UC-NRLF $B 257 346 m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation I http://www.archive.org/details/demosthenesoncroOOdemorich THE ORATIONS OF DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN AND ^SCHINES AGAINST CTESIPHON. raiN'l'ED BY C. J. TLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVEKSITY FRESS. DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN WITH ENGLISH NOTES B. DRAKE, M.A. LATE FELLOW OP KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. FOURTH EDITION. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED JISCHINES AGAINST CTESIPHON WITH ENGLISH NOTEa Hontion anil ©amBtftge MACMILLAN AND CO. 1870. [All Rights reserved*'^ ^ ^^f^7 ' ^' PREFACE. TN deference to the opinions of many gentlemen J- engaged in the work of Education, the Pubhshers take the opportunity of a new edition being called for to add Mr Drake's Edition of the Be Corona, the companion oration of iEschines contra Ctesiphon- tern, and to place the notes (as in Mr Merivale's Edition of Sallust) at the end of the orations, instead of at the foot of each page. Very little alteration or addition has been made to Mr Drake's Notes. The terseness and felicity of his translations constitute perhaps the chief value of his edition, and the historical and archaeological details necessary to understanding the JDe Corona have in some measure been anticipated in the notes on the Oration of ^schines. In both, the text adopted in the Zurich edition of 1841, and taken from the Parisian MS. has been adhered to without any variation. Where the readings of Bekker, Dissen, and others appear . preferable, they are subjoined in the notes. Ti PREFACE. In his first Edition Mr Drake freely acknow- ledges his obligations to Bremi's notes on the De Corond, to the review of Lord Brougham's transla- tion, to Mr Shilleto's Edition of the liapaiTpea^eia, and to Mr Norris's translation. In the present, frequent references are made to Bremi's notes on the oration of ^schines, to Mr Whiston's Edition of Be Corona, to the translation of the same (and the valuable appendices at the end) by Mr C. R. Kennedy, to Mr Grote's Greece^ and other eminent authorities. It only requires to be added that Mr Drake's preface has been to a considerable extent re-written and adapted to both the Orations, and that certain quotations placed by him at the beginning have been transferred (with a few additions) to the end of the volume in the shape of Appendices. Januaby, i860. // V" OF THE '' TO THE if It is not intended in the present notice to give more than a very general account of the origin and history of the following famous orations. For ampler details the Student will consult the histories of Thirlwall and Grote, the life of Demosthenes in Smith's Biographical Dictionary , and other eminent authorities. A few remarks, however, on the immediate causes of the two orations, and on their general character, will not perhaps be out of place. The year b. c. 338, as is well known, witnessed the disastrous battle of Chseroneia, and the destruction of the liberties of Greece^ which became henceforth a province of the Macedonian monarchy. Nothing could exceed the consternation with which the news of the terrible reverse w^as received at Athens, one thousand Athenian citizens had fallen on the fatal field, two thousand more remained in the hands of Philip as prisoners^. Almost every one under the ages of twenty and fifty, able to bear arms, had been sent out to take part in the late engagement, and scarcely any remained to defend the city save those incapable of active service, the aged and infirm. At this juncture Demosthenes, who was still listened to with undimmished confidence, exerted himself with more than his usual energy, to do all that was possible 1 "Hie dies universse Graeciae et gloriam dominationis et vetustissiraam libertatem finivit." Justin. IX. 3. * Grote's Greece, xi. 692. viii INTRODUCTION. towards putting the city in a posture of defence. As Com- missioner for the repair of the walls (an office to which he had been elected in the year b. c. 339) he set himself with all activity to strengthen the defences of the City, and expended upon the work, from his own resources, three talents more than had been allowed him out of the public treasury. About seven months after, when the apprehensions of the citizens had been removed in consequence of the moderation and clemency of Philip, Ctesiphon, a political admirer of Demosthenes, brought in a bill before the council of Five Hundred, proposing that the services of the orator should be publicly recognised and particularly his large private contributions for the public use. The Bill was ap- proved, and a decree came down to the popular Assembly declaring it to be the will of the Council and People of Athens that "Demosthenes should be presented with a golden crown in requital of his public services," and that proclamation of the same should be made in the theatre, at the Great Dionysian Festival. Such a proposition was of course tantamount to a direct condemnation of the policy of the Macedonian party. And the opposition thus naturally called forth took the shape of an indictment of Ctesiphon for illegality (ypa^?) irapavoyioiv). The indictment was entrusted to ^schines, the second of Athenian orators, and the determined foe of Demosthe- nes, who attacked the bill of Ctesiphon on the following grounds : — First, because it was illegal to confer a cro^^^^ upon any person who had an account to render of his official conduct ; and Demosthenes both as a Conservator of walls and as treasurer of the Theoric fund was amenable to such a scmtiny. Secondly, because it was unlawful to proclaim the honour of a croAvn in the theatre at the Dionysian festival, INTRODUCTION. IX at the performance of the new tragedies; inasmuch as the law required, that, if the Council gave a crown, it should be proclaimed in the Council-Hall; if the people, in the Pnyx at the popular assembly. Thirdly^ because it was untrue that Demosthenes deserved any public commendation; and to make false allegations in a State document was contrary to law. On these grounds jEschines rested his indictment against Ctesiphon for proposing unconstitutional measures. But, though begun coincidently with the passing of the decree, the prosecution itself was suffered to lie dormant for more than seven years, i.e. from b. 0. 338 to 330. These seven years had been prolific in important events. Philip had died, and been succeeded by his son Alexander ; the battles of the Granicus, Issus, and Arbela had all been fought ; a Macedonian youth sat on the throne of Darius : and that supremacy, which all his life long Demosthenes had exerted himself to oppose, was no less triumphant in Asia than in Greece. The much desired opportunity had come at last; and all the political passions of the Macedonian party, as well as the private animosity of iEschines, concentrated them- selves in a determined and final effort to put down their great antagonist. The public prosecution of Ctesiphon excited the in- tensest interest not only at Athens but throughout the whole of Greece. Greeks from every state and foreigners from all parts flocked to hear the speeches of the two most renowned orators in the world. The interest of Ctesiphon in the trial was merely nominal. The whole policy and administration of Demosthenes was to be arraigned and impeached. And before a jury of no less than five hundred, and "a dense and breathless audience/' iEschines cummenced his attack^. ^ Perhaps the best introduction to the speech may be given in the words of Cicero himself, in the treatise De opiimo genere X INTliODUGTION. {a) In support of the first count in the indictment he brings forward a law which distinctly forbade the bestowal of a crow^n upon any one who had held a magisterial office before he had passed the usual scrutiny. It might, indeed, be urged that the office which Demos- thenes had held did not come within the terms of the Statute, being an inferior employment. But, by the law of Athens, any office conferred by the people, whether it concerned the superintendence of public works, or the distribution of public moneys, was to be regarded as magis- terial, and as subject to the scrutiny. Now Demosthenes had been u Commissioner of public works, he had been elected to that office by the Pandionian tribe according to the terms of a decree of the people, he had been entrusted with the disbursement of ten talents of the public money, oratorum, (which is considered genuine by the best critics) : "Quuin esset lex Athenis, ne quis populi scitum faceret, ut quisquam Coron^ donaretur in magistratu pritis, qukm rationes retulisset: et altera lex, eos qui a populo donarentur, in concione donari debere : quia in senatu Demosthenes curator muris re- ficiendis f uit, eosque refecit pecunia su^ : de hoc igltur Ctesiphon scitum fecit, nullis ab ipso rationibus relatis, ut coron^ aure^ donaretur ; eaque donatio fieret in theatro, populo convocato ; qui locus non est concionis legitimse : atque ita prsedicaretur, eum donari virtutis ergo henevol&nticBque^ quam erga populum Atkeniensem haberet. Hunc igitur Ctesiphontem in judicium adduxit JEschLnes, quod contra leges scripsisset, ut et rationibus non relatis coron^ donaretur, et ut in theatro, et qu6d de vir- tute ejus et benevolentiS. falsa scripsisset : quoniam Demosthenes nee vu' bonus esset, nee henh meritus de civitate. Itaque causa ^schini, quoniam ipse a Demosthene esset capitis accusatus, quod legationem ementitus esset, ut ulciscendi inimici caus^ nomine Ctesiphontis, judicium fieret de factis, fam^que Demos- thenis. Non enim tam multa dixit de relationibus non relatis qukm de eo, quod civis improbus, ut optimus, laudatus esset." — Capp. VII. vm. INTRODUCTION. XI he had, moreover, been appointed treasurer of the Thcoric fund by a decree of the people. He was clearly amenable, therefore, to the provisions of the Statute, and whether the moneys he had expended came from the public fund^ or from private sources, made no material difference; nothing could exempt him from the law of the democracy that no magisterial office should be irresponsible. (&) Proceeding to the second count in the indictment, he supports it by a Statute enacting that if the Council conferred a crown, it must be proclaimed in the Council Chamber, if the people, in the Assembly, and in no other place. Nor was this done without a purpose. Its object was to prevent the ostentatious display before foreigners of these honours, which only concerned the members of the Commonwealth. Now this Statute too had been in- fringed by Ctesiphon in his anxiety to parade the honours of Demosthenes at the Dionysian festival, before the large numbers then assembled. The arguments of iSschines on these two points consti- tute the strongest part of his attack. Here he was safe ; and in dealing with the specific violations of Athenian law of which Ctesiphon had been guilty, he exhibits great skilfulness and care. (c) But this did not content him. Leaving these legal points, he now proceeded to the third count in his indict- ment against Ctesiphon, to shew that Demosthenes was utterly undeserving of any public commendation whatever. This involved a review of the entire political career of his rival. He divides his public life into four distinct periods, and endeavours to prove that in each and all of them, so far from deserving praise of his country, the conduct of. Demosthenes was open to the severest censure. "And here," observes Mr Kennedy, "the reader who carefully examines the speech of jEschines will not fail to observe, that he betrays a consciousness of weakness. He seems to feel that he is speaking in opposition to the general feeling xii INTRODUCTION. of his hearers. His own character as a politician had been so dubious, his conduct so open to suspicion, that while he most bitterly assails his adversary, he is constantly under the necessity of defending himself. On the whole life, public and private, of Demosthenes, he pours a torrent of invective; to this the greater part of his speech is devoted : yet he seems to have been impelled to it rather by hate and reveuge, than by any calculation of advan- tage V On the conclusion of the speech of the prosecutor, and after a few words pro forma from Ctesiphon, Demosthenes commenced his reply. Knowing his weakness as to the legal questions, he dexterously throws them into the middle of his speech, and strives to divert the attention of the Court from these technical points to the vindication of his own merits as a statesman. He makes it his chief object to shew that the credit of the state itself was inseparably bound up with his own, and impresses upon the minds of the jury that the question really at issue was tliis, whether himself or -^schines were more worthy of their confidence ; not whether Ctesiphon had or had not violated the laws. Refusing to comply with the crafty demand of ^schines that he should take the counts of the indictment in the same order as his accuser, he chooses freely such topics as pleased him in the review of his own political career, and endeavours to shew that '^attachment to his country, and earnest anxiety for her welfare, had been his constant and abiding motives of action : that throughout his whole life, in the day of power, in the hour of trial and adversity, these feelings had never deserted him : that this was the test of a good and honest citizen; that by it he ought to be judgedV ^ Introduction to the Translation of Demosthenes on, the Crovm. by C. E,. Keunedy, p. 6. - Kennedy's Introduction, p. 8. INTRODUCTION. xiii Such is a brief outline of these two celebrated orations. The one is perhaps as fine a piece of eloquence as was ever unsuccessful, the other, "the unapproachable master-piece of Grecian oratory," satisfies our highest expectations, even when we know that Demosthenes expended his ut- most efforts on its composition. "It breathes,'' writes Thirl wall, "the spirit of that high philosophy which, whether learnt from the schools or from life, has consoled the noblest of our kind in prisons, and on scaff'olds, and under every persecution of adverse fortune ; but in the tone necessary to impress a mixed multitude with like feeling, and to elevate it for a while into a sphere above its own, there certainly have been few readers in whom it has not left a strong conviction of the speaker's patriotism, if not of his general integrity and political virtue^" "The effect produced by the speech upon an Athenian audience," writes Mr Kennedy, "can be but faintly ima- gined by us who read it at this distance of time. Although Athens was not then what she had once been; although she was humbled by defeat, shorn of her honours, stripped of her Empire and dependencies, without allies, without resources, without means of resistance to that iron power under which all Greece had succumbed; there was still the remembrance of the past, not yet extinguished by habitual servitude ; there were still vague hopes of future deliverance, and a fire of smothered indignation burning in the hearts of the people, ready to burst into a flame at 1 Thirl wall's Greece, vil. p. 137. Mr Grote calls the speech "the funeral oration of extinct Athenian and Grecian free- dom.'* '*As regards principles and morals it was cited with other orations of Demosthenes (Phit. in Vit. c. 13) by the Stoic Pansetius in proof of his assertion, that the great orator always appealed to and based his arguments upon the laws of truth, and justice, and honour, rather than expediency or selfishness." Whiston's Demosthenes, p. 396. xiv INTRODUCTION. the first favourable opportunity. That such were their feelings is proved by what occurred seven years afterwards upon the death of Alexander; when Athens made one convulsive effort for freedom, ere she finally submitted to her fate. Demosthenes stood before his countrymen, representing all which remained of Athenian dignity and glory. If any man could help them, it was he. His advice had always been steady, and constant ; his warnings should have been earlier attended to : but even yet there might be need of him. He was their consolation for the past, their hope for the future. During the progress of his address, such thoughts rushed upon their minds with greater and greater force, till they were elevated above themselves, and all the spirit of their ancestors was for the moment regenerate within them. **They could forgive him all his egotism and self-praise. It was the praise of a life devoted to their service. Where he lauded his own acts most strongly, he identified them with the glories of his country. Whatever good results might have accrued from his measures, he ascribed the merit less to himself, than to the fortune of Athens, or to the gods, of whom he was but the humble instrument in a righteous cause. His own eloquence would have been of no avail, had it not touched the true chord of Athenian feeling. Throughout his whole political career he had been supported by the judgment and conviction of the people. Thus he argued, and the people felt it was im- possible for them to find him guilty, without passing sen- tence upon themselves, without condemning the policy which Athens had for a long series of years consistently pursued. The genius of Athens protected her from such disgrace; and by an overwhelming majority, which left the accuser no choice but to retire into exile, a verdict was given for the defendant,** CONTENTS. Preface . . . , . Introduction • . , , , Machines against Ctesiphon Demosthenes on the Crown Notes on u33schines against Ctesiphon Kotes on Demosthenes on the Crown Appendix A , . , . , Appendix B Appendix C • , , , , PAGE V vii I 583 585 ^SCHINES CONTRA CTESIPHONTEM. KATA KTH2I$nNT02. Yno0E:si2. KTrjo-L^fxav eypa\l/€ \jnjavavov dirayopevovTog tov vofiov fxyjSiva o-T€L(TfJiaTL* ovk etvat yap KaXov Koi dyaOov tov Ar)jJLoa$ivrjv, ovBk d^LOV tov (TTecjidvov. /cat tovto ctg to Trapdvofxov dvaicriov, iircLSyj /cat vofjLos io-Tlv 6 KwXvcov ra if/evSTJ ypa<^uv iv rots 15 lj/r]a\aLov, ov fiivTOL KaTacTKCvd^er el SI firj Trap' iavTov cttcSwkcv, aAX' ct^c Trapd tt^s iSovXrj^ 25 €19 TovTo ScKtt TctXavra, Trept ovo-ta?, irpos Sc to 8cvt€- pov K€(i)Keas avfxjSavTwv atrtos cyevcTO, Kat ttJs '^tt'tjs t^s ev Xatpwvcta, TrctVas 45 /x-CTct ©T^/^atW dpafxevovs tov TroXefxov irpos ^iXimrov TrapaTd^aaOai* ev Be tw TcXevTato), OTt KttTa tov Trpos AXe^avSpov ovk eiroXiTevcraTO* fxeTa TavTOi Kat tov PCov iravTos tov ArjfxoaOevovs KaT-qyopeZy koX Brj /cat K.Tr]aiwvTos ev oXiyois, ev oTs d^ioZ avTOV virep eavTov 50 TOV K.Tr]o-icf><2vTa dTroXoyeZa-Qai, Ta /xev ow Kecj^aXaia TavT eo-TLV evLKa Be tov dywva ArjixoaOevrjs, Me/i<^ovTat fxevTOL tlvIs tov Alo-\Lvr]v otl ovk evBie- Tptij/ev ev Tu) Trapavo/xo), aAAa Kat ttJs TroXtTCtas KaTrj- CONTRA CTESIPHOFTEM. 3 yopct Tov Ar]fjLocrO€Vovtevo9, ctKOTWs wT^^?; i}/v)(pov^ Kol ovS€v6^ d^iovs av)]- creo'Oai tovs Trepl tojv Trapavopnav Xoyov?, ct JI197 8ofav avTOts ifJLiroLtjcreL ttjv ivavTLav, o5s apa o ArjfJioaOivrjq KttKovovs co'Tt T(3 St^/xo) Kttt ato-;(pa)9 koI iTnixefXTTTiog TrcTToXtTCVTat. Stct TOVTO co-TTOi^Sao-e TTcpt TOVTO fiaXuTTa, 65 ^/cat €1/ TOVTO) T<3 p,epa tt}? KaTrjyopias to irXecaTOV ivSiiTpuj/e, fJLifxxj/aLTO 8' av Tt9 to irpooifiLov dvov, TO, Sc Ke<^aXata 70 SiyXovdrt T17S Trpay/xaTtKi^s 7r€pte;(ct aTrep Kat cKCt, otov TO vd/XtjLLOV TC/Avd/XCVOV €tS TpCtS vdp,OVS, TO Sc 8tKatOV €19 Teo-crapas Kaipov?. opa Se Trcas cTrtXoytKws rjp^CLTO airo (Tvvrpfopayv iKpoX'^s, ^(Tirep koX Arjp.oo-Ocvr]s. Ttv€9 cTttov OTt OVK C^Ct KaTaCKCVTyV TO irpOOLflLOV 75 OVKOVV OvSc O-V/JLTTCpaO-jLta 8ct ^T^TCtr. aXX' OVK eoTtv aVaTCLO-Kevov co^Tt yap avrov KaTacTK^vrj " vTrcp tov Ta jneVpta Kat Tct (TVvriOr} fir) yivecrdai Iv t^ TrdXct." et yap Tj aiVta T^s TrpoTa'orews cVTtr r; KaTaaKevy, 8ta 8e to Ta p.€rpta /xt; ytveo-^at cV t^ TrdXct at ScT^Vctg, KaTao-KCVjJ 80 dv etrj. €xet 8c Kat o-v/x7r€pao-/xa, " eyw 8^ 7re7rto-T€VK(os r]Koy"* ccos tov "/xct^ov tiov vofioiv Kat twv 8tKatW. T7)v fiev Trapaa-Kevrjv Spare cS 'Aerjvaloc Koi rrjv Trapdra^LV, oarj yeyivrjrac, kol ra? Kara rrjv dyo- 1—2 4: JSSCEiyHS pav S€rjr)V irapavofjicov BiKaacov, ev TavTrj tj} rjiiipa [xeXXet ttjv ylrf](j)Ov (f>6pecv irepl ttJ? eavTov Trapprjala^;, Bibirep Kal 6 vo/jio9eT7]^ TOVTO TrpooTOV eTa^ev ev tc3 tcov BlKaO-TOOV CpKM, ^^ '\{r7](j)C0VfMaL KttTa TOl)? VCflOV^y cKelvo ye ev elBm, otl crrav BcaTTjpijddoo'cv oi vofiot TTj TToXei, aw^eTai Kal r) BrjfioKpaTia. a ^PV ^^<^' '^ fxv7]fjLovevovTa<; v/xd^ (xtcrelv tov<; tu irapavo^ia ypa- (f)ovTa^, Kal fJLTjBlv qyclcrOai. fxiKpov elvac tojv tolov- Tcov dBcK7}/jidTQ)V dXX eKao-TOV virepfiiyeOe^, Kav 6 ' ^SCHINES TOV0* vfJLoov TO hiKaiov fiTjBiva dvdpccircov i^aipet- cdat, fir/re ra^ roov o-Tparrjycov avvrjyopla^, ot iir) iroXvv rjBTj ^^ovov , ovrco koI vvv al(T'xyv0r]T6 eicknrelv rrjv rd^cv fjv rkra'^e vtto twp vojKDv (j}v\aK€<; tt]<; STj/xoKparia^ rrjvBe rrjv rjfiipav. 8 KdKelvo he '^rj hiajjuvrjixoveveiv, ore vvv airavre^ oi nroXtTat irapaKaraOepLevot rrjv irokiv vfilv koI rrjv TroXireiav hiaina-Teva'avTe^ ol fiev irdpeiat, kol eira^ Kovovav TTJaSe r?}? /cpwreo)?, ol Se aireLcnv iirl rwv ISlayv epycov* 01)9 ala')(^jv6/jL€voi, kol tcov opKcov 0S9 wiioaare fjb€fiVT]fJLevoL koX twv vopLtov^ edv i^eXey^co^ fiev K.Tr)aL^oovTa koI irapdvo/Jba ypdyjf'avra /cat ^jrev- Stj kol dav/Ji(j)opa rfj iroXei, Xvere c3 *A6r)valoL rd^ irapavofjLov^ yvco/ia^, ^e^aiovre rfj iroXei rrjv Brjfio^ Kparlav, KoXd^ere tov<; V7r€vavTLco<; toj vo/jlo) fcal rfj TToXec Kol rat (TVfi(j>6povTL TO) vfierepcd iroXiTevofxe' I/0U9. Kav ravTTjv G^ovTe^ rrjv Scdvocav aKovcnjTe tcov /jbeXXovTCOv p7jdi](T6a6ac Xoycov, ev oZS' 071, SUaca Kol evopKa icaX avf^cpepovra vfuv avrol^ '^rjfpLelaOe fcal irdari rf) iroXet, 9 Tiepl fJilv ovv T^9 oX?;9 Karrjyopia^ fierplco'^ ijlol iXiri^o) irpoetprjcrdaL' irepl Se avroov roov vofjucov ol Kelvrac Trepl tcov vTrevOuvcov, irap ov^ to '\}r7](j>Larfia TOVTO Tvy^dvet, yey pa^jyoo*; K-Trjcrccpoov, Scd ^pa')(e(t)v elirelv ^oiXofxai, iv yap toc^ eiiirpoadev %/30i^oi9 CONTRA CTESIFHONTEM. 7, ap')(pvTh TiV€<; Ta9 ^le^lo-ra^ op%«? kolI tw; Trpoao- Bov^ hioiKovvTe<;^ koX ScopohoKovvT6<; irepX GKacrra TovTcov, irpo&XajjL^dvovTe^; tov^ re gk tov /SovXevrr]- piov prjTopa<; koI tou9 e/c tov hrjfxov 7r6ppco0€V irpo- KareXd/jL^avov Td<; evOvva^ eiraivoi^; kol Krjpvyfiao'cv, Soar iv Tok euOvvat^ t&v dp'^ovrcov eh Trjv fieyla-- T7}v fjuev dnropiav dt^LKveiaOai tov<; KaT7jy6pov<;, ttoXv Se €TC /xaXXov tov<; BLfcaaTd<;, ttoXXoI yap ttclvv tolv 10 iirevdvvcov iir ayrocjxiopq) KKeiTTat, twv STjfioalcov 'XprjJ^^T<^^ OI/T69 i^eXeyx^ofievot Sce^vyyavov eK rcov SiKaaTrjpicov, elKorwT ya'^vvovro yap ct/iaL oi BiKaaraL, el (fiavrjaerac 6 avr6<; dvrjp iv rfj avrfj iroXet, TV')(ov he kol iv t(£> avrS ivLavrco^ 7rpa)7]v fiev irore dvayopevofxevo^ iv to69 dyooaiv on arecpavov' rat dperi]^ eveKa koX BiKatoavvrj^; viro tov hrjjiov p^pu(7ft) (TTe^dvcp, 6 Be avros avrjp fjuiKpov iirca'^dov e^ecacv itc tov ScKaaTrjplov KkoTrrj^ eveKa Ta^ evdvva^ cc(j>\r]Kco<;' wcrre rjvayKd^ovTO ttjv ^frrjcpov (pepeiv oi hiKaaToX ov Trepl tov irapovTO^ dBiK7]fiaT0<; dX)C virep T^9 ala'^vv7j<; tov hrjp^ov. Karihdov Se tl^ TavTa 1 1 vo/jLoOeTTjf; TiOrjac vofiov kol fidXa KoXm exovTU, TOV ScappriSrjv dirayopevovTa tot)? V7rev9vvov<; pbrj (TTecj^avovv. kcu TavTa ovt(o<; ev 7rpoK:aTeiX7](p6To<; TOV vojJioOeTOV evprjvTat, fcpeLTTOve^ \6yoc tcov vo/mcov, 0O9 el /JLT) Tfc9 v/jLLV ipec, XrjcreTe i^airaTrjOevTe^;. tov- Tcov ydp TLve^ toov to^9 virevOvvov^ CTe^avovvTcov irapd TOL'9 vojiov^ ol fiev (jyvo-ec fierpioi elj-LV, el Stj t/9 io-TC iJLeTpLO<; Twv Ta Trapdvo/jLa ypa(p6vTcov' dXX' ovv TTpo^dXkovTUL ye tl irpo T7J<; ala'^ivT]^, irpocT' eyypdL ol<; rjfidpTT]Ke. }^T7](7L<^wp Se, CO ^AOrjpaloL, VTrepTTrjhrjcra^; TCP vojjbop TOP Trepl tcop virevOvpcop fcel/jLepop, koX Trjv Trp6(f>a(np fjv iydo dpTico^ TrpoeiTTOP Vfup dpeXcLp, irplv \cyop, TTplp evOvpa^ Bovpac, yeypac^e fieTa^if Atj/jlo- aOepTjp dp^oPTa aTecj^apovp. 13 Ai^ovac Se cS ^A6rjpaLoc koI eTepov \6yop vire^ vapTcop Tft) dpTLCO^ elpTj/jiipfp, cw9 dpa oaa ti<; at- pero? wp 7rpdTT€L KaTa y}rrj(j)LcrfJLa, ovtc ea-Ti TavTa dpXV ^^^' iTTifJiiXeid rt? koL BcaKopla* dp^d^; Be rj' aovaip iK€Lpa<; elvai a? ol OeaixoOeTai dTro/cXTjpovaLV ip TQj ©rjaeia)) fcdK€LPa<; a9 6 S^/xo? eccoOe ^^eipoTopecp ip dpxcii'p€(Tlai<;, (TTpaTrjyovf; koX iirTrdp^ov^ kol ra? fieTa TOUTCOP dp^d^, ra? S' dWa<; TavTa<^ Trpay^ 14 fjLaTeia^ 7rpo(TTeTar/jJi6pa<; kutu '\}rr)(f)ta/jLa. iyco Be 7rpo9 T0V9 X070U9 T0^9 TOVTCDV vofiop vfieTepop 'Trap- i^o/xai, op v/jLec^ epofioOeTrjcraTe Xvcrecp i^yovfiepot, Ta9 TOiavTa^ Trpocj^daec^, ip w BtapprjBrjp yiypaTTTac, "Ta9 %etpoToz^77Ta9" ^rjatp ^'dp'^dsi'^ dirdaa^ epl irepL- Xa^ciop opofiaTL 6 pofJioOeTrj^;^ Koi TrpoaecTTciop dp')(aC dp'^etv 15 hoKifiaaOevra^ ev toS SLKao-rrjpiq), iireiBrj fcal at kXt)- pcoTcu dp')(al ovK dSoKlfiaaroL dWd BoKifiacrdeLcrat dp')(pvaL^ Koi \6jov /cal evOvva^ iyypdcf^eLv 7rpo9 top f/pafM/jLaria Kal tou? Xoyia'Td<;, KaOdirep Ka\ T^y >>^ aXKadaK0VTa<;, d7roBcB6vTa<; Be vfuv tcl Vfjue- Tepa, dXX* cfioXoyovfiepco^ Ta9 7raTp(pa<; ovala^ e^V TYjV '7rp6<; vfid^ dvrjXcofcoTa^; (\>LXoTLfJbiav, ov tolvvv fJbovoL oi TpLr]pap')(0L^ dXXa koI Ta fiiyiaTa toov iv ttj iroXet avveBploov virb tyjv toov BiKaaTrjploov ep')(eTaL 20 '^v4^ov. IT poor ov fiev yap ttjv ^ovXrjv ttjv iv 'ApeLa> 7rdr/(p iyypd(j>eLV irpo<; tov<; XoyiaTa^ o v6/jlo<; KeXeveu Xoyov KaX evdvva<; BiBovaCy Kol tov eicel crKvOpooirov Kal TOOV fieyicTTOov KvpLov dyei iiro ttjv vfieTepav '^rj^ov, ovfc dpa CTecfyavooOTjaeTac 77 ^ovXrj tj i^ ^Apelov Trdyov; ovBe yap iraTpLOv avT0L<; iaTtv, ovk dpa (piXoTLpovvTaL ; irdvv ye, dXX^ ov/c dr^airooaiv lav T^9 Trap avTol<; firj dBiKfj, aXh! idv tl<; e^afiap- Tdvr) KoXd^ovatv* oi Be vfjueTepoL prjTope^ Tpvcfyooac. ttoXlv ttjv ^ovXrjv Tov<; irevTaKoaiovi virevdvvov 21 irewoLrffcev 6 vofio9eTrj<;. koX ovtg)<; la-^vpoof; dTrta-Tel T069 virevdvvoL^, (Lcjt €vdeooa/c\efc9, viToKajBot dv tl^, gtl rjp^ay firj dirohrj- /jL^aco; Lva ye firj TrpoXa^oop ')(pT]fiaTa t^9 iroXeco^ fj irpa^ei^ Spaafio) XPV^V' T^dXiv virevOvvov ovfc ia Trjv ovalav /caOiepovv ovSe dvadrnia dvaOelvai ovK iK7roi7)TOV ryeveaOat ovBe SiaOecrOac rd eavrov ovh^ dXKa rrroWd' evl Se Xoyo) ive')(ypd^ei, Td<; ovaia'^ 6 vo/jLo6iTrj<; rd^ twv VTrevOuvcov, eia)? dv \oyov diro' Sft)o*i T§ iroXei. 