LiyiN88T0H'8^a POEMS, S0H6S,i LECTUaES. HBIO If Ex Libras C. K. OGDKN POEMS AND SONGS; WITH LECTURES OK THE GENIUS AND WOKKS OF EUENS, AND THE EEV. GEOEGE GILFILLAN ; AND LETTERS ON DR DICK, THE CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHET, AND ^iil lolm 4ii:inlilin ;ind the S^Yciic Sections. PETER LIVINGSTON, DUNDEE. — " A wish — I mind its power, A wish that to my latest hour, Shall strongly heave my breast ; That I for poor auld Scotland's sake, Some useful pLan or book could make, Or sing a sang at least." Tentb Edition. EDINBURGH : PRINTED BY MOULD & TOD, ST JAMES' SQUARE. 1873. I 813 CONTENTS. Notice of tlie Author ... Letter on Sir J. Franklin and the Arctic Eegions Lecture on Burns George Gilfillan and his Writings Letter on Dr Dick the Christian Philosopher Poems — Sabbatli in a Scottish Cottage The Auld Kirk- Yard My Father's Ha' ... A Hame beyond the Skies Verses to my Aunt The Trysting Tree ]Man to Peace was Born Martha Palmer Welcome to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert 89 The Kirk ... 93 Stobb'sFair ... ... ... 98 The Miseries of War ... ... 10.3 Lines on Visiting the Graves of Alexander and John Betliune ... ... 107 The Wind ... ... ... HI Prologue ... ... . • • 113 Page vii 13 24 37 46 .51 GO G4 G7 70 74 80 85 SOXGS — Pack Wliar are a' the Friends 1 ... ... 1 1 G Oil ! Here lies low the Bonnie Lass ... 117 "VYlien thinking upon my Sad Fate ... 119 Hill and Dell are Decked in Green ... 120 I now maun Leave my lady Fair ... 122 Come to yonder Bower, my Lassie ... 123 Winter Is^ights are caidd, Lassie ... 124 A Guid New Year to ane and a' ... 12G Bonnie, bonnie, was the Morn ... 127 The Blooming Heather ... ... 128 The Cares o' Life ... 129 Winter is Come ... ... ... 130 March of Mesmerism ... ... 131 Creep before You Gae ... ... 134 Juke, and let the Jaw gang by ... 136 Time and Tide will wait on nae man ... 138 Little Children ... ... ... 140 TO GEO. DUNCAN, ESQ., M.P. FOR DUNDEE. Dundee, 20th Jamiary 1852. Honoured Sir, In dedicating to you the Eiglitli Edition of the Poems and Songs of my Son, Peter Livingston, and also his Lecture on the Genius and Works of Burns, as well as his Oration on the Eev. George Gilfillan, his genius and his criticism, I mentioned to you that one of my reasons for the publication was, in consequence of having to relinquish an extensive business in the book trade, occasioned by severe personal affliction, during a period of more than ten years ; and also to do justice to my own feelings, as well as to fulfil a wisli of the Author, your honour having formerly become liis first subscriber for the original edition, tlie sale of wliich was considerable ; the Seven Editions extending to upwards of 6000 copies. These are some of the reasons wliicli have iixluced me to solicit your indulgence ; and I shall ]icver forget the kind and generous manner in which you not only permitted the dedication, but feelingly expressed, that if your consent could be of any service in forwarding my design, it would afford you the utmost pleasure. Allow me, clear Sir, simply to saj', that I sincerely thank you for the expression of your kindness. And I beg leave to add, that so long as Dundee is screened from the northern hlast by the beautiful hill behind it — so long as the gTass grows on the Magdalen Green — so long- as the border of that Green is adorned by the Vine* — so long as your school shall exist for the instruction of poor cliildren — so long shall the name of George Duncan be held in grateful remembrance, — and that you may live long to enjoy tliat popularity and esteem which you have so honourably earned, is Honoured Sir, The earnest Avish of your faithful and obedient Servant, WILLIA]\r LIVINGSTONS". The beautiful Villa of the Honourable Member for Dundee. NOTICE OF THE AUTHOR. npHE Author of tlie following Poems, Songs, Lectures, -*- &c., was born in Dundee, on 20th January, 1823. His father, after residing twenty years in Perth, had removed at the previous Martinmas, and was for many years a bookseller and stationer in Dundee. His grand- father was James Livingston — who, at the end of the last and beginning of the present century, possessed a farm on the Laigh Fields of Hayston, in the parish of Glammis, on the princely estate of the noble family of Strathmore — who expired three hours after the death of his second wife in 1826, and both were buried in one grave in Glammis Churchyard. His maternal grand- father was Charles Laing, a wright in Perth — a man emi- nent for Christian piety. He died in 1805 ; the poet's mother is his eldest daughter.* * Mr (afterwards Sir Walter) Scott, when about to publish one of his earliest works, was anxious to obtain some information about the classic grounds of Lyndoch, its mansion liouse, the grave of Bessy Bell and ]\Iary Gray, all of which are so roman- tically situated on the banks of the Almond— and for that pur- pose waited on the amiable and aged Major Barry, then residing at Perth, but formerly proprietor, and (with his equally amial)lo lady) improver of that beautiful estate. Having obtained from the Major ample information— particularly about the means hi- used to ascertain the exact spot whore the bones of the beauties lay— the Major's servant (afterwards the poet's mother) w;ir VUl During his infancy and cbildhoocl lie exhibited an affectionate and kindly disi)Osition, and a contemplative turn of mind manifested itself as his years increased. When a mere boy he greatly admired the preaching of the Eeverend Mr Roxburgh of the Cross Church, and always spoke of him with the greatest enthusiasm. By a spark kindled at this flame, or some other cause, he, about this tune, exjiressed an earnest desire to be- come a preacher ; and in proof thereof, early in the mornings, would rise from his bed, place himself with a table and a Bible before him, inducing a younger brother to rise and sit in front of the table to act as precentor. Service was begun in right earnest; but sometimes the singing, and often the sermon, would be interrupted by the visit of a pillow coming in contact with the person of the orator, and make him bow to his audience, to the no small astonishment of the baby precentor, — this addition to the congregation being ejected from the bed of an elder brother ; the preacher having disturbed the carpenter's repose. Afterwards, the far-famed sermon, by the Eeverend George Gilfillan, entitled " Hades, or the Unseen,'' made its appearance, and the Poet took fire at what he considered severe criticism upon that production, and published a pamphlet in reply, entitled " Hades, desired to place some refreshments on the table, when Mr Scott made some remarks on her beautifully fair hair; and he after- wards mentioned to one in the establishment of his publishers, that that, and her otherwise prepossessing and unassuming ap- pearance suggested to him the title of his novel, "The Fair Maid of Perth," — and added, tradition has it, that Catherine Glover, though well favoured and of ruddy countenance, was not fair, but possessed of coal black hair. or what has its Opponents proved?" in which, young as he was, lie defended some of the sentiments con- tained in the sermon, and opposed the ideas expressed by the critics, with considerable ability, ingenuity, and skill. Ere this, some of his earliest verses appeared in a few of the periodicals with Avhicli the locality was then teeming ; and they were generally well received, which no doubt induced him to collect and publish them in a small volume, consisting of eight hundred copies, which were all subscribed for in a very short time. Thus encouraged, he composed some additional pieces, which appeared in subsequent additions, — and in visiting the neighbouring towns, he was well patronised, and the press reviewed the work very favourably. At Brechin, Lord Panmure patronised it very handsomely ; on going further north, several hundred copies Avere sold — and the Earls of Airlie and Kintore became subscrib- ers. Afterwards his progress in Perth and Fife was very successful, and the Professors of St Andrews Col- lege nearly all subscribed ; on visiting Edinburgh, Lords Jeffrey and Eobertson, with several of the other Lords of Session, and a number of the Professors were among his patrons ; on going to Glasgow, two editions of the work were called for, and the Earl of Eglinton became its efficient patron. It may be here remarked, that dur- ing the author's progress, as above stated, the ministers of the Gospel of aU denominations subscribed for the work in great numbers, and their kindly sentiments often expressed towards him, appeared to have left a deep feeling of gratitude on his inind. He now went to a celebrated college in England where he studied with success ; afterwards preached with acceptance ; delivered many orations on theology and other popular subjects, among which was his lecture on Burns, and his feeling letter on Dr Dick, the Christian Philosopher. He is now in London, on the wide field of literature. His oration on the Rev. George GilfiUan, his genius and criticism ; likewise his letter on Sir John Franklin and the Arctic Regions, with lectures and addresses to vari- ous literary societies in and about the metropolis, form part of his present efforts. THE FOLLOWING LETTER WAS ADDEESSED TO THE AUTHOE BY THE fate forb Icffrcjj. 