Name of Book and Volume, Division .......... Range Shelf..... Received. ....... ^^- 1 871/ V CLASSED CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE CAMBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL; AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX. TO WHICH IS APPENDED A LIST OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL AND OTHER APPARATUS BELONGING TO THE SCHOOL. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN BART LETT. 1853. M70 2 - CAMBRIDGE: METCALF AND COMPANY, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. THE TEACHERS AND SCHOLARS THE CAMBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, AND TO THE CHERISHED MEMORY OF THOSE WITH WHOM THE AUTHOR WAS THERE CONNECTED AS A TEACHER, THIS LABOR OF LOVE IS DEDICATED. PREFACE. THE Library of the Cambridge High School owes its origin partly to the liberality of a private individual, and partly to encouragement afforded by the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts. The nature of this encouragement may be learned from the following Resolve, which was approved March 7, 1843. " Resolved, That the provisions of the Resolve of March third, eighteen hundred and forty-two, concerning school-district libraries, be, and the same are hereby, ex tended to every city and town in the Commonwealth, not heretofore divided into school districts, in such manner as to give as many times fifteen dollars to every such city or town as the number sixty is contained, exclusive of fractions, in the number of children between the ages of four and sixteen years in said city or town ; provided evidence be produced to the Treasurer, in behalf of said city or town, of its having raised and appropriated, for the establishment of libraries, a sum equal to that which, by the provision of this Resolve, it is entitled to receive from the school fund." The School Committee of Cambridge, in their Report for the year 1843, recom mended to the town to raise the sum necessary to authorize it to draw an equal amount from the State Treasury. This recommendation was not adopted. But, in the spring of 1850, the present Master of the High School, Mr. Elbridge Smith, generously offered to place at the disposal of the City Council a number of suitable books, se lected from his private library, of sufficient value to enable the city to avail itself of the patronage of the State. The offer was accepted. The books presented to the City Council were appropriated to the High School, and an order was drawn by the Mayor on the State Treasurer to the amount of $ 825. This money was expended for the purchase of books, under the direction of the School Committee.* The value of the Library at its commencement, it thus appears, was $ 1,650. Since that time, considerable additions have been made. Several hundred volumes have been given by Mr. Smith, and valuable donations of books have been received from other individuals, among whom may be mentioned the Hon. Edward Everett, George Livermore, Esq., Prof. Benjamin Peirce, Prof. C. C. Felton, Prof. Henry W. Longfellow, the Rev. George R. Noyes, D.D., John Sargent, Esq., Charles Folsom, Esq., John E. Horr, Esq., Zelotes Hosmer, Esq., and Master William Everett. The city has appropriated $ 75 for the purchase of books and for binding, and has pro cured a book-case at an expense of $ 1 1 5. The present value of the Library, which now contains about sixteen hundred volumes, may be estimated at not far from $ 2,400. * For a list of the books presented and purchased, see the Report of the School Committee of Cam bridge for 1860. VI PREFACE. A GOOD alphabetical catalogue of a librai y will be entirely satisfactory to one who knows all the books which may be useful or interesting to him, and who, accordingly, wishes simply to ascertain whether certain works are to be found in it. But, as such extensive bibliographical knowledge was hardly to be presupposed in the members of the Cambridge High School, I could not doubt that for them, at least, a classed cata logue, one which should guide them to the sources of information on particular sub jects, would be far more valuable. It is hoped that the use of such a catalogue may promote the formation of those habits of investigation and research, which are essential to success in the pursuit of truth, without which even genius may only mislead and bewilder its possessor. When the curiosity of the student is excited, it is most de sirable that he should have every facility for pursuing the inquiries to which he is led, that he may thus be encouraged to examine and think for himself. One who has become acquainted with the books of a well-selected library of one or two thousand volumes, and has learned how to turn them to account, will find this knowledge and experience of very great service to him, should he afterwards have access to larger collections. And if the classification adopted be not unnatural and arbitrary, the use of a classed catalogue, and the habit to which it leads of referring books to their proper place in a systematic arrangement of the different departments of literature, cannot be without value as a means of mental discipline. It may be, also, that, to those who are just beginning to traverse the vast fields of literature and science, a survey, as if from some eminence, of the territory that lies before them, will enable them to understand better the relations of its different parts to each other, will give them new conceptions of the varied objects of interest which it presents, and animate them to press cheerfully through the somewhat tangled and thorny paths by which it is to be entered. THE Classification here adopted may be seen in the synopsis prefixed to the Cata logue. It is necessarily imperfect. The different branches of human knowledge are so intimately connected, that no scheme of classification can be devised, in which the several classes will not run into each other ; and in the practical application of any system it will be found that some books belong equally to two or more different di visions. When such is the case with respect to any work, its title has usually been recorded in full under only one of these divisions, and briefly noticed under the others, with a reference to the complete entry. The affinities between different classes have often been pointed out by notes, which will also, it is hoped, aid the student who wishes to find what the library contains on a particular subject. The Alphabetical Index at the end of the volume will show at once whether a par ticular work belongs to the library. IN each Class, the titles of the works belonging to it are entered alphabetically under their authors 1 names, when these are known ; or, in the case of anonymous pub lications whose authors are not ascertained, under the first icord of the title, not an article or a preposition. (See INTRODUCTION, p. 39.) Pseudonymous works, if the true name of the author is not known, are entered under the assumed name. (See BROWN, p. 202.) Care has been taken to make such references from the most impor tant words in the title, and from the assumed name, as will enable one readily to find the entry of any anonymous or pseudonymous work which is placed under the name of its author. (See PENITENTIAL, p. 28; PARLEY, p. 2.) There is one important exception to the rule given above. In Class XXIV. Part II. (INDIVIDUAL BIOG RAPHY) the names of the subjects, not the authors, of the works contained in it are prefixed to their titles ; and, as the authors names all appear in the Index, it has not been thought necessary to make cross-references from them in this Part. Works published by any organized society, using the term in its most comprehen sive sense, if the production of its officers or agents in their official capacity, and also PREFACE. Vll if anonymous, or polyonymous (that is, bearing the names of several authors), are entered under the name of the society. The first word of that name, not an article, is made the leading word in the heading. This rule is intended to include documents published by national, municipal, and other governments. (See CENTRAL SOCIETY, etc., p. 21 ; MASSACHUSETTS, p. 26 ; CAMBRIDGE, p. 11.) In cases not comprehended in the preceding statement, if the author s name is prefixed to a work published by a society, the work is entered under his name. (See MALKIN, p. 168.) All the works, however, published by a society are noticed under its name in the Index. Periodical publications, except those issued by societies, are entered under the first icord of their titles, not an article, with cross-references from the names of editors, and from other words under which they might naturally be looked for. (See AMERICAN Annals of Education, p. 16 ; COMMON SCHOOL Journal, p. 22.) Collections embracing the works of several authors under a general title, except such as may be included in the two preceding rules, are entered under the name of the editor. (See SPARKS, p. 125; BRANDE, p. 199.)* If the editor s name does not appear, such a collection is treated as an anonymous work, unless the authors names are given on the title-page, in which case it is catalogued under the first of these. (See SMALL Books, p. 208 ; CRABBE, p. 99.) When any work forming part of a collection has an independent title-page and pagination, it is also catalogued separately under the class to which it belongs, its place in the collection, however, being indicated by a reference, within parentheses, at the end of the title. (See BARLOW, p. 1 ; DE MORGAN, p. 33.) In accordance with the spirit of this rule, though it is not strictly required by its letter, the tracts composing Chambers s " Miscellany," " Papers for the People," and " Repository of Instructive and Amusing Papers," have all been classed and entered as distinct works. There was a special reason for doing this in the present Catalogue, as these tracts are admirably adapted to the wants of those for whose use it is chiefly intended. They were all, it is also to be observed, originally printed and paged inde pendently. (See p. 202.) In like manner, the titles of- the various treatises contained in the first thirteen vol umes of thei Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, with the exception of some anonymous portions of the first volume, have been inserted in their proper places in the Catalogue under the names of their authors. The articles in these volumes are not arranged alphabetically, as they are in the remainder of the work, and many of them have been published independently. (See SMEDLET, p. 200.) A similar course has been pursued in respect to the different works which are com prised in the four volumes entitled " Natural Philosophy," published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. (See SOCIETY, etc., p. 42.) In some instances, a reference has been made under the proper Class to a particular treatise of especial interest or importance included in the collected writings of an author, which are entered under a different Class. (See MILTON, p. 13 ; CHANNING, p. 22.) All the more important biographical collections, not alphabetical, which belong to the library, have been analyzed; that is to say, in Class XXIV. Part II. references are made to the biographical sketches contained in them, under the names of those io whom they relate. (See p. 126.) This course has been pursued with the thirty-one volumes of Lardner s " Cabinet Cyclopaedia " which are devoted to biography, Sparks s * Library of American Biography," twenty-five volumes, Belknap s "American Bi ography," Brougham s Historical Sketches of Statesmen " and his " Lives of Men of Letters and Science," Mrs. Jameson s "Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns," " St. John s Lives of Celebrated Travellers," and many other collections. In some cases it has appeared advisable to specify the contents of particular works. For the mode in which this has been done in the case of biographical collections not * According to this rule, the second entry under PH^DEUS, p. 91, should have been placed under CAREY. Vlll PREFACE. analyzed, see FENELON, p. 121 ; PLUTARCHUS, p. 124. For examples of another kind, see PALEY, p. 8 ; AMERICAN INSTITUTE, etc., p. 17 ; MACAULAY, p. 207. SOME explanations may now be given respecting the headings of the titles, or the words which determine their place in the alphabetical arrangement. These consist, for the most part, of the surnames of authors, which, as well as their Christian names, appear in their vernacular form. There are a few exceptions to this rule. The works and biographies of canonized persons, as Thomas Aquinas, are entered under their Christian names. Sovereigns are also designated by their Christian names, in the form in which they are commonly written in English. The names of ancient Greek authors, of the Fathers of the Church, and of authors of the Middle Ages who wrote wholly in Latin, with a few others, as Con fucius, Copernicus, Grotius, are given in their Latin form. In respect to surnames with prefixes, the following rules have been observed. In English names, the prefix is treated as a part of the surname. Accordingly, in the alphabetical series, De Morgan and DTsraeli are placed under D. In all other lan guages except the French, surnames are entered under the letter following the prefix ; as Von Humboldt, under //; Las Casas under C ; Delia Valle, under V. In French, also, this rule applies to names preceded by the preposition de; thus De Monts is placed under M. French surnames preceded by Le, La, L\ are entered under L, as Le Vaillant, La Fontaine, L Epee ; if preceded by Du or Des, under D, as Du Bois, Des Cartes, more commonly written Dubois, Descartes. Compound surnames, except English, are generally entered under the first part of the name, as Calderon de la Barca, Cubi i Soler, Merle d Aubigne, Simonde de Sis- mondi. But it has not been thought expedient to put Fenelon under Salignac, though the rule has been carried to this extent by Lelong, in that monument of bib liographical industry and skill, the " Bibliotheque Historique de la France." The works and biographies of English noblemen and ecclesiastical dignitaries are catalogued under their family names, not their titles, even though they may be more generally known by the latter. The Duke of Marlborough accordingly appears under Churchill, Lord Chatham under Pitt, and Lord Mahon under Stanhope. There can be little doubt that this is the best rule for English names, and perhaps it should be made universal, as it is in the new Catalogue of the British Museum and by Professor Jewett of the Smithsonian Institution. But partly from a doubt of the expediency of putting Buffon under Leclerc, Condorcet under Caritat, Lacepede under La Ville, Mirabeau under Riquetti, Richelieu under Du Plessis, Madame de Genlis under Ducrest de Saint-Aubin, and, as would seem to be required, Lafayette under Motier, to give no more examples, and partly from the impossibility of determining with con fidence, in some cases, whether a particular name is to be regarded as a family name or only as part of a title, I have enrolled all noblemen except British under their titular appellations. This accords with the general usage in French and German biographi cal and bibliographical works. The necessary cross-references have been made from name to title, and vice versd. Family names and prefixes to them, which, for any reason, do not stand in the heading of the title as a part of the surname, but are placed after it in a parenthesis with the Christian name, are printed in small capitals. This rule includes the case of names changed by the assumption of a new surname, when the original name is also retained ; as, SIGOURNEY (Mrs. Lydia HUNTLEY) ; TOOKE (John HORNE). The maiden name of a married woman, if not known to be retained, is likewise printed in small capitals, but in brackets. (See LOWELL, p. 25 ; HALL, p. 107.) The works of an author whose name has been changed are all entered under his last-adopted name, with the necessary cross-references. Some persons who have two or more Christian names are generally designated by only one of them, and no more than this may appear on the title-pages of their works. PREFACE. IX In such instances, this name is distinguished by being printed in spaced letters. When the initial only is used, as in cross-references and in the Index, it is italicized. (See SCHLEGEL, p. 2 ; VILLAGE Mayor, p. 110.)* The heading of a title is inclosed in brackets when it does not appear in any form on the title-page. In transcribing titles, no alteration has been intentionally made in the language of the author, and even the orthography and punctuation have been scrupulously preserved. The following abbreviations have, however, been used: "Ed." for "Edition"; "1st," "2d," "3d," etc. for "first," "second," "third," in designating the number of the edi tion ; and, not unfrequently, the initial only of a name is given in the title, when that name appears in full in the heading. I now, however, doubt the expediency of this use of initials. In works consisting of several volumes, it occasionally happens that their titles differ. Such differences are sometimes pointed out in a note. More frequently, after giving the title of the first volume, it has been found convenient to add the peculiari ties in the titles of others, indicating the transition from the title of one volume to another by the sign | . For examples, see ARNOLD, pp. 6, 7 ; AMERICAN Annals, etc., p. 16 ; AMERICAN Almanac, p. Ill ; BANCROFT, p. 183. For illustrations of the course which has been pursued in the case of volumes with double titles, one general and the other special, or one engraved and the other printed, dift eringfrom each other, see BUTLER, CHALMERS, p. 3 ; WARE, p. 9 ; EWBANK, p. 192. Additions to a title are inclosed in brackets; any omission, except of the mere des ignation of the author s name when that appears in the heading, is denoted by three dots. The abbreviation N. D. is used for " No date." It must be mentioned, that no reliance can be placed on the date of stereotyped books printed in this country, as affording evidence of the time of their publication. The common booksellers trick of affixing false dates to the works which they issue, with the view of promoting their sale, and, especially, of postdating them by three or four months, if published so near the end of the year, is to be reprobated as a falsification of literary history, with which all other history is so intimately connected. In accordance with general usage, the terms folio, quarto, octavo, etc., or rather their abbreviations, have been used in designating the form of books. They denote, as every one knows, the number of leaves into which the printed sheet is folded. But this is what the best bibliographer cannot always determine, without knowing the size of the sheet. The signatures often fail him, because they may be the same in several different forms ; for example, they are eight leaves apart in an ordinary octavo and in a 16mo printed in half-sheets ; six leaves apart in a duodecimo printed in half- sheets and in a common 18mo. All that can be stated with certainty is the number of leaves intervening between the successive signatures. In the more doubtful cases, I have added this, within parentheses, after the ordinary designation of form, which, in general, is only given as probable. It must be distinctly understood that the terms folio, quarto, etc. afford very little indication of the actual size of a book. A large duodecimo may be twice the size of a post octavo. If it is the purpose of the cataloguer to state the size, the only satis factory mode is that recommended by Professor Jewett, namely, to give the measure ment of the full printed page in inches and tenths of inches. Another point must be noticed. Many stereotyped books have two sets of signa tures, one usually consisting of letters, the other of Arabic figures, in order that * For other examples, see ARAGO, p. 47 ; HCMBOLDT, p. 53 : SMITH, p. 59 ; FOLLEX, p. 72 ; BCTTMANX, p. 73 ; GOETTLING. HERMANN, JACOBS, p. 74 ; MATTHIAE, p. 75 : SPITZNER. PASSOW, p. 76 : GROTEFEND, p. 77 ; DOEDERLEIN, RAMSHORN, p. 81 : HEMANS, p. 101 : GUARINI, p. 141 : LULLI, p. 147 ; THIERRY, p. 173: SCHILLER, p. 174 ; GUIZOT, p. 175: RANKE, p. 188; BOJESEN, p. 189; WACHSMUTH, p. 191. I refer to a considerable number of examples, though by no means all which the Catalogue affords, because this is a matter which has been seldom attended to in works of this kind. It is evident, how ever, that error and confusion may arise from neglecting it. b X PEBFACE. they may be printed in different forms at the pleasure of the publisher. Thus there happen to be in the High School Library two copies of Keightley s History of Rome, one printed at Boston in 1839 as an octavo, the other printed at New York in 1848, from the same stereotype plates, as a duodecimo. It has, accordingly, two sets of signatures, in one of which they occur at intervals of four, in the other of six leaves. Examples of a similar kind are numerous. They are noted in the Catalogue by the abbreviations "4. and 6.," "8. and 6.," and the like, within parentheses, immediately following the designation of form. (See [GooDRicnJ, p. 2.) In other cases the signatures succeed each other at intervals, it may be, of eight and four, or twelve and six leaves, alternately. This is indicated in the Catalogue by the abbreviations "8. 4.," "12. 6.," etc. (See BARLOW, p. 1.) In works consisting of but a single volume, the number of pages is stated as it is noted in the book, if less than 100, or more than 600. The sign -|- is added when the volume contains several pages not numbered, and therefore not taken into account. SOME explanation is necessary respecting the titles of the volumes belonging to Lardner s " Cabinet Cyclopedia." The late re-issue of that work having been ordered for the library, though not yet actually received, it was thought desirable to catalogue it. But the titles given cannot be relied on as perfectly accurate, having been taken, not from the books themselves, but from the publishers advertisement. A blank space has been left for the date. The references to the different volumes are adapted to the set in the library of Harvard College. As the work is stereotyped, they will probably suit the new impression. One accidental omission, of considerable importance, under Class XXIV. Part I. must be noticed. The first three volumes of the "Cabinet Library" (see p. 203) should have been there entered under [GOODRICH]. Though much pains has been taken to secure completeness and accuracy, other oversights and inconsistencies will doubtless be detected. It is hoped, however, that they will not be found numerous. In two or three Classes a different course would have been pursued had not the number of volumes belonging to them been so small as to make it hardly expedient. In a classed catalogue of a more extensive library, it would be of great advantage, if, under the heads of " Voyages and Travels," and of " Geography," the names of the coun tries, etc. to which the works contained in these Classes relate should appear in their alphabetical order, as in a geographical dictionary, with references to the works in the library descriptive of each. Thus, in the present Catalogue, under Class XXIII. we might have the entry : " Italy. See GOETHE ( J. W. VON) ; MORGAN (Lady S. [0.])." In such a case, it would be well to have the names of countries, etc. printed in a different type from that of the headings of the titles. THE List of Apparatus appended to this volume was prepared by Mr. John Emory Horr, the present Sub-master of the High School. IN compiling this Catalogue, I have derived useful hints and information from sources too numerous to be here specified. I wish, however, to express my particular obligations to the much-abused t; Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum " (Volume I.), published under the superintendence of Mr. Panizzi, and to the Rules of Professor Jewett, whose enlightened zeal is doing so much for the extension of bibliographical knowledge and for the interest of public libraries in this country. EZRA ABBOT, JR. CLASSIFICATION AND CONTENTS. Note. It will be perceived that the thirty-one Classes which follow are comprised in eight more general divisions, not numbered, but distinguished by a larger type. SCIENCE OF MIND, AND OF MAN IN HIS HIGH ER RELATIONS. CLASS PAGE I. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY; LOGIC; AESTHETICS. ... I Note. For the History of Philosophy, see Class XXVIII. For JEsthetics, com pare Class XIV. Part V. and Class XVII. II. THEOLOGY 3-10 PART I. GENERAL WORKS ; NATURAL RELIGION ; EVIDENCES OF REVELATION 3 II. THE SACRED SCRIPTURES 5 III. OTHER WORKS BELONGING TO CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. 6 Note. For Ecclesiastical and Sacred History, see Class XXVI. IV. VARIOUS RELIGIONS AND SUPERSTITIONS ; MYTHOLOGY. 9 Note. Compare Class XVI. Part I. and Class XXVII. III. MORAL PHILOSOPHY 10 Note. For the History of Moral Philosophy, see Class XXVIII. ; for the History of Morals and Manners, Class XXVII. IV. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY 11-16 Note. For Political History, see Class XXV. ; for Political Antiquities, Class XXVII. PART I. GENERAL WORKS ON GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, AND THE CONSTITUTION or SOCIETY, WITH OTHERS, NOT INCLUDED IN PARTS II. AND III. ; INTERNATIONAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. 11 II. POLITICAL ECONOMY, TRADE, FINANCE. ... H Note. For the Useful Arts, see Class XIV. ; for Statistics, Class XXII. III. LAW 15 V. EDUCATION 16 Note. For the History of Education, see Class XXIX. xii CLASSIFICATION AND CONTENTS. MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE. CLASS PAGE VI. GENERAL WORKS ON MATHEMATICS 32 Note. For the History of Mathematics, see Class XXVIII. VII. ARITHMETIC 32 VIII. ALGEBRA; THE HIGHER CALCULUS 35 IX. GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY; PRACTICAL MATH- EMATICS, PARTICULARLY SURVEYING AND NAVI GATION 38 Note. For Mechanics and Astronomy, see Class XI. Parts II. and III. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. X. GENERAL WORKS ON THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES. . 41 Note. For the History of the Physical Sciences, see Class XXVIII. XL NATURAL PHILOSOPHY 42-51 PART I. GENERAL WORKS. 42 II. MECHANICS; OR, LAWS OF MOTION AND EQUILIBRI UM ; INCLUDING HYDROSTATICS, PNEUMATICS, ETC. 45 || III. ASTRONOMY AND MATHEMATICAL GEOGRAPHY. . 47 IV. LAWS OF SOUND, LIGHT, AND HEAT ; OR, ACOUSTICS, OPTICS, AND " THERMOTICS." 49 V. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY 50 VI. METEOROLOGY 51 XII. CHEMISTRY 52 XIII. NATURAL HISTORY 53-61 PART I. GENERAL WORKS ; PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. . . 53 II. MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY 54 III. BOTANY. 56 IV. ZOOLOGY 56 V. PHYSICAL HISTORY OF MAN ; MEDICINE. . . 59-61 1. Physical History of Man, Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene. 59 2. Pathology and Therapeutics, Surgery, Materia Medica 61 CLASSIFICATION AND CONTENTS. X11I THE ARTS. CLASS PAGK XIV. THE ARTS 61-65 PART I. GENERAL WORKS 61 Note. For the History of the Arts, see Class XXVIII. II. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, RURAL AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY 62 III. OTHER USEFUL ARTS 62 Note. For Surveying and Navigation, see Class IX. For Medicine, see Class XIII. Part V. IV. GYMNASTICS ; GAMES AND SPORTS 64 V. THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, DRAWING, PAINT ING, ENGRAVING, SCULPTURE, Music. ... 64 Note. For Heraldry, see Class XXIV. Part I. For ^Esthetics, see Class I. LANGUAGE; WITH AN APPENDIX. XV. LANGUAGE 65-83 PART I. GENERAL WORKS ; WORKS RELATING TO SEVERAL LAN GUAGES 65 II. PARTICULAR LANGUAGES. (Arranged alphabetically.) 65-83 1. Anglo-Saxon 65 2. English 66-69 A. Grammar, with General and Introduc tory Works 66 B. Lexicography. 68 Note. Compare Class XXX. 3. French 69-72 A. Grammar, etc. 69 B. Lexicography 71 4. German. 72 5. Greek 72-77 A. Grammar, etc. 72 B. Lexicography 76 6. Italian. ......... 77 7. Latin. 77-82 A. Grammar, etc. 77 B. Lexicography 80 8. Scottish. 82 9. Spanish 82 XIV CLASSIFICATION AND CONTENTS. APPENDIX TO "LANGUAGE." CLASS PAGE XVI. ANCIENT GREEK AND LATIN AUTHORS, WITH SPE CIAL ILLUSTRATIVE WORKS 83-93 PART I. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE CLASSICS ; CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES ; PHILOLOGICAL CRITI CISM ON SEVERAL CLASSIC AUTHORS. ... 83 Note. For Greek and Roman Antiquities, see Class XXVII. II. ANCIENT GREEK AUTHORS, WITH PARTICULAR LEXI CONS, INDEXES, AND COMMENTARIES. ... 84 III. ANCIENT LATIN AUTHORS, WITH PARTICULAR LEXI CONS, INDEXES, AND COMMENTARIES. ... 87 XVII. RHETORIC AND LITERARY CRITICISM. ... 93 Note. For the History of Literature, see Class XXIX. XVIII. ELOCUTION AND ORATORY; WITH ORATIONS AND SPEECHES 94-96 PART I. ELOCUTION AND ORATORY 94 II. ORATIONS AND SPEECHES 96 WORKS OF IMAGINATION AND FANCY, WIT AND HUMOR. Note. For Ancient Greek and Latin Authors, see Class XVI. Parts H. and III. XIX. POETRY 97 XX. DRAMATIC LITERATURE 105 XXL PROSE FICTION; WORKS OF WIT AND HUMOR. . 107 HISTORY OF MAN, IN HIS HIGHER RELATIONS. Note. For the Physical History of Man, see Class XIII. Part V. XXII. CIVIL GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. Ill -116 Note. For Mathematical Geography, see Class XI. Part III. ; for Physical Geography, Class XIII. Part I. PART I. GENERAL WORKS Ill II. ANCIENT AND MEDIAEVAL GEOGRAPHY. . . . 112 III. MODERN GEOGRAPHY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES. 114 XXIII. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS 116 XXIV. BIOGRAPHY 119-164 PART I. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY, GENEALOGY, AND HERALD RY; TALES OF REAL LIFE 119 II. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY 126 CLASSIFICATION AND CONTENTS. XV OLASS PAGE XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY, AND WORKS ON GENERAL HISTORY; CHRONOLOGY ....... 164-186 Note. For Ancient Greek and Latin Authors, see Class XVI. Parts II. and III. PAKT I. GENERAL AND INTRODUCTORY WORKS. . . . 164 II. ANCIENT HISTORY ........ 166-171 1. General Works ; Asiatic and African History. . 166 2. Greece ......... 167 3. Rome .......... 169 III. THE MIDDLE AGES ; GENERAL WORKS ON MODERN HISTORY, AND ON THE HISTORY or MODERN Eu- KOPE ........... 171 IV. HISTORY or PARTICULAR COUNTRIES, NATIONS, AND RACES, NOT INCLUDED IN PARTS II. AND III. 173-186 1. 23urope ........ 173-180 A. General Works ....... 173 Note. For the General History of Modern Europe, see Part III. B. Particular Countries, etc. . . . 173-180 Austria and Germany. ..... 173 Denmark, Sweden, and Norway ..... 174 England and the British Empire. . . . 174 France .......... 177 Gypsies. ........ 178 Iceland .......... 178 Ireland. ........ 178 Italy .......... 178 Netherlands. ....... 178 Poland ......... 179 Russia. ........ 179 Scotland. ...... . .179 Spain and Portugal ....... 179 Switzerland ......... 180 Turkey ......... 180 2 - &*fa ......... 180, 181 A. General Works ....... 180 B. Particular Countries, etc. . . . 180, 181 Arabia. ...... 180 Hindostan ......... 181 Ja P an ......... 131 Mesopotamia and Assyria ...... 181 Palestine and the Jews ...... 181 Persia .......... 1 81 3. Africa ........ 181,182 A. General Works ....... 181 B. Particular Countries, etc. ... 182 Barbary States. ...... 182 Egypt ......... 182 Nubia and Abyssinia ...... 182 XVI CLASSIFICATION AND CONTENTS. CLASS PAGE 4. &merfca 182-186 A. General Works; the Indians. . . .182 B. Particular Countries, etc. . . 183-186 a. North America and the West India Islands 183-186 British America 183 Hayti 183 Mexico 183 United States 183-186 General Works 183-185 Particular States and Territories : California, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Or egon 185, 186 b. South America. 186 Peru 186 5. ceaitfa. 186 XXVI. ECCLESIASTICAL AND SACRED HISTORY. . . 186 Note. For the History of Various Religions and Superstitions, see Class II. Part IV. XXVII. HISTORY OF MORALS, MANNERS, AND CUSTOMS. ANTIQUITIES; NUMISMATICS 188 Note. Compare Classes XXII., XXIII., and Class II. Part IV. XXVIII. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, AND OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES. . 191 XXIX. HISTORY OF LITERATURE AND OF EDUCATION; BIBLIOGRAPHY. ... 194 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS AND POLYGRAPHY. XXX. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, AND GENERAL WORKS ON THE ARTS AND SCIENCES 199 XXXI. POLYGRAPHY; OR, COLLECTED WORKS ON DI VERSE SUBJECTS: MISCELLANIES; PROVERBS; WORKS NOT INCLUDED IN ANY OTHER CLASS. 201 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 210 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 211 PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS . 237 CATALOGUE. SCIENCE OF MIND, AND OF MAN IN HIS HIGHER RELATIONS. (Classes I. V.) CLASS I. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY; LOGIC; ESTHETICS. Note. The term " Mental Philosophy," as here used, includes Pure Meta physics as well as Psychology. For the History of Philosophy, see Class XXVIII. For Esthetics, compare Class XIV. Part V. and Class XVII. ABERCROMBIE (John), M.D. Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Pow ers, and the Investigation of Truth. . . . From the last Edinburgh Ed. New-York. [1833 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 37.) The same. With Additions and Explanations to adapt the Work to the Use of Schools and Academies, by Jacob Abbott. Boston. 1846. 12 ANIMAL Instincts and Intelligence. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XI. no. 82.) [BARLOW (Rev. John)]. The Connection between Physiology and In tellectual Philosophy. See Class XIII. Part V. 1. On Man s Power over himself to prevent or control Insanity. Communicated to the Members at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, ... May 26th, 1843. ... Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8.4.) pp. 54. (SMALL Books, etc. I. no. 3.) BERKELEY (George), D.D., Bp. of Cloyne. The Works of G. B To which are added, An Account of his Life, and several of his Letters to Thomas Prior, Esq., Dean Gervais, Mr. Pope, &,c. . . . London. 1837. 8 BOWEN (Prof. Francis). Lowell Lectures, on the Application of Meta physical and Ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion. See Class II. Part I. COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor), trap., I. 1 - 28.) . . . Treatise on Method. (ENCYCL. Me- 1 2 CLASS I. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ETC. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. A Glance at Philosophy, Mental, Moral and Social. By the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 16.) LOCKE (John). Locke s Essays. An Essay concerning Human Under standing. And a Treatise on the Conduct of the Understanding. . . . With the Author s last Additions and Corrections. Phila delphia. [183-?] 8 The Conduct of the Understanding. See Class III. BACON (F.). Essays, etc. 1847. 18 MILL (John Stuart). A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive ; being a connected View of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific Investigation. New-York. 1848. 8 pp. xiii., 600. PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. PHILOSOPHICAL Theories and Philosophical Experience. By a Pariah. From the 2d London Ed. Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp. 69. (SMALL Books, etc. I. no. 1.) REID (Thomas), D.D. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. . . . Abridged. With Notes and Illustrations from Sir William Hamilton and others. Edited by James Walker, D.D 3d Ed. Cam bridge. 1852. 12 SCHLEGEL (Karl Wilhelm Fried rich VON). ^Esthetic and Miscella neous Works. See Class XXXI. The Philosophy of Life, and Philosophy of Language, in a Course of Lectures, by Frederick von S. Translated from the Ger man by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M. A. London. 1847. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) SPECTRAL Illusions. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 70.) SPECULATIVE Manias. See Class IV. Part II. UPHAM (Prof. Thomas Cogswell), D.D. Elements of Mental Philoso phy, embracing the two Departments of the Intellect and the Sensi bilities. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1852 - 50. 12 A Philosophical and Practical Treatise on the Will. Forming the Third Volume of a System of Mental Philosophy. . . . New-York. 1849. 12 Outlines of Imperfect and Disordered Mental Action. . . . New- York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 1OO.) WHAT is Philosophy ? (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 92.) WIIATELY (Richard), Alp. of Dublin. Easy Lessons on Reasoning. . . . 3d American from 5th London Ed. Boston and Cambridge. 1852. 12 3 Logic. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 193-240.) Elements of Logic, comprising the Substance of the Article in the Encyclopedia Metropolitana : with Additions, &c. Stereo type Ed. Boston. 1845. 12 CLASS II. THEOLOGY. PART I. O WINSLOW (Rei\ Hubbard). Elements of Intellectual Philosophy. ... Boston. 1850. 12 WONDERS (The) of Human Folly. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. no. 63.) CLASS II. THEOLOGY. PART I. GENERAL WORKS ; NATURAL RELIGION ; EVIDENCES OF REVELATION. BERKELEY (George), D.D., Bp. of Cloyne. Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher : in Seven Dialogues. Containing an Apology for the Christian Religion .... (Works, 1837. 8 pp. 117-241. See Class I.) BONIFACE SAINTINE (Xavier). See SAINTINE. Bo WEN (Prof. Francis). Lowell Lectures, on the Application of Meta physical and Ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion ; delivered before the Lowell Institute in Boston, in the Winters of 1848 - 49. Boston. 1849. 8 BUCK (Rev. Charles). A Theological Dictionary, containing Definitions of all Religious Terms ; a comprehensive View of every Article in ...Divinity; an impartial Account of all the principal Denomina tions ... in the Religious World from the Birth of Christ to the Present Day : . . . with an accurate Statement of the most remarkable . . . Events ... in Ecclesiastical History. . . . Woodward s new Ed., . . . from the last London Ed. ; to which is added, An Appendix, contain ing an Account of the Methodist Episcopal, and Presbyterian Churches, in the United States .... Philadelphia. 1832. 18 or 12 (6. and 12.) pp. 624. BUTLER (Joseph), LL.D., successively Bp. of Bristol and Durham. The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature. To which are added, Two brief Disserta tions : I. Of Personal Identity. II. Of the Nature of Virtue. . . . A new and improved Ed. London. 1842. 12 Note. To this volume, which is bound with another containing Butler s Sermons (see Part III.), is also prefixed the following title : "The Whole Works of J. B New Ed., complete in one Volume." London: Thomas Tegg. 1841. CHALMERS (Thomas), D.D. On Natural Theology. ... 2 vols. New York. 1844. 12 Note. Also with the title: "The Works of T. C 5th uniform Ed. Volume First Second." CHANNING (William Ellery), D.D. The Evidences of Revealed Re ligion. Dudleian Lecture, 1821. The Evidences of Christianity, Part I. II. (Works, III. 105 - 136, and 315 - 398.) CORKIE (Prof. George Elwes), and ROSE (Rev. Henry John). Outlines of Theology. (ENCYCL. Metrop., II. 857-904.) 4 CLASS II. THEOLOGY. PART I. CUD WORTH (Ralph), D. D. The true Intellectual System of the Uni verse : wherein all the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is con futed, and its Impossibility demonstrated. A Treatise on Immutable Morality ; with a Discourse concerning the true Notion of the Lord s Supper ; and two Sermons on 1 John 2 : 3, 4. and 1 Cor. 15 : 27. 1st American Ed. ; with ... an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author : by Thomas Birch .... 2 vols. Andover. 1837 - 38. 8 DUNCAN (Henry), D.D. Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons ; illustrat ing the Perfections of God in the Phenomena of the Year. By the Rev. H. D. . . . Ruthwell, Scotland. With important Additions and some Modifications to adapt it to American Readers, by F. W. P. Greenwood. ... Vol. I. Winter. | Vol. II. Spring. | Vol. III. Summer. | Vol. IV. Autumn. 4 vols. Boston. 1839. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. VII. -X.) HOPKINS (Mark), D.D. Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, before the Lowell Institute, January, 1844. . . . Boston. 1846. 8 NEWMAN (Rev. John Henry). Apollonius Tyanoeus. Miracles. (EN- CYCL. Metrop., X. 619 - 644.) NORTON (Prof. Andrews). The Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. 2d Ed. 3 vols. Cambridge. 1846-48. 8 Inaugural Discourse [on the Extent and Relations of Theology], delivered before the University in Cambridge, August 10, 1819. . . . Cambridge. 1819. 8 pp. 48. PALEY (William), D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle. Natural Theology. Evidences of Christianity. Hora3 Paulina?. (Works, etc. 1830. 8 Vol. I. II. IV. See Part III.) . Paley s Natural Theology, with Selections from the illustrative Notes, and the Supplementary Dissertations, of Sir Charles Bell, and Lord Brougham. The whole newly arranged, and edited by Elisha Bartlett, M. D. With numerous Wood Cuts, and a Life and Portrait of the Author. ... 2 vols. Boston. 1839. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. II. III.) Paley s Natural Theology, with illustrative Notes, &c. by Hen ry Lord Brougham . . . and Sir Charles Bell ... . To which are added, Preliminary Observations and Notes. By A. Potter, D. D. .... 2 vols. New-York. 1840-47. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 96, 97.) . . . . Natural Theology ... . Illustrated by the Plates, and by a Selection from the Notes of James Paxton ... . With Additional Notes, original and selected, for this Edition. And a Vocabulary of Scientific Terms. Stereotype Ed. Boston. 1849. 12 [SAINTINE (Xavier BONIFACE)]. Picciola, or the Prison Flower. (CHAM- BERS S Miscel., I. no. 7.) WHATELY (Richard), Abp. of Dublin. Introductory Lessons on Chris tian Evidences. 1st American from the 10th London Ed. Boston. 1850. 18 CLASS II. THEOLOGY. PART II. PART II. THE SACRED SCRIPTURES. THE BIBLE. English. THE HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the Original Tongues ... . New York : American Bible Society. 1850. 8 pp. 968, 304. French. LA SAINTE BIBLE, qui contient le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament ; revue sur les Originaux, par David Martin ... . New York : So- ciete Biblique [sic] Arnericaine. 1852. 8 pp. 819, 261. German. DIE BIBEL oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testa ments. [Translated by Martin Luther.] New York, herausgegeben von der Americanischen Bibel-Gesellschaft. 1852. 8 pp. 828, 273. Italian. LA SACRA BIBBIA, che contiene il Vecchio e il Nuovo Testamento : tradotta in Lingua Italiana, da Giovanni Diodati. Londra. 1850. 8 Not paged. Note. In all these editions of the Bible, the New Testament has an inde pendent title-page. OLD TESTAMENT. JOB. A new Translation of the Book of Job, with an Introduction, and Notes chiefly explanatory. By George R. Noyes. 2d Ed. With Corrections and Additions. Boston. 1838. 12 PSALMS. A new Translation of the Book of Psalms, with an Introduc tion, and Notes, chiefly explanatory. By George R. Noyes, D. D. .... 2d Ed. Boston. 1846. 12 PROVERBS. A new Translation of the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles, with Introductions, and Notes, chiefly explanatory. By George R. Noyes .... Boston. 1846. 12 ECCLESIASTES. See PROVERBS. SONG OF SOLOMON, or CANTICLES. See PROVERBS. PROPHETS. A new Translation of the Hebrew Prophets, arranged in Chronological Order. By George R. Noyes. Volume I. containing Joel, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah. | Volume II. containing Na- hum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations. | Volume III. containing Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, Jonah, and Malachi. 3 vols. Boston. 1833 - 37. 12" b CLASS II. THEOLOGY. PART III. NEW TESTAMENT. Greek. f H KAINH AIA9HKH. THE GREEK TESTAMENT, with brief English Notes, chiefly philological and explanatory, especially formed for the Use of Colleges and the Public Schools .... 3d Ed., ... en larged, and . . . improved ; accompanied with a new Map of Judaea and part of Syria .... By the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D. D London. 1843. 12 English. THE NEW TESTAMENT of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By William Tyndale, the Martyr. The Original Edition, 1526, being the first vernacular Translation from the Greek. With a Memoir of his Life and Writings [by George Offor, recast by J. P. Dabney]. To which are annexed, the essential Variations of Coverdale s, Thomas Matthew s, Cranmer s, the Genevan, and the Bishops Bibles, as Mar ginal Readings. By J. P. Dabney. Andover. 1837. 12 SELECTIONS. EVERTS (Rer. W. W.). The Bible Manual; comprising Selections of Scripture, arranged for Occasions of Private and Public Worship ... . Together with Scripture Expressions of Prayer, abridged from Matthew Henry. With an Appendix consisting of a copious Classification of Scripture Text, presenting a Systematic View of the Doctrines and Duties of Revelation. ... New York. 1846. 12 Note. The Appendix is paged separately, with the title : " The Scrip ture Text Book. Scripture Texts arranged for the Use of Ministers, S. S. Teachers, and Families. . . ." Compiled by the " Religious Tract and Book Society for Ireland." PART III. OTHER WORKS BELONGING TO CHRISTIAN THE OLOGY. Note. For Ecclesiastical and Sacred History, see Class XXVI. ANDERSON (Christopher). The Annals of the English Bible ... . Abridged and continued by S. I. Prime, etc. See Class XXIX. APPLETON (Jesse), D.D. The Works of Rev. J. A. ... embracing his Course of Theological Lectures, his Academic Addresses, and a Se lection from his Sermons : with a Memoir of his Life and Character [by Prof. Alpheus S. Packard]. ... 2 vols. Andover. 1837- 36. 8 J ARNOLD (Thomas), D.D. Christian Life, its Course, its Hindrances, and its Helps. Sermons, preached mostly in the Chapel of Rugby School. ... 5th Ed. London. 1849. 8 Christian Life, its Hopes, its Fears, and its Close. Sermons, preached mostly in the Chapel of Rugby School. . . . 5th Ed. Lon don. 1849. 8 Sermons. . . . Vol. I. 6th Ed. To which is added, A new CLASS II. THEOLOGY. PART III. Ed. of Two Sermons on the Interpretation of Prophecy. | Sermons, with an Essay on the right Interpretation and Understanding of the Scriptures Vol. II. 4th Ed. | Sermons Vol. III. 3d Ed. 3 vols. London. 1850 - 45 - 45. 8 Sermons chiefly on the Interpretation of Scripture. . . . 2d Ed. London. 1845. 8 ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES AT WESTMINSTER. The Shorter Catechism. See NEW ENGLAND Primer. [BUCKINGHAM (Joseph TINKER)]. Devotional Exercises for Schools and Families. New Ed., with Additions. Boston. 1844. 16 BUTLER (Joseph), LL.D., successively Bp. of Bristol and Durham. Fifteen Sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel ; to which are added Six Sermons preached on Public Occasions, &c. ... A new Ed. London. 1841. 12 CHANNING (William Ellery), D.D. The Works of W. E. C llth complete Ed., with an Introduction. 6 vols. Boston. 1849. 12 CHRISTIAN Doctrine and Practice in the Second Century. [Consisting chiefly of extracts from the writings of Clement of Alexandria.] Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp. 87. (SMALL Books, etc. II. no. 7.) CHRISTIAN Sects in the Nineteenth Century. In a Series of Letters to a Lady. ... Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp.91. (SMALL Books, etc. III. no. 11.) [CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS]. See CHRISTIAN Doctrine, etc. 1846. 24 COLEMAN (Prof. Lyman), D.D. An Historical Geography of the Bible. See Class XXII. Part II. COTTON (Rev. John). [Catechism, or] Spiritual Milk for American Babes, etc, See NEW ENGLAND Primer. ... [1843.] 24 DEVOTIONAL Exercises for Schools, etc. See [BUCKINGHAM (J. T.)]. EDWARDS (Prof. Bela Bates), D.D. Writings . . . with a Memoir by Edwards A. Park. ... 2 vols. Boston. 1853. 12 FENELON (Francois DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE), Alp. of Camlrai. Se lections from the Writings of Fenelon : with a Memoir of his Life by Mrs. Pollen. [Preface to the 1st Ed., by Henry D. Sedgwick ; and Introductory Remarks to the 4th Ed., by W. E. Channing, D. D.] 6th Ed. Boston and Cambridge. 1851. 16 [GOODHUGH (William)]. The Pictorial Dictionary of the Holy Bible : or a Cyclopaedia of Illustrations, Graphic, Historical, and Descriptive, of the Sacred Writings, by reference to the Manners, Customs, Rites, Traditions, Antiquities and Literature of the Eastern Nations. [Ed ited by W. G., and, after his decease, by W. C. Taylor, LL.D.] 2 vols. London. 1845. Large 8 pp. viii., iv., 1432. HENGSTENBERG (Prof. Ernst Wilhelm), D.D. Egypt and the Books of Moses, or the Books of Moses illustrated by the Monuments of Egypt : with an Appendix. . . . From the German by R. D. C. Robbins ... . Andover. 1843. 12 CLASS II. THEOLOGY. PART III. JAHN (Prof. Johann), D.D. Jahn s Biblical Archaeology, translated from the Latin, with Additions and Corrections, by Thomas C. Upham ... . 5th Ed., stereotyped. New York. 1849. 8 JENKS (William), D.D. The Explanatory Bible Atlas and Scripture Gazetteer ; . . . containing [17] Maps . . . ; a Dictionary of the Natu ral History of the Bible, with Engravings ; and Tables of Time, Weights, Measures and Coins, Tabular Views, etc. . . . Boston. 1847. 4 KITTO (John), D.D. The Popular Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature condensed from the larger Work. By J. K Assisted by Rev. James Taylor, D. D., of Glasgow. Illustrated by numerous En gravings. Boston. 1852. 8 pp. viii., 800. + (3 copies.) LEIGHTON (Robert), D.D., successively Bp. of Dunblane and Abp. of Glasgow. The Works of R. L To which is prefixed a Life of the Author, by James Aikman, Esq. Complete in one Volume. Edinburgh. 1840. 8 pp. iv., Hi., 687. LIVERMORE (George). Remarks on the Publication and Circulation of the Scriptures, etc. See Class XXIX. MIMPRISS (Robert). The Gospel History of our Lord s Life & Min istry, etc. See Class XXIV. Part II. JESUS CHRIST, etc. NEW ENGLAND Primer. The New-England Primer improved for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. To which is added The Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton s Catechism. Boston : printed by Edward Draper ... and sold by John Boyle ... 1777. [A fac-simile reprint. Hartford, Conn. Ira Webster. 1843.] 24 (12.) Not paged. See Class XXIX. [LIVERMORE (G.)]. The Origin, History and Character of the N. E. Primer, etc. NORTON (Prof. Andrews). Tracts concerning Christianity. Cambridge. 1852. Large 12 (6.) PALEY (William), D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle. The Works of W. P. . . . comprising the Additional Volume of Sermons first published in 1825. With a Memoir of his Life [by G. W. Meadley]. ... 6 vols. (bound in 3). [Vol. I. - V.,] Cambridge. 1830. [Vol. VI.,] Bos ton. 1827. 8 Vol. I. Memoir. Natural Theology. II. Evidences of Christianity. Tracts. III. Moral and Political Philosophy. IV. Horas Paulina. The Young* Christian instructed. Clergyman s Companion. V. Sermons on Public Occasions. Sermons on several Subjects. Tracts. VI. With the title : "Sermons on various Subjects. By "William Pa- ley, D.D. Originally published by Rev. Edmund Paley, A.M. in MDCCCXXV. First American Ed." Note. This set has 110 title-pages for Vols. IV. and V. PICTORIAL Dictionary (The) of the Holy Bible, etc. See [GOODHUGH [TAYLOR (William Cooke)], LL.D. See [GOODHUGH (W.)]. The Pic torial Dictionary, etc. CLASS II. THEOLOGY. PART IV. 9 WARE (Prof. Henry), Jr., D.D. The Works of H. W., Jr., D. D. [Edited by the Rev. Chandler Robbins.] 4 vols. Boston. 1846- 47. 12 Note. Vols. I. and II. have also the title : (; The Miscellaneous Writings of II. W., Jr., D.D." Vols. III. and IV. have also the title : u Sermons by II. W.,Jr., D.D Vol. I. | Vol.11. To which are added his Work on the Formation of the Christian Character, and his Sequel to the same, now first published. New Ed." These vols. are dated 1849. WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. See ASSEMBLY, etc. WHEATLY (Rer. Charles). A rational Illustration of the Book of Com mon Prayer of the Church of England : being the Substance of every thing Liturgical in Bishop Sparrow, Mr. L Estrange, Dr. Com ber, Dr. Nichols, and all former . . . Commentators . . . upon the same Subject. . . . London. 1848. 8 (Bourns Stand. Libr.) PART IV. VARIOUS RELIGIONS AND SUPERSTITIONS; MY THOLOGY. Note. Compare Class XVI. Part I. and Class XXVII. ANCIENT Rites and Mysteries. (CIIAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 73.) CONFUCIUS. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 77.) D WIGHT (M. A.) Grecian and Roman Mythology. With an Intro ductory Notice by Prof. Tayler Lewis, and a Series of Illustrations in Outline. New York. 1849. 12 ESCHENBEKG (Pro/. Johann Joachim). Greek and Roman Mythology. (Part III. of his Manual of Classical Literature. See Class XVI. Part I. ; also Class XXVII.) GROTE (George). A History of Greece. I. Legendary Greece, etc. See Class XXV. Part II. 2. HINDOO Superstitions. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 66.) JEWISH Life in Central Europe. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 39.) KEIGHTLEY (Thomas). The Fairy Mythology, illustrative of the Ro mance and Superstition of various Countries .... A new Ed., re vised and greatly enlarged. London. 1850. 8 (BoHN s Antiq. Libr.) The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy : for the Use of Schools. ... 1st American Ed., enlarged and improved. New York. 1843. 18 LAYAH.D (Austen Henry). Nineveh ... with an Account of a Visit to the Yezidis, or Devil-Worshippers, etc. See Class XXIII. MORITZ (Prof. Karl Philipp). Mythological Fictions of the Greeks and Romans. Translated from the 5th Ed. in German, with Improve ments, by C. F. W. J[aeger]. New-York. 1830. 12 MUELLER (Prof. Karl Otfried). Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology. By C. O. Miiller ... . Translated from the German. By John Leitch. London. 1844. 8 2 10 CLASS III. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. MYTH (The). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. I. no. 5.) RELIGION of the Greeks. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 47.) SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft ... . New York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Li br., 11.) SMITH (William), LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, etc. See Class XXIV. Part I. CLASS III. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Note. For the History of Moral Philosophy, see Class XXVIII. ; for the History of Morals and Manners, Class XXVII. ABERCROMBIE (John), M.D. The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. ... From the last Edinburgh Ed. With Questions ... . New- York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 58.) ADDISON (Joseph). See SPECTATOR. Selections, etc. BACON (Francis), Baron Verulam, and Viscount St. Allans. Essays, Moral, Economical, and Political. The Conduct of the Understand ing. By John Locke ... . With an Introductory Essay, by A. Potter, D.D New- York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 171.) CHANNING (William Ellery), D.D. Address on Temperance. Feb. 28, 1837. (Works, Vol. II. See Class II. Part III.) Slavery. The Abolitionists, &c. On the Annexation of Texas to the United States. (Works, Vol. II.) Remarks on the Slavery Question. (Ibid. Vol. V.) Emancipation. The Duty of the Free States, Part I. II. Address at Lenox, Aug. 1, 1842. (Ibid. Vol. VI.) War : a Discourse. 1816. (Works, Vol. III.) War : a Discourse. 1835. (Ibid. Vol. IV.) Lecture on War. 1839. (Ibid. Vol. V.) CUDWORTH (Ralph), D.D. A Treatise on Immutable Morality. See Class II. Part I. CUDWORTH (R.). The true Intellectual System, etc. FOSTER (Rev. John). Essays in a Series of Letters. .. . The 21st Ed. London. 1848. 16 ^8.) GRAVES (Mrs. A. J.). Woman in America ; being an Examination into the Moral and Intellectual Condition of American Female Society. . . . New-York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 166.) HINTS to Workmen. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 170.) JOHNSON (Samuel), LL.D. The Life [by Arthur Murphy] and Writings of S. J Selected and arranged by Rev. William P. Page. . . . 2 vols. New-York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 1O9, 110.) The Rambler. The Idler. Twenty-nine Papers in the Ad venturer. (Works, 1837. 8 Vol. I.) LOVE is Power. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 98.) CLASS IV. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. PART I. 11 PALEY (William), D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle. Moral and Political Philosophy. (Works, etc. 1830. 8 Vol. III. See Class II. Part III.) SIGOURNEY (Mrs. Lydia HUNTLEY). Letters to Young Ladies. ... 10th Ed., with Revisions and Enlargements. New-York. 1844. 12 SPECTATOR. Selections from the S. : embracing the most interesting Papers of Addison, Steele, and others. [With Lives of Addison and Steele.] ... 2 vols. New-York. 1840. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 181, 182.) STEELE (Sir Richard). See SPECTATOR. Selections, etc. STEWART (Prof. Dugald). The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man. . . . Revised, with Omissions and Additions, by James Walker, D.D Cambridge. 1849. 12 TEMPERANCE Movement (The). (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 23.) WAYLAND (Francis), D.D. The Elements of Moral Science. ... 40th Thousand. Boston. 1850. 12 Elements of Moral Science ... . Abridged, and adapted to the Use of Schools and Academies, by the Author. 26th Thousand, revised. Boston. 1849. 18 WHEWELL (Prof. William), D.D. The Elements of Morality, includ ing Polity. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1845. 12 or 16 (6. and 8.) (Harper s New Miscel., I. II.) CLASS IV. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. Note. For Political Ilistoru. see Class XXV. : for Political Antiquities. Class XXVIL PART I. GENERAL WORKS ON GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, AND THE CONSTITUTION OF SOCIETY, WITH OTHERS, NOT IN CLUDED IN PARTS II. AND III. ; INTERNATIONAL AND CON STITUTIONAL LAW. BOLIXGBROKE, Henry, Viscount. See ST. JOHN. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. City of C. Address of the Mayor [James D. Green], upon the first Organization of the City Government, May 4, 1846. ... Cambridge. 1846. 8 pp. 16. The Mayor s [James D. Green s] Address at the Organization of the City Government, and Reports of the Committee on Finance, and the School Committee, of the City of Cambridge. . . . Cambridge. 1847. 8 pp. 75. City of C. The Mayor s [Sidney Willard s] Address . . . , and Reports of the Committee on Finance, and the School Committee. . . . Cambridge. 1848. 8 pp. 87. . . . The Mayor s [Sidney Willard s] Address . . . , and Re ports of the Committee on Finance, the Overseers of the Poor, and 12 CLASS IV. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. PART I. the School Committee. [1849,1850.] 2 vols. Cambridge. 1849- 50. 8 J Note. " The Overseers of the Poor" rightly appears on the printed cover, though not on the proper title-page of the vol. for 1849. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. . . . The Mayor s [George Stevens s] Address . . . , and Reports ... [as above]. [1851,1852.] 2 vols. Cambridge. 1851-52. 8 . . . The Mayor s [James D. Green s] Address . . . , and Re ports ... [as above]. Cambridge. 1853. 8 CAMP (George Sidney). Democracy. ... New-York. 1845. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 138.) CONSIDERATIONS on some Recent Social Theories. See [NORTON (C. E.)]. CONSTITUTIONS (The) of the several States of the Union and United States, including the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation. . . . New York : A. S. Barnes & Co. 1853. 8 DE LOLME (John Lewis), LL.D. The Rise and Progress of the Eng lish Constitution : the Treatise of J. L. De Lolme, LL.D. with an Historical and Legal Introduction, and Notes, by A. J. Stephens ... . 2 vols. London. 1838. 8 Note. The two vols. are paged continuously. DOD, or DODD (Charles R.). A Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Pre cedence : including Lists of the great Public Functionaries, from the Revolution to the Present Time. . . . London. 1843. 16 pp. 683. DUER (William Alexander), LL.D. A Course of Lectures on the Con stitutional Jurisprudence of the United States, delivered annually in Columbia College, New-York. ... New-York. [1843?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 16O.) [HALE (Nathan) and PICKERING (Octavius)]. Journal of Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of Delegates, chosen to revise the Constitution of* Massachusetts, begun and holden at Boston, Novem ber 15, 1820, and continued by Adjournment to January 9, 1821. Reported for the Boston Daily Advertiser [by N. H. and O. P.]. New Ed., revised and corrected [by N. H. and Charles Hale]. . Boston. 1853. 8 pp. viii., 677. HART (John S.), LL.D. A brief Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. For the Use of Common Schools. . . . Philadelphia. 1845. 12 JUNIUS, pseudon. The Letters of J. From the latest London Ed. . . . 2 vols. (bound in one). New-York. 1821. 12 J. : including Letters by the same Writer under other Signa tures ; to which are added his Confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his Private Letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall ; a new and enlarged Ed., with new Evidence as to the Authorship, and an Analysis by the late Sir Harris Nicolas .... By John Wade ... . Vol. L containing the entire Work as originally published, with illus- CLASS IV. POLITICAL AXD SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. PART I. 13 trative Notes. | Vol. II. containing the Private and Miscellaneous Letters, and a new Essay on the Authorship. 2 vols. London. 1&50. 8" (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) Note. The title of Vol. II. reads : " Extracts from an Analysis by Sir Harris Nicolas." LIEBER (Prof. Francis), LL.D. Essays on Property and Labour as con nected with Natural Law and the Constitution of Society. [With an Introduction, by Alonzo Potter, D.D.] New-York. 1847. (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 146.) LOLME (Jean Louis DE). See DE LOLME. MACHIAVELLI (Niccolo). The Prince. See Class XXV. Part IV. 1. B. Italy. MANSFIELD (Prof. Edward D.). The Political Grammar of the United States ; or, A complete View of the Theory and Practice of the Gen eral and State Governments .... A new and revised Ed Cincinnati. 1851. 18 (6.) MASON (Charles). An Elementary Treatise on the Structure and Oper ations of the National and State Governments of the United States. ... 2d Ed. ... Boston. 1843. 12 (3 copies.) MASSACHUSETTS. Constitution. See Part III. MASSACHUSETTS. The Re vised Statutes, etc. ; a/so, Supplements, etc. MASSACHUSETTS Convention for Revising the Constitution. Sec [HALE (N.) and PICKERING (O.)]. Journal, etc. MILTON (John). Areopagitica : a Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing. (Works, 1848. 8 J 11.48-191.) The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. (Ibid. II. 1-47.) A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes. (Hid. II. 520-548.) MURRAY S Official Handbook. See [REDGRAVE (S.)]. [NORTON (Charles Eliot)]. Considerations on some Recent Social The ories. Boston. 1853. 16 POLSON (Archer). Law of Nations. (ENCYCL. Metrop., II. 716-734.) [REDGRAVE (Samuel)]. Murray s Official Handbook of Church and State ; containing the Names, Duties, and Powers of the principal Civil, Military, Judicial, and Ecclesiastical Authorities of the United Kingdom and Colonies ; with Lists of the Members of the Legisla ture, Peers, Baronets, &c. &,c. London : John Murray. 1852. 8 ST. JOHN (Henry), Viscount Bolinglroke. A Dissertation upon Parties. (Works, 1841. 8 II. 5- 172.) SOCIAL Theories. See [NORTON (C. E.)]. Considerations, etc. STEPHENS (Archibald John). See DE LOLME (J. L.). The Rise and Progress, etc. STORY (Joseph), LL.D. A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States . . . with an Appendix, containing important Public Documents, illustrative of the Constitution. ... Boston. [1840?] 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XIII.) 14 CLASS IV. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. PART II. UNITED STATES. Constitution. See CONSTITUTIONS ; DUER (W. A.) ; -HART (J. S.) ; MANSFIELD (E. D.) ; MASON (C.) ; STORY (J.) ; WILLIAMS (E.). WEBSTER (Daniel). The Works of D. W. [With a Biographical Me moir of his Public Life, by Edward Everett.] 6 vols. Boston. 1851. Large 12 (6.) Large paper. WILLIAMS (Edwin). The Book of the Constitution. Containing the Constitution of the United States ; a Synopsis of the several State Constitutions ; with various other important Documents ... . New York. 1833. 12 The Statesman s Manual. See Class XXV. Part IV. 4. B. a. United States. WORCESTER, Mass. Town of W. Report of the Town School Com mittee. Supplementary Report on paving Main-Street. Report of the Overseers of the Poor. Report and Return of the Fire Depart ment. Submitted at the April Meeting. Worcester. 1847. 8 pp. 20. City Document No. 1. Valedictory Address of Hon. Levi Lin coln, Mayor . . . : with the Reports of the Committee on Finance, the City Treasurer, the School Committee, and the Chief Engineer, for the Year ending March 31, 1849. ... Worcester. [1849.] 8 pp. 48. City Document No. 2. Inaugural Address of Hon. Henry Chapin, Mayor . . . , April 2, 1849 : with the List of City Officers for the Year 1849 - 50. ... Worcester. [1849.] 8 pp.12. City Document, No. 3. Inaugural Address of Hon. Henry Chapin, Mayor . . . , April 1, 1850, with the Annual Reports of the several City Officers ... . Worcester. [1850.] 8 pp.77. City Document, No. 4. Inaugural Address of Hon. Peter C. Bacon, Mayor . . . , April 7, 1851 ; with the Annual Reports of the several City Officers .... Worcester. [1851.] 8 City Document, No. 5. Rules of the School Committee, and Regulations of the Public Schools of the City of W. Worcester. [1851.] 8 pp. 32. City Document, No. 6. Inaugural Address of Hon. Peter C. Bacon, Mayor . . . , January 5, 1852 ; with the Annual Reports of the several City Officers ... . Worcester. [1852.] 8 City Document, No. 7. Inaugural Address of Hon. John S. C. Knowlton, Mayor ..., January 3, 1853: with the Annual Reports of the several City Officers ... . Worcester. [1853.] 8 PART II. POLITICAL ECONOMY, TRADE, FINANCE. Note. For the Useful Arts, see Class XIV. For Statistics, see Class XXII. DWELLINGS and Schools for the Poor. See [NORTON (C. E.)]. EMPLOYER (The) and Employed. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 4.) CLASS IV. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. PART III. 15 HISTORY of the Slave-Trade. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 19.) INDUSTRIAL Investments and Associations. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XI. no. 87.) LIFE-ASSURANCE : a Familiar Dialogue. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 44.) LOWE (Joseph). Commerce. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 77- 128.) M C CULLOCH (John Ramsey). A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. . .. Edited by Henry Vethake .... 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1845. 8 . . . Principles, Practice, and History of Commerce. . . . Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowfedge. London. [1833?] 8 (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) [NORTON (Charles Eliot)]. Dwellings and Schools for the Poor. From the North American Review for April, 1852. Riverside, Cambridge. 1852. 8 pp. 28. POTTER (Alonzo), D.D., Bp. of Pennsylvania. Political Economy : its Objects, Uses, and Principles : considered with reference to the Con dition of the American People. . . . New-York. [1841 r] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 183.) RAILWAY Communications. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 89.) SANITARY Movement (The). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 9.) SENIOR (Prof. Nassau William). Political Economy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 129-224.) SOCIAL Utopias. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. III. no. 18.) SPECULATIVE Manias the Darien Scheme, the Mississippi Scheme, the South Sea Scheme, the Tulipornania, Modern Manias. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 172,) WATER Supply of Towns. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VII. no. 49.) WAYLAND (Francis), D.D. The Elements of Political Economy ... . 3d Ed. improved. Boston. 1840. 12 PART III. LAW. Note. For International and Constitutional Law, see Part I. CRIMINAL Law. See PRINCIPLES. GUSHING (Luther Stearns). Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Rules of Proceeding and Debate in Deliberative Assemblies. 2d Ed. Bos ton. 1845. 18 (6.) GRAVES (Prof. John Thomas). Roman and Canon Law. (ENCYCL. Metrop., II. 735-790.) JEBB (Richard). General Principles of Law. (ENCYCL. Metrop., II. 675-715.) [MAINE]. An Act to provide for the Education of Youth. ... 1850. Augusta. 1851. 12 pp. 52. 16 CLASS V. EDUCATION. [MASSACHUSETTS]. An Act to establish the City of Cambridge, approved March 17, 1846. [Boston. 1846.] 8 pp. 20. The Revised Statutes . . . passed Nov. 4, 1835 ; ... to which are prefixed, The Constitutions of the United States and of the Com monwealth of M. Printed and published . . . under the supervision and direction of Theron Metcalf and Horace Mann. Boston. 1836. 8 pp. xvi., 1007. Supplements to the Revised Statutes. Laws . . . passed sub sequently to the Revised Statutes : to which . . . [is] prefixed . . . The Constitution of the Commonwealth as revised, . . . [with] the Amendments : . . . and to which are appended, The Apportionment of Senators and Representatives under the last Amendment of the Constitution ; [and various] Resolves ... . Edited by Theron Met calf and . . . Luther S. Gushing. Boston. 1844. 8 . . . Supplement to the Revised Statutes ; being the General Laws of the Commonwealth of M. Session, 1845. Prepared and edited by Luther S. Gushing. To be published annually. Boston. 1845. 8 The same. Session, 1846. Boston. 1846. 8 " " " 1847. Boston. . 1847. 8 Note. These Supplements are paged continuously with the volume dated 1844. POLSON (Archer). English Law. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IT. 791 - 856.) PRINCIPLES (On the) of Criminal Law. Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp. 91. (SMALL Books, etc. III. no. 10.) RHODE ISLAND. School Laws of R. I. Acts relating to the Public Schools of R. I., with Remarks and Forms [by Elisha R. Potter]. . . . Revised Ed. Providence. Dec. 1846. 8 pp. 79. CLASS V. EDUCATION. Note. For the History of Education, see Class XXIX. ABBOTT (Jacob). The Teacher : or Moral Influences employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young ; intended chiefly to assist young Teachers in organizing and conducting their Schools. ... Bos ton. 1834. 12 [ALCOTT (William A.)]. Confessions of a Schoolmaster. See Class XXIV. Part II. Editor. See AMERICAN Annals of Education, etc. Vol. VII. VIII. AMERICAN Annals of Education and Instruction, for the Year 1831. Edited by Wm. C. Woodbridge. Vol. I. Being a Continuation of the American Journal of Education, comprising also the Numbers from August to December, 1830. | For the Year 1832 - 1835. Edited by William C. Woodbridge. Vol. II. - V. | For . . . 1836. William C. Woodbridge, Editor. Vol. VI. | For ... 1837. Con- CLASS V. EDUCATION. 17 ducted by Wm. A. Alcott. William C. Woodbridge, Foreign Ed itor. Vol. VII. | American Annals of Education, for the Year 1838. [Vol. VIII.] Edited by William A. Alcott ... . [Aug. 1830 Dec. 1838. Monthly.] 8 vols. Boston. 1831-38. 8 Note. The title of Vol. I. is different in some copies, reading " for the Year 1831 and a Part of 1830," and omitting all that follows " Vol. I." The nos. of the "Journal " for Aug. Dec. 1830 were published as the first part (but not so designated) of Vol. I. of the " Annals," by merely altering their titles, head ings, paging, and signatures. Part II. of Vol. 1. (comprising the nos. for Jan. Dec. 1831) is paged independently, and was also published with an in dependent title-page. See AMERICAN Journal of Education. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION. The Lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction ... August 1840 August 1849 ; including the Journal of Proceedings, and a List of the Offi cers. Published under the Direction of the Board of Censors. | The Lectures ... Aug. 1850 , including ... a General Index to the Volumes thus far published [viz. from 1830 to 1850], and a List, of Members, Past and Present. ... 11 vols. Boston. 1841-51. 12 Vol. for 1840. Lecture I. Intellectual Education in Harmony with Moral and Physical. By JOSHUA BATES. II. On the Results to be aimed at in School Instruction and Discipline. By T. CUSHIXG, JR. III. On the Duty of visiting Schools. By THOS. A. GREEXE. IV. On the Objects and Means of School Instruction. By A. B. MUZZEY. V. On Courtesy, and its Con nexion with School Instruction. By G. F. THAYER. VI. On the Brain and the Stomach. By USHER PARSONS, M.D. VII. Common Complaints made against Teachers. By JACOB ABBOTT. 1841. I. On the best Mode of preparing and using Spelling-Books. By HORACE MANN. II. On the best Method of exercising the different Facul ties of the Mind. By WM. B. FOWLE. III On the Education of the Labor ing Class. By THEODORE PARKER. IV. On the Importance of the Natural Sciences in our System of Popular Education. By A. GRAY. V. Moral Culture essential to Intellectual Education. By E. W. ROBINSON. VI. On Simplicity of Character, as affected by the Common Systems of Education. By J. S. DWIGHT. VII. On the Use of the Globes in teaching Geography and Astronomv. By A. FLEMING. VIII. On the Elementary Principles of Constitutional Law, as a Branch of Education in Common Schools. By ED WARD A. LAWRENCE. 1842. I. On Moral Education. By GEO. B. EMERSOX. II. On Univer sal Language. By SAMUEL G. HOWE. III On the Girard College. By E. C. WINES. IV. The Schoolroom as an Aid to Self-Education. By A. B. MUZZEY. V. On the Moral Responsibility of Teachers. By WILLIAM H. WOOD. The Teacher s Daily Preparation. [From the German.] 1843. I. The Bible in Common Schools. By HEMAN HUMPHREY, D.D. II. The Classification of Knowledge. By SOLOMOX ADAMS. III The Moral Dignity of the Teacher s Office. By PROF J. H. AGXEW. IV. A few of the "Hows" of School-Keeping. By ROGER S. HOWARD. V. Advance ment in the Means and Methods of Public Instruction. By DAVID P. PAGE. VI. On Reading. By CYRUS PEIRCE. VII. Some of the Duties of the Faithful Teacher. By ALFRED GREENLEAF. VIIL Some of the Defects of our System of Education. By R. B. HUBBARD. IX. The Importance of our Common Schools By S. J. May. 1844. I. The Religious Element in Education. By CALVIN E. STOWE. II. Female Education. By WILLIAM RUSSELL. III. On some of the Ob stacles to the greater Success of Common Schools. By CHARLES NORTHEXD. IV. Some of the Dangers of Teachers. By DAXTEL P. GALLOUP. V. On the Introduction of Natural History as a regular Classic in our Seminaries. By CHARLES BROOKS. VI. On Classical Instruction. By A. H. WELD. VII. On School Discipline. By JOSEPH HALE. VIIL On Methods of 3 18 CLASS V. EDUCATION. teaching to read. By SAMUEL S. GREENE. IX. The Duty of the Ameri can Teacher. By JOHN N. BELLOWS. X. The Necessity of Education in a Republican Form of Government. By HORACE MANN. 1845. I. Dignity of the Teacher s Office. By JOEL HAAVES, D.D Ad dress on the Formation and Excellence of the Female Character. By JOEL HAWES. II. The Duties of Examining Committees. By Prof. E. D. SAN- BORN. III. On the Beau Ideal of the Perfect Teacher. By DENISON OLM- STED, LL.I). IV. On the Necessity of the Study of Physiology. By ED WARD JARVIS. M.D. V. On Intellectual Arithmetic. By F. A. ADAMS. VI. On County Teachers Institutes. By SALEM TOWN. VII. On the best Method of teaching Geography. By WM. B. FOWLE. VIII. On Vo cal Music in Common Schools. By A. N.JOHNSON. IX. On the Connection between Geography and History. By GEORGE S. HILLARD. 1846. I. Home Preparation for School. By JASON WHITMAN. II. The Influence of Moral upon Intellectual Improvement. By H. B. HOOKER III. The Essentials of a Common School Education, and the Conditions most favorable to their Attainment. By RUFUS PUTNAM. IV. The Education of the Faculties, and the proper Employment of Young Children. By SAMUEL J. MAY. V. The Obligation of Towns to elevate the Character of our Common Schools. By LUTHER B. LINCOLN. VI. Importance of cultivating Taste in Early Life. By ARIEL PARISH. -* VII. On Phonotypy and Phonography ... . By STEPHEN P. ANDREWS. VIII. On the Study of the English Lan guage. By D. HUNTINGTON. 1847. I. On the Study of Language. By HUBBARD WINSLOW. II. On the Appropriateness of Studies to the State of Mental Development. By THOMAS P. RODMAN. 1848. I. Failures in Teaching. By JOHN KINGSBURT. II. The Co operation of Parents and Teachers. By JACOB BATCHELDER. III. The Qualifications of the Teacher. By Rev. NATHAN MUNROE. IV. On School Government. By J. D. PHILBRICK. V. The Improvement of Common Schools. By WM. D. SWAN. 1849. I. The Defect of the Principle of Religious Authority in Modern Education. By JOHN H. HOPKINS, D.D. II. The Education demanded by s. By III. Earnestness. By ROGER S. HOWARD. IV. The Essentials of Educa- the peculiar Character of our Civil Institutions. By BENJAMIN LABAREE, D.D. 3y i tion. By THOMAS II. PALMER. V. The Claims of Natural History as a Branch of Common School Education. By WILLIAM 0. AYERS. VI. Ed ucation the Condition of National Greatness. By PROF. E.D. SANBORN. VII. The Duties of Legislatures in relation to the Public Schools in the United States. By REV. CHARLES BROOKS. VIII. Practical Education. By W. C. GOLDTHWAIT. 1850. I. God s Plan for educating Man. By C. C. CHASE. II. Political Economy, as a Study for Common Schools. By AMASA WALKER. III. On the Importance of E arly Training. By SOLOMON JENNER. IV. Character istics of the True Teacher. By JOHN D. PHILBRICK. V. The Influence of the Social Relations in the West upon Professional Usefulness and Success. By EDWARD WYMAN. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION. . . . Memorial of the Directors of the American Institute of Instruction [Geo. B. Emerson and six others, praying that provision may be made for the better preparation of teachers]. [Boston. 1837.1 8 pp.18. (Mass. House Doc., Jan. 1837, No. 12.) AMERICAN Journal of Education. For the Year 1826 - 1829. Vol. I. - IV. [Jan. 1826 Nov. and Dec. 1829. Vol. I. - III., monthly ; Vol. IV., two-monthly. Edited by William Russell.] 4 vols. Bos ton. 1826-29. 8 , for the Year 1830. New Series Vol. I. [Edited, from Aug. to Dec., by Wm. C. Woodbridge.] Boston. 1830. 8 Note. The nos. for June and July have the heading " The American Journal CLASS V. EDUCATION. 19 of Education and Monthly Lyceum," and those for AU<T. Dec. " American Journal, and Annals of Education and Instruction" to which the titles on their covers corresponded. See AMERICAN Annals of Education, etc., with the Note. ANNALS of Education, American. See AMERICAN, etc. [ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS OF THE BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS]. Re marks on the Seventh Annual Report of the Hon. Horace Mann, Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education. [Prepared by a Committee of the " Association," viz. Barnum Field, William A. Shepard, Samuel S Greene, and Joseph Hale, and signed by thirty- one Masters.] Boston. 1844. 8 See BOSTON Primary School Committee. Report, etc. 1844. 8; [EMERSON (G. B.)]. Observations, etc. ; MANN (H.). Re ply, etc. Rejoinder to the "Reply" of the Hon. Horace Mann, Secre tary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, to the u Remarks" of the Association of Boston Masters, upon his Seventh Annual Re port. [To which are appended, " Rejoinder to the Second Section of the fc Reply, " by Wm. A. Shepard ; "Rejoinder to the Third Section," etc., by S. S. Greene ; and " Rejoinder to the Fourth Sec tion," etc., by Joseph Hale.] Boston. 1845. 8 pp. 55, 56, 40, 64. See MANN (H.). Answer to the "Rejoinder," etc. ; [WiTH- INGTON (L.)]. Penitential Tears, etc. Report of a Committee of the Association ... on a Letter from Dr. John Odin, Jr., and in relation to a Report of the Special Committee of the Primary School Board. Boston. 1845. 8 pp. 18. BARNARD (Henry). Normal Schools, and other Institutions, Agencies, and Means designed for the Professional Education of Teachers. . . . Parti. United States and British Provinces. Part II. Europe. 2pts. Hartford. 1851. 8" pp. 222, 435. Reports on the Public Schools of Rhode Island. See RHODE ISLAND Commissioner of Public Schools. School Architecture, etc. See Class XIV. Part IV. BARNEY (H. H.). Report on the American System of Graded Free Schools, to the [Cincinnati] Board of Trustees and Visitors of Com mon Schools. . . . Printed by Order of the Board. Cincinnati. 1851. 8 pp. 72. BENEDICT (Erastus Cornelius). An Address delivered at the First An niversary of the Free Academy of the City of New York July 24 1850 ... . Published by Order of the Board of Education. New York. 1850. 8 pp. 38. [BISHOP (Nathan)]. First Second Annual Report of the Superin tendent of Public Schools, etc. See BOSTON School Committee. ... 1851, etc. 8 BOSTON. . . . Truants. [Boston. 1853.] 8 pp. 8. (City Doc., No. 21.) 20 CLASS V. EDUCATION. BOSTON Primary School Committee. Report of the Special Com mittee of the Primary School Board, on a Portion of the Remarks of the Grammar Masters. . . . Boston. 1844. 8 pp. 13. See ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, etc. Report, etc. 1845. 8 ... Report to the P. S. C., June 15, 1846, on the Petition of sundry Colored Persons, for the Abolition of the Schools for Col ored Children. With the City Solicitor s [Peleg W. Chandler s] Opin ion. . . . Boston. 1846. 8 pp. 38. (City Doc., No. 23.) BOSTON School Committee. First Second Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Schools [Nathan Bishop], of the City of B. [To the School Committee.] ... 2 vols. Boston. 1851-52. 8 Note. The title of the first vol. reads " First /Semi- Annual Report," etc. . . . Normal School. [Report of Le Baron Russell, and two others.] Boston. 1852. 8 pp. 14. (City Doc., No. 40.) [ ] Organization of the Grammar Schools of the City of B. February, 1853. ... Boston. 1853. 8 pp. 18. . . . Reports of the Annual Visiting Committees of the Public Schools . . . , 1845 - 1847. 3 vols. Boston. 1845 - 47. 8 (City Doc., No. 26, 28, 40.) Note. The Reports for 1845 that on the Grammar Schools, signed The- ophilus Parsons, S. G. Howe, and Rollin H. Neale, and that on the Writing Schools, signed William Brigham, J. I. T. Coolidge, and Hiram A. Graves gave rise to a controversy, and mark an era in the history of the Boston Schools. For extracts from them, with remarks by Mr. Mann, see " Common School Journal," VII. 289-368. See [HowE (M. A. D Wolf)]. Review, etc. ; HOWE (S. G.). To the Citizens of Boston, etc. The Report of the Annual Examination of the Public Schools of the City of B. 1848 - 1852. 5 vols. Boston. 1848 - 52. 8 Note. The Reports for 1851 and 1852 form City Documents Xo. 52 and No. 50, for those years, respectively. Reports . . . relating to the Ventilation of the School Houses, etc. See Class XIV. Part III. . . . Rules of the S. C., and Regulations of the Public Schools of the City of B. ... Boston. 1844. 8 pp. 24. (City Doc., No. 27.) ... Rules ... [as above]. ... Boston. 1848. 8 pp. 32. (City Doc., No. 6.) Rules ... [as above]. ... Boston. 1853. 8 pp. 59. (City Doc., No. 12.) See BOSTON Primary School Committee. BOSTON Superintendent of Public Schools. See BOSTON School Committee. First Second Annual Report, etc. BOSTON MASTERS, Association of. See ASSOCIATION, etc. BRIGHTON, Mass. School Committee. Thirteenth Fourteenth An- CLASS V. EDUCATION. 21 nual Report . . . for 1850 - 51 1851 - 52. 2 vols. Cambridge. 1851-52. 8 BUISTED (Charles Astor). Five Years in an English University [Cam bridge]. ... 2 vols. New York. 1852. 12 BRISTOL ACADEMY, Taunton. See FELTON (C. C.). An Address, etc. BROUGHAM (Henry), Baron Brougham and Vaux. Discourses on the Objects and Uses of Science and Literature. By Henry Lord Brougham, Prof. [Adam] Sedgwick . . . , and the Hon. G. C. Ver- planck. With Preliminary Observations, &,c., on Reading, by A. Pot ter, D.D New-York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr. 179.) Practical Observations on Popular Education. . . . From the 20th London Ed. Boston. 1826. 8 pp. 36. [BURTON (Rev. Warren)]. The District School as it W r as. By One who went to it. Revised Ed. Boston. 1850. 18 CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Report of a Committee [James Hayward, and eight others], appointed August 4, 1834, to consider the Subject of a Re organization of the Public Schools in the Town of Cambridge. [Cam bridge. 1834.] 8 pp. 12. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. School Committee. Annual Report . . . March 15, 1841 March 6, 1843. [The Rev. Artemas B. Muzzey, Chair man.] | ... March 5, 1844 March 3, 1846. [The Rev. William A. Stearns, Chairman.] 