. ;',; ( r. <'<''"^ TRUE COPY O F T H E LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF HER GRACE ) late DUCHESS DOWAGER of MARLBOROUGH: WITH THE CODICIL Thereto Annexed. LONDON: Printed for M. COOPER, at the Globe in Pater-nofter-Row. 1744. (Price is. bd.) TRUE COPY O F T H E Laft Will and Teftament OF HER GRACE SARAH, l^te DUCHESS DOWAGER of MARLBOROUGH. THIS is the laft Will and Teftament of me, Sarah Duchefs Dowager of Marlborough y made this i ith Day of Auguft y in the Year of our LORD 1744. Firft, My Will and Defire is, that 1 may be buried at Blenheim^ near the Body of my Dear Hufband John, late Duke of Mar/borough ; and if I die before his Body is removed thither, I defire Francis, Earl Godolpbin, to direct the fame to be removed to Blenheim aforefaid, as was always in- tended. And I direct, that my Funeral may be private, and with no more Expence than De- cency requires. And I direct that no Mourn- ing be given to any other Perfons, except to B i'uch fuch of my Servants who (hall attend at my Funeral. As concerning my Eftate, I give the fame in Manner and Form following j that is to fay, I do hereby give, devife, and bequeath unto the Right Honourable Hugh Earl of Marchmont, and Beverjham Filmer of Lin- coins Inn in the County of Middlefex Efq; their Heirs and Affigns, for ever, All and every my Manors, Parfonage, Re&ory, Ad- vowfons, Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, and Hereditament* in the fevcral Counties of Surry, Oxford, Buckingham, and Huntingdon, every or any of them which were late the feveral Eftatcs of Ri- chard HoJditchy Francis Hawes, William AJlell, and Robert Knight Efqrs; or fomc of them, and which I lately purchafed to me and my Heirs, of and from the Truftees for the Sale of the Eftates of the late Dire&ors of the South Sea Company, under the Ad: of Parliament, in that behalf made and patted in the 7th Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft. And alfo all and every my Manors, Advowfon, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, and Hereditaments in the faid County of Buckingham, which were late the Eftatc of Richard Hamfden Efq; deceafed. And alfo my Manor, Rectory, Advowfon, Meffuages, Lands, Tythes, 'and Heredita- ments in the faid County of Buckingham^ which ( 3 ) which were late, or fome time the Eftate of Sir John Wittewronge Bart, deceafed j and my Manor, or reputed Manor, Capital MefTuage, and Freehold Mefluages, Lands, and Hereditaments in the fame County, which were late, or fome Time the Eftate of Sir 'Thomas Tyrrel Bart, deceafed. And alfo my Manor, Capital Mefluage, and Freehold and Copyhold Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in the County of Bedford, which were late the Eftate of Sir John Meres Knight, (and which Copy- hold Premises I have furrendered to the Ufe of my Will.) And alfo my Freehold and Copyhold Mef- fuages, Lands, Tenements, and Heredita- ments in the faid County of Bedford, which were late the Eftate of Bromfall Ihrock- morion Efqj (and which Copyhold Premif- fes I have furrendered to the Ufe of my Will.) And alfo my Manors, Capital MefTuages, and other MefTuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in PofTeflion, and in Re- verfion, in the faid County of Bedford, which were late the Eftate of Edward Snagg Efqj And alfo my Rectory and Tythes of Ste- venton in the faid County of Bedford, which were late the Eflate of Peter Floyer Efq; And alfo my Lands and Hereditaments in the faid County of Bedford, which were Jate B 2 the ( 4 ) the Eftate of Jchn Culliford, and Mary his Wife, or one of them. And alfb my Manor, Meffuages, Farms, Lands, and Hereditaments in the County of Etrks y which were late the Eftate of Richard Jones Efq; and William Jones his Son, or one of them. And alfo my Manor, Capital Meffuage, and other Meffuages, Advowfon, Farms, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in the faid County of Berks, which were late the Eftate of Robert Packer Efq; And alfo my Meffuage, L?nds, and Here- ditaments in the faid County of Berks t which were late the Eftate of Thomas Bed- ford Clerk, and Temperance Bedford his Mother pr one of them. And alfo my Manor, Mcffuage, Farm, Lands, and Hereditaments in the faid Coun- ty of Oxford, which were late the Eftate of Sir Cecil Bifiop Bart. And alfo my Manors, or reputed Manors, Capital MelTuages, Rectory, Advowfons, Mcfiuages, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, and Hereditaments in the County of Northamp- ton, which were late the Eftate of Mrs. Eli- zabeth Wifeman, (except luch Part of one of the faid Eftates as I have fold to Humphry Bradford Clerk.) And alfo my Manor, or reputed Manor, Capital Meffuage, Advowfon, Park, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in the faid County ( 5 ) County of Northampton, which were late the Eftate of Sir William Norwich Bart. And alfo my Manor, Capital Meffuage, Advowfons, Park, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in the faid County of North- ampton, which were fometime the Eftate of Nathaniel Lord Crew, Lord Bifhop of Dur- ham, dcceafed. And alfo all that my Eftate late or fomc time of Mr. Robotham, in or near St. Al- bans in the County of Hertford, (except fuch Part thereof as by Indenture, bearing Date on or about the fecond Day of June 1736, I have among other Things bargain'd and fold unto Daniel Earl of Winchelfea and Nottingham, Sir Thomas Reeve Knt. fince dcceafed, Walter Plummer of Caven- difo Square in the County of Middlefex> Efq; and James Stephens of the City of IPcftminJler, (Doclor in Phyfick.) And alfo my Manors, Capital MefTuage, and other Meffuages, Advowfons, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, and Hereditaments, Freehold and Copyhold, in the County of Stafford, which were late the Eftate of Tho- mas Lord Vifcount Fauconberg, (and which Copyhold Prcmiffes I have furrendered to the Ufcofmy Will.) And alfo my Manor, Right of Patronage, Capital MeflTuage, and other Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Free-j hold and Copyhold, in the County of Nor- folk, ( 6 ) folk y which were late the Eftate of Gabriel Armiger Efq; and which Copyhold Pre- mifles I have furrendcred to the Ufe of my Will. And alfo my Manor, or reputed Manor, Rectory, Tythes, Mefluages, Farms, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in the County of Leicefter, and the faid County of Northampton, which were late the Eftate of Sir Thomas Cave Bart, and Dame Eliza- beth his Wife, or one of them : (But the faid Manors, MelTuages, Lands and Heredita- ments in the Counties of Bedford and Hun- tingdon, which were late the Eftates of Sir John Meres Knt. and William Aflell Efq; are to be fubject neverthelefs, and charged as the fame are made fubjccl, and charged by Indenture of Settlement, dated the 1 3th Day of February in the Year of our Lord 1733. made previous, and in order to the Marriage of my Grandfon John Spencer Efq; with Georgina Carolina, his now Wife, Daughter of John Lord Carter et) And all other my Manors, and Freehold and Copyhold Mef- fuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments whatfocver, in the faid feveral Counties of Surry, Oxford, Huntingdon, Buckingham, Bedford, Berks, Northampton, Hertford, Stafford, Norfolk, and Leicefter, every, or any of them, or elfewhere, with their Ap- purtenances, not by me other wife difpofed of, To have and to bold the faid Manors, Rectories, ( 7 ) ' Rectories, Advowfons, Mcfluagcs, Farms, Lands, Tenements,Tythes, Hereditaments and Premifles herein before devifed or mentioned ib to be, with their Appurtenances, (except before excepted) unto the faid Hugh Earl of Marchmont, Beverftam Filmer, and their Heirs for ever ; To the Ufe of them and their HcirSj^upon the Trufts, and under and fub- jcct loathe Powers, Provifocs, and Limita- tions herein after cxpreflcd and declared of and concerning the fame ; that is to fay, In f ^LJ^A. J?l ace * to the Jntcnt_and Porpofe that John Spencer, the Son of my faid Grandfon John Spencer, may have, receive, and take annually, from the Time that he fhall have attained the Age of 20 Years, if his Father fhall be then living) for and during the joint natural Lives of himfelf, and his faid Father, one Annuity, or yearly Rent- Charge of 2ooo/. of lawful Money of Great- Britain , to be ifToing and going out of and charged upon the fame Premises, and every Part thereof j the fame to be paid by equal quarterly Payments at the four