Catalogue OF THE MARSH LIBRARY. XHniversit^ of .l)erniont i\:t CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF (3eorge Ip^erhine /Iftaisb BraLINGTON VERMONT PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY 1892 C 3M' PRINTED BY THE FREE PRESS ASSOCIATION BURUNGTON, VERMONT. 89974 PREFACE. The Marsh library represents at once the special collections of a scholar, tlie reference books of a man of affairS, and the miscellaneous accnmulations of an omnivorous reader in many languages. Thus, to remarkable fulness in certain departments it joins the cliaracter of a servicealile general library; while tlie fact that the books, on whatever subject, are in their original languages, translations as a rule having been avoided, greatly enhances the value of the collection for linguistic purposes. The beginnings of the library were made early in the life of its founder. A volume of Sallust, j)ul)lislied at Salem in 1806, bears the inscription on its title-page : G. P. Marsh. Phil. Acad. ISlfi. Dart. Coll. 1817. During his college life, which ended in 1820, he collected the classics of the Komance literatures, with the necessary grammars and dictionaries for their study. In 1821:, during a journey to New York, he purchased Sicard's Cours d'Instruction d'un ISourd-Muet, with reference to his Keport on the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, presented to the Legislature of Vermont in October of that year. At the same time he made additions to his collection of literary works in the South-European languages. His copy of Wieland's (Jberon is inscribed: AVoodstock, 1825. In this year Mr. Marsh was admitted to the l)ar, and took up his residence in Burlingt. Kelazione ... da Carlo V. 15.32. — (■iiistitiisiiio. yi. Relazione di Francia. 1535.— (Jiusthiijiiio, F. Relazione di Francia. 1.5.38.— ''anilli. M. Helazione di Franoia. 154G.— Kavatjero. B. Relazione ... da Carlo V. 1546. — Coiitariiii, L. Relazione ... da Ferdiuando re de' Romani. 1548. A., (i. E. Handbuch der romanischen Um- gangssprache. Bukurest, 1857. O. xd- 451) 9 \, preposition. Biauchi, B. Storia della preposi- zione a, e de' sudI composti nelJa lingua itali- ana. Fii-enze,lS77. O. i'to 3 — Flecliia, G. Del libro di B. Bianchi sulla pre- posizione a. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 4, 1878.) 4.)0 n A secreto agravio secreta venganza, see ('aide- roil, V. 1. A travers les mots, see Rozaii, C. Aall, Jacob, translator, see Sturlnsoii, S. Nor- ske Kongers Sagaer. 1838-9. 839.63 15 — Welliaven, J. S. V. J. Aalls Erindiinger. (/ft his Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 3.) S39.84 3 Aaii de Amsteldanische burgers op deu 26 Feb. 1787, — Aaii de vaderlandsche burgers, — Aan het vaderland. see Wolf, E. B. Et Aar i Kjobenhavn, af Carl Bernhard, see St. Aiibain, A. A. de. Aarb0ger for nordisk Oldkyndighed, seeCopeii- liajreii— K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Aarets tolv Maaneder. see Aiidertipii, H. C. Aarliiisieiisis liber. (In Laii^ebek, J. Script. reruin Dan., 1772-1834, v. 6.) !»4S 76 — Nomina episcoporum Arhusiensis ecclesiiv. — Series episcoporum Arhuiiorura. (7. {In same. V. 7.) !)48 76 Aarstiderne, et Digt, see Hertz, H. Alls hc(iere Laiulbriisrsskole. Aarsberetning, 1863-4, af F. A. Dahf, Direktor. Christiania, 1865. O. [3 +] 93 p. a. (530 5 Aaseii, Ivar Andreas. Norsk Grammatik: oni arbeidet Udgave af Det norske Folkesprogs Grammatik. Christiania, 1864. O. 43i)..S7 3 — Norsk Ordbog med dansk Forklaring; omar- beidet Udgave of Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog. Christiania, 1873. O. 43!>.87 2 — Djiiiind, S. K. F. Det norske Folkesprogs Grammatik ved Asen. {In CoiH'iibafren — K. iiord. Old.-Sclskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1846-8.) i)4S 4 ABAILARD, Pierre, see ABELARI). Abaiio, Pietr(» di. Das Heptameron: oder, Ele- mente der Magie. {In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 184.5-.50, V. 3.) ,S37 16 — Ronzoiii, ('. Della vita e delle opere di P. d' Abano. {In Rome— R. aeead. dei liiicel. Atti. 3ser. sci. mor. v. 3, 1877-8.) 065 5 Abarea, Pedro de. Los reyes' de Aragon en anales historicos. Madrid, 1682-4.3v.F. !»46 37.1 Abbattiitis, Gian Alei^io, pseud. o/BasiIe,(J. B. Abbeokiita, .see Tucker. S. ABBEYS, .see MOXASTICISJI. Abboii of St. Germain, Paris. De bello Paris- iaoo libii 3. Hannoverae, 1871. O. [2 +] 51 p. (Jn Pertz,(w.H.Script.rerum German. l.)5»43 16 — De obsessa a Normannis Lutetia Parisiorum. (In Laimebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773- 1834, V. 3.) !»4S 76 .Vbbot, Ezra. The New Testament text. {In Scliair, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) Abbott, Thomas Kiiissmill. 220 5 Sight and touch. London 1864. O. It. 1.52 1 ABBREVIATIONS. Mommseii,t'.M.T. M.Vale- rius Probus de notis antiquis. {In Leijtsic — K. siichs. Oesell. Berichte, 1853.) 063 3 — Probiis, 31. V. Opuscuhim de notis antiquis. {In Isidoriis Mercator. Decretal., 1853, col. 1179-1196.) 262 8 ABBRIXG AB Y&SINIA Abbriu!?. Heruiauiis Jolianues. Weemoedstoo- nen; of, Mijue reis naar Curai;ao. Gi-oningeu, 1834. O. ^\'i.i 6 Abdallali, eine Eiziililuug, see Tleck, J. L. Schriften. 8. 'Al). V. 4. Abereoinvay abbey. Register and chronicle: edited by Sir H. Ellis. 1847. {In Caiiideii misc. 1; in t'aiiuleii soc. 39.) s-iO 4 Abereroiiibie, John. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth. From the 3 Edinburgh edition. New- York, 1833. S. (Harper's fam. lib.) 150 1 Abersr, Leuiiart. Hallristningar fran Bohuslan uti Sverige. tab. {In C'opeiiliaaeu — K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 3, 1838-9.) — An- markningar rorande figurteckningar fran forn- tiden. it. {In same, v. 4, 1843-3.) 94>i 3 Al)a:anis-Leg:eiideii paa Old-Engelsk med eng- elsk Oversiettelse. (In Stephens, G. Tvende Digte. 1853.) 829 19 Also in Danish, old Norse, old Danish, old Swedish, middle hi({li German, German prose of the I5th century, low Saxon, Dutch. Abingdon. Chronicon monasterii de Abing- don; edited by Joseph Stevenson. London, 1858. 3v. Q. facsim. {In (it. Br.— blaster of rolls. Chron. and mem. 3.) 942 8 Abiosi, AjTOstino. Lettere. {In Ricei, C, ed- itor. Gli Spagnuoli e iVeiieziani in Romagna, 1537-9. 1886; in JScclta di curiosita. 315.)S50 10 ABIPOXES. Hobrizliolfer, Jl. An account of the Aliiponcs, an 'ino, A. de. Usi e costumi abruzzesi. Fi- renze, 1879-81. 3v. D. 390 17 Absalon, archbishop of Lund. Testamentum. {In Lanaebek, J. Script, rerum Dan.. 1773- 1834. y.~'}.)' 948 76 — Estriip, H. F. J. Absalon, som Helt, Stat.s- niand og Biskop; et biographisk Forsog. Soroe, 1836. O. por. 922 14 Der Absehied, ein Trauerspiel, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 3. Aliul Cacim Tarif Aben Tarik, pseudonym of Lnna, .M. Al(ii-l-kasim, Klialnf Ibn Abbas. dz-Zahrari, or Abiilcasis. La chinigie, traduite en dialecle tolousain du 14e siecle: Ch. ile Toiu-toiiion. {In Revne des langues romanes.v.1. 1870. )479 5 ABVSSIMA.' Besvera-ers, JI. .1. A. N. Abys- sinie. 1S47. 7^/. map. (In L'linivers. 3.) 910 18 — (tobat, S. Journal d' un sejour en Abyssinie, ls;iO-3; precede d" line introduction sur Abvs- sinie. Paris [.1834J. O. ^lor. map. 91(!,.'i 1 AB YSSINIA ADAMS — Rt'jimiKl, M. R. L. Voyage dans 1* Abys- sinie'iiHridioQale.(J"it his Marines.lHJ4.)!H0 66 — !S.:} 2 bound irith ",H(i.'i 37 Acadeiuie fraui,aise, see. Paris— Iiistitiit. ACADEMIES. Arnold, M, The literary in- fluence of academies. (In his Essays in criti- cism. 1865.) 824 3 See also SOCIETIES. The academy; a montlily record of literature, learning, science and art. London, 1809-83. v. 1-23. Q. 052 1 So. 1-16. monthly; no. 17-80, half-monthly; no. 87 and after, weekly. Accarteiiiia del cimento, see Floroiice. ACC ADEMIA LETTERARK) PIXO. Rocca. L. (1)1 t'uriosita di storia subalpina. v. 3, lis7().) nr, 43 Aceademia pontiflcia de'nuofi lincei, seeRoiiie (city, modern). Accademlci filopatridi, see (laliaiii, F. ACCADIANS. Rii§-e, S. Die Tiiranier in Chal- diia, die Akkadier. (In /(is Weltanschauung- des Columbus. 1870.) UIO ri.i AcciaJHoli, Doiiato. Les vies de Hannibal et 8cipion 1' Af ricain : traduites par C. de 1' Es- cluse. (In Plutardiiis. Vies, 1365, v. 2.) 888 29 — Same; Englislied by J. North. (In Pliitar- ehiis. Lives. 1031.) 8.S8 38 ACCLIMATIOS. Biidiiier, H. Uber ... Infek- tionskrankheiten und Acclimatisation. Ham- burg, 1887. O. 34 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzeii- (lorir. Vortrao-e. Neue Folge. 2.) O-tS 3 Att'RA LANGUUiE. Rask, R, C. Vejledning til Akra-Sproget pa Kysten Ginea, med et Til- ing cm Akvambuisk. Kubenhavn, 1828. D. 70 p. -«:!)(} 1 Aceulieiro, Cliristovaiii Riidriaties. Chronicas dos reis de Portugal. {In Lisbon — Academia. Collecf;ao de liist. port., 1790-1824, v. 5.) 'J-IG 08 Ac'liilleis, see (liiitlie, J. W. yon. v.40;— Statins, P. P. .VchiUi, (iiuvannl Giacintii. Dealings with the inquisition; with important disclosures. New York, 1851. O. 272 9 Ackerliof, A. D. Die Nutzung der Teiche und Gewasser durch Fisclizucht und Pflanzenl)aii. Quedlinburg, 1809. D. pi. C3!) 1 Ackernianii, Theodor. Ueber die Ursachen epi- 'lemischer Kranklieiteu. Berlin, 1873. O. 40 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzeiidorlf. Vortriige. S Se- rie.) 043 1 .Vdaud-Troyte, see Trojie. L'acqnisto di poneute, ai tempi di Carloma- gno. (In Scelta di curiosita. 118.) 850 10 ACROBATS. Gautier, T. Acrobates et saltim- banques orieutaux. (In liis L' orient, 1877, v. 1.) — Acrobates indiens. (In same, v. 2.) !(10 29 See also STIiEMJTH. Across the continent, see Bowles, S. ACTION AT A DISTANCE. ZiiUner, .J. C. F. Ueber Wirkungen in die Feme. (In his Wiss. Abhaudl., 1878, v. 1.) 504- 8 A(TORS, see THEATRE. The actors remonstrance or complaint, 1043. [In Hazlitt, W. C. English drama; in his Rox- burghe lib. 4.) S21 2 Acnna, Cristoval de. Relation de la riviere des Amazons; traduite par de Gomberville, avcc une dissertation sur la riviere. (In, Roy-ers. K. Voyage, 1716, v. 2.) ' <)10 35 Adalbert, archihishop of Magdeburg. Continu- atio Reginonis, 907-967. (In Pertz, (i. H. Script, rerum German. 7.) })43 lo Adam de Marisco. Epistola?. facsim. [In Mon- iinienta Franciscana, 1858-82, v. 1; in (it. Br. —Master ol'roUs. Chion. and mem. 4.) !)42 8 Adam dn Pet it -Poni (Latin ParrijMntann.s). De utensilil)us ad domuni regendam pertinentilius epistola. (In Jalirbncli rom. u. eug. Lit. v. 8. 1807.) 805 1 Adam of Bremen. Gesta Hammaburgensis ec- clesiae pontificum, exreceusioneLappenbergii. Editio altera. Hannoverae, 1876. O. (In Pertz, (J. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) J)43 16 — Historia? ecclesiastic* libri prinii capita 32, notis Ottonis Sperlingii illustrata. (/(lAVcslplia- len, E. J. TOn. Monumenta, 1739-45, v.2.)!»4:{ 21 — Libellus de situ Danite. (In Stcplianins, S. H. De regno Dania?. 1629.) 0!»4 31,33 — Feiistkinar, C. F. Observationes ad Adanii Historiam ecclesiasticam, 1070. (/)( Wcst|>Iialeii, E. J. Ton. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) !»43 21 Adam of Cohsham. The Wright's chaste wife ; a merrv tale; edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. London, 1865. O. [6-I-J20 [-I-3J p. {In E. E. text soc. Oriff. ser. 12.) , ,s20 5 — Same: Supplement; Additional analogs, by W. A. Clouston. London, 1886. O. p. 25-39. (In same. 84.) 820 5 — Kiililcr, R. Zu der Erzahlung, The Wright's chaste wife. (In Jalirbncli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 Adam, E., editor, see Torrent of Portvngale. 1887. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 51.) 820 5.1 AD.Ur, Jean. Keddie, H., * Watson, J. L.(In tten' Songstresses of Scotland, 1S71.V.1.) !(28 3 [Adam;] La leggenda d' Adamo ed Eva; testo del secolo 14. Bologna, 1870. D. 30 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 106.) 850 10 Adam Homo, et Digt, see Paludan-JIiillcr, F. Adam in ballingschajD, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den. Adam og Eva, et dramatisk Prove, see Ewald» J. V. 1. Adam Schrader, Fortajlling, see Lie, J. Adamnan. abbot of lona. The travels of Bishop Arculf in tlieHolv Land, A. D. 700.(//! "Writfllt, T. Early travels in Palestinje. 1848.) J)15.() 40 ADAJrX.O, monkof Coklingham. »wman, J. H., (£• others. (In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, V. 4.) 922 8 Adams, Clement. Anglorum navigatio ad JIos- covitas. (In Boxliffru, M. Z. Respublica Mosco- viw. 1630.) 094 48 ADAMS, J' in creation, see JiATURAX RE- LIUION. Adaisra Catalana, see Garma y Diiran, F. X. de. Adda, (t. d'. Ricerche sullearti e suirindustria romana: rasa vitrea diatreta. Milano, 1S70. F. ■54p.2}hot. «6« 6 U6 copies, no. 65. Afldisoii, Joseplu Criticism on Milton's Para- dise last, 1711-1'^. London, 1868. S. (In Xrhe.r, E. Englisli reprints. 8.) *^20 9 —Essays; chosen and edited by John Richard Green." London, 1880. S. j)or. 824 1 —see The (^pet•tat(»l■. S24 19-31 Addrifli im Moss, see Zsoliokke, J. H. 1). v. 6. Adegild, see Leiiiiep, J. van. Poet, werken, 1. Adt'lard monk of Blandinimn. Epistola de vita Sancti Dunstani. (In Stubbs, W. Memorials of Diiustan. 1874: in U\. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 63.) !>4'- 8 Adelplii, see Terentliis Afer, T. Ademollo, A^ostino. Marietta de' Ricci:ovvero, Firenze al tempo dell' assedio; racconto storico. 2 edizione, con aggiunte per Luigi Passerini. Firenze, 1845. 6t. O. ■ !»4.j 69 Adenes li Rois. Les enfances d' Ogier: poeme publie et annote par Aug. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1874. O. S41 7.3 — Sclu'ler, J. A. H. Li roumans de Cleomades; pulil. [lar A. van Hasselt. (/» Jahrbuoli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) .S05 1 Adiinari, Alessaiidro. L" adorazione de magi, azione drammatica, 1642: per cura di Alberto Baccbi della Lega. Bologna, 1883. D. faesim. {In Sfplta di curiosita. 189.) 8,50 10 Adler, Friedricli. Der Felsendom und die hei- lige Grabeskirche zu Jerusalem. Berlin, 1873. O. 2'!\).pl. (/h Yirclio« * Holtzcndorft'. Vor- trage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 — Die Weltstadte in derBaukunst. Berlin, 1868. O. 40 p. (In same. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Adler, (ileorgre J., translator, see Faiiriel, C.C. History of Provencal poetry. 1860. S4!> 6 Adlerbi'lli, (iiidiiiiiiid (iiiraii. Poetiska arbeten. 2 upplagan, tillokt. Stockholm, 1802-3 2 v. O. S3II.72 1 — Same. 3 upplagan. Stockholm, 1818. 2 v. O, 83il,72 1.1 Adlersi)arre, Karl August, (jrefve. Skizzer och re.seminnen. Stockholm, 1844. v.l.D. !»14.8 33 Adlcrstani, May:niis,<;-((/(.s/a;j 49 Aor. (In Wcstplialcii, E. .1. von. Moiiumenta, 1739-4."), v. 2.) !»43 21 AIMM.I'UrS, duke of Hohtein-GottorjK Bclir- niaiiii, II. Xachriclit iilier ' SEA. Krienen, P. van. AV)druck seiner italienischen Beschreibung des griechi- schen Archipelagus: von L. Ross. Halle, 1860. O. faesim. i)13 31.1 Laeroix, L. lies de la Grece. Paris, 18.53. O. pi. maps. (In L'univers. 53.) »10 18 [.Egidiiis St.:] Bruchstiick aus einer gereim- ten Legende vom heil. Aegidius. (In Grimm, J. L. K. Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v.6.)408 2 .E(;iR, see (EGIR. -Egtestand, see Gyllenibonrg:, T. C. .ELFHEAH or GOBWIXE, St.. archbishop of Canterbury. VitA & translatio S. El]>hegi a Dauis an. 1012 interemti. (In Lang'obek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 2.) " i»48 76 •Elfric, archbishop of Canterbury. Angel- sVuchsische Homilien; herausgegeben von Bru- no Assniann. (In (irein, ('. W. M. Bibl. der angelslichsischen Prosa, 1872-89, v. 3.) .S2)» 11 —Colloquium. — Homilies. (/« Thorpe, B. Anal- ecta Anglo-Saxouica. 1846.) ,S'i!» 16 — De vetere et novo testamento. — Pentateuch, losua, Buch der Richter und Hiob. (In Grein, (". \V. M. Bibl. der angelsiichsischen Prosa, 1873-89, v. 1.) 8-2i» 11 — Fragment of -^Ifric's grammar, ..lElfric's glossary, and a poem on the soul and body, 12th century; discovered among the archives of Worcester cathedral by Sir T.Phillipps. Lon- don, 1838. sqQ. [4+J8 p. .S2!l Uhoundteith 9 — Lives of saints [Anglo-Saxon & English], be- ing sermons on saints' days; edited by Walter W. Skeat. London, 1881-90. 2 v. O. (In E. E. text soc. Grig. ser. 76, 83, 94.) S20 5 Pt. 2 of V. 2 not yet published. The work is issued as a third series to the two volumes of Homilies ])ublished by the .Elfric society. — Paschal h<;)mily, extracts from his epistles, &c. [Anglo-Saxon and English]. (In Tliom|)- son, E. Select monuments. 1849.) ,S2!> 15 — Sermones catholici; or. Homilies, in Anglo- Saxon, with an English version by Benjamin Thorpe. London, 1844-6. 2 v. O.' (In .Elfric soc. Pub.) 82!> 3 — tr((nslator. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil, or. Be Godes six daga weorcum; and the Anglo-Saxon remains of |liisl Ad filium spiritualem; now first printed, with translation, notes and account of ^Elfric, by H.W.Norman. 3 edition, enlarged. London, 1849. O. 20-H57p.. 82!» 13 .Elfric society. (Publications.] Ltmdon, 1843- 56. 5 v. in 4. O. 82!) 3-5 Coiiliiil.i: .Klfrlr. Ilcmiillcs, with translatiou liy U. Tliorpi'. 2 v.— 'I'he poetry of tlie ('odi'x \'ei Ilensis, vvitli translation by .I.M.Kemblo. i v. in 1.— The dialocuu JELFRIC SOCIETY AFGHANISi'AJSr of Salomon iiiid Satunius, will] historical introduction l)y J. M. Kemble. .Eliiotll of Canterbury. Historia ortus, vitas & passioiiis S. Caiiuti. (/)( Langobek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 3.) MH 76 — BirolicrtKl, T. B. Annotationes in libellum quern ^Inothus de vita S. Canuti conscripsit. ( /)i Westulialeii, E. J. voii. Monumeuta, 1739- 45, V. 4.) !t-t3 31 ELREl), .see ETHELREI). .EJrELTHORPHUUS. Siiiionseii, L. S. V. Efterretning om Borgruinen Hiiiiinelstruphuus (^meltliorphuiis) i Fyen. pi. (In llopeiiluifftMi — K. iionl. «)l(l.-S('Iskal». Nordisk Tidsskiift. V. 3, WM.) 94.S 1.2 .EXEAS. Caxtoii, W., translator. Eneydos, 149U, eiiKlisht from the French Liure desEney- des, 1483: edited by W [M.J T. Culley and F. J. Furnivall: . with a sketch of the old French Roman d" Eneas by Salverdade Grave. London, 1890. O. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 57.) 820 5.1 — (Tiiido of Pisa. I fatti d' Enea, libro secondo della Fiorita d' Italia: con note di D. CarV)one. 6edizione. Firenze, 1871. D. .S73 11 See aim Vcnrilius Miiro, I*. .Eneas i Carthago, lyrisk tragedie, see Kell- jri'en, J. H. -Eneas Sylvius, see Pins II., poj^e. .Eneid, -Eueis, .see Vergiliiis Mar also PKO.METHEl'S. -Esopns. Esopus. von Burkhard Waldis [in verse]; mit Erliiuterungen. Leipzig, 1862. 2 v. D.(In Kiirz,H. Deutsche Bibliothek. 1.2.)S30 6 — II volgarizzamento delle favole di Galfredo, dette di Esopo; edito per cura di Gastano Ghi- vizzani,con un discorso intorno la origine della favola. Bologna, 1866. 2 v. in 1. D. (In Seelta di curiosita. 75-6.) 850 10 — Fanfani, P. Delle favole di Galfredo, pubbli- cate da G. Ghivizzani, avvertenze; e lettere di N. Tommaseo e L. Barbieri. Bologna, 1867. D. 74 p. (In same. 91.) 850 10 — Lessing', ({. E. Zur Geschichte der iisopi- schen Fabel. (In his Werke, 1833-5, v. 2.) 83'i 6. ^.STHETU'S. Bliimiier, H. Dilettanten, Kunsf liebhaber und Kenner im Altertluim. Berliur 1873. O. 43 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorfl'. Vortriige. 8 Serie.) 04.'{ 1 — Burke, E. A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beauti- ful; with an introductorv discourse concerning taste. (In his Works, 1839, v. 1.) 825 1 — Eiigel, J. J. Asthetische Versuche. (/» his Schriften. 1801-6, v. 4. S3S 3 — (jirnldi Cintio, (J. B. De' romanzi, delle comedie[, delle satire] e delle tragedie ragiona- menti. ]\Iilano, 1864. 2 v. S. (In Bild. rara .52-3.) . 850 3 — Hardenberg-, F. L. von. (In his Novalis Schriften, 1837-46, v. 2.) 833 13 — Lessing;, (w. E. Laokoon; oder, tjber die Grenze der Malerei und Poesie. (In his Werke, 1823-5, V. 3.) ,S32 6 — JIazzarelhi, B. Delia critica. Genova, 1806- 8. 2 V. inl. O. 801 3 ('o)ittiitx; 1. Storia della critica. i. Delia critica come scienza e come arte. — Montesqnieii, ('. de S. de. Essai sur le gout, dans les ciioses de la nature et de I'art. (In h is CEuvres, 1788, v. 5.) 340 5.1 — Xiecolini, U. B, (In his Opere, 1858, v. 3.) 852 14 — Parini, (>. De' principii delle belle letteie. (In his Versi e prose. 1857.) 851 93 — Richter, J. P. F. Vorscliule der Aeslhetik. (In his Silmmt. Werke, 1840-2, v. 18-19.) 833 24 — Riegel, H. Ueber Art und Kunst, Knnst- werke zu sehen. Berlin, 1874. O. 30 p. (In \iv~ cliow * Holtzendorfl'. Vortriige. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Schiller, J. C. F. von. Kleine Schriften. (In /(f'sSammt. Werke. 1855, v. 2.) 832 9 ,sv, „/.,(, FINK AISTS: >ATIRE; THE KOJUXTIC. -Ethehvold, St., 6ks7!op of Winchester, trans- lator, see Benedietiiies. Die angelsiichsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benedictinerregel. 1888. (In Grein, C. W. M. Bibl. der angelsiich- sischen Prosa. v. 2.) 829 11 tETNA, see ETNA. Afan de Rivera, Carlo. Del bonificamento del lago Salpi. Napoli, 1845. O. map. 027 33 Afcctos de odio y amor, see C'alderon. v. 2. The alfeetionate sheplierd, see Barnfleld, R. Alflxes in their origin and application, see Hal- denian, S. S. Aft'raet Flavio, Versus de. (In Wriglit, T. Latin stories, 1842, appendix: in Percy soc. v. 8.) ■ ,S20 6 AFGHAN LANGUAOE. Klaprotli, H. .1. von. Afghanische Worter. (/n Eversmann, E. Reise» nach Buchara. 1823.) 915.8 5 AFliHAMSTAX. Kiepert, H. Karte von Iran; ostliche Hiilfte: Afghanistan, Balutschistanund die ozbegischen Khanate am Oxus. Berlin, 1878. 67x63 cm. in Q. 912 40 — Raymond, L. A. X. Afglianistan. 1848, jj^ maps. [In L'nuivers. 24.) 910 18 APFLICTION 6 AFRICA— WESTERN AI FLK TrO>. >. AFRICA. Avi'zac-Miuaya, M. A. P. d*. Es- quisse generale de 1' Afrique et Afrique aiicien- ne. 1844. pi. maps. (/nL'uiiiTers. 2.) {tlO 18 & others. lies de 1' Afrique. Paris, 1n48. O. 2JQr. pi. {In same. 4.) 1)10 18 — Uoliine, J. The fardle of facions, conteining the auncientemaners. custonies and lawes of Affricke and Asie. London. 1555. T. 91G 3 Same, (/ra Hakliijt, R. Selection of voy- ages. 1812.) ■ 910 57 — Hoefer, J. C. F. Afrique australe, — orien- tate, — centrale, — Empire de Maroc. Paris. 1848. O. pi. map. (In L'liniTers. 5.) 910 18 — Jameson, R., & otliers. Narrative of discov- ery and adventure in Africa: with ilhistrations of the geologv, mineralogy and zoologv. New York, 1831. S. il. map. ' 91(i 2 — Lafltaii, J. F. Historia dos descobrimentos e couquistas dos Portugezes no novo niondo. Lisboa, 1786. 4 v. T. 95i 7 — Leo, J. Africae descriptio. Lugd. Batav., Il>i3, Tt. 094 8 — Petermaini, A. H., c£- Hassoiisteiii, B. Inner- Afrika uach der geograjihischem Kenntuiss, 18(il-3. Gotha. 18(i3. sqQ. majJS. (In Peter- manns Mittlifiliiii^en: Ergilnzungsband 2.) 910 44 — Reeliis, J. J. E. Geographic de 1' Afrique. Paris, 1885-8. 4v. Q. il. j^L maps. (In his Nouv. geog. univ. 10-13.) 910 13 — Revue de V orient et de V Algerie. Paris. 1S43-58. V. 1-35. O. jjZ. faesim. 950 2 — Ritter, K. (In his Erdkunde, 1822-59, v. 1.) 915 1 — Treiitlcin, P. Die Durchquerungen Afrikas. Berlin, 1884. O. 92 p. map. (In A'ircllow & Holtzeiidorfi: Vortriige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 — ^anoslii, J. L' Afrique chretienne. — Histoire de la domination des Vandales en Afrique. — I-li^toire de la domination byzantine. (In L' imivers. 2.) 910 18 — CENTRAL. Arpiiz. K. Die Entdeckungeu in Nord- und Jlittel-Afrika von Richardson, Overvveg, Barth und Vogel. Leipzig, 1857. S. map. <)l(i.(i 1 — — Bartli, H. Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Af rika, 1849-55. Gotha, 1857- 8. 5 V. O. il. pi. maps. 916.G 2 Roiveii, T. J. Central Africa; adventures and missionary labors, 1849-56. Charleston, 1857. D. 91(j.(i 3 Hcii^liii, T. von. Die Tinne'sche Expe- dition im westlichen Nil-Quellgebiet, 1863-4; nebst Anhiingen. Gotha, 1865. sqQ. 8+46 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittlieiliiiifreii: Ergiinz- ungsband 3.) 910 44 Junker, V. V, Wissenschaftliche Ergeb- nissc von Reisen in Zentral-Afrika, 1880-5. (iotha,, 18H9. sqQ. mups. {In same. 20.) 910 44 Koner, Vf. Ueber die neuesteu Entdeck- ungen in Afrika. Berlin, 1869. O 70 p. (/» Vircliow A- Hollzcndorfl'. Vortrilge. 3 Seiic.) 04 ;J 1 — — Park. M. The journal of a nu'ssion to the interior (jf Africa, 1805. Philadeliihia, 1815. O, '"lap- 91«.(i Richardson, J. Narrative of a mission to central Africa, 185U-1. London, 1853. 2v. O. map. 91C.« 10 Rosclier, A. Ptolemaeus und die Han- delsstrassen in Central-Africa. Gotha. 1857. O. majJS. 912 1 Sclnveinfurtli. (i. A. Im Herzen von Afrika: Reisen und Entdeckungen im central- en Aequatorial-Afrika, 1868-71, Leipzig. 1874. 2 V. O. il. 2^1. maps. 9I«.7 7 Stanley, H. M. Through the dark con- tinent: or. The sources of the Nile, around the great lakes and down the Livingstone river. Hamburg, 1878. 4 v. D. map. 91(>.7 8 — EASTERN. Andree, K. A. Forschungsrei- sen in Arabien und Ost-Afrika, nacli den Ent- ' deckungeu von Burton, Speke, Kriipf, Reb- mann, Erhardt und anderen, Leipzig, 1861. 2v. O. il. pi. map. 915.3 1 Krai>f, J. L. Travels, researches and missionary labors during 18 years" residence in Africa; with appendix and account of research- es in eastern Africa bv E. J. Raveustein. Bos- ton. 1860. O. map. ' 910.7 3 —NORTHERN. Badia y Lcldieli, I). Voyages d' All Bev el Abbassi eh Afrique et en Asie, 1803-7. Paris, 1814. 3 V. O. 910.11 Bartli, H. AVanderungen durch das punische und kyrenaische Kiistenlaxid: oder, Mi'ig'reb, Afrikia"und Barku. Berlin, 1849. O. map. 910.1 2 Biceps, psevdonym. Notes in northern Africa: being a guide to the sportsman and tourist in Algeria and Tunisia. (In his Talk and travel. 1872.) 420 2 ■ Denliani, I>., d- Clapiterton, H. Narrat- ive of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, 1822-4. London, 1826. s't'Ol'RT. Hnnter, J. Agincourt; a list of the commanders of the English host. Lon- don, 18.50. D. [3 +] 5Gp. 942 17 — Poeme anglais sur la bataille d' Azincourt. (In Rnchon, J. A. ('. Choix de chroni(iues, 15e.siecle. 1S38.) 944 17 Agnaiio zefConnato, poemnia aroico, see Per- rncoio, A. AgneUns, Thomas, archdeacon of Bath und Wellit. De morte et sepultura Henrici regis Anglia^ junioris: edidit J. Stevenson. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 06.) 94'» 8 Ag'ostini, Tiro d', «»Ho?a/o)', seeSpinelli, M. Idiurnali. 1865. 945 98 Agradeeer y no amar, see Calderon. v. 3. Aitrell, Olof. Bref om IMaroco. Stockholm, 1796. D. 91«.4 1 AGRICOLA, Cneiiis .Jnlins. Tacitus, C. C. Vita Agricolae. (In his Opera, 1, (S32-9. v. 4.) 878 17 AGRICIITURAL CLASSES, see LAM). AGRICULTITRE. Aas h0iere Landbrugsskole. Aarsberetning, 1862-4. Cliristiania, 1865. y. [3 +] 92 p. il. ()30 5 — Barral, J. A. L'agriculture. (In Tlievenin, E. Entretiens, 1860, p. 71-111.) 604 1 t>ound with 600 2 — Basile, M. II caseggiato delleaziende rurali: trattato agronomico, con mescolanze morali e politiche. Messina, 1873. O. 2)1. 630 31 ^Beclii, E. Saggi di esperienze agrarie. Fi- renze, 1870-8. pt. 1-7. O. il. 630 6 — Bera:niaB, J. M. Hand-lexicon for swenska laudthushallare. Fahlun, 1838. O. 630 36 — Bertrand, J. Saggio...qual debba essere la legislazione per incoraggire V agricultura: tra- dotto dal francese. Venezia, 1767. S. 338 3 — Borgis, F. La lingua dell' agricoltore: ossia, L' Italiano istruito nella tecnologia campestre. Torino, 1870. D. 99 p. 453 1 — Boussingault, J. B. J. I). Economic rurale dans ses rapports avec la chimie, la physiiiue et la meteorologie, 3 edition. Paris, 1851. 3 v. O. 630 8 — Canevazzi, E. Trattato di agrotimesia: ossia, Delia stima dei fondi rustic! sui migliorie precetti della moderua agricoltura. Bologna, 1860. 3 V. in 1. O. 630 9 — Vocabolario di agricoltura. Bologna. 1871. 3 V. Q. 630 1 After oirii/oki wanting. — tiiizzolini. G. Sui poderi nel Concorso agra- rio di Reggio d' Emilia, 1876: relazione. Mila- no, 1877. O. 7-r89 [+2] i^. pi. 630 30 — Crescenzi, P. de'. D'agricoltura. Tenetia. 1542. S. 630 10 ^'iiffari, P. Manuale dell' agricolture. Fi- renze, 1870. D. il. pi. 630 11 AGRICULTURE 8 AGRICULTURE — Halgas, t'. F. I. Hvilke af de Producter, soiii vort Land er skikket til, kunne ansees for de fordeelagtigste? tab. (In Collin, J. For _ Historie, 1822-5, v. 2.) 5)48 66 ' I hvilket Forhold stiger Productet og den reue Indtaegt af en Jordlod efterden paaDyrk- ningen anvendte forogede Arbeidskraft. Aar- luius, 1837. D. 85 p. tab. 031 3 Diiiiioiit, A. Des travaiix publics dans leurs raDDorts avec 1' agriculture. Paris, 1847. O. ^^ 030 12 — (t1i11<>, a. Le vinti giornate dell' agricoltura. Venetia, 1596. D. pi. <)30 13 — (iercdd, Carl's Soliii. Die Literatur der letz- ten 10 Jahre [1857-66] ausdemGesammtgebiete der Land- und Forstwirthschaft, in deutscher, franzosischer und englischer Sprache. Wien [1806]. O. 01« 16 bound with 010 3 — Herrera, (i. A. de. Libro de agricultura. [Toledo.] 1524. Q. 0!>!> 37 —Italy— Miiiistero di agricoltura. Annali di agricoltura, 1880, no. 22: Notizie e documenti suUe istituzioni d' insegnamento agrario all' estero Roma. 1880. O. (J30 22 JIaleiiotti, I. Manuale del cultore di pian- tonaie. Colle, 1831. S. «30 14 Marsh, (i. P. Address delivered before the Agricultural society of Rutland cciuniy. .Sept. 30,1847. Rutland, Vt., 1848. O. 24 p. OSO 10 Oration [before the N. H. state agricultur- al society, 10 Oct. 1856]. (In ?i. H. state agric. soc. Trans., 1856, p. 35-89.) 080 13.1 —Mitchell, I), (t. My farm of Edgewood. New York, 1863. D. 818 3 Ofcle, E. von. Liebig und die bayerische Landwirthschaft. Wiirzburg, 1865. O. [.") + ] 40 p. 630 16 — Palladius. De re rustica. (In Scriptores rei rustica-, 1783-4, v. 4.) 878 36 English : On husbondrie; from the nis. of about 1420, edited by B. Lodge. London, 1873- 9. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 52. 72.)S20 5 Paliiia, )S. Vocabolario metodico-italiano, parte che riferisce all' agricoltura. Milano, [186.5-] 70. 3 V. in 1. D. 453 14 Perels, E. LTher die Btdeutung des Slaschi- nenweseus fur die Landwirthschaft. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. (In Vlrchow * Holtzenilorif. Vortriige. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Khiolll, ('. Lezioni orali di agraria. 3 edi- zione. Firenze, 1868. (530 17 — RoMsset, A. Les etudes de maitre Pierre sur r agriculture et les forSts. Paris, 1864. D. 551. 58 40 ^Scni>tores rei rusticae veteres Latiui: ex re- censione J. M. Gesneri, cum notis. Venetiis, 1783-4. 5 V. D. 2JI- 878 36 — fSerres, O. de. Le tlu'iltre d' agriculture et mesnage des champs. Nouvelle i-dition, aug- inenti'e de notes et d" un vocabulaire. Paris, 1804-5. 2 V. sciQ. jior. pi. «30 18 — Thonlarson, (i. Ritgjdrd uiu tuiia-ogeng- jani'Ut. Kavipmaniiahiifn, 1844. O. .S3!>.(>8 25 — Valleinont, P. le L. de. Curiositez de la na- ture et de 1' art sur la vegetation; ou, L'agri- culture et le jardinage. Paris, 1708. S. (530 20 — AVehster, >'. Address on agriculture. (In // w Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 — BEUJIUM, see LA>"DES. —DENMARK. (Siihiii, P. F. Historienaf den danske Agerdyrkning og Landvsesen. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 9.) 839.88 5 -ENGLAND. Best, H. Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641, being the farming and ac- count books of Best. Durham, 1857. O. pi. (/?i Siirtees soc. 33.) 820 7 —EUROPE. Coliiiaii, H. European agricul- ture and rural economy. Boston, 1846-8. 2 v. O. il. 2>l- IMA> STATKS, SKII.Y, rise ANY. — NOinVAV. Schiiheler, F. ('. Die nltnorwegi- sche Landwirthschaft. (In his CulturpHanzen Norwegens. 1862.) 581 14 Stf also Alls li0liTc' LiiiiclhriiKKiikok'. — PISA. Toscanelli, (i. La economia rurale descritta nella provincia di Pisa, ed illustrata A GRIC UL TXTRE—PISA ALAIN con una collezione di oggetti e modelli alia es- posizione italiana del 1861. Pisa, 18(il. O. tab. & Ailas. obO. (iSO 33 —SARDINIAN STATES. Siel, I). Lagricul- ture physkjue, uconomique, technique et iii- ilustrielle des Etats Saides. Turin, 1856. D. tab. (!30 34 — SICILY. Alfonso Spagiia, F. Sui malidelle coltivazioui siciliane. Palermo, 1872. 43 p. O. C30 32 bound with V,\\\ 11 Sartoriiis von Waltershaiisen, W. Ueber den sicilianischen Ackerbau; Vortrag. Giit- tingen, 1863. O. 42 p. ■ 630 32 —SWEDEN. Liistadius, L. L. Om allinUnna uppodlin'ger i Lappmarken. Stockholm, 1824. D. [1 +] 143 p. tctb. (530 38 — TUSCANY. Sismoiidl, J. C. L. S. di'. Ta- bleau de 1" agriculture toscane. Geneve, 1801. O. G30 3.'5 Sk nl>o KIUDS: ((nrON: DOMKSTIC IMMAI.S; I)1!AI\. .V(JK; KK.NS: FIBKdlS I'MM'S; FI.IX: (i.lltIIKM\(i; (iR.lSSKS: HAIL; IIYDliAILK KXaXKKIilXi; lltUKa- Tl(t\: l,AM»; JIAIZK: ()KAN(JK; I'KASANTIIV; I'KSTS; l!I(K: SHKKI'; SOIL; TKA; THKASHlNti .IIACIIINKS; VI.VK; WATKIi; HHKAT. AORKJENTUM, see OIR(iENTI. Agrippa, Heiiirioli Cornelius, of Xettesheim. Three books of occult pliilosophy; translated out of the Latin, by J. F[reake]. London. 1651. D. por. ' 033 23 Appended is His fourth book; translated by Robert Turner. 2 edition. li»().5. — The vanity of the arts and sciences. London, 1684. D. por. 501 1 — Von den magischen Ceremonien. (In Sclici- I)le, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 AURO ROMANO, see CAMPAGNA. Agrrnnii, volksthiimliche Poesien,see Kopiscli, A. A(;RI MI, see ORANGE. Agiiilo y Fuster, Mariano,erf» ignerot, duchesse de. Flecliier, E. Oraison lunebre de Mme. de Aiguiilou. (In Bossuet, J. D. Orai- sons fiuiebres. 1858.) 84.j 2 .\lken, Charles Augustus. The proper names of the Bible. (In Seliaff, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 .Ukin, John F. The history of liberty ; a paper read before the N. Y. historical society, 6 Feb. 1866 ; with notes. New York, 1877. 6. 324 1 Ainie, moine du mont Cassin. see Aniato. .lime-Martin, Louis, see JIartiii. Ains worth, Wllliani Francis. Report of a jour- ney from Bagdad to Constantinople vjci Kurdis- tan, 1837. (In Chesney, F. R. Narrative of the Euphrates expedition. 1868.) JM5.0 12 — Travels in the track of the ten thousand Greeks, ... as related by Xenophon. London, 1844. O. map. 888 17 — editor, see AH round the world, 1861. 910 55 Aiol, see Ajolfo. AIR. Pettenkofer, M. J. von. Beziehungen der Luft zu Kleidung, Wohnung und Boden. Braunschweig, 1872. O. (i 13 8.1 — Wernich, A. Ueber gute und schlechte Luft. Berlin, 1880. . O. 35 p. (In Vircliow .') 6 Airy, Osmund, editor. Letters to the earl of Lauderdale. [London,] 1883. sqO. [l-l-]2+43p. (/'* Camden misc. 8 ; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) S20 4.1 Essex papers. 1890. (In same. 47.) .S20 41 The Lauderdale papers. 1884-5. (In same. 34, 36, 38.) 820 4.1 Aitken, Laudilail. Malarial fever at Rome. London, 1878, O. 12p. (>]« 22 — The sanitary state of Rome. [London,] 1873. O. lip. (J14 2 AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Aachener Heiligthums- fahrt. Aachen [,186—]- !>• '■^'■i V- 1>1- 231 6 bound with 223 4 Ajello, (Jlamhatista. Vicende scientifiche e letterarie. (In Ouarauta, B., <£• others. Napoli. 1845.) i)14..j 88 Ajolfo del Barbicone, Storia di, see Andrea di Jiicopo. L' Ajone,favola burlesca, see Buonarroti, M. A., the younger. Akbar, een oostersche roman, see Bronwer, P. A. S. V. L. Aken, Hein van. Die Rose. (In Kausler, E. von. Denkmiller, 1840-66, v. 2.) .S39.31 4 — Die rose; met de f ragmen ten der tweede vertaling : uitgegeven door Eelco Verwijs. 's Gravenhage, 1868. Q. 839.31 6 Akerly, Samuel. Observations on the language of signs. [New Y'ork, 1823.] O. 6 p. 414 1 Akernian, John Yonge, editor, see Great Brit- ain — Crown. Moneys for secret services, 1679-88. (In Camden soe. 52, 1861.) 820 4 AKK.l. Rome — Societii geograflt-a italiana. Gli Akka. Roma, 1874, T. [6] p. jjoc. map. .>72 12 jUjACOIJUE, Marguerite Marie. Asseline, L. Marie Alacoqueet le Sacre-Coeiu-. Paris. 1873. D. 48 p. 271 17 — Languet de Gergy. J. J. La vita della madre Margherita Maria. Edi/,ione2. Venezia. 1748. O. pi. 922 14.1 jVladdln, dramatiskt Eventyr, see Olilenschlii- ger, X. G. Digtervajrker, v. 6. .41ain de Lille (Latin Alanns de Insulis). Anti- daudianus. — Liber de planctu naturae, (hi Wright, T. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1872, ALAIN 10 ALBIZZI X. 2: in (it, Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. o9.) 942 8 Alaiiiaiini, Antonio. Stanza. {In l$erni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Alaiuauui, Liiigi. La coltivazione [,e gli Epi- grammi toscani];e Le apide Giovanni Rucellai; colle annotazione sopra Le api di Roberto Titi ; in questa edizione La vita dell" Alanianni dal . Giammaria Mazzuchelli, ele annotazioni sopra La coltivazione del Giuseppe Bianchini. Ver- ona. 1745. 851 4 — Orazione delle lodi di Filippo Sassetti. {In fSassetti, F. Lettere. 1.S44.) 914.4 7 Alamoiit^ide, see Zseliokke, J. H. I>. v. 1. Alan, ubbot of Teirksbiii-y. Additamenta [to John of Sal isburv's Vita S. Thoma?]. 7k Kob- ertson, J. C. Materials for the history of Beck- et. 1875-85. T. 2; in Gt. Br.-3Iaster of roUs. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 Alanns Anglicus, see Alain de Lille. ALAM). see OLAM). Alard. Lambert. Nordalbingia; sive Historia a temi)oribus Caroli Magni ad 1653. {In West- plialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45. v. 1.) 943 21 Alart, A. Charte albigeoise. {In Renie des Jangues romanes, v. 3, 1872.)— Un fragment de poesie provenvale du 13e siecle. — Annonres et avis de la foire de Montagnac— Documents sur la langue catalane deRoussilonet deCerdagne. {In same. v. 4-5, 1873-4.) Un certificat par les jurats de Pau, 1411. (In same. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 ALASKA, Denis, J. F. Amerique russe. 1849. (//' Lnnivers. 8.) 910 18 AliATKI. Ceei, L. Vocalismo del dialetto d Alatri. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 10, 1886- 8-) ^ 450 11 ALBANIA. Der Aiifstand der Griechen im Epn-us: ihr Land, ihre Sitten und GebriUiche, ihre Lage unter der tiirkischen Regierung. Pest, 1854. O. [1 +] 80 p. toojj. 949 70 — Fallnierajer, ,T. P. Das albanesische Ele- ment in Griechenland. Miinchen, 1857-60. 3v in 1. sfjQ. {(3;, 5 — Straugford, E. A. B. S., viscountess. (In her ^.astern shores of the Adriatic. 1864.) 914.9 31 Set also S(,'AM)EHBK(i. ALB.lNLiN LITERATURE. Halin, J. (i. von. Gnechische und albanesische Milrchen. Leip- zig, 1864. 2 V. in 1. D. pZ. 398 27 'See oho Die Auriiiaiicniiitf Sc-utaris. Albano, psendonijm of Adlers|)arre, K. A. Albano, La leggenda di sant'. (hi .Seelta di curiositii. 57.) ,S50 10 ALBAXU.S, St. Petersen, H. St. Albans Relik- vier 1 Odense. il. (In Copenliasen-K. nord. OId.-Selsl»ab. Aarboger. v. 21, 1886.) 94s 5 ALBAN'US, Ferdinandus, see ALVA, F. A. de T. de. ' Albanzani, Doiiafo deirii, of Pnitoveechio, Ca- xenlinu. translator, sir I'clrarca, F. Le vite degli iioniini illustri, 1874-'.t, (/(( Emilia. Col- lezionc. 34-6.) ^S50 6 I-ifc ..f Dcmali.iii v. S. Hoceaeeio. (J. Delle donne famose. 1881. (In same. 55.) ' yjO 6 All>erdingk Thijui, Petriis Panlns Maria. Ka- rel de Groote en zijne eeu«-, 741-814, voorge- steld in zonderheid med lietrekking tot Xeder- land, "s Gravenhage, 1867. O, map. 274 8 ALBERT I., dnke of Prussia. 1490-1.568. Voigt, J. Herzog Albrecht und das gelehrte Weseu seiner Zeit, (In Ranmer, F. L. (J. von. Hist. Taschenbuch, 1831.) 905 1 Albert of Aix. Historia Hierosolimitanaj expe- ditionis. (In Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Fran- cos. 1611, V. 1.) 940 10 Albert of Metz. Liliellus de diversitate tempo- rum. (In Eekliard, J. U, von. Corpus hist., 1723, V. 1.) 943 13 Albert och Julia, seen ur andeverlden, see StagneUiis, E. J. Albertano of Brescia. Albertani Brixiensis liber consolationis et con.silii, ex quo hausta est Thetale of Melibe: edidit Thor Sundby. Lon- dini, 1873. O. (In (liaucer soc. Pub. 2 ser. 8.) 821 46 — Albertani Brixiensis tractatus de arte lo- quendi et tacendi, 1245. (hi Suudbv, T. Bru- netto Latinos Levnet. 1869.) " 848 10.1 — Dei trattati morali, volgarizzamento. fatto nel 1268 de Andrea da Grosseto: acura di Fran- cesco Sehni. Bologna, 1873. O. (In Emilia. CoUezione. 33.) 850 6 Alberti, Antonio degli. Canzoni inedite, del secolo 14; publjlicate per cura di Silvio Andreis. Rovereto, 1865. O. 36 p. 851 5 — Sonetti et canzone. Firenze, 1863. D. 76 [4- 2] p. (In Bonneei, A. Delizie. 2.) 850 4 Alberti, Carl Edmund Robert. Heinrich Pes- talozzi, ein Lebensbild. Berlin, 1860. O. 38 p. (In Virelioiv tt- Holt/endorff. Vortiiige. 4 Se- rie.) 043 1 Alberti, Leandro. De Claris viris reipublic* Veuette; — De incrementis dominii Veneti dia- tribe. (//( Contarini, G. De republica Veneto- rum. 1628.) 094 39 Alberti, Leon Battista. Ecatomfila.— Deifira. X>or. (In T»oli, ('. Mescolanze d'amore. 1863: in Bibl. rara. 6.) 850 3 Alberti, Tommaso. Viaggio a Costantinopoli, 1609-21; publilicato da Alberto Bacchi della Lega. Bologna, 1889. D. (In Seelta di curi- osita. 231.) 850 10 Alberti, II paradise degli, see Giovanni of Praia. Alberti di'Villanuova, Francesco d". Nouveau dictionnaire fran^ais-italien. Nouvelle edi- tion, augmentee. Milan, 1834-5. 2 v. F. 453 24 \'ol. I, Francjais-italien, v. S. Italiano-fi-ancese. Albertns magnns { German Alberl, Qraf von Bollstddt) bi.shoj) of Rafi.ibifn. [Sumnuv phil- osopliiii- natura lis tractatus 1-5.] T. 502 1 Titleiia^e wantinf;. .UvBIGEXSES, see M ALI)E>SES. Albini, G. (Juida del navigante nel littorale della Liguria...Genova, 1855. O. 94[-t-]]p. 527 3 ALBIMA. Itriosi, (>. II niarciume ed il bru- to dell uva. -Aliiinia Wockiana Briosi-. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dci lincei. Atti. 3 ser. .ici. fis. V. 1, 1S76-7, j.t. 2.) 065 4 Albizzi, Alberto degli. Epistola aMartino V., volgarizzata da (iiovanni Dasamminiato. Bo- ALBIZZI 11 ALETIFIL logna, 18G3. D. 46 p. (/u Seella di curidsita. 33;) •s:,0 10 Pages 27-10 art Alcune legsrende anoniiiiP. ALBIZZI, Antonio (loyli. Oiiandini,— . A. degli Albizzi. (In Jahrbnch 10111. u. eiig. Lit. V. 4, 1862.) SO.) 1 Albon or Alban, William. Registnim de factis pt actis teinpore suo. (In St. Allians alilioy. Chioiiica. pt. 6, v. 2, 1873; in (it, Br.— Master of rolls. Chion. and mem. 28.) JU'i 8 Alltonis D'Azincoiirt, Jospjili Jean Bajitiste. Mi'iiioires. (In Barricre * Lcscnre. Mt-iiKiii-es, Is.^T-yl, V. 6.) i>-14 10 ALBRI-X'HT, duke of Prussia, see ALI5EKT. ALBRECHT vonHalberstadt. Grimm, J. L. K. (/'( his Kleinere Schnften, 1864-90, v. 7.)4(»S 2 Albreclitsbt'rg'er, Joliann (ieorg. Wttliodes d" hannonie et de composition. Nouvelle edi- tion, traduite de 1' allemand, avec des notes, par Choron. Paris, 1830, 2 v. O. 780 1 Vol. 2, music- Album von Ulm. Ulm[, 184-]. O. [221p.jj?. !)U,3 10 ALBUMEN. Selmi, F. Alcaloidi venefici e sostanza amiloide dall" albumina in putrefa- zione. il. (In Rome — R. aceatl. del lineei. Atti. Sser. sei. fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 0«.> 4 Albnqiierqne, AfTonso de, Commentarios do grande Afonso Dalboqiierque. Lisboa, 1774. 4 V. D. por. map. !)5-l 1 ALBU(JUER(JUE, Francisco Fernandez de la Ciieva, diiqiie de. Espeio poetico en que se miran las lieroycas liazanas executadas por Albuqnerciue; celebradas por los ingenios Gra- nadinos in su academia. Granada, 1662.0. 8(51 7 AlcaMis. (In Boissouade, J. F. Lyrici Grwci. 1S25.) 88-1 1 —(In Anacreon. Carmina. 1757.) 884 3 El alcalde de si mismo, see Calderoii. v. 4. EI alcalde de Zalamea, see C'alderon. v. 4. El alcalde Ronquillo : 6, El diabolo en Vallado- lid, drama, see Zorilla. v. 3. Alcamo, C'iullo d', see Cinllo. Tlie alchemist, a comedy, see Jonson, B. ALtHEMY. t'ombachins, L. Sal, lumen & spiritus mundi philosophici : or. The dawning of the day, sliewing the true salt and secret of the philosophers : transplanted into Albyous garden by R. T[unier]- [London,] 1657. 540 1.2 — Eyssenhardt, F, R, Arzneikunst und Al- chemie im 17 Jahrhundert. Haml)urg, 1890. O. 32 p. (7/1 Virchow * Holtzendorfl'. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Lewinstein, G. Die Alchemie und die Al- chemisten. Berlin, 1870. O. 36 p. (In same. Sserie.) 043 1 — Lulio, B. Codicillus ; seu, Vade niecum in quo fontes alchimicaj artis uberrime traliuntur. Postremaeditio. Rothomagi, 1651. S. 5401 — Paracelsus. Aurora thesaurusque ]:ihiloso- phorum. Basileas, 1577. S. il. 540 1.1 — — Of the secrets of alchymy discovered in the nature of the planets. (In his Of the su- preme mysteries. 1656.) 133 26 — Vreesivyk, (i. van. De goude leeuw ; of, Den asijn der wvzen. Amsterdam, 1671. S. (7/7). il. ' 540 2 — >Veidenl'eld, J. S. Four books concerning the secrets of the adepts, or of tlie use of lAillyV spirit of wine ; a practical work. London. 1685. sqO. 540 3 ,s>^ »&,) I'liiiiOsoPiiKies STONE: spiiirrs ok wim:. The alchemy of happiness, see Miihaiiniiad ibn Muhammad'.* Alciato, Andrea, comrnentator. see Bertoli, P, F. Kime. 1888. (In Scelta di curiosita. 227.) .S50 10 Alcida y Silvano, see Monte-mor, .J. dc. Alcidamas. Ulysses [ Greek and Latin]. (In Oratores Attici, 1828, v. 4, 14.) 885 1 Aleipeu Amaiillis, seeKnil, .1. H. Alcoforada, Marianne. Lettres portugaises. [Anon.] Nouvelle edition conforme a la le, 1669, avec une notice bibliographique [and a Portuguese translation on opposite pages : by D. J. M. Souza], Paris, 1824. 846 5 ALCOHOL. MijUer, J. Ueber den Alkohol. Berlin, 1S67. O. 35 p. (In Virchow d- Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 jUdea na corte, see Antonio, B. Aldhelm, St., bishoj) of Sherborne. vEnigmata. (/" >V rig-lit, T. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1873, V. 2 : in tit. Br.— Master of rolls, Chrou. and mem. 59.) 5)42 8 Sir Alding-ar. (In Percy, T. Folio ms., 1867-8, V. 1.) ■ nil 6 Aleardi, Aleardo. Poesie. Napoli, 1860. €>. 851 6 — Canto politico in morte della contessa Mari- anna Giusti. Firenze, 1862. O. 50 p. fS51 7 — Isettesoldati, canto. Firenze, 1861. D. 59 p. 851 7 Aleniair, Mateo. Primera parte dela vida del picaro Guzman de Alfarache. Brucellas, 1604. S. 8G3 1 ALEMAXMC DIALECT. Hebel, J. P. Alle- manische Gedichte. Vollstandige Ausgabe, mit Einleitung, Lesarten, Worterbuch und Be- merkungen zur Mundart. Leipzig, n. d. sqS. 839.1 4 Same. 6 Ausgabe. Aarau, 1841. S. j)!. 83!».l 3 ALEMBERT, Jean le Bond d'. Rosenstein, X. von. Lefvernes-beskrifning ofver d' Aleiiibert.24 Juli 1787. (In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.).S3!).78 1 ALEPPO. Russell, A. Tlie natural history of Alepjio, containing a description of the city and its neighborhood. 2 edition, Loudon. 1794. 2 V. sqQ. pi. ma}:)s. 015.(5 33 Alesandresii, Grigorie. Suvenire clii impresii, e]iistole chi fabule. Bucuresci, 1847. O. 859 55 Alessandrl, P. E. Nuovi processi d" imbianca- mento delle fibre tessili vegetali e animali e in special modo delle lane mec aniche. (In Rome — R. acead. dei lineei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) "065 4 L' Alessandro, commedia, ««' Piccoloniini, A. Alessandro e Tinioteo, dramma, see Torre di Rezzonico. C. C. deUa. v. 3. Aletlfllo, Leiio, translator, see Flores, J. de. Istoria di Aurelio e Isabella. 1864. 850 4 ALEXANDER 12 ALFIERI ALEX.i>'DER, St., of Rome. Jlegriiiliard. His- toiia de translatione S. Alexandri Wildeshu- sam. (iu Laiitfebek, J. Script, reium Dan., 1772-1834, V. 2.) 94-8 76 .4XEXA>'1)ER VU., pope (Fabio Cliigri). Bar- grave, J. Pope Alexander VII. and the college of cardinals ; edited by J. C. Robertson. [Lon- don,] 1867. sqO. faesim. (I»i Camden soc. 92.) , 820 4 ALEXASBER the Great. Ariianiis. De expe- ditione Alexandri ; recognovit R. Geier. Lip- siae, 18.56. D. 888 37 For other editions ^ee Arriaims. — Curtiiis Riifiis, 0. De rebu.s gestis Alexan- dri. Bruxellis, 1778. D. 878 36 — AVilliams, J. The life and actions of Alex- ander the Great. New- York, 1830. S. 923 7 — ROJLANf'E. Alexander and Dindimus ; or, [Their] letters ; being a second fragment of the alliterative romance of Alisauuder ; translated from the Latin about 1340-.50 ; re-edited by W. \V. Skeat. London, 1878. O. {Inf.. E. text soc. Extra ser. 31.) 820 5.1 Alexanders Saga, norsk Bearbeidelse fra 13de Aarhundrede af Philip Gautiers latinske Digt Alexandreis : med enOrdsamlingudgiven af C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1848. D. 839.(>3 20.1 — — Oionysins I., patriarch. Beritttelse om Alexander den Store : ofversiittning fnin syri- skan med anmiirkningar: ett bidrag tillAlexan- dersagn och dess historia ; of C. A. og. Lmid, 1868. O. [3 4-] 72 p. 292 4 -T — Fabelliafte Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen. (In Brims, P. J. Romant. Gedichte. 1798.) 839.4 2 The y-estes of the worthie king and em- perour, Alisaunder of Macedoine : translated from the Latin about 1340. (In 'Williani of Pa- lerne, 1867 ; /» E. E. text SdC. Extraser. 1.) 820 5.1 Kyng Alisaunder. (In Weber, H. AV. Metrical romances, 1810, v. 1.) 821 10 Same. (Iii Mjitzner, E. A. F. Alteng. .Spraohproben. v. 1, pt. 1. 1867.) 820 8 Lambert li Tors & Alexandre of Beruay. Li romans d' Alixandre : Ton H. Michelant. Stuttgart, 1846. O. 841 22 Lambreclit. Alexander. (In Massnianu, H. F. Denkmwler. 1828.) 831 11 I ni»bili fatti di Alessandro magno, ro- manzo storico, tradotto dal francese iiel buon secolo : per cura di Giusto Grion. Bologna, 1872. O (/;( Emilia. Collezione. 32.) 850 6 Sefriira de Astorga, J. L. Poemade Ale- xandro magno. (In Sanchez, T. A. Col. de popsias, 1779-90, v. 3.) 8(J1 4 Tlie wars of Alexander ; an alliterative romance, traiisliited chiefly from the Historia .Alexaiidri magni de preliis ; re-edited by Walter VV. Skc.-it. London, 1886. O. (In E". E. lext soc. I'^xtra ser. 47.) .S20 •">.! Zacher, .1. 1'seudocallisthene.s ; Forschnng- en ziir Kritik und Geschichte der iUtesten Aufzeichnung der Alexandersage. Halle. 1867. O. .S.S.S 42 ALEXAM»EH III., khu/ of Scotland. Tyller, 1*. F. jil. (//( /m'.s Lives of Scottish worthies, 1831-3. V. 1.) <»•_»() n Alexander, John Henry. Universal dictionary of weights and measures, ancient and modern. New York, 1867. O. 3><9 3 Alexander, Patrick Proctor. Carlyle rediv- ivus, being an occasional discourse on Sauer- teig. ^Glasgow, 1881. D. 51 p. 827 1 ALEXANDRA, ship. England— Court of ex- chequer. Trinity term, 26th Victoria: the at- torney general v. Sillem and others, claiming the vessel Alexandra, seized under the foreign enlistment act; report of the trial; with ap- pendix. London, 1863. y. 341 7 Alexandre of Bernay & Lambert li Tors. Li romans d' Alixandre; herausgegeben von Hein- rich Michelant. Stuttgart, 1846. O. (In Stntt- gart— Lit. Vereiii. Bibl. 13.) 841 22 Alexandre of ViUedieu. Carmen de algorismo. (In HaUiwell-Phillipps, J. 0. Rara mathe- matica. 1839.) 510 3 ALEX^VNDRIA. Luuibroso, (J. Ricerche ales- sandrine. — Descrittori italiani dell' Egitto e di Alessandria. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 3. 1878-9,) 0G5 5 — Weulger, L. Das alexandrinische Museum: eine Skizze ans dem gelehrten Leben des Alter- thums. Berlin, 1875. O. 32 p. (In A'irchow (t- H(dt/endorft'. Vorthige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Alexi, Tlieochar. Dictionarfi portativfi germa- uo-rtimanu. Bucuresci, 1866. sijS. 4.59 3 Alexis, St. Boueheriej A. La vie de saint Alexis, poeme du lie siecle: edition de Gaston Paris. (In Rente des langues romanes. v. 5. 1874.) 479 5 — Englisehe Alexiuslegenden aus dem 14 und 15 Jahrhundert; lierausgegeben von J. Schip- per. Strassburg, 1877. pt. 1. O. 821 13.1 — The leg:eud or life of St. Alexius, in four ver- sions. (In Furnlvall, F. J. Adam Davy's 5 dreams. 1878; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 69.) 820 5 Alexis, Willibald, pseud, of Hiirlng, (i. AV. H. Alexis Michaelowitsch och Natalia Narischkin, drame, .see tiustaTUS III. Alt og Rose. Skuespil, see Paludan-Miiller, F. Mfani, Augusto. Scene e ritratti; dialoghi edu- cativi in lingua e modi proverbiali parlati. Firenze, 1870. O. 852 2 Alfergliani. Excerpta de annis Arabum. . (In Arabia. 1633.) 094 59 Alferne, Eventyr-Coraedie, see Heibcrg, J. Ij. Skuespil, V. 6. Alfleri, Vittorio conte. Una lettera. faesim. (In CurloKita di storia subalpina. 1876.) 945 4,5 — Lettere inedite alia madre, a Mario Bianchi e a Teresa Mocenni, con appendice: per cura di J. Bernardi e C. Milanesi. Firenze, 1864. D. 85(> 1 — II Misogallo: prose e rime. Londra |,pref. 1799|. T. 099 32 The rare original edition; not included In that of Flor- ence, 1S04. — Teatro comico originale. Piacenza. 1810. 2 V. Tt. 852 3 Coiileiils:\. L' uno.— I iioohi.— I troppi. 2. L' anti- doto.— La tinestrlnn.— II divorzio. — La virtii scouosciuta, dialogo. Kehl, 1786. O. 59 p. M54 1 ALFIERI 13 ALGERIA — Vita, scritta da esso; col Panegiiico di Plinio a Traiano. Milauo, 1818. O. vl. (Opere scelte, V. 1.) «2S 5 — French: Memoires, traduits de 1" italieii. — Virginie, tragedie: traduite par Pelitot. (In Barriere & Leseiire. Memories, 1807-81 . v. o(i.) J».14- 10 AHleri (U Sosteguo, Carlo, marcliese di, & Lii- chilli, 0. Discorsi inaugurali della Scuola di scienze sociali, 21 nov. 1875. Firenze, 1875. D. 36 p. 307 _1 — editor, see Societiv italiaiia (li edHcazioiie 11- beraie. Esposizione. 1875. 370 9 Allio Balzani:or, Extracts from the diary of a pro.scril)ed Sicilian, see MiliiU'Ui, 1>. ALFOSSO VII. of Leon dll, of Castile. Sando- val, P. (le. Clironica del inclito emperador, xVlonso VII. Madrid, 1600. F. ilK! IT ALFOSZO VIII. of Leon <&ni.of Castile. Mou- (Ifjar, (i. de. Memorias hi.storicas del rey Al- oiiso el nobile. jjoc. {In Croiilcas e-sjiauolas. . T. 4, 1783.) »4« 34 Alfonso X. of Leon & IV. of Castile. Las qiia- tro partes enteras de la coronica de Espana, see Ocauijio, F. de. ALFOSSO XI. of Leon & X. of Castile. >iifiez de Villaysaii, .1. Cronica del rey don Alonso el onzeno. Toledo, 1595. O. 940 25 Same. 2 edicion. (/» I'roiiieas espaflolas. V. 7. 1787.) !Mfi 34 ALFONSO, Pedro. Douce, F. Analysis of Al- fonsus de clerical! disciplina. (In Ellis, <}. Specimens of romances, 1805, V. 1.) ,S21 4 — Walleiifels, A. Uber eiue neuentdeclvte alt- franzcisische Bearbeitung des Petrus Alfonsus. (/)i Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 80.5 1 All'oiiso-Spag'iia, Ferdiuando. Monografia sui prati artiticiali. Palermo, 1870. O. 033 1 bound icith 031 11 — Precetti sulla coltivazione degli agrumi. Pa- lermo, 1869. O. it. 034 1 — Studii sulla economia delle acqiie. Palermo, 1864. O. 031 11 — Sui gelsi e 1" industrfa serica in Sicilia. Pa- lermo, 1867. O. 038 1 bound u-ith 034 1 — Sui mali delle coltivazioni siciliane. Paler- mo, 1873. 42 p. O. 030 32 bound with 031 11 Alford, Henry, dean of Canterbury. The queen"s English; stray notes on speaking and spelling. London, 1864. 428 1 Alfred the Great, king of England. Blooms [Anglo-Saxon]; from Flores soliloquiorum of S. Augustinus. {In Cockayne, J. 0. Shrine. 1864-70.) S2!» 2 —Proverbs. {In Morris, R. Old Englisli mis- cellany. 1872; in E. E, text soc, (Orig. ser. 49.) ,S-20 5 —Proverbs [Anglo-Saxon and Englisli]. (In Dialogue of Solomon and Saturnus. 1848. )S29 5 — Will [ Anglo-Saxon and English] ; reprinted from the Oxford edition of 1788, with a pre- face and additional notes. London, 1828. O. 12-^32 p. ,829 7 —Yule week [, continued as] King ^-Elfreds book of martyrs. {In Cockayne, J. 0. Shrine, 1864-70.) ' 829 2 — translator. Anglo-Saxon version of Boeth- ius de consolatione philosophies with an Eng- lish translation and notes bv J. S. Cardale. London, 1829. O. ' 829 6 Baedas historia ecclesiastica Saxonice red- dita. {In Bede. Historia-. 1722.) 274 1 -King Alfred's Orosius: edited Ijy Henry Sweet. London, 1883. pt. 1. O. {In E. E". text soc. Orig. ser. 79.) 820 5 Pt. 1, Old-English text aud Latin original. King Alfred's West-Saxon version of Gregory's Pastoral care; with an Englisli trans- lation, notes and an introduction, edited by H. Sweet. London, 1871. O. {In same. 45, .50.) 820 5 The Old English version of Bede's Eccles- iastical history of the English people; edited witli translation and introduction, by T. Jlil- ler. London, 1890. pt. 1, sect. 1. O. facsim. {In same. 95.) 820 5 [Selections from Alfred's translations] of Orosius, Boethius. Beda. (In Thorpe, B. An- alecta Anglo-Saxonica. 1846.) S29 16 — Panli, a. R. The life of Alfred the Great; from the German: appended, Alfred's Anglo- Saxon version of Orosius, with a literal Eng- lish translation, and an Anglo-Saxon alpliabet and glossary, bv B. Thorpe. London, li7. D, (Bohn's antiq. lib.) 923 8 Sei' aliio Olitliere. ALItJE. Piccoue, A, Catalogo delle alghe' raccolte durante le crociere del cutter Violante ...mediterranee. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincel. Atti. 3 ser. sci.jis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 00.5 4 ALGEBRA. Battaglini, Ci. Nota sulla quin- tica biuaria. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) 005 3 — — SuUe forme ternarie bilineari. (In same.- 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 005 4 — Briosehi, F. SuUe condizioni per la decom- posizione di una cubica in una conica ed in una retta. — Sulle condizioni clie devono essere veri- ficate dai parametri di una curva del tjuarto ordiiie perclie la medesinia sia una conica ripe- tuta. — Sopra un proprieta dei piani tritangeuti aduna superficie cubica. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 005 3 — Brockhaiis, H. L^ber die Algebra des Bhas- cara. (In Leipslc— K. siichs. (iesell. Bericlite. 1852.) 003 3 — Favero, (t. B, De aequationum differentiali- uni partialiuni natura disquisitiones <|uaedani analyticae. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincel, Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 8, 1879-80.) 005 4 — Minich, !S. SuU' uso analitico delle differ- enze tra le radici nella teorica delle equazioni algebriche. (//; same. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6. pt. 2.) 005 3 ALtJERIA. Barhier, J. Itineraire historique et descriptif de 1' Algerie; avec tin vocabulaire frani,ais-arabe, et un Resume liistorique des guerres d' Afrique. Paris, 1855. D. jho^j. 910.5 1 — Daiimas, M. J. E. Moeurs et coutunies de 1" Algerie: tell, Kabvlie. Saliara. Paris, 1853. D. 390 21 — Feiillide, J. G. C. de. L' Algerie fran^aise. Paris, 1856. O. 910.5 3 AL GERIA 14 ALLITERATION —Guiltier, T. Algerie.— Aissaouas. L'orient. 1877, v. 3.) (In his 910 39 — Xapoleou III en Algerie. 3 edition. Florence [186.-5J. O. [H +] 27 p. 9(i5 1 —Pitts, J. A faithful account of the religion and manners of the Mahometan.s. 4 edition. Loudon, 1738. S. jjZ. 916.0 3 — Raasl0f, W. R. Riickblick auf die militai- risclien und politisehen Verhaltnisse der Alge- rie, 1840-1. Altona, 184.5. O. pi. 916.5 4 ^Reviie de I'orient et de FAlgerie. Paris, 1843- 58. T. 1-2.5. O. pi. facsim. 950 2 Revue orientale et algerienne. Paris, 1853. v. 1-3. O. pi. map. 950 3 — Reybaiid, M. R. L. Des colonies agricoles de I'Algerie. (/« /li-f Marines. 1854.) 910 66 — Rozet, C. A. cfc Carette, A. E. H. Algerie, 18oU. pi. map. (In L'nuivers. 7.) 910 18 Sliaw, T. Travels. Barbary and the Lev- ant. Oxford, 17bS. F.^ pZ. map.s. 910.1 3 — AVatteiiwyl de WattevUle, E. 31. von. Zwei Jahre iu Algerien. Bern, 1877. sqS. 916.5 6 .■See also AUilERS; M3I1DU. -Vlslie della laguna, rime, see Ongaro, F. dall'. .ViGHERO, Sardinia. Gnaruerlo, P. E. II dialetto catalano d" Alghero. (In Arclilvio glot. ital. V. 9, 1886.) 150 11 ALGIERS, city. Seg:iiin, L. G. Walks in Al- giers and its surroundings. London, 1878. _D. (7. pi. maps. 916.5 6 — Uatteiibacli, Vf. Algier. Berlin, 1867. O. 44 p. (In Vii'Cllow ifc Holtzeudoi*. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — AVilde, W. R. Algiers. (In his Narrative of avoyag-e. 1844.) 910 37 ALGORISM. -Uexaiidre of Villedieu. Carmen de algorismo.— A treatise on the numeration of algorism. (In HaUiweU-PMUips, J. 0. Rara mathematica. 1839.) 510 3 Algorlsuins; eller, Anviisning til at kjende eg anvende de saakaldte arabiske Tal: after Hauk ErlendssSus Codex, med Oversitttelse of P. A. Munch. (In Copeuhaff en - K. nord Old.-Sels- kal). Annaler, v. 8, 1848.) 94S 3 AJ.H VMBR.V. Irving- W. The Alhambra. (In his Works, 184U, v. 3.; .Sl7 5 Vli Bey el Abbassi, jMeitctonj/Jiio/ Badia y Let)- iicii, i>. .Uig:liieri, Dante, see Dante Aligliieri. Alin, Oskar. Sveriges nydaningstid, 1531- 1611. Stockholm, 1878. O. it, (In Sveriges historia, v. 3.) 94S 51 jUione, Giovan (Jiorg-io. Commedia e farse carnovalesclie nei dialetti astigiano, milanese e francese, misti con latino barbaro; composte sul tine del secolo 15. Milano, 1865. S. (fn Bll)l. rara. 60.) 850 3 — Maccheronea. (In Macclieronee.1864; in same. 34.) S50 3 — Poesie francesi composte 1494-1520.- la Mac- cheronea. Milano, 1864. S. il. (In same. 61.) 850 3 Kyng Alisaiinder, see AI.EX.\M)ER. Aliscans, chansou de geste: publiife par F. Guessard et A. de Montaiglon. Paris, 1870. S. (In Guessard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France. 10.) 84-1 3. Alizeri, Federigo. Di suor TouimasinaFieschi, pittrice e ricamatrice. lettera. (In Societa li- jfiire. Atti. V. 8, 1868.) 945 48 — editor, see Genoa — C'liiesa di sau Sebastiano. Necrologia. (In same. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Alkemade. Kornells van, d- Sclielling, P. van der. Neuerlauds displegtigheden. Rotterdam, 1733-5. 3 V. D. 2^1- 'i'-H 1 "AX/^TjffTis, see Enripides. jUknua, see Legis-GliiekseUg, G. T. All round the world; an illustrated record of voyages, travels and adventures: edited by W. F. Ainsworth. [Weekly.] 1860-1. London [:861J. V. 1-3 in 1 v. sqQ. 910 55 Allacei (Latin Allatiiis), Leone. Excerptum ex...diatribadeTheodoris. (/» Synesiris. Opera. 1859.) 208 12 Alla-JIoddin, ein Schauspiel, see Tieck, J. L. Scbriften, v. 11. AUard, Ernest. L'etat et 1' eglise, leur passee, leur existence tt leur avenir en Belgique. Brux- elles. 1873. Q. 322 1 ALLEGIANCE. James I., of England. An apologie for the oath of allegiance, (/n his Workes. 1616.) 320 8 ALLEGRE. Grellet,— . Esquisse geognostique du canton d" Allegre.( In Pay de Dome — Soei- ete. Annales. 1839.) ' 944 6i ALLELEIS-HORN. Stephen, L.TheAllelein-horn. (In Gallon, F. Vacation tourists, 1860. 910 28 Alleniannische Gedichte, see Hebel, J. P. Allen, Carl Ferdinand. Haandbog i Fadre- landets Historie. 3 Udgave. Kjobevhavn. 1845. D. 948 59 ALLEX, Ethan. Sparks, J. Life of Allen. facsim. (In his American biography, 1835-9, V. 1.) 920 15 Allen, William. The Dead Sea, a new route to India, %vith other gleanings in the east. Lon- don, 1P55. 2 V. U. il. pi. facim. majis. 915.6 25 Allen, William Francis, & others, editors. Slave songs of the United States. New York, 1867. O. " music. 398 31 Allen, Zacliariah. Solar light and heat: the source and the supply; gravitation; with ex- planations of planetary and molecular forces. New York, 1879. 530 1 Aller Praktik Grossmutter, see Fiselnirt, J. Allibone, Samnel Austin. A critical dictionary of English literature, and British and Ameri- can authors, from the earliest accounts to the middle of the 19th century. Philadelphia, 1858-71. 3v. Q. 015 1 — General index. — Index of texts. (In SehatI', P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879. )220 5 ALLKJHIEKI FAMILY, .see SER.VTKO. ALLITERATION. Lindner, F. The allitera- tion iu Chaucer's Canterbury tales, (fn Essays on Chaucer, pt. 3, 1876: (/( Chancer soe. 2 ser. 16.) S21 -16 —Marsh, G. P. Alliteration, line-rhyme and assonance. (In his Lectures. 1860.) OsO 30 ^Skeat. W. W. An essav on alliterative poet- ry. (In Percy, T. Folio nis., 1868-9, v. 3.)S21 6 ALTATERATION 15 ALPS — WdlzogPii, H. P vou. Poetische Lautsym- liolik: psychische Wirkungen del- Sprachlaute ini Stabieime, au.s R. Wagner's "RingdesNibe- Imigen " versuehsweise bestimmt. 2 Abdruck. Leipzig, 1876. D. 430 1 iWafcoPOETRVj PltOSODV: RHYJII'. Allori, Angiolo, culled il Brouziiio. Capitoli.— Stanze. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, V. 3-3.) 857 3 The Stanze are by "C'ristfano Bronzino." —I salterelli del Bionzino pittore. Bologna, 1863. D. 56 p. (//I Scelta di curiositii. 34.) 850 10 All's well that ends well, see Shakespeare, W. Allston, AVasliiugton. Lectures on art and poems: edited by Richard Henry Dana, jr. New York, 1850. O. SIX 3 —Outlines and sketches. Boston, 1850. ob F.' [3] p. j>/. 'W 1 — Uaua, R. H. AUston's Sylphs of the seasons. (In his Poems and prose. 1850. v. 3.) 811 5 L" allnccate, see Ciiorvo, S. Aim, Kicliard vou der. Die Urtheile heidni- scher und jiidischer Schriftsteller der vier ersten Jahrhunderte tiber Jesus und die ersten Chris- ten. Leipzig, 1864. O. 232 6 Aliiiack, Richard, editor. Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, 1642-6. 1854. (In Camdeu misc. 3; in Caiudeu soc. 61.) S20 -4 AliiiaiiaeU de Gotlia; annuaire gent'ologique, diplomatique et statistique. 1850, 1853, 1857- 71 1873-83. Gotha [,1849-Sl]. v. 87, 90, 94-108, 110-119. Tt & T. 2}or. 350 3 Alinauach de I'empire ottoman pour I'annee 1850. Constantinople, 1850. T. 311 36 ALJIAXACS. Boiieherie, A. Un almanach au lOe siecle. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1873.) 47!) 5 JIagiiiiseii, F. Almanak fyrir as 1837; litreik- uad fyri Reikiavik af C. F. R. Olufsen. Kaup- mannahofn [, 1836J. sqT. 839.08 31 Tlie preface to a calendar or almanac for 1430. — Notes on early almanacs. (//( Hallinell- Phillips, J. 0. Rara mathematica. 1839.) 510 3 S,e also VKAlt-BOOKS. Aliiiaiisur, ein Idyll, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, V. s. Aliiieida-tlarrett, Joao Baptista da Silva Leitao, visnonde de. Fra Luigi da Sousa, dramma; tradotto dal portoghese da Giovenale Vegezzi- Ruscalla. Torino, 1853. D. 84 p. 809 3.1 .Uinkvisl, H. "S,, l. (JO.-, 3 — Berlei)sch, H. A. Die Alpen in Natur und Lebensbildern. Leipzig, 1863. O. jj/. 551.43 15 ALPS IG ALPS — Berudt, ti. Das Val d' Annivers und das Bassin de Sierre. Gotha, 1882. sqQ. [3+] 55 p. map. (In Petermamis Mittlieiliiugeu: Ergilu- zungsband 15. J 5)10 44 — Bonuey, T. G. The Alpine regions of Switz- erland and the neighbouring countries. Cam- bridge, 1868. O. il. pi. 551.43 16 — Buclilieister, J. Eine wissenschaftliche Al- peureise im Winter 1832. Berlin, 1886. O. 32 p. (In Vircliov & H(»ltzeii(l(trft". Vortriige. NeueFolge. 1.) 043 3 — Ceresa, (J, F. 600 kilometri alle Alpi; escur- gioni alpine. Torino, 1869. D. 551.43 17 — ChePver, (i. B. The pilgrim in the shadow of the .Juugfrau Alp. New York, 1852. O. il. pi. 551.43 16 Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc. New York, 1852. O. 651.43 18 — Cotta, B. DieAlpen. Leipzig, 1851. O. il. X)l. 551.43 19 — CoweU. J. J. The Graian Alps and Mount Iseran. map. (In (ialtMii, F. Vacation tour- ists, 1860.) J»10 38 — Del)artoloiuels, L. (//; his Oro-idrografia deir Italia.[187-:J in L' Italia. Parte 2.)!H4.5 3 — Desor, E. De Torographie des Alpes dans ses rapports avec la geologic. Neuchatel, 1862. O. map. 551.43 30 Der Gebirgsbau der Alpen. Wiesbailen, 1865. O. il. map. 551.43 21 — Frey, J. Die Alpen ini Lichte verschiedener Zeitalter. Berlin, 18T7. O. 47 p. (In Vircliow & Holt/ciidorfl. Vortriige. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — (liiiirdaiiii, F. Aseensione del Monbianco, partenilo dal versante italiano ed escur.sione nelle Alpi pennine. Torino, 1864. O. 551.43 44 — Kin^, S. W. The Italian valleyS of the Pen- nine Alps. London, 1858. O. il. pi. maps. 551.43 40 — Kolil, J. (t, Alpenreisen. Dresden, 1849-,51. 3 V. in 1. O. 551.43 32 — Lioy, P. II mondc alpino. (In his Confe- renze. 1873.) 570 1 bound with 551. 5.S 130 — ^Mayr, J. U. Karte der Alpen. Gotha, 1871. ob F> Hmaps. «J12 31 — ^Mavf'i"? J. Phvsik der Schweiz. Leipzig, 18.54. O. ■ " 551.43 23 — Jlorell, J. R. Scientific guide to Switzerland. London, 1867. D. il. 551.43 34 — Murray, J., jmhlisher. A handbook for travellers in Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. 10 edition. London, 1863. D. vuqis. «14.!> 18 — Oiiilioni, (J. Le nostre Alpi e la pianura del Po; descrizione geologica. Milano, 1879. D. il. 551.43 41 — Osterreicliisclier Alpeii-Vcreiii. Jahrbucli. NeueFolge. Wien, 186,5-9. v. 1, .5. O. /10 44 — Stiider, (i. Ueber Eis und Scluiee. 1 Abthei- lung: Berner-Alpen. Bern, 1869, D. 551.43 31 & otiiers. Berg-und Gletscher-Fahrtenin den Hochalpen der Schweiz. Ziirich, 18.59-63. 2 V. D. pi. 551.43 27 — Turin— Club al])ino italiano. BuUettino trim- estrale. 1865, 'O, "9, '74. Torino, 1866-74. no. 3, 4, l.S-16, 23. O. il. pi. 551.43 9-]0 — Tyndall, J. From Lauterbrunnen to the jEggisclihorn by the Lauwinen-Tlior in one dav. (/?( (Jalton, F. "Vacation tourists, 1860.) 5)10 28 The glaciers of the Alps. Boston, 1861. O. il. pi. 551.43 28 Mountaineering in 1861. London, 1863. O. pi. 551.43 39 — 'Waltenberg-er, A. Die RIiiiti"kon-Kette, Leclithaler und Vorarlberger Alpen. Gotha, 1M75. si|Q. [3 -H] 40 j>. maps, (/h Peternianns Mittlieiliingen: Ergiinzungsband 9.) i)10 44 — >V('ss('ly, J. Die (esterreiihischen Aljien- hinder und iliie For.ste. Wien, 1853. 2 v. in 1. Q. 551. 5S 79 — Wills, A. Le Nid d'AigU'. et I'ascension d\i Wetteriiorn: traduit de I'anglais |iar F. M. Paris, 1864. D. jil. map. 551,43 50 ALPS 17 A3IARI — Zolfiiuelli, C, La Lunigiana e le Alj)! uimane. Firenze, 187U. D. ."..">1.4;J 13 ,*.! uho AI.I-KLKIN-HOKX; BLANC; IHII.O.MI'I'K .MTS; EXJAlllX; Fl>STKItAAl!H(m>;.MATTKI{110ltX;0TZTllAI,; KOSA; SI.VT; SlXliAITHAL; VIISO. ALSACE. Tachard, A. Les institutions de 1' Alt^ace au' point de vue de la bienfaisanoe et de r t'couomie suciale. Rome, 1875. O. 53 p. SIJ!) 1 Alsbcrg;, Jloritz. Die Aufiinge der Eisencultur. Berlin, 1885. O. 71 p. {In Vii-chow & HoM/cii- dorff. Vortiiige. 30 Seiie.) ()4;i 1 — Die gesunde Wohnung. Berlin, 1883. O. 44 p. {In same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 ALSEX. Hansen, — . Streitigkeiten iiber Al- sen zvvischen Ddnemarlc und Sclileswig im Mittelalter. (/« Sclileswlg...tiieseUscliaft. Ar- chiv. V.3, 1834.) a43 43 Alsted, Joliauu HeiiU'ich. Series ac ordo prin- puni & regum Polonia=. {In Respillilica Po- loni;L'. 1627.) (»i»4 51 Altaicli, Bavaria. Annales Altahenses majores; ex recensione W. de Giesebrecht et E. ab Oefele. Hannoverae. 1868. O. {In Pertz. (J. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) il43 16 This copy contains marginal annotations in pencil hy Giesebrecht. Altavllla, Johannes de, see Hautovllle. Altdeiitst'lie Neujahrsl>l:x-tter fur 1874; inittel- uiid uiederdeutsche Dialektproben herausgege- ben von Anton Birlinger und Wilhelm (Ji-ece- lius. Wiesbaden, 1874. sqQ. 6 [ + 74] p. 83».l Altdt'iitsches Musterbuch. [NiJrnberg,] n. d. F. 23 j)/. 7 2« 9 Das alle Buch und die Reise ins Blaue hinein, — Deralte vom Berge, seeTieck,J. L. Novellen. 7, — Schriften, 24. ALTMARK. Haimeil, J. F. Worterbucli der altmiirkisch-plattdeutschen Mundart. Salz- wedel, 1859. O. 430.43 3 Altopascio. Regola dei frati di S. Jacopo d' Altopascio. Bologna, 1864. D. {In Scelfa di curiosita. ,54.) ^*50 10 ALTOVITI, Antouio, archbishop of Florence. Iiigresso deir Altoviti in Firenze: narratione del secole 16. Firenze, 1868. D. 23 + [1] p. (In Faufaui, P. Spigolatura fiorentina, no. 3.) 945 79 Der altsachsische Beichtspiegel zur Zeit des h. Lindgerus und seiner niichsten Naclifolger; niit tibersetzung und Worterbuch von J. R. Kone: Zugabe, Verzeichniss der Bischofe von Miinster. Miiuster, 1860. Q. 439.2 7 ALUM. Cossa, A. Ricerche chimiche su niine- rali e roccie dell' isola di Vulctino. {In Rome — R. accart. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 1.) OG.) 4 ALUMINIITM. Heiiient, F. L'aluminium. Paris, 1868. S. 36 p. ««!» 5 ALVA, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo diiqiie de. Meiirs, J. de. Ferdinaudus AIIkiuus. {In his Historica. 1638.) UiS 78 Alvarez, Francisco. Historia de las cosas de Etiopia:...nuevainente traduzido de portugues en castellano, per Thomas de Padilla. Aiivers, 1557. Tt. 0!)!> 40 Alviuns. Ti-actatus. (/)( Friesch ijenootscliai). Oude kronijken. 1835-53.) " XlUK'l 1-3 Alvisi, Kdoardo. Cesare Borgia; notizie e docu- liienti. Iinoia, 1878. D. y23 18 Ahvart, .see Leniiei), .J. van. Romant. werk- en, 9. Alxinger, Jolianii Baplist. Blioiiiberis, ein Rittergediclit. Leipzig, 1861. 3 v. in 1. s()S .S31 21 — Doolin von Mainz, ein Rittergediclit. Leijj- zig, 1861. sqS. .S31 23 Aly og Gulhyndy, et Eventyr, .see Olileiiscjilii- ger, A. a. [Sir Aiiiadas:J Amadas et Ydoine, poeme d' aventures, public et precede d'un introduction par C. Hippeau. Paris, 1863. O. mi 8 — Ghost-thanks; or. The grateful unburied, a mythic tale in its oldest European form; Sir Amadace, a Middle-North-English metrical romance of the 13th century; reprinted, witli an introduction, by George Stephens. Clieap- inghaven, 1860. O. 74 p. ,S21 97 —Sir Amadas. {In Weber, H. W. Metrical romances, 1810, v. 3.) ,>21 10 AMilDEUS VII., count of Savoy. Cibrario, G. A. L. Storia del conte Rosso. {In his Ope- retie. 1856.) ;)45 7 L" Ania,3 3 Amanda, Lystspil, see Hertz, H. Les annuls magnifiques, comedie-ballet, see Moliere, .1. B. P. v. 5. L' annnite di se medesimo, commedia, see (ioldoiii. C. V. 25. El aniante liberal, see Cervantes, Novelas, v. 1. L' anninte militare, commedia, see (joldoni, C v. 18. ' Gli auiauti timidi, commedia, same, v. 39. Aniar despues de la muerte, see Calderon. v. 4. Aiiiari, Michele.La guerra del Vespro siciliano. 3 edizione, accresciuta. Parigi. 1843. 3 v. D. 945 109 — Racconto popolare delVespro siciliano. Roma 1883. D. 945 no —Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia. Firenze 1854-73. 3 V. in 4. O. !»45 106 — Su i fuochi da guerra usati nel Mediterraneo neir 11 e 13 secolo. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 0((5 3 AMARI 18 A3IERICA—DISC0 VER Y — Su la data degli sponsali di Arrigo VI con la Costanza di Sicilia, e su i divani dell' azienda normauna in Palermo; lettera del O. Hart- wig e niemoria del Aniari. (In same. 3 ser. nci. mor. V. 2, 1877-8.) Su le iscrizioni aiabiche del palazzo regio di Messina, facsim. {In same. v. 6, 1880-1.) 065 5 — editoc.Bibliotecaarabo-sicula: ossia, Raccolta di testi arabici che toccano la geogratia, la storia, le biografie e la bibliografia della Sicilia. Lipsia, 1857. O. 892 5 1<5 *^ —Del commercio e della navigazioue dell' isola di Sardegua nei secoli 14 e 15. Cagliari, 1865. O. "^'^O ' Aiiiati, Amato. Dizionario corografico dell' Italia. Mihino [,1864-72]. 8 v. Q. i7. (/» L' Italia. Parte 1.) 914.5 1 Aiuati, (iirolaiuo, editor. Ubb'ie. ciancioni e ciarpe del secolo 14. Bologna. 1866. D. 33-1-53 [-1- 10] p. (/)i Seelta di curiosita. 72.) MoO 10 Amato, monk of Montecassino. L'ystoire de li Normant, et La chronique de Robert Viscart; publiees d' apres un ms. fran(,'ois du 13e sit-cle, pour la Societe de Fhistoire de France, par Champoliion-Figeac. Paris, 1835. O. i)4-l 59 Amato, L. II lago Fuciuo; inaugurazione dell' emissario Torlonia. Torino, 1862. O. 15 p. 027 30 AMAZON RIVER. Aciiua. C. de. Relation de la riviere des Amazons: traduite par de Gom- l)prville, avec une dissertation sur la riviere. (In Rojjers R. Voyage, 1716, v. 2.) 910 35 Bates, H. W. The naturalist on the river Amazons; a record of eleven years of travel. 3 edition. London, 1864. D. il. jil. vuq>. 390 17 A3LVZ0SS. Jaliii, 0. Uber die ephesischen Ainazonenstatuen. (In Leipsic— K. siit-Iis. Ge- scll. Berichte, 18.50.) 0(>3 3 — Ove KjaT, L. Aniazonerue. maj). {In his Stvulier.' lS(i4.) 930 3 Stciner, M. Ueber den Amazonen-Mythus in der aiitilien Plastik. Leipzig, 1857. O. pi. 292 5 — Strifliei', W. Die Amazonen in Sage nnd Ge>chiclitr. Herlin. 1868. O. 40 p. (7j4 Vir- diow (t- lloKzeiidorlf. Vortriige. 3 Serie.)043 1 AMI5ASSA1>()US. Maodiiavelli, N. Istruziono a Kall'ello Girolami. (In his Opere, 1819. v. 6.) SoS 10 — Tasso, T. II messaggiero. (/li /ris Dialnghi, 1822, v. 1.) S.jl 117 A.MI5KR. (JiipiH-rt, H. R. SuU' ambra di Sici- lia e sugli ogg<'lti in essa rinchiusi. il. (/« Rome— R. aecad. dei liiieei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3. I><7N-9.) 0(15 4 — Xceriraard. ('. Kavsmykkeme i Stcnaldtron. il. (Ill Copciiliaireii — K. iiord. Old.-Sclskah. Aarboger. v. 23; 188H.) 94.S 5 .— Riiiige, W. Der Bernstein in Ostjjreussen. Berlin, 1868. O. 70 p. il. i>l. {In Vlrcllow & Holtzemlorff. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Merlauff, E. C. Bidrag til den nordiske Ravhandels Historie. [Copenhagen, 183—?] sqO. 391 4 The amber witch, see Meinliold, K. W. Ambra, Raffaeled'. Topografia.— Vicende po- litiche.— Agricoltura.— Industria e trartichi. — Istituti econoniici.— Campisanti. (In ({uaranta, ^.,& others. Napoli, 1845.) »14..5 88 Ambrose, Mr. Paul,psewd. o/ Kennedy J. P. AMBROSIAS LIBRARY, see II codice irlan- dese deir Ambrosiana. Ambrosoli, Fi-ancesco. Manuale della lingua italiana. Milano, 1838. D. 455 1 Amedeo, Liiigi. La Sardegna, provincia ro- mana; saggio di studj antiquarj. Rome, 1874, O. 47 p. 937 18.1 Ameliiug-, Ai-thur, editor, see Ortiiit und die Wolfdietriche. (In Deiitsclies Heldenbuch, 1866-73, V. 3-4.) 831 14 Amer, Jliquel Victorid, editor, see Genesi de scriptura. 1873. 869 4 AMERICA— ANTimiTIES.CopeuIiagen— Kou- g-elige nordislie Oldslirift-Selsliab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, 1843-64. Kjubenhavn, 1843-64. 7 v. O. maps. 948 4 Rafn, (". C. Cabinet d' antiquites ameri- caines ii Copenhague; rapport etimographique. Copenhague, 1858. O. [3+] 60 p. il. maps. 913 63 SVf «fao AK(H.KOLO(JY; (KMItU, AMKKK A; FALL |{IVKI!,,ir«»-.,- KKNT, Conn.; NK«IMH{T, /,'. /..■ PKUl; Vf- (A'lAN. —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bartlett, J. R. Bibliotheca Americana: A catalogue of books relating to North and South America, in tlie librarv of J. C.Brown of Providence, R. I., 1-182-lKOb; with notes. Providence, 1866-75. 3 v. in 4. Q. pi. il. facsim. map)S. 016 26 Ludewigr, H. E. The literature of Amer- ican local history. New York, 1846. O. 016 29 Smitll, J. R. Bibliotheca Americana: A catalogue of a collection illustrating the history and geography of North and Soutli America and the West Indies. London, 1865. O. 016 27 Stevens, H. Stevens's historical collec- tions; catalogue of the first portion; auction. 1 1 July, 1881. London, 1881. q. por. farsim. 016 '28 The collection comprised araoii-; other works ;30i)0 niss. and ago volumes relating to Franklin. The oata- loii'ue is extensively annotated. Triibner and eo. A catalogue of books on philology, American antiquities, Indians and languages, published during the last forty years in the U. S. A. London, 1858. O. 36 p. 427 11 — DESt'RIPTIOX, Laet, J. de. L'histoiredu nouveati monde: on. description des Indes occidentales. Leyde, 1640. F. il. maps. 917 1 .sv, ,ihi: AltirONKS: VKVICAMANS; AliUKNTIXH UK- ITIILK : llliAZII.; liUrnslI AMKKK A: ( A\AI>A; ( KM'ltAL A.IIIOKKA; nill.l: INDIANS; Ali:XU(); PANAMA: l>ATA(i(). MA: I'KKI : SOI Til AMKKICA: I NII'KII STATKS; I KH1I AV; WKSI' INIUKS: VIIATAN. — IHSCOVr.RV. Anderson, R. B. Die erste Entdei-kunu von Ami'rik:i. Hnmlmrg. 1888. O. 62 ]). (Ill Vircliinv & llol1/eiil-5. sqF. jj?. maps. 972 1 — ^Hakliiyt, R., editor. Divers voyages touching the discovery of America: edited by J. W. Jones. I/ondon, 1850. O. majis. facsim. (7h Hakhijl soc. Works. 7.) 973 18 >'avarrete, M. F. de., editor. Coleccion de los viages y descubrimientos por los Espa- lioles desde tines del siglo 15. Madrid, 1825-37. 5 V. O. 2)or. 7?iajjs. 910 59 For contents ste Xiivarrcte. — — Peschel, 0. Die Entschleierung der atlan- tischen Kiisten Amerika's. (In liis Geschichte der Entdeckungen. 1858.) 910 65 — — Rafn, C. C. Americas Opdagelse af Skan- dinaverne i det lOde Aarhundrede. maps. (In ( openhaiten— K. nord. 01d.-!Selskab. Annaler. V. 3, 1840-1.) 948 3 Dutch: Narichten betretfende de ont- dekking van Amerika in de lOde eeuw: naar het deensche door M. Hettema. Leeu warden, 1838. O. 35 p. 973 2 French: Memoire sur la decouverte de I'Amerique au lOe siecle: traduit par X. Mar- mier. Paris,, 1838. O. 31 p. 973 3 Same [with Supplement to theAntiquita- tes Americana?], il. maps. (In Copeuliagreu — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 94S 3 ^ — — Same. 2 tirage. Copenhagtie, 1S43. O. .52 p. pi. maps. 973 3 With the Supplement, 1841. 27 p. Italian: Memoria suUa scoperta dell' America nel secolo decinio: tradotta da J. Gra- berg di Hemso. Pisa, 1839. O. 47 p. maps. 973 4 — — — S^Kinish : Antigiiedades americanas; notieias que tuvieron los Europeos de la Ame- rica I'uites del descubrimiento de C. Colon: re- cogidas por A. Bachiller y Morales. Habana, 1845. O. 17. map. ' 973 6 — — — Spanish: Memoria sobre el descubrim- iento de la America en el siglo decinio; alcas- tellano. Caracas, 1839. S. [i+] 48 p. 973 5 — — — Astronomical evidences for the site of the chief settlement of the ancient Scandina- vians in America, il. (In Copeiiliageu — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 2, 1840-4.) 948 3 ^^ — editor. Antiquitates Americana;... fra det lOde til det 14de Aarhundrede. Hafnia;, 1837. si|F. pi. facsim. tab. maps. 839.(i3 21 Antiquites aniericaines, d'ajirts les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. Copenhague, 1845. k(iF. ""'/^■'■•. 839. «3 22 Pat'cs XXXIX-XL are "America discovered bj- the Scamliiiiiviims in the 10th century; an abstract of the evidence in ihis worlv." See cUio The discovery of.-imer- ica by the .>'orthmen. 3 p., in Ids Nordboernes Forbin- delser nied Osten. i»4S i Relazione delle scoperte fatte da C. Co- lombo, da A. Vespucci e da altri, 1492-1506: an- notata dal G. Ferraro. Bologna, 1875. D. (7. (In Seelta di curiosita. 144.) 850 10 Storm, G. Studier over Vinlandsreiserne, Viiiiands Geografi og Ethnografl. il. {In Co- l)enliaa-en— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. V. 22, 1887.) 948 5 — English: Studies on the Vinland voy- ages, il. (In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Places Vineland at Nova Scotia. Tytler, P. F. Historical view of discov- ery on the northern coasts of America: with sketches of the natural liistory by J. Wilson. New York, 18:33. S. il. map. 973 15 Yderlifrere Spor af de gamle Nordboer i America: Furtlier traces nf the ancient North- men in America, by A. Morse. (In Copenhag- en— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anticiuarisk Tids- skrift. V. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 .Sf f «/.«o CartliT. J. ; ciiarlevoix. P. F. X. de; (((LOJIBO, ('. ,( F.; mtAKE, F.: CREEXMND; (ilL4.\.\; .Miiniuctte, J.: Smith. .1.; VKSPKCl. A. —HISTORY. Burke, E. An account of the European settlements in America. (In liis Works, 1839, v. 9.) 825 1 t'liarlevoix, P. F. X, de. Fastes chrono- logiques du nouveau monde, 1248-1739. (In his Histoiiede la Nouvelle France, 1744, v.6.)971 1 .losselyn, J. Chronological observations of America, from the year of the world [3720] to the vear of Christ, 1673. (In his Account of two voyages to N. E. 18(35.) 917.4 3 Klee, F. Amerika, isssr i den nyeste Tid; en historisk-statistisk Haandbog. Kjobenhavn, 1837-9. D. 970 2 Sff (.-/ucialli/ rXITED STATES. L' America, see Gnalterotti, R. Ameriea and her commentators, see Tucker- man, H. T. American association for the advancement of science. Report of the committee upon for- estry. [Salem, 1880.] O. 23 p. 551.58 48 See also Hough, F. B. American bank note company. [Specimens of engraving. New York,] n.d. sqF. pi. ntp. 768 1 The latest date on any of the enpravinss is 18(J7. American camel company. Charter granted by the state of New York: with the natural history of the camel. New York, 1854. O. 15 p. 386 3 The American cyclopaedia, see Ripley, tr., cfc I)ana, C. A., editors. American dramatic library. NewY'ork [,1839], 3 V. in 1. D. 812 1 Confe/i?*'.— Danes, K. Athenia of Dama.scus Willis. X. P. Bianca Visconti:— Tortesa the usurer. American geographical and statistical society. AMERICAN GEOG. SOC\ 20 AMPERE Journal. New York, 1879-81. v. 11-13. O. maps. yiO 49 — Report and memorial on Syrian exploration. New York, 1857. O. 28 p. 'J15.3 16 AHIERICA^ LITERATURE, Alliboue, S. A. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. Philadelphia, 1858-71. 3v. Q. 015 1 — tiriswold, R. W. The prose writers of Amer- ica; with a survey of the history, condition and prospects of American literature. Philadel- phia, 1847. O. por. SlO 1 —March, F. A. Die Nationalliteratur der Ver- einii;ten Staaten, 18.')8-G1 [English]. (7?i,Jahi- bucil rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 4, 1860-3.) )S05 1 —ORATORY. Williston, E. B., compiler. Elo- quence of the United States. IMiddletown, Conn., 1827. 5 v. O. 815 1 Sffdfro Ami's, F.: Beeilier. H. «'.; t'laj, H.; Everett, E.; Keiiiii'(l). .1. P.: Phillips, W.: n'iiitliio|i, K. ('. —POETRY. Americau dramatic library. New York [,1839]. 3 v. in 1. D. 812 1 Griswoltl, R. W. The poets and poetry of America; witli an historical introduction. 9 edition. Pluladelphia, 1848. O. iltp. Hll 1 Mliipple, E. P. Poets and poetry of Amer- ica. (In his essays, 1848-9. v. 1.) 814 16 .SV-f «/.. W.; Longfelloiv, H. W.; Lonell, .1. It.; Ilarslu I . I'.; Parsons, T. Vi.: Saxe, .1. ti.; Siirourney, E. H.; Stcny. W. W.; Taylor, li.; Trumlmll. .1.: Very, .1.; Wliit- tier, .1. . ; Jones, W. .4.; .Juclil, S.; Eannian. ('.; Slannini:, J.: .Marsh, G. P.; Jlinnelli. I).; Mitehell, II. (J.; Stone, H. B.; Thoreau. H. II.; TiickermaM, H. T.; \Velisler,X.; W lii|i|>le, E. P. For other American literature than that of the tinited States, wf AU(iE.M'lXE; Blt.iZIEUX; SPA.MSII-.HIEltK AX. AJIERICANISMS. Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. 2 edition. Boston, 1859, O. 427 4 —Ellis, A. J. American pronunciation. {Tn his On earlv English pronunciation, 1869-89, v. 4 ; ill E. E.' text soc. Extra ser. 28 ) 820 5. 1 — Fliiael, F. Die englische Sprache in Nord- amerika. [Elberfeld, 1848.] O. p. 130-156. 427 5 Lowell, J. R. Tlie Biglow papers. Series 1-2. //«/( /.v Poetical works. 1873.) Ml 17 —Marsh, (i. P. The English language in America. {In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 Webster, N. Remarks on American English. .{In Ellis, A. J. On early English pronuncia- tion, 1869-89, V. 4.; in E. E. text SOC. Extra ser. 23.) 820 5.1 Aiiiersfdordf, Jacob Panliis. Het Haarlemmer- mecr; uorsprong, gescliiedenis, droogmaking; wegen en vaarten; wijze van bestimr van het waterschap, cultur van den grond. Haarlem, 18.57. O. (3-1 ] 72 p. (;27 44 Allies, Kislier. Works; prefixed, notices of his life and rliaracter. Boston, 1809. O. jinr. 815 1.2 Aiiieto, .sec Riiccaceio, («. Aiiin. Ampere, .lean Jae(|iies Aiitoiiie. Histoire dela formation de la langue frani;aise. 2 edition. I'aris, 1869. O. 440 3 AMPHIARAUS 21 AN DEER AJIIMII.VK.Vl'S. rrcUer, L. Uber Oiopos iintl das Amiiliiaraeion. (//'• Leipsic— K. siiclis. Gescll. Berichte, 18r,2.) 063 :! Aiii|)liitriio, see Plimtus, T. M. v. 1. Aiii|>liiti-yoii, comedie, sec Mtiliero, J. B. 1*. (le. V. 4. De Anislerduiusehc Hecuba, tremspel, .sec Voii- (1p1, .1. roil lieu. De Amstl'rdaiusclie kennis, — Anisterdamsche winteravonduitspanningeii, see Fokke, A. S. V. (5. Een Aiiisterdamsclie winteravond, see Leiinep, J. van. Poet, vverken, 9. Aiiiiiiiiitegiii, Miguel Luis. La dictadura de 0"HiKsi"«- Santiago, 1S.53. O. 983 1 Wanting after p. 448. Ajiiiiiideshaiii <"■ Amersliaiii, Joliii. Annales monasterii S. Alhaiii, U21-4U; quibuspra'figitur Clhronicon, 1422-31, auctore ignoto. London, 18T()-1. 2 V. Q, facsim. {In St, Albans ab- bey. Chronica, ij; m (it. Br. — Master of rolls. Ciiron. and mem. 28.) 942 8 AMUSEMENTS, see SPORTS. AMYGDALINE. Morigrg;ia, A., & Ossi, G. L' amigdalina, sperienzt fisiotossicologiehe. {In Rome— R. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Amyot, Jacques, translator, see Pliitarelius. Vies. 156.5. SSS 29 Q^uvres morales. 1572. S.SS 30 Ainysand Amy lion, see Amis. AXABAPTISTS, see BAPTISTS. Anacreou. Carmina; cum Sapphoniset Alcaei fragmentis. Glasguae, 1757. S. 80 p. SS4 2 — Italian: Traduzione d' Anacreoute. {In Balestrieri, D. Opere, 1816, v. 4; in Collezione milanese, v. 8.) 859 15 — Sivedislc Anacreon, Sapho, Bion och Mos- chus: ot'Tersattning af G. Paykull. Stockholm, 1787. O. SS4 3.1 A>'J:STHESICS. Crombie, J. M. The induc- tion of sleep and insensibility to pain by the self-administration of anai'sthetics. London, 1873. O. 37 p. it. (U.j 7 —Weber, K. 0. Ueber die Anwendung der Schmerzstillenden Mittel im AUgemeinen und des CUiloroforms im Besonderen. Berlin, 1867. O. 32 p. {In Vireliow * Hollzendorlf. Vor- trilge. 2 Serie.) 043 1 ANAGRAMS. Cantdeu, W. {In his Remaines. 1637.) 420 3 Anastasius; or, Memoirs of a Greek, see Hope, T. The anatiimie of abuses, .see Stubbes, P. ANATOMY. Vicary, T. The anatoniie of the bodie of man. The edition of 1548, edited bv F. J. and P. Furnivall. London, 1888. pt, 1, O. par. maps. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 53.) 820 5.1 Aiiceliutis, Tom Leiden Christi, herausgegeben Ton A. Llibben, {In Zeno. 1869.) 831 94 Ancharano, Pietro d'. Incipit repeticio c[api- tuli] postulasti deforocompeltenti], Bononie, 1474. F, [12] p. 093 2 Wide marains. The first page bas initial and orna- ments in red and i)lue, and Bears the seal of one of the English Georges. Aneher, Peder Kofod, .see Kol'od Anclier. Aucllersen, .lolianu Peder. Vallis Ilertlue deJB et origines Uania", ex Gnecis et Latinis autori- bus. Hafiiiffi, 1747. s(iO. 948 60 AXCHIETA, Jose de. Vita del P. Giuseppe Ancliieta, detto 1' apostolo del Brasile. Roma, 1738. D. jior. 922 15 Anelioran, John, tranklafor, see Comeniiis, J. A. Tlie gate of tongues unlocked. 1633. 4J8 1 ANCIEX REGIME, see FRANCE— HISTORY. Les anciens couvents de Paris, .see Reybaiid, H. E. F. A. ANCIENT GEOGRAPHV, see GEOGRAPHY— ANCIENT. ANCIENT PIISTORY,sec HISTORY— ANCIENT. The ancient vessel found in the parish of Tune, Norway. Christiania, 1872. F. 6 ]i. j)/. 913 47 hound u-ith 17 Aucona, Alessaudro d'. Le f onti del Novellino. Pt. 1. (/;/ Romania, v, 2, 1873.) 479 6 — La poesia popolare italiana; studj. Livorno, 1878. D. N.>9 1 — I precur.sori di Dante. Firenze, 1874. D. 8.51 46 —editor. La leggenda di Sant' Albano, prosa del secolo 14: e La storia di San Giovanni Boc- cadoro, secoudo due lezioni in ottava rime. Bologna, 1865. D. (7u Sceltadicuriosita. 57.) 850 10 La leggenda di Vergogna in prosa e in verso; e La leggenda di Giuda, testo italiano in prosa, fraucese in verso. Bologna, 1809. D. (In same 96.) 850 10 See also 83, 106, 119, 187. Attila, flagellum Dei; poemetto. 1864. ' 851 12 Ranpresentazione di Santa Uliva. 1863. 852 16 La leggenda della Hosana. 1871. 853 31 [Saudabad:| II libro dei sette savj. 1864. 293 18.2 YeUetti, A. Storia di Ginevra.1863.851 130 —& Coiuparetti, D., editors. Le antiche rime volgari, secoiido la lezione del codice vaticano ' 3793, Bologna, 1875-88. 5v. O. (In Emilia. Collezione. 41-4.) 850 6 — Canti e racconti del popolo italiano, see Comi>aretti. 859 3 ANCRE, Concino Conciui d', mureclial de France. Marillac, M. de. Relation exacte de ... la mort du marechal d'Ancre. poc. (In Ulieliaud d- Poujoulat. Slemoires, 1866, v. 19:) 944 9 The aucren riwle; a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life: edited and translated by James Morton. London, 1853. sqO. (In Camden soc. Pub. v. 57.) 820 4 — Zweiter Abschnitt. (In Miitzuer, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 2. 1869.) 820 8 ANDALUSIA. Kampf, S. I., translator. Nicht- andalusiche Poesie andalusischer Dicbter aus dem 11-13 Jahrlumdert. Prag, 18.58. O. 892 6 Aiideer, Justus. lis reformaturs vel restaura- turs della religiun Christiana nel 16 secul: Luther et Zwingli, Scuol, 1845. O. 859 31 In theRomansb dialect. AN DEER 22 AJSriJREWS — Ueber Ursprung und Geschichte der rhaeto- roiiianischeii Sprache. Chur. 1862. D. 4.)9 13 ASDELI, Henri <1'. Meyer. M. P. H. Henri d'Aiideli et le rhancelier Philippe. ( In Koina- iiia. v. 1. 1872.) 479 6 Auderseii,!Haiis t'liristian. Aarets tolv Maane- der. tegnede med Blwk og Pen. Kjobenhavn, 1833. S. 839.81 8 —I Spanieu. KjobenhaTn, 1863. D. 914.6 2 — Improvisatoren, Roman. KiobenhaTn, 1835. 2 v. inl. D. 839.83 1 — Kuu en Spillemand, Roman. Kjobenhavn, 1837. 3 V. in 1. S. 839.83 3 — Mulatten. romantisk Drama. Kinljenbavn. 1840. S. 839. S2 1 — Ntb Eventvr. KiobenhaTn, 184.5. r. 1. D. S39.S3 3 ■ — Nye Eventyr og Historier. Kjolieiiliavn, 1860-1. 2 V. D. 839., S3 4 — O. T.. original Roman. Kjobenhavn, 1836, 3v. inl. S. 839.83 3 — Samlede Digte. Kjobenhavn, 1833. S. 839.81 7 —The sand-hills of Jutland. Boston, 1860. D. 839.83 6 — Skvggebilleder af en Reise til Harzen. 1831. Kjobenhavn, 1831. S. 914.3 5 — Tre Digtnineer. Kjobenhavn, 1838. S. 839.81 9 Coiitfiils: Lykkens Kalosker.— En rigtigSoldat.— Det bar Zombien K.iort. — Vignetter til danske Digtere. Kjobenhavn, 1832. S. 4.5 p. 839.81 10 A>'I)ERSE>', .Jens, Bceldenak,bisli02)of Fiinen. >'«nniilla de .Johanne Andrese. {In Langehek, .1. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 8.) 948 76 Peterson, H. En Altertavle som Mindes- ma^rke oni Biskop Andersen. pZ. {In Copen- hagen— K. iiord. 01(l.-8elskab. Aarboger v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 Anderson, .Eneas. A narrative of the British embassv to Cliina, 1792-4. Basil, 179.5. O. 91.5.1 1 Anderson, Henry James. Geological recon- naissance of part of the Holy Land. {In Lynch, IV. F. OfKcial rejiort of U. S. expedition to Dead Sea. 18.52.) 915.6 30 Anderson, Kasniiis Bjiiru. Die erste Entdelc- kung von Amerika; Uebersetzung von llatliilde Mann. Hamburg. 1888. O. 62 p. (/)( Virehow '1)ES. Karsten, H. Ueber die Vulkane der Anden; Vortrag. Berlin, 1857. O. 26 p. .5.) 1.21 28 — Tscliudi, .1. .1. von. Reise durch die Andes von siid-Amcrika, von Cordova nach Cobija. 1858. Gotha, 1860. s(iQ. [2^] 38 p, it. mai). {In Petermanns Jlittheilniigen: Ergiinzungs- band 1.) 910 44 Andoeides. Quae exstant omnia [Greek and Latin, with full critical apparatus]. [/)( Ora- tores Attici. 1828, v. 1. 13.) S.S.j 1 AXDORRA. Tidal, V. L' Andorre. Paris, 1866. D. 946 44 Aiidra Jalli, Rimur af, see Bjaruason, H. Andrada, Franeiseo d'. Chronica do rev de Portugal. Joao o 111. Coimbra, 1796. 4 v. O. 946 81 Andre, Bernard, of Toulouse. Historia regis Heurici septimi: necnou alia quaedam ad eun- dem regem spectantia: edited by James Gaird- ner. London, 18.58. Q. facsim. {In Hi. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 10.) 942 8 With translations of the various parts. Andre, par George Sand, see Dndevant, A. L. A. D. Andre di Jacopo di Barberino di Valdelsa. Sto- ria di Ajolfo del Barbicone e di altri cavalieri; a cura Ui Leone del Prete. Bologna, 1863-4. 2 v. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 2-3.) 8.50 Andrea of Orosseto. translator, see Albertano of Brescia. Dei trattati moral:. 1873. (In same. 33.) 850 6 Andrea of Hungary, see Landor, W. S. Andreas of Katisbon. Chronicon. a Jo. Cliratt interpolatum. ad 1490. {In Eekliard, J. G. von. Corpus, hist.. 1723, v. 1.) 943 13 Andreas, F. C, <& Stolze, F. Die Handelsver- hilltnisse Persiens. Gotha. 1885. sqQ. [8+] 86 p. ma}). {In Petermanns Mittlieilnngen: Er- giinzungsband 17.) " 910 44 Andree, Karl Tlieodor. Forschungsreisen in Arabien und Ost-Afrika. Leipzig, 1861. 2 v. in I.e. il. 2jl. map. 915.3 1 Coiitint.^: 1. Burton's Keisen nacli Medina tindMekka und in O-st-Afrika. 3. Die Expeditiontn Burton's und .Speke's von Zanzibar l^is znm Tanu-anyika- und Xyanza- See; Rebraanns Wanderuiiff nach Dschogfra, und Krapf s Reiseu im iiquatorialen Ostafrika und Abes- sinien. Andres, Anaelo. Intorno all" Edwardsia cla- paredii. (/(( Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. .5, 1879-80.) 065 4 Andres de Fztarroz, Jnan Francisco, see Dor- mer, I). J. Progressos de Aragon. 1680. 946 43 Andresen, Carl ('hristian. Cm Klitformati- onen og' Klittens Behandling og Bestvrelse. Kjolienliavn, 1861. O. (7. miq). 551.33 1 Andresenj Karl fJnstaf. Ueber deutsche Volks- etvmologie. 2 verniehrte Auflage. Heilbronn a."N., 1877. O. 432 8 ANDREW, St. Legend of St. Andrew [Anglo- Saxon and Englislij. \In Codex Vercellensis. 1843-.56, V. 1.) S29 4 Andrews, Ethan Allen, translator d- editor, see Freniid, >V. A copious Latin-English lexi- con. 1865. 473 1 Andrews, Fsi-ael Ward. Webster's dictionaries. Springfield, Jlass.. I.S56. O. 11 p. 423 7 Andrews, Lorrin. Grannnar of the Hawaiian language. HonohiUi, 1H,54. O. 4!(i( 2 Andrews, Samnel .lames. The life of our Lord upon the earth. New York, 1862. O. 232 1 ANDRIA 23 ANGL 0-SAXON LANG UA Gh Aiidi'ia, see Torpiifms A for. P. AiKlrivcaii-Goiijoii, K., jmhlixher. Carte spe- ciale des clieiiiins tie fer de Teinpire franoais. Paris, 1869. 84x97 cm. in O. !)12 l;J 'Avdpoij.ix-n, see Euripides. Andionieda y Perseo, .see Calderoii. v. 3. ANDROMCUS I. Coiimeiius, emperor of Con- stantinople. Fuller, T. Audronicus ; or, The unfortunate politician. 2 edition. London, 1646. T. 172 3 — Wilkeii, F. (//( Kaiimer, F. L. (J. von. Hist. Taschenbucli. 1831.) J»0."» 1 Aiidronof Wyntown, see Wyiitowii. Aiidryaiie, Alexandre. Memoires d'un prison- nier "d'etat. 4 t-dition, augmentee d'une cor- respondance deConfalonieri. Paris, 1862. 2 v. D. por.pd. 945 23 ANECDOTES. Cebiart, E. F., editor. Choix d'anecdotes, anciennes et modernes. 5 edition. Paris, 1828. 4 v. T. 848 1 — Kinde Kit of Kingston. Westward for smelts, an early collectit)U of stories; edited bv J. O. Halliwell. London. 1848. D. 8+63 "p. (In Percy s(»c. v. 22.) 82() 6 — La Tonr Landry, (J. de. La livre pour Ten- seignement de ses fiUes: publiee par A. de Mon- taiglon. Paris, 1854. S. (In Bibl. elzevir.) 840 11 — — English: Tlie book compiled for his daughters; edited by T. Wright. London, 18C8. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 33.) 820 5 Mailing', 0. Great and good deeds of Danes, Norwegians and Holsteinians. London. 1822. O. 948 77 — Marbacli, di. 0., editor. Sclinurren. Leip- zig, u. d. D. 84 p. (In A'olksbiiclier, 27.) 833 22 Senfkorner; Anekdoten und ErziVhlungen. Leipzig, n. d. D. 72 p. {In same, 35.) 833 22 Papanti, G., editor. Facezie e motti dei secoli 15 e 16. Bologna, 1874. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 138.) 850 10 Tlionis, W. J., editor. Anecdotes and tradi- tions. Loudon, 1839. sqO. (In Camden Sdc. 5.) 820 4 See also (Jesta Roinanorum; T.lBLK-TAl.K. Anecdotes of pulilic men, see Forney, J. W. Anecdotou historian! Srerreri regis Norwegian illustrans, cum versione latina et commentario edidit Ericus Christianus Werlauff. Havnia?, 1815. D. 948 31 Os anfltrioes, comedia, see Cauioens, L. de. v. 3. Aiigelo, IMichael, see Bnonarroti, M. A. Angelo, drama, see Hugo, V. M. ANGELS. Heywood, T. The hierarchie of the blessed angells; tlieir names, orders and offices ; the fall of Lucifer with his angells. London, 1635. sqi,). pi. iltp. 235 1 Ang'clucci, Angelo. Agli errori della Vocabo- lario della Crusca, 5 impressioue. A e C, notati dal Alfonso Cerquetti, appendice. Torino, 1879. D. 453 4 — Glossario delle voci militari nell' Inrentaria fieschini del 1432. (In SocietJl ligure. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Angelncei, Arnaldo. Osservazioni suUe alte- razioni dei gangli intervertebrali in alcune ma- lattie della inidolla. p/. — Ricerche istologiche suir epitelio retinico dei vertebrati. 2)1. (In Konie— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. V. 2, 1877-8, pi. 2.)— Sullo sviluppo e strut- tura del tratto uveale anteriore dei vertebrati. (In .same. v. 7, 1879-80.) 0<)5 4 ANGER. Soneca, L. A. Dell' ira; tradotti ed annotati da F. Serdonati. Milano, 1863. S. (In IJihl. rara. 25.) S50 3 Aiiaerstein, M'llhelni. Volkstiinze im deut- schen Mittelalter. Berlin, 1868. O. 82 p. (In Vircliow t£- Holtzendorff. Vortr'age. SSerie. 043 1 Aiighiera, Pietro Martire d'. De rebus ocean- icis et novo orbe decades tres: ejusdem De Babylonica legatione libri 3: et De rebus ^-Ethi- opicis, Indicis, Lusitanicis et Hispanieis opus- cula Damiani a Goes. Coloniie, 1574. S. 910 1 — The historic of the West Indies; translated by M. Lok. (In Haklnyt, R. Selection of voy- ages. 1812.) 910 57 Angles, Pedro Martyr. Prontuario ortliologi- graphico trilingue, en que se ensefia a pronun- ciar, escribir y letrear en latin, castellano y Catalan; con una idia-graphia, 6 arte de escri- bir en secreto. Barcelona [,1742]. S. 467 1 ANGLIA. Jensen, H. N. A. Bema^rkninger til et antiquarisk Kort over en Deel af Anf.:eln. map. (/)! Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1846-8.) 848 4 ANGLLVN DIALECT, Dani.fh. Hagerup, E. H. Det danske Sprog i Angel. {In same. Annaler. V. 14, 1854.) 948 2 ANGLO-NORMAN LITERATURE, see NORMAN LITERATURE. Anglo-Saxon chronicle, according to the sever- al original authorities; edited, with a transla- tion, by Benjamin Tliorjie. London, 1861. 2 V. Q. facsim. {In Gt. Rr.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 23.) 942 8 [Anglo-] Saxon chronicle; with an English translation, and notes, indices, a short gram- mar of the language, &c., by J. Ingram. Lon- don, 1823. sqQ. pi. maps, facsim.. 942 3 ANGLO-SAXON LANGUAGE. Bosnorfli, J. A dictionarv of the Anglo-Saxon language. London. 18:38. Q. 429 1 — Bryu.julfsson, G. G. Oldengelsk og OWnor- disk. ( /» Coi»enlia£ren— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 — Ellis, A. J. Anglosaxon pronunciation. (In his On early English pronunciation, 1869-89, v. 2; in E. E.'textsoc. Extra ser. 7.) 820 5.1 — The glossary. Latin and Old-Eng- lish of the 8th century; photo-lithographed by W. Griggs, and edited, with transliteration, introduction and notes, by H. Sweet. London, 1883. F.= 14-1-29 p. 28 facsim. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. E.vtra volume [79.1].) 820 5 — Same. (In Sweet, H. Oldest English texts. 1885; in same. 83.) 820 5 — Grein, C. W. M. Sprachschatz der angel- Sivchsischen Dichter. Cassel, 1861-4. 2 v. O. (/)( his Bibl. der Poesie, v. 3-4.) 829 17 —Grimm, J. L. K. Cardale, King Alfred's version of Boethius.— Kemble, die Stammtafel AJSTGLO-SAXOISr LANG UA GE 24 ANGL 0-SAXON LITERA TUllE der Westsachseu. — Aucieut laws ami institutes of England. (/» /i !.s' Kleinere Schriften, 1864- 90, T. 5.)— Augelsach;*ische Quellen. {In same. V. 1, p. 83-4.) 408 2 — Heiisliall, S. The Saxon and English lan- guages reciprocally illustrative of each other. London, 1798. sqO. 4-r60 p. 839.(i3 1 With Anj:lo-Saxon and Knglish interlinear, — Klipsteiii, L. F. A grammar of the Anglo- Saxon language. Revised and enlarged edi- tion. New York, 1853. D. 429 3 ^ — Koch, C. F. Die vocalischen Ableitungen 'im Angelsi'ichsischen und deren Verlauf. {In JahrbHch rem. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 — Leo, H. Angelsiichsisches Glossar. Halle, 1872-7. O. 42!) 2 — March, F. A. A comparative grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. New York, 1871. 429 4 — Marsh, G. P. Origin and composition of the Anglo-Saxon people and their language. — Anglo-Saxon vocabulary, literature and gram- mar. — {In his Origin and history of the Eng- lish language. 1862.) 080 21 — Rask, R. ('• Angelsaksisk Sprogl.T?re; tilli- gemed en kort Lesebog. Stokholm, 1817. O. jjZ. 429 5 —Sweet, H., editor. The oldest English texts: with introductions and a glossary. London, 1885. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 83.) 820 5 —Thomson, E. On tlie archaic mode 'of ex- pressing numbers in English, Saxon, Friesic, etc. London, 1853. O. 16 p. 429 6 ^Thorpe, B. Outline of Anglo-Saxon gram- mar.— Ulossary to Orosius. {In Paiili, R. Life of Alfred. 1857.) 923 8 — Veruoii, E. J. A guide to the Anglo-Saxon tongue: a grammar, after Rask, extracts in prose and verse, with appendix. 2 edition. London, 1861. D. 429 7 ^Wotton, W. Short view of G. Hickes's Gram- matico-critical and archeological treasury of the ancient northern languages, with notes ; trans- lated from tlie Latin by M. Shelton. 