6 vols. Cambridge. 1841-46. 8 Reports for 1847-1853. See Class V. Part I. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. . . . 1847, etc. Regulations for the Public Schools . . . adopted . . . May 1, 1844. Cambridge. 1844. 12 pp. 10. City of C. Regulations of the Public Schools, adopted . . . August 6, 1849. . . . Cambridge. 1849. 12 pp. 32. . . . Regulations . . . adopted . . . June 19, 1851. . . . Cambridge. 1851. 12 pp. 33. CARTER (James Gordon). Essays upon Popular Education, containing a particular Examination of the Schools of Massachusetts, and an Outline of an Institution for the Education of Teachers. Boston. 1826. 8 pp. 60. CENTRAL SOCIETY OF EDUCATION. The Educator. Prize Essays on the Expediency and Means of elevating the Profession of the Edu cator in Society. By John Lalor, Esq. J.fohn] A. Heraud, Esq. Rev. E.fdward] Higginson. J.[ames] Simpson, Esq. Mrs. G. R. Porter. Under the ^Sanction of the C. S. of E. London. 1839. 12 First Publication. Papers by Thomas Wyse, Esq. M. P. Dr. [David Boswell] Reid, F.R.S. Charles Baker, Esq. B.fenj.] Hawes, Jun. Esq. M.P. A.fugustus] De Morgan, Esq. Alexan der Allen, Esq. William Wittich, Esq. G.feorge] R.fichardson] Porter, Esq. Dr. [Arthur] Mower. B. F. Duppa, Esq. Also the Results of the Statistical Inquiries of the Society. London. 1837. 12 22 CLASS V. EDUCATION. CENTRAL SOCIETY OF EDUCATION. Second Publication. Papers by George Long, Esq. William Wittich, Esq. B. F. Duppa, Esq. A. De Morgan, Esq. William King, Esq. M.D. W. E. Hickson, Esq. Lady [Mildred] Ellis. Thomas Wyse, Esq. M.P. Mrs. G. R. Porter. Alfred Fry, Esq. G. R. Porter, Esq. F.R.S. Mons. [Emanuel] De Fellenberg. Rawson VV. Ravvson, Esq. Thomas Coates, Esq. Also, the Results of the Statistical Inquiries of the Society. London. 1838. 12 Third Publication. Papers by C. Baker, Esq. B. F. Duppa, Esq. Frederick] Liardet, Esq. W.[illiam] S,[mith] O Brien, Esq. M.P. George Long, Esq. Rev. S. Wood. William Smith, Esq. G. R. Porter, Esq. F.R.S. Thomas Wyse, Esq. M.P. London. 1839. 12 CHANNING (William Ellery), D.D. Self-Culture. (Works, II. 347- 411.) Lectures on the Elevation of the Laboring Portion of the Community. (Ibid. V. 149 - 230.) CHARLESTOWN, Mass. Board of Trustees of the Charlestown Free Schools. Annual Report . . . April, 1847. Boston. 1847. 8 pp. 16. See CHARLESTOWN, Mass. School Committee. CHARLESTOWN, Mass. School Committee. Annual Report ... . Feb ruary, 1848. Charlestown. 1848. Large 12 (6.) pp. 36. CINCINNATI Board of Trustees and Visitors of Common Schools. Twenty-first Annual Report ... to the City Council of C., for the School Year ending June 30, 1850. Together with . . . various Sup plementary Documents, exhibiting the Condition and Prospects of the Schools. ... Cincinnati. 1851. 8 pp.95. See BARNEY (H. H.). Report, etc. 1851. 8 COMMON SCHOOL Controversy (The) ; consisting of Three Letters of the Secretary of the Board of Education, of the State of Massachusetts, [Horace Mann,] in Reply to Charges preferred against the Board, by the Editor of the Christian Witness [M. A. D YVolf Howe] and by Edward A. Newton . . . ; [with the articles written by them ;] to which are added Extracts from the Daily Press, in regard to the Con troversy. Boston. 1844. 8 pp. 55. COMMON SCHOOL Journal (The). For the Year 1839 - 1848. Vol. I. - X. Edited by Horace Mann .... 10 vols. Boston. 1839- 48. 8 New Series ; for the Year 1849 - 1852. Vol. XI. - XIV. from the Commencement, and Vol. I. - IV. of the New Series. Edited by Wm. B. Fowle .... 4 vols. Boston. 1849 - 52. 8 Note. Discontinued. CONFESSIONS of a Schoolmaster. See [ALCOTT (W. A.)]. [CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION]. Crosby-Hall Lectures on Education. [Delivered and published under the direction of the Board.] London. [1848?] 8 I. On the Progress and Efficiency of Voluntary Education in England. By EDWARD BAINES, JUN. CLASS V. EDUCATION. 23 II. On the Education of the \Vorking Classes. By the Rev. ALGERNON WELLS. III. On the Parties responsible for the Education of the People. By RICH ARD WINTER HAMILTON, LLD. IV. On formal Schools lor the Training of Teachers. By Rev. ANDREW REED. V. On the Non-interference of the Government with Popular Education. By EDWARD Mi ALL. " VI. On the Progress and Efficacy of Voluntary Education, as exemplified in Wales. By the Rev. HENRY RICHARD. VII. The Educational Position of the People of England, and the Position of Nonconformists in relation to its Advancement. By the Rev. ROBERT AINSLIE. CONSIDERATIONS and Facts respecting a Public High School in the First School Society of Hartford. [Hartford ? 184- ?] 8 pp. 16. CROSBY-HALL Lectures on Education. See [CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION]. DICK (Thomas), LL.D. ... On the Improvement of Society by the Dif fusion of Knowledge ... . New-York. 1840. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 59.) DISTRICT School (The) as it Was, etc. See [BURTON (W.)]. DORCHESTER, Mass. School Committee. Annual Report ... . Pre sented April, 1853. Boston. 1853. 8 pp. 23. DWELLINGS and Schools for the Poor. See [NORTON (C. E.)]. [E. (G..B.)]. Observations, etc. See [EMERSON (George Barrel!)]. EDGEWORTH (Maria and Richard Lovell). Practical Education. ... New-York. 1835. 12 EDSON (Theodore), D.D. An Address, etc. See Class XXIX. EDUCATION Movement (The). (Cn AMBERS s Papers, etc. V. no. 36.) EDUCATION of the Citizen. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. I. no. 4.) EDUCATOR (The). See CENTRAL SOCIETY OF EDUCATION. ELIOT (Samuel Atkins). A complete System of Education. A Lec ture delivered before the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, January 19, 1853. Boston. 1853. 8 pp. 19. [EMERSON (George Barrel!)]. Observations on a Pamphlet [by the "Association of Masters of the Boston Public Schools "], -entitled " Remarks on the Seventh Annual Report of the Hon. Horace Mann, Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education." [Signed " G. B. E."] Boston. 1844. 8 pp. 16. . . . The Schoolmaster. The Proper Character, Studies, and Duties of the Teacher, with the best Methods for the Government and Instruction of Common Schools, and the Principles on which Schoolhouses should be built, arranged, warmed, and ventilated. See POTTER (A.) and EMERSON (G. B.). The School, etc. EVERETT (Edward). Importance of Practical Education and Useful Knowledge : being a Selection from his Orations and other Dis courses, by E. E. Boston. 1840. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XIX.) FELTON (Prof. Cornelius Conway), LL.D. An Address delivered at the Dedication of the New Building of Bristol Academy in Taunton, 24 TLA SB V. EDUCATION. August 25, 1852, by C. C. F With an Appendix, containing an Historical Sketch of the Academy, an Account of the Festival, and a List of the Trustees and Preceptors. Cambridge. 1852. 8 1 pp. 54. [FIELD (Barnurn)]. See ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, etc. FIRESIDE Education. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 159.) FOSTER (Rev. John). An Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance. New Ed., revised and enlarged. 15th Thousand. London. 1847. 16- (8.) [FowLE (William Bentley)]. The Scholiast Schooled. An Examina tion of the Review of the Reports of the Annual Visiting Committees of the Public Schools of the City of Boston, for 1845, by " Scholiast " [M. A. D Wolf Howe]. By a Bostonian. Cambridge. 1846. 8 pp. 65. The Teachers Institute ; or, Familiar Hints to Young Teach ers .... 2d Ed. Boston. 1847. 12" Editor. See COMMON SCHOOL Journal. New Series, etc. See SMITH (M. H.). The Bible, the Rod, etc. GLOUCESTER, Mass. School Committee. Annual Report . . . 1850 - 51. ... Gloucester. 1851. 8 pp.22. GOLDSBURY (John). The Black-Board. Exercises and Illustrations on the Black-Board ; furnishing an easy and expeditious Method of giv ing Instruction. . . . Keene, N. H. 1847. 12" GRAVES (Mrs. A. J.). Woman in America, etc. See Class III. GREAT BRITAIN Privy Council Committee on Education. Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education. Correspondence, Tabu lated Statements of Grants, etc. ; and Reports by her Majesty s In spectors of Schools. 1848-49-50. Vol. I. - II. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 2 vols. London. 1850. 8 See SHUTTLEWORTH (Sir J. K.). Public Education, etc. [GREENE (Samuel Stillman)]. See ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, etc. [HALE (Joseph)]. See ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, etc. HALL (Rev. Baynard R.). Teaching, a Science : the Teacher an Artist. ... New- York. 1848. 12 HALL (Samuel Read). The Instructor s Manual : or Lectures on School- Keeping. . . . Revised Ed. Boston. 1852. 18 HARTFORD, Conn. *High School. See CONSIDERATIONS and Facts, etc. HILL (Frederic). National Education ; its present State and Prospects. [Containing a view of the present state of Education in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, America, Prussia, and Spain.] ... 2 vols. London. 1836. 12 HILLARD (George Stillman). Lecture on Public Instruction in Prussia. Read before the American Institute .... Philadelphia. 1836. 18 HINTS to Workmen. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 170.) CLASS V. EDUCATION. 25 [HowE (Mark Antony D Wolf )], D.D. Review of the Reports of the Annual Visiting Committees, of the Public Schools of the City of Boston, 1845. [Signed " Scholiast."] Boston. 1846. 8 pp. 58. See [FOWLE (W. B.)]. The Scholiast Schooled, etc. [ ] See COMMON SCHOOL Controversy, etc. [HowE (Samuel Gridley)], M.D. To the Citizens of Boston : The undersigned, authors of the Reports upon the Grammar and Writing Departments of the City Schools, for 1845, . . . ask your attention .... [Signed S. G. Howe, William Brigham, and J. I. T. Coolidge. March 31, 1846. With a brief statement by R. H. Neale, and a separate address by Theophilus Parsons.] [Boston. 1846.] 8 pp. 12. No title-page. JOHNSON (Lorenzo D.). Memoria Technica : or the Art of abbreviat ing those Studies which give the greatest Labor to the Memory ... . To which is added, A Perpetual Almanac for Two Thousand Years of Past Time and Time to come. Adapted to the Use of Schools. . . . 3d Ed., revised and improved. Boston. 1847. 8 (4.) JOURNAL of Education, American. See AMERICAN, etc. LAWRENCE, Mass. School Committee. Fourth Annual Report ... for the Year 1850- 51. Lawrence. 1851. 8 pp.28. LETTERS to a Young Student, etc. See [SMITH (A. D.)]. LOWELL School Committee. The Thirteenth Twenty-seventh Annual Report, being for the Year ending March 31, 1839 the Year ending December 31, 1652. 15 vols. Lowell. 1839- 53. 8 LOWELL (Mrs. Anna Cabot [JACKSON]). Thoughts on the Education of Girls. Boston. 1853. 18 LYNN School Committee. Annual Report . . . for the Year ending March, 1850. Lynn. 1850. 8 pp. 34. LYON (William P.). Teachers and Parents Manual of Education : being a Plan for a uniform Course of Study for Schools and Acad emies . . . with a Division of the Hours of the Day, and an appro priate Duty assigneo^to each. . . . With a Synopsis of the College Course of Study in many [eleven] of our most respectable Colleges. ... New York. 1848. 18 MAINE. An Act to provide for the Education of Youth. See Class IV. Part III. MAINE Board of Education. Fifth Report .... [With the Fifth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board, E. M. Thurston.] 1851* . . . Augusta. 1851. 12 MANAGEMENT of Infants. (CHAMBERS S Misccl, I. no. 6.) [MANN (Horace)], LL.D. First Twelfth Annual Report of the Sec retary of the Board of Education. See MASSACHUSETTS Board of Education. See ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, etc. Remarks on the Seventh An nual Report, etc. 4 ZO CLASS V. EDUCATION. [MANN (Horace)], LL.D. Reply to the "Remarks" of Thirty-one Boston Schoolmasters on the Seventh Annual Report of the Secre tary of the Massachusetts Board of Education. . . . Boston. 1844. 8 See ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, etc. Rejoinder, etc. Answer to the " Rejoinder " of " Twenty-nine " Boston School masters, Part of the " Thirty-one " who published " Remarks " on the Seventh Annual Report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education. . . . Boston. 1845. 8 Correspondence with M. H. Smith. See SMITH (M. H.). The Bible, the Rod, etc. Sequel to the so called Correspondence between the Rev. M. H. Smith and Horace Mann, surreptitiously published by Mr. Smith ; containing a Letter from Mr. Mann, suppressed by Mr. Smith, with the Reply therein promised. Boston. 1847. 8 pp. 56. Letter to the Rev. Matthew Hale Smith, in Answer to his " Reply," or " Supplement." Boston. 1847. 8 pp. 22. Lectures on Education. . Boston. 1845. 12 [ ] The Massachusetts System of Common Schools ; being an enlarged and revised Edition of the Tenth Annual Report of the First Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education. Boston. 1849. 8 Editor. See COMMON SCHOOL Journal, etc. [ ] See COMMON SCHOOL Controversy, etc. 1844. 8 MANSFIELD (Prof. Edward D.). American Education, its Principles and Elements. . . . New York. 1851. 8 MASSACHUSETTS. .. . Report of the Committee on Education [by A. H. Everett], on so much of the Governor s Message as relates to the School Fund. [With an Outline of the Prussian System of Education.] [Boston. 1835.] 8 pp. 31. (House Doc., March, 1835, No. 54.) ... Report by Committee on Education [James G. Carter, Chairman], relative to the Education of Children employed in Man ufacturing Establishments. [Boston. 1836.] 8 pp. 14. (House Doc., March, 1836, No. 49.) MASSACHUSETTS Board of Education. . . . First Twelfth Annual Report of the B. of E., together with the First Twelfth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board [Horace Mann]. | Thirteenth Sixteenth Annual Report . . . together with the Thirteenth Six teenth Report of the Secretary of the Board [Barnas Sears]. 16 vols. Boston. 1838-53. 8 Note. The First Report forms Senate Doc. No. 26, dated Feb. 1838; the Third Report, House Doc. No. 21. dated Jan. 1840; the Sixteenth, House Doc. No. 1. Appended to Reports 10 -16 are Statistical Tables of the School Returns, etc. The first Ten Reports will also be found in the " Common School Journal," Vol. I. - IX. Report of the Secretary of the B. of E. [Horace Mann], on the Subject of School Houses, Supplementary to his First Annual Report. Boston. 1838. 8 pp. 64. CLASS V. EDUCATION. 27 See COMMON School Controversy, etc. ; [MANN (II.)]. The Massachusetts System, etc. MASSACHUSETTS State Normal School at West Newton, formerly at Lexington. General Catalogue of the . . . School ... . July, 1850. Boston. 1850. 8 pp. 28. MASSACHUSETTS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The Massachusetts Teacher. Edited by a Committee of the M. T. A. Vol. I.-V. [Jan. 1848- Dec. 1852. Monthly.] 5 vols. Boston. 1848-52. 8 Transactions of the M. T. A. Edited by the Secretary [Charles J. Capen], under the Direction of the Committee of Publication. Vol. I. 1845 - 1847. Boston. 1852. 12 Containing Lectures, I. On the Claims of Teaching to the Rank of a distinct Profession. By ELBRIDGE SMITH. II. On the First Principles of School Government. By Rev. J. P. COWLES. III. On the Management of the School- Room. By ARIEL PARISH. IV. On Thorough Instruction. By JOSEPH HALE. V. On the Relation of Education to its Age. By SAMUEL \V. BATES. VI. On the Relation of Common Schools to Higher Seminaries. By Rev. CHARLES HAMMOND. VII. On Teaching as a Profession. By KELSON WHEELER. MAYHEW (Ira). Popular Education : for the Use of Parents and Teach ers, and for Young Persons of both Sexes. . . . Published in accord ance with a Resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan. . . . 2d Ed. New York. 1852. 12 MECHANICS Institutions. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. III. no. 23.) MILTON (John). On Education. (Works, 1848. 8 III. 462-478.) NECKER, or NCCKER PE SAUSSURE ( Albertine Andrienne [?] DE SAUSSURE), Madame. On Moral and Religious Education. See PHELPS (Mrs. A. EL L.). The Fireside Friend, etc. Note. Querard gives the name "Andrienne"; the Biographie Universelle has "Adrienne." NEWTON (Edward A.). See COMMON SCHOOL Controversy, etc. NEW YORK (City of) Board of Education. The Fourth .Annual Report of the B. of E. of the City and County of N. Y., of the Oper ations and Conditions of the Free Academy, in said City, January 1,1853. New York. 1853. 8 NEW YORK (City of) Free Academy. Catalogue ... . September, 1851. New York. 1851. 8 pp. 27. See BENEDICT (E. C.). An Address, etc. 1850. 8 ; NEW YORK (City of) Board of Education. NORMAL School. See MASSACHUSETTS State Normal School. NORTHEND (Charles). The Teacher and the Parent ; a Treatise upon Common-School Education ; containing practical Suggestions to Teachers and Parents .... Boston. 1853. 12 [NORTON (Charles Eliot)]. Dwellings and Schools for the Poor. See Class IV. Part II. OHIO Journal (The) of Education. See OHIO STATE TEACHERS ASSOCI ATION. OHIO STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The Ohio Journal of Education. 28 CLASS V. EDUCATION. Published monthly, under the Auspices of the O. S. T. A. Editors : A. I). Lord, Columbus. H. H. Barney, Cincinnati. J. C. Zachos, Dayton. M. F. Cowdery, Sandusky. I. W. Andrews, Marietta. Andrew Frecse, Cleveland. Volume I. [Jan. - Dec.] 1852. Co lumbus. 1852. 8 PAGE (David P.). Theory and Practice of Teaching : -or, The Motives and Methods of good School-Keeping. . . . Syracuse. 1847. 12 PALMER (Thomas H.). Prize Essay. The Teacher s Manual : being an Exposition of an efficient and economical System of Education, suited to the Wants of a Free People. . . . (COMMON SCHOOL Journal, II. 265, et seqq.) PARSONS (Prof. Theophilus), LL.D. See HOWE (S. G.). To the Citi zens of Boston, etc. PENITENTIAL Tears. See [ WITHINGTON (L.)]. PENNSYLVANIA Controllers of the Public Schools of the First School District of P., comprising the City and County of Philadelphia. Twenty-ninth Annual Report ... for the Year ending June 30, 1847 : with their Accounts. Philadelphia. 1847. 8 PHELPS (Mrs. Almira HART LINCOLN). The Fireside Friend, or Female Student : being Advice to Young Ladies on the important Subject of Education. With an Appendix on Moral and Religious Education, from the French of Madame [Necker] de Saussure. . . . Boston. 1840. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XVIII.) PHILADELPHIA Controllers of the Public Schools. See PENNSYLVANIA Controllers, etc. POTTER (Alonzo), D.D., Bp. of Pennsylvania. Observations on Read ing. Note on the Pleasures and Advantages of Literature and Moral Science. See BROUGHAM (H.). Discourses, etc. POTTER (Alonzo), D.D., JBp., and EMERSON (George Barrell). The School and the Schoolmaster. A Manual for the Use of Teachers, Employers, Trustees, Inspectors, &c., &c., of Common Schools. In Two Parts. Part I. [The School : its Objects, Relations, and Uses.] By A. P Part II. [The Schoolmaster.] By G. B. E. Boston. 1843. 12 Note. Each Part has also a distinct title-page. See that of Part II. under EMERSON (G. B.). PURSUIT of Knowledge under Difficulties, etc. See Class XXIV. Part I. PYCROFT (James). A Course of English Reading, etc. See Class XXIX. RHODE ISLAND. School Laws. See Class IV. Part III. RHODE ISLAND Commissioner of Public Schools. Report and Docu ments relating to the Public Schools of R. I., for 1848. By Henry Barnard, Commissioner ... . Published by Order of the General Assembly. Providence. 1849. 8 Note. The Keport, of but two pages, is followed by the "Journal of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, for 1848. . . . Vol. III.," which constitutes the " Documents " referred to. Mr. Barnard s earlier Reports are contained in the preceding vols. of this Journal. To Vol. III. is prefixed an Index to the whole work. CLASS V. EDUCATION. 29 RHODE ISLAND INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION. Journal ... . For 1845 -6 - 1847. Edited by Henry Barnard, Commissioner of Public Schools. Vol. I.-K. [Nov. 15, 1845 Dec. 25, 1847. Ir regular.] 2 vols. Providence. 1846 - 47. 8 Vol. III. See RHODE ISLAND Commissioner of Public Schools. Report, etc. 1849. 8 Note. ROXBURY, Mass. School Committee. . . . The Annual Report ... . 1848. . . . Roxbury. 1848. 8 pp. 45. (City Doc., No. 10.) . . . Report of the Examination of the Public Schools . . . for the Year 1849-1851. ... 3 vols. Roxbury. 1849-51. 8 Doc., No. 6, 8, 12.) . . . Report . . . for the Year 1853. . . . Roxbury. 1853. 8 pp. 30. (City Doc., No. 7.) [RUSSELL (William)]. Editor. See AMERICAN Journal of Education. SALEM, Mass. School Committee. Annual Report ... for the Muni cipal Year, 1845 - 6. Salem. 1846. 8 Annual Report ... . February 1848 February 1853. 6 vols. Salem. 1848-53/8 Regulations for the Superintendence, Government, and In struction of the Public Schools in the City of Salem. Adopted, 1847. Salem. 1847. 8 pp. 29. SAUSSURE (Albertine Andrienne [?] DE), afterwards Madame NECKER. See NECKER. SCHMIDT (Prof. H. I.), D.D. Education. ... Part II. A Plan of Cul ture and Instruction, based on Christian Principles, etc. See Class XXIX. SCHOLIAST, pseudon. See [HowE (Mark Antony D Wolf)]. SCHOLIAST (The) Schooled. See [FowLE (W. B.)]. SCHOOLMASTER (The). See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. SCHOOLS of Industry. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 125.) [SEARS (Barnas)], D.D. Thirteenth Sixteenth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board of Education. See MASSACHUSETTS Board of Education. SEDGWICK (Prof. Adam). Discourse on Classical, Metaphysical, Moral, and Natural Studies. See BROUGHAM (H.). Discourses, etc. [SHEPARD (William A.)]. See ASSOCIATION OF MASTERS, etc. SHUTTLEWORTH (Sir James Kay), Bart. Public Education as affected by the Minutes of the Committee of Privy Council from 1846 to 1852 ; with Suggestions as to future Policy. London. 1853. 8 See GREAT BRITAIN Privy Council Committee on Education. SILJESTROM (P. A.). The Educational Institutions of the United States, their Character and Organization. Translated from the Swedish of P. A. S. ... by Frederica Rowan. London. 1853. 12 [SMITH (Asa D.)], D.D. Letters to a Young Student in the First Stage of a Liberal Education. Boston. 1832. 18 30 CLASS V. EDUCATION. SMITH (Rev. Matthew Hale). The Bible, the Rod, and Religion, in Common Schools. The Ark of God on a New Cart: a Sermon, by Rev. M. Hale Smith. A Review of the Sermon, by Wm. B. Fovvle Strictures on the Sectarian Character of the Com mon School Journal, by a member of the Mass. Board of Education. [A deceptive title given by Mr. Smith to some remarks by the Rev. Heman Humphrey, D.D.] Correspondence between the Hon. Horace Mann, Sec. of the Board of Education, and Rev. Matthew Hale Smith. Boston. 1847. Large 12 (6.) pp. 59. See MANN (H.). Sequel to the so called Correspondence, etc. SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. . . . The School master : Essays on Practical Education, selected from the Works of Ascham, Milton, Locke, and Butler ; from the Quarterly Journal of Education ; and from Lectures delivered before the American Insti tute of Instruction. ... 2 vols. London. 1836. 12 Vol. I. Analytical Account of ASCHAM S " Schoolmaster," with a Biographi cal Notice of Roger Ascham, and A\ T OLSEY S Letter to the Masters of Ipswich School. Of Education. By JOHN MILTON. Analysis of Some Thoughts concerning Education." By JOHN LOCKE. Bishop BUTLER S Sermon on Charity Schools. Introductory Discourse, delivered before the Amer. Inst. of Instruction. By FRANCIS WAYLAND. Of Moral Education. By J. DE SAINTEVILLE. Early Education. By MRS. BARWELL. On the Importance of Physical Education. By J. C. WARREN, M. D. On the Discipline of Large Boarding Schools. By G. LONG. Vol. II. On teaching Reading By CHARLES BAKER. On the Spelling of Words, and a Rational Method of teaching their Meaning. By G F. TIIAYER. On Teaching by Pictures. By G. LONG. On teaching Arith metic. By A. DE MORGAN. (tn the Method of teaching Fractional Arith metic. By A. DE M. On the Method of teaching the Elements of Geome try. By A. DE M. On Mathematical Instruction. By A. DE M. On Ge ographical and Statistical Knowledge. By A. VIEUSSEUX. On the Study of Natural Philosophy. By A. DE MORGAN. STOW (David). The Training System of Education, for the Moral and Intellectual Elevation of Youth, especially in Large Towns and Manufacturing Villages. . . . 7th Ed., enlarged. Edinburgh. 1847. 16" (8.) STOWE (Prof. Calvin Ellis), D.D. Report on Elementary Public In struction in Europe, made to the Thirty-sixth General Assembly of the State of Ohio, Dec. 19, 1837. Reprinted by Order of the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Massachusetts, March 29, 1838. Boston. 1838. 8 pp. 68. (House Doc. No. 64.) TAPPAN (Henry S.), D.D. University Education. New York. 1851. 12 TAYLOR (John Orville). The District School. . . . New-York. 1834. 12 [THURSTON (Elisha Madison)]. Fifth Annual Report, etc. See MAINE Board of Education. Fifth Report, etc. TODD (Rev. John). The Student s Manual : designed, by specific Di rections, to aid in forming and strengthening the Intellectual and Moral Character and Habits of the Student. . . . 13th Ed. North ampton. 1845. 16 VERPLANCK (Gulian Crommelin). On the Importance of Scientific Knowledge to the Manufacturer and Practical Mechanic. The In- CLASS V. EDUCATION. 31 fluence of Moral Causes on Opinion, Science and Literature. See BROUGHAM (H.). Discourses, etc. WAYLAND (Francis), D.D. Thoughts on the present Collegiate System in the United States. Boston. 1842. 16 WEST NEWTON, State Normal School at. See MASSACHUSETTS State Normal School, etc. WINES (E. C.). How shall I govern my School? Addressed to Young Teachers ; and also adapted to assist Parents in Family Government. ... Philadelphia. 1838. 12 [WITHINGTON (Rev. Leonard)]. Penitential Tears ; or a Cry from the Dust, by " the Thirty-one," prostrated and pulverized by the Hand of Horace Mann, Secretary, &c. . . . Boston. 1845. 8 pp. 59. WOBURN, Mass. School Commit^. Annual Report .... Presented . . . April 7, 1845. Woburn. 1845. 8 pp. 16. Annual Report ... for the School Year 1850- 51 1852-3. ... 3 vols. Woburn. 1851 - 53. 8 WOODBRIDGE (William Channing). Editor. See AMERICAN Annals of Education, etc. Vol. I. - VII. ; AMERICAN Journal of Education ... . New Series, etc. WORCESTER, Mass. . . . Rules of the School Committee, and Regula tions of the Public Schools of the City of W. ... Worcester. [1851.1 8 pp. 32. (City Doc., No. 5.) WORCESTER, Mass. School Committee. Report ... for the Year 1843. [By W T m. N. Green.] Worcester. [1844.] 8 pp. 12. Report ... for ... 1844. [By Samuel F. Haven.] Worces ter. 1845. 8 pp. 13. Report . . . submitted at the annual April Meeting, 1846. [By Geo. P. Smith, and Fred. W. Gale.] Worcester. 1846. 8" pp. 12. Town of Worcester. Report of the Town School Committee. [By Warren Lazell. Submitted, April, 1847.] ... See Class IV. Part I. WORCESTER, Mass. Report ... for the School Year ending April, 1848. [By Samuel F. Haven.] Worcester. 1848. 8 pp. 19. See Class IV. Part I. WORCESTER, Mass. City Document No. 1-7. J 32 CLASS VI. GENERAL WORKS ON MATHEMATICS. MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE. (Classes VI. IX.) CLASS VI. GENERAL WORKS ON MATHEMATICS. Note. For the History of Mathematics, see Class XXVIII. COMTE (Auguste). The Philosophy of Mathematics ; translated from the Cours de Philosophic Positive of A. C., by W. M. Gillespie ... . New York. 1851. 8 DAVIES (Prof. Charles), LL.D. Trte Logic and Utility of Mathematics, with the best Methods of Instruction explained and illustrated. New York. 1850. 8 DAVIES (Prof. Thomas Stephens). Solutions of the principal .Questions of Dr. Hutton s Course of Mathematics : forming a general Key to that Work .... London. 1840. 8 FRANCOSUR (Prof. Louis Benjamin). A complete Course of Pure Math ematics. Translated from the French by R. Blakelock .... 2 vols. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1830. 8 HICKIE (James). A Key to Rutherford s Edition of Hutton s Course of Mathematics, as adapted to the Course of Instruction now pursued in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ... . London. 1849. 8 HUTTON (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A Course of Mathematics. ... Com posed for the Use of the Royal Military Academy. . . . Continued and amended by Olinthus Gregory, LL.D 12th Ed., with considerable Alterations and Additions, by Thomas Stephens Davies .... 2 vols. London. 1841 - 43. 8 See DAVIES (T. S.). Solutions, etc. A Course of Mathematics, composed for the Use of the Royal Military Academy. ... A new and carefully corrected Ed., entirely re-modelled .... By William Rutherford ... . London. 1846. 8 pp. vii., 895. See HICKIE (J.) A Key, etc. RUTHERFORD (William). See HUTTON (C.). A Course, etc. 1846. 8 CLASS VII. ARITHMETIC. ADAMS (Daniel), M.D. Adams s New Arithmetic revised Ed. Arithmetic, in which the Principles of operating by Numbers are analytically explained and synthetically applied. . . . Keene, N. H. [1848?] 12 ADAMS (Frederic Augustus). Arithmetic, in Two Parts. Part First, Advanced Lessons in Mental Arithmetic. Part Second, Rules and CLASS VII. ARITHMETIC. 33 Examples for Practice in Written Arithmetic. ... 3d Ed., corrected and enlarged. Lowell. 1847. 12 The same, llth Thousand. Lowell. 1848. 12 BARTRUM (Joseph Plura). Arithmetic in the Ancient Order, fully, yet familiarly, demonstrated ... . Prepared for Superior Schools ... . Boston. " 1837. 12 CHASE (Pliny Earle). The Common-School Arithmetic, designed . . . particularly for those who are desirous of acquiring a thorough Knowl edge of Practical Mathematics. . . . Worcester, Mass. 1848. 12 (3 copies, one dated 1850.) Key to the Common-School Arithmetic. . . . Worcester, Mass. [1848?] 12 pp.31. See STONE (A. P.). A Key, etc. The Elements of Arithmetic .... In which Decimal and Integral Arithmetic are combined, and taught inductively, on the System of Pestalozzi. Part Second. Philadelphia. 1847. 12 (2 copies, one dated 1848.) See MANN (H.) and CHASE (P. E.). Arithmetic, etc. COLBURN (Dana P.). The Decimal System of Numbers ; illustrated and practically applied, by a Series of Systematic and Progressive Exercises. ... Boston. 1852. 12 COLBURN (Warren). Colburn s First Lessons. Intellectual Arithmetic, upon the Inductive Method of Instruction. [With Part II., the Key.] . . . New Ed., revised and improved. Boston. N. D. 18 Arithmetic upon the Inductive Method of Instruction : being a Sequel to Intellectual Arithmetic. . . . Stereotyped at ... Boston ... . Philadelphia. 1830. 12 DAVIES (Prof. Charles), LL.D. Grammar of Arithmetic ; or, An Anal ysis of the Language of Figures and Science of Numbers. . . . New York. 1850. 18 The University Arithmetic .... New York. 1847. 12 DE MORGAN (Prof. Augustus). An Essay on Probabilities, and on their Application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. Lon don. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., HO.) DODD (Prof. James B.). High School Arithmetic ; containing the Ele mentary and the Higher Principles and Applications of the Science, with the most useful Abbreviated Methods of Calculation ; Practical Mensuration ; and Appendices on Exchange, and Mathematical Prob abilities ; with Applications of the latter to Life Annuities and Life Insurance. . . . New-York. 1852. 16 EMERSON (Frederick). Emerson s Third Part. The North American Arithmetic. Part Third, for Advanced Scholars. . . . Boston. 1845. 12 The same. New Ed. enlarged. Boston. 1853. 12 Key to the North American Arithmetic, Part Second and Part Third. . . . Boston. 1845. 12 pp. 72. 5 34 CLASS VII. ARITHMETIC. GREENLEAF (Benjamin). A Key to the Introduction to the National Arithmetic .... Boston. 1845. 12 The National Arithmetic, on the Inductive System ; combining the Analytic and Synthetic Methods, together with the Cancelling Sys tem ; forming a complete Mercantile Arithmetic. ... New stereotype Ed., revised, enlarged, and much improved. Boston. 1847. 12 The some. [With an Appendix on Weights and Measures.] Boston. 1853. 12 A Key to the National Arithmetic ... . Boston. 1853. 12 HADDON (James). Rudimentary Arithmetic. . . . London : John W 7 eale. 1849. 12 HILL (Rev. Thomas). An Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic, designed as an Introduction to Peirce s Course of Pure Mathematics, and as a Sequel to the Arithmetics used in the High Schools of New England. Boston. 1845. 12 pp. vi., 85. + LACROIX (Prof. Silvestre Francois). An Elementary Treatise on Arith metic, taken principally from the Arithmetic of S. F. Lacroix, and translated into English with . . . Alterations and Additions [by Prof. John Farrar] ... . Cambridge, N. E. 1818. 8 LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D. A Treatise on Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 1OO.) LEACH (Daniel) and SWAN (Robert). An Elementary Intellectual Arith metic, containing numerous original Contractions in Multiplication. Boston. 1853. 16 LEACH (Daniel) and SWAN (William D.). A Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic ; designed for Common Schools and Academies. Phila delphia. 1851. 12 or 8 (6. and 8.) MANN (Horace), LL.D. and CHASE (Pliny Earle). Arithmetic, practi cally applied, for Advanced Pupils, and for Private Reference, de signed as a Sequel to any of the ordinary Text-Books on the Subject. Philadelphia. 1850. 16 (8.) MORGAN (Prof. Augustus DE). See DE MORGAN. PEACOCK (George), D.D. Arithmetic. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 369- 524.) PERKINS (George R.). Higher Arithmetic . . . ; in which some entirely New Principles are developed, and many Concise and Easy Rules given, which have never before appeared in any Arithmetic : with an Appendix. Stereotyped Ed., revised and improved. Hartford. 1849. 12 ROBINSON (James). . . . The American Arithmetic ... . Boston. 1847. 12 RUSSELL (James S.). The Rational Arithmetic .... To which is ap pended, A Key .... Lowell. 1846. 12 STONE (A. P.). A Key to Chase s Common School Arithmetic, with Explanations and Remarks ... . Worcester. 1853, 12 pp. 96. CLASS VIII. ALGEBEA ; THE HIGHER CALCULUS. 35 THOMSON (James Bates). Day and Thomson s Series. Higher Arith metic ; or the Science and Application of Numbers ; combining the Analytic and Synthetic Modes of Instruction. . . . New York. 1848. 12 Vogdes (William). The First Part of the United States Arithmetic. . . . Philadelphia. 1847. 12 The United States Arithmetic. . . . Philadelphia. 1847. 12 Key to the United States Arithmetic. . . . Philadelphia. 1847. 12 pp. 48. WALSH (Michael). The Mercantile Arithmetic, adapted to the Com merce of the United States . . . : with an Appendix, containing Prac tical Systems of Mensuration, Gauging, and Book-Keeping. A new Ed., stereotyped, revised, and enlarged. Boston. 1831. 12 Note, The Parts relating to Mensuration, etc., and to Book-Keeping, have each a distinct title-page. CLASS VIII. * ALGEBRA; THE HIGHER CALCULUS. ALSOP (Samuel). An Elementary Treatise on Algebra ... . Phila delphia. 1847. 12 (2 copies.) Key to an Elementary Treatise on Algebra. Philadelphia. 1847. 12 BAILEY (Ebenezer). First Lessons in Algebra ... . 18th improved stereotype Ed. Boston. 1843. 12 A Key to the First Lessons in Algebra , . . . Boston. 1844. 12 pp. 84. BARLOW (Prof. Peter). Theory of Numbers. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 641-671.) BEZOUT (Etienne). First Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus . . . taken chiefly from the Mathematics of B., and trans lated from the French for the Use of the Students of the University at Cambridge, New England. 2d Ed. Boston. 1836. 8 BOURDON (Prof. Louis Pierre Marie). Elements of Algebra : translated from the French of M. Bourdon [by Lieut. Edward C. Ross]. Revised and . . . [abridged] by Charles Davies, LL.D. . . . Revised Ed. Philadelphia. 1843. 8 CLARK (Rev. Davis W.). Elements of Algebra : embracing also the Theory and Application of Logarithms ; together with an Appendix, containing Infinite Series, the general Theory of Equations, and the most approved Methods of resolving the Higher Equations. . . . New- York. 1843. 8 COLBURN (Warren). An Introduction to Algebra, upon the Inductive Method of Instruction. . . . Boston. 1844. 12 DAVIES (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A Key, containing the Statements and Solutions of Questions in Davies Elementary Algebra ... . New York. 1846. 12 pp. 99. 36 CLASS VIII. ALGEBRA ; THE HIGHER CALCULUS. DAVIES (Prof. Charles), LL.D. See BOURDON (L. P. M.). Elements, etc. DAY (Jeremiah), LL.D. An Introduction to Algebra, being the First Part of a Course of Mathematics, adapted to the Method of Instruc tion in the American Colleges. . . . 45th Ed. New Haven. 1842. 8 The same. 47th Ed. New Haven. 1843. 8 The same. 62d Ed. New Haven. 1848. 8 The same. A new Ed. With Additions and Alterations by the Author, and Professor [Anthony D.] Stanley of Yale College. New Haven. 1852. 12 A Key to Day s Algebra. New Haven. 1853. 12 DE MORGAN (Prof. Augustus). Calculus of Functions. (ENCYCL. Me- trop., II. 305-392.) An Essay on Probabilities, etc. See Class VII. Theory of Probabilities. (ENCYCL. Metrop., II. 393-490.) DOCHARTY (Prof. Gerardus Beekman), LL.D. The Institutes of Alge bra. Being the First Part of a Course of Mathematics, ... for the Use of Schools ... and Colleges. . . . New Yorlf. 1852. 12 GREENLEAF (Benjamin). A Practical Treatise on Algebra, designed for the Use of Students in High Schools and Academies. Boston. 1852. 12 The same. Improved stereotype Ed. Boston. 1853. 12 HACKLEY (Prof. Charles W.), D.D. School Algebra ; containing the latest Improvements. . . . New York. 1847. 8 A Treatise on Algebra, containing the latest Improvements. Adapted to the Use of Schools and Colleges. . . . New York. 1846. 8 HADDON (James). Elements of Algebra. ... London: John Weale. 1850. 12 HALL (Prof. Thomas Grainger). Calculus of Variations (ENCYCL. Metrop., II. 209-226), and of Finite Differences (Ibid. pp. 227- 304). LARDNER(Dionysius),LL.D. Algebra. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 524-631.) LEVY (Prof. Arnaud). Differential and Integral Calculus. (ENCYCL. Me trop., I. 771-843, and II. 1-208.) LOOMIS (Prof. Elias). A Treatise on Algebra New York. 1846. 8 MORGAN (Prof. Augustus DE). See DE MORGAN. MOSELEY (Prof. Henry). Definite Integrals. (ENCYCL. Metrop., II. 491-544.) PEIRCE (Prof. Benjamin), LL.D. An Elementary Treatise on Algebra : to which are added Exponential Equations and Logarithms. . . . 6th Ed. Boston. 1851. 12 An Elementary Treatise on Curves, Functions, and Forces. Volume First ; containing Analytic Geometry and the Differential Calculus. . . . New Ed. | Volume Second ; containing Calculus of Imaginary Quantities, Residual Calculus, and Integral Calculus. . . . CLASS VIII. ALGEBRA ; THE HIGHER CALCULUS. 37 Svols. [Vol.1.,] Boston and Cambridge. 1852. [Vol.11.,] Boston. 1846. 12 PERKINS (George R.). The Elements of Algebra, designed for the Use of Common Schools .... Utica. 1848. 12 A Treatise on Algebra, embracing ... all the Higher Parts usually taught in Colleges ; containing, moreover, the New Method of Cubic and Higher Equations, as well as the Development and Ap plication of the more recently discovered Theorem of Sturm. . . . Utica. 1842. 8 The same. 2d Ed., revised, enlarged, and improved. Utica. 1847. 8 K ROBINSON (Horatio N.). An Elementary Treatise on Algebra. ... 5th Ed. Cincinnati. 1852. 12 (8. 4.) University Ed. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Algebra ; in which the Excellencies of the Demonstrative Methods of the French, are combined with the more Practical Operations of the English ; and Concise Solutions pointed out and particularly incul cated. . . . 15th Ed. Cincinnati. 1852. 8 or 12 (8. 4. and 6.) SHERWIN (Thomas). The Common School Algebra. . . . Boston. 1847. 12 An Elementary Treatise on Algebra, for the Use of Students in High Schools and Colleges. ... 3d Ed. Boston. 1849. 12 The same. 5th Ed. Boston. 1850. 12 A Key to the Elementary Treatise on Algebra. . . . Boston. 1846. 12 pp. 56. (2 copies, one dated 1848.) SMITH (Prof. Francis EL). An Elementary Treatise on Algebra : pre pared for the Use of the Cadets of the Virginia Military Institute .... Philadelphia. 1850. 12" SMYTH (Prof. William). Elements of Algebra ... . 4th Ed. Bruns wick. 1843. 12 A Treatise on Algebra, for the Use of Schools and Colleges. . . . Portland. 1852. 8 or 12 (8. and 6.) WILLIAMS (John D.). An Elementary Treatise on Algebra ... . With attempts to simplify . . . particularly the Solution of Cubic Equations and of the Higher Orders. . . . To which is added an Appendix, on the Application of Algebra to Geometry. . . . Boston. 1840. 8 or 12 (8. and 6.) pp. v., 605. + YOUNG (Prof. John Radford). An Elementary Treatise on Algebra . . . with attempts to simplify . . . particularly the Demonstration of the Binomial Theorem ...; the Solution of Equations of the Higher Orders ; the Summation of Infinite Series, &/c. . . . 1st American Ed., with Additions and Improvements : by Samuel Ward, Junior. Philadelphia. 1832. 8 38 CLASS IX. ETC. CLASS IX. GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY; PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS, PARTICULARLY SURVEYING AND NAV IGATION. Note. For Mechanics and Astronomy, see Class XL Parts II. and III. AINSLIE (John). A Treatise on Land Surveying. A new and enlarged Ed., embracing Railway, Military, Marine, and Geodetical Survey ing, by Wm. Galbraith. Edinburgh and London. 1849. 8 and Plates, 4 AIRY (Prof. George Biddell). TrigonorrtStry. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 672-708.) BARLOW (Prof. Peter). Geometry. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 304-368.) BIOT (Jean Baptiste). An Elementary Treatise on Analytical Geom etry : translated from the French of J. B. B., for the Use of the Ca dets of the Virginia Military Institute .... By Francis H. Smith ... . New-York & London. 1840. 8 CROSBY (Prof. Alpheus). First Lessons in Geometry, upon the Model of Colburn s First Lessons in Arithmetic. . . . With an Introduction, by Stephen Chase .... Boston. 1847. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) DA VIES (Prof. Charles), LL.D. Elements of Analytical Geometry .... 2d Ed. Revised and corrected. Hartford. 1839. 12 (6.) Elements of Descriptive Geometry, with their Application to Spherical Trigonometry, Spherical Projections, and Warped Surfaces. . . . New York. 1847. 8 Elements of Surveying, and Navigation ; with a Description of the Instruments and the necessary Tables. . . . Revised Ed. New York. 1850. 8 DAVIES (Prof. Thomas Stephens). Original Researches in Spherical Geometry. See YOUNG (J. R.). Elements, etc. EUCLIDES. . . . Elements of Geometry : containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with a Supplement on the Quadrature of the Circle, and the Geometry of Solids : to which are added, Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. By John Playfair ... . From the last London Ed., enlarged. New York. 1847. 8 FARRAR (Prof. John). An Elementary Treatise on the Application of Trigonometry to Orthographic and Stereographic Projection, Dialling, Mensuration of Heights and Distances, Navigation, Nautical Astrono my, Surveying and Levelling ; together with Logarithmic and other Tables ; designed for the Use of the Students of the University at Cambridge, New England. ... 2d Ed. Boston. 1828. 8 GUMMERE (John). A Treatise on Surveying . . . : to which is prefixed a ... System of Plane Trigonometry. . . . 14th Ed., carefully re vised, and enlarged ... . Philadelphia. 1846. 8 (2 copies.) HACKLEY (Prof. Charles W.), D.D. Elementary Course of Geometry. . . . New York. 1847. 12 A Treatise on Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical, with its CLASS IX. GEOMETRY, ETC. 39 Application to Navigation and Surveying, Nautical and Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, with Logarithmic, Trigonometrical and Nautical Tables. ... 3d Ed. New York. 1852. 8 pp. xix., 372, 238. HAMILTON ( Rev. Henry Parr). Analytical Geometry. (ENCYCL. Me- trop., I. 709-735.) Conic Sections. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 736 -770.) HANN (James). The Elements of Plane Trigonometry. ... London: John Weale. 1849. 12 INTRODUCTION (An) to Geometry, etc. See [LOWELL (Mrs. A. C. [J.])]. INTRODUCTION (An) to the present Practice of Surveying and Levelling .... By a Civil Engineer of many Years Experience in the Profession. London. 1846. 8 LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D. Geometrical Analysis. (ENCYCL. Me trop., I. 632-640.) A Treatise on Geometry, and its Application to the Arts. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 1O1.) LEGENDRE (Adrien Marie). ... Elements of Geometry .... Translated from the French, for the Use of the Students of the University at Cambridge, New England, by John Farrar ... . New Ed., im proved and enlarged. Boston. 1838. 8 Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry. Translated from the French of A. M. L., by David Brewster, LL.D. Revised . . . by Charles Davies .... New York. 1848. 8 (3 copies, one dated 1850.) Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, from the Works of A. M. L. Revised and adapted to the Course of Mathematical In struction in the United States, by Charles Davies, LL.D New- York. 1852. 8 (3 copies.) Note. Essentially different from the preceding. See THOMSON (J. B.) Elements of Geometry, etc. LOOMIS (Prof. Elias). Elements of Geometry and Conic Sections. . . . New York. 1847. 8 [LOWELL (Mrs. Anna Cabot [JACKSON])]. An Introduction to Geometry and the Science of Form. Prepared from the most approved Prus sian Text-Books. Boston. 1843. 12 [ ]. The same. Stereotype Ed., carefully revised. Boston. 1846. 12 MATHEMATICAL Tables : Difference of Latitude and Departure : Log arithms, from 1 to 10,000; and Artificial Sines, Tangents, and Se cants. Stereotype Ed Philadelphia. 1846. 8 (Appended to GUMMERE S Surveying.) NAVIGATION. See [WROTTESLEY (J.)]. NESBIT (Anthony). A Treatise on Practical Mensuration, in Ten Parts .... 13th Ed., enlarged, and greatly improved. . . . London. 1845. 12 40 CLASS IX. GEOMETRY, ETC. PEIRCE (Prof. Benjamin), LL.D. An Elementary Treatise on Curves, Functions, and Forces. Volume First; containing Analytic Geome try, etc. See Class VIII. An Elementary Treatise on Plane and Solid Geometry. . . . Stereotype Ed. Boston. 1847. 12 (2 copies, one dated 1851.) An Elementary Treatise on Plane & Spherical Trigonome try, with their Applications to Navigation, Surveying, Heights and Distances, and Spherical Astronomy, and particularly adapted to ex plaining the Construction of Bovvditch s Navigator, and the Nautical Almanac. ... 3d Ed., with Additions. Boston. 1845. 12 The same. New Ed., revised, with Additions. Boston and Cambridge. 1852. Large 12 (6.) PERKINS (George R.). Elements of Geometry, with Practical Applica tions. ... Hartford. 1849. 12 PLAYFAIR (Prof. John). See EUCLIDES. . . . Elements of Geometry, etc. 1847. 8 ROBINSON (Horatio N.). Elements of Geometry, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and Conic Sections. . . . 4th Ed. Cincinnati. 1851. 8 or 12 (8. and 8. 4.) A Treatise on Surveying and Navigation : uniting the Theoreti cal, the Practical, and the Educational Features of these Subjects. . . . Cincinnati. 1852. 12 (8. 4.) SCRIBNER (J. M.). Scribner s Engineers and Mechanics Companion, etc. See Class XIV. Part III. SIMMS (Frederick W.). A Treatise on the principal Mathematical In struments employed in Surveying, Levelling, &/ Astronomy : explain ing their Construction, Adjustments and Use. . . . 2d American Ed., from the 2d (improved and enlarged) London Ed. Revised, and with Additions, by J. H. Alexander. Baltimore. [1844?] 8 STANLEY (Prof. Anthony Dumond). Tables of Logarithms of Num bers, and of Logarithmic Lines, Tangents, and Secants, to Seven Places of Decimals ; together with other Tables of frequent Use in the Study of Mathematics, and in Practical Calculations. . . . New Haven. 1847. 8 THOMSON (James Bates). Elements of Geometry : on the Basis of Dr. Brewster s Legendre. To which is added a Book on Proportion ; with Notes and Illustrations ... . New Haven. 1844. 12" VOGDES (William). An Elementary Treatise on Mensuration and Prac tical Geometry ; together with numerous Problems of Practical Im portance in Mechanics. . . . Philadelphia. 1847. 12 WHITLOCK (Prof. George Clinton). Elements of Geometry, Theoretical and Practical : containing a full Explanation of the Construction and Use of Tables, and a New System of Surveying. . . . New York. 1849. 8 WILSON (Rev. Richard). A System of Plane and Spherical Trigonom etry ; to which is added a Treatise on Logarithms. . . . Cambridge [Erig.]. 1831. 8 [WROTTESLEY (John)], Baron. Navigation. [London. 1828.] 8 pp. 33. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil, III.) CLASS X. GENERAL WORKS ON THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES. 41 YOUNG (Prof. John Radford). Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigo nometry, with its Applications to ... Navigation and Nautical Astron omy ; with the Logarithmic and Trigonometrical Tahles. By J. R. Young ... . To which are added some original Researches in Spherical Geometry ; by T. S. Davies .... Revised and corrected by J. D. Williams .... A new Ed. Philadelphia. 1848. 8 Mathematical Tables ; comprehending the Logarithms of all Numbers from 1 to 36,000 ; also the Natural and Logarithmic Sines and Tangents ; computed to Seven Places of Decimals . . . ; with several other Tables ... . Revised and corrected by J. D. Williams .... Philadelphia. 1848. 8 (Appended to YOUNG S Trigo nometry.) PHYSICAL SCIENCE. (Classes X. XIII.) CLASS X. GENERAL WORKS ON THE PHYSICAL SCI ENCES. Note. For the History of the Physical Sciences, see Class XXVIII. ANNUAL of Scientific Discovery, etc. See Class XXVIII. CHAMBERS (William and Robert). ... Treasury of Knowledge. In Three Parts. I. Elementary Lessons in Common Things. II. Prac tical Lessons on Common Objects. III. Introduction to the Sciences. Edited by D. M. Reese, M. D New-York. 1853. 12 (Chambers s Educational Course, No. 1.) DUNCAN (Henry), D.D. Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons. See Class II. Part I. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. A Glance at the Physical Sciences ; or the \Vonders of Nature, in Earth, Air, and Sky : by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 13.) HUNT (Robert). The Poetry of Science, or Studies of the Physical Phenomena of Nature. . . . London. 1848. 8 LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D. Popular Lectures on Science and Art, etc. See Class XL Part I. LIBRARY of Useful Knowledge. See [SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OP USEFUL KNOWLEDGE]. PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. SCIENTIFIC Tracts, designed for Instruction and Entertainment, and adapted to Schools, Lyceums, and Families. Conducted by Jerome V. C. Smith, M.D. Volume III. [Semi-monthly.] Boston. 1833. 12 6 42 CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART I. Continued under the title : SCIENTIFIC Tracts and Family Lyceum. . . . Conducted by Jerome V. C. Smith, M.D. Vol. I.... New Series. | Vol. IV. New Series. 2vols. Boston. 1834-35. 16 SMITH (Jerome Van Crowninshield), M.D. Editor. See SCIENTIFIC Tracts, etc. [SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE]. Library of Useful Knowledge. Natural Philosophy. I. Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science. [By Henry, Lord Brougham.] Mechanics. [Three treatises, by Dionysius Lardner, LL.D.] Hydrostatics. [By Lord Brougham.] Hydraulics. [By Prof. John (?) Millington.] Pneumatics. [By Dr. Lardner.] Heat. [By Mr. Ogg.] Optics. [By Sir David Brewster.] Double Re fraction and Polarisation of Light. [By the same.] With an Ex planation of Scientific Terms, and an Index. [By David Booth.] II. Popular Introductions to Natural Philosophy. [By Mrs. Jane Marcet.] Newton s Optics. [By Dr. Lardner.] Description of Optical Instruments. [By Andrew Pritchard.] The Thermometer . and Pyrometer. [By Prof. Thomas Stewart Traill, M.D.] Elec tricity. [By Peter Mark Roget, M.D.] Galvanism. [By the same.] Magnetism. [By the same.] Electro-Magnetism. [By the same.] With an Explanation of Scientific Terms, and an Index. [By David Booth.] III. Astronomy. [By Sir Benjamin Heath Malkin.] History of Astronomy. [By Richard Wellesley Rothman.] Mathematical Ge ography. [By Edward Lloyd.] Physical Geography [by H. J. Lloyd], and Navigation [by John, Lord Wrottesley]. With an Ex planation of Scientific Terms, and an Index. [By David Booth.] IV. Chemistry. [By Prof. John Frederic Daniell.] Botany. [By Prof. John -Lindley.] Animal Physiology. [By Thomas Southwood Smith, M.D.] Animal Mechanics. [By Sir Charles Bell.] With an Analytical Index. . . . 4vols. London. 1829-32-34-38. 8 Note. The several treatises in these volumes are paged independently, and were at first published separately. SOMERVILLE (Mary). On the Connection of the Physical Sciences. From the 7th London Ed. New York. 1846. 12 or 16 (6. and 8.) (Harper s New Miscel., XIV.) YOUNG (Prof. Thomas), M.D. A Course of Lectures on Natural Phi losophy, etc. See Class XL Part I. CLASS XL NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART I. GENERAL WORKS. BIRD (Golding). Elements of Natural Philosophy ; being an Experi mental Introduction to the Study of the Physical Sciences. . . . With Three Hundred and Seventy-two Illustrations. From the revised and enlarged 3d London Ed. Philadelphia. 1848. 12 CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PAHT I. 43 BREWSTER (Sir David), LL.D. Letters on Natural Magic ... . New York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 5O.) CHAMBERS (William and Robert). . . . Elements of Natural Philosophy. In Three Parts. I. Laws of Matter and Motion. II. Mechanics. III. Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics. Edited by D. M. Reese, M.D New-York. 1849. 12 (Chambers s Educational Course, No. 3.) COMSTOCK (John L.), M.D. A System of Natural Philosophy ... . Designed for the Use of Schools and Academies. . . . Stereotyped from the 53d Ed. New-York. 1843. 12 The same. [A new stereotype Ed., copyrighted 1844.] New- York. 1845. 12 DRAPER (Prof. John William), M.D. A Text-Book on Natural Philoso phy. For the Use of Schools and Colleges. . . . With nearly Four Hundred Illustrations. 3d Ed. New York. 1849. 12 EULER (Leonhard). Letters of Euler on different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, addressed to a German Princess. [Translated by Henry Hunter, D.D.] With Notes, and a Life of Euler, by David Brewster ... . Containing a Glossary ... . With additional Notes, by John Griscom .... 2 vols. New York. [1834?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 55, 56.) GRAY (Alonzo). Elements of Natural Philosophy. Designed as a Text- Book for Academies, High-Schools, and Colleges. . . . Illustrated by Three Hundred and Sixty Wood-Cuts. New York. 1850. 12 GRUND (Francis J.) Elements of Natural Philosophy, with Questions for Review ; ... for the Use of Schools. . . . 7th Ed., stereotyped. Boston. 1841. 12 HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. A Preliminary Dis course on the Study of Natural Philosophy. London. 8 (LAR.D- NER S Cab. Cycl., 98.) HIGGINS (W. Mullinger). The Experimental Philosopher. . . . London. 1838. 8 HUNT (Robert). Elementary Physics, an Introduction to the Study of Natural Philosophy. . . . London. 1851. 16 (8.) JOHNSON (Prof. Walter Rogers). A System of Natural Philosophy, de signed for the Use of Schools and Academies, on the Basis of the Book of Science by Mr. J. M. Moffat. ... 8th Ed. Philadelphia. 1846. 12 (2 copies, one dated 1847.) JOHNSTON (Prof. John), LL.D. A Manual of Natural Philosophy . . . designed for Use as a Text-Book in High Schools and Academies. Philadelphia. 1848. 12 The same. A new and revised Ed., illustrated with Three Hundred and Twenty Engravings. Philadelphia. 1852. 12 JOYCE (Rev. Jeremiah). Scientific Dialogues for the Instruction & En tertainment of Young People ; in which the First Principles of Natu ral and Experimental Philosophy are fully explained & illustrated. A new and enlarged Ed., with Questions . . . and other Additions, by William Pinnock . London. 1846. 8 44 CLASS XI. NATUEAL PHILOSOPHY. PART I. L LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D. Hand-Books of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. . . . First Course. Mechanics Hydrostatics Hy draulics Pneumatics Sound Optics. Illustrated by upwards of Four Hundred Engravings on Wood. Philadelphia. 1851. 12 pp. 749. Note. This vol. is also divided into three Parts, with independent title-pages and paging ; I. Mechanics. II. Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Sound. III. Optics. The same. Second Course. Heat Magnetism Common Electricity Voltaic Electricity. Illustrated by upwards of Two Hundred Engravings on Wood. Philadelphia. 1853. 12 Popular Lectures on Science and Art, delivered in the princi pal Cities and Towns of the United States .... 2 vols. New York. 1846. 8 LIBRARY of Useful Knowledge. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION, etc. LIST (C.). Outlines of Natural Philosophy. ... Philadelphia. 1846. 18 [MARCET (Mrs. Jane [HALDIMAND])]. Popular Introductions to Natural Philosophy. [London. 183-?] 8 pp. c. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., II.) MOFFATT (John M.). The Book of Science. See JOHNSON (W. R.). A System, etc. MUELLER (Johann), Prof, of Physics in the Univ. of Freilurg. Princi ples of Physics and Meteorology. . . . [Translated by E. C. One.] 1st American Ed., revised and illustrated with 538 Engravings on Wood, and Two colored Plates. Philadelphia. 1848. 8 pp. xii., 25 - 635. Note. Complete. NATURAL Magic. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 82.) OLMSTED (Prof. Denison), LL.D. A Compendium of Natural Philoso phy ... To which is now added A Supplement containing Instruc tions to young Experimenters, with a copious List of Experiments, accompanied by minute Directions for performing them. . . . Stereo type Ed. New Haven. 1847. 12 Note. The Supplement has a distinct title-page, dated 1844. An Introduction to Natural Philosophy ; designed as a Text Book, for the Use of the Students in Yale College. . . . Vol. I. Mechanics and Hydrostatics. ... | Vol. II. Pneumatics, Acou stics, Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics. . . . 4th Ed. 2 vols. New York. 1840. 8 Note. Appended to Vol. II. are " Outlines of Professor Olmsted s Lectures on Meteorology," pp. 1-12. PARKER (Richard Green). A School Compendium of Natural and Experi mental Philosophy ... . With a Description of the Steam and Lo comotive Engines. . . . 18th Ed., with Additions and Improvements. New York. 1848. 12 PHELPS (Mrs. Almira HART LINCOLN). Natural Philosophy, for Schools .... New Ed., revised and corrected. New York. 1846. 12 CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PAET II. 45 POPULAR Introductions to Natural Philosophy. See [MARCET (Mrs. J. [H.])J- POWELL (Prof. Baden). The History of Natural Philosophy. See Class XXVUI. ROBINSON (Horatio N.). Elements of Natural Philosophy, with some of their Results and Applications. ... 4th Ed. Cincinnati. 1851. 12 or 8 (6. and 8.) SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Library of Use ful Knowledge. Natural Philosophy. See Class X. TOMLINSON (Charles). Introduction to the Study of Natural Philosophy .... London : John Weale. 1848. 12 YOUNG (Prof. Thomas), M.D. A Course of Lectures on Natural Phi- . losophy and the Mechanical Arts. ... A new Ed., with References and Notes, by the Rev. P. Kelland ... . Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Copper. . . . Volume I. Text. | Volume II. Plates. 2 vols. London. 1845. 8 Note. Copious and valuable bibliographical references are appended to each Lecture. Two of the Lectures treat of Vegetation and Animal Life. PART II. MECHANICS; OR, LAWS OF MOTION AND EQUILIBRI UM ; INCLUDING HYDROSTATICS, PNEUMATICS, ETC. BARLOW (Prof. Peter). Mechanics. (ENCYCL. Metrop., III. 1-160.) Hydrodynamics. (Ibid., pp. 161-296.) Pneumatics. (Ibid., pp. 297-392.) [BROUGHAM (Henry)], Baron Brougham and Vaux. Hydrostatics. [London. 182-.] 8 pp. 32. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., I.) CHAMBERLAIN (Nathan B. and Daniel). A Catalogue of Pneumatic In struments manufactured and sold by N. B. & D. C. ; with Experi ments illustrated by numerous Engravings and Notes. Boston. 1844. 8 pp. 56. Note. To this is appended " Hydrostatic and Hydraulic Apparatus," pp. 1-7, with only a head-title. A Price Catalogue of Pneumatic Apparatus manufactured and sold by N. B. & D. C Boston. 1844. 8 pp. xiv. (Bound with the preceding.) EWBANK (Thomas). A Descriptive and Historical Account of Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, etc. See Class XXVUI. HYDRAULICS. See [MILLINGTON (J. ?)]. HYDROSTATICS. See [BROUGHAM (H.)]. JAMIESON (Alexander), LL.D. Mechanics for Practical Men. . . . Trea tises on the Composition and Resolution of Forces; the Centre of Gravity ; and the Mechanical Powers. Illustrated by Examples and Diagrams. ... 4th Ed. London. 1845. 8 46 CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART II. JAMIESON (Alexander), LL.D. Mechanics of Fluids for Practical Men, comprising Hydrostatics, Descriptive and Constructive : the whole illustrated by numerous Examples and appropriate Diagrams. . . . London. 1837. 8 KATER (Capt. Henry) and LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D. A Treatise on Mechanics. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 1O2.) [LARDNER (Dionysius)], LL.D. Mechanics. [Three Treatises, paged independently : I. On Mechanical Agents, or Prime Movers. II. Elements of Machinery. III. Friction, and Rigidity of Cordage. London. 182 - .] 8 pp. 32, 64, 32. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., I.) [ ] Pneumatics. [London. 182-.] 8 pp. 32. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., 1.) A Rudimentary Treatise on the Steam Engine : for the Use of Beginners. ... London: John Weale. 1848. 12 (2 copies.) The Steam Engine explained and illustrated ; with an Account of its Invention and Progressive Improvement, and its Application to Navigation and Railways ; including also a Memoir of Watt. . . . 7th Ed., illustrated by Engravings on Wood. London. N. D. 8 A Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 1O3.) See KATER (H.) and LARDNER (D.). MECHANICS. See [LARDNER (D.)]. [MILLINGTON (Prof. John?)]. Hydraulics. [London. 182-.] 8 pp. 32. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., I.) MOSELEY (Prof. Henry). Illustrations of Mechanics. . . . Revised by James Renwick, LL.D. .... New-York. 1844. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., ISO.) PNEUMATICS. See [LARDNER (D.)]. TOMLINSON (Charles). Pneumatics ; for the Use of Beginners. London : John Weale. 1848. 12 Rudimentary Mechanics ... . London : John Weale. 1849. 12 WEISBACH (Prof. Julius). Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. . . . [Translated by Prof. L. Gordon.] 1st Ameri can Ed. Edited by Walter R. Johnson ... . Illustrated with One Thousand Engravings on Wood. Vol. I. Theoretical Mechanics. | ... Vol. II. Applied Mechanics. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1848- 49. Large 12 (6.) Note. The title of Vol. II. reads "... Eight Hundred and Thirteen Engrav ings," etc. The actual number is eight hundred and sixty-five. YOUNG (Prof. John Radford). The Elements of Mechanics, compre hending Statics and Dynamics, with a copious Collection of Mechani cal Problems. With Plates. . . London. 1832. 12 CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART III. 47 PART III. ASTRONOMY AND MATHEMATICAL GEOGRAPHY. AIRY (Pro/. George Biddell). Figure of the Earth. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 165 - *240.) Tides and Waves. (Ibid. pp. 241* - 396.*) AMERICAN Almanac. See Class XXII. Part I. ARAGO (Prof. Dominique Francois Jean). Popular Lectures on Astronomy ; delivered at the Royal Observatory of Paris ... . With extensive Additions and Corrections, by Dionysius Lardner, LL.D New-York. 1845. 8 pp. 96. (Bound with LARD- NER S "Popular Lectures," etc. 1846. 8 Vol. I.) Note. This work is based on an imperfect report of Arago s Lectures, pub lished without the sanction of the author. ASTRONOMY. See [MALKIN (Sir B. H.)]. BARLOW (Prof. Peter). Astronomy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., III. 485-606.) BRADFORD (Duncan). The Wonders of the Heavens, being a Popular View of Astronomy ... . Illustrated by numerous Maps and En gravings. . . . Boston. 1837. 4 COFFIN (James H.). Solar and Lunar Eclipses familiarly illustrated and explained, with the Method of calculating them according to the Theory of Astronomy, as taught in New England Colleges. . . . New York. 1845. 8 pp. 83. + Note. Thirty-one Astronomical Tables are appended, without paging. COMPENDIUM (A) of Astronomy . . . intended to accompany a Series of Diagrams . . . exhibited by the improved Phantasmagoria Lantern. [London. N. D.] 18 ? pp. 24. DICK (Thomas), LL.D. Celestial Scenery ; or, The Wonders of the Planetary System displayed. Illustrating the Perfections of Deity and a Plurality of Worlds. . . . New-York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 83.) The Practical Astronomer, comprising ... a particular Account of the Earl of Rosse s large Telescopes ... . Illustrated with One Hundred Engravings. New- York. 1846. 12 or 16 (6. and 8.) (Harper s New Miscel., V.) The Sidereal Heavens and other Subjects connected with Astronomy, as illustrative of the Character of the Deity, and of an Infinity of Worlds. . . . New-York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 99.) GUY (Joseph). Guy s Elements of Astronomy, and an Abridgment of Keith s New Treatise on the Use of the Globes. New American Ed., with Additions and Improvements, and an Explanation of the Astronomical Part of the American Almanac. 30th Ed. Philadel phia. 1845. 18 (2 copies, one dated 1847.) Note. The treatise of Keith is paged independently, with a half-title. HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. Outlines of Astronomy .... London. 1849. 8 pp. xiv., 661. -f Physical Astronomy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., III. 647-734.) 48 CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PAET III. HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. A Treatise on Astron omy. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 1O4.) HUGHES (Prof. William). A Manual of Mathematical Geography ; comprehending an Inquiry into the Construction of Maps, with Rules for the Formation of Map-Projections. 2d Ed. London. 1852. 16 KATER (Capt. Henry). Nautical Astronomy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., III. 607-646.) KEITH (Thomas). A New Treatise on the Use of the Globes, etc. See GUY (J.). KENDALL (E. Otis). Uranography ; or, A Description of the Heavens ; designed for Academies and Schools ; accompanied by an Atlas of the Heavens .... Philadelphia. 1844. 18 or 12 (6. and 12.) Atlas, 1845. 4 [LLOYD (Edward)]. Mathematical Geography. [London. 183- ] 8 pp. 32. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., III.) LONDON RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. See RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY LOOMIS (Prof. Elias). The Recent Progress of Astronomy ; especially in the United States. . . . New York. 1850. 12 M INTIRE (James), M.D. A new Treatise on Astronomy, and the Use of the Globes, in Two Parts. . . . For the Use of High Schools and Academies. . . . New-York. 1850. 12 [MALKIN (Sir Benjamin Heath)]. Astronomy. [London. 1830-34.] 8 (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., III.) MASON (Ebenezer Porter). Introduction to Practical Astronomy, de signed as a Supplement to Olmsted s Astronomy ; containing special Rules for the Adjustment and Use of Astronomical Instruments, to gether with the Calculation of Eclipses and Occultations, and the Methods of finding the Latitude and Longitude. New York. 1843. 8 (Appended to OLMSTED S Introduction to Astronomy, 1843. 8) MATHEMATICAL Geography. See [LLOYD (E.)]. MATTISON (Prof. Hiram). An Elementary Astronomy, for Academies and Schools. Illustrated by numerous original Diagrams ... . 5th Ed. 12th Thousand. New York. 1849. 18 or 12 (6.) MITCHEL (Prof. Ormsby M c Knight). The Planetary and Stellar Worlds : a Popular Exposition of the Great Discoveries and Theories of Mod ern Astronomy. In a Series of Ten Lectures. . . . New York. 1848. 12 NICHOL (Prof. J. P.), LL.D. The Phenomena and Order of the Solar System. . . . From the last Edinburgh Ed. Illustrated with Plates. New-York. 1843. 12 Thoughts on some important Points relating to the System of the World. ... 1st American Ed., revised and enlarged. Boston and Cambridge. 1848. 12 Views of the Architecture of the Heavens. . . . Republished from the last London and Edinburgh Editions : to which has [sic] been added Notes, a Glossary, &,c. by the American Publishers. 2d Ed. New- York. 1842. 12 CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART IV. 49 NORTON (Prof. William Augustus). An Elementary Treatise on Astron omy : in Four Parts. . . . With Solar, Lunar, and other Astronomical Tables. Designed for Use as a Text-Book in Colleges and the Higher Academies. . . . Stereotype Ed. Corrected, improved, and enlarged. New York. 1845. 8 OLMSTED (Prof. Denison), LL.D. A Compendium of Astronomy ... . Adapted to the Use of Schools and Academies .... 2d Ed. . . . New York. 1841. 12 An Introduction to Astronomy ; designed as a Text Book for the Students of Yale College. 3d Ed. ... New York. 1843. 8 See MASON (E. P.). Introduction, etc. Letters on Astronomy, addressed to a Lady : in which the Elements of the Science are familiarly explained in Connection with its Literary History. With numerous Engravings. . . . Boston. 1842. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XX.) The same. New York. 1847. 12 RECENT Discoveries in Astronomy. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. III. no. 21.) RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, London. The Solar System. Part II. ... London : the Religious Tract Society. Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union. [1846.] 18 ROBINSON (Horatio N.). A Treatise on Astronomy, Descriptive, Theo retical, and Physical .... Albany. 1849. 8 or 12 (8. and 6.) A Treatise on Astronomy, Descriptive, Physical, and Practical. . . . Albany. 1850. 8 or 12 (8. and 6.) SMITH (Asa). Smith s Illustrated Astronomy ... . New-York. 1848. 4 pp. v., 68. SOLAR System (The). See RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. WONDERS of the Telescope. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 175.) PART IV. LAWS OF SOUND, LIGHT, AND HEAT ; OR, ACOU STICS, OPTICS, AND " THERMOTICS." BACHE (Prof. Alexander Dallas). See BREWSTER (Sir D.). A Treatise on Optics, etc. 1844. 12 BARLOW (Prof. Peter). Optics. (ENCYCL. Metrop., III. 393 - 484.) [BREWSTER (Sir David)]. On the Double Refraction and Polarisation of Light. [London. 182-.] 8 pp. 64. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., I.) [ ] Optics. [London. 182-.] 8 pp.68. ( LIBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., I.) A Treatise on Optics. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 105.) A Treatise on Optics. ... A new Ed. With an Appendix, 7 50 CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART V. containing an Elementary View of the Application of Analysis to Reflexion and Refraction, by A. D. Bache ... . Philadelphia. 1844. 12 Note. The Appendix is paged independently. DOUBLE Refraction (On the) and Polarisation of Light. See [BREWSTER (Sir D.)]. HEAT. See [Oca ( )]. HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. Light. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IV. 341-586.) Sound. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IV. 747 - 824.) [LARDNER (Dionysius)], LL.D. A Popular Account of Newton s Op tics. [London. 183-?] 8 pp.64. (LiBR. of Useful KnowL, Nat. Phil., II.) A Treatise on Heat. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 106.) LUNN (Rev. Francis). Heat. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IV. 225-340.) MICROSCOPE (The) and its Marvels. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 41.) NEWTON S Optics. See [LARDNER (D.)]. [QGG ( )]. Heat. [London. 182-.] 8 pp. 64. (LiBR. of Useful Know!., Nat. Phil., I.) OPTICAL Instruments. See [PRITCHARD (A.)]. * OPTICS. See [BREWSTER (SirD.)]. PEIRCE (Prof. Benjamin), LL.D. An Elementary Treatise on Sound ; being the Second Volume of a Course of Natural Philosophy, de signed for the Use of High Schools and Colleges. Compiled by B. P Boston. 1836. 8 [PRITCHARD (Andrew)]. Optical Instruments. [London. 183-?] 8 pp. 60. (LiBR. of Useful KnowL, Nat. Phil., II.) SCIENCE of the Sunbeam. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 31.) THERMOMETER (The) and Pyrometer. Se-e [TRAILL (T. S.)]. [TRAILL (Prof. Thomas Stewart)], M.D. The Thermometer and Py rometer. [London. 183 - ?] 8 pp. 64. (LiBR. of Useful KnowL, Nat. Phil., II.) WONDERS of the Microscope. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, IX. no. 150.) WONDERS of the Telescope. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, X. no. 175.) PART V. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY. BAIN (Alexander). See REID (D. B.) and BAIN (A.). . . . Elements, etc. BARLOW (Prof. Peter). Magnetism. Electro-Magnetism. (ENCYCL. Metrop., III. 735 - 847, and IV. 1-40.) DAVIS (Daniel), Jr. A Manual of Magnetism, including Galvanism, Magnetism, Electro-Magnetism, Electro-Dynamics, Magneto-Elec- CLASS XI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART VI. 51 tricity, and Thermo-Electricity. [Principally prepared by John Bacon, Jr., M.D., and William F. Channing, M.*D.] With 180 origi nal Illustrations. 2d Ed. Boston : Daniel Davis, Jr. 1847. 12 Note. With the half-title : " Davis s Manual of Magnetism." [ ] ? The Medical Application of Electricity, etc. See Class XIII. Part V. 2. ELECTRICITY. See [ROGET (P. M.)]. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. See [ROGET (P. M.)]. GALVANISM. See [ROGET (P. M.)]. HARRIS (Sir William Snow). Rudimentary Electricity ... . London: John Weale. 1848. 12 LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D., and WALKER (Charles V.) A Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl, 1O8, 1O9.) LOVERING (Prof. Joseph). Elements of Electricity, Magnetism, and Electro-Dynamics ... for the Use of the Students of Harvard Uni versity ; being the Second Part of a Course of Natural Philosophy, by John Farrar, LL.D. and the First Part of a New Course of Phys ics, by Joseph Levering ... . Boston. 1842. 8 LUNN (Rev. Francis). Electricity. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IV. 41 - 172.) MAGNETISM. See [ROGET (P. M.)]. REID (David Boswell), M.D., and BAIN (Alexander). . . . Elements of Chemistry and Electricity. See Class XII. [ROGET (Peter Mark)], M.D. Electricity. [London. 183-?] 8 pp. 64. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl, Nat. Phil., II.) [ ] Electro-Magnetism. [London. 183-?] 8 pp. 100. (Ibid.) [- -] Galvanism. [London. 183-?] 8 pp.32. (Ibid.) Galvanism. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IV. 173-224.) [ ] Magnetism. [London. 183-?] 8 pp. 96. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., II.) WALKER (Charles V.). See LARDNER (D.) and WALKER (C. V.). PART VI. METEOROLOGY. BROCKLESBY (Prof. John). Elements of Meteorology, with Questions for Examination, designed for Schools and Academies. . . . With Engravings. 3d revised and stereotype Ed. . . . New York. 1849. 12 HARVEY (George). Meteorology. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 1 - *174.) LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D., and WALKER (Charles V.). A Manual of Electricity . . . and Meteorology. See Part V. LAW (The) of Storms. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VII. no. 53.) MUELLER (Johann), Prof, of Physics in the Univ. of Freiburg. Prin ciples of Physics and Meteorology. See Part I. 52 CLASS XII. CHEMISTRY. CLASS XII. CHEMISTRY. ALCHEMY and the Alchemists. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 66.) BOOTH (Prof. James C.). The Encyclopaedia of Chemistry, Practical and Theoretical : embracing its Application to the Arts, Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Geology, Medicine, and Pharmacy. By James C. Booth ... . Assisted b^ Campbell Morfit .... Philadelphia. 1850. 8 or large 12 (4. and 6.) pp. 4, 974. CAMPBELL (Dugald). A Practical Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry, with Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. . . . London. 1849. 8 or 16 (8.) CHEMISTRY. See [DANIELL (J. F.)]. [DANIELL (Prof. John Frederic)]. Chemistry. [London. 1829-31.1 8 (LiBR. of Useful KnowL, Nat. Phil., IV.) An Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philosophy : being a preparatory View of the Forces which concur to the Production of Chemical Phenomena. . . . The 2d Ed., revised and enlarged. Lon don. 1843. 8 pp. xvi., 764. DONOVAN (Michael). A Treatise on Chemistry. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 1O7.) DRAPER (Prof. John William), M.D. A Text-Book of Chemistry, for the Use of Schools and Colleges. With nearly Three Hundred Il lustrations. New York. 1846. 12 GRAY (Alonzo). Elements of Chemistry ... . 7th Ed., revised and enlarged. New York. 1843. 12 GRIFFITHS (Prof. Thomas). Chemistry of the Four Seasons . . . Phila delphia. 1846. 8 GRUND (Francis J.). Elements of Chemistry ... . For the Use of Schools. Stereotype Ed. Boston. 1841. 12 INTRODUCTION (An) to Practical Organic Chemistry. . . . Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp. 66. (SMALL Books, etc. I. no. 4.) KANE (Prof. Robert), M.D. Elements of Chemistry, including the . . . Applications of the Science to Medicine and Pharmacy, and to the Arts. . . . With Additions and Corrections ... by John William Dra per ... . New- York. 1846. 8 pp. xii., 9 - 704. LUNN (Rev. Francis). Chemistry. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IV. 587-*762.) MORFIT (Campbell). Chemical and Pharmaceutic Manipulations ... . By C. M. ... assisted by Alexander Muckle, ... . With Four Hundred and Twenty-three Illustrations. Philadelphia. 1849. 8 REID (David Boswell), M. D. and BAIN (Alexander). . . . Elements of Chemistry and Electricity. In Two Parts. Part I. By D. B. R. .... Part II. By A. B Edited by D. M. Reese, M.D. ... . New-York. 1851. 12 (Chambers s Educational Course, No. 4.) SCIENCE of the Sunbeam. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 31.) CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PART I. 53 STOECKHARDT (Prof. Julius Adolf). The Principles of Chemistry, illus trated by simple* Experiments. . .. Translated by C. H. Peirce, M.D. 8th American, from the 5th German Ed. Cambridge. 1851. 12 pp. xix., 681. TURNER (Edward), M.D. Elements of Chemistry, including the actual State and prevalent Doctrines of the Science. . . . 8th Ed. Edited by Baron Liebig . . . and William Gregory ... . Part I. Inor ganic Chemistry. | Part II. Organic Chemistry. 2 pts. Lon don. 1847. 8 pp. xvi., 1394. WILL (Prof. Heinrich). Outlines of the Course of Qualitative Analysis followed in the Giessen Laboratory. . . . With a Preface by Baron Liebig. Boston. 1847. 12 CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PART I. GENERAL WORKS; PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. BUCKE (Charles). On the Beauties, Harmonies, and Sublimities of Na ture ; with Notes, Commentaries, and Illustrations. . . . Selected and revised by the Rev. William P. Page. New-York. 1846. 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 145.). DAY (John Quinby). Outlines of Physical Geography : designed as a Companion to the Common School Geography, and for the Use of Grammar and High Schools. Boston. 1846. 12 FROST (John). The Class Book of Nature ; comprising Lessons on the Universe, the Three Kingdoms of Nature, and the Form and Struc ture of the Human Body. With Questions .... Edited by J. F. 10th Ed. Hartford. 1846. 12 a Note. Originally published, in substance, by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. The World and its Inhabitants. By the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 2O.) GUYOT (Prof. Arnold). The Earth and Man : Lectures on Compara tive Physical Geography, in its Relation to the History of Mankind. Translated from the French, by C. C. Felton ... . 2d Ed., revised. Boston. 1850. 12 HIGGINS (W. Mullinger). The Earth : its Physical Condition and most remarkable Phenomena. . . . New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 78.) HUMBOLDT (Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron vow). Aspects of Nature, in different Lands and different Climates ; with Scientific Elucidations. By A. von H. Translated by Mrs. Sabine. Phila delphia. 1849. 12 JOHNSTON (Alexander Keith). The Physical Atlas a Series of Maps & Illustrations of the Geographical Distribution of Natural Phenomena embracing I Geology. II Hydrography. Ill Meteorology. IV Natu- 54 CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PART II. ral History. By A. K. J. . . . with the Co-operation of Men eminent in the different Departments of Science. Edinburgh. 1849. fol. [LLOYD (H. J.)]. Physical Geography. [London. 183-?] 8 pp.64. (LiBE. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., III.) MICROSCOPE (The) and its Marvels. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 41.) MUDIE (Robert). A Popular Guide to the Observation of Nature ... . New York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 57.) PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. PHYSICAL Geography. See [LLOYD (H. J.)]. [SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE]. The Class Book of Nature, etc. See FROST (J.). SWAINSON (William). A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural History. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 111.) VESTIGES of the Natural History of Creation. 3d Ed., from the 3d London Ed., grea tly amended by the Author. To which is appended an Article from the North British Review. New York. 1845. 12 WHITE (Rev. Gilbert). The Natural History of Selborne. ... New- York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 147.) WONDERS (The) of the Microscope. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 150.) PART II. MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. ANSTED (Prof. David Thomas). The Ancient World; or, Picturesque Sketches of Creation. ... Philadelphia. 1847. 8 or 16 (8.) BROOKE (Henry James). Crystallography. Mineralogy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 425-528.) DANA (James Dwight). A System of Mineralogy, comprising the most recent Discoveries : with numerous Wood Cuts and four Copper Plates. . . . 2d Ed. New York and London. 1844. 8 pp. 633. FOSTER (J. W.) and WHITNEY (J. D.). Report on the Geology and Topography of a Portion of the Lake Superior Land District, in the State of Michigan. See Class XXII. Part III. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. The Wonders of Geology, by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. . . . Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 14.) HALL (James). Palaeontology of New- York. Vol. I. containing De scriptions of the Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New-York System. (Equivalent of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Europe.) Albany. 1847. 4 (Forming Part VI. Vol. I. of the " Natural History of New York.") HITCHCOCK (Prof. Edward), LL.D. Elementary Geology. ... 8th Ed., revised, enlarged, and adapted to the present Advanced State of the Science. With an Introductory Notice, by John Pye Smith ... . New York. 1847. 12 Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts : Vol. I. con- CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PART II. 55 taining I. Economical Geology. II. Scenographical Geology. | Vol. II. containing III. Scientific Geology. IV. Elementary Ge ology. With an appended Catalogue of the Specimens of Rocks and Minerals in the State Collection. . . . [With 55 Plates.] 2 vols. Northampton. 1841. 4 LEE (Prof. Charles A.), M.D. The Elements of Geology, for Popular Use ; containing a Description of the Geological Formations and Mineral Resources of the United States. ... New-York. [1846?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 178.) LOOMIS (Prof. Justin Ralph). The Elements of Geology ... . With numerous Illustrations. Boston. 1852. 12 LYELL (Sir Charles). Elements of Geology. ... 1st American, from the 1st London Ed. Philadelphia. 1839. 12 A Manual of Elementary Geology : or, The Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants as illustrated by Geological Monu ments. ... 3d and entirely revised Ed. Illustrated with more than Five Hundred Woodcuts. London. 1851. 8 Principle s of Geology ; or, The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants considered as illustrative of Geology. . . . 7th Ed., entirely revised. ... London. 1847. 8 pp. xvi., 810. -|- MANTELL (Gideon Algernon), LL.D. The Medals of Creation ; or, First Lessons in Geology, and in the Study of Organic Remains. . . . Vol. I. containing Fossil Vegetables, Infusoria, Zoophytes, Echino- derms, and Mollusca. | Vol. II. containing Fossil Cephalopoda, Crustacea, Insects, Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammalia, with Notes of Geological Excursions. 2 vols. London. 1844. 16 or 8 (8.) Note. The two vols. are paged continuously. The Wonders of Geology ... . [Edited by Prof. Benjamin Silliman, with an Introduction.] First American from the 3d London Ed. 2 vols. Newhaven, Conn. [Printed in London.] 