24 Moray Place, 30th December 184G. Dear Sir, — T have now read through your little vtil- iime, and with very considerable satisfaction ; but have scarcely anything to add to what I said to you personally after I had perused but a part of it. The marked su- periority of what I understand to be your later com- positions, gives good reason to look for still greater improvement in those you may produce in future ; you are still young enough to contemplate great advances, and become a pleasing versifioi', and express amiable sentiments and domestic ailections in a natural and touching way. The thoughtful and tender parts arc decidedly tlie best, and some of the songs are not without merit. You ask my sincere opinion of your work, Tlie expression of it is, the talent you possess, if rightly estimated,may always afl'ord you an innocent and elegant amusement, and obtain for you the notice and regard ot many who may he of use to you, and with these advan- ta^es I trust you have sense enough to be satisfied . In the meantime, believe me, with all good wishes, Your faitliful and obedient servant, F. JEFFEEY. To Mr Peter Livingstone, Dundee. The above letter was highly appreciated by the author, as a valuable gift from that prince of critics and highly gifted and great man. SECOND EDITION OF ADDRESSED TO THE QUEEN ON SIR JOHI ERAIKLII AXD THE AECTIC EEGIONS. May it please Your Majesty, The theme upon which I take the liberty to address you is invested with a deep and distressing interest. Tliere are concerned in it the lives and deatli.s of many individuals, the hopes and fears of many hearts. Your Majesty will pardon me being somewhat miiuite — I shall not be lengthy — as on this subject I address not your Majesty alone, but also the public, in whom there- exists an ardent desire to know all that can be known on this important subject. It may be of importance briefly to enquire into the causes that have led lo our earnest exertions on the subject. Wherefore is it tluit man has sacrificed life — left friends home and country? Why has Government spent so much money ami been so unwearied in its exertions to explore the uuknnwii 14 regions of the North, where is nothing but eternal ice and snow 1 This question is answered to a certain ex- tent by our knowledge of maa's nature ; — it is man's nature to enquire, to know, and to understand all that is round and about him. j\Ian has got the earth for an inheritance, and he wishes to understand it. We do not like to live in a house without knowing its apartments^ 8uch is the cause, found in man's nature, of all his intre- liidity and daring. It is this that has led man forth witli lirave heart, to encounter all the dangers and difficulties which he is sure to meet with in his journeys over flood and field. It was this that led forth the great Columbus to find out the new world of the west, and has made him immortal for his enterprise and daring. This letl forth the fearless Cook over the wide waste of waters which covered our earth like a shroud, in the midst of which he lighted on the Owyhee, where he fell a victim to the fury of the natives of a country into wliich he went, intending to bequeath the blessings of civilization. This led Bruce to the mysterious Nile, and Park to the undiscovered Niger, where he too, fell in the midst of those desert regions which have well been called the white man's grave. It was this desire to know that has made man to ascend the everlasting hills, penetrate the unknown deserts, and plant his foot on spots of the earth where the foot of man had never been before. And this desire it is, coupled with a love of gold (perhaps a com- mendable love of gold), which had led forth our daring mariners to explore these unknown regions of the north where is nothing but everlasting ice and snow holding sv.'ay in the dismal wilderness. It was doubtless a love of gold, in conjunction with 15 our thirst for knowledge, that has led to all our exer- tions to discover a ISTorth-West Passage. The British Isles are situated on the glohe so as to he far from many commercial ports of great importance in the world. On the west, we have the continents of Xortli and Soutli America between ourselves and the western shores of these continents. On the east, we have the continents of Europe and Africa between us and China and Hin- dostan. These facts were seen and known by our com- mercial men, and their desire to find a speedy passage to the western shores of America, and the golden land of the east, found a ready response in the minds of our navigators, in whom there existed a desire to know if there was a way in the north by which tliey could sail round the world. The propriety, however, of any exer- tions on our part, and, indeed,>t any time, may witli some show of reason be questioned. In a commercial point of view, the passage, although discovered, could never be rendered available for any practical or useful purpose. In theselregions the ice closes in upon us ■and thus seems to present> lasting barrier to man's progress in that direction. Thus, although the passage were at once discovered, those who come after tlie original explorers must have the same difficulties to encounter, tlie same natural im- pediments in their way that the original explorers had to contend with. Till the sun himself shall melt the everlasting hills of snow, man may never be permitted to approach these regions. Be this as it may, the ne- cessity for further exertions on our part to discover a North-West Passage is now done away with, from the fact that the railway by the Isthmus of Panama and 16 tlie Canal by Lake Nicaragua, as also the proi^osed railway across the continent of Europe and direct from England to India, will give us the desired end without having to encounter any of those physical difficulties which impede our progress in the Northern Seas.* This, however, is incidental ; we have to deal with * The passages to which I have referred will entirely do away with the necessity, in a commercial point of view, for our j^rose- cuting the discovery of a North-West Passage further. Those by the Isthmus of Panama and Lake Nicaragua will open up a floodgate of commercial prosperity to the world which we have never known before ; they will bring within a short distance to our shores the western coasts of North and South America ; they will also open up a direct passage to the vast Pacific Ocean, and to the many islands which stud that ocean, which are too numerous for me to name or to number. The railway across the continent of Europe from England to India is one of the most gigantic ideas ever conceived by the mind of man. When this railway is completed — which in the course of time it doubt- less ^vill be — the golden land of the east will be brought within a distance of seven days' journey from England. Thus do we stand in the prospect of seeing realized a fact so great and so gigantic that had it been told to our forefathers they must have deemed it little else than an Arabian tale. Many parties tell us that such a project can never be carried out. Doubtless, to the minds of many it may seem an impossibility ; but there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in their philosophy. In the vocabulary of some men there is no such word as Fail ; and such men necessity will find to carry out this great undertaking. Not only will a railway be laid down from England to the East, but we may not err in prognosticating that an electric telegraph will soon be laid down also. Then the ^lilgrim by the banks of the river Indus, and the hero of Hindostan may converse with his friends in fatherland ; then will tlie daring fancy of our immortal Shakspeare be reduced to a vulgar reality, that of putting a girdle round the earth in forty minutes. 17 what has been done. The conclusions to which I have referred being come to, expeditions have from time to time been fitted out, only a passing allusion to several of which I can give before coming to that of Sir John Franklin; the voyages of Mackenzie, Davy, Beechy, the Eosses, Back, Dease, Simpson, and others, may be named as connected -with our present subject. Captain Parry discovered many lands, bays, and large islands, the principal of which he named. Captain Eoss dis- covered the large island of Boothia, which is thinly inhabited by Esquimaux. These various expeditions and their successes led to the expedition under the command of Sir John Franklin. That expedition left this country in the month of May 1845 ; there were composing it in all, two ships, the Erebus and Terror, and 138 men ; they took with them provisions calcu- lated, with economy, to last four years and a-half. Sir John Franklin's instructions were to proceed up by Davis' Straits to Baffin's Bay, so on the Lancaster Sound, Barrow Straits, and thus by Cape Walker, then to use his OAvn discretion. The expedition was last seen in Baffiix's Bay bound on to an iceberg, waiting for a passage through the ice. Traces of Sir John Frank- lin's expedition have, however, since been found on Beechy Island, which is situated at the entrance to Wellington Channel. Here were found three graves of men who had been buried, — there where the Avhite sea foam shall lash them daily ; here also were found a carpenter's shop, a forge, a post, and several other sad memorials of the missing men. This fact has led many to conclude — we think justly — that Franklin must have penetrated in by Welling- 18 ton Channel and Victoria Channel, which is a continua- tion of the former, and so on to the north pole on the earth. It seems very reasonable to come to this con- clusion from the fact that it was Franklin's own impres- sion that the most likely way to discover a North-west Passage, if defeated in his course by Cape Walker, was to proceed up Wellington Channel, and so on through the Arctic Ocean if possible to Behring's Straits. Such arc the simple facts connected with Franklin's expedition into the Polar Seas, and the conclusions to which we come regarding these facts lead us to believe that he yet may be found in these regions, and may yet return from them. We find that it is now upwards of six years since lie left this country, and he took with him provisions, cal- culated with economy to last four years and a-half. The question then presents itself to tlie mind, how can Franklin and his companions have existed during the year and a-half beyond which his provisions were cal- culated to last 1 Tliis question is answered to a certain extent, by our knowledge of the fact that in these regions he may have been able to procure reindeer, white foxes, seals, birds, arid indeed various other animals which abound in these northern regions. This supposition is strongly confirmed, if not reduced to a certainty, by our knowledge, that in the regions to which we suppose Sir John Franklin must have gone, namely, Wellington Channel and Victoria Channel, have been seen many spe- cimens of animal life, all of which could support Sir John Franklin and liis brave companions. That which makes us urge this view of the question with the more earnest- ness is, if Sir John Franklin has penetrated through Vic- 19 toria Channel, it is possible that he may now be in the Polar Sea, where he knew full well it is not so cold, and wliere animal life is mucli more plentiful than it is at what is called the magnetic pole of the earth. That Franklin did penetrate into Wellington. Channel and Victoria Channel, we think there can be now no reason- able doubt. We have before remarked that it was Sir John Franklin's intention to proceed by Wellington Channel if defeated on his way by Cape^ Walker. This, coupled with the fact that remains of the expedition have been Ibund on and beyond to the north of Beechy Island, seems to leave no reasonable doubt on the mind that he must have penetrated up that Channel. Upon Beecliy Island were found several sad and melancholy remains of the missing men. Here Franklin wintered in 1845-46, there also were found three graves — sublime in theh lone- liness — of men belonging to the expedition who had died. Here also were discovered a garden, a carpenter's simp, a forge, a post, and several other sad remains of tin; Northern Voyagers. Beechy Island is situated a little to the north of Cape Hotham, and therefore