moft ufual Fcafts, or Days of Payment in every Year ; that is to fay, the Feafts of the Annunciation of the blefTed Virgin Mary, of the Nativity of St. John the Baptift, of St. Michael \ht Arch- angel, and of the Birth of our Lord Chrift, without any Deduction or Abatement there- out, for or by reafon of any Taxes, Charges, or Impositions impofcd, or to be impofcd, by ( 8 ) by Authority of Parliament, or otherwife howfoevcr : And if the fame, or any Pare thereof, ihall be behind and unpaid by the Space of Twenty Days next after any of the faid Feafts or Days of Payment in the Year, on which the fame ought to be paid as aforefaid, (being lawfully demanded) that then and fo often it ihall and may be lawful to and for the faid John Spencer the Son, during the joint Natural Lives of himfelf and his faid Father, into and upon the fame Manors, Mefluagcs, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments chargeable therewith, or any of them, or any Part thereof, to enter and diftrain for the fame j and the Diftrefs and Diftreflcs then and there found, to detain and keep until he {hall be fully paid and fatisfied all fuch Arrearages, with Colts and Charges, in and about the making and keeping thereof. And in Cafe the faid Annuity, or Yearly Rent-Charge of 20oo/. or any Part thereof, mall be behind and unpaid for the Space of 40 Days, next over or after any of the faid Days of Pay- ment, whereon the fame ought to be paid as aforefaid ; That then and fo often it Ihall and may be lawful to and for the faid John Spencer the Son, during the joint Natural Lives of himfelf and his faid Father, into all and fingular the laid Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments charg- ed therewith as aforeiaid, or any Part thereof, to ( 9 ) to enter ; and the Rents, IfTues and Profits thereof, to receive and take, until he there- with and thereby, or by the Perfori or Per- fons who fhall be then entitled to the im- mediate PoffefTion of the faid Manors, Mef- fuages, Lands, Tenements, and Heredita- ments, be paid and fatisficd the fame and every Part thereof; and all the Arrears thereof incurred before, and that fhall incur during fuch Time as he {hall receive the Rents, If- fues, and Profits thereof, or be intitled to receive the fame, by Virtue of fuch Entry to be made as aforcfaid, together with his Cofts, Damages, and Expcnces laid out and fuftain- ed, by reafon of the Non-payment thereof, or any Part thereof. - And whereas the late Duke of Marlbo- 1 rough hath by his Will impowered and di- rected his Truftces in the faid Will named, and Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Heirs and Affigns of fuch Survivor, on the Birth of each, and every Son then after to be born of Charles Spencer, (now Charles Duke of Marlborough) and of others in the faid Will named by Deeds attefted by two or more credible Wit- neffes, to revoke and make void the re- fpeclive Ufes limited to fuch refpectivc Sons in Tail Male, and in lieu thereof to limit the Premiflcs in the iaid Will mentioned (except C as as therein is excepted,) to the Ufe of fuch Sons for their Lives, without Impeachment of Waftc, with immediate Remainders to the refpective Sons of fuch Sons feveral- ly and refpcctively in Tail Male, according to the Seniority of fuch Sons. And the Court of Chancery having been applyed to for Directions in this Matter, but ; not having as yet given any : And I being minded to prcferve, as far at in me lieth, the \ Remainders in the faid Duke of Marlborwr&i Will limited, from being defeated or bar- , red, do therefore to that Intent and Purpofe direct, that the faid Hugh Earl of March- mont and Beverftam Filmer, and the Survivor of them, and the Heirs of fuch Survivor, do and fhall out of the Rents, Iffues and Pro- fits of the Premises fo limited to them as aforefaid, raife and pay the clear yearly Sum of three thoufand Pounds over and above all Deductions for or by reafon of any Taxes, Charges, or Impofitions impofed, or to be impcfed by Authority of Parliament, or other wife howfoever, by four equal Quarter- ly Payments at the aforefaid Feafts, to and for the Ufe of fuch of the Sons or Grand- fons of the faid Charles Duke of Marlbo- borough born, or to be born, as ihall fuccef- fively for the time being be next and im- mediately intuled as Tenant in Tail in Re- mainder, ( II ) mainder, after the Death of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborougb, to the Eft ate of "John late Duke of Marl&orougb, by Virtue of his Will, which faid Annuity, or yearly Sum fhall commence, and be paid to fuch Son or Grandfon for the time being, from and after his attaining the Age of twenty Years, du- ring the joint Lives of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough^ and fuch Son or Grandfon for the time being. Provided neverthelefs, that if any fuch Son or Grandfon intitled to fuch Annuity, or yearly Payment as aforefaid, fliall, during the Life of the faid Charles Duke of Marl- borough^ do, or fuffcr, or convenant, or agree to do, or fuffer any Act, whereby, all or any of the Eftat.cs, Remainders, Limitations, or Ufes in the faid late Duke of Marlborougtis Will declared, or exprefled, may be defeated, or barred ; then, and in fuch Cafe, the An- nuity, or yearly Sum of three thoufand Pounds hereby limited, fhall from thence- forth for ever ceafe, and be void, not only in refpect to the Son or Grandfon of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough^ doing, or fuf- fering fuch Act as aforefaid, but in refpect to every other Son and Grandfon of the laid Charles Duke of Marlborough. Provided alfo, and it is my Will, That if any Son of the faid Charles Duke of Marl- C 2 borough borough fhall become intitled to the faid An- nuity in PofTeffion, by Virtue of this my Will, and fhall in the Life-time of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough marry, and attain his Age of twenty one Years, and fhall not have done, or fuffered or agree to do, or fuffer any Adi whereby the faid Annuity hereby to him limited, is by this my Will to ccafe, or be void j then and in fuch Cafe, it (hall, and may be lawful to and for fuch Son in the Life-time of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough, by any Deed duly executed, and attefted by three or mere cre- dible Witncfles, with the Confent of the faid Hugh Earl of Marchmont and Beverfiam Filmer, or the Survivor of them, or his Heirs, fignified by their, or his fealing, and executing of fuch Deed, to limit, or appoint to be paid out of my faid Eftates charged with the faid Annuity, or Payment of three thoufand Pounds yearly, an Annuity or yearly Payment, not exceeding fifteen hun- dred Pounds per Ann. clear of all Taxes and Charges, to be paid by fuch quarterly Pay- ments as aforefaid, to any Woman with whom he mail intermarry, to hold the faid Annuity from and after her Hufband's Death, during her Life. Provided always, That if fuch Son of the faid Charles Duke of Marlbortugh, who fhall make fuch Appointment, fhall afterwards happen ( '3 ) happen to furvive the faid Charles Duke of Marlborougb, then, and in fuch Cafe the faid Appointment of fuch Annuity for fuch Woman {hall be void, and the faid Annuity fhall not take place. Provided alfo, and it is my Will, That my faid Eftates mall never be chargeable with the Payment of more than one fuch Annuity, as a Provifion for any fuch Wo- man, at one and the fame time. And as to ail my faid Manors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and PremifTes herein before devifed to my faid Truftees Hugh Earl of Marchmont and Beverjham Filmer, fubjetf to the faid Annuities, Pow- ers, and Provifions herein before mentioned ; / ivilf, direct and devife the fame to be in 'Trufl for my faid Grandfon ^ohn Spencer, and his Affigns, for, and during the Term of his Natural Life, without Impeachment of Wafte, and from and after the Deter- mination of that Eflate, to the Ufe of the faid Hugh Earl of Marchmont and Bever- fljam f timer > and their Heirs during the Na- tural Life of the fame John Spencer - t in Truft to fupport and preferve the contingent Ufes and Eftates herein after limited, from be- ing defeated or deftroyed ; and for that pur- pofe to make Entries, or bring Aclions, as the ( '4 ) the Cafe /hall require: Yet neverthelefs to permit and fuffer the fame John Spencer and his Affigns, during his Life, to receive and take the Rents and Profits thereof, and of every part thereof, to and