STUDENT SERIES D ART OF THE NETHERLANDS AND GERMANY Jpjr bimtirftj UrprntJUttioiiB Illustrating; THE FLEMISH, DUTCH, AND GERMAN SCHOOLS OF PAINTING FROM THE EARLY FIFTEENTH TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN SCULPTURE FROM THE ELEVENTH TO THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY EDITED BY H. H. POWERS, PH.D. MARY MONTAGUE POWERS, A.B. BUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL BOSTON . . _ _ 53631 5707 7 COPYRIGHT, 1907 BY BUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL BOSTON THE EVERETT PRESS 1907 ? . 5301 U58 c futrolwcttott THE series here presented carries on in the field of North- ern Art the work begun in the two series already pub- lished, which illustrate the development of art in Italy during the Early and Late Renaissance. The earlier painters of the Low Countries have, in accordance with the latest scholarship, been grouped together under the general head of the School of the Netherlands, illustrated by the first ninety-seven numbers. Until the war with Spain, after w ? hich only can Holland be said to exist except as a petty province, the artists of both northern and southern provinces mingled freely and, wherever their birthplace, soon found their way to Bruges or to Antwerp, the early centers of artistic in- spiration and patronage. The later history of the two sections of country on either side of the Maas is not more strikingly different than was their art- development. The southern provinces, after one of the most cruel wars on record, returned to their Spanish allegiance and continued in the Catholic faith. Rubens and Van Dyck are the ruling spirits of this period of Later Flemish Painting, covered by ninety-two illustrations. Religious and political conditions differentiated sharply the work of the Dutch painters from that of the Flemings from 1580 on. Hals and Rembrandt are the great names, but the long list of the "Littie Dutchmen" serves to show the growth and prosperity of Holland after her triumph in the struggle for political and religious liberty. One hundred and seventy- three prints catalogued under Dutch School amply illustrate this period. iv THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS In the treatment of German Art, in which are included fifty numbers given to German Sculpture, besides the eighty-eight devoted to German Painting, every effort has been made to secure a representative and consecutive record of its develop- ment from those early days of Bernward, the art-loving Bishop of Hildesheim, to the culmination of the school in the art of Albrecht Durer and Peter Vischcr, and something of success has been attained. The difficulties are^however, twofold: first and most fundamental, the fact that the stormy and disin- tegrated condition of Germany prevented the consistent devel- opment of a protected and nurtured art, Nuremberg being almost the only center of sustained effort; second, the diffi- culty and in many cases the impossibility of securing photo- graphs of important works which do exist scattered through the smaller cities of the Empire. Despite these difficulties, we feel sure that the student will find here a consecutive and fairly complete record of what Germany has given to the world of art before the opening of the modern period. It finds its appro- priate place by the side of Dutch and Flemish. Art not alone because they were contemporaneous, but because they are marked by the same characteristics which distinguish them sharply from the work of Italy and mark their northern spirit. The lover of beauty, even the earnest student of art from the historical side, can scarcely fail to find his heart sinking as he turns over these pages after becoming thoroughly conver- sant with the art of the Italian Renaissance. He misses both the homely and the graceful stories told by Giotto and Ghiberti; the pensive pathos of the Madonna of Botticelli and his deli- cate play of fancy, as well as the riper, completer beauty of Leonardo and Raphael, and the mastery of thought and ex- pression of Michelangelo. The ideal seems lost, so uncon- vincing and so unattractive are these northern saints and Madonnas. Is art, then, lacking? Only a cursory study is necessary to reveal first of all that INTRODUCTION v most fundamental quality of all art sincerity. Genuineness and nobility of thought arc as characteristic of Hubert and Jan Van Eyck as of Orcagna, Fra Angelico, or Ghiberti, their Italian contemporaries. And if they lack that ability to give us the beauty of face and form to which we are accustomed, they are better able to bring to us the reality of the actual per- sonages whom they portray. Madonnas and saints may vary greatly from preconceived or traditional conceptions, but with the donors the well-to-do burghers and their families, anx- ious to perpetuate their memories among neighbors or descend- ants with these most actual people we feel at once at home. Homely indeed they are, as the artist has uncompromisingly told us, but so are our own friends and neighbors nor do we like them the less for that. While in Italian Art we dwell among the clouds, feasting our eyes upon ideals, amongst these Northerners we tread the actual earth amongst friends and acquaintances, even though we may never meet them. More than this, we are charmed constantly by the skill and the con- scientious care with which every piece of work is done. From Jan Van Eyck and Memling, down through Terborch and Dou to the latest of the decadents, scarcely once will you find a careless brush-stroke. One cannot but admire and enjoy work so perfectly, so exquisitely done. Religion, politics, and social conditions, as well as natural bent, combined to give prominence, on the one side, to the genre- piece; on the other, to the portrait not painted for the glory of God, not to adorn the cloister or the altar-wall, to inspire to prayer and contemplation, but for the every-day enjoyment of the people in their homes, to perpetuate the memory of some ancestor or city-father, to reflect scenes with which the home was already familiar. This was the task of the northern artist. And as often in Italian Art we forgive the crudities of form and execution because of the aspiration, the beauty of thought and face still so evident after all the vicissitudes of years, so we VI THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS hang over these little Flemish and Dutch canvases with lov- ing intimacy; because, commonplace, even vulgar though the theme may be, their reality and their perfection give them a permanent place in our admiration. The field of art is wide, and the ruggedness, even the gro- tesqueness, of this northern art forms a suggestive pendant to the suavity, the idealism, of the southern and more classic art. Idealism and Realism these are the two elements which have ever struggled for supremacy. From both the modern world learns to gather its enjoyment and its inspiration. Contents PAGE INTRODUCTION in ILLUSTRATIONS OF SCHOOLS OF ART IN THE NETHERLANDS AND GERMANY FAINTING io Reboot of the /Hubert van Eyck f Jan van Eyck V Roger van der WeydenV' School of Van der Weyden Aelbert van Ouwater Unknown Dutch Master ^ Petrus Cristus Dierick Bouts Justus of Ghent /Hans Memling Hugo van der Goes \/ Gerard van der Meire Jrlieronymus van Aeken (Bosch) Gheerardt David /Quentin Metsys 0.1366 -1426 ) 0.1382 -1440 ) 1400 -1464 0.1430 -1460 0.1470 c.1400 -1473? b.i4io? c.1430 -1494 c.1435 -1482 i45 0? -i5 12 1462 7-1516 i45 0? - I 5 2 3 1466 -1530? Reboot of tbe jftetberlanD? Jan Gossaert (Mabuse) Jan Mostaert Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen Lucas van Leyden Maerten van Heemskerk (van Veen) Tan van Score! Herri met de Bles (Civetta) Bernaert van Orley v/Antonis Mor (Sir Anthony More) Frans Floris (Vriendt) ./ Pieter Brueghel, the Elder*" Martin de Vos Frans Pourbus, the Elder Brueghel, the Younger V c.1474 -1555 14707-1533 1494 -1533 14947-1574 14957-1562 14807-1550? c.i 490 -1542 15127-1581 I 53 ? - I 5 6 9 1532 -1603 r 545 -IS 80 15647-1638 27 28 2Q-.3I ^2^-jJ 35 W 2 'c| 57-66 67-71 72, 73 74 75-77 78,79 80-82 83 84, 85 86-88 89^1 95 96 97 late Jan Brueghel Frans Pourbus, the Younger Reboot 1568 -1625 1570 -1622 98, 99 IOO .VI 11 Jpete THE UNIVERSITY eter Paul RuberiV Peter Paul Rubens and Frans Snyders- Frans Snyders David Teniers, the Elder Gaspard de Craeyer Cornelis de Vos Jacob Jordaens - Justus Sustermans .Anthony van Dyck Simon de Vos David Teniers, the Younger Sir Peter Lely (Van der Faes) uttb Michiel Jansz van Miereveld Jan Ravesteyn ~ ins Hals * Jerard van Honthorst (della Notte) Thomas de Keyser Jan van Goyen Aart van der Neer ^Adriaen Brouwer / Tmbrandt Harmensz van Rijn-"" _^Adriaen van Ostade _ Gerard Dou Bartholomew van der Heist Govaert Flinck Ferdinand Bol Gerard ter Borch V Philips Wouvvermann Claes Pietersz Bert hem - ''Aelbert Cuyp t Isaac van Ostade ' Allart van Everdingen Karel du Jardin Paulus Potter , Jan Havicksz Steen . y^acob Isaacksz van Ruisdarl Gabriel Metsu /^Pieter de Hooch ines Vermeer V Jicolaes Maes. y Jan Bray \ Willem van de Velde Frans van Mieris Melchior d'Hondecoeter /Meindert Hobbema CSspaT NUCsClTer * Jan Weenix Godfried Schalken s ^_ Adriaen van der WeiJTf PRINTS X 577 -1640 . -* ; 140 * -^ 1579 -1657 142-144 1582 -1649 '45 1584 -1669 146, 147 1585 -1651 148 1593 -1678 149-152 1597 -i 68 i '53- '54 1599 -1641 [55-179 1603 -1676 180 1610 -1690 181-187 1618 -1680 iSS, 18-) il 1567 -1641 190, 191 1572 7-1657 192 1 580?-! 666 193-208 1590 -1656 209, 210 1596 -1679 211, 212 1596 -1656 213, 214 1603 -1677 215, 216 1605 -1641 217-219 1606 -1669 220-270 1610 -1685 271-274 1613 -1675 275-279 1613 -1670 280-283 1615 -1660 284, 285 1616 -1680 286-288 1617 -1681 289-296 1619 -1668 297-300 1620 -1683 301, 302 1620 -1691 3O3-3O7 1621 1649 38, 39 1621 -1675 31. 3" 1622 -1678 312 1625 -1654 3 i 3-3 ' 6 1626 -1679 317-319 1 628?-! 682 1630 -1667 326-330 1630 -1677 ? 33 J -335 1632 -1675 336339 1632 -1693 3?~344 01.1697 345 1633 -1707 346-348 1635 -1681 349, 35 1636 -1695 35 1 1638 -1709 352, 353 1639 -1684 354-356 1640 -1719 357 1643 -1706 358 1659 -1722 359 CONTENTS IX Willem van Mien's Jan van Huysum Meister von Soest Meister Wilhelm Imhoff Altarpiece Stephan Lochner Frederick Herlen Master of the Life of Mary Unknown Nuremberg Master M.ister of the Lyve Master of Cologne Michael Wolgemut Martin Schongauer Barthoiomaus Zeitblom /Hans Holbein, the Elder Master of the Death of Man Hans von Kulmbaoh Durer*/ Cranach, the Elder Hans Baldung Grien Hans Burgkmair, the Albrecht Altdorfer __Matthias Griinewaldl/' Holbein, the Younger Georg Pencz Christoph Amberger Heinrich Aldegrever Bartel Beham Anton Raphael Mengs Bishop Bernward Unknown Sculptors " Sculptor Hans Schiilein Veit Stoss Adam Krafft Tilman Riemenschneider Peter Vischer, the Elder Maximilian Monument Peter Vischer, the Younger? Hans Briiggemann Andreas Schlliter i 662 -1747 360, 361 1682 -1749 362 German icbool 11.1250 -1270 3 6 3 ll.Late XIV century 364 " " ' 365 d. 1451 366-369 1449?