seems to be She too is buskit in her very best ; And John, their worthy, guid, respected son — Wha toils wi' pleasure for them day by day. He wearies not, but still he labours on. And ne'er an angry word is heard to say — He's ready for the kirk — his heart is glad and gay. X. They reach the lone sequestered house of God, Where friends are loitering in the auld kirk-j-ard, 55 Speaking of those who lie beneath the sod, And heaving sighs o'er friends langsyne interred. Lo ! here the widow weeps her husband lost ; Here the forsaken lonely maid may mourn And tell her hapless tale to midnight ghost ; Here wild llowers and the green yew tree adorn The graves of those who sleep till life's eternal morn. XI. The bell has ceased, all enter church, and now Service begins — a psalm is read and sung — • Their pastor prays — and see, on every brow Sits holy thought at his instructive tongue — He reads a chapter, then the text is given — He knows what erring mortals need and want ; He acts and speaks as should a guide to heaven ; — With him there is no hypocritic cant, No nauseous statements made, no rhapsody, no rant. xir. He bids them first honour and serve tlieir God, Love and adore Him, and you will do well ; He bids them strive to gain that blest abode Beyond the skies, where saints forever dwell. He bids them aU respect their fellow iiu-ii, And oh ! be kind, and feel for other's woes ; Be just, — from all dishonest acts refrain, And the reward is yours. Peace and repose Attend the good man still, where'er ou earth he goc.'i. 56 XITI. And tlius time passes. Service soon is ended, Tlie congregation slowly Avears away ; Pleasure and joy on every face are blended, — Oh, tliey have cause to bliss the Sabbath day. And soon our humble family reach their home, A lonely cot by wliimplin' burnie seen ; Meg gie's them hearty welcome as they come. Spreads a repast before them a', I ween, Which her ain hands prepared, sae wholesome, guid, and clean. XIV. A blessing's asked, and then they all partake That food which God thus gives them day by day — Again they thanlv Him for His mercy's salce, And thus the time glides pleasantly away ; The aged father now selects a book Frae aff his shelves, on which are many seen — Hail to those treasures, hail ! But let me look What are they 1 Ah ! the best of books, I ween O'er Avhich the earnest student ponders morn and e'en. XV. There's first the big Ha' Bible, and upon It the good father ponders morn and night — Then Bunyan's Pdgrim's Progress — honest John Is read by king and cottar with delight, — The Fourfold State T)y Boston— Watt and Blair, 57 Staekhouse and Harvey's Meditations too, Paley and Watson's noble works are tliere, Wliicli make the doubting sceptic turn, I trow, And too his broken reed bid a long last adieu. XVI. There is no blind selection ; here are seen Books on all subjects, art and science too, Histories of men and nations ; and I ween Of great and gifted poets not a few, — Shakspeare and Milton, Thomson, Blair, and P.urns, Are kept with care Avithin his humble bield, And all are read with rapture — read by turns. While round the blazing fire or in the field, Those great and gifted minds unmmgled pleasure yield. XVII. But noAV the sun is sinking in the west, The day's declining — evening winds grow cool, The younger cottars now again get dressed, For they maun a' gang to the Sabbath School, The auld guid wife gets a' her young sons near To say their tasks to her before they gae ; The guid man gets his daughters, he docs spcer Their questions at them, ranged around his knee ; He strokes their heads and bids them— say your task.s to me. 58 XVIIT. And now they leave tlaeir humble home, and go With willing hearts to school, at which are seen Young groups, all free from sorrow, care, and woe. With patience loitering on the village green ; And soon they enter, soon their tasks are said. Here all are told and taught to sing and pray ; An exhortation's given, a chapter's read, Tlae young mind's made familiar with the way Of Him who shall appear at the great Judgment Day. XIX. But time flies on, the twilight bell is pealing, The sun has sunlv beyond yon heath-clad hill ; Darkness on wood and dell is quickly stealing, Night comes apace, and all is hushed and still — Homeward in haste our humble group returning Enter their cot — dispelled is every dread ; The door is barred, the lamp is dimly burning, The bible's opened— passages are read — Which, thanks be to our God, console the heart and head. XX. Hark ! once again the voice of praise ascends ; How the heart melts at melody so sweet ! The contrite bosom in devotion betids. And yields its grateful homage at the feet Of Him who made the world in which we live. Who gives us all our comforts day by day, 59 And sent his Son, who taiight us to forgive Our earthly foes, and pointed out the way To gain his love who is our comfort, staff, and stay. XXI. Hail ! to this humble family, peace and rest Be ever with them in this world below, — All hail to him that hath a feeling breast, Who sees and fain would share a brother's woe ; Peace to the just, the generous, and the good ; Hasten that time, Lord, when we shall see The holy precepts practised — understood — then, and not till then, will mankind be The good and God-like beings meant and made by Thee. GO THE AULD KIRK YARD. 'Tis but a night, a long and moonless niglit, AVe make the grave our bed, and then are gone. Blair. I. ! WEEL I like to wander Wlien the e'ening sun is set — AVlien the raven on the castle croaks, And the grass wi' dew is wet — When the birds hae ceased their singing, And to their liames repaired. Then, then, I like to wander In the anld kirk-yard.''' * The small city of the dead that suggested to the author the \vi-iting of these lines is as perfect a ruin as its citizens within ; no kind of fence defends it from the raid of the ruthless intruder — yet would the poet reverently linger among its stones till the eleventh hour had proclaimed the approach of summer's midnight. About the time it appeared, a friend, remarked to the author, — "that Auld Kirk Yard seems just an imitation of 'there grows ii Bonnie Brier Bush in our Kail Yard : ' " the youth stood some minvites in a state of apparent stiipefaction, his face becoming whiter than the paper on which the poem was printed, but at length said, " You do not know how much you hurt me ; I declare I never saw nor heard of the piece of which you speak." That friend has sometimes since regretted the occurrence, and would say to others similarly situated — Do nothing rashly, remember the fate of poor Tannahill. Gl II. In the auld kirk-yard I've pleasures That the gay can never hae, Thougli Avhiles I may be gloomy, And my heart wi' trouble wae. 0, its there that I see justice ; There the cottar and the laird Lie side by side in slumber, In the auld kirk -yard. III. Grim death comes fast upon us, Aiid tak's baith ane an a', He flies about on fiery wing And tears our friends awa' ; The father and the iiiother dies, And the bairnie it's no spared — Folk are freed frae a' their sorrows In the auld kirk-yard. lY. I like to see the charnel house, "Where lie decaying banes — I like to read the epitaplis Engraven on the stanes — ■ I like to lean upon the tombs, Ajid tread the lang green sward That waves o'er friends departed. In the auld kirk -yard. 62 V. Here's a nook wi' nae memorial, Where tlie village strangers* sleep, At whose dying hour nae bosom friend Was heard to waU or weep. Here they're laid to rest ; nae marhles tell The toils on earth they shared ; But their griefs and woes are ended In the aidd kii-k-yard. YI. How oft hae I sat lonely here — Kae li\'ing mortal wi's — When a' was dark and dreary, And the loud wind 'mang the trees ; I thought on grim ghost stories. But e'en then I wasna feard, For I kenn'd that God was wi' me In the auld kirk-yard. YII. 0, wae's me ! what a strange strange place, Is this wee spot o' groimd — Sma' though it be, there's niony a true And lovino- heart that's bound *Mr Kobert Chambers, in a beautiful essay, speaks thus of the Stranger's Nook : — " In country church-yards in Scotland, and perhaps in otlier countries also, thei-e is alwaj's a corner near the gateway, which is devoted to the reception of strangers, and is distinguished from the rest of the area, by its total want of monuments. 63 To wander here and shed sad tears O'er friends langsyne interred : There's something that's enticing In the auld kirk-yard. VIII. Still and silent are they sleeping, But the day Avill dawn on graves — Their inmates will he roused from death And ne'er again he slaves, The great last day is coming, When their God, eternal guard, Will wake them from their slumhers In the aidd kirk-yard. 64 MY FATHER'S HA.' I. My Father's Ha' ! my Father's Ha' ! ! I've been happy there, "V^^len sitting round tlie blazing fire, Our hearts sae free frae care. Despite o' a' the ills that came To tak' our peace awa' We were unco blythe and happy aye Around my Father's Ha'. II. I've Avandered east, I've wandered west, I've wandered 'mang the hills And flowery glens aird rocky dens. And I hae felt the Uls That man is subject to. But I hae felt that a' The cares o' life were banished. When round my Father's Ha'. III. ! weel I mind the winter nights, AVlien L'oreas blew sae bauld, 65 When round the ingle cheek we sat An' smiled baith young and auld. "We naething had to trouble's then, But we heard the loud winds blaw, And wished the homeless wanderer wi'; Around my Father's Ha'. IV. It's there that I first learned To read guid and holy books — It's there that I first saw wi' joy A mither's anxious looks — It's there that I first heard the prayer Sent up for ane an' a' ; It's the sweetest, dearest spot on earth To me — my Father's Ha'. V. My Father's Ha', my Father's Ila', To me 'twill aye be dear ; And those wha round it used to sit — Alas ! how few arc here. They're scattered noo, and some are t(» A better world awa', And left us here to think on them Around my Father's Ha'. 66 VI. But we'll a' yet be happy When life's jom-ney here is o'er, "We'll meet beyond yon snnny skies — "We'll meet to part no more. Our bliss will be eternal there, It will never flee awa' ; We'U be happier than we've ever been Around my Father's Ha'. 