I 1037 , 37 1 U.C BERiCELEY UBRAR\ '^fU''^ NOV ^ ^ bimltlhi Ca]r®Kinia Ln§it Lfllbirairj E(0)©lk§ ADOPTED APRIL 23, 1909 TO CONTINUE TILL JUNE 30, 1914. ISSO^D BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION A COLUMBIA, S. C. THE R. L. BRYAN COMPANY 1909 "U A FURNISHED UNDER CONTRACT BYJ /THE POOL &iSELYCO. ATLANTA GA SPECIAL PRICE $IO£f FREIGHT PREPAID Mr W ■§■■ INFORMATION AND SUGGESTIONS. The State Board of Education has adopted this list in accord- ance with the provisions of the Hbrary law. Under competitive bids, the contract was awarded to The Pool and Isely Company of Atlanta, and all library orders should be placed with this firm. The nine hundred and ten titles on the list afford a wide range of selection. Schools without libraries should try to estab- lish them, and schools where libraries are already established, may well add to their books from this list. Where high school classes in literature use as much as fifteen dollars' worth of books, teachers may find it to their advantage to order the books on this list. Professional books can be had postage prepaid at the price opposite each title. All orders should be filled within thirty days, and no substi- tutions are allowed except with the consent of the purchaser. Less than one-third of our schools have libraries. Text-books are oftentimes the only books placed in the hands of teachers and pupils, although every one admits that the habit of reading is one of the surest means of education. To establish a library, the patrons raise ten dollars, the trus- tees give ten, the county board gives ten for a bookcase, and the State Board ten. To enlarge a library, the patrons raise five dollars, the county board gives five and the State Board five. Respectfully, J. E. SWEARINGEN. 251888 LIBRARY LAW. G. S., Vol. 24, Sec. 442. Whenever the patrons and friends of a free public school shall raise by private subscription and tender to the County Treasurer, with the approval and endorsement of the School Trustees of such School District, for the establishment of a library to be connected with the said school, the sum of ten dollars, the County Board of Education shall appropriate from the money belonging to the School District asking for the library, the sum of ten dollars for this purpose (together with ten dollars from the general county school fund for a suitable bookcase, which shall be approved by the County Board of Education.) As soon as the County Board of Education of any county shall have made an appropriation for a library in the manner pre- scribed, the County Superintendent shall inform the Secretary of the State Board of Education of the fact, whereupon the said State Board of Education shall remit the County Superintendent the sum of ten dollars for the purchase of books for said library. Upon the receipt of this money, the County Superintendent shall deposit the same with the County Treasurer, and shall issue to the person or persons appointed to select the books, a warrant on the County Treasurer for the amount secured by private subscrip- tion, by appropriation from the County Board of Education, and by the State Board of Education. The local Board of Trustees is hereby appointed to select the books, and shall select such books as they may deem best suited for such purpose, and file with the County Superintendent of Education vouchers for the whole amount received : Provided, That no voucher shall be valid except for books, bookcases, and transportation charges : Provided, further. That such purchases shall be from a list furnished by the State Board of Education, which the said State Board shall adopt books for libraries, under the law and rules governing the adoption of text-books, and shall make rules for the governing of said libraries. The Trustees of every library shall carry out such rules and regulations for the proper use and preservation of the books as may be enjoined by the State Board of Education, and shall make provisions for having all books, when not in circulation, kept under lock and kev. The Trustees of two or more libraries may, by agreement, ex- change libraries : Provided, That no exchange shall be made oftener than once in six months, and part of the expense of exchanging libraries shall be borne by the public. That the sum of $5,000 be annually appropriated to be ex- pended by the State Board of Education, under the provisions of this Act. Not more than 25 schools in any county, in any one year, created and operated under the general free school law of the State, shall be entitled to the benefits of this Act, and no School District shall receive any moneys under its provisions, except schools operating under the general free school law of the »State. The schools receiving this benefit shall be decided by the County Board of Education. Whenever the patrons or friends of any free public school in which a library has been established under the provisions of the laws of this State, shall raise by private subscription and tender the Treasurer of the County School Fund, the sum of five dollars for the enlargement of the library, the County Board of Educa- tion shall appropriate from the money belonging to that School District, the sum of five dollars, and the State Board of Education shall remit to the County Superintendent of Education, the sum of five dollars. The money thus collected and appropriated shall be used for the enlargement of libraries already established under the same rules and restrictions as govern the establishment of new libraries : Provided, No appropriation shall be made for the purpose of enlarging any established library where the same will prevent or interfere with the establishing of a new library. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR LIBRARIES. Adopted by the State Board of Education, March 12, 1904. 1. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to provide a substantial bookcase before books are secured, and to require the same to be locked, except when in actual use. 2. The County Superintendent and teachers shall give aid and advice to the Trustees in selecting and ordering the library from the list adopted by the State Board of Education. 3. The teacher shall be librarian during the school term, and the Clerk of the Board of Trustees, or some responsible person designated by the Board, shall be librarian during the vacation and the library may be moved from the school house during vaca- tion, by order of the Board of Trustees. 4. The librarian shall properly label each volume, giving the number of the books, the name of the school, the name or number of the district, and the name of the county, and shall also cata- logue the books, showing number, title, and cost of each book. 5. The librarian shall keep a record of the name of each bor- rower, and shall also record the number and title of each book loaned, together with dates on which it was loaned and returned. 6. Every child attending school shall be entitled to the privi- leges of the library, but no person shall be allowed to take two books at one time when other children are unsupplied. 7. Persons living in the community, having no connection with the school, may take advantage of the library by paying a fee of fifty cents annually, in advance. 8. No person shall have the right to loan books outside of his own household, under penalty of ten cents for each offense. 9. No person shall keep a book longer than two weeks, under penalty of one cent a day for each day he may so retain it. 10. The librarian shall designate such books as may be of con- stant use in their school, as supplementary or reference books, and these shall not be removed from the school during the ses- sion. 11. On the return of a book to the library, the librarian shall ascertain what damage, if any, has been sustained by it, and shall charge and collect the amount of the fine accordingly. If a book is lost, it shall be paid for in full ; and any one refusing to pay a fine thereby forfeits further use of the library. 12. All fines, fees and other such moneys shall be turned over to the Trustees, and shall be devoted to the maintenance and im- provement of the library. 13. It shall be the duty of the librarian to collect all of the books at the close of the session, and to make a report to the Trustees and to the County Superintendent of Education. 14. The report of the County Superintendent shall contain the following: (a) The number of volumes purchased during the year. (b) The number of volumes received by gift during the year. (c) The number of volumes loaned during the year (counting each volume once each time it is loaned). (d) The amount of fines, fees, etc., received during the year. (e) Total number of volumes in the library. (f) Total value of books and bookcases. South Carolina List of Library Books. Adopted April 23, 1909— To Continue Till June 30, 1914. PRIMARY. No. Title of Book Publisher 1. A Boy on a Farm A. B. Co $ .45 $ .37 2. A Child's Garden of Verses.. R. McN. & Co. .. 3. Adventures of a Brownie.... E. P. Co 4. ^sop's Fables, Vol. 1 E. P. Co 5. ^sop's Fables, Vol. 2 E. P. Co 6. Alice in Wonderland E. P. Co 7. Andersen's Fairj^ Tales C. E. M. Co 8. Animal Stories L. C. P. & Co 9. As the Goose Flies L., B. & Co 10. Aunt Martha's Corner Cup- board E. P. Co 11. Bee Martin and Other Tales. A. F. Co 12. Best of Friends L. C. P. & Co 13. Bonny Prince A. F. Co , 14. Book of Fables and Folk Sto- ries H. M. Co 15. Book of Nature Myths H. M. Co 16. Book of Nursery Rhymes.... D. C. H. & Co 17. Brownie Primer A. F. Co 18. Bunny Boy and Grizzly Bear. A. F. Co 19. Bunny Cotton Tail A. F. Co 20. Cat Stories L. B. & Co 21. Child Literature A. B. Co 22. Child of Urbino E. P. Co 23. Child's Garden of Verses A. F. Co 24. Child's Stories from the Mas- ters R. McN. & Co 30 .27 25. Children's Classics in Dram- atic Form H. M. Co 26. Children of the Wigwam E. P. Co 27. Chinese Fables and Folk Sto- ries A. B. Co 28. Classic Fables C. E. M. Co 29. Classic Myths R. McN. & Co 35 .31 List Price to Price Trustees $ .45 $ .37 .50 .44 .40 .32 40 .32 40 .32 40 .32 .20 .18 1.50 1.00 1.25 .89 .40 .32 .30 .25 .50 .37 .35 .29 .40 .35 .45 .39 .30 .25 .35 .29 .25 .21 .25 .21 2.00 1.37 .30 .25 .30 .24 .40 .33 .40 .35 .40 .32 .40 .32 .30 .26 No. Title of Book Publisher 30. Colonial Days in Virginia, Carolina, Maryland and Georgia E. P. Co 31. Crib and Fly D. C. H. & Co. . . 32. Dame Wiggins of Lee E. P. Co 33. Dog of Flanders E. P. Co 34. Each and All G. & Co 35. Eddy, Friends and Helpers... G. & Co 36. Eskimo Stories R. McN. & Co. .. 37. Fables and Folk Stories H. M. Co 38. Fairy Tales and Fables .... A. B. Co 39. Fairy Tales N. & Co 40. Famous Adventures of the Brownies L. & L 41. Fortunes of the Fellow L. C. P. & Co 42. Friends of the Field E. P. Co 43. German Household Tales H. M. Co 44. Giant Scissors L. C. P. & Co 45. Golden Goose H. M. Co 46. Goody Two Shoes D. C. H. & Co. .. 47. Grimm's Fairy Tales C. E. M. Co 48. Graded Poetry, Nos. 1 and 2. C. E. M. Co 49. Graded Poetry, No. 3 C. E. M. Co 50. Graded Poetry, No. 4 C. E. M. Co 51. Graded Poetry, No. 5 C. E. M. Co 52. Graded Poetry, No. 6 C. E. M. Co 53. Graded Poetry, No. 7 C. E. M. Co 54. Graded Poetry, No. 8 C. E. M. Co 55. Guide Right P. P. S 56. Gulliver's Travels, Among the Giants E. P. Co 25 .20 57. Gulliver's Travels, Voyage to Lilliput E. P. Co 25 .20 58. Hans Andersen's Best Sto- ries N. & Co 59. Hawthorne's Wonder Book.. E. P. Co 60. Heart of Oak, Book 1 D. C. H. & Co 61. Heart of Oak, Book 2 D. C. H. & Co 62. Hiawatha Primer H. M. Co 63. History Reader McM. Co 64. Home Geography for Pri- mary Grades E. P. Co 65. Hop O' My Thumb E. P. Co 66. In the Field and Pasture A. B. Co 67. In Mythland, Vol. 1 E. P. Co 68. In Mythland, Vol. 2 E. P. Co •69. In the Green Forest L. B. & Co 9 List Price to Price Trustees .50 .40 .20 .17 .30 .24 40 .32 .50 .41 .60 .49 .40 .35 .40 .35 .35 .29 .25 .23 .75 .61 .50 .37 .40 .32 .40 .35 .50 .37 1.00 .86 .20 .17 .20 .18 .20 .18 .20 .18 .20 .18 .20 .18 .20 .18 .20 .18 .20 .18 .50 .41 .25 .23 .40 .32 .25 .21 .35 .29 .40 .35 .50 .38 .60 .48 .30 .24 .35 .29 .40 .32 .40 .32 1.50 1.00 No. 70. 71. 72. 11. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. Title of Book Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales Legends of the Red Children. Little Bear Little Flower Folks Little Konrad, The Swiss Boy Little Me Too Little Mr. Thimblefinger. . . . Little Puritan Rebel Little Red Riding Hood Merry Animal Tales Mischief's Thanksgiving and Other Stories Mother Goose Stories Nature Myths Nonsense Books Norse Stories Old Stories of the East Old Time Stories Retold Old World Wonder Stories... Picture Study Reader Plant Babies and Their Cra- dles Puss in Boots Rab and His Friends Ramee, Bimbi-Stories for Children Reynard the Fox Rhymes and Stories Robinson Crusoe Reader Sand Man, His Farm Stories. Sand Man, More Farm Sto- ries Sand Man, His Sea Stories... Sand Man, His Ship Stories.. Seaside and Wayside, Book 1. Selections from Whittier's Child Life in Prose and Poetry Six Nursery Classics So-Fat and Mew-Mew Stories from Garden and Field Stories from Hans Andersen. Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children Publisher A. B. Co. . List P Price Ti .40 .50 .30 .40 .25 rice to rustees 33 A. B. Co. . 41 A. F. Co. . .25 E. P. Co. . .32 E. P. Co. . .20 L. B. & Co. H. M. Co. . .75 . . 2.00 .50 .30 .50 .. 1.25 .30 .35 . . 2.00 .40 .45 .35 .20 .50 .55 1.47 L. C. P. & Co E. P. Co .37 24 L. B. & Co. L. B. & Co. A. F. Co. . A. F. Co. . .43 .89 .25 .29 L. B. & C( R. McN. & A. B. Co. . Co. .. 