1839. 16 MILLER (Hugh). The Foot-prints of the Creator : or, The Asterolepis of Stromness. . . . From the 3d London Ed. With a Memoir of the Author, by Louis Agassiz. Boston. 1850. 12 The Old Red Sandstone ; or, New W^alks in an Old Field. . . . With numerous Engravings. From the 4th London Ed. Boston. 1851. 12 PAGE (David). ... Elements of Geology. Edited by D. M. Reese, M.D. ... . New-York. 1851. 12 (Chambers s Educational Course, No. 7.) PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. PHILLIPS (Prof. John). A Treatise on Geology. 2 vols. Lon don. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 124, 125.) PHILLIPS (Prof. John), and DAUBENY (Prof. Charles Giles Bridle), M.D. Geology. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 529 - 808.) PORTLOCK (Lieut.-CoL Joseph Ellison). A Rudimentary Treatise on Geology .... London : John Weale. 1849. 12 56 CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PARTS III., IV. RICHARDSON (G. F.) Geology for Beginners ; comprising a familiar Explanation of Geology, and its Associate Sciences, Mineralogy, Physical Geology, Fossil Conchology, Fossil Botany, and Palaeontol ogy. ... 3d Ed., enlarged. London. 1848. 12 pp. xx., 624. ROMANCE (The) of Geology. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 18.) SMITH (John Pye), D.D. On the Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some Parts of Geological Science. . . . New-York. 1840. 12 TREASURES of the Earth. I. Mineral. II. Metallic. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 130, and IX. no. 155.) PART III. BOTANY. BIGELOW (Prof. Jacob), M.D. Florida Bostoniensis. A Collection of Plants of Boston and its Vicinity, with . . . Descriptions .... 3d Ed. enlarged, and containing a Glossary of Botanical Terms. Bos ton. 1840. 12 CURIOSITIES of Vegetation. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 58.) EDWARDS (Thomas) and DON (George). Botany. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VII. 1 - 108.) HAMILTON (G.), M.D. . . . Elements of Vegetable and Animal Physi ology. In Two Parts. Edited by D. M. Reese ... . New-York. 1851. 12 (Chambers s Educational Course, No. 5.) HENSLOW (Prof. John Stevens). The Principles of Descriptive and Physiological Botany. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 123.) INTRODUCTION (An) to Vegetable Physiology ... . Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) (SMALL Books, etc. III. no. 9.) LINDLEY (Prof. John), LL.D. ... Botany. In Four Parts. 1. Struc tural Botany. 2. Physiology. 3. Systematic Botany. 4. Descrip tive Botany. ... London. 1838. 8 (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., IV.) VEGETABLE Substances used for the Food of Man. [Originally published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. With omis sions.] New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 169.) PART IV. ZOOLOGY. AGASSIZ (Prof. Louis) and GOULD (Augustus Addison), M.D. Princi ples of Zoology : touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrangement of the Races of Animals, living and ex tinct ; with numerous Illustrations. For the Use of Schools and Colleges. Part I. Comparative Physiology. Boston. 1848. 12 ANECDOTES of Ants. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 88.) ANECDOTES of the Cat. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 55.) ANECDOTES of Dogs. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 15.) ANECDOTES of Elephants. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 61.) CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PART IV. 57 ANECDOTES of the Horse. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 41.) ANECDOTES of Serpents. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 80.) ANECDOTES of Spiders. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 100.) ANIMAL Instincts and Intelligence. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XL no. 82.) ANIMAL Mechanics. See [BELL (-Sir C.)]. ANIMAL Physiology. See [SMITH (T. S.)]. [BELL (Sir Charles)]. Animal Mechanics. [London. 1828-29.] 8 pp. 63. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., IV.) BIRDS, Natural History of. See [RENNIE (J.)]. CARPENTER (William Benjamin), M.D. Animal Physiology. ... Anew Ed., carefully revised. London. 1851. 8 CHAMBERS (William and Robert). Elements of Zoology ; or, Natural History of Animals. From the last Edinburgh Ed. Chambers Ed ucational Course. Revised and improved by D. M. Reese, M.D 3d American Ed. New York. 1849. 12 . . . Elements of Zoology ... . Edited by D. M. Reese ... . New-York. 1853. 12 (Chambers s Educational Course, No. 6.) ELEPHANT. See NATURAL History. The Elephant. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. Illustrative Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom : by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 15.) HAMILTON (G.), M.D. . . . Elements of Vegetable and Animal Physi ology. See Part III. HAPPY Families of Animals. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 3, pp. 14- 16.) [HARRIS (Thaddeus William)], M.D. ... A Report on the Insects of Massachusetts, injurious to Vegetation. Published agreeably to an Order of the Legislature, by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State. Cambridge. 1841. 8 INSECTS, The Natural History of. See [RENNIE (J.) and WESTWOOD (J. 0.)]. JARDINE (Sir William), Bart. The Naturalist s Library. Edited by SirW. J 40 vols. Edinburgh. [1836-43?] 16 Vol. I. XIV. Ornithology. Vol. I. IV. Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Part I. IV. By the Editor. Vol. V. Sun-Birds. By the Editor. Vol. VI. VII. Humming Birds. Part I. II. By the Editor. Vol. VIII. Game Birds. By the Editor. Vol. IX. Pigeons. By Prideaux John Selby .... Vol. X. Parrots. By Prideaux John Selby .... Vol. XI. XII. Birds of Western Africa Part I. II. By W. Swain- son ... . Vol. XIII. Flycatchers. By W. Swainson .... Vol. XIV. Gallinaceous Birds. By the Editor. Vol. XV. XXVII. Mammalia. Vol. XV. Introduction to Mammalia. By Lieut-Col. Charles Hamilton Smith .... Vol. XVI. Lions, Tigers, &c., &c. By the Editor. 8 58 CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PART IV. Vol. XVII. British Quadrupeds, by W. Macgillivray ... . Vol. XVIII. XIX. Dogs. Vol. I. II. By Lieut-Cot Charles Hamilton Smith .... Vol. XX. Horses. By Lieut-Col. Charles Hamilton Smith .... Vol. XXI. Deer, Antelopes, Camels, &c. By the Editor. Vol. XXIL Goats, Sheep, Oxen. &c. By the Editor. Vol. XXIII. Thick-skinned Quadrupeds. By the Editor. Vol. XXIV. Marsupialia or Pouched Animals. By G. R. Waterhouse . . . . Vol. XXV. Amphibious Carnivora. By Robert Hamilton ... . Vol. XXVI. Whales, etc. By Robert Hamilton .... Vol. XXVII. Monkeys. By the Editor. Vol. XXVIII. XXXIV. Entomology. Vol. XXVIII. Introduction to Entomology. By James Duncan ... . Vol. XXIX. British Butterflies. By James Duncan ... . Vol. XXX. British Moths, Sphinxes, etc. By James Duncan ... . Vol. XXXI. Foreign Butterflies. By James Duncan .... Vol. XXXII. Exotic Moths. By James Duncan .... Vol. XXXIII. Beetles. By Janies Duncan .... Vol. XXXIV. Bees. . . . Vol. XXXV. XL. Ichthyology. Vol. XXXV. Fishes, particularly their Structure and Economical Uses. By J. S. Bushnan, M.D Vol. XXXVI. XXXVII. British Fishes. Part I. II. By R. Hamil ton ... . Vol. XXXVIII. Fishes of the Perch Family. By the Editor. Vol. XXXIX. XL.. Fishes of British Guiana. Part I. II. By R. H. Schomburgk, Esq. KIRBY (Rev. William) and SPENCE (William). An Introduction to En tomology ; or, Elements of the Natural History of Insects : com prising an Account of Noxious and Useful Insects, of their Meta morphoses, Food, Stratagems, Habitations, Societies, Motions, Noises, Hybernation, Instinct, etc. etc. With Plates. . . . From the 6th Lon don Ed., which was corrected and considerably enlarged. Philadel phia. 1846. Large 12 (6.) LIBRARY of Entertaining Knowledge. See SOCIETY, etc. MASSACHUSETTS Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Sur vey of the State. See [HARRIS (T. W.)]. A Report on the In sects, etc. NATURAL History. The Elephant ... . New-York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 164.) NATURAL History of Birds. See [RENNIE (J.)]. NATURAL History (The) of Insects. See [RENNIE (J.) and WESTWOOD (J. O.)]. NATURAL History of Quadrupeds. . . . New-York. 1840. 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 1O4.) Note. This and the three preceding works are abridged from the volumes on Menageries, Birds, and Insects, in the " Library of Entertaining Knowledge," published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. They are all ascribed to Prof. Rennie, in Harper s Illustrated Catalogue. PEARLS and Pearl Fisheries. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 167.) [RENNIE (Prof. James)]. Natural History of Birds. Their Architec ture, Habits, and Faculties. . . . New- York. 1839. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 98.) CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PART V. l. 59 [ ] See NATURAL History of Quadrupeds. . . . Note. [RENNIE (Prof. James) and WESTWOOD (John Obadiah)]. The Natu ral History of Insects. . . . First Series. [Vol. I.] | ... Vol. II. 2 vols. New-York. 1843-46. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 8, 74.) See NATURAL History of Quadrupeds. . . . Note. SELECT Poems on Birds. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 160.) SELECT Poems on Insects. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 143.) SHUCKARD (William E.) and SWAINSON (William). On the History and Natural Arrangement of Insects. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 120.) [SMITH (Thomas Sou thwood)], M.D. Animal Physiology. [London. 1829 - 30.] 8 (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil., IV.) SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. See NATURAL History of Quadrupeds. . . . Note. SOUTH (John Flint). Zoology. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VII. 109-382*.) SWAINSON (William). Animals in Menageries. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 114.) On the Habits and Instincts of Animals. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 121.) On the Natural History and Classification of Birds. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 115, 116.) On the Natural History and Classification of Fishes, Amphibi ans, and Reptiles. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 117, 118.) On the Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 113.) Taxidermy. With the Biography of Zoologists, and Notices of their Works. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 122.) A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 112.) A Treatise on Malacology ; or, The Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-Fish. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 119.) See SHUCKARD (W. E.) and SWAINSON (W.). [WESTWOOD (John Obadiah)]. See [RENNIE (J.) and WESTWOOD (J.O.)]. PART V. PHYSICAL HISTORY OF MAN ; MEDICINE. 1. Physical History of Man, Anatomy^ Physiology, Hygiene. [BARLOW (Rev. John)]. The Connection between Physiology and In tellectual Philosophy. 2d Ed., enlarged. Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp. 85. (SMALL Books, etc. I. no. 2.) 60 CLASS XIII. NATURAL HISTORY. PART V. 1. [BELL (Sir Charles)]. Animal Mechanics. See Part IV. CARPENTER (William Benjamin), M.D. Elements of Physiology, in cluding Physiological Anatomy, for the Use of the Medical Student. . . . With One Hundred and Eighty Illustrations. Philadelphia. 1846. 8 CLEANLINESS Bathing Ventilation. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 51.) COMBE (Andrew), M.D. The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health, and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education. . . . From the 7th Edinburgh Ed. New-York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 71.) CUTTER (Calvin), M.D. First Book on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, for Grammar Schools and Families. With Eighty-three Engravings. . . . Stereotype Ed. Boston. 1849. 12 A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene : designed for Colleges, Academies, and Families. With One Hundred and Fifty Engravings. Stereotype Ed. Boston. 1849. 12 GRISCOM (Prof. John H.) Animal Mechanism and Physiology ... . New- York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 85.) JARVIS (Edward), M.D. Practical Physiology ; for the Use of Schools and Families. Philadelphia. 1847. 12 MANAGEMENT of Infants. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 6.) PRICHARD (James Cowles), M.D. The Natural History of Man ; com prising Inquiries into the Modifying Influence of Physical and Moral Agencies oji the different Tribes of the Human Family. ... 3d Ed., enlarged, with Fifty coloured and Five plain Illustrations engraved on Steel, and Ninety-seven Engravings on Wood. London. 1848. 8 pp. xvii., 677. Six Ethnographical Maps with a Sheet of Letterpress. By J. C. P In Illustration of his Works : " The Natural His tory of Man," and " Researches into the Physical History of Man kind." . . . [London. 1843 ?] fol. SANITARY Movement (The). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 9.) SMITH (Henry H.), M.D. Anatomical Atlas, illustrative of the Struc ture of the Human Body. By H. H. S Under the Super vision of Wm. E. Homer, M.D Philadelphia. 1847. 8 [SMITH (Thomas South wood)], M.D. Animal Physiology. See Part IV. SOUTH (John Flint) and CLARK (F. Le Gros). Anatomy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., Vll. 381-494.) TICKNOR (Caleb), M.D. The Philosophy of Living ; or, The Way to enjoy Life and its Comforts. ... New-York. 1846. 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 77.) VOLUNTARY Distortions Tight Lacing. (CHAMEERS S Miscel., V. no. 93.) CLASS XIV. THE ARTS. PART I. 61 2. Pathology and Therapeutics, Surgery, Materia Medica. BARLOW (Rev. John). On Man s Power over himself to prevent or con trol Insanity. See Class I. BOWMAN (William). Surgery. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VII. 824 - 880.) [DAVIS (Daniel), Jr.] ? The Medical Application of Electricity ; with Descriptions of Apparatus, and Instructions for its Use. 2d Ed. Boston : Daniel Davis, Jr. 1847. 12 pp. 24. (Bound with DAVIS S " Manual of Magnetism," etc.) JOHNSON (George), M.D. Materia Medica. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VII. 494-526.) LIFE at Grsefenberg. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. nos. 59, 60.) MORFIT (Campbell). Chemical and Pharmaceutical Manipulations. See Class XII. SPECTRAL Illusions. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 70.) WILLIAMS (Robert), M.D. Medicine. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VII. 527 - 823.) THE ARTS. CLASS XIV. THE ARTS. PART I. GENERAL WORKS. Note. For the History of the Arts, see Class XXVII. ANTISELL (T.), M.D. . . . Hand-Book of the Useful Arts ; including Agriculture, Architecture, Domestic Economy, Engineering, Ma chinery, Manufactures, Mining, Photogenic and Telegraphic Art . . . . New- York. 1852. 12 pp. vii., 692. (PUTNAM S Home Cyclo pedia, Vol. III.) [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. Enterprise, Industry and Art of Man, as displayed in Fishing, Hunting, Commerce, Navigation, Mining, Agriculture and Manufactures. By the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. . . . Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 18.) HAZEN (Edward). Popular Technology ; or, Professions and Trades. ...2vols. New-York. 1846-41. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 149, 15O.) PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. POTTER (Alonzo), D.D., Bp. of Pennsylvania. The Principles of Sci ence applied to the Domestic and Mechanic Arts, and to Manufactures and Agriculture : with Reflections on the Progress of the Arts, and 62 CLASS XIV. THE ARTS. PARTS II., III. their Influence on National Welfare. ... Boston. [1840?] 12 [SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XXI.) URE (Andrew), M.D. A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines ... . Illustrated with nearly Fifteen Hundred Engravings on Wood, llth American, from the last London Ed. To which is appended, A Supplement of Recent Improvements to the Present Time. New York. 1847. 8 pp. 1340, and Suppl., pp. 304. Note. The Supplement is paged independently, with the title: "Recent Improvements in Arts, Manufactures, and Mines," etc. PART II. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, RURAL AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY. BEECHER (Catherine Esther). A Treatise on Domestic Economy, for the Use of Young Ladies at Home, and at School. Revised Ed., with numerous Additions and illustrative Engravings. Boston. 1843. 12" (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XXVI.) BUEL (Jesse). The Farmer s Companion ; or, Essays on the Principles and Practice of American Husbandry. With the Address prepared to be delivered before the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies of New-Haven County, Connecticut, and an Appendix, containing Tables .... By the late Honorable J. B To which is pre fixed, A Eulogy on ... Judge Buel. By Amos Dean, Esq. Boston. [1840 ?] 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XVI.) DOMESTIC Flower-Culture. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 37.) DON (George). Horticulture. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 87* - 186.*) DONOVAN (Michael). A Treatise on Domestic Economy. Vol. I. con taining Brewing, Distilling, Wine-Making, Baking, &c. | Vol. II. Human Food, Animal and Vegetable. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 126, 127.) RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. Agriculture. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 1-76.) SPOONER (William Charles). Veterinary Art. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VII. 881-913.) PART III. OTHER USEFUL ARTS. Note. For Surveying and Navigation, see Class IX. For Medicine, see Class XIII. Part V. BABBAGE (Charles). Introductory View of the Principles of Manufac tures. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VIII. 1 - 84.) BARLOW (Prof. Peter). Manufactures. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VIII. 85- 834.) BIGELOW (Prof. Jacob), M.D. The Useful Arts, considered in Connex ion with the Applications of Science : with numerous Engravings. ... 2 vols. Boston. 1842. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XL XII.) The same. 2 vols. New York.. 1847. 12 CLASS XIV. THE ARTS. PART III. 63 BOSTON School Committee. Reports and other Documents relating to the Ventilation of the School Houses of the City of B. ... Boston. 1848. 8 pp. 43. See [BRYENT (W.) and HERMAN (L.)]. An Exposition, etc. [BRYENT (Walter) and HERMAN (Leopold)]. An Exposition on heating and ventilating the School Houses of the City of Boston, in 1846 and 1847, together with important Information by a Scientific Gen tleman, upon the Effects of Red Hot Iron upon Air, &c. Boston : Bryent and Herman. 1848. 8 pp. 24. CRESY (Edward). An Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering, Historical, Theoretical, and Practical. . . . Illustrated by upwards of Three Thousand Engravings on Wood ... . London. 1847. 8 pp. xii., 1655. Note. Also with title-pages for the division of the work into two vols. CURIOSITIES of Art. II. Mechanics Manufactures. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 113.) EWBANK (Thomas). A Descriptive and Historical Account of Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, etc. See Class XXV III. HARVEY (George). Naval Architecture. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 329- 424.) HOLLAND (John). A Treatise on the Progressive Improvement and Present State of the Manufactures in Metal. 3 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Ca-b. Cycl., 129-131.) MITCHELL (Maj. Charles C.) and PROCTER (Col. George). Fortification. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 268 - 328.) NICHOLSON (Peter). Carpentry. (ENCYCL. Metrop., VI. 229 - 267.) PORTER (George Richardson). A Treatise on the Manufacture of Silk. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 128.) A Treatise on the Origin, Progressive Improvement, and Pres ent State of the Manufactures of Porcelain and Glass. Lon don. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 132.) SCRIBNER (J. M.). Scribner s Engineers and Mechanics Companion : comprising U. S. Weights and Measures; Mensuration of Superficies and Solids ; Tables of Squares and Cubes, Square and Cube Roots ; Circumference and Areas of Circles. The Mechanical Powers : Centers of Gravity, Gravitation of Bodies, Pendulums, Specific Grav ity of Bodies, Strength, Weight and Crush of Materials, Water Wheels, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Statics, Centers of Percussion and Gyration, Friction, Heat, Tables of the Weight of Metals, Pipes, Scantling, and Interest. Steam and the Steam Engine. 2d Ed. Revised, enlarged, and improved. . . . New-York. 1846. 18 or 12 (6. and 12.) SWAINSON (William). Taxidermy. See Class XIII. Part IV. YOUNG (Prof. Thomas), M.D. A Course of Lectures on Natural Phi losophy and the Mechanical Arts, etc. See Class XI. Part I. 64 CLASS XIV. THE ARTS. PARTS IV., Y. PART IV. GYMNASTICS ; GAMES AND SPORTS. SMITH (Horatio). Festivals, Games, and Amusements, etc. See Class XXVII. PART V. THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, DRAWING, PAINT ING, ENGRAVING, SCULPTURE, Music. Note. For Heraldry, see Class XXIV. Part I. Tor ^Esthetics, see Class I. BARNARD (Henry). School Architecture ; or Contributions to the Im provement of School-Houses in the United States. . . . 2d Ed. New York. 1848. 8 CATALOGUE of Paintings, by Col. [John] Trumbull ; including Eight Subjects of the American Revolution ... . (TRUMBULL S Autobi ography, etc. 1841. 8 pp. 405-439.) CLARK (John). . . . Elements of Drawing in Two Parts. Embracing Exercises for the Slate and Black-Board. Edited by D. M. Reese, M.D New-York. 1849. 12 (Chambers s Educational Course, No. 2.) CURIOSITIES of Art. I. Architecture. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, VI. no. 108.) FOWLE (William Bentley). An Introduction to Linear Drawing ; trans lated from the French of M. Francoeur ; with Alterations and Addi tions ... . To which are added, The Elements of Linear Perspec tive ; and Questions on the Whole. By W. B. F 3d Ed. Boston. 1830. 12 pp. vi., 86. + FRANCOZUR (Prof. Louis Benjamin). See FOWLE (W. B.). An Intro duction, etc. GWILT (Joseph). Music. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 685-779.) JAMES (John Thomas), Bp. of Calcutta, and LINDSAY (Rev. John). Painting. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 466 - [592*].) LINDSAY (Rev. John). Engraving. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 780-851.) NARRIEN (Prof. John). Architecture. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 237 - 432.) PEALE (Rembrandt). Graphics, the Art of accurate Delineation ... . In Five Books . . . with anJntroduction ... . Philadelphia. [184- .] 12 Note. Pages i. - xii., with the title, are wanting. POPULAR Cultivation of Music. (CHAMBERS S Papers, I. no. 7.) RECENT Decorative Art. (CHAMBERS S Papers, IX. no. 65.) RIPLEY (George) and TAYLOR (Bayard). . . . Hand-Book of Literature and the Fine Arts ; comprising complete and accurate Definitions of all Terms employed in Belles-Lettres, Philosophy, Theology, Law, Mythology, Painting, Music, Sculpture, Architecture, and all kindred Arts. Compiled and arranged by G. R. and B. T. New-York. 1852. 12 pp. vi., 647. (PUTNAM S Home Cyclopedia, Vol. II.) CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PARTS I., II. 1. 65 TAYLOR (Bayard). See RIPLEY (G.) and TAYLOR (B.). WESTMACOTT (Richard), Jr. Sculpture. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 433- 465.) WOOD-ENGRAVING. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 85.) LANGUAGE; WITH AN APPENDIX. (Classes XV. XVIII.) CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART I. GENERAL WORKS ; WORKS RELATING TO SEVERAL LANGUAGES. CLASSICAL Museum (The), a Journal of Philology, and of Ancient His tory and Literature. [Edited by Leonhard Schmitz, Ph. D.] Vol ume the First Seventh. [June, 1843 Dec. 1849.] 7 vols. London. 1844-50. 8 Note. Discontinued. GENERAL Principles (The) of Grammar. [With a treatise on English Grammar.] Philadelphia. 1847. 24 (8. 4.) (SMALL Books, etc. III. no. 12.) PRIESTLEY (Joseph), LL.D. English Grammar ; Lectures on the Theory of Language and Universal Grammar, etc. See Part II. 2. A, SACY (Antoine Isaac SILVESTRE, Baron DE). See SILVESTRE DE SACY. SCHLEGEL (Karl Wilhelm F r i e d r i c h VON). The Philosophy of Life, and Philosophy of Language. See Class I. SILVESTRE DE SACY (Antoine Isaac), Baron. Principles of General Grammar ... . Translated and fitted for American Use by D. Fos- dick, Jr. 2d American, from the 5th French Ed. Andover. 1837. 12 STODDART (Sir John). Grammar. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 1 - 192.) TRENCH (Prof. Richard Chenevix). Ori the Study of Words. . . . From the 2d London Ed., revised and enlarged. New York. 1852. 12 WEBSTER (Noah), LL.D. An American Dictionary of the English Language ; ... to which is prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History, and Connection, of the Languages of Western Asia and Europe, etc. See Part II. 2. B. PART II. PARTICULAR LANGUAGES. (Arranged alphabetically.) 1. Anglo-Saxon. BOSWORTH (Joseph), D.D., Ph. D. A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. . . . London. 1852. 8 9 66 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 2. A. KLIPSTEIN (Louis F.), Ph.D. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica Selections, in Prose and Verse, from the Anglo-Saxon Literature : with an In troductory Ethnological Essay, and Notes .... 2 vols. New -York. 1849. 12 A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language .... 2d Ed. New York. 1848. 12 2. English. A. Grammar, with General and Introductory Works. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOE, THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. . . . The English Spelling Book ... . New-York. 1847. 12 ARNOLD (Rev. Thomas Kerchever). An English Grammar for Classi cal Schools, with Questions, and a Course of Exercises ; being a Practical Introduction to English Prose Composition. ... 3d Ed. London. 1843. 12 BROWN (Goold). The Grammar of English Grammars, with an Intro duction Historical and Critical ... . New York. 1851. 8 pp. xix., 1028. The Institutes of English Grammar ... . Stereotype Ed., revised by the Author. New-York. [1832?] 12 CHANDLER (Joseph K,.). Chandler s Common School Grammar. A Grammar of the English Language ; adapted to the Schools of America. . . . Philadelphia. 1847. 12 or 8 (6. and 8.) CLARK (S. W.). The Science of the English Language. A Practical Grammar ; in which Words, Phrases, and Sentences are classified according to their Offices, and their Relation to each other, illustrated by a complete System of Diagrams. ... 2d Ed. New York. 1848. 12 CRAIK (Prof. George Lillie). Outlines of the History of the English Language for the Use of the Junior Classes in Colleges and the Higher Classes in Schools. ... London. 1851. 16 EVERETT (Erastus). A System of English Versification . . . ; illustrated by numerous Examples from the best Poets. . . . New-York. 1848. 12 FOWLE (William Bentley). The Common School Grammar, Part Second .... Boston. 1847. 12 FOWLER (Prof. William Chauncey). English Grammar. The Eng lish Language in its Elements and Forms. With a History of its Origin and Development. . . . New York. 1850. 8 pp. xxiii., 17 - 675. GENERAL Principles (The) of Grammar. [With a treatise on English Grammar.] See Part I. GOLDSBURY (John). The Common School Grammar ... . 6th Ed. Boston. 1845. 12 pp. 94. A Sequel to the Common School Grammar. . . . Boston. 1842. 12 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 2. A. 67 GREENE (Samuel Stillman). Greene s Analysis. A Treatise on the Structure of the English Language ; or the Analysis and Classifica tion of Sentences and their component Parts ; with Illustrations and Exercises, adapted to the Use of Schools ... . Philadelphia. 1848. 12 HARRISON (Rev. Matthew). The Rise, Progress, and Present Structure of the English Language. . . . London. 1848. 12 HART (John S.), LL.D. English Grammar ... . Philadelphia. 1845. 12 LATHAM (Robert Gordon), M.D. An Elementary English Grammar, for the Use of Schools. . . . Revised Ed. [by Prof. Francis J. Child]. Cambridge. 1852. 16 The English Language. . . . 2d Ed., revised and greatly en larged. London. 1848. 8 pp. xl., 581. The same. ... 3d Ed., revised and greatly enlarged. London. 1850. 8 pp. xlii., 609. A Hand-Book of the English Language, for the Use of Stu dents of the Universities and Higher Classes of Schools. . . . Lon don. 1851. 12 History and Etymology of the English Language, for the Use of Classical Schools. London. 1849. 16 pp. iv., 96. LOWTH (Robert), D.D., successively Bp. of St. David s, Oxford, and London. A short Introduction to English Grammar, with Critical Notes. . . . 2d Cambridge, from the Author s last Ed. Cambridge [Mass.]. 1838. 18 MULLIGAN (John). Exposition of the Grammatical Structure of the English Language ; being an Attempt to furnish an Improved Method of teaching Grammar. For the Use of Schools and Colleges. . . . New-York. 1852. 8 MURRAY (Lindley). An English Grammar . . . illustrated by appropri ate Exercises, and a Key to the Exercises. . . . 5th American, from the last English Ed., corrected and much enlarged. 2 vols. (bound in one). New- York. 1823. 8 NEW ENGLAND Primer. See Class II. Part III. PRIESTLEY (Joseph), LL.D. English Grammar ; Lectures on the The ory of Language and Universal Grammar ; and on Oratoiy and Criticism. . . . With Notes and an Appendix, by John Towill Rutt. London. 1833. 8 QUACKENBOS (G. P.). First Lessons in Composition, etc. See Class XVII. SPALDING (William). The History of English Literature ; with an Out line of the Origin and Growth of the English Language, etc. See Class XXIX. WELD (Allen Hayden). Weld s English Grammar, Illustrated by Ex ercises in Composition, Analyzing and Parsing. ... 3d Ed. Portland. 1847. 12 The same. 7th Ed. Portland. 1847. 12 W T ELSFORD (Henry). On the Origin and Ramifications of the English 68 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 2. B. Language. Preceded by an Inquiry into the Primitive Seats, Early Migrations, and Final Settlements of the principal European Nations. . . . London. 1845. 8 WILSON (John). A Treatise on English Punctuation ... . With an Appendix, containing a List of Abbreviations, Hints on Proof-reading, etc. 2d Ed. of " Grammatical Punctuation," enlarged. Boston. 1850. 12 B. Lexicography. Note. Compare Class XXX. BUTTER (Henry). Etymological Expositor. See SCHOLAR S Com panion. DUBLIN, Richard, Archbishop of. See WHATELY. GRAHAM (George Farquhar). English Synonymes classified and ex plained ; with Practical Exercises, designed for Schools and Private Tuition. . . . Edited, with an Introduction and illustrative Authorities, by Henry Reed .... New York. 1847. 12 HALLIWELL (James Orchard). A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the Fourteenth Century. . . . 2d Ed. 2 vols. London. 1852. 8 Note. The two vols. are paged continuously. LONDON Encyclopaedia. See Class XXX. Note. This work contains a Dictionary of the English Language, in which the use of words is illustrated by copious citations from approved writers. LYND (Prof. James). The Class-Book of Etymology, designed to pro mote Precision in the Use, and facilitate the Acquisition of a Knowl edge of the English Language. . . . Revised Ed. Philadelphia. 1848. 12 The First Book of Etymology .... Revised Ed. Philadel phia. 1847. 12 McELLiGOTT (James N.). Manual, Analytical and Synthetical of Or thography and Definition. . . . New York. 1846. 8 ? (4.) The Young Analyzer ; being an easy Outline of the Course of Instruction in the English Language, presented in McElligott s Ana lytical Manual ... . New York. 1846. 8 ? (4.) pp.54. McMuRTRiE (Prof. Henry), M.D. Lexicon Scientiarum. A Diction ary of Terms used in the various Branches of Anatomy, Astronomy, Botany, Geology, Geometry, Hygiene, Mineralogy, Nat. Philosophy, Physiology, Zoology, &c. ... Philadelphia. 1847. 12 OSWALD (John). An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, on a Plan entirely New. . . . Revised and improved . . . by J. M. Keagy. Philadelphia. 1846. 12 RICHARDSON (Charles). A new Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. London. 1838. 4 The same. (ENCYCL. Metrop., Vol. XIV. XXV.) CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 3. A. 69 SCHOLAR S Companion (The) ; containing Exercises in the Orthogra phy, Derivation, and Classification of English Words. Arranged on the Basis of Butter s Etymological Expositor. A new Ed., enlarged and improved. Philadelphia. 1844. 12 WALKER (John). A Rhyming, Spelling, and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, in which I. The whole Language is arranged according to its Terminations ... . To which ... is added an In dex of [Perfect and] Allowable Rhymes .... A new and revised Ed. Philadelphia. 1852. 12 pp. 706. WEBSTER (Noah), LL.D. An American Dictionary of the English Language ; ... to which is prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History, and Connection, of the Languages of Western Asia and Europe, with an Explanation of the Principles on which Languages are formed. . . . Revised and enlarged, by Chauncey A. Goodrich. With Pronouncing Vocabularies of Scripture, Classical, and Geographical Names [prepared under the direction of Prof. Noah Porter]. Springfield, Mass. 1848. 4 pp. Ixxxiv., 1367. (2 copies, one dated 1850.) [WHATELY (Richard)], Alp. of Dublin. A Selection of English Syno- nymes. 1st American Ed., from the 2d London Ed., revised and enlarged. Boston and Cambridge. 1852. 12 WORCESTER (Joseph Emerson), LL.D. A Comprehensive Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language ; with Pro nouncing Vocabularies of Classical, Scripture, and Modern Geo graphical Names. Carefully revised and enlarged. Boston. 1845. 1*2 A Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language : to which are added Walker s Key to the Pronunciation of Classical and Scripture Proper Names, much enlarged and improved ; and a Pronouncing Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names. . . . Boston. 1846. 8 pp. Ixxvi., 956. (2 copies, one dated 1851.) 3. French. A. Grammar, with General and Introductory Works. BOLMAR (Anthony). See LEVIZAC (J. P.-V. LECOUTZ, Abbe DE). BUGARD (B. F.). French Practical Translator ; or, Easy Method of learning to translate French into English. . . . 5th Ed. Boston. 1841. 12 COLLOT (Prof. A. G.). Progressive Pronouncing French Reader ... . Philadelphia. 1844. 12 or 16 (12. and 8.) CUBI I SOLER (Mariano). Le Traducteur Franois ; or a Practical Sys tem for translating the French Language ; to which are added Obser vations on the Modes generally pursued in learning Languages. . . . 2d Ed., . . . enlarged, and greatly improved. Boston. 1828. 12 DUCREST DE SAINT-AUBIN (Stephanie Felicite), Countess de Genlis. See GENLIS. FEN WICK DE PORQUET (Louis). See PORQUET. 70 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 3. A. FIVAS (Victor DE). An Introduction to the French Language : contain ing Fables . . . &c. with a Dictionary ... . From the 5th English Ed. New York. 1850. 12 GENLIS (Stephanie Felicite DUCREST DE SAINT-AUBIN, Countess DE). A Manual, containing Expressions most used in Travelling, etc. See POPPLETON (G. H.). New Elements, etc. 1835. 12 GIRAULT (Prof. A. N.). Colloquial and Grammatical Exercises, in tended to impart . . . both a Theoretical and Practical Knowledge of the French Language. . . . 2d Ed. Philadelphia. 1846. 18 LEVIZAC (Jean Pons Victor LECOUTZ, Able DE). A Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the French Language ... . By M. de L. With numerous Corrections and Improvements ... a complete Trea tise on the Genders of French Nouns . . . also ... all the French Verbs.... By A. Bolmar . . . . llth Ed. Philadelphia. 1844. 12 Note. The part relating to the Verbs is paged independently, as an Appen dix. It was also published separately. LHOMOND (Charles Frangois), the Able. Elements of French Gram mar ... . Translated from the French, with Notes and Exercises. [By Henry W. Longfellow.] 8th Ed. Boston. 1845. 12 LITAIS DE GAUX ( ). Theorie des Verbes, etc. See 3. B. VER- LAC ( ). Dictionnaire, etc. 1845. 4 [LONGFELLOW (Prof. Henry Wadsworth)]. Translator, etc. See LHOMOND (C. F.). Elements, etc. OLLENDORFF (H. G.). A Key to the Exercises in OllendorfF s New Method of learning to read, write, and speak the French Language. Revised Ed. New York. 1846. 12 PICOT (Charles). No. 1 of Charles Picot s Series of [French] School Books. First Lessons in French .... 2d improved Ed. Phila delphia. 1847. 12 No. 2 ... . The French Student s Assistant .... 2d im proved Ed. Philadelphia. 1845. 12 pp. 48. (2 copies.) No. 3 .... Interesting Narrations in French ... . Phila delphia. 1845. 12 No. 4 ... . Historical Narrations in French ... . Phila delphia. 1845. 12 No. 5 ... . Scientific Narrations, etc. in French ... . Phila delphia. 1847. 12 No. 6 .... Fleurs du Parnasse Fran^ais ; or Elegant Ex tracts from the most approved Productions of the best French Poets .... Philadelphia. 1845. 12 No. 7 .... Beauties of the French Drama . . . comprising Athalie, a Tragedy of J. Racine ; Le Cid, a Tragedy of P. Corneille ; Merope, a Tragedy of Voltaire ; Le Misanthrope, a Comedy of Moliere ; followed by ... Extracts from the other Master-pieces of the same Authors, as well as those of the most eminent Dramatic CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 3. B. 71 Writers of Modern Time ; with Notes and Explanations ... . Phila delphia. 1846. 12 PINNEY (Norman). The First Book in French ; or, A Practical Intro duction to reading, writing, and speaking the French Language. . . . Hartford. 1848. 18 A Key to the First Book in French. . . . Hartford. 1848. 18 pp. 55. The Practical French Teacher ; or a New Method of learning to read, write, and speak the French Language. . . . Hartford. 1847. 12 The same. [Improved Ed.] New York. 1849. 12 The Progressive French Reader ; . . . with Notes and a Lexi con. . . . New York. 1850. 12 POPPLETON (G. H.). New Elements of Conversation, in English and French. ... By Professor G. [H.] P., at Paris : followed by the Manual of Idiotisms of Madame de Genlis. 4th American Ed. Re vised ... by F. Sales .... Boston. 1835. 12 Note. Also with the title : " Nbuveaux Elemens," etc. The Manual of Madame de Genlis has an independent title-page. PORQUET (Louis Fenwick DE). Parisian Phraseology ... . From the 4th London Ed. Revised ... by F. Sales .... Boston. 1833. 12 The Turning of English Idioms into French at Sight ; or, Se quel to any Grammar Exercises. . . . Revised ... by F. Sales ... . Boston. 1833. 12 Key to Sequel to any Grammar Exercises ... . Revised . . . by F. Sales .... Boston. 1834. 12 B. Lexicography. DOBSON (J.). See FLEMING ( ) and TIBBINS (J.). A . . . French and English Dictionary, etc. FLEMING (Prof. ) and TIBBINS (Prof. J.). A ... French and English and English and French Dictionary, on the Basis of the Royal Dictionary English and French and French and English : compiled from ... [the best sources]. ... With complete Tables of the Verbs on an entirely New Plan .... By Charles Picot ... . The whole prepared, with the Addition ... of a very great Number of Terms in the Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Medicine etc. etc. . . . by J. Dobson .... 3d Ed., revised and corrected. Philadelphia. 1846. 8 pp. 1376. Royal Dictionary English and French and French and English ; compiled from the ... [best sources]. Vol.1. English and French. | Grand Dictionnaire Francais-Anglais et Anglais-Fran(;ais ... . Tome II. Francais-Anglais. ... 2 vols. Paris. 1844-45. 4 pp. 10, 1234, and xi., 1104. SPIERS (Prof. A.). General English and French Dictionary . . . [from the best sources]. Work adopted by the University of France for 72 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 4, 5. A. French Colleges. 3d Ed. Paris. 1849. 8 pp. 716. + (Bound with the following.) SPIERS (Prof. A.). General French and English Dictionary . . . [from the best sources]. Paris. 1849. 8 pp. xi., 615. TIBBINS (Prof. J.). See FLEMING ( ) and TIBBINS (J.). VERLAC ( ). Dictionnaire Synoptique de tous les Verbes de la Langue Franchise . . . entierement conjugues . . . par M. V. precede d une Theorie des Verbes et d un Traite complet des Participes ... . Par M. Litais de Gaux .... Paris. 1845. 4 4. German. ABLER (Prof. George J.). A Dictionary of the German and English Languages ; indicating the Accentuation of every German Word, containing several hundred German Synonyms, together with a Classification and Alphabetical List of the Irregular Verbs, and a Dictionary of German Abbreviations. Compiled from the Works of Hilpert, Fliigel, Grieb, Heyse, and others. In Two Parts : I. Ger man and English. II. English and German. . . . 2d revised Ed. New-York. 8 1849. pp. xvi., 848, 522. [FOLLEN (Charles Theodore Christian)]. German Reader for Begin ners. Boston. 1831. 12 Note. Also with the title : " Deutsches Lesebuch," etc. GRIEB (Christoph Friedrich). A Dictionary of the English and Ger man Languages. To which is added a Synopsis of English Words differently pronounced by different Orthoepists. . . . Vol. I. English find German. | Vol. II. German and English. 2 vols. Stuttgart. 1847. Large 8 Note. Also with the title : " Englisch-Deutsches . . . Worterbuch," etc. 5. Greek. A. Grammar, with General and Introductory Works. ANTHON (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A Grammar of the Greek Language, principally from the German of Kiihner, with Selections from Matthise, Buttmann, Thiersch, and Rost. For the Use of Schools and Col leges. . . . New-York. 1844. 12 A Greek Reader, selected principally from the Work of Fred eric Jacobs ... . With English Notes ... a Metrical Index to Homer and Anacreon, and a copious Lexicon. . . . New-York. 1850. 12 pp. xiv., 614. ARNOLD (Rev. Thomas Kerchever). First Greek Book ; on the Plan of the First Latin Book. . . . Carefully revised ... by Rev. J. A. Spencer .... New-York. 1850. 12 . First Greek Lessons. . . . Re-arranged and carefully corrected by Rev. J. A. Spencer, A.M. From the 3d London Ed. New- York. 1848. 12 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 5. A. 73 A Greek Grammar ; intended as a sufficient Grammar of Ref erence for Schools and Colleges. . . . 2d Ed. London. 1848. 8 Practical Introduction to Greek Accidence. . . . 2d Ed. Lon don. 1842. 8 Practical Introduction to Greek Construing. See SPENCER (J. A.). Greek Reading Book, etc. A Practical Introduction to Greek Prose Composition ... . Carefully revised and corrected by Rev. J. A. Spencer ... . From the 5th London Ed. New-York. 1849. 12 A Practical Introduction to Greek Prose Composition. Part II. (The Particles.) ... First American Ed., revised and improved [by J. A. Spencer]. New-York. 1852. 12 Bos (Lambert). Bos Greek Ellipses, abridged and translated into Eng lish from Professor Schsefer s Edition ; with Notes. By the Rev. John Seager . . . . London. [1830?] 8 BULLIONS (Peter), D.D. A Greek Reader, selected chiefly from Jacobs Greek Reader, adapted to Bullions Greek Grammar, with an Intro duction on the Idioms of the Greek Language Notes . . . and an improved Lexicon. . . . 2d Ed. New-York. 1846. 12 The Principles of Greek Grammar ... for the Use of Schools and Colleges. Revised and improved. . . . New-York. 1847. 12 BUTTMANN (Philipp Karl). A Catalogue of Irregular Greek Verbs, with all the Tenses extant, their Formation, Meaning, and Usage. Translated and edited ... by the Rev. J. R. Fishlake ... . 2d Ed. London. 1844. 8 A Greek Grammar for the Use of High Schools and Univer sities. Translated from the German, with Additions, by Edward Robinson. 2d Ed. Andover. 1839. 8 A Greek Grammar for the Use of High Schools and Universi ties. 1 By Philip Buttmann. Revised and enlarged by his Son, Alex ander Buttmann. Translated from the 18th German Ed., by Ed ward Robinson. New York. 1851. 8 CARMICHAEL (Archibald Nisbet). Greek Verbs ; their leading Forma tions, Defects, and Irregularities . . . illustrated by copious and special Reference to the Classical Authors ; with Observations ... on Pe culiarities of Form, Meaning, Construction, and Quantity. . . . Lon don. 1841. 12 CHAMPLIN (Prof. James Tift). A short and comprehensive Greek Gram mar, with Materials for Oral Exercises, for Schools and Colleges. . . . New York. 1852. 12 COLTON (John Owen). A Greek Reader, consisting of New Selections and Notes ; with References to the Grammar of E. A. Sophocles .... New Haven. 1839. 8 CROSBY (Prof. Alpheus). A Grammar of the Greek Language. . . . 6th Ed. ^Boston. 1850. 12 Greek Lessons : consisting of Selections from. Xenophon s Anabasis, with Directions for the Study of the Grammar, Notes, Ex- 10 74 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 5. A. ercises in Translation from English into Greek, and a Vocabulary .... Boston. 1850. 12 DAY (Alfred), LL.D. The Syntax of the Relative Pronoun, etc. See 7. A. DONALDSON (John William), D.D. A complete Greek Grammar for the Use of Learners. . . . London. 1848. 8 Constructionis Gra3cee Prsecepta in Usum Scholarum concinna- vit Joannes Gulielmus D Londini. 1845. 12 pp. xi., 64. The New Cratylus, or Contributions towards a more accurate Knowledge of the Greek Language. . . . Cambridge. 1839. 8 pp. xii., 598. FELTON (Prof. Cornelius Con way), LL.D. A Greek Reader, for the Use of Schools ; containing Selections in Prose and Poetry, with English Notes and a Lexicon. Adapted particularly to the Greek Grammar of E. A. Sophocles .... 5th Ed., revised. Hartford. 1849. 12 FISK (Benjamin Franklin). A Grammar of the Greek Language. . . . 2d Ed. Boston. 1831. 12 Greek Exercises Adapted to the Author s Greek Gram mar. ... Boston. 1831. 12 A Key to the Exercises adapted to Fisk s Greek Grammar. . . . Boston. 1831. 12 pp. 82. GOETTLING (Prof. Karl Wilhelm). Elements of Greek Accentuation. Translated from the German of Dr. K. G., by a Member of the Uni versity of Oxford. London. 1831. 8 GREEK Primitives (The). See [LANCELOT (C.)]. HERMANN (Prof. Johann Gottfried Jacob). Hermann s Elements of the Doctrine of Metres, abridged and translated into English. By the Rev. John Seager ... . London. [1830?] 8 JACOBS (Prof. Friedrich Christian Wilhelm). Greek Reader. See ANTHON (C.) ; BULLIONS (P.). JELF (William Edward). A Grammar of the Greek Language, chiefly from the German of Raphael Kiihner. . . . Part I. Accidence. | [Part II.] Syntax. 2 pts. Oxford. 1845-42. 8 KENDRICK (Prof. Asahel C.) Greek OllendorfT; being a Progressive Exhibition of the Principles of Greek Grammar: designed for Be ginners in Greek, and as a Book of Exercises for Academies and Colleges. -. . . New-York. 1851. 12 An Introduction to the Greek Language ... . Utica. 1841. 12 KUEHNER (Raphael). An Elementary Grammar of the Greek Lan guage. . . . Translated by John H. Millard .... London. 1844. 8 An Elementary Grammar of the Greek Language, containing a Series of Greek and English Exercises for Translation, with the requisite Vocabularies, and an Appendix on the Homeric Verse and Dialect. ... From the German by Samuel H.Taylor ... . An- dover. 1846. 12 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 5. A. o Grammar of the Greek Language, for the Use of High Schools and Colleges. . . . Translated from the German by B. B. Edwards . . . and S. H. Taylor ... . Andover. 1844. 8 pp.604. See ANTHON (C.) ; JELF (VV. E.). [LANCELOT (Claude)]. The Greek Primitives, of the Messieurs de Port- Royal. [That is, " Le Jardin des Racines Grecques," by C. L.] To which are added Rules for Derivation, or the Formation of Words ; selected principally from Buttmann s Greek Grammar. Boston. 1831. 12 M I CLINTOCK (John), D.D. A Second Book in Greek ; containing Syn tax, with Reading Lessons in Prose ; Prosody and the Dialects, with Reading Lessons in Verse, forming a sufficient Greek Reader. With a Vocabulary. . . . New York. 1850. 12 M CLINTOCK (John), D.D., and CROOKS (George R.). A First Book in Greek ; containing a full View of the Forms of Words, with Vocab ularies and copious Exercises, on the Method of constant Imitation and Repetition. ... 3d Ed., with the Addition of brief Summaries of the Doctrine of the Verb, and of the Rules of Syntax. New York. 1850. 12 MATTHIAE (August Heinrich). A copious Greek Grammar ... . Translated from the German by Edward Valentine Blomfield ... . 5th Ed., thoroughly revised, and greatly enlarged from the last Ed. of the Original, by John Kenrick, M.A. 2 vols. London. 1837. 8 Note. The two vols are pa^ed continuously; pp. liv., 1199. The work is " revised and enlarged " from the second German edition ; not the third, pub lished in 1835. MUNK (Eduard). The Metres of the Greeks and Romans. See 7. A. OWEN (John Jason), D.D. A Greek Reader . . . adapted to Sophocles s and Kuhner s Grammars, with Notes and a Lexicon, for the Use of Schools .... New- York. 1852. 12 ^ PENNINGTON (George James). An Essay on the Pronunciation of the Greek Language. . . . London. 1844. 8 PORT-ROYAL, Messieurs de. The Greek Primitives. See [LANCELOT (C.)]. ROST (Prof. Valentin Christian Friedrich). Greek Grammar, for the Use of Schools. Translated from the German ... . London. 1829. 8 RUDIMENTS of the Greek Language. For the Use of the Edinburgh Academy. ... 6th Ed. : to which has been added a List of Greek Verbs, exhibiting the Cases which accompany each in its different Significations. Edinburgh. 1849. 12 SCHMITZ (Leonhard), Ph. D. Elementary Grammar of the Greek Lan guage .... Edinburgh. 1853. 8 or 16 (8.) SOPHOCLES (Evangelinus Apostolides). A Catalogue of Greek Verbs. For the Use of Colleges. . . . Hartford. 1844. 12 Greek Exercises, followed by an English and Greek Vocabu lary, containing about Seven Thousand Three Hundred Words. . . . [With the Key.] 3d Ed. Hartford. 1843. 12 70 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PAKT II. 5. B. SOPHOCLES (Evangelinus Apostolides). A Greek Grammar, for the Use of Schools and Colleges. ... A new Ed. Hartford. 1850. 12 Greek Lessons, adapted to the Author s Greek Grammar ; for the Use of Beginners. . . . Hartford. 1843. .18 History of the Greek Alphabet, with Remarks on Greek Or thography and Pronunciation. . . . Cambridge. 1848. 12 SPENCER ( Rev. Jesse A.). Greek Reading Book, for the Use of Schools : containing the Substance of the Practical Introduction to Greek Con struing, and a Treatise on the Greek Particles, by Thomas Kerchever Arnold . . . and also a copious Selection from Greek Authors, with English Notes . . . and a Lexicon. . . . New-York. 1848. 12 pp.618. SPITZNER (Ernst Franz Heinrich), Ph.D. Elements of Greek Pros ody. Translated from the German ... by a Member of the Univer sity of Oxford. London. 1831. 8 STUART (Prof. Moses). Practical Rules for Greek Accents and Quan tity. From the German of P. Buttmann and F. Passow. . . . An- dover. 1829. 12 THIERSCH (Prof. Friedrich). Greek Tables ... . To which is added an Essay on the Dialects, from Buttmann s Grammar. Translated by R. B. Patton .... 2d Ed. revised and enlarged. New-York. 1830. 8 pp. 92. VEITCH (Rev. William). Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective ; their Forms, Meaning, and Quantity : embracing all the Tenses used by the Greek Writers, with References to the Passages in which they are found. Edinburgh. 1848. 12 B. Lexicography. BUTTMANN (Philipp Karl). Lexilogus ; or a Critical Examination of the Meaning and Etymology of numerous Greek Words and Pas sages, intended principally for Homer and Hesiod. . . . Translated and edited ... by the Rev. J. R. Fishlake 2d Ed., revised. London. 1840. 8 pp. xvi., 597. DONNEGAN (James), M.D. A new Greek and English Lexicon; prin cipally on the Plan of the Greek and German Lexicon of Schneider .... 1st American, from the 2d London Ed., revised and enlarged, by R. B. Patton. Boston. 1838. 8 pp. viii., 1413. A new Greek and English Lexicon ... . 4th Ed., consider ably enlarged, carefully revised, and materially improved throughout. London. 1846. 8 pp. viii., 4, 1743. LIDDELL (Henry George) and SCOTT (Robert). A Greek-English Lexi con, based on the German Work of Francis Passow. . . . With Cor rections and Additions, and the Insertion ... of the Proper Names occurring in the principal Greek Authors, by Henry Drisler ... . New York. 1846. 8 pp. xxix., 1705. PASSOW (Franz Ludwig Karl Friedrich). See LIDDELL (H. G.) and SCOTT (R.). PICKERING (John), LL.D. A Comprehensive Lexicon of the Greek CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 6, 7. A. 77 Language, adapted to the Use of Colleges and Schools in the United States. . . . Boston. 1847. 8 pp. xii., 1456. PILLON (Alexandre). Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. P Edited, with Notes, by the Rev. Thomas Ker- chever Arnold .... London. 1850. 12 YONGE (C. D.). An English-Greek Lexicon. . . . London. 1849. 4 6. Italian. BACHI (Pietro). A Grammar of the Italian Language .... A new Ed. revised and improved, with the Addition of Practical Exercises and numerous Illustrations, drawn from the Italian Classics. . . . Bos ton. 1838. 12 pp. xxxiii., 568. + GRAGLIA (C.). Italian Pocket Dictionary : in Two Parts : I. Italian and English : II. English and Italian. Preceded by an Italian Gram mar. First American, from the 14th London Ed., with Corrections and Additions. Boston. 1839. 16 OLLENDORFF (H. G.). Ollendorff s New Method of learning to read, write, and speak the Italian Language ... . With Additions and Corrections by Felix Foresti, LL.D New-York. 1846. 12 7. Latin. A. Grammar, with General and Introductory Works. ADAM (Alexander), LL.D. Adam s Latin Grammar: with numerous Additions and Improvements ... . By C. D. Cleveland ... . Philadelphia. 1836. 12 See FISK (A.). ALLEN (Alexander). An Etymological Analysis of Latin Verbs. For the Use of Schools and Colleges. . . . London. 1836. 16 (8.) ANDREWS (Prof. Ethan Allen), LL.D. A First Latin. Book ; or Pro gressive Lessons in reading and writing Latin. ... 3d Ed. Boston. 1851. 12 First Lessons in Latin ; or an Introduction to Andrews and Stoddard s Latin Grammar. 6th Ed. Boston. 1844. 18 The First Part of Jacobs and Boring s Latin Reader : adapted to Andrews and Stoddard s Latin Grammar. 7th Ed. Boston. 1843. 12 Latin Exercises ; adapted to Andrews and Stoddard s Latin Grammar. 6th Ed. Boston. 1844. 12 A Key to Latin Exercises ; adapted to Andrews and Stoddard s Latin Grammar. Boston. 1838. 12 Lhomond s Viri Romce, etc. See LHOMOND (C. F.). -] Questions upon Andrews and Stoddard s Latin Grammar. Boston. 1842. 18 78 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 7. A. ANDREWS (Prof. Ethan Allen), LL.D.,and STODDARD (Prof. Solomon). A Grammar of the Latin Language ; for the Use of Schools and Colleges, llth Ed. Boston. 1845. 12 The same. The 18th Ed., carefully revised and corrected, by E. A. Andrews, LL.D. Boston. 1850. 12 (2 copies, one dated 1852.) ANTHON (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A System of Latin Versification, in a Series of Progressive Exercises, including Specimens of Translation from English and German Poetry into Latin Verse. For the Use of Schools and Colleges. . . . New-York. 1845. 12" Key to Anthon s Latin Versification. New-York. 1845. 12 ARNOLD (Rev. Thomas Kerchever). First Latin Book. See HARKNESS (A.). A First and Second Latin Book and Practical Grammar. . . . Carefully revised and corrected by Rev. J. A. Spencer ... . llth . Ed., revised. New York. 1850." 12 Note. The two Parts have also independent title-pages, but are paged con tinuously. Longer Latin Exercises, Part I. ... London. 1844. 8 pp. 96. + A Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition: Part II. . . . London. 1843. 8 A Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition. [In two Parts.] . . . Carefully revised and corrected by Rev. J. A. Spencer .... 8th American Ed. New-York. 1850. 12 Note. Part II. has an independent title-page. A Practical Introduction to Latin Verse Composition. . . . Lon don. 1842. 8 BEARD (J. R.), D.D. Latin made easy ; . . . comprising a Grammar, Exercise Book, and Vocabulary. 2d Ed., revised and enlarged. London. 1846. 12 BECK (Prof. Charles), Ph.D. Syntax of the Latin Language, chiefly from the German of C. G. Zumpt. . . . 2d Ed. Boston. 1844. 12 BULLIONS (Peter), D.D. The First Part of Jacobs Latin Reader, adapt ed to Bullions Latin Grammar; with an Introduction, on the Idioms of the Latin Language ; an improved Vocabulary ; and Exercises in Latin Prose Composition, on a new Plan. . . . New- York. 1845. 12 The Principles of Latin Grammar ; . . . for the Use of Colleges and Academies. . . . New-York. 1843. 12 CHAMPLIN (Prof. James Tift). Kuhner s Latin Grammar; with Exer cises, Latin Reader and Vocabularies. Translated and remodelled by J. T. C Boston. 1850. 12 CLEVELAND (Prof. Charles Dexter). See ADAM (A.). Adam s Latin Grammar, etc. DAY (Alfred), LL.D. The Syntax of the Relative Pronoun and its CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 7. A. 79 Cognates ; copiously illustrated by Examples from the Latin and Greek Tongue. London. 1844. 8 DONALDSON (John William), D.D. A complete Latin Grammar, for the Use of Learners ... . London. 1852. 16 (8.) . Varronianus : a Critical and Historical Introduction to the Philo logical Study of the Latin Language. ... Cambridge [Eng.]. 1844. 8 Varronianus : a Critical and Historical Introduction to the Eth nography of Ancient Italy and to the Philological Study of the Latin Language. . . . 2d Ed., revised and considerably enlarged. London. 1852. 8 ETON Latin Grammar. See WHITE (J. T.). FISK (Allen). Adam s Latin Grammar ; simplified, by means of an Introduction : . . . with appropriate Exercises .... 2d Ed., revised and corrected. New-York. 1824. 8 Note. Appended are " Questions," etc. paged independently. GROTEFEND (Friedrich August Ludwig Adolph). Materials for Trans lation into Latin ... . Translated from the German by the Rev. H. H. Arnold, B. A. and edited (with Notes and Excursuses from Grotefend) by the Rev. T. K. Arnold ... . London. 1842. 8 HARKNESS (Albert). Arnold s First Latin Book ; remodelled and re written, and adapted to the OllendorfT Method of Instruction. . . . New-York. 1851. 12 Second Latin Book ; comprising a Historical Latin Reader, w.ith Notes . . . ; and an Exercise-Book, developing a complete An alytical Syntax .... New-York. 1853. 12 HARRISON (Prof. Gessner), M.D. An Exposition of some of the Laws of the Latin Grammar. . . . New York. 1852. 12 JACOBS (Prof. Friedrich Christian Wilhelm) and DOERING (Friedrich Wilhelm). Latin Reader. See ANDREWS (E. A.) ; BULLIONS (P.). KENNEDY (Benjamin Hall), D.D. An Elementary Grammar of the Latin Language, for the Use of Schools. . . . 5th Ed. London. 1849. 12 a KENRICK (Rev. John). Exercises on Latin Syntax ; adapted to Zumpt s Grammar. To which are added Extracts from the Writings of Muretus. ... 2d Ed. London. 1831. 8 A Key to Exercises on Latin Syntax, adapted to Zumpt s Gram mar. . . . To which are added Extracts from . . . Muretus. The 2d Ed. London. 1830. 8 KEY (Thomas Hewitt). A Latin Grammar on the System of Crude Forms. . . . London. 1846. 12 KREBS (Prof. Johann Philipp). Guide for writing Latin : consisting of Rules and Examples for Practice. . . . From the German, by Samuel H. Taylor .... Andover. 1843. 12 The same. 2d Ed. [With alterations and additions.] An dover. 1845. 12 KQEHNER (Raphael). Kiihner s Latin Grammar. See CIIAMPLIN (J. T.). 80 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 7. A., B. LHOMOND (Charles Frangois), the Abbe. Lhomoncl s Viri Romoe ; adapt ed to Andrews and Stoddard s Latin Grammar, and to Andrews First Latin Book. By E. A. Andrews, LL.D. 5th Ed. Boston. 1851. 12 M CLINTOCK (John), D.D. A Second Book in Latin ; containing Syntax, and Reading Lessons in Prose, forming a sufficient Latin Reader. With Imitative Exercises and a Vocabulary. . . . New York. 1853. 12 M CLINTOCK (John), D.D., and CROOKS (George R.). A First Book in Latin ; containing Grammar, Exercises, and Vocabularies, on the Method of constant Imitation and Repetition. . . . 7th Ed. New York. 1850. 12 (2 copies.) MADVIG (Prof. Johan Nicolai). A Latin Grammar for the Use of Schools ... . Translated from the Original German, with the Sanction and Cooperation of the Author, by the Rev. George Woods ... . 2d Ed., with an Index of Authors. Oxford. 1851. 8 MUNK (Eduard). The Metres of the Greeks and Romans. A Manual for Schools and Private Study. Translated from the German. By Charles Beck and C. C. Felton. Boston. 1844. 12 SCHMITZ (Leonhard), Ph.D. ... Elementary Latin Grammar and Exercises. Philadelphia. 1852. 18 (6.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) ... Grammar of the Latin Language. ... Philadelphia. 1849. 12 or 16 (12. and 8.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) SEARS (Barnas), D.D. The Ciceronian ; or, The Prussian Method of teaching the Elements of the Latin Language. Adapted to the Use of American Schools. Boston. 1844. 18 VIRI Romoe. See LHOMOND (C. F.). WILLARD (Samuel), D.D. An Introduction to the Latin Language. ... Boston. 1835. 12 WHITE (Rev. John T.). A Latin Grammar, containing: Parti. The Eton Grammar, revised and corrected ; Part II. A Second or Larger Grammar, in English ... . London. 1852. 12 ZUMPT (Prof. Carl Gottlob [Lat. Timotheus]). A Grammar of the Latin Language. From the Ninth Ed. of the Original, adapted to the Use of English Students. By Leonhard Schmitz ... . Cor rected and enlarged, by Charles Anthon .... 3d Ed. New-York. 1846. 12 pp. xx., 594. A School Grammar of the Latin Language. ... Transjated, and adapted to the Use of the High School of Edinburgh, by Leon- hard Schmitz ... . Corrected and enlarged, by Charles Anthon, LL.D New York. 1847. 12 Syntax, etc. See BECK (C.) ; KENRICK (J.). Exercises, etc. B. Lexicography. ANDREWS (Prof. Ethan Allen), LL.D. A Copious and Critical Latin- English Lexicon, founded on the larger Latin-German Lexicon of CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 7. B. 81 Dr. William Freund : with Additions and Corrections from the Lexi cons of Gesner, Facciolati, Scheller, Georges, etc. [Edited] By E. A. Andrews. [Translated from the German by WilliamrW. Turner and R. D. C. Robbins ; the Preface translated by Theodore D. Woolsey.j New York. 1851. 8 pp. xxvi., 1663. ANTHON (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary, for the Use of Schools. Chiefly from the Lexicons of Freund, Georges, and Kaltschmidt. . . . New York. 1852. 12 pp. viii., 1260. -j- Editor, etc. See RIDDLE (J. E.) and ARNOLD (T. K.). ARNOLD (Rev. Thomas Kerchever). See RIDDLE (J. E.) and ARNOLD (T. K.). DOEDERLEIN (Johann Christoph Wilhelm Ludwig). Doderlein s Hand- Book of Latin Synonymes. Translated from the German, by the Rev. H. H. Arnold, B. A. London. 1841. 8 FACCIOLATI (Jacopo). See FORCELLINI (E.). FORCELLINI (Egidio). Totius Latinitatis Lexicon Consilio et Cura Ja- cobi Facciolati Opera et Studio ^Egidii Forcellini . . . lucubratum edidit Anglicam Interpretationem in Locum Italicse substituit Appen- dicem Patavinam Lexico passim intertexuit pauca de suo . . . hue atque illuc sparsit Auctarium denique et Horatii Tursellini de Particu- lis Latince Orationis Libellum etiam Gerrardi Siglarium Romanum et Gesneri Indicem Etymologicum adjecit Jacobus Bailey .... 2 vol. Londini. 1828. 4 Note. Also with the half-title : " The Universal Latin Lexicon of Faccio- latus and Forcellinus," etc. The appended works of Tursellinus (Torsellini), Gerrard, and Gesner are each paged separately. FREUND (Wilhelm). A Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexicon. See ANDREWS (E. A.) ; RIDDLE (J. E.). GERRARD (John). Siglarium Romanum ; sive Explicatio Notarum ac Literarum quse hactenus reperiri potuerunt, in Marmoribus, Lapidi- bus, Nummis, Auctoribus, aliisque Romanorum Veterum Reliquiis ... . Ex Editione Johannis Gerrard, Lond. 1792. (Appended to FORCELLINI (E.). ... Lexicon, etc. 1828. 4 Vol. II.) GESNER (Johann Matthias). Latinitatis Index Etymologicus. (Append ed to FORCELLINI (E.). ... Lexicon, etc. 1828. 4 Vol. II.) KALTSCHMIDT (Jacob Heinrich). ... A School Dictionary of the Latin Language In Two Parts I. Latin-English | II. English-Latin 2 pts. Philadelphia. 1851. 18 or 16 (6. and 8.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) LEVERETT (Frederick Percival). A new and copious Lexicon of the Latin Language ; compiled chiefly from the Magnum Totius Latini tatis Lexicon of Facciolati and Forcellini, and the German Works of Scheller and Luenemann. Edited by F. P. L. [assisted by H. VV. Torrey, W. Pirscher, and T. G. Bradford]. Boston. 1842. 8 pp. iv., 1004. See [TORREY (H. W.)]. An English-Latin Lexicon, etc. RAMSHORN (Prof. Johann Gottlob Ludwig). Dictionary of Latin 82 CLASS XV. LANGUAGE. PART II. 8, 9. Synonymes, for the Use of Schools and Private Students, with a complete Index. By Lewis R. From the German, by Francis Lieber. Boston. 1839. 12 RICH (Anthony), Jr. The Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary, and Greek Lexicon : forming a Glossary of all the Words represent ing visible Objects connected with the Arts, Manufactures, and every day Life of the Greeks and Romans, with Representations of nearly Two Thousand Objects from the Antique. . . . London. 1849. 8 pp. xi., 754. RIDDLE (Rev. Joseph Esmond). A Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexicon ; founded -on the German-Latin Dictionaries of Dr. William Freund. . . . London. 1849. 4 pp. viii., 1400. RIDDLE (Rev. Joseph Esmond) and ARNOLD ( Rev. Thomas Kerchever). A Copious and Critical English-Latin Lexicon, founded on the Ger man-Latin Dictionary of Dr. Charles Ernest Georges. . . . First American Ed., carefully revised, and containing a Copious Dictionary of Proper Names ... by Charles Anthon ... . New York. 1849. 8 pp. viii., 754. + ROBERTSON (William). A Dictionary of Latin Phrases .... A new Ed., with considerable Additions . . . and Corrections. London. 1829. 12 pp. iv., 888. [TORREY (Henry Warren)]. An English-Latin Lexicon, prepared to accompany Leverett s Latin-English Lexicon. Boston. 1842. 8 (Bound with Leverett.) TORSELLINI (Orazio). . . . De Particulis Latinse Orationis Libellus . . . post Curas Jacobi Thomasii et Jo. Conradi Schwarzii denuo recogni- tus et auctus. Ex Editione in Germania quinta . . . Anglica Inter- pretatione (vice Germanicsc) instruendum curavit Jacobus Bailey. (Appended to FORCELLINI (E.). . . . Lexicon, etc. 1828. 4 Vol. II.) TURSELLINTJS (Horatius). See TORSELLINI (0.). 8. Scottish. JAMIESON (John), D.D. A Dictionary of the Scottish Language. . . . Abridged ... by John Johnstone ... . [With a Memoir of the Au thor.] Edinburgh. 1846. 8 pp. xvL, 775. 9. Spanish. OLLENDORFF (H. G.). New Method, etc. See VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADENA (M.) and SIMONNE (T.). VELAZO.UEZ DE LA CADENA (Prof. Mariano). Seoane s Neuman and Baretti by Velazquez. A Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages : . . . upon the Basis of Seoane s Edition of Neuman and Baretti, and from the English Dictionaries of Webster, \Vorcester and Walker : with the Addition of more than Eight Thou sand Words, Idioms, and Familiar Phrases, the Irregularities of all the Verbs, and a Grammatical Synopsis of both Languages. In Two CLASS XVI. ANCIENT CLASSIC AUTHORS, ETC. PART I. 83 Parts. I. Spanish-English. II. English-Spanish. ... 2 pts. New- York. 165-2. 8 pp. xvi., 675, and xvi., 604. Note. Part II. has an independent title-page. VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADENA (Prof. Mariano) and SIMONNE (Prof. T.). Ollendorff s New Method of learning to read, write, and speak : [sic] the Spanish Language: with an Appendix, containing a ... Recapitulation of the Rules ... . New-York. 1851. 12 APPENDIX TO "LANGUAGE." CLASS XVI. ANCIENT GREEK AND LATIN AUTHORS, WITH SPECIAL ILLUSTRATIVE WORKS. PART I. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE CLASSICS ; CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES ; PHILOLOGICAL CRITICISM ON SEVERAL CLASSIC AUTHORS. Note. For Greek and Roman Antiquities, see Class XXVII. ANTHON (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A Classical Dictionary: containing an Account of the principal Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors ... . [By C. A.] Together with an Account of Coins, Weights, and Measures, with Tabular Values of the same. [By Abraham B. Conger.] ... New-York. 1841. 8 pp. viii., 1423. : Editor, etc. See SMITH (W.). A new Classical Diction ary, etc. BAIRD (James S. S.). The Classical Manual : an Epitome of Ancient Geography, Greek and Roman Mythology, Antiquities, and Chronol ogy. Chiefly intended for the Use of Schools. . . . Philadelphia. 1852. 18 (6.) CLASSICAL Manual (A), being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographi cal Commentary on Pope s Homer, and Dryden s ^Eneid of Virgil : with a copious Index [adapting it for useas a Classical Dictionary]. London. 1833. 8 pp. vi., 697. + CLASSICAL Studies. See SEARS (B.). COLERIDGE (Henry Nelson). Introductions to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets. See Class XXIX. ESCHENBURG (Prof. Johann Joachim). Manual of Classical Literature. From the German of J. J. E With Additions. Embracing Treatises on ... I. Classical Geography and Topography. II. Clas sical Chronology. III. Greek and Roman Mythology. IV. Greek Antiquities. V. Roman Antiquities. VI. Archaeology of Greek Literature. VII. Archaeology of Roman Literature. VIII. Archae ology of Art. IX. History of Greek Literature. X. History of Ro man Literature. By N. W. Fiske .... 4th Ed 6th Thou- sand. Philadelphia. 1843. 8 pp. xxviii., 690. See FISKE (N. W.). Supplemental Plates, etc. 84 CLASS XVI. PART II. ANCIENT GREEK AUTHORS, ETC. FISKE (Prof. Nathan Welby). Supplemental Plates to the Manual of Classical Literature. . . . Philadelphia. 1843. 8 pp. vii., and 32 Plates. Translator, etc. See ESCHENBURG (J. J.). Manual, etc. LEMPRT ERE (John). Lempriere s Classical Dictionary ... . Abridged from the best English Editions. Hartford. 1850. 12 or 18 (12. and 6.) (12 copies.) SEARS (Barnas), D.D. Classical Studies : Essays on Ancient Literature and Art. With the Biography and Correspondence of eminent Phi lologists. By Barnas Sears, ... B. B. Edwards, ... C. C. Felton, .... Boston. 1843. 12 SMITH (William), LL.D. A new Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology, and Geography, partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. . . . Re vised, with numerous Corrections and Additions, by Charles Anthon, LL.D New York. 1851. 8 pp. xv., 1039. Note. Chronological Tables of Greek and Roman History, and of Greek and Roman Measures, Weights, and Money, are appended. PART II. ANCIENT GREEK AUTHORS, WITH PARTICULAR LEXI CONS, INDEXES, AND COMMENTARIES. AESCHYLUS. The Agamemnon of JE. [Gr.], with Notes. By C. C. Felton .... Boston. 1847. 12 Agamemnon, and the Choephorse. Translated by Robert Potter. (BRITISH Poets, L. 5 - 136.) The Prometheus of ^E. [Gr.], with Notes .... By T. D. Woolsey... . 3d Ed., revised. Boston. 1841. 12 LINWOOD (Rev. William). A Lexicon to ./Eschylus containing a Critical Ex planation of the more Difficult Passages in the Seven Tragedies. . . . 2d Ed. London. 1847. 8 ARISTOPHANES. The Comedies of A. [The Acharnians, the Knights, or the Demagogues, the Clouds, the Wasps, and the Dicast turned Gentleman [the concluding Part of the Wasps]. Translated, with a Preliminary Discourse,] By T. Mitchell ... . (BRITISH Poets, XLI1L, XLIV. 1-145.) Note. The Clouds is translated by Richard Cumberland. The Birds of A. [Gr.] With Notes, and a Metrical Table. By C. C. Felton .... Cambridge. 1849. 12 or 8 (6. and 4.) The Clouds of A. [Gr.]. With Notes. By C. C. Felton .... New and revised Ed. Cambridge. 1848. 12 ARISTOTELES. Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea. [Gr.] Ex Recensione Bekkeri. Oxonii. 1845. 16 BION. See BRIGGS (T.). Poetse Bucolici, etc. BRIGGS (Thomas). Poetae Bucolici Grscci sive Theocriti Bionis et Moschi quse supersunt. Cum Notis Variorum et suis edidit T. B. ... [Gr. and LaL] Cantabrigise. 1821. 8 pp. vi., 339, 418. CLASS XVI. PART II. ANCIENT GREEK AUTHORS, ETC. 85 COLUTHUS. The Rape of Helen, translated by Sir Edward Sherburne. (BRITISH Poets, V. 313-324.) DEMOSTHENES. The I. II. III. Philippics of D. [Gr.] With Histori cal Introductions and Critical and Explanatory Notes. By M. J. Smead, Ph.D Boston and Cambridge. 1851. 12 EURIPIDES. The Hecuba, Medea, Phoenissae, and Orestes, of E., literally translated into English from the Text of G. Dindorf, with Person s Various Readings. To which are added Critical Notes ... . Lon don. 1846. 12 Note. Each play is paged independently. The Bacchse, and Iphigenia in Aulis. Translated by Robert Potter. (BRITISH Poets, L. 289 - 442.) Phoenissae. See Class XX. GASCOIGNE (G.) and KINWEL- MARSH (F.). locasta, etc. HERODOTUS. . . . H., from the Text of Schweighseuser : with English Notes. Edited by C. S. Wheeler .... Vol. I. 2d Ed. I Vol. II. 2vols. Boston. 1843-42. 12 H., translated from the Greek, with Notes and Life of the Au thor. By the Rev. William Beloe. A new Ed., corrected and re vised. Philadelphia. 1839. 8 ANALYSTS (An) and Summary of Herodotus. With a Synchronistical Table of principal Events ; Tables of Weights, Measures, Money, and Distances ; an Outline of the History and Geography ; and the Date s completed from Gaisfoid, Baehr, etc. Oxford. 1848. 8 GARY (Henry). A Lexicon to Herodotus, Greek and English, adapted to the Text of Gaisford and Baehr. [Mostly taken from Schweighaeuser.l Ox ford. 1843. 8 GAISFORD (Prof. Thomas). Adnotationes Wesselingii, Valckenaerii,Larcheri, Schweighaeuseri aliorumque in Herodoti Historiarum Libros IX. Edidit T. G 2 torn. Lipsiae. 1826. 8 U Note. Also with the title : "... Herodoti . . . Historiarum Libri IX. . . . [edited by] Thomas Gaisford .... Tom. 111. IV." LARCHER (Pierre Henri). . . . Historical and Critical Comments on the His tory of Herodotus, with a Chronological Table. From the French of P. H. L New Ed., with Corrections and Additions, by William. Desborough Cooley. . . . 2 vols. London. 1844. 8 [Loxo (George)]. A Summary of Herodotus [by G. L.], and a copious In dex [by Henry H. Davis]. London. 1829. 12 Note. Also with the title : " Herodotus. Summary and Index. Vol. III." The Summary and Index are each paged independently. NIEBDHR (Barthold Georg). A Dissertation on the Geography of Herodo tus, etc. See Class XXII. Part II. TURNER (Dawson William). Notes on Herodotus, original and selected from the best Commentators. ... Oxford. 1848. 8 HOMERTJS. Homeri Ilias, Grsece et Latine. Annotationes . . . scripsit atque edidit Samuel Clarke, S.T.P. Ed. undecima. ... 2 vol. Lon- dini. 1790. 8 Note. The title-page and preface of Vol. II. are wanting. ... The Iliad of Homer, from the Text of Wolf. With Eng lish Notes [and Flaxman s Illustrations]. By C. C. Felton New and revised Ed. Boston. 1847. Large 12 (6.) 86 CLASS XVI. HOMERUS. ... The Iliad of Homer, according to the Text of Wolf; with Notes... . By John J. Owen, D.D New-York. 1851. 12 pp. 740. The First Six Books of Homer s Iliad [Gr.], with English Notes . . . , a Metrical Index, and Homeric Glossary. By Charles Anthon, LL.D New York. 1847. 12 pp. viii., 897. The First Three Books of Homer s Iliad, according to the Ordinary Text, and also with the Restoration of the Digamma, to which are appended English Notes . . . , a Metrical Index, and Ho meric Glossary. By Charles Anthon ... . New-York. 1844. 12 The Iliad, translated by Alexander Pope. (BRITISH Poets, Vols. XL., XLI.) The First Book of the Iliad, translated by Thomas Tickell. (BRITISH Poets, XVII. 125-149.) . . . The Odyssey of Homer, according to the Text of Wolf; with Notes : for the Use of Schools and Colleges. ... By John J. Owen .... New- York. 1845. 12 The Odyssey, translated by Alexander Pope. (BRITISH Poets, Vol. XLil.) Batrachomuomachia : or, The Battle of the Frogs and Mice. Translated by Thomas Parnell. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 93-112.) BUTTMANN (Philipp Karl). Lexilogus. See Class XV. Part II. 5. B. CLASSICAL Manual (A), being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical Commentary on Pope s Homer and Dryden s ^Eneid of Virgil. Ste Part I. CRUSIUS (Gottlieb Christian). A Complete Greek and English Lexicon of the Poems of Homer and the Homeridce. . . . Prom the German of G. Ch. C. : translated, with Corrections and Additions, by Henry Smith ... . Hartford. 1844. 8 OVVGAN (Henry). Miscellanea Homerica; being a Compilation of original and selected Articles on those Points of Greek Literature which are auxil iary ... to the Critical Study of Homer. ... Dublin. 1840. 8 ISOCRATES. The Panegyricus of I., from the Text of Bremi. With Eng lish Notes. By C. C. Felton .... Cambridge. 1847. 12 or 8 (6. arid 4.) MOSCHUS. See BRIGGS (T.). Poetae Bucolici, etc. PINDARUS. Pindaric Odes, [including the Second Olympic, and First Nemsean Ode of Pindar, translated] by Abraham Cowley. (BRITISH Poets, VI. 95-110.) The First Nernaean Ode, translated by Sir William Jones. (BRITISH Poets, XXXV. 113-117.) PLUTARCHUS. Plutarch s Lives, translated from the Original Greek : with Notes, Critical and Historical : and a Life of Plutarch. By John Langhorne, D.D. and William Langhorne, A.M. A new Ed., carefully revised and corrected. New-York. 1839. 8 pp. xx., 748. SOPHOCLES. GEdipus Tyrannus, and Antigone. Translated by Thomas Franklin. (BRITISH Poets, L. 137 - 287.) THEOCRITUS. See BRIGGS (T.). Poetse Bucolici, etc. CLASS XVI. PART III. ANCIENT LATIN AUTHORS, ETC. 87 THUCYDIDES. . . . The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydi- des [Gr.] : illustrated by Maps, taken entirely from actual Surveys; with Notes, chiefly Historical and Geographical, by Thomas Arnold, D.D 2d Ed. 3vols. Oxford. 1840-42. 8 The History of the Peloponnesian War, by T. ; according to the Text of L. Dindorf ; with Notes .... [The First Three Books ] By John J. Owen .... New-York. 1848. 12 pp. x., 683. + The History of T., newly translated into English . . . with very copious Annotations, Exegetical, Philological, Historical, and Geographical; almost entirely Original ... . Prefixed, is an entirely new Life of T. : with a Memoir on the State of Greece ... at the Commencement of the Peloponnesian War. By the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield .... 3 vols. London. 1829. 8 With six Maps. History of the Peloponnesian War, translated from the Greek of T. By William Smith .... A new Ed., ... revised. Phila delphia. 1836. 8 or 12 (4. and 6.) XENOPHON. The Anabasis of.X. [Gr.], with English Notes ... a Map . . . and a Plan of the Battle of Cunaxa. By Charles Anthon, LL.D. .... New York. 1850. 12 pp. xxii., 632. + Grammar School Classics. The Anabasis of X. : based upon the Text of Bornemann ; with Notes, original and selected, and Three Maps .... By the Rev. J. F. Macmichael .... 3d Ed., revised and corrected. London. 1850. 8 The Cyropredia of X. ; chiefly from the Text of L. Dindorf: with Notes . . . Examination Questions, and . . . Indices. By E. H. Barker... . [London.] 1831. 12 . . . The Cyropsedia of X., according to the Text of L. Dindorf; with Notes : for the Use of Schools and Colleges. By John J. Owen .... New-York. 1848. 12 Xenophon s Memorabilia of Socrates [Gr.], with English Notes .. . , the Prolegomena of Kiihner, Wiggers Life of Socrates, etc. By Charles Anthon, LL.D New York. 1848. 12 AINSWORTH (William F.). Travels in the Track of the Ten Thousand .- Greeks, etc. See Class XXI1J. PART III. ANCIENT LATIN AUTHORS, WITH PARTICULAR LEX ICONS, INDEXES, AND COMMENTARIES. AUSONITJS (Decimus Magnus). Opera. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat.. pp. 1060-1124.) AVIANUS (Flavius). Fabulse. See PH^DRUS. Phsedri, Aviani ... Fabu- loe, etc. (Caius Julius). . . . De Bellis Gallico et Civili Pompeiano, nee non A. Hirtii, aliorumque, de Bellis Alexandrino, Africano, et His- paniensi, Commentarii. Recensuit et accuravit Joannes Carey, LL.D. Londini. 1822. 24 . . . Opera Omnia. ... The Text revised . . . with Notes . . . 88 CLASS XVI. PAIIT III. ANCIENT LATIN AUTHORS, ETC. by James Prendeville ... . The 3d Ed., augmented ...: with a copious Historical and Geographical Index ; revised by George B. Wheeler... . Dublin. 1846. 12 (Caius Julius). . . . Commentariorum de Bello Civili Libri III. Grarnmatisch, kritisch und historisch erklart von M. Christian Gottlob Herzog .... Leipzig. 1834. 8 . . . Commentariorum de Bello Gallico Libri VIII. Gram- matisch und historisch erklart von M. Christian Gottlob Herzog ... . 2 le durchaus verbesserte mit einer Cha*rte von Gallia Antiqua von Reichard vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig. 1831. 8 pp. xliv., 746. Commentarii de Bello Gallico. [With Notes, etc. by L. Schmitz.] Philadelphia. 1847. 18 or 24 (6. and 8. 4.) (Schmitz and Zurnpt s Classical Series.) - . . . Commentaries on the Gallic War. With English Notes ... a Lexicon, Indexes, etc. By Rev. J. A. Spencer ... . New York. 1848. 12 - Ccesar s Commentaries on the Gallic War; and the First Book of the Greek Paraphrase ; with English Notes . . . Plans of Battles, Sieges, etc., and Historical, Geographical, and Archreological Indexes. By Charles Anthon ... . New-York. 1849. 12 - . . . Commentaries on the Gallic War ; with a Dictionary and Notes. By Prof. E. A. Andrews. 4th Ed. Boston. 1850. 12 - Grammar School Classics. C. Julii Caesaris Commentarii de Bello Gallico. With Notes, by George Long. London. 1853. 8 or 16 - The First Six Books of Ccesar s Commentaries on the Gallic War, adapted to Bullions Latin Grammar; with an Introduction, on the Idioms of the Latin Language ; . . . Notes ; and an Index of Proper Names, etc. By Rev. Peter Bullions, D.D ..... New- York. 1845. 12 CALPURNIUS SICULUS (Titus ?). Bucolicon Liber. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 1051- 1060.) CATO (Dionysius). Disticha de Moribus, ad Filium. See PH^EDRUS. Phaedri, Aviani . . . Fabula3, etc. CATULLUS (Caius or Quintus Valerius). Carmina. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 1 - 20.) CICERO (Marcus Tullius). Selections from Cicero [Lat.], with English Notes. Part I. Selections from the Orations : containing the Fourth Book of the Impeachment of Verres : the Four Speeches against Catiline : the Speech for the Poet Archias. | Part II. Selections from the Epistles. Edited ... by Thomas Kerchever Arnold .... 2 pts. London. 1847-49. 12 - Cicero s Cato Major ; with a double Translation : for the Use of Students on the Hamiltonian System. London. 1827. 8 - The Life [by C. Middleton] and Letters [translated by W. Mel- moth and W. HeberdenJ of M. T. C. See Class XXIV. Part II. CLASS XVI. PART III. ANCIENT LATIN AUTHORS, ETC. 89 . . . De Officiis Libri Tres. Accedunt in Usum Juventutis Note qucedam Anglice scriptae. Ex Editione postrema et emendatissima Valpiana. Philadelphia. 1833. 18 (6.) . . . De Officiis Libri Tres. With English Notes, chiefly select ed and translated from the Editions of Zurnpt and Bonnell, by Thom as A. Thacher .... New York. 1850. 12 . . . Orationes. With a Commentary by George Long. Vol. I. Verrinarum Libri Septem. London. 1851. 8 Note. Also with the title : " Bibliotheca Classica. Edited by George Long . . . and the Rev. A. J. Macleane ... . Vol. I. M. Tullii Ciceronis Ora tiones," etc. . . . Select Orations of C. [Cat., Arch., Marcell., Manil., Mur.] With English Notes . . . and Historical, Geographical, and Legal Indexes. By Charles Anthon, LL.D A new Ed., with Im provements. New-York. 1841. 12 Orationes qusedam select [Cat., Manil., Marcell., Lig., Deiot., Arch., 2d Phil.], Notis illustrate. In Usum Academioe Exoniensis. [Edited by Charles Folsom.] Editio stereotypa, Tabulis Analyticis instructa. Bostonise. 1848. 12 . . . Orationes selectae XII. [4th Ver., Manil., Cat., Sul., Lig., Deiot., 1st and 14th Phil., Arch. With Notes, by J. Richter.] Philadelphia. 1850. 16 or 24 (8. and 12.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) Select Orations of M. T. C. [Cat., Arch., Marcell., Lig., Deiot., Manil. , Mil.], with English Notes ... . By Rev. Peter Bullions, D.D. .... New- York. 1851. 12 . . . Oratio pro T. Annio Milone : chiefly from the Text of Orelle [Orelli ?]. With English Explanatory Notes, &c. &c. By D. B. Hickie, LL.D Cambridge. 1842. 8 The Tusculan Disputations, Book First ; the Dream of Scipio ; and Extracts from the Dialogues on Old Age and Friendship. With English Notes, by Thomas Chase ... . Cambridge. 1851. 16 See Class XV. Part II. 7. A. SEARS (B.). The Ciceroni an, etc. CLAUDIANUS (Claudius). Opera. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat, pp. 1125 - 1203.) Description of the Phoenix, translated by Thomas Tickell. (BRITISH Poets, XVII. 151 - 155.) CORNELIUS NEPOS. See NEPOS. CURTIUS RUFUS (Quintus). . . . De Gestis Alexandri Magni, Regis Mace- donum, Libri qui supersunt VIII. [With Notes, etc. by C. G. Zumpt.] Philadelphia. 1849. 16 or 24 (8. and 12.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) FLACCUS (Caius Valerius). Argonauticon Libri VIII. (WALKER S Cor pus Poet. Lat., pp. 1007- 1050.) HIRTIUS (Aulus). De Bello Alexandrino. De Bello Africano. See CJESAR (C. J.). De Bellis Gallico et Civili, etc. 1822. 24 12 90 CLASS XVI. PART III. ANCIENT LATIN AUTHORS, ETC. HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). The Works of Horace, with English Notes ... by Charles Anthon .... A new Ed., with Corrections and Improvements. New-York. 1844. 12 The Works of Horace : with English Notes. ... By J. L. Lincoln.... New-York. [1851.] 