MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. A MANUAL OF THE METHODS, UTILITY, AND COST OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, FOR THE MUNICIPAL OFFICER. BY W. F. GOODHUE, CIVIL ENGINEER, Member of the Western Society of Engineers and the Wisconsin Polytechnic Society, FIRST FIRST THOUSAND. NEW YORK : JOHN WILEY & SONS, 53 EAST TENTH STREET. R*c'd UCB EN VI MAY 2 5 1990 COPYRIGHT, 1893, BY W. F. GOODHUE. TPERRIS BROS., ROBRRT DRUtfMOHn, Printers, Electrotyper, ^ Pearl gtreet> U I and 446 Pearl 8t M New Yor k. New YofK To MY FRIEND *fconorable ffrefcericfc Scbuette, A Merchant of Manitowoc, Wis. ; twice successively elected to the Mayoralty of that City; an earnest, judicious Advocate of Municipal Improvements, which are essential to public prosperity; economical and progressive in the discharge of his administrative duties, This work is respectfully dedicated by THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. THE writer of this work has avoided to a certain ex- tent the use of technical words and phrases, also math- ematical tables and formulae, because it is intended for the non-professional reader. Once in every year throughout our broad land there are chosen, from among the citizens of every city and town, a number of councillors who will sit in the coun- cil chamber and assist the chief magistrate in the government of the municipality which they represent. The members of the council are perhaps familiar with the general plan and scope of the various public im- provements contemplated during their administration, but of the details of the work proposed they are unin- formed. It is in the nature of things that this should be so ; their education and training have been in other work and its rewards. Yet, being men of affairs, they will not hesitate to seek such information regarding any proposed improvements as will enable them to discharge their official duties in a manner that will be commended by their constituents. If the contents of this book can assist the prudent, VI PREFACE. conscientious magistrate or councillor to secure, in a judicious and economical way, those improvements which are essential to the welfare and prosperity of a municipality, the writer will believe that his aim has been good, although the arrow may fall short of the mark. W. F. GOODHUE. MILWAUKEE, Wis., October 13, 1892. CONTENTS. PAGE Assessment, Methods 79 Bonds 101 Bridges 73 Building Laws and Ordinances 91 Cleanliness and Health Il6 Coal, Weight of 85 Concrete 84 Cost of Operating Water-works 53 Cost of Sewers 12 Culverts 105 City Hall Plans 108 Fire Limits 89 Fire Streams 63 Franchises 64 Fire-resisting Construction 97 Gas Consumption 33 Grade of Sewers 86 Hydrant Pressures and Streams 63 Pipe, Cast-iron : Sizes and Weights 61 Pump Capacities for Small Cities 59 Sewerage Systems I Sewer Ventilation 15 Sewers, Cost of 12 Standpipes : Static Pressures 56 vii Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE Street Grades 38 Street Lighting 35 Street Lighting, Hours of 37 Street Railways 18 Street Sprinkling 23 Street Surfaces 26 Substances, Weight of 83 Walls, Thickness of 93 Water-pipe, Size and Weights . . 61 Water-works Systems 43 Memoranda Paving 70 Miscellaneous Memoranda 83 ILLUSTRATIONS. Diagram of Cellar Drainage 6 Diagram of Standpipe Connection . . 51 Half Section of Macadamized Street 26 Part of Floor Section of Bridge 75 City Hall Plans no, in Subsoil Water 119 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. A SEWERAGE SYSTEM. A TOWN or city should have a sewerage system planned for its entire area, having in view at the time the work is done its prospective future population and enlarged area. It does not follow that because a plan is made for the whole city the entire system should be built at once ; on the contrary, a sewerage system is never completed unless a city stops growing. When the main sewers are once built, the street sewers are put in street by street, a certain amount each year is laid, just so much as the property owners on each street may petition for. Consequently the expenditures and growth of the sewer work of a city are almost entirely in the hands of the property owners. In fact, in some of our smaller cities the sewer work done is altogether too much in the hands of the property owner: he not only controls the laying of sewers, but dictates their course, depth, and outfall ; and the result of it all is : there is a sewerage system for every two or three blocks, and 2 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. the banks of lake or stream are perforated with stink- ing outlets of sewers. After such work has once fairly begun in a town or city it is difficult for the council to check it ; indeed it cannot be checked without causing some bitterness of feeling : the property owner resents the interference of the council with what he is pleased to term "the right of property owners to use the street." The only way to remedy this evil of private drain-laying in cities is for the council to immediately adopt the plans of a sewerage system and rigidly ad- here to it in the future construction of sewers. Of course the property owners who have laid private sewers can most always be depended upon to oppose the adop- tion of the sewerage plans ; they have taken care of their own sewage by emptying it upon a neighbor's premises, or at some place contiguous thereto, and decline to be taxed further for the benefit of this neigh- bor or of anybody else. Sewers should not be built needlessly large, that is, of too great diameter : the larger the sewer the larger volume of water required to flush it. Besides, a large sewer running only one fourth full, or less, leaves a large space above the flow of sewage for the accumulation of gases, which will prevail unless the sewers are well flushed. The sectional area of a sewer is generally rated for comparison, one diameter with another, by squaring the diameter of a pipe ; as, for instance, a pipe 10 inches in diameter is (lOX 10 equals 100) represented by 100 square inches; a sewer 6 inches in diameter is (6x6 A SEWERAGE SYSTEM. 3 equals 36) represented by 36 square inches ; and a rub- ber hose 2| inches in diameter is (2^X2^ equals 6^) represented by 6^ square inches. If you should flush a sewer 10 inches in diameter with a stream of water thrown from an ordinary fire-department hose, you would be using, relatively, 6^ inches of water to flush 100 inches of pipe. It is not economical to lay sewer- pipe excessively large, and it is a worse economy to lay water-pipe too small in diameter ; yet this is the order of construction desired in many places, when if they would reverse the conditions, i.e., smaller sew- ers and larger water-pipe, the service would be much better all around. Nowadays there are two distinct systems of sewerage in use : one is known as the combined system, the other as the separate system. The combined system requires the largest pipe, catch-basins at street corners, and pipe connections with the mains ; also man-holes at street intersections, although man-holes are common to both systems; and it costs to build it about 70 per cent more than the separate system does. The combined system is the one generally built in the largest cities ; it receives and disposes of all surface (storm) water which flows in the street gutters and all the sewage from house, factory, and hotel. The separate system has smaller pipe, because it receives no water from the street gutters ; it has man- holes at the street intersections and oftener if required, but has no catch basins and receives all the sewage 4 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. from house, factory, and hotel. The actual difference between the two systems is that the former cares for the street water of a city and the latter does not. The use of the flushing tankis common to both systems. Where the combined system is used, the storm-water, falling upon the sidewalks and streets, washes their surfaces and carries a great deal of sediment into the sewers ; where the streets are paved or macadamized, there is not so much sediment taken into the sewers but what the storm- water will carry off and thus pre- vent choking or clogging. In our smaller cities there are few paved streets, and there is too much loose ma- terial upon the street surface, to allow the storm-water to flow into the sewers. The storm-water flowing along the gutters would carry with it not only great quantities of sediment, but straw, leaves, paper, and other refuse which would clog the sewers quite often. It is just as well that the sewers of a city do not receive the storm-water of its streets. Looking at it from a sanitary standpoint, it is better that the storm- water be allowed to flush the street surfaces : it is the only cleansing the streets receive. If there are parts of a city where the storm-water collects in a pool for lack of drainage, a drainage-pipe can be laid especially to carry off this water ; there is no necessity of taking it into the sewerage system unless the pool is located quite a remote distance from a possible outfall. A majority of the smaller cities in this country have adopted the separate system of sewerage. Its efficiency A SEWERAGE SYSTEM. 5 as a system is unquestioned, while its economical con- struction and the rapidity with which it can be built commend it to every city. The smallest pipe laid in a street in the combined system is twelve inches in diameter; in the separate system the smallest pipe laid is eight inches in diameter. In the combined system the increase in pipe diameters is greater, proportionately to the distance laid, than it is with the separate system. The smallest pipe which should be laid in a street, as a sewer, is eight inches in diameter. The usual size of house-drains connecting with street .sewers is six inches in diameter. When establishing a grade of a sewer on a street it is quite important that the street sewer be placed deep enough in the ground to drain all the cellars on the street. To accomplish this thor- oughly, the grade i.e., bottom of the sewer should be from two and one half to three feet below the level of the cellars; the diameter of the main sewer, whether it be large or small, making a difference in this depth of a few inches, more or less. On residence streets, where the cellars are about one half their depth above ground, the sewers need not be laid as deep in the ground as they are on the business streets, where the first floors of buildings are but a slight elevation above the street level. Yet the grades of a sewerage system will arbitrarily govern the depth at which the sewers must be laid ; and if the grades, which also govern the flow of sewage, are to be maintained, to secure a per- fect gravity system, then the sewers must be placed at the depths required, whether it be six or sixteen MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. A SEWEKAGE SYSTEM. 