UC-NRLF M. it ACTS. 191 ^EMPLOYMENT) TO lit Hi. i I vM I'LOYMENT INSURANCE. 1CISIONS GIVEN BY THE UMPIRE UESPECTiNl DEMARCATION OF TRADES UP TO AND INCLUDIN(i TIIOSK 1MT1J- L1S1IED IN -THE IH)AHD OF TKADK JOIJ KN A L " FOR THE 13TH DECEMBKU. 11)17. TOGETHER WJT1I MMHil'N DICES AND INDEX [This volume contains all decisions relating- to demarcation of trades, including those collected in previous volumes, which are at present operative.] LONDON : , i B] any I3ook>seller or directly from H.M JTATION] 1 .2, and _ ; LONDON, S.W.I; STBK id NCHESTER; 1, ST. ANDREW'S CRESCENT, CARDIFF; ; or fn : I3Y 3 LTD., 11U, GEA' KET, 1) ., 1918. 1 'i DOCUMENTS ' DEPT. M. 11. NATIONAL INSURANCE (UNEMPLOYMENT) ACTS, 1911 TO 1916. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. DECISIONS GIVEN BY THE UMPIEE RESPECTING DEMARCATION OF TRADES UP TO AND INCLUDING THOSE PUB- LISHED IN "THE BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL" FOR THE 13TH DECEMBER, 1917, TOGETHER WITH APPENDICES AND INDEX [This volume contains all decisions relating* to demarcation of trades, including those collected in previous volumes, which are at present operative.] LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : IMPERIAL HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2, and 28, ABINGDON STREET, LONDON, S.W.I ; 37, PETER STREET, MANCHESTER ; 1, ST. ANDREW'S CRESCENT, CARDIFF ; 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; or from E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1918. Price Two Shillings Net. NATIONAL INSURANCE (UNEMPLOYMENT) ACTS, 1911 TO 1916. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE RESPECTING DEMARCATION OF TRADES. INTRODUCTION. 1. The scheme of compulsory insurance against unemploy- ment, which was introduced by Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, came into operation on July 15th, 1912. Amending ^ets were passed in 1914, 1915 and 1916. Under the last- mentioned Act, viz., the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, the additional classes of workmen specified in paragTaphs 3 and 4 below are insured temporarily as from the 4th September, 1916. THE PERSONS INSURED. A. Trades under the Act of 1911. 2. All workmen in the following trades, whether engaged on munitions Avork or not : (1) Building; that is to say, the construction, alteration, repair, decoration, or demolition of buildings, including the manufacture of any fittings of wood of a kind commonly made in builders' workshops or yards. ** * *! (2) Construction qfvWO.rfcsj ina * is to say, the construc- tion, reconstruction, or alteration *o t f- .railroads, docks, harbours, canals, emba^^e^t^*^rjd^s ; Jrj^rf or other works of construc- tion. (3) Shipbuilding; that is to say, the construction, altera- tion, repair or decoration of ships, boats or other craft by persons not being usually members of a ship's crew, including the manufacture of any fittings of wood of a kind commonly made in a shipbuilding yard. (4) Mechanical engineering, including the manufacture of ordnance and firearms. (5) Ironfounding, whether included under the foregoing headings or not. (6) Construction Of vehicles; that is to say, the con- struction, repair or decoration of vehicles. Ill (7) Sawmilling (including machine woodwork) carried on in connection with any other insured trade or of a kind commonly so carried on. B. Trades under the Act of 1916.* 3. All workmen in the following trades, whether engaged on munitions work or not: (1) The manufacture of ammunition, fireworks, and explosives. (2) The manufacture of chemicals, including oils, lubri- cants, soap, candles, paints, colours, and varnish. (3) The manufacture of metals and the manufacture or repair of metal goods. (4) The manufacture of rubber and goods made there- from. (5) The manufacture of leather and leather goods. , (6) The manufacture of bricks, cement, and artificial stone and other artificial building materials. (7) Sawmilling, including machine woodwork, and the manufacture of wooden cases. C. Munition workers tinder the Act of 1916. 4. All workmen engaged on munitions work (so far as not otherwise- an insured trade) . The definition of " munitions work " for the present purpose is contained in section 9 (1) (a) of the Munitions of War Act, 1916, which reads as follows: " (a) the manufacture or repair of arms, ammunition, ships , vessels, vehicles, and aircraft, and any other articles or parts of articles (whether of a similar nature to the aforesaid or not) intended or adapted for use in war, and of any other ships or vessels, or classes of ships or vessels, or parts of ships or vessels, which may be certified by the Board of Trade to be necessary for the successful prosecution of the war, and of any metals, machines, or tools required for any such manufacture or repair, and of the materials, of any class specified in an order made for the purpose by the Minister of Munitions, required for, or for use in, any such manu- facture or repair as aforesaid." Up to the date of this volume, the Minister of Munitions had made Orders specifying the following materials as materials required for, or for use in, the manufacture or repair of articles intended or adapted for use in war: Balloon fabric; construc- tional steel; fire-brick; glass for constructional purposes; glass for * The Minister of Labour may also by Order extend the scheme of Unem- ployment Insurance temporarily to the whole of any other trade or branch of a trade in which a substantial amount of munitions work or other work for war purposes is carried on. No such Order has yet been made. . (11937 14a.) Wt. 13590 587. 4000. 1/18. D & S. G. 4. * IV optical purposes; lead compounds; magnetite brick; materials required for, or for use in, the manufacture of explosives; silica brick; worked timber; card clothing'; all materials wholly or partly manufactured from, wool ; lime ; shrunk dolomite ; all materials wholly or partly manufactured from tiax or jute; motor spirit, naphtha, paraffin burning' oil, lubricating' oil, gas inter- mediate and fuel oil, paraffin wax; and leather. EXCLUSION ORDERS. 5. Certain powers of exclusion are conferred upon the Minister of Labour by section 104 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and by section 1 (1) (a) of the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916. 6. Section 104 of the Act of 1911 provides as follows : " The Board of Trade* may, if in any case they consider that it is desirable, by special order exclude from the occupations which are to be deemed employment in an insured trade for the purpose of this Part of the % Act (a) Any occupation which appears to them to be common to insured and uninsured trades alike, and ancillary only to the purposes of an insured trade ; and (6) Any occupation which appears to them to be an occupation in a business which, though concerned with the making of parts or the preparation of materials for use in connection with an insured trade, is mainly carried on as a separate business or in connection with trades other than insured trades : and, on any such order being made, the occupation to which the order relates shall not be treated as employment in an insured trade for the purposes of this Part of this Act. " Any special order made under this section may be made so as to cover one or more occupations. The provisions of this Part of this Act as to the laying of regulations before Parliament and the presentation of an Address thereon shall apply to special orders made under this section." 7. In pursuance of the powers conferred by this section, the following Special Exclusion Orders have been made : (1) The Special Exclusion (Drivers, c.) Order, 1912 (Statu- tory Rules and Orders, 19.12, No. 1855), in force July 15th, 1912, which excludes from unemployment insurance the occupations followed by : (a) The drivers or attendants of any vehicle. (b) Stablemen or other workmen employed in tending horses or to clean any vehicle. (c) Wood-carvers. (d) Workmen employed in the manufacture and fitting of upholstery for the purposes of the construction, altera- tion, repair or decoration of buildings, ships, boats or other craft, unless such manufacture and fitting is substantially the sole occupation of such workmen. (e) Workmen employed in the manufacture of fittings of leather or celluloid for cycles or motor cycles. (2) The Special Exclusion (Dredgermen, $c.) Order, 1913 (Statutory Rules and Orders, 1913, No. 122), in force January * The powers of the Board of Trade under the National Insurance (Unemployment) Acts have been transferred to the Minister of Labour under the New Ministries and Secretaries Act, 1916. 31st, 1913, which excludes from unemployment insurance the occupation followed by : Members of the crews of dredgers, hoppers, or other vessels engaged in (a) excavating materials by dredging or conveying materials so excavated, or (b) conveying away materials, whether excavated or not, in or in connection with the construction, reconstruction, or alteration of harbours, docks, or channels. (3) The Special Exclusion (Stone Carvers and Sculptors) Order, 1913 (Statutory Rules and Orders, J913, No. 749), in force July 15th, 1913, which excludes from unemployment insurance the occupation followed by : Stone carvers and sculptors. It should be noted that these Orders have no effect in limiting the classes of workmen to which the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, applies. 8. Section 1 (1) (a) of the Act of 1916 provides that unemploy- ment insurance shall extend to every workman who is engaged on or in connection with munitions work, except such classes of such work as the Minister of Labour may by Order exclude. In pursuance of this provision, the Unemployment Insurance (Muni- tion WorJcers) Exclusion Order, dated August 29, 1916 (Statu- tory Rules and Orders, 1916, No. 594) has been made, excluding from the scope of the Act the following classes of munitions work : (1) The classes of work denned in paragraphs (6), (c), (d), and (e) of Section 9 of the Munitions of War Act, 1916. (2) The manufacture of food, drink, and tobacco. (3) The manufacture or repair of garments to individual order. (4) The manufacture of constructional glass. (5) The manufacture or repair of materials wholly or partly manufactured from wool. (6) The weaving of cotton articles and subsequent processes allied thereto. INSURED WORKMEN IN UNINSURED BUSINESSES. 9. Section 107 (2) of the principal Act provides as follows: " In determining any question as to whether any trade in which a workman is or has been employed is an insured trade or not, regard shall be had to the nature of the work in , which the workman is engaged rather than to the business of the employer by whom he is employed." DEFINITION OF " WORKMAN." 10. Contributions under the National Insurance (Unemploy- ment) Acts are payable only in respect of persons who are " work- 11937 A 3 VI men " as defined by section 107 (.1) of the principal Act. This definition is as follows : " The expression ' workman ' means any person of the age of 16 or upwards employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, who has entered into or works under a con- tract of service with an employer, whether the contract is expressed or implied, is oral or in writing, and in relation to a person whilst unemployed means a person who. when employed, fulfilled the conditions aforesaid, but does not include an indentured apprentice." Female workpeople are included on the same footing as male workpeople. WORKPEOPLE EMPLOYED BY THE SAME EMPLOYER, PARTLY ON INSURABLE WORK, AND PARTLY ON ]N"ON-!NSURABLE WORK. 11. Regulation 35 of the Unemployment Insurance Regula- tions, 1912, provides as follows: " Where during any period a workman has been employed by one employer partly in an insured trade and partly not in an insured trade, and contributions have by arrangement between the employer and the workman been paid as if the whole employment of that workman were in an insured trade, those contributions shall be deemed to have been duly paid in respect of employment in an insured trade." If advantage is not taken of this procedure, contributions must be paid for each wage period during which the employee was engaged wholly or mainly on the insurable work, i.e., during which he or she was so employed for at least half the time. This applies to workpeople insured under the Act of 1911, and also to those insured under the Act of 1916. ESTABLISHMENTS IN WHICH SOME WORKPEOPLE ONLY ARE ENGAGED ON INSURABLE WORK. 12. Section 2 (2) of the National Insurance (Part II) (Muni- tion Workers) Act, 1916, provides as follows : ' Where in any establishment some workmen are insured under this Act, any other workman employed in that establishment may, with his consent and the consent of his employer, be treated as if he were employed in a trade mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act." That is to say, in any establishment where some workpeople must be insured under the above Act, all other workpeople (or any of them) may be treated as if they were iiisurable under that Act. Where it is desired to take advantage of this procedure appli- cation should be made by the workmen concerned for unemploy- ment books in the usual way, but a reference to the above- mentioned section of the Act should be inserted in the forms of application. vii APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION BY THE UMPIRE. 13. In accordance with section 91 of the National Insurance Act, and the Unemployment Insurance (Umpire) Regulations, 1912 (Statutory Rules and Orders, 1912, No. 313), decisions as to whether contributions are payable under the National Insurance (Unemployment) Acts, 1911 to 1916, in respect of any workman or class of workmen rest, not with the Minister of Labour, but with the Umpire, an independent authority appointed by the Crown. Application for such a decision may be made on the prescribed form (U.I. IB.), which is obtainable at any Employment Exchange or other Local Office of the Unemployment Fund. The Umpire's address is 47. Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.I. 14. By section 3 (1) of the National Insurance (Part II. Amend- ment) Act, 1914, the Umpire is empowered also to decide whether a person is a workman within the meaning of the definition quoted in paragraph 10 above, i.e., whether such a person is employed under a contract of service or by way of manual labour, or is an indentured apprentice. Application for such a decision may be made 011 the prescribed form (U.I. 1A). PUBLICATION OF DECISIONS. 15. The decisions given by the Umpire in respect of applica- tions made to him in accordance with the above-mentioned pro- visions are published in the Board of Trade Journal (weekly, 011 Thursdays, price 3d.) and in the Labour Gazette (monthly, on the 16th, price Id.). These publications may be purchased either directly or through any bookseller from H.M. Stationery Office at the following addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, S.W.I; 37, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 23 Forth Street, Edinburgh; or from E. Ponsonby, Ltd., 116, Graf ton Street, Dublin. DECISIONS GIVEN UNDER ACT OF 1911 WHICH ARE NOW INOPERATIVE. 16. When the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, came into operation on the 4th September, 1916, a number of decisions under the Act of 1911 to the effect that contributions were not payable became wholly or partly inoperative, and have been superseded by subsequent decisions. In this volume such inoperative decisions (or parts of decisions) have been omitted from the text; but, for purposes of reference, their numbers are included in Appendix I. (a) on page 187. Where decisions to the effect that contributions are not payable under the Act of 1911 remain in the text (i.e., " B " decisions up to and including B1549), the Umpire has certified that they hold good also with regard to the Act of 1916, provided that the classes of workmen referred to therein are not employed on or tn con- nection with munitions work. REVISIONS OF DECISIONS. 17. In accordance with Regulation 1 (3) of the Unemployment Insurance (Umpire) Regulations, 1912, any decision given by the 11937 A 4 Vlll Umpire is subject to revision by liini. A number of decisions have been so revised, and Appendix I. (2) on page 188 contains a list of decisions which modify or otherwise affect previous decisions. In accordance with Section 3 (2) of the National Insurance (Part II. Amendment) Act, 1914, where a decision has been obtained from the Umpire that contributions are not payable in respect of any workman, or class of workmen, and the Umpire certifies that he has subsequently revised such decision so as to make contributions payable in respect of such workman, or class of workmen, or any of them, contributions shall be so payable only from the date when the decision was so revised. In all other cases, in accordance with Section 85 of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911, contributions are payable as from the respective dates upon which the Acts came into operation, viz., the 15th July, 1912, in the case of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and the 4th September, 1916, in the case of the National Insur- ance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act. 1916. A table, showing the issues of the Board of Trade Journal in which the various decisions have been published, is given in Appendix II. on page 190 of this volume. METHOD OF DISTINGUISHING DECISIONS. 18. The present volume contains all important operative decisions given by the Umpire up to and including those published in the Board of Trade Journal for the 13th December, 1917. The decisions are printed in numerical order, and are distinguished as follows : (i) Decisions to the effect that contributions are payable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, are printed in clarendon type, and their numbers are preceded by the letter A, e.g., Al. (ii) Decisions to the effect that contributions are payable under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, are printed in clarendon type, and their numbers are preceded by the letter A and followed by the letter X, e.g., A1554X. (iii) Decisions to the effect that contributions are not payable are printed in italics, and their numbers are preceded by the letter B, e.fj.. BIO. 19. Decisions relating to individual workmen which raise no question of general interest, or which merely apply a principle laid down in a previous decision, are not published. A list of the consecutive numbers of these decisions and of certain other decisions not included in this volume is given in Appendix I. (6) on p. 187 of this volume. MINISTRY OF LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, QUEEN ANNE'S CHAMBERS, BROADWAY, WESTMINSTER, S.W.I. December, 1917. ,." i ',:., ? DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1 15 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. NOTE. The decisions printed in clarendon and marked " A " are those in which the Umpire has decided that contributions are payable. The numbers of decisions given under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, are distinguished by the letter " X." The decisions printed in italics and marked " B " are those in which the Umpire has decided that Contributions are not payable. All decisions affecting labourers in insured trades must be construed with reference to decisions A 749 and A 1617 X. A 1. Workmen employed in the construction, repair or decoration of railway wagons, goods vans, brake vans and cattle vans. A '2. Workmen, not being usually members of a ship's crew, employed in the construction, alteration, repair or decoration of barges, whether of wood or iron. A 7. Workmen employed in washing ceilings, strip- ping of paper in buildings, whitening, colouring, repairing, pumicing woodwork and general preparations for painting. B 1C. Workmen in the service of an electric supply corporation employed as follows : (1) Switch board attendants to operate switch gear on switch board and regulate voltage on mains; (2) Motor generator attendants to attend to switch boards connected with the control of motor generators and to look after the proper running of the motor generators and keep them clean; (3) Battery attendants to look after the proper main- tenance of the electric accumulators and replace plates when necessary; (4) Testers to test and connect installations and arc lamp series; (5) Meter readers, to read all meters in consumers' premises (See also decision A 1343). A 14a. Engineers, blacksmiths, carpenters, and joiners, engaged in repairing steamers, and not being usually members of a ship's crew. A 15. Workmen described as smiths and mechanics in textile mills who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of maintenance and upkeep of machinery. B do. Workmen employed in textile mills, and engaged wholly or mainly in the ivork of driving, tenting, or minding engines or stoking boilers. 1626 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 16. Workmen employed by a firm whose business is that of seed crushers, oil-cake manufac- turers and oil refiners, and described as fitters and smiths who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of maintenance and upkeep of machinery. A 17. Workmen employed by a firm whose business is that of seed crushers, oil-cake manufac- turers and oil refiners, and described as bricklayers and joiners, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work o'f construc- tion, alteration, repair, decoration, or demo- lition of buildings. A 19. Workmen desribed as bricklayers, plumbers, painters, scaffolders, plasterers, and the labourers of each, who are employed by firms of millers, and are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of construction, alteration, repair, decoration, or demoli- tion of buildings. A 2O. Workmen described as follows: Fitters, turners or finishers, erectors, millwrights, planers, borers, slotters, screwers, shapers, iron sawyers, grinders (iron and steel), glazers, millers, polishers, buffers and drillers (machine), machinemen (other than those specified), drillers (hand), smiths, smiths' strikers, toolsmiths, tool makers, employed in a mechanical engineering establishment. Ironmoulders, coreinakers, iron dressers, cupolamen, moulders (machine): (a) Employed in an ironfoundry, part of a mechanical engineering establishment; (b) Employed in an ironfoundry, not part of a mechanical engineering establishment. A 23. Workmen and their helpers and labourers employed in factories and workshops which are engaged wholly or mainly in the manu- facture of castings of brass, white metal, gun metal or other copper alloys for use as parts of the products of a mechanical engineering establishment, and described as follows: Core makers, casters, moulders, dressers, polishers, finishers, fitters. See also decisions A 1504 and A 1626X. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 24 38 tfote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 24. Workmen employed by firms of millers wlio are engaged, wholly or mainly in the work of : (1) Steam, gas or oil engine drivers; (2) Stokers or gas plant attendants; (3) Steam and petrol wagon drivers; (4) Motor-car drivers; (5) Dynamo and electric motor attendants; and who are not engaged wholly or mainly in tJic main- tenance and upkeep of machinery. A 26. Bricklayers, slaters, and the labourers of each employed by a tramway company, and engaged wholly or mainly in the construc- tion, alteration, repair, decoration or demolition of buildings. A 29. Workmen employed by a spinning and weaving company, and described as (a) carpenters, mechanics, if employed wholly or mainly in the repair of buildings and machinery; (b) apprentices to the workmen described in (a), if of the age of 16 or upwards, and employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, and if working under a contract of service with employer, whether expressed or implied, oral or in writing, but provided they are not indentured apprentices. (See also decision A 2353.) B 31. Workmen described as engine drivers employed by a District Council : (a) With Council's steam engines at the water- works; (b) At sewage pumping station with oil engines; and engaged wholly or mainly in driving the engines, and not engaged wholly or mainly in repairing the sa m e . A 33. Persons employed in lathing, dressing slates, gutters and spouting; slating, tiling and rendering lead gutters, lead flashing and apron and counter flashing. B 36. Ploughmen engaged in experimenting with agricultural implements. A 38. Workmen employed by a firm of builders' merchants, and described as masons and tilers, who are engaged wholly or mainly 38 44 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. in the work of construction, alteration, repair, decoration or demolition of buildings. JB 38. Workmen employed by a firm of builders' merchants, and engaged wholly or -mainly in, the work of unloading barges of bricks or cleaning offices. A 39. Workmen employed in a railway wagon and iron works, and described as follows: (1) Wagon makers, builders, and repairers of railway wagons; (2) Blacksmiths and strikers (manufacturers and repairers of railway wagon ironwork) ; (3) Painters and letterers of railway wagons ; (4) Labourers assisting above classes of work- men; (5) Foremen if employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour. B 40. Workmen engaged in the work of quarrying stone, includ- ing the process of scabbling or other rough dressing. (See also decision A 1242.) *B 42. Workmen employed by a firm of dyers and described as stillmen who are engaged wholly or mainly in attending to the stills and condensers of the distilling plant, and are not engaged wholly or mainly in the maintenance and upkeep oj machinery. A 43. Fitters, turners, machinists, smiths, strikers, millwrights, and their helpers and labourers who are employed in steel, bar and tinplate works, and engaged wholly or mainly in the maintenance and upkeep of machinery, and in respect of carpenters, joiners and masons, and their helpers and labourers who are employed as above, and engaged wholly or mainly in construction, alteration, repair, decoration or demolition of buildings. A 44. Workmen engaged in the work of fixing stone or the preparation or dressing of stone (exclusive of slate) to finished dimensions for use in connection with any trade set out in Schedule VI. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911. * See paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 4660 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 46. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of construction, repair, or decoration of cycles. B do. 1TW/- men cur/aged ivholly or mainly in the work of clean- ing a cycle shop, cleaning cycles, running errand*, lining odd jobs and repairing on an occasion a puncture or noting as shop assistant. B 48. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of super- vision of wearers and assisting same when necessary, but contributions are payable in respect of workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of maintenance and upkeep of machinery. A 50. Goods hoist attendants employed in a mechanical engineering establishment. A 51. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of shells and cartridge cases for use in con- nection with artillery. A 54. Workmen described as bricklayers, carpen- ters, joiners, plumbers, painters, scaf- folders, plasterers, and the labourers of each, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of construction, alteration, repair, decoration or demolition of buildings in connection with businesses other than those included under the trades specified in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. A 58. Workmen described as smiths and mechanics, and the labourers of each, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of main- tenance and upkeep of machinery in con- nection with businesses other than those included under the trades specified in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. B 59. Workmen employed by builders' factors, coal, sand and gravel merchants, and described as boatmen engaged in dredging sand and gravel from the river bed, working the boat, and delivering cargo at irliarf. B 60. A brickyard manager, engaged ivholly or mainly in the icork of overlooking workmen's books, attending to sale tickets, and generally supervising business. 6 62 70 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions AKE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 62. Workmen employed in a malleable iron foundry and described as engaged in the work of moulding, core-making, annealing, dressing and general labour. A 63. Workmen employed by gun manufacturers and described as follows: (1) Barrel filers ; (2) Barrel borers ; (3) Screwers; (4) Finishers; (5) Engravers and inlayers ; (6) Viewers passing work and adjusting small faults, if employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour. A 64. Workmen employed by a firm of brickmakers and described as: (2) Wheelwrights who are engaged wholly or mainly in repairing carts and wagons ; (3) Tile fixers who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of fixing tiles to walls of new or existing buildings ; (4) Mechanics who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of maintenance and upkeep of machinery ; (5) Carpenters and plumbers who are en- gaged wholly or mainly in the work of repairing buildings. B 65. A workman employed by a Borough Council and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of driving a steam motor wagon. A 66. Joiners in the employ of a Borough Council if engaged wholly or mainly in the work of repairs to the internal fixed woodwork of school buildings. B 67. *Workmen described as (2) sign writers who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of writing signs and writing on office doors, gilding letters, Sfc. B 70. Workmen described as bass dressers, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the ivork of dyeing and dressing the rough Piassava used in ordinary stiff yard brooms. * Decision B 67 has been modified by decision A 504. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 75 9O Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 75. Workmen employed by a firm of wire rope manufacturers and described as fitters, and the labourers to assist them, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of maintenance and upkeep of machinery. *B 83. Workmen enyayed wholly or mainly in tJie work of working maltsters. A 85. Workmen described as wheelwrights engaged at works forming part of a mechanical engineering establishment. A 86. Workmen employed in a mechanical en- gineering establishment and described as follows : Cranemen (hand or power), engine- men (stationary engines), firemen (station- ary engines), boilermen. B 87. Masons who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of the preparation or dressing of stone for monuments of a simple character, such as are ordinarily found in ceme- teries, or for mural tablets, or who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of fixing such stones. A 88. Workmen and their helpers and labourers employed in factories and workshops which are engaged wholly or mainly in producing manufactures for use as parts of the pro- ducts of a mechanical engineering estab- lishment, and described as follows :- (1) Sheet metal workers. (2) Persons engaged in the manufacture of copper fittings and appliances (copper- smiths, &c.). t[A 89. Workmen (including helpers and labourers) employed in factories and workshops which are engaged wholly or mainly in the manu- facture of steel castings for use as parts of the products of a mechanical engineering establishment, and in machine shops in con- nection with the manufacture of such steel castings.] t A 9O. Workmen described as gun press workers employed in the manufacture of ordnance * See paragraph 16, page vii, and decision A 2121 X with reference to the question of munitions work. f This decision is not now operative. See decision A 320. J The application of decision A 90 is restricted to the machining process. Sf* also decision A 164 IX. 94 106 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE NOT PAYABLE. who are engaged in the work of making tubes or covers for guns. B 94. A workman employed by a railway company, and de- scribed as an engine cleaner engaged solely in engine cleaning, riot repairing or -fitting, nor having the con- trol of any machinery. B 97. Workmen employed by an Urban District Council, and engaged in the work of road repairing, cleansing and watering, sewer cleansing, lamp lighting and extin- guishing, night-soil removal and dry ashpit employees, public market attendants, public bath attendants and laundry men, public park rangers, water and lighting inspector and assistants, sewage farm attendants. B 100. Workmen employed by a firm of printers and, stationers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of compos- ing, machining (that is, printing formes of type which have been set up), wire stitching, folding, perforating, 9*. B 101. Workmen employed by a firm of contractors (works of construction), and described as follows : (1) Gangers not employed wliolly or mainly by iray of manual labour. (2) Quarrymen engaged wholly or mainly in quarrying stone. (3) Chef and assistants engaged wholly or mainly in cooking food. (4) Boot repairers engaged wholly or mainly in repairing boots for workmen employed in water and concrete. A 103. Workmen employed at a cartridge works, and described as: (1) Smiths and mechanics and their assistants engaged wholly or mainly in the main- tenance and upkeep of machinery. (2) Carpenters, joiners, bricklayers and their labourers, &c., engaged wholly or mainly in repair and addition to buildings. B 105. Workmen employed by a firm of lime, cement, brick and slate merchants, and described as carmen and horse- keepers, yardmen, sack repairers, sub-contractors, cranemen, barge captains and mates, and in respect of the labourers of each. A 106. Workmen employed by a firm of lime, cement, brick and slate merchants, and described as slaters and tilers, and their DECISIONS OF THE UMPIIIE. 110 128 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE NOT PAYABLE. labourers, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of construction, altera- tion, repair, decoration or demolit ion of buildings. A 110. Workmen (a) Engaged wholly or mainly in the work of fixing stone, or the preparation or dressing of stone (excluding slate) to finished dimen- sions for use in connection with any trade set out in the Sixth Schedule of the National Insurance Act, 1911 ; (b) Employed by a contractor as masons and carpenters and their labourers who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of construction, alteration, repair, decoration, or demolition of buildings. B 111. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of : (a) Agricultural labourers worlting under farmers; (b) Contractor taking contracts and not employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour; (c) Gentleman's servants, gardener, coachman, butler and labouring men employed about gentleman's place. A 113. Workmen employed by a firm of roofing felt manufacturers and roof contractors, and engaged in the work of fixing roofs of timber covered with felt and borne by wooden lattice girders resting on the walls. A 114. Workmen employed by a firm of cattle food manufacturers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the maintenance and upkeep of machinery and engines. B 115. Workmen employed by a firm of cotton spinners, and described as operative cotton spinners, card and blow- ing-room operatives, ring spinners, winders, beamers and reelers and warehousemen (packers). B 121. Workmen who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of supervising men operating cigarette - making "machines. B 125. Workmen employed by a firm of coal merchants, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of bunkering steamers that is, putting coal on board by hydraulic crane, and trimming same into the bunkers. B 128. A workman employed by a cycle factor, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of selling over the counter 10 129 145 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. xS'ote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. portion* of bicycles (ind their accessories to be used In/ t/ie buyers in the construction of bicycles. B 129. Workmen employed by a firm of printers, and engaged wholly or mainly in work as stereotypers, monotype casters, and letterpress machine minders. A 130. Workmen employed by a firm of printers, and described as smiths and mechanics, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of maintenance and upkeep of engines and machinery. A 131. Workmen employed by a firm of slaters' and builders' merchants, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of slating and tiling buildings. A 134. A workman employed by a brewery com- pany, and described as a carpenter and jobber, if he is engaged wholly or mainly in the work of construction, alteration, repair, or decoration of buildings. B 135. Workmen employed by a firm of merchants and com- mission agents, and engaged in the work of separating and packing for despatch goods purchased, sucJi ; A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. }] (n-kmen employed by a local authority, and engaged irholly or mainly in the work of : (1) Redressing old granite and ir/iin herbs; (2) Preparing and repairing square stone bases for the erection of gas lamps; (3) Setting up poles to be used solely for gas or electric- lamps for street lighting purposes; (4) Repairing and, maintaining overhead, third rail, con- duit, surface contact, or cable equipment of railroads, tramways, light railways or electric power supply, the cost of uihich is usually chargeable to revenue account (see also decision A 1300) ; * * # * # * * (10) (a) Laying services; (b) Laying mains, the cost of which is usually chargeable to revenue account; (11) Repairing railway sidings; ( 12) Repainting ironwork which is not part of a build- ing; (13) Repairing and maintaining road.*;, streets and sewers; '14) Cranemen employed in water and gas departments' depots and yards; (15) Jointing cables for the purpose of repairs or taking branches from mains in consumers' premises; t A 191. NOTICE. Decisions numbered 190 and 191, relating to workmen employed by a local authority, are applic- able also to workmen employed by gas, electric supply, tramway and water supply companies, contractors or others, when engaged on work of the kinds mentioned in these decisions. Workmen employed by a Local Authority, and described as follows: (1) Cranemen employed in the repairing shops in electricity, water and tramway depart- ments, and who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of lifting materials in connection with the repairs of machinery; f See note at foot of p. 12. 14 193194 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE, Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (2) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in working at small circular saws cutting out small timber to size for framing and repair- ing tramcars ; (3) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of repairing baths and under- ground lavatories; (4) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of jointing new cables in elec- tricity and tramway departments; (5) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of wiring buildings or tramway cars; (6) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in work in connection with overhead, third rail, conduit, surface contact, or cable equipment of railroads, tramways, light railways or electric power supply, the cost of which is usually chargeable to capital account ; (7) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in laying or constructing water, gas and elec- tric mains (other than services), the cost of which is usually chargeable to capital account ; (8) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of constructing new railway sidings or lines ; (9) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of construction, re-construction, or alteration of roads, streets, and sewers. The word M alteration," in the opinion of the Umpire, does not refer to work usually chargeable to revenue account. A 193. Workmen employed by a firm of millers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the in- stallation and upkeep of electric wiring for buildings. A 194. A workman described as a wireman who is engaged wholly or mainly in the work of wiring for electric lighting and bells in buildings. 15 DECISIONS OF THE [ T M.PIRE. 196 220 Vote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 196. Workmen described as fibrous plasterers in casting shops who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of making fibrous and cast plaster to be fixed in buildings. B 197. Work in en engaged irltoUi/ or mainly in the work of measuring, planning and fitting linolemn not perman- ently fixed to building. B 199. Workmen employed by a firm of mineral water manufac- turers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of # # * * * * * (2) Fitting syphon tops on -vases ; (3) Repairing broken cases and bo.rex. (See also deci.sion A 2154X0 B 204. Workmen employed by a firm of handcart builders and hirers, and engaged wholly or mainly in booking hand- carts going out on hire. A 205. Workmen employed by a firm of handcart builders and hirers, and engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing handcarts. B 208. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the icork of sand screening in a sand quarry or pit. B 209. Q) Rock drillers employed in slate quarries. (2) Platelayers and labourers employed wholly or mainly in the upkeep and maintenance of railway lines in con- nection with slate quarries. ~B 211. Workmen employed by a firm of earthen irare manufac- turers, and described as packers iclio are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of packing goods xrnt tiirtiy in eases or crates. B 213. Workmen employed by a firm of builders' merchants, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of : (1) Carting building material to customers; (2) Loading same materials. B 217. Workmen employed by a firm wlio are manufacturers of chestnut wood fencing and ivire fencing, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of making by hand cleft chestnut wood pales bound by galvanised icire strands, B 218. Workmen employed by a Town Council, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of grave digging ordinarily carried on in cemeteries and graveyards. B 220. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of : (a) Repair of tramway lines; (b) Relaying a working tramway line. * SV# paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work. 16 221 245 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. '"' A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 221. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the construction, reconstruction, and alteration of tramway lines. In the opinion of the Umpire, the word "alteration" does not refer to work of a kind usually chargeable to revenue account. B 233. Workmen employed by a firm of woollen manufacturers, and engaged wholly or mainly in arranging work and looms for weavers, and superintending weaver* generally. ^B 234. Workmen employed at glass works, and engaged in the work of charging furnaces with raw materials to make glass for bottle making, and melting same. B 238. Workmen employed by a gas company, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of (1) Fuel handlers, unloading fuel; (2) Elevator men, working automatic elevators: (3) Feeding producer men, feeding producers, withdraw- ing and wheeling away ashes; (4) Washermen, scooping soot; (5) Tower and tank men, attending to the towers and skimming tar; (6) Blowermen, oiling and attending roofs, blowers and pumps; (7) Compressor men, oiling and attending compressors; (8) Gas engine men, attending gas engines and electrical plant; (9) Stokers; (10) Meter testers; (11) Inspectors and assistants, cleaning and distributing apparatus, inspecting and reading meters; (12) Labourers, cleaning up, fyc.; V # # # # * * (15) Storekeeper and time keepers and assistants; (16) Watchmen, cleaners, tarmen.'f B 241. Workmen engaged in the work of cleaning and regilding picture frames, making ornaments in composition and fixing panes; and fitting up pictures. B 242. A workman engaged wholly or mainly in the work of teaching cotton operatives to work machines. B 245. Workmen employed at a gas works, and engaged wholly or mainly in (1) Drawing and charging gas retorts and attending furnaces; * See paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work, f See also decisions A 1763X, A 1764X and A 1007X. 17 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIKE. 246 264 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (2) Discharging coal from railway trucks, and labour generally; (3) Inspecting and testing consumer '$' meters. A 246. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of perambulators, mail carts and folding cars. B 248. Sdud pit workers, who are engaged in digging sand, and arc not engaged in any work of construction. A 253. Workmen engaged in the work of repairs to all kinds of motor cars. A 258. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly (1) In fixing felt roofing to buildings ; (2) As pipe fitters on the maintenance and upkeep of steam pipe lines. B 260. Workmen employed by a timber 7nerchant, and engaged in the work of felling trees, carting same from country, carting sawdust, firewood and goods. *B 261. Workmen employed by furnishing and engineers' iron- mongers, and engaged on work of (1) Loading and unloading goods; (2) Labourers in scrap yard; (3) Storemen. A 262. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of fittings of wood of a kind commonly form- ing part of the construction or decoration of buildings, ships, boats or other craft, or vehicles. B 263. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of fittings of wood (including seats or chairs) of a kind not commonly forming part of the construction or decoration of build- ings, ships, boats or other craft, or vehicles. (See also decision A2088X.) B 264. Workmen employed by electric supply companies, and described as follows : Ash cleaners; Boys (porterage and general cleaning}; Coal trimmers, labourers and measurers; Condenser attendants; Dynamo cleaners; Engine drivers; Engine cleaners; * See also decision A 749. 18 265 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contribution.-; ARE NOT PAYABLE. Firemen; Foremen; Greasers; Gate and timekeepers; Instrument and meter testers and calibrators; Inspectors; Loco drivers; Lamp trimmers; Labourers (cleaning and generally assisting); Lady attendants; Regulators (switchboard and battery attendants); Storekeepers and assistants; Shopboy; Shift engineers; Sub-station attendants; Transformer and dynamo attendants; Water softener attendant; Water and pump attendants; Box inspector; Camp boys; Chauffeurs; Installation inspectors; Gangers (if not employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour}; Street lighting attendants; Yardmen; Clerks; Canvassers and collector; Chefs and mess room attendants; Lavatory attendants; Carmen; Draughtsmen; Lightermen; Lift attendants; Office cleaners; Typists (male and female); Telephone girl; Window cleaners; Chemists. A 265. Workmen employed by electric supply com- panies, and described as follows: Carpenters engaged in constructional wood- work and general repairs to buildings. Engine fitters' labourers. Moulders and moulders' mates. Machinist (attending to machine tools). 19 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 266 277 . " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. Painters. Plumbers and mates. Timber man and scaffolder. B 266. A workman employed by a firm of coal merchant*, and engaged in work of crane-driving and stoking for the purpose of discharging coal. B 267. Workmen employed by a firm of iron merchants, and engaged in work of cutting up boilers, shearing up plates into scrap, and loading into wagons for iron works. B 268. Workmen employed by a sewerage board, and described as labourers engaged in the cleansing, maintenance and repair of a scheme of main sewerage, the construction of which ivas completed in 1910. B 271. Workmen employed by a granite company, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of (1) Dressing kerbstones and channels for the edges of pavements in towns; (2) Preparing timber for miscellaneous purposes in the quarries. (See also decision A 2088X.) A 275. Workmen employed by a firm of gas engi- neers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of (1) Fitting and turning parts of engineering steel work used in the manufacture of plant and machinery for gas works ; (2) Construction and erection of plant and machinery appertaining to gas works; (3) Labourers engaged with the above ; (4) Gas fitters engaged away from the works in installation of gas services in private and public buildings. A 277. Workmen engaged in the work of making sewing machines (a) Japanning and ornamentation working; (b) Plating and etching workers; (c) Gas plant labourers; (d) Bronzers; (e) Wood workers; (f ) Metal and wire workers. Note. The word "workmen" applies to women as well as men. 20 278 291 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions AEE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 278. Workmen employed by a firm of sewing machine manu- facturers and described as follows : * * * (b) . . Watchmen, firemen, ambulance men . . ; * * * (d) Transfer makers; * * * (g) Straw pad makers; NOTE. The word " workmen " applies to women as well as men. A 279. Workmen described as hot water and steam fitters engaged in the fitting and installa- tion in buildings of pipe-work and appara- tus for heating by means of hot water or steam. A 280. Workmen engaged in the work of making tools required in range, stove, hot water, and general fitters' work. A 287. Workmen engaged in the work of (1) installation and maintenance of electrical machinery and conductors; (2) manufacture and assembling of main switchboard parts, and the erection of main switchboards, including rheostats, con- trollers, contactors and brush gear (exclud- ing the winding of coil in all cases) ; (3) manufacture of parts of commutators and collectors ; (4) toolmakers, making tools for use in con- nection with the manufacture of any of the instruments or apparatus mentioned above. A 291. Workmen employed by a firm of engine boiler and machinery merchants, and en- gaged wholly or mainly in the work of dis- mantling, breaking up, removal and re- erection of engines, boilers, and all kinds of machinery and plant. 21 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIKE. 292 307 " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 292. Workmen engaged in the work of making underframes, trucks and steel wagons. A 297. Workmen engaged in the work of making by machine or hand tools for steel presswork, or for drawing or manipulating steel tubes. B 298. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of preparing paving-stones for footpaths and setts for carriage-ways . A 299. Workmen engaged in the work of making cast-iron moulds, fitting and turning same for use in the manufacture of glass bottles, stoppers, &c. A 300. Workmen employed at a hearth furniture and fancy brass foundry, and engaged wholly or mainly (1) in making mechanical tools; (2) in ironfounding. A 303. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of weighing machines of a kind not commonly used in the retail trade. (See alw decision A 1358.) *A 304. Workmen employed on dredgers or on vessels conveying away materials excavated by the dredgers, who are engaged in the work of dredging for new harbours, docks or channels, or in work the primary purpose of which is to deepen existing harbours, docks or channels. *B 305. Workmen engaged in icork the primary purpose of which is maintenance of harbours, docks and channels. A 306. Labourers, including skilled labourers, em- ployed in the various departments of His Majesty's Dockyards, and engaged wholly, or mainly in assisting in the work necessary for the carrying on of any of the trades mentioned in the Sixth Schedule of the National Insurance Act, 1911, other than those excluded by general decisions of the Umpire applicable to these trades. A 307. Workmen employed by the Medical Depart- ment of the Admiralty, and described as * See alto Special Exclusion (Dredgermen, &c.), Order, 1913, p. iv. 22 309 323 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. electrical fitters, who are engaged in the work of general repairs of electrical ma- chinery. A 309. Workmen employed at a dye works, and de- scribed as painters engaged in painting the works buildings. A 312. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of stone-crushing machinery. A 314. Toolmakers engaged in the work of making or repairing tools used in the manufacture of safes and strong rooms. A 315. Workmen engaged in the work of making boilers for the purpose of generating steam either for power or heating. A 319. All labourers employed in mechanical engi- neering establishments who are engaged in work in connection with any manufactur- ing process carried on, including the general shop labourers. A 320. Workmen, their helpers and labourers, em- ployed in steel foundries, and described as follows: Moulders, coremakers, dressers, annealers, including also workmen in machine shops in connection therewith. This decision supersedes decision A 89. A 321. Workmen engaged in the work of building upon the site bridges, gasholders and tanks, and the preparation of the material for such on the site or in a constructional yard or shop. A 322. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of textile machinery and parts thereof, whether made in a textile machinery factory or workshop, or in factories or workshops where the trade is carried on as a separate industry. A 328. Workmen described as mechanical engi- neers, fitters, turners, &c., and engaged in making boring machines, coal washing machinery, disintegrators, &c. 23 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 324 335 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 324. Workmen engaged in the work of making and setting press tools to be used in the manu- facture of steel pens and metal stampings. A 326. Workmen employed by a firm of dyers and cleaners, and described as electricians en- gaged in the fixing and upkeep of the electric lighting and heating plant in the works. B 327. Workmen employed at dye works, and described as (1) Gas engine and well pump hands who are engaged tr holly or mainly in attending producer plant and well pump, and driving gas engine; (2) Barbe machine hands ivho are engaged wholly or mainly in loading and unloading machines used in the process of cleaning. A 330. Workmen employed by flour millers, and de- scribed as follows:- Electricians who are engaged in work which consists wholly or mainly in the maintenance and repair of electrical ma- chinery and conductors; Carpenters and joiners engaged in work which is wholly or mainly connected with the construction or repair of fixtures of wood in the mills. A 332. Workmen employed by a firm of motor car manufacturers and general engineers wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, and engaged in the work of testing motor cars built by the company, and doing adjustments and repairs to the same. B 333. Workmen engaged by a firm of contractors, and described as engineers' chainmen. B 334. Workmen engaged : (1) In the work of excavating and loading sand (not being engaged in excavation forming part of a work of construction); (2) As boatman in attendance on vessels, laying and shifting moorings. A 335. Workmen employed by the Admiralty, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of testing torpedoes. 24 336 348 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 336. Workmen employed by a firm of plate and sheet glass merchants and engaged in the work of fixing plate and sheet glass into buildings. A 337. Workmen employed in a mechanical en- gineering establishment, and described as follows : Saw hammerers ; saw sharpeners ; knife, tool and cutter grinders; gasfitters; oilers of shafting; gas producer men; lime washers; pump fitter; belt attendants and strap piecers; pattern makers; makers of press tools ; machinery testers (if employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour); machinery painters. A 339. Workmen employed in the installation of machinery into boats. B 340. Workmen engaged in the work of demolition of iron and wooden ships, and the crane drivers assisting them. A 341. Workmen employed in a mechanical engineering establishment wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, and engaged in the work of: (1) Engine testers (bench test of engine prior to being erected in chassis); (2) Car testers (finally testing engines after erection in chassis). A 342. Toolmakers employed in the tool depart- ment of a firm of electrical engineers, and engaged in the work of making tools used in the manufacture of telephone apparatus. A 343. Toolmakers and machine setters employed in connection with the manufacture of electric light accessories. A 346. A tester of machinery employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour. A 348. Workmen employed by a firm of restaurant utensil manufacturers and nickel platers, and engaged in the work of fixing ranges and steam boilers. 2.) DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 349 353 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 349. Workmen employed at iron works, and described as follows: (1) Roofer and assistant, maintaining and repairing roofs and guttering, painting and glazing in connection with the iron works; (2) Brass caster and assistant engaged in the preparation of castings for bearings in machinery used for rolling iron ; (3) Electricians engaged in the maintenance of electrical machinery and wiring for lighting. A 350. Workmen engaged in the work of: (1) Lime washers, repairers of buildings, painting, &c. (2) Labourers attendant on the same. A 351. Workmen (including women on hand and power press), toolmakers and labourers engaged in work in connection with the manufacturing process carried on, and general shop labourers, who are employed in making pressings and stampings out of cold rolled steel of essential parts for cycles, such as cycle frame and handle bar lugs. *A 353. (a) Workmen, male and female, who are engaged in the manufacture of bright steel nuts, bolts and screws, &c., wholly or mainly for use as parts of cycles or motor cycles ; (b) Workmen, male and female, who are engaged in the manufacture of steel and metal balls for bearings ; (c) Workmen, male and female, who are engaged in the manufacture of ball and roller bearings; (d) Toolmakers. * This decision was modified by decision B 1493, which was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen (other than toolmakers and toolsetters) who, not being employed in factories or workshops which are carrying on any insured trade, are engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of bolts, nuts, screws or rivets. See also decision A 1 565X. 11937 B 26 355 361 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Vote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 355. Workmen employed by a firm of carpet warehousemen, cabinet makers and upholsterers, and engaged wholly or mainly in : # # # * * * * (2) Laying carpets and floorcloths at customer's house; (3) Polishing goods for stock and repolishing goods for customers; (4) Putting up inside and outside blinds. A 356. Workmen engaged in the work of painting machines when finished by erectors. A 357. Workmen employed by the Admiralty, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of: (1) Moulding in iron foundry. (2) Pattern-makers in iron foundry. B 358. Workmen who are engaged : (1) In cutting sheets of glass for customers; (2) As van men delivering goods. A 360. Workmen employed by a firm of manufac- turers of sanitary fittings, and described as follows: (a) Bricklayers and labourers engaged in excavating and making manholes in con- nection with the installation of sanitary fittings ; (b) Carpenters engaged in keeping plant and fixtures in repair ; (c) Pattern-makers for the iron foundry; (d) Joiners' shop hands who are engaged in making closet seats and cabinet enclosures for lavatories; (e) French polishers of woodwork ; (f) Terracotta fixers and tile fixers; (g) Plumbers and plumbers' mates fixing sanitary fittings in houses. A 361. Workmen employed by a firm of manufac- turers of sanitary fittings, and described as: (1) Labourers in the iron foundry, fetching and carrying, &c. (2) Core makers. 27 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 370 382 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 370. (1) Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of making essential parts for motors or cycles, such as carburettors ; (2) Toolmakers. A 372. Workmen employed in drop forging estab- lishments, and engaged: (1) In the manufacture of forgings which are wholly or mainly for use as parts of products of a mechanical engineering, ordnance or firearms, or vehicle-building establishment ; (2) As toolsmiths, making tools; (3) As bricklayer and bricklayer's labourer erecting and repairing buildings. A 374. Workmen engaged in the construction, re- construction, or alteration of blast fur- naces, lime and brick kilns, gas retorts, chemical and electrolytic plant. *A 375. Workmen described as stone carvers, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of carving figures and architectural ornament in stone for the decoration of buildings. A 376. Workmen employed by a firm of tile manu- facturers, and engaged in the work of fix- ing tiles on walls and floors. A 377. Workmen employed by a firm of calico printers, and engaged in work as .... (2) pipe fitters on buildings or machinery. A 380. Workmen engaged in the work of fixing dinner and goods lifts in buildings. A 381. Workmen engaged as sandpaperers and French polishers in the work of manufac- turing fittings of wood of a kind commonly forming part of the construction or decora- tion of buildings, ships, boats, or other craft, or vehicles. B 382. Workmen employed by harbour commissioners in the navigation of public ferries, and engaged in the worlt * See Special Exclusion (Stone Carvers and Sculptors) Order, 1913, p. v. 11937 B 2 28 383 406 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. of officers superintending or navigating dredgers, and not employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour. A 383. Workmen engaged in the work of repair- ing: (1) Ships' boats or other craft, not being usually members of a ship's crew ; (2) Vehicles, such as carts and wagons. A 386. Workmen engaged in the work of manufac- turing metal gear cases and petrol tanks for cycles and motor cycles. A 388. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of essential parts of cycles, or other vehicles or machines, such as lugs for cycle frames, chains and chain wheels, cranks, hubs and brakes for cycles, or other vehicles or machines. A 389. Workmen engaged in the work of making chimney-pieces : (a) in enamelled slate; (b) in wood. B 390. Workmen employed by a firm of steam plough and threshing proprietors, and engaged in cultivating land by steam ploughs, and threshing corn by machinery, and not engaged in repairing machinery. A 391. A joiner employed in a jute factory, and described as engaged in carrying out repairs to woodwork in connection with textile machinery. A 393. Workmen employed by a firm of contractors, and engaged in the generation and distribu- tion of electrical power for the purpose of works of construction. A 395. A workman employed by a shipbuilding and engineering company, and engaged in the work of repairing and keeping in working order all belts in the engineering shops. B 406. Workmen employed by water companies, and engaged in work as : (1) Waste water inspectors; (2) Waste meter inspectors and their assistants; (3) Mixing lime for water softening; (4) Cutting grass. 29 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 407422 . " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 407. Workmen employed by a gas company, and described as gas fitters, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the work of piping customers' houses and repairing for escapes of gas. A 408. Workmen employed by a firm of engineers and engaged in the work of cutting and preparing leathers for pumps and other machinery. A 411. Workmen, their assistants and labourers, employed in mechanical engineering estab- lishments (including boilermaking estab- lishments), and described as follows: Angle-iron smiths, platers, rivetters, caulkers, holders-up, boilermakers, or iron- workers' machinemen. B 412. Workmen engaged in the work of washing and screening small coal. A 414. Workmen employed by a firm of inter- locking signal makers, and engaged : (1) As smiths and hammermen on iron for signal work; (2) As fitters and mates preparing locking and all connections to signal work ; (3) As machinists, turning, drilling, milling and shaping; (4) As carpenters, repairing buildings, box- ing in and fixing wires. A 417. Workmen engaged in the work of fixing metal window frames. A 418. Workmen employed by a firm of whitesmiths and hot water fitters and engaged in repair- ing ranges in buildings, hot water apparatus, fixing and repairing spouting, fixing girders to buildings. A 419. Workmen described as sprinkler erectors JB 42O. Workmen employed in the gas department of a city council, and described as follows : Turncocks . . . . ; painters, painting gas-holders . . . . ; labourers employed at times to test pipes and taps; pressure-men ^ who take records of the pressure of gas in the mains. A 422. Workmen engaged in turning the arms or ends of axles for use in horse-drawn 11937 B 3 30 425 434 DECISIONS OF THE TJMPIKE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. vehicles, drilling hole in ends and fitting cotter pin or screwing ends and fitting nuts. t [A 425. Gangers, markers-off, inspectors, ex- aminers, viewers and checkers in mechani- cal engineering establishments who are em- ployed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, but are not payable in respect of gaugers, markers-off, inspectors, examiners, viewers and checkers in mechanical engi- neering establishments who are not so em- ployed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour.] B 426. Workmen employed in the installation of telephones, B 427. Brake adjusters employed by railway companies to examine and adjust brakes of rolling stock, and not employed ivholly or mainly in the construction or repair of vehicles. A 428. Workmen employed in nut and bolt works: (1) in work described as looking after the machines, and partly in making taps and dies for use in the machines, and carrying out slight repairs ; (2) as tap turners, drill filers and millers em- ployed in the making of taps and dies for use in tapping and screwing machines. A 432. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of bicycle chains, carburet- tors, square head screws for cycles or motors, or other essential parts for cycles or motor-cycles. A 433. Workmen described as: (1) Slaters employed in the maintenance of the slate work of a textile works; (2) Electricians and wiremen employed in the installation and maintenance of elec- trical machinery or wiring for electric lighting and power ; (3) Masons if employed wholly or mainly in the upkeep and maintenance of buildings. B 434. Workmen employed in textile mills, and described as : ******* (2) Flat mechanics, generally superintending and not repairing machinery; j- This decision is not now operative. See decision A 750. 31 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 435 453 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (3) Machine cleaner.?, whilst employed wholly or mainly in cleaning machinery; (4) Switchboard attendants employed wholly or mainly in attending to switcbhoards, and not employed wholly or mainly in maintenance and repair of electrical machinery and conductors. A 435. Workmen employed in the manufacture of threshing machines (including sawmilling and all woodwork connected therewith). A 436. Workmen employed in the manufacture of lawn mowers (including sawmilling and all woodwork connected therewith). A 438. Workmen employed by a firm of flexible metallic tubing manufacturers, and de- scribed as engaged : (1) In making and repairing the corrugators ; (2) As fitters, turners and their labourers who are engaged in building tube-making machines and in upkeep of machinery; (3) As engineers' turners who make special connections in brass, gun metal and iron ; (4) As special men employed in setting up automatic and turret lathes ; (5) As tool-makers; (6) In fitting the connections to flexible metallic tubing (used principally for steam and hydraulic pressure, oil and gas pur- poses). A 440. Workmen engaged in laying asphalte and bitumen on the foundations and roofs of buildings, coating the walls, &c. A 448. General sheet metal workers and copper- smiths employed wholly or mainly in the manufacture of tin rollers for spinning mules, copper rollers for drying machines, petrol tanks and motor bonnets. A 449. Workmen described as press tool makers and sharpeners. A 452. Tool sharpeners employed in tramways department of a local authority. A 453. Workmen described as fitters, smiths and lathe hands working at small machines in tramway companies' shops, drilling and 11937 B 4 32 454 460 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Xote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. turning, boring and fitting parts required for supplying men repairing vehicles. B 454. Workmen employed by a local authority, and described as truckmen employed in the tramways department examining trucks and brakes. A 456. Workmen employed in the manufacture of water meters. A 457. Workmen employed in the manufacture (founding and finishing) of large valves for bulk supplies of gas and water. A 458. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of lace-making and lace-finishing machines and parts thereof (including warping and winding machines and card punching presses), whether made in a textile machinery factory or workshop, or in factories or workshops where the trade is carried on as a separate industry. Note. The word " parts " includes bob- bins, bobbin carriages, combs, jacquards, droppers, boxes, &C. (See also decisions A 1232, A 2192X and A 2305X.) A 459. Workmen employed by timber merchants owning or working sawmills who are engaged in the manufacture of machine joinery work or other machined wood work for use in carrying on any of the trades set out in Schedule VI. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911. tB 460. (1) Workmen employed at collieries who are engaged icholly or mainly in the work of inspecting and adjust- ing the electrical installation. (2) Workmen employed at collieries who are engaged in sinking operations. ******* (4) Workmen described as colliery carpenters and colliery joiners, and their assistants, who are not engaged wholly or mainly on buildings. ******* (6) Colliery masons, bricklayers, painters, plumbers, and their labourers, who are engaged wholly or mainly in maintaining at the collieries colliery plant and work* (other than buildings). t This decision has been modified by decisions A 1260, A 1262. See also decisions A 1401 and B 1961. 33 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 461465 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (7) Workmen engaged at collieries in the work of keep- ing in order pit tubs and trams at the collieries. (See also decision A 1827X.) A 461. Workmen described as machine erectors engaged in the bolting together of imported harvesting machines. A 462. Workmen engaged in the work of scaling, red-leading and painting ships. A 465. Workmen employed by railway companies, and described as follows:- 1. Employees in Mechanical Engineering Works of Railways. Beltmen. Boilermen (attendants). Boiler plasterers. Boilersmiths Boiler platers. Caulkers. Girder platers. Helpers. Light platers. Markers off. Patchers. Plate levellers. Rivetters. Template makers. Boiler washers. Bolt and nut makers. Brake fitters. Brass finishers on loco. and general work. Braziers. Bricklayers. Cupola men in iron foundry. Carpenters. Case hardeners. Coppersmiths. Crane drivers. Cranemen. Die sinkers. Drillers, hand. Drillers, pneumatic. Drop forgemen. Dynamo attendants. Electric fitters and as- sistants, electric linesmen in works. Electric machinery (men engaged in the manu- 1 facture and repair of). Electric wiremen. Enginemen (stationary). Erectors and fitters. Erectors and fitters' as- sistants. Erectors, tender. Excavators. Fencemakers. File cutters. Fire lighters. Fitters. Flangers. Furnacemen and assis- tants in insured trades. Furnacemen and door boys in insured trades. Gas engine drivers. Gas fitters. Gas welders. Gland packers. Grinders. Hammer drivers (smiths). Holders up. Joiners. Joint makers. Labourers. Ladle men in insured trades. Locksmiths. Machine men. Masons. Metallers, white. Metal polishers. Millwrights. Moulders, brass and steel.* Moulders, brass washers.* Moulders J chair.* Moulders, coremakers.* Moulders, dressers.* Moulders, iron.* Moulders, machine.* Painters. * Employed on loco, and general work. 34 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. Patternmakers. Pipe benders. Pipe joiners. Plasterers. Plumbers. Points and crossings fitters. Rivet heaters. Rivetters, hydraulic. Rivetters, machine. Rolling mill roll turners and assistants. Sash makers. Saw sharpeners. Scaffolders. Shaft oilers. Slaters. Slingers and riggers. Smiths. Smiths, angle iron. Stampers. Stay manufacturers. Strikers. Tinsmiths. Tool fitters and tool smiths. Traverser drivers. Tube examiners. Tube preparers. Tubers. Turners, wheel. Turners, wood. Tyresmiths. Water fitters. Wood sawyers. 2. Employees in Carriage and Wagon Works of Railways. Markers out (men who mark from templates the timbers required for vehicles). Millwrights. Moulders, iron. Oilers. Painters. Patternmakers. Plasterers. Plate levellers. Plumbers. Polishers (including women). Punchers. Rivetters, hydraulic. Rivetters, machine. Roof repairers, coach. Saw sharpeners and ham- merers. Sawyers. Shearsmen. Slaters. Smiths. Spoke renders. Stampers. Steam hammermen. Strikers. Tailors. Tinmen. Tool fitters and tool- smiths. Trimmers, coach. Trimmers, leather. Turners, wood and iron. Water fitters. Wheel turners. Wheelwrights. Wood wagon builders. Boilermen. Boilersmiths and as- sistants. Belt makers. Bolt and nut makers. Bolt and rivet heaters. Brake erectors. Bricklayers. Buffermen. Cabinet makers. Capstanmen. Carpenters. Carriage makers. Case hardeners. Coach body makers. Coach finishers. Coppersmiths. Drillers, iron, hand. Enginemen, stationary. Fitter and assistants. Fitters, carriage, and as- sistants. Fitters, gas, and as- sistants. Fitters, electric, and as- sistants. Frame builders or erec- tors. Glaziers. Grinders. Hoopstick benders. Horsebox builders. Joiners. Labourers. Lacquerers. Lifters. Lining sewers and seam- stresses. Machinemen, iron. Machinemen, wood. 35 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 467 470 Note. 11 A. " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. 3. Employees Engaged in the Repair of Steam and Other Vessels in Railway Companies' Workshops. Boilermakers. Bricklayers. Carpenters. Fitters. French polishers. Joiners. Labourers incidental to trades. Machinemen. Masons. Patternmakers. Platers and angle iron smiths. Plumbers. Sawyers. Painters. Rivet boys. Shore gang. Smiths. Strikers. Turners. Workmen engaged in re- pairs to barges. 4. Employees engaged in dredging har- bours or entrances to harbours.* All men engaged on new work of con- struction or re-construction. 5. Employees engaged in connection with docks.* All men engaged on new work of con- struction or re-construction. 6. Employees engaged in the engineering department of canals.* All men engaged on new work of con- struction or re-construction. B 467. Workmen employed at ,a slate quarry, and engaged in the work of getting, making, or inspecting slates. A 468. Workmen engaged in the work of erecting and pulling down wooden buildings for the Bath and Counties Show. B 469. A workman employed by a colliery company, and described as a colliery carpenter and joiner, who is engaged in making and repairing air doors, roller frames, fyc., for underground use and doing other work at the colliery, and not engaged wholly or mainly on buildings. A 470. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of hosiery and knitting machinery (including seaming and linking, button-holing and overlooking machines), and parts thereof, whether made in a textile machinery * See decisions A 304 and B 305 and Special Exclusion (Dredgermen, &c.) Order, 1913, p. iv. 36 471 479 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIBE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. factory or workshop, or in factories or workshops where the trade is carried on as a separate industry. Note. The word " parts " includes jacks, combs, sinkers, &c. (See also decision A 2191X). B 471. Workmen employed by a firm of electrical engineers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the ivork of telephone wiring .... B 473. Workmen employed at collieries, and engaged in pit sinking . B 477. Workmen employed by the Army Ordnance Department, and engaged in the 'work of custody and examination, fyc., of small arms. A 478. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fix- ing locks on doors. A 479. Workmen employed by a locomotive com- pany, and engaged wholly or mainly as erectors, toolfitters, fitters, boiler mounters, machinists, iron and brass turners, iron and brass finishers, template makers, grinders, polishers, smiths, rivet, bolt and nut makers, die sinkers, electric welders, rivetters, holders on, platers, caulkers, flangers, punchers, rivetting machinemen, iron moulders, iron dressers, brass moulders, brass dressers, electricians, pattern-makers, joiners, wood turners, wood sawyers, glaziers, gas fitters, plum- bers, bricklayers, riggers, slaters, beltmen, coppersmiths, tinsmiths, painters, hand drillers, *forgers, *forgers' underhands, furnacemen, strikers, hammer drivers, rivet heaters, boilermakers' helpers, tubers, screwers, centerers, sawyers (iron), tappers, lappers, gas furnacemen, asbestos sewers, cranemen, slingers, testers, case- hardeners, boys (message) (in works, over 16 years of age), labourers, millwrights, firemen, hydraulic men, oilers, lamp trimmers. * If not in a separate forging establishment. (See also decision A 1641X.) 37 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 481 489 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 481. A workman employed at iron, steel and coke works, and described as a roll turner, who is engaged in machining rolls used in the manufacture of steel billets and sectional bars. B 482. Workmen employed at a slate quarry, and engaged in making slates and in removing rock or rubbish. A 484. Workmen employed by an alkali company, and engaged in threading and flanging iron water and steam pipes, and jointing same, incidental to manufacturing chemicals. A 486. Workmen employed at an ironworks, and described as follows: Fitters, fitters' labourers, rivetters, blacksmiths, strikers, if employed wholly or mainly in the main- tenance and upkeep of machinery. Joiners, if employed wholly or mainly in the maintenance and upkeep of buildings or machinery, including fixed woodwork connected therewith. Moulders (iron or steel). B 488. Workmen employed by an electric supply company, and described as follows : (1) Boiler cleaners; (2) Crane attendant; (3) Coal labourer; (4) Coal meter; (5) Fireman. A 489. Workmen employed by an electric supply company, and described as follows: (1) Electrical fitters, employed wholly or mainly in repairs to electrical machinery and switches; (2) Pattern makers*; (3) Boiler fitters and their labourers, repair- ing boiler and heater plant ; (4) Wiremen and wiremen's labourers (if em- ployed mainly in connection with the installation and repairs of machinery and power conductors in buildings); (5) Boiler and pipe coverers; (6) Engine fitters, engaged in dismantling, repairing, and erecting engines. * Decision A 489 (2) has been modified by decision B 1138. (See decision A 1965X and note thereto.; 38 490 495 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 490. Workmen employed by a firm of plumbers, heating engineers, glaziers, and iron pipe fitters, who are employed in erecting pipes for dust extraction in the card room of spinning mills, and in the installation of mpes for heating. A 491. Workmen employed by a firm of safe makers, and described as: (1) Toplmakers making jigs, presses, and cutting tools; (2) Workmen employed in erecting steel curtains on the site. A 492. Workmen engaged in the work of making railway locomotives, and described as follows: Boiler and tender makers. Brass finishers. Brass moulders. Coppersmiths. Erectors. Fitters. General labourers in the works. Grinders. Iron moulders. Joiners. Machine workers. Painters. Pattern makers. Smiths. Turners. A 493. Workmen employed at a boat yard in repair- ing boats which are used entirely for dredg- ing and other purposes in connection with the maintenance of canals. B 494. Workmen employed by a railway company in the ordinary maintenance of canals, such as banksmen, lengthsmen, hedge-trimmers, fyc. A 495. Workmen employed by a manufacturer of adding machines, and described as follows : Assemblers, straighteners, toolmakers, turners, milling machine hands, capstan lathe hands, automatic screw machine hands, power press operators, enamellers, platers and polishers, steel carbonisers and 39 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 496 502 Note " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. hardeners. Drilling machine hands, filers up and grinders, labourers, inspectors (if engaged wholly or mainly by way of manual labour). Cleaners, if engaged wholly or mainly in connection with the manufacture or repair of adding machines. A 496. Workmen engaged in the work of: (1) Shrinking tyres on and hammering down tyres on wheels for railway vehicles ; (2) Axle turners for railway vehicles. A 501. Workmen employed by a firm of screw- makers, described as follows: Screw turn- ing and worming machine fitters, screw heading machine tool setters, wire goods automatic machine fitters, wire goods hand machine fitters, die shop machinists and tool makers, die shop hardeners, cutters, turners and saw makers for turning and worming machines, spindle die fitters, wire goods machine tool makers, odd shop grinders, mechanics setting automatic machines for making screws, nuts, &c., gas and water fitters, engaged wholly or mainly in erection and repair of pipe work, copper and pipe smiths and assistants, engaged wholly or mainly in the repair of services in connection with machines, turners and fitters of engineers' ratchet braces. A 502. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of small motor parts, such as petrol taps, compression taps, drain taps, unions, drip-feed lubricators, petrol gauges, filters, &c. Workmen employed in: (1) Turning, drilling, screwing and milling brass parts on capstan lathes and other machines ; (2) Making and maintaining the necessary tools for the above operations ; (3) Polishing, plating and assembling fittings ; (4) Gauging, testing, and examining (if em- ployed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour). 40 5O3 507 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 503. Workmen engaged in the work of deal porters employed on a timber pond. (See also decision A 2128X.) A 504. Workmen engaged in writing signs on build- ings, ships or vehicles. This decision is intended to modify decision B 67. A 505. Workmen engaged in erecting all classes of steel chimneys and steel bunkers, &c. A 506. A workman described as a marble mason, working on his employer's premises and making marble basins, &c., to fit into barbers' premises. A 507. Workmen employed by a firm of manufac- turers of railway signals and safety appli- ances, and described as follows: (1) Fitters and labourers wholly or mainly engaged in making wrought iron lattice posts of railway signals. (2) Fitters and machinists engaged in making small tools, jigs, gauges and templates for use in the manufacture of railway signal- ling apparatus. (3) Smiths and strikers wholly or mainly engaged in repairs and additions to small tools, not being machine tools, used in the manufacture of railway signals and safety appliances. (4) Machinists engaged wholly or mainly in making screws and pins for use in: (a) the manufacture of railway signal- ling apparatus; (b) the manufacture of small compressed air hammers and drills. (5) Workmen engaged in case hardening steel castings and iron forgings. (6) General labourers loading and unloading and stacking materials, and general labour in open and covered yards. (7) Carpenters, joiners and labourers when employed wholly or mainly in repairs or additions to buildings, or in making fittings of wood of a kind intended to form part of the striicture of buildings or fixtures in connection with railway signalling instal- lations. 41 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. 509 512 Note. - " A ' ; numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (8) Sawmill machinists and labourers en- gaged wholly or mainly in preparing timber to be used by any of the workmen mentioned above. (9) Belt repairers. (10) Shafting oilers. (11) Workmen employed in the erection of signalling installations on railways or tramways. (12) Painters. (13) Drop stamp forgers and steam hammer forgers. A 509. Workmen employed by the Congested Dis- tricts Board for Ireland, and engaged in: (1) Erection, repair or demolition of build- ings. (2) Making new roads. (3) Construction of bridges, piers and boat slips. (4) Boat-building. A 511. Workmen employed by a firm of wheel and axle manufacturers, and engaged in: (1) Turning axles. (2) Turning rolls. (3) Labourers unloading pig iron, &c., for iron foundry. (4) Welding spokes and centres, and punch- ing boss lump. A 512. Workmen employed by a firm of cycle manu- facturers, and described as:- (1) Persons employed wholly or mainly in making from stampings, castings and bar steel, small essential parts of cycles such as ball races, spindles, hubs, &c. (2) Persons brazing, filing, polishing, nickel- plating cycle frames, parts, &c. (3) Machinists. (4) Enamellers of tubes for cycle frames. (5) Persons spoking cycle wheels, tightening spokes, nipples and washers, and adjusting wheels. (6) Persons assembling parts and cycles. (7) Persons lining cycle frames. (8) Annealers, hardeners and the like. (9) Tinmen making gear cases. 42 513 527 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (10) Gas engine driver. (11) Charge hands over platers, polishers, enamellers and the like, if employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour. (12) Painters of tradesmen's carriers, &c., and signs thereon. (13) Labourer stoking fire, &c., and general labourers in the shops. A 513. Workmen employed by a firm of cycle and motor accessory makers, and engaged in work as die sinkers and tool setters. *[A 514. Workmen employed at ordnance works, and engaged in the manufacture of fuses (exclusive of filling) for use in connection with artillery ammunition.] A 516. Workmen employed by a firm of electrical engineers, and engaged: (1) In the manufacture and assembling of main switchboard parts. (See also decision A 984) ; (2) In fixing pipes for petrol or acetylene gas in buildings; (3) As foremen employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour ; (4) As electricians, and wiremen, running wire, tubing, &c., in buildings. A 520. Workmen engaged: (1) In all the various processes required for making motor vehicle frames and parts; (2) In making steel tools for the machinists, filers, chippers in above. A 523. Workmen engaged in the work of carriage straighteners, straightening the carriage to ensure an upright position in the machine. A 526. A workman employed by a firm of laundry engineers, and engaged in the work of repairing outdoor wringing machines (not being small domestic wringing machines). A 527. Persons engaged in making dies for the extrusion of copper zinc alloys. * This decision is not now operative. See decision A1521. 43 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 531 545 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. *[A 531. Workmen employed by a firm of alkali manufacturers, and engaged as block and fall men preparing erection of machinery.] A 533. Workmen engaged in the work of making piston rings for engines. A 534. Workmen employed by a firm of gas engine makers, and described as: (1) Patternmakers in iron (including steel) foundry ; (2) Sheeters; (3) Workmen repairing steam boilers ; (4) Boilermakers. A 538. Workmen employed at chemical works, and described as fitters and their assistants, if employed in connection with buildings or machinery. A 540. Workmen employed by a firm of steel wheel manufacturers, and described as:- (1) Wheel pressmen mounting wheels on axles. (2) Workmen engaged in machining wheels. (3) Overhead crane driver, assisting machine men. (4) Labourers (a) Painting and stencilling, &c. (b) Testing and stamping wheels. (c) Cleaning axles preparatory to mounting wheels. A 542. Workmen employed at steel works, and engaged in the millwrights' department. A 545. Workmen employed at salt works, and described as: (a) Coppersmiths, shipwrights' fitters, black- smiths (not being usually members of a ships' crew), repairing river craft or their engines, &c. (b) Carpenters, painters, lifters, blacksmiths, drillers, repairing wagons and vans. (c) Rivetters and drillers (not being usually members of a ship's crew), repairing and renewing boilers of steam flats. * This decision is not now operative. See decision A 675. 44 548 565 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABB NOT PAYABLE. (d) Brass moulders, remoulding wagon and engine brasses, craft and land engine valves. (e) Wheelwrights, turning up wagon wheels. A 548. A workman, described as a gasfitter, fixing and running gas pipes and fittings in buildings. (See also decision A 1315.) A 549. Workmen engaged in the work of recon- struction of the rubble mound of Holyhead Breakwater. A 551. Persons employed in the work of laying com- position flooring in buldings. A 553. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of fluted rollers used as parts of textile machinery, including the processes of turning, fluting, drilling, squaring, peg- ging, &c. A 554. Workmen engaged in the erection of fittings and iron divisions in stables, cow-sheds and other farm buildings, and of mangers of concrete and glazed earthenware, including the fixing of woodwork connected there- with. *B 556. Workmen employed in the scaling of all types of stationary boilers, economisers, fyc., by means of pneu- matic tools, or by hand. A 557. Workmen described as weighing machine fitters, engaged in fitting bearings and knife edges in weighing machines (of a kind not commonly used in the retail trade), and erecting and adjusting same. (See also decision A 1358.) B 564. Workmen employed by a firm of dyers and cleaners, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of fitting up and wiring smoothing irons, fyc. fB 565. Workmen described as lath renders and fret lead glazers, who do not fit to buildings. * See also decision A 749, and paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work. f This decision has been modified by decision A 798. 45 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 567 576 .\ (> te. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 567. Workmen employed by a firm of manu- facturers of office apparatus, and described as: (1) Press tool makers engaged in making or repairing press tools for stampings in con- nection with office apparatus. (2) Engineers' turners and machinists. A 570. Workmen engaged in the construction, reconstruction or alteration of coke ovens or bye-product plant. " Alteration," in the opinion of the Umpire, relates to work which involves a substantial change or variation in the original design. B 572. Workmen employed by a toivn council, and engaged in : (1) Making dust baskets; ****** (3) Making ordinary brick-lined graves. B 573. Workpeople employed by the Ordnance Survey Office, and engaged in the 'work of sinking pits for the purpose of setting a bench mark in concrete. A 574. Workmen described as boiler and steam pipe coverers, and engaged in the work of apply- ing non-conducting material to steam boilers and steam pipes for preventing loss of heat by radiation. A 576. Workmen employed in shipbuilding yards, and described as follows: Workmen employed in or about shipyards, and engaged in the construction, altera- tion, repair or decoration of ships, boats, or other craft, not being usually members of a ship's crew. Scrap gatherers. Bolt screwers. Block makers. Pipe coverers. Bellow menders. Labourers engaged wholly or mainly in assisting in the work necessary for the carrying on of the trade of ship building. Divers. Rafters. 46 578 591 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. kittle. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. Coal dischargers (a) Discharging coal for general consumption in the shipyards. (b) Bunkering ships for trial runs. A 578. Workmen employed by cement manufac- turers, and engaged in the work of engine drivers, stokers, and machinery atten- dants, driving, &c., engines and machinery used wholly or mainly in connection with repair shops. A 582. Workmen engaged in the making of tools and dies used for bolt, screw, and rivet making, and tools for metal stamping. *B 583. Workmen engaged in taking up existing paving of street, and relaying surface of same with new asphalte and concrete. *B 585. Workmen engaged in paving existing public and private roadways with granite cubes, and described as follows : Foremen; labourers mixing and laying concrete, boiling pitch and tar; paviors; labourers excavating road foundations, mixing tar-macadam, fyc.; night watch- men. A 586. Workmen engaged in the construction, reconstruction or alteration of tanks, furnaces and kilns used in the manufacture of glass. " Alteration," in the opinion of the Umpire, refers to work which involves a substantial change or variation in the original design. A 588. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making biers on wheels. tB 589. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the 'mainten- ance and repair of tanks, furnaces and kilns, used in the manufacture of glass. A 591. Workmen employed by a firm of engineers and mill furnishers, and described as bench hands working with hammer and chisel. * See also decision A 1145. f See paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work. 47 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 594 607 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 594. Workmen employed at forge, rolling mill and steel works, and described as follows: (1) Workmen employed in the motor frame department, shearers, pressmen, chippers, smiths, rivetters, planers, dressers; (2) Workmen employed in flanging shops, flangers, welders, labourers, if engaged in a process of mechanical engineering (including boilermaking). A 597. Workmen engaged in coach smithing, tyre smithing, axle repairing, wheel making and repairing. A 600. Workmen employed by a Town Council, and described as (1) Water meter repairer; (2) Gasfitter, fitting up pipes in customers' premises. (See also decisions A 1315, B 1316.) B 601. Workpeople employed by a firm of cotton driving rope and cotton mill banding makers, and engaged in rope splicing. A 602. Iron moulders (including machine- moulders), core-makers, iron-dressers and cupola men engaged in making castings for fenders. A 603. Workmen employed by a firm of explosive, signal, detonator, &c., manufacturers, and described as (1) Carpenters engaged wholly or mainly in repairs to buildings, including wooden huts. (2) Workmen employed wholly or mainly in tarring and touching up paintwork of buildings, including huts. (3) Tinsmiths engaged wholly or mainly in covering steam pipes, or in repairs to huts and other buildings or to machinery. *B 607. Workmen employed by the gas department of a City Council, and engaged in fixing and removing (remov- able) gas stoves. * This decision has been modified by decisions A 1315 and B 1316. 48 609 635 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions AEE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 609. Workmen employed in military railway workshops, and described as labourers assisting military blacksmith, and moulder and boilermaker. A 617. Workmen engaged in decorating outdoor wringing and mangling machines (not being small domestic machines). A 620. Workmen engaged as turners and tool makers, making tools and superintending use of same in machines for the manufac- ture of small arms components. B 622. Workmen described as : (1) Septic tank attendants; (2) Labourers repairing river bank, cleaning out ditches, repairing roads, fyc. A 623. Workmen engaged (1) In making dies, tools and taps for nut, bolt and spike industry. (2) As turners and shapers of same. A 625. Workmen employed at a constructional steel works, and engaged in (1) Rigging, erecting and dismantling build- ing and repair work, mainly when climbing is necessary. (2) Cutting girders, &c. down to exact size required for constructional work by cut- ting machine. (3) General dressing of girders for struc- tures, &c. A 628. Workmen engaged in the preparation of the timber, and the fixing of such timber (to- gether with other materials) to buildings, for cold storage purposes. A 631. Workmen employed by ironfounders (com- mon and malleable) producing castings not for use as parts of the products of a mechanical engineering establishment, and engaged wholly or mainly in fettling castings. A 635. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in re- pairing trolleys in dye works. 49 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 636 659 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 636. Workmen employed by a firm of manufac- turers of bolts and nuts, joiners' cramps, vices, and other tools, steel drawers and ironfounders, and described as toolsetters. A 642. Workmen described as masons engaged in chipping and grinding terra cotta blocks for buildings. A 643. Workmen engaged in fixing terra cotta blocks to buildings. A 644. Workmen engaged in the work of installing pipes, &c., in buildings for acetylene gas. A 649. Ejector makers for sporting guns. B 650. Workmen employed in fitting revolving shutters on shops. A 651. Workmen assisting in the erection of ice- making and refrigerating machines. *B 654. Workmen employed by a canal company, and engaged in : (1) The ordinary work of repairing the canal, its locks, bridges, tunnels, $c. (other than buildings or machinery) ; (2) Cutting hedges, clearing ditches, fyc., dam driving, pumping water, ice-breaking, fyc.; (3) Driving engines or pumps, navigating boats; (4) Acting as lockkeepers, and assisting in leak stopping, $c. *B 655. Persons employed by a canal company, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of repairing the coping and walls of quays or locks, or bridges crossing the canal. B 657. Workmen employed by a mining company, and described as : Underground miners; ,, labourers; ,, timbermen; ,, pitmen; ,, hauliers, trammers, and fillers. B 659. Persons engaged in the manufacture of agricultural drainpipes. (See also decision A 2349X.) * This decision has been modified by decision A 1534. 50 660 671 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 660. Iron moulders, coremakers, iron dressers, cupola men, moulders (machine) employed in an ironfoundry, and engaged in the manufacture of cast iron hollow-ware, saucepans, kettles and pots. A 663. Workmen employed in a printing machinery establishment (1) In punch cutting department, operating engraving machines. (2) In matrix department, making matrices for linotype machines. (3) In magazine escapement department, machine work and fitting and assembling. (4) As testers and examiners, if employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour. (5) As operators on punching, cutting off, grinding machines and on special machines cutting channels in brass plates. (6) As hardeners. *B 667. Workmen who are employed : (1) In trimming the rough edges of glass sheets as they come out of the annealing oven, and cutting out defec- tive portions; (2) Cutting glass to the size which glaziers will require, but not employed in fixing glass in ivindows. B 670. Workmen employed by Harbour Commissioners, and engaged wholly or mainly in the ordinary upkeep and repair of the harbour and docks (including wharves, roads, railways and appliances, but excluding build- ings, machinery, ships, boats or other craft). A 671. Workmen employed by Harbour Commis- sioners, and engaged wholly or mainly in (1) The construction of a new dock.t (2) The construction, alteration, repair, decoration or demolition of buildings. (3) The construction or repair of machinery. (4) The construction, alteration, repair or decoration of ships, boats or other craft (not being usually members of a ship's crew). * This decision relates only to glass-manufacturing establishments. See decision A 1270. f See also Special Exclusion (Dredgermen, &c.) Order,- 1913, p. iv. 51 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 672 677 N<>ie. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 672. Workmen employed in a buckle factory, and described as (1) Machinists engaged wholly or mainly in making tools for hand and power presses for use in making braces and belts. (2) Toolmakers, fitting and preparing same. (3) Toolmakers, making tools for the pro- duction of wire articles. B 673. Workmen employed by a firm of salt manufacturers, and. engaged wholly or mainly as labourers working in con- nection with the, manufacture of salt, in loading and unloading salt or coal, removing cinders, and cleaning up. A 674. Workmen employed by a firm of salt manu- facturers, and engaged wholly or mainly in repairing wagons. *A675. Workmen employed by a firm of alkali manufacturers, and engaged as block and fall men, lifting and taking down the heavy part of machinery, and otherwise prepar- ing erections for fitters and their labourers. B 676. Workmen employed by a firm of timber merchants and sawmillers as raftsmen bringing timber down the river to the saivmills. A 677. Workmen employed by a firm of timber merchants and manufacturers, and en- gaged wholly or mainly in (1) Converting any kind of timber into machined wood, sawn or shaped for the use of wheelwrights, builders or others in carrying on insured trades mentioned in the Sixth Schedule of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911. (2) Repairing vehicles of the firm. (3) Sawing wood for use in production of doors and windows. (4) The manufacture of wood mouldings intended for use of insured trades. (5) Working machines planing up wood for use in insured trades. (6) Manufacture of doors for buildings, ships or vehicles. * This decision supersedes decision A 531. 52 679 694 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions AEE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (7) Preparing wood for joiners for use in insured trades. (8) Making up for insured trades wood pre- pared by the joinery machinists. (9) Assisting generally in work necessary to the carrying on of sawmilling and manu- facturing industries which are principally of the kinds mentioned above (shop and yard labourers, enginemen and stokers). A 679. Workmen employed by a cable and construc- tion company in their mechanical engineer- ing shop, and engaged in the manufacture and assembling of parts of electrical dis- tribution appliances such as feeder boxes and pillars, joint boxes, network boxes, service boxes, &c. B 681. Workmen employed by a firm of landscape gardeners, and engaged in laying out gardens, forming lawns and paths, preparing and planting. *B 682. A workman described as a fence fixer, and engaged in fixing fences round buildings, public parks; hanging gates, $c. A 683. Workman engaged wholly or mainly in making and fixing shop fronts of wood and glass. A 685. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in mak- ing agricultural buildings, such as loose boxes, hay sheds, fold yard roofs, piggeries, &c. B 689. Workmen employed by a firm of rock and water garden specialists, and engaged in making rock gardens, miniature pools, caves, streams, fyc., not being build- ings or works of construction within the meaning of the Sixth Schedule of the National Insurance Act, 1911. A 691. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of free wheel clutches for cycles and motor cycles. A 694. Workmen engaged in fixing into buildings sprinkler installations for fire prevention and extinction. * This decision has been modified by decision A 1211. 53 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 695 706 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 695. Persons described as electrical wiremen, and engaged in installing electric light or bells on ships. B 697. Workmen employed by Drainage Commissioners, and engaged wholly or m.ainly in : (1) Cleaning water courses and repairing same. (2) Repairing shafts and underground water levels. A 699. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making, including painting (1) Agricultural and garden machinery. (2) Agricultural implements, whether worked or drawn by horse or mechanical power. (3) Hand machines, such as chaffcutters, &c. B 701. Workmen described as newspaper stereotypers, and engaged in casting plates for use on newspaper print- ing machines. A 702. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as lino- type mechanics in keeping in good order an installation of linotype type-setting machines. A 703. A workman employed by a shipbuilding company, and engaged in shafting ham- mers for the works, and making boxes for the rivetters connected with the works. A 704. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, repair or decoration of boats, punts or canoes. B 705. Workmen employed by a caterer of pleasure boats, and engaged wholly or mainly in letting or rowing out boats. A 706. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making and erecting portable and perma- nent greenhouses, glasshouses, vineries, &c., wd and iron portable and permanent buildings, including the sawmilling and machine woodwork carried on in connec- tion therewith. 54 708 714 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B ;; numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 708. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly (1) In making wicker and cane basket bodies for use on invalid carriage frames. (2) In making wicker and cane bodies for use on side-car chassis. (3) As fitters of wood and ironwork for above- mentioned basket bodies and side-cars. (4) As blacksmiths and strikers making fit- tings and frames for invalid carriages and parcel basket handcarts. B 709. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in making general household baskets, skips and hampers. A 710. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the preparation and erection of pulpits, rere- doses, fonts, which are fixed to the buildings. B 711. Workmen described as gas stokers, employed during most of the year as stokers at a gas ivorks, and part of the year as labourers in the ivorks and yard, assisting in the overhauling, cleaning and repairing of plant and apparatus, provided they are not employed wholly or mainly on repairs to buildings or machinery. A 712. Workmen employed by a firm of manufac- turers of colliery trams, and engaged in the manufacture of iron, steel, or wooden coal trams or tubs for use underground in coal mines. B 713. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as moulders, casting clay models for stone carvers and sculptors, and not employed wholly or mainly on buildings. A 714. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as masons, machinists, marble polishers, labourers, sawyers and letter cutters on stone work in connection with buildings, or in fixing such stone work to buildings, and not engaged wholly or mainly in the preparation or dressing of stone for monu- ments of a simple character, such as are ordinarily found in cemeteries, or for mural tablets, or in fixing such monu- mental stone or tablets to buildings. 55 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 715 731 Note ' A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 715. Workmen employed by a firm of brewers' and distillers' engineers, and engaged wholly or mainly as coppersmiths in the manufacture and repair of machinery, in- cluding copper vessels and pipes connected therewith. A 716. Workmen engaged in making gyroscopes and other apparatus for use in torpedoes. A 720. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in (1) Making, including painting, farm water carts. (2) Repairing farm machinery, &c. B 723. Workmen employed by builders and contractors, and described as (1) Draughtsmen. (2) Resident caretakers at builder' s yard. (3) Timekeepers. * * * A 725. Workmen employed by builders and con- tractors, who are engaged in building or construction of works, and who may be incidentally employed as (1) Brick dressers, engaged in dressing old bricks. (2) Concrete breakers. (3) Can boilers, engaged in boiling water for operatives. A 728. Workmen employed by a firm of electrical and general engineers, and engaged wholly or mainly (1) in the manufacture of transformers (ex- cluding the coil winding*). (2) as toolsmiths or toolmakers. A 729. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making ventilator cowls for ships. A 731. A workman employed in a mechanical engineering establishment, wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, as a tester of water meters and other hydraulic fittings. * The position of coil winders is dealt with in decisions A 1690X and A 198 IX. 56 734 744 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 734. Workmen employed by a town council, and engaged wholly or mainly in painting park seats, gymnastic apparatus, lamp columns, street orderly bins, fyc., and cleaning windows. (See also decisions A 2270X and A 2406X.) B 735. Workmen employed by salt manufacturers, and described as (1) Workmen engaged in the repair of salt pans or vats. ******* (3) Workmen engaged in making and repairing railway wagon sheets and tarpaulins. A 736. Workmen employed by a Town Council and engaged wholly or mainly in painting water vans, scavenging and slop carts and other vehicles, or in painting buildings. iB 737. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of stained glass for windows and for cabinet makers' work. tB 738. Workmen engaged in laying asphalte or tarred macadam on the yards of, and the paths leading to, buildings. A 739. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in dressing, machining and painting axle boxes, axle box fittings and bearings. A 740. Workmen engaged in building upon the site constructional work, such as fire escape staircases, fireproof doors, iron roof work, switchboard galleries for electric stations, &c., and the preparation of the material for such on the site or in a constructional yard or shop. B 741. Joiners making tool chests and varnished cases for small tools, such as stocks, dies, $c. A 742. Workmen employed by a firm of bifurcated rivet manufacturers, and described as tool- makers. A 744. Workmen engaged on electro - welding repairs to steam boilers, steel castings and other iron and steel structures, being mainly repairs to boilers of steam vessels. % This decision has been modified by decision A 1270. j This decision has been modified by decisions A 1234, A 1416, and A 1442. See paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work. 57 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 745753. u A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 745. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in re- pairing locks in and about railway station buildings. A 746. Brass founders and other brass workers en- gaged wholly or mainly in the casting and machining of brass trolley wheels for tram cars. B 748. Workmen employed by a local authority, and engaged wholly or mainly in repairing the furnaces of refuse destructors. A 749. All classes of labourers in factories and workshops or in yards or stores imme- diately connected therewith, when the aforesaid factories or workshops are wholly or mainly engaged in carrying on any of the trades set out in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. This decision supersedes all previous decisions in so far as they conflict with it, and covers such workmen as packers, window cleaners and storekeepers 7 labourers. A 750. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in connection with insured trades, and described as Markers off. Working chargemen. Workmen " employed as inspectors, gangers, viewers. This decision supersedes decision A 425. A 751. Workmen employed in shipbuilding yards, and engaged in the work of- Liners off and loftsmen. Ships' model makers. This decision supersedes decision B 446,* so far as it relates to ships' models of the kind made for the use of shipbuilders. tB 753. Workmen employed on an estate, and engaged as ivood- men in planting and felling trees, cleaning ditches and waterways, and pruning and planting hedges, erecting and taking down wire fences, making duck ponds, fyc., repairing drives, icalhs, fyc. * Decision B 446 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in making ships' models and scientific instruments. f -Decision B 753, so far as it relates to the erection of wire fences, has been modified by decision A 1211. 58 754 776 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 754. Workmen engaged in grinding and corru- gating rolls used in flour mills, chocolate factories, &c., and in regrinding and re- corrugating such rolls. B 757. Workmen employed by a railway company, and engaged in erecting telegraph poles and wires, being chiefly -for the purpose of maintenance and renewals. A 761. Workmen employed by a firm of hollow- ware, iron and tinplate and copper workers, and engaged in work as tool- makers and toolsetters. B 764. Workmen engaged in the work of type roller casting in compo. A 765. Workmen employed by a firm of electrical engineers, and engaged on work as Armature disc notchers. Armature disc stampers. Core builders. A 766. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in boat building, as builders, painters, carpenters, blacksmiths, sawyers, and woodworking machinists, oar and scull makers. A 768. Workmen engaged in blocking, teeing, press- ing, spoke bending, wheel bossing and dressing, and as crane drivers and labourers, all being engaged in the work of making wheel centres, and putting on tyres for railway wagons. A 770. Workmen employed by a firm of truck builders, and engaged wholly or mainly in making small hand trucks and hand carts. A 772. Workmen engaged in French polishing rail- way carriage fittings, and general up- holstering of same. A 776. Workmen employed in the manufacture of copper rollers for use in printing and engraving works (turning and polishing, hammering and piercing). 59 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 777 786 Xote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. 14 B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 777. Workmen employed by a firm of china clay merchants, and engaged in the work of (1) Unloading from railway trucks stoneware, iron pipes, $c. (2) Engine drivers, shunters, cleaners and checkers. (3) Packers on railway. (4) Raising stone in granite quarry. (5) Removing overburden of clay. (6) Cutting small leats on moors for conveyance of water, not being works of construction. (7) Shaft sinking for china clay production. (8) Hedging and general carting. * * -:;:- * * # * B 779. Workmen engaged in : (a) Running gas services from the main to the con- sumer's meter. (b) Fixing gas meters in houses. A 780. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture and assembling of parts of lever spring suspensions and premier shock absorbers, except in so far as the workmen are covered by decision B 9t relating to the making of springs. (Sec al*o decisions A 1336 and A 2152X.) A 781. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in laying wood block flooring in a building. A 784. Workmen employed in factories or work- shops, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of B 785. Workmen employed in the tramways department of a county council, and engaged in the work of inspectinfl material for tramway service. A 786. Workmen employed by an electric light and traction company, and engaged in the work of repairs to boilers, dismantling same for inspection, and in repairs to engines in a power station. f Decision B 9 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed as spring makers making volute, spiral, and laminated springs. 11937 C 2 60 787 800 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. *A 787. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of (1) Cycle forks, back rails and chain stays. (2) Wood, wire and steel wheels and steel rims for motor cars and lorries (including painting, enamelling, nickeling and brass- ing parts of wheels). A 788. Workmen described as enamellers or japan- ners, and engaged in the work of coating (1) Typewriter parts. (2) Cycle frames, forks and wheels. A 789. Persons engaged in repairing controllers on tramcars. A 790. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making sheet metal work for motor cars, such as petrol tanks, hoods, guards, silencers, &c. A 791. Workmen employed by a firm of rim benders, and engaged in the work of bending and circling motor car rims, filing up and polishing. B 797. Persons employed in lacemaking factories as : t[(l) Lace curtain machine inside hands.] (2) Foremen lace machine adjusters. A 798. Workmen engaged in cutting, glazing or fixing lead lights in connection with build- ings, ships or vehicles. This decision modifies decision B 565. *B 799. Workmen engaged in: (1) Painting, staining, cementing lead lights, in connec- tion with buildings, ships or vehicles. (2) Embossing, brilliant cutting, bevelling, silvering and gilding glass. A 800. Workmen engaged in: (1) Manufacturing wood wheels; (2) Bending shafts, wings, car sides, motor panels. * This decision does not relate to processes prior to flattening. See decision A 1321. t Decision B 797 (1) is not now operative. Se> decision A 1535. J This decision has been modified by decision A 1270. Gl DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 801 812 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions APB NOT PAYABLE. A 801. Workmen employed by an iron and steel company, and described as joiners, fitters and labourers who are engaged in turning rolls for mills, turning hammers and anvils, turning and fitting material for the ma- chinery in the forge. A 803. Workmen employed in a mechanical engi- neering establishment, and engaged in:- (1) Making and repairing leather driving belts and leather hose pipes; (2) Repairing and testing chains, all being for use in the work of the establishment. B 806. Workmen employed by a firm of sand and ballast pit owners, and engaged in digging ballast, and screening sa m e . A 808. Persons engaged in the manufacture of me- chanical driving chains and chain gearing. A 809. Workmen employed by a firm of motor wheel makers and tyresmiths, and engaged in the work of: (1) Assembling machined wood for wheels ; (2) Wood machinists ; (3) Cleaners of wood motor wheels and lead colourers ; (4) Blacksmith doing iron tyreing and press- ing on rubbers ; (5) Labourers. *B 811. Workmen employed by river cons creators on dredgers, tugs, barges, hoppers or launches, and engaged ivholly or mainly in worJf, the primary purpose of which is the maintenance of the river channels. A 812. Workmen employed by river conservators, and engaged wholly or mainly in: (1) Driving machinery for the mechanical engineering establishment, and otherwise working in that establishment; (2) Driving cranes at the works for unloading and loading material to be used in connec- tion with the carrying on of any trades set out in Schedule VI. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911. * See aho the Special Exclusion (Dredgermen, &c.) Order, 1913, p. iv. 11937 C 8 62 815 841 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 815. A workman engaged in mixing paint, and de- livering same to painters on the job, and acting as a plumber and painter's labourer. B 816. Workmen engaged in the salvage of ships and cargoes, and all descriptions of labour incidental thereto. B 818. Workmen employed by a firm of ship owners, and engaged wholly or mainly in : (1) Attending donkey engine on steamer and discharging cargo. (2) Clearing engine room, rceeiring stores. (3) Attending to shifting of vessels, to gangways for dis- embarking passengers and other similar work. *B 819. Workmen employed by a cab company, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of removing and replac- ing rubber tyres of motor cabs. A 821. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in mak- ing, shaping, &c. sheet metal panels for motor car bodies. A 824. Bricklayers and their mates or assistants (commonly called " grate fixers ") who fix grates and kitchen ranges, and fill in their time making repairs to house property. B 825. Workmen engaged in the work of well sinking and artesian well boring, and in the equipment by such well borers of temporary test pumping plant. A 826. Workmen engaged in making and fixing deep well machinery, engines, windmills, ma- chine pumps and other mechanical appli- ances for raising water from the ground. A 838. (1) Hose mounters engaged in fitting india rubber hoses to iron unions for use as couplings between railway carriages; (2) Youths engaged in the making of Rocker joint chain used for power transmission. B 840. Workmen employed wholly or mainly as linotype operators or their assista?its. A 841. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the upkeep and maintenance of linotype ma- chines. This decision has been modified by decision A 1406. 63 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 843 860 Mote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 843. Persons employed in theatres or music halls, and described as : (1) Stage carpenters and their assistants, not engaged in construction or repair of buildings. (2) Stage electricians and their assistants, not engaged in wiring buildings or other work of a permanent character. (See also decision A 1351.) A 850. Labourers employed as raftsmen to signal in connection with the testing of torpedoes. B 851. Coxswains and drivers of motor boats engaged in bring- ing back torpedoes after trial testing. A 853. Wheelwrights, carpenters, smiths, fitters or other workmen, including unskilled la- bourers, engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, decoration or repair of vehicles in connection with businesses other than those included under the trades specified in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. A 854. Electricians and assistants engaged wholly or mainly in the installation, upkeep and repair of electrical machinery (including conductors), electrical wiring for power, light or bells in factories, workshops or other buildings in connection with busi- nesses other than those included under the trades specified in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. A 856. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the installation or in the upkeep and repair of hot-water and steam pipes, ventilating systems or permanent gas-piping in build- ings in connection with businesses other than those included under the trades specified in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. B 859. Workshop inxlniclor* in technical institutes in connec- tion with any insured trades, who engage in manual, labour incidentally to the yjcing of instruction. (See also decision A 1077.) A 860. Workmen engaged in scaling pontoons. 11937 C 4 Gi 862 871 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. A T ote. '*' A. " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 862. Workmen, not being usually members of a ship's crew, engaged in scraping, cleaning and painting ships when undergoing Board of Trade survey. A 863. Workmen employed by manufacturers of safety boiler mountings and high-pressure steam valves, and engaged (a> in testing with hydraulic pressure (1) rough castings in gun-metal or other copper alloys, iron and steel, (2) machined castings in all the above-mentioned metals, and (3) articles in all the above-mentioned metals finished and fitted up ready for sale; and (b) in testing with steam pressure iron, steel and gun-metal articles finished and fitted up ready for sale. B 866. Workmen engaged in boring holes to prove the existence or non-existence of coal or other minerals. B 867. Workmen described as casual labourers who are not employed in factories or workshops or in yards or stores connected therewith, but who are engaged wholly or mainly in unloading barges of timber and carrying it on to the timber stacks in the yard. A 868. Machinemen, planers, rippers, borers, grinders, patternmakers employed in con- nection with the manufacture of armour plates. A 869. Workmen engaged in the construction, re- construction or alteration of steel works plant. A 870. Boilermakers and labourers engaged wholly or mainly in repair of boilers in connection with steel works or other businesses, whether such businesses are among those specified in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or not. A 371. Bricklayers and labourers engaged wholly or mainly in repair of boiler-settings in con- nection with steel works or other busi- nesses, whether such businesses are among those specified in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or not. Go DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 872 89O Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 872. A workman engaged wholly or mainly in the work of turning warpers' beams and loom beams of wood and iron. A 876. Workmen employed by a firm of motor car manufacturers, and described as inspectors or viewers engaged in testing for defects, and in measuring with micrometers and other instruments for accuracy. A 877. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in dry- docking ships and other craft for the pur-' pose of inspection and repair where repair may be found necessary. A 878. Workmen engaged in turning tyres, axles and wheels. A 880. Typewriter mechanics, engaged in such work as filing, drilling and tapping, rivetting, turning, spidering and general overhauling of typewriter mechanisms. A 881. Workmen engaged in guillotine cutting, punch-press stamping and turning of brass work for brushes for electrical motors and dynamos. B 882. Workmen described as thatchers and thatchers' mates, and engaged wholly or mainly in thatching hay, corn or other stacks. A 883. Workmen described as thatchers and thatchers' mates, and engaged wholly or mainly in thatching houses, barns and other buildings, and not employed mainly in thatching hay, corn or other stacks. B 884. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fitting and screwing advertisement plates, boards, $c., to omni- buses and like vehicles. A 888. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of automatic weighing machines for flour, sugar and cocoa, and described as tinmen, fitters-up of machines, electric switch and contact makers, testers and machine hands. A 890. Workmen engaged in lining shells and bushes with anti-friction metal. 66 891 902 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 891. A workman employed by a firm of architectural modellers, and engaged in modelling in clay for decoration of buildings, and for stone and wood carving . A 893. Workmen engaged in the application of various materials used for non-conducting work in connection with refrigerating plant in buildings or ships. A 894. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cas- ing doors, hanging windows, boarding ceilings. A 895. Workmen engaged in making fireproof doors. A 898. Toolmakers engaged in making, or in the upkeep and maintenance of, metal per- forating presses, or in making punches and tools used in the manufacture of dustbins, tanks, cylinders, cisterns, &c. B 899. Workmen engaged in making or fixing glass, wood, electric, and wood letter signs, stall plates, fyc. (See also decisions A 1256, A 2088X and A 2108X. A 900. Workmen employed by a firm of mining tool manufacturers, and engaged wholly or mainly (1) In case-hardening steel for hand boring and power machinery and tools ; (2) In grinding parts of hand boring and power drills; (3) In moulding and casting pick heads ; (4) As blacksmiths, stampers, their strikers and pickers, making parts of hand and power boring tools and machinery; (5) As planers ; (6) As labourers ; (7) In assisting at annealing furnaces; (8) As engine tenters, and working gas pro- ducing plant ; (9) In filing pick blades and parts for hand boring machines and tools. A 902. Workmen employed by a firm of cart and carriage axle makers, and engaged as (1) Axle nut and washer drop forgers, cap screwers, turners, and casters; 67 DECISIONS OF THE .UMPIRE. 904 919 Note." A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (2) Axle box screwers, turners, lappers ; (3) Axle setters, turners, pinners, hardeners, grinders, polishers, assemblers and fitters ; (4) Labourers. A 904. Workmen employed by a firm of automobile engineers both to drive motor cars for the purpose of testing them, and to repair and adjust the machinery. A 905. A workman engaged wholly or mainly in re- pairing guns, rifles and revolvers. A 908. Workmen employed in case-hardening parts of the products of a mechanical engineering establishment, and in respect of sweaters employed in a mechanical engineering establishment soldering together metal parts with use of blowpipes. A 909. Workmen engaged in building up from sec- tions on the site constructional steel work such as cylindrical poles and lattice struc- tures for wireless telegraphy aerial supports. B 910. Workmen employed by a firm of boot tree manufac~ turers, and engaged: (1) In makiiuj and polixliituj boot last* (see also derision A 1897X) ; (2) As lads riding cycle carriers. A 911. Workmen engaged in applying to steamships coatings composed of bitumen specialities. A 914. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in erecting oxy-acetylene welding and metal cuting plant on purchasers' premises, and using same for work in connection with any insured trade. B 915. Workmen engaged wholly or meanly in: (1) Griving demonstrations of oxy-acetylene welding and metal cutting and instruction to purchasers of plant; (2) Running (jax cu<)inc.<, air compressor and producer plant, and charging the latter icitli fuel for the pur- poses of such demonstrations find instruction; # * -X :.:- :.- * A 919. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in in- stalling lightning conductors, repairing church steeples and spires, and chimney shafts, and felling chimney shafts. 68 922 939 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 922. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of air-craft (other than non- dirigible balloons), together with the port- able sheds used in connection with them. (See also decision A 2273X.) A 924. Workmen employed as tool makers and setters in connection with the manufacture of bells. A 926. A. workman engaged in erecting machinery in show rooms, and running same where required to demonstrate for customers the various motions, fee. A 928. Metal perforation toolmakers (heavy work). A 929. Workmen engaged in ship yards in boiling a chemical solution for the preservation of iron and steel. A 930. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in mak- ing steel dies for drawing sections of brass rods. A 933. Cranemen (hand or power), enginemen (sta- tionary engines), firemen (stationary en- gines) and boilermen in any business in- cluded in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. A 934. Workmen engaged in glutting wheels. B 935. Workmen engaged in the work of making and repairing dry stone walls and fences. (See also decisions A 1253 and A 1272.) *A 937. Blacksmiths engaged wholly or mainly in the upkeep and repair (including sharpen- ing) of rock drills used in quarries. A 939. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in weld- ing, in the track, the joints of tramway rails in the construction of new tramway lines, and in the reconstruction and alteration (but not the repair and relaying) of exist- ing ones. * This decision has been modified by decision B 1182, which was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed in quarries and mines, and engaged wholly or mainly in cutting and sharpening detachable rods of steel which require frequent renewal or constant sharpening, and are used for drilling holes in rock. See also decisions A 1827X and A 2343X. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 941 950 Sote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. . " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE NOT PAYABLE. A 941. Workmen engaged as patent floor layers, in laying coverings of a permanent character over steel, iron, wood, concrete, &c., founda- tions. B 942. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly: (1) In affixing posters and advertisements on hoardings and walls; (2) As poster-writers , hand-painting advertisements on bills. *A 943. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or in the repair of vacuum cleaning machines (hand or power) includ- ing the woodwork. A 944. Workmen engaged in making and polishing parts of typewriters, and assembling type- writers. A 945. Workmen engaged in uncasing and assem- bling the parts of imported agricultural im- plements which are worked or drawn Jby horse or mechanical power. t[A 946. A signal fitter employed wholly or mainly in repairing and putting in order signals.] A 947. Fitters employed by a firm of constructional engineers, and engaged in making, fitting and repairing tools for use in connection with the manufacture of fencing and washers. A 948. Workmen employed in the roofing depart- ment of a firm of constructional engineers, and described as wood template makers, punchers, shearers, benders and staighteners, chippers and filers, smiths, strikers, drillers, planers, sawyers, platers, carpenters, painters, loaders, labourers, crane drivers, electric wirers, erectors, fitters, rivetters, rivet-heaters and holders- up. A 950. Workmen described as employed in mechani- cal engineering, and engaged wholly or mainly in fitting finished millstones to the hursting or grinding mill. * Decision, A 943 is modified by decision B 2036 in so far as the two eonflit~ [ t This decision is not now operative. Sec decision A 1161. 70 952 960 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. 11 B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 952. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of fixing on the site, or the prepara- tion, including dressing, enamelling or polishing of slate or marble to finished dimensions (other than roofing slates, paving flags, or slate for electrical appliances, tanks and rats*') for use in connection with any trade set out in the Sixth Schedule of the National Insurance Act, 1911. A 953. Workmen employed by a firm of tin mine owners, and engaged wholly or mainly (1) as masons and labourers repairing build- ings; (2) as fitters and their assistants repairing machinery, &c. ; (3) as electricians and their labourers in the upkeep and repair of electrical machinery and conductors. B 954. Workmen employed by a firm of tin mine owners, and engaged ivholly or mainly .... (2) as car- penters and their labourers on work, about the mine*, but not -wholly or mainly engaged on buildings. A 955. Workmen engaged in building up at the works loco gas machines, and fixing them in buildings, also fixing any necessary gas piping and fittings, and overhauling and repairing existing installations. A 956. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fixing boiling water apparatus and coffee-making machines in restaurants and buildings gene- rally, and in keeping in repair the gas and water fittings after they are fixed. A 959. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of lighthouse, light vessel and fog signal apparatus, including buoys and beacons. A 960. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of lighthouses and light vessels. * See decision A 17GOX and paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work. 71 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 963 982 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 963. Workmen on ployed by a firm of cotton doublers, and engaged wholly or mainly in putting on belting for driving shafting, and in general supervision of same, hut not engaged in attending to the shafting or the machinery. B 965. Workmen engaged .... (3) in putting together and fitting with terminals electric fittings such as wall plugs and adaptors. A 968. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in mak- ing and repairing press tools for use of door bolt and padlock manufacturers. A 970. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fit- ting flanges and clips to motor omnibus wheels to stop rubber tyres from coming off. B 971. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the navigation of horse cart ferries, and, not engaged wholly or mainly in repair of the fame. A 972. Workmen employed by a firm of gun makers, and engaged in the manufacture of guns and rifles for sporting purposes, including the stocking and finishing of the same. *B 973. Glass blowers employed by a firm of scientific apparatus makers, and engaged wholly or mainly in making burettes, pipettes and glass retorts. A 978. Workmen described as builders' labourers and engaged wholly or mainly in gathering and dressing stone for building purposes, and otherwise generally assisting in the building operations. A 980. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the reconstruction of an existing railway road, by the conversion* of it from a steam to an electric railway. A 981. A workman employed as a mechanic in an engineering laboratory, and engaged wholly or mainly in attending and repairing machinery. B 982. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fixing, removing or repairing portable and removable market stalls, or the temporary gas fittings attached thereto. * See paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work. 12 983 995 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE, Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NWT PAYABLE. B 983. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly : (1) In fixing or mounting fuse wire or strip on china, porcelain, or other insulators. (2) In fitting and fixing fuses in protecting cases. A 984. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture, assembling, erecting or re- pair of electrical switches, cut-outs, circuit breakers and switchgear generally (includ- ing main and sub-station switchboards, motor control panels and starters and accumulator boards). . . . See also decision A 952.) A 986. Workmen employed as toolmakers, and en- gaged in making press tools, dies, chills, &c. for the use of meter makers. A 987. Workmen engaged in casting malleable iron nails and protectors for the boot trade, and brattice nails used for miners' cloths. A 988. Workmen employed by a firm of press and stamped brass founders, and engaged wholly 'or mainly as toolmakers and tool setters making tools for the manufacture of household brass goods, sail eyelets, &c. A 989. Workmen described as fitters who are en- gaged wholly or mainly in making tools and dies for tin box-making machinery. B 991. Workmen employed by a firm of scrap iron mcrcliants. and engaged wholly or mainly in breaking up by means of blasting operations, beds of iron at works not form- ing part of the buildings. A 992. Workmen described as needle tool makers and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of making dies to be used in the manufac- ture of needles. A 994. Workmen employed as pattern makers mak- ing wooden patterns for iron foundries, or brass foundries covered by decision A 23. A 995. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture and fixing of wooden book- stalls, kiosks, &c., for the sale of goods at railway stations, &c. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 9961014 . " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 996. Workmen described as toolmakers and en- gaged wholly or mainly in making tools for capstan lathes. A 997. Workmen employed by a firm of tyre manu- facturers and engaged in (1) pressing on endless rubber tyres by hy- draulic pressure ; (2) forcing rubber into steel channels with hand machines. A 999. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in pre- paring, fitting or fixing by screw, nail or other process, fittings of wood designed or intended for specific buildings or parts thereof (not being portable counters, show cases or other similar portable fittings). A 1001. Workmen employed as toolmakers, and en- gaged wholly or mainly in making dies and tools used in the manufacture of lamps and gas and electric light fittings. B 1005. Persons engaged wholly or mainly in : (1) Charging electric accumulators; (2) Making carbons for arc lamps. A 1007. Workmen employed by a firm of mechanical engineers wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, and engaged in testing motor road rollers built by the firm and assisting as labourers in the erection of the rollers. A 1009. Workmen employed in the manufacture of station gas meters, and described as tool fitters, tool makers, tool turners,, tool machinists and their assistants or labourers. B 1010. '\\'orl-int'n described a* seagoing engineers, being usually members of a ship's crew, who (ire engaged wholly or mainly in superintending and lending assistance to shoregang tradesmen overhauling engines and machinery on board ship while in port. A 1012. Workmen engaged in making ammiinition belts for maxim guns. A 1014. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fixing: controllers on tram cars. 74 1015 1029 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contribution* ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1015. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of rotary duplicating" machines, described as consisting mainly of stamped metal parts and small iron castings, including workmen operating drilling and milling ma- chines and hand capstans, and toolmakers, charge hands and examiners. Note. The term " workmen " includes women as well as men. A 1016. Workmen employed at engineering works, described as riggers of trawlers and drifters, and engaged wholly or mainly in splicing and fixing up wires, ropes, stays and fish spans from mast to mast. A 1018. Workmen engaged in the work of rolling gun barrels. A 1019. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the trueing and fitting up of pottery urinal backs and sides, i.e., chipping and cutting them so as to fit into one another. B 1021. Workmen employed by typewriter manufacturers, and described as printers engaged in printing keytops for typewriters, and general shop printing. A 1022. Workmen employed by typewriter manufac- turers, and described as : (1) Inspectors examining parts, comparing with drawings, and gauging. (2) Engravers, engraving master type punches. A 1025. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as gas fitters, doing gas fitting on stations and signal boxes, &c. A 1026. Workmen employed (1) As turners, fitters, planers, drillers, sheet metal workers and assemblers, engaged wholly or mainly in the making and assembling of power-driven tea mixing, milling and blending machines, and (2) As electro-platers, enamellers and polishers engaged wholly or mainly in decorating them. A 1028. Workmen described as sewernien, and employed on buildings in the conversion of closets to the water carriage system, and in fixing and repair- ing closets. A 1029. Workmen engaged in making or decorating machine cream separators. . 75 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1030 1058 ffote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1030. File-cutters employed in the carriage works of a railway company. A 1031. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fixing on buildings, laths of wood, wire and metal. A 1033. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fixing cash overhead runways in shops and stores. A 1034. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of patent cash tills. (See also decision B 2338.) A 1037. Calender bowl makers. A 1040. Workmen described as smiths, rivetters and carpenters, and engaged in making frames for hanging bells, in making pulleys and bell wheels. A 1042. Workmen described as bell hangers, and engaged wholly or mainly in hanging bells in buildings. A 1044. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing tools in connection with the manu- facture of magnetos. B 1045. Workmen engaged ivholly or mainly in erecting organs in buildings. A 1049. Workmen engaged in making seats of a kind commonly built into or forming part of build- ings, ships or vehicles. A 1050. Workmen employed by a shipping company, and engaged wholly or mainly in : (1) Building and repairing brick fire bridges in ship's boiler furnaces. (2) Scaling, cleaning, cementing, cement washing or ferroiding tanks and bilges, and doing other cement work on ships. A 1052. Workmen engaged in cleaning off and stoving cycle frames, preliminary to the processes of cozletizing and enamelling. A 1053. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of power or treadle fretwork ma- chines. A 1054. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making power-driven fans. A 1058. Blacksmiths employed by a firm making fittings for yachts and boats. 76 1059 1074 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1059. Gland packers employed in running sheds, and not in mechanical engineering workshops or repair shops of railway companies. B 1061. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the repair of reservoirs and artificial lakes. A 1062. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, re-construction or alteration of reservoirs and artificial lakes. A 1063. An engineer's fitter engaged wholly or mainly in filing up dies from patterns, and making gauges and patterns from drawings for use in the manufacture of steam turbine blades. A 1064. Workmen described as fitters of benching for sewing machines, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of setting up sewing machine benchings, and of fixing them to floors of build- ings by screw, nail or other process. B 1065. Ship's coalers taken on occasionally by a firm of ship- builders to assist in bunkering ships for trial runs, and not usually employed in shipbuilding yards. A 1067. Workmen employed by a firm of engineers, and engaged wholly or mainly in making : (1) Stripping rollers for the vacuum system of removing dust from carding engines ; (2) Wood bodies for vacuum machines. A 1068. Workmen described as engineers' fitters, and engaged in machining moulds and making tools in connection with the manufacture of electrical storage batteries. A 1069. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of temples for looms. A 1070. Toolmakers engaged in making and repairing machine tools for file cutters. A 1072. Workmen engaged in running gas pipes from a gas company's services in the basement of a block of tenements to the various rooms in the tenements. A 1073. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making roof bars in iron, covered with lead sheaths, or in fitting same to glass or other materials, or in fixing same on buildings. A 1074. Workmen described as washing fitter and labourer, and engaged wholly or mainly in changing pinions, brasses and shaft, repairing screens, elevators, &c., at coal washery. See also decision A 1261. 77 DECISIONS OF TUP: UMPIRE. 1075 1089 Note. il A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. 11 B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions AEE NOT PAYABLE. B 1075. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making surface sheep drains on hills. A 1076. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in driving or attending steam road rollers in connection with the construction of new roads, and not merely the resurfacing of existing roads. A 1077. A workman employed in a technical school or institute, and engaged wholly or mainly in making parts of machines for use in the demon- strations given by the teaching staff, and himself occasionally doing a little explanation. See also decision B 859. A 1078. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making sheet metal bonnets, wings, panels, tanks and radiators for motor cars. A 1079. Workmen engaged in making variable gears or free -engine clutches for motor cycles. A 1081. Workmen employed by copying press manufac- turers, and described as : (1) Turners engaged wholly or mainly in turning and cutting the middle screws of copying presses. (2) Viewers and testers engaged wholly or mainly in examining and testing taps and dies as to accuracy in dimension, pitch and shape of thread. A 1086. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction of new filtering beds at sewage works, the cost of which would be, in the case of a local authority, usually chargeable to capital account. A 1088. Hoistmen or lift attendants (for passengers or goods) employed in factories and workshops, or in stores immediately connected therewith (but not in offices), when the aforesaid factories and workshops are engaged wholly or mainly in carrying on any of the trades set out in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. This decision modifies decision B 50* so far as it relates to hoist attendants. B 1089. A workman engaged wholly or mainly in making si/Is for lids of manholes in streets. * Decision B 50 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respact of workmen employed in a mechanical engineering establishment, and described as ... passenger hoist attendants. 78 1090 1102 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1090. Workmen employed by a firm of gear cutters and automobile engineers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the work of gear cutters and case hardeners. A 1091. Workmen engaged (1) in making, varnishing or otherwise finishing steering wheels for ships or other craft either in wood or metal, whether commonly employed in a shipbuilding yard or not, or (2) in fixing same on ships or other craft. A 1092. Workmen employed as enamellers, and engaged wholly or mainly in imitating wood graining or marble veining upon, or in otherwise en- amelling, iron or other mantel and chimney pieces. A 1094. Workmen described as rivet testers, and engaged wholly or mainly in testing, with a hammer, rivets driven in connection with the construction or repair of ships. B 1095. Artists engaged in cl rawing and painting panel* for church decoration, or in drawing stencil*. A 1096. Workmen employed by a firm of welded tube makers, and described as: (1) Blacksmiths and strikers engaged in tool- making ; (2) Fitters and toolmakers; (3) Millwrights and their labourers. A 1098. Diemakers engaged in making dies for use in wire-drawing. B 1099. Workmen engaged in carrying out under-draining works, or keeping same in repair. A 1100. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fixing pneumatic despatch tube apparatus in buildings or ships. A 1101. Workmen engaged in making or repairing machine brooms for road-sweeping. A 1102. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fitting or fixing to doors springs and fittings thereof, and in carrying out repairs in con- nection therewith, whether employed on buildings or not. 7'J DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1104 1122 Xote. ;i A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1104. Workmen employed by a firm of silver- smiths and electro-plate manufacturers, and engaged as tool makers and tool setters. A 1105. Labourers engaged in assisting millwrights either in excavating foundations for the erection of engines or machinery, or in dis- mantling machinery, or otherwise. A 1106. Workmen engaged in making funnels for ships. A 1110. Workmen and their helpers and labourers employed in factories and workshops which are engaged wholly or mainly in the manu- facture of castings of aluminium for use as parts of the products of a mechanical engi- neering establishment. A 1111. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of boat-lowering gear for ships. A 1113. Workmen employed by a patent glazing company, and engaged wholly or mainly in- (1) Stretching and drilling steel bars; (2) Shaping lead covering, pressing same on to steel bars, and spidering. A 1114. Workmen engaged in (1) Fixing in the shop tiles in stoves which are to be fixed in houses ; (2) Painting chimney pieces. A 1115. Workmen engaged in erecting and connect- ing necessary wires to run and control elec- tric time service. B 1116. Workmen and the labourers assisting them employed by a firm of felt manufacturers, and engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing wood seams for drying iuul stretching felt after it has been washed, or in replacing or straightening tenter hooks on same. (See also decision A 2088X.) B 1118. Charwomen engaged in wasJiing the floors of buildings after the painters have finished their work. A 1119. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making formes and steel rules to cut boxes in the paper box-making industry. A 1121. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in re- pairing stoves, fire grates and ranges fixed in buildings. B 1122. Drivers and steersmen of steam motor launches used mainly for carrying officials and workmen to and from Southampton docks. 80 1123 1137 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1123. Workmen employed by a firm of flax spinners, and engaged in turning plain wooden rollers for their machinery. (Sec also decision A 1479.) A 1124. Workmen employed in businesses carrying on any insured trade, and engaged wholly or mainly in setting out the work in detail, from the architect's or draughtsman's drawings, on boards, paper or other material, or in making working' sketches from the drawings for the use of the workmen, and not engaged wholly or mainly as supervising foremen. A 1125. Workmen described as smiths and strikers, and engaged in smithing and finishing stern frames for ships. B 1129. Workmen employed by a firm of automobile agents, and engaged solely in testing completed cars, not at the manu- facturers'' ivories, and not engaged in making alterations or repairs of Hie same. A 1130. Workmen engaged in the construction or repair of house drains. A 1131. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in scaling and covering ships' boilers, scaling, redleading or painting ships' hulls, bulkheads, tanks and double bottoms. This decision overrules decision B 398,* so far as it relates to the scaling of ships' boilers. See also decision A 143.2. A 1132. A workman described as a locomotive crane driver, and engaged wholly or mainly in load- ing or unloading materials on a wharf siding forming part of a mechanical engineering establishment. A 1133. Workmen engaged in making ^and assembling gas governors. A 1135. Workmen employed by a firm of coach and motor axle and iron work manufacturers, and engaged wholly or mainly in turning, screwing, polishing, and fitting hub bushes and oil caps for attaching to the wheels of vehicles and revolving upon the axles. A 1137. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in casting, in any metal, essential parts of cycles, motor cycles, or other vehicles. * Decision B 398 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed to clean or scale, ships' boilers, as distinct from the repair of such boilers. ])].(! SKt.NS OF THE TJMPIKK. 1139 1155 Xote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1139. Workmen engaged in making metal patterns, being for the use of iron, steel, brass, or other foundries which are engaged wholly or mainly in making castings for use as parts of the products of a mechanical engineering establish- ment. A 1140. Workmen employed by a firm of hatters' machinists, and engaged wholly or mainly in making cast iron hat curling frames and dishes. A 1141. Workmen employed in a mechanical engineer- ing establishment or in a vehicle constructing or repairing establishment, and engaged wholly or mainly in repairing and screwing couplings and chains as part of the work of making or of repairing vehicles, cranes and machinery. A 1 144. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in painting signal boxes. A 1145. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in forming new roads or streets, or constructing or making up partially formed streets or roads to the satisfaction of a local authority, in such a manner that a local authority would be willing to adopt them as highways repairable by the inhabitants at large. This decision modifies decisions B 583 and B 585. A 1146. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing wire netting looms. A 1148. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in apply- ing relief decoration in composition or carton- pierre to buildings, ships, or vehicles. B 1152. Joiners and their labourers engaged wholly or mainly in making sleeper revetments and trestles for supporting gas explosion tubes, and other similar work, and not being engaged ivholly or mainly in the construction and repair of buildings. (See also decision A 2088X.) A 1153. Workmen employed by a firm of steel hall makers, and engaged in counting and packing steel balls for bearings. The term u workmen" includes women and boys and girls over 16 years of age as well as men. A 1155. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in stamp- ing and cutting* out metal jointing rings and metal discs for metallic valves in pumps. 82 1156 1166 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1156. Workmen, including: women, engaged in the work of upholsterers and machinists in connec- tion with the manufacture, decoration or repair of perambulators. A 1157. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in building upon the site constructional work such as emergency stairs, bandstands, verandahs and porches, or the preparation of the material for such on the site or in a constructional yard or shop. A 1159. Workmen described as fitters and mechanics, and engaged wholly or mainly in planing and shaping boxes or dies for hand or power brick presses, and in fitting same to the presses. (See also decision A 2196X.) A 1160. A workman described as an inspector employed in a mechanical engineering establishment wholly or mainly in testing materials with straight edge and other gauges. A 1161, Workmen employed wholly or mainly in mechanical engineering workshops in repairs to signal apparatus, or in substantial repairs to signal mechanism in the signal boxes. This decision supersedes decision A 946. B 1162. Workmen described as signal fitters, signal chargemen, linesmen and under linesmen, and engaged in maintain- ing the rodding and wires between the signal boxes and the points and signals, oiling the locking frames, and ke&fring them in working order. This decision supersedes decision B 251.* A 1163. Tube benders employed in a mechanical engineering establishment. A 1165. Workmen engaged in making hand power burring, screwing, mortising and similar machines. A 1166. Workmen described as masons, and engaged in constructing (1) Sheds for the use of men dressing slates in quarries ; (2) Safety sheds for use during blasting opera- tions. * Decision B 251 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of a workman employed by a railway company, and engaged wholly or mainly in oiling point rods, pulleys, signal arms and other connections. 83 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1167 1187 .- ; ' A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1167. Workmen employed in an iron foundry, and engaged in filing- up iron patterns. A 1168. Workmen employed at a pipe foundry, and described as casters or moulders, coremakers, dressers, testers, gangers, measurers, coaters or dippers, rollers, stackers, shippers, weighmen, cranemen, sand or loam wheelers, loam grinders, foundry and general labourers. *[A 1169. Turners and other machinists engaged wholly or mainly in producing ebonite or vulcanised fibre parts for use as parts of the products of a mechanical engineering establishment.] A 1171. Carpenters and joiners engaged in keeping in repair and fixing portable floor structures which form coverings over public baths. A 1172. Workmen described as pewterers and plumbers, and engaged wholly or mainly in bars and similar premises in (1) covering bar sinks with pewter or block tin ; or (2) fixing lead beer piping or block tin piping in connection with beer engines. A 1174. Workmen described as mechanics and their assistants, and engaged wholly or mainly in repairing sewing machines. A 1178. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of mechanically-actuated petrol air gas apparatus. A 1 180. Workmen employed by manufacturers of hosiery machinery, and described as needle squarers. A 1183. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of mechanical tools or machinery for forming the mouths of glass bottles. B 1186. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in testing scale beams and weighing machines which are in use, to see if they are correct and of sufficient strength. A 1187. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in testing scale beams and weighing machines which are not commonly used in retail trade, in con- nection with the manufacture or repair of these machines. * This decision is not now operative. See decision A 1230. 81 1190 1208 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. *'B 1190. Workmen employed by manufacturers of motor car accessories , and engaged in the making of cape cart hood* for motor cars. A 1193. Workmen engaged in attending on the valves for sinking and raising pontoons in connection with the repair or decoration of ships. A 1194. An iron turner engaged wholly or mainly in turning spindles for churns. (See also decision A 2303X.) A 1195. A workman employed in a railway wagon re- pairing shop, and engaged in screwing bolts for use in the repair of railway wagons. A 1196. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the construction and repair of floating pontoons. A 1198. Estate carpenters, masons and slaters described as working at general estate repairs to farm buildings and cottages or rebuilding same in the Mostyn District, North Wales, when not occupied in their small holdings, at hay and corn harvest, and attending local cattle sales or fairs. In the opinion of the Umpire, workmen as above described cannot be regarded as employed m an insured trade " occasionally only." A 1203. Workmen engaged in making gun-sighting gear (other than optical instruments!). A 1205. Workmen employed in an airship factory, and engaged wholly or mainly in driving an engine used in electrically compressing hydrogen gas for airships. A 1207. Workmen described as lift ropers employed in the mechanical engineering department of the Underground Railways, and engaged wholly or mainly in removing and replacing ropes, sheaves and shafts in connection with the repair of passenger lifts. A 1208. Workmen employed by a firm of cartridge case makers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of machinery or machine tools. * See paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work, f The position of optical instrument makers is dealt with in decision A 2040X. 85 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1209 1216 Note." A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1209. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the making, fitting up and finishing of sword blades and bayonets, including the browning and testing and the fitting of the same to hilts. This decision supersedes decision B 1093.* See also decision A 1529. B 1210. Workmen employed by a -railway company and engaged wholly or mainly in the upkeep, including the painting, of existing signal rodding and outside signal apparatus. (See also decision A 2146X.) A 1211. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fixing in or round dwelling houses, shops and other buildings, gates and railings the fixing of which commonly forms part of a building contract. This decision modifies decisions B 682 and B 753. A 1212. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in connec- tion with insured trades, and employed as sketchers and progress men. B 1213. A workman described as a* rigger, and employed in keeping in repair all rigging on the masts of a wireless telegraph station. A 1214. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making up relief decoration in composition or carton-pierre for buildings, ships or vehicles. (See also decision A 1148.) This decision supersedes decision B 1149. t A 1215. Workmen described as joiners, and engaged wholly or mainly in making and repairing panels for the decoration of special saloon cars for railways. A 1216. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making, finishing or fixing ferro-concrete and artificial stone in connection with any trade set out in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, whether on the site or * Decision B 1093 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fitting to hilts, filing up, and finishing of sword blades. f Decision B 1149 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making up at the works relief decoration in composition or carton-pierre. 86 1217 1226 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. in a workshop or yard. (See also decision A 2332X.) This decision reverses decisions B 610 (1), B 639 and B 641 so far as they relate to artificial stone, but not in so far as they relate to flags made for stock.* A 1217. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in mak- ing moulds for ferro-concrete or artificial stone mentioned in decision A 1216. This decision modifies decision B 610 (2).* A 1219. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as tool- setters for general brasswork on capstan lathes and machine tools. A 1220. Workmen described as stockfitters, and en- gaged wholly or mainly in fitting stocks for chills to be used in the manufacture of bed- steads. A 1224. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the making, assembling or repair of automatic machines of a kind commonly found in rail- way stations or other public places. (See also decision A 1293.) . A 1225. Workmen employed in a mechanical engi- neering establishment, and engaged wholly or mainly in machining and assembling metal windows. This decision reverses decision B 41 6. t A 1226. Workmen employed by a local authority, and engaged wholly or mainly in recon- structing existing sewers by straightening and relaying the same. * Decisions B 610, B 639 and B641 were to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of : B 61O. Workmen employed by a firm of artificial stone merchants, and engaged in : - (1) Casting in moulds concrete blocks and slabs ; (2) Making moulds for same. B 639. Workmen engaged : (1) In making artificial stone or flags in cement concrete ; (2) In a warehouse supplying builders' materials ; (3) In the manufacture of crushed bricks, granite, slag, &c. B 641. Workmen engaged in casting in moulds terra cotta or artificial stone. t Decision B 416 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in the work of making metal window frames, other than those workmen who are covered by the decision relating to workers in an ron foundry. 87 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1227 1238 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1227. Workmen engaged in marking out timber in connection with an insured trade. A 1229. Workmen employed in connection with:- (1) the substitution of vertical for horizontal gas retorts ; (2) the conversion of gas-holder tanks into tar tanks. A 1230. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in producing ebonite or vulcanised fibre parts for use as parts of the products of a mechanical engineering establishment. This decision is a revised wording- of decision A 1169. A 1232. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of jacks and springs used as parts of lace- making or lace-finishing machines men- tioned in decision A 458. A 1234. Workmen engaged in asphalting roofs, foundations and yards connected with buildings when the work is of a kind com- monly forming part of a building contract. This decision modifies decision B 738. A 1235. A workman employed in copper and brass rolling works, and engaged wholly or mainly in drilling copper plates for use in the fire-boxes of locomotive engines. A 1236. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in manufacturing tapered packing for ship- builders. A 1237. Patternmakers, fitters, turners, smiths and smiths' mates engaged in the manufacture of tools and accessories used in photo- engraving, such as whirlers, shoot planes, mounting punches, &c., and of parts of electrical lifts. A 1238. Brassmoulders, brassfinishers or other workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of portholes and deadlights for ships. This decision modifies decision B 49 (b)* so far as the latter relates to portholes and deadlights for ships. * Decision B 49 (b) was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of brassfounders and other brass workers engaged in casting, machining or finishing window furniture and other brass hardware required in building, ship-building, cabinet-making, and in the construction of vehicles. 88 1240 1254 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1240. Workmen engaged in the construction or repair of ovens for baking bread, bis- cuits, &c. A 1241. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of sheet metal ranges for ships. A 1242. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the preparation of stone for use in insured trades by scabbling, scrappling or sawing machinery. (See also decision B 40.) B 1243. Workmen engaged in constructing or repairing ordinary agricultural drainage systems (exclusive of large works of construction). A 1245. A workman engaged wholly or mainly in fixing in a factory steel lockers made to specification for a particular building. A 1246. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in edging, drilling and rivetting pulleys (cast iron) for railway signals. A 1249. A mill joiner engaged in making wood pack- ing for levelling machinery. A 1250. Workmen described as nail machine minders, and engaged in making and setting tools for nail and tack machines. This decision modifies decision B 966,* which was intended to relate solely to "feeders" who feed wire or sheet iron into the machines. A 1252. Toolmakers engaged wholly or mainly in making tools for use in the manufacture of jewellery, silver ware, medals, &c. This decision reverses decision B 647 (2).t A 1253. Masons engaged wholly or mainly in build- ing a wall of brick or stone and mortar round a church. A 1254. Workmen engaged in the renewal of lifts of gas holders. * Decision B 966 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in minding machines for the purpose of making nails. f Decision B 647 (2) was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in making small tools (not being machine tools) for jewellery. 89 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. 1255 1267 . " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1255. Workmen (including women and girls) employed by a firm of printing machinery makers, and engaged wholly or mainly in making matrices for monotype machines. A 1256. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in running and fixing wires and cables in connection with the fixing of electrical signs on buildings. A 1258. Workmen employed in a mechanical en- gineering establishment, and engaged in the manufacture of steel, wrought-iron, or steeled coffee-mills. A 1259. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the repair or rebuilding of brick settings, fur- nace arches, furnace linings, or brick flues in connection with (1) all kinds of steam boilers, (2) brewery coppers. *A 1260. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the construction or maintenance or repair of colliery offices, workshops, engine-houses, dwelling-houses or other buildings. *A 1261. Smiths and mechanics and their assistants employed wholly or mainly in workshops, and engaged in the construction or main- tenance or repair of colliery machinery. *A 1262. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the construction or maintenance or repair of railway wagons at collieries. A 1263. Blacksmiths engaged in making ferrules for locomotive boilers. (See also decision A 2388.) A 1264. Toolsetters engaged wholly or mainly in connection with the manufacture of tele- phone parts. A 1267. Workmen engaged in heightening, extend- ing and strengthening iron ore bunkers in connection with a blast furnace plant. * Note. Decisions A 1260, A 1261 and A 1262 modify decision B 460. Decision A 1261 modified paragraph (5) of decision B 4''0, which was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen described as colliery fitters, colliery blacksmiths, and their assistants, who are engaged wholly or mainly in maintaining colliery plant at the colleries, and not in the engineering workshops. 11937 D 90 1268 1276 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1268. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in dressing tramway points, fitting the tongue and spring to work same and the lid that covers the spring box. A 1269. Workmen, other than gardeners, engaged in the extension and laying out, levelling, &c. of a recreation ground, including the construction, reconstruction or alteration of any roads or paths in connection there- with. A 1270. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in assembling, finishing or completing pave- ment, vertical or lead lights, or reflectors, whether containing plain or stained glass, for buildings, ships or vehicles, and includ- ing all processes of cutting, fitting, cement- ing, electro-plating, in connection therewith and painting the frames. This decision modifies decisions B 737 and B 799. It should be noted that decision B 667 relates only to glass-manufacturing establishments . A 1271. Workmen employed by a firm of earthen- ware manufacturers, and described as fitters and tool filers engaged in repairing tools for use in pottery machinery, and in fixing steam and gas pipes. A 1272. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in building walls of stone or brick and mortar round gardens or fields. A 1273. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making patterns for motor car builders. A 1274. Toolmakers making tools and chucks for the manufacture of pearl buttons. A 1275. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or fixing of sliding and fold- ing partitions forming part of the fittings of a building. A 1276. Workmen employed on road work, includ- ing the relaying of the surface, in connec- tion with the construction, reconstruction or alteration of tramway lines. 91 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1277 1287 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1277. Workmen employed by contractors as borers, to test the nature of the ground, in connection with the construction, recon- sruction or alteration of works of con- struction. A 1278. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of wood block flooring for buildings. (See also decision A 1307.) This decision supersedes decision B 678 (2^.* A 1280. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the making or repairing of jacquards and dobbies. B 1281. Workmen described as masons, bricklayers and labourers employed by a railway company, and engaged wholly or m,ainly in repairing tunnels on railway systems. B 1283. Workmen employed in the running sheds of a railway, and engaged wholly or mainly in removing from beneath coaches, washing, assembling, replacing and charging electrical accumulators, in connection with railway carriages which are in use. A 1284. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of coal and coke conveyors. A 1285. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, repair, decoration or demoli- tion of covered markets. A 1286. Workmen employed by a firm of electric lift, crane and process machine makers, and engaged wholly or mainly in turning and fitting parts of electric lifts, cranes, winches and process machinery. A 1287. Workmen described as stone breakers, and employed by a firm of contractors in their workshops or yards, or on the site of build- ing or constructional work. * Decision B 678 (2) was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed by a firm of timber merchants and manufac- turers, and engaged wholly or mainly in sawing and cross-cutting wood for parquet floor-blocks. 11937 D 2 12891302 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. JB 1289. Workmen employed by a railway company in the running shed, and engaged iv holly or mainly in examining locomotives and tenders, and reporting any repairs that may be necessary, and not engaged wholly or mainly in executing repairs or in examining in the repair shop in connection with the execution of repairs. A 1291. Workmen employed at iron works, and engaged wholly or mainly in the erection of an aerial ropeway. A 1293. Workmen employed in painting automatic machines of a kind commonly found in rail- way stations or other public places. This decision should be read with decision A 1224. A 1294. Workmen engaged in the alteration of gas retorts from sloper beds to horizontal beds on old foundations. B 1296. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the repair of open platforms, open cattle and other pens (not being buildings) . A 1297. Bricklayers, masons, carpenters, elec- tricians and other workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, alteration, repair, decoration or demolition of station buildings, including the verandahs, awn- ings, and protective roofing of platforms. A 1298. Workmen engaged in reconstructing, widen- ing or lengthening railway or other bridges, involving the taking down and rebuilding of abutment walls. A 1300. Workmen described as smiths and strikers, fitters and improvers, planers, drillers or other mechanics and their assistants and labourers, and employed wholly or mainly in workshops connected with a tramway system. A 1301. Workmen (including women) engaged in the manufacture (other than coil-winding*) and assembling of motor-starters. A 1302. Workmen (including girls of the age of 16 or over) employed by a firm of cycle manufac- turers, and engaged wholly or mainly in placing spokes in cycle wheels and tighten- ing the same. * The position of coil winders is dealt with in decisions A 1690X and A 1981 X 93 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1303 1316 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1303. Workmen employed by a firm of electric cable manufacturers, and engaged in re- instating the roadway which has been taken up for the purpose of laying new electric mains. A 1305. Wood workers engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of metal-covered shop fronts. A 1306. Labourers employed wholly or mainly in assisting roll turners at a steel rolling mill. A 1307. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in glueing or joining up woodwork at the bench, to form parquet flooring. A 1310. Workmen engaged in coiling and welding wrought iron tubing, and making wrought iron fittings for a small bore tube system of heating buildings. A 1311. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of machines and tools used by tin and sheet metal workers for the manu- facture of buckets, trunks, cans, &c., or in the manufacture of machines and tools used for smoothing panels and rolling mud- guards for the motor trade. A 1313. Workmen described as slate floaters, and engaged wholly or mainly in preparing slate for use in the construction of chimney pieces. B 1314. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in docking, undocking or shifting ships from berth to berth, or in clearing up holds, $c., in connection with the ordinary loading and unloading of ships. A 1315. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in (1) Fixing or repairing or altering gas piping in buildings. (2) Installing for the first time gas fittings. This decision supersedes any previous decision in so far as it may be in conflict therewith. B 1316. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in (1) disconnect- ing or reconnecting gas cookers, gas heating appliances and gas fittings (not including work on piping covered by decision A 1315 above). 11937 D 3 94 1319 1331 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1319. Workmen engaged in the repair of the framework supporting lead chambers used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid. A 1321. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in flattening or bending, or any process sub- sequent thereto, tubes, whether brazed, welded or seamless, which are intended wholly or mainly for the cycle or motor cycle trade. Decision A 787 does not relate to processes prior to flattening. Decision B 901 (8), by which it was decided that contributions are not payable in respect of workmen who are engaged in flattening the ends, cutting and slotting cycles tubes, is cancelled. A 1323. Workmen employed in excavating a pit for a new oil storage tank, in connecting pipes and fixing a hand pump. A 1325. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in constructing mausoleums or vaults to which access can be obtained without the assist- ance of labourers. A 1326. Workmen engaged in the manufacture or repair of cylinders for drying machines. A 1329. Coppersmiths and helpers employed in establishments which are engaged wholly or mainly in preparing copper pipes for the conveyance of steam, including copper ex- pansion bends, or in making copper fittings and appliances for use as parts of the pro- ducts of a mechanical engineering estab- lishment. A 1330. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making, assembling or fitting parts of machines used by shopkeepers for fruit- cleaning, meat-mincing, filling sausage skins, slicing bread, corking bottles, A 1331. Workmen engaged in whitewashing or lime- washing railway arches and similar struc- tures which are used as stables, offices, warehouses, &c. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 13321340 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1332. Workmen described as joiners and their labourers, and engaged in repairing wooden water-cooling towers. A 1335. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in machining or fitting moulds for use in the manufacture of gramophone records. (See also decision B 2285.) A 1336. Springmakers, fitters or other workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making, or in fitting, or in machining laminated springs or spring buckles for vehicles. This decision supersedes decisions B 9, B 466 and B 616 in so far as it conflicts with them.* A 1338. Workmen employed in ordnance factories and described as spring fitters who are engaged in preparing springs for ordnance. A 1340. Workmen (including glaziers, painters, polishers, &c.) engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture, fitting or installing of shop fittings of wood. This decision modifies decision B 634t so far as it relates to racks counters, showcases, &c., for shops, and decision A 999 so far as the latter makes excep- tion of " portable counters, showcases or other similar portable fittings." The word " fittings " does not include articles of furniture which are ordinarily moved when the premises are swept out. * Decisions B 9, B 466 and B 616 were to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of B 9. Workmen employed as spring makers making volute spiral and laminated springs ; B 466. Spring makers employed in carriage and wagon works of railways ; B 616. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in marking, gauging, fitting, testing, drilling and machining of railway springs and spring buckles. f Decision B 634 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed by a firm of dyers and cleaners and engaged wholly or mainly in making movable dye vats, racks, counters, screens, showcases, &c., not being fittings of wood of a kind commonly forming part of the construction or; decoration of buildings. 11937 D 4 96 1342 1354 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE NOT PAYABLE. A 1342. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making pneumatic tyre pumps which are worked by foot and not by hand. A 1343. Workmen employed in the production or distribution of electricity in connection with establishments which are engaged wholly or mainly in carrying on any insured trade. This decision does not relate to workmen employed by power companies which sell electricity for the pur- pose of insured trades. A 1344. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in repairing brake or truck gear of tramway cars. B 1346. Brakesmen and brakesmen's mates engaged wholly or mainly in examining and cleaning, adjusting and oiling brake or truck gear of tramway cars. A 1350. Workmen employed in general sheet metal working establishments which are engaged wholly or mainly in making and preparing sheet metal stampings for use in connection with any insured trade. A 1351. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, alteration, repair, decoration or demolition of wooden stands, stagings and platforms. This decision reverses decision B 590 (2),* but does not affect decision B 843. It is itself modified by decision B 1513. A 1352. Workmen described as engine tenters, engine drivers and stokers, and engaged wholly or mainly in tenting or minding engines or stoking boilers in connection with any insured trade. This decision does not relate to workmen employed by power companies who sell power for the purpose of insured trades. A 1354. Workmen engaged in the upkeep of a con- tractor's temporary tramways used in con- nection with construction of works. * Decision B 590 (2) was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged iu erecting temporary wooden stands. 97 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1355 1365 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions AEE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1355. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of submarine or divers' helmets. A 1357. Workmen engaged in turning rolls for a wire mill. A 1358. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of platform weighing machines of a capacity of more than seven hundred- weight. The words " of a kind not commonly used in the retail trade " in decisions A 303 and A 557 are intended to exclude only scales and weighing machines of a weighing capacity and kind used on shop counters, or small platform machines of capacity of 7 cwt. or less. A 1359. Workmen engaged in forging welded dies for jewellers', silversmiths' and other die- makers, or in forging tools for all classes of tool-makers. A 1360. Workmen who are employed wholly or mainly in polishing parts of cycles or motor cycles, whether employed in cycle factories or elsewhere. A 1361. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fitting or repairing ships' telegraphs in or on ships. A 1362. Workmen, not being usually members of a ship's crew, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the upkeep and repair of dredger engines and hydraulic and other cranes. A 1363. Workmen who are engaged wholly or mainly in repairing (including repainting) (1) agricultural and garden machinery; (2) agricultural implements which are worked or drawn by horse or mechanical power ; (3) hand machines such as chaff-cutters, &c. A 1364. Workmen who are engaged in the manufac- ture or repair of boring tools used in pro- specting for coal and other minerals. A 1365. Workmen employed by a ship and general smith who are engaged wholly or mainly in making cargo blocks, snatch blocks, coal gins. 98 13661375 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. . " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1366. Workmen who are employed on board ship in polishing fittings of wood (including washstands, chairs, tables, lounges) which when in use are fixed to the ship. A 1368. Workmen employed by a firm of painting contractors or builders, and engaged wholly or mainly in mixing, serving or delivering paint for the use of painters employed by the firm. This decision modifies decision B 289* so far as that decision relates to workmen employed by builders or contractors. A 1369. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture (including painting, enamel- ling, &c.) of bacon-slicing machines. A 1370. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of machine tools such as drilling machines, &c. A 1371. Workmen employed by vehicle-manufactur- ing or vehicle-repairing firms, and engaged wholly or mainly in vulcanising tyres, or in removing and replacing tyres. A 1372. Workmen described as boilermakers and their labourers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, upkeep or re- pair of chemical manufacturers' plant and the apparatus incidental thereto, such as rivetted tanks, pans, boilers, wagons, bogies, &c. This decision modifies decision B 373. t A 1375. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the maintenance and upkeep of blast fur- nace plant, coke oven plant and their bye- product plants, and described as:- (1) Joiners, patternmakers and their la- bourers ; (2) Bricklayers, if engaged wholly or mainly in the upkeep and repair of buildings (in- cluding steam boiler settings); * Decision B 289 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of a workman described as a shopman and engaged wholly or mainly in a painter's workshop off the building, preparing material for the practical painters, paper-hangers and decorators. f Decision B 373 was to the effect that contributions were not payable]jin respect of workmen engaged in the work of repair of, inter alia, chemical plant. 90 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1376 1380 Note " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. (3) Fitters (exclusive of pipe fitters) and their labourers ; (4) Boilersmiths, helpers and their labourers ; (5) Turners, drillers and their labourers ; (6) Blacksmiths, if engaged wholly or mainly in the repair of vehicles or machinery (including locomotive engines), or in work to be subsequently finished by mechanics; (7) Electricians and assistants engaged wholly or mainly in the installation, upkeep a,nd repair of electrical machinery (including conductors), electrical wiring for power, light or bells, in factories, workshops, or other buildings. This decision supersedes any previous decision with which it may be in conflict. See also decisions A 1475 and A 1646X. A 1376. Workmen described as engaged in gun lock filing, gun furniture filing, making fore parts, making and filing sundry limbs, &c. for guns. A 1378. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of parts of perambulators, mail carts, folding cars and other baby carriages, as follows: (1) Ironwork, such as handle-levers, under- carriages, hood-irons ; (2) Bodies, whether of wicker, wood or other material ; (3) Hoods, aprons and cushions; (4) In stove enamelling parts. A 1380. Blacksmiths employed by the Tyne Im- provement Commission, who are employed in workshops, and engaged wholly or mainly in the making and repair of rail ties, point rods, signal gear, and in the repair of locomotives, steam and hydraulic cranes, coal tips and staiths, and in making or re- pairing miscellaneous ironwork for the docks and railways. 100 1381 1397 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIEE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1381. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the installation and maintenance of telewriters. 4 1382. Workmen employed by ironmongers, and engaged wholly or mainly in repairing fix- tures in buildings, such as gas, water or sanitary fittings, electric light or bell wires, grates, ranges, boilers, baths. A 1383. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in mak- ing or repairing summer houses or revolv- ing shelters. B 1385. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in laying and removing temporary light railways for hauling peat from peat bogs to the ivorks of a manufacturing com- pany. A 1386. Workmen engaged excavating and concret- ing pit for new soap pans. A 1389. Workmen engaged in making or erecting hoardings. A 1392. Workmen described as tool-makers and tool- setters, and engaged in making and setting tools used in connection with the manufac- ture of scales. A 1393. Workmen engaged in excavating and pre- paring the ground for foundations for the erection of a steel melting furnace. A 1394. Workmen employed in textile mills, and engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing winding stands. A 1395. Workmen employed by a local authority and engaged in making good the surface of a road after it has been taken up for the purpose of reconstructing a sewer. A 1396. Workmen and labourers engaged in ex- cavating, concreting, or altering founda- tions for engines or machinery. A 1397. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in applying anti-corrosive materials to ships, or in melting the material in connection therewith. 101 DECISIONS OF THE UM-II'K 1399--1407 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1399. Smiths and helpers engaged wholly or mainly in preparing to order wrought iron stays, tie rods, king rods, angles, roof straps or other structural ironwork for builders. In decision B 183,* the words " other articles of wrought iron " do not include structural ironwork for builders. A 1401. Workmen engaged in erecting new pit-head gear, and not covered by decision B 460. A 1402. Chemical works' plumbers engaged wholly or mainly in the construction of new chemi- cal works plant, including extensions to existing plant. B 1404. Workmen engaged in removing or replacing turf, or in depositing clinker or clay in connection with the laying out of an ordinary cricket pitch in an existing park. A 1405. A smith employed by a railway company in the signal works, and engaged partly on signal work and partly in making plate- layers' tools in the works. A 1406. Workmen employed in the manufacturing or repair workshops of motor omnibus, motor cab, motor car or cycle proprietors, and engaged wholly or mainly in repairing, vulcanising, removing or replacing tyres. This decision modifies decisions B 819 and B 1339 1 so far as they apply to manufacturing 1 or repairing workshops. A 1407. Workmen described as leather roller coverers or turners employed in the jute and flax industry, and engaged both in covering with leather and in turning up the rollers, and in turning wood rollers. This decision modifies decision B 317 (3) } (See also decisions A 2100X and B 2101.) * Decision B 183 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen described as general ironworkers, who are engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of wrought iron gates and railings aud other articles of wrought iron. f Decision B 1339 was to the effect that contributions were not payalle in respect of workmen employed by a motor omnibus company, and engaged wholly or mainly in vulcanising tyres. J Decision B 317 (3) was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in the manufacture and fixing of roller covering. 102 140.9-- 1418 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1409. Workmen described as die-sinkers em- ployed in connection with the brass and miscellaneous metal trades (other than precious metals). A 1410. Workmen employed as tool-, press-, or die- setters in connection with the cutting, stamping, or shaping of metal. This decision reverses decisions B 270 and B 698. * B 1411. Workmen employed by railway companies as flagmen and look-out men, in connection with work in progress 'on the permanent way of a working railway. B 1412. Workmen engaged in the repair of tin-streaming floors. A 1413. All classes of workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the repair of locomotives, whether in connection with businesses included under the trades specified in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or otherwise. A 1414. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal moulds for use in stamping soap in machines. A 1416. Workmen engaged in laying tar-paving on school playgrounds adjoining the school buildings. This decision modifies decision B 738. A 1418. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing hand trucks with two or more wheels, including workmen em- ployed in fitting or turning axles. This decision reverses decision B 827 (2)t so far as it relates to station barrows. ^Decisions B 270 and B 698 were to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of : B 270. Workmen employed by a firm of biscuit makers, and engaged solely in the work of setting (or fixing) dies into the presses used in the manufacture of tin boxes for biscuits. B 698. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in putting in and taking out tools for making tin boxes, and not engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing tools. j- Decision B 827 (2) was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed by a railway company, and engaged in repairing, inter alia, station barrows. 103 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 142114:30 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions' ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1421. Workmen employed in workshops, and engaged wholly or mainly in planing, drill- ing, fitting and packing railway points and crossings. This decision modifies decision B 847* so far as the latter relates to points and crossings. A 1422. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal cases for the storage of explosives. This decision modifies decision B 1384. t A 1424. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in constructing underground conduits for tele- graph and telephone wires and cables. B 1425. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in erecting poles, and in fixing, laying, or jointing overhead or under- ground telegraph and telephone wires and cables. A 1427. Workmen (other than carvers) engaged wholly or mainly in making or in erecting in churches, seating, reredoses, screens, fonts or pulpits of wood or stone, other than fonts or pulpits which are completed in the workshops, taken to the site in one piece, and not screwed, nailed or fixed in any way or scribed. A 1428. Workmen (other than gardeners) employed in laying out a new burial ground, in- cluding construction of paths, erection of walls, &c. A 1429. Workmen engaged in making up, i.e., shaping, cpreing, metalling and paving, for the first time, a privately-owned road pre- viously partially formed. (See also decision A 1498.) A 1430. Workmen engaged in erecting fencing round reservoirs, filter-beds, or other works of construction in connection with the con- struction, reconstruction or alteration of such works. * Decision B 847 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of rail bank workmen employed in connection with rolling mills, and engaged in straightening, drilling, planing and dressing, cutting, loading and discharging rolled rails. f Decision B 1384 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in making sheet metal cylinders and cases for the packing and transit of explosives. 104 1431 1439 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1431. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction, alteration, repair or decora- tion, including wiring for electric lighting, of poultry houses which have foundations. A 1432. Workmen described as ship sealers engaged partly in scaling and partly in cleaning ship's boilers, or in other work described in decision A 1131. A 1433. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in setting up machines for screwing or other work in connection with the manufacture of metal belt fasteners. A 1434. Workmen employed in connection with construction of works, and engaged in rough trimming stone on the site of the works, after it has been removed from the quarry. A 1435. Lavatory attendants employed in connec- tion with any insured trade. A 1436. Workmen engaged in (a) excavating drain trenches alongside or across existing roads and laying, for the first time, surface-water and sub-soil drains, or channelling; (b) making-up or paving, for the first time, foot-paths previously partially formed. (See also decision A 1498.) B 1437. Workmen engaged in the upkeep of fires for drying the brickwork of new coke ovens. A 1438. Workmen employed by colliery companies, and engaged wholly or mainly in the repair of steam boilers at collieries. *B 1439. A sea-going engineer engaged in the construction, alteration, repair or decoration of ships, boats, or other craft, provided that he holds a discharge book or certifi- cate of discharge, and that : (i.) such book or certificate shows that he was employed as a member of a ship's crew (a) at some period within the preceding 12 months, and (b) for at least 13 weeks * See paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work. 105 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1441 1455 JHote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. in the 12 months immediately preceding the last date of discharge; and (tt.) he declares his intention of going to sea again as soon as he has the opportunity. Note. Contributions will in every case be payable after the lapse of 12 months from the last date of discharge. (See also decision B 1460.) B 1441. A workman employed wholly or mainly as mess-room attendant in connection with an establishment engaged in carrying on an insured trade. A 1442. Workmen engaged in asphalting school playgrounds adjoining the buildings. This decision modifies decision B 738. A 1443. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in casting iron or steel carving forks and steels. A 1445. Workmen engaged (1) in building on the site urinals, shelters of iron and similar structures ; or (2) in the preparation in a workshop of iron- work of such structures. A 1446. Workmen employed at a pipe foundry and engaged in painting castings such as iron pipes. A 1448. Workmen engaged in preparing or erecting lych gates. A 1450. Workmen employed by a copper smelting company, and engaged in the upkeep and repair of machinery, including machinery connected with calciner furnaces. A 1451. Workmen engaged in overhauling and re- pairing old engines and machinery for the purpose of rendering them fit for re-use. A 1453. Workmen engaged in converting foreign automatic machines to suit English coins. A 1455. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in driving a steam navvy used in connection with the construction, reconstruction or alteration of railways, docks or other works of construction. 106 1456 1463 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1456. Workmen employed by cartridge manu- facturers, and engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of machine tools or small tools for use in machines. A 1457. Workpeople employed by a firm of tube manufacturers and described as (1) Toolsetters. (2) Toolmakers. (3) Carpenters engaged in general repairs to the premises, or in making patterns for the foundry. (4) All classes of workpeople described in decisions A 54 and A 58. A 1458. Workmen engaged in removing a portion of a slag tip in order to prepare the ground for the erection of buildings and plant. *B 1460. Any workman engaged in the construction, alteration, repair, or decoration of ships, boats or other craft, pro- vided that he holds a discharge book or certificate of discharge, and that : (i.) such book or certificate shows that he was employed as a member of a ship's crew (a) at some period within the preceding 12 months, and (b) for at least 13 weeks in the 12 months immediately preceding the last date of discharge; and (ii.) he declares his intention of going to sea again as soon as he has the opportunity. Note. Contributions will in every case be payable after the lapse of 12 months from the last date of discharge. A 1461. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of cycle and motor cycle saddles, including the fitting together of parts, but not includ- ing leather workers or the makers of coil springs. This decision modifies decision B 1333. t (See also decisions A 2152X and A 2404X.) A 1463. Workmen employed in excavating or in other work in a motor garage in connection with the construction of an inspection pit. * See paragraph 16, page vii, with reference to the question of munitions work. f Decision B 1333 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed by a saddle-making firm, and engaged in fitting together metal and leather parts of cycle and motor cycle saddles. 107 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1465 1476 " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1465. Workmen employed by a railway company, and engaged in putting additional cables for electric light or power into existing culverts, the cost being charged to a revenue suspense account. A 1466. A workman employed by a builder wholly or mainly as a yard labourer checking stuff in and out and keeping stock straight. A 1467. Workmen employed in fixing and keeping in order sheets of iron on a factory floor to save wear and tear. A 1468. Workmen employed in machining cast-iron rope wheels for hoists. A 1470. Workmen engaged in repairing typewriters by substituting new for defective parts, or otherwise repairing. This decision supersedes decision B 354.* JB 1472. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in -fixing anthra- cite stoves ivhere no brickwork is required. A 1473. Workmen employed at quarries or else- where, and engaged in machining stone for insured trades. A 1475. Workmen described in decision A 1375 when engaged wholly or mainly in the mainten- ance and upkeep of steel works plant. A 1476. Workmen engaged as viewers, inspectors, gangers, or examiners employed in connec- tion with any insured trade, whose work consists of (1) testing component parts with gauges ; (2) counting parts; (3) putting together parts to see of they fit ; or (4) other similar work which is such that it can be done either by an unskilled person, or by a person having the training of a turner, fitter, or other mechanic. * Decision B 354 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed by a typewriter company, and engaged in the work of : (1) Aligning and adjusting typewriters shipped from abroad ; (2) Cleaning and adjusting typewriters in use by the general public. I 108 1477 1481 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1477. Contributions are not payable (except by agreement between the employer and workman) in respect of workmen, employed in an insured trade in a district which is rural in its character who usually follow in that district some occupation other than an insured trade, provided that all the following conditions are fulfilled: (a) the workmen are employed so near their homes that they do not require to travel by rail; (b) the workmen have not been employed in an insured trade for more than thirteen weeks in the two years preceding the commencement of the employment; and (c) the employment has not amounted to 'more than thir- teen weeks in an insured trade within two years. This decision, together with decision A 1478 below, supersedes decisions B 1288 and B 1373. A 1478. Workmen employed in an insured trade in a district which is rural in its character who usually follow in that district some occupation other than an insured trade (a) from the commencement of such employ- ment if (1) the workmen are employed at such a distance from their homes as to require them to travel by rail; or (2) if they have been employed anywhere in an insured trade for a total of thir- teen weeks in the two years preceding the commencement of the employment ; (b) otherwise, after the employment has amounted to thirteen weeks in an insured trade within two years. This decision, together with decision B 1477 above, supersedes decisions B 1288 and B 1373. A 1479. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of wooden rollers for flax spinning machinery, including the pro- cesses of boring, drilling, turning, fluting, &c. A 1481. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fix- ing lift enclosures in buildings, including the work of marking out, putting in position, &c. 109 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1482 1495 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. 11 B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1482. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in digging and constructing military entrench- ments. A 1483. Workmen described as sheet metal workers, and engaged in the manufacture of (1) G-ear cases, petrol tanks, hoods, guards, silencers, rims, wings, sides, panels, bon- nets, radiators, for motor cars or motor cycles ; (2) power-driven fans ; (2) sheet metal ranges for ships; ships' fun- nels; ventilator cowls for ships; (4) automatic machines; mechanically-actu- ated petrol air gas apparatus ; (5) power-driven tea mixing, milling and blending machines; (6) tin rollers for spinning mules; cylinders and copper rollers for drying machines; sliver cans ; (7) submarine or divers' helmets ; (8) any other sheet metal works or stampings for use in the trades of mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, or construction of vehicles, except such articles as are specifically included in decision A 2S28X. This decision modifies any previous decision with which it may be in conflict. A 1485. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in re- pairing quarry tubs or wagons. A 1487. Fitters, turners, machinists, or other work- men engaged wholly or mainly in repairing machinery connected with galvanising pots. A 1488. Workmen engaged in cutting and machining worms and wheels for use in connection with searchlights. A 1489. Joiners engaged partly in joinery, sawing, &c., and partly in setting out in connection with any insured trade. A 1491. War refugees employed as workmen in insured trades. A 1494. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of steam-jacketed pans for preserve or confectionery manufacturers. A 1495. Workmen engaged in making floating targets. 110 1496 1502 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1496. Workmen engaged in making drag devices for textile machinery. B 1497. Persons described as piecework counters or measurers in connection with shipbuilding. A 1498. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in re- surfacing existing roads where it is neces- sary to relay or to strengthen the founda- tions, including laying for the first time, or relaying, concrete underlying wood, stone, brick, asphalte, &c., but excluding (1) putting a thin layer of concrete over exist- ing concrete merely for the purpose of smoothing the surface or of adjusting the level ; (2) reinstatement of the roadway solely in connection with repairs to mains or to tram- way lines ; (3) work in connection with isolated patching of foundations. This decision modifies any previous decision with which it may be in conflict. A 1499. Workmen described as hosiery mechanics or machine charge hands, and engaged wholly or mainly in the upkeep and repair of hosiery machinery. B 1500. Workmen employed at factories in the manufacture of tar macadam. A 1501. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of brake blocks for vehicles, other than such as are described in decision No. B 558*. (See also decisions B 2206 and A 2220X.) A 1502. Pig bed moulders and their labourers em- ployed at iron or steel works and engaged mainly in casting tuyere pipes, shutters, &c., in connection with the upkeep of blast furnaces. This decision reverses decision B 1374 (4).f Decision B 558 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in sawing, moulding, &c., brake blocks for cycles, from compressed paper and (or) vulcanised fibre. f Decision B 1374 (4) was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed wholly or mainly in the maintenance and upkeep of blast furnace plant, coke oven plant, and their bye-product plants (other than buildings and machinery or vehicles), and described as pig-bed moulders and their labourers. Ill DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1503 1516 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1503. Workmen described as pin machine minders, and engaged in making and setting tools for pin machines making any class of pins. A 1504. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making odd sides, in plaster, for use in iron foundries, or in brass, &c., foundries covered by decision A 23. (See also decision A 1965X.) A 1506. Rivet makers employed at an establishment which is engaged wholly or mainly in carry- ing on any insured trade, and engaged in making rivets to be used in constructing other products in the same establishment. A 1507. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of tubes for shrapnel shells. A 1508. Workmen employed by glaziers or builders and engaged in cutting glass for buildings. A 1511. Mechanics and their helpers engaged partly in the repair and upkeep of machinery and partly in machining flanged or special pipes. This decision modifies decision B 1452.* B 1513. Workmen employed in connection with exhibitions and engaged wholly or mainly in putting together ready- made parts of exhibition stands such as are not made for one special occasion; laying linoleum, putting on bunting, fyc. This decision modifies decision A 1351. A 1514. Workmen employed at collieries or quarries and engaged wholly or mainly in the manu- facturd of iron or wooden trams, tubs, hutches or corves. A 1515. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction of tar boilers or asphalte cauldrons. A 1516. Workmen employed by a gun manufacturer partly in shooting guns and rifles for the purpose of testing, and partly in adjusting sights, &c. * Decision B 1452 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed by pipe founders, and engaged wholly or mainly in machining the faces or flanges or other parts of cast-iron pipes. 112 1521 1532 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1521. All workmen engaged in the manufacture of fuses (exclusive of filling!) for use in connection with artillery ammunition. This decision is a revised wording of decision A 514, B 1522. Workmen engaged in the repair or maintenance of turntables for railway trucks or wagons. A 1523. Workmen engaged in the repair or main- tenance of railway engine turntables. A 1524. Workmen engaged in fitting, cutting, and erecting girders and steel netting for the protection of buildings from bombs. A 1525. Workmen engaged in fixing or polishing on the site artificial marble or in making or preparing such marble in a workshop to specification for a particular building. A 1526. Workmen engaged in turning iron rolls for rolling brass, nickel-silver, or other metals. A 1527. Workmen engaged in cutting or in machining copper rings for use as shell bands. A 1528. Workmen engaged in filing dies and cutters for stamping table blades. A 1529. Workmen (excluding engravers) engaged in making sword hilts, in fitting them to blades, or in making metal parts of scabbards. See also decision A 1209. A 1531. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making engine covers for mptor boats. A 1532. Workmen engaged in turning, machining, or finishing moulds or patterns of iron or steel for use in connection with the shaping of rubber, vulcanite, ebonite, &c, This decision reverses decision B 932* in so far as the two may conflict. f The position of workmen engaged in filling is dea with in decision A 2405X. I, * Decision B 932 was to the effect that contribution B were not payable in respect of a workman engaged in making moulds for shaping micanite for use in the manufacture of insulators. 113 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 15341550 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1534. Workmen engaged in repairing lock gates constructed wholly or mainly of iron or steel which are removed from their posi- tions for repair. This decision modifies decisions B 654 and B 655. A 1535. Workmen described as lace-curtain machine inside hands. This decision reverses decision B 797 (1). A 1537. Workmen who are employed in an establish- ment which is engaged wholly or mainly in the repair of vehicles and who are engaged in making iron and steel hardware in con- nection with such repair work. This decision modifies decision B 1295.* A 1538. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of pit cages. A 1539. Storekeepers and assistants employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour in connection with factories and workshops which are engaged in carrying on insured trades. A 1540. Workmen employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour and engaged in assist- ing testers of electrical machinery. B 1541. Testers of electrical machinery who are not employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour. A 1543. Workmen (including women) engaged in packing shrapnel shells with bullets, resin, &c. A 1547. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of aeroplane bombs other than those described in decision A 2337X. B 1549. Charwomen engaged in cleaning offices. A 1550. Workmen employed by timber merchants to erect fences under a sub-contract from builders when the erection of the fences would have been insured work if done direct by the builders. * Decision B 1295 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in the manufacture of iron and steel hardware for vehicles, and not employed in mechanical engineering or in vehicle constructing establishments. 114 1551 1564 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1551. Workmen employed in fitting together and assembling parts of blowpipes, regulators and metal cutters for oxy-acetylene welding. A 1552. All classes of workpeople engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of twist drills, reamers, cutters, metal-slitting saws, taps, dies, tube expanders or ratchet braces. This decision rrmst be taken as modifying any decision with which it is in conflict. A 1553. Workmen engaged in making iron or steel piston rings. A 1554X. Sewing machinists and hand needle- women employed in the making of shirts, haversacks, gas masks, kit bags, water- bottle covers for military purposes. A1555X. Workmen employed in ironmongers' shops, and engaged wholly or mainly in the repair of locks, keys, saucepans, kettles and similar metal utensils. A 1556X. Workmen employed as solder makers and engaged in melting, mixing and pouring of scrap white metals. A 1557. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of canopies for perambulators. A 1558X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cutting and sewing cotton bandoliers ordered by the Director of Army Contracts. A 1560X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of iron and steel tubes and fittings. A 1561X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of portable cans, small tanks, aluminium boxes and gauges. A 1562X. Workmen engaged in sawmilling or ma- chine woodwork for colliery purposes. A 1563. Workmen engaged in rolling to special shape, finishing and screwing streamline wires for aeroplanes. A 1564X. Workmen engaged in the repair (includ- ing cleaning) of gas cookers, gas fires, gas boilers and gas radiators, and in the repair of gas fittings. 115 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1565 1575 Sote. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1565X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of bolts, nuts and rivets. (See also decision A 353 (a).) A 1566X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of military equipment, tents, projectile slings, lanyards, grenade buckets and tarpaulins for military use. A 1567X. All workmen engaged in the manufacture of domestic tanks, cisterns and hot water cylinders, metal cattle troughs, &c. B 1568. Workmen employed in manufacturing machine-made oakum from Indian jute or Indian hemp. A 1569X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of British warm (mounted) service coats and Serbian great coats for military use. A 1570X. Fitters, pressers, turners, polishers and other workmen (including labourers) en- gaged in the manufacture of locks. A 1571X. Oil blenders, varnish makers, gum runners for varnish making, labourers, packers, grease makers, engineers, and any other workmen employed in connection with the manufacture of varnish. A 1572X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of leather, chamois and doeskin gloves. A 1573X. Workmen (male or female) engaged wholly or mainly (1) on the manufacture of tents, sleeping bags, tarpaulins, wagon covers for the War Office; (2) on the manufacture of projectile slings of web fitted with wooden battens for the Ministry of Munitions; or (3) as warehousemen or packers of any kind employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour in connection with the above classes of work for the War Office and the Ministry of Munitions. A 1574X. Workmen engaged in making spiral springs. A 1575X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of ladies' leather hand- bags or of fancy leather articles, such as photo frames, cigarette cases, &c. 116 1576 1586 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1576X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of small gold and silver articles, such as cigarette cases and photo frames. B 1577. Workmen employed to unload drays, stock, and load up again on despatch, goods such as iron and steel bars, sheets, plates. A 1578X. Tailors, machinists, pressers, and other workmen (including labourers) engaged wholly or mainly in making leather suits for the Royal Flying Corps, leather motor clothing and leather clothing generally. A 1579X. Workmen (including labourers) engaged in the manufacture of engineering bricks from colliery shale. A 1580X. Workmen (including women) employed in a firm of coffin furniture manufacturers and engravers who are engaged in making metal articles of coffin furniture, and in- cluding engravers, blackers, bronzers, lace cutters, lacquerers, packers, wrappers, rough warehousemen (including women), porters, messengers (if employed mainly on the premises), power motor attendants. B 1581. Workmen employed as colliers and miners of fireclay and coal. A 1582X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of metal safety pins, including cleaning, plating and japanning. B 1584. Workmen (including women) engaged in spinning fln.v yarn or in weaving such yarn into sailcloth. A 1585X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal buckets, baths and dustbins. B 1586. Workmen (including women) engaged wholly or mainly in (1) the manufacture by hand of garden rustic goods (seats, chairs, arches, etc.); (2) collecting waste wood, chopping odd pieces into chips by hand, and bundling the pieces in machines operated by foot power. 117 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1587 1597 Note. " A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A1587X. Workmen (including women) engaged wholly or mainly in cutting by means of a circular saw or other machinery (1) timber for use in the manufacture of garden rustic goods (seats, chairs, arches, &c.), or (2) colliery pit props and sleepers. A1588X. Workmen employed as makers or finishers of metal guides for use in the manufacture of velvet. A 1589X. All workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal bedsteads, including casting, painting, ornamenting, assembling, polish- ing, lacquering, wrapping in paper, and packing. A 1590X. Acidmen, detoluator men, nitrator men, sulphonator men, granulators, drying house men, laboratory men, packers, and all other classes of workmen and labourers employed in the manufacture of picric acid, T.N.T., and similar substances. A 1591X. Workmen engaged in brass founding, brass turning, screwing and drilling tin and sheet metal work, in connection with the manufacture of miners' lamps and apparatus. A 1592X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of steel rolling shutters. B 1593. Workmen employed by a firm of metal merchants, sorting and cleaning metal, or breaking, cutting and sorting scrap. A 1594X. Workmen and labourers engaged in the manufacture, including wheeling and bag- ging, of chemical manures or artificial fertilisers. A 1595X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the manufacture of military musical in- struments. B 1596. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cotton waste spinning, whether intended for war purposes or not, B 1597. Workmen engaged in quarrying limestone or other stone. 118 1598 1607 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire ihat contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1598X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of Army uniforms under contract or sub- contract from the War Office. A 1599X. Nitrator men, refrigerator men, separator tower men, wash-house men, acidmen, mixing house men, incorporators, acetone recovery men, dryers, blenders, pressmen, magazine men, and all other classes of workmen and labourers employed in the manufacture of cordite, guncotton, and similar substances. A 1600X. Annealers, blockers, capmakers, envelope drawers, lead coremakers, fillers, press- workers, wad cutters and all other classes of workmen and labourers employed in the manufacture of cartridges for small arms. B 1601. Workmen employed as storemen by a firm of cement merchants, and engaged in receiving and despatching cement. A 1602X. Workmen, including warehousemen, en- gaged in the manufacture of French polish and spirit varnish. A1603X. Axe makers, knife and scissors forgers, sawsmiths, scythe makers, hardeners, polishers, engravers, and all other classes of workmen and labourers engaged in the manufacture of cutlery or edge tools. (See also decision B 2363.) A 1604X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the manufacture of spare wheels for motor cars. B 1605. Workmen employed as getters, dryers and grinders of fuller's earth or as steam wagoners and general labourers employed in connection therewith. A 1606X. Workmen engaged in making, painting or repairing, metal safes, strong rooms or other kindred objects. A 1607X. Workmen, including mixers, metal smiths, metal spinners, silversmiths, and other workmen, engaged in the manufac- ture or repair of Britannia metal goods. 119 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1608 1618 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1608X. Blenders, brimstone grinders, charcoal grinders, granulators, incorporators, reelers, sizers, sifters, labourers, and all other classes of workmen employed in the manufacture of gunpowder. B 1609. Workmen engaged in making imitation leather not intended for use in war. A 1610X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the manufacture of metal pins for use in textile machinery. A 1611X. Workmen engaged in fitting up, finishing ready for sale, or repairing metal gas cook- ing apparatus, coal and coke stoves, ranges or grates, and gas stoves, including work- men engaged in assembling, grinding, polishing, blacking, packing and despatch- ing. A 1612X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture and assembling of pyrometers and other instruments, composed wholly or mainly of metal. A 1613X. Workmen engaged in making metal hel- mets or body armour. A 1614X. All classes of workmen employed in sheet, black plate, tin and terne plate works. A 1615X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as silversmiths, silver mounters and silver polishers. A 1616X. All classes of workmen engaged in the manufacture of aniline dyes. A 1617X. All classes of labourers in factories and workshops or in yards or stores imme- diately connected therewith, when the aforesaid factories or workshops are wholly or mainly engaged in carrying on any of the trades insured under the provisions of the First Schedule to the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, or wholly or mainly in munitions work. A 1618X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of rum and vinegar jars intended for use in war. 120 1619 1631 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1619X. Workmen engaged in making and repair- ing (1) Ships' binnacles and binnacle lamps ; (2) Ships' compasses; (3) Nautical instruments. A 1620X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of radiators. A 1621X. Workmen engaged wholly 01 mainly in the manufacture of cod liver oil. A 1622X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of breeze concrete partitions for buildings. A 1623X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of buffalo-hide pickers. A 1624X. Workmen engaged in making annealing pots for tinplate works. A 1625X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the manufacture of metal hand tools. A1626X. Workmen, described as moulders, core- makers, casters, pourers, smelters, crucible men, trimmers, firemen and all other classes of workmen and their assistants and labourers, employed by firms of brass- founders or brassfinishers in foundries or finishing shops which are working in aluminium or in brass, bronze, gun-metal or other alloy, or in yards or stores imme- diately connected therewith. (See also decision A 23.) B 1627. Workmen employed by a firm of cleaners and dyers who are engaged in cleaning or dyeing clothing not intended for use in war. B 1628. Workmen employed in mining ironstone or limestone. A 1629X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of sporting ammunition. B 1630. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of baskets and skips from cane and willow wood not intended for use in war. A 1631X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as file-cutters, hardeners, grinders, &c. 121 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1632 1640 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. *B 1632. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of boxes made of card, paper, chip, or other similar material. A 1633X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal electric light and gas fittings, includ- ing pendants, brackets, metal hall lamps, main cocks, unions, swivels, &c. B 1634. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of gas mantles for sale to munition factories. A 1635X. Workmen of all kinds employed in the manufacture of wire ropes, including those engaged in handling wire on receipt, testing wire (if engaged wholly or mainly by way of manual labour), winding wire on the bobbins preparatory to spinning, spinning wire into strands, closing strands into ropes, splicing thimbles or other fittings on to the ropes, or otherwise splicing ropes, packing ropes or preparing them for de- spatch, or in running (including upkeep) of plant, or as labourers, whether such wire ropes are intended for use in war or not. A 1636. Workmen, including machinists and un- skilled labourers, engaged in the manufac- ture of percussion primers or friction tubes for artillery ammunition. A 1637X. All workmen (other than fellmongers) en- gaged in preparing or converting hides or skins into leather (including the processes of currying, dressing and finishing). A 1638X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of parchment, vellum or raw hide leather. A 1639X. All workmen engaged in the manufacture of india-rubber, gutta percha, balata or ebonite, or in reclaiming waste rubber. A 1640X. Workmen (including labourers) employed at blast furnace works, or in the yards or stores immediately connected therewith, and engaged in calcining ironstone for use in the blast furnaces. (See also decision A 2071X.) * Decision B 1632 has been modified by decision A 2144X. 11937 E 122 1641 1649 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. fi A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. '* B numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1641X. Workmen (including labourers) engaged in the manufacture of pig-iron, wrought- iron and steel, in the rolling thereof, or in forging of all descriptions whether by hand or machinery. B 1642. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of vests, socks, stockings, body belts or other articles of hosiery, when such articles are for ordinary commercial use and not for use in war. A 1643X. Workpeople engaged in the manufacture of vests, socks, stockings, body belts, or other articles of hosiery intended for use in war. A 1644X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of roofing felts. A 1645X. W r knien engaged in the manufacture of white lead, lead oxide, silicate of lead, nitrate of lead, theosulphate of lead, or other lead compounds, and described as processmen, gas plant workers, gas engine drivers, steam boiler attendants and yard labourers. A 1646X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in repairing furnaces or other plant used either in munitions work as defined by the Munitions of War Acts, 1915 and 1916, or in any trade mentioned in the First Schedule to the National Insurance (Part II) (Muni- tion Workers) Act, 1916 (other than work- men engaged wholly or mainly in the repair of buildings or machinery, who are insured under the provisions of Part II of the National Insurance Act, 1911). A 1647X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of earthenware plates, bowls, &c., for the Army or Navy. A 1648X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of hospital furniture con- structed of metal, i.e., operating tables, ward tables, leg baths, sterilizers, &c. A 1649X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of stiffeners, shanks and boards for boots and shoes if composed wholly or mainly of leather, including compressed leather from leather shreds. 123 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1650 1662 . " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1650X. Workmen engaged in drawing, annealing, cleaning or finishing wire, or in weaving wire by hand or machine. A 1651X. Smiths, stampers, piercers, and other workmen engaged in general oddwork on metal goods. A 1652X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in converting timber or logs into planks, boards or scantlings, by machinery, includ- ing workmen employed by timber mer- chants who own or work sawmills. B 1653. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in gilding, and in the repair of gilt work on picture frames. A 1654X. Workmen engaged in polishing, plating or enamelling metal goods, whether carried on as a separate business or in conjunction with other manufacturing processes, and whether in connection with articles in- tended for use in war or not. B 1655. Workmen engaged a$ polishers and assemblers of small celluloid ornaments. A 1656X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of alizarine dyes. B 1657. Workmen' engaged in weaving cotton cloth to be used in the manufacture of card clothing. A 1658X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as spectacle glaziers and fitters of lenses to spectacle frames for the Army. A 1659X. Workmen (including packers) engaged in the manufacture (including nickel plating) of needles, pins, hatpins, or metal crochet hooks. A 1660X. Workmen employed in connection with the extraction of sulphur from pyrites, and in connection with any further treatment of burnt ore for the production of iron or copper. B 1661. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly -in quarrying sand- stone for making grindstones. A 1662X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the conversion of soda ash into soda crystals. 11937 E 2 124 1663 1674 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note." A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1663X. Workmen employed in a smelting works, i.e., for the recovery of tin and steel from tinplate scrap. B 1664. Cooks, mess-room attendants and other workpeople employed wholly or mainly in canteens preparing food for workpeople in munitions factories or othef factories or workshops engaged in any insured trade. B 1665. Workmen employed by a rubber merchant and not employed in connection with the manufacture of rubber or rubber goods. A 1666X. Workmen employed in the manufacture or repair, including soldering, of : (1) metal stamping to form artificial wreaths ; (2) metal table decorations to hold cut flowers ; (3) metal epergnes and crosses for graves. A1667X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of plumbago crucibles for use in the manu- facture of munitions of war. A 1668X. Workmen (including labourers) engaged in the extraction of potash from waste pro- ducts by solution. A 1669X. All classes of workmen employed in the manufacture of metal needles. A 1670X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture, including engraving and polishing of brass memorial tablets and name plates. B 1671. Workmen engaged in felling timber or in cross-cutting timber by hand. B 1672. Workmen engaged in spinning or weaving in connection with the manufacture of materials for making surgical dressings. A 1673X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of surgical dressings, whether intended for use in war or not, other than those engaged in spinning or weaving the materials. A 1674X. Workmen, including grindstone turners and holers, sawyers, enginemen and labourers, employed wholly or mainly in the manufacture of grindstones for use in the manufacture of munitions of war. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1675 1685 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1675X. Workwomen engaged wholly or mainly in making up shell bags of textile materials under contract with the Ministry of Munitions. * B 1676. Workmen (including women) engaged in spinning cotton yarns, or condenser yarns not containing wool. * 1677X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture (excluding weaving or any anterior pro- cess) of towels, sponge cloths, handker- chiefs, sheets, &c., when intended for the Army or Navy. A 1678X. Workmen described as stampers, bur- nishers, warehousemen, press hands and cleaners, and engaged in the manufacture of metal buttons. A 1679X. Plumbers engaged in general repair work at ironmongers' shops. A 1680X. Forgers, filers, grinders, turners, and finishers engaged in the manufacture of surgical instruments. A 1681X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of vulcanite penholders and fountain pens made from vulcanite rods. B 1682. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in handling timber in yards which are not immediately connected with sawmills or machine woodworking establishments, or establishments engaged wholly or mainly in carry- ing on any other insured trade or munitions work. A 1683X. Oil blenders engaged in blending lubri- cating and burning oils. B 1684. Foremen, booking clerks in the works, timekeepers, caretakers or watchmen, unless engaged wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, employed in connec- tion with any trade insured under the National Insur- ance (Unemployment} Acts, 1911-1916, or in connec- tion with munitions work. A 1685. Workmen engaged in finishing the chan- nelling of wing spars and ash parts of aeroplanes. * See also Unemployment Insurance (Munition Workers) Exclusion Order, 1916, p.v. 11937 E 3 126 1686 1695 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1686. Workmen employed ax warehousemen, porters, carriers, messengers, timekeepers, cleaners or oilier general labour at commercial warehouses used for the purposes of storage and sale, and not immediately connected with a factory or workshop which is engaged in carry- ing on any insured trade. A 1687X. Workmen employed (a) In manufacturing and compressing oxy- gen gas into cylinders, including labourers loading, unloading, &c. (b) In annealing, testing and valving oxygen cylinders. A 1688X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of borax and boron products. A 1689X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of all classes of bricks, including stock bricks, facing bricks, glazed bricks, silica bricks and firebricks, whether moulded or formed by hand or by machinery. A 1690X. Workmen engaged in (1) Armature and coil winding, (2) Mica and insulation cutting, (3) Commutator assembling, in connection with the manufacture of electrical machinery and instruments. A 1691X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of electrical recording, measuring and testing instruments, such as ammeters, voltmeters, meggers, &c. A 1692X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture (including assembling) of sparking plugs and magnetos. A 1693X. Workmen (other than those engaged in the manufacture of porcelain parts) en- gaged in the manufacture (including as- sembling) of small electrical switches, fuses and lampholders. A 1694X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of electrical batteries and accumulators. B 1695. Workmen (other than metal filament and metal cap makers) engaged in the manufacture of electric glow lamps, unless these are intended for use in icar. 127 DECISIONS OF INK r.Mi'iuE. 16961705 . ' A '' numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1696. Workmen engaged in cleaning, carding, spinning and other ////)< v.w.v up to and including ir caving of textile materials (other than balloon fabric or materials con- taining i coo]}.'* A 1697X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture (including purifying, re- fining and recrystallising) of fine and phar- maceutical chemicals (including alkaloids). B 1698. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the compound- ing and preparing for sale of tinctures, extracts, pills, tablets, ointments, and similar pharmaceutical and galenical preparations, unless covered by decision A 1697X, and provided that the said preparations are not intended for use in war. A1699X. All workmen engaged in connection with the manufacture of vegetable oils. A 1700X. Workmen engaged in melting steel for steel foundries or in working producer gas plant in connection therewith. B 1701. Workmen employed at fire-clay mines, including clay getters, banksmen, and haulage-men taking the clay to the tipping mound. A 1702X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of tin boxes, including packers, lift atten- dants, japanners of boxes, storekeepers if employed mainly in manual labour, waste and tin scrap sorters. B 1703. \Voi-knivn cn(! in assembling boxes of cardboard with tin A1704X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of lacquers, whether for war purposes or otherwise B 1705. \\~orkmen engaged in the manufacture of overalls or other garments (not being leather goods or goods made from nthher) to be worn hij munition workers or by workers in any of the trades in.fi/i-rfj under tlie National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers} Act, 1916. * See also Unemployment Insurance (Munition Workers) Exclusion Order 1916, p. v. 11937 E 4 128 1706 1718 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE NOT PAYABLE. A 1706X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of card clothing, including the making of foundations, but not including weaving, when such card clothing is to be used in munitions work. (See also decision A 2147X.) A 1707X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of (1) waterproof ground sheets, (2) flexible speaking tubes for ships, whether intended for use in war or not. A 1709X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal pens. B 1710. Workmen employed by electric cable manufacturers and engaged in insulating cables with paper, fibre or similar material other than rubber or gutta percha, not intended for use in war. A 1711X. Workmen employed by electric cable manufacturers and engaged in: (1) stranding wire; (2) insulating with rubber or gutta percha ; (3) lead sheathing or armouring. A 1712X. All classes of workmen engaged in the manufacture of golf balls. A 1713X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of rubber solution. B 1714. Persons described as calibrators or test room assistants, and engaged 'mainly in calibrating or testing electrical instruments. A 1715X. Workmen employed by an iron and steel and shipbuilding company as locomotive drivers, wagon shunters, railway guards and wagon checkers, employed mainly on the works premises. A 1716X. Workmen (including women, and boys and girls over 16 years of age) engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of naval and military embroidered badges. A 1717X. Workmen engaged in making hats or caps intended for use in war. B 1718. Workmen engaged in making hats or caps of cloth, felt, silk or straw, not intended for use in war. 129 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1719 1729 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1719X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making leather goods such as ventilators, bands or straps for hats or caps whether in- tended for use in war or not. A1720X. Workmen (including women, and boys and girls over 16 years of age) engaged wholly or mainly in preparing cotton waste for use in the manufacture of explosives. B 1721. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of compound cake and employed in the department or factory which is not engaged in the manufacture of oil. B 1722. Workmen engaged in transporting munitions to or from a national factory, store, bond or warehouse, and, not employed wholly or mainly on the factory premises. B 1723. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of sealing wax. B 1724. Workmen employed in assembling parts of banjos. A 1725X. Workmen employed in the manufacture or repair of gas meters, including painting, testing, examining, packing, leather sewing. A 1726X. Workmen employed either at separate munitions stores, inspection bonds or ware- houses under the control of the Ministry of Munitions of War, and engaged: (1) as examiners and viewers in examining component parts; (2) in storing, packing or despatching com- ponent parts; (3) in connection with the storage of scrap metal pending its removal to smelters or elsewhere. B 1727. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of clock cases of materials other than metal, excluding those engaged in machine wood work, or in leather work. A 1728X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of clock mechanisms. *B 1729. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in shoeing horses. * Decision B 1729 has been superseded by decision A 2014X in so far as it conflicts therewith. 130 1730 1741 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1730X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making horseshoes. B 1731. Searchers or detectives employed in or about munitions works. B 1732. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of oil baize cloth or American cloth, or in mixing the compositions used in connection therewith. A 1733X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of clog irons. B 1734. Boatmen or watermen employed at establishments engaged in carrying on any of the trades mentioned in the schedules to the National Insurance (Unemploy- ment) Acts, 1911 to 1916, or engaged in munitions Work, when such boatmen or watermen are employed mainly off the premises of such establishments. A 1735X. Tinners and light sheet metal workers making saucepans and similar goods ; stove piping, &c., &c. [*A1736X. Workmen engaged in the extraction of oil from waste materials from woollen mills.] A 1737X All workmen engaged either on hand or machine work in the manufacture of plain wooden boxes for confectionery. B 1738. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of cotton fabric for tyres. A 1739X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of grinding wheels for use in the manufacture of munitions of war. A1740X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of matches, and engaged in machine sawing or other machine woodwork up to and in- cluding the splitting of wood for splints. B 1741. Workmen employed in the manufacture of matches, other than those included under decision A 1740X, unless engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of mate-ties intended for use in war. * This decision is not now operative. See decision B2322. 131 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1742 1750 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1742X. Workmen (including labourers) en- gaged :- (1) in weaving, making, varnishing, attaching to wood frames, or packing wire mat- tresses ; (2) in machine sawing or other machine woodworking (including sandpapering by machine) for wood bedsteads or wood frames for mattresses. B 1743. Workmen en-gay ed wholly or mainly in: (1) making wood bedsteads by hand, including those employed in assembling, polishing, Tarnishing or pack- ing, or as labourers; (2) making flock mattresses (including packers and labourers); unless intended for use in war. A 1744X. Workmen engaged in sawmilling or ma- chine woodwork in connection with the manufacture of pianos or piano actions. A 1745X. Workmen engaged in making the metal component parts of pianos, such as iron frames, wrest pins, &c. B 1746. Workmen, other than those covered by decisions A 1744 and A 1745X, engaged in connection with the construction of pianos and piano actions. A 1747X. Workmen (including women) engaged wholly or mainly in making up waterproof garments, ground sheets, buckets, baths, waders and similar articles made from rubber-proofed fabric. A 1748X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture or repair (including assembling) of watches and clocks. A 1749X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture or repair of articles of gold, silver, electro- plate, rolled gold and other metals (exclud- ' ing assistants in sale room not engaged wholly or mainly in wrapping, carding or boxing.) B 1750. Workmen employed in retail shops and engaged, wholly or mainly in cleaning and adjusting watches and clocks. 132 1751 1763 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE, Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1751. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of boots, shoes or slippers of canvas or other material not being leather or rubber, or in malting canvas, fyc., parts of boots, shoes and slippers provided that the said boots, Sec., are not intended for use in war. A 1752X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture ol leather or rubber boots or shoes or of leather or rubber parts of boots or shoes. B 1753. Drivers or attendants of vehicles employed in connec- tion with insured trades, but not employed mainly on the premises on which such trades are carried on. A1754X. Workmen engaged in drawing or distil- ling essential oils or in manufacturing similar products synthetically. A 1755X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of all classes of soap, including soft soap, soap powder and toilet soap, and including pro- cesses such as milling, perfuming, stamp- ing, wrapping or otherwise finishing for sale. B 1756. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of perfumery and not covered by decision A 1T54X. B 1757. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in digging chalk. A 1758X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of sandbags intended for use in war. B 1759. Workmen engaged in weaving cloth for the manufac- ture of sandbags. A 1760X. Workmen employed by switchgear manu- facturers, and engaged in drilling slate bases for electrical machinery which is in- tended for use in war or in the manufacture of munitions of war. B 1761. Workmen employed by a firm of soapmakers and engaged in printing, stamping and cutting cardboard cartons for packing soap. B 1762. Workmen employed by a firm of soapmakers and engaged in filling, labelling and packing per.fumes in bottles. A 1763X. Workmen employed by coke manufac- turers and engaged wholly or mainly in connection with the operation of bye-pro- duct plant for the recovery of light oils or other chemicals from the waste gas or tar. 133 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1764 1775 Note. 11 A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contnbutioi ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1764X. Workmen employed at gas works or at gas bye-products works and engaged wholly or mainly in the distillation of tar or in the extraction of light oils from tar or oil. B 1765. Workmen employed at gas works and engaged in work described in decisions B 238 and B 245 other than workmen engaged in the manufacture, packing and loading of sulphate of ammonia. A 1766X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of quarries, roofing tiles, and chimney pots. B 1767. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of glazed or un- glazed earthenware tiles, involving the use of saggers. IB 1768. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of drain pipes. A 1769X. Workmen engaged as sawyers or wood- working machinists in the manufacture of furniture. B 1770. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 1769X) engaged in the manufacture of furniture, not being intended for use in war. A 1771X. Sawmillers and other machine wood- workers engaged in the preparation of wood for use in the manufacture of brushes and brooms. *B 1772. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 1771 X) engaged in the manufacture and finishing of brushes and broom* tcJiicJt are not intended for use in war. A 1773X. Fatty acid workers, stearine makers, wick preparers, moulders and all other classes of workmen and labourers engaged in the manufacture of candles and nightlights. B 1774. Workmen (including women) engaged in the plaiting or braiding of cotton candle wicks. B 1775. Workmen employed in timber merchants' yards im- mediately connected with saivmills, if engaged mainly in handling timber which is not sawn or otherwise worked by machinery in the establishment. f Decision B 1768 has been modified by decision A 2349X. * B 1772 has been modified by decision A 2182X. 134 1776 1784 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1776X. Workmen engaged in (1) woodturning by power machinery; (2) cutting or working wooc by machinery for use in inlaying or veneering ; (3) wood bending by machinery ; (4) cutting or splitting fire-wood or pale- cleaving by machinery; (5) sand-papering wood by machinery. A 1777X. Workmen employed in a sawmilling estab- lishment as saw sharpeners, file setters, grindstone men, and not already insured under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. A 1778X. Engine drivers, stokers, crane drivers, porters, labourers and similar workmen employed (1) in sawmills or machine woodworking establishments, or in yards or stores imme- diately connected with them; (2) in timber yards, and engaged in handling timber that is sawn or otherwise worked by machinery in the same establishment. B 1779. Workmen engaged in the repair of gas holders which are built up on the site. B 1780. Workmen employed in pressing, carding, parcelling, labelling, and baling absorbent cotton wool. A 1781X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of indiarubber marking stamps whether in- tended for use in war or not. A1782X. Workmen engaged in making metal lids for hot water jugs, teapots and similar articles. B 1783. Workmen described as metal mounters and engaged in mounting metal lids on to earthemcare jucjs, tea pots and other articles of earthenware. A 1784X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour at laboratories con- .nected with the iron and steel works or other insured trades. 133 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1785 1794 Note." A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contribution! ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1785X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal conduit fittings for electrical conduit tubes, including assemblers, enamellers, finishers, packers and general labour em- ployed on the premises in connection with such manufacture (excluding workmen en- gaged in ironfounding, in respect of whom contributions are payable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911). A 1786X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making up braces if intended for use in war, or in cutting out leather tabs and making buttonholes in leather tabs for braces whether intended for use in war or not. A 1787X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of elastic hosiery intended for use in war. B 1788. Workmen (other than those engaged in the manufac- ture of rubber thread) engaged ivholly or mainly in the manufacture of elastic hosiery not intended for use in war. B 1789. Workmen (other than those engaged in the manufac- ture of rubber thread) engaged ivholly or mainly in the manufacture of elastic or rigid braids or webbing. A 1790X. Platelayers at blast furnaces or steel works employed about the works in the upkeep and repair of works' railways. A 1791X. Workmen employed by alkali manufac- turers as samplers, taking samples of chemicals out of packages for testing; branders, branding kegs and bags; crane drivers, workmen repairing bags for pack- ing chemicals, girl messengers over sixteen years of age if employed about the works. *B 1792. Lapidaries and stone setters employed in connection with the jewellery trade. A 1793X. Workmen engaged in making wooden crates for packing purposes. A 1794X. Workmen engaged in making type metal, in manufacturing metal printing type, or in cutting and finishing wood type by machinery. * Decision B 1792 has been superseded by decisions B 2162, A 2163X and A 2164X. 136 1795 1809 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1795X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of brass type for the use of bookbinders, gold blockers, &c. A 1796X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in weaving and making up nets intended for use in war. A 1797X. Workmen (including sawmillers and ma- chine woodworkers) engaged in the manu- . f acture of casks and barrels. B 1798. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal polishes. B 1799. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in printing posters, labels, fyc., whether in connection with insured trades or not. A 1800X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cutting metal stencil plates. B 1801. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of paper of all kinds. B 1802. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of garden edging tiles or -/lower pots. B 1803. Compass adjusters engaged wholly or mainly in swing- ing steamers in the river for the deviation and correc- tion of compass error. A 1804X. Workmen engaged in the repair of har- ness and saddlery intended for use in war. A1805X. Workmen engaged in proofing flax, jute, cotton, asbestos or other fabrics with rubber. A 1806X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of carbon electrodes for use in the production of munitions of war. A 1807X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of carbide of calcium. A 1808X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of fire-clay crucibles for use in the manufacture of munitions' of war. A 1809. Workmen employed in the metal testing de- partment of steel works, and engaged in sawing, slotting, turning and trepanning steel. 137 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1810 1820 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1810. Workmen engaged in the repair of harness and saddlery not intended for use in war. A 1811X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of hackles and gills for textile machinery. A 1812X. Wood turners of all kinds, machine saw- yers and other woodworking machinists engaged in the manufacture of wooden heels for boots, whether the boots are in- tended for use in war or not. B 1813. Workmen employed in making or finishing by hand wooden heels for boots, unless the boots are intended for use in war. A 1814X. Workmen engaged in making small ebonite or vulcanite parts of electrical ap- pliances, such as magnetos, sparking plugs, &c. (and not covered by decision A 1230). B 1815. Workman (other than sawmillers, machine wood- workers and workmen making metal fittings) engaged in the manufacture of coffins. B 1816. Workmen (other than sawmillers and machine wood- workers) engaged in the manufacture of type cases, cabinets, and similar articles for the use of printers. A 1817X. Workmen employed under the Chief In- spector of Equipment and Stores, Royal Dockyard, Woolwich, and engaged in (a) inspecting stores; (b) loading, unloading, marking up, bund- ling, tying, or otherwise handling stores in connection with the inspection department ; (c) repairing military equipment (including washing in connection with repair and re- issue). A 1818X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal filaments for electric glow lamps. A 1819X. Workmen engaged in cutting, splicing or otherwise preparing halyards, lanyards, tent ropes, head ropes or similar articles made from rope, cord and twine. B 1820. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of rope, cord and twine. 138 1821 1834 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1821. Workmen engaged in : (1) stereotyping, electrotyping, and process work; (2) machine type-setting and making, B 1822. Lithographers engaged in tin printing. B 1823. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making glazed boards for the manufacture of leads for shells or cartridges. A 1824X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making glass articles for medical or surgical use, such as graduated glass bottles and laboratory apparatus, for use in war, or in experimental glass blowing in connection therewith. B 1825. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in assembling, glueing up, cleaning off, glasspapering (unaided by power), French polishing, fitting up and upholstering domestic cabinet work and school furniture. A 1826X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of life belts, life buoys and ships' fenders. A 1827X. Colliery blacksmiths and mechanics en- gaged in repairing or sharpening miners' tools, or in repairing metal parts of tubs or trams or general colliery plant. A 1828X. Workmen engaged in preparing artists' colours (including the processes of filling into tubes, moulding into cakes, packing, and labelling). B 1829. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in repairing clogs, in making or repairing by hand wooden soles for clogs or in fixing, uppers on to soles of clogs. A 1830X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of new uppers for clogs. A 1831X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in repairing military boots, otherwise than to individual order. B 1832. Workmen employed by a firm of china clay merchant* and engaged in mixing ingredients for sizing. B 1833. Workmen engaged in creosoting railway sleepers. B 1834. Telephone attendants employed in businesses carrying on an insured trade. 