12 pp. xxxviii., 575". Opera. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 523-585.) Eclogse Horatianse. Pars I. Carmina prope omnia continens. Addita est Interpretatio, quam ex Adnotationibus Mitscherlichii, Doe- ringii, Orellii, Dillenburgii, aliorum excerpsit Thomas Kerchever Arnold ... . Ed. altera. | Pars II. Sermones prope omnes con tinens. Addita est familiaris Interpretatio Orellii. Edidit T. K. A. .... 2 partes. Londini. 1848 - 43. 12 . . . Eclogae ex Q. Horatii Flacci Poematibus. [With Notes, etc. by C. G. Zumpt and A. W. Zumpt.] Philadelphia. 1852. 18 or 16 (6. and 8.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) The Odes of Horace, translated by John Scriven. . . . London. 1843. 16 (8.) JUSTINUS. Justini Historise Phillippicse : cum Versione Anglica, ad Ver- bum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. ... By John Clarke ... . The 9th Ed. Glocester. 1790. 8 JUVENALIS (Decimus Junius). Satirarum Libri V. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 672-701.) LIVIUS (Titus). . . . Historiarum Liber Primus et Selecta quaedam Ca pita. Curavit Notulisque instruxit Carolus Folsom ... . Ed. ste- reotypa. Bostonise. 1838. 12 . . . Selections from the first Five Books, together with the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Books entire. Chiefly from the Text of Alschefski. With English Notes for Schools and Colleges. By J. L. Lincoln ... . With an accompanying Plan of Rome, and a Map of the Passage of Hannibal. New York. 1847. 12 ... Historiarum Libri I, II, XXI, XXII. Philadelphia. 1851. 18 or 16 (12. 6. and 8.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) The History of Rome. Translated from the Original, with Notes and Illustrations, by George Baker .... A new Ed., care fully corrected and revised. ... 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1844. 8 or 12 (4. and 6.) LUCANUS (Marcus Annseus). Pharsalia? Libri X. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 604-665.) LUCRETIUS CARUS (Titus). De Rerum Natura Libri VI. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat, pp. 21 - 80.) MARTIALIS (Marcus Valerius). De Spectaculis Liber ; Epigrammatum Libri XIV.; Quasdam Martiali afficta. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 702-797.) NEPOS (Cornelius). C. N. : with Answered Questions, and Imitative Exercises. Part I. [Miltiades Datames.] By the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold ... . Revised and corrected by E. A. Johnson New York. 1846. 12 CLASS XVI. PART III. ANCIENT LATIN AUTHORS, ETC. 91 C. N. : with Answered Questions, and Imitative Exercises. By the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold ... . Carefully revised, with Notes by E. A. Johnson .... A new Ed., enlarged ... . New-York. 1848. 12 . . . Liber de Excellentibus Ducibus exterarum Gentium cum Vitis Catonis et Attici. [With Notes, etc. by L. Schmitz ?] Phila delphia. 1853. 18 (6.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) OVJDIUS NASO (Publius). Opera. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 240-522.) . . . Excerpta ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Carminibus. [With Notes, etc. by M. Isler.] Philadelphia. 1851. 18 a or 16 (6. and 8.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) The Metamorphoses of P. O. N. ; ... with English Notes, Historical, Mythological, and Critical, and illustrated by Pictorial Embellishments : with a Clavis ... . By Nathan Covington Brooks .... Philadelphia. 1848. 8 Translations from the Metamorphoses, Books II. III. IV. by Joseph Addison. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 110- 179.) PERSIUS FLACCUS (Aulus). Satirarum Liber. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 666-671.) The Satires . . . translated into English Verse. By William Giffbrd, Esq. (BRITISH Poets, XLIV. 377 - 494.) PH^EDRUS. Fabularum Libri V ; cum Appendice. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 586-603.) = Pheedri, Aviani, aliorumque Veterum Fabulse ; P. Syri Senten- tise ; Catonis Disticha Moralia, et Symposii JEnigmata. Recensuit et accuravit Joannes Carey. Londini. 1823. 24 PROPERTIUS (Sextus Aurelius). Elegiarum Libri IV. (WALKER S Cor pus Poet. Lat., pp. 208-239.) QUINTUS CURTIUS RUFUS. See CURTIUS RUFUS. SALLUSTITJS (Caius Crispus). Sallust s Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline, with an English Commentary, and Geographical and Historical Indexes. By Charles Anthon ... . 9th Ed., corrected and enlarged. New-York. 1842. 12 Sallust s History of the War against Jugurtha, and of the Con spiracy of Catiline : with a Dictionary and Notes. By Prof. E. A. Andrews. Philadelphia. 1845. 12 . . . De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino. [With Notes, etc. by C. G. Zumpt.] Philadelphia. 1848. 18 or 24 (6. and 8. 4.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) SICULUS (Titus ? Calpurnius). See CALPURNIUS SICULUS. SILIUS ITALICUS (Caius). Punicorum Libri XVII. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 915- 1006.) STATIUS (Publius Papinius). Opera. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 799-914.) The Thcbais, Book I. translated by Alexander Pope. (BRIT ISH Poets, XX. 164-190.) 92 CLASS XVI. PART III. ANCIENT LATIN AUTHORS, ETC. SULPICIA. Satira. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., p. 798.) SYMPOSIUS (Cselius Firmianus). ./Enigmata. See PH^DRUS. Pliaedri, Aviani . . . Fabulse, etc. SYRUS (Publius). Sententia3. See PH^DRUS. Phcedri, Aviani . . . Fa- bulce, etc. TACITUS (Caius Cornelius). The Works of Cornelius Tacitus ; with an Essay on his Life and Genius, Notes, Supplements, &c. By Arthur Murphy .... A new Ed. with the Author s last Corrections. Phil adelphia. 1840. 8 pp. xviii., 742. The Germania and Agricola of C. C. T. [Lat.], with Notes for Colleges. By W. S. Tyler .... New York and London. 1847. 12 TERENTIUS AFER (Publius). Select Comedies of Terence [The Andri- an, The Brothers, and Phormio], translated by George Colman. ... (BRITISH Poets, XLIV. 147-376.) TIBULLUS (Albius). Carminum Libri IV. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 192-207.) VALERIUS FLACCUS (Caius). See FLACCUS. VIRGILIUS MARO (Publius). Pvblivs Virgilivs Maro Varietate Lectionis et perpetva Adnotatione illustratvs a Christ. Gottl. Heyne Editio qvarta Cvravit Ge. Phil. Eberard. Wagner Volvmen Primvm Bvcolica et Georgica | Volvmen Secvndvm Aeneidis Libri I VI | Volvmen Tertivm Aeneidis Libri VII XII et Index Notarvm qvibvs avcta est nova Editio | Volvmen Qvartvm Car- mina Minora Qvaestiones Virgilianae [by Wagner] et Notitia Li- teraria | Volvmen Qvintvm 5 vol. Lipsiae. 1830 - 32 - 33-32-31. 8 . . . Bucolica, Georgica, et J^neis. Virgil ; with English Notes, prepared for the Use of Classical Schools and Colleges. By Francis Bowen ... . Stereotype Ed. Boston. 1843. 8 or 12 (8. and 6.) pp. 600. ... P. Virgitii Maronis Carmina. [With Notes, etc. by L. Schmitz ?] Philadelphia. 1848. 18 or 24 (6. and 8. 4.) (Schmitz and Zumpt s Classical Series.) The Bucolics, Georgics, and Aeneid of Virgil : with English Notes, a Life of Virgil, and Remarks upon Scanning, by Edward Moore, M.A. Boston. 1849. 12 . . . Opera ad optimorum Librorum Fidem edidit perpetua et aliorum et sua Adnotatione illustravit Dissertationem de Virgilii Vita et Carminibus atque Indicem Rerum locupletissimum adiecit Albertus Forbiger. Pars I. - III. Editio tertia correcta et aucta. 3 partes. Lipsice. 1852. 8 Opera. (WALKER S Corpus Poet. Lat., pp. 81- 191 ; see also pp. 1204-1209.) The Bucolics and Georgics of Virgil [Lat.] ; with Notes, Exercises, Terms of Husbandry, arid a Flora Virgiliana, by Thomas Keightley .... London. 1847. 12 CLASS XVII. RHETORIC AND LITERARY CRITICISM. 93 The Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil. With English Notes . . . and a Metrical Index. By Charles Anthon ... . New- York. 1847. 12 JEneis. In Usum studiosae Juventutis accurate recensuit J. Edwards ... . Londini. 1841. 16 The jEneid of Virgil, with English Notes ... a Metrical Cla- vis, and an Historical, Geographical, and Mythological Index. By Charles Anthon .... New-York. 1850. 12 pp. xiii., 942. The Destruction of Troy. Translated by John Denham. (BRITISH Poets, VI. 315-334.) Translation from the Fourth Georgic. By Joseph Addison. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 184-196.) CLASSICAL Manual (A), being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical Commentary on Pope s Homer, and Dryden s JEneid of Virgil. See Part I. EDWARDS (J.). Quaestiones Virgilianee ; or, Notes and Questions on the first Six and the Ninth Books of the JEneid : adapted to the Middle Forms in Schools. London. 1841. 16 (Bound with EDWARDS S edition of the "JEneis.") WALKER (William Sidney). Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Edidit Gulielmus Sidney Walker ... . Londini. 1849. 8 pp. vi., 1209. CLASS XVII. RHETORIC AND LITERARY CRITICISM. Note. For the History of Literature, see Class XXIX. BLAIR (Prof. Hugh), D.D. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. ... With a Memoir of the Author s Life. To which are added, Copious Questions ; and an Analysis of each Lecture, by Abraham Mills .... Stereotype University ... Ed. Philadelphia. 1844. 8 Note. The volume contains no " Memoir of the Author s Life." BOYD (Rev. James Robert). Elements of Rhetoric and Literary Criti cism ... . Including, also, a succinct History of the English Lan guage, and of British and American Literature .... On the Basis of the recent Works of Alexander Reid and Robert Connel ; with large Additions .... New-York. 1844. 18 The same. 7th Ed. New York. 1851. 18 CAMPBELL (George), D.D. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. ... A new Ed., with the Author s last Additions and Corrections. New- York. 1841. 8 GETTY (John A.). The Art of Rhetoric, etc. See Class XVIII. HOME (Henry), Lord Kames. Elements of Criticism ... . With Analyses, and [bad] Translations of Ancient and Foreign Illustrations. Edited by Abraham Mills .... New Ed. New- York. 1838. 12 HUDSON (Rev. Henry Norman). Lectures on Shakspeare. . . . 2d Ed. New York. 1848. 12 HUGHES (John). Poetry. (ENCYCL. IVfetrop., V. 651-G84.) 94 CLASS XVIII. PART I. ELOCUTION AND ORATORY. KAMES, Henry, Lord. See HOME. NEWMAN (Prof. Samuel Phillips). A Practical System of Rhetoric, or the Principles and Rules of Style, inferred from Examples of Writ ing. ... 3d Ed., enlarged and improved. Boston. 1832. 12 - The same. To which is added a Historical Dissertation on English Style. . . . 30th Ed. New York. 1849. 12 PARKER (Richard Green). Aids to English Composition ... . 5th Ed. New York. 1848. 12 Progressive Exercises in English Composition. . . . New ste reotype Ed. . . . enlarged and improved, from the 55th Ed. Boston. 1849. 12 QUACKENBOS (G. P.). First Lessons in Composition, in which the Prin ciples of the Art are developed in connection with the Principles of Grammar ; embracing full Directions on ... Punctuation ; with copious Exercises. . . . New-York. 1852. 12 WALKER (John). The Teacher s Assistant in English Composition ... . To which are added, Hints for correcting and improving Juvenile Composition. ... Boston. 1810. 12 WHATELY (Richard), Abp. of Dublin. Rhetoric. (ENCYCL. Metrop., I. 241-303.) Elements of Rhetoric. Comprising the Substance of the Arti cle in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana with Additions, &LC. . . . Bos ton. 1845. 12 CLASS XVIII. ELOCUTION AND ORATORY; WITH ORA TIONS AND SPEECHES. PART I. ELOCUTION AND ORATORY. BRONSON (C. P.), M.D. Elocution ; or Mental and Vocal Philosophy .... 24th Ea\ 25th Thousand. Louisville. [1845?] 8 DAY (Prof. Henry Noble). The Art of Elocution, exemplified in a Systematic Course of Exercises. . . . New Haven. 1844. 12 DWYER (John Hanbury). An Essay on Elocution : with elucidatory Passages from various Authors. To which are added Remarks on reading Prose and Verse, with Suggestions to Instructors of the Art. 6th Ed., with Additions. Albany. 1846. 12 GETTY (John A.). The Art of Rhetoric : or, The Elements of Oratory. . . . Methodically arranged from the Ancient and Modern Rhetorical Writers .... By John Holmes ... . To which is added Quin- tilian s Course of an Ancient Roman Education ; from the Pupil s first Elements, to his Entrance into the School of Oratory. A new . . . Ed., in Two Books. Entirely remodeled .... By J. A. G. .... Philadelphia. 1849. 12 GOLDSBURY (John) and RUSSELL (William). The American Common- School Reader and Speaker : being a Selection of Pieces in Prose CLASS XVIII. PART I. ELOCUTION AND ORATORY. 95 and Verse, with Rules for Reading and Speaking. . . . Boston. [1844?] 12 HOLMES (John). The Art of Rhetoric, etc. See GETTY (J. A.). Hows (Prof. John W. S.). The Shakspearian Reader, etc. See Class XX. SHAKESPEARE (W.). MAGLATHLIN (Henry Bartlett). The Practical Elocutionist ... . Bos ton. 1849. 12 pp.58. (3 copies.) MANDEVILLE (Prof. Henry), D.D. An Introduction to the Author s " Course of Reading," and " Elements of Reading and Oratory." Part First. . . . New York. 1848. 12 The same. Part Second. New York. 1848. 12 Course of Reading for Common Schools and the Lower Classes of Academies, on the Plan of the Author s " Elements of Reading and Oratory." New York. 1846. 12 (2 copies.) The Elements of Reading and Oratory. ... A new revised Ed. New York. 1849. 12 . . . The Second Reader. New-York. 1849. 12 MARSHALL (Edward Carrington). The Book of Oratory : a new Col lection of Extracts in Prose, Poetry, and Dialogue ... . For the Use of Colleges, Academies, and Schools. ... New York. 1851. 12 MAURY (Jean Siffrein), Cardinal. The Principles of Eloquence. [Translated, with Notes, by John Neal Lake.] With an Introduc tion, etc., by A. Potter, D.D New-York. [1841?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 184.) MURDOCH (James E.) and RUSSELL (William). Orthophony : or Vocal Culture in Elocution ; a Manual of Elementary Exercises, adapted to Dr. Rush s " Philosophy of the Human Voice," and designed as an Introduction to Russell s " American Elocutionist." . . . With an Appendix containing Directions for the Cultivation of Pure Tone, by G. J. Webb .... Boston. 1845. 12 PORTER (Prof. Ebenezer), D.D. Lectures on Eloquence and Style. . . . Revised for Publication by Rev. Lyman Matthews ... . Andover. 1836. 8 The Rhetorical Reader ; consisting of Instructions for regulat ing the Voice, with a Rhetorical Notation, illustrating Inflection, Emphasis, and Modulation; and a Course of Rhetorical Exercises. . . . 200th Ed., with an Appendix. New York. [Copyrighted in 1835.] 12 RUSSELL (Anna U. and William). The Young Ladies Elocutionary Reader ; containing a Selection of Reading Lessons, by Anna U. Russell : with Introductory Rules and Exercises in Elocution, adapted to Female Readers, by William Russell ... . Boston. 1845. 12 (2 copies, one dated 1846.) RUSSELL (Francis T.). The Juvenile Speaker; comprising Elementary Rules and Exercises in Declamation, with a Selection of Pieces for Practice. . . New York. 1850. 12 96 CLASS XVIII. PART II. ORATIONS AND SPEECHES. RUSSELL (William). The University Speaker : a Collection of Pieces designed for College Exercises in Declamation and Recitation- With Suggestions on the appropriate Elocution of particular Passages. . . . Boston and Cambridge. 1852. 12 See GOLDSBURY (J.) and RUSSELL (W.) ; MURDOCH (J. E.) and RUSSELL (W.) ; RUSSELL (A. U. and W.). SARGENT (Epes). The Standard Speaker ; containing Exercises ... for Declamation . . . newly translated or compiled from celebrated Ora tors, Authors, and Popular Debaters, Ancient and Modern. A Trea tise on Oratory and Elocution. Notes Explanatory and Biographical. Philadelphia. 1852. 8 SCOTT (William). Lessons in Elocution, or, A Selection of Pieces . . . for the Improvement of Youth in Reading & Speaking. To which are prefixed, Elements of Gesture. Leicester. 1817. 12 VANDENHOFF (G.). The Art of Elocution : or, Logical and Musical Reading and Declamation. With an Appendix, containing a copious Practice in Oratorical, Poetical, and Dramatic Reading and Recita tion ; the whole forming a complete Speaker ... . 5th Ed. New- York. 1849. 12 WARE (Prof. Henry), Jr., D.D. Hints on Extemporaneous Preaching. (Works, II. 347-412.) ZACHOS (J. C.). The New American Speaker: a Collection of Oratori cal and Dramatical Pieces, Soliloquies and Dialogues, with an origi nal Introductory Essay on the Elements of Elocution. . . . New York. 1852. 12 (8. 4.) PART II. ORATIONS AND SPEECHES. BETHUNE (George W.), D.D. Orations and Occasional Discourses. New-York. 1850. 12 EVERETT (Edward). Orations and Speeches, on various Occasions. Boston. 1836. 8 pp.637. Orations and Speeches on various Occasions. Vol. I. 2d Ed. | Vol. II. 2 vols. Boston. 1850. 8 GOODRICH (Prof. Chauncey Allen). Select British Eloquence ; embra cing the best Speeches entire, of the most Eminent Orators of Great Britain for the last Two Centuries ; with Sketches of their Lives . . . , and Notes .... New York. 1853. 8 pp. vii., 947. WEBSTER (Daniel). The Works of D. W. See Class IV. Part I. CLASS XIX. POETRY. 97 WORKS OF IMAGINATION AND FANCY, WIT AND HUMOR. (Classes XIX. XXI.) CLASS XIX. POETRY. Note. In references under this Class, "BRITISH Poets" denotes Sanford and Walsh s Collection. For Ancient Greek and Latin Authors^ see Class XVI. Parts II. and III. ADDISON (Joseph). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 1-228.) AIKIN (John), M.D. Select Works of the British Poets, in a Chrono logical Series from Ben Jonson to Beattie. With Biographical and Critical Notices. 10th Ed. Philadelphia. 1843. 8 pp. viii., 807. The same, from Falconer to Sir Walter Scott. With Biograph ical and Critical Notices. Designed as a Continuation of Dr. Aikin s British Poets. By John Frost, A.M. Philadelphia. 1838. 8 pp. 732. The same, from Southey to Croly : with Biographical and Crit ical Notices [mostly copied from Mrs. S. C. Hall s " Book of Gems "]. Designed as a Continuation of Dr. Aikin s British Poets. [Edited by John Frost.] Philadelphia. 1843. 8 pp. 760. Note. Each of these volumes has also an engraved title-page, differing from the above. AKENSIDE (Mark), M.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVIII. 1 - 207.) ALEXANDER (William), 1st Earl of Stirling. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, IV. 297 - 325.) ARMSTRONG (John), M.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXI. 119 -230.) BACHELOR (The Old). See OLD Bachelor. BAILEY (Philip James). Festus A Poem ... 1st American Ed. Bos ton. 1845. 16 BAMPFYLDE (John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 271- 275.) BEATTIE (James), LL.D. Poetical Works. See MILTON (J.). The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, etc. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXII. 1 - 101.) BEAUMONT (Sir John), Bart. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 57-87.) BISHOP (Rev. Samuel). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 263 -269.) BLACKLOCK (Thomas), D.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXV. 243-310.) 13 98 CLASS XIX. POETRY. BLACKMORE (Sir Richard). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XV. 241- 428.) BLACKSTONE (Sir William). The Lawyer s Farewell to his Muse. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 213-216.) BLAIR (Rev. Robert). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXI. 305-333.) BOURNE (Vincent). Latin Poems, with Translations by William Cowper. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVI. 290-302.) BOYSE (Samuel). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXI. 327 - 373.) BRITISH Poets. See AIKIN (J.) ; SANFORD (E.) and WALSH (R.). BROME (Alexander). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 252 -271.) BROWNE (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 351 - 417.) BRUCE (Michael). Lochleven, &,c. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 323- 347.) BRYANT (William Cullen). Selections from the American Poets. New- York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 111.) BUCKINGHAM, John, 1st Duke of. See SHEFFIELD. BURNS (Robert). Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXV1IL, XXXIX. 1 - 165.) BUTLER (Samuel). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, IX., X. 1 - 174.) CAMOENS or CAMOES (Luis DE). The Lusiad ; or the Discovery of India. . . . Translated ... by William Julius Mickle. (BRITISH Poets, Vol. XLVII.) CAMPBELL (Thomas). Poetical Works. See ROGERS (S.). The Poeti cal Works of Rogers, Campbell, etc. CAREW (Thomas). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, IV. 373-406.) CARTWRIGHT (Rev. William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 241- 252.) GARY (Rev. Henry Francis). Translator, etc. See DANTE ALIGHIERI. CAWTHORN (James). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXIV. 301 - 356.) CHATTERTON (Thomas). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXIX. 113- 286.) CHAUCER (Geoffrey). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, I. 1 - 216.) CHEVY Chase. The Beggar s Daughter of Bethnal Green. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 21.) CHILD (The) of Elle, and other Ballads. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 111.) CHURCHILL (Charles). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVII. 1 - 162.) COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor). The Ancient Mariner, and other Poems. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 59.) COLLINS (William). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XXIII. 333-402.) The same. See MILTON (J.). The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, etc. COLMAN (George). Translator. See Class XVI. Part III. TERENTIUS AFER (P.). Select Comedies, etc. CLASS XIX. POETRY. 99 COLTON (George Hooker). Tecumseh ; or, The West Thirty Years since. A Poem. . . . New-York. 1842. 12 CONGREVE (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 361 - 383.) COOPER (John Gilbert). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVIII. 209- 286.) CORBET (Richard), successively Bp. of Oxford and Norwich. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, IV. 327 - 371.) COTTON (Capt. Charles). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 213-239.) COTTON (Nathaniel), M.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXV. 311-396.) COWLEY (Abraham). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, VI. 1 - 155.) COWPER (William). The Task, Table Talk, and other Poems of W. C. With Critical Observations of various Authors on his Genius and Character, and Notes ... by James Robert Boyd ... . New York. 1853. 12 Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVI., XXXVII. 1 - 187.) Select Poetical Pieces of C. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 103.) COWPER (William) and THOMSON (James). The Works of Cowper and Thomson, including many Letters and Poems never before published in this Country, with a new . . . Memoir of the Life of Thomson .... Philadelphia. 1837. 8 CRABBE (George). The Poetical Works of Crabbe, Heber, and Pollok .... Philadelphia. 1839. 8 Poems The Village, The Library, Phoebe Dawson, Dream of the Condemned Felon, Trades. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 86.) CRASHAW (Richard). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 189-212.) CUNNINGHAM (John). SelectPoems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXII. 259-342.) DANIEL (Samuel). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, II. 281 - 320.) DANTE ALIGHIERI. The Vision ; or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, of D. A. Translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Gary. [With a Life of Dante.] (BRITISH Poets, Vols. XLV., XL VI.) DAVENANT (Sir William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 125 - 161.) DAVIES (Sir John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, IV. 1 - 132.) DENHAM (John). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, VI. 251-334.) DILLON (Wentworth), 4th Earl of Roscommon. Select Poems. (BRIT ISH Poets, X. 217 - 257.) DODSLEY (Robert). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVI. 187-273.) DONNE (John), D.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, IV. 133 - 195.) DORSET, Charles, 6th Earl of. See SACKVILLE. DRAYTON (Michael). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, II. 321-391.) DRUMMOND (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 1 -55.) DRYDEN (John). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, Vols. XL, XII.) 100 CLASS XIX. POETRY. DUKE (Richard). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 309 - 326.) DYER (John). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XIX. 257 - 390.) EVERETT (Alexander Hill). Poems. (Appended to his " Essays " 1845. 12 See Class XXXI.) FALCONER (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVII. 163- 268.) FENTON (Elijah). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 385 -411.) FERGUSSON (Robert). The Farmer s Ingle. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 203-208.) FLETCHER (Giles and Phineas). Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 89-110.) FKANCKLIN (Thomas). Translator. See Class XVI. Part II. SOPHO CLES. QEdipus Tyrannus, etc. FROST (John). Select Works of the British Poets, etc. See AIKIN (j.). GARTH (Sir Samuel), M.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 229 -324.) GASCOIGNE (Capt. George). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, I. 365- 378.) GAY (John). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, Vol. XVI.) GIFFORD (William). Translator. See Class XVI. Part III. PERSIUS FLACCUS (A.). The Satires, etc. GLOVER (Richard). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXIII. 1 -322.) GLYNN (Richard), M.D. The Day of Judgment. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 385-396.) GOLDSMITH (Oliver), M.D. Poems, Plays and Essays. See Class XXXI. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXX. 1 - 100.) GOWER (John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, I. 217-255.) GRAHAM (George Farquhar). Studies from the English Poets : a Read ing-Book for the Higher Classes in Schools, or for Home Teaching. . . . London. 1852. 12 GRAINGER (James), M.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVII. 269 -373.) GRANVILLE, or GREENVILLE (George), Baron Lansdowne. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XVII. 157-203.) GRAY (Thomas). Letters and Poems. See MILTON (J.). The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, etc. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXIX. 1-111.) GREEN (Matthew). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XVII. 235-282.) GRISWOLD (Rufus Wilmot). The Poets and Poetry of America. With an Historical Introduction. . . . 8th Ed., revised and enlarged, with Illustrations. Philadelphia. 1847. 8 HABINGTON (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 163- 174,) HALIFAX, Charles, 1st Earl of. See MONTAGUE. HALL (Joseph), D.D., successively Bp. of Exeter and Norwich. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, IV. 197 - 296.) CLASS XIX. POETRY. 101 [HALLECK (Fitz-Greene)]. Selections from the British Poets. ... 2 vols. New-York. [1840?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 112, 113.) Note. With the half-title : " Selections . . . . By Fits- Greene Halleck." HAMMOND (James). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XVII. 283-318.) HART (John S.), LL.D. Class Book of Poetry : consisting of Selections from distinguished English and American Poets, from Chaucer to the Present Day. . . . With Biographical and Critical Remarks. . . . Phil adelphia. 1845. 12 HARTE(#eu. Walter). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXIX. 321-391.) HEBER (Reginald), D.D. Bp. of Calcutta. Poetical Works. See CRABBE (G.). the Poetical Works of Crabbe, Heber, etc. HEIR of Linne, and other Ballads. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 77.) HEMANS (Mrs. Felicia Dorothea [BROWNE]). The Poetical Works ... . New Ed. with a Critical Preface, and a Biographical Memoir. Philadelphia. 1841. 8 HERMIT (The) of Warkworth, and other Ballads. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 39.) HERRICK (Robert). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 325-335.) HOWARD (Henry), Earl of Surrey. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, I 337-364.) HUGHES (John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 325-338.) HUNT (Rev. John Higgs). Translator. See TASSO (T.). ... Jerusa lem Delivered, etc. JAGO (Rev. Richard). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 219- 228.) JENYNS (Soame). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXII. 343-387.) JOHNSON (Benjamin). See JONSON. JOHNSON (Samuel), LL.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXI. 1-118.) JONES (Sir William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXV. 1 - 242.) JONSON, or JOHNSON (Ben). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, III. 215 - 385.) KING (William), LL.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 327 - 356.) LAMB (Charles). Poetical Works. See ROGERS (S.). The Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, etc. LANGHORNE (John), D.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXX. 101 -270.) LANSDOWNE, George, Baron. See GRANVILLE. LLOYD (Robert). Chit-Chat. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 191 - 199.) LOGAN (Rev. John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 241-252.) LONGFELLOW (Prof. Henry Wadsworth). Poems. ... A new Ed. 2 vols. Boston. 1853. 16 LOVELL (Robert). Sonnets. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 291 - 295.) LOVIBOND (Edward). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 297- 321.) 102 CLASS XIX. POETEY. LYTTELTON (Sir George), 1st Lord Lyttelton, Baron of Frarikley. Se lect Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXI. 253 - 325. MACAULAY (Thomas Babington). Pompeii. The Battle of Ivry. (MA- CATJLAY S Essays, 1842, etc. 12 Vol. I. See Class XXXI.) Lays of Ancient Rome. (Ibid., Vol. IV.) [MACNEILL (Hector)]. The History of Will and Jean. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 68.) Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXIX. 213 - 399.) MALLET [originally MALLOCH] (David). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVI. 275-331.) MICKLE (William Julius). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXIV. 1 - 178.) Translator. See CAMOENS (L. DE). The Lusiad, etc. MILTON (John). The Poetical Works of J. M. : with a Life of the Au thor ; Preliminary Dissertations on each Poem ; Notes Critical and Explanatory ; an Index to the Subjects of Paradise Lost ; and a Ver bal Index to all the Poems. Edited by Charles Dexter Cleveland. . . . Philadelphia. 1853. 12 pp. 688. The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Col lins. ... Philadelphia. 1836. 8 Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, Vols. VII., VIII.) The Paradise Lost. With Notes Explanatory and Critical. Edited by Rev. James Robert Boyd .... New York. 1850. 12 or 8 (12. and 8.) (2 copies, one dated 1852.) MITCHELL (Thomas). Translator. See Class XVI. Part II. ARISTOPH ANES. The Comedies, etc. MONTAGUE (Charles), 1st Earl of Halifax. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 367 - 378.) MONTGOMERY (James). Poetical Works. See ROGERS (S.). The Po etical Works of Rogers, Campbell, etc. MOORE (Edward). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXIII. 403 - 431.) NEALE (Edmund), afterwards SMITH. See SMITH. NUGENT (Robert Craggs), Earl Nugent and Viscount Clare. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 252 - 262.) OLD Bachelor (The). (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 397-402.) OTWAY (Thomas). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, X. 253 - 286). PARNELL (Thomas), D.D. Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 1- 116.) PATTISON (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 413-432.) PERCY (Thomas), Bp. of Dromore. Reliques of Ancient English Po etry : consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our Earlier Poets ; together with some few of later Date. . . . New Ed. 3 vols. London. 1847. 8 or 16 (8.) PHILIPS (John). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 117 - 222.) CLASS XIX. POETRY. 103 PITT (Christopher). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXI. 335-416.) POETICAL Selections. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 168.) POLLOK (Robert). The Course of Time. See CRABBE (G.). The Poetical Works of Crabbe, Heber, etc. POMFRET (John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, X. 287 - 390.) POPE (Alexander). The Poetical Works of A. P. New Ed. London. 1847. 12 Note. Also with an engraved title-page : " The Poems," etc. Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XX., XXI. 1 - 304.) Translator. See Class XVI. Part II. HOMERUS. The Iliad, etc. ; a/so, The Odyssey, etc. PORTEUS (Beilby), successively Bp. of Chester and London. Death, a Poem. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 371 - 383.) POTTER (Robert). Translator. See Class XVI. Part II. ^ESCHYLUS. Agamemnon, etc. ; a/so, EURIPIDES. The Bacchse, etc. PRIOR (Matthew). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XV. 1 - 240.) RALEIGH (Sir Walter). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. Ill - 123.) RAMSAY (Allan). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVI. 333 - 437.) RICHARDSON (William). Ode to a Singing Bird. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 209-211.) [ROBBINS (Rev. Chandler)]. The Social Hymn-Book; consisting of Psalms and Hymns for Social Worship and Private Devotion. [Ed ited by the Rev. C. R.] Boston. 1843. 18 ROBERTS (William Hayward), D.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 349-369.) ROCHESTER, John, 2d Earl of. See WILMOT. ROGERS (Samuel). The Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, J. Mont gomery, Lamb, and Kirke White. . . . Philadelphia. 1839. 8 ROSCOMMON, Wentworth, 4th Earl of. See DILLON. ROWE (Nicholas). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 379 - 412.) RUSSELL (Thomas). Sonnets. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 277 - 295.) SACKVILLE (Charles), 6th Earl of Dorset. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 223-234.) SANFORD (Ezekiel) and WALSH (Robert), Jr. The Works of the British Poets, with Lives of the Authors. ... [Vols. I. -XVII., edited by Ezekiel Sanford ; Vols. XVIII. - L., by Robert Walsh, Jr.] 50 vols. Philadelphia. 1819-23. 24 Note. Also with an engraved title-page : " First American Edition of the British Poets," etc. SAVAGE (Richard). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XIX. 1 - 256.) SCHOOL Hymn-Book (The) ; for Normal, High, and Grammar Schools. Boston. 1850. 18 SCOTT (John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXII. 103 - 255 % .) 104 CLASS XlXr POETRY. SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. The Poetical Works of Sir W. S., with a Sketch of his Life, by J. W. Lake. . . . Philadelphia. 1839. 8 - Select Poetical Pieces. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 95.) SELECT Poems of the Domestic Affections The Cotter s Saturday Night [by Burns], &c. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 11.) SELECT Poems of Kindness to Animals. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 30.) SELECT Poems on Birds. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 160.) SELECT Poems on Insects. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 143.) SELECT Poems on Love for Flowers. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 49.) SELECTIONS from American Poetry. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 119.) SELECTIONS from the Elizabethan Poets. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 151.) SELECTIONS from French and German Poetry. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 135.) SHAKESPEARE (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, III. 1 -213.) SHAW (Cuthbert). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXI. 231 - 252.) SHEFFIELD (John), 1st Duke of Buckingham. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIV. 339 - 360.) SHENSTONE( William). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XXIV. 1-300.) SHERBURNE (Sir Edward). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 273 - 324.) SKELTON (John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, I. 257 - 282.) SMART (Christopher). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXX. 271 - 353.) SMITH [originally NEALE] (Edmund). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 281-308.) SMOLLETT (Tobias), M.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXIII. 323-386.) SOCIAL Hymn-Book (The). See [BOBBINS (C.)]. SOMERVILE (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XVII. 319 -420.) SONGS of Home and Fatherland. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 177.) SPENSER (Edmund). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, II. 1 -280.) SPRAT (Thomas), Bp. of Rochester. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 357 - 365.) STEPNEY (George). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 235-256.) STIRLING, William, 1st Earl of. See ALEXANDER. SUCKLING (Sir John). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 175-188.) SURREY, Henry, Earl of. See HOWARD. SWIFT (Jonathan), D.D., Dean of St. Patrick s. Select Poems. (BRIT ISH Poets, Vol. XVIII.) TASSO (Torquato). ... Jerusalem Delivered, an Heroic Poem. Translated by the Reverend J. H. Hunt ... . (BRITISH Poets, Vols. XLVIII., XL1X.) THOMPSON (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXVIII. 287 -391.) CLASS XX. DRAMATIC LITERATURE. 105 THOMSON (James). Works. See COWTER (W.). The Works of Cow- per and Thomson, etc. Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, Vol. XXII.) The Seasons. By J. T. With Critical Observations of various Authors on his Genius and Character ; and Notes ... by James Robert Boyd .... New York. 1852. 12 TICKELL (Thomas). Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XVII. 1 - 155.) VIDA (Marco Girolamo), Bp. of Alba. Art of Poetry, in Three Books. Translated from the Latin, by Christopher Pitt. (BRITISH Poets, XXI. 341-416.) WALLER (Edmund). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, VI. 157 - 250.) WALSH (William). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XIII. 257-279.) WARE (Prof. Henry), Jr., D.D. Poems. (Works, I. 201 - 370.) WARTON (Joseph). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXIV. 179-237.) WARTON (Thomas). SelectPoems. (BRITISH Poets, XXXIV. 239 -400.) WATTS (Isaac), D.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets,XXIII. 1-332.) WHITE (Henry Kirke). Poetical Works. See ROGERS (S.). The Po etical Works of Rogers, Campbell, etc. WHITEHEAD (William). Variety ; a Tale for Married People. (BRITISH Poets, XXXVII. 229-240.) WILL and Jean. See [MACNEILL (H.)]. WILMOT (John), 2d Earl of Rochester. Select Poems. (BRITISH Po ets, X. 175-215.) WITHER (George). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, V. 337-350.) WYAT (Sir Thomas). Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, I. 283 - 335.) YALDEN (Thomas), D.D. Select Poems. (BRITISH Poets, XVII. 205- 234.) YOUNG (Edward), D.D. Poetical Works. (BRITISH Poets, XXV., XXVI. 1 - 185.) The same. See MILTON (J.). The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, etc. Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. With a Memoir of the Author, a Critical View of his Writings, and Explan atory Notes. By James Robert Boyd . . , . New York. 1852. 12 CLASS XX. DRAMATIC LITERATURE. Note. For Ancient Greek and Latin Authors, see Class XVI. Parts II. and III. [CHILD (Prof. Francis James)]. Editor, etc. See FOUR Old Plays. COLLOT (A. G.). Chefs-d QEuvre Dramatiques de la Langue Franaise, mis en Ordre progressif, et annotes ... . New York. 1847. 12 CORNEILLE (Pierre). Le Cid. See Class XV. Part II. 3. A. PICOT (C.). No. 7 .... Beauties, etc. 14 106 CLASS XX. DRAMATIC LITERATURE. FOUR Old Plays Three Interludes : Thersytes Jack Jugler and Hey- woods Pardoner and Frere : and Jocasta a Tragedy by Gascoigne and Kinwelmarsh With an Introduction and Notes [by Prof. Fran- cis J. Child] Cambridge. 1848. 12 GASCOIGNE (George) and KINWELMARSH (Francis). locasta : a Tragedie [viz. the Phcenissse] written in Greke by Euripides, translated [with great alterations] and digested into Acte by George Gascoygne, and Francis Kinvvelmershe ... . 1566. See FOUR Old Plays, etc. GOLDSMITH (Oliver). Poems, Plays and Essays. See Class XXXI. HERTZ (Henrik). King Rene s Daughter : a Danish Lyrical Drama. Translated by Theodore Martin. Boston. 1850. 12 pp. 75. + HEYWOOD (John). A Mery Playe betwene the Pardoner and the Frere the Curate and Neybour Pratte. [From the Ed. of 1533.] See FOUR Old Plays, etc. JACK Jugler. A new Enterlued for Chyldren to playe, named Jacke Jugeler, both wytte, and very playsent. Newly imprented. . . . See FOUR Old Plays, etc. LONGFELLOW (Prof. Henry Wadsworth). The Golden Legend. Bos ton. 1853. 16 MOLIERE (Jean Baptiste POQUELIN DE). Le Misanthrope. See Class XV. Part II. 3. A. PICOT (C.). No. 7 ... . Beauties, etc. PICOT (Charles). Beauties of the French Drama. See Class XV. Part II. 3. A. RACINE (Jean). Athalie. See Class XV. Part II. 3. A. PICOT (C.). No. 7 ... . Beauties, etc. SCHILLER (Johann Christoph Friedrich VON). The Works of Fred erick S. [Vol. II.] Historical and Dramatic. History of the Re volt of the Netherlands, continued Trials of Counts Egmont and Horn. Wallenstein and Wilhelm Tell, Historical Dramas. Trans lated from the German [Wallenstein s Camp, by James Churchill ; The Piccolomini, and Death of Wallenstein, by S. T. Coleridge, with additions to his version ; W. Tell, by Theodore Martin]. The Works ... . [Vol. III.] Historical Dramas, etc. Don Carlos. Mary Stuart. The Maid of Orleans. The Bride of Messina. [With an Essay on the Use of the Chorus in Tragedy.] Translated from the German [Don C., by R. D. Boylan ; M. S., by Joseph Mellish, with additions to his version ; The Maid of O., by Anna Swanwick ; The Bride of M., by A. Lodge]. The Works ... . [Vol. IV.] Early Dramas and Romances. The Robbers, Fiesco, Love and Intrigue, Demetrius, The Ghost-Seer, and The Sport of Destiny. Translated from the German, chiefly by Henry G. Bohn. 3 vols. London. 1847 - 47 - 49. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) SHAKESPEARE (William). The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare ; with a Life of the Poet, and Notes, original and selected. 7 vols. Boston. 1849. 8 Selections from S. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 127.) CLASS XXI. PROSE FICTION, ETC. 107 The Shakspearian Reader : a Collection of the most approved Plays of Shakspeare ; carefully revised [and altered] with . . . Notes, and a Memoir of the Author. Prepared expressly for the Use of Classes, and the Family Reading Circle. By John W. S. Hows ... . New-York. 1849. 12 SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). The Dramatic Works of the Right Hon orable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. With a Memoir of his Life, by G. G. S. London. 1848. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) THERSYTES. A new Enterlude called Thersytes Thys Enterlude Fol- owynge dothe Declare howe that the greatest boesters are not the greatest doers. . . . See FOUR Old Plays, etc. VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie AROUET DE). Merope. See Class XV. Part II. 3. A. PICOT (C.). No. 7 ... . Beauties, etc. CLASS XXI. PROSE FICTION; WORKS OF WIT AND HUMOR. Note. Some of the stories placed in this Class are substantially true. Where these relate to persons whose real names are given, they are also entered under Class XXIV. If several tales form one Tract, they appear, for the most part, only under the title of the first. ABBY S Year in Lowell. See HALL (Mrs. A. M. [F.], wife of S. C.). There is no Hurry, etc.) BECKER (Prof. Wilhelrn Adolph). Charicles. See Class XXVII. Gallus. See Class XXVII. [BERTHOUD (Samuel Henri)]. See SISTER (The) of Rembrandt. BLACK Gondola (The) a Venetian Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. no. 61.) BLACK Pocket-Book (The) a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 27.) BONIFACE SAINTINE (Xavier). See SAINTINE. CHRISTMAS Holiday (The). Be Just before you are Generous. (CHAM BERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 134.) CRAYON (Geoffrey), Gent n .,pseudon. See [IRVING (Washington)]. CROWE (Mrs. Catharine [STEVENS]). The Two Beggar Boys. The Widow s Son. [By Mrs. Stone.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 10.) DESERTERS (The). (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 147.) EDMUND Atherton a Tale of Circumstantial Evidence. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 11.) GOLDMAKERS Village. See [ZSCHOKKE (J. H. D.)]. GRACE Ayton. (CHAMBERS S Repos., II. no. 14.) HALF-CASTE (The) a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 94.) HALL (Mrs. Anna Maria [FIELDING], wife of S. C.). " Do you think I d inform ? " The Schoolmaster s Dream. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 129.) 108 CLASS XXI. HALL (Mrs. Anna Maria [FIELDING], wife of S. C.). It s only a Drop. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 56.) There is no Hurry ! a Tale of Life Assurance. Abby s Year in Lowell, a Tale of Self-Denial. [From the "Lowell Offering."] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 118.) Time Enough : an Irish Tale. My Native Bay : a Poem. [By " R. C. " ; Robert Chambers ?] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 5.) HALL (Mrs. S. C.). See HALL (Mrs. A. M. [F.], wife of S. C.). HARRIETTS ; or, The Rash Reply a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 75.) HEIRESS (The) of the Vaughans. See TOWER of Fontenay, etc. HELEN Gray. (CHAMBERS S Repos., I. no. 3.) HERMANN a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 43.) HOARE (Mrs. ). Jim Cronin, an Irish Tale. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 176.) IRIARTE (Tomas DE). Fabulas Literarias ... . Nueva Ed., anadidas las Variantes de otras Ediciones, y Nueve Fabulas Postumas del mismoAutor. [Edited by Charles Folsom.] Cambrigia. 1830. 18 IRVING (Washington). The Alhambra. Author s revised Ed. New- York. 1851. 12 (Works, Vol. XV.) [ ] Bracebridge Hall, or the Humorists. A Medley. By Geof frey Crayon, Gent". . . . Author s revised Ed. . . . New-York. 1849. 12 (Works, Vol. VI.) [ ] Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. See Class XXVII. Part IV. 1. B. Spain and Portugal. . The Crayon Miscellany. Author s revised Ed. . . . New-York. 1849. 12 (Works, Vol. IX.) [ ] A History of New-York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty .... By Died rich Knickerbocker. . . . The Author s revised Ed. ... New-York. 1849. 12 (Works, Vol. I.) [ ] The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent". . . . The Au thor s revised Ed. New-York. 1852. 12 (Works, Vol. II.) [ ] Tales of a Traveller. By Geoffrey Crayon, Gent 11 . . . . Au thor s revised Ed. ... New-York. 1849. 12 (Works, Vol. VII.) IVORY Mine (The) a Tale of the Frozen Sea. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 14.) JOHNSON (Samuel), LL.D. Rasselas, and other Tales. (Works, 1837. 8 Vol. I.) JOURNAL of a Poor Vicar. Blanche Raymond : a Parisian Story. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 17.) KNICKERBOCKER (Diedrich), pseudon. See [IRVING (Washington)]. LAST of the Ruthvens (The). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 35.) [LEE (Mrs. Hannah F. [SAWYER])]. The Three Ways of Living - Living within the Means, Living up to the Means, Living beyond the Means. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 110.) CLASS XXI. PROSE FICTION, ETC. 109 LEON Gondy : a Legend of Ghent. (CHAMBERS S Repos., II. no. 11.) LIFE in an Indiaman. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VII. no. 52.) Note. Perhaps not fictitious. LONE Star (The) a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 46.) LONGFELLOW (Prof. Henry Wadsworth). Hyperion, a Romance. . . . 12th Ed. Boston. 1853. 16 Kavanagh, a Tale. . . . Boston. 1853. 16 LOST Laird (The) a Tale of 45. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 67.) LOST Letter (The) The Somnambule. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VII. no. 51.) [MACNEILL (Hector) ]. See SCOTTISH Adventurers. MAGIC Flute (The). See [SMIDT (H.)]. MARFREDA ; or, The Icelanders. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 91.) MAURICE and Genevieve. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 13.) MINA Block ; the Face-Model. (CHAMBERS S Rep*., I. no. 6.) MRS. MACCLARTY : Scenes from the " Cottagers of Glenburnie." (CHAM BERS S Miscel., III. no. 46.) MORAL Tales from the French The Little Gipsy Girl. The Two Brothers. Victor Dacheux. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 165.) PASSION and Principle. [From the French.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 43.) PICCIOLA. See [SAINTINE (X. B.)]. POOR Joe [Berr]. The Kidnapped Boy. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 145.) PRESENT (A) to Apprentices George Macqueen : a Stoiy. Friendly Hints to Young People. James Wallace : a Story. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 148.) QUEEN (The) of Spades Antonio Melidori. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 38.) QUINTIN Matsys, the Blacksmith of Antwerp. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 126.) REALIZED Wishes a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XI. no. 83.) [SAINTINE (Xavier BONIFACE)]. Picciola, or the Prison-Flower. [Abridged from Saintine.] (CHAMBERS S MisceL, I. no. 7.) ST. JUST (Lady Marjory), pseudon. Lady Marjory St. Just an Auto biography. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 30.) SANTILLIAN S Choice a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VII. no. 54.) SCOTTISH Adventurers (The). [Abridged from a work by Hector Mac- neill.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 74.) SCOTTISH Traditionary Stories. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 83.) SCULPTOR (The) of the Black Forest. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 94.) SIGISMUND Temple a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 70.) 110 CLASS XXI. PROSE FICTION, ETC. SISTER (The) of Rembrandt. [Extended from the French of Berthoud.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 54.) [SMIDT (Heinrich)]. The Magic Flute : a Moral Tale from the Ger man. Why the Sea is Salt, or, The Adventures of Silly Nicholas. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 156.) SPECULATOR (The) a Tale of Mammon- Worship. (CHAMBERS S Pa pers, etc. III. no. 19.) STAEL-HOLSTEIN (Anne Louise Germaine [NECKER], Baroness DE). Corinne, ou 1 Italie ... . Nouvelle d., revue et corrigee. Boston. 1846. 12 STORIES of Aims and Ends. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 138.) STORY of Catherine of Russia. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 84.) STORY of Jacquard. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 158.) STORY of Richard Falconer. Byron s Narrative. (CHAMBERS S Mis cel., II. no. 33.) STORY (The) of Valentine Duval. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 67.) STORY of Walter Ruysdael, the Watchmaker. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 20.) SUNKEN Rock (The). A Tale of the Mediterranean. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. I. no. 6.) TEMPTATION (The) a Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 78.) THREE Ways of Living. See [LEE (Mrs. H. F. [S.])]. TINTORETTO (The). (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 72.) TOULMIN (Camilla). A Story of the Factories. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 79.) TOWER of Fontenay ; and The Heiress of the Vaughans. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XI. no. 86.) TRADITIONARY Tales of Tweeddale The Maid of Neidpath, Burnet of Castlehill, Helen Symington, Neil Maclaren, The First Earl of Tra- quair, Allan Scott, The Border Widow. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 90.) VALERIE Duclos ... . (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. I. no. 3.) VILLAGE Mayor (The). See [ZSCHOKKE (J. H. D.)]. WHITE Swallow (The) an Indian Tale. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. III. no. 22.) WOMEN S Trials in Humble Life Story of Peggy Dickson. ... Of Is- bel Lucas. ... Of Nell Forsyth. Jerry Guttridge : a Tale of the Early American Settlements. [Abridged from the Knickerbocker Magazine for May, 1839.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 162.) [ZSCHOKKE (Johann Heinrich Daniel)]. The Goldmakers Village. [From the, German of Z., with some alterations.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 34.) [ ] The Village Mayor [from the German of Z.], The Story of Fritz, The Bird-Catcher and his Canary [" from Pratt s Gleanings"]. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 101.) CLASS XXII. CIVIL GEOGRAPHY, ETC. PART I. Ill HISTORY OF MAN, IN HIS HIGHER RE LATIONS. (Classes XXII. XXIX.) Note. For the Physical History of Man, see Class XIII. Part V. CLASS XXII. CIVIL GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND STATISTICS. Note. For Mathematical Geography, see Class XI. Part III. ; for Physical Geography, Class XIII. Part I. PART I. GENERAL WORKS. AMERICAN Almanac (The) and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year 1830 .... 3d Ed. Vol. I. | 1831. 2d Ed. | 1832. | 1833. 2dEd. | 1834-1853. 24 vols. Boston. [1831 - 52 ?] 12 Note. The vols. for 1830 and 1833 are dated 1839. The vol. for 1830 was edited by Jared Sparks. From 1831 to 1842 the work was conducted by Joseph E. Worcester; from 1843 to 1847 by Francis Bowen, since which time it has been under the editorial charge of George P. Sanger. Francis E. Parker was associated with Mr. Sanger for one or two years. The vols. for 1839 and 1849 contain Gene ral Indexes to the vols. for 1830-39 and 1840-49, respectively. BRADFORD (Thomas Gamaliel) and GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold). A Universal, Illustrated Atlas, exhibiting a Geographical, Statistical, and Historical View of the World. Boston. 1846. Large 4 (2.) BRUUN (Malthe Conrad). See MALTE-BRUN (C.). CALLICOT (T. Carey). . . . Hand-Book of Universal Geography ; being a Gazetteer of the World. . . . New York. 1853. 12 pp. iv., 856. (PUTNAM S Home Cyclopedia, Vol. V.) [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. Manners and Customs of the Principal Nations of the Globe. By the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 19.) A National Geography, for Schools ; illustrated by 220 En gravings, and 33 Maps ; with a Globe Map, on a new Plan .... New York. 1846. 4 [ -] The World and its Inhabitants. See Class XIII. Part I. HOTJZE (A.). . . . Atlas Universel Historique et Geographique compose de Cent Une Cartes donnant les differentes Divisions et Modifications territoriales des diverses Nations aux principales fipoques de leur Histoire, avec une Notice sur tous les Fails importants, et 1 Indication des Lieux ou ils se sont passes ... . Adopte par le Conseil de PUniversite [of France] pour etre place dans les Bibliotheques des Lycees et Colleges. Paris. [1849 ?] 4 M C CULLOCH (John Ramsey). M Culloch s Universal Gazetteer. A 112 CLASS XXII. CIVIL GEOGRAPHY, ETC. PART II. Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and principal Natural Objects in the World. . . . In which the Articles relating to the United States have been greatly multiplied and extended .... By Daniel Haskel ... . Illustrated with Seven large Maps. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1843 - 44. 8 MALTE-BRUN (Conrad) [Danish, BRUUN (Malthe Conrad)]. A System of Universal Geography ... . With Additions and Corrections, by James G. Percival. . . . With a complete Atlas, and a Series of ... Engravings. 3 vols. Boston. 1834. 4 MITCHELL (S. Augustus). An Accompaniment to Mitchell s Map of the World, on Mercator s Projection ; containing an Index to the various Countries, Cities, Towns, Islands, &c., represented on the Map . . . : also, a General Description of the Five Great Divisions of the Globe, . . . with their several Empires, Kingdoms, States, Territories, &,c. Philadelphia. 1847. 8 Note. With a large colored Map representing the Flags of the principal nations of the world. MURRAY (Hugh). The Encyclopaedia of Geography .... By Hugh Murray . . . assisted in Astronomy, &c. by Prof. Wallace, Geology, &c. by Prof. Jameson, Botany, &c. by Professor Hooker, Zoology, &c. by W. Swainson, Esq. Illustrated by Eighty-two Maps, and about Eleven Hundred other Engravings on Wood . . . together with a new Map of the United States. Revised, with Additions, by Thomas G. Bradford. ... 3 vols. Philadelphia. 1845 - 45 - 43. [Stereotyped 1836.] 8 PARKER (Richard Green). . . . Questions in Geography, adapted for the Use of Morse s, ... or any other respectable Collection of Maps .... To which is added, A concise Description of the Terrestrial Globe. . . . 3d Ed. New York. 1847. 12 pp. 65. PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. WOODBRIDGE (William Channing). System of Modern Geography, on the Principles of Comparison and Classification. . . . Accompanied by an Atlas .... Improved Ed. Hartford. 1845. 12 Problems on the Globes, etc. See Part II. WILLARD (Mrs. E. [H.]) Ancient Geography, etc. WORCESTER (Joseph Emerson), LL.D. Elements of Geography, Mod ern and Ancient, with a Modern and Ancient Atlas. Revised and improved Ed. Boston. 1842. 12 Note. The " Elements of Ancient Geography " is paged independently ; pp. 74. PART II. ANCIENT AND MEDIAEVAL GEOGRAPHY. AINSWORTH (William Francis). Travels in the Track of the Ten Thou sand Greeks, etc. See Class XXIII. ANTHON (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A System of Ancient and Mediaeval Geography. . . . New York. 1850. 8 pp. viii., 769. ARNOLD (Rev. Thomas Kerchever). A First Classical Atlas. Intended as a Companion to the " Historise Antiquse Epitome." Edited by the Rev. T. K. A [15 Maps.] London. [1849 ?] 12 CLASS XXII. CIVIL GEOGRAPHY, ETC. PART II. 113 ATLAS Classica being a Collection of Maps of the Countries mentioned by the Ancient Authors both Sacred & Profane with their various Subdivisions at different Periods. [53 Maps.] Published by H. S. Tanner. Philadelphia. N. D. 4 BUTLER (Samuel), D.D. An Atlas of Antient Geography. [21 Maps.] ... Philadelphia. 1849. 8 Geographia Classica : or the Application of Antient Geography to the Classics. . . . 2d American, from the 9th London Ed., with Questions on the Maps, by John Frost. Philadelphia. 1831. 8 COLEMAN (Prof. Lyman), D.D. An Historical Geography of the Bible. Illustrated by [7] Maps .... New Ed., with Additions. Philadel phia. 1851. 8 or 16 (8.) FINDLAY (Alexander G.). A Classical Atlas, to illustrate Ancient Ge ography ; comprised in Twenty-five Maps ... . With an Index of the Ancient and Modern Names. London. 1847. 8 GELL (Sir William). The Topography of Rome and its Vicinity. .. . A new Ed., revised and enlarged, by Edward Herbert Bunbury ... . London. 1846. 8 Note. Accompanied by a large Map of "Eome & its Environs, from a Trig onometrical Survey. By Sir William Gell," etc., dated Sept. 1834. HAZLITT (William). The Classical Gazetteer : a Dictionary of Ancient Geography, Sacred and Profane. . . . London. 1851. 8 JENKS (William), D.D. The Explanatory Bible Atlas and Scripture Gazetteer. See Class II. Part III. KIEPERT (Heinrich). Topographisch-historischer Atlas von Hellas und den Hellenischen Colonien in 24 Blattern unter Mitwirkung des Pro- fessors Carl Ritter .... Berlin. 1846. fol. Supplementheft zum Atlas von Hellas und den Hellenischen Colonien ... . Enthaltend neue Ausgaben der Blatter IV. V. XV. XX., nebst Erlauterungen und Berichtigungen zur ersten Ausgabe des Atlas. Berlin. 1851. fol. KUTSCHEIT (Johannes Valerius). Hand-Atlas der alten Geschichte und Geographie fur den Schul- und Privatgebrauch in zehn illuminirten Karten. Berlin. 1843. fol. MITCHELL (S. Augustus). Mitchell s Ancient Geography ... . To gether with an Ancient Atlas .... Philadelphia. 1845. 12 At las, 4 NIEBUHR (Barthold Georg). A Dissertation on the Geography of Herod otus, with a Map. Researches into the History of the Scythians, Getse, and Sarmatians. Translated from the German of B. G. N. Oxford. 1830. 8 pp. ii., 86. PUETZ (Wilhelm). Manual of Ancient Geography and History. See Class XXV. Part II. $ 1. Handbook of Mediaeval Geography and History. See Class XXV. Part 111. SMITH (William), LL.D. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geogra phy. By various Writers. Edited by W. S Illustrated by ID 114 CLASS XXII. numerous Engravings on Wood. [Part I. VI. Abacaenum Cyrrhestica.] 6 pts. London. Jan. 1, 1852 April 1, 1853. 8 SPRUNER (Karl VON). Atlas Antiquus. Delineavit D r> C. de Spruner. XXVII Tabulas Coloribus illustratas et alias LXIV Tabellas in Mar- gine illarum inclusas continens. . . . [With a sheet of letter-press.] Gothae. 1850. fol. TANNER (H. S.). See ATLAS Classica, etc. N. D. 4 WILLARD (Mrs. Emma [HART]). Ancient Geography, as connected with Chronology ; and preparatory to Ancient History. Accompanied by an Ancient Atlas ... . Revised Ed. Also, Problems on the Globes, and Rules for constructing Maps. By W. C. Wood bridge. Hartford. 1845. 12 pp. 96. Another copy. (Appended to WOODBRIDGE S Modern Geog raphy, 1845. 12) WORCESTER (Joseph Emerson), LL.D. Elements of Ancient Classical and Scripture Geography. See Part I. PART III. MODERN GEOGRAPHY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES. ACCOUNT of the Highlands. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 141.) ADAMS (George). The Massachusetts Register for the Year 1853, con taining a Business Directory of the State, with a Variety of Useful Information. Serial Number, LXXXVII. Boston. 1853. 8 AMERICAN Almanac. See Part I. AUSTRALIA and its Gold Regions. (CHAMBERS S Repos., I. no. 2.) AUSTRALIA and Van Diemen s Land. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 45.) [BARROW (Sir John)], Bart. A Description of Pitcairn s Island and its Inhabitants. With an authentic Account of the Mutiny of the Ship Bounty, and of the subsequent Fortunes of the Mutineers. New- York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 31.) BLACK S County Atlas of Scotland, with the Parochial Divisions, including Seven Historical Maps, Topographical Descriptions, and an Index to all the Parishes, shewing the Presbytery, Synod, and County in which they are situated, with the Post Town and Population of each. [39 Maps.] Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black. 1848. 4 pp. 46.+ BORNEO. See RAJAH BROOKE and Borneo. CALIFORNIA. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 26.) CLARKE (Benjamin). The British Gazetteer, Political, Commercial, Ec clesiastical, and Historical ... . Illustrated by a full Set of County Maps, with all the Railways accurately laid down .... 3 vols. London. [Stereotyped and printed at Glasgow.] 1852. Large 8 (4.) COTTON Metropolis (The) [i. e. Manchester, Eng.]. (CHAMBERS S Re pos., I. no. 1.) DAVIS (Sir John Francis). The Chinese : a General Description of the CLASS XXII. CIVIL GEOGRAPHY, ETC. PART III. 115 Empire of China and its Inhabitants. ... 2 vols. New- York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 8O, 81.) DESCRIPTION (A) of Pitcairn s Island, etc. See [BARROW (Sir J.)]. DESERTS (The) of Africa. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 69.) EDINBURGH. See STRANGER S Visit. FOSTER (J. W.) and WHITNEY (J. D.). Report on the Geology and Topography of a Portion of the Lake Superior Land District, in the State of Michigan. ... In Two Parts. Part I. Copper Lands. Washington. 1840. 8 (31st Congr., 1st Sess. Ho. of Reps. Ex. Doc. No. 69.) GREENLAND. See HISTORICAL and Descriptive Account, etc. HIGHLANDS. See ACCOUNT. HINTON (John Howard). The History and Topography of the United States. See Class XXV. Part IV. 4. B. a. United States. HISTORICAL (An) and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. New-York. 1846. 18 ICELAND. See HISTORICAL and Descriptive Account, etc. ISTHMUS (The) of Panama. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VII. no. 55.) ISTHMUS (The) of Suez. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XL no. 81.) JAPAN. See MANNERS and Customs, etc. JEWISH Life in Central Europe. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 39.) JOHNSTON (William). England as it is, Political, Social, and Industrial, in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. ... 2 vols. London. 1851. 12 MACGREGOR (John). The Progress of America, from the Discovery by Columbus to the Year 1846. . . . Vol. I. Historical and Statistical. | Vol. IT. Geographical and Statistical. 2 vols. London. 1847. Large 8 pp. xii., 1520, and viii., 1334, 84. [MANCHESTER, Eng.]. See COTTON Metropolis. MANNERS and Customs of the Japanese, in the Nineteenth Century. From the Accounts of recent Dutch Residents in Japan, and from the German Work of Dr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold. New- York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 132.) MASSACHUSETTS Register. See ADAMS (G.). MITCHELL (S. Augustus). An Accompaniment to Mitchell s Reference and Distance Map of the United States : containing an Index of the various Counties . . . Towns, etc. and an Index of the Rivers ; to gether with a Geographical Description of every State and Territory in the Union ; also an accurate Synopsis of the Population in the Year 1840 . . . Statistical Aggregates, Accounts of Rail Roads and Canals, Colleges, &c. and a Synopsis of the New Postage Law. Philadelphia. 1848. 8 Note. The " Geographical Description," etc. is paged independently, with the title : "A General View of the United States," etc., dated 1846 ; so also the " Synopsis," etc., with the title : " An accurate Synopsis of the Sixth Census of the United States," etc., dated 1848. MURRAY (Hugh). An Historical and Descriptive Account of British 116 CLASS XXIII. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. America ; comprehending . . . also an Account of the Manners and Present State of the Aboriginal Tribes. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 1O1 ? 1O2.) MURRAY S Official Handbook. See Class IV. Part I. [REDGRAVE (S.)]. NEW ZEALAND. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XL no. 85.) PANAMA. See ISTHMUS. PITCAIRN S ISLAND. See DESCRIPTION. PITS (The) and the Pitmen [in England]. (CHAMBERS S Repos., II. no. 12.) PROGRESS (The) of America. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 95.) RAJAH BROOKE and Borneo. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 34.) RHINE (The). (CHAMBERS S Repos., I. no. 5.) RUSSELL (Michael), D.D., Bp. of Glasgow. . . . View of Ancient and Modern Egypt ; with an Outline of its Natural History ... . New- York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 23.) Polynesia. See Class XXV. Part IV. 5. SIAM and the Siamese. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 79.) SIBERIA and the Russian Penal Settlements. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 74.) SLAVERY in America. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. 27.) STRANGER S Visit (The) to Edinburgh. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 121.) SUEZ. See ISTHMUS. UNGEWITTER (Francis H.), LL.D. Europe, Past and Present : a com prehensive Manual of European Geography and History ; with sepa rate Descriptions and Statistics of each State, and a copious Index .... New York. 1850. 12 pp. x., 671. WARE (Rev. William). Sketches of European Capitals. [Being Lec tures on Ancient Rome, St. Peter s and the Vatican, Florence, Na ples, the Italians of Middle Italy, and London.] . . . Boston. 1851. 12 CLASS XXIII. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. AFRICAN Discovery. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 142.) AINSWORTH (William Francis). Travels in the Track of the Ten Thou sand Greeks ; being a Geographical and Descriptive Account of the Expedition of Cyrus and of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks, as related by Xenophon. London. 1844. 12 ALLEN (Paul). History of the Expedition under the Command of Cap tains Lewis and Clarke, to the Sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains, and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean : performed during the Years 1804, 1805, 1806 .... Re vised and abridged, . . . with an Introduction and Notes, by Archibald CLASS XXIII. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 117 M Vickar. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 154, 155.) AMERICA. See PRE-COLUMBIAN Discovery, etc. ANTARCTIC Explorations. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 37.) ARCTIC Explorations. (CHAMEERS S Papers, etc. III. no. 17.) [AUSTRALIA]. See LIFE in the Bush. [BLIGH (Capt. William)]. Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty. [Abridged.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 122.) [BuisT (Dr. )]. Overland Journey to India. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 164.) CAPE COLONY. See FOUR Months. CIRCUMNAVIGATION of the Globe. See HISTORICAL Account, etc. [DANA (Richard Henry)], Jr. Two Years before the Mast. A Personal Narrative of Life" at Sea. ... New- York. 18 [1840?] (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 1O6.) DISCOVERY and Adventure, etc. See MURRAY (H.). [ENGELHARDT (G.)]. Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea, etc. See WRANGEL (F. VON). EXCURSION to the Oregon. [Chiefly from a work by J. K. Townsend, published at Philadelphia in 1839.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 45.) FOUR Months in Cape Colony. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 173.) FREMONT (Lt.-CoL John Charles). Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the Years 1843 - 44. ... Printed by^Order of the Senate of the United States. Washington. 1845. 8 pp. 693. (Sen. Doc. 174.) GOETHE (Johann Wolfgang VON). The Auto-biography of G. ... The Concluding Books. Also Letters from Switzerland, and Travels in Italy. Translated by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M.A. London. 1849. 8 (BoiiN s Stand. Libr.) GR^FENBERG. See LIFE at Grsefenberg. HISTORICAL Account (An) of the Circumnavigation of the Globe, and of the Progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean, from the Voyage of Magellan to the Death of Cook. . . . New- York. N. D. 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 82.) HUMBOLDT (Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron VON). Travels. See MACGILLIVRAY (W.). INDIA. Overland Journey to India. See [BuisT (Dr. )]. JAMESON (Prof. Robert). Narrative of Discovery, etc. See MUR RAY (H.). LANDER (Richard and John). Journal of an Expedition to explore the Course and Termination of the Niger .... 2 vols. New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 35, 36.) LAYARD (Austen Henry). Nineveh and its Remains : with an Account of a Visit to the Chaldcean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, 118 CLASS XXIII. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. or Devil-Worshippers ; and an Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1849. 8 LESLIE (Sir John). Narrative of Discovery, etc. See MURRAY (H.). LIFE (The) and Travels of Mungo Park ; with the Account of his Death from the Journal of Isaaco, the Substance of later Discoveries relative to his lamented Fate, and the Termination of the Niger. New York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 1O5.) LIFE at Grsefenberg. . . . [By a Lady.] (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. nos. 59, 60.) LIFE in the Bush [Australia]. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 8.) LONGFELLOW (Prof. Henry Wadsworth). Outre-Mer, a Pilgrimage be yond the Sea. ... 5th Ed. Boston. 1852. 16 MACGILLIVRAY (William). The Travels and Researches of Alexander von Hurnboldt ; being a condensed Narrative of his Journeys in the Equinoctial Regions of America, and in Asiatic Russia: together with Analyses of his more important Investigations. . . . New York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 54.) [MACLAREN (Duncan)]. A Visit to Madeira and Teneriffe. (CHAM BERS S Miscel., IV. no. 64.) MADEIRA. See [MACLAREN (D.)]. MEDUSA. See SHIPWRECK. MORGAN (Lady Sidney [OWENSON]). Italy. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1821. 8 MURRAY (Hugh). Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time : with Illustrations of the Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology. By Professor Jameson, James Wilson, ... and Hugh Murray ... . New York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 16.) Note. Also with the title : " Discovery and Adventure in Africa." . . . Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions : with Illustrations of their Climate, Geology, and Nat ural History ; and an Account of the Whale-Fishery. By Professor Leslie, Professor Jameson, and Hugh Murray ... . [The Narra tive by H. M.] New-York. 1839. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 14.) Note. Also with the title : " Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions." MUTINY. Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty. See [BLIGH (W.)]. OCEAN Routes. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. no. 57.) OREGON. See EXCURSION. OVERLAND Journey to India. See [Buisx (Dr. )]. PARK (Mungo). The Life and Travels of M. P., etc. See LIFE. PARRY (Sir William Edward). Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole. ... 2 vols. New-York. [1840 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 1O7, 1O8.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAHIY. PART I. 119 POLO (Marco). The Travels of Marco Polo, greatly amended and en larged from valuable early Manuscripts recently published ... . With copious Notes .... By Hugh Murray ... . New-York. 1845. 18 ( HARPER S Fam. Libr., 173.) PRE-COLUMBIAN Discovery of America. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 42.) SHETLAND. See VISIT. SHIPWRECK of the Medusa. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 92.) Two Years before the Mast. See [DANA (R. H.)], Jr. TYTLER (Patrick Fraser). Historical View of the Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. . . . With Descriptive Sketches of the Natural History of the North American Regions. By James Wilson ... . To which is added an Appendix, containing Remarks on a late Me moir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Vindication of Richard Hakluyt. . . . New- York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 53.) VESUVIUS. See VISIT. VISIT (A) to Madeira. See [MACLAREN (D.)]. VISIT (A) to Shetland. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 75.) VISIT (A) to Vesuvius, Pompeii, and Herculaneum. (CHAMBERS S Mis cel., II. no. 28.) VOYAGES round the World from the Death of Captain Cook to the Pres ent Time .... New-York. 1844. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 172.) WRANGEL (Ferdinand VON). Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea, in the Years 1820, 1821, 1822, and 1823. Commanded by ... Admiral Wrangell ... . [Drawn up in German from the papers of the Baron von Wrangel, by G. Engelhardt. Translated by Lieut. Col. Edward Sabine.] New-York. [1841 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 148.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART I. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHY, GENEALOGY, AND HERALD RY ; TALES OF REAL LIFE. Note. An asterisk is prefixed to the titles of works which are analyzed under Part II. AMERICAN Adventure by Land and Sea. Being Remarkable Instances of Enterprise and Fortitude among Americans : Shipwrecks, Adventures at Home and Abroad, Indian Captivities, &c. ... 2 vols. New- York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 174, 175.) ANECDOTES of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 52.) ANECDOTES of the Early Painters Cimabue and Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Michael-Angelo Buonarotti, RarTaelle d Urbino, Albert Durer 120 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART I. [Diirer], Corregio [Correggio], Hans Holbein, Titian Vecelli, Salva- tor Rosa, Velasquez Murillo. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 154.) ANECDOTES of Shoemakers [viz. James Lackington, Thomas Holcroft, William Gifford, Noah Worcester, and John Pounds]. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 115.) ANNALS of the Poor Female Industry and Intrepidity Catherine of Liverpool, Lizzy M Callum, Nanny Wilson, Mrs. Reston, Hannah Muir, The Soldier s Widow. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 26.) ASTRONOMERS. See EMINENT Astronomers. *BELKNAP (Jeremy), D.D. American Biography. With Additions and Notes, by F. M. Hubbard. ... 3 vols. New-York. 1846-46-44. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 161 - 163.) *BELL (Robert). Lives of the most Eminent English Poets. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 93, 94.) Note. In Vol. II. pp. 91 -224 may be found sketches of forty-seven "minor English poets"; and, pp. 227-231, an enumeration of twenty-six others. No references are made to this part of the work in the present Catalogue. See DUNHAM (S. A.) ; SOUTHEY (R.) and BELL (R.). BONAPARTE Family (The). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. I. no. 1.) See COURT (The) and Camp of Bonaparte. BOURBON Family (The). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 25.) BREWSTER (Sir David), LL.D. See SHELLEY (Mrs. M. W. [G.]). *BROUGHAM (Henry), Baron Brougham and Vaux. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who nourished in the Time of George 111. To which is [sic] added, Remarks on Party, and an Appendix. First Series. ... 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1839. 12 * The same. Second Series. ... 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1839. 12 * Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who nourished in the Time of George III. . . . Philadelphia. 1845. 12 BUCKINGHAM (Joseph TINKER). Specimens of [American] Newspaper Literature : with Personal Memoirs, etc. See Class XXIX. CASES of Circumstantial Evidence William Shaw, The French Refu gee [Jaques Du Moulin], Brunell s Case, Lady Mazel, The Young Sailmaker, Thomas Geddely s Case, Bradford the Innkeeper, The Lyons Courier, Cases in America. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 32.) CHILDREN of the Wilds Peter the Wild Boy, Mademoiselle Leblanc, Victor, the Savage of Aveyron, Caspar Hauser. (CHAMBERS S Mis cel., III. no. 48.) CIRCUMSTANTIAL Evidence. See CASES, etc. COURT (The) and Camp of Bonaparte [or, Sketches of his Family, Min isters, Marshals, and Generals]. New York. 1848. 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 29.) COURTENAY (Thomas Peregrine). Lives of British Statesmen. See FORSTER (J.), Lives, etc. CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART I. 121 [CRATK (Prof. George Lillie)]. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficul ties ; its Pleasures and Rewards. Illustrated by Memoirs of Eminent Men. [Reprinted, with some omissions and alterations, from the edi tion published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, in the Library of Entertaining Knowledge.] ... 2 vols. New-York. 1847-40. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 94, 95.) The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. Illustrated by Anecdotes. (With Portraits.) Revised Ed., with a Preface and Notes by Francis Wayland, D.D. ... 2 vols. Boston. 1840-44. 12" (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XIV., XV.) CROWE (Eyre Evans). See JAMES (G. P. R.) and CROWE (E. E.). ^CUNNINGHAM (Allan). . . . The Lives of the most Eminent British Painters and Sculptors. ... 5 vols. New-York. 1846-44-44. [Vol. IV. and V., N. D.] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 17-19, 66, 67.) CURIOSITIES of Criminal Law. (CHAMBERS S Repos., II. no. 10.) DAVENPORT (R. A.). Perilous Adventures ; or, Remarkable Instances of Courage, Perseverance, and Suffering. . . . New-York. 1844. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 159.) DEAF, Dumb, and Blind, Anecdotes of the. See ANECDOTES. DISTINGUISHED Men of Modern Times. See [SOCIETY FOR THE DIF FUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE]. Library of Entertaining Knowl edge. *DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. Lives of the British Dramatists. By Dr. Dunham, Robert Bell, and others. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARD- NER S Cab. Cycl., 96, 97.) *DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D., and BELL (Robert). The Early Writers of Great Britain. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 95.) EMINENT Astronomers Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Huygens, Halley, Ferguson, Sir William Herschel. (CHAM- BERS S Miscel., X. no. 169.) FEMALE Industry and Intrepidity. See ANNALS of the Poor. FENELON (Francois DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE), Alp. of Camlrai. Lives of the Ancient Philosophers [viz. Anacharsis, Anaxagoras, Antisthenes, Aristippus, Aristotle, Bias, Bion,Chilo, Cleobulus, Crates, Democritus, Diogenes, Empedocles, Epimenides, Epicurus, Heracli- tus, Periander, Pittacus, Plato, Pyrrho, Pythagoras, Socrates, Solon, Thales, Xenocrates, and Zeno] ; translated from the French of Fenelon, with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By the Rev. John Cormack. New-York. 1842. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 14O.) *FORSTER (John). Lives of the most Eminent British Statesmen. (Vol. II. III. IV. VI. and VII. by Forster ; Vol. I. by Sir James Mackintosh ; Vol. V. by T. P. Courtenay.) 7 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 76 - 82.) GEORGIAN Era (The) : Memoirs of the most Eminent Persons, who have nourished in Great Britain, from the Accession of George the First 16 122 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART I. to the Demise of George the Fourth. . . . [Arranged in classes, chro nologically.] 4 vols. London. 1832-34. 8 Note. Vol. IV. contains a General Index. *GLEIG (Rev. George Robert). Lives of the most Eminent British Mili tary Commanders. 3 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl.,67-69.) GODWIN (Parke). . . . Hand-Book of Universal Biography. New- York. 1852. 12 pp. vi., 821. (PUTNAM S Home Cyclopedia, Vol. IV.) [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. Lives of Benefactors ; by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. [ Viz. Arkwright, Bowditch, Copernicus, Davy, Franklin, Fulton, Galileo, Guttenberg, Hargraves, Henry, Herschel, Howard, Huber, Jay, Jenner, Kosciusko, La Fayette, Lin- nseus, Oberlin, William Tell, Washington, Whitney.] Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 4.) [ ] Lives of Celebrated American Indians ... . [Viz. Acama- pitzin, Tupac Amaru, Atahualpa, Black Hawk, Brant, Huayna Ca- pac, Mango Capac, Mayta Capac, Caupolican, Cofachiqui, Logan, Donna Marina, Montezuma I., Montezuma II., Philip, Pocahontas, Pontiac, Quetzalcoatl, Red Jacket, Shongmuriecuthe, or the letan, Tascaluza, Tecumseh, Vitachuco, Xolotl, Ychoalay.] Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 5.) [ ] Lives of Celebrated Women .... [ Viz. Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Barbauld, Lucretia and Maria Davidson, Elizabeth, Queen of Eng land, Madame de Genlis, Isabella of Spain, Joan of Arc, Josephine, Marie Antoinette, Mary Queen of Scots, Hannah More, Madame Roland, Madame de Sevigne, Madame de Stael, Lady Hester Stan hope, Mrs. Washington.] Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 6.), GORTON (John). A General Biographical Dictionary. ... A new Ed. To which is added a Supplementary Volume completing the Work to the present Time. ... 4 vols. London. 1851. 8 Note. A Catalogue of Works relating to Biography and Literary History, and a Chronological Table, are appended to the fourth volume. GRISWOLD (Rufus Wilmot). The Poets and Poetry of America, etc. See Class XIX. The Prose Writers of America, etc. See Class XXXI. *HERBERT (Henry William). The Captains of the Old World [viz. Miltiades, Themistocles, Pausanias, Xenophon, Epaminondas, Alex ander, Hannibal] ; as compared with the great Modern Strategists, their Campaigns, Characters and Conduct, from the Persian, to the Punic Wars. New York. 1851. 12 IMPOSTORS. See RELIGIOUS Impostors. INTELLIGENT Negroes. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 63.) IRVING (Washington). Mahomet and his Successors. 2 vols. New- York. 1850. 12 (Works, Vol. XII., XIII.) *JAMES (George Payne Rainsford) and CROWE (Eyre Evans). Lives CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART I. 123 of the most Eminent Foreign Statesmen. 5 vols. London. 8" (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 83-87.) *JAMESON (Mrs. Anna [MURPHY]). Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. . . . 2 vols. New York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 33, 34.) JOHNSON (Samuel), LL.D. Lives of Eminent Persons. Ascham, Barretier, Blake, Boerhaave, Browne, Burman, Cave, Cheynel, Sir Francis Drake, [Frederick II.] King of Prussia, Morin, Father Paul Sarpi, Sydenham. (Works, 1837. 8 11.305-384.) Lives of the English Poets. Addison, Akenside, Blackmore, Broome, Butler, Collins, Congreve, Cowley, Denham, Dorset [Sack- ville], Dryden, Duke, Dyer, Fenton, Garth, Gay, Granville, Gray, Halifax [Montague], Hammond, Hughes, King, Lyttelton, Mallet, Milton, Otway, Parnell, A. Philips, J. Philips, Pitt, Pomfret, Pope, Prior, Rochester [Wilmot], Roscommon [Dillon], Rowe, Savage, Sheffield, Shenstone, Smith, Somervile, Sprat, Stepney, Swift, Thom son, Tickell, Waller, Walsh, Watts, West, Yalden, Young. (Works, 1837. 