7 feet below the surface of the street. The most ex- pensive construction of a sewerage system is the main sewer and outfall, particularly so if the sewer is of brick and quite large in diameter, and the outfall is of stone and placed on an artificially-made foundation. It is for this reason that the length of the main sewer should be reduced as much as possible without danger of impairing the efficiency of the system. When a community desires a system of sewerage planned, the disposal of the sewage is the first problem to solve, and in connection with this problem is the consideration of the topography of the area within the limits of the city, which should be carefully studied and mapped by an expert in such matters. There may be one place at which the public may desire the sewage to be emptied, yet the topographical conditions are such as to entail heavy construction expenses to con- centrate the sewage discharge at that point. Some- times the topographical survey will develop a better solution of the problem than was thought of, and less objectionable to the inhabitants than it was expected to find before the survey was made. The disposal of the sewage of a city, which means the location of the sewer outfall, is the most complex question the sanitary engineer has to encounter. Every locality gives him a new study, demands a different treatment, and calls for a wide range of experience. The discharge of sewage into a lake, stream, or pond is often done under necessity, and it is to be deplored that it is ever done at all. The community needs the 8 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. sewers; and while it has the means to build as much of the system as will relieve its immediate needs, it has no money to provide a proper and unobjectionable method of sewage disposal. Therefore the system is built and the disposal of the sewage in an unobjectionable man- ner is deferred until some future time, when the accu- mulations at the outfall and vicinity become so intol- erable that the community itself demand the abate- ment of the nuisance. The location of a sewage outfall where it will dis- charge into living waters cannot be under any circum- stances a permanent location ; sooner or later all such sewage outfalls will be abated, and each and every city thus contributing to the pollution of our inland waters will be required to cleanse or otherwise purify its sew- age and discharge only clean water into them. Some of the States have already prohibited such pollution, and several inland cities have been compelled to cleanse their sewage within their respective limits. As our cities grow larger and the population becomes more dense within them, the question of sewage pollu- tion and sewage disposal will receive the attention it even now deserves, and the simplicity of its solution will perhaps cause us to wonder why it has not been solved much sooner. The map of a sewerage system should show, when completed, the location of all sewers, with the different kinds (whether pipe or brick material) marked plainly thereon ; also the grade of each line of sewer, as well as the size or diameter ; it should also show the loca- A SEWERAGE SYSTEM. 9 tion of the outfall or outfalls, man-holes (catch-basins, if the combined system is planned), lantern-holes, and flushing tanks. There should also accompany the map system a profile of the main and intercepting sewers, a detail drawing of outfalls, man-holes, flushing tanks, lantern-holes, respectively, with complete speci- fications for the performance of each and every kind of work required to be done to build the system, or any part of it, in a practical, workmanlike manner. The city or town having such plans made should also obtain, if it does not already possess it, a full and complete draft of a sewerage ordinance, from which an ordinance may be framed and adopted suitable to the requirements of the locality desiring it. The ob- ject of introducing such an ordinance is to regulate the construction and maintenance of public sewers, tapping and using the same ; to provide for flushing, cleansing, and repairs ; and to adopt a method of assessments whereby to raise money in an equitable manner for the payment of sewerage construction, etc. None but licensed drain-layers should be allowed to tap or make connection with the public sewers, and a record should be kept at the city hall of all such con- nections. The city should designate what kind and size of pipe should be used, not only for street sewers, but of all house connections laid between the street sewer and the block lines, and it should also require the use and employment of the best material and workmanship connected with the public sewers and house connections. 10 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. A sewerage system when built must be well built, otherwise it is a menace to public health ; besides, if well built, the expense of repairs are reduced to a min- imum. The practice of connecting house-drains with public sewers while under construction should never be allowed. The earth in the trenches will settle and by its great weight break and detach the connections, causing much damage and expensive repairs. The newly-filled trenches should be allowed at least thirty days' time for subsidence ; sixty days' time is even bet- ter. House-drains should have a grade of not less than inch to the foot. Flushing tanks that will con- tain about 200 gallons of water should be located at the upper end of all lines of sewers. There are several flush tanks on the market that are designed to work automatically, and give satisfaction to those using them. When building sewers use the best material obtain- able ; the brick used should be well burnt, hard and smoothly formed, well laid with full mortar joint. The sewer-pipe used should be true in form and diameter and uninjured when laid ; the joints well flushed and bedded in the best quality of hydraulic cement-mortar. The house connections should be of the same quality of material, and good workmanship should be the rule in all cases. Sometimes the economically inclined householder will buy culled sewer-pipe whereby to make connection with the street sewer, and expect the drain-layer to use this kind of pipe in his work. A A SEWERAGE SYSTEM. II drain-layer who will knowingly lay such pipe should be fined heavily and also be deprived of his license. In some cities the licensing of drain-layers and plumbers is vested solely in the chief executive of the city, permitting this officer to grant licenses and also conferring upon him authority to rescind a license whenever a holder thereof has wilfully violated the law while in the prosecution of his work. Summary exam- ples of this kind are often beneficial to a community. 12 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. COST OF SEWERS AND APPUR- TENANCES. THE cost of sewer construction varies much accord- ing to the local conditions. The freight on material is often the cause of a considerable increase of cost above the average price. The character of the earth in which the sewer is laid will sometimes almost double the cost of work. Rock, hard-pan, the prevalence of water in large quantities in the trenches, a loose sandy soil where continuous sheeting and bracing is required all these difficulties which must be overcome are expen- sive factors in the cost of sewer construction. Sewer-pipe should be paid for at a stated price per lineal foot for each size of pipe used or laid in the ground. Breakages, cracked and damaged pipe, are generally excluded from the contract and work, and are a matter of settlement between the contractor and dealer; hence it is better and more economical fora municipality to buy its sewer-pipe of the builder when it is laid in the ground than to buy it from a dealer and deliver the best of it to the sewer builder ; other- wise the municipality must make the settlement with the dealer for breakages, etc. Where no troublesome and expensive obstacles are encountered the price for COST OF SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES. 13 building sewers of various sizes and kinds with appur- tenances is as follows : 8-inch sewer-pipe, per lineal foot laid . . $o 50 10 " " " " " " " o 60 ^2 " " " " " " " O 7O , - .. (( (( J QQ yQ (( (( (( 5 5 SJ & Sj f 76 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. with the wooden truss, as they should be. The fixed or permanent bridge can be made of almost any reason- able length desired, and without any consideration of the weight and difficulty of turning which is involved in the construction of the swing-bridge. Its width of roadway can be made as desired, for two or four vehicles to move abreast of each other, or it can be made the full width of the street or streets it is to connect. If a bridge floor is to be of wood, the roadway floor- ing should be of double thickness, and the upper thickness (called wearing plank) laid independently of the guard-rail and sidewalks, that it may be re- newed when necessary and without disturbing the sidewalks. Sidewalks will last much longer than any surface plank that can be laid upon a bridge roadway. This method of flooring is applicable to either the swing or fixed bridge. The foundation for a masonry centre pier for a swing-bridge, or for a pier placed in mid-stream to connect two spans, can be made by sinking a caisson below the river bottom upon stable soil or rock and filling the same with concrete to the water-level. A pile sub-foundation may be made by driving the piles closely together within the area desired, and cut- ting them off at a depth of about four feet below water-level ; then place a water-tight caisson on the piles, and commence laying the masonry on the floor of the caisson. The interstices of the piling should be well filled with broken stone before the caisson is placed thereon. If the subsoil below the bed of the BRIDGES. 