2 edition. London, 1737. sqQ. 429 8 »«• aho K\(JL1SH {((,,■/{/); LODBBOK; RtTHWEM, (HtK- MSK; lir.NKS. AX(iL()-S.VXON LAW, see LAW— AUGLO- M AXONS. AXiLO-SAXOS LITERATURE. JElfric. Frag- ment of .'Elfric's grammar, ^Ifric's glossary, and a poem on the soul and body, in the or- thography of tlie r2th century: edited by T. PLliillipps]. London, 1838. s(iQ. [4+]8 p. 829 14 hound with 9 Lives of saints [Anglo-Saxon and English], being sermons on saints' days; edited by W. W. Skeat. London, 1881-90. 3v. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 76, 82, 94.) 820 5 — — translator. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil, or Be Godes six daga weorcutn: and the Anglo-Saxon remains of [his] Admonitio ad lilium spiritniiicm: with translation, notes and account of the iiresunied author, .Klfric, by H. W. Norman. 2 edition. London, 1849. O. 20+57 p. 829 13 — Jllfric society. [Publications.] London, 1843-56. 5 V. in 4. O. 829 3-5 For coutents xtt .Elfric Society. — Alfred, king. Will [Anglo-Saxon and Eng- lish] ; reprinted from the Oxford edition of 1788, with a preface and additional notes. London, 1828. O. 12+32 p. 829 7 — — translator. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius de consolatione philoso- phi;x!: with an English translation and notes by J. S. Cardale. London, 1829. O. 829 6 — King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of [the history of] Orosius; with a literal transla- tion, and an Anglo-Saxon alphabet and glos- sary, by B. Thorpe. {In Taiili, (». R. Life of Alfred. 1857.) 923 8 — King Alfred's Orosius; edited by H. Sweet. London, 1883. pt. 1. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 79.) 820 5 Ft. 1, Old-English and Latin original. ^ King Alfred's West-Saxon version of Gregory's Pastoral care; with an English trans- lation, notes and an introduction, edited by H. Sweet. London, 1871. O. (In same. 45, 50.) 820 5 — The ancren riwle; a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life; edited and translated from a Semi-.Saxon ms. of the 13th century, by J. Morton. London, 1853. sqO. {In Caiiideii soc. Pub. V. 57.) 820 4 — Anglo-Saxon manual of astronomy [. with translation]. (In Wright, T. Popular treat- ises. 1841.) 502 7 — An Anglo-Saxon passion of St. George; edit- ed, with a -translation, by C. Hardwick. Lon- don, 1850. D. [5+] 8 + 29 p. (In Percy soc. v. 28.) 820 6 — AjtoUonins of Tyre; Anglo-Saxon version; with a literal translation, &c., bv B. Thorpe. London, 1834. O. 5+92 [+2] p. ' 829 8 — Rede. Be domes dasge: De die judicii; an old English version of the Latin poem ascribed to Bede: edited, with other sliort poems, bv J. R. Lumby. London, 1876. O. 6[+l] + 87p. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 65.) 820 5 Historia ecclesiastica a rege Aluredo Sax- onica reddita. (in /us Historia?. 1722.) 274 1 The Old English version of Bede' s Eccles- iastical history of the English people; edited, with translation and introduction, by T. Mil- ler. London, 1890. pt. 1, sect. 1. O. facsim. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 95.) 820 5 — Rciiedictines. The rule of St. Benet, Latin and Anglo-Saxon interlinear version; edited, with introduction and notes, by H. Logeman. London, 1888. O. {In same. 90.) 820 5 Another Anglo-Saxon version is contained in v. 2. of Oreiifs I'rosa. — llJeowiilf':] De Dauorum rebus gestis secul. 3 & 4: poi'ina Danicum dialecto Anglo-saxoni- ca, edidit versione Lat. et indicibus auxit G. J. Thorkelin. Havnia, 1815. sqQ. 829 20 For other editions see- Beowulf. — Rililc. Anglo-Saxon and early English Psalter. London [,1843-7]. O. (hi Siirtecs soc. Pub. 16, 19.) 820 7 Same. 223 6 ANGL 0- SA XOX LITER A TV RE 25 ANGL 0-SAXONS — — Eadwine's Canterbury psalter, edited, witli introduction anRosenvinge. Havniie, 1836. sqO. 82!) 9.1 ^Cockayne, T. 0. The shrine, a collection of occasional papers. London, 1864-70. 13 nos. O. .S2i) 3 For contents see Cockayne. —editor. Narratiunculoj Anglice conscriptii'. [London.] 1861. O. 4[-H] -F 87 p. 82!> 10 — De falsis diis : Fragment af en allitereret ang- elsaxisk Homili; med en dansk Oversa^ttelse ved C. R. Unger. (In Copeiiliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) !»4^S 2 — Defensor, compiler. Liber sciutillarum, with an interlinear Anglo-Saxon version, 11th cen- turv; edited, with introduction and glossarv, by E.W.Rhodes. Loudon, 1889. O. (///E.E. text soc. Orig. ser. 93.) 820 5 — Diirliaiii. Rituale ecclesia? Dunelmensis [Latin and Anglo-Saxon]. London [, 1840]. O. facsivi. (In Surtees soc. Pub. 10.) S20 7 Same. 264 3.1 — Felix of CrowUmd. The Anglo-Saxon ver- ^on of tiielifeof St. Guthlac: with a transla- tion and notes by C. W. Goodwin. London, 1848. D. 829 8.1 — (Jreiu, ('. W. Tli,, editor. Bibliothek derang- elsilchsischen Poesie: mit vollstiindigem Glos- sar. GoRttingen, 1857-8. 4 v. in 3. O. 829 17 — — — Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Pi-osa. Cassel, 1873-89. 3v. inl. O. .S29 11 CotiffnU: 1. Alft-ik de vetere et novo testaniento. Pentateuch. losua. Buih der Riohter und Hiob. i. Die angclsiichsischen Prosabearbeitunjten der Benedictiner- regel; hrstr. von A. Schroer. 3, Anselsiichsiscbe Homi- lien und Heilifienleben; brsg, von B. Assmanu. — . — translator. Dichtungen der Angelsachsen stabreimend iibersetzt. Gottingen, 1857-9. 3 V. in 1. O. S29 18 —Index evangelioruni, dominicalium et festo- rum. (In Scliilter, J. Thesaurus, 1737-8, v. 1.) 8.30 9 — Klipslein, L. F. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica; selections in jjroseand verse, with an ethnolog- ical essay and notes. New York, 1856. 3v. D, 829 13 —Longfellow, H. W. Anglo-Saxon language and poetry. (In his Pcjets and poetrv of Europe. 1845.) SO.S 1.1 — Marsh, (i. P. Anglo-Saxon vocabulary, lit- erature and grammar. — Semi-Saxon literature. [In his Origin and history of the English lang- uage. 1863.) OSO 31 — Morris, R., editor. Legends of the holy rood, 11th, 14th and 15th centuries, with introduc- tion, translations and glossarial inde.x. Lon- don, 1871. O. il. (InE. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 46.) S20 5 — Olitliere. Periplus Ohtheri ut et Wulfstani. (/// Thorgilssoii, A. Schedw. 1733.) 839.()3 47 — Price, R. On the Saxon ode on the victory of Athelstan [, with text and translation]. (/)/. Wartoii, J. Historv of Englisli poetrv, 184U,v.l.) S21 13 — Schnild, R., editor. Die Gesetze der Angel- sachsen, in der Ursprache, mit Uebevsetzung, Erliluterungeu und eineni antiquarisclien (ilos- sar. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. Q. 34(> 1 — Stepliens, (J., editor -t4 10 An!,niillara, tiiovaiiiii Andrea dell". Al cardi- nal di Trento. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesclie, 1760, T. 2.) 857 3 — Stanze per lo natale di lo duca d' Augion.— Capitolo al cardinal di Trento. Firenze, 1864. D. .51 p. (/n Boiuieei, A. Delizie. 4.) 850 4 Anjela, .see Xakwaska, A. K. AME>E, see TIBER. AXILIXE DYES. BoUey, P. A. Altes und neues aus Farbenchemie. Berlin [,1867]. O. 3.5 p. {In Tircliow & Holtzeiidorft'. Vortrilge. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Mever, R. iJie Industrie der Theerfarbstoffe. Berlin. 1881. O. 33 p. (/h sa»ie. 16 Serie.)043 1 AMMAL MAOXETISM. Lang, W, Animal magnetism, or Mesmerism: its history, phe- nomena, and present condition; with a supple- ment containing new facts by C. H. Towns- hend. New York. 1844. D. 134 1 See film OD. AMJI.VLS, see ZOOLOdT, also EXCOMMUM- C'ATIOX; FABLES. Les animniix diplomates, see F., W. de. ASS A, (hiiiyliicr of Iran V.. empress of Rus- sia. Itartliold, F. Vi. Anna Joanowna: Cabi- net. Hof. Sitte und gesellschaftliche Bildung in Moskau und St. Petersburg, jjor. (In Rau- iner, F. L, (i. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. l!-i3(i.) J»05 1 AXXA .VM.iH.i, Herzogin zii Sachsen-Weimar nnd Eisenach. Gothe, J. W. von. Zum An- denken der Fiirstin. 1807. {In Ins Werke, 1827-42, V. 32.) S32 1 AnniPiis, Tlienorins. Historia chrouologica Paniioniii-: icones item vitasque et victorias a Joanne Jac. Boissardo delineatas ccmtinens: ad 1607 continuata studio Gotardi Arthus. Fran- cofurti, 1608. D. il. por. 943 62 niustiated hy Tli^y Maurice Block and others. Annnaire des eaux et forets pour 1872-3. Paris, 1872-3. V. 10-12 in 2. S. 551.58 80 Annnaire des voyages et de la geograpliie pour 1847: sous la direction de Frederic Lacroix. Paris. 1847. v. 4. S. 910 49 Annnaire scientifique: public parP. P. Deberain. 1865-7. "9. Paris, 1866-70. v. 5-7, 9. D. il. .505 5 Annnario bibliografico italiano, see Italy— Mi- nlstero delta pnbbliea istrnzione. Annnario ilella letteratura italiana nel 1880, see (inliernatis, A. de. Aninnirio della nobilta italiana, 1880. Pisa. ix'.'.l. v. 2. T. pi. 350 6 Annnario di economia sociale e di statistica pel» regno d' Italia; per P. Duprat ed A. Gicca. Torino. 1863. v. 1. D. 314 3.1 Annnario scientific© ed industriale,1869-70. Mi- huKj, 1870-1. V. 6-7. D. il.2)l. 505 7 .Vnnuario statistico-italiano: per cura di Cesare forrenti e Pietro Maestri. Torino, 1864. v. 2. T. 314 4 Un ano y un dia, drama, see Zorrilla. v. 2. AXOIXTERS. Milan. Processo originate degli untori nella peste del 1630. Milano, 18.j9. O. Pj. 133 12 Ans saga bogsveigis. {In Rafu, C. ('. Forn. siigur. 1829-30, v. 2.) 839.03 13 Ansaldo, Francesco, cd(7oc. .see Cafliiro. Crona- ca. (In Soeieta lisiire. Atti. v. 1. 1858.) 945 48 Anseliaire, St., archbi.'tlioj) of Ilinubuni & firemen. Vita S. Willehadi. (In Lanuebek, .1. Srrii)t. rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 1.) 948 76 ANSCHAIRE 27 ANTS — (iiroiHilou'in reniin septentrionalium ORvi Auschaiiani. — (iiinldoii. Poematle vita S. An- scharii.— Legends© veteres de Sancto Anschario. (In same. v. 1.)— Lcgendie. (v. 3.) JUS 76 —Reinsert, St. S. Anschaii vita gemina: oia- tione iirosil per Rimbertuin, metrica per Oiinl- donem; edidit C. Arrhenius. Holmi.T, 1077. sqQ. !)23 93 — — Vita Anskarii: recensuit G. Wait/.. Haii- noverae, 18S4. O. (Tn Pertz, (i. H. Script, rer- um German. 9.) 943 IG Vita S. Anschai'ii, Latine et Svethice. — Appendix. — Legendao de S. Anschario. (Tii Faut, E. M. Script, rerum Svecicarum. 1S1,S-2S, V. 3.) J»4S 8S.1 — — Vita S. Anscharii. (In Laiisebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 1.) " !)4.S 76 — Teteus, S. Christendommens Indforelse i Norden ved Anscliarius. Kiobenhavn, 1830, D. 270 9 Ansebii, Si., archbishop of Canterbury. Die dietsche Lucidarius. (In Bloiiimnort, J. P. M. • Oudvlaenische gedichteii, 1838-51, v. 3.) 839.31 3 — Eadiiier. Historia novorum in Anglia, et opusciila duo de vita Anselmiet miraculis ejus: edited by M. Rule. London, 1884. Q. (In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 81.) 842 8 Anseriiii, Alessaiulro, La forza unica nell' uni- verso. Prato, 1868. O. 531 1 — Idoli e santi. Milano, 1877. D. 231 5 Aiisted, David Thomas. Physical geography. London. 1867. D. 551 13 Aiistey, Heiu-y, editor, see Oxfoid university. Muniinenta aeademica. 1868. (In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron, and mem. .50.) 942 8 AXSVER, St.. abbot of Ratzeburg. Acta S. Ansveri. (/)/ Lana'ebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 3.) 94s 34 ASTENS.E, see DIPTERA; FLEAS. Antes que todo e.s mi dama, .see Calderou. v. 4. Auzia ed xVbrocome, see Xenoi)hoii of Ejjhesus. Antliolosria Graeca, ad Palatini codicis fidem edita. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiae. 1829. 3 v. T. 881 1 — Lessina'^ G. E. Griechische Antliologie. tin his Werke, 1823-5, v. 2.) 832 6 Antlion, Charles, editor, see Horatins Flaccns, (J. Poemata. 1880. 874 3 Potter, J. Archa?ologia Graca. 1825. 913 26 ANTHONY, king of Portugal. Explanation of the riglitand tytle of Authonie, king of Portu- gal, againste Phillip, king of Castile: with a historye of the matter until 1583; translated into English. Levdeu, 1585. D. [2 + ] 54 p. fa?). 94(5 84 Anthony and Cleopater, see Sliakespeare, W. ANTHROPOLOGY, see MAN. Antichrist and the signs before the doom: by Richard Morris. (In Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 5, 1864.) 805 1 L' antidoto, commedia, see Alfleri, Y. De antieke Helicon, see Fokke, A. S. v. 11. AfTlyoPTj, .lee Sophocles. The Anti-Jacobin; or. Weekly examiner. 1797- 8. 5 edition. London, 1803. 2 v. O. 942 29 ANTILLES, see WEST INDIE.S. Antinori, Yincenzio. Notizie i.storiche relative air Accademia del cimento. (In Florence — Ac- cad, del cinicnto. Saggi. 1841.) 530 10 ANTIOCH. Ganlhier. Antiocliena bella. {In Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 Antioche, La chanson d', see ]i\v\\i\r([ le jielerin. Antiphon. Quo3 exstant omnia [Greek and Latin, with full critical apparatus]. (//( Ora- tores, Attici, 1828, v. 1, 13.) 8S5 1 Antiquarie prospettiche romane, comijoste per prospettivo milanese dipintore: [wiihj riccrche del G. Govi. facsini. {In Rome— K. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3. 1875-6, pt. 3 , 0(i5 3 Anti(|uarisk Tidsskrift, .see t'oncnhagen— K. nord. (Hdskrift-Selskab. Antiqiiitatcs Americann-, see Rafn, ('. V. Antiqnitesamericaines, — russes, .see Rafn, ('. C. ANTIQUITIES. Fosbrooke, T. 1>. A treatise on the arts, manufactures, manners and insti- tutions of the Greeks and Romans. London, 1833-5. 3 V. D. il. iltp. 913 24 — Hertz, B, Catalogue of [his] collection of Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek. Etrus- can, Roman, Indian, Peruvian and Mexican antiiiuities. London, 1851. sqQ. j)/. 913 3 — Lessiiig, G. E. Antiquarische Briefe. (Inhis Werke, 1833-5, v. 5-6.) 832 6 ^Ove Kjaer, L. Studier af Oldtidslivet og Oldtidshistorien. Kjobenhavn. 1864. O. map. 930 3 Conteiif--'; Den atheniensiske Kviude og Heta?re. — Frufftbarhedsjiudinden i den peldste lilleasiatiske Kul- tus.— Kinimcrierne.— Aniazonerne. — Rafn, C. C. Breve fra og til Rafn: udgi vet af B. Grondal. Kjobenhavn, 1869. O. 913 1 Smith, yy., editor. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 3 edition. Boston. 1849. O. il. 913 23 — Zaviziano, C. Sugli awenimenti preistorici; studii. Napoli, 1871. v. 1. D. 913 3 iSV*" nho the division .IMIQl'ITIKS nnder the various countries. Autislhenes, o/nic. Ajax; — Ulvsses [Greek and Latin]. (In Oratores Attici, 1828. v. 4, 14.) 885 1 .\ntologia toscana, see Fanfani, P. ANTONELLI, Giacomo, cardinal. Pio IX ed il cardinale Antonelli. Milano, 1859. 2S2 34 Antonio da Pistoia, see Pistoia. Antonio, Benito. Aldea na corte, e noites de verao, seguidas as Noites de inverno de Fran- cisco Rodrigues Lobo. Lisboa, 1750. S. 8(J9 45 Antonio, Giovanni d'. Le opere. Napoli, 1788. S. {In CoUezione napoletana, v. 33.) 859 19 Coitffiifs; Lo mandracchio alletterato. — asiliato. — re- patriate— nnammorato.—Scola cava.iola.— curialesca.— La vita e moite de lo .Soiatamone mpetrato.— Parte de pazzo. — .Juoclie. ANTONirS, St.. abbot. Hieronyuins Sophro- uillS, E. Das ist sant Pauls leben und auch das lebeu des hevligeu vatters sant Antbiinigs. Strassburg. 1498. sqD. [93] p. il. 093 13 ANTS. Schumann, K. Die Ameisenpflanzen. AN'TS 28 ARABIA HamVmig, 1889. O. 37 p. pi. {la VireliOAV * Holtzeiidorff.. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 4.) OiS 2 Antwerp, Dit sijn lie coreu van der stad Ant- werpeii. Gent. 1853. Q. [5 +] 60 p. [In Jlaet- scliappy der Vlaein bibl. Weiken, 3 ser. 2.) S39.3 3 — MlSEE PLANTIS. A'aiuleiiiaegrheii, F. Musee Plautin k AnTers; notice sur la Bililiotlieque Plautiuienne. Gaud, 187."). O. [4] + 38 p. j>oc. 027 6 bound with OIG 19 — Das'verhael van der oproer te Antwerjien iu 16.^)9, Gent. 1839. Q. t. p. (/» Maetschappv der llaem. bibl. 1 ser. 2.) S3i».3 2 Autwcrpeiier Liederliuch voni 1544. faesiiii. {fit HoU'iitnii Toil Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62. pt. 11.) 839.31 3 AN'YSir.S, bishop of Thcssalonica. Synesius. Constitutio: sive, Elogium Anysii. "(/" 'u's Opera. 1612.) 20S 11 AOSTA. (iiacosa, (i. I castelli della valle d' Aosta. (/» (Uiriositil deliastoria subalpina. v. 2, 1876.) 9-to 43 L' apatista; o, L' indiflferente, commedia, .see fioldoiii, C, V. 36. APE>XI>'ES. Debartolomeis, L. {In his Oro- idrografia dell' Italia. [187-:] in L' Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 8 — Rivista delle Alpi, degli Appennini e tuI- cani. Torino. 1864-7. v. 1-3. O. pi. 551.43 11 APES. Hartuiaiin, K. Die mensohenilhniichen Affen. Berlin. 1876. O. 54 p. il. (In Vuxhow (£• Holtzeiidorfl". Vortriige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Apheleu, Haus ron. Kongelig dansk Ord-Bog. Kiobenhavn, 1764. 2v. sqQ. 829.83 1 Contents : 1. Dansk off tydsk. 2. Tydsk og dansk. APHORIS.>rS. f'amdeii, W. Grave speeches and wittie apothegme.s. (/fi /asRemaines. 1637.) 420 3 Le api, see Rncellai, G. Apollo, serjant, see Fokke, A. S. v. 72. [Apoiloiiiiis, king of Tyre:] Anglo-Saxon ver- sion of the story Apollonius of Tyre : \i-itli a literal translation, &c., by Benjauiin Thorpe. London, 1834. O. 5 4- 92 [-f 2] p. 825) 8 — Konig Apollonius. il. (In Yolksbiielier. 53.) ^ 833 22 — Konung Apollonius afTvrus. (In Riieksti-oiii, P. 0. Svenska folkbocker, 1845, v. 1.) 293 18 — Haa-en, H. Der Roman vom Konig Apollo- nius von Tvrus in seinen ver.schiedeuen Bear- beitungen. Berlin, 1878. O. 32 p. (/n Vin-bow & Hoitzendorfi; Vortrage. 13 Serie.) 043 1 APOLLONIUS q/- Tyana. Philostratns, F. Tlie two first books concerning the life of Apollo- nius: in t;nglish, with notes, by C. Blcmnt. London, 1080. F. 921 1 French : Vie d' Apollonius de Tyane: avec les coniinentaires de C. Blount; en franc.'ais. Berlin, 1774. 4 v. D. 7)0?'. 921 2 Apnlo y C'limene, see ('alderoii. v. 2. APOSTLES. (Jnsparlii, A. E. de. Le siecle apostolicpic. (In liis Innocent III. 1873.) 270 10 — Renaii, .1. E. Les Apotres. Paris, 1866. 0. 2707 — I'liU'er, K, R., editor. Po-stola scignr. Chris- tiania, 1874. O. '839.(i3 5s APOTHECARIES. Pisa. Statuto inedito dell" arte degli speciali nel secolo 15; per cura di P. Vigo. Bologna, 1885. D. (/n Scelta di curiositii. 208.) 850 10 APPARITIONS, see fiHOSTS. APPIAN W.VY. Billaiid, R. Le voyageur sur la voie appieune: ou. Description des tombeaux et auties monuniens sur cette voie. Rome. 1853. D. 19t61 [-i-2]p. map. 913 10.1 Appiaiiiis. Romanarum historiarum quae su- persunt. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiae, 1818. 4 v. T. 888 34 Appletoii, C'barles Edward. The economic character of subsidies to education. -The endow- ment of research as a form of productive ex- penditure. (In Essays on endowment of re- search. 1876.) 378 3 Api)letous' American cyclopaedia, seeBipley,G., A Dana, ('. A., editors. Aprilsnarrene, Vaudeville, see Heiberg:, J. L. Skuespil, v. 4. Apuleius, Lnciiis, of Maduura. Opera omnia; ex editione Oudendorpiana, cum notis et inter- pretatione in usumdelphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum indicibus recensita. Londini, Valpy, 1825. 7 V. O. 878 27 — L'asino d'oro, volgarizzato da Agnolo Firen- zuola: con Novella dello sternuto, tradotta da Matteo Boiado. Nuova edizione. Milano. 1863. S. il. (In Bibl. rara. 24.) 850 3 — Paraphrases. (In Browning, E. B. B. Last poems. 1862.) 821 24 A(JUAVIVA, Ridolfo. Bartoli, B. Missione ai gran mogor del P. R. Aquaviva, sua vita e morte, e d'altri quattro compagni uccisi in Sal- sete di Goa. Piacenza, 1819. O. 915.4 1 Aquinas, Thomas, see Thomas. Aquino, Tliomd Josepli de, editor, see Canioens, L. de. Lusiadas. 1815. 8(59 36 Arabeslien, see Tiecli, J. L. Schriften, v. 9. ArabeSijaes, see Greenong'li, S. D. L. Arabia, Francesco Saverio. Relazione storica del tremuoto di Basilicata. 1851. Napoli. 1852. O. 28[ + 2Jp. 551.22 1 AR.iBIA. Abd-(d-Ghaui-in-Nabolsi. Reisen im wiisten Arabien : von A. v. Kremer. [Wien, 1851.] O. 41 p. 915.3 7 — .indree, K. T. Burton's Reise nach Medina mid Mekka, il. pi. (In his Forschungsreisen, 1861, v. 1.) "915.3 1 — .Vraliia; seu, Arabum leges, ritus, mores, in- stituta et historia: accedvmt itinera. Amstelo- dami, 1633. Tt. 094 59 — Biirckhardt, J. L. Travels in Arabia: com- prehending an account of those territories in iledjaz which the Mohammedans retard as sacred. London, 1829. sqQ. maj^. 915.3 2 — Desvergers, M. J. A. N. Arabic. Paris. 1847. O. pi. niaji. (/» L'nnivers. 13.) 910 18 — Dm Coiiret, L. Les mysteres du desert. Paris. 1S59. 2 V. l). il. maps. 915.3 6 — (>narninni, ('. Il Negedsettentrionale: itine- rario da Gerusalemme a Aueizeh nel Cnssini. (tenisalemme, 1866. O. ma2). 915.3 17 — Kremer. A. von. Uober zwei arabische geo- AJiA£IA 29 AJiA G ON graphische Werke... [Wien, 1850.] O. — Laborde, L. E. S. J. dc. Journey through Arabia Petraja to Mt. Siuai and tlie excavated city of Petra. 3 edition. London, 1838. O. (/. pZ. nuq). 015.3 15 Lenoir, P. Le Fayouni, le Sinai et Petra. Paris, 1873. D. i)or. iil. !»1«.2 4 The ludderii traveller: Arabia. London, 182.5. S. pi. map. !)15.3 8 Meblilir, C. Beschreibung von Arabieu. Ko- penhagen, 1773. sqQ. pi. facsim.rnaps. illo.SO Reiselie.schreibung nach Arabien und an- dern umliegenden Liindern. Kopenhagen, 1774- 1837. 3v. sqO. por. pi. facsim. maps. !)15.3 10 Palffrave, W. G. Personal narrative of a year'sjourney through central and eastern Ar- abia. 1862-3. b edition. London, 1869. D. por. maps. 915.3 11 — RiippeU, W. P. E. S. Reisen in Nubien und deni petriiischen Arabien. Frankfurt a. M., 1829. O. pi. maps. 91(>.2 35 — A'artlieiiia, L. (In his Itinerario; in Scelta di curiositii. 3U7.) SoO 10 — AVellsted, J. R. Reisen in Arabien: deutsche Bearbeitung von E. Rodiger. Halle, 1842. 2 v. in 1. O. il. facsim. max)s. !)15.3 13 Travels to the city of the caliphs; includ- ing a tour on the island of Socotra. London, 1840. 2 V. O. pi. map. 915.3 13 — Zimmenuaiiu, ('. Fiinf Karten zu C. Ritter's Erdkuude von Arabien. Berlin, 1847. S(iF.'' 912 53 in portfolio 2 &lakini: .MiihanniiiHl il>n Abd Allali, ciMttl Ibn Batuta; Ssidi Ah 1 il l!aUaj;TiMi vizierR. Det arabiske Pulver, see Holberg', L. Come- dier, v. 3. ARABS. Amari, M. Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia. Firenze, 1854-72. 3 v. in 4. O. 945 106 — — Su le iscrizioni arabiche del palazzo regio di Messina, facsim. (In Rome— R. a(^cad, dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 6, 1880-1.) 0(>5 5 — Bianchi-dtioviui, A. Sulla dominazione degli Arabi in Italia. Jlilano, 1846. O. [3+] 65p. 945 112 — Daiimas, M. J. E. Mceurs et coutunies de I'Algt-rie. Paiis. 1853. D. 3i)0 31 — Kreuier, A. vou. Schreiben an die kaiserliche Akademie aus Cairo, 35 Miirz 1851. fWien 1851.] O. 41 p. '953 • — Marclli, F. A. de. Introduzione all' opera, Studi sulla storia, diritto e civilta degli Arabi e degli Ottomani. Roma, 1876. 25 p. ' 953 1 —Martini, P. Storia delle invasion! degli Arabi inSardegna. Cagliari, 1861. O. 945 111 — Meliren, A. F. M. Fremstilling af de islan:iti- ske Folks ainiindelige geograjihiske Kundska- ber. (In Copenliageii— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 17, 1857.) <)4!i 2 — — Resume du meinoire sur les connaissances geographiques des peuples islamites. (In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 94s 3 — Mornaud, F. La vie arabe. Paris, 1856. D .> ■ , .. 390 22 ^OcJdey, S. The history of the Saracens. 4 edition. London. 1847. D. por. 953 o .SVf n/«o ARABIA; BEDOIIXS; CALIFS; DIVAX; MOOKS- W AH A BIS. • Aragron. Actos de cortes del regno de Aragon. ^'aragoija, 1664. F.'' 349 09 — Observantia; consuetudinesque regni Arago- num in usu communiter habitaj;— Fori quibus in judiciis et extra ad prasens non utimur. ^^aragofa, 1664. F.^ 34.9 09 — Ordenanzas de las armadas navales de la co- rona de Aragon, 1354; acompanadas de varies edictos: por Antonio de Capmany vertidas del idioma latino y lemosino con los textos ori- ginales. Madrid. 1787. sqO. 946 39 ABA G OjST 30 AM CADI A — Archivo general. Coleccion de documentos ineditos: publicada por Prospero de Bofarull y Mascaro. Barcelona, 1847-76. 40 \. in 37. O. 946 38 ConUnU: 1-8. Procesos de las antiguas cortes y parla- mentos de Cataluna. Aragon y Valencia. 9-10. Slonfary Sors, D. Historiade loscondes de I'rgel. 11. Repartimi- entos de los reinos de Mallorca, Valencia y Oerdeiia. 12. Censo de CataluBa en tiempu del rey I'edro el Cere- monioso. 13. Documentos literarios en antigua lengua catalana, siglos 14 y 15. 14-*26. Levantamientu y gucrra de Cataluna en tieiupo de Juan II. -J-s. CarlMtiifll, P. M. Opusculos ineditos. iO-Sl. Proceso contra el rey de Mallorca. .Jaime III. 82-4. Proceso contra Bernardo de Cabrera. 3o-e Proceso contra el ultimo eunde de Urgel y su familia. SV. Gucrra entre C'astilla. Aragon y Na- varra: comprcimiso para terminarla, 1431. 3s. Procesos contra los nobles de la union aragonesa en 1301. 39. Rentas de la antigua corona de Aragon. 40. Gremios y eofradiasde la antigua corona de Aragon. Vol. 18-40 are edited by Manuel de Bofarull y Sartorio. — Abarca, P. de. Los reves de Aragon en ana- les historicos. Madrid, l"68i-4. 2v. F. 94« 37.1 — Dormer, D. J. Anales de Aragon. 1525-40; algunas noticias, 1516-25. [Zaragoza.] 1697. F. iltp. 946 40 _ — Proftressos de la historia de Aragon, v elo- gios de G. Zurita, 1513-80. Zaragoza, 168o" F. 946 43 — Madramaiiy y Calataj-ud, JI. Tratado de la nobleza tie la corona de Aragon, especialniente de Valencia. Valencia, 1788. O. 946 41 — Miiiitaiier, R. Chronique d" Aragon. {In Bii- chon, J. K, t'. Chroniques etrangeres, 1811.) 944 10.1 .—Zurita, J. Anales de la corona de Aragon: anadida. Apologia de A. de Morales, con uii parecer del J. P. de Castro, todo in defensa destos anales. f,'arago9a, 1610-21. 7v. F. il. 946 43 Sfi0 3 ARAL SEA. Hiiariies, L. II lago di Aral; dis- sertazione. Torino, 1874. O. [4-t-] 52 p. 551. 4S 38 Ai'aiia, Diego Barros. see Barros Araiia. Aratiis of Soli. Phni'nomena Latine reddita. {In Cicero, >I. T. Opera, 1820, t. 4.) 875 1 La Araucaiia, see Ercilla y Ziiiiig'a, A.' de. ARAUCASIAXS. Riccardi, P. Stndiintornoad alcuiii crani araucanos e pampas, pi. {In Koine — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Sniitli, E. R. The Araucanians; or, Xotes of a tour among the Indian tribes of southern Chili. New York, 1855. D. j)/. 91S.3 2 Arliatel de magia veterum. 1686. (In Sclieiide, .1. Da.sKloster, 184r)-,50. T. 3.) .s:i7 16 Arl)er, Edward, editor. English reprints. Ijon- don, 1868-71. ;!ii no. in 14 v. S. XH) 9 VontenU; I. 1. .lliltdii. .). .\reopagitica. ItJl-l. i', l.iil- Inter, 11. Sermon on Ihe iilnvigh'jrs, l.')49. 3. licwsoii, S. The schoole of abuse, and .-\ short apologie. 1.579. II. 4. Sidney, I'. An iipologie for poetrie, 1.5'.P.i. .">. Wchlic, K. His trauailes. 1580. «. Scldcn. .1. Table-talk, ICHll. III. I. AKrhiini, l(. Toxophilus. 1.54.5. s. .iddlscin. .1. Criti- cism on lost. I711-l'.i. IV. 9. i.)l>. .1. Euphu- es. 1.5T'J;— Kuphui's and his England. I.5M0. ' v. 10. Iliick- Ingliani, (J. V. duke of. The rehcarf^al. \\u2. 1 1. Iiasrolirne, (1. Certayne notes of instniitiiin in English verse, 1575;— The Steele glas, 1570;— 'I'he coniplaynt of I'hilom- ene, 1576: preceded by G. Whetstone's .K remembrance of Gascoigne. 1577. 12. Knrlc, .J. Micro-cosmographie. 1028. VI. 13. Liilinier, H. Seven sermons before Ed- ward VI., 1549. 14. More, T. Utopia. 1556. VII. 1.5. Puttenhani, (i. The arte of English poesie. VIII. Hi. Honell. .1. Instructions for forreine travell. 1642. 17. I ihill, .\. Roister Duister. before 15.5:3. Is. lieTelatioii to tbemonliof E\esham. about 1482. 19. .James I. Es- sayes in poesie. 1585;— A coimterblaste to tobacco, 1604. I.\, 20. Xauiitoii, U. Fraginenta regalia. 1653. 21. Wat- Min, T. Poems. 1.582-93. X. 22. Habinirtou, W. Castara, 1640. 23. .\M-liani, K. The scholema.'1)1m', IV. A discourse of Eng- lish poetrie. 1586. XIII. 27. Itaciin, F. A harmony of the essays. &c., 1697-1626. XIV. 2s. Roy, W., A bar- lowe, J. Rede me and be nott wrothe. 1528:— A proper dvaloge; with A compendious olde treatyse, 1530, 29. Ralegh, W., A- others. The last fight of the Revenge, 1591-8. 30. (iooi.'e. B. Eglogs, epytaphes & sonettes, 1563. ARBITRATION. Espersoii, P. II trattato di Washington sulla questione anglo-americana deir Alabama. [Firenze, 1871.] sqQ. 8 p. 341 8 — Pierantoni, A. Gli arbitral! internazionali e il trattato di Washington. Napoli, 1882. Q. 341 8 ,SVAR('. Areadia, see Saniia/aro, («.; Sidney, P. ARCADIA 31 ARCHITECTS L" Arciulia in Brenta, see Vacalerio, (J. (J. Arocri, Salviitore, editor, see Vcneziaiio, A. Opere. 1801. J^o'J 40 Archaiological institute t)f America. Papers. American series. Boston, 1881. v. 1. O. jil. map. !»13 G3.1 VofitetUs: Bandelier, A. F. Historical introduction to .studies among the sedentary Indians of New Mexico;— Report on the ruins of the pueblo of Pecos. — Papers. Classical series. Boston, 1823. v. 1. O. maps. 913 28 Contents: Clarke, J. T. Preliminary report of investi- gations at Assos, 1881. — Inscriptions found at Assos and Mitylene.— Ljiwtoii, Vi. V. Notes. Bunarbashi and other sites in the Troad.— Walker, ('. H. Notes on the map of the Acropolis of the Bali Dagh. — Oilier, .1. s. The geolo- gy of Assos;— Notes upon the geology of the Troad. ARCH.EOLOOY. Capelliiii, U. Armi e utensili di pietra del Bolognese. Bologna, 1870. sqF. 16 p. p^ 571 2 boimd with ^iol.'il 7 — — L'uomo pliocenico in Toscana. jA. (In R(niie— R. accad. (lei liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-(), pt. 2.) 065 3 — Cartailhac, E. Lage de pierre dans les sou- venirs et superstitions pnpulaires. Paris, 1877. O. (7. 571 5 bound with 551,2 2 — CasteUaiii, A. Sull incivilimento primitivo. Firenze. 18(34. O. 49 p. 571 4 — ('((cclii, J. Di alcuni resti umani e degli og- getti di uiaana industria dei tempi preistorici raceolti in Toscana. Milano, 1865. sqF. 32 p. pi. 571 2 hound u-ith 551.31 7 — ('(»l)eiilia8-eu— Koiiftelige lutnliske Oldskrilt- Selsliab. Aarboger for nordislv Oldkvndighed og Historie, 1866-89. Kjiibenliavn [",1866-89]. V. 1-24. O. il. 2Jl. tab. maps. {(iJS .5 Antiquarisk Tiddskrift, 1843-63. Kjoben- havn, 1845-64. 7 v. O. il. pi. maps. 948 4 — Desor, E. Les pierres a ecuelles. pi. ({n his La foret vierge. 1879.) 551.58 120 — fiastaldi, B. Frammenti di paieoetnologia italiana. (7. p)l. (In Rome— K. aeead. dei liu- cei. Atti. 2 ser. r. 3. 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Nuovi cenni sugli oggetti di alta antichita trovati nelle torbiere e nelle niarniere dell' Italia. Torino, 1863. sqF. 95 p. il. 2)1. 571 2 bound with 552 2 — Haj^lies, H. W. Discovery of pal:tolitliic flint implements in upper Egypt. [Boston, 1881.] .sqF. p. 359-361. jj/. 571 3 6o«nd !(v77( 551.31 7 — Ineoronato, A. Scheletri della caverna delle arene candide presso Finalmarina. pA. (In Rome— R. accad. dei. liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. set. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 3.)— Sopra uno seheletro umano dell' eta della pietra della proviiicia di Roma. j>L (In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Iiiteniational coimress of antliropoloay and prehistoric arclia>(dog-v. Compte rendu' deUi 5e session a Bologne, 1871. Bologne, 1873. O. 571 1 — Issel, .4.. Nuove ricerclie sulle caverne ossi- . fere della Liguria. (Iti Rome— R. accad. dei llncei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. fis. v. 3, 1S77-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Lioy, P. II congresso di Bologna e la antro- pologia preistorica. (/« Jus Conferenze. 1872.) 570 1 bound with 551.58 120 — Lovisato, I). Strumenti litici e brevi cenni geolfigici suJle provinci di ('.itaiizaro e di Co- senza. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. .sei. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Novi oggetti litici della Calabria, j;/. [In same. v. 3, 1878- y.) — Cenni critici sulla preistoria calabrese. (In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Lyell, ('. The geological evidences of the an- ticiuity of man. 3 edition. London, 1863. O. il. pi. 573 4 — Miiller, S. Mindre Bidrag til den forbisto- riske Arch.x'ologis Methode. (In Copeniiag'eu— K. nord Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 19, 18^4.) 94S 5 — Pig'orini, L. Le abitazioni palustri di Fon- tanellato dell' epoca di ferro. Parma, 1865. Q. 30 p. pi. 571 'i bound ivith 551.2 3 — RiijTHrero, (i. Oggetti preistorici calabresi del t^ataiizarese e del Cosentino. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877- 8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Schmidt, E. Die iUtesten Spuren des Men- schen in Nordamerika. Hamburg, 1887. O. 58 p. (In Vlrcliow cfc Holtzeiidoril. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 3 — Stefani, ('. de. Sulle tracce attriliuite all' uonio ]iliocenico nel Senese. {In Rome— R. ac- cad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. \. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — 8tro))el, P. Avanzi preroniani raceolti nelle terremaree palafitte nell" Emilia. Parma, 1863. pt. 1. sqF. [H-] 3 + lOp. p/. 571 2 bound irith 'i't2 2 — AVorsaae, J. J. A. Des figes de pierre et de bronze tlans 1' ancien et le nouveau nionde: comparaisons archeoIogico-etbiiogr:i]ibii|Ues. il. pA. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Ohl.-Selskab. Memoires. n. s. v. 3, 1878-82.1 948 3 S(e aim .INTIOl'lTIKS: C.WE.KWKLLERS: ('I!(i:iII,F,('HS; (ilMVK MOIMIS: ll{(l\-.\(.l-:: I.IKK l»H KI.MXJS: .11 IX; .IIOMKNA: JIOIMIS: I'KliKiOHll: H01M» KUVKRS; SHKLI.-llKAl'S: ,y/,. ,.///// s( AMU N.VVIA-A.VTKJllTIES. Arclier, AVilliam, editor c(- translator, see lb- sen, H. Pnwe dramas. 1890. 839.82 28 ARCHERY. Ascham, R. Toxophilus, 1545, Londuii. 1868. S. (In Arber, E. English re- prints. 7.) S20 9 Toxophilus: the school of shootinge. (In his Wliole wiirks, 1864-5, v. 3.) 828 3 — Hannner-Piirgstall, J. von. Uber Bogen und Pfeil, den Gebrauch und die Verfertigung der- sellien bei den Arabern und Tiirkeu. "Wien, 1753. F.^ 36 p. jjI. 399 4 —Hansard, (i. A. Tlie book of archery. Lon- don, 1840. O. jj/. 796 2 ARCHES. (Jiiidi, C. Sulla determinazione gra- fica delle forze interne negli archi metallici. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 4. 1878-9.) 065 4 Arclubald, E. U. The rainfall of tlie world, in connection with the eleven-vear period of sun- spots. Calcutta, 1878. O. 11+58 p. 551.57 1 Archief voor Nederlandsche taalkunde, see Jaaer, A. de. 439.3 1-3 ARCHITECTS. Yasari, G. Le vite de' piii ec- celenti pittori. scuitori e architetti. Firenze, 1846-70. 14 V. D. jJor. 927 4 For contents gee Athenaeum catalogue. All CHITECTURE ■6-1 ARCTIC REGIONS VRCHITEt'TURE. Adler, F. Die Weltstadte in del- Baukunst. Berlin, 1868. O. 40 p. {In Mrcliow * Holtzeutlorft'. Voitiage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Altdeutsclies Musterbuch. [Niirnberg,] n. d. F. -Z-ipl. 72C 9 Biir.y, T. T. Rudimentary architecture; the history and description of the styles of various countries. London, 1849. D. il. 7'20 1 Caveda, J. Geschichte der Baukunst in Span- ien. Stuttgart, 1858. O. il. 729 3 Fergusson, J. A history of architecture in all countries, from the earliest times to the pres- ent dav. London, 1862-7 [v. 1, '65]. 3 v. O. (7. pi. 'itVt ^ — Gothe, J. W. von. Altdeutsohe Baukunst. (7k his AVerke, 1827-43, v. 39.) S32 1 (iwilt, J. An encyclopedia of architecture. New edition, with additions by W. Papworth. London, 1867. O. il. pi. 720 6 ^Heyer, R. Das System der Kulturgeschichte des aienschen. ins Besoudere das System ihrer tektonischen Form und der Baustyl der Gegen- wart. Stettin [,1863]. O. 301 7 — Hoff, H. Bem:erkuinger om Skaalebygning- en (7. (In Copenliageu— K. word. Old.-Sels- kab. Aarboger. v. 7. 1872.) 94^ 5 — HulKT-Liebeuaii, T. von. Das deutsche Haus zur Zeit der Renaissance. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 u (hi Vircliow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) »43 1 lukcrsley, T. An inquiry into the chronolog- ical succession of Romanesque and pointed ar- chitecture in France. London, 18.W. O. 729 2 Jordan, H. Die Kaiserpalaste in Rom. Ber- lin, 1S68. O. 31 p. (//( Vircliow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Leeds, W. H. Rudimentary architecture: the orders and their .-Bstlietic principles. London, 1848. D. [3 + ] 96 p. il. pi. 720 1 — LUbke, W. Geschichte der Architektur ^on den altesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1865. O. il. 720 9 — Sapione di Coecoiiato, G. F. G. Delle rovine della (irecia. (In Marfliese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 709 2 Ofl'cntlirlie und Privatgebilude in Niirnberg. [Niirnberg, 184-?] sqO. 30jiZ. ntp. 729 1 Parker, J. H. A glossai-y of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architect- ure. 5 edition. Oxford, 1850. 3 t. in 2. 720 7 _ An introduction to the study of (Jotliic architecture. Sedition. Oxford, 1867. S. il. pi. 723 1 Haiiiec, D. L'architecture et la construction pnitiquos. Paris, 1860. O. il. «90 I I!(il(crts, H. The dwellings of the laliouriug classes; witli plans and elevations. 6lb tbiiu- sand. London |,pref. 1867]. Q. il.pil. 090 5 R(»s('ii«:i""t<'", A. Die architektonischen Styl- arlen. Hrannscbweig, 18.57. O. il. 720 2 — Riiskiii, .1. The seven lamps of architecture. New York, 1854, O. ^j/. 720 3 — Strei't, (i. E. Some account of Gothic archi- tc.i. ( /(( Petermanns Mttheilniigeii: Ergiin- ziingsband 6.) 910 44 — Eacroix, F. Regions circonipolaires. 1810.^)/. indji. (In L'nnivors. 10.) 910 18 — Miniscalclii Erizzo, ¥. Le scoperte artiche narrate, ^'enezia, 18.5.5. O, & Atlas, q. 919.8 1 — Mokii, II. Die norwegische Nordmoer-E.xpe- dition; Hesultate ; IlKKlXli'S STHAIT; OREEN- I.AM); .IAN .tlAYEX: NOKTHWEST I'ASKAOE; XOVA ZKMBLA; SI'lTZBEI{(iK>, ARCULF, St., bishop. Adainiiaii. Travels In the Holy Land, towards A. U. 700. (In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) ai5.0 40 Areiidt, Willielm Aiiiadeus. Der Genter Auf- stand, 1589. (In Uiiiimer. F. L. (i. von. Hist. Taschenbuch, 1842. Die brabantische Revolu- tion, 1789-90; eine Skizze. (In same. 1843.)— Uelier Verfassung und Geschichte der Stiidte in Belgienseit dem Anfangdes 17 Jahrhunderts bis zur Einverleihung des Landes in die franziisische Republik. {hi same, 184).) 905 1 .b'ee also Etti'iiiiis, E. Berifht tin .«a««' 1839i. Areiiz,Karl. Die Entdeckungen in Nord und Mittel-Afrika von Richardson, Overvveg, Earth und Vogel. Leipzig, 1857. S. map. 916.6 1 Areopagitica, see Milton, J. Aret 1783, see Lidiier, B. ARETIXE DIALECT. Corazzini, E. Appunti storici e filologici su la valle tiberinasuperiore. Sausepolcro, 1874. Q. 457 20 Aretiiio, Leonardo Bruni, see Bi'iiui. Aretino, Pietro. Capitoli. (7m Beriii, F. Opere burlesche, 1726, v. 3;— 1760, v. 2-3.) S57 2-3 — Lettere scritte a P. A»etino; per cura di Te- odorico Landoni [and others]. Bologna, 1873-5. 4 V. D. (7(1 Scelta di curiosita. 132.) 850 10 — L" Orlandino, canti due. Bologna, 1868. D. 30[ + l]p- (7u Si-elta di curiosita. 95.) 850 10 — II primo libro delle lettere. Milano, 1864. S. (7/i Bibl. rara. 51.) 850 3 — Benii, F. Vita di P. Aretino. {In Jiis Opere, 1864, V. 2; in Bibl. rara. 45.) 850 3 Followed by Doni'sTerremoto. L" Aretino, see Dolce, L. Arezzo (Latin Aretlus), (iaiidio Mario. De situ insula^ Sicilia? libellus. (In Reriiiu Sicu- laruni scriptores. 1579.) 945 105 Arezzo, Gambino d", see (ianibiiio. Arezzo, Guido d', see Ouido. Arezzo, Guittone d' see (jiiittone. Arezzo, Ristoro d', .see Ristoro. .Vrezzo. Regolamento per...erigere uu monu- inento europeo all" inventore delle note nuisi- cali [Guido d' Arezzo]. Arezzo, 1866. F.-" 6 p. 027 10 Arfwedson, Karl David. Forenta Staatemaocli Canada, 1832-4. Stockliolm, 1835. 3 v. S. 917.3 1 — Konung Carl XI oeh hans gunstlingar, his- torisk roman. [Anon.] Norrkoping, 1845. 2 v. in 1. S. 839.73 1 — Scener i Nord-Anierika. [Anon. J Stockholm, 1836. O. 917. :j 3 Con/en/K: Den sl.ste bStkarlcn pS Ohio-floden.— iSven- sken i Amerika.—Quarterooii-Hicliaii.—Iliiniden.— Poca- hontas.— Eremiten vid Niagara, T.iu(;u-ett ars aider.— Indianen.— llanden. — Wadstena kloster, historisk roman. [Anon.] Stockholm, 1848. 2 v. D. 839. 7 3 2 The foregoing volumes by Arfweilson are presenta- tion copies to ^ir. Marsh from the author. Argenis, see Barclay, J. Argenis y Poliarco, see ("alderon. v. 1. Argens. Olivier d'. Memoires ou journal. (In Barriere 4o Ai-istii>i»e, ou, De la cour, see Balzac, J. L. <^. •«/ -Frere. J. H. Review of MitcheU's Aristoph- anes. {In his Works, 1872, v. 1.) 821 o8 Aristoteles,...Historia animalium. Editio stere- ovtpa. Lipsiie, 1831. T. S8h 21 -\Upl TToiTjTuiis [Greek and Latin, v^-ith various readings], [ll-f] S. !»»» - Title-page wanting. -Trattato de- goverui; tradotto da Bernardo Seeni Nuova edizione. Milano, 1864. b. {in Bibl. rara. 56.) >*«0 3 — Eucken, R. Aristoteles' Ansehauung von Freundschaft und von Lebensgiit^rn Berlin, 1884 O 44 p. (In Vii-chow ct Holtzcndorff. Vortriige. 19 Serie.) «4:i 1 -Raiinier, F. L. (i. von. Ueber die Poet ik des Aristoteles und sein Verhaltniss zu den neuern Dramatikern. {In ''is Hist. Taschenlmch 1842.) •'"•* '■ —Oncken, W. Aristoteles und seine Lehre voin Staat. Berlin, 1870. 38 p. {In Vircllow d' Holtzcndorff. Vortrilge. .5Serie.) Oi.i 1 — Schiippe, W. Die Aristotelischen Kategorien Berlin. 1871. O. [1-t-] 71 p. ^8» 24 Arlia, C. Del linguaggio degli artigiani fiojeu- tini: dialoghetti. Milano, 1876. D. iot 21 — * Fanfaiii, P. H lessico della corrotta itali- anita. Milano, 1877. D. 4-oS 6 -edifor, see II Borghlni. 1874-7. 450 13 Scelta di curiosita. 160, 213. 8.>0 10 ABMAGNACS. Bartliold, F. W. Der Arme- L'eckenkrieg, 1444-5. (In Kaumer, 1. L.U von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1842.) «0.> 1 Arnniiis saga, see Jacobsson, H. Las Armas dela hermosura, see C'alderoii. v. 4. Der arine Heinrich, see Hartmann von Aiie. Vnncnante, A. Ck'nerazione del connessi di 2o ordino e 2a classe. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincci. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) (MJ.-, 3 ARMKMA. Bore, F. Armenie. 1838. per. pi. maps. (//( Linii\ers. 61.) iHO 18 —Hamilton, W. .1. Researches in Asia Minor, Ai-iii.iiiaand Pontus. London, 1842. 2v. O. il. pi. mnp^. »!•■»••> -^ Armenian clinrch. [Prayer book, 1850.] T. z«4 13 Title page and p. 1-4 wanting. AlOIEM^VN LAN(iUAGE, see Biblc-A'.^T.- Arnieniau. -'■"* ^° Die Armeunoth, see Bitzius, A. v. IC. L' armeria reale di Torino, cautica, see Regal- di, (J. AR3I1ES. Heeren, A. H. L. Biirgergarden, Miethtruppen, stehende Heere, universal hi- storisch angesehen. {In his Werke, 1821-30, v 3.) 5*08 2 ARMIXIUS, see HERM.ANN. ARMOR, ARMS, see DEVICES; METALS; MIL- ITARY SCIENCE. Armstrong-, John. Life of Richard Montgom- ery, favsim. (In Sparks, J. American biogra- phy, 1835-9, V. 1.)— Life of Anthony Wayne^ facsim. {In same, v. 4). 920 15 Armj-tage, Greorge Jolin. Index to the visita- tion uf the countv of Yorke, 166.5-6, by William Dugdale. London, 1872. O. [3-f] 40 p. 820 7 Arnaboldi, Alessandro. Versi. Milano, 1872. D. ' 851 11 Ai-naldo da Brescia, tragedia, sceSiccoUni, (i.B. ARNALUO of Brescia. Clavel, V. Arnauld de Brescia et les Remains du 12e siecle. Paris, 1868. O. maj}. 9-i 18 Arna-Ma^n»an legacy. The library contains the following Arna-Magna;an editions ; Aniasoii, J. Jus ecclesiasticum novum. 1777. 839.68 13 Eil(laSa?muudarhinnsfr6da. 1787-1828. 3 T. 88«.61 1 Edda Snorro Sturlusonar. 1848-52. 8 v. S39.6S 2 Egils-saea. 1809. 889.(>S 27 Graeiis. 1829. 2 v. SSO.BS 8 Gula-iliiss-Iaui;. 1817. 839.B8 20 (iiimilauiri. Sagan at. 1775. 839.03 38 Hervararsaca. 1785. 839.63 42 Huncurraka. 1778. 839.63 43 islenzkir annalar. 1847. 839.63 45 Jariislda. 1847. 839.68 10 Kormaks saga. 1832. 839.63 51 Kristiii-saita. 1773. 839.63 ij2 Laxda'la-sau-a, 1826. 839.63 53 Mals-saua. 1809. 839.63 .55 Orkiiryinira saga. 1780. SS9.63 ,57 R.viillK'ula. 1780. 839.63 61 vii.'a-(;limis Miita. 1786. S39.63 09 — Copenliasen— K. nord. Old. -Selskab. Beret- ning om den Arna-Magna>nske Commission, 1838-51.— OmLegatets Pengevteseni disse Aar. f/n )7.3 4 —DanisJi: Islandske Folkesagn. {In Copenha- gen— K. nord. Olil.-Selskab. Aiitiquansk Tids- skrift. V. 7. 1861-3.) 948 4 Translations of some stories in the first Tolume, not given in Carl .Andersen's translation of the work. Arnaud, Joseph. Les Italiens prosateurs fran- f;ais; etude sur les emigrations italiennes depuis Bruiietto Latini jusqii'ii. nos jours. Milan, 1861. O. SM V^ bound ivith Sil U.i Al'liantl, V. Le prince Dgeui, chroniquedauphi- noise du 15e siecle. Grenoble[,1860':'J. O. 3.5 p. 841 9 Ai'nauld, Aiitoine, abbe. Memoires, contenant anecdotes de la cour, 1634-75. (In Midland tfc Ponjonlat, Memoires, 1866, v. 33.) 944 9 Aruauld d' Andilly, Robert. Memoires, 1610-56. jjor. (In same.) 944 9 Ai'uanltjAntoine Vincent. Souvenirs d'lin sexa- genaire. (/// Barriere ct Lescnre. Memoires, 18.57-81, v. 30.) 944 10 ArnavieUe, Albert. Esper; rejjonse a Th. Aubauel. (In Kevue des langues romanes. v. 3,1873.) Janeto. {In same. v. i. iSlS.) 479 5 Glaize, A. Ecrivaiuscontemporainsenlangue d' oc. {In same. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 Arndt, Ernst Moritz. Eriunerungen aus dem ilusseren Leben. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1842. D. por. 928 6 — Gedichte. Leipzig, 1848. S. 831 23 — Marchen und Jugenderinnerungen. 3 Aus- gabe. Berlin, 1843-3. 2 v. D. (7. pi. 398 4 — Versuch in vergleicheuder Volkergescliichte. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1844. O. 940 1 Arne, see Bj0rnson, B. Aruesen, Anton Lndrigr, & Overskon, T. Capri- ciosa: eiler, Eamilien i Nvboder, Folkecome- die. Kiobenhavn, 1842. O. [l-l-]36p. 839.82 46 Aruiui, Lndwig Achim von. * Brentano, C, editors. Des Knaben Wunderborn: alte deut- che Lieder. Cliarlottenburg, 1845-6. 3 v. O. iltp. 831 1 Arnkiel, TrogiU. Ausfiihrliclie Erolfnung: 1, Was es mit der cimbrischen Viilcker. . .zu finden sey: 2, Eine dem by Tundern gefundenem Wunder-Horn; 3, Was die cim- brischen Volcker vor Graber und Tcipflfe gehabt; 4, Wie diese Volcker aus dem Heydenthumb bekehret worden. Hamburg, 1703. 4 v. in 1. sqO. por. pi. 913 47.1 Arnljot Gelline, .<('t' B.j0rnsoii, B. ARXM^DLIXOE. Mniieh, P. A. Arnmodlinge- sla?gten i Norge, en genealogisk Underscigelse grundet |iaa Fagrskinna. {In Copenliag'en— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 ABSO. F<,-ssonibroni, \. Memoria sulla re!a- zione tra ie acque dell" Arno e quelle della Chi- ana. Firenze, 1844. S. 48 p. 551.48 16 Same, (/h Opnscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 — (wrazzini, A. F. Della iiiondazione di Firenze nel 1547. Firenze, 1865. O. 12 p. 551.48 17 — (liiiasti, F. Deir influenza che esereitar pos- sono sul corso dell' Arno le ac<[ue della Chiana. {//' Opnscoii idraulici. 1845.) 027 3 — Libri, U. Analisi della memoria sulla. ..Arno e Chiana del Fos.sombroni. {In same.) (i27 3 — Lonibardini, E. Nota alia memoria [of 'iuas- ti] intorno all' influenza della Chiana sull' Arno. (//( same.) (527 3 — Morozzi, F. Dello stato antico e moderno del fiume Arno. e delle cause e de' rimedi delle sue inondazioui. Firenze, 1762-6. 2v. in 1. sqQ. 551.48 15 — Tadini, C. Opinione. {In Upnsculi idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 See also CmX'SA. AruoU, abbot of Lubeck. Chronica Slavorum. Hannoverae, 1868. O. (In I'ertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 3.) 943 16 AKSOLI). Benedict. Sparks, J. The lile and treason of Arnold. Boston, 1835. D. jMr. facsim. (In his American biography, v. 3.) 920 15 Arnold, Bernhard. Sappho. Berlin, 1871. O. 31 p. (In Virdiow & Holtzondorff. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Arnold, Sir Edwin. The light of Asia; or. The great renunciation; being the life and teaching of Gautama, as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist. London, 1879. D. 821 14 Arnold, Matthew. Essays in criticism. Lon- don, 1865. D. 824 2 — Higher schools and universities in Germany. London, 1874. D. 373 1 Presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. — Irish essavs, and others. London, 1882. D. 824 3 — Literature & dogma. 3 edition. London, 1873. D. 230 1 Arnold, Bichard. The customs of London; otherwise called Arnold's chronicle; containing among other matters the original of the poem of The nut-brown maid; reprinted from the 1st edition, with the additions included in the 2d. London, 1811. sqQ. 942 33 Edited by Francis Douce. For continuation, see Wri- otliesley, C. Arnold, Thomas, D. D., of Rugby school. Lectures on modern history: preface to the American edition by J. G. Cogswell. New York, 1843. F. 48 p. (New world, extra series, no. 71-2.) 940 33 bound with 913 17 — Life and correspondence; by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 1 American from 3 English edition. New York. 1845. D. 923 10 — >'eander, J. A. W. Die Bedeutung des Arnold fiir den Standpunkt der kirchlichen Gegen- wart. Berlin, 1846. O. 32 p. 913 9 Arnold, Thomas, M. A. A manual of English literature, with an appendix on English metres. London, 1862. O. 820 12 — editor. Memorials of St. Edmund's abbey. London, 1890. v. 1. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 96.) 942 8 Henry of Huntingdon. Historia Anglorum. 1879. (/n same. 74.) 942 8 Symeon of Durham. Opera omnia. 1883- 5. {In same. 75.) 942 8 ARNOLD 36 ARTHUR Arnold, Tliomas Kcrcliever, & Riddle, J. E. A copious aud critical Eiiglisli-Latin lexicon, founded on tlie German-Latin dictionary of C. E. Georges. New edition. London, 1S68. O. 473 6 Arnold, Willieliu. Deutsche Urzeit. 2 Auflage. Gotha. 1880. O. 943 11 — editor, see Zorii, F. Wormser Chronik. 18.57. 943 40 ARXORR JAKLASKlLD. Gfslason, K. Et Par Beni:>;rkinfter til et Vers of Amor Jarla- skald. {In C'opeuliageii— K. nord.Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 14, 1879.) 94S 5 Ariiott, X'fil. A survey of human progress. London, 1861. O. 301 2 AroUjSieg'iuiiiid.Ueber Lieferungsgeschiifte und kaufmiinnischen Schwindel. Berlin, 187.5. O. ;^6 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. lOSerie.) 043 1 Arras, Jehan d," sec Jeliau d' Arras. Ai'rheiuiis, Klaiidiiis, editor, see Rembertiis, .St. b. Aiischarii vita gemina. 1677. 923 92 Arrianus. Anabasis; erklaeit von C. Sintenis. Leipzig. 1849. 2 v. O. viap. ■ 8SS 36 — ^^De expeditione Alexandri libri septem: re- (ooenovit Robertus Geier. Lipsiae, 1856. D. '^ 888 37 — Expeditio Alexandri. Editio stereotypa. Lip- :siae, 1818. T. S8.S 3.5 — Scripta minora: recognovit Rudolphus Her- cher. Lipsiae, 1854. D. SSS 37 Arrivabciie, Carlo, eonte. Italy under Victor Emmanuel: a personal narrative. London, 1862. 2 V. O. 945 29 Avrivabc'iie, GHovaiiiii, confe. Memoriedellamia vita, 1795-1859. Firenze, 1879. D. por. 9'2S 11 Arrivabene, Ug'O. Le idee del Garibaldi sulla sistemazione del Tevere estesa alia bonificazi- one deir Agro romano. Roma, 1875. Q. 16 p. 627 14 bound irith 607 2 ARROJI 1>E AYALA, Cecilia Francisca Josefa (Boelil do FabeH, jiseudoni/m Feriiau Cabal- lero. >V(>11', F. J. Ueber den realistisclien Ro- man unil das Sittengemiilde von F. Caballero. (/)t Jahrbueh rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.)— Cuentos v poesias popul. andaluces. (In same. V. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Ars amatoria, see Ovidius Naso, P. v. 1. ARSEXIC. Selliii, F. Di un processo per la ricerca tossologica . Lancelot (lu lao. — Poi'nia Graecum de rebus ge.stis Arturi... ali- oruni(|Ue ei|uitum tabulae rotundae (with Latin translalioii]. (In Ferg'uiil. 1836.) 293 3 — Robson, J., editor. Three early English met- rical romances: with introduction and gbihsarv London, 1842. scjG. /a<'.s-/w. (i» Camden soc.' v. 18.) j^jjo 4 J R TIIUR AS CO LI Coit/entg : Theanturs of Arthur at the Tanicwathe- lan.— Sir Aniadace.— The avowyniie of Kin^ Artliiir, Sir Gawah, Sir Kaye and Sir Bawdewyn of Bretaii. ^Teiiiivson, A. Idyls of the king. Boston, 1860. b. 821 104 — AVace, H. Le roman de Brut; iiublie par Le Roux de Lincy. Rouen, 1836-8. 2v. O. facshn. .S41 ;i8 See (duo Begrrevaiit; Erer; Ferpuiit; (lawiiiii; liiiitriiliii; fJrail; livaiii; .loscph of Arimathie: Kaiicclot ; Luiiiitiil; Liliius Disconius; Merlin; Parzival; I'l'rccvnl; Tituril; I'ris- laii; Wiuiilais. The history of Arthur of Little Rritniii, a ro- mance of chivalry: translated by Jolm Bour- chier, lord Berners. New edition, with jilates from illuminated drawings in a mw. of the ro- mance I ; edited by E. V. UttersonJ. London, 1814. .S43 3 200 copies printed. Artliiir, AVilliiiiii. Italy in transition; public scenes and private opinions in the spriuK of 1860. D. !)U.5 24 Arthiis, Gottluard, continuer, -see Aiiuscus, T. Historia Pannonite. 1608. !»43 63 ARTS. Agrippa, H. C. The vanity of the arts and sciences. London, 1684. D. por. 501 1 Set also FIXE ARTS; IXDlSTltlAL AKTS. Arvidssoii, Andreas. En kort handledning til thet svi'enske poeterij. [1651.] 43!).76 1 Title page waiitinj,'. Arvieiix, Laurent d'. Menioires, contenant ses voyages; mis en ordre avec des I'eflections par Jean Baptiste Labat. Paris, 1735. 6 v. S. 015 7 Arwidssou, Adolf Iwar. Forteckning ofver Kongl. i)ibliothekets i Stockholm isliindska liandskrifter. >Stockholm, 1848. O. (In Svenska forn.-siil. AUmUnua arsmcite, 1847.) ,S3!). 7 3 — editor. Svenska fornsanger. Stockholm, 1834-42. 3v. O. music. S3!). 71 1 L' arzig'oglo, .see Grazzini, A. F. Commedie. As you like it, .see Shakespeare, W. .Isariie, see Ling', P. H. Asl»jt(rusen, Peter Christen. Anton Rosing: Biographic. Christiania, 1869. O. [8+] 49 p. !»25 19 — Jlichael Sars; nogle Tra;k af en Natiu-for- skers Levnet og Arbeider. Kjobenhavn, 1870. D. 34 p. 925 30 — Norske Folke-Eveutvr. Ny Samling. ( hris- tiania, 1871. O. ' 3!>S 17 — Same. 3 Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1876. (_). 398 18 — Norske Folke- og Huldre-Eventyr, i Udvalg. Kjobenhavn, 1879. O. il. pi. por. 398 20 — Norske Huldre-Eventyr og Folkesagn. 3 Udgave. Christiania, 1870. O. 398 19 — Om Skovene og oni et ordnet Skovbrug i Norge. Christiania, 1855. D. 551.58 90 — Til Eriudring om Michael Sars. Christiania, 1870. S. 8 p. 925 30 — Torv og Torvdrift. Christiania, 1868. O. il. 553 3 — Torvdriften, 1871. n. p., 1873. D. 8 p. 553 3 — & Moe, J. E. Norske Folkeeventvr. Chris- tiania, 1843. V. 1, pt. 3, 3: v.2, pt. 1." S. 398 13 Same. 3 forogede Udgave. Christiania, 1852. sqD. 398 14 Same. 4 Udgave. Christiania, 1868. O. 398 15 Same. 5 Udgave, 7de Tusinde. Christi- ania, 1874. O. 398 16 Norwegische Volksmiihrchen: deutsch von Friederich Bresemann; niit einem Vor- worte von Ludvvig Tieck. Berlin. 1847. v. 1. S. 39S 31 — editor. Ydale, et Vinterskriit. Christiania, 1851. D. 914 3 ('imft'ufii: Wcllinvcn, J, S. A'dale. — ANli.j0riiscn, I*, (!, Itillrdci- fra en ^liddelhavsreise med Korvetten Wrnen. — K,i*'rnli; 'r. Fra Island. — Et Ojeiisyii, en Forta-lliiiir.— I'ol- Ictt, I'. I. Breve fra Horn. Norsk Landmandsbog, 1868-70. 839.88 3 — Jiiger, H. Asbjornsen og "Hiddreaventy- ret." por. (/?i Ude og Hiemme, 9 Okt. 1S81.) 928 7 bound with 925 18 — Larseu, A. P. C. Asbjornsen; en liter;er-bio- grafisk Skitse; med Tiling af en bibliograflsk Oversigt ved J. B. Halvorsen. Christiania, 1873. F. 50 p. il.ijor. 92m bound with i)2ri 18 French: trad, par V. Molard. Christiana, 1883. F. 384-4 p. il. 2}or. 928 7 bound with 925 18 The translation contains an appendix, A p., Asb.i0rn- sen's Forfattervirksomhed, 1872-0. ASCETICISM. Bernard, St. Pistola a Frati del Monte di Dio [della vita reniiticha]; da P. Fanfani. Bologna, 1867. D. (In Scelta di .curiosita. 84.) 850 10 — HIeronynius Sophronius, E. St. Epistola ad Eustochio [della misera della vita e della soli- tudine]. Bologna, 1869. D. (In same. 110.) 850 10 See also HERMITS; MOXASTIliSM. Ascham, Roger. Whole works; now first col- lected and revised, with a life of the author, bv [John Allen] Giles. London, 1864-5 [v. 1, ■65]. 3 V. in 4. D. facsim. ,S28 2 — English works; with notes and life bv James Bennet London, 1761. aqO. ' 828 1 — The scholemaster. 1 edition, 1570, collated with 3 edition, 1573. Birmingliam, 1870. S. (In Arher E. English reprints. 33.) 820 9 — Toxophilus, 1545. London, 1868. S. (In same. 7.) 820 9 Aschrott, P. F. Aus dem Strafen- und Geiling- nisswesen Nordanierikas. Hamlmrg, 1889. O. 60 p. (In Vlrehow & HoUzendorif. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 3 Ascoli, Ginlio. Nuove ricerche sulla serie di Fourier. (In Rome — R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3ser. sci.fis.v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 3.)— Sullarappresen- tabilita di una funzione a due varialiili per serie doppia trigonometrica. {In same. v. 4, 1878-9.) — Sulle serie trigononietricheadue vari- abili. (In same, v. S, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Sul concetto di integrate defiuito. (In- same. 3 ser. V. 3, 1874-5.)— Sulle serie 2" « -"• (-^'i ■s«?/ie, V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) = "~ 0(!5 3 Ascoli, (iraziadio Isaia, editor. Arcliivioglotto- logico italiano. Roma, 1873-90. v. 1-1 1. O. facsim. map. 450 11 Contmidng the following? works by Ascoli: 1. Safr^i la- dini. 1 V. 'iiKip. 2. Del posto che spetta al lignre" nel sistema deidialetti italiani.-P. Meyer eil franco-proven- zale.— Ricordi biblioffrafici. :i. Schizzi franco-proven- zali. — Annotazioni dialettologiche alia Cronica deli im- ASCOLI 38 ASIA 3II]SrOR peiadori — Varia. 4. Annotazioni ai testi friulani — cimeli terKestini.— 11 participio veiieto in -esto Altii a- blativi d' imparisillabi neutri. o-li. II codice ii-landese deir Amlirosiana. a v. facslin. 7. Tortuiia e Tortosa, tosto; eaneora dellaCi'onaca deli impeiadtiri.— Vei'.'^iijne letterale del testo soprasilvano. Barlaam e Giiisafat. Saggio di morfologia e lessicologia soprasilvana. H. L' Italia dialettale. !>. Retia, retiare, retiaruliim. 10. Due recenti lettere glottologiche e una proscritta nuova. Di -tr-issa ehc preuda il posto di -tr-ice —II tipo A'aUo-romauo seuv— sebo i franccirteil e glaiTe.— 11 dialetto tergestino. Paniaimpaniare. 11. Saggiuoli diversi. Aseg'a-Biich, see Frieslaiul. ASGARD.SREIDIN. Miiiicli, P. A. Sagnet oni Aasgaardsreien. (7;i Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Aunaler. v. 6, ISiG.) !»48 2 Aslier, Daritl. On the study of modern lang- uages; the English in particular. Leijisic, 18.J9. D. 420 1 ASIA. ISiihuie, J. The faidle of facions, con- teining the auneiente maners, cust8mes and lawes of Affricke and Asie. London, 1555. T. 916 3 Same. {In Hakluyt, K, Selection of vov- ages. 1812.) " 910 o7 — Cliasles, V. E. P. Voyages d'un critique a travels la vie et les livres: Orient. Paris. 1865. O. 950 4 — t'liesney, F. R. The expedition for the survey of the Euphrates and Tigris, 1835-7; preceded by geographical and liistorical notices of the regions between tlie Nile and Indus. London, 1850. 2v. Q. il. 1)1. map. 915.6 11 — Dapper, 0. Asia, naukeurige beschryving. Amsterdam, 1682. F. il. pi. maps. 915 3 — Herbelot, B. d.' Bibliotheque orientale. Maestricht, 1776. F.-' 950 1 Supplement, par C. Visdelou et A. Galand. [Maestricht,] 1780. F.^ tab. 950 1 — Jordanns, friar. Mirabilia descripta: The wonders of the East, circa 1330: translated, with a commentarv by H. Yule. London. 1863. O. {In Hakliiyt soe. Works. 31.) 915 5 — Jliiliainniad ibii "Abd Allah, called Ibu Batuta. \ oyages; texte arabe; traduction par C:. De- fremery et B. R. Sanguiuetti. Paris, 185;3-8. 4 V. O. 915 3 Same: Index alphabetique. Paris, 1859. O. [3+] 91 p. 915 2 — Pinto, F. M. Peregrina<;ao. Nova edii^ao. Lisboa, 1829. 4 v. S. 915 8 — Polo, M. The book concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East; newly translated and edited, with notes, by H. Yule. London, 1871. 2 V. O. 915 13 — —La description geographique de I'lnde orientale, meurs, loix & coustumes des habi- tans. Paris, 1.556. O. 099 24 Le livre, 1298; publit' par G. Pauthier. Paris, 1865. 2v. Q. 2wr. pi. map. 915 14 II milione; jmbblicato ed illustrato dal G. P. Baldelli Boni. Firenze, 1827. 2v. Q, & Carte. V. 915 9, 11 1 viaggi; per cura di A. Bartoli. Firenze. 1863. D. 915 12 — Hcc-lns, ,\, .1. E. Geographie de I'Asie. Paris, IWHI-I. 4v. y. il. 2)1. ma2)s. {In /a'.? Nouv. gi'og. univ. 0-9.) 910 13 — Uevno de I'orient. Paris, 1843-58. v. 1-35. O. j)l. facsim. 950 2 — Revne orientale et algerienne. Paris, 1822. V. 1-3. O. i)l. map. 950 3 — Ritter. K. (In /nsErdkunde, 1833-59, v. 2-19.) 915 1 Contents : 2-4. Hooh-Asien. 5-fi. Indiscbe Welt. «. Turan. S-9. Iraniscbe Welt. 10-11. Eupbrat- und Ti- grissvstem. 12-lS. Arabien. 14. .Siiiai-llalbinsel. 15- 18. Palastina. 17. Sj-rien. lS-l!t. Kleiu-Asien. — Sanseveriuo, J. da. Viaggio; sec. 15. Lucca, 1868. O. SS p. 915 15 — Tavernier, J. B. Les six voyages en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes. Suivant la copie im- primee h Paris, 1679-92. 3 v. S. j)l. maj)S. 099 26 Coi/toi^s.- 1. Turquie et Perse. 2. Voyages des Indes. 3. Eecueil de relations et traitez. English : Tlie six voyages into Persia and the East Indies; made English by J. P[hillips]; added, A description of the kingdoms which encompass the Euxine and Caspian seas. Lon- don. 1678. 3 V. in 1. F. jjl- 915 16 — Vaniber.v, A. Reise in Mittelasien, 1863. Leipzig, 1865. O. pi. map. 915 19.1 See also AFIJHAMSTAX; AKABIA: ASIA MINOR; ASSYRU; BABVLOMA: BALUHISTAX; lA.MBODIA; (EYLOX; t'HAL- B3L.A: CHINA; (iEXOESE COLONIES: INBIA; INDO-CHIXA; JAPAN; KlUULSTAN; LAOS; LEVANT; MEDIA: MESOPO- TAMIA; OXIS; PALESTINE: FALMVliA; PERSIA; PH(E- XIOIA; SIAM; SIBERIA; SISIANA; SYRU; TARTAR!; TIBET: TIRKEY; TIRKISTAN. For Asiatic maps see AFUIUMSTAN; ARABIA; ASIA MINOR: INDIA: PALESTINE ASIA MINOR. Barth, H. Reise von Trapezuut durch die nordliclie Halfte Klein Asiens nach Scutari, 1858. Gotha, 1860. sq. Q. map. {In Petermanns MttheUiingen : Ergiiuzungsljaud 1.) 910 44 — Diest, W. Ton. Von Pergamon iiber den Din- dynios zum Pontus. Gotha, 1889. sqQ. jjZ. maps. (In same.) 910 44 — Fellows, C. A journal written during an ex- cursion in Asia Minor, 1838. London, 1839. il. pi. map, 915.0 3 — Hamilton, 1V. J. Researches in Asia Minor. London, 1842. 2 v. O. il. pil. ^naps. 915.6 3 — Haiiiiuer-Purgstall, J. von. Umblick auf einer Reise von Cuhstantinopel nach Brussa und dem Olympos und zuriick iiber Niciia und Nicomedien. Pesth, 1818. sqO. jil. majis. 914.9 36 — Le Basj P. Abie Mineure, jusqifa 1402; ter- mint'e ]iar Cheron. Paris, 1863. O. {In L'linivers. 14. ji 910 18 — Murray, J., JJMWrs/icr. A handbook for the Ionian islands, ...Asia Minor... London, 1845. D. nuqjs. 914.9 24 — Mnssabiiii, E. Un tour dans I'Ai-ie-JMineure. Smyriie. |S5U. S. 95 p. ill5.6 4 — Neale, F. A. Eiglit years in Svria, Palestine and Asia Minor, 1842-50. London, 1851. 2v. O. 915.6 5 — Scliropi*, S., niidC'o.,j)i(W(s/((!rs. -Karte von Klein-Asien. jierlin, 1844. F.'' n mops. 912 53 111 iiortfoli" a. —Stark, K. |{. Aus dem Reiche des T:iiilahis und Criesus: cine Rciscstiidie. Berlin. 1ST2. O. 59 p. III. map. (In Virfliow d- Holtzen- diirll'. \'c.itriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 ASIA 3IIN0R 39 ASTROLOGY — Tehikhalchev, P. Asie Mineure. le partie: Geographie physique comparee. Paris, 1853. O. pi. 913.6 7 — — Carte geographique de V Asie/ Mineure. Paris, 1853. 75 + 136 cm. in F.« ' 912 38 — — Reisen in Kleinasien und Armenien, 1847- 63: Interare, mit Karte von H. Kiepert. Gotha, 1857. sqQ. 8+68 p. )ii(ip. {In Petermanns Mittlieiliiiigen: Ergiinzungsband 2.) 910 44 — Texier, C. F. M. Asie Mineui-e, description geographique, historique et archeologique. Paris, 1863. O. pi. maps. (In L'uuivers. 15.) 910 18 See also TArRCS. Asiatic society of Japau. Transactions, 1873-89. Yokohama, 1874-89. v. 1-17 in 10. v. O. pi. tab. map. 915.2 1 Vol. 12 contains index to v. 1-12. Asinaria, see Plautiis, T. M. v. 1. L'asiiio cacadenari e la pentola meravigliosa, novella. (In Scelta di curiosita. 300.) S50 10 AslacHS, Conrad. Om exorcismo, eller Besva?- relsen i Daaben. (In Baug', 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 3.) 839.8 1 Asmiindar saga kappabana. {In liafiu C. C. Forn. sogur, 1839-30, v. 3.) 839.G3 13 Asmns omnia secum portans, see Claudius, M. Asumssen, Jews Frederik, editor, see Soliles- wig-Holstein-Lauenbiirg'isclie GeseUscliaft. Ar- chiv fur Staats- und Kirchengeschichte. 1833-7. 943 43 ASPARA6INE. Gnaresclii, I. Studi suir aspa- ragina e sull' acido aspartico. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lineei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 'Aa-TTacrla, see Rizos, J. Assas, France. Proclamations faites a Assas, pres Montpellier, par ordre des seigneurs du lieu, 1483; I'abbe L. Vinas. (In Revue des Ungues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 Asseliiie, Louis. Marie Alacoque et le Sacre- Coeur. Paris, 1873. D. 48 p. 271 17 Asseliueau, Charles, editor, see Diderot, I). Le neveude Rameau. 1863. 848 4 Asseuede, Diederic ran. Floris eude Blance- floer; mit Einleitung, Anmerkuiigen und Glos- sar. (In Hoffiiiauii vou Fallerslel)eii. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt. 3.) 839.31 3 Cheuelere Assig'iie, see Knight of the sivaii. L' assiiiolo, commedia, see Cecclii, G. M, Assmaim, Briiuo, editor. Angelsiichsische Homilien und Heiligenleben. Kassel, 1889. O. (In fireiii, C. W. M. Bihliothek der...Prosa. v. 3.) 829 11 ASSOCIATION, see COOPERATION. ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS. Ferri, L. Sulla dot- trina psicologica dell' associazione cousiderata nelle sue attinenze colla genesi delle cognizioni. ' (In Rome — R.accad. dei liucei. Atti. 3 ser. set. mor. V. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 Associazioiie libraria italiana, see Biblioarafla d' Italia. 015 6.3 The assumption of Our Ladv. (In Lnmby, J. R. King Horn. 1866; in E. E. text soc. brig, ser. 14.) 820 5 ASSUS. ArcliaMdofrical institute of America. Papers. Classical series. Boston, 1883. v. 1. O. il.iil. maps. 913 28 For contents ^ee Arclia'oloi^k'iil, etc. ASSYRIA. Ctesias. Assyrica. (In his 0])eru!n reliquiae. 1834.) 88S 43 ^H(efcr, J. C. F. Assyrie. 1853. jj/. map. (In. Lnnivers. 16.) 910 18 See aim XINEVEH. ASSYRIAN LANGUAGE, see Cl'NEIFORM WRITINJJ. ASTHMA. Berkart, J. B. On asthma; its pa- thology and treatment. London, 1878. O. (;1G6 Asti. Codex Astensis qui de Malabayla commu- niter nuncupatur, edidit Quintinus Sella. Roma", isso. v. 2-4. sqF. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lineei. Atti. ser. 2, v. 4-7,) 065 3 Contents: 1, minting, i. Pars 1-3 codicis. 3. Pars 4-5 codiois. 4. Appendix et indices. — Muratori, G. F. Asti, colonia romana, a sue iscrizioni latine. Torino, 1869. O. 74 p. 471 6 .Same. 2 edizione. Torino, 1869. D. 88 p. 471 7 ASTRAD. Stepliens, G. Den danske Hov- ding Abtrad. //. (In Copenliag-en— K. nord. 01d.-SeIskab. Aarboger. v. 10, 1875.) 948 5 ASTROLABE. Chancer, G. A treatise on the astrolabe, 1391; edited bv AV. W. Skeat. Lon- don, 1872. O. pZ. (In'E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 16: Chancer soc. 1 ser, 29.) 820 5.1. S21 45 — — The treatise on the astrolabe; edited, with notes and illustrations, by A. E. Brae. Lon- don, 1870. O. jj/. 821 42 — Synesins. Sermo de dono astrolabii ad P.i?- onium. (7/t 7/;'s Opera. 1611.) 208 11 El astrologo fingido, see Calderon. v, 1. ASTROLOtJY. Bertolotti, A. Giornalisti, as- trologi e negromauti in Roma nel secolo 17. (In Rivista europea, u. s., v. 5, 1878, p. 466-514.) 133 20 bonndu-ith 113 1 — Dee, J. A letter containing a discourse apol- ogeticall for [his] philosophical! studies. Lon- don, 1599. sqD. [33] p. 133 31 Private diary, and the catalogue of his library of mss. : edited by J. O. Halliwell. Lon- don, 1842. sqO. (/ji Camden soc. 19.) 820 4 — Eland, W. Tutor to astrology. 10 edition, en- larged by G. Parker. London, 1704. T. tab. 133 31 — (Jaffarel, J. Curiositez inouyes sur la sculp- ture talismanique des Persans, horiscope des patriarches, et lecture des estoilles. n. p.. 1C31 S. pi. 133 33 — Lilly, W. Christian astrology, London, 1647. sqD. 1.S3 00 History of his life and times, 1603-81. London, 1715. S. 133 og ^Magrnnseii, F. Kortfattet Udsigt over Astro- logiens Opkomst, Uddanelse og Udbredelse i Norden. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Scl- skal). Annaler. v. 3, 1840-1.) 948 3 — Mensinaa, .1. A. 31. Uber alte und neuere Astrologie. Berlin. 1871. O. 40 p. (7)j Vir- cliOTT d- Holtzendortf. Vortr'age. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — The new starr of the north shining upon the victorious king of Sweden. London. 1633, sqD. [2+] 50 p. por. 133 05 ASTROLOGY 40 ATLASES Paracelsus. Of the mysteries of the signes of thezodiack; being the magnetical and synipa- thetical cure of diseases. (In his Of the su- preme mysteries. 1638.) 133 26 —Ramsey, W. Astrologia restaurata; or, As- trologie restored. London, 1653. Q. 133 36 ASTRONOMY. Boiuirdo, (i. JI. La grandezza, lavghezza. e distanza di tutte le sfere; con an- notation! di Luigi Groto Cieco. n. p., 1600. S. 520 1 — Briiiio, fi, Lacenadele ceneri. Nuova edi- zione. Milaco, 1864. S. (/n Bibl. rara. 36.) S50 3 (iiiizcl, F. K. LTeber Veriinderungen am Fix- sternliiuimel. Hamburg, 1889. O. 40 p. j'^- (In Virclioiv .'<. 912 6.1 — Hall, S. Black's general atlas. Edinburgh. is4i. F. ' 54 majis. 912 4 — Kieperl, H. Atlante antico. 5 edizione. Ber- liiio. IsdO. F.'' 12 map.t. 91 1 1.1 ATLASES ■11 A UG USTIJNKEN Kleiner Schul- Atlas. Berlin. 1871. sqQ^ 4 p. 20 mtqis. iH2 7 — Sooiety for the diffusion of useful kiiOAvlednc. Maps. London, 1S14. 3 v. siiF.^' !»1'2 .J JIaps — Sfieler, A. Handatlas. Gotha [,1872-3]. obF. 90 luajt.s. 912 I- ,SVe fwfwNAVKi.lTKlN, ATOMS. Herscliel, J. K. ^\. On atoms; a dia- logue. {In his Popular lectures. 1867.) 504 ti .S'ff a/xo MOLECULES. ATROPINE. Pesci, L. Ricerche suU" atropina. (In Rome— R. iicead. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. .scj. Jis. V. 7, 1880-1.) OO.j 4 — Selmi, F. Studio chiniico-tosscoloKico [ler la ricerca dell' atropina. (In same. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 06.) 3 Atterbom, Per Daniel Aniadens. Lycksalig- hetens 6; sagospel. Upsala, 1824-7. 2v. D. .S3<).72 3 — Studier till philosopliiens historia och sj stem. Upsala, 1835. v. 1. O. li»8 1 ATTERBURY, Francis, bishoj} of Rochester. Pope, A. Letters to Atterbury in the Tower of London; edited by J. G. Nichols. 1859. (/;( Cainden misc. 4; hi Camden soc. 73.) Sii) 4 Attllill, William. Documents i-elating to the foundation and antiquities of the ^-ollegiate church of Middleham, in the county of York, with a historical introduction. London. 1847. sqO. il. (In same. 38.) S20 4 AttUa, flagellum Dei; poemetto in ottava rima, rii:>rodi.ittosulle antiche stampe [by Ales- sandro d" Ancona]. Pisa, 1864. O. 851 13 ATTILA, king of the Huns. Thierry, A. S. I). Histoire d' Attila et de ses successeurs; suivie des legendes et traditions. Paris, 1856. 2 v. O. 943 64 XTTRXCTIOli in grammar. (Jrimm, J. L. K. Ueber eiuige FiUle der Attraction. {In liis Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 3.)— Uber einen Fall der Attraction. (In sayne. v. 7.) 408 2 —inphysics, see (tR.IVITY. Atwater, Caleb. Remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington city, 1829. Columbus, O., 1831. S. 917.7 3 Au bord de la mer: reveries d'un royageur: par I'auteur des Horizons prochains. 2 edition. Paris, 1866. D. 844 1 Anbanel, Theodore (Prorenfal Teodor Auba- nen). A I'amigo que n'ai jamais visto.— La guerro. — Li dindouleto. (In Revne des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870,)— Jaquet Arnaviello. (In. same. v. 3, 1873.) — La perlo. — L'escalie di gigant. (In same. v. 4, 1873.) — A-n-uno Veni- ciano. (hi same. v. 5, 1874.) 479 5 Anheri, Aus der chanson de geste von. (In Tobler, A. Mittheilungen, 1870, v. 1.) 841 10 Anbrey, John. Remains of gentilism and Jud- aism. (In Thomas, ^y. 3. Anecdotes and tra- ditions. 1839: in Camden soc. 5.) S'H) 4 A portion of his materials for this wori;: a<< preface, p. 8. C'est d'Ancasin et de Nicolete. (In Xoland, L. E. D., cfc Herlcault, C. d.' Nouvelles du 13e siecle. 1856.) 840 13 Anchinleck press, see Frondes caducEe. AiK'((»r incevtua, 2)sendonym o/ Mannintr, J. .Vudelay, John. Poems; a specimen of the Shropsliire dialect in the 15tli century; edited Ijv James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1844. D". (/(( Percy soc. v. 14.) s20 6 Andenarde, .see Maegdendale abbey. Andiensen; eller, Lappskan i Kungstragarden, skiidespel, .see Franzen, F. M. v. 5. Ane, Ilartmann von, .see Hartmann von Ane. Auerbaeh, Berthold. Dichter uiid Kaid'mann; ein Lebensgemiilde aus der zeit Moses Mendels- solins. Neuedurchgearbeitete Auflage. Jlann- heim, 1855. D. 833 1 — Sclirift und Volk; Grundziige der volksthtim- lichen Literatur, angeschlossen an eine Cha- rakteristik J.P.Heljels. Leipzig, 1846. D. 800 1 — [.SchwarzwiUder] Dorfgeschichten. 4 Auflage. Mannheim, 1848. D. il. pi. 833 3 — Spinoza, ein Denkerleben. Mannheim, 1855. D. 833 3 — Waldfried. Stuttgart, 1874. 3 v. D. 833 4 — editor, see Berthold Auerbach's Volkskalen- der, 1865. 838 3 Gevattersmanu, 1847-8. 838 1 Anersperg-, Anton Alexander, 6' ra/ von, jjseifd- oiii/m Aiiastasiiis Griin. [Various poems. J (In Brooks, C. T. German lyrics. 18.53.) 831 3 Die aiil'seregteu, politisches Drama, see Giitlie, J. W. von. V. 15. Die .Viifmauerung' Scutaris, in Albanien. (In Grimm, J. L. K. Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, V. 7.) 408 3 Der Aiifrnhr in den Cevennen, .see Tieck, J. L. Schriften. 26. Der Anfstand der Griechen im Epirus. Pest. 1854. O. [1 + ] 81 p. mojj. 949 70 Auger, Louis Sluion. Notice sur Beaumarchais. (In Beaniarchais, P. A. C. de. Theatre. 1846.) 842 1 Augeriiis, Amalricus, see Anialric, A. d'. AUGSBURG. MHnicli-K.baier. Akad. der Wiss. Hist. Coiitmi.s.|Chroniken der deutschen Stiidte; V. 4-5: Augsburg. Leipzig, 1865-6. 2 v. O. 943 24 Cmileiils : 1. Chronils von ]36S-14ir.— Wahniiis. E. Chronili.ll96-H63.— Chronili yonder Grlindung dor.stailt Au^sljurp bis J4(j9. — KiitiiJiu. (i. Keimchrouiii. 2. /ink, B. Chronili, 1308-1408. — Strobel, G. T. Beytrag zur Gescliichte des Reichstags zu Augspurg, 1530. (In his Jliscel- laneen, 1778-81, v. 2-3.) 830 10 — Welser, M. Chronica der Statt Augs].>urg; durch E. Werlichium. Frankfurt a. M.. 1595. il. map. 943 38 Containing Gasser's Chronica, also Welser's Anti(|ua moniimenta. AUGSBURG CONFESSION. VUlers, C. F. I). de. Precis historique sur la presentation de la confession d' Augsboui-g a Charles-(,)uint: suivi du texte de la confession, traduction fran^ai^e, accompagnee de notes. Strasbourg, 1817. D. 238 1 -Vugnstijnken raii Dordt. Dit's van Augu- stijukens sceepkene. — De schepping. — Dit's Siiite Jans Eu-angelium. — De borch van Vrou- denrijc. — Van der rijcheit ende van der doot. (In Blomiuaert, J. P. 31. Oudvlaemsche ge- dichten, 1S38-51, v. 3.) 839.31 2 A UG USTINUS 42 A USTRIA AUGUSTENXS, archbishop of Canterbury. Sewmaii, J. H. d' others. {In their Lives of English Maints, 1844-5, v. 2.) 922 8 Aiignstinns, Aiireliiis, St., bishop of Hippo. Coufessionum libri 13: lierausgegeben und er- lauteit von Karl rou Rauiuer. Stuttgart. 1856. O. 248 1 — Oernian: Die Bekenntnisse; mit einem An- hauge seiner fernern Lebensgeschichte. 6 Auf- lage. Passau, 1856. Tt. 248 2 — Regula, cum statutisordinis S. Augustini in Dania, 1275-1357. (In Laiig-ebek, J. Script. rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 5.) 948 76 — S. Augustines Manvell, or little booke of the contemplation of Christ... London, 1577. S. il. 242 1 An undated reprint of this edition. — Specchio dei peccatori, attribuito a S. Ago- stino; edito a cura di Ugo Antonio Amico. Bo- logna, 1866. D. 15-1-34 p. il. {In f^eelta di curiositii. 73.) 850 10 — Scliaft', P. Der heilige Augustinus, sein Le- benund Wirken. Berlin. 1854. D. 922 19 AUGUSTUS, Cains Julius Cwsar Octavianus, emperor of Borne. Beule, V. E. Auguste; .sa famille et ses amis. 2 edition. Paris, 1867. O. 937 11 A'et' a/m /I'fx Tibere. — Liibell, J. W. Ueber das Principat des Augu- stus. {In Rauiuer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1834.) 905 1 — Merini^e, P. Vie de Cesar- Auguste. {In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 — S.j S. G. The life of Augustus. {In Plu- tarchus. Lives. 1631.) 888 28 — ROMAXCE. (Jesc'liichte vom Kaiser Octavi- anus. Leipzig, n. d. D. il. (In Volksbiicher, 6-) 833 22 Ke,)sar Octavianus. {In Biickstroni, P, 0. Sven.skafolkbocker, 1845, v. 1.) 293 18 — — Octoniau imperator. (In Weber, H. W. Metrical romances, 1810, v. 3.) S21 10 Roman u historia de Octavianus. [In Ko- mansli.] (/« Arcllivlo glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 The romance of the emijeror Octavian : edit- ed by James Orchard Halliwell. London. 1844. D. 154^80 p. (In Percy soc. v. 14.) 820 6 Tieek, J. L. Kaiser Octavianus. ein Lust- spiel. (/(( /,(.s- Schriften, 1828-45, v. 1.) 833 29 Anlularia, sec Plautns, T. M. v. 1. Aunj;ier, Georyre James, editor, see fronitiues de London. 1844. {/i, Canirten soe. 28.) 820 4 Anre, Lia <1.' Galnielloil consolatore: racconto. Firenze, 1874. D. S53 3 Istoria di Aurclio e Isabella, .sec Florrs, J. de. Atirelius Antouiniis, Mareus. Coinmentariorum libri 12: cum varietate lectionis et adnotationi- bus, curavit ,1. M. Scliultz. Editio stereotvpa. Lipsiae. 1S29. T. 8>^8 41 — Ariiiild, M. (/(( his Essays in criticism. 1865.) 824 2 — Holberir. li. Den romerske Keiser Marci Au- relii Ilistorie. {In his Holbergiana. 1832-5, v. 2-) .S39.S8 1 Aurelins Victor, Sextus, see Vicloi'. Anreum opus regalium priuilegiorum ciuitatis et regni Valentie, cum historia cristianissimi Regis Jacobi ipsius primi .iquistatoris. Valen- cie, 1515. F. il. 946 58 CoDfmniitr/ Conquesta de Valencia, — Privilefiia. " I believe that I am the only living: man who can say that he has read this boolv, or story even, having perused it from title-pase to colophon. It is very rare. The Con- questa de Valencia, though the authenticity is disputed, is very Vrtlualiie." Ms. note by Mr. Mai'sh. The copy is somewhat worm-eaten. Aurieninia, Francesco. La questione d'oriente. [Napoli, 1876.] O. 18 [-hi] p. 949 55 With author's autograph. Auristela y Lisidante, see Calderon. v. 3. AURORA BOREALIS.seeSORTHERX LIGHTS. La aurora en Copacabana, .see Calderon. v. 2. Aurora Leigli, see Browning, E. B. B. Aus den besten Lebensstunden. see Sanders,D. Aus der Natur; die neuesten Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. 1-2 Folge. Leipzig, 1852-73. v. 1-61. O * Q. il. 505 3 Aus meinem Leben, Dichtung und Wahrheit, •see Giithe, J. W. von. v. 24-6, 48. Ausonius, Decimus Magnus. Opera. Amste- la-dami. 17.50. Tt. iltp. 871 6 o — French: Q^uvres completes d'Ausone: tra- "duction nouvelle par E.-F. Corpet. Paris, 1842- 3. 2 V. O. (Bibl. latine-fran^aise.) 871 7 Notice sur Ausone in v. 1. —Brooks, C. T. The river Mosel and its old Roman poet. (In iWarin^'. G. E., jr. The bride of the Rhine. 1878.) 914.3 9 ContaiuiiiiJ: Irinj; extracts translated. Austin, Sarah (Taylor). Life of Carsten Nie- buhr. London, 1839. O. 32 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 923 74.1 Austin, Thomas. Glossary and index. (/>« Lane, J. Continuation of Cliaucer"s 'Scpiire's tale.' 1888-90: in Chancer soc. 2 ser. 23, 26.) 821 46 — editor. Tvo fifteenth-century cookerv-books, ab. 1430 cS: 1450. London, 1888. O. (//( E, E. text soc. Orig. ser. 91.) 820 5 AUSTRALIA. Australisk Literatur. (In Copen- hagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 — Beauvoir, L. de. Australie. 8 edition. Paris, 1873. D. ,por. pi. maps. {In his Voyage autoiir dii monde. v. 1.) 910 24 — Dampier, W. A voyage to New Holland, &c., in 1699. London, 1703. D. j*/. map. (In his Voyages, v. 3.) 910 25 — Lendenfeid, R. von. Forschungsreisen in den australischen Alpen. Gotlia. 1887. sqQ. [2+] 37 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittheilnng- eii: Ergilnzungsband 19.) 910 44 — Meinicke, C. E. Australien nach der geo- Kra])bihchen Kelintniss in 187), kartograjihisch daigestellt von A. Petermann, eineni geographisch-stati.stischen Coin|iendiuni von Meinicke. Gotha. 1871. 2 v. sqC^. jKoyj.s. (In .■innie. 6-7.) 910 44 — Petermann, A. II. S|)ecialUarte von Austra- lien. Gotha. 1875. ob F.-' Uniaps. 912 45 Austria— Forstverwaltung.Memoriale del comi- tato amministrativo d"imboscanipnto juodotto A USTRIA 43 AYE air Esposizioue mondiale in Vienna concer- nante le opere uel tei-iitorio di Trieste. Trieste, 1873. O. 13 p. 551. 5.S 86 — Dietz, C. Annales; oder, Historische Chro- nick der Fiiisten nnd Erzhertzogen zu Oester- reich, von Rudolplio I. biss auflf Caiolum V. Aiigspiirg, 1021. F. il. i»43 38 — K(»Iil, J. G. Hundert Tage auf Reisen in den osteneichischen Staaten. Dresden, 1843. 5 v. O. iltp. map. 914.3 15 C'oiittntis: 1. Bohmen. 2. Von Linz nacb Wien. :5-4. Uiiffarn. 5. Steiermark uud das baierische Hoclilaiid. — Le Bas, P. Autriche. — Boheme. — Hongrie. 1843. por.pi: (/?i L'liniTers. 27.) !)10 18 ^Mitchell, I). Cr. A gallop througli southern Austria. (In his Fresh gleanings. 1847.) 914 6 — Murray, J., publisher. (In his Handbook for soutliern Germany. 1876.) 914.3 6 — Sailer, L. L' Europa e la casa d' Austria. Milauo, 1865. O. 48 p. 943 58 — Wag'iier, M. Denkwiirdigkeiten von der Donau. (in his Reise nach Persien, 1852, v. 1.) 91.5.5 6 See aim DDIIEMIA; BOTZEX; CAKMOLA: COMMERCE— AtSTKlA; CliOATIA; DALMATIA; (iALlCIA: IcrNtJAKY; ISTRIA; KARST; LODOJIERIA: POLAXB; TRAXSYLVAXU; TRIESTE; VALTELMXA; VIEXXA. For Austrian maps xte TYROL: VIEXXA. AUSTRIAiN' DIALECTS. Mareta, H. Proben eines Worterbuches der osterreicliischen Volks- sprache. 2 Versuch. Wien, 1865. O. 11 + 73 p. 437 7 AiisAvahl aus des Teufels Papieren, see Richter, J. P. F. V. 4. AUTHORS, see LITERATURE. Antobiografe: Petrarca, Lorenzino de' Medici, C;hiabrera, Vico, Ratfaello da Monteluiie, Fo- scolo, Balbo. Firenze. 18.57. Tt. 920 14 The preface is signed X. Der Autor, ein Fastnaclits-Schwank, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 13. L"aiitre Tartufe: ou. La mere coupable, drame, see Beaiimarehais, P. A. ('. de. Aiitiiiiin leaves, see Gardner, S. J. AUVERGXE. Flechier, E. Meiuoires sur les grands-jours d'Aurergne en 1665;annotes et aug- mentes d'un appendiceparCheruel, etd'uue no- tice par Sainte-Beuve. Paris, 1856. O. jjZ. music. 944 60 L'avare, comedie, .seeMoliere, J. B. P. de. v. 5. L'avaro, commedia, see Goldoiii, C. v. 40. L'avaro fastoso, commedia, .sohi?, t. 8. ATe-Lallemant,Robert Cbristiau Bertliold. Die Benutzung der Palnieu am Amazonenstrom in der Oekonomie der Indianer. Hamburg, 1861. S. 6+44 p. 552.5.S 116 Aventiiiiis or Thiiriiiap-, Joli.aiiii. ... Chronica ...;durch Niclaus Cisuer in Druck gegeben, mitGlossen. Franckfort a. M., 1850. F.-i 943 36 FRAU AVEXTIURE. Grimm, J. L. K. Frau Aventiure klopft an Beneckes Thiir. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 1.) 408 3 See a/sij (Si-licft'el, .1. V. Les aveiitiires d'un fifre, .see Rejband. M.R.L. Averani, Giuseppe. Del vitto e delle cene degli antichi, lezioni. Milano. 1803. S. j)or. (In BiW. rara. 3.) 850 3 Ave^bliry,Robert of. Degestismiral>ilibus regis Edwardi tertii: edited by E. JI. Thompson. 1889. (In Gt. Br. — Master (il'rolls. Chron. and mem. 93.) 942 8 Les aTeiiyrlesde Chamouny, see Xodier, .1. ('. E. Avezac-Macaya, Marie Ariiiand Pascal d'. Es- qui.sse generale de 1' Afrique et Africjue an- cienne. 1844. pi. viaps. (/n L' miivers. 2.) 910 18 —& others. lies de 1' Afrique. Paris, 1848. O. (In same. 4.) 910 is —editor, see ('artier, J. Bref recit.' 1863. 973 1i4 Gl Ayiuard, Maurice. Irrigations du niidi de 1' EsiJagne; precede d'un rapport de M. Lebasteur. Paris, 18B4. O, & Atlas. F.» 631 ~'4 [Ayinou's sous:] Die Geschichte von den Hey- nions Kindern. (Jn Tieck, J. L. Schriften, 1S28-51, V. 18.) 833 29 —Geschichte von den vier Heymonsliindern. (In Volksbik'her, 9, 10.) 833 32 — Tlie right plesaunt and goodly historie of tlie foure sounes of Aymon: englisht from the French by William Caxton, and printed by him aliout 1489: edited, with introduction, by Octavia Richardson. London, 1884-5. 2 v. O. (/u English Charlemagne romances, 10,11; in E. E. text soc. E.xtra ser. 44-5.) 820 5. 1 Ajre, John, editor, see Jewel, J. Works. 1848. 283 4 Azais, Gabriel. Vincent de Bataille-Fure, poete bearnais.— Adrien Donnodevie. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 ,5 —editor, see Enneng:aHtl, M. Le breviari d' amor. 1862. 849 9 -izeglio, Massuno TapareUi, marchese d.' Degli ultimi casi di Romagna. Italia [.printed at Bastia], 1846. S. 282 38 —Lettere a Giuseppe Torelli: con framnienti di c|uesto in continuazione dei Miei ricordi; per cura di Cesare Paoli. Milano, 1870. D. facsim. 856 2 — Lettere a sua moglie Luisa Blondel; per cura di Giulio Carcano. Milano, 1870. D. poj-. 856 3 —I lutti di Lombardia. Firenze, 1848. D. 96 p. 945 .58 —I miei ricordi. Firenze, 1867. 2 v. D. par. 923 12 — La politifiue et le droit chretien au point de vue de la question italienne. 3 edition. Paris, I860. O. 281 37.2 — Scritti postumi: a cura di Matteo Ricci. Firenze, 1871. D. 856 3.1 Coiihiits: La lega. lombarda.— Scritti politioi.— Scritti vari.— F^pistolario . — Proniis, V. Luigi Provana e Massimo d" Aze- glio. facsim. (In Ciiriositk di storia subal- pina. V. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Azinciiiirt, Joseph Jean Baptiste Albouis d,' .sw Allioiiis d' A/inconrt. .V/TIX' L.VXGUAGE. Mexieansk Sprogminde.s- iiui'rke: EvangeUrium e|)istolarium Aztecum, edidit B. Biondelli. (/^/( t'o|ienhajren— K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Antii|uarisk TidssUrift. v. (i. I85is- <«'.) 94S 4 «., B. .sw BreKon, L. I>. de. !{., G. Recueil d' opuscules et de fragments en vers patois. Paris, 1839. si|T. 849 4 I!.. H. Ciipitoli. (Ill ftcriil, V. Opere bur- lesche, 1726, v. 3.) .S57 2 li., M. Ill loih' dell' asino. (hi sunw. 1760. v. 3.) ,S57 3 |{., S. Capitoli. (Ill same.) 857 3 BAALBEC. Wood, R. The ruins of Palmyra and Baalbec. London, 1827. F.'' [8+] 80 p. lit 722 1 De Baanwacliter, see Conscience, H^ Babbage, Charles. The exposition of 1851; or. Views of the industry, science and government of England. 2 edition, with additions. London, 1851. O. 606 1 — The ninth Bridgewater treatise; a fragment. 2 edition. London, 1838. O. 210 1 — On the economv of machinery and manu- factures. Philadelphia, 1832. D. 338 1 The bal)ees book, see EnrnivaU, F. J. Babiuet, Jacques.Etudes et lectures sur les sci- ences d'observation et leurs applications pra- tiques. Paris, 185.5-68. 8 v. S. .504 1 — Sur le chaos; (In Therenin, E. Entretiens. 1860, p. 15-35.) 604 1 hound wifli 600 2 Babington, Churchill, editor, see Higden, R. Polvchronicoii. v. 1-2. 1865-9. (/)iGt. Br.— Mas- ter of Rolls. Chron. and mem. 41.) 942 8 Paleario, A. The benefit of Christ's death. 18.55. 232 9 Peeock, R. Repressor. 1860. (In Gt. Br.— Master of Rolls. Chron. and Mem. 19.) 942 8 BABYLON. Miinter, F. C. C. H. Ueter einige unter den Ruinen von Babylon neulich gefun- denelnschriften. (In his Antiq. Abhandlung- en. 1816.) 913 2.1 BABYU)XIA. Heeren, A. H. L. Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der alten Welt. (In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 11.) 908 2 — Hcefer, J. C. F. Babylonie. 1852. pZ. niajj- (In L'nnivers. 16.) 910 18 Baccariui, .Ul'redo. Le acque e le trasforma- zioni idrograhche in Italia. {In Rome — Soc. geog'. ital. .Studj suUa geog. 1875.) 554.5 5 — Sul compiiiiento delle opere di bonificazione e sulla definitiva regol.izione delle acque nelle Maremine toscane. Roma, 1873. F. pi. maps. 627 35 bound icith 16. — Suir altezza di piena massima nel Tevere ur- bano e sui provvedimenticontro leinondazioni. Milano, 1875. F. 5Si\ pi. map. 551.48 23 bound u-ith 551.31 7 BACCHANALS. Torre di Rezzoiiico, C. ( . delta. Dissertazjone sui misteri de Bacco. e sulla cista mistica. (In his Opere, 1815-20, v. 8 ) 858 5 Bacchanterna, sorgspel, see Stagnelius, E. J. Bacehi delta Lega, .Uberlo, editor, see Scelta di curiiisita. 132, 1.50, 182, 183. 188-190,198,207, 216, 217,223, 231. 850 10' Bacehidcs. .src Plan! as, T. M. Bticelli, Caniillo. till ime parole di giustizia ai iiiini-tii nel Valicano. Roma. 1882. Q. lip. 282 40 naeliauuionl, Francois le Coignenx de. Mi'- nioires. (/iiBarrierc & Lescnre. Mt'inoires, 1857-81, V. 3.) 944 10 Le bachelier de Salamanque, .s'l^c Le Sage, A. R. Rachiller y .Morales, Antonio. Memnria sobio las Aiitigi'iedades aiiiericanas. (In Rafn, C. C. Antig. Anier. 1845.) 973 Biick, Abraham. Of the T(elandic elephantiasis. liAVK 45 BAGGER {In Troil, U. von. Letters on Iceland. 1780.) 914.'J 13.1 Biickstrom, P. 0., editor, Svenska folkbooker: Sagor, lygender ocli iU'ventyr, efter iUdre ui>p- lagor och andra kullor. Stockholm, 184.5. v. 1. O. *2!»:j 18 Foreonteuts, see MYTHOLOCJ Y. The hackwoods of Canada, see Traill, C. P. S. Uaciiieister, Johanii. Animadversiones genealo- gico-chionologico-hi.storicn5 in Mareschalci An- nahuin Herulorum ac Vandaloruni libi'os. {In AVcsfiihalon, E. J. von. Monunienta, 1739-4.'), T. 1.) <)43 31 Baeiiieister, Lucas. Historia ecclesia> Rostochi- ensis: sen, Narvatio de initio & progressu Lu- theranisnii in Rostochio. 2>or. (In same.) !)43 21 Baciiieister,Sebastiaii. Continiiatio [Mareschal- ci ] Annalium Herulorum ac Vandaloruni. (In same.)— Antiquitates Rostochienses... aucta & emendata a Joanne Bacmeistero.jjZ. — Jlega- jjoleos literatw; h. e., Historia; literaria> Mega- polensis speciatim Rostochiensis, prodromus; — Liber 1, de jctis.; — Liber 3, de medici.s: 1419- 1700. (In same. v. 3.) 943 31 Bacon, Francis, baron Verulam <& viscount St. Albans. Works. New edition, with life, by Basil Montagu. Philadelphia, 1844. 3 v. Q. 2Mr. ,S28 3 — The advancement of learning: edited by William Aldis Wright. Oxford, 1869. D. (Clarendon press series.) • ;J70 1 — A conference of pleasure, composed for some festive occasion about 1592; edited by James Spedding. London, 1870. O. 31-1-54 p. facsim. .S22 3 The inner title is: Mr. Francis Bacon of tribute, or givinf? what is dew. — Essayes or counsels civill and morall: with A table of the colours of good and evill. Newly enlarged. London, 1639. D. 824 4 — Essays, and Colours of good and evil; with notes and glossarial index, by W. Aldis Wright. Cambridge, 1863. S. por. 824 6 — Essays: with annotations by Richard Whate- ly. 4 edition, enlarged. London, 1868. O. .S24 5 —A harmony of ^the Essays, etc. London, 1871. S. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 27.) 820 9 —The historie of the reigne of King Henry VII.: whereunto is now added a table. Lon- don, 1629. Q. 942 18 — Sylva sylvarum: or, A naturall historie: pub- lished by William Rawley. 5 edition. Lon- don, 16.39. Q. po?-. iltp. .500 1 Appended is his New Atlantis. — Macaulay, T. B. (In his Essays, 1843, v. 2.) 824 16 — ViUari, P. Galileo, Bacone e il metodo spe- rinieiitale. (/h /n's Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. Memorials of Emily Bliss Gould, of Rome. New York [, c 18791. D. il.jior. i)23 44 Bacon, Roger. Opera (imedam hactenus inedita; edited by J. S. Brewer. London. 1859. O. facsim. (In Cxt. Br.— JLister of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 15.) 942 8 ContentK : Preface.— Opus tertium.— Opus minus Compendium philosophia;.— Appendix: De nullliate magia?. —The history of Friar Bacon; with the lives of the two con jurers, Bungye and Vanderniast. (In Tliorn, W.J. Prose romances, 1828, v. 1.) 823 3 See (dm Tt'rilo, Vi . BACTERIA, f'ohn, F. J. Ueber Bacterien. Berlin, 1873. O. 35 p. il. (In Virchow * Holtzcndorir. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 —Petri, K. J. Ueber die methoden der moder- nen Bakterienforschung. Hamburg, 1887. O. 63 p. (In same. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Bada, (iiainbalista. Poesie. (In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1S17, v. 12.) s.VJ 50 Baden, (jJiistav Lndvig'. Afhandlinger i Feb- drenelandets Cultur- Stats- Kirke- og Littener- Historie. Kiobenhavn, 1820-2. 3 v. D. 94s 61 — Dtt norske Riges Historie; en Haandbog. Kiolienhaven, 1804. D. 94,S 2] — Udkast til en Historie of Danmarks og Nor- ges Handel og Na;ringsveje, fra Oldtiden til Nutiden. Kjobenhavn, 1806. O. 380 14 — Molbecll, C. Nogle Ideer til en Kritik over Badens Skrift om Griffenfeld. Kiobenhavn 1808. D. 88 p. !>4S 98 Baden, Jakob. Foretesninger over det danske Sprog: eller, Resonneret dansk Grammatik. 3 forbedrede Oplag. Kiobenhavn, 1804. D. 4.39.85 1 BA1)ES, KarlLndwig', crown-price of . Rosen- stein, K. von. Personalier ofver Carl Ludwi"- 17 Jan. 1803. (In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) 839.78 I Baden, TorkeL Omden nordiske Mythologies Ubrugl)arhed for de skionne Kuuster. Kinr)en- havn, 1830. D. 30 p. 293 21 Baden, Torkill. Roma Danica, harmoniam atq: affinitatem lingua? Danica? cum lingua Roinana exhibens. Hafnise, 1699. T. 439.8 1 Badger, George Percy. Descrijition of Malta and Gozo. Valletta. 1851. T. pi. music, map 914.5 104 Badia, Jodoeo del, editor, see Giannotti, B. Novelettere. 1870. 8o(J 11 Badia y Lcblicli, Domingo. Voyages d'Ali Rey el Abbassi en Afrique et en Asie, 1803-7. Paris 1814. 3v. O. 9IG.1 ]■ Badoaro, Andrea. Relazione. 1573. (7); Docn. nienti di storia ottomana. 1842.) 949 34 Bieda, see Bede. B.ETYLS, .see METEORS. BAFFIN LAND. Boas, F. Baffin-Land, 1883-4. Gotha, 1885. sqO. maps. (In Petermanns 3Iit- theilnngen: Ergiinzungsband 17.) 910 44 La baga d'or, romance populaire. (In Reviie des langnes romanes. v. 1, 1870.)— La bago d' or, version de Belesta. (In same. v. 3, 187"l.) 479 5 Bageliot, Walter. Physics and politics. 5 edi- tion. London, 1879. D. (Internat. sci. series.) 301 3 Bagger, Carl Christian. Min Broders Levnet, Fortwlhng af Johannes Harrijig [pseud 1 Kjobenhavn, 183.1 839.83 6.1 — Smaadigte. Kjobenhavn, 1844. D. 839.81 11 BA G GESEISr 46 BALE Baggeseu, Jens Immaiiuel. Danske Vasrker; udgivue at' Forfatterens Simner og C. J. Boye. KiobenhaTn, 1827-32. 12 v. S. jjor. 830.81 12 — translator, see Holberg', L. Niels Klims un- derjordiske Reise. 1789. 839.87 4 Bagliijiiken van Paiijs, ook die wyse leeringe die Cathozijnen sone leerde. (jent, 1860. Q. 16t[1 + ] 40 p. (In Maetsc'hapitj- der Alaeui. bibl. Wevken voor de ledeii. 7.) 83!>.3 5 Bagiiis, Carlo. Sulla vita e inorfologia di alcuni fuiiKhi uredinei. p/. {In Rouic — R. accad. del liiici'i. Atti. 3 ser v. 3, 1874-5.)— Le pucci- nie, memoria. jjZ. {In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Mycologia Romana. pi. {In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 3-) — iS'ar?ie; centuriaseconda. pi. {In same. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 0()5 4 BAfiXOLS, i^rcHice. Jacob, — . Memoire surles eaux thermales de Baguols. Lozere. (In Piiy de Dome— Societt. Annales. 1839.) 94-1 61 Baliuson, Kl'istlau. Criavakikke hos amerikan- ske Folk. (In Copeuliagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarboger. v. 17, 1882.) — Bronzealder- ens Mands- og Kviiidegrave. il. {In same. v. 21 1886.) — Etlinogral iske Museer i Udlandet. (In same. v. 22, 1887.) — Nefrit- og Jadeitsager i Eiiropa. (In same. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 Sepultures d' hommes et de femmes de I'age de lironze. il. — Les objets de nephrite et de iadeite en Europe. (In same. Memoires. n. s. V. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Biilns Joliann Christian FeUx, editor, see Ctesias. 1824. 888 43 Bailey? James, editor, see Faceiolati, fci., 15 Contents: 1. Vita.— II tigliuol prodigo- — Novelle. — Ses- tine.— Quartine. t. Ottave.— Sonetti. 3. La Gerusa- lemme liberata, travestita indialetto milanese. 4. Prose. Intermezzi.— Traduzioul d' Anacjreonte.— Poesie varie. Braudana. Ballad society. Fifth reijort, by Furnivall. 1877. [Loudon, 1877.J O. 820 5.3 BALLADS. Abraliamson, W. H. F. * others, editors. Udvalgte danske Viser fra Middelal- deren. Kjobenhavn, 1813-14. 5 v. D. .S3!).S1 6 ^Ai'iiim, L. A. vou, & Brentauo, C, editors. Des Knabeii Wunderhorn; alte deutsche Lie- der. Charlottenbiirg, 1845-6. 3 v. O. iltj). .S31 1 Vol. 1 contains an essay Von Vollisliedern. bv Arnim. Appended to v. .3 is a collection of Ivinderlieder. — Arwidsson, X.l.,editor. Svenskafornsanger. Stockholm, 18^4-42. 3 v. O. nmsic. 839.71 1 — Child, F. J., editor. English and Scottish ballads. Boston, 1857. v. 1-4. D. 821 3.1 Same. [3 edition.] London, 1861. 8 v. D. 821 3.3 — Deppmg, tJ. B., editor. Coleccion de los mas celebres romances espanoles. Londres, 1835. 3 V. S. 861 1 — Geijer, E. G., ct Afzelius, A. A., editors. Svenska folk-visor fran forntiden. Stockholm, 1814-16. 4v. D. iltp. 839.713 Vol. 4, music. — firotlie, J. W. vou. Volk.spoesie. (In his Werke, 1837-43, V. 46.) 832 1 — Hub, L, editor. Deutsehland's Balladen- uud Romanzen-Dichter. Karlsruhe, 1846. sqO. 831 8 — Jamiesou, R. Popular heroic and romantic ballads, translated from the northern langua- ges, with notes. (In Weber. H. W., & Jamie- son, R. Northern antiquities. 1814.) 831 33 — Jeannaraki, A., editor. Kretas Volkslieder; in der Ursprache, niit Glossar. Leipzig, 1876. O. 889 10 — Kind, T. Anthologie neugriechischer Volks- lieder, in Original, mit deutscherUbertragung. Leipzig. 1861. sqT. 889 11 — Lenicke, L. U. Ueber einige bei der Kritik der traJitioaellen schottischen Balladen zu beobachtende Grundsiitze. (In Jalirbiicll rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1863.) 805 1 — Ochoa, E. de, editor. Tesoro de los roman- ceros y cancioneros espanoles. Paris, 1838. O. 861 3 ^Percy, J. Folio manuscript: ballads and ro- mances; edited h\ J. W. Hales and F. J. Fur- nivall. London, 1867-8. 3 v. O. facsim. 821 6 — — Relicjues of ancient English poetry. 1 Am- erican from 5 London edition. Philadelphia, 1833. V. 1. O. 821 7 —Percy society. Early English poetry, ballads, and popular literature of the middle ages. London, 1840-52. 94 pt. in 30 v. L». il. nor. jjI. niK-fie. 820 6 For contents nee Pealiody catalogue. —Petersen, \. M. Om Behandlingen of K juiii- peviserne. (hi Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 4, 1843-3.) !(48 3 — Kobiuson, T. A. L. v. J., trovslator. Volks- lieder der .Serben: metrisch iiber.sctzt uiul hi- storisch eingeleitet. Neue vermehrte Autlage. Leipzig, 1853. 2 v. S. 891 11 — Rodd, T., translator. Ancient Spanish bal- lads relating to the twelve peers of France; with English metrical versions. London, 1831. 3 V. O. il. 861 3 —Wolf, A. English and Scottish ballads, by F. J. Child.— The ballads of Scotland by W. E. Avtoun. (In Jahrbiicli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1800.) 805 1 — Wolfr, 0. L. ^., translator. Halle der Viilker; Sammlung vorziiglicher Volkslieder. Frank- furt a. M., 1837. 3v. S. 808 3 «„ aim HOOD, Ruhiii; SONGS; SPANISH LITKltATlRK — POKTUV. BALLAXTYSE, James & John. Refutation of the mistatemeuts and calumnies in Lockhart's Life of Scott respecting theJIessrs. Ballantyne; by the trustees and son of James Ballantyne. From the 2 London edition. Boston, 1838." O. 928 48 Ballantyne, John. Biographical memoir of De Foe. (/ji Defoe, D. Novels, etc., 1840-1, v. 1.) 823 7 Ballot, Jnles. Histoire de I'insurrection cretoise. Paris, 1868. O. map. 9M 11 bound icith 51 Ballot y Torres, Joseph Pau.Gramaticay apolo- gia de la llenguacathalana. Barcelona [,1S14]. S. 467 8 The volume contains the following note by Mr. Marsh; '"AH the books in this curious dialect are important in a philological point of view, but they are unfortunately rare. At the end of this Catalan or Liinejtmit Granimar, will be found a Catalogue of theworlvs which have been WTitten in that Dialect since the reign of D. .Jayme of Aragon. the Contpieror. whose Chrtuucie of his own achievements (if genuine) may be consiriered one of the most curious Historical Jlonuments of llie Middle .\ges. That part which relates to the Coi'qurst of Valtnvia was first printed in the very curious volume "entitled OPUS AUKEUM, containing the statutes and privileges of that city printed there by Diego Gumielln l.'jlo folio, of which I have averv fine copy." BALLYALLY CASTLE. Ciiffe, 31. The siege of Ballyally castle. (In Croker, T. C. Narratives of contests in Ireland. 1841; nt Camden soc. 14.) 820 4 Balnares, Henry. The confession of faith [re- vised by Knox in 1548]. — An epistle tothecoi;- gregation of St. Andrews [by Knox]; with a brief sumn^ary of Balnaves on justification by faith, 1548. — Biographical notices and letters of Balnaves [by Laing]. (//(. Knox, J. Works, 1846-64. V. 3.) " 208 4 BALSAMO, (iiiiseppe. Carlyle, T, Count Ca- gliostro. (//( his Essays, 1860, v. 3.) 824 8 Balsamo-('rivelli,fJiuseppe. Mammiferi; ucelli e vettili. (/)( Catlanco, ('., & others. Notizie su la Lombardi;t. 1844.) 914.5 56 BALTDIORE. Howard, (i. W. The monument- al citv; its history and resources. Baltimore, 1873." O. il. pl.'maps. 917.5 1 BALUCHISTAN. Dubeux, L. & Valmont, Y. BALUCHISTAN 48 BARB ABO Beloutchistan. 1848. pL map. [In L'HiiiTers. Asie, 6.) "^" ^^ BALZAC, Honore (le. (iantlcr, T. {In hisFoy traits contemporains. lSi4.) »-W lo Balzac, Jean Louis Uuez, sieur Ae. Aristippe: ou. De la cour. Ainsterdani. D. Elzevier. Wii. rp OOO 1 Appenrled is Avis...des ministres &, du ministere. — Lettres choisies. Amsterdam, chez les Else- vier s, 1678. T. . 84(5 1 — OEuvres diverses, augmentees en cette edi- tion de plusieurs pieces nouvelles. Leide. ehez Jean Elsevier, 1C»S. T. S4S 3 BalzaiK), Fraiicesfo. La tiorba a taccone, de Felippo Sgruttendio de Scafato [pseud.]. Na- poli, 1T83. S. (/)( CoUezione napoletana, V. 1.) ct o t' 1 y Bambera-er, Liulwis- Zur deutschen Miinzge- SHtzKebuTig. Berlin. 1873. O. 30 p. (In Vir- cliow ct Hollzeiulorir. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 04S 1 La Itaiica rotta, coinmedia, see (ioldoui, C. v. 19. Baiichi, Luciano, editor, see Bargagli, S. No- velle. 1873. !^o3 4 C-ESAE, V. J. I fatti di Cesare. 1863. _ (In Emilia. Collezione. 7.) 850 6 Gig-li, 0. Scritti satirici. 1865. 857 11 Siena. Alcune legazioni del secolo 15. 1864. 945 82 Statuti. 1863-77, v. 3-3. {In Emilia. Collezione. 5-6. ) 850 6 Speilale di S.Maria. Statuti. 1864. 362 1 Banclilni or Baccliiiii, (iiovanni, Dominican friar. II libro d' aniore di carita: per cura del Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, 1889. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 66.) 850 6 Un viaggio a Perugia nel 1395; con alcune sue lettere. Bolcgna, 1864. D. 51 p. (/(/ Scella di curiosita. 48.) 850 10 La bauda y la fior, see Calderon. v. 4. Bandamanna saga, udgivet ved H. FriSriksson. Kiobenhavn, 1850. D. {In Xord. Lit. Sam- fund. 10.) 83!). 03 34 Baudelier, Adolpli Francis Alpboiiso. Histori- cal introduction to studies among tbe sedentary Indians of New Mexico. — Report on the ruins of the pueblo of Pecos. Boston, 1881. O. j>l. map. {Ill Archwol. inst. of Amer. Pai>ers. Amer. ser. 1.) 5M3 i. tab. 973 10 Banii, (Jiuscppc. Vocabolario milanese-itali- ;ini). :') iMlizioue accresciuta. Milano, 1870. S. 457 9 Bang, (Huf, editor. Samling af adskillige og opbyggelige materier saa vei gande som nye. IKjiilienhavn, 1743-7.] 7 i)t. in 3 v. S. por. pi. tai,. .S.39.S 1 BancTf^, .loliaiin, editor, see Thiiringisclip Chro- nik. 1599. 943 35 Bauffert, Heinrich. Origines Lubeceuses. (In Wesfi)haleii, E. .J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 1.) «43 21 Micrwlius, J. Observationes ad Helmoldi Chronicon Slavorum, prrecipue ad H. Bangerti notes in idem chronicon ejusque Origines Lu- becenses. 1657. {In same, v 3.) 943 31 BASK OF NORTH AMERICA. Wel)s1cr, N. Origin of the first bank in the U. S. (//( hi.s Collection of papers. 1843.) S14 15.1 Banks, Sir .Joseph, bart., editor, see A brevlate touching the order of a nobleman's house. 1800. 