8 II. 3-304.) LIBRARY of Entertaining Knowledge. See SOCIETY, etc. LIBRARY of Useful Knowledge. See SOCIETY, etc. *LIVES of Eminent Individuals, celebrated in American History. . . . Vol. I. containing Lives of John Stark, David Brainerd, Robert Ful ton, and John Smith. | Vol. It. containing Lives of Ethan Allen, Sebastian Cabot, Henry Hudson, Joseph Warren, Israel Putnam, and David Rittenhouse. | Vol. III. containing Lives of William Pmk- ney, Sir Henry Vane, Anthony Wayne, William Ellery, and Richard Montgomery. 3 vols. Boston. 1839. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. IV. -VI.) LODGE (Edmund). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. With Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. ...8 vols. 1849-50. 8 (Bonn s Illustrated Library.) MACKINTOSH (Sir James). Lives of British Statesmen. See FORSTER (J.). Lives, etc. [MALDEN (H.)]. Author? See SOCIETY, etc. Library of Entertain ing Knowledge. Distinguished Men, etc. MEN (The) of the Time or Sketches of Living Notables .... New- York. 1852. 12 MONTGOMERY (James). See SHELLEY (Mrs. M. W. [G.]). Lives, etc. MONTYON Prizes (The) Pauline Copain, Jean Vigier, Henriette Gar den, Jeanne Jugan, Pierre Becard, Eustache, Alexandre Martin, Pierre Guillot and Louis Brune, The Three Brothers Conte. (CiiAM- BERS S Miscel., VI. no. 107.) Note. These prizes are awarded for acts of virtue and heroism in humble life. NEGROES, Intelligent. (CHAMBERS ^ Miscel., IV. no. 63.) PAINTERS. See ANECDOTES of the Early Painters, etc. PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. 124 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART I. PLUTARCHUS. Plutarch s Lives, translated . . . with Notes .... By John Langhorne, D.D. and William Langhorne, A.M. [Containing Lives of Agesilaus, Agis, Alcibiades, Alexander, Antony, Aratus, Aristides, Artaxerxes, Brutus, Julius Caesar, Camillus, Cato the Censor, Cato the Younger, Cicero, Cimon, Cleomenes, Coriolanus, Crassus, Deme trius, Demosthenes, Dion, Eumenes, Fabius Maximus, T. Q. Flami- nius [Flamininus], Galba, Caius Gracchus, Tiberius Gracchus, Lu- cullus, Lycurgus, Lysander, Marcellus, Marius, Nicias, Numa, Otho, Paulus ^Emilius, Pelopidas, Pericles, Philopoemen, Phocion, Pompey, Publicola, Pyrrhus, Romulus, Sertorius, Solon, Sylla, Themistocles, Theseus, Timoleon.] See Class XVI. Part II. PORT-ROYALISTS, The. (STEPHEN (Sir J.). . . . Essays, pp. 248-313.) PURSUIT of Knowledge under Difficulties. See [CRAIK (G. L.)]. RANKE (Prof. Franz Leopold). The History of the Popes, etc. See Class XXVI. RELIGIOUS Impostors [viz. Thomas Munzer, John Bockholt, or John of Leyden, Richard Brothers, Ann Lee, Jemima Wilkinson, Joanna Southcott, Robert Matthews, John Nicolls Thorns, Joseph Smith]. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 14.) *RoscoE (Henry). Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75.) *ST. JOHN (James Augustus). The Lives of Celebrated Travellers. ... 3 vols. New York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 38 - 4O.) *SHELLEY (Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft [GODWIN]). Lives of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France. By Mrs. Shelley, and others. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91>92.) * Lives of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. By Mrs. Shelley, Sir David Brewster, James Montgomery, and others. 3 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88-90.) SHOEMAKERS. See ANECDOTES of Shoemakers. SMITH (William), LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Edited by W. S Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood. ... 3 vols. London. 1844-46-49. 8 *[SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE]. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. [Selected from a work ascribed to H. Maiden, published by the " Society," etc.] ... 2 vols. New York. [1840?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 123, 124.) L. of E. K. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. See [CRAIK (G. L.)]. * Library of Useful Knowledge. Lives of Eminent Persons ; consisting of Galileo [by John Eliot Drinkwater Bethune], Kepler [by J. E. D. Bethune], Newton [by Jean Baptiste Biot, translated by Howard Elphinstone], Mahomet [by John Arthur Roebuck], Wolsey [by Mrs. Anthony Todd Thomson], Sir E. Coke [by Ed. Plunkett CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. TART I. 125 Burke], Lord Somers [by David Jardine], Caxton [by Stephen- son], Blake [by John Gorton], Adam Smith [by Wm. Draper], [Carsten] Niebuhr [by Mrs. Sarah Austin], Sir C. Wren [by Henry Bellenden Ker], and Michael Angelo [Buonarroti, by Thomas Ros- coe]. ... London. [1833?] 8 Note. These Lives are all paged independently, and were originally pub lished separately. *SOUTHEY (Robert) and BELL (Robert). Lives of the British Admirals. With an Introductory View of the Naval History of England. (Vol. V. by Robert Bell.) 5 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 7O-74.) *SrARKS (Jared). The Library of American Biography. Conducted by Jared Sparks. 10 vols. New York. [Stereotyped and printed at Cambridge.] 1839 - 45. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) Note. Vols. I. II. and VIII. have only one set of signatures (8.). The same. Second Series. 15 vols. Boston. 1844-48. 16 Note. The last volume of each series contains a General Index. *STRICKLAND (Agnes). Lives of the Queens of England, from the Nor man Conquest ; with Anecdotes of their Courts, now first published from Official Records and other Authentic Documents ... . New Ed., with Corrections and Additions. ... 12 vols. (bound in 6). Phil adelphia. 1848. 12 SULLIVAN (William), LL.D. The Public Men of the Revolution. In cluding Events from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace of 1815. In a Series of Letters. . . . With a Biographical Sketch of the Author, and additional Notes and References by his Son, John T. S. Sullivan. ... Philadelphia. 1847. 8 SWAINSON (William). A Bibliography of Zoology ; with Biographical Sketches, etc. See Class XI11. Part IV. SWAINSON (W.). Taxider my, etc. TALE (A) of Norfolk Island. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 2.) THACKERAY (William Makepeace). The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century [Swift, Congreve, Addison, Steele, Prior, Gay, Pope, Hogarth, Smollett, Fielding, Sterne, and Goldsmith]. A Series of [six] Lectures. [With an additional Lecture on " Charity and Humour."] . . . New York. 1853. 12 THACHER (Benjamin Bussey). Indian Biography ; or, An Historical Ac count of those Individuals who have been distinguished among the North American Natives as Orators, Warriors, Statesmen, and other Remarkable Characters. ... 2 vols. New York. 1848. 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 45 5 46.) 126 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. PART II. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Note. Sketches of the lives of Authors, not referred to here, may often be found prefixed to their Works. For other sources of biographical information, see Classes XXIX. and XXX. The Penny Cyclopaedia and the Encyclo paedia Americana deserve special mention. ABBOT (Rev. John Emery). Sketch of his Life and Character. (WARE S Works, II. 1-24.) ABERCROMBY (Sir Ralph), Bart. Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 69, pp. 197 - 250.) ADDISON (Joseph). Life and Writings. (MACAULAY S Essays, V. 82 - 183.) Life. (SPECTATOR. Selections, etc. 1840. 18 I. ix.-xxvi.) Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) ADELICIA of Louvaine, Second Queen of Henry I. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, I. 119-141.) AKENSIDE (Mark). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 94, pp. 364-370.) ALBERONI (Giulio), Cardinal. Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 86, pp. 130-267.) [ALCOTT (William A.)]. Confessions of a Schoolmaster. Andover. 1839. 18 ALDROVANDI (Ulisse) . Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XVII. 17-58.) ALEXANDER the Great, King of Macedon. History .... By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1848?] 16 Campaigns and Character. (HERBERT S Captains, etc. pp. 265 -334. -See Parti.) The Life and Actions of A By Rev. J. Williams ... . New- York. 1843. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 7.) Csesar and Alexander : an Historical Comparison. See Class XXV. Part III. SCHLEGEL (K. W. F. VON). A Course of Lec tures, etc. ALFIERI (Vittorio). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89> pp. 247- 302.) ALFRED the Great, King of England. History .... By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1849.] *16 Life. English Civilization in the Ninth Century. (LARD NER S Cab. Cycl., 95, pp. 60-124.) ALLAN (David). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. V. 25-47.) ALLEN (Brig.-Gen. Ethan). Life of E. A. ; by Jared Sparks. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., I. 227 - 356 ; SCHOOL Libr., V. 1 - 83.) AMBOISE (Georges D ), Cardinal. Life, by Eyre Evans Crowe. (LARD NER S Cab. Cycl., 83, pp. 1-24.) ANDRAYNE (Alexandre), Story of. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 99. CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 127 ANDRE (Maj. John). Arnold and Andre. (CHAMBERS S Repos., II. no. 15.) ANGELO (Michael). See BUONARROTI (Michel Angelo). ANGHIERA (Pietro Martire D ), or PETER MARTYR. (!RVING S Life of Columbus, etc. III. 423 - 428.) ANNE, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, XL 223-286, XII.) Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sover eigns, II. 82-125.) ANNE BOLEYN, Second Queen of Henry VIII. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, IV. 122-215.) ANNE of Bohemia, surnamed the Good, First Queen of Richard II. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, II. 206 - 222.) ANNE of Cleves, Fourth Queen of Henry VIII. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, IV. 236 - 278.) ANNE of Denmark, Consort of James I. Life, (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, VII. 233 - 363.) ANNE of Warwick, Queen of Richard III. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, III. 242-253.) APOLLONIUS TYANJEUS. Life. Miracles. By the Rev. J. H. Newman. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 619-644.) APPLETON (Jesse), D.D. Memoir, by Prof. A. S. Packard. (Works, 1837. 8 1.9-82.) AQUINAS (Saint Thomas). See THOMAS AQUINAS. ARBLAY (Frances [BURNEY], Madame D ). Life. (MACAULAY S Essays, V. 9-81.) ARC (Jeanne D ), or JOAN OF ARC, Maid of Orleans. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 25.) ARCHIMEDES. Life, by William Whewell. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 686- 694.) ARGAL (Sir Samuel) and Sir George YEARDLEY. Lives. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 148-173.) ARIOSTO (Lodovico). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88, pp. 196 - 255.) ARISTOTELES. Life, by the Rev. Joseph Williams Blakesley. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 90* -129*.) Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XIV. 17 - 112.) ARNOLD (Maj.- Gen. Benedict). Arnold and Andre. (CHAMBERS S Re pos., II. no. 15.) The Life and Treason of B. A. By Jared Sparks. New- York. 1844. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) (SPARE S Amer. Biogr., Vol. III.) ARNOLD (Thomas), D.D. The Life and Correspondence of T. A By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley .... 2d American Ed., reprinted en tire from the last London Ed. Two volumes complete in one. New-York. 1846. 8 128 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. ASHBURTON, John, 1st Baron. See DUNNING. AZARA (Felix DE). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XIX. 17-76.) BACON (Francis), Baron Verulam, and Viscount St. Allans. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 152 - 164.) . Life. (MACAULAY S Essays, II. 286 - 402.) BACON (John). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 174-213.) BACON (Nathaniel). A Memoir of N. B. ; by William Ware. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., III. 239 - 306.) BALBOA (Vasco Nunez DE). Sketch of his Life. (!RVING S Life of Co lumbus, etc. III. 138-246.) [BALL (Charles)]. Life of a Negro Slave. [Abridged from his own Narrative published at New York in 1832.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 149.) BALTIMORE, George, Baron. See CALVERT. BANKS (Sir Joseph), Bart. Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXVIII. 17-48.) BANKS (Thomas). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 74-107.) BARCLAY (John), M.D. Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXIV. 17-44.) BARERE DE VIEUZAC (Bertrand). Life. (MACAULAY S Essays, V. 183 -287.) BARNE VELDT (Johan VAN OLDEN). See OLDEN-BARNEVELDT. BARRERE DE VIEUZAC (Bertrand). See BARERE DE VIEUZAC. BARRY (James). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. II. 54-123.) BATUTA (Ibn). See IBN BATUTA. BAXTER (Richard). Life and Times. (STEPHEN S Essays, pp. 150 - 196.) BEAUMONT (Francis) and John FLETCHER. Lives, etc. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 96, pp. 203-251.) BEAUMONT (Sir George Rowland), Bart. Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. V. 117- 133.) BECKNER (Volney). Heroism. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 12, pp. 11-13.) BEHN (Mrs. Aphara [JOHNSON]). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97 ? pp. 146-154.) BELISARIUS. The Life of B. By [Philip Henry Stanhope] Lord Mahon. Philadelphia. 1832. 12 BELL (John). Life. (S T . JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, II. 125 - 163.) BELZONI (Giovanni). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 327-345.) BERENGARIA of Navarre, Queen of Richard I. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, II. 9-27.) BERNARDIN DE ST. PIERRE (Jacques Henri). See ST. PIERRE. CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 129 BERNI (Francesco). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88, pp. 188-195.) BERNIER (Francois). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, 1.205-233.) BETHUNE (Maximilien DE), Duke de Sully. See SULLY. BEWICK (Thomas). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., X. 17-51.) BIARNE,BIORN, or BIRON. Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., I. 77-128.) BIRD (Edward). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. II. 208-222.) BIRON. See BIARNE. BLACK (Joseph). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters and Science, etc. pp. 194-208.) BLACKSTONE (Sir William), LL.D. Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARD- NER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 240-257.) BLAKE (Robert), Admiral. Life. [By John Gorton.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. BLAKE (William). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. II. 124-155.) BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88, pp. 116- 150.) See PETRARCA (F.). Life .... By Thomas Campbell, etc. BOILEAU DESPREAUX (Nicolas). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91, pp. 259-295.) BOJARDO (Matteo Maria). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88, pp. 181 - 187.) BOLINGBROKE, Henry, Viscount. See ST. JOHN. BONAPARTE (Napoleon). See NAPOLEON I. BONAROTA or BONARROTI (Michel Angelo). See BUONARROTI. BONINGTON (Richard Parkes). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Jlaves of Brit. Painters, etc. IV. 245-258.) BONNEVILLE (Lieut.-Col. Benjamin L. E.) The Adventures of Captain B., U. S. A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West. Digested from his Journal and illustrated from various other Sources. By Washington Irving. Author s revised Ed. [With a Map.] . . . New- York. 1851. 12 (IRVING S Works, Vol. X.) BOONE (Daniel). Lives of Daniel Boone [by John M. Peck] and Benja min Lincoln. Boston. 1847. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. XIII.) BOSCAN ALMOGAVER (Mosen Juan). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O, pp. 21-35.) BOSSUET (Jacques Benigne), successively Bp. of Condom and Meaux. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 19 - 32.) BRADFORD (William). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., III. 7 - 52.) BRAKE (Tycho [Danish, Tyge] ). Life. See GALILEI (G.). The Mar tyrs of Science, etc. 17 130 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. BRAINERD (David). Life of D. B., Missionary to the Indians; by Wil liam B. O. Peabody. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., VIII. 257 - 373 ; SCHOOL Libr., IV. 77-151.) BREWSTER (William). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., III. 53 - 69.) BROOKE (Sir James). Rajah B. and Borneo. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 34.) BROUGHAM (Henry), Baron Brougham and Vaux. Lord B. (CHAM BERS S Papers, etc. XI. no. 88.) BROWN (Charles Brockden). Life of C. B. B. ; by William H. Prescott. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., I. 117- 180.) BRUCE (James). The Life and Adventures of Bruce, the African Trav eller. By Major Sir Francis B. Head. . . . From the last London Ed. New- York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 128.) Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XI. 17 - 84.) Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, II. 233 - 301.) BRUCE (Robert). See WALLACE (W.). BUCKINGHAM (Joseph TINKER). Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. By J. T. B. . . . 2 vols. Boston. 1852. 16 BUEL (Jesse), Judge. Eulogy, by Amos Dean. (SCHOOL Libr., XVI. v. - xxiv.) BUFFON (George Louis LECLERC, Count DE). Eloge, by P. L. Courier. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXVII. 37 - 59.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 149-158.) Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXVII. 17 - 34.) BUONAPARTE (Napoleon). See NAPOLEON I. BUONARROTI (Michel Angelo or Michelagnolo). Life. [By Thomas Roscoe.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. BURCKHARDT (John Lewis). Life and Travels. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 133.) Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XL. 17- 126.) Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 168 - 218.) BURKE (Edmund). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 1st Ser., I. 159-189.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 195-208.) BURLEIGH, William, Baron. See CECIL. BURNET (James). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. V. 261-269.) BURNEY (Frances), afterwards Madame D ARBLAY. See ARBLAY. BUTLER (Samuel). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 93 ? pp. 264-304.) BYRON (George Gordon NOEL), 6^ Baron. ... The Life of Lord B. By John Gait, Esq. New-York. 1845. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 9.) Character and Writings. (LEGARE S Writings, II. 356 - 448.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 131 CABOT (Sebastian). Life of S. C. ; by Charles Hayward, Jr. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., IX. 89 - 162 ; SCHOOL Libr., V. 85 - 134.) CJESAR (Caius Julius). History .... By Jacob Abbott. With En gravings. New York. [1849 ?] 16 Life of J. C 2d Ed. New-York. 1846. 18 (Month ly Series of Useful Reading, No. I.) Caesar and Alexander : an Historical Comparison. See Class XXV. Part III. SCHLEGEL (K. W. jP. VON). A Course of Lectures, etc. CALDERON DE LA BARCA (Pedro). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O 9 pp. 278 - 287.) CALVERT (George) and Cecilius CALVERT, Lords Baltimore; also Leon ard CALVERT. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., III. 206 - 224.) CALVERT (Leonard), 1st Gov. of Maryland. Lives of Leonard Cal- vert [by George W. Burnap], Samuel Ward, arid Thomas Posey. Boston. 1846. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. IX.) CAMOENS or CAMOES (Luis DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O ? pp. 295-333.) CAMPBELL (Thomas). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. III. no. 24.) CAMPER (Pieter). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXI. 17 - 82.) CANNING (George). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 1st Ser., II. 91 - 101.) CANOVA (Antonio). Life and Works. (A. H. EVERETT S Essays, pp. 234-282.) CARITAT (Marie Jean Antoine DE), Marquis de Condor cet. See CON- DORCET. CARNOT (Lazare Nicolas Marguerite). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., II. Ill - 138.) CARROLL (Charles), of CarroJlton. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketch es of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., II. 33-38.) CARTIER (Jacques). (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., I. 230-257.) CARVALHO E MELLO (Sebastiao Jose), Count of Oeiras, Marquis of PombaL See POMBAL. CARVER (John). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 295 - 333.) CASAS (Bartolome DE LAS), Bp. of Cliiapa. Life. (!RVING S Life of Columbus, etc. III. 415 -423.) CASTLEREAGH, Robert, 2d Viscount. See STEWART. CATHARINE of Braganza, Consort of Charles II. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, VIII. 199 - 352.) CATHERINE I. Empress of Russia. Story of C. of R. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 84.) CATHERINE II. Empress of Russia. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 189-200.) Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, II. 198-248.) 132 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. CATHERINE of Valois. See KATHERINE of Valois. CAVENDISH (Henry). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters and Science, etc. pp. 250-259.) CAVENDISH (Thomas). Life, by Robert Southey. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 72, pp. 243-282.) Life and Voyages. See DRAKE (Sir F.). ... Lives, etc. CAXTON (William). Life of W. C., with an Account of the Invention of Printing, and of the Modes and Materials used for transmitting Knowledge before that took place. . . . [By Stephenson.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. CECIL (Robert), 1st Earl of Salisbury. Life, by Thomas P. Courtenay. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 8O, pp. 1 - 197.) CECIL (William), Baron Burleigli. Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 76, pp. 241-352.) CELLINI (Benvenuto). Memoirs of B. C. ... written by himself; con taining a variety of Information respecting the Arts, and the History of the Sixteenth Century. Now first collated with the new Text of Giuseppe Molini, and corrected and enlarged from the last Milan Ed., with Notes ... of G. P. Carpani. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. . . . London. 1847. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) CENTLIVRE (Mrs. Susanna [FREEMAN]). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 308-320.) CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel DE). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 113-124.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O, pp. 120- 188.) CHAMANS (Marie DE), Count de Lav alette. See LAVALETTE. CHAMPLAIN (Samuel). See MONTS (P. Du GUAST, Sieur DE). CHANNING (William Ellery), D.D. Memoir of W. E. C., with Extracts from his Correspondence and Manuscripts. [By William Henry Channing.] ... 5th Ed. 3 vols. Boston. 1851. 12 CHARDIN (Sir John). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, I. 233-270.) CHARLEMAGNE. The History of C. By G. P. R. James ... . New York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., GO.) CHARLES I. King of England. History .... By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1848 ?] 16 CHARLES II. King of England. History ... . By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1849 ?] 16 CHARLES V. Emperor of Germany. The History .... By William Robertson. See Class XXV. Part IV. 1. B. Austria. CHATHAM, William, 1st Earl of. See PITT. CHAUCER (Geoffrey). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, 1.38-50.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 95, pp. 125- 172.) CHIABRERA (Gabbriello). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 163-168.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 133 CHOISEUL or CHOISEUL-STAINVILLE (fitienne Francois, Duke DE). Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 87, pp. 217 - 239.) CHOISEUL-GOTJFFIER (Marie Gabriel Florens Auguste, Count DE). Life. (Sx. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, III. 154-167.) CHRISTINA, Queen of Sweden. Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, II. 5-82.) CHURCHILL (John), 1st Duke of Maryborough. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, with his Original Correspondence .... By William Coxe ... . A new Ed., revised by John Wade .... 3 vols. London. 1847 - 48. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 67, pp. 318- 359, and 68, pp. 1-227.) GIBBER (Caius Gabriel). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 19-30.) GIBBER (Colley). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 276 - 307.) CICERO (Marcus Tullius). The Life of M. T. C. By J. F. Rollings .... London. 1839. 16 The Life and Letters of M. T. C. The Life of C. By Dr. [Conyers] Middleton. Cicero s Letters to several of his Friends. Translated by Wm. Melmoth. Cicero s Letters to Atticus. Trans lated by Dr. [Wm.] Heberden. London. 1840. 8 pp. xxiii., 829. Note. Also with an engraved title-page, dated 1839. Life. By the Rev. J. H. Newman. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 279-294.) CLARKE (Edward Daniel). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 238-261.) CLEOPATRA, Queen of Egypt. History .... By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1851 ?] 16 Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, I. 31-57.) CLIFFORD (George), 3d Earl of Cumberland. Life, by Robert Southey. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 72, pp. 1 - 66.) CLINTON (Dewitt). Life of D. C. By James Renwick, LL.D New-York. [1840 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 125.) CLIVE (Robert), Lord Clive, Baron of Plassey. Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 69, pp. 1 - 114.) Life. (MACAULAY S Essays, III. 84 - 166.) COKE (Sir Edward). Life. [By Ed. Plunkett Burke.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 176- 191.) Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 1-43.) COLBERT (Jean Baptiste), Controleur-General of Finance under Louis XIV. Story of Colbert. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 3, pp. 1 - 14.) Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 85, pp. 108-219.) 134 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. COLBURN (Warren). See Class XXIX. EDSON (T.). An Address, etc. COLOMBO (Cristoforo). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., I. 156-229.) Life of Columbus. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 96. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus ; to which are added those of his Companions. By Washington Irving. . . . Author s revised Ed. [Vol. II. and III. each with a Chart.] 3 vols. New- York. 1848 - 49. 12 (IRVING S Works, Vol. III. - V.) The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. By Wash ington Irving. (Abridged by the same.) Including the Author s Visit to Palos. With a Portrait, Map, and other Illustrations. Bos ton. 1839. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. I.) COLUMBA, Saint. Life. The Introduction of Christianity and Civiliza tion into North Britain. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 95 ? pp. 1 - 59.) COLUMBUS (Christopher). See COLOMBO. COLONNA (Vittoria). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 75-81.) CONDORCET (Marie Jean Antoine BE CARITAT, Marquis DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 92, pp. 175 - 194.) CONFESSIONS of a Schoolmaster. See [ALCOTT (W. A.)]. CONFUCIUS or KOONG-FOO-TSE. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc.. X. no. 77.) CONGREVE (William). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 232-251.) Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) COOK (Capt. James). Life of Captain Cook. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 40.) COPERNICUS, COPERNIK, or ZEPERNIK (Nicolaus). Memoir. (DISTIN GUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 61 -74.) COPLEY (John Singleton). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Paint ers, etc. IV. 138-157.) CORNEILLE (Pierre). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91 ? pp. 40-62.) CORNWALLIS (Charles), 1st Marquis CornwaUis. Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 69, pp. 115-196.) CORTES or CORTEZ (Hernando or Fernando). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 74-89.) Life, by William H. Prescott. (In PRESCOTT S Hist, of the Conquest of Mexico. See Class XXV. Part IV. 4. B. a. Mexico.) COSWAY (Richard). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. V. 9-24.) COWLEY (Abraham). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 93, pp. 38-90.) COWLEY (Mrs. Hannah [PARKHOUSE]). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 366-385.) COWPER (William). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 221-233.) CRANMER (Thomas), Abp. of Canterbury. Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 76, pp. 184-240.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 135 CROMWELL (Oliver). Oliver Cromwell s Letters and Speeches : with Elucidations. By Thomas Carlyle. . . . 2 vols. in 4 pts. New-York. 1845. 12 (Wiley and Putnam s Library of Choice Reading.) Cromwell and his Contemporaries. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. no. 58.) Life, by John Forster. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 81, 82.) Life, by G. R. Gleig [with particular reference to his military achievements]. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 67 ? pp. 199-317.) The Life of O. C. By J. T. Headtey .... New York. 1848. 12 ... Life of O. C. By the Rev. M. Russell, LL.D 2 vols. New- York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr.,62 5 63.) CUMBERLAND, George, 3d Earl of. See CLIFFORD. CUMBERLAND (Richard). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97 ? pp. 340 -365.) CURRAN (John Philpot), Note on. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., II. 27 - 30.) ^ CUSHMAN (Robert). Life, by John Davis. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., III. 70-84.) CUVIER (George Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert), Baron. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 287-302.) Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XVI. 17- 58.) CYRUS the Elder, King of Persia. History ... . By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1850.] 16 DAMER (Mrs. Anne Seymour [CONWAY]). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 214-236.) DAMPIER (William). Life and Voyages. See DRAKE (Sir F.). . . . Lives, etc. DANA (Richard Henry), Jr. Two Years before the Mast. See Class XXIII. DANBY, Thomas, 1st Earl of. See OSBORNE. DANTE ALIGHIERI. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 9-24.) Life [by James Montgomery]. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88, pp. 1-60.) D ARBLAY (Frances [BURNEY]), Madame. See ARBLAY. DARIUS I. King of Persia. History .... By Jacob Abbott. \Vith Engravings. New York. [1850?] 16 DARLING (Grace), the Heroine. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 12, pp. 1-11.) DAVENANT (William). Life, with an Account of the Stage in the Sev enteenth Century. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 70- 122.) DAVIDSON (Lucretia Maria). A Memoir of L. M. D. ; by [Catharine M. Sedgvvick] the Author of Redwood, etc. (SPARKS S Amer. Bi- ogr., VII. 219-294.) 136 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. DAVIE (William Richardson), Gov. of North Carolina. Lives of W. R. D. [by Fordyce M. Hubbard] and Samuel Kirkland. Boston. 1848. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. XV.) DAVY (Sir Humphry). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters and Science, etc. pp. 260-269.) DECATUR (Com. Stephen). Life of S. D., a Commodore in the Navy of the United States. By Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, U. S. N. ... Boston. 1846. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. XL) DEFOE (Daniel). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VII. no. 56.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 87 - 100.) DE LA TUBE (Henri MASERS). See MASERS DE LA TUDE. DELAWARE or DELAWARR, Thomas, 3d Baron. See WEST. DE L PEE (Charles Michel), the Abbe. See L EPEE. DELLA VALLE (Pietro). See VALLE. DEMOSTHENES. Demosthenes, the Man, the Statesman and the Orator. (LEGARE S Writings, I. 443 - 501.) DENON (Dominique vivant), Baron. Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 345-356.) DERWENTWATER, James, 3d and last Earl of. See RADCLIFFE. DESCARTES (Rene). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, 1.248-255.) DE VERE (Sir Francis) ; being a Specimen of the Military Command ers in the Elizabethan Age. Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 67, pp. 124-198.) DEVEREUX (Robert), 2d Earl of Essex. Life, by Robert Southey. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 73, pp. 1-208.) [DiEz (Juan Martinez)], the Empecinado. The Guerilla: a Story of the Peninsular War. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 171.) DRAKE (Sir Francis). . . . Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier ; including an Introductory View of the Earlier Discoveries in the South Sea, and the History of the Bucaniers. With Portraits on Steel. New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 3O.) See HAWKINS (Sir J.). DRAYTON (Michael). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 93, pp. 1 - 37.) DRURY (Dru). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XV. 17-71.) DRURY (Robert). Adventures. [Abridged from his Autobiography.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 81.) DRYDEN (John). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 94, pp. 1-88.) DUBOIS (Guillaume), Cardinal. Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 86, pp. 64-129.) DUNDAS (Henry), 1st Viscount Melville. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 31-38.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 137 DUNNING (John), 1st Baron Ashburton. Life, by Flenry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 287 - 306.) Du PLESSIS (Armand Jean), Cardinal de Richelieu. See RICHELIEU. DUVAL (Valentin JAMERAY). The Story of Valentine Duval. (CHAM- BERS S Miscel., IV. no. 67.) DWIGHT (Timothy), D.D., LL.D. Life of T. D., President of Yale College ; by William B. Sprague. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., IV. 223-364.) EATON (Gen. William). Life of W. E. ; by Cornelius C. Felton. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., IX. 163 - 358.) EDWARDS (Rev. Jonathan), the Elder. Lives of Jonathan Edwards Samuel Miller] and David Brainerd. New York. 1839. 1( (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., Vol. VIII.) EFFINGHAM, Charles, %d Baron Howard of. See HOWARD. ELDON, John, 1st Earl of. See SCOTT. ELEANOR of Provence, surnamed la Belle, Queen of Henry III. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, II. 46-87.) ELEANORA of Aquitaine, Queen of Henry II. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, I. 166-203.) ELEANORA of Castile, surnamed the Faithful, First Queen of Edward I. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, II. 88- 108.) ELIOT ( Rev. John). Life of J. E., the Apostle to the Indians. By Convers Francis. New- York. 1844. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., Vol. V.) Life, by John Forster. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 77, pp. 1 - 177.) ELIZABETH, Queen of England and Ireland. History ... . By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1849 ?] 16 Conduct towards Mary, Queen of Scots. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 210-216.) Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, I. 213-245.) Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, Vol. VI., VII. 5-232.) ELIZABETH of York, surnamed the Good, Queen of Henry VII. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, IV. 17-62.) ELIZABETH WOODVILLE, Queen of Edward IV. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, III. 205-241.) ELLERY (William). Life of W. E. ; by Edward T. Channing. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., VI. 85 - 159 ; SCHOOL Libr., VI. 305 - 353.) ELLIOTT (Ebenezer). (CHAMBERS S Papers., etc. I. no. 8.) EPAMINONDAS. Campaigns and Character. (HERBERT S Captains, etc. pp. 226 - 264. See Part I.) ERASMUS (Desiderius). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, 1.50-61.) ERCILLA (Alonso DE). Life. ( LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O, pp. 103- 119.) 18 138 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. ERSKINE (Thomas), Lord. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 41-49.) Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 329 -391.) ESPINEL (Vicente) and Esteban Manuel de VILLEGAS. Lives. (LARD NER S Cab. Cycl., 9O, pp. 238-242.) ESSEX, Robert, 2d Earl of. See DEVEREUX. ETTRICK Shepherd (The). See [HOGG (James)]. EULER (Leonhard). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 141-148.) FARQUHAR (George). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 252-275.) FAYETTE (Marie Paul Joseph Roch Ives Gilbert DE MOTIER, Marquis DE LA). See LAFAYETTE. FENELON (Fran9ois DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 28.) Remarks on the Character and Writings of Fenelon. (CHAN- NING S Works, I. 167-215.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 45 - 56.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91, pp. 329 - 373.) FERDINAND V. of Castile and II. of AT agon. See PRESCOTT S " Hist, of the Reign of Ferdinand," etc. Class XXV. Part IV. 1. B. Spain. FICHTE (Johann Gottlieb). Fichte a Biography. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 72.) FIELDING (Henry). Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Hu mourists.) FILICAJA (Vincenzo DA). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 180 - 184.) FITCH (John). Life of J. F. ; by Charles Whittlesey. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., VI. 81 - 166.) FLAXMAN (John). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 237-315.) FLETCHER (John). Life. See BEAUMONT (F.). FLEURY (Andre Hercule, Cardinal DE). Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 87, pp. 1-68.) FLORIDA BLANCA (Jose [Francisco Antonio ?] MONINO, Count DE). Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 87, pp. 157-216.) FOE (Daniel DE). See DEFOE. FONTAINE (Jean DE LA). See LA FONTAINE. FORD (John). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 96, pp. 295-321.) FORSTER (George). Life. (ST, JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, II. 198 - 232.) FOSCOLO (Niccolo Ugo). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 353-394.) Fox (Charles James). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 193-207.) . CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 139 Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 248-263.) FRANCIS (Sir Philip). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., I. 113-129.) FRANKLIN (Benjamin), LL.D. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 129- 133.) Memoirs of B. F. ; written by himself, etc. See Class XXXI. The Life of B. F. ; containing the Autobiography, with Notes and a Continuation. By Jared Sparks Boston. 1848. 8 pp. xv., 612. + Note. Also with an engraved title-page, dated 1844. FREDERICK II. King of Prussia. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 137-158.) The Life of F By [George James Weldore Agar Ellis] Lord Dover. ... 2 vols. New York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 41, 42.) Life. (MACAULAY S Ess ays, IV. 217 - 306.) FRENCH Prisoner. Stoiy of a French Prisoner of War in England. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 116.) FROBISHER or FORBISHER (Sir Martin). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARD- NER S Cab. Cycl., 74, pp. 1 - 38.) FROUDE (Rev. Richard Hurrell). See WHITEFIELD (G.). FUCA (Juan DE). See VALERIANOS (Apostolos). FULTON (Robert). Lives of Robert Fulton [by James Renwick], Joseph Warren, Henry Hudson, and Father Marquette. New-York. 1845. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., Vol. X.) Life of R. F. ; by James Renwick. (SCHOOL Libr., IV. 153 -209.) FUSELI [originally FUESSLI] (Henry). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. II. 223-273.) GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Paint ers, etc. I. 282 - 305. GALILEI (Galileo). Life. [By J. E. Drinkwater Bethune.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. The Martyrs of Science ; or, The Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. By Sir David Brewster ... . New-York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 130.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 206 -217.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 1-62.) GALLISON (John). Memoir. (CHANNING S Works, V. 343 - 360.) GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O, pp. 36 - 57.) GAY (John). Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) GEER (Carl, Baron DE). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXVIII. 59-66.) GEORGE III. King of Great Britain and Ireland. Sketch. (BROUGH AM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 19-28.) 140 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. GEORGE IV. King of Great Britain, etc. Sketch of George IV. with Sir John Leach and others. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 2d Ser., I. 13-66.) Life and Times of ... George the Fourth. Wi h Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons of the last Fifty Years. By the Rev. George Croly. New York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 15.) GESNER (Conrad). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XX. 17 - 58.) GIBBON (Edward). Memoirs, by himself. See Class XXXI. GIBBONS (Grinline). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 5-18.) GIBBS (Sir Vickary), Lord Chief Justice. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 139- 148.) GILBERT (Bartholomew). See GOSNOLD (B.). GILBERT (Humphrey). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., I. 272-288.) GIRON (Pedro TELLEZ Y), Duke of Ossuna. See OSSUNA. GOETHE (Johann Wolfgang VON). The Auto-biography of G. Truth and Poetry : from my own Life. Translated from the German, by John Oxenford, Esq. [Vol. I.] Thirteen Books. | Vol. II. ... The Concluding Books. Also Letters from Switzerland, and Travels in Italy. Translated by the Rev. A. J. VV. Morrison, M.A. 2 vols. London. 1848-49. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) GOLDONI (Carlo). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 213-246.) GOLDSMITH (Oliver). The Life and Adventures of O. G. A Biography : in Four Books. By John Forster London. 1848. 8 (4.) pp. xvii., 704. -|- Oliver Goldsmith : a Biography. By Washington Irving. New- York. 1849. 12 (!RVING S Works, Vol. XI.) The Life of O. G., with Selections from his Writings. By Washington Irving. See Class XXXI. Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) GONDI (Jean Francois Paul DE), Cardinal de Retz. See RETZ. GONGORA Y ARGOTE (Luis DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O ? pp. 243-254.) GORGES (Ferdinando) and John MASON. Lives. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 47-95.) GORTON (Samuel). Life of S. G., one of the First Settlers of Warwick, in Rhode Island ; by John M. Mackie. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., V. 315-411.) GOSNOLD (Bartholomew), Martin PRING, Bartholomew GILBERT, and George WEYMOUTH. Lives. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 206-253.) GRAHAME (James). Memoir, by Josiah Quincy. (Prefixed to GRAHAME S Hist, of the U. S. 1848. 8 pp. v. - xxviii.) GRANT (Sir William). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 151 - 156.) GRANVELLE (Antoine PERRENOT), Cardinal, and MAURICE, Elector of CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 141 Saxony. Lives, by Eyre Evans Crowe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 83, pp. 99- 155.) GRATTAN (Henry). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. IstSer., II. 71-78.) GREENE (Maj.-Gen. Nathanael). Life of N. G., Major-General in the Army of the Revolution. By his Grandson, George W. Greene ... . Boston. 1846. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. X.) GRENVILLE or GREENVILLE (Sir Richard). Life, by Robert Southey. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 72, pp. 328-339.) See RALEIGH (Sir W.). GRENVILLE (William Wyndham), Lord. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 63-67.) GROTIUS (Hugo) [Dutch, GROOT (Huig DE)]. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 231-247.) GUARINI (Giovanni Battista). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 82-95.) GUICCIARDINI (Francesco). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 63-74.) GUILFORD or GUILDFORD, Francis, 1st Earl of. See NORTH. GUILFORD or GUILDFORD, Frederick, 2d Earl of. See NORTH. GUSTAVUS II. ADOLPHUS, King of Sweden. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 192-205.) GUSTAVUS III. King of Sweden. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 161 - 172.) GUZMAN (Gaspar DE), Count Duke Olivarez. See OLIVAREZ. HADRIANUS (Publius ^Elius), Emperor of Rome. Life, by Maj. A. S. H. Mountain. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 664-676.) HALE (Sir Matthew). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 308 - 324.) Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 59-83.) HALLER (Albrecht, Baron VON). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XIII. 17-63.) HAMILTON (Alexander). See JAY (J.). HAMPDEN (John). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 218-231.) Life, by John Forster. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 78, pp. 306 -380.) Life. (MACAULAY S Essays, II. 52 - 102.) HANDEL (George Frederic), Memoir of. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 100-113.) HANNIBAL, the Carthaginian. History .... By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1849?] 16 Campaigns and Character. (HERBERT S Captains, etc. pp. 335-364.) 142 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. HAN WAY (Jonas). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, II. 301-319.) HARLOW (George Henry). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Paint ers, etc. IV. 229-245.) HARO (Luis DE). Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 86, pp. 1 - 63.) HARRO HARRING (Paul). Biographical Sketch. (A. H. EVERETT S Essays, 2d Ser., pp. 1 - 94.) HARVEY (William). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 255-267.) HASSELQUIST (Fredrik). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, II. 52-72.) HASTINGS (Warren). Life. (MACAULAY S Essays, IV. 81 - 216.) HAWKINS (Sir John) and Sir Francis DRAKE. Lives, by Robert Southey. (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 72, pp. 67-242.) HAWKINS (Sir Richard). Life, by Robert Southey. (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 72, pp. 283-327.) HEBER (Reginald), Bp. of Calcutta. Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 356-386.) HENRIETTA MARIA, Consort of Charles I. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, VIII. 5-198.) HENRY IV. King of France. Life. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, V. no. 78.) HENRY (Patrick). Life, by Alexander H. Everett. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., I. 207 - 398.) HEROINE of Siberia (The). See [LOPOULOFF (Prascovie)]. HERRERA (Fernando). Life, with Notices of Saa de Miranda, Jorge de Montemayor, Cristoval Castillejo, and the Early Dramatists. (LARD NER S Cab. CycL, 9O ? pp. 83-102.) HEYNE (Christian Gottlob). Heyne a Biography. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 48. ) HEYWOOD (John). Life, with the Origin and Early History of the Eng lish Stage [including notices of John Skelton, John Rastall, John Bale, and Nicholas Udall]. (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 95, pp. 173 -311.) HOGARTH (William). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. I. 57-170.) Life and Works. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) [HOGG (James)]. The Ettrick Shepherd. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, VII. no. 123.) HOJEDA or OJEDA (Alonso DE). Life, by Washington Irving. (!RVING S Life of Columbus, etc. III. 17-33, and 51- 101.) HOPPNER (John). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. IV. 203-214.) HORATIUS FLACCUS (Quintus). Life. By the Rev. Henry Thomson. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 383-416.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 143 HORNE (John), afterwards TOOKE. See TOOKE. HORNER (Francis). Mr. Homer Lord King Mr. Ricardo. (BROUGH AM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen, 1 etc. 2d Ser., II. 7 - 27.) HOWARD (Charles), 2d Baron Howard of EJ/ingham, and 1st Earl of Nottingham. Life, by Robert Southey. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 71, pp. 278-371.) HOWARD (John). Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 112.) HUBER (Frai^ois). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXIV. 17 - 25.) HUDSON (Henry). Life of H. H., by Henry R. Cleveland. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., X. 185-261 ; SCHOOL Libr., V. 135- 182.) HUMBOLDT (Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron VON). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXVII. 17-39.) HUME (David). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters and Sci ence, etc. pp. 121 - 156.) HUNTER (John). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXII. 17 - 83.) HUTCHINSON (Anne). Life of Anne Hutchinson ; with a Sketch of the Antinomian Controversy in Massachusetts ; by George E. Ellis. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., VI. 167 - 376.) HUTCHINSON ( Col. John). Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson ... by his Widow Lucy ... . From the original Manuscript by the Rev. Julius Hutchinson. To which is prefixed the Life of Mrs. Hutchinson, written by herself. 7th Ed. To which is now first added, An Account of the Siege of Lathom House, defended by the Countess of Derby against Sir Thomas Fairfax. London. 1848. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) HUTTON (William). Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 69.) IBN BATUTA. Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, I. 69 - 109.) IGNACIO [Lat. IGNATIUS] DE LOYOLA, Sai?it. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 89-J02.) Ignatius Loyola and his Associates. (STEPHEN (SirL}. ... Essays, pp. 314-385.) IRON MASK. See [MATTHIOLI (G.)], Count. ISABELLA of Angouleme, Queen of King John. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, II. 28 - 45.) ISABELLA of Castile. Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Gel. Female Sovereigns, I. 112- 171.) See PRESCOTT S " History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isa bella," Class XXV. Part IV. 1. B. Spain. ISABELLA of France, surnamed the Fair, Queen of Edward II. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, II. 122- 172.) ISABELLA of Valois, surnamed the Little Queen, Second Queen of Richard II. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, III. 9-37.) JACKSON (John). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc V 229-249.) JACQUARD (Joseph Marie). Story of Jacquard. (CHAMBERS S Miscel. IX. no. 158.) 144 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. JAMESONE (George). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. IV. 7-33.) JANE SEYMOUR, Third Queen of Henry VIII. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, IV. 216-235.) JAY (John). Lives of John Jay [by Henry B. Renwick] and Alexander Hamilton [by James Renwick, LL.D.]. New-York. 1845. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 129.) JEFFREY (Francis). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 16.) JEFFREYS, JEFFERYS, or JEFFERIES (George), Baron Jeffreys. Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 113-139.) JENKINSON (Robert Banks), 2d Baron Hawkesbury, and 2d Earl of Liverpool. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., I. 165-177.) JENNER (Edward), M.D. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 273-287.) JERVIS (John), 1st Viscount and Earl St. Vincent. Lord St. Vincent Lord Nelson. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., I. 197-212.) JESUS CHRIST, the Saviour of the World. The Gospel History of our Lord s Life & Ministry, as recorded by the Evangelists, with thirteen hundred Notes ; accompanied by a Series of Questions, Practical Lessons, and Geographical Exercises ; chronologically arranged, and illustrated by several Maps .... By R. Mimpriss .... 2d Ed., enlarged. London. [1842.] 16 JOAN OF ARC. See ARC (Jeanne D ). JOANNA I. Queen of Naples. Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, I. 65 - 95.) JOANNA II. Queen of Naples. Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, I. 95- 112.) JOANNA of Navarre, Queen of Henry IV. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, III. 38-82.) JOHN SOBIESKI, King of Poland. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 5-19.) JOHNSON (Benjamin). See JONSON. JOHNSON (Samuel), LL.D. The Life of S. J. ... including a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, by James Boswell, Esq. A new Ed. With numerous Additions and Notes, by John Wilson Croker ... . 2 vols. New-York. 1837. 8 The Life [by Arthur Murphy] and Writings of S. J See Class III. JONES (Sir William). Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 152, pp. 1 - 6.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 181- 195.) Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 306-328.) JONSON or JOHNSON (Ben). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 96> pp. 131-203.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 145 JOSEPH II. Emperor of Germany. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Sen, II. 175- 186.) JOSEPHINE, Empress of the French. History .... By John S. C. Ab bott. With Engravings. New York. [1851 ?] 16 Memoirs of the Empress J. By John S. Memes, LL.D New York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fain. Libr., 28.) JULIUS CAESAR (Caius). See CJESAR. KEMPFER (Engelbert). Life. (Si. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, I. 271-304.) KATHARINE of Aragon, First Queen of Henry VIII. Life. (STRICK LAND S Queens of England, IV. 63- 121.) KATHARINE HOWARD, Fifth Queen of Henry VIII. Life. (STRICK LAND S Queens of England, IV. 279-330.) KATHARINE PARR, Sixth Queen of Henry VIII. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, V. 9 - 98.) KATHERINE of Valois, surnamed the Fair, Consort of Henry V. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, III. 83- 122.) KEPLER (Johann). Life. [By J. E. Drinkwater Bethune.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. Life. By Sir David Brewster. See GALILEI (G.). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 164 - 175.) KING (Peter), 1th Lord King. See HORNER (F.). KIRKLAND (Samuel). Life of S. K., Missionary to the Indians ; by Samuel K. Lothrop. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser.,XV. 137-368.) KOONG-FOO-TSE. See CONFUCIUS. KOSCIUSKO (Thaddeus). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, 11.263-272.) LACEPEDE (Bernard Germain Etienne DE LA VILLE-SUR-!LLON, Count DE). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXVI. 17 - 32.) LAFAYETTE (Marie Paul Joseph [not Jean] Roch Ives Gilbert DE MOTIER, Marquis DE). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 2d Sen, II. 141 - 158.) LA FONTAINE (Jean DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91. pp. 150 - 182.) LAMARCK (Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine DE MONET, Chevalier DE). Me moir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXI. 17-63.) LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (Francois, Duke DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91, pp. 63-96.) LA ROCHEJAQUELEIN (Henri DUVERGIER, Count DE). La Rochejaquelein and the War in La Vendee. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 16.) LA SALLE (Robert Cavelier DE). Lives of Robert Cavelier de la Salle [by Jared Sparks] and Patrick Henry. Boston. 1844. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. I.) LAS CASAS (Bartolome DE). See CASAS. 19 146 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. LATREILLE (Pierre Andre). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXII. 17-60.) LA TUDE (Henri MASERS DE). See MASERS DE LA TUBE. LAURENCE or LAWRENCE (French). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., I. 103- 109.) LAVALETTE (Marie CHAMANS, Count DE). The Story of L. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 62.) LA VILLE-SUR-!LLON (Bernard Germain Etienne DE), Count de Lacepede. See LACEPEDE. LAWRENCE (French). See LAURENCE. LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. V. 134-228.) LEACH (Sir John). See GEORGE IV. King of England. LECLERC (George Louis), Count de Buff on. See BUFFON. LEDYARD (John). Life. (Sx. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, II. 163 - 197.) Life of J. L., the American Traveller. By Jared Sparks. Boston. 1847. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. XIV.) LEE (Maj.-Gen. Charles). Lives of Charles Lee [by Jared Sparks] and Joseph Reed. Boston. 1846. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. VIII.) LEE (Nathaniel). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 134- 145.) LEE Boo, Prince. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 71.) [LEECH (Samuel)]. The Life of a Sailor Boy. [Abridged from a work entitled " Thirty Years from Home . . . being the Experience of Samuel Leech." Boston. 1843.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 65.) LEEDS, Thomas, 1st Duke of. See OSBORNE. LEISLER (Jacob). The Administration of J. L., a Chapter in American History ; by Charles F. Hoffman. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., III. 179-238.) LEO X. Pope. [GIOVANNI DE MEDICI.] Life, by Eyre Evans Crowe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl, 83, pp. 70-98.) The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. By William Roscoe. 5th Ed. Revised by his Son, Thomas Roscoe. ... 2 vols. London. 1846. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) LEO (Giovanni), Africanus. Life. (Sx. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travel lers, I. 109-148.) LEON (Luis Ponce DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O, pp. 70-82.) L EPEE (Charles Michel, the Abbe DE). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 158-172.) LERMA (Francisco Gomez DE ROXAS DE SANDOVAL), Duke of. Life, by E. E. Crowe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 83, pp. 262 - 281.) LE TELLIER (Francois Michel), Marquis de Louvois. See Louvois. LE VAILLANT (Francois). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XII. 17-31.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 147 Life. (Sx. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, III. 262 - 326.) LEYDEN (John), M.D. Life. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, IX. no. 152, pp. 6-13.) LINCOLN (Maj.-Gen. Benjamin). Life of B. L., Major-General in the Army of the Revolution ; by Francis Bovven. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., XIII. 205-434.) LINNE (Carl VON) [originally LINNJEUS (Carl)]. Memoir. (DISTIN GUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 129 - 141.) Anecdotes of Linnseus, translated from Fabricius, of Kiel. With a List of his Works. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., VI. i. - xv.) Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., VI. 25 - 92.) LITTLE Captive King (The). See [Louis XVII.]. LIVERPOOL, Robert Banks, 2d Earl of. See JENKINSON. LIVERSEEGE (Henry). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. V. 249-261.) LOCKE (John). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 32-44.) LONDONDERRY, Robert, 2d Marquis of. See STEWART. LOPE DE VEGA. See VEGA CARPIO (Lope Felix DE). [LOPOULOFF (Prascovie or Prasca)], the Heroine of Siberia. (CHAM BERS S Miscel., II. no. 36.) LORENZO DE MEDICI. See MEDICI. LOUGHBOROUGH, Alexander, 1st Baron. See WEDDERBURN. [Louis XVII.] of France. The Little Captive King. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., 111. no. 47.) LOUIS-PHILIPPE, King of the French. Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 1.) L OUVERTURE (Toussaint) and the Republic of Hayti. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, III. no. 57.) Louvois (Francois Michel LE TELLIER, Marquis DE). Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 85, pp. 282 - 320.) LOYOLA or LOIOLA (Ignacio or Ignatius DE). See IGNACIO DE LOYOLA. LULLI (Jean Baptiste). Story of Baptiste Lulli. (CHAMBERS S Mis cel., II. no. 29.) LUTHER (Martin). The Life of M. L. Gathered from his own Writings. By M. Michelet .... Translated by G. H. Smith .... New York. 1846. 12 The Life of L. ; with special reference to its Earlier Periods and the Opening Scenes of the Reformation. By Barnas Sears, D.D. Philadelphia : American Sunday School Union. [1850.] 12 . Luther and the Reformation. (STEPHEN (Sir J.). .. . Essays, pp. 100-149.) MACDONALD (Flora). Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 50.) 148 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. [MACGREGOR CAMPBELL (Rob Roy)]. Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 117.) MACHIAVELLI (Niccolo). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88, pp. 256 -312.) MACKINTOSH (Sir James). Memoirs ... . Edited by his Son, Robert James Mackintosh ... . From the 2d London Ed. ... 2 vols. Boston. 1853. Large 12 (6.) MADOC GWYNNETH. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., I. 129 - 137.) MAHOMET. See MOHAMMED. MANNY (Sir Walter) ; being a Specimen of the Military Commander during the Chivalrous Age. Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 67, pp. 63 - 123.) MANSEL (Sir Robert). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 74, pp. 39-65.) MANSFIELD, William, 1st Earl of. See MURRAY. MAN WITH THE^RON MASK. See [MATTHIOLI (G.)], Count. MARGARET of Anjvu, Queen of Henry VI. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, III. 123-204.) MARGUERITE nf France, Second Queen of Edward I. Life. (STRICK LAND S Queens of England, II. 109-121.) MARIA ANTOINETTE, Queen of France. History ... . By John S. C. Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1849 ?] 16 MARIA THERESA, Empress of Germany and Queen of Hungary. Me moir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, II. 126 - 198.) MARINI (Giambattista). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 174 - 179.) MARLBOROUGH, John, 1st Duke of. See CHURCHILL. MARQUETTE (Jacques [not Joseph]). Life of Father M.,by Jared Sparks. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., X. 263-299.) MARTEN (Henry or Harry). Life, by John Forster. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 79, pp. 241-406.) MARTYR (Peter). See ANGHIERA (Pietro Martire D ). MARY I. Queen of England and Ireland. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, V. 99-295.) MARY II. Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, X. 185 - 315, XL 9 - 222.) MARY, Queen of Scots. History .... By Jacob Abbott. With En gravings. New York. [1848 ?] 16 Life of M By Henry Glassford Bell .... 2 vols. New York. 1846. [Vol. I. N. D.] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 21, 22.) Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, I. 171-213.) See ELIZABETH, Queen of England. CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 149 MART BEATRICE of Modena, Consort of James II. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, IX., X. 9 - 184.) MASERS DE LA TUBE (Henri). The Story of De la Tude. [Abridged from his own Narrative.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 105.) MASON (John). Life of J. M., of Connecticut ; by George E. Ellis. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., III. 307 - 438.) MASSINGER (Philip). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 96, pp. 252 - 295.) MATHER (Cotton). Life of C. M. ; by William B. O. Peabody. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., VI. 161-350.) MATILDA of Boulogne, Queen of Stephen. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, I. 142-165.) MATILDA of Flanders, Queen of William the Conqueror. Life. (STRICK LAND S Queens of England, I. 17-78.) MATILDA of Scotland, Queen of Henry I. Life. (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, I. 79- US.) [MATTHIOLI (Girolamo)], Count, said to be "the Man with the Iron Mask." (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 131.) MATSYS (Quintin), the Blacksmith of Antwerp. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 126.) MAUNDRELL (Henry). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, I. 305-319.) MAURICE, Elector of Saxony. Life. See GRANVELLE (A. P.), Cardinal. MAXWELL (James). Heroism. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 12, pp. 13-16.) MAZARIN (Jules), Cardinal. Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 84, pp. 269 - 326.) MEDICI (Giovanni DE ), afterwards Pope LEO X. See LEO X. MEDICI (Lorenzo DE ). Life, by Eyre Evans Crowe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 83, pp. 314-330.) Lorenzo de Medici, considered as a Poet ; Marsiglio Ficino, Giovanni Pico delta Mirandola, Angelo Poliziano (Politian), the Pulci (Bernardo, Luca, and Luigi), Francesco Bello or Cieco da Ferrara, and Domenico Burchiello. Lives. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88, pp. 151 - 180.) The Life of L. de M., called the Magnificent. By William Roscoe. 8th Ed., revised by his Son, Thomas Roscoe. London. 1846. 8 (BoHN s Stand. Libr.) MELVILLE, Henry, 1st Viscount. See DUNDAS. MENDOZA (Diego Hurtado DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O ? pp. 58-69.) MERIAN (Maria Sibilla), Memoir of. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXX. 17-46.) METASTASIO (Pietro Antonio Domenico Buonaventura). Life. (LARD NER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 185-212.) MILTIADES. Campaigns and Character. (HERBERT S Captains, etc. pp. 52-96. See Parti.) 150 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. MILTON (John). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 93. pp. 138-263.) Remarks on the Character and Writings of J. M. (CHANNING S Works, I. 3-68.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 290-308.) MIRABEAU (Honore Gabriel RIQUETTI, Marquis DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 92, pp. 195-259.) MIRABEAU Family. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 2d Ser., II.. 75 - 108.) MOHAMMED. The Life of M By the Rev. George Bush .... New York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 1O.) Life of Mahomet. [By John A. Roebuck.] See Part I. SOCI ETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. Mahomet and his Successors. By Washington Irving. . . . 2 vols. New-York. 1850. 12 (!RVING S Works, Vol. XII. XIII.) MOLIERE (Jean Baptiste POQUELIN DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91, pp. 97-149.) MONINO (Jose [Francisco Antonio ?]), Count de Florida Blanca. See FLORIDA BLANCA. MONMOUTH, Charles, 1st Earl of. See MORDAUNT. MONSON (Sir William). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 74, pp. 66- 188.) MONTAGUE (Edward), 1st Earl of Sandwich. Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 74 ? pp. 222-311.) MONTAGUE (Lady Mary Wortley). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. no. 64.) Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, II. 72 - 100.) MONTAIGNE (Michel DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91 ? pp. 1-22.) MONTGOMERY (Maj.-Gen. Richard). Life of R. M. By John Arm strong. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., I. 181 -226 ; SCHOOL Libr., VI. 355-384.) MONTI (Vincenzo). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 303-352.) MONTS (Pierre Du GUAST, Sieur DE). De Monts, Poutrincourt, and Champlain. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 15-46.) MOORE (Sir John). Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 69, pp. 251-358.) MOORE (Thomas). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 80.) MORDAUNT (Charles), 1st Earl of Monmouth, and 3d Earl of Peter borough. Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 68, pp. 228-316.) MORE (Sir Thomas). Life, by Sir James Mackintosh. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 76, pp. 1-110.) MORLAND (George). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. II. 184 - 207.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 151 MORTIMER (John Hamilton). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Paint ers, etc. IV. 158-172.) MOTIER (Marie Paul Joseph Roch Ives Gilbert DE), Marquis de La- fayette. See LAFAYETTE. MOZART (Johann Chrysostomus Wolfgang Gottlieb). Memoir. (DIS TINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 172- 181.) MURPHY (Arthur). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 97, pp. 321-339.) MURRAY (Alexander), D.D. Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 152, pp. 13 - 24.) MURRAY (William), 1st Earl of Mansfeld. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketch es of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 115-135.) Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75 ? pp. 171-228.) NAPOLEON I. Emperor of the French. Napoleon Washington. (BROUGH AM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., 11.179-196. Remarks on the Life and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte. (CHANNING S Works, I. 69 - 166.) The History of Napoleon Buonaparte. By J. G. Lockhart .... 2 vols. New-York. 1843. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 4,5.) The Life of Napoleon. By Sir Walter Scott. Three volumes complete in one. Philadelphia. 1841. 8 (4. and 6.) pp. 702. NECKER (Jacques). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 2d Ser., II. 41 - 56.) Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl. 87 ? pp. 240-314.) NEGRO Slave. See [BALL (Charles)]. NELSON (Horatio), Viscount Nelson. The Life of Nelson. (CHAM BERS S Miscel., II. no. 22.) The Life of Nelson. By Robert Southey .... New-York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 6.) See JERVIS (J.), 1st Viscount and Earl St. Vincent. NERO, Emperor of Rome. History of Nero. By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. 1853. 16 NEWTON (Sir Isaac). The Life of Sir I. N. By David Brewster New York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 26.) Life. [Translated by Howard Elphinstone from that in the " Biographic Universelle," by J. B. Biot.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 72-87.) NICUESA (Diego DE). Sketch of his Life. (IRVING S Life of Colum bus, etc. III. 102-137.) NIEBUHR (Carsten). Life. [By Mrs. Sarah Austin.] See Part I. SOCI ETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 99 - 154.) 152 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. NOLLEKENS (Joseph). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 108 - 173.) NORTH (Francis), 1st Earl of Guilford. Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 83- 113.) NORTH (Frederick), 2d Earl of Guilford. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 61-79 ; comp. II. 204-210.) NORTHCOTE (James). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. V. 48-117.) NOTTINGHAM, Charles, 1st Earl of. See HOWARD. OBERLIN (Jean Frederic). Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 87.) OEIRAS or OEYRAS (Sebastiao Jose CARVALHO E MELLO), Count of, and Marquis of Pombal. See POMEAL. OGLETHORPE (James). Life of J. CX, the Founder of Georgia ; by Wil liam B. O. Peabody. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr.,2d Ser., II. 201-405.) OLDEN-BARNEVELDT (Johan or Jan VAN). Life, by Eyre Evans Crowe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., S3, pp. 153-210.) OLIVAREZ (Caspar DE GUZMAN), Count, and Duke of San Lucar. Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 84, pp. 220-268.) OJEDA (Alonso DE). See HOJEDA. OPIE (John). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. II. 156-183.) OSBORNE (Thomas), 1st Earl of Daiiby, and Duke of Leeds. Life, by Thomas P. Courtenay. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 8O, pp. 198-375.) OSSUNA or OSSUNO (Pedro TELLEZ Y GIRON), Duke of. Life, by Eyre Evans Crowe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 83, pp. 282-313.) OTIS (James). Lives of James Otis [by Francis Bowen] and James Oglethorpe. Boston. 1844. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. II.) OTWAY (Thomas). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 123 - 133.) OWEN (William). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. IV. 214-228.) OXENSTIERNA (Axel), Count. Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 84, pp. 176-212.) PAINE (Robert Troup). Memoir of R. T. P. By his Parents [Martyn Paine, M.D., and Mary Ann Paine]. . . . Printed for Private Distribu tion, especially for the Classmates of the Youth. New-York. 1852. 4 PALFREY (William). Life of W. P., Paymaster-General in the Army of the Revolution ; by John Gorham Palfrey. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., VII. 355-448.) PALLAS (Peter Simon). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XVIII. 17-76.) Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 65 - 98.) PARK (Mungo). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 13-65.) The Life and Travels of M. P. See Class XXIII. LIFE, etc.- CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 153 PARKER (Nathan), D.D. Memoir. (WARE S Works, II. 25 - 84.) PARR (Samuel), LL.D. Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of the Rev. S. P. . . . ; with Biographical Notices of many of his Friends, Pupils, and Contemporaries. By the Rev. William Field. ... 2 vols. London. 1828. 8 PASCAL (Blaise). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 267-278.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91, pp. 183 - 213.) PAUSANIAS. Campaigns and Character. (HERBERT S Captains, etc. pp. 137-171. See Part I.) PEEL (Sir Robert). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 32.) PELLICO (Silvio). Story of S. P. [Abridged from his own Narrative, translated from the original Italian.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 89.) PENN (William). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., III. 225 - 292.) Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 128.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 56-71.) Life of W. P. ; by George E. Ellis. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., XII. 193-408.) PENNANT (Thomas). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., VII. 1 - 65.) PERCEVAL (Spencer). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 1st Ser., II. 53-59.) PERON (Francois). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXV. 17 - 36.) PERRENOT (Antoine), Cardinal Granvelle. See GRANVELLE. PERRY (Commodore Oliver Hazard). The Life of Commodore O. H. P. By Alex. Slidell Mackenzie .... 2 vols. New-York. [1840?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 126, 127.) PETER the Great, Czar of Russia. A Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great. By John Barrow ... . New-York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 65.) Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 104.) PETERBOROUGH, Charles, 3d Earl of. See MORDAUNT. PETRARCA (Francesco). Life and Times of Petrarch. With Notices of Boccacio and his illustrious Contemporaries. By Thomas Campbell, Esq. 2d Ed. ... 2 vols. London. 1843. 8 . Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 88, pp. 61 - 115.) PHILIPPA of Hainault, Queen of Edward III. Life, (STRICKLAND S Queens of England, II. 173-205.) PHIPS (Sir William). Lives of Sir William Phips [by Francis Bowen], Israel PiiSam, Lucretia Maria Davidson, and David Rittenhouse. New- York. 1845. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) (SPARKS S Amer. Bi ogr., Vol. VII.) PIKE (Brig.-Gen. Zebulon Montgomery). Life of Z. M. P. ; by Henry Whiting. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., V. 217 - 314.) PINKNEY (William). Lives of William Pinkney [by Henry Wheaton], 20 154 CLASS XXIV. BIOGKAPHY. PART II. William Ellery, and Cotton Mather. New-York. 1844. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., Vol. VI.) PINKNEY (William). Life of W. P. ; by Henry Wheaton. (SCHOOL Libr., VI. 1-54.) PINZON (Vicente Yanez). Sketch of his Life. (!RVING S Life of Co lumbus, etc. III. 39-46.) PITT (William), 1st Earl of Chatham. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 31- 57 ; comp. II. 203.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 113-129.) Life. (MACAULAY S Essays, II. 244 - 285.) PITT (William), the Younger. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 1st Ser., I. 211-223.$ Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 233-248.) PlTTON DE TOURNEFORT (Joseph). See ToURNEFORT. PLATO. Life, by William Lowndes. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 72-90.) PLESSIS (Armand Jean DU), Cardinal de Richelieu. See RICHELIEU. PLINIUS SECUNDUS (Caius), the Elder. Memoir of Pliny. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., IX. 17-82.) PLOTINUS and the later Platonists. By J. A. Jeremie. (ENCYCL. Me trop., XI. 209-216.) POCOCKE (Richard). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, II. 101-125.) POLO (Marco). Account of M. P. (!RVING S Life of Columbus, etc. III. 384-392.) Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, I. 30 - 69.) POMBAL (Sebastiao Jose CARVALHO E MELLO), Count of Oeiras, and Marquis of. Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 87 ? pp. 103 - 156.) PONCE DE LEON (Juan). Sketch of his Life. (!RVING S Life of Co lumbus, etc. III. 262-288.) PONCE DE LEON (Luis). See LEON. POPE (Alexander). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 94, pp. 264-326.) Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) POSEY (Maj.-Gen. Thomas). Life of T. P. ... Governor of Indiana ; by James Hall. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., IX. 359 - 403.) POUTRINCOURT (Jean DE). See MONTS (P. Du GUAST, Sieur DE.) PREBLE (Commodore Edward). Lives of Edward Preble [by Lorenzo Sabine] and William Penn. Boston. 1847. 16 (^ARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. XII.) PRIESTLEY (Joseph), LL.D. Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Let ters and Science, etc. pp. 236-249.) PRING (Martin). See GOSNOLD (B.). PRIOR (Matthew). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 94, pp. 232 - 263.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 155 Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) PULASKI (Casimir), Count. Life of Count P. ; by Jared Sparks. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., IV. 365-446.) PUTNAM (Maj.-Gen. Israel). Life of I. P. ; by Oliver W. B. Peabody. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., VII. 103-218 ; SCHOOL Libr., V. 239 -312.) PYM (John). Life, by John Forster. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 78 ? pp. 1-305.) QUEVEDO Y VILLEGAS (Francisco Gomez DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O, pp. 255-277.) RABELAIS (Francois). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91, pp. 23-39.) RACINE (Jean). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91, pp. 296 - 328.) RADCLIFFE (James), 3d and last Earl of Derwentwater. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 35.) RAEBURN (Sir Henry). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. IV. 172-203.) RAFFLES (Sir Thomas Stamford), and the Spice Islands. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 53.) ; Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., VIII. 17 - 88.) RALE, RALLE, RASLE, or RASLES (Sebastien). Life of Sebastian Rale, Missionary to the Indians ; by Convers Francis. ( SPARKS s Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., VII. 157 - 333.) RALEIGH or RALEGH (Sir Walter). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 135-151.) Life, by Robert Southey. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 73 ? pp. 209-440.) and Richard GRENVILLE. Lives. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., 1.289-370.) RAMSAY (Allan). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. IV. 33-42.) RASLE or RASLES (Sebastien). See RALE. RAY (John). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXIII. 17-70.) REED (Joseph). Life of J. R. ; by Henry Reed. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., VIII. 209-439.) RETZ (Jean Francois Paul DE GONDI, Cardinal DE). Life, by G. P. R* James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 85, pp. 1 - 107.) REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. I. 186-281.) RIBAULT (Jean). Lives of John Ribault [comprising an account of the first attempts of the French to found a colony in North America ; by Jared Sparks], Sebastian Rale, and William Palfrey. Boston. 1845. 16 (SPARKS S Arner. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. VII.) RIBEIRO (Bernardim), Saa de MIRANDA, Gil VICENTE, and Antonio FERREIRA, early Poets of Portugal. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 9O ? pp. 288-294.) 156 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. BICARDO (David). See HORNER (F.). RICHELIEU (Arrnand Jean Du PLESSIS, Cardinal and Duke DE). Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 84, pp. 1 - 175.) RIPPERDA (Johan Willem), Duke of. Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARD NER S Cab. Cycl., 86 ? pp. 268-325.) RIQUETTI (Honore Gabriel), Marquis de Mirabeau. See MIRABEAU. RITTENHOUSE (David). Life of D. R. ; by James Renwick. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., VII. 295 - 398 ; SCHOOL Libr., V. 313 - 376.) ROBERTSON (William). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters, etc. pp. 157-193.) ROBINSON (Rev. John). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 254 - 294.) ROB ROY. See [MACGREGOR CAMPBELL (Rob Roy)]. [ROBUSTI (Marietta)]. The Tintoretto. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., Note. Jacopo Ilobusti, the father of Marietta, was named the " Tintoretto." ROCHEFOUCAULD (Francois, Duke DE LA). See LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. ROCHEJAQUELEIN (Henri DUVERGIER, Count DE LA). See LA ROCHE- JAQUELEIN. ROLAND DE LA PLATIERE (Manon Jeanne PHLIPON or PHELIPON), Mad ame. History .... By John S. C. Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1850 ?] 16 Madame Roland and the Girondins. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., V. no. 91.) -? Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 92, pp. 260 - 294. ) ROMILLY (Sir Samuel). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 105-112.) Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75 ? 391- 410.) ROMNEY (George). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. IV. 43-124.) ROMULUS. History of Romulus. By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. 1852. 16 RONDELET (Guillaume). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXVI. 17 - 44.) ROUBILIAC (Louis Francis). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 31-61.) ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters, etc. pp. 92 - 120.) Life (A. H. EVERETT S Essays, 2d Ser., pp. 301 - 324.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 92, pp. Ill - 174.) ROXAS DE SANDOVAL (Francisco Gomez DE), Duke of Lerma. See LERMA. RUBRUQUIS (Gulielmus or William DE). See RUYSBROEK. RUMFORD, Benjamin, Count. See THOMPSON. CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 157 RUNCIMAN (Alexander). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. IV. 125-138.) RUYSBROEK [Lat. RUBRUQUIS] (Willem DE). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, I. 17-29.) SAAVEDRA (Miguel DE CERVANTES). See CERVANTES SAAVEDRA. SAILOR Boy. See [LEECH (Samuel)]. ST. JOHN (Henry), Viscount Bolingbroke. Life. (Prefixed to his Works, 1841. 8 1.13-107.) ST. PIERRE (Jacques Henri Bernardin DE). Life. (A. H. EVERETT S Essays, pp. 67-101.) ST. VINCENT, John, 1st Viscount and Earl. See JERVIS. SALISBURY, Robert, 1st Earl of. See CECIL. SALLE (Robert Cavelier DE LA). See LA SALLE. SALVIANI (Ippolito). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXV. 17 - 43.) SANDWICH, Edward, 1st Earl of. See MONTAGUE. SAN LUCAR (Gaspar DE GUZMAN), Duke of. See OLIVAREZ. SCHILLER (Johann Christoph Friedrich VON). The Life and Writings of Schiller. (A. H. EVERETT S Essays, pp. 102- 138.) SCHOMBURGK (Robert Hermann). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXXIX. 17-79.) SCHWARTZ (Christian Friedrich). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, 11.208-221.) SCOTT (John), 1st Earl of Eldon. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., I. 69 - 88.) SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 144.) Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 303-317.) Memoirs By J. G. Lockhart. 7 vols. Philadelphia. 1839. 12 SCOTT (Sir William), 1st Baron Stowell. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., I. 91-99.) SELDEN (John). Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75 ? pp. 43-59.) SELKIRK (Alexander). Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 140.) SEMIRAMIS. Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Cel. Female Sovereigns, I. 25-31.) SENECA (Lucius Annseus). Life, by William Lowndes. (ENCYCL. Me- trop., X. 483-491.) SEVIGNE (Marie DE RABUTIN-CHANTAL, Marchioness DE). Madame de Sevigne ; her Life and Letters. (CHAMBERS S Repos., I. no. 4.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 91, pp. 214*- 258.) SEXTUS EMPIRICUS and the Pyrrhonists. By J. A. Jeremie. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 698-704.) SHADWELL (Thomas). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 155-164.) 158 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. SHAKESPEARE (William). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 125-135.) Life. [With a history of the Stage immediately prior to Shakespeare, and in the time of Shakespeare ; including noiices of Richard Edwards, Thomas Sackville (Earl of Dorset), Thomas Norton, Thomas Preston, George Gascoyne, Robert Greene, Chris topher Marlowe, Thomas Kyd, George Peele, John Lyly, Thomas Nash, Henry Chettle, and other dramatists.] (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 96, pp. 1 - 130.) Shakspere : his Times and Contemporaries. By George Tweddell. ... London. 1852. 18 (12.6.) See Class XVII. HUDSON (H. N.). Lectures on S., etc. SHAW (Thomas). Life. (Si-. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, II. 19 -52.) SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 11 - 18.) SHIRLEY (James). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 1-69.) SIBBALD (Sir Robert). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., I. 17-67.) SIMSON (Robert). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters and Science, etc. pp. 270-295.) SINCLAIR (Sir John), Bart. (CHAMBERS S Repos., II. no. 13.) SLOANE (Sir Hans). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXIII. 17-92.) SMELLIE (William). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., II. 17-44.) SMITH (Prof. Adam), LL.D. Life. [By William Draper.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. SMITH ( Capt. John). The Life and Adventures of Captain J. S. ; by George S. Hillard. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., II. 171 -407 ; SCHOOL Libr., IV. 211-362.) SMITH (Sir Thomas). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 100 - 114.) SMOLLETT (Tobias), M.D. Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S Eng lish Humourists.) SOBIESKI (John), King of Poland. See JOHN SOBIESKI. SOCRATES. Life, by C. J. Blomfield. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 669 - 685.) . Xenophon s Memorabilia of S., and Wiggers s Life of S. See Class XVI. Part II. XENOPHON. SOMERS (John), Baron of Evesham, and Lord Chancellor. Life. [By David Jardine.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 140-170.) SOTO (Ferdinando DE). Account of. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., I. 258 -271.) SPENSER (Edmund). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 95, pp. 312-351.) STAEL-HOLSTEIN (Anne Louise Germaine NECKER, Baroness DE). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., II. 59-72.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 159 Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 92, pp. 295-344.) STANDISH (Capt. Miles). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr.,IIL 116-147.) STARK (Maj.-Gen. John). Lives of John Stark [by Edward Everett], Charles Brockden Brown, Richard Montgomery, and Ethan Allen. New York. 1839. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., Vol. I.) Life of Maj.-Gen. J. S. ; by Edward Everett. (SCHOOL Libr., IV. 1 - 75.) STEELE (Sir Richard). Life. (SPECTATOR. Selections, etc. 1840. 18 II. v. - xix.) Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) STERNE (Rev. Laurence). Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) STEUBEN (Frederic William Augustus), Baron. Lives of Baron Steu- ben [by Francis Bowen], Sebastian Cabot, and William Eaton. New-York. 1844. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., Vol. IX.) STEWART, Robert, 2d Marquis of Londonderry, and 2d Viscount Castle- reagh. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., I. 153-162.) STILES (Ezra), D.D., LL.D., President of Yale College. Lives of Ezra Stiles [by James L. Kingsley], John Fitch, and Anne Hutchinson. Boston. 1845. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. VI.) STOWELL, William, 1st Baron. See SCOTT. STRAFFORD, Thomas, Earl of. See WENTWORTH. SWAMMERDAM (Johan). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXVIII. 17-58.) SWIFT (Jonathan), D.D., Dean of St. Patricks. Life and Writings. (THACKERAY S English Humourists.) SULLIVAN (Maj.-Gen. John). Lives of John Sullivan [by Oliver W. B. Peabody], Jacob Leisler, Nathaniel Bacon, and John Mason. Boston. 1844. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. III.) SULLY (Maximilien DE BETHUNE, Duke DE). Life, by Eyre Evans Crowe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., S3, pp. 211 - 261.) TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD (Charles Maurice DE). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., II. 161 - 176.) TASSO (Torquato). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 103-113.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 96 - 162.) TASSONI (Alessandro). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 89, pp. 169-173.) TA VERNIER (Jean Baptiste). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travel lers, I. 180-205.) TELL (Wilhelm). William Tell and Switzerland. (CHAMBERs sMiscel., I. no. 9.) TELLEZ Y GIRON (Pedro), Duke of Ossuna. See OSSUNA. TELLIER (Fran9ois Michel LE), Marquis de Louvois. See Louvois. 160 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. TEMPLE (Sir William). Life and Writings. (MACAULAY S Essays, III. 167-256.) THEMISTOCLES. Campaigns and Character. (HERBERT S Captains, etc. pp. 97 - 136. See Part I.) THOMAS AQUINAS [Ital. TOMMASO D AQUINO], Saint. Life, by R. D. Hampden, D.D. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XL 793 - 814.) THOMPSON (Benjamin), Count Rumford. Life. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, X. no. 161.) Lives of Count Rumford [by James Renwick], Zebulon Mont gomery Pike, and Samuel Gorton. Boston. 1845. 16 (SfARKs s Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. V.) THURLOW (Edward), 1st Baron Tlmrlow. Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 101 - 111.) Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 75 ? pp. 258-287.) TIERNEY (George). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 2d Ser., I. 181 - 194.) TINTORETTO (The). See [ROBUSTI (M.)]. TOOKE (John HORNE). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S "Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 2d Ser., I. 133-149.) TOURNEFORT (Joseph PITTON DE). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, II. 7-19.) TOUSSAINT L OUVERTURE. See L OUVERTURE. TRENCK(Friedrich, Jztororc VON). Story. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, IV. no. 76.) TRUMBULL (John). Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters of J. T., from 1756 to 1841. New York & London. 1841. 8 TUCKERMAN (Joseph), D.D. Discourse on his Life and Character. (CHANNING S Works, VI. 91 - 146.) TYNDALE (William), the Martyr. Memoir. [By George Offor, recast by J. P. Dabney.] See Class II. Part II. THE NEW TESTAMENT .... By William Tyndale, etc. 1837. 12 ULLOA (Antonio DE). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Gel. Travellers, II. 320-338.) VAILLANT (Francois LE). See LE VAILLANT. VALERIANOS (Apostolos) or Juan de FUCA, Account of. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 7 - 14.) VALLE (Pietro DELLA). Life. (ST. JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, I. 149-180.) VANBRUGH (Sir John). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 97, pp. 213 - 231.) VANE (Sir Henry), the Younger. Life, by John Forster. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 79, pp. 1-240.) Life of Sir H. V., Fourth Governor of Massachusetts ; by Charles Wentworth Upham. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., IV. 85-403 ; SCHOOL Libr., VI. 55 - 250.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. 161 VEGA (Garcilasso DE LA). See GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. VEGA CARPIO (Lope Felix DE). Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl.,9O ? pp. 189-237.) VESPUCCI (Amerigo) [Lat. VESPUCIUS (Americus)]. Life. (!RVING S Life of Columbus, etc. III. 330-345.) VILLEGAS (Esteban Manuel DE). See ESPINEL (V.). VOLNET (Constantin Francois CHASSEBCEUF, Count DE). Life. (Sx, JOHN S Lives of Cel. Travellers, III. 219-237.) VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie AROUET DE). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters and Science, etc. pp. 13-91.) Private Life. (A. H. EVERETT S Essays, pp. 172-200.) Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl, 92, pp. 1 - 110.) WALKER (John), D.D. Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., III. 17 - 50.) WALLACE (William), and Robert BRUCE. Lives. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 31.) WALLER (^Edmund). Life, by Robert Bell. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 93, pp. 91-137.) WARD (Samuel). Life of S. W., Governor of Rhode Island; by Wil liam Gammell. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., IX. 231 - 358.) WARE (Henry), Jr., D.D. Memoir of the Life of H. W., Jr. By his Brother, John Ware, M.D. . . . New Ed. 2 vols. Boston. 1849 - 46. 12 WARE (Mrs. Mary Lovell [PICKARD] ). Memoir of Mary L. Ware, Wife of Henry Ware, Jr. By Edward B. Hall. 5th Thousand. Boston. 1853. 12 WARREN (Maj.-Gen. Joseph), M.D. Life of J. W., by Alexander H. Everett. (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., X. 91-183; SCHOOL Libr., V. 183-238.) WASHINGTON (George). Life of W. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 60.) W. and his Contemporaries. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 10.) Entertaining Anecdotes of W. ; exhibiting his Patriotism, Cour age, Benevolence and Piety. New Ed. Boston. 1848. Square 16 (8.) A Life of W. By James K. Paulding. ... 2 vols. New- York. [1835?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 75, 76.) The Life of G. W. By Jared Sparks. . . . Boston. 1846. 8 See NAPOLEON I. WATT (James). Life. (BROUGHAM S Lives of Men of Letters and Science, etc. pp. 209-235.) Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 136.) WAYNE (Maj.-Gen. Anthony). Lives of Anthony Wayne [by John Armstrong] and Sir Henry Vane. New-York. 1844. 16 or 12 (8. and 6.) (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., Vol. IV.) Life of A. W. ; by John Armstrong. (SCHOOL Libr., VI. 251 - 304..) 21 162 CLASS XXIV. BIOGRAPHY. PART II. WEBSTER (John). Life. [With sketches of the minor English drama tists, George Chapman, Thomas Middleton, John Marston, Thomas Decker, Thomas Heywood, William Rowley, Nathaniel Field, Thomas May, Robert Davenport, and William Cartwright.] (L.ARD- NER S Cab. Cycl., 96, pp. 322 - 346.) WEDDERBURN (Alexander), \stBaronLougliborougli. Sketch. (BROUGH AM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., I. 83-98.) WELLESLEY [originally WESLEY] (Arthur), 1st Duke of Wellington. The Duke of VV. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 96.) WELLINGTON, Arthur, 1st Duke of. See WELLESLEY. WENTWORTH (Thomas), Earl of Sir afford. Life, by John Forster. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 77, pp. 178-421.) WERNER (Abraham Gottlob). Eloge, by Baron Cuvier. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., XXIX. 17-40.) WEST (Benjamin). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. II. 5-53.) WEST (Thomas), 3d Baron Delaioare, Sir Thomas GATES, Sir George SOMERS, Capt. Christopher NEWPORT, Sir Thomas DALE, and Sir Fer- dinando WAINMAN. Lives. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 1 15 - 147.) WEYMOUTH (George). See GOSNOLD (B.). WHITEFIELD or WHITFIELD (George), and Richard Hurrell FROUDE. Lives. (STEPHEN (Sir J.). ... Essays, pp. 58-99.) WICLIF (John). See WYCLIFFE. WILBERFORCE (William). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of Statesmen," etc. 1st Ser., II. 81 - 87.) . Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, II. 317-324.) Life. (STEPHEN (Sir J.). ... Essays, pp. 13 - 57.) WILLIAM I. King of England, the Conqueror. History. ... By Jacob Abbott. With Engravings. New York. [1849 ?] 16 WILLIAM of Orange and the Netherlands. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 42.) WILLIAMS (Roger). Lives of Roger Williams [by William Gammell], Timothy Dwight, and Count Pulaski. Boston. 1845. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., 2d Ser., Vol. IV.) WILLIAMSON (Peter). Story. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 24,) WiLLUGHBYorWiLLOUGHBY (Francis). Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., V. 17-146.) WILMOT (Sir John Eardley). Life, by Henry Roscoe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 75, pp. 229-240.) WILSON (Alexander). Life. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 152, pp. 24-32.) Memoir. (JARDINE S Nat. Libr., IV. 17 - 50.) Lives of Alexander Wilson [by William B. O. Peabody] and Captain John Smith. Boston. 1839. 16 (SPARKS S Amer. Biogr., Vol. II.) CLASS XXIV. BIOGKAPIIY. PART II. 163 WILSON (Richard). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters, etc. I. 171-185.) WILTON (Joseph). Life. (CUNNINGHAM S Lives of Brit. Painters and Sculptors, III. 62-73.) WINDHAM (William). Sketch. (BROUGHAM S " Hist. Sketches of States men," etc. 1st Ser., II. 21 -27.) WINSLOW (Edward). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., III. 85- 115.) WINTHROP (John), Gov. of Mass. Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., III. 148-184.) WINTHROP (John), Jr., Gov. of Connecticut. Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., III. 185-205.) WITT (Johan DE), Grand Pensionary of Holland. Memoir. (DISTIN GUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 278 - 290.) Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 85, pp. 220 -281.) WOLFE (Maj.-Gen. James). Life, by G. R. Gleig. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 68, pp. 317-359.) WOLSEY (Thomas), Cardinal. Life. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 76 ? pp. Ill- 183.) Life. [By Mrs. A. T. Thomson.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. WORCESTER (Noah), D.D. Tribute to his Memory. (CHANNING S Works, IV. 387-407.) WORDSWORTH (William). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 40.) Memoirs of W. W., Poet-Laureate, D. C. L. By Christopher Wordsworth, D.D Edited by Henry Reed. 2 vols. Boston. 1851. 16 WREN (Sir Christopher). Life. [By Henry Bellenden Ker.] See Part I. SOCIETY, etc. . . . Lives, etc. WYAT (Sir Francis). Life. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., II. 174-205.) WYCHERLEY (William). Life. [With notices of Sir Charles Sedley, Sir George Etherege, Elkanah Settle, Thomas Durfey, John Crowne, Nahum Tate, John Banks, and Edward Ravenscroft.] (LARDNER S Cab. -Cycl., 97, pp. 165-212.) WYCLIFFE or WICLIF (John). Memoir. (DISTINGUISHED Men of Mod. Times, I. 24 - 38.) XENOPHON. Campaigns and Character. (HERBERT S Captains, etc. pp. 172-225. .See Parti.) XERXES, King of Persia. History ... . By Jacob Abbott. With En gravings. New York. [1850 ?] 16 XIMENES DE CISNEROS (Francisco, originally Gonzales), Cardinal. Life, by Eyre Evans Crowe. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 83 5 pp. 25-69.) YEARDLEY (Sir George). See ARGAL (Sir S.). YOUNG (Edward), LL.D. Life, by Robert Bell. (LAKDNER S Cab. Cycl., 94, pp. 327-363.) 164 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PABT I. ZENO (Niccolo) and Antonio ZENO. (BELKNAP S Amer. Biogr., I. 138- 155.) ZENOBIA, Queen of Palmyra. Memoir. (JAMESON S Memoirs of Gel. Female Sovereigns, I. 57-65.) ZINZENDORF (Philipp Ludwig, Count VON). Life, by G. P. R. James. (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 87, pp. 69 - 102.) CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY, AND WORKS ON GEN- ERAL HISTORY; CHRONOLOGY. Note. For Ancient Greek and Latin Authors, see Class XVI. Parts II. and III. PART I. GENERAL AND INTRODUCTORY WORKS. ARNOLD (Thomas), D.D. Introductory Lectures on Modern History. See Part III. CREASY (Prof. Edward Shepherd). The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World ; from Marathon to Waterloo. . . . New York. 1851. 12 GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold). A History of all Nations, from the Ear liest Periods to the Present Time ... . Illustrated by 70 Stylo- graphic Maps, and 700 Engravings. . . . 2 vols. (paged continuous ly). Boston. 1849 - 51. V or large 8 (4.) HART (John S.), LL.D. Questions to White s Universal History. ... Philadelphia. 1844. 12 pp. 36. (Appended to WHITE.) HAYDN (Joseph). Dictionary of Dates, and Universal Reference, relat ing to all Ages and Nations .... 3d Ed. To which is added, A copious Index of leading Names. London. 1845. 8 HOUZE (A.). . . . Atlas Universel Historique et Geographique. See Class XXII. Part I. KEIGHTLEY (Thomas). Outlines of History, from the Earliest Period to the Abdication of Napoleon. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 1.) LIEBER (Prof. Francis), LL.D. Great Events, described by distin guished Historians, Chroniclers, and other Writers. Collected and in part translated by F. L. Boston. [1840 ?1 12 (SCHOOL Libr.. Vol. XVII.) M c CuLLOCH (John Ramsey). M Culloch s Universal Gazetteer. See Class XXII. Part I. MANGNALL (Richmal). Historical and Miscellaneous Questions. 1st American, from the 84th London Ed. With large Additions : em bracing the Elements of Mythology, Astronomy, Architecture, Her aldry, etc. etc. Adapted for Schools in the United States by Mrs. Julia Lawrence. . . . New York. 1848. 12 MUELLER (Johannes VON). The History of the World : from the Ear liest Period to the Year of our Lord 1783, with particular reference to the Affairs of Europe and her Colonies. Translated from the German of the Baron John von M tiller. Compared throughout with CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART I. 165 the Original, revised, corrected, and illustrated by a Notice of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Alexander H. Everett. . . . 4 vols. Boston. 1842. 12 (SCHOOL Libr., Vol. XXII. - XXV.) NICOLAS (Sir Nicholas Harris). The Chronology of History. ... London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 2.) OXFORD Chronological Tables. See Part II. 1. ANNALES Antiquitatis, etc. ; Part III. CHRONOLOGICAL Tables, etc. PARKER (Richard Green). Outlines of General History, in the form of Question and Answer ... . New York. 1848. 12 PEABODY (Elizabeth Palmer). The Polish-American System of Chro nology, reproduced, with some Modifications, from General Bern s Franco-Polish Method. Boston. 1851. 12 Blank Centuries accompanying the Manual of the Polish-Amer ican System of Chronology. Boston. 1850. Oblong 4 PICTURES of War. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 137.) PUTNAM (George P.). . . . Hand-Book of Chronology and History. The World s Progress, a Dictionary of Dates : with Tabular Views of General History, and a Historical Chart. Edited by G. P. P. 6th Ed. New-York. 1852. 12 pp. iv. 692. + (PUTNAM S Home Cyclopedia, Vol. I.) 1850- -1851. Supplement to the World s Progress ... . New-York. 1852. 12 pp. 48. SCHLEGEL (Karl Wilhelm Friedrich VON). The Philosophy of His tory ... . With a Memoir of the Author, by James Burton Robert son, Esq. 2 vols. New-York. 1841. 12 TAYLOR (William Cooke), LL.D. A Manual of Ancient and Modern History ... . Revised, with a Chapter on the History of the United States, by C. S. Henry .... 2d Ed. New York. 1845. 8 pp. xv., 797. TYSON (J. W.). An Atlas of Ancient and M^jtern History ... . [Five Charts.] Philadelphia. 1845. 4 TYTLER (Alexander Fraser), Lord Woodhouselee. Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century. ... 2 vols. Boston. 1841. 8 and NARES (E4vvard), D.D. Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Decease of George III., 1820. Edited by an American. ... 6 vols. New- York. 1848 - 39 - 40 - 48 - 40 -41. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 86-91.) USES (On the) of History, as a Study ; and on the Separation of the Early Facts of History from Fable. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 3-72.) WEBER (Prof. Georg). Outlines of Universal History ... . Trans lated from the German ... by Dr. M. Behr ... . Revised and cor rected, with the Addition of a History of the United States of Amer ica, by the American Editor [Prof. Francis Bowen]. Boston. 1853. Large 12 (6.) WHITE (Henry). Elements of Universal History ... . With Addi tions and Questions, by John S. Hart .... Philadelphia. 1844. 12 Note. The " Questions " are paged independently, with a distinct title. 166 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART II. 1. WOODHOUSELEE, Alexander Fraser, Lord. See TYTLER. WORCESTER (Joseph Emerson), LL.D. Elements of History, Ancient and Modern : with a Chart and Tables of History, included within the Volume. . . . Boston. 1845. 12 The same. A new Ed., revised and enlarged. Boston. 1850. 12 (2 copies.) An Historical Atlas. . . . [Containing Charts, I. of General History ; II. Mythology ; III. Sacred History ; IV. Ancient Chro- . nology ; V. Modern Chronology ; VI. Sovereigns of Europe ; VII. Historical Chart of England; VIII. Historical Chart of France; IX. Historical Chart of the German Empire ; X. Historical Chart of Spain ; XI. Chart of American History ; XII. Chart of Biography.] 6th Ed. Boston. [1833 ?] fol. The same. With Description, Illustration, and Questions ... . New and revised Ed. Cambridge. 1852. fol. Description, 12 pp. 36. PART II. ANCIENT HISTORY. 1. General Works ; Asiatic and African History. ANNALES Antiquitatis. Chronological Tables of Ancient History syn chronistically and ethnographically arranged. Compiled from the best Authorities. Oxford. 1835. fol. pp. 44. Note. Valuable Chronological Tables of Ancient History are appended to Smith s " Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology," and to his " New Classical Dictionary." BLOSS (C. A.). Bloss Ancient History, illustrated by colored Maps, and arranged to accompany a Chronological Chart ... . Rochester. 1845. 12 BUCKE (Charles). Ruins f Ancient Cities ; with ... Accounts of their Rise, Fall, and Present Condition. ... 2 vols. New- York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 134, 135.) CARTHAGE and the Carthaginians. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. III. no. 20.) HEEREN (Prof. Arnold Hermann Ludwig). A Manual of Ancient His tory, particularly with regard to the Constitutions, the Commerce, and the Colonies, of the States of Antiquity. . . . Translated from the German. The 3d Ed., corrected and improved. Oxford. 1840. 8 Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians and Egyptians. Translated from the German. The 2d Ed., corrected throughout, and to which is now first added an Index, a Life of the Author, new Appendixes, and other Additions. 2 vols. Oxford. 1838. 8 Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse and Trade of the principal Nations of Antiquity. . . . Translated from the Ger man. Vol. I. Asiatic Nations. Persians, Phoenicians, Babylonians. | Vol. II. ... Scythians, Indians, Appendixes. 2 vols. London. 1846. 8 MOUNTAIN (Rev. Jacob Henry Brooke). Persia, Mithridates. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 120-138.) CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART II. 2. 167 NIEBUHR (Barthold Georg). A Dissertation on the Geography of Herod otus ... . Researches into the History of the Scythians, Getse, and Sarmatians. See Class XXII. Part II. Lectures on Ancient History, from the Earliest Times to the taking of Alexandria by Octavianus. Comprising the History of the Asiatic Nations, the Egyptians, Greeks, Macedonians and Carthagin ians. Translated from the German Ed. of Dr. Marcus Niebuhr, by Dr. Leonhard Schmitz . . . with Additions and Corrections from his own MS. Notes. ... 3 vols. London. 1852. 8 NUTTALL (P. Austin), LL.D. A Synoptical and Chronological View of Ancient History. (Prefixed to his " Classical and Archaeological Dictionary." See Class XXVII.) PUETZ (Wilhelm). Manual of Ancient Geography and History. . . . Translated from the German. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Kerche- ver Arnold .... 2d American, revised and corrected [by George W. Greene] from the London Ed. [With a Chronological Table, B. C. 2000 A. D. 476.] New- York. 1850. 12 ROLLIN (Charles). The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthagini ans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians, and Macedonians ; including a History of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients. . . . With a Life of the Author, by James Bell. First complete American Ed. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1841. 8 Note. Also with engraved title-pages. ^ RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. Syria, from B. C. 193 to B. C. 64; (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 57-67.) Parthia, from B. C. 245 to B. C. 53. (Ibid. X. 204-209.) Egypt. Ptolemy Soter. Cleopatra. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 337 - 354.) 2. Greece. CLELAND ( ). Epameinondas. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 589-610.) CLINTON (Henry Fynes). An Epitome of the Civil and Literary Chro nology of Greece, from the Earliest Accounts to the Death of Au gustus. ... Oxford. 1851. 8 GILLIES (John), LL.D. The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies, and Conquests ; Part the First ; from the Earliest Accounts till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East ; including the His tory of Literature, Philosophy, and the Fine Arts. . . . The 6th Ed. ... 4 vols. London. 1820. 8 The same. Part the Second ; embracing the History of the Ancient World, from the Dominion of Alexander to that of Augustus ; with a Survey of Preceding Periods, and a Continuation of the His tory of Arts and Letters. ... A new Ed., with Corrections and Ad ditions. ... 4 vols. London. 1820. 8 The same. [Part the First.] Philadelphia. 1835. 8 GOLDSMITH (Oliver), M.D. Pinnock s improved Edition of Dr. Gold smith s History of Greece, abridged for the Use of Schools. Revised 168 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART II. 2. . . . and . . . enlarged ... . With Questions .... 25th American, from the 19th London Ed. Philadelphia. 1847. 12 GROTE (George). A History of Greece ; I. Legendary Greece. II. Grecian History to the Reign of Peisistratus at Athens. Vol. I. -II. | History of Greece. Vol. III. -IV. 2d Ed. | Vol. V.- XI. 11 vols. London. 1846-53. 8 HEEREN (Prof. Arnold Hermann Ludwig). Ancient Greece. Trans lated from the German, by George Bancroft. Also Three Histori cal Treatises, by the same Author. I. Political Consequences of the Reformation. II. The Rise, Progress, and Practical Influence of Political Theories. III. The Rise and Growth of the Continen tal Interests of Great Britain. New and improved Ed. London. 1847. 8 KEIGHTLEY (Thomas). The History of Greece. To which is added, A Chronological Table of Contemporary History. By Joshua Toul- min Smith .... Boston. 1839. 8 or 12 (4. and 6.) LYALL (William Rowe), Archdeacon of Colchester. Greece. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 561, 562, 585 - 588.) . MALKIN (Frederick). . . . The History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to its Final Subjection to Rome. . . . Published under the Su perintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London. N. D. 8 (LiBR. of Useful Knowl.) MITFORD (William). The History of Greece. ... 8 vols. Boston. 1823. 8 The History of Greece, from the Earliest Period to the Death of Agesilaus. By W. M. Continued [from Chap. XXIX.] to the Death of Alexander the Great, by R. A. Davenport. ... 8 vols. London. 1835. 12 MOUNTAIN (Rev. Jacob Henry Brooke). Xenophon. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 562 - 578.) Dionysius the Elder. Dionysius the Younger. Timoleon. (Ibid. IX. 729 - 753.) Aratus. Cleomenes. Philopoemen. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 1-23.) MUELLER (Prof. Karl Otfried). The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race ... . Translated from the German by Henry Tufnell . . . and George Cornewall Lewis ... . 2d Ed., revised. 2 vols. London. 1839. 8 OUTLINES of Grecian History. See SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. RENOUARD (Rev. George Cecil). Critias. Theramenes. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 579 - 584.) Pyrrhus. (Ibid. IX. 658 - 668.) RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. Philip of Macedon. Alexander the Great. Alexander s Successors. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 611- 631,704-728,789-824.) Syria, from B. C. 193 to B. C. 64. Perseus, King of Mace don. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 57-71.) SCHMITZ (Leonhard). A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART II. 3. 169 to the Destruction of Corinth, B. C. 146 ; mainly based upon that of Connop Thirlwall, D.D New York. 1851. 12 SEWELL (Elizabeth M.). A First History of Greece. ... New-York. 1853. 18 SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. Outlines of Grecian History ... . Published under the Direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society ... . From the latest London Ed., with Additions and Questions. Phila delphia. 1846. 18 THIRLWALL (Connop), Bp. of St. David s. History of Greece. 8 vols. London. 8 ( LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 33 - 4O. ) The same. 2 vols. New- York. 1845. 8 See SCHMITZ (L.). 3. Rome. ARNOLD (Thomas), D.D. On the Credibility of the Early Roman His tory. Hamilcar Barca. Hannibal. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 754-788.) The History of Rome. . . . Three Volumes in Two. Re printed entire, from the last London Ed. New-York. 1846. 8 History of the Later Roman Commonwealth, from the End of the Second Punic War to the Death of Julius Csesar ; and of the Reign of Augustus : with a Life of Trajan. . . . New-York. 1846. 8 The same. (ENCYCL. Metrop., Vol. X.) ELTON (Charles Abraham). A History of the Roman Emperors, from the Accession of Augustus to the Fall of the last Constantine . . . with Maps and Portraits. . . . London. 1825. 12 FERGUSON (Adam), LL.D. The History of the Progress and Termina tion of the Roman Republic. . . . Philadelphia. 1839. 8 Note. Also with an engraved title-page, dated 1 830. The same. A new Ed., abridged. New- York. [1836?] 18 pp. xx., 598. (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 187.) GIBBON (Edward). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With Notes, by the Rev. H. H. Milman .... A new Ed., to which is added a complete Index .... 6 vols. Boston. 1850. 12 GOLDSMITH (Oliver), M.D. Pinnock s improved Edition of Dr. Gold smith s Abridgment of the History of Rome . . . with . . . Questions ... . 25th American, from the 23d London Ed. Philadelphia. 1847. 12 HISTORY (The) of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Founding of Constantinople. [From Niebuhr, Wachsmuth, Heeren, Schlosser, and others. With an Analytical and Chronological Table, A. U. C. 1 A. D. 306.] 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 41, 42.) HISTORY (The) of Rome. [The same work.] Philadelphia. 1837. 8 KEIGHTLEY (Thomas). The History of Rome. To which is added, A 22 170 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART II. 3. Chronological Table of Contemporary History. By Joshua Toulmin Smith .... Boston. 1839. 8 or 12 (4. and 6.) KEIGHTLEY (Thomas). The same. New-York. 1848. 12 or 8 (4. and 6.) History of the Roman Empire, from the Accession of Augus tus to the End of the Empire of the West ; being a Continuation of the History of Rome. . . . Edited by Joshua Toulmin Smith .... Boston. 1841. 8 or 12 (4. and 6.) MERIVALE (Rev. Charles). The Fall of the Roman Republic, a short History of the Last Century of the Commonwealth. . . . London. 1853. 12 History of the Romans under the Empire. . . . 2d Ed. Vol. I. - II. | Vol. III. 3 vols. London. 1852. 8 MICHELET (Jules). History of the Roman Republic. . . . Translated by William Hazlitt. New York. 1847. 12 MOUNTAIN (Maj. A. S. H.). Hadrianus. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 664- 676.) MOUNTAIN (Rev. Jacob Henry Brooke). Ancient Gaul, from B. C. 600 to B. C. 50. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 190-203.) Spain, from B. C. 234 to B. C. 73. (Ibid. X. 179 - 189.) Caligula. Clau dius. (Ibid. X. 434-451.) NEWMAN (Prof. Francis William). Regal Rome an Introduction to Roman History .... New York. 1852. 12 NIEBUHR (Bartliold Georg). The History of Rome. Translated by Julius Charles Hare . . . and Connop Thirlwall ... . Volume First with a Map Volume Second from the 3d London Ed. revised. . . . | Translated by William Smith, Ph.D. and Leonhard Schmitz, Ph. D. Volume Third. ... | The History of Rome from the First Punic War to the Death of Constantine. In a Series of Lec tures, including an Introductory Course on the Sources and Study of Roman History. Edited by Leonhard Schmitz, Ph. D. Vol. IV. -V. Forming the Fourth Fifth Volume of the entire History. 5 vols. (bound in 2). Philadelphia. 1844. Large 12 (6.) Niebuhr s History of Rome, epitomised from the Larger Work, and adapted to the Use of Schools and Colleges. By Travers Twiss ... . With Chronological Tables and an Appendix. . . . [Part I.] - II. 2 pts. Oxford. 1845. 8 .... Lectures on Roman History, delivered at the University of Bonn. From the Edition of Dr. M. Isler. Translated by Havilland Le M. Chepmell, M.A. and Franz C. F. Demmler, Ph.D. 3 vols. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. 1849 - 50. 16 OTTLEY (Rev. John B.). Tiberius. Antoninus Pius. Marcus Aurelius. Commodus. Pertinax. Literature of the Age of the Antonines. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 425 - 433, 677 - 697.) RENOUARD (Rev. George Cecil). Appius Claudius. Camillus. Pyr- rhus. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 644-668.) RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. The Roman Emperors from Nero to Nerva, inclusive. (ENCYCL. Metrop., Vol. X.) From CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART III. 171 Septimius Severus to Constantinus. (Ibid. XI. 1-80.) From the Accession of Jovian to the Extinction of the Western Empire. (Ibid. 217-268.) SCHMITZ (Leonhard), Ph.D. A History of Rome, from the Earliest TimestotheDeathofCommodus,A.D.192. ... Andover. 1847. 12 SEWELL (Elizabeth M.) The Child s First History of Rome. . . . New York. 1851. 18 (2 copies.) SIMONDE DE SISMONDI (Jean Charles Leonard). The History of the Fall of the Roman Empire, comprising a View of the Invasion and Settlement of the Barbarians. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARD- NER S Cab. Cycl., 43 ? 44.) Twiss (Prof. Travers), D.C.L. Niebuhr s History of Rome epitomised, etc. See NIEBUHR (B. G.). PART III. THE MIDDLE AGES ; GENERAL WORKS ON MODERN HISTORY, AND ON THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE. ARNOLD (Thomas), D.D. Introductory Lectures on Modern History, delivered in Lent Term, MDCCCXLII. With the Inaugural Lecture delivered in December, MDCCCXLI. . . . Edited, from the 2d Lon don Ed., with a Preface and Notes, by Henry Reed ... . New York. 1845. 12 CHRONOLOGICAL Tables of Modern History from the Overthrow of the Roman Empire in the West to the Present Time. ... In a Series of Parallel Columns ... . Together with Synchronistical Tables of Modern Civilization, Science, and Literature, [a Synoptical View of Modern Painters,] Genealogical Tables of the Reigning Houses in Europe, and a complete Index. Oxford. 1840. fol. pp. 86. Note. The Tables of the History of the Middle Ages and those of Modern History (commencing A. D. 1500) have independent title-pages, dated 1838 and 18*39, respectively. CRUSADES (The). (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 162.) DESMICHELS (Ovide Chrysanthe). A Manual of the History of the Mid dle Ages, from the Invasion of the Barbarians to the Fall of Con stantinople, with Genealogical Tables ... . Translated from the French ... by T. G. Jones. London. 1841. 16 (8.) DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. A History of Europe during the Middle Ages. 4 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 48 - 51.) FLORIAN (Jean Pierre CLARIS DE). History of the Moors of Spain. See Part IV. 1. B. Spain. GIBBON (Edward). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. See Part II. 3. HALLAM (Henry). View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. . . . From the 6th London Ed. . . . New- York. 1848. 8 HEEREN (Prof. Arnold Hermann Ludwig). A Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, from its Forma tion at the Close of the Fifteenth Century, to its Re-establishment 172 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART III. upon the Fall of Napoleon. . . . Translated from the 5th German Ed. London. 1846. 8 HEEREN (Prof. Arnold Hermann Ludwig). Three Historical Treatises. See Part II. 2. HEEREN (A. H. L.). Ancient Greece, etc. IRVING (Washington). Mahomet and his Successors. ... 2 vols. New- York. 1850. 12 (Works, Vol. XII. XIII.) JACOB (Samuel). Annals of the Greek Empire during the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Centuries : of the Khalifate from the Rise of the Abas- sides to the End of the Eleventh Century. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XI. 556-570,) JAMES (George Payne Rainsford). The History of Chivalry. . . . New York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 2O.) JONES (William). Continuator. See RUSSELL (W.). The History of Modern Europe, etc. LORD (John). A Modern History, from the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon. . . . Philadelphia. [1849.] 12 or 8 (6. and 8.) MICHELET (Jules). Modern History, from the French of M. Michelet. With an Introduction. By A. Potter, D.D. New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 17O.) OCKLEY (Prof. Simon). The History of the Saracens ; comprising the Lives of Mohammed and his Successors, to the Death of Abdalmelik, the Eleventh Caliph. . . . The 4th Ed., revised, improved, and en larged. London. 1847. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) PROCTER (Col. George). The Middle Ages, from the Fall of the Roman Empire of the West, to the End of the Eighth Century. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XI. 269, etc.) The Feudal System. The Crusades. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XL 449 - 468, 584 - 612, 765 - 792, and XII. 16-71.) PUETZ (Wilhelm). Handbook of Mediseval Geography and History. . . . Translated from the German, by the Rev. R. B. Paul ... . [Edited by Geo. W. Greene.] New-York. 1850. 12 Manual of Modern Geography and History. . . . Translated from the German, by the Rev. R. B. Paul .... 1st American, re vised and corrected [by Jesse A. Spencer] from the London Ed. [With a Chronological Table, A. D. 1492 - 1850.] New-York. 1851. 12 ROBERTSON (William), D.D. View of the Progress of Society in Eu rope, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. (Prefixed to his History of the Emperor Charles V. See Part IV. 1. B. Austria.) ROSE (Rev. Hugh James). Annals of France, Germany, and Italy, from the Death of Charlemagne, to the End of the Thirteenth Cen tury. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XI. 429, etc.) RUSSELL (William), LL.D. The History of Modern Europe : with a View of the Progress of Society from the Rise of the Modern King doms to the Peace of Paris in 1763. And a Continuation of the History to the Present .Time. [Forming Vol. III. of the work.] CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 1. A., B. 173 By William Jones, Esq. With Annotations by an American. . . . 3 vols. New York. 1839. 8 or large 12 (8. and 12.) Note. Also with engraved title-pages, differing from the above. SCHLEGEL (Karl Wilhelm Fried rich VON). A Course of Lectures on Modern History ; to which are added, Historical Essays on the Beginning of our History, and on Csesar and Alexander. Translated by Lyndsey Purcell & R. H. Whitelock, Esqrs. London. 1849. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) SCHLOSSER (Prof. Friedrich Christoph). History of the Eighteenth Century and of the Ninteenth till the Overthrow of the French Em pire. With particular reference to Mental Cultivation and Progress. . . . Translated, with a Preface and Notes, by D. Davison .... 8 vols. London. [Vol. I. -VI.,] 1843-45. [Vol. VII. -VIII.,] 1850 - 52. 8 Note. Vol. Vin. contains an Index to Vol. III. - VIII. SECRET Societies of the Middle Ages. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 33.) SECRET Societies of Modern Europe. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 15.) THIERRY (Jacques Nicolas An gust in). The Historical Essays, pub lished under the Title of " Dix Ans d tudes Historiques," and Nar ratives of the Merovingian Era ; or, Scenes of the Sixth Century. With an Autobiographical Preface. . . . Philadelphia. 1845. 8 PART IV. HISTORY OF PARTICULAR COUNTRIES, NATIONS, AND RACES, NOT INCLUDED IN PARTS II. AND III. i. A. General Works. Note. Eor the General History of Modern Europe, see Part III. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. Lights and Shadows of European His tory ; by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 8.) UNGEWITTER (Francis H.),LL.D. Europe, Past and Present, etc. See Class XXII. Part III. B. Particular Countries, etc. Austria and Germany. BROWNE (Rev. R. Lewis). Annals of Germany, from the Peace of Westphalia, A. D. 1648, to the Congress of Vienna, A. D. 1814. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 647, etc. XIII. 41, etc.) COXE (William), Archdeacon of Wilts. History of the House of Aus tria, from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rhodolph of Haps- burgh, to the Death of Leopold the Second : 1218 to 1792. ... 3d Ed. ... 3 vols. London. 1847. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) 174 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 1. B. DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. The History of the Germanic Empire. 3vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl, 28 - 3O. ) GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS and the Thirty Years War. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 120.) KOHLRATJSCH (Prof. Friedrich). A History of Germany ; from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. . . . Translated from the last German Ed., by James D. Haas. With a complete Index, prepared expressly for the American Ed. New York. 1845. 8 MENZEL (Wolfgang). The History of Germany, from the Earliest Pe riod to the Present Time. Translated from the 4th German Ed., by Mrs. George Horrocks. 3 vols. London. 1848 - 49. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) ORMEROD ( Rev. T. G.). Annals of Germany, from the Diet of Worms, A. D. 1496, to the End of the Thirty Years War, A. D. 1648. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 306, etc.) PHILLIMORE (John George). Annals of Germany and Italy during the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 103 - 122, 254-275.) ROBERTSON (William), D.D. The History of the Reign of the Em peror Charles V. With a View of the Progress of Society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. . . . Abridged Ed. With Questions ... . New- York. N. D. 18 pp. 623. (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 186.) SCHILLER (Johann Christoph Friedrich VON). The Works ... . [Vol. I.] ... History of the Thirty Years War. See under Nether lands, below. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. CRICHTON (Andrew), LL.D. and WHEATON (Henry), LL.D. Scandi navia, Ancient and Modern ; being a History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway ; comprising a Description of these Countries ; an Ac count of the Mythology, Government, Laws, Manners and Institu tions of the Early Inhabitants ; and* of the Present State of Society, Religion, Literature, Arts and Commerce ; with Illustrations of their Natural History. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1841-43. 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 136, 137.) DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. The History of Denmark, Sweden, and Nor way. 3 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 57- 59.) ORMEROD (Rev. T. G.). Sketch of the Northern Kingdoms of Europe, from the Middle of the Sixteenth, to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 614 - 620, 727 - 731.) England and the British Empire. ACCOUNT (An) of the Borders. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 102.) CARLYLE (Thomas). Editor, etc. See CROMWELL (0.). CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 1. B. 175 CRAIK (Prof. George Lillie) and MACFARLANE (Charles). The Pictorial History of England : being a History of the People, as well as a History of the Kingdom. Illustrated with several hundred Wood- Cuts .... By G. L, C. and C. M., assisted by other Contributors. 4vols. New York. 1846-48. 8 CROMWELL (Oliver). Oliver Cromwell s Letters and Speeches : with Elucidations. By Thomas Carlyle. See Class XXIV. Part II. CROMWELL and his Contemporaries. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. no. 58.) DE LOLME (John Lewis), LL.D. The Rise and Progress of the Eng lish Constitution : the Treatise of J. L. De Lolme, LL.D. with an Historical and Legal Introduction, and Notes, by A. J. Stephens .... 2 vols. London. 1838. 8 Note. The two vols. are paged continuously. DICKENS (Charles). A Child s History of England. Volume I. . . . New York. 1853. 16 GOLDSMITH (Oliver), M.D. Pinnock s improved Edition of Dr. Gold smith s History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Death of George II. With a Continuation to the Year 1845. With Questions ... . 45th American, from the 35th English Ed. Phil adelphia. 1847. 12 GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold). A Pictorial History of England ... . Philadelphia. 1846. 12 GUIZOT (Francois Pierre Guillaume). History of the English Revo lution of 1640, commonly called the Great Rebellion : from the Ac cession of Charles I. to his Death. . . . Translated by William Hazlitt. New York. 1846. 12 HALLAM (Henry). The Constitutional History of England from the Ac cession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. ... From the 5th London Ed. New York. 1849. 8 pp. 737. HISTORY of the Plague in London. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 124.) HUME (David). The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Abdication of James the Second, 1688. A new Ed. ... To which is prefixed a short Account of ... [the Author s] Life, written by himself. Vol. I. - V. | To which is added a complete Index ... . Vol. VI. 6 vols. Boston. 1849 - 50. 12 KEIGHTLEY (Thomas). The History of England. Revised and edited, with Notes and Additions, by Joshua Toulmin Smith .... 2 vols. Boston. 1840. 8 or 12 (4. and 6.) The History of England, from the Earliest Period to 1839. . . . From the 2d London Ed. With Notes, &c., by the American Editor. ... 5 vols. New-York. [1840?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 114-118.) LINGARD (John), D.D. A History of England, from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary, in 1688. A new Ed., as enlarged by Dr. Lingard shortly before his Death. In thirteen Volumes. Vol. I. - III. 3 vols. Boston. 1853. 12 (8. 4.) 176 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 1. B. LOLME (Jean Louis DE), LL.D. See DE LOLME. MACAULAY (Thomas Babington). The History of England from the Ac cession of James II. 2 vols. Boston. 1849. 12 MACKINTOSH (Sir James). The History of England, from the Earliest Times, to the Year 1588. . . . New Ed. Philadelphia. 1836. 8 or 12 (4. and 6.) The History of England. With a Continuation from A. D. 1572, by W. Wallace and R. Bell. 10 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 3- 12.) MAHON, Philip Henry, Viscount. See STANHOPE. MARKHAM (Mrs. ),pseudon. See [PENROSE (Mrs. Elizabeth [CART- WRIGHT])]. MEMORABILIA of the Seventeenth Centuiy in Britain. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 12.) NORMAN Conquest (The). (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 132.) [PENROSE (Mrs. Elizabeth [CARTWRIGHT])]. A History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans to the End of the Reign of William the Fourth with Conversations at the End of each Chapter By Mrs. Markham [i. e. Mrs. E. [C.] Penrose] llth Ed. 2 vols. Paris. 1844. 12 History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Reign of Victoria. By Mrs. Markham. A new Ed., revised and enlarged. With Questions ... . By Eliza Robbins ... . New York. 1851. 12 PROCTER (Col. George). Britain, from the Descent of the Saxons, to the Deposition of Richard II. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XI. 376, etc. XII. 16, etc.) RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. Annals of Britain, from the Ac cession of Henry IV. A. D. 1399, to A. D. 1815. (ENCYCL. Metrop. XII. 233, etc. XIII. 277, etc.) SOUTHEY (Robert). The Naval History of England. See Class XXIV. Part I. SOUTHEY (R.) and BELL (R.). Lives, etc. STANHOPE (Philip Henry), Viscount Mahon. History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles. 1713 - 1783. By Lord Mahon. In Seven Volumes. Vol. I. -IV. ... 3d Ed., revised. 4 vols. Boston [London]. 1853. 8 or 16 (8.) STEPHENS (Archibald John). See DE LOLME (J. L.). The Rise and Progress, etc. THIERRY (Jacques Nicolas August in). The Historical Essays, etc. See Part III., above. History of the Conquest of England by the Normans ; its Causes, and its Consequences, in England, Scotland, Ireland, & on the Continent. . . . Translated from the 7th Paris Ed., by William Hazlitt, Esq. [With a Biographical Notice of M. Thierry.] ... 2 vols. London : D. Bogue. 1847. 8 TURNER (Sharon). The History of the Anglo-Saxons from the Earliest CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 1. B. 177 Period to the Norman Conquest. [From the 6th English Ed.] . . . 3 vols. Paris. 1840. 8 VAUGHAN (Robert), D.D. . . . The History of England under the House of Stuart, including the Commonwealth. [A. D. 1603 - 1688.] Part I. James I. Charles I. | Part II. Commonwealth ; Charles II. ; James II. Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 2 pts. London. N. D. 8 pp. xvi., 935. (LiBR. of Useful Knowl.) WADE (John). British History, chronologically arranged ; comprehend ing a classified Analysis of Events and Occurrences i Church and State, and of the Constitutional, Political, Commercial, Intellectual, and Social Progress of the United Kingdom, from the first Invasion by the Romans to A. D. 1847. ... 5th Ed. London. 1847. 8 pp. xii., 1240. France. CROWE (Eyre Evans). The History of France, from the Earliest Pe riod to the Abdication of Napoleon. 3 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 19-21.) GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold). A Pictorial History of France for Schools. ... Philadelphia. 1845. 12 HISTORY of the Bastile. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 166.) INSURRECTIONS in Lyons. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 38.) LAMARTINE (Alphonse DE). History of the Girondists ; or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution. From Unpub lished Sources. . . . Vol. I. - II. Translated by H. T. Ryde. | Vol. III. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author. 3 vols. Lon don. 1848. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) History of the French Revolution of 1848. . . . Translated from the French. London. 1849. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) MACPHERSON (William). Annals of France, from the Accession of Henry IV. A. D. 1589 to the Restoration, July 8, 1815. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 713, etc. XIII. 1, etc.) MICHELET (Jules). History of France ... . Translated by G. H. Smith, F. G. S. 2 vols. New York. 1847. 8 NARRATIVE of the Russian Campaign. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 97.) SEGUR (Philippe Paul, Count DE). History of the Expedition to Russia, undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon in the Year 1812. ... 2 vols. New-York. [1841 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 141, 142.) SMEDLEY (Rev. Edward). Annals of France from the Accession of Louis X. (A. D. 1314) to the Death of Henry III. (A. D. 1589.) (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 72, etc.) STEPHEN (Sir James). Lectures on the History of France. ... New York. 1852. 8 U pp. xvi., 710. THIERRY (Jacques Nicolas Augustin). The Historical Essays, etc. See Part III. 23 178 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. I.E. Germany. See Austria. Great Britain. See England. Gypsies. ACCOUNT of the Gipsies. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VIII. no. 139.) Holland. See Netherlands. Iceland. HISTORICAL (An) and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. See Class XXII. Part III. Ireland. MOORE (Thomas). The History of Ireland, from the Earliest Kings of that Realm down to its last Chief. 4 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 15 - 18.) TAYLOR (William Cooke), LL.D. History of Ireland, from the Anglo- Norman Invasion till the Union of the Country with Great Britain. . . . With Additions, by William Sampson .... 2 vols. New York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 51, 52.) Italy. MACHIAVELLI (Niccolo). The History of Florence, and of the Affairs of Italy, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Lorenzo the Mag nificent ; together with The Prince. And various Historical Tracts. A new Translation. London. 1847. 8 (Bonn s Stand. Libr.) ROSCOE (Thomas). Annals of Italy, from A. D. 1648 to A. D. 1814. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XIII. 1013- 1063.) SFORZOSI ( ). A Compendious History of Italy. Translated from the original Italian by Nathaniel Greene. New-York. 1844. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 79.) SIMONDE DE SISMONDI (Jean Charles Leonard). The History of the Italian Republics ; or, The Origin, Progress, and Fall of Freedom in Italy, from A. D. 476 to 1805. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 47.) [SMEDLEY (Rev. Edward)]. ... Sketches from Venetian History. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 43, 44.) SPALDING (Prof. William). Italy and the Italian Islands. From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. ... 3 vols. New-York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 151 - 153.) Netherlands. DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. Annals of the Netherlands, from B. C. 51 to A. D. 1797. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XIII. 548 - 659.) GRATTAN (Thomas Colley). The History of the Netherlands, from the Invasion of the Romans to the Belgian Revolution in 1830. Lon don. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 55.) CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 1. B. 179 SCHILLER (Johann Christoph Fried rich VON). The Works of Freder ick S. [Vol. I.] Historical. History of the Thirty Years War, complete. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands to the Confed eracy of the Gueux. Translated from the German by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M.A. The Works ... . [Vol. II.] Historical and Dramatic. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands continued Trials of Counts Egmont and Horn. [Translated by Lieut. E. B. Eastvvick, with corrections by A. J. W. Morrison.] Wallenstein and Wilhelm Tell, Historical Dramas. Translated from the German [by James Church ill, S. T. Coleridge, and Theodore Martin]. 2 vols. London. 1846-47. 8 (Bonn s Stand. Libr.) Norway. See Denmark. Poland. DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. The History of Poland from the Earliest Pe riod to 1830. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 56.) FLETCHER (James). The History of Poland ; from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. . . . With a Narrative of the Recent Events, obtained from a Polish Patriot Nobleman. New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 24.) HISTORY of Poland. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IV. no. 73.) Portugal. See Spain. Russia. BELL (Robert). The History of Russia, from the Earliest Period to the Treaty of Tilsit (1807). 3 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 52 - 54.) STRUGGLE (The) in the Caucasus. (CHAMBERS S Repos., II. no. 9.) Scotland. SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. The History of Scotland. 2 vols. Lon don. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 13, 14.) Spain and Portugal. AGAPIDA (Fray Antonio), pseudon. See [IRVING (Washington)]. CHURCH ( ). Annals of Portugal. Progress of Maritime Discovery. A. D. 1279 - 1495. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 357 - 365.) DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. The History of Spain and Portugal. 5 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 23 -27.) FLORIAN (Jean Pierre CLARIS DE). History of the Moors of Spain. Translated from the French Original of M. Florian. To which is added, A brief Notice of Islamism [by the Rev. S. Greene]. New- York. [1840 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 177.) GUERILLA (The) ; a Story of the Peninsular War. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 171.) 180 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 2. A., B. [IRVING (Washington)]. Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. From the MSS. of Fray Antonio Agapida. New- York. 1850. 12 (Works, Vol. XIV.) MOORS (The) in Spain. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 106.) PHILLIMORE (John George). Annals of Spain, from A. D. 1407, to A. D. 1620. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XI. 454 - 467, 519 - 531.) PRESCOTT (William Hickling). History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. . . . 10th Ed. 3 vols. New York. 1849. 8 ROSCOE (Thomas). Annals of Portugal, from A. D. 1495 to A. D. 1811. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XIII. 799 - 827, 983 - 1012.) - Annals of Spain from A. D. 1621 to A. D. 1814. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 706, etc. XIII. 66, etc.) SMEDLEY (Rev. Edward). Annals of Spain and Portugal during the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 1 - 15.) Sweden. See Denmark. Switzerland. DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. Annals of Switzerland, from A. D. 418 to A. D. 1789. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XIII. 183-276.) HISTORY (The) of Switzerland, from the Earliest Period to 1830. Lon don. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 22.) WILLIAM TELL and Switzerland. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., I. no. 9.) Turkey. TAYLOR (William Cooke), LL.D. Annals of the Ottoman Empire, from the Capture of Constantinople, A. D. 1453, to the Peace of Cainarje, A. D. 1774. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 639, etc. XIII. 84, etc.) 2. A. General Works. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. Lights and Shadows of Asiatic His tory : by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. .1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 9.) B. Particular Countries, etc. Arabia. CRICHTON (Andrew), LL.D. . . . The History of Arabia, Ancient and Modern. ... 2 vols. New- York. 1840-45. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 68, 69.) FLORIAN (Jean Pierre CLARIS DE). History of the Moors of Spain. . . . [With] a brief Notice of Islamism, etc. See 1. B. Spain. IRVING (Washington). Mahomet and his Successors. ... 2 vols. New- York. 1850. 12 (Works, Vol. XII. XIII.) CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 3. A. 181 Assyria. See Mesopotamia. Hindostan. BRITISH Conquest (The) of India. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 157.) MURRAY (Hugh). Historical and Descriptive Account of British India, from the most Remote Period to the Present Time . . . ; with Illustra tions of the Zoology, Botany, Climate, Geology and Mineralogy. Also Medical Observations ; an Account of the Hindoo Astronomy, the Trigonometrical Surveys, and the Navigation of the Indian Seas. By Hugh Murray . . . ; James Wilson . . . ; R. K. Greville . . . ; Pro fessor Jameson ; Whitelavv Ainslie ...; William Rhind ...; Pro fessor Wallace ; and Captain Clarence Dalrymple .... 3 vols. New York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 47-49.) TAYLOR (William Cooke), LL.D. Establishment of the Mohammedan Power in India. History of the Delhi Empire, and of Persia. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 468 - 475, 696 - 705, XIII. 828 - 832.) Japan. EUROPEAN Intercourse with Japan. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 93.) Mesopotamia and Assyria (now Turkey in Asia). FRASER (James Baillie). Mesopotamia and Assyria, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time ; with Illustrations of their Natural History. . . . New- York. 1845. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 157.) Palestine and the Jews. HALE (William Hale), Archdeacon. History of the Jews. (ENCYCL. Metrop., Vol. IX. X.) HISTORY of the Jews in England. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., IX. no. 153.) MILMAN (Rev. Henry Hart). The History of the Jews, from the Ear liest Period to the Present Time. . . . With Maps and Engravings. 3 vols. New- York. 1843. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 1 - 3. ) RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. Palestine ; or, The Holy Land, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. . . . With a Map and Nine Engravings. New York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 27.) Persia. FRASER (James Baillie). Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time . . . including a Descrip tion of Afghanistan and Beloochistan. . . . New-York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 7O.) Turkey in Asia. See Mesopotamia. 3. &trica, A. General Works. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. Lights and Shadows of African His tory : by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 1O.) 182 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 4. A. B. Particular Countries, etc. * Abyssinia. See Nubia. t * Barbary States. RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. History and Present Condition of the Barbary States ... . New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 73.) Egypt. RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. . . . View of Ancient and Modern Egypt ; with an Outline of its Natural History ... . With a Map and Engravings. New- York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 23.) Nubia and Abyssinia. RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. . . . Nubia and Abyssinia : com prehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History ... . Illustrated by a Map, and several En gravings. New- York. 1845. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 61.) 4. A. General Works; the Indians. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. . . . The First Book of History, com bined with Geography ; containing the History and Geography of the Western Hemisphere. ... By the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Illustrated by Engravings and [18] Colored Maps. Revised and im proved Ed., with important Additions. Boston. 1852. Square 16 [ - ] History of the Indians, of North and South America : by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 11.) [ - ] Lights and Shadows of American History : by the Auth*or of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 7.) MACGREGOR (John). The Progress of America, from the Discovery of Columbus to the Year 1846. . . . Vol. I. Historical and Statistical. | Vol. II. Geographical and Statistical. 2 vols. London. 1847. Large 8 (4.) pp. xii., 1520, and viii., 1334, 84. Note. Supplements to Vol. I. are appended to Vol. II. PARLEY (?eier),pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. ROBERTSON (William), D.D. The History of the Discovery and Con quest of America. ... Abridged. With a Memoir of the Author from that by Dugald Stewart .... New-York. 1848. 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 185.) STONE (Col. William Leet). Border Wars of the American Revolution. See B. a. United States. CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 4. B. a. 183 THACHER (Benjamin Bussey). Indian Biography. See Class XXIV. Part I. WILLSON (Marcius). American History : comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes; a Description of American Antiquities, with an Inquiry into their Origin, and the Origin of the Indian Tribes ; History of the United States, with Appendices showing its Connec tion with European History ; History of the present British Provinces ; History of Mexico ; and History of Texas ... . New York. 1847. 8 pp. 672. B. Particular Countries, etc. a. ft r ort|) America anfc tlje & est EntJia fclantog. British America. MURRAY (Hugh). An Historical and Descriptive Account of British America. See Class XXII. Part III. Hayti. TOUSSAINT L OuvERTURE and the Republic of Hayti. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, III. no. 57.) Mexico. CONQUEST (The) of Mexico. (CHAMBERS S MisceL, IX. no. 146.) PRESCOTT (William Hickling). History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes. . . . 8th Ed. 3 vols. New York. 1850. 8 United States. (General Works.) BANCROFT (George). History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Vol. I. - II. 14th Ed. | Vol. III. 12th Ed. | Vol. IV. - V. 5 vols. Boston. 1848 - 48 - 46 - 52 - 52. 8 Note. Vols. I. -III. have also the title: " History of the Colonization of the United States." Vol. IV. has the half-title: " The American Revolution. Epoch First. The Overthrow of the European Colonial System. 1748-1763." Half-title of Vol. V. : " Epoch Second. How Great Britain estranged America. 1763-1774." [Bo WEN (Prof. Francis)]. History of the United States. See Part I. WEBER (G.). Outlines, etc. CHALMERS (George). An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies .... 2 vols. Boston. 1845. 8 COOPER (James Fenimore). The History of the Navy of the United States of America. ... 2 vols. London. 1839. 8 DUNHAM (S. A.), LL.D. Annals of the United States of North Amer ica, from A. D. 1497 to A. D. 1814. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XIII. 847- 875, 1089-1132.) 184 CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 4. B. a. EMERSON (Joseph). Questions and Supplement to Goodrich s History of the United States. ... A new Ed., . . . adapted to the enlarged Ed. of the History. Boston. 1844. 18 FERGUS (Rev. Henry). The History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of America to the Election of General Jackson to the Presidency in 1829. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl.,31, 32.) FROST (John). A History of the United States ; for the Use of Schools and Academies. . . . New Ed., with Additions and Corrections. Philadelphia. 1846. 12 GOODRICH (Charles Augustus). A History of the United States of America, on a Plan adapted to the Capacity of Youth ... . En larged from the 100th Ed. ... Boston. 1844. 12 or 18 (6.) See EMERSON (J.). Questions, etc. The same. Illustrated by Engravings and Colored Maps . To which are added the Constitution of the United States, and the Decla ration of Independence. Revised from former Editions, and brought down to the Present Time. Boston. 1852. 12 GRAHAME (James), LL.D. The History of the United States of North America, from the Plantation of the British Colonies till their As sumption of National Independence. . . . 2d Ed., enlarged and amended. [Edited, with a Memoir of the Author, by Josiah Quincy.] 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1848. 8 HALE (Salma). History of the United States, from their first Settlement as Colonies to the Close of the Administration of Mr. Madison in 1817. ... 2 vols. New-York. [1840?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 119, 12O.) HILDRETH (Richard). The History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent to the Organization of Govern ment under the Federal Constitution. ... 3 vols. New York. 1849. 8 [Second Series.] The History of the United States of Amer ica from the Adoption of the Federal Constitution to the End of the Sixteenth Congress. In Three Volumes. Vol. I. Administration of Washington. | Vol. II. John Adams and Jefferson. | Vol. III. Madison and Monroe. 3 vols. New York. 1851-52. 8 Note. Also with the title : " The History of the United States of Amer ica." Vol. IV. -VI. HINTON (John Howard). The History and Topography; of the United States : edited by John Howard Hinton, A.M. assisted by several Literary Gentlemen in America & England. Illustrated with a Series of Views, drawn on the Spot, and engraved on Steel, ex pressly for this Work. 3d Ed., brought down to 1842. 2 vols. London. 1842. 4 PILGRIM Fathers (The). (CHAMBERS S Repos., I. no. 7.) STONE (Col. William Leet). Border Wars of the American Revolution. ... 2 vols. New-York. [1843?] 18 (HARPER S Farn. Libr., 167, 168.) CLASS XXV. POLITICAL HISTORY. PART IV. 4. B. a. 185 SULLIVAN (William). The Public Men of the Revolution. Including Events from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace of 1815. See Class XXIV. Part I. WASHINGTON and his Contemporaries. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 10.) WILLARD (Mrs. Emma [HART]). History of the United States. ... New York. 1845. 8 Abridged History of the United States New York. 1845. 12 WILLIAMS (Edwin). The Statesman s Manual. The Addredfces and Messages of the Presidents of the United States, . . . from 1789 to 1851 ; with a Memoir of each of the Presidents, and a History of their Administrations : also, the Constitution of the United States, and a Selection of important Documents and Statistical Information. . . . Reference Ed. enlarged. 3 vols. New York. 1852. 8 Note. The three vols. are paged continuously. A summary of the seventh Census of the U. S. is appended to Vol. III. WILLSON (Marcius). History of the United States, for the Use of Schools. New-York. 1846. 12 (2 copies.) (Particular States and Territories.) California. CALIFORNIA. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 26.) Connecticut. DWIGHT (Theodore), Jr. The History of Connecticut, from the First Settlement to the Present Time. New York. [1840 ?] 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 133.) Louisiana. BUNNER (E.). History of Louisiana, from its First Discovery and Set tlement to the Present Time. New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 176.) Maine. SIBLEY (John Langdon). A History of the Town of Union, in the County of Lincoln, Maine, to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century ; with a Family Register of the Settlers before the Year 1800, and of their Descendants. ... Boston. 1851. 12 Massachusetts. PILGRIM Fathers (The). (CHAMBERS S Repos., I. no. 7.) WHITNEY (Rev. Peter). The History of the County of Worcester, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : with a particular Account of every Town .... To which is prefixed, A Map of the County ... . Worcester. 1793. 8 Note. The Map is wanting. WINTHROP (John), Got , of Mass. The History of New England from 1630 to 1649. By John Winthrop, Esq. first Governour of the Colony 24 186 CLASS XXVI. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTOKY, ETC. of the Massachusetts Bay. From his Original Manuscripts. With Notes .... By James Savage .... A new Ed., with Additions and Corrections by the former Editor. ... 2 vols. Boston. 1853. Large 12 (6.) Michigan. LANMAN (James H.). History of Michigan, from its Earliest Coloniza tion to the Present Time. New-York. [1841 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 139.) Oregon. IRVING (Washington). Astoria or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Author s revised Ed. [With a Map of the Oregon Territory.] . . . New-York. 1849. 12 (Works, Vol. VIII.) I. SotttJ) Peru. INCAS (The) of Peru. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 90.) PRESCOTT (William Hickling). History of the Conquest of Peru, with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. ... 2 vols. New York. 1850. 8 Note. Including Malaysia (otherwise called the Asiatic, Eastern, or Indian Archipelago), Australia, and Polynesia. AUSTRALIA and Van Diemen s Land. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 45.) RAJAH BROOKE and Borneo. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 34.) RUSSELL (Michael), Bp. of Glasgow. Polynesia ; or, An Historical Ac count of the principal Islands in the South Sea, including New Zea land ; the Introduction of Christianity ; and the Actual Condition of the Inhabitants in regard to Civilization, Commerce, and the Arts of Social Life. . . . New-York. 1848. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 158.) SIR STAMFORD RAFFLES and the Spice Islands. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., III. no. 53.) CLASS XXVI. ECCLESIASTICAL AND SACRED HISTORY. Note. For the History of Various Religions and Superstitions, see Class II. Part IV. AUBIGNE (Jean Henri MERLE D ). See MERLE D AUBIGNE. CAMISARDS (The). [Or, The Persecution of the Protestants in France.] (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VII. no. 114.) CARWITHEN ( Rev. J. B. S.). Heresies of the Fourth Century, and His tory of the Christian Church, from the Death of Theodosius to the End of the Eleventh Century. (ENCYCL. Metrop., Vol. XI.) CLASS XXVI. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, ETC. 187 CLAIMS (Of the) and Uses of Sacred History. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 73 - 80.) CKOSTHWAITE (Rev. John Clarke). Ecclesiastical History of the First Half of the Sixteenth Century. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XUI. 97- 104.) D AUBIGNE (Jean Henri MERLE). See MERLE D AUBIGNE. BOWLING (Rev. John Goulter). Ecclesiastical History, from A. D. 1548 to A. D. 1700. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XIII. 475-495, 660-670.) GAMMELL (Prof. William). A History of American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. . . . With Maps and an Appendix. Boston. 1849. 12 GARNETT (Rev. Richard). The Christian Church, from the Death of Julian, to the End of the Fourth Century. Ecclesiastical Writers of the Fourth Century. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XI. 302 - 323.) GLEIG (Rev. George Robert). The History of the Bible. ... 2 vols. New York. N. D. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 12, 13.) HETHERINGTON (Rev. William M.) History of the Church of Scotland. From the Introduction of Cbristianity to the Period of the Disruption in 1843. . . . 1st American, from the 3d Edinburgh Ed. New York. 1844. 8 J HINDS (Samuel), D.D. A History of the Rise and Early Progress of Christianity. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 580 - 606, 705 - 814.) JEREMIE (James Amiraux), D.D. History of the Christian Church in the Second and Third Centuries, and of Rome from the Foundation of Constantinople to the Death of Julian. (ENCYCL, Metrop., XI. 81-208.) LYALL (Rev. Alfred). The Christian Church in the Twelfth and Thir teenth Centuries. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XL 646 - 658, 749 - 764.) MERLE D AUBIGNE (Jean Henri), D.D. History of the Great Reforma tion of the 16th Century, in Germany, Switzerland, &c. . . . Vol. I. - III. 5th American from the 5th London Ed. | Assisted in the Preparation of the English Original by H. White ... . Vol. IV. | History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. Volume Fifth. The Reformation in England. ... Translated by H. White ... Ph.Dr The Translation carefully revised by Dr. Merle d Au- bigne. 5 vols. New York : Robert Carter. [Vol. I.- III.,] 1843. [Vol. IV.,] 1846. [Vol. V.,] 1853. 12 Note. The unmutilated edition. MILMAN (Rev. Henry Hart). The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. . . . With a Preface and Notes by James Murdoch, D.D. New-York 1841. 8 MIMPRISS (Robert). The Gospel History of our Lord s Life and Min istry, etc. See Class XXIV. Part II. JESUS CHRIST, etc. NEANDER (Prof. Johann August Wilhelm). History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles. . . . [Vol. I.] Translated from the 3d Ed. of the original German by J. E. Ry- land. | With the Author s Final Additions. Also, his Antignostikus ; 188 CLASS XXVII. HISTORY OF MORALS, ETC. ANTIQUITIES. or, Spirit of Tertullian. Translated from the German by J. E. Ry- land. . . . Vol. II. 2 vols. London. 1851. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) Note. The " Antignostikus" has the half-title : " Antignostikus ; or the Spirit of Tertullian, and an Introduction to his Writings : a Monograph de signed to be a Contribution to the History of Christian Doctrine and Morals in the First Ages. ... Translated from the 2d Ed. (Berlin 1849) of the Original German." NORTON (Prof. Andrews). The Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. See Class II. 1. Note. A large part of Vols. II. and III. relates to the history of the Gnostics. PERSECUTIONS (The) in Scotland. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., VI. no. 109.) RANKE (Prof. Franz Leopold). The History of the Popes, their Church and State, and especially of their Conflicts with Protestant ism, in the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries. Translated by E. Foster. Vol. I. -II. With a General Index. | Vol. III. Appendix. 3 vols. London. 1847 - 48. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) RELIGIOUS Impostors. See Class XXIV. Part I. RIDDLE (Rev. Joseph Esmond). Ecclesiastical History of the Four teenth and Fifteenth Centuries. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XII. 179-191, 288-305.) ROSE (Rev. Hugh James). Ecclesiastical History from A. D. 1700 to A. D. 1815. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XIII. 1133- 1147.) STEBBING (Rev. Henry). The History of the Christian Church, from its Foundation to A. D. 1492. ... 2 vols. London. 8 (LARD- NER sCab. Cycl.,63, 64.) The History of the Reformation. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. CycL, 65, 66.) TRACY (Rev. Joseph). History of the American Board of Commission ers for Foreign Missions. . . . 2d Ed., carefully revised and enlarged. New-York. 1842. 8 TURNER (Sharon). The Sacred History of the World, attempted to be philosophically considered, in a Series of Letters to a Son. ... 3 vols. New-York. 1846. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 32, 72, 84.) WHATELY (Richard), Abp. of Dublin. Dissertation Third : exhibiting a General View of the Rise, Progress, and Corruptions of Christianity. . . . (ENCYCL. Brit., 8th Ed., I. 447 - 545.) CLASS XXVII. HISTORY OF MORALS, MANNERS, AND CUS TOMS. ANTIQUITIES ; NUMISMATICS. Note. Compare Classes XXII., XXIIL, and Class II. Part IV. ADAM (Alexander), LL.D. Roman Antiquities ... . With ... Notes .... By James Boyd .... 7th New York Ed., with additional Notes. By Lorenzo L. Da Ponte New York. 1837. 8 CLASS XXVII. HISTORY OF MORALS, ETC. ANTIQUITIES. 189 Roman Antiquities ... . With numerous Notes, improved Indices, and a Series of Analytical Questions. By James Boyd ... . Illustrated by upwards of 100 Engravings on Wood and Steel. 12th Ed. London. 1843. 12 or 18 (6.) pp. xii., 528, 98. ANCIENT Rites and Mysteries. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 73.) ANCIENT Scandinavia. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VII. no. 50.) ANNALS of Fashion. . See BOOK (The) of Costume, etc. ANTHON (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A Manual of Grecian Antiquities. With numerous Illustrations. . . . New York. 1852. 12 A Manual of Roman Antiquities. With numerous Illustrations. ... New York. 1851. 12 BECKER (Prof. Wilhelm Adolph). Charicles : or Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks ; with Notes and Excursus. Translated from the German ... by the Rev. Frederick Metcalfe .... London. 1845. 12 Gallus : or, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus ; with Notes and Excursuses illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. . . . Translated by the Rev. Frederick Metcalfe .... [2d Ed., revised and enlarged, from the 2d Ed. of the original work, edited by Prof. W. Rein.] London. 1849. 12 BOECKH (Prof. August). The Public Economy of Athens ; to which is added, A Dissertation on the Silver Mines of Laurion. . . . Translated by George Cornewall Lewis .... 2d Ed., revised. London. 1842. 8 pp. xiii., 688. + BOJESEN (Prof. Ernst Frederik Christian), Ph. D. A Manual of Grecian Antiquities ... . Translated from the German. Edited (with occasional Notes, and a complete Series of Questions) by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold ... . Revised, with Additions and Corrections [by the Rev. J. A. Spencer]. New-York. 1848. 12 A Manual of Roman Antiquities, with a short History of Roman Literature ... . Translated from the German. Edited (with oc casional Notes, and a complete Series of Questions) by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold ... . Revised, with Additions and Cor rections [by the Rev. J. A. Spencer]. New-York. 1848. 12 Note. This volume and the preceding are bound together, with the common title : "A Manual of Grecian and Roman Antiquities," etc. BOOK (The) of Costume : or, Annals of Fashion, from the Earliest Pe riod to the Present Time. By a Lady of Rank. Illustrated by up wards of Two Hundred Engravings on Wood, by the most eminent Artists. New Ed. London. 1847. 8 BRAND (John). Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Brit ain : chiefly illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar and Provincial Cus toms, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. . . . Arranged, revised, and greatly enlarged, by Sir Henry Ellis .... A new Ed., with further Additions. ... 3 vols. London. 1849. 8 (BOHN S Antiquarian Library.) CARR (Thomas Swinburne). A Manual of Roman Antiquities. . . . Lon don. 1836. 12 190 CLASS XXVII. HISTORY OF MORALS, ETC. ANTIQUITIES. CHRONOLOGICAL Tables of Modern History, etc. See Class XXV. Part III. COSTUME. See BOOK (The) of Costume, etc. ESCHENBERG (Prof. Johann Joachim). Classical Antiquities ; being Part of the " Manual of Classical Literature." From the German of J. J. E With Additions. Embracing Treatises on ... I. Classical Geography .... II. Classical Chronology. III. Greek and Roman Mythology. IV. Greek Antiquities. V. Roman An tiquities. By N. W. Fiske ... . 4th Ed. Philadelphia. 1846. 8 EVERY-DAY Life of the Greeks. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IV. no. 29.) FOSBROKE (Rev. Thomas Dudley). A Treatise on the Arts, Manufac tures, Manners, and Institutions of the Greeks and Romans. 2 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 45, 46.) Fuss (Prof. Jean Dominique). Roman Antiquities. . . . Translated [by the Rev. A. W. Street and the Rev. B. Street] from the last Ed. Oxford. 1840. 8 pp. xiv., 608. -f [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. The Manners, Customs, and Antiqui ties of the Indians of North and South America : by the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CAB INET Libr., 12.) GREEN (Benjamin Richard). Numismatics. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 619 -650.) HERMANN (Prof. Karl Friedrich). A Manual of the Political Antiquities of Greece, historically considered. From the German ... . Ox ford. 1836. 8 HISTORY of the Slave-Trade. ( CHAMBERS s Miscel., I. 19.) JAHN (Prof. Johann). Jahn s Biblical Archaeology. See Class II. Part III. LAYARD (Austen Henry). Nineveh and its Remains, etc. See Class XXIII. LOGAN (James). The Scotish [sic] Gael ; or, Celtic Manners, as pre served among the Highlanders ; being an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Inhabitants, Antiquities, and National Peculiarities of Scotland .... 1st American Ed. Hartford. 1843. 8 NUTTALL (P. Austin), LL.D. A Classical and Archaeological Dictionary of the Manners, Customs, Laws, Institutions, Arts, etc. of the Cele brated Nations of Antiquity, and of the Middle Ages. To which is prefixed a Synoptical and Chronological View of Ancient History. . . . London. 1840. 8 pp. xxiv., 679. POTTER (John), successively Bp. of Oxford and Alp. of Canterbury. Archseologia Grseca, or the Antiquities of Greece .... A new Ed. ; with a Life t>f the Author, by Robert Anderson, M.D. and an Appendix, containing a concise History of the Grecian States, and a short Account of the Lives and Writings of the most Celebrated Greek Authors ; by George Dunbar .... 2 vols. Edinburgh. 1832. 8 RUINED Cities of Central America. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. II. no. 13.) CLASS XXVIII. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, ETC. 191 ST. JOHN (James Augustus). The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. London. 1842. 8 SALKELD (Joseph). Classical Antiquities, or a Compendium of Roman and Grecian Antiquities ; with a Sketch of Ancient Mythology. New-York. 1844. 18 SCHOEMANN (Georg Fricdrich). A Dissertation on the Assemblies of the Athenians. Translated from the Latin of G. F. Schomann [by F. A. P.]. To which is added, A new and complete Index. Cam bridge. 1838. 8 SEPULCHRES (The) of Etruria. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. I. no. 2.) SLAVERY in America. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., II. no. 27.) SMITH (Horatio). Festivals, Games, and Amusements, Ancient and Modern. . . . With Additions, by Samuel Woodworth, Esq. New York. 1847. 18 % (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 25.) SMITH (William), LL.D. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiqui ties. Edited by W. S., Ph.D., and illustrated by numerous Engrav ings on Wood. First American Ed., carefully revised, and contain ing numerous Additional Articles relative to the Botany, Mineralogy, and Zoology of the Ancients. By Charles Anthon ... . New- York. 1843. 8 pp. ix., 1124. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Edited by W. S Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood. 2d Ed., improved and enlarged. Boston. [Printed in London.] 1849. 8 pp. xii., 1293. A School Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Abridged from the Larger Dictionary. . . . With Corrections and Improve ments, by Charles Anthon ... . New-York. 1846. 12 TEMPERANCE Movement (The). (CHAMBERS S Miscel. ,11. no. 23.) THOMPSON (Rev. Henry). Heraldry. (ENCYCL. Metrop., V. 589 - 618.) WACHSMUTH (Prof. Ernst Wilhelm Gottlieb). The Historical An tiquities of the Greeks with reference to their Political Institutions . . . Translated from the German by Edmund Woolrych, Esq. 2 vols. Oxford. 1837. 8 CLASS XXVIII. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, AND OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES. ALCHEMY and the Alchemists. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 66.) ANCIENT Philosophic Sects. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. no. 62.) ANNUAL (The) of Scientific Discovery : or, Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art ... . Together with a List of recent Scientific Publications ; a classified List of Patents ; Obituaries of eminent Scientific Men ; an Index of important Papers in Scientific Journals, Reports, etc. . . . Edited by David A. Wells . . . and George Bliss, Jr. [Vol. I. II.] 2 vols. Boston. 1850-51. 12 BECKMANN (Prof. Johann). A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and 192 CLASS XXVIII. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, ETC. Origins. Translated from the German, by William Johnston. 4th Ed., carefully revised and enlarged by William Francis . . . and J. W. Griffith .... 2 vols. London. 1846. 8 (BoiiN s Stand. Libr.) BLISS (George), Jr. Editor. See ANNUAL (The) of Scientific Discov ery, etc. BLOIMFIELD (Charles James), successively Bp. of Chester and London. Socrates. Greek Philosophy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 669-685.) BOOK (The) of Costume. See Class XXVII. BRIEF View (A) of Greek Philosophy up to the Age of Pericles. Phil adelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp. 81. (SMALL Books, etc. II. no. 5.) BRIEF View (A) of Greek Philosophy from the Age of Socrates to the Coming of Christ. Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp. 87. (SMALL Books, etc. II. no. 6.) CELLINI (Benvenuto). Memoirs, etc. See Class XXIV. Part II. CHILDHOOD of Experimental Philosophy. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. X. no. 76.) CHRONOLOGICAL Tables of Modern History, etc. See Class XXV. Part III. COUSIN (Victor). Course of the History of Modern Philosophy. Trans lated by O. W. Wight. [2d Ed.] ... 2 vols. New York. 1852. Large 12 ELECTRIC Communications. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 71.) ENFIELD (William), LL.D. The History of Philosophy, from the Ear liest Periods : drawn up from Brucker s Historia Critica Philosophise. . . . London. 1840. 8 pp. xvi., 670. EPITOME (An) of the History of Philosophy. Being the Work adopted by the University of France for Instruction in the Colleges and High Schools. Translated from the French, with Additions, and a Con tinuation of the History from the Time of Reid to the Present Day. By C. S. Henry .... 2 vols. New-York. [1841?] 18 (HAR PER S Fam. Libr., 143, 144.) EWBANK (Thomas). A Descriptive and Historical Account of Hydrau lic and other Machines for raising Water, Ancient and Modern : with Observations on various Subjects connected with the Mechanic Arts : including the Progressive Development of the Steam Engine ... . In Five Books. Illustrated by nearly Three Hundred Engravings. 2d Ed., revised ... to which is added, A Supplement. ... New York. 1847. 8 pp. xvi., 608. Note. Also with an engraved title-page : " Ewbank s Hydraulics and Me chanics." FOSBROKE (Rev. Thomas Dudley). A Treatise on the Arts, Manufac tures, etc. of the Greeks and Romans. See Class XXVII. GREEK Philosophy. See BRIEF View, etc. HAMPDEN (Renn Dickson), D.D. Thomas Aquinas and the Scholastic Philosophy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XL 793 - 814.) HISTORY of Astronomy. See [ROTHMAN (R. W.)]. CLASS XXVIII. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, ETC. 193 HISTORY (A) of Wonderful Inventions. Illustrated with numerous En gravings on Wood. Part I. -II. 2 pts. (bound in one vol.) New York. 1849. Square 12 HOLLAND (John). A Treatise on the Progressive Improvement, etc. of the Manufactures in Metal. See Class XIV. Part III. JEREMIE (James Amiraux), D.D. Plotinus. The Eclectics, or later Platonists. (ENCYCL. Metrop., XI. 209-216.) Sextus Empiricus. The Pyrrhonists. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 698-704.) LANZI (Luigi). The History of Painting in Italy, from the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century : translated from the Italian of the Abate L. L. By Thomas Roscoe. . . . New Ed., revised. 3 vols. London. 1847. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D. The Steam Engine, etc. See Class XI. Part II. LESLIE (Sir John). Dissertation Fifth: exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, chiefly during the Eighteenth Century. . . . (ENCYCL. Brit., 8th Ed., I. 689-793.) LOSSING (Benson J.). Outline History of the Fine Arts. . . . New York. [1810 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 1O3.) LOWNDES (William). Plato. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 72-90.) Lucius Annseus Seneca. The Stoical Philosophy. (Ibid. pp. 483 - 491.) MACKINTOSH (Sir James), LL.D. Dissertation Second : exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Ethical Philosophy chiefly during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. With a Preface by Wil liam Whewell, D.D (ENCYCL. Brit, 8th Ed., I. 291 -445.) MAURICE (Rev. Frederick Denison). [History of] Moral and Metaphys ical Philosophy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., II. 545-674.) MORELL (J. D.). An Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nineteenth Century. . . . From the last London Ed. New York. 1848. 8 pp. 752." MURDOCK (James), D.D. Sketches of Modern Philosophy, especially among the Germans. Hartford. 1842. 16 NEWMAN (Rev. John Henry). Cicero. Roman Philosophy. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 279-294.) PLAYFAIR (Prof. John). Dissertation Fourth : exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, since the Re vival of Letters in Europe. . . . (ENCYCL. Brit., 8th Ed., I. 547 - 688.) PORTER (George Richardson). A Treatise on the Origin, Progressive Improvement, etc. of the Manufactures of Porcelain and Glass. See Class XIV. Part III. POWELL (Prof. Baden). The History of Natural Philosophy from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time. London. 8 (LARD- NER S Cab. Cycl., 99.) RAILWAY Communications. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XII. no. 89.) 194 CLASS XXIX. HISTORY OF LITERATURE AND OF EDUCATION. RECENT Decorative Art. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 66.) ROLLIN (Charles). Ancient History . . . including a History of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients. See Class XXV. Part II. 1. [ROTHMAN (Richard Wellesley)], JIf.D. History of Astronomy. [Lon don. 183- ?] 8 (LiBR. of Useful Knowl., Nat. Phil, 111.) [STEPHENSON ( )]. Life of William Caxton, with an Account of the Invention of Printing, etc. See Class XXIV. Part II. CAX TON (W.). STEWART (Prof. Dugald). Dissertation First : exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Metaphysical and Ethical Philosophy, since the Revival of Letters in Europe. . . . (ENCYCL. Brit., 8th Ed., I. 1-289.) TENNEMANN (Wilhelm Gottlieb). A Manual of the History of Philoso phy. Translated from the German of T., by the Rev. Arthur John son, M.A. Revised, enlarged, and continued, by J. R. Morell. Lon don. 1852. 8 (Bohn s Philological Library. ) WELLS (David Ames). Editor. See ANNUAL (The) of Scientific Dis covery, etc. WHEWELL (Prof. William), D.D. Archimedes. Greek Mathematics. (ENCYCL. Metrop., IX. 686-694.) History of the Inductive Sciences, from the Earliest to the Present Time. ... A new Ed., revised and continued. ... 3 vols. London. 1847. 8 Preface. See MACKINTOSH (Sir J.). Dissertation, etc. YOUNG (Thomas), M.D. History of Mechanics Hydraulics and Pneu matics Music Optics Astronomy and of Terrestrial Phys ics. (A Course of Lectures, etc. Lect. XX. XXX. XXXIV. XL. XL VIII. LX. See Class XL Part I.) CLASS XXIX. HISTORY OF LITERATURE AND OF EDU CATION ; BIBLIOGRAPHY. ADELUNG (Friedrich). An Historical Sketch of Sanscrit Literature, with copious Bibliographical Notices of Sanscrit Works and Translations. From the German of A., with numerous Additions and Corrections. Oxford. 1832. 8 ANDERSON (Christopher). The Annals of the English Qible. By C. A. Abridged and continued by Samuel Irenoeus Prime ... . New York. 1849. 8 ANTHON (Prof. Charles), LL.D. A Manual of Greek Literature, from the Earliest Authentic Periods to the Close of the Byzantine Era. . . . New York. 1853. 12 APPLETONS Library Manual ; containing a Catalogue Raisonne of up wards of Twelve Thousand of the most important Works in every Department of Knowledge, in all Modern Languages. Part I. Sub jects alphabetically arranged. Part II. Biography, Classics, Mis cellanies, and Index to Part I. New- York. 1847. 8 CLASS XXIX. HISTORY OF LITERATURE AND OF EDUCATION. 195 BRISTOL ACADEMY, Taunton. Historical Sketch of the Academy. See Class V. FELTON (C. C.). An Address, etc. BRITISH MUSEUM. See GREAT BRITAIN Parliament. Report, etc. BROWN (Goold). Catalogue of English Grammars and Grammarians. (Prefixed to his " Grammar of English Grammars," etc. See Class XV. Part II. 2. A.) BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, R. I. A Catalogue of the Library, etc. See [JEWETT (C. C.)]. BROWNE (Prof. R. W.). A History of Classical Literature. . . . Greek Literature. Philadelphia. 1852. 8 BUCKINGHAM (Joseph TINKER). Specimens of [American] Newspaper Literature : with Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences. 2 vols. Boston. 1852. 12 Personal Memoirs, etc. See Class XXIV. Part II. CHAMBERS (Robert). Cyclopaedia of English Literature, etc. See Class XXXI. CHRONOLOGICAL Tables of Modern History, etc. See Class XXV. Part III. CLEVELAND (Charles Dexter). A Compendium of English Literature, etc. See Class XXXI. English Literature of the Nineteenth Century, etc. See Class XXXI. COLERIDGE (Henry Nelson). Introductions to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets. . . . Part I. containing, I. General Introduction. II. Homer. Boston. 1842. 12 CREASY (Prof. Edward Shepherd). Some Account of the Foundation of Eton College and of the Past and Present Condition of the School. ... London. 1848. 12 DANA HILL Public Schools. See [LIVERMORE (G.)]. A Brief Ac count, etc. DANTE. (CHAMBERS S Repos., II. no. 16.) DISRAELI (Isaac). Amenities of Literature, consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature. . . . 2d Ed. 2 vols. New York. 1845. 12 [ ] Miscellanies of Literature. By the Author of " Curiosities of Literature." A new Ed. revised and corrected. . . . Vol. I. Lite rary Miscellanies. Calamities of Authors. | Vol. II. Quarrels of Authors. | Vol. III. The Literary Character. Character of James the First. 3 vols. New-York. 1841. 12 DUNLOP (John). The History of Fiction : being a Critical Account of the most celebrated Prose Works of Fiction from the Earliest Greek Romances to the Novels of the Present Age. ... 3d Ed. London. 1845. 8 EDSON (Theodore), D.D. An Address delivered at the Opening of the Colburn Grammar School, in Lowell, December 13, 1848. [With a " tribute to the memory " of Warren Colburn, and historical notices of the Lowell public schools.] Lowell. 1849. 12 pp.37. 196 CLASS XXIX. HISTOKY OF LITERATURE AND OF EDUCATION. EDUCATION Movement (The). (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. V. no. 36.) ELIOT (Samuel Atkins). A Sketch of the History of Harvard College, and of its Present State. Boston. 1848. 16 ESCHENBERG (Prof. Johann Joachim). Manual of Classical Literature, etc. [Part V. pp. 433 - 652 of the 4th Ed. contains a History of Classical Literature.] See Class XVI. Part I. FOSTER (Mrs. M. E.). A Hand-Book of Modern European Literature. ... Philadelphia. 1850. 12 GERMAN Poets and Poetry. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. IX. no. 68. [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. Literature, Ancient and Modern, with Specimens. By the Author of Peter Parley s Tales. Boston. 1849. 16 or 18 (8. and 6.) (CABINET Libr., 17.) GORTON (John). Catalogue of Works . . . relating to Biography and Literary History. (Appended to his Biographical Dictionary, Vol. IV. See Class XXIV. Part I.) GREAT BRITAIN Parliament. Report of the Commissioners [Francis Egerton, Earl of Ellesmere, Chairman] appointed to inquire into the Constitution and Government of the British Museum ; with Minutes of Evidence. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. London. 1850. fol. pp. iv., 823. British Museum. Index to Report and Minutes of Evidence. ... London. 1850. fol. GRISWOLD (Rufus Wilmot). The Poets and Poetry of America. With an Historical Introduction, etc. See Class XIX. The Prose Writers of America. With a Survey of the History ... of American Literature, etc. See Class XXXI, HALLAM (Henry). Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries. ... 2 vols. New- York. 1848. 8 HARPER S Illustrated Catalogue of valuable Standard Works, in the sev eral Departments of General Literature. . . . New York. 1847. 8 HORNE (R. H.). A new Spirit of the Age. . . . New-York. 1844. 12 ISRAELI (Isaac D ). See D !SRAELI. [JEWETT (Prof. Charles Coffin)]. A Catalogue of the Library of Brown University, Providence, Rhode-Island. With an Index of Subjects. Providence. 1843. 8 LIBRARIES. See PUBLIC Libraries. [LIVERMORE (George)]. A brief Account of the Dana Hill Public Schools, Cambridge. Cambridge. 1849. 18 ? pp. 20. [ ]. The Origin, History and Character of the New England Primer : being a Series of [eight] Articles contributed to the Cam bridge Chronicle, by " The Antiquary." Cambridge. 1849. 4 Not paged. Note. Twelve copies only of this very curious work were printed for private distribution. CLASS XXIX. HISTORY OF LITERATURE AND OF EDUCATION. 197 Public Schools in Cambridge. Retrospective. (COMMON SCHOOL Journal, X. 228 - 234.) Remarks on Public Libraries. From " The North American Review " for July, 1850. For Private Distribution only. Cambridge. 1850. 8 pp. 40. Remarks on the Publication and Circulation of the Scriptures : suggested by Rev. W. P. Strickland s History of the American Bible Society, and published as a Review of that Work in the Christian Examiner for November, eighteen hundred and forty-nine. Cam bridge. 1849. 8 pp. 31. MAHON, Philip Henry, Viscount. See STANHOPE. MECHANICS Institutions. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. III. no. 23.) MONTGOMERY (James). . . . Lectures on General Literature, Poetry &c. .... New-York. 1840. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 64.) MUELLER (Prof. Karl Otfried). ... History of the Literature of An cient Greece. ... Vol. I. [and Vol. II. Ch. XXVII. -- XXXVII. pp. 1 128. Translated from the German manuscript by George Corne- wall Lewis.] Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London. 1840. 8 (LiBR. of Useful Knowl.) Note. Not completed, in consequence of the author s death. MURE (William). A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. ... Vol. I. - III. 3 vols. London. 1850. 8 NEW ENGLAND Primer. See [LIVERMORE (G.)]. The Origin, etc. [PALFREY (John Gorham)], LL.D. Review of Lord Mahon s History of the American Revolution. See SPARKS (J.). A Reply, etc. PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. POTTER (Alonzo), D.D. Handbook for Readers and Students .... In Three Parts. ... 4th Ed. New- York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 165.) PUBLIC Libraries. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VI. no. 44.) Note. Mostly taken verbatim, without acknowledgment, from two articles in the North American Review for July, 1837, and July, 1850 ; the former by Prof. George W. Greene, the latter by George Livermore of Cambridge. See [LIVERMORE (G.)]. Remarks on Public Libraries, etc. PYCROFT (Rev. James). A Course of English Reading ... with Anec dotes of Men of Genius. . . . With Additions, by J. G. Coggswell. New-York. 1845. 12 RIPLEY (George) and TAYLOR (Bayard). . . . Hand-Book of Literature and the Fine Arts, etc. See Class XIV. Part V. SCHLEGEL (August Wilhelm VON). A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Translated by John Black ... . Revised ac cording to the last German Ed., by the Rev d . A. J. VV. Morrison, M.A. London. 1846. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) SCHLEGEL (Karl Wilhelm Friedrich VON). Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and Modern. From the German of Frederick S. New York. 1841. 12 198 CLASS XXIX. HISTORY OF LITERATURE AND OF EDUCATION. SCHLOSSER (Prof. Friedrich Christoph). History of the Eighteenth Century and of the Nineteenth till the Overthrow of the French Em pire. With particular reference to Mental Cultivation and Progress. ... See Class XXV. Part III. Note. Vols. I. and II. belong to Literary History. SCHMIDT (Prof. H. I.), D.D. Education. Part I. History of Educa tion, Ancient and Modern. Part II. A Plan of Culture and Instruc tion, based on Christian Principles, and designed to aid in the right Education of Youth, physically, intellectually, and morally. . . . New York. [1842 ?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 156.) SHAW (Thomas B.). Outlines of English Literature. . . . Philadelphia. 1849. 12 SILJESTROM (P. A.). The Educational Institutions of the United States, etc. See Class V. SIMONDE DE SISMONDI (Jean Charles Leonard). Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe ... . Translated . . . with Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Thomas Roscoe. 2d Ed., includ ing all the Notes from the last Paris Ed. 2 vols. London. 1846. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) SPALDTNG (Prof. William). The History of English Literature ; with an Outline of the Origin and Growth of the English Language : illus trated by Extracts. . . . New-York. 1853. 12 SPARKS (Jared). A Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others, on the Mode of editing the Writings of Washington. Cambridge. 1852. 8 pp. 35. The same. Also, A Review of Lord Mahon s History of the American Revolution. [By John G. Palfrey, LL.D.] From the North American Review for July, 1852. London. 1852. 8 pp. 89. Letter to Lord Mahon, being an Answer to his Letter addressed to the Editor of Washington s Writings. Boston. 1852, 8 pp. 48. Remarks on a " Reprint of the Original Letters from Washing ton to Joseph Reed, during the American Revolution, referred to in the Pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks." Boston. 1853. 8 pp. 43. SPIRIT of the Paradise Lost. (CHAMBERS S Repos., I. no. 8.) STANHOPE (Philip Henry), Viscount Mahon. See SPARKS (J.). A Re ply, etc. STEVEN (William), D.D. The History of the High School of Edin burgh. . . . Edinburgh. 1849. 8 pp. xx., 367, 220. SWAINSON (William). A Bibliography of Zoology ; with Biographical Sketches of the principal Authors. (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., 122 ? Part II.) THOMSON (Rev. Henry). Horace. Latin Poetry. (ENCYCL. Metrop., X. 383 - 416.) Decline of Latin Poetry. (Ibid. pp. 455 - 579.) TICKNOR (Prof. George), LL.D. History of Spanish Literature. ... 3 vols. New York. 1849. 8 or large 12 (4. and 6.) CLASS XXX. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, ETC. 199 TROUBADOURS and Trouveres. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. XI. no. 84.) WARTON (Thomas). The History of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh Century to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Cen tury. To which are prefixed, Three Dissertations : 1. Of the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe. 2. On the Introduction of Learn ing into England. 3. On the Gesta Romanorum. . . . From the Ed. of 1824 superintended by the late Richard Price, Esq. Including the Notes of Mr. Ritson, Dr. Ashby, Mr. Douce, and Mr. Park. Now further improved by the Corrections and Additions of several Emi nent Antiquarians. [Edited by Richard Taylor.] ... 3 vols. Lon don. 1840. 8 WILSON (J. I.). A brief History of Christ s Hospital, from its Founda tion by King Edward the Sixth. 7th Ed., with six Illustrations, and a List of the Governors. . . . London. 1842. 16 WORCESTER (Joseph Emerson), LL.D. History of English Lexicogra phy, with a Catalogue of English Dictionaries, etc. (Prefixed to his " Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language." See Class XV. Part II. 2. B.) YOUNG (Thomas), M.D. References to Works on various Branches of Natural Philosophy. See his " Course of Lectures," etc. under Class XI. Part I. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS AND POLYGRAPHY. (Classes XXX., XXXI.) CLASS XXX. ENCYCLOPEDIAS, AND GENERAL WORKS ON THE ARTS AND SCIENCES. BRANDS (Prof. William Thomas). A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art : comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Princi ples of every Branch of Human Knowledge ; with the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general Use. Edited by W. T. B., . . . assisted by Joseph Cauvin, Esq. The various Departments by eminent Literary and Scientific Gentlemen. Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood. New-York. 1845. 8 pp. iv., 1352. BROUGHAM (Henry), Baron Brougham and Vaux. Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science. [London. 182- ?] 8 pp. 40. (LiBR. of Useful KnowL, Nat. Phil., I.) CONVERSATIONS-LEXICON. See LIEBER (F.). Encyclopaedia, etc. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Americana. See LIEBER (F.). ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica (The), or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. 8th Ed. With extensive Improvements and Additions ; and numerous Engravings. [Edited by Prof. Thomas 200 CLASS XXX. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, ETC. Stewart Traill, M.D.] [Vol. I. Dissertations, by Dugald Stewart, Sir James Mackintosh, Archbishop Whately, John Playfair, and Sir John Leslie.] Volume II. [A Anatomy.] 2 vols. Boston. [Printed in Edinburgh.] 1853. 4 Note. Vol. I. has no title-page. For the titles of the Dissertations, except the third, see Class XXVIII. under the authors names; for the third (by Whately), see Class XXVI. ENCYCLOPEDIA Metropolitana. See SMEDLEY (E.). LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D. The Cabinet Cyclopedia. See Class XXXI. LIEBER (Prof. Francis), LL.D. Encyclopaedia Americana. A popu lar Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature, History, Politics, and Biography . . . including a copious Collection of Original Articles in American Biography ; on the Basis of the Seventh Edition of the German Conversations-Lexicon. Edited by F. L., assisted by E. Wigglesworth and T. G. Bradford. Vol. I. - XIII. New Ed. | En cyclopaedia Americana : Supplementary Volume. . . . Vol. XIV. Edited by Henry Vethake, LL.D. ... 14 vols. Philadelphia. [Vol. I. -XIII.,] 1840. Large 12 (6.) [Vol. XIV.,] 1847. 8 Note. The first 13 volumes were stereotyped in 1829 - 33. LONDON Encyclopaedia (The), or Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics ... . Illustrated by numerous Engravings .... By the original Editor of the Encyclopaedia Me- tropolitana, assisted by eminent Professional and other Gentlemen. ...22 vols. London. 1845. [1826 - 34 ?] 8 Note. Edited, according to Worcester (Universal and Critical Dictionary, p. Ixxv.), by Thomas Curtis. [LONG (George)]. Editor. See SOCIETY, etc. The Penny Cyclopaedia. PENNY Cyclopaedia. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. PUTNAM S Home Cyclopedia. In Six Volumes. Each complete in itself. I. History and Chronology. The World s Progress. [By George P. Putnam.] ... II. General Literature and the Fine Arts. By George Ripley and Bayard Taylor. . . . III. The Useful Arts. By Dr. Anti- sell. . . . IV. Universal Biography. By Parke Godwin. V. Univer sal Geography a Comprehensive Gazetteer of the World. [By T. Carey Callicot.] VI. Science including Natural History, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, &c. By Prof. Samuel St. John, of Western Reserve College. . . . [Vol. 1. - V.] 5 vols. New- York : George P. Putnam. 1852-53. 12 Note. Each volume has also an independent title-page. SMEDLEY (Rev. Edward). Encyclopaedia Metropolitana ; or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge, on an Original Plan : comprising the two fold Advantage of a Philosophical and an Alphabetical Arrangement, with appropriate Engravings. Edited [successively] by the Rev. E. S., ... the Rev. Hugh James Rose, . . . and the Rev. Henry John Rose,.... Vol. I. -II. Pure Sciences .... | Vol. III. - VIII. Mixed Sciences .... | Vol. IX. - XIII. History and Biography .... | Vol. XIV. - XXV. Miscellaneous and Lexicographical CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY. 201 .... | Plates. Volume I. - III. | Index. 29 vols. (bound in 30). London. 1845. [1818-44.] 4 SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society .... [Edited by George Long.] 27 vols. (bound in 14). London. 1833 - 43. 8 Note. A list of the contributors to the work is prefixed to the last volume. The Supplement to the Penny Cyclopedia .... 2 vols. London. 1845-46. 8 [TRAILL (Prof. Thomas Stewart)], M.D. Editor. See ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica .... 8th Ed. VETHAKE (Prof. Henry), LL.D. Encyclopaedia Americana: Supple mentary Volume. See LIEBER (F.). CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY ; OR, COLLECTED WORKS ON DIVERSE SUBJECTS ; MISCELLANIES ; PROVERBS ; WORKS NOT INCLUDED IN ANY OTHER CLASS. Note. Collections in this Class which have been fully analyzed are designated by an asterisk. ARNOLD (Thomas), D.D. The Miscellaneous W T orks of T. A 1st American Ed. With Nine Additional Essays, not included in the English Collection. New-York. 1845. 8 AUTUMN Leaves. Original Pieces in Prose and Verse. [Edited by Anne W. Abbot.] . . . Cambridge. 1853. 16 BARBAULD (Mrs. Anna Lsetitia [Aixm]). The Works of A. L. B. With a Memoir by Lucy Aikin. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1826. 12 *[BOHN S Antiquarian Library. vols. London : H. G. Bohn. 8] Brand (J.). Popular Antiquities. 3 vols. | Keightley (T.) Fairy Mythology. *[BOHN S Illustrated Library. vols. London : H. G. Bohn. 8] Lodge (E.). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. 8 vols. *[Boim s Standard Library. vols. London : H. G. Bohn. 8] Beckmann (J.). History of Inventions. 2 vols. Cellini (B.). Memoirs, by himself. Coxe (W.). House of Austria. 3 vols. Memoirs of the Duke of Marl- borough. 3 vols. Goethe (J. "W. von). Auto-biography, etc. 2 vols. Hall (R.). Miscellaneous Works. Hutchinson (Mrs. L.). Life of Col. Hutchinson. Junius. Letters. 2 vols. Lamartine (A. de). French Revolu tion of 1848. History of the Girondists. Lanzi (L.)- Painting in Italy. 3 vols. Machiarelli (N.). Florence, etc. Menzel (W.) History of Germany. 3 vols. 26 Milton (J.). Prose Works. Vol. I. -III. Neander (J. A. W.). Planting of Chris tianity, and Antignostikus. 2 vols. Ockley (S.)- History of the Saracens. Ranke (F. L.). The" Popes. 3 vols. Roscoe (W.)- Leo X. 2 vols. Lorenzo de Medici. Schiller (J. C. F. von). Works, Vol. I. -IV. See pp. 179 and 106, above. Schlegel (A. W. von). On Dramatic Literature. Schlegel (K. W. F. von). ^Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works. Philosophy of History. Philosophy of Life, etc. Sheridan (R. B.). Dramatic Works. Simonde de Sismondi (J. 0. L.). Lit erature of the South of Europe. 2 vols. Wheatly (C.)- On the Common Prayer. 202 CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY. BOLINGBROKE, Henry, Viscount. See ST. JOHN. BROWN (Sir Thomas), M.D., Redivivus, pseudon. An Exposition of Vulgar and Common Errors adapted to the Year of Grace MDCCCXLV. By Thomas Brown Redivivus, whilom Knt. and M.D. Philadelphia. 1846. 24 (8. 4.) pp. 97. (SMALL Books, etc. II. no. 8.) *CABINET Library, Parley s. See GOODRICH (S. G.). CAMBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL. Compositions written by the Junior Class of the C. H. S. during the Spring and Summer Quarters of 1852. Ar ranged according to the Alphabetical Order of the Authors, and the Chronological Order of the Subjects. Vol. I. A-G. | Vol. II. H - O. | Vol. III. P - Z. | Compositions ... by the Middle Class ... . Vol. IV. A - Z. | Compositions ... by the Senior Class ... . Vol. V. A - Z. | Compositions ... by the College Class .... Vol. VI. A - Z. 6 vols. 4 MS. CHAMBERS (Robert). Cyclopaedia of English Literature : a Selection of the choicest Productions of English Authors, from the Earliest to the Present Time, connected by a Critical and Biographical History. Elegantly illustrated. ... 2 vols. Boston. 1847. 8 *CHAMBERS S Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts 177 nos. in 10 vols. Edinburgh: William and Robert Chambers. [1845- 47.] 16 Note. Each number was originally published independently, and is so paged. *CHAMBERS S Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. Edited by Robert Chambers [?].... 10 vols. Boston : Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. [184-.] 16 Note. Reprinted from the stereotype plates of the preceding. *CHAMBERS S Papers for the People. 96 nos. in 12 vols. Philadelphia. 1851-52. 12 Note. Each number was originally paged and published independently. CHAMBERS Repository of Instructive and Amusing Papers. With Il lustrations. Vol. I. - II. . . . 2 vols. Boston. 1853. 16 CLEVELAND (Charles Dexter). A Compendium of English Literature, chronologically arranged, from Sir John Mandeville to William Cow- per. Consisting of Biographical Sketches of the Authors, choice Selections from their Works, with Notes ... . Philadelphia. 1847. 8 or 16 pp. 702. (3 copies.) . The same. [Second] Stereotype Ed. Philadelphia. 1848. 8 or 12 (8. and 6.) pp. 776. (2 copies, one dated 1849.) English Literature of the Nineteenth Century : on the Plan of the Author s " Compendium of English Literature," and Supple mentary to it ... . Philadelphia. 1851. 12 pp.746. ERRORS. An Exposition of Vulgar and Common Errors, etc. See BROWN (Sir Thomas), M.D., Redivivus, pseudon. EVERETT (Alexander Hill). Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. To which are added a few Poems. Boston. 1845. 12 Containing : Madame de Sevigne. Who wrote Gil Bias ? The Life of Beniardin de St. Pierre. The Life and Writings of Schiller. Geotfroy on CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY. 203 French Dramatic Literature. Private Life of Voltaire. The Art of being Happy- The Life and Works of Canova. Sir James Mackintosh. Cicero on Government. A Dialogue on Government between Franklin and Montes quieu. Chinese Manners. The Sabbath. POEMS. ton. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays 1846. 12 Second Series. Bos- Containing : Harro Harring. A Biographical Sketch. Madame de Stael. Musaeus s Popular Tales. Jrving s Columbus. De Gerando s History of Philosophy. Greenough s Statue of Washington. Stewart s Philosophy. Life of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Havana. History of Intellectual Phi losophy. Lord Vapourcourt. FRANKLIN (Benjamin), LL.D. Memoirs of B. F. ; written by himself. With his most interesting Essays, Letters, and Miscellaneous Writ ings ... . 2 vols. New- York. [1839?] 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 92, 93.) GIBBON (Edward). The Miscellaneous Works of E. G., Esq., with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, composed by himself: illustrated from his Letters, with occasional Notes and Narrative, by John [Baker Holroydj, Lord Sheffield. . . . London. 1837. 8 pp. xv., 848. GOLDSMITH (Oliver), M.D. The Life of O. G., with Selections from his Writings. By Washington Irving. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1847. 18 (HARPER S Fam. Libr., 121, 122.) Miscellaneous Works, with an Account of his Life and Writ ings. Stereotyped from the Paris Ed., edited by Washington Irving. ... Philadelphia. 1839. 8 Poems, Plays and Essays, by O. G. ... with an Account of his Life and Writings ; to which is added a Critical Dissertation on his Poetry. By John Aikin, M.D. Boston. 1851. 12 *GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold). Parley s Cabinet Library, for Schools and Families. 20 vols. Boston : Rand and Mann. 1849. 16 or 18 J (8. and 6.) Note. The works composing this series have no r/eneral title-page. The title given above is from the publishjKg Advertisement " appended to several of the volumes. The serial numb^R>f each volume appears on the margin of the signature pages, but not on the title-page. The following brief enumeration mav be convenient: 1. Famous Men of Modern Times. 2. Famous Men of Ancient Times. 3. Curiosities of Human Nature. 4. Lives of Benefactors. 5. Famous American Indians. 6. Celebrated Women. 7. American History. 8. European History. 9. Asiatic History. 10. African History. 11. History of the Indians. 12. Customs of the Indians. 13. A Glance at the Sciences. 14. Wonders of Geology. 15. Animal Kingdom. 16. A Glance at Philosophy. 17. Book of Literature. 18. Enterprise and Art of Man. 19. Customs of all Nations. 20. The World and its Inhabitants. GRISWOLD (Rufus Wilmot). The Prose Writers of America. With a Survey of the History, Condition, and Prospects of American Lit erature. Illustrated with Portraits from Original Pictures. Philadel phia. 1847. 8 HALL (Rev. Robert). The Miscellaneous Works and Remains of the 204 CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY. Rev. R. EL, with a Memoir of his Life, by Olinthus Gregory . . . and a Critical Estimate of his Character and Writings, by John Foster .... London. 1846. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.J * [HARPER S Family Library. 187 vols. New York : Harper and Broth ers. Various dates. 18] 1 - 3. Milman (H. H.). History of the Jews. 4, 5. Lockhart (J. G.). Life of Napoleon. 6. Southey (R.). Life of Lord Nelson. 7. Williams (J.). Alexander the Great. 8. 74. [Rennie (J.) and Westwood (J. 0.)]- Natural History of Insects. 9. Gait (J.). Life of Lord Byron. 10. Bush (G.)- Life of Mohammed. 11. Scott (Sir W.). Demonology, etc. 12, 13. Gleig (G. R.). History of the Bi ble. 14. Murray (H.). Polar Seas and Re gions. 15. Croly (G.). Life of George IV. 16. Murray (H.). Discovery in Africa. 17-19, 66, 67. Cunningham (A.). Brit ish Painters and Sculptors. 20. James (G. P. R.). Chivalry and the Crusades. 21, 22. Bell (H. G.). Mary Queen of Scots. 23. Russell (M.). Egypt. 24. Fletcher (J.). History of Poland. 25. Smith (H.). Festivals, Games, etc. 26. Brewster (SirD.). Life of Newton. 27. Russell (M.). History of Palestine. 28. Memes (J. S.) Empress Josephine. 29. Court and Camp of Bonaparte. 30. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cav endish, and Dam pier. 31. [Barrow (Sir J.)]. Pitcairn s Isl and and the Mutiny of the Bounty. 32. 72, 84. Turner (S.). Sacred His tory of the World. 33. 34. Jameson (Mrs. A. [M.]). Cele brated Female Sovereigns. 38-40. St. John (J. A.). Celebrated Travellers. 41, 42. Ellis (G. J. W. Agar), Lord Do ver. Life of Frederic the Great. 43,44. Smedley(E.). Venetian History. 45, 46. Timelier (B. B.). Lives of the Indians. 47-49. Murray (H.). British India. 50. Brewster (Sir I).). Natural Magic. 51, 52. Taylor (AY. C.). History of Ire land. 53. Tytler (P. F.). Discovery in North America. 54. Macgillivray (W.). Humboldt s Travels. 55,56. Euler(L.). Natural Philosophy. 57. Mudie (R.). Guide to the Observa tion of Nature. 58. Abercrombie (J.). The Moral Feel ings. 59. Dick (T.). Improvement of Society. 60. James (G. P. R.). Charlemagne. 61. Russell (M.). Nubia and Abyssinia. 62. 63. Russell (M.). Life of Cromwell. 64. Montgomery (J.). Lectures on Lit erature, Poetry, etc. 65. Barrow (Sir J.). Peter the Great. 66. 67. See 17-19. 68, 69. Crichton (A.). History of Arabia. 70. Fraser (J. B.). Persia. 71. Combe (A.). Principles of Physiology. 72. See 32. 73. Russell (M.). The Barbary States. 74. See S. 75. 76. Paulding (J. K). Life of Wash ington. 77. Ticknor (C.). Philosophy of Living. 78. Higgins (W. M.). The Earth. 79. Sforzosi ( ). History of Italy. 80. 81. Davis (Sir J. F.). The Chinese. 82. Circumnavigation of the Globe. 83. Dick (T.). Celestial Scenery. 84. See 32. 85. Griscom (J. H.). Animal Mechanism. 86-91. Tytler (A. F.). Universal History. 92, 93. Franklin (B.). Life and Writings, 94,95. [Craik(G.L.)J. Pursuit of Knowl edge under Difficulties. 96, 97. Paley (W.). Natural Theology. 98. [Rennie (J.)]. Natural History of Birds. 99. Dick (T.). The Sidereal Heavens. 100. Upham(T. C.). Disordered Mental Action. 101. 102. Murray (H.). British America. 103. Lossing (B. J.). History of the Fine Arts. Natural History of Quadrupeds. Life and Travels of Mungo Park. 106. [Dana (R. H.)], Jr. Two Years be fore the Mast. 107, 108. Parry (SiVW.E.). Three Voy ages. 109, 110. Johnson (S.). Life and Writings. 111. Bryant (W. C.). Selections from the American Poets. 112, 113 [Halleck (F.-G.)]. Selections from the British Poets. 114-118. Keightley (T.). History of England. 119, 120. Hale (S.). History of the U. S. 121, 122. Goldsmith (0.). Life, and Se lections from his AVritings, by Irving. 123, 124. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. 125. Renwick (J.). Life of Dewitt Clin ton. 126, 127. Mackenzie (A. Slidell). Life of Commodore 0. H. Perry. CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY. 205 128. Head (Sir F. B.). Life of Bruce, the Traveller. 129. Renwick (H. B. and J.). Lives of John Jay and Alex. Hamilton. 130. Brewster (Sir D.). Lives of Gali- leos Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. 131. Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. 132. Manners of the Japanese. 133. Dwight (T.), Jr. History of Con necticut. 134. 135. Bucke (C.). Ruins of An cient Cities. 136, 137. Crichton (A.) and Wheaton (II.). Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. 138. Camp (G. S.). Democracy. 139. Lanrnan(J.H.). Hist. of Michigan. 140. Fenelon (F. de S. de la M.). Lives of Ancient Philosophers. 141. 142. Segur (P.P., Count de). Na poleon s Expedition to Russia. 143, 144. Epitome of the History of Philosophy. 145. Bucke (C.)- Beauties, etc. of Nature. 146. Lieber (F.). On Property and La bour. 147. White (G.). Nat. Hist, of Selborne. 148. Wrangel (F. von). Expedition to the Polar Sea. 149. 150. Hazen (E.). Popular Tech nology. 151-153. Spalding (W.). Italy, etc. 154, 155. Allen (P.). Expedition of Lewis and Clarke. 156. Schmidt (H. I.). Education. 157. Fraser (J. B.). Mesopotamia and Assyria. 158. Russell (M.). Polynesia. 159. Davenport (R. A.). Perilous Ad ventures. 160. Duer (W. A.). Constitutional Ju risprudence of the U. S. 161-163. Belknap (J.). American Bi ography. 164. Natural History. The Elephant. 165. Potter (A.). Handbook for Readers and Students. 166. Graves (Mrs. A. J.). Woman in America. 167. 168. Stone (W. L.). Border Wars of the American Revolution. 169. Vegetable Substances used for the Food of Man. 170. Michelet (J.). Modern History. 171. Bacon (F.), Lord. Essays, etc. 172. Voyages round the World. 173. Polo(M.). Travels. 174. 175. American Adventure, etc. 176. Bunner (E.). History of Louisiana. 177. Florian (J. P. C. de). The Moors in Spain. 178. Lee (C. A.). Elements of Geology. 179. Brougham (H.), Lord. Discourses by Brougham and others. 180. Moseley (H.). Mechanics. 181. 182. Spectator. (Selections.) 183. Potter (A.). Political Economy. 184. Maury (J. S.), Card. On Eloquence. 185. Robertson (W.). History of Amer ica. Abridged. 186. Robertson (W.). Charles V. Abridg ed. 187. Ferguson (A.). History of the Ro man Republic. Abridged. IRVING (Washington). The Works of W. I. New Ed., revised. Vol.1. Knickerbocker s New-York. | Vol. II. The Sketch Book. | Vol. III. -IV. Life and Voyages of Columbus. | Vol. V. Colum bus and his Companions. | Vol. VI. Bracebridge Hall. | Vol. VII. Tales of a Traveller. | Vol. VIII. Astoria. | Vol. IX. Crayon Miscellany. | Vol. X. Bonneville s Adventures. | Vol. XI. Oliver Goldsmith. | Vol. XII. - XIII. Mahomet and his Sue- cessors. | Vol. XIV. Conquest of Granada. | Vol. XV. The Alhambra. 15 vols. New-York. 1849 - 52 - 48 - 51. 12 Note. Each volume has also a special title-page. JOHNSON (Samuel), LL.D. The Works of S. J. ... with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy, Esq. 1st complete Amer ican Ed. ... 2 vols. New-York. 1837. 8 *LARDNER (Dionysius), LL.D. The Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner, assisted by Eminent Literary and Scientific Men. 132 vols. London. 8 Note. The volumes forming this collection are arranged as follows in a cir cular of the original publishers, dated August, 1839. The title-pages do not indicate their place in the series. HISTORY. 1. Keightley (T.). Outlines of History. 3- 12. Mackintosh (Sir J.). England; 2. Nicolas (Sir N. H.) Chronology of continued by W. Wallace and R. Bell. History. 13, 14. Scott (Sir W-). Scotland. 206 CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY. 15-18. Moore (T.). Ireland. 19-21. Crowe (E. E.). France. 22. History of Switzerland. 23-27. Dunham (S. A.). Spain and Portugal. 28-30. Dunham (S. A.). The Ger manic Empire. 31, 32. Fergus (H.). The United States of America. 33-40. Thirlwall (C.). Greece. 41, 42. History of Rome. 43, 44. Simonde de Sismondi (J. C.L.). Fall of the Roman Empire. 45, 46. Fosbroke (T. D.). Arts, Man ufactures, Manners, and Institutions of the Greeks and Romans. 47. Simonde de Sismondi (J. C. L.). Ital ian Republics. 48-51. Dunham (S. A.). Europe during the Middle Ages. 52-54. Bell (R.). Russia. 55. Grattan (T. C.). Netherlands. 56. Dunham (S. A.). Poland. 57 - 59. Dunham (S. A.). Denmark, Swe den, and Norway. 60-62. Cooley (W. D.). Maritime and Inland Discovery. 63, 64. Stebbing (H.) The Christian Church, to A. D. 1492. 65, 66. Stebbing (H.). The Reforma tion. BIOGRAPHY. 67-69. Gleig(G.B.). British Military Commanders. 70-74. Southey (R.). British Admi rals ; Vol. V. by R. Bell. 75. Roscoe (H.). British Lawyers. 76-82. Forster (J.). British States men ; Vol. I. by Sir J. Mackintosh, Vol. V. by T. P. Courtenay. 83-87. James (G. P. R.) and Crowe (E. E.). Foreign Statesmen. 88-90. Shelley (Mrs. M. W. [G.]). Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. By Mrs. Shelley, Sir I). Brewster, J. Montgomery, and others. 91, 92. Shelley (Mrs. M. W. [G.]). Liter ary and Scientific Men of France. By Mrs. Shelley, and others. 93, 94. Bell (R.). English Poets. 95. Dunham (S. A.) and Bell (R,). Early Writers of Great Britain. 96, 97. Dunham (S. A.). British Dram atists. By S. A. D., R. Bell, and others. 98. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) nary Discourse. 99. Powell (B.). History of Natural Philosophy. 100. Lardner (D.). Arithmetic. 101. Lardner (D.). Geometry. 102. Kater (H.) and Lardner (D.). Me chanics. 103. Lardner (D.). Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Prelimi- Astrono- 104. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.). my. 105. Brewster (Sw-D.). Optics. 106. Lardner (D.). Heat. 107. Donovan (M.). Chemistry. 108. 109. Lardner (D.) and Walker (C.V.). Electricity and Magnetism, and Meteo rology. 110. De Morgan (A.). Probabilities. NATURAL HISTORY. 111. Swainson (W.). Preliminary Dis course. 112. Swainson (W.). Geography and Classification of Animals. 113. Swainson (W.). Quadrupeds. 114. Swainson (W.). Animals in Mena geries. 115,116. Swainson (W.). Birds. 117, 118. Swainson (W.). Fishes, Am phibians, and Reptiles. 119. Swainson (W.). Malacology. 120. Shuckard(W.E.)a?zd Swainson (W.). Insects. 121. Swainson (W.). Habits and Instincts of Animals. 122. Swainson (W.). Taxidermy. With the Biography of Zoologists, etc. 123. Henslow (J. S.). Botany. 124. 125. Phillips (J.). Geology. THE USEFUL ARTS. 126, 127. Donovan (M.). Domestic Econ omy. 128. Porter (G. R.). Manufacture of Silk. 129-131. Holland (J.). Manufactures in Metal. 132. Porter (G. R.). Manufactures of Porcelain and Glass. LEGARE (Hugh Swinton). Writings . . . : consisting of a Diary of Brus sels, and Journal of the Rhine ; Extracts from his Private and Diplo- CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY. 20T matic Correspondence ; Orations and Speeches ; and Contributions to the New-York and Southern Reviews. Prefaced by a Memoir of his Life. . . . With a Portrait. Edited by his Sister. ... 2 vols. Charleston, S. C. 1846. 8 LIBRARY of Useful Knowledge. See SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION, etc. MACAULAY (Thomas Babington). Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 5 vols. Philadelphia. 1842 - 44. 12 Vol. I. Milton. Machiavelli. Dryden. History. Hallam s Constitu tional History- Southcy s Colloquies on Society. Moore s Life of Lord By ron. Southey s Ed. of the Pilgrim s Progress. Appendix [Pompeii, and The Battle of lvry]. Vol. II. Croker s Ed. of Boswell s Life of Johnson. Lord Nugent s Me morials of Hampden. Nares s Memoirs of Lord Burghley. Dumont s Rec ollections of Mirabeau. Lord Mahon s War of the Succession. Walpole s Letters to Sir Horace Mann. Thackeray s History of the Earl of Chatham. Lord Bacon. Vol. III. Mackintosh s History of the Revolution in England, in 1 688. Sir John Malcolm s Life of Lord Clive. Life and Writings of Sir William Temple. Church and State. Ranke s History of the Popes. Covvley and Milton. On Mitford s History of Greece. On the Athenian Orators. Vol. IV. Comic Dramatists of the Restoration (Wycherley and Congreve). The late Lord Holland. Warren Hastings. Frederic the Great. LAYS t OF AXCIEXT ROME. Vol. V. Madame D Arblay. Life and Writings of Addison. Barere s Memoirs. Mr. Robert Montgomery s Poems. Civil Disabilities of the Jews. Mill s Essay on Government. Bentham s Defence of Mill. Utilitarian Theory of Government. MASSACHUSETTS Board of Education. See SCHOOL Library. MILTON (John). The Prose Works of J. M. . . . With a Preface, Pre liminary Remarks, and Notes, by J. A. St. John. Vol. 1. -III. 3 vols. London. 1848. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) ORCUTT (Hiram). See RICKARD (T.) and ORCDTT (H.). PALEY (William), D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle. The Works, etc. See Class II. Part III. PARLEY (Peter), pseudon. See [GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)]. PIERPONT (Rev. John). Pierpont s Fifth Reader. The American First Class Book .... 35th Ed. New York. N. D. 12 (3 copies.) PROVERBS. See SELECTION (A) of English and Scotch Proverbs, etc. RICKARD (Truman) and ORCUTT (Hiram). Class Bodfc of Prose and Po etry : . . . Selections . . . designed as Exercises in Parsing .... Bos ton. 1847. 12 (8. 4.) ST. JOHN (Henry), Viscount Bolinglroke. The Works of Lord B. With a Life, prepared expressly for this Ed 4 vols. Phila delphia. 1841. 8 SCHLEGEL (Karl Wilhelm Fried rich VON). The ^Esthetic and Mis cellaneous Works of Frederick v. S. : comprising Letters on Chris tian Art An Essay on Gothic Architecture Remarks on the Romance-Poetry of the Middle Ages and on Shakspere On the Limits of the Beautiful On the Language and Wisdom of the In dians. Translated from the German by E. J. Millington. Lon don. 1849. 8 (BOHN S Stand. Libr.) 208 CLASS XXXI. POLYGKAPHY. *SCHOOL Library (The). Published under the Sanction of the Board of Education of the State of Massachusetts. 26 vols. Boston. 1839 -[43]. 12 Vol. I. Introductory Essay .... Irving s Life and Voyages of Columbus, with the Author s Visit to Palos. ... 1839. Vol. II. III. Paley s Natural Theology, with Additions from Lord Brough am, and Sir Charles Bell ... . The whole newly arranged .-. . by Elisha Bartlett, M.D. ... 1839. Vol. IV. - VI. Lives of Eminent Individuals, celebrated in American His tory. ... 1839. Vol. VII. -X. Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons ; by the Rev. Henry Dun can, D.D. Adapted to American Readers, by F. W. P. Greenwood. .. . 1839. Vol. XI. XII. The Useful Arts, considered in Connexion with the Applica tions of Science. With numerous Engravings. By Jacob Bigelow, M.D. ... 1840. Vol. XIII. A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. With an Appendix and Glossary. By Joseph Story, LL.D. [1840 ?] Vol. XIV. XV. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. Illustrated by Anecdotes. [By G. L. Craik.] Revised Ed., with Preface and Notes, by Fran cis Wayland, D.D. ... 1840 - [44]. Vol. XVI. The Farmer s Companion ... . By the late Hon. Jesse Buel. [1840 ?] Vol. XVII. Great Events described by distinguished Historians ... . Col lected and in part translated by Francis Lieber. [1840.] Vol. XVIII. The Fireside Friend, or Female Student. ... By Mrs. A. H. L. Phelps. 1840. Vol. XIX. Importance of Practical Education and Useful Knowledge. By Edward Everett. 1840. Vol. XX. Letters on Astronomy, addressed to a Lady ... . By Denison Olmsted,A.M. 1842. Vol. XXI. The Principles of Science applied to the Domestic and Mechanic Arts, and to Manufactures and Agriculture ... . By Alonzo Potter, D.D. [1840 ?] Vol. XXII. - XXV. History of the World : from the Earliest Period to the Year of our Lord 1783. From" the German of the Baron John von Mailer. ... [1842.] Vol. XXVI. A Treatise on Domestic Economy, for the Use of Young Ladies.... By Miss Catherine E. Beecher. Revised Ed. ... [1843.] SELECTION (A) of English and Scotch Proverbs. (CHAMBERS S Miscel., X. no. 174.) *SMALL Books on Great Subjects. Vol. I. containing Philosophical Theo ries and Experience, Physiology and Intellectual Science [by the Rev. John Bar^>w], Prevention of Insanity [by the same], Practical Organic Chemretry. | Vol. II. containing Early Greek Philosophy, Later Greek Philosophy, Christian Doctrines in the Second Century, Exposition of Vulgar and Common Errors. | Vol. III. containing Vegetable Physiology, Criminal Law, Christian Sects in the XIX Century, Principles of Grammar. 3 vols. in 12 nos. Philadelphia. 1847. 24 (8. 4.) Note. Each number has also a separate title-page, and is paged inde pendently. *SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Note. For the few publications of this Society which belong to the Library, see p. 15, McCuLLOCH (J. R.) j p. 42, SOCIETY, etc. ; p. 56, VEGETABLE ; pp.59, 124, SOCIETY, etc.; p. 168, MALKIN (F.) ; p. 177, VAUGHAN (R.) ; p. 197, MUELLER (K. 0.) ; p. 201, SOCIETY, etc. CLASS XXXI. POLYGRAPHY. 209 STEPHEN (Sir James). Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philadel phia. 1843. 12 Containing : Life of William Wilberforce. The Lives of "Whitfiekl and Fronde. D Aubigne s History of the Great Reformation. Life and Times of Richard Baxter. Physical Theory of another Life. The Port-Royalists. Ignatius Loyola and his Associates. Taylor s Edwin the Fair. VULGAR and Common Errors. See BROWN (Sir Thomas), M.D., Re- divivus, pseudon. WALSH (Robert), LL.D. Didactics: Social, Literary, and Political. ... 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1836. 12 WAKE (Henry), Jr., D.D. The Miscellaneous Wofks, etc. See Class II. Part HI. WILCOX (Rev. Carlos). Remains ... . With a Memoir of his Life [by Lavius Hyde]. Hartford. 1828. 8 WIRT (William), LL.D. The Letters of the British Spy. . . . 10th Ed., revised and corrected. To which is prefixed, A Biographical Sketch of the Author. New-York. 1848. 12 WONDERS (The) of Human Folly. (CHAMBERS S Papers, etc. VIII. no. 63.) 27 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 2, after line 3, insert HAMILTON (Sir William), Bart. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Educa tion and University Reform. Chiefly from the Edinburgh Review ; corrected, vindicated, enlarged, in Notes and Appendices. With an Introductory Essay by Robert Turnbull, D.D. New York. 1853. 8 pp. xlviii., 764. Page 11, after line 13 from the bottom, insert BROUGHAM (Henry), Baron Brou</ham and Vaux. . . . Political Philosophy . . . Part I Principles of Government Monarchical Government | Part II Of Aris tocracy Aristocratic Governments | Part III Of Democracy Mixed Monarchy 2d Ed. 3 pts. London. 1849 8 (Under the Superinten dence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.) Page 19, after the last reference under BARNARD, insert Editor. See RHODE ISLAND INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION. Journal, etc. Page 30, " SOCIETY," etc. The Schoolmaster, Vol. I. and II. By a strange over sight, only part of the contents of these volumes is specified. Page 52, line 8 from the bottom, for " Muckle " read " Muckle." Page 59, after line 17, insert SPENCE (William). See KIRBY (W.) and SPENCE (W.) Page 60, line 10 from the bottom, for " J/.Z)." read "M.D." Page 61, line 20, for " Class XXVII." read "Class XXVIII." Page 77, last line, add " pp. 52." Page 85, after line 5, insert EUCLIDES. Geometry. See Class IX. Page 86, after line 24, insert COLERIDGE (Henry Nelson). Introductions, etc. See Class XXIX. Page 91, line 17 from the bottom, for " SALLUSTIUS (Caius Crispus) " read " SAL- LUSTIUS CRISPUS (Caius)." Page 99, line 19, dele the words "and THOMSON (James)," and place the title first in order under COWPER. Page 115, after line 24, insert LOGAN (James). The Scotish Gael, etc. See Class XXVII. Page 117, after line 12, insert COOLEY (William Desborough). The History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3 vols. London. 8 (LARDNER S Cab. Cycl., GO- .62.) Page 119, line 8 from the bottom. "AMERICAN Adventure," etc. This anonymous work was written by Epes Sargent. Page 121, line 7, inclose the dash in brackets. Page 125, bottom, insert THOMPSON (Rev. Henry). Heraldry. (ENCYCL. Metrop. V. 589-618.) Page 139, line 13, for " Weldore " read " Welbore." Page 161, after line 6 from the bottom, insert Memoir. See Class XI. Part II. LARDNER (D.). The Steam Engine, etc. Page 176, line 21, inclose the dash in brackets. Page 178, line 18 from the bottom, read " [SFORZOSI ( )]." Page 208, line 3 from the bottom, for "p. 42," read " pp. 30, 42." ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Note. The following Index is principally intended to show at once where each work is entered in the Catalogue. It contains the names of authors, including trans lators, editors, and commentators, followed by a very brief indication of their literary labors. The titles of anonymous publications are also referred to, except the anony mous tracts in Chambers s " Miscellany," " Papers for the People," and " Repository," which belong to Class XXL (PROSE FICTION) and to Class XXIV. Part II. (INDI VIDUAL BIOGRAPHY). For the description of different editions, and other particu lars, the Catalogue itself must be consulted. The abbreviation "fraHS." is used for " translator " ; " edit." for " editor" ; " annot." for " annotator " ; and " biogr." for ; biographer." When the initial of a Christian name is followed by a period in the Index, the full name will be found in the Cata logue ; when the full name is not known, two dots are placed after the initial. Itali cized initials belong to names printed in spaced letters (for a reason explained in the Preface) in the preceding part of the Catalogue. When a word is printed in small capitals, that is the word to be sought on the page referred to. PAGE [Abbot (Anne Wales)], edit. AUTUMN Leaves 201 Abbott (J.). History of ALEXANDER the Great 126 ALFRED the Great . . 126 CHARLES I. of England . 132 CHARLES II. of England . 132 CLEOPATRA . . . .133 CYRUS the Elder . . 135 DARIUS the Great . . .135 Queen ELIZABETH . . 137 HANNIBAL .... 141 Julius C.ESAR ... 131 MARY, Queen of Scots . . 148 NERO 151 ROMULUS .... 156 WILLIAM the Conqueror . 162 XERXES . . . .163 Lecture. AMER. INST. 1840 17 The Teacher ... 16 edit. ABERCROMBIE ... 1 Abbott (John Stevens Cabot). History of JOSEPHINE .... 145 MARIA ANTOINETTE . 148 Madame ROLAND . . . 156 Abercrombie (J.). Intellectual Powers 1 Moral Feelings ... 10 Account of the Borders . . . 174 Account of the Gipsies . . . 178 Account of the Highlands . . 114 Adam (A.). Latin Grammar . . 77 Roman Antiquities . . 188 Adams (D.). New Arithmetic . . 32 Adams (P. A.). Arithmetic . . 32 Lecture. AMER. INST. 1845 . 18 Adams (G.). Mass. Register for 1853 114 Adams (S.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1843 17 Addison (J.). Papers, and Life. SPEC TATOR ...... Select Poems trans. OVIDIUS. Metamorph. . Adelung(F.). Sanscrit Literature . Adler (G. J..). German Dictionary *jEschylus. Agamemnon (Felton) Agamemnon and the Choe"- phorse (translated bv Potter) Prometheus (Woolsey) . African Discovery Agapida (Fray A.), pseudon. See [Ir ving (W.)] Agassiz (L.), biogr. MILLER and Gould (A. A.). Principles of Zoology Agnew (John Holmes). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1843 i Aikin (J.). British Poets . biogr. GOLDSMITH. Poems Aikin (L.), biogr. BARBAULD Aikman (J.), biogr. LEIGHTON . Ainslie (J.). Land Surveying . Ainslie (R.). Lecture. [CONOR. BOARD, etc.], vn. Ainslie (W.), Joint author. MURRAY Ainsworth ( \\ . F.). Travels in the Track of the Ten Thousand Greeks Airv (G. B.). Figure of the Earth. Tides and Waves Trigonometry PAGE 11 97 91 194 72 84 84 84 116 180 55 56 17 97 203 201 23 181 116 47 Akenside (M.). Select Poems . . 97 Alchemy and the Alchemists . 52, 191 [Alcott*(\V. A..)]. Confessions of a Schoolmaster 126 edit. AMERICAN Annals of Ed ucation 16, 17 212 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Alexander (J.. H..), edit. SIMMS . 40 Alexander (W.), 1st Earl of Stirling. Select Poems .... 97 Allen (A.). Latin Verbs ... 77 Allen (P.). Lewis and Clarke s Expedi tion 116 Alsop (S.) Algebra .... 35 Key to do 35 America. PRE-COLUMBIAN . . 119 American Adventure by Land and Sea 1 19 American Almanac . . . . Ill American Annals of Education . . 16 American Bible Society. BIBLE, Eng lish, French, German, Italian . . 5 American Institute of Instruction. Lec tures, 1840- 1850 .... 17 Memorial .... 18 American Journal of Education . . 18 American Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. English Spell ing Book 66 Analysis of HERODOTUS ... 85 Ancient Philosophic Sects . . . 191 Ancient Rites and Mysteries . . 9, 189 Ancient Scandinavia .... 189 Anderson (C.). Annals of the English Bible (abridged by Prime) . .194 Anderson (B. ). Wogr. POTTKB . . 190 Andrews (E. A.). First Latin Book . 77 First Lessons in Latin . 77 Latin-English Lexicon . . 80 Latin Exercises . 77 Key to do. .... 77 Latin Reader ... 77 LHOMOND S Viri Romas . . 80 [ ] Questions on Lat. Grammar 77 edit. C.ESAR . . . .88 " SALLUSTIUS ... 91 and Stoddard (S.). Latin Gram mar ..... 78 Andrews (I.. W..), edit. OHIO Journal of Education 27 Andrews (Stephen Pearl). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1846 ... 18 Anecdotes of Ants .... 56 Anecdotes of Dogs .... 56 Anecdotes of Elephants ... 56 Anecdotes of Serpents ... 57 Anecdotes of Shoemakers . . . 120 Anecdotes of Spiders ... 67 Anecdotes of the Cat . . . .56 Anecdotes of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind 119 Anecdotes of the Early Painters . .119 Anecdotes of the Horse ... 57 Animal Instincts and Intelligence 1, 57 Annales Antiquitatis . . . 166 Annals of Education, AMERICAN . 16 Annals of Fashion . . . .189 Annals of the Poor .... 120 Annual of Scientific Discovery . . 191 Ansted (D. T.). Ancient World . 54 Antarctic Explorations . . . 117 Anthon (C.). Ancient and Mediasval Geography 112 Classical Dictionary . . 83 Grecian Antiquities . . 189 Greek Grammar ... 72 Greek Literature . . .194 Greek Reader ... 72 Latin Dictionary ... 81 Latin Versification Key to do 78 Roman Antiquities edit. C.ESAR .... CICERO. Orations HOMERUS. Iliad HORATIUS RIDDLE and ARNOLD SALLUSTIUS . " SMITH. Class. Diet. SMITH. Diet, of Antiq. " VIRGILIUS. Juieid . " VIRGILIUS. Eclogues and Georgics " XENOPHON. Anabasis . " XENOPHON. Memorabilia " ZUMPT. Latin Grammar Antisell (T.). Hand-Book of the Useful Arts Appleton (J.). Works and Life Appletons Library Manual . Arago (D. F. J.). Astronomy . Arctic Explorations .... Aristophanes. Comedies (translated by Mitchell and Cumberland) Birds (Felton) . Clouds (Felton) Aristoteles. Ethica Nicomachea Armstrong (J.). Select Poems Armstrong (J.). Life of R. MONTGOM ERY Life of A. WAYNE Arnold (Henry Hamilton), trans. DOE- DERLEIN trans. GROTEFEND . Arnold (T.). Christian Life (2 vols.) Early Roman History History of Rome Later Roman Commonwealth Lectures on Modern History Life and Correspondence (Stanley) Miscellaneous Works . Sermons ..... Sermons on the Interpretation of Scripture edit. THUCYDIDES Arnold (T. K.). English Grammar First Classical Atlas . First and Second Latin Book . First Greek Book First Greek Lessons Greek Accidence Greek Construing . Greek Grammar Greek Prose Composition, Pts. 189 88 89 86 90 82 91 84 191 93 93 87 87 80 61 6 194 47 117 84 84 84 84 97 150 161 81 79 6 169 169 169 171 127 201 6 7 87 66 112 78 72 72 73 73 73 I. and II. ..".". . 73 Latin Prose Composition . 78 Latin Verse Composition . 78 Longer Latin Exercises, Pt. I. 78 edit. BOJESEN . . . . 189 CICERO. Selections . 88 GROTEFEND ... 79 HORATIUS. Eclogce . 90 NEPOS . . . . 90, 91 PILLON .... 77 PUETZ .... 167 See Riddle (J. E.) and Arnold (T. K.). Ascham (R.). Schoolmaster. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. I. Assernblv of Divines at Westminster. The Shorter Catechism Association of Masters of the Boston 80 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 213 Public Schools. Remarks on Mann s Seventh Annual Report Rejoinder to Mann s Reply Report of a Committee | Bartnim (J. P.). Arithmetic 19 Barwell (Mrs. ). Early Education. -*- The Schoolmaster. n 114, Astronomers, EMINENT Atlas Classica (Tanner) Aubigne (J. H. Merle d 1 ). See Merle d Aubigne. [Austin (Sarah)]. Life of C. NIEBUHR Ausonius (D. M.). Opera [Australia]. LIFE in the Bush . Australia and its Gold Regions Australia and Van Diemen s Land Autumn Leaves .... Avianus (F.). Fabulae Avers (W. 0..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1849 Babbage (C.). Manufactures Bache (A. D.). Appendix to Brewster s Optics ...... Bachelor. See Old Bachelor. Bachi (P.). Italian Grammar Bacon (F.), Lord. Essays [Bacon (J.)], Jr. D AVIS s Magnetism Bacon (Peter Child). Addresses as May or of WORCESTER, Mass. Bailey (E.). First Lessons in Algebra Key to do Bailey (J.)^edit. FORCELLINI . Bailey (P. J.). Festus .... Bain (A.). See Reid(D. B.) and Bain (A.). Baines (E.), Jr. Lecture. [CONGR. BOARD, etc.], i Baird (J. S.. S..). Classical Manual . Baker (C.). Reading. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. II. . Baker (G.), trans. LIVIUS [Ball (C.)]. Life of a Xegro Slave Bampfylde (J.). Select Poems . Bancroft (G.). History of the United States trans. HEEREN Barbauld (Mrs. A.L. [A.]). Works and Life Baretti (Joseph). See Neuman (H.) and Baretti (J.). Barker (Edmund Henry), edit. XENO- PHON. Cyropsedia .... Barlow (J.)." On Insanity . [ ] Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy Barlow (P.). Astronomy Geometry .... Magnetism. Electro-Magnetism Manufactures Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Pneumatics Optics Theory of Numbers 19 19 121 113 151 87 118 114 186 201 87 18 62 SOCIETY, etc. Vol. 1 30 Batchelder (J.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1848 18 Bates (J.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1840 17 Bates (Samuel Worcester). Lecture. MASS. TEACHERS Assoc. Transac tions. I. . . . . . .27 Beard (J. R.). Latin made easy Beattie (J.). Poetical Works Select Poems Beaumont (Sir J.). Select Poems Beck (C.). Latin Syntax . trans. MUNK. Metres Becker (W. A.). Charicles Gallus Beckmann (J.). History of Inventions Beecher (C. E.) Domestic Economy 49 | Behr (M..), trans. WEBER . Belknap (J.). American Biography . 77 [Bell (Sir C.)]- Animal Mechanics 80 97 is:; 168 201 an not. PALEY S Nat. Theol. . Bell (H. G.). MARY, Queen of Scots . Bell (J.), biogr. ROLLIN . Bell (R.). Brit. Dramatists. DUNHAM History of Russia Lives of English Poets . continuator. MACKINTOSH. Eng land See Southey (R.) and Bell (R.). Bellows (J. N..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1844 Beloe (W.), trans. HERODOTUS Bern (Joseph). Chronology. PEABODY Benedict (E. C.). Address, etc. Berkeley (G.), Bp. Works and Life [Berthoud (S. H.)]. Sister of Rembrandt Bethune (G. W..). Orations [Bethune (John Eliot Driukwater)]. Life of Galileo GALILEI [ ] Life of KEPLER Bezout (E.). Diff. and Integral Calculus BIBLE and all its parts, various editions and translations .... Bigelow (J.). Plants of Boston The Useful Arts 78 97 97 97 78 80 189 189 191 62 165 120 57 4 148 167 121 179 120 176 Bion. BRIGGS. Poetse, etc. 87 1 { Biot (J. B.). Analytical Geometry I Life of NEWTON 59 47 18 85 165 19 1 107 96 139 145 35 5,6 56 62 84 Barnard (H.). Normal Schools Reports. RHODE ISLAND Commissioner, etc School Architecture . -. edit. RHODE ISLAND INST. OF INSTRUCTION. Journal Barney (H.. H..). Report on Graded Free Schools .... edit. OHIO Journal of Education Barrow (Sir J.). PETER the Great . [ ] Pitcairn s Island . Bartlett (E.), edit. PALEY S Nat. Theol. 151 Birch (T.), biogr. CUD WORTH . 4 Bird (G.). Natural Philosophy . . 42 38 ; Birds, Natural History of ... 57 50 [Bishop (N.)]. Reports (Boston Schools) 19 62 Bishop (S.). Select Poems . . 97 j Blair (H.). Rhetoric .... 93 45 Blair (R.). Select Poems ... 98 Black (3.), trans. SCHLEGEL ( A. W. von) 197 49 35 Black s County Atlas of Scotland 19 | Blacklock (T.). Select Poems . . 97 Blackmore (Sir R.). Select Poems . 98 28 Blackstone (Sir W.). The Lawyer s 64 Farewell to his Muse ... 98 Blakesley (J. W.). ARISTOTELES . 127 29 ! [Bligh (W.)l. Mutiny of the Bounty 117 j Bliss (G.), Jr., edit. ANNUAL . . 191 19 I Blomfield (C. J.), Bp. Socrates, etc. 192, 158 27 j Blomfield (E. V.), trans. MATTHIAE . 75 153 Bloomfield ( Samuel Thomas), edit. New 114 Testament Greek ... 6 4 trans, and amwt. THUCYDIDES 87 214 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 166 189 106 201 201 201 189 189 70 120 Bloss (C.. A..). Ancient History . Boeckh (A.). Public Economy of Ath ens Bohn (Henry G..), trans. SCHILLER. Early Dramas, etc. [Bonn s Antiquarian Library] [Bonn s Illustrated Library] [Bonn s Standard Library] . Bojesen (E. F.G.). Grecian Antiquities Roman Antiquities . Bolingbroke, H., Viscount. t See St. John. Bolmar (A.), edit., etc. LEVIZAC Bonaparte Family .... See Court and Camp. Boniface Saintine (X.). See Saintine. Book of Costume . . . .189 [Booth (D.)]. Indexes, etc. SOCIETY, etc. 42 Booth (J. C..). Encyclopasdia of Chem istry 52 Borneo. RAJAH BROOKE . . . 116 Bos (L.). Greek Ellipses, abridged . 73 Boston. Truants (City Doc.) . . 19 Boston Primary School Committee. Reports . .... 20 Boston School Committee. Reports, Rules, etc 20 Reports on Ventilation . . 63 Boston Masters. See Association, etc. Boswell (J.). Life of JOHNSON . . 144 Bosworth (J.). Anglo-Saxon Dictionary 65 Bourbon Family 120 Bourdon (L. P. M.). Algebra . . 35 Bourne (V.) Latin Poems ... 98 [Bowen (F.)]. History of the United States. WEBER . . . .165 Life of B. LINCOLN . . 147 [ ] Life of James OTIS . . 152 [ ] Life of Sir W. PHIPS . 153 [ J Life of Baron STEUBEN . 159 Lowell Lectures . . 3 [ ] edit. AMERICAN Almanac . Ill " VIRGILIUS ... 92 [ ] " WEBER . . .165 Bowman (W.). Surgery . . . 61 Boyd(J.), annot. ADAM . . 188,189 Boyd (J. R.). Rhetoric ... 93 edit. COWPER. The Task, etc. 99 " MILTON. Paradise Lost 102 " THOMSON. The Seasons 105 " YOUNG. Night Thoughts 105 [Boylan (R.. D..)], trans. SCHILLER. Don Carlos 106 Boyse (S.). Select Poems ... 98 Bradford (D.). Wonders of the Heavens 47 [Bradford (T. G.)]. LEVERETT. Latin Lexicon ...... 81 LIEBER. Encycl. Americana 200 edit. MURRAY .... 112 and Goodrich (S. G.). Universal Atlas Ill Brand (J.). Popular Antiquities . 189 Brande (W. T.), edit. Dictionary of Sci ence, etc. ..... 199 [Brewster (&VD.)]. Double Refraction and Polarisation of Light . . 49 Life of NEWTON . . . 151 Martyrs of Science. GALILEI 139 Natural Magic ... 43 Optics .... 49 joint author. SHELLEY . . 124 annot. and biogr. EULER . 43 trans. LEGENDRE ... 39 Brief View of Greek Philosophy . 192 Briggs (T.). Poetce Bucolici Grteci . 84 Brighton School Committee. Reports 20 Bristed (C. A.). Five Years, etc. . . 21 Bristol Academy, Taunton. FELTON 23 British Conquest of India . . .181 British Museum. See Great Britain Parliament. British Poets. See Aikin (J.); Hal- leek (F.-G.); Sanford (E.) and Walsh (R.J. Brocklesby (J.)- Meteorology . . 51 Brome (A.). Select Poems . . 98 Bronson (C.. P..). Elocution , . 94 Brooke (H. J.). Crystallography. Min eralogy 54 Brooks (C.). Lectures. AMER. INST. 1844 and 1849 . . . . 17, 18 Brooks (N. C.), edit. OVIDIUS. Metam. 91 Brougham (H.), Lord. Discourses by Brougham, Sedgwick, etc. . . 21 [ ] Hydrostatics ... 45 Men of Letters and Science 120 Objects, Advantages, and Pleas ures of Science .... 199 Political Philosophy . . 210 Popular Education . . 21 Statesmen in the Time of George 120 The same. Second Series annot. PALEY S Nat. Theol. III. 120 4 Brown (G.). English Grammar Grammar of English Grammars Brown (SirT.), M.D.)., Redivivus,psen- don. Vulgar and Common Errors for 1845 Brown University. Catalogue of the Li brary. [JEWETT] .... Browne (R.. L.). Annals of Germany Browne (R.. W..). History of Classical Literature Browne (W.). Select Poems Bruce (M.). Lochleven, &c. Bruun (M. C.). See Malte-Brun (C.). Bryant (W. C.). Selections from the American Poets .... Bryant (W.) and Herman (L.). On heat- "ing and ventilating the School Houses of Boston Buck(C.). Theological Dictionary . Bucke (C.). Beauties, etc. of Nature Ruins of Ancient Cities . Buckingham, John, 1st Duke of. See Sheffield. [Buckingham (J. T.)]. Devotional Ex ercises ...... Personal Memoirs Specimens of Newspaper Lit erature Buel (J.). Farmer s Companion . Bugard (B. F.). French Translator . [Buist ( -)]. Overland Journey to India ...... Bullions (P.). Greek Grammar Greek Reader Latin Grammar Latin Reader, etc. edit. C.ESAR .... " CICERO. Orations Bunbury (E. H.), edit. GELL Banner (E.). History of Louisiana . [Burke (Ed. P.)]. Life of COKE . 202 196 173 195 98 98 98 3 53 166 7 130 195 62 69 117 73 73 78 78 88 89 113 185 133 ALPHABETICAL IXDEX. 215 [Bumap (George Washington)]. Life of L. CALVERT 131 Burns (R.). Poems .... 98 [Burton ( W.)]. The District School, etc. 21 Bush (G.). Life of MOHAMMED . 150 Bushnan (J.. Stevenson). Fishes. JAR- DINE, XXXV 58 Butler (J.), Bp. Analogy . . 3 Charity Schools. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. I. . .30 Sermons .... 7 Butler (S.). Poetical Works . . 98 Butler (S.), D.D. Atlas ... 113 Geographia Classica . . 113 Butter (H.). Etymological Expositor 68 Buttrnann (AAedfc BUTTMANN (P. K.). 73 ButtmannjP. K.). Dialects. THIERSCH 76 Greek Grammar ... 73 Greek Verbs ... 73 Lexilogus . . ** . 76 Catullus (C. or Q. V.)- Carmina . 88 Cauvin (J.), joint author. BRANDE . 199 Cawthorn (J.). Select Poems . . 98 Cellini (B.). Memoirs, by himself . 132 Central Society of Education. The Ed ucator 21 First Third Publication 21, 22 205 203 87 88 88 131 Chalmers (G.). Revolt of the Ameri can Colonies 183 Chalmers (T.). Natural Theology . 3 Chamberlain (N. B.. and D.). Catalogue of Pneumatic Instruments . . 45 Price Catalogue, etc. . . 45 Cabinet Cyclopaedia. LARDNER Cabinet Library, Parley s. GOODRICH Ctesar (C. J.). Opera - De Bello Civili - De Bello Gallico ... - Life of Julius Ctesar (anon.) California ..... 114, 185 Callicot(T.. C.). Hand-Book of Geog- . raphy . ... . . . Ill Calpurnius Siculus (T.). Bucolica . 88; Cambridge, Mass. Mayors Addresses, , etc. 1846 - 1853 . . . . 11, 12 - Report of a Committee on the Public Schools (1834) . . . 21 - School Committee. Reports and Regulations ..... 21 Cambridge High School. Compositions. MS. ...... 202 Camisards (The)^ ..... 186 Camoens or Canioes (L. de). The Lusiad (Mickle) ...... 98 Camp (G. S.). Democracy . . 12 Campbell (D.)- Inorganic Chemistry . 52 Campbell (G.). Philosophy of Rhetoric 93 Campbell (T.). Life of PETRARCA . 153 - Poetical Works ... 98 Canticles. See BIBLE .... 5 Cape Colony, FOUR Months in . . 117 [Capen (C. J..)], edit. MASS. TEACHERS Assoc. Transactions. I. . . . Carew (T.). Select Poems . . Carey (J.), edit. C.ESAR ... - edit. PH.EDRUS ... Carlyle(T.). CROMWELL . . Carmichael (A. N.). Greek Verbs Carpani (G.. P..), annot. CELLINI Carpenter (W. B.). Animal Physiology f,7 - Physiology . . . . * 60 Carr (T. S.). Ronmn Antiquities . 189 Carter (J. G.). Popular Education . 21 [ - ] Report, etc. 1836. MASSA CHUSETTS . . . . .26 Carthage and the Carthaginians . 166 Cartwright (W.)- Select Poems . . 98 Carwithen (J.. B.. S..). Heresies of the Fourth Century, etc. . . .186 Gary (H.). Lexicon to HERODOTUS . 85 Gary (H. F.), trans. DANTE . . 99 Cases of Circumstantial Evidence . 120 Catalogue of Trumbull s Paintings . 64 j Cato (D.). Disticha de Moribus . 88 1 Chambers (R.). Cyclopaedia of English Literature 202 Chambers (W. and R.). Natural Phi- losopliy ...... 43 Treasury of Knowledge . 41 Zoology ..... 57 Chambers s Miscellany ... 202 Chambers s Papers for the People . 202 Chambers Repository . . . 202 Champlin (J. T.). Greek Grammar . 73 Latin Grammar . . 78 Chandler (J. R..). English Grammar 66 Channing (Edward Tyrrel). Life of W. ELLERY 137 Channing ( W. E.). Works . . . 7 [Channing (W. F.)]. DAVIS S Magnet ism 50 [Channing (W. H.)]. Memoir of W. E. CHANNING 132 Chapin (H.). Addresses as Mayor of WORCESTER, Mass. ... 14 Charlestown, Mass. Board of Trustees of the C. Free Schools. Report . 22 Charlestown, Mass. School Committee. Report, 1848 22 Chase (Charles Chauncy). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1850 . . . .18 Chase (P. E.). Common-School Arith metic 33 Key to do 33 Elements of Arithmetic, Pt. II. 33 See Mann (H.) and Chase (P. E.). Chase (S.). Introduction to CROSBY . 38 Chase (T.), edit. CICERO. Tusc. Disp. 89 Chatterton (T.). Select Poems . . 98 Chaucer (G.). Select Poems . . 98 Chepmell (H. Le M..), trans. Niebuhr s Lectures 170 Chevy Chase, etc 98 [Child (F. J.)], edit. FOUR Old Plays 106 edit. LATHAM. Engl. Grammar 67 Child of Elle, and other Ballads . 98 Childhood of Experimental Philosophy 192 Children of the Wilds ... 120 Christian Doctrine, etc. ... 7 Christian Sects, etc 7 Chronological Tables of Modem History 171 Church ( ). Annals of Portugal " 179 Churchill (C.). Select Poems . . 98 [Churchill (James)], trans. SCHILLER. Wallenstein s Camp . . . 106 Churchill (John), 1st Duke of Marlbor- ough. Life and Correspondence . 133 Cicero ( M. T. ). Selections from the Ora tions and Epistles .... 88 Cato Major .... 88 De Oftic iis .... 89 Life, and Letters (translated) 133 Orationes . . 89 216 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Cicero (M. T.). Oratio pro Milone . 89 Tusculan Disputations, Book I. 89 Cincinnati Board of Trustees, etc. of Common Schools. Report ... 22 Circumnavigation of the Globe . 117 Circumstantial Evidence . . . 120 Claims and Uses of Sacred History . 187 Clark (D.W..). Algebra ... 35 Clark (P.. Le G.). See South (J. F.) and Clark (P.. Le G.). Clark (J.). Drawing . . .64 Clark (S.. W..). Practical Grammar 66 Clarke (B.). British Gazetteer . . 114 Clai ke (J.), edit, and trans. JUSTINUS 90 Clarke (S.), edit. HOMERUS. Bias . 85 Classical Manual .... 83 Classical Museum .... 65 Classical Studies. SEARS ... 84 Claudianus (C.). Opera ... 89 Cleanliness, Bathing, Ventilation . 60 [Clemens Alexandrians]. (Extracts) 7 Cleland ( ). Epaminondas . . 167 Cleveland (C. D.). ADAM S Lat. Gram. 77 - Compendium of English Lit erature 202 English Literature of the Nine teenth Century .... 202 edit. MILTON . . . 102 Cleveland (Henry Russell). Life of H. HUDSON 143 Clifden, George J. W. Agar, 3d Viscount. See Ellis. Clinton (H. P.). Chronology of Greece 167 Coffin (J. H.). Eclipses ." . . 47 Cogswell (Joseph Green). Additions to PYCROFT 197 Colburn (D. P..). Decimal System . 33 Colburn (W.). Algebra ... 35 First Lessons (Arith.) . . 33 Sequel .... 33 Coleman (L.). Geography of the Bible 113 Coleridge (H. N.)- Introd. to the Greek Classic Poets 195 Coleridge (S. T.). Ancient Mariner . 98 On Method 1 trans. SCHILLER. Wallenstein 106 Collins (W.). Poetical Works . . 98 Collot (A.. G..). Chefs-d CEuvre Dra- matiques 105 French Reader ... 69 Colman (G.), trans. TERENTIUS . . 92 Colton(G. H.). Tecumseh . . 99 Colton (J. 0.). Greek Reader . . 73 Coluthus. Rape of Helen (translated) 85 Combe (A.)- Principles of Physiology 60 Common School Controversy . . 22 Common School Journal ... 22 Compendium of Astronomy . . 47 Compositions. CAMBRIDGE High School 202 Comstock (J. L..). Natural Philosophy 43 Comte (A.). Philos. of Mathematics . 32 [Conger (A. B..)]. Coins, etc. ANTHON 83 Confessions of a Schoolmaster . . 134 Confucius 9 [Congregational Board of Education]. Crosby-Hall Lectures ... 22 Congreve (W.). Select Poems . . 99 Conquest of Mexico . . . 183 Considerations respecting a High School in Hartford 23 Constitutions of the United States . 12 Conversations-Lexicon. LIEBER . . 200 Cooley (W. D.). History of Maritime and Inland Discovery . . . 210 edit. Larcher on HERODOTUS 85 Cooper (J. P.). History of the Navy of the U. S 183 Cooper ( J. G.). Select Poems . . 99 Corbet (R.), Bp. Select Poems t . 99 Cormack (J.), trans, and biogr. FENE- LON 121 Corneille (P.). Le Cid 105 Cornelius Nepos. See Nepos. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. See Walk er (W. S.). Corrie (G. E.) and Rose (H. J.). Out lines of Theology .... 3 Costume. BOOK of Costume . . 189 Cotton (C.). Select Poems ... 99 Cotton (J.). Catechism ... 7 Cotton (N.). Select Poems ... 99 Cotton Metropolis (Manchester) . 114 Courier (P.. L..). Eloge on BUFFON 130 Court and Camp of Bonaparte . 120 Courtenay (T. P.).- British Statesmen 120 Cousin (V.). History of Modern Phi losophy . . . . . .192 Cowdery (M.. P..), edit. OHIO Journal of Education ..... 27 Cowles (John Phelps). Lecture. MASS. TEACHERS Assoc. Transactions. I. 27 Cowley (A.). Select Poems . .90 trans. PINDARUS . Cowper (W.). Select Poems The Task, etc. (Boyd) trans. BOURNE and Thomson (J.). Works Coxe (W.). House of Austria . . . 173 Memoirs of the Duke of Marl- borough (CHURCHILL) . . 133 Crabbe (G.). Poetical Works of Crabbe, Heber, and Pollok ... 99 Poems The Village, etc. . 99 Craik (G. L.). English Language . 66 [ ] Pursuit of Knowledge . 121 and Macfarlane (C.). Pictorial History of England . . .175 Crashaw (R.). Select Poems . . 99 Crayon (Geoffrey), Gent n .,^se^ora. See rayon (Ueottrey) [Irving (W.)]. reasy (E. S.). Et Creasy (E. S.). Eton College Fifteen Decisive Battles Cresy (E.)- Encyclopedia of Civil En gineering Crichton (A.)- Arabia . 195 164 63 180 and. Wheaton (H.). Scandinavia 174 Criminal Law, PRINCIPLES of .16 Croker (J. W.), edit. Boswell s JOHNSON 144 Crolv (G.). Life and Times of GEORGE IV 140 Cromwell (0.). Letters and Speeches (Carlyle) 135 Cromwell and his Contemporaries 135, 175 Crooks (G. R..). See M Clintock (J.) an d Crooks (G. R..). Crosby (A.). First Lessons in Geometry 38 Greek Grammar ... 73 Greek Lessons ... 73 Crosby-Hall Lectures . . . .23 Crosthwaite (J. C.). Ecclesiastical His tory, etc. 187 Crowe (Mrs. C. [S.]). Two Beggar Boys 107 Crowe (E. E.). History of France . 177 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 217 See James (G. P. R.)and Crowe (E. E.) Crusades (The) 171 Crusius (G. C.). Lexicon to HOMERUS 86 Cubi i Soler (M.). Le Traducteur Francois 69 Cudworth (R.). Immutable Morality 10 Intellectual System, etc. with Life by Birch ". . . . 4 [Cumberland (R.)], trans. ARISTOPH ANES 84 Cunningham (A.). British Painters and Sculptors 121 Cunningham (J.). Select Poems . 99 Curiosities of Art. I. Architecture . 64 Curiosities of Art. II. Mechanics, etc. 63 Curiosities of Criminal Law . . 121 Curiosities of Vegetation ... 56 [Curtis (T.)], edit.? LONDON Ency clopaedia. Note 200 Curtius Rufus (Q.). De Gestis Alexandri Magni 89 Gushing ( L. S.). Manual, etc. . . 15 Gushing (Thomas), Jr. Lecture. AMER. INST. 1840 17 Cutter (C.). First Book on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene . . 60 Treatise on Anatomy, etc. . 60 Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D.), Baron. Eloge on WERNER .... 162 Cyclopaedia, Cabinet. LARDNER . . 205 Cyclopaedia, Penny. SOCIETY, etc. . 201 Dabney (Jonathan Peele), edit. New Testament English ( Tyndale ) 6 Dalrymple (C.), joint author. MURRAY 181 Dana (J. D.). Mineralogy ... 54 [Dana (R. H.)], Jr. Two Years before the Mast 117 Dana Hill Public Schools. [LIVER- MORE] 196 Daniel (S.). Select Poems . . 99 Daniell (J. F.). Chemical Philosophy . 52 [ ] Chemistry ... 52 Dante 195 Dante Alighieri. The Vision (Gary) 99 Da Ponte (L. L..), annot. ADAM . 188 Daubenv (C. G. B.). See Phillips (J.) and Daubenv (C. G. B.). D Aubigue (J.H.M.). See Merle d Au- bigne. Davenant (Sir W.). Select Poems . 99 Davenport (R.. A..). Perilous Adven tures continuator. MITFORD . Davies (C.). Analytical Geometry Descriptive Geometry Grammar of Arithmetic Key to Elementary Algebra Logic of Mathematics . Surveying and Navigation University Arithmetic . edit. BOURDON edit., etc. LEGENDRE . . 39 Davies (Sir J.). Select Poems . . 99 Davies (T. S.). Solutions of Questions in Hutton 32 Spherical Geometry . . 38 edit. HUTTON ... 32 Davis (D.), Jr. Manual of Magnetism 50 [ ?] Medical Application of Elec tricity 61 28 85 135 114 173 78 94 [Davis (H. H..VJ. Index to HERODOTUS. See Long (G.). Summary Davis (J.)- Life of R. CUSHMAN Davis (Sir J. F.). The Chinese . Davison (D..), trans. SCHLOSSER Day (A.). Syntax of the Relative Day (H. N.). Elocution . Day (J.). Algebra 36 - Key to do. . . . . 36 Day (J. Q.). Physical Geography . 53 Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. ANECDOTES 119 Dean (A.)- Eulogy on Judge BUEL . 62 De la Tude (H. M.). See Masers de la Tude. De Lolme ( J. L.). English Constitution 12, 175 Demmler (F. C.. F..), trans. XIEBUHR. Lectures 170 De Morgan (A.)- Calculus of Functions 36 Essay on Probabilities . . 33 Five Essays. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. II. Theory of Probabilities _ Demosthenes. Philippics (Smead) Denharn (J.). Poetical Works . Description of Pitcairn s Island . Deserts of Africa ... Desmichels (0. C.). Middle Ages Devotional Exercises for Schools Dick (T.). Celestial Scenery . Improvement of Society Practical Astronomer . Sidereal Heavens . Dickens (C.). Child s History of England 175 Dillon (W.), Mh Earl of lioscommon. Select Poems Diodati (G.), trans. BIBLE Italian Discovery and Adventure, etc. MURRAY D Israeli (L). Amenities of Literature Miscellanies of Literature 30 36 85 99 115 115 171 7 47 23 47 47 Distinguished Men of Modern Times District School as it Was . Dobsou(J..), edit. FLEMING emdTiBBiNS Docharty (G. B.). Algebra Dod or Dodd (C. R..). Manual of Dignities Dodd (J. B..). High School Arithmetic Dodsley (R.). Select Poems . . Doederlein (J. C.W. L.). Latin Svnonymes 81 Doering (F. W.). See Jacobs (/.C. W.) and peering (F. W.). Domestic Flower-Culture . . 62 Don (G.). Horticulture ... 62 See Edwards ( T. ) and Don ( G. ). 99 5 118 195 195 121 23 71 36 12 33 99 121 168 38 ; 38 | 33 35 32 38; 33 | 35 j Donaldson (J. W.). Constructionis Gras- cse Prajcepta .... 74 74 79 74 79 99 76 52 62 T t* r - l Tl X * r t -1 * Varronianus Donne (J.). Select Poems . Donnegan (J.). Greek Lexicon Donovan (M.). Chemistry . Dorchester, Mass. School Committee. Report, 1853 .... 23 Dorset, Charles, 6th Earl of. See Sack- ville. Dover, George J. W. Agar, 1st Baron. See Ellis. Dowling(J. G.). Ecclesiastical History, 1548-1700 187 Drake (SirY.). Lives of Drake, Caven dish, and Dainpier . . . 136 218 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Draper (J. W.)- Chemistry . - Natural Philosophy edit. KANE. Chemistry [Draper (W.)]. Life of A. SMITH Dray ton (M.). Select Poems Drink water (J. E.), afterward* Bethune. See Bethune (J. E. D.). Drisler (H.), edit. LIDDELL and SCOTT Drummond (W.). Select Poems Drviry (R.)- Adventures Dryden (J.). Poetical Works Dublin, Richard, Abp. of. See Whately. Ducrest de Saint-Aubin (S. F.), Countess de Genlis. See Genlis. Duer (W. A.). Constitutional Jurispru dence of the United States Duke (R.). Select Poems . D unbar (G.), edit. POTTER . Duncan (H.). Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons ...... Duncan (J.). Entomology, etc. JARDINE, XXVIII. -XXXIII. . . . Dunham (S.. A..). British Dramatists Denmark, Sweden, and Norway Europe during the Middle Ages Germanic Empire Netherlands .... Poland Spain and Portugal Switzerland .... United States and Bell (K.)- Early Writers of Great Britain .... Dunlop (J.). History of Fiction Dwellings and Schools for the Poor [NOR TON] ...... D wight (John Sullivan). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1841 Dwight (M.. A..). Mythology I) wight (T.), Jr. History of Connecticut Dwyer (J. H.). Elocution . Dyer (J.). Poetical Works . Eastwick (E.. B..), trans. SCHILLER Ecclesiastes. See BIBLE . [Egerton (F.)], Earl of Ellesmere. Re port on the British Museum. GREAT BRITAIN 196 Edge worth (M. and R. L.). Education 23 Edinburgh. STRANGER S Visit . . 116 Edson (T.). Address (Colburn Grammar School) 195 Education, AMERICAN Annals of . 