77 stream is soft and mucky, or partakes of the nature of quicksand, and is of such depth that piling when driven into it will not stand sufficiently firm and steady to support the proposed structure, then pneumatic caisson work will be necessary, and the plans, specifi- cations, and work itself should be placed in the hands of a competent engineer. Cribwork made with sheet-piling and walings, two rows, with an intervening space about 18 inches wide, packed solidly with gravel to exclude water, costs from $6 to $10 per lineal foot, according to the depth of water in which it is built. Pneumatic caisson work costs about $2.25 to $3 per cubic foot, measuring the entire bulk of the caisson. A caisson constructed on shore and floated to place and set on a pile support, to a depth of four feet, more or less, below water-level, costs from 30 to 40 cents per cubic foot. Such caissons are generally built of heavy pine plank. Piles that are to be driven below water-level may be of pine, cedar, tamarack, or elm ; oak is preferable where they remain partially above ground or water, and in this case they should be stripped of their bark. Piles when driven should be ringed unless an iron cap is used, and should not be forced into hard ground to their injury. The driving should stop when they cease to move under the blows of the hammer. Piles cost from 16 to 25 cents per lineal foot; the cost of driving varies from 15 to 20 cents per foot. Founda- tion-piles should girt not less than 36 inches midway their length. ?8 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. It pays well to select all lumber intended for bridges, using only the best. Although the first cost is there- by much increased, there is an actual saving of money in the greater durability of the work. All bridge lum- ber and timber is necessarily long, consequently is the most expensive ; and the renewal of a bridge floor is not only an expensive job, but is an annoyance to the public and an obstacle to the business interests of a city. Norway pine should not be used on bridges ; it checks badly, which diminishes the strength of the stick. When a municipality can afford to do so it should build its bridges with iron or steel floor beams and joists in fact, make all of the structure that is practica- ble of steel. If a fixed or permanent bridge, the floor may be of asphaltum ; but if a swing-bridge, a plank floor is necessary, as paving of almost any kind will load the structure too heavily, unless steam or electric power be used to turn it. When advertising for proposals for bridge construc- tion, divide the work, requiring separate bids for the sub- structure and the superstructure ; because some bridge builders do not build substructures, besides the council will have the advantage of a greater number of bids to choose from. When a municipality grants an electric motor line franchise, a clause should be inserted requiring the company to furnish power to turn all drawbridges which are traversed by the cars of the company. Of course the city must furnish and keep in repair the necessary electric cables and apparatus for turning the bridge. ASSESSMENT AGAINST REAL ESTATE. 79 METHODS OF ASSESSMENT AGAINST REAL ESTATE. LOCAL customs and laws have produced different methods of assessment. The prevailing opinion now- adays seems to be that " every tub shall stand upon its own bottom" or, in other words, every piece of property on a street shall pay for one half the cost of all improvements done on the street ; and this rule is perhaps as good equity in such matters as can be prac- tised. If it is desirable to raise a general sewer fund, legis- lative authority to do so may be obtained, provided that the city charter does not warrant the raising of such a fund ; or a community may ask for an election, that a popular vote may give the council authority to issue bonds the sale of which will afford the funds desired. Sometimes a general city tax can be levied annually to pay for sewers built during the year. A general sewer fund is in most instances necessary, because without it the sewers at street intersections cannot be built, and private property can rarely be assessed to pay for such construction ; therefore it is necessary that the city have funds to pay its share of the con- struction, whether it be sewers or pavements, other- wise the property owners cannot have the benefit of such improvements. 80 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. It is customary for the city to pay from the general fund : For sewer work the cost of main and intersecting sewers, man-holes, catch-basins, lantern-holes, flushing tanks and outfalls ; also sewers at all street intersec- tions and along the frontage of all city public buildings and parks. For street work pavements and crossings at street intersections ; pavements along the frontage of city public buildings and parks. For bridges all bridge and viaduct work between dock lines or meander lines, unless the construction involves a change of grade ; then the city should pay for all the work done ; also for all culvert work done on streets within the city. It is very unusual for a city to pay from the gen- eral fund the cost of curbs and sidewalks at street in- tersections ; this is invariably charged to the property located at each corner, respectively. Where a city builds its own system of water-works the entire cost of the system is paid from a general fund provided specially for the purpose. The sale of water to the inhabitants is about the only method that has been adopted to reimburse the city for such an improvement ; it is for this reason that the revenues from the water-works system are in most cities kept separate from other revenues. The revenues thus re- ceived are used to liquidate the indebtedness caused by the construction of the system and for repairs and extension of the pipe-lines, also for operating expenses. A SSESSMEN T AGA INS T REA L ESTATE. 8 1 When the revenues exceed the total expenses, the rates to consumers are generally reduced. In many cities the property owner is charged only with the cost of laying an eight-inch sewer, no matter how much larger in diameter the sewer may be that was laid on his street. If a larger sewer was laid, the city bore the expense but charged the cost of an eight- inch sewer to the abutting property owners. Thus property assessments for sewer construction per lineal foot of frontage never exceed the cost per lineal foot for laying an eight-inch pipe. It is also a common practice to assess each lineal foot of frontage of the entire city the sum of one dollar or more. This sum the city can draw upon for all sewer work, including the street sewers, which are a benefit to the abutting property ; but when any lot has paid this sum of one dollar per lineal foot it is exempt from further assessments for sewer work. It will sometimes require three or more partial assess- ments, at intervals of several years, before the whole assessment is collected. Where cities because of their topographical con- ditions are naturally divided, it is better to maintain these divisions when the sewerage system is planned, naming the different divisions " District A," " District B," etc. Where these districts are formed they are distinct from each other in all matters pertaining to sewer construction ; each district can provide sewers for itself without interference from the residents of another district. 82 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. There is another method of levying assessments against property for street improvements founded on areas of property. Each lot is assessed one cent, more or less as may be required, per square foot of area contained within its boundary. This method of assess- ment may be used for the payment of sewer construc- tion or for paving. A lot 50 feet wide and 120 feet deep contains 6000 square feet ; at one cent per square foot the assessment would be $60. In making assessments for improvements it is cus- tomary to deduct about one third of the total assess- ment levied against a corner lot. Assessments made against church property and othe-r institutions (not public) are paid by the trustees or other legal custodians of such institutions. MISCELLANEOUS MEMORANDA. 83 MISCELLANEOUS MEMORANDA. CONDENSING-ENGINES require 2O to 25 gallons of water to condense the steam evaporated from one gallon of water. A COLUMN OF WATER one inch square and 2-f-fa feet high will give one pound (static) pressure per square inch. A CUBIC FOOT OF WATER at a temperature of 60 degrees (Fahrenheit) weighs 62 T 3 Tr \ 7 ir pounds (= 7^^ gallons). AN AREA 100 FEET SQUARE contains $ acres. To find readily the quantity of land in a given area, reduce it to square feet and multiply the sum by 0.23. WEIGHT OF SUBSTANCES. One cubic foot of granite weighs 160 Ibs. " " limestone weighs 130 " " " sandstone weighs 125 " " " brickwork weighs 125 " " " gravel weighs 84 " " " sand (moist) weighs 84 " " " clay (moist) weighs 90 " " " earth, common loam, weighs 75 " " earth, common loam, moist, weighs 90 " 84 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. One cubic foot of elm, dry, weighs 35 Ibs. " " pine, white, dry, weighs .... 30 " " " pine, yellow, dry, weighs.. . . 40 " " " pine, Southern, dry, weighs 60 " For green lumber add one fifth the weight given for each kind, respectively. MASONRY AND BRICKWORK. I J barrels of lime and f of a cubic yard of sand will lay 1000 brick. 1600 to 1800 brick laid is a day's work for one man, properly attended. \\ barrels of lime and I cubic yard of sand will lay 100 cubic feet of stone. One man and one tender will lay 150 cubic feet of stone in one day (rubble masonry). \\ barrels of cement and f of a cubic yard of sand will lay 100 cubic feet of stone, rubble masonry. FOR MAKING CONCRETE. Mix one barrel of cement with 10 cubic feet of sand ; cast it upon 25 cubic feet of broken stone ; moisten the mass with water applied with a rose sprinkler ; overturn twice with shovels, then cast into trench in layers not exceeding 8 inches thickness and ram well in place. Rammers should weigh about 12 pounds. Do not drench the concrete with water when mixing it. MISCELLANEOUS MEMORANDA. 85 COAL. Anthracite. Lump coal contains 36.19 cubic feet per ton of 2000 pounds. Egg contains 34.63 cubic feet per ton. Nut contains 34.32 cubic feet per ton. Pea contains 37.60 cubic feet per ton. Bituminous Coal. Indiana block contains 45.61 cubic feet per ton of 2000 pounds. Illinois coal contains 42.35 cubic feet per ton. Ohio cannel contains 40.66 cubic feet per ton. Hocking contains 40.56 cubic feet per ton. Coke contains 76.04 cubic feet per ton. 86 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. GRADES OF SEWERS. THE grade or inclination of a sewer is an important feature of a sewer building. It is not wise to lay sewers at such excessively steep grades that the fluids will flow rapidly away, leaving the solids stranded as it were for awhile, to be shoved or carried along farther by the next influx of fluid, for the flow of sewage is not a certain constant quantity, only in main sewers which receive their flow from all the minor sewers, and even in main sewers the volume of flow varies with the hours of the day in accordance with the domestic work of the many households which supply it. If the grades are too light or there is too slight an incline, there is more danger of clogging and stagnation, which will cause offensive odors and the accumulation of gases within the sewer system. As a rule, what is sufficient to drain the street surface is more than suffi- cient to drain the sewers. Where the combined system is used the watershed area and the annual rainfalls are the governing factors. Locality, therefore, makes a great difference in this respect : the larger the watershed the larger must be the sewers. Where the ground takes up much water and where the streets are unimproved, one fourth of an inch rainfall per hour is a fair basis for determining GRADES OF SEWERS. 87 the size and grade of the sewers. In a city where all the streets are improved (paved or macadamized) the absorption is very small, and one-half inch rainfall per hour is a safe basis for computation.