640 1 bound iinth 631 30 BASKS. I'eruzzi, S. L. Storia del commereio e dei lianchieri di Firenze, 1300-1345. Firenze, 1868. O. facsim. 945 72 Bannatjne club. Publications : Horn et Rimeiihild : par F. Michel. ISS.'i. 821 04 Vprsriliiis Mam. P. /Eneid: translated into Scottish verse by G Uouslas. 18.39. S7S (i Le banquet; papiers intimes, see Mlchelet, J. Banting', William. Letter on corpulence. 4 edi- tion, witii prefatory remarks and confirniatory evidence. London. 1869. O. «!(} 16 BAPTISM. Cotton, .1. The grounds and ends "f the baptisme of children. London, 1647. D. 265 2 — Frith, J. A mirror, wherein you may behold the sacrament of baptism described. (//; Tj-ii- dale * Frith. Works, 1831, v. 3:) -iOS" 10 — Fuller, T. Tlie infant's advocate of circuni- oisioii on Jewish and baptism on Christian children. London, 1653. S. 265 3 — Ulafsson, J. Syntagma historico-ecelesiasti- cum de baptismo socii.S(|ue .sacris ritibus, in boreali ecclesia. Hafnia-, 1770. sqO. 265 1 BAPTISTS. Monforzlo, L. Gli anabattisti, nar- razione storica; recata in italiano da P. Fau- fani. Firenze, 1861. O. [8 + ] .53 [ + 3] p. 286 1 Bar, A. Die Trunksucht in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Gesundheit und die Gesundheitspflfge. Berlin, 1881. O. 32 p. (/« Virchow cfc Hbl- tzendorft'. Vortriige. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Biir, J. C. & Stfilpnaael, F. vou. Karte von Europa und dem mittelliindisclien Meere 7 vermehrteAuflage durch A. Petermann. (iotha, 1874. 87x107 cm. in Q. 912 10 Biir, Karl Ernst von. Kaspische Studien. St. Petersburg, lf<55-9. O. maps. 551.48 37 Baratella,' Francesco. Compendio dell' arte ritmica. (/» Tempo, A. da. Delle rime. 1869: m Emilia. (Villezione. 27.) 850 6 Barli, Heinrich Alfred. Die Transcription des arabischen Alphabetes. Wien, 1860. O. 89 p. 492.7 1 Les barbares et le moyen age, see Littr^.M.P. E. Barliaro, Angelo Maria. Poesie.— La matrone d' Efeso, novella. (/» (iamba, B.Col. venez. 1817, V. 11.) 859 50 Barbaro, Antonio. Vita di San Francesco di Paola, poenia sacro. Venezia, 1847. O. por. S51 14 Harbaro, Marcautonio. Hehizione. 1573. {In Docunieuli di stoiia ottonuina. 1842.) 949 54 Barliaro, ,\ic(do. (iiornale dell' assedio di Co- stantinopoli. 1453; corredato per Enrico Cornet. Vienna. l.'^.^O. (). (■> + 82 p. 949 3(1 BARBAR US RA CES 49 BARD BARBAROUS RACES. Deckert, E, Die civili- satorische Mission der Europiier uiiter den wildcu Volkern. Berlin, 18S1. O. 30 p. (In Virt'liow <£■ Holtzcmlorll'. Voitriige. IGHcrie.) 043 1 — fituiiticr, T. Les Ixirijares modernes a ['exposi- tion uuiverselle de Londres. (In hiv L'orient, 1877, V, 1,) !)10 39 BiH'bazan, fitieiiiie, editor. Fabliaux et contes des poetes fran5oi^j des 11-15 siecles. Nouvelle edition, augraentee par M. Meon. Paris, 1808. 4 V. O. pi. 841 1 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Bai'be, P. Keglement sur la conduite des con- suls de Bessieres. (In Revue des langues ro- nianes. v. 4, 1873.) 47i) 5 Barbe-Marbois, Francois, marquis de. Journal d'un deportiinon juge. (In Barriere tfc Lesciire. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 39.) 944 10 Barberiuo, Andrea de' Magnabotti da. Gli reali di Francia, da Costantino sino ad Orlando conte d' Anglante. Napoli, 1851. O. So.'J 39.1 —translator, see Storia di UdiOXE d" Avernia. 1S83. (In Scelta di ctu-iosita. iss, 190.) S.50 10 Rajjlia, P. I reali di Francia; ricerche. Bo- logna, 1872. V. 1. O. /<((). (In Emilia. Col- lezione. 31.) S50 6 Barberiuo, Francesco da. Del reggimento e costunii di donna: per ciira del conte Carlo Baudi de Vesme. Bologna, 1875. O. faesim. (Ill same. 45.) )S50 6 — Documeuti d' aniore, extract ; Regimento e costunii delle donne, extract. (In Rossetti W. M. Italian courtesy-books. 18G9;tHE. E. text soe. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 Barbet de Jouy, Henry. Galerie d' ApoUon : no- tice des gemm'es et joyaux. Serie E. Paris, 18(i7. D. 730 6 Barl)ier, Jules. Itineraire historiijue et descrip- tif de r Algerie; avec un Vocabulaire fran^ais- aralie, et un Resume histurique des guerres d' Afrique. Paris, 1855. D. nuq). OKi.S 1 Le barbier de Seville, coniedie, see Bcaumar- cbais, P. A. C. de. Barbiere di Siviglia, drama liuffo per musioo del Giovacchino Rossini. Firenze, 1852. D. 38 p. 852 1 Barbieri, Liiii^i, editor, see Scelta di curiosita. 1(5. 18, 24, 26, 39. 850 10 Barbour, Jolin. The Bruce, 1375; edited, with i)\eface, notes and glossarial index, by Walter \V Skeat. London. 1870-89. 3 v. O. (In E. K text soc. Extra ser. 11, 21, 39, 55.) 820 5.1 — The Bruce; or. The metrical history of Robert I., king of Scots; with notes and mem- oir by John Jamieson. Edinburgh, 1820. sqQ. (The Bruce and Wallace, V. 1.) 821 15 — Same. New edition. Glasgow, 1869. 3t. D. 821 16 T^-ller, P. F. (In his Lives of Scottish worth- ips,"l831-3, V. 2.) 920 17 Barcelona. Les bones costumes de la mar [Cat- alan and English]. (Jn. (it. Br.— Admiralty. Black book, 1871-6, v. 3; )')(. (it, Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and. mem. 55.) — Glossary of Cat- alan words in the Consulate of the sea. (In same, v. 4.) 942 8 - -Coiligo do las costumbres maritimas de Bar- celona, hasta acjui vulgarmonte Uamado Liliro del consulado; tradueido al castellano, con el texto lemosino e con api-ndices, por Antonio de Capmanv y de Monpalau. Madrid, 1791. 3 v. in 1. sqQ. 3S0 13 — Costunibres de la ciudad sobre las servidum- bres de los predios urbaiiosy rusticos: Uamadas vulgarmente den Sanctacilia... [ancient Cata- lan, modern Catalan, Spanish]. Barcelona, n. d. 0.211. 349 34.1 — Redres y ordinacions, 30 aliril 1703, concer- nents al regimen de la taula delscomuiis depo- sits de dita ciutat, y banch de aquella, y aixi inateix a las obligacions de sos oficials. Barce- lona, 1703. D. 352 5 — Bofarnll y Mascaro, P. de. Arbol gcnealogico de los reges de Espana considerados como mar- tjueses y condes soberanos de Barcelona, 1833. 126x77 cm. 080 36 In portfolio 3. Los condes de Barcelona vindicados, y cronologia v genealogia de los reves de Espana: [874-1516]. ■ Barcelona, 1836. 3 v. O. 940 56 Tabula cronologica de los condes soberanos de Barcelona con el facsimile de sus firnias y signes aiitografos. Barcelona, 1833. 78x198 cm. 080 36 In jiortfolio '-i. — Caymany y Mouti>alau, A. de. Memorias hi- storicas sobre la marina, comercio v artes de Barcelona. Madrid, 1779-92. 4 v. sqQ." 3S0 13 ^Diago, F. Historia de los antigtios condes de Barcelona. Barcelona, 1603. F. 940 57 — Salas y Berart, (i. Govern politich de la ciu- tat de Barcelona pera sustentar los pobres y evitar los vagamundos. Barcelona, 1636. D. 339 4 Barcianu, Sabbas Popovici. Theoretisch-iirak- tische Grammatik derrom'anischen Spracbe. 2 Auflage. Hermannstadt, 1863. O. 459 10 — Vocabulariuromanu-nemtiescu. Sibiiu, 1808. O. 459 4 Barclay, Alexander. Certayne egloges; gath- ered out of a book named in Latin, Miseriae- curialium, compiled by Eneas Silvius: 1570. |;Manchester,] 1885. F. [4-l-]47p. (In Spen- cer soc. 39.) ,S21 3 — The cytezen and iiplondyshman, an eclogue: from the original edition by Wynkyn de Worde: edited, with notice of Barclay and his eclogues, by F. W. Fairholt. London, 1847. D. " (In Percy soc. v. 22.) 820 6 — translator. The mirrour of good maners. conteining the four cardinal vertues; compiled in Latin by Dominike Mancin; 1570. [Man- chester,] 1885. F. [3-i-]83 p. (In Spencer soe. 38.) 821 3 Barclay, John. Barclay his Argenis; or, The loves of Polyarchus & Argenis; translated out of Latin by Kingsmill Long. 2 edition, with a key [by W. Havwood]. London, 1636. sqO. ?7. ,S79 1 — Judicium de Polonia & ingeniis Polonorum. (In Respnblica Polonia-. 1637.) 094 51 BARD, Margaret Johnston. Fairbairn, R. B. A sernwn. 3 Mav 1875. in commemoration of BARD Mrs. John Bard. New York, 1875. D. 33 p 50 BAREI [In »23 Berui. s5; 18 F. 3 Bardi, Siuir Dea de'. Canzone. Opere Imrlesche, 1760, v. 3.) BardwcU, AViUiam. Temples, ancient and mod- ern; or. Notes on cliurch architecture. London, 1837. b. (/. pi. ''-<> 1 Baretti, {iiusepi>e. Les Italiens; ou, Mceurs et coiitunies d'ltalie; traduitde Fanglais. Geneve, 1773. S. 390 16 — Lettere famigliaria' suoi trefratelli, tornando da Loudra in Italia nel 1760. Torino, 1857^ S. .S.JO 4 Baretti, Martino. Studi geologici sul gruppo del Gniu Faradiso. ph maps. (In Koine— R. aecad. del lincci. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876- 7^ pt. 1.)— Studi geologici suUe Alpi Graje set- teutrionali. pi. maps. (In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) 0()O 4 —Sue rilevamenti geologici in grande scala fatti nelle Alpi piemontesi nel 1875. pi. (In same. 3 ser. t. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3; 3 ser. sc'i. ^is. V. 3,1877-8, pt.3.) 065 3 Barfod, Poiil Frederik, & others. Den sidste Aften paa Grundtvigs Forelaesninger. Kjoben- havn, 1839. T. 33 p. S39.S1 19 Baraaali, Scii>ioiie. Le novelle: premessavi la narfazione dell' assedio di Siena. 1 edizione senese, per cura di Luciano Banchi. Siena, 1873. D. ^jS 4 Baraoni, Angelo. see Italy— Coiiiuiissione. Delia istruziohe obbligatoria[, Bargoni, relatore].l870. 379 3 Bargrave, John. Pope Alexander VII. and the college of cardinals; with a catalogue of Bar- grave's museum; edited by James Craigie Rob- ertson. [London,] 1857. sqO. facsim. (In Camden soc. 93.) 820 4 Barigazzi, Oinseppe. Scherz puetic in dialett bulgneis d' Jusfeiu Barigazz. Bulogna, 1860. D. Sa!) n'boundivitli 9 — Alter scherz puetic da azzuntar a-i su pn'm. Buligna, 1861. D. S,>!) 11 bound with 9 Barilari, Paciflco. Intorno ad un lettera dell' ing. Dausse sulla sistemazione del Tevere. (In Rome— R. accad. del liucei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 188.5-6, pt. 3.) 0(>.> 3 — SuUe relazioni della commissione nominata del governo ungherese per gli studi sulla Tisza, sul Danubio e sulle difese alia citta di Szeghe- dino. (1)1 same. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. 5, 1879-80.) OOi 4 Barkliiisen, Hermann. Reinke de Fos, fan Hin- rek fan Alkmer; upt nye utgegeven unde for- klared dorg K. F.A. Scheller. 3 Utgave. Bruns- wyk, 1835. O. S37 7 — Reino'ke "Vos: nach der Liibecker Ausgabe von 1198; rait Einleitung, Glossar und Anmer- kungen von Hoifniann von Fallersleben. Bre- slau, ■■«34. O. .S37 5 Itarlaam et Josaphat, «ee Joannes of Damascns. Barlaams ok Jo-aphaJs saga, paa Norsk af Kong Haakon Sverressi'm; udgivct of R. Keyser ogC. R. Unger. Chx'istiunia, 18.01. O. far.iim. 8.S9.63 35 Barlow, Jerome, '. CompU'nient du Dictionnaire de I'Academie fram.aise. Bruxelles, 1839. s(|F. 443 3 Barri, Giraldus de, called Oiraldns Cambren- sis. Opera; edited by J. S. Brewer[;v. 5-7, by BARRT 51 BARTLETT James S. DiniockJ. London, 1^61-77. 7 v. Q. (In Hi. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 21.) 942 8 Contents : 1. Preface.— De rebus a se sestis.— Invec- tioniim liliellus— Symtaohim ele^torum.— [Minor writ- ings. |—Api>iiullx. 2. Prefaoo— Gemma ecelosiastifa. ;f. I'roface.— De invectionitjus — De Meneveusi ecclesia dial(>t:us.— Vita S. David— Appendix. 4. Speculum ec- clesia'.— De vita (ialfridi archiepisciipi Eljoracensis. .>. Toponraphica Hiljernica — ExpviKnatio Hibernica. (>. Itiucrarium Kambria^.— Descriptiu Karabrias. 7. Vita S. Remiftii.— Vita S. Ilaitiinis. Barriere, Fraiicjois Jean, & Lesciire, M. F. A. de, ci'i'ocs. Bililiotheiiue des niemoires relatifs a l"his(;oire de France pendant le 18 siecle; avec avant-propos et notices. Paris, 1857-81 [v. 1, 1864J. 37 V. in 19. D. 944 10 Vol, 1-38 edited by Barriere ; vol. 29-37. new series, by Leseure. For contents set sources de Thlstoiie de France, par A. Franklin, im b.l Barros, Andre de. Vida do padre Antonio Vieyra. Lisboa, 174(5. F. //. pK 922 51 Barros, Joao de. Las nuatro decades. (In Faria V SoLisa, M. de. Asia portuguesa, 1666-74, v. 1.) ^ 954 —& Couto, D. do. Da Asia[; dos feitos, que os Portuguezes tizeram na concjuista e desculiri- mento das terras e mares do orieute]. Nova ediciio. Lisboa, 1777-88. 24 v. S. por. maps. 954 2-3 9 volumes bv Barros, 1.5 by Couto. The last volume by each contains an index. Vol. 9 contains also Vida de Barros par M. Severim da Faria. — Severini da Faria, M. Vida da J. de Barros. (7?i 7) ('s Discursos. 17yi.) 914.(> 14 Barros .Iraua, Dieu-o. Histoire de la guerre du Pacifique, 18S0-1. Paris, 1881-2. 2 v. O. maps. 983 3 Barrow, Sir John. A description of Pitcairn's Island: with an account of the mutiny of the ship Bounty. New- York, 1832. S. jj7. (Harp- er's fam. lib.) 996 1 Barrow, John. Expeditions on the glaciers, in- cluding an ascent of Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Col du Geant, and Mont Buet. [Anon.] Lon- don, 1864. D. por. 551.43 14 Barry, David, editor, see Jnau y Sautaeilia, J., & Ulioa, A. de. Noticias secretas de America. 1«26. 980 1 Barseg:ai)e, Pietro da, see Pletro. Barselstiien, see Holberg:, L. Comedier, v. 3. Bartas, xee Dn Bartas. Bartli, Heiimeli. Das Beckendes Mittelmeeres in natihlicher und kiilturliistorischer Bezieh- ung ; Vorlesung. Hamburg, 1860. O. 32 p. 911 3 — Reise (lurch das Innere der europiiisclien Tiirkei, 1863. Berlin, 1864. O. il. pi. map. 914.9 83 — Reise von Trapezunt durcli die nordliche Hiilfte Kleiu-Asiens nach Scvitari. 18.'58. Gotha, 1860, sijQ. map. (In Petermanns MittheUnnsen: Ergilnzungsband 1.) 91(9 44 — Reisen und Eutdeokungen in Nord- und Cen- tral-Afrika, 1849-55. Gotha, 1857-8. 5 v. O. maps. 916.6 2 — Wanderungen durcli das punische und kyreniiische Kiistenland; oder,Mag'reb. Afrikia und Barkii. Berlin, 1849. O. map. 916.1 2 Bartli, J. B. Om Skovene i deres Forhold til Nationalo'conomien. Christiania, 1857. O. 551.58 97 Barlli, L., & Pfaiindler, L. Die Stul>aier Ge- birg.sgruppe, liypsometrisch und orograpliisch bearbeitet. Innsbruck, 1865. O. /jZ. maj). 551.43 38 Bartlieleniy, F.donard Marie, eom.te de. edilor, see Heroiiard, J. Journal siir Louis Xlil. 1868. 923 59 La Fosse, J. de. Journal d'un cure ligueur. 1865. 944 27 BARTHES, Melehior. Cantasrcl, B. Glossaire lK>tiuii(iue languedocien, par Baitlies. (In Revne des langues rumanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Bart hold, Friedrieh Wilhelin. Jiirgen Wulleu- welier von Liibeck; oder. Die Biirgermeister- lehile. (In Rauiner, F. L. Q. von. Hist. Ta- scbenbiich. 1835.) — Anna Joanowna: Cabinet. Hcl. Sitte und ge.sellschaftliclie Bildung in Mohkau und St. Petersburg, jjur. (In .'iume. 1836.) — Ausgang des Joan'sclien Zweiges der Koinanow und seiner Freunde. (//( same. 1837.) — Hermann Christopher von Rosswurm. (In same. 1838.) — Deutsches Burgerthum in Pom- mern um [1450], [In same. 1839.) — Gebhard Truchsess, Erzbischof von Kiiln. (In same. 1840.)— Der Armegeckenkrieg, 1444-5. (hi same. 1842.) 905 1 Bartholin, Albert. De scriptis Danoruni: auc- tior editus a Thoma Bartholino; nunc illustra- tus a Johanne Mollero. Hainburgi. 1699. S. 830.7 6 Bartholin. Caspar Thomseu. De inauribus veterum syntagma: accedit mantissa ex Tlionia? Bartholini Miscellaneis medicis de annulis iia- rium. Amstelodami, 1676. T. il. 391 1 Bartholin, Thomas. 1616-80. jUitiquitatum veteris i)uerperii synopsis, a Casparo Bartliolino conimentario illustrata. Amstelodami, 1676. T. (7. /-/. tab. 391 1 — De armiilis veterum schedion: accessit Olai Wormii de aureo eornu Danico. Editio novis- sima. Amstelodami, 1676. T. 391 1 Bartholin, Thomas Thomseii. 1659-90. Annales Danici, 777-1200. (In Langebek, J. Script. reruni Dan., 1772-1834, v. 1.) 94S 76 — Antiijuitatum Danicarum de causis con- tempta' a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri ties. Hafnia>, 1689. sqD. 39!t 1 Bartholino dal Canto de' Bischeri. pseudonym of Ceochi, G. M. BartholomaMis Anglicus, see (lilanyil, B. Bartholomew fair, a comedy, see Jonsou, B. Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. 4 edition. Boston, 1866. D. 828 4 Bartlett, John RnsseU. Bibliotheca Amer- icana : A catalogue of books relating to North and South America, in the library of Jolm Carter Brown of Providence, R. L," 1482-1800; with notes. Providence, 1866-75. 3v. in 4. il. facsim. map. Q. pi. 016 26 Ft. 1-2, 100 copies, pt. 3, .50 copies, printed for private circulation; no. SS. Pt. 9 has a supplement relating to Thevenot's Collection. — Dictionary of Americanisms. 2 edition, enlarged. Boston, 1859. O. 427 4 BARTLETT 52 BASTLE — Tlie progress of eHinology. Kew York, 1S47. O. 5J2 6 —editor, see Rhode Island {colony). Eecords. 18.J6-60. 328 6 BARTLETT, William Fraucis. Palfrey, F. W. Memoir of Bartlett. Boston, 1878. D. por. map. 923 U Bartlett, WUliaiii Henry. The Nile boat; or, (ilimpses of Egypt. London, 1849. O. ^1. pi. iltp. 91«.2 1 Bartoli, Adollo. I primi due secoli della iettera- tura italiaua. Milauo, 1880. Q. (i)tVillari, P., editor. Storia letteraria d' Italia; in L' Italia. Partes.) 914.5 16 —editor, see Polo 31. I viaggi. 1863. 915 12 II libro di Sidracli. 1868. {In Emilia. CoIIezione. 25.3 ■'^5^' 6 Bartoli, Adolfo (J. Apparecchioperladetermi- nazione deli' equivalente meccanico del calore. pj. — Le leggi delle polariU'i galvaniche. pi. (la Rome— R. accad. dei. liucei, Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 8, 1879-80.) 065 1 Bartoli, Danielle. Missione al gran niogor del P. Ridolf o Acjuaviva, sua vita e morte, e d' altri . W. Travels in the central Caucasus and Baslian. London, 1869. O, il. 2)1. maps. 914.7 34 — Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Baslian, and Syria's holy places. London. 1865. D. pi iltp. 91,). 6 35 Basile, Donienico, translator, see Giiarini, (J. B, 11 pastor lido. 1785. (/((CoIIezione napole- tana, x. 13.) >S5!) 1<) Basile,(jiovan Battista.coo^i! di Torone.W penta- nieroiie; ovvero, Locuntodcli cunte. — Le muse napolitane. Napoli, 1788. 3 v. S. (In same. V. 20-1.) 859 19 Basile, Michele. II caseggiato delle aziende rurali. Messina, 1873. O. j)/. 630 31 JiASILE 53 BA UM GARTEN- CR USIUS — I catasti d' Italia e reconomia agricola in Sicilia. Messina, 1875. O. 33(! 5 BASILICAS. Jlotlies, 0. Die Basilikenform bei den Christen der ersten Jahrhunderte. Leipzig, 1865. O. tab. 726 3 Basiliiis, St., the Great. The AnKlo-Saxon ver- sion of the Hexanieron, or, Be Godes six daga weorcum; and the Anglo-Saxon remains of [his] Admonito ad filiuni spiritualem; now first printed, with translation, notes and account of ^-Elfric, by Henry W. Norman. 3 edition, en- larged. London, 1849. O. 20-1-57 p. 829 13 Basin, Bernardo. De artibus magicis ac nia- goruni maleficiis opus. (//( Spreiis^er, J., ert. Peter Vischer und das alte Niirnberg. Berlin, 1886. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. NeueFolge. l.)043 3 Der Bauernspiegel; oder. Lebensgeschichte des Jeremias Gotthelf , see Bitziiis, A. v. 1. Baum, Joliann AVilhebn, editor, see Proces de BAriHCHOX DE LA MAISON XEmT:. 1873. 272 16 Carriere P. Memoires. 1871. 284 7 Baunieister, Hermann. Ueberlnjurien. Berlin, 1880. O. 30 p. (/?j Yirchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Baunieister, R. Die technischen Hochschulen. Berlin, 1885. O. 36 p. (/?i sanie. Neue Folge. l.) 043 3 Baumgarten-Crnsins, Detlev Karl AVilhelm, annotator. see Snetouius Tranmiillus, C, Opera, 1816-18. 878 24 £ A UM GARTNER 54 B EC CARTA l{aiimi;artiier, Joseph. Die neuesten und roi- yii'lirli-ten Kunst-Strassen iiber die Alpen. wTeii. 1SS4. O. x>l. 625 2 IJaiisteine, see Dalin, F. LESBAl'X. Caiioiiire, J. Notice histoiique sur la ville des Baux eu Provence, et sur la niaison ' DIALECT. ScliineUer, J. A. Bay- erisches Worterbuch. Stuttgart, 1827-37, 4 v. in 2. O. 437 2 Die JIundarten Bayerns graiumatisch dar- trestellt: bevgegeben ist eine Sammlung von Sluudart-Proben. Miinchen, 1821. O. map. i'ii 2 Baro en Lieveken, see Conscience, H. BVA'ARD, Pierre du Terrail, chemUer de. Tres-joyeiise, plaisaute et recreative histoire, composee par le loyal serviteur. des faicts, testes, triomphes et prouesses du bon chevalier de Bavart. por. (In Midland 44 9 —English: The rigllt joyous and pleasant his- torv of the feats, gests and prowesses of the clievalier Bayard; by the loyal servant [;trans- lated by Sara" Coleridge]. London, 1825 2 v^ in 1. o: 923 lo Bayberg-er, Franz. Geographisch-geologische Studien aus dem Bohnierwalde. Gotha, 1886. s * — Saiiotti, C. Sopra alcuni punti di statica grafica. pd. (In same, v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Le travature reticolari a menibri caricati. Jj/. (In same, v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)^Sopra un nuovo metodo generate di composizione delle forze e sua estensione al calcolo delle travature reti- colari. p/. (/" same, v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 Beardinore, Xiithaniel. Manuel of liydrolo^y. London, 18(52. O. ])l. 551.4»> 1 BEAKXAISE DIALECT, see Yernis, M. del. BEASTS, see FABLES ; ZOOLOGY. I lie.ati Paolo, see Linares, V. Beatrice, see Palndan Midler, F, Poesier, v. 2. Beaiiiean.fiinile Ainbroise Xnime, abridger. see Littre. M. P. E. Petit dietiouaire. 1876. 443 6 BEAUJOLAISE DIALECT, see LYO>NAISE. Beaiiinarchais, Pierre Aiigrnstin Caron de. Theatre; precede d"une notice sur sa vie et .ses ouvrages, par [L. S.] Auger. Paris, 1846. D. ]iov. '^4'« 1 Bciiiin'iont, Elie de, see Elic de Beaumont. Bcaiivoir, Lndovic, marqids de. Voyageautour duiuoiulo. 6-8 edition. Pans, 1872-9[v. 1, •73]. 3v. D. 910 24 Contfiilit : 1. Australie. i. Java, Siam, Canton. :i. I'ekiii. Yeddo. San Francisco. Bcauvoir, Koger de, pseudoym of Bully. E. R. de. Becanns, Joannes Goropius, see Gorp, J. van. Bcccnri, Giovanni Battista. II coinmeicio Chi- nese iiel 1865; ceiini geografici, statistic! e com- nieni:ili. S.Giovanni Valdariio, 1S69. Q. 3.S0 19 1U;( CAHl, Odoardo. (jiiilioli, E. H. Beccaris wissenschaftliche Keisen. (/)/ HiUcbrand, K. Italia. V. 2, 1875.) 945 41 BECCARIA, Cesare Bonesann. Villari, P. (In /MsSaggi. 1868.) ^54 8 BEGDELIEVRE 55 BEDRA GNE BecdeHfevre,— ?^Jcomor. (Bohn's standard lib.) 608 2 Becqnerel, Antoine Cesar. Des causes d' altera- tion de divers metaux. — Memoire sur la tem- perature de laterreet surcelledeTair. — Memoi- re .sur r ensemencement, la production, le prix et la consonimation du fronient en France.— Memoire sur les fore ts et leur influence climate- rique. — ilemoire sur les zones d'orages a grCle. (In Paris— Instil ut — Acad. des. sci. Mem. V. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 — Des climats, et de I'infiuence qu'exercent les sols boises et non boises. Paris, 1853. O. nuqjs. 551.58 58 — .5 BEETHOVEX, Liidwig: van. >\iuinaiin, E. Liidwig van Beethoven. Berlin, 1871. O, 40 p. (//( same. 5 Serie,) 043 1 Beets, Xlcolaas. Camera obscura, van Hilde- brand, 7 vermeerderde druk, Haarlpni, 1871, D, S39.33 1 — Gedichten, Nieuwe uitgave, Amsterdam, [pref, 1847], D, 839.31 7 — Gerrit Witse, Novelle [; translated from the Dutch into the German], (In WUA, A, Die Niederlande, 1862, v. 2,) 949 13 BE(tA, St., abbess. Sewmaii, J. H., & others. (Ill their Lives of English Saints, 1844-5, v. 4.) 9-22 8 BEdiGARS, see POOR; VAGABONDS. BEHAVIOR, see JUySERS. Beheliii-Scliwarzbacli, Max. Die Besiedelung von Ostdeutschland durch die zweite germani- sche Vi-ilkerwanderung. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 p. (In Ylrchow <£ Holtzeudorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 Belieiiiotli, .see Hobbes, T. Belllli, Ernst. Die modernen Verkehrsmittel : Damp.schiffe,Eisenbahnen,Telegraphen, Gotha, 1867. s(iQ. [34-] 50p. majjs. (/)i Petennanns Mittlieiliiiigeu : Ergiinzgunsband 4.; 910 44 —& Wairiier, H. Die Bevolkerung der Eide; jahrliche tjhersicht. Gotha, 1872-83, 7v. stjQ. nuqjs. (In sarne, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15,) 910 44 —editor, see Geog-raphisclies Jahrbucli, 1 874, 910 41 Behrend, Jakob Friedrii-li, editor, see Stendal. Ein Stcndaler Urtheilsbuch, 1868, 349 5 BEHRIXG'8 STRAIT, see BERIXGS STRAIT. Behriiiaini,Heinricb. Grundrids til en historisk- topographisk rivelseaf sine egne og Omegnens Mterkvasrdigheder, Kioben- liavn, 1832, O. pi. <)li.S 48 — KongChristianden Andens Historic. Kioben- havn, 1815. 2 v. in 1. D. jjor. 94S 62 — Naclirichten iiberdie EntfiihrungdesBischofs von Liiljeck Balthaser Ranzau"s durch Martin von Waldenfels, 1545.— Nachricht iiber die Ver- niiihlungsplane des Herzogs Adoljih von Hol- stein-Gottorp. (In Sclileswij;-... diesellseliaft. Archiv, V, 3, 1834.) 943 42 Das Beiii, see Zsi-hokke, J. H. I), v, 5. BEIKEIS, ClirfslopliljidHiir. Liclitciisleiii, M. II. K. iJer Hofralh Bcireis in 11< linstadt, und das Uiiiversitiitswesen seiner Zeit. (In Raiiiiier, F. L. G. voii. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1847.) 90.') 1 BEKET, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury. Garnier of Pont Sainte-Maxence. La vie de St. Thomas le martvr; publiee par C. Hippeau. Paris, 1859. D. " 841 17.2 — Robert of Gloucester. The life and martyr- dom of Beket. London, 1845. D. pi. (In Percy soc. V. 19.) 820 6 —Robertson, J. C, editor. Materials for the history of Becket. London, 1875-85. 7 v. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of Rolls. Chron.and mem, 67,) 942 8 Content : 1. Wniaiiio^ Canterbnrtj.—'l. Benedict of Pfter- /XfrOf/r/h. SaWshnry. .loliii o/',— Alan />/' Tt- /r^esl/i/ry. —iinnl^ EiliTai-d, :!, Fitzsteiihcii, Milliin]!, — Herliert of Bosliam. 4. Anonymous lives, (juadiiloL-u.-, &c. .5-7. Epistolae ad historiani Thoma^ pertiuentes. — Thomas saga erkibysknps;Icelandic,withEng- lish iranslation, edited by E, Mamisson. Lon- don, 1875-83, 3 V, Q. (In same, 65.) 942 8 — Thomas saga erkibyskups; udgiven of C. R. Unger, Christiania, 1869., O, facsim. 839.03 65 — Vie de Saint Thomas [;Anglo-Normanpoem]. (In Benoist. Chronique, 1836-44, v. 3.) 841 10.1 Bekker, Balthasar. De betoverde vreereld; dee- sen druk vermeerdert. Deventer, 1739. 4 v. in 1. sqO. 133 14 Bekker, Elizabeth, see Wolff, E. B. Bckynton, Thomas, see Becking:ton. Le bcl inconnu, see Reuanld de Beanjeii. Belanger, L., illustrator, see Yoyag-e pitto- resque de Scandinavie, 1.802, 914.8 6 Beicari, Feo. Vita del beato Gio, Colombini da Siena, Siena, 1869, O, 922 26 Novella di BeUiij^or arcidiavolo, .see Maechia- velli, N. V, 6, Belfonr, Francis C'nuuln^ham, editor & trans- lator, see Mnhammad All Hazin. Life, 1830, 1831, 831 6-7 BELGIAN LITERATURE. Le Roy, A. Die fran- zosische Literatur Belgiens, 1859, (In Jalir- bnch rom, u, eng. Lit, v, 3, 1861.) 805 1 Belgil confederati respublica, 1630, see Laet, J. BELGIUM. Areiidt, W. A. Ueber Verfassung und Geschichte der Stiidte in Belgien seit dem Anfang des 17 Jahrhunderts bis zur Einver- leibung des Landes in die franzbsische Repu- bHk, (In Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Hist, Taschen- buch, 1845.) 905 1 — Hasselt, A. H. C. van. Belgique et Hollande, Paris, 1844, O, por, p7. majJ. (In L"nnivers. 32,) ' 910 18 Messager des sciences historiques de Bel- gique; recueil publie par J, de Saint-Genois [and others]. 1840, Gand [, 1840], O, por. pi. 949 19 — Richard, pseudonym. Guide classique du vovageur en France et en Belgique, Paris, 18-iil, D. mails. 914.4 3 — Robin-Jaeqnemvns, G. Voordrachten over de grondvvet. 2 druk. Gent, 1871-2. 2 v. D. 342 1 See esiierUtllij FLAMtKllSj utm (IU'liCIl - IIISTOltV; OIIKXT; IIAINAIT; UKItltK; UXK.IIBIIHJ; NA.MIK; NKTIIKULAMIS;. Belgrrand, Marie Frain;ois Engene. La Seine; t-ludes hydrologi(jues. Paris, 1.872-3, Q, & Atlas. F,"' 551.48 14 BEL an AN 57 B ELL NCI Belgrauo, Liiigi Toiiiiiiaso. Necrologia.— Ren- diconto. {hi Socictalignre. Atti. v. 3, 1864.) — Relazione. — NecTologia. — Rendicoiito. — Delia vita privata dei Genovesi, dissertazione. — Di una tavola del secolo 15, lettera. {In same. v. 4, 1866.) — Atlante idrogiafico del medio evo; pubblieato a fac-siniile dai ( '. Desiiiioni e Belgra- no. fucsim. — Documeuti ed estrattiriguardauti la storia del comniercio e della marina ligiire; dai Desimoni e Belgrano. {In same. \. 5, 1867.) — Documenti ispano-genovesi; puliblicati dai M. Spinola, Belgrano eF. Podesta. — Iiiterroga- torii ed allegazioiie spettanti alia causa jiro- ingssadaScipioneFieschiper rivendicazionedei feudi paterui. {In same. v. 8, 1868.) — Supple- mento alle Notizie [sulla tipografia ligure] pei N. Giuliani e Belgrano. {In same. v. U, 1869.) — II palazzo del principe D'Oria a Fas.'iolo in Genova; illustrazioni di A. Merli, continuate da Belgrano. Tavole. {In same. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 The atlas to the last work is bouiul with a separate edition of its test in lii I — Sulla recente sconerte delle ossa di Cristoforo Colombo in San Domingo; relazione. Genova, 1878. Q. 37 p. pL 923 30 Same. (In Societa lisnro, Atti. v. 9, 1869.) 945 48 — editor. Documenti inediti riguardauti le due crociate di San Ludovico IX re di Francia. Genova, 1859. O. 384 p. facsivi. 940 14 Unfinished; only la parts published. (ieiioa. II registro della curia arcive- scovale. 3 v. {In Societa ligiire. Atti. v. 3, pt. 1-3, 1862-70. 945 48 Scotto, B. Opuscoli. {In same. v. 5, 1867.) 945 48 Varag'gio, (J. da. Due opuscoli. (In same. V. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Le belier, conte, see Hamilton, A. Believe as you list, see Massiiig:er, P. Bell, Sir Charles. Tliehand; its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design. Pliila- delpliia, 1833. D. il. (Bridg-e water treatises. 4.) 213 3 Bell, Henry Glassford. Life of Mary queen of Scots. New York, 1831. 3 v. S. jjor. (Harper's fam. lib.) 9->3 67 Bell, John. Observations on Italy. Boston, 1836. D. 914.5 36 La bella mano, see Conti, Ct. de'. La beUa selvaggia, commedia, .see Goldoni, C. v. 37. * Bellati, Francesco. Poesie. {In CoUezione mila- nese, 1816-7, v. 11.) S59 15 BeUavitis, Ginsto. Sidla risoluzione delle con- gruenze uumeriche, e sulle tavole che dauno i logaritmi (iudici) degli interi rispetto ai varii moduli. {In Rome— B. accad. dei Uncei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 3.)— Sulla statica.— Sviluppi in serie delle funzioniimplicite, e rami infiniti delle curve algebriche. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) 005 4 Belleforest, Francois de, translator, see Cicero, M. T. Epistres. 1569. 8<<> 1 Bellenden, Joliu, translator, see Liviiis, T. The first five books. 1833. 878 13 Belle-lMante et Cornelius, .see Tillier, C. Bellermann, Cliristiaii Friedricli. DiealtcnLie- derbiiclier der Portiigiesen; oder, Beitrilge zur Ge.schichte der portugiesischen Poesie, 13-16 Jahrhunderts, nebst Proben. Berlin, 1840. sq^. [7 + ]s3p. 809 34 Belli, Costantino, translator, see Rycaiit, P. Istoria dello stato presente dell" impericj ottu- mano. 1673. 949 65 Belli, Francesco. Catalogo della coUezione di pietre usate dagli antichi per co.struire ed adornare le loro fabbriche, ora posseduta dai Stefano Karolyi. Roma, 1842. O. [4-f ]94[-(-llp. 747 3 Belli, Oinseppe twiochino. Duecento sonetti in dialetto romanesco; con prefazione e note de Luigi Moradi. 1 edizione fiorentina. Firenze. 1870. D. ijor. 859 37 —Sonetti satirici in dialetto romanesco attri- buti a Belli, annotati da Luigi Morandi, con un discorso intorno alia satira a Roma, ai sonetti e alia vita del Belli. Sanseverino-Marche, 1869. O. 859 38 Bellin, Jacques Sicolas. Remarciues sur les cartes et les plans. (In Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 1844, v. 5.) 971 1 —Tableau des pavilions on bannieres que la pluspart des nations aborent a la mer. [Paris,] 1756. 65x135 cm. 080 36 In portfolio 3. BeUiucioni, Bernardo. Le rime; annotate da Pietro Fanfani. Bologna, 1876-8. 3 v. D. fac- sim. (Zit Scelta di euriosita. 151,160 ) 850 10 Bellini, Bernardo, & Bazzarini, A. Vocabolario universale latino-italiano e italiano-latiuo ; opera riveduta per cura del T. Vallauri. Torino, 1850[-4]. 3v. sqF. 473 7 Bellini compiled three-fourths of v. 1, and all of v. ;.'. — ct- Tonimas<5o, N. Dizionario della lingua itali- ana. Torino, 1861-79. 4 v. in 7. sqF. 453 18 Bellini, Lorenzo. La Bucchereide. Milano, 1863. S. (/(( Bibl. rara. 37.) 850 3 — Capitolo sopra il matrimonio. (In Berui_F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Bcll-Llocli, Maria de, pseudonym of Maspons y Labros, M. del P. Bellnian, Karl Milsael. Fredmans epistlar. Stockholm, 1831. O. music. 839.71 3.1 —Fredmans handskrifter. Upsala, 1813. O. 839.71 3.3 —Fredmans Sanger. Stockholm, 1791. D. music. 839.71 3.3 — Scener ur Fredmans Epistlar och Sanger. Stockholm, 1827. obQ. coi. ^jZ. 839.71 3.4 — Skaldestycken, efter C. M. Volschows ma- nuscripter fdrsta gangenutgifna. Stockholm, 1814. 3v. D. 839.71 3 BeUo, Francesco. Perche si dice e fatto il becco a Toca; novella del secolo 15. Firenze, 1863. D. 30-l-[l]p. (//! Bonncci, A. Delizie.l.) 850 4 Two copies : first and second editions. BeUoc, Louisa (Swanton), translator, .see Hay, J. H. 1). Le Maroc, 1844. 91«.4 4 Belloncl, Ciiuseppe. Ricerche intorno all" intima tessitura del cervello dei teleostei. pi. (In Rome — R. accad.dei llncei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Jis. v. 3, BELLONCI 58 BENNET 1878-9.)— Ricerehe comparative sulla struttura dei centri nervosi dei vertebrati. i>l. {In same, V. 5, 1879-80.) — Coutribuzioue all" istologia del cei-velletto. jj/. (/" same, v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Bellonl, Giuseppe. Storia dei Tartari. Milano, 1825. 7 V. D. por. pi. map. 951 3 Belloii, (irloviiiiiii Pietro. Vita di Pietro della Valle. {In Valle. P. deUa. Viaggi, 1843, v. 1.) 915 18 BELLS. Maggi, (t. De tintinnabulis: F. Sweer- tius notis iliustravit. Ajnstela?danii, 1689. T. pi. 789 1 — Otte, H. Glockenkunde. Leipzig, 1858. O. 789 3 — Trojie, J.'E.dR. H. D. Aclaiid-.The change- ringers' guide to the steeples of England. Lon- don. 1879. D. 789 3 — Wiarain, W. Change-ringing disentangled. 3 edition. London, ISSO. D. 789 4 Belliiffi, (Jiuseppe. Sulla pretesa esistenza dell' acqua ossigenata nell" organismo delle piante. (/((Rome— B. acciid. dei liiioei. Atti. 3 ser. SL-i.fia. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 3.) 065 4 Belliiiio, Leonardus de, see Leonardo of Udine. Beloeli, Giiilio. L' imperio siciliano di Dionisio. inaj). {Ill Uoiiie— K. acead. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. set. moi: v. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 Beloe, t'liarles H. On the construction of catch- water reservoirs in mountain districts for the supply of towns. London, 1873. O. 48 p il. 2)1. tab. 628 9 Beloii, Pierre. Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables trouvees en Grece. Asie, Judee, Egypte, Arable, & autres pays estranges: reveuz de nouveau. Paris, 1588. O. .590 18 Belslieiiii, Juhaiiu. editor, see Bible— i\'^ T.— Gospels. Codex aureus. 1878. 226 2 Belt, Tlioiiias. The naturalist in Nicaragua. London, 1S74. D, il. pi. map. 590 16 Beltrami, Eugeuio. Relazione intorno alia memoria del Pietro Conti sulla re.sistenza alia flessione della pietra serena[; by Beltrami and others.](/n Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Sulla determinazione sperinieutale della den- sita elettrica alia superficie dei corpiconduttori. {Insame. 3 ser. .w/./.s. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Sull' attrazione di un auello circolare od ellittico. {In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 Bel-vedere; or. The garden of the muses, see Bodeiiliam, ,J. BEMBO, Bernardo. Document! riguardanti le andiascerie do liembo, {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 Bemerlinngen liber Esthlaiul, Lietland, Russ- land: nebst Beitriigen zur EniiMirungs-Geschich- te Purgatschews. Prag, 1793. D. 914.7 18 Bemis, (Jeorije. American neutrality; a protest against the pro]iosed repeal of the neutrality laws. Boston, IH66. O. 341 9 Beiiei, Antonio. Di.scorso. {In Micali, (J. L'lta- lia avaiui Kcimaiii, 1S20, v. 1.) 937 4 Beiieivenni, /nceliero, translator, see Lorens. Trattatello delle virtii. 1863. {In Scelta di curiosita. 26.) 850 10 Bendixen, Bendix Edvaid. Runebjerget ved Veblungnas. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskal). Aarbogtr. v. 7. 1S72.) 948 5 Beneclie, Georg Friedrieli. Worterbuch zu Hartmannes Iwein. Gottingen, 1833. D. 831 40 —editor, see Boner, U. Der edel Stein. 1816. 831 25 Hartmann von Aue. Iwein. 1843. 831 37 Benedetti, Alessandro. De rebus a Carolo VIII. Galliie rege in Italia gebtis libri 2. (/(; Eek- hard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 3.)914 13 Benedict XIV., iwpe (Prospero Lamberlini). Opus de servorumDei beatiticatione et beatorum canonizatione. Editio novissima. Prati, 1839- 43. 7 y. Q. (Opera, v. 1-7.) 231 1 —Opuscula miscellanea. Prati, 1845. Q. (Opera, V. 14.) 208 1 Benedict, abbot of Peterborough. Gesta regis Heurici II., see Gesta. — Passio S. ThomK. — Miracula S. Thoma;. {In Robertson, J. C. Materials for the history of Becket, 1875-85, v. 2; (in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls.. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 BENEDICT BISCOP, abbot of Wearmouth & Yarrow. Bede. Vita. {In his Historian, 1733.) 274 1 Benedict fra Nursia og Hans Amme, see Palu- daii-Miiller, F. Benedictines. Die angelsachsischen Prosabear- beitungen der Benedictinerregel: herausgegeben von Arnold Schroer. Kassel, 1888. O. {In Grei n,C. W. M. Bibliothek der ... Prosa v. 2.) 829 11 A free translation by St. ^-Ethelwold; entirely different from the following version. — The rule of St. Benet, Latin and Anglo-Saxon interlinear version; edited with an introduction and notes liv H. Logeman. London, 1888. O. (//( E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 90.) 820 5 — Dantier, A. Les monasteres benedictins d, Italie. 3 edition. Paris, 1867. 2 v. D. 2713 BENEDICTIOXALS, see Egbert, archbishop of York. BENEFICENCE, see POOR. Benelli, C. Angusto. A Giorgio Perkins Marsh sonetto. ms. 65x50 cm. 080 36 Written on cardboard, with gold and silver ornament- ation. In portfolio 3. Benfey, Tlieodor. A Sanskrit-English diction- ary. London, 1866. O. (/u Miiller, F. M. Handbooks for the study of Sanskrit. 3.) 491.2 3 Benivieni, Girolamo. Capitoli. {In Berni, F. Opei'e burlesche, 1736, v. 3.) 857 2 — Descrizione del brucimento [delle vanitii nel Carnevale, 1498]. {In Canzona d' un piagnone. 1864.) 851 34 — Egloghe. (/n Rnbbi, A. Egloghe. 1785.) 851 3 — Tancredi principe di Salerno, novelli in rima. Bologne, 1863. D. 61 p. {hi Scelta di curiosi- ta. '2S.) 850 10 Benjamin of Tudcla. Travels, 1100-73. {In Wri'glit, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 40 Beiila'W, Lonis. De la nai-ssance et de la fin des litteratures, Dijon, 1867. O. 45 p. 809 1 Bennet, .lames, editor, see Aschani, R. English works. 1701. 828 1 BENNICI 59 BERGAMASK ISuunici, GiHsei)i)c. L' ultimo dei trovatori arabi in Sicilia, versione da antico manoscritto. Palermo, 1874. D. 853 5 hound with 851 100 Bcniiigscii-FiiriU'r, Rudolf von. Das nordeuio- Ijiiisclie und besonders das vaterliludische Sclnveinmland. Bfrlin, 1863. sqF. 4+56 p. 654.3 4 bound iinth 551.31 T BE>'NO II., biiihop of Osnahruck. NorlHM-t, ah- btit of Ibiirg. Vita Bennonis, 1118. (/?!E('kliar(l, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, y. 3.) !»43 13 — Rost. JI. Vita Bennonis metrica. (In same.) «.»43 13 Beiioist. Clironique des dues de Normandie; publiee par Francisque Michel. Paris, 1836-44. 3 V. sqQ. /acsim. 841 10.1 — La partie de son Histoire des dues de Nor- mandie relative a la bataille d'Hastings, et continuee jusqu'a 1087. (In Michel, F. X.Chro- niques anglo-normandes, 1836-40, v. 1.) 841 5 BENOIT of Sainie-Manre. Pey, A. L' Eneidede Hnuri de Veldeke et Le roman d' Eneas attri- bue a Benoit. (In Jalirbueli rom. u. eng Lit. V. 2, 1860.) 805 1 For paraphrases of bis Roman de Troie, which ap- peared Vjetween 1175 and 1185, and originated the roman- tic literature on this theme, stf- Caxtoil, W.; Coloiiilis (». dalle; Le Fevre, K, Lorenzo Benoiii, see Riiffiiii, (f. Bent, Silas. An address upon the thermal paths to the pole, the currents of the ocean and the influence of the latter upon climates. Saint Louis, 1872. O. 40 p. ?)iap. !)19.8 2 Bentivoglio, (iiiido, cardinal. IMemorie: con correzioni dell' edizione d'Amsteidani del 1648: aggiuntevi 58 lettere inedite tratte dall archivio del Carlo Morbio. Milano,1864. 3 v. in 1. S. (7)( BibL rara. 31-3.) 850 3^ Bentley, Thomas, annotator, see Cicero, M. T. De timbus. 875 6 Bentzien, Williebii Bni'tholoiuaeiis. Dansk Grammatik. 3 Oplag. Kjobenhavn, 1831. D. 439.85 2 Benveiiuto da Imola, see Rauibaldo, B. Benzeliiis, Erik. Prefatio de nova, (juam parat, UlphiUe editione. facsim. (In Serciiiiis. J. Dic- tionarium. 1734.) 439.73 11 BESZILE. Paiiebiaiico, R. Note cristallogra- fiche e chemiche. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei liticei. Atti. 3 ser. sei.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.] 065 4 Beowulf; autotypes of the unique Cotton ms. Vitellius Axv in the British museum; with transliteration and notes by Julius Zupitza. London, 1883. Q.' facsim. (/« E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 77.) 820 5 — Beovulf. (In (Jrelu, C» W. M. Bibl. der angel- sachsischen Poesie, 1857-8, v. 1.) 829 17 — Beovulf; mit ausfiihrlichem Glossar heraus- gegeben von Moiitz Hevne. Paderboru, 1863. O. ■ 829 31 ^De Danorum rebus gestis secul. 3 & 4; poema Danicum dialecto Anglosaxonica, edidit, ver- sione Lat. et indicibus auxit Grim. Johnson Thorkelin. Havnia?, 1815. sqQ. 829 20 — Danish : Bjowulfs Drape, paa danske Riim ved Nik. Fred. Sev. Grundtvig. Kjobenhavn, 1820. O. 829 22 —German. (In (ireiii, C. W. M. Dichtungen der Angelsachsen, 1807-1), v. 1.) 829 18 — (ii-eiii, C.IV. M. Die historischenVerhiiltnisse des Beovvulfliedes. (In Jahrbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Schiern, F. E. Et Paar Beni;vrUniiiger til Beowulf. (/(( t'openhanen— K. nord. (Hd.-Sel- skab. Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 94K 2 Beranyer, Pierre Jean de. CEuvres completes, illustrt'es par Grandville. Paris, 1840. O. i^.tltp. 841 11 — Kullberg, K. A. (/'( his Bref, 1844,v. 2.) 914 5 Berceo, (Tonzall^ de. Poesias. (//( Sanchez,T..l. Col. de poesias, 1779-90, v. 2.) ' 801 4 Berchet, Ruglielnio. La repubblica di Venezia e la Persia. Torino, 1865. O. phot. 956 1 Berchtold, .1. .4. Das Maassensystem der Natiir, und die daraus entvvickelten Verhaltnisse zwi- .schen Zeit und Raum; herausgegeben von Joh. Baumgartner. Berlin. 1865. O. 389 5 Berendt, (i, Geognostische Blicke in Alt- Preussens Urzeit. Berlin, 1871. O. 39 p. (In Tlrcliow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 B6renger, Adolfo di. Dell' antica storia e giu- rispruilenza forestale in Italia. Treviso. 1859-63. O. pi. 551.58 85 — Same: Indici generali. Venezia, 1867. O. 86 p. 551.68 85 — Guida per il coltivatore di vivai boschivi. Firenze, 1880. D. .551.58 11 — Intorno alle cause precipue della divergeuza delleforeste. [Firenze,] 1874. O. 2.5.p. 561.58 48 From Atti dei Georgoflli. — Nuovo metodo di tassare i boschi ed assestarne I'economia. Forli, 1871. D. 8-1-73 p. 651.58 86 — Saggio storico della legislazione veneta fore- stale dal sec. 7-19. Venezia, 1863. O. 561.58 87 — editor, see Giornale di economia forestale. 1871-3. 661.68 5 ^Scolari, F. Delia relazione accademiche e specialmente di una intorno al saggio sull anti- ca storia e giurisprudeuza forestale in Italia opera del Berenger; lettera critica. Venezia. 1860. O. [3 + ] 17 p. 551.58 86 Beresford, James, The miseries of human life. 2 American from 3 London edition. New York, 1807. O. . 827 3 — Same: added, posthumous groans. 11 edition. London, 1826. 2 v. in 1. S. 827 4 Berg, Carl Heinrich Edmund, Freiherr von. Betrachtungen liber den Einfluss der kleineren deutschen Staaten auf die Entwickelung des Forstwesens. Dresden, 1867. 35 p. 651.68 75 — Geschichte der deutschen Willder bis zuni Schlusse des Mittelalters; ein Beitrag zur Cul- turgeschichte. Dresden, 1871. O. 551.68 "iG bound with 43 — Das Verdrilngen der Laubwillder im nord- lichen Deutschlande durch die Fichte und die Kiefer. Darmstadt, 1844. O. [4-(-]88 p. 561.58 53 Berg, Wilhelm, translator, see Jonckbloet, \V. J. A. Geschichte der niederliindischen Litera- tur. 1870-2. 839.3 15 BER(iA3L\SK DIALECT. Tiraboschi, A. Vo- BERGA3IASK GO BERLIN Bersj'er, J. Moderne und antike Heizun<;s- Ventilatioiismethoden. Berlin. 1870. O. cabolario dei dialetti bergamaschi auticlii e moderni. Berganic, IbTS. Q. 457 4 Set idio Ifiiv'ceri, P. Bersaiiio. Capitrachscliatz der Sassen:Worterbuch der plattdeutschen Sprache. Brandenburg, 1880-3. 3v. Q. 439.43 1 A-Paddeln; the rest to come. — Was man von der Erde vveiss; ein Lehrbuch. Berlin, 18.56-7. 3 v. O. j)/. 914 2.1 Berghans, Hermann, & Stiilpnagel, F. von. Chart of tlir u<;rld on Mercator's projection. Gotha, 11. d. 05x153 cm, in F.'^ 912 6 Bergman, Carl .loliaii. De nummis Gothlandi- cis dis.sertatio. Upsaliaa, 1837. O. 16 p. /;/. 737 3 Bergman, .1. M. Hand-lexicon for swenska landthusliullai-c. Fahlun, 1838. O. 630 36 Bergman, Torberii Olof. Of the effects of fire at the volcanos and the hot springs, and of the basaltes. (/uTroil, U. von. Letters on lee- land. 1780.) 914.9 13.1 Bergmiinn, Anton, pseudonym Tony. Kniest Staas, ailvocaat; schetsen en beelden; met stork- waterplaten door Willeni Geets. (iont, 1874. Q. pi. 839.33 2 — Geschiedenis der stad Lier. Lier, 1873. O. 2,1. 949 23 —Verspreide schetsen en novellen. Gent. 1875. 0. 839.33 3 Bergmann, Benjamin Fiirehtegott Baltliasar. Noniadische Streitereien unter den Kalmii ken. 1802-3. Riga, 1804-5. 4 v. D. 915.19 Bergmann, Frledrich Wilhehn. Aus einem un- gedruckten Commenlar zu Dante's Comniedja. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862. )805 i — Cours de linguistique: analyse de la fable de La Fontaine, Le rat de villeetle rat des champs. Paris, 1876. D. 442 1 — Strassburger Volksgespriiche in ihrer Mun- dart vorgetragen und erl'tiutert. Sti ass-burg, 1873. O. 839.1 5 Bergpsahneii, see Scheffel, J. V. Bergs0e, Adolph Frederik. Geheime-Statbmi- nister Greve Christian Ditlev Frederik Revent- lovs Virksomhed. Kiobeuhavn, 1837. 2 t. in 1. O. tab. 923 84 — JMotireret L^dkast til en Creditforeuing for danske Grundbesiddere. Kjobenhavn, 1839. O. 332 : Bergs^e, Sophns. Nogle danske Jlonter Ira Middelalderen i tremmede Samlinger. il. {In Copenhagen— K.nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. V. 17, 1882.) 948 5 Bergstriini, Hans. Dissertatio historica de tem- plis Lundensibus. Londini-Gothorum, 1756. sijO. [6+] 24 p. 274 6 BEROUfiDAN, Giiillems de. Bartsch, K. F. Gviillem von Berguedan. (In Jahrbnch rom.u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 8, 1865-7.) 805 1 D^jergwerkers zangspel. see Lennep, J. van. Poet, vverken, 10. Bering, Vitus. Florus Danicus. Otthinia>. 1698. F. par. 948 63 BERING'S STRAIT. Beechey, F. ^\. Narra- tive of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering"s Strait, 1825-8. Philadelphia, 1832. O. 919.C 3 Berjeau, Jean Philibert. Catalogue illustre des livres xylographiuues. Londres, 1865. O. il. 016 5 105 copies printed, no. 89. — editor, see Biblia pauperum. 1859. 761 1 Berkart, J. B. On asthma; its pathology and treatment. London, 1878. O. 616 6 Berlan, Francesco, editor, see MUan. Consue- tudini, 1216. 349 21 Petrarca, F. Parma liberata. 1870. (/;/ Seclla di curiosita. 109.) _ 850 10 Bei'lepscli, Hermann Alexander von. Die Alpi'n in Natur- und Lebensbildern. 2 Auflase. Leip- zig, 1862. O. i^l. 551.43 15 — Die Gotthard-Bahn, Beschreibendes und Ge- schichtliches. Gotha, 1881. sqQ. |2-l-]77p. majis. (7u Petermanns MittlieUnngen : Ergiliizungs- band 14.) ^ 910 44 Berliehingen, (Jiitz von. Ritterlirhe Thateii: nenerlich aus den Handschriften gezogcn \c>n M. A. Gcssert. Pforzheim, 1843. D. 923 43 Gotz von Bci-Iichingen, see Uothe, J. W. von. v. 8, 42. Berlin, Mls.Iohan. Omnrigranoidiskanietall- legeringars sanimansiittning. — Nagra materia- BERLIN 61 BERNI Her for bedomandet af saimijaulianget mel- laii de antika bronseruas saininansiittnint; och alder. (/)! ropeiiliageii— K. imrd.Old.-Selskiil). Annaler. v. 12, IS.iS.) )»4S 3 Berlin. Verhandlilngen der zur Herstelluug grosserer Einigung in der deutsclien Recht- schreibung berufenen Konferenz, 4-15 Jan. 1IS76. 2 Abdruk. Halle, 187G. O. 431 4 Zelle, U. Waisenpflege und Waisenkinder in Berlin. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. (7n Vircliow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 2 Serie.) 04:J 1 BERLIN, TREATY OF. Jaciiii, S. Un po' di coramenti sul trattato di Berlino. Roma, 1878. O. 85 p. 94.') 38 Bermoiidsey, England. Arinales de Berniunde- seia, 1043-1432. (/?( Lliard, H. B. Annales nio- nastici, 1864-9, v. 3: in (it. Br.— Master of RoUs. Chron. and mem. 36.) !>42 8 Bern. Correction des eaux du Jura; rapport des experts federaux de 1863. Lausanne, 1863. siiQ. 45r -I- 2]p. jj/. »(«;). 627 31 bound with 007 2 — Instruktitm iiber die forsttaxatorischen Ar- bi^iten bei Errichtung von Waldwirthscliafts- pliinen. Bern[, 1861]. D. 23p.pZ. 551..5S 40 — Loi prescrivant la confection de plans d'ame- nagement [pour les forets]. [Berne, 1861.] D. 8 p. .5.51. .58 40 — Loi svir les defrichments definitifs de forets. [Berne. I860.] D. 5p. .551. .58 40 — Rapport de la direction de.s domaiues et forets et des dessechements pour 1868-73. Berne. 1869- 74. 6 V. D. tab. .5.51.. 58 104 — Reglement forestier pour le Jura liernois. Berne, 1837. D. 25 p. 5,51. .58 40 — Sammlung der bernerischin Gesetze iiber das Forstwesen. Bern, 1873. O. .^51. 58 105 — Tscliaelltlaii, B. Berner-Chronik, 1421-66; herausgegeben von E. Stierlin und .1. R. Wvss. Bern, 1820. D. pi. !»4li 33 BERXABOTTE, Jean Baptiste Jules, .sec CHARLES XIV. .JOHN, king of Sweden. Bernaldez, Andres. Historia de Fernando y Isabel, cronica inedita del siglo XV. Granada, 1856. 2v.ini. O. 94036 Edited by Miguel Lafuente y Alcantara. Bernard, St., abbot of Clairvaux. Clioix de sermons. {In Bible.— O. T". -Kings. Les quatre livres des rois. 1841.) 222 2 — De cui'a rei famuliaris [Latin, with para- phrase in Scotch verse]. {In Rawson, .1. B. Bernardus, &c. : in. E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 43.) 820 5 — Del libero arbitrio; testo di lingua, edito da Ugo Antonio Amico. Bologna, 1866. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 65.) 850 10 The original is Traotatus de gratia et liliero arljitrio. — Epistola a Raimondo; volgarizzamento. edito a cura di Ugo Antonio Amico. Bologna, 1866. D. 19 p. (/)) same. 68.) 850 10 — Same; nuova lezione; a cura di N. A. Amico Bologna, 1866. D. 10 p. {In same. 73.) 850 10 — Pistola a Frati del Jlonte di Dio [della vita remiticha]; volgarizzamento del secolo 14. dato fuori da Pietro Fanfani. Bologna, 1867. D. (In same. 84.) 850 10 — Lo stimolo d'amore, attribuitoaS. Bernardo. Bologna, 1866. D. 52 p. {In same. 68.) H50 10 Bernard le sage. Voyage, 867. {In >Vri«:lit, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) »l5.(; 41- Bernard o/ jl/oc/«.s. De contemptu mundi. {/af Wright, T. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1872, V. 3; in (U. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 59.) 942 8 Bernard!, (Jaetano, translator, see Courier de Mere, P. L. Opuscoli. 1861. ;{20 4 Bernardi, .laeopo, editor, see Allieri, V. Let- tere. 1864. 856 1 Bernardi, M. Cavour. Hamburg, 1888. O. 58 p. (/)( Virchowcfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Bernardino, St., of Siena. Novellette, esempi morali e apologhi. Bologna, 1868. D. {In Seelta di curiosita. 97.) 850 10 — Sermone sulle soccite di bestiami; volgariz- zato nel secolo 15; per cura di Ccsare Ricco- manni. Bologna, 1862. D. 39 p. {hi same. 13.) 8.50 10 Berndt, (Justav. Der Alpenfohn in seinem Ein- tluss auf Natur- und Mensclienleben. Gotlia. 1886. scjQ. [3-I-] 66 p. map. {In Petermanns Mittlieilnngen: Ergiinzungsband 18.) 910 44 — Das Val d'Annivers und das Bassin de Sierre. Gotha, 1882. sqQ. [3-l-]55 p. map. {In same. 15.) 910 44 Berners, .lohn Bonrcliier, Sd 6a?-on, translator, .see Arthur of Little Britain. 1814. ,S43 3 Froissart, J. Chronicles; with memoir of translator. 1812. 940 22 Tbe boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux. 1883- 7. (7)1 Eng'lish Charlemange romances. 7-9, 11 ; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 40, 41, 43, 50.) 820 5.1 Berners, Juliana, see Barnes, J. BERNESE DIALECT. Kohl, .1, (J. Eigenthiini liehkeiten des Deutschenim Berner Oberlande. {In his Skizzen, 1851, v. 2.) 304 3 Bernliard, Carl, pseudonym, of St. Anbain, A. S. de. Bernhardt, Vngnst.Waldbeschiidigungen durch Windbruch. Schnee-, Els- und Duftbruch. 1875-6. Berlin, 1877. O. pA. map. 551.58 12 Bernhiirdt, Theodor. Lord Palmerston. Berlin, 1870. O. 39 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Berni, Franceseo. Opere. Milano, 1864. 2 v. S. (In Bibl. rara. 44-5.) 850 3 — Opere burlesche; con annotazioni, e con un saggio delle sue lettere piacevoli. Milano, 1806. O. S57 3.1 — Opere burlesche di Berni [e d'altri autori]. Nova edizione. Usecht al Reno, 1726. v. 1,3. D. 857 2 —Same. 1760. 3 v. D. por. iltp. 857 3 Vol. 1 is tbe same in the two editions: vol. .3 is entirely different. The later edition is printed in italics. — Orlando innamorato di Matteo M. Boiardo, rifatto. Milano, 1806. 4v. in2. O. por. 851 15 — Rime e lettere: aggiuutovi La Catrina. II dialogo contro i poeti, e le poesie latine. Firenze. 1863. Tt. por. 857 4 ^Cecchi, (i. M. Lezione di Maestro Bartolino BERJSri 62 BER rjT aal Canto de' Bischeri [pseud.] sopra 'Isonetto Passeve e beccaficbi magri arrosto. Bologna, 18G3. D. (/" Scelta di curiosita. 2.) 850 10 Bernier, Francjois. Voyages des etats du grand moo-ol. Amsterdam, 1699. 2t. S. ph maps. ° 915.4 1.1 BEBSrSA MOUMAIXS, see ESGADIN. Beruoiii, D«iiienico Giiiseppe. Giuochi popo- lari veneziani. Veuezia, 1874. D. 9-1 p. S5i> 31 Benisteiii, Aaron. Alexander von Hunboldt und der Geist zweier Jalirhunderte. Berlin, 1869. O. 48 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzeiulorff. Vortnlge. 4 Serie.) 043 1 KVRSSTOBF, Andreas Peter, Greve af Berns- torf. [Hafui'v. nviT.] D. m p. por. ;»2S 16 BeroaUlo, Filipp", annotator, see Suetonius Trantiuillus, C. 1494. 093 9 Beronie, Slcolas. Dictiounaire du patois du Bas-Limousin (Correze); publie par Jusepli Anne Vialle. Tulle [.1825]. sqQ. 447 2 BERRY, herault du roy. Le reeouvrement de Mormendie. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cbron. and mem. 32.) 942 8 Bersezio,Vitt«rio. Luigi Carlo Farini. Torino, I860. T. jjOf. (I contemp. italiani.) 923 36 Bert, Ainedee. Aux menil>res de la paroisse evangelique vaudoise de Turin, Turin, 1865. sqQ. Is P- 284 7 Bert Paul. La morale des jesuites. 16 edition^ Paris, 1881. D. 271 9 Bertatfnolll, Carlo. La colonia parziaria. Komar 1877. D. 333 3 Bertani, Ginseppe. Poesie. (In C'ollezione milanese, 1816-7, v. 10.) .S59 1.5 Berte, F. Contribuzione aU'anatomia edalla tisiologia delle antenne degli afanitteri. pZ. {In Rome— R. aeead. (lei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. set. tis. V. 2. 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 Bertel, Jan. Historia et descriptio ducatus Luxeniliurgensis. (In Respiiblica Namurcensis. 1634.) 949 24 Bertlielot. Sabin. Memoire sur les Guanebes. n.p..n.d. O.iJl. 913 46.2' BertUier, J. Notre- Dame de la Salette. Paris, 1872. D. 230 14 Berthort, Fran(;ois. Memoires, 1652-3. (In Midland & Ponjonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 24.) 944 9 BKIM'HOIil), of Rcgeiisburg, minorite friar. (iriiiim. •!. Ij. K. KHng:Bruder Berthold. (In /(/.s-Kli-incre Scliriften, 1864-90. v. 4.) 408 2 Berthold Auorhacb's Volkskalender liir 1865. LfipziK|,18(;i]. S. (7. 838 2 Berthoiid, Ferdinand. L'art de conduire et de regler les pendules et les montres. 5 edition. Paris, 1828. T. pi. (J.Sl 2 Berli, Donienieo. Di Giovanni Valdes e di ta- luni siioi discf]ioli socondo nuovi docunienti dall' arcliivio veneto. — Di Cesare Cremonino e della suacontroversia eon 1' inquisizione di Pa- dovaedi Roma, (/h Rome -R.accnd. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. sci. mor. v. 2, 1877-8.) OCS 5 — Lettere iiiedite di T. Campanella, e catologo dei suoi scritti; memoria. Roma, 1878. sqF. 83 p. 504 3 —Same. (In Rome— R. accad.dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 2. 1877-8.) 065 5 — Storia dei manoscritti galileiani della Bi- blioteca nazionale di Firen^e. (In same. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — editor. II processo originale di Galileo Galilei, publicato per la prima volta. Roma, 1876. O. 272 3 Same. Nuova edizioneaccresciuta. Roma, 1878. O. 272 4 Berti, Giovanni Lorenzo. Della dottrina teo- logica nella Divina commedia. (In Dante Ali- g'hieri. Opere, 1757-8, v. 3.) 851 33 Bertini, Romolo. Sonetti 63. (In Berni, F. Opere hurlescbe. 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Annalcs Bertliilani, see Saint-Berlin al)bey. Bertioli, Pierfrancesco. Rime: col commento di Andrea Alciato: con prefazione e note di N. Zingarelli. Bologna, 1888. D. 82 p. (In Scelta di curioMii'i. 227.) 850 10 Bertoliui, Francesco. Lltalia, 1814-78. Milano, 1880. y. (In Yillari, P., editor. Storia poli- tioa d' Italia; in V Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 14 — Storia antiqua. JIilano[, 1874]. Q. (In .•iame.) 914.5 7 — Storia delle dominazioni germanicbe, 395- 1024. Milano[,1869]. Q. (In same.) 914.5 8 Bertolotti, Antonino. Artiste belgi ed olandesi a Koma nei secoli 16 e 17; notizie e docunienti. Firenze, 1880. D. 709 7 — II conte Federigo Sclopis di Salerano, 1798- 1878. Firenze, 1878. O. 32 p. 923 90 — Giornalisti, astrologi e negromanti in Roma nel secolo 17. (In Rlnsta europea, n. s., v. 5, 1878, p. 466-514.) 133 20 bound trith 113 1 — Passeggiate nel Canavese. Ivrea, 1870-4. v. 4, 7. D. • 914.5 47 — editor. Conrenzioni e statuti pell' estirpa- mento dei berrovieri e de' ladri dal Monferrato, Canavese. Vercellese e Pavese, nei secoli Hi e 14. Torino, 1871. O. 343 15 Bertram, Bonaventiire CorneiUe. De republica Ebra?oruni, cum commentario Constantini L' Empereur. Lugduni Batavorum, e.v officii a Elzeviriana, 1641. Tt. 094 23 Title-page wanting. Bertrand, Jean. Saggio...qual debba essere la legislazione per incoraggire I'agricoltura : tra- dotto dal francese dall' A. G. M., con annota- zioni del S. G. P. Venezia, 1767. S. 338 2 Bertrand, Josepli Lonis Fran(;ois. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Kt'pler. (/// Paris — Insfi- tni.—Acad. de sci. Mem. v. 35. 186G.)551.58 59 Bertraiidonde la Brociiniere. Travels, 1432-3. (In AVriglit, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 40 Berwick, James Fitz-Janies, duke of. Memoires. avec un suite 11 1734; eloge par MoiiteS(|iiitMi et portrait par Bolingbroke. por. (In Micliaiid * Ponjonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 23.) 944 9 — .Moiilcs(|nien, ('. de S. de. Ehauche de 1' eloge historicpie du niareobal de Berwick. (In lii.i (Euvres, 1788, v. 5.) 340 5.1 Tbe tale of Bcryn, witli a prologue of tbe ad- venture of tlu" i)ardoiur with a tajister at Canterbury; re-edited by F. J. Fnrnivall & AV. BER YN 63 BEVAN G. Stone; with English abstract of [tlie] French original and Asiatic versions of the tale, by W. A. Clouston; plans of Canterbury in 1588, and the road thither from London in l(>7"i. London, 1887 [1876-88J. O. mapa. {In Supplementary Canterbury tales. 1; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 17, 24.) 821 40 Berzelius, Ji)ns Jakob, friherre. Undersokning of nietalhnassan i niigra fornlemningar. {In Coucuhaffen— K. iiord. Old.-fSelskab. Aiinaler. v.l, lHa«-T-) "l*^ 3 Besaiit, Walter. Gaspard de Coligny. London, 1879. D. JJO)-. (The new Plutarch.) 923 39 Besoape, Pieti o da, see Pietro. Besclieideiiheit, see Freidank, B. Besclierelle, — , 74 Bezoltl, Carl. Die Fortschritte derKeilscriftfor- schuiiK inneuesterZeit. Hamburg, 1889. 0.28 p. {In Virfliow <£• Holtzeiitlorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. ■A.) 043 3 Ueber Keilinscliriften. Berlin, 1883. O. 31 p. (7/) saHie. Vortriige. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Bezzcnheraer, H. E. Randbemerkungen zu den von der Bel'liner Konferenz aufgestellten Re- o-eln fttr die deutsche OrtUogi-aphie. Halle, 1876. O. 431 4 —editor, see AS>'0. M»re von Sente Annen. 1848. 831 58 Bliaiiavad-Uitii, see Maliilblidrata. BHASt'ARA ACHAUYA. Broclilians, H. die Algebra des Bhaskara. (In Leipsic— K. siiclis. GeseU. Bericlite, 1852.) 0G3 3 Bianca Visconti; or. The lieart overtasked, see AVillis, X. P. Bianelii, Bianco. Femine da conio: Inf. 18: 66. (In .VlThivio glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3.)— La de- clinazione nella toponimia toscane. (In same. V. 9-10, 1886-8.) 450 11 — Storia della preposizione o, e de' suoi com- piKti nella lingua italiana. Firenze, 1877. O. 4.55 3 Bianelii, Brnnone, commentator, see Dante Aligliieri. La commedia. 1863. .Sal 37 Bianehi. Liiigi. SuU" applicabilita delle super- fieie degli spazl a curvatura costante. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser sci. ps. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 06o 4 Bianelii, Niconiede. Carlo Matteucci e 1' Italia dei suo tempo; narrazioue. Torino, 1874. O. jjhot. 925 14 — Le nostre intenzioni e le nostre speranze. (In Cnriositii di storia subalpina. v. 1, 1874.) — La verita sull" arresto e prigionia di Carlo Botta verso la fine del secolo 18. (In same. v. 2, 1876.) — Santorri di Santa Rosa: memorie e lottere inedite. — Scritti e lettere di Carlo Alberto. (In. same. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Tlic vriliinic-s contain ntlier matter edited liy liancbi. Blaii('lii-(y .J. Hadorph. La Bibbia, canti, see Regaldi, G. Bibbiena, Bernardo Dovizi da. Un awentura amorosa di Ferdinaudo d' Aragona. Bologna, 1862. D. 34 p. (/u Scelta dicuriosita. 20.1 850 10 — La calandria, commedia; Un awentura am- orosa di Ferdinando d' Aragona. Milano, 1863. 5. p)or. (In Bibl. rara. 14.) 850 3 Bibboni, Francesco. Morte di Lorenzino de' Medici. (In Medici, L. di P. F. de.' Scritti. 1862: in Bibl. rara. 2.) 850 3 —Same. (In Giierra di Serrezzana. 1862. )851 79 Bible— Polyglot. Polyglotten-Bibel zum prak- ti.'ichen Handgebrauch; in iibersichtlicher Ne- beneinanderstellung des Urtextes, der Septu- aginta, Vulgata und Luther-Uebersetzung, so wie der wichtigsten Varianten der deutsclien Uebersetzungen: bearbeitet von R. Stier und K. G. W. Theile. 2-3 Auflage. Bielefeld, 1854- 6. 4 V. in 5. O ' 220 4 —English. The Holy Bible, in the earliest English versions made from tlie Latin Vulgate, by Joiin Wycliffe and his followers; edited by Josiah Forshall and Sir Frederic Madden. Ox- ford, 1850. 4v. sqQ. 220 7 Contents : 1. Genesis— Huth. 2. Kings— Psalms. 3. Proverbs— Maccabees. 4. Matthew — Apocalypse. The Holy Scriptures, faithfully and truly translated by Myles Coverdale, bishop of Ex- eter, 1535. London, reprinted for Samuel Bagster, 1838. sqQ. por. 220 8 The Holy Bilile, newly translated out of the original tt)ngues, and with former transla- tions diligentlv compared and revised. London, 1611. F. il' 220 9 The second of the two standard editions of the version of 101 i ; called the "she Bible" from the readin;; in Ruth. 3; 1.5. The title-page of the Old Testament is wanting. The Holy Bible. Philadelphia, 1830. Q 220 9. 1 Containing ^Ir. Marsh's family record. A conipondioHS olde treatyse, shewynge howe that we ought to have the Scripture in Eiiglvsche, written about 1450. (/)( Arber, E. English reprints. 28.) ,S'io 9 Davies, T. L. 0. Bible English: chapters on old and disused expressions in tlie author- ized version and the book of common prayer. London, 1875. D. 427 15 Eastwood, .1., & WriK-lit, W. A. The Bible word-book; a glossary of Old English Bible wonls. London, 1S66" S. 423 2 Marsli. (J. P. The Englisli Bible. (In his Lei'tures. 1860.) 080 20 BIBLE— EN GLISn 65 BIBLE— TRANSLA TION — The proposed revision of the English Bible. (In Nation, v. 11, 1870, p. 238-9, 261-3, 381-3.) 080 33 Sehaff, P., editor. Anglo-American Bible revision; by members of the American revision committee. London, 1879. D. 220 5 Storrs, R. S., jr. John Wycliffe and the first English Bible ; an oration. New York, 1880. O. 85 p. 220 6 — Catalan. Genesi de scriptura, Compendi historial de laBiblia;que trelladii del provem/al a la llengua catalana Guilleni Serra, ll."il. Barcelona, 1873. D. fciciim. (la Biblioteca catalana. 2.) N«'J 4 — Danish. Biblia paa Danske; eflter Christian den nil. Befalning. Kiobiughaffn, 1607, D. 220 14 ^Molbecll, C. Bidrag til en Historie og Sprogskildringaf de danske Bibeloversasttelser fra det 16 Aarhundrede, sa'rdeles Christian den Tredies Bibelaf 15.50. Klobenhavn [,1840]. sq.O. 220 13 — Dutch. Den gheheelen Bybel, inhoudeude het oude ende nieuvve Testament; in duytsche van ayevvs overghestelt wt den Latijnschen oudentext. Loeuen, 1548. Q. iV. 220 11 —FRENCH. Striinipell, (J. Die ersten Bibeluber- setzungen der Frauzosen im 12-14 Jahrhun- dert, mit Proben... Braunschweig, 1873. O. 8+.56 p. 01« 12 bound with 010 3 — GtEORtilAN. Nast. J. Nachricht von einer hochst seltenen georgischeii Bibel. (/n Strobel, «. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 4.) 830 10 —Gothic, see Ulftlas. — Icehiudic. Biblia; lit gefin ad tilhlutun hins islenzka bibliufelags. Reykjavik, 1859. s<|Q. 839.68 2 — Italian. La Bibbia volgare, secondo la rara edizione del 1 di ottobre 1471, ristampata per cura di Carlo Negroni. Bologna, 1882-7. 10 v. O. (Ill Emilia. CoUezione. 56-65.) 850 6 With Latin at bottom of page. La Sacra Bibbia, secondo la Volgata; tra- dotta, con annotazioni, da Antonio Martini. Milano, 1845-8. 2 v. O. 220 16 La Sacra Bibbia; ... tradotti da Giovanni Diodati; con riferenze. Fu-enze, 1868. O. 220 15 — Latin. ReuerSdissimi f ratris .Jacobi de voragi- ne sanctorfn/i ac festo;'«(»i per totu aniS Liber icipit. Venetijs, i483. O. 246 leaves. 0!>3 4 Better known as the Legenda aurea. It contains a translation of the greater portion of the Pentateuch and Gospels. — Mpongwe. The books of Genesis, part of Exodus, Proverbs and Acts, translated into the Mpongwe language, at the mission of the A. B. C. F. M., Gaboon, West Africa. New York, 1859. S. 220 17 — Saxon. Biblia; dat ys, De gantze Hillige Schritft; vordiidtschet dorch Marti. Luth. Magdeborch, 1545. F. il. 220 10 The binder's title is "NiedersSchisohe Bibel nach Lu- ther's Uebersetzung." —Swedish. Bibelen; eller. Den Heliga Skrift; tryckt ])a Brittiska och utli'mdska bibel-si'illska- pets bekostnad. Stockholm, 1855. O. 220 13 — ^Klemmiug, G. E., editor. Svenska medel- tidens bibel-arbeten. Stockholm, 1848-53. 3 v. O. {In Sveuska forn.-sal. Samliugar, v. 6-7.) 839. 7 3 —Paraphrase. Les oeuvres poetiques de G. de Saluste du Bartas. [Geneva,] 1.593-1601. 2.v. T. il. 841 16 English: His divine weekes and other workes; translated by J. Sylvester. London, 1611. sqD. 841 17 A paraphrase upon the divine poems by George Sandys. London, 1676. D. music. 223 1 Cniih-ntu : Job.— Psalnis.— Ecelesiastes. — Song of Sol- omon.— Lamentations of Jeremiah — Songs collected out of the old and New Testaments. Rvmbvbel, van J. van Maerlant; uitgege- ven door j. David. Bru-sel, 1858-9. 3 v. Q. facsim. iltp. 839.31 16 —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Stevens, H. The Bibles in the Caxton exhibition, 1877: or, A bibli- ographical description of ntarly 100 repre- sentative Bibles, 14.50-1877. Special edition, with additions. London, 1878. O. 01(> 11 —CONCORDANCE. Brown, J. A brief concord- ance to the Holy Scriptures. (In Bible — Eng- lish. 1850.) 220 9.1 — — Cniden, A. A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. New York, 1857. O. por. ' 220 1 — — Eadie, J. A new and complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. London, 1850. O. 220 2 —DICTIONARIES. Smith, W., editor. A dic- tionary of the Bible; comprising itsautiquities, biography, geography and natural history. Boston, 1860-3. 3 v. O." il. facsim, map. 220 3 -DISCISSIONS. Arnold M. Literature & dog- ma; an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. London, 1873. D. 230 1 — — Cheyne, T. K. The maintenance of the study of the Bible. (In Essays on endowment of research. 1876.) 378 3 — ^\iba'*29 11 — — Daiiisli. Den a?ldste danske Bibel-Over- ■SEEttelse; eller, Det gamle Testamentes otte forste Boger fordanskede efter Vulgata; forste Gangudgivne, med Anma?rkninger og et dansk- latinsk Glossariuni, af Christian Molbech. Kio- benhavn, 1828. O. 221 3 (Jreek. ... Vetus Testamentum ex versione septuagintainterpretum; secundum exemplar Vaticanum editum, praemissit David Millius. Amstelodami, 1725. 2 v. S. 221 1 Hawks, F. L. The monuments of Egypt; or, Egypt a witness forthe Bible. 2 edition, en- lar'^ed. New York, 1850. O. il. pi. iltp. map. 932 2 Isidoriis, St. Commentaria. (Jh /u's Opera. 1617.) 208 3 Osbnrii, W., jr. Ancient Egypt: her testi- mony to the truth of the Bible. London. 1846. O. ' iltp. 932 5 The restoratlou of paths to dwell in: essavs on re-editing the Old Testament, by Ben- jamin Street. (In Church quart, review, v. 1, 1875. p. 187-196.) 282 49 *c aim ( REATION'; FLOOD; SLATEKY. Pentateuch. Diu Buochir Mosis. (In Mass- luaiin, H. F. Deutsche Gedichte. 1837.) 831 13 Tyiidale, W. Prologues to the five books of Moses. {In Tyudale * Frith. Works, 1831, V. 1.) 2()S 10 RUTH. Fuller, T. A comment on Ruth. London, 16.54. S. 240 10 KiiittS. Les quatre livres des rois; traduits en frani;ais du 12e siecle, suivis d'un fragment de moralites sur Job, et d'un choix de sermons de Saint Bernard; publies par Le Roux de Lincy. Paris, 1841. sqQ. facsim. (Coj. de doc. ined. sur I'hist. de France.) Die vier Biicher der Konige, in nieder- sachsicher Bearbeitung; herausgegeben von Merzdorf. Oldenburg, 1857. O. 222 1 Jol). Le livre de Job, traduit de Fhebreu, avec une etude sur I'age et le caractere du poeme; par Ernest Renan. 3 edition. Paris, 1882. O. 223 2 Specimen of a revision of the English Scri])tiu'es; bv Thomas J. Conant. New York. 1855. sqQ. '[33] p. 229 3 bound with Old i JahrbHcli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4. l»b^.) V>\}^ i Welsh. Testament Newydd. Caer Grawnt, 1846. D. --*' "''* Gospels. Codex aureus; sive, Quatuor evangeiia ante Hieronymum Latine translata: e codice inter quintum et septimum saeculum scripto; edidit Joannes Beisheim. Chnstianiae^ 1878. Q. facitim. --o " John Wycliffe: The Gospel of John. (In Miitzner, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben v 1, pt. 2, 1869.) ^'^ ^ Containing Madden's first text, preceded by one re- garded as still earlier. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gos- pels [Latin and Anglo-Saxon]. Durham [.18.54- 65] 4 V. O. faesim. {In Surtees soc. 28, 39, 43, 48..) J'-% ] Same. ■ 22 1> 3.1 Ottfridi Wissenburgensis volumen evan- gelium, latinitate donatum, cum notis, a J. G. Scherzio. U. pi. (In Scliilter, J. Thesaurus. 1 ,-27- 8, V. 1.) »**•♦ ^ Old German and Latin. _ . 'L sant evangeli secound San Luca e San Giouan. Londra. 1838. O. 220 6 French and Pledmontese. Tatiani harmonice evangelicic antiquis- sima versio Theotisca [with Latin translation], &c • J P. Palthenius edidit. Grypliisvvaldia', 1706. sqO. ^,. 226 1 Tisoheudorf, L. F. C. von. Gli evangeli quando furono scritti ?— Scoperta del niano- scrittosinaitico. Firenze, 1868. D. 85 + [2] p. 225 7 bound mth 223 4 ^Vergilio, P. In Dominicam precem comiiientarioluin. {In his De rerum inventori- bus. l.'>74.) , «0»^1 jIattliew.[Chrisfs sermon on the mount, in Chinese.] n. p. [, before 1837]. D. 8i)5 2 Het evangelie van Mattheus; vertaald in het Land-Friesch, door J. H. Halbertsma. Londen, 1858. O. 226 5 The gospel according to Matthew, and part of the first chapter of Mark; translated, with notes, by Sir John Clieke; also 7 letters of Cheke; introductory account by James Goodwin. London, 1843. O. 226 3 The gospel according to Saint Matthew, in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian versions, synopticallv arranged, witli collations of tlie best mss.; edited |l>y J. M. KemV)leand Charles Hardwick]. Cambridge [,Eiig.], 1858. sciQ. 226 4 « Tyiiilale, W. An exposition upon the 5-7 chapters of Matthew. {In Tyndale * Fritli. Works, 1831, V. 2.) 20S 10 Mark. Evangelium M.arci [Latin and Anglo-Saxon], {Jn Boiitcrwek, K. W. Screa- dunga. 1858.) H2!) 9 Luke. [Gospel of Luke in Chinese. Amoy? 1836?] 895 1 BIBLIO GRAPHY Epistles. La epistola di San Jacopo, e i ♦ capitofi 3 e 4 del Vangelo di San Giovanni; volgarizzamenti inediti, a cura di Giuseppe Turrini. Bologna, 1863. D. 44 -f [4] p. {In Scelti di curiosita. 80.) 850 10 Tyndale, W. An exposition upon the Istepistleof St. John. {In Tyndale & Frith. Works, 1831, V. 2.) 208 10 Revelation. A paraphrase upon the Rev- elation. {lniA\m%\., of England. Workes. 1616.) 320 8 Followed by A fruitful! meditation. Mttnter, F. C. C. H. De occulto urbis Rom.i2 nomine, ad locum Apocalypseos 17; 5. (/?i 7i(S Antiq. Abhandlungen. 1816.) 913 2.1 Trench, R. C. Commentary on the epistles to the seven churches in Asia, Revela- tion 2, 3. New York, 1861. D. 228 1 Zimpel, K. F. ...Le millenaire... Franc- fort-sur-Main, 1866. O. 228 2 hoxind n-ith 200 1 — Apocrjijha. Libri apocryphi Veteris Testa- ment! Graece; recensuit et cum commentario critico edidit Otto Fridolinus Fritzsche; acce- dunt libri Veteris Testamenti pseudepigraphi selecti. Lipsise, 1871. O. 220 4 Contents: Libri apc^cryphi. — Libri pseudepigi'aphi: *aA(ioi SaAofiwi'To?;— Liber Esdrae 4 5;— Apocalypsis. Baruclii;— Assumptionis Moyseos fragmenta. Hochst wichtige Gechichte vom [so] dem Leben Jesu Christi. welches Nicodemus be- schriebenhat; von O.L.B. Wolff. Leipzig, n. d. D. 93 p. il. {In Volksbiicher. 48.) 833 22 Joachim und Anna; das sind die Geschich- ten von der Geburt Maria sowie von Joseph und von der Kindheit unseres Herrn; aus dem Ara- bischen neu verdeuscht [so] von O. L. B. Wolff. Leipzig, n. d. D. 90 p. il. {In same. 47.) 833 22 II passio o vangelo di Nicodemo, volga- lizzato nel buon secolo della lingua. Bologna, 1862 D. 8-1-52 p. (7n Sceltadi curiosita. 12.) 850 10 Called also Acta Pilati. II Tobia, parafrasi in lingua milanese [by A. Garioni]. (In Collezione milanese, 1816-7, V. 10.) 859 15 The Bible in Spain, see Borrow, 0. Biblia pauperum; facsimile, with historical and bibligraphical introduction by J. Ph. Ber- jeau.' London, 1859. scjF.'' iV. 761 1 II bibliolllo; giornale dell' arte antica in istampe e scritture e ne" loro accessorii e ornati. colla relativa giurispriulenza; diretto da Carlo Lozzi. [Monthly.] Firenze, 1880. v. 1. Q. 010 6 Title-page wanting. Blbliografla d'ltalia; compilata sui documenti comnniiiicati dal ministero dell' istnizione publilica. [Half-monthly.] Firenze, 1868-71. v. 1-5. Q. 015 6.3 With V. 4. 1870. the title changes to Ilililiograflaitaliana, giornale dell' Associa/.ionc libraria italiana. BIBLKMJRAI'HY. Bniiiet, J. C. Manuel du libraire. 4 edition. BruxcUes, 1838-9. 4 v. O. Oil 1 Same. Sedition. Paris, 1860-5. 6 v. (). il. Oil 2 Same: Supplement; par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. Paris, 1879-80. 3 v. in 1. O. Oil 2 BIBLIOGRAFHy 69 BIELLA _ — Same: [Supplement:] Dictionnaire de ge- ographie ancienne et moderue; par [P. Des- champs]. Paris, 1870. O. Oil 3 Same: [Complement:] Bibliographie metho- dique et raisonnee des beaux arts; par E.Vinet. Paris, 1874. O. Oil 3 Never completed. — Uar, T. Letture di bibliologia. Napoli, 186.'5. Torino. 1868.. O. tab. 010 3 — Gr^ffoire, H. Rapports sur la bibliographie... Caen. 18()7. O. 010 3 —Madden, J. P. A. Lettres d'un bibliograiihe. 1-3 serie. Versailles, 1868-74. 3 t. Q. 010 4 For contents ^^ee Madden, — N. Y. (s-ts del en Jaonie lo conque- ridor. 2. Genesi de scriptui'a. S. Boades, B. Libre dels fevts darmes de Catalunya. 4-7. Martorell, J. Libre del Tirant lo lilanch. 10. Boethiiis, A. M. T. S. Libre de consolac'iiHlc I'bilosophia. S-!t. Lulii>, R. Libre appelat Felix de Ils inarauelles del mon. 11-12. RcfuU de exim- plis e miracles. — Tourlonlon, C. de. Biblioteca catalana. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1873.) 479 5 Biblioteca rara; pubblioata da G. Daelli. Milano, 1863-6. 65 v. in 36. S. il. por._ pi. facsim. 850 3 Contents: 1. Piooolomini, A. La Ratfaelle; ovvero. Delia bella creanza dcUe donne. "2. Medici, L. de". Scritti e documenti. :S. Averaiii, G. Del vitto degli antichi 4. Ouosander. Dell' arte della guerra. 5. Giovio, P. Rasio- namento sopra imprese. (>. Teoli, i^..^ editor. Mescolanze d'amore. 7. Diedo, G. La battaglia de Lepanto. 8. Ce("<'lii, G. M. L'assiuolo, commedia, e proverb,!. 9- Sas- settl, F. Vita di F. Ferrucci. 10. Dolce, L. L'Aretino. 11. More, T. L'Utopia; La citta del sole di T. C'ampa- nt-'Ua; La storia del Reame degli Orsi di G. Gozzi. 12. Caro, A. Gii straccioni, commedia. etc. 13. Doni, A. F. Tutte le novelle, etc. 14. Bihbieiia, B. D. da. La calan- dria. commedia; Un avventura amorosa. lo. at;iii, D. L'intelllTOnza, poema. 1(>. Colouibo. C. Lettere auto- grafe. 17. Erasmus, D. Elogia della pazzia. IK. Bruno, G. II candelaio, commedia. 19. JJocfalini, T. Pietra dei paragone politico. 20. IjOneuH. (ill amoridi Dafni e Cloe. 21. PetroMiuK Arhiter, C. Satire. 22. Xemiphon o/' ^^j/Kj/ra*. Degli aniori di Ahrocome ed Anzia. 2;i. LiiiKini, F. II libro della bcUa donna. 24. ApiHileius, L. L'asinod' oro. 25. Seneca, L. A. Dell' ira 2«. Bruno, G. Spaccio de la bestia tiionfante. 27. Bellini, L. La Bucohercide. 2H. Pieooloinini, A. 1,'AIessandro, commedia. 2!t. Aniemia, T. d". Delia intiniti di amore. 30. BetusKl. G. II Raverta. 31-3. Bentiv(«lii>. G. Memorie; .58 lettere, :j v. 34. Mae- olieronee de <'in(|iiepoefi italiani delsecololo. 3.5. Ilnino, G. La cabala dil <:i\:illopegaseo; L'asino cillenico. 30. Same. La cciia de h- c-eneri. 37. Bible. I salmi di David recall in rime tosc:ano da G. Diodati. 38. Pius II. , ivjpe. Storia di due amanti. 30. La Boetie, E. de. II contr' uno. 40. Pico della Mirandola, G. F. La Strega. 41-3. Dant« Aligliieri. La divina commedia. secondo Carlo Witte. 44-5. Berni, F. Opere. 3 v. 41!. Trissino, G. G. La Sofo- nisba. I Simillimi; I Lucidi di .\. Firenzuola. 47. De tribus impostoribus. 1598. 48. Opjiianus. Della pesca e' della caccia. 40. Trissino. G. G. 11 Castellano: ed II Cesano di C.Tolomei. 50. Gigli, (f. II gazzetino. 51. Arc- tino, P. II primo libro delle lettere. 52-3. Giraldi Cintio, G. B. [Scritti estetioi]. 2 v. 54. Itistoro of Arezzo. Della composizione del niondo. ' 55. Plautus, T. M. Anfitrione. 50. Aristotelcs. Trattato de' governi. 57. Bruno, G. Gli eroioi furori. 58. Cronaea d'Orvieto. 1.342-(i3. 59. Ciii- nazzi, D. Cronaea della guerra di Cbioggia. 60. Alioiie, G. G. Commedia e f arse oarnovalescbe. 01. Some. Poe.sie francbese; la JIaccheronea. 62. Tesli, F. II conte Test! alia corte di Torino, 1628 e 1615. 63. Dati, F. di S. La sfera; La nuova sfera di Tolosani; L' America de Gualte- rotti. 64. Malatesti, A. La sfinge. Brindisi de' Ciclopi, e La Tina. 65. Foslietta, U. La republica di Cienova. The volumes have various editors; v. 1-3 i are mostly by Carlo Teoli. Bibliotlieque des memoires relatifs a Fhistoire de France, see Barriere & Lesenre. Bibliotheqiie des nierveilles, see {'liarton, E. J. Bibliolhe«lue elzevirienne; publiee par P. Jan- net, P. Daffiset autres. Paris, 18.53-70. 31 v. S. 840 1-16 A portion of the set, namehj: Caquets de I'accouch^e; parE. Fournier. I855.^t1iin-tier, .1. clircmiiiue de Charles VII; par Vallet de Viriville. l.'<.".s, ,■) v.- Ibdlis, P. Cata- logue raisonne de la Bildiotlu''(]ue elzevirienne. i870. — Evangilesdes quenouilles [;by P. .Jannet]. ,855.— Four- nier, E., editor. Vari6tes historiques et litteraires. 1855- 63. lOv.— Girarti! * Eo.'^silho. Chanson de geste; par F. Michel. 1856.— .lelian d' Arras. Melusine; par C. Brunet. 1854 Jelian de Haute Sellle. Li romans de Dolopathos; par C. Brunet et A. de Montaiglon. 1856.- La Roi-liefou- eauld, F. de. Reflexions; par G. Duplessis. 1853.— La Tour Landry, G. de. Le livre pour ses filles; par A. de Mon- taiglon. 1854.— Laudonni^re, R. G. L' histoire de la Flo- ride; par M. Basanier. 1856.— Miege, G. La relation de trois ambassades de Carlisle; par A. Galitzin. 185". — iflolaud, L. E. D., d' H^ricault, C. d', editors. Nouvelles franijoises du 13e siecle. 1856.— Monlaieloii. A. ia C. de. Eecueil de poesies trancjoises des 15-16 siecles. 1855-8, V. 1. 2, 6-8.— .Soniaize, A. B. de. Le dictionnaire des pr^cieuses; par C. L. Livet. 1856. 2 v. Bibliotlieque universelle et revue Suisse, see Archives des sciences physiques. .50.5 6 Blji\ov T^s K0t7K^(rTas t^5 'Pw/xaWas Kal Tol Mopaluis. {In Buclioii, J. A. C. Recherches sur la Moree, 184.5, v. 3.) 949 38 Biccliierai, Jacopu, editor, see Faie, tJ. A. di. Cronaea. {In Societa llffiire. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Biccliierai, Zanobi, editor, see Ariel, C. Poesie scelte. 1874. 851 8 Biceps, pseudonym. Talk and travel; or. Two strings to your bow. 3 edition. London, [1873]. D. 420 2 Contents; Talk: British anthropology.— Travel: Notes in northern Africa. Bidpai, see Hitopadesa. Biedma, Luis Hernandez de. A relation of the expedition of Soto. {In Relacjam. 18.51.) 973 14 BIELLA. Mayrgia, C. Relazione sulF ordina- niento della scuola professionale di Biella. Torino, 1871. O. 31 p. 607 3 BIER 70 BIOGRAPHY BEEN, et Maanedskrift for Morskabsla?suing, 1-3 Hefte. Welliaveu, J. S. C. Maanedskriflet Bien. (I»i /i is Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 3.) 839.8i 2 Bleu Tengas, mal, si vienes solo, see Calderou. V. 4. Biernatzki, Joliauii Cliiistopli. Der braune Knabe: oder, Die Genieinden in der Zer- streuung: NoveUe. 2 Aiiflage. Leipzig, 1852. 2 v. D. 833 5 — Die Hallig; oder, Die Schiffbi-iichigen auf dem Eiland in der Nordsee; NoveUe. 2 Aus- gabe. Altona, 1840. S. 833 6 — English: Tlie liallig: or. The sheepfold in the waters: a tale of humble life on the coast of Schleswig; translated from the German by Mrs. Geoi"ge P. Marsli, with .a biographical sketch of the author. Boston, 1856. D. 833 6.1 "I have read it with deep interest. Mrs. Marsh has given us an admirahle version of a most strikintj and powerful work."— 7?. C. Wiuthroii. "Already the book has gained a great success with the best class of readers. Wherever it goes, it fascinates the cultivated and the illiterate, the young and the old. the devout and the careless."— i^. !). Hiiiii'Unijilon. Si-e aho notices in the New Englander, v. 10, p. 1121, and in the X. A. review, v. S3, p. 548. Bieruatzki, K. L. Biographie von Johann Christoph Biernatzki. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 18.52. D. 922 21 Bifli, GioTaiiiii Ambrog:io. Prissian de Milan de la parnonzia milanesa. (.In Colleziouo mi- lanese, 1816-7, v. 1.) 857 15 Biiiazzi. Pietro, editor. Firenze — Milano; sag- gici di lettere diplomatiche del secolo 14 e 15. Firenze. 1869. O. 39 p. 945 12.1 Per nozze Arese-Serristori. Mazzetto di lettere inedite, con altre scrit- ture. Firenze, 1867. O. 58 p. 856 5 Recordo di nozze Uertz-De Ferrari. Bitfelow, John. France and hereditary mon- archy. London, 1871. O. 321 5 — Gli Stati Uniti nel 1863. Milano, 1863. D. 973 37 — editor, see Franklin, B. Autobiography. 1868. 925 3 Bignaini, Enea.Cenisio e Frejus: con una let- tera del genercUe Meuabrea. Firenze, 1871. D. map. «22 10 Bigot, Charles. Les classes dirigeantes. Paris, 187.-). D. 172 1 —La fin de lanarchie. Paris, 1878. D. 321 7 Bijdragen tot de Friesche geschiedenis, see Ippins Fockens, E. Bllberg, Joliaiiues. Refractio .solis inoccidui. Hohniie [,1695]. sqD. pi. 525 1 Latin and Swedish on opposite pages. Ein Bild aus seiner Zeit, see Robinson, T. A. L. V. J. Das Bild des Kaisers, see Banff, W. BILBE, Eske. Paliidan-Miiller, (!. V. (In Copenhasren— K. nord 5 3 Billaud, B. Le voyageur sur la Vole appienne; ou. Description des tombeaux sur cette ^oie Rome, 1853. D. 19 + 61 [-1-2] p. map. 913 10.1 B1LLAULT-VAREN>ES, Jacques Mcolas. Notes sur [his] sejour ii la Guyane. (In Barriere & Lesenre. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 30.) 944 10 Billeder fra Nord og Syd, see Munch, A. BUleder fra Vestkysten af Norge, see Thoresen, A. M. K. Billerbeck, H. Ludwig Julius, annotator, see Cicero, M. T. De tinibus. 1827. 875 7 Den billige Kunstdommer, see jBlhlenscliliiger, A. (ir. Digtervoerker, v. 2. Biudi, Eurico, editor, see Tacitus, C. C. Opere. 1.853. 878 21 Bing, Johann, &• Corvlu, J. De veterum Cim- broriim aliorunii|ue septentrionalium populo- rum migrationibus; selecta commercii literarii. (In Wesfplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1739- 45, V. 1.) 943 21 Bini, Francesco. Capitoli. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1726, v. 1;— 1760, v. 1-2.) 857 2-3 Biogi'aphia Britannica literaria, see Wrigrlit, T. Biograpliisclie Belustigungen unter der Ge- hirnschale einer Riesin, eine Geistergeschichte, see Ricliter, J. P. F. v. 10. BIOGRAPHY. Allibone, S. A. A critical dic- tionary of English literature and British and American authors. Philadelphia, 1858-71. 3 v. Q. 015 1 — Baldwin, J. (!. Party leaders; sketches of Jefferson, Hamilton, Jackson, Clay, Randolph. New York, 1855. D. 923 1 — Berinsr, V. Florus Danicus. Otthiniai. 1698. F. por': 948 63 — Boccaccio, (t. I casi de gl' huomini illustri; tradotti de lingua latina per G. Betusi, con ttua giuntaperF. Serdonati. Fiorenza,1598. S. 920 3 — Carlyle, T. (In his essays, 1860, v. 3.) 824 8 — Couterfet Kupiferstich deren jenigen regie- rendeu grossen Herren, von Kiiysers Ferdinand des andern Geburt bis zu desselben Abschied. Leipzig, 1721. F. il.por. 923 2 — Cooi>er, T. Men of the time; a dictionary of contemporaries. 12 edition, revised by [T. H. Ward]. London, 1887. D. 920 19 — Diogenes Laertiiis. De vitis philosophorum libri 10, cum indice reruni. Lipsiae, 1833. 2 v. T. 888 47 — Erslew, T. H. Almindeligt Forfatter-Lexi- cou for Danmark med tilhorende Bilande. 1814- 40. Kjobenhavn, 1843. 3 v. O. 015 5.1 Same: Supplement, indtil Udgangen af 18.53. Kjol)enliavn, 18.58-68. 3 v. O. 015 5.2 — Fornev* J. W. Anecdotes of puljlic men. New Yoric, 1874. D. 920 7 — Friscliauer, E. Bilder aus der riimisclu'n Oe.sellschaft. Leipzig, 1877. D. 920 8 —Fuller, T. Tlie liistorv of the wortliies of England. London, 1662. F. por. <»20 9 — — Same. New edition, with [continuation,] notes and indexes by P. A. Nuttall. London, 1840. 3v. O. j}or. 920 10 — —Tlie holy state. 3 edition. London, 16.52. (J. , 920 11 BIOGRAPHY 71 BIOGRAPHY' Appended is The profane state. 1042. — — Same. 4 edition. Cambridge, 1663. Q. por. iltii. 940 9 Appended is The profane state. 1063. ^ialati, ]). Gli uomini del mio tempo; prolili. Bologna, 1879. D. 920 Vi tJautier, T. Portraits contemporains: littera- teurs, peintres, sculpteurs. artistes drama- tiques. Sedition. Paris, 1.S74. X). por. 920 13 — tJiiltei'iiatis, .v. de. Dietionnaire international des ecrivains dii jour. Florence, 1888-91. 1 v. in 2. O. 928 4.3 — H(Bter, .7. €. F., editor. Nouvelle biograpliie universelle. Paris, 1853-66. 46 v. O. 920 2 Vol. 1(1-40 are Nouvelle biographie gen6rale. — Hofmann, J. J. Historia Augusta imperato- riim Rt>manoriiin a C. Julio Cfesare usque ad Josephum; e.\ Lotichii tetrastichiset Hofmanni tetrastichis et enarrationilms liistoricis: singu- lorum imperatorum effigies & supjtlementa ad- jecit H. C. Henninius. Amstelcedami, 1707. F.^jior. iltp. 937 3 — .laeksoii, C, editor. Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies in the 17-18 centuries. Dur- ham, 1877-86. 3 V. O. por. tab. {In Siirtees soc. 6.5, 77.) 820 7 — Lanfrey. P. Etudes et portraits politiques. 3 edition. Paris, 1874. D. 923 3 For content-s .*^f Lanfrey. ^Levis, P. M. (t. de. Souvenirs et portraits. (In Barriere 31-3. 3 v. S. 620 17 For contents see Tytler. — Vaimiicci, A. I martiri della liberta italiana, 1794-1848. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 21 — Vapereaii, L. ti. Dietionnaire universel des contemporains. 5 edition. Paris, 1880. O. 920 18 —Vicars, J. England's wortliies; under whom all the civill and bloudy warres, 1642-7, are re- lated. London, 1845. D. por. 923 6 FALIK) of Brescia; Ariidt, K. .11.: AKNOMI, T.; Arrivalpciic, (i.j AlOlSTINrS, .St.; ,Vj!ei,'li(i. M. T. )V; Ballm. (.: lUl.I.AXTVXK, .lA.MKS ,t .JOHN: ISAItl). M. .J.: HAHNKS, A.; BAUTLETT, W. F.; BAIMFKI. (J. F.; BAYAUB. 1'. (Ici T. de: BEOKI.I,. W.: Bcrli(ldni.-iii. (i. von: BKKXSTOKK. A. P.; BKTHINK. (i. W.; BIKBNATZ- Kl. .J. (., BIIUH. .1.: BriHilTTA. .s^, BIXIO. (;.; BL.iKK. B.: B()B<^l.l. (. ,(■ I..: BdTTA. ('. (;. . ; BUOX.UIROTI, .11. .\. ; BYUOX. (J. (i. X. B. ; (ALAS, .L: (APPOXL (i. A. (i. (i.i tATHEBIXE DE' SrEDICI: CAVOlItl'. B. di: t'AXTOX, W.; (VUini. B.; CEKVAXTES SAAVEDIU, M. de: I'HAKLES XIL: (IIAU- t'ER. (i.: Cluabrera, «■: CHIPMAX, X.: CHOATK. B.; CU)lier. ('.; Clarke. ('. C. ct .11. X. ('.: lOBDEX, B.; COKE, E.: COLKiXY. COLO.MBIXK G.: COLOM- BO, C. ,1 v.: (OrERXICLS, X.; ( Ol liT. A.: CKICH- TOX, .J. ; DAXTE ALKJHIERI: BKFOE, I>. ; Diglij, K. ; KIMKE, D.; Budcvant, A. L. A. D.; Dudley. .1. G.; Dupr6 CI.; DITCB LITEKATURE; EXfiLLSH LrrER.m'KE; ERIC, St.; ESTtOIBT. .1. B.B.; EIKJEXIIS Bl'LfiABlS: EWALD. J.; F.iKHR-ED-DlX: Fanshawe, A. H.; FARIXL L. C; PERDIXAXD. SI.; FESSEXDEX. W. P.: FIXE ARTS; Foscolo, X. II. : Fo-v, fi: FRAXCESCO, .SY..- Franklin, B.; fiiVjani, fi.; fiAHLEI, (i.; (JARIBALDI. »;.; (;EOK(iE IV.; GEB.IIAX LITEIUTIRK; (iilihon, E.; (iUSTL fi. ; fiOLDSMITH, 0.; (JOXZAfiA, L., St.; (iOlLD. E. B.; (Jrellet. S.; (iRlSCELLI, fi. F.; fiKlXTHLE:R, 0. F. M.; GCILDFOUD, F. A. X. d- V. X.; (irSrATl'S L VASA.; Halkett, A. .«.; HEABXE, T.; HEIXRY, J.; Herlicrt of Cherbuiy. E. IL; HERMITS; Bollierg, L.; Hopkins, J. H.; HOIBOLT, F. W. H. A. von; Hl'TCHlXSOX, J.; Hutton. W.; IBSEX, H.; .J.U'KSOX, A.; JOH.X.SOX, S.- JOIXVILLE, .1. de; JOXES, .1. P.; JOlTvOfXKI. V. A.; JIIXG. .LH.; ILIXE, E. K.; KATARIXA, St.; KE.VTS, J.; KEXXEDY, .L P.: KEPPLER. .L: KXOX. .L: KORAES. A.; LAWRENCE. T. B.; LEDYARD, .1.; LEfiEXDS; LELAXD, J.; Levi, D.; LIBRI-CARRCCCI DELLA SOMMAH. «. B. LT.; LIXCOLX. A.; Linne. C. von; LOl'LS XIIL ; LLXD- OBEX, L.. I.; Luttnllah; MACAULAY, T. B. M.; MACCHU- VELLI, X.; M.UHAXI, T.; MAXCLXI, P. S.; MAXIX, D.; M.UUiABET. St.; MAKU FffiODOROVXA; MARSH, G. P.; .M.VRTYRS; M1K\ tji/een of Scots; MXTTEl^VCl. C; Medici, L.