16 Education, AMERICAN Journal of .18 Education, Board of. See Congregation al, Maine, Massachusetts, New York. Education, CENTRAL Society of .21 Education, Council on. See Great Brit ain Privy Council. Education, OHIO Journal of . . .27 Education Movement (The) . 23, 196 Education of the Citizen . . .23 Educator (The) 23 Edwards (B.B.). Class. Studies. SEARS 84 Writings and Life . . 7 trans. KUEHNER . . .75 Edwards (Joseph). Qusestiones Virgili- anae 93 edit. VIRGILIUS. ^Eneis . . 93 Edwards (T.) and Don (G.). Botany 56 Electric Communications . . . 192 Elephant. See Natural History. 52 i 43 I 52 158 99 76 99 136 68 121 171 171 174 L78 179 179 180 183 121 L95 16 17 9 186 . 4 [00 179 6 Eliot (S. A.). Complete Sj^stem of Edu cation ...... History of Harvard College 23 196 Ellesmere, Francis, Earl of. See Egerton. Ellis (George Edward). Life of Anne HUTCIIINSON ..... 143 - Life of J. MASON . . 149 - Life of William PENN . . 153 Ellis (George James Welbore Agar), 3J Viscount Clifden, and 1st Baron Dover. Life of FREDERICK the Great . . 139 Ellis ((Sir H.), edit. BRAND . . 189 [Elphinstone (H.)], trans. Blot s Life of NEWTON . . . . .151 Elton (C. A.)- Roman Emperors . . 169 Emerson (F.). Third Part. (N. A. Arith.) 33 - Kev to N. A. Arith., Pts. II. and III. . . ...... 33 Emerson ( G.B.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1842 17 -- Memorial. AMER. INST., etc. 18 - Observations on a Pamphlet by the Boston Masters . . . .23 The Schoolmaster . . 23 Emerson (J.). Questions and Supple- 184 121 14 200 199 ment to Goodrich Eminent Astronomei S Employer (The) and Employed . Encyclopaedia Americana. LIEBER Encyclopaedia Britannica . Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. SMEDLEY 200 Enfield (W.). History of Philosophy 192 [Engelhardt(G..)l. WRANGEL . . 119 Epitome of the History of Philosophy 192 Errors, Vulgar. BROW N, pse udon. . . 202 Eschenberg (J. J.). Classical Antiquities 190 Manual of Classical Literature 83 Eton Latin Grammar . . . .79 Euclides. Geometry .... Euler (L.). Letters (Nat. Phil.) and Life Euripides. Hecuba, Medea, Phoenissse, and Orestes (translated) Baccha? and Iphigenia in Aulis (translated by Potter) Phoenissag (translated) European Intercourse with Japan Everett (A. H.). Essays and Poems Essays. Second Series . Life of Patrick HENRY . Life of J. WARREN [ ] Report, etc., 1835. MASSACHU SETTS edit., etc. MUELLER 38 43 85 85 85 181 202 203 142 161 26 164 23 159 96 14 66 Everett (Edward). Importance of Prac tical Education .... Life of John STARK Orations ..... [ ] edit, and biogr. WEBSTER (D.) Everett (Erastus). English Versification Everts (W.. W..). Bible Manual . . 6 E very-Day Life of the Greeks . .190 Ewbank(T.). Hydraulics and Mechanics 192 Excursion to the Oregon . . . 117 Fabricius (Johan Christian). Anecdotes of LlNN.EUS ..... Facciolati (J.). Lexicon Falconer (W.). Select Poems Farrar (J.). Application of Trigonometry [ ] trans. LACROIX LEGENDRE Felton (C. C.). Address (Bristol Acad.) Classical Studies. SEARS 147 81 100 38 34 39 23 84 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 219 Greek Reader . Life of W. EATON edit. JDsCHYLUS. Agamemnon " ARISTOPHANES. Birds " ARISTOPHANES. Clouds " HOMERUS. llitid " I SOCRATES. Panegyricus trans. GUYOT . " MUNK. Metres Female Industry and Intrepidity . Fenelon (F. de S. de la M.), Alp. Lives " " ers with a Life of the Ancient Philosophers Selections from F., wit Fenton (E.). Select Poems Fenwick de Porquet (L.). See Porquet. Fergus (H.). United States . Ferguson (A.). Roman Republic Fergusson (R.). The Farmer s Ingle [ Field (B.)J. ASSOCIATION, etc. Field (W.). Life of S. PARR . Findlay (A. G..). Classical Atlas Fireside Education .... Fishlake (J. R.), trans. BUTTMANN. Greek Verbs 74 137 84 84 84 85 86 53 80 121 121 7 100 184 169 100 19 153 113 24 73 76 79 74 74 74 84 83 70 Review, etc. SMITH (M. H.) ] The Scholiast Schooled . Teachers Institute . . edit. COMMON SCHOOL Journal Fowler (W. C.). English Grammar Francis (C.). Life of J. ELIOT . - Life of RALE . . . ! Francis (W.), edit. BECKMANN . Francklin (T.), trans. SOPHOCLES j Francoeur(L. B.). Course of Mathematics 32 ; - Drawing. FOWLE . . .64 - trans. BUTTMANN. Lexilogus Fisk (A.). Adam s Latin Grammar Fisk (B. F.). Greek Exercises . - Key to do. .... - Greek Grammar . Fiske (N. W.). Supplemental Plates -- trans., etc. ESCHENUURG Fivas (V. de). Introduction to French Flaccus (C. V.). Argonautica Fleming (A..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1841 ....... Fleming ( - ) and Tibbins (J.). French Dictionary ..... - Royal Dictionary Fletcher (G . and P.). Poems Fletcher (James). History of Poland Florian (J. P. C. de). Moors of Spain [Follen (C. T. C.)J. German Reader Pollen (J//-s. Eliza Lee [Cabot]), trans. and bioyr. FENELON [Folsom (C.)], edit. CICERO. Orationes [ - j edit. IRIARTE .... - " Liyius Forbiger (A.), edit. VIRGILIUS Forcellini (E.). Lexicon Foresti (Emmanuel Felix), edit. OLLEN- DORFF ...... Forster (J.). British Statesmen - Life of GOLDSMITH Fosbroke (T. D.). Arts, Manufactures, etc. of the Greeks and Romans . 190 Fosdick (David), Jr., trans. SILVESTRE DE SACY ..... Foster (E..), trans. RANKE . Foster (J.). Character of R. HALL - Essays ..... - Evils of Popular Ignorance . Foster (J.. W..) and Whitney (J.. D..). Lake Superior Land District, Pt. I. 115 Foster (Mrs. M.. E..). Modern European Literature ..... 196 Four Months in Cape Colony . . 117 Four Old Plays ..... Fowle (W. B. ). Common School Gram mar, Pt. II ...... - Lectures. AMER. INST. 1841 and 1845 ..... 17, 18 - - Linear Drawing ... 64 17 71 71 100 179 179 n 108 90 92 81 77 121 140 66 188 203 10 24 106 66 30 24 24 22 66 137 155 191 86 ! Franklin (B.). Autobiography Memoirs and Essays | Franklin (T.). See Francklin. Eraser (J. 15.). Mesopotamia . Persia Freese (A.), edit. OHIO Journal of Edu cation Fremont (J. C.). Exploring Expedition Freuud (W.). Latin-English Lexicon Frost (J.). Class Book of Nature . His story of the United States edit. British Poets. AIKIN . BUTLER. Geography 139 203 181 181 27 117 81 53 184 97 113 190 Fuss (J. D.). Roman Antiquities Gaisford (T.). Adnotationes. HERODOTUS 85 Galbraith (W.), tdit. AINSLIE . . 38 j [Gale (F. W..)]. See [Smith (G. P..) and Gale (F. W..)]. Galloup (D. P..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1844 17 Gait (J.). Life of BYRON . . .130 Gammell (W.). History of American Baptist Missions . . .187 Life of S. WARD . . .161 [ ] Life of Roger WILLIAMS . 162 Garnett (R.). Christian Church (Fourth Century) 187 Garth (Sir S.). Select Poems . . 100 Gascoigne (G.). Select Poems . . 100 and Kinwelmarsh (F.). locasta 106 Gay (J.). Poetical Works . . .100 j Gell (Sir W.). Topography of Rome . 113 ! General Principles of Grammar . 65 i Genlis (S. F. de St. A., Countess de). Manual of Idiotisrns ... 70 | Georgian Era . . . . . .121 German Poets and Poetry . . . 196 Gerrard (J.). Siglarium komanum . 81 Gesner (J. M.). Latinitat. Index Etymol. 81 ! Getty (J. A..). Art of Rhetoric . . 94 Gibbon (E.). Decline and Fall . . 169 Miscellaneous Works and Life 203 Giftbrd (W.), trans. PERSIUS . . 91 Gillespie (William M..), trans. COMTE 32 Gillies (J.). Ancient Greece . . 167 Girault (A... N..) French Exercises . 70 Gleig (G. R.). British Military Com manders . . . . . .122 History of the Bible . . 187 Gloucester, Mass. Siltoul Committee. Reports, 1850, 1851 ... 30 Glover (R. Select Poems . . . 100 Glynn (R.). Day of Judgment . . 100 | Godwin (P.). Hand-Book of Universal Biography 122 Goethe (J. W r . von). Auto-biography, etc 117, 140 ! Goettling (K. W.). Greek Accentuation 74 Goldmakers Village. [ZSCHOKKE] 110 Goldsbury (J.). The Black-Board 24 220 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Goldsbury (J.). Common School Grammar 66 Sequel 66 a/w/ Russell (W.). American Com mon School Reader, etc. . . 94 Goldsmith (0.). England . . .175 Greece 167 Life and Writings (Irving) . 203 Miscellaneous Works, with Life by Irving 203 Poems, Plays, and Essays, with Life by Aikin 203 Rome Select Poems .... Goldthwait (William Colton). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1849 .... [Goodhugh (W.)]. Pictorial Dictionary of the Bible ...... Goodrich (Charles Augustus). History of the United States Goodrich (Chauncey Allen). Select Brit ish Eloquence ..... edit. WEBSTER. Dictionary . 169 100 is . 184 Goodrich (S. G.)]. African History American History Animal Kingdom . Asiatic History . Celebrated American Indians Celebrated Women . Customs of the Indians Enterprise and Art of Man European History Eirst Book of History- Glance at Philosophy . Glance at the Physical Sciences 41 History of all Nations . . 164 Indians of N. and S. America 182 Literature . . . .196 Lives of Benefactors . 122 Manners and Customs . .111 National Geography . . Ill Parley s Cabinet Library . 203 Pictorial History of England 175 Pictorial History of France 177 Wonders of Greology . . 54 World and its Inhabitants . 53 See Bradford (T. G.) and Good rich (S. G.). [Gordon (L.)], trans. WEISBACH . . 46 Gorton (J.). Biographical Dictionary 122 [ - ] Life of R. BLAKE . . .129 Gower (J.). Select Poems . . .100 Gould (A. A.). See Agassiz (L.) and Gould (A. A.). Graefenberg, LIFE at Graglia (C..). Italian Dictionary 118 . 77 Graham (G. F.). English Synonymes 68 - Studies from the English Poets 100 Grahame (J.). United States . .184 Grainger (J.). Select Poems . . . 100 Granville or Greenville (G.), Baron Lans- downe. Select Poems . . .100 Grattan (T. C.). The Netherlands . 178 Graves (Mrs. A. J.). Woman in America 10 Graves (J. T.). Roman and Canon Law 15 Gray (Alonzo). Chemistry . . 52 - Natural Philosophy . . .43 Gray (Asa). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1841 17 Gray (T.). Letters and Poems . . 100 - Select Poems _ ... 100 Great Britain Parliament. Report of the Commissioners on the British Mu seum ...... 196 Index to do Great Britain Privy Council Com mittee on Education. Minutes Greek Philosophy, BRIEF View of Greek Primitives [LANCELOT] Green (B. R.). Numismatics [Green (James Diman)]. Addresses as Mayor of CAMBRIDGE, Mass. 11 Green (M.). Poetical Works [Green (W. N..)]. Report. WORCESTER, Mass. School Committee. 1843 Greene (G. W.). Life of N. GREENE . PUBLIC Libraries. Note . [ ] edit. PUETZ. Ancient Geogra phy and History .... edit. PUETZ. Mediaeval Geocra- phy, etc. Greene (N.), trans. SFORZOSI [Greene (S..)J. Notice of Islamism. FLO- RIAN Greene (S. S.). Analysis [ ] ASSOCIATION, etc. . Lecture. AMER. INST. 1844 . Greene (T. A..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1840 Greenland ...... Greenleaf (A.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1843 Greenleaf (B.). Algebra Key to the Introduction to the National Arithmetic National Arithmetic Kev to do. Green wood "(Francis William Pitt), edit. DUNCAN. The Seasons . Greville (Robert Kaye), joint author. MURRAY Gregory (0.), biogr. HALL . edit. HUTTON Gregory (W.), edit. TURNER . Grieb (C. F.). German Dictionary Griffith (J.. W..), edit. BECKMANN Griffiths (T.). Chemistry of the Seasons Griscom (J.), annot. EULER . Griscom (J. H..). Animal Mechanism Griswold (R. W.). Poets of America Prose Writers of America Grotefend (F. A. L. A.). Materials for Translation into Latin Grote (G.). History of Greece . Grund (F. J..). Chemistry Natural Philosophy Guerilla (The) Guizot (F. P. G.). English Revolution of 1640 Gummere (J.). Surveying . Gustavus Adolphus and the Thirty Years War Guy (J.). Astronomy .... Guyot (A.). The Earth and Man Gwilt (J.). Music Gypsies, ACCOUNT of the . Haas (J. D..). trans. KOHLRAUSCH Habington (W.). Select Poems . Hackley (C. W..). Geometry School Algebra Treatise on Algebra . Trigonometry 196 24 l J2 75 190 ,12 100 31 141 197 167 172 178 179 67 19 18 17 115 17 36 34 34 34 181 203 32 53 72 191 52 43 60 100 203 79 168 52 43 179 175 Haddon (J.). Algebra Rudimentary Arithmetic [Hale (J.)J. ASSOCIATION, etc. 174 47 53 64 178 174 100 38 36 36 38 36 34 19 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 221 Lecture. AMER. TXST. 1844 . 17 Lecture. MASS. TEACHERS As- soc. Transactions. I. ... 27 [Hale (N.) and Pickering (0.)]. Journal of Debates, etc 12 Hale (S.). History of the United States 184 Hale (W. H.). History of the Jews . 181 Halifax, Charles, 1st Earl of. See Mon tague. Hall (J/rs. A. M. [F.], wife of S. C.). " Do vou think I d inform? " . It s only a Drop There is no Hurry Time Enough 107 108 . 108 108 . 24 CESTER, Mass. School Committee. 1844, 1848 31 Hawes(J.). Address and Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1845 Haydn (J.). Dictionary of Dates Hay ward (C.), Jr. Life of S. CABOT . Hazen (E.). Popular Technology Hazlitt (W.). Classical Gazetteer . Hazlitt (W.), trans. GUIZOT trans. MICHELET THIERRY Hall (B. R..). Teaching, etc. . Hall (Edward Brooks). Life of Mary L. WARE 161 Hall (James). Life of T. POSEY . 154 Hall (James). Palaeontology of New York. Vol. I. . . . . 54 Hall (Joseph), Bp. Select Poems . . 100 Hall (R.)- Miscellaneous Works . 203 Hall (Mrs. S. C.). See Hall (Mrs. A. M. [F.], irifeofS. C.). Hall (S. R.*). Instractor s Manual . . 24 Hall (T. G.). Calculus of Variations, and of Finite Differences ... 36 Hallam (H.). Constitutional History of England ...... 175 Europe during the Middle Ages 171 Literature of Europe . . 196 [Halleck (F.-G.)]. Selections from the British Poets 101 Halliwell (J. 0.). Dictionary . . 68 Hamilton (G..). Vegetable and Animal Physiology ..... 56 Hamilton (H* P.). Analytical Geometry 39 Conic Sections ... 39 Hamilton (R.). Amphibious Carnivora. Whales, etc. JARDIXE, XXV. XXVI. 53 - British Fishes. JARDIXE, XXVI. XXVII 58 Hamilton (R. W.). Lecture. [CoxGR. BOARD, etc.], in 23 Hamilton (Sir W.). Discussions . 210 annot. REID. Intellectual Powers 2 Hammond (C.). Lecture. MASS. TEACH ERS Assoc. Transactions. I. . .27 Hammond (J.). Poetical Works . 101 Hampden (R. D.). Thomas Aquinas, etc 192, 160 Haim (J.). Plane Trigonometry . . 39 Hare (J. C.), trans. NIEBUHR . . 170 Harkness (A.). Arnold s First Latin Book 79 Second Latin Book . . 79 [Harper s Family Library] . . . 204 Harper s Illustrated Catalogue . . 196 [Harris (T. W.)]. Insects of Mass. . 57 Harris (Sir W. S.). Electricity . . 51 Harrison (G.). Latin Grammar . . 79 Harrison (M.). English Language . 67 Hart (J. S..)- Class Book of Poetry . 101 Constitution of the U. S. . 12 English Grammar . . .67 Questions to White s History 164 Harte(W.). Select Poems . . .101 Hartford, Conn. High School . . 24 Harvey (G.). Meteorology . . . 51 ! Naval Architecture . . 63 Haskel (D.), edit. M C CULLOCH . . Ill i [Haven (Samuel Foster)]. Reports. WOR- | Head (Sir F. B..). Life of J. BRUCE ; Headley ( Joel T..). Life of CROMWELL Heber (R.), Bp. Poetical W^orks . Heberden (W.), trans. CICERO . Heeren (A. H. L.). Ancient Greece, etc. Manual of Ancient History Political System of Europe Politics, Intercourse, etc. of the 18 164 131 61 113 175 170 176 130 135 101 133 168 166 171 166 Carthaginians, etc Politics, Intercourse, etc. of Asi atic Nations 166 Heir of Linne, and other Ballads . 101 Hemans (Mrs. F. D. [B.]). Poetical Works Hengstenberg (E. W.). Egypt and the Books of Moses . " . Henry (Caleb Sprague), edit. TAYLOR trans, and contiwuator. EPITOME Henslow (J. S.). Botany Herbert (H. W.). Captains of the Old World Hermann (J. G. J.). Metres Hermann (K. F.). Political Antiquities of Greece ..... Hermit of Warkworth, etc. Herodotus. (Wheeler) (Translated by Beloe) Herrick(R.). Select Poems Herschel (Sir J. F. W.). Astronomy Discourse on the Study of Nat ural Philosophy .... Light . . . ... Physical Astronomy Sound ..... Treatise on Astronomy Hertz (H.). King Rene s Daughter Herzog (C. G.), edit. C.ESAR Hetherington (W. M..). Church of Scot land ....... Heyne (C. G.), annot. VIRGILIUS Hey wood (J.). Pardoner and Frere Hickie (D.. Bamlield), edit. CICERO. Oratio pro Milone .... Hickie (J.). Key to Button Higgins (W.. MO. The Earth The Experimental Philosopher Highlands Hildreth (R.). United States Hill (F.). National Education Hill (T.). Arithmetic Hillard (G. S.). Instruction in Prussia Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1845 Life of Capt. John SMITH Hindoo Superstitions .... Hinds (S.). Rise and Early Progress of Christianity 187 Hinton (J. H.). United States . . 184 Hints to Workmen . . . 10, 24 Hirtius (A.). De Bellis Alex, et Afric. 89 Historical Account of Iceland, Green land, etc 116 101 7 165 192 56 122 74 190 101 85 85 101 47 43 50 47 50 48 106 187 92 106 32 53 43 115 184 24 34 24 18 158 9 999! ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Historical Account of the Circumnavi gation of the Globe . . . .117 History of Astronomy . . . 192 History of Poland 179 History of Rome .... 169 History of Switzerland . . . .180 History of the Bastile . . .177 History of the Jews in England . . 181 History of the Plague in London . 175 History of the Slave-Trade . . 15, 190 History of Wonderful Inventions . 193 Hitchcock (E.). Geology . . .54 Geology of Mass. . . 54 Hoare (Mrs. ). Jim Cronin . . 108 Hoffman (Charles Fenno). LEISLER 146 Holland (J.). Manufactures in Metal . 63 Rollings (J.. F..). Life of CICERO . 133 Holmes (J.). Rhetoric. GETTY Holroyd (J. B.), 1st arl of Sheffield, edit. GIBBON 203 Home (H.), Lord Kames. Elements of Criticism ...... 93 Homerus. Iliad 85, 86 " (translated by Pope) . 86 Odyssey .... 86 " (translated by Pope) . 86 Batrachomuomachia (translated byParnell) Hooker (Hermann B..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1846 Hooker (Sir William Jackson), joint au thor. MURRAY . . . . Hopkins (John Henry), Bp. Lecture. AMER. INST. 1849 .... Hopkins (M.). Lowell Lectures Horatius Flaccus (Q.). Opera Eclogaa Horatianas Odes (translated by Scriven) Home (R.. H..). New Spirit of the Age Horner (W. E..). SMITH. Anat. Atlas Horrocks (Mrs. George), trans. MENZEL 174 Howard (H.), Earl of Surrey. Select Poems 101 HoAvard (Roger Strong). Lectures. AMER. INST. 1843 and 1849 ... 17, 18 Houze (A.). Atlas Universel . . Ill [HoAve (M. A. D Wolf)]. COMMON SCHOOL ControA^ersy ..... 22 [ ] RevieAv, etc 25 HoAve (S. G.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1842 17 [ ] To the Citizens of Boston 25 Hows (J. W.. S..). Shakspearian Reader 107 Hubbard (Fordyce Mitchell). Life of W. R. DAVIE edit. BELKNAP Hubbard (R.. B..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1843 Hudson (H. N.). Lectures on Shakspeare Hughes (J.). Select Poems Hughes (J.). On Poetry Hughes (W.). Mathematical Geography Humboldt (F. H. A., Baron von). Aspects of Nature ...... Travels. MACGILLIVRAY Hume (D.). England .... Humphrey (H.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1843 [ ] Strictures, etc. SMITH (M. H.). The Bible, etc Hunt (John Higgs), trans. TASSO Hunt (R.). Elementary Physics Poetry of Science ... 41 [Hunter (H.)], trans. EULER . . 43 Huntington (Daniel). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1846 18 Hutchinson (Mrs. Lucy [Apsley]). Life of Col. J. HUTCHINSON . . 143 Hutton (C.). Course of Mathematics 32 [Hyde (L.)], biogr. WILCOX . . 209 Iceland ...... 115 Impostors, RELIGIOUS .... 124 Incas of Peru 186 Industrial Investments, etc. . . .15 57 Insects, Natural History of Institute of Instruction. Rhode Island. Insurrections in Lyons See American, 94 Intelligent Negroes 86 18 L12 18 4 90 90 90 196 60 177 122 39 52 39 56 108 205 108 186 129 108 134 COLUMBUS and his Companions 134 ] Conquest of Granada . .180 Crayon Miscellany . . 108 ] History of New-York . . 108 Mahomet [or MOHAMMED] and his Successors . . 122, 150, 172 Oliver GOLDSMITH . . . 140 Sketch Book Tales of a Traveller ogr. GOLDSMITH Introduction to Geometry Introduction to Organic Chemistry . Introduction to Surveying, etc. Introduction to Vegetable Physiology Iriarte (T. de). Fabulas Irving (W.). Works . The Alkambra . Astoria BONNE VILLE S Adventures [ ] Bracebrido-e Hall a 108 108/ 203 91 86 [Isler ( )], annot. OVIDIUS Isocrates. Panegyricus (Felton) Israeli (I. d ). See DTsraeli. Isthmus of Panama . . . .115 Isthmus of Suez 115 Jack Jugler 106 Jacob (S.). Greek Empire; theKhalifate 172 Jacobs (F. C. W.). Greek Reader . 74 and Doering(F. W.). Latin Reader 79 [Jaeger (C.. F.. W..)], trans. MORITZ . 9 Jago (R.). Select Poems . . .101 Jahn (J.). Biblical Archeology . . 8 James (G. P. R.). CHARLEMAGNE . 132 Chivalry 172 and Crowe (E. E.). Foreign States men 122 James (J. T.), Bp., and Lindsay (J.). Painting 64 Jameson (Mrs. A. [M.]). Celebrated Fe male Sovereigns .... 123 Jameson (R.), joint author. MURRAY. British India 181 joint author. MURRAY. Enc3 r clo- pasdia of Geography joint author. MURRAY. Narra tive, etc. ...... Jamieson (A.). Mechanics . . Mechanics of Fluids 186 120 17 93 10] 93 48 53 ! is 176 17 Jamieson (J.). Scottish Dictionary 30 Japan. MANNERS, etc. 104 [Jardine (D.)]. Life of SOMERS 43 112 118 45 46 82 115 158 Jardine (air W.). The Naturalist s Library 57 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 223 Jarvis (E.). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1845 18 Physiology . . . .60 Jebb (R.). Law 15 Jelf(W.E.). Greek Grammar . . 74 Jenks (W.). Bible Atlas ... 8 Jenyns(S.). Select Poems . . .101 Jenner(S.). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1850 18 Jeremie (J. A.). Christian Church, etc. 187 Plotinus, etc. . . 154, 1U3 Sextus Empiricus, etc. . 157, 193 [Jewett (C. C.)]. Catalogue of the Libr. of Brown University . . .196 Jewish Life in Central Europe . . 9,115 Job. See BIBLE 5 Johnson (A.), trans. TEXXEMAXX . 194 Johnson (A.. X..). Lecture. AMER. IK ST. 1845 18 Johnson (B.). See Jonson. Johnson (Ebeuezer Alfred), edit. NE- POS 90, 91 Johnson (G.). Materia Medica . . 61 Johnson (L. D..). Memoria Technica 25 Johnson (S.). Works, with Life by Mur phy 205 Life and Writings . . 10 Select Poems .... 101 Johnson (W. R.). Natural Philosophy 43 edit. WEISBACH . . .46 Johnston (A. K.). Physical Atlas . 53 Johnston (J.). Natural Philosophy . 43 Johnston (W.). England as it is . 115 Johnston (W.), trans. BECKMAXX . . 191 Johnstoiie (J.). Abridgment of JAMIE- SOX Jones (T.. G..), trans. DESMICHELS . Jones (Sir W.). Select Poems trans. PIXDARUS continuator. RUSSELL Jonson or Johnson (B.). Select Poems Journal of Education, AMERICAN Journal of Education, OHIO Journal of the RHODE ISLAXD IXSTI- TUTE OF IXSTRUCTIOX Joyce (J.). Scientific Dialogues Junius, ^sewdon. Letters Justinus. Historian (Clarke) . Juvenalis (D. J.). Satirae . Kames. Henry, Lord. See Home. Kane (R.) Chemistry Kater (H.). Nautical Astronomy . Kater (H.) and Lardner (D.). Mechanics Kaltschmidt (J. H.). Latin Dictionary . Kay (Sir James Phillips), afterwards Shuttleworth. See Shuttleworth. Keagy (J.. M..), edit. OSAVALD Keightley (T.). England Fairy Mythology Greece ..... Mythology of Greece, etc. Outlines of History Rome ..... Roman Empire edit. VIRGILIUS. Bucolics and Georgics Keith (T.). Use of the Globes Kelland (Philip), edit. YOUNG . Kendall (E.. Otis). Uranography . Kendrick (A. C..). Greek Ollendorff . Introduction to Greek Kennedy (B. H.). Latin Grammar Kenrick (J.). Latin Exercises Key to do. edit. MATTHI.E 79 75 163 79 113 113 101 18 [Ker (H. B.)]. Life of WREX Key (T. H.). Latin Grammar Kiepert (H.). Atlas von Hellas Supplementheft . King(W.). Select Poems Kinssbury (J.). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1848 [Kingsley (James Luce)]. Life of STILES 159 Kinwelmarsh (F.). See Gascoigne (G.) and Kinwelmarsh (F.). Kirby (W.) and Spence (W.). Entomology 58 Kitto(J.). Popular Cyclopedia of Bib lical Literature . . . .8 Klipstein (L. F..). Analecta Anglo-Sax- onica 66 Anglo-Saxon Grammar Knickerbocker (D.).nseudon. See [Irving W.)] 108 Knowlton (J. S.. C..). Address as Mayor of WORCESTER, Jfass. . . " . 14 Kohlrausch (F.). Germany . . 174 Krebs (J. P.). Guide for writing Latin 79 Kuehner (R.). Elementary Greek Gram- guage Grammar of the Greek Lan- Latin Grammar Kutscheit (J. V.). Hand- Atlas Labaree (B.). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1849 Lacroix (S. F.). Arithmetic . 82 | [Lake (J. X.)], trans. MAURY . " Lake (J.. W..), biogr. SCOTT Lamartine (A. de). French Revolution of 1848 The Girondists Lamb (C.). Poetical Works . [Lancelot (C.)]. Greek Primitives Lander (R. andJ.). Journal Langhorne (J.). Select Poems trans. PLUTARCHUS Langhorne (W.), trans. PLUTARCHUS Lanman (J. H..). History of Michigan Lansdowne, George, Baron. See Granville. Lanzi (L.). History of Painting in Italy 193 74 75 79 113 18 34 104 177 177 101 75 117 101 86 86 186 Larcher (P. H.). On HERODOTUS In Herodotum. See Gaisford (T.). . 1 48 46 48 74! 74! Lardner (D.). Algebra Arithmetic .... Geometrical Analysis Geometry . Hand-Books of Natural Philos ophy and Astronomy " Heat Hydrostatics and Pneumatics . Mechanics Newton s Optics . Pneumatics Popular Lectures Rudimentary Treatise on the Steam Engine ..... The Steam Engine, with a Me moir of Watt ..... edit., etc. ARAGO " Cabinet Cyclopaedia . See Kater (H.) and Lardner (D.). and Walker (C. V..). Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology . 79 Latham (R. G.). Elementary English Grammar 86 34 39 39 44 50 46 46 50 46 44 46 46 47 205 224 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Latham (R. G.). English Language . 67 Hand-Book of the English Lan guage 67 History, etc. of the English Lan guage 67 La Tucle (H. M. de). See Masera de la Tude. Law of Storms ..... 51 Lawrence (E. A..). Lecture. AMEK. INST. 1841 17 Lawrence (Mrs. J.), edit. MANGNALL 164 Lawrence, Mass. School Committee. Report, 1850-1851 . . . .25 Layard (A. H.). Nineveh . . . 117 [Lazell ( W.)]. Report. WORCESTER, Mass. School Committee. 1847 . .31 Leach (D.) and Swan (R.). Arithmetic 34 and Swan (VV. D..). Arithmetic 34 Lee (C. A..). Geology . . . .55 [Lee (Mrs. H. F. [S.J)]. Three Ways of Living 108 [Leech (S.)]- Life of a Sailor Boy . 146 Legare (H. S.). Writings and Life . 206 Legendre (A. M.). Geometry . . 39 Geometry and Trigonometry 39 Leighton (R.), Abp. Works and Life . 8 Leitch (J.), trans. MUELLER . . 9 Lempriere (J.). Classical Dictionary . 84 Leslie (Sir J.). Dissertation . . 193 joint author. MURRAY . .118 Letters to a Young Student . . 25 Leverett (F. P.). Latin Lexicon . . 81 Levizac (J. P. V. L., Abbe de). French Grammar 70 Levy (A.). Diff. and Integral Calculus 36 Lewis (G. C.), trans. BOECKH . . 189 trans. MUELLER . . .197 " MUELLER . . .168 Lewis (T.), edit. D WIGHT. Mythology 9 Lewis and Clarke s Expedition. ALLEN 116 Lhomond (C. F.), the Abbe. French Gram mar ....... 70 Viri Romre Libraries, PUBLIC 197 Library of Entertaining Knowledge. See Society for the Diffusion, etc. Library of Useful Knowledge. See So ciety for the Diffusion, etc. Liddell (H. G.) and Scott (R.). Greek- English Lexicon . . . .76 Lieber (F.). Great Events . . .164 Property and Labour . .13 edit. Encyclopaedia Americana 200 trans. RAMSHORN . . .81 Liebig (Justus, Baronvon), edit. TURNER 53 Preface. WILL. Analysis . . 53 Life and Travels of Mungo Park . 118 Life at Grsefenberg . . . 61, 118 Life in the Bush [Australia] . . 118 Life of Julius CAESAR .... 131 Life-Assurance 15 Lincoln (Mrs. A. H.), afterwards Phelps. See Phelps. Lincoln (John Larkin), edit. HORATIUS 90 edit. LIVIUS . . . .90 Lincoln (L.). Address as Mayor of WOR CESTER, Mass 14 Lincoln (Luther Barker). Lecture. AMEK. INST. 1846 18 Lindley (J.). Botany .... 56 Lindsay (J.). Engraving . . .64 " See James ( J. T.) crwd Lindsay ( J.). Lingard (J.). History of England . . 175 Linwood (W.). Lexicon to JE sen YLUS 84 List (C..). Natural Philosophy . . 44 Litais de Gaux ( ). Theorie des Verbes. VERLAC . . . .72 [Liver-more (G.)]. Dana Hill Public Schools 196 [ ] History of the New England Primer ...... 196 Public Libraries . . .197 Publication and Circulation of the Scriptures . . . .197 Lives of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier 136 Lives of Eminent Individuals, celebrated in American History Livius (T.). History (Baker) Selections [Lloyd (E.)]. Mathematical Geography [Lloyd (H.. J..)]. Physical Geography Lloyd (R.). Chit-Chat . Locke (J.). Conduct of the Understand ing. BACON Essays ..... On Education. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. I. Lockhart (John Gibson). Life of Sir W. SCOTT NAPOLEON .... [Lodge (A..)], trans. SCHILLER. Bride of Messina . Lodge (E.). Portraits, etc. . Logan (James). The Scotish Gael Logan (John). Select Poems Lolme (J. L. de). See De Lolme. London Encyclopaedia London Religious Tract Society. See Religious Tract Society. Long (G.)- Boarding Schools. SOCIE TY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. I. [ ] Summary of HERODOTUS Teaching by Pictures. SOCIE TY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. II. edit. C.ESAR .... " CICERO. Orationes [ ] " SOCIETY, etc. The Penny Cyclopaedia Longfellow (H. W.). Golden Legend . Hyperion .... Kavanagh .... Outre-Mer .... Poems [ ] trans. LHOMOND Loomi 123 90. 90 48 54 101 10 a 30 157 151 106 123 190 101 200 iis (E.). Algebra Geometry Progress of Astronomy 30 85 30 88 89 201 106 109 109 118 101 70 36 39 48 55 27 172 Loomis (J. R.). Geology Lord (A.. D..), edit. OHIO Journal of Ed ucation ...... Lord (J.). Modern History Lossing(B. J..). History of the Fine Arts 193 Lothrop (Samuel Kirkland). Life of S. KIRKLAND ..... 145 Love is Power . . . . . 10 Lovell (R.). Sonnets . . . .101 Levering (J.). Electricity, etc. . . 51 Lovibond (E.). Select Poems . . 101 Lowe (J.). Commerce ... 15 [Lowell (Mrs. A. C. [J.])]. Introduction to Geometry 39 On the Education of Girls . 25 Lowell School Committee. Reports, 1839 -1852 .... 25 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 225 Lowncles (W.). Plato, Seneca, etc. . 193 Lowth (R.), Bp. English Grammar . 67 Lucanus (M. A.). Pharsalia . . 90 Lucretius Carus(T.). De Rerum Xatura 90 Lunn(F.). Chemistry ... 52 Electricity . . . .51 Heat 50 [Luther (M.)], trans. BIBLE German 5 Lyall (A.). Christian Church, etc. . 187 Lyall (W. R.). Greece . . . .168 Lyell (Sir C.). Elements of Geology . 55 Principles of Geology . . 55 Lynd (J.). Class Book of Etymology 68 First Book of Etymology . . 68 Lynn School Committee. Report, 1850 25 Lyon (W. P..). Manual of Education . 25 Lyttelton (G.), Lord. Select Poems 102 The same. Part II. . Course of Reading Elements of Reading, etc. The Second Reader 95 95 95 95 164 Macaulay (T. B.). England Essays . Lavs of Ancient Rome . 176 . 207 . 207 M Clintock (J.). Second Book in Greek 75 Second Book in Latin . . 80 and Crooks (G. R..). First Book Mangnall (R.). Historical Questions [Mann (H.)J. COMMON SCHOOL Contro versy 22 Correspondence. SMITH (M.H.) 30 Sequel to the Correspondence . 26 Letter to M. H. Smith . . 26 Lectures. AMER. L\ST. 1841 and 1844 17, 18 in Greek First Book in Latin M c Culloch (J. R.). Dictionary of Corn- Gazetteer .... Principles, etc. of Commerce n 80 15 111 15 Lectures on Education Mass. Common Schools Reply to the Boston Masters . Answer to the " Rejoinder " [ ] Report on School Houses. MASSACHUSETTS Board of Educa tion [ ] Reports. MASSACHUSETTS Board of Education . . . . edit. COMMON SCHOOL Journal and Chase (P. E.). Arithmetic 26 26 22 34 115 26 13 55 55 44 M -Elligott (J. X..). Manual Young Analyzer ... 68 Macgillivray (W.). British Quadrupeds. JARDIXE, XVII 58 Humboldt s Travels . . .118 Macgregor (J.). Progress of America 115, 182 Macniayelli (X.). Florence, etc. . . 178 M Intire (J.). Astronomy . . . 48 Mackenzie (A. S.). Life of DECATUR . 136 ! Life of 0. H. PERRY . . 153 Mackie (John Milton). Life of S. GORTOX 140 ! Mackintosh (SirJ.). British Statesmen FORSTER 121 Dissertation .... 193 England .... 176 Mackintosh (R. J.). Memoirs of Sir J MACKINTOSH . . . . 148 [Maclaren (D.)]. Visit to Madeira . 118 Macmichael (John Fisher), edit. XENO- FHON. Anabasis .... 87 M c Murtrie (H.). Lexicon Scientiarum . 68 [Macneill (H.)]. SCOTTISH Adventurers 109 Select Poems .... 102 Will and Jean . . .102 Macpherson (W.). Annals of France 177 M Vickar (A.), edit., etc. ALLEN . 116 Manners of the Japanese Mansfield (E. D..). American Education Political Grammar . Mantell (G. A.). Medals of Creation Wonders of Geology [Marcet ( Mrs. J. [H.])]. Popular Intro ductions to Xatural Philosophy Markham ( Mrs. ),pseudon. See [Pen- rose (Mrs. E. [C.])J. Maryborough, John, 1st Duke of. See Churchill. Marshall (E. C.). Book of Oratory Martian s (M. V.). Epigrammata Martin (D.), trans. BIBLE French . Martin (T.), trans. HERTZ . trans. SCHILLER. Wilhelm Tell Masers de la Tude (H.). Story Mason (C.). Governments of the U. S. Mason (E. P.). Practical Astronomy Massachusetts. Act to establish the City of Cambridge . . . . .16 Constitution .... 13 Reports of the Committee on Ed ucation, 1835, 1836 ... 26 Revised Statutes Supplements to do. 95 90 5 106 106 149 13 48 it; 16 Massachusetts Board of Education, Reports, 1838 1853 ... 26 SCHOOL Library . . 208 Madvig (J. [not I.] X.). Latin Grammar Magic Flute. See [Smidt (H.)]. Maglathlin (H. B.). Practical Elocutionist Mahon (P. H.), Viscount. See Stanhope. [Maine]. Act concerning Education Maine Board of Education. Fifth Re port, 1851 Blaldeii (H.)]. SOCIETY, etc. . lalkin (Sir B. H.)]. Astronomy . Massachusetts Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey. In sects of Mass. [HARRIS] . Massachusetts Convention (of 1820)yor revising the Constitution. Debates Massachusetts State Normal School at West Newton. Catalogue . Massachusetts Register. ADAMS Massachusetts Teachers Association. The Massachusetts Teacher . Transactions 27 114 Malkin (F.). History of Greece Mallet (D.). Select Poems Malte-Brun (C.) [Danish, Bruun (M. C.)]. Universal Geography . . .112 Management of Infants . . .25, 60 Manchester, Eng 115 Mandeville (H.). Introduction . . 95 29 Mathematical Tables .... Matthews (L.), edit. PORTER Matthise (A. H.). Greek Grammar Mattison (H.). Astronomy Maurice (F. D.). Moral and Metaphysi cal Philosophy Maury (J. S.), Card. On Eloquence . May (Samuel Joseph). Lectures. AMER. INST. 1843 and 1846 . . .17, 18 193 95 226 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Mayhew (I.). Popular Education . . 27 [Meadley ( George Wilson)], biogr. PALEY 8 Mechanics Institutions . . 27, 197 Medusa, SHIPWRECK of the . . .119 [Mellish (J.)J, trans. SCHILLER. Mary Stuart .... Melmoth (W.), trans. CICERO . Memes (J. S..). JOSEPHIKE . Memorabilia of the Seventeenth Century in Britain .... Men of the Time Menzel (W.). Germany . Merivale (C.). Fall of the Roman Re public Romans under the Empire Merle d Aubigne (J. H.). History of the Reformation .... Metcalfe (F.), trans. BECKER Miall (E.). Lecture. [COXGR. BOARD, etc.]. v Michelet (J.). History of France Life of LUTHER Modern History Roman Republic Mickle (W. J.). Select Poems . trans. CAMOENS Microscope and its Marvels Middleton (C.). Life of CICERO Mill (J. S.). Logic .... Millard (J. H..), trans. KUEHNER . Miller (H.). Foot-prints of the Creator Old Red Sandstone . [Miller (S.)]. Life of EDWARDS Millington (E.. J..), trans. SCHLEGEL [Millington (J.?)]. Hydraulics . Mills (A.), edit. BLAIR. Rhetoric . edit. HOME. Criticism Milman (H. H.). History of Christianity History of the Jews annot. GIBBON Milton (J.). Of Education. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. I. Paradise Lost (Boyd) . Poetical Works Prose Works Mimpriss (Robert). Life of JESUS CHRIST Mitchel (0. M.). Planetary and Stellar Worlds Mitchell (C. C..) and Procter (G.). For tification .... Mitchell (S.. A.) Accompaniment to Map of the United States Accompaniment to Map of the World ._ Ancient Geography and Atlas Mitchell (Thomas), trans. ARISTOPHA NES Mitford (W.)- History of Greece Moffatt (J. M..). Book of Science . Moliere (J. B. P. de). Le Misanthrope Montague (C.), 1st Earl of Halifax. Se lect Poems ..... Montgomery (J.). Lectures on General Literature ...... [ ] Life of DANTE . Poetical Works 1 Moors in Spain 180 Morell (J.. D..). Philosophy of Europe 193 Morell(John Reynell), edit, and continua- tor. TENNEMANN .... 194 Morfit (C.). Chemical and Pharmaceutic . 106 133 . 145 y . 176 123 . 174 e- . 170 170 le 187 . 189 D : 23 177 . 147 172 . 170 102 . 98 50,54 . 133 2 . 74 55 . 55 137 207 46 . 93 93 y 187 181 . 169 c. . 30 102 . 102 207 144 ar 48 r- 63 ip 115 le 112 113 1- . 84 168 . 44 106 Manipulations 52 Morgan (A. de). See De Morgan. Morgan (Lady S. [O.]). Italy . .118 Moritz (K. P.). Mythology . . 9 Morrison (A.. J.. W..), edit. SCHLEGEL (A. W. von) 197 " SCHILLER . . . 179 Moschus. BRIGGS. Poetse, etc. . . 84 Moseley (H.). Definite Integrals . . 36 Mountain (A.. S.. H..). Hadrianus . 170 Mountain ( J. H. B.). Ancient Gaul. Spain. Caligula, etc 170 ,. . . . Persia 166 Muckle (A.), joint author. MORFIT . 52 Mudie (R.). Observation of Nature . 54 Mueller (J.). Physics and Meteorology 44 Mueller (J. von). History of the World 164 Mueller (K. 0.)- Doric Race . . .168 Mulligan (J.). English Language . 67 Munk (E.). Greek and Roman Metres 80 Munroe (N.)- Lecture. AMER. INST. 1848 18 Murdoch (J.). German Philosophy . 193 Murdoch (J. E..) and Russell (W.). Or- thophony 95 Mure ( W.). Language and Literature of Ancient Greece .... 197 Muret (Marc Antoine). Extracts. KEN- RICK 79 [Murphy (A.)], biogr. JOHNSON . 10 Murray (H.). British America . . 115 British India 181 Africa 118 the Polar Regions . . . .118 diifiot POLO 119 Murray (L.). English Grammar . 67 Murray s Official Handbook . . .13 Mutiny of the Bounty. [BLIGH] . 117 Muzzey (Ai temas Bowers). Lectures. AMER. INST. 1840 and 1842 . . 17 School Committee . . . .21 Myth (The) 10 joint author. SHELLEY Montyon Prizes Moore (E.). Select Poems . Moore (E.), edit. VIRGILIUS . Moore (T.). History of Ireland . 102 Nares (E.). See Tytler (A. F.) and Nares (E.). 197 Narrative of the Russian Campaign 177 135 Narrien (J.). Architecture . . .64 102 Natural History. The Elephant . . 58 124 Natural History of Birds ... 58 123 Natural History of Insects ... 58 102 Natural History of Quadrupeds . .58 92 Natural Magic 44 178 1 Neale (E.), afterwards Smith. See Smith. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 227 Xeander (J. A. W.). Planting of the Chris tian Church, and Antignostikus Necker or Xecker de Saussure (A. A. de S.), Madame. On Education Negroes, Intelligent .... Nepos (C.). De Excellentibus Ducibus, etc 90 Nesbit (A.)- Mensuration . ... Neuman (Henry) and Baretti (Joseph). Spanish Dictionary. VELAZQUEZ . New England Primer .... History. [LIVERMORE] Newman (F. \V.). Regal Rome Newman (J. H.). Apollonius Tyanaeus. Miracles Cicero, etc. Newman (S. P.). Rhetoric New Testament. See BIBLE Newton (E. A..). COMMOX SCHOOL Controversy ..... New York ( City of) Board of Educa tion. Report, 1853 .... New York ( City of) Free Academy. Catalogue ..... New Zealand Nichol (J.. P..). Architecture of the Heavens Solar System System of the World Nicholson ( P. ). Carpentry . Nicolas (Sir X. H.). Chronology of His tory Niebuhr (B. G.). Geography of Herodo tus, etc. History of Rome History of Rome, epitomised by Twiss Lectures on Ancient History Lectures on Roman History Normal School. See Massachusetts State Normal School. Norman Conquest (The) Northend (C.). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1844 The Teacher and the Parent Norton (A.). Genuineness of the Gospels Inaugural Discourse Tracts concerning Christianity [Norton (C. E.)]. Dwellings and Schools for the Poor [ ] Recent Social Theories Xorton (W. A.). Astronomy . Noyes (George Rapall), tram. See BIBLE Old Testament JOB,PSALMS, PROVERBS, PROPHETS Nugent (R. C.), Earl Nugent. Select Poems Nuttall (P.. A.). Classical and Archaeo logical Dictionary .... Ocean Routes Ockley (S.). History of the Saracens . [Offor ( G. )], biogr. New Testament English (W. Tyndale) . [Ogg ( )]. Heat Ohio Journal of Education. See Ohio State Teachers Association. The Ohio Journal of Education . Old Bachelor Old Testament. Ste BIBLE Ollendorff (H. G.). Key to French Ex ercises , 82 8 196 170 4 193 94 Method of learning Italian Method of learning Spanish Olmsted ( D. ). Compendium of Astronomy 49 Compendium of Natural Philos ophy ophy 22 27 27 116 48 48 48 63 Introduction to Astronomy . Introduction to Xatural Philos- Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1845 . Letters on Astronomy Orcutt (H.). See Rickard (T.) and Or- cutt (H.). Oregon, EXCURSIOX to the Ormerod (T. G.). Annals of Germany Northern Kingdoms of Europe Oswald (J.). Etymological Dictionary [Otte (E.. C..)], trans. MUELLER . Ottley (J. B..). Tiberius. Antoninus Plus, etc Otway (T.). Select Poems Outlines of Grecian History . Overland Journey to India. [BuiST] . Ovidius Xaso (P.*). Opera Excerpta .... Metamorphoses Owen (J. J.). Greek Reader edit. HOMERUS. Iliad . " HOMERUS. Odyssey " THUCYDIDES XENOPHON. Cvropaedia . 117 174 174 68 44 170 102 168 117 91 91 91 75 86 86 87 87 86 140 165 Owgan (H.). Miscellanea Homerica 165 Oxenford (J.), trans. GOETHE . Oxford Chronological Tables . 113 170 [Packard (Alpheus Spring)], edit, and biogr. APPLETOX .... 6 170 i Page (D.). Geology .... 55 167 Page (D. P..). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1843 17 170 On Teaching ... 28 (W. P..), edit. BUCKE ... 53 - edit. JOHXSOX ... 10 176 I [Paine (M. and M. A.)]. Memoir of Rob ert Troup PAINE .... 152 17 . Painters, Early. ANECDOTES . . 119 27 Paley (W.). Works and Life . . 8 4 Xatural Theology ... 4. 4 Palfrey (J. G.). Memoir of W. PALFREY 152 8 [ ] Review of Lord Mahon. SPARKS 198 ! Palmer (T. H..). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 15 { 1849 18 13 ! Teacher s Manual . . 28 49 Panama, ISTHMUS of .... 115 I Parish (A.). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1846 18 I Lecture. MASS. TEACHERS As- 5 ! soc. Transactions. I. ... 27 | Park ( Edwards Ainasa),fo 0#r. EDWARDS 102, (B. B.) 7 i Park (M.). LIFE, etc. . . .118 190 ; [Parker (Francis Edward)], edit. AMER- ICAX Almanac .... 118 Parker (R. G.). Aids to Composition . 172 i Exercises in Composition j Xatural Philosophy . 6 i Outlines of History 50 Questions in Geography . j Parker (T.). Lecture. AMER. IXST. 1841 Parley (Peter), ^s e/o7i. See [Goodrich (-S. G.)]. Parnell (T.). Poetical Works . . 102 trans. HOMERUS. Batrachomuo- Ill 94 94 44 165 112 17 machia . 70 \ Parry (Sir W. E.). Three Voyages 118 228 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Peale (R.). Graphics Pearls and Pearl Fisheries [Parsons (T.)]. To the Citizens of Bos ton. [Ho WE (S. G.)] . . 25 Parsons (U.)- Lecture. AMER. INST. 1840 17 Passow (F. L. K. F.). Greek Lexicon . 76 Pattison (W.). Select Poems . . 102 Patton (Robert Bridges), edit. DONNEGAN 76 - trans. THIEKSCII ... 76 Paulding (James Kirke). Life of WASH INGTON ...... 161 Paul (R.. B..), trans. PUETZ . . .172 Paxton (J.), annot. PALEY S Nat. Theol. 4 Peabody (E.P.). Chronology, with blank Centuries ...... 165 Peabody (Oliver William Bourne). Life of I. PUTNAM ..... 155 [ - ] Life of J. SULLIVAN . . 159 Peabody (William Bourne Oliver). Life of D. BRAINERD .... 130 - Life of C. MATHER . . .149 - Life of OGLETHORPE . . 152 [ - ] Life of A. WILSON . .162 Peacock (G.). Arithmetic ... 34 64 58 Peck (J. M..). Life of D. BOONE . . 129 Peirce (B.). Algebra .... 36 - Curves and Functions . . 36 - Plane and Solid Geometry . 40 - Sound ..... 50 - Trigonometry, etc. . . 40 Peirce (C.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1843 17 Peirce (Charles Henry), trans. STOECK- HARDT. Chemistry . . . .53 Pellico (S.). Story of S. P. . . 153 Penitential Tears. See [Withington (L.)]. Pennington (G. J.). Greek Pronunciation 75 Pennsylvania Controllers of the Public Schools, etc. Report, 1847 . . 28 Penny Cyclopaedia. SOCIETY, etc. . . 201 [Penrose (Mrs.E. [C.])]. History of Eng land ....... 176 Percival (James Gates), edit. MALTE- BRUN ...... 112 Percy (T.), Bp. Reliques, etc. . . 102 Perkins (G. R..). Elements of Algebra . 37 - Geometry .... 40 - Higher Arithmetic . . .34 - Treatise on Algebra . . 37 Persecutions in Scotland . . . 188 Persius Flaccus (A.). Satiras . . 91 - (translated by Giftbrd) . .91 Phgedrus. Fabulte .... 91 - Phsedri, Aviani, etc. Fabulae (Carey) ...... 91 Phelps (Mrs. A. H. L.). The Fireside Friend ...... 28 - Natural Philosophy . . .44 Philadelphia Controllers of the Public Schools. Report . . . .28 Philbrick (J. D..). Lectures. AMER. INST. 1848, 1850 ..... 18 Philips (J.). Poetical Works . . 102 Phillimore (J. G.). Annals of Germany and Italy ...... 174 - - Annals of Spain . . .180 Phillips (J.). Geology .... 55 - and Daubeny (C. G. B.). Geology 55 Philosophical Theories, etc. ... 2 Picciola. See [Saintine (X. B.)]. Pickering (J.). Greek Lexicon [Pickering (0.)]. See [Hale (N.)] Picot (C.). French Series, No. 1-7 French Verbs. FLEMING and TIBBINS 71 Pictorial Dictionary of the Bible . 8 Pictures of War 165 Pierpont (J.). American First Class Book 207 Pilgrim Fathers (The) . . . 184, 185 Pillon (A.). Greek Synonymes . . 77 Pindarus. Select Odes (translated) . 86 Pinney (N.). First Book in French . 71 Key to do 71 Practical French Teacher , 71 Progressive French Reader . 71 Pinnock (W.), edit. GOLDSMITH S Eng land 175 edit. GOLDSMITH S Greece . 167 " GOLDSMITH S Rome . . 169 " JOYCE .... 43 [Pirscher (W..)], joint author. LEVERETT 81 Pitcairn s Island. [BARROW] . .114 Pits and Pitmen [in England] . . 116 Pitt (C.). Select Poems . . .103 trans. VIDA .... 105 Playfair (J.). Dissertation . . .193 edit., etc. EUCLIDES . . .38 Plutarchus. Lives (Langhorne) 86, 124 Poetical Selections .... 103 Pollok (R.). Course of Time . . 103 Polo(M.). Travels 119 Poison (A.). English Law ... 16 Law of Nations . . .13 Pomfret (J.). Select Poems . . 103 Ponte (L. L.. da). See Da Ponte. Pope (A.). Poetical Works trans. HOMERUS . " STATIUS 103 91 Poppleton (G.. H..). Elements of Con versation in English and French . 71 Popular Cultivation of Music . . 64 Porquet (L. F. de). Parisian Phraseology 71 Sequel to any Grammar Exercises 71 Key to do. . . . . 71 Porter (E.). On Eloquence and Style 95 Rhetorical Reader . .95 Porter (G.R.). Manufacture of Silk . 63 Porcelain and Glass . . 63 [Porter (N.)]. WEBSTER S Dictionary 69 Porteus (B.), Bp. Death . . .103 Portlock (J. E.). Geology ... 55 Port-Royal, Messrs, de. [LANCP:LOT] . 75 Potter (A.). Bp. Handbook for Readers 197 Introductory Essay. BACON . 10 [ ] Introduction to LIBBER . 13 Introduction to MAURY . . 95 Introduction to MICHELET . 172 Political Economy . . .15 On Reading, etc. ... 28 Science applied to the Arts . 61 annot. PALEY S Natural Theology 4 and EMERSON (G. B.). The School and the Schoolmaster . . .28 [Potter (Elisha Reynolds)]. RHODE ISL AND. School Laws . . . .16 Potter (J.), Bp. Antiquities of Greece 190 Potter (R.), trans. AESCHYLUS . . 84 trans. EURIPIDES . . 85 Powell (B.). History of Natural Philoso phy . . " . . . .193 Pre-Columbian Discovery of America . 119 Prendeville (J.), edit. C.ESAR . . 87 Prescott (W. H.). Conquest of Mexico 183 Conquest of Peru . . .186 Ferdinand and Isabella . 180 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 229 1301 199 60 60 67 194 16 103 50 176 172 172 Life of C. B. BROWX Price (R.), edit. WARTON Prichard (J. C.). Natural History of Man Six Ethnographical Maps Priestley (J.)- English Grammar, etc. . Prime (S. I.). Abridgment and continua tion Of ANDERSON .... Principles of Criminal Law Prior (M.). Select Poems [Pritchard (A.)]. Optical Instruments Procter (G.). Britain .... The Feudal System. The Cru sades ...*.. The Middle Ages See MITCHELL (C. C..) and PROCTER (G.). Progress of America .... Properties (S. A.). Elegise Prophets (The Hebrew). See BIBLE . Proverbs. See BIBLE Proverbs, SELECTION of ... Psalms. See BIBLE .... Public Libraries ..... Puetz (W.). Ancient Geogr. and History Mediaeval Geography and History 17 Modern Geography and History 17 Purcell (L.), trans. SCHLEGEL . "" T Pursuit of Knowledge .... Putnam (G. P..). A\ orld s Progress . Supplement to do. Putnam (R.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1846 Putnam s Home Cyclopedia . Pycroft (J.). Course of Reading 116 91 6 5 207 6 197 L67 172 172 17:; 124 165 165 18 200 197 Religion of the Greeks . . . .10 Religious Impostors . . . 124 [Religious Tract and Book Society for Ire land]. Scripture Text Book. AVERTS 6 Religious Tract Society, London. The Solar System, Ft. II*. ... 49 [Rennie (J.)l. Birds . . . .58 [ and Westwood (J. 0.)]. Insects 59 Renouard (G. C.). Appius Claudius, etc. 170 Critias, etc. Pyrrhus [Renwick (H. B..)]. Life of J. JAY . Renwick (J.). Life of CLINTON Life of R. FULTON [ ] Life of A. HAMILTON . Life of RITTENHOUSE . Life of [B. THOMPSON] Count Rumford edit. MOSELEY 168 144 133 139 144 156 160 46 181 116 16 Quackenbos (G.. P..) First Lessons in Composition . . . . .94 [Quincy (J.)], edit, andbiogr. GRAHAME 184 Quintilianus (Marcus Faoitts). Course of an Ancient Roman Education. GETTY 94 Quintus Curtius Rufus. See Curtius Rufus. Racine (J.). Athalie . . . .106 Railway Communications . . 15, 193 I Rajah Brooke and Borneo . . 116, 186 Raleigh ( Sir W.). Select Poems . . 103 Ramsay (A.). Select Poems . . .103 Ramshorn (J. G. L.). Latin Synonymes 81 Ranke (F. L.). History of the Popes 188 , Recent Decorative Art . . .64, 194 j Recent Discoveries in Astronomy . 49 [Redgrave (S.)]. Murray s Official Hand book 13 Reed (A.). Lecture. [CONOR. BOARD, etc.], iv 23 Reed (H.). Life of J. REED . . .155 edit. ARNOLD. Modem History 171 " GRAHAM. Synonymes . 68 " WORDSWORTH. Memoirs 163 Reese (David Meredith), edit. CHAMBERS. Treasury of Knowledge . . 41 edit. CHAMBERS. Nat. Phil. . 43 ; " CHAMBERS. Zoology . 57 | " CLARK. Drawing . .64 " HAMILTON. Physiology . 56 " PAGE. Geology ... 55 " REID. Chemistry, etc. . 52 Reid (D. B.) and Bain (A.). Chemistry and Electricity .... 52 Reid (T.). Intellectual Powers . . 2 [Rein (Wilhelm)], edit. BECKER. Gallus 189 Rhind (W.), joint author. MURRAY . Rhine (The) ...... Rhode Island. School Laws Rhode Island Commissioner of Pullic Schools. Report, etc. 1848 . . Rhode Island Institute of Instruction. Journal ...... Rich (A.), Jr. Illustrated Companion to the Lat. Diet, and Greek Lexicon Richard (H.). Lecture. [CONGR. BOARD, etc.], vi ...... Richardson (C.). Dictionary . . . Richardson (G. F.). Geology . . Richardson (W.). Ode to a Singing Bird 103 [Richter (J.)L annot. CICERO. Orationes 89 Rickard (T.) and Orcutt (H.). Class Book of Prose and Poetry . . 207 Riddle (J. E.). Ecclesiastical History, 1300-1500 . . . . ". Latin-English Lexicon 188 82 and Arnold (T. K.). English- Latin Lexicon Ripley (G.) and Taylor (B.). Hand-Book of Literature and the Fine Arts . 64 Ritter(C-). KIEPERT. Atlas . . 113 [Robbins (C.)]. Social Hymn-Book . 103 [ ] edit. WARE .... 9 Robbins (E.), edit. [PENROSE] . . 176 [Robbins (Rennselaer David Chanceford)], trans. ANDREWS trans. HENGSTENIJERG Mogr. Roberts (W. H.). Select Poems Robertson (J. B.), trans, and SCHLEGEL Robertson (W.), D.D. America Reign of Charles V. Robertson (W.). Latin Phrases . Robinson (E.), trans. BUTTMANN . Robinson (E.. W..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1841 Robinson (H. N..). Astronomy . Elementary Algebra Geometry, etc. Natural Philosophy . Surveying, etc. Theor. and Pract. Algebra Robinson (J.). American Arithmetic . Rochester, John, ZdEarl of. Ste Wilmot. Rodman (T. P..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1847 [Roebuck (John Arthur)]. Life of MO HAMMED ...... Rogers (S.). Poetical Works [Roget (P. It)]. Electricity . 80 7 103 165 182 174 82 73 17 49 37 40 45 40 37 34 18 150 103 51 230 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. [Roget (P. M.)]. Electro-Magnetism . 51 Galvanism .... 51 [ ] Magnetism . . . .51 Rollin (C.). Ancient History . . 167 Romance of Geology . . . .56 Roscoe (H.). British Lawyers . . 124 Roscoe (T.). Annals of Italy . . .178 Annals of Portugal . . 180 Annals of Spain . . . 180 [ ] Life of Michael Angelo. BUO NARROTI 130 edit. Roscoe s LEO X. . . 146 " Roscoe s Lorenzo de MEDICI 149 trans. CELLINI . . . 132 " LANZI . . . .193 " and biogr. SIMONDE DE SISMONDI 198 Roscoe (W.). Life of LEO X. . . 146 Life of Lorenzo de MEDICI . 149 Roscommon, W., 4th Earl of. See Dillon. Rose (Henry John). See Corrie (G. E.). edit. Encycl. Metrop. SMEDLEY 200 Rose (Hugh James). Annals of France, etc 172 Ecclesiastical History, 1700- 1815 188 edit. Encycl. Metrop. SMEDLEY 200 Ross (E. C..), trans. BOURDON . . 35 Rost (V. C. F.). Greek Grammar . 75 [Rothman (R.W.)]. History of Astronomy 194 Rowan (F.), trans. SILJESTROM . 29 Rowe (N.). Select Poems . . .103 Roxbury, Mass. School Committee. Re ports, 1848 - 1851, 1853 ... 29 Rudiments of the Greek Language . 75 Ruined Cities of Central America . . 190 Russell (A. U.. and W.). Young Ladies Elocutionary Reader . . . .95 Russell (F. T..). Juvenile Speaker . 95 Russell (J. S..). Rational Arithmetic . 34 Russell (M.), Bp. Agriculture . . 62 Annals of Britain . . . 176 Barbary States . . .182 Egypt, ete 167 Egypt, Ancient and Modern 116, 182 Life of CROMWELL . . . 135 etc. Nubia and Abyssinia . . 182 Palestine 181 Philip of Macedon, Alexander, 168 Polynesia 186 Roman Emperors . . . 170 Syria. Perseus .... 168 Syria and Parthia . . 167 Russell (T.). Sonnets . . . .103 Russell (W.), LL.D. Modern Europe . 172 Russell (W.) Lecture. AMER. INST. 1844 17 University Speaker . . .96 edit. AMERICAN Journal of Ed ucation . . . . . .18 See Goldsbury (J.) and Russell ( W.) ; Murdoch ( J. E..) and Russell (W.); Russell (A. U. and W.). Rutherford (W.), edit. HUTTON . . 32 Ryde (H.. T..), trans. LAMARTINE . 177 Ryland (J.. E..), trans. NEANDER . . 187 Sabine (Mrs. ), trans. HUMBOLDT . 53 [Sabine (E.)], trans. WRANGEL . 119 [Siibine (L.)j. Life of E. PREBLE . . 154 Sackville (C.), 6<A Earl of Dorset. Select Poems 103 Sacy (A. I. S., Baron de). See Silvestre de Sacy. Sainteville (J. de). Moral Education. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. 1 30 Picciola . . 4, 109 iscount JBolingbroke. Works and Life . . . .207 St. John (J. A.). Celebrated Travellers 124 Manners and Customs of An cient Greece 191 edit. MILTON .... 207 [Saintine (X. B.)]. Pi< St. John (H.), Visco Salem, Mass. School Committee. Regu lations 29 Reports, 1845-1846, 1848-1853 29 Sales (Francis), edit. PORQUET . . 71 Salkeld (J.). Classical Antiquities . 191 Sallustius Crispus (C.). De Bello (Jfcti- linario et Jugurthino ... 91 Sampson (W.). Additions to TAYLOR 178 Sanborn (Edwin David). Lectures. AMER. INST. 1845, 1849 . . . .18 Sanford (E.) and Walsh (R.), Jr. British Poets 103 [Sanger (George Partridge)], edit. AMER ICAN Almanac Ill Sanitary Movement .... 15, 60 Sargent (Epes). Standard Speaker . 96 Saussure (A. A. de), afterwards Necker. See Necker. Savage (J.), edit. WINTHROP Savage (R.). Poetical Works Schiller ( J. C. F. von). Works. [Vol. L] Historical ..... Works. [Vol. II.] Historical 185 103 179 and Dramatic. [Vol. III.] Historical Dramas, etc. [Vol. IV.] Early Dra mas and Romances . Schlegel (A. W. von). Dramatic Art and Literature Schlegel (K. W. F. von). .Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works History of Literature . Lectures on Modern History . Philosophy of History . Philosophy of Life Schlosser (F. C.). History of the Eigh teenth Century, etc Schmidt (H.. I..). Education Schmitz (L.). Elem. Greek Grammar Elementary Latin Grammar History of Greece History of Rome Latin Grammar an/not,? XEPOS " VlRGILIUS edit. CJESAR .... " CLASSICAL Museum . . 106 197 207 197 173 165 2 173 198 75 80 168 171 80 91 92 88 65 trans. NIEBUHR. Ancient History 167 " NIEBUIIR. Rome . . 170 " ZUMPT . . . .80 Schoemanri (G. F.). Assemblies of the Athenians ...... 191 Scholar s Companion .... 69 Scholiast, psevdon 29 Scholiast Schooled. See [Fowle (W. B.)]. Schomburgk (Sir Robert Hermann). Fishes of British Guiana. JARDINE, XXXIX. XL 58 School Hymn-Book .... 103 School Library 208 Schoolmaster (The). SOCIETY, etc. . 30 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 231 Schools of Industry .... Schweighaeuser (Johann). In Herodo- tum. See Gaisford (T.). Lexicon to Herodotus. See Gary f.o (H.). Science of the Sunbeam Scientific Tracts .... Scott (.1.). Select Poems Scott (R.). See Liddell (H. G.) and Scott (R.). Scott (Sir Walter). Demonology, etc. . History of Scotland NAPOLEON .... Poetical Works, and Life Select Poetical Pieces Scott (William). Lessons in Elocution Scribner (J.. M..). Engineers and Me chanics 1 Companion .... Scripture Text Book. EVERTS (W. W.). Note Scriven (J.), trans. HORATIUS. Odes . Seager (J.), trans., etc. Bos. Ellipses . trans. HERMANN. Metres Sears (B.)- The Ciceronian . Classical Studies . Life of LUTHER Reports. MASSACHUSETTS Board of Education .... Secret Societies of Modern Europe . Secret Societies of the Middle Ages Sedgwick (A.). Discourse, etc. . [Sedgwick (Catharine M..)J. Life of L. M. DAVIDSON .... Segur (P. P., Count de). Expedition to Russia Selby (P. J.). Pigeons. Parrots. JARDINE, Select Poems of the Domestic Affections Select Poems of Kindness to Animals Select Poems on Birds . . 59, Select Poems on Insects . . 59, Select Poems on Love for Flowers Selection of Proverbs .... Selections from American Poetry Selections from French and German Poetry Selections from the Elizabethan Poets . Senior (N. W.). Political Economy . Seoane ( ). VELAZQUEZ . Sepulchres of Etruria Sewell (E. M..). Child s First History of Rome History of Greece . [Sforzosi ( )]. Italy Shakespeare (W.)- Dramatic Works Select Poems Selections from Shakespeare . Shakspearian Reader (Hows) Shaw (C.). Select Poems Shaw (T. B..). English Literature Sheffield (John), 1st Duke of Buckingham. Select Poems .... Sheffield, John Baker, 1st Earl of. See Holroyd. Shellev (Mrs. M. W. [G.]). Literary Men of France Literary Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal . . " . Shenstone (W.). Poetical Works . [Shepard (W. A..)]. ASSOCIATION, etc. Sherburne (Sir E.). Select Poems trans. COLUTHUS . 29 ! Sheridan (R. B.). Dramatic Works and Life Sherwin (T.). Common School Algebra Elementary Treatise on Algebra Kev to do 107 37 37 37 119 119 120 52 Shetland, VISIT to .... 41 Shipwreck of the Medusa 103 Shoemakers, ANECDOTES of j Shuckard (W. E..) and Swainson (W.). Insects 59 10 Shuttleworth (Sir 3. Kay). Public Edu- 179 cation 29 151 Siam and the Siamese .... 116 104 Siberia, etc 116 104 Sibley (J. L.). History of Union . . 185 96 Siculus (T. Calpurnius). See Calpurnius Siculus. 63 . Siebold (Philipp Franz von). MANNERS of the Japanese . . . .115 6 I Sigourney (Mrs. L. H.). Letters to Young 90 | " Ladies 11 73 i Silius Italicus (C.). Punica . . 91 74 1 Siljestr6m(P.. A..)- Educational Insti- 80 | tutions of the United States . . 29 84 ! [Silliman (B.)], edit. MANTELL . . 55 147 Silvestre de Sacy (A. L), Baron. Gen eral Grammar 65 26 Simms (F. W..). Math. Instruments . 40 173 Simonde de Sismondi (J. C. L.). Fall of 173 the Roman Empire . . . 171 29 Italian Republics . . .178 Literature of the South of Europe 198 135 I Simonne (Theodore). See Velazquez de la Cadena (M.) and Simonnf (T.). 177 Sir Stamford Raffles and the Spice Isl ands .186 57 Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de). See Si- 104 monde de Sismondi. 104 i Skelton (J.)- Select Poems . . 104 104 j Slavery in America . . . 116, 191 104 j Slave-trade, HISTORY of . . 15, 190 104 | Slidell (A.), afterwards Mackenzie. See 208 Mackenzie (A. S.). 104 Small Books on Great Subjects Smart (C.). Select Poems . Smead (M.. J..), edit. DEMOSTHENES Smedley (E.). Annals of France Spain and Portugal . \ enetian History . 104 104! 15 82 191 171 208 104 85 177 180 178 edit. Encyclopedia Metropolitana 200 110 49 29 [Smidt(H.)]. Magic Flute, etc. Smith (A.). Astronomy 169 j [Smith (A. !)..)]. Letters to a Student 178 106 104 106 107 104 198 104 Smith (C. H.). Introduction to Mamma lia. Dogs. Horses. JARDINE, XV. XVIII. -XX 57 Smith (Edmund). Select Poems Smith (Elbridge). Lecture. MASS. TEACH ERS Assoc. Transactions. I. . 27 Smith (F. H..). Algebra ... 37 trans. BIOT , 58 104 Smith (G.. H..), trans. Michelet. LUTHER 1*7 - trans. MICHELET. France . 177 [Smith (G. P..) and Gale (F. W..)]. Re port. WORCESTER, Mass. School Committee. 1846 . . . . Smith (Henry), trans. Crusius s Lexicon to HOMERUS ..... Smith ( H. H..). Anatomical Atlas . Smith (H.. I..). See Schmidt. 31 124 124 104 19 104 J Smith (Horatio). Festivals, Games, etc. 191 85 I Smith (J. P.). Introduction. HITCHCOCK 54 232 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Smith (J. P.). The Scriptures and Ge- | ology 56 Smith (J. T.), edit. KEIGIITLEY. Eng land ....... 175 edit. KEIGHTLEY. Greece . 168 " KEIGHTLEY. Rome . 169, 170 Smith (J. V. C.), edit. Scientific Tracts 41, 42 Smith (M. H.). The Bible, the Rod, etc. 30 [Smith (T. S.)]. Animal Physiology . 59 Smith (W.), D.D., trans. THUCYDIDES 87 Smith (W.), L L.D., Classical Dictionary 84 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities ..... 191 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology . . 124 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography 113 Papers. CENTRAL Soc., etc. 22 School Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities trans. NIEBUHR Smollett (T.). Select Poems Smyth (W.). Elements of Algebra Treatise on Algebra Social Hymn-Book. [ROBBINS] Social Theories. See [NORTON (C. E.)]. Social Utopias ..... [Society for promoting Christian Knowl edge]. Class Book of Nature. FROST Outlines of Grecian History Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl edge. Library of Entertaining Knowl edge. Distinguished Men Pursuit of Knowledge Library of Useful Knowledge. Lives of Eminent Persons . M c CuLLOCH (J. R.). Commerce . MALKIN (F.). History of Greece 191 170 104 37 37 15 53 169 Natural Philosophy VAUGHAN (R.). England . Penny Cyclopaedia . Supplement to do. Political Philosophy. BROUGH- The Schoolmaster Various Publications. Note 42 177 201 201 210 30 208 49 104 Solar System (The) .... Somervile(W.). Select Poems . Somerville (M.). Connection of the Phys ical Sciences ..... 42 Song of Solomon, or Canticles. See BIBLE 5 Songs of Home, etc 104 Sophocles. (Edipus Tyrannus and An tigone (translated by Francklin) . Sophocles (E. A.). Greek Alphabet Greek Exercises . Greek Grammar Greek Lessons Greek Verbs .... South (J. F.). Zoology and Clark (F.. Le G.). Anatomy Sou they (R.)- Life of NELSON . and Bell (R.)- British Admirals Spalding (W.). English Literature Italy, etc - , . . . Sparks (J.). American Biography - The same. Second Series - Life of Ethan ALLEN . - Life of B. ARNOLD . - Life of B. FRANKLIN . 86 76 75 76 76 75 59 60 151 125 198 178 125 j 125 126 127 139 i [ ] Life of LA SALLE . . 145 Life of LED YARD . . . 146 [ ] Life of C. LEE . . .146 Life of MARQUETTE . . 148 Life of PULASKI . . . 155 [ ] Life of RIBAULT . . 155 Life of WASHINGTON . . 161 Remarks on a Reprint of Wash ington s Letters to Reed . . . 198 - Reply to Lord Mahon . . 198 The same, with Palfrey s Re view of Lord Mahon . . . 198 Letter to Lord Mahon, in An- 198 . Ill 11 2, 61 15 swer to his Letter [ ] edit. AMERICAN Almanac Spenser (E.). Select Poems . Spiers (A..). English-French Dictionary French-English Dictionary Spectator. Selections Specti-al Illusions Speculative Manias Spence ( W. ). See Kirby ( W. ) and Spence (W.). Spencer (J. A..). Greek Reading Book 76 edit. ARNOLD . . 72, 73, 78 [ ] " BOJESEN . . .189 " C,ESAR . . . .88 PUETZ . . . .172 104 71 72 198 76 62 137 104 114 110 176 128 198 40 36 127 91 91 Spirit of the Paradise Lost Spitzner (E. F. H.). Greek Prosody Spooner (W. C.). Veterinary Art Sprague (William Buell). Life of T. D WIGHT Sprat (T.), Bp. Select Poems Spruner (K. von). Atlas Antiquus Stael-Holstein (A. L. G. [N.], Baroness de). Corinne ..... Stanhope (P. H.), Viscount Mahon. His tory of England .... Life of BELISARIUS . See SPARKS. Reply, etc. Stanley (A. D.). Tables of Logarithms edit. DAY. Algebra (1852) Stanley (A. P.). Life of T. ARNOLD Statius (P. P.). Opera Thebais, Book I. (Pope) . [Stearns (William Augustus)]. Reports. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. School Com mittee ...... Stebbing (H.). The Christian Church The Reformation Steele (Sir R.). Papers and Life. SPEC TATOR Stephen (Sir J.). Essays . History of France 21 188 188 11 209 177 Stephens (A. J.), annot., etc. DE LOLME 12 [Stephenson( )]. Life of W. CAXTON 132 Stepney (G.). Select Poems . . .104 Steven (W.). High School of Edinburgh 198 [Stevens (G.)]. Addresses as Mayor of CAMBRIDGE, Mass 12 Stirling, William, 1st Earl of. See Alex ander. Stewart (D.). Active and Moral Powers 11 Dissertation . . . .194 Uogr. ROBERTSON . . . 182 Stoddard (S.). See Andrews (E. A.) and Stoddard (S.). Stoddart (SirJ.). Grammar . . .65 Stoeckhardt (J. A.). Chemistry . 53 [Stone (Mrs. )J. The Widow s Son. CROWE . ... 107 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 233 Stone (A.. P..). Key to Chase s Common School Arithmetic . . . .34 Stone (W.L.). Border Wars . . 184 Story (J.). Constitution of the U. S. . 13 Stow (D.). The Training System of Ed- cation . . . . . .30 Stowe (C. E.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1844 17 Report, etc 30 Stranger s Visit to Edinburgh . . 116 [Street (A.. W.. and B..)], trans. Fuss 190 Strickland (A.). Queens of England . 125 Struggle in the Caucasus . . . 179 Stuart (M.). Greek Accents, etc. . . 76 Suckling ( Sir J.). Select Poems . 104 Suez, ISTHMUS of . . . . . 115 Sullivan (J. T.. S..), annot. and biogr. SULLIVAN (W.) 125 Sullivan (W.). Public Men of the Revo lution 125 Sulpicia. Satira ..... 92 Surrey, Henry, Earl of. See Howard. Swainson (W.). Annuals hi Menageries 59 Birds 59 Birds of Western Africa. Fly catchers. JARDINE, XI. XII. . 57 Discourse on the Study of Nat ural History . . . . .54 Fishes, etc 59 Geography and Classification of Animals ..... 59 Habits and Instincts of Animals 59 Malacology .... 59 Quadrupeds . . . .59 Taxidermy, etc. ... 59 joint author. MURRAY . .112 See Shuckard (W. E..) and Swainson (W.). Swan (W. D..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1848 18 [Swanwick (A.)], trans. SCHILLER. Maid of Orleans . . . .106 Swift (J.). Select Poems . . .104 Symposius (C. F.). ^Enigmata . . 92 Syrus (P.). Sententiae ... 92 Tacitus (C. C.). Works (Murphy) . 92 Germania and Agricola (Tyler) 92 Tale of Norfolk Island . . . .125 Tanner (H. S.). ATLAS Classica . 113 Tappan (H. S..). University Education 30 Tasso (T.). Jerusalem Delivered (Hunt) 104 Taylor (B.). See Ripley (G.) and Taylor (B.). Taylor (J.), joint edit. KITTO . . 8 Taylor (J. 0.). The District School . 30 [Taylor (R.)], edit. WARTON . . 199 Taylor (Samuel Harvey), trans. KREBS 79 trans. KUEHNER . . 74, 75 Taylor (W. C.). History of Ireland . 178 Manual of History . . .165 Mohammedan Power in India 181 Ottoman Empire . . .180 [ ] edit. [GOODHUGH] . . 7 Temperance Movement (The) . 11, 191 Tennemann (W. G.). Manual of the His tory of Philosophy .... 194 Terentius Afer (P.). Select Comedies (translated by Colman) . . .92 Tertullianus (Quintus Septimius Flo- rens). Spirit of T. NEANDER . . 187 Thacher (B. B.j. Indian Biography . 125 30 Thacher (Thomas Anthony ),edit. CICE RO. De Officiis 89 Thackerav (W. M.). English Humourists 125 Thayer (Gideon (F..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1840 17 Spelling. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. U. . . .30 Theocritus. BRIGGS. Poetae, etc. . 84 Thersytes. A new Enterlude . . 107 Thierry (J. N. A.). Conquest of England by the Normans .... Historical Essays, etc. Thiersch (F.). Greek Tables Thirl wall (C.), Bp. Greece trans. NIEBUHR Thompson (H.). Heraldry Life 176 173 76 169 170 191 104 163 Thompson (W.). Select Poems . [Thomson (Mrs. Anthony Todd)] of Cardinal WOLSEY Thomson (H.). Horace. Latin Poetry, etc. 198 Thomson (J.). Works . . .105 Poetical Works . . .105 The Seasons (Boyd) Thomson (J. B.). Geometry Higher Arithmetic Three Ways of Living Thucydides. Peloponnesian War (translated) . . [Thurston (E. M.)J. 5th Ann. Report, etc. Tibbins ( J.). See Fleming ( ) and Tib- bins (J.). Tibullus (A.). Carmina Tickell (T.). Poetical Works Ticknor (C.). Philosophy of Living . Ticknor (G.). Spanish Literature . Todd (J.). Student s Manual Tomlinson (C.). Mechanics . Natural Philosophy Pneumatics . 105 40 35 110 87 87 30 92 105 60 198 30 46 45 46 82 81 82 [Torrey (H. W.)]. English-Latin Lexicon joint author. LEVERETT Torsellini(0.). De Particulis Lat. Orat. Toussaint L Ouverture and the Republic of Hayti 183 Town (S.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1845 18 [Townsend (J.. K..)]. EXCURSION . 117 Tracy (J.). History of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 188 [Traill (T. S.)]. The Thermometer and Pyrometer . . . . .50 [ ] edit. Encyclopedia Britannica 199 Treasures of the Earth ... Trench (R. C.). The Study of Words Troubadours and Trouveres . Trumbull (J.). Autobiography, etc. . CATALOGUE of his Paintings , 56 65 199 160 64 Tufnell (H.), tram. MUELLER . ~. 168 Turnbull (R.). Introd. Essav. HAMILTON 210 Turner (D. W.). Notes on HERODOTUS Turner (E.). Chemistry Turner (S.). Anglo-Saxons Sacred History of the World 85 53 176 188 80 [Turner (W. W..)], trans. ANDREWS Tursellinus (H.). See Torsellini (0.). Tweddell(G.). SHAKESPEARE . .158 Twiss (T.). NIEBUHR S Rome epitomised 170 Two Years before the Mast. [DANA] . 117 Tyler ( William Seymour), edit. TACITUS. Germania and Agricola . . .92 Tyndale ( W. ), trans. New Testament English 6 234 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Tyson (J.. W..). Atlas . . . .165 Tytler (A. F.), Lord Woodhouselee. Uni versal History 165 rmrZNares (E.). Universal History 165 Tytler (P. F.). Discovery on the Northern Coasts of America . . . .119 Ungewitter (F. H..). Europe . . 116 United States. Constitution . . .14 Upham (C. W.). Life of Sir H. VANE 160 Upharn (T. C.). Disordered Mental Ac tion 2 Mental Philosophy (The Intel lect and the Sensibilities) . . 2 The Will 2 trans. JAHN .... 8 Ure (A.). Dictionary of Arts, etc. . . 62 Uses of History 165 Valckenaer (Lodewijk Caspar). Adnota- tiones in Herodotum. See Gaisford (T.). Valerius Flaccus (C.). See Flaccus. Vandenhoff (G.). Art of Elocution . 96 Vaughan (R.). History of England . 177 Vegetable Substances used for the Food of Man 56 Veitch(W.). Greek Verbs ... 76 Velazquez de la Cadena (M.). Spanish Dictionary . . . . .82 anJSimonne (Theodore). Spanish Ollendorff 83 Verlac ( ). Dictionnaire des Verbes 72 Vei-planck ( G. C.). Discourses . . 30 Vestiges of Creation .... 54 Vesuvius, VISIT to . . . .119 Vethake (H.). Supplementary Vol. to LIBBER. Encyclopaedia Americana 200 edit. M c CuLLOCH ... 15 Vida (M. G.), Bp. Art of Poetry (Pitt) 105 Vieusseux (Andr6). Essay. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. II. . Village Mayor [ZSCHOKKE] . Virgilius Maro (P.). Opera Bucolics and Georgics jEueis .... Viri Romse. LHOMOND . Visit to Madeira. [MACLABEN] . Visit to Shetland Visit to Vesuvius, Pompeii, etc. Vogdes (W.). Mensuration, etc. United States Arithmetic, Pt. I. United States Arithmetic Key to do Voltaire (F. M. A. de). Merope . Voluntary Distortions Voyages round the World Vulgar Errors. BROWN, pseudon. 30 . 110 92 91,92 93 . 80 118 . 119 119 . 40 35 86 85 107 60 119 209 Wachsmuth (E. W. G.). Historical An tiquities of the Greeks . . .191 Wade (J.). British History . . 177 edit. Coxe s Life of CHURCHILL 133 " JUNIUS .... 12 Wagner (G. P. E.), edit. VIRGILIUS Walker (A.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1850 Walker (C. V..). See Lardner (D.) and Walker (C. V..). Walker (James), edit. REID. Intel. Powers edit. STEWART. Active and Moral Powers Walker (John). Rhyming Dictionary Teacher s Assistant Walker (W. S.). Corpus Poetarum Lati- norum 93 Wallace ( ), joint author. MUR RAY 112, 181 Wallace ( W..), continuator. MACKINTOSH. England 176 Waller (E.). Select Poems . . .105 Walsh (M.). Mercantile Arithmetic . 35 Walsh (K.). Didactics . . . .209 See Sanford (E.) awe? Walsh (R.). 105 37 Walsh (W.). Select Poems Ward (S.), Jr.. edit. YOUNG. Algebra Ware (H.), Jr. Works . Ware (J.). Life of H. WARE, Jr. Ware (W.). European Capitals Memoir of N. BACON . 161 116 128 Warren (John Collins). Physical Educa tion. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. 1 30 Warton (J.). Select Poems . . 105 Warton (T.). History of English Poetry 199 Select Poems 105 Washington (G.). Entertaining Anecdotes of Washington (anon.) . . . 161 Washington and his Contemporaries 161, 185 Water Supply of Towns ... 15 Waterhouse ( George Robert). Marsupia- lia. JARDINE, XXIV. ... 58 Watts (I.). Select Poems . . .105 Wayland (F.). Collegiate System . 31 Discourse. SOCIETY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. 1 30 Moral Science . . . .11 The same, abridged Political Economy . edit., etc. [CRAIK] . Webb (George James). On Pure Tone. MURDOCH and RUSSELL Weber (G.). Universal History Webster (D.). Works and Life 11 15 121 Webster (N.). American Dictionary Weisbach (J.). Mechanics . Weld (A. H.). English Grammar . - Lecture. AMER. INST. 1844 95 165 14 69 46 67 17 Wells (A.). Lecture. [CONOR. BOARD, etc.], ii ...... 23 Wells (D. A.), edit. ANNUAL . . .191 Welsford (H.). English Language . 67 Wesseling (Pieter). Adnotationes hi Hero dotum. See Gaisford (T.). Westmacott (R.), Jr. Sculpture . 65 Westminster Assembly. See Assembly of Divines at Westminster. West Newton Normal School . .31 [Westwood(J. 0.)]. See [Rennie(J.) and Westwood (J. 0.)]. What is Philosophy .... Whately (R.), Abp. Christian Evidences - Dissertation . . . . [ - ] English Synonymes . . - Logic ..... - On Reasoning ... - Rhetoric ..... 2 4 188 69 2 2 94 Wheatly (C.). Book of Common Prayer 9 Wheaton (H.). Life of PINKNEY 153, 154 See Crichton (A.) and Wheaton HE- (H.). Wheeler (Charles Stearns), edit. RODOTUS 85 Wheeler (G. B..), edit. CAESAR . . 87 Wheeler (N.). Lecture. MASS. TEACH ERS Assoc. Transactions. I. . / 27 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 235 Whewell (W.). Archimedes, etc. . . 194 Elements of Morality . . 11 History of the Inductive Sci ences 194 Preface to MACKINTOSH . .193 White (G.). Natural History of Selborne 54 White (II.). Universal History . .165 tram. MERLE D AUBIGNE . 187 White (II. K.). Poetical Works . . 105 White (J. T..). Latin Grammar . 80 Whitehead (W.). Variety . . .105 Whitelock (R.. H..), trans. SCHLEGEL 173 Whiting (H.). Life of Z. M. PIKE . . 153 Whitlock(G. C.). Geometry, etc. . 40 Whitman (J.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1846 IS Whitney (J.. D..). See Foster (J..W..) and Whitney (J.. D..). Whitney (P.). County of Worcester . 185 Whittlesey (C.). Life of J. FITCH . 138 Wiggers (Gustav Friedrich). Life of Soc rates. XENOPHON. Memorabilia . 87 Wigglesworth (E.), joint author. LIBBER. Encyclopedia Americana . . 200 Wight (O..W..), trans. COUSIN . . 192 Wilcox (C.). Remains and Life . . 209 Will (H.). Qualitative Analysis . . 53 Will and Jean. See [Macneill (H.)]. Willard (Mrs. E. [H.]). Abridged History of the United States . . .185 Ancient Geography . . 114 History of the United States 185 Willard (Samuel). Introduction to Latin 80 [Willard (Sidney)]. Addresses as Mayor of CAMBRIDGE, Mass. . . .11 William Tell arid Switzerland . Williams (E.). Book of the Constitution The Statesman s Manual 180 14 186 126 Williams (J..). ALEXANDER the Great Williams (J. D..). Algebra ... 37 edit. YOUNG . . . .41 Williams (R.). Medicine ... 61 Willson (M.). American History . . 183 History of the United States 185 Wilrnot(J.), M Earl of Rochester. Select Poems 105 Wilson (J.. I..). Christ s Hospital . 199 Wilson (James), joint author. MURRAY 118, 181 joint author. TYTLER . . 119 Wilson (John). English Punctuation . 68 W r ilson (R.). Trigonometry, etc. . 40 Wines (E.. C..). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1842 17 On School Government . 31 Winslow(H.). Intellectual Philosophy . 3 Lecture. AMER. INST. 1847 18 Winthrop ( J. ). New England, 1630 - 1649 185 Wirt (W.). British Spy, with a Life of Wirt 209 Wither (G.). Select Poems . . 105 [Withington (L.)]. Penitential Tears . 31 Wobnrn, Mass. School Committee. Re ports, 1845, 1851-1853 ... 31 Wolsey (Thomas), Card. Letter. SOCIE TY, etc. The Schoolmaster. Vol. I. . 30 Wonders of Human Folly . . 3, 209 Wonders of the Microscope . . 50, 54 Wonders of the Telescope . . .49, 50 Wood (S.). Papers. CENTRAL Soc., etc. 22 Wood (W. H..). Lectures. AMER. INST. 1S42 17 Woodbridge (W. C.). Modern Geography 112 Problems on the Globes . .112 edit. AMERICAN Annals of Ed ucation 16 edit. AMERICAN Journal of Ed ucation 18 Wood-Engraving .... 65 Woodhouselee, Alexander Fraser, Lord. See Tytler. Woods (G.), trans. MADVIG . . 80 Woodworth ( S.). Additions to H. SMITH S Festivals, etc 191 Woolrych (E.), trans. WACHSMUTH . 191 Woolsey (Theodore D wight), edit. ^Es- CHYLUS. Prometheus ... 84 [ ] trans. ANDREWS . . .80 Worcester (J. E.). Comprehensive Dic tionary 69 Elements of History . . 166 Geography .... 112 Historical Atlas . . .166 The same. With Description 166 Universal and Critical Dictionary 69 [ ] edit. AMERICAN Almanac 111 Worcester, Mass. Regulations of the Public Schools 31 Town Reports, 1847 . . 14 City Documents, No. 1-7. 1S49 -1853 14 Worcester, Mass. School Committee. Reports 31 Wordsworth (C.). Life of W. WORDS WORTH 163 Wrangel (F. von). Expedition to the Po lar Sea 119 [Wrottesley (J.)], Lord. Navigation . 40 Wyat (Sir T.). Select Poems . . 105 Wyman (E.). Lecture. AMER. INST. 1850 18 Xenophon. Anabasis .... Cyropaedia, Memorabilia .... Yalden (T.). Select Poems Yonge (C. D.). English-Greek Lexicon Young (E.). Poetical Works Night Thoughts (Boyd) . Young (J. R.). Algebra Mathematical Tables Mechanics .... Trigonometry, etc. 87 . 87 87 105 77 105 . 105 37 . 41 46 . 41 45 Young (T.). Natural Philosophy Zachos (John Colton). New American Speaker 96 edit. OHIO Journal of Education 27 [Zschokke (J. H. D.)]. The Goldmakers Village 110 The Village Mayor . . 110 yumpt (A.. W..)], annot. HORATIUS . 90 umpt (C. G. [Lat. T.]). Latin Gram mar ....... 80 School Grammar (Latin) . 80 annot. CURTIUS . . .89 " HORATIUS . . 90 " SALLUSTIUS . . 91 PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS BELONGING TO THE HIGH SCHOOL. MECHANICS. Set of Mechanical Powers, . . $ 35.00 Set of Ivory Reaction Balls, and Frame, 8.00 Apparatus for illustrating Centrif ugal Force, . . . . 8.00 Centre of Gravity Apparatus, . . 7.00 Atwood s Machine, . . . 35.00 $93.00 HYDROSTATICS AND HYDRAULICS. Hydrostatic Press, . . . $25.00 Hydrostatic Bellows and Fixtures, . 8.00 Hydrostatic Paradox Apparatus, Hydrostatic Balloon, Equilibrium Tubes, Barker s Centrifugal Mill, Specific Gravity Apparatus, 8.00 . 5.00 5.00 . 1.25 12.00 $64.25 PNEUMATICS. Chamberlain s American Air- Pump, $85.00 Chamberlain s Double-acting Ex hauster and Condenser, . . 8.00 Swelled Open-Top Bell-Glass, . 3.50 Eight-Inch Bell-Glass, Brass-cap ped, (duplicates,) . . . 6.00 Five-Inch Bell-Glass with Brass Cap, 2.00 Tall Bell-Glass and Jar, . . 3.00 Bell-Glass, Jar, and Bolthead, . 1.00 Open-Top Bell-Glass, with Glass Stopper, 1.25 Small Open-Top Bell-Glass and Jar, 2.00 Swelled Hand-Glass, . . .1.00 Mercury Tunnel used with do., . 1.00 Glass Cup " u " . .50 Bladder-Cup, with Cap and Cock, 2.00 Cupping-Glass, with Cap and Cock, 1.50 Magdeburg Hemispheres, . . $ 7.00 Upward Pressure Apparatus, . . 12.00 Artificial Fountain and Jets, . 5.00 Treble Globe Transferrer, . . 3.00 Large Bolthead and Cup, . . 1.50 Torricellian Tube, . . . .1.00 Siphon Gauge for Pump, . . 2.50 Pear Gauge for Vacuum Test, . 3.00 Barometer Apparatus, . . 7.00 Large heavy Siphon for Baromet ric Purposes, . . . . 5.00 Pair of Working Models of Lift ing and Forcing Pumps, . . 12.00 Siphon in Vacuo, .... 3.00 Bell in Vacuo. . . . . 1 .50 Vane and Mill in Vacuo, . .7.00 Water Hammer, .... 3.00 Guinea and Feather Tube, . .7.00 Expansion Apparatus, . . 1.00 Sheet Rubber Bag, Cap, Cork, and Hook, 2.00 Glass Bursting Squares, . . . 1.50 Valve Cap for " . . .33 Guard Cap for " . . .1.00 Condensing Syringe, . . . 5.00 Glass Condensing Chamber, . . 10.00 Copper Condensing Chamber and Fixtures, 3.50 Pair of Condensing Gauges by Bulk of Air. .... 2.00 Mercury Siphon Gauge, . . 2.50 Crushing Squares for Condenser, . 1.00 Sinking Glass Balls, . . . .50 Air-Gun Barrel, . . . .1.00 Revolving Jet, . . . . 1.25 Weighing Air Apparatus, . . 1 2.00 Double Transferrer, . . . 10.00 Pneumatic Paradox, . . .1.00 Pipe Paradox, . . . . 1.00 Set of Screw Couplings, . . . 2.50 Set of Hose and Screws, . . 2.00 Cock with Interior and Exterior Jets, 2.90 Straight Brass Jet, 50 Hose Brass Jet, . . . . 1.00 Sliding Rod and Packing Screw, (duplicates,) . . . . 1.50 238 PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS Working Model of the Steam-En- gine, $ 50.00 Wollaston s Steam Globe, . . 3.00 Pair of Gasometers with Fixtures, (large size,) 60.00 Compound Blow-Pipe and Fix- . tures, 3.00 Pneumatic Cistern, . . . 20.00 Apparatus for making Oxygen, . 4.00 Apparatus for making Hydrogen, 1.50 Hydrogen Balloon, .... 3.00 Bottle Imps, .... 4.00 $413.73 OPTICS. Set of Eye Models, . . . $12.00 Set of Mounted Lenses, . . 13.00 Prism, . . 3.00 Compound Microscope and Fix tures, 50.00 Magic Lantern with Solar Lamp, &c., 25.00 $ 103.00 MAGNETO-ELECTRICITY AND GALVAN ISM. Case of Bar Magnets, ... Steel U and Rolling Armature, Pair of Small Magnetic Needles, Dipping Needle, ... Galvanic Battery, . . . Grove s Battery, (four cups,) . Cylindrical Sulphate of Copper Battery, ..... Smce s Battery, ... Daniel s Battery, .... Ampere s Battery, ... De la Rive s Ring, . . . Helix and Stand, ... Lifting Coil and Bars, . . . Large Electro-Magnet, . . Revolving Electro-Magnet, . . Magic Circle and Armatures, . Revolving Circle, . . . Revolving Coil, ... Revolving Needle, . . . Revolving Magnet, (Registering,) Armature Engine, . . . Double-Beam Axial Engine, . Electro-Magnetic Railway, . . Magnetic Telegraph, . . Simple form of Telegraph, . . Small Decomposer, . . . Decomposing Apparatus, . . Decomposer and Recomposer, Galvanic Lamp, .... Powder Cup, Therm o-Electrical Rectangle, . Magneto-Electrical Machine, . $ 4.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 50.00 8.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 1.25 2.50 2.00 2.25 5.00 3.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 6.00 18.00 35.00 35.00 5.00 1.50 4.00 12.00 2.50 50 5.00 . 45.00 Compound Magnet and Electro- tome, $18.00 Pair of Shocking Handles, . . 1.50 Set of Connecting Wires, . . .50 Contracting Helix, .... 3.50 Galvanometer, .... 3.50 Astatic Galvanometer, . . . 7.00 Horizontal Galvanometer, . . 4.00 Apparatus for analyzing Shocks, . 12.00 $ 358.50 ELECTRICITY. Electrical Machine, (Thirty-Inch Plate,) $85.00 Glass Friction Cylinder, . . . 2.00 Wax Friction Cylinder, . . 1 .50 Two-Quart Leyden Jar, . . . 2.00 Two-Quart Electrometer Jar, . 2.50 Two-Quart Diamond Jar, . . 3.00 Two-Quart Suspension Jar. . 3.00 One-Quart Hand Jar, . . .1.25 Jar with Movable Coatings, . 3.00 Electrical Battery, . . . .1200 Jointed Discharger, . . . 3.50 Universal Discharger, . . .7.00 Directing Rod, .... 2.00 Insulating Stool, .... 6.00 Electrical Bells, .... 3.00 Dancing Images and Plates, . . 3.50 Spiral Tube 3.50 Abbe Nollet s Globe, . . . 5.00 Thunder House and Fixtures, . 5.00 Gas Pistol, 2.50 Electrical Wheel and Point, . 1.25 Electrical Inclined Plane and Wheel, 4.00 Electrical Orrery, .... 3.00 Long-haired Man, . . . .75 Electrical Swing, .... 2.00 Ether Spoon, . . . . 1.00 Powder Bomb, . . . .1.25 Decomposing Bomb, . . . 1.75 Electrophorus and Fixtures, . . 8.00 Pith-ball Electrometer, . . .75 Gold-leaf Electrometer with Con denser, 7.00 Silver-leaf Electrometer, . . . 5.00 Ball Electrometer, ... .75 Balance Electrometer, . . . 6.00 Kinnersley s Electrometer, . . 7.00 $ 205.75 $2.00 THERMOTICS. Air Thermometer, Fahrenheit s Thermometer, (tripli cates,) 3.75 Extra-finished Thermometer, . 6.00 Rose wood -cased Barometer and Thermometer, .... 18.00 BELONGING TO TIIE IIIGH SCHOOL. 239 Thermometer for Chemical Pur poses, .... $5.00 Differential Thermometer, . . 2.50 Pyrometer, 3.00 Cryophorus, 6.00 Radiating arid Absorbing Cubes, 2.00 Reflectors in Cases, . . . 7.00 Iron Ball and Stand for the Re flectors, 1.00 Conductometer with Six Rods, . 2.00 Freezing Apparatus, . . . 8.00 Bell- Glass for Freezing Apparatus, . 1.50 Marcet s Steam Globe and Fix tures, 20.00 Chamberlain s Steam Boiler and Fixtures, 8.00 Spirit Lamp, (duplicates,) . . .62 Lamp Stand, 2.00 Wire Gauze for Gas Flame, . .50 Fire Syringe, 1.50 Dobereiner s Hydrogen Lamp, . 4.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Philosophical Diagrams, Swain s Planetarium, Tellurion, .... Pair of Globes, Geometrical Solids, (two sets,) Theodolite, . Level, Surveyor s Compass, $ 104.37 $6.00 . 50.00 12.00 . 45.00 10.00 150.00 75.00 . 25.00 $ 373.00 MURAL MAPS. Ancient. Kiepert s Wandkarte des Romi- schen Reichs, 1852, . . . $12.00 Imperium Rom an urn, . . . 8.00 Kiepert s "Wandkarte von Alt-Ita- lien, 1850, 12.00 Italia Antiqua, .... 8.00 Kiepert s Wandkarte von Alt- Griechenland, 1847, . . . 12.00 Grajcia Antiqua, . . . . 8 00 Greece and its Colonies, . . 8.00 Athena? Antiquse, ... $ 8.00 Gallia Antiqua, .... 8.00 Plan of Rome, .... 5.00 Plan of the Capitoline and Palatine Hills, 10.00 Roman Forum, (in Perspective,) 4.00 Modern. Mitchell s Map of the World on Mercator s Projection, . . $ 10.00 Guyot s Mural Map of the World, 10.00 Bidwell s Map of the Eastern Hem isphere, 6.00 Bidwell s Map of the Western Hemisphere, .... 6.00 Bidwell s Map of Western Asia, . 4.00 Mitchell s Map of the United States, 10.00 Colton s Map of the United States, . 5.00 Topographical Map of Massachu setts, 5.00 Wilson s Comprehensive Chart of American History, . . . 7.00 Lyman s Historical Chart, . . 10.00 Mattison s Astronomical Maps, (16,) 20.00 Cutter s Anatomical Outline Maps, (9,) 17.50 Map indicating the proposed Course of the Steam Navigation between San Francisco and Shanghae. Baltimore. [1852?] Bauerkeller s Maps in Relief. L Empire Ottoman, ... $ 4.00 La France et la Belgique, . . 4.00 La Suisse et les Pays limitrophes, 4.00 La Grande Bretagne et 1 Irlande, . 4.00 Les Etats-Unis de I Amerique du Nord, 4.00 $233.50 93.00 . 64.25 413.73 103.00 Mechanics, .... Hydrostatics and Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Optics, .... Magneto-Electricity and Galvanism, 358.50 Electricity, .... 205.75 Thermotics, 104.37 Miscellaneous, .... 373.00 $1,949.10 THE END. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY