrounded on all sides by mountains, so close that a walk of half-an-hour will extend from the crowded market-place to their wildest recesses." Mr. Clark's comparison between the Welshman and the Englishman is too good to be omitted, and with it and the reverent notice of Llandaff, where the Taff passes an ancient ironworks, we must end our quotation : — "The Englishman, though proud of his national character and the high position of his country, has that indifference to national ancestry that belongs to a people of mixed descent, occupying a land colonised originally by no progenitors of his own, and whose more striking peculiarities of character have been gradually worn down and rounded off by the attrition of civilisation. The Welshman, on the contrary, is proud personally of his pure national descent and of the ancient prowess of his race. The cairns and tumuli, even of the English plains, contain the bones of his forefathers ; the mounds and earthworks that still crown many an English mountain are trophies of their military spirit, and after an expulsion of more centuries than history can number he still regards the temples of Stonehenge and Ebury as the primitive seats of their religious worship. The tales and romances familiar to every Welshman from his infancy were AND TINPI^TE TRADKS. 309 familiar to the infancy of his ancestors when the world itself was young, and have been adopted and interwoven into the funda- mental literature of every later nation. The great features of Europe, even to the Asiatic border, the mountain, the strath, and the river, the Alp, the Appennine, the Douro, the Thames, and even the Tiber are called by names unmeaning to the ears of the present as to many a past race of their inhabitants or masters, and significant only to the Celtic tongue. The Cambrian vocabulary, though in terms of art and civilisation less richly found than the compounded dialects of the Saxon, is copious in the langauge of poetry and the heart, and rivals in antiquity the remotest tongues of the East. The Celt is the opposite to the Saxon, the Welshman to the Englishman, both in his virtues and his faults. A Celtic bard attributes to the Saxon coolness, bold- ness, industry; to the Cambrian, genius, generosity, mirth. To these may be added a hot, but placable temper, sterling honesty, gratitude, a strong love of music, a mind little capable of consecutive reasoning, or mechanical contrivance. The history of the race is the biography of the individual. They colonised lialf Europe, but had not skill to retain it, and their spoils added much to the romantic literature and little to the laws of the conquerors." Mr. Clark's estimate of the Welsh character is good. •* The Welsh are naturally a very religious people. . . . The iron district contains a large proportion of places of volun- tary worship, set up from no love of Dissent, but because the Established Church then cared nothing for the people. Their religious services, especially their funerals, are of a very impressive character. There is neither hearse nor hired mourner. The corpse is borne and followed by the relatives and friends in holiday garb, frequently with an additional escort of many hundreds of kindly strangers." And thus he ends : — •* At lylandaff, the church upon the mead of the Taff, where the mountain sinks down into the Vale of Glamorgan, and where old Siluria, yet unscarred by works, is still, as its etymology is said to express, a region pleasant to look upon, it is a striking sight to witness a native funeral winding down the hill towards the old ruined cathedral, supposed, with some show of reason, to be one of the earliest Christian Churches in Britain. At the occasional 3IO HISTORY OP THE IRON, dTEEU rests of the bier the attendants all join in one of their wild native hymn9) preparatory to the commencement of the more calm, but not less affecting, oflSce of the English ritual ov«r thd body, there, in the Welsh phrase, to rest, earth upon him, upon us his memory, until God shall manifest His presence and the house of earth shall uplift itself above all." The whirl of Dowlais wheels and the clouds of sulphurous Dowlais smoke left, it will be seen, the memory and sentiments of the cultured ironmaster un- affected. Looking at some of his learned articles, such as the ** Con- tribution Towards a Cartulary of Margam," the impression would be that he was at home only in musty records, or that, as in his notice of Caerphilly Castle, he was only happy in descriptions of ** groined arch or embattled tower," and few would think that so precise and plodding a pen could, when occasion warranted, disport itself even in poetry. We have an excellent example of this. Mr. Clark was a particular friend of the late Mr. Talbot, I/)rd-lieutenant of Glamorgan, and was frequently a visitor at Margam Abbey. In the south aisle of the Margam Church are inscribed some Latin lines, stated to be from the pen of Mr. Freind, to the memory of an old huntsman of the Mansel family, whom the learned doctor describes as — Evano Rise Thomas Mansel Servo fideli Dominus ben^volns. On a certain visit, when Mr. Clark, Mr. Dillwyn, and Mr. Talbot found themselves looking at the composition, a desire was aroused amongst the three friends to try their hand at a translation. The results we give as regards Mr. Clark's and Mr. Talbot*s. MR. CLARK'S TRANSLATION. You who Hubert do revere, Who with saints hath now his sphere, And that horn delight to blow, Which he dying left below, AKO TiNPIyATE TRADES. 3II l Give to your passions full relief, I Your ftobe, yeur sorrows, and your grief. 1 Who would not sound with saddened breath \ Hunter's horn at Hunter't death ? Or where are tears so justly shed. As where our Evan Rice lies dead ? 1 Evan o'er precipice and plain | With foot ne'er slow, and cast ne'er vain ; t With dogs and weapons knew to urge, | All harbourers in the woodland verge, ] Fleeter than hart, or glancing hind, - ^ His early step outstripped the wind ; ; Still was he found on sport intent, t When midway Phoebus* course was spent. j And still unwearied was his guest ^ When set Sol's splendour in the west. I O, ne'er again shall Evan's horn Arouse our hunt at early mom. Death, that hunter of our race. Never satiate with hie chase, j Sporting each sport of mortal birth j Has run our huntsman now to earth. i No light of day shall evermore, j Evan to our eyes restore, J His is night and endless sleep, i Ours the lose that now we weep, | Well new plaudits justly won J His long course of life is run, I Hounds, horses, horn behind him cast, ] May he rest in peace at last ! G. T. C. ! Following is Mr. Talbot's, which was penned about the year i868, and, as will b« »een, has- a thorough sportsman's jocosity : — - All you, whoever you may be. Who to St. Hubert bend the knee. As many 've done before us ; Who love the horn he left to blow, To the wide world proclaim your woe. And shout your grief in chorus. 312 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STfiCL, With visage sad that horn you'll seund. For Evan Rice is gone to ground; In vain you whoop and hollow. No more he* 11 rise the mom to meet, Or brave the fierce meridian hoot Of PhcEbus, called ApoUo. He Was the boy with dog or gun, For every kind of sporting fun. Unmatched his speed, and bottom. Mountain or flat the same to him, Till sunset he pursued his game, ' And never failed to pot 'em. But you won't hunt with him again, For Death, the hunter of all men. Has taken Evan from us. Whose greedy maw no mortal spares. But cuts 'em short, and nothing cares For Evan, John, or Thomas. In life he was a well-known crack, Alas ! you'll never get him back. Yet one thing very plain is. That tho' of Evan we're bereft, We've got his hounds and horses left. So peace be with his manes. C. R. M. T. Able as an antiquary, Mr. Clark won local eulogy by his chairmanship of various public bodies. In the initiatory stages of the Merthyr School Board, he did valuable service; and as chairman of the Merthyr Board of Guardians, administrating with firm hand the duties incumbent upon a large and most important Union, he will be long remembered. It was no slight token of respect that led to the placing of a marble bust of their chairman by the guardians in the Board-room, where it will always be a reminder of his deeds ; and as long as any remain of his associates, will re-call one who administered with unswerving justice and geniality. He opposed the Corporation movement, to the chargin of many of his friends, who thought, and still think, that if Merthyr had been granted a charter of incorpor- atipn it would have aided it in its progress and development. AND TINPI^ATE TRADKS. 313 Forliis action, doubtless, he had substantial reasons ; but it will always be a subject of regret that he had not been won over to support the movement. In the Bruce and Fothergill contest his strong sympathies and support were with the former ; but the wave of Radicalism was too strong, and Fothergill was returned. Mr. Clark never came forward himself for Par- liamentary honours, though it is unquestioned but that he would have made an admirable legislator. He retired from active interest at Dowlais some years before his decease to Talygarn, once the seat of William Mathew, second son of William Mathew, of Castell y Mynach, a descendant of Mathew of Llandaflf, and of the stock of Gwaethfoedd. Talygarn is a place in its associations and seclusion of congenial interest, and is now the residence of his son — Mr. Godfrey Clark — who in County Council, and on Boards, and on Bench often re-calls his progenitor. Mr. Clark died February 2nd, 1898, at the ripe age of 89, "tired," as he himself said, ** and saddened by the passing away of so many a friend," his rare faculties unclouded to the last. m HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, CHAPTER XXXir. CYFAETHFA AFTEE THE DEATH OF WILLIAM ORAWSHAY. THE Crawshay family owed their high position to in- domitable perseverance, and by the exhibition of a self-reliant character, blended with an honesty which prompted them to turn out the best iron that was possible, and to note with keen interest the vagaries of the winds of commerce. Striking, literall}-, while the iron was hot. William Crawshay, the grandfather of the present, was noted for the soundness of his judgment and the quickness of his apprehension. There was an ironmaster in another valley whose characteristics were in direct antagonism. This man would stop his furnaces directly the times became bad, and only start them again when times brightened. He was not a selfish man, but he had more regard for his position in bank books than a close consideration for the cupboards of the workmen. William Crawshay, sen., acted in all respects differently. His furnaces maintained their throb with the mechanical regularity of the heart's action. His furnaces gleamed forth in the dark night with the unfailing lustre of the stars. Come good times or bad, Cyfarthfa Works were continued in full vigour, and quite a township of houses, made of puddled bar, would be formed in bad times in and around the works. This policy was attended with an economical distribution of wages. The men were satisfied with moderate pay, knowing that times would not justify higher. The result, briefly, was that when times began to improve, and competing works had little or no Iron to sell, Mr. Crawshay had abundance, and commanded pretty well his own price. It was currently reported that one year 40,000 tons were sold at an increased profit of £1, In 1867, full of years, William, the greatest of his race, breathed his last, at Caversham Park. ROBERT T. CRAWSHAY. AND TINPLATE TRADES, 315 ROBERT T. CRAWSHAY. Mr. Robert Crawshay was associated with the decline and the end of the Iron Age. It was in the fulness of its vigour when he was in his prime, and even when the iron constitution and indomitable will of his father, William Crawshayj gave waj', and sole power was vested in him, the signs of decadence were yet afar off. From 1867 until 1873, Cyfarthfa Works, in respect of the extent of its trade, was maintained in vigorous condition. Robert Crawshay kept up well to the traditions of the family, stocking when trade was dull, and restarting full make when it revived. In that last decade, in fact from 1846, when he married, the dual sway at Cyfarthfa was exercised benignantly, he taking active interest in the works, and she. Rose Mary, his wife, giving to Cyfarthfa Castle those gleams of intellectual and social life» which, with memories of famous visitors, will long be associated with the brightest period of its history. We may be excused a brief digression from the dry details of iron history in dwelling a little on the social aspect. Very conspicuously was she identified with the ameliorating labours of men and women who worked in the moral and mental benefit of the community. She established seven libraries in many parts of the district, and revived the long drooping pursuits of the Old Philosophical Society of Cyfarthfa. She was one of the first members of the Merthyr School Board. For three years held the Chair of Vaynor Board, encouraged Lectures, Readings, and in many ways stood aloof from the run of society women in striving to bring the classes together, and purifying the domestic life as the true fount from whence came the healthier moral tocie of the people. The servant girl aspect was one she sought very earnestly to improve, and, in after life, founded in London, at considerable expense, the Lady Help Association. Cyfarthfa Castle was, in its halcyon days, for nearly 30 years visited every now and again by the distinguished thinkers of the country. The list of her intimate friends included most of the brilliant men who gave distinction to the Victorian Age. Let us name a few : — Darwin, Browning, Owen, who could build up an ichthyosaurus from a bone; Spencer, Justice Grove, Lord Aberdare, G. T. Clark, Emerson, and not 3l6 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, the least esteemed* Thomas Norbury, the Astronomer. She established the Poetic Memorial Fund, and for years prizes were distributed in accordance with the genial arrangements of its founder. One unpleasant incident of Mr. Robert Crawshay's career was the stoppage of the Works brought about by Trade Unionism. Times, too, were bad ; and when a slight improvement set in, he sent for the chief " gaflfer," and told him he had now an order, and if his terms were accepted, they might " blow in." The man replied that he must first get the consent of the Union agent. This, to a Crawshay, was not to be borne, and the old workman had to beat a hasty retreat. " Yet," said Mr. Crawshay in after days, " had my men kept to me, I would have stocked the Park with iron before closing." His reign was characterised by many innovations upon old rule. The Band he collected was one of the finest in the country. His inducements to cottage gardening, and to the cultivation of flowers, were many. The closing days of Mr. Robert Crawshay were preceded by long illness and great infirmities. He became deaf, and was almost blind ; and throughout all, with true wifely devotion, she re- mained near him, his unwearied secretary, his untiring reader, keeping him in touch with the world, of which he had so long been an active part. In 1875 he died, at the age of 58, amidst the sorrowing of his people, with whom from his boyhood he had been closely associated. He had worked with his men at forge and furnace; he had shared in their merry-makings, in journeying to the watering places, in many an outing at home ; and as long as his generation lived, they never forgot the old master and friend. One arrangement concerning the funeral was so charac- teristic of him that it cannot be omitted. As all know he was an ardent sportsman, never happier than with gun or rod. It was often his practice to start in the morning with his game- keepers and a friend or two. The brake would be brought to the Castle door ; rods, guns, hampers placed thereon, and away the sty)oting and fishing party would go. On the eventful morning it was brought as usual, just as if a day by the Usk were again intended; but instead of rod, and gun, and hamper, it bore an WILLIAM T. CRAWSHAY, ESQ., J. P. AXD TINPI.ATE 1!»ADBS. 317 oaken cofiSn, and the bearers ; and the goal, instead of the salmon stream » was the grave at Vaynor. His benefactions were numerous: hospitals in various towns were largely benefited, Swansea, Brecon, and Bristol in particular ; and he had decided to endow a hospital at Merthyr, but Penydarren House, which he had selected, was not to be purchased, and the gift was dis- tributed. W. T. CRAWSHAY. When Mr. Robert T. Crawshay died, he left the Cyfarthfa Works to his three sons — Messrs. William Thompson Crawshay, Richard Crawshay, and Robert Crawshay. Mr. W. T. Crawshay was the only one of the three brothers who took any active interest in the practical details of ironmaking; but he, following the example of his father, and of Sir John Guest, and the Crawshay tradition as well, of doing thoroughly what was incumbent to do at all, mastered every detail ; and from the time the works and collieries were carried on during the management of Mr. William Jones, exercised a thorough personal super- vision, and kept himself, even when he left Cyfarthfa Castle for Caversham Park, in close touch with the Works. Time passed, and while the Cyfarthfa Works were being carried on in this manner, there occurred one of the most important events in Cyfarthfa history. V/ith the death of Mr. Robert Crawshay the Iron Age in South Wales may be stated to have come to an end, and under the government of his three sons, it was soon held to be imperative that if works were to continue at Cyfarthfa in any form at all, that the Iron Works should be abolished, and Steel Works be established on the site in the same manner as that of Dowlais, Ebbw Vale, and other similar works. But the serious question was the enormous amount of capital required for such re-construction, and that of such Steel Works being made to pay. At this period, in order to prevent such disastrous consequences as the entire abandonment of works at Cyfarthfa would have involved to a large portion of the population of Merthyr Tydfil, Sir William T. I^ewis, the Mining Adviser of the Freeholders of the Cyfarthfa Collieries and Works, suggested to Messrs. Crawshay 3l8 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STBEL. the conversion of Cyfarthfa into Steel Works, and with the view of encouraging them in such a large expenditure of capital, he took upon himself to recommend the Freeholders of Cyfarthfa Collieries and Works to grant Messrs. Crawshay a new lease upon modified terms, on condition of their expending at least ^^150,000 in the re-construction of Cyfarthfa into Steel Works, and that they should be set at work for a certain number of years. These propositions of Sir William I,ewls' led to long negociations, conducted on behalf of Messrs. Crawshay by an old Merthyr man, Mr. Edward Williams, of Middlesborough, and Mr. Jones, the general manager of Cyfarthfa, and Sir William Lewis on behalf of the Freeholders, with the result that Sir William ultimately induced Messrs. Crawshay and their representatives to enter into the obligation to convert Cyfarthfa Iron Works into Steel Works at a minimun expenditure of ;^i50,ooo, upon having a lease upon more advantageous terms. Immediately on the completion of the terms of the lease, Messrs. Crawshay placed the matter entirely in the hands of Mr. Edward Williams, of Middlesborough, one of the best authorities upon steel works in the kingdom, who prepared the necessary plans and super- intended the construction of the whole of the engineering^ arrangements and set the same at work, at a cost of nearly a quarter of a million sterling. The works were put in operation and have been carried on successfully' and continuously up to the present time, very greatly to the advantage of Merthyr Tydfil and the district ; the whole of the property in connection with which would have been very seriously depreciated had the proposition of Sir William Lewis and the negociations not been successfully carried out. Mr. William Jones, who had grown up with the growth of the Cyfarthfa Iron Works, being advanced in years at the time that the Steel Works were started, retired in favour of Mr. William Evans, formerly a Dowlais man, and who was selected by Mr. Edward Williams to manage the Cyfarthfa Steel Works, the results up to this time fully justifying the wisdom of such conversion, as also the selection of Mr. Evans as general manager. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 319 The next historic event in the history of Cyfarthfa was thai of the 8th of March, when it was announced by circnlar, signed Guest and Keen, Dowlais, and Patent Bolt Company, that the share capital ot Cyfarthfa had been acquired by Guest, Keen, and Company, but that the works would be carried on as before under the designation of Crawshay Brothers, Limited. WILLIAM EVANS, GENERAL MANAGER OF CYFARTHFA AND DOWLAIS. Mr. William Evans' family came originally from Aber- gwesin, some figuring in the early days as clergymen, others as extensive sheep farmers. It was quite possible that his vocation in life might have been one of these, and no one knowing him will doubt but that in any position he would soon have made headway, and, eventually, held no secondary place. But the family came to Dowlais in its early iron era, and the son, William, after a training in the admirable Dowlais School, under Mr. Hirst, began work as an accountant at the furnaces, then assisting at the blast furnaces, came eventually under the observation of William Menelaus. As a pupil of Menelaus, he did good work, and was the first to make spiegeleisen there, and while quitting himself to general satisfaction, lost no opportunity by experimental and careful observation in the curriculum, so to state, of iron and steel. In 1875, Mr. Evans was solicited to go to the Rhymney Works, and take sole management of the blast furnaces, with the understanding, also, from Mr. Laybourne that as a steel plant was to be laid down, this, too, would fall under his direction. In the laying down of the steel plant, his Dowlais tuition enabled him to render most important aid, and the period of his rule there was unquestionably one of the most prosperous in the history of the Works. His abilities by this time were discussed over a wide area, and he was offered good terms to undertake the management of a steel works at Stockton, in the North of England, which he accepted, Here again he did excellent service, and came once more under the notice of Mr. Edward Williams— by this time 320 HISTORY OF THE IRON, 9TBEI., known in the London marts as the King of the Northern Iron Trade, "This is the man for Cyfarthfa." Such was Edward Williams* decision. The iron training of Mr. William Evans was complete, his experience considerable^ and, in due course, he was invited to take, first, the management of the Works, and in a short time the general management of Cyfarthfa Iron and Steel Works and Collieries. Although at the start the Cyfarthfa Steelworks were cited as, being amongst the foremost in the country, with all the best and latest appliances, mechanical and engineering, it was essentially necessary that the directing mind should keep in the van. Just as in the Iron Age, the change was a great one from the crude iron, fashioned in the small furnaces on the hills or by the rivers, to the produce in finished bar that was eagerly sought for on the shores of the Mediterranean, or the iron rail so approved in America and Russia, a change brought about by great and incessant experiment ; so in steel, which may be said with Bessemer and Menelaus to have its beginning, but necessitated the exercise of many minds to attain its present perfection. Mr. William Evans found himself placed in one of the foremost industries of Wales ; and, taking his position there, brought about as marked a progress in the improvement of Cyfarthfa as any shown in the career of the most enterprising of men. It used to be said of Anthony Hill that his success in the manufacture of the best and most durable iron bar and rail could be traced to the laboratory. Similarly so in the case of Mr. Evans* success in steel. No guesswork was allowed. Steel of the first character was the aim, and it was by careful operations in the laboratory, with the co-operation of the analytical chemist, the furnace manager, and the chief engineer, that the end was attained. First securing the best materials, from foreign ore to coke, and watching the process at each step, there was necessi- tated the minute analysis of results, most essential for future guidance. Nor was this all, as is apparent to anyone who has watched the development of the steel industry at Cyfarthfa. Many men with ample means at command can attain good results ; but to bring them about with close economy, and get a WILLIAM EVANS, ESQ., J.P. Photo : Freke, Cardiff, AND TINPLATE TRADES. 321 margin of profit, if possible, for the proprietors, is quite another thing. Mr. Kvans made a persistent attack on " waste forces." His utilization of waste forces is to be seen everywhere. Heat that flew away and steam that escaped cloudwards have been seized upon, trammelled, and put to do good honest work after the execution of normal labours. It would be too technical for the general reader to show how this has been done. It may be seen at the blast furnaces, at the Cowper stoves, at the coke ovens, at the mills where the water is charged into the boilers at boiler heat ; and in the brick industry at Cyfarthfa where the huge tips are being put to service, and the steady employment of female labour secured : a public boon to a large district. He has been one of the first to co-operate with the iron- masters and workmen's representatives in carrying out the Sliding Scale for Iron and Steel Workers, and thus ensure to them a fair return commensurate with price. Just as strongly as he was against ** waste forces," so does he place himself in antagonism against *' waste labour." He is ubiquitous and punctual to a fault ; is everywhere; "turns up,'* as the men phrase it, at every moment, and thus over the great industries has dominant rule, suffering no idleness, permitting no neglect. As a mathematician, he takes nothing for granted. ** Two and two are four." Everything must be demonstrated and made clear. Mr. Evans has had the discernment to surround himself with able men, heads of departments, and in the collieries the output will compare with any. It almost ** goes without saying" that so great a success at Cyfarthfa naturally attracted general notice, and one result, we learn, is that some time ago Mr. Evans was solicited to take the management of the great works of Bolcklow-Vaughan at Middlesborough, the largest in the world. The offer was tempting, but it was fortunate for the good of the district, that it was declined, and to Mr. Evans* credit it must be added, no one knew anything about it until the refusal was made public. Mr. Evans has been one of the earliest to assist in the advent of electric power into the operations of the great Works, and ia 22 322 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, his new position as general manager both of Cyfarthfa and Dowlais, may be expected soon to give this practical demon- stration. He is a member of the Iron Institute, also of the South Wales Institute of Engineers, of the Civil Engineers, and a magistrate for Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 323 CHAPTER XXXIII. TINPLATE. THE PURITAN SOLDIER PIONEER. /^^ F all Welsh industries few rank in equal importance to € W that of tinplate ; few have had such a remote ancestry ; ^^ few such striking variations of ups and downs, and none so troubled an outlook, so gloomy, at times, a future. Some years ago, at a meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute, an excellent paper was read by Mr. Philip Flower, of Neath, upon " Tinplates and their history," and later another valuable contribution to tinplate history was given before the same Institute by Mr. Hammond, of Penarth. To both papers and to independent sources of information we are indebted, and thus are supported by authorities of a very trustworthy character. Mr. Flower sought the works of Pliny, who wrote in the year a.d. 23, giving us trustworthy information, and quotes references by him and by Aristotle, of an earlier date, showing that in their day tinplate was known, as it was known to the father of history, Herodotus. We may accept it as indisputable that the manufacture was known, and general, two thousand years ago, and now comes the interesting fact that, while the Greeks of that day had plenty of iron, Spain supplying other countries, even as she is doing to-day, yet it was imperative that they should come to this country for their tin. The Phoenicians, famed in the early days for their position amongst the nations as traders, taking a high position for their skill in navigation, aided, as they were, by their practical knowledge of astronomy, early found out the tin wealth of Cornwall. Herodotus, writing 450 B.C., states that he was personally acquainted with the Cassiter- ides, whence they had the tin. Diodorous Seculus, not only makes a similar assertion, but comments pleasantly upon the 324 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, hospitality of the people amongst whom the tin was found, showing the source of that kindness of heart to the stranger and the needy which has at all times characterised the ancestors of the Welsh people. They were civilised, says the ancient writer, by intercourse with foreign nations, though it may be an open question whether the " civilisation " of certain nations could be compared to the primitive lives purified by the Druidic teachers of the islanders. In our own days a good deal of ingenuity has been expended in tracing the manner of conveying the tin, and the course taken. The tin appears to have been cast into forms suitable for being conveyed on horseback. Coasting vessels of small burden were employed, and the route from Cornwall was to H5^he or Deal, whence it was conveyed on horseback to the River Rhone, the time generally taken for the last stage being thirty days. Some archaeologists have made diligent search in the hope of tracing a relic of the Phoenicians in the language or physiognomy of the Cornish. It is likely enough that not only Cornish men would voyage to the Greek states, but that natives of the Greek states would settle down in Cornwall. The old repute of beauty amongst the Ancient Britons, of the long yellow hair and blue eyes of the maidens, such as Boadicea owned, may have touched the susceptible foreigner, and led to the settlement of the Phoenician under the shadow of St. Michael's Mount, and the rearing of families long since incorporated with the old Celtic stock. Enough that it was British tin which formed the earliest coating of the oldest of tinplates, and that all through the years the manufacture flourished down to the Middle Ages. The next stage in its history dates from about 1620, when the process was known to be carried on successfully in Bohemia. The association of Bohemia with the Bohemian, with the gipsy, and with tin, need not here be enlarged upon. Sufiicient that Bohemia had developed the manufacture, and that other nations craved to know something about it — amongst others, the natives of Saxony. The Dnke of that State, hearing of the wonders of tinplate, and the remarkable benefit derived from it by Bohemia, decided upon employing strategy. An agent was employed in the person of a Roman Catholic priest, who was disguised as a Lutheran. The priest appears to have had a practical mind, for he not only AND TINPUITE TRADES. 325 gleaned well the method of manufacture, but picked up a good deal of the mechanical knowledge required in carrying it out. Herein the priest surpassed our own Foley and Davies in gleaning the secret of bar iron splitting, for he was able to select such positions for the manufacture as would yield iron, charcoal, and tin, with ease of getting water power to work machinery, and water courses for draught, so as to make conveyance cheap. Hence, with perfect knowledge of make, and easy cost, and small cartage, no wonder that Saxony, once well-equipped in the manufacture, soon thrived, and in about forty years after, it was reported that when a visitor from England went there he wrote stating that the tin plate establishments were numerous, and the trade so very profitable that several brave cities had been raised by the riches therefrom, and all this time England, which found the tin, had not made an ounce of tinplate. Credit too must be given to the French people for being earlier in the field than England in introducing the industry. Two vigorous attempts were made during the reign of Louis XIV. Colbert, the Minister of the French King, deputed a scientific worthy, named Reaumur, to visit Saxony and endeavour to get a knowledge of the process, and see if it could be introduced into France. This be did, and established works, which were continued for a time, but not being sufiSciently fostered, the trade languished and died out. From an expression used by Reaumur, it may be inferred that the French works were conducted by well-selected German workmen, and it was the w^ithdrawal of these, by reason of not being sufficiently well paid, which led the French chiefly to abandon the undertaking. The French method having come to grief, it was left for England to introduce the manufacture under better auspices. This was done by one Yarranton, of whom an interesting glimpse is given in Smiles' ** Industral Biography." It is a fact worth noting, that, while Cromwell interested himself in promoting iron companies, and had an interest in the Forest of Dean Iron- works, Dud Dudley, to whom we owe the practical introduction of coal for the making of iron at a time when our woods and forests were failing to yield the charcoal required, was a Cavalier ^ HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., soldier, and Yarranton belonged to the Parliamentary Army. Yarranton, having sheathed his sword, became an ironmaster at Worcester. When in his sixteenth year he figured as an apprentice to a linen draper at Worcester, and it was from this employment, not liking the trade, he absconded or left, and was paying attention to agricultural work when the Civil War broke out. He had the making of a man in him, for lie advanced from step to step until he became captain, and at one important epoch of his life he discovered a plot to seize upon certain strongholds in the county of Hereford, for which he received the thanks of Parliament for "his ingenuity, discretion, and valour," and a substantial reward of ;^500. So long as Cromwell remained the "uncrowned King," he, with the better class of Puritans, continued in allegiance, but when Oliver assumed the supreme control, he, with his friends, retired, and this was the turning corner of his life, ending his military pursuits, and transforming him into an ironmaster and the introducer of tinplate into this country. Having put aside his soldier garb, he looked about for some peaceful method of employing his time, and found it in following the manufacture of iron at Ashley, near Bewdley, in Worcester- shire. With soldier brevity, he tells us that " in the year 1652 he entered upon ironworks, and plied them for several years." Like other thoughtful men at this period of time, he was distressed at the great distress existing in the country, following the Civil War. He saw the grain lands fattened for years with the slain of Cavalier and Puritan ; villages deserted, like that of St. Pagan's, near Cardiff, swept of its bread-winners, so that women and boys did the harvesting. He saw in addition, wherever he looked, starvation and misery, workshops closed, business and handicraft of all kinds idle. With the help of his wife he established a manufacture of linen, which gave consider- able employment to the poor, and many a widow and child had reason to thank him for the opportunity of earning honest bread. This was not enough for Andrew Yarranton. His small iron- works, not much above the dignity of a smithy, and this manufactory of linen, did not exhaust his powers. It occurred to him that something might be done in improving the roads and AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 327 Opening out communication with one district and another. So roads and canals next engaged his attention, and he went to work at his own expense, surreying a good stretch of the rich district of the Western Counties, and getting friends and neighbours to aid in the good cause. Then, in the full course of vigorous work, came a disastrous turn. The restoration of Charles the Second had just taken place. Attention was again drawn to the faction who had sent Charles the First to the block, and people re-called to mind the fact that Yarranton was one of the hated Puritans, and he was cast into gaol, and there remained neglected for the space of nearly two years. It is stated that the only evidence against him was some anonymous letters. Yarranton, at the end of that time, was quite resolved upon taking his case into his own hands, and not wait for clemency, so in May, 1662, he succeeded in making his escape, and, though a hue-and-cry was made for him, evaded capture for a month, when he was again taken prisoner. It would be a tedious story to tell of his being arrainged, and the quality of the evidence brought against him ; enough that he satisfied the authorities that his projects were industrial, and in a short time he was to be found at his work again. His first scheme was to deepen a small river connecting Droitwich with the Severn, by which means he aided in a ready and cheap transport of salt to other districts. After doing good service in navigation, he turned eventually to his ironworks again, and resuming his old course, it occurred to him what a grand thing it would be for the country if the manufacture of tinplate could be introduced into England. The supreme difiiculty was in beating out the iron to the necessary thinness and smoothness, and then the application of the tin in due manner and the "fixing'* it. The Captain studied and experimented, and in his own words, quaint as was the compo- sition of the time, when Scriptural phrases and war-like illustrations were common, wrote : — " Knowing the usefulness of tinplates, and the goodness of our metals for that purpose, I did, about sixteen years since, namely, about 1665, endeavour to find the way for making thereof, whereupon I acquainted a person of much riches, and one that was very understanding in the iron manufacture, who was pleased to say that he had often designed 3C8 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., to get the trade into England, but never could find out the way. Upon which it was agreed that a sum of monies should be advanced by several persons for defraying of my charges of travelling to the place where these plates are made, and from thence to bring away the art of making them. Upon which an able fireman, that well understood the nature of iron, was made choice of to accompany me : and, being fitted with an ingenious interpreter, that well understood the language, and that had dealt much in that commodity, we marched first for Hamburgh, then to I^eipsic, and from thence to Dresden, the Duke of Saxony's Court, where we had notice of the place where the plates were made." The Captain, in addition to his many employments, was also an author, and in his work on ** England's Improvement by Sea and lyand," tells us who his friends were who were engaged with him in this effort to glean from the Germans the manner and mystery of tinplate manufacture. They were Sir Walter K. Blount, Sir Samuel Baldwin, and Sir Thomas Baldwin, and Thomas Foley and Philip Foley, with six other gentlemen. Those conversant with our industrial history will remember that the father of the Foleys, who founded a house which is now amongst the landed gentry of Herefordshire, was credited with having resorted to even a more stealthy method than that adopted by the Captain in winning the secret of iron rod splitting from a firm who used it and guarded it by extreme secrecy. Foley, disguised as a fiddler of weak intellect, went to the works where the art was practised, and, being regarded as half-witted, the men, liking his music, made him welcome, and when he had learnt the method he quietly disappeared. The tale, which is authentic, goes on to state that Foley, returning home, put up his machinery to begin the manufacture, but found he had forgotten one thing, and without it his journey and labours were useless. So once again he left home, and once more the simple- looking fiddler made his appearance, and was received with the heartiest greetings, which he returned with his most pleasing airs, adding, likely enough, as the Italians do, the capering of his feet to the tune, to strengthen more the impression of mental AND TINPLATE TRADES. 329 weakness. Then Foley picked up the necessary information, slipped away, and the workmen saw the fiddler no more. If Yarranton came to Pontypool his eflforts were not successful. He was followed by another adventurer, early in the reign of Charles the Second, named Thomas Allgood, a native of Northamptonshire. His bent appears to have been trade, and the object of his making his way to Pontypool was to see the great stores of '* mineral coal," for which even then the district was famous. His first aim was to extract copperas and oil from coal, and for this purpose he pursued his experiments with energy. In the end, though he failed in getting what he required, he accidentally made a discovery, which proved beneficial to his family, and of enormous service to the manufactures of the country. This was the art of varnishing iron plates, so as to imitate the lackered articles brought from Japan, and then widely known as Japan ware. While pursuing this business, his son introduced into the manufactory a method, by means of "acidoalkaline leys," of cleansing and polishing iron, which had long been kept a secret at Woburn, in Bedfordshire. For 150 years the fame of the ware lasted, and then a decline set in. Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other great centres of industry began to turn out equal, and the Monmouthshire ware died out. The late Mr. William Adams, of Ebbw Vale, whose untimely death w^as a grievous blow to his district and to the mining world generally, used to state that he believed he had discovered the secret of the Pontypool Japan ware. " There is a mineral," he said, " in the coalfield, which has only been worked in the neighbourhood of Pontypool, which is there known as the Horn coal, underlying the Meadow- Vein coal. It is an oil shale, containing from 50 to 55 gallons of crude oil per ton ; by removing, by distillation, 12 to 15 per cent, of mineral turpentine, which is used for machinery, paint, and outdoor work, a good lubricating oil is left, and by further refining pure oil is produced. It also contains paraffin. I have no doubt," Mr. Adams continued, "but that the Japan ware for which Pontypool was so celebrated years ago, obtained its celebrity from the varnish made from this oil shale." 330 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEU Then came Major Hanbury, stated to be a connection of Yarranton, upon the scene, and here some explanation is required lor the appearance of a Worcestershire notability in a rem ote Monmouthshire district. MAJOR JOHN HANBURY. John Hanbury, eldest son of Capel Hanbury, Kidderminster, was born in 1664, and was intended for the profession of a barrister, but it was evident when " reading up " that his natural bent was towards a more active pursuit. Coxe, in his " History of Monmouthshire," relates that John one day told his neighbour, Squire Jones, of Llanartb, that upon one occasion he went man- fully into the reading of " Coke upon Littleton " — that great text-book of the old school of lawyers. He managed to get as far as •' Tenant in Dower," and then began to think that it would be more to his advantage to turn his attention to mines and forges. He appears to have been a man of means, and, acquiring an additional fortune by marriage, fixed his residence at Pont- ypool, and occupied himself in extending and improving the ironworks in the vicinity. Profound skill, we are told, and incessant application crowned his endeavours with the desired success, and he greatly enhanced his own fortune, benefited the neighbourhood, and contributed towards the general welfare of the country at large. By his ingenuity, the machinery adapted to the works received considerable improvement. His success, it IS true, was by no means a speedy one. His method is de- scribed as slow and laborious, the operation being that of flattening out hot slabs of iron, according to the interesting description of Mr. Hammond, under a quick action helve or tilt-hammer, the pieces, as reduced in thickness, being doubled over, and piled with other pieces reduced in the same way, the surfaces being sprinkled with powdered coal or charcoal, to prevent welding, the hammering being continued until the required size and thickness were obtained. The plates were afterwards steeped in a weak solution of sour rye water or vinegar for several days, to remove the oxide and other injurious substances formed on the surface of the plates during the operation of forging, and, when cleaned, were immersed in a bath of molten tin. AND TINPLATE TRADES. • 33 1 In 1728, he appears to have been joined by a gentleman named Mr. John Payne, and they brought out an invention for rolling sheet iron. Hanbury, with the claim of old descent, laid the fortunes of a county family of note. He was associated with Sir Humphrey Mackworth, of the Neath and Swansea Valleys, who was at the head of the mines adventurers, and whose life is a substantial part of the early history of our mines and of copper mining. In one of the diaries in connection with the Mines Royal Company, there is an entry to the effect that a descendant, in 1795, John Hanbury, of Pontypool, was to be consulted, and that in the next March, Hanbury was to be married to Lady Mackworth, "when she will be of age." But long prior to this the Hanburys had gained a position. In 17 19, John Hanbury represented the county of Monmouth in the Parliament of George the First, and in 1734 in the Par- liament of George the Second. During the same reign, in 1747, his son, Capel Hanbury Leigh, who had married into the Leigh family, and assumed the name, was returned for the county; and in 1765, in the time of George the Third, the son, who had re-taken the old name, was successfully returned. The Hanburys acquired the Manor of Cwmbran, afterwards known for its works, and to this day the family are well repre- sented in the district, and Pontypool Park, the family seat, is as noble a reminder of industrial greatness .as the old Worcester- shire Grange was of ancient lineage. In its working jacket, so to state, a visitor to Pontypool describes it: — "1750: Two furnaces here, turning out 900 tons iron annually." Another later : — "A large, dirty, straggling town stands near the entrance of a once picturesque valley, filled with ironworks and collieries, seamed tramroads, and other appliances of a mineral district, and once the headquarters of the Chartist legion. A visit to the ironworks at night makes an impression not easily effaced." For reference purposes we add that the tinplate industry at no period in the charcoal era advanced with anything like a bound. From the interesting statistics gleaned by Mr. Flower, 332 HISTORY OF THK IRON, STKEI,, we learn that in 1750 there were only four works in the whole of Monmouthshire and South Wales. When Watkin George came upon the scene these were increased to nine, and by 1825 to six- teen. In 1829 Thomas Morgan introduced cast iron annealing pots as a substitute for annealing in an open furnace. By 1850 the works in Wales had increased to 34, and between that and the eve of the introduction of steel, 1875, there were other inventions which we simpl}^ specify, such as that in 1849 when black pickling by vitriol was introduced as a substitute for scaling ; the patent rolling, so called, of tinplates as the}'- leave the tin pot, introduced in 1866 by Mr. Edmund Morewood, of London — a name now identified with Wales and tinplate — and Mr. John Saunders, of Kidderminster, and the commendable invention in 1874, when piokling machines were generally introduced as a substitute for hand labour. Watkin George, who was only a village carpenter before he became a worker at Cyfarthfa, left the employment of Richard Crawshay "with ^^40,000 in his pocket," another instance of workmen faring better than many ironmasters. At Cyfarthfa he constructed the finest water wheel in the country. He joined Hanbury Leigh at Pontypool, and effected great improvem^ts in the balling and in the refinery. In 1830 the tinplate district was stated to ** bristle" with furnaces and associated industries, and that year there were no less than 44 furnaces out of the no furnaces in South Wales, including Monmouthshire. C. Hanbury Leigh had three at Pontypool, Hurst Bros, and Co., two at Pentwyn ; Brewer and Perkins, two at Coalbrookdale ; Brown and Co., two at Blaina ; Frere and Co. (Frere, the father of Sir Bartle Frere), three at Clydach ; Hills and Wheeley, four at Blaenavon ; Kenricks and Co., five at Varteg ; British Iron Company, five at Abersychan ; Joseph and Crawshay Bailey, seven at Nantyglo and four at Beaufort ; Harford, Davies, and Co., seven at Sirhowy. In 1881 there were 67 mills in steady work in Monmouthshire. It has been said that the western coalfield in Glamorgan- shire, extending towards Neath, is like a battlefield, from the number of "dead" or wrecked adventurers that are commemo- rated there. So in the Monmouthshire mineral district, with AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. ^;^;^ the kindred industry — that of iron — numerous are the men and companies who have figured there and who are gone ! Some few retired with substantial results, but the mass were wrecked. Country squires, bankers, Bristol merchants, disappeared. Tom Brown, the memorable, was associated with some. Lieutenat*t- colonel Roden at one time was prominent in the Pontypool district, and it will be remembered that he came to an untimely end in Spain. He was a man of strong individuality, and was generally esteemed. The Lieutenant-colonel was greatly interested in the Spanish mines, and, it would appear, had roused some ill- feeling in a former manager of his, who had waylaid and murdered him, shooting him in the back with all the cunning of a coward. It was a sorrowful day for Pontypool when the news was brought home, rousing the Volunteers to a pitch of madness ; and sorrow only faded with the passing away of his numerous old friends. With other parts of the district — Cwmbran — Blewitt, of Lantarnam Abbey, was connected. This afterwards was brought into conspicuous notice by Grice, and was notable also as a Patent Nut and Bolt Works, linked with the Lion Works of Smethwick, in the same way as the Patent Nut and Bolt Works of Bassaleg are a branch of Nettlefolds' ; and it is fortunate for the place that so flourishing an industry has been started, and is now connected with Birmingham, Bristol, Cyfarthfa, and Dowlais. 334 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, CHAPTER XXXIV. ABERAVON AND DISTRICT. ^/f OW journey for a little time from the hills, and trace the •j\r iron, tin-plate, and copper industries of fair Glamorgan's h- ^ shore. It is tolerably certain that the shore was one of the earliest places selected by the Romans for iron- making, and to it, long anticipating our course of things, they even brought, as we do, ores from Spain. The Roman wave of industry then wandered up amongst the hills, and it was many a day before a revival took place by the sea. In the old days when the poets, such as " Dafydd ap Gwilym," eulogised the charms of Glamorgan, and even later, when ** lolo Morganwg ** waxed eloquent over the number of varieties of apple trees there were in the county, and made more references to ancient manuscripts than to the few isolated industries of Bro Morganwg, peaceful agriculture there had full sway. Now let us take a rapid glance at generalities ere settling down to special notice. Take a run, mentally, up the valley, as far as Pontrhyd- y-fen ; note the aqueduct there, and the two old furnaces of Reynolds and Co.; then the Maesteg and old Llynvi Works ; also the Coed-y-garth furnaces of Henry Scale ; thence to Tondu, and Pyle, or Cefn Cribbwr furnaces ; note Aberavon and Taibach, of course, with the various works — Byass' and others, and Vivian's Silver and other works — and be impressed, as every traveller is, with the fact that from thence to Briton Ferry, Neath, and Landore, the coast is studded with works which, less attractive than apple trees or verdant meadows, have grown up — some, alas ! to linger and decay, many to flourish — since the years of ** lolo's " pilgrimage. One of the numerous travellers who perambulated Wales in the early days of its industries, describes Aberavon in a few rather inelegant words :— " It is a dirty little town," he states, " on the banks of the Avon." The incongruity between the AND TINPLATE TRADES. 335 Stately pile of Stratford and the broad meandering Avon, which runs as placidly now as when Shakspeare gazed reflectively upon it, is given us in a sentence. Then we are told that there are tin and copper works, rails, and that bars were made in subsequent days. "They add no charm," states the writer, ** to the verdant fertility of this part of the county; but the mighty hill of Margam rises grandly, entirely shaded with oaks from its base to its cloudcap't summit." Then we are told that the place boasts of a bridge with one arch, like that of Pontypridd, and both from Edwards, the master mind, who has left evidences of ability in may parts of the country. " It is 70ft. in span, 15ft. in altitude. The copper works are on the seaside near Aberavon bar, the forges at Aberavon, and the coal pits at the foot of Mynydd Bychan." So much for an early description, quite sufficient to show that to this sequestered spot, resting in its peaceful solitude, chequered only by incidents of farm life ; brooding, as it were, over its old days when the Romans tramped along their sea road ; later, when the Normans fought, or when the wild Irish ravaged the land — there came the genius of industry, which was to furnish varied occupations — either in the raising of coal, the smelting of copper, the elimination and production of chemicals, the make of tinplates, bar, rails— for the needs of a rapidly- increasing population of the valley and coast and ravines up which once strayed only the preadamite sea. It was in the year 181 1 that a gentleman by the name of Samuel Fothergill Letsom had a lease on the place for a thousand acres at £1 an acre from Earl Jersey for a period of 99 years. His idea appears to have been simply to work the coal in the district, and to send the iron ore work to adjacent places, where he had other works. The first level opened by him was called Wern Level, and this was practically the beginning of Cwniavon Works. The next step was opening other levels, until he had three in good working order, turning out large quantities of coal; and by this time the number of working men had considerably increased. In working the coal Letsom was much impressed with the abundance of the good old Welsh ore in the valley ; and he planned the building of a furnace, and as a means 336 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, of getting rid of both coal and iron imitated the Merthyr and Dowlais ironmasters, by devising a canal. The length of the canal at first was only a mile and a half, since extended. His idea was to get water from Pontrhydyfen for his canal, stones from that district to build his furnace, and power from the canal to turn his water-wheel. The furnace was built in 1819. The canal was formed, the furnace was built, the wheel was made to supply blast power — all things were ready, when, just as the water was ready to start the wheel, the wheel, the furnace, the furnace supply iron for the canal, Mr. I^etsom's circumstances gave way ; and, as if it were a parody on the nursery song, the furnace remained unlit, the wheel silent, and the canal became a stagnant pool. This was in December, 1819 ; and then came in fresh blood, with capital, and Vigors and Smith (Cornish capitalists) entered into the valley and became a power. It is stated by the old people of the valley that Vigors, Smith, and Co. acquired the lease of the place for a small sum. The statement was that prospects were not very inviting, and it was only the temptation of entering upon the place cheaply and the hope that the Earl of Jersey would deal leniently with them, that induced them to close. The Works had been at a standstill for four months, when on the 25th of March, 1820, the new company began operations. The blast furnace was started, a small forge built, containing an iron mill and a tin mill. In the year 1835 Mr. Smith retired from the Company, and Mr. Vigors stood alone. He was the very man, however, to build up a name. Nothing would satisfy him but to see the fullest care shown, and to aim at perfection. After Mr. Smith's retirement Mr Vigors entered into partnership with a Cornish firm, who had extensive works in that quarter. This was Battou and James, and, as Vigors and Co., the firm was carried on, Mr. Vigors retaining principal direction. The 12th of October, 1835* saw another departure from iron and tinplate. The new-comers were impressed with the facilities of the place, and its sea front in particular, for copper works ; and on that day the foundation stone for them was laid, the leading agents of the Works taking part. This was the time when the Voel culvert was fashioned for carrying ofif the deleterious smoke over the sea. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 337 In 1838 copper was first produced at Cwmavon, and in 1840 the works owned by Vigors and Company passed into the hands of the Governor and Company of Copper Miners, who then extended their manufacture, adding iron bars, tinplates, and chemicals. The new Company took possession of their works on the 29th of May, 1841. They appointed one of themselves, Mr. Gilbertson, to take sole and undivided management, and this he did so energetically, that, two months afterwards, the Company acquired the neighbouring works of Pontrhydyfen. These had been founded in 1825 by a Mr, Reynolds, who built two blast furnaces, and, in order to have water to supply the water-wheel for blast purposes, he built a very large bridge over the valley, literally from hill to hill. This was regarded then as one of the finest achievements of the country. The cost of the bridge was ;^i6,ooo. It has been said of Mr. Reynolds that he was a most generous man, and very fond of new and curious things, and the comment upon him when he left was very similar to that passed upon Scale, of Aberdare, that both had brought fortunes into their several districts instead of taking fortunes away. Reynolds* output of coal was 250 tons per day. In two and a half years the Company had shown marked increase, and, in addition, opened new levels and built new houses. In April, 1844, one of the Company's directors came to the place, and Mr. Gilbertson retired, Mowatt, the director, taking sole managemement for a time. He had no intention of remaining longer than was necessary to find a fit successor to Mr. Gilbertson, but, being there, made himself useful in various ways, particularly in putting an end to the " Company's shop." The next manager to come upon the scene was Mr. Charles Lane, who built three blast furnaces at Cwm- avon, and this led to a marked increase in the number of workmen. It was soon afterwards estimated that 300 men and boys were employed at each furnace, and a large increase of labour was evident at other branches. To Lane is given the credit of starting the rail mill, whence went the sample rail to the great Exhibition ; of putting on a locomotive to run from Cwmavon to Bryn, and another between Cwmavon and Port Talbot. During his management, wonderful improvements and extensions were brought about, and then Lane's career came to 23 338 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., a close, and Thomas Richard Guffy, of Bristol (builder of the "Great Britain" steamship), entered upon the duties. Fortu- nately for the district, he was every whit as energetic as Mr. Lane had been. He completed the rail mill, put up an engine inside (260 horse power), and was able to turn a rail 21ft. long every few minutes. This mill was a large building, containing twenty puddling furnaces and about the same number of heating furnaces. There also were several sets of rolls, which enabled them to turn out iron in all shapes and sizes. The Cwmavon Works were now in full action. Great were the extensions and improvements under the control of Messrs. Lane and Gufify in less than four years. But, it is stated, if the works had increased, so had the liabilities of the Company in proportion. They had borrowed from the Bank of England a sum of ;^i50,ooo, at 5 per cent, interest, and at another time a further sum of ;^i20,ooo from the same, making a total indebted- ness of ;^270,ooo. In addition, they were in debt to others for several thousand pounds, so, while on the surface there was a fair condition of things, the real fact was that, with everything mortgaged up to the hilt, their real circumstances were disastrous, and the only hope was that with improving times ithey would be able to clear oflf all encumbrances and be free. It was not to be. When a man or a company gets into trouble the world soon knows of it, and there is an anxious desire amongst creditors to be in early at the death. The Bank of England, through the instrumentality of the High Sheriff of Glamorgan, took possession of the Cwmavon Works, and of all properties, and in 1849 were virtually possessors of works and land, and, as such, finding it dif&cult to realise the property, for a time became ironmasters in Glamorgan. In their case they were in an ugly dilemma. If they closed the Works the property would depreciate, and if they sold hurriedly they would not get all their own money back again ; so competent management was obtained, and the collieries gave forth of their coal, the blast continued, wheels revolved, and rails and bars were scattered into the old trade channels. It was at this juncture that an awkward condition of things came about. The Bank was desirous of doing good business. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 339 and went in for rivalry — underselling the ironmasters of the hills, the Crawshays and Guests. It was then that William Crawshay came to the front. He was always a good, strong common-sense writer, and his letter to the ** Times " is a proof. It tells its own tale :— " Sir, ** As neither your time nor your columns are of so little value as to warrant unnecessary words being addressed to you, I beg to trouble you with the following simple facts only ; and, if you are pleased to insert this communication in your all-powerful paper, it may elicit attention in the quarter from which a redress of the grievance of which I complain may be derived. I am an ironmaster, carrying on, through the superintendence of my sons, the several Works of Cyfarthfa, Hirwain, Newbridge, and the Forest of Dean, and am the vendor of the produce of these works myself, as an iron merchant in Upper Thames Street. Owing to the falling off in the demand for rails, the iron trade is in a sad state of depression, and the competition is such that bar iron and rails may now be purchased at or about the rate of ;^5 per ton at the several ports of shipment in Wales — a price which is below the present actual cost of production. I have met with the most cutting competition from a Company of ironmasters entitled in the iron trade * The Bank of England,' and in Liverpool and London, almost every quotation which I make to inquiries of the price of iron for export, is met with the reply, *The Bank of England will sell considerably lower.' To a quotation which I made to a metal broker for only 50 tons of sheet iron for shipment in India, of £() per ton free on board in the docks here, I received the answer, * I can buy it from the Bank of England at £'j ids. free on board here,' and I have since been informed by the same party that he so bought the said 50 tons of sheet iron, the total amount being £^'JS' In consequence of this very low, and to the makers, ruinous sale of sheet iron, I deputed the same broker to purchase of the Bank of England, for me, 100 tons of the same description, but, after a delay in the acceptance of my order of three days, I was informed that the Bank of England had been deceived in the quantity of sheet iron 340 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, which they could manufacture, and, having already sold several other parcels, could not enter into further engagements at present. " Now, sir, it appears to me that, however unwillingly or tinpremeditatingly the Bank of England may have been drawn into the manufacture and sale of iron, it cannot be within their own province, even * as mortgagees in possession of iron works,' to carry on, as the Bank of England, a trade or manufacture beyond what is contemplated and warranted by their charter ; and, as an individual ironmaster and iron merchant, I can but feel deeply aggrieved by such a competitor as I met with in the Company. The wages which I individually am compelled to pay my men weekly, and at the end of each month, amount to not less than ;f 25,000, the whole of which I am bound to find in cash, and no part of my works (unlike those of my competitor) afford me the advantage of making my own bank notes. Were such con- venience attached to my works I could sell bar iron 20s. and sheet iron 30s. per ton below the market price, and yet be enabled to pay my workmen on Saturday night, and surely, sir, if a charter to the Bank of England for note-making be construed to extend to making iron, a privilege ought to be allowed to us depressed ironmasters, in addition to the manufacture of iron, to make our own notes, and then we might by possibility exist under competition with the Bank of England. How long this new trade of iron-making is to be carried on by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, in addition to their grand monopoly of paper, will, in my humble opinion, much depend upon the notice which you may be pleased to take of this matter, and, powerful as you are in abating other grievances and improprieties, I trust this may not be considered unworthy of being taken up by you with your usual extraordinary ability and acumen. " I am, Sir, " Your very obedient servant, "WILLIAM CRAWSHAY. ** London, December 6th, 1848." AND TINPI^ATE TRADES. 34I BANK OF ENGI.AND AS IRONMASTER. Little did the Bank of England think that, by becoming ironmaster, it had not only to endure the vigorous criticism of iron kings, but the frequent condemnation of the very people gathered around the iron and copper works. It was all peace and quietness in the rule of the Bank at home. The army of clerks was subservient to officials, and officials to the directors, and from one year's end to the other there would not be a dissentient word. But the director as ironmaster was on the rack incessantly. If he did not manage with skill, there was the Board to be dealt with, and as he had to play a double kind of life and take a certain lead in social matters, there were a number of people to settle with outside. If, as was to be expected, his views were Church and Conservative, he had mortal opponents in Liberals and Dissenters, and if he favoured one class of Dissenters more than another, he aroused the spleen of the latter, and was condemned on every occasion. The Bank sent a Mr. Dayson first to manage the works at Cwmavon, until a thoroughly competent man could be obtained, and this one they at length found in the person of Mr. John Biddulph, a former official of the Bank at Swansea. Mr. Biddulph began well by making extensions at the tin works, and so altered and improved the old blast furnace at the works, that it was deservedly ranked as the largest in all Wales. Cwmavon steadily grew in importance, and as it had not previously had the dignit}'' and benefits of a post- office, this was conceded, and other institutions followed in the track. To the observant man it was evident that Mr. Biddulph did not calculate upon a lengthy duration of power. He put all branches at high pressure to give the greatest possible yield, leaving considerations of wear and tear to the ** next man." At this juncture the fate of the Works was very doubtful, and the prospect of a return of the old Company was very remote. Iron had fallen considerably in price, the very existence of the Works seemed a problem, and the result was that hundreds left the place to seek a livelihood elsewhere. For four years the Bank remained in possession, during which repeated efforts were made to sell the works, but each time unsuccessfully, and, after 342 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, every trial the Bank found itself in the same dilemma, obliged to hold on so as to retain something like the total of the money advanced, and fearful to let go lest the whole thing should become worthless. Even as it was, the property depreciated. In 1850 the old Company made a vigorous effort to get their charter renewed. For a time they were unsuccessful, but, being men of stability, were not discouraged from repeated efforts, and in the following year won the renewal. It was a happy day for the Bank of England, for the old Company, and for the people of Cwmavon, when the arrangement was signed and sealed by which the Bank put aside puddler, collier, and roller, and reverted to its old and more dignified position of controlling in great part the finances of the country. The return was the occasion of great rejoicing, and the 20th of April was made memorable as long as the generation endured. Amongst those associated with the old Company we must name a few prominent in their day. Sir John Dean Paul, who little thought when he was one of the leading men in the great demonstration of 1852 that a disastrous ending was in store ; Mr. Biddulph ; Sir. J. H. Petty ; Mr. Gilbertson. Sir J. H. Petty was conspicuous in his government. An interesting record has been given to us by Mr. David Thomas, C.E., Neath, who at the time was chiefly colliery manager in the Cwmavon district. Mr. Talbot, of Margam, relates Mr. Thomas, not only entertained the idea of docking the shore from Neath to Swansea, but he supported a scheme projected by Mr. D. Thomas, the narrator, for a railway from Port Talbot td the Rhondda Valley through Cwmavon. This was taken up energetically by Sir J. H. Petty, but his sudden death led to its abandonment. One can now only surmise what the effect of such a line would have been, and how materially it would have altered the history both of Barry and the Rhondda and Swansea Railway. SOCIAL LIFE AT CWMAVON.— AN OLD EISTEDDFOD. One would weary to be continually in the roar of the blast furnace, the whirl of wheels, and in the atmosphere of copper smoke, so a slight side view will not be out of place, especially as it brings back to us a number of the honoured dead. AND TINPtATE TRADES. 343 But first let us get a bird's eye view of the district and its annals from the newspaper controversies which took place when the Bank of England had the management. As one expressed it, there was a strong wish to make everyone — man, woman, and child — of the Church of England persuasion, and convert Cwm- avon into a regular Conservative stronghold. We have seen in many Welsh districts a primitive state of society, beginning with Radical notions, strong Dissenting views, and opposition to the Church of England, gradually modify a good deal of its aggres- siveness, and present almost a diametrically opposite condition of things. Districts in Wales rarely, if ever, begin with Church and Conservatism, but the tendency towards both is apparent in the march of time. In the dread visitation of the cholera in Wales in 1849, most of the large centres of population were attacked, and to this day places are pointed out, as at Merthyr, where a separate corner, or a separate graveyard, was used wherein the wanderers from many counties were laid, almost unhonoured, and certainly unsung. Strangers flocked to the great centres ; the simple requirements of the village, suddenly lifted to a populous con- dition, were overwhelmed, wells were polluted, and men, women, and children died with the same awful suddenness as we hear of nowadays in African swamps. There was no time for iden- tification, for communicating with the old home in Somerset or Devonshire. The blue haze of death was enough, rude coffins ready, burial instanter, with, perhaps, a service over a group at the same time I These old graveyards or enclosures possess to many as striking a scene for contemplation as the stranger's plot in the graveyards by the sea. Simply mounds, rarely one telling a tale of the mariner lost at sea, as at Aberystwyth. The mountain wind, like that of the sea breeze, strays idly over the place of nameless sepulchre. Who shall say that they sleep not as tranquilly as under costly marble and flowing verse ? In the visitation at Cwmavon, the exertions of Mr. H. Vivian and Captain Lindsay were very great, and for a generation the praise awarded to these gentlemen was continued with unstinted fervour. 344 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, At the old eisteddfod, held under the auspices of the Ivorites at Cwrnavon in May, 1853, this found very warm expression, and brought to the front two old eisteddfodwyr, who were awarded jointly the prize for a poem on the subject. These were William Thomas C Gwilym Tawe") and W. D. John (** Eryr Glan Taf ")• " Gwilym " was a winner at eisteddfodau so frequently that when he was unsuccessful he was apt to regard it as due more to the incapacity of his judges than to any falling oflf in his own abilities. In his ode on the "Cholera," "Gwilym" had a difficult subject to link to his muse. That he could write with true poetic unction is well-known. Even in this he leads off prettily as follows : — ** Poets have erstwhile sung of easeful death, Of dying gently as the south winds breathe Over a bed of violets, oftentimes Calling him sweet names, and in their pretty rhymes Have sighed and wished, and wished and sighed again, To sleep in peace under Death's silent reign. Not so sing I." This would do ; but in the course of the poem we get some- thing like the following : — " Medicine attendance in the hour Of need ; Health fumes, etc., were supplied gratuitous. The laws of sanitation, he agreed, Did not inflict their pains fortuitous." This would not do, though, on the whole, it was approved. It is like walking through churchyards, or gossiping with old annalists, to glance over the pages of the Abcravon eisteddfod. Thomas Stephens figured there as one of the judges, G. Llewelyn, of Baglan Hall, was the president ; and in the list of competitors or judges, we have *' Nathan Dyfed," as fine a type of the old eisteddfodwr as flourished in the past half-century ; and ** Islwyn," and John Rees, vrith many others who rose to dis- tinction, but who have long ago disappeared from the walks of AND TINPLATE TRADES. 345 life. What a memorable day was that which opened out before the Aberavonites when the bardti made their appearance. They had been known and renowned by their work. Now, they were to be seen in the flesh : burly " Nathan," slender ** Islwyn," and, to the surface men, insignificant John Rees. Nature rarely gives them sinews and brains, but very often makes up for a meagre personality by giving mental power, or vocal powers, out of the common run. It would be an interesting task to bring back, as it were, the old eisteddfod, but we must press on. During the time of the old Comjjan}^ two special matters were to the fore. One of the most active of superintending managers was Mr Struve ; and in 1840, not to be behind his neighbours, he raised a corps of Volunteers, and was appointed their Captain-commandant. At first, they wore grey, which was changed afterwards to red and silver mounts, and a fine, efFectire body of men the colliers, iron workers, and the men of the valley displayed themselves, quite ready to take active part in the field, if desired, and show as good a front as Glamorgan men did in the days of Napoleon, when ever}'' district, from the works on the hills to the sea, raised their corps to prevent invasion. One of the great troubles of Aberavon, which began with the youth of the Company, and continued almost to their closing daj^s, was the necessity of getting rid of the deleterious copper smoke, which we have referred to by means of the immense chimney, which has been described. The appearance at sea of the volume of smoke ascending from the chimney has often been compared to Etna, and strangers have been impressed, until they knew otherwise, with the appearance of the volcano amongst the Welsh mountains. Notwithstanding the chimney, it was a contention on the part of the farmers that the smoke did a good deal of mischief to the lands on the south west side. This found active expression in 1866, when Mr N. E. Vaughan, the *' Lord of Rheola," brought an action against the Copper Company, but the case became a remantt, and the question unsettled. We extract from the valuable work of Mr. Grant Francis a copy of the settlement which was afterwards brought about between the con- tending parties. 346 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, "Vaughan versus the Cwmavon Copper Company. Terms agreed upon. " First. That the Company shall at once use all reasonable means consistent with the smelting processes of copper, to abate and do away with any deleterious effects which may arise from their works, and that if, at the expiration of two years from this date, Mr. Vaughan, or his tenants, should be of opinion that all necessary steps have not been taken to effect the above object, then that the question whether they have used all such reason- able means or not shall be referred to a person to be named by the Board of Trade, whose decision on the question in dispute shall be final. Secondly, that, in the event of his deciding that sufificient steps have not been taken, a verdict to be entered in the action for ;^io damages, each party paying his own costs. — (Signed; N. Edwards Vaughan. ** Feb,, 1867. W. P. Struve." Mr. Vaughan, of Rheola, died at Inchbar, Ross-shire, N.B., on the 5th September, i868, at the age of 57 years, a little more than twelve months after this amicable arrangement. After Mr. Struve's era to 1867 the Works in the Cwm- avon valley, passed under various managers, one of whom we must single out as the most successful of the many. This was Mr. E. P. .Martin, afterwards of Dowlais. Under his direction, which began November, 1870, the works are stated to have yielded a better revenue than at any time in their history, and the great complaint was that his era was not of longer duration, or that it had begun at an earlier date, so as to allow of substantial dividends ere the times in iron began to droop. Through good and bad times the works continued to exist, but for no prolonged time was there any great fortune made, as in the case of the Baileys, the Crawshays, and the Guests. Eventually the Company went into liquidation, and the whole of the estate was announced to be for sale. This brought forward a syndicate, composed of Mr. Spence and Mr. Dixon, well known for his association with the Cleopatra Needle and the notable efforts of bringing this relic of Egyptian AND TINPLATE TRADES. 347 days from its sepulchre amongst the sands to the banks of the Thames. With these gentlemen were linked Mr. Shaw, and after a while Messrs. Spence and Dixon retired, leaving Mr. Shaw the sole proprietor. The next step was bringing about a more thorough centralisation of effort by dispensing with some of the branches. This consisted in getting rid of some of the tinplate works, the remainder of the establishment being carried on under the style and title of " The Successors of the Governor and Company of Copper Miners in England." Another, and one of ^he latest changes, was that of the Cwmavon and Estate Works Company, and the final to Wright, Butler, and Co. The district shared the misfortune which has befallen most of the old works upon the hills. When the might and majesty of Iron began to fade and die, and Steel began to assert its pre-eminence, it was the death-knell of many an old-fashioned works. Steel necessitated advantageous sites and circumstances which all could not command, and the expenditure of large sums in getting new plant and the most modern of mechanical and engineering appliances ; and the employers of labour who could not see their way to embark upon such an expensive course quietly withdrew. At Aberavon the forges first were discontinued ; then an effort was made to erect steel-works, so as, at all events, to supply steel bars to the tinplate branches ; but this was abandoned, and tin bars had to be obtained from various quarters. The transformation from purely a copper works to iron and copper, then to iron, a little copper, and tinplate, ended pretty well in making the whole district from Aberavon to Margam one of the leading tinplate centres. Up to 1890 there were six tinplate works in the district, giving a total of 32 mills, and an employment of over 2,000 persons. This was in its brightest period, and there was plenty of animation visible in the copper ore, iron ore, tin bar, and tinplate industries, and a fair degree of activity in the tinplate trade. One of the first to feel the bad results of the American tariff, which was the cause of ushering in bad times for South Whales, was the Avon Vale Works. For two years, 1892-4, only about half-time was kept, and in 1894 a complete stoppage ensued for three months. Then, after a great struggle, another re-start was made, and work was continued 348 HISTORY OP THE IRON, STEEI., up to February, 1895, when they were again closed. Let us now glance at the fortunes of the other works,- In 1893, to the regret of a wide circle, it was announced that Messrs. Byass and Co., of the Margam Works, contemplated closing. This was brought to a practical point at the end of the year, but four out of the ten mills were re-erected at the Mansel Works. The Glanwalia Works in 1894 were closed entirely for eight months out of the year, and at the end of last January these were closed. The result of the bad times in tinplate has been the stoppage of sixteen mills at Aberavon, and the consequent destitution of a large number of people, who had clung to the valley through good and bad times, hoping that some turn in the tide would take place that would bring about a change. The copper smelting in connection with the Tharsis Company and some tinplate business were the latest trans- formation scenes. If this hhould mean the cessation of all industry in the valley, it would be a matter for general regret ; we do not think, with the great changes taking place at Port Talbot, that the once prosperous district is to be left simply an agricultural one, with a sparse coal development. There is the scene there for more industrial struggles. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 349 CHAPTER XXXV. THE LLYISTTI VALLEY THE MAID OF CEFN YDFA. ^^ CLAIM has been made by able authorities that this AA valley figured early in the iron and coal industries. The f~ -^ local historian, the Rev. T. C. Evans, is happy in supply, ing strong reasons for his statement that the valley was once lamiliar in old times to the pursuits of Tubal Cain. The old furnace on the site of the tramway, the names of Rhyd-y- Gefeiliau, Cil-y-Gofiaid, and Cwm-Nant-y-glo, hand down the existence of smiths and colliers from an earlier date than the memory ot the oldest inhabitant. It is claimed for the Valley of Llynvi that its coal, which was very accessible, early made its fame known to the Severn banks and to Monmouthshire, and led enterprising men to make their way down into the remote Welsh valley, where, so early as 1682, a death from underground working was recorded. Its special pioneer, ** Cadrawd " tells us, who opened out the valley to fuller enterprise, was one Thomas Jones, who, like Coffin, one of the pioneers of the Rhondda, was a currier with a bigger faith in coal than in leather. Thomas Jones, coming to the valley, found a coal level in close position to Llwyni Farm, and in 1798 leased the farm and minerals. His speculation was singularly like those of the hill districts, Dowlais, Blaenavon, and others. The terms were ;^ioo a year, and the concession to the owner of the land was three loads of coal every week in winter, and two in the summer. Mr. Jones was not a success, and died in London in 1824, when on a visit to float a company. This was afterwards accomplished by another brother, and in 1826 a company started under the name of the Maesteg Iron Works. Various colliery 350 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, developments took place from time to time, and in 1827 the foundations of two blast furnaces were begun, and their erection conducted under Mr Wayne, one of a family long and honourably connected with Aberdare. In 1828 the manufacture of iron commenced, and animated by success, No. 2 furnace was begun and completed. Up to 1833 the progress of the Company was uninterrupted. Then followed changes, and under the manage- ment of Mr. David Smith occurred one of the first of the numerous strikes which have so inrariably shadowed the industries of Wales. In two months, we are told, a wretched condition of things followed, but at length an arrangement was brought about, and the valley became as remarkable for its display of rejoicing as it had been for its gloom. The year 1826 is given as the date of the Maesteg Iron Works, and a touching fact is associated with it, for the leading man of the Company came to reside at the world-renowned mansion of CEFN YDFA. And now, as previously intimated, as tfese "industries" are not intended to be disassociated from the social life that accompanied each district, we must be allowed to wander away for a brief space in giving an outline of the narative of the MAID OF CEFN YDFA. The date of the story is about 1700, when the place was the residence of one William Thomas, a descendant of Sir Edward Thomas, of Cwrt-y-Bettws, and Catherine, his wife. As he was of good descent, and the wife was the sister of the clergyman of Llangeinor, the claim of being of respectable standing is supported. Two children were the issue of the marriage, Ann, the heroine of Cefn Ydfa, and William, who died young. Ann grew up famed for her beauty, and in her girlhood, the Robert Burns of the district. Will Hopkin the bard — a simple plasterer by trade — came in pursuit of his business to the mansion and fell desperately in love with her. The evidence given is that the feeling was mutual, though Miss Thomas was a heiress with AND TINPLATE TRADES. 35 1 considerable means, and had, in her youth, been plighted, or contracted, as the term ran, to the son of their neighbour, Mr. Maddock, a solicitor and an old friend of the family. It is stated that the acquaintance began in the kitchen, where it was the custom for the family to take their meals with the servants, and any artizans or strangers who might be in and about the house. Will came of bardic descent, and has left numerous proofs of a poetic faculty which was likely to tell upon an impressionable girl, who had never mixed in society or seen the world, and Will improved the opportunities. She came the prompter of his '' awen^ A poet without his •* goddess" is an unknown creature. Welsh literature simply abounds with illustrations, especially from the tenth century down, and no more enduring record have we than in the life and works of ** Dafydd ap Gwilym," the bard of Ivor Hael — the ancestor of the Tredegar family. Some of Will's efforts in praise of the heiress are preserved with the greatest regard. Such as '' Bugeilio r Gwenith Gwyn^'* where very mournfully he pictures the certain fact that, though he might be charmed and love, someone else would win the maiden, " I fondly watched the blooming wheat. Another reaps the treasure." Many a pleasant converse the lovers had in the kitchen, and as the attachment ripened, secret meetings followed, until the mother's eyes were awakened, and it was almost impossible for the slightest of stolen interviews to be obtained. Even these were found out and stopped, and the fair Ann was made practically a prisoner in the house, and not even a glimpse could Will get of his beloved. Then Mrs. Thomas, as an effectual means for putting a stop to Will's love-making, hurried on the suit of young Maddock, who w^as naturally eager to get, not only a beautiful wife, but a heiress as well. The whole story of the attachment abounds with interest. Will's efforts by note and verse to communicate with her, the tales of strategy resorted to, the employment of a messenger between them who betrays her trust, so that the maiden is even deprived of pen and ink, and then comes the most touching of episodes, unsurpassed in amatory literature, the writing of a message by her on a sycamore 352 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, leaf, the pen a pin, the ink the maiden's blood, and the bearer the summer wind which wafted it away. But all came to an end. The effect of prayers, entreaties, threats, was that Ann resigned herself to her fate, and married young Maddock in 1725. She only lived two years, and such was her affection for her humble lover that she became insane, and the denouement of the tale is that when in her last agonies — in the hope of her recovery — Will is sent for to see if his presence would restore her. She sprang into his arms, and died in his embrace. Will lived to be 40 years old only, and left numerous poetic works indicating some poetic feeling as well as powers of sarcasm. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 353 CHAPTER XXXVI. MAESTEG WOEKS AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. THE BROGDENS. WE refer briefly to the career of Mr. Buckland, a gentleman of the old and revered character such as we associate with men like the Darbys of Coalbrook Vale, with Anthony Hill, and one of the genial family of Whitchurch Bookers, a man, in fact, of the stamp of Charles Smith, of " Visitor Magazine " fame, Swansea, around whose memory years twine, leaving undisturbed and grateful recol- lections, while the generation he helped remained. After his time the Works were acquired by Messrs. R. P. Lemon and Co., and great efforts were made to brush away all signs of old stoppages, and fit the works for new men and times. The manager was Mr. Shephard, who brought zeal and energy to bear, and for a time with some measure of success. Then, again, came the usual halt in Maesteg history, and puddling furnace and blast furnace ceased, and work doors were closed. For some months this continued, many of the men drifting away in search of work elsewhere, and only a few of the old remaining. Then news came that the mortgagees, by their agent, Mr. Preston, of Stroud, had found a customer for the Works, and general satis- faction was shown when the I^lynvi, Tondu, and Ogmore Iron Company were announced as the buyers. For a period the iron trade brightened up with the start of the new Company, a furnace was blown in, and after a certain duration of activity, was allowed to die out. 24 354 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, Then we note associated industries in connection with Maesteg. First, the Spelter Works and Cambrian Iron Company. Mr. James H. Allen is credited, very properly, with being the general benefactor, wh o found a fitting location for the make of spelter in the valley. This was at Coegnant. These Works were started in 1831, under the direction of Mr. John Harman. The undertaking turned out to be a successful one. One peculiarity in connection with the Works was the constant change of manager. Unlike the old woiks on the hills, where in many cases one family, such as the Kirkhouses of Cyfarthfa, was represented for a century, a new director was continually to the front at the Spelter Works, no less than seven being changed in five years. In 1837 it occurred to Mr. Allen that there was ample scope for an enlarged industry ; and that if a company could be promoted upon a wider basis, it would assuredly pay. So to I^ndon, then as now the goal of company promoters, he went ; and getting into the circle of such men, drew a vivid picture of prospects and profits. It was something akin to the gold lures of Australia, and capitalists sent down experts to see this famous valley, with its abundance of excellent coal, its cheap labour, its abundance of wood, and attractive corners for residences. The expert reported favourably, and in due course the new Company was formed, under the name of the Cambrian Iron Company. These went to work with a will, following the rule of Anthony Bacon, by getting as many of the farm leases as they could, and at the lowest rates. They secured Brynmawr Farm, Nant- fyllai, the Garn Wen ; and Ty Gwyn Bach ground was opened in 1837 by Mr. Cooper ; and by 1838 good progress was made for the blast furnaces, which were blown in on October 12th, 1839. The change of management again seemed to follow the fortunes of the new Company, for after a brief period Mr. Cooper left, and was succeeded by Mr. Petherick, a relative of the discoverer of the White Nile, and a member of a family afterwards associated with Dowlais and with Middlesbo rough. The Works progressed. In May, 1841, a second furnace was put in blast, and there entered upon the scene as general manager of all the collieries one whose name came to be considered as a household word in AND TINPLATE TRADES. 355 the district. This was Mr. William David. Two years sufiSced for the continuance of Mr. Petherick. In 1843 ^^ was succeeded by Mr. Charles Bowring, who held the management until 1848, when he resigned his position to Mr. Charles Hampton, pre- ferring to represent the Company in lyiverpool as their sale agent. In the meanwhile, before these changes were brought about, the foundation of the forge was laid in 1845 ; and on the 10th of February, 1846, it was in operation under the direction of Mr. Jones, the forge manager. The Company also erected 80 workmen's cottages about the same time, and started successively two mills. In 185 1 the forge manager resigned, and was succeeded by Richard Evans, of Dowlais, a thorough, capable man, with many of the special characteristics of the old manager about him. One of these was his geniality with the men. He associated with them, yet never lost his power to govern and exact rigid attention to his rules. To have been a Dowlais man was a sure guide to his favour, if a good workman ; otherwise Richard would simply help with a trifle and let the wanderer pass on. In 1852, while the orders for rails began to increase, the foundations of a second mill were laid, and then occurred one of these disastrous blows to the prosperity of ironworks, which, from time to time, have been promoted by working men to their own and their employers' detriment. There was a strike. Two furnaces were put out of blast, and for three months a good deal of labour was dispensed with. At the end of thirteen weeks, the strike ended, and progress was resumed. In 1855, the rail mill was ready, and its repute from the first was a great one, as one of the most effective in the country. The Works now presented an encouraging aspect, consisting of four blast furnaces, thirty puddling furnaces, two squeezers, two pairs of muck rolls, and four mills. The number of engines supplying the necessary motive power was ten. We get a clear idea of the flourishing little concern at this time by the additional facts that no less than no coke ovens were in constant work ; that over 100 horses were employed in the Works, and fully 1,500 men in ironworks and collieries were in the enjoyment of " comfortable wages." 3S6 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, The Company was then reported a strong one. Colonel Cavan, Messrs. Metcalfe, Macgregor, and other prominent personages were at the head. Mr. Metcalfe and Mr. Hampton acted as general managers. Mr. F. V. Roe, C.E., and Mr. Derby were the mining engineers. The next change was one more of face than of composition. The Company became known as the Llynvi Company. Mr. Hubbuck was appointed general manager, Mr T. Thomas mechanical engineer, while the position of mining engineer was ably filled by Mr. Grey alone. This change was accompanied by a considerable outlay to bring up the Works to the highest state of efficiency, as it was felt that to compete with the wealthy ironmasters of Cyfarthfa, Dowlais, and the Monmouthshire district, it was imperative to spare no money in reason, and to get the best talent to operate. Before entering upon the further career of the Company, and the coming to the front of the Brogden family, still associated with some of the industries of Wales, we must note the decline and disappearance in 1868 of the famous Company shop, which was not only an adjunct, but a material aid to the property of most of the old ironworks companies. In 1844, a third blast furnace was started, having been since 1840 in preparation, under the successive direction of Mr. Smith and Mr. Charles Hampton. In 1869 came a gentleman who afterwards rose to distinction in the conduct of a Monmouthshire works, and who for years, until family misfortune clouded his life, won lasting respect from his colleagues. This was Mr. Colquhoun, who became general manager, and under his direction Maesteg regained a good deal of its old importance, and prospered. In 1872 came a great epoch in the life of the Works. A company was formed to carry on the works at Maesteg, Tondu, and collieries in the Ogmore Valley, under the name of the Llynvi, Tondu, and Ogmore Coal and Iron Company. This was the epoch which brought the Brogdens more closely into the district, Mr. Alexander Brogden, M.P., being chairman, and Mr. Henry Brogden managing director. Mr, George Morley was placed as general manager at Maesteg, and Mr. James Barrow as mining engineer. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 357 The founder of the Brogdens who came into Wales was John Brogden, Esq., of Sale, near Manchester, who married Miss M'Williams, daughter of Alexander M'Williams, Esq., of Sale. Several sons of the union became identified with the district, the principal being Alexander, who resided at Coytrehen, Glamorgan, and James, whose residence was at Tondu. This place, as genealogists are aware, was famous in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as the seat of the Powell family of the lineage of Powell of Llwydiarth, and Coytrehen, from whom came also the Powells of Energlyn, in the valley of Caerphilly. The picturesque ruin of Energlyn is still visible, and to the reader will bear additional interest when we add that it is associated with Einion ap Collwyn, who figured in the eventful winning of Glamorgan by the Normans, The first introduction of the Brogdens into Wales occurred in connection with Tychwyth and Cae Cwarel. These were iron mines from which a good output of the most valuable kinds of Welsh argillaceous ore was obtained. In 1846 they were taken by Sir Robert Price, of Tondu, who worked them to obtain ore for his furnaces, and the primitive method of carrj^ing the ore by mules was followed. In 1853 J. Brogden and Son acquired possession of the Tondu Works, and worked them successfully for ten years, after which a new lease of the mining properties of Cae Cwarel and Tychwyth was obtained, and coal was raised in considerable quantities. In 1864 the Messrs. Brogden appointed Mr. James Barrow as manager, succeeding a Mr. Cooper, and again a long lapse of time ensued, varied with little incident but the ordinary ones of mining life. In the recollection of Mr Barrow when he became manager of Tychwyth, we are introduced to a state of things which has long since ceased to be. It was before the Act which prohibited the employment of women underground, and Mr. Barrow stated that it was nothing unusual, as colliery managers did pretty well what they liked, to have ten to a dozen women occupied with men and boys in the mines, putting their hands to do anything that was required, but most of them working at the pumps or filling coal. In 1863 Messrs J. Brogden and Son had taken up the lease of Blaen Cwmdu and Ffos, and thid enabled the firm to add 358 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, considerably to their output of coal. The opening years of the Brogdens at Maesteg were prosperous ones, and then came the great strike of colliers in South Wales, known in eventful history as the Strike of 1873. Many of the colliery owners remained true to their association, and fought it out until the bitter end. Some coalowners incurred a great amount of condemnation by refusing to join the Association, others were still more censured for receding from their obligations and taking part with the men by granting their demands. It may be that some of those who did so acted from merciful considerations more than infirmity of purpose. When the Brogdens acquired the Llynvi Coal and Iron Works in 1872, the condition was recorded in " Dafydd Morgan wg's" excellent " History" as consisting of seven melting furnaces, 36 puddling furnaces, and four rolling mills. The variety of make extended from ordinary bars to rails of the largest section, and collieries and mine works formed a compact establishment. Such was the place when the deepening gloom of trade brought about a collapse, and at length the Company went into liquidation. For a time the establishment was carried on by Mr. J. J. Smith, who had been appointed liquidator by the Court of Chancery, Mr. W. Blakemore acting as general manager. In the lapse of time a new company was formed under the name and designation of the Llynvi and Tondu Coal and Iron Company, and again the works were started, and at this juncture a new colliery was opened at Coegnant, which seemed to promise a new era, especially as the coal area now acquired opened out prospects of an important industry, even in the event of the iron works coming to grief. In this case, unfortunately, Maesteg Works seemed exceptional and doomed, and in 1886 they were brought to a stop. Fortunately in coal industry the coal development continues to this day. LIvWYDIARTH TINPLATE WORKS. In connection with Maesteg some reference is called for to the energetic action of a few worthy gentlemen of Maesteg, who started an industry at this place in 1869, and set an example of AND TINPLATE TRADES. 359 patience, energy, and ability, which might well be followed by small capitalists of the Principality. The Works were begun chiefly under the supervision of two of the proprietors, Mr. Grey and Mr. Thomas Thomas, and though the start was an un- ambitious one it was from the first hopeful. One black plate mill, with cold rolls, and three tinning sets comprised all. Then in 1871 another black plate mill and three tinning sets were added, and during 1872-3 another, a third rolling mill was added. In 1874 a large forge was built for the manufacture of bar iron. In 1876 another rolling mill, with tinning sets, was added, and in 1878 a fifth, with all requirements. In the prosperous days of the tinplate trade the Works employed 500 hands, and one of the chief customers was America for polished steel plates turned out by the *♦ secret Russian process," and regarded as exceptionally beautiful, and unafiected by rust. 360 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STKE^L, CHAPTER XXXVII. NEATH A GLANCE AT PAST HISTORY. ^ii S will be seen in the " History of the Coal Trade of AA Wales," Neath took an early part in coal development. ^ -^ This has been traced down to a date when the monks figured both as colliers and as ironworkers, and it was there that mining enterprise flourished when the great colliery districts of the present were in their mining infancy. The impulse that awakened the Aberdare and the Rhondda Valleys to other sounds than of pastoral life came from the West ; now, long ago, the later developments have far transcended anything that Neath or its neighbourhood accomplished. We must, however, take the reader back mentally to an earlier date than that associated with coal — to the period of Roman occupation, which lasted in Britain close up to 412. The earliest association with Neath is the Roman station of Nidum — from the River Nidd, corrupted into Neath — which was placed on the spot now known as the Gnoll. Stray ruins of the old station are yet to be found in the pleasant grounds, which have since been part and parcel of Glamorgan history. As Nidum it stood on the great Roman military causeway of Via Intra Maritima, extending from Caerleon, the Isca Silurum of the Romans, to Carmarthen. The first station near Cardiff was that ofCaerau — Tibia Amnis — then Boverton, which wasBovum, followed by Nidum, and by that of Leucarnum (Loughor). The pressure of the world's duties now leave little time for a thoughtful stroll along the course of the old road, which is still in some places to be traced, the railway now absorbing the current of working and holiday life; but previous to the AND TINPLATE TRADES. 36I Starting of the South Wales Railway, and before, there was much mining life in the district, when even at Pyle Inn forty beds were made up for wayfarers, it was an interesting task for the occasional tourist, who delighted in visiting and describing wild Wales, to re-call the remote period when along the sea road the old legions marched, either bent upon some inroad into the western fastnesses or conveying heavy w^agon trains laden with denarii, collected from the people, and taken by way of Nidiara to the treasury at Caerleon. There is little material left to yield up anything but fitful pictures of the Roman in Wales. All we know is that the period of occupation was a little over 400 years, and that here he made his bricks from Welsh clay, and stamped them with the mark of the Legion ; that he worked iron and coal» making his iron principally in the Forest of Dean, and taking the manufactured articles to Bath; that he went down into Cardiganshire, investigating lead and gold mines, leaving traces of the latter at Pumpsaint, where — at Ystrad — we have also indications that with all his industrial efforts he built up even amongst the Welsh mountains his palatial abode, with all its luxuries, not excepting his baths. • It is a long step from the Roman time to the Norman, which is strongly represented at Neath. After the conquest of Gla- morgan had been effected by Robert Fitzhamon and his knights, now all but proven to have been a scheme arranged by the English King, and not an accidental warping of a Welsh feud to suit Norman rapacity, the district of Neath fell into the hands of Richard de Granville, who obtained a grant of the honour and lordship of Neath, with the privilege of exercising jura regalia and all the other rights of a lordship marcher, the feudal characteristics of which lingered in the district ot Swansea down even unto our own time. The old castle, which he converted into a residence, is stated to have been the abode of no less a personage than lestyn ap Gwrgant, around whom romance has woven one of the most thrilling episodes — if true — of Glamorgan history. If the incident recorded that Robert Fitzhamon, the Norman, was induced to aid lestyn ap Gwrgant against Rhys ap Tewdwr be true, and then by strategy obtained possession of Glamorgan, it would only be in keeping with the unlucky history 362 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, of most of the old Welsh families in being elbowed out ot their possessions by the greater adroitness of strangers. Granville, who obtained Neath as his portion of the spoil, is credited with having a conscience, and, after sweeping out the old owners of estates, to have been troubled thereat. In fact, it is gravely stated that he was troubled with dreams. Some of the old people, or their ghosts, came to him upbraiding him, and pointing out his wickedness. It was a fortunate thing for the despoiled in many cases that their despoilers were superstitious men, and gave freely to the Church by way of atonement. Granville, and. it is said, his brother also, who likewise had bad dreams, determined to atone by building a magnificent abbey. This was duly carried out, and in turn — the date given is 11 29 — a fine abbey arose, the work of one Lalys, an architect whom Granville had brought from the Holy Land. The same man is stated also to have built Margam Abbey. The first monks stationed there were Franciscans, but were soon changed for Cistercians, coming from Savigny. As late as 1540 it was regarded as a place of great interest. Leland, who wrote in the time of Henry the Eighth, described it then as an abbey of white monks, and the fairest abbey in all Wales. In 1525, the Abbot of Neath was Lleision, and it is in a poetic encomium to him, by no less a famous bard than Lewis Morgan wg, that we get a capital picture of the Abbey in its golden days, before the spolia- tion of abbeys and monasteries had begun, as directed by Henry the Eighth, or the signs of decay had appeared. We give a brief extract, from sources not open to the general public, as a specimen of the poet's power, and also a description of the abbey : — ** Like the vale of Ebron is the covering of this mon- astery ; weighty is the lead that roofs this abode, the dark-blue canopy of the dwellings of the godly. Every colour is seen in the crystal windows, every fair and high-wrought form beams forth through them like the rays of the sun, portals of radiant guardians. . . . Here are seen the graceful robes of prelates ; here may be found gold and jewels, the tribute of the wealthy. Here, also, is the gold -adorned chair, the nare, the gilded taber- nacle work, the pinnacles worthy of the Three Fountains. Distinctly may be seen on the glass imperial arms a ceiling AND TINPLATE TRADES. 363 resplendent with kingly bearings, and the surrounding border the shields of princes, the arms of Neath of a hundred ages. Here is the white freestone, and the arms of the best men under the crown of Harry, and the Church walls of grey marble. The vast and lofty roof is like the sparkling heavens on high ; above are seen archangels' forms. The floor beneath is for the people of the earth — all the tribe of Babel ; for them it is wrought of variegated stone. The bells, the benedictions, and the peaceful songs of praise proclaim the frequent thanksgiving of the white monks." To this grand Abbey came Edward the Second after his flight from Caerphilly and his brief retirement as a farm labourer in the neighbourhood of Llantrisant, and found shelter for a time. He was, however, soon taken, deposed, and murdered. It is a singular fact that at the dissolution of the monasteries the Abbey, with its lands of the yearly value of ^132 7s. yd., was given to Sir Richard Williams, the Welsh ancestor of Oliver Cromwell. In 1664, as shown in Beaufort's " Progress," the painted glass, stone work, coats of arms, were in many places intact, quite confirming the description of the poet. Such was Neath before the blast furnace, the roll of wheel, or the stroke of hammer. Having now cleared the way, the next notice must be of its industrial epoch. NEATH AND THE MACKWORTHS. Norman rule ended, monastic troubles finished, civil tumults — such as by Morgan Gam and Llewellyn in 1231 — and final turmoil in the time of Glyndwr, and, lastly, in the time of the Commonwealth, prepare for the next set of players — the industrial heroes. "All the world's a stage ! " cried William of Avon, and how greatly does it enhance the interest of a land, or a country even, in so regarding it ? Sweep your memory over the past history of Wales, and note how epoch has succeeded epoch, incident followed incident, and man succeeded man, Caerphilly, with its great Castle, and the Spencers, followed by Caerphilly forge and the Lewises ; Cardiff", with its stormy time of Robert of Normandy, re-placed by shipping annals and vast 364 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, progress. Swansea, with its Danish invaders, succeeded by Mines Adventurers and copper working. And so we might go on, and seeing that the fret of life has gone, the time of unrest and rebellion past, in all human likelihood now progression will continue all over Wales, the rush of the Iron Era followed by that of the Coal, and that again, who knows, succeeded by a gold fever that shall make the hollows of Snowdonia populous ! After the little bit of ironmaking by the monk had been finished at Neath, there appears to have been no revival of the manufacture, except in a very desultory way by some of the more industrious farmers, who, getting iron stone, melted it by the action of a bellows, and made their primitive requirements in iron house necessities and farm needs. But in 1684 one Ulick Frosse is reported to have " lit a furnace at Neath." Doubtless this was for copper smelting, that and coal mining taking part in early Neath industries. In 1693 Sir Humphrey Mackworth came upon the scene; and though, as we shall afterwards show, became allied with one of the native families, yet he himself w^as of an old Norman stock, and came, curiously enough, from Normanton, the home of the Crawshays. This is another proof that the early adventurers into the mountains of Wales in search of industrial successes sent the results homeward to prompt other pioneers ; and who shall say how much the enterprise of Mackworth, spreading amongst the village folk of the Yorkshire hamlet, may not have inspired and prompted Richard Crawshay to go and do likewise ? The Mackworths are reported to have been originally settled in Derbyshire. There was also one Humphrey Mackworth at Betton, in Shropshire ; and in 1619 we have record of Thomas Mackworth, of Normanton. Sir Humphrey is stated to have made his start into Wales from the parish of Tardeley, in Worcestershire. This was in 1693, when he came upon the scene of his future greatness. And now let us note a singular coincidence. The Lewises of the Van, near Caerphilly, were descendants of Ivor Bach. The Lewises were the first movers in the iron industry of Glamorgan, beginning first at Caerphilly, then in the Merthyr Valley, and finally at Dowlais. Sir Humphrey Mackworth, the pioneer of the coal and copper industry of Neath, married the heiress of AND TINPLATK TRADES. 