TWO HUNDRED BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARIES OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST BOOK COLLECTORS. GROLIER (1479-1565) TO BECKFORD (1759-1844) LONDON J. PEARSON & CO. 5, Pall Mall Place Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Parabola, London" PICTURE COLLECTION FREE PUBLIC LIcRARY CHISWICK PRESS : CTIARI.KS WHITTINGHAM AND CO, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. ^6f FOREWORD We believe that this Catalogue contains particulars, not only of the most extensive, but also of the most valuable collection of Armorial and Historical Bookbindings that has ever occurred for sale. An important feature of this Catalogue is the number of splendidly bound volumes by the world's greatest binders, and, moreover, all the books in this Collection are remarkable for their fine preservation. We desire to direct attention to the very choice examples from the cabinets of: NO. Adelaide (Madame) . . . 152 Aguesseau (Chancellor d') . 112 Anne of Austria .... 49, 50 Barry (Madame du) . . . 159 Barry (Jean du) 146 Baviere(ChristineVictoirede) 99 Beckford 185 to 188 Ben Jonson 37 Bourbon (Chas. de, Cardinal) 9 Bourbon (Henri de) .... 48 Buckingham (Geo. Villiers, Duke of) 40 Butler (Bishop) 126 Cambaceres (Prince de) Canevarius .... Caraman (Comte de) Catherine of Aragon Chalon (Vialard, Bishop o Charles I . . , Charles II . . . Charles IX . . . Charlotte (Queen) Clement XI (Pope) Clement XIII (Pope) Cobentzel (Comte de) Colbert f) NO. 177 29 88 2 66 43 69 20 161 togz 127 176 59,60 IV FOREWORD NO. Coligny (Fr. de) 28 Conde (Claire Clementine de) 61 Conde (le Grand) . . . 64, 65 Conde (Prince de) .... 156 Congreve (Wm.) 113 Cranmer 3 Davies (John, t/ie Poet) . . 32 Derwentvvater (3rd Earl of) . 124 Dibdin (T. F.) 195 Dickens, Charles 200 Dreux (Catherine Ang^lique, Marquise de) 125 Edward VI 17 Elizabeth (Queen) , , . . 15 Elizabeth de France . 190, 191 Eu (Comte d') 129 Eugene de Savoie . . 108 ^^ iii Evelyn (John) 62 Ferdinand I of the Two Sici- lies 169 Fitzjames (Due de) . . . . 132 Fl^chier (Esprit, Bishop of Nismes) 71 Fleury (Cardinal de) ... 96 Fouquet (Marquise de) . . 158 Fouquet-Belle-Isle .... 120 Francis I 5 P'rederick the Great . . . 136 Frederick William IV . . . 199 Frobishcr (Martin) .... 16 Gentian 44 George I 100, loi George II 117 NO. George III 157 George IV 189 Goulx de la Berchere (Le, Bishop of Narbonne) . . 89 Gramont (Duchesse de) . . 150 Gray (Thos., t/ie Poet) . . . 137 Grolier i Guise (Chas., Due de) ... 35 Harley (Robert) 105 Henry VIII 4 Henry, Prince of Wales . . 42 Henri II 7, 8 Henri III 21 Henri IV 23 Henri IV and Gabrielle d'Es- trees 24 Henrietta Anne of England . 87 Henrietta Maria (Queen of Charles I) 55 Hoby (Sir Thos.) .... 13 Hoym (Comte de, t/te Polish Grolier) 128 James I 33. 34 James II 72 James III (the "Old Pre- tender") 122, 123 La Reynie (N. G. de) ... 67 La Val (Marie de) . . . . 54 Ligne (Prince de) . . . . 155 Locke (John) 70 Lomdnie (L. H., Comte de) 73, 74 Longpierre (Baron de) . . 98 Lorraine (Louis, Cardinal de) 22 FOREWORD NO. Louis XIII 45, 47 Louis XIII and Anne of Aus- tria 46 Louis XIV 71 to%i Louis XV 133 ^(^ 135 Louis XVI (when Dauphin) 178 Louis XVI 179 Louis XVIII 182 Louis, le Grand Dauphin 103, 104 Maintenon, Madame de . 75, 76 Mansfelt (Count of) ... . 6 Marat 160 Marguerite de Valois . . 25,26 Maria Theresa (Empress) . 138 Marie Adelaide Clotilde de France 184 Marie Antoinette . . . . 181 Marie Josephe de Saxe . . 151 Marie Leczinska 131 Marie Therese de Savoie (Queen of Charles X) . . 183 Marlborough (Sarah, Duch- ess of) 102 Matthaeius (Cardinal Hier- onymus) 56 Maximilian II (Emperor) 11 Mazarin (Cardinal) . . 51 ^'f 53 Metz (G. d'Aubusson de la Feuillade, Bishop of) . . 57 Montespan (Marquise de) 86 Montpensier (A. M. Louise d'Orleans, Duchesse de). " La Grande Mademoiselle " 68 NO. Mulgrave (Lord, the Poet); J. Sheffield (Duke of Buck- inghamshire) 90 Napoleon 193, 194 Nivernois (L. de Gonzague, Due de) 18 Nodier (Charles) 198 Northumberland (Henry Percy, Earl of) .... 31 Orleans (Charlotte Elisabeth de Baviere, Duchesse d') . 95 Orleans (Elizabeth d') . . . 107 Orleans (Louis Philippe, Due d') ......... 147 Orleans (Louis Philippe Joseph, Due d'), Egalite 162 to 164 Orleans (L. P. J., Due d'), Egalite^ and Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre . 165, 166 Orleans (Philippe, Due d') The " wicked " Regent . . 115 Paulmy (Marquis de) . . . 145 Pembroke (Wm. Herbert, Earl of) 38 Penthievre (Due de) . . . 148 Peter Leopold, Archduke of Austria 197 Philippe de France, brother of Louis XIV 85 Philip II 12 Philip V 118, 119 Pius VI 139 VI FOREWORD Pompadour (Madame de) 140 Provence (Comtesse de) 170 Prysler and Hooghart . Oueensberry (Duke of) Racine Rignac Saint Aignan (Due de) St. Just (Merard de) Sancroft (Archbishop) Sartine (Gabriel de) Seguier (Pierre) . . Sixtus V (Pope) . . Sophia (Princess) Stanislas Leczinski . NO. to 144 192 106 84 63 121 168 58 149 39 10 196 116 NO. Sully (Due de) 30 Tasso 19 Thou (J. A. de) 27 Valois (Charles de) .... 36 Vendome (Due de) .... 97 Ventadour (Duchesse de) . 180 Verrue (Comtesse de) . . . 114 Victoire (Madame) . . 153, 154 Walton (Izaak) 41 Wesley (John) 130 William III 94 William IV of Orange . . 167 William IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel 14 Reduced facsimiles are given of a certain number of the bindings, but exact photographic reproductions of nearly all of the most important volumes can be sent on application. SANTA BARBARA GROLIER (1479-1565) NSTITUTIONDELADISCIPLINEMILI- TAIRE AU ROYAUME DE FRANCE. Veli'iun, with Grolier's Autograph on the Title-page, and the arms of Grolier de Ser- vice on the sides of the binding. Folio. Lyon, 1559. An extremely precious joint-provenance. Grolier de Serviere was the grandson of the famous bibHophile, Guigard gives an account of the only other example of GroHer de Serviere's library that can be traced. ^160 CATHERINE OF ARAGON (1485-1536) POLICRATICI DE NUGIS CURIALIU et vestigiis philosophom Joanis Salesberiensis. Pj-inted i^t red and black. Calf. Bound for Catfierine of Aragon, with her 5 J. PEARSON & CO. anus impressed on the front cover, and those ^/ Henry VIII on the reverse cover. 8vo. Paris, 15 13. A splendid example of Queen Catherine's library and an extraordinarily rare provenance. This binding is exactly similar to No. 6 in the P.riti^jh Museum binding catalogue. ARCHBISHOP CRANMER (1489-1556) OECOLAMPADIUS. IN DANIELEM LIBRI DUO. 4to. Th. Wolff. Basle, 1530. In postremos tres prophetas. Original calf binding with clasps. 4to. And. Cratander, Basle, 1527. Archbishop Cranmer's copy. This binding is exactly similar to the one shown in Cranmer's famous portrait, by Fliccius, in the National Portrait Gallery. Johannes Oecolampadius (Johann Hausschein), the celebrated reformer, was born at Weinsberg in 1482, and died at Basle in 1531. He was one of the most learned as well as one of the most moderate of the reformers, but his great influence was owing more to his character than to his works, mainly biblical commentaries and treatises on the Eucharist. It is interesting to notice in connection with the present volume a passage in a letter from Cranmer to Joachim Vadian (1537): "I have seen almost everything that has been written and published either by Oecolampadius or Zuinglius, and I have come to the conclusion that the writings of every man must be read with discrimination. And perhaps one might apply to these men, and not without reason, the remark of Jerome respecting Origen, that when they wrote well nobody wrote better, etc. And I wish that they had not . . . trodden down the wheat together with the tares." 5, PALL MALL PLACE The binding is a remarkably fine specimen of the English roll-work of the period. It also retains its clasps which are usually wanting in such bindings. The great interest of the volume lies in the inscription oji the title-page, " Thomas Cantuarien" shoiving that it was originally in the library of Thomas Cranmer. In 1892 the Rev. E. Burbidge issued a list of all volumes known from Cran- mer's collection, enumerating 42 manuscripts and 369 printed volumes, but the present book escaped him. The majority of Cranmer's books fell into the hands of Henry FitzAIan, Earl of Arundel, who gave them to his son-in-law, Lord Lumley. Lord Lumley was tutor to Prince Henry who, on his tutor's death in 1609, bought a large part of his Hbrary which thus became part of the Royal Library, transferred to the nation in 1757. The present book never came into Lord Lumley's hands, who invariably wrote his name in his books. It contains an early autograph, "Ph. Main- waring 5^," probably that of Sir Philip Mainwaring (i 589-1 661) of Over Peover, Cheshire, or of his nephew. There are also signatures of members of the families of Stanley and Smallwood, both connected with Cheshire and Lancashire. ^150 4 HENRY VIII (1491-1547) HENRY VlirS "FIELD OF THE CLOTH OF GOLD" ANTIPHONARY. A superb Manuscript with lovely miniatures attributed to Fra Benedetto. This is believed to be absolutely the finest Renaissance binding in the world. It was bound by Roffet and almost certainly presented to Henry VIII by Francis I when they met at the " Field of the Cloth of Gold." A printed description, by Professor Bradley, of this wonderful volume with a full-size coloured reproduction of the beautiful binding, can be seen upon appHcation. J. PEARSON & CO. FRANCIS I (1494-1547) ALPHABETUM HEBRAICUM ET GR^CUM— Theodori Gazae de Hnguse graecee institutione liber secundus, Erasmo Roterodami Interprete, 15 18. — Introductivse Gram- matices libri quatuor (Grsece) 15 16. Ca//. Bound for Francis I, with the ''fleurs-de-lis^' '' abeilles',' and '' her- iniiie " impressed in the centre panels on the sides. 4to. Louvanii apud Theodoricu Martinu7n Ahistensem, 15 18, et Parisiis, Algid. Gourmontius 1516. The tools employed by the binder upon this volume were also used to decorate the bindings of his predecessor, Louis XII. The first book, " De Linguae " is the original edition of Erasmus' trans- lation of the great philologist's (Theodore Gaza) second book of Grammar. The " Litroductivae " is described by Brunet as very rare: "Dans cette edition, qui est fort rare, chaque livre a un titre separe, et les deux premiers livres sont imprimes en plus petits caracteres que les deux autres." See Illustration, 6 COUNT OF MANSFELT (1517-1604) VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS. LE QUART VOLUME de Vincent miroir hystorial — Le cinquiesme volume de Vincent miroir hystorial. In one volume. Bound i7t a magnificent Mosaic binding for Peter Ernest, Count of r 5, PALL MALL PLACE Mansfelt, with his arms on the sides together'- with his motto: "M Force m'est trop" and "Mansfelt." Folio. Paris, 1 53 1. A most magnificently bound volume, from the library of the Count of Mansfelt, the celebrated general of Charles-Quint ("the Emperor "). A curious note on the fly-leaf states that this book " apertient a Rene de Chalon et a vwti ajue Anne de Gros, 1607, 4'"^ de ATars. De feu gran pere k princ et conte de Mansfelt Pier Erjiest.'" Rene de Chalon has written his name upon the title-page. Later he gave the volume to the College of the Society of Jesus at Nivelles. The librarian of that college has written upon the title-page, " Collegij Soctis Jesu Nivellis. Dono Dnae de Chalon. Ora pro Ilia. 1627." This was one of the finest bindings in the Didot collection, and it is figured in the illustrated catalogue of that extraordinary collection. One of the most remarkable and jnost gorgeous bindings that has ever occurred for sale. £zoo HENRI II (when Dauphin, 15 19-1559) PLINY. CAII PLINII SECUNDI VERONENSIS NATURALIS HISTORIAE Lib. i-xxxvij. Woodcut title. Calf, stamped with the c7^ozv7ied dolphin, Jleurs-de-lis and ermine. Bound for Henri II when Dauphin. Folio. Paris, 15 16. This volume was almost certainly bound for Henri II — exactly similar tools were also used to decorate volumes bound for his father, Francis I. J. PEARSON & CO. 8 HENRI II (1519-1559) ARIOSTO. I XVI. ULTIMI CANTI D'ORLANDO FURIOSO di M. Lodovico Arlosto Ferrarese, Con la giunta di cinque canti d'un nuovo libro del medesimo. Numerous woodcuts. Calf. Botind /br Henri II (of France), with his device [H. coiiromd) impressed on the sides. i6mo. In Lione, 1556. ;635 CHARLES DE BOURBON (1520-1590) STAPLETON (THOS.). TRES THOMAE SEU DE S. THOMAE APOSTOLI REBUS GESTIS. De S. Thoma Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi & Martyre, D. Thomae Mori Angliae quondam Cancellarii Vita. His adjecta est Oratio Funebris in laudem R. P. Arnoldi de Ganthois Abbatis Marchennensis. Authore Thoma Staple- tono Anglo S. Theolog. Doctore. Summa rerum singula- rum Capita pag. post epistolam dedicatoriam proxima indi- cantur. Duaci Ex officina Joannis Bogardi Olive morocco. Bound, by Clovis Eve, /i?;^ Charles de Bour- bon [Cardinal Archbishop of Rouen), with his arms im- pressed on the back. 8vo. 1588. " Charles X " of the League. Olive morocco; gilt on the sides with a treble fillcl; the back also framed 5, PALL MALL PLACE with a treble gold fillet; a simple gold line along the edges of the covers; the edges of the book plain-gilt. The Cardinal, who died in 1594, was the first of the Bourbons who took to this plain binding of modern style, which De Thou had already begun to affect. On the flat and bandless back there is first the title, the Cardinal's hat surmounting the Bourbon arms (the lilies with a bendlet), and further down, within an oval, a natural lily surrounded by a motto, "Superat candore et odore." 10 SIXTUS V (1521-1590) MANUSCRIPT BY BARTHOLOMEUS GUIDDO- TUS. A Poem, written in Italian, and occupying 26 pages. 1 5 full-page pen-and-ink drawings of the Papal arms, portrait of the Pope, the Crucifixion, einbkmatical subjects, etc. Bound for Sixtus V, with his arms, stamped on vellum, inlaid on the sides. Folio. 1587. Written and Illuminated in gold for presentation to the Pope. ^45 1 1 EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN II (1527-1576) STEPHANUS (HENRICUS). ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA. Florilegium diversorum Epigrammatum ve- terum, in septem libros divisum. Vellum richly tooled. 8 J. PEARSON & CO. Bound for the Emperor Maximilian II, with his arms on the sides. 4to. 1566. An excessively rare provenance. An original letter from the Emperor (with his sign-manual) is inserted. 12 PHILIP II (1527-1598) BLANCA (HIERONYMO). Ad Regum Aragonum veter- umq. Comitum Depictas Effigies, in Regia Caesar-Augus- tanensi Deputationis Aula positas, Inscriptiones : Quae summa uniuscuiusq. rerum, temporum, atq. aetatum capita complectuntur. With numerous woodcuts of coats of arms. Vellum, gilt. The Dedication Copy to Philip II of Spain, with his arms impressed in gold on the sides. 4to. Caesaraugustae (Saragossa), 1587. Sek Illustration. 