'Nat, aXV earL tl<; dv9pco7ro^ 09 ovr 22 €t\r](j)6V ovSev rwv Btj/jloctlcoi/ ovr dvi]\coK€, irpoa^ rjXOe he 7rp6<; re rccv kocvwv, koI tovtov d7ro(f>ipeiv Kekevei \6yov 7rpo9 rov^; Xoyia-Ta^. koI 7rc39 o ye fi7)8ev Xa^dov firjS' dvaXaxra^ dTTolaet Xoyov rfj TToXec; avT6<; viro^aXXec Koi hihacTKec 6 v6fJio<; a ')(^prj ypd(j)et,v' KeXevev yap avro tovto eyy pd(^eLv, on " ovr eXaBov ovhev twv ttj^ 7roX,ea)9 ovt dvr)X(OGa^^ dvevOvvov he kou dve^eracTTOv koX d^yTTjroi; ovBiv eari rcov ev rfj iroXei, ^Otc Se dXrjOrj XeycOy avrwv aKovaare tQ^v voficov, NOMOI. "Orav Toivvv fiaXiara 6paavvr}rai ArjfioaOivrjf; 23 Xiycov C09 Bid rrjv eirlhoaiv ovfc eariv V7rev6vvo<;, melvo avTM viro^aXXere' " ovfc ovv e^p^v ae S A77- li6(7deve<^ edaai top rcav Xoyicrrajv KrjpvKa Krjpv^ac TO iraTpiov KoX evvofiov Kr)pvyiia tovto, t^ ^ovXeTat KaTTjyopecv; eaaov dfjb(^i(7^r]Tr)<7ai avovVy 6 Se K.T7](ti(J>(2p Arj/jLoaOivrjv top cvK- Xtj^Srjv diraaa^; ra? ^AOr/vrjcrcv dpx^^ dp')(pvTa ovic WKVYjae jpdyjrac (7T€(f>avdoL(7/jia eypayfre, Kol rd Brj/nocrLa ')(pr]ixara Siex^l'Pf'^^ f^cu iTrc^oXd^ iTre^aWe KaOdirep oi aXKoL dp^ovret;, teal ScKaa-TTjpLcov 'j^ye/jLovla^ iXd/x- ^av6, TOVTcop vfjLiv avTov ArjfioadevTjv /cal Kt7J(7c- (j)oovTa fJbdpTvpa^ irapi^ofiac. iirl yap XaipcivSov ap')(ovTO<; Oapyrjkiwvo^ fjL7jv6<; SevTepa 9lvovto<; ifc- K\7}(jia^ ovcr7]u\oov ekiaOat tov<; iTTc/jLeXrjaofjievov^ T&v epytov irrrl rd Tei)(rj koI rafiLa<;, koX fxdXa 6p6w<;y Xv V] 7r6Xt<; expt vTrevOvva (TcajjiaTa^ trap &v efieXXe fodv dvrjXcofiivcov Xoyov dTToXrjy^ea-Oau TLai fiou Xiye rd '^r^^iapjara, ^H^ISMATA. Na/, a\V dyTcScairXeKec 7rpoTo\ fcal ol '^etpoTovrjTol ap')(^ovT€<;, hevrepov Se oaoL TL Sca')(^ecpL^ov(rt, tcov rrj^ 7roA,eo)9 virep rpid- Kovrariijiipa'^ KoX olroov BTj/jLoalcov epycov iTna-rdrat' Tpirov S' eV tw v6fJL(^ fyeypaTTTai, /cal ei Tive^ aXKot aiperol rj^efiovia^; hiicaaTr^ploDv Xapb^avovcn^ koI tov- Tov<; ap-)(eLj SoKCfjLaadivra^i, eTrecSdv S' dcpeXy Ti<; 30 Toix; viro tov hrjfMov Ke')(eLpoTOvrjiievov^ koX toix; K\7]pa)Tov^ ap')(pvTa^, KaraXeiireraL, 0C9 at (f)v\al /cal at TpiTTve^ koX ol hrjfxoi i^ iavTwp alpovvrat rd Zrjixoaia ')(prjiJLaTa Bia'^eipi^eiv, toutov<; aip€TOv<$ ap')(0VTa^ elvac, tovto Be yiveraL oraVy ooairep vvv, i'KLTa')(Pfj TL ra2<; (f)v\ac^y rj Td(j>povavovpy i;/xefc9 Be op^cojubOKare Kara tov<; v6p.ov<; yfrTjcfuecaOac, 6 Be prjrcop yiypacpe tov virev' Ovvov are^avovv purj irpoaOeh " eTrecBdv B^ \6yov Kol €vdvvaoov TTo)?; ^AvayivcoaKe to yfrj]- (piap^a, ^HISMA. ^Afcovere co ^AOrjvacoL ore 6 pulv vopiodeT7]<; Ke\ev€L 3i: iv Tco Br}pL(p iv TivKvl rfj iKKkr^aia dvaKrjpvTTeiv rov virb TOV Brjfiov dTe^avovpievov, aXKodu Be piySapLov, K.Trja-L^cov Be iv tco OedTpcpy ov tov^ vopuov^ puovov iirep^d^ dXkd koX tov tottov pueTevey/ccov, ovBe i/c- KXrjaLa^ovTOov ^AOrjvalcov dXkd TpaywBcov dycovL^o- fxevcov Katvoov, ovS" ivavTiov tov Brjpbov dX)C ivavTtov TcSz; 'EWtJz/coi;, lv rjpilv avvecBcoo-cv olov civBpa Ttpioo' puev. OvTco TOLVVV Treptcpavoo^ irapdvopba yeypaj>m^ 35 TrapaTax^el^ p^erd Ar/pboadevov<; iiroicreL Te')(ya^ rot? vcpL0L<;' a? iy(b Br]\ooaa> kol irpoepw vpuvy ha purj XddrjTe i^a7raTr]6evT€^, ovtol yap, cJ? puev ovk dira- yopevovaiv oi vopboi tov viro tov BrjpLov aTecpavovpue^ 16 JSSC BIKES vov /irj fcrjpvTTeiv e^oa t^9 ifc/c\rjaia<;, ov^ e^ovai \e^eiv, olaovcn Se 6^9 Tr]v aTroXoyiav tov AtovvaLa- Kov vofjLov, KoX ')(pr)fj rfj^e, koI Xe^ovaiv C09 €Lal rfj TToXei Svo vofJuoL KeifxevoL irepl tcov K7)pvy' fjuaTcov, eh fiev op vvv iyw 'jrapi')(piJLai SiapprjSrjv airayopevcov tov virh tov Brjfjiov aTec^avovfievov fMrj KTjpvTTecrOaL e^co t^9 ifCKkrjala^, CTepov S' ehac vofiov ^rjorovaiv ivavrlov tovtm, tov BeScoKOTa i^ovarlav TroielaOai ttjv dvdpp7)acv tov aTecjydvov TpayoiBoi^ iv to) OeaTpcp, iav yJrrj^iai^Tai 6 StJ/jlo^;' fcaTa S77 TovTOv tov vofiov (pi^aovo-t yeypacjyivac tov 37 }^T7j(Tt(})wvTa. iyoj Be 7rpo9 Ta9 tovtcov Te')(ya<; irape^o/jLac a-vvrjyopov^i tou9 v6/Jiov6Ta<; iv caviaiv iiCTiOevai KsXeveL irpoaOev Toop iircovvficov, rov^; Se TrpvrdveL^ iroielv iicKXTjaiav i'7nypd'\JravTa<; voixoOerai^, rbv S' eTnardrrjv twv irpoeSpcov Sca'^^eLporoviav StSopac to Stj/jlco, kol toi)? fjL€J/ dvaipelv roov vo/jlcov tov<; Be KaraXeiTreiv, 07ro>9 tiv eh fi vofJLo^ Koi fXTj rrrKelov^ irepl eKdari]^ Trpd^eco';. Kal fMOL Xeye tov^ v6/jlov<;. NOMOI. E^ Toivvv CO AOrjvaiGC ak'r]6rj<^ rjv 6 Trapa rov- 40 Tcov \0709 Kal Tjaav hvo Keifjuevoi vojjloi Trepl rdov Krjpvyfidrcov, e^ dvdr/Krj<; {plfiaC) tcov [lev 0€cr/jLo- deroov i^evpovTcop toop Se TrpvTdvecop diroSovTcov toc^ pofJLoOeTac^ dvyprjT ap 6 eTepovXeToop, erepou S' virb TOOP BrjiJLOToop' aXXoL Se Tive^ viro/crjpv^djijLepot tov^ avToop oiKeTa^ d(f)ieaap aTreXevdepov^, fjidpTvpa^ Ti}avovfJb€vo)v. toc<; jxev yap aTreSeSec/CTO T07ro9 7; iKKXrjaca, iv fj XP^^ (TTe^avovaOat, Kal aireipr^TO aXKodu pbrjBafiov KTjpvTTeaOat' oiSe dvrjjo^ pevovTO ivooTTtov diravTeov rcov 'EWtjvcoV KdicelvoL jjtkv /Lterd '\Jr7j(j)LapiaT0^, TreiaavTe'^ vfid<;, ovtol S' 44 avev yjrr}(j)ia'iJ,aTO<;, avvtSchv Sr/ tl<; ravra vo/jbodirrj^ TiOrfcn vofiov ovSev eTTiKQivcovovvra tw nrepl rcov vtto TOV hrjijbov a-Tedvcov, Kal BiapptjSrjv diza- yopevei jJbrjT OLKeTrjv direXevOepovv iv tco OedTpco fxi]6* VTTO TCOV (pvXercov fj BrjfioToyv dvayopeveadai avov/jL6voc(; et9 to SovXev- Tr}pL0V dvapprjOrivoL, toI<; S' vtto tov SrjfMov cPTe^a-' CONTRA GTESIPHONTEM. 19 vovfjbevoi^ 6t9 Tfjv eKK\fqaiav, to?9 8' utto t&v Stj/jlo- Toov arei^avovfievoL^ kol (f)vX€TQ)V aTreiirri fjurj KrjpvT- reaOai roi? Tpay(pBocV' Xeroov koI Stj/jlotoov, — orav Si rt? ravra d(j)e\7j, tl TO KardkeiiroiJievov ian iTXrjV ol ^eviKol areipavot ; ''Ot6 8' dXrjOri Xijco, fjieja arj/Jbecov vjuv tovtov €^46 avTwv Twv vofjLcov eiTihei^oy. avrov yap rov '^pva-ovv o-re^avov, 09 av iv toS dedrpw tw ev darei dvap- prjOfjy lepbv etvai t^9 ^A6rjvd^ KeXevet 6 v6fjLo<^, d(j>eX6fjL€vo<; rov arec^avov [xevov. Kalroc rk dv vfjboov ToX/JLTjaece Toaavrrjv dveXevOeplav KaTayvwvai rov hrjfjLov Toop ^A97jvaiQ)v; ixrj yap on ttoXl^^ dXX ovS^ dp ISccoTT}^ ovBe 6*9 ovT(o<; dyevpfj<^ yipoiTOy ware op ai5T09 eSajKe are^apop dfia dpaKTjpVTTecp kol dc^at- pelaOai kol fcadiepovp. dXX\ olfiaL, Scd to ^6plkop elvat TOP G-T€(j)apop kol 77 Ka9cipcoat<; ylpeTaty ipa /uajSeh dXXoTplap evpotap irepl irXeiopo^ TroLOVfjuepo^ Trjapovp irpia^ei^ Trifiylraaa BerjOy tov Brjfjiov, Xpa KripVTTOfJbepo^ fiei^co 2—2 20 JSSCHINES X^P^v elSf} Twv a-Te(f)avovvTcov vfULv, on Krjpv^ai eTrerpeyfraTe, ' Ota 8' oXtjOtj XeycOj rwv vofJLOop avToov aKovaare. NOMOI. 48 ^Yiireihov tolvvv i^aTraroovTe^ vfia^ XijcoaLv ax; -TrpoayeypaTTTat iv to; vc/jlo) i^elvai arecj^avovv, iav y{nj(f>icr7]TaL 6 SP]/jio<;, oirop^vrjfjbovevere avrol^ vtto- /SdWecv Nat, ec ye ae tl<; oXXtj ttoX^? orrecpavol' el Se 6 BfjfjLo^ 6 ^A07)vaict)v, aTroSeSeLfcral aot totto? iirov Bel TOVTO yeveaOat, dTreipyrai ^

L(T/jLaTi, " Kol Tov Krjpv/ca dvayo- peveiv iv ro) 0edTp(p 7rpb<; Tov^^'FiX\rjva<; ore crre^a- vo2 avrov 6 BrjfjLo<; 6 rwv ^A.67]vaiwv dperrj^ eveKa KoX dvBpayadia^^^ kol to fieyiarov " on SiareXelXe- 50 ycov KOi TTpdrrayv rd dpcara T(p BrjfjLCpy airXov^ Bj) TravraTracLV 6 fjuerd ravra rjpZv X6709 yiverai^ koI vfjLLV aKovaaai Kplvai ev/iia6r)<;' Bel yap Brj ttov tov fiev KaTTjyopovvTa ifie tov 6^ vfilv eTriBeLKvivai^ gJ? el€povTa to) BrjfiM. kclv tovt iirC' Bei^Q), BiKaid)^ Br) ttov ttjv ypacjirjv dXcoaeTao KTrjat- KV7](jev dir elarayyeXia^ avTov KpLVOjxevov irepl OavaTov KaTr)yopo<; yeveaOai* Kal TavTa rjBi] Ta irepl yieihiav Kal Tovoov^ oT(p Ta iJueytCTTa tcov al(Tj(pc£iV ovtco^ icTTl TTLO-Ta Kal yvccpifia Toh aKovovcTLv, coaTe tov KaT7]yopov fly Bonelv yJrevBrj Xeyecv dXXd iraXatd Kal Xiav TrpocofjboXoyrjfjbiva, iroTepa avTov Bel ')(pvaa> ore- 22 jESCHINES ^av(p (TT6(f)avco6r]vaL rj '^^e^eaOai ; koX i]fiL TO) hrjiKO TreiroXiTevaOav KOLV fjbfj ^OeXco diroKpivaaOai aX\! iy/iaXvTrrcofjLat kol dTTohchpaaKO), iK/caXvyJreiv fie (^rjat TrpoaeXOcov kol ci^ecv iirl to ^rjfia koI dvayKdaeiv aTroKpLvao-dac. 56 Ilv ovv fiTjB* ovTO<; Icr'xypi^rjTai, vfj-el^ re irpoechrJTe, iyco diroKpivofiai ivavriov gol tcov hiKaaTwv Arffio- aOeve^ koI tcov dXXcov ttoXltcov oaou hrj e^coOev irepi- eaTcUn koI tcov 'EXXt]vcov oaoL<; iirifieXei yeyovep CONTRA CTESIPHONTEM. 23 vTraKoveiv rrja-he T179 fcpLcreco^ (opcS Se ovk c\ljov(; Trapovja'^i aX>C ocrov; ovSeU irwirore fiefivrjraL 7rp6<; dyoova Bij/jlog-lov Trapayevo/juevov^;) — aTrofcplvo/jLac ore airavTwv t&v rerrdpcov Kuipcov KarTjyopoo aov, ov<; ai) Biaipfi, Kav oX re 6eol ^OeXcocrc koi 01 hacaaToX i^ 57 caov rjiicov cLKOvacoaL Kaydo hvvcofiai dTro/jLvrj/iovevcraL a (TOL avvoiSa, nrdvv TrpoaSo/coo eirvhel^eLV Tocyio-fiov<;, ip'^^ofieOa Sij TTOv ^JrevSeif; oLKoOev ivLore B6^a<; €')(ovt€^ Kara rwv XoytcTfjLoov' dX)C ofjLco<; iiretSdv 6 Xoyia/jLbr} Trapavoficov, rJKov ol Trj<^ Kpt- <7€&)9 'x^povoc Karrjjopei fiev Avklvo^ 6 ypa'\Jrd/jL€Vo<;, cirekoyelro he ^L\oKpdrr]7]<;* dire^vye ^iXoKpaTTj^, fxera ravra iiryei ')(^povo<; @6fic{TT0K\f}<; clp'^cov' evravS* elaep- X^Tai ^ouXeuT?)? e^9 to ^ovkevT'iqpiov ArjfjLocrOipT}'^, 0VT6 Xa'x^dov ovT eTTiXa^coz/, 6Bpa irpo(Te')(eTe tov 64 vovv* eirpaTTeTO yap ov 7rpo<; tov<; aXXov9 irpea^ei^ Toi/9 iroXXd crvK0<^avTr]6evTa^ vcrTepov ix fjueTU- ^oXrj^ VTTo Ar}fjboadivov<;, dXXd 7rp6<; ^CXoKpaTrjv Kal ArjfJioaOevrjv (€Ik6tco<;' tov<; dfxa fjuev Trpea/Sev- ovTa<;, d[ia Be Ta yJr7](f>L(r/JLaTa ypdcpovTas;), irpwTOV /JL6V 07ra)9 /^^ TreptfieivrjTe tou9 irpecr^eL^ 01)9 rjTe eKireiTOfjbc^oTe^ TrapaicaXovvTe^ eirl ^iXLTnrov^ %va 2Q . JSSCHINES fJiTj fjb€Ta Twv dXXcov ^^Wrjvcov aX\' ISia TroirjarjaOe 65 T7)v elpijmjv* hevrepov 8' otto)? /-t?) fiovov rrjv elprjvrjv aXKa fcal av/JL/Jba^^tav elvai ^^rjc^ieiaOe irpo^ ^lXltt- irov, iv €L Tiv€<; irpoa'e')(oiev t&> ttXtjOcc tcS vjuberipoi), €t9 T7JV ia'^aT7]v efiireaoLev dOu/jblav opwvre^ vfiu^ avTOv<^ fjbev 7rapaKa\ovvTa<; iirl tov Troke/juoVy oikoi hk fjbrj fiovov elprjvTjv dWa koX av/jLjma'x^iav iyfrrj^ (f>ia/jLevov<; 7roL€ca6aL' rpirov he 07rcy9 Kepao/BXeirri^f; o SpaK7]<; ^aacXeix; fjurj earac €VopKo<;, firjSe fxere-' (TTaL T^9 avfi/jia')(^ia^ koI rrj^; elprjvr]^; avrcp. irapty^' 66 yeWeTo S' iir avrbv tJBtj CTpareia, koX tuvB' 6 fiev i^a)vovfjL€vo<; ovk rjSUeL (irpo yap rcov opKcov KaX TCOV (TVvOtJKOOV dv€/Jb€(77}T0V f)V aVTO) TTpOLTTeCV TU (TVfji(j)epovTa), ol S' dirohoixevoi KoX KaraKotvcovr)" aavT€<; ra t^9 TroXeco? lcr')^vpa fi€yd\rj(; opyrjf; rjaav ci^LOU 6 yap fjitaaXe^avBpo^ vvvl (pdaKcov eivat Kal Tore /jLi(TO(f)iXt7r7ro^ Arj/juoadevTj^, 6 rrjv ^eviav i/mol 7rpo(j)6pcov rrjv ^AXe^dvBpov, ypd(f>ei ^lrr/(|)ca/Jiay to?)? 67 Kaipovd\aia Bid ^pa'^icov iy(o irpoepco. TrpooTOV puev ydp eypa^lrav virep elpTjvrj^ vfxd^ fiovov ^ov\evcraa9ac, to Be rrj^ avju/jiay^^iaf; ovojjba V7rep6^r)(Tav, ovfc iTrike\r) twv 'EWijvcov iv Tpial iXTja-lv eh ttjv avTrjv aTijXrjv dvayeypd(j)dac fieT ^AOrjvatcov kol jieTe'^eiv touv op/ccov kol toov a-vv07]Ka)v, Bvo /jbeytaTa 7rpoKaTa\ajj,j3dvovTe^, Trpa)- TOV fJbkv TOV '^pOVOV TOV T^9 TpC/JUrjVOU TOL^i T(£V 'EWrjvcov 7rpeo-/3eLac<; Uavov yevicrOat Trapaa-jcevd- 5bi/T69, eiretTa ttjv TOdV '^XKrjvcov evvotav tj} TroXei uera koivov avveBpiov KToofievoi, cv el irapaBai- voLVTo ai G'vvdrJKac, firj fjbovoc firjS' dwapdaKevoi 2S ^SCHINES iroXefjbrjaaijJLeVy a vvv rjfilv iraOetv avvi^rj Sea A77- fioaOeirqv* "Otl 8' dXrjdPj \eyco, i^ avrov tov S67- fjLaro^ aKovaavTes fjLad/]aead€, AOrMA STMMAXflN. « *• Toi5t^ Tft> SoyfjiaTC avvecTrecv ofioXoyw, koI ttclv- T€9 oi iv Ty irporepa t&v iKKXrjacoov Brj/jLTjyopovvTef; * /cal 6 S?7yLfc09 ditrfKOe roiavrrjv rtva Bo^av eZX^y^w?, ©9 ecrrat fiev rj elpyjvrj, irepl he avfifJia'^la<; ovk afieivov €Lrj hia rrjv t&v ^^XKrjvwv TrapaKX/rjaiv ^ovXevcraadaL, earac Se Kotvfj fierd roov ^FjWt^vcov diravTcov, vv^ iv jxeafpy koI Traprjfiev tyj vaTepaia €& rfjv €KK\rj7) BeXv {kuI yap to prjjxa fiefivrjfiai cw9 elire, Bid ttjv drjBiav tov XeyovTO<; dfxa Kol TOV 6v6fiaT0<;) diropprj^ac t^9 elprjvrj^; ttjv avfi- fiaxiciv, ovBe ra tcov 'EXXrjvcov dvafxevetv fieXXr)^ fiaTa, dXX* rj iroXefieLV avTOV^ fj tyjv elprjvqv lB[a TTOLela-Oai, /cal TeXevTwv eTrl to ^rj/jua irapaKa- \eo-a9 ^AvTLTraTpov epwTTjfid tl TjpcoTa, irpoeLTrcov fiev d epriaeTat^ irpoBiBa^a^ Be d y(prj KaTa t^9 ir6XeQ)<; diroKplvaaOaL Kal TeXo<; TavT ivUa, t& fiev X6y(p Trpo^taaafjiivov A7]/JLoadevov<;, to Be y^r)- 73 (\>L(TpLa 7ptti|rai/T09 ^iXoKpaTov^, '^O Be rfv vttoXoL" irov avT0L<;, Kepao^XeirTTjv Kal tov eirl %paicr]<; roTTOV efcBoTOV iroirjaac, Kal tovt eirpa^av €kt7j CONTRA CTESIPHONTmr. ^ ^^m^i:^ JfJJJTTr ;r:^T? 2 (f>6LV0VT0^ Tov iXa(f>rj^o\c(Spo<;, irpiv eT^l rfp tarepav aTraipetv irpeo-^eiav rrjv iirl tou? opKovi ArjfiO' ,■> vi aOevrjv* 6 yap fitaa\€^avBpo<; Koi fit(TO(^i\nnTO^ vfilv ovTOcrl prjTCDp St? eirpecr^evaev iv M-afceSovla, i^ov fjLTjSe aira^y 6 vvvl KeXevcov roov Ma/ceSovcov Kara^ TTTvetv, eh Be rrjv i/CKXrjo-Lav, r^v rfj e/crrj XejcOj KaOe^ofjLevo^ l3ov\euTrj<; wv etc irapaa-Kevr]^^ efcBoTOV Kepcro^XeTrrTjV fiera ^cXoKpaTOV^ iTroirjae. Xav- 74 Bavet yap 6 fiev ^cXo/cpdrrjfi iv '\]r7j(f>Lcr/jiaTL fjuerd TOuv aXXcov ypafijJLaTCDV irapeyypd'^a^;^ 6 S' eTr^i/r^;- iaa^^ Arjfjboo-OevT]^;, iv & yeypairiai ^^ drKoBoZvai T0V9 opKov<; T0L9 TrpeajSeaL tol<; Trapd ^lXlttttov iv rfjBe rfj rjjJiepa tov^ avveBpov^ t^v o-v/n/jbaxoov,^^ irapa Be Kepao/SXiiTTOv cvviBpo^ ovfc ifcdOrjro' ypdylra<: Be TOvd\aLa eOrjKc koI oiviKL8a<; irepLeTreraae koX a/jLa rfj 7}fi6pa i^yecro T0A9 TTpia^ecriv ek to Oearpov, ware koX avpLTre- aOai Bia rfjv d(T)(7]fjboavv7jv koX KoXaKeiav' koI ot dirrjeaav, i/xLaOooaaro avroU rpia ^evyr) opifcd koX TTpovTre/jLyfrev ets &rj/3a^, KarayeXaaTov rrjv irokiv TToicov, "\va S* iirl t^9 vTroOeaeco^ fxeivco, Xa^i fioL TO >|r^^t(7/^a TO Trepl rrj^ irpoe^pia^. ^HcMSMA. 77 OuTo^ TOLVVV, (o ^A6r]valoc, 6 Tr)XcKOvTO<; to fxi- y€0o<; KoXa^ Trpooro^ Std toov Karaa/ccTrcov rwv irapd ^aptSyj/jLov irvdo/juevo^ Trjv ^iXlttttov reXevTrjv rcov fiev deoov av/Jb7rXdaa<; iavT^ ivvirvLov KajeyjrevaaTo, cw? ov irapa XapLBt]fjLov to irpdypui Treirvajxevo^ dXXd Trapa tov Afo? Kal t^9 ^A0r]vd<;, 0O9 fJie9^ rjixepav eTnopKwv vvKTCop (]>7jalv eavr^ hiaXeyea-Oat Kal rd fjbiXXovra eaeaOac irpoXeyetv, e^Bojjbijv S' rjfiipav T^9 Ovyarpo^ avrS TeTeXevTrjKvia^, Trplv irevOrjaai koX rd vofic^ofjbeva Troirjaao, are^avoy- adfjievo^ koL XevKrjv eaOrjja Xa^dov e^ovdvreb koi 78 Trapevofjbet, rrjv fiov7]v 6 SelXaco^ Kal irpooTTjv avrov iraripa irpoaetirovcrav aTToXiaa^, Kal ov to Sv(ttv~ Xrjfia oveihl^co, dXXd tov Tpoirov i^erd^co. 6 yap fiicTOTeKvof; Kal iraTrjp Trovqpo^ ovK av TTore yevoiTO Srjiiar/coyb'; yprjaTo^, ovhe 6 Ta (})lXTaTa Kat OLKeto- TaTa aoo/JLara fi^ aripycov ovSeTToO^ vfid<; irepl irXeiovo^ TroirjaeTau tov<; aXXoTpiov^s, ovSi ye 6 Ihia irovrjpc<; ovk dv ykvoiTO Brjiioala XPV^to<;, ovS* oaTC<$ €ep6v- Tft)9 d^iov ianv d/covaac, co? yap Td')(L(TTa ei(T(o 80 riuXcyz/ ^iXtiTTro^ iraprjXOe Kal ra? re iv ^coKeuai 7r6Xei9 irapahb^co^ dvaaraTov^ eVotT^cre, ®7]^aiov^ Se, CW9 t60* v/jlIp iS6fC€t, irepairepo) tov Katpov kc^ rov vfierepov avfKJyipovro^ tayvpov^ KareaKevacreVy i/jL€c<; Se ifc TWV dypwv ^o^7}6evTev Kal vfiet^ avTov^i VTrcoTTTevo-aTe StevexOrjvaL, — roiavTrj^ Be i/jbTrcTTTov^ <7?79 Tapa'XTj^ fierd twv avfM(f>vTcov voaijfidTCOv avT& rjBrj ra //-era Tavra i/3ov\eveTO, fierd Bei\ia<^ diroXelaOaiy tov^ Be aXXov^ avjjLTrpea^ei^ KCvSwevaeiv, avro'i S* evBoKLfirjoreiv 32 JESGHINES KaX irpohoTTj^ cov rcov (f>LK(Dv koX m'ovrjpb^ ircaro^ 82 T6i> S7]fi(p , 'AXoppt)' COP iBiBov* 6 8* diTJ^yopeve firj Xafi^dpecp, el BlBcoaLv dK\d /I?) dTroBiBaxTL, irepl o-vXXa/Soop Bia^epofxepo'^, KaX TO TeXexnalop aTec^avdaa^ tov^ fieTd ^ ApiarToBr}' fiov €69 SeTTaXlap kol Mcuyvrjalav Trap a ra? t^9 eiprfprj^ avpdrjKa^ eTne^rj<; ecTTco, irepl toop Ev^oicop irpWTOP fjivrjaBri' cofiaiH CONTRA CTESIPHONTEM. 33 *TyL66?9 ^ap w *A07]vaLOc iroWa /cat jneyaXa tJBlktj^ 85 fiivot VTTO Mvrjcrdpxov tov XaX/ctSeo)?, rov KaWlov Kol Tavpoadivov^ irarpo^y ovr]KaTey KvpiOL rrj^; ^v^oia<; yevo/jievoL, Kol Ta9 T€ TToXea avTd<; koX ra? TroXire/a? diriBoTe opOm KoX ScKaLd)^ ToZ? 7rapaKaTa6efjLepoL<;, ov^ rjyov* fievot SlfcaLov elvaL Trjv opy^v aTrofivrjfioveveiv iv Tft> TTLdTevdrivai. Kol Trj\cfcav9^ v(j) vfioov ev ireiroiH ^^ 66t6^ ol Xa\KtS6l<: ov ra? ofxoia^ vfxlv diriBoaav Xdpira^^ dX>C iireiBfj Tdyiara BU^rjTe 6t9 Ev^ocav nXovTapxfp ^or]d7](TOVT€<;, tov<; jxev irpcorov^ ')(p6vov^ a\X' ovv TTpoa-eirocovvd^ v/uu elvai (j)LXoCy iTrecBfj Be rdycara eh TafMvva^ TraprjXdo/xev Kal to KoTvXatov ovofia^ofievov opo^ vTrepe^aXKofiep, ivTavOa KaW/a? 6 XaXKcBev^, ov Arj/JLoaOepr]^ fitadbp Xa^dop ipeKQ}- fiia^epy op&v TO cTpaTcnreBop tot^9 iroXeco^ eU Tiva^ ^7 Bva")(aypla<; KaTaKefcXec/jLepop, bdep firj Pi/c^aaac fid^rjp ovK rjp dpa')(^oop7jac^ ovBe ^orjOeLa^; iXirU out i/c 7^9 ovT ifc 0aXdTTrj<;, (Tvpayeipa^ e^ dirdar]^ t^9 Ei/- /3o/a9 CTpaToireBov /cat irapa ^lXIttttov Bvpafiip '7rpoa'/ji,eTa7r€fi'^d/xevo<;, o t dBeX(f>6<; avTov Tavpo- c6iv7j<;, 6 vvpX TTuPTa^ Be^iovfMepo<; Kal irpoayeXwPj hroy? ^coKLKOv^: ^epov<; Bia^t^da-a^, rjXOop icj) rjfia^ 3 3i ^SCHINES 88 CO? dvaipi^(rovT€^. koX el fxfj irpSTOv jxev 6e&v 7t<; edtoae to arpaTOTreSov, eirecO^ oi CTpariwrac ol vfJbirepoL Kol Tre^ol koI tTTTre?? aVSpe? dyaOol iyevovTO Kal irapd rov iinrohpofiov top iv TafMVvaL<; ifc Trapa- Tafeo)? f^dxV KparrjcravTe^ d(f>el(Tav viroaTrovhov^ Tov<; TToXe/xiou?, ifavSvvevcrev av fj iroXi^ mGyLara iradelv ov yap ro hv(TTV)(rjaai Kara iroXefiov fiiyca- TOP icTC Ka/c6v, oXTC orav Tiva-tv, Ev^oi/cop fxev rat \6y(p cvviSpcov et9 ^oXkIBu avvdycov, la')(ypdv he rfjv Ev^oluv i(j> vfjbd^ epytp TrapacTKevd^cov, e^alperov S' avTa> rvpav- viha TrepcTTocovfievo^, Kal Tavrrj^ iXTri^cov avvayco- VLa-Trjv ^iXLTTTTOv \7jyfrea6aL dirrjiXdev eh M.aKeSoviav Kal Trepcyet fieTci ^uXhrTrov, Kal rcov eraipcov eh 90 (ovofjud^ero, dScKT]aa<; Be ^LKiTrirov KdKeWev dirO" BpdKec, eh fieaov TTLTrreL t^<; re ®7j^aLcov e^dpcc^ Kal t^? ^CKLiTTrov, diropoov S o TL ')(pr}(jaiTo avTO), Kal 7rapayyeX\ofiev7]<; iir avrov rjBrj o-TpaTeLa<;, fiiav eXirlBa Xonrfjv KarelBe acorrj' pLa<; evopKOV Xa^elv tov ^AOyvalcov Btj/jlov, a-vixfJLa'Xpv ovo/xaordivTa, ^orjOiqaeiv el rt? eir avTov lol* o irpo- I 91 BrjXov Tjv iacfjLevov, el fn) vfieh KcoXvaacTe. TavTa \ ---------- f CONTRA GTESIPHONTEM. 35 Koi ^E/JLireScova Kal AtoScopov tov SoXiy(pBpojjLrjaavTa, if>epovTa^ tg> fiev ^rj^(o eX'iriiaaX7]vat t^9 tt/oo? v/jLd<; cTVfi/xa'X^ia^;' ovBev yap rjv to fxeaov, el fivrjaOel^ rocv irporepcDv dBcKrjfjidTcov 6 Brifio^; firj TrpoaSe^acro ttjv (7Vfi/jLa')(^Lav, d\)C iiTrjp')(ev avrco fj (^evyeiv ex XaX- /ctSo9 7) TeOvdvai iy/caTaXrjcj^OevTr TrfKiKavrai Bvvd- fi€C<; iir avTov iirea-Tpdrevov, tj re ^CKumTov Kal rj @7)^alcov. SevT€pov 8' '^kov ol ficaOol tc3 ypd'>^avTL TTjv avfifia')(^iav virep tov firj a-vveSpeveip ^A67]vrjcn Xa\/ctSea9, TpiTov 8e wcrre firj Tekelv avvTa^ei'^, Kal 92 TovTcov Twv Trpoatpiaecov ovh€fiid<; direTVj(e KaX- X/a?, aXV o fiLaoTvpavpo<; A7]fjL0(76iv7]<;, cw? avTO^ Trpoa-TTOceLTac, ov (fyrjat, K.TrjaL(j)Q}v Ta ^eXTcaTa Xe- ycLv, direhoTO fiev toz)? Kaipovap€pd* ecfyrj Be Kal 7rpd^ei<; TrpdrreLp erepa^; BC diroppriTCOPf Kal tovtcop elpai Tipa<; fidpTvpa^ twp CONTEA CTESIPHONTEM. 37 rifierepayv irdKiT&v^ koX reXevToop ovofiaarl TrapeKa-^ Xet, ArjfjLoadevrjv Koi Gwenretv rj^iov, 6 Ze tre/ivoo^ 97 Trdvv irapeXddov top re KaWiav vTrepeTrrjvet to re diropprjTov irpoaeTroiriaaTO elSevai' tyjv S' e/c IleXo- TTovvrjCTov irpea^eiaVy fjv i^rrpea^evae^ kol Trjv ef ^ AKapvavia^ ecfyrj ^ovKecOai ifuv diray^eTKaiy i^v 5' avTO) K6(})d\aLov tcov Xcycov iravra^ fjuev IleXoTroi/- vrj(TLOV<; virdp'^eLV, Troi/ra? o ^AKapvdva^ (rvvreTay- fiivov^ iirl ^iXnnrov v(j) iavTOv, elvai Se to avv- rayixa ')(^p7]fjidTcovfikv £t9 ifCUTcv veoov ra'^vvavrovawv TrXTjpocfjLaTa /cal €t9 Tre^bu? aTparcooTa^ fivpiovt; fcal LTnrec^ Xi^Xiov^, vrrdp^eiv Se irpo<; tovtol^ koI rd^ 98 iToXLTCKd<; hvvafiei^y ifc UeXoTrovvrjcTov fiev irXeiova^ fi Biaxt'Xiov^ cTrXira^y i^ ^AicapvavLa<; Se erepov^ ToaovTOv^' SeSoaOaL Se diro TrdvTcov Tovrcdv r^v 7)y€iLLovLav vjiiv' 7rpa)(67](Tea6ai, Se avrd ovfc eh fJ'Or Kpdv oXV €19 T7]v €/cT7)v iirl BeKa rod dvOecnrjpiwvo^ fMfjvo^' elprjaOat, yap iv TaL<; iroXeaiv v<}> eavTov koI TraprjyyiXOao nrdvTa^ 7]fcetv avvehpevaovTa^ ^Adrj^a^e 669 rfjv TravaeXTjvov, teal yap tovto dvOpcoTTO'; cBf^ov 99 /cal ov KOLvov irotec. oi fiev yap dXXoc dXa^LveaiveTai irepl cLTTavT wv T& '\jrr](j)LafJLaTi irpo^ r& fcXefifiarc, ypd- 'rjra^i rd Trevre rdXavra tou? '7rpia^6L<; d^covv Tov7](JL KTrjarL(j>oov Kot iv Ta)Se r& '>^r)(pL(Tfiari Sia- reXetv Xiyovra fcal irpdrrovTa rd dpiara rat Bjj/jlo) T&v *A67}vaLQyv, ^H^ISMA. 102 Ovfcovv Ta9 fiev rpnqpei^ fcal ttjv 7re^r}V arpaTidv teal rfiv Travaekrjvov koI roiig crvveBpov^ Xoya t^kov- ffaTCy Ta9 Be Xa^m rpla CONTRA CTESIFHONTEM. 39 raXavra ficaObv rfjv yvoofjirjv ravrrjv eypayfre At] fiw crdivTj^, rdXavTov fiev iic XuXklBo^ irapa KaWlov, raXavTOV S* i^ 'Eperp/a? Trapa KXecrdpxov rov Tvpdvvov, rdXavTOV Se i^ ^Clpeov, St o Kal Kara^avrjq iyivero, STjfioKpaTov/Jiivcov t&v ^S^peiToov koI 'jravra TTpaTTovTCOv fJLeTa A|r7;^/cr/iaT09. e^avrfKwfxevoi yap iv Tft5 iroKefJLtd Kal iravreKw^ aTropco^ hiaiceifxevoL TrifjLTrovat m'po^ avrov Vvtoa-ihrjfjbov rov X-apiyevov^ viov rov SwaaTevcavTOf; rrrore iv ^ilpet^, Serjao/Mevop avrov TO fiev rakavrov d^ihat rfj 'jrokec, iirayyek- Xofxevov 8' avr& x^Xktjv el/cova araOrja-ea-Bac iv ^Slpe&* 6 he direfcpivaro Tft> Vvcoa-iSjjfJLa) ore iXa- 104 ^t(7T0U 'XJOlXkov ovSep Bioiro, rb Be rdXavrov Bid rod KaXXiov elairpdrreiv, dvayfca^ofievoL Be ol 'Upelrat Kal ovfc evTTopovvre^ vTreOeaav avrut rov raXdvrov Ta? Br}fxocia^ irpoaoBov^, Kal roKov rjveyKav Atj/jlo- aOeveL rov BccpoBofcrjixaro^i Bpaxfjifjv rov /nrjvb^ rfj^ fjivd^, eo)? TO Ke^dXaiov direBoaav* Kal rrdvr iirpd- 'XPt] fierd ^Jn^^La/iiaro^; rov Brjfiov. ^^Ori Be rdXrjOfj 105 XiycOy Xa^e fioc to '>^r]j>iaixa r&v ^ilpeLroov. ^H^ISMA. Tout iarl to '^T^^ca/ia, c5 ^ABrjvaioCy alcrxvvr) fiev T^9 TToXeo)?, eXeyxo^ Be ov (JLLKpb<; r&v ATjfioade- vov<; iroXirevfidrcov, ^avepd Be Karriyopia rov KrTja-c (ficovrov rov yap ovr(o<$ atcrp^pcS? ScopoBoKOvvra ovk earcv dvBpa yeyovevai dyaOov^ a reroX/JUTjKev ovro<; ypdyfrac iv tw ^Jrr)(j>L(Tfiarc. ^EvravO' rjBi] reraicrat, Kal 6 rplro<^ r&v Kaip&v^ 106 ( fjMiCKov S' 6 rrdvT(i)v iriKporaro'^ Xpoi/09, ev ^ Atj/jlo- 40 JESGHIFES cOevTj^ dirodXea-e ra<; roov 'EWrjvcov Kal Tfj<: iroKea)^ 7rpd^€L<; da€^i]aa<; fiev ek to iepov to iv Ae\^o?9, ahuKov Se KaX ovhajjbw^; l<77)v ttjv rrpof; %rj^aiov<; avfi^ fia')(^Lav ypdylra^;. ap^ofjuat Sk diro tcop ek tov^ Oeovg avTOv TrXrj/jbfieXTjjubdTayp Xeyeiv* 107 ^l^(m yap, w ^AOrjvaloL, to Kcppatov dovo/xaa-fjii- vov nreSiov Kal \ijxfjv 6 vvv i^dyiaTo<; koI iirdpaTO^ dvofiacTfjbevo'^* TavTrjv TroTe ttjv '^cipav KaT(pKr)i^0T09, iircaTpaTevecv iirl tov^ eva/yek KaTa TrjV 109 fiavTelav tov 0eov* Kal (rvvaOpoiaavTe^ hvvafxiv LKa" vrjv Tcov*A/jL(piKTv6vcov e^rjvSpa7roSi kol tt} yf} rf) lepq, KaX xeipl fcal ttgBI [_Kal (pcovfj^ KolTraarj hwdfiei, fcal HO OVK aTre-^^^prjaev avTol<; tovtov fiopov rep cpKov o/JLoa-at, aX\a Kol TrpoarpOTrrfv koX ipav layvpav vTrep tov* T(OV iTTOLrjaavTO, yeypairrai yap ovtw^ iv rfj dpa, "€?Tt9 TaSe" ^Tjai, ^^irapa^alvot rj TrcXt? rj ISicoTr}^ ff €0vo^y ivayrj^^^ (jytjalv ^^ €(ttco tou 'AttoXXcoz^o? /cal Tr}C(Ta6t9, p^aWov Be oi irpoeaT'qKOTe^ 42 ^SCEINES avT&v, avSp€^ irapavoficoTaToi, iiretpyd^ovTO to Tre- Biov, Kol Tov Xifieva rov i^dyca-rov koX iiraparov TToKtv irei^taav kol avv(pKtaav, koX riXr) roif^ Kara- TrXeoi/ra? i^iXeyov, kol toov d(f)tKPovfjb€va)v e/? AeX- 0oi)9 TTvXayopcov iviov^ yjpy]yba(Ti hik^Qupav, 5)v et? 114 ^i' ^rjfjLoaOevri^* ')(eipoTOV7)0el^ yap v0' vfjLwv irvka- yopa^ Xafi^dveo %t\taLKTVoa'c iroirjcraaOai, SicofioXoyrjOrj S' avrS kol eh TGif XocTTov XP^^^^ aTToa-TaXvcreo-daL ^AOrjva^ TOV ipiavTov eKCLO-TOv fMva<; eiKoac twv i^ayio-Tcov kol iirapoLTCDV 'x^prj/xaTcov, ec^' oSre ^or)6rjaeiv T0Z9 ^Afi^ca-" G-evaiv ^A6T]vrjaL KaTa irdvTa Tpoirov' Wev fidWov fj irpoTEpov (TVfJi^i/Srjfcev amw^ otov dv Trpoo-d^^rjTat dvSpo^ IBccoTov ?; BvvdaTov rj iroXeco^; Br)fiofcpaTovfi€' V7)<;, TovTcov €Kd(TTOv^ dvvaTot^ KaKoh Trept/SaXXeiv* 115 (TfceyjraaOe 6r) tov Sal/juova kol ttjv TV')(r}v, w? Trepi" eyeveTO Trj<; twv ^Afi^iaaicov dae^eia^j^ iTrl yap @eo- ^pdv irpoyovayv, 120 rrjv dpdv rrjv yevofjLevrjv, Koi Sccopi^ofjbrjv ore " iydo fJL€v virep rov Bjjfxov rod ^AOrjvaLCov koi rov aco/jiaro^ zeal roop reKVcov kol olicia^ rrj<; ifxavrov j3o7j6S Kara rov opKov Kal ro> 6eu> koi rfj yfj rfj lepa Kal %€i/)6 Kav iroBl Kal (j)CDvf} Kal Trdaiv oh Bvva/Jiai, Kal rrjv ttoXlv rfjv rjfJLerepav rd irpo<; rov<; Oeoii^ d^oaioi* vfieh 8' vTrep vjicov avrwv fjBr] ^ovXeveaOe. ivrjpKrai fiev rd Kavd, TrapearTjKe Be ro2<; /3(o/jlol<; rd Bvjjbara^ fieXXere S' alrelv rov<; 6eov&Vy rjKov TTpo^ r}iJid<^ fied^ ottXcov TravBrjixeL' Kot el pLT) Bpofio) fioXc^ e^e^vyofxev eh AeX^oi;?, eKivhwev- aa/jLep dv aTToXedOai,, rfj Be iinovar} rjfJLepci Kor- 124 TV(j)o^ 6 Ta9 yvwfia^ i7nylr7](f)L^Q)v eKKXrjaiav eiroieb T&v ^AfJL^CKTVovcov eKK\r}(7Lav yap ovofid^ovo-iv^ orav fjLTj ixovov tou9 TrvXayopovg koI toi'9 iepopLvrj- fxova^ avyKaXia-coaLV, dXXd koI tov<; (Tvv6vovTa<; kol ')(pcoiJLivov rjiA&v iv rfj ^ovkfj Kol TrdXiv iv rfj iKKXrjcrla, Koi Ta9 Trpd^etf; i^fxoop diroSe^afievov rod Sijfiov /cat t^9 tto- Xeo)? irdari^ 7rpoaLpovfJieP7}<; eiiae^ecp, koX ATj/noade' vovov tov ^apcraXcop tov Tore Ta9 yvwfia^ i7n^ri(\)L^ovTa, ovk iinhT^iJLovvTO^ iv MuKeSovia ^iXLTnrov^ akX oi3S' iv ttj 'EWaS^ Trap- di/T09, a\X' iv ^Kvdai^ ovto) fiuKpdv a7r6z^T09' ov avTLKa fJLoXa ToXfjui^aec Xejeiv At] jioa 6 iv7)<; cy9 iydo iirl TOV<; ^^EW7jva<; iirrfjayov. Kal irapeXOovTe^ tj) 129 TrpcoTT) aTpaTeia koX fiaXa /jLeTpico^ ixpv^CLVTO T0t9 ^AfJLcj)ia'a'€vaiv dvTC yap tcov fieylaTcov dSLKrjfiaTCov 'XprjfiaaLv avTov<; i^rj/jLLcoaav, ical TavT iv prjTw yjpovtd TTpoeLTTOV TcS dctp KaTaOelvaL^ koI toi)? fiev ivayec9 Kol TCOV TrewpayfJiivcov alriov^ /uueTeaTTja'avTO, toz)9 Se Sc evae^evav (j)uy6vTa tqv^ t ivayel^ /caTi]" yayov kol tov^ evaelSel^ KaTe\66vTa^ Bid twv 'Aytt^i- KTVOVcov i^i^aXov, oiT(oavev arj/jbecov (j)v\d^aa-daCy 7) roov fivt\fc7r- TTo? ovfc ^X6ep rjfi&p iirl ttjp ^^wpaz', otc ovk tjp avTa> KaXd Ta Upd. TtVo? ovp ^7]/jLLa<; d^io<; el ruji^etz/, cJ T?;9 'EX\aSo9 dXcTTipce; el yap 6 fiep Kparoop ovk 7]X0€P eh Ttjp Tcop KpUTOVfJiivcop 'X^cipap, OTL OVK rjp auTft) KaXd Ta lepd, cv S' oihep TrpoeiSca^ twp fieXXopToop eareaOat, Trplp KaXXteprjaac tov9 crrpa- TL(iyra^iv^ ol twv ^EX\7]i^o)v TTOTe d^LovvT€<; i^yefiove^; elvat, vvv ofjurjpevaovTe^ koX T7J<; (TV/iKJ^opd^; eirlSec^tv iroirja-o/jbevot fieXXovacv g)9 ^AXe^avhpov dvaTTeixireadai, tovto Tretao/juevoc kol avTol KOt ff TTUTpl^ o Tt dv ifceivrp Bo^rj, /cal iv Trj TOV KpaTovvTo^ KoXTrporjBiKrjfJbevov pieTpioTrjTL KpiOrj- croirrai. t] S' rjfjbeTepa iroXt'?, rj icoivrj /caracpvy^ tcov 134 'EXXt]Vcov, TTpo? ^v d(f>tfcvovvTo irpoTepov etc tt}^ 'E\- XdBo9 al TTpea^elat, fcaTa 7r6Xetv r)yefxovia S' epycp nroXif fjudXXov fiLaovvTo^ Srj/Saiov^, '©9 avTa Ta irpdyfiaTa hehrfkcofce, Kal TiSet Ta TrXeico Xiyecv] TavTa puev Ta TifKiKavTa to [xeyeOo^ direKpi- '^aTOy irpocTTroirja-d/ijLevo^ Se fMeXXeiv tyjv avfifiaxlav yevrjaeaOat ov Std tou9 Kaipov<; dXXd hid Ta^ avTov 142 irpea^eia'i TrpooTov puev a-vveireto'e top Srjfiop fjurjKeTC ^ovXeveaOat eirl tlctl hel TroielaOat ttjp (TVfijjLa^iap, dXTC dyairap fiovop el yipeTai, tovto Se TrpoXaBoop ckSotop fjuep TTjp BoLcoTlap irdaap iTTolrjo'e ^rj^aioi^y 4—2 52 jESCHINES ypdylra<; iv rat ylrrjfpca-fjiaTi, iav T£9 d(f)L 143 KaKCO'i 7rdo-')(pvTa<; Trjv twv ovofidrcov avvdecnv twv ArjfjLoa-Oivov^ dja7rriaovTa<;, d\}C ov fidWov icf) oh KUKCu^ TreTTovOeaav dyavaKTT]{TOVTat] airo Tov ^rjfjLaTO^ ireirovOevai rj viro rciv GTpaTr]y(hv etc Tov (TTpaTTjyLOV. fiLa6o(})opoov S' ip Tft) ^eviKcp ice" val^ )(^copaL<;, koI to, arpaTLCOTLKa ')(^pr]ixaTa, KXeirrcov Kol Toi)? fivpLOV^ ^ivou^ iKfJLLa6ol)0'a<; ^A/jL(f)iaa6i(Ti TToWa Sia/JLapTvpofjbipov kol cr'^erXid^ovro^ iv ral^ ifCfc\7]o-LaL<; ifjLov, nrpoaific^e (j)ep(ov dvapTraaOivTcov Tcov ^ivcov TCP Kivhvpop diTapacT/ceva) ry iroXei. tl 147 yap dp oXeaOe ^IXcTnrop ip rol^ rore Kaipoh eu^a- aOat ; ov %a)/)t9 fiep Trpo? rrjp TroXcriKrjp Svpafitp ^wpk S' ip ^Afi(j)Laar) tt/jo? tou? ^epov arecjidpo) aTe(l>aPCO" OrjaeraL dyapa/crel' oi3S' Uavop eaTtp avrco evavriop v/jicov K7jpvTTea6aL, dW^ el jjut) tcop ^^Xkiqvwp ipaP" TLOP dpapprjOrjaerai,, tovt dyapafcrel, ovtco<;, w? eoLfce, TTovTjpd (f)vai<; fieydXri^ i^ouala^ iinXa/Bofjuipr] B7]fjLoaia<; direpyd^eraL a'v/ji(j>opd<;* Tplrop Be Kal twp Trpoetprj/jiipcop fieyiarop earip 148 b fjiiXXo} Xeyeip, ^lXlttttov yap ov KaTa TCL fiipr) tcop XTj/jufjuaTcop, Bioofipvro ttjp ^KOrjpdp {fjp, W9 €0CK€, ^ecBia^; ipepyoXajSelp elpydaaro koi ipcTTCopfcecp Arj/jLoa-dipec) rj firjp eX ri^ ipei (o7} 'yfrrjcfico-fjia 6 toc<; TroXepLioi^ olBeiroT dp- Tt)8X€'v|ra9 TrejiireiP vfjbd<; m-pea^ei^ eh (drj^a^ alTt]- cropTa<; (drj^aiov^; Biohop eirl ^IXcttttop, v7repac(T)(yP' 0ipT€ Oedrpfp, kol vo/jLiaaO* opav irpoLovra top KrjpvKa /cat rrjv eic rov '\Jrrj^Lcr/jiaTO(; dvapprjcTLV fJbiXXovcrav ylvecrBai, Koi XoyiaaaOe TTorep oteaOe tov<; oiKelov^ rwv reXevTrjcrdvTcov irXeico BaKpva d(})r)0'eLV eiri rat^ Tpay(pBlaL<; kcCI to2<; r}poi)LKol^ TrdOeat T0t9 fJierd ravr eTreia'LQvo'LV rj enrl ry T^9 iroXeco^; dyvco/jLoavvrj, rk yap ovk dv dXyT]- 154 a-ecev dvOpcoiro^ ''EWt^z/ /cat TraiBevOeU eXev0epco<;, dvajJLVTjadelf; ev to) Oedrpto eKelvo 76, el firjBev ere- pov, OTC ravrrj irore rf) rjiiepa fjbeXXovrcov wairep vvvl rc^p TpayoiBoov yiveadai^ or evvojielro fidXXov ri nroXt^ koX ^eXrioart Trpoardrat^; i'y^prjTo^ irpo- eXOcijv 6 KTJpv^ Kal irapacrrrja-dfjievo^ tov<; op(pavov^ 56 ^SCHINES wv ol irarepe^ ^aav iv toU TroXe/Kp TeTeXGvrrjKOTe^, veavLiKov^ iravoifXia KeKoa/jLrjpLivov^, iKrjpvTre to KoKKiaTOv KrjpxjyiJba kol TrpoTpeTrTiKcorarov Trpo? dperrjv, otl rovaSe tov<; veavlaKOv^^^ wv ol irarepe^ iTekevTTjaav iv tc3 TroXifio) avSp€<; dyaOol yevofjuevot, fj^iXP^ /^^^ V^V^ ^ S^^o? erpe^e, vvvl he KaOoifKiaa^ "^iJSe rfi iravoifkia d^irjaiv dja6[} TV'^rj rpeireaBai 1 55 eirl TO eavr&Vy koI KoKel el^ irpoeZpiav. t6t6 fxlv ratr iicrjpVTTev, dXS! ov vvv, dXKd irapacrTT}- ad/jbevo^ rbv Tr]<; lp(^avLa^ toI<; iraKrlv aiTiov ri ttot avepel rj rl ' vfiojv avTQJV iv TT/ TOV Aiovvaov cp'^^rjaTpa, firjS' aip6LT€ Trapavoia^ ivavTiov tcov 'FiXXrjvcov tov Srjfjiov Tcov ^Adrjvaicjv, fJiriS* vTrofUfivrjafceTe tQiv dvtaTCOv KOL dvTjKeaTcov KttKoov T0v<; TCbXaiTrdopov; @r]^aLOv^, o£? ^vyovTa^ Sid tovtov viroSeSex^^ ^V '^oXet, wv Upd KOL T6Kva Kol Ta^ou? dTTcoXeaev r) ^Tjfioadivov^ 157 ScopoSo/cla koX to ^aaiXiKov '^(^pvaiov' aX\' iTretSrj T069 actifjiacnv ov irapeyeveaOe, dXXd toI^ ye Star voiai^ diro^Xe-y^UT avTccv eh to9 o-vjJL(f)opd^, kol vofiiaaS' opav dXiaKopLevrjv tj)v ttoXlv, Tei'xpov KaTaa'/ca(f)d^, ifjuTrpYicrei^ oI/cloov, dyo/JLeva<; yvvaiKa^ CONTRA GTESIPHONTEM. 