for his and their own Ufc and Benefit ; and from and after his Deceafe, in Truft for the faid John Spencer, the Son of my faid Grand fon John Spencer, and his Affigns, for and during the Term of his natural Life, without Impeach- ment of Wafte. And from and after the Determination of that Eftate, to the Ufe of the faid Hugh Earl of Marcbmont, and Beverjham Filmer, and their Heirs, during the natural Life of the faid John Spencer the Son, in Truft to fup- port and prcferve the contingent Ufes and Eftates, herein after limited, from being de- feated or deftroyed ; and for that Purpofe to make Entries, or bring Adtions, as the Cafe fhall require: Tet neverthelefs to permit and fuffer the faid John Spencer the Son, and his Afligns, during his Life, to receive and take the Rents and Profits thereof, and of every Part, to and for his and their own Ufe and Benefit. And from and after his Deceafe, in 'Truft for the firfl, fccond, third, fourth, fifth, and all and every other the Son and Sons of the ( '5 ) the Body of the faid John Spencer the Son, lawfully to be begotten, feverally, fucceffive- ly, and in Remainder, one after another, is they and every of them (hall be in Seniority of Age and Priority of Birth ; and the feveral and refpective Heirs Male of the Body and Bodies of all and every fuch Son and Sons lawfully ifluing; the Elder of fuch Sons, and the Heirs Male of his Body, to be always preferr'd, and to take before the younger of fuch Son and Sons, and the Heirs Male of his and their Body and Bodies ifTuing. And for Default of fuch Iflue, in Truft for all and every other the Son and Sons of the Body of my faid Grandfon 'John Spencer lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, fcve- rally, fucceffivcly, and in Remainder, one after another, as they and every of them {hall be in Seniority of Age and Priority of Birth, and the feveral and refpective Heirs Male of the Body and Bodies of all and every fuch Son and Sons lawfully ifluingj the Elder of fuch Sons, and the Heirs Male of his Body, to be always preferr'd, and to take before the Younger of fuch Son and Sons, and the Heirs Male of his and their Body and Bodies iiTuing. And for Default of fuch IfTue, ;/; Truft for all and every the Daughter and Daughters of of the Body of my faid Grandfon Join Spencer lawfully begotten, or to be begot- ten, and all and every the Daughter and Daughters of the Body of the faid John Spencer the Son lawfully to be begotten, to be equally divided between or among them, (if more than one) Share and Share alike, to tike as Tenants in common, and not as joint Tenants, and the feveral and refpec"Hve Heirs of the Bodies of all and every fuch Daugh- ter and Daughters lawfully iffuing. And in cafe one or more of fuch Daugh- ters fhall happen to die without IfTue of her or their Body or Bodies j Then as to the Share or Shares of her or them fo dying without IfTue, in 'Iruft for the Survivors or Survivor, and others or other of them, to be equally divided between or among them, (if more than one) Share and Share alike, to take as Tenants in common, and not as joint Te- nants, and the feveral and the refpective Heirs of the Bodies of fuch Survivors or Survivor, and others or other of them. And if all fuch Daughters but one {hall happen to die without Iflue of their Bodies, or if there fhall be but one fuch Daughter, /';/ Truft for fuch furviving or only Daughter, and the Heirs of her Body. And ( '7 ) And for Default of fuch Iffue, then in Truft for fuch Perfon and Perfons, and for fuch Eftate and Eftates, Ufes, Intents, and Purpofes, as I mail by my Will, Codicil, or other Writing, by me to be figned in the Pre fence of three or more credible Wit- nefTes, declare, direct, limit, or appoint. And my Will is, That all my Houfhold Goods and Furniture, which, at the Time of my Deceafe, mall be in the aforefaid MefTuage in the County of Oxford^ which 1 purchafed of Sir Cecil Bifiop Bart, fhall be deemed as Heir- Looms, and for ever be enjoyed, as far as the Law will admit, by the Perfon and Perfons who for the Time being mall be in Poffeffion of or intitled to the Rents and Profits of the fame Mef- fuage by virtue of this my Will. And whereas by Indenture bearing Date on or about the 25th Day of November, which was in the Year of our Lord 1729, the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Chrift, Canter- bury, for the Confiderations therein men- tioned, did leafe or grant unto me the Scite and Court-Lodge of the Manor of Agney, in the Parishes of Old Romney and Midley in Romney-MarJh in the County of Kenf, and the feveral Houfcs, Barns, Build- D ings, ( 18 ) ings, Lands, Tenements, and Heredita- ments in the faid Indenture of Leafe parti- cularly mentioned and defcribed, All which were formerly the Leafehold Eftate of my late Mother ; hold the fame to me, my Heirs and Affigns, for and during the three Lives therein named, and the Life of the longeft Liver of them, fubject to the Rents and Covenants in the fame Leafe referved and contained, and which en the LeiTees Part are to be paid, done, and performed : Now I do hereby give, devife, and be- queath the faid Scite and Court-Lodge, Houfes,Barns,Buildings,Lands,Tenements, Hereditaments and Premiires, comprized in the faid Leafe 5 and all my Renewable and other Eftate, Term and Intereft therein : And alfo my Lands, Tythes, and Eflate in the faid County of Buckingham, which I hold by Leafe for Years of the City of Lincoln : And alfo all other my Leafehold E- ftates (except fuch of them as I fhall other- wife difpoie of by this my Will, or by any Codicil or Codicils to be by me made thereto) unto, and to the Ufe of the faid Hugh Earl of Marchmont and Beverfiam Filmer, their Heirs, Executors, Admini- ftrators, ( 19 ) flratorsj and Afligns refpeftively, during the Continuance of the fame refpeftive Leafes ; In c riift neverthelefs for fuch Per- fon and Perfons, and for fuch Eftates and Interefts, and in fuch Proportions and Man- ner, and under and fubje to permit the Eldeft of fuch Sons for the time being of the fame John Spen- cer, lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, to have, hold, and enjoy the fame Capital MefTuage and Premifles to, and for his, and their own Ufc and Benefit. Provided always, That in Cafe the faid John Spencer, the Father, {hall have no other Son of his Body lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, who (hall live to at- tain the faid Age of one and twenty Years, then and in fuch Cafe, the fame Capital Mefluage and Premifles (hall from thence- forth for all the then Refidue of the faid Term, or Terms of fifty Years therein, be, g go and remain, in Tru/t for the Perfon, or Perfons, who for the time being (hall be intitled unto, and inherit the Honour and Title of Duke, or Duchefs of Marlbo- rough, (other than, and except the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough.) Provided always, That in Cafe my faid Grandfon "John Spencer, (hall at any time after my Deceafe, difpofe of his Eftate and Intereft, or any Part thereof in the faid Capital Me {Iuage and Premifles, or any Part thereof, or depart from the Poffeflion and Occupation of the fame, by Leafe, Sale, Exchange, Loan, or otherwise howfoever, on any Account whatfoever, (except the little Houfe adjoining to the Chappel, ufed as a French and Dutch Church, now in- habited by Robert Earl of Clancarty,) then and in fuch Cafe my Will is, and I do hereby order and direct, that my Executors herein after named, or the Survivors, or Survivor of them, his Executors, or Admi- niftrators, mall and do immediately there- upon fell, and difpofe of the fame Capi- tal Meffuage and Premifles for all the then G Refidue ( 42 ) Refidue of the faid Term, or Terms of 50 Years therein, for the moft Monies, and beft Price they can get for the fame ; and the Monies arifing by fuch Sale fhall be taken as Part of, and go along with the Refidue of my Perfonal Eftate, as the faid Refidue is herein after difpofcd of, or di- rected to be difpofed of. Provided always, That in Cafe the faid George Spencer, commonly called Marquis of Blandford> or any of his Sons, or the faid Charles Spencer t commonly called Lord Charles Spencer, or any of his Sons, or any other Son of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough hereafter to be born, fhall at any time after my Deceafe, and during the Life of the faid Charles Duke of Marl- borough, difpofc of his or their Eftate and Intereft, or