13 SIR THOMAS HOBY (1530-1566) VOULTE (JEAN). INSCRIPTIONUM LIBRI II; Xeniorum libellus Hendecasyllaborum libri IV. Original gilt calf 2 vols in i. Simon de Colines. Paris, 1538. Sir Thomas Hoby's copy. Jean Faciot, who in the fashion of the times Latinized his name as Vulteius, is now generally known as Voultd. He was born about 15 10 at w c 5, PALL MALL PLACE Vandy-sur-Aisne near Rheims. He studied at Paris, and in 1533 was engaged as a lecturer at the College of Guyenne in Bordeaux. Later he migrated to Toulouse to study law, but gave it up in favour of literature. In 1536 he was at Lyons, and by the advice of his friends, Pierre Duchatel and Guillaume Sceve, issued his two books of epigrams, which were printed by Gryphius. In 1537 he published a further two books of epigrams, printed at Lyons by J. Barbous. The present two works followed, and beyond these he is only known to have written one small tract, a funeral oration on Jacques de Minut, printed at Lyons in 1537, which has escaped the notice of bibliographers, and of which the only known copy is in the Christie collection in Manchester University. Voulte was assassinated by an unsuccessful opponent in a law suit on 30th Dec, 1542. His work, though not of great merit from a poetical point of view, has much value for the small biographical details which it gives of the lives of his contemporaries — Dolet, Duchatel, Marot, Briconnet, and others. It also throws a great deal of light upon the disturbances in the University of Toulouse, though little use seems to have been made of it by historians. The present copy is in the original brown calf-binding with giltfleurons at the corners, and a Renaissance design in gold in the centre; in the upper part of either side are the initials T. H. On the fly-leaf is the inscription "1553 mense Febr. Thomas Hobeiis Anglus. Farisiis" showing that it formerly belonged to the celebrated Sir Thomas Hoby. He was born in 1530, and was the second son of William Hoby, of Leominster. He matriculated at St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1545, and, after going through his course, spent some years in travelling in foreign countries, especially Italy and France, when no doubt he bought this book. He was knighted in 1566, and went as ambassador to France, but died at Paris in July of the same year. He was greatly esteemed by his contemporaries for his literary knowledge and elegance of style, his most important publication being a translation of the " Cortegiano of Baldas- sare Castiglione," first issued in 1561, and frequently reprinted. ;^4S 10 J. PEARSON & CO. H WILLIAM IV, LANDGRAVE OF HESSE- CASSEL (1532-1592) BRAZIL. HISTORIA NAVIGATIONIS IN BRA- SI LI AM, quae et America dicitur. Qua describitur aiitoris navigatio, quaeque in marl vidit memoriae prodenda : Villa- gagnonis in America gesta : Brasiliensium victus et mores a nostris admodum alieni, cum eorum linguae dialogo: ani- malia etiam, arbores, atque herbae, reliquaque singularia et nobis penitus incognita. A Joanne Lerio Burgundo Gallice scripta. Nunc vero primum Latinitate donata, et variis figuris illustrata. Ruled iji red. Niunerous curious woodcuts. Calf, gilt leaves, the sides and back elaborately tooled in gold with floral arabesques. The Dedication Copy to William IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, surnamed " The Wise,'' with his arms in mosaics of green, I'ed, and black, with the insignia in gold on the binding. Above and below the arms is a chej^ub's head in gold. 8vo. Genevae, 1586. An extremely fine and interesting copy of this most rare piece oi Americana. The Dedication Copy to the Founder of the princely house of Hesse-Cassel is obviously a notable volume. This splendid binding is an excellent example of the best Venetian work of the sixteenth century. See Illustration. 14. 5, PALL MALL PLACE ii 15 QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603) COMMINES. THE HISTORIE OF PHILIP DE COMMINES, Knight Lord of Argenton (translated by Thomas Danett). Calf. Boimd for Queen Elizabeth, with her arms, the Tudor rose sicrmounted by the royal crown, sta^nped on the sides of the binding. FoHo. Imprinted by Ar. Hatfield for J . Norton, 1596. This is the earliest English version of " De Commines." The impression of 1596 (which is far rarer than that of 1601, and is not quite correctly described by bibliographers), has the powerful interest, that it appeared just at the point of time when Shakespeare had in hand his "Tragedy of King Richard II," printed in the following year, and was naturally led to look about for information concerning Italy, between which country and England the relations had then grown regular and intimate. In the drama the author introduces the banishment of Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, his settlement at Venice, and death there, and he elsewhere refers to the " fashions of proud Italy." ". . . whose manners still our tardy apish nation Limps after in base imitation." De Commines, who was well acquainted with Italy and with Venice itself, describes the country and the place in his book in flattering colours, and it was just that sort of personal, picturesque way of narrating scenes and experiences which would impress Shakespeare. Capel reprinted a portion of this edition of De Commines in his " School of Shakespeare" (pages 201-3). ^84 PICTURE COLIECTION PUBLIC LIhRaRY SANTA BARBARA 12 J PEARSON & CO. i6 FROBISHER (i535?-i594) MACHIAVELLI. (NICOLO). I MEDESIML 8vo. Palermo, 1584. The Autograph of Sir Martin Froeisher (the great Elizabethan Admiral and Navigator) is contained in this, his copy of Machiavelli. The famous navigator presented this copy of Machiavelli to his friend, George Day, in 1585, and at the same time wrote with his own hand the following inscription upon the fly-leaf: "To Maijster George Dave this book of Machiavell his woorkes FFROM his grte (great) ffrende Martin Ffrobisher ve 26 March 1585-" Sir Martin Frobisher's aiitograpJi is of stipe? lative rarity, and never before have we had the good fortune to be able to offer one for sale. As regards the volume itself its preservation is admirable, and the original binding is just as it was when Sir Martin Frobisher wrote his autograph in it. "In 158S Frobisher commanded the 'Triumph' in the great Armada fight. On Sunday, 21 July (Old Style), in conjunction with Drake in the ' Revenge,' and Hawkins in the ' Victory,' he first beat the Spanish rear- admiral; later in the day he with Hawkins engaged Don Pedro de Valdez, leader of the Andalusian squadron, who, however, did not yield until Drake came to their assistance next morning, very much to Frobisher's annoyance. On Wednesday the 24th, when the English fleet was augmented from the Thames, Frobisher led one of the four newly-formed squadrons. On Monday the 29th, Frobisher, with Drake and Hawkins, gave their final blows to the remains of the Armada while in difficulties on the shoals off Gravelines." It is an interesting fact that just as Frobisher (in 1588) fought against the Armada, so his friend George Day (to whom he gave his copy of Machia- velli) figures in the list of those Essex gentlemen who contributed money 5, PALL MALL PLACE 13 towards the cost of England's defence at that stirring period. Day subscribed £2^, February, 1588. As a navigator, Sir Martin Frobisher is principally known to posterity by his three voyages in search of a North-West passage, ^150 17 EDWARD VI (1537-1553) LUCANUS. Title within woodcut border. Calf. Bound for Edward VI, luith his arms stamped on the sides. 12 mo. Paris, 1543. This is Simon Colinaeus' beautifully printed edition. 18 DUG DE NIVERNOIS (1540-1595) LA FONDATION FAICTE PAR MES SEIGNEUR ET DAME, les Due, et Duchesse de Niuernois: Princes De Nanthoiie: Contes de Rethellois & dAuxerre, &c. Calf Bound for Louis de Gonzague, Due de Nivernois, with the monogram '* l & h" (Louis and Henrietta, his wife) impressed on the sides. 4to. 1579. An exactly similar binding is to be found in the Bibliotheque Nationale. 14 J. PEARSON & CO. TASSO (1544-1595) BEMBO (PIERRE). LE PROSE (rivedute da Varchi). Folio. Venice, 1525. From Tasso's Library. This most precious copy of the great Italian Poet Bembo's works, is annotated throughout by Tasso. The present famous volume was in Tasso's possession whilst he was confined in the Hospital of Saint Anne between the years 1579 and 1586, and literally every leaf is enriched with his manuscript notes and annotations. This splendid relic of the great Italian Poet passed from the possession of Professor Rossini (Tasso's biographer) to George Hibbert, from Hibbert's world-famous library into that of Sir William Tite, and finally to the late Lady Currie (better known under her ?iom de phime of " Violet Fane "). The volume is in its old binding just as Tasso handled it, but preserved in a morocco case. This important Tasso manuscript has never been published. ^200 20 CHARLES IX (1550-1574) MONSTRELET. LES CHRONIOUES D'ENGUER- RAN DE MONSTRELET GENTIL-HOMME jadis demeurant a Cambray en Cambresis. Contenans les cruelles guerres civilles entre les maisons d'Orleans & de Bour- gongne, roccupatlon de Paris & Normandie par les Anglois, I'expulsion d'iceux,& autres choses memorables advenues de son temps en ce Royaume, & pays estranges. Histoire de bel exemple & de grand fruict aux Francois, commenceant A» 5, PALL MALL PLACE 15 en Tan m.cccc. (1400) ou finist celle de lean Froissart & finissant en Tan m.cccc. lxvii. (1467) pen outre le com- mencement de celle de Mess. Philippes de Commines. ReveUe & corrigee sur I'exemplaire de la Librairie du Roy, & enrichie d'abbregez pour introduction d'icelle, & de tables fort copieuses. Three vols, in two. Magnificently bound in olive morocco, richly tooled in gold with large panels enclosing corner decoration of a leafy fanfare design, the centre-piece beiiig a wreath of leaves. The backs are covered with the leaf fanfare motive of 07^namentatio7t. Bound by Clovis Eve. Folio. Paris, Guillaume Chatcdiere, 1572. A matchless copy, printed on large paper and preserved in a magnificent binding by Clovis Eve. Probably the finest example extant of this famous Chronicle, and, without doubt, the Dedication Copy to Charles IX. ^300 See Illustration. 21 HENRI III (1551-1589) SANSOVINO. HISTORIA UNIVERSALE dell'origine, et imperio de Turchi, . . . Nella quale si contengono le leggi, gli ufficii, & i costumi di quella natlone, . . . Oltre a cio, tutte le cose fatte da loro per terra, & per mare, in diverse parti del Mondo. Con le vite particolari de i Prin- cipi Othomani; cominciando dal primo che fondo il Regno, fino al presente Sultan Selim II, etc. Magnificently BOUND FOR Henri III in red morocco, the sides entirely i6 J. PEARSON & CO. covered with a semis of fleur-de-lis^ and having the Kings arms impressed in the centre of each cover and his chiflre repeated on the sides and back. 4to. Venetia, 1573. A most splendid volume, bound for Henri III by Nicolas Eve. This most remarkable binding is figured in Techener's " Histoire de la Bibliophile." ^250 See Illustration. 22 CARDINAL DE LORRAINE (1552-1588) LORRAINE. CAROLI LOTHARINGI CARD. ET FRANXISCI DUCIS GUYSII, Literae et Arma, in funebri Oratione habita Nancij a N. Bocherio Theologo, & ab eode postea latine plenius expHcata, &c. Title within woodc2it border, porti'aits of the Duke and Cardinal, wood- cut of the CardinaT s tomb, and zuoodcut borders to the pages co7nprising the epitaph. Ruled in red. Vellum. Bound for Louis, Cardinal de Lorraine, with his arms im- pressed in gold on the sides. 4to. Littetiae, Federici Morelli, '577. The Dedication Copy. Printed on Large Paper. This famous man (a first cousin of Mary, Queen of Scots) was created Archbishop of Reims in 1574 and Cardinal in 1578. He was assassinated at Pilois in 1588. Rffcremesio Mary Stuart and her Royal husband occur on folios 25" atid 94*. The lives of these two brothers, Francois de Lorraine, second Due de Guise, and Charles, Cardinal de Cluisc, form an important page in the history of France. i I I c 5, PALL MALL PLACE 17 Over (their niece) Mary Stuart and her Royal husband the brothers acquired a real power. The vohime is extremely rare, and was titiknoivn to Mr.\ Jo/m Scott, the bibliographer of Mary Stuart. The Author — Nicholas Boucher — was preceptor to the Princes of Lorraine, and later became Bishop of Virdun. The printer — Federic Morel, called Vancien — acquired fame both as a printer and a theologian. He was descended from a noble family, and gained, at Paris, a very extensive literary knowledge. He was the pupil, with the famous printer Estienne, of Jacques Toussaint (Tussanus), the author of the Greek Lexicon i^Lexique grec). The printing of ithis celebrated work was commenced by Jacques Bogard, but both he and Toussaint died soon after. The solid learning of Morel now brought him to the front, and in 1557 the famous Vascosan bestowed upon him his daughter. In 1571 he was named the King's (Charles IX) printer, a title which, through modesty, he very rarely used. Sometimes, however, this high title is found at the end of his books with the words Pietate et Justitia — Charles IX's motto. In the present copy of the above work, the title is found upon the title-page — Ex Officina Federici Morelli Typographi Regij — a very unusual occurrence. This is one of the last works printed by Morel at his dwelling in rue Saint Jean-de-Beauvais, for in 1578 he changed his residence, doubtless removing to more spacious quarters. In 1581 the right to transmit the title of "the King's Printer " to his son was accorded him. See Illustration. 23 HENRI IV (1553-1610) CRONIQUE SOMMAIREMENT traictee des Faictz Heroiques de tous les Rois de France, & des personnes & choses memorables de leurs temps. 59 finely e^igraved portraits of the Kings of France. Bound for Henri IV in D i8 J. PEARSON & CO. brown morocco, with his arms on the sides, which are entirely covered with fleurs-de-lis. Sm. 8vo. Lyon, Clement Baudin, 1570- A splendid example of binding by Clovis Eve. This excessively rare volume, which contains a very early, and hitherto unknown, notice of Mary Stuart, was formerly in the Didot collection. The remarkable binding is illustrated in the Didot catalogue. /250 24 HENRI IV AND GABRIELLE D'ESTREES (1570- 1 599) PANVINIUS (ORNUPHRIUS). DE LUDIS CIR- CENSIBUS. Libri II. De Triumphis Liber unus. Qui- bus Universa fere Romanorum Veterum sacra ritusq. declarantur, ac Figuris Illustrantur. Ad Serennissimus Franciscum Mariam secundum Urbini Ducem Sextum. Finely engraved title depicting Roman games, a vignette and numerous fine foldi7ig plates of sacrifices and games, tritwiphs, etc., of ajicient Rome, by Duph-ac. Olive morocco. Bound for Henri W and his mistress, Gabrielle d'Estrees, with their joint device impressed on the sides. Folio. Venice, 1600. An excessively rare provenance. Ornuphrius Panvinius was a professor of theology at Florence. Attached to the library of the Vatican he was one of the first to appreciate the import- I 25. 5, PALL MALL PLACE ig ance of the monuments, medals, and inscriptions for the study of history, and left many works of history and antiquities of which the present is one of the most famous. As to the artist, Et. Duperac, we note that he cultivated architecture, painting, and engraving, and was architect to Henri IV. He finished the first part of the great gallery in the Louvre, which had been commenced by Du Cerceau. The earliest edition mentioned by Brunet is that of 1642. ^75 25 MARGUERITE DE VALOIS (1553-1615) SENECA. JANI GRUTERI ANIMADVERSIONES in L. Annaei Seneca Opera. Morocco, richly tooled. Bound by Clovis Eve for Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Henri IV,'' La Reine Margot!' 2 vols. 12 mo. 1595. Two charming little volumes in quite faultless preservation. Citron morocco, most richly gilt with the exquisite decoration which marks the ownership of Queen Marguerite (de Valois), the most remarkable woman of her line, who, by marrying Henry of Navarre, became the link between the Valois and the Bourbon dynasties. These volumes must rank with the most perfect and most beautiful examples of the " Valois " binding now preserved. They are quite as fine as the Queen's copy of " Guarini " (one volume only) which sold in the Beckford Sale (nearly thirtv years ago) for ^^175. See Illustration. 20 J. PEARSON & CO. 26 MARGUERITE DE VALOIS (1553-1615) STATIUS. P. STATU PAPINII OPERA QUAE EXTANT. Calf. Bound for Marguerite de Valois, [Qicee7i of Henri IV), with her device impressed on the sides. 1 2 mo. Rothoinagi, Ap7id Romamtm de Beauvais, juxta porticum Beatae Mariae. 1 6 1 3. 