57 Kal iralSa^ eh Sovkeiav, 7rpso-/3i;Ta9 dv6pco7rou<;, 7rp€cr^VTcSavXaKa vjjLd^; avTov eKeXeve ')(eipoTovelv'' vp^eh he Kara fiev tov<; irpdiTov^ Xpbvov<; ovS" iwl rd '\lr7)(f)lafjLaTa eldre to ArjfjLoadevov^ einypd^eiv ovojuia, dXXd ^avaiKXel TovTO 7rpo(7eTaTT6T6* vvvl S' rjSr) Kal cTTe^avovaOai 58 uESCHINES 160 d^Lol, eTreihrj S' ireXevrrjae ^iXcTriTO^, 'AXe^az^Spo? S' €fc9 Ti^v dp'x^rjv Kariarrjf ttoKlv av Teparevofievo^ lepd fiev ISpvaaro UavaavLOv, efe alriav Be evay- fyeXtcop 6vaLa<; rrjv /SovXijv KarearTjaev, iTrcovv/jilav B* *A\€^dvSp(p MapyLT7)v iridero, direTokfia he Xeyeiv W9 ov KLV-qOrjaerai etc MaKeSovla^* dyairav yap avTov €(p7) iv TieWrj irepiTraTovvTa kol rd (r7r\dy)(va (fyvXaTTOvra, Kal ravra Xeyeiv ej>ri ovk CLKd^coVy dXX^ a/cp^/JcS? eZSw? otc aip^aro^ icTTtv v dperrj covLUf avro<; ovk ex^ov aljia /cat Oecopoov rov ^AXe^avSpov ovk ck rfj^ ^AXe^dvBpov (f>v(Teco<; dXX* 161 eK T^9 iavTOv dvavSpla^, ^Srj S' iyfri^cfuo-iJiivcop @eTTaXd)v iTTicTpaTevecp iirl rriv iiierepav ttoXlv, /cal Tov veavicKOV to 'rrpcorov 7rapo^uv6evTO^ ijjLiov x^cpoTovrjOek, diroSpd^; qk fjuiaov TOV K.cOaipcovo^ rJKev viroaTpe'^a^, ovt iv €lpr)vrj ovT iv TToXijJLCi) XPV^^H'^^ eavTov Trape^coz/. Kal to 'jrdvTcov BecvoTaTov, vfjuel^ fjuev tovtov ov TTpovBoTe, ovB^ eldaaTe KpcOrjvai iv toj tcov ^^XXrjvoyv avveBplfp, ovTo^ S' v/jLci^ vvv irpoBeBwKev, elirep dXrjOrj iaTiv a 162 XeyeTai, coC eirethrj 164 Trdo-r) rfj hvvdp^eu Aapeco<; Kare/Be/BrjKet, 6 S' 'AXe'l"- avBpo<; Tjv direLX7]iJbevo<; ev J^iXncia TrdvTcov eVSe^9, W9 e(f)7ja6a av, avruca fidXa S' rjfieXXev, 009 '^v 6 irapd (70V X6709, a-vfiTTarr^OrfaeaQai iiro rrj^ Hepa-v- ic^9 LTTTToVj TYjv Se arjv aTjhiav r] 7ro\fc9 ovk eyjhpei KaX Ta9 eina-ToXd^ a9 e^r^pTTjfJbevo^ eic r&v SuktvXcov irepL'^eLf;, iTnBetKVvcov real to ificv "Trpoorcoirov (09 iforeTrXrjyfjLevov /cal dOviiovvro^, koX 'X^pvaoKepoov diro/caXoov koI Kareare^Oat ^da/ccov el ri Trraca/jLa < cvii^qaerai *AXe^dvBpa>, ovS^ evravOa eirpa^a^ ( ovBeVf dXX eh nva Kaipbv dve^dXXov KaXXico. 60 jESCHINES 165 vTrep^a^ toljw airavja ravra virep r&v vvvl KaOe- (TTTjKOTcov Xi^co. AaKeSat/jLovcoL fiev koX to ^eviKOV iTriruxov fMn^V f^cu Siicj^Oerpav tov<; irepl Koppayov arpaTcdra^;, 'HXecoc S* avTci<; cvfiixeTe^aXovro koI 'Amatol iravre^ ttXtjv HeXXrjvaLcov koI ^ApKaSia TTaaa TrXrjv MeyaXTj^; TroXeo)?, avrrj Se iiroXiopKeLTo Koi KaB" €/cd<7T7]v rj/jiipav €7rt8o^o9 '^v dXwvat, 6 S' ^AXe^avSpo^ e^co Tt]<; apKTov /cat Trj<; olKovfiivi]<; oXtyov Seiv 7rdaT]<; jieOeKnrjKeij 6 Se ^AvTcTraTpo^ TToXiv ^(^povov avviffe arparoTrsSov, to S' iao/JLevov aZrfKov fjv, ivTavS* Tj/jlcv aTroSet^iv TToirjaai, Arj- fjL6o^6eve<;, tl ttot '^v a eTrpa^a^; rj tL htot rjv a eXeye^* koI el ^ovXev, 'irapa'^copco aoL tov ^rjfxaTo'^, 166 ea)9 av eiirrj^, iiretB^ Be aLya<;, ore fiev diropeUy avyy vcofJLTjv e')(co aoc, a Se tot eXeye^^y iyco vvv Xi^co, oil fMe/jLvrjade avTov to, ficapd /cal diriOava pTj/iaTa, a TTft)? TToB^ vfiel^ cS (nBrjpeov ixapTepecTe aKpocc- fievot; OT ecjyrj irapeXOwv ^^d/JLTreXovpyovai Ttve^ TTjv iroXcv, dvaTeTfir]/caai Tive^ Ta KXrjiiaTa tov SrjfjLOv, v7roTeT/jLr)Tat Tct vevpa t&v irpayiidTwVy (j)op' fioppa(f>ovfieda, iirl Ta crTevd TLve<; coairep Ta9 ^e- 167 Xdi/a9 hielpovcTi^^ Tama Se tl icTiv, cS Kivado^; prjpbaTa rj 6av/jiaTa; koI irdXiv oTe KVKXtp TrepiSivdov creavTov eirl tov ^rifiaTO<; eX€ye<; cu? dvTLirpdTTCov ''AXe^dvSpo) ^'ofjLoXoyS tcI Aafccovtfcd (TvaTrjcraiy 6/JioXoyS ©eTTaXoi)^ Kal Tieppai^ov fxev fieff ifMoov Xoy LOU fiat, a Sec mdp^av iv rfi i^vcrei to5 SrjfioTiKOj dvSpl /cal crco^povLy /cat TrdXiv avTiOrjcrco TTolov Tcva elfcc^ io>Tiv eivai rov oXtyap^t/cbv dvOpco* irov /caX (pavXov vfieZ^i S' avTiOevre^ exdrepa rovrmv OecopYicrar avrov, fjbrj orrorepov rov Xojov dX)C otto- repov rov ^lov iariv, olfiai roivvv arravra^ dv 169 ojiokoyriareiv vfid^ rdZe Beiv vrrdp^ai rS> Brj/xorL/ccoy irpcHnov fjuev ikevdepov avrov elvat /cal tt/jo? rrarpb^ /cal Trpo? fJLTjrpo^, Lva firj Scd rrjv rrepl rb yevo^ drv- ')(lav Svafjuev^^ § roL<; vofioi^; oi o-co^ova-i rrjv Stj/jlo- /cparlav, Sevrepov S' d'lrb r&v rrpoyovwv evepyeaiav rtvd avrcp rrpb^ rov Srjjxov V7rdp')(eiv, rj rd y dvay* Katorarov firjEe/jbtav ej(6pav, Xva fifj ^orjOcov rol^ rwv 7rpoyc^o>v drxr)(fiiJLa(n Ka/cw^ i'^^X^^PV '^oiecv rrjv rrokiv. rpirov (rdxppova /cal fjuerpcov xpfj rre<^v/cevai 170 avrov TTpb^ rrjv Kaff rifjuepav SiaLrav, otto)? fx^ Sid rrjv daeKyeiav t^9 SairdvTjg S^poSo/cfj /card rov Sr]- fiovy reraprov evyvcofJLova /cal Svvarbv elrrelv' /caXbv ydp rrjv fjbev Sidvoiav rrpoaipelaOav rd ^eKriara^ rrjv Se rraiSeiav rr^v rov prjropo^ Kal rbv Xoyov TrelOeiv 62 ^SGHINES Tou? dfcovovra^' el Se fi^y Trfv y evyvcofioa-vvrjv del TrpoTafCTeov rov \6yov. TrifMirrov dvhpelou elvai rrjv '^v^^Vy Xva [irj irapd rd Setvd teal tov<; irdXefjLovf; iy- KaTaXeiirr) rov Stjjjlov. tov 8' oKiyap')(iKov iravra Sat rdvavrui tovtcov €)(€lv' tl yap Sel irdXtv Ste^c- ivao; o-Key\raaOe hrj tl tovtcov V7rdp')^€c ArjjuLoaOivec' 6 Se \oyi(T/Jb6<; eaTco em irdat ScfcaioL^, 171 TotTCt) TraTTJp fiev rjv Arjfjboo'OevTjs 6 IIaiavtev. FvXcov r^v eK Kepafxicov. oSto9 TrpoSou? ToU TToXefJbloL^ 'Nvfi(j)aLov TO ev tco IIoi/Tft), T0T6 TVj^ TToXeCO^; e')(0VO''q^ to ^((OpLOV TOVTO, (})vyd^ etc 7^9 TrciXew? iyiveTO GavaTOv KaTayvco- aOivTO^ avTov, ttjv Kpiaiv ovx virofieLva^, Kal d^i- KvelTai €69 BoaTTopov, /cdfcec Xafji/Sdvet Scopedv irapd 172 Toov Tvpdvvcov Tov^ (ivofJbacTixevov<;l^r}7rov^y Kal yajxel yvvalica ifkovaiav fiev vrj Aia Kal %pu(7tor/ eiTL^epo- fjLivrjviroXv, XkvOiv Se to 761/09, e^ ^9 yivovTat avray 0vyaTepe<; SvOy d<; eK6LV0<; Sevpo fieTa ttoWoov XPV' fiaTCOv aTeiKa^ GwcfKiae t^v fiev eTepav uT^BrjiroTe, iva fiYj 7roWoL<; dTrexPdvcofiaV ttjv S eTepav eyrjfjbe TrapcBdov TOL'9 T7;9 7r6Xea)9 vofjuov^ ArjfjbocrdevT)^ 6 TLatavteiK;, e^ ?*9 vficv 6 irepiepyo^ Kal (TVK0^dvT7}<; ArjfiOG'devTj'i yeyevr)TaL, ovkovv diro /nev tov irdinrov TOV Trpo^ fi7)Tp6<; TToXefjLLO^ dv ecrj tS Btj/jcm {OdvaTOv yap avTOv tcov Trpoyovcov KaTeyvcoTe), Ta S' dm t^9 fi7)Tpb ^^^^^ \6yov<; eK^epwv toI^ avTihiKoi^; dveTrr^hrjaev iirl to ^rjjjLa' ifKelcTTov S' gk ttj^; TroXeco^ €l\7](f)oo(j>vaeco<; ypa(paL elaiv. tlvq^ eveKa; lv €KaaTodv(ov dvepLvrjcrOr^v koI Scopewv, aw? €Tt fie/nvrjfjLac, irpoXiyco vfuv, ai/Spe9 ^A97]vacot, el jjirj Kara\va€T€ Td<; d(j>66vov^ TavTa' dXr^Orj Xiyco, fieydXa 178 tovto)v olfjiai a-rifjiela hei^eiv v/jlcv, ei yap T69 i5/^a9 ip€0T7]a€Le TTorepov v/jllv ipBo^oripa SoKec rf ttoXi^ elvai em toSj/ vvvl Kaipoov rj iirl twv irpoyovcov, diravTe^ dv biioXoyr)(jaiTe, iirl tcov TTpoyovcov. dvSpe^ Se TTOTepov T0T6 dfielvov^ rjaav fj vvvl) t6t€ fxev Sia^ipovTe^, vvvl Se ttoWoS /caTaSeecrTepot, Scopeal Se KoX (TTefpavoL /cal Kypvy/iaTa Kal acrrjaei^ ev Trpv- Tavei(p TTOTepov TOTe fjxrav irXeiov^ rj vvvl; totc fiev Tjv (TTrdvia Ta KaXd irap rjfuv /cal to t^9 apeT7J<; ovofia TLfJbiov' vvv S' rjSi] KaTaTreirXvTai to Trpdyjia, CONTRA CTESIPHONTEM. C5 KoX TO (TTe^avovv i^ €0ov<; d\7C ovk iic irpovola^ iroielaOe. ovk ovv aroTrov ovTCoal ScaXoyc^o/jLivoi^ 179 rd<; fiev Scopea^ vvv Tfkeiov^ elvao, Ta Se TrpdjfiaTa rrj<; TroXeo)? rore fioKKoi/ rj vvv la-'xyeLVy kuI roi^ avhpa^ VVV fiev ')(€Lpov'i elvat, rare 6' dfieivov^ ; €70) Se Tov6^ vjjbas €Tn')(€ip'qa dWd rat hiairpa^" afjbivtp; ovSeU dv ttot i^OeKrjcrev iiraa-Keiv. vvv S ol- 180 fiat hid ro airdviov fcal to 7r€ptfJbd')(r}rov koI to koXov Kol TO deifivqarov €K t^9 vUt}'; iOiXovo'i tiv€^ rd (TcifMara irapa/caraB^/JLevot teal rd^ fieyLaTa<$ raXac- TTcopla^ iiroiieivavre^ ScaKLvSvveveiv. iiroXd^ere Tolvvv vfjLd<; avrov<; elvai drfcovodera^ TroXiTiKrjf; ape- T?;?, icdfcelvo ifcXoyia-aaOe, ore idv fJblv rd^ Scoped<; 0X170^9 Kol d^ioL^ fcaX Kara tou9 v6ijlov<; ScSoore, TToXXovf^ dycovtO'Td<; e^ere rrj^f dperrj^, idv he r^ , ^ovXofjLevtp fcal tol<; ScaTrpa^a/jbivocf: x^pl^rjcrOe^ koI Ta9 iircetfcet'? <^vcreu<; Sia^depecre, '^Otc Se opOSi^ 181 XiycOy en fiiKpS> cra^ecrTepov vfJLd<; ^ovXofiai hiBd^at, iTorepov vfup dfjueivcov dvrjp elvav hofcel &eficaT0KX7]^ 6 crparriyrjcra'^ ore rr) XaXajuvL vavfiaxia rov Hep- c-7)v ivLtcdre^ rj ^Tjfioadivrj^ 6 rrjv rd^cv Xtiroov; MtXrbdSr]^ Se 6 rrjv iv MapaOcovo fJbd')(rjv tou9 ^ap- ^dpov<; vcKr)(Ta<;, rj ovto^; ere S' ol diro ^vXrj<; (pev^ yovra rov hrjfjbov Karayay6vTe<;\ 'ApcffrelSr]^ S' 6 hUaco^, 6 TTjv dvofioiQv e'xoDV eTTcovvfiiav Arjfio- (rdivec; dXX^ eycoye fxd rov^ Oeov^ tov<$ ^OXv/jlttlov^ 182 5 66 MSGEINES aOai Tov OrjpLQV tovtov koI ifceipcop tq)p avhp&v, ivLBei^dreo roivvv ArjfiocrOivrj^; iv tw avrov Xoy^ ei irov ykr^pairTai rtva twv dvBpwv tovtodv arei^avwaaL, d')(api(TTo^ ap Tjv 6 Srjfio<; ; ovk, aXXa /j^eydko^pcoVy KUKelvoi ye oi firj t€t c/jLTjfjLevoc rrjf; iroXeco^ d^iOL' ov yap (fovTo Belv iv toI^ ypdjjbjjbaai ri/Jbdadav aXV iv rfj fiv^firj rwv €v TreirovOoTcov, rj air ifceivov rod ^(^povov f^i'xpL TTJaSe Trj<^ i^fiipa^; dOavaro<; ovaa hiafievei, hco- ped^ he Tiva^ eXdfi^avov; wv d^cov earv fMVTjo-Orjvac, 183 ^Hadv Tive^ Kara toj)? rore tcaipoi^ dl ttoXvv TTovov vTro/jbelvavre^ Kal fJLeyd\ov<; klvSvvov^ eVl tqj %rpvfjb6vL iroTOjifp iviKoav jxa'^op^voi MtJSoi;?' ovtoi, Sevpo dc^LKOfMevoi rov Brj^fjuov '^rrjaav Bcopedv, Kal eScoKev avTol<; 6 StJ/jlo^ TLfid^i fjueydXa^, wror iBoKet, rpet? Xl0lvov<; 'Ftp/xd^ arrjcrat iv rfj fjuev rrpcoro) rwv 'Fip/jLwv rjv apa KctKCtvot raXaKotpStot, 6l ttotc Mt/Siov 7rato-ti/ iv 'Htovt, I^Tpv/xovos af^cjA poag, Xtfiov T aWoiva Kparepov r cTrayovrc? Apr)a TrpCuTOt 8vcr/X,€V€WV €VpOV tt/XT/X^Vll^V. eVl Be TO) Bevrepti) iJy€jU,oi/€cr(Tt o€ fiia-OoV ^AOrjvoLOL tolS' ISwKav avT* €V€py€(Tirj^ kol fxeydXrj^ dp€Trj<:, fjbuXXov Tts TctS' cSojv Kol €7r€(rarofiev(i}V e^eXr/crcc dfjicjA irepl ivvots Trpay/xacrt fioxOov c^ctv. I w CONTRA CTESIPHONTEM. 67 eVl Se Tft) TpiT(p iirvyeypaTrrav 'Epfif) 185 €K 7roT€ rfjo-^e ttoXtjos aft* 'ArpeiSYicri Mevco-Scvs yjyeiTo tjixOcov TpwiKov a/A TrcStW, ov TTO^* "Ofxrjpo's €(t)rf Aavawr Trv/ca ^ct^'^oX''^^^^*' Koa-jJirjrfjpa ftax'>?5 t^o^ov avSpa fioXiuv. ovrws ovSev aetKc? * A.6yiv(x(.oi(TL KoK^iaQai KOO-ixrjToi^ iroXefiov t dp,<}>l Koi i^vopii^^. €(T7L irov TO Tcov cTpaTTjycop ovofJiai ovSafioVy oXXa TO TOV SiJflOV. TipoaekOeTe hrj Tjj htavoia kclI eh rrjv gtoov TrjV 186 iroLKikrjv oLTrdvTeov yap vfilv tcov koXwv epycov Tci VTrofxvrjiJLaTa iv Trj dyopa avcLKeiTai. tL ovv ecxTtv^ c5 ^A9r]valoc, o iyds Xiyco; evTavOa r) iv IMapadSvt p^dxV yiy pctTTTai,. Tt9 ovv rjv 6 aTpaTTjyo^; ovTcoal fiev ipcoT7}6ivT€(; u7ravT€<; diroKplvaiaOe av otl Mt\- TidSr)^, iK6t Se ovk iTnyiypaTTTac. ttcS?; ovk jJTTjae TrjV Scopedv tuvttjv ; jjTTjaev, aXX 6 Srj/ubOfi ovk eSw- K6V, dX)C dvTL TOV OVOJJbaTO^ (TVV€'Xc6p7)a'€V avT^ TrpooTO) ypa^rfvai^ irapaKokovvTC tov^ (TTpaTLcoTa^* 'Ez; Toivvv To5 MrjTpaxa Trapd to ^ovXevTTjpcov, fjv 187 eSore Scopeav Toh diro ^uX^? ^evyovTa top SrjfMov KaTayayovcrcv, ecFTtv ihelv. tjv fiev yap 6 to i|r?}- ^LCTfJia ypdy^a^ koX VLK7]cra<; 'Ap;^ti/09 o ifc KoiXr)^, eh Twv KaTayayovTcov t6v Btj/jlov, eypayfre Se irpwTov fiev avToh eh Ova lav Kal dvaOrj/JbaTa Bovvat ^tX/a? hpa')Qid^ {koX tovt iaTLV eXaTTov rj Sifca Spa^fMal KWT dvSpa eKacTTOv), eireiTa icekeveL cTe^avovadac daXKou crT€(f)dv(p avTcov e/caa-TOV, aXX ov XP^^^' Tore fxev yap tjv 6 tov OaXkov crTe^avo^ Tlfito<;, vvvl Se Kal 6 ^pucroC? KaTa7r€(f>p6pr}Tau Kal ovSe tovto 5—2 68 ^SGHINES elfCT) TTpafa* /C€\€V€t, dkX aKpi/Sdo^ Trjv /SovXrjv cKeylrafiivTjv oaou avrcidv iirl ^v\f) i7rdXtopK7]9r)frr)(j)La-fiart e^cCKel^erai rj r&v Kara* ya/yovrwv top SrjfJLOp Scoped, el tovt €%€6 koXoo^, ifceLPO al(T')(p&^* el eicelvot kot d^iap iTifjLTJOrjaav, o5to? dvd^io<; wp aTe^avovTai, 18D Katroc irvpddpofiai 7' avTop fiiWetp Xeyecp w? ad BUaia rn'om irapa^aXKiop avrat tcl t&p irpoyovcop epya* ovSe yap ^cXd/Mficopd ^7](jl top irv/cTrjp ^OXv/jl" TTiaai a-T€^apot)0rjpaL vcfcrjcrapTa FXav/cop top ira- Xatbp i/celpop 7rvKT7)p, dWd tov<; fca9^ iavTOP dyco' pi(TTd<;, Sicnrep vfia^ dyvoovpTa^ otl toc<; fjuep 7rvKTaLdvoL<: iyipaipe irakatxOtav Srjfxos ^AOirjvaLOiV, ot ttotc rov% dBiKOLS OcapoLd^ twv Trapavopucov dvelXov, KoX yap toc, tw9 iyco tov Trarpo? tov i/jLaV" Tov iirvvOavo/JLTjVy 09 err) j3ioif<; ivevrjicovTa Kal irivre €Te\evTr}v(!i(TKeiv T0U9 vofJLov^ Kal TO '\]n](j)ta'fjLa, Kal r]Xid<; nrapapojjLcop frecpeuyep e^Bo/jLrjKovra kol irepre. dXX oiJ^l 6 K€^a\o9 6 iraXaioC' XoTL/JLelro, Xeycop on irXelara Trdprcop yeypa(j)co<; y^rj^ ^[ap^ara ovBepbiap irwirore ypacjirjp rrrecj^evye Trapa- v6/jlq)p, KaXm {plfiaL) (T€fJLPVp6/jbepo<;. eypd(f>opToydp dXXriXov<; Trapapo/Jboyp ov fiopop oi BcaTroXcTevofJLepoc, dXXd Kal oi (\>iXot tov<; (f^iXov^;, ec tl i^afiaprdpoiep 195 €t9 T7JP iroXiP. eKeWep Be tovto yvcoaeaOe. ^Apxivo<; yap 6 eK KoiA,779 eypdyfraro Trapapop^cop €>paav/3ov- Xop TOP ^Tetpiea ypdyjrapTa tl irapd tov^ p6fiov<;, €Pa Twp (Tir/KaTeXdopTCOP avT(p airo ^vXrj^, Kai elXe pe(oaTl yeyep7]p,epcop avT^ twp evepyeaLooPj a9 ov'^ CONTRA CTESIPHONTEM. 71 ifTreXoyiaavTO ol StKaarar rjyovvTO yap, wa-Trep Tore avrov<; (ffevyovra^i aTro v\% @paav^ov\o9 /carrj- ryayeVy ovtco vvv fxhovra^; i^eXavveiv Trapa tol'9 vc- fiov^ ypac^ovrd tl» dXK ov vvv, dWd irdv rovvav- 19G TLov yiveTai' ol yap dyaOol o-Tparrjyol teal rwv ra? a-LTTjaei^ tlv6<; evprj/JLevcov iv toj TrpvTaveiM i^acrovv" rat, Ta9 ypa^d^ toov irapavoficov, oi)? u/^eZ? d')(apLcr" T0U9 elvat BifcaLCoova-L, KaraXvec rrjv iroXiTeiav v ^9 rer/- fjLTjrai. T69 ovv diToSiSecfcraL X0709 dvBpl avvrjyopro 197 BcKalo) fcal <7co(f>povL; iycj Xi^co, €69 rpla fJiipr) Scac- pelrat rj rjfiepa, orav elairj ypa€vyovTL Kal Toh et9 avTo TO TTpdyfjba Xeyovcnv* iirecSdv Be ttj irpdiTrj '^7]^(p firj Xv6fj TO TrapdvojioVy rj^r) to TpiTOV vScop iy^eiTat Trj TLfiT^aec Kal tm fieyidec t^9 opyf]<; Trj^ vfieTepa^* o(TTLov KaTa tov^ vo/jlov^ SieveYKecv, diravTav 669 ttjv TL/jLTjatv, oX&)9 S' eycoye, S *K67]vaXoi, oXiyov Bico 19D elirecv (W9 Kal vofjLov Bel TeOrjvat iirl Tal 72 ^SCHINES crvvTjydpov^ Trapacrx^aOac fjbTJre rw t^z^ fypa^rjv twv irapavofjboav (j>evfyovTL ov yap doptarov ecrrt to hUaiov, dX}C (opLa/jbivov toZ? vofJLoi^ Tolca'fJLa koX oi Trapayeypapbiievoi v6/ioc. TavTa crv/JLcffcovovvTa dWrjXoL^; iinhei^a'^ KaTa^aive' fcal tL Bel (T€ ArjfjioaOivTjv Trapa/cdXecvi orav S' virep'JTTjhrja-a^ ttjv Bifcaiav aTroXoyiav irapafcaXfj^; KUKovpyov dvOpcoTTov Kal TejQ^iTrjv Xoycov, KkenTei^ TTjv dfcpoao'tv, ^XcLTnei^ ttjv iroXiVy KaTokvet^ Ttjv SrjjxoKpaTLav, 201 Tiq ovv icTLV diroTpoTTT] Tcov ToiovTcov XSycov ; iydo ipw, iTretSdv TrpoaeXOwv evTavOol K.T7jo-c(f)oov Ste^eXdrj ttjOo? vfjid^ tovto S^ to crvvreTayfJuivov avTO) irpooifJLLOV, eireiT ivBcaTpl^r) Kal pbrj dTroXoyfJTai, viro/JLvrjaaT avTOv dvev 6opv/3ov to craviSiov Xa^elv Kal Tou? vofjiovf; tm '\lr7](j>La'fJLaTL wapavayvoovac, iav Se fjurj TrpoaTTOLTJTai, vfidov dKovetv, firjSe vfjbec^ eKeivov iOekeTe dKoveiv ov yap twv (})€vy6vTcov ra? ov Sc- KaLa<; diroXoyia^^ elaeXrjXvOaTe dKpoacrojjLevoi, dXXd 202 Tc3z/ edeXovTCOv hiKaico^ diroXoyelaOaL idv S' virep- TrriBrjaa^ Ttjv SiKaiav diroXoyiav ^rjixoa-Oivrjv irapa- KaXrj, fidXiGTa fxev firj TrpoorSi^eaOe KaKovpyov dv- dpcoTTov, olofjuevov prifiaaL TOvrjv ov Tov irepl t?79 raf 6Ct)9 rov \6yov, /car- e7rayy€W6fi€vo<; cw9 eVl tj} TeXevTTj t^9 dirciXoyla*; Xvaec TO irapavo/JLov, firj avj')(cop€LT6, firjS' dyvoecO on 7ra\ai(TfjLa tovt icrrl SLKaarrjptov* ov 0ey^ajLLevoL, fjurj jivr^ai/- KaKelv' crv he ekKOTTOtel<^, koI fiakXov aov /jueXei roov av67]fjb€pov Xoyoyv rj ttj^ acorrjpia^; t^9 7roXeci)9. orav S' eiriopKO^; wv eh Trjv Sea roov opKcov ttlo'tlv Kara- iroXKcLKL^ fiev iiTLOpfcovirn del Se Trpo? tov<; avrov^ fieO* opKwv d^LovvTL iriarevecrOat Svolv Odrepov vTrdp^ac Bee, wv ovSerepov eart ATj/juoaOevet virdp')(pv, fj Toi'9 6eov<; Kaivovs rj roix; aKpoard^ firj tov^ avrov^. irepX Be roov BaKpvwv koI tov tovov tt;? (f)(ovrj';, orav 209 vfjLa<; eVepwra " ttoI ^1/70), dvSpe^ ^AOrjvaloc ; Trepi- fypdyfrare fie etc Trj<; iro\iTeia<;* ovk eaTiv oiroc dva- iTTTiGoixai^^ dvOvTTO^dWere avrcp " 6 Se Brifjbo<^oA.6r]' vaicov Trot Karacpvyrj, ^rjfjLoa-Oeve^] irpo^ iroiav avfi- fid'xcov TrapaaKevriv; irpo^; irola yjprniaTa\ ri irpo- ^aW6fievo rj airovBrj ; Trepl '^vaoov (TTe- (jydvcov Kal KTjpir/jiidTcov ev tq) OeaTpo) irapd tov^ vo/jiovf;* op ey^prjV, el Kal fiavel^ 6 BrjfJL0<; rj tcop KaOe- 211 aTTjKOTOiv i7rL\e\7}(7fi€vo ro Krjpvfyfjba ^iverar ov yap Bee i(f> oh r) ttoXl^ eirevOTjae koX iKeipaTo, iirl tovtoc<; i/bue orecfiavovaBaLr aXTC olfjiai, Tuvra fih dv eiiTOi dvrjp ovtco<; ^e^icofcm fier dp€TTJ<;' a Be av \e^6i9, etiroL dv KaOapfjua ^ifKorv- 212 TTovv dperrjv, ov yap Brj fia top ^UpaKXia tovto ye Vfjicop ovSeU (f)o/3ri6Bpa 7rov7jpov<;, Kav firj ri^ TTpoelTrrj, BiayivoodKeiv' o S' eVrl KOLvov /cat BtKacov /car d/Jb(f>oTepcov avTwv aTrayyelXai irpb^ vjjud^;, tovt epco. irepcepxovTaf, ydp rrjv dyopdv dXrjOel^ Kar dXX^qXxov e^ovre^ Sof a9 214 Kul X6yov<; ov yfr€vBel<; XeyovTe<;, 6 fiev ydp Krrjai" ^c3i/ ov TO Ka6* eavTOV (prjaL ^o^etcrOat, (eXiri^eLV ydp Bo^etv IBidiTT)^ elvac), dXXd ttjv tov Arj/JLoaOevov^ iv Tjj TToXiTeia BcopoBoKLav (fyrjal o^ela6ai, koX ttjv i/jLTrXrj^Lav Kal BeuXiav 6 Be ArjfioardevT)^ €49 avTov CONTRA CTESIPHOFTEM. 77 (lev aTTO^XeTTCov dappelv (ftrjonv, rrjv Se rov K.rrjG'i' wvTO^ irovrjpiav koI iropvo^oo-Kiav l(T')(ypwip6t Tcvd ahiav, Xeycov (o<; iyo^ TTjv ypa<^rjv ov')(^ virep t^9 iroXeco^ iypayjrd/nrjp aXX' ipSetKPVjJL6P0^ ^AXe^dvBpw Sid ttjv Trpo^ avTop ex^pcLV. Kal VTj Al\ cw9 iyco TrvvOdvojJiat, jJueXXec fie 217 dvepcoTUP Scd tl to fjbev Ke^dXacop t^9 iroXLTeia<^ avTov 'yjreyay, ra Se KaS" eicaGTOP ovk eK(i)Xvop ovS iypa^6fi7]p, dXXd BtaXLTTwp Kal 7rpo9 t^p iroXLTeCap ov TTVKpd TTpoo-Loop dirijpeyKa ttjp ypacjyrjp, iyoo Se ovTe Ta9 ArjfjLoa-Oepov; SiaTpi^d^; i^r/XcoKa, ovt eirl Ta69 ifiavTOv alaxypo/jbatf ovt6 Tovv7j<; dTreveyKelv, en ^tXiinrov ^covto<;, irplv 'AXe^az/- Bpov eU TTjv dp')(rjv Karaa-Trjvai, ovirco aov to Trepl Havcraviav ivvirvLov eaypa^oro'; ovhe 7rp6<; ttjv 'A^?;- vdv Kal Trjv^'Upav vvicTwp hieCkeyiJbivov* ttcG? dv ovv iyco TTpoeveBeLKvv/JiTjv ^ AXe^dvhpco, et ye fjurj ravrb 220 evirrrvLov iyo) Kal A7)/jbocr66V7j<; ethojxev] ^EtTrcTi/jua^ Si fjLOL el fjbrj avve')((o<; dXkd hiaXeiircDV 7rp6<; tov Stjjulov 7rpoa'ep')(^o/JLaL, Kal ttjv d^icoo-tv TavTTjv oUl XavOd- veiv /jL€Ta(j)epcov ovk eK hrjfioKpaTia^ aXS! e^ eTepa^ Tro\LTeLa<;, ev fiev ydp Tal^ 6Xtyap)(^iaL<; oi3^ o /5ou- X6/jbevo<; dX}C 6 Bwacrrevcov KaT'qyopel, ev Be Tal<; Bt)- /jiOKpaTLai<; 6 ^ovKofievo^ Kal oTav avTa> Bokt), kol TO fjuev Bid '^ovov Xeyeiv (rrjfjieLov eaTiv eirl tcov Kai- pdov Kal TOV <7Vfi(f>epovTos dvBpo^ TToXoTevo/xevov, to Be /jurjBe/jLLav TrapaXeiTrecv rffxepav ipya^o/jiivov Kal 221 fiLo-6apvovvTo<;. 'Tirep Be tov firjBeTrco KeKpicr9at,v7r iflOV fl7]Be TWV dBLKTJfldTCdV TLfKOpULV VTrocT^elv, OTav KaTa(f)evyr)(; eirl tov<; tolovtovs X6yov9, ^ tov(; dKovov- Ta? i7nXri<7fjLova<; viroXafi^dveL^; fj aavTov irapaXo- CONTRA CTESIPEONTEM. 79 ^i^Xi, TO. jiev yap irepl tov<; ^ A/jL^caaea^; TJae^Tjfjbii/a aot Kol TO Trepl rrjv Ftv^ocav ScopoSoKTjdipra, ^(^povcov iyyeyevrjfiivcov iv oh vtt ifiov (pavepw^i e^rjXeyyov iaco^ €\7r&fc9 Tov Stj/jlov dfjLvr)/xov€LP' ra Se irepl to? 222 TpLrjpei^ Kol TOV<; TpLr]pap')(ovlXov Kal ^evov iroLov/Mevof;' Kal tovtov direKTeiva^^, Kal Trepl tovtcov iv diracnv ^AOrjvaLOi^ i^eXeyj(6el<; ifiov fierd tlvcov iv rfj iroXec V€(OT€pL^€LV ^ovXofxevov. cTTeLTa iirepcdrav fie, co9 iydo mwddvofiaL, fMeXXec, rif; dv etrj tolovto*; larpo^ ooTi^ Tc5 voaovim fiera^v fiev daOevovvrt, firjSev avfifiovkevoc, TeXevrrjaavTO^ Se avrov iXOciop eh rd evara Sie^iot irpo^ 701)9 oIk€lov<; d eirirrjhevaa^ vyc^f; 226 dp eyipcTo. aavrop S' ovk dpTepcoTa<;, rk dp etrj 87)fiaycoy6<; rocovro^ opopovpraapov€r0aL eir dperfj, dyaOop jiev TTe7roLr]Kw<; fiTjBep, irdpTcop Be tcop kokoop aXno^; yeyopoof;, iir^ eptorarq he tou9 (TVK0(\)apTri6epTa^ en t^9 7ro\tTeia<; €7r' eKCLPcop Toop Kaipcop or ipfjp aoo^eo-dac, hcd ri 227 avTop OVK iKCoKvaap e^afjuaprdpeip* diroKpyTTTOLro he TO 7rdpT(0P reXevTolop, ore Trj<; fidxv^ eTrtyepofiiprj^ OVK ia'X^oXd^ofiep irepX rfjp arjp elpai TifKopiap, dXX VTrep T?79 (TcorrjpLaf; T779 7ro\ea)9 eirpea^evofjLep* iTrechij he OVK d7re')(p7) aoi hiKrjp firj hehcoKepat, dXXd koI hcopedf; alrel^ KarayeXaarop ep T0Z9 ^^EiXXrjac ttjp TToXip iroioop, epravB* epeaTrjp Kal rrjp ypacj^rjp dir- TjpeyKa, 22s Kal vfj T0U9 ^eou9 tov9 'OXu/x7rtoi;9, wp eyoo ttvp- OdpojJLac ArjfJLoadepTjp Xi^etp, i(f> (p pvpI fJbiXXco Xeyeup dyapaKTW fidXuna, d([>o/jbocol yap fiov rrjp (j)V(rcp CONTRA CTESIPHONTEM. 81 Ta?9 '^ecprjcLV, a9 €0tK€, KoX jap VTT eKeivcov ov KrfKelaOai (prjat rov^ aKpocofjiivov^ a\V diroWvadaL, BiOTrep OuS' €vSoKCfJi€LV TTJV TOOV ^eiptJVCOV fJLOVCn- KTjv* Koi Brj Koi TTJv TOOV Xojodv ip/Keipiav koX tyjv ^vaiv fjLov yeyevrjaOaL iirl ^Xa^rj rodv clkovovtcov. KairoL Tov \6v(nv, oti avv- oiBev eavTcp fiev ovBev wv BiaireiTpaicTaL Bvva/jiivq) (f^pdaaij.TOV Be KaTrjyopov opa Bvvdfievov kol Ta fMrj TveiTpayiikva v<]> avTov irapKTTdvaL to?9 dKOvovacv gj9 Bc(pKrjfC€V» OTav 8' e^ ovo/jLaTcov crvyKeifJievo^ dv- dpcoTTo^, Kol TovTcov TTCKpoov KoX TTepcepycov, eiTecTa iirl Tr}V dirXoTTjTa /cat Ta epya KaTa(f)evyrj, t69 dv ava(T')(OLTO\ ov tyjv yXcoTTav wairep toov avXwv edv Ti9 dr)aeTe. ifcelvo B' ov XvTrrjpoVy el TrpoTe- pov fjuev iveTTifjiTrXaTo 7} opxv^'Tpa ')(^pvaoov (TTecpdvcov 0I9 6 877/^09 iaTe^avovTo vtto tcov ^ EXXtjvcov, Bid to i^evLKoZ<; o-Tecpdvot^i TUVTrjv diroieBoadai ttjv rjjJLepav^ 82 uESGHINES ifc Se TWp ArjjULoaOevov^ TroXtrev/Jbdrcov Vfieh fiev aarecfydvcoTOL koI aKijpvKTOi yipeaOe, ovto<^ Be Kr^pv 231 x^jjaercu; kol el fiev tl<; twv rpayttcoov ttoltjtoov toov fiera ravra eirevawyovTcov TroLtjcrecev ev Tpwycohia rov ©epcTLTrjv vir€ rSiv ^FiWrji/tou aTe(j)avovfjievov, ovSeU av vpbwv VTrofietpeiep, on (l)7)crlv "OfX7]poe\6pTa<; ttjp dBo^iap diro Atjjjlo- 232 a6epov<; irepidelpai rep Bij/ifo. kol (pare fiep evTvj(el^ elpac, (L<; kol iare, /caXco? nroLovpre^, '\}rr)(f)Letcr6e S' VTTO fiep T?79 TV)(7)<; eyKaraXeXelc^Qai^ viro A7)/jioa6e- povavrj^ (f)epeTai. AoKovfJiep S' efioLje, cw ^AdrjvaLot, dfji(j)6T€pa /cal 234 Karopdovv kgX irapaKLvhvveveiv eh Trjv iroXireiav ov (Tco(j)povovvT€<;, ore fJbev yap iirl twv vvv Katpcov oi TToXkol Toh 6\Lyoc<; nrpoteaOe rd t7J9 BrjixoKparia^i Lo-')(vpa, ov/c eiraLV&* otl S' ov yeyivrjrai, (popd Ka9* rjiJLdJ oh iavTOV ive'^elpi^e, KaTekvaav* eviob Be Kal avToX tcSz/ Tptd/covTa iyevovTo, ot TfXet- 235 0U9 rj ')(^cXlov<; Kal irevTaKoaiov^ twv TroXiToov dKpi- T0U9 direKTetvav irplv /cal Ta9 alriafi dfcovcraL icj> ah e/J^eWov diroOvrjCTiceLV^ Kal ovB^ irrl Ta9 Taava)o-ai, el fjuev ydp \e7et9, o9ev ttjv dp^rjv tov 'y}rr}(f)LO-fiaTo^ iirotrjaco, otl Ta9 Td(j)pov^ Ta9 Trepl Td t€lxv KaXco^ eTa^pevae, Oavijid^co gov. tov ydp TavT i^epyacrOrj- 6—2 81 jESGUINES vai KoKw^ TO y€jevt](T9ai tovtcov alriov fiei^co Karrj- yopiav e;^et* ov a^ dvekovra rov 6p6co9 ireiro- Xnevfievov Bcop6a€LP BrjfKp tcov ^KOrjvaioav^ dcj^eXcov Trjv dka^oveiav koI tov kc/jlttov tov '>^rri(j>iaiJLaTO^ d'y^at Twv epycov, iTrlSec^ov tjijllv o tl Xeyeis* Ta^ puev yap irepl Tov^ 'A/>i0fccrcr€a? kol tov<; ^v^oea<^ BcopoBofCLa^ irapaXeLTrco' oTav Se Trj<; irpo^ ^rj^aiov^; (TViJb/jia')(^La^ Ta9 alTLa<; dvaTiOrj^ A7jijLocr6ev6i, tov<; fiev dyvoovv Ta^ i^airaTaf^y tov^; S' elSoTa^; koI aladavofievovi v^pL^€c<;, dcpeXciop yap tov Kaipov fcal Trjv Bc^av Trjv TOVTCOV, Bl rjv iyiveTo rj avp^/Jiax^ci, oXei \avQdveiv rjfid^ TO TTj^ TToXeo)? d^ccofia ArjfioadeveL TrepLTiOek, 238 rjXlfcov S' icFTL TO dXa^ovevfMa tovto, iyco iretpdcro' pLai fieyd\(p (Trj/jbeia) BiBd^aL 6 yap twv Tiepawv ^a- <7i\ev<; ov itoWm irpOTepov XP^^^ '^P^ '^V^ 'AXe^av- Bpov BLa/3da€Q}^ eh tt.v ^Aaiav KaTeirefi'^e Ta> Brjfjbcp /cat fjbdXa v^pKTTiicrjv Kal ^dp^apov eTnaToXrjVj iv ^ Ta Te Brj dX\a Kal jidX diraiBevTO)^ BieXe^Oq, Kal iirl TeXevTT]^ iviypayjrev iv Tjj iTrtaToXf}, '^iydi** ^rjaiv ^^v/jlIv ypvo'iov ov Booo'co* fjurf fie aiTetTe* ov 239 yap Xrf^eade'' ovto<^ fxevTOi 6 avTb<; iyicaTaXrjj>6el^ VTTO TOOV VVvl TTapOVTCOV OVTCp KlvBvVCDV, OVK aLTOVV- Tcoif ^AOrjvalcov, avTo<; ifcoov KaTeTre/jb'yjre TpiaKocna TdXavTa Ta> Br]/JL(p' d acocppovoov ovk ihe^aTO. 6 Be KOfjLLcxv ^v TO %/>i;c7toz^ Kaipo^i Kal <^6^o^ Kal %/3eta CONTRA CTESIFHONTEM. 85 avfjifjbd'xcov, TO Se avrb tovto kol Trjv @rjl3a[cov crv/jL/jLa^lav i^eipyd^ero. av he to jjuev twv @7j/3aLcov ovofJLa KaX TO ttj^ Svo-Tux^f^TotTrj^; G-vfJbjjbaxLa^ ivo- ;^A,e?9 del Xeyojv, Ta S' e^hofjurjKovTa ToKavTa viroai- co'ira<^ a 7rpo\aj3wv tov jBaaiXiKov ')(^pvcriov aTrecTTe- p7]aa<;. ov St evBecav fxev ')(^p7j/jidTcop eveica irevTe 240 ToXdvTcov ol ^evoL To2<; Sr)^aioi<; Trjv a/cpav ov irap^ eSocrav; Sid evvea he ToXavTa dpjvplov irdvTcov ^ApKaSayv i^eXrjXvOoTcov /cal tojv rjje/jLOvcov eToi/jicov oVTCov /3or]6eLV t] iTpd^i<^ ov jejevTjTac; av he ifKov- ret? KaX rat? rjSoval^ toI^ aavTov %op777e69. /cat to fC€(f>dXaLov, TO fiev ^aa-CKiKov 'xpvaiov irapd tovtw^ ol he Kivhvvoi Trap vytlv. *'A^cov S* iaTl KaX ttjv dTrachevorlav avTwv deco- 241 pqaai* el yap ToX/Jbrjcrei, K-TTjaicpccv jiev A7]fjLoa9iv7]v irapaKoXelv Xe^ovTa el^ v/jud^, ovto<; S' dvajSd^ eo-u- Tov iyKcofJLcdcrei, ^apvTepov toov epycov wv ireirovOaTe TO dKpoajxa yiveTai, ottov yap hiij tov<; iiev ovto)^ dvhpa^ dya6ov<^, ol? iroXka Kai KoXa avvocr/jiev epya, idv Tov^ Ka6* eavTwv iTralvov^ Xeycoo-iv, ov cj^ipo- fjuev OTav he dvOpcoiro^ alo-^vvfj t^9 Tro/Vew? yeyovoo7](7€i<; Svvao-Oac Xiyetv, eireira yvvaiKa /nev aX\o~ rpiav TrevOovaav hvvaa-ai Trapa/nvOeLcrOai, ypdyjra^; Be 243 fJLiaOov '>^r](f>L(7iia ovk dTroXoyijcTTj; fj tolovto^; ianv ov yeypa(j>a<; are^avovaOaij olo^ fjirj jLvoo(TKevXa^7]a6e. rj ydp evpota Kal to rr;? Bi]/jL0KpaTia<; opofia Kelrac fiep ep fbia-a), (j)ddpov(7C S' iir aurd Karac^evyopTe^ Tca Xoytp dpcop Kal 24D KTjpvyfJLarcop ep toc<; '^EXXtjo-lp eTndvfJbovpra, eirap- dyeip avTop KeXevere toop Xoycop, &a7rep Kal rd^: 88 jESCEIJSrUS ^eBaLcicTeL^ tcov /CTrj/jLarcov 6 vojjlo^ KeXeveu iroieia'' 0aCy eh /3iov d^co'x^peoiiv koI rpoTrov aoocf^pova. orcp Se Taura firj /jbaprvpelTac, firj ^e^aiovre avr^ Toi;? hraivQv^y koI tjJ? hr^pbOK parlay einpiekrjdrjTe rjSrj -50 6 La(f)€vjov (77]^ vfjid^, fj ov Seivov SoKel vpuu elvai el TO fjL€v l3ov\evTT]piov KctX 6 Brj/jbo^; Trapoparat, ai S' eintfcvovvTaL eh iSicoTiKd<; OLKLa<;, ov Trapd tccv TV')(ovra>v dvOpcoTTCov dX\a irapa roov TrpcoTevovrcov ev ttj ^Aaia Kal rfj Eupo)- inj; Kal €<^' oU iariv e/c roov v6/jlg)v ^rjpLia Odvaro^, ravTa rcve^ ovk i^apvovvrab Trpdrreiv dX}C o/JLoXoyov- CLV ev T(p SrifjL(p, Kal Ta9 iTrcaroXa^; dWrjXoL^; irap^ avaycvcoaKOvatv, Kal wapaKeXevovTat vpZv ol fiev I /BXeTreiv eh to, eavrwv nrpoacoTra a? (j)vXaK€<; Trj<; SrjfjLOKparia^iy erepoL S* airovai Scopea^ co<^ c-corrjpe^; 251 T^9 ^o\€G>9 ovre^, 6 he hrjfxo^ eK rrj^ dOvfiia^ twv avfi^e^rjKOTGyv cocnrep izapa^^eyr^paKw^ rj nrapavoia'^ eaXcoKcio<; avTO fiopov Tovvofjia Trj<; SrjfjLOKpaTLa^; irepu- TTOLelTaiy TCOV S* epyoov eripoL^ 'iTapaKe')((£)priK€v. eireuT direpyea-Oe eK tccv eKKXriaioov ov /SovXev^ crapbevoi, dXX^ ccairep eK tcov ipdvcov, Ta irepiovTa veifidfjievoL otl S' ov XrjpcOj eKeWev tov Xoyov Oeco" 252 prjaaTe. iyiveTO Tt9 (a^^o/^at 8e ttoXXukl^; pue/jLvr)- /jbivo^; Ta9 dTV')(^ia^ Tfj<; TroXeco?) evTavO' dvrjp ISlco- T7]^f 09 eKirXelv eh %dpbOV e7n'^€cprjaa<; 099 TTpoSoTT)^ T^9 TrarpiSo^ avdrjixepov virb T7;9 e^ ^Apeiov irdyov fiovX7]<; davaTfp i^Tj/jLLcoOr]. eTepo^ 8' eKirXevaa^ ISloo'- T?79 eh 'PoSoi^, OTL TOV (j)6^ov dvdvSpco^ rjveyKe, Trpcorjv TTore elarjyyeXOr) Kal Herat at yfrrjtpot avT(p eyevovTo* el Be pLia puovov pLeTeireaev^ virepcoptaT fy ^ Gl- THE CONTRA CTESIPHONTEM., J V B^ S II az; 17 cLTrWavev. avnOoofiev Brj to vvv ^ivofievov, 25J^5 dvfjp prjTcop, 6 TrdvTcov toov kukoov acTCo<;, ekiire fiev rfjv airb arparoTreSov rd^tv, direSpa 8' i/c t^9 TToXect)?' o5to9 (TT€(f>avova6aL d^ioX koI Krjpvrreadac oHerac Secv. ov/c diroTrifjiTreTe top avdpcoirov co? KOivfjV Twv ^EW')]Pcov avfjL^opdv ; 97 avWa^ovTe^ W9 ^,270"- TTjV Tcov Trpaj/LLaTcov, eV ovofxaTcov Bed Trjg TroXiTeia^ TrXiovTa, Tt/jLcoprja-eade ; koX tov Kaipov fJi€fiV7]a6€ 25i ev & Tr)v '^Tj^ov (})€p€T€. rjiiepoov fJbev 6\iavcioarr]Te, ojuboyvooiLLO'' z^e? elpuL T069 nrapa^aipovai T7)p Koivr)P elprjvijp, idv Be TOvvapTLOP tovtov 7rpd^r)T€, dTToXvoreTe top Brj/juov TCOP aiTiOOP. Mr} ovp (09 vTrep dWoTpia^ dX)C W9 VTrep ol/c€La^ 255 TrjCk6ao(l)ov koI vo/jLo6eTrjv dyaOov, acocppovQ)^, co<; Trpoarjfcep avrcoy heofxevov vfiodv /jLT]- Sevl rpoTTtp TOv<; Arj/jLoadevov^ \6yov<; irepX 7rXeLovo<; 258 TTOLTjaaaOai twv opKwv koI tcov vofjLcov^ ^ApiareiSrjv Be TOP TOL'9 (bopov^ rd^apra roW^l^XXrjcrcp, ov reXev- TrjaraPTO^ Td<; dvyarepa^ i^iScofcep 6 8^/io?, a')(eTXid- ^opra iirl tw Trj<; BcKatoavpr}^ irpoirrjXaKLO-ud), Kol iirepcoTcoPTa el ovk ala")(ypea6e el ol jjlIp irarepe^ vfjLoop ''Apd/jicop TOP ZeXeLTTjp KOfJblcraPTa ek Trjp 'EA,- XdBa TO etc lS/lr)hcop y^pvaiop, iircSrjfjLijcraPTa eh ttjp ttoXlp, Trpo^epop oPTa tov Btj/j^ov toup ^Adrjpaicop, Trap ovhep fiep ffkOop dTrofcrelpat, e^eicrjpv^ap K eic Tr]<; TToXeo)? kol i^ d7rdar]<; ?; Se Trcpt t<3v KrjpvyixaTttyvvofAOvtTepov 7]T0L VOfJLOV IxipOS) WS cf>7J(TiV aVTOS, iv O) (TVyKC'^iDp'YJTai Kttt €V TcS OeaTpta KrjpvTT€LVf idv 6 StJ/xos r) y ^ovXyj 50 To-uro iJ/rjcjiLarrjTaL ETEPA ynooESiS. 