* The shape of a sewer affects its velocity, and the size affects it even more. An elliptical or egg-shaped sewer gives a greater velocity to the same volume of sew- age than if it flowed through a round pipe of the same sectional area ; the reason for this is that there is less wetted perimeter (i.e., wetted pipe surface) in the former than in the latter to the same volume of sew- age, and this wetted surface retards the flow in direct proportion to its area. A sewer five feet in diameter with a fall of four feet per mile, and a sewer two feet in diameter with a fall of ten feet per 'mile, have the same velocity that a sewer ten feet in diameter with a fall of two feet per mile has. A sewer having a veloc- ity of three feet per second is sufficient ; five feet per second is considered an extreme velocity. Where the separate system is used the questions of watershed areas and rainfalls are not considered. In this case the sewage of the city only is to be cared for. Here the population of a city, present and pro- spective, which is to be served with house-drainage is the consideration of the engineer who makes the plans for the system. Whichever system is adopted, the grades and sizes * The rainfall in Wisconsin during the months of May and June, 1892, amounted to fifteen inches. This is equal to nearly one half the annual average rainfall for the decade of 1880-90. 88 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. of sewers are not a matter of guesswork but of mathe- matical calculation, good judgment, foresight, and skill ; and every locality where sewerage is contem- plated must be studied and treated according to the conditions found, if an efficient system, economically built, is desired. The centre of all streets for a width of at least ten feet (located longitudinally with the street) should be reserved in all towns and cities exclusively for sewers. This reservation should not prevent the sur- face of the street from being used for any legitimate purpose or traffic. It simply reserves that much of the street from occupation by water, gas, and other pipes, or obstructions to sewers and sewer grades. A sewer in operation is a gravity conduit, while other pipes or conduits are not and a grade is not essential to their operation ; with a sewer, grade is everything ; therefore a sewerage system should have first place in municipal consideration and foresight. FIRE LIMITS. 89 FIRE LIMITS. THE fire limits of a city should be the corporate limits, but for many reasons they are not so defined. The customary practice is to establish a fire limit which encloses the business centre of a city and allows the residence portion to build as it pleases and fight fires when compelled to. In most cases the only difference existing between the inside and the outside of the fire limit is that only brick or stone structures can be erected within the fire limits, and no restrictions what- ever are placed upon building methods outside of it ; consequently the fire limit is surrounded with a dense mass of kindling which, if ignited and favored with a brisk wind blowing from the right quarter, will burn to the corporate limits the only fire limits it recog- nizes. The actual reason why the ordinary fire limits of a city are so contracted is, that it entails upon owners of property within such limits more expensive build- ings. The possibilities of obtaining lower rates of in- surance and securing less danger from fire are minor considerations with many. The overwhelming depres- sion, private and public, which falls upon a community that has suffered a sweeping conflagration is not known or appreciated until experienced. Cheap buildings are desirable adjuncts wherewith to boom a town, but they add nothing to its permanence. The logic de- QO MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. duced from our present building laws is well illustrated by the remark of an alderman of a city that had re- cently suffered from a great fire : " It is better that the homes of the people should burn rather than the shops and factories which give them employment " which is practically saying, " Of two evils choose the least." Yet when a fire sweeps everything, homes, shops, fac- tories, and all, directly there is a strong demand upon all sides for better and more stringent building laws. There is an underlying principle of selfishness, or it may be said avariciousness, which controls and defines the area of a fire district in cities. Builders as a rule will erect buildings which will give the highest . remu- neration upon the investment, and the rule as applied is : a building erected on a certain lot and costing $4000 will return $400 per year to the owner, and a building erected upon the same lot, and of the same dimen- sions, which costs $3000 will also yield $400 per annum. The established fire limits compel the erection of the higher-priced building.* The principles of fire-resisting construction and fire limits cannot be very successfully maintained against the percentage principles of investments ; they are the strongest in times of disaster. * In less than three weeks after the great fire in Milwaukee, Wis., of October 28, 1892, the burnt district, which had been previously covered with frame or wooden buildings, was again dotted with wooden buildings which had been moved there by property owners ; one owner taking out four permits at one time for moving wooden houses thereon. Yet there existed at the time a popular demand that this burnt district be incorporated within the fire limits. BUILDING LAWS AND ORDINANCES. 91 BUILDING LAWS AND ORDINANCES. EVERY city in this country that has been visited by a disastrous conflagration has immediately thereafter promulgated more stringent laws and regulations re- garding the construction of buildings, and this fact seems to indicate that few if any of our cities have building laws that are adequate and practical, or else they are not properly enforced by the authorities. All of our larger cities have in force laws and regu- lations governing the construction of buildings of dif- ferent kinds designed for different uses, with inspec- tors appointed whose duties are to enforce these laws. These building laws require that the doors of public buildings, factories, and assemblage halls shall open outwards ; that fire escapes or ladders shall be pro- vided for hotels, office buildings, etc. To insure strength of walls, certain thicknesses of wall are defined for each story and the safety loads for floors are pre- scribed, yet in spite of all precautions communities are often horrified at the great loss of life incident to a con- flagration. In most instances the cause which led to the loss of life was bad construction perhaps weak con- struction is a better expression, owing to the niggardly economy of the builder, who will erect an 8-inch wall 92 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. when it should be 12 inches thick, and support floors with posts 6x6 inches cross-section when they should be twice as large. The strength of all kinds of build- ing material, where used to carry certain loads under specific conditions, is readily determined by the com- petent architect and engineer, and it should be made a criminal act for a builder to erect buildings whose walls and floors have not been passed upon and approved by competent judges. The building laws of most cities are supposed to insure safe construc- tion in this respect, but in very few cities are such laws rigidly enforced. It is commonly said that an efficient building inspector has a short term of office, and there is more than a grain of truth in the saying ; every bit of poor construction which he condemns makes the owner thereof his implacable enemy, and the inspector is sooner or later " worked " out of office. The use of anchor-bolts for uniting floors and wall together is the worst sort of construction and should not be tolerated. The specious plea for using such bolts is that the floors thus bolted to the walls tend to stiffen them and thus make them safer. This is undoubtedly true as affecting a weak wall ; any prop will strengthen a weak wall, but a strong wall needs no extraneous support. In reality the anchor-bolt makes a building unsafe and more dangerous to life and prop- erty should it take fire. If the walls of a building are not designed with sufficient strength to stand safely without the extraneous and doubtful stiffness which BUILDING LAWS AND ORDINANCES. 93 the floors will afford, then their erection should not be permitted. Builders of the Budensieck kind defend the use of anchor-bolts because they tend to strengthen the walls of a building : it is a great pity that such builders cannot be deprived of the use of the anchor- bolt. When buildings of this kind take fire they are unsafe to approach ; firemen dare not enter them nor mount the walls, and a fire-marshal would be justified in allowing such buildings to burn to the ground. If the walls of a building are designed and built of proper strength and stiffness, the excuse for using anchor- bolts is removed. The following tables show the usual thickness of wall required for buildings at different heights or stones: For Business, Manufacturing, and Public Buildings, Sixty Feet or more. Thickness in Inches. Outside, Party Stories. and Division Walls. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 One story... . 16 12 Two stor es. . 16 12 12 Three 16 16 12 12 Four 20 16 16 12 12 Five 24 20 16 16 12 12 Six 24 20 20 16 16 16 12 Seven 24 2O 20 20 16 16 16 T2 Eight 28 24 20 2O 20 16 16 16 12 94 MUNICIPA L IMPRO VEMEN TS. For the same Class of Buildings as for previous Table less than Sixty Feet deep. Thickness in Inches. Outside, Party and Division Base- Stories. Walls. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 One story.. 12 12 Two stories 16 12 12 Three 16 12 12 12 Four 20 16 12 12 12 Five 20 16 16 12 12 12 Six 24 20 16 16 12 12 12 Seven 2 4 20 20 16 16 12 12 12 Eight 24 20 20 16 16 16 12 12 12 If the walls are built of rubble masonry, or are faced with stone, an increase of 4 inches in thickness should be added, also an increase of 4 inches should be made in all cases where the walls are over 100 feet long, unless there are cross walls of equal height. Buildings erected for the storage of petroleum or fluids of like nature should be constructed as follows : Walls should be 16 inches thick and not more than 16 feet high, made of brick ; the floor to be of fire- proof paving or concrete upon the ground, level of floor not to be above street grade. Roof to be of metal or best composition roofing ; fire-wall all around 8 inches thick and not less than 18 inches high. It should be built without cornice of any kind. There does not seem to be a good, practicable method for chimney construction provided in any of the building ordinances which the writer has read. Most of them commence by saying that " no chimney 1W1LD1NG LAWS AND ORDINANCES. 