-! 49 1 ? 37 Mary 1.1460 -1480 Master 0.1460 -1500 372 erg Passion fl-i4O3 -1480 373 XV century 374 1434 -1519 375, 376 c.1450 -1491 377, 378 i c.i45o -1518 379 ler C.I4OO 1524 380-382 if Mary d.i54O 383, 384 1471 -1528 <3^2H- Ider 1472 -1553 415-421 c.i475 -1545 422, 423 Elder 1473 -1531 424, 425 c.1488 -1538 426, 42^. fl.i5i8 -1530? Q28, unger 1497 ~l^43 429T42 1500 -1550 443 c.i 500 -1561 ? 444, 445 c.i 502 -1558? 446 1502 1540 447 1728 -1774 448-450 GERMAN SCULPTURE XI century 451, 45 2 XIII 453-467 XIV 468-470 XV 471 11.1468 1502 472 1440 -1533? 473-475 14407-1507 476-482 ler 1460? 1531 483-485 er 1455 -1529 486-489 t XVI century 490-494 inger? 1487 -1528 495,496 c.i47o -1528 497, 498 1664-1714 499, 5 CATALOGUE OF REPRODUCTIONS XI THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS Errata PLATE 38 . . Read 1494, for 1495. 48 . . Uffizi, for Hospital S. M. Nuova. 72, 73 . c. 1474, for 1474. 80 . . SchoenhoVe, for Schvenhove. 85 . . Herri mei de files, for Herri de files. 109 . . Christ and Four Penitents, for The Four Penitents. T 35> 2 53 Louvre, for Lourve. 209, 210 Honthorst, for Houthorst. 233 . . Dresden, for Cassel. 310, 311 Allart van Everdingen, for Allart Everdingen. 349, 350 Frans van Mieris, for Frans Mieris. 285 . . Arquebusiers celebrating the Peace of Westphalia, lor Schutzenfest. 376 . . Nuremberg, for Niirnberg. 421 . . Royal Museum, for Royal Gallery. 443 . . 1500, for d. 1500. 447 . , Crispinia nus, for Crispianus. 2s>tuUent Five Hundred Reproductions, Illustrating GREEK AND ROMAN SCULPTURE Accompanying Handbook Edited by EDMUND VON MACH, PH.D. 15 ana C One Thousand Reproductions, Illustrating ITALIAN ART Accompanied by Handbook, in two volumes "OUTLINES FOR THE STUDY OF ART" Vol. I. Early Italian Art, XIII. to the XV. Century Vol. II. Italian Art of the XVI. and XVII. Centuries EDITED BY H. H. POWERS, PH.D. MARY M. POWERS, A B. LOUISE M. POWE Recommended by the American Institute of Archaeology. In use in Universi- ties, Colleges, and Secondary Schools ; among others, Amherst, Beloit, Chicago, Dartmouth, Mount Holyoke, Oberlin, Smith, Vassar; Bradford Academy, Chi- cago Latin School, Dana Hall, Howard Seminary, Lasell Seminary, Mount Vernon Seminary, Dr. Sach's School, St. Agnes School. Price of each Series of Prints, $4. OO With accompanying Handbook, $j.oo BUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL BOSTON 9 Q to z 83 i *S to i 58 w i- co ul !2 z %s s^r >- o t uj >: o 518 p OQ ^ > 3 S 1 I ID D2 >3 SINGING ANGELS: Detail, Ghent Altarpiece Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HUBERT VAN EYCK. c. 1366 1426 JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382-1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS ST. CECILIA: Detail. Ghent Altarpiece Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HUBERT VAN EYCK. c. 1366 1426 JAN VAN EYOK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS ADAM AND EVE: Details, Ghent Altarpiece Royal Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS . BOSTON X HUBERT VAN EYCK. c. 1366 1426 JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D6 -Pf :/ *~~ _ D8 ANNUNCIATION: Ghent Altarpiece. Outside of Wings Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HUBERT VAN EYCK. c. 1366 1426 JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D9 JODOCUS AND ISABELLA VYDT : Ghent Altarpiece. Outside of Wings Kaiser Friedrivh Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HUBERT VAN EYCK. c. I3G6 1426 JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D10 UJ I o 1- I- S < S * O -K c Dll VIRGIN AND DONOR Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 1440 /- EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D12 PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH PINKS Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D13 / s JEAN ARNOLFINI AND HIS WIFE National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN IglCK. c. 1382-1440 EARLY SCHObL OF THE NETHERLANDS D14 VIRGIN AND CHILD: Triptych. Center Panel Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D15 DONOR. WITH ST. MICHAEL AND ST. CATHERINE Triptych. Inside of Wings Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 I44O EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS Die D17 CANON VAN DER PAELE : Detail Academy, Bruges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D 18 ST. BARBARA: Sketch Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN EYOK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS Dii TRIUMPH OF THE CHURCH Prado, Madrid (Copy) IE IJNiVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN EYCK. c. 1382 1440 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D21 D22 D23 BEHEADING OF JOHN THE BAPTIST: Wing of Triptych Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROGER VAN DER WEYDEN. 1400 1464 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D24 s D25 ST. LUKE PAINTING THE VIRGIN Louure, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROGER VAN DER WEYDEN. 1400 1464 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS cc > HI OC Q 3 < <3 o! D27 THE PASSING OF LAZARUS Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AELBERT VAN OUWATER. fl. 1430 1460 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D28 THE ANNUNCIATION Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETRUS CRISTUS. c. 1400 1473? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D3O PORTRAIT OF A LADY OF THE TALBOT FAMILY Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETRUS CRISTUS. c. 1400 1473? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D31 LEGEND OF ST. ELIGIUS Oppenheim Collection, Cologne HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETRUS CRISTUS. c. 14001473? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D32 THE PASSOVER Kaiser Frtedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DIERICK BOUTS, d. 1475 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D33 -RLANDS THE JUDGMENT OF KING OTHO Royal Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DIERICK BOUTS, d. 1475 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLA D34 THE UNI D35 THE LAST SUPPER Municipal Gallery, Urbino HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JUSTUS OF GHENT, b. 1410? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D36 < * S * D37 53631 D38 D39 SHRINE OF ST. URSULA S. John's Hospital, Bruges HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS MEMLING. c. 14301494 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D40 THE ARRIVAL AT COLOGNE: Shrine of St. Ursula 8. John's Hospital, Bruges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS MEMLING. c. 14301494 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDi D41 RETURN TO BASLE: Shrine of St. Ursula S. John's Hospital, Bruges IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS MEMLING. c. 1430 1494 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D42 MARTYRDOM OF THE SAINT: Shrine of St. Ursula S. John's Hospital, Bruges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS MEMLING. c. 1430 1494 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D43 PORTRAIT OF MARTIN NIEUWENHOVE : Panel of Diptych S. John's Hospital, Bruges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS MEMLING. c. I43O- 1494 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D44 MADONNA OF THE GOLDEN APPLE: Panel of Diptych St. John's Hospital, Bruges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS MEMLING. c. 14301494 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D45 MADONNA, WITH ANGEL AND DONOR Imperial Gallery, Vienna IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS MEMLING? c. 14301494 FARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D46 JOHN THE BAPTIST; ST. JEROME: Panels from Altarpiece Cathedral, Liibeck THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS MEMLINQ. c . 1430 1494 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D47 LJ u^ a D48 D49 CHRIST BEARING THE CROSS: Triptych, Center Panel Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD VAN DER MEIRE. 14507 1512 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D60 PRESENTATION; CHRIST AMONG THE DOCTORS : Wings of Triptych Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD VAN DER MEIRE. I45O7 1512 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D51 THE TEMPTATION OF ST. ANTHONY Royal Museum, Brussels HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HIERONYMUS VAN AEKEN (BOSCH). 14627 1516 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D52 z < o I- 5 D53 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST: Triptych. Center Panel Academy, Bruges IE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHEERARDT DAVID. 14507 1523 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D54 DONOR AND FIRST WIFE. WITH PATRON SAINTS: Triptych. Inside of Wings Academy, Bruges THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHEERARDT DAVID. 14507 1523 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D55 VIRGIN AND CHILD DONOR'S SECOND WIFE (Triptych, Outside of Wings) Academy, Bruges \E UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHEERARDT DAVID. I45O? 1523 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D66 CANON AND PATRON SAINTS National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GHEERARDT DAVID. 14607 1523 EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D57 THE LIFE OF ST. ANNA: Altarpiece, Center Panel Royal Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON QUENTIN METSYS. 14661530? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D58 THE LIFE OF ST. ANNA: Altarpiece, Inside of Wings Royal Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON QUENTIN METSYS. 1466 1530? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D59 THE LIFE OF ST. ANNA: Altarpiece. Outside of Wings Royal Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON QUENTIN METSYS. 1466 1530 ? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D60 D61 D63 MADONNA AND CHILD Kaiser Frieclrirti Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON QUENTIN METSYS. 1466 1530? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D64 MARY MAGDALEN WITH JAR OF SPIKENARD Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON QUENTIN MET8YS. 14661530? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS c D65 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BANKER AND HIS WIFE Louvre, Paris QUENTIN NIETSYS. 