67 A HAME BEYOND THE SKIES. I. When the heart's oppressed ^yi' sorrow, And the head bowed down wi' care ; Wlien we labour wi' a heavy load 0' grief and dark despair ; When a' before seems niirky, And black clouds round us rise — 'It's a blessed thing to think we hae A liame beyond the skies. II. When friends wha dearly lo'ed us, Wha by us were aye held dear ; When we're lowly laid by fell disease, And stretched upon the bier ; When we kiss the cheek so lately warm, And close the glistening eyes — It's a blessed thing to think we haii A hame beyond the skies. III. When our earthly friends forsake u>-, And upon us shut their door — - 68 AVlien left by a' like some lone tree Upon a Masted moor, There's a friend that never leaves us, If we're just, and good, and wise — It's a hlessed thing to tliink we hae A hame beyond the skies. IV. Ah me ! I often wonder What this weary world would l)e, If we ken'd nae o' anither "VMien in death we closed our e'e ; When we're laid into the lonesome grave From which we a' maun rise — It's a blessed thing to think we hae A hame beyond the skies. V. A' kinds, a' colours, and a' creeds Are blest wi' hope in heaven ; To Saint and Savage, Turk and Je'\\', This balm of life is given. The Catholic and the Calvinist, Wha ither's creeds despise, Think its a blessed thing to hae A hame beyond the skies. YI. The burdened slave Avho lives on earth A life of care and woe ; 09 The GreeiilanJer, Avho climbs o'er liills Of everlasting snow ; The poor untutored Indian, Who for lack of knowledge dies, Is taught by nature that he has A liame beyond the skies. VII. Let us thank our God the giver Of this cheering hope below. Which dispels the darkest clouds of fate, And sets us free from woe. There's a land of bliss, where He will wipe AU tears from weeping eyes — It's a blessed thing to tliink we hae A hame beyond the skies. 70 VERSES TO MY AUNT. * This is one of my earliest efforts ; it will explain itself. The person to whom it was written — Mrs Warden of the Plans of Thornton — is one of the kindest and best of women. She is one of "Nature's Nobles," dearly beloved by all who know her. Would that the world were composed of her like. Dearest Aunt, when thinking on your Kindness to us day by day, I see that we are among your Debtors wha can never pay. II. When I think upon tlie ruin That comes ower baith ane and a' When a father wha's well-doing Frae his family wears awa. III. ' When I think, and thinking shiver On the havoc it wad make. Had my father been forever Laid within his narrow bed. 71 IV. When I think upon your kindness To him, Aunt, baith air and late, If my beating heart were mindless ■ Only when it stops to beat. V. A' the toil that you had wi' him, Save yoursel' there's few did see'd ; StQl wi' pleasure did you gie him Ilk thino- he could wish or need. VI Pale and wan he came out to you — Wild disease made dismal strife, But wi' grace that God did gie you, You e'en saved his very life. VII. Aft you gaed to pu' at mid day, A' the best fruit you could see, Though he aft to stop did bid you. Still you kindly bade him pree. VIII. When the sun had ceased his vigour. And in warmth did shine nac mair. Then when e'en was calm, you placed hiiu At the door wi' meikle care. IX. Tlien lie aften saw descending In the west the setting sun ; Balmy breezes him were mending— Thus wi' joy the e'en did run. X. At the hour of midnight when you Heard the lonely owlet cry, You had need of rest, but then you, Even then you couldna lie. XI. Then you quietly gaed to see him. And to speer if aught was wrong ; IMilk in plenty did you gie him. Cooled the almost parched tongue. XII. Dearest Aunt, can I ever Kindness such as that forget ! Xo ! I'm sure that I can never, TiU this heart has ceased to beat. XIII. I, 'tis true, can ne'er reward ye, Wljich does fill my heart Avi' care; 73 But accept frae lium'ble "bardie A' lie has — an earnest prayer. XIV. Peace and pleasure to your cot aye, Comfort to tlie ruling twa ; O, may bliss attend your lot aye — Peace to ane and peace to a'. XV. Comfort to you a' the day time ; Peace when laid upon your bed — God forsakes the guid at nae time- Then he hovers roimd your head. XVI. AVhen your days on earth are ended, When you're o'er life's ocean driven, Cares on eartli will a' be mended, When we reap the pi-omise given. XVII. Dearest Aunt I canna gie you Words to tell you what I feel ; 1 maun soon be out to see you— Cod aye bless you — Parc-you-wcel. THE TRY8TING TREE. I. The trystin' tree ! the trystin' tree ! I'll mind it a' my days ; It weel deserves a sang frae me, Or something in its praise. So sit ye dowTi beside me, love. And I will sing to thee, The pure delights that we enjoyed Beneath the trystin' tree. 11. D'ye mind when first we met there I was reading at some book, WTien you passed ae summer mornin' An' you gied me sic a look ; Weel I mind you gaed by slowly, And you seemed to smUe to me — So I bade you come and rest awhile Beneath the trysting tree. To III. Ye consented, and cam near me, And, Jessie, that ae look Gard me loe ye ever after — I loot fa' the very hook. And I pressed ye to my hosom, While the tear stood in my e'e, 0, sacred are the joys o' love, Beneath the trysting tree. IV. Beneath the trysting tree began A true love that will last Till this fair earth he hurned up And all its glories past- Yon sun may he extinguished, But I'll live and think on thee, And remember a' the joys we've huen, Beneath the trysting tree. V. Yes, the time will come, dear Jessie, When e'en you and I maun part, 0' ye needna look amazed nor let This touch your tender heart ; For ye ken tho' death divide us, I will meet again with thee. And hae bliss beyond the joys we've haen Beneath the trysting tree. 76 VI. We ha'e met here ilka e'enin' AVlien the eerie bat tiew hame, And we've seen the pale moon gane To the land I canna name ; We hae met here ilka mornin', Ere the smi cam o'er the sea, And constant was our happiness Beneath the trysting tree. VII. When wearied nature sank to rest, And a' was hushed and still, Wi' lightsome heart I crossed the nuiir, And passed the Haunted Mill.* The feint a ghaist or bogle Ere tried to hinder me — I guess they kenn'd they couldna When I sought the trysting tree. * 1741 was a disastrous year for Scotland — bad seed and a backward spi-ing, followed by a wet summer and a late harvest, brought on the country the evils of famine. At that time (and not far from the trysting tree) there stood, and yet stands a meal-mill romantically situated on the banks of an ever-running brook. In a hut, on the farm attached to the mill, there lived a labourer, having a numerous family, and out of work ; he asked 77 VIII. 0, its here I vowed to loe you While my life was spared below ; Here I vowed to shield and guard you Frae this warld's care and woe ; It's here at times we haith hae prayed Upon the bended knee — "We've tasted bliss beyond compare Beneath the trysting tree. from the miller (on credit) a small quantity of meal ; tlie favour was refused ; the family was starving ; and driven to desijeration by their cries for bread, in tlie course of the night he went to the mill, and getting in at a wide aperture in the wall, through which passed the axle of the wheel, was in the act of filling a bag with meal, when, unfortunately for him, the miller entered with a light in his hand, for the purpose of setting on the mill. Being thus detected, the miller took him to his house, where a fire was already blazing on the hearth, upon which was a heated girdle, for the purpose of firing the bread which the servants were bak- ing for the family's use. Either from infatuation or frolic it was agi-eed — that as his feet had brought him to the mill, and his hands had stolen the meal — to place all four on the red-hot girdle, which they accordingly did with great violence, his agony and cries for mercy being of none avail. A female relative of the miller's cried out " dinna let him go till I put in anither cowe yet." Getting at last released, he crawled out on his elbows and knees until he reached the cart shed, whei-e death ere long put an end to his sufferings. The man being poor, the miller's inthi- ence prevailed, and the affair was therefore hushed over, the mill was ever after said to be haunted. The miller's family is now extinct, their affairs having previously gone to ruin, and not a few of them suffered violent deaths. To this time, if the neigli- bours have to go that way at night, they generally foci timorous as they pass the haunted mill. 78 IX. Here I rowed you in my plaidie Frae the cauld and biting blast, Though the trysting tree can shield us Frae the north wind or the wast ; I bound a wreath around your brow — A token true to thee, Tliat we were bound in bands of love Beneath the trysting tree. X. When I thinlv on thae days, Jessie, My fond heart is like to break ; But I stop the tears, for weel I ken That her for wha's dear sake I sigh stiU loes nie fondly — Still is fondly loed by me, And our first affection was begun Beneath the trysting tree. XI. Dy'e mind that time, dear lassie, When I left ye to yoursel' Tin sure we baith had sorrows which Nae tongue can ever tell, I came and waited though I kenn'd I wadna meet wi' thee ; 0, 1 tliought my very heart would break Beneath the trysting tree. 79 XII. When winter conies, our trysting tree Grows naked, brown, and bare ; Like mother nature round about It hangs its head wi' care. But spring returns and it revives, As ye may plainly see — There's no a tree about the burn Like our ain trysting tree. 80 MAN TO PEACE WAS BORN. An Imitation of " Man was ]Made to IMourn. Wlicn gentle spring's ethereal bloom INEade fields and forests gay, One morning as I wandered forth Along the banks of Tay, I spied a man whose back was bent, But cankering grief and care Seemed utter strangers to his heart, Though hoary was his hair. IL Young stranger, whither wanderest thou Began the reverend sage ? Does love of nature call thee forth, Before bowed down with age 1 Or haply wilt thou talk witli me Of Providence's plan. And vindicate the ways of God To noble-minded man. 81 III. Yon sun that sheds a golden flood Of light on tower and tree, And tells us there's a God above Delights and pleases me. I've seen yon glorious summer sun Twice forty times return, And every time has added proof, That man to peace was born. IV. My son, when young, be wise — be not Too prodigal of time ; Do not mispend thy precious hours, Thy glorious youthful prime. O ! let not follies take their sway, Do not let passions burn — Curb and contemn them, e'en to day, And then thou wilt not mourn. V. 'Tis true that tyrants while in power, Oppress man here below ; But why from this should it be said That man was doomed to woe. 