  • T- LOT. CD. F.; RU'ASOLI. B.; KKCI, S.: lilCHAKn III.; Biolltcr, J. P. v.; Boliertson, F. W.; BoliiiisDii. II. »'. ; Rokebj, T.; R0XNOW. .).; BOSIXG, A.; BOSJIIM. A.; SAIXT AIJSAXS ABBEY; SAIXTS; SAXTA KOISA. P. D. KRBEtit^le. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. London, 1829. O. 38 [T-2]p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 925 17 Birago, Uirolauio. Poesie. (In CoUezioiie mi- lanese, 1816-7, v. 4.) 859 15 Bii'ago Avogadro, (Tiovanni Battista, transla- tor, see Bate, (i. Ristretto de i moti d'lnghil- terra. 1652. 942 21.1 BIRCH, John, col. Roe,— .Military memoir of Bircli: with commentary, notes and appendix by J.Webb; edited by T. W. Webb. [London,] 1873. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 7.) 820 4.1 Bircli, Samuel. Translations of hieroglyphics. — Notes upon obelisks. (/?( Parker,' .1. H, The twelve obelisks in Rome. 1879.) 913 10 Bircherod, Jens Jakobsen, bishop). Uddrag af Biskop Bircherods historisk-biographiske Dag- boger for 1658-1708; udgivne ved Christian Molbech. Kiobenhavn, 1846. O. 948 64 Bircherod, Thomas Brodersen. De deperditis septentrionalium antiquitatibus. pZ. (InWest- phalen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1739-45, v. 3.) — Taurus sacer; .sen, Cultus & idolatria:^ tauri apud i)lures gentes, speciatim Gothos & Cira- bros historia. pZ. — Annotationes in libellum quem >S;inothus de vita S. Canuti conscrii^sit. (In same. v. 4.) 943 21 Bird, S. R. Scargill-, editor, see Battle abbey. Custumals. 1887. {In Camden soc. n. s. 41.) 820 1.1 BIRDS. Grimm, J. L. K. Uber den Schlaf der Vogel. (In his Kleinere Schriften. 1864-90, V. 7.) 408 2 — MarshaU, W. Deutschlands Vogelwelt im Wechselder Zeiten. Hamburg. 1887. O. 48p. (In Yirchow <£• Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 ^Miclielet, J. L'oiseau. 7 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 598 2 — Reiinie, J. The architecture of birds. Bos- ton, 1831. S. il. (Lib. of entertaining knl.) 598 3 — Tschiidi, F. Ueber die landvvirthschaftliche Bedeutung der Vogel. St. Gallen, 1854. D. 14 p. 636 5 — Tschnsi-SchmldlioCen, V. von. Schiitzet und heget die Vfigel; ein Mahnruf. Wien, 1875. D. [7 + ]36p.rt. 6365 — Watertoii, C. Essays on natural history, chiefly ornithology. 3 edition. London. 18;W. D. il?. .598 4 — Weismann, A. Ueber das Wandern der Vog- el. Berlin, 1878. O. 43 p. (In. Virehow * HoUzeiidorfr. 13 Serie.) 043 1 See <(/.sollAWKIX(l. Birger, archbi.ihop of Ujmiln. Historia S. Botvidi, cum hyniiiis et antiphonis. (In Failt, E. M. Script, rerum Syecicaruiu, 1818-28, v. 2.) 948 38.1 Birirer ,Jarl, skiidespel, see (Jyllenborg, U. F. Birger <>ch bans iitt, see Beskotv, B. von. BIR GITTA 73 BLACKIE Birgitta {English Bridget), S<., of Sweden. Das puch der Himlischen ott'enbarung. Number^, .4. koberger, 1502. F. i7. 009 14 — Here begynneth the lyfe of seynt Birgette. {Ill Myroure of Oure Ladye. 1873; mE. E. text soc. Extra ser. 19.) N20 5.1 — Margaretn, abbesx. De S. Birgitta chroni- con, veisione & iiotis illustratuin subjiciunt E. Benzelius & N. H. Dal. Upsalife, 1710. sqD. 922 22 See also WADSTENA. BirUiis-er, Anton, editor, see Altdeutsclie Neu- jahrsblivtter liii- 1874. S39.1 6 BIIITH. Bartholin, T. Antitiuitatuni veteris puerperii synoijsis. Auistelodami, 1670. T il. pi. tab. 391 1 — Giibernatis, A. de. Storia comparata degli usi natalizi in Italia e presso gli altri popoli indo-europei. Milano, 1878. D. 392 1 Tlie birtliday of Micliael Angelo, see Parsons, T. W. Bisaccioni, Miijolino, conte, continuer, see San- sovino, t\ T. Historia de Turclii. 1054. 949 53 Biscliof, Karl (instav Cliristoph. Die Gestalt der Erde uud der Jletresfliiche, uud die Erosi- on des Meeresbodens. Bonn, 1807. O. 551.46 4 Bisschop, Willem, editor, see Willeni ran Hil- degaersberch. Gedichten. 1870. 839.31 12 Bistieci, Vespasiauo. Commentario della vita di Giannozzo Manetti; aggiuntevi altre rite del niedesimo, e certe cose volgari di Giannozzo. Torino, 1862. D. (In Emilia. Collezione: Prose. V. 2.) S50 5 Biterolf und Dietlieb: herausgegeben von Osliar Jilnicke. (In Beutsclies Heldenbuch, 1866-73. V. 1.) 831 14 Bitterolf und Dietlieb. [In Hageu, F. H. von ■.. von. Aminnelse-tal ofver Bjerken, 20 dec. 17.S0. (In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) S39.78 1 BJORN breidviltingakappi Ashraiidssmi. Be Bjorne. (In Ral'n, V. ('. Autiquilales Aiiien- cana^ 1837.) 839.63 21 Bjorner, Erik Jnllus. Nordiska kilmpa dater i eii sagoflock samlade, om forna kongar och hjiiltar. Stockliolmia?, 1737. F. 839.63 4.1 Contents ■ Foretal.— Attartalil— Noi-i-iccs upfiiidelse.— Rimen om Karl och Grim.— Rolf Kraltes sanit Adils saga. —Fritlthiofs saga.— Alfs saga —Ronuniil.s saga.— llalluan Bran. fost. saga.— Sorles saga — Halfdan Ostensunssaga. —Samsons saga.— Wolsunga saga.— Ragnars saga.— Ans saga.— Noma Gesters sagu-dater.— Kurt beriittelse om Helge Thoris son.— Tliorstc-u biiar magns saga. Bi0ruson, Bj^rnstjerue. Aruljot Gelline. Ko- benhavn,'l870. D. 839.81 13 — Digte og Sange. Kabenhavn, 1879. O. ° 839.81 14 — Forta;)linger. Kj0benhavn, 1872. 2 v. D. 8otl.^o ' Contents- 1. Arne.— Synn^ve Solbakken — .litvnba- nen og Kirdegaarden.— Smaastykker. 2. En glad Gut.— Fisker.ienten.— Brude-Slaatten. — Haite-Hulda, Drama. 2 Oplag. Kjobeiihavn, [1869]. D. 839.82 3 —Kong Sverre. 2 Oplag. Kjobenhavn, 1861. D 839.82 4 —Maria Stuart i Skotland. 3 Udgave. Kjo- benhavn, 1867. D. 839.82 5 — De Ny-gifte. 6 Oplag. Kebenhavn, 1871. D. 08 p. 839.82 6 —Sigurd Slembe. 3 Oplag. Kobenhavn, 1870. jy 839.82 7 —Smaastykker. 3 Oplag. Kjobenhavn 1868 J) 8a9.8.> 8 Bjiirnsson, Stephen, editor <& translator i^ee Hervararsaga. 1785. 839.63 4^ Rynibegla. 1780. 839.63 61 Black, William Henry, editor, see the follow-- ing publications of the Percy society: 820 b Vol.7. Bniniiiton, T. Paraphrase on the seven peni- tential psalms. 1842. 19. Roller* of (rloiieester. The lifeof Beket. 1&45. 80. The enterlude of John Bon and mast person. 1852. BLACK SEA. Arrianus. neplT\ovi. (In his Scripta minora. 1854.) 888 37 — Leelievalier, .1. B. Voyage de la Propontide et du Pont-Euxin. Paris, 1800. D. 914.9 39 Blackburn, Henry. The Pyrenees; a descrip- tion of summer life at French watering places; with illustrations by Gustave Dore. London, 1867. il.i)l. iltp. map. 914.4 14 Blackford, Dominique de, compiler. Precis de r etat actuel des colonies angloises dans I'Ame- rique Septentrionale. Milan, 1771. D. 99 p. ' 917.3 4 Blackie, John Stnart. Homer and the Iliad. Edinburgh, 1860. 4 v. O. 883 5.1 Contents: 1. Homeric dissertations. "i-S. The Iliad in English verse. 4. Notes, philological and archieo- logical. — Musa burschicosa; a book of songs for stud- BLA CKIE 74 BLOCK ents and university men. Edinburgh, 1SG9. S. 821 IT —On self-culture, intellectual, physical, and moral. 8 edition. Edinburgh, 1876. D. 374 1 Blackwell, Anna. Poems. London, 1853. D. 821 18 —&• Green, G. F. The probable effect of spirit- ualism upon society; prize essays. London, 1876. D. 64 p. 133 35 — translator, see Diidevaut, A. L. A. 1). Jac- ques, by George Sand. 1847. 843 9 Blade af en La?ges Dagbog; af Th. Manro, see Thoruain, A. TV. Blade af Jerusalem Skomagers Lommebog, see Ing-eiiiaim, B. S. Blades, William. The enemies of books. 3 edi- tion. London, 1881. O. jjor. jil- facsim. 024 3 Blagden, Isa. Poems, with a memoir [by Alfred Austin]. Edinburgh, 1873. S. 821 19 BLAKE, Robert. Gortou, .1. Admiral Blake. London, 1829. O. 24 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 023 17.1 Blakely, Edward T. A handy dictionary of com- mercini information. London, 1878. S. 380 1 BLA311RE, Susanna. Keddie, H. & Watson, J. L. (Ill Wte*';* Songstresses of Scotland, 1871. v.l.) 928 3 Blanc, Ludwig- Gottfried. Vocabolario dantesco; reeato in italiano da G. Carbone. Firenze, 1859. D. 8.jl 45 MONT BLAXC. Giordano, F. Ascensione del Monbiauco. Torino, 1864. O. 551.43 44 — Mienlet,— .ilassif du Mont Blanc. Paris, 18G5. 60x80 cm. 912 48 In portfolio 1. — Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Le massif du Mont Blanc, etude sur sa constitution geodesiijue et geologique, sur ses transformations, et sur ses glaciers. Paris, 1876. Q. it. 551.43 45 BLAXt;A>'l)IX. Bartscli, K. F. Blancandin et 1 Orgueilleuse d'Amour; roman publ. par H. Michelant. {In Jahrbnch roni. u. eng. Lit. v. 9. 1868.) ^ 805 1 Blaiieliard, Fr^d^rlc. Sur la decouverte de la cassiterite h Campiglia marittima. (/)* Boine— K. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, I't- 3.) ^ 0«5 3 BLA XCHE o/Bo»r&oM. Romances espagnoles et limousine sur Blanche de Bourbon. {In Bii- clion, J, A. C. C'hoix de chrouiques, 14e siecle. 1838.) j)44 14 Blanche, Anarnst Teodor. Tailor och beriittelser ui-_ Stockholmslifvet. Stockholm [,1845]. pt. ^■■>- ^- 839.73 3 Thenos. after the first bear the title: Stockholmslif- vet .sluldnidt 1 l.aflor oeh beriittelser. Blanchei, Alexandre, & Brnnet de Presle, C. M. W. Grece, depuis lacon()ueteromainp iiis(|u' a nos jours. Paris, 1860. O. jjZ. {In L' nni- vers. 52.) 910 ly Blanckenhorn, Max. Die geognostische Ver- hiUtnisse von Afrika. I. Der Atlas, das nord- afrikanische F;Utengel)irge. Gotha. ISS8. si|y. 4-f-63 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittlieilnnp- en: Ergiiiizungsband 20.) 910 44 Le roman de Blnudin de Cornouailles et de de Miramar; publie pour [P. Romanisi, v. 3, 1873.) i79 6 Guillot Ardit Meyer]. {In Romania, Blaneforde, Henry de, <& others. Johannis de Trokelowe et H. de Blaneforde uecnon quorun- dani anonymorum chronica et annates; edited bv H. T. Riley; 12.59-96, 1307-24, 1392-1406. London, 1866. Q. facsim. (/n St. Albans ab- bey. Chronica. 3; iii Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Clu-on. and mem. 28.) 942 8 Blaiiqni, Jerome Adolphe. Prtcis elementaire d'economie politique. 3 edition, suivi du Re- sume de r liistoire du commerce et de I'indus- trie. 3 edition. Paris, 1857. D. 330 3 — Voyage en Bulgarie, 1841. Paris, 1843. D. 914.9 50 Blaqniere, Edward. Letters from the Mediter- ranean. London, 1813. 3 v. O. rnap. 914.5 87 f\iut,i,t.i: 1. Sicily. 2. Tripoly, Tunis and Malta. Blasts, Carlo. Le galanterie parigine, ballo di carattere. Firenze [,1853]. D. 9 p. 852 1 Blatter aus dem Tagebuch des armen Pfarr- Vikars von Wiltshire, see Zschokke, J. H. D. V. 2. Blaze de Bury, Marie Fanllne Rose (Stewart),, haroniie, pseudonym, Arthur Dudley. La dou- ble amaude. — Une valse de Strauss. — Viola Bianca. {In Nodier, J. C. E. & others. Nouvelles. 1845.) 843 3 BLEACHISG. Alessandri, P. E. Nuovi pro- cessi d' imbiancamento delle fibre tessili vege- tali e animali e in special raodo delle lane mec- canniche. {In Rome- R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fts. v. 4, 1878-9.) Ofio 4 Bleda, Jaime. Coronica de los Moros de Esjiaiia. Valencia, 1618. Q. iltp. 940 26 Bleek, Williebu Heinricli luimauneK tjljer den Ursprung der s|)rache; herausgegeben, mit einem Vorwort, von Ernst Haeckel. Weimar, 1868. O. 73 p. pi. 410 3: Blefken, Bittmar. Islandia; Gronlandia. Lug- duni Bat avorum, 1607. S. 71 p. 914.9 1 Den blege Ridder, see 01ilenscliljig'er, A. G. Digtervajrker, v. 8. BLEKOGE, Siceden. Sjoberg, iS. H. Utkast til Blekings historia och beskrifning. Lund. 1792- 3. 2 pt. in 1 V. D. pi. iltp. map. 948 56 Blenda, romantisk skaldedikt, see Stagnelins, E.J. Blenerhasset, Thomas, see Mirror for magis- trates, pt. 1. 1815. 821 85 Le dit dou Bleu chevalier, see Froissart, J. Bliclier, Steen Steensen. Gamle og nve Novel- ler. Kjobenhavn, 1846-7. 7 v. D. 839.83 9 The Blicklinsr homilies of the 10th century; editerk- ninger i Aiilediiing af et Brev af Boccaccio. (/k /(/.slliht. Blandinger. 1830.) 904 1 — Liebrecht, V, Decameron von H. Steinhowel, lierausgeg. von A. v. Keller. (In Jahrbucll roni. u." eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Manni, 1). M. Istoria del Decamerone. Firenze, 1T42. O. i^Z. 853 8 — Nardncci, E. Intorno all' autenticita di un codice vaticano di Boezio De consolatione phi- losophiae scritto da mano di Boccaccio. (In Rome— R, accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. set. mor.v. 8, 1883.) 0G5 5 — Salvlati, L. Degli avvertimenti della lingua sopra '1 Decamerone volume primo. Venezia, 1584. V. 1. O. 8.53 9 Boccadoro, see Chrysostomns. Boccalini, Trajano. Pietra del paragone politi- co. Milano, 1863. S. (In Bibl. rara. 19.) 850 3 Boccardo, Gerolamo. L'animale e I'uomo; fon- danienti dottrinali e metodici della moderna sociologia. Torino, 1881. O. 301 3.1 Prefazione al vol- 7 della Biblioteca dell' economista. — Cenni storico-statistici sul Ro. istituto tecnico di Genova. [Genova, 186T.] Q. 21 p. 007 2 — La conuessione delle scienze: discorso, 19 aprile, 1868. Genova, 1868. Q. 37 p. 501 5 — Deir applicazione dei metodi quantitativi alle scienze economiche, statistiche e sociali; saggio di logica econoniica. [Torino, 1875.] Q. 73 p. 330 4 Prefazione al 3 vol. della Biblioteca dell' economista. — Difendiamo i nostri vigneti. Padova, 18TT. O. 37 p. 634 3 — Dizionario universale di economia politica e di commercio. 2 edizione ampliata. Milano, 1875-7. 2 V. Q. 303 1 — Fisica del globo. Genova, 1868. Q. il. par. maps. 551 14 ^La legge di periodicita delle crisi, perturba- zioni economiche e macchie solari. Genova, 18T9. O. 30 p. 332 4 — Mauuale di diritto commerciale. Torino, 1863. D. 349 34 — Note e memorie di un economista. Genova, 18T3. O. 304 1 — Regio istituto tecnico di Genova; relazione del preside, 186T-8. Genova, 1868. <^. 34[4-3]p. 607 3 With autograph letter from Boccardo. — Sismopirologia: terremoti, vulcani ed oscil- lazioni del suolo; saggio di una teoria di geo- grafia fisica. Genova, 1869. D. pi. (La na- tura e I'uomo. 1.) 551.2 1 — La terra e la sua progressiva conquista; storia della geografia e del commercio, Torino, 1866. O. 380 3 — Trattato teorico-pratico di economia politica. 3 edizione. Torino, 1863-4. 3 v. D. 330 5 — & Patrone, L. II canale attraverso 1' istnio di Suez; relazione d' un viaggio. Genova, 1865. O. 6 + .50 p. map. 626 8 —Marsh, (J. P. Physical science in Italy [.re- view of Boccardo's Fisica del globol. (In Nation, v. T, 1868, p. 420-1.) 080 33 Boccliineri, Andrea. Ricordi di [aacco] di Prate. 1513 (In Vettori, F. Sommario.) 945 12 Bocci, Bomenico. A papa Pic il grande. Came- rino, I8T1. IJ. 272 7 With author's autograph. BOCK tt BOFARULL Bock, Carl Wilhelm. Verdtehen und sprechen die neuren Voiker ilire Sprachen nocli richtigV oder, Nachweisung der. ..Verba in den indo- germanischen Sprachen. Berlin, 1846. O. 415 1 Bockll, August. Leibnitz in seinem Verhiiltniss zur positiven Theologie. {In Raiiiner, F. L. (i. voii. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1844.) 905 1 Bodciiliaiu, John. Belvedere; or, Thegarden of the muses; reprinted from the original edition of 1600. [Manchester,] 1875. sqQ. {In Spen- ser soc. Pub. 17.) 821 3 Bodcnstedt, Friedrich Martin von. Die Lieder des Mirza-Schatt'y [pseud.J; mit einem Prolog von Bodenstedt. 36 Auttage. Berlin, 1871. T. 831 23.1 — Zeitgedichte. Berlin, 1870. T. 36 p. 831 24 In the series: Fur Strasburgs Kinder! Eine Weinachts- bescheening von Deutschlands Dichtern. BODILY HEAT, (iad, J. Korperwarme, Arbeit und Klinia. Hamburg, 1887. O. 36 p. {In VircIioH" & Holtzeiidorli'. Vortriige. NeueFolge. 1.) 043 2 Bodiii, Jean. Colloquium heptaplomeres de rerum sublimium arcanis abditis; e codicibus mss. curavit Ludovicus Noack. Suerini Me- galoburgiensium. 1857. O. 230 2 — Demonomania de glistregoni; cioe, Furori et malie de' deraoni col mezo de gli huomini; tradotta dal Kr. Hercole Cato. Venetia, 1587. O. 133 13 — Les six livres de la republique. Paris, 1577. F. 320 1 — & utlters. Variorum judicia de republica Venetorum. {In Contarini, U. De republica Venetorum. 1628.) 0'J4 39 Bodmin. Receipts and expenses in the building of Bodmin church, 1469-73; edited by John James VVilkinson. [London.] 1874. sqO. 7 + 49 p. {In Cauideu misc. 7; in C'aiiideii soc. 14.) 820 4.1 Bodoiii, Giambattista. La prefazione al Manuale tipografico: seguita da una dissertazione este- tica di Giuseppe Chiantore; edite per cura di Salvadore Landi. Fireuze, 1874. O. 17 + 73 [ + 2] p. «55 3 Bodrugan, alias AAams, Mcliolas, An epitome of the title that the kynges maiestie of Enge- lande hath to the souereigntie of Scotlande, 1548. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 17,18.) 820 5.1 BODY, see ANATOMY; MEDICINE: PHYS- IOLOGY; also SOUL. Debate of the Body and the soul, see Mapes, W. Boece {Latin Bocthiiis), Hector. De animanti- bus quadrupedibus, volatilibus, aciuatilibus Scotia?; — De Scotorum priscis recentibusque institutis ac moribus; — Catalogus regum Scotias, ex Boethio & G. Buchanano. (In Kes- piiblica sive status regni Scotias et Hiberniee. 1627.) 094 27 — A metrical version of the History of Boece. see Stewart, W. The bulk of the croniclis of Scotland. 1858. (//eGt. Br.— Master of KoUs. Chron. and mem. 7.) 942 8 Het boeck van al 't gene datter gheschiedt is binnen Brugghe, 1477-91. Gent, 1859. Q. (In Maetscliappy der Vlaeiii. bibl. Werken. 3. ser. 2.) 839.3 4 Boeudale, Jan. Der leken spieghel, leerdicht van den jare 1330; uitgegeven door M. de Vrics. 831 letterkiiude. Werken.) 839.3 7 Vol. 3 contains Woordenlijst. Boetliiiis, Auieiiis Mauliiis Tonnmtiis Severi- mis. Chaucer's "Boece," englisht from Boe- thius's De consolatione philosophiif: edited from the additional ms. in the British nmseum, 1868, and now reprinted, by Richard Morris. London, 1886. O. {In Chaucer soc. 1 ser. 76.) 821 45 — Chaucer's 'Boece' englisht from Boetii Phi- losophiiu consolationis libri quinque; edited from ms. in the university library, Cambridge,, by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1886. O. {In same. 75.) 831 45 —Chaucer's translation of De consolatione philosophia?; edited by Richard Morris. Lon- don, 1868. O. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 5,) 820 5. 1 — Euclidis liber 1: — Ex demonstratione artis geometricae excerpta; — Ex geometria excerpta. {In Bluuie, F. Schriften der rom. Feldmesser^ 1848-52, v. 1.) 526 3 — King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Boe- thius de consolatione philosophiae; with au English translation and notes by J. S. Cardale. London, 1829. O. 829 6 — Libre de consolacio de philosophia: trans- ladat en roman(; catalanesch, seguint la espo- siciodel sent Thomas Daqui. [Barcelona, 1878.] D. (/((Biblioteca catalana. 10.) 869 8 Boethlus, Daniel. Stycken, til beframjande af riitta begrep om philosophien. Uptala, 1794. D. 140 1 Boetliius, Hector, see Boece, H. Boethius, Siuion J., <£• Tengrberg', R, Sverige under pi;irtitidhvarfvet, 1718-1809. Stockholm, 1879. O. il. {In Sverlges historia, v. 5.) 948 51 Bowtie, Etienne de la, see La Boetie. BOETTI, (Jiovanni Battista, afterwards ,S7k/A,' Mausour Oghan-016. Otfiiio, E. {In Ciiriositii della storia subalpina. v. 2, 1876.) 945 43 Bofarull, Autouio de. Estudios, sistema gra- matical y crestomatia de la lengua catalana. Barcelona, 1864. D. 46" 9 —La orfaneta de Menargues; 6, Catalunya agonisant, novela historica. Barcelona, 1863. O- pt- 869 33 — translator, see James, I., of Aragon. Histo- ria del rey Jaime I. 1848. 946 19 Peter IV. Crtmica. 1850. 946 24 JIuntauer, R. Cronica catalana. 1860. 946 50 Bofarull y Mascaro, Prospero de. Arbol gene- alogico de los reyes de Espafia considerados como marqueses y condes soberanos de Bar^ celona. Barcelona, 1833. 126x77 cm. 080 36 In portfolio 3. — Los condes de Barcelona vindicados. v cro- nologia y genealogia de los reyes de Espafia i [874-1516]. Barcelona, 1836. 2 v. O. 946 56 —Tabula cronologica de los condes soberanos de Barcelona, con el facsimile de sus firmas y si- gnes autografos. Barcelona, 1833. 78x108 cm. 080 3a BOFARULL 78 BOLL In portfolio 3. —editor, see Ara^on— Arcliiyo. Coleccion de documentos. v. 1-17, 1847-59. 946 38 Mild y Foiilaiials, M. Noticia de la vida y escritos'de Bofarull. Barcelona, 1860. Q. 928 8 bound with 925 18 Bofarull y Sartorlo, Manuel de, editor, see Araaou — Arcliivo. Coleccion de documentos. V. 18-40, 1860-76. 946 38 Bogekamp, H., compiler. Geographische Cha- rakteiistiken. Mainz, IS.'ie. O. 551 1 Bog:g'io, Pier Carlo. La questione roniana, stii- diata in Roma. Torino, 1865. O. 282 37.3 Bog'le, George. Narratives of the mission of George Bogle to Tibet, and of the journey of Tliomas Manning to Lhasa: edited, with notes, introduction and lives, by Clements R. Mark- ham. London, 1876. O. il. por. pi. fncsim. maps. 915.1 7 Bogner, J. Das Erdbeben und seine Erschei- nungen. Frankfurt a. M., 1847. il. map. 551.22 2 Bog'uslawski, Georg; Heuirlcli toil Die Stern- schnuppen und ihre Beziehungen zu den Ko- meten. Berlin, 1874. O. 47 p. {In Vireliow * Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Die Tiefsee und ihreBoden- und Tempera tur- VerhiUtnisse. Berlin, 1878. O. 64 p. map. (In same. 13 Serie.) 04.3 1 Bogiislawski, Pabii Heinrioh Liulwig. Resul- tate der im 184.5 ausgefiihrten meteorologishen Beol>achtungen. 44 p. (In Breslaii— Scliles. Gesell. Uebersicht. 1847.) 063 4 ,S>( rt/\Y> other reports by him in the same volume. BOHEMIA. Straiisky, P. Respulilica Boiema descripta. Lugd. Batavorum, 1643. Tt. 094 17 Bohui, — (de Girardin), comte.-ise de. Les prisons en 1793. (In Barriere <£• Lescnre. Memoires, 18.57-81, V. 34.) 944 10 Bohiiie, Gottfried, editor, see Thncydides. 18.57. 888 8 Biiliine, Johanu. The fardle of facions, con- teining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes of Affricke and Asie. London, T, 916 3 Translated by William Watreman. Some front and back pages wanting. —Same. (Iii Hakluyt, R. Selection of voyages. 1812.) 910 57 ]S<')hiiier, Edward. Erasmus in Spanien. {In Jahrbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) Chre- stomathie proven<;ale por K. Bartsch. — Berich- tigung. {In same. v. 8, 1867.) — Der sardinische Dialect des 13ten Jahrhunderts: von N. Delius. — De Fraucicae linguae recta pronuntiatione, T. Beza auctore. (/h .sf/?7je. v.9, 1868.) 805 1 — Die provenzalische Poesie der Gegenwart. Ilalle, :870. IJ. |3+]48 p. 849 5 Biiliiner, William, editor, see Kaiitzow, T. Chroiiik von Pomnierii. 1835. 943 34 BOHMERM'ALn.SJayberger, F. Geographi.sch- geologische Studien aus dem Bohmerwalde; die Sjjuren alter (Jletsc-her, die Seen und Thaler. Gotha, 1886. si|9. 15 I 1 63 p. il. maps. {hi. Petermanns MiHIiciiiini^'en: Ergiinzungsband 18.) 910 44 — Weiiziff, .!., cfc Krejt'i, .f. Der Bohmerwald. Prag, ie60. O. il. 551.58 78 Boliii, Heiiirieli. Bedeutung und Werth der Schutzpockenimpfung. Berlin, 1867. O. 31 p. {In Virchow (). pt. 2.) 0«5 8 — & Toiiiiiiasl-Cnideli, C. Die Reform der ita- lieiiischen Uulveisitiiten. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 3, 1876.) a-t."} 41 Bolley, Poiupejiis Alexander. Altes und Neues aus J'arbenchemie und Fiirberei; Ueberl)lick der Gescliicbte der .';. R. Auiliiifarben. Berlin, [1867]. O. 35 p. (//( VirclKctv rf- Holtzeii- doiiff. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 RoUiacn, Cesar. Poesii nuoe. Bucuresci, 1847. O. 859 57 Bollingfer, Otto. Ueber Zwerg- und Riesen- wuchs. Berlin, 1884. O. 33 p. (In Viroliow ct- Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Bologna- Servi della Vergine glorlosa. Regola, 1381: pubblieata per la prima volta edannotata dal Giuseppe Ferraio. Livorno, 1875. Q. 46 [+l]p. 271 16 For another specimen of the Bolognese dialect see Balii;az/, (i. — Malviisia, C. C. Felsinapittrice; vita de' pit- tori bologuesi; con aggiunte di G. P. Zanotti e dialtri. Bologna, 1841. 3 v. O. 927 3 — Mattiolo, P.di.Cronaca bolognese;pubblicata da C. Ricci. Bologna, 1885. D. (In Scelta di curiositii. 203.) 850 10 — Nadi, G. Oiario bolognese [,1418-1505J. Bolo- gna, 1886. D. (In same.2\Q.) 850 10 Boloffua-Pistoja-Fireiize, Strada ferrata. Pano- rama della strada ferrata. Bologna [,1864]. O. 11 914.5 63 Bolteu, JoliaonAdi'ian.DitmarsischeGeschich- te. Flensburg, 1781-3. 2 v. D. pL tab. 943 50 Boltz, August. Das Fremdwort in seiner kul- turhistorischen Entstehung und Bedeutung. Berlin, 1870. D. 34 p. 432 9 Bolza, (liiovanniBatlisfa. Ariosts Nachahmung der Alten. (/« Jalirbiicli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1863.) 805 1 Bombastus von Hohenheim, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus, called Paracelsus, which see. Bombelli, Rocco. Studi filologico-critici sulla genesi, forma e ralore delle lettere deiral'abeto italiano. Roma. 1866. D 451 1 Bombicci, Luigi. Corso di mineral ogia. 3 edi- zione, accresciuta. Bologna, 1873. 3 v. in 3. Q. il-pl- 549 1 — II diboscamento suUe montagne, special- mente d' Ita'ia; polemica. Messina. 1873. Q. ■94 p. 551.58 13 — Lettura sull' origine delle montagne. Bolo- gna, 1877. D. 48 [+1] p. D. 551.43 1 — Processo di evoluzione nelle specie mineral!; discorso. Bologna, 1877. Q. 39 [ + 3] p. 549 2 bound u-ith 504 2 Bouilioff, Derk. Nieuw woordenboek der Ne- derduitsche en Engelsche taal. 3 uitgave. Nijmegen, 1833. v. 3. D. 439.33 6 Contents: 2. Neclerduitsch en En?elsch. Le bon vieux temps, por P. L. Jacob, see La- crolx, P. Bonaini, Francesco. Sopra alcunidiplomi inedi- ti deir imperatore Federigo II. ...( In Aai'ietii storiche italiane.) 94,5 10 Bonaparte, Cbarles Liicien Jules Laiirenl, prince of Caithio. Charlemagne; or, The church delivered; an epic poem; translated by S. Butler and Francis Hodgson. Philadolijliia 1815. 2 V. S. S41 13 — Revolution de brumaire; extraits. (In Barri- ere <£• Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 30.) 944 10 Bonapiuie, Jacopo. Taljleau Idstorique des evenemens survenus pendant le sac de Rome en 1537, par ... tenioin oculaire; traduit de 1' Italian par [Napoleon Louis Bonaparte!. Paris 1809. O. 945 85 BONAPARTE, Napoleon, see NAPOLEON I. Boiiaparte-Wyse, see Wyse. Bouardo, Giovanni Maria. La grandezza, lar- ghezza, e distanza di tutte le sfere; con annota- tioni di Luigi Groto Cieco. n. p. ,1600. S. 520 1 BonatelU, Francesco. Di un' erronea iuterpre- tazione d' alcuni fatti ifsichici per rispetto al pensaniento delle idee. (In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 6, 1880-1.) 0«5 5 Bonaventnra, St., cardinal, originally Gio- vanni di Fidiinza. Dit bocck is gheheten in den latijne Stimulus divini amoris [den prickel der miime godsend] : ouergheset in duytsche, eii gecorrigeert doer Lucas van der heij. Levden 1511. sqT. 099 30 Black-letter. — Filomena: ridotta in terza rima dal Jacomo da Porto... Venetia. 1586. O. 30 p. 099 28 — Meditations on the supper of our Lord and the hours of the passion; drawn into verse by Robert Manning; edited, with intro- duction and glossarv by J. Meadows Cowiier London, 1875. O. 18-h54 p. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 60.) S20 5 —II saltero della B. V. Maria: volgarizzamento antico toscano. Bologna. 1873. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 126.) S50 10 Bonaventuri, Toniniaso. Vita di Filicaja. (In Filicaja, V. Poesie. 1^47.) 851 71 Bonavra, Pere, translator, see Thomas aKem- pis.Tractat de la imitacio de Christo. 1759. 242 3 Bonchanips,— , marquis de. Memoires: rediges par la contesse de Genlis; suivis de pieces ju- stilicatives. (In Barriere it- Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 31.) \)U 10 Chiefly a life of her husband. Gen. C. M. A. de Bon- champs. Bon-Compagni, Carlo. Delia soppressione dei sodalizii religiosi. (In Mill, J. S. Torto e dirit- to, 18G4, p. 42-113.) 282 49 Bond, Edward Augustus, editor. Chaucer as page in the household of the countess of Ulster, 1356-9. (In Life-i-ecords of Chaucer, pt. 3, 1886; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 21.) 821 46 Burton, T. de. Oironica monasterii de Melsa. 1866-8. (In Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. and mem. 43.) 942 g Bondeliv, Forta»llinger, see Nielsen, A. BONER 80 BOOK Boner, Charles. Transylvania, its products and its people. London, 1865. O. Boner, ririch. Der edel Stein; mit einem Worterbuohe von George Friederich Benecke. Berlin, 1816. O. 831 25 — Urinini, J. L. K. Benecke, Bonerius. (IiiMs Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 6.*) 408 2 Bonfadini, Antonio. Vite di S. Guglielma, re- ginad' Uugheria, e di S. Eufrasia, vergiue romaua; pubblioate do G. Ferraro. Bologna, 1878. D. (i?i Scelta di curiosita. 159.) 850 10 Bonfaduii, Eomiialdo. Siill" indole e suglieffet- ti della rivoluzione francese uel secolo scorso. Milano, 1871. D. 77 p. 5>44 35 Bonfadio, Giacomo. Lettere, con un orazioiie di Cicerone per lui tradotta; e colle Notizie sulla sua vita da G. B. Corniani. Conio, 1825. S 8o6 6 — Vlanl. P. Delia niorte di Bonfadio.— Poesie inedite di Bonfadio scritte in carcere, colle sue tre ultime lettere, e nn carme di P. Manuzio. (7/1 las Lettere filol. e critiche. 1874.) 450 10 Bonflgli, Caniillo. Alle popolazioni dell' Um- bria sul disseccamento del lago Trasimeno. Torino, 1864. Q. 48 p. vuq). (527 34 bound with 007 2 With a letter by Bonflgli clipped from II con-iere ita- liano- — Ancora sul disseccamento del lago Trasi- meno. Torino, 1865. Q. 44 p. pi. 627 34 bound with 607 2 Bongars, Jacques, editor. Gesta Dei per Fran- cos; sive, Orientalium expeditionum et regni Franeorum Hierosoliniitani historia. Hanovire. 1611. 2 V. in 1. F. tab. maps. 940 10 For contents «(e Peabody catalogue. Bonjrlii, Riiggiero. Alessaudro Manzoni, la Imgua italiana e le scuole. {In Mauzoni,^^ A. I promessi sposi, 1877, v. 1.) 85S 21 — Camillo Benso di Cavour. 2 edizione, ac- cresciuta. Torino, 1861. T. par. (I contemp. Italian i.) 923 23 — Frati, papi e re; discussioni tre. Napoli, 1S73. D. 282 32 —Die italienische und die deutsche Kirclieu- politik. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) —Das Gymnasialwesen in Italien. [In .same. V. 4, 1877.) 945 41 — Lettera [a Guiseppe Vacca]. {In Mill, J. S. Torto e diritto, 1864. pref. p. 3-43.) 282 49 —Lettera sulla forma del bilancio italiano ed inglese. Torino, 1865. O. 24-1-47 p. 336 5 — Perche la letteratura italiana non sia popo- lare in Italia; lettere critiche. 3 edizione, au- mentata. Milano, 1873. D. 850 11 — Pio IX e il papa futuro. Milano, 1866. D. 282 33 —translator, see Plato. Dialoghi. 1881. 888 9 Bonjjlii, Salvatore, editor, see Lucca. Bandi. ISC,:',; (In Kmilia. Collezione. \.) 850 6 Itoni, (^arlo. Kiassuiito storico-critico sulle ter- reiaare e palalitte inodenesi. {In Modcna. Sulk' terreniare. 1870.) 571 4 Boiii, Kilippo de. La chiesa romana e 1' Italia. Milano, 1863. S. 282 38 — L"in(iuisizione e i Calabro-Valdesi 1864. S Milano, 272 18 Bonichi, Bindo. Rime, edite ed inedite. Bo- logna, 1867. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 82.) 850 10 Bor^foguonl, A. Bindo Bonichi e alcuni altri rimatori senesi. {In his Studi, 1877-8, v. 1 : in Scelta di curiosita 156.) 850 10 BONIFACIO II., marquis of Monferrato. Hopf, K. Boiiifaz und der Troubadour Rambaut von Va(|Ueiras. Berlin. 1877. O. 40 p. (/)( Vir- cliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 12Serie.)043 1 Bonifozio, Sanui di. II controtunuilto de' ci- ompi; lettera del secolo 14. Firtnze, 1869. D. 2ir-t- 2]p. (In Faniani. P. Spigolatura fioren- tina, no. 3.) 945 79 BONIFAZIO, Corsica. Balbo, L. Relazione dell'^ attacco e presa di Bonifazio. {In Societa ligu- re. Atti. V. 10,1874.) 945 48 Boninsegni, Jacopo Florono de'. Egloga: Ura- nio. {In Hiibl)i,A. Egloghe. 1785.) 851 2 Bonjean, Josepli. Le Mont Cenis: percee des Alpes; description ties machines inventees par Sommeiller, Gratton: et Grandis. 4 edition. Paris, 1871. S. jil. 43 [+4]p. 622 5- Boiinardot, Fr., editor, see Document en patois lorrain. (i« Komaiiia. v. 1, 1872. ) 479 6 Bonnccliose, fimile Boisiiorniand de. Histoire de France, jusqu'a 1848. 13 edition. Paris, 1864. 2 V. O. 944 & Bonnemere, Joseph Eugene. Histoire des pay- sans, 1200-1850; precede d'une introduction, an 50 avant J. C— 1200 apres J. C. Paris, 1856. 2 V. O. 333 4 Bonney, Thomas George. The Alpine regions of Svvitze'riand and the neighbouring countries. . Cambridge [.Eng.]. 1868. O. il.^)!.- 551.43 16 Bontekoe, Cornells. Tractaat van thee. 3 druk, met twee verhandelingen. Van de cofli. Van de chocolate, 's Gravenhage, 1685. D. iltp. 643 5. Bonucci, Aniclo, editor. Delizie degli eruditi bibliofili italiani, damss. dissepolte o da irre- peribili stampe. Firenze, 1863-5. 7 pt. in 2 v. D. 850 4 Contents ■ 1. Ai bibliofili italiani.— Bello. F. Perche si dice e fiitto il beceo al'oca, novella. 2. Allierti, A. dciili. Sonetti e canzone. S. Florcs. .1. ilo. Istoria di Aurello e Isabella +. AugTiilUra. (i A. delf. Stanza per lo duca d' ino-iou — Capitolo al cardinal di Trento. 5. (ioseliiio. (i. Cohgiura di Piacenza contro P. L. Farnese. «-7. Lettere volgari del secolo 15. Two editions of part 1. Bonncci, Carlo. Vicinanze della metropoli. (In ({uaranta, B., & others. Napoli. 1845.)914.5 88 Bonvesin of Riva. De le zin(iuanta cortexio da tavola de Fra Bonvexinc. (In Biondelli, B. Poesie lombarde, 1856.) 859 14 —Sa»^e, Italian and English: summary of the cortexie. {In KosseUi, W. M. Italian court- esy-books. 1868; in E. E. text soc. Extraser. 8.) 820 5.1 — II tractate dei mesi; per cura di Eduardo Lid- forss. Bologna, 1872. D. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 127.) 850 10 The hook (containing the treatises of liawking, M'.Ki, see Barnes, J. The hook of cominou prayer, see Protestant episcopal church in the C. S. A. B OK 81 Book of the artists, see Tiickcrmaii, H. T. Book of the dead, see Scliiiiparclll, E. II libro dei funeiali. The book of the navy, see Frost, J. The book; or. Fragments of modern chronicles, 1811. nee Biiel, S. BOOKS. Blades, W. Tlie enemies of books. Sedition. London, 1881. O. por. pi. facim. 024 3 — Egger, E. Histoire du livre, depuis ses ori- gines jusqu'a nos jours. 3 edition. Paris, [1881].' D. 010 1 Poleban, .V. Das Biicherwesen ini Mittelal- ter. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. (/« Virohow * Holtzeiidorir. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 0i3 1 — Wattenbacll, W. Das Schriftwesen im Mittel- alter. Leipzig, 1871. O. fiSl 1 See aim BIHM0nR.4PHY; LITERARY EXCIIAXIKS; PARCHMENT; PRI>TlX(i; PROIIIIUTEI) BOOKS; READ I\(i BOOKSELLIXO. Giariigiie, R. P. Bericht an die Commission fiir die Begriindung einer deutschen Buchhaudlung in den Vereinigten Staaten. [Leipzig, 184-.] O. 47 p. (58(5 3 See also MAMISORIPTS. Boorde, Andrew. The fyrst bolie of tlie Intro- duction of Ijnowledge; A compendyous regy- ment; or, A dyetary of helth, made in Mount- pvUier, compyled by Boorde; Barnes in the defence of the berde;" edited, with life of Boorde and large extracts from his Breuyary, by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1870. O. il. (In E. E, text soc Extra ser. 10.) 820 .5.1 Boot. .lobannes Cornells tierhard, editor, see Gronovius, J. F. Ad A. Rubenium epistolae 10. (IjiRonie— R. accad. dei lincel. Atti."3 ser. sei. mor. V. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 Bootll, David. The art of brewing. London, 1829. O. 64 p. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) (5(53 1 Booth, John, editor, see Dnrham. Halmotapri- oratus. 1889. (In Surtees soc. 83.) 820 7 Bopp, Franz. Kritisclie Grammatik der San- skrita Spraclie. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin, 184.5. O. 491.2 5 — Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Send, Arinenischen,Griecliischen, Lateinisclien Litauschen, Altslavischen, Gotliischen und Deutschen. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1857-61. 3 v. O. 41.5 2 B0R.4X. Bechi„E. Teorica dei sofHoni boraci- feri della Toscaua. {In Rome— R. acead. dei llneei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— Nuove ricerche del boro e del vanadio. (In same. V. 3, 1878-9.) 0(55 4 BORDEAUX. Michel, F. X. Histoire du com- merce et lie la navigation a Bordeaux, princi- palement sous Tadministration anglaise. Bor- deaux, 1867-70. 2 V. O. in. 380 5 Bordesholni. Diplomatarium Neomonasteriense & Bordisholmense, 1136-1570. jjo?-.— Origines Neomonasterienses & Bordisholmenses. iln Westphalen, E. J. von.. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 2.) 943 21 ^CoronaMis, M. Antiquitates coenobii Bordes- holniensis. (In same.) 943 21 Bore, Engrene. Armenie. 1838. x> niajis. (In L'uuivers. 61.) 910 18 BOROUGH Boretius, Alfred. Friedrich der Grosse in seinen Schriften. Berlin. 1870. O. 55 p. (/nVirchoW & Holtzendorir. Vortrilge. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Borgesins, T. Landontginning en landbouw in de veenkolonien der provincie Groningen. Haarlem, 1856. D. 51 p. (527 45 Boryiiesi, Diomede. Lettere. Bologna, 1868. D. 8S p. (//( Scelta dicuriosita. 92.) 8.50 10 Borghini, Raffaello. II riposo. Reggio, 1826. 3 V. in 1. 8. 7.50 1 II Borghini; giornale di tilologia e de lettere italiane; compilata da P. Fanfani e C. Arlia. [Half-monthly.] Firenze, 1874-7. v. 1-3 in 1 v. O. 4.50 13 Vol. 3. no. 2, for IS.Tuly 1871). is wanting. II Borghini; studj di filologia e di lettere itali- ane; compilato di Pietro Fanfani. [Monthly.] Firenze, 1863-5. v. 1-3. O. 4.50 13 "Studi" in V. 2 and 3 is changed to "ciomale " BOBdilA, Cesare, duca di Romagna. Alvisi, E. Cesare Borgia: notizie e documenti. Imola, 1878. D. 923 18 — Thomasi, T. La vie de Cesar Borgia: traduit de I'italien, imprimee a Monte Chiaro, 1761. T. 923 19 BOR(JIA, liucrezia, duchessa di Ferraru. (ire- gorovins, F. Lvicrezia Borgi.i; naeh Urkunden und Correspondenzen ihrer eigenen Zeit. Stutt- gart, 1874. 3 V. O. por. faesim. 923 30 Borgis, Federico. La lingua delT agricoltore: ossia, L'ltaliano istruito nella ttcnologia cam- pestre. Torino, 1870. D. 99 p. 4.53 1 Borgognoni, Adolfo.Studi d'erudizioneed'arte. Bologna, 1877-8. 2 v. in 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 156, 163.) 8.50 10 C'on^en(K ; 1. Bindo Bonichi.— L'intelliKenza. 2. I poeti dei codici d'Arborea.— Nina siciliana.— La souola meri- dionale — Gentile da Ravenna. Borgrnincn, see Mnnch, A. Digte. 1855. Bornians, .Tan Heudrik,«7(7or,seeCHRISTrSA, Leven van Sinte. 1850. 839.31 18 Born, Ignaz von. La monacologia ; o^sia, De- scrizione metodica de' frati di Giovanni Fisio- filo [pseud.; Latin and Italian]; recata da C[arlo] B[otta]. Eridania[,1864?]. 271 2.1 B0rnel)allet, see St. Aiil)ain, A. N. de. Novel- ler, V. 3. Bornenian, Wilhelm. Plattdeutsche Gedichte: herausgegelien von Carl Bornemann. 6 Auf- lage. Berlin, 18.54. S. 839.4 1 BORNEO. St. John, S. Life in the forests of tlie far east: or, Travels in noithern Borneo. 2 edition. London. 1863. 3 v. O. eol. pi. maps. 919.1 1 BORSHOIM. Panum, J. S. >'. Beskrivelse over Bornholm. Slesvig, 1830. D. tab. 914.8 36 For Bornholni's archa;oloj;y set' Vedel, E. BORNHOVED. MoUerup, W. Billedlige Frem- stillinger af Slaget ved Boriihuved. il. faesim. (In Copenhiigen— K. word. Old.-Selskai). Aar- boger. V. 33, 1888.) 948 5 — — French: Miniatures representant la bataille de Bornhoeved. il. faesim. (In same. Memoi- res. n. .". v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Borough, Sir John. Notes of the treaty at Ripon between Charles I. and the covenanters of Scotland. 1640: edited by John Bruce. [Lon- don,] 1869. sqO. (In Camden soc. 100 ) ,S20 4 B OBREL 83 BOTANY Borrel, A. Biograpliie d'Antoine Court: ou, Episode de I'liistoire des eglises du desert Ceve- nol, 1713-60. Toulouse, 1863. D. 922 27 Borriuff, Laiirlts Stepliau. CoiiTejsations f ran- (;aises e: danoises; suivies d'une comedie en un acte par Alex. Duval, avec la traduction. Copenhague, 1836. S. 439.88 3 — Dietionnaire francjais-danois. 2 edition aug- mentee. Copenhague. 1859-60. 2 v. in 1. O. 439.83 7 — Grammaire fran9aise a I'usage des Danois- Copenhague, 1838. O. 445 5 — Kanut Lavard; narration historique d'apres la saga de Knvtlinga. (/n Copeuliagen— K. nor(l.~01(l.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) Borroii, Robert & Helis do. The history of the holy grail, englisht, ab. U-jO, by Herry Lone- licli, from the French prose, ab. 1180-1200; re- edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. London, 1874-8. V. 1. O. {In E. E. text SOC. Extra ser. 20. 24, 28, 30.) 820 5.1 — Les romans de la table ronde, see Paris, A. p, 293 10 Borrow, George. The Bible in Spain; or. Ad- ventures in an attempt to circulate the Scrip- tures in the peninsula. 4 edition. Philadel- phia, 1843. O. 274 5 Bory de Saint- Vincent, Jean Baptiste George 3Iarie. Histoire et description des iles de I'ocean. 1839. i)l. map. (In L'linivers. 10,) 910 18 Borzi, Antonino. Flora forestale italiana. Firenze, 1879. pt. 1. O. .551.58 86 Pt. 1: Ginnosperme. Bosch,—. Heinrichl. und Otto I. Berlin, 1883. O. 33 p. (In Virchowtfc Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Boscli, Andres. Summari. index, o epitome dels titols de honor de C'athalunya. Rossello e Cerdanya... Perpinya, 1628. F. 929 19 I boschi, poema didattico, see Riisconi, P. M. Bosliani, Herbert of. Vita S. Thomte. (In Robertson, .l..r. Materials for the hisiory of Becket, 1875-85, v. 2; (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 Bosio, Antonio. Slemorie Storico-religiose e di belie arti del duomo e delle altre chiese di Chieri. Torino, 1878. D. jji. 72G 15 Boskovi6, Stanoje. Theoretisch-praktischeS Lehrbuch der serbischen Sprache. 2 Auf- lage, durchgesehen von Johan BoSkovi^. Pest, 1871. O. 491.8 3 BOSPORUS. GiUes, G. De Bosporo Thracio. Lugduni Batavorum, 1632. Tt. 094 18 —Great Britain— Hydro«rapliic ofliee. The Bosporus, or cliaunel of Constantinople. [Lon- don,] 1839. 67x50 cm. 912 52 In portfolio 'J: with two other maps of the Bosporus. — Teliililiatchev, P. Le B()s|)ore et Constanti- nople Paris, I8(j4. Q. il. pi. miqix. 914.9 47 .— Thorsoii. E. M. Bosporus og bosporanske Oldtidsiiiinder. (/(( Copeuliagen- K. uord. Old-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidskrift. v. 4, 1852- 4.) 948 4 <— Timoni, A. Nouvelles iiromonadea dans le Bosphore; ouvrage historiijue, archeologique, politiijue, descriptif et moral. Constantinople, 1844. 2 v. O. por. 914.9 40 Bosscha, Johannes. Schets der algemeene geschiedenis, en van die des vaderlands. 8 druk. Breeda, 1847. O. 909 6 Biisser, E. Heinrich der Lowe. Berlin, 1880. O. 40 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorf. Vor- triige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 —Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite. Berlin, 1881. O. 32 p. {/)! so)«e. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Bossi, Giuseppe. Poesi. (7n CoUezione milane- se, 1816-7, V. 9.) 859 15 Bossuet, Jacques Benigue, bishop of Meaux. Oraisions funebres; notice e jugementssur Bos- suet; notes et variantes e notices par Diissault; suivies d'un choix d'oraisons funebres de Flechier et de Mascaron. Paris, 1858. D. 845 2 Bos well, James. The life of Samuel Johnson; including a journal of his tour to the Hebrides. New edition, with additions and notes by John Wilson Croker; added, two volumes of John- soniana, and notes by various hands. London, 1839[ iltp. "3.5]. 10 V. D. 2>or. pi. iltp. facsim. 927 31 Bosworth, Joseph. A dictionary of the Anglo- Saxon language. London, 1838. Q. 429 1 The 31)8 pages of introduction are wanting. .*<; Mr. Marsh's Life and letters, v. l.p. 397. — Cockayne, T. 0. Dr. Bosworth and his Saxon dictionary. — Postscript. (In his Shrine. 1864- 70.) 829 3 BOTAXY. Bellncci, G. Sulla pretesa esistenza deir acqua ossigenata nell organismo delle piante. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. sci.fs. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Bcrgliaus, H. K. W. Botanische Geographic. (In /((sPhVs. Atlas, 1845-8, v. 1.) 503 1 — Blomqiiist, A. G. Eine neue Methode den Holzwuchs und die Standortsvegetation bild- lich darzustellen. Helsingfors, 1879. O. 9 p. pi. ' 581 1 — Blytt, A. Essay on the immigration of the Norwegian flora during alternating rainy and dry perions. Christiania, 1876. Q. 581 6 — Cesati, V., & others, Compendio della flora italiana. Milano [,1867-84]. Q. pi. {In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 5 — Chai'Ievoix, P. F. X. de. Description des plantes principales de TAmerique Septentrion- nale. jjZ. (in /itsHistoiredela NouvelleFrance, 1844. y.4.) 971 1 — ('lievreiil, M. E., Driide, 0. Die Florenreiche der Erde. Gotha, 1884. sc((,^. [3+]74 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mitthelluiigen: Ergunzuugsband 16.) 910 44 — Fraas, C. KUma und Ptlanzenwelt in der Zeit; ein Beitrag zur Gescliichte beider. Lands- hut, 1847. O. 551.58 53 — Fuchs, L. Den nieuwen Herbarius, dat is, dboeck van den cruydeu... Basel [, pref. 1.543]. F. il. 099 23 — Gobel, K. Ueber die gegeuseitigen Bezieh- ungen der Ptlanzenorgane. Berlin, 1884. O. 31 p. (In Virdiow iiiis, A. Die Wasserverdunstung der Pflanze und ihre Bedeutung im Haushalt der Natur. (In Weimar — Realschiile. Programm. 9, 1870.) 581 8 — Hniubuldt, F. \V. H. A. von. Ideen zu einer Physiognomik der Gewiichse. (In h is Ansich- ten der Natur, 1849, v. 2.) 551 23 ^Kiiinpfer, E. Plantarum Japonicarum nomi- na & cliaracteres Sinici. pi. (In liis Amoenita- tum, 1713, pt. 5.) 915 6 — Kiiy, L. Das Pfianzenleben des Meeres. Ber- lin, 1875. O. 61 p. il. (In Vh-cliow 4 27 — PoloniEB descriptio. (/?( Respublica Polonisj. 1627.) 0!»4 51 — Relatio de regno Anglins. {In Sniith,T. De re- publica Anglorum. 1625.) 094 37 Both, L. Natur og Folkeliv i Jylland; Reise- sliizzer. Kiobenliavn[,1861?]. O. 63 p. col. 2)1- 914.8 44 EAST BOTHMA, see FllSLAJSD. Botta, Anne Charlotte (Lyncli). Handboolc of universal literature. New York, 18(>0. D. 809 2 Botta, Carlo (iinseppe (iug-liebno. Storia d' Italia, continuata da quelia del Guicciardini sino al 1789. Parigi, 1833. 15 v. T. por. 945 3 Vol. 15 contains Tavola delle materie. —translator, see Born, I. von. Monacologia- 1863. 271 2.1 — Bianchi, S. La verita sull' arre.sto e prigionia di Botta verso la fine del secolo 18, e le sue re- lazioni con Carlo Alberto di Carignano, docu- menti inediti. {In Curiosita di storia subalpina. V. 2, 1876.) 945 43 — Uionisotti, C. Vita di Botta. Torino, 1867. O. 928 9 — — editor. Carlo Botta a Corfii; scritti inediti, pubblicati in occasione del transferiniento delle sue ceneri isodes. New York, 1865. O. 851 47 — Diacorso. (In N. Y. citi/. Alia nienioria di Vittorio Emanuele. 1878.) 923 95 — A discourse on the life, character and policy of Count Cavour. New York, 1863. O. 923 24 With autograph of the author. Biittcher, Julius Friedrich. Unseres Alphabetes Urspriiuge. Dresden [,1860]. O. 85 p. 4113 La bottega del caflFe, commedia, see Ooldoni, C. V. 1. Botten-Hansen, Paul. La Norvege litteraire au 19esiecle. Christiania, 1868. O. 015 5 — Udsigt over Munchs Levnet og Forfatter- Virksouibed. {In Munch, P. A. Det norske Folks Historie, 1853-63. v. 8.) 948 34 Bottger, C. Das Mittelmeer. Leipzig, 1S59. O. il. nuqis. 551.46 5 Botticlier, Carl, editor, see Kopisch, A. Ge- sammelte Werke. 1856. 831 54 Biitticher, Willielni. Lexicon Taciteum: sive, De stilo C. Cornelii Taciti: praemissis de Taciti vita, scriptis ac scribendi genere prolegomenis. Berolini, 1830. O. 878 33 Biitliger, Karl Yilhelni. Samlade skrifter. Stockholm, 1856-8. v. 1-3. O. 839.71 5 — Lefnads-teckning. (hi Tegner, E. Saml. skrifter, 1847-9, v. 1.) 839.71 40 Bottiger, Karl Wilhelni. Wilhelms von Orani- en Ehe mit Anna von Sacbsen. {In Baunier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1836.)— Christiiph Martin AVieland nach seinem ei- geneu Ausserungen. (In sai)ie. 1839.) 905 1 Bottoni, Antonio. Appunto storici sulle rotte del basso Po. Ferrara, 1873. O. jj?. tab. map. .551.48 18 Botvvida, St. Birger. Historia S. Botvidi, cum liymnis et antiphonis. — Vita S. Botvidi. {In Fant, E. M. Script. lerum Svecicarum. 1818- 38, V. 3.) 948 38.1 BOTZEN. Trentinaglia, J. von. Bozen, mit seiner Umgebung. Bri.xen, 1868. D. 30 p. 914.3 17 Bouclier, Jonathan. A glossary of obsolete and provincial words, forming a supplement to the dictionaries of the English language [; edited by Joseph Hunter, witli additions by Joseph Stevenson, and from other sources. Introduc- tion, and A-Blade. London, 1832-3.] sqO. 427 3 No more published. BOUCHER DE CREVEC(E11R I)E PERTHES, Jacques. Spor af Menneskeliv for Syndfloden; af Antiquitt'scelti(iues, par Boucher de Perthes. (/(iCopeiihagen— K. nord.Old.-Sels- kab. Tidsskrift. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 Bouchcrie, Anatole. La passion du Christ; poeme en dialecte franco-venitien du 14e sie- cle. — Dictioniiaire etymologiqne de la langue fran^aise par A. Brachet. (/)/ Ifevue des lan- gues romanes. v. 1, 1870.)— La vie de sainte Euphrosyne, texte romano-latiii du8-9siecle. — Gesta I^'ancorum;— Fst'udo-Tnr])in; te.\tes poi- tevins du 13c siecle. {In saiiii\ v. 3. 1871.) — Exi>licatiou du surnoin du Borracio donne a Arnaud, conto d'Angoulome. — Sens du mot diger. — Un almanach au lOe sii'cle. — Romania. {/)( same. v. 3, 1872.) — Authenticite de la forme ves pour vetus. — Etymologies rran(; et pa- toises. — Notice sur six mss. — La conquete de Const.intinoplo, de G. de Villohardouin, por N. BOUCHERIE 85 de Wailly.— O^uvres du trouvere Adam de la Halle, par de Coussemaker.— Histoire des ori- giiies de la langue francalse, par A. Graiiier de Cassagnac— La Roiaania.— Kevue de linnui- Btique.— Revue celtitiue. (Tn same, v, 4, 187:1) —La vie de saint Alexis: edition de G. Paris. — Formules de conjuration anterieures au 9e siecle.— Quelques traces de la langue roniane avant !e 9e siecle.— Periodiques. (In mme. v. 5, 1874.) 479 5 Bouchet, Jean. Panegyrique de Louis de la TrenK)uille, MHO-l.TiS. por. {In Micliiliid * Poiijoulat. Menioires, 1866, v. 4.) 944 9 BOrCICAUT, Jean le Mainffre, mareclial de. Le livre des faicts de Boucicaut. ^wr. (In same. v. 2. ) 944 9 Boiidet deMoiitesqnieu,— .Grammatica classica della lingua francese. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1839. D. 445 6 Bonille, Francjois Clande Ainonr, marquis de. Memoires: avec un notice sur sa vie, des notes et des eclaircissements historiques par F. Barri- ere. {In Barriere * Losciire. Memoires. 18.57- 81, V. 21.) 944 10 Contaiuinf,' alsci Kssai sur la vie de Bouille, bv Kene de Bnllille. Bouillon, Henri de la Tour d'Aiivergne^ due de. Memoires. ii son tils, jjoc. (/)( Michaud & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 BoulUer, Auguste. Le dialecte et les chants populaires de la Sardaigne. Paris, 1864. O. 859 33 Bouman, Jacobus. Bedijking, opkomst en bloei van de Beemster; voorafgegaan door eene bescbouvving van den vroegeren toestaiid van Noord-Holland. Purmerende, 1857. O. por. ma^js. (>'27 43 BOUSTT, ship. Barrow, J. A descrijition of Pitoairn's Island, with an account of the mutiny of the Bounty. New York, 1833. S. pi. 996 1 Bourbon, Louis II., .M duke of. Orronville, J. V. d". Cluonique de Louis de Bourbon. (In. Buchoii, J. A. C. Choix de chronicjues, 14e siecle, 1838.) 944 14 Bonrcbier, John, lord, Berners, see Beriiers. Boiirdeille, .Vndre, vicomte de. Du maniement de la guerre. — Correspondance. {lit Brautome, P. de B. de. CEuvres. 1838. v. 2.) 920 .5 With appendix, IM-euvesde la ^en^alufijie de la niaison de Boiirdeille, Bourgeois, Louise, called Boursier. Comment et en quel temps la reine accoucha... Louis XIII (III Midland & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 11.) " 944 9 Le bourgeois gentilhomme, comedie-ballet, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. v, .'5. Bourne, William. A treatise on the properties and qualities of glass for optical purposes. (i?i Halliwell-Pbillipps, J. 0. Rara matliematica. 1839.) 510 3 Bouruonville, Anton August. Mit Theaterliv. Kjobenhavn, 1848. O, 839.82 8 Boussiiigault, Jean Baptiste Joseph Itieudonne. Ecoiiiimie rurale consideree dans ses rapports avec la cliimie, la physique et la meteorologie. 2 edition, augmentee. Paris, IS.'il. 2 v. O. 030 8 Bouterwek, Karl WUIielm, editor. Screadunga: Anglosaxonica maximam partem inedita. El- berfeldae, 18.J8. sqQ. 4+84 p. /acs/m. 829 9 BOY NT ON BOVA. Morosi, G. I dialetti romaici del man- damento di Bova in Calabria. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. V. 4, 1878.) 450 U Bovo d' Antona. {hi Ha.jna, P. I reali di Fran- cia. 1872; in Emilia. CoUezione. 31, p. 491- 566. 850 6 with notice of the poem, p. 114-218. BOW, see AKI'HERT. Bowden, Jobn. Norway, its people, products and institutions. London, 1867. O. 914.8 10 Boweu, Charles Christopher. A visit to Peru. viap. {In Gallon, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) ' 910 28 BoHCn, Edward Ernest. On teaching by means of grammar, (//t Farrar, F. W., editor Es- says. 1867.) 375 1 Bowen, Francis. Life of Sir WilUam Phips. {In Sparks, J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 7.)— Life iif Baron Steuben. (In same, v. 9.) 920 15 —editor, see Toccineville, A. C. H. C. de. De- mocracy in America. 1863. 321 10 Bowen, Jolin, ^t's/iop of Sierra Leone. Memo- rials: (•t)mpiled from his letters and journals by his sister. London, 1863. O. por. 922 23 Bowen, T. J, Central Africa; adventures and missionary labors, 1849-56. Charleston, 1857. D. 910.6 3 Bowes, Robert. Correspondence of the ambas- sador ()f (^ueen Elizabeth in the court of Scot- land. London, 1842. O. (In Snrtees S0C.14.J 820 7 Bowles, Samuel. Across the continent: a sum- mer's journey to the Rocky Blountains, the Mormons and the Pacific states, with Speaker Colfax. Si)ringfield, Mass., 1866. D. map. 917.9 1 Boxberger, Robert, translator, see Maliiibb^- rata. Bhagavad-Gita. 1870. 891 1 Boxliorn, Marcus Zuerius, editor. Respublica Moscovia? et urbes. Lugduni Batavorum, ./. Maire. 1630. T. 094 48 BOY BISHOP. Nichols, J. (i., editor. Two ser- mons preached by the boy bishoji, temp. Henry Vlll. and Mary: with an account of the festi- val of the boy bishop by E. F. Rimbault. [Lon- don,] 1875. sqO. 36-1-34 p. (/?i Camden misc. 7; in Camden soc. n. s. 14.) 820 4.1 Boye, Adolpli Engelbert, editor, see Holberg, L. Holbergiana. 1833-5. 839.88 1 —translator, see Tegner, E. Frithiofs Saga. 1838. 839.71 48 Boye, Caspar Johannes, editor, see Baggesen, J. I. Danske Vferker. 1827-33. 839.81 12 Boje, VUlielm. To Fund af Smedevwrktoi fra den sidste hedenske Tidi Danmark.pZ. — Begra- velser fra Steen- og Bronze-Aldere". il. {In Copcnhasven— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 18, 1833.)— Bidrag til Kundskab om den ajldre Jernalder i Danmark. J3l. — Tilla-g. (7. (In same. v. 30, 1860.) — Udgravning af en Ja?ttestue ved Hammer, pi. (In same. v. 33, 1863.) — Maglehoi-Fundet. il. (In same. v. 24, 1889.-) 948 3 — Gravhoie fra Broncealderen. (In same. Aar- boger. V. 1. 1866.) 948 5 Boyutoii, Charles Brandou.The Russian empire; its' resources, government and policy, by a B YNTON 86 BRAKEL3IANN' "looker on" from America. Cincinnati, 1856. O. 914.7 2 Bozzi>, Stefaiio Vittorio. Storia sicilianadiano- ninio autore, secolo !■"): transcritta da Bozzo. Bologna, 1884. v. 1. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 211.) S50 10 Pt. 1: Studii preliminari. BRAAVALLAHEDE. Biedsdorff, J. H. Xaar holdtes BravallaslagetV (In C'opeiihau'eii-K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. t. 2, 184:1) 94S 1.2 Brabant. Cudex diplomaticus, 1367-93. (In Heelu, J. voii. Rymkronyk. 1836.) 839.31 11 — .ireiidt, W. A. Die bniliantisclie Revolution, 1789-90; eine Skizze. (In Kaiimer, F. L. (J. von. Hist. Tasehenbuch. 1843.) «05 1 — Goidtseiilioveu, L. van. Chroniike vande her- toghen van Brabant. Antwerpen, 1612. F. por. 949 15 Klerk, J. de. De Brabantsche yeesten; of, Rvmkrouyk van Braljand: uitgegeven door J. F." WiUems. Brussel, 1839-69. 3 v. sqQ. por. pi. facsim. 839.31 8 Codex diplomaticus in v. 1-2 , Braccesi, Lorenzo. II tesoro, canto carnoscia- lesoo; si aggiunge, La canzone del Nicchio ri- cordata nel Decamerone. Bologna, 1864. D. 24 p. (Jii Scelta di curiosita. 49.) 850 10 Bracciolini dell' Api, Francesco. Psiche. poe- metto, e L'Ozio sepolto, L" Oresta e L'Olimpia, dramnii, con prefazione e con saggio sull' ori- gine delle novelle popolari di Mario Mengliiui. Bologna, 1889. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 234.) 850 10 — Lo sclierno degli dei, poema piacevolc. Li- vorno, 1821-2. 2 v. in 1. S. po?-. (Col. di poeti inirleschi, 9-10.) 857 5 Brace, Charles Loring:. The dangerous classes of New York, and twenty vears' work among them. New York, 1872.' O. pi. 343 24 — Tlie races of the old world; a manual of eth- nology. New York, 1863. O. 572 14 Braeebridge, Mrs. Notes descriptive of a pano- ramic sketch of Athens. London, 1839. savid. Teabody, W. B. 0. I>ife of Hrainerd. facsim. (In Sparks, J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 8.) 920 15 Brakelmaiin, .Inliiis. Die Pastourelle in der nurd uiid siidlraiiziisischen Poesie; nebst einem Anhange ungedrucUter Pastourellen.— L' art BRAKELMANN 87 BREATHING d'amors et Li remetles d'atnors, von Jacques d'Amiens; von G. Korting. (/» Jahrbiicli roiii. u. eng. Lit. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 Brakeloiide, Joeelin de, «ee Joceliii. Braiiipton, Tlioiiins. A iiaraphrase on tlje seven penitential psalms, in Englisli verse, 1414; with a legendary psalter of Saint Bernard, in Latin and English verse ; with notes by William Henry Black. London, 1842. D. 14[ + l]+7()p. (In Percy soc. v. 7.) 820 6 Bramston, Si?- John. Autobiography. London, 184.'). sqO. (/w Camden soc. 33.) ■ 820 4 With preface by Lord Braybrooke. Braiieo, W. I vulcani degli Ernici nella valle del Sacco. il. iiuqis. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 Brand, John. Observations on popidar an- tiquities : revised and enlarged by Sir Henry Ellis. London, 1841-2. 3 v. sqD. 390 8.1 Brand, et dramatisk Digt, see Ibsen, H. Brandan, St., see Brendan. Braudao, Antonio, caiitinuer, see Baito, B. de. Monarchia lusytana, 1806-9, v. 7-8. 94r(> 69 Braude, WUliani Thomas, <£• Cox, 0. W., edit- ors. A dictionary of science, literature & art. New edition. London, 186.5-7. 3v. O. 032 1 Branden, Frans Jozef Peter van den, .e3 67 Brandt, Carl Joakim, editor, see Pedersen, C. Danske Skrifter, 18.50-6. 839.88 4 Snso,H. GudeligVisdomsBog. 1858. 839. 88 6 Brandt, Frederik, editor, see >^orway. Kong Christian den fjerdes norske Lovbog "af 1604. 185.5. 349 39 Brandt, Sebastian. Narrenschiff, mit Geiler's von Kaisersberg Predigten darviber. por. pi. facsiin. {In Scheible, J. Das Kloster. 1845-50, V. 1.) S37 16 BRA>'DY AND (SALT. Vallanee, J. H. Bra?nde- viiu og Salt, etLasgemittelopfundetaf William Lee; oversat fra det Engelske. Christiania, 1842. D. 40 p. 615 5 Brantonie, Pierre de BonrdeUle, siexr de. OSuvres completes de Brantume, et d" Andre, vicomte de Bourdeille. Edition revue et aug- mentee aveo notices por J. A. C. Buchon. Paris, 1838. 2 v. Q. 920 5 Contents: 1. Des hommes. 2. Des hommes. — Des dames — Bourdeilk'. A. de. Du maniement de la guerre.— Correspoiidance. Brasch, Karl Wilhelni, Die deutsche Graruma- tikuud ihre Schwierigkeiten. Stuttgart, 1874. O. . 435 1 Brassenr de Bonrbourg-j Etienne Charles, ubhe. Histoire des nations civUisees du Jlexique et de I'Amerique Centrale, durant les siecles anteri- eurs a Christophe Colomb f; review with ex- tracts, in Danish].— Quelques traces d'une emi- gration de I'Europe septentrionaleen Ameri(iue dans les traditions et les langues de I'Amerique Centrale[:sa)?ie]. {In Copenhagen— K.uord Old.- Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v, 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 See alfo in v. 7. 1861-3, Popol Vuh; Rabinal Aohi. Brassey, Sir Thomas. On work and wages. 3 edition. London, 1873. O. 331 2 Brann, Alexander. Die Eiszeit der Erde. Ber- lin, 1870. O. 43 p. {!)t VIrchow * lloUzen- dorff. VortrUge. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber den Sainen; mit einem Nachworte von L. Kny. Berlin, 1878. O. 31 p. il. (In same. 13 Serie.) 043 1 Braiin, Karl. Der Weinbau im Rheingau. Ber- lin, 1869. O. 35 p. {7n same. 4 Serie.) 043 1, 634 2 Braun, Ailhelni Angnst Betlof von. CJalle; ocksa en poetisk kalender. Stockliolm, 1843. O. 839.77 6 — Carolina; poetisk kalender. Stockholm. 1844. O. 839.77 7 See also Tliure, cousin till Calle och Carolina. 184.5. — Dikter, 2-3 upplagan. Stockholm, 1844. 2 v. O. 839.77 8 — Dikter. 4 samlingen. Stockholm, 1841. O. 839.77 9 —Nyare dikter. Stockholm, 1840. O. S39.77 10 Der braune Knabe, see Biernatski, J. C. BRAUXSCHWEIG, see BRUNSWICK. Die Brant von Messina; oder. Die feindlichen Briider, ein Trauerspiel, see ScliiUer, J.C.F. von. Der Briiutigam ohne Braut, see Langbein, A. F. E. V. 8. BRAVAIS, Angiiste. Elie de Beaumont, J. B. A. L. L. Eloge historique d'A. Bravais. (In Paris— lnstitHt—^4carf. des sci. Mem. v. 35. 1S66.) 551.58 59 Braybrooke,Rlchard Aldwortli Seville Orlfliii, odbarun, annotator, see Pepvs, S. Diary and correspondence. 1875-9. 942 26 —editor, see Braniston, J. Autobiograjdiy. 1845. (7)1 Camden soe. 32.) 820 4 BRAZU;. Denis, J. F. Bresil. 1837. j^l. map. (/» L'univers. 9.) 910 18 —Kidder, D. P., & Fletcher, J. C. Brazil and the Brazilians. Philadelphia, 1857. O. il. xil. por. map. 918.1 1 — Lafltan, J. F. Historia dos descobrimentos e conquistas dos Postugueses no novo mondo. Lisboa, 1786. 4 v. T. 954 7 — Portngal- Secretarla deestado.Collec(,'ao dos breves pontificios y leys regias desde 1741 sobre a liberdade das pessoas, bens e commercio dos Indios do Brasil, dos excesses da Companhia-de Jesu, dos procedimentos. . . [Lisboa, 1760?] Q. 981 1 — Pyrai'd, F. Du Bresil. {In his Voyage, 1615- 19, V. 3.) 915.4 6 See alto AMAZON'; 3IIXAS OERAES; PETEK II. BRAZILIAN LITERATURE. Denis, J. S. Re- sume de I'liistoire litteraire du Bresil. {In his Resume de I'liist. lit. du Portugal. 1826.) 869 30 — Ebert, A. Le Bresil litteraire, por F. Wolf. Un Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864. )805 1 BREAD. UlTelmann, J. Das Brot und dessen diiitetischer Werth. Berlin, 1884. O. {In Vir- chow cf- Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 BREATHING. Meyer, G. H. von. Die Bedeu- tung des Athmungsprozesses fiir das Leben des thierischen Organismus. Berlin, 1884. O. 32 p. {In same.) 043 1 BREDA 88 BRETON BREDA. Jliiucli, E. H. J. von. Die Belageiung von Breda in 10-'4-'i, durcli Anibrosio Marquis von Spinota. (In Raiiiner, F. L. G. von. Hist. Tasclienbuch. 1H40.) 905 1 BREDAL, Xils Kro^. Welliaven, J. S. C. (Tn his Skrifter, 1867-8," v. S, p. 159-178.) 839.84 3 Bredsdorff, Jakob Horneniann. Naar holdtes BraavallaslagetV {/*; Copcnlias-en— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsslirift. v. 2, 1833.) — Om (let ajldste bekjendte kort over Gronland. (In same, v. 3, 1836.) 9iS 1.2 — Om Runeskriftens Oprindelse. Kjolienhavn, 1822. sqO. 19 p. pi. 439.61 2 — tjber die Inschrift auf dem letzt gefundenen goldenen Home. (In Copenliagren — K. uord. Old.-fSelskab. Memoires. \-. 1, 1836-9.)— Bemer- kungen, die Genealogie des russischeu Fiirsten- geschlechtes betreffend. (In same. v. 2. 1840-4.) 948 3 Breeden raedt, see Melyn, C. Breen, Gillis van, translator & continuer, see fcJilles, P. Kerckelijcke historie. 1657. 272 10 Breen, Henry Heg'art. Modern English litera- ture: its blemishes and defects. London, 1857. O. 820 2 Bref angaende en del Dal-Almoges; samman- gadding och upror. Stockliolm, 1748. sqQ. 948 56 I ilanuscript title. Bref cif ver Stockholms soupeer, see Bremer,F. BRE(JAtJLIA. Lechner, E. Das Thai Bergell in Graubiinden. Leipzig, 1865. S. p^ map. 914.9 21 Bregy,— de FleceUes, marquis de. Memoires pourservir a lliistoii-e dn 17e siecle, 1613-90. (//( Jlichaud & Poiijoulat. Memoires, 1806, v. 31.) 944 9 Thtise memoirs, which are fictitious, were falsely as- cril)e(l l)y their first editor to the marquis de Br6gy. Brehni, Alfred Ecbnund. Reiseskizzen aus Nord- Ost-Afrika, 1847-.52. Jena, 1855. 3 v.O. 91 ((.2 3 Bremen— Deutsche Gesellscliaft. Versucb eines bremi.^cli-niedersachsischeuWorterbuehs. Bre- men, 1767-1869. 6 v. D. 439.43 3 inir-ri, except pt. O, which is 1869. — (ioldast, M. Vindicias diplomatica; Bremen- ses: adjecta sunt Hermann! Conringii Dubia de privilegio Hinrici V. ejnsque expeditione Ro- niana, 1111. — Winckelmann, .J. J. Exsequi;v Rulandi Bremensis. por. (In Westphaleu, E. .1. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Bremer, Fredrika. Morgon-viickter; nagra ord i auledning af "Strauss och evangelierne ; " tros-bekannelse. Stockholm, 1842. D. 84 [ + 1 1 ji. 232 1.1 bound with 2'1-i 4 — Nya teokningar utur hvardags lifvet. [pt. 1,] 3 upplagan. Stockliolm, 1836-45. pt. 1-3, 7 in 6 V. Scfc D. 839.73 5 Contents : 1 . Presidentens dottrar. beriitteisc af en i. Nina. 2 v. !l. Grannarne. 2 v. J. I Dalarna. I v. — Teckningar utur hvardagslifvet [Anon.] 2-3 upplagan. Upsala, 1831-2. 3 v. S. 839.73 4 VonkntH : 1. Axel och Anna. — Tvillintjarne. — F<>rlu)pp- Tiin^ar — Bref ofver .Stockholms soupfier. 2. Den en- samna.— Famillen II***.— TriJstarinnan.— Miniaturer. !t. Familien 11***. fortsiittninir- BRENDAN. St. La le^wnda di S. Brandano. (///Villari, 1'. Antiche leggende. 1865.) 851 59 Beis van Sinte Brandaen. (In Blommaert, J. P. M. Oudvlaemsche gedichten, 1838-51. v. 1, 2.) 839.31 3 — Reisen des h. Brandanus. (In Bruns, P. J. Roman t. Gedichte. 1798.) 839.4 2 St. Brandan, a medieval legend of the sea ; in English verse and prose ; edited by Thomas Wright, London, 1844. D. 8-H63 p. (In Percy soc. V. 14.) 820 6 Brenner, Oskar. Nord- und Mitteleuropa in den Scliriften der Alten, bis zuniAuftreten der Cimbern nud Teutonen. Miinchen, 1877. O. 943 13 — editor, see Koniiiigs skuggsia. 1881. 839.68 19.1 Brentano, Clemens, & Arnim, L. A. von, edit- ors. Des Knaben Wunderhorn; alte deutsche Lieder. Charlottenburg, 1845-6. 3 v. O. iltp. 831 1 Brentano. Lnjo. Essay on the history and de- velopm-ent of gilds. (In Smith, J. T. English gilds. 1870; in E. E. text soc.Orig. ser.40,)820 5 Brescia, Arnaldo da, .see Arnaldo. BRESCIA. Venosta, F. II martirio di Brescia; narrazione documentata. 2 edizione. Milano, 1873. S. pi. 945 57 Breseniann, Friedrich. Deutsch-.schwedischer Parleur: unter Mitwirkung ... Svante Strohm. Lund, 1845. D. 439.78 1 — Tydsk Sproglffire. Kjobenhavn, 1846. S. 438 7 — compiler. Danske Ordsprog og Mundheld. Kjobenhavn, 1843. D. 398 43 Bresgen, Max. Das menschliche Stimm- und Spracb-Organ. Berlin, 1879. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vortriige. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Breslan — Schlesisclie Gesellschaft fiir vater- liindl>iche Kultur. Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veriinderungen, 1847. Breslau, 1848. sqQ. pi. map. 063 4 Appended, 44 p., i.s Resiiltate der im 1845 ausgefuhrteu meteorologischen Beobachtungen, von Dr. von Bogu- slawski. Bret, Antoiue, commentator, see Moliere, J.B. P. de. (T.uvres. 1831. 842 6 Breta sogur, nied dansk Oversfettelse af Jon Sigurdssou. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskali. Annaler. v. 8-9, 1848-9.) 948 3 BRETHREN OF THE COMMON LIFE. Delprat, G. H. M. Verhandeling over die broeder.schap van G. Groote, en over den invloed der frater- huizen. 2 druk. Arnhem, 1856. O. 271 18 — Madden, .J. P. A. Des Freres de la vie com- iniiiie en general et de ceux de Weidenbaeh en particulier. (Inhix Lettres, 1868-74, v. 3.) 010 4 Brelliren of the life of jtoverty. Lettera a tutti i cristiani nelle ijuale rendon ragione del lore scisma. Bologna, 1865. D. 35 p. (In Seelta di curlosita. 55.) S50 10 — Sf oria di Era Michele come fii arso in Firenze lu'l i;)89: con document! risguardanti i Fra- ticelli dclla povera vita. Bologna, 1804. D. (In .some. 50.) S50 10 Bretim, Sieliolas. The court and countrv; or, A bricfe discourse, 1618. (In Hazlitt. W. C. Inedited tracts. 1868; in his Roxbiirghe lib. 3.) 821 3 BRETON 89 JUilGAKDAGE Breton, William Henry. Scandinavian slietch- es; or, A tour in Norway. London [,pref. 1835J. O. pi. map. 91-t.>S 10.1 BRETON LITER.VTURE. La Villeniarcine, T. C. H. H. de, translator. Les bardes Inetons; poemes du 6e siecle, traduits, avec le texte en regard. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1860. O. facsim. 891 8 Set- also ARTHUR, Mnrj. Bretschneider, E. Die Peliinger Ebene und das benaclibarte Gebirgsland. Gotlia, 1876. s memoires de La Chatre. (In Michaud d- Ponjoitlat. Memoires, 1866, V. 37.) 944 9 Brlere, J. L. J., editor, see Vanvenargnes, L. completes. 1821.— QCuvres pos- thumes. 1821. 84S 19 BRIGANDAGE. Bertolotti, A., editor. Con- venzioni e statuti pell' estirpameuto dei ber- rovieri e de' ladri dal Monferrato, Canavese, Vercellese e Pavese, nei secoli 13 e 14. Torino, 1871. O. 343 15 — Dnbarry, A. Le brigandage en Italie. depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1875. D. 343 17 — Gallotti, G. C. Processo dei quattro Ijriganti dell" Aunis, Cipriano La Gala e compagni; pre- ceduto da un' introduzione storica. Napoli, 1864. S. por. 343 18 (jeiinadins, — .Notes on the recent murders by brigands in Greece. London, 1870. O. 343 23 .—Hilton, D. Brigandage in Soutli Italy. Lon- don, 1864. 3 V. O. 343 19 — Italy— Camera dei depntati. Commissione d' inchiesta sul brigantagnio: Relazione, 3-4 mag- gio 1863. n. p. [,1863 ] sqQ. 343 '20 — Saint-Jorioz, A. B. di. II brigantaggio alia frontiera pontificia, 1860 3. Milano, 1864. S. 343 16 Sm also .iRM.KiX.lCS; CUIOKIU. BRIGHENTI 90 BRIZ Brijrlienti, Maurizio, Ricercho geometiiche ed idrometriclie jier la scuola degl" iiiKegneri di Roma. 2 edizione, cou aggiiinte. Pisa, 1802. sqQ pi. 627 3.") bound icith 4 Brig'lit, Mynors, editor, see Pepys, S. Diary and correspondence. 1875-9. 9-12 26 Brightwell, D. Barron. Concordance to the worlis of Alfred Tennyson. London. 1870. D. 821 109 II Itrigiiadoro, favola Chinese, see Oritti, F. Brill, W. Nederlandsclie spraakleer: klank- leer, woordvormiug, aard en verbniging der woorden. 3 uitgave. Leiden, 1860. O. 43!».3.) 2 Brillat-Savariii, Aiitlielme. Physiologie du goiit; ou, Mi-ditations de gastronomie transcendante. Bruxelles, 1835. 2 v. in 1. S. 641 1 —German: Physiologie des Geschmacks; iiber- •setzt, mit Aumerkungen, von Carl Vogt. Braunschweig, 1866. D. 641 2 Briiickeii, J. von den. Ansichten iiber die Bewaldung der Stejipen des europfeischen Russlands. Braunschweig, 1854. sqQ. pi. tab. maps. 5.51.. 58 92botmd loith IS BRIXDISI, see HOSPITALS. 1 Brindisi d' Ciclopi, see Malatesti, A. Bring', Sven, 2^''^^^^^- ^x^^'i^'Mt historicum Scandinavian! ut gentium vaginam considerans; submittit Andreas Petrus Stoba?us. 1751. Lon- dini Gothorum [. 1751]. sqD. [6+] 25 p. 948 17 Bringnier, Ootavien. Prouven9a. (//( Revne des langues romanes. t. 1, 1870.) — Un niichant reve. {In same. v. 2, 1871.) — Lou Rouniieu. (/« saine. v. 3-4, 1872-3.) 479 5 Brinio, see Leniiep, J. van. Romant. werk. 9. Brink, Bei-nliard Egidins Conrad ten. Speci- men of a critical edition of Chaucer's Com- pleynte to pite. with the genealogy of its mss. {In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 2, 1874: in Chancer soc. 2ser. 9.) 821 46 — Zu Dante's Inferno, 5; 59. — Zum Romaunt of the rose. (In Jalirbncll roin. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) — Wace und Galfrid von Monmouth. (In same. v. 9, ISfis.) 805 1 Brink, Carl Olof. Historisk ofversigt af fiing- elsesystemerna samt svenska lagstiftningen rorande fiingelserna. Stockliolm, 1848. O. 365 4 Brinklow, Henry. Complaynt of Roderyck Mors, about 1542; and The lamentacyon of a Christen agaynst the cytye of London, by Rod- erigo Mors, 1545: edited by J. Meadows Cow- per. London, 1874. O. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 22.) S20 5.1 Brinlev, Francis. Life of William J. Porter. New York, lS(i(). D. jMr. 927 11 Briosclii, Friincesco. Le inondazioni delTevere in Roma. | Fireuze, 1876.] O. 46 p. 551.48 17 — SuUe condizioni per la decomposizionedi una cubica in una (-onica ed in una retta. — Sulle condizioni die dovono essere verificate dai para- metri di una cur\a del quarto ordine perclie la medesinia sia una conica ripetuta. — Sopra un propriety dei piani tritangonti ad unasui)er- ficie cul)ioa. — Le inondazioni del Tevere in Roma, (/k Rome— ]{. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. :j, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 4 Briosi, (jiovanni. II marciume ed il bruco dell' uva, Alliiiiia Wockiana Briosi. 2)1. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.)— Intorno a mal di goiiima degli agrumi, fusisporium limo- ni, Briosi. »/. (Jn same, v, 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 BRISIGHELLA, Italy. Calegari, G. A. Crona- ca di Brisighella e Val d" Anione, dalla orig- ineall504. Bologna, 1883. I). (7n Scelta di curiosita. 198.) 850 10 Brisse, Alexandre, 74 It) Brocli. Joseph. Promptuario trilingue,...catha- lan, castellauo y frances. Barcelona, 1771. T. 4(j; 11 Broch, Olo Jakob. . Kongeriget Norge og det norske Folk: Beretning afgiven til Kongressen for Sundhedsforhold og Reduingsvnjsen i Brys- sel 1876. Kristiania, 1876. O. 314 31 — Le royaume de Norvege et le peuple norve- gien; rapport u I'exposition imiverselle de 1878 a Paris. Ohristiania, 1878. O. il. mai^s. 314 31.1 BROCHM.iND, Jesper Rasiiiiisseii, hislwp. M01- ler, J. Biskop Jesper Brochniands Levnet. {In Enarelstoft, L., & M011er. Histonsk Calender, 1814-17, V. 3.) 04.>S r)8 Brock, Edmund, editor, see Originals and ana- logues of Canterbury tales. 1873-88. (/;i Chaucer soc. 2ser.) 822 40 & translator, see Hoveden, J. Practica chilindri. (In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 3, 1874; in C'liaucer soc. 3 ser. 9.) 821 46 A Latin treatise on the chilindre. (In same. pt. 1, 1868: in same. 2.) 821 46 Brock, P. Fornieentlige Vidnesbyrd oni vendi ske Indfald i Danmark. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Aarboger. v. 6. 1871.) i»48 5 BROCKDORFF FAMILY. Morliof, U. Argu- mentuni de gente Brocktorffia. (In M'cstpha- len, E. J. von. Monumeuta, 1739-4.5, v. l.)!)43 31 Brockenhuus, Elsebc. Dankse Konger [,Riim]. (In Ban;;-, 0. Samliug, 1743-7, pt. r,-6.) S39.8 1 Brockliaus, Friedrich Ai'nold, ^)«6/i.s/(e»'. Con- versations-Lexikon; allgemeine deutsche Eeal- Encvklopiidie. 13 Auflage. Leipzig, 187.5-9. 15 V.' in 13. O & Q. 033 1 ,sv f' (/Ay> Lieber, F., cO oilier^. Encycloptedia Americana; Hi'ck. .1. (i. Iconosraphic encyclopsedia; cdso Die (iegtii- wart. — Unsere Zeit; Jahrbuch zum Conversations- Lexikon. [Monthly.] Leipzig, 18.57-60. r. 1-4. Q. 033 3 Brockliaus, Hermann. I sette sarj nel Tiiti na- mah di naksbalii; traduzione e giunte di E. Teza. (In Sandabad. II libro, 1864, i)ref. p. 37-64.) 2!»3 18.3 — [Various articles.] (In Leipzig — K. siichs. Ge- sell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 063 1,3 Br^drene Bernhard, see St. Aubain, A. N. de. Noveller, v. 1. Broflerio, Angelo. Canzoni piemontesi. 5 edi- zione, accresciuta. Torino, 1858. S. 8.59 31 ~I miei tempi. Torino, 1857-61. 20 v. in 10. S. 94.> 14 — Storia del Piemonte dal 1814 ai giorni uo.stri. Torino, 1849-53. 5 v. in. 1. O. 94.> 44 Broglio, Eniilio, A Giorgini, (i. B. Novo voca- bolario della lingua italiana. Firenze [,1879-]90. 4v. Q. ' 453 12 Bromme, Traugott. Atlas zu Humboldt's Kos- mos in 43 Tafelii mit erlauterndem Texte. Stutt- gart [,1851]. o\ pl.maps. .551 34 Br0ndsted, Peter Oluf. Bidrag til den danske Historie. af uderilandskeManuscriptsamlinger. Kjobenhavn, 1817-18. 3 pt. in 1 v. D. 841 40 Jili O WN" ContentK : Wiuc It. Le romanz (le Rou et des due de NorniandiG[;with Danish metrical translation on oppo- site pages]. — Reise i Gra-kenland, 1810-3: udgivet af N. V. Dorph. Ki.-benhavn, 1H44. 3 v. U. iJor. via]). ' 914.9 33 Vol. 1 contains Biofcrapbic ved .1. P. Mynstcr. BRONZE, set METALS. BRONZE AGE. Pigoriiii, L. Terramara dell etii del bronzo situatain Castioiie l. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 0C5 5 Wocel, J. E. Kelternes, Germanernes og Slavernes Bronzer. (In Copenhagen— K. nord Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 18.53-4.) 948 4 See esimi<()l!i tlie new series of tlie society's Memoires, (:f/.yo its Aarl>0^'er. See a/so .im ILEOIOfiY: SC.\M>IXAV1.4— .WTKJIIITIKS. II Bronzino, see Allori, A. Brooke, Fulke Greville, 1st baron. [Select poems.] (In Souther, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Brooke, Stopford Augustus. English literature. 3 edition. Loudon, 1876. S. (In iireen, J. B. Literature primers.) 820 13 —editor, see Rol)ertson, F. W. Life and letters. 1873. 922 47 Brooks, Charles Timotliy. The river Mosel and its old Roman poet. {In Waring, G. E., jr. The bride of the Rhine. 1878.) 914.3 9 — translator. German lyrics. Boston, 1853. D. 831 3 Gotlie, J. W. von. Faust. 1857. .s32 3 Brouwer, Petrus Abraham Samuel van Llni- burg. Akbar, een oostersche roman. 3 druk. •s Gravenhage, 1873. D. 839.33 23 BROWN, Charles Brockden. I»ana, 11. H. The novels of Brovrn. (In his Poems and )ir( 18.50. V. 2.) 811 o — Prescott, W. H. Life of Brown, facsim. (■/nSnarks, J. American biographv, 1835-9, v.l.) ' 920 15 Brown, Goold. The grammar of English gram- mars. 5 edition [.with] index by Samuel U. Berrian. New York, 1860. O. por. 425 3 Brown, John. A brief concordance to tlie Holy Scriptures. 85 p. (In Bible— Englisli. The Holy Bible. 1830.') 220 9.1 Brown, Jolin Carter, see Bartlett, J. R. Bib- liotheca Americana. A catalogue of tha libra- ry of J. C. Brown. 1866-75. 01« 36 Brown, Jolin Croumbie. A British school of forestry; ]iresent position of tlie question. Lon- don [.188']. O. 13 p. 551.58 69 — A British school of forestry; review of opin- ions. London, 1879. O. 15 p. 551.58 69 — Forests and moisture. Edinburgh. 1877. O. 551.58 60 — Forests in South Africa. [Edinburgh, 187-,] O. 8 p. 551.58 69 — Glances at the forests of northern Europe. London, 1879. O. 551.58 69 — Hydrology of South Africa. Kirkcaldv. 1875. O. ■ " 551.48 13 —On schools of forestry. [Edinburg, 1876.] O. 8 p. 551.58 69 BROWJSr 92 BR UCKE — Opinions of continental foresters on the loca- tion of a school of forestry. London. 1878. O. 11 p. 551.58 69 — Pine plantations on the sand-wastes of France. Edinburgh, 1878. O. 551.58 118 — Reboisement in France. London, 1876. O. 551.58 82 — The school of forestry at Evois in Finland. London, 1877. O. 15 jp. 551.5S 69 — The schools of forestry in Europe. Edin- burg, 1877. O. [2-I-] 72 p. 551.58 69 Brown. Marie A., see Shipley, M. A. B. Brown, Samuel fTiliiiau. A discourse commem- orative of George Perkins Marsh: Dartmouth College, June 5, 188J, University of Vermont, June 25, 1883. [Burlington, 1883.] Q. 37+4 p. 080 41 — The life of Rufus Choate. 4 edition. Boston, 1881. D. por. !)L>3 •>: Brown, Thomas X. The life and times of Hugh Miller. New York, 1858. D. 925 15 Browne, Daniel Jiiy. The trees of America. New York. 18.57 [c"4(i]. O. il. 551. .58 111 Browne, Peter .4.rrell. Trichologia manimali- um: or. A treatise on hair and wool; with an essay upon sheep. Philadelphia, 1853. s13 62.: — Wanderungen nach den Natronklostern in .iEgypten: Vorlesung. Berlin, 1855. S. 48 p. !)1«.2 5 Briiii, Friedrike Sophie Christiane (Miiiiter). RiJniisches Leben. Leipzig, 1833. 2 v. D. jil. !)14.5 75 BRIS, Johaii >'ordalil.Wel]iaTeii, J. S. C. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 8, p. 179-200.) 839.84 2 B«°iiii, Malte. see Briinii. Bruuet, Charles, editor-, see Jehaii d' Arras. Melusiue. 1854. 840 1 Jehaii de Haute Seille. Li romans de Do- Inpatlios. 1856. 840 6 Briinet, Clnistophel. Susanna, sacra rappre- sentazione del secolo 17, teste ladino, vai-ieta di Bravugn; edito da G. XJIrich. — Annotazioni di G. Ulrich alia Susanna. (In Archiyio glot. ital. V. 8-9, 1882-6.) 450 11 Bruiiet, Jacques Charles. Manuel du libraire. 4 edition, redigc par une societe de bibliojjliiles beiges. Bruxelles, 1838-9. 4 v. O. 0111 —Same. 5 edition, refondue et augnientee un tiers parl'auteur. Paris, 1860-5. 6 v. O. il. Oil 2 Coii/fuln : 1-.}. Xouveau dictionnaire bibliojjraphifiue. h, Heures jjotliifiiie??. — Libralres et imprimeurs liont les marques, sont fitrurees. — Auteurs imprimes par les Else- vier. — Edition.^ d'A-Wolf^ang. — Diverses collertions. 0, Table methodique en forme de catalotrue raisonue. The 4th edition lacks the Table methodique. The 3d edition, 182 i, with a supplement, V8.S4, is in the main li- brary. — Same: Supplement: par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. Paris, 1878-80. 2 v. in 1. O. Oil 2 Conleii/s: Complement du dictionnaire bibliographique du Brunei.— Table raisonnee des articles au supplement. — Same: [Supplement:] Dictionnaire de geogra- phic ancienne et modevne: par [P. Deschamps]. Paris, 1870. O. Oil 2 — Same: [ Complement:] Bibliographie metho- dique et raisonnee des beaux arts; par Ernest Vinet. Paris, 1874. pt. 1-2. O. Oil 2 No more published. Briinet, Pierre Uustave. Encore quelques mots sur les Proverbii de Cintio dei Fabrizii. — La bugado prouen^alo. (In Jahrbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 3, 1861.) 805 1 — (t- Deschamps, P. C. E. Manuel du libraire [bv J. C. Brunet]: Supplement. Paris, 1878-80. 2v. in 1. O. Oil 2 Brunet de Presle, Charles Marie Wladiuiir, & Blauchet, A. Grece, depuislacon(jiKteromaine juscju' a nos jours. Paris, 1860. O. ]>!. Un L' uuivers .52.) 910 18 Briiui, Leonardo, of Arezzo. La historia uni- versale de suoi tempi, sino al 1404; con la gi- unta sino all' anno 1560, e con annotationi, per Francesco Sansovino. Venetia, 1561. D. 945 13 — Lettera alio conte Francesco SI'orza. (In Fau- filiii. P. Spigolatura fiorentina, no. 1, 1868.) ' 945 79 — La prima guerrapunica; testo di lingua, pel Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, 1878, D. (7" Scelta di curiosita. 165.) 850 10 For continuation, .^ee La secctnda e terza t^uerra. —Vita di Dante. (In Dante Migliieri. Opere, 17.57-8, V. 1.) " 851 33 Briiiihis, Carl Oeorg, & LUjegreu, J. li. Nor- diska fornlemningar. Stockholm, 1823. v. 1. S. pi. . 913 53.1 Bruuins, fjoinei-. Ovanligt kumniel vid Forst- heim. il. (In Copeuhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarboger. v. 9, 1874.)— En Spann- buckla fran Loddekopinge socken. il. (In same, v. 17, 1882.) 948 5 BRUNNER, Johannes Conrad. Bruuner, C. Dr. J. C. Brunner, das Leben eines beriihmten Schweizer Artztes im 17 Jahrhundert. Ham- burg, 1888. O. 32 p. (In Yircliow d- Hol- tzeiidorff. Vortrilge. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Briinnich, Morten Tlirane. Historiske Efter- retiiinger om Norges Biergverker, 1516-1623. Kiobenhavn, 1819. O. 622 3 BRUNO, St., the Great, duke of Lorraine, arch- bishop of Cologne. Roger of Cologne. Vita Brunonis. Hannoverae, 1841. O. [2-1-] 52 p. (/?( Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 8. )943 16 Bruno of Magdeburg. De bello Saxonico liber. Hannoverae, 1843. O. {In same. 2.) 943 16 Bruno, Giordano. La cabala del cavallo pega- seo ; con L' asino cillenico. Nuova edizioue. Milano, 1864. S. [15-1-] 67 [-1-2] p. (In Bibl. rara. 35.) S50 3 — II candelaio, commedia. Milano, 1863. S. por. (In same. 18.,) 850 3 —La cena de le ceneri, in cinque dialoghi. Nuova edizione. Milano, 1864. S. (/wsajne. 36.) 850 3 — Gli eroici furori. Milano, 1864. S. {In same. .57.) 850 3 — Spaccio de la bestia trionfante. Nuova edi- zione. Milano, 1863. S. (In same. 26.) ~ 850 3 — Coloeci, A. Giordano Bruno: cenni biografici, con document!. Roma, 1876. D. 93 p. 921 3 — Mariano, R. Giordano Bruno, la vita e Tuo- mo; saggio biografico-critico. Roma. 1881. D. 921 3.1 Brun-RoUet, Antoine. Le Nil blanc et le Soudan; etudes sur TAfriquecentrale: mteurs et coutumes des sauvages. Paris, 1855. O. por. map. 916.2 26 Briins, Paul Jakob, editor. Romantisclie und andere Gedichte in altplattdeutscher Sprache. Berlin, 1798. D. 839.4 2 Brnnschwygk, HieronjTiius. Liber de arte di- stillandi, fie simplicibus: Das buch der lechten kunst zii disttilieren die eintzigen ding. Strass- burg, J. grueninger, 1500. Q. il. 099 13 BRUNSWICK 94 BUCHANAN BRUNSWICK. Muiiicli— K. baipr. Akad. der Wiss. — Hist. Oommis. Die- Cluonikeii der deutschen Stadte; v. 6, 16: Braunscliweig. Leipzig, 1868-80. 3 v. O. 943 24 CoHtents; 1. Miicliiiiiitio fratrum minorum, 127!).— Felidi- biich. 1377-S8.— Heiiiiliclie Kechenschaft. 140(i.— Ponier, H. Gt^denkbuch, 1417-27. i. Das Pfaffenhuch, 1418.— Das Srliiclitspiel. 1492.— Das Scliichtlmcli, 1514. — Slitgt-bok der stad Brunswyk : herausgege- ben von K. F. A. Scheller. Braunschweig, 1839. D. 943 56 Briiseaccio of Rovezzano. Due canzoni poli- tiohe: descrizione del Giuoco del calcio, di ano- nimo. Firenze, 1863. O. 15 p. 85120 Edited by Pietro Fantani. BRUSSELS. Pottre, J. de. Dagboek, 1549- 1620 [1602]. Gent, 1861. Q. (7)1 JIaetscliappy der Vlaem. bibl. "VVerken, 3 ser. 5.) 839. 3 4 Brut, Le ronian de, see Wace, R. BRliT Tysilio, see GEOFFREY of Monmouth. Briit a tvwysogion; or. The chronicle of the princesf, 681-1283; Welsh and English]; edited by John WiUiams ab Ithel. London, 1860. Q. faesim. (In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and Mem. 17.) 942 8 De ))nitale Klappere, et tragicomiskt Forspil, see Ewald, J. v. 4. Briiuii. Johan Jacob. Novus atlas Danias. Ki- obeuhavn, 1761. v. 1. F.* pZ. 914.8 49 An atlas of views. Vol. 1 : Sia?!land. Briiiiu, Malt* t'oiirad. Geographie de la theatre de la guerre: Italie; illustree par Gustave Dore. Paris, n. d. Q. [4-l-]64p. il. mcqjs. 914.5 36 bound with 913 17 Brnuii, Victor Adolpbe Malte-.Lestroisprojets, anglais, allemand, fran9ais, d' exploration au Iiole nord. Parfs, 1868. O. map. 919.8 3 Briizeliiis, Ma«:nus, ct Riiiif, K. A. Specimen anti(iuitatum barealium. Lunda;, 1816. sqD. [3-F]26[-H]p. pZ. 913 48 Brnzeliiis, Mis Gnstaf. Beskrifning om atskilli- ga i Skaue och Sodra Halland Vielagna fornlem- ningar, 1853-4 undersokta. pi. — Beskrifning om ett i Skane funnit Bronzvapen. jil. (In Copeiiliageii— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 14, 18.54.) — Bekrifning om ett i Skane antraf- fadt fynd fran Jernaldren jemte inledande anm'arkningar. il. 2^1- {In same. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 — Beskrifning om fornlemningar i Skane. il. {In. same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 5, 1855-7.) 948 4 Briizzo, Giuseppe. Legislazione e industriami- neraria. Firenze, 1871.'pt. 1. Q. 52[-f 2] p. 338 3 — Principii di economiapolitica. Firenze, 1869. 48 p. T. ■ 330 6 Brtizzonc, Adoll'o, editor. Lettere di volontari garil)aldini suH' insurrezione di Candia. Fi- renze, 1867. U. 31 p. 949 78 Bry, Theodore de, illustrator, see AnnaMis, T. Historia Paiinoni.e. 1608. 943 63 Bryaut, Williiiui CuUen. Letters of a traveller. 2 series. New York, 1859. O. 914.6 3 —Poems. New York, 1859. T. 811 3 With several later poems inserted. Brydfjes, Sir Samuel E^crtoii, bart. An essay on the genius and poems of Collins. {In Col- lins, W. Poetical works. 1830.) 821 51 —editor, see Milton, J. Poetical works [,with life]. 1835. 821 79 . Brydone, Patrick. A tour through Sicily and Malta: letters to William Beckford. Paris, 1780. 2 V. T. 914.5 94 —Same. New York, 1813. D. 914.5 95 En BryUnpsdags Falaliteter, Lystspil, see Oyer- skoii, 'i'. Bryiiilda; eller. Den olyckeliga karleken, tra- goedia, see Balin, 0. TOU. v. 2. Brynjiilfsson, Gisli Gislason. De I'ancien reman fraiivais et de I'influence exercee sur son de- veloppemeiit par les Normands: nu'nioire tra- duit par L. S. Borring. (/»i Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9.) 948 8 — Nogle Bema?rkninger om malaspjot, malajarn og de beslsegtede Ord. (In same. Annaler. v. 12, 1852.) 948 2 — Oldengelsk og Oldnordisk. (In same. An- tiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.)— Nogle Exem- pler paa mythologiske Antydninger hos Old- tidens Skjalde. (In same, v.'o, 1855-7.) 948 4 — Periculum runologicum; dissertatio inaugu- ralis. Havnite, 1823. D. 439.61 4 — translator <& editor, see Brage den Gamles Kvad om Ragnar Lodbrogs Skjold. (In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 2 riores ok Blankifiur. (In same. v. W, 1850.) . 948 3 Tristram og Isodd. (In same. v. 11, 1851.) 948 3 Brynolph, bi.'iliop of Skara. OfRcium S. Eskil- li. (In. Pant, E. M. Scrij^t. rerum Svecicarum, 1818-38, v. 3.) 948 38.1 The buccaneer, see Dana, R. H. BUCCANEERS. History of the bucauiers. (In Lives of Drake.. .1832.) 910 64 La Bucchereide, see Bellini, L. ; Bucci, Filippo. Sulla costruzione di baracche e capannoni pei condannati addetti ai lavori alF aperto; e progetto di baracca mobile dell'... Pietro Mars. Civitaveccliia, 1881. O. 30 1-1-1] p. 1)1. 690 4 Bueer, Martin. Judgment concerning divorce. (//( Milton, .1. Works, 1863, v. 4.) 821 78 Biieli, Johnnii von, see Richtsteig Landrechts; — Saehseuspiegel. Buch, Leopold Christian vou. Resa igenom Norrige. 1806-8; jemte ett biliang ur Ilaus- manns Resa genom Skandinavien, 1800-7; ifran tyskan. Stockholm, 1814. D. 914.8 11 Map wanting. — Voyage en Norvege et en Laponie, 1806-8; traduit de 1' allemand par J. B. Eyries: precede d' une introduction de A. de Humboldt; suivi d'un ilemoire de Buch sur la limite des neiges ]ierpetaelles dans lo nord. I'aris, 1816. 2 v. O. maps. 914.8 13 —Leopold von But^h : sein Leben uud seine wissenschaftliche Bedcutung. Berlin, 1857. O. (In Fortschritte der naturwiss. 4.) 925 1 Das Buch der neun Felsen, see Mersnin, R, Bneluiniui, (Jeorge. Catalogus reguin Scotia?: Scoti.T regni topographia. (In Itespiibliea Scotia? et Hibernia'. 1627.) 094 27 BUCIIARIA 95 BUGGE BUCHARIA, see TURKISTAX. Bik'lieler, Franz. Populi Iguvini lustratio. Bounae, 1876. sqQ. 39 p. 3!»4 7 Biicliciiilii, Franz. Petroleum, seine Natur- geschiclite unci Gewinnung. Berlin, 1«72. O. 39 p. (In Vlrcliow * Holtzendorff. VortrilKe. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Biielier, Brnno. Ueber ornanientale Kunst auf tier Wiener Weltausstellung. Berlin, 1874. O. 48 p. (In same. 9 Serie.) 04S 1 Bnchlicister, J. Hannibal's Zug iiber die Alpen. HauiburK, 1887. O. 38 p. (In same. Neue Folge 3.) 043 3 —Ueber das Bergsteigen. Hamburg, 1889. O. 40 p. (In same. 4.) 043 3 — Eine wissenschaftliche Alpenreise im Winter 1833. Berlin, 1886. O. 33 p. {In same. \.) 043 3 Bnchholz, Reinliold Willielin. Land und Leute in Westafrilia. Berlin, 1876. O. 47 p. (In same. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Bnchner,' Hans. Ueber... Infektionskrankhei- ten und Acclimatisation. Hamburg, 1887. O. 34 p. (In same. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 Buchner, Wilhelm Joseph. Der Rhein, der Deutscheu Lieblii\gsstrom. Berlin, 1876. O. 36 p. (/y), s«»ie. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Buclion, Jean Alexander C. Nouvelles recher- ches historiques sur la principaute franijaise de Moree et ses hautes baronnies: faisant suite aux Eclaircissements historiques. [Seconde epoque: 1383-1470.] Paris, 1843. 3 v. O. 940 39 CoiiU'nts: Diplomes relatifs aus hautes baronuies franques. — Recherches et materiaiix pour servir a une histoire de la domination fran9aise aux 13-15 siecles dans les provinces de I'empire grec. Paris,, 1840. 3 v. Q. pi. tab. 049 37 Contents; 1. Eclaircissemens sur la principaute fran' 9aise de Mor6e et ses douze paires. 2. Ville-Hanloiiiii, U. (Ic, .{■ Vnleiicieiiiies, H. de. Chroniques des empereurs Baudoin et Henri de Constantinople; avec notes. — Recherches historiques sur la principaute fran(;aise de Moree et ses hautes baronnies. Premiere tpo(iue: 1305-1333. Paris. 1845. 3 v. O. 949 38 Contents: 1. Livrp de la conqueste de la princee de la Moree. '2. ^ifiKofTv)'; KOVyxiaras. — 'H oiAujat? T^9 Koji/o-TafTi- i-ovTroAews, — Code diplomatique de la princ6e de Moree. — & Tastu, J. Notice d'un atlas en langue cata lane, ms. de I'an 1375. [Paris, 1841.] sqQ. facsim. majjs. 912 3 —editor. Choix de chroniques et memoires sur I'histoire de France [,14e siecle]]; avec notices litteraires. Paris, 1838. Q. 944 14 Contents: Cliroiii(|iii' de Du Gueslin.— ItoiuaiUTs espa- gnoles et limousine sur Blanche de Bourhon.— Orroiiville, J. C. d.' Chronique de Louis de Bourbon.— Pisiiii, C. d.' Vie de Charles V—JuTeiial des Ursiiis, .1. Chronique de Charles VI.- -ViTiiis, M. del. Chronique des comtes de Foix *n l;iii;;iie b6arnaise.— (Iironiquede Flandres — (Jrian, (J., ,f- Kiiclielort, 31. de. Ambassade au juge d'ArborSe. Choix de chroniques et memoires sur I'hi- stoire de France [,15e sieclej; avec notes et no- tices. Paris, 1838. Q. 944 17 Contents: Miithieu of Comsy. Chronique. 1444-fil.— .Jean of Troijes. Chronique de Louis XL 145I-S3.— (Jriiel, 0. C'hroniiiue du comte de Riehmont.— Cousinot, <). Chro- nique de larucelle;—Iuterrosatoires;— Divers documens. Feniii. P. de. Memoires, 1407-37.— Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris, 140'J-49.— Po*me anglais sur la bataille d'Azin. court. Chroni(iues etrangeres relatives aux expe- ditions francaises pendant le 13e siecle. Paris, 1841. Q. 944 10.1 Contents: Chronii|ue de la principaute fraiicaise d'Acha- ie' texte grec.— Muntaiier. U. Chronique d',\ra!;iin, de Sicileet de Grece; traduction de Catalan. -Itesiiiit. B. Chronique de Pien-e III ete.\pBdition franeaise de 1285; tftxteoatalan.— Chronique de la conspiration de J. Pro- chyta, traduite du sicilien. Brantome, P. de B. de. CEuvres. 1838. ' 920 5 CliasteUain, G. (louvres. 1837. 944 16 Froissart, J. Chroniques. 1835. 940 19 Monstrelet, E. de. Chroniques. 1836. 944 15 BUCKINGHAM, George Villiers, Jst duke of. Fairliolt, F. W., editor. Poems and songs relating to Buckingham, and his assassination; with introduction and notes. London, 1850. D. (In Percy soc. v. 39.) 820 6 —Gardiner, S. R., editor. Documents illus- trating tlie impeachment of Buckingham in 1636. ILondon.] 1889. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. 8. 45.) S20 4.1 Bnckingliani, George Villiers, 2d duke of. The rehearsrd, 1673: wjjh ill U'^trations from previous plays, etc. London, 1868. S. (In Arlier, E. English reprints. 10.) 820 9 Biieklaud, William. Geology and mineralogy considered with reference to natural theology. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v. O. / LANGUAGE. Riggs, E. Notes on the grammar of the Bulgarian language. Smyrna, 1844. D. 24 p. 491.8 1 See also OailmuM. T. H BULL. Bireherod, T. B. Taurus sacer ; seu, Cultus & idolatria? tauri apud plures gentes historia. jj/. (In Westphaleii, E. J. von. Monu- menta, 1739-45. v. 4.) 943 21 BuUein, William. Bulleins bulwarke of de- fence against all sickness. London, 1562. Q. (7. 099 4 — A dialogue against the feuer pestilence. From the edition of 1578, collated with 1564 and 1.573, edited bv Blark W. BuUen and A. H. P,ullen. London, 1888. pt. 1. O. farsini. (In E. E. text soc. E.xtra ser. 52.) "S20 5.1 Bnlly, Edoiiard Roger de, ;jsej/(/o)i2/»» Roger de Beauvoir. Le cafe Procope. Bruxelles, 1S35. S. 843 5 Biilteaii, — ,ahbi. De.scription de la cathedrale de Chartres. Charlres, 1859. O. jjZ. 726 14 Biindi, Jacopo. Cudisch dilg viadi da Jerusa- lem, 1591. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 7, 18H0-3.) 450 11 Blingener, Louis Eelix. Ahramo Lincoln; com' ei visse. (|Ual' ojicra conipit!. (juol fu la sua morte. Firenzc, 1M06. D. 88 p. 923 58 Translated by B. M. Bnnseu, Christian Carl Joslas, Freiherr von. Letter to the translator. (In Theologia Ger- manica, 1854, pref. p. 53-65.) 241 7 — Vorwort. (In Caird, J. Die Religion im gemeinen Leben, 1857, p. 5-13.) 240 7 — Die Zeichen der Zeit: Briefe an Freunde iiber die Gewissensfreiheit und das Recht der christ- lichen Gemeintie. Leipzig, 18.55. 2 v. D. 172 5 — Stahl, F. G. Wider Bunsen ["Die Zeichen der Zeit"]. 3 Abdruck. Berlin, 18 6. D. 172 6 hound ivith 15 2 —Williams, R. Bunsen's biblical researches. — Note. (In Essays and reviews. 1862.) 204 1 Bnnyan, John. The greatness of the .soul; No way to heaven but by Jesus Christ; The strait gate; prefixed, An introductory essay on his genius and writings, by Robert Philip. New York, 1846. D. (Works of the English puritan divmes.) 240 3 — The Jeru.salem sinner saved; The pharisee and the publican; The Trinity and a Cliristian; The law and a Christian [;Bunyan"s last ser- mon; dying sayings]; An exhortation to peace and unity; with life of Bunyan by James Ham- ilton. New York, 1846. D. (Same) 240 2 — The pilgrim's progress as originally publish- ed; being a fac-simile of the 1st edition. Lon- don, 1875. D. iljil. 823 4 —Same. London, 1837. S. pZ. 823 5 — Dntcli. Eens christens reize naar de eeu- wigheid. Nieuw-Y''ork, n. d. S. pi. 823 5.1 Only the first part. — Macanlay, T. B. Southey's edition of the Pil- grinrs ]irogress. (In liis Essays, 1843, v. 1.) 824 16 II buou compatriotto, commedia, see Goldoni, ('. V. 40. La biioua famiglia, commedia, same. v. 16. La bnoua madre, commedia, same. y. 34. La buoiia moglie, commedia, .same. v. 27. Biionaeeorso, Giovane. Prose; per G. B. C. Giuliari. Bologna, 1874. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 141.) SoO 10 Buonarroti, Mieliel Angelo. Le rime. [Rome,] 1817. O. 851 21 Contents : [Prefatory matter.]— Rime.— .^goriunta di rime da vari autori in lode sua — Tre lezioni sopra Le rime [Ity M. Guidneci, and H. VarciiiJ.— Lettere di Buo- narroti. — Note.— Oiimta da rime inedite. — Gebhart, E. Dante, Savonarole, Michel-Ange. (In his De I'ltalie. 1876.) 945 4 —Springer, A. H.Michelangelo in Rom. 1508-12. Leipzig, 1875. O. 73 p. 927 6 Buonarroti, Michel Angelo, the youncjer. L'A- jone, favola narrativa burlesca; con note e con un S])oglio lesscografico di Pietro Fanfani. Firciize, 1852. D. S57 6 Itnongioco, Valerio. De'trecontenti. (/((Beriii, F. Opere burlesche, 17(10, v. 2.) 857 3 II bnono e il cattivo per tutto, .see Thonnr, P. BiKivo d' .Vntona, .secBovo. Bnrat, .Vniedee. De la houille et du fer en France, (/n Thevenin, E. Entretiens, 1866, v. 1. p. 25-99.) 304 5.1 Itiinitti, Pietro. Poesie. Venezia, 1817. S. (In (Jamba, B. ( ol. venez. 8.) 859 50 B URA TTI 97 B URNET — Poesie e satire, corredato di note ed annota- zioni dallo stesso autore. Edizinne ad usiini delphini. Amsterdam, 1820. (X ><59 51.1 II biirbero benefico, commedia. «ee Goldoui, C. V. 9. Burcli, Laiiihert vaiidor. Sabaudin' respublica et liistoria. Lugd. Batav., c.c officiiia Elzevi- riana, 1634. Tt. 094 54 Bnrcliard & Coiirad,0J-.551 1.1 — Die siid-amerikanisclien Republiken: Argen- tina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, nach der geographischen Kenntniss in 187.5; kartogra- phisch dargestellt von A. Petermann, nebst eineu geograpliisch-statistischen Compendium von Burmeister. Gotha, 1875. sqQ. [2-H]24p. map. (In Petermanns Mittheilnngen: Ergilii- zungsband 9.) 910 44 Biirnell, George Rowdon. The rudiments of liydraulic engineering. London, 1858-9. 2 v. in 1. D. il. pi. (}27 1 Burnet, Thomas. The sacred theory of the B ITRJSrUT 98 earth. 6 edition: added, the author's defence of the work, and an ode to the author by Ad- dison. [Anon.] London, 1729. 3 v. O. Jl*> 1 Burnoiif, Jean Louis. Grammatica latina; se- condo il metodo del Burnouf. Torino, 1857. J) 475 2 Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works; edited by John S. Roberts, with memoir by William Gunnyon. 7th tliousand. Edinburgh [.pref. 18l).5]. D. por. pi. iltp. 82133 — Carlyle, T, {In his Essays, 1860, v. 1.) 824- 8 — Corrodi, A. Rob. Burns und Pet. Hebel: eine literar-historische Parallele. Berlin, 1873. O. 43 p. (In Virchow * Holtzeudorff. Vortriige. SSerie.) . 043 1 Os burros, poema heroi-comico-satirico, see Macedo, J. A. ^ ,. , . Burrows, Montagu, editor, see Oxford univer- sity. Register of tlie visitors, 1647-58. (/Ji Cam- den soc. n. s. 39, 1881.) 820 4.1 BURSCHENSCHAFT, Bayer, E. Die Entsteh- ung der deutscheu Burscheuschaft. Berlin, 1883. O. 48 p. <^In Vircliow & Holtzendorfl'. Vortriige. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Burton. Edward, editor, see A sliort instruc- tion into Christian religion. 1839. 241 1 BURTOS, Ricliard Francis. Audree, K. T. Burton's Reisen nach Medina und Mekka und in Ost-Afrika.— Die Expeditionen Burton's und Speke's von Zanzibar bis zum Tanganyika- und Nvanza-See. il. pi. (In his Forschungsreisen, 1861, v. 1. 3.) !>15.3 1 Burton, Robert. The anatomie of melancholy; bv Democritus junior. [3 edition? Oxford, 1628?] Q. 828 7 Frontispiece, title-iiage. and last leaf wanting. New edition, prefixed, life. London, 1836. 2 V. O. ilt2J- 828 8 Burton, Tliomas de. Chronica monaster! i de Melsa, ad 1396; accedit continuatio ad 1406; edited by Edward A. Bond. London, 1866-8. 3 V. Q. fucsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 43.) 942 8 Burton-upou-Trent. Annales de Burton, 1004- 1363 facsim. (In Luard, H. R. Annales mo- nastici, 1864-9, v. 1; in same. 36.) !»42 8 Bury, Tliomas Talbot. Rudimentary architect- ure;" tlie history and description of the stylesof various countries. London, 1849. D. (7. 720 1 Bury St. Edmunds. Wills and inventories from tlie registers of the commissary of Bury St Ed- munds and tlie archdeacon of Sudbury; edited by Samuel Tvmnis. [London,] 1850. sqO. (In Caindeu soc.'48.) 820 4 Bnsliec((,l()sior (iliislaiu de. Ritus sepeliendi apucl Serviaiios, itemque nubeiidi. (In Turcici imperii status. 1630.) 094 59 Biisching, Anton Friedricli, editor, see I'llilas. J. all Ihrescripta. 1773. 839.9 13 Biisclilng, .lohann (iustav (Jottlieb. Ritterzeit und Kitterwesen; Vorlesungen. Leipzig, 1823. 2v. O. 940 15 —editor. Deutsche Gedichte des Mittelalters, 1808, see Hairen, F. H. von der, * Biischiug. S31 5 Solnveinifhen, H. von. Leben. 1822-3. 923 89 JB UTLER —Grimm, J. L. K. Von der Hagen und Bu- sching, deutsche Gedichte des Mittelalters. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 4.) 408 2 See also indexes in v. 5 and 8. Bush, George. The life of Mohammed. New- York, 1830. S. (Harper's fam. lib. 10.) 922 36 Busiinell, Horace. Nature and the supernatur- al, as together constituting the one system of God. London, 1863. D. 210 2 —Work and play. London, 1864. D. 814 1 BUSINESS. Defoe, D. The complete English tradesman. 2 v. (/»( /a'.v Novels, etc., v. 17-18.) 823 7 — Engelstoft, L. Nogle Bema?rkninger om For- retnings Stil. Kiobenhavn, 1818. sqO. [1-I-] 10 p. 658 1 Sewton, R. H. The moials of trade. New York, 1876. D. 174 1 .See ii/su EXl'HANfiE. Busiiii, Giovambattista. Lettere a Benedetto Varchi sopra I'assedio di Firenze; accresciute perGaetano Milanesi. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 69.1 Die Buskeublaser, sotternie. (In Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt. 6.) 839.31 3 BussiPus, Andreas, editor d~ translator, see Thorgilsson, A. Scheda-. 1733. 839.63 47 Busser, Jolian B. Utkast til beskrifning om Upsala. Upsala, 1769-73 [v. 1, '73]. 3 v. in 1. O. jil. maps. 914.8 30.1 Bussi-Rabutin, Roger, comtede. Histoire amou- reuse de» Gaulos. Paris, 1829. 3 v. O. 847 1 Bustelli, Giuseppe. Vita e frammenti di Saffo da Mitilene; discorso e versione. prima iutera. Bologna, 1863. D. (In Scelta di curiositii. 37.) 850 10 BL'TAX, India, Dubenx, L., 'oel Byron, eth baron. Works, including the suppressed poems, also a sketch of his life, by J. W. Lake. Philadelphia, 1831. 8 V. T. jjor'. pi. iltp. 821 33 — De Abydeensche verloofde. — Het beleg van Korinthe. — Beppo. — Moorsche weeklacht. — Verwijt ran den Griekschen zanger. {In Len- nep, J. van. Poet, werken. 18.59-62, v. 6.) 839.31 15 — La profezia di Dante; tradotta in terza rinia da L. da Ponte. 2 edizione. Nuova-Jorca, 1822. T. por. 821 34 —Gait, J. The life of Byron. New York, 1830, S. 928 12 — Macaulay, T. B. Moore's Life of Lord Byron. (Inhis Essays, 1843, v. 1.) 824 16 — Schmidt, I. Byron im Lichte unserer Zeit. Hamburg, 1888. O. 32 p. {In Virchow * Holtzeudorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 —Whipple, E. P. {In his Essays, 1848-9. v. 1.) 814 16 Byrou, John. Narrative of distresses suffered on the coast of Patagonia, 1740-6; with a de- scription of St. Jago de Chili, also a relation of the ii.iss of the Wager man of war. 2 edition. London, 1768. O. /)/. 918.2 2 BYZANTINE EMPIRE. Biichou, J. A. C. Recherches et materiaux pour servir a une histoire de la domination framjaise aux 13-1.5 siecles dans les provinces de I'empire grec. Paris, 1840. 2 v. O. pi. tab. 949 37 For his other researches « /' JIOREA. — Eliades, L. 'Etitout) rijs Bv^avTifris l'Ti>'oK7r6XEi, 1861. O. 88 p. por. 949 34 — Eng:elstoft, L. Blik paa Forsvarsvfesenets Forfatning og Tilstand i det byzantinske Rige under Justinian I. {In his Historisk Calender, 1814-17, V. 3.) 948 58 — Finlay, G. The hLstory of Greece [,540-1566], anTIXOPLE. Byzantios, 8karlatos I). .\e(iKbv AXtjukJ^ koI yaWiKdi'. 'Aeri>'V<7ii', 1846. Q. 489 2 ('., A. G. Lezione in forma di lettera sopra un codice manoscritto ligure del secolo 17. Fi- renze, 1869. O. 19 p. 945 46 v., G. G. Guida per la citta di Messina. 2 edi- zione, ampliata. Messina, 1841. D. 914.5 103 ('., R., gent. The times whistle: or, A newe daunce of seven satires, and other poems: now^ tirst edited, with introduction, notes and glos- sarv. bv J. M. Cowper. London, 1871. O. (In E. E.text soc. Orig. ser. 48.) 820 5- CABAI.A. Manuel de Mello, F. Tratado da sci- encia cabala. Lisboa, 1724. D. 133 IT La cabala del cavallo pegaseo, see Bruno, (i. Cahallero, Fernan, pseudonyvi of Arroni de Ayala, ('. F. J. B. de F. CabaniSjvaterliindscher Roman von W. Alexis, sec Harinjr, G. W. H. Cabaret, Jean, see Orronville, J. C. d'. Los cabeUos de Absalon, see Calderou. v. 4. CABESTANH,GniUemde. Hiill'er, F.DerTroba- dor G de Cabestanh, sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin. 1869. O. 68 p. 849 8 CABOT, Sebastian. Hayvvard, C, jr. Life of Cabot, por. (In SparliS, J. American bio- graphy, 1835-9, V. 9.) 920 15 — Hellvvald, F. A. H. von. Sebastian Cabot. Berlin, 1871. O. 43 p. (In Virchow <£■ Hol- tzendorfl'. Vortnige. 6 Sei-ie.) 043 1 — Tytler, P. F. Remarks on a late Memoir of Cabot. (In his Discovery on the northern t'oasts of America. 1833.) 973 15 Caccia, Giuseppe, & Ferrari, C. Gran diziona- rio italiano-francese e fi'ancese-italiano. Pa- rigi, 1S74. 2 V. Q. 453 23 Cacia, P. L'ipocrisia, satira. (In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, 11.] 859 50 Cadacualcon su razon, comedia, seeZorrilla. v.3. Cada uno para se, see Calderou. v. 4. Cadalso or (!adalialso, Jose de. Los eruditos a la violeta; 6, Curso completo de todas las cien- cias: por Joseph Vasquez [pseud.]. Madrid, 1772. O. 68 p. 867 1 CADAVER. Morigg-ia, A. Sulla velenosita na- turale dell' estratto di cadavere umano. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) — Same, 2a serie di sperienze. (In same. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Las cadenas del demonio, see Calderou. v. 4. Cadet, Socrate. In quale delle due strutture nervee dell' uomo prevalga la proporzione dell' urea. (/« Rome -R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) — Considerazioni intorno I'ipo- tesi de' nervi per I'iufrenare la contrattilita o la tonicita muscolare, e sperienze. (In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 CADORE. Gilbert, J. Cadore; or, Titian's coun- try. London, 1869. Q. pi. map. 914.5 59 *f illso DOLOMITE MOrMAIXS. Cadovius-M'nller, Johanu. Memoriale linguae Frisicfe, zum ersten Male herausgegben von L. Kiikelhan. Leer, 1875. O. pi. 439.2 6 GJEt>MON 100 CALASANS Csedmon. Genesis.— Exodus.— Daniel, (/» Grein, iC. W. JI. Bibl. der angelsachs. Poesie, 1857-8. V. 1.) 829 17 — German. {In same. Dichtungen der Angel- sachsen, 1857-9, v. 1.) 82!> 18 Caerl ende Elegast, see CHAKLEMA(S>'E— RO- JIANCE. iC»snr, Cains Julius. C. Julii Caesaris et A. Hiitii de rebus a Ciesare gestis comnieutarii, cum fragmentis; ex recensione Samuelis Clarke express!. Glasgua?, 1750. 3 v. T. 878 1 — Commentarii de bello Galileo; mit Anraer- kungen, Worterbuche und einem geograpbi- schen Register, von F. W. Hinzpeter. Bielefeld, 1837. or 878 2 —English: Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars, with the supplementary liooks at- tributed to Hirtius: literally translated, with notes and index [,by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohnl. New \ork, 1870. D. (Harper's class, lib.) 878 4 Deloriue, S. .1. Cesar et ses contemporains; essai sur les mteurs des Remains vers les der- niers temps de la republique. Paris, 1809. D. 937 15 —I fatti di Cesare: teste del secolo 14, publjli- cato a cura di Luciano Banchi. Bologna, 18tiL'. O. (//* Emilia. CoUezione. 1.) 8.)0 6 Miissafia, A. I fatti di Cesare; a cura di L. Banchi. (In Jalirbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 18G5. ) 80.5 1 Peti-arca, F. Delia vita di Giulio Cesare. (In his Le vite, 1874-9, v. 3; in Emiliil. CoUezione. 36.) 850 6 Cafsar, The life and death of Julius, see Shake- •speare, W. CESARS. I)e Qiiiucey, T. The Caesars. Boston, 1851. D. ' 824 10 — Suetonius Tran(iuilliis, C. Opera; commen- ario illustravit D. C. G. Baumgarten-Crusius. Lipsiae, 1816-18. 3 v. O. 878 24 For othei' editions .svt- Suetouius. CW'iars I'rafald, Skuespil, see Ibseu, H. Kejser og Galikter. ('a>sius, Pliilippus, see Zesen. Le cafe Procope, see Bully, E. R. , a. Caillaii, A. B. Les gloires de Notre-Dame du Puy. Paris, 1840. D. 230 13 Cainil, Pietro. Cenni sulla importanza e col- tura dei bosohi, con norme di legislazione e amniinistrazione forestale. Milano, 1857. O. 551.58 55 Cain, pirata, see Zorrilla. v. 3. Caird, John. Religion iu common life; a ser- mon. New York, 18.56. ^. 59 p. 240 6 — German: Die Religion im gemeinen Leben; mit einem Vorwort von Christian Carl Josias Bunsen. Leipzig, 1857. O. .53 p. 240 7 Cainies, Jolin Elliott. The slave power; its character, career and probable designs; an at- tempt to explain the real issues involved in the American contest. 2 edition, enlarged. London. 1863. O. 973 3.5 Calx, Xapoleoue. Saggio sulla storia della lin- gua e dei dialetti d" Italia. Parma, 1872. O. 457 1 —Die Streitfrage iiber die italienische Sprache. (In HUlebraud, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 — Studi di etimologia italiana e romanza. Fi- renze, 1878. D. 479 7 CALABRIA. Rath, G. Ein Ausflug nach Cala- brien. Bonn, 1871. O. il. pi. 914,5 93 ,sve also BANDIEKA, A. l. map. 915.9 1 With Cambodian vocabulary. Caml)0uliii, Fran(,ois Romain. Essai sur Ihi- stoire de la litterature catalane. 2 edition, aug- mentee de la Comedia de la gloria d' amor, de Fra Rocaberti, et d"un nouveau fragment de la traduction catalane de Dante. Paris. 1858. O. 869 9 — Renaissance de la poesie proven9ale aToulouse au 14e siecle. — Le memorial des nobles. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit v. 3, 1861.)— Romans CElegie) sur 1" imprisonnement du prince de Viane. (In same. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Montel, A. Fran9ois Camboulin. jwr. (In Re- vne des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 Cambray Digny, Tommaso de. Monte Bianco, canto. "Firenze, 1879. S. lip. 851 66 — Mont Blanc, Italian ode; translated into Eng- lish veise by [Sebastiano Fenzi]. Firenze, 1879. S. 13 p. 851 66 CAMBRIIMJE, ilfnss Howells, W. D. Suburb- an sketches. London, 1871. D. 814 9 CAMBRIDGE IMVERSITY. Fisher, J. The funeral sermon of Margaret, countess of Rich- mond and Derby, foundress of Ciirist's and St. John's college in Cambridge; with preface con- taining further account of her foundations, with a catalogue of her professors and preach- ers. London, 1708. D. pi. 378 6 — Fnller, T. The history of the University of Cambridge since the Conquest. [London,] 1655. F. vuq). (In his Church history of Britain.) 274 2 Camilen, William. De 0-Nealis <£• eorum rebel- lionibus: — Hiberniae regni administratio;— Sco- tia? regni topographia; — Hibernia? descriptio; — De Hibernorum priscis recentibusque moribus ac institutis; — Scotite regimen. (In Resjlllblica Scotia et Hibernian. 1627.) 094 27 — Remaines concerning Britaine. The fift impression, with antiquities never before im- printed, by the industry of Jolin Philipot. London, 1637. sqD. ^7. " 420 3 Cntift^nt/t: Epistle dedicatory. — Britaine.— Inhabitants. — Lanffuases. — Excellencie of" the English tonj;ue. — Christian names, — Surnames.— Allusions —Rebus. — Ana- grammes. — Money.— Apparell.— Artillerie.— .A.rmories. — Grave speeches. — Poems. — Epigrammes. — Kythmes.— Impreses.— Epitaphes. The Camden miscellany. [London,] 1847-83. 8 v. sqO. tab. (In Camden soc. 39, 55, 61, 73, 87, 104, n. s, 14, 31.) 820 4 Camden society. [Publications.] London, 1838- 72. 105 V. sqO. il. pi. facsini. map. 820 4 The annual reports of the society are l)ound witli tlie Publications: ilu^ rciiorts for 1865. 71. 'TV. 'H3 and 'S'j are wanting. For contents of the old series of the Pid>lica- tions il rovid. The old chenue book. 1561- 1744; edited by K. V. liimliault. 1872. 4. A true relation of tlie life and of London. 1308. and of Thnnms. bishnji of Kxeter. I.SIO. i874 11,2(1. Wrlcilhcslii. ( . A chronicle of England. 1485-1559; edited by \V. D. Hamilton. 2 v CAMDEN SOCIETY io:i CAMPA GNA 1875-7. 12. Ilrun'. .1., filUor. The sflel'. A treat- ise o?i the pretended divorce between lleni-y VIII. and Ca- tharini-; iniiilrd liv N.Pocock. 1878 'J'.', 'J:!. Ibittoii linnily. Corr(s|i..ndrii.',.; edited by E.JI.Thc.Tnp.-inii, 'Jv. 1.S78 ii. Great Uritiiiii— House of lords. Notes ol debates, by 11. Elsing, 1624, '26; edited by S. R. Gardiner. 1879. 25. Harris, A. The ceeonomy of the Fleete; edited by A. Jes- sopp. 1879. 2(i. Simpson, Vi. S., pdifor. Documents illus- trating the history of s. Paul's y O. Browning. 1881. 87. Pooock, .\.. edil45 41 PericoU, G. B. Relazione sopra i piovyedi- menti economici e legislativi per 11 bonifica- mento dell' Agro romano. Roma [,18721. O- 74 p. [In Italy— JUii. di agrric Annali.).>51.49 7 Poiizi, a, Del bacino di Roma; illustrazione alia carta geologica dell' Agro romano. Roma, 1872. O. 50[+ l]p. map. 554.5 3 Tiicci, P. di. Dell" antico e presente state della Campagna di Roma. Roma, 1878. O. pi. 551.4!) 11 Vallardi, A. 45 10 —editor. Lettere artistiche inedite. Modena, 1866. O. 704 1 Lettere di scrittori italiani del secolo 16. Bologna, 1877. D. (In Seelta di curiosita 157.) 850 10 See also no. 92, 103. Muratori, L. A. Trentasei lettere. 1868. 85« 13 Camposampiero, Guglielmo, editor, see Boc- caccio, G. La Teseide. 1819. 851 19 Storia di Campriano contadino; a cura di Albino Zenatti. Bologna, 1884. D. facsij/i. (Ill Scelta di curiosita. 20o.) 850 10 CANADA. Cartier, J. Bref recit de la naviga- tion en 1535-6 aux iles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres; avec variantes et intro- duction par d' Avezac. Paris, 1863. O. 973 16 — Charlevoix, P. F, X. de. Histoire et descrip- tion de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1744. 6 v. S. pi. maps. 971 1 Lacroix, F. Possessions anglaises dans I' Amerique du Nord. 1849. p?. (In L'nnivers. 8.) 910 18 Traill, C. P. S. The backwoods of Canada; letters from the wife of an emigrant officer. London. 1836. S. j7. pZ. 917.13 —STATISTICS. Siipan, A. G. Archiv fiir Wirt- schaftsgeographie. 1: Nordamerika. 1880-5. Gotha. 1S86. sqQ. [2 + ] 57 p. maps. (In Petermanus Slittheiluugen: Ergiinzungsband 18.) 910 44 Canale, Jlicliel Giuseppe. Vita e viaggi di Cri- stoforo Colombo; preceduti da una narrazione della navigazione prima di lui. Firenze. 1863. D. jil. 973 9 CABALS. Frisi, P. Essay on navigable canals. (/» /n'.s Treatise on rivers. 1861.) 627 9.1 Illinois. Report of the Canal commissioners, 1870,'72. [Springfield, 1870-2.] 2 V. in 1. O. pi. 626 1 _ — Special report of tlie Canal commissioners, 9 Feb. 1872. Springfield, 1872. O. 29 p. C2(! 3 — Marsli, G. P. The waters. — Gieat projects of physical change. (In his The eartli a.s modi- fied by human action. 1874.) 080 28 — New York (state). The report of a commit- tee to ex])lore the western waters in the state for inland lock navigation. 1802. (7)/ (rCill- laglian, K. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 18.-)0-l. v. 3.) " !)74 9 — Itossi, V. .V. Di una navigazione mediterranea in Capitanat;i, e della irrigazione di (|Uelli ter- reni. Napoli, 1843. .sqQ. 35 p. m((ji. G31 23 bound with (i07 3 — Seymour, II. Facts for tax payers; s))eecli before the canal committee of tlie legialature of N. Y., 9 April, 1878. Utica [,1878], 16 p. 080 20.1 CANALS 105 CANTA OREL — Strada, E. Progetto dei c-aiiali di denyazione per Roma e. sua c;iiiii)aKiui. Roma. 187(i. sciQ. 23 p. map. ((31 2;i (loioirf )C(7/t (>(>7 2 See also (OJIMKWE-KKINI K: IKIIKJATIOX; I'AXAJIA; Si;i':Z; TKIIUANTKI'W . CANARY ISLANDS, Abioii (Jaliiulo, J. de. Historia de la couqiiista de las siete islas de Gran C^anaria, escrita, \<}'->2. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1848. O. iltp. !)4« 63 Fritscll, K. TOIL Reisebilder von der Canari- schen Inseln. Gotha, 18(iT. sqQ. [3 + ]44 p. majis. (In Petermanns Mittheiliuigeu: Erxiln- zungsband 5.) "10 44 See aim (il'AXCHES. Cauarari, Mario. I brachiopodi degli strati a terebratula aspasia Mgh. nell' Appennino ceii- trale. pi. (In Rome— H. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 8, 1879-80.) 0(55 4 CAXAVESE. Bertolotti, A. Passeggiate nel Canavese. Ivrea, 1870-4. v. 4, 7. D. 914.5 47 ^Mspi-Landi, C. Notizie storiche del Cana- vese. (//i/usCarlo Botta. 