1466 1530? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D66 PORTRAIT OF AN UNKNOWN MAN Liechtenstein, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON QUENTIN MET8Y8. 1466 1530 ? EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D67 ECCE HOMO Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN GOSSAERT (MABUSE). 14707 1541 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D68 PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH ROSARY National Qallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN GOSSAERT (MABUSE). 1470? 1641 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D69 PORTRAIT OF JEAN CARONDELET Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN GOSSAERT (MABUSE). 147071541 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS MADONNA ENTHRONED: Triptych. Center Panel Museum, Palermo THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN GOSSAERT (MABUSE)? 147071541 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D71 ST. CATHERINE ST. DOROTHEA (Wings of Triptych) Museum, Palermo HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN GOSSAERT (MABUSE) ? 14707 1541 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS DV2 DEIPARA VIRGO Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSJON JAN MOSTAERT. 14741555 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D73 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN MOSTAERT. 1474 1555 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D74 D75 D77 D78 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST'S FATHER Metropolitan Museum, New York THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MARTIN HEEMSKERK. 1498 157" SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D79 D80 PORTRAIT Or ANNA VON SCHVENHOVE Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN SCOREL. 14957 1562 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS DB1 PORTRAIT OF A LADY National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN VAN SCOREL. 14957 1562 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D82 D84 ESTHER BEFORE AHASUERUS: Triptych. Center Panel Pinacoteca, Bologna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HERRI MET DE BLES (CIVETTA). 14807 1550? SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D85 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin 'HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HERRI DE BLES. 14807 1550? SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D86 MAGDALEN READING National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BERNAERT VAN ORLEY. c. 14907 1542 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D87 ADORATION OF THE MAGI Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BERNAERT VAN ORLEY. c. 1490 1542 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D88 THE TRIALS OF JOB: Detail Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BERNAERT VAN ORLEY. c. 14901542 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D89 PORTRAIT OF QUEEN MARY OF ENGLAND Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIS MOR. 1512? 1581 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS PORTRAIT OF A MAN Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTONIS MOR. 15127 1581 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D92 THE FALL OF THE ANGELS Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRANS FLORIS. 15187 1570 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D93 D94 D95 O Z O < CO I 10 (_ ~ z < s CO h CC CO uj O > m D96 LADY AND DOG Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRANS POURBUS, THE ELDER. 1545 1680 SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS D97 D98 D 99 I o co I co o w co I J > i* o w D tr iiJ m ^ z -i < D100 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MARIE DE MEDICIS: Detail Louvre, Paris FRANS POURBUS. THE YOUNGER. 1570 1622 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D1O1 o z i . O ^ D102 THE FOUR PHILOSOPHERS Pitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D1O3 ST. SEBASTIAN Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D1O4 RUBENS AND ISABELLA BRANDT A lie Pinakotheh, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 1O5 THE LAST SUPPER Brera, Milan THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D106 DESCENT FROM THE CROSS: Triptych. Center Panel Cathedral, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1677 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D107 THE VISITATION ; THE PRESENTATION : Wings of Triptych Cathedral, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D1O8 1! o o D 1O9 THE FOUR PENITENTS Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL DUO PORTRAIT OF DR. VAN TULDEN A lie Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL Dill THE GREAT LAST JUDGMENT A lie Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRIN" BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 113 D 1 14 D 1 1 5 SATYR AND TIGRESS Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PFTER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D117 ST. AMBROSE AND THE EMPEROR THEODOSIUS Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D118 CHRIST BETWEEN TWO THIEVES (COUP DE LANCE) Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D119 PORTRAIT OF RUBENS Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 I64O LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 120 THE FUR HAT National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D121 HENRI IV RECEIVING THE PORTRAIT OF MARIE DE MEDICIS Louvre, Paris PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D122 ARRIVAL OF MARIE DE MEDICIS AT MARSEILLES Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D123 RECONCILIATION OF MARIE DE MEDICIS WITH HER SON Louure, Parts THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 I64O LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D124 ADORATION OF THE MAGI Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1677 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D125 LADY OF THE BOONEN FAMILY (SUSANNE FOURMENT) Louvre. Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D126 THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE S. Augustin, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D127 MIRACLE OF ST. IUDEFONSO: Triptych. Center Panel Imperial Gallery, Vienna PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D128 DONORS AND THEIR PATRON SAINTS: Triptych, Inside of Wings Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 15771640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D129 THE HOLY FAMILY UNDER AN APPLE-TREE: Triptych, Outside of Wings Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 I64Q LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D ISO PORTRAIT OF AN OLD BISHOP Gallery. Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 131 D132 D 133 i CO T _, . O CO CO CC LU HELENA FOURMENT AND SON Alte Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 136 10 O - I CO CO z T jjj CC LU 111 CO . D136 D137 m O - I . O CO CO UJ CO CC uJ D138 PORTRAIT OF RUBENS (1637 39) Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D139 PORTRAIT OF HELENA FOURMENT Hermitage, St. Petersburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D14O HELENA FOURMENT AS ST. CECILIA Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER PAUL RUBENS. 1577 1640 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 141 I 10 05 O l~- 3C 10 O a < -i uj cc uj "* a. f5 D 142 fc*. z s 3 3 IB w I o S >- _i z u. m u CO H z < CO Z tr a. Es CD h cr oo ui O > CQ D 143 D144 ui - I - D145 D146 ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS Royal Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GASPARD DE CRAEYER. 1584 166 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D147 ST. AUGUSTINE IN ECSTASY Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GASPARD DE CRAEYER. 1584 1669 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D148 FAMILY OF THE ARTIST Royal Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CORNELIS DE VOS. 15851661 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D149 tr .2 "J J: 8 1 u 3 I -J h D160 THE-FOUR EVANGELISTS Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOB JORDAENS. 1593 1678 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D151 c co o 0) T 2o CO CO I Z CO LU = co< 8- D152 PORTRAIT OF ADMIRAL DE RUYTER Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOB JOROAENS. 1593 1678 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 153 PORTRAIT OF GALILEO Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JUSTUS SUSTERMANS. 1597 1681 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D154 PORTRAIT OF THE SON OF FREDERICK III. Pitti, Florence PHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JUSTUS SUSTERMANS. 1597- LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D155 CHRIST CROWNED WITH THORNS Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D156 ST. SEBASTIAN A lie Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1699 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 157 PORTRAIT OF THOMAS DE CARIGNAN Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D158 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Kaiser Frledrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D159 AN ITALIAN NOBLEMAN Wallace Collection, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D160 PORTRAIT OF CARDINAL BENTIVOGLIO Pitti, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D161 THE BETRAYAL OF JESUS Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH 8CHOOU D 162 THE REPOSE IN EGYPT A lie Pinakotheh, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599-1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D163 THE VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH DONORS Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D164 D165 PORTRAIT OF ANNA WAKE Mauritshuis, The Hague THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D166 PORTRAIT OF MARIA LOUISA DE TASSIS Liechtenstein, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 164 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 167 PORTRAIT OF CORNELIUS VAN DER GEEST? National Qalleru, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 168 RICHARDOT AND HIS SON Louure, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D169 A LADY AND HER DAUGHTER Lou are, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D17O O ^ CO O I i 5 z '. s i UJ D171 CHRIST ON THE CROSS Museum, Antwerp THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D172 PORTRAIT OF VAN DYCK Uffizi, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1699 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D 173 D174 PORTRAIT OF DAVID RYCKAERT Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL D175 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES I. OF ENGLAND Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1599 1641 LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL V D 176 CO u I! O o j z uj = cc 3 D281 D282 PORTRAIT OF PAUL POTTER Mauritshuia, The Hague THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BARTHOLOMEW VAN DER HELST. 