139 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1835 1848 Xote. " A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1835. Workmen engaged in malting up sails, awnings, tarpaulins, and similar canvas goods, unless these are intended for use in war. A 1836X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of glass bottles (including jam or pickle jars) which are intended for use in war. B 1837. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in weaving textile belting for power transmission. A 1838X. Workmen engaged in lime burning. B 1839. Storemen employed in the stores of a ship's chandler and ironmonger, and not engaged wholly or mainly in in the repair of metal goods or other insured work. A 1840X. Workmen engaged in cutting-out or making-up from cocoanut fibre matting, mats, deck coverings, or other articles in- tended for use in war. B 1841. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of cocoanut fibre matting for sale in stock lengths. B 1842. Workmen engaged in tallow melting or in extracting grease from bones. B 1843. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of glue, size or gelatine. A 1844X. Pattern-makers engaged in making pat- terns for brass foundries when not engaged in a trade insured under the provisions of Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. B 1845. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A. 1697X) engaged in the manufacture of baking powder, custard powder and similar preparations. B 1846. Workmen engaged in the 'manufacture of blacklead find stove polish. A 1847X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in sawmilling or machine woodwork in con- nection with the manufacture of wooden railway sleepers, including boring and chairing. B 1848. Workmen employed by coke manufacturers and engaged ivholly or mainly in connection with the work- ing of the coke ovens and not covered by decision A 1763X. 140 1849 1860 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1849X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the preparation of photographic emulsions. B 1850. Workmen engaged in coating and otherwise preparing and packing photographic plates, films or papers, which are not intended for use in war. A 1851X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of reeds for textile machinery, including wire flatteners, wire polishers, reed makers and finishers, dippers-in, rubbers-up, paperers. B 1852. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of wax polishes (for boots, harness, furniture or floors) not intended for use in war. A 1853X. Workmen described as machine or hand nailers, hoopers, dovetailers, conveyor at- tendants or truckers engaged in connection with the manufacture of wooden cases. A 1854X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of composition pipes out of scrap lead, includ- ing the washing in liquid tin. A 1855. Female cloak room and lavatory atten- dants, and messengers employed in connec- tion with an insured trade. A 1856X. All classes of workmen engaged in the manufacture of brushes intended for use in war. A 1857X. Sawmillers and machine woodworkers en- gaged in preparing umbrella sticks and handles. A 1858X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as metal workers or as machine woodworkers in connection with the manufacture of fish- ing tackle. A 1859X. Workmen engaged in making metal parts of bobbins or shuttles. A 1860X. Workmen engaged in feeding or minding machines which are cutting, boring or sand- papering wood for the manufacture of bobbins or shuttles. 141 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1861 1873 Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1861X. Workmen employed In wood machining department converting timber and cutting it into squares for the manufacture of bobbins or shuttles, including general labourers in the yard and wood machining shops. B 1862. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of bobbins or. shuttles, other than workm,en mentioned in decisions A 1859X, A 1860X and A 1861X. A 1863X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of wood wool. B 1864. Workmen engaged wholly or-mainly in spinning wood wool into rope. A 1865X. Workmen engaged in sawmilling or ma- chine woodwork in connection with the manufacture of pencils. (.See also decision B 2167.) A 1866X. Drivers or attendants of vehicles em- ployed in connection with insured trades and employed mainly on the premises on which such trades are carried on. A 1867X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of military caps and military hospital clothing (other than to individual orders). B 1868. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of press papers for use in making discs for cart- ridges, shells or fuses. *A 1869X. Gatemen employed in connection with any insured trade. B 1870. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in (1) mining stone; (2) mining ochre or other colours. A 1871X. Wood machinists employed in the manu- facture of drawing boards, easels, palettes, colour boxes, &c. A 1872X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of collapsible tin tubes. A 1873X. Workmen employed in the manufacture, including boxing, of metal paper clips. * Decision A 1869X has been modified by decision B 2123. 142 1874 1887 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1874. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of mosquito netting. A 1875X. Workmen employed in turning wooden rollers for use in textile mills, other than those insured under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. B 1876. Workmen engaged in bleaching and otherwise prepar- ing cotton wool or cotton cloth in bulk for use in the manufacture of surgical dressings. B 1877. Laboratory staff other than those included under decision A 1784X employed at iron and steel works or in businesses carrying on any other insured trade or munitions work, and engaged in analysis, chemical test- ing or similar work. A 1878X. Workmen described as leather cutters and leather machinists and metal workers em- ployed by manufacturers of solid and fancy leather goods. B 1879. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 18T8X) who are employed by manufacturers of solid and fancy leather goods, and engaged in making goods in which leather is not more than one-third of the total cost of the completed articles. B1880. Ambulance men whether employed in businesses carry- ing on any injured trade or not. A1881X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the preparation of tetanus anti-toxic serum. B 1882. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in dressing horse Iiair, fibre, or bass for brush-making. A 1883X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of footballs. A 1884X. Workmen employed in the getting of clay or marl for brickmaking (not including fire- clay mining). B 1885. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly as cleaners and bed makers in dwellings connected with a munition* factory. A 1886X. Workmen engaged in making metal or leather buttons or parts of buttons. A 1887X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of buttons intended for use in war. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 18881899 . "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1888. Workmen (other than tliose covered by decisions A 1886X and A 1887X) engaged in malting buttons. A 1889X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of turpentine. A 1890X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in peeling wood into veneers by machinery for making chip baskets. B 1891. Workmen engaged in making by hand chip baskets not intended for use in war. A 1892X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of granulated aluminium or in rolling alu- minium foil. B 1893. Workmen employed by water companies as pipe layers (if not insurable under Part II. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911), or as engine drivers, stokers, boiler cleaners, coal heavers, filter attendants, meter cleaners, meter readers, turncocks, waste inspectors, or store- keepers. B 1894. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 1754X) engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of coffee essence, culinary essences, flavourings and fruit essences. B 1895. Compositors engaged in setting up type for use in con- nection with the manufacture of rubber stamps. B 1896. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of aerated waters. A 1897X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in machine woodwork in connection with the manufacture of wooden boot lasts, legging blocks, &c. A 1898X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of fireclay blocks for glass furnaces. A 1899X. Workmen employed on the premises of a firm engaged in the manufacture of military clothing (other than to individual order) and engaged in (1) numbering and ticketing garments; (2) giving out work or materials. 144 1900 1913 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A1900X. Charwomen engaged in sweeping and cleaning workrooms which are used wholly or mainly for carrying on any insured trade. B 1901. Overlookers (male or female) engaged wholly or mainly in teaching or supervising workers. B 1902. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of mineral white or terra alba. A 1903X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of plaster of Paris, Keene's and other patent cements, or in grinding gypsum in connection therewith. B 1904. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in quarrying or mining gypsum. B 1905. Workmen engaged in the outdoor repair and mainten- ance of overhead, third rail, conduit, surface contact, or cable equipment of railways, tramways, light rail- ways or electric power supply undertakings. B 1906. Workmen employed by electricity supply companies as meter fixers or readers, fuse hands, cranemen, boiler cleaners, or in any of the occupations set out in decision B264. A 1907X. All classes of workmen engaged in the dis- tillation of tar. B 1908. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in weaving canvas hosepipe. A 1909X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of canvas hose-pipes for use in war, and not covered by decision B 1908. B 1911. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in printing on wood. B 1912. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of glazed sanitary earthenware, such as lavatories, closets, sinks and similar articles unless intended for use in ivar. A 1913X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture, bagging and despatching of cement, or in mending and sorting bags or sacks at the cement works. 145 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. 1914 1926 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1914X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of telephone and telegraph instruments and electrical signal- ling apparatus. A 1915X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in coating cloth or paper with emery or other abrasive materials, or in making" up belts or discs from such cloth or paper for use in the manufacture of munitions of war. B 1916. Workmen engaged ivholly or mainly in crushing, grind- ing and sieving or grading emery stone. A 1917X. Workmen (other than those engaged in the manufacture of textile fabrics) engaged in the manufacture of balata belting. A 1918X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture, from asbestos or other cloth, of engine packings, washers and similar articles if containing rubber, with or with- out a rubber core. A 1919X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of slabs, sheets or tiles of asbestos fibre and cement. B 1920. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of asbestos mill- board and paper. B 1921. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in preparing, spinning, winding, warping, or braiding asbestos yarns, or in weaving asbestos cloth. A 1922X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of celluloid fittings for cycles or motor cycles, when the cycles are intended for use in war. A 1923X. Workmen engaged in the production of gold leaf. B 1924. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of patent fuel. A 1925X. All classes of workmen employed in making golf iron heads. B 1926. Workmen engaged in the weaving, calendering or proofing (otherwise than with rubber) of jute or flax, or in any other process anterior thereto. 146 1927 1939 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. il B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1927X. Workmen employed in driving or ope- rating power machinery for woodworking in connection with the manufacture of golf clubs. B 1928. Workmen engaged in glazing, grinding or fitting, selecting and marking spectacle lenses not intended for use in icar. A 1929X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of coins. A 1930X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of cork helmets for military or naval use. A 1931X. Workmen employed by brick manufac- turers and engaged in drawing bricks from kilns, or in stacking or loading them. B 1932. Workmen engaged wliolly or mainly in quarrying ganister or in the preparation of plastic ganister. A 1933X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in grinding and preparing ganister for use in brick making. B 1934. Workmen employed in woods and engaged in cleaving or lie win fj timber by hand." A 1935X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of wooden butter cases, fruit boxes, and similar packages. A 1936X. Workmen (other than those covered by decision B 1823) engaged in the manu- facture of paper or cardboard discs, washers, container tubes, &c., for shells. A 1937X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture (including graduating and figuring) of clinical thermometers intended for use in war. A 1938X. Workmen engaged in making saddle trees for saddles which are intended for use in war. A 1939X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in sawmilling or machine woodwork in con- nection with the manufacture of saddle trees or in making metal parts of saddle trees. 147 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1940 1948 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLK. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1940. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in repairing boots and shoes not intended for HXC in irai . A 1941X. Workmen (other than those covered by decision B 1942) engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of fur -hats for use in war. B 1942. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in opening, pull- ing, carrotting, cutting and blowing skins for the pro- duction of hatters' furs. B 1943. Workmen engaged in soldering lids on tins containing goods the packing of which is not insured work. B 1944. Workmen (other than leather or metal workers) engaged wholly or mainly in making up braces, belts and similar articles not intended for use in war. B 1945. Workmen (other than saw millers, machine wood- workers or metal workers) engaged in the manufacture of wood trunks covered with canvas. A 1946X. Warehousemen, storekeepers, caretakers, timekeepers, or watchmen employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour in fac- tories or workshops, or in yards or stores immediately connected therewith, when the aforesaid factories or workshops are en- gaged wholly or mainly in munitions work, or in any of the trades insured under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916. A 1947X. Porters, packers, messengers, cleaners, or weighmen employed in factories or work- shops or in yards or stores immediately con- nected therewith, when the aforesaid factories or workshops are engaged wholly or mainly in munitions work, or in any of the trades insured under the National In- surance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916. A 1948X. Engine drivers, boilermen, firemen, stokers, cleaners, oilers and other workmen engaged wholly or mainly in tenting, driving or minding engines or machinery, or in stoking boilers for the production of power, light, or heat in use in connection with munitions work or in any of the trades 148 1949 1960 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. insured under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916. (This decision does not relate to workmen employed by separate companies or authorities who sell electricity or power for general purposes.) A 1949X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making ridge tiles, finials or chimney pots of terra cotta. A 1950X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in treating iron goods to prevent rusting. A 1951X. W rkmen engaged in dressing stone (either by hand or machine) for grind- stones which are for use in the manufacture of munitions of war. B 1952. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in pressing handles or scales for knives, forks, tin-openers, fyc., out of horn or other material (other than metal, leather or rubber), provided the knives, $c., are not intended for use in war. A 1953X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of leather saddlery or harness. B 1954. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of porcelain insulators or of porcelain parts of electrical switches, lamp-holders or other fittings, unless such insulators or sivitches, fyc., are intended for use in war. B 1955. Workmen engaged in working or setting mother of pearl in connection with the manufacture of bedsteads. A 1956X. Workmen engaged in the repair of leather goods intended for use in war. B 1957. Workmen engaged in the repair of leather goods, unless intended for use in war. B 1958. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in graduating thermometers, burettes, pipettes and similar glass instruments not intended for use in war. A 1959X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of bianco and pipeclay intended for use in war. A 1960X. Workmen engaged in assembling cycle and motor repair outfits intended for use in war. 149 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1961 1970 . " A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1961. Colliery electricians engaged wholly or mainly in the maintenance of electric light and power installations in or about the colliery (but not in colliery buildings or shops) and not engaged wholly or 'mainly in repairs to the electrical machinery or switchgear. B 1962. Workmen described as outdoor erectors and engaged wholly or mainly in the installation of accumulators. (See also decision A 2221 X.) A 1963X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in vitreous enamelling upon metal. A 1964X. Workmen engaged in repairing ma- chinery belting in an establishment wMcn is engaged wholly or mainly in munitions work or in any trade which is insurable under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916. A 1965X. Workmen engaged in making metal pat- terns as described in decision B 1138*, or in making patterns of other materials, if the patterns are for use in the manufacture of metal goods. A 1966X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in grinding or sharpening knives, scissors and razors. B 1967. Workmen employed in crushing blast furnace slag for use as material for road-making. A 1968X. Workmen employed in pin, needle, &c., factories, or in warehouses or stores imme- diately connected therewith, and engaged wholly or mainly in boxing, carding, or otherwise putting up for sale pins, needles and similar articles. B 1969. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 1970X) engaged wholly or mainly in making trunks, valises , fyc., partly of leather, and partly of canvas or fibre, and not intended for use in war. A 1970X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making leather trunks or leather parts of trunks. * Decision B 1138 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen engaged in making metal patterns (other than cast iron patterns), not being for the use of iron, steel, brass or other foundries which are engaged wholly or mainly in making castings for use as parts of the products of a mechanical engineering establishment. 150 1971 1981 DECISIONS or THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1971X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of chemical stoneware for use in the manufacture of munitions of war. B 1972. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of laboratory porcelain. A 1973X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of artificial limbs. A 1974X. Workmen described as glass grinders, polishers, prism cutters, bevellers, flat- teners, cutters, silverers and tougheners en- gaged in the manufacture of water level gauges, or bevelled edge glasses for scientific instruments, if intended for use in war or in the production of munitions of war. B 1975. Workmen described as flint glass makers and cutters engaged ivholly or mainly in making and finishing table glassware not intended for use in war. A 1976X. Workmen described as glass grinders, polishers, prism cutters, bevellers, flat- teners, cutters, silverers and tougheners en- gaged in the manufacture of lenses for navi- gation lanterns, ships' side lights, and glass- work for smoke observation windows for ships. A1977X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of glassware (including tubes) for use in the manufacture of munitions of war. B 1978. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of glass tubing not intended for use in war or in the manufacture of munitions of war. B 1979. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in 'making printers' 1 roller composition or in clothing rollers there- with. A 1980X. All classes of workmen (including oil boilers and varnish makers) engaged in the manufacture of printers' ink and printers' varnish. A 1981X. Armature and coil-winders employed in the repair of electrical machinery. DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 1982 1992 .Note." A '' numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 1982X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in:- (1) the manufacture (including generating and compressing) of acetylene gas; (2) the manufacture of cylinders for holding the gas ; (3) examining cylinders and filling them with porous material. B 1983. Workmen (other than sawmillers and machine wood- workers) engaged in making cigar boxes. B 1984. Workmen (other than sawmillers or machine wood- workers) engaged in making wood-end boxes for food- stuffs, bonnet boxes, and similar boxes composed partly of wood and partly of cardboard, millboard or similar material, and not intended for use in war. B 1985. Workmen (other than sawmillers, mac I tine wood- ivorkers, metal or leather workers) engaged in making small switch boxes, or fancy boxes whether covered with leather, cloth, velvet or similar material, or polished, and not intended for use in war. B 1986. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the preparation of non-conducting compositions for covering boilers, pipes, and other parts of heating or refrigerating apparatus. A 1987X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of mattresses (from as- bestos cloth and fibre) intended for use in war. *B 1988. Workmen (other than sawmillers and machine wood- workers} engaged wholly or mainly in repairing crate*, casks, or barrels, which are not intended for use in war. B 1989. Workmen engaged ivholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of dubbin not intended for use in war. B 1990. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in tin-streaming. B 1991. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 1992X) engaged in bookbinding, provided that when leather is used the cost of the leather is not more than one-third of the total cost of the finished article. A 1992X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cutting leather parts for the use of book- binders. Decision B 1988 has been modified by decision A 2T27X. 152 1993 2004 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 1993. Casual labourers employed on or about docks or wharves and engaged in loading and discharging cargoes and not employed continuously by the same employer on premises which are used mainly for the purpose of any insured trade. (See also decision B 2056.) B 1994. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of glass for the dioptric apparatus of lighthouses. B 1995. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of salt. B 1996. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in mining or dressing rock salt. A 1997X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of are lamps. B 1998. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of tarred macadam. A 1999X. W rkmen engaged in the manufacture of railway fog signals, or in making the metal cases. B 2000. Workmen (other than metal workers} engaged in making silk shades for electric light and gas f Mings. *[A2001X. Jewellery mounters engaged wholly or mainly in making metal mounts or in fixing these mounts to the metal parts of jewel- lery, and not engaged wholly or mainly in the setting of precious stones in the mounts.] A 2002X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture (including painting, staining and varnish- ing) of wooden cases for the beer and mineral water trades. B 2003. Bond and trimming coopers engaged wholly or mainly in inspecting or examining casks and barrels in bonds or warehouses which are not immediately connected with establishments in which the manufacture of casks or barrels is carried on. A 2004X. Workmen employed in jewellery ware- houses immediately connected with manu- facturing (including plating, &c.) or repair- ing establishments and engaged wholly or mainly in wrapping up, carding, boxing, or otherwise packing or preparing goods for sale. * Decision A 2001X has been superseded by decisions B 2162, A 2163X and A 2164X J53 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2005 2015 Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE NOT PAYABLE. A 2005X. Workmen engaged in sawmilling or ma- chine woodwork in connection with the manufacture of loose leaf ledgers or binders, or in making metal or leather parts thereof. B 2006. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 2005X) engaged in the manufacture of loose leaf ledgers or binders, provided that ivhere leather is used the cost of the leather is not more than one-third of the total cost of the finished article. A 2007X. Workmen employed by a firm of camera manufacturers and engaged in (1) Sawmilling and machine woodwork ; (2) Making, assembling or finishing metal parts ; (3) Making leather bellows ; (4) Other workmen engaged in the manufac- ture of cameras which are intended for use in war. B 2008. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 2007X) engaged in the manufacture of cameras not intended for use in war. A 2009X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making metal parts of India and Treasury tags. B 2010. Workmen (other than metal icorkers) engaged in the manufacture of India and Treasury tags. A 2011X. Workmen engaged in covering tennis balls. B 2012. Workmen (other than those engaged wholly or mainly in sawmilling or machine woodwork) engaged in. making cricket bats, tennis rackets, hockey sticks, fyc. A 2013X. Workmen (other than centre makers) en- gaged in making leather cricket balls. A 2014X. Workmen engaged in making horse shoes and shoeing horses. This decision supersedes decision B 1729 in so far as it conflicts therewith. A 2015X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of terra cotta blocks for building. 11937 F' 154 2016 2031 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 2016, Workmen engaged in getting chalk or clay for the manufacture of cement. A 2017X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of enamelled hollow-ware. B 201S. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making tapers not intended for use in war. B 2019. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in washing slack for coke ovens. A 2020X. Workmen engaged in the production of grain spirit for use in the manufacture of explosives. B 2021. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making granite paving setts, not intended for use in war. B 2022. Workmen engaged in fellmongering and in drying and sorting wool. (See also decision A 2401 X.) B 2023. Workmen employed by skin and hide merchants, and engaged wholly or mainly in sorting or classing skins and hides. A 2024X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture (including painting, card- ing and boxing) of metal toys and toy soldiers. B 2025. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of fish guano by drying and grinding fish offal. A 2026X. Workmen (other than those insurable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911) engaged in the manufacture of metal-covered shop fronts. B 2027. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fixing metal or wood revolving shutters. A 2028X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of potters' colours, including on-glaze and under-glaze colours, enamels for metals, and liquid gold and silver. A 2029X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal healds or metal parts of healds. B 2030. Workmen (otlier than those covered by decision A 2029X) engaged in the manufacture of healds. B 2031. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of writing and copying inks. 155 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2032 204$ Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 2032X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making shell case liners and lids of paper, cardboard or other materials for lining tins used for packing shells. A 2033X. Workmen engaged in sawmilling or machine wordwork in connection with the manufacture of organs or in making metal or leather parts of organs. B 2034. Workmen (other than machine wood workers or makers of metal parts) engaged in the manufacture of wooden pails, stepladders or similar domestic joinery. A 2035X. Workmen (including painters) engaged in the manufacture of domestic wringing, mangling and washing machines and garden rollers. B 2036. Workmen (other than those engaged in machine wood- work or in the making of leather or metal parts) engaged in the manufacture of hand operated vacuum cleaners or of carpet sweepers. (See also decision A 943.) A 2037X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture (including pressing, wrapping and packing) of laundry starch and blue. B 2038. Workmen engaged in any process of manufacturing felt head-dresses up to and including the hood stage. A 2039X. Workmen (other than those covered by decision B 2038) engaged in the manufac- ture of naval or military head-dresses. A 2040X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly inr the manufacture of optical instruments in- tended or adapted for use in war, such as field-glasses, telescopes, rangefinders, etc. B 2041. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of whiting and Paris ivhite. A 2042X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in, galvanising. B 2043. Laundry workers employed in connection with factories- which are engaged in carrying on any insured trade, or in munitions work. 11937 156 20442056 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 2044. Workmen engaged in conveying natural raw materials, such as limestone, chalk, clay, shale or marl to the reduction plant of factories engaged in cement manu- facture. B 2O45. Workmen engaged in getting shale or marl for the manufacture of cement. A 2046X. Workmen employed in marking out tim- ber ready for sawmilling and machine wood- work. B 2047. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making safety fuses for blasting, unless intended for use in war. A 2048X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cutting out leather or rubber soles or other leather or rubber parts of shoes or slippers made mainly of canvas or other material (not being leather or rubber). B 2049. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 2048X) engag-ed wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of shoes or slippers, which are made mainly of canvas or other material (not being leather or rubber) and which are not intended for use in war. A 2050X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of surgical trusses (composed mainly of metal and leather). A 2051X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in re- pairing military clothing (except in so far as covered by the Exclusion Order made by the Board of Trade, dated the 29th August, 1916, see p. ) B 2052. Workmen engaged ivholly or mainly in cleaning military or other clothing. A 2053X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making snaps for Christmas crackers. A 2054X. Workmen engaged in making putty. A 2055X, Workmen engaged in the manufacture of artificial stone paving slabs. B 2056. Workmen employed at docks or tidal river wharves, and engaged wholly or mainly in connection with load- ing and unloading ships and barges. 157 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2057 2069 Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 2057. Work men employed by a firm of tyre manufacturers and engaged in the repair (including retreading) of solid or pneumatic tyres (covers and tubes). [*A 2058X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making vulcanised fibre washers or parts of machinery required for the manufacture or repair of munitions of war.] A 2059X. Workmen engaged in the recovery of tin, iron or other metals from tin plate scrap. B 2060. Charwomen engaged icholly or mainly in cleaning offices. B 2061. Workmen employed by a gas company and engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of carburetted water gas. A2062X. Workmen engaged in sawmilling or machine woodwork in connection with the manufacture of ladders or in making metal parts of ladders. A 2063X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in attending producer, or water, gas plant in connection with a factory or workshop which is engaged wholly or mainly in carry- ing on any insured trade or munitions work. B 2064. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in mining, grind- ing and dressing barytes. A 2065X. Workmen employed in ironf oundries or in warehouses or stores immediately con- nected therewith and engaged in sorting, carding, boxing or otherwise putting up for sale boot protectors. B 2066. Engravers employed in connection with printing on pottery not intended for use in war. A2067X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of splints and crutches. A2068X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cutting down old casks and barrels and remaking into casks and barrels of a different size. B 2069. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of boot black- ing not intended for use in war. * This decision is not now operative. See decision A 2392X. 11937 F 3 158 20702081 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. "B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A2070X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in refining precious metals. A2071X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in calcining ironstone, whether at the mines or at the smelting works. A2072X. Pointsmen, signalmen, and other work- men engaged in regulating traffic at factories engaged wholly or mainly in muni- tions work, or in any trade insured under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Muni- tion Workers) Act, 1916. B 2073. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cleaning, lacquering or varnishing tins subsequent to filling with goods the packing of which is not insured work. A 2074X. Workmen engaged in grinding and pre- paring ochre and red oxide for use as colours. A 2075X. Workmen (including engine drivers, fire- men, labourers, &c.) engaged wholly or mainly in sawmilling or machine woodwork by means of portable engines and machinery in or adjacent to woods. A 2076X. Workmen engaged in the preparation of slate for electrical appliances, tanks or vats for use in the manufacture of munitions of war. B 2077. Workmen (other than those insurable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911) engaged in the repair of bridges which are built up on the site. A 2078X. Workmen (including stranders and coverers) engaged wholly or mainly in making telephone cords. A 2079X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in covering metal wire with silk, cotton or other material. A2080X. Workmen employed at woollen mills or woolcombing works, and engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of soap and seak. A2081X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in spinning or purling metal wire for use in embroidery. 159 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2082 2091 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. ' B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A2082X. Workmen engaged in tire manufacture of medical and surgical plaisters for use in war. A2083X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in weaving or plaiting gold and silver laces, or braids. A2084X. Workmen who are engaged in the manu- facture of British asphalt. (See also decision B 2204.) B 2085. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making hair felt. A2086X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making sarking, sheathing or sanded felt. B 2087. Volunteer workers employed on munitions work in their spare time and engaged for less than the normal factory hours of the place where they work, provided that tJiey are : (1) free to come and go or stay away as they please; (2) are not dependent upon earnings at munitions work; (3) are not badged in respect of the munitions work. A2088X. All workmen engaged wholly or mainly in sawmillihg or machine woodwork, whether in connection with insured or un- insured trades or independently, with the exception of those already insurable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. The term " sawmilling and machine wood- work" includes the cross-cutting, boring, turning, polishing or sandpapering of wood by power-driven machinery. A2089X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture (including compressing and filling into cylinders) of carbonic acid gas. B 2090. Workmen (other than those insurable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911), engaged in digging and screening* sand, ballast, and gravel. A2091X. Workmen employed by a firm of spade and shovel manufacturers, and engaged in fit- ting wooden handles to spades and shovels. 11937 F4 160 * 20922105 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 2092X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of finger stalls, sponge bags, bathing caps, and similar druggists' sundries made of leather, rubber, or rubber-proofed materials. A2093X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cutting corks for use in war. A2094X. Workmen engaged in tempering steel. A2095X. Workmen engaged in mixing and grind- ing mortar. A2096X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in refining saltpetre. B 2097. Workmen (other than those already insurable under Part 11. of the National Insurance Act, 1911) employed at laundries and engaged wholly or mainly in washing military or other clothing. A2098X. Workmen engaged in methylating spirit for use in the manufacture of explosives. A 2099X. Workmen described as gold blockers and engaged wholly or mainly in ornamenting or lettering goods the manufacture of which is insured work. A 2100X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making leather hots or shields for use in covering textile machinery rollers. B 2101. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A 2100X) engaged wholly or mainly in re-covering textile machinery rollers. A2102X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making metal reflectors for lighting purposes. A2103X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of combs and fallers for textile machinery (other than those in respect of whom contributions are payable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911). B 2104. Workmen employed by* water companies and engaged in attending to the operation of water softening plant. A2105X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture (including assembling, polishing and paint- ing) of periscopes and hyposcopes. 161 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2106 2116 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 2106X. Workmen (other than those already insur able under Part II. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911) engaged in the manufacture of artificial marble. (See also decisions A 1216 and A 1525.) A 2107X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in shrinking iron hoops on to the ends of cast iron pipes. A2108X. Workmen (other than lithographers) engaged wholly or mainly in making enamelled iron signs, or in preparing and mixing enamel for use in such manufacture. A2109X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of compressed raw hide blanks, hammers and mallets, round leather banding for sewing machines, and leather machine belting. A2110X. All workmen engaged in the manufacture (including assembling) of portable refri- gerators and similar articles which are intended for use in war. B 2111. Workmen (other- than those engaged in sawmilling, machine woodwork, or the making of metal parts) engaged in the manufacture of portable refrigerators and similar article* (not 1)eing machinery) which are not intended for use in war. A2113X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making up fur coats or other garments for use in war (except in so far as covered by the Exclusion Order made by the Board of Trade dated the 29th August, 1916, see p. ). B 2114. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in cutting out, lining, stitching, and making up fur. coats, rugs, muffs, collarettes, etc. (tiot intended for use in war). A2115X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in workng wood on machines driven by foot power. A 2116X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in sawing, barking and chopping wood by machinery for use in the manufacture of paper. 162 2117 2126 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. *JB 2117. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in crushing granite or stone. B 2118. Inspectors, examiners, etc., whose work consists wholly or mainly in supervision and involves the use of tools or measuring instruments only in connection with such supervision. A2119X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in collecting and compressing carbonic acid gas. B 2120. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in handling or otherwise dealing with yeast after it has been separated from the alcohol. A 2121X. All workmen (other than those covered by decision B 2120) engaged in the manufac- ture of alcohol for use wholly or mainly in the manufacture of explosives. A 2122X. G-atemen employed in connection with insured trades and engaged wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, e.g., in such work as opening and shutting gates, taking in and handing out checks, operating a weighing machine, keeping the yard tidy, carrying messages. B 2123. Gatemen when not employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, e.g., in clerical work, watching persons passing in and out and noting times, examining passes, keeping records of traffic, etc. This decision modifies decision A 1869X. A 2124. Workmen employed in the construction, re- construction, or alteration of groynes, whether of timber, concrete, or other materials, for the protection of sea coasts. A2125X. Workmen employed in the production of charcoal for use in the manufacture of explosives. A.2126X. Workmen employed in the distillation of wood for wood spirit, liquors for calico printers, wood tar, and in the manufacture of acetate of lime. * Decision B 2117 has been modified by decision B 2386. 163 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2127 2139 Xt,te. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. ' B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A2127X. Workmen engaged in the repair of casks and barrels when carried on in immediate connection with munitions work. This decision modifies decision B 1988. A2128X. Labourers employed at timber ponds which are part of the premises of sawmills or other establishments engaged wholly or mainly in carrying on any insured trade or munitions work. A2129X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of acetone. B 2130. Workmen (other than those employed in the manufac- ture of chemical ingredients) engaged wholly or mainly in mixing and preparing compounds for case-hardening metals. A 2131X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in engraving or etching jewellery, gold and silver-ware, or plated goods. A 2132X. Workmen (other than those already insnr- able under Part II. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911) engaged wholly or mainly in grinding and mixing paints or colours, whether by hand or machinery. B 2133. Workmen engaged in any process of engraving in con- nection with the printing and stationery 'trade. A2134X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of compressed leather from leather shreds. B 2135. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A2.134X) engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of imitation leather board. A2136X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of nitro-cellulose and of celluloid. B 2137. II 'orkmen engaged '.wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of leather cloth. B 2138. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufac- ture of linoleum. A 2139. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of doffing plates. 164 2140 2149 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. U B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions. ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 2140. Workmen employed in producing vegetable extracts for tanning and dyeing, other than those engaged in the chemical treatment of natural indigo, orchill or Other vegetable materials. B 2141. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in dressing furs or woolskms. A2142X. Workmen engaged in sawing or otherwise working by machinery cane or bamboo. A2143X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of bitumastic paints, enamels, or cements. A 2144X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of paper or cardboard boxes or tubes for use in war. This decision modifies decision B 1632. A 2145X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in recovering and reconverting soda, &c., from the spent liquors resulting from paper manufacture. A2146X. Workmen (other than those insurable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911), who are employed wholly or mainly in workshops of Railway Companies and engaged in repairing platelayers' tools, signal rodding, points, rails, metal parts of bridges or other metal work. A 2147X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of card clothing, including foundations con- taining rubber or leather, but not including weaving or anterior processes, whether the card clothing is intended for use in muni- tions work or not. A2148X. Workmen who are employed in an esta- blishment carrying on any trade insured under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916 ; and who are engaged in cleaning locomotives or other vehicles which are used mainly on the premises of the establishment. B 2149. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of driving, tenting or minding steam cranes and locomo- tives or stoking boilers in connection with quarrying stone. 165 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2150 2162 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 2150. Persons engaged in making umbrella sticks by hand. B 2151. Workmen engaged in making mattresses of straw*, hair, wool or fl,ock, unless they are intended for use in war. A 2152X. Workmen (other than those already insur- able under Part II. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911) engaged in the manufacture of metal springs of any kind. A2153X. Workmen engaged in making metal name plates and metal letters for fixing on build- ings. A2154X. Workmen engaged in cutting down old wooden cases, and re-making into cases of a different size. B 2155. Workmen engaged in fixing name plates and letters on buildings. B 2156. Workmen employed rts engine tenters or as stokers in connection with uninsured trades. B 2157. Persons engaged ivholly or mainly as draughtsmen, tracers, office attendants, office messengers, commis- sionaires, clerks, typists. B 2158. Overlookers, chargehands, storekeepers, warehousemen, when not employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour. A 2159X. Workmen (other than those already insur- able under Part II. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911) engaged in the manufacture or repair of anchors, chains, chain couplings, and miscellaneous chain attach- ments of metal. B 2160. Workmen employed by a town council and engaged in sweeping streets, emptying ashpits, or as attendants at a refuse destructor. A2161X. Workmen engaged in the repair of biscuit tins, oil and colour tins, &c. B 2162. Lapidaries or stone cutters. This decision, together with decisions A 2163X and A 2164X, supersedes decisions B 1792 and A 2001X. 166 2163 2174 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABB PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A2163X. Jewellery mounters engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing metal mounts of any description. This decision, together with decisions B 2162 and A 2164X, supersedes decisions B 1792 and A 2Q01X. A 2164X. Jewellery setters engaged wholly or mainly in setting stones in metal mounts of any description. This decision, together with decisions B 2162 and A 2163X, supersedes decisions B 1792 and A 2001X. A2165X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture (including cold rolling and galvanising) of flexible metallic tubing, including workmen engaged in preparing rubber for, or making rubber parts of, such tubing. A 2166X. Tinsmiths engaged in the manufacture of navigation and other lanterns. JB 2167. Workmen (other than those covered by decision A1865X) engaged in the manufacture of lead pencils which are not intended for use in war. A2168X. Workmen engaged in making tin cases for billiard cues. A 2169X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of speedometers. A 2170X. Workmen (other than those already insur- able under Part II. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911) engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of iron, steel or other metal hardware and hollow-ware. jB 2171. Workmen -(other than those described in decision A2033X) engaged in the manufacture of organs. B 2172. Workmen engaged in the manufacture by hand of toys (other than makers of metal, leather or rubber toys or parts of toys). A 2173X. Workmen engaged in making branding wires for coopers. A2174X. Workmen (other than those already insur able under Part II. of the National Insur* ance Act, 1911) engaged in the repair, in eluding sharpening, of metal hand tools. 167 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2175 2185 Xote. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. ' " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 2175. \Vorknien (other than those engaged in machine wood- ivork) engaged in the manufacture of violins. A2176X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of rubber tyres and elastic air tubes for motors, cycles or other vehicles. A2177X. Workmen engaged in making sheet, pipe or pig lead, in rolling lead, or in making lead pipes. A217SX. Workmen employed on metal work in connection with the manufacture of X-ray and electro-medical apparatus. A2179X. Workmen (other than those insurable under Part II. x>f the National Insurance Act, 1911) engaged wholly or mainly in making removable lamps for buoys or beacons. B 2180. Workmen described as rest room attendants, and en- gaged in looking after workers, keeping rest room clean, etc. A 2181X. Workmen described as engravers and die sinkers engaged in the manufacture of metal blocks and tools for book binders and gold blockers. A2182X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of brushes required for use in the manufacture or repair of muni- tions of war. This decision modifies decision B 1772. A 2183X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of gas-testing apparatus. A2184X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of artificial millstones, or in the manufacture of other millstones for use in the produc- tion of munitions of war. A 2185X. Stablemen or other workmen employed in an establishment carrying on any trade insured under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, and engaged in tending horses which are used mainly on the premises of the establishment. 168 2186 2198 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ABE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A2186X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of electrical appliances for railway signalling and for electric control of railway signal- ling installation. A2187X. Workmen employed in the repair of coke oven bye-product plant. A2188X. Workmen engaged in making incan- descent oil lamps. A2189X. Workmen engaged in adapting gas and candle fittings for electric light. A2190X. Workmen engaged in making band saws and band knives. A2191X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of needles and points for hosiery and knitting machinery. (See also decision A 470.) A2192X. W rkmen engaged in the manufacture of guides and points for lace-making and lace- finishing machines. A2193X. Workmen engaged in making (1) steering indicators; (2) fire-control apparatus for large guns; and (3) stoke-hole indicators and danger signals. A 2194X. Workmen engaged in drilling, filing and rivetting small iron castings such as castor horns, wardrobe hooks, &c. A2195X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the manufacture or repair of milk cans and household tinware. A 2196X. A workman employed at brickworks, and engaged in making and repairing boxes, benches, barrows, &c., and other movable articles used in the manufacture of bricks and tiles. A 2197X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the work of making metal, leather or rubber cycle and motor accessories. A2198X. A workman employed by a firm of oxide of iron manufacturers, and engaged in the work of preparing stones to be used for grinding purposes. 169 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2199 2210 . "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A2199X. Workmen engaged in making metal restaurant utensils. A2200X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of metal baths and cisterns and sanitary fittings, including painting, enamelling and general labour. A2201X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of metal accessories for textile machinery which are not built into or fixed in the machinery. A 2202X. Workmen employed in the manufacture of metal barrels, drums and tanks which are not intended to form part of the structure of buildings, ships or vehicles. B 2203. Workmen employed in the repair of kilns and ovens for the firing of pottery, tiles and sanitary ware, other than . -- A numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions AF.E PAYABLE. 11 B" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire thai contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. In connection with workshops at which steam and other vessels are repaired Lfilxmrci-.s connected with loading and unloading or other uninsured trades, ferrymen, sailmakers, and storesmen and watchmen not engaged wholly or mainly in manual labour. In dredging harbours or entrances to harbours, in connec- tion with docks, or in the engineering department of canals All men engaged in maintenance and repairs of works (excluding repairs of buildings, machinery, 'vehicles, or ships, and the manufacture of metal goods for the purpose of repair of works, or sawmilling and machine woodwork}. A 2320. Workmen who are employed in establish- ments which are mainly carrying on any insured trade or munitions work, and who are engaged in the maintenance and repair of railway lines. This decision reverses decision B 1419.* A 2321X. Workmen engaged in the treatment of ore for the separation of wolfram. B 2322. Workmen employed at ivoollen mills and engaged in the recovery of oil from waste materials. This decision reverses decision A 1736X. B 2323. Workmen employed in hand woodwork, in connection ivith the manufacture of lappet w^heels for the textile trade. A 2324X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of pull-throughs for small arms. A 2325X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fitting-up cast-iron fuse boxes, such as are commonly used for ordinary domestic installations. A 2326X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making chargers for small arms ammuni- tion. A2327X. Workmen employed by firms of tube makers and engaged wholly or mainly in tagging, skimming or bell-mouthing tubes for the automobile industry. * Decision B 1419 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of platelayers employed at a steel foundry, and engaged wholly or mainly in the upkeep of railway linp.s about the works. 180 2328 2333 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions AllE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 2328X. Workmen described as sheet metal workers, and engaged in the manufacture of:- (1) despatch and other tin boxes, canisters, kegs, footwarmers, travelling cases, cases for cues, &c. ; (2) bread, meat, biscuit or cake tins; strainers, bottles, wash-ups, drippers, cooking utensils, kettles, portable gas-heated boilers, milk cans, urns, &c. ; (3) sheet metal goods for ironmongery trade, such as ventilators, fire extinguishers, stoves, dustbins, tallboys, cowls, stovepipes, baths, oil or water cans, tins for oil, colours, &c. ; tennis markers, domestic gas meters, ceiling decoration ; (4) sheet metal accessories for cycles and motor cycles, such as lamps, bells, pumps ; (5) tanks, cisterns, welded kitchen boilers ; (6) sheet metal generators for acetylene or petrol gas; (7) movable furniture, shelving, lockers, desks, cupboards; (8) sheet metal cylinders for packing and transit of explosives; chargers for small arms ammunition ; (9) tubes for Axminster carpet weaving; (10) sheet metal ducts for ventilating, extract- ing, conveying, exhausting, drying or similar purposes, including cowls, heads, separators, but not including power-driven fans. (See also decision A 1483.) A 2329X. Workmen employed in making iron fittings for wooden pulley blocks, and not employed in a shipbuilding yard. A 2330X. Workmen employed by pipe founders, and engaged wholly or mainly in machining the faces or flanges or other parts of cast-iron pipes. A 2331X. Workmen engaged in flapping, cranking, or shutting axles for use in horse-drawn vehicles. A 2332X. Workmen engaged in making hollow concrete slabs for building purposes. (See also decision A 1216.) A 2333X. Workmen (other than those engaged in ironfounding) who are engaged in making retarding mechanism for roller shutters. 181 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2334 2347 Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 2334X. Workmen engaged in repairing metal tubs for slag. A 2335X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of Spraying machines for limewashing, dis- infecting or horticultural purposes. A 2336X. Workmen (other than stockfitters*) engaged in the manufacture of metallic ships' berths. A 2337X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of rifle or hand grenades or bombs (other than those insured under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911). (See also decision A 1547.) B 2338. Workmen (other 1 than those engaged in machine wood- work) who are engaged wholly or mainly in making, assembling or finishing small wooden cash tills (not being patent cash tills or registers which contain mechanism for totalling the various items recorded). A 2339X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of automatic balances for weighing cartridges. A 2340X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of permanent magnets. A 2341X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in making steel helmets for military use. A 2342X. Workmen described as steel bottle makers, and engaged in shaping steel tubes into bottles or cylinders for containing gases. A 2343X. Mine smiths employed by a tin-mining company, when engaged wholly or mainly in sharpening rock drills and miners' tools, repairing pit cages, skips, water and ore buckets. A 2344X. Workmen engaged in making metal top plates for hat curling frames. A 2345X. Workmen engaged in putting up or pack- ing type at a factory engaged in the manu- facture of type, or in a warehouse immedi- ately connected therewith. B 2346. Workmen employed in hand u'oodworJc in the manu- facture of portable incubator 8. A 2347X. Workmen engaged in machine woodwork in connection with the manufacture of cabinets for addressograph machines, or in the manufacture of metal plates for use in such machines. * The position of stockfitters is dealt with in decision A 1220. 182 2348 2357 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. 'J A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 2348. Workmen engaged in hand woodwork in the manufac- ture of cabinets for addresso graph machines. A 2349X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of concrete or artificial stone pipes, poles, slabs, sleepers, &c. ; or in the manufacture of any other pipes, &c., for use in war. (See also decision A 1216.) This decision. modifies decision B 1768. A 2350X. Workmen employed in mixing and bagging artificial manure consisting of slaughter-house refuse, and phosphate, sulphate of ammonia, &c. B 2351. Workmen employed by water companies, and engaged in (1) examining and testing, by means of hydraulic pressure, taps, stop taps, cisterns, $c.; (2) examining stop tap boxes and stamping same with official mark; " and who are not employed in connection with manu- facture or repair of taps, fyc. A 2352X. Apprentices over 16 years of age employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour elsewhere than in Scotland in trades set out in Schedule I. of the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, or in munitions work, and who are bound by agreements which are not under seal and which do not purport to have been sealed. A 2353. Apprentices over 16 years of age employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour elsewhere than in Scotland in trades set out in Schedule VI. of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (Unemployment Insurance), and who are bound by agreements which are not under seal and which do not purport to have been sealed. A 2354X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of telephone switchboards for use in war. A 2355X. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of turnovers, recappers, turnscrews, and brushes for cleaning guns and rifles. A 2356. Workmen engaged in the manufacture of bayonet connections. A 2357. Workmen engaged in the repair of accumulators used in connection with electrical machinery in buildings or ships including cleaning sediment from the cells. 183 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2358 2367 Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 2358. Gatemen employed in connection with insured trades and engaged wholly or mainly by way of manual labour, e.g., in such work as opening and shutting gates, taking in and handing out checks, operating a weighing machine, keeping the yard tidy, carrying messages. This decision modifies decision B 50*, and subse- quent decisions relating- to gatemen in so far as they may conflict. A 2360. Workmen engaged in tne manufacture of plugs for shells. A 2361X. Workmen engaged in turning off copper rollers, dies and mills used in calico print- ing. A 2362. Joiners employed at paper mills and engaged in the repair of vacuum boxes, breast boxes a,nd spouts, wooden guards, wood covers over beater rolls, and similar woodwork connected with the machinery of paper mills. B 2363. Piece-work contractors or piece-workers executing work for manufacturers of cutlery or silver plate if such contractors or piece-workers (1) icork on their own premises or rent a " side " or '' trough " in a tenement factory or ivorkshop selected by themselves; (2) are not under control in respect of the hours or precise method of work; and (3) are merely under an obligation to complete a specified article and not to work for a specified time. B 2364. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in wolfram streaming. B 2365. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in printing, enamelling, varnishing, or similarly treating tin-plate ;>i'ior to its being cut into sizes suitable for making boxes or canisters. A 2366X. Students at technical institutes receiving training under arrangements made by the Ministry of Munitions. B 2367. Cabinet makers working by hand on the woodwork of portable articles of office equipment which are not intended for use in war. * Decision B 50 was to the effect that contributions were not payable in respect of workmen employed in a mechanical engineering establishment, and described as gatemen. 