9$ shall be built with walls less than 4 inches thick, and no flues to be less than 8x8 inches." This is poor enough construction for any chimney, and the ordi- nance presumably deters the builder from setting his brick edgewise when he builds his chimney. There should be a standard chimney, well defined in dimensions and construction, for each class or kind of houses erected in cities, because the " defective flue " is the principal cause of fires in all cities. It is a serious risk to build a fine house with chimney walls only 4 inches thick. Bituminous coal, and all coal which contains more or less sulphur, will in time de- stroy the lime-mortar in the joints of a chimney and render them as porous as a sieve ; for this reason the chimneys of all buildings erected in cities should be lined either with clay pipe, terra-cotta lining, fire-brick or cast-iron. Plastering the inside of a chimney is not sufficient protection where coal is burned. If dwelling- house flues were lined with common brick placed edgewise within the 4-inch walls, it would be a vast improvement upon the average dwelling-house chim- ney ; the walls would then be about 7 inches thick and the joints would alternate, thus making it a safe flue within the house, In this country there does not seem to be any per- sonal responsibility connected with weak and defective construction of buildings , we see enough of it so far as sidewalks, bridges, etc., are concerned, but the owner of a weak, badly constructed building goes scot-free should its destruction damage other buildings. g6 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. Contractors are often held liable for injuries received by an employee on the work and have to pay a smart sum of money in consequence ; yet that same building may afterwards take fire because of a defective flue, and in burning destroy all the adjacent buildings, but the owner of the building is never held liable for the destruction of the adjacent buildings because of the defective flue. A French court a few years ago held a property owner liable for the destruction of adjoining property by fire, caused by a badly built chimney erected by the defendant. With all our love of justice and fair play, we Americans have not yet reached this degree of equity. FIRE-DESISTING CONSTRUCTION. 97 FIRE-RESISTING CONSTRUCTION. WHILE we cannot erect buildings that are absolutely fireproof, yet we may erect buildings of brick and iron that are less liable to damage beyond repair, and we can erect wooden buildings that will resist fire long enough to enable a fire department to save them and their con- tents from a total loss, and without doing serious dam- age to adjacent buildings. Soon after the second great fire in Chicago (July, 1874) a prominent builder of that city was asked, " What are the essentials of a fire- proof building ? " The builder's sententious reply was : " Build of brick and iron, use the least quantity of stone possible, leave out all doors and windows, and put nothing in the building." His comments upon the use of materials are the strong points of fire-resist- ing material. Our best building stones, limestone and granite, are the poorest fire-resisting materials we can use in a building, for they will absolutely go to pieces under great heat. A brick building to be fire-resisting should have all its iron columns and beams covered with asbestos or other non-heating substances : to leave such columns and beams exposed is to insure their destruction should the building take fire. Its windows should be protected with metal shutters, and its roof slated or metal-covered. Elevator openings and stair- 93 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. ways should be located outside its walls, thus having no openings in the floors within the building. The floors should be laid solidly with two thicknesses of plank, with an intervening thickness of tin or galvanized sheet-metal placed between the plank. The roof should be made of three-inch plank, lap-jointed, and then covered with slate or metal. If the basement is to be used for any purpose that causes an accumulation of inflammable goods, such as a printing establish- ment would have, the basement walls and the pedes- tals supporting the columns should all be of brick. Wooden columns will stand a hot blaze for some length of time. They are far safer than ordinary cast-iron columns ; in fact, they are better than iron columns unless the iron is covered with some non-heating sub- stance. A wood column burns slowly when subjected to a flame, and will char slowly when subjected to heat alone ; while an iron column will soften and weaken when subjected to either heat or flame,* and if a stream of cold water strikes a heated iron column it will surely go to pieces. There is no building that firemen dread more than one built with light brick walls, a stone-veneer face, the front and floors supported with cast-iron columns * At the great fire in Chicago papers of tacks and kegs of nails were fused into solid masses and retained their package shape, showing that intense heat (not flame) had fused the iron into a mass before the pack- age covering was burned or destroyed, otherwise the package shapes would not have been preserved. The iron-work of a carriage melted and dripped as if it had been tallow, while parts of the wood of the running gear still retained their shape although much charred. FIRE-RESIST/NG CONSTRU^Tfoy. ^ QQ o <&****i unprotected. A building of this kind is % x ndh^p & life and property when on fire, and in some respects worse than a wooden-building. Wooden buildings to be fire-resisting should be en- closed or sheeted outside of the studding ; have no elevator or stairway openings within the building, and the floors and roof built as described for brick build- ings (excepting slate covering). The ceilings, walls, joists, studding, and all other exposed surfaces within the building should be well whitewashed, which makes the fibrous surface of the wood less liable to quick ignition when a fire occurs. In brick buildings wire or metallic (corrugated) lath- ing should be used upon which to plaster the walls and ceilings. All doorways should be surfaced with tin, and the doors themselves covered, both sides, with the same metal. All chimney-flues should be lined with either clay pipe or fire-brick from the bottom to the top of the chimney. A hollow cornice of either wood or iron should not be built, a simple brick fin- ish is better, or a terra-cotta cornice if ornamentation is desired. When wooden columns are used they should be bored through the centre longitudinally (i J inch bore) and half-inch holes bored transversely at the top and bottom, to prevent dry-rot. The cast-iron caps for the tops of the columns should have a projection to enter the bore of the column, and the area of the caps should be about three times the cross-section of the wooden girders. IOO MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. Care must be taken also to prevent dry-rot in the thick flooring, when it is the intention to plaster be- neath it by nailing the lath to furred projections. Cross-walls should occur in the building as often as convenience for use will admit ; if none can be built, the walls must be strengthened with substantial pilas- ters. To go farther into the details of fire-resisting construction would encroach on the specifications which the architect should furnish to the builder. The foregoing items are given to define the essential fea- tures of fire-resisting construction. MUNICIPAL BONDS. IOI MUNICIPAL BONDS. THE issue of interest-bearing bonds for the purpose of providing funds for the prosecution of public im- provements is a matter of much importance to a city, and demands great deliberation as well as the exercise of good financial judgment. While the finances of a city may be in such excellent condition that its bonds when issued for a reasonable amount make a really good, sound investment, yet sometimes the methods of procedure in preparing the issue are so irregular and careless in their details that the bonds do not command a premium, nor even find a ready sale, as they otherwise would had the work of the council been better done. The issuance of bonds by a council should always be correct in its minor details, and conform strictly to the law by which the issue is governed. When permission has been granted a council by the affirmative vote of an election to issue bonds, the law authorizing such election and the result as shown by the affirmative and negative votes cast should be printed on the face of the bonds ; also the act passed by the council authorizing the issue, with all the neces- sary dates. These statements are relatively the same as an abstract of title to real estate, which the pur- 102 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. chaser can verify or not as he chooses. Some cities also make a statement, on the bonds which they may issue, of their taxable wealth and property, and the population of the city. The tendency of the average council in many of our smaller cities is to such paucity of record, and meagre- ness of description of council proceedings as often- times to subject the city to discomfiture in suits at law. The records of proceedings of a council are as valuable to the city it represents as are the recorded transactions of a counting-room of a mercantile house ; therefore the same degree of care and accuracy should be observed when noting them The denomination of the bonds is also matter of consideration : if of large denomination, they will in most instances be bought up by bankers or brokers of distant cities ; very few, if any, are taken up by the home capitalist, the denomination being too large an investment for him ; if the issue is made in small denominations the citizens at home, of small as well as large means, may absorb the entire issue. The great city of Chicago found a ready sale of its bonds in de- nominations of $50, bearing an annual interest of 3 per cent. Bankers and brokers generally prefer bonds of large denominations and long-time periods before maturity. A bond issue should not be made with conditions of payment that will prove onerous to a city. If the bonds are payable in instalments, the period of time between them should be at least two years, especially if the instalments are very large, MUNICIPAL BONDS. IO3 although the creating of a sinking fund to meet large payments on long periods of time is quite as onerous. The taxpayer generally prefers an alternate year for a breathing spell, when no special tax is levied. There are no better securities in the land than the bonds issued by a thoroughly solvent, well-governed municipality, and its long-time bonds are much sought after by investors ; such bonds will find purchasers a long distance from home. In the West, and in fact all over the country, the rate of interest on money has been of late years steadily decreasing. We