16131670 DUTCH SCHOOL D283 PORTRAIT OF JAN VAN MALE Metropolitan Museum, New York THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BARTHOLOMEW VAN DER HELST. 1613 1670 DUTCH SCHOOL D284 D285 u. 5 . i -I H 3 OC Q D286 D287 PORTRAIT OF A MATHEMATICIAN Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FERDINAND BOL. 16161680 DUTCH SCHOOL D288 JACOB'S DREAM Qalleru, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FERDINAND BOL. |GIG 1680 DUTCH SCHOOL D289 PORTRAIT OF A MAN IN BLACK National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD TER BORCH. 1617 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D290 THE GALLANT Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD TER BORCH. 1617 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D291 THE DISPATCH Mauritshuis, The Hague THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD TER BORCH. 1617 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D292 THE CONCERT Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD TER BORCH. 1617 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D293 THE APPLE-RARER Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD TER BORCH. 1617 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D204 PATERNAL ADMONITION Kaiser Friedrlch Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD TER BORCH. 1617 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D295 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON THE GUITAR LESSON National Gallery, London GERARD TER BORCH. 1617 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D296 LADY WASHING HER HANDS Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GERARD TER BORCH. 1617 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D297 D208 D299 D3OO D301 D302 D3O3 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST'S DAUGHTER Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AELBERT CUYP. 16201691 DUTCH SCHOOL D304 D3O5 D3O6 D3O7 PORTRAIT OF A MAN National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON AELBERT CUYP. 1620 1691 DUTCH SCHOOL D3O8 HALT ON THE JOURNEY Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 16211649 DUTCH SCHOOL D3O9 WINTER SCENE National Gallery, London FHE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ISAAC VAN O8TADE. 1621 1649 DUTCH SCHOOL D310 LANDSCAPE BY EVENING LIGHT Alte Pinahothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALLART EVERDINGEN. 1621 167 DUTCH SCHOOL D311 D312 THE PASTURE Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON KAREL DU JARDIN. 1622 167 DUTCH SCHOOL D313 D314 D315 THE OLD GREY HUNTER National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PAULUS POTTER. 1625 1654 DUTCH SCHOOL D316 D317 THE MARRIAGE AT CANA Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON - JAN STEEN. 1626 1679 DUTCH SCHOOL D318 THE SICK GIRL Ryks Museum, Amsterdam THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN STEEN. 1626 1679 DUTCH SCHOOL D319 D! 320 THE WATERFALL National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOB /AN RUISDAEL. 1628 1682 DUTCH SCHOOL D321 D32-2 D323 D324 D325 D326 KITCHEN SCENE Ruhs Museum, Amsterdam THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GABRIEL METSU. 1630 1667 DUTCH SCHOOL D327 OLD WOMAN MEDITATING Ryhs Museum, Amsterdam THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GABRIEL METSU. 1630 1667 DUTCH SCHOOL D328 A DUTCH WOMAN Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GABRIEL METSU. 1630 1667 DUTCH SCHOOL D329 THE SLEEPING SPORTSMAN Wallace Collection, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GABRIEL METSU. 1630 1667 DUTCH SCHOOL D33O s PORTRAIT OF ADMIRAL TROMP Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GABRIEL METSU. 1630 1667 DUTCH SCHOOL THE COUNTRY HOUSE Ryks Museum, Amsterdam THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIETER DE HOOCH. 1630 1677? DUTCH SCHOOL D332 COURTYARD OF A DUTCH HOUSE National Galleru, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIETER DE HOOCH. 1630 1677? DUTCH SCHOOL D333 D334 AN INTERIOR Wallace Collection, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIETER DE HOOCH. 16301677? DUTCH SCHOOL D335 THE BUTTERY Ryks Museum, Amsterdam THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIETER DE HOOCH. 16301677? DUTCH 'SCHOOL D336 THE LACE-MAKER Louvre, Paris \ JOHANNES VERMEER. 1632 1676 DUTCH SCHOOL D337 D338 YOUNG WOMAN AT HER TOILET Kaiser Frtedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JOHANNES VERMEER. 1632 1675 DUTCH SCHOOL D339 THE LETTER Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JOHANNES VERMEER. 1632 1675 DUTCH SCHOOL THE CARD-PLAYERS National Gallery, London NICOLAES MAES. 1632 1693 DUTCH SCHOOL D341 THE OLD LACE-MAKER Royal Museum, Brussels NICOLAES MAES. 1632 1693 DUTCH SCHOOL D342 THE SPINNER Ryhs Museum, Amsterdam THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NICOLAES MAES. 1632 1693 DUTCH SCHOOL D343 GRACE BEFORE MEAT Rijks Museum, Amsterdam THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NICOLAES MAES. 1632 1693 DUTCH SCHOOL D344 PORTRAIT OF A MAN National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NICOLAES MAES. 16321693 DUTCH SCHOOL D345 ~ O O I O >. < I cc o < i U- ~r O "5 CO* LU ; D346 5 S D347 . O Eg CO I- CC CO U) O > O D348 THE CANNON-SHOT Ryks Museum, Amsterdam THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON WILLEM VAN DE VELDE. 1633 1707 DUTCH SCHOOL D34G D350 ARTIST AND LADY Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRANS MIERIS. 1635 1681 DUTCH SCHOOL D351 D362 I D353 UJ CO Si H Q c 11 D3B4 THE LETTER-WRITER Qalleru, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CASPAR NETSCHER. 1639 1684 DUTCH SCHOOL D366 LADY AT A SPINNING-WHEEL National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CASPAR NETSCHER. 1639-1684 DUTCH SCHOOL D356 MADAME DE MONTESPAN Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CASPAR NETSCHER. 1639 1684 DUTCH SCHOOL D357 A DEAD HARE A lie Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JAN WEENIX. 1640 1719 DUTCH SCHOOL D368 GIRL WITH A CANDLE Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON OODFRIED SCHALKEN. 1643 1706 DUTCH SCHOOL D359 DANCING NYMPHS Louure, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ADRIAEN VAN DER WERFF. 1659 1722 DUTCH SCHOOL Dseo A MARKET STALL Fitzwilliam Collection, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON WILLEM VAN MIERIS. 1662 IT'S DUTCH SCHOOL D361 THE TRUMPETER Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON WILLEM VAN MIERIS. 1662 1747 DUTCH SCHOOL D362 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FRUIT AND FLOWERS Louure Paris JAN VAN HUYSUM. 1682 1749 DUTCH SCHOOL D363 I o 10 04 -I - o i 6 UJ Z 81 s DC UJ i z .5 o| Q 5 1 1 D364 D365 SI < N- u. c LL k! O z D366 MADONNA OF THE ROSE ARBOR Museum, Cologne THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON 8TEPHAN LOCHNER. d. 1461 GERMAN SCHOOL D367 _ O =9 iu X z S I z 31 Z OE < LU 1 O Q. D368 D369 THE ANNUNCIATION : Panel of Altarpiece S. George, Dlnchelsbuhl FREDERICK HERLEN. 14497 1491? GERMAN SCHOOL D371 SI" *4 gi u. co O z ui < u. S THE CRUCIFIXION Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NUREMBERG MASTER, fl. 1460 1500 GERMAN SCHOOL D373 THE THREE MARIES AT THE TOMB Museum, Cologne THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS MASTER OF THE LYVERSBERG PASSION, fl. 14631480 BOSTON GERMAN SCHOOL D374 DESCENT FROM THE CROSS Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MASTER OF COLOGNE. XV. CENTURY GERMAN SCHOOL D37S THE CRUCIFIXION A lie Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHAEL WOLGEMUT. 14341519 GERMAN SCHOOL D376 VISION OF ST. BERNARD: Detail, Peringsdorfer Altarpiece Germanic Museum, Numbers THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MICHAEL WOLGEMUT. 1434-1511 GERMAN SCHOOL D377 NATIVITY A lie Pinuhothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MARTIN SCHONGAUER. c. 14501491 GERMAN SCHOOL U378 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE Royal Museum, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MARTIN SCHONGAUER. c. 14501491 GERMAN SCHOOL D379 PI 2 5 < S z O 5 5,2 ,8 35 CO CO I- _ D38O ST. SEBASTIAN : Altarpiece, Center Panel A lie Plnahotheh, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN. THE ELDER, c. 1460 1524 GERMAN SCHOOL D381 ST. ELIZABETH; ST. BARBARA: Altarpiece, Inside of Wings Alte Pinahotneh, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN. THE ELDER, c. 1460 1524 GERMAN SCHOOL D382 ANNUNCIATION : Altarpiece. Outside of Wings A lie Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN. THE ELDER, c. 14601624 GERMAN SCHOOL D383 u. o O co "I < 5 tu cc O iu U.O O cc UI CO 2 U384 D386 THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ST. GEORGE S. Lorenz, Nuremberg HANS VON KUi-MBACH. d. 1540? GERMAN SCHOOL D386 ADORATION OF THE MAGI Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS VON KULMBACH. d. 1540? GERMAN SCHOOL I DURER AT THIRTEEN : Drawing THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D388 THE PRODIGAL SON: Engraving THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D389 D390 PORTRAIT OF DURER'S FATHER Uffizl, Florence THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL 1)391 PORTRAIT OF DURER Alte Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON Y ALBRECHT DURER. 