any Part thereof in the faid Capital Mefluage and Premises, or any Part thereof, or depart from the Pofleffion and Occupation of the fame by Leafe, Sale, Exchange, Loan, or otherwife howfoever, on any Account whatfoever (except the Little Houfe adjoining to the Chappel, ufed as ( 43 ) as a French and Dutch Church, now in- habited by Robert Earl of Clancarty j) or if the faid George Spencer, commonly called Marquis of Blandjord, or any of his Sons, or the faid Charles Spencer, commonly called Lord Charles Spencer, or any of his Sons, or any other Son of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough hereafter to be born, fhall during the Life of the faid Charles Duke of Mar thorough, do or fuffer, or covenant, or agree to do or fuffer any Adi, whereby all, or any of the Eftates, Remain- ders, Limitations, or Ufes in the faid late Duke of Marlborough^ Will, declared or exprefled, may be defeated or barred -, fhen and in any, or either of the faid Cafes, all and every the Bequefts of any Eftate, or Intereft whatfoevcr, of or in the fame Ca- pital Mefluage, called Marlborough-Houfe, and other the Premises hereby given or limited to them, the faid George Spencer t commonly called Marquis of Elandford, and his Sons, and the faid Charles Spen- cer, commonly called Lord Charles Spen- cer, and his Sons, and the other Sons of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough G 2 hereafter ( 44 ) hereafter to be born as aforefaid, fhall ab- folutely from thenceforth ceafe, and be void to all Intents and Purpofes. And then, in fuch Cafe, the fame Capi- tal MefTuage and Premiffes fhall immedi- ately thereupon, after the Death of my faid Grandfon John Spencer, go, be and re- main to the feveral Ufes, Trufts, Intents and Purpofes following ; that is to fay, in ^Irujl for the faid "John Spencer the Son, for fo much, or fo long of the faid Term, or Terms of 50 Years therein, as he fhall live, in the fame manner as if all the Iffue Male of the faid Charks Duke of Marl- borough were dead. And from and after the Deceafe of the faid John Spenctr the Son, In Truft for fuch Son of the Body of the fame John Spencer lawfully to be begotten, as mall firft attain the Age of one and twenty Years j and the Executors and Adminiftrators of fuch Son, for all the then Refidue of the faid Term or Terms of fifty Years therein. And ( 45 ) And in the mean time, In Tru/t to permit the elded Son for the Time being, of the Body of the faid John Spencer the Son, lawfully to be begotten, to have, hold and enjoy the fame Capital Meffuage dnd Pre- mifles, to and for his and their own Ufe and Benefit. Provided always, that in Cafe the faid John Spencer the Son fhall have no Son of his Body lawfully begotten, who fhall live to attain the faid Age of one and twenty Years, then In tfruft for fuch other Son of the Body of the faid John Spencer the Father lawfully begotten, or to be be- gotten, as (hall firft attain the faid Age of one and twenty Years, and the Executors and Adminiftrators of fuch other Son, for all the then Refidue of the faid Term or Terras of fifty Years therein : And in the mean time, In Trujl to permit the Eldeft of fuch other Sons for the Time being, of the fame John Spencer lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, to have, hold and enjoy the fame Capital Mefluage and Premises, to and for his and their own Ufe and Benefit. Provided always, That in Cafe the faid John Spencer the Father mall have no other ( 46 ) other Son of his Body lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, who ihall live to attain the faid Age of one and twenty Years : Then, and in fuch Cafe my Will is, and I do hereby order and direct, that my Exe- cutors herein after named, or the Survivors or Survivor of them, his Executors or Ad- ininiftrators, fhall, and do fell, and difpofe of the fame Capital Meffuage and Premif- fes, for all the then Refidue of the faid Term or Terms of 50 Years therein, for the moft Monies and beft Price they can get for the fame. And the Monies arifing by fuch Sale, fhall be taken as Part of, and go along with the Refidue of my Pcrfonal In- flate, as the faid Refidue is herein after dif- pofed of, or directed to be difpofed of. And my Will is, and I do hereby autho- rize, impower, and direct my Executors herein after named, their Executors, and Adminiftrators, from time to time as Oc- cafion fhall require, and as they fhall think proper, during the Continuance of the faid Trufts by me herein declared, of and con- cerning ( 47 ) cerning the faid laft mentioned Leafehold Premifles) to apply for, and do their En- deavours to renew the faid Leafe of the faid Capital MefTuage and other the faid laft mentioned Premifles ; the Cofts and Charges of all which Renewals, I do hereby charge on the fame Capital Mefluage and Pre- miflcs. And I do order and direcl, that all new Leafes hereafter to be obtained of the fame Premifles, fhall be, and be declared to be on the like Trufts, and fubjecl: to the like Pro- vifoes and Contingencies as are herein de- clared, of and concerning the faid now fub- fifting Leafe of the fame Premises, or fuch of the fame Trufts as fhall be then fub- fifting. And whereas I am poflefled of, or in- titled to another Leafe from the Crown, bearing Date on or about the I3th Day of February, 1728. for a certain Term of Years not yet expired, as in and by the faid Leafe more fully will appear: Now I give and devife the fame Leafe, and all my Eftate and Intercft thereby de- mi fed ( 48 ) mifed to my Executors herein after named, In Tru/l for the Owner and Proprietor, for the time being, of the faid Marlboreugh- Houfe, to go along, and be held and enjoyed with the fame, and fubject to the fame Con- ditions and Limitations. And whereas I am impowered by the Duke of Mar /borough's Will to difpofe of fuch of the Goods and Furniture in Mar/borough- Houfe aforefaid, as are my own, though they were bought in his Life-time : And whereas there is an Inventory, which will fhew which of the Goods and Furniture in the faid Houfe are mine, (whe- ther bought in the faid Duke of Marl- borougtis Life-time, or fmce his Deceafe ;) Now I do hereby give and bequeath all fuch of the Goods, Furniture and Pidures, which are and (hall be my own, and which mall be in the faid Marttorougb-Houfe at the Time of my Deceafe, except fuch of them as I (hall otherwife difpofe of by this my Will, or by any Codicil or Codi- cils ( 49 ) cils to be by me made thereto, unto my faid Grandfon John Spencer, his Executors and Adminiftrators. Item, I give and bequeath unto my faid Grandfon, Charles Duke of Marl- borough, his Executors and Adminiftrators, to and for his and their own Ufe and Be- nefit, all fuch Goods, Furniture and Pictures, as are, or mall be my own, and which mall be in Blenheim Houfe in Oxfordflxre at the Time of my Deceafe, (except fuch of the faid Goods, Furniture and Pictures, whereof I mail otherwife difpofe by this my Will, or by any Codicil or Codicils to be by me made thereto.) But the faid Bequeft of my faid Goods, Furniture, and Pictures in Blenheim Houfe to the faid Charles Duke of Mar /borough, is upon this exprefs Condition, That he do not remove any of the Goods or Furniture from Althrop Houfe, but permit the fame to be enjoyed by my faid Grandfon John Spencer, his Executors and Adminiftrators, (unlefs the faid Goods and Furniture in Al- throp Houfe {hall be of greater Value than H my ( 5 ) my faid Goods, Furniture, and Pictures in Blenheim Houfe $ in which Cafe, the faid Duke of Marlborough may remove from Althrop Houfe Part of the faid Goods or Furniture, leaving only fo much thereof as fhall be equal in Value to my faid Goods, Furniture, and Pictures, which, at the Time of my Deceafe, mail be in Blenheim Houfe.) And in cafe the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough mall refufe to perform the faid laft mentioned Condition, then I give all my faid Goods, Furniture, and Pictures in Blenheim Houfe, (except as aforefaid) to the fame John Spencer, his Executors and Adminiftrators. And my Will is, and I do hereby or- der and direct, That all the Goods and Fur- niture, which at the Time of my Deceafe mall be in or about my Manfion -Houfe at Holywell in St. Albans, in the faid County of Hertford, (except fuch of them as I mall otherwife difpofe of by this my Will, or by any Codicil or Codicils to be by me hereafter made thereto) mall remain and continue ( 5' ) continue there, and be