23682384 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note." A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 2368X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of metal instruments and appliances for the use of dentists. B 2369. Switchboard attendants and workmen engaged wholly or mainly in minding, tenting, or driving electrical machinery in connection with uninsured trades. A 2370X. Workmen engaged in making and running anti-friction metal into ingots, and in making and casting into ingots ferro- aluminium, &c. A 2371X. Workmen engaged in making by machinery wood blocks for the shaping of felt hats. A 2372X. A steam hammer forger engaged in making copper refining ladle plates and rabble heads and light forgings for use in copper, spelter, and steel works. B 2373. Joiners engaged wholly or mainly in making by hand wooden drums for electric cables. A 2374X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making metal bung guards, or in making by machinery wooden bungs. A 2375X. Workmen engaged in screwing tubes. A 2376X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in small brasswork in connection with the manufacture of rubber stamps, office presses, and similar articles. A 2377X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making metal laths. A 2378X. Workmen engaged in corrugating and curving galvanised metal sheets. A 2379X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making metal clappers for bells. A 2380X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of accumulator cell boxes or of lead linings for such boxes. A 2381X. Workmen engaged in making wrought or welded iron pipes for use as telegraph poles. B 2382. Workmen engaged in making by hand, or in erecting, notice boards stating that premises are " To let," or similar notice boards. A 2383X. Workmen who are engaged wholly or mainly in making and fitting together wrought iron parts of small forges for heat- ing rivets. B 2384. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making vulcanised fibre parts of electric light fittings which are not intended for use in war. 185 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. 2385 2394 ^ Xoie. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. u B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. B 2385. Workmen (other tlian sate millers and machine wood- irorkers) engaged wholly or mainly in making or repairing small wooden confectionery trays. B 2386. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in crushing granite or stone, who are not employed wholly or mainly in carrying on any trade insured under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, and who are not already incurable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. This decision modifies decision B 2117. A 2387X. Workmen engaged in attending automatic machines for welding wire together to form the reinforcement for concrete. A 2388. All workmen engaged in making, including welding, stamping, and machining, ferrules for water tube boilers. This decision amplifies decision A 1263. A 2389X. Workmen described as painters employed by a firm of manufacturers, and engaged wholly or mainly in painting street lanterns or steel bookstacks at the works. A 2390X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in refining mineral or vegetable (including edible) oils. B 2391. Workmen (other than those covered by decisions A 1699X and A 2390X) engaged wholly or mainly in making margarine or other butter substitutes. A 2392X. Workmen (other than those insurable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911), engaged wholly or mainly in making vulcanised fibre washers or parts of machinery required for the manufacture or repair of munitions of war. This decision is a revised wording' of decision A 2058X. A2393X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the manufacture of metal signs for advertising purposes. A 2394X. Workmen (other than those already insur- able under Part II. of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911) engaged wholly or mainly in cutting out or otherwise preparing mica or micanite washers or other parts of machinery required for use in the manufac- ture or repair of munitions of war. 11937 G 186 2395 2406 DECISIONS OF THE UMPIRE. Note. " A " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. A 2395X. Workmen (other than those covered by decision B 2396, or already insurable under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911) engaged wholly or mainly in making electric plan-printing apparatus. B 2396. Glass workers or workmen engaged in making wooden parts by hand in connection with the manufacture of electric plan-printing apparatus which is not intended for use in war. A2397X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making or assembling metal parts of, or fittings for, blinds. This decision and decision B 2398 are substituted for decision B 2210. B 2398. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in (a) preparing by hand wooden parts of blinds; (b) fitting metal parts to wooden blind rollers; (c) fixing on premises inside and outside blinds. This decision and decision A 2397 X are substituted for decision B 2210. A2399X. Change room attendants employed wholly or mainly by way of manual labour in con- nection with any insured trade or muni- tions work. A 2400. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in the construction of air raid shelters and dug- outs. A2401X. All workmen engaged wholly or mainly in fleshing and puering sheepskins subsequent to de-wooling, whether such skins are to be tanned on the premises or elsewhere. A2402X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in machine woodwork in connection with the manufacture of buoys for fishing nets. B 2403. Workmen engaged ivholly or mainly in making skin buoys for fishing nets. A2404X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in making leather parts of cycle and motor cycle saddles. A2405X. Workmen engaged wholly or mainly in filling explosives into shells, fuses and cartridges. A 2406X. Workmen employed wholly or mainly in the workshops of local authorities, and engaged in painting iron seats, street orderly bins, or other metal goods. 187 APPENDIX I. 1. DECISIONS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME. (a) 7>f/'x/oMx given by the Umpire under Part II of the National Insurance Act, 1911, which have been omitted from the present volume on the ground that they have been rendered wholly or partly inoperative by the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916 : 3, 4 & 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 30, 35, 45, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 67 (1), 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 107, 108, 109, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 132, 133, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 146, 147, 149, 152, 155, 156, 159, 160, 165, 166, 167, 168, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 189, 190 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17), 192, 195, 198, 199 (in part), 200, 201, 202, 203, 206, 207, 210, 212, 215, 216, 219, 222, 223, 224, 227, 228, 232, 235, 236, 237, 238 (13, 14), 243, 246, 247, 251, 255, 256, 257, 259, 269, 272, 274, 276, 278 (in part), 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 293, 294, 295, 296, 301, 302, 308, 310, 313, 316, 317, 318, 325, 328, 329, 338, 344, 345, 347, 352, 355 (1), 359, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 369, 371, 373, 378, 379, 384, 385, 387, 392, 394, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 409, 410, 413, 415, 420 (in part), 421, 423, 424, 429, 430, 431, 434 (1), 437, 439, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 450, 451, 455, 458, 460 (3, 5), 463, 464, 466, 470, 472, 474, 475, 483, 485, 487, 500, 508, 510, 515, 518, 519, 521, 522, 524, 525, 528, 529, 530, 532, 536, 537, 539, 541, 544, 547, 550, 552, 555, 558, 560, 561, 562, 566, 568, 569, 571, 572 (2), 575, 577, 580, 584, 587, 590, 592, 593, 595, 596, 598, 599, 604, 610, 611, 614, 615, 616, 618, 619, 621, 626, 627, 629, 632, 633, 634, 687, 638, 639, 640, 641, 645, 646, 647, 648, 652, 653, 656, 658, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 668, 669, 678, 680, 684, 686, 687, 688, 690, 692, 693, 696, 700, 706, 707, 717, 718, 719, 721, 724, 726, 727, 730, 732, 733, 735 (2), 743, 747, 752, 755, 756, 758, 759, 760, 762, 763, 767, 771, 773, 774, 775, 777 (9, 10), 778, 782, 792, 793, 794, 796, 802, 804, 805, 807, 810, 813, 814, 817, 820, 822, 823, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 836, 837, 839, 842, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 855, 857, 858, 861, 864, 865, 873, 874, 875, 879, 885, 886, 887, 889, 892, 901, 9'03, 906, 907, 912, 913, 915 (3, 4), 916, 917, 918, 920, 921, 923, 925, 927, 931, 936, 938, 940, 943, 949, 951, 954 (1), 957, 958, 961, 962, 964, 965 (1, 2 & 4), 966, 969, 974, 975, 976, 977, 979, 984 (in part), 985, 990, 993, 998, 1000, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1008, 1011, 1013, 1023, 1024, 1032, 1035, 1036, 1039, 1041, 1043, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1051, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1060, 1066, 1071, 1080, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1097, 1103, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1112, 1117, 1120, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1134, 1H6, 1138, 1147, 1150, 1151, 1158, 1164, 1170, 1176, 1177, 1179, 1181, 1182, 1185, 1189, 1191, 1192, 1197, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1204, 1206, 1218, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1228, 1231, 1244, 1247, 1248, 1251, 1257, 1265, 1266, 1279, 1282, 1290, 1292, 1295, 1299, 1304, 1312, 1316 (2), 1318, 1320, 1322, 1327, 1328, 1333, 1334, 1341, 1347, 1348, 1349, 1353, 1356, 1374, 1377, 1379, 1381, 1384, 1387, 1388, 1390, 1391, 1400, 1403, 1408, 1415, 1417, 1420, 1423, 1426, 1440, 1444, 1447, 1449, 1452, 1454, 1459, 1462, 1464, 1469, 1471, 1474, 1480, 1484, 1486, 1490, 1492, 1493, 1505, 1509, 1510, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1530, 1533, 1536, 1542, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1548. (b) Decisions relating to individual workmen which raise no question of general interest, or decisions which merely apply a principle laid down in a previous decision : 6, 13, 2'5, 27, 28, 32, 34, 37, 41, 47, 57, 68, 73, 79, 148, 151, 154, '158, 161, 164, 214, 225, 226, 229, 230, 239, 240, 244, 249, 250, 252, 254, 273, 368, 497, 498, 499, 517, 559, 563, 608, 783, 835, 1038, 1173, 1345, 1512, 1910, 2359. (c) Decisions given by the Umpire, but superseded before publication : 61, 104, 290, 331, 476, 543, 546, 579, 581. 605, 606, 612, 613, 624, 630, 769, 795, 852, 896, 967, 1002, 1017, 1027, 1087, 1142, 1143, 1154, 1175, 1188, 1199, 1233, 1239, 1308, 1309, 1317, 1324, 1367, 1398, 1583, 1708, 2112. 11937 ft 2 188 2 DECISIONS WHICH MODIFY OR OTHERWISE AFFECT PREVIOUS DECISIONS. B 223 modifies A 9O A 320 supersedes A 89 B 373 supersedes A 64 (1) B 451 supersedes B 311 A 504 modifies B 67 (2) B 664 partly supersedes A 377 (1) and A 419 A 675 supersedes A 531 A 749 | supersedes any previous decision with which it may be iii conflict. A 750 supersedes A 425 A 751 partly supersedes B 446 A 798 modifies B 565 A 898 modifies B 119 (9) A 1088 modifies B 50 A 1131 partly supersedes B 398 B 1138 modifies A 489 (2) A 1145 modifies B 583 and B 585 A 1159 modifies B 396 A 1161 supersedes A 946 A 1162 supersedes A 251 B 1182 modifies A 937 B 1200 reverses A 897 B 1202] and supersede A 1020 A 1203 J A 1209 supersedes B 1093 A 1211 modifies B 682 and B 753 A 1214 supersedes B 1149 A 1216 modifies j B 610(1), B 639 and A 1217 modifies B 610 (2) A 1225 reverses B 416 A 1230 supersedes A 1169 A 1232 modifies B 9 A 1234 modifies B 738 A 1238 modifies B 49 (b) A 1250 modifies B 966 A 1252 reverses B 647 (2) B 1257 ) * and partly supersede B 813 (1) A 1258 j A 1260) A 1261 f and ( modify B 460 A 1262 J A 1270 modifies < _, .00 ( B 799 A 1278 supersedes B 678 (2 ) A 1315 | supersedes any previous decision with which it may be in conflict. A 1321 1 modifies A 787 supersedes B 901 (8) A 1336 modifies B 9, B 466 and B 616 A 1340 modifies B 634 and A 999 A 1351 reverses B 590 (2) A 1358 modifies A 303 and A 557 A 1368 modifies B 289 A 1372 modifies B 373 B1374 "i -JL O i TX 1 nnd. > supersede any previous decision with which A 1375 j they may be in conflict. A 1399 modifies B 183 A 1406 modifies B 819 and B 1339 A 1407 modifies B 317 (3) L89 A 1409 ( B 480, B 535, B 575 modlfi ? s and B 645 (1) A 1410 reverses B 270 and B 698 A 1416 modifies B 738 A 1418 ( B 686, B 733 and modifies | X B827(2) 1421 modifies B 847 14:52 modifies B 619 and B 1384 1442 modifies B 738 1461 modifies B 1333 1469 modifies A 943 1470 supersedes B 354 1477 | . and supersede B 1288 and B 1373 1478) 1483 | II ! 1 * 1 V modify any previous decision with which they B 1484 j may be in conflict. B 1486 reverses A 1184 B 1493 modifies A 353 (a) A 148 | modifies any previous decision with which it may be in conflict. A 1511 modifies B 1452 B 1513 modifies A 1351 B 1517 | supplements and explains A 1034 A 1521 revises A 514 A 1532 reverses B 932 A 1544 modifies B 654 and B 655 A 1535 reverses B 797 (1) A 1537 modifies B 1295 A 1552 | modifies any previous decision with which it may be in conflict. B 1559 supersedes A 1043 A 2014X partly supersedes B 1729 A 2123X modifies A 1869X A 2127X modifies B 1988 A 2144X modifies B 1632 B 2162 ) A 2163X f and C supersede B 1792 and A 2001X A 2164X ) A 2182X modifies B 1772 B 2260 supersedes B 2215 A 2320 reverses B 1419 B 2322 reverses A 1736X A 2349X modifies B 1768 A 2358 modifies B 50 B 2386 modifies B 2117 A 2392X revises A 2O58X A 2397X / and supersede B 2210 B 2398 j 11937 190 APPENDIX II. TABLE SHOWING THE ISSUES OF " THE BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL" IN ^YHICH THE VARIOUS DECISIONS GIVEN BY THE UMPIRE HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED. Date of Date of " Board of Trade Nos. of Decisions. " Board of Trade Nos. of Decisions. Journal." Journal." 1912 1912 30 May 1-23 (6, 13 not published) 28 Nov. 1191-1198 6 June 24-51 (25, 27, 28, 32, 34, 37, 5 Dec. 1200-1208 (1199 not pub 41, 47 not published) lished) 13 June 52-98 (57, 61, 68, 73, 79 12 Dec. 1209-1213 not published) 19 Dec. 1214-1221 (1220 publishec 20 June 99-144 (104 not published) following week) 27 June 145-223 (148, 151, 154, 158, 26 Dec. 1220, 1222-1227 161, 164, 214 not pub- lished) 1913 4 July 224-322 (225, 226, 229, 230, 239, 240, 244, 249, 250, 2 Jan. 1228-1232 (1233 not pub 252, 254, 273, 290 not lished) published) 9 Jan. 1234-1238 (1239 not pub 11 July 323-398 (331, 368 not pub- lished) lished) 16 Jan. 1241-1244 (1240 publishec 18 July 399-521 (476, 497, 498, 499, following week) 517 not published ; 512 23 Jan. 1240, 1245-1256 published following week) 30 Jan. 1257-1266 25 July 512, 522-602 (543, 546, 6 Feb. 1267-1271 559, 563, 579, 581 not pub- 13 Feb. 1272-1274 (also Umpire' lished) note on decisions 190 anc lAug. 603-706 (605, 606, 608, 612, 191) 613, 624, 630 not pub- 20 Feb. 1275-1276 lished) 27 Feb. 1277-1278 8 Aug. 707-756 6 Mar. 1279-1281 15 Aug. 757-799 (769, 783, 795 not 13 Mar. 1282-1294 published) 20 Mar. 1295-1299 22 Aug. 800-874 (835, 852 not pub- 27 Mar. 1300-1303 lished) 3 April No decisions published. 29 Aug. 875-937 (896 not published) 10 April 1304-1305 5 Sept. 938-973 (967 not published) 17 April 1306-1307 (1308, 1309 no 12 Sept. 974-1007 (1002 not pub- lished) 24 April published) No decisions published. 19 Sept. 1008-1037 (1017, 1027 not IMay 1310-1313 published) 8 May 1314-1316 (1317 not pub 26 Sept. 1039-1069 (1038 not pub- lished) lished) 15 May 1318-1319 3 Oct. 1070^1096 (1087 not pub- 22 May 1320-1321 lished) 29 May 1322-1326 (1324 not pub 10 Oct. 1097-1116 lished) 17 Oct. 1117-1130 5 June 1327-1331 24 Oct. 1131-1145 (1142, 1143 not 12 June 1332 published) 19 June 1333-1335 31 Oct. 1146-1163 ^1154 not pub- 26 June 1336-1337 lished) 3 July 1338-1341 7 Nov. 1164-1170 10 July 1342 14 Nov. 1171-1180 (1173, 1175 not 17 July 1343-1346 (1345 not pub 21 Nov. published) 1181-1190 (1188 not pub- 24 July lished) 1347 31 July 1348 191 Date of 'Board of Trade Journal." Xos. of Decisions. Date of " Board of Trade Journal." Nos. of Decisions. 1913 1914 7 Aug. 1349-1350 16 July No decisions published. 14 Aug. 1351 23 July 1459-1461 21 Aug. 1352-1355 30 July 1462 28 Aug. 1356-1359 6 Aug 1463 4 Sept. 1360-1361 13 Aug. 1464-1465 11 Sept. 1362-1363 20 Aug. 1466-1467 18 Sept. 1364-1366 27 Aug. 1468 25 Sept. 1368 (1367 not published) 3 Sept. 1470 (1469 published 17th 2 Oct. 1*369-1372 Sept., 1914) 9 Oct. 1373-1377 10 Sept. 1471 16 Oct. 1378-1379 17 Sept. 1469, 1472 23 Oct. No decisions published. 24 Sept. 1473 30 Oct. 1380-1382 1 Oct. 1474-1476 6 Nov. 1383-1385 8 Oct. 1479 (1477 and 1478 pub 13 Nov. 1386-1388 lished 22nd Oct., 1914) 20 Nov. 1389-1394 15 Oct. 1480 27 Nov. 1395-1H96 22 Oct. 1477, 1478, 1481-1484 4 Dec. 1397-1400 (1398 not pub- 29 Oct. 1485 lished) 5 Nov. No decisions published. 11 Dec. 1401 12 Nov. 1486 18 Dec. 1402-1403 19 Nov. 1487 24 Dec. 1404 26 Nov. 1488-1489 3 Dec. 1490-1491 10 Dec. 1492-1493 1Q1 4. 17 Dec. 1494 X37 J.TK 24 Dec. 1495 1 Jan. 1405 31 Dec. No decisions published. 8 Jan. 1406 15 Jan. No decisions published. 1915 22 Jan. 1407-1413 29 Jan. 1414-1417 7 Jan. 1496-1497 5 Feb. 1418-1420 14 Jan. No decisions published. 12 Feb. 1421-1422 21 Jan. No decisions published. 19 Feb. 1424-1430 (1423 published 28 Jan. No decisions published. following week) 4 Feb. 1498 26 Feb. 1423, 1431-1432 11 Feb. 1499 5 Mar. 1433-1434 18 Feb. 1500 12 Mar. 1435-1436 25 Feb. 1501-1502 19 Mar. 1437-1439 4 Mar. 1503-1506 26 Mar. No decisions published. 11 Mar. No decisions published 2 April 1440-1442 18 Mar. No decisions published. 9 April 1443 25 Mar. No decisions published. 16 April 1444-1445 1 April No decisions published. 23 April No decisions published. 8 April No decisions published. 30 April 1446 15 April 1507 7 May No decisions published. 22 April 1508 14 May 1447-1451 29 April 1509 21 May 1452 6 May 1510 28 May No decisions published. 13 May No decisions published. 4 June No decisions published. 20 May No decisions published. 11 June 1453 27 May 1511 18 June 1454-1455 3 June No decisions published. 25 June 1456 10 June No decisions published. 2 July 1457-1458 17 June 1513 (1512 not published) 9 July No decisions published. 24 June 1514 11937 G 4 192 Date of "Board of Trade Journal." Nos. of Decisions. Date of " Board of Trade Journal." Nos. of Decisions. 1915 1916 1 July 1515 29 June . No decisions published 8 July 1516 6 July 1550 15 July No decisions published. 13 July No decisions published. 22 July 1517 20 July 1551-1552 29 July No decisions published. 27 July No decisions published. 5 Aug. No decisions published. 3 Aug. No decisions published. 12 Aug. No decisions published. 10 Aug. 1553-1567 19 Aug. 1518 17 Aug. 1568-1622 (1583 not pu>>- 26 Aug. 1519 lished : 1609 published 2 Sept. 1520-1521 following w ?ek) 9 Sept. No decisions published. 24 Aug. 1609, 1623-1610 (1649 pub- 16 Sept. No decisions published lished 15th March, 1917) 23 Sept No decisions published. 31 Aug. 1651-1700 30 Sept. No decisions published. 7 Sept. 1701-1774 (1708 no pub- 7 Oct. No decisions published. lished ; 174-2, 1743 pub 14 Oct. No decisions published. lished 12th Oct., 1916) 21 Oct. No decisions published. 14 Sept. 1775-1830 28 Oct. 1522-1523 21 Sept. 1831-1866 4 Nov. 1524 28 Sept. 1867-1922 (1874 published 11 Nov. 1525 28th Dec, 1916 ; 1910 18 Nov. 1526-1529 not published) 25 Nov. 1530-1531 5 Oct. 1923-1950 2 Dec. No decisions published. 12 Oct. 1742, 1743, 1951-1980 9 Dec. No decisions published. 19 Oct. 1981-1998 16 Dec. No decisions published. 26 Oct. 1994-2015 23 Dec. No decisions published. 2 Nov. 2016-203* 30 Dec. No decisions published. 9 Nov. '2034-2049 16 Nov. 2050-2060 1 Q1 f\ 23 Nov. 2061-2068 JLcF&V 30 Nov. 2069-2081 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. No decisions published. No decisions published. No decisions published. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 98 DPP 2082-2084 2085-2095 2096-2101 1 071 * 27 Jan. 1532-1535 ^O -L/cO. 1 t ~t 3 Feb. 1536 10 Feb. 1537-1538 17 Feb. 1539 1917 24 Feb. No decisions published. 2 Mar. No decisions published. 4 Jan 2102-2103 9 Mar. No decisions published. 11 Jan. 2104-2108 16 Mar. 1540-1541 18 Jan. 210S-2114 23 Mar. 1542 25 Jan. 2115-215 30 Mar. No decisions published. 1 Feb. 2118-2126 6 April 1543 8 Feb. 2127-2131 13 April No decisions published. 15 Feb. No decisions published. 20 April 1544 22 Feb. 2132-2138 27 April No decisions published. 1 Mar. 2139-2142 4 May No decisions published. 8 Mar. 2143-2144 11 May No decisions published. 15 Mar. 1649 18 May 1545-1546 22 Mar. No decisions published. 25 May No decisions published. 29 Mar. 2145-2147 1 June 1547 5 April 2148-2177 (2162, 2163, 2164 8 June 1548 published 3rd May, 1917) 15 June No decisions published. 12 April No decisions published. 22 June 1549 19 April 2178-2180 193 Date of ' Board of Trade Journal " N"s. of Decisions. Date of " Board of Trade Journal." Xos. of Decisions. 1917 1917 26 April 2181-2215 16 Aug. 2385 3 May 2162, 2163, 2164, 2216-2222 23 Aug. No decisions published. 10 May 2223-2248 (2239 published 30 Aug. 2386 17th May, 1917) 6 Sept. 2387 17 May 2239, 2249-2268 13 Sept. No decisions published. 24 May 2269-2270 20 Sept. No decisions published. 31 May 2271-2274 27 Sept. 2388. 7 June 3275-2294 4 Oct. 23*9. 14 June 2295-2314 11 Oct. No decisions published. 21 June 2315-2320 18 Oct. 2390-2391. 28 June 2321-2348 25 Oct. No decisions published. 5 July 2349 1 Nov. No decisions published. 12 July 2350-2357 8 Nov. No decisions published. 19 July 2358-2361 (2359 not pub- 15 Nov. 2392-2393. lished) 22 Nov. 2394-2398. 26 July 2362-2363 29 Nov. 2399. 2 Aug. 2364-2366 6 Dec. 2400-2401. 9 Aug. 2367-2384 13 Dec. 2402-2406. INDEX. Note. "A" numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE PAYABLE. " B " numbers refer to decisions by the Umpire that contributions ARE NOT PAYABLE. The numbers of decisions given under the National Insurance (Part II.) (Munition Workers) Act, 1916, are distinguished by the letter {> X." % This index is intended merely as a guide to the decisions in which the occupations indexed are to be found, and it is important that reference should in all cases be made to the text. The effect of a decision as indicated by the letters "A" or "B" depends upon the whole context, a variation in which may render the decision" inapplicable. Abrasive Materials Cloth or Paper Coaters, A 1915X Absorbent Cotton Wool Bleachers, &c., B 1876 Pressers, &c., B 1780 Abutment Walls (Bridges) Rebuilders, A 1298 Accumulators Box Makers, A 2380X Chargers, B 1005, B 1283 Cleaners, A 2357 Erectors, B 1962, A 2221 Lead Lining Makers, A 2380X Makers, A 1694X Repairers, A 2357 Washers, &c., B 1283 Acetate of Lime Makers, A 2126X Acetone Makers, A 2129X Reeoverymen Explosive Works, A 1599X Acetylene Gas (see also Oxy- Acety- lene) Compressors, A 1982X Cylinder Makers, A 1982X, A 2342X Generator Makers, A 2328X Generators, A 1982X Pipe Fitters, A 516, A 644 Acidmen Explosive Work*, A 1590X, A1599X Acids (see under special headings) Actions (Piano) Makers, A 1744X, A 1745X, B 1746 Adaptors (Elect ical) Assemblers, B 965 Adding Machines Makers, A 495 Addressograph Machines Makers, A 2347X, B 2348 Adjusters Automatic Machines, A 1453 Brakes (Railways), B 427 Clocks, B 1750 Adj usters cont. Compasses, B 1803 Lace Machines (Foremen), B 797 Motor Gars, A 332 Sights (Guns and Rifles), A 1516 Truck Gear (Tramways). B 1346 Watches, B 1750 Weighing Machines, A 557 Admiralty Employees Dock Labourers, A 306 Electrical Fitters, A 307 Ironfoundry Workers, A 357 Torpedo Testers, A 335 Advertisements Fixers Hoardings, B 942 Vehicles, B 884 Walls, B 942 Makers, B 899, A 2108X, A 2393X Painters, B 942 Aerated Waters Case Makers, A 2002X Case Repairers, B 199 . Makers, B 1896 Syphon Top Fitters, B 199 Aerial Ropeways Erectors, A 1291 Aeroplanes Ash Part Finishers, A 1685 Bomb Makers, A 1547 Makers, A 922 Shed Makers, A 922 Streamline Wire Makers, A 1563 Wing Spar Finishers, A 1685 Agricultural Barn Thatchers, A 883 Building Makers, A 685 Cream Separator Makers, A 1029 Drainage Systems Constructors and Repairers Ordinary, B 1243 Surface (Sheep), B 1075 Underdrainage, B 1099 Agricultural cont. Drainage Systems cont. Pipe Makers, B 659, B 1768, A 2349X Harvesting Machine Erectors, A 461 Implements Assemblers (Imported), A 945 Experimenters, B 36 Makers, A 699 (2) Repairers, A 1363 Labourers, B 111 (a) Machinery Makers, A 699 (1) Repairers, A 720 (2), A 1363 Ploughmen Experimental, B 36 Steam, B 390 Poultry House Constructors, &c., A 1431 Threshing Machines Makers, A 435 Workers, B 390 Air Compressor Men Oxy- Acetylene Plant Makers, B 915 Air Doors (Collieries) Makers, B 469 Air Raid Shelters- Constructors, A 2400 Airships (see also Balloons) Hydrogen Compressors, A 1205 Makers, A 922 Shed Makers, A 922 Air Tubes (Tyres) Makers, A 2176X Alcohol Manufacture Grain Spirit Makers, A 2020 X Makers, A 2121X Methylators, A 2098X Yeast Workers, B 2120 Alizarine Dyes Makers, A 1656X Alkali Works- Bag Repairers, A 179 IX Block and Fall Men, A (375 Branders, A 1791X Crane Drivers, A 1791X Girl Messengers, A 179 IX Pipe Flangers, &c., A 484 Samplers, A 179 IX Alkaloids Makers, A 1697X Alloys- Founders Engineering Work, A 23 General Work, A 1626X Aluminium Boxes Makers or Repairers, A 1561X Castings Makers, A 1110, A 1626X Foil- Rollers, A 1892X Granulated Makers, A 1892X Ambulance Men General, B 1880 Sewing Machine Makers, B 278 American Cloth Makers, B 1732 Ammeters Makers, A 169 IX Ammonium Sulphate Makers, (A) 1765 Manure Makers, A 2350X Ammunition Balance Makers, A 2339X Belt Makers (Maxim Guns), A 1012 Bomb Makers, A 1547, A 2337X Cartridges Disc Paper Makers, B 1868 Fillers, A 2405X Makers Artillery, A 51 Small Arms, A 1600X Sporting, A 1629X Wad Board Makers, B 1823 Charger Makers (Small Arms), | A 2326X, A 2328X Friction Tube Makers, A 1636 Fuse Makers, &c., A 1521, A 2405X Grenade Makers, A 2337X Percussion Primer Makers, A 1636 Shells- Band Makers, A 1527 Fillers, A 2405X Makers, A 51 Packers (Shrapnel), A 1543 Plug Makers, A 2360 Tube Makers (Shrapnel), A 1507 Wad Board Makers, B 1823 Analysts Insured Trades, B 1877 Anchors Makers or Repairers, A 2159X Angle- irons Makers Builders' Iron work Makers, A 1399 Mechanical Engineering Estab- lishments, A 411 Railway Works, A 465 (1) and (3) Warehousemen, B 1577 Aniline Dyes Makers, A 1616X Annealers Cartridges, A 1600X Cycle Parts, A 512 (8) Iron Castings, A 62 Mining Tools, A 900 (7) Oxygen Cylinders, A 1 687X Steel Castings, A 320 Wire, A 1650X Annealing Furnacemen, A 9GO Pot Makers, A 1624X Anthracite Stoves Fixers, B 1472 Makers-, &c., A 1611X Anti-corrosive Material Workers, A 929, A 1397, A 1950X 196 Anti-friction Metal Makers, A 2370X Shell and Bush Liners, A 890 Anti-Toxic Serum Preparers, A 188 IX Anvils Turners, A 801 Apprentices, A 2352X, A 2353 Aprons Perambulators Makers, A 1378 Roofs Lead Workers, A 33 Arc Lamps (see also Electrical Ma- chinery) Carbon Makers, B 1005 Cleaners, B 2208, B 2253 Makers, A 1997X Repairers, A 1997X Arches Furnace Rebuilders, A 1259 Repairers, A 1259 G arden Makers, B 1586 Railway Limewashers, A 1331 Whitewashes, A 1331 Architect's Assistant, B 153 Architectural Clay Modellers, B 891 Ornament Carvers, A 375 Armatures Disc Notchers, &c., A 765 Winders, A 1690X, A 198 IX Armour Fixers (Cables), A 171 IX Makers (Body), A 1613X Armour Plate Machinemen, &c., A 868 Arms (see Ammunition and Guns) Army Uniforms (see Uniforms) Artesian Wells- Borers, B 825 Machinery Makers, &c., A 826 Artificial Fertilisers and Manures Makers, A 1594X,B 2025, A 2350X Wharf Labourers, B 1993, B 2056 Lakes Constructors, A 1062 Repairers, B 1061 Limbs Makers, A 1973X Marble Fixers, A 1525 Makers, A 1525, A 2106X Stone Fixers, A 1216 Flag Makers, A 1216 Makers, A 1216, A 2309X, A 2332X, A 2349X Millstone Makers, A 2184X Mould Makers, A 1217 Paving Slab Makers, A 2055X Artificial cont. Stone cont. Pipe, &c., Makers, A 2349X Terracotta Casters, A 1216 Wreaths (Metal) Stampers, &c., A 1666X Artillery Ammunition (see Ammuni- tion) Artists Church Decoration, B 1095 Artists' Colours Preparers, A 1828X Art Metal Workers, A 2282X Asbestos Cloth Weavers, B 1921 Compound Makers, A 2254X Engine Packing Makers, A 1918X Locomotive Work Sewers, A 479' Mattress Makers, A 1987X Millboard Makers, B 1920 Paper Makers, B 1920 Rubber Proof ers, A 1805X Sheet Makers, A 1919X Slab Makers, A 1919X Tile Makers, A 1919X Washer Makers, A 1918X Yarn Makers, B 1921 Ash Cleaners Electric Supply Co., B 264 Ash Parts (Aeroplanes) Finishers, A 1685 Ashpit Workers Local Authorities, B 97, B 2160 Asphalt Workers Bitumastic Paint, &c.. Makers A 2143X Cauldron Maker--, A 1515 Coaters Walls, A 440 Layers Foundations, A 440, A 1234 Paths, B 738, A 1234 Roofs, A 440, A 1234 School Playgrounds, A 1442 Streets, B 583 Yards, B 738, A 1234 Makers, A2084X, B 2204 Assemblers Adding Machines, A 495 Agricultural Implements, A 945 Automatic Machines, A 1224 Axles, A 902 Banjos, B 1724 Bedsteads, A 1589X, B 1743 Blinds, A 2397X, B 2398 Bottle-corking Machines, A 1330 Bread-slicing Machines, A 1330 Cabinet Work, B 1825 Cable Accessories, A 2268X Camera Parts (Metal), A 2007X Cardboard and Tin Boxes, B 1703 Cash Tills, B 2338 Celluloid Ornaments, B 1655 Clocks, A 1T48X Commutators, A 1690X 197 Assemblers cont. Conduit Fittings, A 1785X Cycle Repair Outfits, A 1960X Cycles, A 512 (6) Electrical Conduit Fittings, A 1785X Electrical Distribution Appliance-, A 679 Electrical Water Heater.-, A 2318X H'ruit-cleaniug Machines, A 1330 Fuses (Electrical), A 1693X Gas Governors, A 1133 Hyposcopes, A 2105X Landholders (Electric), A 1693X Lead Lights, A 1270 Magnetos, A 1692X Meat- mincing Machines, A 1330 Metal Windows, A 1225 Motor Fittings, A 502 Motor Repair Outfits, A 1960X Motor Starters, A 1301 Oxy- Acetylene Welding Apparatus, A 1551 Pavement Lights, A 1270 Periscopes, A 2105X Printing Machinery, A 663 (3) Railway Carriage Accumulators, B 1283 Refrigerators, A 2110X, B 2111 Sausage Skin-filling Machines, A 1330 School Furniture, B 1825 Sbock Absorbers, A 780 Sparking Plugs, A 1692X Spring Suspensions, A 780 Stoves, A 161 IX Switchboard Parts, A 287 (2), A 516 Switches, A 1693X Tea Mixing, &c., Machines, A 1026 Turret Clocks, A '2286X Typewriters, A 944 Vertical Lights, A 1270 Watcher, A 1748X Wheels (Wood), A 809 Window Blinds, B 2210 Attendants (see under Engines, Mi- chinery, &c.) Auctioneer Notice Boards Makers and Erectors, B 2382 Automatic Controllers (Gas Lamps) Fixers, B 2290 Repairers, A 2296X Automatic Machines Cartridge-weighing Balances Makers, A 2339X Penny-in-the-Slot Assemblers, A 1224 Converters, A 1453 Makers, A 1224, A 1483 Painters, A 1293 Repairers, A 1224 Screw-making Attendants, A 495 Weighing (Flour, &c.) Makers, A 888 Automatic Machines cont. Wire Goods-making Fitters, A 501 Wire -welding (Reinforced Con- crete) Attendants, A 2387X Automobiles (see Motor Cars) Awnings Canvas Makers, B 1835 Railway Stations Constructors, &c., A 1297 Axes Makers, A 1603X Axle Manufacture Axle Boxes, Box Fittings and Bear- ings- Casters (Caps), A 902 Dressers, A 739 Drop Forgers (Nuts and Washers), A 902 Lappers, A 902 Machinists, A 739 Painters, A 739 Screwers, A 902 Turners, A 902 Axles- Assemblers, A 902 Cleaners, A 540 Crankers, A 2331X Drillers, A 422 Fitters, A 422, A 902, A 1418 Flappers, A 2S31X Grinders, A 902 Hardeners, A 902 Hub Bush Makers and Fitters, A 1135 Labourers, A 511 (3) Oil Cap Makers and Fitter?, A 1135 Pinners, A 902 Polishers, A 902 Repairers, A 597 Setters, A 902 Shutters, A 2331X Turners, A 422, A 496 (2), AJ51 1 (1, 2), A 878, A 902, A 1418 Welders, A 511 (4) Wheel Mounters, A 540 Axminster Carpet weaving Machines Tuba Makers, A 2328X Baby Cars (see Perambulator Mfc,) Back Rails (Cycles) Makers, A 787 Bacon-slicing Machines Makers, A 1369 Badges (Naval and Military) Makers, A 1716X, A 2083X Wire Coverers, A 2079X Wire Spinners, &c., A 208 IX Bags Branders ChemicalH, A. I791X 198 cont. Cutters- Lubricating Grease, B 13G Fillers- Cement, A 1913X Composition Flooring, A 2269X Fertilizers, A 1594X Manures, A 1594X, A 2350X Makers Kit, A 1554X Shell, A 1675X Sleeping, A 1573X Sponge, A 2092X Repairers Cement, A 1913X Chemicals, A 1791X 'Sewers Lubricating Grease, B 13G -Sorters Cement, A 1913X Baize Cloth (Oil) Makers, B 1732 Baking Powder- Makers, B 1845 Balances (Cartridge- weighing Makers, A 2339X Balata Belting Makers, A 1917X Makers, A 1639X Balers- Cotton Wool, B 1780 Ballast- Diggers, B 806, B 2090 Screeners, B 2090 Balloons Fabric Weavers, (A) 1696 Makers Dirigible, A 922 Non-Dirigible, A 2273X Balls- Cricket Makers, A 2013X Golf Maker?, A 1712X Steel Bearings Counters, A 1 153 Makers, A 353 Packers, A 1153 Race Maker?, A 512 Tennis Coverers, A 201 IX Bamboo Machinists, A 2142X Banding (Leather) Makers, A 2109X Band Instruments Makers, A 1595X, A 2236X Band Knives and Saws Makers, A 2190X Bando'iers (Cotton) Makers, A 1558X Bands (Ha>) Makers (Leather), A 1719X Bandstands Builders, A 1157 Repairers, A 1157 Ban] os Assemblers, B 1724 Banks- Repairers Canal, B 494 River, B 622 Banksmen Fire-clay Mines, B 1701 Barbe Machines Attendants (Dye Works), B 327 Barbers' Marble Basins, &c. Makers, A 506 Barges Builders, A 2 Captains, B 105 Dischargers, B 38, B 867, B 1993, B2056 Labourers, B 105, B 811 Loaders, B 1993, B 2056 Mates, B 105 Repairers, A 2, A 465 (3) Barking Machines (Wood) Attendants, A 2116X Barns Thatchers, A 883 Barrellers Harness Furniture, A 2263X Barrels (see also Guns) Metal- Makers, A 2202X Wooden Bung and Bung Guard Makers, A 2374X Examiners, B 2003 Makers, A 1797X, A 2068X Repairers, B 1988, A 2127X Barrow Makers and Repairers- Steel, A 2217X Wooden Brick Works, A 2196X General, A 1418, B 2244 Bars (Iron and Steel) General Warehousemen, B 1577 Patent Glazing Drillers, &c., A 1113 Roofs Makers, &c., A 1073 Bars (Refreshment) Pipe Fixers (Beer Engines), A 1172 Sink Coverers, A 1172 Barytes Miner?, &c., B 2064 Bases (Slate) Elec. Machinery Drillers, A 1760X Basins (Marble) Masons, A 506 Baskets Ironwork Makers, A 2279X 199 Baskets cont. Makers- Dust, B 572 General Cane, B 1630 Chip, A 1890X, B 1891 Willow, B 16*0 Household, B 709 Invalid Carriage Bodies, A 708 Perambulator Bodies, A 1378 Bass (Brooms, &c.) Dressers, B 70, B 1882 Bath and Counties Show Building Erectors, A 468 Bathing Caps Makers, A 2092X Baths (Domestic, &c.) Enamellers, A 2200X Makers- Metal, A 1585X, A 1648X, A 2200X, A 2328X Rubber-proofed Fabric, A 1747X Wood (Dyers), B 2216, B 2245 Painters, A 2200X Repairers, A 1382, B 2216, B 2245 Baths (Public) Attendants, B 97 Floor Fixers and Repairers, A 1171 Repairers, A 191 (3) Bats (Cricket) Makers, B 2012 Batteries (see also Electrical Ma- chinery) Attendants, B 10, B 264, A 1343 Makers, A 1694X Mould Machinists, A 1068 Tool Makers, A 1068 Bayonets Connection Makers, A 2356 Makers, A 1209 Beacons Lamp Makers, A 2179X Makers, A 959 B earners Cotton Spinners, B 115 Beams Loom and Warpers' Turners, A 872 Scales- Testers, B 1186, A 1187 Bearings Axles- Dressers, A 739 Machinists, A 739 Painters, A 739 Cycles, &c. Makers, A 353" Kace Makers, A 512 General Anti-friction Metal Makers, A 2370X Machinery Casters, A 349 Weighing Machines Fitters, A 557 Beater Rolls (Paper Manufacturers) Wood Cover Repairers. A 2362 Beds- Makers (Munition Workers), B 1885 Bedsteads Castor Drillers, A 2302X Makers Metal, A 1589X Wooden, A 1742X, B 1743 Mattress Makers Flock, B 1743, B 2151 General, B 2151 Wire, A 1742X Mother of Pearl Workers, B 1955 Stock Fitters, A 1220 Beer- Case Makers, A 2002X Engiue Pipe Fixers, A 1172 Belgians (see War Refugees) Bell-mouthed Tubes (Motor Cars) Makers, A 2327X Bellows Makers (Cameras), A 2007X Menders (;*>hipbuildmg), A 576 Bells- Cycle, &c. Makers, A 2328X Electric Wiremen Buildings, A 854, A 1382 Ships, A 695 General Clapper Makers, A 237 9X Frame Makers, A 1040 Hangers, A 1042 Pulley Makers, A 1040 Tool Makers and Setters, A 924 Wheel Makers, A 1040 Belts- Ammunition (Maxim Guns) Makers, A 1012 Clothing Makers, B 1642, A 1643X, B 1944 Tool Makers, A 672 Cork (Life-belts) Makers, A 1826X Emery Makers, A 1915X Machinery Attendants and Repairers Cotton Doublers, B 963 Insured Tra es, A 1964X Locomotive Makers, A 479 Mechanical Engineering Works, A 337, A 395, A 803 Railway Signal Makers, A 507. Railway Works, A 465 (1) Fastener Manufacture Machine Setiers, A 1433 Makers BaUta, A 1917X Leather General, A 2109X Engineering Establishment^ A 803 Textile, B 1837 200 Fitters Sewing Machines, A 1064 Makers Brick Works, A 2196X Dyers and Cleaners, B 2216, B 2245 Bench Hands Engineers and Mill Furnishers, A 591 Benders Cycle Tubes, A 1321 Hoopsticks, A 465 (2) Motor Car- Panels, A 800 Rims, A 791 Sides, A 800 Motor Cycle Tubes, A 1321 Pipe Mouthpieces, A 2227X Roofing Work (Constructional En- gineers), A 948 Shafts, A 800 Spokes, A 768 Tubes (Engineering), A 1163 Wings, A 800 Wood, A 1776X Bends (Expansion) Coppersmiths, A 1329 Berths (Ships) Makers, A 2336X Bevellers (Glass) General, B 799 Navigation Lantern Lenses, A 1976X Scientific Instruments, A 1 974X Ships' Side Lights, A 1976X Ships' Smoke Observation Windows, A 1976X Water Level Gauges, A 1974X Bicycles, see Cycles. Biers Makers, A 588 Bifurcated Rivet Manufacture Tool Makers, A 742 Bilges (Ships) Sealers, &c., A 1050 Billiards- Cue Case Makers, A 2168X, A 2328X Bill Posters, B 942 Binders (Loose Leaf Ledgers) Makers, A 2005X, B 2006 Binnacles (Ship's) Lantern Makers, A 1619X Makers, A 1619X Bins- Dust Makers, A 1585X Street Orderly- Painters, B 734 ; A 2406X Biscuit Manufacture Oven Constructors and Repairers, A 1240 Tin Makers, A 2328X Tin Repairers, A 2161 X Bifeumastic Paints, &c. Makers, A 2143X Bitumen Coaters (Steamships), A 91 1 Layers, A 440 Makers, B 2204 Black Plate Works- General Workers, A 161 4X Blackers Coffin Furniture, A 1580X Stoves, &c., A 1611X Blacking Makers, B 1852, B 2069 Blacklead Makers, B 1846 Blacksmiths and Helpers -{see also Smiths) Blast Furnace Plant Maintenance Workers, A 1375 Boat Builders, A 766 Boat Repairers. A 14A, A 545 Collieries, A 1261, A 1827X Invalid Carriage Makers, A 708 Iron Works, A 486 Loco. Boiler Ferrule Makers, A 1263 Military Railway Workshops, A 609 Mining Tool Makers, A 900 Motor Wheel Makers, A 809 Parcel Handcart Makers, A 708 Railway Wagon Works, A 39 School of Musketry, A '2258X Vehicle Repairers, A 545 Welded Tube Makers (Toolmakers), A 1096 Yacht and Boat Fittings Makers, A 1058 Blades- Swords Fitters, A 1209, A 1529 Makers, A 1209 Table- Die and Cutter Filers, A 1528 Turbines Die Filers, A 1063 GauX Collarettes (Fur) Makers, B 2114 Collectors Carbonic Acid Gas Manufacture, A 2119X Electric Supply Co., B 264 Collectors (Electric) Part Makers, A 287 Colliery Workers Blacksmiths, A 1261, A 1827X Boiler Repairers, A 1438 Bricklayers, B 460, A 1260 Building Constructors and Re- pairers, A 1260 Carpenters, B 460, B 469, A 1260 Corve Makers, A 1514 Electricians, B 460, B 1961 Fitters, B 460, A 1261 Hauliers, B 657 Hutch Makers, A 1514 Joiners, B 460, B 469, A 1260 Labourers, B 460, B 657 Machinery Makers and Repairers, A 1261 Masons, B 460, A 1260 Mechanics, A 1261, A 1827X Miners, B 657, B 1581 Painters, B 460, A 1260 Pit-head Gear Erectors, A 1401 Pitmen, B 657 Pit Sinkers, B 460, B 473 Plumbers, B 460, A 1260 Pit Prop Sawyers, A 1587X Railway Wagon Makers and Re- - pairers, A 1262 Sawmillers, A 1562X Screeners, B 412 Smiths, A 1261 rimbermen, B 657 Tool Repairers, A 1827X Tram Repairers, B 460, B 657, A 1827X Tram Makers, A 712, A 1514 Tub Attendants, B 460, A 1827X Tub Makers, A 712, A 1514 Underground Workers, B 657 Washers, B 412 215 Colliery Workers c<>/t(. Wood Machinists, A 1562X Colourers Motor Wheel Makers and Tyre Smiths, A 809 Colours (see also Paint) Artists' Colour Preparers, A 1828X Box Makers, A 1871X Grinders, A 2132X Miners, B 1870 Mixers, A 2132X Ochre Grinders, &c., A 2074X Potters' Colour Makers, A 2028X Red Oxide Grinders, &c., A 2074X Tin Makers, A 2328X Tin Repairers, A 2161X Combs (Textile) Makers- General, A 2103X Hosiery Machines, A 470 Lace Machines, A 458 Commercial Travellers Sheet Metal Workers, B 145 Commercial Warehouses General Workers, B 1686 Commissionaires, B 2157 Commutators Assemblers, A 1690X Compasses (Ship's) Adjusters, B 1803 Makers, A 1619X Component Parts Munitions Examiners, &c., A 1726X Pianos Makers, A 1745X Composition Boiler, &c. (Non-conducting) Fixers, A 574 Makers, B 1986 Flooring Layer*, A 551, A 941 Mixers, A 2269X Packers, A 2269X Oil Baize Cloth Mixers, B 1732 Pipes- Makers, A 1854X Printers' Rollers Makers or Fixers, B 1979 Relief Decoration Fixers, A 1148 Makers, A 1214 Type Rollers- Casters, B 764 Compositors General, B 1821 Rubber Stamp Manufacture, B 1895 Compound Cake Manufacture General Workers, B 1721 Mechanics, A 114 Compounders Pharmaceutical Preparations, B 1698 Compressed Leather Makers, A 1649X, A 2134X Raw HiHe Blank, &c., Makers, A 2109X Paper- Brake Block Makers, B 2206 Compression Taps Makers, A 502 Compressor Men Acetylene Gas Manufacture, A 1982X Airship Factory (Hydrogen), A 1205 Carbonic Acid Gas Manufacture, A 20B9X, A 2119X Gas Works, B 238 Oxy- Acetylene Plant Makers (Air), B915 Oxygen Manufacture, A 1687X Concrete Breakers, A 725 (2) Casters, A 1216 Flag Makers, A 1216 Groyne Constructors, &c., A 2124 Layers Foundations Engines, A 1396 Machinery, A 1396 Soap Pa.. Pits, A 1386 Roads, B 583, B 585, A 1145 Manger Erectors, A 554 Mixers, B 585 Partition Makers, A 1622X Pipe Makers, A 2349X Pole Makers, A 2349X Slab Makers, A 2332X, A 2349X Sleeper Makers, A 2349X Concrete (Reinforced) Fixers, A 1216 Makers, A 1216 Mould Makers, A 1217 Wire Welding Machine Attendants, A 2387X Condensers Attendants Dyers, B 42 Electric Supply Co., B 264 Makers (Elec.), A 2308X Condenser Yarns Spinners, B 1676 Conductors Elec. Machinery Installers, A 287, A 489, A 854 Repairers, A 287, A 330, A 489, A 854 Lightning Installers, A 919 Conductors' Ticket Punches Makers and Repairers, A 2239X Conduits (Telegraph, &c.) Constructors, A 1424 Conduit System Tramways, &c. Construction Workers, A 191 (6) Maintenance Workers, B 190 (4), B 1905 216 Conduit Tubes (Electrical) Metal Fittings Makers, A 1785X Confectionery Manufacture Box Makers, A 1737X Steam- jacketed Pan Makers, A 1494 Tray Makers, &c., B 2385 Congested Districts Board Employees (see also Local Authority) Boat Builders, A 509 Boat Slip Constructors, A 509 Bridge Builders, A 509 Building Erectors, &c., A 509 Pier Constructors, A 509 Road Constructors, A 509 Conservators' (River) Employees, B 811, A 812 Constructional Glass Manufacture (see Unemployment Insurance (Muni- tion Workers) Exclusion Order, p. v.) Constructional Iron nr Steel Work Dismantlers, A 625 Erectors, A 625, A 740, A 1157 Girder Cutters and Dressers, A 625 Preparers, A 740, A 1157 Riggers, A 625 Roofing Department Workers, A 948 Toolmakers, A 947 Contact Makers (Electrical) Automatic Weighing Machines, A 888 Contactors (Electrical) Makers and Erectors, A 287 Container Tubes (Shells) Makers, A 1936X Contractors Building Trades, B 105, B 111 (b). Cutlery and Silver Plate Industry, B2363 Contractors' Employees (see also Local Authority) Boot Repairers, B 101 Borers, A 1277 Brick Dressers, A 725 (1) Can Boilers, A 725 (3) Caretakers, B 723 (2) Carpenters, A 110 (b) Chefs, B 101 Concrete Breakers, A 725 (2) Draughtsmen, B 723 (1) Electricians, A 393 Engineers' Chainmen, B 333 Gangers, B 101 Masons, A 110 (b) Quarry men, B 101 Stonebreakers, A 1287 Timekeepers, B 723 (3) Tramway Maintenance Workers, A 1354 Yard Laburers, A 1466 Controllers Electrical- Makers, A 287 Controllers cont. Street Gas Lamps Fixers, B 2290 Repairers, A 2296X Tram Cars Fixers, A 1014 Repairers, A 789 Conveyors Attendants Wooden Case Manufacture, A 1853X Duct Makers, A 2328X Makers, &c. Coal or Coke, A 1284 Cooking Apparatus (see Domestic Ap- pliances) Cooks Contractors, B 101 Electric Supply Co., B 264 Insured Trades, B 1664 Cooling Towers (Water) Repairers, A 1332 Coopers Bonds or Warehouses, B 2003 General, A 1797X,B 1988, A2068X, A 2127X Coopers' Branding Wire Makers, A 2173X Ironwork Makers, A 2279X Coops (Pheasant) Makers, B 2246 | Copings (Quavs and Locks) Repairers, B 655 Copper Alloys Extrusion Work Die Makers, A 527 Founders Engineering Work, A 23 General Work, A 1626X Odd Side Makers, A 1504 Coppers (Brewery) Flue Repairers, A 1259 Furnace Arch Repairers, A 1259 Furnace Lining Repairers, A 1259 Setting Repairers, A 1259 Coppersmiths and other Copper Workers Brewers' Machinery, A 715 Calico Printers' Rollers, &c., A 2361X Distillers' Machinery, A 715 Drying Machine Rollers, A 448, A 1483 Engineering Work, A 88, A 1329 Engraving Rollers, A 776 Expansion Bends (Pipes), A 1329 Locomotive Work, A 479, A 492, A 1235 Motor Bonnets, A 448 Petrol Tanks, A 448 Printing Rollers, A 776 Railway Work, A 465(1) (2) River Craft (Salt Works), A 545 (a) Screw Works Plant, A 501 Shell Band Makers, A 1527 217 Coppersmiths and other Copper Workers cont. Steam Pipes, A 1329 Water Fittings, A 2276X Copper Works' Employees Burnt Ore Workers, A 1660X Ladle Plate Forgers, A 2372X Machinery Repairers, A 1450 Pyrites Roasters, &c., A 1660X Rabble Head Forgers, A 2372X Tool Makers and Setters, A 761 Copying- Ink Makers, B 2031 Press Makers, A 1081, A 2287X Cord- Halyard, &c., Makers, A 1819X Makers General, B 1820 Telephones, A 2078X Cordite Makers, A 1599X Coremakers Brass and Copper Alloy Foundries, A 23, A 1626X Cartridge Factories, A 1600X Iron Foundries, A 20, A 62, A 361. A 602, A 660 Pipe Foundries, A 1168 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Sanitary Fittings Makers, A 361 (2) Steel Foundries, A 320 Cores (Armature) Builders, A 765 Cork Helmets Makers, A 2930X Corking Machines Makers, A 1330 Cork* Cutters, A 2093X Corn Stack Thatchers, B 882 Threshing Machines Makers, A 435 Workers, B 390 Corrosive (Anti-) (see Anti-Corrosive) Corrugating Machines Makers and Repairers, A 438 Corrugators Flour Mill, Ac. Rolls, A 754 Galvanized Metal Sheets, A 2378X Corves (Colliery, &c.) Makers, A 1514 Cotter Pins- Fitters, A 422 Cotton (see also Unemployment In- surance (Munition Workers) Ex- clusion Order, p. v.) Cloth, &c. ' Article Makers Bandoliers, A 1558X Candle Wicks, B 1774 Tyre Fabric, B 1738 Bleachers, &c Surgical Dressings, B 1876 11937 Cotton (see also Unemployment In- surance (Munition Workers) Ex- clusion Order, p. v.) cont. Cloth, &c. cont. Coverers Wire, A 2079X Proofers Rubber, A 1805X Weavers Card Clothing, B 1657 Waste -onmj Preparers (Explosives), A 1720X Spinners, B 1596 Wool- Bleachers, &c., B 1876 Pressure, &c., B 1780 Yarn Spinners, B 1676 Cotton Doublers Belt Attendants, B 963 Cotton Machinery (see Textile Ma- chinery) Cotton Spinning Mills General Operatives, B 115, B 1676 Instructors, B 242 Counters Flashers (Roofs), A 33 Makers, A 1340 Counters Piecework, B 1497 Steel Balls, A 1153 Couplings Hose Mounters, A 838 Makers, A 2159X Repairers, &c., A 1141 Courses (Water) Cleaners, B 697, B 753 Repairers, B 697 Coverers Boilers Explosive Manufacturers, A 603 Electric Supply Co., A 489 General, A 574 Shipbuilding, A 1131 Pipes Electric Supply Co., A 489 General, A 574 Shipbuilding, A 576 Printers' Rollers, B 1979 Telephone Cords, A 2078X Textile Machinery Rollers, A 1407, B2101 Tennis Balls, A 201 IX Wire, A 2079X Covers Makers Decks, A 1840X Guns, A 90 Hose Pipes, A 2257X Textile Rollers, A 2100X Wagons, A 1573X Waterbottles, A 1554X Repaireis Beater Rolls (Paper Mfc.), A 2362 Tyres B 2057 218 Cowls- Makers, A 729, A 2323X Cow Sheds Fittings Erectors, A 5^4 Coxswains Motor Boats (Torpedo Testers), B851 Crackers Snap Makers, A 2058X Cramp Manufacture Tool Setters, A 636 Cranes Couplings and Chains Repairers, A 1141 Screwers, A 1141 Drivers, &c. Alkali Works, A 179 IX Builders' Merchants, B 105 Coal Merchants, B 125, B 266 Constructional Engineers' Roofing Dept., A 948 Electric Supply Co., B 488 (2), B 1906 Insured Trades, A 933 Local Authority, A 191 (1), B 190 (14) Locomotive Makers, A 479 Mechanical Engineering Estab- lishment, A 86, A 1132 Pipe Foundry, A 1168 Railway Works, A 465, B 2319 River Conservators, A 812 Sawmills, A 1778X Shipbreakers, B 340 Stone Quarries. B 2149 Timber Yard?, 'A 1778X Wheel Centre Makers, A 768 Wheelmakers, A 540 (3) Makers, A 1380 Part Turners and Fitters (Elec.), A 1286 Repairers, A 1362, A 1380 Crates- Makers, A 1793X Repairers, B 1988 Cream Separators (Machine) Makers, A 1029 Creosoters General Timber, B 2248 Railway Sleepers, B18 3 Telegraph Poles, B 2248 Cricket- Ball Makers ; A 2013X Bat Makers and Repairers, B 2012 Pitch Preparers, B 1404 Crochet Hooks Makers, A 1659X Cross Cutters (Timber) Hand, B 1671 Machine, A 2088X Crosses (Metal) Makers, A 1666X Crossings (Railways) Drillers, rs Assemblers, A 1133 Makers, A 1133 Gas Holders Builders, A 321 Lift Renewers, A 1254 Painters, B 420 Repairers, B 1779 Gas Plant and i\l achinery Constructors, A 275 (!) (2) Erectors, A 275 (2) Gas Testing Apparatus Makers, A 2183X Locomotive Gas Machines Builders, A 955 Fixers, A 955 Pipe Fitters, A 955 Repairers, A 955 Retorts- Alteration Workers, A 1229, A 1294 Constructors, A 374, A 1229 Repairers, B 2212 Tool Makeis and Repairers, A 2312X Station Meter Makers' Tools- Makers, A 1009 Gas Engineering cont. Valves Finishers, A 457 Founders, A 457 Gas Engines Drivers and Attendants Cycle Makers, A 512 Dye Works, B 327 Flour Mills, B 24 Gas Works, B 238 Lead Works, A 1645X Railway Works, A 465 Makers' Employees Boiler Makers and Repairer?, A 534 Pattern Makers, A 534 Sheeters, A 534 Gas Kxplosion Tubes Sleeper Revetment Makers, B 1152 Trestle Makers, B 1152 Gas Fitters Boiling Water Apparatus, A 956 Buildings, A 275 (4), A 407, A 548, A 600, A 1072, A 1271, A 1315, B 1316, A 1382 Coffee-making Machines, A 956 Locomotive Works, A 479 Market Stalls, B 982 Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment, A 337 Railway Stations and Signal Boxes, A 1025 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Screw - making Establishment, A 501 Tenements, A 1072 Uninsured Trades, A 856 Gas Fittings and Accessories Boilers Makers, A 2328X Repairers, A 1564X Cookers Disconnecters, B 1316 Installers, A 1315 Makers, A 1611X Repairers, A 1564X Fires and Heating Appliances Disconnecters, B 1316 Installers, A 1315 Repairers, A 1564X Fittings (see also Gas Fitters) Adapters, A 2189X Disconnecters, B 1316 Installers, A 1315 Makers, A 1633X Repairers, A 1382, A 1564X Tool Makers, A 1001 Lamp Shade Makers, B 2000 Mantle Makers, B 1634 Meters- Fixers, B 779 Inspectors, B 245 (3) Makers, A 1725X, A 2328X Repairers, A 1725X Testers, B 238 (10), B 245 (3) 237 Gas Fittings and Accessories cont. Radiator Repairers, A1564X Stoves- Fixers, B 607 Makers, A 1611X Removers, B 607 Street Lamps Base Preparers, B 190 (2) Controllers Fixers, B 2290 Repairers, A 2296X Painters, A 2270X Pillar Drillers, A 2270X Pole Erectors, B 190 (3) Gas Masks Makers, A 1554X Gas Producermen Flour Millers, B 24 Lead Works, A 1645X Locomotive Works, A 479 Mechanical Engintering Estbt.. A 337 Mining Tool Makers, A 900 (8) Railway Works, B 2319 Sewing Machine Makers, A 277 (c) Steel Foundries, A 1700X Gas Welders- Railway Works, A 465 (1) Gas Works Employees Blowermen, B 238 Bye-Product Plant Workers, A 1764X Cleaners, B 238, B 711 Compressor Men, B 238 Cranemen, B 190 Elevator Men, B 238 Feeding Producer Men, B 238 Fuel Handlers, B 238 Furnacemen, B 245 Gas Engine Men, B 238 Gas Holder Painters, B 420 General Workers, B 1765 Inspectors, B 238 L-ibonrers, B 711 Mam Layers, B 190, A 191 (7) Meter Fixers, B 779 Meter Testers, B 238 Pipe Testers, B 420 Pressuremen, B 420 Retort Repairers, B 2212 Service Layers, B 190, B 779 Stokers, B 238, B 711 Storekeepers, B 238 Sulphate of Ammonia Makers, &c., (A) 1765 Tank Men, B 238 Tap Testers, B 420 Tar Workers, B 238, A 1764X, A 1907X Time Keepers, B 238 Tower Men, B 238 Turncocks, B 420 Washermen, B 238 Watchmen, B 238 Water Gas Makers, B 2061 Gatemen Electric Supply Co., B 264 Insured Trades, A 1869X, A2122X, B 2123, A 2358 Gates- Erectors (Lych Gates), A 1448 Fixers or Hangers, B 682, A 1211 Makers Metal Collapsible, A 2283X Wood, B 2214, B 2246, B 2266 Preparers (Lych Gates), A 1448 Repairers (L >eks), A 1534 Gatherers Scrap (Shipbuilding), A 576 Stone (Building), A 978 Gaugers Insured Trades, A 750, A 1476 Motor Part Makers, A 502 (4) Pipe Foundry, A 1168 Railway Spring Makers, A 1336 Spring Buckle Makers, A 1336 Gauges :ers General (Aluminium), A 1561X Metal Sheets, A 2267X Petrol (Motor Cars), A 502 Signal Apparatus, A 507 (2) Turbine Blades, A 1063 Water Level, A 1974X Wire Rods, A 2267X Gearing (Chain) Makers, A 808 Gears Brush (Electric) Makers, A 287 Cycles Case Makers, A 386, A 512 Driving (Chain) .Makers, A 808 Motor Cars Cutters, A 1090 Motor Cycles Case Makers, A 386, A 1483 Makers, A 1079 Searchlights Makers, A 1488 Tram Cars- Brake, &c., Examiners, B 1346 Brake, &c., Repairers, A 1344 Gelatine Makers, B 1843 General Factory Workers Ambulance Men, B 1880 Apprentices, A 2352X, A 2353 Belting Repairers, A 1964X Boatmen, B 1734 Boiler- Cleaners, A 1948X Firemen, &c , A 933, A 1948X Booking Clerks, B 1684 Bricklayers, A 54 Building Trade Operatives, A 54 Canteen Attendants, B 1664 Caretakers, B 1684, A 1946X Carpenters, A 853 238 General Factory Workers cont. Carriers, B In86 Casual Labourers, B 1993, B2056 Chauffeurs, B 2277 Cnargehands, A 750, B 2156 Charwomen, B 1549, A 1900X, B 2060 Cleaners, B 1549, B 1686, A 1900X, A 1947X, B 2060 Clerks, B 2157 Cloak Room Attendants, A 1855 Clothing Makers, B 1705 Coal Staith Repairers, A 2293 Commissionaires, B 2157 Cooks, B 1664 Cranemen, A 933 Detectives, B 1731 Dock Workers, B 1993, B 2056 Draughtsmen, B 2157 Drivers, &c., B 1753, A 1866X Dwelling Cleaners, &c., B 1885 Electrical Machinery Attendants, &c., A 1343, B 2369 Maintenance Workers, A 854 Electricians, A 854 Engine Drivers, &c., A 933, A 1352, A 1948X, B 2156 Examiners, A 1476, B 2118 Fitters, A 853 Foremen, B 1684 Furnace Repairers, A 1646X Garment Makers, B 1705 Gas Fitters, A 856 Gas Plant Attendants, A 2063X Gatemen. A 1869X, A 2122X, B 2123, A 2358 Gaugers, A 750, A 1476 Hot Water Fitters, A 856 Gold Blockers, A 2099X Inspectors, A 750, A 1476, B 2118 Joiners, A 54, A 1489 Laboratory Staff, A 1784X. B 1877 Labourers, A 749, A 1617X, B 1686 Laundry Workers, B 2043 Lavatory Attendants, A 1435, A 1855 Locomotive Cleaners, A 2148X Repairers, A 1413 Markers Off, A 750 Mechanics, A 58 Messengers, B 1686, A 1855, A 1947X B2157 Mess Room Attendants, B 1441, B 1664 Oilers, A 1948X Office- Attendants, B 2157 Cleaners, B 1549 Messengers, B 2157 Overall Makers, B 1705 Overlookers, B 1901, B 2158 Packers, A 1947X Painters, A 54 Photographic Department Workers, B2259 General Factory Workers cont. Pipe Fitters, A 856 Plant Repairers, A 1646X Plasterers, A 54 Platelayers, A 2320 Plumbers, A 54, A 856 Pointsmen, A 2072X Porters, B 1686, A 1947 Power Plant Workers, A 1343, A 1352, A 1948X Printers. B 1799 Rest Room Attendants, R 2180 Scaffolders, A 54 Searchers, B 1731 Sheet Metal Workers, A 1350 Shunters, A 2224X Signalmen, A 2072X Smiths, A 58, A 853 Stablemen, A 2185X Steam Pipe Fitters, A 856 Stokers, A 933, A 1352, A 1948X, B2156 Stone Machinists, A 1473 Storekeepers, A 1539, A 1946X, B 2158 Supervisors, B 1901, B 2158 Switchboard Attendants, B 2369 Telephone Attendants, B 1834 Timber Pond Labourers, A 2128X Timber Porters, B 1682 Timekeepers, B 1684, B 1686, A 1946X Tracers, B 2157 Traffic Regulators, A 207 2X Typists, B 2157 Vehicle Cleaners, A 2148X Repairers, A 853 Ventilating System Fitters, A 856 Viewers, A 750, A 1476, B 2118 Volunteer Workers, B 2087 Warehousemen, B 1686, A 1946X, B2158 War Refugees, A 1491 Watchmen, B 1684, A 1946X Watermen, B 1734 Weighmen, A 1947X Wharf Workers, B 1993, B 2056 Wheelwrights, A 853 Wiremen, A 854 Generators Acetylene Gas Makers, A 2328X Electrical Attendants, B 10 (2) Petrol Gas- Makers and Repairers, A 2328X Getters Chalk- Cement Manufacture, B 2016 General, B 1757 Clay- Cement Manufacture, B 2016 Fireclay Mines, B 1701 Brick Manufacture, A 1884X 239 Getters cont. Fuller's Plarth, B 1605 Marl- Brick Manufacture, A 1884X Gilders- Glass, B 799 Picture Frames, B 241, B 1653 Gills (Textile) Makers, A 1811X Girders Bomb-proof Netting Cutters, Erectors, &c., A 1524 General Cutters, A 625 (2) Dressers, A 625 (3) Fixers, A 418 Platers, A 465(1) Girl Messengers Alkali Works, A 1791X Gland Packers- Railway Running Sheds, B 1059 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Glasshouses Makers and Erectors, A 706 Glasspaper Makers, A 1915X Glasspaperers (see Sandpaperers) Glassware Manufacture (see also Un- employment Insurance (Munition Workers) Exclusion Order p. v.) Bevelled Edge Glasses, A 1974X Bottles (see also under Bottle Manufacture) General, A 1836X Medical, A 1824X Burettes, B 1958 Dioptric Apparatus (Lighthouses), B 1994 Electric Plan - printing Apparatus, B2396 Experimental Medical Work, A 1824X General Work (Munitions), A 1977X Jam Jars, A 1836X Laboratory Apparatus, A 1824X Medical Work, A 1824X Optical Instruments, A 2040X Pickle Jars, A 1836X Pipettes, B 1958 Scientific Instrument Glasses, A 1974X Ship's Glass Work, A 1976X Signs, B 899 Surgical Work, A 1824X Table-ware, B 1975 Thermometers, A 1937X, B 1958 Tubes, A 1977X, B 1978 Water Level Gauges, A 1974X Glass Workers Bevellers, B799, A1974X, A 1976X Blowers, A 1824X Cutters Brilliants, B 799 Lead Lights, A 1270 Navigation Lanterns, A 1976X Glass Workers cont. Cutters cont. Scientific Instruments, A 1974X Ship's Side Lights, &c., A 1976X Table Ware, B 1975 Water Level Gauges, A 1974X Windows, B 358, B 667, A 15U8 Embossers, B 799 Flatteners, A 1974X, A 1976X Gilders, B 799 Graduators, B 1958 Grinders, A 1974X, A 1976X Makers (Flint Glass), B 1975 Polishers, A 1974X, A 1976X Prism Cutters, A 1974X. A 1976X Silverers, B 799, A 1974X, A 1976X Tougheners, A 1974X, A 1976X. Glass Works' Plant (see also Bottle Manufacture) Furnaces Attendants, B 234 Builders, A 586 Fireclay Block Makers, A 1898X Repairers, B 589 Kilns and Tanks Builders, A 586 Repairers, B 589 Glazed Board Makers, B 1823 Brick Makers, A 1689X Earthenware Manger Erectors, A 554 Sanitary Earthenware Makers, B 1912 Tile Makers, B 1767 Glazers Engineering Establishment, A 20 Glaziers Lead Lights, A 798, A 1270 Locomotive Work, A 479 Railway Carriages, A 465 (2) Shop Fittings, A 1340 Shop Fronts, A 336, A 683 Spectacle Lenses, A 1658X, B 1928 Windows, A 142, A 336, A 349, A 1508 Glazing (Patent) Lead Covering Shapers, &c., A 1113 Steel Bar Drillers, &c., A 1113 Gloves- Makers, A 1572X Glow Lamps, (Electric) General Workers, B 1695 Metal Filament Makers, A 1818X Glue- Makers, B 1843 Gluers Cabinet Work, &c., B 1825 Parquet Flooring, A 1307 Glutteis Wheels, A 934 Gold (see also Gilders) Braid or Lace Weavers, &c., A 2083X Cigarette Case Makers, A 1576X 240 Gold (see also Gilders) cont. General Articles Engravers or Etchers, A 2131 X Makers or Repairers, A 1576X, A 1749X Jewellery Mounters and Setters, B2162, A2163X,A2164X Leaf Makers, A 1923X Letters or Ornament Blockers, A 2099X Tool Makers, A2181X Type Makers, A1795X Liquid Gold Makers. A 2028X Photo Frame Makers, A 1576X Golf- Ball Makers, A1712X Clubs- Iron Head Makers, A 1925X Woodwork Machinists, A 1927X Goods Lifts- Attendants Insured Trades, A 1088 Mechanical Engineering Estab- lishment, A 50 Cage Makers, B 2209 Goods Yans Constructors, &c. 5 A 1 Governors (Gas) Makers, A 1133 Graders Emery Stone, B 1916 Graduated Glass Bottles- Makers, A 1824X Graduators Bottles, A 1824X Burettes, B 1958 Pipettes, B 1958 Thermometers, A 1937X, B 1958 Grainers Mantel and Chimney Pieces, A 1092 Grain Spirit Makers, A 2020X Gramophone Records Makers, B 2285 Mould Machinists aud Fitters, A 1335 Granite Crushers, B 2117, B 2386 Kerbstone Dressers, B 190 (1), B 271 Paving Sett Makers, B 2021 Quarrymen, B 777 (4) Road Paviors, B 585 Granulated Aluminium Makers, A 1892X Granulators Explosive Manufacture, A 1590X, A 1608X Grass Cutters Water Co., B 406 (4) Grates Finishers, A 1611X Fitters, A 161 IX Fixers, A 824 Repairers, A 1121, A 1382, A 1611X Graves Cross, &c., Makers, A 1666X Diggers, B 218 Makers (Brick-lined), B 572 Mausoleum Constructors, A 1325 Gravel- Diggers, B 2090 Dredgers, B 59 Screeners, B 2090 Grease Bag Makers, B 136 Extractors (Bones), B 1842 Makers (Varnish Works), A 157 IX Greasers Electric Supply Co., B 264 Great Coats (Serbian) Makers, A 1569X Greenhouses Makers and Erectors, A 706 Grenades Bucket Makers, A 1566X Makers, A 2337X Grinders Adding Machine Parts, A 495 Armour Plates, A 868 Axles, A 902 Barytes, B 2064 Brimstone, A 1608X Charcoal, A 1608X Chocolate Factory Rolls, A 754 Colours, A 2132X Cutters, A 337 Emery Stone, B 1916 Files, A 1631X Fish Offal, B 2025 Flour Mill Rolls, A 754 Fuller's Earth, B 1605 Ganister, A 1933X Glass, A 1974X, A 1976X Gypsum, A 1903X Knives, A 337, A 1966X Loam (Pipe Foundry), A 1168 Locomotive Work, A 479, A 492 Mechanical Engineering Work, A 20 Mining Tool?, A 900 Mortar, A 2095X Ochre, A 2074X Paints, A 2132X Railway Carriage Work, A 465 (2) Range Work, A 1611X Razors, A 1966X Red Oxide, A 2074X Scissors, A 1966X Spectacle Lenses, B 1928 Stove Work, A 1611X Surgical Instruments, A 1680X Terra Cotta Blocks, A 642 Tools, A 337 Grinding Millstone Fitters, A 950 Millstone Makers, A 2184X Wheel Makers, A 1739X, A 1915X, B2213 211 Grindstones Attendants, A 1777X Makers, A 1674X, A 1951X Sandstone Quarrymen, B 1661 Stone Preparers, A 2198X Ground Sheets (Waterproof) Makers, A 1707X, A 1747X Groynes Constructors, &c., A 2124 Guano (Fish) Makers, B 2025 Guard- Makers Bungs, A 2374X Domestic Washing Machines, B2240 Motor Cars, &c., A 790, A 1483 Repairers Paper-making Machinery, A 2362 Guards (Railway) (see also Special Exclusion (Drivers, &c.), Order, p. iv.) Iron Works, A 1715X Guide Makers Lace Manufacture, A 2192X Velvet Manufacture, A 1588X Guillotine Cutters Dynamo Brush Makers, A 881 Gum and Asbestos Articles Makers, A 2254X Gum Runners Varnish Manufacture, A 1571X Gun Cotton Makers, A 1599X Gun-metal Castings Makers, A 23, A 1626X Odd Side Makers, A 1504 Testers, A 863 Gunpowder Makers, A 1608X Safety Fuse Makers, B 2047 Guns (see also Ammunition) Ammunition Belt Makers (Maxim Guns), A 1012 Barrels Borers, A 63 Filers, A 63 Machinists, A 90 Rollers, A 1018 Bayonet Makers, A 1209, A 2356 Brush Makers, A 2355X Component Makers, A 6'20 Cover Makers, A 90 Ejector Makers (Sporting), A 649 Engravers, A 63 Examiners, B 477 Finishers, A 63 Fire Control Apparatus Makers, A 2193X Fore Part Makers, A 1376 Furniture Filers, A 1376 Inlayers, A 63 Limb Makers and Filers, A 1376 Lock Filers, A 1376 Makers (Sporting), A 972 Guns (see also Ammunition) cont. Pull-through Makers, A 2324X Recapper Makers, A 2355X Repairers, A 905 Screwers, A 63 Sighting Gear Makers, A 1203 Spring Fitters, A 1338 Testers, A 1516 Tube Makers, A 90 Turnover Makers, A 2355X Turnscrew Makers, A2355X Viewers, A 63 Gutta Percha Insulators (Cables) A 1711X Makers, A 1639X Gutters- Dressers, A 33 Renderers, A 33 Repairers, A 349 Gymuasium Apparatus Makers, A 2225X Painters, B 734 Gypsum Grinders, A 1903X Mineral White Makers, B 1902 Miners or Quarrymen, B 1904 Gyroscopes (Torpedoes) Makers, A 716 Hackles (Textile) Makers, A 181 IX Hair- Carders, B 2319 Dressers, B 1882 Felt Makers, B 2085 Mattress Makers, B 2151 Hall Lamps- Makers, A 1633X Halyards Splicers, &c., A 1819X Hammerers Copper Rollers, A 776 Saws, A 337, A 465 (2) Hammers Drivers Copper Works', &c., Tool Makers, A 2372X Locomotive Works, A 479 Railway Works, A 465 Signal Makers, A 414, A 507 Makers, (Raw Hide), A 21<>9X Shaft Makers or Repairers Railway Co., B 2291 Shipbuilding Yards, A 703 Turners, A 801 Hampers Makers, B 709 Hand Bags- Leather Workers, A 1575X Burring, &c., Machines Makers, A 1165 242 Hand cont. Capstafti Lathes Operators, A 1015 Carts Bookers-oat, B 204 Fittings and Frame Makers, A 708 (4) Hirers, B 204 Makers, A 205, A 770 Repairers, A 205 Chaffcutting, &c., Machines- Makers, A 699 Churns Makers, A 2303X Grenades Makers, A 2337X Lifts- Makers, B 2209, B 2292 Tools- Makers, A 1552, A 1625X,A 231 2X Repairers, &c., A 2174X Trucks- Makers, A 770, A 1418 Vacuum Cleaners Makers, B 2036 Workers Brick Makers, A 1689X Drillers, A 465 (1), A 479 Forgers, A 1641X Nailers, A 1853X Needlewomen, A 1554X Wire Weavers, A 1650X Woodworkers (see under Wood). Handkerchiefs Makers, A 1677X Handlers (see under Porters). Handles Cycles Lug Makers, A 351 Knives, &c. Makers, B 1952 Perambulators Lever Makers, A 1378 Spades, &c. Fixers, A 209 IX Tin-openers Makers, B 1952 Umbrellas Makers, A 1857X Hangers Bells, A 1042 Gates, B 682, A 1211 Windows, A 894 Harbours (see also Docks and Special Exclusion (Dredgermen, &c.) Order, p. iv.) Building Erectors and Repairers, A 671 (2) Constructors, A 304. A 465 (4) Machinery Constructors and Re- pairers, A 671 (3) Maintenance Workers, B 305, B 670, B2319 Ship Constructors and Repairers, A 671 (4) Hardeners Adding Machine Parts, A 495 Axles, A 902 Cutlery, A 1603X Cycle Parts, A 512 Dies, A 501, A 2234X Edge Tools, A 1603X Files, A 1631X Locomotive Work, A 479 Motor Car Work, A 1090 Printing Machinery Work, A 663 (6) Railway Engineering Work, A 465 Signal Castings and Forgings, A 507 Hardware Makers, A 1537, A 2170X, A 2299X Harness General Furniture Barrellers, A 2263X Makers, A 1953X Polish Makers, B 1852 Repairers, A 1804X, B 1810, B2319 Jacquard (Textile) Makers or Repairers, B 2294 Harvesting Machines Erectors, A 461 Hat Manufacture Curling Frame Makers, A 1140, A 2344X Dish Makers, A 1140 Fur Workers, B 1942 Makers Cloth, B 1718 Felt, B 2038, A 2039X Fur, A 1941X, B 1942 General, A 1717X, B 1718, A 1719X Leather (Bands, &c.), A 1719X Silk, B 1718 Straw, B 1718 Shaping Block Makers, A 2371X Hat Pins- Makers, A 1659X Haulagemen Coal Mines, B 657 Fireclay Mines, B 1701 Haversacks Makers, A 1554X Hay- Shed Makers, A 685 Stack Thatchers, B 882 Head- Dresses (Military) Makers, B 2038, A 2039X Ropes Cutters, &c., A 1819X Heads- Golf Club- Makers. A 1925X Rabbling Tools- Forgers, A 2372X Ventilation, &c.. Ducts Makers, A 2328X Healds (Textile) Makers, A 2029X, B 2030 243 Hearth Furniture Manufacture Ironfounders, A 300 Machine Tool Makers, A 300 Heater Plant (see also Producer Men) Attendants, A 1948X Disconnecters (Gas), B 1316 Fittings Makers, A 1310 Installers. A 279, A 1315 Makers (Electrical), A 2237X, A 2318X Non-conducting Composition Makers, B 1986 Pipe Fitters, A 490, A 1315 Repairers, A 489 Tube Coilers and Welders, A 1310 Heaters Bolts- Railway Works, A 465 f2) Rivets Locomotive Works, A 479 Railway Works, A 465 (2) Hedgers China Clay Co., B 777 Hedges Cutters, B 494, B 654 Planters, B 753 Pruners, B 753 Heels (Wooden) Makers, A 1812X, B 1813 Helmet Makers Military Cork, A 1930X Metal, A 1613X, A 2341X Submarine, A 1355 Hemp Oakum Makers, B 1568 Rope Makers, A 1819X, B 1820 Hewers Timber, B 1934 Hides- Picker Makers, A 1623X Sorters, &c., B 2022, B 2023 Tanners, A 1637X, A 1638X, A 2401 X Hill Surface Sheep Drains Makers, B 1075 Hilts (Sword Blades) Fitters, A 1209 Makers, A 1529 Hirers Handcarts, B 204 Pleasure Boats, B 705 Hoardings Erectors, A 1389 Makers, A 1389 Poster Fixers, B 942 Hockey Sticks Makers, B 2012 Hoist Workers, see Lifts Holders (Gas) (see Gas Engineering) . Holders-up Constructional Engineers' Roofing Dept., A 948 Locomotive Works, A 479 Holders up cont. Mechanical Engineering Establish- ments, A 411 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Hole Borers Coal &c. Prospectors, B 866 Holers Gas Lamp Pillars, A 2270X Grindstones, A 1674X Hollow Concrete SUbs Makers, A 2332X Hollow-ware Founders, A 660 Makers, A 2017X, A 2170X Tool Makers and Setters, A 761 Holyhead Breakwater Reconstruction Workers, A 549 Hoods Motor Cars Makers, A 790, A 1483 Perambulators Iron Makers, A 1378 Makers, A 1378 Hooks- Chains Makers, A 2314X Crochet Makers, A 1659X Lace Machines Makers, A 2305X Wardrobe Drillers, &c., A 2194X Hoopers Wooden Case Manufacture, A 1853X Hoops (Pipes) Fixers, A 2107X Hoopsticks Benders (Railway Works), A 465 (2) Hopper Workers (see also Special Ex- clusion (Dredgermen, &c.) Order, p. iv.) River Conservancy, B 811 Horn Handles (Knives, &c.) Makers, B 1952 Horse Attendants (see also Special Exclu- sion (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.) Insured Trades, A 2185X Boxes Builders (Railway Works), A 465 (2) Drivers, &c., (see also Special Ex- clusion (Drivers, &c.) Order p. iv.) Builders' Material Merchants, B105 Railway Works, B 2319 Ferries Navigators, B 971 Hair- Dressers, B 1882 Shoes Makers, &c., B 1729, A 1730X, A 2014X 244 Horticultural Spraying Machines- Makers, A 2335X Hose Pipes Canvas Weavers, B1908 Makers, A 803, A 1909X Metallic Covering Makers, A 2257X Mounters, A 838 Repairers, A 803 Hosiery (see also Textile Machinery) Makers Elastic, A 1787X, B 1788 General, B 1642, A 1643X Hospital Clothing (Military) Makers, A 1867X Furniture (Metal) Makers, A 1648X Hots (Textile Rollers) Makers, A 2100X Hot Water- Apparatus Cylinder Makers, A 1567X Fixers, A 279 Repairers, A 418 Jugs- Lid Makers and Fixers, A 1782X, B1783 Pipes- Fitters, A 279, A 856 Fitters' Tool Maker?, A 280 House Drains Constructors, A 1130 Repairers, A 1130 Household Basket Makers, B 709 Utensils Coffee Mill Makers, A 1258 Tinware Makers, &c., A 2195X, A 2328X Hubs- Axles Bush Turners, &c., A 1135 Cycles Makers, A 388, A 512 Hulls (Ships) Painters, A 1131 Redleaders, A 1131 Sealers, A 1131 Bursting Millstones Fitters, A 950 Hutches (Collieries, &c.) Makers, A 1514 Huts- Repairers (Explosives, &c. Mfr?.), A 603 Hydraulic Crane Makers or Repairers, A 1380 Cranemen, B 125 Enginemen, A 479 Fittings Testers, A 731 Rivetters, A 465 (1) Testers (Taps, &c.), B 2351 Hydrogen Compressing Engines Drivers (Airship Factory), A 1205 Hyposcopes Makers, A 2105X Ice Breakers, B 654 (2) Refrigerating Plant (see under Re- frigerating) Imitation Leather Board Makers, B 2135 Makers, B 1609 Implements (Agricultural) Assemblers, A 945 Makers, A 699 Repairers, A 1363 Imported Agricultural Machinery Assemblers, A 461, A 945 Improvers Tramway Workshops, A 1300 Incand escent Lamp Cleaners, B2208, B 2253 Oil Lamp Makers, A 2188X Incorporators Explosive Manufacture, A 1599X, A 1608X Incubators Makers, B 2346 India Rubber (see Rubber). Tag Makers, A 2009X, B 2010 Indian Jute or Hemp Oakum Makers, B 1568 Indicators Steering Makers, A 2193X Stoke-hole Makers, A 2193X Indigo Dye Makers, B 2140 Inflators (Tyre) Makers, A 2257X Ingot Makers Anti-friction Metal, A 2370X Ferro- Aluminium, A 2370X Ink- Makers Copying, B 2031 Printing, A 1980X Writing, B 2031 In layers Gun Manufacturers, A 63 (5) Inlaying Wood Cutters, A 1776X Inner Tubes (Tyres) Makers, A 2176X Inscriptions (Monumental) Cutters, B 170 Inside Hands Lace Curtain Machines, A 1535 Inspection Bond Workers (Munitions) B 1722, A 1726X Pit Excavators (Garages), A 1463 245 Inspector Adding Machine Parts, A 495 Barrels, B 2003 Cask*, B 2003 Electrical Installations, B 264 Engineering Work, A 1160 Gas Meter-, B 238 (11), B 245 General, A 750, A 1476, B 2118 Military Stores, A 1817X Motor Car Parts, A 876 Munitions, A 1726X Railway Works, B 2319 Seeing Machine Parts, B 278 (a) Slates, B 467 Tramway Material, A 785 Typewriter Parts, A 1022 Waste Water, B 1893 Water Meters, B 169, B 406 Installation Inspectors Electric Supply Co., B 264 Institutes (Technical) Instructor?, B 859 Machine Part Makers, A 1077 Students (Munitions), A 2366X Instructors Technical Institutes, B 859, A 1077 Instruments Calibrators Electrical, B 264, B 1714 Makers- Dentists, A 2368X Electrical, A 1690X, A 1691X General, A 1612X Musical (see Musical Instruments) Nautical, A 1619X Optical, A 2040X Pyrometers, A 1612X Scientific (Gl.ss), B 1958, A 1974X Speedometers, A 2169X Submarine Signalling, A 2226X Surgical, A 1680X Telegraphic, A 1914X Telephone, A 1914X Time Recorders, A 2278X Testers- Electric Supply Co., B 264 Insulating Material Cutters- Electric Machinery, A 1690 Fixers- Boilers, A 574 Cables, B 1710, A 1711X Refrigerating Machines, A 893 Steam Pipes, A 574 Makers, B 1986, A 2254X Insulators (Electrical) Fuse Wire Fixers, B 983 Makers, B 1954, A 2254X Interlocking Signals Makers, A 414 Invalid Carriages Makers, A 708 Iron Foundries (including Malleable Iron Foundries) Annealers, A 62 Castings Painters, A 1446 Coremakers, A 20, A 62, A 602, A 660, A 1168 Cupolamen, A 20, A 465 (1), A 602, A 660 Dressers, A 20, A 62, A 479, A 602, A 660, A 1168 Drillers, A 20, A 2194X Fettlers, A 631 Filers, A 2194X General Workers, A 188, A 1168 Labourers, A 361, A 511, A 1168 Machinists (Pipes), A 1511 Moulders, A 20, A 62, A 357 (1), A 465, A 479, A 486, A 492, A 602, A 660, A 1168 Odd Side Makers, A 1504 Pattern Filers, A 1167 Pattern Makers, A 357 (2), A 360 (c), A 534, A 994, A 1139 (Metal), A 1457 Rivetters, A 2194X Sorters, &c., A 2065X Iron Manufacture Calciners, A 1640X, A 2071X Miners, B 1628 Ore Bunker Extenders, &c., A 1267 Pyrites Roasters, &3., A 1660X Recoverymen (Tin Scrap), A 2059X Smelter.*, A 1640X, A 1641X, A 1660X Ironmongers' Employees Bath Repairers, A 1382 Boiler Repairers, A 1382 Building Fixture Repairers, A 1382 Electric Light or Bell Wiremen, A 1382 Gas Fitters, A 1382 General Work Repairers, A 1555X, A 1679X Grate Repairers, A 1382 Kettle Repairers, A 1555X Key Repairers, A 1555X Labourers (Scrap Yard), B 261 (2) Loaders, B 261 (1) Lock Repairers, A 1555X Metal Utensil Repairers, A 1555X Plumbers, A 1679X Range Repairers, A 1382 Sanitary Fitters, A 1382 Saucepan Repairers, A 1555X Sheet Metal Workers, A 1735X, A 2328X Storemen, B 261 (3), B 1839 Water Fitters, A 1382 Wiremen, A 1382 Iron Oxide Manufacture Grindstone Preparers, A 2198X Iron Workers Basket-makers' Ironwork Makers, A 2279X 246 Iron Workers cont. Bedstead Castor Drillers, &c., I A 2302X Boot Protector Makers, A 987, A 2065X Bottle Mould Makers, A 299 Breakers, B 267, A 291, B 991, B 159,3 Building Makers, A 706 Coffee mill Makers, A 1258 Coopers' Ironwork Makers, A 2279X Division Erectors (Farm Buildings), i A 554 Enamelled Sign Makers, A 2108X Factory Floor Layers, A 1467 Forgers, A 164 IX Fuse Box Fitters, A 2325X General Ironwork Makers or Re- pairers, A 1380 Golf Club Makers, A 1925X Hardware Makers, A 1537, A 2170X Hollow - ware Makers, A 660, A 2017X, A 2170X Nail Casters, A 987 Ornamental Ironwork Makers, A 2282X Painters, B 190 (12), A 2406X Perambulator Part Makers, A 1378 Piano Frume Makers, A 1745X Pipes (see Pipes) Piston Ring Makers, A 1553 Preservative Coaters, A 1950X Pulley Block Makers, A 23z9X Rifle Ranges, A 2258X Rivet-heating Forge Makers, &c., A 2383X Rollers, A 1641X Roll Turners, A 1526 Roof Bir Makers, A 1073 Builders and Preparers, A 740 Sawyers, A 20, A 479, A 1809 Seedsmen's Ironwork Makers, A 2279X Shackle, &c., Makers, A 2300X Shelter Builders, A 1445 Signal Post Makers, A 507 Signal Pulleys Drillers, A 1246 Edgers, A 1246 Rivetters, A 1246 Spindle Turners (Churns), A 1194 Telegraph Pole Makers, A 2381X Tennis Post Ratchet Fitters, B 2284 Tubes (see Tubes) Urinal Builders, A 1445 Warehousemen, B 1577 Welders, A 744 Iron Works' Employees Aerial Ropeway Erectors, A 1291 Brass Workers, A 349 (2) Electricians, A 349 (3) Fitters, A 486, A 708, A 801 General Workers, A 1640X,A 1641 X Joiners, A 486, A 801 Laboratory Staff, A 1784X, B 1877 Iron Works' Employees cont. Labourers, A 801 Loco. Drivers, A 1715X Railway Guards, A 1715X Rivetters, A 486 Roll Turners, A 481, A 801 Roof- Worker?, A 349 (1) Slag Tub Kepairers, A 2334X Smiths, A 486 Strikers, A 486 Toolmakers, A 761 Toolsetters, A 761 Wagon Shunters, &c., A 1715X Irons (Smoothing) Fitters-up, &c., B 564 Jacks Makers Hosiery Machines, A 470 Lace Machines, A 1232 Jacquard Harness Makers or Repairers, B 2294 Makers or Repairers, A 458, A 1280- Jam Jars Makers, A 1836X Japanners Copying Presses, A 2287X Cycle Parts, A 788 Safety Pins, A 1582X Sewing Machines, A 277 (a) Tin Boxes, A 1702X Typewriter Parts, A 788 Jars Makers Jam, A 1836X Rum, A 1618X Vinegar, A 1618X Jewellery Manufacture Boxers, A 2004X Carders, A 2004X Die Makers, A 2232X, A 2307X Engravers, A 2131 X Etchers, A 2131X Lapidaries, B 2162 Mounters, A 2163X Packers, A 2004X Stone Setters, A 2164X Tool Makers, A 1252 Warehousemen, A 2004X Jigs- Makers Safe Makers, A 491 Signal Makers, A 507 Joiners Cable Drum Manufacture, B 23-73 Cartridge Works, A 103 Church Furniture Makers, B 359 Collieries, B 460 (4), B 469, A 1260 Domestic Joinery Makers, B 2034 Floor Fixers and Repairers (Public Baths), A 1171 247 Joiners cont. Flour Mills, A 330 Insured Trades (Setters out), A 1489 Iron Works, A 486, A 801, A 1375 Jute Factory, A 391 Levelling Packing Makers, A 1249 Locomotive Makers, A 479, A 492 Oil Refiners, A 17 Panel Makers and Repairers (Rail- way Saloon Cars), A 1215 Paper Mills, A 2362 Parquet Flooring Makers, A 1307 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Sanitary Fittings Makers, A 360 (d) Sawmills, A 45H, A 677 School Buildings Repairers, A 66 Seed Crushers, A 17 Ship Repairers, A 14 (a) Signal Makers, A 507 (7 & 8) Sleeper Revetment Makers (Gas Explosion Tubes), B 1152 Steel, Bar, and Tinplate Works, A 43 Textile Mills A 1249 Timber Merchants, A 677 Tool Chest Makers, B 741 Trestle Makers (Gas Explosion Tubes), B 1152 Tube Works, A 1457 Uninsured Trades, A 54 Water-Cooling Tower Repairers, A 1332 Joiners' Tool Manufacture Tool Setters, A 636 Jointers Cables, B 190 (15), A 191 (4), B 1425 Pipes (Alkali Co.), A 484 ' Wires (Telegraph, &c.), B 1425 Jointing Boxes (Electric) Assemblers, &c., A 2268X Makers, A 679 Rings (Pump Valves) Cutters, A 1155 Stampers, A 1155 Joints Makers Railway Works, A 465 (1) Welders- Tramway Rail-*, A 939 Jugs- Lid Makers, A 1782X Lid Mounters, B 1783 Jute Industry (see also Textile Engineering) Calendered, B 1926 Joiner, A 391 Leather Holler Coverers or Turners A 1407 Oakum Makers, B 1568 Proofers, B 1926, A 1805 Rubber Proofers, A 1805X Weavers, B 1926 Wood Roller Turners, A 1407 Keene's Cement Makers, A 1903X Kegs Branders, A 1791X Makers, A 2328X Kennels Makers, B 2241 Kerbstones Dressers, B 190 (1), B 271 Kettles Makers, A 660, A 2328X Repairers, A 1555X I Keys Repairers, A 1555X Key tops (Typewriters) Printers, B 1021 Kilns- Constructors Brick, A 374 Glass, A 586 Lime, A 374 Drawers Brick, A 1931 X Repairers General, A 1646X Glass, B 589 Pottery, &c., B 2203 Kinematographs (see Cinematographs) King Rods (Wrought Iron) Makers, A 1399 Kiosks (Railway Stations) Makers and Fixers, A 995 Kit Bags- Makers, A 1554X Kitchen (see also under Domestic) Boiler Makers, A 2328X Range Fixers, B 824 Urensil Makers, A 2328X Knitting Machinery (see Textile Machinery) Knives Cleaner Makers, A 224 9X, B 2250 Edge Fitters (Weighing Machines), A 557 Forgers, A 1603X Grinders, A 337, A 1966X Handle Pressers, B 1952 Makers Band, A 2190X Boot and Shoe Press, A 2255X General, A 1603X, B 2363 Sharpeners, A 1966X Labels Fixers Absorbent Cotton Wool, B 1780 Artist's Colours, A 1H28X Perfume Bottles, B 1762 Printers, B 1799 248 Laboratory Apoaratus Makers Glass, A 1824X Porcelain, B 1972 Staff Engineering Establishment. A 981 Explosive Works A 1590X Insured Trades, A 1784X, B 1877 Iron and Steel Works, A 1784X, B1877 Labourers (General) Adding Machine Makers, A 495 Artillery Ammunition Manufacture, A 1636 Axle Makers, A 902 Bedstead Manufacture, B 1743 Blast Furnacrs, A 1640X, A 1641X Bobbin Manufacture, A 1861X Brass Foundries, A 23, A 1626X Brick Manufacture, A 1579X Builders, A 54. A 142, A 978 Builders' Merchants, B 105 Candle Factory, A 1773X Coal Mines, B 657 Commercial Warehouses, B 1686 Constructional Engineers, A 948 Cycle Works, A 351, A 512 (13) Docks, B 1993, B 2056 Dockyards, A 306 Electrical Conduit Fittings Maker?, A 1785X Electric Supply Co., B 264, B 488 Farms, B 111 (a) Fuller's Earth Manufacture, B 1605 Gasworks, B 238, B 420, B 711 Grindstone Manufacture, A 1674X Gunpowder Works, A 1608X Insured Trades, A 749, A 1617X Iron and Steel Works, A 801 Ironmongers, B 261 (2) Lead Works, A 1645X Leather Clothing Manufacture, A 1578X Lock Manufacture, A 1570X Locomotive Works, A 492 Malleable Ironfounders, A 62 Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment, A 319 Mining Tool Makers, A 900 Oxygen Manufacture, A 1687X Pipe Foundry, A 1168 Railway Tunnel Repairers, B 1281 Railway Wagon Works, A 39 Railway Works, A 465, B 2319 Road Roller Builders, A 1007 Salt Works, B 673 Sanitary Fittings Makers, A 2200X Sawmills, A 507 (8), A 677 (9), A 1778X, A 2075X Sewerage Board, B 268 Sewing Machine Makers, A 277 (c) Shuttle Manufacture, A 1861X Signal Works, A 507 (6) Timber Dischargers, B 867 Timber Ponds, A 2128X Labourers (General) cont. Timber Yards, A 677 (9), A 1778X Tramway Workshops, A 1300 Varnish Manufacture, A 157 IX Wharves, B 1993, B 2056 Wheel Centre Makers, A 768 Wheel Makers, A 540 (4), A 809(5) Wire Rope Manufacture, A 1635X Labourers (Tradesmen's) Blacksmiths, A 2258X Boiler Fitters, A 489 (3) Boiler Makers, A 870, A 1372 Boiler Smiths, A 1375 Bricklayers, A 19, A 20, A 54, A 103, A 360 (a), B 460 (6), A 871 Carpenters, A 43, A 54, A 103, A 110 (b), B 460 (4), A 507 (6), A 853, B 954, A 2258X Drillers, A 1375 Electricians, A 854, A 953, A 1375 Engine Fitters, A 265 Fitters, A 43, A 58, A 75, A 265, A 275 (3), A 438 (2), A 486, A 507 (1), A 853, A 953, A 1074, A 1375 Flangers, A 594 Joiners, A 43, A 54, A 103, B 460 (4), A 507 (6), A 1332, A 1375 Lime Washer.-, A 142, A 350 Machinists, A 43 Masons, A 43, A 110 (b), B 460 (6), A 953 Mechanics, A 58, A 103 Military Blacksmiths, A 609 Millwrights, A 43, A 1096, A 1105 Moulders, A 265 Painters, A 1 9, A 54. A 142, B 460 (6) Pattern Makers, A 1375 Paviors, B 585 Pig-bed Mouldeis, A 1502 Plasterers, A 19, A 54 Platelayers, B 209 Plumbers, A 19, A 265, A 360 (a), B 460 (6) Roll Turners, A 1306 Scaffolders, A 19, A 54 Slaters, A 26, A 106 Smiths, A 43, A 58, A 103, A 853, A 1237 Stone Workers, A 714 Storekeepers, A 749, A 1946X Strikers, A 43 Tilers, A 26, A 106 Tool Makers, A 1009 Torpedo Testers, A 850 Turners, A 43, 'A 58, A 275 (3), A 438 (2), A 1375 Welders, A 594 Wheelwrights, A 853 Woodwork Machinists, A 507 (8) Lace Machinery (see Textile Machinery) Lace (Metal) Cutters, A 1580X Weavers, &c., A 2083X 249 Lacquerers Bedsteads, A 1589X Coffin Fnrniture, A 1580X Electric Light Fittings, A 2251X Lens Mounts, A 2261X Railway Carriage Work, A 465 (2) Tins, B 2073 Lacquers Makers, A 1704X Ladders Makers, B 2034, A 2062X, B 2214 Ladies' Handbags Makers, A 1575X Ladle Dates- Forgers (Copper Works), A 2372X Ladlemen Railway Works, A 465 (1) Lady Attendants Electric Supply Co., B 264 Lakes (Artificial) Constructors, A 1062 Repairers, B 1061 Laminated Springs Fitters- Vehicles, A 1336 Makers General, A 2152X Vehicles, A 1336 Lamps Cleaners Arc and Incandescent, B 2208, B 2253 Controllers (Gas) Fixers, B 2290 Repairers, A 2296X Holder Makers (Elec.), A 1G93X, B1954 Lighters, B 97 Makers and Repairers Arc, A 1997X Beacon, A 21 79X Binnacle, A 1619X Buoy, A 2179X Cycle, A 2328X Glow, B 1695, A 1818X Hall, A 1633X Incandescent Oil, A 2188X Miners', A 159 IX Motor Cycle, A 2328X Painters, B 734, A 2270X, A 2389X Pillar Drillers, A 2270X Pole Erectors, B 190 (3) Stone Base Makers, B 190 (2) Stump Makers (Carriages), A 2301X Tool Makers, A 1001 Trimmers Electric Supply Co., B 264 Locomotive Works, A 479 Landscape Gardeners, B 681 Lanterns (see also Lamps) Lens Makers, A 1976X Makers, A 2166X Painters, A 2389X Lanyards Makers, A 1566X, A 1819X , 11937 Lapidaries, B 2162 Lappers Axle Boxes, A 902 Lappet Wheels Makers, B 2323 Lasts (Boots) Makers Metal, A 2255X Wood, B 910, A 1897X Lathes Attendants (see also Turners) A dding Machine Makers, A 495 Calico Printers' Engravers, A 2361X Motor Part Makers, A 502 Tramway Shops. A 453 Setters up," A 438 ' Toolsetters (Brasswork), A 1219 Laths- Fixers, A 1031 Makers (Metal), A 2377X Renders, B 565 Lattice Work- Erectors (Wireless Telegraphy), A 909 Makers (Signals), A 507 (1) Launch Workers Docks, B 1122 River Conservators, B 811 Laundry Outdoor Wringing Machine Re- pairers, A 526 Starch or Blue Makers, A 2037X Workers General, B 2097 Insured Trades, B 2043 Local Authority, B 97 Military Work, B 2097 Railway Works, B 2319 Lavatories Attendants Electric Supply Co., B 264 Insured Trades, A 1435, A 1855 Cabinet Enclosure Makers, A 360 Earthenware Makers, B 1912 Repairers, A 191 (3) Lawns Makers, B 681 Mower Makers, A 436 Layers Asphalt, A 440, B 738, A 1234 Cables (Telegraph, &c.), B 1425 , Channelling, A 1436 Composition Flooring, A 551, A 941 Drains, A 1436 Linoleum (Exhibitions), B 1i)l3 Tarred Macadam, B 738 Water Pipes, B 190, A 191, B 1893 Wood Block Flooring, A 781 Lead- Accumulator Box Makers, A 2380X Colourers (Motor Wheels), A 809 Compound Makers, A 1645X Core Makers (Cartridges), A 1600X 1 250 Lead cunt. Lights Assemblers, A 1270 Cementers, B 799, A 1270 Cutters, A 798, A 1270 Electro-platers, A 1270 Finishers, A 1270 Fitters, A 1270 Fixers, A 798 Frame Painters, A 1270 Glaziers, A 798 Painters, B 793 Stainer?, B 799 Pencil Makers, A J865X, B2167 Pig Lead Makers \ 2177X Pipe Makers, A 1854X, A 2177X Rollers, A 2177X Roof Workers, A .53, A 1113 Scrap Workers, A I854X Sheathing Fixers \ Cables), A 171 IX Sheet Makers, A 1 B54X, A 2177X Leaf (Gold) Makers, A 1923X Leak Stoppers Canal Co., B 654 Leat Cutters China Clay Co., 11 777 Leather Industry- Compressed Boot Stiffenei , <&c., M.ikers, A 1649X Makers, A 2134X Curriers, A 1637X Dubbin Makers, B 1989 Fur Dressers, B 2141 General Fellmongers, (B) 1637, B 2022, B2033 Tanners, &c., A 1637X, A 1638X Imitation Board Makers, B 2135 Cloth Maker*, B 2137 Makers, B 1609 Sheepskin Fleshers, &c., A 2401X Leather Workers (see also Special Exclusion (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.) Bands, A 1719X, A 2109X Bathing Caps, A 2092X Belting, A 803, A 2109X Book binding Work, B 1991, A1992X Boot-, A 1649X, A 1752X, B 1940, A 2048X Boixes, (A) 1985 Brace Tabs, A 1786X Buffalo Hide Pickers, A 1623X Buttons, A 1886X Camera Bellows, A 2007X Caps, A 1719X Card Clothing, A 2147X Cigarette Cases, A 1575X Clock Caves, (A) 1727 Clog Uppers, A 1830X Clothing, A 1578X, (A) 1705 Cricket Balls, A 2013X Cycle Accessories, A 2197X Leather Workers (see also Special Exclusion (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.) cont. Cycle Saddles, A 2304X, A 2404X Druggists' Sundries, A 2092X Fancy Articles, A 1575X, A 1878X, B1879 Finger Halls, A 2092X Gas Meters, A 1725X General Work Manufacture, A 1878X, B 1879 Repair, A 1956X, B 1957 Gloves, A 1572X Handbags, A 1575X Harness, A 1804X, B 1810, A 1953X, B 2319 Hats, A 1719X Hose Pipes, A 803 Knife-cleaning Machines, A 2249X Knife, &c., Handles, (A) 1952 Loose Leaf Ledger Binders, A 2005X Machine Part*, A 408 Motor Clothing, A 1578X Motor Cycle Saddles, A 2304X Organ Part?, A 2033X Photo Frames, A 1575 X Pump Parts, A 408 Railway Carriage Work, A 465 (2) Raw Hide Blanks, A 2109X Saddlery, A 1804X, B 1810, A 1953X, B 2319 Shoes, A 1649X, A 1752X, B 1940, A 2048X Slippers, A 2048X Solid Leather Goods, A 1878X, B 1879 Sponge Bags, A 2092X Straps, A 1719X Surgical Trusses, A 2050X Switch Boxes, (A) 1985 Textile Hots and Shields, A 2100X Textile Rollers, A 1407 Tobacco Pipe Cases, (A) 2230 Tobacco Pouches, A 223 IX Tool Rolls, A 2297X Toys, (A) 2172 Trunks, A 1970X Ventilitors, A 1719X Ledgers (Loose Leaf) Makers, A 2005X, B 2006 Leg Baths Makers, A 1648 X Legging Blocks Wood Machinists, A 1897 X Lengthsmen Canal Co., B 494 Lenses Mount Makers, A 226 IX Navigation Lanterns Makers, A 1976X Spectacles Fitters, A 1658X, B 1928 Grinders, &c., B 1928 Letterers (Gold) Insured Work, A 2099X Letterpress Machines Attendants, B 129, B 1799, B 1821 25] Letters- Cutters Building Stone, A 714 Monuments, B 170 Fixers (Signs) Building, B 899, B 2155 Makers (Signs) Buildings, B 899, A 2153X Painters Railway \Vagons, A 39 Levelling Packing (Mill Machinery) Makers, A 1249 Levels- Spirit Makers, A 2262X Water- Repairers, B 697 Lever Spring Suspensions Assemblers, A 780 Lids- Jugs Makers, A 1782X Mounters, B 1783 Manholes Sill Makers, B 1089 Shell Cases (Paper) Makers, A 2032X Tins Solderers, B 1943 Tramway Point Boxes Fitters, A 1268 Life Belts and Buoys- Makers, i 1826X Lifters- Railway Works, A 465 (2) Salt Works, A 545 (b) Lifts- Attendants Electric Supply Co., B 264 Gas Company, B 238 (2) Insured Trades, A 1088 Mechanical Engineering Eafcabli-h- ment, A 50 Tin Box Works, A 1702X Cage Makers, B 2209 Collapsible Gate Makers, A2283X Enclosure Fixers, A 1481 Fixers, A 380 Makers (Hand-power), B 2209, B 2292 Part Makers (Electrical), A 1237, A 1286 Renewal Workers (Gas Holders), A 1254 Ropers (Underground Railways), A 1207 Light Forgings (Copper Works) Makers, A 2372X Oils- Tar Distillers, A 1763X, A 1764X Platers- Railway Works, A 465(1) Railways Constructors, A 191 (6) 11937 Light cottt. Railways cnt. Layers or Removers (Temporary), B 1385 Maintenance Workers, B 190 (4), B1905 Lightermen Electric Supply Co., B 264 Insured Trades, B 1734 Light Houses and Vessels Apparatus Makers and Repairers, A 959 Builders and Repairers, A 960 Glass Makers (Dioptric Apparatus), B1994 Lighting (see also Electric Light, Gas, &c.) Inspectors, B 97 Metal Reflector Maker*, A 2102X Plant Attendants Collieries, B 1961 [nsured Trades, A 1948X Lightning Conductors Erectors, A 919 Lights (Ship's Side) Makers, A 1976X Limbs Makers Artificial, A 1973X Guns, A 1376 Lime and Limestone Burners, A 1838X Carriers, &c., B 2044 Kiln Constructor?, A 374 Miners, B 162$ Mortar Makers, A 2095X Mixers Water Works, B 406 (3) Quarrymen, B 1597, B 1757 Washers General, A 142, A 350 Mechanical Engineering Works, A 337 Railway Arches, A 1331 Lime (Acetate of) Makers, A 2126X Lime Merchants' Employees Bargemen, B 105 Carmen, B 105 Crauemen, B 105 Horsekeepers, B 105 Labourers, B 105 Sack Repairers, B 105 Slaters, A 106 Sub-Contractors, B 105 Tilers, A 106 Lime Washing Machines Makers, A 2335X Linen Weavers, &c., B 1926 Liners Cycles, A 784 (3) Fur Coats, Hugs, &c., B 2114 Shells and Bushes, A 890 Vehicle?, A 784 (3) I 2 252 Liners Off- Shipbuilding, A 751 Liners (Shell Case) Makers, A 2032X Linesmen Railway Work (Electric), A 465 (1), B2319 Signal Rods and Wires, B 1162 Linings Accumulator Cells Makers, A 2380X Furnaces Repairers, &c., A 1259 Railway Carriages Sewers, A 465 (2) Linking Machines (Hosiery) Makers, A 470 Linoleum Layers, B 197, B 1513 Makers, B 2138 Planners, &c., B 197 Linotype Machines Matrix Makers, A 663 Mechanics, A 702, A 841 Operators and Assistants, B 840 Linseed Oil Cake Makers, B 1721 Makers, A 1699X Putty Makers, A 2054X Liquid Gold and Silver Maker?, A 2028X Tin- Lead Pipe Washers, A 1854X Lithographers (see also Printers), B j 1822, (B) 210 Admiralty, Harbours, Electricity Supply) cant. Service Layers, B 190 (10) Sewage Farm Attendants, B 97 Sewers Cleansers, B 9V Constructors, A 191 (9) Relayers, A 1226 Repairers, B 190 (13), B 268 Road Workers (Reconstruction), A 1395 Straighteners, A 1226 Stoves (Gas) Fixers, B 607 Removers, B 607 Tool Sharpeners, A 452 Tramways Constructors, A 191 (6) Maintenance Workers, B 190 (4), B 1905 Truckmen, B 454 Water Inspectors, B 97 Cart Painters, A 736 Waterworks Engine Drivers, B 31 Window Cleaners, B 734 Wiremen, A 191 (5) Woodwork Machinists, A 191 (2) Lockers Fixers, A 1245 Makers, A 2328X Locks Canal, &c. Gate Repairers, A 1534 Keepers, B 654 (3) Repairers, B 654 (1) Wall Repairers, B 655 Door, &c. Fixers, A 465(1), A 478 Makers, A 1570X Repairers, A 465 (1), A 745, A 1555X Guns Filers, A 1376 Locomotive Cranes Drivers ( Kngineering Estbt.), A 1132 Engines (For detailed list of workers see text, Nos. A 465, A 479, A 492)- Boiler Ferrule Makers, A 1263 Cleaner?, A 2148X Drivers, &c. (see also Special Ex- clusion (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.) Electric Supply Co., B 264 Iron and Steel Works, A 1715X Railway Works, B 2319 Shipbuilding Co., A 1715X Stone Quarries, B 2149 Fire-box Plate Drillers, A 1235 Repairers, A 1380, A 1413 11937 Locomotive cont. Gas Machines Builders and Fixers, A 955 Loftsmen Shipbuilding, A 751 Logs- Sawyers, A 1652X Look-out Men Railways, B 1411 Looms (See also Textile Machinery) Beam Turners, A 872 Makers and Repairers (Wire Net- ting), A 1146 Temple Makers, A 1069 Loose Boxes Makers, A 685 Loose Leaf Ledger Binders Makers, A 2005X, B 2006 Lorries Wheel Makers, A 787 Lubricating Grease Bag Makers and Fillers, B 136 Oil Blenders, A 1G83X Lubricators (Drip-feed) Makers, A 502 Lugs (Cycles) Makers, A 388 Pressers, A 351 Stampers, A 351 Lych Gates Preparers and Erectors, A 1448 Macadam Layers, B 738 Makers, B 15GO, B 1998 Machine Moulders Brick Works, A 1689X Ironfoundries, A 20, A 602, A 660 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Machinery (see also Machinists and Mechanical Engineering Estab- lishment Workers) Attendants Armour Plate Makers, A 868 Boiler Makers, A 411 Brick Works, A 1689X Cement Makers, A 578 Dye Works, B 327 Insured Trades, A 1948X Locomotive Works, A 479, A 492 Mechanical Engineering Estbt., A 20, A 411 Nail Makers, A 1250 Nut and Bolt Makers, A 428 (1) Printers, B 129, B 1821 Printing Machinery Estbt., A 663 Railway Works, A 465 Reinforced Concrete Wire Welders, A 2387X River Conservatois, A 812 Uninsured Trade*, B 2156, B 2369 Weighing Machine Makers, A 888 Wire Rope Makers, A 1625X Wire Weavers, A 1650X 1 3 254 Machinery (see also Machinists and Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment Workers) cont. Attendants cont. Wood - working Establishments, A 1776X, A 2088X Belt Makers and Repairers, A 803, A 1964X, A 2109X Block and Fall Men, A 675 Breakers, A 291 Cleaners Insured Trades, A 1948X Textile Mills, B 434 Chains and Couplings Repairers, A 1141 Screwers, A 1141 Demonstrators, B 915, A 926 Driving Chain Makers, A 808 Erectors Alkali Works, A 675 Harvesting, A 461 Ice-making, A 651 Locomotive Gas, A 955 Refrigerating, A 651 Fixers Boat, A 339 Coffee -making, A 956 Locomotive Gas, A 955 Well, A 826 Foundation Preparers, A 1396 Guard Maker?, B 2240 Leather Makers, A 408 Levelling Packing Makers, A 1249 Makers and Repairers Adding, A 495 Addressograph, A 2347X, B 2348 Agricultural, A 435, A 461, A 699, A 720, A 1363 Automatic, A 1224 Bacon-slicing, A 1369 Boring, A 900 Bottle-corking, A 1330 Bread-slicing, A 1330 Brewing, A 715 Bucket-making, A 1311 Burring, A 1165 Can-making, A 1311 Cartridge Case Works, A 1208 Clocks, A 1728X Coffee-making, A 956 Colliery, A 1261 Copper Smelting, A 1450 Cream-separating, A 1029 Disinfecting, A 2335X Dock, A 671 Drilling, A 1370 Drying, A 448, A 1326 Duplicating, A 1015 Electrical (set tinder Electrical). Food-chopping, A 2316X Fretwork, A 1053 Fruit-cleaning, A 1330 Fruit Tree-spraying, A 2335X Garden, A 699 General, A 1451 Machinery (see also Machinists and Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment Workers) cont. Makers and Repairers cont. Glass Bottle-making, A 1183 Hosiery, A 470, A 1180, A 1499, A 2191X Lace; A 458. A 1535, A 2192X r A 2305X ' Lime-washing, A 2335X Linotype, A 702 Locomotive Gas, A 955 Meat-mincing, A 1330 Mica Parts Makers, A 2394X Mincing, A 1330, A 2316X Monotype, A 1255 - Mortising, A 1165 Motor Panel and Mud-guard Making, A 1311 Paper-making, A 2362 Process, A 1286 Road-sweeping, A 1101 Sausage Skin-filling, A 1330 Screwing, A 1165 Sewing, A 277, A 1064, A 1174 Sheet Metal-working, A 1311 Soap-stamping, A 1414 Stamp-affixing, A 2289X Stone-crushing, A 312 Technical Schools, A 1077 Textile (see u-'ont. Electric Supply Co., A 265 Galvanising Works, A 1487 Gramophone Works, A 1335 Hoist Makers, A 1468 Iron, Steel and Coke Works, A 481 Laminated Spring Makers, A 1336 Locomotive Works, A 479, A 492 Motor Part Makers, A 502 Metal Window Makers, A 1225 Office Apparatus Makers, A 567 (2) Pipe Foundry, A 1511, A 2330X Rubber Mould Works, A .1532 Searchlight Gear Makers, A 1488 Shell Band Manufacture, A 1527 Signal Works, A 414 (3), A 507 (2, 4) Spring Buckle Makers, A 1336 Station Gas Meter Makers, A 1009 Steel, Bar and Tinplate Works, A 43 Steel Foundries, A 320 Storage Battery Makers, A 1068 Tramcar Trolley Wheel Makers, A 746 Wheelmaker, A 540 (2) Stone Building Trade, A 714 Insured Trades, A 1242, A 1473 Wood (see Sawmilling). Mackintoshes Makers, A 1747X Magazine Escapements (Printing Ma- chinery) Machinists, &c., A 663 Magazine? Attendants, A 1599X Magnetos Ebonite Part Makers, A 1814X Makers, A 1692X Tool Makers, &c., A 1044 Magnets (Permanent) Makers, A 2340X Mail Carts (see under Perambulators) Main Cocks (Gas) Makers, A 1633X Mains (Water, Gas and Electric) Layers, B 190 (10), A 191 (7) Road Workers, A 1303, A 1498 Malleable Iron Foundries, see Iron Foundries Mallets (Leather) Makers, A 2109X Maltsters, B 83 Mangers Erectors, A 554 Mangles Decorators, A 617 Makers, A 2035X Manholes Excavators, A 360 Lid Sill Makers, B 1089 Mantel Pieces Wood Grainers, &c., A 1092 11937 Mantles (Gas) Makers, B 1634 Manures (Chemical) General Workers, A 1594X, B 2025, A 2350X Wharf Labourers, B 1993, B 2056 Marble Workers Barbers' Basin, &c. Makers, A 506 Dressers, A 952 Enarnellers, A 952 Fixers, A 952, A 1525 Makers (Artificial), A 1525, A2106X Polishers, A 714, A 952, A 1525 Preparers, A 952, A 1525 Veiners, A 1092 Margarine Makers, A 2390X, B 2391 Marine Engines Erectors, A 339 Markers-off Insured Trades, A 750 Markers Sp3ctacle Lenses, B 1928 Markers- out (Timber) Insured Trades, A 1227 Railway Works, A 465 (2), B 2319 Sawmills, A 2046X Markers (Tennis) Makers, A 2274X, A 2328X Markers-up Military Stores, A 1817X Markets- Attendants, B 97 Constructors, &c., A 1285 Stall Fixers, &c., B 982 Marking Stamps (llubber) Makers, A1781X Type Setters, B 1895 Marl Getters, &c. Brick Manufacture, A 1884X Cement Manufacture, B 2044, B2045 Masks (Gas) Makers, A 1554X Masons, see also Stone Workers Barbers' Basins, &c. Makers, A 506 Builders, A 44, A 642, A 714 Builders' Merchants, A 38 Collieries, B 460 (6), A 1260 Contractors, A 1 10 (b) Estates, A 187, A 1198 General, A 44 Insured Trade*, A 44, A 952 Monumental Woiks, B 87 Quarries (Shed Builders), A 1166 Railway Station Workers, A 1297 Railway Tunnel Repairers, B 1281 Railway Works, A 465 (I) Steel Bar and Tinplate Works, A 43 Textile Mills, A 433 (3) Tiii Mines, A 953 Wall Builders (Churches), A 1253 Masts- Riggers (Wireless Telegraph Sta- tions), B 1213 256 Matches- Makers, A 1740X, B 1741 Material Checkers Railway Works, B 2319 Inspectors Tramways, B 785 Mates (Barge) Builders' Merchants, B 105 Matrix Makers Linotype Machines, A 663 Monotype Machines, A 1255 Matting (Cocoanut Fibre) Makers, A 1840X, B 1841 Mattresses Makers Asbestos Cloth and Fibre, j 1987X Flock, B 1743, B 2151 Hair, B 2151 Straw, B 2151 Wire, A 1742X Wool, B 2151 Mausoleums Constructors, A 1325 Maxim Guns Ammunition Belt Makers, A 1012 Measurers Pipe Foundry> A 1168 Shipbuilding A 1497 Yards (Piecework), Measuring- Gauges Makers, A 2267 X Instiuments (Electric) Makers, A 1691X Rules and Tapes Makers, A 2262X Meat- Mincing Machine Makers, A 1330, A 2316X Tin Makers, A 2328X Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment Workers (see also Machinery, Railways and Locomotive En- gines) Angle-iron Smiths, A 411 Belt Attendants, A 337, A 395, A 803 Bench Hands, A 591 Boilermakers, A 315, A 411 Boilermen, A 86 Borers, A 20 Buffers, A 20 Car Testers, A 341 Case Hardeners, A 908 Casters, A 20, A 23 Caulkers, A 411 Chain Makers, A 803 Coffee Mill Makers, A 1258 Copper Fittings, &c., Makers, A 1329 Core Makers, A 20, A 23 Cranemen A 86, A 812, A 1132 Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment Workers (see also Machinery, Railway and Locomotive En- gines) cont. Coupling and Chain Repairers and Server**, A 1141 Cupolamen, A 20 Cutter Grinders, A 337 Dressers, A 20, A 23 Drifter Riggers, A 1016 Drillers, A 20 Ebonite Workers, A 1230 Emery Wheel Makers, (A) 2213 Engine Testers, A 341 Enginemen, A 86, A 812 Erectors, A 20 Finishers, A 20, A 23 Firemen, A 86 Fitters, A 20, A 23, A 323 Flangers, A 594 Gasfitters, A 337 Gas Producer Men, A 337 Gangers, A 750 Glazers, A 20 Grinders, A 30 Hoistmen, A 50, A 1088 Holders-up, A 411 Hose Pipe Makers, A 803 Hydraulic Fittings Tester.?, A 731 Inspectors, A 750, A 1160 Ironfounders, A 20, A 23 Iron Sawyers, A 20 Knife Grinders, A 337 Labourers, A 31 9, A 749 Leather Cutters, A 408 Lift Ropers, A 1207 Lime Washers, A 337 Locomotive Crane Drivers, A 1132 Machinemen, A 20, A 411 Machinery Leather Maker?, A 408 Painters, A 337 Testers, A 337 Markers-off, A 750 Metal Windows Assemblers, A 1225 Machinists, A 1225 Millers, A 20 Millstone Fitters, A 950 Millwrights, A 20 Motor Road Roller Testers and Erectors, A 1007 Moulders, A 20, A 23 Oilers, A 337 Packers, A 749 Painters, A 337 Pattern Makers, A 337, A 1139 Planers, A 20 Platers, A 411 Polishers, A 20, A 23 Press Tool Makers, A 337 Pumps Fitter?, A 337 Leather Makers, A 408 Rivetters, A 411 :>f>7 Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment Workers (see also Machinery, Railway and Locomotive Kn- gines) cont. Saw Hammerer*, A 337 Saw Sharpener*, A 337 Screwers, A 20 Shafting Oilers, A 337 Shapers, A 20 Signal Apparatus Repairers, A 1161 Slotters, A 20 Smiths, A 20, A 411 Smiths' Strikers, A 20 Strap Piecers, A 337 Storekeepers, B 176, A 749 Strikers, A 20 Sweaters, A 908 Testers, A 337 Tools- Grinders. A 337 Makers, A 20 Smiths, A 20 Trawler Riggers, A 1016 Tube Benders, A 1163 Turners, A 20, A 323 Viewers, A 750 Vulcanized Fibre Workers, A 1230 Water Meter Testers, A 731 Welders, A 594 Wheelwrights, A 85 Mechanics (see also Mechanical En- gineering) Boring Machine Makers, A 323 Brewers, A 143 Brickmakers, A 64. A 1159 Cartridge Works, A 103 Cattle Food Manufacturer*, A 114 Coal-Washing Machinery Makers, A 323 Collieries, A 1261, A 1827X Disintegrator Makers, A 323 Engineering Laboratory, A 981 Hosiery Factories, A 1499 Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment, A 20 Pipe Works, A 1511 Printers, A 130, A 702, A 841 Screw Makers, A 501 Sewing Machine Repairers, A 1174 Textile Mills, A 15, A 29, B 434 Tramway Workshops, A 1300 Tube Works, A 145? Typewriter Repairers, A 880 Uninsured Trades, A 58 Medallists Die Makers, A 2234X Tool Makers, A 1252 Medical (see under Surgical) Meggers Makers, A 169 IX Melters Anti- corrosive Materials (Ships), A 1397 Glass, B 234 Scrap White Metals, A 1556X Melters emit. Steel, A 1700X Tallow, B 1842 Memorial Tablets (Brass) Makers, A 1670X Menders Cement Bags, &c., A 1913X Merchants (General) Warehouse Employees, B 1686 Messengers Alkali Factory, A 1791X Coffin Furniture Makers, A 1580X Commercial Warehouses, B 1686 Insured Trades, A 1855, A 1947X, B 2157, A 2122X, A 2358 Locomotive Works, A 749 Mess-room Attendants Insured Trades, B 1441, B 1664 Railway Works, B 2319 Metal (see also under specific head- ing*) Breakers, &c , B 1593 Case-hardening Compound Makers, B2130 Corrugators, A 237 8X Curvers, A 2378X Cutting, &c., Plant- Die, &c., Setters, A 1410 Die Sinkers, A 1409 Oxy-Acetylene Plant Erectors, &c. f A 914, B 915 Enamellers, A 1654X, A 1963X Forgers, A 1641X, A 1651X Galvanises, A 2042X Gauge Makers, A 2267X Painters, A 2406X Perforation Presses Tool Makers, A 898, A 928 Piercers, A 1651X Platers, A 1654X Polishers, A 465 (1), A 1654X Polish Makers, B 1798 Stampers, A 165 IX Testers (Steel Works), A 1809 Metal Merchants' Employees Breakers, Sorters, &c., B 267, A 291, B 991, B 1593 Warehousemen, B 1577 Metallers (White) Railway Works, A 465 (1) Metallic- Hose Covering Makers, A 2257X Ship's Berth Makers, A 2336X Tubing (see Flexible Metallic Tubing). Meters Electricity Bracket Makers, &c., B 253 Fixers, B 1906, B 2253 Makers, A 1691X Readers, B 10 (5), B 1906 Testers, B 264 Gas- Fixers, B 779 Inspectors, B 238 (11), B 245 - 258 Meters cont. Gas cont. Makers, A 1725X, A 2328X Repairers, A 1725X Testers, B 238 (10), B 245 Tool Makers, A 986, A 1009 Water- Cleaners, B 1893 Inspectors, B 169 Makers, A 456 Readers, B 1893 Repairers, A 600 Testers, A 731 Methylators Alcohol, A 2098X Mica Cutters, A 1690X Washers, &c., Makers, A 2394X Micanite Moulds Finishers, A 1532 Machinists, A 1532 Turners, A 1532 Middle Screws (Copying Presses) Cutters or Turners, A 1081 Military Entrenchment Constructors, A 1482 Equipment Makers or Repairers Badpe?, A 1716X Bandoliers, A 1558X Blanco, A 1959X Body Armour, A 1613X Boots, A 1831X Bowls, A 1647X Braces, A 1786X Brushes, A 1 856X Buttons, A 1887X Caps, A 1717X, A1719X, A1867X Cardboard Boxes, A 2144X Celluloid Cycle, &c., Fittings, A 1922X Clothing (see Uniform-) Coats, A 1569X Cocoanut Fibre Mats, &c., A 1840X Cork Helmets A 1930X Corks, A 2093X Cycle Brake Blocks, B 2206, A 2220X Cycle, &c., Repair Outfits, A 1960X Earthenware, A 1647X Elastic Hosiery, A 1787X Fur Hats and Clothing, A 1941X, A2113X Gas Masks, A. 1554X General Equipment, A 1566X, A 1817X Glass Bottles, &c., A 1824X, A 1836X, A 1974X Great Coats, A 1569X Grenade Buckets. A 1566X Gymnasium Apparatus, A 2225X Handkerchiefs, A 1677X Harness, A 1804X Hats,A1717X,A1719X A 194 IX, A 2039X Haversacks, A 1554X Headdresses, A 2039X Military cont. Equipment Makers or Repairers cont. Helmets, A 1613X, A 1930X, A. 2341X Hosepipes, A 1909X Hosiery, A 1643X, A 1787X Hospital Clothing, A 186 ,X Jars, A 1618X, A 1836X Kit Bags, A 1554X Lanyards. A 1566X Leather Goods, A 1956X Mattresses, A 1987X Musical Instruments, A 1595X Nets, A 1796X Optical Instruments, A 2040X Pipeclay, A 1959X Plaisters, A 2082X Plates, A 1647X Projectile Slings, A 1566X Refrigerators, A 2110X Rum Jars, A 1618X Saddlery, A 1804X Sandbags, A 1758X, B 1751> Sheets, A 1677X Shell Bags, A 1675X Shirts, A 1554X Sleeping Bags, A 1573X Spectacles, A 1 658X Splints, A 2067X Spouge Cloths, A 1677X Surgical Dressings, B 1672 . A 1673X, B 1876 Switchgear Bases, A 1760X Tarpaulins, A 1566X, A 1573X Tents, A 1566X, A 1573X Thermometers, A 1937X Towels, A 1G77X Trench Helmets, A 1613X, A 2341X Uniforms, A 1569X. A 1578X, A1598X, A1899X, A 2051 X. A2113X Viaepar Jars, A 1618X Wagon Covers, A 1573X Waterbottle Covers, A 1554 X Railway Works*' Employees Blacksmith's Labourers, A 609 Boilermakers, A 609 Moulders, A 609 Stores Equipment Repairers, A 1817X Inspectors, A 1817X Packers, &c., A 1817X Milk Can Makers, A 2195X. A 2328X. Millboard Asbestos Makers, B 1920 General Boxinaker.", B 1984 Millers- Soap, A 1755X Mill Furnishers Bench Bauds A 591 259 Milling Machinists Adding Machine Makers, A 495 Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment, A 20 Motor Car Part Makers, A 502 (I) Nut and Bolt Works, A 428 (2) Rotary Duplicating Machine Makers A 1015 Signal Makers, A 414 (3) Mills (see special healings Flour, Textile, &c.) Millstones Fitters, A 950 Makers, A2184X Mill Turners- Calico Printing, A 2361X Iron and Steel Works, A 801 Millwrights Locomotive Works, A 479 Mechanical Engineering Establish ment, A 20 Railway Works, A 465 (1) (2) Steel, Bar and Tinplate Works, A 43 Steel Works, A 542 Welded Tube Mikers, A 1096 Millwrights' Labourers, A 1096, A 1105 Mincing Machines Makers, A 1330, A 2316X Minders (see Engines, Machinery, &c.) Mineral Oil ReSners, A 2390X Prospectors (Hole Borers), B 866 Waters (see Aerated Waters) White- Makers, B 1902 . Miners Barytes, B 2064 Coal, B 1581 Colours, B 1870 Fireclay, B 1581, B 1701 General, B 657 Gypsum, B 1904 Ironstone, B 1628 Limestone, B 1628 Ochre, B 1870 Rocksalt, B 1996 Stone, B 1870 Miners' Lamp Makers, A 1591X Safety Fuse Makers, B 2047 Tool Sharpeners, A 1827 X, A 2343X Mines (see Colleries, Clay Mines, &c.) Miniature Pools Makers, B 689 Mining Tools Makers, A 900 Sharpeners, A 2343X Mints Coin Makers, A 1929X Mixers Britannia Metal, A 1607X Case-hardening Compounds, B 2130 China Clay Sizing Ingredients, B 1832 Mixers <-nt Colours, A 2132X Cordite, A 1599X Enamel, A 2108X Flooring Composition, A 2269X Guncotton, A 1599X Manures, A 2350X Mortar, A 2095X Oil Baize Composition, B 1732 Paint, A 2132X Scrap White Metal?, A 1556X Models- Boats Makers, A 751 Clay- Casters, B 713 Makers, B 891 Monotype Machines Matrix Makers, A 1255 Type Casters, B 129 Monuments Letter Cutters, B 170, B 174 Makers (Brass), A 1670X Masons, B 87 Moorings Layers and Shifters, B 334 Mortar Grinders, &c., A 2095X Mortising Machines Makers, A 1165 Mosquito Netting Makers, B 1874 Mother of Pearl Setters (Bedsteads), B 1955 Motor Boats and Launches Drivers, /tt. Signalmen, A 207 2X Slate Workers (Elec. Machinery), A 1760X, A 2076X Spirit Level Makers, A 2262X Storekeepers, A 1946X Students, A 23r;6X Timber Pond Labourers, A 2128X Timekeepers, B 1684, A 1946X Traffic Regulators, A 2072X Viewers, A 1476, B 2118 Volunteer Workers, B 2087 Vulcanised Fibre Washer, &c., Makers, A 2392X Warehousemen, A 1946X Watchmen, B 1684. A 1946X Water Gas Plant Attendants, A 2063X Water Level Gauge Makers, A 1974X Watermen, B 1734 Weighmen, A 1947X Munitions Stores Examiners, &c., A 172GX, A 1817X Packers, &c., A 1720X, A 1817X Transport Workers, B 1722 Mural Tablets- Fixers, B 87 Letter Cutters, B 170, B 174 Makers (Brass), A 1670X Masons, B 87 Musical Instruments Makers- General, A 1595X, A 2236X Gramophone Records, A 1335, B 2285 Organs, A 2033X, B 2171, B 2295 Pianos, A 1744X, A 1745X,B 1746 Violins, B 2175 Music Halls- Stage Carpenters and Electricians, B843 Music Stands Makers, B 2272 Musketry School Target Makers, &c., A 2258X . Nailers Wooden Case Manufacture, A 1853X Nail Manufacture Casters, A 987 Tool Makers and Setters (Minders), A 1250 Warehousemen, B 1577 Nail Merchants' Employees Carters, B 162 Clerks, B 162 Salesmen, B 162 Name Plates (Metal) Fixers, B 2155 Makers, A 1670X, A 2153X Natural Indigo Preparers, B 2140 Nautical Instruments Makers, A 1619X Naval Equipment (see Military) Navigation Lanterns Lens Makers, A 1976X Makers, A 2166X Navigators Canal Boats, B 654 Dredgers, B 382 Horse Cart Ferries, B 971 Navvies (Steam) Drivers, A 1 155 Needles Boxers, A 1968X Carders, A 1968X Die Makers, A 992 Makers General, A 1659X, A 1669X Hosiery Machines, A 2191X Lace Machines, A 2305X Net Machines, A 2305X Sewing, A 1659X Squarers Hosiery Machines, A 1180 Needle wo men Military Equipment Manufacture, A 1554X Nets and Netting Bomb Proof Cutters and Erectors, A 1524 Fishing Buoy Makers, A 2402X, B 2403 General Machine Needle and Hook Makers, A 2305X Weavers, &c., A 1796X Mosquito Makers, B 1874 Wire- Loom Makers, &c., A 1146 Network Boxes (Electrical) Makers, A 679 Newspaper Stereotypers Plate Casters, B 701 Nickel- Buckle Barrellers, A 2263X Platers- Cycles, A 185, A 512 (2) Needle*, Pins, &c., A 1659X Vehicles, A 185 Wheel Parts, A 787 Nickel-silver Work Roll Turners, A 1526 Nightligbts Makers, A 1773X Night Soil- Removers, B 97 Night Watchmen (see also Watch men) Paviors, B 585 Nipples (Cycles) Tighteners, A 512 (5) Nitrate of Lead Makers, A 1645X 263 Nitrator Men Explosive Works, A 1590X Nitro-cellnlose Makers, A 2136X Non-Conducting Material Fixers Boilers, A 574 Tipe s, A 574 Refrigerating Plant, A 893 Preparers, B 1986, A 2254X Non-Dirigible Balloons Makers, A 2273X Notchers Armature Disc?, A 765 Notice Boards Makers and Erectors, B 2382 Nnmberers Military Clothing Manufacture, A 1899X Nuts- Die Makers, A 428 (1), A 623 (1) Drill Filers and Millers, A 428 (2) Drop Forgers (Axles), A 902 Fitters (Axles), A 422 Machine Setters, A 501 Makers Cycles, A 353 General, A 1565X Locomotives, A 479 Motor Cycles, A 353 Railway Work, A 465 (2) Tap Makers, A 428 (1), A 623 (1) Tool Makers, A 623 (I) Tool Setters, A 636 Warehousemen, B 1577 Oakum Makers, B 1563 Oars- Makers, A 766 Observation Windows (Soioke) Glasswork Makers, A 1976X Ochre- Grinders, &c., A 2074X Miners, B 1870 Odd Shop Grinders Screw Makers, A 501 Odd Sides (Plaster) Makers, A 1504 Oddwork (Metal) Smiths, &c., A 1651X Offal (Fish) Grinders, &c., B 2025 Offices- Apparatus Manufacture Brass Workers, A 2376X Cabinet Maker.-, li 2;iC.7 Filing Device, &-., Makers, B 2272 Machinists, A 5G7 (2) Press Tool Makers, A 567 (1) Turners, A 567 (2) Attendants, B 2157 Office* con*. Cleaners Builders' Merchants, B 38 Electric Supply Co., B 264 General, B 1549, B 2060 Messengers, B 2157 Safe Makers, &c., A 1606X, B!2 Oil- Blenders Burning or Lubricating, A K583X Varnish, A 157 IX Boilers Printers' Ink, &c , A 1980V Cans and Tins Makers, A 2328X Repairers, A 2161X Caps (Axles) Turners, &c., A 1135 Distillers or Drawers Essential Oils, A 1754X Petroleum Spirit, A 231 5X Engines Drivers (District Council), B 31 Extractors L'ght Coal Tar Oils, A 1763X A 1764X Waste Wool Oil, B 2322 Lamps (Incandescent W Makers, A 21 8Y Makers Cod Liver Oil, A 162 IX Essential Ojls, A 1754X Turpentine, A 1889X Vegetable Oils, A 1699X Refiners Mineral or Vegetable Oils, 2390X Storage Tank Pit Excavators, A 1323 Pipe and Pump Fixers, A 1323 Tins- Makers, A 2328X Repairers, A 2 16 IX Oil Baize Cloth- Makers, B 1732 Oil Cake Manufacture Bricklayers, &c., A 17 General Workers, B 1721 Smiths, &c., A 16, A 114 Oil Cloth- Makers, B 21 3H Oilers- Ins ired Trades, A 1948X Locomotive Co., A 479 Mechanical Engineering Estbt.,-A 337 Railway Works, A 405 (2), B 1162 Signal Works, A 507 (10) Tin Box Works, A 2275X Tramways (Brakes, &c.), B 1346 Ointments Compounders, &c., B 1698 Omnibuses Advertisement Fixers, B 884 264 Omnibuses cont. Tyres- Flange and Clip Fitters, A 970 Repairers, &c., A 1406 On-Glaze Colours Makers, A 2028X Openers Skins (Hatters' Fur), B 1942 Operation Tables Makers, A 1648X Operative Cotton Spinners, B 115 Optical Instruments Makers, A 2040X Opticians, A 1658X, B 1928 Orchill Dyes Makers, B 2140 Orderly Bins Paiutew, B 734, A 2406X Ordnance, see Guns and Ammunition Ordnance Survey Office Pit Sinkers, B 573 Ore (see under specific headings). Organs Casing Preparers and Fixers, B2295 Erectors. B 1045 Makers, A 2033X, B 2171 Ornament Bedsteads Painters, c, A 1589X Celluloid- Assembler?, &c.;B 1655 Composition Fixers, A 1148 Makers, B 241, A 1214 Gold- Letterers, &c., A 2099X Stone Carvers, A 375 Wrought Ironwork Makers, A 2282X Out-door Erectors Accumulators, B 1962 Ovens (see under specific headings). Overalls Makers (Insured Workers), B 1705 Overburden (Clay) Removers, B 777 Overcoats (see Coats) Overhead Cranes Drivers, A 540 Railways and Tramways Constructors, A 191 (6) Maintenance Workers, B 190 (4), B1905 Runways (Cash) Fixers, A 1033 Overlooking Machines Makers, A 470 Overlookers Cotton Spinners, B 242 General, B 1901, B 2158 Wool Weavers , B 233 Oxides- Iron Grinders, &c., A 2074X Grindstone Makers, A 2198X Lead Makers, A 1645X Oxy- Acetylene Welding and Metal Cutting Plant Makers Air Compressor Men, B 915 Assemblers, A 1551 Attendants (Insured Trades), A 914 Demonstrators, B 915 Erectors, A 914 Fitters, A 1551 Gas Engineineo, B 915 Oxygen Cylinders Makers, A 2342X Testers, &c , A 1687X Makers, A 1687X Packers (see also Boxers and Wrap- pers) Artists' Colours, A 1828X Bedsteads, A 1589X, B 1743 China Clay, B 777 Coffin Furniture, A 1580X Cotton Yarn, B 115 Crochet Hooks, A 1659X Earthenware, B 211 Elec. Conduit Fittings, A 1785X Explosives, A L590X, A 1599X Gas Meters, A 1725X General Work, B 135, A 749 A 1947X Hatpins, A 1659X Jewellery, A 2004X Laundry Blue and Starch, A 2037X Mattresse-, A 1742X Military Stores, A 1817X Munition Parts, A 1726X Needles, A 1659X Perfumes, B 1762 Photographic Plates, B 1850 Picric Acid, A 1590X Pins, A 1659X Projectile Slings, A 1573X Railway Points & Crossings, A 1421 Shrapnel Shells, A 1543 Sleeping Bags, A 1573X Soap, B 135, A 1755X Steel Balls, A 1153 Stoves, Grates, &c., A 161 IX Sulphate of Ammonia, (A) 1765 Tarpaulins, A 1573X Teats, A 1573X Tin Boxes, A 1702X T.N.T., A 1590X Type, A 2345X Varnish, A 1571X Wagon Covers, A 1573X Wire Ropes, A ^l>.> Packing Case Makers (see Wooden Case Mfc. and Boxes). Packing Makers Asbestos, &c. (Engines), A 1918X Tapered (Shipbuilding), A 1236 Wood (Mill Machinery), A 1249 Padlock Manufacture Press Tool Makets, &c., A 968 Pads (Sewing Machines) Makers, B 278 (g) Pails (Wooden) Makers, B 2034 Paint (see also Colours & Enamels) Barytes Miners, &c., B 2064 Deliverers, A 815, A 1368 Grinders, A 2132X Makers (Bituraastic), A 2143X Mineral White Maker*, B 1902 Mixers, A8J5, A 1368, A 2132X Paris White Makers, B 2041 Washers, A 7, B 163 Painters Advertisement Bills, B 942 Agricultural Implements and Ma- chinery, A 699 Automatic Machines, A 1293 Axle Boxes, Fittings, and Bearings, A 739 Bacon-slicing Machines, A 1369 Bedsteads, A 1589X Beer Cases, A 2002X Boats, A 766 Bookstacks, A 2389X Buildings Dye Works, A 309 Electric Supply Co., A 265 Explosive Works, A 603 General, A 54, A 142, A 350 Iron Works, A 349 Local Authority, A 736 Millers, A 19 Tube Works, A 1457 Uninsured Trades, A 54 Carts, A 545 (b), A 736 Chaff Cutters, A 699 (3) Chimney Pieces, A 1114 Church Decoration Panels, B 1095 Colliery Plant, B 460 (6), A 1260 Constructional Roof Work, A 948 Garden Furniture, B 2265 Machinery, A 699 (1) Rollers, A 2035X Gas Holders, B 420 Gas Meters, A 1725X Gymnastic Apparatus, B 734 Huts, A 603 (2) Hyposcopes, A 2105X Ironwork, B 190 (12) Lead Lights, B 799, A 1270 Locomotives, A 479, A 492 Machinery, A 337, A 356 Metal Good, A 2406X Mangling Machines, A 203f5X Orderly Bins, B 734, A 2406X Painters cout. Park Seats, B 734, A '2406X Periscopes, A 2105X Pipes, A 1446 Railway Wagons, A 39 Railway Work, A 465 Safes, A 1606X Sanitary Fittings, A 2200X Scenery, B 231 Ships, A 462, A 862, A 911, A 1131 Shop Fittings, A 1340 Signal Apparatus, &c., A 507 (12), B 1210 Signal Boxes, A 1144 Street Lamps, B 734, A 2270X, A 2389X Strong Rooms, A 1606X Toys, A 2024X Tradesmen's Carriers, A 512 (12) Wagons, A 39, A 545 (b) Washing Machines, A 2035X Water Carts, A 720 (1), A 736 Wheels, A 540, A 787 Wringing Machines, A 2035X Painters' Labourers, A 7, A 815, A 1368 Shopmen, A 1368 Cleavers, B 217. A 1776X Palettes- Makers, A 1871X Panels Church Decoration Painters, B 1095 Motor Cars Benders, A 800 ; Makers, A 821, A 1078, A 1483 Smoothing Machine and Tool Makers, A 1311 Railway Saloon Cars Makers and Repairers, A 1215 Pans Makers Confectionery, &c., Makers, A 1494 Domestic, A 2328X Repairers Chemical Works, A 1372 Salt Works, B 735 Paper Box Manufacture Forme and Rule Makers, A 1119 Clip Makers, A 1873X Manufacture General Workers Asbestos, B 1920 Emery, A 1915X General, B 1801 Photographic, B 1850 Joiners, A 2362 Soda Recoverers, A 2145X Wood Choppers, &c., A 21 16X Strippers Buildings, A 7 Tag Maker?, A 2009X, B 2010 Paper cont. Workers Box Makers, B 1632, A 2144X Cable Insulators, B 1711 Cycle Brake Block Makers (Coni- "preseed), B 2206 Shell Case LitiingMakers, A 2032X Shell Disc, &c., Makers, B 1868, A 1936X Textile Reed Makers, A 1851X Tube Makers, A 2144X Parallel Bars- Makers, A 2225X Parcel Basket Handcatts Fittings and Frame Makers, A 708 Parcellers Absorbent Cotton Wool, B 1780 Parchment Makers, A 1638X Paris (Plaster of) Makers, A 1903X Paris White Makers, B 2041 Parks- Cricket Pitch Preparers, B 1404 Extension Workers, A 1269 Fence Fixers. B 682 Rangers, B 97 Seat Painters, B 734 Parquet Flooring Gluers, A 1307 Joiners, A 1307 Sawyers, A 1:78 Partitions Fixers, A 1275 Makers, A 1275, A 1622X Part-Time Workers, B 2087 Passenger Lifts Attendants, A 1088 Ropers, A 1207 Patent- Cash Till Makers, A 1034 Cement Makers, A 1903X Fuel Maker-, B 1924 Roof Glazing Workers, A 1073, A 1113 Paths (see also Pacing and Roads) Aspbalters, B 738, A 1234, A 1416 Makers Burial Ground, A 1428 Gardens, B 681 Parks, A 1269 Patterns- Filers Ironfoundry, A 1167 Makers Armour Plate Makers, A 868 Brass Foundries, A 994, A 1139, A 1844X Electric Supply Co., A 489 (2) Foundries (General), A 1139 General (Metal), A 1965X Patterns cont. Makers cont. Ironfoundries Admiralty, A 357 Engineering Work Makers r A 994 ; A 1139 Gas Engine Makers, A 534 General, A 1139 Sanitary Fittings Makers,. A 360 (c) Iron Works, A 1375 Locomotive Works, A 479, A 492 Mechanical Engineering Estab- lishment, A 337 Metal Goods Manufacture, A 1965X Motor Car Builders, A 1273 Phoho-engiaving Tool M tkeis,. A 1237 Railway Works, A 465 Rubber, &c., Works, A 1532 Tube Works, A 1457 Turbine Blade Makers, A 1063 Vulcmite, &cr., Works, A 1532 Pavement Lights Assemblers, A 1270 Cernenters, A 1270 Cutters, A 1270 Electro-platers, A 1270 Finishers, A 1270 Fitters, A 1270 Frame Painters, A 1270 Paving Flags- Maker?, A 1216, A 2055X Preparers, (B) 95^ Sett Makers, B 298, B 2021 Stone Preparers, B 298 Paviors (see also Scone Workers and Local Authority) Foot-paths, A 1436 Railway Works, B 2319 Roads, B 583, B 585, A 1429, A 1498 Pearl Button Manufacture Chuck and Tool Makers, A 1274 Pearl Workers Bedstead Manufacture, B 195f> Peat Manufacture Light Railway Workers, B 1383 Peelers Veneers, A 1890X Peggers Textile Machinery Rollers, A 553 Pencils Makers, A 1865X, B 2167 Pendants Electr.c Light and Gas Makers, A 1633X Pens (Cattle, &c.) Repairer?, B 1296 Pens (Writing) Holder Makers, A 168 IX Makers Metal, A 1709X Vulcanite (Fountain), A 1681X Pens (Writiug) cunt. Press Tool Makers, &c., A 324 Perambulator Manufacture Apron Makers, A 1378 Body Makers, A 1378 Cauopy Makers, A 1557 Cushion Makers, A 1378 Enamellers, A 1378 General Workers, A 246 Hood Mikers, A 1378 Ironwork Makers. A 1378 Machinist*, A 1156 Upholsterers, A 1156 Percussion Primers Makers, A 1636 Perforators' Tools (Metal) Makers, A 928 Repairers, A 898 Perfumers Soap, A 1755X Perfumes Bottle Fillers, &c., B 1762 Makers, A 1754X, B 1756 Pergolas (Gardens) Makers, B 2265 Periscopes Makers, A 2105X Permanent Magnet Makers, A 2340X Ways (see Railways). Petrol- Gauge Makers, A 502 Storekeepers, B 172 Tank Makers, A 886, A 448, A 790, A 1483 Tap Makers, A T>02 Petrol Air Gas- Apparatus Makers, A 1178, A 1483 Generator Makers, A 2328X Pipa Fitters, A 516 Petroleum Spirit Distillers, A 23L5X Pewterers Bars, &c., A 1172 Pharmaceutical Chemicals Makers, A 1697X, B 1698 Pheasant Coops Makers, B 2246 Phosphate Manures Makers, A 2350X Photo-engraving Accessory and Tool Makers, A 1237 Photographic Camera Makers, A 2007X, B 2008 Emulsion Preparers, A 1849X Frame Makers, A 1575X, A 1576X Plate, &c., Preparer.-i, B 1850 Workers (Insured Trades), B 2259 Pianos Makers, A 1744X, A 1745X, B 1746 Piassava (Brooms) Dressers, &c., B 70 Pickers Mining Tool Makers, A 900 Pickers (Buffalo Hide) - Makers, A 1623X Pickle Jars Makers, A 183GX Picks- Moulders, &c., A 900 (3) (9) Picric Acid Makers, A 1590X Picture Frames Cleaners, B 241 Gilders, B 241, B 1653 Piecers Machinery Belts, A 337 Piecework Contractors Cutlery or Silver Plate Trade, B 2363 Counters Shipbuilding, B 1497 Piercers Copper Rollers, A 776 Metal Oddwork, A 1651X Piers- Constructors, A 509 Pig- iron Makers, &c., A 164 IX Lead Makers, &c., A 2177X Pig-bed Moulders Blast Furnaces, A 1502 Piggeries - Makers, A 685 Pile Drivers - Canal Dams, B 654 (2) Pillars- Electrical Feeder- Makers, A 679 Street Lamps Drillers and Painters, A 227 JX Pills- Makers, B 1698 Pinion Changers Coal Washery, A 1074 Pinners Axles, A 902 Pins- Boxers, Carders, &c., A 19G8X Fitters- Axles, A 422 Machine Tool Makers, &c. (Minders), A 1503 Makers Compressed Air Hammers, &c. A 507 (4) . General, A 1659X Piano (Wrest Pins), A 1745X Safety, A 1582X Signal Apparatus, A 507 (4) Textile, A 1610X Pipeclay- Makers, A 1959X Pipe Laad Makers and Rollers, A 2177X Pipes (General) Benders Railway Works, A 405 (I) 268 Pipes (General) cont. Connectors and Disconnectors Oil Storage Tank, A 1323 Coverers Electric Supply Co., A 489 (5) Explosive Works, A 603 (3) General, A 574 Shipbuilding Yards, A 576 Fitters- Acetylene Gas Supply, A 516, A 644 Beer Engines, A 1172 Chemical Works' Plant, A 1402 Dust Extraction Systems, A 490 Gas Supply, A 377, A 407, A 501, A 548, A 600, A 856, A 1072, A 1271, A 1315 Heating Apparatus, A 258, A 279, A 490, A 856 Locomotive Gas Machines, A 955 Machinery, A 377, A 501 Petrol Gas Supply, A 516 Steam, A 258, A 279, A 856, A 1271 Water Supply, A 279, A 418, A 465, A 501, A 856, B 2319 Flangers Alkali Works, A 484 Hoop Fixers, A 2107X Insulating Material Makers, B 1986 Joiners Railway Works, A 465 (1) Layers Water, &c., B 190, A 191, B 1893 Machinists, A 1511, A 2330X Makers Agricultural Drains, B 659 Brewing Machinery, A 715 Drains, B 1768, A 2349X General Concrete, A 2349X Iron, A 1168 Lead, A 1854X, A 2177X Stone, A 2349X Hose, A 803 t B 1908, A 1909X Steam (Copper), A 1329 Stoves, A 1735X Telearaph Poles, A 238 IX Tuyeres, A 1502 Water Fittings, A 2276X Non-conducting Material Preparers, B 1986 Painters, A 1446. Testers- Gas Supply, B 420 Threaders- Alkali Works, A 484 Pipes (Tobacco) Case Makers, B 2230 Makers, A 2227X Mount Fixers, B 2229 Mount Makers, A 2228X Pipettes Graduators, B 1958 Makers, B 973 Piston Rings Makers, A 533, A 1553 Pitch Boilers Paviors B 585 Pits (see also Collieries) Cages Makers, A 1538 Repairers, A 2343X Excavators Oil Storage Tanks, A 1323 Soap Pans, A 1386 Head-gear Erectors, A 1401 Prop Cutters, A 1587X Sinkers China Clay Works, B 777 (7) Collieries B 460, B 473 Ordnance Survey Office, B 573 Tub Makers, A 1514 Tub Repairers, B 460 (7), A 1827X Plaisters (Medical) Makers, A 2082X PJaiterp Cotton Candle Wicks, B 1774 Gold and Silver Braid, &c., A 20831! Planers- Armour Plate?, A 868 Brick Press Boxes and Dies, A 1 159 Constructional Roof Work, A 948 Engineering Work, A 20 Mining Tools, A 900 Motor Frames, A 594 Railway Points and Crossings, A 1421 Tea mixing, &c., Machine Parts, A 1026 Tramway Work, A 1300 Woodwork, A 677 (5) Planks- Sawyers, A 1652X Plant- Attendants, A 1948X Repairers Collieries, A 1827X Insured Trades, A 1646X Planters- Gardens, B 681 Hedges (Estates), B 753 Trees (Estates), B 753 Plasterers Fibrous, A 196 General Millers, A 19 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Tube Works, A 1457 Uninsured Trades, A 54 Plaster Odd Sides- Makers, A 1504 Plaster of Paris Makers, A 1903X Plastic Ganister Preparers, B 1932 Plate Glass Fixers, A 336 Plated Goods (See also Platers) Enamellers and Etchers, A 2131 X Packers, A 200-1X Platelayers (sec also Railways) Blast Furnace?, A 1790X Insured Trades, A 2320 Railway Works, B 2319 Slate Quarries, B 209 Steel Works, A 1790X Platelayers 1 Tools- Makers, A 1405 Repairers, A 2146X Platers (Boilers, &c.) Boilermaking Establishments, A 411 Constructional Engineers' Roofing Department, A 948 Locomotive Works, A 479 Mechanical Engineering Establish- ments, A 411 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Plater.s (Nickel, &c.) Adding Machine?, A 495 Crochet Hooks, A 1659X Cycles, A 185, A 512 (2) General Metal Goods, A 1654X Jewellery, A 2004X Motor Parts, A 502 (3) Needles, Pins, &c., A 1659X Safety Pins, A 1582X Sewing Machines, A 277 (b) Plates- Fixers Name Plates, B 2155 Levellers Railway Boiler Works, A 465 (1) Makers Addressograph Machines, A 2347X Armour, A 868 Copper- refining Ladles, A 2372X Doffing (Textile), A 213 ( .> Earthenware, A 1647X Hat-curling Frames, A 2344X Locomotive Fire Boxes, A 1235 Name Plates, A 1670X, A 2153X Newspaper Printing Machine?, B 701 Photographic, B 1850 Stalls, B 899 Stencil, A 1800X Oilers- Tin Box Mfc., A 2275X Warehousemen Iron or Steel, B 1577 Platforms- Constructors, &c., A 1351 Repairers, B 1296, A 1351 Hoofing Constructors, &c., A. 1297 Weighing Machine Makers, A 1358 Playgrounds Asphalters, A 1442 Tar-paving Layer*, A 1416 Pleasure Bo.its Builders, A 766 Caterer^, B 705 Ploughmen Experimental, B 36 Steam, B 390 Plugs- Electrical Wall- Assemblers, B 965 Shells- Makers, A 2360 Sparking Makers, A 1692X, A 1814X Plumbago Crucibles Makers, A 1667X Plumbers Bars, &c., A 1172 Brickmakers, A 64 Chemical Works, A 1402 Collieries, B 460 (6), A 12GO Electric Supply Co., A 265 Ironmongers' Shop?, A 1679X Locomotive Works, A 479 Millers, A 19 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Sanitary Fittings Maker^, A 360 (g) Textile Mills, A 490 Tube Works, A 1457 Uninsured Trades, A 54, A 856 Plumbers' Fittings Makers, A 2276X Labourers, A 815 Pneumatic Despatch Tube Fixers, A 1100 Drillers Railway Works, A 465 (1) Tyres (See Tyres.) Points- Hosiery Machines Makers, A 2191X Lace Machines Makers, A 2192X Railways Drillers, A 1421 Fitters, A 465, A 1421 Packers, A 1421 Planers, A 1421 Repairers, A 2146X Rod Makers, 3 272 Printers' Plant, &c.cont. Roller Composition Makers and Coverers, B 1979 Type Case Makers, B 1816 Type Makers, A 1794X, A 2345X Tvpe Metal Makers, A 1794X Varnish Makers, A 1980X Prisms (Glass) Cutters, A 1974X, A 1976X Process Machinery Makers, A 1286 Men- Lead Compound Manufacture, A 1645X Printing, B 1821 Producer Men Dyers and Cleaners, B 327 Gas Works, B 238, B 2061 Insured Trades, A 2063X Mechanical Engineering 'Establish- ment, A 337 Mining Tool Makers, A 900 Steel (Foundries), A 1700X Progress Men Insured Trades, A 1212 Projectile Slings Makers, A 1566X, A 1573X Proofers General, B 1926 Rubber, A 1805X Props (Pit) Cutters, A 1587X. Prospectors (Mineral) Boring Tool Makers, &c., A 1364 Hole Borers, B 866 Protectors (Boots) Carders, A 2065X Casters, A 987 Pruners Hedges, B 753 Public Body, see Local Authority Puerers Sheepskins, A 2401 X Pullers (Skin) Hatters' Fur Manufacture, B 1942 Pulleys- Bells Makers, A 1040 ' General (Wood) Iron Fittings Makers, A 2329X Makers, A 2280X Railway Signals Drillers, &c., A 1246 Pull-throughs (Small Arms) Makers, A 2324X Pulpits (see also Churches) Erectors A 710, A 1427 Makers, A 710, A 1427, B 2219 Pumice Stone Workers Copying Press Manufacture, A 2287X Pumps Attendants Canal Co., B 654 (2) Dyers, B 327 Pumps cont. Attendants cont. Electric Supply Co., B 264 Railway Work's, B 2319 Fitters- Mechanical Engineering Estab- lishment, A 337 Fixers Oil Storage Tank, A 1323 Wells, B 825, A 826 Leather Makers, A 408 Makers Tyres, A 1342, A 2257X, A 2328X Wells, A 826 Valves (Metallic) Disc and Jointing Ring Cutters and Stampers, A 1155 Punchers Axle Makers, A 511 Constructional Engineers' Roofing Dept., A 948 Dynamo Brush Makers, A 881 Locomotive Works, A 479 Printing Machinery Kstablishments, A 663 (5) Railway Works, A 465 (2) Punches Makers Metal Work, A 898 Photo-engraving, A 1237 Sheet Metal Work, A 898 Tickets, A 2239X Puncture Repair Outfits Assemblers, A 1960X Punts Constructors and Repairers, A 704 Purifiers Fine and Pharmaceutical Chemicals, A 1697X Purlers Embroidery Wire, A 208 IX Putty- Makers, A 2054X Pyrites- Sulphur Extractors, &c., A 1660X Pyrometers Makers, A 1612X Quarries (see also Slate and Stone Workers) Corve Makers, A 1514 Crane Drivers, B 2149 Debris Removers, B 1597 Dressers, B 40 Hutch Makers, A 1514 Locomotive Drivers, B 2149 Machinists, A 1473 Masons (Shed Builders), A 1166 Miners, B 1870 Platelayers, B 209 Quarry men Fuller's Earth, B 1605 Ganister, B 1932 Granite, B 777 (4) 273 Quarries (see also Slate and Stone Workers) cont. Quarry men cont. Gympsum, B 1904 Limestone, B 1597 Sandstone, B 1661 Stone, B 40, B 101 (2), B lf><7. B 1870 Rock Drillers, B 209 Rock Drill Repairers, A 937. A 2343X Safety Fuse Makers, B 2047 Scabblers, B 40 Stokers, B 2149 Tram Makers, A 1514 Tubs- Makers, A 1514 Repairers, A 1485 Wagon Repairers, A 1485 Quarries (Tiles) Maker*, A 1766X Quays (Canal) Wall Repairers, B 655 Rabble Heads (Copper-refining) Forgers, A 2372X Races (Ball) Makers, A 512 (1) Rackets (Tennis) Makers, B 2012 Racks (Dyers) Makers, B 2245 Radiators- Makers General, A 1620X Motor Cars, A 1078, A 1483 Raftsmen Sawmillers, B 676 Torpedo Testers, A 850 Raid Snelters Constructors, A 2400 Railings (see also Fencing) Fixers, A 1211 Railways Buildings (see also Stations) Constructors, A 178 (b), A 1297 Lime and White washers (Arches), A 1331 Repairers, A 178 (b), A 1297 Canals (nee also Special Exclusion (Dredgermen, &c.) Order, 1913 p. iv.) Constructors, A 465 (6) Maintenance Workers, B 494, B2319 Carriages and Wagons For detailed list of Carriage Works Employees see A 465 (2) and B 2319 Accumulator Workers, B 1283 Axle Turners, A 496 Bolt Screwers, A 1195 Brake Adjusters and Examiners B427 Railways cont. Carriages and Wagons For detailed li st of Carriage Works E mployces see A 415 (2) and B 2319 cont. Chain Coupling Makers, A 2159X Coupling Hose Mounters, A 838 File Cutters, A 1030 Fittings Polishers, A 772 Guards, A 1715X Saloon Car Panel Makers, A 1215 Shunters, A 1715X, A 2224X Spring and Spring Buckle Makers, A 1336 Tyre Fixers, A 496, A 768 Upholsterers, A 772 Van Builders, A 1 Wagons Builders, A 1, A 39, A 1262 Repairers, A 1262 Sheet Makers, B 735 Tarpaulin Makers, B 735 Docks (see also Special Exclusion (Dredgermeu, &c.) Order, 1913, p. iv.) Constructors, A 465 (5) Maintenance Workers, B 2319 Engineering Works For detailed list of Employees see A 465 (1) and B 2319 Lift Ropers, A 1207 Metal Work Repairers, A 2146X Harbours (see also Special Exclusion (Dredgermen, &c.) Order, 1913, p. iv.) Constructors, A 465 (4) Maintenance Workers, B 2319 Locomotive Works (For detailed list of Employees see A 465, A 479, A 492, and A 609) Railroads Bridge Builders, A 178 (c) Bridge Reconstructed, &c., A 1298 Bridge Repairer s, B 2077, A 2 1 46X Cable Layers, A 1465 Constructors, A 178 (a), A 191 (6), A 980, A 1455 Crossings Planers, &c., A 14'2L Flag Men. B 1411 Ironwork Makers, &c., A 1380 Layers, &". (Temporary Light Railways), B 1385 Look-out Men, B 1411 Maintenance Workers, B 178 (a), B 190 (4), B 1905, A 2146X, A 2320 Platelayers, A 1790X, A 2320 Platelayers' Tool Makers, &c., A 1405, A 2146X Points and Crossings Planers, &c , A 1421, A 2146X Rail Repairers, A 2146X Rail Tie Makers, A 1380 Reconstructed A 980 274 ^Railways cont. Railroads cont. Sidings Constructors. A 191 (8) Repairers, B 190 (11) Sleeper Makers, B 1833, A 1847X Tunnel Reprirers, B 1281 Turntable Repairers. B 1522, A 1523 Running Sheds Accumulator Workers, B 1283 Engine Cleaners, B 94 Gland Packers, B 1059 Loco, and Tender Examiners, B 1289 Signals Boxes Gas Fitters, A 1025 Mechanism Repairers, A 1161 Painters, A 1144 Chargemen, B 1162 Fitters, B 1162 Fog Signal Makers, A 1999X Linesmen, B 1162 Make: s, A 41 4, A 507, A 2186X Post Preparers, B 2291 Pulley Drillers, &c., A 1246 Repairers, A 1161 Rodding, &c., Repairers, B 1210, A2146X Smiths, A 1405 Stations Bookstall Makers and Fixers, A 995 Brake Stick Repairers, B 2291 Building Constructors, &c., A 1297 Cattle, &c., Pen Repairer?, B 1290 Furniture Repairers, B 2291 Gas Fitters, A 1025 Hammer Shaft Repairers, B 229 1 Kiosk Makers and Fixers, A 995 Lock Repairers, A 745 Platform Repairers, B 1296 Telegraphs Pole and Wire Erectors, B 757 Rangefmders Makers, A 2040X Ranges (see also Stoves) Cooking Fitters' Tool Makers, A 230 Fixers, A 348, A 824 Makers General, A 161 IX Ships, A 1241, A 1483 Repairers, A 418, A 1121, A 1382 Rifle- Target Makers, &c. f A 2258X Ratchet Braces Fitters, A 501 Maker?. A 1552 Turners, A 501 Ratchets (Tennis Posts) Fitters, B 2284 Raw Hide- Leather Article Makers, A 2109X Makers, A 1638X Raw Materials Conveyors (Cement Manufacture), B2044 Razors Grinders, &c., A 1966X Makers, A 1603X Readers Electric Meters, B 1905 Water Meters, B 1893 Reamers Makers, A 1552 Recappers (Guns, &c.) Makers, A 2355X Recorders (Time) Makers ani Repairers, A 2278X Recording Instrument Makers Electrical, A 1691X Speedometers, A 2169X Records (Gramophone) Makers, B 2285 Mould Machinists and Fitter?, A 1335 Recovery Plant Workers Oil (Woollen Mills), B 2322 Potssb, A 1668X Rubber, A 1639X Soap (Woollen Mills), A 2080X Soda (Paper Manufacture), A2145X Tar, A 1763X, A 1764X Tin. &c. (Tinplate), A 2059X Recreation Grounds (See Parks) Red Cro ; s Society Gymnasium Apparatus Makers, A 2225X Uniform Makers, A 2223X Redleaders Ships' Hulls, &c., A 402, A 1131 Reeds (Textile) Makers, A 185 IX Reelers Gunpowder Manufacture, A 1608X Cotton Spinning, B 115 Refiners Edible Oils, A 23UOX Fine Chemicals, A 1697X Mineral Oils, A 2390X Pharmaceutical Chemicals. A 1607X Precious Metals, A 2070X Saltpetre, A 2096X Vegetable Oils, A 2390X Reflectors Makers Glass, A 1270 Metal, A 2102X Refrigerating Plant Attendants (Explosive Works), A 1599X Erectors, A 651 Makers, A 2110X, B 21 1 1 Non-Conducting Mateiial Fixers, A 893 Makers, B 1980 Refugees (War) Insured Trades, A 1491 Refuse Destructors Attendants, B 2160 Furnace Repairers, B 748 Refuse (Slaughter House) Manure Makers, A 2350X Regulators Sewing Machines, B 2298 Switchboards', &c., B *64, A 1343 Regulators(Oxy-AcetyleneWelding) Assemblers, A 1551 Reinforced Concrete Fixers, A 1216 Makers, A 1216 Mould Makers, A 1217 Wire-welding Machine Attendants, A 2387X Relief Decoration Fixers, A 1148 Makers, A 1214 Renders Laths, B 565. Repair Outfits (Cycle, &c.)