have seen the interest on Government bonds drop during the past twenty years from 7 per cent to 2 per cent. Many cities in the West that have been paying 7 per cent on their rail- way bonded indebtedness for the past twenty years can now borrow money at 5 per cent, and not a few have borrowed at 4 per cent. Since cities have ceased donating bonds to railway schemes, and have had legislative restrictions placed upon them limiting the amount of bonded indebtedness they can incur, the facilities for borrowing money have become greater, and the rate of interest paid by municipalities has been lowered. Cities which twenty-five years ago " cheer- fully " gave three hundred thousand dollars in bonds, bearing interest at 7 per cent annually, to the further- ance of some railway project, nowadays consider it a very serious matter to issue, for the construction of water-works or sewerage, fifty thousand dollars' worth of bonds, bearing an annual interest of 5 per cent. IO4 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. Judging from the past, it is fair to suppose that the future rate of interest will be lower than now, and not a few able financiers believe that the general rate after another decade has passed will be about three per cent annually. Taking this view, let us suppose that a certain city desires to issue bonds to the amount of forty thousand dollars. Will it not be good policy to issue the whole amount of forty thousand dollars redeemable in ten years at one payment, the rate of interest being 5 per cent ? If at the end of ten years the city is unable to redeem them, or desires to defer their redemption because of other and more pressing necessities, it can refund the whole amount at the same rate of interest, or at a lower if the general rate throughout the country has dropped to the antici- pated 3 per cent. Certainly, if the decrease in rate of interest during the next twenty years corresponds to that of the last twenty, it will be unwise for any city to issue bonds for a longer period than ten years. The high rate of interest paid by Western cities on long-time railway bonds during the past thirty years demonstrates the folly of issuing a long-time bond. Perhaps the indica- tions of a future low rate of interest is one reason why the long-time bond is preferred to one that is shorter lived. CULVERTS. 105 CULVERTS. A CULVERT is most generally built of wood when it should be built of either stone, brick, iron, or sewer- pipe and these materials are fast superseding the wood culvert. Sewer-pipe twenty-four inches in diameter is about the extreme size that can be used for this purpose. A brick culvert thirty inches in diameter can be built as cheaply as an iron-pipe culvert can be laid of the same diameter. If pipes are used, end protection walls must be built to prevent the washing away of the earth at the ends of the pipe. Large-span culverts, where sufficient height can be had, can be arched and built of stone ; but if there is not sufficient height for an arch, two masonry walls can be erected and steel I beams (twelve or fifteen inches depth according to the length of span) placed upon them, the ends of the beams built into the masonry flush with their upper surfaces, then floor the structure and erect railings upon either side. The bed of the stream, beneath culverts of large span, should be paved with stone to prevent scouring in flood seasons ; the paving-stones should be not less than twelve inches in height. Never set the walls of a 106 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. culvert on the paving : to do so is to invite their de- struction. The distance between culvert walls allowed for the flow of water should never be less than the extreme width of the stream it spans ; make the distance more rather than less. More width is required for the dis- charge of water than when the " oldest inhabitant " first saw the same stream. As the streets are graded, gutters are paved and many street surfaces are wholly paved, there is a greater influx of water re- ceived into the bed of the stream and in a much shorter period of time than when it was a winding meadow brook, half choked with weeds and rushes, and the verdure-covered land held much of the rainfall for evaporation and absorption by the earth. Under better conditions of streets and areas the rainfalls will cause the water to rise rapidly in the stream and to a greater depth than before, and it will fall rapidly if the bed of the stream has been cleaned, straightened, and otherwise improved, as it should be to prevent damage from high water. If the area of the watershed drained by a stream is computed, which can be easily done, there is no reason why the width of a culvert opening should be matter of guesswork ; the sectional area and the fall of the stream are also easily determined. With these essential factors on hand the local engineer can readily determine how wide the opening of the culvert should be, basing his calcula- tion upon a heavy rainfall upon snow-covered, frozen ground, a condition or conditions which will give the CULVERTS. 107 greatest fluctuation. A heavy rainfall at the close of a protracted season of rain will also require great ca- pacity of discharge. A one-inch rainfall upon one acre of ground is equal to 27,225 gallons of water ; allowing a loss of 25 per cent of this quantity by evaporation and absorption, there is still 20,418 gallons to be cared for under ordinary conditions and circumstances. IO8 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. PLANS FOR A CITY HALL. WHEN the building of a city or village hall is con- templated and the plans are in the formative stage, the first thing to be considered, when the site has been determined, is the convenience of rooms, one with another, relatively to public affairs; that is, particu- lar rooms or offices most frequented by the public should be easiest of access, and be located so as not to discommode those who occupy rooms less fre- quented. For instance, the rooms of the city clerk, treasurer, and chief of police or marshal should be easiest of access, because they have constant business with the public more than other city officers. The accompanying plans of the first and second floors of a city hall are shown, not for an architectural consideration, but merely to determine the best arrange- ment of the various offices suitable for their purposes. The duties of the city clerk and treasurer are almost identical at least their work is quite interdependent consequently their office rooms are placed together ; each room has its own vault, and the rooms can be used en suite or not during tax paying time it will be quite convenient to use them so. The corner entrance affords direct access from the street and the desk- PLANS FOR A CITY HALL. IOQ railing forms a lobby in both rooms in which the public can transact business with the occupants. The chief of police or marshal has an office on the ground floor, near the main entrance ; as an officer for emergencies he is therefore located where he can be reached easily and quickly. The marshal's duties are quite in common with those of the " superintend- ent of the poor," or the person who has charge of public or municipal charities : for this reason the rooms of these two officials adjoin. In the rear of the Poor office is the water-closet, and beyond it the policemen's room, from which the patrol- men come and go as their duties require. This room has a side entrance, presumably from the alley, through which arrested persons may be taken to the lockup without passing through the building. The loca- tion of the water-closet, as shown, makes it convenient of access by all the occupants of the 'building, and for the police to take when necessary those who are confined in the lockup. From the police-room is a door to the basement stairway convenient for the janitor. The lockup adjoins the police-room, and is designed for temporary lodgment only ; it is provided with bunks which should be iron cots, and the bedding should be blankets, and cotton ticks filled with straw, and pillows of the same materials. The blankets should be washed often, and the ticks and pillows, with contents, should be burned as often as necessary. The windows of the lockup should be at least seven feet from the floor, and barred upon the 10 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. GROUND PLAN FRONT. PLANS FOR A CITY HALL. Ill SECOND FLOOR FRONT. 112 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. outside. There is no basement under the lockup floor; the area inside the walls is filled with gravel to within six inches of the floor level, and upon this are placed slabs of stone six inches thick, which serves as a floor; ventilation should be provided at the ceiling. The floor of the hose-carriage room is presumably about two feet lower than the office floor of the hall. There is no basement underneath this room nor under the stable adjoining ; the floors are on a level with the grade of the sidewalk, and are made of two thicknesses of surfaced plank, laid crosswise of each other upon a gravel filling, the same as described for the lockup floor ; or a cement floor may be laid. The stalls in the stable are planned the same as those in general use where the doors are opened by electrical power ; no mangers are provided, the animals being fed from boxes placed before them, or, as is most commonly done, the feed is dumped upon the floor at the head of the stall. The place for hay storage is sufficiently large where baled or pressed hay is fed ; this may be built with 4X4 inch posts and the outside sheeted with No. 26 galvanized iron and then painted ; all that is necessary is to protect the hay from sparks of fire and from pilferers. The paved court, if roofed, makes a convenient place to groom the horses. It is presumed the city has a water-works system, and only a two-horse hose-carriage need be kept in the building ; larger accommodations for stabling horses will be necessary if both a steam fire-engine and hose cart are kept in the building. It may be observed PLANS FOR A CITY HALL, 113 that no communication exists, within the hall, between the office part of the building and that portion occu- pied by the fire department ; consequently no odors from the stable are communicated to the offices. If it is necessary to place a heating-stove in the hose-car- riage room, another flue may be added to the chimney, although it is designed to heat the building either by hot air or steam, from a boiler or furnace in the base- ment. The main hall is eight feet wide, and leads direct from the main entrance to the stairway, which is of the same width. The stairway should be of easy ascent, not more than seven-inch risers and about fourteen inches tread. The entry at the head of the stairway is commodious and well lighted. The council chamber has a wide entrance doors to be double, and to swing either way. The chamber is 29 X 33 feet, and ample for a council composed of