27 JACQUES AUGUSTE DE THOU AND HIS WIFE (1553-1617) CARIO. CHRONICON CARIONIS EXPOSITUM ET AUCTUM MULTIS ET VETERIBUS ET RE- CENTIBUS HISTORIIS, in descriptionibus regnorum & gentium antiquarum, & narrationibus rerum Ecclesiastic- arum, & Politicarum, Graecarum, Romanarum, Germanic- arum & aliarum, ab exordio Mundi usque ad Carolum quintum imperatorem. A Philippo Melanthone et Gas- pare Peucero. Tertia Pars Chronici Carionis a Casparo Peucero Expositi et Aucti. Citron morocco. Bound for Jacques Auguste de Thou and his second wife^ Gasparde de la Chastre, with their arms impressed on the sides. '^ parts hi 2 vols. 8vo. Ge7ievae, Apud Pctrum Saittan- drcauum. 1576. 27. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 21 A beautiful and most unusual example of the library of this great states- man and historian. Citron morocco ornamented y;\ih. flower patknts in colour. The flat and bandless back is divided into six panels by quadruple gold lines bearing the monogram of I A G on each of the panels except the one that has the title. There is a treble gold fillet on the sides, with the arms in the centre. The edges are plain-gilt. The flowered morocco is seldom seen on De Thou's books. These volumes were bound about 1606. When this Chronicle was published De Thou was engaged upon his magnum opus, the " Historia mei Temporis." See Illustration. 28 FRANCOIS DE COLIGNY (1557-1591) HEURES A L'USAGE DE ROME. Black morocco. Both covers, and the back, are entirely covered with the initials «' C C." (CoLiGNY Chatillon), " M. M." and "A. A." (Mar- guerite dAilly, his wife) interlaced, ajidthe well-knoivn " S " ferine tised on the bindings of W'e.^ki II and his mist res sX^ik^K DE PoiCTiERS. The volume is ilhistrated with many splendid full-page zvood engravings, and every page is within a border of emblematical designs. Black Letter. Sm. 8vo. Paris, Pigouchet for Simon Vostre, 1496. A most precious volume bound for Fran(;ois de Coligny (son of the celebrated Admiral Coligny who was killed in the " Massacre of St. Bartholo- mew ") and his wife. Apart from being an excessively rare provenance this " Livre 22 J. PEARSON & CO. d'Heures " itself is of the greatest beauty and rarity, being the Simon Vostre edition of 1496. " It was in this year that Pigouchet began to use a second set of cuts, and also introduced his well-known borders of the ' Dance of Death.' In them the figures go in sets of three. In this 1496 edition first occurs ' La Theologienne,' ' Nouvelle Marine,' and ' La Femme Grosse.' " "The binding is of great interest and quite unusual in style. The sides are divided into numerous small diamond-shaped compartments by means of dotted lines. One striking point about this binding is that it is tooled entirely in silver on black morocco. Frangois de Coligny escaped from the " Massacre of St. Bartholomew" and lived mainly abroad. He remained faithful to Henri IV, and held several appointments." 07ie of the finest volumes in the Didot collection and illustrated in the famous catalogue. JC250 29 CANEVARIUS (1559-1625) P. VERGILII MARONIS BUCOLICON, GEORGI- CON, ET AENEIDOS vocum omnium ac rerum Sylvae. Index Certissimus, quo Nicolaus Erythraeus. Cal/. Bomid for Canevarius, with his emblem the " Car of Apollo,'' stamped in relief in the cent^'e of each cover. Sm. 8vo. Venice, 1538. A fine example of Demetrio Canevarius' library. Canevarius was Pope Urban VII's physician. He was the contemporary of Grolier, and volumes from his library are not only far rarer but held in even higher esteem by collectors. ;^I20 31- REDUCED FACSIMILE 5, PALL MALL PLACE 23 30 DUC DE SULLY (1560-1641) NOUVEAU PANURGE (LE). Avec sa navigation en risle Imaginaire, son rajeunissement en icelle; & le voyage qui fit son esprit en I'autre monde, pendant le rajeunisse- ment de son corps, Ensemble one exacte observation des merveilles par luy venes, tant en I'un que I'autre monde. Red morocco. Bound for Maximilien de Bethune, Due de Sully, with his device three times repeated on the back. i2mo. La Rochelle (circa 16 10). A charming and most unusual example of the library of " Le Grand Sully," Henri IV's great minister. A very rare provenance. ^25 31 EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND (1564-1632) PTOLEMAEUS (CLAUDIUS). LIBER DE ANA- LEMMATE, a Federico Commandino Urbinate instaura- tus, & commentariis illustratus, Qui nunc primum eius opera e tenebris in lucem prodit. Eiusdem Federici Commandini liber de Horologiorum descriptione. Vellum. Botmd for Henry Percy, (ninth) Earl of Northumberland, zvith his arms impressed on the sides. 4to. Romae^ Apud Paulimi I Mamitium, Aldi F., 1562. 24 J. PEARSON & CO. An interesting example of the library of " The Wizard Earl," the sou- briquet by which he was known because of his love for astronomy, alchemy, etc. Northumberland, who was the close friend of Sir Walter Raleigh, was imprisoned in the Tower of London from 1606 to 1621. Mr. Gordon-Duff considers that the present volume was with him in the Tower. This is \.\\Q first edition of Ptolemy's treatise on the Analemma. ^28 See Illustration, 32 JOHN DAVIES (i565?-i6i8) CORYATS CRUDITIES Hastily gobled up in five Moneths Trauells in France Savoy, Italy, Rhetia comonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany, and the Netherlands. Newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the County of Somerset. Engraved title-page by Hole, and a printed title beginning " Three Ci'-ude Veines" aiid plates. Original sheepskin. 4to. London, printed by W. S. 161 1. A unique and very important copy, being that which was given by Coryat to his friend, John Davies of Hereford, the Elizabethan poet. Davies was the author of the five pages of "Commendatory Verses" and the poetical description of the frontispiece to the " Crudities." This is a most precious copy, because the manuscript " Continental Itinerary " on the fly-leaves, numer- ous satirical and emendatory remarks in the margins, an original Quatrain signed "Jo. Davis," and the signature "Jo. Da," on E 8, are all in navies' s auto- graph. In addition to these five pages of manuscript, Davies has added several manuscript notes in the margins throughout the text. ^175 o # 5, PALL MALL PLACE 25 33 JAMES I (1566- 1 625) ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. Original calf, very richly tooled. Folio. Edinburgh, Thomas Finlason, 162 1. These acts of the twenty-third Parliament of James VI, held at Edinburgh in August, 162 1, were printed by Thomas Finlason, who purchased the privileges, stock, and plant of Robert Smyth, an earlier printer, in 1602, suc- ceeded Waldegrave in 1604, and was appointed King's printer in June, 161 2. He printed about seventy books, and died towards the end of 1627. Of this edition there appear to have been two issues, which vary slightly. One, like the present, ends Finis, the other ends " The end of the XXIII, etc." There are copies of each in the British Museum. The present copy is remarkable for its extremely ornamental and elaborate binding, a very curious and uncommon specimen of Scottish work of the period. The whole side is minutely worked with small tools, hardly any use having been made of the roll. The elaborate centre ornament is arranged in the form of a circle, usual in Scottish work, in place of a diamond or lozenge more common in England, while each corner of the panel is filled with a quarter-circle. The whole field is seme with gold rosettes and quatrefoils, while the whole ground is heightened with gilt dotting. The diamond shaped spaces throughout the ornament appear to have been coloured. It seems most probable that tJiis binding ivas specially prepared for presentation to King James himself, in the printer's office, for the paper used for the Hning and end- papers is the same as that on which the book itself is printed. This beautiful volume was in the library of David Laing, librarian of the Signet Library, Edinburgh, who died in 1878, and whose splendid library was sold in 1879-80. In the frontispiece to Laing's Life (printed in 1878), he is shown HOLDING THIS VERY VOLUME IN HIS HAND. It was also at One time in the British Museum, but sold in the disastrous "duplicate" sale in 1769, when so many unique books and bindings were lost to the nation. E 26 J. PEARSON & CO A copy of the Life of Laing containing the portrait in which he is seen holding this volume accompanies it. ;f200 See Illustration. 34 JAMES I (1566-1625) LUCANUS (MARCUS ANNAEUS). DE BELLO CIVILI, vel Pharsaliae Libri Decern, Gregorii Bersmani Annaebergensis Studio & opera ex quatuor manu exaratis codicibus emendati, scholijsq; illustrati. Calf. Bound for James I, with his arins impi'essed 071 the sides. 8vo. 1589. 35 CHARLES, DUC DE GUISE (1571-1640) HORDAL (JOANNE). HEROINAE NOBILISSIMAE JOANNAE DARC LOTHARINGAE VULGO AURELIANENSIS PUELLAE HISTORIA. Ex Variis gravissimae atque incorruptissimae fidei scriptoribus excerpta Eiusdem Mavortiae Virginis Innocentia a calum- niis vindicata Authore Joanne Hordal Serenissimi Ducis Lotharingiae Consiliario, Et I. V. Doctore ac professore publico in alma universitate Ponti-Mussana. Engraved title and portraits of Joan of Arc by Leonard Gaul tier. Vellum. Bound for Charles, Due de Guise, with his 5, PALL MALL PLACE 27 arms impressed on the sides, surrounded by his motto, " Et adhuc spes durat avortimy 4to. Ponti-Mussi, 1612. "John Hordal qui a ecrit cette histoire de la Pucelle descendait du troisieme frere de Jeanne d'Arc par les femmes." — Villerieuve Catalogue. Duke Charles was the son of Duke Henri " le Balafr(^," who was assassin- ated at Blois in 1588. 36 CHARLES DE VALOIS (1573-1650) GUICCIARDINI. LA HISTORIA D'lTALIA di M. Francesco Guicciardini Gentirhuomo Fiorentino, Divisa in venti Libri. Riscontrata con tutti gli altri historici, & Auttori, che dell' istesse cose habbiano scritto, per Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione Arretino, Con un Giudicio fatto dal medesimo, per discoprir tutte le Sententie sparse per rOpera. Et con due Tavole: una de gli Auttori citati in margine; & I'altra delle cose notabili. Aggiuntoui la Vita deir Auttore, scritta da M. Remigio Fiorentino. Citron morocco. Bound for Charles de Valois, Due dAngou- LEME, with his arms impressed on the sides, his chiffre {two C's interlaced^ at the four corne^^s, and repeated on the back. 4to. In Venetia, Appresso Girolomo Polo. 1599. Charles de Valois was the son of Charles IX and Marie Touchet. ^20 28 J. PEARSON & CO. 37 BEN JONSON (i573?-i637) LUCIANI SAMOSATENSIS DIALOGI OCTO. IVood- cut title. Lutetiae, 1530. Deorum Dialogi XXIIII. Pari- siis, 1535. Marini Dialogi XV. lb., 1535. Mortuorum Dialogi. lb., 1535. Dialogi Quinque. lb., 1536. Para- situs, ubi artem esse parasiticam astruit. lb., 1536. Charon sive Contemplantes. Paris, 1536. Morocco. 8vo. Lutetiae, 1530-36. Ben Jonson's beautiful copy of Lucian's works, with his fine bold AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE, " Sum Ben: Jonsonii," on the title-page. Volumes from " Ben " Jonson's library are of extraordinary rarity, as practically the whole of the great poet's possessions were destroyed by fire in 1622. Jonson wrote his famous " Execration against Vulcan " in consequence of this calamity. 38 WILLIAM, EARL OF PEMBROKE (1580-1630) SELDEN (JOHN). EADMERI MONACHUS CAN- TUARIENSIS. HISTORIAE NOVORUM, siue sui Saeculi libri VI res gesta sub Gulielmis I et II et Hen- rico I Angliae Regibus ab 1066 ad 11 22, notis Seldeni. Title in red mid black. Calf. William, Earl of Pem- broke's copy. Folio. Londini, Guilielmi Stanesbeij, 1623. The unique presentation copy from John Selden to William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, with the inscription "Nobilissimo Honoratissimoque Viro 5, PALL MALL PLACE 29 ac D. Virtutis et Doctrinae et Patrono Willielmo Comiti Pembrochiae — Summae observantiae ergo has schedas offert qui edidit " in Selden's auto- graph on the fly-leaf. This Earl of Pembroke was one of the two Herberts, William and Philip (" the incomparable pair of brethren "), to whom the First Folio Shakespeare is dedicated. This is the sole example of Shakespeare's patron's library known to iis. ;^6o 39 PIERRE SEGUIER (1588-1672) CICERO. LES ORAISONS DE CICERON CONTRE VERRES a Monseigneur le Chancelier par Bernard Les- fargues. Red morocco. The Dedication Copy to Pierre Seguier {Chancellor of France\ The sides of the binding are covered ivith fleurs-de-lis^ the Chancellor s arms occupymig the centre and alternating with his monogram on the back. 4to. Paris, 1640. A superb volume, magnificently bound, probably by du Seuil. From Eugene Patrelle's library with his ex-libris. 40 DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM (1592-1628) DUVAL (M.). ROSA-HISPANI-ANGLICA SEU MALUM PUNICUM ANGL' HISPANICUM. Bril- liant impression of the excessively rare frontispiece^ contain- ing portraits of Charles I and the hifanta Donna Maria 30 J. PEARSON & CO. of Spain, by Hollar. Olive morocco, Botmd for George ViLLiERS, Marquis {afterwards Duke) of Buckingham, with his arms impressed on the sides. 4to. 1623-4. This is THE IDENTICAL COPY presented to the Marquis of Buckingham (" Steenie "), at one time the great promoter of the famous match between Charles I and the Spanish Infanta and who was, afterwards, the principal means of its being broken off. Hollar's engraving is the very earliest state before the engraver's name was added. This beautiful volume was formerly in the Bindley and Beckford collections. See Illustration. 41 IZAAK WALTON (1593-1683) ALEMAN (MATHEO). THE ROGUE; or the Life of Guzman de Alfarache. Original calf . Folio. 1630. IzAAK Walton's copy with his signature on the inside of the front cover. A very rare volume of Shakespearean interest. 42 HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES (1594-1612) RIME DI M.GIOVANNI DELLA CASA (title missing). Velhwi. Bound for Henry, Pkince of Wales, son of James I, with his arms impressed i^i gold on the sides. 1 2mo. Circa 1610. o 5, PALL MALL PLACE 31 43 CHARLES I (1600-1649) ITHE STATUTES AND ORDAYNANCES of the moste noble order of St. George named the Garter. Reformed, explayned, declared, and renewed by the most mightie, most excellent and most Puissant Prince Henry the Eight. Certayne chapters not yet Registred into the Booke of Statutes of the most noble order of the Garter. Anno quarto Elizabethe. Manuscript written in red and black. 54 pages. Olive morocco, with the arms of Charles I im- pressed on the sides. 4to. Saec.Y^W. This manuscript was prepared for presentation by Charles I to William Cecil, Second Earl of Exeter, K.G. (1566-1640), whose arms are emblazoned on the first page. Accompanying the manuscript is a pen-and-ink drawing of a member of the Order of the Garter in the robes — probably a portrait of Lord Exeter. 44 GENTIAN (/. 1600) VIGNIER. LA BILIOTHEQUE HISTORIALE. Olive morocco. Bound by Clovis Eve for Gentian with his arms impressed on the sides. 3 vols. Folio. Paris, Abel I'Angelier, 1588. One of Clovis Eve's chefs-d'ccuvre. The sides and backs of these mag- nificent volumes are one blaze of delicate and brilliant gold tooling most tastefully arranged. 32 J. PEARSON & CO. The arms of Gentian occupy the centre of each volume. This charming book was afterwards possessed by the celebrated monas- tery of La Trappe, and has the words "Ex libris B''" Mariae de Trappe" in the librarian's {possibly the Abbe de Ranc^) autograph upon each of the title-pages. ;^600 See Illustration. 