365 Evans, the Gnoll, who, through Evan ap Leyshon, was a descen- dant of lestyn ap Gwrgant ; so here we have representatives of the old Welsh race. Ivor and lestyn, whose lives were simply battle scenes, succeeded by inheritors of their name, whose life was manufacture and mining! We have seen it claimed that Wales was indebted to strangers for the development of her iron and coal industry ; that the Guests, Crawshays, Hills, Thompsons, Homfrays, Bookers, and many others, were Englishmen ; but it is not so generally known that these followed the lead only of unquestioned Welshmen, and that the forerunners were, as shown, men of the line of Ivor Bach and lestyn ap Gwrgant. Sir Humphrey was a power with the Mines Adventurers, whom he joined in 1698. He is stated to have started alone, carrying on works and collieries single handed ; but upon becoming deputy governor for life to the Company, he annexed all his industries to theirs. From this date (1698) the smelting of copper at Melincrythan begins. Sir Humphrey has been awarded a great deal of praise for his great inventions, his persistent efforts, and there is no doubt that he figured laudably in all his undertakings. He was the man to be a pioneer, to strike out from the ordinary rut into new fields of enterprise. The early history of coal workings in the Neath district is clearly shown by a statement made in legal proceedings carried on in connection with the Mines Adventurers, of which he became deputy-governor, that for 30 years previous to 1693 there had been coal-working at Neath, but it had became lost until Sir Humphrey, bringing money into the country in the same way, expended large sums in finding and working the coal again. It was the convenience and cheapness of coal which led to the selection of Neath as a site for great workhouses, or manufac- tories, by Mackworth, for the smelting of lead and copper ore, for extracting silver out of the lead, and for making red lead for the use of the Mines Adventurers. Mackworth was a most indefatigable man. Failing to get suflScient men for his collieries, his smelting houses, furnaces for smelting lead, copper, and for refining, he travelled into various counties to get the necessary number of hands. He laid down, 366 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, too, the lines for future ironmasters to follow in making provision for educating the children, and other duties ; and we are told that one William Williams, a schoolmaster of Neath, was employed at an allowance of ;^30 per annum to look after the instruction of the children of poor workmen. Sir Humphrey Mackworth, at this time, had ample means. He had property in Worcestershire and in Shropshire ; by his marriage with Mary, the daughter of Evans, of The Gnoll, he acquired estates in the counties of Monmouth and Glamorgan, and he also bought others, and sold one of his English estates for ;^5,ooo to pay for them. The vigorous enterprise and success of Mackworth gave him a prominence that aroused envy, and led to a good deal of slanderous statements and absolute persecution. He was charged with actual peculations as deputy-governor of the Mines Adventurers, and from their revenues defraying his expenses in connection with his Neath establishments. He was, however, able to disprove this, and he did it in a manly way which won him friends and disarmed opponents. He was able to show that a sum of ;^i4,840 had been carefully disbursed, and that upon all occasions he had dealt justly and honourably by the Company. The proof of his success was strikingly recorded in a minute of a committee of investigation : — •*That Sir Humphrey and his heirs male should be perpetual governors of the company after the death of the Duke of Leeds." Wages paid at Neath at that time — the reign of Queen Anne — ranged from 3s. to 26s. per week. In the silver houses good wages were paid, as only trusted men could be allowed. As for the collieries and other establishments, so long as labour was represented by muscular and enduring persons it was enough — they might be gaol birds, pirates, even murderers. This is shown at length in the ** History of the Coal Trade of Wales," and one cannot but reflect pleasantly that the condition of things nowadays is infinitely better than in any time of the past. The Romans worked their mines by the aid of slaves. Sir Humphrey was assisted by convicts, but in our day and generation the voluntary labour of iron and coal mine has been given by a well ordered community. The old iron-miners of Glamorgan 50 AND TINPLATE TRADES. 367 years ago were often men of sterling intelligence, and, if occa- sionally hard times made them tread closely on the borders of disloyalty, as is shown in the riotous and Chartist annals of certain districts, yet as a body, with fair and reasonable wage, they would compare favourably with those of an}^ industrial district in England. We could name men as old iron-miners who attained a fair distinction in the world of song, either as vocalists or composers, and many who left the iron mine for the pulpit, some to become famous. This by the way. In Queen Anne's reign a good deal of silver from Neath was sent to the Mint. In 1073 it was ordered that ores should be carried from Neath to Cardiganshire for smelting in the winter. So matters progressed, and we have every proof of a varied industry at Neath, of busy and occasionally prosperous times, one class of men engaged in smelting, others coaling, and not a few, as shown in an old diary, " making Flower Potts for Gloucester " ! THE QUAKERS. After Sir Humphrey's career we find little to relate until his grandson. Sir Herbert Mackworth, appeared. He became M.P. for Cardiff in 1768, 1774, and 1780, and died, honoured and respected, in 1792. In that year Sir Robert Mackworth, his son, married, but died two years later, when the title devolved upon his brother, Sir Digby. The estate, however, was devised to his widow, who married Capel Hanbury Leigh, of Pontypool Park, lord-lieutenant of Monmouthshire. GnoU Castle passed by purchase after this to Henry Grant, Esq., who became custodian of the castle, and was vested in the lordship of the borough ; but, after a few years the estate was again sold, and it may be stated that, by the transfer of the landed property to Capel Hanbury, and the establishment of Sir Digby at Glen Usk, in Monmouth- shire, where his descendants now remain, the connection of the Mackworths with Glamorganshire was ended. It is, however, not so many years ago that the name and lineage were worthily held in the person of Mr. Mackworth, Government Inspector of Mines, still remembered by some of the old colliery owners of Wales. The retirement of the Mackworth family from active 368 HISTORY OF THE IRON. STEEL. interest in coal and copper working did not bring about any marked cessation in the industries of Neath, for we find that there were several successors. Early in the century an old guide book gives a graphic description of the desolation at the Gnoll, and we are told, after a gloomy outline and reference to the Castle and banqueting room, that the only signs of life there are to be seen is an old woman seated on an eminence supplying tea. But in the same breath the information is given that there are extensive works for the manufacture of iron and copper. Two immense blast furnaces, we are told, produce 30 tons of pig iron every week, and another blast furnace is the property of Messrs. Raby. Then there were considerable copper works belonging to Roe and Co., of Macclesfield. For, even then, English interests were making their way, and Birmingham was not unrepresented in several quarters. It was left for a later day, for Elkington, of silver and electro-plate fame, to get a footing, held to this day, in the silver lead districts of Cardiganshire, near the famous ruins of Ystrad Meyric. After the time of the Mackworths, the chief notable man in iron-making in the immediate district was Pryce, who had various iron furnaces in several quarters, one in Ynyscedwin, the place where iron ore was first successfully treated with anthra- cite coal, at a time when the prevailing custom was to use charcoal. Pryce, of Longford Court, was a successful iron- master, and died about the middle of last century, leaving a large fortune to his widow and one son. Succeeding the squire of Longford Court came the noted Quakers from Cornwall, the Prices and the Foxes, and, dis- tinguished as had been the career of their predecessors, the prosperous time of these worthy men was the most prominent in the industrial history of the neighbourhood. The most remarkable feature about them is that an establishment that was brought up to a high point of efficiency did not continue to advance generation after generation in the same manner as the work established by the genius and perseverance of the Crawshays and the Guests. The only reason that can be urged why they did not is that the position of the place was not favourable for a full development of the chief branches of the AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 369 maker's industry, ship-building, and engine-making, and these slipped away to other quarters. The establishment of the Prices and Foxes was not an immense one. There were two blast furnaces for the making of iron from the ore, an iron foundry for casting the various parts of engine and mill work, and an engine manufactory. In later days, when the untiring energy and ability of the makers, combined with their personal repute, had won them a host of friends and customers, they supplied most of the growing needs of the Welsh ironworks ; and also in many parts of the country, as well as in foreign parts, their engines were to be seen, and were always noted with commendation. Engines constructed at Neath found their way into Cornwall ; and the Anglo-Mexican and Neal del Monte Mining Companies were indebted to them for pumping engines to enable them to drain their mines. Most of the early engines for maritime uses, as well as for locomotive and tramway purposes, came from Neath. The Works of the makers were more compact than extensive, and their staff of workmen more skilled than numerous. Compared with the thousands at Cyfarthfa and Dowlais, the Neath staff of 400 seemed small, but the "skilled" distinction made all the difference ; and the makers, by their purity of life, simplicity of living, rectitude of dealing, and giving honest work for the money, earned high repute. At Dowlais House and Cyfarthfa they were always welcome, and it was currently stated that they were instrumental in winning the favour of the most influential in the country, and by these means working out good results. In the time of Richard CraWvShay and of the early members of the Guest family, the occasional visits of the Quakers from Neath Abbey were always welcomed with interest. Neath Abbey Works turned out many excellent engineers. It was there notable men received their apprenticeship, for the maker's training, like his work, was honest, and to this day the reputation is maintained. 25 370 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI<, CHAPTER XXXVIII. BEITON FEEEY y^^ EAR to old Welshmen is the familiar old name of this C| \ place — Llansawel — now brushed away, except from \ F before old-fashioned people, by the modern industrial name of Briton Ferry. There was an ancient ferry at this place over the River Neath from the remotest time in the memory of the past generations ; but whether it was a relic of the ancient Briton or a corruption of Britton's Ferry, the name of a probable builder, cannot be stated. The ferry was a link with Swansea by way of the Cremlyn Burrows, and for a very long period — certainly from the beginning of industrial days. A writer nearly seventy years ago goes into raptures over the place. This was before the influences of copper smoke and tinplate working had become marked. ** Nothing can surpass the beauty," he writes, "of the sequestered spot, embosomed in hills of picturesque and romantic appearance, skirted by shady woods, fertile vales, and luxuriant meadows ; the scenery is strikingly beautiful and richly diversified." Such a place, appealing to the poetic mind, has naturally attracted many a celebrity from time to time. In addition to ** lolo " — and, of course, Southey — Mason and Gray are known to have occasionally visited at Baglan House, when the Rev. William Thomas, probably a college chum, resided there. Into this delightful retreat of poets and artists and wandering authors came the genius of Industry, who, as a rule, is guided more by practical sagacity than fancy. Coal to him is the loadstar. The early pioneers of the district, having made the discovery that coal was plentiful, turned it to account in the smelting of copper, which was had freely from the opposite coast, and from the Parys Mountains in North W ales. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 371 It was about 1853 that copper works were first started at Briton Ferry by a member of the firm of Bankart and Co., of Red Jacket Copper Works. These were in conjunction with Sweetland, Tuttle, and Co. Like the other pioneers, one great advantage that appeared to them was the ease with which coal could be obtained, the proximity of the place to the quarters whence ore could be had, and the train of benefits which accrued from being on the coast. Eventually Mr. Bankart retired from the firm, and was succeeded by Mr. Barclay, who became sole proprietor, and ended his connection by selling the works to the Cape Copper Mining Company. The venture of Bankart was widely imitated. The Port Tennant Copper Works, started about the same time, were built by Mr. Charles Lambert, an extensive mine owner and smelter of Chili. He had a large business in that country, but was desirous of having a settlement in this, and took lands near the East Pier, and immediate entrance to Swansea Harbour, from the Duke of Beaufort and Earl Jersey ; and it was there the extensive works were established, which, down to our day, under the direction of the son-in-law of Mr. Lambert, Mr. Edward Bath, enjoyed such a wide and well-deserved repute. Then, in i860, came Mr. Jennings on the scene from the Clyne Wood Works. He erected the Danygraig Copper Works, but copper smelting there was a secondary consideration, the ores specially purchased being those containing arsenic and sulphur, and, these being extracted, the remainder was " run down " for such copper as could be won. Messrs. Williams, Foster, and Co. bought up the, interest Mr. Jennings had in the Companj'-; but, Mr. I. M. Williams complaining of a clause in the lease requiring an extra £10 per annum for every copper furnace erected, the agreement for sale was cancelled, and the property became vested in Mr. Hadland, as sole proprietor and manager. In 1862 a return was once more made to the old copper works district on the Banks of the Tawe by the conversion of a pottery premises, previously in the ownership of Mr. Calland, near the South Wales Railway Via ^t Pembrey, by Mason and Elkington, in 1846. To Dr. Lane the credit is due of bringing the industry into the proper area of Swansea, though great credit must also be given to Gabriel Powell and his associates. Gabriel Powell was the agent of the Duke of Beaufort. The original works at Swansea were soon afterwards removed to Landore. They then passed into the hands of Lockwood, Morris, and Co., in 1727, and were removed to Forest. In 1847, an assay office was built at the then New Works, and about the same time an underground canal was formed, through which coal was brought for use into the works. These early changes and transformations associated with Dr Lane's Works have their explanation, and it is a sad one. Dr. Lane was son-in-law of Mr. Pollard, who was owner of considerable copper mines in Cornwall, but they both became infatuated with the South Sea Bubble of their day, which wrecked so many a prosperous man, and hence the decline of Dr. Lane and Pollard, and the coming upon the scene of Morris, the founder of the name, father of the first Sir John Morris, Bart., after whom Morriston is called, and with him was associated Richard Lockwood, and no other than Edward Gibbon, grandfather of Gibbon, the immortal historian of the •* Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." AND TINPLATE TRADES. 38 1 The first real movers for good in the Swansea district came from without. Carbery Price, by his energy in matters of coal and copper, gave a start ; Lockwood, Morris, and Co. followed ; next Mansel Phillips with his colliery, and then came Chauncey Townsend, who originated the coal trade on the Kilvey side of the Tawe, accompanied by one of the native population, a Mrs. Morgan, who, about the same time, had a colliery known as the Birchgroves. Mrs. Morgan in the Swansea Valley, and Mrs. Lucy Thomas in the Valley of Merthyr, were pioneers of the trade in their several districts, and gave an excellent start, though the development in both instances needed the lapse of time and able men at the head. Men "from without " and English capital — these were the essentials ; and, looking back to the annals of most of the Welsh districts, it is remarkable how much of these came from the great Metropolis. Crawshay, though of Yorkshire parentage, came in direct contact with Wales only after he had been for some time settled in London. Thompson, who was materially interested in several works on the hills, was a London alderman. Forman, one of the old ironmasters, was an ofiBcial of the Tower of London, and Chauncey Townsend, the Swansea pioneer, was an alderman of the City of London, and a man of ability and means. He was not content, having acquired a status in the City, to follow simply the routine of the corporation. He looked farther afield. One of the great needs of London in the last two centuries was coal, and the eyes of many a capitalist were directed towards Wales, from whence came rumours of coal- fields and iron measures such as no other part of the land could compare. It was these rumours enticed Alderman Townsend down to the West. Townsend made overtures to the Swansea widow, Mrs. Morgan, and began his long and prosperous career from that event and date. His beginning was also, like the others, very small. The sample of coal that went from Swansea W'as in a small bag of the proportions of a horse's nose-bag. His collieries — the Birchgroves — were for a long time on a small scale. He shipped the produce at White Rock in small bags, conveyed to that place from the collieries on the backs of mules and horses. 382 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, Townsend left his son-in-law, John Smith, one-fifth part of this colliery, and Smith, by steady work, in time acquired three other parts, which, in 1797, he, in turn, left to his sons, Charles and Henr^. Very few people of that time have handed down worthier records than the Smiths of Llansamlet. Charles Smith was one of the most popular of men. He was by no means built up on public lines. His nature was retiring. He was very- studious, a capital geologist, mastered the Welsh language thoroughly, was very humane and devout, and in his generosity freehanded. It was Charles Smith's fate to be early taken away. He was succeeded by his brother. He (Henry) married a daughter of Sir George Leeds, and a daughter of this marriage married Mr. George Byng Morris, son of Sir John Morris, of Sketty. THE MORRIS FAMILY. The founder of the Morris family came from North Wales in the early part of last century to Tredegar, and finally gravitated towards Swansea. He was of good old Welsh parentage, claiming descent from ** Owain Gwynedd," but, like many other descen- dants of princely lives, had to carve out his own fortune. He prospered, and built a mansion at Clasemont, and in 1806 was created a baronet, and as Sir John Morris, won considerable notice by the vigour and the ability he displayed. Sir John married a daughter of Viscount Torrington, and had two sons, John Armine and George Byng Morris. Sir John Armine married the daughter of R. Macdonald, Esq., and had five sons and four daughters. Captain Robert Armine Morris being the heir. The family residence, Sketty Park, commends itself to the lover of the fair homes of Wales, as well as to the antiquary, for here Lord Broke, descendant of Earl Warwick, resided for a time, though he left not the Norman halo which surrounded the famous Guy and Warwick Castle. THE DILLWYN FAMILY. The first of the name, as far as modem times are concerned, was Sir John Dillwyn, of Dillwyn, in the county of Hereford. The family removed in the seventeenth century to Llangors, AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 383 in Breconshire ; and in 1699 the ancestor emigrated to Phila- delphia, from which early in the last century a grandson returned with ample means, and settled at Higham Lodge, in the neighbourhood of London. The first Dillwyn connected with Swansea was L. W. Dillwyn, Esq., J.P., and D.L., who became high sheriff in 1818. His son, L. L. Dillwyn, took a very conspicuous part in the industries of Swansea, and was closely associated with Mr. C, Siemens in the formation of the Landore- Siemens Steel Company. Of this Company he was chairman, the directors including J. G. Gordon, Esq., J. Laird, and Mr. Siemens. Mr. Dillwyn married a daughter of the eminent geologist, H. de la Beche. In 1855 Mr. Dillwyn became M.P. for Swansea. In geological science he made his mark, and became a Fellow of the Geological Society. In military matters he was as energetic as in industries, and long held the position of major-commandant of the 3rd Glamorgan. He was also chairman of the Great Western Railway directors. The start of the new Company was not one of the most promising, as in the six months of working up to 1882, the result was a loss, allowing for depreciation of property of ;^4,887. In the course of its career Mr. Riley was associated with it, and good work was rendered. After a while the Company was turned into a limited company, as the South Wales Iron and Steel Company, which, for a brief time, had worked Hirwain after the retirement of Mr. T. C. Hinde, who left Hirwain for Onllwyn, which has now gone the fate of most of the early works, and is transformed into a flourishing brick works. The success of the Siemens' steel-plate at Landore had the effect of driving out the charcoal plate, which could not be produced at a price to compete. The next change at Landore was the occupation of the greater part by the indefatigable Com- pany, Colonel Wright and Butler, who likewise took Gowerton» employing collectively a large number of men. Another part of Old Landore was taken by the Mannesmann Tube Company, and up to the present time both hare been conducted with vigour. Wright and Butler, who had figured at Pantteg and Cwmavon, brought about a very different condition of things to that which had existed in the earliest notice of Landore, when it is stated 384 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, that it was worked by Sir John Morris, and consisted of one furnace. The most flourishing condition of the Company was about 1884, when a writer of the day, describing the Landore- Siemens Steel Company, stated that they employed upwards of 1,300 men, and had by far a greater number of furnaces than any other works in the United Kingdom, and intimated that it was at these works that the celebrated armour plates were wrought. THE BATH FAMILY. Memory re-calls with regret, as amongst the worthiest of the worthy men of Swansea, Charles Bath, who figured so long and ably with the leading townsmen, that when age had begun to tell upon sight and gait, there was a common wish expressed that Time would falter yet a little while ere claiming him for the inevitable fate. The Bath family were of Swansea and of Alltyferin, Carmarthenshire. Charles Bath was the younger son of the late Mr. Henry Bath, of Swansea. He held in high respect the position of a county magistrate. In his private life few men were more zealous Fellows of the Antiquarian Society, and Ffynone House was replete with indications, showing his bias in the direction of archaeology. By marriage he was connected with one of the oldest of the Glamorgan families, the Popkins, his wife being Emily Elizabeth, daughter and co-heiress of Mr. John Lucas Popkin. The Popkins were an ancient Glamorganshire family of Ynystawe and Forest, in which patrimonies they continued for many generations. One of the family is com- memorated at Llantwit Major, and from the monumental effigy it is conjectured that he was of princely rank. Mr. Charles Bath was imbued with the worthy endeavour to fan the military spirit of his district, feeling, with others of the industrial leaders, that the exposed position of the Welsh coast would tempt some day a force, as in 1794, to invade the country, when our coal and iron and steel riches would require measures of elaborate and vigorous defence. Hence his occupj-ing the po.st of captain of the 4th Glamorgan. In 1864 he became mayor of Swansea, filling the position with much credit. He was one of the proprietary AND TINPLATE TRADES. 385 trustees of the Swansea Harbour Trust. He was Knight of the Sardinian Order of SS. Maurice and Lazarus, and, in addition to other posts of local interest and usefulness, was an eflfective member of the Swansea School Board. Mr. Charles Bath was lost to his district in the very fulness of his mental vigour, arousing warmth of eulogy which indicated his usefulness and the unfailing respect of his contemporaries. THE MANSEL FAMILY. The Mansel family, as the predecessors at Margam, and their connection with Oxwich, Penrice, Margam Abbey, and Briton Ferry, cannot fairly be omitted from the list of men connected with the Swansea district, though, as regards the earliest members, not one of them could claim a Swansea parentage. One of the earliest comes before us without any designation of squire or knight, simply as plain Richard Mansel, who married Lucy, daughter of Philip Scurlage, lord of Scurlage Castle, the ruins of which are still traceable near Llandewi, in Gower. His son became Sir Hugh Mansel, Knight, and in the reign of Richard II. he married Isabel, daughter of Sir John Penrees, lord of Oxwich and other large possessions in Glamorgan- shire. So, like the Talbot branch, they came into the ownership of the broad lands of Glamorgan, not so much by the development of its mineral riches, or the creation of industrial establishments, like the Vivians, the Dillwyns, Brogdens, the Mackworths, as by the gentler and less adventurous mode of marriage. This Sir Hugh was the great-grandfather of Anthony Mansel, Esq., who was slain in the wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster, which absorbed Welsh bards and Welsh squires on one side or the other, and drained away the fighting elements of the country for a long time. The Mansels flourished for many generations until the reign of Henry VIII., when we find Sir Rice Mansel sheriflf of Glamorgan ; and in the reign of Phillip and Mary, he did similar service, having very likely on occasions as much unpleasant work to do in that capacity as falls even now to the lot of cer- tain officials. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, his descendant, 26 386 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., Sir Edward Mansel, held the position, followed by Sir Thomas Mansel, who also figured twice as sheriff in the reign of James. In the time of Charles I. we have one Henry Mansel, Esq., of Gower, recorded, and later Sir Lewis Mansel, Knight and Bart., of Margam, followed by Bussy Mansel, Esq., of Briton Ferry (the friend of Oliver Cromwell) who, with the post-loving nature of the Vicar of Bray, retains his dignity through the Common- wealth, and again in the Restoration, as we find him in 1660-1, still entered as sheriff, and for the county in 1680. In James II.'s reign Bussy is represented by Thomas Mansel, Esq., 1701, and under Anne in 1702-5. In George II. we find the Hon. Bussy Mansel, of Margam, afterwards Lord Mansel, M,P. for the county, 1737-41, vice Stradling, deceased; and this is the last appearance of heirs male. He was succeeded by his daughter, the Hon. Louisa Barbara, who figured at the beginning of the industrial epoch of the district, and granted a lease of land to Alderman Chauncey, of London, for the erection of the Middle Bank Copper Works, and not only did this, but gave a sum of ;^6oo towards their erection. The worthy lady was so satisfied that the works and development of the collieries would be of benefit to the estates that the lease was singularly moderate with respect to the annual rental. We read in the Act of certain parcels of land at the yearly rent of 35s., and other lands, containing in the whole about 15 acres, and still other lands containing about three acres, with liberty to dig earth and clay for making bricks for the purpose of making the new intended copper smelting and refining houses, paying yearly the sum of three pounds five shillings for the same ! It is at this juncture that the males of the old Mansel race disappear from the stage. Bussy was the last Lord Mansel, and the Briton Ferry estates passed, by the marriage of Barbara Mansel, to George, second Lord Vernon, whom she married in 1757. Barbara died in 1786 without surviving issue. The Margam property, in default of heirs male, passed to the second son of Mary, youngest daughter of Sir Thomas Mansel, by her husband, J. Ivony Talbot, Esq., of Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire. This brings us to the notice and contemplation for a brief space of the late Mr. Talbot, "father of the House of Commons," who AND TINPLATK TRADES. 