always held and en- joyed therewith, as far as the Law will admit of. And 'whereas by Letters Patent, dated on or about the i8th Day of July, in the eighth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne ; her faid late Majefty granted the Rangermip and Office, or Place of Keeper of Windfor Great Park, and of all the Houfes or Lodges there ; and alfo of the keeping the Paddock Walk, and the Houfes or Lodges belonging to the fame Walk, and all other Profits in the faid Great Park, unto James Craggs, Samuel Edwards, and Charles Hodges Efquires, and their Heirs, In Trufl for me and my Heirs during the Lives of myfelf and Henrietta late Duchefs of Marlborough, and Mary Duchefs of Montagu, and the Life of the longefl Liver of us : Now I do hereby will, order and direct, That the Heirs or Affigns of the faid Sa- muel Edwards mall ftand fazed, pofTefTed, and interefted of and in the faid Rangerfhip and Office or Place of Keeper of the faid H 2 Great ( 5* ) Great Park, and of and in the faid Houfes or Lodges there, and of and in all other the faid laft mentioned Premises, for and during all the Refidue of my faid Eftate and Jntereft, which {hall be to come therein at the Time of my Deceafe, by Virtue of the faid Letters Patent, In Truft for my faid Grandfon "John Spencer, his Heirs and Amgns. And I give and bequeath all the Goods, Furniture and Pictures, which mall be in the chief Lodge there at the Time of my Deceafe, (except fuch of them as I {hall other wife diipofe of by this my Will, or by any Codicil or Codicils to be by me made thereto) unto the fame "John Spencer, his Executors and Adminiftrators, to and for his and their own Ufe and Benefit. And whereas by Virtue of the faid Let*- ters Patent, the Heirs or AfTigns of the faid Samuel Edwards are feized or intitled to them and their Heirs, In Iruft for me and my Heirs, of and in the Rangermip and Office or Place of Keeper of the Little Park at ( 53 ) at Windfor, and all the Lodges in the fame Park, during the Life of the faid Charles now Duke of Marlborough y (the fard Hen- rietta, late Dutchefs of Marlborough, and George Churchill Efq; the two other No- minees in the faid Letters Patent, named with refpect to the fame Premises, being fince dead :) Now I do hereby will, order, and di- rect, That the Heirs or Affigns of the faid Samuel Edwards (hall ftand lei-zed, pof- fefTed, and interefted, of and in the faid Rangermip and Office, or Place of Keeper of the faid little Park, and Lodges there- in, and of and in all other the faid laft mentioned Premises, for and during all the Refidue of my faid Eftate and Intereft, which fhall be to come therein at the Time of my Deceafe, by Virtue of my faid Letters Pa- tent, upon the Trufts following; that is to fay, In Trujl for the faid John Spencer the Son, for and during fo much of my faid Eftate and Intereft therein, as he fhall live. And ( 54 ) And from and after his Deceafe, In for his Father, my faid Grandfon John Spencer, his Heirs and Affigns. And my Will is, that all my Goods and Furniture, which at the Time of my De- ceafe, fhall be in my Lodge in the faid little Park, {hall be enjoyed by the Perfon and Perfons, who, for the Time being, fhall be in PofTeffion of the faid Lodge, and other the faid laft mentioned Leafehold PremifTes, by Virtue of this my Will; and (hall, at the Determination of my faid Eftate and Intereft in the faid laft mentioned Leafe- hold Premiffes, go to fuch of them, the faid John Spencer the Son, or John Spencer the Father, who fhall then be in Poffeffion thereof, his Executors and Adminiftrators: And in cafe of both their Deaths before that Time, then to the Executors and Ad- miniftrators of my faid Grandfon John Spencer. I give, devife, and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Ifabella, Duchefs Dowager of ( 55 ) of Manchejler, her Heirs and Afligns, all that my Piece of Ground, with the Mef- fuage thereon built, and the Appurtenances, in Dover-Jlreet in the County of Middle- Jex y and which I lately purchafed of the Executors and Truftees of the late Countefs of Weftmorland. I alfo give and bequeath unto the faid Ifabella, Duchefs Dowager of Mancbefter, her Executors and Adminiftrators, all my Goods, Chattels, and Furniture, which, at the Time of my Deceafe, mall be in or about the faid laft mentioned Mefluage and PremifTes. I give and bequeath unto the faid Hugh Earl of Marcbmont, Thomas Lord Bimop of Oxford, the faid Beverjham Filmer and James Stephens, their Executors and Ad- miniftrators, all that my Leafchold Piece of Ground, and the Brick MefTuage, and other Erections thereon built, with the Appurte- nances, in Gro/venor-Jtreef, in the Parifh of Sf. George, Hanover-Square, in the County of Middlefex, for all my Terra and Intereft, Jntereft, which mall be to come therein at the Time of my Deceafe : And all my Goods, Chattels and Furniture, which at the Time of my Deceafe fhall be in or about the faid MefTuage and Premiffes, upon the Trufts following ; that is to fay, In 'Truft, for the faid John Spencer the Son, his Exe- cutors and Adminiftrators. Provided always, That in cafe the faid John Spencer the Son {hall not live to at- tain the Age of One and Twenty Years, then In Truft for my faid Grandfon John Spencer, his Executors and Adminiftra- tors. Item, I do hereby make, conftitute, and appoint the faid Hugh Earl of Marchmont, the Right Reverend Father in God 'Thomas Lord Bimop of Oxford, BeverJJoam Filmer, and James Stevens, joint Executors of this my laft Will and Teftament : And I give the Sum of Two Thoufand pounds a-piece unto fuch of them my faid Executors as lhall prove this my Will, and take on them the Burthen and Execution thereof, and of the Trufts hereby in them repofed, as an Acknow- ( 57 ) Acknowledgment for their Care and Trou- ble in and about the fame. Item, I give and bequeath unto, or in Truft for the fcveral and refpedtive Perfons \vhofe Names (hall be mentioned and ex- prefled in my Codicil or Codicils, to be by me made to this my Will, or in any other Writing or Writings fubfcribed by me, and attefted by two or more credible Wit- nefles; the feveral and refpeclive Legacies, Sums of Money, Annuities, Things, and Bequefts, which in and by fuch Codicil or Codicils, or Writing or Writings, ftiall be mentioned and exprefled to be by me given and bequeathed, or appointed unto or in Truft for fuch feveral Perfons refpectfvely; which Codicil or Codicils, or Writing or Writings, I will and direct (hall be, and be deemed and taken to be, as and for Part of this my lafl Will and Teftament. Item, As to all the Reft, Refidue, and Remainder of my Goods, Chattels, Stocks, Funds, Moneys, Mortgages, and Securities for Money, and all other my perfonal Eftate I \vhat ( 58 ) whatfoever and wherefoever, and of what Nature, Kind, or Quality foever the fame be, not by me otherwife already difpofed of, or hereafter to be difpofed of, (after and fubjecl to the Payment of my juft Debts and Funeral Charges, and the feveral Lega- cies, Sum and Sums of Money, Bequefts, and Appointments by me given, bequeathed or made, or hereafter to be given, be- queathed or madej) I give, devife, and be- queath the fame and every Part thereof, and all my Eftate and Intereft therein, unto my faid Executors the faid Hugh Earl of Marcbrnont) Thomas Lord Bifhop of Ox- ford, Beverftam Filtner, and 'James Ste- phens, their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftra- tors, and Affigns refpedlivelyj upon ruft that they my faid Truftees and Executors, or the Survivors or Survivor of them, his Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators or Affigns, {hall and do, as foon as conveniently may be after 'my Deceafe, fell and convert into ready Money all fuch Part or Parts thereof as (hall not confift of Moneys, or Securities for Money; and (hall and do call, receive, and get in all fuch Part and Parts thereof as ( 59 ) as confift in Moneys, Securities for Mo- ney, and (hall and do thereupon, or with all convenient Speed then afterwards, lay out and invert the Moneys anting by fuch Sale or Sales, and to be called, received, and got in as is laft mentioned, together with all other the faid Refiduum of my faid perfonal Eftate, (after and fubjecl: as afore- faid) in one or more Purchafe or Purchafes of Freehold Manors, Mefluages, Lands, or Hereditaments of an Eftate of Inheritance in Fee-fimple, in fome convenient Place or Places within that Part of Great-Britain called