'A0r]va2oi Kttt 07y^atot TroXe/xovvTC? Trpos ^tXtTTTrov e** XatpcDveta, TroXct t:^^ BotcoTta?, 'i]TTij07]crav' iTTLKpaTTJcra^ ovv 6 MaKcSoJv povpdv pXv ct9 Tas ©j^/Sas iv€/3aXe, /cat cT;j(€V "tTTo X^**/^^ SouXevovo-av. cXTrtcavTes ovv to avTO DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. 97 Tra^civ ^KO-qvaioi koX o(Tov ovSeVo) kclt avTu^v y^euu 5 TTpoaSoKwvT^': Tov TvpawoVy i(rK€ij/avTO ra TreirovYjKOTa fJiipr) T(3 xpovo) TOV TCt;(ovs iiravopOiaa-aa-OaL, kol Srj a' ^KacTTYjs (jSvX^s TctxoTTOtot TrpoepXtjOrjcrav* TOtov8c Kttt 17 IlavStovts €^ cavT^s ctAcro tt/oos ti^v -^puav rov pTjTopa, rrj^ tolvvv epyaortas kv ^cpah/ ovo-rjs, Trpocr- 10 SerjOel^ €.tl ^(prjfjLdTiov /Acra ra Se^ofxiva, vtto rrjs ttoAcws o pTjTijip €fc Tcoi/ tSiW iSa7rdvrj(r€, kol ovk iXoyicraro avrd ttJ ttoAci, aWct KaT^^apicraTO, ravrrjv d(f>opp.rjv 6 KT?ycrt<^(ov, cts tQ>v 7ro\tT€VOfJL€V(j)V, 8e^a/xei/os elayveyKC yv(0fjir)v iv rfj ^ovXfj irepl avTOV roLCLVTrjVj ^^eTrctS/y 15 StarcXct Arjixoo-OevTj^s 6 ^rjfjLoo-Oivovs Trap' oAov tov /3lov €vvoLav €ts Ti)i/ TToAtv iTnSeiKvvfJievos, /cat vuv Se T€t;(o- TTotos (1)1/ Kat Trpoo-ScT/^ets XRVf^^"^^^ olkoO^v Trapeo-p^e Kat iXpLpLcraTO, 8ta tovto 8cSo;(^o) tt) /SovXfj koL tw 8?7/>ta) (7Teavov(rOaL avTov ^pvaiia o-Teava), ev rw ^earpw, 30 TpaywStcui/ dyofieviov KaivSvj" tcrcos ot€ irXr^Orj (TVVTpi^^i iTnOvjJiovvTCL Kaivd Spajutara pXiirciv, elcrayofjiivov tolvvv kclI €ts TOi/ SrjfjLov TOV Trpo/SovXev/JiaTO^j icf>icrTaTaL tov K-n/crtc^wvTO? Karrfyopofs Alo-x^Lvrj^y e/c riy? -TroXtTctia? virdp)((ji)V i)(6p6}i/ T€)(yr]v imSeLKvvjJievog, SoKCuK yap €1/ TrpojTOis VTrep/^atVetv to vopufiov, ^T€paV€pdv TTJV l^iraoriv, iq (nda-LS eyypa<^os Trpayp.aTLKi]' irepX prjTOv yap TO if/T^cfuo-pia* Trjs 8e ypacjirjs eTi ^lXlttttov ^wvtos diroTcOcLO-rj';, €7rt 'A\€fav8poi; 8ta8efa/X€J/ou tt}^ dpxrjv 6 Xoyos eo-Tt Kat 17 KptcTLS* ws yap diriOavc ^lXlttttos Kat Tryv tjipovpdv ol ©rjpa2oL reOapo-YjKOTes i^e/SaXoVy 6 pilv *AXi$avSpos o>s KaTa 0^9 d^c(o TCfiaaOac heiKvvvai* idv 8' e^' a Koi ireiroirjKa koL TreTroXlrevfiai ^aSi^co, TroWaKi^ Xiyecv dvajKaaOrjo-o/jLaL irepl i/JuavTov' ire ipdao fiat fiev ovv ©9 fJierpLooraTa tovto Troielv o tl S' dv to irpdyfia avTo dvay/cd^rj, rovrov ttjv air lav ovt6<; iarc BiKato^ G'Xj^LV 6 ToiovTov dr^&va ivarrjadfjbevo^:. 5 Ol/iat S' vfjid<; 7rdvTa<; w dvSpe^ *A6i]Va2oL dv 6fjjO\oyi](Tai KOLvav elvai tovtovI tov dy&va ijuLol /cat KTrjai^covTi, KoX ouSev ikdrrovo^i d^iov (nrovSrj*; i/jLOL' 7rdvT6)v /UL€V ydp dnroarepdaOaL XvTrrjpov iarv Kol )(a\€7r6v, dXkco<; re fcdv vir i'xOpov r^ tovto avjjL^alvTj, fidXtaTa Se Trj<; Trap vfjuoov evvola^ KaX ^iXavOpaiTTLa^j oacp irep KaX to Tv^elv tovtcqv fie- 6 yitTTov iaTLv, irepl tovtcov S' ovto^ tovtovI tov dyoovo^, d^Loo Kal Siofxac TrdvTCOV ofjbolco^ vfiwv dfcov- Gal fxov irepl tcov KaT7]yopr)fjb€V(OV diroXoyovfiivov ScKaiCOf;, coaTrep ol vofioi KeXevovaLV, o8 ypdy(rai Kvpiov^ &bto Zelv elvai^ dXXd koI 7 Tft) Toi)^ SLKd^ovTa<; o/jbcofMOKevat, ovk dircaTcov vplv, &^ y ifiol ^aiveTaiy aXV opcoz/ otl ra? acTLa^ icai Td(p Kal \6yov Tv^elv, ovK iv eTrrjpeia^ Ta^ei Kal (bOovov tovto iroielv ovTe fjua Toi)9 deoij^ 6p6oo<; e')(pv ovTe ttoXltlkov ovTe BiKaiov i(TTtv, cS avBpe^; ^AOrjvaloi' a\X' i(j) 0I9 dBiKovvTa fie ecopa Trjv irokiv, oval ye T7]\lkovtoc<; rfKiKa vvv eTpay^Bei Kal Bie^rjei^ Tal'^ ck tcov vofjLcov Tificopiai^ Trap avTCL TaZiKrjpbaTa 'XfV^^^h ^^ f^^^ elaayyeXla^ a^ca TrpaTTOVTa fie eoopa, elaaryyeXXovTa Kal tovtov TOV TpoTTOV eh Kpiatv KadiaTavTa Trap vficv, ei Be ypd(f)0VTa Trapdvofia, Trapavofiwv ypa(^6fievov* ov yap Brjirov K.T7]<7c^wvTa fiev BvvaTai BiooKeiv Bl ifie, DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. 103 e/^€ 8e, 66 Trep e^ekk^yeiv ivo/jn^eu, avrbv ov/c av iypoAJraro, koI firjv €l tl toov dWo)v wv vvvl See- 14 . ^aWe Kol hte^yei rj koX aX}C oriovv dSt/covprd fjue vfid<; ioopa, elcrl vofioc irepl irdvTcov Kai rtfjicopLac kul dycove<; koX Kpicrei,^, koX tovtol<; i^rjv diraat ')(prj(jdai, KoX OTTrjviKa i^aivero ravra TreTrotTj/caJ^; kol tovtov rov TpoTTov K€')(pr]/jb6vo<; TOL<; 7rpo9 i/jii, cofioXoyeLTO dv 7} KaTrjjopla rol^ epyoc^ avTov. vvi) S' eKara^ 15 T^9 cp6ri<^ KOI hiKaia(iovTO'i C'^OL, Kol TOVT cfMOcye SoKEL KoX jjid^! €U6tco<; dv Xiyetv, on t^9 T^fjueripa^i €x6pa rjfjLcov avToov Slkulov rjv rov i^erao-fiov Trocetadac, ov to pev 7rpo9 dWrjXov^ djcovi^eaOao irapaXeLTreLv, erepo) S' 0T(p Ka/cov TL Sooaofiev ^7}T€LV* VTrep^oXrj yap dhiKLa^ TOhTO ye, Hdvra /xev rolvvv rd /caTrjyopTjfjieva o/nolco^ e/c 17 TOVTCOV dv Tt9 tBot ovTe SL/caLCo<; oilr eir akr)6eia Vfid^, t- XiTTTTo?, Lva fiTj TovTo ykvoiTo /jb7)Se avvekOoiev ai iraXec^, vfilv jjukv elprjvqv eKeivoi^ Se ^orjOecav iTrrjy^ 20 yelXaro. ri ovv avvrjycovlaaro avro) 7rp6i iirl Trjv elpyjvrjv; aXV VTrrjp'xev airaaLV. dX>C iirl tov iroXefjLov; a\V avTOv irepl €lpr)vr)<; i^ovXeveaOe. Ovkovv ovTe t^9 e^ ^PX^l^ elprjvr}^ r^yefiwy ovK aiTLo<; &v iydo (fyalvo/JLat, ouTe T(ov dXK(DV (Sv KaTe^^revaaTO fxov ovBev d\7]9e9 7rpea/3eL^ iirl tov<; T07rou9, ev oh dv ovTa ^iXiTnrov Trvv9dvcovTaL, Kal tov^ opKov^ dTToXafM- ^dveiv* ovTOL he ovhe ypdyfravTO^; ijiov TavTa iroielv 2^ TjOeXrjaav. tl he tovt rjhvvaTO, w dvhpem ovto^ elBdos irape^r}, Xiye. \ 29 ^H^ISMA. ["Etti apxovTO^ Mv>;(7t<^tXov, iKaTOfi- jSatoJvos €1^7 Ktti via, fj)v\rjs '7rpvTav€V0'U(Tr]a)v *Pa/xvovcrt09, ArjjxO' Kpdrr]^ ^Xv€vs, KXimv Ko^cuKtSi^s.] 30 Taura ypdyfravro^ ifiov rore, kol to ry iroXei a'Vfi(j>ipov, ov TO ^CXiirircp ^7)TovvTo^y ^p^X^ ^pov- TiaavTe^ ol yprja'Tol Trpea-^eis ovtoi KaOrjvTO iv MaKeBovia rpet? oXov^ fMrjva^i, eo)? ^XOe ^lXltttto^; iK @paKr]<; irdvTa KaTaaTpe^apbevo^, i^ov rjixepcov SeKUy fjbdWov Se TpLOov rj TSTTapcoVy €69 tov ^EXX^yj-- TTOVTOV d<^l')(6ai KctX Ta %w/3ta aiKrai^ \a^6vTa<; Tov<; opKovaT6 r^? elprjvrjf; dv BtrjfiapTijKet koI ovk dv dfijiOTcpa eZp^e, koX rrjv elprjvriv Kal Ta %«/?/«. DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. 109 To fJLev Toivvv iv rfj Trpecr^eia irpwTov Kkefi/jua 31 fiev ^iKiTTTTOv hwpohoKTjiia Se twv dSUcov tovtcov dvOpooTTCOV TOiovTov iyep6T0' virep ov koX t6t€ koX vvv Kol del SfjLoXoyo^ kclI TroXefielv kol Sca(f)ep€adaL TOVTOIV GT€pOV S' ev6v^ i(j)€^r]<; €TC TOVTOV fJL6L^0V KaKovpjTjfjba OedaaaOe, eVe^S?) yap Sfiocre ttjv 32 elprjvrjv 6 ^iXtiriro^ 'n'po\a/3cov rrjv @paKr]V Scd TOVTOV^ ov'^i TTeiaOevTa^ rco i/XM 'xJrrj^lcr/jLaTC, nroKiv dvelrai irap aiiTwv oiro)^ firj dirloa^ev etc Ma/ce- Bovta^, eG)9 rd t^9 6^q> kol 33 ttoWtj djcovia jjbrj KoX ravra irpoeCkrj^oro^ avrov, el irpo rod rou? ^cofcea^ drroKecrOav yjrTj^LcraKjOe j3or)6€iv, CK^vyoL rd rrpdyfiar avroVy ware fiLa- Oovrac rbv Kardirrvcrrov rovrovl, ov/cert Koivfi fierd rwv dWwv TTpea/Secov aXV IBia Ka9^ avrov, roiavra frpo^ vfjbd^ elirelv koI dirayyelXaty hi wv diravr dirdikero. d^L(o Se, 3> dvSpe^; ^Adrjvaloi, Kal heofiai 34 rovro fie/JLvr]ep€iv avjmtpipetv Be ^iXiiTTrcp koI ^coKevai KoX vjuv 6/jbOLco<; diraai Trj^ dvaXyrjaia'^ Kol T7J<; ^apvTr)TO(; iTraXXajrjvai rrj? tcov ^rj/Salcov, 36 ravra S' da'/xivcof; Tcve iavTOv^ 'Treiroirjixivovs, kol ocra fxlv iKovcrto)^ vpo(T€TL0eTO TUiV TroXic/^aTCoi/, (fipovpds elcrayrjoxoTas €ts avTa, rd Se fit] viraKovovTa Kara Kpdro^ Xa^ovre^ KOL efavSpa7roSt(ra/x€vot KaT€(TKd\[/a[ji€v, dKovwv 8e kol vfxds 7rapa(TK€vd^€(T6ai l3or]0cLV avToiq yiypacfia r/xtv, tva fxrj irXeiov ivoxX-fjaOe Trepl rovTOiV* tols pXv yap oXo6S ovhev piirpibv fxoi SoKure ttoluv, rrjv clpyjvrjv crvv- OefJLcvoL Koi 6fJL0L0i«s dvTLirapeidyovTCs, koI ravra ovSe CrVfJL7r£pi€LX7JfXfxiv(iiV TCaV ^(UKCWV iv TOLS KOLVOLS T7/x<3v (TvvOiJKaLs* wcTTC idv fxrj ifjifjiivrjTe rots wfJLoXoyrjixivoLS ovSei/ irpoTepyjaeTe e^co rod icjiOaKivai aStKouvres.] 112 DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. 40 'A^ouere cJ? (Ta(j)oov, Ala- X^^i Kdl rov<; &7]l3alov<; iXeet^, Krrj/ju ex^^ ^^ rfj ^otcorla Kal yecopyoov rd eKeivcov, iyco Be XO'ipcOf 09 €v6v<; i^rjrovfirjv irro rod ravra rrpd^- avro^, 42 'AX\a yap i/JL7re7rrcoKa el^ X6yov<;, 0S9 avrUa fjLoXXov ia-(i)^ dpfioaet Xeyeiv. iirdveifiL Br) irdXtv €7rl rd^ diroBei^eL^y w? to. rovrccv dBiKijfjLara roov vvvX irapovrcov irpayfidrcov yeyovev alna. 'Ettc^S^ yap i^rjirdrrjo-de fiev vfiec^ vrro rov ^CXiirrrov Bid rovrcov roov iv ral^ irpea^eiai^ fjLLaOcoa-dvroJv eavrov<; rS ^iXlTnrcp Kal ovBev DEMOSTHENES BE ck^^Wl 7 ?J]f§ S 1 1 raXaiircopob ^coksl^; koX dvypr^vro atmkei^ aW Tft)i^, tI iyevero ; ol fxev KardiTTvcrTov ©errdkol 43 fcal dvaicrOrjToc ®rjj3aloL (f>i\ov eiepyerrjv acorijpa Tov ^iXnTiTOV rjjovvTO* ttclvt iKeLvo<; tjv avroL<;' ovBe (pwvrjV rj/covov, ei tc<; aWo tl ^ovKolto Xiyecv, v/JieU Se vcpopd/jbevoc ra TreTrpaypbiva koX Sv(T')(^epaiVGVT€^ rjyere rrjv elprfvrjv ofico^* ov yap TjV o TC dv iTTOietre, koX ol oXKoi Se ''EXX?;i^e9, 6fioi(o<; vjMV ire^evafCiCTpbevoL koI SiTjfiapTTjKOTe^; wv 7j\'7n(7aV) rjyov rrjv elpr}V'Y}v^ avrol rpoirov rcvd i/c TToWov TToXe/jLovfJievoc, ore yap ireputhv ^LkiinTo^ 44 'IXXuptoL? Kal TpLl3aWov<;, TLvd<; he Kal twv 'EX- Xrjvcov KaT€aTpe(})€70, Kal hwapbet^ iroXKa^ Kal fie- yd\a<; iiroield' v^ iavr^, Kai rtve^ twv etc rwv 'TToXecov iirl rfj t^9 elprjvrj^ i^ovala l3aSi^ovT€<; i/celae hLej>6e[povTO, wv €69 o5to9 rjv, rore iravre^, i(j) oi)9 ravra irapccrKevd^er iKelvo<;, iiroXepLovvro. el Se firj yaOdvovro, €Tepo<; 6 X0709 0UT09, ov 7rpo9 ipbi, iyd) puev yap Trpovkeyov Kal hiepbapTvpopLr^v 45 Kal irap vpuv del KaHiroc Trepb^OelTjv al he iroXei^; evoaovv roov pbev iv tw iroXiTeveaOab Kal Trpdrreiv ScopoSoKovvTcov Kal hia^OeipopLevcov iirl ')(pr}pLaaL, tQ)v he ISlcotwp Kal ttoWoov ra fiev ov Trpoopcopbe- vcov, rd he rfj KaG* TjpLepav paa-rcovT) Kal (rxoXfj heXea^op^evcov, Kal tolovtovl tl irdOo^ ireirovOorcop aTTavTcov, ifXrjV ovk icj) eavTOv^ eKacrrcov olopievcov TO heivov v^etv, Kal hid toov erepcov KLvhvvcov rd eavTwv da(pa\a)epov ^7]t oto) 8a>poSoKi]iXov^ /cal ^evov<^ Bel icaXelv tccv fic- aOcoaafjiipcov, dXX^ ovk eart ravra* ircOev; iroX- 53 Xov ye Kal Bel' dXXd fxccrOcorov iyco ere ^iXiinrov TTporepov KoX vvv ^ AXe^avBpov /caXco, /cal ovroo Traz^re?. el S' dincrTel^, ipcorrjaov avrov^. fiuXXov 8' iyco Tovff iirep aov Troirjaco. irorepov v/jlIp, co dvBpe^ ^Adrjvaloc, Bofcel jjllctOcjdto^ A^ct^/z/t;? rj ^evorjfjii, Kal TOVTCov rcov irpo^e^ovXevfJuevcov jcal TToXXft) fJieL^ovcov ere tovtcov Bcopewv BcKaLo^i, 8—2 116 DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. elvai Tv^'xaveiv, Kat fioi Xiye rrjv ypa^^v avTrfv 54 Fpa^h. fETTt XatpwvSov apxovro^ i\ar}l3o\i^vo;s dm]- V€yK€ Trpos Tov ap\ovTa irapavofxtav Kara. KT7;crt^(ovTOS rov A€(j)(r6evovdv(a dp€Trj<; IvcKa, Kat cwotas 179 cx^*' StarcXct ct9 re 701)9 ''E\Xiyva9 a7ravTa9 Kat tov Srjjjiov Tc3v *A6r]vaL0iv, koX dvSpayaOlaSy koI Slotl StarcXet 7rpaTTds ct9 ra ^iqixocna ypct/x/xara Karaj^dX- Xca-QaLj €tra tok vttcu^ui/ov (TT€if>avovv (ecTt Arjfxoo-Oi' v^9 T€txo7roto9 Kat €7rt Twv OeoypLKwv TCTay/X€Vo9), €Tt Sc fti} avayopcuctv tov (TTi^avov iv tw Oedrpta' Alovv- (TLOLs rpaywSwv r^ KaivJ, aAA' cai/ /aci/ 17 ^ovX-q aTecjia- voty iv T<3 ^ovXevTrjpCio avctTrctv, cav Sc iy 7roA.t9, cv ILvKvl iv ry iKKXrjcria, Tt/xr;p,a rdXavra TrevTTJKOvra. KXi^Tope^ KYjcjua-ocfiiav Krj hr}ix(p Starekelv Kal irpoOvfiov etvai, iroielv o Tt Svvafiat dyaOov, Kal iiracvecv iirl tovtol<;, iv ToU 7r€7ro\cT€VfJL6voL'i T^v Kplaiv elvai vofiL^co' diro yap TovTcov i^era^ofjuivcov evpeOrjo-eTao elre dXijOrj irepl ifjLov yiypacpe K-rrjcrc^oop ravra Kal TrpoaT]- Kovra ecre Kal i/refS^* to Se /jlt/ irpoaypd'y^avTa 58 "eTreuhdv rd^ ev6vva<; So)" avovv, Kal dvenrelv iv Tw dedrpcp rov ari^avov KeXevaac, Koivcovetv fiev riyovfjuav kclL tovto to?? 'TreTrokcTev/JLevot^y ecre d^c6<; el/jLO Tov crre^dvov Kal t^9 dvappT^aeco^ t^9 iv roV' TOL^ ^9 118 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. rjfx€pa<; iirl ravTa eirecTriv iyco Kol BceKcciXvdrjy ravTa dvafjbvr^a-co kol tovtcov v^i^co Xoymv, roaovTov VTrecTTcov. TfXeoveKTrjfjba w apBp69 ^KOrjvalov iikr^a (^^ vTTTJp^e ^i\L7nT(p, irapa yap roL<: '^FiWrjacv, ov tktIv aXV airaaiv 6fioi(o<;, <^opav TrpoZor&v /cat BeopoBoKcov Kai 6eoi^ i^Opoov dvOpcoTTOov Gwe^rf yeveaOai ToaavTTjv, oarjv ovBek tto) Trporepov fiifi- VTjTai r^eyovvlav 0O9 arvva/ycDviard^ Kal avvepyov^; \a/3cov Kal Trporepov KaKm tov^ ''EWT^i/a? e^ovTa^ 7rp609 ov rjv i^/mv 6 dyooVf VTrep dpxv^ f^cd Bvva(TTelaL7roXiv, UvBvav, UoTiBacav, ^AXovvrjaov 70 ovBev6covTo^ /cal J^LOirelOov^ tSu irepl TOVTCOV '\}r7] eavro) 7roiov/bi€vo<;, KOl JSv^dvTlOV TToXiOpKf^P, KUL TToXet? ^ EiW7JVLSa<; a? fjLev dvacpoov, e^9 & Se tou9 vyd8a<^ Kardycov, TTorepov ravra irdvTa ttolcov t^Slk€L koI TrapeaTrovBec KOL eXv€ TTjv elpijvrjv rj ov ; koL irorepov ^avrjvai TLva Twv ^FiWrjvcop top ravra KcoXvaovra rrouelv avrov ixPV^ V M) ^^ f^^^ 7^P M ^XP^^j dWd rrjv 72 M.vaoop Xelap KaXovfieprjp rrjp ^KXXdSa ovcrap 6(j>- Brjpai ^covrcop Kal oprcov ^AdrjpaLcop, irepcelpyacrfiaL jjbkp iydo rrepl rovrcop etircop, irepteipyacrraL S' rj rroXi^; rj ireiadetaa ifjiol, ecrrco Se dSLKrjf.Lara irdpra a TreirpaKraL Kal dfiaprrifiara ifia, ei he eSec ripa rovrcop fccoiXvrrjp (f)apfjpai, riva dXXop i] rop Adrj- patcDP Srj/jiop iTpoarjKe yepiaOdc; ravra roipvp irro' Xtrevo/jirjp iyco, Kal cpoop KarahovXovfjLepop irdpra<; dvOpooTTOv^ iKelpop rjpaprLovpiT^p^ Kal irpoXeycop Kal StSdaKcop fJLTJ rrpoteorOaL SieriXovp. Kal fjurjp rrjp elpr)P7]p y eKelpo<^ eXvae rd irXola 73 Xa^cop, ov')(^ 7] rroXi^y Klcryipr], ^epe Se avrd rd '\jrr)(})i(Tfiara Kal rrjp emaroXrjP rrjp rov ^lXlttitov^ Kal Xeye ec^e^^?* dirb yap rovrcop, ri<; ripo<; acrw icrrt, yeprjaerau c^apepop, ^H^I^MA. ^EttI ap)(ovTOs NeoKXeovg, fjLrjvo^ ^or)- Spo/Atwvos, iKKXrjcTLa orvyKXrjTOS tjtto (TTparrjyijjv, EvySov- Xov\aKrj e;^€t, iirtfXcXrjOrjvai tot)? irpv- Tavcts Kal Tovs (npaTTjyov's cttcds T] /SovXiij (rvva^Oioo-L i 4 Kttl atpe^wcrt Tr/ocV^ets Trpo? ^tXiTTTrov, ot Trapay€v6fJL€V0L OtaXe^ovrat Trpos avroi/ 7rc/3t tocI d€drjvaL tov vavap^ov Kol TO, irXola KOL TOVS crrpaTtajTas. koI el filv SC ayvoiav ravTa TreirotrjKev 6 'Ajuvi/ra?, otl ov fieiJul/L/xoLpeL 6 8^/xos ov^€V ct 8c Tt TrXrjfjLfxeXovvTa Trapd rd lireaT aXfxeva Xaj3(aVy OTL €7n(TKe\j/dfJicvoL *A6r]vaL0i iirLTLjXTJaova'L Kara TTJv Trjs oXtywptas a'^iav. ct he. fxrjSeTepov Tovraiv icTTLVf dXX tSta dyv(D{xovovaLv rj 6 diroo'TeiXas y o aircorTaX- fiivos, Kol Xcyctv, Lva alcrOavofievos 6 Srjfxos (SovXevariTai Tt 8ct TTOtCtl/.] 75 TovTO fJiev roivvv to yjnj^iafia Ei/ySouXo? eypa- ylr^v, ovK iyco, to S* i(f)€^fj 76 ''Slairep Toivvv ijoo TavTa Seifciwco Ta ^lr7J^La■' fjuaTa, OVTCO crv Bel^ov, AlcrxivVi ottolov iydo jpdsjraf; 'yfrrjipLafia alTm elfjbt, tov TroXifiov, dXX ovk av DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA, 123 e^oi?* el yap el;^€9, ovBev av avrov nrporepov vvvl 7rap€a")(ov. Kot firjv oi;S' 6 ^tkiTnro^; ovhev alrtaTai ifie virep rod iroXifiov, krepoL^; iyKoXoov. Aeye S' avrrjv ttjv iirL(TTo\r]V Tfjv tov ^cKlttttov. EniSTOAH ^lAinnOY. [Bao-tXcOs MaKcSoVcov 77 OtAtTTTTOs ^KOrjvamv rfj ^ovXyj koI tw Syjfuo -^aipuv, irapay ^vofxevoL Trpos cju,e ol Trap d/acov TrpetrjSevrat, Kiy- KfiKTOfjiCjV KoX ArjfXOKpLTOS KoL lioXvKpiTOS, StcXcyOVTO TTcpt Ti^s t- Xojuci/cov TO]/ ^7}}xov dvTi Trjs vvv v7rap)(ovar] vfid<^ avT^/cal irepX toov dXXcov fjuySev e^eXiyx^crOat /jltjB'' a ttoloov rjBiiceL fxrjBeva e^erd^etv ^2 iravTaxoVj ovBeh dyvoeX, real irdvTcov i]/a(TTa (tvI ol yap irapd tov KXecTapxov kol tov ^cXcaTiBov TOTe irpeapei^ Bevp d(f)LKVOvfM€vot Trapd aol /caTeXvov, ^ Alaxivrjf koI av Trpov^evei^ avToov oi)? ?? fiev 7r6XL<; w? ixOpov<; Kal ovTe BUaia ovTe 6povTa Xiyov- Tav\rj^ TrpvTavevovo-rj^ Aeov- tl8o- aa/jbov rj yeXcoTa, a vvv ovto<; €(j>r) av/JL/STjaeadai, 126 DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. eav €7&) are^avccfiai'; kol /jltjv orav y via koI yvoo- pcfJLa TTaai ra Trpdy/jbara, idv re KaX(jo<; e^U) %<^/>^to9 Tvjx^vei, idv & m krepco^;, TC/icopia^, (^aivoixai TOLVW iydo 'x^dpno^ t6tvxv^oo<: Tore, /cat ov fJui/jLyfreco^ ovSe TtfKopia^;, 86 OvKovv fi€)(^pi' fiev roov y^povodv i/ceivayv, iv oU ravT iTTpdj^Orjy 7rdvTa<; dvco/jLoXcyrj/nac rd apia-ra TTpdrretv rf} ttoXcl, tm viKav, or eySouXetecr^e, Xiycov fcal ypd(f)a)v, tc3 Kar air pa')(6 rival rd ypa(^evTa fcal aT€(f)dvovtcrijLaai, /cdv Stappaydoal TLve<; rovrcov^ vir ifjbov, erepov Kara rrj^; iroXew^; i7nr€t')(^L(7/Ji6v i^i]T6i» opwv 8' on (TLTcp irdvTcov dv0pco7ro)v irXeiara) %/0ft5- fieff* eireiadtcTM, ^ovX6/jLevoISMA BYZANTION. [EttI Upofivdiiovo^ Boer- 90 iropix'^ AafJidyr]TO tXt7r7ra) tco 'MaKeB6vof- ;(€ts iv T(a 'BoaTTopiia^ Q-Tccfiavovjxevov tov Sa/xov rov *A0rjvaLOiv vwo T(3 Sa/AO) tw Bv^ai^rtW koX HepLvOtoiV' aTToa-TeikaL Se Kal ^ewptas £9 rots €V ra *EA,A.aSt ttovt]- yvpiasj IddfJiia koX Nc/xca kol '0Xv/X7rta Katllv^ta, Kat avaKapv$aL tws orc^ai/ws ws ccTTC^avcuTat o 8a/xos d A6rjvaL(DV V(l> 97/x(3v, ottws eTrtorrecovTat ol "EWavcs irai^Tcs *A6r]vaL(x)y dpcToiv kol rdv Bv^avTiW Kat Hepti/- ^tW €vp(aptoTtav.] 92 A€76 /cat toi)? Trapa rcov iv lLeppovr}acp are- ^HISMA XEPPONHSITON. [Xcppovrjcnroiv ol KaTOLKOvvT€^ 2>7crTov 'EXcovvra MaSurov AXwTrcKov- VTjcrov crT€avov(TLV *A6rjvaL(j)v rrjv PovXrjv koL tov Sfj- fiov XP^^4^ dvdv(OTai, avfJL^ovkov Xeyo) kL\ov<; Zvra^ ovB^ ev€pyeTa t^/jloop avToov, a? aTrd- d tovtcop e^PjS 102 \ i7ro\LTev6fjL7jp' koI o-KOTrecTe ip tovtoldp7} Tpcr}pap')(o<; 6 Trj<; juLtd^; €Kto<; KOL Be/caTO^ irpoTepop orvpTeXrj^* ovBe yap t per} pap- Xov^ CTC (cpofia^op eavTov*;, dXXd crvpTeXei^, waTe Brj TavTa XvOrjpat koX firj Ta BUata iroielp dpayKa- 105 adrjpaCf ov/c ead* o tc ovk eBlBoaap, Kat fiot Xeye TrpwTOP fjuep TO ^Inj^LcrfjLa Kaff o elcrrjXOop ttjp ypa- rjPy elTa tou? KaTaXoyov^, top t eK tov irpoTepov vojJbov Kal TOP KaTa top ejxop. Xeye, ^HISMA. ["EttI ap)(0V70^ UoXvKXiov^;, firjvog /SoT^SpOfttwvos €KTYj irTL Sc/ctt, ^uX^s 'n-pvTav€vov(Tr)^ 'iTTTTO^owvTtSo?, Arjfxoo-OivT]^ /^rjfxoo-Oevovs Ilataviev? cicnJvcyKC vofxov cts to rpiripap-^iKov dvrX rov irporepov, KaO* ov at crvvTeXciaL rjaav Tc3v TpL7jpoLp)((ov kol €7re)(€L- pOT6vr](r€V ij povXy koI 6 8^/aos' Kal aTnyveyKC ^apa- DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. 133 v6fi(ji)V A77/xo(r^€V€t IlaTpo/cXi^S ^\v€v^, kol to fxepo^ TiZv \j/7](l>iov ov Xapijjv aTTfeTtcre ras 7^e^TaKoa■tas ^p^X" fids.] $€/}€ Bfj Kol Tov KoXbv KaTokoyov* 106 KATAAOrOS. [Tovs rpLrjpdpxovs KokcLcrOai iirl TTjv rpLTjprj (rvvcKKaiSeKa €k tu)V Iv tols \6\ols crw- TcXctwv, diro €LKO(n koI Trivre ctwv cts reTTapaKOvra, $ep6 trj irapa tovtov tov i/c tov i/xov vofiov KaTd" Xoyov. KATAAOrOS. [Tov? rpirjpdpxovs aipudOai cVt TTJV TpLrjp-q diro rrjs ova-La's Kara Ti/xTycrti/, ctTro raXdvTiDV Sefca* idv 8e TrXetovtov 7] ovo-ia aTroTeTLfJiTjfiivr] rj XPV' /LtarcDv, Kara tov dva\oyi(Tp.6v ccos rpLwv TrXotuiv kol virrjpeTLKOv y XeiTOVpyia ccrro), Kara rrjv avnjv Bl avaXoyCav €(rTU} kol ots cXcxttwv ovo-Ca ccrrt t<3i/ 8e/ca TaXavTcov, €is (rvvTeXctav (rvvayofiivoLs cts ra Scfca ra- Xavra.] 'Apa fjLLKpa ^or)6fjcraL to?? TTtvrja-iv vjjl&v Sokoo, 107 ?7 fJLiKpa dpaXwaaL dp tov jultj tu BUaca iroLetv iOeXetp oi TrXoiKTiot; ov tolvvv fiovov to) firj Ka6^ v wv dfia ho^ai kol tl/jloI Kal Svvd/jbec'i avve/Satvov rfj iroXec, ^da-fcavov Bh kclI iriKpov koI KUfcorjOe^ qvBiv icTTC TroXLTevfia ifjLov, ovBe Taireivov, ovBe t^? 109 TToXeo)? dvd^Lov. ravro roivvv '^6o<; e'^cov ev re toU Kara rrjv ttoXlv iroXtTev^aa-L koI iv roh 'EXXt^i^^- Koi^ ^avrjaojJLai* ovre ydp ev rfj iroXet Ta? irapd T&v TrXovaicov ')(dpnadpTa^ Be dyecp, Kal tovtov<$ iirl ra? ev6vpa OecopLKO) Tore wp eireBoiKa rd '^(^prifJLaTa, eTTrjpe(Tev avrov (pTjacp virevOvpov opra, ov irepl tovtcop ye ouSez/09, Sp vrrrevOvpo^ rjv^ dX>C €(f> oh iTreBcoKa, c5 avKocj^dpTa* dXXd Kal TeL')(07row rjaOa, Kal Bid ye TOVTO 6pdoo<; iTTTjpovfJLi^p, oTV Tdpr)X(o/JLepa eBcoKa koI OVK iXoyL^ojjurjp. 6 fxep ydp Xoyca-fib^ evOvvoop Kal Tcop e^eraa-opTcop TrpoaBeLTat, rj Be Bcoped ')^dptTO^ Kal eTraipov BiKaia e&rl Tvy')(dpeiP* Bcowep ravT eypay^rep oBl irepl ifiov, otv S' ovtco ravra ov [jlopop 114 ep Toh p6/JL0C oh dwo Toov IBicou TTpoelro, TroWaKL^ iaTe(l)dvQ)TaL v(^ ^/xcov eiff ore rw; d(nriSa<; AiOTLfiO'i ehcoKc koL \rraKiv l^apihrjijbo^y iarecpavovvTO' elO* ovto9 NeoTrroXe/zo? TToWwp epycov hnaTaTT]^ dv, i(j> oh iireScoKe, rert- fiijTai, a-'x^irXiov yap dv elrj tovto ye, el rat nva ^PX^^ O'PX^^'^^ V ^t'^ovai rfi irokei rd eavTov Scd rr)V dpyrjv firj i^ea-rai, ^ twp BoOevToov dvTl tov 115 KOfiLaaa0ai %apti^ evdvva^ v(f>e^€i. '^Orc tolvvv ravT d\7)6rj \iyo), \ey€ rd ^frr)^ia'/JLaTd fJLOc rd tovtol^ yeyevTjfiiva avrd Xa^cov, Xer/e, ^H^ISMATA. [*Ap;((i)V A77/X0V1KOS ^Xv€vsy l3orjSpofiLiovos €KTrj pLtr ctKaSa, yviofxrj povXrj's kol SrjfJioVy KaXXta? ^pcotpptos cTttcv OTt SoKCt Trj l^ovXrj koI t(3 Syjfuo (rrcf^avwcrat Navo-tKXca TOV cttI t<2v ottXwv, otl ^AOrjvaLoyv oirXtTiov 8tcr;(tA.tW 6vT0)v Iv '^Ifi^pto kol PorjOovvrtup Tot5 KaT' OLKOvo-LV *A97]vat(av ttjv vrjaov, ov Svvafxivov tX(i)vos Tou €7rl rfjs 8totK>;i/ dvaXiofxariDV KaOwirXtcrav rovs vcavtc/coujl dcnrCcnv OKiaKoo-tats, Sc8o;(^at r^ povXfj kol tw STy/Awj DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. 137 (TTCc^avcucrat XaptSry/xov koX AioTLfiov "Xpvcr^ orcc^arw, Koi dvayopevcraL liavaOrjvaioLS rots ftcyaXots iv t(S yu/x.- vtKw aywvfc kol Atovrcrtots TpaywSots Katvots* tt7S 8c avayopcvo-ccDS iTnixeXrjOrjvaL Oeo-fAoOira^, Trpuravcts, ayo)- VO^CTttS.] / Toi^TCOz/ e/cacTTO^y AiV^^/i/t;, t^9 /aci' cip)(r}(; ^9 117 VPX^^ y^r^y^vvosj rjVy e<^' 049 S' ia-T6(j)avovTO, ov^ V7rev0vpo(;, ovkovv oi5S' e7G)' raura 7ap Bi/catd eari jMOL Trepl T&v avTCov Tolaprjcr€TaL, Xeye. ^H^ISMA. ["EttI apxovTO^ 'Ev9vkX€ov<;, irvavci^t- wvos ivdrrj aTTiovTos, v\rj^ 7rpvTav€vov(Tr]avov iv tw O^drpta Atovucrtots rov aycovo^€Tiyv.] 119 OifKovv a fiev eTriBcoKa, ravr icTTiv, wv ovhev Gv yiypayJraL* a Si (f)7](nv t] /3ov\rj Becv dvrl tovtcop ^evkaOai fioi, ravr ea0* a SicofC€L<;, to Xa^etv ovv TCL ScSofJLeva ofJLoXoyoov evvo/iov elvac, to ^(apiv toi5- Twv airohovvai 7rapav6[jb(ov jpdcf)!], 6 he Tra/nirovrjpo^ avOpayiro^ koI 6eol€p' ovTo^ iv Tft) deuTpo) jLjveTat to Krjpvy/uLa; ol yap aKovaavTe^; aTraz^re? eh to iroielv ev ttjv irokiv irpoTpeirovTaij teal roz)? d7roScS6vTaavoZ* tovtov^ S' c^etvat ci/ t(3 Oedrpta Alovu(Tlols (avayopeuccr^at).] 121 *A^oi}et?, Al<7xiv7}, tov vojjlov XeyovTo^ aa(poo<;, ttX'^v idv TLva^ 6 8rj/jbos V V ^ovXrj '\jn](j)ia-i]Tar DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. 139 TOVTOV^ Se dvayopeviTco, tl ovv, w faXaLircope, o-VK0(j)avT€2<;; tl X670U? TrXarret?; tl aavTov ovk eKXe^opi^ei^ cttI rouroi?; aXh! ouS' ala')(yvrj (}>66vov Slktjv eladyetv, ovk ahinrjixaTO^ ovBevc^, fcal v6/Jiov9 /jLeTUTTOLooVy Twv S' d^aip&v p^eprjy ov<; o\ov<; SUaLov Tjv dvayLyvcha-Kea-OaL rot? 76 ofMco/xoKoat Kara TOv TTjv fiev Kajriyoplav dBt/crj/JLar e%e4i/, wv iv TO69 vo/jLOf; elalv at TijucoplaL, Ttjv Se \oLhopiav ^Xaacj)!]^ fiia<;, a? Kara rrjv avrcov <^vcnv to?9 ix^poh irepl ak\i]\cov av/Jb^alveL Xeyeiv, olKoSofiP]0'aL Be tou? irpoyovov^ ravrl ra BlKaG-TrjpLa v7r€Lkr}cf)a ou;^ tW a-vWe^avTe<; vfid^ eh ravra dirb rSv Ihicov KaKoo<; rd diToppr^ra Xeycofiev dXX7]Xov^, aXlC Xva e^eXey')(ay' fiev, edv rt? tiBlktjkco^; tl Tvyxdvrj Ttjv ttoXlv. javTa 124 Toivvv etSco? Alcr^LVT]^ ovBev tittov i/xov irofXTreveLV dvTL Tov KaT7]yopelv eiXeTO. ov firjv oi3S' emavOa eXaTTOv exo)v BUaio^ eaTLv aireXOelv. tJSt] S' cttI TavTa TTopeva-ofiaL, ToaovTov avrov ipcoTrjo'af;. nrcy Tepov ae tl<;, Atcr^tV?;, t^9 TToXecw? e^Opov rj ifjubv elvaL t^fj ; ifiov BrjXov otl, cItu ov fiev TjV Trap ep^ov Blktjv KaTa tov<; vopuov^ virep tovtcov Xa^elv, ei irep 140 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. ^SUovv^ e^eXe^Tre?, iv rah evOvvac^, iv Tal<; ypa fjurj^eircoTroTe i^eXey^^Oi^vaL firjSev vfjud^i dScKwv, rfj iroku 8' rj *7r\eov rj eXarrov dpdjfcrf tS>v je SrjjjLoaLa Treirpay- fjuevcov fierecvac Trj<; ho^rj^;^ evravOa dirrjvTrjKa^i opa firj TOVTCOv fjuev ix^po'i V^^ ^f^ol Se Trpoo-TTOcfj, 126 'ETre^S^ roivvv rj fjuev eva€^rj6ey^aa6aL ; — el ydp Ala- /C09 fj 'FaBdfjLap6v<; rj MtVci)? ^p 6 /carrjyopcop dWd firj airep/JLokoyo^, TrepLrpLfifia dyopd<;, o\e9po<; ypafx- fjuarev*;, ovk dp ovtop olfiat ravr elirelp ovS dp qvT(0C qj? 6 TptrjpavXrjq ^opfiicov^ 6 Alcovo'^ TOV ^peappiov BovXo^, dviaTTja-ev avTtjv aTTo TavT7)<; T^9 fcaXrj^ ipyacrla^; dWd vfj tov Aia Kol Toix; Oeoif^; 6kv& p,rj irepl cod ra irpoariKOVTa Xiycov avTOf; ov irpoarjicovTa^ ifiavTM So^co irporjprj- adac \070u9. TavTa fiev ovv idaco, dir avToov Se 130 wv avTo^; ^e^lcoKev dp^ofxai' ovBk yap &v eTvxev '^v, aW' oU 6 Bfj/jL09 KaTapaTau ay^e ydp ttote — , oy^e \er/Q); ;^^€9 fiev ovv Kot irpdnrjv djM ^A0r]vaco9 fcal prjToap yijove, koX Bvo avWa^d^ irpoadelf; tov fiev iraTepa dvTL TpofjirjTO^ iiroLrjaev ^Atpo/jltjtov, ttjv he fiTjTepa ae/jLvoof; Trdvv TXavKoOeav^ rjv "E/jbTrovaav diravTe^ Xaaal KaXov/xivrjVy e/c tov TrdvTa Troielv koX 'Kd(T')(eiv KOI yiyveaQai BtjXovotl toutt}^ t^9 iTrcovv- fjLia^ TV^ovaav* iroOev yap dWoOev; a\\* ofiGo^ 131 ovTco<; d^dptdTO^ el kol Trovrjpb^ ^vaei, &(Jt ekev- 6epo<; e/c SovXov koX ifKovaio^ i/c tttw^ou Scd tov- Toval yeyovcof; ov^ otto)? xdpiv avTol^ e;^€i9, dXKd /jLLaOooaaf; aavTov KaTa tovtcovI iroXcTevrj, /cal irepl €ov fiiv €^r](pov eirpa^e, kol ovBe/jbia 135 '\Jrfj(f)o^ V^ix^V Tft> fJiiapM tovto), Kal otc TavT dXrjdrj Xeyco, KaXet, tovtcov tov<} fidpTvpa^. MAPTYPES. [MapTvpova-L ArjiiocrBivei vTrep aTrdv- Twv otSe, KaXXias ^ovvlcj?, ZiyVcov ^Xvevg, KXcwi/ ^a\r]p€vs, /^rjjxovLKOs MapaOwno^, ore tou B-qpov ttotc DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. 143 y€.ipoTOViq(Tav70^ Aio-^tV?;!/ crvv^iKov virlp rov Upov rov iv ArjX(a elg tot)s * AfxcjiiKTvovas crvvcSpevaavTes ij/xcts iKpivaiJXV 'YwepeiSyjv a^iov ctvat fiaXXov virkp t^s tto- AecDS XiycLVy koL aTreaTdXr] 'YTrepctSiy?.] OvKOVv ore tovtov fiiWovro^; dirrfkao'ev rj /Sov- \rj KoX irpoaerra^ev iripcp, Tore /cal nrpohorr^v elvai (caX KUKovovv vjuv aTricj^rjvev. '^Ez; fiev TOLvvv tovto toiovto TrdXireviia rov 136 veaviov tovtov^ ofjbOLov ye, ov yap I oh ijMov Karr)- yopel" GTepop Se dvajJbifxvrja-KeaOe. ore yap UvOcova ^iXLinrog eirefi^lre rov ^v^avriov Kal Trap a t&v avTOv avfj^fid'^cov irdvTCOV avveTrefM'y^e irpea^eL^^ cw? iv al(T')(yvri iTOir}G(ov ttjv itoXlv kuI Bei^cov oSlkov- aaVy Tore iyoo fiev tS HvOcovt 6paorvvo/jLev(p Kal iroXXS peovTL Ka& Vfju^v ov'X^ V7r6')(p!