387 was the lineal descendant. He was the eldest son of Thomas Mansel Talbot, Esq., of Margam Park, J. P. and D.Iy. for the county of Glamorgan, and sheriflf for the county in 1781, by the I^dy Mary Lucy, daughter of the Earl of Ilchester. He was born at Penrice, Swansea, May 10, 1803, educated at Harrow and Oriel College, Oxford, graduated B.A. in 1824, first-class in mathematics, succeeded 1824, married 1835 to Lady Charlotte Butler, sister to the Earl of Glengall. She died 1846, and had issue one son and three daughters. It was a sad event for that part of Glamorgan when Theodore Mansel Talbot died, as his genial nature would unquestionably have wrought great things in aid of the industries of the Margam estates. Few men were more sociable, and his usefulness in the ranks of Freemasonry, of which he was Grand Master for the Division, was much appreciated. The blow to Mr. Talbot by the death of his son was acute, yet he bore it with the outward calmness, at all events, of the philosopher. But who can say how it stayed the hand of enterprise, and checked the active brain in its action for great results ? He had an idea at one time of docking the whole extent of the coast from Port Talbot to Neath, but it was never carried out. To the outer world he was the landlord of many acres, lord-lieutenant of Glamorgan from 1848, patron of no less than five livings, and what with his manorial and Parliamentary duties his time was fully absorbed. He had to pay the penalty which men who live to a great age pay of surviving nearly all his friends and finding himself almost alone in the world. It is fortunate for the fame of his race and the good of his district that his successor, his daughter, has added another first-class port to the Bristol Channel, and is developing the estate with a vigour and an ability never before exhibited in that part of Glamorgan. THE VIVIANS— FOUNDATION OF THE FAMILY. The preceding centuries were the times when the founders of great industries began their exploration: one in search of wood, like the Sussex men ; of coal, like the Londoners ; of iron, like the Yorkshiremen and men of the Midlands. The fact must 388 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, be accepted, as one of those strange links connecting the mental and the physical world, that there is a periodic impulse in the life of a people now and then to seek fresh woods and pastures new. We have had many, from the rush of "West- ward Ho ! " in search of Spanish galleons on to the gold and diamond rushes of later days. In the case of Swansea, the impulse came from the opposite coast. Swansea was known to be a good field for industrial enterprise, with its large and accessible coalfield, and to the people of the opposite coast, from Ilfracombe downwards, until the mountain lands of Wales became more cloud-like, and eventually were lost in the haze, the idea was that it was a land of corn and honey, such as once fell on the delighted gaze of the Israelite. From its proximity to Cornwall, many a wayfarer thence had found his way — men of peaceful merchandise pursuits ; others who sought their booty on the coasts or on the sea. One of the early ones of the former class, who sought to start an industry in a quiet, unpretending way, was John Vivian, who found himself, his voyage ended^ looking thoughtfully at the small works of Penclawdd, where a little copper smelting was being done by an English adventurer named Doyley. Who Doyley was is unknown. John Vivian, from the middle of the past century, was associated with others, trading under the name of Cheadle and Co. John Vivian was the managing partner. He had come of a good old Cornish stock at Truro, and had means at command which enabled him to purchase ore freely in Cornwall and convey it to the Welsh coast to be smelted. He was, like most of the old pioneers, an unpretending and eminently practical man, who went about his duties with the directness and perseverance of the bee, disclaiming altogether the diversions of the butterfly. When he saw that the trade was likely to prove successful, he did a wise thing, and sent his son, John Henry, to Germany, the great home of the metallurgists of his day, there to be instructed in the art and mysteries of the profession. He knew that it was from Germany had come the practical workers in metals, both in the time of Queen Elizabeth and King James, and that to be well grounded in the art of metallurgy by such men was a surety for eventual success. John Henry Vivian went, studied hard, and AND TINPLATE TRADES. 389 returned ; and the next we hear is of the declining years of the old pioneer John, who quietly passes out of note in the Welsh world, returning in all probability to Truro, while his two sons, the John Henry named and Richard Hussey Vivian, made approaches to the Duke of Beaufort and the Earl of Jersey for acquiring lands by which a start could be made in founding the celebrated Works of Hafod. There was little difficulty in acquiring the land ; and as soon as the Works were ready, the brothers sent over to Germany for the assistance of a well-trained chemist, Mr. G. B. Hermann, as part of the staflf at Hafod. He initiated the course, afterwards successfully followed by others, in having a laboratory and well-trained assistants as part of the establishment. The Works were begun in i8ro; and as early as 1812, when he held the position of managing partner, he offered a reward of ;^i,ooo to anyone who would invent or suggest a cure for the copper smoke nuisance. This offer tempted some of the leading chemists of the day, notably Professor Michael Faraday, who, in conjunction with Professor Phillips, made an elaborate series of experiments, without, however, obtaining any success. It was fated that the population on the banks of the Tawe should suffer and be — strong ; medical science asserting that, deleterious as the smoke was to vegetable life, mankind, apart from the olfactory nerves, suffered no evil consequences from the smoke, but rather otherwise. It was long maintained that it insured long life ! The efforts to do away with the smoke nuisance were continued unremittingly for a number of years; and amongst others. Sir Humphrey Davy, to whom every collier is indebted to this day for his invaluable safety lamp, took a personal interest in the subject ; but little was really done until thought- ful minds began to discover that it was possible, not only to destroy a nuisance, but out of its burial, so to state, get sub- stanial good. And thus it came about that in a later day super- phosphate manures were won from the dreaded copper smoke, and poetic retribution was brought about by the enrichment of land which had long suffered from its ravages. Hafod, before the copper smoke nuisance attained its full power, was one of the most delightful spots. The songsters of the woods revelled there, and the youth and beauty of Swansea 390 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., went forth morning and evening to the spot, enjoying the delights of Nature, and regaled with the healthful sea breezes, laden with ozone, which haunted the scene. No wonder that, as the Works multiplied and extended, and the dense sulphurous clouds covered the district, thousands groaned for relief and even questioned the wisdom of the State remaining inert while the land and the people suffered. The Vivians, having done their best to mitigate it, spared no means in pushing on their industry, and no one was a bolder worker than John Henry Vivian ; in fact, John Henry Vivian became the recognised power. His brother, the elder of the two, had war-like aims, and early left his brother to himself, while he entered the Service. He advanced, greatly distinguished himself by his deeds in the Peninsular War, and was made a baronet, Then he had an important command in Ireland, and, on retiring eventually, was created a peer of the realm as Lord Vivian of Glyn. In the Vivian race the strong vitality, the indomitable perserverance and ability inherited ensured distinction in any and every pursuit. John Henry Vivian^s path lay amidst the less troubled affairs of manufacture and mining. As a chemist he had to war with obstinate earths and metals, and from the furnace win substantial success. In mining, too, he had to play his part, not only in conflict with the powers of the under world, but with the no less troubled spirits of his miners, who had their wage grievances, and still more disturbing political questions, which at one time, under the Chartist era, threatened another civil war. Quiet, philosophic, he grappled all with thorough mastery, and not only became one of the first industrial leaders of his time, but figured in connection with several learned societies, and for six successive Parliaments represented the boroughs of Swansea, Neath, Aberavon, and districts in Parliament, and, though the scientific man rarely figures in the arena of debate, there is no doubt that he, like many others of his class, rendered invaluable aid in Committees. This, great as it was, was out of all comparison with his services to his district. Hafod became renowned all over the world for its extent and variety of manufacture. Foreigners of all ranks came there to see, as far as was politic to exhibit, the various processes, and the Cadet Classes from Woolwich annually went for instruction AND TINPLATE TRADES. 39I in metallurgy, where it was dispensed with more ability than anywhere else in the country. Mr. John Henry Vivian was one of the earlier members of the Geological Society, and he was also an honoured member of the Royal Society. In the " Philoso- phical Transanctions" of that learned body we have the paper he wrote on copper smelting, which gained him the position of F.R.S. . and proved how thoroughly he had turned his German tuition and the long practical labours that followed to account. Such was the amiability of his character that when he died, in 1855, though he had attained the good age of 76, the loss was keenly felt, and during the life of his generation few memories were more fondly preserved. After his death a bronze statue was erected to his memory in Guildhall Square, and on the solid pedestal of Cornish granite, the long tribute to his worth ends with, " Universally lamented." THE METALIvURGICAL KING— LORD SWANSEA. Born at Singleton Abbey, in 182 1, he was first educated at Eton, and then entered Trinity College, Cambridge, and at both gave good proofs of his ability. He was only 31 years of age when the family interest at Truro, coupled with his own predilec- tions, pointed to his representing that place in Parliament. He was duly returned, and remained its representative for five years ; but long before this period, the great expansion of the Vivian interest in Glamorgan suggested that his proper place was to come forward for Glamorganshire, amongst the new life and grave interests growing day by day into importance. In making this decision, he indicated the bent of his character. He had youth on his side, keen intellect and sympathies with the thoughtful and vigorous manhood of England. In this respect, without being so profound an educationalist as Mr. Bruce, afterwards Lord Aberdare, he yet showed many characteristics in common. Mr. Bruce was a believer in the mechanics institutes as forming the nursery of public men. So was Vivian. Vivian retired from the representation of Truro, to the lasting regret of his generation, and came forward, in company with Mr. Talbot, for Glamorgan. The issue of the contest was the return 392 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI., of Talbot and Vivian as the two members for Glamorgan, a partnership destined to be of long duration during momentous times. Behold, then, Vivian by this time fully engaged in tin- works and collieries, and now joint representative of the best interests of his district. Swansea possesses one great advantage over colliery towns, tinplate towns, and agricultural towns in the number and variety of its industries. There are many large centres in Wales which are in the hands of one man, or a few, and the collapse of these invariably brings about the desolation, sometimes the ruin, of the district. Twenty or thirty places might be named in Glamorgan alone where the old picture of thriving prosperity has been changed for stagnation, or worse- Even up to the middle of the last century Swansea was noted for the variety of its exports and imports. Sir H. H. Vivian, as we must now term him, though the title was only given in 1870, held the high position of being the distinctive head of the Swansea Industries, and, aided by his brother of Taibach as well, Morfa Works became under his direction the goal of all scientific metallurgists. His copper, silver, nickel, and spelter works were of great proportions, employing large numbers, and feeding, indirectly, the township. Then his chemical works were extensive, and no one laboured more assiduously in adding to them b)'' utilising the copper smoke, which for so long a time had been the bane of the district. In this, as mentioned, his father, Mr. J. H. Vivian, had for years laboured earnestly, but it was after Mr. H. H. Vivian's return as Member of Parliament for Glamorgan that tangible results were brought about. It was his belief that the smoke could be converted into a superphosphate manure, a kind of chemical retribution, as was observed at the time, which very few would hare even dreamt of a few years before. Upon this head, Colonel Grant Francis had written in the ** Cambrian " newspaper a long and eloquent appeal . Referring to a new process invented by a German, Mr. Moritz Gerstenhoper, he said, " May we hope to see the valley again compare with our lovely bay ? Can Nature again recover her lost position ? Can our hills once more be with verdure clad ? It will, I feel assured, be admitted that these are most interesting questions to us as Swansea folk. If our atmosphere could be AND TINPLATE TRADES. 393 pure, if our naked hills could be clothed with grass, and our cattle once more graze and fatten thereon, who could complain ? And, if this consummation devoutly to be wished could not only be brought about, but, at the same time, bring profit to the copper smelters, then, indeed, we should hare cause for common congratulation and rejoicing.*' To IfOrd Aberdare, in conjunction with Sir W. T. Lewis and Sir George Elliot, we must give unqualified praise for the Imperial laws which regulate the working of our collieries ; to Sir W. T. Lewis the credit for the various local enactments which his practical knowledge enabled him so well to suggest and see carried out ; to him, also, for bettering the colliers' lot in devising the Sliding Scale which gave the collier an interest in the advancing price of coal, and for the elaboration of the Miners* Fund, which gave relief to widow and orphans in the event of regrettable fatal accident, and yielded a provision to the collier who was injured in following his calling ; but Sir H. H. Vivian, afterwards Lord Swansea, was pre-eminently the champion of Welsh coal, in bringing its special merits first before the House of Commons, and afterwards under the notice of the Admiralty. This is shewn .n detail in the ** History of the Coal Trade." CLOSING YEARS OF LORD SWANSEA. When simply plain Mr. H. H. Vivian, with all his distinctions yet to win, he was one of the most energetic of men in advocacy equally of the colliers' welfare as of the superior value of Welsh coal. This regard for the colliers was shown in one of his speeches in defence of the double shift, which the late Mr. John Nixon — one of the veterans of early industrial days in Wales — introduced into Wales. Two notable events in the life of the metallurgical king followed one another in rapid sequence. In 1882 he was created a baronet ; in 1883 he subscribed ;^i,ooo to the University College at Cardiff". Many a time the dignities of knight and baronet have been conferred for political services, but in the case of such men as Sir H. Vivian the distinction was well earned and bravely 394 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, won ; and when to knighthood baronetcy was added, the general sentiment was one of satisfaction, even by his political foes. In 1884 the foundation-stone of the Free Library was laid at Swansea, and in 1887 this admirable institution was opened by Mr. Gladstone, .who on the occasion became the guest of Sir H. Vivian, Bart. It was a red-letter day for Swansea. Bay and shore were alive, and as hearty an enthusiasm was exhibited as on the memorable day in 1881, when King Edward, then the Prince of Wales, opened the dock called after the name of the heir to the throne of Great Britain. This was one of the few known visits of Gladstone to South Wales. It should be noted that in 1883 took place the formation of the important company of H. H. Vivian and Co. (Limited). The directors were Sir H. H. Vivian, Bart., M.P., who acted as chair- man, and with him were associated Mr. G. W. Campbell, Mr. G. W. Hastings, M.P., Mr. T. Lea, M.P., Mr. R. W. Lindsay, managing director at Birmingham ; Mr. W. J, Lloyd, and Mr. E. Merry, managing director at Swansea; secretary, Mr. R. Lidgey, 9, Queen's Place, E.C., London. The particulars of registration will give a good idea of the form and variety of the Company's interests : — To take over as from July, 1882, the nickel and cobalt works at Swansea, German silver and brass rolling mills at Birmingham, and the nickel mine and smelting works at Senjen, in Norway. The subscribed capital was ;^36o,ooo. With all his multifarious occupations, the King of Metallurgy never lost sight of the best methods for lessening, if not doing away with, the copper smoke, though a recent visit to Swansea shows that the port yet retains, from one industry or another, the prerogative of being the most smoky district in South Wales. There is little more ^to be added in depicting the mental characteristics and the salient traits and incidents of the lad who came fresh from his German schools as Harry Vivian, who won his knighthood as Sir H. H. Vivian, then his baronetcy, and in 1892 was elevated to the peerage under the designation of Lord Swansea, when a banquet, numerously attended by the intellect. AND TINPI.ATE TRADES. 395 the rank, and the wealth of the district, was accorded him, and eulogium after enlogium testified to the work of his career, then, sad to state, almost at its close. To reflective men, few regrets we imagine were deeper than when the unambitious John H. Vivian, his father, passed away. But there was one John Vivian for whom we have still stronger regards — the founder of the family, referred to in copper history as Old John — he who came from his Cornish home in the i8th century, and was associated with Cheadle, who had made his mark at Penclawdd. He retired early in the last century, leaving the family name in worthy care. For himself his dream had been to establish a business, buying ores in Cornwall, smelting them in Swansea, and he had prospered and was content. It was for others to raise the monument upon the plain and unadorned foundation he had laid. Homeliest of men, like most of the founders, the first Guest, the first Crawshay, Anthony Hill, Wayne, he had coveted no greater boon than the successful launching of his enterprise, and Time, which has seen so many a good ship go dowa, realised his dream, and brought his good ship safely into harbour. The Vivian interests are still pre- dominant, and a great population thrives upon the industries they have founded. With a few more notices of Swansea men we pass on. Colonel Philip Jones is too notable a Swansea man to be excluded. He was the founder of his family, and was born at Swansea in 1618. He was the son of David Johnes, who was son of Philip Johnes, grandson of John ap Rhys, of the line of Bleddyn ap Maenarch, Lord of Brecknock. Thus he came of a valiant stock, and, when Parliament became pitted against the Crown, joined the Parliamentary forces, and was Governor of Swansea in 1645, the year when Bussy Mansel, of Briton Ferry, was made Commander-in-chief of the Glamorgan forces, under General Fairfax. Colonel Jones had the tact to labour well in the cause of Cromwell. Doubtless he had the inborn desire with which Milton credits one of his distinguished characters, of "ruling "somewhere rather than ** serving/* and as governor of the port of Swansea, and confessedly an able man, soon attracted notice and won reward. In 1648 he had a concession from 396 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEKI.» Cromwell of Forest Isha, on the Tawe, for a small rental of £30. According to his historian, he was second on the list of Com- missioners for the Better Propagation of the Gospel in Wales. He was several times returned to Parliament. To show his popularity, after representing Monmouthshire in 1654, he had a double return for Breconshire and Glamorganshire in 1665, but chose the latter. He was then raised to Cromwell's House of Peers, and made Comptroller of the Household. At the Res- toration he retired quietly from the vigorous pursuits of his prime ; and it was a fair proof that he had not been regarded as a violent partisan of the Protector that no one disturbed his seclusion, but rather left him with some fragment of dignity in the form of Custos Rotulorum. He served, too, as high-sheriff in the reign of Charles II. Of course, he had enemies ; few men who attain and hold posts of importance are without them ; and a very dastardly attempt was made to show that he had abused his position of trust — was, in fact, guilty of peculation. These attempts signally failed. He died in 1674 at Fonmon, and was buried at Penmark. By his wife, Jane Price, he left a son and heir, called after the Protector. Oliver Jones, Esq., of Fonmon Castle, was sheriff for Glamorgan in 1684. His son, Robert, was M.P. for Glamorgan in 1729. His son Robert was sheriff for Glamorgan in 1729. His son, again Robert, by his second wife Joannah, daughter of Edmund Lloyd, Esq., of Cardiff, had, with other issue, two sons, Robert and Oliver. Robert died unmarried, and the estate passed to a nephew, the late Robert Oliver Jones. Oliver Thomas Jones, the elder, who was born in 1776, entered the Army, and became lieutenant-general under the famous Sir John Moore, of Peninsula fame, one of the im- perishable heroes for ever blended with the martial fame of his country. The nephew, Robert Oliver Jones, whose son worthily succeeded him, won the lasting regard of his generation by the exhibition of very estimable qualities in all the positions of life that he filled. As chairman of quarter sessions he was the unmoved administrator of law and the dispenser of equity. Notice of Colonel Jones recalls Geo. Grant Francis, Esq., of Swansea. Colonel Francis was a Swansea boy, born there AND TINPLATE TRADES. 397 January 14, 1814, son of Mr. John Francis. Colonel Francis has been one of the most indefatigable of men. For many years he was hon. secretary for South Wales to the Society of Antiquaries, London, and likewise took a leading part in the formation of the Cambrian Archaeological Association. He materially assisted Mr. Dillwyn in his contributions towards a History of Swansea, and when the British Association met at Swansea in 185 1 he was appointed by them secretary to its department of ethnology. One of his ablest and most useful works was a history of copper smelting in Glamorganshire, 1867. Colonel Francis was author of a history of Neath and its Abbey, of Swansea Grammar School, of Charters granted to Swansea, memoirs of Sir Hugh Johnnys, Knight, of the Lordship of Gower, and monographs on Welsh history. This did not fill tip the measure of an eventful life. He was as warmly attached to the Volunteer movement as he was to archaeology, and it was principally by his endeavours that the ist Glamorgan Artillery Corps was raised. In 1859 the corps presented him with a sword of honour as a mark of its esteem and regard. He may fitly be called also the founder ol the Royal Institution of South Wales. There he brought together a very large and varied collection of fossils, illustrative of the stractifications of the district, as well as of others of general interest. In all ethnological inquiries the collector was at home, and the proceeds of years of research, forming his own private collection at Cae Bailey, was in the most undemonstrative manner given to the Institution. His collection of works on Wales was up to the formation of the Cardiff Library, which acquired the fine collection of Jones of Rotherhithe, acknowledged to be the best extant. The collection of works was catalogued by the Colonel. The town council entrusted him with the restoration of their Records, a work so well done that it called forth a warm eulogium from Lord Chief Justice Campbell in the Court of Queen's Bench. He was active in restoring to public use the ancient Grammar School of Bishop Gore, of which he was for many years chairman, and continued during his life one of the trustees. It is not often that one finds one man uniting the eminently poetical with the eminently practical, or linking the hobbies and 398 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI*, delights of an antiquary with the very material interests of docks and harbours. It was chiefly owing to him that a port was erected at the Mumbles for the protection of the shipping and the harbour, and in the restoration and preservation of the ruins of Oystermouth Castle, one of the many ancient ruins pertaining to the noble house of Beaufort, he was so successful that a piece of plate was presented to him in commemoration. In the year 185 1, he was selected to represent the Swansea district as local commissioner in the Great Exhibition, and he filled a like office in connection with the National Crimean Fund. He outlived all his contemporaries. The list of Swansea men connected with the industries of the neighbourhood would not be complete if we omitted Arthur Pendarves Vivian, Esq., of Glanafon, brother of the late I^ord Swansea, and associated with him ; and William Graham Vivian, Esq., of Clyne Castle, also a brother and a large employer of labour. Next, James Walters, Esq., of Ffynone, owner of iron- works and collieries, and a Swansea boy, a son of the late Thomas Walters, Esq., and proprietor of the Ffynone estate. The Richardson family, in addition, have for a long time figured in important positions at Swansea from the time of John Richardson, Esq., J. P., who came of a Durham family, and settled in Glamorgan early in the last century. Like Lord Swansea, he was thrice married. The eldest son of John Richardson, Esq., formerly of Durham, was John Crow Richardson, Esq., of Pantygwydir, Glamorgan, and of Glanbrydan Park, Carmarthen. He was mayor of Swansea rS6o-r, and for several years was conspicuous in most of the industrial and the military functions ot Swansea. AND TINPLATE TRADES. 399 CHAPTER XLI. OAEMAETHEXSHIRE lEON" WOEKS AND ME. EABY. ^4^ ^R- RABY appears, in addition to taking an active part in •jy f the Carmarthenshire Iron Works, to have had an r^^ interest in works in the Neath district, and to have been a prominent pioneer of the coal workings in Carmarthenshire. In connection with the Works at Llanelly, he and several others who were associated with him constructed a tramroad, which figured amongst the earliest of the kind, from the furnaces to Mynydd Mawr, where extensive iron mines were opened in the carboniferous shale formation. His first essay at iron-making at Llanelly was with charcoal ; and so long as the extensive woodlands of the district lasted they did well, though the Company were heavily handicapped by the expensive arrangements which had been entered into. When the coalfield in which Mr. Raby was interested was opened out, some degree of benefit followed. In 1817, he opened anthracite collieries in the Gwendraeth Valley. It was Mr. Raby, associated with Mr. Simons, the father of the late Mr. William Simons, of Merthyr, who erected the first steam engine ever used for raising coal in that valley ; and we may be assured that no event in their history had ever taken place so fraught with interest as the appearance of steam power in relief or aid of that of human muscles and horse power. The coal worked by Raby and Simons was sent down by the tramway for exportation at Llanelly, though a great deal found favour in the immediate district for domestic use, and was to be found as far afield as Carmarthen, Lampeter, and New- castle Emlyn, in rivalry with the peat which abounds in great tracts up to the old collegiate institution of Ystrad Meyric. 