14711528 GERMAN SQHOOU D392 DESCENT FROM THE CROSS Alte Pinahotheh, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 152 GERMAN SCHOOL D393 ST. GEORGE ; ST. EUSTACE Wings of the Paumgartner Altarpiece Alte Pinahothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1628 GERMAN SCHOOL D394 ST. EUSTACE (Before the Restoration) Wing of the Paumgartner Altarpiece Alte Plnahotheh, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 GERMAN SCHOOL D395 II 5 = oc O a D396 D397 THE GREAT WHITE HORSE: Engraving THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1628 GERMAN SCHOOL D398 LEGEND OF ST. EUSTACE: Engraving THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D399 MADONNA AND CHILD Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D400 CHRIST ON THE CROSS Oalleru, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 14711528 GERMAN SCHOOL D401 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 14711528 GERMAN SCHOOL. ADAM AND EVE Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D4O3 ADORATION OF THE TRINITY Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D404 THE KNIGHT. DEATH AND THE DEVIL: Engraving THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D4O5 MELANCHOLY: Engraving HE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 14711528 GERMAN SCHOOL 0406 MADONNA CROWNED BY ANGELS: Engraving THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL JJ407 cr z u DC m PRAYING HANDS: Drawing THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D4O9 PORTRAIT OF MAXIMILIAN Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 14711528 GERMAN SCHOOL D410 PORTRAIT OF BERNARD VAN ORLEY Galleru, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D411 PORTRAIT OF HANS IMHOFF? Prado, Madrid THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF HIERONYMUS HOLZSCHUHER Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 14711528 GERMAN SCHOOL D413 ST. JOHN AND ST. PETER Alte Pinakothek. Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D414 ST. PAUL AND ST. MARK A Its Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT DURER. 1471 1528 GERMAN SCHOOL D415 THE REPOSE IN EGYPT Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCAS CRANACH, THE ELDER. 14721653 GERMAN SCHOOL ( D416 PORTRAIT OF A LADY National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCAS CRANACH, THE ELDER. 1472 1653 GERMAN SCHOOL D417 JUDITH Imperial Gallery. Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCAS CRANACH. THE ELDER. 1472 1553 GERMAN SCHOOL D418 D419 THE CRUCIFIXION : Triptych, Center Panel Stadt-Kirche, Weimar THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCAS CRANACH. THE ELDER. 1472 1553 GERMAN SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF GEORG VON BRANDENBURG: Sketch Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCAS CRANACH, THE ELDER. 1472 1553 GERMAN SCHOOL D421 PORTRAIT OF DR. JEAN SCHEURING Royal Gallery, Brussels THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON LUCAS CRANACH, THE ELDER. 1472 1553 GERMAN SCHOOL D422 D423 DEATH AND THE LADY Museum, Basle THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS BALDUNG GRIEN. c. 1475 1545 GERMAN SCHOOL D424 BURGKMAIR AND HIS WIFE Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS BURGKMAIR, THE ELDER. 1473 15 GERMAN SCHOOL ,3, D425 MADONNA AND CHILD Germanic Museum, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS BURGKMAIR. THE ELDER. 1473 1531 GERMAN SCHOOL D426 TAKING THE BODY OF ST. QUIRINUS FROM THE WATER Germanic Museum, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT ALTDORFER. c. 1488 1538 GERMAN SCHOOL D427 THE REPOSE IN EGYPT Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALBRECHT ALTDORFER. c. 1488 1538 GERMAN SCHOOL ST. ERASMUS AND ST. MAURITIUS A lie Pinakothek, Munich THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MATTHIAS GRUNEWALD. fl. 1518 1530? GERMAN SCHOOL D429 K PORTRAIT OF BONIFACE AMERBACH Museum, Basle THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON . HANS HOLBEIN, THE YOUNGER. 1497 1543 GERMAN SCHOOL D43O ii M M 7 W C3 w EC -2 O < D431 PORTRAIT OF ERASMUS Louvre, Paris THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN. THE YOUNGER. 1497 1543 GERMAN SCHOOL D432 MADONNA OF BURGOMASTER MEYER Museum, Darmstadt THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN. THE YOUNGER. 1497-1543 GERMAN SCHOOL D433 MADONNA OF BURGOMASTER MEYER: Copy Gallery, Dresden THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN, THE YOUNGER. 14971543 GERMAN SCHOOL D434 HOLBEIN'S WIFE AND CHILDREN Museum, Basle THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN, THE YOUNGER. 1497 If GERMAN SCHOOL D435 PORTRAIT OF GEORG GISZE Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN, THE YOUNGER. 1497 1543 GERMAN SCHOOL D436 THE AMBASSADORS National Gallery, London THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS HOLBEIN, THE YOUNGER. 1497 1543 GERMAN SCHOOL D437 D438 PORTRAIT OF JANE SEYMOUR Imperial Gallery, Vienna THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON 8 DC O 5-5 D463 D404 FIGURES FROM SOUTH PORTAL West Facade, Cathedral, Strasburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON XIII. CENTURY GERMAN SCULPTURE D465 I- J o X* feg o " Z : si o . GO UJ U. DC *o ^ 2 ^ u. D466 SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST Principal Portal, Cathedral, Strasburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON XIII. CENTURY GERMAN SCULPTURE D467 M ^ GO 5 1 u. 1 iu S I a. H D468 ST. BARTHOLOMEW Germanic Museum, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON XIV. CENTURY GERMAN SCULPTURE D469 I- D Z O g II UJ > ? II IL 5 o * DC 'o D o ml * ui -5 I t D47O z 5* < " CO C lij o (D Q H-* m 4S D471 D472 2 g t CO , CO t K . Ill H J O O C * D473 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST S. Florian, Cracow THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VEIT STOSS. 1440 1533? GERMAN SCULPTURE D474 THE CORONATION OF MARY Castle Chapel, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VEIT STOSS. I44O 1633? GERMAN SCULPTURE D475 THE ANGEL'S GREETING S. Lorenz. Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VEIT STOSS. 1440 1533? GERMAN SCULPTURE D476 trap if torn Sipuflnpifiis $m ^ SECOND STATION OF THE CROSS Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ADAM KRAFFT. 144071507 GERMAN SCULPTURE D477 o DC O III I a u. * O -o z S 2 1 i- % c 1 a D478 D479 D48O RELIEF OVER GATE Civic Weighing-house, Nuremberg ADAM KRAFFT. 14407 1507 GERMAN SCULPTURE D481 MARY, THE MOTHER OF MERCY: Pergenstorfer Tomb Frnuenkirche, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ADAM KRAFFT. 14407 1507 GERMAN SCULPTURE D482 CIBORIUM 5. Lorenz, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ADAM KRAFFT. 14407 1507 GERMAN SCULPTURE D483 THE LAST SUPPER Altar of the Holu Blood, S. James, Rothenburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TILMAN RIEMENSCHNEIDER. I46O? 1531 GERMAN SCULPTURE D484 ADAM AND EVE South Portal, Marienhapelle, Wilrzburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TILMAN RIEMENSCHNEIDER. 146071531 GERMAN SCULPTURE D485 ' TOMB OF BISHOP RUDOLPH VON SCHERENBERG Cathedral, Wiirzburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON TILMAN RIEMENSCHNEIDER. 14607 1531 GERMAN SCULPTURE D486 SHRINE OF ST. SEBALD 5. Sebaldus, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER VISCHER. THE ELDER. 1455 1529 GERMAN SCULPTURE D487 PETER VISCHER: Detail. Shrine of St. Sebald S. Sebaldus, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER VISCHER. THE ELDER. 1455 1529 GERMAN SCULPTURE D488 ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST: Detail. Shrine of St. Sebald S. Sebaldus, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER VISCHER, THE ELDER. 1455 IB29 GERMAN SCULPTURE D489 ST. JAMES: Detail, Shrine of St. Sebald S. Sebaldus, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER VISCHER, THE ELDER. 1455 1529 GERMAN SCULPTURE D490 D491 THEODORIC: Detail, Monument of Maximilian Court Church, Innsbruck THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER VISCHER AND OTHERS. XVI. CENTURY GERMAN SCULPTURE D493 KING ARTHUR: Detail, Monument of Maximilian Court Church, Innsbruch THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER VISCHER AND OTHERS. XVI. CENTURY GERMAN SCULPTURE D494 D495 CHRIST MEETING THE SISTERS OF LAZARUS (Tomb Plate of Margaretha Tucher) Cathedral, Regensburg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER VISCHER, THE YOUNGER? 1487 1528 GERMAN SCULPTURE D496 THE PRAYING MADONNA Germanic Museum, Nuremberg THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PETER VISCHER. THE YOUNGER? 1487 1528 GERMAN SCULPTURE D497 PILATE SHOWING CHRIST TO THE PEOPLE: Detail of Altarpiece Cathedral, Schleswig THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS BRUGGEMANN. c. 1470 1528 GERMAN SCULPTURE D498 THE INCREDULITY OF THOMAS: Detail of Altarpiece Cathedral. Schlesutig THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HANS BRUGGEMANN. c. 14701528 GERMAN SCULPTURE D499 HEAD OF DYING WARRIOR : No. 2 Arsenal Court, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREAS SCHLUTER. 16641714 GERMAN SCULPTURE D500 HEAD OF DYING WARRIOR: No. II Arsenal Court, Berlin THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ANDREAS SCHLUTER. 1664 1714 GERMAN SCULPTURE CATALOGUE OF flbrints STUDENT SERIES D Hrt of metberlanfcs anb BUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL TRINITY PLACE BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO BERLIN PARIS SERIES D art of IRetberlanfcs anfc <5erman\> ABBREVIATIONS. b. . . bom. d. . . died. c. . . about (circa), fi. . . flourish. Kais. Fried. . . Kaiser Friedrich. PAINTING. EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS. Hubert van Eyck. c. 1366-1426. Jan van Eyck. c. 1382-1440. PLATE. 1 . The Ghent Altarpiece. 2 . Christ Enthroned ; the Virgin ; John the Baptist: details of i St. Bavon, Ghent 3 . . Singing Angels : detail of i ... Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 4 . .St. Cecilia: detail of i Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 5 . . Adam and Eve : details of i Museum, Brussels 6 . . Adoration of the Lamb: detail of i . . St. Bavon, Ghent 7 . . Judges ; Champions of Christ ; Pilgrims ; Hermits : details of i . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 8 . . Annunciation: details of i. . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 9 . . Jodocus and Isabella Vydt : details of i. Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Hubert van Eyck. 10 . Holy Women at the Sepukhre. Collection of Sir Francis Cook, Richmond xiv EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS. Jan van Eyck. 11 . Virgin and Donor Louvre, Paris 12 . . Man with Pinks ... Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 13 . . Jean Arnolfini and Wife ... . National Gallery, London 14 . . Madonna and Child: Center of Triptych . . . Gallery, Dresden 15 . . SS. Michael and Catharine: Wings of 14. 16 . Madonna with SS. Donatian and George . . Academy, Bruges 17 . . Canon van der Paele : detail of 16. 18 . St. Barbara: Drawing Museum, Antweip 19 . . Triumph of the Church (copy) Prado, Madrid Roger van der Weyden. 1400-1464. 20 . . Adoration of the Magi: Center of Triptych Alte Pinakothek, Munich 21 . Annunciation; Presentation: Wings of 20. 22 . Altar of Charles V Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 23 . . Beheading of John the Baptist . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 24 . . Descent from the Cross Prado, Madrid 25 . St. Luke painting the Virgin . . . Louvre, Paris 26 . . A Man and his Wife. (School of Van der Weyden). National Gallery, London Aelbert van Ouwater. fl. 1430-1460. 27 . Raising of Lazarus Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Dutch Master, c. 1470. 28 . . Madonna, with Saints and Donor . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Petrus Cristus. c. 1400-1473? 29 . Annunciation Prado, Madrid 30 . A Lady of the Talbot Family . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 31 . . Legend of St. Eligius .... Oppenheim Collection, Cologne Dierick Bouts, d. 1475. 32 . Feast of the Passover . . . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 33 . . Judgment of King Otho Museum. Brussels 34 . . Detail, Decapitation of the Earl ... . . Museum, Brussels Justus of Ghent, b. 1410 ? 35 . . The Last Supper Municipal Gallery, Urbino EARLY SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS xv Hans Memling. c. 1430-1494. 36 . . Adoration of the Magi : Center of Triptych. St John's Hospital, Bruges 37 . Nativity ; Presentation : Wings of 36 (inside). 38 . John the Baptist; St. Veronica: Wings of 36 (outside). 39 Shrine of St. Ursula ... .St. John's Hospital, Bruges 40 . Arrival at Cologne : detail of 39. 41 . Return to Basle: detail of 39. 42 Martyrdom of the Saint : detail of 39. 43 . Martin Nieuwenhove .... St: John's Hospital, Bruges 44 . . Madonna of the Apple .... St. John's Hospital, Bruges 45 Madonna, Angel and Donor . . . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 46 . . John the Baptist; St. Jerome Cathedral, Liibeck Hugo van der Goes. c. 1435-1482. 47 . . Adoration of the Shepherds : Center of Portinari Altarpiece . . . . . . Uffizi, Florence 48 . . Donors, with Patron Saints: Wings of 47. Gerard van der Meire. 14507-1512. (Attributed.) 49. . Christ bearing the Cross : Center of Triptych Museum, Antwerp 50 . . Presentation ; Christ among the Doctors : Wings of 49. Hieronymus van Aeken (Bosch). 14627-1516. 51 . . Temptation of St. Anthony ... . . Museum, Brussels Gheerardt David. 14507-1523. 52 The Marriage at Cana . . . Louvre, Paris 53 . . Baptism of Christ : Center of Triptych . Academy, Bruges 54 . Donor and First Wife : Wings of 53 (inside). 55 . . Virgin and Child; Donor's Second Wife: Wings of 53 (outside). 56 . . Canon and Patron Saints .... National Gallery, London Quentin Metsys. 1466-1530? 57 . Life of St. Anne : Center of Triptych . . . Museum, Brussels 58 . Life of St. Anne : Wings of 57 (inside). Death of St. Anne. Announcement of the Birth of the Virgin. xvi SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS. 59 . Life of St. Anne : Wings of 57 (outside). Marriage Offerings of SS. Joachim and Anne. Expulsion of St. Joachim from the Temple. 60 . . Group of Heads : detail, Expulsion of St. Joachim. 61 . . Preparing Christ for Burial : Center of Triptych . " , ...'>. . Museum, Antwerp 62 . Martyrdom of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist : Wings of 61. 63 . Madonna and Child . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 64 . . Mary Magdalen with Jar of Spikenard . . Museum, Antwerp 65 . . Banker and His Wife Louvre, Paris 66 . . Portrait of an Unknown Man ... . Liechtenstein, Vienna SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS. Jan Gossaert (Mabuse). 14707-1541. 67 . Ecce Homo Museum, Antwerp 68 . A Man with Rosary . . . National Gallery, London 69 . Jean Carondelet . Louvre, Paris 70 . . Madonna Enthroned: Center of Triptych Museum, Palermo 71 . SS. Catherine and Dorothea: Wings of 70. (Attribution of 70 and 71 is questioned.) Jan Mostaert. c. 1474-1555. (Attributed.) 72 . . Deipara Virgo Museum, Antwerp 73 . . Portrait of a Man ... Museum, Antwerp Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen. 1470 7-1533. 74 . . Madonna, Saints, and Donors . . Kais. Fried. Museum, _Berlin Lucas van Leyden. 1494-1533. 75 . . The Chess Players . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 76 . . St. Jerome Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 77 . Adoration of the Magi Museum, Antwerp Maertin van Heemskerk (van Veen). 14947-1574. 78 . . The Artist's Father . . Metropolitan Museum, New York 79 . . Momus criticising the Works of the Gods. Kais. Fried Museum, Berlin SCHOOL OF THE NETHERLANDS. xvii Jan van Scorel. 1495 7-1562. 80 . Anna van Schoenhove Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 8 1 . . Portrait of a Lady ' . . National Gallery, London 82 . David killing Goliath Gallery, Dresden Joachim Patinir. d. 1548? 83 . . Repose in Egypt Museum, Brussels Herri met de Bles (Civetta). 1480 7-1550 7 84 . . Esther before Ahasuerus / . . Pinacoteca, BoLogna 85 . . Portrait of a Man Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Bernaert van Orley. c. 1490-1542. 86 . . Magdalen Reading National Gallery, London 87 . Adoration of the Magi Museum, Antwerp 88 . Trials of Job : detail ... Museum, Brussels Antom's Mor (Sir Anthony More). 1512 7-1581. 89 . . Two Clerics Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 90 . . Queen Mary of England Prado, Madrid 91 . Portrait of a Man Gallery, Dresden Frans Floris (Vriendt) . 15187-1570. 92 . . Fall of the Angels Museum, Antwerp Pieter Brueghel, the Elder. 1530 7-1569. 93 . Peasant Wedding Imperial Gallery, Vienna 94 . . Parable of the Blind Men Louvre, Paris Martin de Vos. 1532-1603. 95 . Temptation of St. Anthony : detail Museum, Antwerp Frans Pourbus, the Elder. 1545-1580. 96 . Lady and Dog Gallery, Dresden Pieter Brueghel, the Younger. 1564 7-1638. 97 . Winter Landscape Imperial Gallery, Vienna xviii LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL. LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL. Jan Brueghel. 1568-1625. 98 . . Adoration of the Magi Imperial Gallery, Vienna 99 . . Legend of St. Hubert Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Frans Pourbus, the Younger. 1570-1622. 100 . . Marie de Medicis : detail Louvre, Paris Peter Paul Rubens. 1577-1640. 101 . . Crowning the Hero of VirtUe Gallery, Dresden 102 . Four Philosophers ... \ ..... . . Pitti, Florence 103 . .St. Sebastian Kais. Fried. Museum. Berlin 104 . . Rubens and Isabella Brandt .... Alte Pinakothek, Munich 105 . The Last Supper . . . Brera, Milan 106 Descent from the Cross: Center of Triptych. Cathedral, Antwerp 107 . Visitation; Presentation: Wings of 106. 108 Madonna of the Parrot Museum, Antwerp 109 Christ and Four Penitents .... Alte Pinakothek, Munich no Dr. van Tulden ..... Alte Pinakothek, Munich in . The Great Last Judgment . . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 112 . Lion Hunt Alte Pinakothek, Munich 113 Perseus and Andromeda . . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 114 . The Child Jesus, with St. John and Angels. Imperial Gallery, Vienna 115 Satyr and Tigress -. '. Gallery, Dresden 116 . Christ a la Paille : Triptych Museum, Antwerp 117 . St. Ambrose and Theodosius . . . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 118 . , Christ between Thieves (Coup de Lance) . Museum, Antwerp 119 . . Portrait of Rubens Uffizi, Florence 1 20 . The Fur Hat National Gallery, London 121 . Henry IV. receiving the Portrait of Marie de Medicis Louvre, Paris 122 . . Arrival of Marie de Medicis at Marseilles . . Louvre, Paris 123. Reconciliation of Marie de Medicis with her Son Louvre, Paris 124 . . Adoration of the Magi . Museum, Antwerp 125 . A Lady of the Boonen Family Louvre, Paris 126 Marriage of St. Catherine ... St. Augustin, Antwerp LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL. xix 127 . . Miracle of St. Ildefonso : Center ot Triptych. Imperial Gallery, Vienna 128 . . Donors and Saints: Wings of 127 (inside). 129 . . Holy Family under an Apple Tree . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 130 Portrait of an Old Bishop Gallery, Dresden 131 . . "Quos Ego!" Gallery, Dresden 132 . . La Ronda . . Prado, Madrid 133 . . The Judgment of Paris '. . . . . National Gallery, London 134 . . Helena Fourment and Son . . . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 135 . . La Kermesse .- Louvre, Paris 136 . . The Castle of Steen National Gallery, London 137 . . Mercury and Argus Museum, Brussels 138 . . Portrait of Rubens (1637-39) . . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 139 . . Helena Fourment .... . Hermitage, St. Petersburg 140 . . Helena Fourment as St. Cecilia Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 141 . . Stag Hunt. (Rubens and Snyder 5 ), Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Frans Snyders. 1579-1657. 142 . . Boar Hunt Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 143 . Lioness Attacking Boar Alte Pinakothek, Munich 144 . Dogs in the Kitchen Louvre, Paris David Terriers, the Elder. 1582-1649. 145 . . Dutch Kitchen Metropolitan Museum, New York Gaspard de Craeyer. 1584-1669. 146 . . Adoration of the Shepherds Museum, Brussels 147 . . St. Augustine in Ecstasy Louvre, Paris Cornells de Vos. 1585-1651.' 148 . . Family of the Artist . Museum, Brussels Jacob Jordaens. 1593-1678. 149 . . The Concert Louvre, Paris 1 50 . . Four Evangelists ... Louvre, Paris 151 . . Atalanta and Meleager Prado, Madrid 152 . . Admiral de Ruyter Louvre, Paris xx LATE FLEMISH SCHOOL. Justus Sustermans. 1597-1681. 153 . . Portrait of Galileo Uffizi, Florence i 54 . . The Son of Frederick III Pitti, Florence Anthony van Dyck. 1599-1641. 155 . Christ crowned with Thorns . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 156 . . St. Sebastian Alte Pinakothek, Munich 157 . . Thomas de Carignan , . . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 158 . . Portrait of a Lady Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 159 . An Italian Nobleman ... . Wallace Collection, London 1 60 . . Cardinal Bentivoglio Pitti, Florence 161 . The Betrayal of Jesus Prado, Madrid 162 . . Repose in Egypt Alte Pinakothek, Munich 163 . . Virgin and Child, with Donors Louvre, Paris 164 . . Sebastian Leers and Family Gallery, Cassel 165 . Anna Wake .... . . . . Mauritshuis, The Hague 1 66 . . Maria Louisa de Tassis . ... Liechtenstein, Vienna 167 . . Cornelius van der Geest (?) .... National Gallery, London 168 . . Richardot and his Son Louvre, Paris 169 . Lady and her Daughter Louvre, Paris 170 . . The Bewailing Museum, Antwerp 171 . . Christ on the Cross Museum, Antwerp 172 . . Portrait of Van Dyck Uffizi, Florence 173 . Endymion Porter and Van Dyck ... . Prado, Madrid 174 . . David Ryckaert ... . Prado, Madrid 175 . . Charles I. of England Louvre, Paris 176 . . Children of Charles I. . Gallery, Dresden 177 . The Duke of Richmond . . Metropolitan Museum, New York 178 . Prince Rupert . . . . . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 179 . . Mary Ruthven, Wife of Van Dyck . Alte Pinakothek, Munich Simon de Vos. 1603-1676. i So . . Portrait of Simon de Vos Museum, Antwerp David Teniers, the Younger. 