1.37 .35 .37 A. B. Co... D. C. H. & McM. Co. . Co. .. .29 .17 38 E. P. Co. . .40 .30 .25 .40 .30 .35 .30 .. 1.50 .. 1.50 . . 1.50 .. 1.50 .25 .40 .20 .20 .40 .40 .32 E. P. Co. . .24 E. P. Co. . .20 G. & Co. . . .33 A. B. Co. . .25 G. & Co. . .29 A. F. Co. . . L. C. P. & L. C. P. & L. C. P. & L. C. P. & D. C. H. & H. M. Co. . Co. .. Co. .. Co. .. Co. .. Co. .. .25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .21 .35 D. C. H. & D. C. H. & E. P. Co. . Co. .. Co. .. .17 .17 .32 H. M. & Cc 1 .35 G. & Co. .50 .41 10 List Price to Price Trustees .20 .17 .40 .32 .40 .32 .60 .48 .40 .33 .40 .32 .40 .33 .40 .32 No. Title of Book Publisher 107. Story of a Donkey D. C. H. & Co. .. 108. Stories of Birdland, Vol. 1 . . . E. P. Co 109. Stories of Birdland, Vol. 2.. E. P. Co 110. Stories of Colonial Children. E. P. Co HI. Stories of Country Life A. B. Co 112. Stories of Famous Pictures. E. P. Co 113. Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans A. B. Co 114. Stories of Hiawatha E. P. Co 115. Stories of Mother Goose Vil- lage R. McN. & Co 45 .40 116. Stories of Our Country, Vol. 1 E. P. Co 50 .40 117. Stories of Our Country, Vol. 2 E. P. Co 50 .40 118. Story of the Nurenberg Stove E. P. Co 25 .20 119. Stories of the Red Children. E. P. Co 40 .32 120. Stories to Tell A. F. Co 35 .29 121. Tales from Wonder Land.... P. P. S 60 .49 122. Tales of Mother Goose D. C. H. & Co 20 .17 123. The Christmas Angel L. B. & Co 1.25 .89 124. The Early Cave Men R. McN. & Co 45 .40 125. The Later Cave Men R. McN. & Co 45 .40 126. The Overall Boys R. McN. & Co 45 .40 127. The Plant Baby S. B. & Co 48 .42 128. The Sunbonnet Babies' Primer. R. McN. & Co 40 .35 129. The Tree Dwellers R. McN. & Co 45 .40 130. Three Cotton Tails A. F. Co 25 .21 131. Three Years with the Poets. H. M. Co 50 .43 132. Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Saw There. E. P. Co 50 .40 133. Todd and His Friends A. F. Co 25 .21 134. True Fairy Stories A. B. Co 35 .29 135. Twilight Stories P. P. S 50 .41 136. Two Little Knights of Ken- tucky L. C. P. & Co 50 .37 137. Victor in Buzzland A. F. Co 30 .25 138. Viking Tales R. McN. & Co 35 .31 139. Work that is Play A. F. Co 35 .29 INTERMEDIATE. 140. About Animals The C. Co.— net 65 141. Achilles and Hector R. McN. & Co 45 .40 142. A Garland for Girls L. B. & Co 1.25 .89 143. A Girl of this Century L. L. & S 1.25 .87 144. Agriculture for the Common Schools C. P. Co 55 .43 II List Price to Price Trustees .75 .61 .75 .61 .45 .37 .55 .48 No. Title of Book Publisher 145. Agriculture for Beginners. ... G. & Co 146. Air Castle Don L. & L 147. Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Island A. B. Co 148. American Hero Stories H. M. Co 149. American Heroes and Hero- ines L. L. & S 1.25 .87 150. American History Stories, Vol.1 E. P. Co .50 .40 151. American History Stories, Vol. 2 E. P. Co 50 .40 152. American History Stories, Vol. 3 E. P. Co 50 .40 153. America's Story for Ameri- ca's Children, Book 1 D. C. H. & Co 35 .29 154. America's Story for Amer- ica's Children, Book 2 D. C. H. & Co 40 .33 155. America's Story for Ameri- ca's Children, Book 3 D. C. H. & Co 40 .33 156. America's Story for Ameri- ca's Children, Book 4 D. C. H. & Co 40 .33 157. America's Story for Ameri- ca's Children, Book 5 D. C. H. & Co. . . 158. Andersen's Fairy Tales McM. Co 159. Animals at Home A. B. Co 160. Anne of Green Gables L. C. P. & Co. .. 161. An Old Fashioned Thanks- giving L. B. & Co 162. Arabian Nights E. P. Co 163. Around the World, Vol. 1 . . . . S. B. & Co 164. Around the World, Vol. 3... S. B. & Co 165. Around the World, Vol. 4.. S. B. & Co 166. Around the World in Eighty Days N. & Co 167. Asa Holmes L. C. P. & Co. . . 168. Asgard Stories S. B. & Co 169. A Little Country Girl L. B. & Co 170. A Little Daughter of Liberty. L. C. P. & Co. . . 171. A Little Maid of Concord Town L. L. & S 172. A Little Puritan Bound Girl. L. C. P. & Co. ... 173. A Little Puritan Cavalier ... L. C. P. & Co. . . . 174. A Little Puritan Knight Er- rant L. C. P. & Co 50 .37 175. A Little Puritan's First Christmas L. C. P. & Co 50 .37 176. A Little Puritan Pioneer L. C. P. & Co 50 .37 12 .40 .33 .25 .23 . .45 .37 1.50 1.00 1.00 .69 .60 .48 .36 .32 .48 .42 .54 .47 .30 .27 1.00 .67 .36 .32 1.25 .89 .50 .37 1.50 1.00 .50 .37 .50 .37 No. Title of Book Publisher 177. A Little Prospector L. L. & S 1.00 178. Bears of Blue River McM. Co 179. Bear Stories The C. Co.— net . . 180. Birds of the United States and Canada L. B. & Co 181. Black Beauty E. P. Co 182. Biographical Stories H. M. Co 183. Bobtail Dixie E. P. Co 184. Book of Famous Verse H. M. Co 185. Boy of a Thousand Years Ago L. L. & S 186. Boys of the Border L. B. & Co 1.25 187. Boys Who Became Famous Men L. B. & Co 188. Boys with Old Hickory .... L. L. & S 189. Braided Straws S. B. & Co 190. Brief Biographies from American History C. E. M. Co 191. Carlota L. C. P. & Co. . . 192. Carpenter's Asia A. B. Co 193. Carpenter's Africa A. B. Co 194. Carpenter's Australia, Our Colonies and Other Islands of the Sea A. B. Co 195. Carpenter's Europe A. B. Co 196. Carpenter's North America.. A. B. Co 197. Carpenter's South America.. A. B. Co 198. Cat Stories The C. Co.— net . 199. Chaucer Story Book H. M. Co 200. Child Life in Japan D. C. H. & Co. . . 201. Children's Hour, Paul Re- vere's Ride and Other Poems H. M. Co 202. Children in Literature A. F. Co 203. Children of the Cold E. P. Co 204. Children of the Palmland .... E. P. Co 205. Children of the World E. P. Co 206. Children of the Tenements... McM. Co 207. Children's Treasury of Eng- lish Song McM. Co 208. Colliery Jim A. F. Co 209. Count Up the Sunny Days . . A. F. Co 210. Dick and Jack's Adventure ... L. & L 211. DeSoto, Marquette and La- Salle E. P. Co 212. Domestic Science Reader.... McM. Co 213. Don Quixote McM. Co List Price to Price Trustees 1.00 .67 .50 .38 .65 3.00 2.00 .25 .20 .25 .22 .60 .48 .75 .64 1.00 .67 1.25 .89 1.25 .89 1.25 .87 .40 .35 - .50 .43 1.00 .67 .60 .49 .60 .49 .60 .49 .70 .57 .60 .49 .60 .49 .65 1.50 1.00 .20 .17 .40 .35 .35 .29 1.25 1.00 .50 .40 1.00 .80 .50 .38 .50 .38 .40 .33 .35 .29 .75 .61 .50 .40 .50 .38 .50 .38 13 List Price to Price Trustees .30 .25 .25 .23 .75 .55 .25 .20 .75 .51 .60 .48 .50 .41 .50 .35 .60 .49 .20 .17 1.50 1.00 .40 .33 .35 .29 .60 .46 .25 .22 .75 .61 .60 .52 .30 .25 1.50 1.00 No. Title of Book Publisher 214. Duke (Autobiography of a Dog) A. F. Co 215. Earl}' American Orations.... McM. Co 216. Eight Secrets McM. Co 217. Enid the Good E. P. Co 218. Erica: Or Feats of the Fiord. L. C. P. & Co. .. 219. Ethics: Stories for Home and School E. P. Co 220. Eugene Field Book C. S. Sons 221. Exmoor Star A. S. B. & Co 222. Explorers and Founders of America A. B. Co 223. Eyes and No Eyes D. C. H. & Co. . . 224. Famous Cavalry Leaders .... L. C. P. & Co. . . . 225. Famous Pictures of Children. A. B. C 226. Fifty Famous Stories Retold. A. B. Co 227. Fillippo, The Italian Boy ... A. S. B. & Co. . . 228. Finding a Home H. M. Co 229. Fireside Battles L. & L 230. First Book of Birds H. M. Co 231. Fishing and Hunting A. B. Co 232. Five Little Peppers Abroad.. L. L. & S 233. Five Little Peppers and How They Grew L. L. & S 1.50 1.00 234. Five Little Peppers and Their Friends L. L. & S 1.50 1.00 235. Five Little Peppers at School. L. L. & S 1.50 1.00 236. Five Little Peppers Grown Up L. L. & S 1.50 1.00 237. Five Little Peppers in the Little Brown House L. L. & S 238. Five Little Peppers Midway. L. L. & S 239. Four American Inventors A. B. Co 240. Four American Pioneers A. B. Co 241. Four American Explorers. ... A. B. Co 242. Four Handed Folk H. M. Co 243. Four Old Greeks R. McN. & Co. . . 244. Folk Tales from the Russian. R. McN. & Co. .. 245. From the Land of Stories.... B. F. J. Co 246. Glimpses of Pioneer Life .... A. F. Co 247. Golden Fleece A. B. Co 248. Golden Treasury McM. Co 249. Great American Industries, Book 1 (Minerals) A. F. Co 50 .41 250. Great American Industries, Book 2 (Products of the Soil) A. F. Co 50 .41 14 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .41 .50 .41 .50 .41 .75 .64 .35 .31 .40 .35 .15 .13 .40 .33 .50 .41 .25 .23 No. Title of Book Publisher 251. Great American Industries, Books (Manufactures) A. F. Co 252. Great Artists, Vol. 1 E. P. Co 253. Great Artists, Vol. 2 E. P. Co 254. Great Artists, Vol. 3 E. P. Co 255. Great Artists, Vol. 4 E. P. Co 256. Great Artists, Vol. 5 E. P. Co 257. Grimm's Household Tales . . E. P. Co 258. Haunter of the Pine Gloom.. L. C. P. & Co. ., 259. Heart of Oak, Book 3 D. C. H. & Co. . , 260. Heroes of Chivalry S. B. & Co 261. Heroes of History C. E. M. Co 262. Heroes of Myth S. B. & Co 263. Hero Stories from American History G. & Co 264. History of the Robins D. C. H. & Co. . , 265. Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Book H. & Bros 266. Holly Tree H. A. Co 267. Hoosier School Boy C. S. Sons 268. How a Little Girl Went to Africa L. L. & S 269. How We Are Clothed McM. Co 270. How We Are Fed McM. Co 271. How We Are Sheltered McM. Co 272. How the People Rule S. B. & Co 273. How the World is Fed A. B. Co 274. How the World is Clothed... A. B. Co 275. How Zach Came to College.. E. P. Co 2754 Iliad McM. Co 276. In Our Town D. P. & Co 277. In the Days of Giants H. M. Co 278. In the Golden East L. B. & Co.— net 279. In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers E. P. Co 280. Jackanapes D. C. H. & Co. ., 281. Jack, The Fire Dog L. B. & Co 282. Jaconetta H. M. Co 283. Jan of the Windmill L. B. & Co. ... 284. Japanese Fairy Tales R. McN. & Co. . 285. Java; The Pearl of the East. H. M. Co 286. Joel: A Boy of Galilee L. C. P. & Co. . 287. Jo's Boys L. B. & Co. ... 288. Judy L. B. & Co. ... 289. king Arthur and His Knights. R. McN. & Co. . 290. King Gobbler E. P. Co 291. King of the Golden River. .. D. C. H. & Co. . 15 LiPt Price to Price Trustees .50 .41 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .50 .40 .25 .20 .50 .37 .40 .33 .50 .43 .50 .43 .50 .43 .50 .41 .20 .17 1.50 1.00 .50 .35 .50 .41 1.00 .67 .40 .34 .40 .34 .40 .34 .40 .35 .60 .49 .60 ■ .49 .75 .60 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .43 .60 1.25 1.00 .20 .17 1.25 .89 .85 .74 1.00 .69 .50 .44 .60 .52 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .44 .60 .48 .20 .17 1 .00. .67 .35 .29 .40 .33 .65 1.25 .87 No. Title of Book Publisher p^}^* ^m^f^to 292. King of the Mamozekel L. C. P. & Co 50 .37 293. Lads and Lassies of Other Days S. B. & Co 54 .47 294. Lady Noggs-Peeress D. P. & Co 1.50 1.00 295. Lamb's Adventures of Ulys- ses : D. C. H. & Co 25 .21 296. Larry Hudson's Ambition. . . L. C. P. & Co 50 .37 297. Leaves from Nature's Story Book, Vol. 1 E. P. Co 60 .48 298. Leaves from Nature's Story Book, Vol. 2 E. P. Co 60 .48 299. Leaves from Nature's Story Book, Vol. 3 E. P. Co 60 .48 300. Letters from Colonial Chil- dren H. M. & Co 301. Life of Lee B. F. J. Co 302. Life of Stonewall Jackson. ... B. F. J. Co 303. Lion and Tiger Stories The C. Co.— net . . , 304. Little Betty Blue L. L. & S 305. Little Daffydowndilly and Other Stories H. M. Co 25 .22 306. Little Journeys to Austria and Russia A. F. Co 50 .41 307. Little Journeys to China and and Japan A. F. Co 50 .41 308. Little Journeys to Germany.. A. F. Co 50 .41 309. Little Journeys to Holland, Belgium and Denmark A. F. Co .50 .41 310. Little Journeys to Mexico and Central America A. F. Co 50 .41 311. Little Journeys to Northern Wilds A. F. Co 50 .41 312. Little Journeys to Norway and Sweden A. F. Co 50 .41 313. Little Journeys to Scotland and Ireland A. F. Co 50 .41 314 Little Journeys to South Af- rica A. F. Co 50 .41 315. Little Journeys to Turkey, The Balkans, and Greece. . . A. F. Co 316. Little Lame Prince E. P. Co 317. Little Men L. B. & Co 318. Little Nell N. & Co 319. Little Stories of Germany. .. A. B. Co 320. Little Women L. B. & Co 321. Loyal Little Maid L. C. P. & Co i6 .50 .41 .25 .20 1.50 1.00 .25 .23 .40 .33 1.50 1.00 .50 .37 .60 .48 .50 .37 1 00 .69 1.00 .69 1.00 .69 1.50 1.00 .50 .38 .60 .52 No. Title of Book Publisher p^|«^ //J^e^^o 322. Lives and Stories Worth Re- membering A. B. Co .45 .37 323. Lives of the Presidents, Vol. 1 E. P. Co 60 .48 324. Lives of the Presidents, Vol. 2 E. P. Co 325. Lord of the Air L. C. P. & Co 326. Lulu's Library, Vol. 1 L. B. & Co 327. Lulu's Library, Vol. 2 L. B. & Co 328. Lulu's Library, Vol. 3 L. B. & Co 329. Mad Anthony's Young Scout. H. M. Co 330. Madam How and Lady Why. McM. Co 331. Makers of American History. S. B. & Co 332. Mary Ware, The Little Colo- nel's Chum L. C. P. & Co 1.50 1.00 333. Memorable Pages from the Bible McM. Co 334. Men of Old Greece L. B. & Co 335. Modern Creek Fairy Tales... A. F. Co 336. Mr. Rabbit at Home H. M. Co 337. My Boys L. B. & Co 338. My Friend Jim L. L. & S 339. My Girls L. B. & Co 340. Nanny's Happy Childhood. . . H. M. Co 341. Nature Studies on the Farm.. A. B. 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P. & Co 17 .25 .23 1.50 1.00 .40 .33 2.00 1.47 1.00 .69 1.00 .67 1.00 .69 1.00 .67 .40 .35 1.50 1.00 .60 .52 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 .67 .50 .38 .60 .49 .50 .41 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 No. Title of Book Publisher 360. Our Naval Heroes E. P. Co 361. Outdoor Studies A. B. Co 362. Palmetto Stories McM. Co 363. Panther Stories The C. Co.— net . . 364. Paul Dombey N. & Co 365. Picciola G. & Co 366. Pied Piper of Hamelin Town. H. M. Co 367. Pilgrim's Progress G. & Co 368. Pioneers of the Revolution. . . P. S. P. Co 369. Pioneers on Land and Sea... McM. Co 370. Poems for the Study of Lan- guage H. M. Co 371. Polly Oliver's Problem H. M. Co 372. Plants and Their Children.... A. B. Co 373. Playdays H. M. Co 374. Prose Tales McM. Co 375. Proverb Stories L. B. & Co 376. Quest Flower H. M. Co 377. Return to the Trails L. C. P. & Co 378. Rex's Adventures L. & L 379. Robin Hood: His Book L. B. & Co 380. Rolfe's Idyls of the King. (Complete.) H. M. 