400 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, Whether the works of Raby were before their time or not, the use of pit coal, and especially anthracite, being only in experimental employment, sufficient that the iron venture did not pay, and from the little nursery of men he had trained up, the most skilled gravitated down at times to the Glamorgan districts. Amongst these was the father of Mr. Bowser, one of the founders of the Whittington Life Insurance Company in London. "Old Bowser," as he was called, was one of the principal men in connection with Raby, and was held in great repute ; and, with the decline of the Gwendraeth Works, appears to have looked out for fresh woods and pastures new. Bowser made his appearance at Cyfarthfa, leaving Raby to go into copper works and coal works, and at Cyfarthfa formed a partnership with Anthony Bacon and James Cockshutt, Esq. With the fading of an iron venture at Llanelly, Mr. Raby entered into partnership with some of the copper miners, and for a time was linked with the time-honoured names of Nevill, Druce, and Co., whose works were under the management of Mr. Richard Nevill. It is not too far back for us to remember the fortunes of the Nevill family, as they appeared a few years ago. Here it suffices to mention that Nevill, who was a man of great energy and ability, was only then coming into power, and had his future, and a distinguished one, before him. Mr. Raby seems to have been a philosophic student after the kind of Mr. Anthony Hill, for when he was in association with the Nevills in copper working it occurred to him, not as with Anthony Hill to get iron out of copper, but to separate an amalgam of copper and iron when fused. He went to work with a quantity of cannon, which was ojffered for sale by the Government after the peace of Amiens, and succeeded in treating the amalgam success- fully. Still, this did not stave off the fateful hour for long ; it only delayed slightly the storm which sooner or later was to wreck Raby's fortunes and condemn him to exile from the district to which he had formed a strong and lasting regard. Raby was held in great favour by all men interested in the iron industry of Wales, and there is in Smiles' excellent biography a testimony from the hand of Mr. Cort, who had as much to do in the successful development of the iron trade by AND TINPLATE TRADES. 40t his invention of puddling as any man who has built up our now colossal iron world. Smiles states :— " One of the best authorities in the iron trade of the last century was Mr. Raby — like many others, at first entirely sceptical as to the value of Cort's inven- tion ; but he had no sooner witnessed the process than with manly candour he avowed his entire conversion to his views." Failing in iron and coal, failing again in copper, and seeing the bulk of his once great fortune taking wings and fleeing away, Mr. Raby decided, as the autumn of life was coming on and the energies of life were lessening, to retire while he still had a little left, and leave to others the great work he had so well carried out as a pioneer for the district in the development of its industries, though with so much misfortune to himself. He appears to have gone to Somersetshire, at Burcott House, near Wells, and was to be met now and then in the streets of Bath. In March, 1835, came the end, at the ripe age of 88, and in the ancient city of Wells he lies buried. His wife, who long pre- deceased him, was buried at Llanelly ; and for some time his son lived at Brynmor, interested in the industries of the neigbour- hood up to the year 1856. 27 402 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, CHAPTER XLII. SIR JOHN JONES JENKINS. WHILE sketching the various tinplate works of Mon- mouthshire and South Wales, the social life of the people, and incidents of progress, no mention, or but slight, has been made of the men who have come to the front, and followed in the track of the pioneers. Hence, before closing our notice of this important industry, in common justice reference must be made to the modern leaders, by whose untiring efforts so much substantial benefit has been enjoyed by the thousands of tinplate workers. Of such men we have an excellent representative in Sir John Jones Jenkins, who won his knighthood upon the occasion of the visit of the King, then Prince of Wales, to Swansea at the opening of the new docks, and received the coveted distinction from the hand of her late Majesty at Windsor Castle, May 17th, 1882. On this occasion a facile poet, under the cognomen of "A Swansea Boy," thus gave expression to the prevailing fe«ling : — " Honours deserved by honourable worth Bring greater honour than a titled birth, And titles won by sterling merit stand The rarest gifts a Sovereign can command. Proud is the name a ruler can bestow When titles to deserving goodness go, And proud the city that through worthy sons Sees itself honoured by its citizens." The Tinplate King has the merit of the old ironmasters, who invariably learnt from practical experience the work and duties they expected their men to do. Just as Sir John Guest was AND TINPLATE TRADES. 403 reputed to have worked well at the rolls, and Robert Crawshay at the puddling furnace, so Sir John Jenkins is credited with a thorough knowledge of every detail of the tinplate manufacture ; and this knowledge has aided him in taking up the position he has as an authority in the trade. That trade during a part only of his active career had grown to most important dimensions. In 1877, the total shipments of tinplates from the Swansea district only amounted to 10,994 tons; by 1884 they totalled 106,998 tons ; despatch from Swansea, second week February, 1903, nearly 118,000 boxes. To Sir John, as one of the builders up of a notable reputation, the district has shewn a lively sense of its gratitude. He early took an active part in the Corporation, was made alderman, and for three times filled with much credit the position of mayor. His return as a member of Parliament for the borough of Carmarthen, first suggested by friends, and not from any ambitious desire of figuring in the House of Commons, was carried out with a great degree of popular enthusiasm, though opposed by one who was regarded with a good deal of favour. The reception of the Prince of Wales on the occasion of the opening of the new dock was an event in Swansea history not soon to be forgotten ; and the honour of knighthood which followed was very acceptable to Sir John's numerous friends, and by the town generally. The worthy knight had the distinction of deputy-lieutenant also granted to him. He was chosen one of the proprietary trustees of the Swansea Harbour Trust, made a borough magistrate, and from time to time has filled many positions of note, as well as usefulness. In social life Sir John has always been a personality. He is a power with Friendly Societies. He is a member of the " Perseverance " I^odgeofthe Philanthropic Institution, and on the occasion of his initiation was accom. panied by a large number of the leading merchants and tradesmen of Swansea. He is also connected with another useful Society — the Shepherds — and nearly fifty years ago became a member of the Oddfellows. 404 HISTORY OP THE IRON. STEEI,, CHAPTER XLIII. VISIT TO A MOEEISTOK WOEKS. INSTEAD of wearying the reader with a long list of dates and figures, which only possess a soul, so to state, in their collective form, come, mentally, to a compact works, and see the process of tinplate-making. You will lose a good deal by the mental trip in the working of well-kept machinery and the dexterity of workers ; but there will be also some gains, notably the absence of the smell of the chemical mixtures in use, which, at an earlier date than the present, literally turned up all the fish in the streams flowing near the works, alter- ing the fresh colour of running water to a heavy yellow, in which no life could remain. One is impressed, at the first glance into the works, at the number of girls and women about. In the steel works, by furnaces and mills, the solitary representative of womankind is, perhaps, one or two brushing the corners, or waiting, with jack and basket, the workman's finish at his turn to have his dinner. Here they meet you in a variety of ways Note one, following the first process. The first is the selection of steel bars — formerly it used to be iron bars— from the heap, all cut into suitable lengths. These are put into the furnace, which has been brought up to a good heat, and when the bars indicate by their redness that the desired heat has been gained they are handed over to the roller, who passes each piece several times between the ** roughing rolls," the catcher at the other side seizing them and handing them back. No one need wonder at the dexterity shown by the Welsh in ball playing as they watch this performance ; the quick grip of one, followed by that of the other. The catcher hands back each over the top roll, and this bye-play goes on until the necessary size is gained, when the pieces are re-placed again in the furnace for the purpose of regaining the heat that has been lost. This done, the martyr- dom of the plate goes on again, through and over the rolls, until AND TINPLATE TRADES. 405 the experienced eye sees that the right size has been gained . Then comes on the doubler, who doubles the two ends of each plate together like a muflBn, flattening the piece under the squeezer, without diminishing the size. In this stage the pieces of steel are known as doubles. They are then changed into the second or finishing furnace, and, while this is going on, the thick iron furnace gets another relay of rough bars for putting them through their paces. There is little or no time lost. Time is money, and one stage of completion is brought closely up to the heels of the second. When the doubles are heated, the pieces are again extended, a second doubling is performed, and the uneven ends are cut off by the shears. Solid steel is, in fact, at this stage treated with the ease of calico, the shears acting as dexterously as the scissors in cutting off the frayed ends. The steel is now called " fours." Now comes the packing, and once again they are put into the furnace ; once more the game of ball goes on at the rolls, until the desired length is attained, and then they are known as " eights." One special point must not be omitted, that in every case after two or more thicknesses of doubled plates have been rolled together, it is customary in every instance to separate them before re-heating, care being taken to replace the pieces in position in the pack. This avoids welding of the surfaces, and makes it easier to finally separate them. It need scarcely be added even to the least acquainted with tinplate working that a good deal of ability is required at each stage in carrying out the processes with the least possible loss of the raw material. The competent worker, if given a bar of certain weight, knows that by careful manipulation it can turn out so many sheets. It is here that long practical knowledge comes in, and when all the conditions are right in the opinion of the roller, the pieces are placed on trolleys for conveyance to the finishing shears, and when cool are cut by the shearer into the size of the order in hand. Now, we come to the action of the girls, and at the Morriston Works it was remarkable with what dexterity they laboured. Slender girls some of them ; some, too of the old-fashioned school, who appeared to have slipped from young girlhood into woman- hood without any of that interesting epoch when a little of life's 406 HISTORY. OP THE IRON, STEKI., romance is enjoyed. Rather sad, thoughtful faces, to whom the whirl of the rolls was the monotonous over-ruling sound of life* and who had learned the table of troubles and sorrows without any blending of sunshine. Such was the idea presented by one face of a thoughtful worker. This girl-woman had a leather apron and two leather gloves, and the ease with which she seized upon a plate, struck it a blow, and ripped it into sheets, was wonderful. Layer after layer came off just like stripping one vegetable layer from another, instead of tough steel. This per- formance, before the lining process, is one of the most interesting, but in all likelihood, it is doomed, in turn with many processes of handicraft. The machine which Mr. Hammond thinks has a big future, has been invented by Messrs. Williams and White for operating on the plate, and systematically producing sheets of black plate, as it is called. The machine, one learns, consists of two pairs of rolls, all driven at the same degree of speed. Between the first and second pair of rolls is placed a waved guide, consisting of hard, smooth, chilled iron plates. These plates are firmly held at a proper distance from each other, and the guide formed by the two plates is firmly;;held in position between the two pairs of rolls. The action of the machine, which is to take, and in many cases has taken, the place of the girls, is as follows : — The packs of un- opened black plate, to be opened by the machine, are passed through thejfirst pair of rolls, thence through the passage of the guide plates ; then, leaving the last bend or curve in the guide, the second pair of rolls seize the plates, and draw the packs through, completing the operation. After leaving the second pair of rolls, the packs fall on a trolley, where they accumulate, tmtil wheeled away for the next process. The sheets are held together by a thin oxide of iron, which forms on the surface, but disappears upon the bending to and fro of the sheets in the machine, which does substantial work, each machine " opening the work " trom four or five mills. Black pickling is the next process. After leaving the pickling machine, they are placed in piles on iron stands, and are covered over with inverted iron or steel boxes, called pots, sand being used around the mouth to exclude the air. These boxes are then subjected to a mild flame AND TINPLATE TRADES. 407 in a large furnace for eight to ten hours, and are then allowed to cool gradually, the object being to soften the plates, so that they may be more easily polished in the preparation for tinning. Cold rolling consists in passing the plates, one by one, when cold, three or four times between highly-polished chilled rolls, working under great pressure. This is necessary to remove any buckle or unevenness from the plate, and to produce a flat, bright, polished surface for receiving the coating of tin. The plates are hardened by this process, and it is necessary to give them a second or white annealing, the plates being treated in the closed pots as before, but subjected to a milder heat. The process of lining in the old days was performed by soaking the plates in the molten metal, and afterwards arranging them on edge in a rack, fixed to the grease pot, to allow the surplus tin to run off, the thickness of the coating being determined, to some extent, by the length of time the plates remained in the hot grease. In the later process, invented by Mr. Morewood, the wet- plates from the swilling troughs of the white pickling machine were immersed sheet by sheet, by the tinman, twenty-five to thirty at a time, in a bath of melted palm oil, to absorb the moisture on the surface of the plates, and then removed and dipped into a series of pots containing molten tin at various temperatures, and, after being brushed one at a time on both surfaces by the workman with a hempen brush, they were con- veyed by him to the grease pot, in which the rolls revolved. The plates, on issuing from the rolls, are raised by a boy, and placed in a rack, from which girls remove them to dip in iron, for the purpose of removing grease. Various manipulations and ap- pliances follow, each the result of long thought and experience, resulting in easier and more effectual coating and a brighter finished plate, the mechanical tinning pots being amongst the the most successful introduction of later days. At the Morriston Works visited, we were strongly impressed by the ease and rapidity of manipulation, and the order visible through- out. We select these Works at the time of our visit, under the per- sonal direction of Mr. David Davis and Mr. Phillips, as typical of the best, without ignoring the other leading tinplate works of the district. To do justice to all would require a volume alone. 408 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEIh CHAPTER XLIV. LLAI^ELLY AND ITS NOTE-WOETHY MEK / Plymouth 4 . . R. and H. Hill. Duffryn . . 3 • • »> Penydarren 6 . . Thompson and Co. Dowlais . . 14, later 17 . Guest, Lewis, and Co Rhymney and Bute 6 . . Rhymney Co. Tredegar 5 . . Thompson and Co. Sirhowy 4 . . Harfords and Co. Kbbw Vale 3 »> Beaufort 6 . Bailey Brothers. Victoria 2 . Coal and Iron Co. Nantyglo 8 . Bailey Brothers. Coalbrook Dale 2 . Brewer and Co. Blaenau . . 2 . Russell and Brown. Cwm Celyn 4 . Cwm Celyn Co. lylanelly, Mon. 4 . Powell and Co. Blaenavon 5 . Blaenavon Iron Co. Varteg , . 5 . Kendrick and Co. Gelynos 2 . Gelynos Co. Abersychan 4 . British Iron Co. Pentwyn, Mon 2 . Pentwyn Co. Pontypool 3 . C. H. Leigh and Co. Total yield of pig iron in South Wales in 1839 was 453,880 tons. By 1845, ^^^ Dowlais furnaces, then 18 in number, turned out 74,880 tons annually, more than an average of 80 tons per week per furnace. Just by way of contrast, let us add that in the present year (1903), Cyfarthfa is able to turn out 1,000 tons a week from one furnace, and Dowlais, in a week in February, 3,000 tons of steel rails from its mills. In the list of extinct works, one of the embers, Gadlys, will be noticed. This place, from its associations with the family of the Waynes, deserves a longer note. 430 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEI,, Matthew Wayne, the founder of Gadlys, was in 1806 furnace manager at Cyfarthfa in the time of Richard Crawshay. He was a saving man, and after a lengthy service, left with Joseph Bailey for Nantyglo Works, which they bought of the Blaenavon Co., and conducted for a time. Getting tired of the speculation, Wayne went to Aberdare and started Gadlys furnace, turning out bar iron which gained a wide reputation. He was assisted by his sons for a time ; then Thomas became agent for the Canal Co., and William mining agent at Llynvi ; Matthew was one of the old school. It is stated in the '* Coal History" that he was often pressed to add mills and forges to his one furnace, but he refused, and kept on, putting the furnace out when trade was bad, and starting it when things began to improve. *' Welcome,'* said an old Aberdarian, " as the sun in spring and the primroses on the banks of the village lanes, were the fire beacons of Gadlys." Thomas eventually assisted Matthew Wayne at Gadlys, where, in addition to the furnace, there was a valuable coalfield, and to Thomas Wayne — authorities state — is due the distinction of having been one of the early pioneers of the steam coal trade in the Aberdare Valley. He appears to have been prompted by the success of Mrs. Lucy Thomas, Waun Wyllt, in the Merthyr Valley ; and on the estate of Abernant y Groes, Cwmbach, the property of William Thomas David and Morgan Thomas David, Mr. Wayne and Partners began, June, 1837, to sink for coal, and were successful in the following December in winning the celebrated ** Four Feet Steam." Credit is given to Thomas Wayne for this venture, tho ugh it seems that he was in partner- ship with others, and with several members of the family. The members of the firm were Matthew Wayne, Thomas Wayne, William Watkin Wayne, William Thomas David, Mrs. Gladys Davies, William Morgan, Hafod, and afterwards Evan W. David. The date of the Merthyr Level of Robert Thomas, Waun Wyllt, afterwards Lucy Thomas, in the Merthyr Valley, was 1820 ; the date of Mr. Insole's shipment of Waun Wyllt coal to London was 1830. This is stated in the Cymer Book ; but Mr. Insole appears to have been only a buyer of this coal, AND TINPLATE TRADES. 43I neither he nor Mr. Wood, although early shippers, was ever in partnership with either of the members of the Thomas family — in connection either with Waun Wyllt or the Graig Colliery. Accounts extant shew that Mr. James Marychurch, Mr. Lockett, and Messrs. Wood, of London, were the earliest and principal purchasers connected with the Thomas' Merthyr Coal, i.e., Waun Wyllt, and in the introduction of Welsh Steam Coal for steam packet and other purposes, to London, etc., as the late Mr. John Nixon, some years afterwards, was, as we show in our ** Coal Trade History," the successful pioneer in its introduction, at great labour and expense, into France and other foreign countries. To return to the Waynes. The first coal venture by them w^as a balance pit at Gadlys. To this was added Pwll Newydd, and then Pwll y Graig. In the early days of Gadlys, the cashier was William Williams, Pontyrhun, long remembered. His successor was William Davies, member of an old and respected Aberdare family, and he himself notable for ability and geniality, and his eflforts after- wards to establish a Tin Works at Aberdare. In the latter days of the Works and Colliery history, Mr. William Thomas, mining engineer, Oakhill, was prominent and conspicuous in giving employment to large numbers by establishing Brick Works and kindred industries. The Wayne Collieries after several alterations and trans- formation of management, figured well even up to 1892 when the output, with Lancaster and Spier as the representatives, was nearly 194,000 tons, showing the vitality of the Welsh coal trade, and the long life of the coal measures. Gadlys re-calls the memory of notable men associated in early coal mining. An earlier agent at Cyfarthfa than Wayne was John Thomas, of Penyard, originally a copyholder at Magor, and evidently a man of substantial means, as in 1780 he is stated in the " History of Merthyr " to be employing a large number of horses as contractor under Richard Crawshay. One of his sons, David, was the gifted Congregationalist minister of Highbury; another, Samuel, of Ysguborwen, allied by marriage with the Joseph family (who were of old Breconshire descent), in 432 HISTORY OF THE IRON, STEEL, AND TINPLATE TRADES. connection with Thomas at Ysguborwen and other collieries, and with Morgan at Danyderi, from which a famous brand of coke was taken to Gadlys, and also to Mr. Crawshay's Works at Hirwain. Mr. Samuel Thomas, after a successful career as a grocer, opened a colliery at Clydach, Rhondda Valley. He was born with the century, and died 1879, leaving three sons and two daughters. One, John, still connected with colliery enterprise ; another, David, prominent amongst us at the present day as M.P. for Merthyr. It was an unfortunate day for the poor of her district when Mrs. Samuel Thomas left Ysguborwen for Blunsdon Abbey, in Wiltshire (still the home of Miss Thomas), for, like the late lyady Lewis, one of her old friends, her sympathies were always in practical and constant exercise, and so continued until the end. Thomas Joseph was an able authority on the coal and iron-stone measures, and his paper before the South Wales Engineers is a valuable authority. Another brother, David Joseph, is noticed in connection with Plymouth. His services to Anthony Hill were always acknowledged as of a very high order, and it was a common saying amongst the men that " it was master and Mr. David Joseph who made the good iron." APPENDIX WOODEN Shovels used by the Romans. Found in hematite workings. I'age 6. In reference to this it may be added that in the Lead Mines of North Cardiganshire similar wooden implements, evidently of very old date, were discovered on re-working the mines, leading one to suggest that the Romans, who were at Dolaucoth5% also worked the Lead Mines. Murchison is inclined to think, in his treatise on Radnorshire, etc., that there was no gold worked at Dolaucothy, but from this other authorities differ. Coke first invented by Dud Dudley, A.D, 1620. Early Pig or Cast Iron, page 14, Mushet states : "As a proof that pig or cast iron was made in England earlier than this period (beginning of 17th Century), we have not only the fact of guns being cast from it in 1547, and mortars and other artillery during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, but I happen to have, through the kindness of my friend, Mr. Hill, of the Plymouth Iron Works, in my possession, a perfect casting on which are marked the Arms of England, with the initials E.R., and bearing date 1555, being the last year of the reign of Edward VI. There is no clue to its history or how it came into the possession of Mr. Hill, but it has evidently been used as a back-plate to a very large grate or fire place, as there has been on its lower edge a considerable action by fire. There are the remains of a charcoal furnace on the west side of the river Taff, opposite to the Plymouth Iron Works, where probably this casting was made, and at once run from the blast furnace, thous^h it is difficult to account for its having upon it the Arms of England, as before mentioned." A similar fire-plate is to be seen at Gelligaer, in Llancaiach House, visited by Charles I. Hot Blast Iron. This was invented by James B. Neilson. Batent taken out in 1828. In 1836 the hot blast process was applied to the making of iron with the anthracite or stone coal, by Geo. Crane. Black Band. The Black Band of Monmouthshire is stated — see notice of Crawshay Bailey — to have materially benefited the fortunes of Messrs. Bailey. It was first discovered by David Mushet, in Scotland. 29 434 Bolcklow Vaughan. Page 4. This statement, mentioned to Mr. E. P. Martin, elicited his opinion that at the time of the alleged discovery the existence of ironstone was beginning to be generally known, and that very likely the anecdote was apocryphal. Wayne's Works, Gadlys. Mr. William Davis (Gadlys) narrates that one of Mr. Matthew Wayne's orders was from the French Government for 500 tons No. i cold blast iron, for making guns, and he believes that some of these were used in the Crimea. Llwyncelyn, previous to the time of Richard Crawshay, was in the occupation of Mr. Edward Thomas, who was a scientific man, and was afterwards associated with Anthony Hill. Bailey, T. H. Under the head of Plymouth Works and Collieries reference should have been made to the management of Mr. Bailey, in whose time a very perfect electric installation for power was carried out in a most efficient manner. Bar Iron. Richard Crawshay, in 1787, was only forging 10 tons of bar iron weekly. In 1812, by adopting Cort's patent, Cyfarthfa, according to Smiles, turned out 10,000 tons annually, and under the patent paid Gort los. per ton royalty. This is stated in proof that the inventor was not unrewarded. Output of bar iron in 1863 was 50,000 tons. Cyfarthfa. In 1881 the furnaces at these Works were blown out and the Iron Era was ended. In 1883 the Works were reconstructed for the manufacture of Bessemer steel, at a cost of a quarter of a million sterling. It was then that Mr. Wm. Evans became general manager. In 1890 Messrs. Crawshay formed themselves into a limited liability company, with a capital of ;^6oo,ooo. Mrs. Rose Mary Crawshay (page 315) held the chair of the Vaynor School Board for eight, not three years. Sussex Ironmasters in Wales. Page 18. Smiles, in addition to the names given in this work, mentions Walter Burrell, the friend of John Ray the naturalist ; the Relfes, from Mayfield ; and the Cheneys from Crawley ; the Morleys came from Glynde. According to Llewelyn, Arch, Camb.y on "Sussex Ironmasters in Wales," it was they who first started at Llwydcoed, Aberdare, and Pontyrynys (Pontygwaith), Taff Valley. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS, The Right Hon. Lord Aberdare, Longwood, Winchester. i W. Abraham, Esq., M.P. (" Mabon "), Pentre, Rhondda. | J. Lloyd Atkins, Esq., Gellifaelog House, Dowlais. 1 J. R. LI. Atkins, Esq., Union Street, Dowlais. Messrs. Adams & Wilson, Bute Docks, Cardiff. ^ D. Abraham, Esq., Pencoedcae, Cyfarthfa, Merthyr. Samuel Adams, Esq., St. Mary Street, Cardigan. I Mrs. Allen, 42, Connaught Square, London, W. Avondale Tin Plate Co^ Pontnewydd. Mrs. Alexander, Tarbert House, Merthyr. j The Most Noble the Marquis of Bute. Sir William H. Bailey, Sale Hall, Cheshire. • 1 Colonel J. A Bradney, J. P., Tal-y-coed, Monmouth. ] The Board of Education, South Kensington, London, S.W. ] The Bodleian Library at Oxford University. Herbert E. Bradley, Esq., Cefn Pare, Brecon. 't R. Bedlington, Esq., Mining Engineer, Gadlys House, Aberdare. Rev. W. Bagnall-Oakley, M.A., Trecefn, Monmouth. James Barrow, Esq., J.P., Maesteg. I W. Howard Bell, Esq., Cleeve House, Melksham, Wilts. ] The Barry Free Library (per E. Blackmore, Esq.) j The Briton Ferry Steel Company. I His Honour Judge Bishop, Dolygareg, Llandovery. William Blakemore, Esq., Wyncliffe House, Cardiff. ] W. Beddoe, Esq., Solicitor, Merthyr Tydfil. Dr. Brown, J.P., Tredegar. The Bute Supply Company, But« Docks, Cardiff Henry Bessemer, Esq., 165, Denmark Hill, Camberwell. i C. Botting, Esq., G.W.R., Aberdare. H. S. Bond, Esq., A.M.I.CE.,, Alexandra Road, Brecon. E. B. Byrne, Esq., Firleigh, Gilmore, Cape Town, S. Africa. 