1876.) 92S 11 Caiicioiieiriiilio de trovas antigas colligidas de um grande cancioneiro da bibliotheca do Vati- eaiio; precedido de unia noticia critica do mes- nio grande cancioneiro. Vienna, 1870. D. 868 31 Printed from typ'iiu imitation of old manuscript. CVJSCOXER d' amor. Bartscli, K. F. Der cata- lanisclie Can9oner d' amor der Pariser Biblio- thek. (7/i Jalirbiicli rom u. eiig. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 Can^oiier de les obretes nies divulgades en no- stra lengua materna durant los spgles 14-16. Barcelona, 1873-. 47 pt. in 1 v. Q. (7. rubricat- ed. 094 4 II eandelaio, commedia, see Bruno, U. CASDIA, see CRETE. Caiidiaiii, Francesco, translator, see Daute Aligllicri. L'inferno esposto in dialetto milane- se. 1860. 851 39 Candido Lusitano. psendonijm of Freire, F. J. CAXEFRI, Cesare, conte. Proiiiis, V. La nobil- ta d' Alessandria del Canefri. (In Cliriositil di storia subalpina. v. 4, 1880.) 945 43 Caiiello, U. A. Gli allotropi italiani. (In Ar- cllivio glot. ital. v. 3. 1878.) 450 11 — Storia della letteratura italiana nel secolo 16 [1494-1.=)95J. Milauo, 1880. Q. (In ViUari, P., editor. Storia letteraria d' Italia; in L' Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 18 Canestriui, Giovanni. Oggetti trovati nelle terremare del Modenese. la relazione: Avanzi d'arte. Modena, 1865. O. 28 p. pi. 913 39 — Pesci. (In ('oriialia, E., & others. Fauna d' Italia. [187-]; in LIfalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 6 Canestriui, Giuseppe. Intoru(i alle relazioni coninierciali de Fiorentini ca' Portoghesi avan- tie dopo la scoperta del Capo di BuonaSperan- za, nienioria. (In Variety storiche d' Italia.) 945 11 Cauevari, Raft'aele. Cenni sulle condizioni alti- metriche ed idrauliche dell' Agro romano. Roma. 1874. O, & Atlas. F.^ (In Italy— Min. di. agric. Annali. v. 70.) 551.49 5.1 Atlas in portfolio 1. — Notiziesulle fondazioni dell' edificiopel mini- sterodcllcfinanzein Roma. pi. (/» Rome— H. accad. dei. liucei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) _ 0(t.> 3 Canevazzi, Eugreuio. Trattato di agrotimesia. Bologna, i860. 2 v. in 1. O. d-iO 9 — Vocabolario di agricoltura. Bologna, 1871-. 2 V. O. 630 1 After Oreiiwlo wanting. See Appendix. Canu'iano, Francesco Savoia di, see Savoia di Caugiauo. Cauina, Luigi. Indicazione topograficadiRonia antica dell' epoca imperiale. 4 edizioue. Roma, 1850. O. !»13 4 — Pianta topograflca de Roma antica. [Ronia,! 1850. 98x140 cm. in Q. 913 4 Cauini, Marco Antonio. Etimologico dei voca- boli italiani di origiue ellenica. Torino, 1865. D. 452 1 Canisius, .Iacol)us, translator & armotator. see Rivadeueyra, P. de. Flos sanctorum. 1741. 922 3 CANNES. Reclus, J. J. E. (/?i7a« Villesd"hiver. 1864.) 914.5 53 CANNIBALISM. RiaUe, G. de. De lanthropo- pliagie; etude d'ethnologie comparee. Paris, 1875. O. 31 p. 399 5 Canuizzaro, Stanislao. Azione dell' idrogeno nascente sull' acido santonico. (In Rome — R. accad. dei liucei. Atti. 2 ser. t. 2, 1874-5.) — Sui derivati deir acido santonico. (//( same. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Sopra alcuni derivati della santonina; memo- ria di Cannizzaro e L. Valente.— Sopra due altri isonieri della santonina ; nota di Cannizzaro e Carnelutti. (In same. 3ser. set. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 CANNON, see FIRE-ARMS. Canuonero, Rouiualdo. Dell' antica citta di Sibari e dei costumi de' Sibariti : ricerche. Roma, 1876. D. 937 14 bonnd with 933 3 — Storia deir isola di Cipro. Imola, 1870. pt. 1. D. 956 3 With autograph of the author: no more published. CANON LAW. Isidorus Mercator. Decretali- uni coUeclio ; accedunt prolegomena H. Den- zinger. Lutetia:> Parisioruni, 1853. Q. 262 8 — Joliann of Freil)urg-. Summa Joannis ghe- togen aller meist uth deme hilligen Euangelio unde Decret boeke. [Basel,] 1518.'F. it. 099 17 Canonge, Jules. Notice historique sur la ville des Baux en Provence, et sur la niai&on des Baux. 2 edition, precedee d'une description. Avignon, 18.57. D. 944 63 CANONIZATION. Aniici, G. II sacro rito della canonizzazione. Fireuze, 1839. D. [4 -I-] 60 [+ 1] p. 265 6 See also SAIXTS. Canopus, see The decree of Canopus. CANT, .see SLANG. Cautacuzeno, G. G. Cenni sulIa Romania. Roma, 1875. O. 14 p. map. 949 73 With autograph of the author. Cantagrrel, B. Notes sur le sous-dialecte car- cassonnais et les sous-dialectes limitrophes. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) — Catalogue botanique, par G. Aza'is. (In. same. CANTA GREL lOG CAPELLINI V. 3, 1872.)— Glossaire botanique languedocien, par M. Barthes. (In same. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Caiitnlicio, Giovaimi Battlsta. Elegia latina. (In Frati, L., editor. II sacco di Voltena nel 1473. \mi; in Scelta di curiosita. 214.) S50 10 Caiitiiliipi, Andrea. II suffragio universale e la filasoHa .sociolugica. Torino, 1881. O. 324 2 Cautaiii, Ariialdo. Acireale considered as a climatic station and Ijathing town; translated by Alfred Cuiubervvorth. Naples, 1880. O. 16 p. 615 20 Cantare del bel Gherardino, norella cavallere- sca in ottava rima del secolo 14. Bologna, 18(i7. D. .56 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 79.) 850 10 Cauterlmry. Christ church lettei's; a volume of mediaeval letters relating to the affairs of Christ church; edited by J. B. Sheppard. [Lon- don,] 1877. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 19.) 820 4.1 — Epistote Cantuarienses: The letters of the prior and convent of Christ church, Canter- bury, 1187-99. London. 186.5. Q. (/« Stiibbs, W. Chronicles of the reign of Richard I. v. 2; in (it. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 38.) 942 8 — Litera; Cantuarienses: the letter books of the monastery of Christ church; edited by J. Brig- stocke Sheppard. London, 1887-9. " 3 v. Q. (In same. 85.) 942 8 — Elhniliani, T. of. Historia monasterii S. Au- gu.stini Cantuariensis: edited by C. Hardwick. London, 1858. Q. facsim. (In same. 8.) J).jl2 8 — Gervase of Canterbury. Actus pontificum Cantuariensis ecclesise. (In his Hist, works, 1879-80, V. 2; in same. 73.) 942 8 Canterbury tales, see Chancer, G. Cantoni, (ifaetaiio. I comizi agrari del regno d' Italia; relazione. Torino, 1870. 3 v. O. tab. (In Italy— Min. di agrie. Annali.) G30 35 Cantiiiii, Giovanni. Su la teoriadell'elettroforo. In Konie— H. aecad. dei lincei. Attti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-0, pt. 2.) 0«5 3 —Sulla teoria della pila voltiana. (In .same. 3 ser. .■ici.fis. V. 3, 1878-9.)— Sa?He, nota 2. (In same. v. 7, 1879-80.) 005 4 Cantor, Moritz. Das Gesetz im Zufall. Berlin, 1877. 48 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- tnlge. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Cantii, Cesare. Buon senso e buon cuore; con- ferenze popolari. Milano, 1872. 2 v. S. por. — Suir origine della lingua italiana. Napoli, 186,5. O. 450 18 — Marsli, G. P. The "Catholic party" of Cesare Cantu and American slavery. (In Nation, v. 2, 186(i, ]). 504-5.) In main library. Canute II., the Great, king of Denmark. An- tupi.un legiim regis Canuti Magni versionem Latinam edendo notisque illustrando prolusit J. L. A. Kolderup-Rosenvinge. Havni:r, 1830. 8<]0- 829 9.1 — Cnntonis regis gesta; sive. Encomium Eni- mae rcginae, auctore monacho Sancti Bcrtini. Hannoverae, 1«05. O. 8-f 37 p. (In I*ertz,(J. H. Script rerum German. 3.) !»43 10 CAXCTK III., St., king of Denmark. .Klnoth. Historia ortus, vitw & passionis S. Canuti.— Eloginm S. Kanuti. — Historia martyrizationis S. Kanuti. — Lcgenda) aliquot de S. Canute — LegendiB omissa?. (In Langebelt, .1. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 3.) 948 76 — Beelier, P. W. Om Knud den Helliges Dyr- kelse i Rom. (In Copenliawn— K. nord. Old.- Selsliab. Nordisk Tidsskrift^ v. 3. 1836.) 948 1.2 — Birclierod, T. B. Annotationes in libellum quern Jilnothus de vita and passione S. Canuti conscripsit. (In Westplialen, E. J. von. Mouu- menta, 1739-45, v, 4.) 943 21 — J0rgensen,A. I). Helgenskrinene i St. Knuds Kirke. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old. -Selsliab. Aarboger. v. 21-2, 1880-7.) 948 5 — Paludan-MUller, C. P. Om Opdagelse af Kong Knud deu Helliges Reliquier i Odense. pi. (In same. v. 2, 1833.) 948 1.2 See also SJ0RUIXG. Canute, St., duke of Schleswig. Historia S. canuti duels & martyris. — Legenda? aliquot de S. Canuto duce.— Robert, bishop of Elgin. Vita S. Canuti duels. (/)( I^angebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 4.) 948 76 CANUTE LAVARD, St., 1081-1131. Borring, L. S. Kanut Lavard: narration historique d'apres la saga de Knytlinga. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old. -Selsliab. Memoires. v. 1, 1836- 9.) 948 2 —Petersen, H. Knud Lavards Helgentilbedelse; Kilden ogCapellet vedHaraldsted. il. (In same. Aarboger. v. 20, 1885.)— Et Billede of Hellig Knud Hertug i en jvdsk Kirke. il. (In same. v. 23, 1888.) ' 948 5 Canzona d"un piagnone pel hruciamento delle vanitii nel carnevale del 1498; aggiuntavi la descrizione del brucimento fatta da Girolamo Benivieni. Firenze, 1864. O. 25-l-21p. 861 24 Edition ef 16S copies, no. 159. Cauzoneri, F., &• Paterno, E. Ricerche dirette alia sintesi del timol. (//( Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti 3 ser. sci. Jis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 0C5 4 CAOITCHOCC, see RUBBER. Cap, PanI Antoine, editor, see Palissy, B. CEu- vres. 1844. 553 2.1 Capasso, Giovanni Battista. Lo ccapezzale. (In CoUezione napoletana, 1783-9, v. 24.) 859 19 Capasso, Nicolo. Ncopp" a lo vernacchio, soni- ette. — Poesi. (In same.) 859 19 — Poesie napoletane, maccaroniche e satiriche. Napoli, 1887. S. (In same. v. m.) 859 19 CAPE OF (iOOI) HOPE, see KAFFKAKIA. Capei, Pietro. Carta Longobarda dell' anno 762 illustrata. — Sulla dominazione dei Longobardi in Italia, (/h Varietastoricheitaliane.) 945 10 Capellini, (jiovanni. Ariano e dintorni; cenni geologici suUe valli dell" Ulita, del Calore e del Cervardo. Bologna, 1809. F. 23 p. pt. 554.5 bound with 551.31 7 — Armi e utensili di pietra del Bolognese. Bologna, 1870. S(iF. 10 ]>. jil. 571 2 bound n-ith 551.31 7 — Balenottercfossili e pacbyacantlnis dell'Italia meridionale. (In Rome— R. iiccad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. ,sct. fis. v. 1. 1870-7, pt. 1.) — II calcai'e di Leitha, il Sarmatiano, e gli strati a congerie nei nionti di Livorno, di Castellino marittima, di Mienio e di Monte CAPELLINI 107 CARBONELL Catini. (/usajiie. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— fili strati a congerie e le marne conipatte mioceniche ilei dintonii di Ancona. p/.— Balenottera fossile delle Cjlombaie presso Volterra. {In same. v. 3, 1878-i).)—Grli strati a congerie o la formazione gessosa-solit'era nella provincia di Pisa e nei dintorni di Livorno. j)!. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) — Resti di tapiro nella lignite di Sarzanello. pi. {Ill same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 0(t5 4 — Compendio di geologia. Bologna, 1879. pt. 1. O. J)/. •••Jl 2 No more published. — Congre.sso geologico internazionale, 2a ses- sione, Bologna, 1881 : Relazione a Ministro di agricoltura. Roma, 1881. O. 56 p. 550 2 — Riconli di un viaggio scientifico nell' America settentrionale nel 1863. Bologna, 1867. O. a. pi. map. 917.3 5 — Sulle balene fossile toscane. {In Rome— R. accad.dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3. 1875-6, pt. 2.) — L'uomo pliocenico in Toscana. pi. {In same.) 005 3 — <£■ Heer, 0. Les plivllites cretacees du Ne- braska. Zurich, 18C0. sqQ. 22 p. pZ. 5(!1 1 CapgTave, Jolm, The book of the illustrious Henries ; translated from the Latin by Francis Charles Hingeston. London, 1858. Q. pi. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 7.) 942 8 — The chronicle of England : edited by Francis Charles Hinge.ston. London, 1858. Q. facsim. (In same. 1.) 942 8 — Vita Sancti Dunstani. {hi Stubbs, W. Me- morials of Dunstan. 1874; {In same. 63.) 942 8 Capis, (jiuvaimi. Varon milanes de la lengua de Milan, opera aumentata da Giuseppe Milani e Ignazio Albani. (In Collezioiie milanese, 1816-7, V. 1.) 8.59 15 Le capitaiue Fracasse, see Gaiitier, T. Le capitaiue Martin, see Reybaiid, M. R. L. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Castroniediaiio, S., duca, Suir abolizione della pena di morte. Lecce, 1865. D. [1 -h] 7 p. 343 4 — Heiberg', P. A. Om Doilsstraffene. Christi- an ia, 1820. D. 343 3 ^Johii, R. E. Ueber di Todesstrafe. Berlin, 1867. O. 43 p. (/« Vlrchon A Holtzeiidorff. Vortriige. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Zscbokke, J. H. D. Civilisation, Demoralisa- tion und Todesstrafen. (hi his Aehrenlese, 1844, V. 1.) 833 33 &e aim MITRDER. Capiiiaii}' y Mon])alau, Antonio de. Slemorias historicas sobre la marina comercio y artes de Barcelona. Madrid, 1779-92. 4 v. sqQ. 380 13 &« aZ»o BARCELONA. Codigo. 1791. — translator, see Ara^on. Ordenanzas navales. 1787. 946 39 Caporali, Ettore. Sui complessi e sulle eongru- enze di 2ogrado. — Sopra i piani ed i punti sin- golari della superficie di Kummer. {In Rome — R. accad. dei Ilneei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) ' 065 4 Cappelletti, (Tiiiseppe. I gesuiti e la repubblica di Venezia; documenti diplomatici con anno- tazioni storiche. Venezia, 1873. O. 271 5 Cappelletti, Licnrgo, editor, see Torelli, P. Il Tancredo. 1875. {In Scella di curiositii. 147.) 8.50 10 Cappelli, Antonio, editor. Poesie nuisicali dei secoli 14-16. Bologna, 1868. D. 74 [ + 1] p. music. (In same. 94.) 8.50 10 See also nos. J?. 5K. IB, r,4. 71. Cappello, Bernardo. Lettere. Bologna, 1870. D. (In same. 108.) S.50 10 Capponi, Oino Alessandro (iliuseppe Gasparo, marcliese. .Scritti editi e inediti; per cura di Marco Tabarrini. Firenze. 1877. 2 v. D. 858 4 — Lettera. (In Dante AUgblerl. Della volgare eloquenza. 1868.) 851 42 — Storia della repubblica di Firenze. Firenze, 1875. 2 V. V. 945 70 — Sulla dominazione dei Longobardi in Italia, lettera le 2. (/nVarietii storiche italiane.) i»45 10 — editor. Documenti di storia italiana, 1522-30; seguito ai da Molini. [In Vettori, F. Somma- rio.) 945 13 —Tabarrini, M. Gino Capponi, i suoi tempi, studi. aniici; memorie. Firenze, 1879. D. xmr. 923 21 Capranica, Stefaiio. Studi chimico-fisiologici sulle materie colorati della retina, pi. (In Rome — R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 CAPRI. Koplscb, A. Entdeckung der blauen Grotte auf der Insel Capri. {In his Gesam. Werke. 1856, v. 5.) 831 54 Capriciosa, Folkecomedie, .see Orerskon, T., cfc Aruesen, A. L. Captain Singleton, see Defoe, F. Captelvei, see Plantus, T. M. v. 1. CAPTIVITIES, see PRISONS. Capnaua, Luig'i. Di alcune poesie scritte pel sesto centenario di Dante, n. p., 1865. O. 37 p. 851 48 bound with 44 From Rivlsta italloa. Le capucin, see Peyronnet, ('. I. de. I Capiileti ed i Montecchi, .sec Romani, F. Les caquets de Taccouchee; revue et annotee par Edouard Fournier: avec une introduction par Le Roux de Lincy. Paris, 1855. S. {In BibL elzevir.) 840 3 Caratscb, S. Poeaias umoristicas e populeras in romauntsch d' Engiadin Ota. Turin, 1865. D. 859 33 Caravaua, Rime toltedauna raccolta intitolata la. {In (Jamba, B. Poeti antichi venez. 1817. v. 1.) 859 49 CARBON. Bajer, J. F. W. A. Ueber den Kreislaiif des Kohlenstott'es in der organisclien Natur. Berlin. 1866. O. 32 p. (In Vircbow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Carbone, Domenico, annotator, see Gnldo of Pisa. 1 fatti d' Enea. 1871. .S73 11 Carbone, Ginnio, translator, see Blanc, L. G. Vocabolario dantesco. 1859. 851 44 Carbonell, Pedro Mig:neI.Chroniques deEspaya tins aci no divulgades; que tracta dls revs dels Gots. y dels cotes de Barcelona, e revs de Ara- go. Barcelona, Carles Amoros. 1546. "F. 099 39 — Opuscules ineditos; precedidos de su biogra- fia. Barcelona, 1864-5. 2 v. O. (In .Irag'on — Arcliivo. Col. de doc. v. 27-8.) 946 38 CARGANI 108 CARL YLE Carcaiii, Michele. II Teveie elesueinonclazioni dair origine di Roma fino ai giorni nostri. Roma, 1875. O. 76 p. 551.48 17 t'arcano, Oiiiiio, editor, see Azeg'llo, M. T. (1.' Letteie a sue moglie. 1870. 85(> 3 Cardale, J. S., editor & translator, seeBoethi- us. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version. 1829. S-2!» 6 CARI)r>'ALS. Barg-iave, J. Pope Alexander VII. and the college of cardinals; edited by J. C. Robertson. [London,] 1867. sqO. facsim. (Ill Camden soc. 92.) " 820 4 CARDS. Bianchini, F. Carte da giuoco in ser- vigio deir istoria e della cronologia. Bologna, 1871. D. 77 [ + 2] p. facsim. (In Scelta di curiosita. 120.) 850 10 Cardncci, Giaiiibattista. Sul grande luusaico sfoperto in Pesaro. Pesaro, 1866. F.'' i)5 p. pi. 747 3 Cardncci, fiiosue. An den Satan [:deutsch von Julius Schanz]. (In Hillebrand, K. Itali.-.. v. 2, 187.5.) 945 41 — Della Scelta di curiosita letterarie inedite o rare, illustrazioni. Bologna, 1863. D. 7.5 p. (//i Scelta di curiosita. 67.) 3.50 10 Cardncci Ijecame general editor of the series with the publication of no. 2^4, 1887 — Lettera. (In. Gelli, G. B. Lezioni petrarche- sche. 1884; in same. 204.) .SoO 10 — Odi barbare. 2 edizione, con prefazione di G. Chiarini. Bologna. 1878. S. pi. 851 35 — Per la niorte di Eugenio Napoleone, ode. Bologna, 1879. S. [1 + ] 5 [ + 2] p. 85157 — Poesie. 3 edizione, con giunte. Firenze. 1875. D. 851 36 — Studi letterari. Livorno, 1874. D. 850 12 Conteiifn: Dello svoljrimento della letteratura naziona- le.— Delle rime di Dante.— Della varia fortunadi Dante. — Musica e poesianel mondo elejjante italiano del secolo 14. Cardiiino, I cantari di: giuntori quelle di Tris- tano e Lancielotto (juando conibattettero al petrone di llerlino; poemetti cavallereschi, per cura di Pio Rajna. Bologna, 1873. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 135.) 850 10 Cardwell, Edward, editor, see Tarerner, R, Po.stils. 1841. 2 8 CareWj (ieorge, haron Carew of Clopton earl of Totnes. Letters to Sir Thomas R( Careiia, (iiaciiito. Prontuario, per saggio di un vocaliolario metodico della lingua italiana. Torino, 1851-60. 3 v. in 1. O. 453 3 Carette, Aiitoine Ernest Hippolyte, THIA}J DILECT. Lexer, M. KArntisches Worterbuch; mit einem Anhange: Weinacht- Spiele und Lieder aus Kiirnten. Leipzig, 1862, Q. 437 6 Carisch, Otto. Grammatische Formenlehre der deutschen und rhiitoromanischen Sprache inebst Proben. Chur, 18.53. O. 459 14 Carl XI, Rabenius och hexeriprocessen, see Zeipel, K. S. F. von. Carl Johan och Svenskarne, see Crnsenstolpe, 31. J. Carlandi, Ettore. Se il linguaggio articolato sia il solo carattere distintivo dell' uomo. Fi- renze, 1883. O. 14 p. 401 3 Carlen, Emllie (Smith) Flygarc. Fideikom- misset, roman. Stockholm, 1844. 3 v. S. 839.73 6 — Fosterbroderne, roman. Stockholm. 1840. 3v. S. 839.73 7 — Gustaf Lindorm. Stockholm, 1839. 3 v. S. 8.39.73 8 — Kamrer Lassman. Stockholm, 1843. 2 v. S. 839.73 9 — Kvrko-invigningen i Hammarbv; roinan. Stockholm. 1840. 3 v. S. "839.73 10 — Pal Vilrning. en skiirgardsynglings JifventTr. Stockholm, 1844. D. 839.73 11 — Professorn och hans skyddslingar. Stock- holm, 1840. 2v. S. 839.73 13 — Representanten. Stockholm, 1839. 3 v. S. 8.39.72 13 — Rosen pa tistelon; berattelse fran skilrgaden. Stockholm, 1843. 3 v. S. 839.73 14 — Skjutsgossen; romantiserad berilttelse. Stock- holm, 1841. 2 V. S. 839.73 15 — ^Valdemar Klein, af Fru F**. Stockholm, 1838. S. 839.73 16 Carleton, Caj5<. George. Memoirs of an English officer in the Dutcli war, 1673-1713. (In Defoe, D. Novels, etc.. 1840-1, r. 8.) 823 7 CARLISLE, Charles Howard, 1st earl of. Miege, G. La relation de trois ambassades de Carlisle vers Moscovie, Suede et Daiiemark, 1663-4, Nouvelle edition, por A. Galitzin. Paris, 1857. S. (Bibl. elzevir.) 840 4 Carlisle, (Jeorge WUliam Frederick Howard, 7th earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters; edited by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1855. D. (7. pi. 914.9 35 CARLOS, Don, son of Philip II. of Spain. Manrenbrechei', K. W. Don Carlos. Berlin, 1869. O. 33 p. ( Jn Vii-cliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 4 Serie.) 043 1 Dcm Carlos, Infant von Sjiaiden; ein draniati- sches Gedicht, sec Schiller, J. C. F. von. Carlyle, Thomas. Critical and miscellaneous essays. Boston, 18G0. 4 v. O. por. 824 8 — The French revolution, a historv. Boston, 1838. 3 V. D. " 944 36 — The life of Friedrich Schiller, conqirehending an exatnination of his works. From the 2 London edition. New York, 1846. D. 928 46 — Past and present, Chartism, ami Sartor resar- tus. New edition. New York, 1848. D. ))or. 824 7 CARLYLE 109 CARUTTI —Lowell, J. R. {In his My study windows. ' SU 14 Carlvlt' redivivus, by Smelfungus, set' Alexan- der," P. 1'. Carmen de bello Saxonico ; ex recensione O. Holder-Egger; accedit Conquestio Hem ici IV. imperatoiis. Hannoverae, 1889. O. l'l+28 p. (/j) Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 3.) CARNEVAL. Maiizoiii, L., editor. Libro di carnevaledei secoli 15 e 16. Bologna, 1881. D. facsiin. (In Scelta di curiosita. 181.) 850 10 ("ARMOLA. Valvasor, J. W. Die Ehre des Herzogtluims Grain ; in Teut-sch diiroli E. Fraiicisci. Lavbach, 1689. 4 v. F. il. por. pi. tab. maps. ' i>-t3 59 See fihii CAVKS. €ARN()T, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, comte. Laiifrev, P. (/" /u's Etudes et portraits. 1874.) !>2:i 3 €aro, Aiiiiibale. Commento di Ser Agresto da Ficaruolo sopra la prima Ficata del Padre Siceo. Bologna, 1861. D. {In Scelta di curiosita 7.) 850 10 Contents: La Ficheide.— La Nasea.— Lettera a G. F. Leoni.— La statua della Foia- — Gli straccioni, commedia; La Ficheide, co- niento; La Nasea, e La statua della Foia,dicAie. Milano, 1863. S. po;-. (In Bibl. rara. 12.) 850 3 — translator, see Longiis. Gli amori di Dafni e Cloe. 1863. {In same. 20.) 850 3 Carolina, see Braun, V. A. I), von. Caroline, Pedro, & Fonseca, J. da. O novi guia da courersai;ao em portuguez e inglez. Paris, 1855. sqT. 4Cit 10 Thp oriiriiial foi-m of "English as she is spoke." CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS, see TATRA. Carpelan, W. M. Pittoresk resa til norska f jel- len Stockliolm, 1821-3. 3 pt. in 1 v. F.' 914.8 13 Carpeneto. Statuti ed ordinazioni del comune; pulililicati ed annotati dal Giuseppe Ferraro. MondoTi, 1874. F. 81 p. :M9 19 Appended, p. 69-81. is Qual.tro document! inediti relativt alia storia del llonferrato nei secoli 14, 16 e 18, putjbli- cati per cura di G. Ferraro. The University Library possesses the original ms of the Statuti, written iu 1458, a gift from Prof. Ferraro. ^Ferraro, (i. Gli antichi statuti del comune di Carpeneto. Firenze, 1873. O. 22 p. 349 20 Carpenter, Jolin, compiler, see Liber albus. Carpentier, Pierre, editor, see Dn ('ange, C. dn F. Glossariuni medias et infima; latiuit:itis. 1840-50. 479 2 Carpini, Giovanni dal Piano di. Epistola de' costumi dei Tartari, cavata nel sec. 14 dalla Storia dei Mongoli. Livorno, 1871. O. 31 + 24 [ + 1] p. 390 23.1 Nozze Bettarini-Pardossi. Edited by O. T. Tozzetti Trade edition of only 80 copies, Carrano, Francesco, editor, see Manin, D. Lettere a Pallavicino. 1859. 945 18.1 Carreira, Lnis Antonio de Abren e Lima, vi- scoiide de, trajislator, see Eanues de Azurara, G. Chronica de Guine. 1841. 9(i7 1 CARREL, Nicolas Armand. Lanfrey, P. (In his Etudes et portraits. 1874.) 923 3 CARRETTO, Galeotto del. Promis, V. Galeotto del Carretto ed alcuna sue lettere. pi. (In Ciiri- ositJi della storia subalpina. v. 3, 1879.; 945 43 Carriere, fidonard, editor, see Reveille-Pa rise, J. H. Guide des goutteaux. 1878. (il(> 29 Carriere, Pierre, called Corteis. Minioires; histoire des miseres d' autrefois, 1685-1730; publics par J. G. Baum. Strasbourg, 1871. O. [9+]88[ + l]p. 284 7 Cartailliiic, Einile.LTige de pierre dans les sou- venirs et superstitions populaires. Paris, 1877. Q. il. rill r, bound irifh ortl.a 2 Cartas eruditas y curiosas, see Feyjoo y Monto- iiearo, B. (J. CARTHAGE. Beule, C. E. Nachgrabungen im Kartluigo; aus dem Franzosischeu. Leipzig, 1863. O. j)l. 913 31.7 — Davis, N. Carthage and lier remains, excava- tions and researches. London, 1861. O. jjI. majis. 913 31.8 — Dnrean de la Malle, A. J. C. A., 01 1 Cams, Carl Gustav. Ludwig Tieck ; zur Ge- schichte seiner Vorlesungen in Dresden. (In Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Taschenbuch, 1845.) 905 1 Carntti, Domenico, baronedi Cantogno. Genno necrologico del socio straniero Perkins Marsli. (/» Rome— R. accad. dei lineei.Transunti. v. 7, 1882-3, p. 172-3.) 080 35 — Che fosse il falso inviato di Savoia alia corte di Vienna. (In Curiosita di storia subalpina. V. 3, 1876.) 945 43 See also v. 1. CAR UTTI 110 CA&TELLANI —Dei principii del governo libero, e saggi poli- tici. Nuova edizione. Firenze, 1861. D. 320 2 — Di Giovanni Eckio e dell' Accademia dei lin- cei, con note intorno a Galileo. — Giunta all" elenco delle opere di G. Eckio. (In Rome— R, accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.)- Degli ultimi tempi, dell' ultima opera degli antiohi lincei, e del risorgimento dell' accademia. (/" same. v. 2, 1877-8.)— Delle let- tere inedite del principe Fedeiico Cesi. (In same. v. 3. 1878-9.) 065 5 Di un nostro maggiore; ossia di Cassiano Dal Pozzo il giovine. (In same. 3 ser. v. 3, '87.1-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — Gioventii: racconti. Nova edizione. Firenze, 1861. D. S53 11 CARVALHO E MELLO, Sebastiao Jose de, mar- quez de Pomhal, see P03IBA1, CARVIS(i,see FOOD; CiEMS; WOOD-CARVISG. Cary, Henry Francis, translator, see Dante Ali^'hieri, 1834. 861 38 Casa, (wiovanni della. Capitoli. (In Berui, F. Opere burlesche. 1726, v. 1;— 1760, v. 1, 3.)S57 3 — Galateo, extract; Trattato degli uffici coni- muni, extract. (In Rossetti, W. M. Italian courtesy books. 1869; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 Casa, Ugolino della. Amore dispetto per co- stanza, visione. Bologna, 1880. D. 59 p. (In Scelta di curiositii. 175.) 850 10 Casa con dos puertas mala es de guardar, see Calderon. v. 1. La casa, nuova, commedia, see GoldouijC.v.SO. Casaccia, Giovanni. Cenni biografici di Piag- gio. — Trattato d' ortografia genovese. {In Piagalo, M. Poesie. 1864.) 859 13 Casall, Gregorio. Vianij P, Delle poesie di Casali. (//( his Letlere tilol. e critiche. 1874.) 450 10 El casaniiento enganoso, see Cervantes. Nove- las, v. 3. Casas, Cliristoval de las. Vocabulario de las dos lenguas. toscana y castellana; accresciuto da Camillo Camilli. Venetia, 1604. S. 463 Casati, Carlo. Rome ou Florence, quelle doit etre la capitale d' Italie. Paris [,1861]. O. 16 p. 945 91 —editor, see Ricliars li biaus. 1868. 841 30 Casaubon. Isaac, annotator, see Atlienieus. Deipnosophibtarum libri. 1801-7. 888 39 Caselins, .Toliann, De ducum Mecklenlmrgen- sium originibus & gloria libellus scriptus in obitum ducis Jo. Alberti. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Caselti, Antonio, & Inibriani, V., editors. Canti poy)olari dolle provincie meridionale. Torino, 1871-3. 3 v. O. (In Comparetti, D., ct Ancona, A. d.' Canti e racconti . 551.58 61 Castellani, Aiigusto. Delle gemme. Firenze, 1870. D. 786 3 CASTELLANI 111 CATAFAGO — Suir inoivilimento primitivo. Firenze, 1864. O. 49 p. 571 4 Castellaiii, Carlo. Catalogo ragionato delle pin iniportanti opeie geogratiche a stampa nella biblioteca del Collegio romauo. Roma, 1876. O. 01 e 24 — Notizia di alcune edizioni del secolo 15 nella Biblioteca Vittorio Emauuale di Roma. Roma, 1877. Q. 15+38 p. 01« —translator, see Salliistius Crispus, C. La guerra di Giugurta e La congiuia di Catilina. 1864. 8T.S 9 CASTELLI, Benedetto. Henry, t'. Documents nouveaux. {In Rome— B. accad. (lei lineei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.) 0(55 5 — Lombardiui, E. (In his Dell' oiigine della scienza idraulica. 1860.) 551.48 5 Casteliiaii, Michel de. Memoires, 1.558-70. jjor. (In Jlicliaud & Fouioiilat. Memoires, 1886, v. 9.) 944 9 Castiglia, Benedetto. Fase diffinitiva della sci- enza. Roma [,187-?] T. 10 p. 401 5 — Redenzione; primo aununcio. [Milano, 1872.] O. '284 11 Contents: Cattolicismo.— Protestantlsmo.— Christiani- smo vero. Castiglione, cortegiano: liveduto da Antonio Ciccarelli. Venetia, 1584. S. 395 1 — Cortigiano, extract. (In Eosselti, AV. M. Italian courtesy books. 1869; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 8.:' 820 5.1 — Eaqlish: The courtier; done into English by Thonias Hobby. London, 1577. D. 395 3 — Egloga. {In Riibbi, A. Egloghe. 1785.) 851 3 Castislione, Jacomo. Trattato dell' inondatione del Tevere. Roma, 1599. T. r8+]78 p. il. 551.48 22 Castiglione, Sabba da. Novella. Lucca. 1865. O. 12[ + !]p. 853 16 Edition of 60 copies. Castifflioui, Carlo Ottario, conte, editor, see rilUas. 1819. 839.9 7 — Biondelli, B. Delia vita e degH scritti del Castiglioni. j;oc. (./u /lis Studii. 1856.) 408 1 Castiglioni, Pietro. Circoscrizioni e dizionario dei comuni del regno d' Italia. 2 edizione. Roma, 1874. 3 v. D tab. 314 7 Un castigo en tres venganzas, see Calderon. v. 4. %ASTILE. Savarrete, M. F. de, editor. Docu- mentos relativos a la dignidad del almirantazgo mayor de Castilla. (In his Coleccion de los viages, 182.5-37, v. 1.) 910 ,59 Castillia, Gaetano de. Libera chiesa in libero stato; peusieri. Milano, 1865. O. 59 p. 322 3 Castillo, Diego Enriqaez del. Cronica del rey Enrique el quarto. 3 edicion, corregida por Josef Miguel de Flores. por. {In Crouicas espaiiolas. v. 6, 1787.) 94« 34 El castiUo de Lindabridis, see Calderon. v. 4. Castillo Solorzano, Alouzo de. La garduiia de Sevilla, y anzuelo de las bolsas: aiiadido en esta impresiou un Cathalogo de libros eutretenidos y Ocho enigmas curiosas. 4 impres. Madrid, 1733. T. 863 11 CASTIOSE DEI MARCHESI. Pigorini, L. Ter- ramara dell'eta del bronzo situata inCastione dei Marchesi. ^>/. (In Rome— R.accad. dei lineei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 CASTLES. Hansen, C. K. L. Danske Ridder- l)orge. Kjobenhavn, 1833. D. pi- 948 94 — Leo, H. liber Burgenbau und Burgeneinrich- tung in Deutschland, 11-14 Jahrhundert. {In Ranuier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1837.) 905 1 — Simonsen, L. S. V. Biedrag til danske Slottes og Herreborges Histoire i den catholske Tids- alder. Odense, 1840. D. 948 88 Borgnunerne. Kjobenhavn, 1813. 3 v. in 1. S. 2>l- I'liijis. 913 59 Historiske Efterretninger oni de sja-lland- ske Borge Hjortholm og Gurre, samt Valde- mar Atterdags Sagnhistorie... til Touvelille. map. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kab. Annaler. v. 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 See nlso .E.MKLTHORPHl IS; (ililPSHOUl: HKItSTMON- CEUX; POXTKKIUC'T; RUNKELSTEIX: SIEKKKOltti; SKA>DER«Omi. Castone, Carlo, conte della Torre di Rezzonico, see Torre di Rezzonico. CASTRACAXI, Castrnccio. ]ttaccliiavelli, S. Vita di C. Castracani da Lucca. (/H/((sOpere, 1819, V. 3.) 858 10 CASTRAISE DIALECT see PROATlXi^lAL. Castren, Matthias Alexander. Nordiska resor och forskningar. Helsingfors, 1853-8. 5 v. in 3. O. por. pi. niapjs. 947 13 Contents : 1. Reseminnen. 18.38-44. i. Resberiittaiser och bref, 1845-9. :!. F6rela.sningar i finsk mytoloKi. 4. Ethnoloffi.ska foreliisniii^ar ofver altaiska folkcn, samt samo.iedska och tatariska sa^or. 5. Smiirre afhand- liii| 13 Castro, Joao de. Roteiro em que se contem a viagem que tizeram os Portuguezes, 1.541. da Goa atee Soez; com o Itinerarium Maris Rubri; ]3elo Antonio Nunes de Carvalho. Paris. 1833. O. p)or.faesim. 915.3 4 — Freire de Andrade, J. Vida de J. de Castro. Nova eilicao. Lislioa, 1786. T. por. pi. 954 6 Castro, Juan Paez de. Parecer. (7/i Znrifa, J. Anales de Aragon, 1610-21, v, 6.) 946 43 Castromediano, Sigismondo, duca. SuU' alioli- zione della pena di morte. Leece, 1865. D. [1 +] 1 p. 343 4 Castrucci, Giacomo. Fucino ululante : ossia, Derivazione delle sue acijue nel fiuine Liri. Napoli, 1858. sqQ. 18 p. pf. 627 27 hound with 607 3 CASUISTRY, see PROBABILITY. CATACOMBS. Meyer, L. Die romische Kata- komben. 'Berlin, 1882. O. 72 p. (In Yil-- chow & Holtzendorf.Vortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 —Parker, J. H. The catacombs. Oxford, 1871. O. {In his Archajology of Rome, v. 13,) 913 5 Catafago, Joseph. An English and Arabic die- CA TAFA G 112 CATALONIA tionary. 8 edition, enlarged. London, 1873. 2pt. in 1 V. O. 492.7 3 CAT.LLAN DI.ALECT, Angles, P. M. Piontu- ario ortliologi-graphico trilingue, en que se en- seila a pronunciar, escribir y letrear en latin, castellauo y cataUn. Barcelona [, 1742]. S. 467 1 — Ai"ag:oii — Arcliivo sreiieral.Coleccion de docu- mentos inedito.s; publicada por P. Bofarull y Mascaro. Barcelona, 1847-76. 40 v. in 87. O. 940 38 For contents me Ariigon. —Ballot y Torres, J. P. Gramatica y apologia de la lleugua cathalana. Barcelona [,1814]. S. 407 8 Appended. 26 p., is Cataloeo de las obras en lengua catalana desde Jayme el Conquistador, arreglado por Josef Salat. — Biblioteca catalana. Barcelona [,1871-88?]. 13t. D. facsim. 809 3-8.1 For contents set Bililioteca. — IJofariiU, A. d. Estudios, .sistema graniatical y crestomatia de la lengua catalana. Barcelo- na, 1864. D. 407 9 Briz, F. P., editor. Lo Uibre dels poetas; cansoner de oljras rimadas dels sigles 12-18. Barcelona, 1867. D. 869 11 ^Brock, J. Proniptuario trilingue. ...cathalan, castellano y frances. Barcelona, 1771. T. 407 11 — Biichoii, J. A. C, tfrTastu, J. Notice d" un atlas en langue catalane, ms. de I'an 1375. [Paris, 1841.] sqQ. facsim. maps. 912 3 — Camboiiliii, F. It. Essai sur Fhistoire de la litterature catalane. 2 edition, augmentt^e de la Comedia de la gloria d'amor, de Fra Rnca- berti, et d"un nouveau fragment de la traduc- tion catalane de Dante. Paris, 18.5P. O. 809 9 .—Cansoner de les obretes nies divulgades en nostra lengua niaterna durant los segles 14-16. Barcelona, 1873-. 47 pt. in 1 v. Q. il. 094 4 — t'ormiiias, PI. Suplemento a diccionario de Torres Amat. Burgos, 1849. O. 809 1 — Ebert, A. Zur Gescbichte der catalanischen Literatur. {In Jahrbiich rora. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 — Esti>rcll y Siqiies, P. Elements de poetica catalana y diccionuri de sa rima. Gerona, 18,52. D. 407 10 — Ferrer, M. Diccionario castellano-catalan, con una coleccion de 1670 refranes. 3 edicion. Barcelona, 1847. S. 467 3 Diccionario catalan-oastellano. Barcelona, 1839. «. 407 2 — Fuster, J. P. Biblioteca valenciana de los escritores que florecieron ha.sta nuestras dias, con adicionese enniiendas a la de V. Xinieno. Valencia, 1827. v. 1. F. S09 3 Vol. 1 (Hjntiente los autores hasta 1700. See Appendix. — — Breve vocabulario valenciano-castellano. Valencia, 1827. S. 407 6 ^(■iiariierio, P. K. II dialetto (^atalani) d" AI- gheni. (hi Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 — Held'erieb, A. liaymund Lull und die Anfiinge der catalonischen i^iteratur. Berlin, 18.58. O. 809 15 — Kiililei-, It. Zu F. Wolfs Proben portugue- 8iscber un!) 18 —Manuel de Mello, F. Historia de los movimi- entt)s, separacion y guerra de Cataluna en tiempo de Felipe IV. Nueva edicion. Paris, 1819-26. 2 V. Tt. por. (»4« 48 — Marca, P. de. Marca Hispaniea ; sive, Geo- grapliica & historica descriptio Catak>niai... Parisiis, 1(J88. F.-* map. 94(5 47 ^Moncada, F. de. Expedioion de los Catalanes y contra Turcos y Griegos. Madrid, 180.5. D. J)4« 49 ^Mimtaner, R. CnJnica catalana; texto origi- nal y traduccion castellano, aconipailada de notas, por A. de Bofarull. Barcelona, 18G0. 046 50 — . — Chronik ; herausgegeben von K. Lanz. Stuttgart, 1844. O. 94(> 51 — —German : iibersetzt von K. F. W. Lanz. Leipzig. 1843. 2 v. O. 940 52 — Piijades, J. Coronica universal del principal de Cathalunya. Barcelona, 1609. Q. il. 945 53 Same, isarcelona, 1829-31. 8 v. Q. 940 54 — Riiis, \i. A. Cristal de la verdad; espeio de CataluiSa. Zarago^a, 1646. O. 946 55 See afcoB.lRCELOXA; JMIES I. Cataliinya agonisant, novela historica, see Bofarnll, A. de. CATAMA. Peters, C. H. F. Memoria sulla latitudine geograiica di Catania, deterniinata nel 1841 per mezzo di passaggi di stelle zenitali del prima verticale. Catania, 1849. sqO. [1 + ] 21 p. 525 4 CATAWBA LANGUAGE. Lieber, 0. M. Vocab- ulary of the Catawba language; with remarks on its grammar, construction and pronuncia- tion. Charleston, S. C, 1858. O. 18 p. 497 2 CATECHISMS, Scllilter, J., editor. Jlonu- menta catechetica Theotisca.(/« his Thesaurus, 1727-8, V. 1.) 830 9 —A short instruction into Christian religion; being a catechism set forth by Archbishop Cranmer in 1548; with the same in Latin, translated from the German by Justus Jonas in 1539 [; edited by Edward Burton]. Oxford, 1829. O. il. 241 1 CATEGORFES. Sclmppe, W. Die Aristoteli- schen Kategorien. Berlin, 1871. O. [1-I-] 71 p. 888 34 Catei'lna, St., of Siena. Le lettere; con pro- emio e note di Niccolo Tommaseo. Firenze, 1860. 4 V. in 2. D. 856 8 — Gi^li, G. Vocabolario cateriniano. Firenze, 1865-6. 2 V. D. 457 5 Leggeiida minore di S. Caterina e lettere dei suoi discepoli; pubblicate da F. Grottanelli. Bologna, 1868. O. (/?i Emilia. Collezione. 26.) 850 3 CATHARl, see WALDENSES. CATHARINE, St., of Siveden, see KATARINA. CATHARINE, infanta, sister of Charles V. Droyseii, J. G. Uber das Verliibnissder Infantin Katharina mit Herzog Johann Friedrich von Sachsen, 1519. (Jn Leipsic— K. siiolis GeseU. Berichte, 1853.) 063 3 CATHARINE, Pomeranian princess. K0iiig:s> feldt, J. P. F. Docunienter angaaende den baieriske Hertug Johans og den danske (pom- merske) Katharines Giftcrmaal. (In Copenhagen— K. nonl. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 20, 1860.) 948 2 CATHEDRALS, see CHURCHES. CATHERINE, St., of Ale.randria. The life of Saint Katlierine, with its Latin original; edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Eugene Einenkel. London, 1884. O. (/" E. E. text soe. Orig. ser. 80.) 820 5 — RanalJo, B. di. Leggenda di .S. Caterina d' Alessandria. 1330. (/;/ IVrcopo, E. IV. poe- metti. 1885; in Scelta di curiosita. 211.) 850 10 CATHERINE DE' MEDICI, queen of France. Disconrs merveilleux de la vie, actions & de- portemens de Catherine de Medicis. 1649, selon la copie imprimte H Paris. T. 923 22 Catholic chnrcli. Breviarium Romanum ex decreto concilii Tridentini restitutum; cum officiis. Parisiis. 1851. S. 264 9 Alon;j: the front edge is written "Imperfectum." — Diario roniano per 1854, '74. nel quale si annunziano le feste... Roma [,1853-73]. 2 v. S. 264 8 — Exercicio izpirituala. Edicione l)erria. [In Bascjue.] Bayonan, 1863. T. 264 12 — Salutatio angelica. — Salutatio B. M. V. — Svmbolum apostolorum. — Introitus ad missam. [PalermoV 1889?] T. 4 p. il. 264 7 Preceded by the alphabet, the vowels, and the first five consonants combined with the vowels. — Abont, E. F. V. La question romaine. Bru- xelles, 18.59. O. 282 37.1 — Azeglio, M. T, d'. La politique et le droit chretienne au point de vue de la question italienne. 3 edition. Paris, 1860. O. 282 37.2 — Bacelli, C. Ultime parole di giustizia ai mi- nistri nel Vaticano. Roma, 1883. Q. lip. 282 40 — Becknian, E.Italienska prester. {In his Fran pafvarnes land. 1880.) 914.5 25 ^Benedict XIV. Opuscula miscellanea. Prati, 1845. Q. 208 1 — Boargio, P. C. La questione romana studiata in Roma. Torino, 1865. O. 282 37.3 — Bonglii, R. Frati, papi e re; discussioni tre. Napoli, 1873. D. 282 33 — — Die italienische und die deutsche Kirchen- politik. (/h Hillebraud, K. Italia, v. 1. 1874.) 945 41 — Boni, F. de. La chiesa romana e I'ltalia. Milano, 1863. S. 262 88 — Bnrchard, .1. Diarium Innocenti VIII, Ale- xandri VI, Pil III et .Julii II tempora complec- tens; ab A. Gennarelli. Florentiae, 1854. Q. 282 26 — Bntler, C. M. Inner Rome, political, relig- ious and social. Philadelphia, 1886. D. 914.5 76 — Clianning". W. E. On Catholicism. (In his Works, 1848, v. 2.) 208 3 — Ciocci, R. Das Ketzergericht in Rom. New York [,]85-':'] S. " 272 20 A narrative of iniquities practiced at Rome. 1 American edition. New York, 1854 [introd. '46]. S. 272 19 CATHOLIC CHURCH 114 CATHOLIC CHURCH — Ciottolini, A. Una tiratiiia di orecchi a certi poco reverendi messeri. Firenze, 1868. D. 16 p. 282 4 — Clairiii, E. Le clericalisme, 1789-1870. Paris, 1880. D. 282 1 — Ciirci, ('. M. La nuova Italia ed i vecchi ze- lauti. Firenze, 1881. O. 282 41 Ragioue dell' opera, proraessa alle Lezioni sopra i quattro evangeli. Roma, 1874. O. 56 p. 282 38 Sopra la soscrizione romana oflerta a Pic IX dalia Societa per gli interessi cattolici. Roma, 1871. O. 8+40 p. 282 49 — Deiiziiiffer, H., editor. Enchiridion symbolo- runi et definitorum quae de rebus fidei et mo- rum a couciliis oecumenicis et summis pontifi- cis emanarunt. Editio 3, aucta. Neapolis. 18.56. D. 282 3 — Donoso Cortes, J. F. M. tie la S. Essays on Catholicism, liberalism and socialism: trans- lated by W. M'Donald. Dublin, 1874. D. 282 2.1 — Dii pere Passaglia et de I'ltalie. Turin, 1863. O. 86 p. 282 50 Estienne, H. A world of wonders; or. An in- troduction to a treatise touching the conform- — Heyer, F. Die Ausbildung der Priesterherr- schatt und die Inquisition. Berlin, 1877. O. 47 p. {In Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. ISSerie.) 0*3 1 — Hirsclier, J. B. Lo stato attuale della chiesa; traduzione dal tedesco di O. Tasca. Milano, 1863. D. 282 4 Same. 3edizione. Bergamo, 1865. D. 282 4 —Hopkins, J. H. "The end of controversy," controverted. 3 edition. New York, 1855. 3 V. D. 282 5 — Italiciis, pseud. Le condizioni presenti ed il nrossimo avvenire della chiesa ; lettere. Roma, 1874. D. 282 4 —Italy— Camera del depiitati. Relazione della commissione sul progetto di legge per la esten- sione alia provincia di Roma delle leggi suUe corporazioni religiose, e suUa conversione dei beni immobili degli enti morali ecclesiastici, 3 aprile 1878. n. p. [,1872.] sqQ. 27 p. 282 40 Ministero degli affaii esteri. Documenti diplomatic! relativi alia questione romana, commuuicati 19 die. 1870. Firenze, 1870. sqQ. 282 40 .— —Ministero di grazia. Allegati al progetto , di legge per la estensione alia provincia di Roma ity of ancient and modern wonders; translated ^^^j^ j^ j g^Ug corporazioni religiose e suUa out of the French. London, 1607. Q. 282 23 „„,,„er- S. II credo della chiesa o il credo Firenze, 1869. D. 72 p. (Li- 282 4 — Ffonlkes, E. della corona? breria Rosmini. — .Filalete, E., jAse»d. Per la caVisa vescovi cattolici; vers>ione dal latino di A. Fer- ranti. Firenze, 1861. D. 67 p. 282 30.1 Sulla guerra della corte di Roma contro il regno d' Italia, Torino, 1862. O. 16 p. 282 49 Gennarelli, A. Le dottrine civili e religiose della corte di Roma in ordine al dominio tem- porale; oonsiderazioni e documenti. Firenze, 1862. D. 282 43 Intorno all' allocuzione e alia lettera enci- clica di Sua Santita e alle teorie di diritto della corte di Roma. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1859. D. 77 p. 282 45 — — I lutti dello .stato romano, e 1' avvenire della corte di Roma; rivelazioue storiclie. Fi- renze, 1860. D. 282 44 — — La politica della santa sede e gli atti dei Buonaparte, con uncapitolatoperlaliberazione di Roma. Firenze, 1863. D. 282 45 — (+''>3p- 282 30.3 Tlie Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance. 53d thousand. London, 1874. O. 72 p. 282 30 ^ — Vaticanism; an answer to reproofs and re- plies. 13tli thousand. London, 1875. O. 282 30 — — I decreti del Vaticano e i doveii del citta- dino; — II vaticanismo ; traduzione di G. Guer- rieri-fJonzaga. Firenze, 1875. D. 282 30.1 — (Jncrrieri-Cjonzaga, C. I parroci eletti e hi questione ecclesiastica. Firenze, 1875. D. 73 L+ 2] p. 282 30.2 conversione dei beni immoljili degli enti morali ecclesiastici. n. p. [,1872.] sqQ. 282 40 _ Progetto di legge relative alia soppres- sione di corporazioni religiose e disposizioni sul' ecclesiastico. n. p. [,1863.] sqQ. [1 +] 60 p. 2S2 40 Italy and her cliurch. (In Cliurcli ()uart. review, v. 1, 1875, p. 1-35.) 282 49 Jnnff, T. La France et Rome, etude liistori- que. 17-19 siecles. Paris, 1874. D. 282 36 Keller, E. L'encyclique duSdec. 1864 et les principes de 17S9; ou, L'eglise, 1" etat et la li- berie. 2 edition. Paris, 1886. D. 282 6 — Knox, J. An answer to a letter written by J. Tyrie. (/;( his Works, 1846-64, v. 6.) 208 4 — Laudor, W. S. Popery, British and foreign. — Ten letters to Gardiual Wiseman. (In his Last fruit. 1853.) 824 15 — Lanfrey, P. L'eglise et les philosophes au ISe siecle. Paris, 18.57. D. 211 4 — Lang'don, W. C. Le odierne quistioni poli- la cliiesa americana. Fi- 283 1 M. de. Les legations et le (/?i his Italie centrale. 945 26 de. L'avvenire dei popoli economia sociale; tradu- zione e cenni suUa tregua accordata al Vatica- no, per Carlo Guerrieri Gonzaga. Roma. 1876. D. ' 282 30 Protestantism and ratliolicism in their bearing upon tlie lil)erty and ])rosi)erity of na- tions; witli an introductory letter by W. E. Gladstone. 3 edition. London, 1875. O. 71 p. 282 30 — I.elSoy, 1'., (C' others. Satyre menippee de la vertu du catholicon d" Espagne et de la tenue des estats de Paris. Nouvelle edition, par C. Labitte. Paris, 1841. D. 847 3 tico-ecclesiastiche e renze, 1S75. D. — La Yarennc, P. C. pouvoir temporel. 18.59.) — Laveleye, E. L. V. cattolici; .saggio d' CATHOLIC CHURCH 115 CATHOLIC CHURCH — Lettera di ceuto vescovi cougregati in Iiigliil- terra in4 palazzo ili Lambetli, luglio 1H7M. Ber- gamo, 1878. O. 15 p. 2(S2 ;io —Levi, I). Democrazia e papismo. Milano, 1804. S. 282 46 — Litlledale, R. F. Plain leason.s against join- ing the cliurcli of Rome. 30tli Uiousantl |,uith additions). London, 1881. S. 2s2 10 — Le.s lois ecclesiastique de l'll;ilie: rt'ponsc a r ('veque d'Orleans. Rome. 1874. O. 78 p. 2S2 50 — Llica, prior. Vegli. Firenze. 1800-8. v. D. 282 11 Namelij: 4-5. Conflteor. 9. Ooraomai. IS. Discnniia e oolera. IS. Libera chiesa; terzo primuto d' Italia. I!l. Si stavame^rlio quando si stava pe^gio. 15-17. Ef>anie e confessione.— La vita nuova- — I preti dell' Altieri. -X*! 28 — Macaulay, T. B.Ranlie's History of the popes. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 3.) 824 16 — Mauiii, D. Lettere aG. Pallavicino; con note e docunienti sulla quistione italiana. Torino, 1859. D. 9.5i 18.1 —Mariano, R. Cristianesimo, cattolicismo e civilta. Bologna, 1879. D. 282 13 — — Padre Curci e il problema religiose in Ita- lia, n. p. [1881?] O. 41-61 p. 282 50 — Martoiine, L. d, A. de. La piete du moven age. Paris, 1855. O. 2-t"(> 1 — Marvell, A. The rehearsal transpros'd: or, Animadversions upon A preface [by Bishop S. Parker], shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery. London, 1073. S. 282 13 — Micliaiid, P. E. De I'etat present de I'eglise catiiolique-romaine en France. Paris, 1875. D. 282 37 ^ffiiddletoil, C. Letter from Rome showing an exact conformity between popery and pagan- ism; with [his] Defence; witli inti'oductory essay and notes by J. Dowling. New York, 1854. S. 282 16 —Mill, J. S. Torto e diritto dell" ingerenza dello stato nelle corporazioni e nelle proprieta della chiesa; tradotta dall' inglese e seguita da un discorso di Carlo Bon-Compagni; precede una leitera di R. Bonghi. Torino, 1864. O. 282 49 —Milton, J. Of true religion, and means against the growth of popery. {In his Works, 1863, V. 5.) 821 78 — Mingrhetti, M. Sopra il disegno di legge per lasoppressione delle corporazioni religiose in Roma; discorso, 8 maggio 1873. Roma, 1873, O. 34 p. 282 50 — Modo di dedicare se stesso e la propria fami- glia al San Giuseppe. Bergamo, 1871. T. 8 p. 282 35 — Molbech, C. Europa i Middelalderen, le Stykke: Om Hierarcliiet fra dets Opkomst til Udgangen af det niende Aarhundrede. Kjo- benhaven, 1819. D. 940 5 ^More, Sir T. The confutacion of Tyndales Answere. (In his Workes. 1557.) 230 5 — — A dialogue concernynge heresyes & mat- ters of religion. — Apology. — Tlie debellacyon of Salem and Bizance. (/ji /i is Workes. 1557.} 230 5 — Murray, X. Letters to Hughes; and Bish.op Hughes confuted; by Kirwan [pseud.]. New York, 1849. 3v. in 1. D. 282 17 — Mnsio, (i. Della questione di Romae della re- iativa convenzione, 15 set. 1804: pensieri. Fi- renze, 1870. O. 51 p. 282 50 — Discorso sulla liquidazione dell' asse ecclesi- astico; 8 agosto 1867. Firenze, 1867. O. 16 p. 282 50 — ■ —Parole in risposta al libello famoso cmitro r Italia da il... arcivescovo di Parigi. Roma, 1874. O. 34 p. 282 49 — NcHiiian, J. H. The idea of a university de- fined and illustrated. 3 edition. London, 1873. D. 378 4 — i'aiitaleoui, B. Liberia o giurisdizione nel re- gime della chiesa edell' ordinamento della sua; l)roprieta. Firenze, 1876. O. 76 p. 282 .50- —II papa e r Italia. Roma, 1881. O. 40 p.282 50- — II papa ed i popoli: traduzione dal polacco. Berlino, 1865. O. [3-I-] 41 p. 282 SO' — Pascal, P. Les provinciales. Paris. 1819. 3 V. in 1. T. 282 18 — — Same. Edition accompagnee de notes et d'un precis historique sur le jansenisme par C. Louandre. Paris, 1858. D. 282 19 — Pasquino et Marforio; les bouches de marbre de Rome; traduits par Mary Lafon. 3 edition. Paris, 1877. D. 282 7 — Paya, J. B. C. Les cachots du i^ape. Paris, 1864.' D. 282 48 — Pelletaii, P. C. E. Les unset les autres. Paris, 1873. O. 944 55 Content!!; Le pape, — L'antipape; — L'empereiir.— Le citoyen. — Perfetti, F, Ricordi di Roma. Firenze, 1861. D. 68 p. 282 30.3 — Persigny, J. G. V. F. de. Lettre de Rome. Paris, 1865. O. 33 p. 282 50 — Pieraiitoni, A. La chiesa cattolica nel diritto commune. Firenze, 1870. O. 2S2 38 — Pins IX., pojx. The papal encyclical and syllabus, translated from the Latin; added, a translation of all the dogmatic decrees of the Vatican council. London, 1875. O. 47 p. 282 30 — Pio IX ed il cardinals Antonelli Milano, 1859. S. iJ?. 282 34 — Poce, P. Frammenti dell' opera, II sacerdozio guasto universale del mondo. Firenze. 1869. O. 282 50 — Poiner, S. F. von. Oratio de sacrorum juribus quibus senatus Norimbergensis jam ante tempora... usus est. (/?i Strobel, (i. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1.) 830 10 — Popes. Recueil des allocutions consistoriales encycliques, et autres letti-es apostoliques, citees dans I'encyclique et le syllabus du 8 dec. 1864; suivi du Concordat de 1801 et de divers autres documents. 3 edition. Paris, 1865. O. 282 27 Latin and Frencli on opposite pages. ^The religion of Rome, described by a Roman; translated, with introduction and notes, by W. Howitt. 3 edition. London, 1875. D. 282 20 — Ricordi della questione romana dall' elezione di Pio IX, 16 giugno 1846, all apertura dell' primo parlamento italiano in Roma, 27 nov. 1871. Torino, 1871. O. 282 49 CATHOLIO CHURCH 116 — Ridler, >'• A picture of popery.iu his Farewell and Lamentation. Oxford, 1583, Salisbury, re- Xwinted. 1835. D. 282 31 — Rol)ello, O. Cenno critico intorno ad alcuni costumi ed usi dei Napoletani. Fireuze^ 1850. — Rongemont, F. ^-l-l. T. 874 1 Landor, W. S. The poems of Catullus. (In hU L^ist fruit. 18.-)3.) 824 lO — Lessiiijr, 0. E. (In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 3.) 832 6 CArCASUS. Freshfleld, D. W. Travels in the central Caucasus and Baslian. London, 1SG9. O. (7. pt. vuijis. 914.7 24 — (Santipr, T. Caucase. — Crimee. (/» his I/ori- ent, ISTO, V. 1.) 910 29 — Radde, (i. F. R. Vier Vortriige iiber den Kaukasus, 1873-4. Gotha, 1874. sqQ. G-l-71 p. mups. (Ill Petermanns Mittlicllung:eii: Ergiin- zungsbands.) 910 44 — Wirjuer, M. Der Kaukasus und das Land der Kosaken, 1843-G. 5 Ausgabe. Leipzig, 18.50. 2r. iul. D. 914.7 27 ,S-rt fllmi TKWSC.VrCASlA. (aiilficld, Ridiaid. editor, see llavies, R. Journal. 18.57. (/» Camden soc. 68.) 820 4 CAUSATION, see CHAX E; FIRST CAUSE. Caiiseries scieutifi(iues,see ParviUe, F.H. P. de. Cava de' TiiTeni— Badia della S. S. Triiiitii. Codex diplomaticus Cavensis, nunc primuni in lucem editus, curantibus Michaele Slorcaldi, Mauro Schiani, Sylvano de Stephano; accedit appendix qua praecipua bibliothecae nis. rnem- branacea describuntur iier Beruardum Caie- tano de Aragonia. Neapoli, 1873-.5. v. 1-2. sqF. pi. facsim. 327 3 Cavalcanti, Andrea. Notizie intorno alia vita e costunii (li Curzio da MarignoUe. IGOO. (In Mari^noUe, C. da. Rime. 1885; in Scelta di curiosita. 213.) 850 10 — Novellette intorno a Curzio Marignoli poeta fiorentlno: per cura di Giulio Piecini. Bologna, 1870. D. (In same, ni.) 850 10 Cavalcanti, Bartolomeo. Lettere. Bologna, 1869. D. {In same. 101.) 8.50 10 Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista, cfc Crowe, J. A. Geschichte der italienischen Malerei. Deut- sche Original-Ausgabe von Max Jordan. Leip- zig, 1869-76. 6 V. O. pZ. 750 6 II cavaliere di buou gusto, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 11. II cavaliere di spirito, commedia, same. v. 38. II cavaliere e la dama, commedia, same, v. 5. II cavaliere giocondo, commedia, same, v. 32. CAVALIERI,Bonaventnra. Govi, G. Deimetodi proposti nel 1G39 da Cavalieri per ottenere il logaritnio...(//i Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2,) 065 3 — Henry, C, Documents nouveaux. (In same. 3 ser. sci. inor. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 5 Cavalieri, Edmondo, editor. Italian readings from Uante. Petrarca, Tasso, Ariosto: with English translations and notes. Torino, 1865. O. 77p. 851 1 Cavalli, Giovanni. Aper9u sua les canons rayes se cliargeant par la bouche et par la culasse. Turin, 1862. sqF. 63 p. ])l. 358 1 bonnd ivith 314 14 — Memoire sur les eclatements remarquables des canons en Belgique, 1857-8, et ailleurs, ii cause des poudres brisantes. Turin, 18G7. s\ II conte Cavour e le prime elezioni del i>ar!aniento subalpino; lettere inedite. {In Curiosita di stovia subalpina. v. 2, 1876.) 945 43 — Bernardi, M. Cavour. Hamburg, 1888. O. 58 p. {In Vircliow ct Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 — Bonglii, R. Cavour. 2 edizione. Torino. 1861. T. por. (I contemp. italiani.) 923 23 — Botta, V. A discourse on the life, character and policy of Count Cavour. New York, 1862. O. 923 24 — Sclopis di Salerano, F. P. II conte Cavour, rimemiaanze. (In Curiosita della storia subalpi- na. V. 2, 1876.) 945 43 Cavyll,— , see Mirror for magistrates, pt. 3. 181.5. 821 85 Cavvdray, Robert. A treasury or storehouse of similes. '(/)! Spencer, J. Things new and old. 1867.) 208 9 SirCawline. (7n Percy, T. Folio ms., 1868-9, V. 3.) 821 6 CAXAMARCA. Humboldt, F. W. H. A. von. Das Hochland von Caxamarca. {In h is An- sichten der Natur, 1849, v. 2.) 551 23 Caxton, William, jjrni ft)-. Book of curtesye, about 1477-8; reprinted, with two ms. copies of the same treatise; edited by Frederick J. Fur- nivall. London, 1868. O. 12-f.57 p. (In E. E. t«xt soc. Extra ser. 3.) 820 5.1 — translator. The ancient historie of the de- struction of Troy; translated out of French CAXTON 118 CELNART into English. 6 edition. London, 1636. D. 939 2 A revised edition of the first printed Ensrlisli boolt. Tlie curial, bv Alain Charretier; 1484; edited by F. J. Fufnivall. London, 1«88. O. 8+30 p. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. .54.) 820 5.1 Eneydos, 1490, englisht from the French Liure des Eneydes, 1481^; edited by W. [M.] T. Culley and F. J. Furnivall; with'a sketch of the old French Roman d" Eneas, by Salverda de Grave. London, 1890. O. {In same. 57. ) 820 5.1 The game of the chesse; re-produced in facsimile from a copy in tlie British museum: witli remarks on Caxtou's typographical pro- ductions, by Vincent Figgins. London, 1860. sqQ. a. 094 1 The lyf of the noble and Crysten prynce, Charles the Grete, printed, 1485; edited, with introduction, notes and glossary, by Sidney J. H. Herrtage. London, 1881. O. (In Eiigrlish Charlemagne romances. 3-4 ; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 36-7.) 820 5.1 Paris and Vienne, 1485. (In Hazlitt, W. C. Roxburgelib.) 821 2 The right plesaunt and goodly historic of the foure sonues of Aymon: englisht by Cax- ton, and printed by liim aliout 1489: edited, with introduction, by O. Richardson. London, 1884-5. 2 V. O. (In English Charlemagne romances. 10, 11; in E. E. text soe. Extra, ser. 44-5.) 820 5.1 —Knight, C. William Caxton, the first Englisli printer, a biography. London, 1884. S. il. por. 926 2 — Stephenson, — .Life of William Caxton, with an account of the invention of printing. London, 1828. O. 32 p. 926 1 Cayet, Pierre Victor Palnia. Chronologic no- venaire, contenant I'hiwtoire de la guerre et les choses sous le regne de Henri IV, 1589-98. por. (In Jlichaud l. 622 13 — Covino, A. Da Torino a Chambery; ossia, Le valli della Dora Riparia e dell" Arc, e la galleria delle Alpi cozie. 3 edizione. Torino, 1871. D. pi. maps. 622 11 — Marsh, G. P. Statistics of the Mont Cenis tunnel. (In Nation, v. 5, 1869, p, 259-60.) In main library. — — Frejus, Col de; or. Tunnel of Mont Cenis. (In Johnson's cyclopsedia.) In main library. Ceuni storici sugli avveninienti di Roma dal nov. 1848 al luglio 1849; scritti da un Italiano. n. p.,n. d. 2pt. O. 4op. 945 89 Cennini, Cennino. II libro dell' arte; o, Trat- tato della pittura; di nuovo pubblico, con capi- toli tratti dai dodici fiorentini, per cura di Gaetano e Carlo Milanesi. Firenze, 1859. D. 750 2 — German : Das Buch von der Kunst; oder, Tractat der Maleri : iibersetzt, mit Einleitung, Noten und Register, von Albert Ilg. Wien, 1871. O. 750 3 CENTO, Italy. Erri, G. F, Dell' origiue di Cento e di sua piene, e la storia di Cento in compendio. Bologna, 1769. Q. 914.5 64 Cento novelle antiche, see Gualtenizzi, C, editor. CENTRAL AMERICA. Larenaiulifere, P. F. de. Guatemala. 1843. pt. map. (In L'univers. 13.) 910 18 — Reclns, J. J. E. Amerique Centrale. //. j)l. maps. (In his Nouv. geog. univ. v. 17, 1891.) 910 13 ^Seebacli, K. von. Central- Amerika und der interoceanische Canal. Berlin. 1873. O. 36 p. map. (In Vircliow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 8Serie.) 043 1 —Stephens^ J. L. Incidents of travel in Cen- tral America, Chiapas and Yucatan. New York, 1841. 2 v. O. j^l. map. 917.2 4 CENTURIES, seeEIGHTEENTH ;NINETEENTH. CEOLFRII), abbot of Wearmouth and Yarroiv. Bede. Vita. (/?( /i(s Historian. 1723.) 274 1 CEPHALOPODS. Colasanti, G. Riceiche ana- toiniche e fisiologiche sopra il braccio dei cefalopodi. pi. (In Rome -K. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Ceppari, Virg:i]io. Vita di San Luigi Gonzaga; colla terza i)arte coniposta da un altro religiose. Venezia, 1772. D. por. 922 33 Novella del Cerbino, in ottava rima, di un anonimo antico. Bfilogna, 1862. D. 38 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 25.) 850 10 CERCAMON. Malin, K. A. F. Der Troul)adour Cercanion. — Nachtrag von A. Tobler. (In Jahrbuch roin. u. eng Lit. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 La Cercaria, see Marsi, A. Ceresa, G. F. 600 kiloinetrialle Alpi; escursioni alpine. Torino, 1869. D. 551.43 17 Ceresole, Victor. ... Laverite sur les depreda- tions autrichiennes a Venise. 3 edition, aug- ments. Venise, 1867. O. 945 65 Cerini, (iinseppe. Dei vantaggi per impianto e conservazione dei boschi. Milano, 1844. O. 80[-h2]p. pi. 551.58 55 CERIUM. Cossa, A. Sulla diflfusione del cerio, del lantano e dei didimio. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. .w. Jis. v. 3, 1878- 9.) — Sul tungstato neutro del cerio; nota del Cossa e M. Zecchini. (In same. v. 5, 1870-80.) 005 4 Cernik, Josef. Technische Studien-Expedition durch die GebietedesEuphratund Tigris; bear- beitet und herausgegeben von Amand Frei- herrn v. Schweiger-Lerchenfeld. Gotha, 1875-6. 2 V. in 1. sqQ. majJS. (In Petermanns Mit- theilnngen: Erg'anzungsband 10.) 910 44 Cerquetti, Alfonso. All' Appendice al Vocabo- lario italiano della lingua parlata da G. Rigu- tini, appendice. Milano, 1877. Q. 33 p. 453 16 — Saggio di correzioni e giunte al C della Cru- sca. Torino, 1874. D. 60 p. 453 8 Lo Cerriglio ncantato, see Cortese, G. C. Cerniti, Valentino. Intorno alle piccole oscil- lazioni di un corpo rigido interamente libero. (In Rome— R.accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Sulle vibrazioni de' corpi elastici isotropi. (In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Sopra un teorema del Menabrea. (In same. 2 ser. V. 3, 1874-5.) — Intorno ai movimenti non periodicidi un sistemadi punti materiali. (In same, v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 CERTAYNE VIO CHALMERS Certayiie causes wherin is shewed the decays of EiiKlaiul by the multitude of shepe [,ir)50-3]. (In Fish, S. Supplicacyou. 1871; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 13.) 820 3.1 Ceruti, Antonio. Le nozze di Carlo Emaiiuele I di Savoia con Caterina d' Austria in Sara- gozza. (/)( Curiosita di storia subalpina. v. 3, 1878.) 945 43 — editor. Rime di poeti italiani del secolo 16. Bologna, 1873. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 133.) 850 10 See also Eos. 118, 12.3-4, 149, 158, 165, 170-1, 180. Bancliini, G. II libro d'amore di carita. 1889. (Ill Emilia. CoUezione. 66.) S50 6 LaCronica deli imperadori, autico testo Feneziano. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 3, 1878.) 450 11 Joannes cJimnoiis. La scala del paradise. 1774. (In Emili.!. CoUezioue. 37.) 850 6 Le^genda di S. Margherita. 1870. 922 39 Martlalis, St. Leggenda di San Marziale. 1870. 853 33 Cervantes, Alouso. Glosas. iln Manriqne, J. Coplas. 1779.) 861 U Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. El ingenioso hidalgo DonQuijote deLa Mancha; conientado por Diego Clemencin. Madrid, 1833-9. 6 v. O. por. 863 3.1 — El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de La Mancha: corregido denuevo, con iiotas, viiietas, analisis v vida, por Juan Antonio Pellicer. Ma- drid, 1798-9. 8 V. T. il. 863 3 Vol. 1 wanting. — El hidalgo Don Quixote de La Mancha. Burdeos, 1815. 4 v. S. 863 3 — English: Don Quixote de La Mancha; ti'ans- lated from the Spanish by Charles Jarvis, re- vised; illustrated liy Tony Johannot. London, 1837-9. 3v. O. iltp. 863 4 — Novelas exemplares. Madrid, 1799. 3 v. T. 863 — Persiles y Sigismunda. [Paris,] 1841. O. (In his Obras, por M. E. de Navarrete, v. 4.) 863 6 — Vers! in lode della Celia; versione dallo spa- gnuolo dell ab. Gioacchino di Marzo [Spanish and Italian]. (In A'eneziano, A. Opere. 1861.) 859 40 — Pellicer, J. A. Vida de M. Cervantes Saave- dra. JIacIrid, 1800. T. 928 13 — Rodd, T., translator. Ancient Spanish bal- lads relating to the twelve peers of France mentioned in Don Quixote, with English me- trical versions. London, 1821. 2 v. O. 861 3 See. (Uso Jlcli, (). Don Chisoiotti e Sanciii Panza, pooma eroi-comicu. MONT CERVDf, see MATTERHORN. Cesarc, Carlo de. La Germania moderna. Roma [, 1872?]. O. 943 27 With aiitoKiapli of the author. Cesari, Antonio. Lettere inedite. Bologna, 1868.* D. 30 p. 856 9 Edition of 200 copies. Cesarini, (liiiseppe. Un altro modo di provve- derc alia sisteiiiazione del Tevere. Milano, 1878. Q. 37 [-f2]p. pi. 627 27 bound «v7/)607 2 — Intorno alia difesa dei territori soggetti agli argini dei fiuini in Italia. Roma, 1876. O. p/. 627 6 Cesarotti, Melclilor, translator, see Callista e Filetore. 1863. (/« Bibl. rara. 6.) 8.50 3 Cesati, Vincenzo, barone. Flora, pi. (in Cat- taneo, C, <& others. Notizie su la Lombard ia. 1844.) 914.5 56 — <£• others. Compendio della flora italiana, per Cesati, G. Passerini e G. Gibelli. Milano, [1867-85J. Q. p?. (In L'ltalia. Parte 3.) 914.5 5 CESI, Federico, principe. Cariitti, D. Delle lettere inedite del principe F. Cesi. (In Rome — R. acead. dei lintei. Atti. 3 ser, sci. mor. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 5 — (lOvi, Cr. Intorno alia data di un discorso ineilito, da Cesi. (In same.) 065 5 Cesnola, Lnigi Palnia di. Le ultime scoperte nell ' isola di Cipro. Torino, 1876. O. 33 p. pi. map. 913 31.5 — Regaldl, G. Le antichita di Cipro e il eener- ale di Cesnola. Roma, 1879. O. 20 p. 913 31.5 CEVA. Olivero, G. Memorie storiche della cittii e marchesato di Ceva. Ceva, 1858. O. 945 51 CEYLOX. Jancignv, A. P. D. B. de. Cevlan. \%hQ. pi. maps. (y;("Luuivers. 20.) 910 18 — Enox, R. An historical relation of the island of Cevlon: with an account of the captivitv of the author. London, 1681. F. pZ. map. 915.4 42 — Tennet, J. E. Sketches of the natural historv of Ceylon. London, 1861. D. 590 15 — Tlinnberg, K. P. Resa pa Ceilon, 1777. pi. (In his Resa, 1778-93.) 910 38 Cezanne, Ernest. Suite. (In SiircU, A. C. Elude sur les torrents des Hautes-Alpes, 1870- 3, V. 3.) 651.48 10 Cliilbaille, Pierre. Glossaire du Livre de jostioe etdeplet. Paris, 1850. Q. [l-l-]69p. 447 12 hound with 411 1 — editor, see Latiui, B. Li livres dou tresor. 1863. 848 10 Reynard Wic/oa;. Le roman du Renart; .suppltment. 1835. 837 13 Chabanean, CauiiUe. Grammaire limousine. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 2, 4, 5, 1871-4.) 479 5 CHALD.EA. Hoefer, J. C. F. Chaldee. 1852. j)l. map. (In L'nnivers. 16.) 910 18 — Loftns, W. K. Travels and researches in Chaldani and Susiana, 1849-52. New York, 1857. O; il. pi. maps. 915.5 4 CHALDEE LANGUAGE. Davidson, B. The analytical Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon. 2 edi- tion." London [,1 ed. 1848]. sqO. 492.4 3 CHALK. Capellini, G. 11 calcare di Leitha, il Sarinaliano. e gli strati a congerie nei nionti di liivorno, di Castellina niarittima, di Miemo e di Monte Catini; considerazioni gcologiche e paU'ontologiche. (//( Ronie— R. aecad. deilin- cci. Attti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, ])t. l.)0654 — Parona, C. F. II calcare liassico di Gozzano e i suoi fossili. /)/. (In same. v. 8, 1879-80. )065 4 — Ziffel, K. A. von. Die Kreide. Berlin, 1876. O. 38 p. it. (In Vircliow d- Holtzendorf. Vortriige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Clialiriers, George. The life of De Foe. (In Defoe, D. Novels, etc., 1840-1, v. 20.) 823 7 CHA LMERS \n —editor, see Clmrchjara, T. Chips couceniing Scotland. 1817. 941 2 Lyndesay, I). Works. 1806. 821 75 Chalmers, TIkhiuis. On the power, wisdom, and goodness ot Cod in the adaptation of nature to man. Philadelphia, 1833. D. {In. UridKC- water 1.) -10 3 Chalouer, Thomas, see Mirror for magistrates, pt. 3, 1815. .S'il 85 Chamberet, E. de. Des inondations en France. Paris, IH.'iH. ^v. inl. O. 551.48 31 Chiimlierlaiii, Basil Hall, translator, see Ko- ii-lii. 1883. (In. Asiatic soc. of Japan. Trans. V. 10, apx.) iH5.2 1 Chamlierlaiii, John. Letters, during the reign of Elizabeth; edited by Sarah Williams. [Lon- don,] 1861. sqO. (//( Camden soe. 79.) 820 4 Chambers, — ,lieut.-eol. Garibaldi and Italian unity. London, 1864. O. 945 28 Witl\ author's autograph. Chambers, Robert. Explanations; a sequel to "Vestiges of the iiatiu-al history of creation." [Anon.] New York, 1846. O. 215 4 Chambers, Talbot Wilson. The English Bible as a classic. (/'( Scliaff, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Cl«ambers*s eneycloppedia; a dictionary of uni- versal knowledge for the people. London. 1860-8. 10 V. Q. il. nuqjs. 032 2 Edited by A. Findlater. Chambre, William dc. Continuatio historise Dunelmensis. (//), Kaine, J., editor. Hist. Dunel. scriptores tres. 1839; in Snrtees soc. 9.) S20 7 CHAMELEON. Brilcke, E. W. Untersuchung- en liber den Farbenweehsel des afrikanitchen Chamiileons. Wien, 18-53. F.-" 34 p. pi. .598 1 bomid with 399 4 Cliamfort, S^bastien Rocli Nicolas de. Eloge de Moiiere. (In Moliere, J. B. P. de. CEuvres, 1821, V. 1.) 842 8 Chamisso, Lonis Charles .tdelaide Chamisso de Bonconrt, calling It i»(.se// Adelbert von. Werke. Leipzig, 1836-9. 6 v. D. tab. maps.S'iii 8 Contents: 1-2. Eeise um die Welt. 3. Gedichte. 4. Gedifhte. — .\delbertsFahel. — Peter Schlemihl. 5-(>. Le- beii and Briefe, herausf>:e|,'ebeii von -J. C. Ilitzifj. Champag:nac, Jean Bajitiste Joseph. Notice sur Haniilton. (ire Hiimilton, A. Oiuvres, 1825, V. 1.) 848 8 Champier, Symphorien. De monarchia Gal- lorum campi aurei. ac triplici imperio, videlicet Romano, Gallico, Germanico ; una cum gestis heroum ac omnium imperatorum. Lugduni, 1537. Q. unp. 944 7.1 — Practica noua in medicina, aggregatoris lugdunesis; eiusdem liber de omnibus generi- bus febrium n. p., n. d. D. GIO 2 — Rosa Gallica aggi'egatoris Lugdunesis: omni- bus sanitate affectatibus vtilis & ntcessaria; vna cQ sua pretiosa Margarita de medici atq: a'gri officio. [Paris,] «b Jodoco Badio [,1518]. D. il. 610 2 The second edition, the existence of which was doubted by Allut. Champion, Maurice. Les inondations en France depuis le 6e siecle jusgu'a nos jours. Paris, 1858-64. 6 V. O. 551.48 29 CHARD IN Messedaglia, A. Analise dell' opera Le innon- dazioni in Francia di M. Champion. Verona, 1865. O. 551.48 30 CllJimplain, Samuel dc. Expeditions into north- ern and western New York, 1()09-15. pi. (In O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary liist. of N. Y., 18.50-1. V. 3.) 974 9 CliampoUion-Figeac, Jaciines Joseph, editor, see Ainato. L'ystoire de li Normant. et La chro- nique de Robert Viscart. 1835. 944 59 CIiampolIion-Fig:eac,JeauJac(ines. Egypte anci- enne. Paris, 1847. O. p>l. map. (In L'nni- vers. 1.) 910 18 CHANCE. Mamcli, N. Delia nozione sperimen- tale del caso. Milano. 1875. O. 1 22 1 bound ivith 113 ,SVfi aho PItOB.lltlMTlKS. CHANGE-RINGING, see BELLS. Cliang:)iion, Antoine Nicolaas Ernest. De Ne- derduitsclie taal in Zuid Atrika hersteld. Kaapstad, 1844. O. 439.35 2.1 Chauning, Edward Tyrrel. Life of William Ellery. facsiin. (In Sparks, J. American bi- ography, 1835-9, V. 6.) !J20 15 Channiug, WiUiaui Ellery. Works. 8 complete edition, with an introduction. Boston. 1848. 6 V. 0. 208 2 La chanson d'Antioche, .see Richard le pelerin. La chanson de Roland, see Roland. Chantseres, Konstantinos Al., compiler. 'EWrj- tftKbs ij4os llapvaffads. ''Ev Adr;vats. 1841, D. 889 9 CHAOS, see COSMOLOGY. CHAP-BOOKS. HalliweU-PliilMpps, J. 0. De- scriptive notices of popular Eiiglisii histories. London, 1848. D. il. (In Percy soc. v. 23.) 820 6 Notices of fugitive tracts and cliap-books. London, 1849. D. il. i)l. (In same. v. 29.) 820 6 Chapel royal, sec Great Britain— Chapel royal. Chapman, Georg'e, translator, see Homerns. Whole works. 18.37-65. 883 6-8 lu five volumes. Vol 5 contains Homer's Batracho- myomachia. hymns and epigrams: Hesiod's Worlis and days; Musaeus' Hero and Leauder; and Juvenal's Fifth satire. — Lemcke, L. G. Chapman's King Alphonsus; ed. by K. Elze. (/n Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 9, 1808.) 805 1 Chiippell, William, editor, see Johnson, R. The crown garland of golden roses. 1842. (In Percy soc. v. 6.) 820 6, Charles Pierre, d- Noel, F. J. M. Nouvelle grammaire fran(,'aise. 46 'edition. Paris, 1854. D. 445 4 CHARACTER. Smiles, S. Character. New edi- tion. London, 1876. 170 5 CHARACTERS. Earle, J. Micro-cosmographie, 1628. London, 1868. S. (In Arber, E. Eng- lish reprints. 17.) 820 9 — Tlieophrastus.Charaflteres. Lipsiae, 1826. T. 888 55 Characters and cliaracteristics of Middlebury college, 1837, see Manuiu^r, J. Cliaracters and criticisms, see Joues, W. A. Cliardin, Jean. Voyages en Perse, et autres lieux de I'orient. Nouvelle edition, par L. Langles. Paris, 1811. 10 v. O, & Atlas. F.» il. 915.5 1 CHARIETTO 122 CHARLES V. Cli.arletto, see Leiiuep, J. van. Romant. wer- ken, lU. Charikles, see Becker, W. A. Charisi, see Jeliiida beii Saloino. CHARLEMAGNE. Albeidiugk Tliijiu, P. P. M. Karel de Groote en zijne eeuw, 741-814, voor- gesteld in zondeiheid med betiekking tot Ne- deiland. 's Gravenhage, 1867. O. map. 274 8 — Egiiihard. Vita Karoli Magni. Editio 3. Hannoverae, 1863. O. 13+44 p. (hi Pertz, a. H. Script, rerum German 4.) 943 17 Freneli: Vie de Charlemagne. (In his (EuTres. 1856.) 943 13.1 — Karls des Grosseu Kalendarium vmd Osterta- fel aus der Pari.ser Urschrift herausgegelien und erliiutert von F. Piper. Berlin, 18.58. O. pi. 264 3 — Lorentz, F. Karls des Grossen Privat- und Hofleben. (In Raumer, F. L. G. Ton. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1833.) 90.} 1 — Visby, C. H. Holsteens Erobring og Oniven- delse til Kristendom af Keiser Carl den Store. Kjobenhavn, 1826. O. map. 943 46 — Winckler, A. Die Kronung Karls des Gros- sen zum romischen Kaiser. Berlin, 1879. O. 36 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilaie. 14 Serie.) 043 1 — ROMANCE. Anonymi fragmentum de liello Caroli M. contra Saracenos versibus anti()uis Germanicis constans. (In Schilter, J. The- saurus, 1737-8, V. 2.) 830 9 — — Bulflnch, T. Legends of Charlemagne; or, Romance of the middle ages. Boston. 1866 [o'63]. O. 293 15 — — Caerl ende Elegast. (In Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt. 4.) 839.31 3 — — Charleniaifue; an Anglo-Norman poem of the 13th century: with introduction and glos- sarial index by Francisque Michel. London, 1836. D. facsini. 841 13 Ebert, A. Histoire poetique de Charle- magne, unil De Pseudo-Turpino; G. Paris, (In Jahrbncli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Ellis. G. Romances relating to Charle- magne. (/)( his Specimens, 1805, v. 2.) 82J 4 The En^Iisli Charlemagne romance.-^. Lon- don, 1879-91 12 pt. in 9 v. O. por. facsim. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 34-41, 43-5, 50.) 820 5.1 For contents see The Knglish Charlemagne romances. — — («est« Caroli Magni ad Carcassonam et Narbonam et de sedificatione monasterii Cras- sensis; editaet observationibus criticis-philolo- gicis illustrata a Sebastiano Ciampi. Floren- tiae, 1833. O. 293 16 Grimm, .1. L. K. Uber Karl und Elegast. (In hiK Kleincre Schriften, 1864-90, v. 6.) 408 2 Sri' (ilsi, the indi'xcs in v. ,5 tnd 8. Hisloria del emperador Carlo Magno. e de los doce pares de Francia: traducido del fran- ce.s al ca.stellano por Nicolas de Pianionte. Gordoba, n. d. T. 293 17 From u French romance liased on the De vita Caroli Mat'ni falsely ascrilied to Turpin, archbisliop of Reims. — — Karlainagnns saga ok kappa bans; udgivet af C. R. Cnger. Christiania, 1860. O. .S3().03 50 Kejser Karl Magnus Kronike, paany udgivet 1534. (/m Pedersen, C.DanskeSkrifter, 18.50-6. V. 5.) 839.88 4 — . Paris, A. P. Notice sur la chanson de geste: Le voyage de Charlemagne a Jerusalem eta Constantinople. {In Jabrbuch rom. u eng. Lit. V. 1, 1859.) 805 1 Rajna, P. I reali di Francia, ricerche. Bologna, 1873. v. 1. O. tab. (In Emilia. Col- lezione. 31.) 850 6 Rodd, T., translator. Ancient Spanish ballads relating to the twelve peers of France; with English metrical versions; preceded by [Turpin's] History of Charles the Great and Orlando. London, 1821. 3 v. O. il. 861 3 _ — Roman van Karel den Grooten en zijne 13 pairs; fragmenten, uitgegeven door W. J. A. Jonckbloet. Leiden, 1844. O. (In Vereenigingr Ned. letterknnde. Werken.) 839.3 10 La secoudo Spagna e L'acquista di po- nente: ai tempi di Carlomango: testi di lingua del sec. 13; per A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1871. D. facsim. (/» Sceltadi curiosita. 118.) 850 10 Der Stl'icker. Rhythmus antiquus Germa- nicus de Caroli Magni expeditione Hispanica. (In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1737-8, v. 3.) 830 9 Tnrnin, J. Chronique. Paris, 1835. sqQ. [13 + ]60[-(-lJp. 943 32 Histoire de la viede Charlemagne et de Roland. (In La chanson de Roland, par St. Al- bin. 1865.) 841 34 II viaggio di Carlo Magno in Ispagna per conquistare il cammino di S. Giacomo; testo di lingua, per cura di Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, 1871. 2 v. in 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 1823-4.) 860 10 .SV-- ///,sYj Ayntftii's sons; Doon de Maience; FiTunibras; FUEDKUUk 1. Biirliiirossa; Gaufrey; Gueriiio; (lui de Bour- Konne; llilileitarde; Huon of Bordeaux: Maoaire; Ocicr, the Dane: Otinel; PMIPLOSA; Parise: Riiialdn; Buland; TERSIX. Cliarlemagne; or, The church delivered, an epic poem, scf Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. Charles I., king of England. Charles I. in 1646; letters to Queen Henrietta Maria ; edited by John Bruce. [Loudon,] 1856. sqO. (In Camdea soc. 63.) 820 4 — Histoire entiere & veritable du procez de Charles Stuart. Londres, 1650. T. 343 5 — MUton, J. EiKOTOKXda-Ti)?, in answer to Ekiii/ BacriXiKT). [In his Works, 1863, v. 3.)— The tenure of kings and magistrates. — Observations on tlie articles of peace between Charles I. and the Irish rebels. (In same. v. 4.) — Brief notes upon a sermon. The fear of God and the king, by M. Griffith. (In same. v. 5.) 821 78 —Ogle, T., & others. A secret negociation with Charles I.. 1643-4; edited bv B. M.Gardiner. [London,] 1883. s 5 Miirzy. E. L'hydraulique. 1868. 627 4.1 MiUet, C. Les fleuves. 1871. 551. 4S 6 Rejiiaud. .J. Histoire des mineraux. 1867. 349 7 Sauzay. A. La verrerie. 1868. 666 3 Shnoniii, I,. U L'or et I'argeut, 1877. 332 6 Tissandler, G. L'eau. 1867. aol.Si 5 ZurohertO Margolle. Volcans. 1866. 551.21 5 Glaciers. 1868. 551.31 5 VHARTRES 124 OHAVCER SOCIETY t'HARTRES.Biiltcau,— ,a5fce. Description de la cathedrale de Chartres. Chartres, 1850. O. pi. 726 U CHARTS, see MAPS. C'harvet, G. Les coutumes de Remoulins. — ■Deux quittances en langue romane du niona- stere de Sainte-Claire, d'Alais, au 14e siecle. (In ReTue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1878.) 479 5 Chase, Thomas. Tlie use ofitalics in the Eng- lish Bible. (In Schaff, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879. ) 220 5 Chasles, Victor EnpheinionPliilarete.L'houime. (In Theveuiu, E. Eiitretiens, ISuO, p. o7-(i9.) 604 1 bound with 600 2 — Voyages d'un critique a travers la vie et les livres: Orient. Paris, 1865. O. 950 4 Chassang:, Alexis. Pierre Gringoire. — Campaux, Frauijois Villon. (/?? Jahl'bucli rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 3. 1801.) 805 1 Chasteaii d'amour, see Grossetste, R. Chastellain, George, sire. Oiluvres historiques inelites [;avec notice biographique par J. A.C. Buchon]. Paris, 1837. Q. (Choix de chron- iques.) 944 16 Contents; Notice sur Chastellain. — Chrouique du due Philippe. — Chrouique des derniers dues de Bourj^o^ne. — Declaration de tou.s les ad^^entures de due Philippe. — Exposition sur v6i-it6 mal prise. CHASTITY. Hali meidenhad, an alliterative homily of the 13th century; edited by O. Cockavne. London, 1866. O. 8+50 p. (In E. E. textsoc. Orig. ser. 18.) 820 5 See- also Cleiie maydenhod, in same. 25. — Snndt, E. L. Forsatte Bidrag angaaeude Sse- deligheds-Tilstanden i Norge. Christiania, 1864. Q. map. 312 3 .SVf also Plstuiil'Compaciiin ilclla puritil: VIlMil.MTY. Chateaiivieiix, see Liilliu de Chafeaiivieux. Chatelain, Reii6 Theophile. Introduction. (In Raltbe, A. R&ume de I'histoire de Portugal. 1827.) 946 73 CHATHAM, WUliain Pitt, earl of. Macaiilay, T. B, Thackeray's History of Chatham, (bi his Essays, 1843, v. 3.) 824 16 Chatriaii, Alexandre, & Erckmaiiii, E., see Erckiiianii. Chaucer, Geoffrey. [Workes, newlie printed witli divers addicions, which were neuer in print before: vvitii The siege and destruction of the worthy citee of Thebes, compiled bv John Lidgate, monk of Berie, 1561.] London. 1561. F- *'• 821 37 Edited by John Stowe. This copy begins with the half-title: The Caunterburie tales. —The Canterbury tales; a new text, with il- lustrative notes, edited bv Thoma.s Wright. London, 1847-51. 3 v. D. " (7. (7h Percy soe. V. 23-6.) 820 6 —The Canterbury tales; a new text, witli il- lustrative notes, by Thomas Wright. I London, 1853.] O. il.pnr. 821 39 —Poems [, edited, with life, by S. W. Singer]. Chiswick [,1822]. D. por. ,821 38 —Poetical works: with memoir by Sir H.irris Nicolas. London, 1866. 6 v. D. 'por. 821 40 —January and May: or. The merchant's tule.— The wife of Bath , her prologue. (/)i Poik', A. Works, 1764, v. 1.) ,»s2i 90 — Legende of goode women; edited, with in- troduction and notes, by Hiram Corson. Phila- delphia, 1864. S. 821 41.1 — Tlie pilgrim's tale. (In Thynne, F. Aniniad- uersions. 1876. (In Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 13.) 821 46- — The prologue, the Kiiightes tale, the Nonne prestes tale, from the Canterbury tales, edited by R. Morris. Oxford, 1867. S. (Clarendon press series.) 821 41 — [The Reeves tale of the miller of Trnniping- ton, with illustrative matter.] (In Wright. T. Anecdota literaria. 1841.) 821 11 — [Select poems.] (In Souther, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 8219 — A treatise on the astrolabe. 1391: edited by Walter W. Skeat. London, 1873. O. pi. (In E.E.text soc. Extra ser. 16; — Chaucer sod ser. 29.) 820 5.1, 821 45' —The treatise on the astrolabe; edited, with notes and illustrations, bv Andrew Edmund Brae. London, 1870. O. pi. 821 43 — The wyf of Bathes tale. — The romaunt of the rose (1. 27 21-2966).— Roundel.— The tale of Melibeus. (In Miitzner, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, 1867-9.) 820 8 —translator, see Boethius, A. M. T. S. Decon- solatione philosophise. 1868. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 5.) 820 5.1 — Brink.B.E.C.ten. Zum Romaunt of the rose. (/(iJahrhuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867. )805 1 — Ebei't, A. Etude de Chaucer comme imita- teur des trouveres parE. G. Sandras. (In same. V. 4, 1863.) 805 1 — Hertzbergr, TV. A. B. Nachlese zu Chaucer. (In .fame. v. 8. 1867.) 805 1 — Hunt, J. H. Leig-h. On Cliaucer. (In Hazlitt, W. RouiM table. 1841.) 824 11 — Li'incke, L. G. Zur Literatur iiber Chaucer. (/'( Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8. 1867.) 805 1 — LowelLJ. R.(/)t Ids My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 — Marsh, G. P. Chaucer and Gowcr. (In his Origin and history of the English language. 1863.) 080 21 — Sandras, E. E. Etude sur G. Chaucer; con- sidere comme imitateur des trouveres. Paris, 1859. O. 821 44 — Tliyuue, F. Aniniaduer.sions uppou the anno- tacions and corrections of some imperfections of Chaucers workes reprinted in 159S ; edited bv G. H. Kingslev. London, 1865. O. 15-1-63 p. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 9.) 820 & Same, newly edited by F. J. Furnivall and G. H. Kingslev. London. 1876. O. (In Chaucer soc. 3 ser. 13.) .821 46> —Ward, A. W. Chaucer. 5th thouaand. Lou- don, 1879. D. (English men of letters.) 928 14 Chaticor society. Pul)iications. London. 1868- 91. 1 scries, 1-80; 3 series, 1-36. O, obQ. il. poc. 2il. fac.fim. maps, dbAtlas. F." FIRST SERIES: 821 45 .\ six-text print of Chaucer's Canterbury tales, in paral- lel columns: edited by K. .1. Furnivall. IHOS-TT. 8 pt. in :i V. obQ. ml. pi. (1, U. 15, 25. 3il. :ji. 37. 4'.l i The Kllesmere, IlenRwrt. CamhiidKC Corpus. Pet- worth. Ljinsdowne nis. of Chaucer's Canterbury tales; edited by K. .1. Furnivall [: each voUnne with drawings CHAUCER SOCIETY 135 CHER ON of the 23 tellfii-s of tlie tales from the EUesmei'e ms., cut ou woodbyW H. Hooper]. 1868-77. 6 v. (2-13,16-2.1, 26-28, 33-36, 38-43, 60-.W.) A parallfcl-tc.xt edition of C'liiiuci-r's minor poems; edited by F. J. Furnivall. [1871-U J nl.(^ ;.(.>i/«. 131,57, .58.) .Supplmetary parallel texts of <'h;in(^i r's minor poems; edited by F. J. Fm-nivall. [1871-80.] obQ. (28,69.) Odd texts of Chaucer's minor poems ; edited by F. J- Furnivall. 1808-80. O. (23,60.) A one-text print of Chaucer's minor poems ; edited by F. ,J. Furnivall. 1809-80. O. fiu-sim. 124, 61.) A treatise on the astrolabe, by Chaucer ; edited by W. ■W. Skeat. 1872. 0. pt. W.) Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde from Harl. ms 3943 compared with Boccaccio's Filostrato translated by W. M. Uossetti. 1873[-83]. obO. (44, 65.) Ryme-index to the Ellesmerc ms. of Chaucer's Canter- bury tales, by H. Cromie, 187.5. O. (45.) flame [.with notes, corrections and list of rymes]. 1875. ObQ. (46.) Notes and corrections for the ryme-index, with a list of the rymes. by H. Cromie. 1875. O. (47.) Autotypes of Chaucer mss. [. with forewords by F. J. Furnivall. 1870-85.] F.« 30/)/. (48, .56, 62. 74.) A parallel-text print of Chaucer's Troilus andCriseyde, from the Campsall ms. ; put forth by F. J. Furnivall. [1881-2.] obQ,. 163. 64.) The Harleian ms. 7;J.34 of Chaucer's Canterbury tales ; [with di'awinps of 23 tellers of tales from the Ellesmere ms., and six others from the Cambridge ms., cut on wood by W. H. Hooper]. 1885. O. vL ftu-sim. (73.) Chaucer's 'Boeoe,' englisht ; edited from ms., Cam- bridge, by F. J. Furnivall. 1880. O. (75.) Chaucer's "Boece," englisht ; edited from ms. in the British museum, 1868, and now reprinted, by E. Morris. 1886. O. (76.) More odd texts of Chaucer's minor poems ; edited by F. J. Furnivall. 1886[1891]. O. (77.) A one-text print of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde from the (_'ampsail ms.: put forth by ¥. J. Furnivall. 1888. O. (79.) R>Tne-index to the ms. texts of Chaucer's minor poems by Isabel Marshall & Lela Porter; with introductions and appendix by W. W. Skeat. 1889. O. (80 ) No- 66-72 and 78 are not yet published. SECOND series: 821 46 Ou early English pronunciation, with especial refer- ence to Shakspere and Chaucer ; by A. J. Ellis. 1K69 89. 5 v. O. II. 4. 5, II, 25 ) Essavs on Chaucer, his words and works. [1808-84.] 5pt. .(J. il.facmi). (2, 9. 16. 18, 19.) A temporary preface to the six-text edition: pt. 1, attempting to show the true order of the tales, etc.; by F. J. Furnivall. 1808. O. (3.) Trial-forewords to my Parallel-text edition of Chaucer's minor poems: by F. J. Furnivall. 1871. pt. 1. O. (6.) Originals and analogues of some of Chaucer's Canter- bury tales ; edited by F. J. Furnivall, E. Brock, and W. A. Clouston. [1872-88 ] O. (7, 1". 15, 20. 22.) Albertani Brixiensis liber consolationis et consilii, ex quo hausta est The tale of Melibe ; edidit Thor Simtiby. 1873. O. (8.) Life-records of Chaucer. 1875-86. 1-3, O. U. nor. (no. 12, 14. 21 ) Animaduersions vppon the annotacions and correc- tions of some imperfections of impressiones of Chancers workes, 1598: by F. Thynne; edited, with The pilgrim's tale, byF. J. Furnivall, and a preface by Q. H. Kingsley. 1876. O. (13.) .Supplementary Canterbury tales : 1. Thetaleof Beryn; edited by F.J. Furnivall and W. G. .Stone. [1876-]8r. O. maps. (17,24.) John Lane's continuation of Chaucer's 'Stiuires tale'; edited by F. J. Furnivall. with notes and analogues by W. A. Clouston. 1888-90. O. (23,26.) —Report [for 1860-71, '76, 881. [London, 1870- 88. 1-3, 7, 9? O. 820 5.3 The last report contains the treasurer's accovmt, 1881-7. —Rules for the compilation of the glo.ssarial concordance to Chaucer's works. [London, 1872.] O. 8 p. 820 5.3 Chaiitniii, se.S8 12 Clieadle, Walter Butler, A- Milton, W. F. W. Tlie north-west passage by land, across the continent to British Columbia. London[, 186")]. D. par. 2)1. 5)17.1 3 CLeever, (jeorge Barrell. Tlie pilgrim in the shadow of the Jungfr;iii Alp. New York, 18.52. O. il.2)l. 551.43 16 — Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shndow of IVIont Blanc. New York, 1852. O. 551.43 18 —editoi-, see Bradford, W., * Winslow, E. Journal. 1848. 074 4 Clieke, Sh' Julin. Tlie hurt of sedition to a commonwealth, 1549. {In Holiiished, R. Chron- icles, 1807-8, V. 3, p. 9.S7-1011.) 942 12 — translator. The gospel according to Matthew, aiid part of the first chapter of Mark; trans- latecl with notes; also 7 original letters: intio- ductory accoutit by James Goodwin. London, 1843. O 226 3 CHEMISTRY. Fownes,(>. Chemistry as exempli- fying the wisdom and beneficence of God. New York, 1844. D. 213 6 Actonian prize essay. — Heliiioiit, J. B. van. Opera omnia. Franco- furti, 16.83. 2 v. in 1. sqO. 610 6 — .Joy, C. A. Chemistry, an inaugural address. (/;( Columbia college. Addresses. 18,58.) 378 1 — Liebig, J. von. Chemische Briefe. Leipzig, 1865. D. 540 7 Same. 4 Auflage. Leipzig, 1859. 2 v. in 1. O. 540 6 — Masclii, L. Storia naturale del chimismo ani- mate, fisiologico e patologico. Parma. 1863. O. 547 1 —Meyer, R. Ueber Bestrebungen und Ziele der wissenschaftlichen Chemie. Berlin. 1880. O. 52 p. {In Vireliow tfc Holtzendorft'. Vortr'age. ISSerie.) 043 1 — Sehnl, F. Di alcune sostanze non metalliche che accelerano la reazione tra lo zinco e Tacido solforico. {In Rome— R, accad. del Ilncei. Atti. 3 ser.'i. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 3.) — DelF influenza di alcuni sail nelF accelerare o ritardare la reazione tra lo zinco e I'acido solforico. (In same. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Stockhardt, J. A. Die Schule der Chemie. 4 Auflage. Braunschweig, 1849. D. il. 540 10 .Seeahn .\L('HEMY; ALFM; AMMOXIA; ARSEXH': AS- PAKAGIIS; BEXZILE; BLEAOHIXG; CAKBOX; DISTILLIXfl; DVES; FHtE: FL10UII>E OF JIAGXESU: MOLYBDEXni: PIOROTOXINE; PYKROL: SULPHUE; TAKTAK; THYMOL; rSXlC ACn>: XAXTHOXIC .U'ID. Chemnitz, Joliann Friedricli. Genealogia re- guni, dominorum & ciucum Megapolensium: adjecta. Jo. Christian! Beselinii. jwr. {In Westplialeii, E. J. vou. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 3.) »43 31 Clienimtz, Martin. Argumenta historica de suprematu ducatus Slesvicensis. 1634. {In same. v. 4.) 943 31 Clieron de Allliers, Pierre Theodore, contin- ver, see Le Bas, P. Asie Mineure. 1863. (In L'nnivers. 14.) jno 18 CHER UBINI 136 CHILDREN Chenibiui, S. Nubie. 1847. pi. map. {In .•iame. 3.) 910 18 Cheriibino da Siena, minor it e friar. Regole della vita niatrimoniale; per cura di Francesco Zambrini e di Carlo Negroni. Bologna, 1888. D. (In Scelta di curio.sita. 228.) 850 10 CHERSON. Fiiilay, G. The last pages of the history of the last (ireek republic [.Cherson]. Malta"[,1853]. O. 1? p. 94i> 46 Cheruel, Pierre A(lolplie,fn()iofa7oc,seeFlfcflii- er, E. JItnioires sur les grands-jours d"Au- vergne. 1S.")6. 9i4 6U Chesuey, Francis Rawdon. The expedition for the survey of the rivers Euphrates and Tigris by the British government, 1835-7; preceded by geographical and historical notices of the regions between the Nile and Indus. London, 1850. V. 1-3. Q. n. pi. map. !)15.G 11 Vol •'i-4 were never published; but their substance was embodied in the following work. — Narrative of the Euphrates expedition by the British government, 1835-7. London. 1868. O. pi. 915.0 12 CHESS. Caxtoii, W., translator. The game ofthechesse. London, 1860. O. il. 094 1 — Essai sur le-jeu des echecs; par un natif d' Alep en Syrie [,N. N.]. Hambourg, 1770. S. 73 p. 794 1 — Olli .Skakspil i det gamle Norden, i Anled- ning af et vigtigt Fund paaHebriderne. (In Copeiiliaiien— K. nord. Old.-Selslial). An- naler. v. 3, 1838-9.) . !)48 2 — Vida, M. 0. Scacchia Indus. (In his Opera. 1605 ) 879 11 Cliester, Greville Joliii. On the pottery and glass found in the excavations, il. (In Morri- son, W., editor. The recovery of Jerusalem. 1871.) 915.0 30.1 CHESTER, England, see WERBERUE, St. Cliettle, Henry. Kind-Heart's dream, contain- ing five apparitions with their invectives against abuses reigning, 1592; edited bv Ed- ward F. Rirabault. London, 1841. D. (In Percy soc. v. 5.) 820 6 Le clievnl et le levrier, see Froissart, .1. Clievalier, Artlnir. Hvgiene de la vue. 3 edi- tion. Paris, 1863. D. 013 17 Clievalier au cygne, see Swan. Clievalier au lyon, .see Clirestien of Troyes. Chevajidier de Valdronie, Jean Pierre Napo- leon Eugene. Kecherohes sur Temploi de divers amendments dans la culture des forets. Paris, ]8.-)2. Q. 47 p. pi. m.^S m bound with IS Clieverny, Philippe Hnranlt, comte de. Mo- moires, 1553-99. pur. (In. Alichaud & Ponjoii- Int. Momoires, 1866, v. 10.) <>44 9 Chevreiil, Michel Eugene. 1786-1889. Distribu- ti(m des comiaissances humaines du ressort de la philosophic naturelle. {In Paris — Institut — Acad, des sci. Mem. v. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 — <& others. Rccherches experimentales sur la vegetation par Georges Ville: Absorption de I'azote de I'air par les plantes: rapport a I'Aca- demie des sciences. Paris, 1855. O. 31 p. 581 1 Cheyiie, Thomas Kelly. The maintenance of the study of the Bible. (In Essays on endow- ment of research. 1876.) 378 3 Clieysson, £inile Jean Jacques. La famille- souche du Lavedan, 1856-69. (In Le Play, P. G. P. Lorgauisationdelafamille. 1871.) 321 2 Cliiabrera, Gabriello. Vita. (//; Autobiografe. 1857.) 920 14 CHl.lNA. Corsini, 0. Ragionamcnto i.itorico sopra la Valdichiana. (/)( Opiiscoli idraulici. 1S45., 627 3 — Fossonibroni, V. Memorie idraulico-storiche sopra la ^^d-di-Chiana■ 3 edizione. Montepul- ciano, 1835. O. pZ. maps. 627 8 — Manetti, A. Sulla stabile sistemazione delle acque di Valdicliiana. (In Opuscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 ■%-e also ARXO. Cliiaiitore, Giuseppe. Dissertazione estetica. (In Bodoui, G. 15. La prefazione al Manuale tii)OKraiico. 1874.) 655 3 CHIAPAS, see YUCATAN. Ciiiari, Prospero. Memorie e rifiessioni sopra i bagni cii Aqui nelle colline pisaue. 2 edizione. Pisa, 1853. O. 615 19 Cliiarini, Giuseppe. I critici italiani e la me- trica delle Odi barbare; discorso. {In Carducci, G. Odi barbare. 1878.) 851 2.5 Cliiavacci, Yliidiuiiro, A- Ciocea, F. Studii sul miglioramento ed ampliamento del porto di Genova. Roma, 1876. O. maps. 627 24 CHIERI. Bosio, A. Memorie storico-religiose e di belle arti del duomo e delle altre chiese di Chieri. Torino, 1878. D. pi. 726 15 — Cibrario, G. A. L. Delle storie di Chieri, con documenti. Torino, 1837. 2 v. O. 945 52 CHIGI, Fabio. Cianipi, I. L' epistolario inedito di Fabio Chigi ]joi papa Alessandro VIL (In Rome— R. accad. dei lineei. Atti. 2 ser. sci. mor. V. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 Cliild, Francis James. Observations on the language of Chaucer and Gower. (I>t Ellis, A. J. On earlv English pronunciation. 1869-74. v. 1: in E. E, text soc. Extra ser. 3.) 820 5.1 — editor. English and Scottish ballads. Bosiou, 1857. V. 1-4. D. (British poets.) 821 3.1 —Same : [3 edition.] London, 18G1. 8 v. D. 821 3.3 (Iliilde, Edward Vernon, translator, see Santa- rcMi. Researches respecting Vespucius. 1850. 973 13 The cllilde of Bristow, see Lydg'ate, J. CHILDREN. Clianiiing-, W. E. The duties of children. ('/)). /(/.? Works, 1848, v. 3.) 208 3 — Furuivall, F. J., editor. The babees book, &c. London, 1868. O. pi. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 33.) 820 .5. —Marenholtz- Billow, B. von B. von. Die Ar- beit unci die neue Erziehung nacli Friibels .^lethode. Berlin, 1866. D. 372 2 — Simon, J. F. L'ouvrier de huit ans. Paris, 1S67. O. 331 13 — Suiidt, E. L. Rornenes Hu-itlid og Skoleflid i Eidsvold; Aarsberetning. Christiania, 1873. O. 16 p. 379 6 — Wilinscn, F. P. Deutscher Kinderfreund. N;vch der 146 Original-Ausgabe, fiir den Ge- brauch deutscher Volksschulen Nord-Ameri- ka's eingerichtet. 3 Ausgabe. Philadelphia, 1841. D. 372 1 CHILDREN 137 CHOCOLATE —Wolf, E. B. Proeve over de opvoediiig, aaii de Nedcilandsche moeders. 2 druk. Amster- dam, 1780. O. 839.31 20 — ¥10 18 — U. S.— Naval astronomical expedition to the southern hemisphere, lSlO-52. [Report.] Wasliington, 1855. v. 1-2. sc^Q. il. jjI. maps. 918.3 1 Cantents : 1. Gillis. J. JI. Chile, i. Maorae. A., * ulhen. The Andes and Pampas. See alM AKAl!(A>'U\S; Ercilla y Zufiis.i, A. de. La Aran- cana; O'HKJdIXS, B, Le Cliili et I'Espagne. Paris, 1805. O. 54 p. 983 2 CHILINDRE. Hoveden, J. Practica chilindri: or. The winking of the cylinder; edited, witli translation, bv E. Brock. (In Essays on Cliau- cer. pt. 2, 1874; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 9.)821 40 —A liatin treatise on the cliilindre, 13 century; edited, with translation, by Edmund Brock, il. (In same. pt. 1, 1808; in same. 2.) 821 40 CHINA. Anderson, A. A narrative of the British embassy to China, 1792-4. Basil, 1795. O. ■ 915.1 1 — Beauvoir, L. de. Canton.— Pekin. pi. map. (In his Voyage autour dumonde. 1873-9, v. 2,3.) 910 24 (Vaiiliei', T. En Chine; souvenirs de 1' exposi- tion universelle de Londres. — Musicieus chi- nois a IVxposition universelle de Paris, 1807. (In his L'orient. 1877, v. 1.) 910 29 —Hall, B. Voyage to the eastern seas, 1810; in- cluding an account of Maxwell's attack on Canton. New York, 1827. 8. 915.1 2 — Le Comte, L. Memoirs and observations made in a late journey through China. 2 edition. London, 1098. D. il.por. pi. tab. 915.13 ^Mii'liaelis, H. Von Hankau nach Sutscliou; Reisen ini mittlern und westliohen China, 1879- 81. Gotha, 1888. s(|Q. [2-l-J 58 p. //. maps, (In Petermanns MittheUengeu: Ergiinzungs- band 20.) 910 44 — Jlilne, J. Journey across Europe and Asia. (In Asiatic soc. of Japan. Trans, v. 7, 1879.) 915.2 1 — Nlenhof, J. Het gezantschap der Neerlandt- sche Oost-Indische compagnie aan den grooten Tartarischen cham, keizer van China, 1055-7. Amsterdam, 1605. F. il. pi. 915.14 — Pantlller, J. P. G. Chine; ou. Description historique, geographique et litteraire. Paris, 1837-53. 3 V. O. por. pi. map. (In L'unlvers. 17-18.) 910 18 Vol.2 is Chine moderne; pt. 2: Arts, litterature et moeurs, by A. P. L. Bazin. — Tlniovskl, G. Voyage a Peking, a travers la Mongolie, 1820-1; publie, avec notes, par J. Klaproth. Paris, 1827. 2 v. O, & Atlas. F. 915.1 5 Triiraiilt, N. Regni Chinensis descriptio. Lugd Hatav., 1039. Tt. pi. 094 19 — Vlsdelou, C. de. Monument du christianisme en Chine. —Description de la Chine [by P. D. B.l. (In Herltelot, B. d.' Bibl. orient. Sup. 1780.) 950 1 —Williams, S. W. The middle kingdom; a survey of the Chinese empire and its inhabit- ants. 4 edition. New York, 1801 [c'47]. _ 2 v. O. il. por. pi. iltp. map. 915.1 —Wood, W. M. Fankwei; or. The San Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan. New York, 1859. O. 915 20 See rtfeotOMMKRCE— OHIXA; HAJI31E. P. T. van; PEKIX. Chlnazzi, Haniele. Cronaca della guerra di Chioggia; pubblicata da Lodovico Anton Mu- ratori. Milano, 1804. S. (In Blbl. rara. 59.) 850 3 CHINESE LANGUAGE. Hahleman, S. S. On the relations between Chinese and the Indo- European languages. Cambridge [,Mass.]. 1857. O. [l-h] 201-213 p. 495 1 Ste (dsolM\ih'—X. r— Matthew,— Lake; (Jiitzlaff, K. CHINOOK LANGUAGE. Lionnet,— .Vocabulary of the jargon or trade language of Oregon. Washington, 1853. O. [2-f-] 22 p. 497 3 Chlpman, DanleL The life of Nathaniel Chip- man; with selections from his miscellaneous papers. Boston, 1846. O. 923 26 Chlrlno, Alonso. Tratado llamado Meiiordano de medicina Sevilla, J. cvonhergcr, 1529. Q. 099 38 Chirtanl, Lulgi, & Selvatico, P. Le arti del disegno in Italia, storia e critica: II medio evo. Milano, 1883. Q. (7. pi. (In L'ltalla. Parte 2.) 914.5 31 CHITI, Celestino. CTiusti, G. Cenni intorno alia vita di C. Chiti. (In his Scritti. 1803.) 858 6 CHHALRY. Biischlng', J. G. G. Ritterzeit und Ritterweseu. Leipzig, 1823. 2 v. O. 940 15 — Frolssart, J. Histoire et clironiijue memora- ble; reveu et corrigee par D. Sauvage. Paris, 1574. 4 V. in 1. F. 940 18 For other editions see Frolssart. —Mills, C. The history of chivalry; or. Knight- hood and its times. Philadelphia, 1827. 2 v. in 1. O. 940 6 ^Saliite-Palaye, J. B. de la C. de. Memoires sur r:iiicienne chevalerie; avec une une intro- duction et notes historiques par C. Nodier. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1829. 2v.O. p?. 940 17 See(dso ARTHUR, king; TEFTOXIC ORDER. Chlzzollnl, Giovanni. Sui poderi nel Concorso agrario di Reggit) d' Emilia, settenibre 1876; re- lazione. Milano, 1877. O. 7-1-89 [-1-2] p. pZ. 630 30 Chizzoni, F. Sulle superficie e sulle linee che si ottengono come luogo o come inviluppo delle rette congiungenti i punti correspondent! di due curve omografiche )iiane, memoria di ge- ometria pura. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fls. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 CHOATE, Bufus. Brown, S. G. The life of Choate. 4edition. Boston, 1881. D. por. 923 27 —Whipple, E. P. (In his Essays, 1848-9. v. 2.) 814 16 CHOCOLATE. Bontekoe, C. Van de chocolate. (In his Tractaat van thee. 1085.) 643 5 CUOEPHOROI 128 CHRISTMAS CAROLS Xoriip6poi, see Jlschylns. Clioiseul, C^sar, due de, comte dii Plesais-Pra- sliii. Memoires, 1632-71. (//i Mlchaiul * Poii- joiilat.' Meiuoires, 1866, v. 31.) 944 9 Choisiiin, Jenii. Memoires sur I'election du roi de Pologne, 1571-3. (In same. v. n.) 944 9 Clioisy, Francois Tiiuoleoii, abbe de. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de Louis XIV. 2^or, {In same. v. 39.) 944 9 Choix d" anecdotes, see Celnart, E. F. CHOLERA. Cipoliua, C. Molta luce sul cholera morlnis. Genova, 1874. O. 23 p. 616 11 — Fenicia, S. Disertazione [.so] sul cholera morbus. 2 edizione. Bari, 1867. O. 84 p. 616 11 Cliolmeley, William. Tlie request and suite of a true-hearted Englishman, 1.553: edited by W. J. Tlioms. 1853. (In Camden misc. 2 ; in Cam- den soc. 55.) 820 4 Chopin, Jean Marie. Provinces danubiennes. 1856. por. 2^1. maps. (In L"univers. 59.) 910 18 — Rvissie. Paris, 1838. S v. O. por. pi. maps. (In same. 60-1.) 910 18 — continuer, see Ejries, J. B. B. Dauemark. 1816. (7?t,s-a?;)e. 33.) 910 18 Choraius, Mikael. Samlade skaldestycken. 2 upplagan. Orebro, 1826. O. j^or. 839.7111 Chrestien of Troyes. Du roi Guillaume d' Angleterre. (In Michel, F. X. Chroniques anglo-normandes. 1836-40, v. 3.) 841 5 — Le Perceval ; un ms. inconnu, fragment unique; par C. Potviu. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 — Li ronians dou chevalier au lyon; herausgege- benvon VVilhehn Ludvvig Holland. Hannover, 1863. O. facsim. 841 14.1 Chrestoleros, see Bastard, T. Chrestopoiilos, Atliauasios. Choix de poesies, [modern Greek and French]. (In Kalvos, A. Odes. 1836.) 889 l3 Chrlmhihl, Tragodie, see Eopiscli, A. CHRIST, see JESUS, the Christ. Clivist cburcli letters, see Canterhnry. De CJiristelyke offerande, — Den Cliristelyken hoveling, -lee Kriil, J. H. Christian I., king of Denmark. Epistote Cliristiani primi vel ad eum scriptre. (In Langrebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 8.) 94S 76 Christian II., king of Denmark. Diploma ad Jolianiicui Ventelanth. (In same.) 948 76 Pri'ot'di.-il liy M. Gableri epistola nietrica in laudem Christ itirni. — Itelirmann, H. Kong Christian den Andens Historie. Kiflbenhavn, 1815. 3 v. in 1. D. por. i)48 62 CHRISTIAN III., king of Denmark. De coro- natione Oiristiani III. 1537, narratio. — I'lig^g;, L. De coronatione Cliristianilll. carmen, 1539. (In Lan^ebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773- 1834, V. 8.) !)4S 76 — Krag, N. Annalium libri 6: additi S. J. Ste- phaniihistori.-BDanicaj libri duo;cumaccessioni- bu8 [by J. Grammius]. Hafnise, 1737. F. j)or. 948 67 CHRISTIAN IT., king of Denmark. Ilfhiriiis, 0. Kerum gestarum Christiani IV. liliri duo [in verse]. 1636. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 — Snlim, P. F. (In his Skrifter, 1787-98, v. 4.) ' 839.88 5 CHRISTIANIA. Welhaven, J. S. C. Kristiani- as Vinter- og Sommer-Dvale. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8, V. 2.) 839.84 3 .<e. Aalborg, 1809. S. 914.8 50 Chrlstias, see Vida, M. G. Christie, William Donsral, editor. Letters from London to Sir Joseph Williamson at the con- gress of Cologne, 1673-4. [London,] 1874. 3 v. stiO. (/)( Camden soc. n. s. 8, 9.) 820 4.1 Christiern II: s arkiv, secEkdahl, N. J., editor. ('Iiristiiia, St. Leven van Sinte Cluistina de wonderbare, in oud-dietsche rijnien, met inlei- ding;aenteekeningen en andere bij voegsels,voor de eerstemael uitgegeven door J. H. Bormans. Gent, 1850. O. fac.tim. 839.31 18 Drottning Cliristina, drame, .see Kcllgren, J. H. Cliristiiie de Pi.ian, ,see Pisan. Christison, Robert. A tro:itis(> on poisons, in relation to medical juris])rudence, i)hysiology and the practice of physic. 3 edition. Kdin- burgh, 1836. O. 61.5 4 CHRISTMAS CAROLS. Wriglit, T., editor. Specimens of f>ld Christmas carols. London. 1841. D. 7-1-80 p. (In Percy soc. v. 4.) 820 6 CHRISTOPO ITL OS 129 CHURCH AND STATE Cliristopoiilos, f'li,, translator, see Defoe, U. 'O 'VofiLPdCiv. 823 it Cliristy, Henry, ct- Lartel, E, A. I. II. Cavernes till Pei-igoi'nAlt: EASTKR. Die clironycke, van Hollant, Zeelant ende van Vrieslandt; van Adams tijden tot 1517; ende is vervaetet in drye stucken, ofte vervolch, vande HoUandtsche chronijcke, 1516-94. Dordrecht, 159.5-7. 