fourteen aldermen. It is well lighted, having six win- dows ; the large window shown above the mayor's desk should be placed at least eight feet above the floor, and the glass should be either colored or opaque, so as not to affect the eyesight of the aldermen who may sit facing it. The location of this window affords a good position for placing an historical window of colored glass, relating to some past event in the history of the city. The chamber should have a hardwood floor, and the walls should be wainscoted to a height of about four feet upon all sides. The school board has a room adjacent to the council- 114 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. chamber; a window-lighted closet connects with this room, where books and school supplies may be kept under lock. The committee-room, connecting with the council- chamber, can be used as a mayor's office if desirable. The city engineer's office is convenient of access and well lighted. The lower floor of the hall should have its ceiling fourteen feet high ; the upper floor may be the same if additional height can be had in the roof over the council-chamber the ceiling of the chamber should be fifteen feet high. If the ceiling of the lower floor is made fourteen feet high, that of the hose-carriage room will be about sixteen feet. There is no economy in making ceilings very high : they do not afford any better facilities for ventilation than of moderate height ; besides, more expense is incurred in heating rooms with lofty ceilings. Ventilation for the council-cham- ber may be had through walls and roof, if provided for in the plans. The extreme dimensions of the hall are 54 X 60 feet. The rear addition is 16 X 60 feet if we include the court. The building is presumed to stand at a street corner, detached from other structures. The ground area occupied by the building includes 4328 square feet. It can be built for about $12,000, which includes heating apparatus, plumbing, and sewer connections. It is designed to be of brick, with stone door and window sills, water table, and porch columns. Roof to PLANS FOR A CITY HALL. I 15 be slated. Hardwood floors in hallway and entry ; stairs of the same material. Provide ventilation for the vaults by means of iron pipes, about three inches in diameter, which may be removed when the vaults have dried out and the openings then filled with good concrete. It is almost impossible to make a vault (such as are shown in the plan, for the clerk and treasurer) dry out in a year's time so that it can be used, unless ventilation is provided. Il6 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS, CLEANLINESS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. WE of this generation are lectured more on the sub ject of cleanliness as conducive to public health than on almost any other matter which relates to public affairs. Yet our towns and cities are not kept in a cleanly condition ; indeed, there are few municipalities which do not put forth supreme efforts, annually, to eradicate or abate some epidemic that is increasing the death-rate of the community above the average, and the cause of this increased mortality can in most cases be traced directly to a neglect of proper sanita- tion. The cleanliness of cities is an enforced, not a volun- tary, condition. Every city has upon record laws and ordinances sufficient, which if properly enforced, v/ould leave nothing to be said or written upon this subject ; but filthy conditions exist because such laws are not enforced, and only in our larger cities is any serious attempt made to make people cleanly according to the requirements of sanitary laws and regulations. The cleanliness of a city, if made clean at all, must be obtained through the efforts of a board of health, a body of medical men appointed specially for the purpose of enforcing such sanitary laws and regula- tions as are by charter provided ; but if these medical CLEANLINESS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 1 1/ men, in the exercise of their duties as health officers, attempt to carry out the sanitary requirements of the law, involving an expense to the individual and the city, they will surely draw upon themselves a great deal of censure and personal dislike. The average individual seems to consider personal conditions as personal prerogatives, and therefore resents most em- phatically any insinuations regarding the filthiness of his person or premises. If by the filthiness of his prem- ises sickness is caused in his household, he will not hesitate to call a physician to meet the patient ; but if that physician, as a health officer, have previously called upon the householder and warned him to remove the existing cause of the illness, the probabili- ties are that the physician will be unceremoniously ordered off the premises, nor will he afterwards be called to treat the patient. This should not be con- sidered an exceptional instance, for every bureau officer connected with a city government knows how far he can go in the discharge of his duties and retain his popularity ; when this is gone his displacement is sure to follow. The general public are apt to confound hygienic regulations with sumptuary laws and do not clearly note the difference ; hence the unpopularity of an officer which oftentimes results from the enforcement of sanitary laws. Some years ago it was a mooted question among scientists whether disease is produced by filth alone or by filth and some particular poison. Of late years Il8 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. Liebermeister's opinion is gaining ground : that filth is the favorable nest (nidus) for disease to find condi- tions favorable to a rapid development, and a potent auxiliary to filth in the spreading of disease is damp- ness. The Massachusetts Board of Health says, in one of its reports : ' The most widespread evil in our State brought out by these investigations is dampness of soil arising from incomplete drainage." This con- clusion was arrived at after a series of long-continued and exhaustive investigations to find and locate causes which led to the outbreak of typhoid fever and other diseases. We need no better sanitary laws and regulations than now exist in nearly all cities, but they do need a more efficient and intelligent recognition from the in- dividual, and the general public through its represen- tatives, the common council. If such laws were enforced one half as rigidly as the same laws are in the forts and encampments of the army, there would be much less to complain of in this matter of municipal cleanliness. There is no good reason why a city should not be as cleanly as the ground occupied by troops where the need of it is equally as great, if not greater ; for a city has a large population of the young and the helpless to protect and care for. The Union troops which occupied the city of New Orleans during the civil war made that city so clean that no epidemics occurred there until after the government of the city reverted to its civil rulers. It is undoubtedly true that the uncleanness of CLEANLINESS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 119 120 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. towns and cities is the cause of most of the diseases which prevail within them. The diseases prevalent from this cause are small-pox, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, croup, typhoid fever, diarrhoea, cholera morbus and dysentery, consumption and pneumonia. The detailed causes of the appearance of such diseases are : bad or no ventilation, overcrowded habitations, a polluted surface and subsoil, bad drainage or none at all, neglect of vaccination, of isolation and disinfec- tion, the presence of filth and the use of impure water in the household. The purity of the water used has much to do with the healthfulness of a community, and the greatest care should be exercised to obtain a wholesome water which should be proven so by analysis. All water obtained from wells located within a munici- pality should be rejected for use in the household and the wells filled up, for very few will bear the test of purity. True, the average citizen will almost always defend the purity of the water from the well located upon his premises ; he may say that he has drunk that water for twenty or perhaps forty years and he is quite certain of its purity. At the same time he for- gets that the population about him has in the mean- time increased perhaps an hundred-fold, and the now inhabited watershed which supplies that well with water is not the cleanly slope it was all those years the population has steadily contributed to its pollution. The water in such a well may be clear, sparkling, and palatable. The sparkle is due largely to the presence CLEANLINESS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 121 of carbonic acid gas ; and if some of the water is put into a bottle and placed where it will be warm, it will soon indicate its bad qualities by a putrid condition and offensive smell. The vaults of all privies within towns and cities should be built water-tight. It is better that they should always be built so, whether in the city or coun- try, for the farmer is not always particular regarding the juxtaposition of privy and well. Where sewerage is provided the outdoor privy is generally dispensed with, but where it remains in use the vault should be built as previously stated, because it is essential to the healthfulness of a com- munity that the area of ground upon which it lives and exists should be undefiled, that causes for its pollution should not be allowed to exist. In wet sea- sons, when cellars are made damp or are flooded with storm-water surcharged more or less with the pollu- tion of the soil through which it percolates into the cellar, the future danger from disease in the household has its beginning. It does not follow that because the cellar has a connection with the street sewer to drain off the inflow, there will be an exemption from illness in the household ; it is quite the reverse. For the sewer-drain removes only the flowing water and leaves the cellar damp, retaining all the impurities of the soil brought into it by the influx of the water. If storm-water is allowed to stand in puddles on the street, it will surely find its way into adjacent cellars if the soil is at all porous. 