'Tis madness for the rich and great To treat the poor with scorn ; 82 Oh, why has man the will aud power To make his fellow moiu'n. VI. Were mankind wise, we all might he In pleasure's lap caressed — Tliere's plenty here for high and low, To make us truly blest ; But sordid, sinful, selfish men Hoard up all that they can, And while they only serve themselves, Oppress their fellow men. YII. ^lany and sharp the numerous ills Inwoven with our frame, And oft we cause remorse and grief By bringing on the same. Oh, were mankind when young all tauglit The wicked's path to scorn, Then blest experience soon Avould show That man to peace was bom. YIII. See yonder ploughman on the fieLl, He whistles as he goes ; 83 He knows not grief nor care — his heart Is ne'er oppressed with woes ; And^when at e'en his toil is o'er He homeward doth return, Lo, there lie meets a cheerful Avife, And'hahes to bless him born. IX. Proud man to be a slave was ne'er By nature's law designed, Then why should weak and puny man To earth his brother bind 1 Oil ! shake the fetters from the feet Of slaves ; wipe off this scorn And just rejiroach from nature ; show To freedom man was born. X. Yet, let not this too much, my son Engage thy youthful breast ; Think not this world's a paradise — Perhaps indeeil 'twere best To think and to believe tliat we Are happy here below ; But only if we're just and goo 1 — If not we dwL'll in woe. 84 XI. Death is the good man's greatest friend, The kindest and the best ; For then his toils are at an end — He's taken to his rest. The vile and wicked fear its blow, From sin to sorrow torn y But the just and good ne'er fear to go, "Who know for what they're born. 55 • MARTHA PALMER. I. O ! dear, dear Martha Palmer, A' the grief you've gien to me, It's far beyond my humble power In Avords to tell to thee ; But my heart's sae fu' o' sorrow At the change I've lately seen, That I canna do but tell you o't ; And ask what ye could mean. 11. I little thought that slanders, love, Of heartless envious men. Could e'er hae poisoned your high mind, Or made you false ; but then I find the love of woman Is a frail and quivering reed. And the heart that doats too fondly Is the heart that doats to bleed. 86 IIL D'ye mind the scenes that we twa had Since first we met thegither ; D'ye mind the vows we made, to live In love wi' ane anither ; D'ye mind the tears we aften shed, For very bliss and joy — Did you think then, Martha, did yon mean Our rapture to destroy ; lY. Oh ! how aften did we wander, When the sun sunk o'er the hill, DowTi the saugh road, across the burn And by the haunted mill. Up to the kirk and auld kirk yard, Which ye woulil liardly leave, Yov weel you lo'ed to linger By the murdered niartyt's grave. Y. Whiles, when we stood frae winil or rain Beside the auld grey tower, An' saw the pale moon glimmering At the solemn midnight hour ; I told you warlock stories. And I've felt you cling to me. 87 As if I were your salvation — Which indeed I weel could be. VI. And ah, we aften sat, my dear, Beneath the trysting tree. Where I made love to you, my dear, And you made love to me. And when we baith were left alane, And nae intruder near. We spoke the poems and sung the sangs That true hearts like to hear. VII. Ah, then, dear Martha, then this earth Was paradise to me ! This heart, sae heavy now, was light When I was lo'ed by thee. The flowers were bonnie, fields were green, Frae ilka bush and tree ; The birds sang sweetly, very sweet. When Martha smiled on me. VIII. But now that you hae left me. Now that we by fate arc parted, Now that ye hae sought to live alane, And I am broken hearted — 88 I see not nature as it was — The earth, the sun, the sea, The trees, the birds, the bonnie flowers, Are naething now to me. IX. At midnight like a ghaist I gang, An' love, 'tween you and me, I've fearfu' thoughts o' something A^Thich I darena tell to thee. I weep whiles like a very cliUd, for a' my hopes are hurled To feU destruction, and I'm left Alane in this dark world. X. You, dearest have the triumph Of disdaining, slighting me — But I would not boast of glory Had I done the same to thee. True love should not be scorned — It is sent to earth from heaven, As the purest and the rarest gift That God to man hath given. XT. Fareweel, dear Martha, you may ne'er Forget me a' th'gither, — 89 And I ken you'll keep yoxir aitli to God, That you'll ne'er wed another ; If it be sae, I know tliat when Frae earth we gang awa', I'll meet you in a better world As pure as winter snaw. A WELCOME TO QUEEN VICTORIA & PRINCE ALBERT ON THEIR VISIT TO DUNDEE. The following verses were sent to the Queen during her residence at Blair Castle, through her Foreign Seci'etary, the Earl of Aberdeen. His Lordship was kind enough to send me a note acknowledging the receipt of the Poem by her Majesty. "Stir the beal fire — wave the banner — Bid the thundering cannon sound, Rend the skies with acclamation. Stun the woods and waters round, Till the echoes of our gathering Turn the world's admiring gaze, To this act of duteous homage Scotland to Victoria pays." I. Dundee welcomes with kind greeting, Fair Victoria to our shore ; And we hail the Queen of nations Whom we honour and adore. Delta. 90 And we hail her joyful Consort, Worthy of her fondest love — ]\Iay their days on earth be happy Till they reach the land ahove. 11. Thoii bright sun ! shine forth in splendour, Shine out on the royal pair — Eaise our beating hearts, and let us Bid a long adieu to care. For, this the day and this the hour With heartfelt joy we see, Britain's great, and peerless Queen, In our native home, Dundee. III. Lo ! the lofty arch triumphal Rears its columns to the skies — Widely opened be its portals To our Queen's admiring eyes. The cannons sound — the banners wave — The fairest flowers are seen All bound in wreaths right royally — To welcome Albion's Queen. IV. We woidd wish that this their visit In aiild loyal Scotland, be ^larked by all that kindly feeling • WTiich is ever with the free ! 91 ^V'c would wish tlieni to be happy While m Scotia tliey reinaiu ; And may every joy attend them To the " merry" land again. May their sports among the heather Be what boundmg hearts desire ; May the hills, and glens, and fountains, Them with health and mirth inspire. Let us welcome Queen Victoria To her Highland home with glee, Where the heathcock's screammg loudl}', And the wild deer boundins; free. VI. May the reign of Queen Victoria Be a reign of rest and peace, Prompted by her bright example. May all strife and discord cease ; ]\Iay her ministers act wisely, And may all her subjects bo Ever loving — ever loyal. Ever fearless, bold, and free. VII. May the loyal babes be happy Till their parents home return. In theh own loved land, 0, may they ^Ne'er have cause to grieve or mourn ; 92 May they grow in grace and beauty, May tliey ever, ever prove Choicest blessings to their parents, W]io reward thein with tlieir love. VIII. So we welcome here Prmce Albert, Consort to our Eoyal Queen — ]\Iay his days on earth be happy As his days gone by have been. And we welcome with kind greeting, Fair Victoria to our shore, And we hail the Queen of nations "Whom we honour and adore. 93 THE KIRK. 'Twas Sabbatli e'en ; the setting sun Out o'er the Law''' was glowering ; The day o' rest was nearly done, And night's dark clouds were lowerinof. The golden west I gladly saw Was by the sun's rays riven ; At length he camly sunk awaj', — Like saint who soars to heaven. As I stood, and wi' pleasure gazed Upon the face of nature, I saw what made me much amazed- A maid wha's every feature Betokened that she had not boiii A dweller 'mong the rest o's, For baith her manner and her mien Were better than the best o's. * The Law, a notable hill behind Dundee, containing on its summit the remains of a Koman fortress. 94 ■\Vi' smiling face she took my liand, And, pointing up to heaven, Said, " Sir that is the happy land, — There hliss to all is given." 8he smiled again, "dear Sir," said she " My name is Guide to Glory ; come wi' me, I'll let you see A scene at which I'm sorry." 1 howed and kissed her bonny hand. Then on wi' joy she led me, An' aft to seek the happy land, Wi' smiling face she bade me. She led me to the kirk, wdiere T Hae aften heard a sermon ; Rut, guid forgie me when I say We landed 'mong a vermin. " Now, Sir, I've brought you here you see, 'Mang mony lads and lasses ; Sit down and teU the world an' me The scenes that 'mong them passes. "And oh," said she her hand up high, " Do a' as I would hae ye ;" Til en round my brow a wreath did tie — " :May tliat and God be wi' you." 95 Soon as tliese kind words she said, She frae my sight was hidden, I prayed to God to bless the maid, Then strove to do her biddin.' His reverence soon came up the stair, And vow but there's a reaching 0' lieads and caps — its a' the care 0' some to see wha's preaching; For niony a ane I ween is tliere "Wha to the text will listen ; When this is got they dinna care For sermon or for blessin". I kenna what the kimmer means She's no doing aught but looking — The trifling brat's but iu her teens, And watch her how she's poking. Her neighbour's ribs, saying, " Cast your e'c But ower amang the fellows. And if a wise-like chield you see You'll no forget to tell us." Should some late comer want a seat, And scarce ken whar to find ane ; Some bonnie queen will no be blate To crush, and prove a kind one : 96 And a' the pay for favour shewn, Or fee that she seeks frae him, Is just to get his arm when done, And take a dander wi' him. I cast my e'e across the kirk, "Whar folk should aye sit douse — A rotten seat conies down wi' jerk, And this creates a noise. It put the maist o' folk on edge ; — And yonder's three chields brisk aye, See, Tarn's now in an awfu' rage, For Bob's drunk a' tlie whisky, A modest matron sitting douse Was for some minutes pested. She thought that 'mang her feet a mouse* Was jumping, but to test it. She soon resolved in spite o' a' She would be at the meaning — Sae looking down I ween she saw A fellow busy preening. Her petticoats ; but weel I wat The kind chield got a token — The matron rose to stand, wi' that The gallant's joke was broken. 97 Look ye up yonder, there's three chields, At " catch the ten" they're playing, And hear yon gallant how he bans At what his neighbour's saying. And round and round are maids and men, Quite the reverse o' civil ; They make the house of God a den In which to do a' evil. Where is the genius of those rules, Those precepts that would ease us — "W'here are the teachers of those schools Begun on earth by Jesus. 98 STOBB'S FAIR. I. " Come, Pate, gie't ower man, work nae mair, Let's baitli gae out and see the fair, - Ilk lightsome body's fleeing ; The road, I see, is thickly clad, AVi' mony a bonnie lass and lad, They'll a' be worth the seeing ; " So said my friend, and quickly then I rose and took the road, On which were droves o' merry men, And lasses neat and snod — And a' that I saw As I here and there was driven. Just proved that ilk ane loved To be lightsome as weel's livin' II. And mony a ploughman chield was seen "VVha that night got rowin' e'en. And some could scarcely stand. 