England-, (with Liberty neverthelefs to purchafe, together with fuch Fee-fimple Eftates, any Copyhold or Leafehold Eftates which are neceffary or convenient to go or be enjoyed therewith ;) and thereupon fet- tle, convey, and affaire, or caufe to be fet- tled, conveyed, and allured, All fuch Ma- nors, MefTuages, Lands, or Hereditaments to be purchafed, as is laft mentioned, with their Appurtenances, To the Ufe of my faid Grandfon the faid John Spencer, and fuch other Perfon and Perfons, and in fuch a.nd the like Order and Manner, and to, I 2 for, ( 60 ) for, and upon fuch and the like Eftate and Eftates, Ufes, Trufts, Intents and Purpofes, and upon and under, and fubject to fuch and the like Charges, Powers, Provifoes, Conditions, Reftrictions, and Limitations as are by me herein before devifed, limited, or declared, of and concerning rny faid Ma- nors, MefTuages, Lands, Hereditaments, and Eftate of Inheritance firft herein before devifed, or as near thereto as may be, and the Deaths of Perfons and other Contin- gencies will admit of. And I do hereby authorize and impower my faid Grandfonjo>6?z Spencer, as and when he (hall come into and be in PofTeffion of the faid Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Here- ditaments, and Eftate laft mentioned, and firft devifed as aforefaid, or of the Ma- nors, Lands, or Hereditaments to be pur- chafed with the faid Refiduum of my faid perfonal Eftate, or any Part thereof, by any Deed or Writing, Deeds or Writings under his Hand and Seal attefted by two or more credible Witneffes, to grant, fettle, limit, or appoint (if he {hall think fit) any Part or ( 61 ) or Parts of the fame Manors, Lands, He- reditaments and PremifTes, (not exceeding what may be lett at, or worth to be lett at the yearly Sum of three hundred Pounds in the whole) unto, or to the Ufe of, or in Truft for the faid Georgina Carolina his now Wife, for her Life, in Augmentation of her Jointure limited to, or fettled upon her by the faid Indenture of Settlement of the 1 3th Day of February, in the Year of our Lord 1733, (the fame to be in full of what he can fettle upon her by Virtue of this my Will.) I do impower the fame yobn Spen- cer (in Cafe he furvive the faid Georgina Carolina,, his now Wife) as and when he mail come into, and be in Pofleffion of the faid Manors, Lands, or Hereditaments firfl herein before devifed, or of the Ma- nors, Lands, or Hereditaments directed to be purchafed with the faid Refiduum of my faid Perfonal Eftate as aforefaid, or any Part thereof, by any Deed or Writing, or Deeds or Writings under his Hand and Seal, attefted by two or more credible Wit- neffes, nefles, to grant, fettle, limit, or appoint any Part, or Parts of the fame Manors, Lands, or Hereditaments, not exceeding what may be lett at, or worth to be lett at the yearly Sum of fifteen hundred Pounds in the whole, unto or in Truft for, or to the Ufe of any Woman, or Women, with whom he fhall afterwards happen to in- termarry (either before, or after fuch Mar- riage) for the Life or Lives of fuch Wo- man, or Women, for her, or their Join- ture or Jointures, or in Part of Jointure. And I do hereby authorize, impower, and direct my a&ing Executors for the time being, from time to time, and until the whole of the faid Refiduum of my faid Perfonal Eftate (hall be laid out, and inverted in fuch Purchafe or Purchafes of Manors, Lands, or Hereditaments to be fettled as is laft mentioned, to depofite any of the Moneys belonging to, or arifing from my faid Refiduary Eftate, or any Part there- of in the Bank of England for fafe Cu- {tody, as and when Occafion fhall require. And from time to time to continue, or lend, ( 63 ) lend, and place out the fame Moneys and Eftate, or any part thereof, upon Parlia- mentary Securities atlntereft, or in the Pur- chafe of Stock, or Annuities in the Bank of England, or of South-Sea Annuities, upon the Trufts aforefaid : And from time to time to call and receive in the Moneys fo depofited or lent or placed out n Se- curities, or to fell and difpofe of fuch Stocks or Annuities fe to be purchafed, as is laft mentioned, or any Part thereof j and again to depofite, lend, place out, or inveft the fame Moneys or any part thereof in manner aforefaid, as often as there mall be occafion, and they fhall think fit, fubjedl to the Trufts before mentioned, concerning the fame. And my Will is, and I hereby direct, that in the mean Time from and after my De- ceafe, and until the faid Refiduum of my Perfonal Eftate (hall be laid out in fuch Purchafe or Purchafes of Manors, Lands, or Hereditaments to be fettled, as is laft mentioned ; All All the clear Yearly Intereft and Pro- duce that mall be made of the fame Moneys and Eftate, every or any Part thereof, (hall from Time to Time be paid to, and re- ceived by fuch Perfon or Perfons, as and to whom the Rents and Profits of the Ma- nors, Lands or Hereditaments therewith to be purchafed asaforefaid, (if purchafed and fettled) would for the Time being belong or appertain by Virtue of this my Will, and the Ufes and Limitations hereby directed to be limited of the fame Premises, in and by fuch Settlement or Settlements to be made thereof, as aforefaid. And my further Will is, That they my faid Truftees and Executors, or any of them, their or any of their Executors or Admi- niftrators, mall not be charged or chargeable with, or accountable for any more of the aforefaid Truft Eftates, Moneys, and Pre- miires, than they refpedlively mall actually receive, or mall come to their refpecTiive Hands by Virtue of this my Will, nor with or for any Lofs which (hall happen of the fame fame Eftates* Moneys, and Premifles, or any part thereof, fo as fuch Lofs happen without their wilful Default, nor any one of them for the other or others of them, or for the Ads, Deeds* Receipts, or Dif- burfements of the other or others of them; but each of them only for his own Acts, Deeds, Receipts, or Difburfements. And alfo, that it (hall and may be law- ful for them my faid Truftees and Execu- tors, and each and every of them, their and each of their Executors and Adminiftra- tors, in the firft place, by and out of the aforefaid refpective Truft Eftates, Moneys, and Premifles, to deduct and reimburfe him and themfelves refpectively, all fuch Lofs, Cofts, Charges and Expences, as they or any of them (hall refpedtively fuftain, ex- pend, or be put unto, for or by Reafon of the faid feveral Trufts hereby in them re- pofed, in relation to the fame Eftates, Moneys, and Premifles refpedtively, or the Management and Execution thereof, or any other thing in any wife relating thereunto. K In ( 66 ) In Witnefs whereof, I the faid Sarah, Duchefs Dowager of Marlborough, the Te- flatrix, have to this my Laft Will and Tefta- ment, contained in this and the feven pre- ceding Skins of Parchment, fet my Hand and Seal} (to wit) my Hand to the Bottom of each of the faid feven preceding Skins, and my Hand and Seal to this laft Skin 5 and my Seal at the Top of the firft of the faid Skins, where all the faid Skins are fixed together, the Day and Year firft above written. SARAH MARLBORO UGH. The Writing contained in this and the feven preceding Skins of Parchment, was figned and fealed by the above named Sarah, Duchefs Dowager of Mar/borough, and by her publiihed and delared as and for her Laft Will and Teftament; in the Prefence of us, who have hereunto fubfcribed our Names, as WitnefTes thereto, in her Prefence, and in the Prefence of each other. Fane. Edmund London. W. Lee. John Scrope. THE ( 67 ) THE CODICIL. THIS is a Codicil to the Laft Will and Teftament of me Sarah Duchefs Dowager ofMar/&oroiig/j, which I duly made and publifhed, bearing Date the nth Day of Auguft Inftani, and which Will I do hereby ratify and confirm in all Refpecls. Whereas I am poflefled of, interefted in, or iniitled unto feveral long Annuities (amounting together to the yearly Sum of two thoufand fix hundred Pounds) payable out of his Majefty's Exchequer for the Re- fidue of feveral long Terms of Years yet to come: Now I do hereby Give and Bequeath all my faid Exchequer Annuities unto the Right Honourable Hugh Earl of Marcbmont; Thomas Lord Bifhop of Oxford, Bever- Jbam Filmer Efq; and James Stephens, K 2 Dodtor ( 68 ) Doctor in Phyfick, (my Executors in my faid Will named) {heir Executors and Ad- miniftratbrs, upon the Trufts herein after cxprefled concerning the fame j that is to fay, upon Truft, That they my Executors, or the Survivors or Survivor of them,, his Execu- tors, or Adminiftrators, (hall and do within three Kalendar Months after my Deceafe, aflign and transfer the yearly Sum of 3oo/. part of my faid Exchequer Annuities, unto the faid James Stephens, for his own ab- folutc Ufe and Benefit, during all my Term and Intefeft therein. And the yearly Sum of three hundred Pounds, other part of my faid Annuities, unto Grace Ridley, for her own abfolute Ufe and Benefit, during all my Term and Inte- reft therein. And upon this further Truil, That they my faid Executors, or the Survivors or Survivor of them, his Executors or Ad- miniftrators, {hall and do pay out of my faid Exchequer Annuities unto the feveral Perfons hereafter named, for fo long of the feveral Terms of Years in the fame An- Jiuities, as they the fame Legatees fliall re- fpeftively ( 69 ) fpedtively live, the fcveral yearly Sums fol- lowing; that is to fay, To Robert Maccarty, called Earl of Clan- carty, the yearly Sum of JOOQ/. To Elizabeth Arbor, the yearly Sum of 200 7. Anne Patten, the yearly Sum of I30/. To Olive Loft, the yearly Sum of 40 7. To John Griffiths, the yearly Sum of 200 /. To Hannafr Clarke, the yearly Sum of 2OO/. To Jeremiah Lewis, the yearly Sum of " To John Dorfet, the yearly Sum of 507. To each of my two Chairmen, George Humphreys and John Robins, the yearly Sum of 20 /. To Walter Jones, the yearly Sum of 307. and to each of my Footmen that mall conti- nue in my Service to my Death, the year- ly Sum of 10 7. To Margaret Garmes, the yearly Sum of 10 7. And to Catharine Garmes, the year- ly Sum of io7. All ( 7 ) All which feveral Annuities / Will (hall be paid unto the faid Legatees thereof, by four equal quarterly Payments, on fuch Feafts or Days of Payment as the afore- faid Annuities are Payable at the Exche- quer, or fo foon after, as may be ; the firft of the faid quarterly Payments to begin and be made at fuch of the faid Feafts as {hall next happen after my Deceafe, And I Will and direct, That all the Re- fidue and Overplus of my faid Exchequer Annuities, as the fame mall be from time to time received, (over and above fo much thereof as fl^all be affign'd to the faid James Stephens and Grace Ridley refpeftively as aforefaid, and over and above fo much of the then Refidue thereof as {hall be fuffi- cient to pay and fatisfy fuch of the faid other yearly Sums as for the time being (hall be fubfifting and payable) (hall be paid to and received by my Grandfon John .Spencer, or fuch other Perfon, or Perfons, who for the time being, by Virtue of my faid Will, and the Settlement or Settle- ments thereby by me directed to be made, (hall be intitled to the Rents and Profits of the Manors, Lands or Hereditaments di- rected ( 7' ) retted to be purchafed with the Refidue of my Perfonal Eftate. And I hereby direct my faid Executors, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, his Executors and Administrators, to pay and apply the faid Refidue and Overplus of the faid Annuities accordingly. I give to my faid Grandfon yohn Spencer All my Gold and Silver Plate whatfoever, which I mall not otherwife difpofe of; and defire he would not part therewith, but keep the Arms as they are upon it. I give alfo him all my Seals and Trinkets, and fmall Pieces of Japan which I fhall not otherwife difpofe of. I give to the Wife of John Spencer, now only Son of my faid Grandfon John Spencer, (if he mall live to be married) my befl Dia- mond Pendants, which have three Brilliant Drops to each, and all the reft of my Jewels which I mall not otherwife difpofe of. And in cafe he dies unmarried, I give the fame to his Father. I give to my Grandaughter Mary Du- chefs of Leeds, my Diamond Solitaire, with the large Brilliant Diamond it hangs to : Alfo the Picture in Water-Colours of the ( 7* ) the late Duke of Marlborougb on Horfe* back, drawn by Lens, which is now at Windfor Lodge. I give to my Daughter Mary, Duchefs of Montagu, my Gold Snuff- Box* that has in it two Pictures of her Father the Duke of Marlborough, when he was a Youth. Alfo a Picture of her Father covered with a large Diamond, and hung to a String of fmall Pearls for a Bracelet, and two enamelled Pictures for a Bracelet of her Sifter Sunder~ land and her Sifter Brldgewater. I give to Thomas Duke of Leeds 30007. J give to my Niece Frances Lady Dil- lon IOOO/. I give to Philip Earl of Chejlerfield, out of the great Regard I have for his Me- rit, and the infinite Obligations I have re- ceived from him, my beft and largeft bril- liant Diamond Ring, and the Sum of 20,00 o/. I alfo give to William Pitt of the Pa- rim of St. James within the Liberty of Weftminfter Efq; the Sum of 1 0,000 /. upon Account of his Merit in the noble De- fence he made for the Support of the Laws ( 73 ) Laws of England, and to prevent the Ruin of his Country. / give to Mr. Burroughs, Mafter in Chancery, the Sum of 200 /. to buy a Ring. I give to the faid Hugh Earl of March- mont, Thomas Lord Biftiop of Oxford, Beverfljam Filmer and James Stephens, over and above what I (hall have refpedtively given them in my faid Will, and by this Codicil, the Sum of 500 /. a-piece, to buy them Rings. / give to the faid Robert Maccarty, called Earl of Clancarty, over and above what I have hereby already given him, the Sum of iooo/. And whereas John Earl of Stair owes me the Sum of iooo/. upon Bond: And whereas his Wife bought fome things for me in France, and always declined letting me know what they cod ; I defire the faid Earl of Stair to pay my Lady Stair what me fo laid out for me, out of the Principal Money L and ( 74 ) and Intereft due on the faid Bond, and the Remainder of the Principal and Intereft I defire him to accept of. And I direft the faid Bond to be delivered up to him. And as to any Sum or Sums of Money, which by my Account with the Bank, or by any Memorandums of mine, the faid Earl may appear to have received of me, (for which, as I took no Security, there is no Evidence but his own Letters) I direct that no De- mand be ever made for the fame. I give to the Right Honourable Juliana Countefs of Burlington, my Bag of Gold Medals, and the Sum of iooo/. to buy a Ring in Remembrance of me, or whatever other thing flic pleafes. I give to the Duchefs of Devon/Jure my Box of travelling Plate. / alfo give to the faid James Stephens, over and above what I have already given him by my faid Will and this Codicil, the Sum of 130007. what I give him being not only in Consideration of his faithful paft Services for many Years, but in Con- fideration ( 75 ) lideration of what he is yet to do, as ray Truftee and Executor, and as Truftee for my faid Grandfon John Spencer, and his IfTue j and in Confidence that he will per- form the Trufts repofed in him, by making a true Account of what my Effects are in, and in difpofing of my Books and Papers, in fuch manner as I mall direct in a Letter to my Executors. And I alfo will and direct, that as a fur- ther Compenfation to the faid James Ste- phens, for the great Trouble he will have in and about what he is by my faid Will, and hereby willed and directed to do, that the yearly Sum of 3007. be paid unto him during his Life, by half-yearly Payments, clear of all Deductions, out of the Income of my perfonal Eftate, until the Refidue thereof mall be inverted in Lands, accord- ing to my Will. And that afterwards the fame 3oo/. yearly, clear of all Deductions, be continued and paid unto him, out of the Rents and Profits of the Eftates to be pur- chafed with my faidrefiduaryperfonal Eftate, over and above all other Gifts to him given pr devifed by my faid Will, or this Codicil. L2 / ( 76 ) / give to the faid Grace Ridley, (over and above the Sum of icoo/. which I have given a Security by Bond to pay her at my Death, which Bond at prefent is either mi- laid or loft, over and above what I have already given her in this Codicil) the Sum of I5OOO/. I alfogrve her the enamelled PockeU Picture of the late Duke of Marlborough) and the little Picture of the faid Duke made up in a Docket, and my own Picture drawn by Sir Godfrey Kneller, which is only a Head, (and which is now at Marl- borough-Houfe) and my Striking Watch, which was formerly the late Duke of Marl- borough's* I give to Ann Ridley, if her Mother the faid Grace Ridley (hall furvive me, the Sum of 30007. (which is to be paid to her faid Mother for the Benefit of the faid Ann Ridley, and her faid Mother's Receipt mall be a fufficient Difcharge to my Executors for the fame.) But if the faid Grace Rid- ley mall happen to die before me, then I give to the faid Ann Ridley the Sum of 8ooo/. to be paid on the Day of her Mar- riage, ( 77 ) riage, if {he (hall marry with the Confent of her Mother's Executors. But if {he (hall marry without fuch Confent, or {hall die unmarried, then, and in either of the faid Cafes, from thence- forth the faid Sum of 8000 /. {hall be taken as Part of and go along with the Refidue of my perfonal Eftate, as the faid Refidue is in and by my faid Will difpofed of, or directed to be difpofed of. And my Will is, That in the mean time, until the faid Ann Ridley (hall be married, or {hall die unmarried, my faid Executors, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, his Executors or Administrators, {hall and do pay for her Ufe to her Mother's Execu- tors, Intereft for the faid Sum of 8600 /. after the Rate of 4 /. per Cent, per Ann. I give to Mrs. Jane Pattifon my Strik- ing Watch, which formerly belonged to her Miftrefs my Lady Sunderland. And direct all my Clothes and Wearing Apparel to be valued and divided into two equal .