1 E. Evans- Bevan, Esq., J.P., Mayor of Neath. ^ Alfred Bowen, Esq., Lynwood, Porthcawl. i Thos. H. Bailey, Esq., 39 Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. I I William T. Crawshay, Esq., J. P., Caversham Park, Reading. i R. T. Crawshay, Esq., Bachelors' Club, Hamilton Place, London. j Mrs. Rose M. Crawshay, Como, Italy. The Public Library at Cambridge University. * The CardifFCentral Free Library (per John Ballinger, Esq., Librarian). ^ W. Cowan, Esq., H.M. Office, Bristol. W. C. Colquhoun, Esq., St. Mary's Chambers, Cardiff. I Godfrey L. Clark, Esq., Tal-y-garn, Llantrisant. j 436 John L. Cocker, Esq., 15, Courtland Terrace, Merthyr. John Corbett, Esq., Impey, Droitwich. E. H. Cheese, Esq., Solicitor, Hay. J. Crockett, Esq., 2 TafF Street, Pontypridd. John Stuart Corbett, Esq., Solicitor, Cardiff. The Library of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth, Dublin. Sir David Dale, Consett. T. E. Davies, Esq., Trimsaran, Llanelly. Rev. John Davies, Pandy, Abergavenny. D. T. Davies, Esq., National Provincial Bank, Brecon. C. Morgan Davies, Esq., Merthyr Tydfil. Messrs. Dulau & Co., 37, Soho Square, lyondon. Henry Davies, Esq., Watton, Brecon. Morgan W. Davies, Esq., A.M.I.C.E., Gloucester Place, Swansea. E. Blissett Davies, Esq., 247, Haughton Green Road, Haughton Green, Denton, Lanes. H. W. Davies, Esq., Glansychan, Abersychan. W. David, Esq., Mechanics' Institute, Llanelly. J. T. Docton, Esq., High Street, Merthyr. Thos. \V. B. Davies, Esq., Cross Keys, near Newport, Mon. John Dakers, Esq., Blaina, Monmouth. W. G. Dowden, Esq., J. P., Blaenavon Works. Dr. Davies, Fochriw. James Davies, Esq., Gwynfa, Broomy Hill, Hereford. Rev. T. Walter Davies, Vicar of Llanfabon. Rev. D. H. Davies, The Vicarage, Cenarth, R.S.O., Carmarthenshire. Edward Davies, Esq., J. P., Plasdinam, Llandinam, Montgomeryshire, W. L. Daniel, Esq.,, Merthyr. Edward Davies, J. P., Bassalleg, Newport, Mon. G. H. Davey, Esq., J. P., Woodside, Briton Ferry. Dafydd Morgan wg, 5, Llantwit Street, Cardiff. Dan. Davies, Esq., Oaklands, Merthyr. Messrs. D. Duncan & Sons, "South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. Arthur Daniel, Esq., Troedyrhiw. W. Davis, Esq., Llwynderi, Neath. David Davies, Esq., J.P., Plas Dinam, Llandinam, Montgomery. Mrs. Davis, Bryntirion, Merthyr Tydfil. D. T. W. Davis, Esq., Cwm, Caerphilly. William Evans, Esq., J.P., General Manager Cyfarthfa and Dowlais Works, Merthyr. The Library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh. T. Gilbert Evans, Esq., The Park, Merthyr. Isaac Edwards, Esq., North Street, Dowlais. Geo. W. Edwards, Esq., Post Office, Brecon. D. Edmunds, Esq., 87, Cowbridge Road, Cardiff, J. Evans, Esq., Spring Hill Villa, Merthyr. O. M. Edwards, Esq., M.A., Lincoln College, Oxford. William Evans, Esq., Graig House, Dowlais. David Evans, Esq., J. P., Flrwdgrech, Brecon. E. B. Evans, Esq., J. P., Llangattock Park, Crickhowell. H. Jones Evans, Esq., J.P^ Green Hill, Whitchurch, Cardiff. 437 i D. Evans, Esq., Grangetown, Cardiff. W. Edwards, Esq., M.A., Courtland House, Merthyr. j David Evans, Esq., 51, Gwaelodygarth Terrace, Merthyr. | Rev. J. J. Evans, The Rectory, Cantref, Brecon. I C. Evans, Esq., J. P., Heolgerrig, Merthyr. ' R. Evans, Esq., Barry Dock. I D. Evans, Esq., J. P., Bolcklow Vaughan, Middlesboro. j \V. Evans, Esq., Graig House, Dovvlais. ] Franklen Evans, Esq., lylwynarthen, Castleton, Cardiff. 'i Ven. F. W. Edmonds, Archdeacon of I^landaff^ Fitzhamon C^urt, I Bridgend. ] D. W. Evans, Esq., St. Mary's Chambers, Cardiflf. i D. Evans, Esq., Grangetown, Cardiflf. | Henry T. Folkard, Esq., F.S.A., Wigan, Corporation Library. ] The Frictionless Bearing Metal Company, Assayers and Smelters of ] Metals, Shepherds' Bush, London. i H. Oakden Fisher, Esq., Radyr Court, Cardiflf. ; J. B. Ferrier, Esq., Bute Docks, Cardiflf J. C. Fowler, Esq., Beresford House, Swansea. \ The Right Hon. Lord Glanusk, Glanusk Park, Crickhowell. | Henry Gray, Esq., Genealogical Bookseller, East Acton, London. \ J. T. Lloyd Griffiths, Esq., Frondeg, Holyhead. 1 H. Gittelsohn, Esq., Dowlais. Rev. C. E. Griffith, M.A., R.D., Magor. ] J. Gilleland, Esq., Brecon Road, Merthyr. \ William Griffiths, Esq., J.P., Pencaemawr, Merthyr. -i J. Gavey, Esq., Eng. in chief, G.P.O., Hollydale, Hampton Wick, Middlesex. : Mrs. Gunn, Newport Road, Cardiff. W. W. Green, Esq., M.E., Pentrebach, Merthyr. } Robert Gunson, Esq., Merthyr. 1 The Right Hon. Viscount Hereford. i Col. the Hon. Ivor Herbert, Llanarth Court, Mon. Dr. William Howells, The Watton, Brecon. William Haines, Esq., Y Bryn, Abergavenny. ' Geo. Hay, Esq., The Watton, Brecon. I H. Hansard, Esq., Merthyr Tydfil. j A. Howells, Esq., American Consul, 16, Custom House Street, Cardiff^ j J. S. Howard, Esq., 13, King's Arms Yard, Moorgate Street, London. ] D. J. Hirst, Esq., Beech House, Blaenavon. ! R. Harrap, Esq., Gwaunfarren, Merthyr. ; Jas. Hansard, Esq., Tydfil House, Llanelly. i T. F. Harvey, Esq., C.E., Merthyr. I A. W. Houlson, Esq., Gwernllwyn Fach House, Dowlais. I William Harris, Esq., High Street, Merthyr. ] J. Harpur, Esq., Cyfarthfa, Merthyr. 1 J. C. Howell, Esq., Llanelly. ! Archibald Hood, Esq., J.P., 6, Bute Crescent, Cardiflf. Robert Hooper, Esq., Bute Offices, Cardiflf. : E. D. Howells, Esq., Gelly-isaf, Aberdare. i C. M. Hibberd, Esq., Post Master General, Natal. > James Hurman, Esq., LuUote, Llanishen, Cardiflf^ 1 438 ; Franklin Hilton, Esq., Ebbw Vale, Mon. 1 W. Harpur, Esq., M.I.C.E., Cardiff: I T. R. Howell, Esq., Gamlyn-isaf, Aberdare. I D. Hughes, Esq., C.E., Tydraw, Aberdare. j W. M. Howells, Esq., Central Chambers, Merthyr. j J. Hamblyn, Esq.. CE., Cyfarthfa, Merthyr. I J. Hambly, Esq., Bodway, Cornwall. J •"i Edmund J. Jones, Esq., Fforest Legionis, Pontneddfechan. J J. A. Jebb, Esq., J. P., Watton Mount, Brecon. i David Jones, Esq., Wellfield, Dowlais. ? Rees Jones, Esq., Ocean Collieries, Treorky. ] Mrs. Jones, Glanynant, Merthyr Tydfil. ] J. O. Jones, Esq., Ynystanglws, Clydach, Swansea. \ Dr. Evan Jones, J.P., Tymawr, Aberdare. /i Aid. David Jones, Trosnant Lodge, Pontypool. | Nathan John, Esq., Camden Villas, Brecon. | D. W. Jones, Esq., Galon Uchaf, Merthyr. j Gwilym C. James, Esq., J. P., Gwaelodygarth, Merthyr. | David T. Jeffreys, Esq., B.A., Solicitor, Brecon. | C. Russell James, Esq., Vaynor House, Merthyr. ] J. H. James, Esq., Barrister at Law, Merthyr. | Rees Jenkins, Esq., Bronyderi, Glyncorwg. 1 Edward Jenkins, Esq., Gellynog Inn, Beddau, Pontypridd. ] Robert Jordan, Esq., Daisy Lawn, Clytha Road, Newport, Mon. j D. Jones, Esq., Church Street, Merthyr. ; Rev. Albert Jordan, M.A., Llanbadarn-fawr Rectory, Penybont Road. J John J. Jones, Esq., Frondeg, Cefncoed, Merthyr. j Southwood Jones, Esq., Brickworks, Risca. 1 Thomas James, Esq., Bryn Villa, Blaenavon. ] Edward Jones, Esq., J. P., Snatchwood House, Pontypridd, and Oak- ' lands, Brecon. ' Rev. Thomas D. Jones, Caerwent Vicarage, Chepstow. D. Evan Jones, Esq., Llancaiach House, Treharris. i W. H. Jones, Esq., Goitre Farm, Merthyr. ] William Jenkins, Esq., Ocean Collieries, Treorky. \ Frank T. James, Esq., Penydarren House, Merthyr. Frank James, Esq., J.P., Clifton, Bristol. 1 B. Jones, Esq., 2, Park Terrace, Merthyr. i Dr. R. Jones, Dowlais. I Cromer Jones, Esq., B.A.. Merthyr. 1 Major Jones, The Chase, Merthyr. j Thomas Jenkins, Esq., Tyla Morris, Briton Ferry. ] Rev. Lewis Jones, The Vicarage, Llanbordy, Carm. ^ Rev. J. E. Jenkins (" Creidiol "), Vaynor Rectory, Breconshire. Enoch James, Esq., 190, Newport Road, Cardiff. ] Evan Jones, Esq., Ty-Gorsaf, Brecon. j Thomas Jones, Esq., Hafod, Dowlais. j R. T. Jones, Esq., Merthyr. Harold V.Jones, Esq., Cilsanws, Cefn Coed. '\ Dr. W. W. Jones, Wellington Street, Merthyr. Jesus College, Oxford, Meyrick Library. | Howell R. Jones, Esq., M.E., Lwynyreos, Abercanaid. | J.Jenkins, PvSq., Canal Wharf, Merthyr. ; I I i 439 J. King, Esq., Ironmaster, Manchester. Rev. H. Kirkhouse, M.A., The Vicarage, Cyfarthfa, Merthyr. Herbert Kirkhouse, Esq., J. P., Tylorstown. J. Kitson, Esq., Monksbridge Ironworks, Leeds. The Right Hon. Lord Llangattock, The Hendre, Monmouth. Sir William T. Lewis, Bart., The Mardy, Aberdare. Sir J. T. Dillwyn Llewelyn, Bart., Penllergaer, Swansea. The Liverpool Corporation Free Library (Peter Cowell, Esq., Chief Librarian). Colonel D. Rees Lewis, Plas, Penydaren, Merthyr. John Lloyd, Esq., J. P., B.A.L., 15, Chepstow Place, London, W. O. P. Larkin, Esq., Bronheulog, Brecon. Thomas Lloyd, Esq., Dowlais. D. V. Lewis, Esq,, Secretary of Mardy Library, Mardy, Ferndale. Herbert C. Lewis, Esq., Heincastle, Fishguard. R. Laybourne, Esq., Newport, Mon. Major H. H. Lee, Dinas Powis, Cardiff. D. M. Llewelyn, Esq., M.R.C.S., F.G.S., Glanwem Office, Pontypool. Rev. W. Lewis, Ystradyfodwg Vicarage, Pentre. T. W. Lewis, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate, Cardiff. E. Lewis, Esq., C.E., Dowlais. W. Llewelyn, Esq., Court Colman, Bridgend. Herbert Lloyd, Esq., Cyfarthfa Brewery, Merthyr. L. Llewelyn, Esq., Abersychan House, Abersychan. L. Gordon Lenox, Esq., J.P., Pontypridd. W. Lewis, Esq., 22, Duke Street, Cardiff. H. Meyrick Lloyd, Esq., Glanyranallt, Llanwrda. A. G. Lewis, Esq., H. M. Inspector of Factories, Swansea. D. Llewelyn, Esq., Great Western Railway, Merthyr. Dr. W. W. Leigh, J.P., Glynbargoed, Treharris. H. P. Linton, Esq., Llandaff Place, Llandaff. J. P. Lewis, Esq., High Street, Merthyr. J. W. Lewis, Esq., Solicitor, Merthyr. J. Lewis, Esq., Plasdraw. Rev. D. Lewis, Rector of Merthyr. The Lady Morgan Morgan, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. J. E. Moore-Gwyn, Esq., J. P.. D.L.. Duffryn, Neath. Charles Morley, Esq., M.P., Bryanston Square, London. Watkin Moss, Esq., Quarry Row, Troedyrhiw. Edward Morgan, Esq., Rose Cottage, Abernant. Miss G. E. F. Morgan, Buckingham Place, Brecon. Frederick Mills, Esq., J.P., Ebbw Vale. William Martin, Esq., St. David's, Brecon. Herbert Hartland Maybery, Esq., Petit Hurel, St. Helen, Jersey. H. O. Aveline Maybery, Esq., The Priory, Brecon. Joseph Maybery, Esq., Penmount, Llanelly. Lewis W. Morgan, Esq., M.D., J. P., Havod Fawr, Pontypridd. Colonel W. L. Morgan, Mirador, Swansea. James Morgan, Esq., J.P., Lloyd's Bank, Brecon. Edward Morgan, Esq., Bryn Cottage, Abernant. W. H. Mathias, Esq., Greenmeadow, Porth, Rhondda. Thomas W. W. Morgan, Esq., Portman House. Penartb. 440 B. Michael, Esq., Bush Hotel, Merthyr. D. T. Morgan, Esq., Fairfield House, Merthyr. D. Morgan, Esq., Maesydderwen, Mountain Ash. W. Morgan, Esq. (" Morien,"), Treforest, Pontypridd, G. May, Esq., Elliots' Rope Works, Cardiff. W. Morgan, Esq., J.P., Pant, Dowlais. W. Pritchard Morgan, Esq., i. Queen Victoria Street, Westminster, London. E. P. Martin, Esq., J.P., Dowlais. Henry W. Martin, Esq., J.P., Dowlais. T. Moody, Esq., Kiluwrangi, Auckland, New Zealand. D. Macdonald, Esq., Newcastle Street, Merthyr. D. Morgan, Esq., Bryn Taf, Llandaff. F. W. Mander, Esq., Glanynys, Aberdare, D. Orlando Morris, Esq., Rhymney. W. Morgan, Esq., Broad Street, Merthyr. Sir George Newnes, Bart., M.P., Wildcroft, Putney Heath, S.W. W. J. Nevill, Esq., J.P., Felin Foel, Uanelly. Newport (Mon.) Free Library. Rev. David Owen, The Vicarage, Alltmawr, Builth. A. S. Ogilvie, Esq., 4, Great George Street, Westminster. Ellis Owen, Esq., " Express " Office, Brecon. George J. O'Neill, Esq., School House, Uyswen, R.S.O. E. Owen, Esq., Builth Wells. D. Owen, Esq., Ash Hall, Cowbridge. Evan Owen, Esq., Glynarthen Cottage, Pentyrch, Cardiff. Powell-Dyffryn Steam Coal Company, Aberaman, Aberdare. C. E. W. Price, Esq., North House, Brecon. William Parry, Esq., Talybryn, Bwlch, Breconshire. D. Phillips, Esq., Beaufort Tinplate Works, Morriston. Miss Price, Cammarch Hotel, Llangammaich. W. Powell, Esq., Merthyr. John Plews, Esq., J. P., Barrister, The Cottage, Merthyr. W. H. Palmer, Esq., Belle Vue, Aberystwyth. J. P. Pool, Esq., Merthyr. Lieut-Colonel T. Phillips, Aberdare. D. F. Pritchard, Esq., Glanyrafon, Rhymney. Capt. R. Phillips, Tenby. D. Phillips, Esq., 3 Courtland Terrace, Merthyr. H. Preece, Esq., Gothic Lodge, Wimbledon. T. Price, Esq., Locomotive Dept., T.V.R., Merthyr. J. Price, Esq. (per T. Price, Esq., Upper Thomas Street, Merthyr). E. Pugh, Esq., Nant Melyn, Cwmdare. Dr. Probert, Pencaebach, Merthyr. Bernard Quaritch, Esq, 15, Piccadilly, London. D. P. Roberts, Esq., 120, North End, Croydon, London. Dr. Howell Rees, Glangarnant, R.S.O., South Wales. W. T. Rees, Esq., Maesyffynon, Aberdare. 441 Thomas Rich, Esq., Plymouth Street, Merthyr. ^ D. M. Richards, Esq., M.I J., Wenallt, Aberdare. ^ D, Evan Roberts, Esq., 4, Commercial Street, Dowlais. 4 D. Richards, Esq., The Willows, Whitchurch, Cardiff. ^ E. Windsor Richards, Esq., Plas Llechau, Tredurnock. ] John Rogers, Esq., Cyfarthfa, Merthyr. < Edwin Richards, Esq., Heathfield, Nantyderry, Abergavenny. I Philip T. Rhys, Esq., 22, Victoria Street, Aberdare. ^ J. Hurry Riches, Esq., C.E., J. P., Fernleigh Park Grove, Cardiff. ^ William Rilejs Esq., J.P., Bridgend. Rees Rees, Esq., Ynyslwyd Cottage, Aberdare. Dr. Morgan Rees, Pontypridd. 1 R. P. Rees, Esq., High Street, Dowlais. I W. H. Roberts, Esq., 10, Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, I^otdon. j Llywarch Reynolds, Esq., B.A., Merthyr. Messrs. Simpkin, Marshall, Kent, & Co., Ltd., Stationers* Hall Court, ; London, E.C. i David Salmon, EvSq., Principal, Training College, Swansea. \ Frederick Siemens, Esq., 10 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminstei. J A. Sutherland, Esq., Llanvair Discoed, Chepstow. i William Smith, Esq., J.P., The Lawn, Rhymney. j J. Sibbering, Esq., The Hawthorns, Merthyr. ^ S. Sandbrook, Esq., Merthyr. ^ R. Southern, Esq., Cardiff. '\ E. H. Short, Esq., H.M. Inspector, Aberystwyth. 1 Mrs. Sarvis, Castle Hotel, Merthyr. hccO. '\ H. W. Southey, Esq., J. P., " Merthyr Express," Merthyr. J I The Right Hon. Lord Tredegar, Tredegar Park, Newport, Mon. ] Sir Alfred Thomas, M.P., Bronwydd, Cardiff. D. A. Thomas, Esq., M.P., Llanwern, Newport, Mon. > Col. W. Jones Thomas, J.P., D.L.. Llanthomas, Hay. | David Thomas. Esq., Mining and Civil Engineer, Neath. i John Gwilym Thomas, Esq., J. P., Glynifor, Burry Port, R.S.O., Carm. ] W. Thomas, Esq., J. P., Brynawel, Aberdare. j Rev. H. Thomas, Ystradmynach Vicarage, Cardiff. ] — Tangye, Esq., Birmingham and Cardiff. ] D. Treharne, Esq., Llangors, Breconshire. 1 W. C. Tweney, Esq., 14 Dynevor Place, Swansea. j Miss Thomas, Blundon Abbey. High Worth, Wilts. 1 J. H. Thomas, Esq., 'Sguborwen, Aberdare. I Miss Talbot, Margam Park, Port Talbot. \ M. Thomas, Esq., Church Street, Merthyr. ■ T. H. Thomas, 45 The Walk, Cardiff | Mathew Truran. Esq., Merthyr Tydfil. | W. Thomas, Esq., Medical Hall, Builth. ■ D. Thomas, Esq., Crown Hotel Builth. J Dan Thomas, Esq., Merthyr. \ T. Thomas, Esq., Courtland Terrace, Merthyr. j W. Thomas, Esq., Oakfield (Gadiys), Aberdare. j^ S. E. Thompson, Esq., Public Library, Swansea, j 44» i Ernest Trubshaw, Esq., J.P., DX-, Aelybryn, Llanelly. I D. C. Thomas, Esq., Brecon Road, Merthyr. J Thomas Thomas, Esq., Tynywern, Pontypridd. J George Thomas, Esq., Ely Farm, St. Pagan's. - ij W. H. Upjohn, Esq., K.C., Atherton Grange, Wimbledon Common, London. I J. Edwards Vaughan, Esq., J.P., Rheola, Neath. l John Vaughan, Esq., Cardiff Colliery, Ynyscynon. John Vaughan, Esq., Solicitor, Merthyr. j J. Williams-Vaughan, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for Breconshire and Radnor- ; shire, Velin Newydd, Talgarth. v Right Hon. Lord Wimborne, Canford Manor, Wimborne, Dorset. j Arthur J. Williams, Esq., Coedymwstwr, Bridgend. > Col. R. D. Garnons Williams, Tymawr, Brecon. I J. J. Williams, Esq., J.P., Aberclydach, Talybont-on-Usk. S T. M. J. Watkins, Esq. (" Portcullis "), H.M. College of Arms, London, Ji B.C. ] Morgan Walters, Esq., 171 High Street, Dowlais. j C. T. Hagberg Wright, Esq., London Library, St. James' Square, j London. j Rev. M. Powell Williams, The Rectory, Llansantffraid, Brecon. -i William Williams, Esq., Bank Manager, Tydyfrig, Llandaff^ ; T. Watkins, Solicitor, The Wern, Pontypool. ; John Williams, Esq., High Street, Brecon. Illtyd Williams, Esq., Linthorpe Ironworks, Middlesborough. ] J. Watkins, Esq., J.P., Aberystwyth. ; Rev. H. J. Williams, The Vicarage, Pontypridd. 1 J. P. D. Williams, Esq., Colliery Manager, Blaina. t R. A. Warren, Esq., 99 Great Russell Street, Westminster. V. A. Wills, Esq., Post Office, Georgetown, Merthyr. : E. L. Williams, Esq., Maesruddud, Blackwood, Newport, Mon. ] Dr. Ward, J.P., Merthyr. i Dr. Webster, J.P., Merthyr. Joseph Williams, Esq., " Tyst " Office, Merthyr. J. Ignatius Williams, Esq., J. P., Plasyllan, Whitchurch, Cardiff. Aid. Thomas Williams, J.P., Gwaelodygarth, Merthyr. j David Williams, Esq., Henstaff Court. ■ T. Hadley Watkins, Esq., The Watton, Brecon. D. Williams, Esq., J.P., Blaina. =■ Capt. Ed. M. Whiting, Bodwigiaid, Penderyn. 'i — Walters, Esq., Cymrthfa Office, Merthyr. I Mrs. C. Wilkins, Springfield, Merthyr. H. V. D. Wilkins, Esq., Mayfield, Barry. , H. H. Wilkins, Esq., Northcote Street, Richmond Road, Cardiff. i C. D. Wilkins, Esq., Barry, Glamorganshire. INDEX A Appendix ... 433 Aberavon and District ... 334 Abercanaid— 01dFurnace,15D5 14 Aberdare 23, 428-430 Aberdare, Lord 172, 290, Aberdare in Old Days Abernant Works, Tappington, Birch, Pothergills Agricultural Counties in Iron Work Days Aberaman Allgood, Thomas, Pontypool. . . Allen ... ... 225 Albion Steel Works Anthony Bacon and Cyfarthfa „ „ Plymouth His Retirement His Successors at Cyfarthfa Turner, Cockshutt, Bowser Anthracite Iron Making ... 26 (and Appendix) Abersychan ... 332, 429 Adams, William ... 329 Abergavenny — Ironmaster's Meeting ... 67 306 29 165 31, 34 59,77 329 354 374 47 49 60 60 60 ,70 Bar Iron B 151 (and Appendix) ... 76, 186 73 Bailey, Crawshay Bailey, Sir Joseph Bardic Poems — References to Iron ... ... 10,11 Bank of England as Iron- masters ... 338-841 Bedlington, R. ... 192 Beaufort 218, 832, 429 Beynon, Roseer ... 285 Bailey, T. H. (Appendix) Bessemer ... 417-419 Biblical References ... 4,5 Bilbao ... 5 Bilbao Ore ; the Arconera Co. 294 Bowring, Charles ... 355 Barrow, James ... 856, 357 Bankart and Co. ... 371 Bohemia, and Tin Working... 324 Blount and the Baldwins . . . 328 Blewitt ... 333 Blaenau ... 332, 429 Blaenavon 76, 209, 211, 832, 429 Bloomeries ... 7, 8 Brunei ... 108 Bowser at Cyfarthfa ... 61, 223 „ Carmarthenshire 400 Brecon Furnace ... 25,220 Brock ... 225, 428 Bristol— Ironmaking, 1655 ... 23, 24 Bristol and Welsh Industries 24-27 Bute Works, Rhymney, origin 187, 429 Buchan ... 188 Brogdena . . • 356 Black Band ... 77 (and Appendix) Blakemore, Pentyrch Booker, T.W. Brown Family Brown, Lenox and Co. BwUfa, Daran y BwchGafr Buckland Blakemore, Tondu Briton Ferry Briton Ferry Iron Works — Mr Davey Baglan Works Bath Family, Swansea British Iron Co. 241, 428 241, 244 199, 292 230 7 119-21 353 358 370 372 374 384 444 o Cartulary of Margam— quoted 9 Caerphilly Castle ... 11 Carmarthenshire Iron Works 22 Castell Coch ... 6 Capel, Hanbury Leigh 17, 18, 367 Cefii Carnau— Early Mining 12 Cefn Pennar ... 145 Coke (Appendix^ Chain and Anchor "Works, Pontypridd ... 230-239 Charles the First ... 20 Chartist Days ... 160 Cinderford ... 6 Cholera in Old Iron Days ... 254 Clark, G.T. ... 803-13 Cardiff Social Times in 1800 131 218 332 228 12 78,83 6 325 ... 29, 52 411 ... 60,400 187-8 229 ... 273, 276 7 49 85 As- Clydach Crane Clare, Gilbert de, and loan . . . Crawshay Crawshay, Richard, the Iron King Croes Faen Cromwell Court, Merthyr, Werfa Court, Rees' Ancestry Cockshutt at Cyf arthfa Company Shop, Rhymney . . . Crawshay, Francis Cort Cwmdare Cyfarthfa First Furnace Cyfarthfa Castle Cyfarthfa Philosophical sociation Crawshay, William, and the "Times" ... 339 Crawshay, Henry Cyfarthfa after the death of William Crawshay Crawshay, Robert Crawshay, Mrs. Rose Mary (and Appendix) Crawshay, W. T. ... 317 Crawshay, the Steel Era (Appendix) Cwmavon Works — The Begin- ing Copper Miners Cwmavon— Social Life „ An Old Eisteddfod Cefn Ydfa Cambrian Iron Co. Cook Coegnant, Harman Colquhoun, Tredegar Colquhoun, Maesteg 429 224 314 315 315 335-6 337 342 344 350 354 218 354 182 856 Carmarthenshire Iron Works 399 Cardiganshire Tinplate Works 414-16 Creswick at Plymouth ... 160 Copper ... 417 Cwmbychan ... 428 Coa 1 brook Dale ... 832, 429 Cwm Celyn ... 429 Carbery Price ... 381 C^al at Dowlais, first worked by John Guest ... 44 CawrCynon ... 160 Cold Blast Iron ... 210 D Dedication ... iii. Davey, G. H. ... 378 David, W^illiam, Maesteg ... 355 Davies, David, Penydarren and Beaufort ... 145 Davies, R. v., Tredegar ... 181 Darbys, Ebbw Vale ... 196, 207 Daran v Bwllfa, Cwmdare ... 7 Davis, William, Gadlys . . . 425, 431 Dowlais Works — First Lease 1723, then 1748, 1752, 1763 ... 26, 28 Dowlais Lease Renewed ... 112 Dowlais and Lewis the Van 35, 429 Dowlais Rails and Great Western ... 115 Dud Dudley — quoted ... 18 Dowden ... 216 Dowlais, after the death of Sir John Guest ... 290 Dowlais-by-the-Sea ... 296, 301 Dixon ... 346 Dillwyn, Swansea ... 382-3 Duffryn ... 429 E Earth to Earth ... v. Ebbw Vale 194, 206, 429 Earlswood Works ... 374 Elkington (in Cardiganshire) 368 Elizabethan Era— Iron Works at Cardiff, &c. ... 15-17 Elba ... 5 Ellis Family ... 182 Evans, David, Llwydcoed, Rhymney ... 191 Evans, William, Rhymney ... 192 Evans, John ... 256 Evans Family ... 256-259 Evans, William, Cyfarthfa and Dowlais 265, 319, 322 Evans, Richard, Maesteg ... 355 Forman, Penydarren Fothergill, Richard, M.P. ... 146 172-4 445 179 301-2 16 328 396-8 8, 218 416 249, 337 227 121 182 417 431 428 74, 428, 38-45 112, 115 128, 189 45 338 227 374 429 380 323, 324 Fothergill, Tredegar Final Incidents in the Rule of the Guest Family Forest of Dean Foleys Francis, George Grant Frere Flower, Mr. G Oilbertson Glynneath District Good Times in Iron Gooch, Sir Daniel Gold Gadlys Glamorgan Guest and Lewis Guest— The First Guest Guest, Sir John 99, Guest, Lady Charlotte Guest, Thomas Guffy Gwauncae Gurwen Gwalia, Briton Ferry Gelynos Gibbon Greek States and Cornwall... H Harman ... 354 Hall, of LlanoTer 184-5, 230 Harfords ... 195,332 Hill, Anthony 152-3-7, 161-2 Hirst ... 289 Hirwain Hirwain and Henry Crawshay Hinde 224-5, 383 Hendre Fawr ... 7 Henty, Banwen Harrison Hanbury, Pontypool Hanbury Leigh Hampton, Charles Herberts, The Homf rays, of Penydarren . . Homfrays, Formans, and Aid Thompson, of Penydarren.. HjrwelDda — Laws ... 9 Homf ray, Tredegar ... 176, 181 Hilton, Ebbw Yale ... 200, 288 Howells, E. D. ... 171, 250 Howitt, Mary, at Penydarren 57 Holland, C.B. ... 208 Hutchings, Rhymney and Dowlais ... 189 Hughes, C. Hughesoffski ... 287 224 224 227 289 330 331 355 186 55 118 Hadland Hot Blast Hematite Hopkins and Hill, Blaenavon Hopkins, Evan, Geology and Magnetism Heppels, The Hankey and Bateman Hosgood Iron Making in Pre-Roman Times Iron Making by Monks Ironmasters' Meetings at Abergavenny— First Meet- 371 (Appendix) 7 209 140-1 160 170 170 ing 67 Iron Horse — Trevethick 122 IforHael 176 lolo Morganwg 42 J Jarrett, Ebbw Vale 199 Jenkins, William . 266-8 Jenkins, Tredegar 182 Jenkins, Sir J. J. . 402-3 Joseph, David 151, 159, 248-9 Joseph Family . 431-32 Jones, William, Cyfarthfa . .. 273-83 Jones, Edwin F. 285 Johnson, Rhymney 189 Jones, B. R., Rhymney 189 Jones Family, Dowlais 289 Jones, W., Ebbw Vale 199 Jordan, Ebbw Vale 199 Jennings, Danygraig 371 Jones, Col. Philip, Swansea., 395 Jones, Robt. Oliver 396 Japanese Ware (Pontypool)., 329 k: Kennard Kendall Kirkhouse of Cyfarthfa, Kitson and Co. Keen and Co. ...213,216 218 168, 256, 278 300 203 List ot Portraits ... vii. Lane, Cwmavon, Swansea ... 337, 880 Lewis of Merthyr, 1619 ... 19 Lewis of Caerphilly, ancestor of Sir W. T. Lewis ... 37 Lewis, the Lewis Family ... 38,152 446 Llanfedw, Llanwrda ... 12 Lemon and Co. ... 353 Lewis, Boyhood of Sir William 153 Lewis of the Van ... 37 Lay bourne ... 189 Latham ... 218 Llanelly (Breconshire) ... 25,429 Llwydcoed Caeluce, 1668 ... 23 Llanelly (Carmarthenshire) 399, 400 Llangrwyne Forge ... 220 Llanelly and its Noteworthy Men ... 408, 413 Lloyd, Rees ... 286 Lewis, Sir Wm. and Cyfarthfa 317-18 Lenox Chain and Anchor Works ... 230 Llynvi Valley ... 349 Laverick ... 160 Llynvi, Tondu and Ogmore Co. 353 Llynvi Co. ... 356 Llwyddiarth Tinplate Works 358 Lambert ... 371 Landore Arsenic and Copper Works ... 871, 419 Little Landore Works ... 371-2 Landore-Siemens Steel Works 376 Landore, Sir John Morris ... 428 Lead ... 417 Leigh ... 429 Labour, Scale of Wages 18th Century ... 31 Lewis, Henry Watkin ... 170 Llano ver. Lady ... 186 Lockwood, Morris & Co. ... 381 M 349, Maesteg Iron Works Maybery Mabinogion and Lady Char- lotte Guest Maskew and Penydarren ... Mackworth Martin, Benjamin Martin, Timothy George ... Matthews, Jenkin, Rhymney Martin Family Martin, E. P., Martin, H. W. Miskin Manor Mines Royal Melin Griffith and Pentyrch Merthyr Tydfil Half a Cen- tury ago Men of the Iron Age Merthyr Fairs and Market Tolls 212, 250, 290, 250, 353, 428 220 128 145 364 145, 256 256 193 256 295, 346 256, 301 220-1 378 240-7 305 256 20 Menelaus ... 290 Melincrythan Works, Neath 374 Morris, Sir John ... 380 Morriston Works visited ... 404-7 Miskin, Bolston Gaer ... 6 Mills, F., Ebbw Vale ... 207 Mineral Basin of South Wales, quoted ... 246 Morgan, Thos, ... 287 More wood ... 332 Morgan E'amily, Tredegar, 25, 26, 27, 35 Morley, Anthony ... 16 Morley, Geo. ... 356 Morlais Castle . . .10, 11, 12 Monmouth and Glamorgan Bank Stoppage ... 181 Mwynddu (Roman Workings) 6, 14 Mansell Family ... 385 Morris, Arthur ... 170 Maid of Cefn Ydfa ... 351 Nantyglo 76, 77, 210, 332, 429-30 Nant Bydyvilais Works ... 372 Newport Dock — Opened 10th October, 1842 ... 198 Napoleon and Cyfarthfa ... 278 Neath ... 360,363,428 Neath and the Mackworths... 363, 367 Neath Abbey ... 362 Neath Abbey, Price and Fox 369 Nevilles ... 400 o Overton ... 223 Onllwyn Works ... 224 Onions, Peter ... 270-3 Old Landore Works ... 372 Oakwood ... 428 Patent Nut and Bolt Co. ... 302, 333 Paton ... 216 Penydarren 147-52, 429 Parry, Ebbw Vale ... 293 Parry, Dr. Joseph ... 283 Pen Picture of Old Iron Times by G.T.Clark ... 305 Petherick ... 144, 354 Pentyrch ... 241, 428 Pentwyn ... 429 Puritan Soldier Tinplate Pioneer ... 323 Plymouth, First Furnace at (and Cyfarthfa) ... 49 447 Plymouth and the Hill Family, 148,429 Scale at Llwydcoed ... 88, 162-4 Plymouth (Notable Men) 160 Scale, E. W. ... 160 Pontypool 329, 833, 429 Scotch Cattle ... 178 Pontygwaith, Merthyr 16, 21 Scudamore, Rhymney ... 192 Pontygwaith, Tredegar 25, 175 Scouring for Ironstone ... 24 Pratt, Blaenavon 212 Sirhowv Works 175, 179, 332, 429 Pritchard, Rhymney 188, 193 Strike, The First (1810) ... 126 Preston 353 Strike, 13 Weeks— 1818, 1873... 179, 181 Pryce, Ynyscedwin 368 Squatters' Colony ... 125 Powell 218 Spence ... 246, 250 Powell, Hirwain 225 Spanish Ore ... 294 Pollard 880 Shaw ... 347 Port Talbot 348 Shephard ... 353 Price, Sir R., Tondu 357 Stephens at Cyfarthfa ... 62 Port Tennant Copper Works 371 Stephens, Thomas ... 1 29, 253 Pyle 425 Smith, W., RhjTuney ... 192 Provisions, price of, 18th Smith, J. J., Tondu ... 358 Century ... 33 Spelter Works, Maesteg ... 354 Place, Plymouth ... 160 Smith (Vigors) ... 336 Siemens 294, 383, 417-419 Q Steel, First make at Dowlais 290 Steel Make at Ebbw Vale ... 207 Quakers' Yard ... 16 Snelus ... 292 Quakers, Neath Abbey ... 367 Struve, W. P. ... 346 Stacey ... 249 Swansea ... 377-381 R Swansea, Chauncey Townsend 381 Swansea, The Morris's, etc... 380-2 Raby, Carmarthenshire 399-401 Smiths of Swansea ... 382 Radyr ... 14,15 Snape, Hirwain ... 225 Rhys, Jenkin ... 256 Simons ... 399 Rhys, Rees Hopkin ... 167-170 Silver ... 417 Rees, W. T. 225 Social Life of our Works ... 423 Rhymney Iron Works, 68, 188, 184,429 Rhigos, Hirwain ... 14 Riots at Merthyr ... 87-98 Roman Furnaces ... 14 Rogers, Nantyglo ... 213 Richards, E. Windsor ... 201, 208 Richards, L. ... 292 Rails for Russia ... 113 Rudry ... 12 Reynolds ... 337 Roe & Co., Neath ... 368 Richardson, John, Family ... 398 Rails, First Wooden, Neath. . . 131 Rails, First Iron ... 135 Roberts at Plymouth ... 160 Rowbotham ... 208 Roden, Lieut. Col. ... 333 Riley ... 383 s Sussex Ironmasters in Wales 18 Samuel, Jonathan ... 286 Senghenydd Early Mining Letting ...12,16,19 Talbot, Mr. 311, 387 The Cyfarthfa Murder 82 Tanner of Monmouth and Cyfarthfa 60 Townsend Chauncey 381 Tait at Dowlais 100 Tredegar Family 176 Thompson, Alderman 80 Thomas, Penyard, and Family 431 Thomas, Ysguborwen 431 Tredegar— The Lease 175, 176-429 Tredegar, Pontygwaith, 1690. 25, 175 Treharne 61 Taff Vale Railway 108-9 Tredegar Iron & Coal Co., 1873 182 Treforest Works 228-9 Tolfree 229 Truran Family 288-9 Thomas, O.H. 375 Thomas, D., of Ynyscedwin... 269-70 448 Thomas Gilchrist ... 296 Thomas, David, M.E. ... 192 Tinplate, The Puritan Soldier Pioneer, Yarranton ... 323 Tinplate Scale, etc. ... 419 Trerethick 126, 131, 177 Taliesin Williams and his Schoolboys ... 246 Trump, Rhymney ... 193 Thomas, W. Gadlys ... 431 Thomas, D. A. ... 431 Tintern Abbey Works ... 379 V Vigors, Cwmavon ... 337 Vale of Neath Railway and . Anthony Hill ... 161 Vaughan of Rheola ... 346 Vaughan, Dowlais ... 301 Villiers' Works ... 374 Vernon Works ... 374 Vivians, The ... 387-395 Vivian, A. P. ... 398 Vivian, W. G. ... 398 Victoria Works ... 429 Varteg 7, 332, 429 Van Mines ... 418 Voel ... 225 w Wesley, John — Visit to Merthyr ... 54 Waun Fair and Market ... 20 Wayne at Aberdare and Nantyglo 73, 74, 76, 430 Watkins, Registrar, Cardiff and Penydarren ... 145 Walters, James, Ffjmone ... 398 Waste Gases in Ironmaking 292 William, Taliasin ... 246, 252 Williams, Edward ... 261-6 Windsor, Leases by ... 25 Wilkins of Brecon and Craw- shay ... 68 Wilkins, De Winton ... 223 Wimborne, Lord ... 300-1 Williams, Foster and Co. ... 371 Wales the Teacher ... 420 Wilkinson at Dowlais and Plymouth ... 42, 161 Watkin George ... 68, 332 Williams, Gadlys ... 431 Windsor-Richards, E. ... 201 Y Ynyscedwin Works ... 228, 428 Ystalyfera ... 428 Ynysfach ... 429 Yarranton ... 323 Ynysyngharad, by Morien... 230 Josg/>A Williams, Printer, " Tyst " Office, Glebelaitd, Merthyr Tydfil, i RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Main Library • 198 IVIain Stacl -4 "■^ 1 1 m? FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY CA 94720-6000 GENERAL LIBRARY -U.C. BERKELEY BDDmb7DMT LUAMS,