99 I like a cliiekl riglit glad to be Whene'er lie meets wi' twa or three, To grip warm friendship's hand, I aften ower a hearty stoup Hae spent a happy night, But it's far the best and wisest plan To keep ane's sell near right ; It's beastly — I maistly Could ca' the fellow down Wha sits till his wit's Wi' the warld's rinnin' round. III. ■ There's mony a puir thijig on the road This day has left their sad abode, And waes me they maun l)eg — Wives, wed to poortith, wi' a bairn, And mony a man without the arm. And some without a leg ; I like to see a generous chiel, Wi' open liberal hand. It shows, I ween, his heart can feel For this neglected band, To gie what he'll see tliat To him will ne'er be missing ; I like to hear with listening ear The i50or auld beggar's blessing. IV. Hark to those sounds from yomler tent, I'm sure there's some ane discontent 100 Although I wadna wish't, " Alas ray friend, what can it he T The lads wi' scarlet coats you see, Are wanting "Will to list. " Man, "Will, how can you gang awa' Frae hame and friends sae far? Said Eoger — " can you leave us a' To face the ways o' Avar ; Man, "V\^niy, be nae sUly, Dinna plunge to sic a fate — I'U no deceive, but me believe, You'll rue't when far ower late." V. " Says "Wni, " my friend, I ken you weel ; I ken that much for me you feel ; But here, believe me, Eoger ; I'm gaun to do't — yes, here I'm wUlmg, The minute that I get the shilling, To gae and be a sodger. And as for her that saucy foir — ]\Ty mind is on the rack — She slighted me, but here I swear To pay the false ane back ; So, Eoger, here I vow and swear To leave Uk social chiel' To ilka brae and ilka burn — To ane and a' fareweel." Poor senseless "Will the shilling got, The sergeant called the tither pot, 101 And cried, " Our friend will pay't." The beer was brought, round went tlic drink, Will's spirits soon begun to sink. They wi' his shilling gaed, *' Come, do not let your spirits down," The winning soldier said ; *' Cheer up my lad, and do not fear, A man you'll soon be made." He cried then and dried then The tears that down did fa' — The daft ane, the saft ane. Was easily won awa. VII. And list again to that loud noise Of drums, and fifes, and men, and boys ; Observe ye, these are j)layers — They surely lead an awfu' life Of toil and trouble strut and strife, Of crosses and of cares. They're j)inched, I wat, by poverty, And naked maist for claes ; Thus strolling through the world they gae And sj)end their weary days. !Nae hame can they claim And nae comfort can they have ; They're hurled through the world, Till they sink into their grave. VIII. And mony a kittle case was seen, Wi' hearty Jock and rosy Jean — 102 I wat he gat lier reel ; And kindness came at ilka hand, He treated her at tent and stand, And pleased the lassie week And mony a chapman chield was thei\', Wi' rantin' roarin' voice, Some selling saft, and some hard ware, A penny for your choice. And a' that I saw, As I here and there was driven, Just proved that ilk ane loved To be lightsome as weel as livin'. 103 THE MISERIES OF WAR. I. Among the many visitants since first the world licgan, That have come on earth to murder and destroy the peace of man, I stand alone and go beyond all other ills as far As the brilliant sun of summer goes beyond the morn- ing star. II. I have fatted all the fields of earth with the bodies of the dead ; I have made your crystal streamlets and your rivers all run red ; And the bravest and the best of men I've buried in tin- deep, Whose dying groans were heard in heaven, and ni;idc the angels weep. 104 III. I have brought destruction on the world, where gorgeous cities stood, Their temples, towers, and palaces I've mingled with the hlood Of fallen men, I've marred earth's joys, and with my fiery rod I've made this world a charnel house for the erring sons of God. IV. I have dragged from many a happy home the parents' joy and pride. And I've torn the loving hushand from the new-made mother's side, With fiendish joy I led them to the hloody battle plain. Where the music of my madness was the wailing o'er the slain. V. My food hath been the flesh of men, my drink hath been their blood. Give me murdered men or murderers, whether by field or flood ; The thundering cannon, glancing steel, and carnage covered field, Murder and death to me a joy unspeakable did yield. 105 VI. I come from hell ! the tleejiest liell ; this workl that would be fair, Were it not for me, I've filled with dismal howlings of despair. If one had been " the liero of an hundred fights " or more, I'm the hero of ten million miseries counted o'er and o'er. VII. I've had friends on earth, and my most favoured son of modern times, Whose deeds heroic erring poets have sung in lofty rhymes. He was banished on a lonely rock in solitude to dwell, And the men who wanted peace on earth in doing this did welL VIII. Ye nations of the earth give ear, think on the deeds I've done, Think on the rendings of the heart, the woes by battle won, Think on the pangs of dying men, whose suil'erings now are o'er ; Ye may think of this, but ye who suffer not can do no more. lOG IX. Ho, England, France, America ! shake hands and live in peace, Put up your swords, ye sons of men, let strife and discord cease ; Thou boasted Briton, sun-burnt Moor, ye great on earth and small. Love while you live, be brethren, as God meant and made you all. X. I'm getting old and wrinkled now, my hair is turning grey, The world begins to like me less ; there dawns a brighter day, I've done my work — I'm wishing that my reign on earth was o'er — For I'm wearied with the deeds I've done, and wish tc> do no more. 107 LINES WRITTEN ON VISITING THE GRAVES OF ALEXANDER AND JOHN BETHUNE. Alexander and John Bethnne were brothers. They were born at Upper Rankeillour, in the parish of Lethani and county of Fife. Being tlie sons of poor parents, they were trained from their earliest days to win their bread by labour. Through life they had to struggle with j)overty ; during the day they laboured, and at night and other limited leisure hours, they wrote poems and stories, which attracted the attention of very eminent literary characters ; ]\Ir Murray and Mr E. Chambers being among their patrons. From Woodmill in the parish of Abdie, they ultimately removed to IMount Pleasant, where Alexander and John had built a house, which will long remain a monument of their industry and perseverance. It stands on a lofty hill, and is the house at the back of the beautiful town of Newburgh. Here the family lived for some time, but death came upon them, and his shafts fiew quick. The father died first, then John, then the mother, and Alexander, who was left alone in this, to him bleak world, soon followed them to the grave, and now they all rest in the Abdie Churchyard, where a chaste and beautiful monument tells who lie below. In the spring of 1845 I spent a few days at Newburgh. During my stay, I was favoured by a friend with Mr Crombie's deeply interesting memoirs of Alexander. I had heard much of the Bethunes before this, but being in the locality where they had lived and died, and reading this ably compiled work, my interest in them was excited, and I had an ardent desire to see the burial place of the brothers. Accordingly I set out on Sabbath evening to Abdie Churchyard, and it was to me a delightful evening. I was enchanted by all I heard and saw. The scenery agree;d)ly surprised me. It was unlooked for. I did not think tliere was s.. much beauty in the locality so little talked of. Around me lay the hills, reposing in quiet gran.leur, and In-fore me lay the Locli of Lindores, bounded on the north l)y the Ijcautiful seat of Captain 108 (afterwards Admiral) Maitlaml, to whom Napoleon Bonaparte sur- rendered, off Eochfort, after the battle of Waterloo, "which in the calm twilight of a summer's evening, appears like the eye of nature looking up to its Maker in the spirit of meek and quiet devotion." I arrived at Abdie Churchyard, and standing over the grave of departed genius, the following verses were written. I. Eest in peace, Leloved brothers — Eest in peace oppressed no more ; Fame is yours wliich was no others, x^ow that all life's toils are o'er. II. Ered 'raid hardship, shame upon her, Tho' she strove to keep you down, You have gained a name of honour Erighter far than monarch's crown. III. Toiled from morning's sun till setting — Students pale o'er glimmering lamp, Still harassed by fortune fretting — Murdered in a cottage damp. IV. Told in your affecting stories. What was right and what was wi'ong ; 109 When mspired by nature's glories, Then your souls burst forth in song. V. Both were peasants — proud yet humble- To their lowly lot resigned ; l^either at their fate did grumble — Gifted each with noble mind. VI. Both were one in fond affection — One in feeling — one in faith — • One, too, in their name's erection — ■ One in life, and one in death. VII. Standing here, I am not weeping O'er their graves, now free from ill ; Buried here serenely sleeping 'Mid auld Scotia's quiet hills. VIII. Standing here, I do not mourn O'er this lowly bed of thine — Oh, till death's eternal morn. May such bed of rest be mine. no IX. Here all lie, tlie ilither, motlier, Silently are sleeping here ; Here the younger, elder brother, Eoth lie stretched upon the bier. X. Be it so — they all resided In one cot on earth in love ; And they were not long divided From the better land above. XT. Pilgrims here with bosoms swelling Yet may come ; and tears may fall O'er the dark and narrow dwelling Of two brothers — one in all. XII. Eest in peace, beloved l)rotlicrs— Rest in peace, oppressed no more ; Fame is yours which was no others, Xow that all life's toils are o'er. Ill THE WIND. I. I Jiiiiia like that dreary wind, It makes me dull and wae ; It gares me think upon tlie grave To which we a' maun gae. It brings me to the gates of death, Whaur a' is dark and drear — There's something in the howling wind I dinna like to hear. II. It brings to mind the tales I've read 0' mountain, moor and glen, Where solitary wanderer found Eemains of murdered men. I think upon the houseless poor W]ia wander wet and cauld And sigh for a' the sufferings 0' the helpless young and auld. III. Hark ! how that gust is liowling, 0, it makes my blood run cliill ; What a dreary sound gangs tlirougli the trees- It's moaning o'er the hill. 112 Grim sprites arise, and lo, methinks Eight merrily beliincl The charnel-house they're dancing, To the music of the wind. IV. Ye howling winds, oh, spare the bark On restless billows tossed ; And spare the worthy father, Deemed by friends for ever lost ; And spare me a' the gloomy thoughts That make me shake wi' fear — There's something in the howlmg wind I dinna like to hear. 113 PROLOGUE. "Written on the occasion of an Amateur Performance at Dr Beard's Academy. Welcome to Stony Knolls ! a hearty greeting We give to one and all at tliis our joyful meeting, Not, it is true, the first, for there have been Such bright assemblies here before I ween, And, judging from the glories of the past, I know not, friends, that this should