4 V. in 1. F. 949 q The four parts are ; Die chronycke; Dal tweede deel by een yergadert, E. D. V.; Historie, ofte, Wilder vercla- ringe.lSSe-ai; Appendix, tot 1591-7. Chrysoberg:es, G. TpannaTiKi] rijs nall' ij/iis (Will'. yXwaa-qi. '\erivri(ri., 1839. D. 489 6 Clirysostomus, Joannes. Antica paiafrasi lom- bartla del 'Neminem laedi nisi a se ipso'dis. Gio- vanni Grisostomo; edita da Foerster. (In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 —La storia di San Giovanni Boccadort>. se- condo due lezioni in ottava rima. (In Scelta di curiosita. ,57.) ,S50 10 CHURCH, CampbeU, A. The church of the future. London, 1880. D. . 261 1 — Clianuing', W. E. The church, (/m his AVorks, 1848. V. 6.) 208 3 —Parker, T. The idea of a Christian church; discourse, 4 Jan. 1846. Boston, 1846. O. 39 p. 252 2.1 — Wilson, H. B. Seances historiques de Geneve; The national church. (In Essays and reviews. 1863.) 204 1 CHURCH AXD STATE, AUard, E. Lttat et I'eglise. leur passe, knir existence etleurave- nir en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1872. Q. 322 1 — Bonglii, R, Die italienische und die deutsche Kirchenpolitik. (In HiUebrand, K. Italia, v. 1 I*'*-) 945 41 — Castillia, G. de. Libera chiesa in liberostato; pensieri. Milano, 1865. O. 59 p. 322 3 — Coleridg-e, S. T. On the constitution of the church and state; edited, with notes, by H. N Coleridge. London, 1839. D. 322 3 — Macanlay, T. B. (In his Essays, 1843. v. 3 ) 824 16 —Mill, J, S, Torto e diritto dell' ingerenz dello stato nelle corporazioni e nelle propriet^ CHURCH AND STATE 130 GHVR CH HIST OR Y della chiesa : tradotta dall inglese e seguita da un disoorso di C. Bon-Compagui; precede una lettera di R. Bonglii. Torino. 1864. O. 282 49 —Milton, J. A treatise of civil power in eccles- iastical causes. (/)t7(isWorks, 18(J3,v.5.)821 78 — Miuylietti, M. State e chiesa. Milano, 1878. O. 322 4 — Pisaiii, ()i. Stati e religioni, Roma, 1877. O. ' 322 5 Riiialdis, B. de. La libera chiesa in libero stato. Tciiino, 1865. D. 322 6 Eisposta ;iir Enuiclica poiitifica dall' 8 die. 1864. Der Staat utid das allegemeine Coucil. Leip- zig, 1873. O. [7 -I-] 52 p. 322 7 — Stanley, A. P. An address on tlie connec- tion of church and state. London, 1868 O. [3 +} 48 p. 322 7 Set also (ililXJOUY VII. CHURCH HISTORY. Eokliard, J. 0. von, editor. Corpus historicum niedii ftvi. Lipsias, 1723. 2 V. F. 943 13 For contmts xee Kckliard. — Gaspariii, A. E. de. Innocent IIL le siecle apostoliqiie. Constantiu. Paris, 1873. D. 270 10 — Hasfeiibai-ll, K. R. Vorlesungen iiber die iiltere Kircheugescliichte : 1-6 Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1853-5. 2 v. in 1. O. 270 1 Vorlesungen iiber die Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters: 7-15 Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1860-1. 2 V. O. 270 2 —Lea, H. C. Studies in church history: The rise of the temporal power; — Benefit of clergy: ■ — Excommunication. Philadelphia, 1869. O. 270 3 — Mililiaii, H. H. History of Latin Christianity, to Nicolas V. 4th and revised edition. London. 1867. 9 V. D. 270 4 — Milliter, F. C. C. H. Die Christin im heid- nischen Hause, vor den Zeiten Constantins des Grossen. Kopenhagen, 1828. O. [3-f J 8! p. 270 8 —AFRICA. Milliter, F. C. C. H. Primordia ec- clesia; African;)'. Hafniaj, 1829. sqO. 276 1 —BELGIUM. Allard, E. L'etat et I'eglise, leur passe, leur existence et leur avenir en Bel- gique. Bruxelles, 1872. Q. 322 1 —DENMARK. Knudseii, H. Bidrag til Oplys- ning af den danske Reformationshistorie. (In CoiK'iiliaKcii— K. iKird. Old.-Selskal). Annaler. V. 7, 1847.) 948 3 Rolimaiiii, J. L. Historisk Fremstilling af Reforuiationens Indforelse i Danmark. Kjo- benhavn, 1836. 8. 270 31 Seeuho Diliiiiiiscli: PKItSKCIITIOXS. — EXtiiLAM). Itede. Ilistoriai ecclesiastica; gentis Anglorum libri 5 [Latin and Anglo-Sax- on]. Cantabrigi«, 1723. F. il/pl. map. 274 1 ^ — —Same: The Old English version; edited, with translation and intioduction, by T. Jlil- ler. London. 1890. pt. 1, .sect. 1. O. fm-aim. {fit E. v.. text soe. Orig. ser. 95.) 820 5 CoKiiii, B. de. Liber de archiepiscojiis et epi.scopis .ADgliiu. 1859. (Yji (Jt. Br.— Cliroii. and Mem. 16 ) !(42 8 Fuller, T. The church history of Britain, untill 1(;-I8. London, 1655. F. pi. 274 2 Hiiuter, J., editor. Ecclesiastical docu- ments: 1. A brief history of the bishoprick of Somerset to 1174. 3. Cliarters from the library of Cox Macro. London, 1840. sqO. (In Cauideu soc. 8.) 820 4 Maliiiesbiiry, W. of. De gestis pontiKcum Anglorum libri 5; edited by N. E. S. A. Ham- ilton. London. 1870. Q. facsim. (/» (Jt.Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 53.) 942 8 Peckliam, J., abp. of Canterbury. Regi- sti'um epistolaruiu: edited by C. T. Martin. Lon- don, 1882-5. 3 V. Q. facsim. (In same. "11.) 942 8 Gascoigue, T. Loci e Libro veritatiim; illustrating the condition of church and state, 1403-58; with introduction bv J. E. T. Rogers. Oxford, 1881. sqO. facsiiii. 274 3 See aho A)initi:liilmeslairy; .llart^an; MELSA; iMonk->VearnioutIi; >'e«niinster; I*eteiiM>roufe'li; Ramsey; Itievaulx; Itipon; St. Allians; ST. EDJIl'>D'S ABBEY; SaUsbury; WALTHAM; Waveiley: Wiitby; York. — FRANX'E. Jung, T. La France et Rome, etude historique, 17e et 19e siecles. Paris, 1874. D. 282 36 —FRANKS. Gregorins, G. F., bishop of Tours. Histoire ecclesiastique des Francs; traduction par H. Bordier. Paris, 1859-61. 2 v. D. 274 4 — GERMANY. Ranmer, R. von.Die Einwirkung des Christenthums auf die althocluleutsche Spraehe; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deut- schen Kirche. Stuttgart, 1845. O. 437 13 Yiliiiar, A. F. C. Deutsche Alterthiimer im Heliand, als Einkleidung der evangeli.schen Geschichte. 3 Ausgabe. Marburg, 1862. O. [3-l-J 94 p. 831 45 See «feo Dituiarscli; HAJIBURC; LUBECK; KATZEBl'Itli; ROSTOCK: SCHWEIUN. — GRISONS. M'Crle, T. lUustrations of the reformation in the Grisons. (//( liis Historj- of reformation in Italy, 1833, p 356-448.) 270 23 —HUNGARY. Spreiiger van Eljk, J. P. De martelaars der protestantche keiken van Hon- garije in de 17de eeuw. Dordrecht, 1845. O. 272 6 — ICEL.IND. Jonsson, F. Historia ecclesiastica Islandica. Havnia?, 1772-8. 4 v. sqO. j)o»-. 274 7 — — Kristui-sag:a, nee non lattr af Isleifi bi- skupi; cum interpretatione Latina... Hatnia?, 1773. 839.(i3 52 —ITALY. Hogg, L. M. What is doing in furtherance of church refornuition in Italy. London, 1867. O. 284 11 Lang'dou, W. C. Some account of the catholic reform movement in the Italian church... London, 1868. D. 284 12 ■^ — .M'Crie, T. History of the jirogress and suppression of the reformation in Italy in the Kith century; including a sketch of the refor- mation in tlie Grisons. 2 edition, enlarged. Edinliurgh, l.s;i:i. O. 270 23 P. E. clnnTli in U. S. A. Report of the Italian clunch reformation commission. 1872- 3. Hartford, Conn., 1872-4. 2 v. O. 284 11 -Papers and correspondence of the joint committee on the Italian reform movement. New York, 1806. O. 284 11 VHUR CH HISTOR Y 131 CHURCITES Paris. Report of the Anglo-American coiuniittee for aiding clmrcli reforniatiuif in Italy. Dresden, 18Gs: D. U [ + 2] p. 'JS* 12 — INETHERLANUS. Albeidiujtk Tliijiii, 1'. P. M. Karel de Groote en zijn eeiiw, 741-814, vorgesteld in zonderheid nied betrt liking tot Nederland. 's Graveuluige, 18G7. O. nuqi. 274 8 — R03IK. HultiCinaun, H. J. Die Ansiedlung des Christenthunis in Koni. Berlin, 1874. O. 40 p. (//( Vircliow * Holtzeiulorff. Vortrilge. 9 Serie.) 04;j 1 —SCANDINAVIA. Anikiel, T. Cimbrische Heyden-Bekehrung. Hamliurg, 1702. s(iQ. par. {In his Ausfiihrliche Eroffnung. 2.) 913 47.1 See aho SVElillE SUJll{l)S0-\'. — — Laugebek, 3.,eilitor. .Scriptore.s rerum Danicanun niedii ajvi. Hafnite, 1772-1834. 8 v. F.^ it. pov [il. fucsim. tab. !(4S 76 — SCHLESWKx. SchlcsAvisr- Holstciu • Laueii- burgiselie (iesellschaft f lir vateiiiiiidisi'lii' We- schiclite. Areliiv fiir 8taat«- uud Kirclienge- schiehte der Herzogthiimer; von A. L. J. Michelseu und J. Asmussen. Altona, ]83ii-f. 3 V. O. 943 42 —SCOTLAND. (Jrcat Britain— Crown (C7/(nfe.s /. ). A large declaration concerning the late tu- mults in .Scotland. London, 1639. Q. j^or. 941 3 Knox, J. History of the reformation in Scotland. (Iiilii.s Works, 1846-64, v. 1-2.)— Let- ters chiefly relating to the progress of the re- formation, 15.19-72. (//( same, v. 6.) 208 4 For other editions of the history, gee Knox. See also ('oldiii^hain priory. — SPAIN. Ciistro, A. de. The Spanish protes- tants and their persecution by Philip II.; translated by T. Parker. London, 1851. O. 272 15 Ploroz, E., & others, EspaiSa sagrada; theatro geographico-historico de la iglesia de Espaila. Madrid, 1747-1860. 47 v. O. il. maps. 946 4 —SWEDEN. Celsius, 0. Swea rikes kyrko- historia, 828-1000. Lund, 1785. D. 270 20.1 — — Den swenska kyrko-historien, 1000- 1022. Lund, 1792. D. 270 20.1 — SAVITZERLAND. Froninient, A. Les actes et gestes de Geneve, conimen9ant 1532. Geneve, 1854. O. 2}t- 270 22 See also AXSCH.iIRE; APOSTLES; CATHOLIC CIIUKCH; CHURCH AND ST.VTE; CHURCHES; COUNCILS: FRIENDS; HUOUENOTS; LOLLARDS: LUND; MARTYRS: MONASTI- CISM: PERSECUTIONS; PURITANS; fl'ALDENSES. Cliiirch of Eng'laiul. Liturgies and occasional forms ol prayer set forth in the reign of Queen Elizabeth; edited by William Keatinge Clay. Cambridge [,Eng.], 1847. O. (Parker society.) 264 1 — Private prayers put forth in the reign of Queen Elizabeth; edited by William Keatinge Clay. Cambridge [,Eng.], 1851. O. (Parker society.) 264 2 ^Cobbett, W. Cobbett's legacy to parsons; or, Have the clergy of the established church an equitable right to church property...? London, 1869, S. ■ 283 2 — Davanzati, B. Dello sclsma d' Inghilterra. {In his Opere, 1853, v. 2.) 878 21 Arnason, J., bisJiop. Jus n, 1775; edit G. J. Thorke- — Jewel, J. Works; 3d portion; edited by J. Ayre. Cambridge [,Eiig.J, IW4S. O. (Parker society.) 283 4 Conien/K: Apologia eoclesiiB Anglicanse.— An apology of the church of England.— The defence of the Apology. — Merle d'Aiibigu6, J. H. Pu.scyism exam- ined; with notice of the author by K. Bairn. N. Y., 1843. 8. 54 p. 283 6 — Pattison, M. Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-1750. {In Essays and reviews. 1862.) 204 1 — Pocock, N., editor. Troubles connected with the prayer book of 1549. [Lonl. '26 31 Die Entwicklung der kirchlichen Baukunst des Mittelalters: zwei Vorlesungeu. Berlin, 1658. O. [3+] 55 p. p>l. 726 8 «e« a/50 AMALIEXBOKO: BASIU('A.S; BODMIN; (HAU- TKES; (HIEKI: (OLOCJNE; CONSTAMiXOPI.E; FLOK- ENCE: .lEKlSALEM; London; I.iidlow; 3I1L.IX; MO.NRE- ALE; ODENSE: OltVIETO: SOK0; TRO.XDH.IEM; raSTER- TI(J; VIEXXA; WALTHAM ABBEY: York. CliiirchiU, a. C, * (iilbert, J. The Dolomite mountains: excursions, 1861-3. London. 1864. O. //. pi. maps. 551.43 36 Churchyard. Thomas, i ;hurcliyard's chips con- cerning' Scotland; with historical notices and a life of tlie author by George Chalmers. Lon- don, 1817. O. il. faesim. J»41 3 —The mirror of m;in, 1594;— A musicall con- sort of harmonie, called Churchyard's Charitie, 1595:— A praise of poetrie, 1595:— A pleasant discourse of court and wars, called his Cher- rishing, 1596;— A sad funerall, of sir Francis Knowles, 1596. Auchinleck, re-printed. 1816. sqO. (Frondes caducaj.) 821 47 —The worthines of Wales: re-printed from the original edition of 1537. [Manchester,] 1876. sqO. (In Spenser soe. Pul). 20.) 821 3 — see Mirror for magistrates, pt. 3. 1815. 821 85 —translator, see Ovidius Naso, P. The first three books of Ovid de tristibus. 1816. 871 4 CHIIKCHYAUUS, s«^' lUKIAL. CHUUVVALSCH, see KOMASSH. CICERO Ciaccheri, Matteo. Cronachetta di S. (jemi- gnaio, 1355 [,in verse]: iUustrata da E. Sarte- schi. Boloena, 1865. D. 43 p. (In Scclta di curiositii. 60.) *»50 10 Cialdi, jUessandro. Dei movimenti del mare sotto I' aspetto idraulico nei porti e nelle rive. Milano, 1876. F. il. 627 31 hound with 16 — Effetti del moto ondoso allegati dal Maury. Roma, 1873. O. 19 p. 551.46 7 — Nozioni preliminari per un trattato sulla co- struzione dei porti nel Mediterraneo. Roma, 1874. O. pi. 627 22 — Les ports-chenaux et Port-Said. Rome, 1870. O. pi 627 23 — Sul moto ondoso del mare e su le correnti di esso specialmente su quelle littorali. 2 edizione, accresciuta. Roma, 1866. Q. maps. 551.46 6 With author's autograph, —see KaviiiU, C. Viaggio delia spedizione in E°-itto. 1840-1, sotto gU ordini del Cialdi. 1870. 916.2 38 — Merriflehl, C. W. Guidizio intorno all" opera del Cialdi Sul moto ondoso del mare. Roma, 1873. O. 18 p. 551.46 7 Ciamician, G. L., d- Deunstedt, M. SuU" azione del cloroforniio sul composto potassico del pi- rolo. (hi Koine— R.accad. dei. liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sei.fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Ciampi, Igiiazio. Innocenzo X Pamfili e la sua corte; storia di Roma, 1644-55, da uuovi docu- ment!. Roma, 1878. O. 945 87 With autograph of the autbor. — Sopra alcuni documenti della storia civile del medio evo di Roma. — Uepistolario inedito di Fabio Cliigi iioi papa AlessandroVII. (7ii Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 Ciampi, Sebastiano, editor, see Gesta Caroli Magni ad Carcassonani, etc. 1833. 293 16 Le ciane di Firenze, see Zauuoni, G. B. Cibber, Colley. An apology for [Ins] life: with an historical view of the stage during his time. 3 edition. London, 1740. O. por. 928 15 Cibrario, GioYaimi Antonio Luigi, eonte. Della economia politica del medio evo. 5 edizione, accresciuta. Torino, 1861. O. por. 330 8 — Delia schiavitii e del servaggio, e special- mente dei servi agricoltori. Milano, 1868. 2 v. O. 326 1 — Dellestorie di Cliieri, con documenti. Torino, 1837. 2 V. O. 945 53 Co)il.eii/s: 1. Storia. 2. Documenti. — Onerette e f rammenti storici. Firenze, 1856. D. «45 7 Cicciirelli, Antonio, editor, see Castig;lione, B. II cortegiano. 1584. 395 1 La cicccide legitinia, see LaTizarelli, G. F. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Opera ; ex editionis Oliveti et Eriiesti [.recensuit .Joannes Carey]; accesserunt inc:erti auth(,)ris Rhetorica ad He- rennium. Londini, 1830. 12 v. T. 876 1 Coiitatlti : t-l. Ehctorioa et pliilosophica. S-S. Ora- tiones. I)-11. Epistote. 12. Clavis (Jioeroniana J. A. Ernesti. A full list of (Mintents is prefixed to v. 1. — Opera omnia; edidit C. F. A. Nobbe ; tomus 9: De natura deorum; De divinatione: De fate; De republica ; De legibus. Lipsiae, 1849. T. 875 5 CICERO 133 CTNTIO DEI FABRIZII — Definiliusbi)iioiumet inaloium lilniquiiKjuo, et Paradoxwii liber unus; enifudavit iiotisque illustravit Thomas Beiitloy. Caiitabrigiiu, 171H. D. 875 — De flnibus bonorum et nialoium libri quinque; herausgegeljen, niit deutsclien Wort-uiid Sacli- erklilrunKen, von H. Ludwig Julius Biller- beck. Hannover, 18^>7. O. 875 7 — De ofticiis ad Marcum Hlium libri tres : er- klaert von Otto Heine. 4 Auflage. Berlin, 1871. O. 875 9 — De officiis libri tres ; item, Cato major, sive De senectute ; Lrelius, sive De aniicitia ; Para- doxa; Somnium Scipiouis. Loiidini, 1817. T. 875 8 — De philosophia, prima pars ; cum scholijs & coniecturis Pauli Manutij. Venetiis, apvd Pavlmn Manvtivm, 1556 [tp.'5.'5J. S. 094 61 Coii/etils : Aciidoniicarum iniij'stidiuim editionis I lilier •^, editionis 2 lilier 1.— De tiiiilms lionorum & malorum lil)ri '5.— Tuseiilaiiarum qua-stiouum libri 5.— Scholia P. Maiuitii. — Inde.x. — De re publica quae supersunt, edente Angelo Maio. Romae, 1823. O. 875 10 —Same. Editio 1 Americana. Bostonia?, 183:3. O. 875 11 — Epistolae, temporis ordine dispositae : recen- suit, annotationibus illustravit Christianus Godofr. Hcbiitz, Halae, 1808-13. 6 v. in 3. O. 87« 2 — Les epistres familieres de Ciceron, latin- fran9ois, par E. Dolet & F. de Belle-forest: auec argumes, indice, & maniere d' entendre la date des Latins; on a adiouste h ceste edition r'uu] epistres du XII. liure. Cbamberi, 1569. T. 87(t 1 — Librorum de re publica sex quae supersunt; recognovit Reiuholdus Klotz. Lipsia^. 1857. D. 875 13 — Oration vm pars 1-3, cum correctionibus Pauli Manutii. Venetiis, v. 1, 1.5.59; v. 3, 1624 ; v. 3, 1550. V. 1, 3. S; v. 3. T. 094 65 Vol. 3 ends with lea£ 203. —Same. v. 3. 094 66 This copy of t. .3 has the end complete, supplying leaves 2fi4-i!71, but lacks title-page. It was given to Mr. Marsh by Giuseppe Ferraro, — Orazione in difesa di Milone; tradotta in vol- gare. {In Boiifadlo, J. Lettere. 1835.) 856 6 — La prima orazione contra Catilina; volgariz- zata da Bninetto Latini; testo di lingua, recato dair abate Giuseppe Manuzzi. Firenze, 1834. O. 8-1-38 p. 875 3 — Tusculanaruni disputationum ad M. Brntuni libri quinque; erklaert von Gustav Tisclier. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 18.54. O. 875 13 — Cappoui, G. Studi sopra le Lettere di Cice- rone. 1//I /us Scritti, 1877, V. 1.) 858 4 — Hiigues, (i. d.' Une province romaine sous la reimhlique; etude sur le proconsulat de Cice- ron. Paris, 1876. D. 937 17 — Schiitz, C. ti.Lexicon Ciceronianum. Lipsiae, 1817-31. 4 V. in 3. D. 875 14 Der Cicerone, see Bnrckhardt, J. THE t:il), Rodrigo, or Riiy DIAZ DE BIVAR, called. Chronicle of the Cid; from the Si_>;iu- ish by Robert Southey. London, 1808. sqQ. ma}). 94(5 16 — Holland, W. L. Du poenie du Cid dans ses analogies avec la chanson de Roland, par E. Buret. (/)( Jahrbiicli rom. u. eiig. Lit. v. 2, l«()t).) 805 1 — Poenia ilel Cid. (In Sanchez, T. A. Col. de poesias, 1779-90, v. 1.) 8«] 4 — Romancero del Cid; publicado ixir A. Kdler. Stuttgart. 1840. D. iltp. SCI 6 — Translations from The poem of the Cid. (In Frere, .). H. Works, 1872, v. 3 ) 821 58 — W'dW, F. J.Kodrigo el Cam])eador und Poeine du Cid. {Ill Jahrbnch rom. und eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.)— Ein neues fiir den historischen Cid. {In same. y. 4, 1803.) 805 1 Le ciel et r enfer, comedie, see Merimee, P. Cifuentes, Francisco Valerio, editor, see Mora- les, A. de. Opiisculos caotellanos. 1793. 94(> 7 Cigalla, Oliiseppe de, eoiite. Bemajrkning um Dromiing Dagmar.s Kors. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anhaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 Cihac, Alexandre de. Dictionnaire d' etymolo- gie daco-romane; elements slaves, magyars, turcs, grecs-moderne 1 1 albanais. Francfort s. M., 1879. O. 459 5 CILICIA. Hugnes, (». d.' Une province ro- maine sous la republique; etude sur les ]irocon- sulat de Ciceron. Paris, 1876. D. 937 17 *«■«/«< TAl!IilIS. CIMBRI. Lindetibriieh, E. Historia belli Cim- brorum per 8 annos cum Romanis. por. pi. (In Westuhalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 3. ' 943 31 .Set atsii other treatises in these volumes. CIMBRIAX DL\LECT. Schnieller, J. A. Soge- tianntes cinibrisches Worterbuch; das ist, Deutscbes Idiotikon der 7. und 13. Comuni in den venetianischen Alpen; niit Einleitung und Zusiitzen herausgegeben von -J. Bergman. Wien, 1855. O. map. 437 3 CIMINI. Verri, A. I vulcaniCimini. map. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. V. 8, 1879-80.) 0G5 4 Ciniino, G. T. Padre e figlia, novella; con jjre- fazione di N. Tommaseo. Firenze, 1868. O. 10+84 p. 851 38 Cimino FoUiero de Luna, Anrelia. Massimili- ano d'Aut^tria e il castello di Jliramare; ricordi di Trieste. Firenze, 1875. D. 55 p. phot. 943 59.1 With the author's autograph. — Questioni sociali. Cesena, 1883. O. 304 2 bound u-ith OK! 4.1 CIBDIERIANS. Ove Kjair, I. Kimmerierne. map. (In li i-f Studier'. IStil.) 930 3 CEVCHOXA. Great Britain— India office. East India, chinchoua plant; copy of furth( r cor- respondence, 1863-6. [London,] 1866. F. it. pi. map. 551.58 113 CINCINNATI. Mansflcld, E. D. Notices of the early settlement of Cincinnati and some of its pioneer citizens. (7» /u'.s Memoirs of D.Drake. 18.55.) 926 3 CINNAMON. Schumann, K. Kiitisclie Untersu- chungen uber die Zimtliinder; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Geographic und des Handels. Gotha, 1883. sqO. [2 + ]o3 p. map. (In Pe- termanns Mittheilimgen; Ergiinzungsband 16.) 910 44 CINTIO DEI FABRIZII, Aloise. Lenicke. 1. G. Ciutio del Fabrizii, eixi Beitrag zur Ge- CINTIO DEI FABRIZII 134 CIVILIZATION seliicbte der Monstrositiiten der Literatur. Lie- breclit, P. Zu Cintio dei Fahiizii. (In Jalirbuch roin. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.)— Bnniet, IMi.Eii- core quelques mots .sur les Proveibii de Cintio dei Falji-izii. (In mine. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Ciiitolesi, Fllipi)". Riceiehe e consideiazioni teuriclie intorno alle inimagini accidentali o soggettive. (//( Rome — U. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 8 ser. sci.Jis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 0«5 4 Ciocca, Fortnnato, & Chlavaoci, V. Stiulii sul miglioiameuto ed anipliamento del porto di Genova. Roma, 1876. O. maps. 0'i7 34 Ciocfi, Raffaelle. Das Ketzergericlit in Kom. New Yoi-k[.l84-?]. S. ^72 20 — A narrative of iniquities and barljarities at Rome. 1 American from last Londf>n edition. New- York, 18.54 [introd."46]. S. 272 19 Ciottoliiii, Antoiiid. Una tiratina di orecclii a certi poco reverendi messeri. Firenze, 1868. D. 16 p. 282 4 Cipariii, Tlmoteu. Crestomatia; seav, Analecte literarie dein cartile romanesci dela seclulu 16- 19. cr notitia literaria. Bla.';iu, 18.58. O. 859 ■54 CIPHER. Porta, (i. B. della. De occultis lite- rarumnotis. Montis Beligardi, 1.593. 651 3 —Smith, F. 0. J. Tlie secret corresponding vocaliiilarv; adapted to Morse's telegraph. Port- land. 184.5' sqO. G51 3 Cipolina, f'avlo. Molta luce sul cholera morbus. Gen'. I). La cite antique. 6 edition. Paris, 1886. D. 352 1 See oho the names of the different cities: also BEIXiIXJM ; POMERAMA. A citizen of the world, .see Goldsmith, 0. CITIZENSHIP. Gregoroviiis, F. Alcuni cenni storici sulla citadinanza roniana. (In Rome — R. accad. dei ILncei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. mor! t. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 — Rtig:jriero, E. de. Lo stato e il diritto di cittadinanza in Roma. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 See also >'ATIJKALIZATIO.\; POLITICAL ETHICS: PO- LITK'AI. Sf lEXCE. LaCiucceide,poemmaarrojeco,seeLonibardi,N. Ciuln (proper/;/ Yincenzo) o/^Zca)»o. II serven- tese, s herzo comico del 1247. Bologna, 1871. O. 80 p. 869 41 By Giusto Grion. — II sirventese; esercitazione critica del Giusto Grion. Padova. 1858. sqQ. 34 p. 859 41.1 — Miissafla, A, II sirventese; esercitazione del G. Grion.. (In ,lahrl)uch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 18.59.) 805 1 The civic garland, see Fairholt, F. AV. CIVIL SERVICE. Marsh, G. P. Othcial cor- ruption. (Ill World, N. v.. 15 June,1860.) 080 33 CIVILIZATION. Berenger, A. di. Dell'.antica tstoria e giurisjuudeiiza fore.stale hi Italia. Treviso, 1859-63. O. 2)1. 661.58 85 — — Same: Indici general!. Venezia, 1867. O. [1 +].s6p. 561.58 85 —Berg, C. H. E. von. Geschichte der dentschen Winder bis zuni .Schhiss des Mittelalters; ein Beitrag zu Culturgeschichte. Dresden, 1871. O. 551.68 76 — Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in Eng- land. From 2 London edition. New York, 1862- 3. 2 V. O. 942 4 CIVILIZATION' 135 CLA UDIVS — Cartolano, F. La storia religiosa, artistica e civile e lo svolgiraento universale. Eoma, 1873. O. 5)^*1 1 Castolar, E. La civilizacion en loscinco prinie- ros siglos del cristlanismo. 2 etlicion. Madrid, 1865. 4 V. O.. 301 4 —Castellan!, A. Sull' inciviliniento priniitivo. Firenze, 1«04. O. 49 p. 5714 — Diiveyrier, C. La civilisation. (//( Tlievenin, E. Entretiens, 1866, v. 1, p. 6.5-237.) 304 5.1 — Gagern, H. C. E. von. Civilisation. Leipzig, 1847. V. 1. D. 301 5 — Heyer, U. Das System der Kulturgeschiclite des Mensclien. Stettin [,1868]. O. 3017 —Hoffmann, F. Aus der Kulturgeschiclite Europa's: Ptlanzen und Hausthiere. Berlin, 1880. O. 48 p. (In Virchow <& Holtzendorf, Vortrilge. 15 Serie.) 043 1 .Tastrani, H., editor. Lebensbilder und Skizzen aus der Culturgeschichte. Leiiizig, 1875. O. 301 8 bound with 7 — Kolll, J. U. Panem! et circenses! oder, Be- trachtungen iiber die neuen Reformen in der Behausung, Kleiduug, Nahrungs- und Veignii- gungsweise der europiUschen Volker und na- mentlich der Deut-sclien. (In his Skizzan, 1851. v. 1.) ^ 304 3 — Leievre, A. L'homme a travers les ages; es- sais de critique historique. Paris, 1880. D. 301 9 — Manry, L, F. A. Les forets de la Gaul et de rancien'ne France. Paris, 1867. O. 551.58 84 — Sclimidt-Phiseldek, C. F. von. Das Jlen- scliengschlecht auf seinen gegenwartigen Standpunkte. Kopenhagen, 1827. D. 301 13 — Villari, P.L'ltalia, la civilta latinaelacivilta gernianica. {In liis .Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 — Zscliokke, J. H. I). Civilisation, Demoralisa- tion und Tode.sstraf en . (In hit! Aehrenlese, 1844, V. 1.) 833 32 See aim B.VRBAltOUS RACES; CONSEKVATISM ; FLOR- ENCE! MinnLE A(iES; PROGKESS; REFORM; REN.IS- CEXCE; RHINE; SALT; SEIGXEUK; WOMAX. CIVITALI, Matfeo. Varni, S. Delle opere di Civitali, scultoi-e ed arcliitetto hicchese, coni- mentario. (In Societa lignre. Atti. v. 4, 1866 ) 945 48 CLAIMS. Parrisli, R. A.,jV. Details of an un- paid claim on France for 24,000,000 francs. Philadelpliia, 1860. O. phot.faesim. map. 33C 6 CLAIRE, SCEURS DE SAINTE see SffiURS DE SAINTE CLAIRE. Clairin, Emile. Le clericalisme, 1789-1870. Paris, 1880. D. 282 1 Clairon, Mile. Claire Joseph Hippolyte Learis de Latnde. Memoires. (7k Barriere * Lescni-e. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 6.) 944 10 Clapperton, Hug:h, <& Deuliani, D. Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, 1833-4. London, 1826. sqQ. map. 916. (i 4 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, M earl of. Tlie liis- tory of the rebellion and civil wars in England; added. An historical view of the affairs of Ire- land. New edition, with the suppressed pas- sages, also the unpublished notes of Bishop Warburton. Boston, 1837. 6 v. O. 942 22 Clarieio, Oerouinio, commentator, see Boeeac- cio, (J, Ameto. 1520. 851 17 Clark, Ewan. Pastorals, &c. (In Westmoreland and Cinnberland dialects. 1839.) 829 1 Clark, John Willis. Journal of a yacht voyage to the Faroe islands and Iceland, map. (In (iaiton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 38 Clark, Nathaniel Oeorfre. An outline of the elements of the English language. New York, 1863. D. 420 4 Clark, William (Jeorge. Naples and Garibaldi. (In (Jalton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 38 Clarke, Charles Cowden. Shakespeare charac- ters; chiefly those subordinate. London, 1863. O. por. 822 17 With the author's autofiraph. Clarke, Charles Cowden, * Mary Victoria. (Novello) Cowden. Recollections of writers. London. 1878. D. facsim. 928 3 Presentation copy to Mr. Marsh from the authors. Clarke, H. WUherf(»rce. The Persian manual: pt. 1, grammar; pt. 3, vocabulary, English and Persian. London, 1878. S. 491.5 4 Clarke, John. Thorough draining as ajjplied to a dead level. Long Sutton, 1844. D. [2-Hr46p. 631 8 Clarke, Joseph Thacher. Preliminary report of the investigations at Assos during 1881. (In ArchiBol. inst. of Ainer. Papers, clas. ser. 1.) 913 28 Clarke, Mary Victoria (NoreUo) Cowden. The comjilete concordance to Shakspere. New York, 1846. O. 822 10 — Honey from the weed; verses. London, 1881. D. 821 48 — The trust and The remittance ;two love stories in metred prose. London, 1873. O. 71 p. 821 49 — & Charles Cowden. Recollections of writers. London, 1878. D. 928 3 Clarke, Samuel, editor, see Homerus. Opera. 1814. 883 3 Clasio, Lnigi. Lezione, 23 marzo 1816. (In Grazzini, A. F. Le cene. 18.57.) 853 15 CLASSICAL ANTIQUITIES,.5ceANTIQriTIES. CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. Lorentis, N. Xf^LKbv tCjv}^ Kvptojv 6vop.6.Tujv ttJs /xi'(?oXo7£as, laroplas Kal y(oiypa. O. 270 15 — (Jruiidivig', N. F, S. Kirkens GienniEele imod Clausen. 3 Oplag. Kjobenliavn, 1835. D. 10+ 45 p. 282 3 Claiiss^ii, Peder. Norriges oc omliggencle 0ers sandfserdige Bescriff velse. Kiabenhaffn. 1633. sqD. 914.8 13.1 Clave, Jules. Etudes sur 1" economie forestiere. Paris, 1863. D. 551.58 17 Clavel, Victor. Arnauld de Brescia et les Ro- maius du 13e siecle. Paris, 1868. O. »ia^j.922 18 Clarers, Mrs. Mary, pseudonym of Kirklaiid, C. M. S. Clavicula! Salomonis ettheoso])hiapneuniatica: das ist. Die walirhafftige Erk;iontnilss Gottes. 1686. (//( Sclieible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, V. 3.) 837 16 Claviffo, ein Trauerspiel, see Gotlie, J. IV. von. V. 10. Clavijo, Rny Gonzalez de. Historia del gran Tamorlan. 3 impresiou. (//( Crdnicas espaiio- las. V. 3, 1783.) 946 34 Clay, Henry. Life and speeches. New York, 1843. 3 V. O. par. pi. 815 3 —Baldwin, J. G. (In his Partv leaders. 1855.) 923 1 Clay, William Keatinge, editor, see Church of England. Liturgies, 1847;— Private prayers, 1851. 204 1, 3. Clayton, Robert, bishop, translator, see A journal from Grand Cairo to Mt. Sinai. (In Manndrell, H. Journal. 1810.) 915.6 20 CLEASLINESS. FnrnivaU, F. J. Cleanliness, or, Dirt of men, houses, &c. (In his Babee.s book. 1868; in E. E. text soc. Grig. ser. 33.) 820 5 — Suudt, E. L. Oni Renligheds-Stellet i Norge. Christiania, 1869. D. 614 5 Cleasby, Richard. An Icelandic-English dic- tionary, with life of Cleasby by G. \V. Dasent, see Vigfiisson, (J. 439.63 6 Sir Cleges. (In Weber, .11 W. Metrical ro- mances, 1810, v. 1.) ,S21 10 Cles^horn, Hnnll. Address at 19-21 annual meet- ing of tlie Scottish arboricultural society, 1873 [-4]. Edinburgh, 1873-5. 3 v. O. 551.58 69 — The forests and gardens of Soutli India. Lon- don, 186:. O. nuqi. 551.58 110 — Pines and other conifers of the nortli-west Himalaya. [London, 1867.] F. 4 p. pi. 551.58 70 bound wifh. 551.31 7 ,S'w (iho MAIIltiS. Cleniencin, IHcsjo, commentator, see Cervantes Saavodra, M. de. Don Quijoto. 1833-9. por. 863 3.1 Whether C'LEJIEXT I., St., pope. Storia
  • . v. 7. CLOCKS. Berthoud, F. L'art de conduire et de ref'ler les pendules et les montres. 5 edition. Paris, 1828. T. }>l. 681 3 Cloris en Philida, Mey spel van, see Krnl, J. H. Closener, Fritsche. Chronik, 1363. (/)/Mnnich — K. baler. Mad. Chroniken der deutschen Sfiklte, V. 8. 1870: Strassburg, v. 1.) 943 24 Clot, Antoine Bartheleniy, adled Clot-Bey. Aperou general sur r Egypte. Bruxelles. 1S40. 3 V. S. por. maps. 916,2 6 CLOTH, sec TEXTILE FABRICS. Clotilde, see Karr, J. A, Cloiig-h, Arthnr Hngh, Poems; with a memoir. 3 edition. London. 1871. D. 82150 Clougli, James Cresswell. On the existence of mixed languages. London, 1876. O. 410 3 Cloiiston, W. A, Additional analogs to The Wright's chaste wife. London, 1886. O. p. 35-39. (In E,E. text soc. Orig. ser. 84.) 820 5 — On the magical elements in Chaucer's Squire's tale, with analogues. (/)/ Lane, J. Continua- tion of Chaucer's 'Squire's tale.' 1888-90: in Chaucer soc. 3 ser. 38, 36.) 821 46 —et/tfoc, see Originals and analogues of (Can- terbury tales. 1873-88. (/// Chancer soc. 2 ser.) 821 46 —translator. The merchant and the rogues; French original and Asiatic vt-rsions of the Tale of Bervn. {In The tale of Beryn. 1887: in Chaucer soc. 3 ser, 17, 34.) 821 46 Club alpino italiano. see Turin. CLllNY, Merimee, P. L' hotel de Cluny. {In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 Cluseret, Gustave Paul, general. Armee et democratic. Paris, 1869. D. 355 3 —Idee d' un corps special pour I'armee italienne. Turin, 1861. O. 11 p. 355 7 CLYTIE. Mannliardt, J. W. E. Klytia. Ber- lin, 1875. O 53 p. (In Virchow 1 ^Sexe, S. A. On the rise of land in Scandina- via. Christiania, 1873. sqO. 17 p. 551. :J4 1 —Vibe, A. Klisteu iind Meer Norwegens.Gotha, 18Gt). sqQ. 24 p. U. pi. map. (In Petermanns MlttlieUiiugeii: Ergiinzuugsband 1.) 910 44 Conz, J. W. Die Hochwasser. Sept. und Oct. 1868, ini bliudnerischen Rheingebiet. Leipzig, 1869. O. [8+]75 p. 551.48 27 Cobbett, William. Cobbett's legacy to parsons; witli a i)iefare liv the autliur's son, William Cobbett. Loudon, 1869. S. 283 2 —A grammar of the English language; added, six lessons to prevent statesmen from using false grammar. Ne%v York. 1837. S. 425 6 — Selections from [his] political works, with notes h\ Jolm M. Cobbett and James P. Cob- bett. London [,pref. 1835]. 6 v. O. 320 3 For contents ^c^ Peabody catalogue. — A treatise on Cobbett's corn. London, 1828. D. 633 1.1 COBDEN, Ricliard. Holtzeudorff, F. von. Rich- ard Cobden. Berlin, 1866. O. 38 p. (In Vlrcliow & Holtzeudorff. V^ortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Sclnvabe, J. S., editor. Richard C'ol)den; notes sur ses vovages, correspondances et sou-- venirs. Paris, 1879. O. 923 28 Cocaiiis, Merlinus. pseiidonym of Folengo, T. Cocclii, I^iuo. Di alcuni resti umani e degli oggetti di umaua industria dei tempi preistorici, racoolti in Toscana. Milano, 1865. sqF. 32 p. pi. 571 2 bound ivith 551.31 7 — Sulla geologia dell' alta valle di Magra. Mi- lano, 1866. F. 17 p. pi. 551.43 43 bound with 551.31 7 — Sulla geologia dell' Italia centrale: pubbli- cate per cura di C. Puini e di A. Maiiani. Fi- renze, 1864. O. 99 p. j)/. 554.5 3 — L'uomo fossile nelT Italia centrale. Milano, 1867. sqF. 801+lJp. il. 2^1. 571 2 bound with 551.31 7 Coelilaiiis, Joliaiiii. Vita Theoderici regis Ostro- gothorum et ItaliiR, cum additamentis & anno- tatiorul)Us opera Johannis Peringskiold. Stock- holniia\ 1699. sqO. 923 92 Cochoii,I'ierre.Lachronique normande. 1403-30. (In CoHsiiiot, (i. Chron. de la Pucelle, 1859.) 944 18 Cock Lorell'sbote.a satirical poem: edited bv Ed- ward F. Rimbault. London, 1843. D. lOf + l] -flu p. (7)1 Percy soc. v. 6.) 820 6 Cockayne, Thomas Oswald. The shrine: a col- lection of occasional pa))ers on dry subjects. London. 1864-70. 13 nos. O. 829 2 Con/iii/M: Dr. Bosworth and his Saxon dictionary.— Life of St. .N'eot [.A.-S. and] Knj,'lish.— Postsc-rijit on lios- worths dictirinary— Latin of tn day.— Nanx's of animals [Latinl. H. centui-y-— Yule week rA.-S.l — MalcliusI A.-S.l. — KinK .Elfrods book of martyr8[A.-S.].— Wnlfuvats will; — .SVimc .• Interpretation.—IkJyoloKlkat [.\.-S.].— VVorsbip of springs, trees & stone3[A.-S.].— Blooms by King .-El- fred— Translation of a certificate of fe hundreds of norB Hants.— Church dues [A-S.]. No more published. — editor. Leechdoms, wortcunning and star- craft of early England; documents illustrating the history of science belore the Norman con- quest. London. 1864-6. 3 t. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br. Master of Rolls. Chron. and mem. 34.) 942 8 Narratiuncula? Anglice conscriptas. [Lon- don,] 1861. O. 4[-l- l]-t-87 p. 829 10 see the following publications of the Early English text st>ciety. ORIGINAL SERIES : 820 5 13. (Sfiiite Marharete. 186B. * 18. Hali mcidenhad. )8C6. 51. LifliKleof St. Juliana. 1872. COCKBURN, Uisoii (Kntherford). Keddie, H., & Watson, J. L. (In tlieir Songstresses of Scotland, 1871, V. 1.) 928 2 CAPE COD. Thoreaii, H. D. C:ape Cod. Lon- don, 1865. D. 818 4 Codasch da liger per I'amprema classa dellas scolas de Surmeir. Coira, 1859. S. [31 p.] 459 17 Same, per la sagonda classa. Coira, 1857. S. 459 18 Codex Alexandrinus, — Sinaiticus, see Bible — N. T.— Greek. Codex argenteus, see Ulfllas. Code.x Vercellensis, The poetry of the; with an English translation by J. M. KendJe. London, 1843-56. 2 V. in 1. O. (In JEltric soc. Pub.) 829 4 II codice irlandese dell" Ambrosiana; edito ed illustrato da G. I. Ascoli. Roma, 1878-9. 2 v. O.facsivi. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 5-6.)450 11 ConUnts ; 1. Testo e le chiose. 2. Appendici e il" lUstrazioni. Vol. a not yet completed. Coellio, Francisco Adolplio. Fonnes_ diver- gen tesde mots portugais. (In Romania, v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 CffillR, Jacques. Clement, J. P. Jacques Ca?ur et Charles VII. 2 edition. Paris, 1863. 2 v. in 1. O. n.por. pi. 944 19 S(-f also (iiiirauil, A. La font Putanella. COFFEE. Bontekoe, C. Van de coffi. (/*( his Tractaat van thee. 1685.) 643 5 Coffin, Natlianiel Wlieeler. The forest Arcadia of nortliern New York, embracing a view of its mineral, agricultural and timber resources. [Anon.]. Boston, 1864. .S. 917.4 9 Cog!!-esliaU,Ral|)li of. Chronicon Anglicanum... ; edidit Josephus Stevenson. London, 1875. Q. (In at. Br.— Master of'roUs. Chron. and mem. 66.) 942 8 Cognetti de Martiis, Salvatore. Gli Stati Uniti d" America nel 1876; note. Milano, 1877. O. 973 46 With author's .■luloKTaph. Cogswell, .loscpli (Jrcen. Preface. (In Arnold, T. Lectures on modern history. 1843.) 940 23 bound with 913 17 Cohansen, .folninii lleinrich. Hermippus redi- vivus; or. The s.igc's triunqjh over old age and the grave. Duhliii. 1744. O. 613 11 Colien, Asser Oaiiii'l. De mosaiske Troesbe- kjenderes Stilling i Danmark forhen og nu. ddense, 1837. I). 933 4 COHEN^ En gTistlig Maiiils Aiimeldelse og Bc- tragtniiig af Colien's "De niosaiske Tnwshe- kjen.leres Stilling." Kiobenhavn, l«=^'-„ '>• 47 p. •**»*» ■' Colin, Ferdinand Julius. Li lit und Lelien. Berlni, IHGit. O. 3a j). (/;( Virchow * Hol- tzenrtorir. Vortrage. 4 Seiie.) 043 1, 535 1 — Ueber Bacterien. Berlin, 1872. O. ;i.5 p. il. {In same. 8 Serie.) 043 1 C()lin, (iHstav. Die Borse und die SpekuUition. Berlin, 18(18. O. 32 p. (In same. 7 Serie.) 043 1 COINAGE, see MONEY. COINS, see NUMISMATICS. Coinsi, Gautler de. The boy killed by a Jew for singing Gaude Maria! [French], (/n Origfiiials and analogues. 1872-88; /(( Cliaucer soc. 2 ser. 15.) S21 46 Cokayfvne, The land of. {In Miitzner, E. A, F. Alteiig. Sprachproben. >-. 1, pt. 1, 1807.) 820 8 COKE, Sir Edward. Burke, E. P. Coke. Lon- don. 1828. O. 32 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 928 28.1 —Letter of the council relating to the |iri)ceed- ing.s of Coke at Oatlands. 1864. {In Camden misc. 6; in Camden soc. 87.) 820 4 Colasaiiti, (iiuseppe. La durata delJa vitalitii. della macula genninativa. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876- 7, pt.l.) — Sulla degenerazione dei nervi locisi. Ijl. (In same, v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 -3 — Ricerche sopra la recisione del nervo olfattorio delle rane. — L'influenza dell abbassamento di temperaturasulloHTiluppodeir uoyo di gallina. {Insane. 2 Serie. v. 2, 1874-.5.) — Ricerche ana- tomiche e fisiologiehe sopra il braccio dei ce- falopodi. 1)1. {In. same. v. 8. -187.5-6, pt. 2.)0(!5 4 Colbaccliini, Giuseppe. Ratfaello Sanzio ed un suo iusigne dipinto: discorso critico. Bassano, 1878. O. 39 p. 755 4 COLK, see FROST; HEAT; TEMPERATIRE. Coldinu:, I'onl Jensen. Daniiu descriptio.(7// Ste- phanins, H. S. De regno Danise, 1629.) 094 21 Colding:ham, Geoffrey de. Liber de statu eccle- sia^ Dunelmensis. (7" Raine, J., editor. Dunel. scriptores tres. 1839; m Snrtees soc. 9.) 820 7 Coldinu'liam priory, Scotland. The correspond- ence, iin'entories, account rolls, and proceed- ings of tlie priory. London, 1841. O. il. faesim. (/» Surtees soe."l2.) 820 7 Cole, Cliarles Angnstus, editor, ilemorials of Henry the fifth, king of England. London, 18158. Q. faesim. (/» Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. aiid mem. 11.) 942 8 For contents see HEXRY V. COLE, Tliomas. Lanman, C. Coles imagin- ative paintings. {In liis Letters. 184,5.) .814 13 Colecclon de las cronicas y niemorias de los reyes de Castilla, 1779-87, see [Cronicas espa- nolas.] 946 34 Coleridge, Herbert. A glossarial index to the printed'English literature of the 1.3th cent urv. London, 18.59. O. 427 11 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Aids to reflection; edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, W. Pickering, 1843. 2 v. D. 240 4 139 COLLEGES —Same:\ American from 1 London edition, with appendix, preliminary essay and additional notes, by .lames Marsh. Burlington, 1829. Q. 240 5 —The friend; a series of essays to aid in form- ing fixed principles in politics, morals and religion. 1 American from 2 London edition, [with preface by James Marsh], Burlington, 1831. O. S-i ^ —Hints towards the formation of a theory of life; edited by Seth B. Watson. Philadel)ihia, 1848. D. 94 p. 577 1 —Letters, conversations and recollections. New York, 1836. D. ■'^-'K 1 —Literary remains; collected and edited by Henrv Nelson Coleridge. London, 1836. 4 v. O ^ 828 9 —On the constitution of the 'church and state; — Lay sermons ; 1, The statesman's manual; 3, "Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters;" edited with notes, bv Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, W. Pickering, 1839. D. 322 3 —Specimens of [his] table talk. New York, 1830. 2 v. in 1. D. 828 10 — De (Juincey, T. {In his Literary remimscen- ces. 1851.) , ., -''f* 1" — WliiPlde, E. P. Coleridge as a philosophical critic. (//' Ms Essays, 1848-9, v. 3.) S14 16 Coleridge, Sara Henry (Coleridge). On ration- alism. {In Coleridge, S. T. Aids to reflection, 1843, v. 2, p. 33.5-556.) 240 4 — Phantasmion, a fairy tale; with an introduc- tion by Lord Coleridge. London, 1874. O. 823 6 —fran.ilator. see The right joyous history of the chevalier BA YARD. 923 15 I)ol)i-izliofter,M. Account of the Abipones. 1822. 918.9 1 Coliny, Gasiiard de, admiral, marquis de Cha- lillon. Di.scours...le siijge de Saint Quentin en 1557. j)o?-. {In Micliand <£- Poujoulat. Meninires, 1866. v. 8.) 944 9 — Besant, W. Gaspard de Coligny. London, 1879. D. JJOI-. (The new Plutarch.) 923 29 Collaii, K., translator, see Kalerala. 1864-8. 894 4 CoUe, Charles. La verite dans le vin, comedie. (In Barriere <& Lescure. Memoires, 1857-8, v. 4.) 944 10 Collecqao dos breves pontificios, see Portu- gal— Secretaria de estado. COLIiECTORS' MANUALS. Paris— Museum d' liistoire nalnrelle. Instructions on collecting, preserving and transporting objects of natural history. (/" Vattemare, A. Movement of exchanges. 1846.) 806 1 COLLEGES. Arnold, M. Higher schools and universities in Germany. London, 1874. D. 373 1 —Boll. F. C, cfc Tonunasi-Crudeli, C. Die Reform der italienischen Universitaten. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, :876.) 945 41 Bonglii, R. Das Gymnasialwesen in Italien. {In same. v. 4. 1877.) 945 41 — Coppi, E. Le universita italiane nel medio evo. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1880. O. 378 3 — Helmlioltz, H. L. F. Ueber die akademische Freiheit der deutschen Universifaten . (In his Vortrllge, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 COLLEGES 1-10 COLLNER — Licliteui^tein, 31. H. K. Der Hofrath Beireis in HeluistVult, uiul clas Universitatswesen seiner Zeit. (//I Raiimer, F. L. G. voii. Hist. Tasclien- bufh. 18:^7.) 905 1 — Xewiiian, J. H. The idea of a universit.r de- fiued and illustrated. 3 edition. London, 1873. D. 378 4 See aim Athens {imderiO ; BURSrHENSCHAFT: CAM- BRUUiE UXn'ERSITV. Copcniiaseii: K6XKiSBER(J; LEIP- SIC: LEVDEN'; MIDDLEBUEY COLLEGE: Oxford llilivei-sitj-; Bol)erf Collcffc; mtmeu-iti/, modem); TESTS; EPS-ALV. Colleiiiiccio, Paudolfo, translator, see Plautiis, T. M. Anfitrione, commedia, voltata in terza rinia da Collenurcio, ag-giiintovi [Filotimo,] il dialogo dello stesso: premesso il disfcrso di Giulio Perticari intorno alia vita ed alle opere deir antore. 1864. {In Bibl. rara. .55.) 850 3 Collpt, John. Commonplace-book. (In Thom- as, W. .T. Anecdotes and traditions. IHH!*; in Caiiideu soc. 5.) 820 4 Collett. Peter Jonas. Br^Te fra Rom. (In Asl)j. Xcopp" a lo vernae- chlo, sonietto;— Poesie —Poesie d'autori incerti— Vllhi- nl. A. Lo calascloiie.— Capa,sso. G. B. Lo eoapezzale.— Pe- oorone. B. Lamiento de Cuosemo pezzente.— Poesie dl vari aiitori.— Honieras. La Batracommioraachia, di F. Mazzarella Farao.— Versilius JIaro, P. La Uuccoleca. spor- tatada M. Roeco. 2.5. SaM*. La Georceca, sportata del Kocoo. 2«-7. Galiaiii. F. Vocabolario del dialetto napo- letano.— Tosco, P. L'eceellenza della lingua napoletana. 26. Galiaui. F. Del dialetto napoletano.— Catalogo di questa collezione. * Collier, John Payne.A bibliographical and crit- ical account of the rarest books in the English language... N. Y., 1860. 4 v. O. 015 4 — New facts regarding the life of Shakspeare. (In Shakespeare, W. Dramatic works. 1837, V. 1.) 822 13 — Notes and emendations to the text of Shake- speare's plays, from eai'ly ms. corrections in a copy of the folio, 1633. London, 1853. O. 822 18 — editor. Ancient biographical poems on the duke of Norfolk, the earls of Essex, and Queen Elizabeth. 1855. (In Camden misc. 3: in Cam- den soe. 61.) 820 4 Lyrical poems selected from musical pub- lications, 1589-1600. London, 1844. D. (In Percy soc. v. 13.) 820 6 Old ballads, from e;irly printed copies. London, 1840. D. (In same. v. 1.) 820 6 .. Bnllof Innocent Vin. on tho marriage of HEXRT VM. 1847. 67, S4. Trevelyaii papers. I857-6S. 73. Tlie skryvener's play. 1859. see the following publications of the Percy society: 820 6 Vol. 1. The pain and sorrow of evil marriage. 184U. 1. The king and a poor northern man. I8J1. 2. The mad pranks of Robin Goodfellow. 1841. 3. Beloney, T. Strange histories. 1841. ;$. The history of patient Grissel. 184-2. S. Heyivnod. T. A marriage triumph. 1842. ;. The harmony of birds. 184.3. Gosson, E. The school of abuse. 1841. 827 9 Colliu, A. Z. , (fc others. Engelsk-svensk ord- bok, Kce MIsson, L, G. 439.73 3.1 Colliu, Gaspard (Latin Casparus Collinns). De Sedunorum tliermis et aliis fontibus medicatis liber. {In Siminler, J. Vallesise descriptio. 1633.) 094 60 Collin, H. S., A- Schlyter, C. J. editors. Corpus juris Sueo-Gotorum antiipii. Stockholm, 1827- 34. V. 1-3. sqQ. 349 44 ConUntis: 1. Westgota-Iagen. 2. OstgiJta-lagen. S. U])lands-l;igen. Glossaria et indices of v. 1-2 are bound in 4:I1>.63 7. Collin, Jonas, editor. For Historic og Statistik. isan' FaHirelanik'ts. Kjabenhavn, 1822-5. 2 v. D. pi. tab. 948 66 Collins, William. Poetical works [:with a mem- oir, also An essay on the genius and ]ioenis of Collins by Sir S. E. Brydges, bart.. and Obsei'- vations on the Oriental eclogues and Odes, by John LangborneJ. London, 1830. S. 2)or. S2l 51 Ciilln, 1). \m\,translator & editor, see Denton, W. ScrbicM. 1865. 914.9 49 Collner, Karl Sanniel, respondent. Dissortatio academica de moniinieiilis runicis e.\tra Sean- dinavam, 1805, .scf Sjiihorsr, X. S. 43i).(>l 8 COLLOT-D' HERIiOIS 141 COLOR COLIiOT-D' HERBOIS, Jean Marie. Notes sur Ihis] sojimr a laGuyane. (/i( Harriere 30 •i\ Colitcfi, Adriaiio, mnfchexe. Giordano Bruno; ceniii liio^;ratifi, eon docunieuti. Roma, 1876. D. !« p. 921 3 C01i(H«>'E. Boisseree, S. Geschichte und Be- schreiliung des Donis von Koln. 3 Ausgabe. Miinchen. 1842. sqF. il. j^l- 726 13 ^(Ihroiiica regia Coloniensis (Annales maxinii ColoHiense.s), cum eoiitinuationibus aliisque monniiit-ntis; receusuit Georgius Waitz. Han- novi-rae, 1880. O. (In Pertz, (i. H. Script, reruin, German. 3.) 943 10 — Miiiiicli— K. baier. Akad. der W'iss.— Hist . Coiiimisninii. Die Chroniken der deutschen Stiidte: V. 13-M: Coin. Leipzig, 1875-7. 3 v. O. 943 24 ConioilA : H:l^l'l^ (J. Bit is dat boicb van der stede Colne- — Die weverslai(*ht.— Diit nuwe boich. 13() -9G. — Memoriale des 15. -Jahrhunderts. 2. t'olner ,Jahrl)Ucher des 14-1.'). lahrliunderts. i-A. Die C'rouica van der hilli- ger Stat van Coellen bis 1 199. COLOGNE CONGRESS. Clnistie, W. I)., e,Utor. Letters from London to !Sir .J. Williamson at the congress of Cologne, 1673-4. [London,] 1874. 3 V. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 8, 9.) 820 4.1 Cologne, The three kings of, see Joliann von Hildesheiiii.. CoIomiiH, -sc*' Meriniee, P. Coloinbari, F. The zemboureks; or. The drome- dary field artillery of the Persian army; trans- lated by Henry C. Wayne. //. j>?. (In U. S. — War dept. Report resp. camels. 18.57.) .^S. 929 7 honial witli 925 18 — Ruse, S. Die Weltanschauung des Colum- bus. Dresden, lfs76. O. 27 p. 910 53 — Scliott, T. Columbus und seine Weltan- schauung. Berlin, 1878. O. 32. (In. Vircllow & Holtzendorff. \ ortriige. 13 Serie.) 043 1 COLOMBO, Fernando. Harrisse, H. Fernand Colomii, sa vie, ses ouvrages; essai critique. Paris, 1873. Q. 923 33 See expeciaUy COLOMBO, C. Colonel Jack, see Defoe, 1). COLONIES. Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Co- lonisation von AegyiJten und ihre Wirkungen auf das eui-opiiische Staatensystem. (In his Werke, 1831-30, v, 3.)— Ueber die Colonien der aegyptischen Kriegercaste in Aethiopien. (In same. v. 3.) — Handbuch der Geschichte des euroi)'aischen Staatensysteme und seiner Co- lonien. (In same. v. 8-9.) 908 2 See aim I'LiNT.lTlOXS. Coloiuia, Gabriele, marchese. Ruggiero Setti- nio. Torino, 1S6I. T. 79 p. poc. (I contemp. italiani.) 923 91 Colonne, Guido dalle. Historia Troiana. [Ar- gentina?, 1494?] y. [88] leaves. 093 10 With initials and ornaments in red and blue. —English: The "Gest hystoriale" of the de- struction of Troy; an alliterative romance trans- lated from Guido de Colonna's Hystoria Troi- ana; now first edited, with introduction, notes, and a glossary, by Geo. A. Panton and David Donaldson. London, 1869-74. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 39, .56.) 820 5 — Italian: Storia della guerra di Troia; volga- rizzamento del buon secolo; testo di lingua, per cura di Michele dello Rosso. Napoli, 1868 O 939 3 —Spanish: Cronica troyana, en que se eotiene la total y lamentable destruycion de la nom- brada Troya. Medina, 1587. Q. 939 1 See fiho the translations by Caxton and Le Fevre. Coloquio de los peros de Mahudes, see Cervan- tes. Novelas, v. 3. COLOR. Giitlie, J. W. von. Farbenlehre. (In his Werke, 1837-43, v. 52-55, 59-60.) 832 1 COLOR 143 COMMERCE — II libro dei [■cilori; segreti del secolo IS: pub- blicati da O. Guerrini e C. Rieci. Bologna, 1887. D. (//(, Scelladicuriosita. 222.) 85010 —Magnus, H. Ueber ethnologische Unter- suchungeii des Farbensinnes. Berlin, 1883. O. 36 p. (/reVircIiovT & Holtzendorft". Voitiiige. 18 Serie.) 043 1 — Ifagel, A. E. Der Farbensinn. Berlin, lS(,i). O. 39 p. (In same. 4 Serie.) 043 1, 535 1 — Scliasler, M. Die Farbeuwelt. Berlin, 1883. 3 V. in 1. O. iJl. {In same. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Contents : 1. Die Farben in ihrer Beziehuiij; zu einaii- der imd zum Auge. i. Das Gesetz der Farbenhiirmonie in seiner Ainvenduug auf das Gebiet der Kunslindustrie. See ulfO AXIUXE DYES; EYE; PAlNTINdi; I'lUI'LE. COLOSSEUM. Gori, F. Le nieniorie storiclie ed i pretesi niartiri cristiani del Colo.sseo. Roma, 1875. D. 722 4 — Parker, J. H. The Flavian amijliitlieatre. commonly called the Colosseum: itsh story and substructures compared with other anijihithe- atres. Oxford, 1876. O. 2""'- P^- .VRLES. Blaliely, E. T. A handy dictionary of commercial information. London, 1878. S. 380 1 — — Boccardo, (J. Dizionario universale di economia [lolitica e di commercio. 5 edizione ampliata. Milano, 1875-7. 2 v. Q. 303 1 — — Homans, I. S., sr. & jr., editors. A cyclo- pedia of uomiaerce and commercial navigation. 2 edition. New York, 18.59. O. map. 380 1.2 Lampe, J. Handelsoi'dbog. Christian ia, 1870. O. 650 1 — — Merck, K. Neueste Waaren-Lexikon fiir Handel und Industrie. Leipzig, 1870. D. 603 2 —AUSTRIA. Marsh, ti. P., translator. Trieste, and the participation of Austria in the com- merce of tlie world, 1832-41: from the Austrian Lloyd's journal. {In Hunt's morchajits' maga- zine, V. 10, 1844. p. 495-551.) In main library. —CHINA. Beccari, G. B. II commercio Chinese nel 1864; cenni geografici, statistici e commerciali. S. Giovanni Valdarno. 1869. Q. 380 19 —DENMARK, Badeu, 0. L. Udkast til en Historic af Danmarks og Norges Handel eg Naeringsveje.fra Oldtiden til Nutiden. Kjnlien- havn, 1806. D. 380 14 — — Nathausoii, 31. L. Danmarks Handel, Skibsfart, Penge- og FinantsvEEsen, 1730-1830. Kjobenhavn, 1832-4. 3 v. D. 380 15 — — — Udforligere Oplysninger om Ilandels- og Kinants-Vaesenet[,1770-1830J. Kjcibeidiavn, 1832. D. 380 16 — — Siihni, P. F. Om Danmarks og Norges Tilstand i Henseende til Handelen. {In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 6.)— Forsog til en Afhand- ling om de Danskes og Norges Handel og Seilads i den Iiedenske Tid;— i det lite Secu- lum. {In same, v. 8.) 839.88 5 —EAST. Leconte, C. Documents sur le com- merce de I'orient. {In hix Etudes de la Grece, 1847, p. 351-401.) 314 25 — FLORENCE. Cauestrini, («. Intorno alle re- lazioiii commerciali de' Kiorentini co'Portoghesi avanti e dopo la scoperta ilel Capo di Buona Speranza, memoria. .{In Varieti storiche d Italia.) 945 11 Peruzzi, S. L. Storia del commercio e dei bancliieri di Firenze, 1200-1345. Firenze. 1868. O.^im. 945 72 — FRANCE. Moliuos, L. La navigation interi- eure de la France, son etat actuel, son avenir. Paris. 1875. O. 386 1 —ORE AT BRITAIN. Hanway, J. An histor- ical account of British trade over the Caspian sea. 3 edition. London, 1702. 2 v. sqQ. il. 2jI. nuips. 915.5 3 — ICELAND. Magnusen, F. Om de Engelskes Handel c>g FsenI paa Island i det 15de Aarhun- drede. (/// Copeiiliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1833.) 948 1.2 Stephensen, 0. Kort Underretning om den islandske Handels Forelse, 874-1788; med Tanker om frie Handel. Kjobenhavn, 1798. S. 380 18 —IRELAND. Gilbert, .T. T., editor. Historical and municipal documents of Ireland. 1173-1320. Lonilon, 1870. Q. (/)J Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Cbron. and mem. 53.) 942 8 —ITALY. Italy. Codice di commercio. Torino, [186.5]. s(|Q. ■ 349 16 bound u-ih 314 14 — — — Miiiistero di agricoltiira, iudustria e commercio. Jlovimeuto delta navigazione per operazioni di commercio nei porti principali, 1875. Roma, 1876. Q. 380 10 Mancini, P. S. Camera deideputati; per 1' ajijirovazione del trattato di commercio fra 1' Italia e la Francia del 3 nov. 1881; discorsi, 1883. Roma, 1882. O. 70 p. 380 11 — LIGURIA. Desimoni, C, <& Belgrauo, L. T., editors. Document! ed estratti riguaiclanti la storif). del commei'cio e della marina ligure. {In Societii liijure. Atti. v. 5. 1867.) 946 48 —PERSIA. Stolze, F., & Andreas, F. C. Die HandelsverhiUtnisse Persians. Gotha, 1885. sqQ. [3+] 86 p. »iajj. (In Petermanns Mit- theiluiigeu: Ergilnzungsband 17.) 910 44 —PORTUGAL, Masser, L. da C. di. Relazioue sopra il commercio dei Portoghesi nell' India, 1497-1506. {In Varieta storiche d' Italia.) 945 11 —SWEDEN. Serenius, J. De veterum Sveo- Gothorum cum Anglis usu & commercio dis- sertatio. (//(. his Dictionarium. 1734.) 439.73 11 See afso ASIBER: BARCELOXA; nORUKArX: COLOXIES; CO.HMIMCATIOX; (IXXAMOX; DAXISII AFRICAXrOM- PAXY; FAROE ISLAXDS; (iEXOA; HAXSEATU: LEAOCE; RAILROADS; SAKDIXIA; SILK; TEXICE; VEXETLi. C0M3IINES 144 CONDE Comiiiities, Philippe de, see C'omlnes. Comiiiissionaireii, see St. Anbain, A. X. de. Norellev, v. 3. Coiiiuiou sense, see Paine, T. COMMUSICATIOX. Behiu, E. Die modernen Verliehr.smittel: Damfschiffe, Eisenbahneu, Telegraphen. Gotlia, 1867. sqQ. [2 + ] .'JO p. -ntapx. {In Peteiiiianns Mittheilungeii: Er- ganzungsband 4.) KIO 44 COMMITSION, see LORD'S SUPPER. Coiiiueiii, Byzantine family. Eiistatliiiis. Kom- nenen und Normaimen: aus dein Griechischen von G. L. F. Tafel. Ulm, 1852. pt. 2. O. 949 35 Conf'iitfi: '1. Vorwort.— Grdbrede auf den Kaiser ilanu- el.— Fiinf Jahre der KomnenenKeschichte. 118U-.5. und der letzte Krieif der Xormaunen wider aas j^riechische Kaiserreieh .— Beilajien . COMNENUS, Anlionicus, see ANDROSICUS I. LAKE COMO. Leouhardi, (i. Der Comersee und seine Umgebungeii. Leipzig, 1862. O. maj}. 914.5 57 Coiiipagrui, Dino. L'iutellisenza, poema. Mi- lano, 1808. S. (In Bibl. rara. 15.) 850 3 Attributed to Compagni, but probably translated from the French. BorsfOguoiii, A. L'Intelligenza. (/», /usStudi. 1877-S~; V. 1 : in Scelta di curiosita. 156.) 850 10 La companiadel lalcone. see Marocliiis, T. Coiiiir,i'j;iiia ilelle strade ferrate uieridonali. 24 magijio 1865...persolerteopera della uonipagnia ...aprivasi la linea di Brindi.^i... 737 6 Bronze, 7.1.5 cm. in diameter; in case. Conipagiiia di saiita Maria del Carmino. Libro degli ordinanieiiti de la Conipagiiia di santa Ma- ria del Carmino, scritto nel 1380; niesso in luce da Giulio Piccini. Bologna, 1867. D. 47 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 89.) 850 10 Le compaguie de" battuti in Ronia nell' anno 1399. Bologna, 1862. D. 14 p. (/« sa we. 20.) 850 10 Compaenoni, (Jiiiseppe, translator, see Dictjs & Dares. Della giierra trojana. 1819. 878 38.2 COMPAR.VTIVE GRAMMAR, see DTDO-EURO- PEAX LANGU-iGES. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY.seeLANGUAGE. COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY. Scliroedcr van der Kolk, J. L. K. Over het verschil van psy- chisclien aanleg van bet dier en den menscli. (M /((S Ziel en ligcbaam. 1.863.) 131 7 See «fao.l.\STl\(T; SIOTHKU-LOTE. A comparative view of the state of man, 1766, see (ivfgory.J. Comparelti, Donienico. Relazione sui pa))iri (//, Rome— R. accad. dei linoei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.)— Iscri- zioni greche di Olimpia e di Itlialia. x)l. (In same. v. 6, 1880-1.) 0(i5 5 —editor. Saggi dei dialetti greci dell' Italia meridionale. Pisa, 1866. F. 859 11.1 —& Aiicoiia, A. d,' editors. Le antiche rime volgari, .see Ancoua. Canti e racconti del poi)olo italiano. Torino, 1870-3, v. 1-3 in 2. O. 859 3 Coittrnis: I. KcTriiro, 0., editor. Canti monferrinl. 2. ('nKBlll, K.. <(■ Iniljriaiil, V.,e(/Hor«. Canti delle provineio morldionali. 2 v. COMPASS, see POINTS OF THE COMPASS. A eouipeudious olde treatvse shewynge howe that we ought to have the Scripture in Eng- Ivsshe, written al)out 1450. (In Arber, E. Eng- lish reprints. 28.) 820 9 The conipliiynt of Philomene, see Gascoigne, G. The coniplaynt of Scotlande, vyth ane exorta- tioiie to the thre estaits to be vigilante in tlie deffens of their public veil, 1549; with appen- dix of contemporary English tracts; re-edited, with introduction and glossary, by James A. H. Murray. Loudon, 1872. O. (InE. E. text soc. Extra ser. 17, 18.) 820 5.1 COMPLEXES. iVxnienate, A. Generazione dei connessi di 2o ordine e 2a classe. (In Ruuie — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 063 3 — BattagUni, G. Sui complessi di secondo gra- do. (//( same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 005 4 — CaporaH, E. Sui complessi e sulle congru- enze di 2o grado. (In same. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — TonelH, A. Osservazioni sulla teoria della connessione. (In. same. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) 065 3 COMPOSITION OF WORDS, see ETYMOLOGY. COMPROMISE, Morley, J. On compromise. Louilon. 1S74. O. 171 4 Le compte-rendii du Jliroir grec, see Papado- ponlos Vretos, A. Conile, Isidore Angnste Marie Francois Xavier. The philoM.phy <.if inatheinatics; translated from the Cours de pliilosophie positive bv W. M. Gillespie. New York, 1851. O. tab. olO 1 See also POSITIVISM. Le comte de Galialis, 1670, see YiUars,— de. La cinitesse d'Escarba,gnas,comedie,seeMoliere, J. B. P. de. V. 6. Con quien vengo vengo, see Calderon. v. 4. Conant, Thomas Jefferson, translator, see GeseuillS, F. H. W. Hebrew grammar I860. 492.4 4 Bible — O. T. — Jol). Specimen of a revision. 18.55. 223 3 hoimd with 016 6 Conches, Guillaume de, see Giiillanuie of Con- ch e.s . COXCORDASCE, .see BIBLE; MILTON, .1.; SHAKESPEARE, W.; TENNYSON, A. Conde, .lean de. Le dit du Magnificat; von Adolf Tobler. (In .lahrbuch roni. u. eng. Lit. V. 3, 1800.) 805 1 — Tobler,' A. Dits et contes de Baudoin de Conde et de Jean de Conde. (In same. v. 8, l''^67.) 805 1 Conde, Jose Antonio. Historia de la domina- cion de los Araiies en Espaiia. Paris, 1840. O. 946 37 Conde, Louis I. de Bonrbon, jjrmce de. Me- nioires concernant France, 1559-64. jjor. (In MIchaiid d: Poiijonlat. Menioires, 1866, v. 6 ) 944 9 (lONDfi, Loiiis II. de Bonrbon, prince de. Bos- suet, J. B. (/(( his Oraisons funebres. 18.58.) 845 3 — Lenet, P. Memoires concernant I'histoire du prince de Conde, 1027-59. jior. (In Midland 9 — Urne con bassi rilievi scojjerte presso citta della Pieve; memoria. (fn Gargani, G. Com- mentario della faniiglia Forini. 1875.) !)29 6 Conestaggio, Girolamo Franchi. De successione regis Castell;e in regnum Portiigallise. (In PortiigaUia. 1641.) 094 53 — English: The historie of the uniting of Port- ugal to Castill. London, 1600. Q. 946 67 Translated from the Italian by Edward Blount. Confalonieri, Federlgo. Correspondance. {In Andrvane, A. Meuioires d'un prisonmer d' etat. 1863.) 945 23 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. •See Protestant episcopal cliurrh in the ('. S. A. The book of common prayer. 1S63; I. S HISTORY. CONFESSION. Liguori, A. M. de.' Confessore diretto per le confessioni della gente di campa- gne, cogli avvertimenti ai confessori. Monza, 1835. D. 265 5 Confessione latino-volgare, 1000-1300, ed. e illustr. da Flechia. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 CONFESSIONS, see CREEDS. Conflenti, Alessandro. I fratelli Baudiera; o, I massacri cosentini ilel 1844; racconto docu- mentato. Cosenza, 1863. O. 99 p. 945 101 CONFUCIUS. Hang, M. Confucius, der Weise Clnna's. Berlin, 1880. 83 p. (In Vircbow <& Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Confuso, Mario. Capitoli. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1756, v. 8.) 857 3 Congregatio de propaganda fide. Catalogo di opere di editori diversi vendibiJi nella tipo- grafia poliglotta. Roma, 1874. D. 35 p. 013 1 — Catalogus editionuin quae prodierunt ex typographia polyglotta. Roniae, 1874. D. 56 p. 013 1 See also DAVIS. .1. D. Congregatio indicis. An exact reprint of the Roman Index expurgatorius, the only Vatican index of the kind ever published; edited, with a preface, by Richard Gibbings. Dublin, 1837. D. 016 8 The original rubricated title reads: Indicis librorum expurf;andorum...tomus primus. in quo 50 auctorum libri pras ceteris desiderati emendautur, per F. Jo. Mariam Brasichell...Romie, 160S. — Index librorum prohibitorum Gregorii XVI jussu editus. annum 1863. Neapoli, 1863. D. 01« 10 With appendixes, 1802-75, and newspaper clippings, 1876?-8. — Index librorum prohibitorum Innoc. XI. jussu editus, usque ad 1681;accedit ajiiteiidix usque ad 1704. Roma-, 1704. D. 016 9 With appendixes to 17.50. — Marsh, G. P. Index librorum proliibitorum. (In Jolinson's cycloptedia.) /;( main library. Congresso generale degli agricoltori italiani. IV congresso, in Ferrara, 1875: Atti uliiciali. Milano, 1877. O. majj. 630 39 CONGREVE, William. Thompson, J. A poem to the memory of Congreve, with preface and notes by P. Cunningham. London, 1843. D. 33 p. (In Percy soc. v. 9.) 820 6 CONGRUENCES. Bellavitis, G. Sulla risolu- zione delle congruenze nuineriche, e suUe tavole che danno i logarilmi (indici) degli in teri ri-petto ai vari moduli. (In Rome — R. accad. del linccl. Atti. 3 ser. set. Jis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 3.' 065 4 — Serret, J. A. Memoire sur la theorie des con- gruences suivant un module i)remier etsuivant une fonctiou modulaire irreductible. (In Paris — Institnt— ^cad. des sci. Mem, v. 35, 1866.) 551.58 59 See aim CO.Ml'LEXKS. Coningsby, Sir Thomas. Journal of the siege of Rouen, 1591; edited by John Gough Nichols. 1847. (In Camden misc. 1; in Camden soc. 39.) 820 4 CONJURATION. Boucherie, A. Formules de conjuration anterieures au 9e siecle. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 5, 1874.) 479 5 CONJURING, see WITCHCRAFT. CON(JUEST. Holtzendorff, F. von. Erobe- rungen und Eroberungsrecbt. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. (/(( Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 6 Serie.) 043 1 [Conquest of Ireland :] Anglo-NormaA poem on the conquest of Ireland by Henry II. ; edited by Francisque Michel; with an introductory essay on the history of the conquest, by Thomas Wright. London. 1837. D. facsim. 841 14 La conqnete de Jerusalem, faisant suite a La chanson d'Antioche par le pelerin Richard; publiee par C. Hippeau. Paris, 1868. O. 841 38 CONRAD II., emperor of Germany. Wipo. Gesta Chuonradi II. ceteraque opera. Han- noverae, 1878. O. 13-f 81 p. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, reruni German. 9.) }(43 16 C0NR.4D IV., empror of Germany. La elezi- one di Corrado quarto in re de" Romani. Firenze [,1860]. O. U[+ 1] p. 943 23 Edition of 124 copies, no 55. The text is in facsimile. Conrad 1 Conrart, Valentin. Memoires, 1652-61. 2^01: (In Micliaud d- Poiiioulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 28.) 944 9 Conscience, Hendrlk. Avondstonden: verhalen, zedeschetsen en zinnebeelden. Antwerpen, 1846. D. 839.33 4 -De baanwachter, zedenschets. Antwerpen, 1873. D. ;)/. 839.33 5 — Bavo en Lieveken, geschiedenis van twee werkmanskinderen. Antwerpen, 1865. D. j'l- 839.33 6 — Eenige bladzyden uit het bok der natuer. Antwerpen, 1846. O. pi. 504 3 — Geschiedenis van graef Hugo van Craenhove en van zynen vriend Abulfaragus; historische tafereelen uit de 14de eeuw; met 30 platen op Chineesch papier doer Ed.Dujardin. Atwerpen, 1845. ob. O. pi. 839.33 7 — Een goed hart; zedenschets. Atwerpen, 1872. D. [3+]76 p. pi. 839.33 8 — Koning Oriand; Vlaamsche heldensage. Ant- werpen, 1872. D. i)l- 839.33 9 — Lambreclit Hensmans. Antwerpen, 1847. 2 v. D. il. pi. 8.39.33 10 — De leeuw van Vlaenderen; of, De slag der gulden sporen. 3 uitgaef . Antwerpen, 1848. 3v. S. pL 839.33 11 — De minnezanger; middeleeuwsche volkssage. Antwerpen, 1873. D. pi. 839.33 12 — Siska van Roosemael; ware geschiedenis. 2 uitgaef. Antwerpen, 1847. D. il. jil. 839.33 13 — Eenslachtofferder moederliefde;zedenscliets. Antwerpen, 1873. D. 839.33 14 — De twee vrienden; zedenschets. Antwerpen, 1872. D. 839.33 15 — Wat eene moederlyden kan; eene ware ge- schiedenis. 3 uitgaef. Antwerpen, 1844. Tt. il. 839.33 16 — Een zeemanslniisgezin; verhaal. Antwer- pen, 1873. D. [3-h]60 p. pi. 839.33 18 COJi,SCIE>'CE. Fuller, T. The cause and cure of a wounded conscience. London, 1647. T. 241 2 —Parker, T. Tlie function and place of con- science in relation to the laws of men, a ser- mon for the times, 23 Sept. 1850. Boston, 1850. O. 40 p. 252 2.1 CONSCIENCK, FREEDOM OF, see FKEEIJOM OF CONSCIKNCE. CONSEItVATISM. Prevost-Paradol, L. A. Les anciciis piiitis. Paris, 1800. D. 48 p. 301 14 I conslgli
  • efoe, 1). CONSTANCE, COUNCIL OF. Henke, E. L. T. Johann Hus und die Synode von Constanz. Berlin, 1869. O. 44 p. (In Virchow d- Hoi- tzeudorff. Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1, 270 11 Lenz, M. Drei Tractate aus dem Schriftency- clus des Constanzer Concils. Marburg, 1876. O. 270 11 Constancio, Francisco Solano. Novo diccionario critico e etymologico da lingua portugueza; precedido de hunia introduc9ao grammatical. 7 edi?ao. Paris, 1859. sqQ. 4G9 2 Constant, emperor. Li contes dou roi Constant Tempereur. (In Moland, L. E. D., cfc Heri- cault, C. d.'Nouvellesdu 13esiecle. 1856.)840 13 Constantiniade, see KuwracTiwds. CONSTANTLNOPLE. Alberti, T. Viaggio a Costantinopoli, 1609-21. Bologna, 1889. D. (In Scelta di curiosita, 231.) 850 10 — Amicis, E. de. Costantinopoli. Milano, 1877-8. 2 V. in 1. D. map. 914.9 41 — Barbaro, N. Giornale dell' assedio di Co- tantinopoli, 1453: corredato per E. Cornet. Vi- enna, 1856. O. 6-1-82 p. 949 36 — Cassel, P. Aus der Ilagia Sopliia. Erfurt, 1856. O. 39 p. 726 5 — Fallnierayer, J. P. Konstantinopel und seine Umgebungen. (In his Werke, 1861, v. 1.) 908 1 ^tJautier, T. Constantinople. Nouvelle edi- tion. Paris, 1856. D. 914.9 43 — Gilles, P. De Constantinopoleos topographia. Lugduni Batavorum, 1635. Tt. 094 20 — Hellert, J. J. Plan de Constantinople et de ses faubourgs, Paris, 1836. 59x83 cm. in D. 912 35 —^KojvcTTavTLVids TraXatcL Kal fewrepa. "j^Kdoati 3. 'Ev Kui'<7Ta;'Tij'oii7r6Xei, 1844. O. tab. 914.9 44 — French: Constantiniade, ou. Description de Constantinople ancieune et moderne. Con- stantinople, 1846. O. pi. 914.9 45 — Kranse, J. H. Die Eroberungeu von Cun- stantmnp'el im 13ten und 15ten Jahrliundert. Halle, 1870. O. 9-t9 42 — Lacroix, F. Guide du voyager a Constanti- nople et dans ses environs. Paris, 1839. D 914.9 43 — Montaldo, A. di. Delia conquista di Costanti- nopoli per Maometto II nel 1453: repubbli- cato (lal C. Desimoni. (In Societa ligure.Atti. V. 10, 1874.) 945 48 — Mordltnann, A. I). Belagerung und Erobe- rung Constantinopelsdurch die Tiirken. 1453. Stuttgart, 1858. O. map. 949 43 — Olivier, E. Plan de Constantinople. Con- stantinople, 1851. obF.« 912 53 In Turkisb and French, each five sheets with title sheet. In portfolio 2. — Scliiern, F. E. A. Bemwrkninger angaaende de af Kong Sigurd Jorsalafarer paa Sopliie- kirkeu i Konstantino])el opsatte Dragefigurer; et Foredrag. Kj6benhavn[,1860]. O. [l-|-118p. pl- 949 36 —Smith, A. A month at Constantinople. Bos- ton, 1853. D. il. 914.9 46 — Tcliikhatehev, P. Le Bospore et Constanti- nople. Paris, 1864. Q. maps. 914.9 47 — Tiniuin'^ A. Petit guide du voyageur dans Constantinople. Yeiii-Keuiu, 1841. D. 914.9 48 C ONSTANTINOPLE 147 COOPER — Villf^liiirdoiiin, G, de. La conquete de Con- stantinople: avec la Continuatioti de Henri Valent-ieimes; texte original accompagne d'une traduction par Natalisde Wailly. Paris, 1873. Q. map. 949 44 ^ — De la ooii(iueste de Constantinople. — c;on- tinuation. (ijt Midland c£- Poiijouliit. Menioires, 1866, V. 1.) 944 9 With a notice 'Sur la fondation de I'empire latin de Constantinople. Indication des sources et des docu- ments ' ^ _ CONSTANTINUS I., einijeror of Rome. (Jjispa- rill, A. E. Innocent III, le sieck apostohque, Constantiu. Paris, 1873. D. 270 10 — Jacitbiis, St , of Saruij. I/onieli.i sul b.-ittesi- mo di I'listantino imperatore; pnhblicata, tra- dotta ed annotata ila A. L. Frothinghani, jr. (In Rome -K. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor V. y, 18«3.) 065 5 Coiistantimis rEinpereur, seeL'Eiupereur, C. CONSTANTS. Mayer, J. R. Ueber die Bedeu- tuntc iinveriind'Mlicher Grossen. {hi his Nat. Vortnige. 1871.) 536 2 CONSTITUTIONS. t:ee HKI,jala. 1875. Hid koniingliga norreena forufra;dafelag, iann 1. januar, 1836, '38, '41, '45, '50, '52. '55, '58, '60, '61, '64. [Copenhagen, 1845-64.] 10 v. O. 948 4 Bound with the corresponding volumes of the Anti- nuarisk Tidsskrift, except 1836, '38, '41, which were pub- lished witli Stance annuelle. Some years have the title in French. "Soci6t6 royale des antiquaires du nord, le premier .ianvier." Ledetraad til nordisk Olkyndighed. Kj0- benhaven, 1836. O. il. ' 913 53.1 English: Guide to northern archa'ology; edited for English readers by the earl t)f Klles- mere. London, 1848. O. 913 53 Oerman. Leitfaden zur nordischen Alter- thumskunde. Kopenhagen, 1837. O. il. J)13 53.3 Memoii'es de la Societe rovale desanticpiai- resdunord, 1836-60. Copenhague [,1838-61]. 4 V. O. il. pi. facsim. maps. 948 3 Same. Nouvelle serie, 1866-89. Copen- hague [, 1866-89]. V. 1-4. O. il.por. pi. 948 3 [Miscellaneous pamphlets:] Royal society of nnrthern antiiiuaries after its re-organiza- tion in April 1865. 4 p. — American section. 8 p. COPENHAGEN 149 (JORAZZINI — British und Irisli section. 4 p.— [Notice of re-organization,] Oct., 1867. 1 p. 948 1 Njiila: udgivet af det Selskab. Ktibeii- havn, 1875. v. 1. O. 8:i!).C3 55.1 ForraiiiK v. 3 of the society's fslemliiiBa s0Kur. Edited by K. Gi-sliison iind E. Jousson. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Oldkyndiglied. Kjobenhavn. 1883-6. 8 v. O. il. lA. 948 1.3 Vol. 8 uontains 'Register, isiiM- aiitiquarisk. over dette Tidsskrifts l-.'i Bd. ok Antiquariske Aanalej 1-4 ]!d.' Oin iioi'diske Oldsager og deres Opbeva- ring. Kjobenhavn, 1831. O. 16].. 948 1 Seance anniielle, 1887, '88, '89, '48-51, '48- 52, '51, '60, '63. [Copenliague, 1887-63.1 7 v. O. il. 948 1 Some years are in Enslish; 1818-53 is in German; 18.39 is also in Danish. The nnmbers contain notices of the society's publications, and other miscellaneous matter. Aarsmode. 1844(12, are in .Xntiquarisk Tidsskrift; 1863-80 are in Till.-e^' til .\arb0ger. Giesehrecht, L. TJeber die Konigliche Gesellscliaft lur nordische Altertlmniskundezu Kopenliagen. Stettin, 1828. O. 19 p. 948 1 — Univei'sitct. Aarbog for 1837-8; udgivet af Hannibal Peter belmer. Kjolienhavn [.1S88-9]. 2 V. Q. 378 8 Acadeinise Hafniensis leges ab archiepi- scopo Lundensi Johanne Brostorpsancita?, cum aliis. — Statuta facultatis utriusque juris, cum aunotatis. — Diploma Jolrinnis archiepiseopi Lundensis de nuiversitate Hafniensi, 1479. (In Lansrebek, J. Script, reruni Dau. , 177'3-1834, V. 8.) 948 76 — — .Syeriip, R. Kjabenhavns Universitets An- naler fra Reformationen af og til 1805. {In his Hist.-statistisk Skildring, 1803-6, v. 8. pt. 2.) 948 14 — Vor Frue Kirke. Transcriptum de bonis pre- bendarum canonicalium in ecclesia Haffnensi, 1436. — ReliquiiB intiniandae in festo reliquia- rum. — Reliquiaria in fe.sto reliquiaruni.— No- tata in fronte variorum librorum in biljliotheca deperdita ecclesife b. Virginis Hafnia\ — Obitu- arium ecclesiw. (In. Laiigebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-18.84, v. 8.) 948 76 ^Calliseii, H. Pliysiskmedizinske Betragtning- er over Kiobenhavn. Kiobenliavn, 1807-9. 3 v. D. " 312 1 — En!?elst<)ft, L. Kiobenhavns Stilling og Farer i Sommeren 1700: et Bidrag til danske Land- og Soekrigshistorie. map. (In his Historisk Ca- lender, 1814-17, V. 1.) 948 58 — Heise, A. Det a^ldste Kjobenhavn og den nyere Granskning; til A. D. Jorgensen. (In Copeiiliiiffen — K, nord. Old. -Selskab. Aarlioger. V. 17, 1883.) 948 5 — Jones, R. Conenhagen and its environs. Co- penhagen, 1839". D. pi. map. 914.8 37 ^J0rgensen, A. D. Det asldsteKobenhavn. (In. Copenhagen — K. noi'd. Old. -Selskab. Aarboger. v. 7, 1873; v. 13, 1877; v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 ^Kjrfbeiihavii og dets Omegn. pi. map. (In Dauske Atlas. 1833.) 914.8 88 — Syenip, K. Kjobenhavns Beskrivelse. Kj0- benliavn, 1800. D. 914.8 39 — Poiifoppidaii, E. Origines Hafnienses: eller, Kiobenliavn forestillet i sin Oprindelige Til- stand, indtil dette seculi Begvndelse. Kioben- havn, 1760. sqO. pi. maps'. 948 99 With 'Tilhien)? bestaande i tvendcJord-IB^KCr ok andre Oocunienter.' — Sterni, S. Statistisk-topographisk Beskrivelse over Kjobenhavn. Kjobenhavn, 1889. pt. 1. O. tab. map. 914.8 41 — Thnaril]), F. Kopenliagen, niit der Umge- gend. Kopenhagen, 1838. T. p/. »/»(/;. 914.8 40 — — Same. Berichtigungen uiid Zusi'itze. Ko- penhagen, 1881. T. 43 p. tab. 914.8 40 See uhn PRISONS. COPEPODS, see CORYC.EIDS. Copernicus, Nicholas (German. Mklas Kopper- nigk). Jlonetecudende ratio [Latin and French]. (//( Oresnie, >\ Traietie. 1804.) 332 5 — Nictdaiis Clopernicus: sein Leben iind seine Lelire. Berlin, 1855, O, [3-l-]68 p. (In Fort- schritte der N.iturwiss. 1.) 925 1 Copley, Anthony. .\ Hg for fortune. [Manches- ter.] 1883. sqO. [8-I-] 74 p. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 35.) 821 3 COPPER. Pellati, N. Sul metodo Zoppi di ce- nient;izione delle soluzioni cuprifere in Agordo. 2)1. (Ill Rome R.accad. del lincel. Atti. 3 ser. v. 8, 1875-6, V. 3.) Oii'i 3 Coppetta, Francesco. Capitoli. (In Bernij F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Coppi, A. Notizie di un quadro di Coneggio. Roma. 1845. O. [8-|-]13p. 755 3 Coppi. Ettore. Le universita italiane nel medio evo. 3 edizioneaccresciuta. Firenze, 1880. O. 378 a COPYRIGHT. Arnold, M. (Inhis Irish essays. 1883.) 824 3 — Seuffert, L. Das Autorrecht an literarischen Erzeugnissen. Berlin. 1878. O. 44 p. (In A'irchow c£' Holtzcndoi-ff. Vortriige. 8 Serie.) 043 1 — Webster, N. Origin of the copy-right laws of the U. S. (In his Collection of papers. 1848.) 814 15.1 Co((, Paul. Le credit. (In Th^venin, E. ('ours d'econ. indust. 4 serie. 1866.) 330 18 Le coq de clocher, see Reyband, M. R. L. Coquerelj Athanase Josue. Jean Galas et sa famine, etude historique. Paris, 18 8. D. /lor. 922 34 Coqnerel, Charles Augiistin. Ilistoire des egli- ses du desert dies les protestants de France. Paris. 1841. 3 v. O. 284 8 Cora, (inido. Da Brindisi a Bombav attra verso il canale di Suez. Casale, 1869. Q. 620 9 — Note illustrative intorno alia Carta altimetri- ca e batometrica dell" Italia. Torino, 1888. Q. 11 p. map. (In Cosmos: Sup. 2.) 910 48 —editor, see Cosmos. 1873-88. 910 48 Corals. Miintor, A. H. A. J. Ueber CorallAi- thiere. Berlin, 1872. O. 30 p. pi. (In Yir- chow * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Corancez, Olivier de. De J. J. Rousseau. (In Barriere '., earl of. Coriat, Thomas, see Coryat. (loriniie; ou, L' Italie, see Stael-Holsteiii, A. L. (J. N. de. Coriit, FraiK-eseo IJirolamo. Poesie. (In Col- lezioiie milane^e. 1816-7, v. 9.) 8.59 15 Cori(»laniis,The tragedy of, «ee Shakespeare, W. Coriiieiiiii, Louis Marie de la Haye, vicomte de. Livre des orateurs. 18 edition, augmentee. Paris, 1869. 3 v. O. por. 845 1 — Pamphlets anciens et nouveaux. Paris, 1870. O. 944 43 The pamphlets are divided as follows: Monarcbie de 18-30;— I,a seconde rfipublique;— Second empire;— Gallica- nisiiio et liljerte felifiieuse. Coriiiiiias, .Tiiau. Suplemento a las Memorias para ayudar il foi-mar un diccionario de las escritorcs catalanes, que publico Felix Torres Amat. Burgos, 1849. O. 869 1 1NDL'\NC()RX, see MAIZE. Coriialia, Eiiiilio, & others. Fauna d'ltalia. Milano [,187-]. Q, {In L'ltalia. Parte 3.)914.5 6 Cotifent'^: roriinlisi. K- Catalojjo descrittivo del maiiimi- ferl.— Siilviiclori, T. Ucelli.— Oiiiicstriiii, O. Pesoi. — Betta, E. (li>. Keltili ed aiifihi. Coriiaro, Liiiu:!, A treatise on temjieiance and sobriety. (/« Herbert, (i. Remains. 1836. )828 14 Corua/ano, Antonio. Proverliii in facetie. Bo- logna, 1865. 1). //. (f» Scelta dicuriosita. 63.) 8.50 10 ('onlent/t: Proverbil.— Novella ditta La diieale — I)ia- loiio tra 11 Senso e la Uaffione. — Bialopo de un phlIZA, see BANDIERA, A. * E. Cosinio, jiseudonyvi of Ucelli, F. Cosin, John, bis/iop of Durham. Correspond- ence; with other papers illustrative of Iiis life and time. Durham, 1869-72. 2v. O. (7)( Sur- teessoc. 52, 55.) 820 7 COSMETICS. Ricettario galante del secolo 16; cura di O. Guerrini. Bologna, 1883. D. pe (/)! Scelta di cunosita. 195.) COSMOLOGY. Apuleius, L. Liber de {In Ids Opera, 1825, v. ~ ' A translation of the llepi 850 10 mundo- 3.) 878 27 ■.oafjiov attributed to ,\ristotle. — Babinet, J. Sur le chaos. {In Thevcnin, E. Eutretiens, 1860, p. 15-35.) 604 1 bound u-ith 600 3 Werner, K. Die Kosmologie und Naturlehre des scholastischen Mittelalters, mit specieller Beziehung auf Wilhelm von Conches. Wien, 1874. O. [2-f]95p. 113 1 See also SPACE. Cosmos; communicazioni sui progressi della geografia e delle scienze afHni, di Guido Cora. Torino, 1873-88. v. 1-9. Q. maps. 910 48 — Supplemento. Torino, 1884-8. v. 1-2. Q. map. 910 48 Contents: 1. Jlarinelll, G. Saftfrio di altimetria. 2. Cora, (I. Note alia Carta altimetrica dell' Italia, map. Cossa, Alfonso. Sul fluoruro di magnesio. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Ricerche chimiche su mineral! e roccie dell' isola di Vulcano. — Sulla diabase peridotifera di Mossonel Biellese. (/)(, .soHte. V. 3, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— Sul serpentine di Verrayes in Valle d'Aosta. pi. {In same. v. 3, pt. 3.)— Sulla diffusione del cerio,del lantano e del didimio. i)l. {In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) — Sulla composizione di alcuni serpentini della Toscana.— Sulla eufotida d'Elba.— Sul tungsta- to neutro di cerio; nota del Cossa e M. Zecchini. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Sulla predazzite periclasifera del Monte Som- ma. — Sulla diorite quarzifera porfiroide di Cos- sato nel Biellese. pi. {In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 COSSACKS. M^rini^e, P. Les Cosaques de rUkraine et leurs derniers atamans, (In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 —Stein, F. von. Die russischen Kosakenheere. Gotha. 1883. sqQ. [2-l-]39 p. map. {In Pe- termanns Mittheilunsen: Ergilnzungsband 16.) 910 44 COSTA 152 CO UMTS Costa, Davide. Semiramide sul trono d' Assiria, azione eroico-mitica. Firenze [,1852], D. 8 p. 852 1 Costa, Hippolyto Jose da, eontinuer, see Jloiaes Silva, A. de. Historia de Portugal. 1809. 940 66 COySTUME. Camden, W. Apparrell. {In his Remaiiies. 1638.) 420 3 — Fairholt, F. W., editor. Sii.tirical sougs and poems on costume, 13-19 century. London, 1849. D. il. (In Percy soc. v. 27.) 820 6 ^Maiino,A. Document! per unastoriadel vivere 6 del vestire in Piemonte. {In Curiosita di storia subalpina. v. 2, 1876.) 945 43 See also SlhK; TEXTILE FABKICS. Cota, Rodrigo de, see Mingro Revulgo. Cotgrave, Randle. A French-English diction- ary, witli English and French [by Robert Sherwood]; added, animadversions of James Howell. London, 16.50. F. 443 7 Cotoviciis, Joannes. Synopsis reipublicse Vene- tw. (In Contarini, G, De republica Veneto- riim. 1628.) 094 39 Cotta, Bernliard von. Die Alpen. Leipzig. 18.51. O. (7. ijI. 551.43 19 — Deutschlands Boden: sein geologischer Bau und desseu Einwirkung aiif das Leben der Mensclien. 2 vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. 2 V. in 1. O. il. pi. 554.3 1 — Die Geologie der Gegenwart. Leipzig. 1866. O. il. 551 3 — <£■ others. Briefe iiber Humboldt's Kosmos: ein Commentar zu diesem Werke. Leipzig, 1848-60. 4v. O. maps. 55125 — Same: Supplement-Theil: Hiimlioldt's wis- senscliaftliches Leben und Wirken, von W. C. Wittwer. Leipzig, 1870. O. jior. facsim. 551 2.5 Cotta, Fabio, translator, see Onosander. Dell' arte della guerra. 1863. {In Bibl. rara. 4.) 850 3 Cotta, John. The triall of witch-craft. London, 1616. D. 133 6 Cotton, Bartholomew de. Historia Anglicaua, 449-1298; necnon e.iusdem Liber de archiepi- scopis et episcopis Angliae; edited by Henry Richards Luard. London, 1859. Q. facsim. (InUt. Br. — Master of Bolls. Chron. and mem. 16.) !)42 8 Cotton, Charles, translator, seeMontlnc. B. de. Commentaries, 1674. 944 24 Cotton, James Niitherland. The intentions of the IdUiiders of fellowships. {In Essays on en- dowment of research. 1876.) 378 3 Cotton, Jolin. The grounds and ends of the baptisme of children. London, 1647. D. 265 3 CO'I'TOX. Bartolo, (J. di. Della coltivazione del cotone secondo le antiche pratiche di Ter- ranova in Sicilia. Torino, 1864. 92 p. G33 4 blames, C. T. Practical liints on the compar- ative cost of the culture of cotton and of its mamifacture. Providence, 1849. O. 338 3 ^Reyhand, M. R. L. Lecoton; son regime, ses probl6mes, son influence en Europe. Paris, 1863. O. 677 4 Conlani?es, Numa Denis Fustel de, see Fustcl dc Conhin^es. Conltas, llarlnnd. What may be learned from a tree. New York, 1800. O. il. 551.58 19 COUNCILS. Del future concilio ecumenico e del concilio di Basilea. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1869. D. 91 p. (Libreria Rosmini.) 282 4 — Hnber, U. A. II papa ed il concilio, di Janus [pseud.]. Torino, 1869. O. 282 37.2 — Michaud, P. E. Discussion sur les sept con- ciles Ltcumeniques etudies au point de vue traditionnel et liberal. Berne, 1878. O. 262 9 —Der Staat und das allgemeine Concil. Leip- zig, 1873. O. [7-(-] 52 p. 322 7 — Vitelleschi, F. S. Otto mesi a Roma durante il concilio' vaticano, per PomponioLeto [pseud.]. Firenze, 1873. D. 282 9 See flfeo CONSTANCE; lUXTllA; TRENT. Connt Julian, .see Landor, W. S. COCP D'ETAT, see FBA>CE— HISTORY; NA- POLEON 111. La cour d'amour, see Froissart, J. Courcelle Seneull, Jean (iJnstave. Interet et UKure. {In Theveuin, E. Coursd' econ. indust. 4Serie. 1866.) 330 18 Courier de M6re, Paul Louis. CEuvres com- pletes. Nouvelle edition. Bruxelles, 1833. O. pior. facsim. 848 3 Contents: 1. Pamphlets politkiues. 2. Pamphlets po- litiques et opuscules. 3. Traductiuns. 4. Lettres inedites. The volume contains a ms. tal)le of contents by Mr. Marsh. A note states that the book was "much studied for style" by him. — Oouscoli politici; voltati in italiano da Gaeta- noBernardi. Napoli, 1861. O. 320 4 — Furia, F. del. Della scoperta esubitanea per- dita di una parte iuedita del primo libro de' Pastorali di Longo. [Firenze, 1810.] O. 24 p. facsim. 888 52.1 — Wachier, J. F. L. P. L. C^iuricr in Verluilt- niss zu seiner Zeit. {In Raunier,F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830.) 905 1 Le conrrier de Vaugelas, journal bi-mensuel, consacre a la propagation universelle de la langue franijaise. Paris, 1808-75. v. 1-5 in 1 v. Q. 440 3 COURT, Antoine, Borrel, A. Biographic d'An- toine Court: ou. Episode de I'histoiredes eglises du dasert Cevenol, 1713-60. Toulouse, 1863. D. 922 27 The court and country, by N. B., see Breton, N. COURT LIFE. Voigt, J. Fiirstenleben und Fiirstensitte im 16teu Jahrhundert. {In Ran- nier, F. L. tJ, von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1835.) 905 1 Old court life in France, see Elliot, F. COURTESY, see MANNERS. COURTIERS. Castislione, B. Ilcortegiano; ri- veduta da A. Ciccarelli. Venetia, 1584. S. 395 1 Encjlish: The courtier; done ino English by Thomas Holiby. London, 1577. D. 395 2 — Chartier, A. The curial ; translated by W.Cax- ton. 1484; edited by V. J. Furniv;ill. London, 1888. O. 8-1-30 p. (In E. E. lext soc. Extra ser. 54.) 820 5.1 — Tasso, T. 11 Malpiglio; ovvero, Della corte. (/)( liis Diiiloghi. 1S22, v. 2.) 851 117 COURTS. Aneliarano, P. d.' Incipit repeticio c[ai)itidi| postuhihti de foro t-onipe[teiiti circa punitionem delictorum it bonoruni delin(|uen- cium cntiscationem]. liononie, 1474. F. [12] p. 093 3 See ft/no Hnlmj'slt'), T. COURVAL 153 CRECGELIUS Courval, — vicomte de. Das Auf&ten der Wald- bauine; aus deni Franzosischen von C. J. \V. Hoffler. Berlin, 180.^. O. 7+74 [ + 1] p. ]>!.. 551.0S 20 Consiiiot, (liiiillaiiiiie, of Montreuil. Cluonique de la Pucelle. (Iii uiichon, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 15e siecle. 18;W.) !(44 17 — Cliroiiique de la Pucelle, suivie de La cluoni- que nornumde de P. Cochon. relatives aux regnes de Charles VI et de Charles VII; pu- bliees, avec notices, notes et developpements par Vallet de Viriville. Paris, 1859. D. !>4-t 18 Contliaiul, E, Monographiede Domholzhausen, colonic vaudoise en Alleniagne. H'-'nibourg- es-Monts, 1864. O. 943 39 — Precis chronologique de Thistoire des val- lees vaudoises, servant d'introduction ii la Monographie de Dornliolzhausen. Honihourg. [18f>l]. O. 4 + 78 [ + 1] p. map. !)43 39 Coiito, Diogfo do, <£■ Bavros, J. de. Da Asia; [dos feitos, que os Portuguezes fizeram na con- quista e descubrimento das terras e mares do oriente]. Nova edi9ao. Lisboa. 1777-88. 24 v. S. por. maps. J)54 2-3 The last 15 volumes are by C'outo. The final volume contains an index. ^^everim da Faria, M. Vida de D. do Couto. {In his Discur.sos. 1791.) 914,6 14 Conzinie J. P. Dictionnaire de la langue ro- mano-castraise et des contrees limitrophts. Castres, 1850. Q. 449 5 Covt'iitry, Walter of. Memoriale: the histori- cal collections of Walter of Coventry: edited by Willi;ini Stubbs. London, 1872-3. 2 v. Q. (/)( Gt. Br,— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 58.) _ 942 8 Coverdale, Jlyles, bishop of Exeter, trmislator, see Bible— English. 220 8 Coviiio, .4ndrea. Da Torino a Chambery. 3 edizione. Torino, 1871. I), jd. maps. 622 11 Cowell, Edward Byles, aimotator, see Elpliin- stone, M. History of India. 1874. 934 1 Cowell, J. .f. The firaian Alps and Mount Iseran. map. (In (Jalton, F, Vacation tour- ists, 18(i0. ; 910 28 Cowper, Joseph Meadows, editor, see the fol- lowing publications of the Early English text society: ORIGINAL SERIES. 820 5 48. C.R.,f/eHt. The times' whistle. 1871. 60. I)oii.iTi>iitura, St. Meditations. 1875. 4 EXTRA SERIES. 820 5.1 12. Starkc}-, T. England [under] Henry VIII. pt. 3. 1871. 13. Supplycadftii to Henry eyeht [etc.]. 1871. 15. Cnnvh'y. R. Select works, 1872. 22. Briiiklon. H. Complaynt of R. Mors. 1874. COWPER, William, Rodriguez, F. William Cowper. {In Nnova antologia, v. 51, 1880.) 851 52 Cox, Charles F. The amenities of verbal crit- icism. [New York, J 1875 O. 94 p. 404 1 Cox, George WiUiani, <& Brande, W, T., editors. A dictionary of science, literature and art. New edition. London, 1865-7. 3 v. O. 032 1 Cozza, (liinseppe. Delia vite, miracoli e culto del martire S. Pietro de Arbues. Roma. 1867. O. por. 922 17 Crabh, George. English synonymes explained. From 3 London edition, revised. New York. 18:^6. O. 424 i Crahlte, George, Poetical works; with his letters, journals and life, by his son. Loiulon, 1834. 8 V. U. por. 111. iltp. 821 53 Craik, (George Lillie. A compendious history of English literature and language, from the Norman conquest. Lontlon, 18G1. 2 v. O. 820 14 — The English of Shakespeare illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Ca'sar. London. 1857. D. 822 19 — Outlines of the history of the English lan- guage. 3 edition. London, 1859. D. 420 5 — Paris and its historical scenes. Boston, 1831. V. 1. S. il. pi. map. (Lib. of entertaining knl.) 914.4 11 GRAIN, see CARMOLA. Cramer, Franz. Despotismus und Volkskraft, eine Goethe'sche Confession. Berlin. 1874. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. V^ortriige. 9 Serie.) 043 1 Cramer, Jolin Anthony, editor & translator, see Sncins, N, Second book of travels. 1841. (/// Camden soc. 17.) 820 4 Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of (Janlerbury. Catecliismus, .see A short instruction into CJhris- tian religion. 1829. 241 1 — The lyfe and death of Cranmer. (hi Jiichols, J, G. Narratives. 1859: in Camden soc. 77.) S20 4 — Morice, R. Anecdotes and character of Cranmer. — Cranmer and Canterbury school. [In savTe.) 820 4 Crasso, Nicola, the yunmjer, annotator, see Gianuotti, I). Dialogi de repub. Venetorum; cum notis et lib. de forma ejusdem reip. 1631. 094 62 CRAUFURD, (Juintin. Barriere, F.J. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Craufurd. (/)( Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81. v. 3.) 944 10 Craveri, Federico. Idrografia sotterranea della cittadiBra. Milano, 1864. O. 24 p. % pi. 628 8 — Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte in Bra dai fratelli Craveri, 1862. Carmagnola. 1863. O. 8 p. tab. 551.5 1 La creacion y el diluvio, especfciculo teatral, see ZorrUla, v. 3. CREATION. Burnet, T. The sacred theory of the earth. London, 1726. 2 v. O. il. i^l. 213 1 — Chambers, R. Explanations; a sequel to "Vestiges of the natural history of creation." New York, 1846. O. 215 4 — Du Bartas, G. de S. La sepmaine; ou. Crea- tion du monde. (In his QSuvres, 1593-1601, v. 1.) 841 16 — . — £)i(/ZjA7( . His first week: or. The birth of the world, (/n 7n's Divine weekes. 1611.) 841 17 — Goodwin, C. W. On the Jlosaic cosmogony. (//( Essays and reviews. 1862.) 204 1 — Turner, S. The sacred history of the world in the creation and subsetjuent events to the deluge, philosophicallv considered. New York, 1832. S. " 213 8 Creccelius, Johannes. Collectanea ex historiis de origine et fundatione monasticorum ordi- num... Francofurti, 1614. sqD. pi. 271 2 CRECCELIUS 154 CRIMINAL LA W The plates contain 99 figures illustratinff monastic cos- tumes. Crecelins, Wilhelm, editor, see Altdeutsche Neujalu-.-blretter fur 1874. SSit.l 6 CREDIT. Berg:s0e, A. F. Motiveret Udkast til en Creditfoiening for ilanske Gmudbesiddere. Kjobeiihavn, 1839. O. 332 1 — Co(j, P. Le credit. (In Thevenin, E. Cours d'ecoii. indust. 4 serie. 1866.) 330 18 Credner, Georg Riirtof.Die Deltas. Gotha. 1878. sqQ. [3+]74 p. maps. 'In Petermaniis Mit- theiluii^eu: Ergilnzungsband 12.) 910 44 —Die Relikteiiseen. Gotha, 1887-8. 2 v. in 1. sqQ. maps. {In same. 19.) 910 44 CREEDS. Channing, W. E. On creeds. (In his Works, 1848, v. 2 ) 208 2 — JoiiiviUe, J. He, Credo: fac-simile; disserta- tion par A. F. Didot. et ti'aduotion par Artaud de Montor. Paris, 1870. sqO. [3-l-J74p. il. 848 9 Seearso AUGSBrRU COXFESSION; CATECHI.SJLS; COUX- CILS: KXCLIJSIOX. Creicliton, C'apt. .Joliu. Memoirs. (In Swift, J. Works, 1859. v. 2.) 827 13 CREMATION, (irimm, J. L. K. UeberdasVer- breunen derLeichen. (In his Kleinere Schrif- ten, 18G4-90. v. 2.) 408 2 Cremona, Liii^i. Sulla corrispondenza fra la teoria dei sistenii di rette e la teoria delle su- perfiuie. (In Rome— R. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 8, 187r,-G, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Teoremi stereometrici, dai quali si deducono le proprieta dell' esagranimo di Pascal. (In same. 3 ser. sci.fis. y. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 CREMONINO, Cesare. Rerti, D. Di C. Crenioni- n<) e della sua cuutroversia con rincjuisizione di Padova e di Roma. (In same. set. mor. v. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 Der Creole, see Z<rent .systems of penal codes in iMirnpe. Washington, 18.54. O. 343 7 Torino[,1859]. O. 343 10 CRIMINA L LA W —Sardinia. Codice penale. Tiisciuiy. Codice penale toscano, con varia- zioni. ;i edizione. Firenze, 1875. S. 343 9 — Wielant, I*. Practijcke ciiniinele; uitgeKeven door A. Orts. CJent, 1873. Q. {In Maetscliappy der Vlaeiii. bibl. Weiken. 3 ser. 15.) s3i>.3 t tiee.alm .VXIMALS, ItBIGAMUOK; CAPITAL I'lMSII MKNT; TUIAI,S. Crispin, Daniel, editor, see Sallnstins Ciispns, C. yua:- extant. 1790. 87.S 5 Cristal de la verdad, see Riiis, G. A. The criterion, a series of essays, see Tiicker- ninn, H. T. The critic criticised and Worcester vindicated. Boston [,1860]. O. 67 p. 423 7 The critic; or, A tragedy reliearsed, see Slieri- dan, R. B. R. CRITICISM. Arnold, M. Tlie function of crit- icism at the present time. (/)( his Essays in criticism. 1865.) 824 2 — Breen, H. H. {In his Modern English litera- ture. 1857.) 820 2 —Cox, C. F. The amenities of verbal criticism. [New York,] 1875. O. 94 p. 404 1 — Thorild, T. En critik dfver critiker, med udkast till en lagstiftning i snillets verld. (/)( /usSanil. skrifter, 1819-35, v. 3.) 839.71 49 See the other writinss of Thorild; also ^STHKTICS. Le critique de L'ecole des femmes, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. v. 2. CROATIA. Spottlswoode, (J. A. A tour in Croatia and i^irt of Hungary. {In Oalton, P. Vacation tourists, I860.)' " «10 28 See oho KARST. Crocco, Antonio. Per lamorte del Vincenzo Ric- ci, couimeinorazione. {In Sociela lig:nre. Atti. V. 8, 1868.) — Discorso dal presidente. — Com- memorazione del Giuseppe Morro, parole. (])i same. v. 10, 1874.) 5)45 48 La crodada di canipann: auto da fe d'un Mene- ghiin. Jlilano, 1866. O. 18 p. 859 16 hound with 9 Croke, Sir George. Notes of [his] judgment in the case of ship-money; edited by Samuel Raw- son Gardiner. [London,] 1875. sqO. (/;( Cam- den misc. 7; m Camden soc. n. s. 14.) 820 4.1 Croke, John, translator. Thirteen psalms, and tlie first chapter of Ecclesiastes; translated into English verse; with documents relating to the Croke fanuly. London. 1844. D. 16-1-79 p. {Tn Percy soc. v. 11.) 820 6 Croker, .Tulin Wilson, editor, see Boswell, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. 1839. 928 31 Croker, Thomas Crofton, editor. The liistori- cal songs of IreJand, illustrative of the strug- gle between James IL and William III. Lon- don, 1841. D. {Ill Percy soc. v. 1.) 820 6 Narratives illustrative of tlie contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690. London, 1841. sqO. {In Camden soc. 14.) Popular songs illustrative of the invasions of Ireland. London. 1845-7. 1 V. D. il. {In Percy soc. v. 21.) 155 CROJSIACA see also the following publications of tlie Percy .-oclety: 820 6 Vol. 7. .'V Kerry pastoral. 1843. . ,. , ,„^,, 22. «iir«ick, .M. B. K., cminlem of. Autotjionraphy. 1K48. 27. Miisshiisi'r, I". Believe as you list. 1S49. SO. BniMiii', W. Uritannia's pastorals, a. Sd book. IK.^. d- translator. The keen of the south of Ireland, as illustrative of Irish political and domestic history, manners, music and super- stitions. London, 1844. D. {In same. v. 13.) 820 6 Croly, David (ioodman, d- others. Miscegen- ation apiiiied to the American white man and Negro. From New York edition. London, 1864. D. 91 p. 572 8 Croly, George. Life and times of George the fourth. New-Y'ork, 1831. S. 2>o^- (Harper's fam. lib.) 923 42 Crombie, John M. The induction of sleep and insensibility to pain by the self-administration of anaesthetics. London, 1873. O. 37 j). il. 015 7 Cromerns, Martinns. Poloniae descriptio. (In Respnblica Poloniis. 1627.) 094 51 Croniie, Henry. Ryme-index to the Ellesmere nis. of Chaucer's Canterbury taks. Lont'on, 1875. O. {In Chaucer soc. 1 ser. 45.) 821 45 — Sa?/ie[,with notes, corrections and list of rvmes]. Ix)ndon, 1875. obQ. {In same. 46.) 812 45 —Notes anil corrections for the Ryme-index, [with list of rymes]. London, 1875. O. {In .•iome. 41. bound irith io.) 821 45 CR03ILECHS. Engelhardt, H. C. C. Om Sten- dysser og deres geographiske Udbredelse. {In Copenhagen— K. uord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. V. 5, 187(1.) 948 5 —Frederick VII., king of Denmark. Om Byg- ningsmaaden af Oldtidens Jsettestuer. 2 Ud- gave. Kjobenhavn, 1862. O. 22 p. il. 913 49 Same. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 5, 1855-7.) 948 4 — — French: Sur la construction des salles dites des geants. Copenhague, 1857. O. 22 n. il. 913 49 Same: {In Copenhagen— K. nord Old.- Selskab.. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 Sjoberg, N. H. Monimenta lapidaria (\yxas in Scania exstant gigantea. Lundee, 1807. D. 18 p. j)l. 913 47.2 CROJnVELL, Oliver. Brnce, J., editor. The quarrel between the earl of Mancliester and Cromwell; with historical preface. [London,] 1875. sqO. (/" Camden soc. n. s. 12.) 820 4.1 — Manchester, E. M., e&rlof. A letter to the House of lords on tlie conduct of Cromwell; edited by S. R. Gardiner. [London,] 1883. sqO. [3-l-]3p. (/?i Camden misc. 8; in Camden soc. U.S. 31.) S20 4 1 ^Stern. A. Milton und Cromwell. Berlin, 1875. O. 36 p. {In A'irchow ct- Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 ^^.\ Cron, Trnels Lyng, <& Junl, S. B. Gengraphie 820 4 oyer Daneniark. Kjobenhavn, 1816. S. 91 4.8 34 French Cronaca d'Orvieto, 1342-63, gia pubblicata da 4 pt. in Lodovico Antonio Muratori. MiIano,1845["65]. 820 6 S. {In Bibl. rara. 58.) 850 3 CRONHOLM 150 CRUZ Cronholiii, Abraham Peter. Forn-uordiska minnen. Luiui, 1833-3. 3 v. O. 948 8 CoiUfids: 1, NordboarnelVesterviking. 2, Nordboarne i Austrveer. — Griiuskning at' Vii-dalands forntids-liistoria; ethnographiskt bidrag. (In (Copenhagen — K. nord. 01(1,-Selskab. Annaler. v. 14, 1854.) 948 3 Cronica del rev Don Rodrigo, con la destruy- cion de Espafia, y como los moros la Ranaron; nuevaniente corregida. Alcala de Henaies. 1587. Q. iUp. 946 13 Cronica deli iniperadori [1-1270], antico testo veneziano: pubblicato da A. Ceruti. {In Ar- chivid glot. ital. v. 3, 1878 ) 450 11 Same: Cronica degli iniperatori romani. testo ineditodi lingua, per Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, 1878. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 158 ) 850 10 — Ascitli, Gr. I. Annotazioni dialettologiche. (In name.) — Tortona e Tortosa, tosta; e ancora della Cronica. (In same. v. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 Cronica troyana, see Colonne, tf. dalle. [Cronicas espaiiolas.] Madrid, 1779-87. 7 v. sqQ. }>or. 946 34 Lettered; Corouioa de los reye de Castill. For con- tents -ve Tieknor catalogue. Cronique du roy Fran^oys premier de ce iiom; ptil)lioe, avec introduction et notes, par Georges Guiffrey. Paris. 1860. O. 944 33 Croni(( lies de London. 44 Hen. III.— 17 F,dw. III.: edited by George .James Aungier. London, 1844. sf|0. ■(/;; Camden soc. 38.) 820 4 CROSKE, Dickory. Defoe, D. The dunil) phi- losojjher. pi. (In his Novela, etc., 1840-1, v. 19-) 823 7 Crosby, .lllan James, <£'Brnce, J., editors. Ac- cotmts and papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots. [London,] 18(37. sqO. facsim. (In Camden soc. 93.) 820 4 Crosby, Howard. .'Vrchaisms: or, Obsolete and unusual Words and phrases in the English Bil)le. (In Sdiafr, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Cross, Mary Ann (Evans) Lenes, psexidonym Geor^re Eliot. The Spanish Gypsy, a poeiu. 3 edition. El. 8 p. 913 13 hound with .399 4 Cumauo. Giuseppe. I oseleti, capricio ditiram- bico. (//( Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 5.) 859 50 Cumberland, Richard. Henry; nit hot Eng- elscli vertaald door Elisabeth Bekker wed. A. Wolf. Amsterdam. 1800. 3 v. O. pi. 839.33 30 CUMBERLAND DIALECT. Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects; dialogues, poems, songs and ballads; with a glossary. Loudon, 1839. O. 829 1 Cummins, Adley H. A grammar of the old Friesic language. London, 1881. D. 439.2 4 CUNEIFORM WRITING. Bezold, C. Die Fort- schritte der Keilschriftforschung in nenester Zeit. Hamburg. 1889. O. 28 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 Ueber Keilinschriften. Berlin, 1883. O. 31 p. (/« ,5a»tc. 18 Serie.) 043 1 — Miiutef, F. C. C. H. Versuch iiber die keil- forniisren Inschriften zti PersejKtlis. Kopenha- gen, 1803. O. x>l. 492.1 1 — Westergaard, N. L. On tlie deciphering of the second Acha?menian or MediMU species of arrowheaded writing. lA. (In Copenhagen — K. iiord Old.-Selskab. Meinoires. v. 3, 1840-4 ) 948 8 Cuneo. Consiglio provinciale: Relazione sulla conservazione e taglio dei boschi. [Cuneo 1805.] F. 31 p. 551.58 89 boimdM'rtA; 548 3 —Relazione dell' assedio di Cuneo, 1557. (In Yarieta storiche italiane.) 945 10 Cunningham, Allan. The lives of tlie most em- inent Britisli jiainters and sculjitors. New- York, 1831. 3 V. S. por. (Harper's fam. lib.) 927 1 Cunningham, Peter, editor, see the following publications of the Percy society: 820 6 Vol. 9. Thomiison, A. A poem to the memory of Con- Kl-eve. 1843. 11. Rich. B. The honestie of this age. 1&14. Cuorvo, Nicolo. L" alluccate contro a li pe- trarchiste. (In Collezione napoletana, 1783-9, ^- 24.) 859 19 Cuosemo pezzente, Lamiento de, see Pecor- one, B. CUPID. Grimm, J. L. K. Ueber den Liebes- gott. (/H/i/.sKleinereSchriften, 1864-90, V 3) 408 2 — Jahu, 0. ttber einige auf Eros und Psyche beziigliche Kunstwerke. pi. (In Leipsie— K. sachs. Gesell, Berichte, 1851.) 063 8 —La Fontaine, .1. de. Les amours de Psyche et de Cupidon. Paris, 1791. sqF. col. pi. 843 36 Cuppari. Pietro. Manuale dell' agricoltore. Firenze, 1870. D. 630 11 —& Sari, P. Intorno al rimboscamento del monte Pisano; rapporto. Pisa, 1866. O. 19 p. 551.58 86 CURACAO 158 CUSTOMS CURACAO. Abbring, H. J. Weemoedstoonen; of, Miiue reis naar Curacao. Groningen. 1834. O. 917.2 6 — Teza, E. Udialettocuiassese. [Milano, 1864.] O. p. 342-3.53. 467 13 Ciirci, Carlo Maria. La nuova Italia ed i vecchi zelanti. Firenze, 1881. O. 2S2 41 — Ragione 837 16 — Krieisfk, G. L. Deutsches Biugertlnim im MUtelalter. Frankfurt a. M., 1868. O. 390 12 —Lane, E. W. An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, 1833-5. Lon- don, 18;!(i. 3 V. D. )7. pi.' 916.2 9 — Le <Z. — Om Trwzirateriie paa de gamle norske Kirker. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiqua- risk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 Dahleriip, Verner, editor, see Pliysiologus i to islandske Bearbejdelser, med Indledning og Oplysninger. (/?* same. Aarboger. v. 34, 1889.) 948.5 Dahlgren, Fredrik Ang'ust, editor, see Hnud, D. H. Kc.iiung ErikXIV:skr6nika. 1847. (In Svenska foru.-sal. Samlingar, V. 3.) 839.7 3 Dahll, Tellef. Geologisk Kart over sondeu- fjekLske Norge, see Kjenilf,F.,*Dahll. 554.8 4 Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph, editor, see Koster, J. A.Chronik des Landes Dithmarschen. 1837. 943 49 Dahlstroni, C. A. Teckningar till Carl XIV. Jo- liaiis liistoria efter Solie, Le Dru, Vernet, m. tl. . med foi klarande text ocli biographi. Stock- liolin[,1844]. O. por. pi. 948 37 Dalin, Felix. Bausteine; gesammelte kleine Schriften. Erste Reihe. Berlin, 1879. O. 834 1 DAINESE, Francis. U.S.