45 LOUIS XIII (1601-1643) GUEDRON ET BOESSET. AIRS DE COUR, a quatre et cinq parties, par P. Guedron, 1608, 161 2, 16 17, 1 61 8, 1620, in 5 parts. — AIRS DE COUR, a quatre et cinq parties, par Anthoine Boesset, 161 7, 1620, 1621, 1624, 1628, in 5 parts. T/ie \o parts bound in one volume. The Dedication Copy to Louis XIII. Bound in brown mo7'occo, the sides and back entirely covered with the Kings crowned chiffre and the fleur-de-lis. Sm. 8vo. Ptzr/^, 1608-28. Louis XIII's pocket song-book, and probably the most interesting example of his library that has survived. This precious volume contains two manu- script songs, written in the King's own autograph on the end fly-leaves, one being to his " Amarillis " (Madame de Hautefort). The following note by Monsieur Paul Lacroix is inserted: " Ce recueil d'airs de cour n'aurait pas appartenu au roi Louis XIII, qu'il serait encore bien rare et bien pr^cieux, car tous les livrets de musique de chambre que les Ballard publiaient seuls a cette epoque, en vertu d'un pri- vilege du roi, etaient bientot gates et detruits par I'usage, et ne survivaient guere a la generation qui les avait vus naitre; de meme que les livres de chasse, de cuisine, de jardinage et de predictions. Mais ce recueil, outre son incontestable merite de rarete et de curiosite, est en quelque sorte un monu- ment hislorique, une relique de la vie privee de Louis XIII. Tallemant i 5, PALL MALL PLACE 33 des Reaux (edition de M. Paulin, Paris, t. ii, p. 246) a place ce roi dans la confrerie des musiciens: 'II composait en musique et ne s'y connaissait pas mal.' Nous sommes done fondes a lui attribuer les vers et la musique de deux chansons qii'il a ecrites et notees de sa propre main a la fin du recueil, Tune sur I'eloignement d'une dame qu'il ne nomme pas, I'autre sur le depart ^Amarillis. Cette Amarillis pourrait bien etre madame de Hautefort, dont il s'etait fait le chaste adorateur. Voici deux couplets de cette touchante chan- son d'amour: Quels lauriers pui-je pretendre Dans I'amertume ou je vy? Sans coeur, que pui-je entreprendre? Helas ! tu me I'as ravy. Ah ! qu'il me vaudroit bien mieux N'avoir point revue tes yeux! Dans quel goufre de tristesse Mes jours sont ensevelis ! Las ! malgre moy je te laisse, Tu le vois, Amarillis, Et ne sgais I'arrest des cieux Qui m'eslongne de ses yeux. " II y a plusieurs autres airs manuscrits qui sont certainement de ceux que le roi aimait a chanter lui-meme en basse-contre, mais qui ont ete copies par une autre main, peut-etre celle de Moulinid, le compositeur favori du roi, qui semble avoir mis son paraphe sur la dedicace du premier fascicule. N'oublions pas d'indiquer dans ce fascicule la fameuse chanson du Petit pon, que Louis XIII entonnait de si gaillarde humeur quand il etait dans ses bonnes. On voit cela et bien d'autres choses dans le Journal de son medecin ordinaire, Herouard. Peut-etre y decouvrira-t-on quelque passage relatif a ce recueil d'airs de cour, forme et relie expres pour Louis XIII, qui I'a tenu plus d'une fois entre ses mains royales dans les concerts intimes que dirigeait Antoine Boesset, I'intendant de la musique de la chambre du roi et de la reine." This ext?'ao7'dinariiy interesti?ig volume was one of the gems of the great Didot collection^ and is described at great length in his catalogue. ^300 F 34 J. PEARSON & CO. 46 LOUIS XIII(i6oi-i643)and ANNE D'AUTRICHE (1602- 1 666) LUSIGNAN (R. P. ESTIENNE DE). DESCRIP- TION DE TOUTE L'ISLE DE CYPRE, et des roys, princes et seigneurs, tant payens que chrestiens qui ont commande en-icelle. Contenant I'entiere histoire de tout ce qui s'y est passe depuis le Deluge universel Fan 142 et du monde 1798 jusqu'en Tan de I'incarnation et nativite de Jesus-Christ 1572. Blue morocco, the sides entirely covered with rich gold tooling. Bound by Mad Ruette for Louis XIII ^;2(^ Anne d'Autriche. 4to. P^m, 1579-80. This truly magnificent volume, a masterpiece of Ruette (the King's binder), was formerly in the Le Tellier, de Courtanvaux, de Bure, and Lacarelle collec- tions. It is in matchless preservation. /250 See Illustration. 47 LOUIS XIII (1601-1643) RECUEIL DES EDICTS DU ROY, verifiez en Parle- ment, Chambre des Comptes & Cour des Aydes ; Le vingtieme Decembre mil six cens trente cinq. Avec Privi- lege de sa Majcste. Vellum, gilt. Bound for Louis XIII, ^^^.- 5, PALL MALL PLACE 35 with his arms impressed on the sides and fleur-de-lis on the back. 8vo. A Paris, Par Antoine Estiene, P. Mettayer, and P. Rocolet, Imprhneurs ordinaires dti Roy, 1636. /18 %s. 48 HENRI DE BOURBON (1601-1682) CAMUS (JEAN PIERRE). LE VERGER HIS- TORIQUE. Par Jean Pierre Camus Evesque de Belley. Red morocco. The borders of the volume are tooled with a semis of flettrs-de-lis; the centre panel contains the device of Henri de Bourbon {iiatural son of Hem'i IV and Gabrielle d'EstrSes) impressed in the centre, with the letter S fer^nS on each side, above and beloiv. {This device figures on books pre- sented by Henri IV to Gabrielle dEstr^es.) 8vo. Paris, 1645. Examples of Henri de Bourbon's library are of the greatest rarity. 49 ANNE OF AUSTRIA (1602-1666) RUMETIUS(LUD.). SCRIPTURAE SACRAE VIRI- DARIUM LITERALE ET MYSTICUM. Olive morocco. Bomtd for Anne dAutriche, the sides and back being entirely covered with fletirs-de-lis. 8vo. Pai'is, 1626. 36 J. PEARSON & CO. 50 ANNE D'AUTRICHE (1602-1666) BAUVAIS(R. P.JACQUES). LA VIE DU B. PERE CESAR DE BUS fondateur en France de la Congrega- tion de la Doctrine Chrestienne, divisee en cinq livres. Ruled in red, fleuron on title, and three efigraviyigs {each cojttaining portraits of the atcthor), after Huret, Eustace, and Le Sueicr, by Conway and Charpigiion. Red morocco. The Dedication Copy to Anne d'Autriche, Queen of Louis XIII. The sides and back of the binding are entirely covered with a semis of fleurs'de-lis. 4to. Paris, \(i^^. £^Z A SUPERB BINDING in faultless preservation. See Illustration. CARDINAL MAZARIN (1602-1661) GAFFARELLUS. JACOBI GAFFARELLI THEO- LOGI. REGIS CHRISTIANISSIMI A CONCILIIS, & ELEEMOSYNIS, DIVIQUE AUMELII PER- PETUI COMMENDATORIS, QUAESTIO PACI- FICA, num orta in Religione dissidia componi, & con- ciliari possint per humanas Rationes, & Philosophorum Principia: Per Antiques Christianorum Orientalum Ritn- ales Libros; & perpropria Haereticorum Dogmata. Red mmm^ -.,-^r^. . -' ^ ^ ^^ ^ ■W-^W^'^ ^ ^ ^ ■ REDUCED FACSIMILE. 51- REDUCED FACSIMILE. 52- REDUCED FACSIMILE. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 37 morocco. The Dedication Copy to Cardinal Mazarin, with his arms impressed on the sides. 4to. Parisiis, Apud Carolum du Mesnil, via Jacobaed, sub Signo Samaritanae, juxta sanctum Juonem, 1645. Jules Mazarin, created Cardinal by Pope Urban VIII in 1642, was the pupil of Richelieu, and on the death of his master inherited all his power. This volume bears the Cardinal's large arms. See Illustration. 52 CARDINAL MAZARIN (1602-1661) SORBIERE (SAMUEL). LETTRES ET DISCOURS Sur Diverses Matieres Curieuses. Avec Privilege du Roy. Red morocco. The Dedication Copy/o Cardinal Mazarin, with his arms impressed on the sides. 410. A Paris, Chez Francois Clotisier, dans la Court du Palais, pres r Hostel de M^ le Premier President, 1660. This volume bears the Cardinal's small arms. See Illustration. 53 CARDINAL MAZARIN (1602-1661) CORNEILLE (THOMAS). STILICON, Tragedie. Sm. 8vo. Dedicated to Cardinal Mazarin. Bound in con- rxi, — riinr r~ r\\ \ Z.r"T\r\K.\ 38 J. PEARSON & CO. temporary red morocco, the sides entirely covered with fleurs- de-lis. hnprime a Rouen, et se vend a Paris, 1 660. First edition. Probably the Dedication copy to Cardinal Mazarin. A beautiful little volume in quite faultless preservation. 54 MARIE DE LA VAL {fl. 1607) AN ALBUM OF BLANK LEAVES. Calf, the sides covered with elaborate tooling, with " Anno " in the centre of front cover, and the date 1 607 in the centre of the other cover. Bo^md for Marie de la Val, with her name on the back. Oblong 4to. (1607.) HENRIETTA MARIA, QUEEN OF CHARLES I (1609- 1 669) THE QUEEN'S JEWEL CASKET. This beautiful ohjet d^art forms a cedar-wood casket entirely covered with embroidery and needlework of the best Stuart period. The scheme of decora- tion portrays Charles and Henrietta Maria, surrounded by the Lion of England and the Fleur-de-lis of France. In addition to the ordinary jewel drawers, there are, at the back of the casket, two very ingeniously designed secret drawers. The preservation of the casket is quite wonderful, and can only be 5, PALL MALL PLACE 39 accounted for by the fact that it has always been preserved in a strong oak box. A set of six p holographs of the casket cati be sent on application. ^375 56 CARDINAL HIERONYMUS MATTHAEIUS (/. i6io) ANTONIO DE AMATIS (MARCO). DECISIONES ROTAE PROVINCIAE MARCHIAE. Brownmorocco. The Dedication Copy. Boimd for Cardinal Hieronymus Matthaeius, with his arms painted in the centre of the sides within a gilt oval frame. Folio. Ve7iice, i6io. 57 THE BISHOP OF METZ (1612-1697) CAESIUS (R. P. BERNARDUS). MINERALOGIA. sive Naturalls Philosophiae Thesauri, in quibus Metallicae Concretionis medicatorumque fossilium miracula, terrarum pretium, colorum & pigmentorum apparatus, concretorum succorum virtus, lapidum atque gemmarum dignitas con- tinentur. Hoc publici juris fecit R. P. Bernardus Caesius Mutinensis, e Societate Jesu. Proderit haec pretiosa supellex non Philosophiae modo, ac Medicinae, verum etiam sacrae & humanioris literaturae studiosis. Cum Privilegio Regis. 40 J. PEARSON & CO. Brown morocco, richly tooled sides arid back. Bound for Georges d'Aubusson de la Feuillade (Bishop of Metz) with his arms impressed on the sides. Folio. Lugduni^ Sumptib. Jacobi & Petri Pro st, 1636. An inscription on the fly-leaf dated July, 1670, states that the volume was bequeathed to the Jesuits of Metz. This inscription bears the seal of the Society of Jesus. £\2 125. 58 ARCHBISHOP SANCROFT (1616-1693) HERBERT (THOS.). SOME YEARES TRAVELS INTO DIVERS PARTS OF ASIA AND AFRIQUE. With a revival! of the first Discoverer of America. Fron- tispiece by Wm. Marshall. Original calf . Folio. 1638. Wm. Bancroft's (Archbishop of Canterbury) copy with his autograph sig- nature upon the fly-leaf. Bancroft was one of the Seven Bishops committed to the Tower by James II. An interesting volume of Americana. ^10 \QS. 59 COLBERT (1619-1683) LUTHER (MARTIN). OPERA OMNIA. 7 vols. Red morocco. Bound for ]KMi Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de 5, PALL MALL PLACE 41 Seignelay, with his arms impressed on the sides of each volume. Folio. Wittenberg, J ohann Ltifft, 1558. This is the finest known copy of the first collected edition of Luther's Latin works, edited under the patronage of John Frederick, Elector of Saxony. The title-page is a finely executed woodcut, containing medaUions with figures of the four evangelists surrounded by clouds. At the base is a figure of the Crucifixion, with kneeling figures at the sides of Martin Luther and the Elector of Saxony. This copy belonged to Jean Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Seignelay (16 1 9-1 683), the celebrated minister of Louis XIV. He formed, assisted by the taste of his librarians, Carcavi and Baluze, an immense library of printed books, and the finest collection of manuscripts ever brought together, the latter still preserved, almost entire, in the Bibliotheque Nationale. Colbert was obsessed by the idea that he was descended from the Scottish kings, and spared neither trouble nor expense in trying to prove it, even going so far as to per- suade Louis XIV to write to Charles to have the Scottish archives searched, needless to say without result. He is also asserted to have obtained the morocco for his bookbindings from abroad by a special clause in a treaty ^ and certainly what was used for his books is an extraorditiary fine quality. On his death his library passed to his eldest son, and next, to his second son. Archbishop of Rouen, who in turn bequeathed it to his nephew, Charles Eleonor Colbert, who sold the printed books in 1728. The present was lot 792 in the first volume of the catalogue "Martini Lutheri opera. Witeb. 1558. 7 vol. Mar" and produced loi livres. It passed later into the collection of the Rev. Theodore Williams, and was sold at his sale in 1827 for fifty guineas, being purchased by the Hon. George James Welbore Agar Ellis, Lord Dover (i 797-1833), whose book-plate it contains. ^175 42 J. PEARSON & CO. 60 JEAN BAPTISTE COLBERT (1619-1683) BERNHARDI VARENI MED. D. DESCRIPTIO REGNI JAPONIC ET SIAM, Item De Japoniorum Religione & Siamensium, De Diversis omnium Gentium Religionibus. Quibus, praemissa Dissertatione de variis Rerum publicarum generibus, adduntur qusedam de Pris- corum Afrorum fide excerpta ex Leone Africano. J^ed 7norocco. Botmd for ]¥.ki^ Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Seignelay, with his arms impressed on the sides, and his chiffre five times repeated on the back. Ca7itabrigicB, Ex Officina Joan. Hayes, celeberrimis Academics Typograhhi. 1673. Impensis Samuelis Simpson Bibliopoles Cantab. £\o los. 61 CLAIRE CLEMENTINE DE CONDE (1620- 1 694) * FLORUS. L ANNAEI Flori Hist: Rom: Lib: IV. Cum notis integris CI. Salmasii additus etiam L. Ampelius Ex eiusdem bibliotheca. Engraved title. Red 7norocco. Bound for Claire Clementine de Conde, with herarrns impressed \ on the sides, and her chiffre at the corners, and repeated on 5, PALL MALL PLACE 43 the back. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum Ex-Officina Elzeviri- ana, A°. 1655. This famous woman was the wife of the " Grand Conde." An extremely rzx& provenance. 62 JOHN EVELYN (1620-1706) JURIS ET JUDICII FACIALIS, sive, juris inter Gentes et Quaestionum de eodem Explicatio, Qua Quae ad Pacem & Bellum inter diversos Principes, aut Populos spectant, ex praecipuis Historicojure-peritis, exhibentur. Original calf. 4to. Oxoniae, 1650. John Evelyn's (the Diarist) Copy, with his autograph signature on the title-page. ^665. 63 FRANCOIS DE RIGNAC (/. 1620) PASQUIER (ESTIENNE). LES RECHERCHES DES RECHERCHES, & autres CEuvres. Red morocco. Bound for Francois de Rignac (Procureur-General au Roi), zvith his arms hnpressed on the sides. 8vo. Paris, 1622. ^5 S^' 44 J PEARSON & CO 64 LE GRAND CONDE (1621-1686) EPITOME DE LOS PRINCIPIOS, Y PROGRESSOS DE LAS GUERRAS DE CATALUNA IN LOS ANOS 1640 Y 1641, y senala da vitoria de Monjuyque Escrivelo el P. M. F. Gaspar Sala del Orden de San Augustin, Caledratico de Teologia de la Universidad de Barcelono, y Letor Magistral de la Santa Iglesia de Lerida. Dedicado a los muy ilustres Seiiores Deputados y Ohi- dores. Y, a los muy Ilustres Sefiores conselleres, y Sabio Consejo de la Ciudad de Barcelona. Y con Privllegio. Olive morocco. Bound foi^ Louis II de Bourbon, Prince DE CoNDE, Due d'Enghien {dit Le Grand Conde), with his arms impressed on the sides. Sm. 4to. Por Mandado de los Sefiores Dep7itados. En Barcelona, Per Pedro Lacavaleria, Ano 1 64 1. 65 LE GRAND CONDE (1621-1686) MARTINUS(RAYMUNDUS). PUGIO FIDEI RAY- MUNDI MARTINI Ordinis Praedlcatorum adversus Mauros, et Judaeos, nunc primum in lucem editus, Im- pensis Ordinis: Cura vero, & Auspiciis felicis memoriae Reverendissimi Thomae Turco: Subindeque Reverendissimi I 66. RF.DUCEl) FACSIMILE. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 45 Joannis Baptistae de Marinis Magistrorum Generalium: Ope, et Opera Illustrlssimi, ac ReverencHssimi D. Epis- copi Lodovensis: & Illustrissimi Praesidis D. de Maussac Comitis Consistoriani: Cum Observationibus Domini Josephi de Voisin Presbyteri, & ExSenatoris Burdega- lensis. Ad Serenissimum Regiae Stirpis Primum Prin- cipem Ludovicum Borbonium Condaeum, Burgedalae, et Aquitaniae Pro Regem Optatissimum. Portrait of the Prince de CondL Olive morocco. The Dedication Copy to Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de Conde dit le Grand. The sides ajid back of the dividing are entirely covered with fleurs-de-lis. Folio. Parisiis, apud Mathtirimun Henanlt; vidjacobaed sub signo Angeli Custodis, 165 1. This was also Etienne Baluze's (historian and librarian to Colbert) copy, and bears his signature. 66 VIALARD, EVEQUE DE CHALON {/. 1621) ISOCRATES. ISOCRATES ORATIONES & EPIS- TOLAE. Cum Latina I nterp relatione Hieronymi Wolfii. Editio Postrema, recognita, & a mendis purgata. (Graece et Latine.) Brown morocco. The sides e7itirely covered with the chiffre of Vialard, Eveque de Chalon, and his arms impressed in the centre, 8vo. Parisiis, Apud Joannem Libert, via Divi Joa7t7tis Lateran e regione Atiditorii Regii, 1621. See Illustkation 46 J. PEARSON & CO. 67 DE LA REYNIE (1625-1709) ODE A MONSEIGNEUR DE LA REYNIE, par Barreme, Professeur en Arithmetique. Engraved plate of La Rey7iie s coat of arms with an epigram befieatk. Brown morocco. The Dedication Copy to Nicolas Gabriel de La Reynie, with his arms i7i centre and monogram in the cor7iers of the sides. Sm. 8vo. Paris, 1670. De La Reynie's signature is also on the fly-leaf. He was Lieut.-General of the police during Louis XIV's reign. 68 DUCHESSE DE MONTPENSIER (1627-1693) DAVILA. HISTOIRE DES GUERRES CIVILES DE FRANCE. Contenant tout ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable sous le Regne de Francois II. Charles IX. Henry III. Henry IV. Surnomme Le Grand, Jusques a la Paix de Vervins, inclusivement. 2 vols. Paris, 1657. Titles in red and black. Frontispiece and portrait by Huret. L^rge Paper.— STRADA. HISTOIRE DE LA GUERRE DE FLANDRE, Escrite en Latin par Famianus Strada, de la Compagnie de Jesus Premiere Decade, Mise en Fran9ois par P. Du-Ryer. Paris. 1650- 5, PALL MALL PLACE 47 1654. Titles in red and black. Fleurons on titles by Daret, and numerous portraits. Large Paper. 2 vols. The four volumes in red morocco, gilt leaves by Boyet. Bound for Anne Marie Louise d'OrlEans, Duchesse de Mont- PENSIER, zvith her arms impressed on the sides of each of the volumes, fic2irs-de-lis at the angles and on the backs. Folio. Paris, 1650-57. Superb copies printed on Large Paper, and magnificently bound BY Boyet. There is scarcely any rarer or more esteemed provenance than that of the Duchesse de Montpensier, " La Grande Mademoiselle." Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, daughter of Gaston d'Orleans (brother of Louis XIII), was the greatest heiress in Europe, and one of the most brilliant and famous Frenchwomen of the age of Louis XIV. So rare are examples from the library of " La Grande Mademoiselle," that at the Turner sale Baron La Roche-Lacarelle paid 14,000 francs for her copy of " L'Histoire de la Princesse de Paphlagonae." At the death of the Duchesse de Montpensier the present volumes passed into the possession of the Regent d'Orleans; his chififre is stamped on the title-pages. They afterwards formed part of the magnificent library of Prince Radziwill. These four splendid volumes are without doubt the finest ex- amples OF THIS famous WOMAN'S LIBRARY THAT CAN EVER OCCUR FOR SALE. See Illustration. 69 CHARLES II (1630-1685) RUSSIA. HISTORIA DI MOSCOVIA, Dell' Atloni Heroiche, e memorabili Imprese dell' Invittissimo Sigis- mondo III. Re di Pollonia. E de Sued, GottI, e Vandali 48 J- PEARSON & CO. Re Hereclitario. 4to. Red morocco. Bound for Charles II, zvith his crowned chiffre iinpressed in each of the panels on the back. Beneath the monogram stamped 07i the bottom panel the letters C. II. R. are impressed. 70 JOHN LOCKE (1632- 1 704) DOUBDAN (JEAN). LE VOYAGE DE LA TERRE- SAINTE. 4to. 1661. John Locke's copy with his autograph signature on the inside of the front cover. Locke was the author of the celebrated " Essay on Human Understanding." ESPRIT FLECHIER, BISHOP OF NISMES {1632-1710) FLECHIER. HISTOIRE DU CARDINAL XIM- ENES, par Messire Esprit Flechier, Eveqiie de Nismes. Red morocco. Fl£chier's own copy with his arms impressed on the sides. 4to. 1693. First Edition, printed on Large Paper for Flechier's own library, and splendidly bound for him by Duseuil. Esprit Flechier (1632-17 10), Bishop of Nismes, was the greatest pulpit orator in France during the reign of Louis XIV. Sek Illustration 71- REDUCED FACSIiMILE. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 49 72 JAMES II (1633-1710) RACINE. CEUVRES. 2 vols. Frontispieces by Le Brun and \2 plates by Chaiiveaii. Calf. Bound for James II with his arms impressed on the sides of each vohtme. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1697- The King's copy of the First Complete Edition of Racine. Bound for him when he was in exile at St. Germains. These arms differ from those used by him before his abdication. " Cette excellente edition est la derniere qui fut donnee par Racine, et elle a fixe le texte de toutes les editions posterieures. C'est aussi la premiere qui soit complete, et dans laquelle on ait fait entrer sous une pagination suivie Esther et Athalie. Cette edition . . . revue evidemment par Racine, qui y modifie un peu le texte." — Jules le Petit. Fontaine, in 1875, priced a copy {y<\i\\Q)Vii provenarice) at 1,800 francs. 73 COMTE DE LOMENIE (1635-1698) BOETHIUS (HECTOR). SCOTORUM HISTORIAE A PRIMA GENTIS ORIGINE, cum Aliarum et Rerum et Gentium Illustratione non vulgari, Libri XIX . . . Duo postremi huius Historiae libri nunc primum emit- tuntur in lucem. Accessit & huic editioni eiusdem Scoto- rum Historiae continuatio, per Joannem Ferrerium Pede- montanum, recens & ipsa scripta & edita. Red morocco^ H 50 J. PEARSON & CO. by Duseuil. Bou7id for Louis- Henri, Comte de Lomenie with his arms impressed ojt the sides. Folio. Parisiis 1575- 74 COMTE DE LOMENIE (1635-1698) UPTON (NICOLAS). DE STUDIO MILITARI, Libri Ouatuor. Johan. de Bado Aureo, Tractatus de Armis Henrici Spelmanni Aspilogia. Edoardus Bissaeus. E codicibus MSS. primus publici juris fecit, Notisque illus- travit. Ntimcrous Jieraldic ejtgravings, 2 foldifig plates, por- trait of Henry Spelma^i by Faithoi'ne. With separate titles in red and black to each work. Red morocco. Bound for Louis- Henri, Comte de Lomenie, with his arms impressed 07t the sides. Folio. Londini, i6^/\. One of the rarest of military books. Bound by Duseuil. 75 MADAME DE MAINTENON (1635-1719) ROMA SOTTERRANEA OPERA POSTUMA DI ANTONIO BOSIO ROMANO, Compita, Disposta, & Accresciuta dal P. Giovanni Severani da S. Severino. Folding plan of Rome, many folding plates by Miotti, etc., 76. REDUCKI) FACSIMILE. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 51 and numerous zvoodcuts. Calf. Bound for Madame de Maintp:non, ivith her arms impressed on the sides. 4to. Rome, 1650. 76 MADAME DE MAINTENON (1635-1719) BOSSUET (J. B.). DIVERS ECRITS OU MEMOIRES sur le livre intitule, Explication des Maximes des Saints, etc., Sommaire de la Doctrine de ce Livre, en Latin, et en Frangois, Declaration des Sentimens de crois Evesques. . . . Avec une Preface sur I'instruction pastorale donn^e a Cambray, le 15 de Septembre, 1697. Red morocco. Bozmd for Madame de Maintenon, with her device {the Cross of St. Cyr^ impressed on the sides. 8vo. Paris, 1698. This beautiful volume is recorded by M. Quentin Bauchart in " Les Femmes Bibliophiles de France," vol. i, p. 285. It was formerly in the De Bure and Lignerolles collections. 77 LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) ROSINUS (JOANNES). ANTIQUITATUM ROMAN- ARUM Corpus Absolutissimum in Quo Praeter ea Quae Joannes Rosinus. Ex criticis et omnibus lingua auctoribus collectum . . . explicati, correctly Thoma Dempstero. Folding plans and zvoodcuts. Citron morocco. Bound for Louis XIV, zuith his arms impressed on the sides, and his 52 J. PEARSON & CO. crowtied chiffre and fleurs-de-lis entirely covering the sides ajid back. Thick 8vo. Geneva, 1602. ^10 10^. 78 LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) HORACE. QUINTI HORATII FLACCI OPERA. Engraved title by Poussin. Charming vignette of the Royal Arms and three culs-de-lampe. Red morocco, broad borders of gold on sides. Bound for Louis XIV, with his arms i7npressed on the sides and his crowned fleur-de-lis at the corners and repeated on the back. Folio. Paris, 1642. An unusual binding. The broad border motif oi decoration is of a spiral character. ^18 18.. 79 LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) I VIRGIL. PUBLII VIRGILII MARONIS OPERA. Engraved title [by Poussin), charming vignettes, ornamental capitals a7id culs-de-lampe. Red morocco, broad gold borders on sides. Bound for Louis XIV, with his arms impressed on the sides. Folio. Paris, 1642. This and the preceding copy of Horace are similar both in type and binding. The two volumes were, no doubt, bound (for presentation to the King) at the same time, as exactly similar tools have been used in both cases. ^18 185. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 53 80 LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) BIBLIOTHECAE GRAECORUM PATRUM Auc- tarium Novissimum, in quo varia Scriptorum Ecclesiastic- orum, Antiquioris, medii & vergentis aevi, Opuscula. Flavii Josephi, S. Hipolyti Episc. & Mart. S. Methodii Episc. & Mart, dementis Stromatei, Severiani Gabal. Episc. Photii Patriarch. C. P. Nicetae Paphlagonis. Alex- andri Lycopolit. Didymi Alexandrini, Manuelis Calecae, Ord. Prsed. Et Aliorum ; quorum Tractatus proxima post Monitum Lectorem pagina indicat. Fr. Franciscus Com- befis, Ordinis FF. Praedicatorum Provinciae sancti Ludo- vici strictioris observantiae, pleraque nova produxit : omnia recensuit, suaque vena Latio reddidit, ac continuis Notis illustravit. Excudit Aegidius Hotot, Bibliop. Aurelian. Orange morocco. Bound for Louis XIV, the sides and back entirely covered with fleurs-de-lis and the L couronni of Louis XIV alternately arranged and his arms impressed in the centre. Folio. PaiHsiis Venundat Sebastianus Mabre- Cramoisy, Regis lypographics, via Jacobaed, sub Ciconiis, 1672. 81 LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) RAMSAY (CHARLES AL.). TACHEOGRAPHIE ou I'Art d'Escrire aussi viste qu'on parle. Two engraved 54 J. PEARSON & CO. folding tables. Red morocco. The Dedication Copy to Louis XIV. On the sides ai^e the royal arms, collars, a7id crown within an oval wreath, with fleurs-de-lis as corner ornaments; fleurons occupy the panels on the back. 12 mo. Paris, 1 68 1. An interesting account of Ramsay, and the fulsome dedication of his " Tacheographie " to Louis XIV, is given in the "Dictionary of National Biography." 82 LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) CONFUCIUS. SINARUM PHILOSOPHUS sive Scientia Sinensis, Latine Exposita. Studio et Opera Prosperi Intorcetta, Christiani Herdtrich, etc. Patrum Societatis Jesu. Portrait of Confuciiis and charming vig- nettes. Red morocco. Bound for Louis XIV, with his arms impressed on the sides and his chiffre couronni at the corners and in the panels on the back. Folio. Paris, apud Danielem Horthemels, 1687. Also from the library of Jean Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIV's famous minister. £\2 \2S. 83 LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) DEZ (JEAN). LA REUNION DES PROTESTANS DE STRASBOURG a I'Eglise Romaine egalement 5, PALL MALL PLACE 55 necessaire pour leur salut, & facile selon leurs principes. Redmorocco. The Dedication Copy. Bound for \.o\i\^YAV with his arms impressed on the sides and jieurs-de-lis and crozvned dolphin in the pajiels on the back. 8vo. Strasburg, 1689. £10 \Q>S. 84 RACINE (1639-1699) BOCCACCIO. IL DECAMERONE. Very Fine Copy I OF THE Genuine Elzevir Edition. Brown morocco^ double \ with red morocco. Svo. Amsterdamo, 1665. Racine's (the great French Poet) beautiful copy, with his signature on the title-page. Magnificently bound by Duru in 1S69. Examples of the great dramatist's library are of the rarest occurrence. From the Villeneuve Collection. £zo PHILIPPE DE FRANCE (1640-1701) HARLAY (FRANCOIS DE). LA MANIERE DE BIEN ENTENDRE LA MESSE DE PAROISSE. Faite par feu Messire Francois de Harlay Archevesque de Rouen. Imprimee de nouveau par I'ordre de Messire FranQois de Harlay Archevesque de Paris, Due & Pair de France, Commandeur des Ordres du Roy, Proviseur de Sorbonne, & Superieur de la Maison de Navarre, pour 56 J. PEARSON & CO. servir d'instruction a ses diosesains. Red morocco. Bound for Philippe de France, Due d'OrlEans {^'Monsieur" brother of Louis XIV), ivith his arms iinpi^essed on the sides andfieu7's-de-lis on the back. 8vo. A Paris, Chez Frangois MugtLct, Imprimeur de Monseig. I' Archevesque, rue de la HarpCy 1685. £\2 \2S, 86 MARQUISE DE MONTESPAN (1641-1707) DISCOURS HISTORIQUE de I'Election de I'Empereur et des Electeurs de I'Empire. Par le Resident de Brande- bourg. Red mo7'occo. Botmd for the MhRquiSY. de Monte- span [mistress of Louis XIV), with her chiffre cou7''omii im- pressed in the centre of the sides of the bindi7ig, repeated at the carriers and also i^z the panels on the back. 410. Paris, 1658. A very rare provenance. Athenais, Marquise de Montespan, became the mistress of Louis XIV in 1668. She was the mother (by the king) of the Due de Maine and the Comte de Toulouse. 87 HENRIETTA ANNE OF ENGLAND (1644- 1 670) OFFICE (L') DE LA SEMAINE SAINTE, selon le Missel & le Breviaire Remain. . . . De la Traduction de m^% 87. REDUCED FACSIMILE. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 57 M. de Marolles. Avec une explication des sacrez Mysteres representez par les Ceremonies de cet Office. Par Fr. Daniel de Cicogne. Red morocco. Bound for Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orleans (daughter of Charles I), with her arms imp7'essed on the sides, and her crowned chiffre at the corners and repeated in the six panels on the back. Sm. 8vo. Paris, 1667. An exceedingly xdx^ provenance. See Illustration. 88 COMTE DE CARAMAN (1646-1730) VOYAGES DE MR. DE THEVENOT Tant en Europe qu'en Asie & en Afrique. Divisez en trois Parties, qui comprenent cinq volumes. Premiere Partie qui comprend le Voiage de Levant. Dans laquelle entr'autres choses il est soigneusement traite des Etats sujets au Grand Seigneur, des McEurs, Religions, Forces, Gouvernemens Politiques, Langues & Coutumes des Habitans de ce grand Empire. Et ou aussi se trouvent diverses particularitez de lArchipel, Constantinople, Terre-Sainte, Egypte, Pyramides, Mumies, Deserts dArabie, la Meque: Et de plusieurs autres lieux de lAsie & de lAfrique, remarquez depuis peu, & non en- core decrits jusqua present. Avec les choses memorables arrivees au dernier Siege de Bagdet, les Ceremonies faites aux receptions des Ambassadeurs du Mogol : Et I'entretien de I'Auteur avec celui du Pretejan, ou il est parle des sources I 58 J. PEARSON & CO du Nil. Frontispiece, portrait of the author, and numerotcs folditig plates. Red morocco, gilt 07i marbled edges. Bound for Pierre Paul Riguet de Bourepas, Comte de Caraman, with his chiffre couronni i^npressed on the back. 5 vols. Paris, Chez Charles Angot, Lib r aire JurS, rue Saint J agues, att Lyon d' Or, 1689. 89 LE GOULX DE LA BERCHERE, BISHOP OF NARBONNE (i647?-i7i9) COMMINES(PHILIPPE DE). LES MEMOIRES DE MESSIRE PHILIPPE DE COMMINES Seigneur d'Argenton, Contenans I'Histoire des Roys Louys XL & Charles VIIL depuis Tan 1464, jusques en 1498. Reveus & corrigez sur divers Manuscrits, & anciennes Impressions. Augmentez de plusieurs Traictez, Contracts, Testaments, autres Actes, & de diverses Observations. Par Denys Godefroy, Conseiller, & Historiographe ordinaire du Roy. Derniere Edition, divisee en deux Tomes, & enrichie des Pourtraits en Taille-douce. Porti^ait. 2 vols. 8vo. Red morocco. Bound for Le Goulx de la Berch£:re, Bishop OF Narbonne, with his arms impressed on the sides. La Haye, Chez Arnout Leers, Marchand Libraire d V Enseigne de Plutarque, 1682. £\o \os. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 59 90 JOHN SHEFFIELD, DUKE OF BUCKING- HAMSHIRE (1648-1721) COMMINES. LES MEMOIRES DE MESSIRE PHILIPPE DE COMMINES Seigneur d'Argenton. Contenant I'Histoire des Roys Louis XI, & Charles VIII, depuis I'an 1464, jusques en 1498. Reveus & corrigez sur divers manuscrits, & Anciennes Impressions. Augmentez de plusieurs Traictez, Contracts, Testaments, autres Actes, & de diverses Observations. Par Denys Godefroy, Con- seiller, & Historiographe ordinaire du Roy. Red 77torocco. Bound for John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire, ivith his arms impressed on the sides. Folio. A Paris, de rimprimerie Roy ale, 1649. The Duke is better known as Lord Mulgrave, the poet. The present is a Large Paper Copy. POPE CLEMENT XI (1649-1721) SEGNERI (P.) OPERE CON SUA VITA. 4 vols. Titles in red and black. Fine portrait. Red morocco. The Dedication Copy to Pope Clement XI, zvith his arms on the sides of each volume. Folio. Parma, 1701. Magnificently bound by Nicolo Edler, of Parma (signed), the sides and 6o J. PEARSON & CO. backs richly adorned with gold tooling, in the Grolier style, upon a field of stars, with the Papal arms on silk let in in oval panels on the sides. A Large Paper copy, and possibly unique (from the Bibliotheca Lindesiana). £60 92 CLEMENT XI (1649-1721) DECISIONES SACRAE ROTAE ROMANAE coram R.P.D. Ansaldo de Ansaldis Patricio Florentino, etc. Ti^le m red and black. Red morocco, elaborately tooled in coni- partinents. The Dedication Copy to Pope Clement XI, with his arms impressed on the sides. Folio. Rome, 17 10. A gorgeous binding. 93 CLEMENT XI (1649-1721) ARRIGHETTL MEMORIE della vita del servo di Dio P. Giulio Arrighetti. . . . Raccolte, e descritte F. Gio: Franc. Maria Poggi. Red morocco, richly tooled. Bound for Pope Clement XI, with his arms impressed 07i the sides. Sm. 4to. Lucca, 1713. £21 See Illustration. m 5, PALL MALL PLACE 6i 94 WILLIAM III (1650-1702) AN ESTABLISHMENT OF HIS MAJESTIES LAND FORCES, entended for His Service in Ireland with their full Pay and Entertainment to commence the First Day of July, 1689. MS., \Z pages. Red morocco. Bound for William III, with his arms impressed on the sides. Folio, 1689. This valuable manuscript is signed twice by the King, and is also signed by the Duke of Shrewsbury, Lord Delamere, and the Earl of Godolphin. The Duke of Shrewsbury and Lord Godolphin were Lords of the Treasury. ;^40 95 DUCHESSE D'ORLEANS (1652-1722) GEMS. ILLUSTRIUM IMAGINES EX ANTIQUIS MARMORIBUS NOMISMATIB. ET GEMMIS expressae : Quae exstant Romae major pars apud Fulvium Ursinum. Theodorus Gallaeus delineabat Romae ex arche- typis incidebat Antuerpiae. Numeroiis engravings of gems, etc. Red morocco, rich de^itelle on sides. Bound for Char- lotte Elisabeth de Bavi£;re, Duchesse d'Orleans, with 62 J. PEARSON & CO. her arms impressed on the sides, and chiffre couronnS on the back. 4to. Anttcerpiae, ex officina Plantiniana, 1606. The Duchesse d'Orldans ("Madame") was the second wife of "Mon- sieur," brother of Louis XIV, and mother of Philippe d'Orleans, Regent of France. " * Madame ' recherchait les pierres gravees et les m^dailles antiques et en avait reuni une pr^cieuse collection." — Villeneuve Catalogue, ;^55 96 CARDINAL DE FLEURY (1653-1743) XAVERUS. AEG. ANN. XAVERII de La Sante e Societate Jesu Sacerdotis Orationes. 2 vols. Red mui'occo. Bound for Cardinal de Fleury, with his arms impressed on the sides of each volume. 8vo. Lutetiae Parisiorum, Apud Lttdovicum Hippolytwn Guerin & Jacobum Guerin, Via Jacobaed, szib Signo S. Thomae Aqiiinatis, 1741. Andre Hercule de Fleury was appointed, in 17 15, tutor to Louis XV. He afterwards became the King's favourite minister. Created Cardinal by Pope Benedict XIII in 1726. See Illustration. 97 DUC DE VENDOME (1654-1712) ESSAI OU DISSERTATION sur les Galeres de France, Dediee a Son Altesse Serenissime Monseigneur le Due de 96. REDUCED FACSIMILE. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 63 Vendome. Manuscript, neatly written, 80 pages. Red morocco. Bojmd for Louis Joseph, Due de Vendome, with his arms impressed on the sides, and fletirs-de-lis ojt the back. 4to. Circa 1690. This treatise was composed especially for Louis XIV's favourite general; he was a great-grandson of Henri IV and Gabrielle d'Estrees. A very rare provenance. 98 BARON DE LONGPIERRE (1659-1721) TITI LIVII HISTORIARUM LIBRI ex recensione Heinsiana. Engraved title by Duysendt. Red morocco. Bound for Hilaire-Bernard de Roqueleyne, Baron de LoNGPiERRE, with his famous device impressed on the sides and back of each of the volumes. 6 vols. Lugd. Batavorwn. Ex Officina Elzeviriana, Anno \6'i^\. 12 mo. 1634. Longpierre had two copies of Livy; the other copy was sold by auction several years ago for 3,600 francs. ;^IOO 99 CHRISTINE VICTOIRE DE BAVIERE (1660- 1 690) HISTOIRES DE PHILIPPE DE VALOIS ET DU ROI JEAN. '] beautiful vignettes. Red morocco. Bound 64 J. PEARSON & CO. for Marie Anne Christine Victoire de Baviere {consort of " Le Grand Dauphin," son of Loins XIV), with her anus impressed on the sides. 4to. A Paris, Chez Claude Ba7'-bin, au Palais, sur le second Perron de la Sainte Chapelle, 1688. £^0 100 GEORGE I (1660-1727) HOUSE OF LORDS. Remembrances for Order and Decency to be kept in the Upper House of Parliament by the Lords, when his Maj*y is not there, leaving the Solemnitys belonging to his Maj*^'''^ coming to be Mar- shall'd by their Lords, to whome it more properly apper- tains. Co7nprising Orders & Resolutions passed at different periods between the years 1660 and 172 1, relative to the necessary observances for the Members of the House of Lords. A neatly written Mamtscript of 68 pages. Red morocco. Bound for George I, with his arms impressed on the sides. 8vo. 1 72 1 . An extremely interesting manuscript. It contains particulars concerning the behaviour of members of the Upper House of Parliament; refers, among numerous other rules, to the question of the " Prorouging of Parliament be- fore & after the first Meeting," " Proceeding upon opening Parlia™V' " Bill not to be read twice in a day," "Select Committees," "No Oath to take away the Priviledge of Peerage," " Not to speak twice to one matter without leave," " Asperity of Speech," " Fines," " Proxies," " Imprisonment," etc. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 65 lOI GEORGE I (1660-1727) BARROW (ISAAC). THE WORKS OF THE LEARNED ISAAC BARROW, D.D. Late Master of Trinity College in Cambridge (Being all his English Works). In Three Volumes. Published by his Grace D^" John Tillot- son, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. The First Volume, containing Thirty-two Sermons Preach'd upon several Occasions. An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, &c. A Learned Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy. Portrait by Loggan. The Second Volume, Containing Ser- mons and Expositions upon all the Articles in The Apostles' Creed. . . . The Third Volume, containing Forty-five Sermons, upon several Occasions, Compleating his English Works. 3 vols, in 2. Dark blue morocco, richly gilt. Bound for George I, with his crowned cypher repeated several times on the sides and on the back. Folio. London: PiHnted for Robert Knaplock and Daniel Midwinter in St. Paul's Churchyard, Jarnes Round in Exchange- Alley, Jacob Tonson in the Strand, and William Taylor in Pater-noster-row, 1722. £2% K 66 J. PEARSON & CO. 102 DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH (1660-1744) POMFRET (J.). POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCA- SIONS. Frontispiece. Original calf . 8vo. 1736. From the library of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, the wife of the "Great" Duke, with her autograph, "Sarah Marlbro. 1737," on the fly-leaf. Afterwards in the possession of the unhappy Rosina, Lady Lytton. LOUIS LE GRAND DAUPHIN (1661-1711) FLECHIER. ORAISON FUNEBRE de tres auguste et tres vertueuse princesse Marie-Therese dAutriche, in- fante d'Espagne, reyne de France et de Navarre. Manu- script. Contemporary calf. Bound for Louis le Grand Dauphin, son of Louis XIV. " Tres interessant manuscrit de I'oraison funebre de Marie-Thercse d'Au- triche, femme de Louis XIV, par Flechier; // differe sensibkmetit du texte imprim'e. " Tandis que I'oraison classique debute par ce verset de I'Ecclesiaste; Fundavienta externa supra petrani soHdam, et mandata Dei in corde mulicris sanctcE, le manuscrit presente ce texte qui s'accorde mieux avec le ton general et les divisions du discours: Fallax gratia et vana est pukhritiido, Mulier timens Dominum ipsa laudahitur. "L'oraison manuscrite est divisee en trois parties; I'oraison imprimee en deux seulement; la premiere comprend 103 feuillets, la seconde une quaran- 5, PALL MALL PLACE 67 taine de pages seulement; celle-la est d'un tiers au moins plus longue que celle-ci C'est surtout a partir de la fin de la premiere partie que les differ- ences s'accentuent; la version imprimee s'eloigne de plus en plus du texte manuscrit, jusqu'a la peroraison qui differe entierement dans I'une et dans I'autre. "Selon nous, le manuscrit donne I'oraison funebre telle que Flechier I'avait d'abord congue et composee; jugeant ensuite qu'elle depassait les homes ordinaires de ces sortes de discours, que sa longueur fatiguerait peut- etre les oreilles aristocratiques de ses auditeurs (le Dauphin et les princes et princesses du sang) il crut devoir la ramener a de moindres proportions. Les retranchements portent principalement sur les details de la vie retiree, presque cloitree de Marie Therese (qui auront peut-etre paru trop peu releves pour I'eloge funebre d'une reine), sur ses pratiques de devotion et de charite; sur son role politique, d'ailleurs si efface, sur les citations latines de I'Ecriture et des Peres de I'Eglise (beaucoup moins frequentes dans le texte imprime). " En somme, ce manuscrit nous fait connaitre une trentaine de pages inedites d'un des maitres de la chaire frangaise, et ces pages ne le cedent point a celles qui ont ete conservees pour I'impression. Quelques-unes meme, d'un tour simple et aise, I'emportent sur des morceaux plus soignes, ou Flechier a peut-etre trop prodigue I'antithese et les fleurs de sa rhetorique un peu travaillee. " En un temps ou Ton recueille avec tant de soin les moindres fragments de nos auteurs classiques, trente pages de I'aimable et eloquent eveque de Nimes ne sont point a dedaigner. " Ce tnatiuscrit a fait partie de la bibliotheque du Grand Dauphin (le fils UNIQUE DE Marie Therese et Louis XIV); le dauphin et la gratid fleur-de- lis couron7ies se trouvent au dos de la reliure^ — Charavay. 104 LOUIS LE GRAND DAUPHIN (1661-1711) VERIEN(NICOLAS). LIVRE CURIEUX ET UTILE POUR LES SQAVANS ET ARTISTES. Compost de 68 J. PEARSON & CO. trois Alphabets de Chiffres Simples, doubles & triples fleuronnez et au premier trait. . . . Avec une Table tres ample par le moyen de laquelle on trouvera facilement tous les noms imaginables. Fine p07^tr ait ^ a charming dedication plate, and numerous curious engravings. Red morocco. The Dedication Copy to Louis le Grand Dauphin (son of Louis XIV), zvith his arms impressed on the sides, fleurs- de-lis at the corners, and the crozmied fleur-de-lis and dolphin on the back. 8vo. Paris, 1 690. An elegantly engraved volume, and a superb example of the Grand Dauphin's library. The portrait and plates are brilliant Proofs. ^65 ROBERT HARLEY (1661-1724) THE LETTERS OF THE RENOWNED FATHER PAUL, Counsellor of State To the most Serene Repub- lick of Venice; And Author of the Excellent History of the Council of Trent. Written To Monsieur Del Isle Groslot; a Noble Protestant of France; The Learned Monsieur Gillot and others ; in a correspondence of divers Years. Translated out of Italian By Edward Brown, Rector of Sundridge in Kent. A good Book never comes out too late, Fa. Paul, Let. lxxvii. The most sincere and faithful History of Things, is to be learn'd from the Epistles of the Writers of every Age. Id. Let. cxxii. Portrait by Sturt. Bound for Queen Annes favourite minister 5, PALL MALL PLACE 69 Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, zvith his arms and name in gold on the sides. 8vo. London. Printed for Richard Chiszvell, at the Rose and Crozun hi St. Paitl's Church- Yard, 1693. ^9 9^. 106 DUKE OF QUEENSBERRY (1662-1711) A PROPER PROJECT FOR SCOTLAND to Startle Fools, and Frighten Knaves, But to Make Wise Men Happy. Being a Safe and Easy Remedy to Cure our Fears, and Ease our Minds. With The undoubted Causes of God's Wrath, and of The present National Calamities. By A Person neither Unreasonably Cameronian, nor Ex- cessively Laodicean, and Idolizer of Moderation, but entre deus, avoiding Extreams, on either Hand: That is, A Good, Honest, Sound Presbyterian, a Throw-pac'd, True- blue Loyallist; for God, King and Countrey; And why not for Co 1 too? Printed in a Land where Self 's Cry'd up, and Zeal's cry'd down; And therefore. In a time of Spiritual Prayers and Temporal Judgements. Anno Dom. 1699. Calf. Bound for James Douglas, 2nd Duke of QuEENSBERRY, with his arms impressed on the sides. 4to. 1699. A rare volume, by a fiery Covenanter, to whom the murdered Archbishop was "The Arch-Traitor Sharp," /5 SS' 70 J. PEARSON & CO. 107 ELIZABETH D'ORLEANS (/. 1663) OUDIN (ANTOINE). DICTIONNAIRE ITALIEN ET FRANCOIS. Contenant, Les Recherches de tous les mots Italiens expliquez en Fran9ois, avec plusieurs Pro- verbes & Phrases, pour I'intelligence de Tune et I'autre Langue. Par Antoine Gudin, Secretaire Interprete du Roy. Revue, corrige & augment^, non seulement d'une quantity de mots; mais aussi d'un grand nombre de Phrases, Pro- verbes & Locutions necessaires, avec les accents pour prononcer les syllabes longues ou breves, & les Irregularitez & Annomalies des verbes. Par Laurens Ferretti Romain, Secretaire Interprete, & Maistre des Langues de leurs Altesses Royales Mesdemoiselles d'Alen^on & de Valois. /^ed morocco. The Dedication Copy to Elizabeth d'Or- LEANS, DucHESSE dAlen1 5, PALL MALL PLACE 8i 124 EARL OF DERWENTWATER, GRANDSON OF CHARLES II (1689-1716) IRENE TRIUMPHANS. THE BRITISH MUSE'S CONGRATULATORY POEM, on the Peace Humbly Addrest to His Excellency the Most Noble Duke D'Aumont; Embassador from the Most Christian King, etc. in Latin and English. Folio. Morocco, gilt panels on sides, with corner ornaments and cherubs heads. Bo7md for the Earl of Derwentwater with his artns impressed on the sides. James Radcliffe, third Earl of Derwentwater, was a (natural) grandson of Charles II. His devotion to the Stuart cause cost him his head in 1716. This volume was afterwards in the library of James, eighth Lord Petre (who married Anna Maria, daughter of the above Earl of Derwentwater), and has his ex-libris on the inside of the front cover. See Illustration 125 CATHERINE ANGELIQUE, MARQUISE DE DREUX (1689-1739) ST. EVREMOND (SEIGNEUR DE). LES VERIT- ABLES CEUVRES. Publiees sur les Manuscrits de lAuteur. Portrait. Red morocco, gilt on marbled leaves. Botmd for Catherine Ang£lique, Marquise de Dreux, M 82 J. PEARSON & CO with hey arms impi^essed four times on the back of each volume. 5 vols. 8vo. Londres, Jacob Tojtson, 1706. This is a marvellously fine copy of the best edition of St. Evremond, and was bound by Boyet for this famous woman. 126 BISHOP BUTLER (1692-1752) THVCYDIDES. {Graecc.'] Colophon: Venetiis in domo Aldi mense Maio. m.dii(i502). Folio. Old marbled calf. A large-paper copy (with the two blank leaves) of tJie Editio Princeps of one of the most beautiful productions of the Aldine Press. There was no copy in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. This was Bishop Butler's (author of " The Analogy of Religion ") copy. POPE CLEMENT XIII (1693-1769) RAGIONAMENTO SUL DIRITTO DE' SACRI ASILI deir Abate Giacomo Pistorozzi. Red morocco, heavily gilt sides and back. Bound for Clement XIII, with his arms impressed on the sides. 4to. Rome, 1766. ^21 5, PALL MALL PLACE 83 128 COUNT DE HOYM, the "Polish Grolier" (1694-1736) J. Pearson and Co. have for sale the largest collection extant of splendidly bound volumes from the library of Count de Hoym. A special catalogue of these is in pre- paration, and will be sent on application. The " Life " of the Count de Hoym, by Baron Jerome Pichon, was one of the most noted publications of the Grolier Club. 84 J. PEARSON & CO. 129 COMTE D'EU (1701-1775) FLOQUET (J. A.). CANAL DE PROVENCE, ou Canal d'Aix et de Marseille. Son Utilite, Sa Possibilite. Sa Nature : Avantages qui en reviendront au Roy, a la Pro- vence & a la Compagnie des Propri^taires. Reponse aux principales difficultes qui ont ete proposees contre son exe- cution, Dediee a Monseigneur le Due de Richelieu. Fold- ing plan of the canal. Red morocco. Botind for Louis- Charles DE Bourbon, Comte d'Eu, with his arms impressed on the sides. 8vo. A Paris, De r Imprimerie de P. G. Le Mercier, 1750. £6 6s. 130 JOHN WESLEY (1703-1791) JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Lives of the most eminent English Poets; with critical observations on their Works. Poj^trait. 4 vols. Black morocco. 8vo. London, 1781. The unique Presentation Copy from the Author to John Wesley. This book was given to Wesley by Dr. Johnson, and has the inscription "J. Wesley. The Gift of the Author. 1781 " on the back of the portrait (in vol. i) in Wesley's autograph. The great evangelist bequeathed these most interesting volumes to his nephew Samuel Wesley. The latter has written underneath his celebrated uncle's inscription "S. Wesley the legacy of his 5, PALL MALL PLACE 85 much honored Uncle J. Wesley 1791." Besides these two autograph inscrip- tions, Samuel Wesley has written upon the top of the title-pages, **S. Wesley: the Legacy of the Revd. John Wesley." The value and importance of this precious " Association " book needs no herald. A work presented by the great lexicographer to the great evangelist and founder of Methodism is a unique possession. MARIE LECZINSKA (1703-1768) OFFICE DE LA SEMAINE SAINTE en Latin & en Fran9ois a I'usage de Rome & de Paris avec des Reflexions et Meditations, Prieres et Instructions pour la Confession et Communion. Charming ejtgraved title, and plates by Scotin. Red morocco, richly gilt border of shells a?id fleurs- de-lis on the sides, gilt on marbled leaves and an elaborate book- marker of green, white, and 7^ed ribbons and silver wi^-e. Bound for Marie Leczinska (Queen of Louis XV), with her arms impressed on the sides and fleurs-de-lis on the back. 8vo. Paris, 1728. At page 281 a contemporary manuscript prayer is placed, probably in the autograph of Louis XV's Queen. 132 DUG DE FITZJAMES (1709-1764) L'OFFICE DE LA SEMALNE SAINTE, a I'usage de la Maison du Roy. Imprime par expres Commandement de Sa Majeste. Frontispiece of Louis XV and his Queen at prayer. 86 J. PEARSON & CO. and engraved title. 8vo. Red morocco, richly tooled sides and back. Bound for Francis, Due de Fitzjames^ when Car- difial d Auvergne, with his arms impressed on the sides, Paris, 1743. The Duke, who was a grandson of James II, renounced his title, and entered the Church. He was "premier aumonier " to Louis XV. An extremely xdso. provenance. Unknown to Guigard, and a most magnificent binding. 133 LOUIS XV (1710-1774) DU PUY (L'EVEOUE). LA RELIGION VENGEE de rincredulite par I'lncredulite Elle-meme. Red morocco. Bound for Louis XV, with his arms impressed on the sides. 8vo. Paris, 1772. ^10 10^. See Illustration 134 LOUIS XV (1710-1774) MEMOIRE CONCERNANT LE TRESOR ROYAL. Manuscript of 40 leaves, neatly written. Red morocco, gilt on marbled leaves. Botmd for Louis XV, with fleurs-de-lis at each corner, and repeated on the back. 410, circa 1731. The period referred to in this MS. ranges from 1285 to 1731. An interesting historical manuscript explaining the origin of the Treasury, nomination of Treasurers, their functions, etc. /21 5, PALL MALL PLACE 87 135 LOUIS XV (1710-1774) OFFICE (L) DE LA SEMAINE SAINTE en Latin et en Fran9ois selon le Missel et le Breviaire de Paris avec des Reflexions et Meditations, Prieres & Instructions pour la Confession & Communion. A I'usage de Madame la Dauphine & de sa Maison. Black morocco elaborately tooled, the sides being covered with a scroll design, shells, flettrs-de- lis, birds, etc., floral end-papers. Bound by Padeloup for Louis XV, with his arms and his chiffre couronnd (^repeated four times) impressed on the sides. 8vo. Paris, 1752. A most magnificent binding. 136 FREDERICK THE GREAT (1712-1786) PANDORE, Scene Lyrique, Dediee a son Altesse Royale Monseigneur Frederic-Guillaume, Prince de Prusse. Par M. de Saint-Paterne. Large Paper. Red morocco. Bound for Frederick the Great, zvith his arms impressed on the sides. 8vo. Pa^ns, Ph.-D. Pier res, Imprimetir Ordinaire du Roi, 1785. ^16 16^. 88 J. PEARSON & CO. 137 THOMAS GRAY (1716-1771) MATHEW PARIS. HISTORIA MAJOR juxta ex- emplar Londinense, 1571, Verbatim recusa ; et duorum Offarum Merciorum Regum et viginti trium Abbatum S. Albani Vitae, etc. Edited W. Wats, portrait, red mo- rocco extra, g.e. by Clarke and Bedford. 1640. This copy formerly belonged to Thos. Gray, the Poet, and contains very numerous and interesting notes in his minute autograph. £\2 \2S. EMPRESS MARIA THERESA (1717-1788) FALBAIRE DE QUINGEY (DE). L'ECOLE DES MCEURS, ou les suites du libertinage, drame en cinq actes et en vers. Repr^sente a la Comedie Fran^oise le 13 Mai 1776. Redmorocco. Botindfor Maria Theresa of Austria, Empress of Germany, with her arms hnpresssed on the sides. A Paris y chez la Veuve Duchesne, et chez Ruault. 8vo. 1776. 139 PIUS VI (1717-1799) TRONCON. ESAMI PARTICOLARI sopra diversi soggctti Proprj agli Ecclesiastici ed a tutte quelle persone, 5, PALL MALL PLACE 89 che vogliono avanzarsi nella perfezione del Signer Trongon Superlore del Semlnario di S. Sulpizio. Fatti stampare in Italiano dal Reverendo Signer D. Francesco Rovira Bonet, etc. Parte Prima. Red morocco. Bound for Vove.YiM^W, with his arms impressed on the sides within borders of leafy decoration, and floral corner orna7nents. Sm. 8vo. In Roma, 1778. 140 MADAME DE POMPADOUR (1721-1764) ARREST DU PARLEMENT DE PARIS donne et rendu a la Requeste du Procureur General du Roy; contre Charles 2. Due de Lorraine, & autres complices & accusez le I. jour d'Aoust 141 2. Avec une commission de la cour du mesme jour pour I'entiere execution dudit Arrest; & les Remarques qu'en a fait Jean Juvenal des Ursins. Red moj^occo. Bound for Madame de Pompadour, with her arms impressed on the sides. Small 8vo. Paris, 1634. ^21 141 MADAME DE POMPADOUR (1721-1764) LA LIVE DE JULLY. RECUEIL DE CARICA- TURES dessinees par J. Saly et gravees par A. L. de N go J. PEARSON & CO. La Live. etc. Red morocco, by Derome. Madame de Pom- padour's copy, with her arms on the sides. Folio. {Paris, 1 754-) One of the most important and most superb examples of Madame de Pompadour's library extant. Monsieur Quentin Bauchart, in his " Les Femmes Bibliophiles de France," was unable to trace this fine book when describing the Marchioness' library, and had to be content with a catalogue description. It is No. 36 (p. 74, Tome II) in Bauchart's book. This work was unknown to Cohen and Brunet. The plates comprised in the volume are : Portrait of Dionysius La Live de Bellegarde (the father of the engraver). After Rigaud. Recueil de Caricatures dessinees par Saly. 1 7 plates. Proofs before Letters. Studio di Paesi Dedicato al 111"" Dupin de Franceuil Sig" Virtuo- ssissimo et amicissimo del autore La Live D. J. 8 engravings. 6 are Proofs before Letters. A Vase, after Saly. Proof, with artists' names etched in. Louis Bontems, after De Nyers. Proof, with inscription on the plate and artists' names etched in. Pierre Gilbert de Cange, after Denyer. Proof, with inscription on the plate and artists' names etched in. La Correzione. Dedicata alia Signorina di Mazade. After Boucher. Les Elemens a Madame De Roissy. Engraved title by La Live and 4 plates after Natoire as follows : ia) L'Air. (J)) Le feu. {c) La Terre. {d) L'eau. Four peasant girls, after Boucher. Three are Proofs before Letters with artists' names etched in. A Vase. Proof before Letters, with name etched in. A Pastoral Scene, after Boucher. Proof before Letters, with names etched in. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 91 Another, after Pater. Proof before Letters, with artists' names etched in. Two Vases, after Saly. Proofs before Letters, with names etched in. 45 engravings in all. Inserted are three holograph notes of " La Pom- padour." The author was the brother of La Live d'Epinay and Mme. d'Houdetot. He became introducer of ambassadors to the French court. A distinguished amateur, he had the talent for miniature painting and etching. His work is of the greatest beauty and rarity. ^300 142 MADAME DE POMPADOUR (1721-1764) NIPOTISMO DI ROMA (IL) o vero Relatione Delia raggioni che muovono i Pontefici, all' aggrandimento de' Nipoti. Del bene, e male che hanno portato alia Chiesa dopppo Sixto IV sino al presente. Delle difficolta che in- contrano i Ministri de Prencipi nel trattare con loro, & insieme col remedio opportuno per liberarsi da tali diffi- colta. E. Delia causa perche le Famiglie de' Pontefici non sono durate lungo tempo in grandezza. mdc lxvii. 2 vols. Small 8vo. Moi-occo. /^F/V/^ ///^ ^r?;^^^/ Jeanne Antoinette PoissoN, Marquise de Pompadour, impressed on the sides. 1667. -^30 92 J. PEARSON & CO. 143 MADAME DE POMPADOUR (1721-1764) SOURCE DES MALHEURS D'ANGLETERRE (LA), et de tons les maux, dont ce Roiaume a et^ afflige depuis le regne de Jacques I, et qui ont cause la perte de Charles I, et la desertion de Jacques II, cy devant rois de la Grande Bretagne, France et Irlande. Red morocco. Bound for Madame de Pompadour, with her arms impressed on the sides. 1 2 mo. Cologne, P. Marteau, 1689. Sold 144 MADAME DE POMPADOUR (1721-1764) ETAT DES TROUPES et des Etats-Majors des Places Anno 1759. Madame de Pompadour's copy, enriched with an exquisite Original Drawing in sepia by Eisen, signed "■ C. A. Eisen inv. etf. 1759." Bound in olive morocco, silk linings and fly-leaves, with the Pompadour arms in blind a7id gold on back and sides, gilt leaves. 1759. In this unique copy the printed title is replaced by an original and exquisite drawing by Ch. Eisen (signed). It was especially designed by the most delightful French artist of his day for Madame de Pompadour, whose arms are introduced. The arms of Madame de Pompadour are also impressed M5- 93 5. PALL MALL PLACE on the sides of the binding. This is, without question, one of the most beautiful examples of this famous woman's library that has occurred for sale. This exquisite volume is described by Monsieur Quentin Bauchart in his " Les Femmes BibHophiles de France," vol. ii, p. 88. 145 MARQUIS DE PAULMY (1722-1787) ETAT DES TROUPES et des Etats-Majors des Places. Manuscript, covering 201 pages. Blue morocco. Bound for the Marquis de Paulmy, tvith his arms impressed on the sides. 8vo. {Paris) 1758. The title to this elegantly written manuscript is enclosed within an original and exqjiisite drawing in water-colours by Ch. Eisen {signed). It was especially drawn for the Marquis de Paulmy, whose arms are introduced. This Manuscript contains the census of the French troops, the names of the Commanders, the pay of each officer, and also of each regiment. It is a remarkable coincidence that this volume should have been pre- sented to the Marquis of Paulmy, for it was to this nobleman that Madame de Pompadour (to whom Eisen presented the preceding volume) gave a copy of her Suite d'' Estampes gravees a Veau forte d^aprh les pierres gravees de Guay, which is now in the Bibliotlieque de V Arsenal. That particular example is handsomely bound in red morocco and has the following inscrip- tion on the sides in gold: CEuvre de Madame la Marquise de Pompadour, donne par elle-meme au Marqtds de Pauh^iy. Marc Antoine Rene de Paulmy was the son of the Marquis d'Argenson, and is known to the world of letters by his numerous publications. The Marquis de Paulmy formed one of the richest and most precious libraries that any individual had ever possessed. He sold it to the Comte d'Artois (Charles X) in 1785, and it still exists as the Bibliotheque de P Arsenal. See Illustration 94 J. PEARSON & CO. 146 JEAN DU BARRI (1722-1794) JEAN DU BARRI brother-in-law of Madame du Barri. His Original Autograph " Livre de Jeu." T/iese a^-e the Original Gambling Books of Jean dit Barri. 4 vols. 1775-78. A unique memento of Madame du Barri (Louis XV's mistress). Jean du Barri was the lover of Madame du Barri before his brother Guillaume. From Lord Stewart de Rothesay's, Lord PoUington's, and Lord Orford's collections. 147 LOUIS PHILIPPE, DUG D'ORLEANS (1725-1785) CICERO. TRADUCTION DU TRAITE de I'Orateur de Ciceron, avec des notes par M. TAbbe Colin. Red morocco. Bound for Louis Philippe, Due d'Orl^ans, ivith his arms impressed on the sides. 8vo. Paris, 1737. 148 DUG DE PENTHIEVRE (1725-1793) DELAHAUT (JOSEPH NICOLAS). ANNALES ECCLESIASTIQUES ET CIVILES DES VILLE, 149- REDUCED FACSIMILE. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 95 Chatellenie et Prevote Di Vols dit Carignan en Luxem- bourg Fran9ois Enrichies de Notes. — NOTES sur les Annales d'lvois. A neatly written manuscript 0/64.S 4to pages, MAGNIFICENTLY BOUND BY Derome. Red morocco, rich cientclle borders 07i sides, with figures of lions and Heurs-de-lis at each corner, the back tooled with fleurs-de-lis and crow7ied lions, ivatered silk end li7iings, gilt on marbled leaves, Botmd for presentation to Louis Jean Marie be Bourbon, Due de Penthi£vre {grandson of Louis XIV and Madame de Montcspan), Grand Amiral de France. 4to. (Circa 1760.) The superb binding is a masterpiece of the elder Derome. 149 GABRIEL DE SARTINE (1729-1801) CODE DE LA POLICE, ou Analyse des Reglemens de Police; Divisee en douze Titres. Par M. D. Conseiller du Roi, etc. Red ??iorocco, richly tooled sides and back, gilt on marbled leaves, by Derome le P£re. Bottndfor Gabriel DE Sartine, with his arms impressed on the sides, and the Sardifie in the panels on the back. His ex-libris is pasted on the inside of the cover. 8vo. Paris, 1758. Gabriel de Sartine (1729-1801) was appointed Lieutenant-General de la Police a year after the publication of this volume. A most charming example of Derome's binding. See Illustration 96 J. PEARSON & CO. 150 DUCHESSE DE GRAMONT (1730-1794) GOMBERVILLE. POLEXANDRE, reveue, changee et augmentee en cette derniere edition. 5 vols. Engraved frontispieces to each volume by Bosse. Red morocco. Bound for Beatrix de Choiseul-Stainville, Duchesse de Gramont, with her arms impressed on the sides of each volume. Sm. 8vo. Paris, 1645. This famous woman was the sister of the Due de Choiseul, Louis XV's celebrated minister. It was due to her that the Duke refused a political aUiance with Madame du Barry. She was guillotined with the Duchesse de Chatelet. Balzac said of this work: " Le Polexandre est a mon avis un ouvrage parfait en son genre." MARIE JOSEPHE DE SAXE (1731-1767) OFFICE DE LA SEMAINE SAINTE En Latin & en Fran9ois a I'usage de Rome & de Paris Avec des Reflexions et Meditations, Prieres et Instructions pour la Confession et Communion a I'usage de la Maison de Madame la Dauphine. Engraved title and 3 plates by Scotin. Red morocco, rich dentelle borders of fleurs-de-lis and shells. Bound for Marie Josephe de Saxe, second wife of Louis le Dauphin {son of Louis XV) and mother of Louis XVI, 5, PALL MALL PLACE 97 Louis XVIII, and Charles X, with hei'- ai^ms impressed on the sides and fle2irs-de-lis on the back. 8vo. Paris, chez la Vetive Mazieres et Gamier Libr aires Imprimetirs de la Reine et de M'"^ la Dauphine. 1 746. ^55 152 ADELAIDE DE FRANCE (1732-1800) DUPLESSIS (P.). PIZARRE, OU LA CONOUETE DU PEROU, tragedle lyrique en cinq actes, representee par lAcademie Royale de Musique, le mardi 3 Mai 1785. Red morocco, the borders and back decorated with fleurs-de-lis, silk end linings. Bound by Blaizot, for Madame Adelaide, ivith her arms impressed on the sides. 4to. Paris, 1785. 153 VICTOIRE DE FRANCE (1733-1799) PRIDEAUX (HUMPHREY). HISTOIRE DES JUIFS, et des Peuples Voisins, Depuis la decadence des Royaumes d'Israel & de Juda, jusqua la mort de Jesus- Christ. . . . Traduite de lAnglois. Fro7itispieces, fold- ing fnaps, plans and numerotis plates, with a pla7t of the Holy Temple. 6 vols. Olive morocco, gilt on marbled leaves. Bound by Fournier {of Versailles), for Madame Victoire o g8 J. PEARSON & CO. {daughter of Louis XV), zoith her arms impressed on the sides of each of til e six vohunes. 