be our last. Shakespeare has said that " all the world's a stage ;" 'Tis said this is the saying of a sage — Full well we know 'tis true, but in this mart Of learning we have mostly played one part. " The school-boy with his shining morning face" Plays here his part — to him a serious case. Here day by day, and week by week, Are dull brains cudgelled over puzzling Greek ; Eutopius teases here, and virgil vexes, Horace is horrible, — Euclid perplexes ; Here British commerce, textile manufactures. Are themes on which we show ourselves the actors ; Wliile sums, and numbers added to tlic sum. Are themes on which our actors oft jjrovc dumb ; And this truth is told in many a serious look, II lU That " Latin made easy" is no easy book. Change is tlie law of nature ; change has been Since first Creation's dawn beheld the queen Of earth and women — pardon ladies all, I speak of Eve anterior to her fall. Since then the great and everlasting sea Has sung its wild and endless melody. The beauteous flowers of summer yearly blow Anon comes surly Avinter with its snow. Change rules the varied year — tlie life of man, And woman too, thougli bounded by a span. So from the ills with which we have to fight, We wished to have a change, and so " quite right" Exclaimed our actors all, and thus the ending Of this shrewd thought is what just now is pending, Thus have we left the gods of Greek and Eoman, And for one night at least become tlie showman. "Well, for our own amusement and yours, we Have chosen the Critic which you soon will see ; The Spoiled Child — by the way, offence to none, We hope that in our temple there's but one ; — And Monsieur Tonson, with his tricks and fun, With which the night's amusement will be done. Here great IMacready will not tread the stage, IsoY Vandenhoff the grand your time engage. Here G. V. Brooke, 'tis true, will not be seen, Nor Helen Faucit, tragedy's fair queen But here's Miss Bread, of whom the Greeks would say, Her the gods love to honour and obey. Here's Kriens to treat us to a German song He cannot chant too often or too long. Moses, with all his learning too, is here. 115 To show his talent in another sphere ; Here's David Slater, playing the greatest part. Because most like to steal a lady's heart. Here's Edwin Smith, alias Socrates, Having at once the will and power to please. Here's Blacket, too, with all his fun and tricks, To act, as he himself would say, " like bricks.'' These will be seen and many more besides ; So, laughter, now prepare to liold your sides. We'll try our best— if high we cannot soar— Macready or Vandenhoff could do no more. 116 SONGS. WHAR ARE A' THE FRIENDS? Air — Olij why left I my hame ? Oh ! wliar are a' the friends I had in early days 1 "VVha used to sport aljoufc The burnies and the braes ; "Wha used to rin about Wi' meikle mirth and glee — I ween they a' hae fled Frae tlieir ain countrie. II. The sangs they used to sing Are never heard ava ; The village ne'er does ring Wi' the fife or bugle's blaw. It's true that some are laid Beneath yon auld yew tree ; But niaist o' them are fled Frae their ain countrie. 117 III. At kirk or market noo, "VVc never meet tlrem there — It makes me wae to think I ne'er may see them mair. We ne'er assemble noo Our village sports to see — A's dull and lonely now In our ain countrie. IV. My friends are far awa' — They're scattered here and therj, But 0, for ane and a' I breathe this earnest prayer — May God still be their guide, Wherever they may be, May peace and rest be their's In anither countrie. HERE LIES LOW THE BONNIE LASS. Air— O AVhere, and O Where. Oh, here lies low the bonnie lass, The maiden that I lo'e ; She lies within this narrow bed, Where I maun soon lie too. 118 Death's clay caukl hands has stilled the heart That aye was kind and true ; The form o'er which I fondly hung Is sheltered by the yew. II. The flowers bloom bonnie ower the bed 0' her that I held dear : And dark, dark is the envious grave That keeps me mourning here. I've naebody noo to live for, And the warld's nought to me ; Oh, life's a weary pilgrimage, ]\Iy Mary, wanting thee. III. Pale, pale for ever are those lips That I hae aften kissed ; And cauld for ever are those cheeks That I hae aften pressed ; And still for ever is that voice, Once music to my ear ; Those beaming eyes that shone so bright Are closed for ever here. IV. Oh, may I know the blissful home In which my love doth dwell — 119 In yon bright land wliere happy ones Their holy anthems swell ; Where saints for ever sing their songs To God who reigns on hi.h, Where sorrow never mora is Nor tears bedim the eye. V. Bat I am left alone on earth, My grief I cannot hide, And I Avill ne'er find peace or rest, Till slumbering by her side. Till then, my beating heart be still, Which now in sorrow lies — Oh, I maun soon be blest wi' her Beyond yon sunny skies. WHEN THINKING UPON MY SAD FATE. ^ji^_jkly Lass's Black e'e. I. When thinking upon my sad fate, wi' my Annie, This bosom o' mine it is burdened wi' care ; There's something within tells mo plain that I mauiia Think I can get peace to my soul ony mair. 120 II. I think that there's nane o' her kind half sae honnie, There's nana o' her kind half sae honnie can be ; Her face it is fairer, far fairer tlian ony, Her form it seems like an angel's to me. III. Sometimes in my fondness, when on her I'm thinking, I stand and look down wi' the tear in my e'e I find my wae heart in my bosom aye sinking, Then start quite regardless wherever I gae. IV. I start, but the wound in my bosom is biding — Ah ! meilvle I fear it wdll ne'er gang awa ; And though a' my grief frae my friends I am hiding, The cauld hand o' death will devour and tell a'. HILL AND DELL ARE DECKED IN GREEN. Air — Gloomy Winter. I. Hill and dell are docked in green — Kature's a' in beauty seen ; Ilka thing delights my gazing een. And so does lovely Annie, 0. 121 II. By yon bnni the daisies spring, On yon bower the birdies sing, They joy to every bosom bring, And sae does lovely Annie, O. III. Wha could now be sad or wae, When nature a' is blythe and gay I 'Tis I, because I dinna hae The heart o' lovely Annie, 0. IV. I maun wander here and mourn,— She has slighted me wi' scorn, And left me here alane forlorn,— My ain, my lovely Annie, 0. V. What are nature's joys to me 1 What are pleasures— wanting thee 1 Happy I can never be. Unless wi' lovely Annie, 0. VI. Will ye, bonnic lass, be true ? Will ye listen to my vow ] And I will ne'er be false to yen, My ain, my lovely Annie, O. 122 NOW MAUN LEAVE MY LADY FAIR. I. I now maun leave my lady fair, The wind blows high — the boat is ready, The boat that fills my heart wi' care, And bears me frae my winsome lady. sair, sair, is this waefu' heart, And fain, fain would I longer tarry ; But fate has said that we maun j)art, And I maun leave my bonnie j\Iary. IT. 1 needna say her heart is true, I needna say she's fair and bonnie ; For maist folk think her matclied by few — To me she's far fairer than ony. I needna say our love will last Till baitli our een are closed for ever, But, ah ! I fear the joys now past Will never come again — oh, never. III. It's no her een sae bonnie blue — It's no her cheek sae red and rosy. That gars me greet to say adieu — Its no her fond embrace sae cosy. 123 It's no that I regret to leave The humble cot in which she's dwelling- It's no for fear that she'll deceive — It's no for this my hosom's swelling. IV. But it's to leave her all alone, A lonely maiden unprotected — Oh, who will guard her when I'm gone. By me she ne'er wad he neglected — The power ahoon keeps watch and care 0' worth and merit— He'U reward her ; This aye will be my earnest prayer — May a' that's guid for ever guard her. COME TO YONDER BOWER. I. Come to yonder bower, my lassie. Come to yonder bower Avi' me, Come to yonder bower, my lassie, There I'll teU my love to thee. II. Down by yonder wood, my lassie, Blithly a' the birdies sing, And upon the burnie's banks Hoses fair and lilies spring. 124 III. O'er tlie eastern hill, my lassie, Blythly blinks the setting sun ; Hark ! the birds aboon our heads. Mornings joys are just begun. IV. What are a' the joys, my lassie, That the smiling inorn can gie — "What are a' the joys, my lassie, Kought, believe me, wanting thee. WINTER NIGHTS ARE CAULD, LASSIE. I. Winter nights are cauld, lassie, Winter nights are caidd, lassie. Come, my love, come wi' me ! While Boreas' blast is bauld, lassie. II. I've a couthie hame, laddie, I've a couthie hame, laddie — I've my father's humble roof. Except me he has nane, laddie. 125 III. I'll keep him trig an' braw lassie, I'll keep him trig an' hraw lassie, About your parents dinna fear, But wi' me come awa, lassie. IV. Gin summer time were here, laddie, Gin summer time were here, laddie, Then, then, I'll come wi' thee— Just gie me time to speer, laddie. V. I canna bide my lane, lassie, I canna bide my lane, lassie, I'll speer, if ye'll but come wi' mo, And ease my heart o' pain, lassie. YI. j\Iy pleadings a' in vain, laddie, ]\ry pleadings a' in vain, laddie, Gae get the guid auld folks' consent, And then ca' me your ain, laddie. 126 A QUID NEW YEAR. Air— Wlien Silent Time. I. A Guid new year to ane an' a', 0' mony may you see, And during a' the years that come, 0' happy may you he ! And may you ne'er hae cause to mourn, To sigh or shed a tear — To ane an' a' baitli great an sma' A hearty guid !N"ew Year. II. 0' time flies fast, he winna wait, My friend for you or me. He works his wonders day by day. And onward still doth flee. ! wha can tell gin ilka ane I see sae happy here, Will meet again and happy he, Anither guid ISTew Year. III. We twa hae baith been happy lang. We ran about the braes — In ae wee cot, beneath a tree, We spent our early days ; 127 "We ran about the burnie's side, The spot will aye be dear, — And those wha used to meet us there We'U think on mony a year. IV. Now let us hope our years may be As guid as they hae been ; And let us hope we ne'er may see The sorrows we hae seen ; And let us hope that ane an' a' — Our friends baith far and near — May aye enjoy for time to come, A hearty guid New Year. BONNIE, BONNIE, WAS THE MORN. Air— Blythe, blythe, aiul merry was she. I. Bonnie, bonnie was the morn When we rose to rin awa ; Phoebus did the liills adorn. Scarce a breeze o' wind did blaw. Anna rose and slipit near me — " Johnny, Johnny, come," she cried, " 0, I'm fear'd the aukl fulk lifar me ; If they do, tliey'll gar us biik'." .128 II. I gat ready, kissed my dearie, We each, ither's fears did feel, Bundled up our claes and eerie, Bade tlie guid auld folk fareweel, 1 had -svrought and kept them canny, Wrought I ween for mony a year ; For my hire I wanted Annie, But o' this they Avadna hear. III. Soon we left them — reached the haUan I a week before had ta'en, God sm'syne hae blessed our toilin' We sin'syne hae haith been ane. Soon the auld folk ceased to scorn, When our well doin' ways they saw ; Aye sin'syne we bliss the morn When we rose to rin awa. THE BLOOMING HEATHER. I. Bonnie is the blooming heather, Bonnie is the blooming heather, But it's bonnier still I ween. When mans't twa lovers meet thegither. 