--?> Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2007 witli funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/atalantaincalyOOswiniala ATALANTA IN CALYDON AND ERECHTHEUS THE GOLDEN PINE EDITION Cloth $s 6d net, leather 6s net POEMS AND BAI^LADS. (First Series.) POEMS AND BALIrADS. (Second and Third Series.) TRISTRAM OF LYONESSE. ATALANTA DJ CAI,YDON AND ERECHTHEUS. SONGS BEFORE SUNRISE. LONDON: WII^LIAM HEINEMANN ATALANTA IN CALYDON AND ERECHTHEUS ''^ ^ AC Algernon Charles Swinburne LONDON: WILLIAM HEINEMANN ATALANTA IN CALYDON First published (Moxon), 1865. New impressions, '65, '66, '68. (Chatto), 1875, '79, '82, "85, '89, '92, •93, '96, '98, 1901, '05, '07, '09, '10, '12, '13, 'i7- ERECHTHEUS First published, 1875. iV^if impresstons, '76 '80, '93. TA* Golden Pine Edition (Heinemann), 1917 Included in Collected Poems (Chatto), 1904 (twice), '09, '10, '12. (Heinemann), 1917 London: William Heinemann, ^v 8e was i.vhp r^ KoX (TKiA • ri /uT^Sei/ els ovStv ^ewei Fur. /^r. Mel. 20 (537) TO THE MEMORY OF WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR I NOW DEDICATE, WITH EQUAL AFFECTION, REVERENCE, AND REGRET, A POEM INSCRIBED TO HIM WHILE YET ALIVE IN WORDS WHICH ARE NOW RETAINED BECAUSE THEY WERE LAID BEFORE HIM ; AND TO WHICH, RATHKS THAN CANCEL THEM, I HAVE ADDED SUCH OTHERS AS WERE EVOKED BY THE NEWS OF HIS DEATH : THAT THOUGH LOSING THE PLEASURE I MAY NOT LOSE THE HONOUR OF INSCRIBING IN FRONT OF MY WORK THE HIGHESl OF CONTEMPORARY NAMES. iyyayov affitaffiav 'f}Sinrvooi Kaff aXa, Tr\7\powraL fifXiTOS dedQev ar6fia, fir) rt TloaeiSHv jSXaif/r;, eV axrlv l^o'i' (f^y /xfAiyripvv oira. rotos aoilihs fvats aiJLfKd\u\fie Kapa, f}Sv ri 2«. fff/s, jfpov, aipdu(yos, (piKrare, Se^irepas. ■^ ^{upapa Kons, ?i \paTi , •Kaxipa fiiv, d\A' anh Krjpjs frriTvfj.a' /u.7j5' airoTpei\6rT]Tos &rep. (T'fifiaTos oixofxfvov croi fivii/xar' is varfpov tarai, aol Tf (t>t\^ /xvfjfiri /Uf7JyU.OT0S olxofifvov tv XdpiTfs KKaiovffi deal, K\aUi 5' 'A(ppoS'iTrj KaWixdpots Movffciv Tff^afi.4in] l\os ris fjLaKapecTcn fiporhs, ffol 5' eif rivt Nu/iot Swpa TToOfiva v4fM(tv, ijarara Swp^ , eSoffav. ras vvv xO'^f fs vxvos e/877 Kal avf^vefios aliiv, Kal (Tvv6aiTT0iJ.fyai jxolpav exovffi fiiav. eSSeis Kal crv, Ka\6v koI a.y6.K\vrov ev x^ovl Kol\r) virvov i(piK6fjLevos, (Tr\s airdvocrcpi vdrpas, TTjAe irapa ^avOov TvpariviKhv oiS/jLa nadevSeis vd/xaros, ri 5' Irt v Trep aTruirav eliSe- fidKap 5' rjixiy ouS' a/xeyapros etrei. Baihs eirixQoviwv ye xP^vos Kal fxoipa Kparr.aei, Tovs Se itot' eiicppocrvvri roiis 5e ttot' &Ayos ex^ ■KoWaKi 5' y) ^Kdirrei (t>dos f) (TKdros a'ttpiKaXvirrei /xvpofxevovs, SdKvet 5' vtti'os eyp-rfyoporas' oiiV eff '6r' 4v rvn^oiffi KareSpaOeu on/xa 6av6vTwv t) (TkStos ^ Ti irore repirofievois fi ttot'' dSvpo/xevoLS' a\\' eva irdvres ael daKov crvvexovai koI eSpap ivTl BpoT^s &0poToy, KdWiuov &vri Kaiais. THE ARGUMENT Althtea, daug-hter of Thestius and Eurythemis, queen of Calydon, being- with child of Meleager her first-born son, dreamed that she brought forth a brand burning ; and upon his birth came the three Fates and prophesied of him three things, namely these ; that he should have great strength of his hands, and good fortune in this life, and that he should live no longer when the brand then in the fire were consumed : wherefore his mother plucked it forth and kept it by her. And the child being a man grown sailed with jason after the fleece of gold, and won himself great praise of all men living ; and when the tribes of the north and west made war upon ^tolia, he fought against their army and scattered it. But Artemis, having at the first stirred up these tribes to war against CEneus king of Calydon, because he had offered sacrifice to all the gods saving her alone, but her he had forgotten to honour, was yet more wroth because of the destruction of this army, and sent upon the land of Calydon a wild boar which slew many and wasted all their increase, but him could aone slay, and many went against him and perished. Then were all the chief men of Greece gathered together, and among them Atalanta daughter of lasius the Arcadian, a virgin ; for whose sake Artemis let slay the boar, seeing she favoured the THE ARGUMENT maiden greatly ; and Meleager having despatched it gave the spoil thereof to Atalanta, as one beyond measure enamoured of her ; but the brethren of Althaea his mother, Toxeus and Plexippus, with such others as misliked that she only should bear oif the praise whereas many had borne the labour, laid wait for her to take away her spoil ; but Meleager fought against them and slew them : whom when Althaea their sister beheld and knew to be slain of her son, she waxed for wrath and sorrow like as one mad, and taking- the brand whereby the measure of her son's life was meted to him, she cast it upon a fire ; and with the wasting thereof his life likewise wasted away, that being- brought back to his father's house he died in a brief space ; and his mother also endured not long- after for very sorrow ; and this was his end, and the end of that hunting. THE PERSONS CHIEF HUNTSMAN CHORUS ALTH^A MELEAGER CENEUS ATALANTA TOXEUS PLEXIPPUS HERALD MESSENGER SECOND MESSENGER ioTu 5' 8