1610-1690. 181 . . Peter's Denial Louvre, Paris 182 . Temptation of St. Anthony . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 183 . . The Seasons: Autumn; Winter . National Gallery, London 184 . . The Bagpipe Player . . Louvre, Paris DUTCH SCHOOL. xxi 185 . The Smoker . Louvre, Paris 1 86 . . Village Festival . Museum, Brussels 187 . Sacrifice of Abraham Imperial Gallery, Vienna Sir Peter Lely (Van der Faes). 1618-1680. 1 88 . . The Duchess of Richmond Hampton Court 189 . . Portrait of Cromwell (attributed) Pitti, Florence DUTCH SCHOOL. Michiel van Miereveld. 1567-1641. 190 . . Portrait of a Lady Prado, Madrid 191 . , Portrait of a Lady .... Metropolitan Museum, New York Jan Ravesteyn. 15727-1657. 192 . . Officers of the Guild of St. Sebastian. Municipal Museum, The Hague Frans Hals. 15809-1666. 193 . . Banquet of St. George's Company . Town Hall, Haarlem 194 . . Laughing Cavalier Wallace Collection, London 195 . Portrait of Olycan Mauritshuis, The Hague 196 . . Portrait of a Man Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 197 . . Portrait of a Lady Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 198 . Hals and his Wife Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 199 . Banquet of St. Andrew's Company (1627), Town Hall, Haarlem 200 . . Fool with a Lute (copy) Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 201 . . La Bohemienne . . Louvre, Paris 202 . . Nurse and Child Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 203 . . Portrait of a Woman . Metropolitan Museum, New York 204 . . Officers of St. Andrew's Company (1633) Town Hall, Haarlem 205 . . Group of Heads : detail of 204. 206 . . Woman with Parrot Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 207 . . Portrait of a Man . ... National Gallery, London 208 . . Directresses of the Almshouse .... Town Hall, Haarlem Gerard van Honthorst (della Notte). 1590-1656. 209 . . Nativity . . Uffizi, Florence 210 . . Cimon and Pera Alte Pinakothek, Munich xxii DUTCH SCHOOL. Thomas de Keyser. 1596-1679. 211 . . Anatomy Lesson Kyks Museum, Amsterdam 212 . .A Savant Mauritshuis, The Hague Jan van Goyen. 1596-1656. 213 . . View of Nymwegen . . . . Kais Fried. Museum, Berlin 214 . . View of the Maas before Dordrecht, Ryks Museum, Amsterdam Aart van der Neer. 1603-1677. 215 . . Landscape by Moonlight ....... Mauritshuis, The Hague 216 . . Fire in a Dutch Town .... Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Adriaen Brouwer. 1605-1641. 217 . . Quarreling Gamesters Alte Pinakothek, Munich 218 . . The Smoker . . . Louvre, Paris 219 . . Landscape by Moonlight . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Rembrandt van Rijn. 1606-1669. 220 . . The Money Changer .... Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 221 . . Study of a Head Gallery, Cassel 222 . . Rembrandt's Father Mauritshuis, The Hague 223-, ^Presentation in the Temple . . . Mauritshuis, The Hague 224 . . Portraits of a Gentleman and his Wife . . Museum, Boston 225 . . Dr. Tulp's Anatomy Lesson . . Mauritshuis, The Hague 226 . . Group of Heads : detail of 225. 227 . . Rembrandt's Sister . Brera, Milan 228 . Philosopher in Meditation . Louvre, Paris 229 . . Shipbuilder and his Wife . . . Buckingham Palace, London 230 . . Descent from the Cross . . . . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 231 . . Saskia . . . ,'j. . . . . Gallery, Cassel ^^32 . . Rembrandt and Saskia / . . . Gallery, Dresden _ -233 . . Head of Rembrandt : detail of 232. 234 . Portrait of Rembrandt (1635) . Pitti, Florence 235 . . Polish Nobleman . . . . Hermitage, St. Petersburg ^236 *Y Portrait of Rembrandt : Etching. 237 . Rape of Ganymede Gallery, Dresden 238 . . Portrait of Swalmius Museum, Antwerp 239 . . The Angel leaving Tobias .... . Louvre, Paris 240 . . Landscape Ryks Museum, Amsterdam DUTCH SCHOOL. xxiii 241 . . Samson's Wedding Feast Gallery, Dresden 242 . . Portrait of a Young Woman Gallery, Cassel 243 . Rembrandt's Mother . . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 244 . . Portrait of Rembrandt (1640) . . National Gallery, London 245 . . The Carpenter's Household Louvre, Paris 246 . . Portrait of a Man, seated , Museum, Brussels 247 . . Saskia holding a Pink .... ... Gallery, Dresden 248-^-^ The Night Watch . ... Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 249 . Portrait of Elizabeth Bas .... Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 250 . . Girl at the Window . . Gallery, Duhvich 251 . . Old Woman weighing Gold Gallery, Dresden 252 . . Abraham's Sacrifice : Etching. 253 . . Christ at Emmaus Louvre, Paris 254 . . The Ruin Gallery, Cassel 255 Christ healing the Sick : Etching. 256 . . Man with the Helmet Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 257 . Portrait of a Lady ... Louvre, Paris 258 . . Entombment .... Gallery, Dresden 259 . Woman Bathing (Bathsheba) Louvre, Paris 260 . . Portrait of an Old Man . Gallery, Dresden 261 . Jacob blessing the Sons of Joseph Gallery, Cassel 262 . . Portrait of Titus Wallace Collection, London 263 . . The Rabbi National Gallery, London 264 . Nicolaes Bruyningh Gallery, Cassel 265 . . Portrait of Rembrandt (1658) . . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 266 . Old Man with Red Cap . . . National Gallery, London 267 . Young Woman at the Window . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 268 . Syndics of the Cloth Hall . . . Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 269 . Portrait of Rembrandt (1664) . . National Gallery, London 270 . .'Old Man with Pearls in his Hat ... . Gallery, Dresden Adriaen van Ostade. 1610-1685. 271 . . Artist in his Studio ... Gallery, Dresden 272 . Men and Women in a Village Inn .... Gallery, Dresden 273 . Itinerant Fiddler Mauritshuis, The Hague 274 . The Smoker . ... . . . Gallery, Dulwich Gerard Dou. 1613-1675. 275 . Hermit in Prayer Gallery, Dresden xxiv DUTCH SCHOOL. 276 . . The Young Mother Mauritshuis, The Hague 277 . The Dropsical Woman Louvre, Paris 278 . The Old Schoolmaster Gallery, Dresden 279 . . Girl chopping Onions Buckingham Palace, London Bartholomew van der Heist. 1613-1670. 280 . . Banquet of Arquebusiers, celebrating the Peace of Westphalia . . Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 281 . . Archery Prizes of the Guild of St. Sebastian Louvre, Paris 282 . Paul Potter . . Mauritshuis, The Hague 283 . . Jan van Male Metropolitan Museum, New York Govaert Flinck. 1615-1660. 284 , . Isaac blessing Jacob Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 285 . . Arquebusiers celebrating the Peace of Westphalia Ryks Museum, Amsterdam Ferdinand Bol. 1616-1680. 286 . . Regents of Lepers' Hospital . . . Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 287 . . A Mathematician Louvre, Paris 288 . . Jacob's Dream .... Gallery, Dresden Gerard ter Borch. 1617-1681. 289 . . A Man in Black National Gallery, London 290 . . The Gallant ... Louvre, Paris 291 . . The Dispatch Mauritshuis, The Hague -292 . . The Concert Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 293 . . The Apple Parer Imperial Gallery, Vienna 294 . . "Paternal Admonition" .... Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 295 . . The Guitar Lesson National Gallery, London 296 . " . Lady washing her Hands Gallery, Dresden Philips Wouwermann. 1619-1668. 297 . . Hotel Stable .... Gallery, Dresden 298 . . Cavalry Skirmish on a Bridge . . . . Pinacoteca, Turin 299 . . The Kicking Horse Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 300 . . Laborers' Mid-day Meal Gallery, Cassel DUTCH SCHOOL. xxv Claes Berchem. 1620-1683. 301 . . The Ford Louvre, Paris 302 . . Roman Fountain Gallery, Dulwich Aelbert Cuyp, 1620-1691. 303 . . The Artist's Daughter ....... . Museum, Boston 304 . . The Promenade Louvre, Paris 305 . . River Scene Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 306 . . Landscape with Cattle National Gallery, London 307 , . Portrait of a Man National Gallery, London Isaac van Ostade. 1621-1649, ^ 308 . . Halt on the Journey Louvre, Paris 309 . . Winter Scene National Gallery, London Allart van Everdingen. 1621-1675. 310 . . Landscape by Evening Light .... Alte Pinakothek, Munich 311 . . The Great Waterfall Gallery, Dresden Karel du Jardin. 1622-1678. 312 . The Pasture Louvre, Paris Paulus Potter. 1625-1654. 313 . The Young Bull Mauritshuis, The Hague 314 . . The Wolf Hound Hermitage, St. Petersburg 315 . . The Old Grey Hunter . . . . National Gallery, London 316 . . Farmyard Scene . . . . . . Mauritshuis, The Hague Jan Steen. 1626-1679. 317 . . The Marriage at Cana Gallery, Dresden 318 . . The Sick Girl Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 319 . The Artist's Family . . Mauritshuis, The Hague Jacob van Ruisdael. 16287-1682. 320 . . The Waterfall National Gallery, London 321 . . Troubled Sea Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 322 . . Entrance to the Forest Louvre, Paris 323 . . Edge of the Wood Gallery, Dulwich 324 . . The Jewish Cemetery Gallery, Dresden 325 . . Bentheim Castle Gallery, Dresden xxvi DUTCH SCHOOL. Gabriel Metsu. 1630-1667. 326 . . Kitchen Scene Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 327 . . Old Woman Meditating . ... Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 328 . . A Dutch Woman Louvre, Paris 329 . . Sleeping Sportsman Wallace Collection, London 330 . . Admiral Tromp Louvre, Paris Pieter de Hooch. 1630-1677? -331 . . The Country House Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 332 . . Courtyard of a Dutch House . . . National Gallery, London 333 . . Maternal Care Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 334 . . An Interior Wallace Collection, London 335 . . The Buttery . . Ryks Museum, Amsterdam Johannes Vermeer. 1632-1675. 336 . . Lace Maker Louvre, Paris 337 . . Gentleman and Lady drinking Wipe. Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 338 . . Young Woman at her Toilet . . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 339 . . The Letter Gallery, Dresden Nicolaes Maes. 1632-1693. 340 . . Card Players National Gallery, London 341 . Old Lace Maker Museum, Brussels 342 . . The Spinner Ryks Museum, Amsteidam 343 . . Grace before Meat Ryks Museum, Amsterdam 344 . . Portrait of a Man National Gallery, London Jan Bray. d. 1697. 345 . . Directresses of an Orphanage . . . Town Hall, Haarlem Willem van de Velde. 1633-1707. 346 4 Shipping in a Calm National Gallery, London 347 . . A Gale National Gallery, London 348 . . The Cannon Shot Ryks Museum, Amsterdam Frans van Mieris. 1635-1681. 349 . The Tinker Gallery, Dresden 350 . . Artist and Lady Gallery, Dresden GERMAN SCHOOL. xxvii Melchior d'Hondecoeter. 1636-1695. 351 . . Eagles attacking Fowl .... Louvre, Paris Meindert Hobbema. 