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Co 50 .38 i8 List Price to Price Trustees .40 .32 .40 .33 .50 .38 .65 .25 .23 .35 .29 .25 .22 .30 .25 .35 .29 .40 .34 .40 .35 .60 .52 .65 .53 1.50 1.00 .25 .23 1.25 .89 1.00 .67 .50 .37 .75 .61 1.30 1.00 1.00 .86 .25 .21 .35 .29 .45 .37 1.00 .67 .50 .41 .50 .41 .25 .89 .25 .23 .40 .33 .50 .41 .50 .41 .55 .45 .25 .89 .60 .52 .00 .81 .60 .52 No. Title of Book Publisher 399. Stories and Poems for Chil- dren H. M. Co 400. Stories from English History. G. & Co 401. Stories from the Bible, Vol. 1. E. P. Co 402. Stories from the Bible, Vol. 2. E. P. Co 403. Stories from the Bible, Vol. 3. E. P. Co 404. Stories from the Hebrews.... S. B. & Co 405. Stories of Adventure L. B. & Co 406. Stories of American Life and Adventure A. B. Co 407. Stories of Bird Life B. F. J. Co 408. Stories of Brave Dogs The C. Co.— net. 409. Stories of Country Life A. B. Co 410. Stories of France A. B. Co 411. Stories of Great Artists A. B. Co 412. Stories of Humble Friends . . A. B. Co 413. Stories of Industry, Vol. 1... E. P. Co 414. Stories of Industry, Vol. 2... E. P. Co 415. Stories of Invention L. B. & Co 416. Stories of Japan A. B. Co 417. Stories of Great Musicians . . A. B. Co 418. Stories of Our Authors E. P. Co 419. Stories of Our Mother Earth. E. P. Co 420. Stories of the Ancient Greeks. G. & Co 421. Stories of the Greeks A. B. Co 422. Stories of the Romans A. B. Co 423. Storyland of Stars E. P. Co 424. Story of Aaron, The Son of Ben Ali H. M. Co 425. Story of a Short Life D. C. H. & Co. . 426. Story of Columbus E. P. Co 427. Story of Kate L. C. P. & Co. . . , 428. Story of King Arthur E. P. Co 429. Story of Rolf and The Vik- ing's Bow L. B. & Co 430. Story of the American Flag. E. P. Co 431. Story of the Thirteen Colo- nies A. B. Co 432. Story of Ulysses P. S. P. Co 433. Strange Lands Near Home... G. & Co 434. Summer in a Canyon H. M. Co 435. Sunny Southerner L. C. P. & Co. , 436. Swiss Family Robinson A. S. B. & Co. . . 437. Tales from Munchausen D. C. H. & Co. , 438. Tales of a Grandfather H. & Co 439. Tales of the White Hills .... H. M. Co 440. Tales of Troy P. S. P. Co List Price to Price Trustees .60 .52 .50 .41 .60 .48 .60 .48 .60 .48 .42 .37 1.25 .89 .50 .41 .60 .49 .65 .40 .33 .40 .33 .40 .33 .50 .41 .60 .48 .60 .48 1.00 .69 .65 .53 .40 .33 .40 .32 .50 .40 .60 .49 .60 .49 .60 .49 .50 .40 2.00 1.47 .20 .17 .60 .48 1.50 1.00 .40 .32 1.50 1.00 .50 .40 .65 .53 .50 .41 .25 .21 1.25 .87 1.25 .87 .50 .35 .20 .17 .25 .23 .40 .35 .35 .29 19 List P rice to Price Trustees .75 .61 .50 .41 1.50 1.00 .50 .41 .40 .33 .40 .35 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .25 .23 1.00 .69 1.00 .69 .35 .29 1.50 1.00 1.25 .89 1.25 .89 .50 .37 No. Title of Book Publisher 441. Tan Pile Jim L. & L 442. Ten Acres Enough C. P. Co 443. Tenants of the Trees L. C. P. & Co 444. Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now G. & Co 445. Ten Common Trees A. B. Co 446. The Autobiography of a But- terfly R. McN. & Co. . . 447. The Boy Forty-Niners D. P. & Co 1.50 448. The Christmas Makers' Club. L. C. P. & Co. .. 449. The Heroes McM. Co 450. The Iron Star L. B. & Co 451. The Make-Believe Boys. . . . .' L. B. & Co 452. The Little Cliff Dwellers. ... P. S. P. Co 453. The Golden Windows L. B. & Co 454. The Indians of South Caro- lina The S. Co 35 .32 455. The Boy Captive of Old Deerfield L. B. & Co 456. The Boy Captive in Canada . L. B. & Co 457. The Little Colonel L. C. P. & Co 458. The Little Colonel at Board- ing School L. C. P. & Co 1.50 1.00 459. The Little Colonel's Christ- mas Vacation L. C. P. & Co 460. The Little Colonel's Hero.... L. C. P. & Co. .. 461. The Little Colonel's House Party L. C. P. & Co. . . 462. The Little Colonel in Arizona L. C. P. & Co 463. The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding By L. C. P. & Co 1.50 1.00 464. The Little Colonel: Maid of Honor L. C. P. & Co 1.50 1.00 465. The Little People of the Syc- amore L. C. P. & Co 466. The Philippines A. B. Co 467. The Red Feathers L. C. P. & Co. . . . 468. The Taming of Betty L. L. & S 1.00 469. The Trail to the Woods A. B. Co 470. The War of 1812 S. B. & Co 471. Things Will Take a Turn .... A. F. Co 472. Thirty Famous Stories Retold A. B. Co 473. Three Fairy Tales D. C. H. & Co 474. Tilda Jane L. C. P. & Co. . . . 475. Toby Tyler H. & Bros 476. Tom Brown at Rugby G. & Co 20 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .37 .40 .33 1.50 1.00 1.00 .67 .40 .33 .54 .47 .35 .29 .50 .41 .20 .17 1.50 1.00 .60 .52 .50 .41 List Price to Price Trustees .25 .21 .30 .25 .60 .52 .75 .61 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .25 .21 .50 .41 .50 .43 .54 .47 .20 .17 .50 .37 .50 .38 .50 .41 .25 .20 1.25 .89 1.25 .89 1.25 .89 No. Title of Book Publisher 477. Toward the Rising Sun G. & Co 478. Triumph of Science G. & Co 479. True Bird Stories H. M. Co 480. Two Chums L. & L 481. Two Little Confederates C. S. Sons 482. Uncle Tom Andy Bill McM. Co 483. Under Sunny Skies G. & Co 484. Wagner Opera Stories P. S. P. Co 485. Wandering Heroes S. B. & Co 486. War for Independence S. B. & Co 487. Waste Not, Want Not Sto- ries A. B. Co 50 .41 488. Waste Not, Want Not and Other Stories D. C. H. & Co. . , 489. Watchers of the Camp Fire.. L. C. P. & Co 490. Water Babies McM. Co 491. Ways of Wood Folk G. & Co 492. Wewah, Child of the Pueblos. E. P. Co 493. What Katy Did L. B. & Co 494. What Katy Did at School ... L. B. & Co 495. What Katy Did Next L. B. & Co 496. When Grandmamma Was Fourteen L. L. & S 1.25 .87 497. When Grandmamma Was New L. L. & S 498. Wild Animals I Have Known. C. S. Sons , 499. Wilderness Ways G. & Co 500. Wings and Stings R. McN. & Co. . , 501. Wireless Telegraph Boy H. M. Co 502. Wonderful Chair D. C. H. & Co. . 503. Wonder Children McM. Co 504. World History in Myth and Legend E. P. Co 40 .32 ADVANCED. 505. Abraham Lincoln H. M. Co 506. A Captain in the Ranks A. S. B. & Co. . 507. A Carolina Cavalier L. L. & S 508. A Daughter of the Rich L. B. & Co 509. A Girl of Virginia L. B. & Co 510. Agriculture, Its Fundamental Principles B. F. J. Co 511. A Lass of Dorchester L. L. & S 512. Alfred the Great A. L. B. Co. ... 513. Alhambra A. L. B. Co. ... 514. American Writers of Today.. S. B. & Co 515. An Appeal to Pharoah The S. Co 1.00 21 1.25 .87 2.00 1.45 .45 .37 .40 .35 1.25 .87 .20 .17 .75 .51 .40 .35 1.20 .91 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .75 .61 1.25 .87 .75 .24 .75 .24 1.50 1.00 1.00 .90 No. Title of Book Publisher 516. An Honor Girl L. L. & S 517. Ancient Mariner C. E. M. Co. . 518. As Others See Us McM. Co 519. Aunt Jane of Kentucky L. B. & Co. ... 520. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table H. M. Co 521. A Young Man's Problems ... A. F. Co 522. Bale Marked Circle X L. L. & S 523. Barn Plans and Outbuildings. O. J. & Co. . . . 524. Being a Boy H. M. Co 525. Ben Hur H. & Bros. ... 526. Betty Selden, Patriot L. L. & S 527. Biblical Idyls McM. Co 528. Biding His Time L. L. & S 529. Bird Life Stories R. McN. & Co. 530. Black's Self Culture McM. Co 531. Boy Courier of Napoleon .... L. L. & S 532. Boys' Self Governing Clubs.. McM. Co 533. Brave Heart Elizabeth L. L. & S 534. Bryant's Odyssey H. M. Co 535. Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coast McM.' Co 536. Byron's Prisoner of Chillon . E. P. Co 537. By Way of Wilderness L. L. & S 538. Call of the Wild McM. Co 539. Captains of Industry, Vol. 1.. H. M. Co 540. Captains of Industry, Vol. 2. H. M. Co 541. Civics and Health G. & Co 542. Character Building H. N. & E. . . . 543. Chapter on Animals D. C. H. & Co. 544. Christmas Carol E. P. Co 545. Church's Burning of Rome... McM. Co 546. Coming of Arthur (Rolfe) . . . H. M. Co b47. Compensation, Self Reliance, Etc H. M. Co 548. Conciliation With America... E. P. Co 549. Confessions of an English Opium Eater McM. Co 550. Cortez and Montezuma E. P. Co 551. Cotter's Saturday Night and Other Poems H. M. Co 552. Cotton D. P. & Co. . . . 553. Courtship of Miles" Standish. E. P. Co 554. Cranford (Gateway Series)... A. B. Co 555. Creasy's Decisive Battles of the World H. & Bros. ... 556. Cricket on the Hearth E. P. Co List Price to Price Trustees 1.25 .87 .25 .22 1.75 1.41 1.50 1.00 .50 .43 .50 .41 1.50 1.00 1.00 .76 .60 .52 1.50 1.00 1.25 .87 1.00 .69 1.00 .67 .60 .52 .50 .38 1.50 1.00 .50 .38 1.25 .87 1.00 .67 1.50 1.00 .25 .20 1.50 1.00 1.5G 1.00 .60 .52 .60 .52 1.25 1.01 1.00 .87 .25 .21 .25 .20 1.00 .69 .75 .64 .40 .35 .25 .20 .25 .23 .50 .40 .25 .23 2.00 1.50 .25 .20 .40 .33 1.25 .87 .25 .20 22 No. Title of Book Publisher „H"* J'*®* *** Price Trustees 557. Daughters of the Revolution. H. M. Co 1.50 1.00 558. David Copperfield A. L. B. Co 75 .24 559. Day: Her Year in New York L. B. & Co 1.50 1.00 560. Deserted Village C. E. M. Co 40 .35 561. DeSoto in the Land of Flor- ida McM. Co 50 .38 562. De Quincey's Flight of the Tartars E. P. Co 563. Diddie Dumps and Tot H. & Bros 564. Dolf Heyliger D. C. H. & Co 564i. Edelano, A Legend of Caro- lina Rev. J. W. Dan'l, net 565. Eight Cousins L. B. & Co. 566. Elements of Agriculture .... B. F. J. Co 567. Elinor's College Career L. B. & Co 568. Elizabeth, Queen of England. A. L. B. Co 569. Emerson's Essays C. E. M. Co 570. Emerson's Representative Men A. L. B. Co 571. Enoch Arden E. P. Co 572. Epoch Making Papers McM. Co 573. Essays from the Sketch Book. H. M. Co 574. Essay on Addison E. P. Co 575. Essay on Burns E. P. Co 576. Essays of Elia H. M. Co 577. Essay on Milton E. P. Co 578. Essays on Samuel Johnson and Oliver Goldsmith H. M. Co 579. Evangeline H. M. Co 580. Faith Gartney's Girlhood .... H. M. Co 581. Famous American Statesmen. E. P. Co 582. Farm Conveniences O. J. & Co 583. Farmers' Cyclopedia of Agri- culture O. J. & Co 3.50 2.63 584. Farmers' Cyclopedia of Live Stock O. J. & Co 585. First Book of Farming D. P. & Co 586. First Bunker Hill Oration ... H. M. Co 587. Five Hundred Dollars and Other Stories of New Eng- land Life L. B. & Co 588. Flight of Tartar Tribe H. M. Co 589. Four Great Path Finders. E. P. Co 590. Franklin's Autobiography. (Gateway Series) A. B. Co 40 .33 591. Friendship, Manners and Other Essays H. M. Co 40 .35 23 .25 .20 .60 .52 .25 .21 .50 1.50 1.00 .60 .49 1.50 1.00 .75 .24 .40 .35 .75 .24 .25 .20 .25 .23 .40 .35 .25 .20 .25 .20 .40 .35 .25 .20 .25 .23 .25 .23 1.25 .87 .40 .32 1.00 .76 4.50 3.20 1.00 .81 .25 .23 1.00 .69 .25 .23 .50 .40 List Price to Price Trustees 2.50 1.39 .25 .23 .50 .45 .40 .35 .50 .35 .40 .35 1.50 1.00 .40 .32 No. Title of Book Publisher 592. Gardening for the South .... B. F. J. Co 2.50 593. Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine H. M. Co 594. George McDuffie's Speeches.. The S. Co 595. George Washington H. M. Co 596. Good Citizenship H. A. Co 597. Golden Legend H. M. Co 598. Gold Seeking on the Dalton Trail L. B. & Co 599. Grandfather's Chair E. P. Co 600. Great Debate Between Hayne and Webster H. M. Co 40 .35 601. Half Hours in Southern His- tory. (School Edition.) ... B. F. J. Co 602. Hamlet H. M. Co 603. Hampton and Reconstruction. The S. Co 604. Hand Book of Mythology.... C. E. M. Co 605. Hannibal A. L. B. Co 606. Harold A. L. B. Co 607. Heart of Oak, Book 4 D. C. H. & Co. . . 608. Heart of Oak, Book 5 D. C. H. & Co. . . 609. Heart of Oak, Book 6 D. C. H. & Co. . . 610. Heart of Oak, Book 7 D. C. H. & Co. .. 611. Heart of a Boy L. & L 612. Heart of a Girl A. S. B. & Co. .. 613. Hellenic Tales L. B. & Co.— net 614. Henry V H. M. Co 615. Heroes and Hero Worship, Etc H. M. Co 616. Heroes of Iceland L. B. & Co 617. His Little World A. S. B. & Co 618. History of the Government of the Confederate States. (School Edition) B. F. J. Co. . . 619. House of Seven Gables E. P. Co 620. Horse Shoe Robinson G. P. P. Sons 621. Huckelberry Finn H. & Bros 622. In Blue and White L. L. & S 623. In the Days of Chaucer A. S. B. & Co. ... 624. In the. Days of Goldsmith... A. S. B. & Co. . . . 625. In the Days of Milton A. S. B. & Co. . . . 626. In the Days of Scott A. S. B. & Co. . . . 627. In the Days of Shakespeare.. A. S. B. & Co. . . . 628. In the Days of Queen Eliza- beth L. L. & S 1.00 .67 629. Injurious Insects of the Farm and Garden O. J. & Co 1.50 1.00 24 .75 .61 .40 .35 1.50 1.35 1.00 .86 .75 .24 .75 .24 .45 .Z1 .50 .41 .55 .45 .60 .49 .50 .41 1.50 1.00 .60 .25 .23 .50 .43 1.50 1.00 1.25 .89 .75 .61 .40 .32 1.50 1.00 1.75 1.27 1.50 1.00 1.00 .86 1.00 .86 1.00 .86 1.00 .86 1.00 .86 List Price to Price Trustees 1.00 .76 2.00 1.37 .40 .35 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .25 .23 .75 .24 .25 .23 1.50 1.00 .75 .24 .25 .23 .25 .22 No. Title of Book Publisher 630. Irrigation for Farm, Garden and Orchard O. J. & Co 631. Isles and Shrines of Greece. L. B. & Co 632. Ivanhoe C. E. M. Co 633. Jack and His Island L. B. & Co 634. Janet: Her Winter in Quebec. L. B. & Co 635. Joan of Arc and the English Mail Coach H. M. Co 636. John Halifax, Gentleman .... A. L. B. Co 637. Julius Caesar H. M. Co 638. Judith's Garden L. L. & S 639. Kenilworth A. L. B. Co 640. Kidnapped McM. Co 641. Lady of the Lake C. E. M. Co 642. Lamb's Tales from Shakes- peare D. C. H. & Co 40 .33 643. Language Through Nature, Literature and Art R. McN. & Co 45 .40 644. Lars: A Pastoral of Norway and Other Poems H. M. Co 645. Last Days of Pompeii A. L. B. Co 646. Last of the Mohicans A. L. B. Co 647. Lays of Ancient Rome E. P. Co 648. Lay of Last Minstrel E. P. Co 649. Les Miserables (complete)... A. L. B. Co 650. Legends of the Middle Ages. A. B. Co 651. Life in the Eighteenth Cen- tury A. S. B. & Co 652. Life of Andrew Jackson H. M. Co 653. Lights of Two Centuries A. S. B. & Co. . . 654. Macbeth H. M. Co 655. Macaulay's Essay on Clive. .. McM. Co 656. Macaulay's Essay on Hast- ings McM. Co 657. Macaulay's Literary Essays.. A. L. B. Co 658. Maid of the Foothills N. P. Co 659. Marble Faun H. M. Co 660. Marie Antoinette A. L. B. Co 661. Memory Gems A. S. B. Co 662. Merchant of Venice H. M. Co 663. Midsummer Night's Dream . . H. M. Co 664. Mill on the Floss A. L. B. Co 665. Milton's Minor Poems E. P. Co 666. Most Popular Home Songs (School Edition.) H. N. & E 55 .45 667. Most Popular Hymns. (School Edition) H. N. & E 55 .45 25 .25 .23 .75 .24 .75 .24 .25 .20 .25 .20 1.25 .65 1.50 1.00 1.20 1.00 .50 .43 1.50 1.00 .25 .23 .25 .23 .25 .13 .75 .24 1.50 1.00 .60 .52 .75 .24 .50 .41 .25 .23 .25 .23 1.00 .39 .25 .20 No. Title of Book Publisher 668. Most Popular National Songs. (School Edition.) H. N. & E 669. Morgan's Men L. B. & Co 670. Moulton's Biblical Master- pieces McM. Co 671. Mrs. Jim and Mrs. Jimmie . . L. C. P. & Co. . . 672. Myths of Greece and Rome... A. B. Co 673. Myths of Northern Lands . . A. B. Co 674. Napoleon, The Little Corsi- can R. McN. & Co. .. 675. Nature Study and Life G. & Co 676. New Chronicles of Rebecca... H. M. Co 677. Nimrod in the North E. P. Co 678. Nine Selected Poems H. M. Co 679. Northern Trails, Book 1 G. & Co 680. Northern Trails, Book 2 G. & Co 681. Ode on the Intimations of Immortality H. M. Co 682. Old Curiosity Shop A. L. B. Co 683. Old Tales and Modern Ideals S. B. & Co 684. Only Girls L. L. & S 685. On Guard! Against Tory and Tarleton L. B. & Co 686. Our Farm of Four Acres .... O. J. & Co 687. Paradise Lost, Vol. 1 E. P. Co 688. Paradise Lost, Vol. 2 E. P. Co 689. Peasant and Prince H. M. Co 690. Peggy at Spinster Farm L. C. P. & Co. . . . 691. Pendennis A. L. B. Co. ... 692. Phoebe: Her Profession L. B. & Co 693. Pictorial Practical Fruit Growing C. & Co 694. Pictorial Practical Gardening. C. & Co 695. Pictorial Practical Vegetable Growing C. & Co 60 .49 696. Pictures from English Litera- ture E. P. Co 697. Pieces for Every Occasion . . H. N. & Co 698. Pioneer Boys Afloat A. S. B. & Co. . . . 699. Plutarch's Lives E. P. Co 700. Poems and Essays from the Writings of Emerson H. M. Co 701. Poems of Knightly Adventure N. & Co 702. Poetry of Flowerland E. P. Co 703. Poets of the South A. B. Co 704. Polly of the Pines L. L. & S 26 List Price to Price Trustees .55 .45 1.50 1.00 1.00 .69 .75 .51 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .35 .31 1.50 1.21 1.25 .87 1.25 1.00 .25 .23 .45 .37 .45 .37 .25 .23 .75 .24 1.00 .86 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .30 .23 .25 .20 .25 .20 .40 .35 1.50 1.00 .75 .24 1.50 1.00 .60 .49 .60 .49 .60 .48 1.25 .87 1.00 .69 .25 .20 .40 .35 .30 .27 .75 .60 .60 .49 1.25 .87 List ] Price to Price Trustees 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.01 1.50 1.00 .25 .20 .60 .52 1.50 1.00 .25 .20 No. Title of Book Publisher 705. Practical Farming and Gar- dening R. McN. & Co. .. 706. Practical Poultry Keeper .... C. & Co 707. Prisoners of Fortune L. C. P. & Co 708. Prologue to Canterbury Tales E. P. Co 709. Quentin Durward H. M. Co 710. Ramona L. B. & Co 711. Rape of the Lock E. P. Co 712. Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm H. M. Co 1.25 .87 713. Reconstruction in South Car- olina The S. Co 714. Red Rock C. S. Sons 715. Representative, Selections in Prose and Poetry (John Henry Newman) H. M. Co 716. Reveries of a Bachelor E. P. Co 717. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. E. P. Co 718. Robert E. Lee and the South- ern Confederacy G. P. P. Sons .... 719. Robinson Crusoe D. C. H. & Co. . . 720. Rocks and Minerals E. P. Co 721. Rose in Bloom L. B. & Co 722. Rules of Conduct, Diary of Adventure, Etc H. M. Co 723. Sally, Mrs. Tubbs L. L. & S 1.00 724. Scottish Chiefs A. L. B. Co 725. Scouting for Washington. ... L. B. & Co 726. Seaside and Wayside, Book 4. D. C. H. & Co. . . in. Seige of Leydon D. C. H. & Co. . . 728. Sella, Thanatopis and Other Poems H. M. Co 729. Self Help A. L. B. Co 730. Sesame and Lilies E. P. Co 731. Shakespeare's Story Book. . . A. S. B. & Co 732. Shelley's Poems (selected)... H. M. Co 12)7). Shipwrecked in Greeriland . . L. B. & Co 734. Sidney at College L. B. & Co 735. Sidney: Her Summer on the St. Lawrence L. B. & Co 736. Sidney Lanier H. M. Co in. Sir Christopher L. B. & Co 738. Sir Roger De Coverly C. E. M. Co 739. Sketches of American Wri- ters, Vol. 1 E. P. Co 60 .48 740. Sketches of American Wri- ters, Vol. 2 E. P. Co 60 .48 27 2.00 1.80 1.50 1.00 .40 .35 .25 .20 .25 .20 2.50 1.67 .60 .49 .60 .48 1.50 1.00 .25 .23 1.00 .67 .75 .24 1.50 1.00 .50 .41 .20 .17 .25 .23 1.00 .39 .25 .20 1.75 1.24 - .50 .43 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .30 .26 50 .41 25 .20 75 .41 No. Title of Book Publisher p^,}^^ ^^ustees 741. Snow Bound, Mabel Martin, Cobbler Keesar, etc H. M. Co 40 .35 742. Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia B. F. J. Co 743. Song of Hiawatha E. P. Co. 744. Son of the Sword Maker L. & L 745. South Carolina Bench and and Bar The S. Co 2.50 2.25 746. South Carolina Women in the Confederacy, Vol. 1 The S. Co 2.00 1.80 747. South Carolina Women in the Confederacy, Vol. 2 The S. Co 748. Southern Poets McM. Co 749. Southern Soldier Stories McM. Co 750. Starr's American Indian .... D .C. H. & Co. . . . 751. Starting in Life L. B. & Co 752. Story of Chaucer's Canter- bury Pilgrim's R. McN. & Co. . . . 753. Stories of Old France A. B. Co 754. Story of Human Progress . . H. N. & E 755. Stories of Norseland E. P. Co 756. Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems H. M. Co 757. Swamp Fox L. L. & S 758. Tales from English History. A. B. Co 759. Tales from Scott E. P. Co 760. Tales from Scottish History A. B. Co 761. Tales of Chivalry A. B. Co 762. Tale of Two Cities A. L. B. Co 763. Tanglewood Tales E. P. Co 764. Teddy: Her Book L. B. & Co 765. That Queer Girl L. L. & S 1.50 766. The Admirable Tinker D. P. & Co • 1.50 767. The American Battleship L. & L 768. The American Indian, As a Product of Environment... L. B. & Co 769. The Crofton Boys D. C. H. & Co. . . . 770. The Dark Corner Zach McG 771. The Daughters of the Little Grey House D. P. & Co 772. The Friendly Stars H. & Bros 1.25 773. The Gold Bug, Etc H. M. Co 774. The Great Stone Face, Old Manse and a Few Mosses.. H. M. Co 775. The Great West E. P. Co Il^i. The Ifs of History H. A. Co 777. The Judge's Cave L. L. & S 28 2.00 1.80 .25 .23 .50 .38 .45 .37 1.50 L35 .40 .35 .60 .49 1.25 .87 .60 .48 .25 .23 .75 .50 .50 .41 .50 .40 .50 .41 .50 .41 .75 .24 .40 .32 1.50 100 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.01 1.50 1.35 .30 .25 1.00 .75 1.25 .95 1.25 .87 .40 .35 .40 .35 .50 .40 1.00 .67 1.50 1.00 No. Title of Book Publisher p^j^^ ^Vusfees 778. The Lanier Book C. S. Sons 50 .41 779. The Last of the Barons, Vol.1 L. B. & Co 1.25 .89 780. The Last of the Barons, Vol. 2 L. B. & Co 781. The Laurel Token L. L. & S 782. The Little Citizen L. L. & S 783. The Little Grey House D. P. & Co 784. The Making of a Man F. H. R. Co 785. The Man Without a Country. A. F. Co 786. The Newcomes McM. Co 787. The New South C. E. M. Co 788. The Page Story Book C. S. Sons 789. The Peanut Plant, Its Culti- vation and Uses O. J. & Co 790. The Princess E. P. Co 791. The Raven and Other Poems. H. M. Co 792. The Son of Light Horse Harry H. & Bros 793. The State and The Farmer. . . McM. Co 794. The Standard Domestic Science Cook Book L. & L 795. The Strenuous Career L. & L 796. The Sunset Trail A. S. B. & Co. . . . 797. The Talisman E. P. Co 798. The Tempest H. M. Co 799. The Van Dyke Book C. S. Sons 800. The War of 1898 A. S. B. & Co 801. The Wood Carver of 'Lym- pus L. B. & Co 802. The Yale Cup L. L. & S 803. The Yemassee N. & Co 804. The Young American C. E. M. Co 805. Three of a Kind L. B. & Co 806. Through Russia on a Mus- tang E. P. Co 807. Timrod's Poems B. F. J. Co. ...... . 808. Tom Brown's School Days. . . McM. Co 809. Tools and Machines S. B. & Co 810. Tower or Throne L. B. & Co 811. Treasure Island McM. Co 812. True Tales of Birds and Beasts D. C. H. & Co. . . . 813. Twelfth Night H. M. Co 814. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea A. L. B. Co 815. Twice Told Tales H. M. Co 1.25 .89 1.25 .87 1.25 .87 1.25 .95 1.25 .87 .25 .21 1.00 .69 .25 .22 .50 .41 .50 .41 .25 .20 .25 .23 1.25 .87 1.25 1.01 1.75 1.41 1.00 .81 1.50 1.00 .50 .40 .25 .23 .50 .41 1.00 .81 1.50 1.00 1.25 .87 .30 27 .50 .43 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .38 .60 .52 1.50 1.00 .25 .23 .40 .33 .25 .23 .75 .24 .60 .52 29 No. Title of Book Publisher 816. Typee, Life in the Southern. Seas ■ D. C. H. & Co. 817. Uncle Sam's Business H. & Bros. ..., 818. Under the Lilacs L. B. & Co 819. Undine D. C. H. & Co. 820. Unknown to History McM. Co 821. Vicar of Wakefield E. P. Co 822. Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems H. M. Co 823. War of Independence H. M. Co 824. Wide, Wide World A. L. B. Co. . . 825. Wild Life on the Rockies . . H. M. Co 826. Wild Life Under the Equator. H. & Bros 827. William the Conqueror A. L. B. Co 828. We Four Girls L. L. & S 829. When First We Go to School. E. P. Co 830. White Aprons L. B. & Co 831. Who Goes There? McM. Co 832. With Spurs of Gold L. B. & Co 833. World's Discoverers L. B. & Co ROLFE'S NEW EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE 834. All's Well That Ends Well . . A. B. Co 835. Anthony and Cleopatra A. B. Co 836. As You Like It A. B. Co 837. Comedy of Errors A. B. Co 838. Coriolanus A. B. Co 839. Cymbeline A. B. Co 840. Hamlet A. B. Co 841. Henry IV, Part 1 A. B. Co 842. Henry IV, Part 2 A. B. Co 843. Henry V A. B. Co 844. Henry VI, Part 1 A. B. Co 845. Henry VI, Part 2 A. B. Co 846. Henry VI, Part 3 A. B. Co 847. Henry VIII A. B. Co 848. Julius Caesar A. B. Co 849. King John A. B. Co 850. King Lear A. B. Co 851. Love's Labour Lost A. B. Co 852. Macbeth A. B. Co 853. Measure for Measure A. B. Co 854. Midsummer Night's Dream . A. B. Co 855. Merchant of Venice A. B. Co 856. Merry Wives of Windsor . . A. B. Co 857. Much Ado About Nothing... A. B. Co 858. Othello A. B. Co List Price to Price Trustees .45 .37 1.25 .87 1.50 1.00 .35 .29 .50 .38 .25 .20 .25 .23 .40 .35 1.00 .39 1.75 1.21 1.25 .87 .75 .24 1.25 .87 .50 .40 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 RE. .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 30 No. Title of Book 859. Pericles 860. Richard II 861. Richard III 862. Romeo and Juliet 863. Sonnets 864. Taming of the Shrew 865. Tempest 866. Timon of Athens 867. Titus Andronicus 868. Troilus and Cressida 869. Twelfth Night 870. Two Gentlemen of Verona 871. Two Noble Kinsmen 872. Venus and Adonis, etc 873. Winter's Tales.. Publisher A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. A. B. Co. BOOKS FOR TEACHERS. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 887. 889. Adam's Herbatian Psychol- ogy Applied to Education... American History and Its Geographic Conditions Burrage and Bailey's School Sanitation and Decoration. . Chancellor's Our Schools: Their Administration and Supervision Chubb's Teaching of English. Cooke's With the Tourist Tide Cumming's Nature Study for Primary Grades Button's School Management. Emmy Lou Gilbert's The School and Its Life Hayes' Little School Mistress. Holton's Games, Seat Work and Sense Training Exer- cises How to Make School Gar- dens Hughes' Mistakes in Teach- ing Industrial Work for Public Schools James' Talks to Teachers on Psychology N. P. Co. A. B. Co. — net Scribner. — net D., P. & Co.— net .. S., B. & Co.— net .. C. J. Bell Co.— net.. A. F. Co D., P. & Co.— net .. Bardeen. — net R., McN. & Co.— net Henry Holt. — net . . List Price to Price Trustees .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 .56 .46 D. C. H. & Co.— net. 1.00 H. M. Co 3.00 2 15 D. C. H. & Co.— net 1,50 D. C. H. & Co.— net. 1.50 McM. Co.— net 1.00 50 1.25 .. 1.00 .. 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 40 .33 1.00 .50 .90 1.50 31 No. Title of Book 890. Jean Mitchell's School 891. McKeever's Psychologic Methods of Teaching 892. McMurray's Method of the Recitation 893. McMurray's Method of Read- ing English Classics 894. Nature Study Idea 895. Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching (Payne) 896. Parker's Talks on Teaching... 897. Patrick's Psychology for Teachers 898. Rousseau's Emile 899. Sabin's Common Sense Didac- tics 900. Seeley's A New School Man- agement 901. Smith's The Evolution of t)odd 902. Spencer's Education 903. Tanner's The Child 904. Taylor's Class Management... 905. Thorndike's Principles of Teaching, 906. Tyler's Growth and Educa- tion Publisher List Price to Price Trustees P. S. P. Co 1.00 .81 A. F. Co.— net 1.00 McM. Co.— net .90 McM. Co. — net .75 D., P. & Co.— net .. 1.00 A. B. Co.— net .... 1.00 Kellogg. — net 1.50 E. P. Co 1.00 .80 D. C. H. & Co.— net. .90 R., McN. & Co.— net 1.00 H., N. & E.— net . . . 1.50 R., McN. & Co.— net .60 Appleton. — net 1.00 R., McN. & Co.— net. 1.25 A. S. B. & Co.— net. 1.50 Seiler. — net .1.50 H. M. Co.— net .... 1.50 REFERENCE BOOKS. D. E. Ashby & Co. 907. Teachers' and Pupils' Cyclo- pedia, B. P. Hoist (5 vols.). 908. Webster's Collegiate Diction- ary (sheep) G. & C. M. Co. 909. Webster's Collegiate Diction- ary (cloth) G. & C. M. Co. 910. Webster's International Dic- tionary G. & C. M. Co. 18.75 10.00 4.00 3.65 3.00 2.75 10.00 8.75 32 3