— Department of state. Co])ies of papers relating to tlie claim of F. Dainese. [Washington, 1857.] Q. 3'27 1 Daire, Eugene, editor. Economistes financiers du 18e siecle; [with] notices historiques, com- mentaries et notes explicatives. 3 edition. Paris, 1851. Q. 336 9 Coitteiita: Vaiibiiii, S. le P. de. Projet d'une dime royale. — Itoisjriiillebert, P.le P. de D6tail de laFrauce, Factum de la France, et opuscules divers — Law, J. Considerations .sur le iiunu'raire et le commerce. M6moireset lettres sur les banques, opuscules divers.- Melon, J. F, Essai poli- tique sur le commerce.— Dutot, — ,R6flexions sur le com- merce et les finances. Dalbono, Cesare. Vicende industriali e com- merciali. — Palagi e ville reali. — Basilica di s. Francesco di Paola. — Pubblici passeggi e ville de' privati. (In Qnaranta, B., & others. Na- poli. 1845.) 914.5 88 l)ale,JohahHendrik van.Nederlandsche spraak- kutist. Schoonhoven, 1868. S 439.35 3 DALECARLIA. Bref angaende en del Dal- Almoges; sammengadding och upror. Stock- holm, 1743. sqO. 948 56.1 — Vandring gonom Dalarne. Stockholm. 1839. D. pi. 914.8 33.3 Dalgas, Carl Fredrik Isaak. TTviIke af de Pro- ducter, som vort Land er skikket til, kuniie ansees for de fordeelagtigtste V tcdy. (In Collin, J. For Historie, 1833-5, v. 3.) 948 66 — I hvilket Forhold stiger Prodiictet og den rene Indtaigt af en Jordlod efter den paa Dyrk- ningeii anvendte forogede Arbeidskraft. Aar- liuus, 1837. D. 85 p. tab. 680 37 Dalin, .V. F. Ordbok ofver svenska spraket. Stockholm, 1853. 3 v. Q. 439.73 1 BALIN ]G1 DANISH DIALECTS Daliii, Olof von. Witterhets-aibeten, i bunden och obuiiden skrif-art. Stockholm, 1707. 6 v. S. 839.71 13 Daliiiiir, Martin. Beschreibung Herzog Bug- slaffeu des 10. Peregrination nach dem Hey- ligen Lande. (/)( Kaiitzow, T. Cluonik von Pommern. 1835.) 943 34 DALMATIA. Kohl, J. G. Reise nach Istrien, Dahnatipn und Montenegro. Dresden, 1851. 2 V. S. 914.3 19 — Serristori, A. La costa dalmata, 1877. Fi- renze, 1877. O. 914.9 53 — Strangford, E. A, B. S., viscountess. {Inker Eastern shores of the Adriatic. 1864.) 914.9 31 — Wheler, (i. Voyage de Dalniatie...La Haye, 1733. 3 V. D. pi. 914.9 36 La Dalniatina, coniuiedia, .see (joldoni, ('. v. 33. Dabnedico, Angelo, editor. Canti del popolo diChioggia. Venezia. 1873. O. 19 p. S59 51.3 La dania duende, .see talderon. v. 1. La dama prudente, ronimedia, see dioldoni, C. V. 33. Daiuascenus, Joannes, see Joannes. Dama^ns I., St., pope. Carmen Damaso aserip- tum. — Dissertatio de Damaso, auctore F. P. Bayero. {In Migne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. v. 74.) 922 6 Die Damft G'artnerin, Komiidie, see Kopiscli, A. Dames, W. Die Glacialbildimgen der nord- deutschen Tiefebene. Berlin, 1886. O. 44 p. (Ill Vircliow V. Lectures and poems. 18.50. 811 2 The dance of death, see Dan/a: Holbein, H. Danchi, king, see Libro delle nature degli ucelli. DANCING. Angerstein, W. Volkstiinze im deutsehen Mittelalter. Berlin, 1868. O. 32 p. (/?j Vircliow cfr HoltzendorlT. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Flach, H.DerTanz bei den Grieclien. Ber- lin. IHSO. O. 35 p. (In same. 15 Serie.) 043 1 — Gaiitier, T. Les bayaderes. — Aissaouas. (In his L'orient, 1877, v. 2.) 910 39 — Gngliehno. Trattato dell' arte del ballo; teste del secolo 1.5. Bologna, 1873. D. {In Soelta di curio.sita, 131.) 850 10 — Mila y Fontanals, M, Danzas infantiles ca- stellanas. (In Jahrbncli roni. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 — Vayra, P. Un gran decaduto; il ballo e le sue feste. (In Ciiriosita della storia subalpina. v. 3, 1876.) 945 43 —Wilkinson, W. C. The dance of modern soci- ety. New York, 1870. S. 175 1 S^e alw Ki'inp. W. Danekwerth, Caspar. Newe Landesbeschrei- bung der zweij Herzogthlimer Sclileswich und Holstein; zusambt Landcarten von Johanne Mejoro. [Amsterdam,] 1653. F.' iltp. maps. 914.3 11 Dandolo, Tullio. Monachismo e Jeggende: sag- gi storici. Jlilano, 18.50. O. 271 1 Dandserinden, et Digt, see Paliidan-MiiUer, F. DANGEVILLE, Marie Anne Botot. Mole, F.K. Eloge de Mile. Dangeville. {In Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 6.) 944 10 Daniel, p.iendonym of Garcia, E. M. Daniel, Samuel. [Select poems.] (/?j Sonthey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 DANISH AFRICAN COMPANY. Rasninssen, J. L. Det under Frederik den 5te oj)rettede Danske afrikanske Kompagnies Historie. Kio- benhavn, 1818. D. 380 17 DANISH DIALECTS. Dyrlnnd, N. K. F.Dansk Dialect-Lexicon og Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidskrift. v. 3, 1849-51 ) '♦IS 4 — Firmenieh-Richartz, J. M. Diinische Mund- arten. (In his Germaniens Volkerstimmen 1840-54, V. 3.) 839.1 1 — Kristiansen, V. Bidrag til en Ordbog over Gadesproget og daglig Tale. Kjobenhavn, 1866. O. 439.87 4 — Molbech, C. Dansk Dialect-Lexicon. " Kia- benhavn, 1841. O. pZ. 439.87 5 —[Norse dialect poems.] D. 53 p. 839.89 1 The parts of Norway represented are Telemarki, Val- dres, and Gudbrandsdalen. Title-page wanting. BANISH DIALECTS 163 BANISH LANG UA GJ£ See also FAKOK ISLANDS; JUTIAXD; SCHLESWKi; SEELAND. [Danish exercises, ms.] sqQ. 091 5 With ms. index, English-Danish, by Mr. Marsh. DAjSISH (early) LAN(xUA(JE. Molbech, C. Dansk Glossarium: eller, Oidbog over torfcl- dede danske Ord, 13-16 Aarhundrede. Kioben- havn, 18.57-66. 3 v. O. 439.87 9 — Mnncli, P. A. Sproglilstoriske Undersegelser om det jeldste faelles-nordiske Sprogs Udseende, og Fors0g til at bestemme den olddanske og oldswenske JIundarts normale Ortliograplii. Gramniatik og rette Forliold til Norroena-Muud- arten. (/" Copeiiliagen— K. uoid.Old-Selskal). Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 3 —Stephens, G. Tlie oldest yet found document in Danish, il. pi. {In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Danish: Det Eeldste hidtil kjendte Doku- ment paa Dansk. il. pi. {In same. Aarboger. V. 20, 1885.) 948 5 See aim UELAXMC. DASISH LANGUAGE. Baden,!. RomaDanica, harmouiam atq; affinitatem liuguaiDanica? cum linsua Romana exliibens. HafniEe, 1699. S. ^ 439.8 1 — •Borriug', L. S. Conversations fran9aises et danoises; suivies d'une comedie en un acte par A Duval, avec la traduction. Copenhague. 1836. S. 439.88 2 —[Danish exercises, ras.] sqQ. 091 5 — Estrup, H. F. J. Ord-Liiglieder mellem det danske og det italienske Sprog. {In his Blandiiiger. 1830.) 904 1 Gerner, H. T. Epitome philologia? Danicae [Danish]. Kiobeuh., 1690. S. 439.8 3 lessen, E. Smating om Dansk. (In Copen- hasren— K. nord.Old.-Selskab.Aarbager. v. 1-2, 1866-7.) 948 5 — Marston, J. Englisii and Danisli dialogues; adapted by F. Schneider. 4 edition. Copenliagen, 1834. D. 439.88 1 —Molbech, C. Oversigt af det danske Sprogs Historic, (/w /lis Dansk Ordbog. 1833. '.59.) 439.83 3, 3.1 —Petersen, N. M. Det danske, norske og svenske Sprogs Historic. Kjobenhavn, 1839-30. 2 V. in 1. D. 439.6 1 —Sperling, O. De Danicas linguas praeroga- tiva inter septentrionales commentariolus. Hafnia^ 1694. sqD. [8 -f ] 91 p. 439.8 3 — W'inimer, L. F. A. Den historiske Sprog- forskiiiiig XOL<)GY. Dirckinck-Holnileld, C. P. H. M. W. af. liemerkuMgen iiberdie Ausspiache der Diinisohen. {In his DiUiischs Zustilnde. 1840.) 839.8 3 —PROSODY. Thortsen. K. A. Forsog til en dansk Metrik. Kjalienhavn, 1833, 3 v. in 1. D. ' 439.86 1 —SPELLING. Holber^, L. Orthographiske Anmrorkninger. {In his Holbergiana, 1833-5, V. 1.) 839.88 1 BANISH LANG VA GE 163 DANNEVIRKE — — Krigfer, M. D. Smiiting om den nydanske Retskiivniiig. Kobenhavn, 1831. D. facsim. 435). 81 1 Petersen, >'. M. Kortfattet dansk Retskriv- ningslsEre. Kobenhavn, 1837. D. [•l+]89 p. 439.81 2 — Nogle Old oiu Forandringer i Refekriv- ning, isa;r oni Brugen af latin^k Skrift. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-JSelskab. Antiqua- risk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 184(J-8.) 948 4 — STNOXYMS. MUUer, P. E., & others. Dansk Synonymik. Kiobenhavn, 1829. 3 v. D. 439.84 2 _ — Sporou, B. G. Eenstydige danske Ords Beniwrkelse: udgivet nied Tilla-g af M. L. Hei- berg. Kjobenhavn, 180T. D. 439.84 1 DASISH (early) LITERATURE. Lauirebek, J., editor. Sciiptoies rerura Dauicaruni niediia?vi. Hafnia?, 1772-1834. 8 v. F.^ jjoc. jil. facsim. ' 948 76 — Petersen, >'. 31. Det feldste danske Diplom fra Aar 1329. facsim. [In Copenhagen- K. nord 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 184(3.) 948 2 See aho .4iuH'(lot(in Sverreri regis: Deiiiiiark. Konp Chri- stian den fjerd-^s.— lien femtes, norske Lov; Har|K'streiigr, H. ; ICEUXDU' LITKKATUBE; Jutland; Suso, H. DANISH LITERATURE. Bang, 0., editor. Samling af adskillige og opbyggelige Materier saa vel ganile soni nye. [Kiobenhavn, 1743-7.] 7 pt. in 2 V. S. par. pi. tab. 839.8 1 —Bartholin, A. De scriptis Danoium; auctior editus a T. Bartholino; nunc illiistratus a J. MoUero. Hamburgi, 1699. S. 839.7 6 — Direkinck-Holmfeld. C. P. H. M. AV. af. Diinische Zustiinde. Altona, 1846. O. 839.8 2 — M0\ler, J. Soro's Igjenfodelse; eller, Om Slasgtskabet imelleni Poesie. Philosopliie og Histoiie; eu Dialog. (In Engelstoft, L., tt M0ller.Histonsk Calender, 1814-17, v. 2.) 948 58 Udkast til den danske Literaturs Historie, 1801-13. (In same. v. 1-3.) 948 58 — Welliaren, J. S. C. Samlede Skrifter. Kjo- benhavn, 1867-8. 8 v. D. por. 839.84 2 See (duo XORSE LITERATCRE. —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Erslew, T. H. Alminde- ligt Forfattei-Lexicon for Danniark med til- horende Bilande, 1814-40. Kjobenhavn, 1843. 3 V. O. 015 5.1 — — — Supplement, indtil Udgangen af 1853. Kjobenhavn, 1858-68. 3 v. O. 015 5.2 —DRAMA. Baggesen, J. I. Dramatuigisk Critik. (In his Danske Vserker, 1827-32, v. 11- 12.) 8.39.81 12 BournonvUle, A. A. Mit Theaterliv. Kjo- benhavn, 1848. O. 839.82 8 See also Andersen, H. ('. ; Bjarnie, B. ; Bjtfmson, TS. ; EniUd, J.; Grundtrig, >'. F. S.; Hanoli, J. ('.; Heiberp, J. L.: Hertz, H.; Holberg, L. ; Ibsen, H.; Insreniann, B. S.; Lie, .1. ; Munch, A.; 0hlen8clilager, A. 0. ; Orerskoni T.; Paluilan-Muller, F.: Thoresen, A. M. K. ; Wessel, J. H. —FICTION. See Andersen, II. C. ; Bajcer, C. C; Bj0rns(in. B. ; Bllcher, S. S. ; (lyllenibourg, T. C. ; Heiberg, J. L.; Herre, B. ; Hertz, H. ; In^mann, B. $. ; Jansen, B. S. ; Lie, J. ; Lind, P. E. ; Huncii, A.; 01ilenschliiger, A. 0.; Saint Aubain, A. X. L.; Sulini, P. F.; StalTeldt, A. W. S. Ton; Thiele, J. M. ; Thoresen, A. M. K. ; Thornam, A. W. —MISCELLANEOUS. Sfe Hiiifueseii. .1. I.; Falster, (', ; iijentraneer • Breve; IIollH'rg, I., ; MollMM'li, <'. ; Xorsli Liiiidniandsbog, 1865-70; Pedersen, f. ; Rafn. C. ('. ; SlalTeldt. A.W. S. von; Snhm, P. F.; Welliaveu. .1. S. C. 1 Werireliiud, H. A. T. —POETRY. Abrahanison, >V. H. F., & others, editors. Udvalgte danske Viser fra niiddelal- deren. Kjobenhavn, 1812-14. 5 v. D. 839.81 6 — — Barfod, P. F., <& others. Den sidste Aften paa Grundtvigs Forelsesninger. Kjobenhavn, 1839. T. 32 p. 839.81 19 Enald, J. Ewald og de norske Digtere. (In his .Skrifter. 1867-8, v. 8.) 839.84 3 Fehlborg, A. A., editor. Poems from the DaiiLsli: with historical notes; translated into English verse by W. S. Walker. Philadelphia, 1816. T. 839.81 1 Festen for TJiorvaldsen, 7 Oct. 1838. Kja- benhavn[,lS38]. D. 60 p. 839.81 53 .— —Longfellow, H. W. Danish language and poetry. (In his Poets and poetry of Europe. 1845.) 80S 1.1 — — Mailing, P. T., editor. Norske "Viser og Stev. 3 Udgave ved H. Ross: Musikbilaget af L. M. Lindeman. Christiania, 1869. T. music. 839.81 3 — — Moe, J. E. Om Folkedigtning. (In his Samlade Skrifter, 1877, V. 2.J 839.81 35 — — Molbeeh, C, editor. Dansk poetisk Antho- logie, med biographisk-kritiske Efterretninger. Kjobenliavn, 1830-3. 2 v. S. 839.81 3 Poetiske Samlinger: udgivne af et Selskab. Kiobenhavn, 1775. pt. 1. D. 839.81 4 Time, H..I., editor. Norsk Anthologi. Kjo- benhavn, 1847. D. 839.81 5 See a/so Andersen, H. ('. ; Backer, ('. ('. : Bageesen, J. I, ; Bj0nison, B. ; Bournonrille, A. A.; Daiislie Eiimkr0nil£e; Dr.irhniann. H. : Eirald. J. ; Falsfer, (; (ijencanser-BreTe; (irundtrig, X. F. S.; Heiberg, .J. L. : Hertz, H. ; Holberp, L., Ibsen, H.; Ingeniann. B. 8 ; Jansen,!', X.: KJerulf, T. :Mag. nnsen, ¥.; Michael, Iferr. ; Jlliikel Ka>v; Moe, J. E. ; }luncli, A.; 0hIensclilager, A. C; 0rsted, II. C; Paludun-MUller, F.; SOXGS: StafTeldt, A. W. S. von; Vinje, .1. O.: WelJiaTen, J. S. C; Wergeland, H. A. T. ; Wcssel, J. H.; Wiiillier, K. T. C. F. Der daiikbare Sohn, Lustspiel, see Engel, J. J. V. 5. Daninarks Framtid. Kjobenhavn, 1848. O. 23 p. 948 68 Danna, Caslniiro, editor. Alia tomba del Giu- seppe Baruffi. sertodeiramicizia. Torino, 1876. O. 925 3 Dannehl, Carl Wihelm Gustav. Ueber nieder- deutsche Spraclie und Literatur. Berlin, 1875. O. 64 p. (In Ylrchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 —Victor Hugo. Berlin, 1886. O. 48 p. (In same. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Danneil^ Joliann Friedrich. Worterbuch der altmlirkisch-plattdeutscheu Mundart. Salzwe- del, 1859. O. 439.43 2 DANNEATBKE. J0rgensen, A. D. De historiske Efterretninger om Danevirke. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 3, 1868.) 948 5 — Lorenzen, C. C. Dannevirke og Omegn. Ha- derslew, 1863. D. [4-I-] 89 p. 7n.ap. 913 33 DANNEVIRKE 164 DANTE — -De sydslesvigske Befsestningsvierker i og fra Oldtiden og Middelalderen. pi. map. — Om Byen Slesvigs Befajstning i Oldtiden og Mid- delalderen. 7nftp. — Bema'rkninger til Afhand- lingen om de sydslesvigske Bef:vstningsvit'rker. il. (In Copeiiiiasjen— k. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 19, 1850.) 948 2 La daiise macabre, par P. L. Jacob, see La- «roix, P. [Dauske Atlas. Kjobenhavn, 1833.J sqQ. pi. maps. id 4. 8 38 Contents : Kjobenhavn og (lets Omegn.— Helsing0er og dets Omegn. — Frederiksborg og Fredensborg. — Roe- skilde og dets Omegn. The title is conjectural. The work has no general title- page and seems to be incomplete. Den dan^ke Comoedies Liigbegiaengelse, see Holberg, L. Comedier, v. 6. De Danske i Paris, Vaudeville, .see Heiberjr, J • L. Skuespil, v. 5. IDanske Nationalsange.] Kiobenhavn, n. d. ■obQ. 784 3 Den danske Riimkronike, efter Gotfrid af Gheiuens Udgave af 1495, trykt paa ny, nied Licesemaader og Ordfortolkninger, udgivet af Christian Molbech. Kiobenhavii, 1835. O. 839.81 15 Daiite Alig-lilerl. Opere. Venezia, 1757-8. 4 v. in 5. sqQ. U. pot. pi. tab. 851 33 Contents ; 1-3. La diTina commedia, eon annotazioni [by P. Venturi and G. A. Volpi]; dedicata dal oonte C. Zapitade Cisneros [:with metrical arguments to each oauto by G- fiozzi]: 1. Prefazione.— Vita da L. Bruni;— da G. M. Crescimbeni.— [Various pieces: and] Giudicio dell' abate V. Gravina Intorno alia Divina commedia. — L'inferno. 2. II purgatorio. 3. II paradiso.— lUustra- zione non piu stampate : Osservazioni di P. R. Morando; —Delia dottrlna teologica nella Divina commedia, dis- •sertazioni del G. L. Berti. 4. Prose e rime liriche. con agglunte. Pt. 1. Prefazione.— Vita nuova.— Convito.— Pis^ola alio 'mperadore Arrigo di Luzimliurgo. Pt. i. Memorie per servire alia vita di Dante |byG. Pelli].— Lettera di G. V. Vannetti intorno ad alcune circonstanze della vita di Dante.— I sette salmi penitenziali trasportati alia vt)lgar poesia, — II credo, — con annotazioni dall' abate F. S. Quadrio.— Versi.— Sonetto.— De la volgare ■eloquenza, col testo latino a colonua.— Rime. — Epistola Kani Grandi de Scala.— Monarchia. — Opere minori; da Pietro Fraticelli. Firenze, 1856-7. 8 v. D. 851 41 Contents: 1. II canzoniere. — Le rime sacre.— Le poesie latine. 2. La vita nuova —De vulgar! eloouio.- De monarchia.- Quffistio de acqua et terra. 3. II convito- — Le epistole. — Comedia di Dante degli Allagherii, col com- mento di Jacopo della Lana. Nuovissima edi- zione del Luciano Scarabelli. Bologna, 1866. 3 V. O. (In Emilia. CoUezione. 38-40.) 850 6 — La commedia; dichiarata da Brunone Bian- •chi. 6 edizione. Firenze, 1863. D. 851 37 Appended, U2 p., is Kimario della Divina commedia. — La divina commedia, corretta, spiegata e difesa dal Baldassare Loinbnrdi iiol 1791:nuova- meute emendata. Roma, 1815-16. v. 1,2. st|Q. pi. 851 34 Contents : 1. Inferno. 2. Purgatorio. — La divina commedia. Edizione minore sul testo di Carlo Witte. Berlino, 1862. O. 851 36 — La divina comniedia socondo la lezione di Carlo Witte. 1 edizione italiana. Milano, 1864-6. 3 v. H. U. pi. (In KM, rara. 40-3.) 850 3 — Esemplare della iJivina comedia donato da Papa Lambertini, illustrato dai confront! di altri 19 codici inediti, e fornito di note critiche da Luciano Scarabelli. Bologna, 1870-3. 3 v.O. (In Emilia. CoUezione. 28-30.) 850 6 — L' ottimo commento della Divina commedia; testo inedito d' un contemporaneo di Dante citato dagli Accademici della crusca.' Pisa, 1827-9. 3 V. O. 2}or. pi. 851 35 Edited by Alessandro Torri. With text. — Catalan: La comedia; traslatada de rims vulgars toscans en rims vulgars cathalans per N' Andreu Febrer, siglo 15, dala a luz, acom- paiiada de ilustraciones critico-literarias Caye- tano Vidal e Valenciano. Barcelona, 1878. v. 1. D. facsim. 851 40 Vol. 1. El poema. On the back of title-page is printed: Sr. D. George P Marsh. Ministro plenipotenciario de los Estados-Unidos de America en Roma. Same: Fragments inedits. (I7i Camboiiliii, F. R. Essai sur lit. catalane. 1858.) 869 9 — English. The vision; or. Hell, purgatory and paradise; translated by Henry Francis Cary. 3 edition, with life of Dante, notes and index, London, 1831. 3 v. D. 851 88 Francesca of Rimini, — Count Ugolino; [with] translation by J. "VV. Thomas. (In Caval- leri, E. Italian readings. 1865.) 851 1 — Milanese: Dell' Inferno di Dante versione in dialetto milanese. (In Porta, C. Opere. 1865.) 859 17 Della versione dell" Inferno in dialetto milanese [by C. Porta] canto primo. (/« Col- lezioue milanese, 1816-7, v. 12.) 869 15 L' inferno; esposto in dialetto milanese da Francesco Candiani. Milano, 1860. D. 851 39 — Del metodo di commentare La divina corn- media, epistola a Cangrande della Scala: in- terpretata da Giambattista Giuliani Somasco. Savona, 1856. O. 851 44 — Delia volgar eloquenza, col testo latino a colonna. (In Trissino, G. G. Opere, 1729, v. 2.) 851 126 — Italian: Della volgare eloquenza; traduzione di Giangiorgio Trissino, 1529; con una lettera di Alessandro Manzoni e una di Gino Capponi, intorno a quest' opera. Milano, 1868. S. 851 42 —Epistola a tuttigl' Italiani nella venuta dell' imperadore Arrigo. -^Epistola mandata all" im- peratore Arrigo. (In Villaiii, G. Cronica, 1823, v. 8.) 945 76 Ancoiia, A. d.' I precursor! di Dante. Fi- renze, 1874. D. 861 46 Bergmaiiii, F. W. Aus einem ungedruckten Conmientar zu Dantes Commedia. (In Jalir- blicll rom. und eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Bianclii, B. Del vero senso della maniera dantesca, Femine da conio; Inf. 18; 66. (In Arobivio glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 Blano, L. G.Vocab()lariodantesco;o, Diziona- rio critico e ragionato della Divina commedia; ret-ata in italiano da G. Carbone. Firenze, 1859. D. 851 45 —Boccaccio, (J. I comento sopra La commedia di Dante; con le annotazioni di A. M. Salvini. Firenze, 1724. 2 v. O. 851 46.1 On Inferno, canto 117. — Itosslc^r, L. /itr Kritik der Divina commedia. (//( Jalirbiich mm. ii. eng. Lit. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 ^Botta, V. Dante as philosopher, jiatriot and DANTE 105 DANTK poet; with an analysis of the Divina comme- dia, its plot and episodes. New York, 1865. O. 851 47 ^Briiik, B. K. C. teu. Zu Dante's Inferno, 5; 59. (/// .lahrbiicli roni. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 — Capiiana, L. Di alcune poesie scritte pel sesto centenario di Uante. n. p., 1865. 37 p. O. 851 48 bound with 44 — Carducci, (». Delle rime di Dante. — Delia varia fortuna di Daute. (In his Studi. 1874.) 850 12 — Celesia, E. Dante in Liguria. Genova, 1865. Q. 74[+l]p. 928 80 — Clliose anonime alia prima cantica della Di- vina coiniuedia, di un conteinporaneo del poeta: pubblicate da P'rancesco Selini. Torino, 1865. Q. 851 49 — Comento di Dante 1343: Inferno, canto 1-16. n. p. [,186-]. O. 64 p. Hitl 'jO honnd with U — Coiliilieiito alia Divina coiiiniedia d'anoninio Fiorentino del secolo 14; a cura di Pietro Fanfa- ni. Bologna, 186G-74. 3 v. O. (In Emilia. Collezioiie. 13-15.) 850 6 With text. — Esortazioiie alio studio della Divina connne- dia, fatta uel 1549 al duca Borso di Ferrara. Firenze, 1863. O. 13 p. 851 51 bound with 44 Edited by P. Fanfani. Edition of 35 copies. — La festa di Dante; pubblicate per cura della direzione del Giornale del centenario. [Weekly. ] 1 maggio 1864-15 gennaio 1865. Firenze, 1864-5. no. 1-38. F. 851 63 No. 34 is wanting:. —Florence— Comiiiissioiie per le ricerclie iii- toriio alia casa
  • iiadri, A. Note alia teoria darwiniana. Bo- log^ia. 1869. O. 575 4 — Schleicher, A. Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. 2 Auflage. Weimar, 1873.' 33 p. })l. 401 3 Darwin, (ieorge Howard. On the influence-of geological changes on the earth's axis of rota- tion. London, 1877. sqF. p. 269-1112. il. 525 1.1 bound with 504 2 Das ist sant Pauls leben, see Hierouynius So- phronins. Dasent Sir George Webbe. Introduction and life of Richard Cleashy. (In Vigfiisson, G. An Icelandic-English dictionary. 1874.) 439.63 6 — t.raii.<l- 371 2 ,V« <;fvl- 551.4!^ 31 Deloche, Eeii6. Note sur une ferme dans 1' ancieu lac de Harlem. Paris, 1863. O. 24 p. T.^1 ,.,. 630 32 Deloiiey, Tliouias. The garland of good-will; eclited by James Henrv Dixon. London, 1851 D. music. (In Percv soc. v. 30. ) 820 6 —The history of Thomas of Reading; or. The six worthy yeomen of the west. {In Tlloiiis, n. ,1. Prose romances, 1828, v. 1.) 823 2 —Strange histories, consi.sting of ballads and other poems. i)rincii)ally by Deloney; from the edition of 1607, willi introduction and notes. London, 1841. 1). 8-1-76 p. (In Percy soc. ^- 3-) 820 6 170 DEMOCRACY Delord, Taxile. Histoire du second empire, 1848-70. Paris, 18C9-75. 6 v. O. 944 43 Delorme, S^rapliin Jean. Cesar et ses contem- porains. Paris, 1869. U 937 15 Delpino, Federico. Alcuni appunti di geografia botanica. Firenze, 1869. O. 580 1 — Breve cenno sulle relazioni biologiche ege- nealogiche delle marantacee. [Firenze, 1869.] O. 16 p. 580 1 — Pensieri suUa biologia vegetale... Pisa. 1867. O. tub. 580 1 — Sugli apparecchi della fecondazione nelle piante antocarpee, fanerogame. Firenze, 1867. O. 39 p. 580 1 — Suir opera La distribuzione del sessi nelle piante del F. Hildebrand. Milano, 1867. O. 34 [ + 1] p. 580 1 — Sulla darwiniaua teoria della pangenesi. Torino, 1869. O. 34 p. 580 1 — Ulteriori osservazioni sulla ( 'cogamia nel regno vegetale. Milano, 1868-70. 3 v. O. 581 4 Parts has ouly fasc. I, 41 p. Delprat, GniUaunie Henri Marie. Verhande- ling over de liroedeischap van G. Groote, en over den invloed der fraterhuizen. 2 vermeer- derde druk. Arnhem, 18.56. O. 27118 Delprat, I. P. Over de l)etreeking tusschen de gemiddelde snelheid van het water in rivieren en de werkelijke snelheid. Amsterdam, 1855. sqQ. [1 -f ] 71 p. 1)1. 551.48 3 hound trifh 548 3 Delprato, Pietro, editor, see Hippocrates. Tiattati di mascalcia. If65. (In Emilia. Col- lezione. 13.) 850 6 Itusio, L. La mascalcia. 1867. (In same. 19-30.) 850 6 Delrio, Martin Antoine. Disquisitionum magi- carum libri sex; opus longe auctius. Mogun- tiiB, 1612. .sqO. 133 15 DELTAS. €redner, O. R. Die Deltas, ihre Morphologie, geographische Verbreitung und Entstehuugs-Bedingungeii. Gotha. 1878. sqQ. [34-] 74 p. maps. (MPetermannsMJtIlieiliineen: Erganzungsband 12.) 910 44 DELUGE, see FLOOD. DELUSIONS. .s><' ItEMOXOLOfiT; ERKORS; GHOSTS; FLAGELLANTS; SPIRITIALISM: WITtHCKAFT. Deniades. Qu» extant omnia [ Greek and Latin, with full critical apparatus]. (7?( Oratores Attici, 182a, V. 4, 14.) 885 1 Demattio, Fortunate. Fonologia italiana. Inns- bruck, 1875. O. 64 p. 451 3 — Sintassi della lingua italiana. Innsbruck, O. 455 5 DEMETRIUS, the False. M^rimee, P. Episode de I'histoire de Russie, — les faux Demetrius. Paris. 1853. D. 947 1 Demidov, Anatoli, ]>rince. Viaggio nella Rus- sia iiieri(iionale e nella Crimea, per rUnf;heria, la Moldavia e la Valachia, fatto nel 1837. Tori- no. 1841. Q. 2^1. 914.7 20 Dcnimin, .\iigns1e. Guide do Tamateur de faiences & iioicelaines, ])0teries, terres cuites, peintuie sur lave et cmaux. Nouvelle edition, angmentee. Paris, 1863. D, 738 1 DKMOritAdY. Levi, D. Democrazia epajiismo. Milano, 1863. S. 282 46 DEMOCRACY 171 DENMARK— ANTiq UITIES Democracy in America, see Tocqiieville, A. C. H. C. de. Democritus junior, pseudonym of Burton. It. MEMONOLOUY. Bekker, B. De betoverde weereld, zyniie een grondig ondersoek van 't genieeii gevoelen aangaande de geesten. Deven- ter, 17a9. 4 v. in 1. S(iO. 133 14 — Bodin, J. Demononiania de gli stregoni; cioe, Fur.jri et inalie de' demoni, col mezo de gli hu- omini; tradotta dal Kr. H. Cato; con una con- futatione dell' opinione di Gio. Vuier. Vene- ,tia, 1587. sqO. 133 13 — James I., of England. D;emonologie. (In his Workes. IGKi.) 320 8 — Pico della Miraiidola, H. F. La Strega; ovve- ro, Degli inganni cle' demoni; dialogo. Milano, 1864. S. (In Bibi. rara. 40.) 850 3 —Scott, Sir W. Letters on demonology and witchcraft. New York, 1830. S. pi. 133 4 — Spreiisfer, J., & others. Malleorum quorun- dam maleficarum tonii duo. i'rancofurti, l.")82. 2 1. S. 133 10 Contfnffi: 1. Spreiiwr, .1., cC; Heinrirli, agent. Malleus maleficarum —Nider. . I. Liber de malefiois." '2. Basin, B. De artibus maeieis.— Molitflr, U. Tractatus de Pytbonicis mulieribus.— Mentrlii. ii, Flajjellum da?inonuin.— <;Iiirin'r, T. Tractatus de Pythonico contractu.— Hamiiierlciii, F. Tractatus de exorcismis;— de creduiitate da?monibus adhibenda — Spina, B. della. Quffistio de strigibus;— De lamiis apolo^ria 1-4. & bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 7.) 948 76 — — Klemming, (i, E. Meddelande om Konung Valdemars Jordebok. (In Copenliagen — K. nord Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. V. 3, 1849-51.) 948 4 -FORLIGELSES-COJIMISSION. Rotlie, A. B. Beytrage zur Kenntniss der Vergleichs-Ein- richtungen in D'anemark. Copenhagen, 1804. S. 349 51 See also TIUXS ACTION'. — PROVINDSIALST.ENDER. Fribeit, L. J. Haandbog i Lovgivningen om de danske Pro- vindsialsta^nder. Kjobenhavn, 1835. O. 328 3.1 Holsteiu, F. A. Om de danske raadgivende Provindsial-Stcenders Vjesen og Vwrd. 2 Oplag. Kjobenhavn, 1832. O. 94 p. 328 4 — — Miilertz, A. F. Om raadgivende Land- stiender i Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1832. D. 32 p. 328 5 Sibbern, F. C. Patriotiske Intelligents- blade, nasrniest i Anledning af Provindsial- sta?ndernes Forsamling i Roeskilde, 1835. Kjo- benhavn. 1835-6. 2 pt. O. 328 4 — AXTiqUITIES. Bartholin, T. T. Antidrcnclandske Minder" og Skildringer. Kin- benhavn, 1839. 4 v. D. 948 80 Mi\ller, li. C. Danmarks Historie. Kio- benhavn, 1830-40. v. 1-3. D. 948 81 -Nyerup, R. Ilistorisk-statistisk Skildring af Tilstanden i Danniark og Norge i aOdre og nyere Tider. Kjobenhavn, 1803-0. 4 v. in 5. S tab. 948 14 For contents see Nycnip. Pedersen, C. Danske Kriiniker. (In hi» Danske Skrilter, 1820-6. v. 5.) 839.88 4 DENMARK— IIISTOR Y 173 DEPIT _ —Petersen, N. M. Bema;rkninger om Kil- derne til Danmarks Histoiie i Hedeiiold og deies Beaibeidelse. {/(( Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, \mi.) !>4.S 1.2 — Danmarks Historie i Hedenold. Kjo- beiihavn. 1834-7. 3 v. D. 048 82 — — Pontoppidan, E. Gesta et vestigia Dano- rum extra Daniam. Lipsiw, 1740-1. 3 v. iij 1. O. 948 33 . Saxo grammaticus. Danoruin historias libri Hi. Basilea-, 1534. F. 5)48 84 — — . — Historian Danicffi libri 16; S. J. Ste- phanius recognovit notisq; illustravit. Soras, 1644. F. iltp. 948 85 — — • — Historia Danica; recensuit et comnien- tariis illustravit P. E. Miiller; opus absolvit J. M. Velscliow. Havnia?, 1839. 2 v. Q. /(oc. 948 86 — — — Danish: Danmarks Kronike; fordansket af N F. S. Gruiidtvig. Kiobenhavn, 1818-22. 3 V. sqO. 948 87 — — Seriptoruui rerum Danicarum libri 3. (In Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 1.) 943 21 Sibbern, X. P. Supplemeiita & accessiones ad Bibliothecani bistoricam Dano-Norvagicani 1716 ab ipso editam. {In siniie.v. 4.) 943^1 Sinionsen, li. S. V. Udsigt over National- liistoriens asldste og ina'rkeligste Perioder. Kjobenhavn, 1813-16. 3 v. D. 948 89 Stephanius, S. H., editor. De regno Daniae et Norwegian. Lugduni Batavorum, 1629. Tt. 094 21 Same. [3 edition.] 094 32 — — Suhni, P. F. Critisk historie of Daumark udi den hedenske Tid, fra Odin til Gorm den Gamle. Kiobenhavn, 1774-81. 4 v. sqO. 948 90 Samlede Skrifter. Kiobenhavn, 1788-98. 15 V. S. por. pi. a. tab. 839.88 5 See especial!)/ v. 8. 9. 11 . — — Torfason, T. Series dynastarum et regum DaniK antea 1664: nunc aucta. Hafnia^, 1702. sqO. tab. 948 91 — — — Torf8e.ana;sive,Not8eposteriores[&Index] in Seriem regum Danise. Hafnise, 1777 sqO. 2}or. tab. 948 90 Ulfeld, J. K. Historia Danica, 1333-1559. {hi Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 2.) 943 31 Worsaae, .7. J. A, Den danske Erobringaf England og Normandiet. Kjobenhavn, 1863. O. map. ' 948 93 BIBLIOCiRAPHY. Lyschander, C. (;. De scriptoiilnis Daniels libellus. (iwWestplialen.E. J. Ton. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.)— Vellejiis, A. S. Promocondus historias Daniaj. (In same. V. 4.) 943 31 See aim BORXHOVED; TASTLES; CHRISTIAN 11!.; CHRIS- TUJ;S0E: COPEMUOEX; ESROM; FAROE ISLANDS; FUNEN; GREEXLAND; (JEIFFEXFELD. P.; ICELAND; LIMFJORD; MARfiERET; NOBILITY; OTHO; RANZAF, I).; REraNTLOV. C. D. F. ; R0NNOW, J.; SJ0BKIN(i; SKAN- DERBORO; SKJALM HVIDE; TFELD, K.; Wace, R. Le reman de Rou ; IVENDS. —MILITARY AFFAIRS. Jalin, F. H. Almin delig Udsigt over Nordens, isasr Danmarks, KtigsvKsen i Middelalderen indtil Krudtets Andvendelse i de nordiske Krige. Kjobenhavn, 1825. O. pi. 355 8 Velscliow, H. M. Commentationis de in- stitutis militaribus Danoriim regnante Valde- niaro secundo i)ars prior. Havni;i>, 1831. D. 355 9 —NATIONAL CHARACTER. Holbeig, L. Cha- racteristik al de danske ng norske t'olkeslag, 1729. (/» /ti's Holbergiana, 1832-5, v. 1.) 839.88 1 Mailing:, 0. Great and good deedsot Danes, Norwegians and Holsteinians. London, 1823, O. 948 77 —NAVAL HISTORY. Holbergr, L. Danmarks og Norges Soe-Histories aldtite Periodus. (In /(is Holbergiana, 1832-5, v. 1.) 839.88 1 —POLITICS. Cfnindfvi).-, N. F. S. Det danske Fiir-Klover; eller, Dansklieden partisk betrag- tet. Kiobenhavn, 1836. D. 83 p 948 70 Mjnster, J. P. Praediken holden i Roes- kilde Donikirke ved Aabningen af Provindsi- alstasndernes Forsamling, 1 Oct. 1835. Ki0- benhavn [,1836]. D. ;« p. 262 6 Sen aho FAROE ISLANIIS; (iUEENLAND; HOLSTEIN; ICE- LAND; STRliENSEE. J. F. —STATISTICS. Collin, J., editor. For Historie og Statistik. Kjubenhavn, 1832-5. 2 v. D. pi. tab. 948 66 Tliaarup, F. Statistisk Udsigt over den danske Stat. Kjobenhavn, 1825. D. ^a6.314 19 Udforlig Vejledning til det danske Monarkies Statistik. Kfobenhavn, 1812-19. 6 V. D. tab. ' 314 ig Veiledning til det danske Monarkies Statistik. 2 Udgave. Kiobenhavn, 1794. D. 314 17 For other works pertaining to Denmark see OEOLOGT; GREENLAND; ICELAND: SCANDINAVIA; VAGABONDS. Dennstedt, M., d- Ciamician, G. L. Sull' azione del cloroformio sul coniposto potassico del pirolo. {In Rome— R. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 0(!5 4 De Notaris, Giuseppe, see Notaris. Denton, Daniel. A brief description of New York, likewise a brief relation of the customs of the Indians there. New edition, with in- troduction and copious notes by Gabriel Fur- man. New York, 1845. O. 79 p. (tiowans" bibliotheca Americana. 1.) 917.4 7 Denton, AVilliaui.Serbien und die Serben: bear- beitet von D. v. Colin. Berlin, 1865. S pi map. _ 914.9 49 Denza, J'ranceseo, SoniobiYe.Lestellecadenti di novembre osservate in Piemonte nel 1867- niemoria 3. Torino, 1868. D. 62 p. fab. 523 2* Denziniarer, Heinricli. Prolegomena. (In Isidor- ns Mercator. Decretalium col., 1853 pref v 5-24.) ' ^ 262 8 —editor. Enchiridion symbolorum et definito- rum quae de rebus fidei et morum a conciliis oecumenicis et summis pontificis enianarunt Editio 3 aucta. Neapolis, 1856. D. 282 2 Deodati, Ediiardo. II progetto di legge sui rior- dmamento degli istituti di emissione. Venezia 1879. O. 66 p. 332 4 Le depit amoureux, comedie, see MoUere. J. B. P. de. V. 1, ' BEPPING 1?4 DEVTSCHES Deppin^, Georg Bernhard. Normannernes Sotoge og deres Nedssettelse i Frankerig i det lOde Arhundrede, histoiisk fremstillet; med adskillige Foiandringer oversat af N. M. Peter- sen. Kobenhavn, 1830. D. 944 58 — editor. Coleccion de los mas celebres ro- mances espanoles, historioos y caballerescos; ahora enmendada por un espaiiol refugiado. Londres, 1825. 2 v. S. 861 1 Deppiiig, Giiillauine. Merveilles de la force et de I'aihesse. Paris, 1869. D. il. {In Char- ton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 71)6 1 De Qiiincey, Thomas. Writings. Boston, 18.50-1. 7 V. D. por. 824 10 Contents: 1. Confessions of an English opium-eater, and Suspiria de protundis. 2. Biographical essays. 3. Miscellaneous essays. 4. The Csesars. 5. Life and man- ners. 0-7. Literary reminiscences. Derblich, W. Land und Leute der Moldau und Walachei. Prag, 1859. D. !»14.9 53 BERING, Si> Edward, bart. Larking, L. B., editor. Proceedings in Kent, 1640; from the collections of Bering. [London,] 1862. sqO. por. (Ill Camden soc. 80.) 820 4 Dering, Heneage, dean of Ripon. Autobio- graphical memoranda. (In Jaekson, C. York- shire diaries, 1877-86, v. i; in Surtees soc. 65.) 820 7 Le dernier des commis-voyageurs, see Key- hand, M. R. L. Derossi di Santa Rosa, see Santa Rosa. Des XXIII manieres de vilains; 13e siecle; redited by F. X. Michel]. Paris, 1833. O. 15 p. 848 20 Desanctis, Leone, see Sanctis. Des Cars, Amed6e Joseph, comte. L'elagage des arbres. 6 edition. Paris, 1867. T. il. pi. 551.58 22 Deschamps, Pierre Charles Ernest. Diction- naire ancienneet moderne.a I'usagedulibraire: par un bibliophile. Paris, 1870. O. 0112 Supplement to the Slanuel of J. C. Brunet. — & Brunei, P. tf. Manuel du libraire [by J. C. Brunet]: Supplement. Paris, 1878-80. 2 v. inl. O. Oil 2 Desclot, Bernat. Cronica del rey en Pere e dels seus antecessors passats. (/« Buchon, J. A. C. Chroniques etrangeres. 1841.J 944 10.1 — Marsh, 0. P. (In Johnson's cyclopasdia, sup.) In main library. Descripciones de las islas Pithiusas y Baleares, see Vdrgas y Ponce, J. de. A description or briefe declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites and customes [of] the monastical church of Durham. 1593. Lon- don. 1842. O. (In Surtees soc. 15.) 820 7 La desdicha de la voz, see Calderon. v. 4. DESERTS. See AUABIA; KARST; LAKBES; SAHABA; STEPPES. Desideroso. Capitoli. (In Berni, F. Opere bur- lesche, 1726, v. 3.) 857 2 ATIMOUIAL DESKJN, .see DEVICES. DESKJN in cmt<(oy/,,see NATURAL RELIGION. Dcsimoni, Cornelio. Sul frammento di breve genovcsc scopcrto a Nizza, relazione. (In Soci- ctit ligiirc. Atti. V. 1, 1858.) — Atlante idrogra- fico del medio evo; pubblicato a fac-simile dai Desimoni e L. T. Belgrano. facsim. — Nuovi studi suir atlante Luxoro. — Documenti ed estratti riguardanti la storia del commercio e della marina ligure; dai Desimoni e Belgrano. (In same.v. 5, 1867.) — Tre cantari dei secoli 15 e 16 concernenti storia genovese. facsim. (In same. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 — editor, see Montilldo, A. di. Delia conquista di Costantinopoli, 1453. (In same, v, 10, 1874.) 945 48 Desor, fidouard. Aus Sahara und Atlas; vier Briefe au J. Liebig. Wiesbaden, 1865. O. pZ. 916.6 5 — De Torographie des Alpes dans ses rapports avec la geologic. Neuchatel, 1862. O. map. 551.43 20 — La foret vierge et le Sahara; suivie d'une etude sur les pierres a ecuelles et d'un essai sur le nez. Paris, 1879. D. ^j/. map. 551.58 120 — Der Gebiigsbau der Alpen. Wiesbaden, 1865. O. (7. map. 551.43 21 — Les palafittes. ou constructions lacustres du lac de Neuchatel. Paris, 1865. O. il. 571 3 —Die Sahara. Basel, 1871. O. 5+[2]-f.59p. (Oeffent. Vortriige. 1.) 551.58 121 Despars, Nicolaes. Cronijcke van den lande ende graefscepe van Vlaenderen, 405-1492; in het licht gegeven, met aenteekeningen, door J. de Jonghe. 2 uytgaef. Brugge, 1839-40. 4 v. O. 949 20 Despotismus und Volkskraft, see Cramer, F. Despres, Jean Bai)tiste Denis. Essai sur la marquise de Pompadour. (In Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81. v. 3.) — Notice sur la vie du baron de Besenval. (v. 4.) 944 10 Destierro de ignorancia, see Riminaldo, 0. Le destruction de Rome, see Ferumbras. DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, see VANDAL- ISM. Desvergers, Marie Joseph Adolplie Noel. Abys- sinie. 1847. pZ. map. (In L'unlvers. 3.) 91018 — Arabic. Paris, 1847. O. pi. map>. (In same. 13.) 910 18 Det har Zombien gjort, see Andersen, H. C. Detlef, see Groth, K. Detmar von Liibeek. Detmar-Chronik, 1101- 1400. (/)( Munich— K. baier. Akad der Wiss.— Hist. Cvinmis. Die Chronikeu der deutschen Stiidte, V. 19, 1884.) ' 943 24 De-Toscani, Giuseppe. Baldassar, dramma lirico; musica di Teodulo Mabeilini. Firenze, [1852]. D. 24 p. 852 1 Deutsch, J. Die iJberschwemmung und ihre Ursachen; Anschauungen iiber die Donau-Re- gulirung bei Wien, 1876. Wien, 1877. Q. «?. 551.48 28 Deutsche Bibliothek, see Kurz, H. Deutsche Classiker des Mittelalters, see Pfeif- fer, F. DEUTSCHER ORDEN, .see TEUTONIC ORDER. Deutsches Ileldenbuch. Berlin, 1866-73. 4 v. in 1. O. 831 14 Contenlf: 1. Blterolfund Dietlieb: von 0. Jiiniclce.— Laurlii;— Walberan; von F. Roth. 2. Alpliurts Tod;— Dictrichs Klucht;— Rabensohlacht; von K Martin. 8-4.. Ortiill;— Wolfdietriche; von A. Amelung und O. Jiinlcke. DEUX 175 DICTYS Les deux amis, dranie, see Beaiiniarchais, P. A. C. de, ' Devantier, Franz. Ueber die Lautverschiebung und das Verhiiltnis des Hochdeutschen zum Niedeideutsclien. Berlin, 1881. O. 44 p. il. (In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 16 Serie.) 0*3 1 DEVELOPMENT, set EVOLUTION. De Vere, SlaxJniiliaii Scheie. Studies in Eng- lisii. New York, 1867. O. 420 6 Devic, L. Marcel. Dictioimaire etyinologique des mots d'origine orientale. {In Littre, M. P. E. Diotioiiuaire, Supplement. 1877.) 443 5 Deviceiizi, d. Delle commissioni parlamentari d" inchiesta, e di alcune altre riforme nel go- veriu). Firenze, 1866. Q. 328 1 DEVICES, (wiovio, P. Ragionamento sopra i niotti e disegni d' arme e d' amore, clie comu- neniente chiamo imprese. Milano, 1863. S. {/;( UibL rara. 5.) 850 3 DEVIL. Defoe, D. Tlie political liistory of the devil. (/)( /((s Novels, 1840-1, V. 10.) 823 7 The devil is an ass, a comedy, see Johusoii, B. Devilliers, L. Manifestations de la poesie pro- vencjale. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Davit, Viucenzo. Sulla distinzione tra i Brit- ton i o Britanni dell' isola e...del continente, dissertazione 2. n. p. [,187-J. O. 98 p. 944 57 Devizes, Richard of. De rebus gestis Ricardi primi. {In Howlett, R. Chronicles, 1884-9, v. 3; wi (it, Bl'. — Master of Rolls. Chron. and mem. 83.) 942 8 Le devocion de la cruz. see Calderon. v. 1. DEVOTIONS. The myroure of Oure Ladye: containing a devotional treatise on divine ser- vice, with a translation of the offices used by the sisters of the Brigittine monastery of Sion at Ilesworth, 1.5th and 16th centuries; edited by J. H. Blunt. London, 1873. O. facsim. (In E. E. text soc. E-Mtra ser. 19.) 820 5.1 See also MASS. DEW. Tomlinson, C. History of the modern theory of dew. {In his Exper. essays. 1863.) 539 3 — AVells, W. C. {In his Two essays. 1818.) 535 4 Dexter, Franklin. Pictures and painters; es- says upon art; the old masters and the mod- ern artists. [Anon.] New York, 1849. O. 750 4 Le prince Dgem, see Arnaud, V. DIABASE. Cossa, A. Sulla diabase peridoti- fera di Mosso nel Biellese. (In Rome — R. ac- cad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 Diago, Francisco. Anales del reyno de Valen- cia; tomo primo, hasta la muertedel rey Jayme el conquistador. Valencia, 1613. Q. 946 60 No more published. — Historia de los victoriosissimos antiguos con- des de Barcelona. Barcelona, 1603. F. 946 57 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Rare et recherche." DIALECTS. See DUTCH; ENGLISH; FRENCH; GERMAN; ITALIAN; a&o CATALAN; CREOLE; XEGRO-ENGLISH; PKOVENI^'AL; ROMANSH; SAXON; SCOTCH. Dialoghi educativi, see ALfaui, A. Scene. Dialogo della creanza delle donne, see Plcco- lomini, A. DIALO(JUE. Tasso, T. Dell' arte del dialogo, discorso. (In his Dialoghi, 1833, v. 1.) 851 117 See also Leopiirdi, G. ; Luciiiiius; Plato; ViwN and virtues. A dialogue against the feuer pestilence, see BuUeu, W. Dialogue aux enters entre Machiavel et Mon- tes(iuieu; par un contemporain. Bru.xelles, 1864. D. 320 5 The dialogue betweene a doctor of divinitie and a student in the lawes of England, 1638, see St. (Jeruian, C. The dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus, see Solomon. A dialogue on wit and folly, see Heywood, J. Dialogues des morts, see Fonteiielle, B. le B. de. Der Diamant, Lustspie!, see Engel, J. J. v. 6. II diamante, commedia, see Cecclii, 0. M. v. 1. DIAMOND NECKLACE. Carlyle, T. (In his Essays, 1860, v. 4.) 824 8 DIAMONDS. Kleefeld,— . Der Diamant. Ber- lin, 1876. O. 38 p. (7. {In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortriige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 La Diana, see Monte-mor, J. Diana, bly-eynde-spel, see Ki'ul, J. H. The diary of an ennuyee, see Jameson, A. M. Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva Espana. Nueva edicion. Paris, 1837. 4 v. D. 972 3 Dibdin, Thomas Frognall,edirlin, 1881. O. 30 p. {In same. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Diercgodfjaf, Scger. De Trojaensche oorlog; 13e eeuw. {In Bloniniaert, J. P. M. Oudvlaem- Bcho gedichten, 1838-51, v. 1.) 839.31 3 Dierniissen, J. Ut de Musskist; plattdeutsclie lieimc, Spriiclie und Ge.schichtchen aus Nor- dalbingien. Kiel, 1862. D. 80 p. 839.4 3 Diost, W. von. Von Pergamon liber den Dindy- mos zum Pontus. Gotha, 1889. sqQ. pi. maps. (In Petermanns MittheUnngen: Erganzungs- band 20.) 910 44 Diestel, Lndwig. Die Sintflut und die Flut- sagen des Alterthums. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. [In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 DIET, Cornaro, L. A treatise on temperance and sobriety. {In Herbert, G. Remains, 1836.) 828 14 Dietericli, Udo Waldeniar. Runen-Sprach- Schatz: oder, Worterbuch iiber die iiltesten Sprachdenkmale Skandinaviens. Stockholm, [pref. 1844]. O. 439.61 5 Dietlicb, see Biterolf und Dietlieb. Dietrich, Franz Ednard Christian. Altnordi- sches Lesebucli, bis zum 14 Jahrhundert; mit Grammatik und Glossar. Leipzig, 1843. O. 1 — Henrici Leonis commentatio: Quae de seipso Cynevulfus poeta Anglosaxonicus tradiderit. (/« Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 18.59.)— The Teutonic name-system applied to the fami- ly names of France, England and Germany, by R. Ferguson, (In same. v. 7, 1866.) 80.5 1 — Ueber die Aussprache des Gothisclien. Mar- burg. 1862. O. 439.9 3 [Dietrich of Bern :] Didrik af Berns Saga. {In Rafn, C. C. Nordiske Fortids Sagaer, 1829-30, v. 3.) 839.63 19 — Same. {In his Nordiske Ksempe-Historier, 1821-6, V. 2.). 839.63 30 — Sagan om Didrik af Bern: utgifven af Gun- nar Oluf Hylten-Cavallius. Stockholm, 18.50-4.' O. (/i( Svenska forn.-sal. Samlingar, v. 5.) 839.7 3 — Wilkina saga; eller, Historien om Konung Thiderich af Bern, samt Niflunga sagan; in Svecicam atque Latinam translata, opera Jo- hannis Peringskiold. Stockholmis, 1715. F. 839.63 70 —Same, bound with v. 2 of 839.63 18.1 Dietrichs Almen und Flucht zu den Heunen. {In Hagen, F. H. von der. Der Helden Buch. 1825.) 831 6 Dietrichs Flucht: herausgegeben von Ernst Martin. (In Deutsches Heldenbuch, 1866-73, v. 2.) 831 14 Dietsch, Rudolph. Versuch iiber Thukvdides. Leipzig, 1856. O. 67 p. 888 11 Containing 'Die Volksversammlung in Sparta. Thulty- dides 1. 67-87.' with German translation and notes. Dietz, Conrad. Annales; oder, Historische Chronick der Fiirsten und Erzhertzogen zu Oesterreich, von Rudolpho I. biss auff Caroluni v.; erstlich durch Gerardum de Roo zusafii getragen, nachmals auff Unkosten C. Dietzen ausgangen, auch in unser teutsclie Sprach ubersetzt. Auspurg, 1621. F. //. 043 38 Diez, Friedrich Christian. Ein altprovenza- lisclioB Prosa WELL Dit is de genochlike Garde der suntheyt, 1520, see Ciibn, J. Ditinarscli. Consuetudines & leges Ditmarso- runi anti(iuissinia>, 1447: Landes Boke tlio Det- mersclieu; accedunt Jura Busumeusia aggera- lia, 1455. — Diplomatariuni Ditmarsicum, 1228- 1559. (/)( Westphaleii, E. .[. von. Monumeuta, 1739-45, V. 3.) 943 21 — Van del' lehre des Reinen Godtlichen wordes, und Christlicher Ordeming und Carenionienn in den Kercken unsers Landes Didtmaischen; [135 articles, issued by Frederick II., 15.59':']. F. 139 p. 091 2 Ms. on paper. 31x18 cm., bound in vellum ms. on the front of wbich is written in letters nearly effaced: Bidthmarscliens Landreciit. Tlie pases ha\'e red border, initials and lieadinffs. The last two leaves art^ without rubricatiou. and are writren in ant'ther liaiid <>n a differ- ent paper. On the lower mar;; in nf tlie lirst pa;^e are the words: ItelTuarus Dorn D possessor. The last nine paffes are Re^Mster auer diesse vorher^ande Artikel. On the same paper as the last two leaves of the index follow 90 paees of ms. in various hands containing laws and or- dinances pertaining to Ditmarsch, 142a-lti:ii0. — Bericlit eiues Augenzeugen iiberdie Erobe- rung Dithmarschen's. (/n Scllles>vig:...(«eselI- schaft. Arcliiv. T, 3, 1.S37.) 943 42 — Bolten, J. A.DitniarsischeGeschichte. Flens- burg, 17H1-2. 2 v. D. tab. 943 50 — Haiisseii, J., & Wolf, H. CliioniU des Landes Dithmarsclien. Hamburg, 1833. O. 943 51 — Koster, .J. A. Johann Adolfi's,genannt Neoco rus.Cbronik des Landes Ditbniarsclien; heraus- gegeben von F. E. Dahlmann. Kiel, 1827. 2 V. O. 1^. map. 943 49 — Michelseii, A. L. J., editor. Urkundenbuch zur Geschicnte des Landes Ditmaischen. Alto- na, 1834. sqQ. pi. 943 52 — Molbech, C. Historie oin Ditmarskerkrigen Aar 1500, ogDitmarskens Erobring under Fre- derikll.; nied en historisk Udsigt over asldre Tider. Kiobenliavn, 1813. D, 943 53 — Petersen, J. Cbronica der Lande zu HoLsten, Stonnarn, Ditmarschen und Wagern bis in 1531. Franckfurt a. M., 1557. Q. 943 44 — Rlisse, J. Fraginenta 35 reruni Dithniarsica- rum, 1040-1595. por. pi. (In Wesfplialen, E.J. Ton. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 21 — Sedorff, H. Ditmarsia libera; das ist, Kurtze Beschreibung des Landes Dithmarschen. 1668. (In same. v. 3.) 943 21 Le dittaniondo, see Uberti, F. degli. Dittmer, Georg: Willielin. Das heil. Geist Ho- spital zu Liibeck, von seineni Ursprung bis auf unsere Zeit. (In Sclileswig... Gesellscliaft. Archiv. v. 1, 1833.) 943 42 Diutiska, .see Graff, E. G. DIVAN. AniarijM.Su i divaiii dell' azienda nor- manna in Palermo. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. nior. v. 2, 1877-8.) 005 5 La divina commedia. sec Dante Alighieri. DIVINATIO, see ASTROLOGY. DIVINITY, .see THEOLOGY. DIVISION OF L,iBOR. Hiickel, E. H. Ueber Arbeitstheilung in Natur- und Menschenleben. Berlin, 18li9. O. 40 p. (7. pi. (In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Voitrilge. 4 Serie.) 043 1, 590 3 DIVORCE. Milton, J. The doctrine and, disci- pline of divorce. — Tetrachordon : expositions upon marriage. — The judgment of Martin Bucer concerning divorce. — Cola.sterion; a reply to a nameless answer against The doctrine of divorce. (In his Works, 1803, v. 4.) 821 78 II dlvor/io, commedia, see Alfleri, V. Dix, .John Adams. A winter in Madeira, and a summer in .Spain and Florence. 2 edition. New York, 1851. D. pi. 914.(> 15 Dixuuide, Olivier van. Merkwaerdigegebeurte- nissen, vooral in Vlaendereii en Brabant, 1377- 1443; met voorrede, aenteekeningen, lyst van woorden, en tafel, door J. J. Lambin. Ypre, 1835. sqQ. 949 22 Dixon, James Henry, editor. Ancient poems, ballads and songs of the peasantry of England. London, 1846. U. (In Percy soc. v. 17.) 820 6 Scottish traditional versions of ancient ballads. London, 1845. D. (In same. v. 17.) 820 6 Deloney, T. The garland of good-will. 1851. (//i same. V. 30.) 820 6 Djnrberg, Daniel. Beskrifning om Svearike. Htuckliolm, 1806-8. 4 v. D. 914.8 29 Dobbert, Ednard. Die monumentale Darstellung der Reformation durch Rietschel und Kaul- bach. Berlin. 1869. O. 40 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 4 Serie.) 043 1 Doltel, Johann Jakob, & Vogt, C. Otium Meck- lenburgicum: seu, De Anthyrio contentio. (In Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 1.) 943 21 Dobell, Sydney Tliompson. England in time of war (; in verse]. London, 1856. D. 821 55 DOBERAN, Germany. Westphalen, E. J. von, Diplomatariuni Doberanense 1-2, 1190-1386; argnmentis & notulis instructum. pi. (In his Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Dobree, Peter Paul. Adversaria. (In Oratores Attici. 1828.) 885 1 DobrizholTer, Martin. An account of the Abi- ])ones, an equestrian people of Paraguay; from tlie Latin [by Sara Coleridge]. London, 1822. 3 V. O. 918.9 1 Dobson, William Stephen, editor, see Oratores Attici et quos sic vocant sophistae. 1828. 885 1 Docampo, Florian, see Ocani])o, F. de. Docliez, — , translator, see Hannner-Purgstall, J. von. Histoire de I'empire ottoman. 1840-2. 949 58 DOCKS. Stnart, C. B. Tlie naval dry docks of the United States. 2 edition. New Y'ork, 1852. sqF. pi. 627 25 The doctor, ;, 1SS9. O. 42 p. (/» Virchow 29 1 Notice of Mr. Marsh on p. 118. Copy presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. Douglas, ti[awlii,6is7iop of Dunkeld, translator, see Vergilius Mavo, P. ^SSneid, translated into Scottish verse. 1710, 1839. 873 5, 6 — Tytler, P. F. {In his Lives of Scottisli worthies, 1831-3, v. 3.) 920 17 Dove, Heiiiricli Wilhelm. Der Kreislauf des Wassers auf der Oberfliiche der Erde. Berlin, 1866. O. 39 p. (In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1, 551.57 1 — Ueber die Zuriickfiihrung der Temperatur- curve des Jahres auf die ihr zuGrunde liegenden Bedingungen. (In Zeitschrift fiir Meteorologie, V. 6, 1871, p. 1-6.) 551.58 48 — Ueber Eiszeit, Fohn uud Scirocco. Berlin, 1867. O. il. 551.51 2 II dovere, commedia, see Tliouar, P. D'Ovidio, Enrico, .see Ovidio. Dovizl da Bibbicna, Bernardo, see Blbblena. Dowel, Dobet et Dobest, see Langland, >V. Dowlaud, John. First, Second book of songs. 1600. (//( Collier, J. P. Lyrical i)oems from musical publications. 1844: in Percy soc. v. 13.) 820 6 Dowlina:, John, editor, see Middleton, C. Let- ter from Rome. 18.54. 282 16 DOWSE, Thomas. Mass. historical society. The Dowse library; proceedings, with the eulogy of E. Everett. Boston, 1859. O. 80 p. per. pi. 027 3 Dozy, ReinharLOosterlingen; verklarende lijst der Nederlandsche woorden die uit het Ara- bisch, Hebreeuwsch, Chaldeeuwsch, Perzisch en Turksch afkomstig zijn. 's-Gravenhage, 1807. O. 439.32 1 — <£• Engelmaini, W. H. Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais derives de I'arabe. 2 Edition augmentee. Leyde, 1869. O. 462 1 Draclimnnn, Holger. 0sten for Sol og vesten for Maane, et ^Eventvrdigt. Kobenhavn. 1880. D. " 839.81 16 DragOUIIies, N. B/os Teopytov 'OvaaiyKTwyos, ix toO 'A77\i/coi). 'Ef 'AtfTJrais, 1856. O. por. pi. map. !»23 97 DRAIXA«)!E. Clarke, J. Thorough draining as applied to a dead level. Long Sutton, 1844. D. [2+J46p. 631 8 Donald, J. Land drainage, enbankment and irrigation. New edition. London [, 1861]. D. 631 9 Dugdale, W. The history of imbanking and draining of divers fens and marshes, both in foreign parts and in this kingdom. 2 edition, revised by C. N. Cole. London, 1772. F.-* main. • 627 40.1 Frieslands boezemwater, in verband be- schouwd tot de vorgenomen aandamming van Ameland aan den vasten wal, en de wensche- lijkheid eener indijking van de Zuiderzee, Wadden en Lauwerzee. Leeuwarden, 1870. O. 23 p. 627 44 — Magnon, H. Instructions pratiques sur le drainage. Sedition. Paris, 1863. D. il. 631 10 —Marsh, G. P. The waters. (In his Earth as modified by human action. 1874.) 080 28 — Bomanln-Jacur, L. Sulla convenienza delle boniticazioniesui diversi mezzi perconseguirle. Padova, 1872. D. 80 p. (7. 631 13 —Staring, W. C. H. Het droogleggen van landerijen. Haarlem, 18.55. D. 40 p. (7. 627 45 — Vilovo, J. R. S. von. Die Entsumpfung der Niderungen der Tlieiss und des Banats; Vor- trag. 2 Auflage. Wien, 1875. O. 40 p. map. 627 44 *,> rt/.so BEEMSTER; DIKES; TONS; FICIXO; HAAR- LEM LAKE; HVDR.ilILlO EXCilNEEBIXO; IKRHJATIO.V; ,(l'RA; MARKMMK; RIVERS; ZUIDEIOl'iE. Drake, Daniel. Pioneer life in Kentucky; ^a series of letters: edited with notes and a bio- graphical sketch by his son, Charles D. Drake. Cincinnati, 1870. O. por. 976 1 — Mansfield, E. D. Memoirs of Drake; with notices of the early settlement of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1855. "O. por. 926 3 DRAKE, Sir Francis. Expedition de F. Drake en Amerique, (In Sauvage, J. Memoire. 1855.) 973 20 — Leng, R. Sir F. Drake's service against the Spaniards, 1587; now first edited, with appen- dix, l>y G. Hopper. 1863. (In Camden misc. 5; in Camden soc. 87.) 820 4 — Lives and voyages of Drake... New York, 1832. S. por. ' 910 64 — Maynarde, F. Sir F. Drake his voyage, 1595; with the .Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico; edited by W. D. Cooley. London, 1849. O. 12+8-1-65 p. (In Hakluyt soc. Works. 4.) 973 19 Drake, Nathan. A journal of the first and se- cond sieges of Pontefract castle, 1644-5; with an appendix relating to the third siege. Dur- ham, 1801. O. map. (/h Surlees soc. Miscel- lanea; in its Pub. 37.) 820 7 DRAMA. Beanniarchais^ P. A. C. de. Essai sur le genre dramatique serieux. (In his Theatre. 1846.) 842 1 — Lessing, G. E. Dramaturgische Werke. (In 7i).s-Werke, 1823-5, v. 12-15.) 832 6 —Torres di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Osserva- zioni iii((irno al ihammn di Alessandro e Ti- moteo. (In his Opere, 1815-2(1, v. 3.) 858 5 .SVv «/«« (((MEDV; TUACJEDV. A drama of exile, .see Browning, E. B. B. Dramatis person.'i?, see Browning, R. DRAPER 183 DU BARTAS Draper, Joliii William. History of tlie conflict between religion and science. 8 edition. Lon- don, 1877. D. (Internat. .sci. series. 13.) 215 3 Draper, William. Life of Adam Smitii. London, 1880. ()'. ■i-2 p. (Lib. of nseful knl.) !)23 iU.l Tlie (Irapler's letters, see. Swift, .1. v. 2. DRAWING. Allstoii, W. Outlines and sketch- es. Boston, 18.50. obF.» [3] p. pi. 740 1 — Hcuke, W. Zeichnen und Sehen. Berlin, 1871. O. 47 p. {In Vireliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. SSerie.) 043 1 —Meyer, B. Die Beziehnngen der Gevverije- zeiclmenschulen zur Kunstindustrie und zur Volksbilduug. Berlin, 1870. O. 32 p. (In same. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Ruskiii, J. Notes, 1: on his [collection of] drawings by Turner; 2: on his own handwork illustrative of Turner. [Chiswick,] 1878. O. 740 3 See also Turner. .1. M. W. Drayton, Michael. The harmony of the church, 1501; edited by Alexander Dyce. London, 1843. D. [7 + ] 71 p. (Ill Percy soc. v. 7.) 820 6 — Nymphidia. — Poly-olbion. (In Soutliey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 —Poems, 160.5. [Manchester,] 1888. sqO. (In Spenser soc. Pub. 45-6.) 821 3 —see Mirror for magistrates, pt. 3. 1815. 821 85 Dreadfiill newes; or, A true relation of the late earthquake at Callabria. London, 1638. D. [1 + ] 17 p. 6.51.22 3 DREAMS. Ericlisen, J. De somniis. (In Iris Obs. ad. anti(j. septent. 1769.) 3!>8 30 —Grimm, J. L. K. Der Tiauni von dem Schatz auf der Brucke. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, V. 3.) 408 3 —Jensen, J. Triiumen und Denken. Berlin, 1871. O. 34 p. (IH Virchow & Holtzendorft". Vortriige. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Siebeek, H. Das Traumleben der Seele. Ber- lin, 1877. O. 40 p. (Tn same. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Synesins. De insomniis. — Nicephori Gregorae conimentarius in libruni Synesii. (In /(i'.s Opera. 1612.) 208 11 See ii!m SLKKI>. Drechsler, Wolfgrang. Historia Arabum. (In Arabia. 1633.) 0i)4 59 Drei Rolandsknappen, Geschichte von den. (In Volksbiicher. 11.) 833 23 Drei Schwestern, Geschichte von den. (In same.) 833 22 Drejer, Salomon Thomas Nikolai. Flora excur- soria Hafniensis. Hafni^e, 1838. T. 581 22 Drelinconrt, Charles. The Christian's consola- tions against the fears of death: prefixed. Life of tlie author, and A true relation of the ap- parition of Mrs. Veal. Kay's 2 American edi- tion. Philadelphia, 1836. D. pi. 236 1 DRESDEN, Lehninger, J. A, Description de Dresde et de ses environs. Dresde, 1782. D. pi. map. 914.3 4 DRESS, see COSTUJIE, Drie daghe here, ene sotternie. (In Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Horae Belgicae. 1836-62, pt- 6.) 839,31 3 Driftlg' vovet halv er vundet, .sec Heiberg, J, L. Skuespil, V. 3. Drislcr, Henry, editor, see Yonge, C. D. Eng- lish-Greek lexicon. 1870. 48.S 3 Droblsch, Mori/ Wilhelni. [Various articles.] (/« Leiusic— K, saclis, (ilesell. Berichte, 1846- 53.) 016 1, 3 Les droits de la Rouiiianie, bases surlestraites» par un ancien diplomate. n. p., 1874. O. 341 9 Dr0m og Virkelighed, .sw Gyllembonri;, T. C. DROMEDARY, see CAMEL," Dronning Margareta, .see 01ilenschliiger, A G. Tragodier, v. 8. Dronning Margrete, see Ingemann, B, S. Een droom van Californie, kluchtspel, see Len- nep, J. van. Poet, werken, 10. DROPLAUGARSONA SAtJA. Thorlaciiis, B. Uudersogelse over Fliotsdadernes, eller Drop- lags Sonners, Saga. Kiobenhavn, 1828. S. [U] 64 p. 949 6 Drottning Christina, drame, see Kellgren, J. H. Drottning Ingierd; eller, Mordet pa Eljaras, see Franzen, F. M. DROWNING. Sundt, E. L. Paa Ha vet; 5te Aars-Beretning om Forlis i Troniso Bispedem- me for 1865, samt Oversigt for 1861-5. Kri- stiania, 1866. D. [3-I-] 06 p. 312 4 Droysen, Johann Gnstav, & Sannver, K. Die Herzogtiiiiiiier Schleswig-Holstein und das Konigreich Diinemark, seit 1806. 2 Auflage. Hamburg, 18.50. O. 943 41.1 Droz, Antuine Gnstave. Tristesses et sourires. 5 edition. Paris, 1884. D. 848 5 Drnde, Oscar. Die Florenreiche der Erde. Gotlia, 1884. s<|Q. [2 + ] 74 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erg'anzungsband 16.) 910 44 Drnmmond, James, 4th earl of Perth, see Perth, Drnnimond, William, [Select poems.] (In Southey, R, Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 DRUNKENNESS, see TEMPERANCE, DRURY, Sir WiUlam. Churchyard, T. The rode of Sir W. Drury into Scotland, May 1, 1571. (7u 7(fs Chips. 1817.) 9413 DRYDEN, John. Macaulay, T. B. (In his Es- says, 1843, V 1.) 824 16 Du garijon et de I'aveugle; saynete du 13e sie- cle. (In Jalirbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 DUANE, James. Jones, S. W. Memoir of J. Duane. (//( O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 4.) 974 9 Duarte, see Edward. Dubarry, Arniand. Le brigandage en Italie. Paris, 1875. D. 343 17 Du Bartas, Gnillfiume de Salnste, sieur. Les oeuvres poetiques: le tbut nouvellement r'inr- prime, avec argumens, sommaires & annota- tions augmentees par S |imon] G [oulart de] S [enlis]. [Geneva,] 1593-1601 [v. 1, 1601]. 2 v. T. il. 841 16 Ciiii/ents: I. La premiere sepmalue. 2. La seconde sepmaine —Les peres.— La loy.— llistoire de Jonas.— Histoire de Judit.— L'Uranie; ou. Muse celeste.— Le tri- omphe de la toy.— Les neuf muses Pyrenees. JJU BARTAS 184 DUFF — English: His divine weekes and other workes; translated bv Josuah Sylvester. London, 1611. sqD. " 841 10.1 Contents : Corona dedicatoria, etc. - First week.— Second week. — Urania: or, The heavenly muse.— The triumph of faith.— Tetrasticha; or. The quad- rains of U. de Faur, lord of Pibrac— Sonnets upon the peace in France.— A dialogue upon the troubles past.— .\n ode of the love and beauties of Astrffia.— Epi- gramms and epitaphes upon warre and peace.— The profit of imprisonment, by O. dela None, lord of Teli- gni.— Of the worke. author and translator [by John Davies].— Index of hardest woi-ds —The historie of Jud- ith, a poeme; Enslished by T. Hudson.— Table of wordes, The title-page is wanting. Dii Bellay, (iiiillaume cfc Martin. Memoires, l.'il.S-l?. 2^or. (Ill Micliaiidcfc Poiijoiilat. Memoi- res, 1866, V. 0.) 944 9 Dii Bellay, Joachim. La deflfenoeet illustration de la langue francoyse; texte de I'edition origi- nale avec introduction, notes et glossaire, sui- vie du Quintil horatian de Charles Fontaine, par Em. Person. Versailles, IS'^8. O. facsim. 447 16 Dabeiix, Louis. La Perse. Paris, 1841. O. jil. maps, iln Liiiiivers. 32.) 910 18 — & Yaluiout, V. Tartaria, Beloutohistan, Bou- tan et Nepal; Afghanistan, par Xavier Ray- mond. Paris, 1848. O. p/. maps. {In same. 24.) 910 18 Dublin— Abbey of St. Thomas. Register; edited by Jolin T. Gilbert. London, 1889. Q. (In (it. Br. — Master of Bolls. Chron. and mem. 94.) 942 8 — St. Mary's abbey. Chartularies: vrith the reg- ister of its house at Diinbrody, and annals of Ireland; edited John T. Gilljert. London. 1884. 3 V. y. facsim. (In same. 80.) 942 8 — Gaelic society, see (iaellc society of Diibliu. Dubois, — . Memoires des choses k la mort de Louis XIII, 1643. (In Michaiid & Poiyoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 Dubois, L.Travaux de reboisement alacharriie forestiere dans le Blesois. Blois, 1862. O. [8-I-] 83 p. 551.58 53 Dubois de Jancigny, Adolplie Pliilibert, see Jancins'iiy. Du Burguet, G. Essai sur I'aerage du tunnel des Alpes. Riberac, 1864. O. 15 p. 622 5 Du Caiige, Charles dii Fresiie, sienr. Glossari- um mediiT3 et infima: latinitatis; auctum a rao- nacliis ordinis S. Benedioti, cum supplementis P. Carpenterii, et additamentis Adelungii et aliorum; digessit G. A. L. Heiiscliel. Parisiis, 1840-57. 8 V. 8(iQ. pi. 479 2 Vol. 7. Glossariura Oallicum. tabulas, indices, disser- tationes: [v. 8.] tilossarium Latino-Germanicum, cou- cinnavit L. Diefenbacli. Diicasse, Felix. Etude historique & critique sur le transformisme. Paris, 1876. O. 575 3 Du Clercq, Jacques. Historie van Artoys, 1459- 61, aongaendc don Vuudoi.s; verduytscht door G. Basson. (//( Scot, R. Ondecking \an tovory. 1638.) i;{;j y — Memoires, 1448-67. por. (In Micliaiidtt- I'oii- joulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 3.) 944 9 Diiclos, Charles I'iiicaii. Memoires secrets sur les rcgnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV, 1710-25. por. (In same. v. 34.) 944 9 — Same. (In Barriferecfc Lesciire. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 3.) 944 10 — Memoires sur la vie de Duclos, par lui-meme. (In same. v. 37.) 944 10 Du Couret, Lonis, pseudonym Hadji-AM^ el- Hamid-bey. Les mysteres du desert; souvenirs de voyages en Asie et en Afrique: precedes d' une preface par Stanislas de Lapeyrouse. Paris, 18.59. 3 V. D. il. maps. 916.3 6 Dudevant, Amaiitine Liicile Aiirore (Diipiii), psendonym George Sand. Andre. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 18.57. D. 843 7 — Fran9ois le Champi. — Les mosaistes. Paris, 1852. D. 843 8 — Histoire de ma vie: par George Sand. Paris, 1855. 13 v. in 4. T. 928 23 — Un hiver au midi de lEurope. Bruxelles, 1841. 2 V. in 1. S. 914.S 10 — Jacques, by George Sand; translated by An- na Black well New York. 1847. 3 v. in 1. D. 843 9 — Lettres d'un voyageur. Bruxelles, 1841. 2 v. in 1. S 846 3 — Teverino. — Leone Leoni. Paris, 1856. D, , 843 10 Dudley, Arthur, jpseudonym of Blaze de Bury, M. P.R. S. Dudley, Lady Jane (Grey). The life, death and actions of Lady Jane Gray, containing foure principall discourses, written with her owne hands. London, 1615. O. 38 p. 923 45 Reprint, 18S9, of only 150 copies. Due farse del secolo 16; con la Descrizione del volume miscellaneo deila biblioteca di Wolfen- biittel contenente poemetti popolari italiani compilata dal G. Milclisack, con aggiunte di A. d' Ancona. Bologna, 1883. (In Scelta di cu- riosita. 187.) " 850 10 I due gemelli veneziani, commedia, see Goldo- iii, C. V. 23. Due novelle aggiunte in un codice del 1437 con- tinente 11 decamerone di Boccaccio. Bologna, 1866. D. 134-71 p. (/h Scelta di curiosita. 71.) 850 10 Contents: Giovanni Cavedone e Elisa degli Onesti da Ravenna.— Bonaocorso di Lapo Giovanni. Due opuscoli rarissimi del secolo 16. Bologna, 1865. D. 31 p. (ire same. 91.) 850 10 Contents: ProTerbii attiladi novi — Rilio, I). Li nomi di provintie e citta. Diiellaiiteriie, komisk Syngestykke, see Over- skou, T. DUELLlisG. Braiitome, P. de. B. de. Discours sur les duels. (In his CEuvres, 1838, v. 1.) 920 5 — Lea, H. C. The wager of battle. (In his Su- perstition and force. 1870.) 340 4 — Wager of battle. — De materia duelli. (In Gt. Br.- Admirally. Black book, 1S71-6, v. 1; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Clu-on. and Mem. 55.) 942 8 Diielos de amor y lealtad, see Caldcroii. v. 4. The duenna, a comic opera, see Sheridan, R. B. B. Diifr, Moiintstiiart Elpliiiisttiiie < March IHTB. Du Fosse, Tliomas. Menioires du sieur tie Pon- tis, 1597-1053. (In Michaud & Poiijoiilat. Me- moires, 1866, v. 30.) 944 9 Du Fouilloiix, Jacques. La venerie; precedee de notes. Angers, 1844. O. il. 799 5 Dufoar, Charles, * Porel, F. A. Recherclies sur la condensation de la vapeur a(iueuse de 1' air au contact de la glace, et sur I'evaporation. Lausanne, 1871. O. [l + ]64p. p/. 5.)1.571 Dngdale, .S'u- William. The liistory of embank- ing and draining of (livers fens and niarslies. Sedition, revised by Charles Nalson Cole. London, 1773. F.'' inajts. 627 40.1 —The visitation of the county of York, 1665-6. Durham, 1859. O. {In Surtees SOC. 36.) 820 7 With this is bound the following; — Armytage, (i. J. Index to The visitation... London, 1873. O. [34-] 40 p. Dug'iiay-TrouiiuRene.^Kinoires, 1689-1710.j)or. (In Midland it I'oujoiilat.Menioires, 1866, v. 33.) 944 9 DU GUESLIN, Bertrand. Cliioiiique de Du Gueslin. (In Biiehon, J. A. C. Choix de chro- niques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 Le Fevre, J. Anciens menioires du 14e siecle de la vie du B. Du Guesclin. por. (In Michaud & Poiyoiilat. Memoires, 1860, v. 1.) 944 9 With Notice sur Du Guesclin, and Pieces relatives. Du Otiez, (JUes. An introductorie for to lerue to rede, to pronounce and to speke French trewly. (In Paisgraye, J. L'eclaircissment. 1853.) 447 15 Du Hausset,— wiodame/ Memoires. {In Bar- liere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 3.) 944 10 Dujardiu, Edward, illustrator, see the works of Conscience, H. 839..33 4-18 Duker, Karl Andreas, editor, see Thucydides. 1731. 888 4.1 Et Dukkelijeni, Skuespil, see Ibseu, H. Dalaure, Jacques Antoine. Fragment des Sou- venirs sur les journees des 31 mai et 3 juin 1793, et sur la proscription des Girondins. (In Barri- ere D DUMB. DUMERIL, Andr(5 Marie Constant. Flonrens, M. J. P. Eloge historique d' A. M. 0. Dumeril. {In Paris— Institut. Acad, des sci. Mem. v. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 Du Meril, fidelestand Pontas. La vie et les ou- vrages de Wace. (//i Jahrbuch r'lin. u. eng.Lit. V. 1, 18.59.)— Ludus iSancti Jacobi, fragment de mvstere provenc;al, p. Arnaud. (In same. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Dumont, Aristlde. Des travaux pulilics dans leurs rapports avec I'agriculture. Paris, 1847. O. «3() 13 Dumont de Bostaquet, Isaac .Vntoine. Memoires inedits sur les temps qui out precede et suivi la revocation de Tedit de Nantes; publies par Charles Read et Frcis Waddington. Paris, 1864. O. 944 30 Duniouriez, Charles Fran28 8 — Traite d'hvdraulique et de geologie agricoles. Paris, 1868. " O. pi. 631 6 Diiprat, Pierre Pascal. II parlamento italiano; versione dall" originale francese di G. A. Rossi. Torino, 1862. O. 328 3 — editor, see Annuario di econoniia sociale. 1863. 314 3.1 Dnpre, Giovanni. Pensieri suU' arte e ricordi autohiogratic-i. Firenze. 1879. D. 927 9 Dnpreau, Oabriel, translator, see Willernins. Histoire de la guerre sainte. 1574. 940 11 Du Piig'et, Antoiue, sieur de Saint-Marc. Mi-- nioires coucernant les troubles de religion dans le midi de la France, 1561-97. {In Michaud ct Poiijoulat. llemoires. 1866, v. 6.) 94-1 9 Diipuit, Arseiie Jules £tieune Juvenal. Des inoudations: exanien des moyens proposes pour en prerenir le retour. Paris, 1858. O. pZ. map. 551.48 31 — Polree, A. Queliiues mots de reponse a Des inondations par Dupuit. Paris, 1858. O. 31 p. 2>l. 551.48 31 Durand, Jolin Fraiieis. Genuine and curious memoirs of the famous Captain Thurot. 1760. (In Percy s<)C. v. 31.) 820 6 Durand de Maillane, Pierre Tonssaint. Me- moires sur la Convention nationale.(/ji Barriers cfcLescure. Memoires, 1857-8J, v. 36.) 944 10 Durant, Simon, <£• others. Album arclieologique et description des monuments historiques du Gard; par Durant, Henri Durand et Eugene Laval. Nimes, 1853. F. j)/. mai>. 913 35 Dureau de la Malle, Adolplie Jules Cesar Au- guste. L'Algerie; histoire des guerres des Ro- mains, des Byzantins et des Vandales. Paris, 1S52. D. 939 6 — Lettera sopra le due Gerusalemme di Tori|Uato Tasso.(/ji Robert, mmik. La guerra.l825.)099 36 — * Yanosiji, J. Carthage. 1844. pi. maj>.'^. (In L'univers. 3.) 910 18 DiiRER, Albrecht. Grimm, H. F. Albreclit Diirer. Berlin, 1866. O. 46 p. (/uVircbow <& Holtzeiidorft". Vortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Posonyi, A. Catalog der Diirer-Sammhnig. [Wien, 1867.] Q. 10+79 p. 7«1 4 — Retberg, R. L. von. Diirers Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte; ein kritisches Verzeichnis. Miin- chen, 1871. Q. jj/. 7(51 3 Diirer, IJernardo. Cenni idrologici e conside- razioni attiiii. Como. 1871. Q. [l+]Uip. 551.48 19 bound with 551.2 3 Durham. The acts of the high commission court within the diocese. Durham, 18,58. O. {In Surtees soc. 34.) 820 7 —Bishop Hatlield's survey, a record of the pos- sessions of the see; with an ai)pendix of origi- nal documents and a glossary, by William Greenwell. Durham, \H^7. O. {In same. 33.) 820 7 — BoMon buke; a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, 1183: with translation, ap- pendix of original documents and glossary, by William Greenwell. Durham, 1853. O. (hi same. 35.) 820 7 — Catalogi veteres librorum ecclesias catlie- dralis Dunelm.; including catalogues of the library of the alibey of Hulne, and of mss in the library of Bishop Casin at Durham. Lon- don, 1838. O. {In same. 1.) 820 7 — Churchwardens' accounts of Pittington and other parishes in the diocese of Durham, ].j80- 1780. Durham, 1888. O. {Jn same. 84.) 820 7 — Depositions and other ecclesiastical pn)ceed- ings from the couits of Durham, f;om 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth. London, 1845. O. (In same 31.) 820 7 — The Durham household book; or, Accounts of the bursar of the monasterv of Durham, 1530-4. London, 1844. O. [In .mine. 18.) 820 7 — Feodarium prioratus Dunelmeusis; a survey of the estates of the prior and convent, 15th century. Durham, 1873. O. (/)( same. 58.) 820 7 — Halmota prioratus Dunelmensis; containing extracts from the halmote court or manor rolls of the prior and convent of Durham, 1296- 1384. Durham, 1889. v. 1. O. (In same. 82.) 820 7 — The injunctions and other ecclesiastical pro- ceedings of Richard Barnes, bishopof Durham, 1575-87. Durham, 18.50. O. (In same. 22.) 820 7 — Liber vita? ecclesife Dunelmensis; nee non obituaria duo. London, 1841. O. {In same. 13.) 820 7 — Same. (In Sweet, H. Oldest English texts. 1885; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 83.) 820 5 — The obituary roll of William Ebchester and John Burnliy, priors of Durham, with notices of similar records, from 1533 downwards, let- ters of fraternity, &c. Durham, 1856. O. facsim. (In Surtees soc. 31.) 820 7 — Registrum palatinum Dunelmense; the reg- ister of Richard de Kellawe. lord palatine and bishop of Durham. 1311-16: edited by Sir Thom- as DufFus Hardy. London, 1873-8. 4 v. Q. (hi (it. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 62.) 942 8 — Rituale ecclesiae Dunelmensis [Latin and Anglo-Saxon]. London [,1840]. O. fac.tim. (In Surtees soc. 10.) 264 2.1, ,820 7 — SanctUarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense. London, 1837. O. il. pi. (In same. 5.) 820 7 ^A description or briefe declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites and customes [of] the monastical church of Durham. 1593. Lon-. don, 1843. O. (In same. 15.) 820 7 — Raine, J., editor. Ilistoria- Dunelmensis scrip- tores tres: (iaufridus de Cohlingham, Robertus de Graystanes et Willielmus de ('liambre. Lon- don. 1839. O. (/(( same. 9.) 820 7 •^Synieon,'//i'/(fc- Tlistoria ('cclesia> Punhelnien- sis: eadcm dedui-ta nd 1144: v.arii trnctatus de S. Cuthbertoet Dunelmo. (hi 7i/.s Opera, 1882-5, v. 1: in Gt, Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 75.) 942 8 See ditto Cosin, .!.; Er.RO-E>(iLISH. DUTCH {early) LANGUAGE. Hoffman von Fal- lersleben, A. H. Glossarium Belgicuni. (In his Horae Beigicae, 1836-62, pt. 7.) 839.31 2 — Oiidemaiis, A. C. Bijdragetot een Middel-en Oudiiederlaiidsch woordenboek. Arnheni. 1869- 80. 7 V. O. 439.37 4 — Sclineren, G. van der. Teuthonista; of, Duytschlender; uitgegeven door wylen C. Boonzajer, met eene voorrede van J. A. Cling- nett. Leyden, 1804. sqQ. 439.37 6 — Verwijs, E., & Verdani, J. Middelneder- landsch woordenboek. 'i-Gravenhage. 1885-9. V. 1-2. Q. 439.37 8 A-G completfri; the rest to be sent as published. — Vries, M. de. Middelnederland.sch woorden- boek. 's-Gravenhage, 1864-5. 3 pt. Q. 439.37 7 A-Anxt. No more published. For substitute see Ver- wijs tfc Vcrdnni. — — Proeve van Middelnederlandsche taalzui- veritig; voorbereidende opuierkingen voor de aanstaande uitgave van een middelneflerlandsch woordenboek. Haarlem, 1856. O. 439.37 5 DUTCH LANGUAGE. Gambs, J. H. G. Ollen- dorff's neue Methode: Anleitung zur nieder- landischen Sprache. 3 Auflage von D. Schram. Frankfurt a. M., 1873. D. 439.38 1 — .lager^ A. de. Latere verscheidenlieden uit het gebied der Nederduitsche taalkunde. De- venter, 1858. O. 439.33 3 — — editor. Archief voor Nederlandsche taal- kunde. Amsterdam, 1847-54. 4 v. O. 439.3 1 — — — Nieuw Archief voor Nederlandsclie taalkunde. Amsterdam, 1855-6. O. 439.3 2 —Kate, L. ten. Aenleiding to de kennisse van het verlievene deel der Nederduitsche s|)rake. Amsterdam, 1733. 3 v. sqQ. ilfp. 439.3 4 — Meijer, J. D. Memoire sur I'origine de la difference relative a. I'usage de la langue fla- mande ou wallone dans les Pays-Bas. | Amster- dam, 1835.] sqQ. p. 435-491. 439.3 5 — Verveer, E. De vermakelijke sjiraakkunst, om de Ne lingua: Schat der Neder-duytsclier spraken:Thresor du langage bas-alinan: traduict eu francjois & en latin. Antverpia?, 1573. sqO. 439.33 7 — —Vries, M. de. Ontwerp van een Neder- landsch woordenboek; verslag der commissie van het 3de Nederlandsch letteikundig congres, 31 Aug. 1851. Groningen, 1853, O. (6 +] 90 [-t- 1] p. 439.33 4 Verslag der redactie van het Neder- landsch woordenboek, 1854-62; in hef 4-7 Ne- derlandscli letterkundig congres, 1854-63. Haar- lem, 1854-62. 4 V. in 1. O. 439.33 4 & others. Woordenboek der Neder- landsche taal. 's Gravenhage, 1882-.Q. 439.33 5 Vol 1-4 complete; other volumes unfinished; the re- maining parts to be sent aa published. —ETYMOLOGY. Dozy, R. Oosterlingen : ver- klarende lijst der Nederlandsche woorden die uit het Arabisch, Hebreeuwsch, Chaldeeuwsch, Perzisch en Turkseh afkomstig zijn. 's-Graven- hage, 1867. O. 439.32 1 — — Roncourt, T. J. E. Proeve van Neder- landsche woordafleidkunde. Mechelen. 1873. D. 439,32 2 Terwen, J. L. Etymologisch handwoor- denboek der Nederduitsche taal. Gouda. 1844. O. 439.32 3 -GRAMMAR. Bilderdijk, W. Nederlandsche spraakleer. 's Gravenhage, 1826. O. 439.35 1 — —Brill, W. G. Nederlandsclie spraakleer; klankleer, woordvorming, aard en verbuiging der woorden. 3 uitgave. Leiden, 1860. O. 439.35 3 — — Chang'iiion, A. N. E. De Nederlandsche taal in Zuid-Afrika hersteld. Kaapstad. 1844. O. 439.35 3.1 Dale, J. H. van. Nederlandsche spraak- kunst. Schoonhoven, 1868. S. 439.35 3 — — Kiiyper, G. Elements de giammaire neer- landaise. Nouvelle edition. La Have. 1870. D. 435.35 4 I) UTCH LANG TTA GE 188 DYES —SPELLING. Winkel, L. A. te. De giond- beginselen der Nederlandsche spelling. 2 druk. Leiden, 1865. O. 439.31 1 DUTCH iearhj-) LITERATURK. Hoffmann von Fallei-sleben, A. H., editor. Horae Belgicae. Hannoverae, 1886-6;^. 13 pt. in 3 v. O. facsim. 839.31 2 Por contents see Hoffmann von Fallcrsletoii. — Vereeniisiiig: ter bevorderlnir der oude Neder- landsche letterkiinde. Verslageii ea beiigten. Leiden, 1844-8. v. 1-5. O. 839.3 6 Werken. Leiden, 1844-8. 17 pt. in 11 v. O. 839.3 7-13 For contents see Tereeniging. See also Fersnut; Proverhia oommnnia; Reynard the fox. DUTCH LITERATURE. Jonckbloet, W. J. A. Geschichte der niederlaudischen Literatur. Deutsche Ausgabe von W. Berg, niit Vorwort und Verzeichniss der Schriftsteller von E. Martin. Leipzig, 1870-2. 2 v. O. 839.3 15 — yioten, J. van. Beknopte geschiedenis der Nederlandsche letteren. Tiel, 1865. O. 839.3 13 See also FLKMISH llTEUATinE. —DRAMA. Hoffmann von Fallersleben, A. H. Altneiderlaiidiscbe Schaubtiline; abele spelen ende sotternieu. (//( 7( is Horae Belgicae, 1836- 62, pt. 6.) 839.31 3 See a/so nckkcr. E. I).; Krul, .). H.; I*nnep. .1. van; Von- del, J. ran den. —FICTION. See Beet,'), >'.; Ber^niann, A.: Broaner, P. A. S. v. L.; Conscience, H. ; Dekon. A.; Dekker, E. I». : Lennep, .). van; Ixiveline. I{ ,(■ V. ; Sleeckx; «oli; E. B. —MISCELLANEOUS. See KekcM, A.; Dekker, E. !>.; Fokke. A. S. ; Venveer, E.; Wolf. E. B. — POETRY. Bloemeii der vaderlandsche poezij. 4 druk. Amsterdam, 1864. T. jj/. 839.311 Hoffman von FaUersleben, A. H., editor. Horae Belgicae. Hannoverae, 1836-62. 12 pt. in 3 V. O. facsim. 839.31 3 — — Jonckbloet, W. J. A. Geschiedenis der middelnederlandsche dichtkunst. Amsterdam, 1851-4. 3 V. O. 839.31 5 — — Kausler, E. yon,, editor. Altniederliindi- sche Gedichte des 13-15 Jahrhunderts. Tiibing- en, 1844-66. 3 v. O. facsim. (In his Denknui- ler. T. 3-3.) 839.31 4 — — LonfrfeUoH', H. W. Dutch language and poetry. (In his Poets and poetry of Europe. 1845.) ,S08 1.1 See also Aken, H. van ; Beets, N. ; Bocndale, J. ; Brit, G CHAIiI,EMA(J>E; Cliristina, St.: Daulzenliers, .J. JI.; Bekcn A.; (iinestet, P. A. de; lleelu, .1. van; Klerk, .1. de; Krnl, J H.; Jioinaii van Lancelot; Leniiep. .1. van; Maerlaiit, .J. van Ollefen, L.vnn; Pennine; Potter. I).; Keinichi-onik van Flan dern; Staes. ,J.; Stoke, JI.; TollenN. II. ('.; Vondel, J. van den; Voslaert, P.; Waclitendorp*, S. ; V/illem van Ili/degaers- here.h: Wolt, E. B. —ROMANCES. Beigh, L. P. C. van den. De Nederlandsche volksroraaiis: eene bidrage tot de geschiedenis onzer letterkunde. Amster- dam, 1837. (). 839.3 14 — — Jonckbloet, W. .T. A. Geschiedenis der midilehicderlandsi-he dichtkunst. Amsterdam, 1851-4. :i V. O. S39.31 5 Seeaho FanNt,.!,; Iluon of Bordeaux; IlejnanI tlif fox. Dll Tinet(/:r/^»,TiIins), Jean. Ue rebus Galli- cis. (In Resimblicafiallia!. 1626.) 094 37 Dutot, — . Reflexions politiques surle conimerce et les finances. (In Daire, E. Economistes. 1851.) 336 9 Du Trieu de Terdonck, Charles. Dissertation sur les nieilleurs moyens de fertiliser les landes de la Campine et des Ardennes. [Brussels? 1846V] s(iQ. 33 p. 631 17 Diitschke, Hans. Musikalische Zusfande in Italien. (In Hlllebrand, K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 Duval, Alexandre Vincent Pineii. Les projets de mariage; ou, Les deux ofKciers, comedie en un acte [French and Danisli]. (In Borriiig:, L. S. Conversations fr. et dan. 1836.) 439.88 3 Duval, Jules. Les societes cooperatives. (In Thevenin, E. Cours d"econ. indust. 3 serie. 1866.) 330 18 Duval, Valentin Jamerai. Oiuvres; precedees des memoires sur sa vie [by F. A. de Kocli]. S. Petersbourg, 1784. 3 v. O. it. por. 846 3 Duvevrier, Charles. La civilisation, (/n Theve- nin, E. Entreliens, 1866, v. 1, p. 65-237.) 304 5,1 Duvevrier, Henri, editor, see Ann^e geographi- que, 1876-8. 910 46 Du Villars, Francois de Boyvin, baron. Memoi- res sur les guerres du Piemont. etc., 1550-69. por. (In Michaiid <£• Poujoiilat. Memoires. 1866, V. 10.) 944 9 Preceded by Notice sur Du Villars, and by his Extraits des instructions sur les affaires d'estat, etc. DWARFS, see MONSTERS. DWELLINGS. Alsber?, M. Die gesunde Woh- nung. Berlin. Ici82. O. 44 p. (In Virehow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Lette, W. A. Die Wohnungsfrage. Berlin, 1866. O. 31 p. (In same. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Dwisht, Theodore. The Roman republic of 18497 Ne«' York [,cl851]. D. jwr. 94.5 90 Dwight, Theodore WiUiani, & Marsh, G. P. Inaugural addresses in Columbia college. New York. New York, 1859. O. 93 p. 080 15 Contents: DniKht, T. W. Our municipal law. Marsh. 0. P. An apology for the study of English. Dwitflit, Timothy. 17.52-1817. Travels; in New- England and New York. New-Haven. 1821-3. 4 v. O. maps. 917.4 1 Dwig'ht, Timothy. 1828—. True conservatism in respect to changes in the English and Greek text. (In Seliaff, P. Anglo-American Bible re- vision. 1879.) 220 5 Dybeck, R*cliard. Sverikes runurkunder: Upp- land. Stockholm, 1860. F.-* 30 p. /)/. 439.61 14 hound with 399 41 Dyce, Alexander, editor, see Kemp, W. Nine dales' wonder. 1840. {/« Camden see. 11.) 820 4 Skeltoii, J. Poetical works. 1843. 821 98 .sec the following pul)licationsof the Percy society: 820 6 Vol. 5. Porter. 11. The two angrv women of Abington. IS41. (i. Wotton, H. Poems, 1843. 7. Driijlon. .11. I'lic liarmony of llu- church. 1843. Dyer, >VllIiaiii I'uriier Thistlelon. Tlie needs of biologv. (//) Essays on endowment of re- search. 1876.) 378 8 DYES. Se, AMLINE BYES; BLEACIHNfi; COLOIl; EVK; PI KPLE. DYKSTRA 189 EARTH Uykstra, Waling:, editor, see Japicx, G. Frysce rymlerye. 1853 839.2 8 DYNAMICS. Battagliiii, (J. Sul movimento per una liiiea di ao ortline. (In Rome— R. accad. deiliiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v, 1, 1876- 7, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Cerruti, V. Intorno ai nioyimenti non peii- odici di un sistenia di punti niateriali. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 06.5 3 — — Intorno alle piccole oscillazioni di un corpo rigido interamente libero. (Iii same. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 06.5 4 Dyrlnnd, P. Rettelser og 0|itegnelser. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Aarboger. V. 10, 1S85.) 948 5 — Tatere og Natmandsfollj i Danmark. Kjo- benliavn, 1873. O. .397 2 Dyrlnnd, Niels Kristian Folnier. Det norske Folkesprogs Granimatik ved Ivar Asen. (In Copenliagen-K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiqua- risk Tidsskrift. v. 3. 1846-8.)— Dansk Dialect- Lexicon og Ordbog over det uorske Folkesprog. an same. v. 3, 1849-51.) 948 4 E., H. Die Einweiliung der zoologischen Station in Neapel. [Berlin, 1875.] O. p. [541-] 556. 590 3 Eadie, John. A new and complete concordance to tiie Holy Scriptures; on the basis of Cruden, with introduction by David King. 13 edition. London, 1856 O. 220 3 Eadmer, precentor of Canterhury. Historia novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de vita S. Anselmi et miraculis ejus; edited by Martin Rule. London, 1884. Q. (In Gt, Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 81.) 942 8 —Vita Sancti Dunstani. — Liber miraculorum. (In Stubhs, W. Memorials of Dunstan. 1874; in .same. 63.) 942 8 Eadwine's Canterbury psalter, see Bible— O. T. Psalms. Eannes de Aznrara, Gomes. Chronica do conde Pedro de Menezes. (In Lisbon— Academia. Collec9ao dehist. port., 1790-1824, v. 2.) 946 68 — Chronica do descobrimento e conquista de Guine; trasladada do visconde daCaiTeira; pre- cedida de uma introduc^ao, com notas, pelo visconde de Santarem. Pariz, 1841. sqQ. par. facsim. 967 1 With figured margins. EAR. Czermak, J. N. Ueber das Ohr und das Horen. Berlin, 1873. O. il. 46 p. (In Vir- chow tfc Uoltzeudorif. Vortrage. 8 Serie. ) 043 1, 534 3 — Magiins, A. Gehor und vSpraclie. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. (7k same. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — — Ueber die Gestalt des Gehororganes bei Tiiieren und Menschen. Berlin, 1871. O. 35 p. (I)t .same. 6 Serie.) 043 1,612 3 Earle, John. Micro-cosmograpiiie, editio prin- ceps, 1633; with additional cliaracters from 5 edition, 1639, and 6 edition, 1633. London, 1868. S. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 13, 820 9 Early English alliterative poems in the West- Midland dialect of the 14th century; edited, with introduction, notes and glossarial index, by Richard Morris. London, 1864. O. {In E. B. text soc. Orig. ser. 1.) 820 5 See fUiio. by the same auttior. OimayiH' and the ^een kniffht. — Lenicke, L. G. Early English poems in West- Midland dialect. (In Jahrbucli rom. u, eng. Lit. V. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Early English text society. Publications. Lon- don, 1864-91. Original series, i-97; Extra series, 1-59. O, Q & F.' il. par. j)l- facsim. maps. For earlier contents arranged numerically, see Aster catalOEne. continuation; arranged alphabetically, see Pea- body catalogue. ORIGINAL series: 820 5 Contents: 75. Catholiooii Anglicum; an English-Latin wordbook. 1483; edited by S.J. H. Hen-tage. ISKU/aesim. J6. S2, 94. .F.lfric. Livesof saints [A. -S i English]; edited by W. W. Skeat. 1881-90. pt. 1.3. 17. Beowulf; autotypes of the Cotton ms. ; with transliteration and notes by .1. Zupitza 18.---1 (^ fdi-xim. 78. (■'uriiirall, F. .1., ,l. {In VircllOYV & Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. 9 Serie.) (>43 1 Racioppi, 0. Sui tremuoti di Basilicata, die. 18.57. Napoli. 1858. O. 28 p. 651.22 1 —Roth, J. L. A. tiber die Erdbeben. Berlin, 1882. O. 40 p. {In Yirchow * Holtzendorft". Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Rottger, R. Erdbeben. Hamburg, 1889. O. 42 p. (/)( same. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Sarti, C. Saggio di congetture su i terremoti. Lucca, 1783. O. 551.22 4 — Yiven/.io, (i, Istoria e teoriade' tremuoti, in particolarc della Calabria e di Messina. 1783. Napoli, 1783. O. 2>1- map. 551.22 5 — Zurcher, F., & Margolle, E. Volcans et trenililemeiits de terre. Paris, 1866. D. (7. (Ill VUartoix, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 551.21 5 EAST. Ilcrliclot, 15. de. Bibliolhiniue orientale. Maestrichl, 1770. F.' i>50 1 Supplement, par C. Visdelou et A.Galland. [Maestrichl,! 1780. F.'' tab. 950 1 -Revue ile roricut. Paris, 1843-.58. v. 1-3,5. O. ]tl. facsini. 950 2 — -RevHO orientale et algerienne. Paris, 1852. V. 1-3. O. pi. map. 950 3 flee alMi LKVANT, and the various countries of Asia. EAST AStJLIA. Forby, R. The vocabulary of East Anglia. London, 1830. 2 v. O. por. 427 1 —Nail, J. G. An etymological and compara- tive glossarv of the dialect and provincialisms of East Anglia. London, 1866. S. 427 3 EAST INDIES, see the various countries, es- pecially INDIA. EASTER. Karls des Gfossen Kalendarium und Ostertafei, herausgegeben und erVautert von F. Piper: neljst einer Abhandlung iiber die lateini- schen und griechischen Ostercykeln des Mittel- alters. Berlin, 1858. O. pi. 264 8 — Zimpel, K. F. La pasqua della chiesa. Fi- renze. 1866. O. 264 6 Eastern church, see Greek cliuroli. EASTERN QUESTION. Auriennna, F. La questione d" oriente. [Napoli, 1876.] O. 18 [ -M] p. 949 55 — De I'orient, par un oriental. Athenes, 1853. O. 28 p. 949 55 — Le dossier russe dans la question d'orient; la politi(|ue de la Russie envers la Pologne et la Turquie. 1869. O. 947 9 — Duff, M. E. G. The eastern question; a lec- ture, 14 Nov. 1876. O. 62 p. 949 55 The situation. London [,1878.] O. 20 p. 949 55 — Ficqiielmont, C. L. de. Die religiose Seite der orientalisclien Frage. 2 Auflage. Wien, 1854. O. 281 2 — La France et la Russie; question d'orient, fevrier 18.54. Paris [,1854]. O. 947 5 Gabriel, — . Quelques mots sur la question d' orient. Athenes [,1858]. O. 23 p. 949 55 — Gioia, E. La question d'Orient, I'ltalie et le congres. Rome, 1878. O. 949 57 — La mediation en orient. Paris, 1877. O. 39 p. 949 .55 — Pouiade, E. Chretiens et Turcs. Paris, 1867. O. 949 64 — Ubiciiii, J. H. A. La question d'orient devant I'Europe. Paris, 1854. D. 949 67 — Urquliart, D. The home face of tlie "four points." London [,18.54]. O. 31 p. 947 4 *f «fto CRIMEA; RUSSIA. EASTERWINE, abbot of Weannouth and Yar- row. Bede. Vita. (/» /ha- Historian. 1722.) 274 1 Eastman, diaries Gamage. Poems. Montpelier, 1848. S. , 811 6 Eastwiek, Edward Backhouse, editor, see Lut- fnllall. Autobio-iaiibv. 18.57. i)23 61 bound with 46 Eastwood, Joiiatlian, cf Wright, W. A. The Bil)le word-book. London. I860. S. 423 2 EATA, .S7., bishop of Hc.rham. Vita S. Eatse. {In Raine, .1. Misc. biog. 1838; in Slirtees SOC. 8.) 820 7 Eaton, C'linrlotte A. Rome in the 19th century, letters written, 1H17-18. 1 American from 4 Edinburgh edition. New York, 1827. 2 v. O. 914.5 78 —Sa«ic. 5 edition. London, 18,52. 2 v. D. ;>/. iltp. (Bohn's illust. lil).) 914.5 79 EBBA, S/.. a/j/.ra.'i. Newman,.!. H., * others. (In their Lives of Eiiglisli saints, 1844-5, v. 4.) J»22 8 EBELHOLT 191 EDDA EBELHOLT MONASTERY. IHploiiiata ad ec- clesiain & inoiiasterium in Eskilsoe & coenobi- um in Ebbelliolt peitinentia. (in Langebek, J. Script, f-erum Dan. , 1773-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 Eberliard, Joliann August. Syuonymisclies Handworterbucli der deutscheu Sprache. 9 Auflage. Berlin, 1845. D. 434 1 Eberliu, Johaun. Neue Statuteu von Refornii- rung des geistliclien Standes. (/» Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 2.) S30 10 Ebermayer, Erust. Die physikalischen Einwir- kungeu des Waldes auf Luft und Boden. A- schaffenburg, 1873. v. 1. O. tab. 551.58 63 Extra-Beigabe: Graphische Darstellungen Uber den Gang der Boden- und Luft-Tempera- tur im Freien und ini Walde. Asehaffenburg, 1873. F. 551.58 63 hound with 551.31 7 Ebers, (ieorg Moritz. Ueber das liieroglyphi- sohe Schriftsysteni. Berlin, 1871. O. 36 p. il. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 6Serie.) 043 1, 419 1 Ebert, Adolf. Die englischen Mysterien. — Histoire de Tinrtuence de Shakspeare sur le theatre frani,'ais, par A. Lacroi.x.— Etudes sur les clercs de la Bazoche, par A. Fabre. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 18.59.)— Zur Geschichte der catalanischen Literatur. (In same, v. 3, 186 ).) — Die Hand.sehriften der E- scorial-Bibliotliek aus dem Gebiete der ronia- iiischen Literaturen, sowie der englischen. — Etude sur G. Chaucer comnie imitateur des trouveres. — Bibliographic des Jahres 1861. (In same. v. 4, 1863.) — Studien zur Geschichte des mittelalterlichen Dramas. 1: Die iUtesten itali- enischen Mysterien. — Le Bresil litteraire, par F. Wolf. — Philipps von Thaun Livre des crea- tures. — Bibliographic des Jahres 1862. (In same. v. .5, 1864.)— Eiu Rundtanzlied im Dialect von Maine. (In. same. v. 6, 186.5.) — Zur fran- zosischen Literaturgeschichte [,1863-8]. (In same. v. 6-9. 186.5-8.) — Histoire poetique de Charlemagne, und De Pseudo-Turpino; G. Paris. (In same. v. 7, 1866.)— Ferdinand Wolf's Bedeutung fiir die romanische Pliilologie. (In same. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 — Reviews of E. G. Sandras's Etude sur Chaucer consideree conime imitateur des trouveres, 1859: translated by J. W. V. R. Hoets. (In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 1, 1868; irt Cliancei' soc. 3 ser. 2.) 821 46 — editor, see Jalirhnch fiir romanische und englische Literatur v. 1-6, 1859-65. 805 1 Eceard, see Eckbard. Ecce homo, see Seeley, J. K. ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, see CANOX LAW. For other ecolesiaBtical subjects, st'e CHl'IU'H. Eeclestoii, Tbomas of. De adventn fratrum rainorum in Angliam. — Fragment, facsiiii. (In Monnmeuta Franciscana. 1858-83; in Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 4.) 942 8 ECHEPAUE. Bernard d'. Michel, F. X. (In his Pays Basque. 1857.) 899 1 ECHO, (lirimm, J. L. K. Uber das Echo. (In his Kleinere Scliriften, 1864-90. v. 7.) 408 2 Eck, Joliann. Epistola de ratione studiorum suorum. (In Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778- 81, V. 3.) 830 10 Eckeuberger, Blasius. Regul.-o juris Cimbnci ac Danici, 1601.— Glossy. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 31 Eikliard, Joliann Georg von, editor. Corpus historicum niedii a;vi; sive, tcriptores res in orbe universo, pra?cipue in Gerniania, a tempo- ribus maxinie Caroli M. ad finem seculi 15. ges- tas enarrantes aut illustrantes. Lipsiaj, 1723. 2 V. F. 943 13 Contents: I. Fa.sti consulares.— Catalogus prsefectorum urbis — Depositio niartvrum Aepispoporum — Vetiiscata- liit'us pniiiilii-uiii IJ.iiniinorum-— Cataloeus imperatorum HomuTiiiniiii;— c-'Jiisuliim Komanorum atl 49.3— Vetus cniisulum linDKUiuniin cafaloKii^ ad M4.— Krrlinnpcrtus. Historia Loii;.'(iliai(i<>nim P.i.'iicviiiti. Allpcrt o/'.l/i/z, Li- bellus de divcrsilati' teini.nniiii.-Kkkcliard of Urach. Chronicon. ad 113'J.— MuuachoruTii St. Pantaleoiiis chro- nica i-egia usque iu Ulil.- (Jottl'ried. Chronicfe regi* ab Henrico Aucupe ad captum a Friderico I Mediolanum versio vetus Germanioa.— Annalcs Buscovienses. 1125- 1198.— GestaFriderici H.. Coniadi A: Manfredi.— Kioro- lialdo of FeiTdi-n. Historia inipcratdiiiin Romano-Ger- manicoruni. ad ISflS;— Historia ].c.ntiticuni ad Clcnientem IV.;— <-'(>inpil:iti(.clir..nnl<>f;ir;i ;id V.Wi l.imianiiiii'. (i. F. de. Continual id clir..iiici Uicbaldini.— cln-'inici.n l.une- l)ure;icum Saxcniica liimiia cnsniptuni.— Continuatio chrunici Martini Poloni .Vu^triaca ad 1343.— Mem. T. Vitse pi.ntiticuni ad 1418.— Martin, iiiainrilf. Flores temporum, alj Hermanno Januensi cuntiiruati ad Carolum IV — t\wX\nof Fiilila. Chronicon ad l.iro — .liiliami of IU«fer- thiii: Chronicon a Friderico 11. ad l:M8— Andreas of Rat- ;,s7»H. Chronicon, a .J. Chraft interpolatum. ad 14U0 2. Ulrioo;' Bamberq Codex epistolaris — Hincniar. abp. of Jiehiis Epistola'.- Corner, H. Chronica novella ad 1425. — Descriptic itineris in Terram Sanctam.— Brevis historia occupatiunis & amissionis Terrai Sanctie.— Oliver, f/ie sdiola-^lic. Historia regum Terra? .Sancta;.— Historia Da- miatina.— Relatione tie Davide rege Tartarorum Christi- ano. — Poeiiia Germanicum vetus de aniissione Terra; ISanctae.— Benedftti, A. De rebus a Carlo VIII. Galliae rese in ItaliaKestis, libriS.- Cataloirus pontifieum, i048. — Aninlric, A.d.' Actus pontifleum ad 1321 — Tritlieini. J. Nepiacus — Prophetiie satyrica' in papas seculi 13-14.— Vulserius. Versus in Bonitacium VIII. papam & mores clefi.— Excerpta Johannis Hussi condemnationem oon- cernantia.- Iiifessura, S. Diarium urbis Romas -Bur- chard, J. Diarium curia; Romana- sub Alexandro VI. papa.— Xorliert, ahbot of I/jiiig. Vita Bennonis.— Kast, M., abbot of Ibiirq. Vita Be'nnonis metrica — (lolsi'her o/' 'J'reref. Gestaarchie'piscoporum Trevirensium. 1132-1259.— Cata- loffus episcoporum Augustanorum & abbatum S. Afrae ad Friderici I. astatem.— Conrad of Moitlpel/in: Breve chronicon episcoporum Ratisbouensium.- Anonymi chro- nicon episcoporum Ratisbonensium. 1377.— Chronica priesulum Spirensis civitatis.— Catalogus episcoporum Spirensium. , „„„,. t ECKIO, Giovanni, see HECK, J. Eckstein, Utz. Concilium.— Reichstag. (7. (In Scbeible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 8.) 837 16 ECLIPSES, see SUN. ECLOGUES. Rubbi, A., editor. Egloghe bosche- recce del secolo 15., 16. Venezia, 1785. S. il. 851 3 El eco del torrente, drama, see Zori'illa. v. 2. Eco y Narciso, see Calderon. v. 3. L'^eole des feinmes, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 2. L'ecole des maris, comedie, same. v. 2. EDDA. Gislason, K. En Bem;«rkning om Edda som Navn pa et Skrift. (/(i Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab.Aarboger. v. 19, 1884.) 948 5 — Ihre, .1. Letter concerning the Edda. (In Troll, U. von. Letters on Iceland. 1780.1 914.9 13.1 — Magnuseii, F. Eddala^ren og dens Oprindelse. Kjohenliavii, 1834-6. 4 v. S. S39.H1 7.1 — Bainiis, J. Ulysses & Outinus unus & idem; sive, Disquisitio historica & geographica. qua ex collatis inter se Odyssea Homeri & Edda Is- land. Homerizante... Editio nova. Hafniae, 1713. S. 883 14 EDDA— ELDER 192 EDUCATION' Edda — Elder. Edda Ssemundar hinns fioda. Hafniee, 1787-1828. 3 v. sqQ. facsim. 839.61 1 Contents: 1, Odasmjlhologicas, a Resenio non editas contiuens, cum interpretatione Latina.lectionibus variis, notis, glossario et indice. 2, Odas mythico-historicas continens, cum.-.conspectu argument! carminum. et4 appendioibus. S, coutinens carmina Voluspa, Havamrfl & Kigsmal; accedit priscorum Boi-ealium mythologia; Lexicon, addito eoruudem Calendario. Somptibus legati Arnamagneeani. Ke-arranged in bind- ing and lettered v. 1, Textus, v. 2, Glossaria, etc.. v. 3, Lexicon mythologicum. Also a second copy of the original v. i. — Edda Saemundar hinns froda; ex recensioue Erasnii Christiani Rask cuiavit Arv. Aug. Afzelius. Holmife, 1818. O. por. 839.61 4 — Den ieldie Edda; udgivet med fulsta?ndigt Variant- Apparat, af P. A. Munch. Christiania, 1847. O. 839.61 3 — NorrcBn fornkvseSi, almindelig kaldet Sa-- mundar Edda hins frodSa; udgiven af Soplius Bugge. Christiania, 1867. O. 839.61 2 Danish:Den asldre Edda; oversat ogforkla- ret ved Finn Maguusen. Kjobenhavn. 1821-3. 4 V. S. 839.61 7 English: Edda Ssemundar hinns fr63a: The Edda of Saemund the learned, from the Icelandic, with a mytliological index [,pt. 2, an index of persons and places; by B. Thorpe]. London, 1866. 3 v. in 1. S. 839.61 5 Also a second copy of pt. 1. SS9.01 5 1 German: Edda; zum ersteuinal aus der islilndisclien Urschrift ubertragen,mit Bernier- kungen, Erlauterungen, Commentar und Regi- ster. Leipzig, 1839. pt. 1. O. p/. {In Legis- Gliiekselig, 0. T. Fundgruben, v. 3.) 839.6 5 Suxdisit: Sa;mund den vises Edda; ofver- satte af Arv. Aug. Afzelius. Stockholm, 1818. O. 839.61 6 Bngge, E. S. Efterslset til min Udgave af Swmuudar Edda. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 4, 1869.) 948 5 Sfea/.soHAKB.tRISL.)6l: Volusiia. Yonnger, De yfverborna Atlingars, eller Sviogotars ok Nordmanners, Edda; opera & studio Johannis Goransson. Upsala [,1746]. sqO. 839.63 1 Icelandic, Swedish and Latin. Edda Snorro Sturlusonar. Hafnise,1848-.52. 3 V. O. 839.63 3 Sumptibus legati Arnamagnajani. Fragmenta Hostlanga' et Thorsdrapae ; ver- siouibus et notis ilkistravit Skulius Tliordi Tliorlaccius. HavnicV, 1801. D. 839.63 2.1 English. {In Mallet, P. H. Northern an- tiquities 1770, 1809, V. 3.) 293 38, 28.1 French. {In same. Monumens de la niy- thologie. 1756.) 293 27 Lntin: opera J. Goranson. {In same. Noitliern antiquities,1770,1809,v.3.) 293 38,28.1 Busgc, E. S. Biskop Bjarne Kolbeinsson og Snorres Edda. (In llopenliagen— K. nord. Old-Selskiib. Aarbager. v. 10, 1875.) 948 5 Munch, P. A. Geographiske Bema?rk- ninger, kuyttede til et hidtil uudgivet Stykke af den yngre Edda. {In same. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 Hvad er Edda? see Hcnneberg, K. Eddy, Isaac. Chronology delineated to illus- trate the history of monarchical revolutions. Weathersfield, Vt., 1813. 124-1-87 cm. it. 080 36 In portfolio 8. Der edel Stein, .see Boner, U. Der Edelknabe, Schauspiel. see Engel, J. J. v. 5. Edebnann, Jolianu Christian, Verschiedene Nachrichteu aus dessen Briefen. {In Strobel, (J. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 3.) 830 10 ED(iEWORTH, Richard Lovell & Maria. Dana^ R. H. Edgeworth's Readings on poetry. (In his Poems and prose, 18.50, v. 3.) 811 5 Edgewortli de Firmont, Henry Essex, abM. Dernieres heures de Louis XVI. (In Barriere 44 10 Edgren, Augriist Hjalmar, & Wliilney, W. D. A compenclious German and English diction- ary. London, 1877. 3 v. in 1. D. 433 11 E1)ISBUB(JH. Churcliyard, T. Tlie siege of Edinburgh castle. May 1571 [; in verse]. (In his Chips. 1817.) 941 2 Edip, tragedi, see Adlerbeth, G. G. Edipo, see Mccolini, G. B. v. 1. Koning Edipns, treurspel, see Sophocles. ED.MUM), Sf.,arclibisli02:) of Canterbury. New- man, J. H., & others. (In i/ieir Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 8.) 922 8 EDMUSD, St. . king of the East-Angles. Arnold, T., editor. Memorials of St. Edmund's abbey. London, 1890. v. 1. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 96.) 942 8 Edoardo Altieri. .see Carutti, D. Gioventii. £doiiard III, tragedie, sec Gresset. J. B. L. Ednard van Gelre, see Leunep, J. van. Poet, werken, 4. EDUCATION. Adriani, M. Lezioni sulla edu- cazione della nobilta fiorentina. (In Scelta di curiosita. 131.) 850 10 — Aschani, R. The scholemaster, 1570. Bir- mingham. 1870. S. {/// Arber, E. English re- prints. 33.) 820 9 — Capponi, G. Pensieri suU' educazione. (In 7u:,s Scritti, 1877. v. 1.) 858 4 — Clianning:, W. E. Remarks on education. (In his Works, 1848, v. 1.) 208 2 — Delille, J. Discours sur I'educatiou, 1766. {In Aks CEuvres. 1840.) 84115 — Eiigelstoft, L. Tanker om Nationalopdragel- sen. Kjobenhavn, 1808. D. 379 5 —Essays on the endowment of research: by various writers. London, 1876. O. 378 3 Coiitfiit.i: I'attisoii, M. Review of the situation — Cotton, .J. S. The intentions of the founders of fellowships. — Appleton, ('. E. The economic character of subsidies to education;— The endowment of research as a form of jiroductive expenditure— Sayce, A. H. The results of the exaininatioTi-system at Oxfor — N('(Ilr>Iii|t. IL 'I'lii' jn-eseiit rela- tions between classic-al researcli and classical education in England.— Appendices. — Estrnp, H. F. .1. Om Underviisning og Op- dragelse ved Soroe Academic. Kjobenhavn, 1832. sqO. [4-f]41 [-h5]p. 373 2 — Farrar, F. W., editor. Essays on a libt>ral education. London, 1867. O. 375 1 Cn/iUn/y: I. I*iirk<'r, ('. S. On the histtu-y of classical education. '-. Sidirwirk, II. The theory of classical edu- catiiui. :t. Scelej, .1. It. Liberal cdiu;ation in universities. 4. It.78 1 — Sanders, A. J. W. F. Scliool, godsdienst en gezond verstand: bijdrage tot sclioohvetherzie- ning. Utrecht, 1876. O. 379 7 — Simon, J. F. L'ecole. 4 edition. Paris, 1865. O. 370 8 — Tegii^r, E. Skoltal. [In his Saml. skrifter. 1847-9. V. 5-6.) 839.71 40 — Tyndall, J. An address to students. (In liis Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 — Wyse, T. Education reform; or, The necessi- ty of a national system of education. London, 1836. V. 1. O. 379 8 —DENMARK. Nyernp, R, Udkast til en Histo- ric om de latinske Skoleri Danmark og Norge fra Reformationen til 1804. — KjobenhavnsUni- versitets Annaler, til 1805. (/« /t/s Hist.-sta- tistisk Skildring, 1803-6, v. 3, pt. 1-3.) 948 14 — ENGLAND. Fuinivall, F. J. Education in earlv England. (7». /its Babees book. 1808: in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 31.) 820 5 ■ — GERMANY. Arnold, M. Higher schools and universities in Germany. London, 1874. D. 373 1 Meyer, J. B. Volksbildung und Wissen- schaft in Deutschlaud wiihrend der letzten Jahrhunderte. Berlin, 1866. O. 56 p. (In Vir- chow d- Holtzendorff. Vortrage. ISerie.) 043 1 — — Voigt, .1. Herzog Albrecht von Preussen und das gelehrte Wesen seiner Zeit [about 1.5.50]. (In Rannier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1831.) 