8vo. Paris, 1742. This book is described by Monsieur Quentin Bauchart in his " Les Femmes Bibhophiles de France," vol. ii, p. 169. /18 18^. VICTOIRE DE FRANCE (1733-1799) DUCHESNE FILS. MANUEL DE BOTANIQUE. Olive morocco extra, gold fiezirons on the back. Bound for Madame Victoire {daughter of Louis XV), with her arms impressed on the sides. Sm. Svo. Paris, i 764. PRINCE DE EIGNE (1735-1814) SIONVILLE (M. DE). CEUVRES MILITAIRES Dediees a Son Altesse Monseigneur le Prince De Bouillon, Fils de Son Alt. Sen Mgr. le Prince de Turenne. Numerous folding plates. 4 vols. Red morocco. Bound for Charles- Joseph- Lamoral, Prince de Eigne, with his arms impressed on the sides. Svo. Charleville, Chez Pierre Thesin, Lm- primeur-Libraire Ordinaire de S. A. S. Monseigneur le Prince de Co7idL 1756. There are few xdiXox provena7ias than that of this most famous Austrian Field- Marshal; the present volumes are from their military nature particularly desirable. ^45 5, PALL MALL PLACE 99 156 LOUIS JOSEPH, PRINCE DE CONDE (1736-1818) MONGIN(EDME). CEUVRES DE MESSIRE EDME MONGIN, Evequeet Seigneur de Bazas, Tun desQuarante de FAcademie Frangoise. . . . Contenant Ses Sermons, Panegyriques, Oraisons Funebres, Mandements, & Pieces Academiques. Portrait by Petit. Large Paper. Red morocco, richly tooled borders on the sides, silk end leaves. Bound for Louis Joseph, Prince de Cond£, with his arms and six crowned Jleurs-de-lis impressed on the sides, and fleurs-de-lis on the back. 4to. Paris, 1745. A splendid binding. ^18 iZs. 157 GEORGE III (1738-1820) HANDEL (GEORGE FREDERICK). THE FULL Manuscript Score of his Admeto, occupying 187 pages. Written and bound, in red morocco, for George III {wheri Prince of Wales). The Princes device and motto are stamped in the centime of the sides, and worked into the border with the Prhice of Wales feathers at each corner. Oblong folio. Both Handel's original Manuscript, as well as the " Conducting Score " of this famous Opera are known to have perished. The present is believed to be the earliest manuscript oi At>u^t:o now existing. £60 100 J. PEARSON & CO. 158 MARQUISE DE FOUQUET (1740- 1780) NOURJAHAD, HISTOIRE ORIENTALE; traduite de I'Anglais (de Mme. Sheridan, par Mme. de Serionne). Nouvelle edition, dediee a Madame la comtesse de Gisors, par M. L. de L. Red morocco ''double de tabisT The Dedication Copy to Hel£ne Julie Rosalie Mancini Mazarini, Marquise de Fouquet, Comtesse de Gisors, dite " Mademoiselle de Nevers,'' with her arms impressed on the sides, the insignia on the back and at the coj'ners. 8vo. Francforty et Paris, chez Monory, Libraire de S. A. S. Mon- seigneur le Prince de Condd. 1 776. An exquisite little volume. The authoress was the mother of Richrird Brinsley Sheridan. ^3 5 159 MADAME DU BARRY (1743-1793) ETOURDIE (L') OU HISTOIRE DE MIS BETSY TATLESS, Traduite de TAnglois. 7, parts in 2 vols. Red morocco. BoiLnd for Madame du Barry, with her arms impressed on the sides. Paris, Chez Prault I'Aind, Quai de Conti, a la Chariti. 1754. Jeanne B^cu, Comtesse du Barry, born 1743, was guillotined in 1793. She was dominant at the Court of Louis XV from 1769 till the King's death I 5, PALL MALL PLACE loi in 1774; Louis is stated to have lavished thirty-five miUions of francs upon her. Examples of the library of Madame du Barry are of the very greatest rarity. 160 MARAT (1744- 1 793) MARAT (JEAN PAUL). THE ORIGINAL HOLO- GRAPH MANUSCRIPT of his Corrections and Ampli- fications to his own copy of his famous " Recherches Physiques sur la Feu." 8vo. Origmal ivrapper, unciU, enclosed in a ni07'Occo case. i'j'j<^' Marat's own copy, crammed with corrections and amplifications in his autograph. Prepared either for a new edition of the book or a collected edition of his works. A wonderful manuscript — Marat's autograph is of the first rarity. Probably the only autograph corrected Proof-Sheets of this remarkable Frenchman (who fell by the dagger of Charlotte Corday) in existence. .^120 161 QUEEN CHARLOTTE (1744-1818) WALPOLE (ROBERT). MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND ADMINISTRATION OF SIR ROBERT WALPOLE, Earl of Orford, with original Correspondence and Authentic Papers, never before published, by William Coxe. M.A., F.R.S., F.A.S. Portraits of Walpole by Bovi. Large Paper. 5 vols. Blue morocco. Bound for Queen 102 J. PEARSON & CO. Charlotte (consort of George III), with her crozvfied cypher impressed on the sides of each of the volumes. Royal 4to. 1798. Queen Charlotte's unique large paper copy. It was afterwards in the possession of the Princess Sophia (daughter of Queen Charlotte), and her book-plate is in each of the volumes. This unique copy contains an original letter entirely in the autograph of Sir Robert Walpole, addressed to the famous Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. ^35 162 LOUIS-PHILIPPE-JOSEPH, DUG D'ORLEANS (1747-1793) PLANCHE a tracer generale de I'installation du tres serenissime, tres respectable et tres cher Frere Louis- Philippe-Joseph d'Orleans, due de Chartres, prince du sang, en qualite de grand maitre de I'Grdre Royal de la Franche Ma^onnerie en France. 4to. Red morocco, gilt leaves, with the arms of Louis-Philippe-Joseph, Due d'Orl£ans, im- pressed on the sides, and the autograph signature ^Hue de Breval et Baron de Toussaint on the last page, together ivith the seal of the GRAN'D-0\u}Li" o" the fly-leaf. Afterwards in the Villeneuve collection. A superb example of Boyet's binding. 186 BECKFORD (1759-1844) GORDON (JOHN, OF GLENCAT, ABERDEEN- SHIRE). MEMOIRS. Frontispieces. Original calf. 2 vols, in I. i2mo. 1733. Beckford's copy, with 2 pages of MS. notes in his autograph. Some of Beckford's notes are very caustic. 187 BECKFORD (1759-1844) BROSSES (C. DE). LETTRES SUR L'lTALIE. Fine paper copy, with 10 pages of MS. notes by William Beckford. Half bound. 3 vols. 8vo. 1799. A particularly interesting example of Beckford's habit of annotation. £\o \os. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 115 BECKFORD (1759-1844) HUTCHINSON (COLONEL). MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town Representative of the County of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, and of the town of Nottingham in the First Parliament of Charles II, etc. . . . Written by his Widow Lucy Hutchinson. Portraits of Coloriel Hutchinson and Lucy Htttchinson^ by Neagle and Freeman, view of Notting- ham Castle after Barber by Medland, etc. Rtissia. 4to. 1806. Beckford's copy, with numerous extremely curious annotations by him covering both pages of one of the fly-leaves. One of these notes refers to Mary Queen of Scots, and states: " Poor Mary Q. of Scots most foully abused by the virtuous Mrs. Hutchin- son who calls her a wicked Queen of a bloody, lustful temper." Another states : "Q. Eliz. urged on by the true-hearted Protestants to sign the death- warrant of Mary." The present is a large paper copy with a duplicate unlettered proof portrait of Col. Hutchinson. /15 iS-^- ADDENDA 1 89 GEORGE IV (1762-1830) BLAND (JOHN), of Catches, Glees, THE LADIES COLLECTION, Canons, Canzonets, Madrigals, &c., Selected from the Works of the Most Eminent Composers. Engraved title, music and words. Numbers 17 to 50 inclusive — 34 numbers in all, bound in 2 vols. Original binding. 4to. (London, n.d.) George IV's (when Prince of Wales) copy, with his autograph signature inside each volume and the Prince of Wales' feathers in gold on the front cover of each volume and the words: "His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales " beneath. The following inscription in pencil is also written inside the front cover of Volume I: "This book was given to Mrs. Gould Gent by the Prince of Wales afterwards Geo. 4th." £10 \os. 120 J. PEARSON & CO. 190 ELIZABETH DE FRANCE (i 764-1 794) and LOUIS XVI (1754-1793) LEFRANC DE POMPIGNAN. LA RELIGION VENGEE de rincredulite par Tincredulite elle-meme. Par M. I'Eveque du Puy (J. Georges Lefranc de Pom- pignan). Red morocco. On the recto are the arms of Philippine Marie Helene Elizabeth de France {sister of Louis XVI), and on the verso are those ^y Louis XVI. Small 8vo. Paris, 1772. This volume was probably a present from Madame Elizabeth to her brother, Louis XVI, who caused his arms to be impressed on the binding after erasing, as far as possible, those of his Sister, which are still visible beneath the King's impress. A remarkable example of two royal libraries. £\2 \2S. 191 ELIZABETH OF FRANCE (1764-1794) LOUIS XIV. MEMOIRES de LA MINORITE DE LOUIS XIV par M. le Due De La R(ochefoucauld). Red morocco. Bound for Madame Elizabeth {sister of Louis XV[\ with her arms impressed on the sides. 2 vols. Sm. 8vo. Trevoux, 1754. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 121 192 PRYSLER AND HOOGHART (/. 1767) HUWELYKS-ZANG. Z EEGENW ENSCH, TER BRUILOFTE VAN DEN HEERE CHRISTIAAN PRYSLER, JUNIOR. Enjongkvrouwe Hendrina Hoog- hart. In den echt vereenigt, en Gevierd Binnen Amsteldam. Printed on silk in gold and black. Six brilliant hand-coloured vignettes by T. Crajens, after C. F. Frihsch. Blue silk with a gold lace border and wide silver and gold braid ties, with centre floral panels of gold enclosing the letters " C. PT and ■'' H. ny and date " 1767." Bound for Christian Prysler and Hendrina Hooghart, with their initials on the sides. 2 vols. 4to. 1767. Unique. These exquisite volumes are the copies of a Wedding Poem especially executed for presentation to the parties concerned. They are enclosed in a contemporary red morocco case, with gold floral panels and borders, and the words, " Zwee an Een" and "Gebonden 1767, Den 2 September" on the sides. .^40 NAPOLEON I (1769-1821) RACINE (JEAN), CEUVRES. Fi^ontispicce and ^6 beauti- ftd engravings in Proof State, "avant les numeros," after Prudhon, Gerard Girodet, Chaudet, Taunay, Moitte, Serangeli, and Peyron, by Baquoy, Beisson, Blot, Chatillon, R 122 J. PEARSON & CO. Coiny, Dupreel, Duval, Fischer, Glairon-Mondet, Langlois, Lavallee, etc. Red mo7^occo, gold borders on sides, watered silk linings. Bound by Bradel-Derome for Napoleon I, with his arms impressed on the sides of each of the covers. 3 vols. Folio. Paris, Diclot taini 1 80 1-5. Napoleon J's copy of Racine and one of the most magnificent examples of his library. Printed on Large Vellum Paper. The plates are in Proof State " avant les numeros." This is by far the most magnificent and most beautiful and valu- able example of Racine extant. It was given by Napoleon to Lieutenant- General Baron de Vincent on 8 September, 1806, and an inscription to that effect is inscribed on the fly-leaf. "Sans contredit, cette edition est un des livres les plus m.ignifique que la typographie d'aucun pays ait encore produits; d'ailleurs, les 57 gravures dont elle est enrichie ont ete executees par les premiers artistes de Paris, d'apres les dessins de Gerard, Girodet, Chaudet, Taunay, Moitte, Prud'hon, etc."— Brunet. "Edition magnifique et de grande luxe." — Cohen. ^300 194 NAPOLEON I (1769-1821) DISCOURS PRONONCES DANS LA SEANCE PUB LI QUE tenue par la Classe de la Langue et de la Litterature fran9aises de I'lnstitut de France, le 13 aout de I'an 1806, pour la reception de M. Daru. Red morocco. Botmd for Napoleon I, with his arms impressed on the sides. 4to. Pai'is, 1806. .^20 I 5, PALL MALL PLACE 123 195 THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN (1775-1847) DIBDIN (T. F.). BIBLIOMANIA, or Book Madness; a Bibliographical Romance in Six Parts. Illustrated with wood- engravings. Old russia gilt. 8vo. 181 1. Unique. This ivas Dibdm's own copy. It contains his ex-libris, some of his original tracings for the facsimiles which illustrate "Bibliomania," and separate proof impressions of a number of the woodcuts to " Bibliomania." Dibdin notes on the fly-leaf that this was the first copy " bound by poor Faulkner." 196 PRINCESS SOPHIA (1777-1848) CLERY (JEAN B.), JOURNAL DE LA CAPTIVITE DE LOUIS XVI. Roi de France. Svo. Red morocco. Londres, 1798. The Princess Sophia's (daughter of George III) copy, with her ex-libris. The author was vakt-de-chambre to Louis XVI. ^6 6.. 124 J. PEARSON & CO. 197 PETER LEOPOLD, ARCHDUKE OF AUSTRIA (/. 1781) IL DON CALANDRANO, DRAMMA GIOCOSO per Musica rappresentarsi in Firenze nell' Anno 1781. Sotto la protezzione del Pletro Leopoldo dAustria. The Dedica- tion COPY TO Peter Leopold, Archduke of Austria. Bound in white silk. With embroidered borders of floivers and the Imperial Austrian Arms, embroidered and beauti- fully painted in variotts colours in the centre. 8vo. Firenze^ A. G. Pagani, 1781. ^15 15^- 198 CHARLES NODIER (1783-1844) MONCRIEF. CHOIXDE CHANSONS, A commencer de celles du Comte de Champagne, Rol de Navarre, jusques & compris celles de quelques Poetes vivans. Dedie A Mad. L. P. D. Nouvelle Edition. Contemporary red morocco, gilt on mai^bled edges, watered silk linings. From the library of Charles Nodier, with a note concerning Moncrief in his autograph on the flyleaf . Small 8 vo. 1759. ^6 6.. 5, PALL MALL PLACE 125 199 FREDERICK WILLIAM IV (1795-1861) VIEUXTEMPS (HENRI), C^;;2/^^^r. THE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH SCORE of his "Concerto pourle Violon, compose et respectueusement dedie a Sa Majeste PVcdcric Guillaume IV, Roi de Prusse." Consisting of 156 pages, signed at beginning and end, and dated 1852. Folio. Red morocco, elegantly tooled sides. Botcnd for prese^itation to King William IV of Prussia. A splendid and quite complete manuscript in the autograph of this famous composer. Accompanying this unique Manuscript is a copy of the original printed edition of this famous Concerto, 200 CHARLES DICKENS (1812-1870) WILKIE COLLINS. THE ORIGINAL HOLO- GRAPH MANUSCRIPT (SIGNED) of his "HIDE AND SEEK." Quite complete. Covering 1 97 pages folio and 2ip(^S^^ ^^^ (200 pages). At the end of Vol I Wilkie Collins has written the date and signed it: " Finished May 3i/'53 W. W. C" It is dedicated to the author's gifted FRIEND, Charles Dickens. The title which the author originally intended to give this famous novel was "The Hair Bracelet," and Wilkie Collins had 126 J. PEARSON & CO., 5, PALL MALL PLACE written those words upon the title-page, afterwards replacing them by the title finally decided upon — " Hide and Seek." On the verso of the second and third leaves of the second volume is a page and a half of Manuscript in Wilkie Collins' autograph under the title of " The Hair Bracelet." This latter portion is evidently the original rough draft of a part of the Novel, and contains some of Collins' first ideas for the story. The verso of the third leaf of Vol. H bears his autograph signature, " W. Wilkie Collins." Vol. Ill is signed in the top left-hand corner by the author: "W. Wilkie Collins, "17 Hanover Terrace, " Regent's Park." Writing to Miss Hogarth on the 22nd July, 1854, Dickens said: "Neither you nor Catherine (Mrs. Dickens) did justice to CoUins's book ('Hide and Seek'). I think it far away the cleverest novel I have ever seen written by a new hand. It is in some respects masterly. Valentine Blyth is as original, and as well done, as anything can be. The scene where he shows his pictures is full of an admirable humour. Old Mat is admirably done. In short I call it a very remarkable book, and have been very much surprised by its great merit." Accompanying this precious Manuscript is the Presentation Copy TO Charles Dickens of the First Edition of the Novel with Wilkie Collins' holograph inscription (signed), and Charles Dickens' book- plate and book-ticket in the first and second volumes. ^325 CHISWICK PRESS : CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. PICTURE COLLECTION PUSLIC LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ..t ^^^ 2 3 Q/«- DEC 1^^13/9 i b ijo JUL 1 4 D Form L9-Series4939 z 269 Z9P31t I ! 3 ilbS 00515 0460 UC SOUTHERN f' AA 001 162 702 3 J