( 78 ) equal Parts, and one Part or Moiety of the Whole I give to the faid Grace Ridley, and the other Part or Moiety I direft to be di- vided into two Parts or Shares ; and I give one of thofe Shares to the faid Ann Pat" ten> and the other to the faid Olive Lofft. I give to each of my Chairmen (over and above what mall be refpedively due to them at the Time of my Deceafe, and over and above what I have already given them in this Codicil) the Sum of 257. I give to each and every of my Servants, who mall be in my Service at the Time of my Death, (except fuch of them to whom I have given Bond or Annuities, or a Sum of Money in grofs ; and alfo except Stew- ards, Bailiffs, Gardeners, Park-Keepers, and others of the like Employment) one Year's Salary or Wages, over and above what mail be due to them refpectively at the Time of my Deceafe ; and to fuch of my Servants who mall attend at my Funeral, fuch Mourning as my faid Executors mall think fit to allow them. I give ( 79 ) I give to the Poor of the Town of Wood/lock 300 /. to be distributed among them when I am buried. And whereas there is in the Clofet within my Bedchamber at Wimbledon, a lit- tle Picture of the late Duke of Marlbo- rough, which was given me by Mrs, Godol- phin-, I defire that, if I die before her, the faid Picture may be given her again. I defire that my faid Executors will let Mr. Richard Glover and Mr. David Mallet (who are to write the Hiftory of the late Duke of Mar /borough's Life) have the Ufe of fuch Letters and Papers relating to the faid Hiftory, as mall be found at any of my Houfes after my Deceafe. I believe there may be found many Letters from the late Queen Anne to the late Duke of Marl- borough, and from him to her Majefty, and perhaps fome from other Great Men of both Parties, which may be thought proper to be inferted in the faid Hiftory. Mr. Glo- ver 9 I believe, is a very honeft Man, and wimes, as I do, all the Good that can hap- pen to preferve the Liberties and Laws of England. Mr. Mallet was recommended to ( So ) to me by the late Duke of Montrofe, whom I admired extremely for his great Steadinefs and Behaviour in all Things that related to the Prefervation in our Laws and the pub- lick Good. And I defire thofe two Gen- tlemen (Mr. Glover and Mr. Mallet") may write the faid Hiftory; that it may be made publick to the World how truly the late Duke of Marlborough wifhed that JufHce fhould be done to all Mankind, who, I am fure, left King James with great Regret at a Time when it's plain 'twas with Hazard to himfelf ; and if he had been like the Pa- triots of the prefent Times, he might have been All that an ambitious Man could have hoped for, by affifting King James to fettle Popery in England. And as I have been extremely obliged to the Earl of Chefterfield, who never had any Call to give himfelf any Trouble about me, I believe he will comply with my very earned Requeft, which is, That he will direct the two Perfons above mentioned, who are to write the faid Hiftory, which I am ex- tremely defirous fhould be done welL And ( 8, ) AndldefirethatnopartofthefaidHiftory may be in Verfe, and that it may not begin in the ufual Forms of writing Hiftories, but only from the Revolution. And I diredt, that the faid Hiftory mall, before it is printed, have the Approbation of the faid Earl of Chejlerfeld, and of all my Executors, or fuch of them as mall be living when it is rimmed, or the major part of them. And I give unto each of them, the faid Mr. Richard Glover, and Mr, David Mallet, for writing the faid Hiftory, the Sum of 5oo/. to be paid when the fame (hall be finifhed, to the Satisfaction of the faid Earl of Cbefterfield, and my Executors, or fuch of them as mall be living when it is finished, or the major part of them. And I defire, that the faid Mr. Richard Glover and Mr. David Mallet may have the Advantage of printing the faid Hiftory. And for the Furtherance of my Defire and Intention by my faid Will expreffed, to pre- ferve the Remainders in the faid late Duke of Marlborougtts Will limited, of his Eftates from being deftroyed, and upon the Conditions and Contingencies herein after mentioned, to make fome Provifion for the M Ladies ( 8= ) Ladies Diana and Elizabeth Spencer, and Lord Charles Spencer, the younger Son and Daughters of my Grandfon, Charles Duke of Marlborough, in Cafe George, Marquifs of Blandford, the eldeft Son of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborougb, fhall live to attain the Age of 21 Years in his faid Father's Life-time ; or if he fhall die under the Age of 2 1 Years, for the faid Ladies Diana and Elizabeth Spencer, if the faid Lord Charles Spencer, or other the eldeft, or only Son of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough for the Time being, intitled next, and immediately in remainder after the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough, to the faid late Duke's Eftate, by and under the faid late Duke's Will, fhall attain the Age of twenty-one Years in the Life-time of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough: If that Cafe fhall happen, and fuch Son fhall not for the Space of five Years after his Attain- ment of the faid Age, do or fuffer, or agree to do oir fuffer any Aft whereby all or any of the Eftates, Remainders, Limitations, or Ufes in the faid late Duke of Marlborough^ Will declared or exprefled, may be defeated or barred: Hhen, Then, and in fuch Cafe, / give and be- queath to the faid Lord Charles Spencer, (if he mall not then be the eldefl or only Son of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough) and to the faid Ladies Diana and Eliza- beth* or fuch of them who mall be living when the faid eldefl: or only Son fo next in- titled, mall attain his Age of 21 Years, the Sum of 5000 /. a-piece, to be paid to them refpedtively without Interefl, at the End of five Years after the faid eldefl or only Son fo intitled in Remainder to the faid late Duke of Marlborougtis Eflates, (hall attain his faid Age of 21 Years. But if the faid Lord Charles Spencer {hall happen to be fuch eldefl or only Son, his Legacy to ceafe, and the Legacies of 5000 /. a-piece, only to be payable to the faid Ladies Diana and Elizabeth Spencer upon the Contingencies aforefaid. Provided always, and it is my Will, That in Cafe the faid Charles Duke of Marlborough fhall die before fuch his Eldefl or only Son fhall attain the Age of twenty- one Years, or if fuch Eldefl or only Son, who fhall attain that Age in his Father's Life-time, fhall within the faid Space of five Years after, do or fuffer, or agree to M 2 do ( 84 ) do or fufter any AcT: for the barring or defeating all or any the Eftates, Remain- ders, Limitations, or Ufes in the faid late Duke of Marlborougb 's Will, or in Cafe the faid Lord Charles Spencer fhall then be the Eldeft or only Son of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborougb, or dead, and the faid Ladies Diana and Elizabeth Spencer fhall be then alfo dead; in each and every of the faid Cafes, I declare the Bequeft hereby made of fuch Legacies to the faid Younger Son and Daughters of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborougb to be null and void ; which Legacies hereby gi-* ven upon the Contingencies aforefaid, to the faid younger Children of the faid Charles Duke of Marlborougb, in Cafe by the A