>pr]aa, aXX' dva- (7Ta9 dpT6L7rov Kal ra tt}? TroXeco? BUaca ov')(l irpov- ScoKa, d\7C dSiKOvvra ^iXLinrov e^rjXey^a ^avep(S Tov Xiyovrd tv toov vfuv GVfi Ta irpdyfiaTa rjv aXV iveaTrjKet iroXefio^, O TV fl€V TTCOTTOT CTTpa^CV VTvlp VfJLOOV 6 ^dpav e^ovac Trjv ^Attikt^v, fcal Tov ^AiroXKoy tov TLvOlov, 09 Tra- Tpo3o9 iaTC TT] TToXec, kclI hrev'^^oyLai irdcri, tovtol^^, el fiev d\7j6f] '7rpo9 vfidv fiey[<7T(ov airio^ kcuk&v, koX tot evBv^ i/jLOv BLa/JLapTvpofjL€Pov koI /3ooovto<; iv tj) ifCfcXrjaia ^^Trokefiov eh Trjv ^Attlktjv eladyet^, Ala-' Xivrjy TToKefJiov ^AfK^iKTVoviKov^ 1 01 fiev etc irapaKXr}- (Te&)9 cvyKaO/j/JLevot ovk etcov fie Xijetv, 01 8' iOav- jjba^ov Kol fcevrjv ahlav Sid TrjV ihiav e^Opav iirdyeuv 144 fie VTrekdjJk^avov avTa>, Tr]TL^ S' rj (jyvcrts co aV8pe9 ^A6r]valoi yiyove tovtcov tcov TrpayfiaToyv, kol tlvo^ €LV€Ka TavTa avvecTKevdaOr) fcal 7ra)9 i7rpd')(^9r], vvv vnraKovaaTe^ enreihi) TOTe eKcoXvBrjTe* koX ydp ev irpar/fjba avvTeOev o-^eaOe, kol pueydXa co^eXTjcreaOe 7rpo9 IcFTopiav tcov kocvoop, teal oarj heLV0Tr}<^ fjv iv Tft) ^LXiiTTrcpy OedaeaOe, 145 Ovfc rjv Tov 7rpo9 vfid^ TroXejuov irepa'^ ouS' diraXXayfj ^CXiinrcpy el fi^ ©rj^aiov^; fcal Oerra- Xoi)9 i'^Opov^ nroirjaeie ttj iroXei* dXXd KaLirep d6XLco<; Kol KaKco<; twv (iTpaTTjycov tSv vpLeTepayv 7roX€fJLOvvTG)v avTos o/iicog vir avTOv tou iroXefiov KoX TCOV XfjaToov fivpla eiraa'x^e KUfcd. ovre ydp i^ijyeTO Twv i/c T179 %<»pa9 ycyvofiivcov ovBev, ovt 146 elarjyeTO wv eSetr avTw* rfv he ovt iv Ty OaXaTTrj TOTe KpeiTTCov vficov, OVT eh Trjv ^ATTiicrjv iX&elv BvvaToLKTvoo-c KoX irepl TTjV VLvKaiav Tupa^^v* ek jap Tav0* ev0v<; avTovLKeTO eh tov<; 'A/x^t- KTVOva<^, irdvTa toKTC dcpeh Kal iraptSdv iirepatvev €^' 0I9 ifitaOoodrj, Kal \6yov9 evTrpoaco7rov<; Kal fMv9ov<;, odev r) Kcppala %ft}pa KaOcepcoOrj, avvBeh Kal ht€^6\6(iov dvdpcoTTOv^ direipov^ XcycovKal to fiiWov ov TTpoopcofiivov;, tou? lepoijuvrjiiova^j ireidet 15Q y^r^c^iaaaOai TrepieXOelv Trjv %w/oaz^ fjv ol /juev 'A/>6- (j)tcr(Te2<; (T(J)ojv avTwv ovciav yecopyelv ecpaaav, ovto<^ 10—2 148 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA, he T7j(s lepd^ %ct5pa9 yrcaTo elvai, ovhe^iav hiicrjv toov Ao/cpocv eTrayovTcov rjiuv, ovS a vvv ovto^; Trpojiaai- ^€Tat, Xiycov ovk akr)6rj, yvooaecrOe S' i/ceWev. ovtc ivrjv^dvev tou irpoaicaXea-aaOaLhrjiTov roh AoKpoL<; Slk7]v Kara rr}^ TroXeo)? reXecraaOac, t/? ovv eKXr)- revaev i^fia^; diro iroia'^ ^PX^^'y ^^'^^ '^^^ eiSoTa^ Sel^ov. aW' ov/c av e^oi^i oiXKa Kevy Trpo^do-ei 151 TavTT) Kare'x^pco koI yfrevSet. TrepuovTcov tolvvv ttjv '^dipav T&v ^ A/Ji(j)tKTv6vcov Kara ttjv vcjyjjyrjcnv rrjv TOVTOV, 7rpoa7rea6vT€LO'a"rj^ rijv Upav \(iipav Karavct/jta/xcj'ot yca)pyoi;a'fc koX (SocrKTjfiaTa vifiovaLf Kal kcoXvo/acvoi tovto TTOtctr, cv TOts oTrXots Trapaycvo/xcvot, to Kotvoi' toJv *EXX?;i/ci)v (TvveSpLov K€K(j)\vKa(n jw.€Ta jSt'as, Ttms Se Kat reTpavfiaTLKacTLVy rov (rrpaTrjyov rov 'j^pyjP'ivov tc3i/ 'A/a- o-u/a- tia')(ov^ 6 ^IXiTTTTOf;, %v elSrjre Kal etc TavT7j<; aa^m oTi rrjv [lev akrjdrj irpo^aatv tcov irpayfidrcov, to TTpaTTCLVy d7r€KpV7rT6T0, KOLVOL Se KoX T0?9 ^AfJLCJ)^ KTVoai Bo^avra iroielv TTpoaeiroLUTO* 6 Se rd^ d^op^ fid<; Toura^ Kal Ta9 7rpo(j)da€i<; avTot Trapacr^cov 0VT09 rjv, Xiye. 157 EniSTOAH. [Bao-tXcvs Ma/ceSoVeov ^lXittttos Hc- XoTrovvrjaLiov twv iv rfj crvfJCfia^^La rots SrjfJLiovpyois kol Tois avviSpoL^ KOi TOLS aXXots (TVfXfxd)(oi^ TrdcTL xatpeLV. CTTCtSiJ AoKpol ol KaXovfJL€vot *0^oXat, KaTOLKOvvTC^ iv 'AfjL(jiLO'crr}, TrXrjfiiJLeKova-Lv cts To Upov rov AttoXXwvos Tou iv AcXi^ots Kttl Tyv Updv •^(isipav ipxofJiCvoL fxeO* ottXwv XcT^XaTovcri, ^ovkofiai tw ^€(3 /i,€^* r/Awv porjOeiv Kal dfjivvaaOat tovs 7rapa/?atVovTas Tt Tc3i/ cv av^pajTrots €vcr€P ireTrpajfiivcov d'>^afjbev(p eh a tovtol^ evavTi- ovfievo^ avTb<; TreTToXiTev/JLai d^2')^6ar a iroXXoov fxev eveic dv euKOTOx; aKova-acTe fiov, fidXidTa S' otc aia-)(p6v iaTCV, (Z dvBpe^ ^AdrjvaloL, el iyco fiev ra epya twv virep v/jlwv ttovcov VTrifjuewa, vfiel^ Be p.7)Be Toif<; Xoyov^ avroop dvi^eaOe. opwv ydp iycio @7j- 161 ^aloif^, (j')(eBov Be kol v/xd<; vtto tcov Ta ^lXittitov ^povovPTcov jcal Bie^Oap/jievcop irap €KaT€poL<; o fxev ^v d/jL(f)OTepOL^ ^ofiepov kol (f>vXaKp]^ iroXXrj'i Seo- fievov, TO TOP ^IXiTTTTOP idp av^apeadat, irapopwpTa^ KOL ovBe Ka& €P ^vXaTTo/jiipov^ff ek c'^Opap Be kol TO TTpoaKpoveLP aKXrfKoi^; iTOL/xco<: e')(0PTa<;, otto)? TOVTO fiTJ yepocTO irapaTrjpwp BceTeXovp, ovk d^rh T/}9 ifiavTov ypcofjir)<; fiopop TavTa avpi^epeip vtto- Xafi^dpwp, dXTC elBm ^ApiaTo^&PTa koX irdXtp 162 Wj^ovXov irdpTa top ')(p6pop ^ovXojxepov^ Trpd^at TavTr)p TTjp povovvT(ov Kal fJLTj ^ovXofxivwv icfi vp2v TToirja-ao-Q at rrjv cavrcSv atpecriv, dXXd /caret to (Jvjxrjs aTrocTTCtXavTCS I'/ACts TTpos p,c Trpeo-jScts /cat KrjpvKa o-vvOrjKiZv fxvrjfjiovev' €T€ Kat Tcis avo^as atrcto-^c, Kar ouSev ^(jf)' ly/xtoi/ ttc- 7rXr]ixiJL€Xr]ix€V0L, cyco fxivTOi dKOvcras T(ov irp^o-p^VTiov o-uy/caraTt^c/xat rots irapaKaXovfjiivoLS Kal 'iroifxo^ clfjn, TTOiciddai ras avo;(a5, av Trcp totjs ovk opOio's o-vpL/BoV' XevovTaq vplv TrapaTrip.xj/avTes Tvys TrpoarjKovcrrjs artjittas d$Lia(Tr}T€. cppoxj^c. AnOKPni:^ 0HBAIOIS. Bao-tXcu? Ma/ccSoVwi/ 167 ^tXtTTTTOS ©rj^atoiv Ty povXfj /cat tw Bi/jp^co ^atpeti/. 154 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. iKOfXureifJirp/ rrjv irap r/xaJv cTrto-roXifv, hi ^s /xot 7rjv ofiovoiav Koi T7JV €lpy]vr]v dvavcovaOe, TrvvOdvofiaL fxcy- Tot StoTL irdo-av vfjuv *A0r]vaLOL Trpoa'(f>ipovTai fpiXoTL- fiiav Pov\6p.evoi v/xas cruyKarairovs y^viaOai rots vir auTwv TrapaKaXovjJiivoLs, Trporepov pXv ovv v/xwv Karc- ytyvwcTKOv ctti tw /xeAXetv fruO^ardai rats cKCtVwv iXTrto-L Koi iwaKoXovOeLV avTU)V rrj Trpoatpecrct. vvv S' CTrtyvovs v/jtas Ttt 7rpo9 7;/xas c^iy-n/KOTas cx^*'*' ^ipifvT^v fxaXXov rj rats €T€p(ji)V iiraKoXovOelv yvw/xat9, rjo-Qriv kol fidXXov Vfids cTratvoj Kara iroAAct, fidXia-Ta 8' ctti t<3 jSovXev- o-aa-OaL Trcpl toutwv dair)0'i, TavTTjv KOivrfV Trj(; ira-- Tpihor}P ^Wavra, aKovaare fiov. i/celpo^ o (TKOTrelv aXKa jmrj ^cXovetfcecv irepl &v av Xeyco yivrjade, olfxai kol rd heovra Xiyecv So^etv kol rov i^earrj/cora klvSvvov rfj iroXeL hicCKvcreiv. rl ovv ^rjfii Setv; TrpcoTov fjuev top 177 irapovra iiravelvai (j)6^ov, elra fieTaOeaOai kol v (^atvcrat ras y€y€vr}fi€vas avr^ Ji/ X'^P^^ '^W ^A67]VaL0)V, KOL ivdvp.r]6ivTas t^s TaJi^ TrpoyovoiV ap€Trjs, Stort Trcpt TrXctovos cTTOtovvTO ttJi' twv 'EXXt^i/cdv eXcv^eptai/ 8ta- T7}puv yj TTJv Ihiav TrarptSa, StaKotrtas vaus KaOeXK€Lv cts ttJv ^aXaTTaf Kat ror vaT;ap;!(ov avaTrXctj/ cvros XIvXoJv, Kttl TOV o'TpaTTjyov KOL TOV iTnrapxpv ras ^re^as Kat ras iTTTrtKCLS BvvdfJL€LS 'EXcuo-tvaSc ccayctv, Tripuj/aL Sc Kat TTpeo-jScts TTpos Tovs aXXo-us EXXT/vas, -n-pcSrov 8e Travrwv TTpos ©7;jSatoi;s Std to eyyvraro) ctvat toi/ ^tXtTTTroi/. t^s cKctvcDV X^P*^> TrapaKoX^iv Se avrors /xT^Sei/ KaTttTrXa- 185 ycvTas TOV ^lXlttttov avTe^^cr^at T?ys eavrcuv Kat ttJs tc3v aXXwv 'EXXt/j^wv iX^vOepcag, koI oVt d ^AOrji'atwv Srjfxo^y ovBlv ixv7]G-LKaK(jJv cl Tt TTpoTcpov ycyov€v uAXoTpiov Tats TToXecrt TTpos dXXrjXa?, fSorjOijcrfiL Kol C>vvdfjieo'L kol XPV' 160 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. fiaari Koi j8eA.€(rt kol oTrXots, ctSw? otl ai'rots ficv irpog dXXtjXov^ hiaii^idp-qTuv Trepl r^g ^Jye/jtovta? ovcriv "IjWrjaL KaXov, vtto 8e dWo^vXov dvOpioirov dp^corOat Kal rrjs lyyc/AOVtas dTroarepcLO-OaL dvaftoi/ cT»/at *cal t^5 T(x)V 'EXXtJvwv Sofiys Kat t:^^ '^^^ irpoyoviav dpcrrjs. crt 1S6 Sfi ov^k dXXoTpLov Tyyctrat cTvat o *A6rjvaL(x)v StJ/aos toi/ 0Y}paL(jiV B^fiov ovT€ Trj (Tvyycveta. ovt€ tw 6fjLO(f>v\(o. dvafiifimjarK^Tai he kol ras twv irpoyovinv rdv lavTOv els rovs GrjPaLiOv 7rpoy6vov7TTtos, Mriya-t^ctSTj? 'Avrt^avors ^pcappto?, ArjixoKparrj^ %u)(jiiXov ^Xvevs, KaXXatcrxpos AioTifJLOv Ko^wKtorys.] 188 AuT77 TcSz; Tre^ci ©^/3a9 iyiyveTO irpwyfiarwv dp'xrj Kal KaracTacn^ Trpcorr^ra Trpo tovtcov ek e^^paz' ycat /i^Zcro? /fo-t a/TrKTTiav twv irokecov V7rr)y' flivCOV VTTO TOVTCOV, TOVTO TO '>^r}(^i<7IXa TOV TOTE TTJ TToXei TrepLaTovTa fclvBvvov irapekOeiv eTTolrjaev W(TlT6p V6(j)0^, TjV fieV TOLVVV TOV BcKaloV TTOXiTOV TOTS Bel^ac TTcccTLv, eX Ti TOVTCOV el'X^^v dfjieivov, fir) 189 vvv iircTCfiav, 6 yap cvfjL^ovXo^ Kal 6 (rvKo^avTrj^, ovhe T&v aXKciov ovBev ioiKOTe^, iv tovtco izX^ldTov DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA, 161 aXkfiKwv Bcacfiipovo-cv' 6 fiev je *Trph rcov Trpaj/jbd-- T(ov f^voojMTjv (hro(j)aiV6Tac, koX hihcoa-tv avrov virev- Qvvov TOt? ireLcrOelcn, r;^ 't^V» '^^ fcacpM, tw ^ovKo- fievcp' 6 he auyrjcra'i rjviic eSet, XeyeoVy av tc Su(7- KoXov (7V[ij3fj, TOVTo ^aaKalvei. fjv fiev odv, mep 190 elirov, i/cetvo^ 6 Kaipo^ rov ye ^povTitqvro^ dvSpb<; T^9 7r6Xea)9 /cal twv hiKaioiv XGycov iyw Be roaav-' rrjv inrepjSok^v iroiovpiai, ware av vvv ej^ T49 Belial TC ^eXnov, rj oXw? ei tc oKKo ivrjv irXrjv &v iya> irpoei\6iirjVi dBcfcecv ofjcoXoyoo. el yap eaO' o tc Ti9 vvv ecopaKev, o avvrjveyKev dv t6t6 7rpa')(0ev, TOVT iyco (f>7]jjLc Belv e/Jie firj XaOelv, el Be purjT eoTC fir)T6 yv fi7]T dv ehrelv e^oc fxrjBeU fiTjBeTrco fcal Tr]iiepov, TC Tov avfi^ovKov e')(^pr]v nroielv, ov tcov ^acvofjbivcov koX ivovTcov Ta KpaTcaTa iXiadac; tov- 191 TO TOLVVV iTTOLTja-a, TOV KTfjpVKO^ ipCOTWVTO^, Aid- X^^Vf "'^''^ dyopevecv ^ovXeTac;^^ ov "tl^ aiTcdaOat irepl tQw irapeXrjXvOoTayv,^^ ovBe "tl^ iyyvdaOac Ta fieXXovT eaeaOac.^^ crov S' dcjxivov fcaT eiceivov^ T0V9r} tj} iroXec) Tk Be avfifjLax^a, tc^ TTpd^cs, ecf) tjv fJcaXXov eBec [le dr/a^ yecv TovTovac; 'AWa firjv TO fjcev 7rapeX7]Xvdbg del Trapd irdacv 192 d(f)€CTac, /cal ovBel^ irepl tovtov irpoTiOrjacv ovBafjcoO fiovX7]v' TO Be fieXXov rj to irapov Trjv tov av/jC" \ fiovXov Ta^cv diracTec, Tcrre tolvvv Ta fiev rj/ieXXev, 1(09 iBoKeCj Tcov Becvwv, Ta S* rjBr) Traprjv, ev ol S>v virekdii^ave aaydq- aeaOai, ehra '^etfioovt ')(p7}(Tdixevov kol irovrjddvTCov avT& T&v (TKev&v rj koI awTpi^evTcav oXft)9, t^9 vavarfla^ alTiwTO» aXX' ovt i/cvj3€pvcov Trjv vavv, <]>rj(T€Lev dv, wajrep ouS' icTpaTrjyovv iyco, ovTe t^9 195 Tvyr^'i Kvpio^ Tjv, ahX i/celvrj tcov rrrdvTCOv, dX)C ifcelvo XojL^ov koI opa' el fxeTa @7]^aLcov rjjuv dyco- vt^ofievoL ovk a^tov elirelv, a ye /jirjBe irelpav ehcoice Oewv tlvo^ evvola Kal TO) irpo^oKKeaOav ttjv iroktv ravTrjv tyjv (rvfjU' fjia')([av, rj<^ aif Karrjyopels;. "Earc Be tuvtI iravTa fioi ra nroW^ Trpo? Vfia(;, 196 avBpe^ BiKaaraiy koI tov<; irepiea-TiqKOTa^ e^coOev Kol CLKpOCDfieVOV^, CTTel TTpO^ rye TOVTOV TOP KaTOr TTTvarTov ^pci')(p^ fcal aa^fj^ e^rjpKeL X6yo<;. el fiev yap ^v (TOO irpoBrfka ret fiiXKovTa, Alcrxivrji fji6v(p T&v aXKcoVi OT e^ovKeveff' ri rrroKi^ wepl tovt(ov, TOT eSec irpoXeyeiv. el Be iirj irporjBei^, t^9 avTrj^ ayvola^ virevOvvo^ el rot? cbKhjoi^, wcttc tL fxaWov ifjLOV aif Tama KaTr]yopel<^ rj iycj avk6' TaT09 leal BvapbevecrTaTo^ dvOpcoiro^ tt} TroXec, tovto TreTroLTjKoo^ iirl toI^ cvfi^aaiv i^rjTaaaL, Kal afjua ^AplaTpaT0<; iv Nafct) /col ^ ApiCTToXeo)^ ev ©ac7C|>, oi icaOaira^ e^Opol t^9 ttoXcg)?, tou? ^AOrjvaicov icpi" vovcrt, ^lXov^ Kal ^AOrjvTjo'tv A^cr^o/^? Arj/jLOcrOevov^; KaTriyopel. KaiTOi otco to, tcov ^EXXrjvoav curvyr]' 198 \iaTa evevBoKLfielv direKeiTOy aTroXooiXevat fiaXXov oSto^ ecTL BiKaco^ rj KaTrjyopecv eTepov' Kal 0T(p awevrivb^aaiv ol avTol Kacpol Kal Toh ttj^ TroXeo)? 11—2 164 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. i')(6poi^y ovK evL TOVTOV evvovv elvai rfj nrarpihi, /cat iraKiv ov TroXirevrj. irpdrTerai n tcov vjmv SoKovvTcov (7VfJL(j)epeLV ; a^(Dvo<; Alo-x^i^V^* dvri- Kpovai TV Kol ryiyovev olov ov/c eSet; Trdpearcv A.la")(LV7]<;y coairep tcl prpfiiaTa kol to cTrda^ara, 'Srav TL KaKov to awjia Xd^fj, rore KLvetrai* 19D 'E7r6iS?7 he 7roXv<; Tol6ey^a), oi5S' ovT(iy<^ dTroaTUTeov rfj iroXei rovrcov rfv, eX Trep rj 86^9 ^ irpoyovcov rj tov fxeWovrof; aldovo iraTpl Kal ttj 165 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA, fJLTjTpl fiovov yeyevrjaOat, dWa kuI tt) TrarpiSc. Sia- (})ipet Se Tt; otl 6 fjuev to?9 fyovevcTL fiovov fyeyeinj- aOat vofiL^cov rov rr}^ elfiapfihr}^ koI tov avTOfiarov Bavarov Trept/jiivet, 6 Se koI rfj TrarplBc virep rov firi ravrrjv iirihelv hovKeuovaav diroOvria'Keiv iOeKr}- o^ep(OTepa^ rffyrjo-eTat ra? v^p€Cp6vi]fia 'q TToXc^, T^9 fjbivToi SiaK0VLa<; t^9 i^ hcacTTOi^ T&v TreTTpayfjiivcov teal efiavTco fMerelvai 207 ^/At, o5to9 8^ Twv oXcov KUTijyopoov, Kal Kekevcov vfid<; ifiol TTCKprn e%etz/ 009 (l>6l3cov /cat klvBvvcov alTLCO Trj TTOkei, T^9 fJ^^V 669 TO TTapOV Tlfirj(; ifj,€ dirodTeprjcrat fy\t')(€TaL, Ta 8' eh airavTa tov Xolttov ^povov iyKoofJLta v/jlwv dcpaipeirai. el yap W9 ov Ta fiekTLO'Ta ifiov TroXtTevaafMevov tovBI Karayltrjcpc- etaOe, rjiiaprriKevai 86^eT€, ov Trj t^9 tvxV"^ dr/vco- 208 fiocrvvT) Ta avfi/SdvTa iraOelv, dX)C ov/c earcv, ov/c €, Toif<; S' eiceivov Opaaeh. ore S' ov vvv ravra Xiyco rov avfKpepovTO^ €V€Ka i/j,auTw, Xeye /jlol rrjv iTnaToXrjv rjv tot iirefJb'y^aiJjev 212 ev6vdvT7]y€ iqSicoq dv ipoifirjv Alcr^tj^Vy ore ravT eTTpaTTero koI ^rjTwv kol %apa9 koX eiralvwv 7] 'TTokt^ fjv iiearrj, irorepov avvedve koI avvcv- (ppaivero rot? ttoWol^;, rj \v7rov/M€vo<; koI arivcov Kol BvarjJLevalvcov Toh kolvol^ dja6ol<; olkol fcaOrJTO. el fiev yap iraprjv koI fjuerd tcwj/ dXKtov i^r)Td^ero, TTCW? ov Becvd nroiel, /idWov S' oi/S' bcria, ei wv w^ dpiarcov avTO^ tov<; Beoif^ inrotT^a-aro fidpTVpa<;, Tavff W9 OVK apiara v^ viid^ d^col ^Irrj^lcraadai, Toif9 ofjLcofioKOTa^i TOV? 6€ov<;; el Se [xfj Traprjv, ttco? OVK aTToXcokivaL iroXKaKi^ ecrfl Blkuco^, el icf) ot? e')(aipov oi dXKot, Tavra eXvirelTO opoov; Aeye Brj Kol ravTU ra ^Inj^io-fiara [xoi, ^H*I2MATA ©TSION. 218 OvKOvv riijuel^ fiev ev 6vaLaL<; rjfjbev Tore, Srj^aiot S' ev TO) Bo rjixd^ ^(^iaiJLara ro rore fiev d7ro7re(f>ev' yora, vtto rovrqv S' oifBe ypa(f)evra. 172 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. ^H^ISMATA. 223 Taurl tol '^^^IcryLaT & avBpe^ ^KOrivaloi ra? avTos avKKajias /cat ravra prffxar e^ei, airep Trpo- repov fJLev ^ KpiaroviKO^; vvv he K.Trjo-L(poop yeypav rrpoka^elv. ahX ovk rjv olfjLaL rore o vvvl Trotelv, eK Trdkaiwv yjiovoiv Kal yfr7}(j)L(TfjLdrcov ttoWmv eKXe^avra, a [irire Trpor/Sei /iTjBel^ fjbrjr dv (pT^Or] r^fJbepov prjOrjvat, Bia^dWeiv, KOLi iierever^Kovra rov<; ')(^p6vov<; Kal irpo^dcrei^ dvrl rcov d\7]9oov i^ei/SeZ? fieradevra 'roL<^ TreirpctyjJLivoLf; 226 Bo Kelv n Xeyecv* ovk tjv rore ravra, a)OC iirl rrj<; d\r}6eia<^, eyyi)^ r&v epycov, ere pbe/JLvrj/iievcov v/jloov Kal fiovov OVK ev ral<; '^epalv eKaara e^ovrcov, irdv- T€9 iyuyvovr dv ol Xoyot. Bcoirep rov9 Trap' avrd ra irpdyixar ekey^ov^ cftvydov vvv r]Kei, prjropcov dyoova vofML^oov, (h^ y i/jLol BoKel, Kal ov'^i rcov ireiroXirev- ixevcov e^eracTLv TroLrja-etv VfJLo^ Kal \6yov Kplaiv, ov)(l rov rfj iroXei a-vfJL(f>epovro<; eaeaOai. 227 Eilra crocftl^erai,, Kal (j^rjal nrpocrrjKeLV ^9 fiev otKoOev fjKer e'^ovre^ Bo^tj^ rrepl rjpboov dfjueXTjaai, DEMOSTHENES DE S^ONA. Efl?S IT wcrrrep B\ orav olofxevoi irepieivaL ')(jy^jJuaTd tw ^07dpTeL iTrecSrj Se cry tovto ire(f>evya^, eyob Troirjcra}* /cat aKOTrelre el SiKaiCO^ ')(pT]crofJLai; T« Xoyo). 234 Avpa/JLLP fiep tolpvp el^ez; y ir6\L<; toik; priaidiTa^, ovx dirapra^, dXkd Tovol3epooTaTOP kol fjudXccrO' virep toop i^Opoop, ovtol irapecTKevdKeLcrap Toi) el Be Xeyec^ rj rd Trpo? ©rj^aiov^ BiKaca, 238 Alcr')(^LV7j, rj rd 7rp6<; ^v^avrlov^; rj rd Trpo? ^v^oea<;, rj nrepl tcov lacov vvvl BtaXiyrj, TrpdoTOV fJbev ayvoel<; on Kal irporepovTcbvvTrep Tcov^^XKrivcav iKeivcov dryco" vta-a/jbivcov rpi-qpcov, TpiaKocricov ovaoov r&v Tracrcov, rd^i BtaKoaia^ 7; ttoKl^ irapea'^eTO, Kal ovk iXuTTov- 176 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. aQai vojJbl^ovaa oi5Sc- Kpivovaa tou9 ravra a-vfi^ov- \ev(TavTa<; ovhe wyavaKTOvaa iirl tovtol<; icopdro {ala')(p6v 7ap), dWa rol^; 660c<; e'^pvaa x^P^^f ^^ Koivov KcvSvvov T0?9 ^'EXX-^cT^ ireptaTcivTO^ avrrj BiTrXda-ia rdov dWcov ek rrjv dirdvrcov (TcoTTjpLav 239 Trapio-'^eTo* elra Kevd<; '^apl^rj '^dpira^ rovrocal avKo^avToov ipuL ri jdp vvv XeycC^ ola ixP^^ irpdrTeiv, aXX' ov tot wv iv rfj iroXet Kol Trapoov ravT &ypa(^e<^, el Trep eVeSlp^ero irapd tov<^ irapovra^ fcaipov<;, iv oh ov^ oaa rj^ovXojjbeOa aXX' oaa Solr) ra irpdrffJiar ehei Se^ec^af 6 yap dvrcovovfMevof; koX Tayy tov^ irap rj^ioov d7reKavvoixevov<^ irpoahe^ojjLevo^ Kol xpW^Ta 7rpoa6j]a'cov VTrrjpxev erotfio^;. 240 'AXX' el vvv eirl rol^ ireirpcvyixevoi'^ /caT7)jopia<; e%a), T6 dv oceaOe, el tot ifiov irepl tovtov dKpt- ^oXoyov/JLevov dirrjXOov ai 7r6Xec<; /cat TrpoaidevTo ^CXhrTTCd, Koi d/xa lEivl3oLa<; kol ©tj^cov koI Bu- ^avTlov Kvpto^; /caTeaTtj, tI rrroLelv dv fj t/ Xeyecv 241 T0U9 dae^elv(ret KLvaho^ TdvOpooTrcov ioTiv^ ovSev e^ dp^fi'^ vyih TreTroLrjKo^ oi5S' eXevOepov, DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA, 177 avTOTpcuyiKO^ iriOrjKo^, apovpalo^ OLv6fMao<;, irapd" ar]fjLog prjrcop, tl yap rj arj BeivoTT]^; ek ovrjcriv tjkgl TraTplBc; vvv rifuv XeyeLf; irepl twp TrapeXrjXvOorcov; (oairepavelrL^ laTpo^aaOevovab jjlIv toI^ Kajivovcnv 243 €L(TLcov firj Xiyoo firjBe Bec/cpvoc Be wv airoc^ev^ovTaL T7]v voaovy iTTeiBrj Se rekevTrjaeii t^? avrcov Kal ra vo/jLL^ofjL€va avTM (pepoLTO, cLKokovOwv iirl TO fjbvrjfjia Sce^Loo "el TO /cal to iirocTjo-ev dvOpauro^ ovTOcri, ovK dv dirkOavevr eiJL^p6vT7}T€y ecTa vvv Xeye^?; Ov Tolvvv ovhe ttjv '^TTav, el TavTrj (yavpia<; e^' 244 y crreveiv ae w KaTapaTe irpoarjKev, ev ovSevl tcov Trap ifiol yejovvlav evprjaeTe tj) irokeu ovTcoal Se '^oryl^eaOe. ovBafjbov 7roo'jro6\ oiroc 7rpeo-/3evTr}<; eVe//,- fp07jv V(j) Vfjbwv iyco, rjTrrjOel^ dirrfKOov twv Tvapd ^ckLTTTTOv Trpea/Secov, ovk i/c ^eTTaXia^, ovk i^ ^ApLJBpaKia^, ovk. e^ ^iWvpicov, ov irapd tQiv SpqKcov iSaaiXicoVy ovk ck ^v^avTiov, ovk dXkoOev ovSa/jioOev, ov Tci TeXevTala eK ^rj^oov, d\7C ev oh KparrjOelev oi irpia^etk aVTOv tS Xoyo), TavTa T0Z9 oifkoiq eirioov KarecTTpecpeTO, TavT ovv diraiTeh Trap ifiov, 245 Kal OVK alcryvvec tov avTOv el? Te fiaXaKtav o-kcott- T(ov Kal TTj^ ^lXlitttov Swdfiecof; d^ioov eua ovra KpeiTTCD ryeveaOat; Kal Tavra Toh Xoyot<;; tlvo^ yap dWov KVpLo^ fjv eyoo ; ov yap Trjt; ye eKacTTOV '>/^f %^9, ovBe Trj<; TV')(7)<^ Twv irapaTa^afievcov, ovhe ttj^ aTpa- TTjy La<; ^9 efju diraiTel'^ ev0vva<;' ovtco aKaw el, dWd fjurjv wv y dv 6 prjrcop virevOvvo^ etrj, irdaav 246 i^eraacv Xa/jb^dvere' ov TrapaLTovfiaL, rlva ovv iaTi Tavra) ISelv ra Trpdy/jLara dp')(pfjbeva kol irpoai^aOeadau Kal irpoenrelv toI^ dXXoL^, ravra 12 178 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. ireTrpaKTai /not, koI en Ta<; iKcurra'Xpv /SpaSur^a? OKVov^ wyvolw^ ^L\ov€CKLa<;, a ttoXltlkcl Tal<^ irokeat TrpoaeaTLV aTrdaai^ kol dvajKala d/jLapTij/jLara, ravO^ 0)9 l6t9 iXa^caTa avaTeiKaiy koI rovvavriov eU ofio- votav KOL (piXlav /cat rod rd heovra iroielv opfirjv TrpoTpiyfrat, fcal ravrd /jlol irdvra TreTroLrjraty koX 247 ouSet? fir) iroff euprf Kar ifie ovSev iXXetcj^dev. el TOLvvv T49 epotro ovTivovVy tI6aprjvat '^rjixaaiv rj fjurj KeKpdrrjfca ^Ckhnrov' wairep yap 6 wvovfievo^; vevUrjice rov \a/36pTa, iav irpir^Tai, ovt(d<; 6 firj Xa^dov koI BtacfyOapeh vevUrjKe rev (ovovfievov, ioare drjTT7jT0<; ri iroki^ rb kut ifii. 248 '^A fJL€v TOLVVV iyco 7rap€o"^6fjL7]v €6? to BcKaLco<; ToiavTa ypd(f>6cv tovtov irepl ifiov, Trpo? TroXXot? eTepoL^ TavTa koI Trapaifkrjcna tovtol9 icTTiv, a 8' ol 7rdvT€f; VfieL^;, Tavr rjSrj Xe^co, fieTa yap ttjv fid')(7)v €v6v<; 6 Brj/jio<;, elBm kgX ecopaKm irdvTa baa hrpaTTOv iyco, iv aiiToU toI^ Beivoc^ Kal ^o^epol^ ilJb^€^rjKco<;, rjvlic ovS" dr/vco/jLovrja-al tl OavjuaaTOV yv Toif^ 7roXXov<; Trpo? ifjii, TrpwTov fiev irepX acoTTjpiaf; T?79 7rcXea)9 Ta9 ifjbd<^ yvoofjia^; i')(€tpoT6v€t, Kal irdvff oaa T?79 ^vXaicr)^ eveKa iirpdTTeTO, rj BtdTa^c^; t(ov (f)vXdK(ov, at Td(j)poL, Ta eh ra Tel'^i] ')(pr)pbaTa, Bid twv ifiwv '>^<^L(TixdT(x)v eylyvero' eireiS* alpovfjuevo^ 249 atTcivrjv i/c irdvTcov i/jue i'x^ipoTOvrjo'ev 6 Brjfio^, Kal DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. 179 lierra ravra ava-ravTCOv oh rjv eTrt/^eXe? Kaic&<; ifie TTOLelv, Kal ypacjya/i evOvvm €iaar/y€\La<;, iravra ravT eTra^ovTwv fiot, ov Sl eavr&v to ye tt/dco- Tov, dWa Sc wv fiaXcaO^ VTreXdfi^avov dfyvorja-e- aOai (tcre yap hrjirov Koi fie/JLvrjo'Oe ore tov? ttjow- Tov<: ^(povov^ Kara rrjv rjijuepav eKaarrjv ifcpcvofjurjv iyd, Kal ovt dirovoia XoocnfcXeov^ ovre avKOifyavrui ^cXoKpdrovf; ovre AcoovBov Koi M.€\dvTOv fiavla ovt aW' ovSev dnreipaTov rjv tovtov^ KaT ifiov), iv tolvvv TOVTOi^ irdcn jxaXia-Ta fiev Bed tov<; Beov^y BevTepov Be BC Vjxax; koi tov^ aXkov^ ^AOTjvaiov^ ea-co^ofirjv, BcfcaLQ)<;* TOVTO yap koI d\7]9e<; eaTt Kal virep toov oficofjiOKOTcov Kal yvovTcov Ta evopKa BcKacTToop. ovkovv 250 ev fiev oh el(Trjyye\X6ijLr)v, ot d7reylr7j(f>L^ea-6e fJLOv Kal TO fiepo^ T&v ylrr)(j)cov Toh Blookovctiv ov fieTeBi- BoTe, TOT e'\ln](f)L^eaOe Ta dpia-Td fie irpdTTeuv* iv oh Be Ta9 ypa^d7ja-LV, dWd to tov Ke^aXou KaXov, to 251 fjLTjBefiLav ypa^rjv (j)evyetv, Kal vrj AC evBaifiov ye* dXXd tl fidXXov c 7roXXdKL<; fjuev , o-Keyjraa-O^ c3 dvBpeg ^KOrjvaloi Kal OecopT]' (rare o&q) Kal d\r)decrT€pov Kal dvOpcoircvcoTepov iydo 253 Trepl ttj^; tv^V^ tovtov BioKe^dTqcroiiai. iyoo ttjv tt}^ iroXecoi^ rvyrjv dr^aOfjv riyovfiaiy Kal Tav0* opdo Kal TOV Aia tov AcoBcovaXov ifilv fiavTevofievov, Trjv fiivTOL Toov rrrdvTcov dvOpooTrcoVj fj vvv eire^ei, '^oXe' irrjv Kal SeiVTjv rk yap ^EiWrjVcov rj rk /3apl3dpcov 254 ov TToWSv KaK&v ev t& irapovTU TreireipaTai] to fiev TOLvvv irpoeXeaOac Ta KdWcara Kal to tcov oly- OevTcov '^XXtjvcov, el irpooiVTo rjixd<;, ev evBaifiovla Btd^eiv, avTwv d/juetvov Trpdrreiv t^9 dyadfj^ t^%^? T^9 7r6Xeft)9 elvao Tidrj/juL' to Be TrpocTKpovaai Kal firj Trdvff* C09 Tj^ovKofJieS* i^fuv av/n/Srjvac Trj<; tcov dXKcov dvOpcoTTcov TV')(rj<; to iirc^aXXov e7]fjbla<; Kal avKO(f>avrla '^^^ ttoXV dv e^^cov eTep elirelv Trepl avTrj<; TrapaXeLTTco, ^vXaTTofxevo'^ to Xvirrjcrai Tcva 182 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. iv oh acfivvpojJLaL* crv S' 6 (T€/jlvvv6/jl€V0^ avrjp koI SiaTTTvoov Tou? aX\ov<; GKoirei irpov fiera ttoWtj^ ivSeia^; iTpd nrrfkw kol TOi? irvrvpoi^ kol az/to-Ta? diro rov fcad- apfjLov KeXevcop Xiyeiv '^€uyov kukov, evpov afiei- vov" iirl Tft) /irjSeva TrooTrore rrjXiKovT oKoXv^ai. 260 aefivvvofievo^ {koX eycoye vofiL^co* firj yap oXeaS' avTov ^OeyyeaOau fiev ovrco fxeya, oXoXv^eiv S' ov'x, vTripXafjuirpov), iv he Tac^ r)iiepai^ tov^ koXov^ Bid- 6po9 Kal TocavTa virb t&v ypaSicov '/rpoaayopevch fi€V09, fjLcaOov Xafi^dvcov tovtcov evOpvirra Kal arpeTT' rov<; Kal verjXaTa, icj) oh rl^i ovk dp w? dXrjOoo^ 261 avTov evSacfjLOPLaece Kal rfjv avrov tv^V^I iTreLhrj S' eh Toix; hr^p^ora^ eveypd(^^ oiroaahrjiroTey ico yap TOVTO, iirethrf y iveypd^rj^, evdeco^ to KdXXiaTov i^eXe^co t&v epycov, ypa/jL/JLarevetv Kal v7r7)peTelv Toh dpxji'Bioi^;* C09 8' aTTTjXXdryTj^ mre Kal tovtov^ iravd" a t&v aKX(ov KaTrjyopeh avTO^; iroirjaa^;, ov DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA, 183 KaTrj(Tj(yva wv TroWd rpav/JLar €iXr)(j>ca(; eiKorcofi T0U9 direipov!; twv tolovtcov kivBvvcov 009 Se^Xow aKWTTTeLq, dWd yap irapel^ wv ttjv irevlav aire- 263 daacT dv Ti?, 7rpo9 avTa rd rod rpoirov gov jBahL- ovfJiac KarrjyopriiJLaTa, roiavrrjv ydp etXov TroXcreiav, eTreiBr) irore Kal tovt iTrrfkde aoL nroirja-ai. Be fjv evTvxpvar]^ filv r^? iraTpiBoq \ayco ^lov ef?;? BeBiw oh aavT^ anravTcov co-^at. Kairoi o(ttl<; 264 Xi'Xicov iToXvT&v diroOavovTcov iOdpprjae, tl ovto^ iraOelv viro toop ^oivTcov BiKatof; iarcv', iroXXdroLvvv erep elirelp e^wz; 'jrepl outov TrapaXeLyJrco* ov yap o(T dv Bei^afiL TTpoaovT alo-'X^pd rovrtp Kal ovelBrj, irdvT ol/JLuc Seiv ei'-^epok Xiyeiv, dXX* oaa firjBev ala')(^p6v idTOV elirelv i/jLoL 'E^eracroz/ tolvvv Trap' dXXrjXa ra (rol KajJbol 265 ^e^tcofjiiva, Trpao)?, firj TrcKpm, Ala')(^LV7)' cIt ipd" TTja-ov TovTovcrl TTjv TTOTepov TiJp^Tyz/ dv eXoiO* eKa^ (TTodpTr) fiev elvai hoicelv vir- dp)(^eiy KLvSvv€V€C<; Be ecre Sec a ere tovto iroielv, elV 17S7; ireTraiKrOav fJbtj fieraXa^ovra to Tre/iTTTOv fJbipo^ Twv yfrij^oov. dyaOfi ye, ou^ opa^; tv'xt) a-vix^e^KO" /CCW9 T^9 e//.^9 KaTTjyopec^;. 267 ^epe Brj Kal Ta^ toov Xevrovpyiwv fiapTVpla^ c5z/ XeXeiTovpyrjKa, vfilv dvayvoo' Trap d<; irapavdyvcoOL fcal (7v fJbOL ra? prjaec^; d<; ekvpbaivov, •tJKO} V€Kp(j)V K€vOp.(J)Va KOI (TKOTOV TTvXtt? Kal KaKayyeKcLV fxlv loSl firj OiXovrd /a€, KOI KaKov KaKoo^; ae fidKLcTTa fiev ol Oeot, eiretTa ovTOL irdvTe<; diroXeaeiav, TTOvrjpov ovTa Kal ttoXlttiv Kal TpLTaycovLa-TT!]V, Keye ra? fjLapTVpia<;. MAPTTPIAI. 268 *Ei/ fiev toivvv toI^ tt/do? ttjv ttoKiv tolovto^' iv Se TOt? tStot? e^ firj Trai/re? tWe ore kolvo^ Kal ^lK~ dv6p(D7ro^ Kal tol<; heojxevoi^; i'jrapKoov, o-lcottco Kal ovBev av eliroiiJbt ovBe irapaG'j(oi[xrjv irepl TOVTdnv ovSefilav fjiapTvpiav, ovt el Tcva^ eK tcov iroXefilcov iXva-dfirjv, out eX tutl 6vyaTepa<; avve^eSooKa, ovTe Twv TOLovTcov ovSiv, Kal yap ovto) ttoj? viT€tK7)(^a, 269 iyo^ vojjii^co TOV jjbev ev iraOovTa helv fie/Jburjcrdat, irdvTa TOV ')(p6voVy tov Be iroLrjaavTa evOv^ evr^Xe- DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA, 185 Xrja-dat, el Sel rbv fiev ')(^pr](jTov rbv 8e yu,?) fxiKpo- '>^v')(ov iToielv epyov avOpdiirov* to he ra? ihia<; evepjeaLa<; vTTOfxiiJbvriaKeiv kol Xeyetv ^ fxiKpov helv ofioLov icrrl t& oveiSi^eiv, ov 8rj TTOirjaco tolovtop ovBev, ovSe 7rpoa'^d7]o-ofiaL, a\X' 07r(»9 ttoO^ virelXijfi- fiai irepl tovtcov, dpKei fioc. 'BovXofiai Be twv ISmv aTraWayeh ere fiLfcpa 270 7rpo9 v/ia? elirelv irepl rcov kolvwv, el fiev yap €^€^9, Al(T')(^iV7], TOOV VTTO TOVTOV TOP TjKiOV ellTetV dvdpooiTcov oaTC<; d9av/}a€Tat Tav' Ta irdvTa outg)9 ov pbovov toI^ vofii/not^;, dWd /cal rj (j)vac<: avTTJ T0t9 dypd(f>oi'i v6fioc<; koI toc<; dvOpco^ irLV0i<; fjOeai StoopiKev. Ala'x^ivrjf; tolvvv ToaovTov virep^i^XrjKev a7ravTa<; dvdp(c7rovv\dTT€LV ifjLe Koi Trjpelv iKekevev, 07rft)9 p^rj irapafcpovcTOfiat, firjh* i^airaTiqao}, hetvov Kal ylyqTa Kal cro^La-TrjV Kal Ta TocavT ovofid^cov, W9 idp Trporepo^; ti<; ecTrp Ta irpoaovd' kavTco irepl dWov, Kal Brj TavO^ ovtco^ €')(pvTa, KoX 0VK6TL Toix; aKovovTU^ a crvfJLCpipet tj} iroXei, ')(^prJTab, 0VT6 yap ttjp opyfjv oi/re Trjv e'^Opav out 278 aWo oi/Bev t&v tolovtcov tov KoKm/ Kayadov iroXi" TTJV Bel Tov^ virep t&v kolv&v elaeXrjXvOoTa^; ScKa- orra? d^tovv avTa> (Se^aLovv, ouS' virep tovtcov eh v/jid^ elcnivat, dXXd jxaXiGTa fiev firi e^etv TavT iv Trj (jivaei, el S' ap' dvdyKT], Trpdco^ kuI /xeTpico^; Bia' Kei/JLev exeiv* iv tlctlv ovv cr^oBpbv elvai tov iroXt" Tevofievov koI tov prjTopa Bel\ iv O69 t&v oXmv tc KtvBvveveTat Trj iroXet, kol iv oh irpo^ tov^ ivav' Tiov^ idTL T& Br]/ji&)^ iv TovToi^' TuvTa ydp yevvaiov Kal dyadov itoXitov, fi7]Bevo<; Be dBiKrjiJLaTO(; ttco- 279 TTore BrifiocLOv, Trpoa-Orja-co Be fXTjS' IBiov, Blktjv d^cco" aavTa Xafielv Trap* ifxov fir}0* virep Trj<; TroXeco^ firjff* virep avTOv, aTe(j)dvov teal iiraivov Kairiyopiav rjicew avvea-Kevacr/jLevov, /cal ToaovToval X6yov<; dvr)^ XwKevai lBia<; ej(9pa^ Kal <^66vov Kal fJUKpoy^v^ia^ i(TTl o5to9 ctt' evvoLCL iravT ipel' 6 S' ac^' oSz^ 9; ttoXl^ irpooparal rcva klvSvpov eavrfj, toi5tou9 Oepairevcov OVK iirl T^9 avTrjf; opfxel toI<; ttoWoZ?, ovkovv ovhe T^9 da-^aX€La<; ttjv avrrjp ej^et irpoahoKiap, dW\ 6pa<;; iyco* Tovrh yap avfi^epopff* elXo/jLrjp rovTotal, 282 Kal ovSep i^aiperop ovS^ iSiop ireTroirjiiaL. dp ovp ovBe ov ; Kal ttw^ ; 89 evdeco'; fjL€T rrjp fjbd^rjp Trpea^evrf)^ iiropevov 7rpo9 ^tXiiTTrop^ S9 rjp toop ip eKeiPOL^ TOL^ ypopoi^ av/^^opoop aLTCo<; rfj TrarplSc^ Kal ravT appovfiepo^ irdpra top eixirpoaOe ')(^popop TavTTfp Ttjp '^peiap, C09 nrdpTe^ iaaacp. KaiTOi Tk TYjp TToXcp i^airaToop; ov^ 6 /Jbrj Xiycop a (jypopel; T(^ 8^ 6 KP]pv^ KaTaparai SLKaLco<;; ov tS tolovto); TL Be fiel^oy e^oi tl^ cip ehrelv dSUrj/Jua KaT dpSp6<; prjTopof; fj el fiTj TavTou ^popel Kal Xeyet; gvtolpvp 283 0UT09 evpiOrj^, elTa crif ^Oeyyr) Kal ^Xeirecp ek Ta TOVTcop TTpoacoTra ToXfid^', iroTep ov'^ rjyel yiypd^- GKeip avTov^ odTi^ ei\ fi Toaovrop vttpop Kal XtjOtjp dirapTa^ e^^LP, Sctt ov ixefivrja-OaL tov<; X6yov<; 01/9 iSrjfi7jy6peLlXo<; rj yvcopc/JLo^; tjv ^lXltttto^; iyco fxev ov^ ops, dX)C €/jLtadoo07]^ iirl T(p 7a rovrcovl av/Mcpi' povra hia(^6eipeiv, aX)C o/^co? ovt(o ^avepw^ avro^ elXrjfjL/jievof; TrpoSorrj^ kol Kara cavTOv fnjvvTrj<; iirl rol<^ avfji^aa-t yeyovoo^ ifiol XoiSopel koX oveihi^eL^ ravra, (Sv 7ravra<; puaXKov alriov^ €vprjaei^, TloXKa Kal Ka\a Kal fieydXa rj itoXl^, Klayivri, ^^^ KOLi irpoeikero Kal Karoop6coae Bl i/jLov, S)V ovk r]fivr)ii6vr}aev, cnjfieLOv Si' ^(eiporovSiV yap 6 Brjfio^ rev ipovvr iirl roL<; rerekevrt^KGau map avrd ra avfi/Savra ov ae i^eiporovqae TrpojSXTjOevra, Kaiirep €V(f>covov ovra, ovBe Arj/judSTjv, aprc irerroirjicora rrjv €lpr}V7)v, ovB' 'HyT] fiova, ovB' aWov vfjioov ovBeva, aX>C ijjie, Kal 7rap€\96vro<; aov Kal IlvdoKXiovg . o)/jLoo<; Kal dvacBco<;, c3 ZeO Kal Oeoi, Kal Karrjyo- povvrcdv ifJbov ravrd.a Kal au vvvi, Kal XocBopov- /levcoi/, er dfiecvov i')(etpor6v7]aev ifxe. ro S' alnov 286 OVK dyvo€L<; fiiv, ofio)^ Be (ffpdcrco aoi Kay (a, diM- ^orep fjBeaav avrol, rrjv r ifjirjv evvoiav Kal Trpo- Ovpjiav, fjieO^ 7J9 rd Trpdyfiar eirparrov, Kal rrjv Vfierepav dBiKiaV a yap evOevovvrwv rwv rrpay- /jidrcov rjpvelade Btofivvjiiepoi, ravr iv ol? errraiaev 77 TToXt? cofioXoyrjo'are. rov<; ovv irrl rol<^ KOLvolwvfi haKpveiv viroKpivoixivov^ rrjv eKelvcov rv'xrjv, dWd Trj y{rvxy avvdXyetv — * tovto S' icopcov Trap' 288 eavTol^ koX Trap ifjuoi, irapd 8' vfilv ov. Bid tuvt ifjLe ej^eipOTOvrjaav Kal ov)(^ v/idf;. /cal ou^ 6 fiev Sfj/jio^ ovTco^, oi Be Twv reTeXevTTjKorcov Trarepe^ Kal dB€\(l)ol oi viTo TOV Brjjxov rcff* alpeOevre^ eVl ra? Ta(f)d^ aX\ft)9 TTO)?, dWd Biov TroLelv avrov^ to TrepiBetTTvov w? Trap' olfceioTdra) twv TereXevTrj/corcov,) cccTTep TaX)C etcode ylyveaOat, tout eTToir^arav Trap ifxoL €Ik6to)(;' yivec fxev yap etcaaro^ eicdaTcp /judX- \ov olKelo€pep, o5to9 Kal TraOcvToav d pjr] ttot co(j)eXov t^9 VTrep aTravTCOV Xvttt)^ TrXelarov fjuerel^^^ep, 289 A€76 8' avTtp tovtI to eTrcypa/jufjia, o Brjixoaia TrpoeiXero r) ttoXl^ avToh eTnypd-s^ai^ Xv elBjjf; AtV- 'X^LVT) Kal ev avTQ) tovtcl> aavrcv dr/vcifiova Kal (7VK0(f>dvT7]v ovra Kal fitapov. Ae7e. EnirPAMMA. OiSe TraTpaq tveKa 0'eT6pas cts Sypiv WevTo oTrXa, Koi avTLTrdXuiv v/Bpiv direcTKeSacrav, fiapvafievoi 8' dp^jyj^ kclL Xyfiaro^ ovk icrdoiO'av vy€Lv CTropcr. 'A^oi/et?, Ala")(^lvi], kol iv avrco tovtco^ to firjBev 290 afiaprecv eaji dewv kclI Travra KaropOovv* ov Ttp G'Vfi^ovK(p TYjv Tov KaTopOovv Tou? dycopi^ofjLivovi aveOrjKe hvva^iv, aXKa TOi? Oeol^. tl ovp, co ku- rdpar, ijjLol irepl tovtcov XoiSopet, kol \iy€i<; a aol Kol T0L<; G'ol'i oi 0€ol rpi'yfretav eZ? Ke^aXijp; IloWa Toivvv cS dvhpe<^ ^AOyjvaloo kol aXXa 291 KaTTjyoprjKOTO^: avrov Kol KaTe^Jrevafiivov, fiaXiGT iOavfJbaaa irdvTcov^ ore twv av/jL^e^rjKOTcov rore Tjj TToket, fivrjaOeh ov^ cw? dv evvovavep6<;y ifjue TrdvTcov aiTLov Kal Bi ijie et? irpdyfiaTa (f>daKcov i/jLireaelv ttjv iroXcv, ov/c diro r^? ifJLTj^ 7roXcT€la<; ovBk TTpoaLpeaeo)^ dp^a/juivcov vpLoov to?9 ^^XXTjac tSorjdecv, iirel e/ioLy el tovto Bodeirj Trap vpuoov^ BC 293 ifjie vpuds rjvavTLwaOaL ttj KaTa tcov 'EXXrjvcov dp^fj 192 DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. *7rpaTT0fievr}, fiel^cov av hoOeir) Bcopea (TVfiiraa&v iLv Tol^ oKKoi^ BeBooKare. aXX ovt av iycb ravra ^r)(TacfiL {dSc/coirjv yap av vfxas:)^ ovt av v/jLet DEMOSTHENES DE CORONA. 193 KXefcTap%09 SwcriVrparo?. eiriXd'y^ei fie Xeyovra rj 296 rjfiepa ra r&v irpoBoroov ovofjLara, ovtoc iravTe^ elcriv, av^pe^ ^A6r)vacoc, tqjv aifT&v ^ovXevfidrcov ev ral^ avTwv irarpidiv Svirep ovtol Trap' vfuv, avOpco- iroL fitapol KoX /c6\aK6^ fcal aXdarope^, TjKpconjpca" (Tfjiivoc Ta9 iavTwv e/caarot Trarpiha^^ rrjv eXevOepiav irpo7reTT(OKQT€^ irporepov fjuev ^tXLinrcp vvv he 'A\- e^dvBpG), rff ryaarpl fierpovvre^ /cal to69 alcr')(i(7T0L<; T^v evSai/jLoviav, rrjv S ekevOepiav kol to fi7]Beva e'xeiv ZeaTTOTrjv aCroov, a Tot9 7rpoTepOL<;'^EiX\7]acv opoL T&v dyaQ&v riaav Kol Kavove^^ dpareTpacjyoTe^. TavT7]<; roLVVv t% ovtco<; alcT')(^pd^ ical irepi^or)- 297 Tov avardaew^ koX KaKia^^ fxaXkov S' w avSpe^ ^AOrjvaloc TTpoBoaiaf;, el Bel firj Xrjpetv, t^9 to)p 'EX- Xr/vcov iX€vdepLa(;, fj re iroXi'^ irapd Trdcnv dv0poo7roL9 olKela Kal (rvfi- pbax virdp^eu Trpd^at, to 3v^dvTiov, ttjv ^'A^vhov, TTJV 'Ev^otav; Kal toov fiev to?9 i'^Ppoh v7rap')(pu(Twv DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA, 190 Svvdfiecov rm fieyia-Ta^; cKpekelv, wv S' ivekeLire rf) TToXeCj ravra TrpoaOelvaL ; ravra tolvvv anravTa ireTTpaKTaL rol^i ifjuol^ 'sfrTj^ia/iaaL koL T049 6/^069 TToXtrevfjiao'tv, a kol /3€^ovXevfJLeva, c3 avBpe^ 'A^t;- 303 vacoc, iav avev (j)66vov t£9 ^ovXrjTac orKOTrelv, 6p6oo9 evprjaei kol ireTrpajfJiiva Trda-rj BcKaioavvrj, kclI top iKacTTov Kaipov ov irapeOevra ovS* dryvorjOevTa ovSe TrpoeOevra vir i/iiov, fcal oaa el^ ev6<; avSpb<^ hvvafiiv Koi XoyccTfjLov rjKev, ovSev iXKei^Oev. el Se rj Sac- fjLovo^ Tivo^ Tj Tvxv^ /(T^j^i)? ^ aTpaTTjywp ^avXoTTj^ rj T&v TrpoBiSovTcov Ta9 7roX6fc9 vfJLoov KaKca rj Trdvra ravra iXv/Jbaivero rolV' \dTTei irr^viic eaeaOe fiearol rov o-vveyA^ XeyovTo^ fj irapd T^9 TVXV^ '^^ avju^iffrjfcev evavTLcofJba rj dXKo TL SvaKokov yeyove [TvoKKd he rdvOpooTrLva)* elr eTrl TOVTO) tS Kaipoj prjToctp i^ai(j)V7j(; etc tt}^ i^o-vx^cl^ &a7rep irpevfju edvi], koX TTe<^cova(TKr}icm teal (rvveL- Xo)(a><; prj/jLaTa koL \6yoi<; avveipet tovtov<; aaw^ KoX aTTvevaTl, ovrjatv fiev ovhefiiav (^epovTa^ ovB^ dyaOov KTTjaiv ovhev6<;, (jv/jL(j)opdv he tw tvxovtc 309 tSv ttoXltoop koI Kotvrjv alcrxvvrjv, KaiToc TavTrj re KayaOM, iv oh ovBa/jLov ait ^avyjaec ry€yov(o<;, ov tt/ocSto?, ov Sevrepo^;, ov Tplro^;, ov TerapTO?, ov TrifiirTOf;, ovx €fcro^, oup^ OTTOO'Toa'ovv, ovKOvv iiTL y olv tovtcov rfj vaei, 7r/909 Toi)9 'Trpo ifiavrov vvv iyoo KplvcojjLac Kol OecopoofjLaL ; fji7}^afiGj<;' ovre yap hUaiov ovr iaov, Alo")^Lvr), dWd 7rpo9 o-e kgX aXkov el rtva l3ov\€L Toov rairrd aot Trporjprj/jbivcov Kal ^covtcov. 316 KaKelvo aKoirei. irorepov icdXktov Kal ajieLvov rfj TToXec Sid Ta9 twv irporepov evepyeala^;, ovaa^; VTrepfJueyedec^, ov fiev ovv eiiroi tl<; dv ryA,tA:a9, Ta9 €7rt TQV irapovra ^iov yiyvop^kva^ eh d')(apia-TLav Kal 7rpo7r7)\aKLo-fi6v ayetv, rj nrdcnv ocroi ri /mer evvoia^ irpdrrovai, ttJ^ tovtcov TC/Jbrj'^ Kal (pcXav- 317 6pco7rLa<; fieTelvai) Kal firjv el Kal tovt dpa Set /xe elirelv, rj jxev ifirj iroXiTeia Kal 7rpoaLpeaL<^, dv tl^; 6p6oo<; a-KOTrr), Tal<; toov tot eTraivovfievwv dvSpwv ofiola Kal TavTa ^ovXofjbivT] (j^avrjaeTat, rj he arj Ta?9 T(OV TOV<^ TOiOVTOV^ TOTC (TVK0(^aVT0VVT(0V' BrjXov yap otl Kal KaT eKelvov^ Tjadv TLve<; ol Sla- avpovTe^ Toif^ 6vTa<; TOTe, tol'9 Be irpoTepov yeyevrj- DEMOSTHENES BE CORONA. 199 [ikvov^ eTTrjvovv, fiaaKavov ^irpajfia kol ravrb ttov- ovvT€<; aoL eZraXeyet? w? ovhev oiioio^ elfii eKeivov^ 318 e^co; ^(\)ia fjbaa L kclI vojioi^ Kal iTpeapeiaL^ dwavra Sco^k€lto, v/jliSp Se oiiBel<; tjv ovhafiov, TrXrjp el tovtol<; eTrr]pedvXaTT€iv, iv iravrX he Kaiput koX irpa^ei rrjv evvotaV tovtov yap 7) (f)vac^ Kvpla, rov Svvacrdac Se fcal la^veiv €T€pa. TavT7)v TOLVvv Trap ifiol /JL€fi€vi]Kv2av evprj' 322 (T€T€ olttXcu^* opare Si. ov/c i^airovfxevo^i ovk *Afi(}>LKTVovLKa<; St/c6^a>v Bore Kal acoTrjpiav dai^aX?]. NOTES ON THE ORATIONS OF ^SCHINES AGAINST CTESIPHON AND DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. NOTES ON THE ORATION OF ^SCHINES AGAINST CTESIPHON. Ch. 1 — 9. Exordium : Deprecation of factious proceedings, and party influence, which tend to prevent the due execution of justice. 1. irapaaKcviiv ...irap&Ta^iv, "Vocabula desumta ex re militari," Bremi, = "The muster and array of partisans, and supporters of Demosthenes." Trapao-iceud^eo-^ at is frequently used in the sense of "preparing or procuring for oneself persons as witnesses or partisans," so as to obtain a sentence by force or fi'aud ; hence its combination with prjropas, xpevdeis \6yovs, fidp- rvpaSf (TV KO(pdvT as. The court, on the occasion of this great trial, was thronged by hearers, who ranged themselves on the side of ^schines or Demosthenes. The number of the jurymen in the Athenian courts gave great opportunity for the use of factious arts, deriaeis. Comp. Liv. iii. 14. virkp roO^ k. r. X. {fir^p with an infinitive denotes "for the purpose of." iyu>j em- phatic, "I for my part," whatever others may do. 2. r^v ^ov\7)v Toi)s irevT. Kal ras iKKXyjaias, ** the Council of Five Hundred, and the Popular Assemblies." The former was an executive and deliberative body appointed more espe- cially to prepare measures for the latter. The members were chosen by lot from the whole body of the people, were required to be genuine citizens both on the father's and mother's side, and of the age of 30. Their term of office (called a Pytany) lasted a year, and at its expiration they were required to render an official account of their administration to the auditors. tQv e0e(7r?7/c6rwi'=" their presiding officers," i. e. the irpoidpoi, and iirKTTdrrjs. Comp. Soph. AjaXy 1072 ; Xen. Mem. I. i. 18. 3. p^5^ws=temerfe, "recklessly," "rashly." iTn\l/7](pi^ovai^ sententias perrogant, in suffragia mittunt, "put to the vote*" iK irapaa-KevTjs Kad€^6/j,evoL= " obtaining their seats by intrigue." e^(ra77^XXei;/="to accuse him by bill of indictment." An eia-ayyeXLa is a "delatio," or "impeachment," laid before the Council, or the assembly of the people. See Diet. Antiq. 204: jESCHIFES. rovi ldi(Jrai. See Smith's Diet, Antiq, 994 6. " Although all citizens had the right of speaking in the iKKXijala, the privilege was of course exercised by a few only, who felt themselves com- petent to the task, and in the time of Demosthenes, when rhe- toric was studied as a science, the debates were mostly confined to a few practised orators and statesmen, as they are generally elsewhere. Hence the p-qTopes^ or drjfirjyopoi, are distinguished from the Idiojraiy or general body of citizens, who took no part in the debates." C. R. Kennedy. 4. Kripvyfia, according to the institution of Solon, those who were above 50 years of age were first called upon to speak, and then the younger men. But this custom became obsolete. See Smith's Diet, Antiq, 442 a, 5. vpoXiyu) vfupy k, t. X. " I forewarn yon a day will come when you will find that you have imperceptibly and Httle by little abandoned the constitution to a faction." 6. 7p. trap. diKd(TO)p='^ ' for the purpose of sitting as juryman in an action of ypa(f>i) irapavoixcavy ttjp \prj<()0Vj '* the vote he is about to give concerns his own freedom of speech." d vofxod^rrjs, this word may be apphed to any person who causes laws to be enacted, but "so high was the esteem in which Solon was held by the Athenians, as the founder of their social pohty, that although many important reforms were effected at various pe- riods, he still continued to be regarded as the lawgiver (6 vo/jlo- 6iTr)s]y and the whole body of laws passed under his name.'* See Smith's Diet. Antiq. dLaTrjpTjOujcnv (5td in comp. intemive) = " thoroughly, or faithfully observed." 7. rwv (TTpaTTjy'dv. The Strategi in the time of De- mosthenes differed in many respects from those of the early times. Formerly the Strategus was general in the field and leader in the assembly. In later times the various parties into which the state was divided had each their orator (prjTcop) and general. The Strategi, therefore, were often exposed to the maUce and misrepresentations of unfriendly demagogues, and were often more engaged in political contests at home than in waging war abroad. XvfiaipovTai, "are making havoc of the constitution." Comp. Acts viii. 3, *0 5^ SaCXos iXv/xabero riiv eKKkijalav. dva^i^a^ofxevoi used technically (1) of "bringing up a witness to the bar of a court of justice," (2) of a prisoner "bringing up his wife, and children, &c., to raise compassion." See Plat. Apol. xvm. d. 8. irapaKaradiixevoi, "entrusting to you as a deposit." The word is often used of depositing property with another on trust. Comp. irapaKaTadrjKT], 1 Tim. vi. 20 ; 2 Tim. i. 14. NOTES, 9. Having introduced the general charge [t) SXtj Karriyopliij ^schines proceeds to show, (1) (Chs. 9 — 13) that a most essen- tial law of the State had without excuse been violated in pro- posing to crown Demosthenes before the accounts of his ad- ministration have been duly scrutinized ; (2) (Chs. 13 — 16) that his appointment to an extraordinary office could not be justly pleaded in extenuation; (3) (Chs. 16 — 32) that the fact that the money he had spent was his own could not make him a whit the less amenable to the scrutiny. To that scrutiny all offices were amenable, and Demosthenes as holding two when the bill of Ctesiphon was proposed could not evade the law. TMv virevdijpwv. See Smith's Diet. Antiq. 478 a. Trap* ous, *' in opposition, or in violation of which." *' irapd signi^es prceter, when it is almost synonymous with contra, 'against,' as irapa dd^av, prcster opinionem, as if two contrary things were compared; by a similar transition we have in English, * beside the question,' for, 'out of,' or 'inconsistent with.' To this class belong the phrases irapa yvdopL-qv, 'contrary to expecta- tion;' Trapa dijvafiw, 'beyond one's power;' irapdi, tV (p^a-tv, ' contrary to nature ;' irapcL roiis vdfios, ' in contravention of the laws,' whence irapdvojio^, &c. ; and here we may compare Wep- (SaiveLv roi)s vdfiov^, iirep^aalat and the like." Donaldson's Greek Grammar^ p. 522, 10. 6 d^ avTo^ dv-qp... "and that the same man, after a short interval, should leave the court convicted of fraud and malversation," lit. "having failed in the scrutiny." 11. rtdrja-L v6fiop... "Brings forv/ard a law, and a very ex- cellent one too, which forbids explicitly the crowning of any who have not passed the official scrutiny." roi)s vTr€v...aT€^eiv = ^^ to intimate to them in reply," lit. *' to throw in a word under or after another." Comp. vwoXafi^dveiv. p^fia(TL= "mere words, quibbles." olo/neuov... dpaLpr)(T€Lv. "In the infinitive the future is used after verbs of requesting, wishing, &c. where in English we are content to em- ploy the present." Don. Gr. Gram. 408. r<^ rod pojjlou... in favor em legis suffragium ferre. 17. Tpbs d^ dr] Tov d(f)VKrov \6yov... "But with regard now to the invincible argument which Demosthenes speaks of." It is supposed either that (1) Demosthenes had urged this plea in private circles, or (2) that the passage was added by ^Eschines after the delivery of the oration. See the argument made use of in Dem. de Cor. 106 — 114. ^7ri5^5w/ca = "I have freely con- tributed besides," eTTibovvai, spontaneous, opp. to ela^^peiv, used of compulsory gifts. fjLifds iKarov: as compared with the 1^77- s ret yipa... "though they receive only honorary stipends," i. e. the contributions presented at the temples. "Eeditus et vectigalia et emolumenta ipsi vi sacerdo- tii, quo fungebantur, propria." Reiske. ra yivrf = " the families " in which the priesthood was hereditary. "FamilisB duae sacer- dotum in sacris Eleusiniis,quarum ilia ab EumolpOjhaec a Ceryce genus duxit." Bremi. See Smith's Diet. Antiq, ill a, 19. v(f)aipoviJt,ipovs...^^and. are not in the habit either of filching away in an underhand manner large portions of your revenues, while they expend but little ; or of professing to be giving away of their own means, (e7rt= 'besides' what might be legally required of them,) while they are but maldng restitution to you of what is your own ; but on the contrary who have bond fide expended," &c. A hit at Demosthenes. " eiriZibovaL et airo- bi^ovras consulto videntur ob paronomasiam opposita." Bremi. 20. TrpQTov ...xpTJcpou. The reading varies here. . Bekker reads /cat ttju iKel aKvdp(awbv...KvpLav dyei, i. e. "and brings the august tribunal there, arbiter though it be in the weightiest matters, under your jurisdiction." Orellius proposed the reading adopted in the text, explaining it thus, " unumquemque Areopa- gitarum, qui ibi (e// ' Ape/y wdycp) tarn tristes sunt et severi iidem- que maximarum rerumarbitri, nihilominus lex vestris sententiis subjicit." ouK dpa...Tpv(pu}(rt. " Shall not, then, the council of the Areopagus be rewarded jvith a crown? No: for it is not customary with them. What ? are they not then ambitious of deserving one ? Most undoubtedly : but they are not content, that one of their number should barely abstain from injustice ; on the contrary, if he but commit an error, they punish him : but your orators give themselves airs, and run riot in the pursuit of public honours." i^apcapTdveiif is a general term for "errors, mistakes, failures, or sins." 21. €v9^(as dpxofJt-evos... "in the very preamble of the laws." fXTj dTTodrjfii^ffo}, aor. con June, deliberative. "What! am I not to go abroad? No." "Since /jlt) forbids or negatives an assump- tion, its appearance in an interrogation presumes a negative reply." Don. Gr. Gram. p. 559. irpoXa^thv somewhat harshly is construed, per zeugma, both with xPVI^^Ta and irpd^et^. As applied to the former, it means ^^ occujpare pecuniara, non illi Usui impendere, cui dicata est;" with the latter, "opera ut perfecta et absoluta deserere, si sunt imperfecta nee absoluta." Bremi. rT]v ovalav KadL€povv=^^to dedicate his private fortune to sacred purposes." He was not allowed to call it Corban, and so escape, as the Jews did. ^/c/rotyjro*' 7. "nor to be adopted.'* See 208 ^SCHINES. Smith's Diet. Antiq. 14 b. A person was said iKToieicrOaL in refer- ence to the family he left, elairoieiffOaL in reference to the family he entered. 23. firib* ifiirpoo-Oev...^^ let not yonr administration super- sede (or go before) the laws, but follow them." 24. ovToi, "Ctesiphon and Demosthenes." apxwx/ flip... *• presiding at the time over the management of the theoric fund, and being superintendent of the repair of the walls." The fund here spoken of was devoted to defraying the expenses of theatrical and other entertainments. See Smith's Diet. Antiq. 1126. 25. &vTLypa . . . " but be content to be honoured in the city itself by the people, and not try to make NOTES. 209 a profit by the decrees." €pyo\d(3os = 'L&t. conductor, redemptor, "a contractor;" cpyoKa^elv is found in Xen. Mem. iii. i. 2, with dpdpidvras, "statuas conducere faciendas." Hence it means generally, "to do or think for lucre," "seek personal advan- tage." 3i. K€\€ij€L... "The lawgiver requires, that in the pre- sence of the people, in the Pnyx, in a full assembly shall procla- mation be made." See Smith's Diet. Antiq. 440 h. The Pnyx, or place of assembly of the Athenian people, formed part of the surface of a low rocky hill, at the distance of a quarter of a mile from the centre of the Areiopagus hill. It may be described as an area formed by a semicircle (very nearly), the radius of which varies from about 60 to 80 yards, containing about 12,000 square yards. In the middle point of the wall of rock, which forms the chord of this semicircle, was the celebrated Bema {^ijfia) or pulpit, often called "the stone" (6 Xldos), commanding a view of the Propylaea, and the other magnificent edifices of the Acropolis : from it the orators addressed the multitude in the semicircular area before them. The Pnyx appears to have been under the special protection of Zeus. See Ai't. " Athenae " in Smith's Diet. Geog, 35 — 49. It will be pleaded that there is another law allow- ing crowns to be bestowed in the theatre ; but this plea too is inadmissible. 36. rov AiovvcTLaKbp vbfiov. A fragment of this law is given by Demosthenes in his reply, Ch. 120. " Whensoever any of the townships bestow crowns, proclamations thereof shall be made by them in their several townships, unless where any are crowned by the people of Athens or the Council ; and it shall be lawful for these to be proclaimed in the theatre at the Dionysian festival." "It seems doubtful," says Thirlwall (Hist. Greeee, VII. 135), "v/hether the law on which the prosecution rested had not been modified by another, which declared, that proclamation might be made, as Ctesiphon proposed, if the people should so decree; though ^Eschines specially contended, that this excep- tion was only meant to relate to crowns bestowed on citizens, not by the people, but by foreign states." 37. StareXw fi7} \iyeis dpdds rdSe oitT^ dv dvvaifirjv fii^r* iiTKjTaiix'qv \iyeiv. "I neither could be able, nor may I know how to say, in "what way you are not right in what you say." See Don. Gr. Gram. 553. dvay4ypairTaL. "Id est, Kctrat, ^o-rtv: verbum proprium de legislatione." Bremi. 39. cavl(ji.v...Trp6(Tdev rCotf iTrojujjfioju^ "it requires that they inscribe them on tablets, and hang them up to public view before the statues of the Eponjini," or tutelary heroes after whom the Attic (puXai had their names. See Smith's Diet. Antiq. 470 h. They stood in the Ceramicus near the Tholos. aavlffiv, "wooden tablets covered with gypsum on which were all public notices, affecting the introduction, revision, &c. of the laws, &c." vo/jLoOiraLs. Bekker and Bremi read voiiodha^. Baiter and Sauppe, as in text, vofiodirais. If we retain the former, the sense appears to be, "having inscribed on the notice ^ Nomothetcc ;^ " if the latter, " having inscrijjed on the notice ^for theNomothetce.^^^ "Nullo sensu H. Wolfius vertit inscriptis lecjum latoribus.''^ Bremi. Cf. Dem. Fals. Leg. 185. rbv 5' i-rr... "And that the President of the proedri put the question (about the laws) to the people for a show of hands, and that they (the people) annul some, and retain in force others." 40. 7JT0L...r}. ""H, 'either, or,' and that too either in the disjunctive sentence Hke vel, or the interrogative like an, is some- times coupled with rot, as in Thuc. ii. 40." Don. Gr, Gram, p. 569. 5^ TTou, " of course." 41. ytyvofi^vujv yap... This is an unusual expression. The sense seems to be, "During the exhibition of the city- tragedies (i. e. those exhibited at the Aiov^cna rd eV Q.(tt€l) it was customary with certain persons to make public proclamation, without the assent of the people." viroKripv^dp.evoL hid K-qpuKos d^^j/res: ilSda yap 6 KTjpv^' odciva rbv detva rjXevdepojaey, quoted by Bremi. 42. Karadifievoi, this verb is often used in the mid. voice with x^P'^ i^ *^6 sense of " laying up for oneself a large store of gratitude," "deserving well of," "praBclare meriti de Kepublica, multis ofQciis id consecuti." 44. rj dTL[xov, "on pain of the herald being degraded," punished with drLfiia, Lat. capite imminutus, aerarius. 45. ^rav, it will be observed, connects itself with dTroM^r) ...dirdir'Q...irpo(TaTrelTr'Q. ipaui^cjv, from ^pavos, "a subscrip- tion, or contribution," Lat. symbola, means "to ask for contri- butions, or subscriptions," "to beg." Observe always the dis- tinction between KTaadat here="to acquire, obtain," and KeKTTJ- NOTES. ' ' 211 cdaL, "to retain," "possess," as infra, § 47, dX\* S^ecrTi KeKTrjaOai. Trpoa-aTre'nrrj 5^,..." Since it furthermore {irpds:) enacts in the law that no proclamation be made by any other, except, or besides (^ diroijarjs si desit senatus, i. e. si excipiatur senatus, prsBter senatum: hsec significatio ex primaria verbi notione sponte enascitur,' Bremi) the senate, the people, and the members of the individual's own tribe or borough." 46. lepbv eXvai... "The law takes from the person crowned* and ordains its dedication to Athena." Ws av ToX/jL-^cete... "Which of you would venture to charge the people of Athens with such illiberality? For I am sure no city, nay, no private person, no not even one, would be so mean, as to present anyone with a crown, at the same time proclaim it, then deprive him of it, and finally consecrate it." fiij yap on. There must be an el- lipsis here : /jltj viroKaix^dveTG^ 6ti av yivoiTo irdXis, Bremi. 47. fiel^(»)...vfuif... "that more gratitude is due to you than to the donors of the crown." 48. irpoffy^ypaiTTai... "That a clause is annexed (irpoi) to the law which makes it lawful to confer a crown." rb ydp... "For respecting the meaning of the expression, 'and no where else,' you may argue all day long, if you like, for you will never prove that your motion is in accordance with law." Here ends the argument on the second count in the indict- ment — " The illegality to proclaim the crown in the tlieatre." 49. -^schines now enters on the third count, "The il- legality of the decree of Ctesiphon, on account of its false state- ment of the merits of Demosthenes." 50. ol Karh Arjfioa-divov^ ^Tratvoi. This is rather an uncom- mon use of /card, /card cum genitivo = 777 AXero, at the moment the envoys were leaving Pella, Philip was at the point of heading an expedition against Cersobleptes. Grote, xi. 535, 66. i^cavoijfievos, "in purchasing for himself these advan- tages he (Philip) was not to blame." " The decree of peace and alliance was all to the advantage of Philip. He was in the superior position, and it sanctioned his retention of all his con- quests." Grote. 67. 6t' rjv T

s fi. IT. X' ^^^' odt/, *'In the first instance, 'it is true,' or, 'at any rate.' " 87. rb (TTpaTbireZov rb ttjs irdXeca^, The force was com- manded by Phocion. The Macedonian aid called in by Gallias came probably from Philip's commanders in the neighbouring Pagassean gulf. fXTj uiKi^craai, "unless they obtained a victory." 6 vvvi, "who now (since his admission into Athenian citizenship) salutes and smiles on all." 88. "Phocion and the infantry were in the greatest danger. The enemy, attacking vigorously, were plucking up the pali- sade, and on the point of forcing his camp. But his measures were so well taken, and his hoplites behaved with so much intre- pidity and steadiness in this tiying emergency, that he repelled the assailants with loss, and gained a. complete victoiy." Grote, XI. 477. dLcXtjo-acrdet "came to an amicable arrangement with them." 89. TrdXiv 77/ce, lit. "went borne along to his own natural bent," i. e. "returned headlong to his old practices." ry Xdyqi... ^pyip, "as he pretended," "in reality." i^ai/jerov, "with a view of raising himself to the supreme power, and making himself absolute." 90. {/trilSaWev... "He offered his service to the Thebans." vKeiovs Tpoirds. The Euripus is divided into two channels by a rock in the middle of the strait. The channel between this rock and Chalcis is about seven or eight feet in depth. It is sub- ject to extraordinary tides, frequently mentioned by the ancient writers. Some said that they changed seven times in the day, and seven times in the night. Livy, however, states there is no regularity in the change, but that the flux and reflux, which he ascribes to the sudden squalls of wind from the mountains,are con- stantly varied. See Liv. xxviii. 6 ; Cic. de Nat. Deor. m. 10 ; Smith's Diet. Geog. 699 a. EfjpLiros duOpujiros was a proverb for an inconstant man. Plat. Phcedon, 90 c. Bremi. drropuifd'... "Formula, qua quis significatur summis premi angustiis, nee vQlam salutem undecunque sperare posse." Brcmi. 218 ^SGHINES. 91. 5o\ixo^pofi.'n(ravTa, "the runner in the long race." §6Xt- Xoy, the long course, was opposed to the o(Ti(2... *'I stand prepared to clear my own city of her obligations to the gods." Grote. €vr]f>KTai... "the basket- procession is already begun." See Smith's Diet. Antiq. 237. The whole of this graphic account affords a vivid commentary on the words of one who afterwards visited Athens, and spoke of its inhabitants as /card irdvTa deLULdai/jLOPea-T^povs. Acts xvii. 22. 122. A€\(f)oou 8crot... "let all Delphians of eighteen years old and upwards (lit. who have been youths for two years) , whether bond or free, muster at break of day with spades and shovels at the place called the Thysteum," the "sacrificing-place." 124. Korru^o?, the President, as it would seem, of the Am- phictyonic Council. iKkXTjaiap, "convoked a full Amphicty- onic Assembly." 125. iirkp Tov fxea:... "in consideration of the fee deposited in his hands by the Amphissseans." Alluding to the charge brought against Demosthenes, supra 104. 126. i'n-avaa-Tda'Y}^... "at the rising of the Assembly." roi/s del irvXayopovvras, "who from time to time serve the office." A change, as Grote remarks, had evidently come over Athenian feeling ; there is nothing to confirm the insinuations of JEschi- nes respecting the crafty manoeuvres he attributes to his rival. "The occupation of Cirrha as a harbour was a convenience to all Greeks, and most of all to the temple itself." 127. rb yhp del... "for it is this constant habit of speak- ing smooth things which has brought the state into its present disastrous condition." ourwcrt, "Hoc vocabulum saspe ex con- textu definitur imprimis in malam partem. Hie significat ovtoj /caKws." Bremi. 128. fiid^ 7r6\ews, "no legates attended from Athens, nor any from Thebes ; a fact remarkable, as evincing an incipient tendency towards concurrence, such as had never existed be- fore, between these two important cities." Grote, xi. 663, at o-vfiopai. After the death of Philip, Thebes made an attempt to recover her liberty, but was taken by Alexander, b.c. 335, and entirely destroyed. The temples only and the house of the poet Pindar were spared. 6000 inhabitants were slain, and 30,000 sold as slaves. 129. 7rap€X^6rres = " having got the better." koX fxoKa [xc- rp£a>s = "with the greatest possible levity." St' ei^o-^^eta;/ = " for conscience' sake," that they might not be involved in the 222 ^SCSmES. sacrilegious proceedings of the rest. Kare\B6vrmy "who had been recalled by the Amphictyons." iroXXy xp^vi^^ *' Oratio hyperbo- Uca eo oratoris consilio nata, ut ne ipae videoretur Philippum in Graeciam vocare voluisse." Bremi. 130. fibvov oiJff = '* almost," tantum non. rj rQv fivarcop reXevri;, "the death of the initiated," who, according to the Scholiast, were devoured by a sea-monster on descending into the sea to perform the customary ablutions. diraiBevTos... "un- mannerly fellow that he is, and over-officious, and puffed up with the authority entrusted to him by you." 131. oi5 rb T€\€VTa?ov... "And, to complete all, did he not, though the sacriiices were inauspicious and ill-omened?" Lat. inauspicata. fl-pvV, "lately." &ir€T6\fir}(T€f dirb intensive^ "had he not the brazen-faced assurance to assert ?" &\(,T7jpL€t " thou common plague," or "evil genius" of Hellas. 132. els irapaZo^okoyiav, "but we are bom to be a marvel to all that shall come after us." 6 r6i'*'A^w StopiJ^as. Compare the well-known lines of Juvenal, Sat. x. 173. "Creditur olim Velificatus Athos, et quidquid Graecia mendax Audet in historic." vepl TTJs Tov (Tiofiaros. Alexander's expedition, it will be borne in mind, was now (b.c. 330) going on. The battles of Granicus b.c. 334 and Arbela b.c. 331 had already been fought. 133. fxeO* 'fifxipOLv fiiav = ^^m the course of a single day." cl Kal 5t/caiws= "Grant that their misfortunes were deserved, because they did not righteously consult the common interest, yet must it not be conceived that they seem to have brought upon them- selves their judicial blindness and infatuation not by human causes, but by the immediate will of heaven?" irpoaaxl/dfievoi = "though they only meddled with these concerns in the begin- ning." pvif ofXTjpevcroPTes... "at this moment are intending to become hostages, and to make a display of their reduced con- dition, and to send envoys to Alexander, prepared to submit m the name of themselves and their state to whatever he may deem fit." 135. voWaKt, drj... Hesiod, Op. etDies, 245—250. 136. ire/)tcX6»n-6j=" divest these lines of the poet of the metre." Comp. Hor. Sat. i. iv. 56. NOTES. 223 «*His ego quae nunc OKm qtiSB scripsit Lucilius, eripias si Tempora certa modosque." 137. ^pvvcovdas, A proverbial villain, Arist. Thesm, 862. Evpi/jSaros — of Ephesus, was sent by Croesus to hire mercenaries against Cyrus, instead of doing which he deserted to and gave him the money. '* Hence ' a deed of Eurybatus ' came to denote an act of treachery, and the name was applied to all cheats and tricksters." Whiston. Pern, de Cor, 24 ; Eustathius ap. Horn. Od. T. 247. Machines now attacks the famous alliance which Demos- thenes negotiated with Thebes when Philip had seized Elataea, and had applied to Thebes for a passage into Attica. It was "a great diplomatic and oratorical triumph," as Grote remarks, and doubtless he is entitled to all credit for it in spite of the carping comments of his rival. 140. "NlKaiav, This important fortress, belonging to the Epicnemidian Locrians, commanded the pass of Thermopylae. It was betrayed to Philip in the former Sacred "War, b.c. 346, by Phalaecus the Thracian dynast. Since that time it had remained in the hands of the Thebans though with a Macedonian garrison. Philip now consigned it to the Thessalians, *'who were tho- roughly in his dependence." See Grote, xi. 667. 'EX(£reta»», the key of Southern Greece, commanding the passes from Mount (Eta. On the alarm which the occupation of this place caused see the vivid account in Dem. de Cor. 169. irplp wepL... an un- tenable assertion. See Grote, xi. 678. 141. fiio-ovpTos Qyj^aiovs, Philip had calculated on the assist- ance of the Thebans ; their alliance with Athens was a terrible disappointment, and his hatred of the Thebans proportionate. 142. d7a7rai/= "to be contented," as often before, tovto dd TrpoXa^wv, " having made this reservation." rots 6v6/j,a(n /cX^- TTTuv, "deceiving them by the change of names," the general name of "Boeotians" being inserted instead of Thebans. ws ToiJs.,. " as though the Boeotians who were really aggrieved were Hkely to be content with the combination of names introduced by Demosthenes, and not rather feel the highest resentment at their wrongs." 146. dLadiKa(riav= " declared he would bring forward a trial of merit for the rostrum against the praetorium." By the pro- cess of dtadLKaaia suits were decided affecting claims to property, &c. between litigants, fjnadocpopwu, "he drew pay moreover for blank places in the mercenary contingent," i.e. he took pay for 224 jESCHINES, a certain number, and applied to Ms own purposes that which was meant for the absentees. 147. oi5 x^P^^ fiiv.,, "What else, but to fight separately with the city's forces?" 148. Trepl rwif virapxSvTcav... "nor did he fail to see that (by coming to a battle) he must stake all the advantages he had acq.uu'ed on the issue of one short day." 150. Tjv, ws ioiKE, $ei5ias... "which, as it would seem, Phi- dias only made for Demosthenes to make gain, and swear by." K\€o4>(2vTos... "tm*bulentus erat demagogus et similis Hyper- bolo et Cleoni, quibuscum saspe jungitur." Bremi. 151. Kal ypd\l/€LP, "and declared that he would bring for- ward a decree (he who never dared to look the enemy straight in the face), that you should send envoys to Thebes, to demand of the Thebans a passage through their country against PhiHp." 152. r(2v 6i.ya0(2v di'5/3a;v=the brave heroes who fell at Chae- roneia. roh hpairhaLs Troat, this imputation is disproved "by the continued confidence and respect shewn to Demosthenes by the general body of his countrymen." See Grote, xi. 692. 154. Tot>s 6px o f^^^ '''V yp(is kvkXiovs xopo^s. See Smith's Diet. Antiq. 279 a. tQ diairpa^afiivcfj, "but to the man who has succeeded by under- hand practices." 235. ovSels irwiroTe iTr^dero, "no one ever set himself to, or attempted the subversion of the democracy, till he could prevail over the courts of justice." 236. cL.Mev ttjv Apx^^i "If you say, what you have stated as the preamble of your decree." tou yap ravra... "For to have rendered it necessary tha^ these repairs should be carried out at all, involves far greater culpability than the event of carrying them out successfully." 240. See Thirlwall, v. 47. *ApKddo)v. During the absence of Alexander in Asia, the Arcadians took the opportunity of throwing off the Macedonian yoke, and promised the Thebans to supply them with auxiliaries for the same purpose, if 10 talents were raised by the latter. When Demosthenes refused to give this sum on the demand of the Thebans, an agent of the Macedonian party paid it, and so persuaded the Arcadians to return home. 241. dvaidevalav, " grossness, want of taste, and good feel- ing." avTuiu, " Ctesiphontis Demosthenis et asseclarnm." Bre- mi. ^apvrepov, " the hearing him would be more provoking than all that you have actually suffered through him." 242. T7JS &vaL(Tx^vTov TTpayfiaTcla^, "such a shameless de- sign," said of putting up Demosthenes to speak, et irpc^rju... NOTES. 233 **If lately yon could prevail upon yourself to be appointed am- bassador to Cleopatra, the daughter of Philip, to condole with her on the death of Alexander, son of Neoptolemus and brother of Olympias, king of the Molossi." On the death of this prince, the uncle and brother-in-law of Alexander the Great, see Livy, VIII. 24. He was defeated and slain in battle against the Luca- nians and Bruttii in B.C. 326, near Pandosia, on the banks of the Acheron in Southern Italy. 243. if roiouTos.., "Or is the man to whom you have de- creed a crown so obscure a person that his merits cannot be known even by those whom he has served?" XajSpig., the victory here alluded to was gained, in B.C. 370, over the Lacedemonian fleet under the command of Pollis. 'IfpiKparei. This famous general in- troduced an important improvement in Athenian military tactics, the formation of a body of targeteers (TreXrao-raQ, possessing to a certain extent the advantages of heavy and light-armed troops. At the head of this new force he defeated and nearly destroyed a Spartan Mora in b.c. 392, an exploit which obtained him great celebrity throughout Greece. 1!ifio64({3, The cruise of this gene- ral round Greece, and the conquest of Corcyra, in the year B.C. 375, are mentioned in Xen. Hell. v. 4, 42 — 69. See Smith's Diet. Antiq. 245. T7]v TrawdTaT-qv ^^odov, "Intelligit fatalem illam expe- ditionem, quae clade Chaeronensi finita est." Bremi. 247. (OS ovv... "Give your suffrages then not only as judges in this case, but as having the eyes of all men upon you, (and consider) how you shall acquit yourselves in the eyes of those citizens who are not present now, but who will hereafter enquire of you what verdict you gave." 248. irws ovv... "How, then, may one avoid such a disgrace? By being on your guard against those who preoccupy all the popu- lar and public-spirited appellations, while in their conduct and manners they are unworthy of trust. For the goodwill and name of democratic sentiments are proposed for competition to all, but those are generally the first to have recourse to them in pretence who are the farthest from them in reality." 249. Srav ovv... "Whenever, therefore, ye find an orator eager after foreign crowns and proclamations amongst the Greeks, bid him bring forward (just as the law requires that confirmations be made in cases of claims to property) proof of his claim to a respectable life and temperate habits." Kal ttjs... " and take care of the democracy which is already slipping out of your hands." 251. ^ireiT atripx^ffBe... "Then ye go away from your as- semblies, not after ye have come to any resolution, but as if from 234 jESCHINES. a picnic, Laving distributed the remains amongst yourselves." "Ut ii qui reliquias conviviorum communium inter se partiun- tur," — Td. treplovTO., etre xP'^M-o.Ta, ehe Trorct, ehe ^piard. Wolf. 252. iyiverd rtj... Allusion is here made to the effect on certain persons at Athens of the disastrous news of the battle of Chaeroneia. See Grote, xi. G96, n. 1. trepos b' idnbrrjs refers to Leocrates, an Athenian citizen, who, "instead of staying at Athens to join in the defence, listened only to a disgraceful timidity, and fled forthwith from Peiraeus with his wife and family." Having circulated at Khodes the false news that Athens was already taken, and the PeirsBUS under siege, the Ehodians fitted out an armament to seize the merchant-vessels at sea. Eight years after his return [irpiprjv iroTi) he was im- peached by Lycurgus, and only escaped owing to an equality of votes. See Thirlwall, vii. 140. 253. Tj (Tv\\ap6uT€s. . . ** Will you not seize him as a political pirate, as one who has made shift to wade through the adminis- tration on the strength of mere names?" 255. fi^ vifxere &\\cl Kpivere, "Idem est ao si dixisset vi/xere KpivoPT€s, cumjudicio tribuete^ re pensitat^, num honorem meritus sit is, qui eum appetit." Bremi. Trorepov ol (TvyKvvrjyhcLL... De- mosthenes was "from childhood of sickly constitution and feeble muscular frame; so that partly from his own disinclination, partly from the solicitude of his mother, he took little part either as a boy or a youth in the exercises of the palaestra." The disproportion between the physical energy, and the mental force, of Demosthenes, beginning in childhood, is recorded and lamented in the inscription placed on his statue after his death, "EXirep tarjv pibfirjv yvup.il, ^7)p.bj'. See Grote, xi. 374. dXV iiraaKuv Tixf^as... The acquaint- ance of Demosthenes with certain wealthy youths— among others, with Apollodorus, son of the wealthy banker Pasion— gave rise to the accusations of his rivals that he made his way into various wealthy families using bare artifices to defraud and ruin them. See Grote, xi. 381. 256. diro^Xirpavres... Either this refers to the diap\i\l/avT€s above, and we must supply ^ovXevcraadej or the whole sentence from oferai to TroXet may be regarded as parenthetical. Bv^av- rlous... Reference is here made to events in the spring of the year B.C. 340. See Grote, xi. 627. In this year Demosthenes was sent as an envoy to the Chersonese and Byzantium, and NOTES. 235 succeeded by the effect of his eloquence in detaching the Byzan- tines from Philip, and bringing them into alliance with Athens. As to the Thebans, see Dem. de. Cor. 227 — 231. toawep UcLdib... " he thinks he can make you believe that you entertain in your city the Goddess of Persuasion instead of an abusive informer." 258. "ApOfiLov rbv ZeXeiTTjv... See Dem. de Fals. Leg. 427. Arthmius of Zelea, a town in the Troad (see Hom. II. ii. 824), was branded with infamy at the proposal of Themistocles. See also Dem. iii. FhUi^^. 121. NOTES ON THE OEATION OF DEMOSTHENES ON THE CROWN. Ch. 1 — 9. Exordium : opening address to the Dicasts. 1. irpojTov /x^v, followed by ^ireira without 5^, is frequently found in Demosthenes and other Greek writers. See Jelf 's Greek Grammar^ § 766. ttol^lv v/miv. iEschines (m Ctes. ch. 56) tells us that a greater number of Athenian citizens and foreigners attended to hear this trial than had ever been known to come to any public suit within the memory of man. diareXio ^xw^, ' ' which I have always entertained, and still continue to enter- tain." eirae^elas. It concerned their piety, on account of the oath they had taken, ^^ dKpodaofjiai tov re Karrjydpov Kal rod dwo- \oyovfiivov 6/Uotws d/xcpotif,^* 2. rb fx^ trpoKareyptjKivai fjL7)d^v, **the absence of all preju- dice on either side." ry rd^ecATroXoyig., "the method and subject-matter of his pleading;" rd^ts here, as in ch. 56, alludes to the arrangement of topics which each party might choose to adopt. diroXoyia is here used generally, applicable either to the plaintiff or defendant. The whole passage refers to .^sch. m Ctes. 202—205. 3. iK TrepiovfflaSi k.t,\. "But ^schines accuses me from a situation in which he risks nothing;" implying that what he gains is clear profit. A shorter translation is given in Dindorf 's notes, "at a great advantage." irepiova-ia, literallj irepLaadv ri TTJs oiialas, "something gained over and above a man's original property." Comp. Thucyd. v. 103, diro 'rrepLOuaias xpw/i^i'oys iXiriSL, "who use hope as a supervening influence, and not as a vital principle," so that the loss of it will not ruin tb em. Dissen translates iK irepiovaia^ "ex mer4 insolentia," but this destroys the antithesis to 7ro\Xd...^XarTou)uat and d\\* ifj.ol fi^v. 'irepov 5^, sub. eXarrou/xat. 4. ■n-ao-ti' cJs ^TTos €^7ret;/=" almost every one." Lat. "propb dixerim omnes." NOTES, 237 5. d^Lov (TTov^rj^ ifJLol' "deserving of zealous attention on my part." Compare a similar use of the dative in Eurip. Hec, 309. ''''TifXLv S' 'A;^t\Xei>s d|tos TLfxrjs, ywaU^ 6. drjfjLOTiKds, *' public-spirited, patriotic." iroXLTiKds has the same sense in ch. 13. 6 dijfioTLKds (ch. 122) "the popular leader." Cf. Arist. Nub. 1190. 6 ZdXuif 6 TraXaibs ijp aip€TadaL to Ctesiphon (comparing ch. 15, ult.) and consider the words & u/Sdrou. This Eurybates was an Ephesian whom Croesus sent with a large sum of money to hire mercena- ries in Peloponnesus. He betrayed Croesus to his enemy Cyrus, and his name passed into a proverb. Cf. Plat. Protag. p. 327. iyw (pa.vofxat. (ay, "it is clear that I am," "I am proved to be-." 25. /9ou\ei5wi^, " being a member of the /JouX^," or council of Five Hundred. The word is here used in its primary sense, as below, 28, e^ 8^ ^ovKeTuwv iyib, k.t.X. So ypapLfxaTe^'j}, "to be a ypafxp.drev^, or assembly-clerk," -rrpuraveijcay &c. tL dk r&UT* il^xui/aTo, " Quid hoc sibi volebat?" Diss. 240 DEMOSTHENES. 26. rhv fxera^it xp^vov. The interval between the departure of the embassy from Athens, and the exaction of the oaths from Philip. Cf. Fals. Leg. 181. 6 6^...^7rpa7/xaTei;eTo, " whereas this had been the special object of his schemes from the very first.'* d<7o...irpoXd]3ot, "whatever places he could forestal the state in seizing." 27. TavTa...^ii ov8^ TO. oi'bixaTa TjdeifjLef 7rp6repoj'." Herodotus how- ever had heard the names of two of them before (see Lib. vii. cap. 59), and calls Serrium oLKprj dvofxauT-q, "a celebrated head- land" on the Thracian coast, ovtuj^ " when affair^ were in this position." 28. \iyei...6.va'yLyvd3(TKei. Cf. ch. 53. ixr} Trpovyoi...a-uT6vy *• the opportunity should escape him." 34. a^iw, "I expect, claim as my right." diofiai, "I en- treat," as a favour on your parts. 35. ov ycLp TO. pr]fxaTa...^ufjL^ip€iv, "For it is not words that cement friendships, quoth he, phrasing it pompously enough, but identity of interest." dvaXyrjo-ia, "heartlessness." a^a\7?7- Tos, or dvadXyrjToSy means, "deficient in feeling" dvaiadyjTos, "deficient in se7?se." This distinction is well illustrated, inf. ch. 128. VTT dpaicrdrjo-las tovs aKovopras dXyeci/ iroLeiv...irepUs 7roXXoi5s...d7roXw\are, "you have to thank the majority of these my hearers, and those who withstood your designs, that 3^ou are now safe and in pay ; since had it depended on yourselves alone, you would long ago have been ruined." Aid ye u^tds, "for all you could do to prevent it," so "per" is used in Latin. Cic. Div, X. 1, " per Antonium non quietus fui." 50. afrtos di...a7ro\ijopcLv irpayfjLdTwv^ " a harvest of troubles." iEsch. Ctes. 234, {fpt-di, " to go against you from them :" i(p* {/puv wovld. simply mean " against you, to your prejudice." The accusative imphes that Eretria would be an eTrtrei'xtcr/ia to Philip, a place from whence he could easily invade Attica. 82. KaT^Xvov, "lodged," icaraXu/ta, deversorium, the place where the beasts of bm-den were unyolced. Thucyd. i. 136, uses the verb with irapd and the accusative case, Trapd tov MdKoaadv ^ar]. Ctes. 231 » Cjs iriptJi, See on ch. 212. re- fi(x)pia^ Tvyxdpeip signi^es either "to obtain vengeance," or "to meet with punishment," according to the context. Both senses occur in the dramatic writers. 86. irdpras dvwfxoXSyyjfiai, scil. Toi>i XP<5^<'^5, supplied in the text by Dissen and others. irpoaodovs^irofjiTrdsj "solemn pro- cessions," used in the same sense Arist. Nuh. 307; Pax, 396; Aves, 854. ry plkSp X^ycop Kal ypd(piap. "By the fact that I car- ried the objects of my speeches and propositions." KaTairpa- X^V^oLi, "were brought to a successful issue." So Kararvxeip, ch. 178, '*to succeed in obtaining," the reverse of diroTvx^'^v* 248 DEMOSTHENES. 87. diappaywfftj scil. oi5 \iyovres, or as Dissen takes it, "rmnpantur invidi^ vel indignatione." ffircp iireLadKni). See Boeckh, (Econ. Ath. ch. xv. xc^pa/ca. . . ^TroXiopKci, "Having thrown up a rampart against the city, and planted his engines near at hand, he commenced the blockade." Bekker reads xapdicw/xa instead of xctpa/ca. The siege of Byzantium took place B.C. 340. See Thirlwall's Greece^ Vol. vi. ch. 45. 88. Btov \4y(a, better than the ordinary reading, Srav etiru). dTrXws, *' honestly." 89. ivcrrds, "that was going on," already set on foot: so ffvffTas, ch. 18, denotes the outbreak, dvev tov, " besides that," prseterqukm quod : in this sense x^P^^ is more common. See Hermann on Soph. Antig. init. drrfs drep. Liriyev vfids, "fecit ut viveretis." Dissen. iv vda-L, k.t.X. " With all the necessa- ries of life more abundant and cheaper than the present peace does," viz. that under Alexander, tols fieWovcraLs iXTria-iv^rdis irepl Tov fiiXXovTos iXiricLv. Kal /JL€Tdaxot€P...Trpo!Jpr]VTaL, "May they rather partake of the blessings which all ye who are sincere patriots beg of the gods, than cause you to share in the results of their own policy." ix tojjtuv, **in consequence of these events." Bremi reads firjd^ yaerdo-xote;'. 90. iepofjwdfxcov, priest of Neptune at Byzantium. Mtiller, Dor. II. 168. dXi<}, this word is akin to dXltoj, ijXLaia, &c. o-qxpav Xa^uv=X6yov rvx<^v^ "having obtained permission to speak." (Scha3f.) Not = 7r/)o/3oi5\euAta, as Mtiller thinks, bev- dpoKoiriovTos. This verb has the same meaning as the Attic ex- pression T€fjL€cv Ti]s yyjs, "to lay waste the country," which Ar- nold explains " to cut down or clear that part of the earth where the vines and fruit-trees grow," i.e. to cut down the fruit-trees. The construction of the genitive will then be similar to that in Thucyd. iv. 100, ^^e rod reixovs, "he set fire to (part of) the wall." 91. iiTLyaiuLtav, Lat. "jus connubii." ytterA t& lepd, "after the sacred rites " used in every Greek state before public delibe- ration. Cf. Arist. Acharn. init., and see Mitchell's note on irepLpavTTjplov. eiuxapto-Tia. This is not a pure Greek word, though we have dxapLo-ria below, ch. 814. It is to be observed that even if we suppose all these xJ/TjcpiapLara, &c. genuine, yet Demosthenes is not responsible for the language, except perhaps in those which he quotes as brought forward by himself. 92. dirb raXdvTOJv i^i^Kovra, "of sixty talents* weight." dwd is frequently used to denote the material of which a thing is made up. So in Herod. dTrb ^6Xov ireTronjfi^va. Compare the expression dirb (TTadloov e^rjKovTa, "sixty stadia in length," pro- NOTES, 249 perly, a distance made up of sixty stadia, ttjs ^LXiinrov, sub. dvvd/xecos, 93. 7] TTpoalpea-LS rj ijj,7] koI i] iroXtTelaj "my line of policy," see note on ch. 59. 94. fjL€fji.\pdfJL€voL...iK€boLs. Dobreo, Advers. i. 38, remarks that fxificpo/JLat is only used with the dative when a person is spo- ken of, when it has the sense of "being angry with or railing at ;" with the accusative it simply means "to blame or condemn." For a general rule in explanation of these double cases, see on i^iara/xaL, ch. 319. 95. tm roivvv...^'inM^o}, The apodosis to this is below, h rj ^{fo ^o^Xofiat, k.t.\. TouTO...'rjyov/jiaL, "For of this I believe you are already well assured." Cf. ch. 110, fin. ovtcjs Xp'^o'CLffdai, "that the turn I gave to the affair was the one it was expedient to give," i.e. the sending assistance to the By- zantines, irpbs rd /caXXtora tQv virapxovrcau, "By the standard of their most glorious precedents, they should at all times endea- vour to regulate their subsequent policy." 96. aXXas ir/jcovs (more commonly read tSls dfXXas jz-^o-ovs), " and the islands besides." So Fals. Leg. 94, x^P^s ttjs aXX^ys ahx^v-qSf "not to mention the additional disgrace." This inter- pretation of ctXXos does not however necessitate the presence of the article ; for we have in Eur. Med, 297, xwpis ykp dWrjs ^s ^xovcrw dpyias. Either reading, therefore, may stand in the text. Cf. Plat. Gorg. 403 c. toou ttoXltCju Kal tu>v dWwv ^ivojv, AeKcXcLKov TToXefjLoy. See Thucyd. vii. 19. 97. 6p6C)s...^ov\€v6fi€voi, "and a right and noble decision it was." opdQs, with the participle thus, must be translated in Latin "et — sane, &c." Meid. 4 a. dpdCos Kal ^vixeLvoLi, prop. = o-uo-re/Xat, "to furl sails," applied to a cause. Mid, p. 526. 6Liro(TT6\u3Vf "armaments;" diroa-ToXicav, "leaders of diroffToXot,,^* = '^avapxoL Movvvxia, part of Peirseus, where was a temple of Artemis. iSidrj, "was thrown into prison." avToO, "in har- bour;" the Peirasus aforesaid. 108. ^j/ ^1/ Tots 7r6/77(7ti', ** devolved upon the poor." iroXXa ...^vvi^aivev^ "the cases o/ impossibility to meet the demand which occurred were numerous." See above, ch. 38. iravT odv ...o^Vy "inconsequence." On this subject compare Arist. ^gmi. 880, where Cleon threatens to ruin the sausage-seller by the trierarchy: ^70) ah iroiriaia Tpirjpapx^tVf dvaXiaKovra rd p.kv ovv. . . vbfuav, * ' Of the arguments then which ho promiscuously jumbled together, when speaking of the laws 252 DEMOSTHENES. which yon see suspended near that of Ctesiphon," {-rrapayeypafX' fx4v(i)v), i.e. the former laws, for violating which Ctesiphon was to be convicted by ypacprj irapavdfjLwv, and which were hung up on a tablet {aavLdLov) by the side of the defendant's law, for the judges to compare. Sicapiii'eTo, "distinctly asserted," ch. 40, sup. diaKcxeiptKa: this verb is peculiarly applied to the admi- nistration of the public money, ^sch. Ctes. 27. 112. fii(Tav0p(oiriaSf "churlishness, inhumanity." KaZ roi5- Tovi...i(pt(rTdvaif "and to constitute them (scil. the informers) inspectors over the accounts of sums he has voluntarily contri- buted." (rrip^u), "I will acquiesce," in which sense dyairia is also used. See Monk on Eur. Hippol. 460- 113. OewpiKi^', see note on 118, below, iirfiveffev avrhv IwcWwov 6vTa {rj ^ovXrj). These words are quoted as ^schines' own, as also below, dXXa Kal reixoiroibs rjada. koI 5td 7e...7repi ifiovy "Yes, and for this very reason a vote of thanks was justly passed in my favour, because I freely gave the sums expended, and did not set them down in the public accounts. For accounts, it is true, demand a scrutiny and auditors ; but a free gift must, in common justice, meet with gratitude and public thanks. Acting on this principle, Ctesiphon here proposed these honours in my case." Sw/aed always "a gift," never "a bribe." 114. i^OeffLv, " code of morality, moral duties," in opposition to vbixoi here, and inf. 275. In Plato it is frequently opposed to ^drj. a- voivTo...T€Tiij,rjTai. Eemark the change of tense. The perfect denotes that Nausicles and Neoptolemus were still living; the imperfect, that Diotimus and Charidemus were dead. 115. roiJroty, "in honour of these men." So below, 118, t5 \l/'n(pL(TfMa TO ypa.(f)iv fioi, oOk elaiirpa^e, "did not exact it, charge it to the people." 116. (TKvXevdiPTWPy " stripped of their arms." 117. prj Aia...KaTr}yopeis, "Well, but I abused my power when in office, say'st thou? granting this, how was it that you, though present when the public accountants brought me into court, spoke not a word in accusation?" vrj Ala in Demosthenes generally serves to usher in the adversary's objection in an ironi- cal manner, as here : vij t6v Ala is strongly affirmative. 118. oXs ydp...(f)avifid6vov diKrjv. Cf. ch. 13. vofjLovs /AeraTTOtwj'. The full construction of this elliptical clause would be Kal vdfiovs Toi>s fikv fieTairoiQv, tQp d^ d'/i, see Bceckh de (Ec. Ath. I. p. 141. pyjrcL Kal app-qra, "fanda infanda, quicquid in buccam venerit." Cf. Meidias, p. 540; Soph. (Ed. Col. 1001, &c. (Sffirep i^ d/iid^rjs, scil, al yvvaiKes. Bentley, in the Phala- ris, particularly warns us not to apply this expression to the an- cient Players' cart of Thespis, but to the carts used in the festi- vals of Bacchus andEleusis, in which the women were conveyed, and from whence they were wont to abuse one another. Arist. Plut.j fivv. TLs ''cSv...5ia(rip€i. "who and of what family he is, that so glibly sets the example of foul language, and criticises words of mine" {rivas). ^^5tws, temerS, "unscru- pulously," in a bad sense; as ch. 70, apfjLaK6s, "a scape-goat." Ld. Brougham's word for it, "you abomination," is not amiss, though his re- viewer, as usual, objects; for "abominor" is strictly "to abhor as ill-omened ^r accursed." Cf. Mitchell on the word drjfxoaiovs, Arist. Equit. 1099. roh 5' d7ro\€i iov' rets XoiviKas Kal rds Tr^Sas iroOouaai. ^ijXov, "a wooden collar," furca. Arist. Nub. 592, elra (l)ifj.\ov were combined m the irevreffvpiyyov ^{f\ov mentioned Equit. 1049, which was a land of stocks furnished with five holes, to admit the head, arms, and legs. 17 fi'firr}p...e^idpe'^€f "or that your mother, by pro- stituting herself in the daytime at the brothel near the shop of Heros, sumamed Calamites, managed to rear you, the beautiful statue and topping player of third-rate parts that you are ! " fied- Ty/Lie/Oij/os = diurnus, KaO-q/uiepivos, quotidianus. Kead rip KaXa/xLrr) ''UpwL with Schsef., and comp. Fals. Leg. 279, i] fX'/)T7jp...KapTrov- fjL&rj T as TU}v xP^f^^^^^ oUtas i^idpexpe tocto^tovs TovTov(Ti...dtdd- (TKOJV S' 6 iraTTjp ypdfJLfjiaTa Trpbs rs deoijs. 154. roO XotTTou, " on any future occasion." This phrase is always used in negative sentences, and contains the idea of "iteration." rb \onrbv in affirmative propositions, Wxch the idea of "duration," signifies ''during all futm-e time." 155. KaTav€ifjt.dfi€Poi, "having divided amongst themselves." The decrees were in the autumn (r?? /xeroTrojpivy IluXalq,, ch. 151), which finally constituted Philip Amphictyonic commander. His letter was therefore written in the same month (Boed-romion) in which he was elected, and not, as some suppose, reading 'E/ca- Tofxl^aiQvos, inf. 157, after the capture of Elatasa. 156. irpb(})a,(TLv. The twofold signification of this word is NOTES. ' 259 worth bearing in mind, and is well illustrated in this chapter. It first means "the real reason" {t7]v fih a\r)drj irpdipaa-Lv)^ we may say in a good sense, and immediately afterwards " the false reasons" or pretexts, rds ds rrdvovs would have been sufficient to express the sense, but ret ^pya is put in to give a more pointed antithesis to Toijs \6yovs. 161. Trap cKar^pcLs, *' in each of the two states," Athens and Thebes. vapaTrjpcSv dier^Xow, "I was still watching (as it were, keeping guard by the side of the events) as I had been all along." See on ch. 57. 162. *ApL(TT0(p(2v, see on ch. 75. -Eschines [Ctes. 139) says of him, Tr\eLpp(ay usque adeo, for fx^xp'' ovTU) irbppw. (TvviKpovou^ see on ch. 19. 164. iropOely *'oppugnat," Schasfer, who compares Diod. Sic. XV. 4, iroXiopKiajf ^vuearriaaPTO irpbs t^ SaXa/xtJ't Kal ttjv TrdXiv irrSpdovv kutol yrjv djma Kal /card daKaaaav. pLdkiaTa fx^v^ "if possible — first and foremost." el bk /u?J, "failing in that." tAs di'ox^s iroiricraadaiy "to protract f/ie armistice." rcis, "already existing." dvox'n=a.vax(*}Kri, properly a suspension of hostilities, from di/^x^- so we say of the weather, "it will hold up.