1638-1709. \ 352 . . Watermill National Gallery, London XJ53 . . Middleharnais Avenue National Gallery, London Caspar Netscher. 1639-1684. 354 . . The Letter Writer . . Gallery, Dresden 355 . . Lady at a Spinning Wheel .... National Gallery, London 356 . . Madame de Montespan Gallery, Dresden Jan Weenix. 1640-1719. 357 . . A Dead Hare Alte Pinakothek, Munich Godfried Schalken. 1643-1706. 358 . . Girl with a Candle Gallery, Dresden Adriaen van der Werfi 1659-1722. 359 . . Dancing Nymphs Louvre, Paris Willem van Mieris. 1662-1747. 360 . Market Stall Fitzwilliam Collection, Cambridge 361 . . The Trumpeter . . Gallery, Dresden Jan van Huysum. 1682-1749. 362 . . Fruit and Flowers Louvre, Paris GERMAN SCHOOL. Meister von Soest. fl. 1250-1270. 363 . . The Trinity: Triptych Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Meister Wilhelm. fl. Late Fourteenth Century. 364 . . Madonna of the Bean Flower: Triptych . . Museum, Cologne Late Fourteenth Century? 365 . . Imhoff Altai-piece . . St. Lorenz, Nuremberg Stephan Lochner. d. 1451. 366 . . Madonna of the Rose Arbor Museum, Cologne xxviii GERMAN SCHOOL. 367 . . Adoration of the Magi : Center of Triptych, Cathedral, Cologne 368 . . St. Ursula; St. Gereon: Wings of 367 (inside). 369. .Annunciation: Wings of 367 (outside). Frederick Herlen. 14497-1491? 370 . . Annunciation . St. George, Dinkelsbiihl Master of the Life of Mary. fl. 1460-1480. 371 . . Presentation of the Virgin Alte Pinakothek, Munich Nuremberg Master, fl. 1460-1500. 372 . . Crucifixion Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Master of the Lyversberg Passion fl. 1463-1480. 373 . . Three Maries at the Tomb Museum, Cologne Master of Cologne. Fifteenth Century. 374 . . Descent from the Cross Louvre, Paris Michael Wolgemut. 1434-1519. 375 . . Crucifixion Alte Pinakothek, Munich 376 . . Vision of St. Bernard .... Germanic Museum, Nuremberg Martin Schongauer. c. 1450-1491. 377 . . Nativity (attribution questioned) . . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 378 . . Christ before Pilate Museum, Brussels Bartholomaus Zeitblom. c. 1450-1518. 379 . . Madonna with Saints .... Germanic Museum, Nuremberg Hans Holbein, the Elder, c. 1460-1524. 380 . . St. Sebastian: Center of Triptych . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 381 . . SS. Elizabeth and Barbara: Wings of 380 (inside). 382 . . Annunciation : Wings of 380 (outside). Master of the Death of Mary. d. 1540. 383 . . Death of Mary : Center of Triptych . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 384 . Donors, with Patron Saints : Wings of 383. GERMAN SCHOOL. xxix Hans von Kulmbach. d. 1540? 385 . . St. George St. Lorenz, Nuremberg 386 . . Adoration of the Magi Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Albrecht Durer. 1471-1528. 4387 . . Diirer at Thirteen : Drawing ....... Albertina, Vienna 388 . Prodigal Son: Engraving. 389 Madonna, with SS Anthony and Sebastian . Gallery, Dresden 390 . . Diirer's Father . . Uffizi, Florence .,391 . . Portrait of Diirer (1500) .... Alte Pinakothek, Munich 392 . . Descent from the Cross Alte Pinakothek, Munich 393 . . SS. George and Eustace: Wings of Paumgartner Altarpiece . . . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 394 . St. Eustace (before restoration: cf. 393). 395 . . Adoration of the Magi Uffizi, Florence 396 . Virgin and Child: detail of 395. 397 The Great White Horse : Engraving. 398 . . Legend of St. Eustace: Engraving. 399 . . Madonna and Child Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 400 . . Christ on the Cross Gallery, Dresden 401 Portrait of a Lady Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 402 . Adam and Eve . . Prado, Madrid 403 . Adoration of the Trinity Imperial Gallery, Vienna 404 . . Knight, Death and the l^evil : Engraving. 405 . Melancholy : Engraving. 406 Madonna Crowned by Angels : Engraving. 407 St. Anthony : Engraving. 408 . . Praying Hands: Drawing Albertina, Vienna 409 . Portrait of Maximilian Imperial Gallery, Vienna 410 , . Bernard van Orley . Gallery, Dresden 411 . Hans Imhoff (?) Prado, Madrid 412 . Hieronymus Holzschuher . . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 413 . St. John and St. Peter Alte Pinakothek, Munich 4t4 . .St. Paul and St. Mark Alte Pinakothek, Munich Lucas Cranach, the Elder. 1472-1553. Repose in Egypt Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Portrait of a Lady National Gallery, London xxx GERMAN SCHOOL. 417 . . Judith . Imperial Gallery, Vienna 418 . Woman taken in Adultery . . . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 419. .Crucifixion: Center of Triptych . . Stadt-kirche, Weimar 420 . Georg von Brandenburg: Sketch . . . Gallery, Dresden 421 . . Dr. Jean Scheuring Museum, Brussels Hans Baldung Grien. c. 1475-1545. 422 . . Adoration of the Magi: Triptych . . Alte Pinakothek, Munich 423 . . Death and the Lady Museum, Basle Hans Burgkmair, the Elder. 1473-1531. 424 . . Burgkmair and his Wife Imperial Gallery, Vienna 425 . Madonna and Child Germanic Museum, Nuremberg Albrecht Altdorfer. c. 1488-1538. 426 . Taking the Body of St. Quirinus from the Water Germanic Museum, Nuremberg 427 . . Repose in Egypt Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Matthias Griinewald fl. 1518-1530? 428 . . SS. Erasmus and Mauritius Alte Pinakothek, Munich Hans Holbein, the Younger. 1497-1543. 429 . . Boniface Amerbach . . Museum, Basle 430 . . The Dead Christ . > . . Museum, Basle 431 . . Portrait of Erasmus Louvre, Paris 432 . . Madonna of Burgomaster Meyer . . . Museum, Darmstadt 433 . . Madonna of Burgomaster Meyer (copy) . . Gallery, Dresden 434 . . Holbein's Wife and Children Museum, Basle 435 . Georg Gisze Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin 436 . . The Ambassadors National Gallery, London 437 . . Robert Cheseman with Falcon . . . Mauritshuis, The Hague 438 . Jane Seymour Imperial Gallery, Vienna 439 . . Hubert Morett . Gallery, Dresden 440 . . Christina, Princess of Denmark . National Gallery, London 441 . . Head of Melancthon : Drawing . Royal Collection, Windsor 442 . . Portrait Study of Clinton: Drawing, Roya^ Collection, Windsor Georg Pencz. 1500-1550. 443 . . Schwetzer and his Wife Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin GERMAN SCULPTURE xxxi Christoph Amberger. c. 1500-1561? 444 . Portrait of a Man National Gallery, London 445 . . Sebastian Miinster Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Heinrich Aldegrever. c 1502-1558? 446 . . Portrait of a Youth Liechtenstein, Vienna Bartel Beham. 1502-1540. 447 . . SS. Crispin and Crispinian us . . . Kais. Fried. Museum, Berlin Anton Raphael Meiigs. 1728-1774. 448 . . Maria Josefa, Archduchess of Austria . . . Prado, Madrid 449 . . Louis de Silvestre Gallery, Dresden 450 . . Parnassus Villa Albani, Rome GERMAN SCULPTURE. Bishop Bernward. Eleventh Century. 451 . Upper Half of Bronze Doors .... Cathedral, Hildesheim 452 . Lower Half of Bronze Doors Cathedral, Hildesheim Thirteenth Century. 453 . Baptismal Font Cathedral, Hildesheim 454 . . Archangel Michael Choir, Cathedral, Bamberg 455 . . Equestrian Statue of Conrad III. (?) . Cathedral, Bamberg 456 Worship of the Virgin Cathedral, Bamberg 457 . The Synagogue; The Church Cathedral, Bamberg 458 . . Count Ekkehard and Countess Uta . Cathedral, Naumburg 459 . . A Canoness Cathedral, Naumburg 460 . . Tomb of Henry the Lion and his Consort, Matilda Cathedral, Brunswick 461 . . Adoration of the Magi . . . Golden Gate, Cathedral, Freiberg 462 . . Christ between Mary and John ; Abraham's Sacrifice . . Pulpit, Castle Chapel, Wechselburg 463 . . Moses ; Christ between Mary and John Pulpit, Castle Chapel, Wechselburg 464 . . Figures from South Portal Cathedral, Strasburg 465 . . Figures from North Portal Cathedral, Strasburg 466 . Scenes from the Life of Christ .... Cathedral, Strasburg 467 . . Death of Mary Cathedral, Strasburg xxxii GERMAN SCULPTURE. Fourteenth Century. 468 . . St. Bartholomew Germanic Museum, Nuremberg 469 . . Death and Burial of Mary St Sebaldus, Nuremberg 470 . Upper part of Bride's Door .... St. Sebaldus, Nuremberg Fifteenth Century. 471 . . Mary Enthroned, with Saints Museum, Augsburg Hans Schiilein. fl. 1468-1502. 472 . . Scenes from the Passion. High Altar, Abbey Church, Tiefenbronn Veit Stoss. 1440-1533? 473 . . Baptism of Christ . . Johannes Altar, St. Florian, Cracow 474 . . Coronation of Mary Castle Chapel, Nuremberg 475 . The Angel's Greeting St Lorenz, Nuremberg Adam Krafft. 14407-1507. 476 Second Station of the Cross Nuremberg 477 Sixth Station of the Cross . . . . Nuremberg 478 . Seventh Station of the Cross . Nuremberg 479 . . Scenes from the Passion. ^ Schreyer Tomb, St. Sebaldus, Nuremberg 480 Relief over Gates . . Civic Weighing House, Nuremberg 481 . Madonna of Mercy Pergenstorfer Tomb, Frauenkirche, Nuremberg 482 Ciborium . ... . . . St. Lorenz, Nuremberg Tilman Riemenschneider. 14607-1531. 483 . The Last Supper, Altar of the Holy Blood, St. James, Rothenburg 484 . . Adam and Eve, from Marien Kapelle. Collection of Historical Society, Palace, Wiirzburg 485 . Tomb of Bishop von Scherenberg Cathedral, Wiirzburg Peter Vischer, the Elder. 1455-1529. 486 . Shrine of St. Sebald St. Sebaldus, Nuremberg 487 . . Peter Vischer : detail of 486. 488 . St. John the Evangelist : detail of 486. 489 . .St. James: detail of 486. GERMAN SCULPTURE. xxxiii Peter Vischer, and Others. Sixteenth Century. 490 . . Monument of Maximilian Court Church, Innsbruck 491 .. Statues of Ancestors: detail of 490. 492 . . Theodoric : detail of 490. 493 . King Arthur : detail of 490. 494 . Statue of Emperor Maximilian I. : detail of 490. Peter Vischer, the Younger? 1487-1528. 495 . . Christ meeting the Sisters of Razarus. Tomb of Margaretha Tucher, Cathedral, Regensburg 496 . . Praying Madonna ...... Germanic Museum, Nuremberg Hans Briiggemann. c. 1470-5128. 497 . . Pilate showing Christ to the People . . Cathedral, Schleswig 498 . Incredulity of Thomas Cathedral, Schleswig Andreas Schliiter. 1664-1714. 499 . . Dying Warrior, Number 2 Arsenal Court, Berlin 500 . . Dying Warrior, Number u Arsenal Court, Berlin NOTE. Unanimity and precision in fixing dates and attributions, before the middle of the sixteenth century, are not yet attained by his- torians of Northern Schools of Art ; new data are frequently brought to light which modify previously existing opinions. Although the dates given in the Catalogue are those generally accepted at the time of publication, the student using these illustrations should be ever watchful for further developments along the lines of chronology and authenticity. 0- University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. fQJ Form L9-116m-8,'62(D1237s8)444 A 000140868 1