129 O, tlien it 1)1001115 sae fresli and fair, Then ilka thing around is bonnie, When the lovely lass is there That we lo'e niair dear than ouy. 11. Then the hleating lamhs that cry Mak' illva thing seem blythe and cheery, When upon the breast we lie, 0' her that we can ca' our dearie. Bonnie is the blooming heather, Bonnie is the blooming heather. But dearest to the youthfu' heart When 'mang't twa lovers meet thegithcr. THE CARES 0' LIFE. I. O, why should mankind not be merry As lang as he's todlin here 1 Life is at best a terrible worry- But yet there's nae reason to fear. II. Man meets wi' mony a hardship. As life's weary vale he gangs througli— But I've aye found a gate to get out at, And I hope that I ever will do. 130 III. It's true tliat we a' liae our sorrows, At least for mysel' I've my share ; But the truth is to look round aljout me, There's mony a mortal has mair. IV. Sad poverty presses the poor man, The rich winna look to their state ; Iiut there's happiness whiles in the cottage, Unken'd to the wealthy and great. Y. When this life's done there's a prospect, A hope which all honest men have, A glorious land we may live in When laid lowly down in the grave. WINTER IS COME. Air — Auld Bob Morris. I. Oh, winter is come, and the cauld blasts noo blaw. The hills o' auld Scotland are covered wi' snaw ; My ain fate resembles ilk bush and ilk tree, For Anna, fair Anna, ne'er smiles upon me. 131. II. The spring may return, and deck a' in green, The hills and the vales may in beauty be seen ; But pleasure or peace they to me canna gie. For Anna, fair Anna, ne'er smiles upon me. in. Oh weel may my head aye be stoundin' and sair, An' weel may my heart aye be beating wi' care. An' weel may the tear trickle down frae my e'e, — For Anna, fair Anna, ne'er smiles upon me. IV. But 0, when I think that she may yet bo mine When a ray of this hope in my bosom dotli shine I ask not on earth mair pleasure to hae, Than Anna, fair Anna, to smile upon me. MARCH OF MESMERISM. Air— The Si-iuniug o"t. I. 0, would the wide world beware o' the loons Wha practise sae aften the gulling o't, Wha come frae Auld Reekie and ither big towiH, Their pockets they look to tlie filling o't, 132 Those mounte"bank callants, who hastily flee Frae city to city — frae Perth and Dundee — And swear that you'll something astonishing see, If ye'U only put liiith in the telling o't. IT. There's constantly something to tak up our time Though a body has ever sae little o't, Some blundermg scribblers pest us wi' rhyme, But o' sense they seldom shew meikle o't ; The flying machine late engaged a' our care, Which promised to bear us awa through the air ; But now the concern has blawn up I fear High pressure has bursted tlie metal o't. III. Mesmeric Phrenology now is the go, A' body's begun to the trying o't ; If the science progress in the same ratio, We'll no daur e'en think for the spying o't. Its advocates teU us their patients can see The folk in the moon at tlieir toddy and tea, Or what's to tak place next year in Dundee — There's ferlies, I wat in the doing o't. IV. If ony poor wight frae his hame gangs awa, And offers to shew them the folly o't, 133 The place that's no yucky he'll get it to claw, As payment and thanks for the telling o't ; Tliey'll stand up and swear they'll hear him no more, They'll howl and they'll hiss, and they'll rant and they'll roar, Till the poor silly fellow is dragged to the door — Eight glad to escape frae the melling o't.* V. I wonder in nature what will we liae next — JSTow folk can he done by the willing o't ; Teeth and legs can be drawn by the mesmeric touch, E'en a heart may be had for the stealing o't ; For the Mesmerists tell us their patients can see The man o' the moon at his toddy and tea, Or what will take place next year in Dundee — There's ferlies, I wat, in the doing o't. * About this time, considerable excitement was occasioned by the visits of itinerant lecturers on mesmerism. The poet was then rather sceptical on the subject ; but the fact of stiff arms and stiffer legs made him appear unsuccessful in the debates. Nothing daunted, he resolved to try a lecture in an adjoining town, situated on the braes of Angus ; and for this purpose a meeting was called, and the novelty of the lecture drew together a large assemblage. The lecture was begun, and a goodly num- ber of the .disciples of Mesmer were present. When they saw that the orator was on the negative, a noisy warfare ensued ; which resulted in the lecturer having to beat a speedy retreat. It may here be remarked, that a relative of the author is preach- ing and lecturing in the same place, with greater success, on higher subjects, to an intelligent Christian congregation. 134 CREEP BEFORE YOU GAE. Tak time, my bonuie bairnie, dinna flee awa sae fast, If ever mind tliough 'moug your playmates you some- times are the last ; Its not the hardest rinner that always gains the day, Tak time, my Lonnie bairn, and aye creep before you gae. The wee bairn todlin round about its mither's knee, In-isking aye sae fondly wi' its heart sae fu' o' glee, When it runs ower far and fast, look, it stumbles in the wa}', Tak time, my bonni(! bairn, and aye creep before you gae. IT. In the world's broad field of battle, when fechtin wi' the strife, And struggling hard for hapjnness and comfort in this life, "^'ou'll find it aye the best way, when pulling up the brae, 'i'ak time, niy bonnie bairn, and aye creep before you gae. The world's woes and sorrows are brought on us by oursel' IJecause we'll no tak tent to what the aulder folk will tell ; We've had muckle grief and sorrow, the heart has aft been wae Because we'll no tak time, my bairn, and creej) before 135 III. The wisest man liatli said, and wliat he says is never wrong, — The race is seldom to tlie swift, the "battle to the strong ; The willing back has aft to bear the burthen o' the day, Tak time, my bonnie bairn, and aye creep before ye gae. We have need to use, whilst here all the caution that we can, In playing at this game o' life wi' wily-hearted man ; The lion's heart — the eagle's eye — the fox's cumiing way Are w-anted here, tak time, my bairn, creej) before you fiiae. IV. You've known the mighty warrior, rushing fast i)ito tlie fight. Lose baith his crown and kingdom ere the falling of the night ; You've seen the darling projects of wise men melt away, Tak time, my bonnie bairn, and aye creep before you gae. You'll ne'er hae cause to rue, from tlie cradle to the grave, Eut many a pang o' sorrow in the heart it you will save, If before each earthly project you remember what I say, Tak time, my bonnie bairn, and aye creep before you me. 136 JUKE, AND LET THE JAW GANG BY. I. The rock may stand the stormy sea, The mountain a' the Avinds that blaw. And what was late the gowden lea, JMay thole the drift o' winter snaw. The war-horse on the field of blood, Wi' fury on the foe may fly, But would it no be just as guid. To juke, and let the jaw gang by. II. The strong oak bends beneath the blast, When Boreas rages through the air, But when the storm is spent and past. He lifts his head — defies despair. So man, when pressed with care and woe, "When sorrows come, should ever try To bend a wee and let them flee. Just juke, and let the jaw gang hj. III. The gallant barque, when tempest tossed. Will yield to ocean's mad career ; The sailor on the quivering mast, Will closer clina wlien dane;er's near. 137 So man, while on tlie voyage of life, He's struggling here should ever try To bend a wee and let them flee, Just juke, and let the jaw gang by. IV. The darkness yields to dawning day, When bright Aurora climbs the sky, The moon must still the earth obey. The branch bends as the stream runs by ; The rosebud ope's to mornmg dew, The swallow wi' the wind wdl fly, So man in life, while struggling through, Should juke, and let the jaw gang by. V. The friend you trust should ne'er prove false, Though fortune change his course wi' thee, There are ups and downs in nature's laws,— What once you were you yet may be ; The powers above will ne'er forsake, And woman's love should never die, And beating heart should never brealc, Just juke, and let the jaw gang by. 138 TIME AND TIDE WILL WAIT ON NAE MAN. I. The sun that sinks on yonder west, Sails on across the broad Atlantic, Then rides along in glory dressed, O'er forests wide and hills gigantic ; Tlie sea that laves the shore at lianie, Has come frae lands right far away, man, AVhen nature stood we canna name. Time and tide will wait on nae man. II. The spring time decks the earth with flowers, Tlie summer comes in burning glory, Then sober autumn's fruitful bowers. Must yield to winter aged and hoary ; The village bell brings in the dawn, Then bids farewell to dying day, man, The wheels o' nature never stand. Time and tide will wait on nae man. III. "Whate'er your hands may find to do. Let it be done, trust not the morrow. The present time's the time for you, Xext day will bring its share of sorrow. 139 Your house can ne'er be built too soon, The corn must be cut down to-day, man, Tlie earth moves, and the sun runs round. Time and tide will wait on nae man. IV. We lately ran about the braes, And pu'd the flowers sae fresh and bonnie, Ah, these were then the happy days, Too bright to last ower lang wi' ony ; We now may boast of manhood's health, But time will turn a young head grey, man, 0, days and months and years are wealtli, Time and tide will wait on nae man. V. The friends we loved in early days Are scattered noo, they're a' departed, Pursuing life in various ways. And left us here thus lonely hearted ; They're scattered noo, and some are gone. E'en to a better world away, man, They're waiting there till we too come. But time and tide will wait on nae man. 140 LITTLE CHILDREN. Little cliildren make me glad Though my very soul be sad ; Laughing in their sport and glee, Climbing up upon my knee, Eunning round about my chaii". With their hearts sae free frae care, Playing wi' joy at hide and seek — Out and in they merrily keek, And their half pronounced names Tend to cheer our humble hames ; While we soothe them wi' a sang "Winter nights are never lang ; While they prattle by our side, Cheerful is our clean fireside ; They to bless mankind were given — Home wi' them's a little heaven. 7^ i^'tT^O THE LIBRARY ^ ' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA /^LP Santa Barbara /^73 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 3 1205 02043 9756 UC SOUTHERN J^GKDNM^UB.A.;5AaUTj^^ A A 001 424 399 1 r 1