^^ Comp. the expression in i^a^s. Leg. 57, rais irap vpuv iiravixovres iXirlcrip, "holding up (or as Mr ShiUeto translates it, 'keeping their heads above water') by their hopes with reference to you." 165. iv5€xofJiiv(as, "accordingly," "as well as the circum- stances admit of." Kal yb.p vuv...fi€Tp[wv, "for as matters now stand, it hath decided to send out no forces, in case of obtaining any tolerable terms" (from Philip). ^orjdeTv, as Thucyd. i. 107, i^oi^drjaav 5' iir' avroifs ol ^kd-qvaioL Travbrjfie^ in the simple sense of sending troops to fight ; the primary meaning of the word. 166. i^ viroffTpo^ris, a military term, "wheeling round." TrapaTr^fjL\l/avT€s. Hesych. diruidovvTe^, "cum contemptu trans- mittentes." Dissen. 167. TTciaav irpoa(f>ipovTai ^iKoTifiioM, *' affect to offer you their most zealous service." poTnJ;/ = momentum, "a thing which I expect will be of no slight moment to you." 168. ws oi)5' &v...Qr]Paio}v, "with the impression that it was impossible under any circumstances that we should still be found acting in concert with the Thebans." et tl yiuoiro answers nearly to theLat. "quicquidaccidisset," and implies, "if aught untoward should have occurred," comp. ch. 219, fin. o-vfxwvev- cbvTwu dp was rightly changed by Schaefer into av/xirpevadpTiop, against Bekker and Dindorf ; for though the fut. partic. with dp is admissible (see on ch. 147), yet the future of irpio) is always trpevaop.ai, not irpeixxitj. The force of ^tl is "yet, in spite of all his manoeuvres." 169. This fine passage was highly admired by the ancients, see Longinus, ch. 10. ElataBa was distant 78 English miles from Athens. KaT€i\T}7rTaL, the perfect, because they are given as the messenger's own words, /xera^d denrpovpres, "before they finished their evening meal, "which is a proof that they took certain meals in the prytaneum. yeppa, booths of wicker-work, and therefore easily demolished. This fire Schaef. supposes to have been lighted , for the purpose of (ppvKTcapia, to summon the demes to Athens, j NOTES. 261 s h^t^ttIixtovto, scil. that they might convene a cvy- KXrirbs iKKXrjaLa, which was done by sound of trumpet ; hence Tov (TaXTTiyKTrjv iKoXovv. Kal irplv...&v(j) Kadrjro, "and before it (the ^ovXrj) had proposed any subject (to the iKKXijaia) for dis- cussion, or given the prelimiuary vote for any measure, the whole people was seated in the Pnyx," which was part of Moimt Lycabettus; hence duca^ comp. the common phrase dva^aivea/ els TTjif eKKXrjaiav, and Arist. Ban, 405, tois dv(a viKpoLffij "the corpses in the Pnyx." 170. ris dyopeij€Lv jSoiJXerat ; This official summons was as it were the shibboleth of happy democracy, ^schines gives it more fully (Ctes. 4, tls dyopeijeLu ^oijXerai tCov vir^p irevT'fjKovTa ^TT) yey ovoTOJU, Kal irdXiv ev fM^pei. tCjv dXXcjv 'AOrjvaicav), See Arist. Acharn. 45. 171. ^det, "it was intended," scil. by the herald's summons. vfieh, "you judges." ol TpiaKdcnoL, the TJye/jLoves tqjv ^vjj.fJi,opi(3if, according to the division of Nausinicus, B.C. 377. 172. irapyjKoXovdrjKdTa tols irpdyfiacn, "who had watched the course of the events," literally "followed alongside of them." See TrapaTTjpwv dLcr^Xovv, ch. 161; Fals. Leg. p. 423; Timocr. p. 703. irbppwdev, "for a long time past." Brem. reads ^xt- fjLeXQs with Bekker, &c., after irSppwdev, ■^'/xeXXev, "was likely." 173. icpdvrjv ouros, "such a one I was clearly shewn to be;" or perhaps i(f)dp7}u may be intended to convey the sense of "ap- pearing as a guardian angel," which it frequently does : " I came to preserve you in the hour of need." rot dhpra^ governed by X^ywv Kal ypdcpcou. e^tjTa^ofji'rjv, "I was found," prop, after exa- mination: cf. e^rjTaaaL, ch. 197. irpbs tcl XoL7rd...ifnreip6T€pot, "for (or during) the rest of my speech you will be better able to comprehend my whole political life." 174. cIjs vTrapxovTwv...^CXiTnri^^ "as if Philip already had the Thebans on his side." 175. e^rp^TTtcrat, " sibi conciliavit." Diss. dvdecTTrjKbTas... ivavTLov/xiuovs, "who from the first withstood his projects, and are now his avowed enemies." irapaa-Trjaas rd SirXa, "when he has stationed his troops close at hand." Cf. ch. 87, jj.rixav'fip.aT iTTiarrjaas. 176. TTpoade^afJiiucov, "having received him in addition" to those who were before inclined to do so. 177. fieTadijdai. Not Tbv(p6^ov, but as Schsefer says, "ab- solute positum," "to tm-n our attention to other objects." ttoXi) 262 DEMOSTHENES. iyyvripcj. Elatasa, however, wvXos, nor the Macedonians /3dp- ^apoL, 186. *'EpaK\iovs iraidas, expelled from the Peloponnese by Eurystheus. 188. avTr}...KaTd(TTa7, "such was the commence- ment and first establishment of our friendly relations with Thebes." dpxn denotes the way in which they began, wpJiTrj Karda-Taa-is, that they had never existed before that time. 189. Kal didw(TLv...T<^ ^ovXofiipcfjy " makes himself responsi- ble to any one who desires it for the sincerity of his advice {toU Treia-deca-L) and for the advantage he has taken of fortune and circumstances." crLyrja-as. The following rule is univer- sal: Verbs which have their 1st future in the middle form alone, as (nyrjo-ofiat, d/coi5(ro/xat, &c., never have their aorist like- wise middle, but active, rJKovffa. But deponent verbs, as diofiai, make the future 5e?7o-o/>tat, and aorist ideridtju. SvaKoXov, a word \ more properly applied to character; wa may translate it "any- ? thing cross." 190. (ppovrt^ovros = (ppovrida ^x^vTot^ see ch. 292. ivepjSo- \^v TToiovfMaiy "I go so far as to confess," an elliptical phrase, literally, **I exceed" what may reasonably be expected of me. Cf. Fals. Leg. ch. 382. 264: DEMOSTHENES. 191. ^TrfftSr; 5' ov rore^ Understand ^da^as. Trpd^is, "nego- tiation." 192. s ^yKeirai, "since belays great stress upon;" see on ch. 136. T7]P VTrep^oXrjv ixov davixda-Q — davixda-Q ifx^ cus vwep- ^oXrjv TToiov/jLevou, "as going too far;" see on ch. 190. ^oQv Kal K€Kpayws, "keeping up a continued outcry." 200. dTTOTux^'ii', see on ch. 86 and 178. aKovirl, "without a struggle," a word taken from the wrestlers in the Pala3stra. /XT/ yap T7]s TToXews ye, "for say not they would have regarded the state with abhorrence," &c. 201. TtVi o^daXfjLois, "with what face," as 6fjLjj,a(TLv is used (Ed. Tyr. 1371. wepiiffTrjj see on ch. 80. ^repoi x^/sts ^/xwi/, "others, and not we." 202. Uepo-up jSao-tXeiJs. Xerxes, who after his departure from Greece sent, first Alexander the son of Amyntas, and afterwards Mardonius, to make large offers to the Athenians. Herod, viii. 186— IM; ix. 1—5. 203. irdrpia, dvcKrd, ifi(f)yTa. On these words Dissen says, "sic intelligo, ut putem tertio rediri ad primum:" with this we may compare ch. 195, cr^j'at, (jvpeKddv, dvairpevaai. Join kw- ovpe^ovaa diaTeriXeKev, 204. KvpHXov. This story is related by Herodotus, ix. 5; but he calls the traitor Lycides, not Cyrsilus. Cic. {de Offic. iii. 2) follows Demosthenes in the name: "Ut urbe relicts naves conscenderant, Cyrsilum quendam suadentem ut in urbe mane- rent, Xerxemque reciperent, lapidibus obruerunt." 205. -rj^lovv.^i^iffTai. The latter clause is put as it were into the mouths of the persons v^ose thoughts are given, there- fore we find the indicat. i^^arat. In Latin this would not be admissible; it must be "nisi liceret." rijs elixappL^v-qs Kal aird- fiarov Odvarov. Cf. Herod, ii. 66: iv dr^oiaL d' aiv oiKloLfftv at- ^Xovpos diroddpri dirb rod avTOfidrov, oi ivoLK^ovres irdures ^vpiovrai rds 6(ppvas. Tacit. Annal. vi. 10, "/ato obire," "by a natural death," and Virg. JEn, iv. 696, "nee fato nee morte peribat." 26Q DEMOSTHENES. 206. ZLdKovla^, "the agency," the practical carrying out of your principles {s compare the sense of d\Xws,J "merely," only used in a bad sense; and see below on ox^o"! fidraiov, ch. 214. NOTES. 267 213. irpoffTJyoVf see on ch. 28. heivov^y the Macedonian ambassadors, olvtovs, the Thebans; auroiJs, the Macedonians, who were the speakers, birorep^s ^o^iKovraL, "in whichever of two ways they choose." Stei/ras, see on ch. 146. 214. ra ^ikv Ka6* haara, "the details of each separately." firj irap€\7]\vd6Twu...vofJLicrr]r€, "lest as the crisis has gone by, your opinion that these events have been swept away, as it might ibe, by a flood, should lead you to fancy the accounts of them an idle waste of words." Fals. Leg. ch. 27, oi 5' avriX^youTes 6x^os dXkujs Kal paa-Kavia Ko.T€(paiveTo, where Mr Shilleto translates dxXof dXXws "mere bother,'' and says, "the proper sense of 6xXos." Comp. Eur. Ion, 635, ^-xXov /x^rpiou {eTxov). Herod, i. 86, 6x'Xov irapexovTCjp. In both these instances Trpdyp-ara is more frequent. oSi^, "in consequence of them," as often. dweKpimvTo, "answered accordingly.''' 215. fieTeirifjiirovTO, k. t. X. ^schines {Ctes. 140) gives the same account of the reception of the Athenians at Thebes, but says it was irplj/ irepl ^u/z/xaxtas filav ixbvrjv either *'that during the storm," as the battle of Arginusas was fought, or "that in the winter season." Difficulties attend both these interpretations. But as Mr Clinton, in the Fasti Hellenici, proves beyond question that there was no winter campaign at all between the capture of Elataea and the battle of Chaeroneia, we must acquiesce in the first of them. Dissen says, the word is corrupt, and Thirlwall (Vol. vi. p. 66) says, "the battle of the storm is not quite satisfactory, but anything is better, than the winter battle." ivl toO voTa/xoVf the river Cephissus. Koff/xip, "discipline." 217. i^7)rd^€T0, "was found," as above, ch. 173, Kal Xfywr Kal ypdcpcav i^r}Ta^6fJL7]v rd d^ovra. dvcr/jievaivwv, a poetic word, which implies a deep, sullen resentment, or fArjvis : we may trans- late "sulking." 263 DEMOSTHENES. 218. ir€pi€i(TTi^K€i...iij.oL Observe how admirably the an- tithesis is kept up throughout the sentence: "You began by- fancying you were in want of assistance in consequence of what the scoundrels tried to persuade you (imperf .} : you ended (ir€pL€iixevos, "forging specimens, and mimicking my phraseology and attitudes." iEsch. Gtes. 160. irdvv ydp...irapr}ueyKa. Cic. Orat. 8, speaks of the elpwvela of this passage: "itaque se purgans jocatur Demosthenes; negat in eo positas esse fortunas Graeciae, in hoc cum hue an illuc manum porrexerit." 270 DEMOSTHENES. 233. iv aiiTuv tC}v fyytav^ *'by the test of my actioBB alone." 234. Tpo€^€L\€yp.iva, "previously collected," so that -what- ever I could levy must be extraordinary contribution. Kead OTrXlTTjv S' 7} iinria. '7rap€aK€vdK€i<7av...iyyvT4po}, "these traitors had so tampered with the surrounding states, as to make them more inclined to hostility than friendship." -eta-ai/ is the right termination of the 3rd pi. plusq. perf., not -ecrcw. 235. 7ra/)d raOra, "besides this." tA 6'7rXa...der. Both in the summer and winter seasons. Cf. Philipp. iii. p. 124, Kal ri(Tlv ...€&y€LVy "Nay, he answers, but the boast of Cephalus was a glorious one, that he had never been defendant in a single indictment." For the quasi-negative sense of ifai ( = English, "nay"), see Mr Shilleto's Appendix to his edition of the Fals. Legat. Cephalus, see above, 219, and iEsch. in Ctes. 104. v^ Aia is not ironical here, irpds ye rodrovy "at any rate as far as -^schines is concerned." 252 — 276. Comparison of the fortune which had attended iEschines and Demosthenes. 252. Sl€\^x^7j, see ^sch. in Ctes. ch. 157. irpo^ipei here = dvaopap TpayfiaTOiiv, "a crop of troubles," see on ch. 61. For irpdyfiara in the sense of "troubles," compare ch. 292, oL would answer to the common law, yey pa/xfi4voL to statute law. 276 — 285. Vindication of Demosthenes* eloquence. 276. dTrXws, "honestly." iKiXevev, "kept bidding you." Kal 5?; = ^'5?7, "his allegations forthwith become facts." 277. ovTws..,pove'LVy "in the same proportion the speaker gets the credit of being a man of sense." TajjTrjv ixiv...lUq., ' ' every one of you will discover that this is at all times exerted for your interests in the state affairs, and on no occasion against your interests nor, in my own private quarrels." ^^erd^oyuat= Lat. versor, as in Timoc. p. 701, h dyQai koX ypacpah hrnxoaiais i^erd^opLaL. 278. elffUvai, "to come into court," used of an actor com- ing upon the stage, hence it often signifies to take a particular character, see on ch. ISO. Sta/cetMem, "disposed." fidXiara 18—2 27G DEMOSTHENES, fi4vy "if possible," i.e. it would be best for him, if he had not, &c. (r0oo/)6»' = validuin {o- ^s dxovfjLcda. i^alperovj "exclusively mine," a sort of "pe- culium." Fals.Leg.216, 282. ap ovv...^s eiJ^^w?, k.t.\* "Pray then did you not do so in like manner? Why how is that possible, since you imme- diately after the battle commenced your journey?" &c. The use of Kol wws is well known : it is invariably intended to express a doubt or disbehef of what has been just stated : ttcDs Kal merely asks for additional information, see Person on Phoeniss. 1373. dpvovjxevos ttjv xp^^o-^t "though you disowned the connexion." 283. fx'nZiv...'irpayiia, "that you and Philip had nothing to do with each other." Herod, v. 84, fin. 284. ^ivo^ 7j (ptXos T^ yvdjptfios. Diminuendo, " guest-friend, or friend at all, or even commonly acquainted with." 285 — 324. Eecapitulation. 285. x^PO'^o^*^'' 7^P» s®® 0^ ®^- ^^' vpo^Xv^ivra, "though yon were proposed, nominated," as ch. 149, Trpo^Xrjdeh TvXa- ySpa^ oStos dycpprjdrj. Demades was taken prisoner at Chaeroneia, but released by Philip's command. UvOokX^ovs, see Fals. Leg. p. 411. Ir* dfieivoVf "all the more for that;" compare the sense of KaXws = " very," (Ed* Tyr, 1008, cj iraty kuXus el dijXos ovk ctSws rt dpqls. 286. TO}js...dd€tav, "those who took advantage of the public misfortunes to declare their real sentiments with impunity." 287. iKcTy "at Delphi." viroKpivofiivovs, "acting a part," see on ch. 15. eKelvwv, scil. rCjp'^XXiivwv, Compare with the whole passage, FaU. Leg. p. 380. 288. (is Trap olKiLOTdTi^—irap ws oheioTdrt^^ " at the house of one who was most nearly connected with them." rb Trepldenryov, "the after-feast." The custom of feasting at funerals was of very ancient date, and in the heroic ages was accompanied by games, as we learn from Homer. It continued until a late pe- FOTES, 277 riod in our own history. Shakspeare mentions it (Hamlet, Act i. Scene 2), "the funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables:" and Sir Walter Scott gives a graphic de- scription of it in the opening scene of his Bride of Lammermoor, 289. drjfjLOfflg:, " at the public expense." Cf. Thucyd. ii. 43. 'Eirfy. V. 2, aireaK^haaav. This somewhat vain-glorious boast can only refer to the two actions which preceded the battle of Chasroneia, and in which the allies were partially successful. V. 3, XrifjiaTos. This reading was originally proposed by Valcke- naer instead of deifxaro^, of which it was found difficult to give any satisfactory explanation. Translate, "whilst fighting the battle of courage and native spirit, they saved not their lives, but took imto themselves Hades for an impartial arbitrator." If deifxaros stands, we must consider ovk iadw^av \f/vxds as a kind of parenthesis, or break in the sentence, and translate, " whilst fighting, they saved not their lives indeed, but made Hades an impartial umpire between valour and faint-hearted- ness," i.e. left death to decide who were dyadol and who beCKoij and proved themselves to be dyadol by the fact that o^k icrdcojav ^uxds. Thus deifjiaros and dpeTrjs will depend on ^pa^i). V. 8, T?5€ Kplais, "this is the award," scil. Kafxeiv TrXeicrra. V. 9, PL-qbh dfiapT€Lu, "to fail, go wrong in nothing." Y. 10, ^iropev, scil. Zei/s. 29;L. Xapv77^fa;;', "bawling, straining his windpipe." Arist. Equit. 358, \apvyyLCKavdp(ijirta\6y(av=ireiBd}. The endeavour to make others feel 0fXot towards the speaker. Comp. Meid. p. 538. Tpyrdvy), prop, "the tongue of a balance." ^^ttwz/ iirl rb Xrjfx/xa, "inclining to the side of gain." 299. Trdppoy, "far behind." o^ \ldots irelxiffa, k.t.\. This fine image is taken from Alcasus. We find a similar sentiment in the speech of Nicias, Thucyd. vii. 77; and Sir William Jones has founded on this passage his celebrated ode beginning " What constitutes a state," &c. 300. irpov^oKSfirju, see ch. 97 and 195. 301. Trapa irdaav ^iKlav, understand yrjv or x^P^^^ ** along a line of coast evei*ywhere friendly to us." So i) iroXepila is fre- quently used for the reverse. 302. UpoKdvvrjffosj an island in the Propontis, colonized by the Milesians. 303. Connect pe^ovXevfiipa with 6p9(3s. irpoeOivra, "deli- berately given up." irapediifTay "passed by through negligence." iXvfjLaivero, "kept bringing disasters upon," imperf. because fol- lowed by eojs dvhpe^pav. toXs 6Xois, "the collective interests of the state," i.e. the common weal, as in ch. 28. Xvfialvoixai takes the dative here, because it has the notion of successive attacks upon or against: but in ch. 312, the accusative (iXvfx^vu) rbv v6fiov)y because its sense is that of (pdelpca, to spoil, tamper with ; see note on ^^icrra/Aat, 319. 305. TToXXip iXdTTO(Tii "falling far short of." Xiye Kal dvd- yvcaOi. Eeiske translates this, "pronuntia hsec de scripto reci- tanda." But it is not easy to see what distinction he intends to draw between the words. Pleonastic expressions in legal for- mulas are surely not matter for surprise. Cf. ch. 28. 306. vTTTjpxev has here a sort of conditional sense, " it was within our reach." fzeyia-TOLS agrees with 7}/xiVj or roU iroXlTais understood, ws iriptosi see on ch. 212. Kad^eiVf "to call or NOTES. 279 make out Afa/:6s:" hence as here, "to blame, reproach." Herod. III. 145, \oL0op€U3V re /cat KaKL^^cjv fitv, 307. fjL&eiv i-rrl toijtojp, "to take his stand upon these prin- ciples." vTTovXop, a word properly applied to a wound that is cicatrized or healed over, but still festers within; hence, "insi- dious, hollow." In Soph. (Ed. Rex, we have KaWos KaKuv virov- \ov, and Thucyd. viii. 64, vtouXos avTovoixia. ^schines attempts to excuse this rjavx^o.^ Ctes. ch. 215. 308. jueo-ro^ =pleni ad nauseam, "surfeited with." pijrw/o ..,€(pdpr), "was seen suddenly starting up an orator from his quietude, like a gale after a calm." The aorist ecpavrj expresses the suddenness of his appearance, and the return to the present tense in a-welpei, that after his appearance he kept constantly stringing together words, &c., ch. 140. o-weiXoxwj prjimaTa. So Arist. Ran. 874, KprjTLKas (rvW^ycav /JLovc^dlaSf Acharn. 405, 6 vov% fxev ^^w (TvWeycov iirvWia, 309. fieXerrjs Kal eVi^eXa'as,- " exercise and elaboration" in speaking. ijjLTropiou KaraaKew/ju, " the permanent establishment of a mart." 310. Toi^Twi'... e^^rao-is, "all these objects were sought after in former times." oida/xoO cpav-qaet yeyovibs, "you will be proved to have been a mere cipher," in which sense ovdapLoO ^avijvai is common. Cf. Fals. Leg. ch. 126. Dissen says it is not so used here, because ov irpCoTos, &g. follow: but this would rather be an argument in favour of the interpretation ; oidafxov (pav. to be at zero, irpCoros to be first, Seiyrepos second, &c. iv oh, scil. KuXois re Kayadols. Pors. ad Eu7\ Orest. 85. 311. rts rj Toh e^7r6/)ots... xp'r7/xara>j'="what improvement in the financial laws did you make?" Demosthenes indirectly refers to his own Trierarchic law. 312. Aristonicus may be the same individual who is men- tioned, ch. 83, 84, as having before proposed to crown De- mosthenes. KTjdeo-ToVf "your relation by marriage." ^pavov dcjpedv, " subscribed as a present for your services in spoiling my law about the Trierarchy." ^pavos, prop, that kind of feast called by us "a pic-nic," to which each guest contributed a dish. 2nd, any club or society of subscribers. 3rd, the money BO subscribed. iXvjj.'/jPuj, see on ch. 304. 313. rpayiKbs QeoKpiprjs, "patheticas querelas simulate fun- dentem caluraniandi causa," veluti ubi iEschines de Thebana calamitate queritur (Dissen). Theocrines was an informer, a- gainst whom a speech attributed to Demosthenes is still extant. 280 DEMOSTHENES, 314. €TTa...fiifivTja-ai» -^scli. Ctes, ch. 178 sqq. irpoXa- pSirra, "taking advantage of" or " using as a precedent,'* as in ch. 224. 315. Tots t(5 Amphictyons ) Philip's letter— ch. 157. Two Athenian decrees — ch. 164. | Decree of Demosthenes, ch. 181.^ Lysimachus. Charondas. Mnesitheides. Hieropythes. Nausicles. Decree of Aristonicus — ch. 84. 387 Decree of Ctesiphon — ch. 119.) Decree of iEschines — ch. 54. { Charondas. Phrynichus. Charondas, ) Hegemon. ) Euthycles. Charondas. APPENDIX A, 283 The chronology given in these documents is no less erro- neous. Let us take a summary of the events which occurred in the year 346 b.c, and we shall see the falsity of the dates given in the first decree. The Embassy of Ten returned from Mace- donia in the beginning of Elaphebolion, and the Athenians decreed peace with Philip on the 19th of that month. The people placed the management of affairs in the hands of the Senate, and Demosthenes, being a senator, passed a decree on the 3rd of Munychion, "that the embassy should set out at once, and administer the oaths to Philip." [This embassy eirl Tovs opKovs is the subject of Demosthenes and ^schines' speeches De Falsa Legatione']. Now the date given in the xp-qcpia-fjLa, quoted ch. 29, is the last day of Hecatomboeon, not the 3rd of Munychion. Our space will not permit us to give an abstract of all the arguments used by Mr Newman in the article we are quoting, by which he proves the spuriousness of these documents. His reasoning about the chronology is just as satisfactory in each case as in the one we have extracted. He also observes that many words are found throughout, which none but later writers would have chosen, such as irapevpeatSf vavapxoSt irXoTa for vavs, wpea^evTaij &c. He conceives, with great probability, that the writer of these documents, whoever he was, compiled them from the De Gorond alone, and did not refer to the Uapairpea^eia or any other speeches of Demosthenes. Hence the mistakes in the chronology and omission of many important facts. See Class. Museum, i. Art. 12 ; Thirlwall's Greece, Vol. vi. ch. 164; Clinton's Fasti Ilellenici, Vol. II. p. 356. : 284 APPENDIX B. MR Mitchell's translation op Demosthenes de CORONA, Ch. 258—261. 2v 8' o crc/xvos, &c. ** Turn we now to our man of dignity, — to him who considers others as worthy only of the spittle of his mouth, and beg him to compare his fortunes with mine. {A ddresses himself to JEschines.) Uom and bred in the veriest poverty, your earliest years found you attached to a mean school, of which your father was the preceptor. To prepare the ink, to sponge the benches, and to sweep the school-room; such were your occupations — occupations befitting a menial, but unworthy a freeman's son. Arrived at manhood, you became your mother's aid; as she performed her stock of initiatory rites, you read the mystic formulae, and bore a part in all the subsequent operations. At night it was your business to clothe the candidates in skins of fawn, to pour them out huge cups of wine, to wash them with the lustral water, to cleanse their skin with loam and bran ; and the holy rites thus done, to raise them up and bid them cry, {Mimics) My bane I have fled, My bliss I have sped: none, as was your boast, giving forth the holy shout with such a potent voice as yourself. (Tuims to the dicasts or bystanders.) VerUy, I can believe it ! for who that hears those powerful tones of declamation in which he now indulges, can for a moment doubt that his religious exclamations were pre-eminently grand? {To ^schines.) The day found you a different employment. You had then to conduct your noble troop through the public streets, their heads crowned with fennel and with poplar leaves, while yourself were seen — ^now pressing the coppered -serpents — now elevating them above your head — ^now shouting 'Evoi Saboi ' — now raising a dance to the words ' Hyes Attes, Attes Hyes,' while all the crones and beldames of the quarter honoured you with the pompous titles of Exarch, chief-conductor, chest- carrier, fan-bearer ; gingerbread, and cake and twisted bun fall- ing plentifully upon you as the rewards of your pious labours. Happy and distinguished lot ! who can think it were his own, and, so thinking, not deem himself supremely blest?" 285 APPE:tTDIX C. chro:n^ological table op the life and public career of jeschines and demosthenes. ^schines bom Demosthenes bom Philip of Macedon bom . . . . . Demosthenes loses his father, and is placed un- der the care of three guardians . Battle of Leuctra Demosthenes comes of age, and prosecutes his guardians 366 Speech of Demosthenes against Aphobus . Battle of Mantinsea, and death of Epaminondas. (-^schines distinguishes himself in this battle.) Demosthenes' first action against Meidias Accession of Philip to the throne of Macedon. (Commencement of the Social and Sacred Wars) The Phocians seize Delphi and its treasures Birth of Alexander — Demosthenes enters on his poUtical life Speeches against Leptines and Androtion Speeches against the Euboean Expedition, and wepl Zv/jL/xopLuv — Battle of Tamynse, where ^schines greatly distinguisheshimself,andi3 chosen to carry home the news of the victory, and rewarded by the Athenians with a crown 354 Speech of Demosthenes against Timocrates, and for the Megalopolitans .... 353 Speech against Aristocrates — ^First Philippic . 352. 1. 107. 1 The Olynthiac Orations . ... 349 Capture of Olynthus by Philip — ^schines be- comes a strong advocate for warlike measures . against Philip ...... 343 108.1 B.C. OLTMP. 389 98 385 383 99.2 378 100.3 371 102.1 366 103.3 364 104.1 362 104 361 104 359 105.2 357 356 106.1 355. 286 APPENDIX 0, ^scMnes sent along with Demostlienes as one of the ten ambassadors to negotiate a peace with Philip — Becomes the opponent of De- mosthenes 347 Eetumof the first Embassy — Second Embassy, i\ wepi Tovs opKovs, of which iEschines forms one — Speech of Demosthenes " de Pace " . 846 ^schinis /card Tifidpxov .... 345 Second Philippic 344 109.1 Speech de Haloneso — Demosthenes accuses ^schiues of treachery during the Second Embassy to Philip — The speeches of both irepi Trapairpea^eias — Speech of Demosthenes irepi Tuv iv Xepcrotf^aii) . . . . 342 Expedition of Athens to Euboea on the motion of Demosthenes — Expulsion of the tyrants of Oreus and Eretria — Public thanks voted to Demosthenes— Third Philippic . . . 341 109.4 Philip declares war against Athens — pubUshes his manifesto — attacks Byzantium — Trierar- chic Law of Demosthenes — The fourth Phi- Hppic - 340 110. 1 Philip invades the Scythians: defeat by the Thracian Triballi — ^schines goes as repre- sentative of Athens to the Amphictyonic meeting, and instigates the Amphictyons against Amphissa — Demosthenes negotiates an alliance with Thebes .... 339 Demosthenes honoured with a third vote of thanks — Battle of Chaeroneia — ^Demosthenes delivers the funeral oration over the slain . 333 Ctesiphon proposes the public presentation of a crown to Demosthenes — ^schines indicts Ctesiphon for illegality . . . . 337 Assassination of Philip 336 111. 1 Alexander destroys Thebes, and demands the Athenian orators 335 APPENDIX C. 287 B.C. OLYMP. Alexander crosses the Hellespont — ^Battle of the Granicus 334 Battle of Issus 333 Siege cf Tyre 332 112.1 Battle of Arbela — Agis defeated by Antipater 331 Death of Darius — ^schines brings forward his indictment against Ctesiphon which has been lying dormant for seven years — "Battle of the Orators" — ^schines being defeated, re- tires to Asia Minor .... 330 Harpalus comes to Athens from Babylon . 325 113. 4 Demosthenes imprisoned on a charge of bri- bery — Escapes to Troezen . . . 324 114. 1 Death of Alexander — Demosthenes'triumphant return to Athens — ^schines settles at Rhodes 823 Antipater demands the popular leaders — De- mosthenes takes poison — Death of Aristotle 322 Death of Phocion 317 115.4 Death of ^schines in Samos, whither he had retired from Ehodes 314 116.3 N.B. — This table has been composed from that of Mr Drake, with additions from Whiston, Kennedy, and Grote. THE END. PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY. M.A. AT THE UNIVEK8ITY PRESS. 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