-- Assemblers, A 1960X Reredoses (see also Church Furni- ture) Erectors, A 710, A 1427 Makers, A710, A1427, A1427,B2219 Reservoirs- Constructors, A 1062 Fencing Erectors, A 1430 Repairers, B 1061 Restaurants Boiling Water Apparatus- Fixers or Repairers, A 956 Utensils Makers, A 2199X Rest Room Attendants, B 2180 Retail Traders (see Jewellers and Shops) Retarding Mechanism (Roller Shut- ters) Makers A 238; JX Retorts- Gas Alteration Workers, A 1294 Attendants, B 245 Constructors, A 374, A 1229 Repairers, B 2212 Tool Makers and Repairers. A 231 2X Glass- Blowers, B 973 Retreaders Tyres, B 2057 Revetments (Sleeper) Makers (Gas Explosion Tubes), B 1152 Revolvers Repairers, A 905 Revolving Shelter Makers, &c., A 1383 Shutter Fixers, B 650, B 2027 Shutter Makers, A 1592X Rheostats Makers, A 287 Ridge Tiles- Makers, A 1949X Rifle Ranges Carpenters, &c., A 2258X Rifles (see also Guns) Bayonet Makers, A 1209, A 2356 Brush Makers, A 2355X Grenade Makers, A 2337X Makers (Sporting), A 972 Pull-through Makers, A 2324X Repairers, A 905 ^ Riggers Constructional Steel Work, A 625 Diifters, A 1016 Locomotive Work, A 479 . Railway Work, A 465(1) Trawlers, A 1016 Wireless Telegraph Stations, B 1213 Rigid Braids Makers, B 1789 Rims (Motor Cjr) Benders, &c., A 791 Makers, A 787, A 1483 Rings Jointing Cutters and Stampers, A 1155 Piston- Makers, A 533, A 1553 Shell Band- Cutters, &c., A 1527 Ring Spinners Cotton Spinners, B 115 Rippers Armour Plates, A 868 Rivers Bank Repairers, B 622 (2) Channel Maintenance Workers r B 811, A 812 Graf c Repairers, A 545 Lock Gate Repairers, A 1534 Wharf Labourers, B 1993, B 2056 Rivets- Heaters Constructional Engineers, A 948 Locomotive Works, A 479 Railway Works, A 465 (1) (3) Heating Forge Maker?, A 2383X Makers Locomotive Works, A 479 General, A 1565X lusured Trades, A 1506 Testers- Shipbuilding Establishments A 1094 Tool Makers, A 582, A 742 Rivetted Tanks and Cisterns- Constructors, &c , A 1372 Rivetters , Bedstead Castor Makers, A 2302X Bell Frame, Pulley and Wheel Makers, A 1040 Boilermaking Establishments, A 411 276 Rivetters cont. Constructional Engineers' Roofing Department, A 948 Engineering Establishments, A 411 Iron Foundry, A 2194X Iron Works, A 486 Locomotive Works, A 479 Motor Frame Makers, A 594 Railway Works, A 465 Salt Works, A 545 (c) Signal Pulleys, A 1246 Typewriter Co., A 880 RiTetters* Boxes Makers (Shipbuilding), A 703 Roads {see also Paths) Asphalt Layers, B 583 Channelling Layers, A 1436 Constructors Congested Districts Board, A 509 Local Authorities, A 191 (9), A 1145 Drain Layers, A 1436 Footpaths Makers-up and Paviore, A 1436 Granite Cube Layers, B 585 Macadam Makers, B 1500, B 1998 Maintenance Workers- Harbour Commissioners, B G70 Local Authorities, B 97, B 190 (13), B 622 Makers-up, A 1429 Orderly - Bin Painters, B 734, A 2406X Paviors, A 1429 Relayers Electric Main Construction, A 1303 Sewer Reconstruction, A 1395 Tramway Construction, A 1276 Resurfacing Worker?, A 1498 Rollers- Drivers and Attendants, A 1076 Erectors and Testers, A 1007 Sett Layers, B 5 5 Sett Makers, B 298, B 2021 felag Crusher?, B 1967! Sweepers, B 2160 Sweeping Machines Broom Makers, &c., A 1101 Roasters Pyrites, A 1660X Zinc Ore, A 2235X Rock- Drills Repairers, A 937 Rodding Repairers, A 2146X Sharpeners, A 2343X Workers (Slate Quarry), B 209 Gardens Makers, B 689 Salt- Miners and Dressers, B 1996 Rocker Joint Chain Makers, A 838 Rods (Wire) Gauge Makers. A 2267X Rolled Gold Articles- Makers or Repairers, A 1749X Roller- Bearing Makers, A 353 Frame Makers (Collieries), B 469 Shutters Retarding Mechanism Makers, A 2333X Rollers- Blinds Fittings, Fixers, B 2398 Garden Makers, A 2057X Machinery Casters Printing Machines, B 764 Corrugators Chocolate Factory Machinery, A 754 Flour Mill Machinery, A 754 Coverers Flax and Jufce Industry, A 1407 Printing Machinery, B 1979 Textile Industry, B 2101 Covering Makers Printing Machinery, B 1979 Textile Machinery, A 2100X Grinders Chocolate Factory Machinery, A 754 Flour Mill Machinery, A 754 Makers Drying Machines, A 448 Spinning Machines, A 448 Textile Machines, A 553 Vacuum Machines, A 1067 Repairers Paper Manufacture, A 2362 Turners Brass, &c., Rolling Mills, A 1526 Calico Printers' Engraver?, A 2361X Flax Spinners, A 1123, A 1407 Iron and Steel Works, A 481. A 801 Jute Indus ry, A 1407 Railway Works, A 465 Textile Industries, A 1875X Wheel and Axle Makers, A 511 Wire Mills, A 1357 Turners' Labourers Steel Rolling Mill, A 1306 Road- Drivers and Attendants, A 1076 Erectors and Testers, A 1007 Rollers of Aeroplane Wires, A 1563 Aluminium Foil, A 1892X Gun Barrels, A 1018 Flexible Tubing, A 2165X Iron or Steel, A 1641X Lead, A 2177X Pipes, A 1168 Rolling Machines, &c. ' Makers, A 1311 277 Rolling cont. Mills- General Workers, A 1G41X Loco. Plate Drillers, A 1235 Shutters- Makers, A 1592X, A 2333X Rolls (Tool) Makers, A 2297X Roofs Buildings Asphalt and Bitumen Layers, A 440, A 1234 Constructors, A 740, A 948, A 1297 Erectors Felt, A 113, A 258 Iron, A 740 Felt Makers, A 1644X, A 2086X Makers Fold Yards', A 685 Patent Glazing Makers or Fixers, A 1073, A 1113 Repairers, A 349 Slaters, A 26, A 33, A 106, A 131, A 1198 Strap Makers (Ironwork), A 1399 Thatchers, A 883 Tile Makers, A 1766X Tilers, A 33, A 38, A 106, A 131 Railway Coaches Repairers, A 465 (2) Rope Makers' Machinery Maintenance Workers, A 75 Ropes Cutters, A 1819X Fixers- Drifters, A 1016 Lifts, A 1207 Trtiwlers, A 1016 Makers Hemp, A 1819X, B 1820 Wire, A 1635X Wood Wool, B 1864 Splicers Cotton Mill Banding Makers, B601 Drifter Riggers, A 1016 General, A 1635X, A 1819X Trawler Rigger?, A 1016 Ropeways (Atrial) Erectors, A 1291 Rotary Dupliciting Machines Makers, A 1015 Round Leather Banding Makers, A 2109X Rowers Pleasure Boats, B 705 Royal Flying Corps Leather Clothing Makers, A 1578X Rubber- Makers, A 1639X Merchants' Employees, B 1665 Mould or Pattern Makers, A 1532 Proof ers, A 1805X Reclaimers, A 1639X Rubber cont. Repair Outfit Makers, A 1960X Solution Makers, A 1713X Workers Bathing Caps, A 2092X Baths, A 1747X Belting, A 1917X Boots, A 1752X, A 2048X Buckets, A 1747X Cables, A 1711X Card Clothing, A 2147X Clothing, (A) 1705 Cycle Accessories, A 2197X Druggists' Sundries, A 2U92X ' Elastic Hosiery, &c., (A) 1788, (A) 1789 Engine Packings, A 1918X Finger Stalls, A 2092X Flexible Metallic Tubing, A 2165X Golf Balls, A 1712X Ground Sheets, A 1707X, A1747X Knife, &c., Handles, (A) 1952 Motor Accessories, A 2197X Rail way Carriage Couplings, A 838 Shoes, A 1752X, A 2048X Slippers, A 204 8X Sponge Baths, A 2092X Stamps, A 1781X,B 18 .<5, A 2376X Tennis Balls, A 201 IX Thread, (A) 1788, (A) 1785) Tobacco Pouches, A2231X Toys, (A) 2172 Tyres (see under Tyres) Waders, A 1747X Washers, A 1918X Waterproof Garments, A 1747X Rubbers- up Textile Reed M mufacture, A 1851X R ubbers-do wn Copying Presses, A 2287X Rubble Mound (Breakwater) Reconstruction Workers, A 549 Rugs Makers, B 2114 Rules- Makers Box-making A 1119 Measuring, A 2262X Rum Jars Makers, A 1618X Runners Anti-Friction Metal, A 2370 \ Ferro- Aluminium, A 2370X Gum (Varnish Manufacture), A 1571X Running Sheds (see under Railways) Runways (Cash Overhead) Fixers, A 1033 Rural Districts General Workers, B 1477, A 1478 Rustic Work- Garden Furniture Makers, B 1586, A 1587X RevolvingShelterMakers.&e.. A 1383 Summer House Makers, &c., A 1383 278 Rust Prevention Iron Goods Coaters, A 1950X Ship Coaters, A 1397 Solution Boilers (Ships), A 929, A 1397 Sacks- Repairers, B 105, A 1913X Sorters, A 1913X Saddlery- Makers, A 1953X Repairers General, A 1804X, B 1810 Railway Works, B 2319 Tree Makers, A 1938X, A 1939X Saddles (Cycle, &c.) (see also Special Exclusion (Drivers, &c.) Order, 1912, p. iv) Fitters, A 2304X Leather Workers, A 2404X Safes- Carters, &c., B 2247 Makers or Repairers, A1606X Tool Makers, A 314, A 491 Safety Boiler Mountings Testers, A 863 Fuse Makers, B 2047 Pin Makers, A 1582X Sagger Workers Tile Manufacture, B 1767 Sails- Cloth Weavers, B 1584 Eyelets- Tool Makers, &c., A 988 Makers General, B 1835 Railway Works, B 2319 Salesmen (see Shopmen) Saloon Cars (Railways) Panel Makers and Repairers, A 1215 Salt Manufacture Blacksmiths, A 545 (a), A 545 (b) Brass Moulders, A 545 (d) Carpenters, A 545 (b) Coppersmiths, A 545 (a) DrilJers, A 545 (c) Fitters, A 545 (a) Labourers, B 673 Lifters, A 545 (b) Loaders, B 673 Mould Makers, B 2243 Painters, A 545 (b) Pan Repairers, B 735 (1) Railway Wagcn Sheet and Tar- paulin Makers and Repairers, B 735 (3) ' Rivetters, A 545 (c) Salt- Dressers, B 1996 Makers, B 1995 Miners, B 19J6 Shipwrights, A 545 (a) Tool Makers, B 2243 Vat Repairers, B 735 (1) Wagon Repairers, A 674 Salt Manufacture cont. Wheelwrights, A 545I(e) Saltpetre- Refiners, A 2096 X Salvage Workers Ships and Cargoe. 8 , B 816 Samplers Alkali Works, A 179 IX Sand- Diggers, B 248, B ii34, B 806, B 2090 Dredger?, B 59 Mortar Makers, A 2095X Screened, B 208, B 806, B 2090 Wheelers (Pipe Foundry), A 1168 Sandbags Cloth Weavers, B 1759 Makers, A 1758X Sanded Felt- Makers, A 2086X Sandpaper Makers, A 1915X Sandpaperers Bedsteads, A 1742X Bobbins, A 1860X Building Fittings, A 381 Cabinet Wurk, &c., B 1825 General Woodwork Hand, B 1825 Machine, A 1776X, A 2088X Mattress Frames, A 1742X Ship Fittings, A 381 Shuttles, A 1860X Vehicle Fittings, A 381 Sandstone (see also Ganister) Quarrymen, B 1661 Sanitary Fittings Baths- Makers, A 2200X Repairers, A 1382 Cabinet Enclosure Makers, A 360 Cistern Makers, A 2200X Closets Makers, B 1912 Repairers, A 1382 Seat Makers, A 360 Earthenware Makers, B 1912 General Fittings Makers, A 2200X Repairers, A 1382 Lavatory Maker*, B 1912 Manhole Makers, A 360 Sink Makers, B 1912 Urinal Back Fitters up, &c., A 1019 Woodwork Polishers, A 380 Sanitary Fittings Makers' Employees Bricklayers, A 360 (a) Carpenters, A 360 (b) Enamellers, A 2200X t< rench Polishers, A 360 (e) Iron Foundrv Coremakers, A 361 (2) Labourers, A 361 (1) Patternmakers, A 360 (c) Joiners, A 360 (d) >mitary Fittings Maker*' Employees cont. Kiln and Oven Repairers, B 2203 Labourers, A 2100X Painters, A 2200X Plumbers, A 360 (jz) Terracotta Fixers, ~A 360 (f) Tile Fixers, A 360 (f ) Sarking Felt- Makers, A 2086X Sash Makers Railway Works, A 465(1) Saucepans Casters, A 660 Makers, A 1735X Repurers, A 1555X Sausage Skin-filling Machines Makers, A 1330 Sawdust Carters, B 260 Sawmillers and Woodwork Machi- nists Addressograph Machine Cabinets, A 2347X Bamboo, A 2142X Barrels, A 1797X, (A) 1988 Bedsteads, A 1742X Beer Cases, A 2002X Block Flooring, A 1278 Boards, A 1652X Boats, A 766 Bobbins, A 1860X, A 1861X Bonnet Boxes, (A) 1984 Boot Heels, A 1812X Boot Lasts, A 1897X Bottle Stoppers, A 228 IX Brooms, A 1771X Brushes, A 1771X Building Work, A 459, A 677 Bungs, A 2374X Butter Cases, A 1935X Cameras, A 2007X Cane, A2142X Carpet Sweepers, (A) 2036 Cases, A 1853X Cash Tills. (A) 2338 Casks, A 1797X, (A) 1988 Chip Baskets, A 1890X Churns, A 2303X Cigar Boxes, (A) 1983 Clay Mine Work, A 227 IX Clo^k Case?, (A) 1727 Coffins, (A) 1815 Colliery Work, A 1562X, A 1587X Colour Boxes, A 187 IX Confectionery Boxes and Trays, A 1737X, (A) 2385 Constructional Roof Work, A 948 Crates, A 1793X, (A) 1988 Domestic Joinery, (A) 2034 Doors, A 677 (3 and 6) Drawing Boards, A 187 IX Dyers' Work, (A) 2215 Easels, A 1871X Fancy Boxes, (A) 1985 Firewood, A 1776X Sawmillers and Woodwork Machi- nists cont. Fishing Net Buoys, A 2402X Fishing Tackle, A 1858X Flax-spinning Rollers, A 1123, A 1479 Flooring Blocks, A 1278 Food-stuff Boxes. (A) Fruit Boxes, A 1935X Furniture, A 1587X, A 1769X Garden Furniture, A 1587X Gates, (A) 226>> General Work, A 459, A 677, A 1652X, A 1776X, A 2075X, A 2088X, A2115X Golf Clubs, A 1927X Greenhouses, &c., A 706 Hat-shaping Blocks, A 2371X Heels, A 1812X Jacquered Harness, (A) 2294 Knife Cleaners, (A) 2250 Ladders, A 2062X Lawumowers, A 436 Legging Blocks, A 1897X Locomotive Work, A 479 Loom Beams, A 872 Loose Leaf Ledger Binders, A 2005X Matches, A 1740X Mineral Water Cases, A 2002X Motor Wheels, A 809 Mouldings, A 677 (4) Organs, A 2033X Pails, (A) 2034 Pales, A 1776X Palettes, A 1871X Paper-making Work, A 2116X Parque; Floor Blocks, A 1278 Pencils, A 1865X Pianos, A 1744X Planks, A 1652X Printers' Work, (A) 1816 Pulleys, A 2280X Railway Carriage Work, A 465 (2) Railway Sleeper*, A 1847X Railway Station Work (A) 2291 Refrigerators, (A) 2111 Saddle Trees, A 1939X Scantlings, A 1652X Sewing Machines, A 277 Sheep Troughs, (A) 2266 Shuttles, A 1860X, A 1861X Signal Work, A 507 (8) Sleepers, A 1587X, A 1847X Sports Requisites, (A) 2012 Stepladders, (A) 2034 Switch Boxes, (A) 1985 Telegraph Poles, (A) 224* Textile Rollers, A 187.'>X Threshing Machines, A 435 Tobacco Pipes, A 2227X Trams, A 191 (2) Trunks, (A) 1945 Type, A 1794X Umbrella Sticks, A 1857X Vacuum Cleaners (A) 2030 Vehicle, A 677 (2 and 6) 280 Sawmillers and Woodwork Machi- nists cont. Veueers, A 1776X, A 1890X Violins (A) 2175 Warpers' Beam Turners, A 872 Washing Machine Guards, (A) 2240 Windows, A 677 (3) Wind Screens, A 2288X Sawmilling Establishment (See also Sawmillers) Benders, A 1776X Borer*, A 2088X Crane Drivers, A 1778X Cross Cutters, A 2088X Cutters, A 1776X Deal Porters, B 503 Engine Driver*, A 677, A 1778X, A 2075X File Setters, A 1777X Firemen, A 2075X Grindstone Men, A 1777X Labourers, A 677, A 1778X, A2075X Markers-out, A 2046X Polishers, A 2088X Porters, B 1775, A 1778X Raftsmen, B 676 Sandpaperers, A 2088X Saw Sharpeners, A 1777X Stokers,A 677, A 1778X Timber Markers, A 2046X Timber Pond Labourers, B 503, A 2128X Turners, A 1776X, A 2088X Saws Hammerers Mechanical Engineering Estab- lishment, A 337 Railway Works, A 465 (2) Makers Band Saws, A 2190X Metal-slitting, A 1552 Screw Makers' Machines, A 501 Sharpeners Mechanical Engineering Estab- lishment, A 337 Railway Works, A 465 (1) (2) Sawmilling Establishment, A 1777X Smiths Cutlery, unt Makers, A 2228X Hockey Makers, B2012 Umbrella Makers, B2150 Wood Machinists, A 1857X Stiffeners (Boots) Makers, A 1649X StillmeD Dyers, B 42 Stitchers- Fur Coats, Rugs, &c., B 2114 Printing Work, B 100 Stock Bricks- Makers, A 1689X Stockers Sporting Guns and Rifles, A 972 Stockfitter* Bedstead Makers, A 1220 Ships' Berth Makers, A 2336X Stockings Makers, B 1642, A 1643X Stocks Casemakers, B 741 Stoke Hole Indicators Makers, A 2193X Stokers Cement Makers, A 578 Coal Merchants, B 2(56 Cycle Works, A 512 (13) Gas Works, B 238 (9), B 711 Insured Trades, A 933, A 1352, A 194*X Millers, B 24 (2) Railway Works, B 2319 Sawmill>, A 677 (9), A 1778X Stone Quarrus, B 2149 Timber Yards, A 1778X Uninsured Trades, B 2156 Water Cos., B 1893 Stone Carvers' Clay Models Makers, B 713, B 891 Stone Crushing Machinery Makers, A 312 Stone Quarriis (See Quarries). Stoneware Makers (Chemical), A 1971X Unloaders (China Clay Co.), B 777 (1) Stone Workers (other than Quarry Workers) (see also Precious Stones) Artificial Stone (see under Artificial) Building Work- Breakers, A 1287 Carvers (see also Special Exclusion Stone Carvers and Sculptors) Order, p. iv.), A 375 Dressers, A 44, A 110, A 978 Fixers, A 110, A 714 Gatherers, A 978 Labourers, A 714 Letter Cutters, A 714 Machinists, A 714, A 1242. A 1473 Marble Polishers, A 714 Masons, A 44, A 87, A 110, A 187, A 714 Preparers, A 44, A 1 10 Rough Trimmers, A 1434 Sawyers, A 714 Emery Stone Crushers, &c., B 1916 General Breakers, A 1287 Crushers, B 2117, B 2386 Granite Crushers, B 2117, B 2386 Grindstone Preparers, A 1951X, A 2198X Kerbstone Dressers, B 190 (1),B 271 Lamp Base Preparers, B 190 (2) Millstone Fitters, A 950 Monuments Dressers, B 87 Fixers, B 87 Letter Cutters, B 87, B 170, B174 Preparers, B 87 Mural Tablets- Prepares and Fixers, B 87 Paving Stoue Preparers, B 298, B2021 Walls and Fences Builders, B 935, A 1253 Repairers, B 935 Stoppers (Bottle) Makers, A 2281X Mould Makers, A 299 Stop Taps (Water) Box Examiners or Stampers, B 2351 Examiners, B 2351 Storage Batteries- Makers, A 1694X Mould or Tool Makers, A 1068 Case Makers (Explosives), A 1422 Storekeepers (see also Warehousemen and Warehouses) Cement Merchants, B 1601 Electric Supply Co., B 264 Gas Company, B 238 (15) 292 Storekeepers, (see also Warehousemen and Warehouses) cont. Insured Trades, A 1539, A 1946X, B2158 Ironmongers, B 261 (3) Locomotive Works, A 480 Mechanical Engineering Estbt., B176 Military Equipment Stores, A 1817X Motor Garage, B 172 Munitions Stores, &c., A 1726X Railway Works, B 2319 Shipbuilding Estbts., B 176 Shipping Co., B 818 Ship's Chandlery. B 1839 Tin Box Works, A 1702X Water Cos., B 1893 Stove Enamellers Perambulator Parts, A 1378 Stovers Cycle Frames, A 1052 Stoves (see also Ranges) Finishers, A 2256X Fitters, A 2256X Fixers, B 607, B 1472 Makers, A 1611 X, A 2328X Pipe Makers, A 1735X, A2328X Polish Makers, B 1846 Removers, B 607 Repairers, A 1121, A1611X, A2256X Tile Fixers, A 1114 Straighteners Adding Machine Parts, A 495 Constructional Roof Work, A 948 Rails, A 1421 Sewers, A 1226 Strainers Makers, A 2328X Strand ers Cable Wires, A 171 IX Telephone Cords, A 2078X Wire Ropes, A 1635X Straps Iron Prepares (Buildings), A 1399 Leather Makers Hats, A 1719X Straw- Hat Makers, B 1718 Mattress Makers, B 2151 Sewing Machine Pad Makers, B 278 Streaming Tin- Floor Repairers, B 1412 General Workers, B 1990 Wolfram- General Workers, B 2364 Streamline Wiies (Aeroplane) Rollers, &c., A 1563 Streams (Garden) Makers, B 689 Streets (see Roads) Street Gas Lamps (see Lamps) Stretchers Patent Glazing Bars. A 1113 Strikers (see Smiths) Stripping Rollers Makers (Vacuum Systems). A IGfiT Strong Rooms Makers or Repairers, A 1606X Tool Makers, &c., A 314 Students (Munitions) Technical Institutes, A 2366X Stumps (Carriage Lamp) Makers, A 230 IX Sub- Contractors Builders' Merchants, B Iu5 Cutlery or Silver Plate Tiade^ B 2363 Submarine Helmets Makers, A 1355, A 1483 Signalling Instruments Makers, A 2226X Sub-soil Drains Layers, A 1436 Trench Excavators, A 1436 Sub-Stations (Electrical) Attendants, B 264 Sulphate of Ammonia Makers, &c., (A) 1765 Manure Makers, A 2350X Sulphonator Men Explosive Works, A 1590X Sulphur Extractors Pyrites, A 1660X Zinc Ore, A 2235X Sulphuric Acid Manu acturo Framework Repairers, A 1319 Summer Houses Makers or Repairers, A 1383 Sun Blind Boxes Makers and Erectors, B 2264 Superintendents Dredgers, B 382 Shore Gangs, B 1010 Wireless Telegraph Stations, B 2205 Supervisors General, B 1901, B 2118, B 2158 Surface Contact Railroads Constructors, A 191 (6) Maintenance Workers, B 190 (4), B1905 Surface Sheep Drains Makers, B 1075 Surface-water Drains Layers, A 1436 Trench Excavators, A 1436 Surgical Apparatus Makers, A 22">7X Dressings Cotton Wool Bleachers, c., B1876 Makers, A 1673X Spinners, &c., B 1672 Electro-medical Apparatus Makers, A 2178X Surgical cont. Glassware Makers, A 1824X Instrument Makers, A 1680X Plaister Makers, A 2082X Splints Makers, A 2007 X Thermometer Makers, A 1937X Truss Makers, A 2050X X-Ray Apparatus Makers, A 2178X Suspensions (Spring) Makers, A 780 Sweaters Engineering Work, A 908 Sweepers Chimneys, B 150 Streets, B 2160 Workrooms (Insured Trades), A 1900X Sweepers (Carpet) Makers. B 2036 Sweeping Machines (Roads) Broom Makers and Repairers, A 1101 S witchboard s Attendants Electricity Supply Co., B 264, B 10 Insured trades A 1343 Textile Mills, B 434 Uninsured Trades, H 2369 Erectors, A 287, A 984 Gallery Builders, A 740 Makers and Repairers, A984, A2354X Switches (Electric) Box Makers, B 1985 Makers, Automatic Weighing MachiD*fe Makers, A 888 General, A 984, A 1693X, B 1954 Repairers Electricity Supply Co., A 489 Switch Gear- Makers, A 984 Slate Base Drillers, A 1760X Swivels Makers Chains, A 2314X Gas, &c., Fittings, A 1633X Swords Blades Browners, A 1209 Finishers, A 1209 Fitters, A 1209 M.kers, A 1209 Testers, A 1209 Hilts- Makers, A 1529 Synthetic Oils Makers, A 1754X Syphons Makers, A 2257X Top Fitters, B 199 Table Blades- Die and Cutter Filers, A 1528 Tables- Glassware Makers, B 1975 Makers and Repairers Dyers, B 2216, B 2245 Garden*, B 2265 General, A 1769X, B 1770 Hospitals. A 1648X Ships, B 2260 Metal Decoration Makeis, A 1666X Tablets Makers Medicinal, B 1698 Memorial (Brass), A 1670X Mural, B 87, B 170, B 174 Fixers, B 87 Letter Cotters, B 170, B 174 Masons, B 87 Tahfi (Brace) Cutters, A 1786X Tacks Makers, A 225 5X Tool Makers, Ac., A 1250 Taggers Motor Car Tubes, A 2327X Tags- Makers, A 2009X, B 2010 Tailors (see also Clothing) Leather Clothing Manufacture, A 1578X Railway Works, A 465 (2) Tallboys Mdkers, A 2328X Tallow- Dubbin Maker.*, B 1989 Melters, B 1842 Tanks- Chemical Works Constructors, A 1372 A 1402 Repairers, A 1372 Gas Works Attendants, B 238 (5) Converters, A 1229 General Builders, A 321 Makers, A 1561 X, A 1567X A 2202X, A 2328X Tool Makers, A 898 Glass Works- Constructors, A 586 Repairers, B 589 Motor Cars (Petro!) Makers, A 386. A 448, A 790, A 1078 Munitions Manufacture Slate Preparers, A 2076X Oil Storage Pipe Fixers, A 1323 Pit Excavators, A 1323 Pump Fixers, A 1323 Septic Attendants, B 622 Ships Cementers, A 1050 Cleaners, A 1050 294 Tanks cont. Ships cont. Painters, A 1131 Redleaders, A 1131 Sealers, A 1050, A 1131 Tanning General Workers, A 1637X, A 1638X, A 2401X Vegetable Extract Makers, B 2140 Tapers- Makers, B 2018 Tapes (Measuring) Makers, A 2262X Taps- Compression (Motor Cars) Makers, A 502 Drain (Motor Cars) Makers, A 502 Gas- Testers, B 420 Tools- Makers, A 428, A 623, A 1552 Testers and Viewers, A 1081 Water- Testers, &c., B 2351 Tapered Packing Makers (Shipbuilding), A 1236 Tappers Locomotive Works, A 479 Typewriter Repairers, A 880 Tar- Boiler Makers, A 1515 Distillers, A 1763X, A 1764X, A 1907X, A 2126X Tanks- Attendants, B 238 (5) Constructors, A 1229 Targets Floating Makers, A 1495 Rifle Range Makers and Repairers, A 2258X Tarmen Buildings, A 142, A 603 (2) Gas Works, B 238 (16), A 1764X Roads, B 585 Tarpaulins Makers, B 735, A 1566X, A 1573X, B 1835 Tarpaving Layers Paths, B 738, A 1234 Playgrounds, A 1416 Yards, B 738, A 1234 Tarred Macadam Makers, B 1500, B 1998 Taximeters Makers, A 2218X Teachers General, B 1901 Technical Schools, B 859, A 1077 Textile Mills, B 242 Tea Mixing, Milling, and Blending Machines Makers and Decorators, A 1026, A 1483 Teapot Lids Makers, A 1782X Mounters, B 1783 Technical Institutes and Schools Instructors, B 859 Machine Part Makers, A 1077 Students (Munitions), A 2366X Telegraphs (see also Wireless Tele- graph Stations) Cables- Fixers, B 1425 Jointers, B 1425 Layers, B 1425 Instrument Makers, &c., A 1914X Poles Creosoters, B 2248 Erectors, B 757, B 1425 Iron Pipe Makers, A 238 IX Preparers, B 2248 Underground Conduits Constructors, A 1424 Wires- Erectors, B 757 Fixers, B 1425 Jointers, B 1425 Layers, B 1425 Telegraphs (Ships) Fitters or Repairers, A 1361 Telegraphs (Submarine) Instrument Makers. A 2226X Telephones (see also Telegraphs) Attendants Electric Supply Co., B 264 Insured Trades, B 1834 Railway Works, B 2319 Cord Makers, A 2078X Fixers, B 426 Instrument Makers, A 1914X Repairers, A 2258X Switchboard Makers, A 2354X Tool Makers, A 342 Tool Setters, A 1264 Wiremen, B 471, B 2319 Telescopes Makers, A 2040X Temperers Steel, A 2094X Template Makers Constructional Engineers' Roofing Department, A 948 Locomotive Works, A 479 Railway Works, A 465(1) Signal Works, A 507 (2) Temple Makers Looms, A 1069 Tenders (Locomotive) Examiners, B 1289 Makers, A 492 Tenements (See also Buildings) Gas Pipe Runners, A 1072 Tennis Requisites Ball Coverers, A 201 IX Marker Makers, A 2274X, A 2328X Post Ratchet Fitters, B 2284 Racket Makers, B 2012 295 Tenters, see Engine Drivers, &c. Tents- Makers, A 1566X, A 1573X Rope Splicers, &c., A 1819X Terminal Fitters Electrical Fittings, B 965 Terne Plates- Makers, A 1614X Terra Alba- Makers, B 1902 Terra Cotta Chimney Pot, &c., Makers, A 1949X Fixers, A 360 (f), A 643 Makers, A 1216, A 2015X Masons, A 642 Testers Arc Lamp Series, B 10 (4) Bayonets, A 1209 Boiler Mounting?. A 863 Chains, A 803, B 2319 Chemicals, A 1791X Dies (Copying Press Makers), A 1081 Electrical Apparatus, B 2253 Installations, B 10 (4) Instruments, B 264, B 1714 Machinery. A 1540, B 1541 Gas Meters, A 1725X Gas Pipes and Taps, B 420 Genera! (Insured Trades), B 1877 Guns and Rifles, A 1516 Hydraulic Fittings, A 731 Knitting Machines, B 1337 Locomotive Work, A 479 Machinery, A 337, A 346 Meters' Electric, B 264 Gas, B 2H8, B 245 Water, A 731 Motor Car Parts, A 502 (4) Motor Cars, A 332, A 341, A 876, A 904, B 1129 Oxygen Cylinders, A 1687 X Pipes, A 1168 Printing Machinery Work, A 663 (4) Railway Springs, B 2319 Rivets (Shipbuilding), A 1094 Road Rollers, A 1007 Scale Beams, B 1186. A 1187 Steam Valves, A 863 Steel, A 1809 Sword Blades, A 1209 Taps (Copying Presses), A 1081 Torpedoes, A 335, A 850, B 851 Water Taps, Cisterns, &c., B 2351 Weighing Machines, A 888, B 1186, A 1187 Wire Ropes, A 1635X Testing Apparatus (Gas) Makers, A 2183X Instruments (Electric) Makers, A 1691X Test Pumping Plant- Erectors, B 825 Test Rooms (Electric) Assistants, B 264, B 1714 Tetanus Anti-toxic Serum Preparers, A 1881X Textile Machinery Carpet-weaving Tube Makers, A 2328X Cotton- Machinery Banding Makers, B601 Flax sp nning Roller Coverers, A 1407 Roller Turners, A 1123, A 1407 General Accessory Makers, A 2201X Bobbin M-ik* -w, A1859X, A1860X , A 1861X. B 1862 Card Clothing Makers, B 1657, A 1706X, A 2147X Comb Makers, A 2103X Dobbie Makers, A 12HO Doffing Plate Makers, A 2139 Draw Device Makers, A 1496 Faller Makers. A 2103X Hackle and Gill Makers, A 181 IX He*ld Makers, A 2029X, B 2030 Jacquard Harness Makers, B 2294 Jacquard Makers, A 1280 Lappet Whrel Makers, B 2323 Machinery Makers, A 322 Pin Makers, A 1610X Reed Makers, A 1851X Rollers Coverers, B 2101 Makers, A 448, A 553, A 1875X Shield Makers, A 2100X Turners, A 1875X Shuttle Makers. A 1859X, A 1860X, A 1861X. B 1862 Temple Makers. A 1069 Hosiery-making and Knitting Comb Makers. A 470 Jack Makers, A 470 Machinery Makers Button-holing, A 470 General, A 470 Linking, A 470 Overlooking, A 470 Seaming, A 470 Machinery Testers, B 1337 Needles Makers, A 21 91X Squares, A 1180 Point Makers, A 2191 X Repairers (Mechanics'), A 1499 Sinker Makers, A 470 Jute-preparing Leather Roller Coverers and Turners, A 1407 Lace-making Adjusters (Foremen), B 797 (2) Bobbin Makers, A 458 Bobbin Carriage Makers, A 458 296 Textile Machinery cont. Lace-making cont. Box Makers, A 458 Card Punching Press Makers, A 45 Carriage Straighteners, A 523 Comb Makers, A 458 Dropper Makers, A 458 Guide Makers, A 2192X Hook Makers, A 2305X Inside Hands, A 1535 Jack Makers, A 1232 Jacquard Makers, A 458 Machinery Makers General, A 458 Warping, A 458 Winding, A 458 Needle Makers, A 2305X Point Makers, A 2192X Spring Makers, A 1232 Yelvet-making Guide Makers, A 1588X Textile Goods (see also Spinners, Weavers, &c.) Belting Makers, B 1837, (B) 1917 General Material Makers, B 1696 Shell Bag Makers, A 1675X Towels, &c., A 1677X Textile Mills Beamers, B 115 Blowing Room Operatives, B 115 Card Room Operatives, B 115 Carpenters and Apprentices, A 29 Dust-removing Systems Pipe Fitters, A 490 Stripping Roller Makers, A 1067 Wood Body Makers (Machine), A 1067 Electricians, A 433 Enginemen, B 15 Flat Mechanics, B 434 Heating Pipe Fitters, A 490 Joiners, A 391, A 1249 Levelling Packing Maker? (Machin- ery), A 1249 Machine Cleaners, B 434 Masons, A 433 Mechanicsand Apprentices,A 15,A29 Oil Recoverers, B 2322 Operative Cotton Spinners, B 115 Operatives' Teachers, B 242 Overlookers, B 48, B 233 Rcelers, B 115 Ring Spinners, B 115 Slaters, A 433 (1) Smiths, A 15 Soap and Seak Makers, A 2080X Stokers, B 15 Switchboard Attendants, B 434 Warehousemen, B 115 Winders, B 115 Winding Stand Makers or Repairers, A 1394 Wiremen, A 433 Thatchers Buildings, A 883 Stacks, B 882 Theatres- Stage Carpenters and Electricians, B843 Theosulphate of Lead Makers, A 1645X Thermo ru eters Graduators, B 1958 Makers, A 1937X Thimbles- Makers Wrought Iron, A 2300X Splicers Wire Rope, A 1635X Third Rail Railroads, &c. Constructors, A 191 (6) Maintenance Workers, B 190 (4), B1905 Threaders- Pipes, A 484 Thread (Rubber) Makers, (A) 1788, (A) 1789 Threshing Machines Makers, A 435 Workers, B 390 Ticketers Military Clothing, A 1899X Ticket Punches- Makers or Repairers, A 2239X Tidal River Wharves- Cargo Dischargers, Ac., B 1993. B 2056 Tie Rods (Buildings) Preparers, A 1399 Ties (Rail) Makers or Repairers, A 1380 Tile Makers' Employees Barrow Makers, A 2196X Bench Makers, A 2198X Box Makers, A 2196X Kiln and Oven Repairers, B 2203 Tiles- Fixers (Tilers) Floors, A 376 Roofs, A 33, A 38, A 106, A 131 Sanitary Fittings, A 360 Stoves, A 1114 Walls, A 64, A 376 Makers Asbestos Fibre and Cement, A 1919X Earthenware Garden Edging, B 1802 General, A 1766X, B 1767 Terra Cotta, A 1949X Tills (Cash) Makers, A 1034, B 2338 Timber Merchants' Employees (see also Wood and Sawmillers) Carriers, &c., B 1682 Carters, B 260 Deal Porters, B 503 Enginemen, A 677 (9) 297 Timber Merchants' Employees (see also Wood and Sawmillers) cont. Fellers, B 260, B 1671 Fence Erectors, A 15f><) Labourers, A 677 (9) Pond Labourers. A 2128X Porters, B 867, B 1775 Raftsmen, B 676 Sawdust Carters, B 260 Stokers, A 677 (9) Woodmen, B 260, B 1671 Yard Labourers, B 1682, B 1775 Timbermen Electric Supply Co., A 265 Mining Co., B 657 Time- Recorders Makers, &c., A 2278X Services (Electric) Wiremen, A 1115 Timekeepers Commercial Warehouses, B 1686 Contractors, B 723 (3) Gas Co., B 238 (15) Electric Supply Co., B 264 Insured Trades, B 1684, A 1946X Tin Box, &c., Manufacture (see also Tinware) Cleaners, B 2073 Die Makers, A 989 Enamellers, B 2365 Japanners, A 1702X Labourers, A 2275X Lacquerers, B 2073 Lid Solderers, B 1943 Lift Attendants, A 1702X Paper Lining Makers (Shell Cases), A 2032X Packers, A 1702X Plate Oilers, A 2275X Printers, B 1822, B 2365 Storekeepers, A 1702X Tool Makers, A 1)89, A 1311 Yarnishers, B 2073, B 2365 Waste and Scrap Sorters, A 1702X Tinctures Makers, B 1698 Tin-end Boxes Assemblers, B 1703 Tin (Liquid) Pipe Washers, A 1854X 'Tin Mines Carpenters, B 954 Electricians, A 953 Fitters, A 953 Masons, A 953 Smiths, A 2343X Streaming Process Floor Repairers, B 1412 General Workers, B 1990 ^Tinners Saucepans, &c., A 1735X Tin-openers Handle Pressers, B 1952 Tinplate Scrap Smelters, A 1663X, A 2059X Sorters, A 1702X Tinplate Works- Annealing Pot Makers, A 1624X Carpenters, A 43 Fitters, A 43 General Workers, A 1614X Joiners, A 43 Machinists, A 43 Millwrights, A 43 Smiths, A 43 Strikers, A 43 Tool Makers and Setters, A 761 Turners, A 43 Tinsmiths (see also Tinware) Explosive Manufacturers, A 603 (3) General, A 1483, A 2328X Locomotive Works, A 479 Navigation Lantern Makers, A 2166X Railway Works, A 465 Weighing Machine Makers. A 888 Tinware Makers and Repairers Billiard Cue Cases, A 2168X Biscuit Tins, A 2161X Boxes, A 1702X, A 2328X Collapsible Tubes, A 1872X Colour Tins, A 2161X Cycle Gear Cases, A 512 (9) General Work, A 1483, A 1735X, A 2328X Household Tinware, A 2195X Lanterns, A 2166X Milk Cans, A 2195X Miners' Lamps, A 1591X Navigation Lanterns, A 2166X Oil and Colour Tins, A 2161X Restaurant Uteneih, A 2199X Rollers (Spinning Mules), A 448, A 1483 Saucepans, A 1735X Stove Pipes, A 1735X Tins, A 2328X Tubes (Collapsible), A 1872X Tipping Mounds Fireclay Haulagemen, B 1701 Slag- Removers, A 1458 Tips (Coal) Makers or Repairers, A 1380 T.N.T. Makers, A 1590X Tobacco (see also Unemployment In- surance (Munition Workers) Ex- clusion Order, p. v.) Pipe Makers, A 2227X, A 2228X, B 2229 Pipe Case Makers, B2230 Pouch Makers, A 223 IX Toilet Soap- Makers, A 1755X " To Let " Boards- Makers and Erectors, B 2382 298 Tombstones Letter Cutters, B 170, B 174 Masons, B 87 Tongues (Tramway Points) Fitters, A 1268 Tool- Chest Makers, B 741 Roll Makers (Leather), A 2297X Tool Fitters- Buckle Factory, A 672- Constructional Engineers, A 947 Locomotive Works, A 479 Railway Works, A 465 (1), (2) Station Meter Makers, A 1009 Tool Grinders- Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment, A 337 Tool Makers or Repairers- Adding Machine Makers, A 495 Bell Makers, A 924 Bifuicated Rivet Makers, A 742 Bolt, Nut, &c. Works, A 582, A 623 Bookbinders, A 2181X Brass Founders, A 300, A 988 Buckle Factory, A 672 Capstan Lathes, A 996 Cartridge Works, A 1208, A 1456 Coal Prospectors, A 1364 Constructional Engineers, A 947 Copper Works, A 761 Cycle Part Makers, A 351, A 353 Door Bolt Makers, A 968 Drop Forging Establishments, A 372 (2) Earthenware Makers, A 1271 Electrical Engineers, A 287, A 342, A 728 Electric Light Fittings Makers, A 343, A 1001 Electric Storage Battery Makers, A1U68 Electric Supply Co., A 265 Electro Plate Makers, A 1104 File Cutters, A 1070 Flexible Tube Manufacturers, A 438 (5) Gas Fittings Makers, A 1001 Gas Works, A 2312X Breneral Hand, A 1552, A 1603X, A 1625X, A 2174X Machine, A 1370, A 1409, A 1552 Glass Bottle Works, A 1183 Gold Blockers, A 218 IX Hearth Furniture Foundry, A 300 Hollow-ware Works, A 761 Hot Water Fitters, A 280 Iron Works, A 761 Jewellers, A 1252 Lamp Makers, A 1001 Magneto Makers, A 1044 Mechanical Engineers, A 20, A 337, . A 728 Medallists, A 1252 Metal Perforators, A 898. A 928 Tool Makers or Repairers cont. Metal Stampers, A 582 Meter Makers, A 986 Mineral Prospectors, A 1364 Mining Tool Makers, &c., A 900, A 1827X, A 2343X Motor Part Makers, A 370 (2), A 502 (2), A 520 (2), A 1311 Nail Makers, A 1250 Needle Makers, A 992 Nut Manufacture, A 582, A 623 (1) Office Apparatus Makers, A 567 Padlock Makers, A 968 Pearl Button Works, A 1274 Pen Makers, A 324 Photo-Engravers, A 1237 Pin Manufacture, A 1503 Platelayers, A 1405, A 2146X Press Workers, A 449 Quarries, A 900 Railway Works, A 465 (1) (2) Rivet Makers, A 582 Rotary Duplicating Machine Makers, A 1015 Safe Makers, A 314, A 491 (1) Salt Works, B 2243 Scale Makers, A 1392 Screw Makers, A 501, A 582 Sheet Metal Workers, A 898, A 1311 Signal Works, A 507 Silversmiths, A 1104, A 1252 Small Arms Component Makers, A 620 Spike Makers, A 623 (1) Station Gas Meter Makers, A 1009 Steel Press Workers, A 297 Stove and General Fitters, A 280 Strong Room Makers, A 314, A 491 Tack Makers, A 1252 Telephone Apparatus Makers, A 342 Tin Box Makers, A 989 Tmplate Works, A 761 Tinware Makers, A 989, A 1311 Tool Makers, A 1359 Tube Works, A 1457 Welded Tube Makers, A 1096 Tool Setters- Bell Makers, A 924 Brass Founders, A 988 Copper Works, A 761 Cycle and Motor Accessory Makers, A 513 Electric Light Accessory Makers, A 343 Hollow-ware Works, A 761 Ironfounders, A 636 Iron Works, A 761 Metal Stampers, Cutters or Shapers, A 324, A 1410 Nail Makers, A 1250 Nut and Bolt Works, A 636 Pen Makers, A 324 Pin Manufacture, A 1503 Scale Makers, A 1392 Screw Makers, A 501 299 Tool Setters cont. Silversmiths, A 1104 Steel Drawers, A 636 Tack Makers, A 1250 Telephone Part Makers, A 1264 Tinplate Works, A 761 Tube Works, A 1457 Tool Sharpeners Collieries, A 1827X General (Hand), A 2174X Press Workers, A 449 Tin Mines, A 2343X Tramway Shops, A 452 Tool Smiths- Drop Forging Establishment, A 372 Electrical Engineers, A 728 (2) Mechanical Engineering Establish- ment, A 20 Railway Works, A 465 (1) (2) Top Plates (Hat-curling Frames) Makers, A 2344X Torpedoes Gyroscope Makers, A 716 Testers, A 335, A 850, B 851 Tougheners Glass-work, A1974X, A 1976X Towels Makers, A 1677X Tower Men- Gas Works, B 238 (5) Towers (Water-cooling) Repairers, A 1332 Town Council (see Local Authority) Toys- Makers A 2024X, B 2172 Tracers, B 2157 Tradesmen's Carriers Painters, A 512 (12) Traffic Regulators- Insured Trades, A 2072X Trammers Mining Co., B 057 Trams (Colliery or Quarry) Makers, A 712, A 1514 Repairers, B 460 (7), A 1827X Tramways Cars- Brake or Truck Gear Examiners, &c., B 1346 Repairers,, A 1344 Controller Fixers, A 1014 Controller Repairers, A 789 Repairers, A 191 (2), A 453 Trolley Wheel Makers, A 746 Wiremen, A 191 (5) Conductors' Punch Makers, &c., A 2239X Lines and Equipment Cable Jointers, A 191 (4) Constructors, A 190 (6), A 221 Joint Welders, A 939 Maintenance Workers, B 190 (4), B 220, A 1354, B 1905 Tramways cont. Lines and Equipment cont. Point Dressers, A 1268 Relayers, B 220 Road Workers, A 1276, A 1498 Shops Bricklayers, A 26 Cranemen, A 191 (1) Drillers, A 1300 Fitters, A 453, A 1300 Improvers, A 1300 Lathemen, A 453 Material Inspectors, B 785 Mechanics, A 1300 Planers, A 1300 Slaters, A 26 Smiths, A 453, A 1300 Truckmen, B 454, A 1344, B 1346 Woodwork Machinists, A 191 (2) Transfer Makers Sewing Machines, B 278 Transformers (Electrical) Attendants, B 264 Makers, A 728 (1) Transport Workers (see also Special Exclusion (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.) Insured Trades, B 1734, B 1753, A 1866X . Munitions Stores, &c., B 1722 Travellers (Commercial) Sheet Metal Workers, B' 145 Travelling Cases Makers, A 2328X Traverser Drivers Railway Works, A 465 (1) Trawler Riggers Engineering Works. A 1016 Trays (Confectionery) Makers, B 2385 Treadle Fretwork Machines Makers, A 1053 Treasury Tags Makers, A 2009X, B 2010 Tree- Fellers, B 260, B 753, B 1671 Planters, B 753 Spraying Machine Makers, &c A 2335X Trees (Saddle) Makers, A 1938X, A 1939X Treillage Makers, B 2265 Trellis Work- Makers and Painters, B 2265 Trenches Drain Excavators \A 1436 Military- Makers, A 1482 Trepanners Steel (Testing Dept.), A 1809 Trestle Makers- Gas Explosion Tubes, B 1152 300 Trimmers Brass, &c., A 1626X Canal Hedges, B 494 Coal, B 125, B 264 Envelope Cutters, A 2313X Glass Sheets, B 667 (1) Lamps, B 264, A 479 Leather, A 465 (2) Railway Coaches, A 465 (2) Stone, A 1434 Trimming Coopers, B 2003 Tri-nitro-toluol Makers, A 1590X Trinity House Employees, A 959, A 960 Trolley Wheels (Tramcar) Casters, A 746 Machinists, A 746 Trolleys- Repairers, A 635 Trough Makers Cattle, A 1567X Sheep, B 2266 Truckers- Wooden Case Manufacture, A 1853X Truck G ear (Tramcars) Examiners, &c., B 1346 Repairers, A 1344 Trucks (see also Wagons) Makers, A 292, A 770, A 1418 Trunk Manufacture General Workers, B 1945, B 1969 Leather Workers, A 197 OX Machine and Tool Makers, A 1311 Trusses (Surgical) Makers, A 2050X Tube Expanders- Makers, A 1552 Tubers- Locomotive Works, A 479 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Tubes- Benders, A 1163, A 1321 Coilers (Heating Systems), A 1310 Enamellers (Cycle), A 512 Ferrule Makers, A 2388 Fillers (Colours), A 1828X Examiners (Railway Co.), A 465 (1) Fittings Makers Electric Conduit, A 1785X General Iron or Steel, A 1560X Fixers (Pneumatic Despatch), A 1100 Flatteners (Cycle, &c.), A 1321 Makers Cardboard, A 1936X, A 2144X Carpet-weaving, A 2328X Cjcles, A 1321 Flexible (Speaking), A 1707X Flexible (Metallic), A 2165X Friction (Ammunition), A 1636 Glass, A 1977X, B 1978 Iron or Steel, A 1560X Motor Cars, A 2327X Tubes cont. Makers cont. Paper, A 1936X, A 2144X Rubber, A 2176X Shrapnel Shells, A 1507 Tin (Collapsible), A 1872X Preparers (Railway Co.), A 465 (1) Repairers (Rubber), B 2057 Screwers, A 2375X Shapers (Gas Cylinder*), A 2342 X Welders (Heating Systems), A 1310 Tube Works- Blacksmiths (Toolmakers), A 1096 Building Trade Operatives, A 1457 Carpenters, A 1457 Fitters, A 1096 Labourers (Millwrights), A 1096 Mechanics, A 1457 Millwrights, A 1096 Patternmakers, A 1457 Smiths, A 1457 Strikers (Toolmakers), A 1096 Tool Makers, A 297, A 1096, A 1457 Tool Setters, A 1457 Tubs- Makers Colliery, A 712. A 1514 Garden, B 2265 Quarry, A 1514 Repairers Colliery, B 460 (7), A 1827X Quarry, A 1485 Slag, A 2334X Tug Workers- River Conservancy, B 811 Tungsten (see Wolfram) Tunnels Repairers Canal Co., B 654(1) Railways, B 1281 Turbine Blade Makers' Employees Die Filers, A 1063 Gauge Makers, A 1063 Pattern Makers, A 1063 Turf- Layers, &c. (Cricket Pitch), B 1404 Turncocks Gas Works, B 420 Water Cos., B 169, B 1893 Turners Adding Machine Parts. A 495 Axles, A 422, A 496 (2), A 511, A 878, A 902, A 1418 Boring Machines, A 323 Coal Washing Machinery, A 323 Copper Rollers, A 776, A '236 IX Copying Press Screws, A 1081 Cranes (Electric), A 1286 Disintegrators A 323 Dynamo Brush Work, A 881 Flexible Tubing Connections, A 438 Galvanizing Pot Machinery, A 1487 Gas Works Plant, A 275 (1) Glass Bottle Moulds, A 299 Grindstones, A 1674X 301 Turners cunt. Hub Bushes (Axles), A 1135 Iron Works Plant, A 1375 Lifts (Electric), A 1286 Locks. A 1670X Locomotive Work, A 479, A 492 Mechanical Engineering Work, A 20 Motor Oar Parts, A 502 (1) Nut and B >lt Tools, A 428 (2), A 623 (2) Office Apparatus, A 567 (2) Oil Caps (Axles), A 1135 Photo-engraving Tools, A 1237 Process Machinery (Electric), A 1286 Railway Work, A" 465 (1) (2) (3) Rollers- Calico-printing, A 236 IX Engravers, A 776 Flax Spinners, A 1123, A 1407 Iron and Steel Works, A 481, A 801 Jute Industry, A 1407 Printers, A 776 Rolling Milk, A 1526 Textile Mills, A 1875X Wire Mills, A 1357 Rubber Moulds or Patterns, A 15'32 Screw Machine Parts, A 501 Signals, A 414 (3) Small Arms Component Tools, A 620 Spike-making tools, A 623 (2) Spindles (Churns), A 1194 Station Gas Meter Makers' Tooli, A 1009 Steel (Testing Dept.), A 1809 Steel Works Machinery, A 43 Surgical Instruments, A 1680X Tea-mixing, &c., Machine Parts. A 1026 Tram-Car Parts, A 453 Typewriter Parts, A 880 Tyres, A 878 Vulcanite, &c., Moulds, A 1532 Warper*' Beams. A 872 Wheels, A 545, A 878 Winches (Electric), A 1286 Wooden Heels, A 1812X Woodwork (General), A 2088X Turnovers (Guns, &c.) Makers, A 2355X Turnscrews (Gun<, &c.) Makers, A 2355X Turntables- Repairer-, B 1522, A 1523 Turpentine Makers, A 1889X Turret- Clocks Makers, A 2286X Lathes Setters-up. A 438 (4) Tuyere Pipes Moulders, A 1502 Twine- Makers, B 1820 Splicers, &c., A 1819X Twist Drills- Makers, A 1552 Tyne Improvement Commission Blacksmiths, A 1380 Type- Cas lase Makers, B 1816 Makers- Brass, A 1795X General, A 1794X Wood, A 1794X Metal Makers, A 1794X Packers, A 2345X Roller Casters, B 764 Setters, B 1821, B 1895 Setting Machine Mechanic?. A 702 Typewriters Assemblers, A 944 Enamellers, A 788 Engravers, A 1022 Inspectors, A 1022 Japanners, A 788 Key top Printers, B 1021 Mechanics, A 880 Part Makers, A 944 Polishers, A 944 Repairers, A 1470 Typists- Electric Supply Co:, B 264 General, B 2157 Tyres- Metal Fixers, A 496, A 768 Stniths, A -165 (1), A 597, A 809- Turners, A 878 Rubber- Cotton Fabric Makers, B 1738 Makers, A 2176X Pressers-on, A 809 (4), A 997 Pump Makers Foot, A 1342 Hand, A 2257X, A 2328X Removers and Replacers, B 819. A 1371, A 1406 Repairers, B 172, A 1406, B 2057 Repair Outfit Makers, A 1713X, A 1960X Retreaders, B 2057 Vulcauisers, A 1371, A 1406 Umbrella Sticks 'Makers, A 1857X, B 2150 Underd raining Works Constructors and Repairers, B 1099- Under Frames Makers- Perambulators, A 1378 Steel Wagons, A 292 302 Under-glaze Colours Makers, A 2028X Underground Mine Workers (see also Colliery Workers) Hauliers, B 657 Labourers, B 657 Miners, B 657 Pitmen, B 657 Timbermen, B 657 Trammers, B 657 Railways Lift Ropers, A 1207 Water Levels Repairers (Drainage Commis- sioners), B 697 (2) Under Linesmen Signals, B 1162 Undertakers' Employees Coffin Makers, B 1815 Tombstone Letter Cutter, B 170 Uniforms Cleaners, B 2052 Makers Army, A 1569X, A 1578X, A 1598X Red Cross Society, A 2223X Repairers, A 2051X Washers, B 2U97 Unions Makers Gas, &c., Fittings, A 1633X Motor Cars, A 502 Unloaders (See under Loaders) Upholsterers (see also Special Exclu- sion (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.) Domestic Cabinet Work, B 1825 Perambulators, A 1156 Railway Carriage Fittings, A 772 School Furniture, B 1825 Uppers (Clogs) Fixers, B- 1829 Makers, A 1830X Urinals Builders, A 1445 Ironwork Preparers, A 1445 Pottery Parts Truers and Fitters-up, A 1019 Urns- Makers, A 2328X Utensils- Domestic Makers, A 2328X Repairers, A 1555X Restaurant Makers, A 2199X Vacuum Boxes (Paper Manufacture) Repairers, A 2362 Vacuum cant. Cleaners Makers and Repairers, A 943, B2036 Flasks- Makers, A 2257X Machines Wood Body Makers, A 1067 Valises Makers, B 1969, A 1970X Valves- Gas Makers, A 457 Engines Moulders (Brass), A 545 Oxygen Cylinders Fitters, A 1687X Pontoons Attendants, A 1193 Pumps Cutters and Stampers, A 1155 Steam (High Pressure) Testers, A 863 Vans (see Carters and Wagons) Variable Gear (Motor Cycles) Makers, A 1079 Varnish Makers General, A 1571X Printers, A 1980X Spirit, A 1602X Varnished Tool Cases Makers, B 741 Varnishers Bedsteads, B 1743 Beer, &c., Cases, A 2002X Copying Presses, A 2287X Mattresses, A 1742X Ship's Steering Wheels, A 1091 Tin, B 2073, B 2365 Vases (Mineral Water) Top Fitters, B 199 Vats- Makers Brewers, B 2242 Dyers, B 2245 General, B 952 Repairers Dyers, B 2245 Salt Works, B 735 (1) Slate Preparers, A 207 6X Vaultir g Horses Makers, A 2225X Vaults- Constructors, A 1325 Vegetable Extracts (Tanning, &c.) Makers, B 2140 Oils- Butter Substitute Makers, B 2391 Makers, A 1699X Refiners, A 2390X Vehicles Advertisement Fixers, B 884 Axle Workers, A 422, A 2331 X 303 Vehicles cont. Brake Block Makers, A 1501 Chain Couplings Makers, A 2159X Repairers, A 1141 Screwers, A 1141 Cleaners, A 2148X Constructors (Uninsured Trades), A 853 Drivers (see a ho Special Exclusion (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.), B 1753, A 1866X Electro Platers, A 784 Enamellers, A 784 Essential Part Makers, A 388 Hardware Makers, A 1537, A 2299X Hub Bush Makers, A 1135 Lead Light Workers, B 799, A 798, A 1270 Liners, A 784 Metal Part Casters, A 1137 Oil Cap Makers, A 1135 Belief Decoration Fixers, A 1148 Makers, A 1214 Repairers, A 383, A 677 (2), A 853 Seat Makers, A 1049 Shunters (see also Special Exclusion (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.), A 2224X Sign Writers, A 504 Spring and Spring Buckle Makers and Fitters, A 1336 Tyres (see Tyres) Wood Fittings Makers, A 262, B 263 Veiners (Marble) Mantel and Chimney Pieces, A 1092 Vellum- Makers, A 1638X Velvet- Box Coverers, B 1985 Manufacture G aide Makers, A 1588X Veneers Cutters, A 1776X Peelers, A 1890X Ventilating Systems Cowl Makers Buildings, A 2328X Ships, A 729, A 1483 Duct Makers, A 2328X Head Makers, A 232X Repairers, A 856 Separator Makers, A 2328X Ventilator Makers, A 2328X Ventilators (Hats) Makers, A 17H*X Verandahs- Builders, A 1157 Cons ructors, &c., (Railway Sta- tions), A 1297 Preparers, A 1157 Vertical Lights Maker*, A 1270 Vessels (see Ships) Vests- Makers, B 1642, A 1643X Vice Manufacture Tool Setters, A 636 Viewers (see also Examiners and Inspectors) Copying Press Makers, A 1081 Gun Makers, A 63 (6) Insured Trades, A 750, A 1476 Motor Car Makers, A 876 Munition Stores, &c., A 1726X Vinegar Jars Makers, A 1618X Vineries Makers and Erectors, A 706 Violins Makers. B 2175 Vitreous Enamellers Metal Work, A 1963X Voltmeters Makers, A 169 IX Volunteer Workers Insured Trades, B 2087 Vulcanised Fibre Workers Cycle Brake Blocks, A 2220X Electric Light Fittings, B 2384 Engineering Work, A 1230 Machinery Parts, A 2392X Washers, &c., A 2392X Vulcanisers Tyres- General, A 1371, A 1406 Motor Omnibus, A 1406 Vulcanite Electrical Part Makers, A 1814X Fountain Pea Makers, A 1681X Mould Makers, A 1532 Penholder Makers, A 1681X . Pipe Mouthpiece Makers, A 2227X Waders (Waterproof) Makers, A 1747X Wads (Shells, Ac.) Glazed Board Makers, B 1823 Wagons General Makers, A 292, A 1372 Painters, A 736 Repiirer*, A 04, A 383, A 1372 Railway Bolt Screwers, A 1195 Builders and Repairers Collieries, A 1262 Quarries, A 1485 Railway Wagon Works, A 1, A 39, A 465 Salt Works, A 545 (b), A 674 Uninsured Trades, A 853 Checkers, A 1715X Cover Ma H era, A 1573X Drivers (see under Drivers) Sheet Makers and Repairers Salt Works, B 735 (3), B 2319 304 Wagons cont. Railway cont. Shunters, A 1715X, B 2319 Tyre Fixers, A 768 Walking Sticks- Mount Workers, A 2228X, B 2229 Walks- Repairers, B 753 Walls- Builders, B 935, A 1253, A 1272, A 1428 Poster Fixers. B 942 Rebuilders (Bridges) A 1298 Repairers, B 655, B 935 Tile Fixers, A 64 Treillage Makers, B 2265 Wardrobe Hooks Drillers, &c., A 2194X Ward Tables Makers, A 1648X Warehousemen Button Manufacture, A 1678X C >ffin Furniture Manufacture, A 1580X Commercial Warehouses, B 1686 Cotton Spinners, B 115 French Polish, &c., Manufacture, A 1602X Insured Trades. A 1946X, B 2158 Military Equipment Manufacture, A 1573X Projectile Sling Manufacture, A 1573X Warehouses (See also Warehouse- men) Commercial Coopers, B 2003 General Workers, B 1686 Iron and Stfel Goods General Workers, B 1577 Ironfoundries Boot Protector Sorters, &c., A 2065X Jewellery Packers, Ac., A 2004X Munitions General Workers, A 1726X Transport Workers, B 1722 Pin, Needle, &c., Factories- Boxers, &c., A 1968X Type- Packers, A 2345X Warpers Asbestos Yarns, B 1921 Warpers' Beams Turners, A 872 Warping Machines (Lace) Makers, A 458 War Refugees Insured Trades, A 1491 Washer- Makers Asbestos, &c., A 1918X Washer cont. Makers cont. Mica, A 2394X Paper or Cardboard (Shells), A 1936X Vulcanised Fibre, A 2392X Tighteners Cycle Wheels, A 512 (5) Tool Makers, <&c., A 947 Washermen (Soot) Gas Works, B 238 (4) Washers Boilers, A 465(1) Buildings, B 163 Clothing, B 2097 Military Equipment, A 1817X Paint, B 163 Pipes (Liquid Tin), A 1854X Railway Carriages, B 2319 Railway Carriage Accumulators, B1283 Ship's Bilges and Tanks (Cement), A 1050 Slack, B 2019 Wash-house Men Explosive Works, A 1599X Washing Machines Makers, A 2035X Wooden Guard Makers, B 2240 Washups (Tin) Makers, A 2328X Waste (See also Scrap) Cotton Preparers (Explosive Manufac- ture), A 1720X Spinners, B 1596 Gas- Li ght Oil, &c., Recoverers, A 1763X Products Potash Extractors, A 1668X Rubber- Reclaimers, A 1639X Slaughter House Refuse Manure Makers, A 2350X Tin Sorters, A 1702X Water Inspectors, B 406, B 1893 Woollen Mill Materials Oil Extractors, B 2322 Soap < Seak Makers, A 2080X Wood- Collectors, Ac., B 1586 Watches- Adjusters, B 1750 Assemblers, A 1748X Cleaners, B 1750 Makers, A 1748X Repairers, A 1748X Watchmen Gas Works, B 238 (16) Insured Trades, B 1684, A 1946X Railway Works, B 2319 Road Paviors,-B 585 Sewing Machine Makers. B 278 305 Water- Attendants (Elec. Supply Co.), B 264 Boilers Builders and Contractors, A 725 Boiling Apparatus Fixer?, &c.. A 956 Bottle Cover Makers, A 1554X Bucket Repairers, A 2343X Can Makers, A 2328X Cart Makers or Painters. A 720, A 736 Closet Repairers, A 1028 Cooling Tower Repairers, A 1332 Courses Cleaners, B 697, B 753 Cutters, B 777 (6) Fitters- General, A 279, A 418 Railway Works, A 465, B 2319 Screw Makers, A 501 Uninsured Trades, A 856 Fittings Makers, A 2276X Repairers, A 856, A 1382 Garden Makers, B 689 Heater Makers (Elec.), A 2318X Jugs Lid Makers and Mounters, A 1782X, B 1783 Level Gauge Makers, A 1974X Meters Inspectors, B 169 Makers, A 456 Repairers, A 600 ( 1 ) Testers, A 731 Pipes (see also Fitters) Flankers, A 484 Insulating Material Makers, B 1986 Threaders, A 484 Pumpers (Canal Co.), B 654 Softeners- Attendants, B 264, B 2104 Lime Mixers, B 406 (3) Valve Makers, A 457 Water-Gas Plant- Attendants Gas Works(Carburetted),B 2061 Insured Trades, A 20"3X Water Levels (Underground) Repairers, B 697 (2) Watermen Insured Trades, B 1734 Waterproof Garment Makers, A 1747X Ground Sheet Makers, A 1707X Water Works Employees- Boiler Cleaners, B 1893 Cistern Examiners and Testers. B 2351 Coal Heavers, B 189H Cranemen, B 190 (14). A 191 (1) Enginemen, B 31, B 1893 Filter Attendants, B 169, B 1893 Grass Cutters, B 406 (4) Inspectors, B 97, B 169, B 406 Water Works Employees cont. Lime Mixers, B 406 (3) Meter Cleaners and Readers, B 1893 Main Layers, B 190 (10), A 191 (7) Service Layers, B 190 (10), B 1893 Stokers, B 1893 Stop Tap Box Examiners and Stampers, B 2351 Storekeepers, B 1893 Tap Testers and Examiners, B 2351 Turncocks, B 1893 Waste Inspectors, B 406, B 1893 Water Softener Attendants, B 2104 Wax Polishes- Makers, B 1852 Wax (Sealing) Makers, B 1723 Weavers Asbestos Cloth, B 1921 Balloon Fabric, (A) 1696 Belting, B 1837 Canvas Hose Pipes, B 1908 Card Clothing Material, B 1657, (B) 1706, (B) 2147 Flax, B 1584, B 1926 Gold Laces and Braids, A 2083X Handkerchiefs, (B) 1677 Jute, B 1926 Nets, A 1796X Sailcloth, B 1584 Sandbag Cloth, B 1759 Sheets, (B) 1677 Silver Laces and Braids, A 2083X Sponge Cloths, (B) 1677 Surgical Dressings Material, B 1672 Textile Materials, B 1696 Towels, (B) 1677 Wire, A 1650X Wire Mattresses, A 1742X Wool, (A) 1696 Weavers' Overlookers, B 48, B 233 Webbing- Makers, B 1789 Projectile Sling Makers, A 1573X Weighing Machines (see also Scales) Fitters, A 557 Makers, A 303, A 888, A 1358 Testers, B 1186, A 1187 Weighmen Insured Trades, A 1947X, A 2122X,. A 2358 Pipe Foundry, A 1168 Railway Works, B 2319 Welded Die Forgers, A 1.S59 Kitchen Boiler Makers, A 2328X Pipe Makers, A 2381X Tube Manufacture Benders (Cycles), A 1321 Fitters, A 1096 Flatteners (Cycles), A 1321 Labourers (Millwrights), A 1096 Millwrights, A 1096 Toolmakers, A 1096 306 Welders- Boiler Ferrules, A 2388 Engineering Work, A 594 (2) Locomotive Work, A 479 Railway Engineering Work, A 465 Reinforced Concrete Wire, A 2387X Spokes, A 511 (4; Steam Boilers, A 744- Tramway Rail Joints, A 939 Tubes (Heating Systems), A 1310 Wheel Centres, A 511 (4) Welding Plant (Oxy-Acetylene) Assemblers, A 1551 Attendants (Insured Trades), A 914 Demonstrators, B 915 Erectors, A 914 Fitters, A 1551 Wells- Borers and Sinkers, B 825 Machinery Makers and Fixers, A 826 Pumps Attendants (Dyers), B 327 Test Pumping Plant Erectors, B825 Wharves Cargo Discharges, &c., B 1993, B 2056 Crane Drivers (Engineering Estbt.), A 1132 Repairers, B 670 Wheelbarrows Makers, B 2244 Wheelers- Fertilizer Manufacture, A 1594X Pipe Foundry, A 1168 Wheels- Cycle Adjusters, A 512 Enamellers, &c., A 788 Makers, A 787 Spoke Fixers, A 1302 Emery Makers, A 1915X, B 2213 "General Boss Lump Punchers, A 511 Centres Makers, A 768 Welders, A 511 Glutters, A 934 Makers and Repairers, A 597 Spoke Welders, A 511 Turners, A 878 Grinding Makers, A 1739X, A 191 5X, B 2213 Hoists Machinists, A 1468 Lappet (Textile) Makers, B 2323 Motor Car Assemblers, A 809 Brassers, A 787 Cleaners, A 809 Enamellers, A 787 Lead Colourerp, A 809 Wheels cont. Motor Car cont. Nickel Platers, A 787 Painters, A 787 Rubber Fixers, A 809 Spare Wheel Makers, A 1604X Tyre Smiths, A 809 Wood Machinists, A 809 Railway Vehicles Turners, A 465 (2) Tyres- Fixers, A 496, A 768 Shrinkers, A 768 Searchlights Cutters, A 1488 Machinists, A 1488 Ship Steering Fixers, A 1091 Makers, A 1091 Steel- Machinists, A 540 Makers, A 787 Mounters, A 540 Tramcir Trolley- Casters, A 746 Machinists, A 746 Wood- Makers, A 787, A 800 Wheelwrigh ts Brickmakers, A 64 Mechanical Engineers, A 85 Railway Works, A 465 (2) Salt Works, A 545 (e) Uninsured Trades, A 853 ' Whin Kerbs- Dressers, B 190 (1) Whirlers (Photo-engraving) Makers, A 1237 White- Lead Makers, A 1645X Putty Makers, A 2054X Metal- Engineering Work Founders, A 23 General Work Founders, A 1626X Odd Side Makers, A 1504 White Metallers Railway Works, A 465 (1) White (Mineral) Makers, B 1902 Whitesmiths, A 418 White washers Buildings, A 7 Railway Arches, A 1331 Whiting- Makers, B 2041 Wicker Basket Makers- Invalid Carriages, A 708 (1) Perambulators, A 1378 Side-cars, A 708 (2) Wicks (Candle) Makers, A 1773X, B 1774 Willow Wood Baskets, &c. Makers. B 1630 &07 Winches (Electrical) Part Turners and Fitters, A 1286 Winders Armatures, A 1690X, A 1981X Asbestos Yarns, B 1921 Coils, A 1690X, A 1981X Cotton Yarn, B 115 Wire, A 1635X Winding * Machines (Lace) Makers, A 458 Stands (Textile) Makers or Repairers, A 1394 Windmills (Wells) Makers and Fixers, A 826 Windows Blind Makers or Fixers, B 2209, B 2210, B 2261 Cleaners Electric Supply Co., B 264 General, B 150, B 163 Insured Trades, A 749 Town Council, B 734 Glass Makers, B 667, A 1976X Glaziers, A 142, A 336, A 349, A 1508 Hangers, A 894 Lead Light Workers, A 798, B 799 A 1270 Metal Frames Assemblers, A 1225 Fixers, A 417 Machinists, A 1225 Stained Glass Makers, B 737, A 1270 Wood Sawyers, A 677 (3) Wind Screens (Motor Cars) Makers, A 2288X Wings- Aeroplanes Spar Channelling Finishers, A 1685 Vehicles Benders, A 800 Makers, A 1078, A 1483 Wire- Aeroplanes Rollers, &c., A 1563 Cables Stranders, A 171 IX Coopers' Branding Wire Makers, A 2173X Embroidery Coverers (Silk, &c.), A 2079X Spinners or Purlers, A 2081X Fence Erectors, B 753 General Annealers, A 1650X Die Makers, A, 1098 Drawers, &c., A 1650X Machine Fitters, A 501 Roll Turners, A 1357 Tool Makers, A 672 (3) Weavers, A 1650X Mattress Weavers, &c., A 1742X Netting Loom Makers, &c., A 1146 Wire cont. Reinforced Concrete Welding Machine Attendants, A 2387X Rods Gauge Makers, A 2267X Ropes Machine Fitters, A 75 Makers, A 1635X Splicers (Ships), A 1016 Sewing Machines Part Makers, A 277 Telegraph (See Telegraphs) Textile Reeds Flatteners, &c., A 1851X Wheel Makers, A 787 Wireless Telegraph Stations Aerial Support Builders, A 909 Building Superintendents, B 2205 Foremen, B 2205 Rigging Repairers, B 1213 Works Managers, B 2205 Wiremen (Electrical) Constructional Roof Work, A 948 Lighting or Bells Electrical Engineers, A 516 (4) General, A 194 Ironmongers, A 1382 Iron Works, A 349 Local Authorities, A 1.91 (5) Poultry Houses, A 1431 Railway Works, A 465 (1) Ships, A 695 Textile Mills, A 433 Uninsured Trades, A 854 Machinery Iron Works, A 349 Railway Works, A 465(1) Textile Mills, A 433 Uninsured Trades, A 854 Ships, A 695 Signs, A 1256 Smoothing Irons, B 564 Telephones, B 471, B 2319 Time Services, A 1115 Tramcars, A 191 (5) Wolfram- Extractors, A 232 IX Streamers, B 2364 Wood- Carters, B 260 Carvers (see Special Exclusion' (Drivers, &c.) Order, p. iv.) < Carvers' Clay Model Makers, B 891 Cleavers, B 1934 Creosoters, B 2248 Cross-cutters, B 1671 Fellers, B 260, B 753, B 1671 Hewers, B 1934 Markersout, A 1227, A 2046X, B 2319 Porters, B 867, B 1862, B 1775, A 1778X Printers, B 1911 308 Wood cont. Selectors, B 2319 Ship Breakers, B 340 Spirit Alcohol Methylators, A 2098X - Distillers, A 2126X Tar Distillers, A 2126X Wooden Case Manufacture Conveyor Attendants, A 1853X Dovetailers, A 1853X Examiners (Barrels), B 2003 General Workers Barrels, A 1797X, A 2068X Beer Cases, A 2002X Butter Cases, &c., A 1935X Casks, A 1797X, A 2068X Cigar Boxes, B 1983 Confectionery Boxes, A 1737X Crates, A 1793X Fancy Boxes, B 1985 Fruit Cases, &c., A 1935X Mineral Water Cases, B 199, A 2002X Switch Boxes, B 1895 Hoopers, A 1853X Inspectors (Barrels), B 2003 Nailers (Hand of Machine), A 1853X Painters, A 2002X Remakers, A 2068X, A 2154X Repairers (Barrels), B 1988, A 2127X Stainere, A 2002X Truckers, A 1853X Varnishers, A 2002X Wood-end Boxes Makers, B 1984 Woodmen Estate, B 753 Timber Merchants, B 260 Woods (Workers in) Kellers, B 260, B 753, B 1671 Cleavers and Hewers, B 1934 Machine Woodworkers, A 2075X Wood-wool Makers, A 1863X Rope Makers, B 1864 Woodwork Machinists (see Saw- rnillers) Woodworkers (other than Sawmillers, Woodwork Machinists and Wooden Case Maker*) Addressograph Machine Cabinets, B 2348 Barrows, B 2244 Baskets, B 1630 Bedsteads, B 1743' , Blinds, B 2209, B 2398 Bobbins, B 1862 Book Stalls, A 995 Boot Heels. B 1813 Brewers' Vats, B 2242 Brick Works' Plant, A 2196X Building Fittings, A 262, B 263, A 381, A 999, A 1340 Cable Drums, B 2373 Cases (see Wooden Case Mfc.) Cash Tills, B 2338 Woodworkers (other than Sawmillers, Woodwork Machinists and Wooden Case Makers) cont. Chimney Pieces, A 389 Church Furniture, B 2219 Cigar Boxes, B 1983 Clog Soles, B 1^29 Coal Staiths, B 2293 Coal Trams and Tubs, A 712 Confectionery Trays, B 2385 Dog Kennels. B 2241 Domestic Joinery, B 2034, B 2240 Dyers' Articles, B 2216, B 2245 Electric Plan - printing apparatus, B2396 Fencing, B 217, B 2211 Filing Devices, B 2272 Firewood, B 1586 Furniture, B 1770, B 1825, B 2219 Garden Furniture, B 1586 Gates, B 2214, B 2246, B 2266 Groynes, A 2124 Gymnasium Apparatus, A 2225X Incubators, B 2346 Kiosks, A 995 Ladders, B 2214 Lappet Wheels, B 2323 Levelling Packing, A 1249 Lifts, B 2209, B 2292 Matches, B 1741 Mattresses, A 1742X Meter Brackets, B 2253 Music Stands, B 2272 Office Equipment, B 2367 Organs, B 2295 Pails, B 2034 Paper Mill Machinery, A 2362 Perambulator Bodies, A 1378 Pheasant Coops, B 2246 Pipe Cases, B 2230 Platforms, A 1351 Poultry Appliances, B 2241 Printers' Work, B 1816 Railway Station Furniture, B 2291 Saddle Trees, A 1938X Salt Works' Tools, B 2243 Sanitary Fittings, A 360 Sheep Troughs, B 2266 Ship Fittings, A 262, B 263, A 381, A 999, B 2260 Ship Steering Wheels, A 1091 Shop Fronts, A 683, A 1305 Miovel Handles, A 2091X Shutters. B 2027, B 2209 Shuttles, B 1862 Side Cars, A 708 Signs, B 899 Spade, &c., Handles, A 2091X Staging, A 1351 Stands, A 1351 Stepladoers, B 2034 Telegraph Poles, B 2248 Templates, A 948 Trunks, B 1945 Vacuum Cleaners, A 943, A 1067 Vehicle Basket Bodies, A 708 309 Woodworkers (other than Sawmillers. Woodwork Machinists and Wooden Case Makers) cnnt. Vehicle Fittings, A 262, B 263, B381 Washing Machine Guards, B 2240 Waste Wood, B 1586 Wheels, A 787, A 800 Wood-end Boxes, B 1984 Wool (see also Unemployment In- surance (Munition Workers) Ex- clusion Order, p. v.) Driers, B 2022 Fellmoogers, B 2022 Mattress Makers, B 2151 Sidn Dressers, B 2141 Sorters, B 2022 Spinners, &c., (A) 1696 Weavers, c., (A) 1696 Woolcombing Works, Soap and Seak Makers, A 2080X Woollen Mills (see also Textile Mach- inery) Oil Extractors, B 2322 Overlookers, B 233 Soap and Seak Makers, A 2080X Woolwich Dockyard Stores Inspectors A 1817X Equipment Repairers, A 1817X Loaders, &c., A 1817X Work Distributors Military Clothing Manufacture, A 1899X Working Chargemen Insured Trades, A 750 Sketches- Makers (Insured Trades), A 1124 Works Manager Wireless Telegraph Co., B 2205 Works of Construction (See also Con- tractors' Employees) Fencing Erectors, A 1430 Steam Navvy Drivers, A 1455 Stone Trimmers, A 1434 Worming Machines (Screws) Fitters, A 501 Worms (Searchlight Gear) Cutters, A 1488 Machinists, A 1488 Wrappers (See also Packers) Bedsteads, A 1589X Coffin Furniture, A 1580X Gold, &c., Articles. A 1749X .Jewellery, A 2004X Laundry Starch and Blue, A 2037X Soap, A 1755X Wreaths (Metal) Stampers, &c., A 1666X Wrest Pins (Pianos) Makers, A 1746X Wringers Domestic Makers, A 2035X Outdoor Decorators, A 617 Repairers, A 526 Writing Ink- Makers, B 2031 Wrought Iron Forgers, A 1641X Makers, A 164 IX Rollers, A 1641X Workers- Building Ironwork, A 1399 Coffee Mills, A 1258 Heating System Fittings, A 1310 Ornamental Work, A 2282X Rivet-heating Forges, A 2383X Shackles, A 2300X Structural Ironwork, A 1399 Telegraph Poles, A 238 IX Thimbles, A 2300X X-Ray Apparatus Metal Workers, A 2178X Yacht Fittings Makers. A 1058 Yard Brooms Makers, A 1771X, B 1772 Piassava Dressers, B 70 Yards- Asphalt Layers, B 738, A 1234, A 1416 Labourers Bobbin Manufacture, A 1861X Builders, A 1466 Builders' Merchants, B 105 Insured Trades, A 749, A 1617X, A 2122X, A 2358 Lead Works, A 1645X Railway Cos., B 2319 Timber Merchants, A 677 (9), B 1682, A 1778X Tarred Macadam Layers, B 738, A 1416 Yarn Spinners, &c. Asbestos, B 1921 Condenser, B 1676 Cotton, B 1676 Flax, B 1584 Yeast Preparers, B 2120 Zinc Alloy Extrusion Die Makers, A 527 Ore Smelters, A 2235X Printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Offioe By DARLING AND SON, LIMITED, BACON STREET, E.2. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. AUQ 4 i942 LD 21-100m-7,'40 (6936s) 415562 YC 34958 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORN1A LIBRARY