122 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. Parents are often inclined to charge the public school with the cause of illness of their children. In- ferentially they are correct in doing so, for the public schools assist in the dissemination of diseases, but it is rarely that a disease originates within them. More often the disease which has an outbreak in the school comes from some household wherein the sanitary con- ditions are bad, and the children have carried its results into the school-room. During the late war, after a regiment had encamped upon a plot of ground for several weeks, its comman- der would remove the regiment elsewhere, and the camp would then be made upon new and fresher ground, because the old camp-ground had become un- cleanly and in a condition which made it a menace to the health of the troops encamped upon it. Yet there are hundreds of towns and small cities in this country which have been camping-grounds for the denizens thereof for a great many years, and they have neither moved to more cleanly and fresher sites nor have they done anything to make existing conditions more cleanly and healthful. The truth plainly told is that the average citizen of the smaller towns and cities has rather a contemptuous opinion of sanitation in all its branches, and is also inclined to consider the relations between filth and disease as being something mythological. The occasional cholera " scares " which sweep this country are the best incentives to municipal and pri- vate cleanliness that we have. One scare such as we o '- CLEANLINESS AND PUBLIC HEALT^O, 123 . had in 1892 did more to alarm and awaken the public to the needs of general sanitation, and cause immedi- ate and active efforts towards cleanliness, than all the lectures and publications which have been uttered upon this question during the past quarter of a cen- tury. If we are inclined to believe that the particular city in which we live is a cleanly one, all we have to do to prove or to disprove the fact is to make an exploration of the alleys and back-yards within it. It is not neces- sary to relate what sorts of filth may be found, nor speak of the general condition of the alleys and back- yards thus explored, but it is quite safe to say that few of us can make such an investigation and after- wards say that we live in a city which is thoroughly clean. The writer was told more than once that a heap of manure which remained piled in an alley some length of time was not at all detrimental to healthful conditions, because, it was said, it contained so little moisture never enough to make a rill, however small ; yet directly above the heap was the eave of a barn, without a gutter ; and all the rainfall from that slope of the roof fell on and about the heap, carry- ing with it into the earth its share towards the pol- lution of the soil of the city. In many places it is hardly thought worth the while to grade alleys and provide them with gutters, because they are so little travelled ; consequently the rainfall, instead of washing its surface clean, makes pools of water in all the de- 124 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. pressions, and its subsequent absorption carries all the impurities into the earth with it. Garbage should always be deposited in water-tight receptacles and thence regularly emptied and the con- tents carted away. Manure, carcasses of dead animals, small as well as large, dead poultry and all such refuse should be removed daily from the precincts of a city and either buried or burned ; the dumping of such matter into living waters should be prohibited by a general law. The piles of boxes, barrels, refuse timber, and other such material generally found in back-yards are not conducive to healthful surroundings ; they not only retain dampness and become affected with partial de- cay, but they cover the ground and keep it damp, when every foot of unoccupied ground about the premises should be exposed to all the air and sunshine that can favor it. Decaying vegetable matter in back yards will produce miasmatic conditions as well as if it were in a swamp, with a partial advantage in favor of the swamp during those seasons of the year when it is overflowed with water, the decay being arrested by the submergence. Casting kitchen slops upon the premises should never be allowed by a householder. They contain a great deal of objectionable matter and is one of the most difficult fluids to dispose of by earth absorption that we have, and one of the most difficult to cleanse of its impurities. Few persons can conceive, without examination, how very foul a plot of earth will become that has been the dumping-place for CLEANLINESS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 12$ kitchen slops for a considerable length of time. If the soil is at all porous, this sort of pollution will affect the earth many feet below the surface. It is difficult to prevent the use of cesspools on pri- vate grounds, but every cesspool in use contributes to the unhealthfulness of a community, inasmuch as it contributes to the general pollution of the subsoil. Individual effort employed at intervals will not keep a city clean ; the combined efforts of all are re- quired : if one man keeps his premises clean and his neighbor does not, both are likely to suffer from the latter's neglect. Perhaps no other condition in life in which man is placed exemplifies so well the old adage " that one man is another man's keeper" as in this one question of municipal cleanliness, when a neighbor having filthy premises may cause disease and death in one's household. The statistics of the cholera epidemic which pre- vailed in London in 1854 show that where people used water conveyed through pipes from a pure supply the deaths were 37 to 10,000, and among those who used water from wells and cisterns the deaths were 130 to 10,000. Sixty-six per cent greater mortality among those who drank impure water ! This is cited to show how thoroughly the subsoil of a city can be- come polluted and the inhabitants not realize to what extent the danger exists. Ice will contain germs of disease if taken from waters affected by the decomposition of vegetation ; this is often done under the belief that the water from 126 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. which the ice was formed is strictly pure. Freezing water does not destroy the germs of disease it may contain, although freezing may cause them to be in- operative, as it were, until placed in warmer conditions when used in the household. Therefore a city should, as a part of its hygienic duties, exercise some over- sight regarding the source of the ice supplied to its inhabitants. In all towns and cities there exist people who are not cleanly either of person or premises ; a great many who have come here from abroad are not cleanly either by training or instinct, and their number is so large and they congregate under such unwhole- some conditions in our cities that they should receive special attention until they become habituated to a cleaner life. There are others also who are uncleanly in their person and surroundings who do not live in poverty nor in overcrowded tenement-houses. Squalor and poverty are terms generally used to describe the poor of cities, yet there are many poor people who are as neat and cleanly in all respects as can be found : squalor and laziness are more often the conditions which go together, and where found the sanitary laws should be rigorously applied, for it is from such people that epidemics spread among our schools. The health officer cannot very well compel cleanli- ness in a household, nor can he investigate the condi- tion of private cellars previous to the outbreak of a disease. We can only surmise from external appear- ances that filthy conditions exist there, and we must CLEANLINESS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. I2/ await results before an inspection of the premises will be tolerated. But we can compel cleanliness of clothes and person of the children sent to school from such habitations, and this is a matter which should be rigidly observed by all school boards. Some of them have al- ready taken hold of this question of cleanliness of pupils and in a commendable manner, and public opin- ion should strengthen the hands of the school com- missioner in this work, by giving him an unqualified support. As a hygienic writer has truly said, rear the children to habits of cleanliness and the result is a greater self-respect and a higher view of man's general condition, which leads them to revolt against filth and disease as they become older. Sewage disposal is another important question which the denizens of all cities, not already having done so, will be called upon to solve. The great increase of population of this country during the past twenty-five years is shown quite conclusively, if in no other way, by the general adoption of sewerage systems even by incorporated villages as well as cities. Ten years hence the sewer connections in these towns and cities will be quite extensively made, and all those modern appurtenances of the household which collect and con- vey filth to the public sewer will be in almost general use, and the daily outpouring of sewage will then be so great that the question of sewage disposal will of itself arise, and it can be downed only in one way, and that way must lead to a purifying process of some kind. Those cities located remote from tide-water 128 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. will be the first to care for their sewage which has been for years polluting some river, lake, or pond. We are quite content, as a general rule, to turn our sewage into such living waters, and excuse ourselves with the plea that it is but temporary ; yet it is a fact that we do not abate the nuisance until an outside (outside the corporate limits) influence and pressure compels such abatement ; and it is this outside pres- sure of public opinion which will sooner or later com- pel a majority of our cities to take care of their sewage in a manner that will not be offensive nor objection- able to the residents of adjoining towns. Man is naturally gregarious, and what with " booms,'* bonuses to manufacturing plants, and the construction of suburban motor lines of railway, he is forcing this natural instinct to a greater development than was ever known before. By this means our cities are grow- ing larger in area, and the populations becoming more condensed, and the question of sanitation follows closely at the heels of this rapid material development. The population is on the ground, its work of pollution has begun ; for how long a community will fight against diphtheria, scarlet fever, and other zymotic dis- eases before it will, as a body, act to remove the causes, will depend largely upon the mortality within it. The safe requirements for a community to observe and enforce to promote its healthfulness are : clean streets, alleys, and private grounds ; a well-drained subsoil and dry cellars ; the daily removal of all garb- age ; a water supply of known purity; good ventila- CLEANLINESS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. I2Q tion in schools, halls of assemblage, and in its homes, and the observance of personal cleanliness in all con- ditions of life. We may not all be inclined to believe that these conditions are strictly essential to the gen- eral good health of a community, but we might give them the benefit of the doubt, and take care that the truth does not come to us through bitter experience. 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