905 1 —ITALY. BoU, F. C, & Touiniasi-C'rndeli, C. Die Reform der italienisclien UniversitiUen. (Ill Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 Bonglli, R. Das Gymnasialwesen in Italien. (In same. v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 Florence— Societil italiana di edncazione liberale. Esposizione, a cura del presidente Altieri. Firenze, 1875. O. 370 9 — — Italy— Conimlssione. Delia istruzione ob- bligatoria: relazione e progetto di legge. Fi- renze, 1870. O. 379 3 — — — Ministero della pnbblica istrii/ione. Annuario, jiel 1878-4. Roma, 1H74. O. 379 1 Istruzione puhblica e privata, anno scolastico, 1862-3: parte la: istruzione jirima- ria. Torino, 1865. sijF. 379 9 Marsll, G. P. Female education in Italy. (In Nation, v. 3, 1866, p. 5-7.) In main library. Mattencci, C. Raccolta di alcune proposte di leggi, e di variescritti sulla pubblica istru- zione. Torino, 1865. D. 379 3 — — Miclieli, E. Storia della pedagogia italiana dal tempo dei Romani a tutto il secolo 18. Torino, 1876. D. 370 3 Villari. P. La scuola e la quistione socials in Italia. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1872. O. [4-I-] 36 i>. 379 3 —SCANDINAVIA. Hippeau, C. L'instruction publique dans les etats du nord. Suede, Nor- wege, Danemark. Paris, 1876. D. 379 4 .SV,- aim CHILDliKN; COLLKCfKS; DKAF .IMI IHJIB; KNOLISH LAN()IIA(JE; FLOllKNCK; ORAMMAK; KNOWL- KDCiK: JIEXK'O {all/): SCIKNCE; SKLF-Cl LTURE; WOJUX. E9vardar saga bins helga. (In Flateyjarbok. 1860-8, v. 3.) ^39.«3 5 EDWARD III., the Confessor. Saxon, king of £H3/t(y(rf. Extrait de la vie de saint Edouard. (In Michel, F. X. Chroniques anglo-norman- des, 1836-40, v. 1.) 841 5 —Saga Jdtvardar konimgs bins helga; iidgi- ven [,med dansk Oversa^ttelse, af C. C. Rafnog J. Sigur9sson]. Kjobenhavn, 1852. O 43 p. facsim. 839.63 48 —Same. (In Copenhagon— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Annaler. v. 12, 18.52.) 948 3 — English: A saga of St. Edward the king; translated by T. G. Repp. (In same. Jlemoires. v. 3, 184.5-9.) 9i8 3 — Liiard, H. R., editor. Lives of Edward the Confessor. London, 1S58. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem 3.) 942 8 Contents: La estoire de .seint Aedward le rei [:with translation]. 2. Vita beati Edwardi regis et confesso- ris. 3. Vita Aeduuardi regis qui apud Westmonasterium reciuiescit. EDWARD I. * IL, kings of England. Stnbbs, W., editor. Chronicles of the reigns of Edward I. and Edward II. London, 1883-3. 2 v. Q. (In same. 76.) 942 8 EDWARD III., king of England. Avesbiiry, R. of. De gestis mirabilibus regis Edwardi III. 1889. (In same. QS.) 942 8 EDWARD IV., king of England. Historic of the arrivall of Edward IV. in England, and the finall recouerye of his kingdomes from Henry VI., 1472; edited by John Bruce. London, 1838. sqO. 15-1-53 p. (In Camden soc. v. 1.) 820 4 — Warkworth, J. A chronicle of the first 13 years of the reign of Edward IV., edited by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1839. sqO. facsim. (In same. v. 10.) gOQ 4 Edward I. (Portuguese Duarte), king of Port- tigal. Leal conselheiro; seguido do Livro da ensinanga de bein cavalgar toda sella; precedi- EDWARD 194 EQ YPT— ANCIENT do d' uma introduccao, illustrado com iiotas, e publicado deliaixo dos auspicios do visconde de Santarem: tiasladado do ms. contemporaneo, com notas philologicas e um glossario, de J. I. Roquete. Pariz, 1843. sqQ. facshii. 869 43 Edwards, Bela Bates. Reasons for tlie study of the Hebrew language. [Audover, 1838.] O. 30 p. 491.4 1 Edwards, Edward, editor, see Hyde abbey. Lilier monasteni de Hyda. 1866. (/" (it. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 45.) 942 8 EDW.4RDS, Jonatliau. Miller, S. Life of Ed- wards, po?-. (In Sparks, J. American bio- graphy, 183.5-9. V. 8.) 920 15 EDWARD.SIA CLAP.VREDII. Andres, A. In- torno all' Ed wai-d.sia claparedii. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3. ser. sci.fis. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 EDWIX, king of Northumberland. Newman, J. H., & otiiers. (In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, V. 4.) "922 8 Edwin the Fair, see Taylor, H. Eeneus, Alexis Michel. Memoire sur la fertili- sation des landes de la Campine et des dunes. Bruxelles, 1849, O. il. C3I 16 Den Eensomme, en Sjaslehistorie, see Munch, A. Digte. 1855. Eftersommer, ny Digtsamling, seeMnneh, A. Egbert, archbishoi) of York, d. 7iM. Pontifical; from a ms. of the 10th century. Durham, 1853. O. (In Snrtees soc. 37.) " 820 7 [Sir Eger :J Eger and Grine. (In Percy, J. Folio ms., 1867-8, v. 1.) 821 6 — Sir E^er, Sir Grahame and Sir Gray-steel. (In Ellis, tc. Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 3.) 821 4 EGER-PR.E.STEGIELD. Strom, H. Physisk- oeconomisk Beskrivelse over Eger-Pra3stegia?ld i Aggerhuus-Stift i Norge. Kiobenhavn, 1784. D. pi. viap. 914.8 33 Egerton, Sir Philip de Malpas Urey, editor, see the following publications of the Camden so- ciety: 820 4 39. Fleet iviMiil. (J. Letter, battle of Lutzen. 1M7. 40. (irev of Wilton, A. 0. Commentary on William lord Grey of Wilton. 1847. The Egerton papers, a collection of public and private documents of the times of Elizabeth and James I : edited bv J. P. Collier. London, 1840. sqO. (In Camden soc. 13.) 820 4 Egger, Christian lUricIi Detlev, Freiherr von. Physikalische und statistische Beschreibung von Island. Kopenhagen, 1786. v. 1. pt. 1. D. 914,9 3 Conlenls: 1. Eiuleitung.— Pliysisclie Geoffraphie. Egger, lOmile. Histoire du livre, depuis ses origines ju.squ'n nos jours. 3 edition. Paris, [1881]. D. 010 1 — Observations sur un procede de derivation dans la langue franijaise. Paris, 1864. aqii. [l-l-]64p. 442 3 Commentariuni de E^illo sub Canute Born- holmia; pr.i fecto, edidit cum versione Latina et ijri'fafiono Birgerus Thorlacius. jllavniii', 1833.] F. [■f + ]10p. 839 63 38 Saga Egils ok Asmundar. (In Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1839-30, v. 3.) 839.63 13 Egils-Siiga; sive, Egilli Skallagrimii vita; cum interpretatione Latina, notis, chronologia et tribus tabb. reneis. Havni.T;, 1809. sqQ. fac- sim. 839.63 27 Sumptibus legati Arna-Magnseani. Egilssou, Sveinbjorn. Clavis poetica antiquae linguae septemtriunalis (piam e Lexico poetico S. Egilsson coUegit Benedictus Grondal (Egils- son). Hafniae, 1864. O. 439.63 3 Latin-Icelandic. — Forklaring over Qvadene. (In Uisla saga Siirssonar. 1849.) 839.63 35 — Lexicon poeticum antique linguaj septentri- onalis. Hafni*, 1860. Q. 839.63 1 Icelandic-Latin. —editor, see Placidus-drjlpii, Brot af. 1833. 839.61 9 — translator, see Homerns. Odyssea. 1839-40. 839.61 10 Eginhard. Einhanli annales. Hannoverae, 1845. O. (In Pertz, (i. H. Script, rerum Ger- man.) 943 16 — Einhardi vita Karoli Magni. Editio 3. Han- noverae. 1863. O. 12 + 44 p. (In same 4.) 943 16 — Les oeuvx-es; traduites en fran9ais par Ale- xandre Teulet. Paris, 1856. D. 943 13.1 Contents: Avertissement.— Notice sur Eginhard et sur ses ouvrages,— Pieces justificatives, — Vie de Charle- magne,— Annales des Francs. 74 1-8*9, — Lettres.— Histoire de la translation des martyrs Marcellin et Pierre. EGINHARD, king. Geschichte von Kbnig Egin- hard in Bohmen; oder, Die Riesenge.schichte. Leipzig, n. d. D. 70 p. v7. (In Volksbiicher, 33.) 833 33 Eginhard und Emma, ein Schauspiel, see La Motte Fouqne, F. H. K. de. 'E7Ki'/cXoTai5e/a tCiv Kopaaloiv, see PllotllaS, D. N. [Sir Eglamoiir :] Eglamore. (/)( Percy, T. Folio ms., 1868-9, v. 3.) 821 6 —The romance of Sir Eglamour of Artois. (In Camden soc. v. 30.) 820 4 — Sir Eglamour of Artoys. (In Ellis, G. Speci- cimens of romances, 1805, v. 3.) 821 4 Egle, opera-ballet, see Adlerbeth, G. G. Egli, Johiiiin Jakob.Neue Erdkunde:der Prak- tischen Erdkunde 4 Autiage. St. Gallen.1873. O. 910 7 Egloglie boscherecce del secolo 15., 16., see Riil)bi, A., editor. Egmont, ein Trauerspiel, see Giitlie, J. W. yon. V. 8. EGWIN, St., bishop of ]Voreester. Dominic, prior. Life of S. Egwin. — Miracles of S. Eg- win. (//I /n'.f Chronicon abbatiiB de Evesham. 1563; in at. Br. -Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 29.) 942 8 EGYPT. Russell, M. View of ancient and modern Egypt; with an outline of its natural history. New York, 1831. S. il. 932 8 — Uhlemann, M. A. Il.indbuch der gesammten iigvptischen Alterthumsknnde. Leijizig, 18.57-8. 4 v, O. i>t. " 932 9 l-'or contents .s>*= riileiiiiiiiii. — .VNCIEST.t'hampolliou-Figeac, J. .1. Kgypte aiu'iciine. Paris, 1817. O. pi. map. (In Lunivers. 1.) 910 18 Gliddon, (J. R. Ancient Egypt; chapters on early Egyptian histury, archieology and other EG YPT— ANCIENT 195 EnRENTIIAL subjects connected with hieroglyphical litera- ture. New York, 1843. F. 66 p. 932 1 hound with 913 17 — — Hawks, F.L. The monuments of Egypt; or, Egypt a witness for the Bible. 2 edition. New York, IS.'iO. O. il. pi. iltp. map. 932 3 Heeren, A. H. L. Handbuch der Ge- schichte der Staaten des Alterthums. (In hin Werke, 1821-30, v. 7.)— Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehr, und den Handel der alten Welt. il. map. {In same. \. 14.) 90S 2 — — Mariette, A. E. The monuments of upper Egypt;, a translation of the "Itineraire ile la haute Egvpte" by A. Mariette. London, 1877. D. 2)1. map. 932 4 — — Kippold, F. Aegyptens Stellung in der Re- ligions- und Oulturgeschichte. Berlin, 1869. O. 32 p. (/(( Vircbow /. 916,2 3 Brehni, A. E. Reiseskizzen aus Nord-Ost- Afrika, ]S47-.5->. Jena, 18.5.5. 3v. O. 916,2 3 Browne, W, G, Travels in Africa. Lon- don, 1799. scjQ. pi. map.-i. 916,2 4 — — Clot, A, B, Aperiju general sur I'Egvpte. Bruxelles, 1840. 2 v. S. 2Jor. maps. 916,2 G Fallnierayer, J. P. Aegypten. {In his "Werke, 1861, v. 1.) 90S 1 Figari bey. A, Studii seientiflci suH' Egitto, con carta geogratico-geologica. Lucca. IS64-5. 2 v. O, d- Atlas. F.' 916.2 7 Atlas in portfolio X. fciaiitier, T. Egypte.— Le Fayoum, le Sinai et Petra.— Le Nil.— Egvpte ancienne. (In his L'orient. 1877, v. 2.) 910 29 Heeren, A, H, L, Uelier die C'i)lonisation von Aegyjjten und ihre Wirkungen auf das europiiische Staatensystem. (/?( //.is Werke, 1821- 30, V. 2.) 90S 1 Klunzinser, K, B, Bilder aus Oberiigyp- ten, der Wiiste und dem Rotlien Meere. 2 Auflage. Stuttgart, 1878. O. il. pi. 916.2 20 Kremer, A. von. Aegypten; Forschungen iiber Land und Volk. Leipzig, 1863. 2 v. O. tab. map. 916,2 8 — — Lane, E, W, An account of tlie manners and cu.stonis of the modern Egyptians, 1833-5. London, 1835. 2 v. D. 916,2 9 Lcland, C, fi. The Egyjitian sketch-book. London, 1873. D. 916.2 10 _ — Lepsins, K. R. Briefe aus Aegypten. 1842- 5. Berlin, 1852. O. p/. map. 916,2 13 _ — Marcel, J, J, Egypte depuis la conquete des Arabes jusqu'a la domination franraise;— sous la domination franvaise par A. Ryme; — sous la domination de Mehemet Aly par P. et H. Paris, 1848. O. pi. (Jn L'linivers, 6.) 910 18 MinutoU, J, H, rou. Reise... in der liby- schen Wiiste und nach Ober- Aegypten, 1820-1. Berlin, 1824. sqO. 916,2 21 Same. Nachtrage. Berlin, 1827. O. p/. 916,2 22 Partliey, G. F, C, Wanderungen durch das Nilthal. Berlin, 1840. S, & Anha.htj. ¥.' 916.2 13 — —Poole, Sopllia L, The Englishwoman in Egvpt; letters from Cairo, 1843-6. 1-2 series. London, 1844-6. 3 v. S. il. pi. 916,2 14 Poole, Stanley L, Egypt. London. 1881. S. p/. maps. 916.2 15 Regaldi, G, Da Siene a File, memoire. Torino, 1862. O. 88 p. 916.2 16 — ^Vansleb, — . Nouvelle relation d'un vovage in Egypte. Paris, 1677. S. 916,2 18 Volney, C, F, C. de. Vovage en Egypte et en Syrie, 1783 5. 5 edition. Paris. 1823. 3 v. O. 2il. maps. 915.6 24 Wilde, W, R, Egypt (7. (7k his Narra- tive of a voyage. 1844.) 910 39 Wilkinson, J, G. Hand-book for travellers in Egvpt. London, J. Mirrrai), 1847. D. il. maps. ' 916,2 19 See esitecially LEVANT, under which will be found every general book of travels through Egypt. Palestine. Turk- ey, etc., also ALEXANDRIA; FAYUM; KORDOFAN; NATRON L.4Ki:S; NUBLi. EGYPTIAN LANGUAGE, see HIEROGLYPH. ICS. EbezHclitbttchlein, see Fischart, J, Elirenmalni, Arwid, Reise durch West-Nord- land nach der Lappmark Asehle ; aus dera Schwedischen. (/;* Hiig'striim, P, Beschrei- bung des Lapplandes. 174S.) 914.8 33.6 Elirenstrale (jireviously Nehrnian), David. Jus publicum Svecia; ; eller, Swenska etats lagfa- renheten. [Ms.] F. 319 43 Ehrensvard, Carl Auarnst. Skrifter; aayo utgif- na af C. Eichhorn. Stockholm, 1866. O. por. 704 3 Ehrentlial, WiUielni. Das Kutschkelied auf der Seelenwanderung. 6 vermehrte Auflage. Leip- zig, 1871. O. 72 p. _;)/. SOS 1 Thepoem was written by H. .\. Pistorius, <,» Liuuer- heide, I. Liederzu Schutz und Trutz, p. 1»4. EICHHOFF 196 ELECTRICITY Eichlioif, Frederic Gustave. Les lacines de la langue aiiglaise. Paris, 1864. D. 422 1 EiclimaiDi. F. Die Refoimen des osmanischen Reiclies. Berlin, 1858. O. 949 56 Eiclivvaltl, Karl, cominler. Niederdeutsche Sprichvvorter uiul Redensarten: mit Glossar. 4 Ausgabe. Bremen, 1870. D. 398 39 Eid uud Pflicht, biirgerliches Trauerspiel, see Eugel, J. J. V. 6. EIDSVOLl). Siiiidt, E. L. Bornenes Husflid og Skoleflid i Eidsvuld; Aarsberetning. Christi- ania, 1872. O. 16 p. 379 6 Eidsvolds Fattig-Husholdning, 1871-2. [Eidsvold, 1872-3,] 2 v. O. 339 1 Eigeiisiiin und Laune, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 8,— Schriften, 24. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Siilim, P. F. Najr- vEerende attende Seculi Characteer, (/?i Ms Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 5.) 839.88 5 Eike von Repgow. Das Zeitbuch: in urspriing- lich niederdeutscher Sprache und in fiiilier lateinischer (tbersetzung herausgegeben von H. F. Massniann. Stuttgart, 1857. O. (In Stuttsart— Lit. Verein. Bibl. 42.) 839.1 9 Sef^ aho Saehseiispiegel. Wkwv /JacriXiKi), .see Gaiideu, J. Filers, Wilhclm. Dissertation on "The parson's tale." and tlie "Somme de vices et vertus" of Frere Lorens; englisht, 1884. (In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 5 ; in Chancer soc. 2 ser. 19. ) 821 46 Eilliart von Hobergen. Bruchstiicke aus Tri- traii und Isolde. (In Gottfried von Strassbur-g. Werke, 1823, v. 3.) 831 30 Einar Sokkesiin, Fortselling om. (7)i Copen- ]ia!;en — K.iiord Old.-Selskab. Gronlands liist. Miiid., 1838-45, v. 2.) 839.G3 36 Einarssoii, Baldviii. Om de danske Provind- sialsta'nder, nied specielt Hensyn paa Island. Kjobenhavn, 1832. O. 40 p. 949 1 Einarssoii, Hdlfdan, editor & translator, see Konnngs skuggsjii. 1768. 839.68 19 Einarssoii, Halld6r. Ora Vajrdie-Beregning paa Landviis og Tiende-Ydelsen i Island. Kjoben- havn, 1833. D. 330 2 — translatiir. see Fiiuisson, H. Om Folknit^ng- dens ForniindelsevedUaari Island. 1831. 949 2 Eiuenkel, Eusen, editor, see CATHEHIXE, St. The life of St. Katherine. 1884. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 80.) 820 4 li'UtrEireks rauda. (/)t Copenliaaeii — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Gronlands hist. Mind., 183H-45, V. 1.) 839. (!3 36 Eireks saga viSforla. (Zn Flateyjarbok, 1860-8, V. 1.) ■ 839.(}3 5 Eiriksson, Ma^'iitis, & others. Fjorir }a>ttr um AlJmg og oiiiiur malefni I.slendiuga. Kaup- mannahofn, 1843. O. 8-f8G[-(- 1] p. 839.G8 5 — translator, see Elncidarins, BrudstykUer i\f den islandske. (In ('opcnliafi:en K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 17, 1857.) 948 2 Ekbohrn, C. M. Nautisk ordbok. Gotlieborg. 1K46. O. it. pi. 439.73 8 Ekdalil, N. J., editor. Chiistiern II :s arkiv 1: Handlingar riirande Severin Norbyochhans krigsfiiretagen mol Sverige. Stockholm. 1835- 6. 3 V. O. <»48 38 Ekendalil, G. von, translator, see Fryxell, A. Lel)en Gustavs I. Wasa. 1831. 923 48 Ekkeliard, abbot of St. Laurent's, Urach. An- nalista Saxo, sive Eckehardi Uragensis chroni- con ab initio regni Francorum ad 1139. (In Eckhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 1.) 943 13 Eland, William. Tutor to astrology. 10 edition, corrected and enlarged by Geo. Parker. Lon- don, 1704. T. tab. 133 31 ELASTICITY. Cerriiti, V. Sopra un teorema del Menabrea. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 2. 1874-5.) 065 8 SuUe vibrazioni de' corpi elastici isotropi. (In same. 3 ser. sci.^rs. v. 8. 1879-80.) 065 4 — Menabrea, L. F. Sulla determinazione delle tensioni e delle pressioni nei sistemi elastici. (In same. 3 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 » ELCANO, Juan Sebastian de. Navarrete, M. F. de, editor. Viage al Maluco de Elcano. ^jor. (In his Coleccion de voiages, 1835-37, v. 4.) 910 59 Elder, William. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. Philadelphia, 1858. O. por. pi. iltp. 923 54 ELECTRICITY. Bartoli, A. G. Le leggi delle polaritii galvauiche. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 8, 1879-80.}065 4 — Beltrami, E. Sulla determinazione sperimen- tale della densita elettrica alia superficie dei corpi conduttori. {In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Cantoui, G. Su la teoria dell' elettroforo. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — —Sulla teoria della pila voltiana. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1878-9.) — Same, nota 3. (In same. v. 7, 1879-80. ) 065 4 — Ferraris, G. Teoremi sulla distribuzione delle correnti elettriche costanti. (In same. V. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 —Franklin, B. Letters and papers on electrici- ty. 2^1- (/» ?'(s Works, 1840, V. 5.) 818 1 — Govi, G. Intorno alia teoria dell' elettroforo. (/)( Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fi.s. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Helmlioltz, H. L. F. Die neuere Entwicke- lung von Faraday's Ideen iiber Elektricitat. — Anhang. pi. (In'liis Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 — Maggi, G. A. Distribuzione dell' elettricita in equilil)riL — Studi suUa carica dei coibenti, sulla teoria dell" elettroforo e sua analogia coi condensatori. pi. {In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 ^Volpicelli, P. Appendice 3 suU' elettrostatico inducente costante. il. — Ad una obbiezione contro lateorica del Melloni sulla elettrostatica influenza — Sul piano di prova piccolissimo e non condensante. — Risposta alia nota del Can- toni su Melloni su la elettrostatica induzione. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. i.) — Risposta alle obbiezioni dal Pisati contro Mello- ni. pi. — Risposta alia nota del G. Cantoni contro Melloni. (In same. pt. 2.)— Rettilicazione delle forruule dalle quali viene rappresentata la teorica fisico-mateniatica del condensatore vol- taico. (In same. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 3.) 065 4 — — Sulla elettrica tensione. — Analisi fisico-ma- tematica degli effetti elettrostatici relativi ad un coibente arniato, e chiuso. — Esperimenti e raziocini per dimostrare vera la teorica del Melloni sulla elettrica influenza od elettrosta- tica induzione. j)Z. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) — Sulla costruzione. sulle proprieta e sulle ap- plicazioni di un elettrostatico inducente co- stante. /)/. — Alia domanda per ottenere la spie- gazione di un fenoniino elettrostatico. il. — Ad una nota del Govi sulla ellettrostatica indu- zione, risposta. il. — Sulla raacchina del G. Belli, denorainata duplicatore. — Teorica della elettrostatica induzione, risposta a J. C. Max- well, il. (In same. v. 3. 1875-6. pt. 3.) 065 3 — — Sunto della memoria del F. Zantedeschi su i fenomeni elettrici della macliina di Arm- strong. (In Rome — Accad. pont. de' iiiioyi Uncei. v. 1, 1847-8.) 065 1 — Zollner, J. C. F. (In his Wiss. Abhandlungen. 1878-81, V. 1-3.) 504 8 .fee a&o IKiHTMNG; OD; TOKPEDO. Eleg:ant extracts, see Extracts. 'HX^KTpa, see Euripides; — Sopliocles. Elelitra, treurspel, ,st'e Sopliocles. ELEMENTAL OCCURRENCES, see CALAMI- TIES. Eleiie, see Helen. ELEPHANT. Bolaii, H. Der Elephant in Krieg und Frieden. und seine Verwendung in unsern afrikaniscben Kolonien. Hamburg, 1887. O. 33 p. (7. (In Vircllow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige, Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 —Knight, C. il. (In his The menageries, 1830-3, V. 2.) ^ 5!)9 1 — Teniient, J. E. The elephant, and a descrip- tion of the modes of capturing and training it. (In his Sketches of Ceylon. 1861.) 5!tO 15 The wild elephant and the method of cap- turing and taming it in Ceylon. London, 1867. D. il. 1)1. 5!>9 3 ELEPHANTIASIS. Riick, A. Of the Icelandic ele]ihantiasis. (In Troil, 1'. von. Letters on Iceland. 1780.) 91 4. 'J 13.1 Elers, Joban. Stockholm. [Stockholm, 1800-1.] 4 V. 0. 914.8 31 ELEVATIONS, see HEIGHTS. Die Elfen, see Tieck, .1. L. Schriften, v. 4. Elgskyttarne, see Riineberg, ,1. (J. v. 3. Eliades, LeonidaS.'ETriro/u.?; i-ijs MviavTh-rj^liTTopia^. Ev KwmTaiiTivovTrbXii, 1861. O. 88 p. pur. 949 34 Elias, see Knight of the swan. Elicona. Al Sig. Bossio. — L'hosteria. (7n Bcrni, F. Opere burlesche. 1726, v. 3.) 857 3 filie de Be.numout, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Leonce. Eloge historique d'Auguste Bravais. (In Paris— Institiit— -Acad, des sci. Mem. v. 35. 1866.) .551.58 59 Eliot, George, psewdojij/m o/ Cross, M.A.E.L. ELIOT, John. Francis, C. Life of Eliot, the apostle to the Indians. Boston, 1836. D. il. facsiin. {In Sparks, J. American biography, V. 5.) 920 15 Eliot, Sir Thomas, see Elyot. Elisa et Widmer, see Topfer, R. Elisa, romantisches Melodram, see Kopiscli, A. Die Elixiere des Teufels, see Hoffmann, E. T.A. Elizabeth, queen of England. Household ex- penses of the princess Elizabetli at Hatfield, 1551-2: edited by Viscount Strangford. 1853. facsim. {In Camden misc. 3; /)( Camden soc. 55.) 820 4 — Letters of Elizabeth and James VI. of Scot- land: edited by John Bruce. [London,] 1849. sqO. (In Camden soc. 46.) 820 4 — (iascoigne, ti. Princely pleasures, with the mascjue intended to have been represented be- fore Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth castle, 1575: witli introductory memoir and notes. London, 1831. O. por. inserted pi. 822 5 The princely pleasures at the courte at Kenelwoorth, 1575. (In his complete poems, 1869-70, V. 3.: in Hazlitt, W. C. Roxburghe lib. 5.) 821 3 The tale of llemetes the heremyte pro- nownced before the Q. majesty att Woodstocke, 1575. (In ,mme.) 821 3 — Laneham, R. A letter whearin part of the entertainment untoo the queenz majesty at Killingwoorth castl, 1575, is signified. [Anon.] Warwick, 1784. O. 90 p. 394 5 — — Same; with preface and notes London, 1831. O. inserted pi. 822 5 — Naunton, R. Fragmenta regalia [: or. Obser- vations on the late queen, her times and favor- ites]. From 3 edition of 1653. London, 1870. S. 64 p. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 20.) 820 9 ELIZABETH of York. The most pleasant song of Ladv Bessy: edited bv J. O. Halliwell. Lon- don, 1847. D. 8-1-79 p." (In Percy soc. v. 20.) 820 6 ELIZABETH 198 ELYOT Elizabeth Musch, see Leniiep, J. van. Romant. werken, 7-8. ELL, Carl Dauiel. Vid... Heir C. D. Ells dod, 34 dec. 1843. Stockholm, 1843. sqQ. 4 p. S39.71 39.1 Ellacombe, Henry Thomas, & Hale, W. H., editors. Account of the executors of Richard, bishop of London, 1303, and of Thomas, bishop of Exeter. 1310. [London,] 1874. sqO. pi. tab. (In Camden soc. n. s. 10.) 820 4.1 Ellero, I'ietro. I vincoli dell' umana allnanza; proluisione; 15 gen. 1876. [Bologna, 1876.] O. 19 p. " 172 2 bound witli 146 1 ELLERY, William. Channin^, E. T. Life of Ellery. facsim. (In Sparks, J. American bi- ography." 1835-9, T. 6.) ;»20 15 EUesmere, Francis Egerton, l.^t earl of, trans- lator, see Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Guide to northern archseology. 1848. 913 53 Den eUevte Junii, see Holberg, L. Comedier, V. 3. Elliot, Frances. Old court life in France. Leipzig, 1873. 3 v. in 1. S. (Tauchuitz edi- tion.) OM 35 ELLIOT, Jean. Keddie, H., * W.atson, J. L. {In their Songstresses of Scotland, 1871, y. 1.) 928 3 Elliot, Jonathan, editor. The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the federal constitution, with the journal of the federal convention, and other illustrations of the constitution. 3 edition, with additions. Washington, 1836-45. 5 v. O. 342 15 Vol .5, Madison's Debates. ELLIOTT, Ebenezer. Carlyle, T. Corn-law rhymes. (Jh 7ns Essays. 1860. v. 3.) 824 8 EUiott, Ezekiel Brown. Preliminary report on the mortality and sickness of the volunteer forces of the U. S. government during the present war. New York, 1863. O. 28 p. fab. (Sanitary com., no. 46.) 312 6 Elliott, Georgre Percy, editor, see the following publications of the Camden society: 820 4 39. Lake, E. Diary. 1846. 55. Tasnell, W. Autobiography. 1852. Elliott, Graee (I)iilrymple). Journal de ma vie pendant la revolution frani;aise. (In Barriere <£• Lescnre. Memoires,' 1857-81, v. 37.) 944 10 ELLIPSE. Betti, E. Sopra la funzione poten- ziale di una ellisse omogenea. (In Rome— R, acead. del lineei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-0.) 06.5 3 — Dini, IJ. Sulla funzione dell' ellisse e dell' eliissoiile. (In same.) OC.j 3 Ellis, Alexander John. On early English pro- nunciation, with especial reference to Shak- spere and Chaucer. London, 1869-89. 5 v O ma2)s. (In Chancer soc. 2 ser. 1, 4, 5, 11, 25.) 821 46 —Same. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 3, 7. 14, 23. 56.) 820 5.1 Ellis, (Jeorge. Specimens of early English metrical romances, 14th century: prefixed, an historical introduction. London, 1805, 3 v. D. S21 4 —editor, see Le Grand d' Anssy, P. J. P. Fa- bliaux. 1815. 84] 4 Ellis, Sir Henry, editor. Original letters of emment literary men, 16-lH centuries. Lonilon, 1843. si|0. facsim. (In Camden soc. 23.) 820 4 Brand, J. Popular antiquities. 1841-3. 390 8.1 Fabyan, R. New chronicles. 1811. 942 9 Harding, .L Chronicle. 1812. 821 63 ,Tohn of Oxnead. Chronica. 1859. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 13.)942 8 see the following publications of the Cam- den society : 820 4 9. NorilMi, J. Speculi Britanniae pars 1&40. 29. Verailio. P. Three boolis of English history. 1844. 36. Vprgiliu, P. English history, v. 1, 1846. 39. Alieicoimay ahbey. Register anfl chronicle. 1847. 43. Charles, N. Visitation of the county of Huntingdon. 1849. 44. Snij-th, It. Obituary. 1637-74. 1849. 51. The pylgrymage of Sir B. (JIIVLFORDE. ELLIS, John. Prideanx, H. Letters to Ellis, 1674-1732: edited by E. M. Thompson. [Lon- don,] 1875. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 15.) 820 4.1 Elmliam, Thomas of. Historia monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis: edited by Charles Hard wick. London. 1858. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 8.) 942 8 — Liber metricus de Henrico quinto. (In Cole, C. A. Memorials of Henry V. 1858; in same. 11.) 942 8 Eluoneiisia, see Willems, J. F., editor. ELOCUTION. Franceschi, E. Del leggere e del porgere; trattato. Torino, 1860. D. 808 4 boundu-ith 800 1 .SVc VOICE. Elpenor, ein Trauerspiel, see Giithe, J. Vi. von. V. 10. ELPHEGE, St., seeJELFHEAH. Elphiustone, Mountstuart. The history of In- dia: the Hindu and Mahometan periods. 6 edition, with notes and additions bv E. B. Cowell. London, 1874. O. map. ' 934 1 Elsin^, Henry, reporter, see Great Britain- House of lords". Notes of debates, 1621, '24. '26. (//( Camden soc. 103, n. s. 24, 1870-9.) 820 4, 4.1 Elsinore. Jura statutaria civitatum Hafniae & Helsingora-, 1443. (In Westphalem E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 21 — Helsing0er og dets Omegn. pi. map. (In Diinske Atlas. 1833.) 914.8 38 Elncidarins, Brudstykksr af den islandske; iidgivne af Konrad (rislason. (hi Copenhagen — K. nord Old. -Selskab. Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Danish: i Oversfettelse af Magnus Eiriksson. (In .-ianu'. v. 17, 18.57.) 948 2 — Gislason, K. Smubemajrkninger. (In .fame. Aarlioger. v, 5, 1870.) 948 5 ELVKDGAARI). Sinionscn, L. S. V. Om det ganile Kloster, der skal have ligget ved Elved- gaard i Fyen. pi. (In same. Nordisk Tidsskrift. V.3, 1S36.) 948 1.2 Elverh0i, .sec Heiberg, J. L. Skuespil, v. 3. Elvervelt, .Toiias. Excerpta de Holsatia.(/» Ste- plianins.S. II. De regno Daniai. 1629.)094 21, 22 Elyot, Sir Thomas. The image of governance; compiled of the :ictos and sentences of the em- perour Alexander Severus. n. p., 1541. O. ?7. 320 16 Ficticlously asserted to be from the Greek. ELZE VIERS 199 EMMENTIIAL DIALECT Elzeviers,pi(?)//s/it'rs. Respublic!evaiia3.00-t 8-63 The I.ibrai-y contains the followinff works in tliis series : Araliia. 1I5:«. BiTlniiii, If. ('. »e republica Eljraeorum. IfMl. lS(i\hiirn, M. Z., td'itnr. Respublioa Moscovia;. 1630. Biin'li. li. vaiidiT. Saljaiuiia' respublica. 103-1. Confarhii, (J. De republica Veuetorura. leaf. Ghiniiotti, D. Dialogi de repub. Venetorum. 1631. flillos, I'. De BosporoThracio. 1632. — De Constantinopleos topographia. 1632. Helretioniiii respublica. 1627. Ijaet, .1. (Ic. Bclgii contederati respublica. 1630. — De imperil) magui Mogolis. 1631. —Gallia, leja — llispania. 1629. Leo, J. Africae descriptio. 1632. Portiigallia. 1641. Postel, (J. De republica .\theniensium. 1645. K>'s|>ulilii'a... imperii Romauo-Germanici. 1634-40. Bcsiiiililita. . Uungaria;. 1634. Respulilica... Uallias 1626. Res|)ul>lini... Poloniie. 1627. Respublica .. Scotia^. 1627. Sfhryvcr. I'., editor. Kespubliea IloUandije. 1630. Se;;ethus, T., e itor. De principatibus Italise. .628. SiiiiinU'r, .J. Vallesiie descriptio. 1633. Smith, Sir T. De republica Anglorum. 1635. Sotorus, H. Svecia. 1633. Sprecher, ¥. Rhetia. 1633. Stephanius, S. II., editor. De regno Dania;. 1629. Another edition. 1629. Straiisky, P. Respublica Bojema. 1643. Trittault, X. Regal Chineusis descriptio. 1039. Turcifi hiiperii status. 163 '. Vareii, li. Descriptio Japonife 1649. Werdetihagen, J. A. De rebuspublicis llanseaticis. 1631. Zesen, K. It., count of. Leo Belgicus. 1660. ^Bniiiet, J. €. Notice des auteuvs iinprimes en petits loimats par les Elsevier, {la his Manuel, 1860-.5, V. 5.) Oil 3 EMANCIPATION, see SLATERY. EMBLEMS. See DEVICES; Holbein, II; Houbraken, A.; Vondel, .1. ran den. De vernieuwde gulden winckel. EMBIlTOLOCiY, .see GENERATION. Emersoiij Ralph Waldo. An address, divinity college, Cambridge, 1.5 July 1838. Boston, 1888. O. 31 p. 814 2 —Biographical sketch. {In Tlioreaii, H. D. Excursions. 1863.) 815 5 — Tlie conduct of life. Sedition. London, I860. D. 814 5 —English traits. New edition. London, \Sh7. S. 914.2 1 — Essays. [3] edition. Series 1-3. Boston, 1845-8 [v. 1, '47J. 2 V. D. 814 3 —Letters and social aims. London, 1876. D. 814 7 — Nature; Addresses and lectures. Boston, 1850. D. 814 4 —Poems. 4 edition. Boston, 1850 [c'46]. D. 811 7 — Society and solitude. London, 1870. S. 814 6 — Lowell, J. R. Emerson the lecturer, {ht his My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 Emery, Carlo. Contribuzioni all' ittiologia. pi. {In Rome— R.iiccad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. .set. Jis. V. 3, 1878-9. ) — Fiera.sfer: studi intorno alia sistenialica, I'anatomia e la biologiadellesjjecie niediterranee di questo genero. (7. pi. (/" same. V. 5, 1.S79-.S0.) 0()5 4 EMERY. Smith, J. L. Memoir on emery. [New Haven, 1851.] O. 32 p. il. itoH S EMIGRATION, .see MKJRATION. EMIGRES. Lescure, M. F. A. de, editor. Me- moires sur I'emigration, 1791-lWOO. (In Barrifere (fc Lesciire. Memoires, 18.57-81, v. 33.) 944 10 Eiiiile et Sophie, see Rousseau, J. J. Emili; eller. En afton i Lapplund, .see Fraiizen, F. M., V. 4. Emilia— Reale eomiiiissione pe' tesli di lingua iielle provincie. CoUezione di opere iiiedite o rare dei priini tre secoli della lingua: Prote. Torino, 1861-3. 2 v. in 1. D. 850 5 Contenti?: 1. Miscellanea di opuscoli dei secoli 14 e 15. 2. BistiiTi, V. Commentario della vita di G. Jlan'etti. Collezione di opere inedite o rai-e dei primi tre secoli della lingua. Bologna, 1863-89. v. 1- 66, & Appendice. O. (7. tab. facxim. 850 6 Contents: 1. Lucca. Bandi del secolo 14. 2-3. Andrea di Jacopo di Barberino di Valdelsa, Storia di Ajolfo. 4-«. Siena. Statuti ne' secoli 13 e 14. 7. I fatti di (.'esare. 8-i>. La tavnI.^ ritonda; o. L'istoria di Tristan. 10. Oioranui. V. di. Cronache sieiliane dei secoli 1.3-15. II. Storia di Rinaldino da Montalbano. 12. Hippocrates. Trattati di mascalcia. 13-1.">. Commento alia Divina coramedia [of Dantel. 3v. IIS. (iiordano o/' /^icaWo. Prediche inedite, 1302-5 I7-1S. Pctrarca, F. De' rimedii dell'... fortuna. 2 V 19-20. liusio, L. La mascalc ia. 2 v.21-2. lianihaldo, B. II lidMiulrc. 2v. 23-4. .IliLxinius, V. De' fatti e detti. 2.5. 11 lilirt. di sidrach. 26. Leggenda minore di S. Cateriiia da Siena. 27. Tempo, A. da. Delle rime volgari. 2S-30. Dante Alighieri. P^semplare della Diyina coniedia[;2i codicil 81. Kiijna, P. I reali di Francia. ricerche. 32. 1 nobili fatti di .\lessandro magno. 33. Albertano o/-' iJ?-4s. Le storie Nerbonesi. 4!)-.i2. Latini, B. II tesoro. 63-4. Joseplius, F. Volgarizzamento della isloria delle guerre giudaiche ah. Boccaccio, 0. Delle dunne famose. 56-6.1. Bible. La Bibbia volgare, 1471. B(>. Bancliini. D. 11 libro d' amore di cariti. Ap- pendice. Zanibrini, V. Le opere volgari a stampa dei se- coli 13 e 14. For supplementary publications, see II propugnatore;— Scelta di curitisita letterarie inedite o rare. Emilia Galotti. ein Trauerspiel,see LessiiigjG.E. EMIN Pacha, see SCHNITZER, E. EMMA,'ii(ee/t of England. Cniitonis regiagesta; sive. Encomium Emmae reginae, auctore monacho Sancti Bertini. Hannoverae, 1865. O. 8-f 37 p. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum. German. 3.) 943 16 Same: Encomium Emmas reginaj. (Jn Lauge- bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 3.) ' 948 76 EMMANUEL, Icing of Portugal. Goes, 1). de. Chronica do rei Emanuel. Coimbra, 1790. 4 pt. in 3 V. O. 946 79 — Osorlo, .1. Da vida e feitos d'el rei D. Manoel; ...vertidos em poituguez pelo F. M. do Na- soimento. Lisboa, 1804-6. 3 v. D. 946 80 EMMENTIIAL. Bitziiis, A. Die Wassernoth im Emmenthal 13 Aug. 1837. (7ii Itis Gesam.Schrif- ten, 18,56-8, v. 33.)" 833 7 Same. 3 Auflage. Berlin, 18.52. D. 70 p. .551.48 35.1 EMMENTHAL DIALECT. Riitte, A. von. Er- klarung der dialektischen Ausdrucke in Jere- EMMENTHAL DIALECT 200 ENQELHARDT mias Gotthelf's gesammeltenSchriften. Berlin, 1858. D. (7)1 Bitzius, A. Gesam. Scliriften, V. 23.) 833 7 EmiiiinL^liaus, Karl Beiiiliard Arwed. Haus- wirth^-tluiftliclie Zeitfraseii. Berlin, I8G9. O. 44 p. (hi Vii'chow & Holtzeiidorff. VortrilKe. 4Serie.) 043 1 EMOTI()>'S. Hoi-wircz, A. Zur Naturgeschich- te der Gefiihle Berlin, 1876. O. 39. p.(/n same. 11 Serie.) 043 1 .SVf «feo ANUEU: LOVE. EMPEDOCLES. Lioy, P. Un filo.'iofo di due- mila anni fa. (/)( his Conferenze. 1872.) 570 1 hoimd with 551.58 120 Le eiiipefios de un acaso, see Calderoii. v. 8. Emperor and Galilean, see Ibseu, H. Eiiipoli, (liiovaniii da. Lettera intorno al viag- gio a Malacca, e altre leltere; aggiuiitavi. la vita di esso, scritta da Girolaino da Empoli. (/?i Varieta storiche d' Italia.) 945 11 Enesta vida todo es verdad, y todo mentira, see Calderon. v. 1 . Den eiia for den andia, comedia, see Uiista- TllS III. ENAMEL. Parcel, A. Notice des emaux et de r orlerrerie Idu Louvre]. Paris, 1867. D. il. 751 3 — Laborde, L. E. S. J. de. Notice des emaux, bijoux et objets diveis du Louvre. Paris, 1853. 3 V. in 1. D. il. 751 1 Contents: 1. Histoire et descriptions. 2. Documents et ^lossaire. Enberff, L. M. Minne af C. G. Leopold. (In LeopoW, K. G. af. Saml. skrifter, 1814-;)3, v. 4.) 839.71 20 El encanto sin encanto, see Calderon. v. 2. ENCICLICALS, see Popes. Encyclopajdia Americana, see Lieber, P., EEBI>Oi JIIMMJ: BOADS; STEAM EXOIXES; TUXXEI-S. Eiisrlaild. Reports of cases in the courts of Star chamber and High commission; edited liy Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London,] 1886. sqO. (//( Caiiideu soc. u. s. 39.) 820 4.1 England— Court, of exchequer. Trinity term, 26tli Victoria; the attorney general i'. Sillem and others, claiming the vessel Alexandra, seized under the foreign enlistment act; report of the trial; with appendix. London, 18C3. Q. 341 7 — The tryal of John Hambden in the great case of ship-money; added, the tryal of Thomas Harrison for words spoken against Justice Hutton. London, 1719. F.^ 347 11 See also LAW— EX(1LA>'D. For antiquities, description and history of Ensland, see GREAT BRITAIX. —SOCIAL LIFE. Brand, J. Observations on popular antiquities; revised and enlarged by Sir H.Ellis. London, 1841-2. 3 v. sqD. 390 8.1 — — Briiiklow, H. Complaynt of Roderyck Mors, about 1542; and The lamentacyou of a Christen agaynst the cytye of London, by R. ENGLISH DIALECTS Mors, 1545; edited by J. M. Cowper. London, 1874. O. {/jiE. E. text SOC. Extra ser. 22.) 820 5.1 Hazlitt, AV. C. Inedited tracts, illustrating the manners, ojiinions and oecui)atioiis of Kng- lisbmen, during the 16th and 17tb centuries; with i)reface and notes. [London,] 1868. sqO. (/)( his Roxburghe lib. 3.) 821 3 Macliyii, H. The diary of Maihyn, citizen and mercliant-taylor of London, 1550-63; edited by J. G. Nichols. London, 1848. sqO. (/« Camden soc. v. 43.) 820 4 Palgrave, F. Truths and fictions of the middle ages. 2 edition. London, 1844. S. 823 31 A relation of some abuses against the com- monwealth, 1629; edited by Sir F. Madden. 1854. {In Camden misc. 3; in Camden soc. 61.) 820 4 — — Rutland papers; original documents illus- trative of the courts and times of Henry VII. and Henry VIII.; selected by W. Jerdan. Lon- don, 1843. O. {In Camden soc. 21.) 820 4 Striitt, J. Tlie sports and pastimes of the people of England. New edition, by W. Hone. London, 1838. O. (7. 394 4 Stiibbes, P. The anatomie of abuses; re- printed from the edition of 1585. London, 1836. O. 827 13 — AVrigllt, T. A history of domestic manners and sentiments in England during the middle ages. London, 1863. sqO. il. 390 7 _. editor. Anecdota literaria; a collection of short poems in English, Latin and French; illustrative of England in the 13th century. London, 1844. O. 821 11 See a/so SKiNBOABBS; VAGABONDS. England in time of war, see Dobell, S. T. Enghvnd's worthies, see Vicars, .f. Eiigler, Adolf. Ueber das Pflanzenleben unter der Erde. Berlin, 1880. O. 31 p. (/» Vircliow d- Holtzendorfl". Vortiage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 The English catalogue, see Low, S. The En&:lisli Charlemagne romances. London, 1879-91." 12 pt. in 9 v. O. por. facsim. {In E. E. text soc. Extra, ser. 34-41, 53-5, 50.) 820 5.1 Contents: I, Sir Ferumbras; edited by S. -J. Herrtase* 2. The sege o£f Melayne; edited by Herrtatre. ;i-4. The Ivf of Charles the (irete, translated by Ca.xton. 148.5; edited by Herrtage. a. The romaunoe of the sti\vdt>ne of Babyloue and of Ferumbras his sone: re-edited by E. Ilauskuecht. 6. The taill of Eauf Coilvear; re-edited by Herrtage 7-9, 11. The boke of Duke Huim of Bur- deux; English by Lord Berners, about l.")34; edited by S. B Lee. 10,12. The rinht pleasaunthistorie of the foure sonnes of Aymon: englisht by Caxton, about 1481); edited by O. Richardson. An English chronicle of the reigns of Richard II. — Henry VI. [1377-1461], with an appendix; edited by John Silvester Davies. [London,] 1856. sqb. {In Camden soc. 64.) 820 4 The Eiiglisll courtier and the cutrey-gentleman; a pleasant disputation, 1586. {In Hazlitt, W. C. Inedited tracts. 1868; in /lis Roxburghe lib. 3.) 821 3 English dialect society. [Prospectus. London, 1873.] O. 13 p. 820 5.3 ENGLISH DIALECTS. Early Englisli text so- ciety. Publications. London. 1864-91. Original series, 1-97; Extra series, 1-59. O, Q & F." il. por. pi. facsim. map. 820 5, 5.1 ENGLISH DIALECTS 202 EN GLIsn LANG UA GE Foi- contents arransred numerically, .-i" Astor cata- logue, continuatinir. al|>lial)r!i<;illy. >•■ I'cabody cata- loRue. For coiilirils attn- 7 1. ■irit:iiial Maies, and 33, extra series, fft Karly Kiii;li>li text siii-icty ir. tliis catalogue. — Ellis, A. J. The existing phonology of English dialects compared with that of West Saxon speech. London, 1«89. O. maps. (InhisOn early pronunciation, v. 5: in E. E. textsdc. Extra ser. 5(i.) 820 S.! — Finiieuich-IUchartz, J, M. Englische Miind- arten. (In hits Gernianiens Volkerstinimen, 1846-54, V. 3.) 839.1 1 — Uariiett, B. English dialects.— On the lan- guages and dialects of the British Islands. (In his Philol. essays. 18.59.) 404 2 — HalliweU-Pliillipps, J. 0. A dictionary of archaic and i)roviucial words from the 14th century. London, 1846-7. 2 v. O. 427 13 Seettlfo .IMEnuAMS.IIS: cniBERLiXD; EAST A>(iUA; GLOlCESTEKSiriUE: KENTISH: XEtiRO - EXfJMSlI ; XORTHt'.'HlSRIAX; .SCOTCH; SHETLAND; SHROPSHIRE; SLAXCJ; SIKFOLK; WEST.1I0RELAXD. ENGLISH (c(irly) L.\NGUAGE. Boucher, J. A glossary of obsolete and provincial words, forming a supplement to the dictionaries of the English language [: edited by J. Hunter and J. Sterenson: Introduction, and A — Blade. Lon- don, 1833-3.] sqQ. 427 3 No more published. — Catliolioon Anglicum: an English-Latin word- book, 1483; edited, with introduction and notes by S. J. H. Herrtage: with preface by H. B. Wheatley. [London,] 1882. sqO. (/«" Camden soc. n. s. 30.) 820 4.1 —Same. O. facsiiii. (/?» E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 75.) 820 5 — Coleridgre. H. A glossarial index to tlie print- ed Englisli literature of the 13tli century. Lon- don. 1859. O. "427 11 — Coiiieiiius, J, A. The gate of tongues unlock- ed: in Latine. English and French. 3 edition, by .J. Anchoran. London, 1013. T. 478 1 — Davies, J. L. 0. Bible English ; chapters on old and disused e.xpressions in the authorized version and tlie book of common jirayer. Lon- don, 1875. D. 427 15 — Geoffrey, grammarian. Promptorium parvu- loruiii sive clericorum: dictionarius Anglo- Latinus princeps, circa 1440; commentariolis subjectis, recensuit A. Way. Londini, 1865. sqO. facsim. (In CaiiKleii soc. 89.) 820 4 — Halliwell-Pliillipps, J. 0. A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs, from the l4th century. London, 1846-7. 2 v. O. 427 12 — Keller, II. A. von. A vohmie of vocabularies by r. Wright. — A glossarial index to the i>rint- ed English literature of the 13th century, bv H. Coleridge, {/n Jahrbncli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, I860.) ^ 80.5 1 — Mackay, C. Lost beauties of the language. London [,1874], D. 427 13.1 —Marsh, (J. I*. .Study of early English. (In his Lectures. IHOO.) (ISO 30 — Miilzner, E. A. F., editor. Altenglische .Sprachprol)en. nelist einem Worterbuche. Ber- lin, 1K67-91. 2 v. in 4. Q. 820 8 — Nares, K. A glossary to English aiithms, particularly Shakespeare and his contempora- ries. New" edition, by J. O. Halliwell and T. Wright. London, 1859. 2 v. O. 427 14 — Oliphant, T. L. K. The Old and Middle Eng- lish. London, 1878. D. 427 9 — Schipper, J., editor. Englische Alexiuslegen- den aus dem 14-15 Jahrhundert. Strassburg, 1877. pt. 1. O. 821 13.1 — Wright, T., editor. A volume of vocabula- ries, from the 10th century to the 15th; edited from mss. [Liverpool,] 1857. Q. il. 427 10 .SVf t'ES; also A(il\('()i:i{'l':— The ancren riwle; Arnold, R. ; Ascliaiii, K. ; Itiillein, W.; Chau- cer, (i. ; Clicke, .).; t'overdale, M.; Crannner, T.; Kaljyan, B.: Fortesclle, J.; Proissart, .).; Gingalin; (iower, .J. ; Gratton, B.; Grosscteste, B.; Banes, S.: Hoccleve, T.; Holiiislied, R.; Knox, . I.; LaiiKland, W. ; Latimer, H.; Layanion; Lilier cure cocorum: Lyilijate, J.; Malory,'!'.; JIandevilie, J. ; Man- ninii. U., fi/' Jir'i/uie; The mirror of niajestie; More, T.; Ormin; Paston letters; Pecocli, B.l Bastell, .1.; Slielton, J.; Surrey, H. B. ; Tyudale, W.; Idall, X. ; Wiclif. .1.; Wyatt, T. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Arnold, T. A man- ual of English literature. London, 1862. O. 820 12 — Bettziech, H. Entwickelung der englischen Nationalliteratur, 1858-60. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1-3, 1859-61.) 805 1 — Breen, H. H, Modern English literature; its blemishes and defects. London, 1857. O. 820 2 — Brooke, S. A. English literature. 2 edition. London, 1876. S. (In Green, J. R. Literature primers.) 820 13 — CraiU, G. L. A compendious history of Eng- lish literature and language, from the Nor- man con(iuest. London, 1861. 2 v. O. 820 14 — Gotlie, J. W. von. Englische Literatur. (In his Werke, 1827-43, v. 46.) 832 1 — Jahrbncli fiir romanische und englische Lite- ratur. V. 1-9. O. Berlin, 1859-68. 805 1 — Morley, H. Of English literature in the reign of Victoria, with a glance at the past. Leipzig, 1881. S. facsim. 820 15 — Shaw, T, B. A history of English literature. New editioit. with notes and illustrations by W. Smith. London, 1864. D. (Student's manu- al.s.) 820 16 — Spalding, W^. The history of English litera- ture; with an outline of the growth of the lan- guage. 7 edition. Edinburgh," 1861. D. 820 17 — Taine, H. A. Histoire de la litterature au- glaise. 2 edition. Paris, 1866-71. 5 v. D. 820 18 ,v« ii/so AMEIUCAN' LITEBATIUE; ANGLO-SAXON LIT- ERATlIitE: NOKMAN LITERATI BE. —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Allihone, S. A. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, from the earliest ac- counts to the middle of the 19th century. Philadelphia, 1858-71. 3 v. Q. 015 1 The two supplementary volumes, covering the period 1850-1888, are iu the main library. Collier, J. P. A bibliographical and criti- cal account ot the rarest books in the English language... New York. 1866. 4 v. O. 015 4 ENG LISH LITER A TURE 206 Hazlitt, W. C, editor. A catalogue of early English miscellanies formerly m the Har- leian library. 1&62. (In Camden misc. C: ni Camden soc. 87.) »-*> * Low, S. The English catalogue of books published, 18;:ir)-89, comprising the contents of the "London" and the "British" catalogues, aud the principal works published m the U. «. A. and continental Europe: with dates, size, price, edition and publisher's name. Lonao". 1864-91. V. 1-4. Q. 015 -i Same. Index [of subjects], 1837-80. London, 1858-64. V.1-3.Q. 015 3.1 Lowndes, W. T. The bibliographer's man- ual of English literature: with bibliographical and critical notices, collations of the rarer articles, and prices. New edition, enlarged [by H. G. BohnJ. London, 1857-64. v. in U. jj 015 1.1 Vol 6 is Appendix, containing an account of books issued by societies and clubs, privately pnuted : aud serials. Stevens, H. Catalogue of my English li- brary. London, 1853. S. 015 2 —COLLECTIONS. Knlglit, C, editor. Half- hours with the best authors; including bio- graphical and critical notices. New edition, remodelled. London [,1866]. 4 v. D. iwr. 820 11 See especially K\(il,ISll uarbj) LITKKATIIKE. — l)R.iMA. Hazlitt, W. C, editor. The English drama and stage, 1,543-1604, illustrated by doc- uments, treatises and poems; with preface and index. [London,] 1869. sqO. {In his Rox- burghehl). 4.) 8'-l 3 Lamb, V., editor. Specimens of English dramatic poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare. New edition. London, 1835. 3 v. D. 822 1 Macaulay. T. B. Comic dramatists of the Restoration. "(/" '"'« Essays, 1843, v. 4.) 824 16 Whipple, E. P. Old English dramatists. (In hi.-i Essays, 1848-9, v. 2.) 824 16 See a/so liaeon, v.: Bale,.!.; Broniiiiii.-. R.: Biukiiieham, 0. v., Jd duke of: KXil.ISlI I.ITKUATI RK- MIltAli.K ri,» YS; (iiiscniem', (i.; (ic>l(lsiiiitli, O.; .IiiIimsdii. s.: .Ioiisoii. 11.; Liiinli, (.; Liuiddr, «. S.; Miissiiiwr. P.; INirtcr. H.; Kiiliardson, S.; Sliiikespearc, W.: Sheridan, U. B. B.; Taylor. H.; I'dall, >.; Wiiidsnorth, W. —ESSAYS. Whipple, E. P. British critics. (In his Essays, 1848-9, v. 2.) 814 16 Contents: .Jeffrey.— Mackintosh.— Sir William Hamil- ton.— Gifford.- II azi;tl. -Hunt. See also Addisoii, .).; Arndhl, M.; Baeon.F.; Burke, K.; Car- Ijlc. T.: (Dleridne, S. I'.; itcfoe. P.; Oe ((uiiicey, T.; Fleic. .1. II.: Kullir,T.:cctator; Swift, J. — FICTION. See AiiKiry, T.; Bcckford, «'.: Buiiynn. .1.; Chaii-liodkN: toleridite, S.: Pefoe. !>.; IliikeiiH, ('.: KN«il.lSll I.ITKUA- Trlil-; ItOMANCKS; (ioldmiiltli, 0.; Hope. T.; Ilonell. .1.; Malliick. W. II.; Mayo, I. V.. il- W. S.; Morier, .1.; I'alKrave, F.; Uiifllni, H.: Salidwltli, II.; Sidney, I'.; Sterne, li.; Swill, .1. —HUMOR Towneley mysteries. London [. ISliO]. O. (In J^nrlees soc. 3.) 820 7, 822 23 Si'' also The enterlude of John Bon and mast per.son; The Inirroniug of lull; lugeleml, T.; The interlude of the four .■kniinfs; Thi- iiileilude of the trial of treasure; Kverymati; Tlir skr> veners' play. — .MISCKI.LAMIOCS. Harington, J., <& others. Nuga' ;inti(|u:i'; misccllaiuMius j)apers written in the reigns of Henry V'lll. — James I. Lon- don, 17(19-75. 2 V. S. 2'or. pi. music. 828 13 Harleian miscelhiny; or, A collection of pamplilets and tracts in the earl of Oxford's ENGLISH LITER A TURE 207 EXGLI8IIW0MAN library; with liistorical, political and critical notes fbyW. Oldys]. London, 1744-6. 8 v. sqQ. 942 11 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Sonthey, R. Commonplace-book ; edited by J. W. Warter. New York, 1849. 3 v. O. por. 828 18 .SVe «&o Aschaiii. li. : Ilacon, F.; Bronnp, .Si/ T. ; Ifiiike, E.; Iturloii, 11.; Colfriilgp. S. T.; t'oiyiit. T.; Kuphinnor; Fi'lUliiiin. <».; Fuller, T.; Iliirc, .J. ('. A A. \\.\ lIcrlKii, 0.; Ljly. .).; Orliinl. II. WaliMilf. <((//o/; Koljiiisoli, P.; llMskiii, J. ; Sililcii. .1.: Mouthij, li.; Snift, J.; Urquliart, T.; Wallon, I.; Hillton, II. — OIIATORY. .*f Burkf, E.; Siiiitli, S. —PERIODICALS. .S(f The aoadeiiiy; The Anti-Jacobin; The Athfurpuni; The Sutunlay review; Vanity fair. POETRY. Collier, J. P., erf/«o;-. Ancient biographical poems on the duke of Norfolk, viscount Hereford, the earls of Essex and Queen Elizabeth. 1855. (In Camden misc. 3; i« Camden soc. 61.) 820 4 Dana, R. H. Hazlitt's Lectures on the English poets. {In his Poems and prose, 1850, V. 2.) 811 5 Extracts, elegant, instructive and enter- taining, in poetry. London, 1791. 2 v. O. 821 5 Fiiruivall, F. J., editor. Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II.; The life of St. Alexius; Solomon's book of wisdom: St. Jere- mie's 15 tokens before doomsday; The lamenta- tion of souls. London, 1878. O. (/)( E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 69.) 820 5 The babees book, E; Fenunbras; Flore: Ganain; Gcnerydes; Guy td" Warwick; Horn ; Lance, lot; Slerlin; Paris and Vienna: Rolaud; Knight of the snan; Torrent of Portugal: William of Palerne. The Eug'llshivomaii in Egypt, .see Poole, S. L. EN'GLISHW03IAN' 208 ERASMUS The Englislnvomaii in Russia; by a lady ten years resident, in that country. New York, 1855. D. vL 914. 7 3 ENGRAVING. American bank note company. [Specimens of engraving. New York,] ii. d. sqF. pi. nip. 768 1 The latest date on any of the ensravinss is 1B67. — Diiplessis, G. V. A. G. Les merveilles de la gravure. Paris, 18G9. D. il. {In Cliarton_, E. Bil)l. des merveilles.) 7 (JO 1 Longhi, G. La calcografia. Milano, 1880. v. 1. O. por. 760 3 Vol. 1: La teorica dell' arte. — S, Y. (siafe)— Library.Catalogue, 1856:Maps, manuscripts, engravings, coins, &c. Albany, 1857. Q. 016 23, boimd with 010 3 Catalogue of the books on bibliography, tVDOgraphy and engraving. Albany, 1858. O. ■'^ 016 1 See also Dt'IlKIi. A.; Hollifin, H. ; HEMBEANDT; Sachs, H.; Biblia paupeium. Engsirom, J. Resa genom Norrland och Lapp- land til Sulitelma och Gellivare, 1834. Stock- holm. 1834. 3 V. in 1. D. 914.8 32.3 — Resa genom sodra Lappland.Jemtland.Trond- hem och Dalarne, 1834. Calmar, 1835-6. 3 v. in 1. D. 914.8 32.4 ENIGMAS, see RIDDLES. Den eiisamna, see Bremer, F. Enslln, Karl. Frankfurter Sagenbuch. Frank- furt a. M., 1856. D. 398 5 The enterlude of John Bon and mast person ; a dialogue, in verse; edited by William Henry Black. London, 1852. D. 2S p. il. (/n Percy soc, V. .30.) 820 6 ENTHUSIASM. Dana, R. H. Natural history of enthusiasm [by I. Taylor J. {In liis Poems and prose. 1850. v. 2.) 811 5 Konung Enzio, see Nicander, K. A. EPAMINONDAS. S., S. G. The life of Epa- miiiondas, {In Plntarchus. Lives. 1631.) 888 28 Epiiemeris parliamentaria, see Great Britain —Parliament. Ephrera, St. , the Syrian. Due sermone e la Laudazione di Josef; volgarizzamento, percura di Achille Neri. Bologna, 1867. D. 72 p. {In Seelta di curiosita. 78.) S.IO 10 EPIC POETRY. Very, J. {In his Essays.) 811 24 Epicrene; or, The silent woman, a comedy, see JonNon, B. Epictetus. Enchiridion, et Cebetis Tabula, GrrRce & Latine; addita sunt J. D. Snecani notae; Sortitus animarum, ex Eris Pamphylii narratione: Ex Hipparcho Pythagoreo de animi tranquillitate. [Lugduni Batavoruni, 1632':'1 Tt. 888 50 Tlie title-iiaKe is wanting. — 'K7X£vW. Ko- iRing Erik den fjortondes historia. 2 uplagan. Lund, 1795. D. 948 36 — Hund, I). H. Konung Erik XIV:s krcinika, pa rim; utgifven af F. A. Dablgren. Stock- holm, 1847. O. (In Svenska forn.-siil. Sam- lingar. v. 3.) 839.7 3 — Tesel, E. J. Konung Erics den XIV: des hi- storia; jemte annierkningar och register, utgif- wen af A. A. von Stiernman. Stockholm, 1751. sqQ. por. 948 36.1 ERIC ElEiiOH, king of Denmark. Suhm, P.P. Udforligere Character af Erik. (In Ins Skrifter, 1788-98, V. 4.) 839.88 5 Ericlisen, Jon, Forberedelse. (in Kouuugs skuggsja. 1768.) 839.08 19 — Oliservationuiii ad antiquitates septentrio- nales pertinentium specimen, llafnise, 1769. S. 398 30 — editor, see Arnason, J. Historisk Indledning til den islandske Rsettergang. 1762. 349 56 & translator, see Jon Loptsons En- comiast. 1787. 839.61 11 — Palssou, S. ^-Efisaga Jons Eyrikssonar. Kaupmannahofn, 1828. D. por. ' 839.63 31 Erik den fjortonde, en dramatisk dikt, see Beskow, B. Yon. Erik den fjortonde, sorgspel, .see Lidner, B. Erik llenveds Barndom, .see Ingeniann, B. S. Erik og Abel, see jBlilenschliiser, A. G. Trago- dier, v. 5. ERLANDS0N, Jakob, see JAKOB ERLAXDSPX. Eriandsson, Israel. De vita et miracujis sancti Erici Sueciai regis; primus edidit, notisq. illu- stravit Joannes Schefferus. Holniiae, 1675. S.. 922 27.1 — Miracula S. Erici regis et martyris, Latine et Svethice. { In Fant, E. M. Script, rerum Sve- cicarum, 1818-28, v. 2.) • 948 38.1 Erlel)nisse eines Schuldenbauers,.see Bitzius,A. V. 19. EBLENDSSOJi, Haiikr. Munch, P. A*. Om Hauk Erlendsson og haus literaire Virksom- lieii. facsini. — Tilla?gsbema?rkning. (In Copen* hag:en — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler, v. 7, 1847.) 948 3 ■St'ra/fo Alsorisniiis; Tmjiiiiiaima saj;a. Ernieugand, Matfre. Le breviari d'amor: suivi de sa lettre a sa SLEur; publie par la Societe archeologique, scientifique et litteraire de Bezi- ers; introduction et glossaire par Gabriel Azais. Beziers [,pref. 1862]. v. 1. v. 3, pt. 1. O. pi. 849 9 See Appendix. — Inedita aus dem Breviari d'amor; von Sachs. (/Ji Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 — Bartscli, K. F. Le breviari d'amov, publ. par la Societe archeol. de Beziers. (In same. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 ERMENGA UD 310 ESMORIET — Mu»l)enhnvn, 1837. D. 38 |i. 842 4 Esniwiet, Eeii abel spel van. (In Hofl'mann von Fallerslebcn. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt- •''•) 839.31 3 ESOP 211 EUTRUP Esop, see JG»iopiis. ESOPUS, i\'. 1'. Kregier, M. Journal of tlie second Esopus war. IGGIi. {la O'Callaglian, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 4.) «74 9 Espagiie, Adelplie. Proverbes et dictions popu- laires recueillis 'a .\spiran. — L'Artiste. — Chro- niijue. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.)— Epigrapliie roniane, dialectesmodernes. [In same. v. 5.) 479 5 Les Espagiiols en Daneniarck, comedie, see Merini^e, P. Espaua sagrada, see Florez, E., & others. Lft Espauola inglesa, see Cervantes. Novelas,v.2. Espeio poetico en que se niiran las heroycas liazan is executadas por Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva, du(iue de AUnuiuerque; celebra- das por los ingenios Granadinos in su acade- mia. Granada, 1602. O. 861 7 Esperson, Pietro. II trattato di Washington sulla ([uestione anglo-aniericana dell' Alabama. [Firenze, 1871.] sqO. 8 p. 341 8 Estratto dalla Rivista marittima. ottobre 18"!. L'espiiiette amoreuse, see Froissart, J. Espoliii, Jon Jonsson. Islands arba?kur i sogu- forini. Kaupmannahfifn, 1821-.5.5. 12 pt. in 3 v. sqO. 839.63 44 Es([uilaclie^ Francisco de Borja y Aragon, principe de. [Las rimas.l Zaragoza, 1651. sqD. 861 9 The title has been cut out uf the euf^aved title-page, and the above title writtten on the paper pasted on. ESROM. Kierulf, A. C. A. Esrom Klosters Hi- storie. Kiobenhavn, 1838. D. [2-f] 76 [-f-2Jp. 948 96 Kornenip, J. Minder oni Cisterciensklostret i Esrom. om dets Stiftelse eg dets Forbindelser nied Clairvaux:— Till.Tg. (7. -(In Copenhagen — K. nord.01d.-Selskab.Aarboger. v. 14,1879.) — Om Esrom Klosters Forbindelser med Ven- den og de architektoniske Spor deraf. (7. (In same. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Essai sur le-jeu des echecs; parun natif d'Alep en Syrie. Hambourg, 1770. S. 72 p. 734 1 Preface signed N. N. Essays and reviews. Leipzig, 1862. S. (Tauch- nitz edition.) 204 1 Essays for summer hours, .see Lannian, C. Essays on the endowment of research, by vari- ous writers. London, 1876. O. 378 3 For foutents see KI)V('.\TION'. Essellen, >I. F. Das Varianische Schlachtfeld im Kreise Beckum. Berlin, 1874. O. 39 p. majj. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 9 Serie.) 043 1 ESSEXES. Mangold, W. Die Irrlehrer der Pa- storalbriefe. Marburg, 1856. O. 273 1 ESSEX COUSTY, England. Norden, J. Spe- culi Britannia? pars: an historical and choro- graphical description of the county of Essex; edited by H. Ellis. London, 1840." sqO. 44-f 42 p. niap. (/li Camden soc. 9.) 820 4 Essex papers: edited bv Osmund Airy. Vol. 1, 1672-9. [London,] 1890. v. 1. sqO. (In same. n. s. 47.) 820 4.1 Esslingen, Joliann von. Ausziige aus einer Weltclironik. ( In Dienier, J. Kleine Beitriige. 1851.) 831 2.1 La cstatna de Prometeo. .see Calderon. v. 3. Estcoiirt, James ISucknall Bncknall, major- general. Journey from the bay of the Orontes to Damascus, 1835. — Journey from Suedia to Reschid pacha's camp near Diyarbekr. 1835. — Report of the circumstances relating to the transport, 1835. (In Chesney, F. R. Narrative of the Euphrates expedition. 18C8.) 915.6 12 —Marsh, (i. P. The late General Estcourt. (In National intelligencer, Washington, 7 Feb. 1856.) 08(» 43 Same. (In Ryan, G. Life of Estcourt, 1856, apx.,p. 2-8.) 080 34 Same. (In Marsh, C. C. Life of G. P. Marsh, 1888, v. 1, p 474-9.) 080 42 —Ryan, (}. The life of Estcourt. London. 18.56. D. ■22-h8 p. 080 34 ESTE, Mcolo da. Campo, L. dal. Viaggio a Gerusalemme di N. da Este. (In Emilia. Miscel- lanea. 1861.) 850 5 ESTEJiSE, Isabella, .see (JOXZAtJA, I. E. ESTHER, qneen. Storia della reina Ester. Bo- logna, 1864. D. 31 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 43.) 850 10 ESTHOMA. Holzniayer, J. B. Osiliana: Erin- nerungen aus dem heidnischen Giittercultus, und aite Gebriiuche verschiedener Art, gesam- nielt unter den Insel-Esten. Dorpat, 1872. O. .390 19 Estienne (Latin Stephanus), Henri. De Diodoro et ejus scriptis tractatus. (//; Diodorus Siciilus. 1793-7, V. I.) 888 46 — Le precellence du langage francois. Nouvelle edition, accompagnee d'une etude sur Estienne et de notes par Leon Feugere. Paris, 18.50. D. 447 17 — A world of wonders; or, An introduction to a treatise touching the conformitie of ancient and modern wonders; translated out of the French fby R. Cudworth?]. London, 1607. Q. 282 23 The original is "L'introductiou au traite de la con- formite," etc. — ojino^a^or, see Tlincydides. 1731., 888 4.1 Passow, F. L. K. F. Heinrich .Stephanus. (In Rannier, F. L. (i. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1831.) 905 1 Estorcli y Siques, Pan. Elements de poetica catalana, y diccionari de sa rima. Gerona, 1852. D. 467 10 Esti-e, 31>-s. H. G. d.' translator, see Fantozzi, F. Nouveau guide de Florence. 1849. 914..5 65 Estrees, Fran(jois Annihal, due d.' Memoires, la regence de Marie de Med icis et le regne de Louis XIII. por. (In Michand & Ponjonlat. Memoires. 1866, v. 20.) 944 9 SERRA DA ESTRELLA, Porf»graZ. Rivoli, J. Die Serra da Estrella: niit spezieller Beriick- sichtigungihrerforstlichenVerhaltnisse.Gotha, 1880. s(|(.^. [3+] 86 p. )/iop. (/)(. Petermanns Mittlieilnngen; Ergiinzungsband 14.) 910 44 Estriip, Hektor Frederik Janson. Absalon, som Helt, Statsmand og Biskop: et biographisk Forsog. Soroe, 1826. O. ijor. 922 14 — BeniEcrkninger paa en Reise i Normandiet i 1819. Kjobenhavn, 1821. D. 914.4 8 — Historiske Blandinger. Kjabenhavn, 1830. D. 904 1 ESTR UP 212 ETHNOLOGY -De makaririke tier og Elisa : et Bidrag til Phoeniciernes Handelshistoiie. Kjobeiiliavn, 1843. sqQ. 23 p. 380 4.1 — Om Slesvigs og Holstens Uadskilleliglied efter Forsikkringsacten af 1460: en historisk Undersogelse. Kiobenhavu, 1832. O. 23 p. 943 47 — Om Ti-celdom i Norden; en archieologisk Un- dersogelse. Kiobenhavn, 1823. D. 326 3 — Om Underviisiiing og Opdragelse ved Soroe Academie: et Indbydelsesskrift. Kjobeiiliavn. 1832. sqO. [4 + ] 41 [ + 5] p. - 373 2 ETCHISO, see KEMBRANDT. ETERNAL PUNISHiMEXT. Passaslia, C. Sulla eternitii delle peue e sul fuoco dell' inferno; dissertazioni; volgarizzati dal F. Regonati. Milano, 1855. O. " 93 p. 237 3 Etlie, Hermann. Die hofische und romantisclie Poesie der Perser. Hamburg, 1887. O. 48 p. iln Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 — Die mystisohe, didaktische und lyri.sche Poesie und das spiitere Schriftthum der Per- ser. Berlin. 1888. O. 52 p. {In same. Z.) 043 2 ETHELBI'R(t.4, queen of Northumherlaud. Newman, J. H., & others. (In their Lives of Englisb saints, 1844-5, v. 4.) 922 8 Etlielred, abbott of Rivvaulx. On the saints of the church of Hexham. (In Raine, Rei\ J. The priory of Hexham, v. 1, 1864; in Snrtees soc. 44.) 820 7 — Relatio de standardo. (In Hewlett, R. Oironicles, 1884-9, v. 3: in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 82.) 942 8 — Newman, J. H., & others. (In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 7.) 922 8 Ethelred, a legendary tragic drama, see Rich- ardson, S. ETHICS. Albertano of Brescia. Dei trattati morali; a cuia di F. Helmi. Bologna, 1873. (In Emilia. CoUezione. 33.) S50 6 Liber consolationis et consilii: edidit T. Sundby. Londlni, 1873. O. (In Chancer soc. 2 ser. 8.) 821 46 ^Brnno, G. Spaccio de la bestia trionfante. Milano, 1863. S. (/(( Bibl. rara. 26.) 850 3 — Charron, P. Delasagesse. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1836. O. 170 2 —Cicero, M. T. De officiis. (In his Opera. 1820, V. 4.) 875 1 — Coleridge, S. T. The friend; a series of essavs. 1 American edition. Burlington, 1831. O. 824 9 — Kelltham, 0. Resolves, a duple cenlurv. 5 edition. London, 1634. D. 170 3 — — Resolves, divine, moral, jiolitical. Cam- bridge [.Mass.], 1832. D. (/n Vonng:, A. Lib. of old Kng. prose. 4.) >S20 10 Franklin, B. Fssays on religions and moral subjects and the economy of life. (In hin Works, 1,H40, V. 2.) 818 1 — Fnller, T. The holy and jnofane states. Cam- bridge [, Mass. j, 1831. (In Yonngr, A, Lib. of old Eng. prose. 1.) S20 10 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 cdilion. London, 1869. 2 v. O. 170 1 —Mackintosh, J. A general vievp of tlie pro- gress of ethical philosophy, chiefly during the 17-18 centuries. Philadelphia, 1832. O. 171 1 — Opzoomer, C. W. Het wezen der deugd; voorleziugen. Leyden. 1848. O. 170 8 — Parker, T. A sermon of the consequences of an iminorHl principle and false idea of life, 26 Nov. 1854. Boston, 1855. O. 32 p. 252 2.1 ^Plutarchus. Varia scripta, quae Moralia vul- go vocantur, Lipsiae, 1820. 6 v. T. 888 31 For other editions ami fir translations fee Plutarohus. — Prevost-Paradol, L. A. Etudes sur les mora- listes franeais; suiviesde reflexions. Paris, 1865. D. 171 2 Contents: Montaigne.— La B^otie.— Pascal.— La Roche- foucauld—La Bruyere.— Vauvenargues.— De la chairs a propos de La Bruyere. — De I'ambition. — De latristesse. — De la maladie et de la mort. — Racine, J. Etudes morales. (In his Etudes. 1855.) 848 15 — Scarabelli, L. Letture morali, per la gente di campagna. Bologna, 1870. O. 177 1 — Seneca, L. A. Opu.scula moralia. (In liis [Works.J 1703, v. 1.) 878 13 — Trattalo di virtii morali ; edito da R. de Visiaiii. Bologna, 1865. D. (In Scelta di cu- riosita. 61.) S50 10 — Vauvenargues, L. de C. de. OEuvres com- pletes. Paris, 1821. 2 v. O. 848 19 CEuvresposthumes. Paris, 1821. O. 848 19 —Webster, N. Letter to a young gentleman. — Form of association for young men. (In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 See also IirSI>K8S: CH.IRACTER; CIUSTITV; CHIL- DREN'; (OMPRO.IIISE; DAXCIXi: FA.MILT; HO.NOR; IX. TKRXATIONAL RKLATIOXS; LOTTEMES; MAX; MAR- RIAtiE; PEACE; POLITICAL ETHICS; SELF-DEXIAL: SELF-HELP; SOCIETY; THEOLOGY; THRIFT; I'TILITA- RIAXISM; VIVISECTIOX; WAR. The ethics of the dust, see Rnskin, J. ETHIOPIA. Alvarez, F. Historia de las cosas de Etiopia. Anvers, 1557. T. 099 40 — Goes, D. de. De fide, religione moribiisque ^thiopum. (In Anghiera, P. M. d.' De rebus oceanicis. 1574.) 910 1 — Heeren, ,i. HI L. Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehr imd den Handel der alten Welt. it. majis. (In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 13.) 908 2 — Lepsins, K. R. Briefe aus Aegypten, Aethi- opien,' ... 1842-5. Berlin, 18.52. O. pi. map. 9KJ.2 12 ETHNOLOGY. Balinson. K. Ethnografiske Miiseer i Udlandit. (/)/ ('opfiihascn — K. nord. Old.-Sclskab. Aarboger. v. 22, 1887.) 948 5 — Barllelt, J. R. The progress of ethiiolotrv. New Yorl;. 1S47. O. 572"6 — Bcr^bans, II. K. W. Ethnographie. (In his Pliys, .\ll:is. 1M4.5-8, v. 2.) 503 1 — liliiMicnlritt, F. Versuch einer Ethnograiihie ili-r l'liili|ipinen. Gotha. 1KS2. s(|Q. [3-1- 1 69 p. map. I In. Petermanns Mitthcihingen: Ergiin- zungsband 15.) 910 44 — Brace. ('. L. The races of the world: a man- ual of ethnology. New York, 18C3. O. 572 14 —British assoc^iation for the advancement of science. A maninil of ethnological eiiqnirv. London, 18.52. O. 15 p. 572'5 ETHNOLOGY 213 ETNA — C'astreii, M. A. Ethnologiska forelilsniiiKar. {In his Norditskin-esor, 1852-8, v. 4.) 947 13 — Ualiii, F. Bausteiiie ; gesauimelte kleiue Scliiifteii. Eiste Keihe. Berlin, 1879. O. 834 1 — DoiiK'iiy do Kionzi, (i. L. Oii-anie, revue k*?"- graphique et ethnographique. Paris, 183()-7. 3 v.'O. uor. pi. marjs. (In L'liiiivers. 06-8.) 910 18 — Etilliologicnl map of tlie British Isles. Lon- don [,185-?]. 45x38 c. in. 572 17 — FivUiiicrayer, J. P. Welclien Einfluss liatte die Be.setzung Grieclienlandsiiurch die Slaven.'' oder. Die Entstehung der heutigen Grieclien. Stvittgart, 1835. O. 949 45 — (ierlaiid, 0. K. C. Uber das Aussterben der Naturvr.lker. Leipzig, 186P. O. 572 7 — tiiseke, B. Thrakisch-pelasgische Stilmmeder Balkanlialbinsel und ihre Wanderungen in mytliisclier Zeit. Leipzig, 1858. O. 572 12 — Kiepert) H. Ethnographische Ubersiclitskarte des europiiisohen Orients; untere Donaulilnder, Tiirkei und Griechenland; mit erliiuterndem Text. Neue Ausgabe. Berlin, 1878. O. 12 p. 7nap. 572 17 — Kohl, J. G. Der Verkelu- und die Ansiede- lungendei Menschen in ihrer Aliliilngigkeit von der Gestaltung der Erdoberflaclie. iDresden. 1841. O. j>?. 572 10 — Ki'icg'k, O. L. Die Volkerstamme und ilire Zweige. Frankfurt a. M., 1848. O. 8+83 p. 572 13 — Lejeail, G. Ethnograpliie de la Turquie d' Europe [Frencli and German]. Gotha, 1861. sqQ. [2+] 38 p. map. {In Petermaiuis Mit- theilnug'en: Erganzungsband 1.) 910 44 — Lioy, P. La scliiavitu dei Negri. {In his Con- ferenze. 1872.) 570 1 bound with 551.58 120 — Magnnseii, 1\ Udsigt over den kaukasiske Menne.skestanimes a?ldste Hjemsted og Ud- vandringer. Kiobenhavn. 1818. O. 24 p. 572 13 — Moreau de Joiines, A. C. La France avant ses premiers habitants, et origiues nationales de ses populations. Paris, 1856. D. 572 16 — Miiiicli, P. A. Undersogelse angaaende Dan- marks ethnographiske Forhold i de n^ldste Tider og om Eensartetheden i DanniarksBefolkiiing. {In Copeiiliaaen— K.iiord. Old.-Selsknb. An- naler. v. 8, 1848.) 948 2 — Perty, J. A. M.Grnndzligeder Ethnogmpliie. Leipzig. 1859. O. il. 572 1 — Pigoriui, L. Di alcuni oggetti etnologici dell" Ecuador posseduti dal Museo di Roma, jil (In Rome— R.aoead. del lincel. Atti. 3 ser. set. /f.s. v. 7, 1880-1.) 0G5 5 — Quatrefages de Br^aii, J. L. A. de. L"espece humaine. 2 edition. Paris, 1877. O. 572 2 ^ — Unite de I'espece humaine. Paris, 1861. D. 572 9 — Reclns, J. J. E. Nouvelle geographie univer- selle; la terre et les hommes. Paris, 1876-91. V. 1-15,17. Q. maps. 910 13 &'f Supplement. — Rltticli, A. F. Die Ethnographie Russlands. Gotha, 1878. s(iO. 6-1-43 ]>. mcqK. {In Peter- manns Mittliellllliiren : Ergiinzungsband 12.) 910 44 — Riiscalla, U. V. Le colonie serbo-dalmate del circondario di Larino, provincia di Molise; studio otnografico. Torino, 1804. O. 38 p. 572 18 Scllieril, F. E. Om en ellinologisk Gaade fra Oldtiden. (In t'openhagen— K. iioid. Old.-Sel- Skal). Aarb0ger. v. 15, 1880.) 94S 5 — —French: Une enigme ethnographique de rantiquite. (In same. Mi'nioires. n. s. v. 3, 1878-82.) 948 3 Treatiiif; of Asiatic races and migrations. —Schoolcraft, H. R. Plan for the investigation of American etlmology. New York, 1846, O. 13 p. 572 5 Steiir, C. Ethnographie des peuples de 1" Europe avant Jesus-Clirist. Bruxelles, 1873. 3 v. y. map. 572 15 Ujfalvy, K.E.Recherches sur le tableau ethno- graphique de la Bible, et sur les migrations des peuples. Paris, 1873. O, [7J-1-.54 p. p/. 572 13 Vircliow, K. Die Urbevolkerung Europa's. Berlin, 1874. O. 48 p. (In Vlrchow & Hoi- tzendorJr. Vortrlige. 9 Serie.) 043 1 AVagner, M. Beitrilge zur Ethnographie des Orients. (In his Reise nacli Persien, 1852, V. 2.) 91«.5 6 — WoUschliiger, C. S. Handbuch der Etlmo- grapbie und der Verbreitung der Sprachen. Leipzig, 1873, O. 572 4 Seeaho ACC.IDIANS; AKKi; AXTIQUITIKS; AKAK AM- ASS; AIM'H.EOI.OOV ! BABBAKOl'S EA(ES; CANNIBALISM; GYPSIES; MAX; .MUiBATIOX; .MIS( E(iKNATION; XECiBOES SEMITIC RACE; SLATOXIC XATIOXS; VIRBALAXIt. fitieiiiie de Rouen, see Roiieu. ETIQUETTE, see MANSERS. ETNA. Ferrara, F. Descrizione dell' Etna, con la storia delle eruzione e il catalogo dei prodotti. Palermo, 1818. O. jj^. 551.21 9 — Gemmellaro, C. Breve ragguaglio della eruzione dell" Etna del 31 agosto 1852. Catania, 1852. Q. 1)1. 551.21 10 bound ivith 13 Bi'eve relazione della piccola eruzione dell' Etna in luglio 1863. Catania, 1863. sijQ. 12 p. 551.21 10 bound n-ith 13 (iiassi, M. Relazione storica ed osservazioni sulla eruzione etnea del 1865, e su' tremuoli flegrei che la seguirono. Catania, 1865. O. 92 p. 551.21 11 — Italy— Ingegiieri del real corpo delle iiiinlere. Relazione sulla eruzione dell' Etna. 1879. Roma, 1879. O. 7 p. n)ap. 551.21 10 bound icith 13 Kopiscli, A. Die Besteigung des Aetna: ein Brief. ( In his Gesam. Werke, 1856, v. 5) 831 54 Laiigiey, S. P. Observations on Mount Etna. [New Haven,] 1880. O. p. 33-44. 551.21 10 — Recupero, G. Storia naturals e generale deir Etna. Catania, 1815. 2 v. Q. jior jil. map. 551.21 12 — Sartoriiis toii Waltershanseii, Vi', Ein Vor- trag tiller den Atna und seine Ausbriiche. Leipzig, 1857. O. 28 p. 551.2110 — Sflioiiw, J. F. (In his Natur-Skildringer. 1839.) 580 6 — SiU'estri, 0. I fenonieui vuleanici presentati daft Etna, 1863-6. Catania, 1867. Q. jihot. tab. 551.21 13 L'(?t(>iirdi; ou, Les contre-temps, comedie, see Moliere, .1. P. B. de. v. 1. ETR URIA 214 EURIPIDES ETRURIA. Coiiestabile, (i. C. Di un anello etrusco in argento cJella collezione Strozzi in Firenze. il. (In Rome— R. aecad. (lei liiieei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) OCo _ — Pitture mtirali e suppellettili etrust-he scoperte in una necropoli presso Orvieto. Fi- renze, 1865. F. 750 3.3 hound with 726 9 — Greiitlie, H. Ueber den etruskischen Tausch- bandel nach deni Norden. Neue Beaibeitung. Frankfort, 1874. O. 913 14 — Gray, E. C. J. Tour to the sepulchres of Etruria in 1839. 3 edition. London, 1843. O. (7. 2>^- maps. 913 5 — Taylor, I., M. A. Etruscan researches. Lon- don, 1874. O, (7. pi. 913 16 ETRUSCAN LANGUAGE. BiUbeler, F. Populi Iguvini lustratio. Bonnae, 1876. sqQ. 39 p. 394 7 Deecke, W. Corssen und die Spraclie der Etrusker: eine Kritik. Stuttgart, 187.J. O. 39 p. 477 1 — Risi, P. Dei tentativi fatti per spiegare le antiche lingue italiche, e specialmente I'etru- sca. Milano, 1863. O. 457 36 Etteiiius, Cornelius. Bericht ttber die Reise des Legaten Vorstius um dem romischen Konige und den deutsclien Fiirsten die Kirchenver- sammlung zu Mantua anzusagen. 1536-7: her- ausgegeben von A. W. Arendt. (7n Raiiiiier, F. L. (i. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1839.) 905 1 Ettniiiller, Ernst Moritz Liubvig:. Vaulu-spa, see ViJIuspii. 839.61 35 —editor, see Orendel und Bride. 1858. 831 70 fitudes sur ritalie. Turin, 1863. 3v. O. 945 35 ETYMOLOGY. Bretton, L. P. de. Recherche sur Torigine de la ressemblance et de I'aflinite d' un grand nombre de mots dans le francjais, le danois, I'islandais, I'anglais, Tallemand, le latin, le grec et le Sanscrit. Copenhague, 1866. O. 412 1 — Grimm, J. Fj. K. Ueber Etymologie und Sprachvergleichung. (In Ins Kleinere Schrif- ten, 1864-90, v. 1.; 408 3 — JIai'sli, G. P. Practical uses of etymology. (/» /hs Lectures. 1860.) " 080 30 — Tobler, L. tTI)er die Wortzusammensetzung. Berlin, 1868. D. 412 3 .— Wlmmer, L. F. A. Den historiske Sprogforsk- ning og Modert-nialet. (In Copenliag:en — K- nord. Old.-Selsliab. Aarboger. v. 3. 1868 ) 948 5 Et.zel, Anton, von. Vagabondenthum und Wan- derleben in Norivegen; ein KeitrHgzur Cultur- und Sittenge.schichte. Berlin, 1870. O. 397 1 EUCALYPTUS. Lambert, E. Eucalyptus: cul- ture, exploitation tt produit; son role en Al- gcrie. Paris, 1S73. O. .56p. 551.58 115 — Marolda-Petilli, F. Cili eucalitti. Roma, 1879. O. pi. 561.58 114 f'onlinff: Gli eucalitti.— II eomizio awafio di Koiiia. — Pinto, (i. fill eucalitti ; appunti critici. R,.ina, 1879. (). 34 p. 551.58 115 — Torelll, L. L" eucalyptus e I'Agro romano. Roma, 1H78. O. 86[-fl]p. 551..>i,115 _ — L" eucalyptus e Roma. Roma, 1879. O. 77 r-1-3] 1). 551.58 115 — Troiibetzljoy, P. Sull' eucalipto. Intra, 1876. O. 34 p. 551.58 115 EUCHARIST, see LORD'S SUPPER. Encken, Rndolf. Aristoteles' Anschauujig von Freundschaft und von LebensgUtern. Berlin, 1884. O. 44 p. (1)1 Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Gli eiidemoni, commedia, see Giraldi Cintio, G. B. Eugenie, drame, see Beanmarchais, P. A. EUGEXIOS BULGARIS. Sturdza, A. S.(/» his ' AvafifqaeL! Kai eUdvci. 1858.) 922 30 Eiilenspiegel, .see Mnrner, J. Eulog'iiim (historiarum sive temporis): chroni- con ab orbe condito usque ad 1366, a monacho quodam Malmsburiensi exaratum; accedunt continuationes dufe, una ad 1413, altera ad 1490: edited by Frank Scott Haydon. London, 1858-63. 3 v. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 9.) 942 8 Eu/heWScs, .see JEscliylus, Enunclius, see Terentius Afer, P. Enpliorion, eine Dichtung aus Pompeji, see Gregorovins, F. EUPHOTIDE. Cossa, A. Sulla eufotide dell' isola d" Elba. (7)( Rome— R. aecad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 Eupltl'auor, a dialogue on youth. London, 1851. D. [3+] 81 p. 828 11 EUPHRASIA, St. Bonfadiui, A. L'istoria di Santa Eufrasia. (In Itis Vite. 1878; ih Scelta di curiosita. 159. ) 850 10 EUPHRATES, seeCHALD.EA;xMESOPOTAMIA. EUPHROSYSE, St. La vie de saiute Euphro- syne, texte roniano-latin du 8-9 siecle ; A. Boucherie. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 3 Eiipliues, see Lyly, J. Euren, Gustaf Erik. Finsk sprakliira. Abo, 1849. O. 494 11 — Finsk-swensk ordbok. Tavastehus, 1860. D. 494 9 Euripides, curanteJ. F. Boissonade. Parisiis, 1835-6. 5 V. T. 882 6 — ■ Tragoediae (juae supersunt [ Greek and Latin]: ex recensione Samuelis Musgravii. Glasguae. 1797. 10 v. D. por. 882 4 — Tragoediae. Editio stereotvpa. Li|isiae, 1833-41. 4 V. T. par. ' 882 5 Vol. 4 is Nova editio curante A. Witzschel. — Cyclops, a satyric drama, translated from the Greek. (In Shelley, P. B. Poet, works, 18.55, V. 3.) 821 96 — Feniciaensche: of, Gebroeders van Thebe, treurspel: verduitscht door J. v. Vondel. .\m- sterdam, 1668. O. 63 p. 839.32 10 — locasta, a tr.-igedie: translated by G. Gas- coigne and F. Kinwflmersclie, 1566. (hi (Jas- coi^ue, (i. Coniplofe poems. 1869-70, v. I: /(( Hazlitt, >V. C. Koxburghe lib. 5.) 821 2 — Iphigenie in Anlis. — Scenen aus den Phoni- zierinnen. (In Seliiller, J. C. F. von. SiVnimt. Werke, 1855, v. 1.) 832 9 — J. V. Vondels Itigenie in Tauren, trcurs|icl. Amsterdam, 1666. O. [8 4-] 48 p. S39.32 16 — Racine, .1. Etudes sur les tragedies grec(|ues. (/)( /(/.sKtudes. 1855.) 848 15 EURIPIDES 215 EUSTACIIE — Hiuiincr, F. L. (il. voii. Raridglossen eines Laieii zuiii Euripides. (In liix Hist. Tasrhen- buch. 1841.) 905 1 Eiiropwiis, Anders Joseph. Nagot om Hunner ooh Fiiiiiar. (//) ('(»|)<'iiliagen— K. noril. «H(1.- Selskab. Aaib.iger. v. 1, 1806.) ))4S 5 — Om Savo och Savolaxanies foiiitid. {In same. Aniialer. v. 18, 1858.)— Om det noteborg- ska fredslordraget och dess foljder. (Tn suiiu'. V. 30, 1800.) — Niigra hypotheser angaende ViUnoiii, Pohjola och andra i Kalevala dikten forekomman'de iiamii. (/)( same. v. 31. 18(il.) !»4S 3 EUROPE— DESCRIPTION. Berffhans, H. K. W. {In his Was man von der Erde weiss, 18o()- 7, V. 1.) 914 2.1 Roorde, A. Tlie fyrst boke of the Intro- duction of knowledge. //. (/)( E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 10.) 820 5.1 — — Bryaiil, W. C. Letters of a traveller. 2 series. New Ywk, 18.i9. O. 914.« 3 Coryat, T. Three crude veines... London, 1611. O. 099 6 — -Coiyat's crudities: reprinted from the edition of 1611 [,with additions]. London, 1776. S V. O. (7. pi. 914 S — — Field, H. M. Summer pictures, from Co- peuhagcn to Venice. New York, 18.59. D. 914 4 Matthissoil, F. von. Erinnerungen. Zii- rich, 1810-16. 3v. S. * 838 6 Molbecll. C. Reise giennem Tydskland, Frankrige, England og Italien, 1819-20. Kio- benhavn, 1821-3. 3 v. D. 914 7 — . _>'icaiider, K. A. Minnen fra Sodern; efter en i Danmark, Tyskland, Schweitz och Italien. Orebro, 1831. O. pi. 914 9 Prime, S. I. Travels in Europe and the east. New York, 1855. 3 v. O. pi. 910 34 Reelus, J. J. E. Guographie de I'Europe. Paris, 1876-80. 5 v. Q. il. pi. maps. (In his Nouv. geog. univ. 1-5.) 9lO 13 Reichard, H. A. 0. Guide des voyageurs en Europe. Weimar, 1793. 2 v. O. 2)1. tab. 914 1 — — Reresby, J. Memoirs and travels, the latter exhibiting a view of governments and society in Europe during CromweU's usurpa- tion. "London, 1813. Q. 942 25 Rozinital, L. toil Des bolimischen Herrn Leo's von Rozmital Hitter-, Hof- und Pilger- Reise durch die Abendlande, 1465-7. Stuttgart, 1844. O. 831 5T Sclniiidt-Pliiseldeek, C. F. vou. L'Europe et TAmerique; ou, Les rapports futurs du monde civilise. Copenhague, 1820. O. 973 30 — — Schoiiw, J. F. Europa; en letfattelig Na- turskildring. 3 Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1835. D, & Atlas. 1832. obQ. 914 10 Vopeliiis, (ir. Supplementum Europae Vo- pelianae; tlas ist, Eiu weiter Zusatz der Tafeln Europe durch Vopelium. Colin. 1597. sqO. 943 35 St^e also the various countries of Europe. —HISTORY. Arndt, E. M. Versuch in ver- gleichender Volkergeschichte. 2 Auflage. Leip- zig, 1844. O. 940 1 _ — Froissart, J. Histoire et chroniciue memo- rable; reveuet corrige par D. Sauvage. Paris, 1.574. 4 v. in i. F. 940 18 For otlier editions «(<■ Froissiirl. Heereii, A, H. L. Handbuch der Ge- schichte des europiiischen Staatensystenis und seiner Colonien. (In his Werke, 1831-30, v. 8-9.) 908 2 Leeky, W. E. H. History of European morals, iVom Augustus to Oharlemagne. 2 edition. London, 1869. 3 v. O. 170 1 Liiitprando. Antapodosis. (In Pertz, (J. H. Script, reriuu German. 6.) 943 16 Temple, Sir W. Memoires de ce qui s'est passe dans la chretiente, l()72-!l: traduit de I'anglois. (In Midland * Poiijoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 32.) 944 9 Villani, (;, Cronica. Firenze, 1833. 8 v. O. por. 945 76 — — Villani, M. Cronica. Firenze, 1835. 6v. O. 945 77 See also the various countries; ff&o ATTlIiA: ('KISAI)ES; UAXIBE; GOTHS; LOMBARDY; liniDLK AGKS; XOUTH- ME>; I'lXiXNATI; I-OLA>»: liEXASC EX'E; RHINE; TillUTY YEARS' WAR; VAXDALS. —MAPS. Atlas of the European states in 45 maps on a uniform scale, with plans of London and Paris. Globe edition. Loudon, 1867. D. 912 9 Lnca, ti. de. Carte nautiche del medio evo di*egnate in Italia: memoria. Napoli, 1806 F. 34[-f 1] p. facsim. 912 2 bound with 720 9 Stiilpnaael, F. von, * BJir, J. C. Karte von Europa und dem mittelliindischen Meere. 7 vermehrte Aufiage dutch A. Petermann. Gotha, 1874. 87x107 cm. in Q. 912 10 Wagrner, A. H. G. Die Verimderungen der Karte von Europa. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrilge. 6Serie.) 043 1 —POLITICS. ()Miinic,prior. <{• ottcr.s-.Ghronicon abbatia' de Evesliaru'ad annum 1418: edited bv W. D. Macray. London, ]8(i3. Q.' facshii. (In (it. 15r.— Master of rolls. Chron. and nuni. '^'■<-) 942 8 Evesliam, Moidv of, .see The revelation to the monk of Evesham. EVIDENCES OK CHRISTIANITY. .wef'HRIS- TIANITY-EVIDENt'ES. EVOLUTION. Agassiz, J. L. R. The structure of animal life. London, 1808. O. il. 575 1 — Dncasse, F. Etude liistorique & critique sur le transformisme et les theories qui s'y ratta- chent. Paris, 1876. O. 575 3 — His, W. Ueber die Bedeutung der Entwicke- luug.-,geschichte filr die Auflas.sung der orga- nisciien Natur. Leipzig, 1870. 40 p. 575 3 — Miller, H. The footprints of the creator. From 3 London edition. Bo.ston, 1850. D. .560 2 — Pi'eyer, T. W, Der Kampf um das Dasein. Bonn, 1869. O. 48 p. 575 3 See (liso Danviii, C. R.: (iKXERATION; MAX; SPKCIES. Ewald, tJeorg: Friedrich Heinrich August von. Grammatica critica linguae Arabicae cum brevi metroium doctrina. Lipsiae, 1831-3. 3 V. O. pi. 492.7 5 Ewald, Johannes. Samtlige Skrifter. Kjoben- Imvn. 1814. 4 v. D. 839.82 9 — Molhech, C. Johannes Ewalds Levnet: med Bidrag til bans Digtervaerkers Historie og Uharakteristik. Kiobenhavn, 1831. D. 928 24 — Olsen, F. C. Digteren J. Ewald's Liv og For- holde i 1774-7; oply.ste ved Breve. KjoLenhavn, 1835. D. 928 35 — Welhaven, J. S. C. Ewald og de norske Dig- tere. {In his Skrilter, 1867-8, v. 8.) 839.84 3 Ewaldsen, Cliristian. JIargrethenwall og Knos i Brodersby Sogn i Angeln. map. (I)i Copen- hagen— K.nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 14. 1854.) 948 2 Ewbank, Thomas. Indians remains. //. (In U. S. Naval expeilition to southern hemi- sphere, 1849-52. V. 2, 1855.) 918.3 1 — The world a workshop: or. The pliysical re- lationship of man to the earth. New York, 1855. D. 551 40 An exact and most impartial accompt of the trial of twentv nine regicides. London, 1660. D. " 343 6 La exaltacion de la cruz. .see Calderon. v. 3. EXCAVATIONS, -see ROME— ANTIQUITIES. EXCHANGE. Davanzati, B. Nolizia di cambi. (/)( liis Opere, 18.53, v. 2.) 878 21 — Kiilins, F. J. Die Bedeutung des Wechsels fiir den Geschaftsverkehr. Berlin, 1866. O. 36 p. (In Vlrcliow ((!• Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 See fffeo'SPEClILATION. EXCLUSION. Clianning-, W. E. The system of exclusion and denuiuiation in religion consid- ered. (In hi.-i Works. 1848, v. 5.) 208 3 EXCOMMUNICTION. Filalete, E., p.ievdonym.. Dellascomunica. Firenze, 1861. D. 47 )>. 262 11 — Knox, .1. The order of the general fast and the form of excommunication approved by the Church of Scotland. — The order of excom- numication and of public rei)entance. (In hi.i Works, 1816-64, v. 6.) 208 4 — Lea, H. C. Excommiuiication. {/)i /lis Studies in church liistory, 1869, p. 324 487.) 270 3 — Marsh, (>. P. The excomnumication of nox- ious animals by the Catholic church. (7m Na- tion. V. 2, lS6(i, p. 763-4.) /// main library. — .Menabrt-a, L. C. De rorigine. de la forme et de IV-sprit des judgments rondus an moyen-age EXCOMMUNICA TION 217 EZEKELlUa centre les aiiiinaux, avec des doeuniciits ine- dits. (Jhauibeiy, 1840. O. 343 5 Miisio, (t. Sulle scoiiiuniche; note storico-ca- nonice. Fiiviize, 1870. O. 77 p. 2«'2 10 EXETER. SliilliiiK-fonl, J. Letters and papers of Sliillingford, iii.>yor of Exeter, 1447-50: edited by !S. A. Jloure. [London,] 1871. sciO. (hi Camileii soc. n. s. 3.) 820 4.1 EXHIBITIONS. Dassi, G., & Russell, J. S. Correspondanee [.so] respecting- a universal ex- ibition [.so] at Rome, and tlie social <|Uestion. Rome, 1872. O. 33 p. 606 7 See aim Florence; Lonilon; .lltiraiii»; I*jiri>; Rome. Eximeiiis, Francesch, see Xiiiieiies. EXORCISM, see WITCHCRAFT. Expeditions on the glaciers, 1864, see Barrow, J. EXPENSES. Ste HOI SKHOLI): Great Britain— (romi: Knigbts of .Malta. EXPIATION, .see MURDER. Explanations, a seqnel to "Vestiges of crea- tion." .see Chambers, R. Exploring- expedition, 1838-43, see U. S.— Ex- ploring- expedition. Extracts, elegant, instructive and entertain- ing, in poetry. London, 1791. 2 v. O. 821 5 EXTRADITION. Holtzendorff, F. voii. Die Auslieferung der Verbreclier und das Asyl- recht. Berlin. 1881. O. 71 p. (In Vircllow * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Extrenierne, see Gyllenibourg, T. C. EYE. Abbott. T. K. Sight and touch; an at- tempt to disprove the received, or Berkeleian, theory of vision. London, 1864. O. il. 152 1 ^.ingeliicci, A. Ricerche istologiche sull' ejii- telio retinico dei vertebrati. p\. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. lis. v. 3, 1877- 8, pt. 3.)— .Sullosviluppo e struttura del tratto uveale anteriore dei vertebrati. (7. pL (In same. v. 7, 1879 80.) 065 4 —Boll, F. Sull' anatomia e fisiologia della re- tina. /)/. (In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Calderini, G. Danni cagionati alia vista; prelezione. Torino, 1870. O. [4-I-] 88 p. //. 613 16 — Capranica, S. Studi chimico-flsiologici sulle materie coloranti della retina. jjZ. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci lis. v. 1, 1876-7. pt. 1.) ■ 065 4 — Chevalier, A. Hygiene de la vue. 3 edition. Paris, 1862. D. il.'pl. 613 17 ^Cintolesi, F. Ricerche e considerazioni teori- che intorno :dle iiinnagini accidentali osogget- tive. (In Rome— R.accad. dei liucei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. V. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 —Clifford, W. K.Seeingand thinking. London, 1879. D. (7^ 15 ^CnrtiSj J. H. Observations on the preserva- tion of sight. 3 edition. London, 1838. S. 74 p. 613 19 — Griife, F. W. E. .V. vou.Selien uml Sehorgan. Berlin, 1807. O. 48 p. (7. (In VirchoTV V. On sensorial vision. (In /(/.s Popular lectures. 1867.) 504 6 — John XXI., pojie. Volgarizzamento del trat- tato della ciira clegli occlii; a cura di F. Zani- brini. Bologna, 1873. I), facsini. {in Scelta dicuriositu. 13(1.) 8.50 10 — .li'nigkeu, .1. C. Die Augendiiitetik; oder, Die Kunst das Sebvermogen zu erhalten und zu verbessern. 3 Auflage. Berlin, 1870. O. 613 30 — Meyer, 0. H. von. Das Sehen und derBlick. Berlin, 1883. O. 38 -l-[ll p. (//( Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Wells, W. C. Upon single vision with two eyes. (/(« /(/.s Two essays. 1818.) 535 4 See (dm SPECT.tCLKS. Eymeric, Nicolas. Directorium inquisitorum; denuo euiendatum, cuui scholiis l''rancisci Pegnaj; accessit copiosissinuis index. Romai, 1578. F. 099 45 "The best edition, now extremely rare."— -Yofe by Mr. Mdiv/i. Tlie maxims of this bools formed the guide of Toi-tiuemada. Eymiindar saga. (In Rafu, C. C. Antiquites russes, 1850-3, v. 3.) 839.63 60 Eyrbyggia-saga; sive Eyranorum historia (juam impehsas faciente P. F. Suhm. versione, lec- tionum varietate ac indice rerum auxit U. J. Thorkelin. Havnia>, 1787. Q. 839.63 39 Eyrbyagjasaga; herausgegeben von GnSbrandr V"igft"isson. Leipzig, 1864. O. map. 839.63 30 —EiHiUsh: Abstract of the Eyrbiggia-saga. by [Sir Walter Scott], (In Weber, H. W., * Jaui- lesoii, R. Northern antiquities. 1814.) 831 32 Eyre, Adam. A dyurnall; or. Catalogue of all my accions and expences from 1 Jan. 1646-7. (/(/ Jackson, C. Yorkshire diaries, 1877-86, v. 1; in Snrtees soc. 65.) 820 7 Eyries, Jean Baptiste Benoit. Daneinark; continiie par Chopin. Paris, 1846. O. pi. (In L'nnivers. 33.) 910 18 — translator, see Bnch, L. von. Vovage en Norvege. 1816. 914. S 13 —Timkovski,G. Voyage a Peking. 1827.915.1 5 Eyriksson, Jon, .see Erichseu. Eyring, Jeremias Sicolaus. Quaestio de operis Iristorici a Diodoro compositi genere. (In Dio- dorus Siculus. 1793-7, v. 1.) 888 46 Eyssenhardt, Franz Rudolph. Arznei kunst uiid Alclu-nue im 17 Julirundert. Hamburg, 1890. O. 33 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 3 — Aus dem geselligen Leben des 17 Jahrhun- derts. Berlin, 1885. O. 39 p. (In same. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Die Geschworung gegen Venedig ini Jahre 1618. Hamburg, 1888. O. 34 p. (In same. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 —Hadrian und Florus. Berlin, 1883. O. 33 p. (In same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Die Homerische Dichtung. Berlin, 1S75. O. 32 p. (In same. Vortnige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — editor, see Scriptores historiae Augnstae. 1864. 87.S 34 Ezekelins, Friedrich. Ein Bild aus der Zeit der Gegenreformation inSiebenbiirgen. Berlin, 1885. O. 40 p. (In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 EZRA 218 FAIRHOLT Ben Ezra, see Abraham; Moses. EZZILIXI. Zamboui, F. Gli Ezzilini, Dante e gli schiari. Vienna, 1870. O. 851 60 F., T., sec Fuller, Thomas. F., W. (le. Les aniniaux diplomates. 1 cahier. Leipzig, 1868. D. [3 +] 9.") p. 847 4 Fabbroni, Adaiiio. Dissertazione sopia... le stinie dei teireni. Fiienze, 1T8.5. D. 80 p. <>31 4 Faber, C. V. (x. Efterretninper oni Noi-disk Museum i Odense. il. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab.Aaiboger. v. 3, 180«.)5)48 5 Faber, Joliauu. Religio Moscovitaruni. (In Boxhorn, M. Z. Respublica Moscovife. 1630.) 094 48 FABLES. .EsopiiS. Oerman: Esopus, von Buik- hard VValdis [in versej; mit Erliiuterungen. Leipzig. 1S6'2. 2 v. D. (/?i Klirz, H. Deutsche Biljliotliek. 1-2.) S30 6 ItuUan: II volgarizzaniento delle favole di Galfredo. dette di Esopo; edito per cura di G. Gliivizzani, con un discoiso intorno la ori- gine della farola, la sua ragione storica e i fonti dei volgarizzanienti italici. Bologna, 1866. 2 V. in 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 75-6.) S50 10 —A bestiary. (//; Miitzner, E. A. E. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 1, 1867.) 820 8 — (iervaise of Fontenai. Bestiaire [:witJi intro- duction hv P. MeyerJ. (7n Romania, v. 1. 1872.) 479 6 — Knust, H. Das Liliro de los gatos. (In Jahr- bnch roiii. u eng. Lit. v. 6, 186.5.) 805 1 — La Fontaine, J. de. Fables, illustrespar J. J. Grandville. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1838. 2 r. O. //. pi. iltp. 841 21 —La Motte, A. H. de. Fables nouvelles; avec un discours sur la fable. Paris, 1719. sqQ. il. pl- 841 23 — Lessing', (J. E. Fabeln. (In. his Werke. 1823- 5^, V. I.)— Abhandlungen iiber die Fahel. — Zur Geschichte der iisopischen Fabel. //( same, ^■2' 832 6 — Liilio, R. Ein katalanisches Thierepos: von K. Hoifinan. JMiinchen, 1872. sqQ. 70 p. .S69 14 Lilire apellat Felix de les marauelles del mon. 1286. [Barcelona, 1878-80.] 2 v. D. {In Bibl. catalana. 8-9.) 869 7 — Odo ill' Cirinr/tonia. Narrationes. (/// .Jahr- biich rnrti. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1868.) 805 1 — I'Miiedrus. Pluidri, Aviani aliorumiiue vete- runi niiiuhc. Londini, 1823. T. 871 5 — Wigand, (>., editor. DerdeutsclieFahelscliatz. Leipzig, n. d. D. 84 p. il. (In Volksbiieher, ^^■1 833 22 — >Volf, E. B., <& Deken, A. Fabeln. 's Graven- liage. 17S4. O. il. por. 839.31 2.5 — AVrigli(, T., editor. A selection of Latin -stones, l:!-l.| centuries. London. 1842. D. (/)( I ercy soc. v. ,s. ) 820 6 Sff (ihii IliloiMiili'sii ; I*A>'T(ilAT\>TllA. FABLIAJX, see FRENCH LITERATURE— Fabriciiis, Adam Kristoll'er. SJoriugvoldis Be- skrivelsc og lli^torii.. ninp. (//( ('oiienliagen— K. nord. OUI.-Selskab. Anti(iuarisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, ls.i6-8.> J)48 4 Fabricins, Otho. Den gr0nlandske Ordbog. for- bedretog foroget. Kjobenhavn, 1804. D. 497 4 Fabris, Riccardo. II confine orientale d'ltalia. Roma, 1878. D. 8.5 p. map. 945 66 Fabroni, Angelo. Elogio di Ariosto. {In Ariosto, L. Orlando furioso, 1821, v. 1.) 851 9 La fabnla del pistello da I'agliata: e La quisti- one d' amore, testo del sec. 15. Bologna. 1878. D. 61 [-1-2] p. facsiin. (In Scelta di curiosita. 161.) ■ 850 10 Fabyan, Robert. The new chronicles of Eng- land and France; reprinted from Pynson's edition of 1516: collated, with a biogra|ihical and literary preface, and index, bv Henry Ellis. London, 1811. s(|F. ' 942 9 FACCARDINO, see FAKHR-ED-DIN. Fat-ciolati, Giacomo, & Forcellini, E. Totius latinitatis lexicon; edidit, auctarium adjecit Jacobus Bailey. Londini, 1828. 3 v. sqF. por. 473 3 PACES, see PHYSIOG^OJn. Les fachenx, comedie-ballet, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 2. [Fwreyinga saga:] Fseroiske Qvasder om Si- gurd Fofiiersbane og bans ^-Et: nied et Anhang; sanilede og oversatte af Hans Christian Lyng- bve; med en Indledning af P, E. Miiller. Ran- ders, 1822. O. 839.01 24 Fsereyinga saga; eller, Fseroboernes pistorie i den islandske Grundtext, med Iferoisk og dansk Oversaettelse, udgiven af Carl Christian Raf)i. Kjobenhavn. 1832. Q. faesim. map. 839.03 32 Faereyinga saga: oder, Geschichte der Bewoh- ner der Filroer, im islaiuiischen Grundtext. mit faroischer. danischer und deutscher t'berset- zung; lieiausgegeben von C. C. Rafn und G. C. F. Mohnike. Kopenhagen, 1833. Q. faesim. map. 839.63 32.1 Faeton, treurspel, see Vondel, J. ran den. FAdlNAM, Giuseppe. Giuseppe Fagnani e le sue Muse. New York, 1869. O. 6 p. 757 1 Fagrskiiina; koitfattet norsk Konge-Saga, ud- givet af P. A. Muuch og C. R. Unger. Chri- stiania, 1847. O. faesim. 839.63 33.3 Faie, Giovanni Antonio di. Cronaca; pubblicata dair av\-. Jaco)i()Hicchierai. {In Socielilllgnre. Atti. v. 10. 1874.) 945 48 Fairbaivn, Robert 15. A sermon, 2 May 1875, in commemoration of Mrs. .Icjbn Bard. New York, 1875. D. 23p. 923 13 FairboU, Frederick William. Lord mayor's pagi-aiils. London. 1843-4. 2 v. in 1. D. (/)( I'ercysoc. v. 10.) 820 6 Contoifs: 1. History, i. Keprints. — editor The civic garland, a collection of songs from London pageants: with inlroduc- tion and notes. London, 1845, D. {In same. v. 19.) 820 6 Poems and songs relating to George Vil- liei"s, duke of Hurkingham, and his .assassina- tion: with introduction and notes. London, 1850. D. (In same. v. 29.) 820 6 Satirical .songs and poems on costume, 13- 19 century. Loudon, 1849. D. (7. (In same. v. 27.) ■ 820 6 FAIRHOLT 319 FANFANI See also the following imblioations of the Percy society: 820 6 Vol. 'M. llcyniMHl, J. A. A dialogue on wit and folly. 1846. 22. Iliirlii). A. The oytezenand uplondyshman. 184". FAIRIES. Hitsoii, J. On fairies. (In hin Fairy tales. 18:J1.) 3!)8 2 See also r<»LK-LOItK. Fairlie, Robert Francis. Railways or no rail- ways: narrow gauge, economy with efficiency, V. broad gauge, costliness with extravagance. London, 1873. O. pi. 625 5 Witb newspaper clippinf;. Fairman, E. St. Joliii. A treaties on the petro- leum zones of Italy. London, 1868. O. 75 p. map. 553 7 FAKHR-ED-DIN, prince of the Dntse>'. Istorhi di Faccardino grand-emir dei Livorno, 1787. D. par. !»23 34 Falbe. Christian Tiixeii. Vases antitjues du Peron. J)/. (In Copeiihaseii— K. iiord Old.- Selskal). Memoires. v. 3, 1840-4.) 94S 3 Falcaiido, Vgo. De calamitate Sicilia;. (In Reriiin SIcuLuum scriptores. 1.579.) 945 105 Falck, Niels, editor, see Helmreicli, A. Nonl- fresische Clinmik. 1819. 949 18 FALtOXRY, see HAWKING. Faldera, see Neumiinster. Marino Faliero, doge of Venice, a historical tragedy, .see Byron, (J., baron. Marino Faliero, doge van Venetien. treursjjel, see Leunep, J. van. Poet, werken, 8. Falkeiisteiii, Consfaiithi Karl. Geschichte der BuchdruekerkuMst. 3 Aufiage. Leipzig. 1856. sqQ. (7. pi. facsiiii. 6.55 1 FALKLAND ISLANDS. Lacroix, F. Archipd des Malouines. 1840. pZ. maji. (In L'liilivers, 10.) 910 18 FALL RIVER, Mass. Webb, T. H. Ac count of a discovery of antiquities at Fall River: with remarks by [C. C. Rafn], pi. (In C'openliaaen — K. iiord'Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 3, 1840-4.) 94S 3 Fallinerayer, Jakob Pliillpp. Gesammelte Werkc: herausgegeben von Georg Martin Thomas. Leipzig, 1861. 3 v. O. 90S 1 Contents: 1. Neue Frajrmente ans dem Orient. 2. Po- litische und culturhistorische AufsStze. 3. Kritisehe Versucbe. Vol. 1 contains Zur Leben-saescbiohte Fallmerayers. — Das albanesische Element in Griechenland. Miinchen, 1857-60. 3T.ini. sqQ. 939 5 — Welchen Einfluss hatte die Besetzung Grie- chenlands durch die Slaven auf das Schicksal der Stadt Athen und der Land.schaft Attika ? Oder, Die Entstehung der lieutigen Griechen. Stuttgart, 1835. O, 949 45 Der falsclie AVoldemar. Roman von W. Alexis, see Hiiriiig', (J. AV. H. Falseii, Christian JIagiiiis. Norges Historic under Kong Harald Haarfager og bans mand- lige Descendenter. Christiania, 1833-4. 4 v. O. 948 23 II falso filosofo, see Mag:g:i, C. M. Falster, Christian. Satirer; med en Afhand- ling om Digterens Levnet og Skrifter, udgivne, med Anniierkninger, af Christen Thaarup. Kjobenhavn. 1840. O. [In Sanifnndet til den danske Literatnrs Freninie. Skrifter. i.i 839.87 1 Fambri, I'anlo. Intorno alle condizioni idrau- liche del Danubio a Buda Pest do])o i lavori di rettifi(;azione del 1873. jd. map. (In ivunic — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. /is. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 La faniitrlia dell' antiquario, comnudia, .see dioldoni, C. V. 3. En Fainilie paa Landet, .see St.Au1)aiii,A.>i. de. Faniilien Polonius, see diyllenibonrg, 'I'. C. Faniiljen Falkenswiird, roman, .see I'alniblad, V. F. " FAMILIES. Vilniar, A. F. C. Deutsclies Na- menbtichlein. 3 Ausgabe. Frankfurt a. M,, 1863. S. [l-l-]93p. 929 15 *«rtfao AI{\M0III.IN(iK; I!1»K'KIH>KKK. KOUJLAS; DU LAUKE.VS; FOKIM: (iK\KAI,0(JV; IIKKAIJUlVi HKltUKK; \A3IES; XOIUUTY; NOIillHritC; I'.VSOI.IM; l'.\ZZl; PLESSK>; HOUSE llF SAVOY, SKIMl'ICO. Un<- famille au 16e siecle, see Dii Laurens, J. La faniille de Carvajal, drame, see Meriniee, P. Faniilien H * * * , see IJrcnier, F. FAMILY. Defoe, D. The family instructor. 3 V. (hi his Novels, etc., 1840-1, v. 1.5-16.) 823 7 — Kaliind, K. Familielivet pa Lsland i den forste Sagafieiiodr. indtil 1030. (In Copen- liaaen— K. nord.Old.-Solskab. Aarboger v. 5, 1870.) 948 5 — Le Play, P. G. F. L'organisation de la famil- le selon le vrai modele signale par riiistoirede touies les races et de tons les temps. Paris, 1871. D. 321 3 — Michelet, J. Du pretre, de la femme, de la famille. 4 edition. Paris, 1845. D. 282 14 Same. 8 edition. Paris, 1863. D. 282 15 — Pandolfini, A. II goveruo della faniiglia; letto e spiegato a scuoladal... S.Pacini. Firenze, 1874. O. 173 3 — Ribbe, C. de. Les families et la societe en France avant la revolution. Paris, 1873. D. 944 32 — Tasso, T. II padre di famiglia. (In his Di- aloghi, 1833, v. 1.) 851 117 &c («/so CIIILniiKN; HOrsEllOI,D; MAREUOE. Faniin, Stanislas Marie Cesar.Chili, Paraguay, Uruguav, Buenos-Ayres. 1840. 2)1. map. (In Lunivei-s. 10.) " 910 18 — Colombie et Guyanes. 1837. pi. nuip. (In same. 9.) " . 910 18 — Crimee, Circasse et Georgie. 1838. j)l. maps. (In same. 61.) ' 910 18 FAMINES. Finnsson, H. Om Folkems'ngdens Formindelse ved Uaar i Island; oversat ved H. Einarson. Kjobenhavn, 1831. D. 949 3 Faufani, Pietro. Una casa fiorentina da ven- dere: con un racconto morale e iin esercizio lessicografico. Firenze, 1868. D. 453 5 — Delle fa vole di Galfredo, pubblicate da Gae- tano Ghivizzani,avvertenze; e lettere di Niccolo Tommaseo e Luigi Barbieri. Bologna, 1867. D. 74 p. (In Seelta di curiosita. 91.) 850 10 See also nos. 54, 84, 151. Kjo, edited by Fanfani. — Di alcune proprieta della lingua italiana. Firenze, 187i. O. [H-] 31 p. 450 3 — I diporti filologici, con altri opuscoli della materia medesima. Firenze, 1870. O. 450 1 FARFAWI 220 FAROE ISLANDS — Una fattoria toscana, e il modo di fare 1' olio: con la desci'Kione di usauze e di nozze conta- dinesche e un esercizio lessicografico. Milano, 1877. D. 453 C — La lingua italiana, c' e stata, c' e, esi muova. Faenza, ]!S68. O. 33 p. 450 2 — Paolina, novella scritta in lingua fiorentina italiana. Fireuze, 1868. D. 38 p. 859 44 — Sciitti capiicciosi. Firenze, 1864. O. 857 7 — Vocabolario dell' uso toscano. Firenze, 1863. D. 453 8 — Vocabolario dellapronunzia toscana. Firenze, 1863. S. 453 7 — Voci e maniere del parlar fiorentino. Firenze, 1870. D. 453 9 — & Arlia, C. II lessico della corrotta italia- nita. Milano, 1877. D. 458 6 — & Rigiitiiii, G. Vocabolario italiano della lingua parlata. Firenze, 187.3. Q. 453 16 — editor. Antologia toscana. Napoli, 1869. 2 v. D. 859 43 Due allegre novelle del secolo 17. Fi- renze, 1870. tt. 29+[2]p. 853 2.1 Ouly 49 copies printed. • Einie burlesche di eccelenti autore, rac- colte, ordinate e postulate. Firenze, 18.56. S. 857 8 Spigolatura fiorentina. Fireuze, 1868-9. no. 1-3. D. 945 79 Contents: 1. Due lettere storiclii- di'i Sfn-oli I5el(j. 2. Ingres^o dell' arciveseovo Antcni" Al.Htvrriin Firenze, narrazione del secolo 16. 3. liimira/io. >. II controtu- miilto de" ciompi: lettera del secolo 14. Edition of only 50 numbered copies. II Borgrhiui, 1863-5; '74-7. 450 12, 13 Buonarroti, M. A., the younger. L'Ajone. 18.52. 857 6 Coiiti di antichi cavalieri. 1851. 853 2 Commento alia Divina commedia [of Dante]. 1866-74. (/« Emilia. Collezione. 13-15.) 850 6 Dati, C. K. Deir obbligo di ben parlare la propria lingua. 1870. 401 5 Uonienico of Prato. II pome del bel Fio- retto. 1S(j3. 851 67 Oiyili, ii. Vocabolario cateriuiano. 1865-6. 457 5 Grazzini,A.F.Opere.l857-9. 852 8, 853 15 Lori, J. La Mea di Polito. 1870. 859 45 Malatesti, A. La sfinge. 1865. 851 84 Piccoloniini, A. Dialogo della creanza delle doiuie. 1862. 858 12 La unita della lingua, 1869-73. 450 16 — translator, see La Bottle, E. do. II contr' uno. 1864. {In l$ibl. rara. 39.) 850 3 Monforzio, L. aiiaiial):ittisti. 1861. 28(i 1 Den fangiieCn|)id(i, see Sfjcriilijelni, H, Fankwei, see Wood, W. M. Fanny, vvitb otlier poems, see HaUcok, F. (J. Fan0e, («. Den oldnordiske Bebyggelf-o af Arsulifjorden. il. {in Copenhagen —K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarbxger. v. 8, 1873.) 94s 5 Fiinrik Stals .siigner, see Runeberg, ,1. L. Fansliawe, Laih/ Xune (Harrison). Memoirs: with extracts fmin the ciirri-s)i(ind('nce ^)f Sir Richard Fansbawo. New edition. London. 1830. O. jjor. !»23 :',:, Edited iiy Sir N'. U. Nicolas. Fant, Erik 31ikael, editor. Scriptores rerum yvecicaruni medii aevi. Ui^saliae, 1818-28. 2 V. F.' facshn. 948 38.1 Vol. '2 eilited l)y E. G. Geijer and -J. II. Schroder. Fantosnie, Jordan. Chronicjue de la guerre entre Henri II et son fils aine, 1173-4. {In Benoist. Cbronique, 1836-44, v. 3.) 841 10.1 — Chronique, 1173-4. {In Howlett, R. Chroni- cles, 1884-9, V, 3: in (it. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 82.) 942 8 French and English on opposite pages. — Same : Chronicle of the war between the English and the Scots, 1173-4; now tirst pub-- lislied. witii translation, introduction, notes and appendix, l)y Francisque Michel. London, [1840]. O. (/» Snrtees soo. 11.) 820 7, 841 17 Fantozzi, Federico. Nouveau guide de Flo- rence: traduit de I'italien par Mme. H. G. D'Estre. Florence [.1849J. D. p/. moi:)s. 914.5 65 Fantnzzi, Hercol. La prigiona d" Hercol Fan- tuzzi, narrata da lui, e pubblicata da Corrado Ricci. Bologna, 1888. D. ( fu Scelta di curi- osita. 229.) ' 850 10 Fanzago, Filippo. Sopra alcuni miriapodi ca- vernicoli della Francia e della Spagna. {In Rome — R. iiecad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ber. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1 ) 0(>5 4 Far ga, af Onkel Adam, see Wetterbergli, K.A. Farabnlini, David. Sopra una Madonna di Raf- faello a lui negata dal Passavant e da altri. Roma. 1875. D. 755 5 Faraday, Michael. Observations on the educa- tion of" the judgment. (In Yoiimans, E. L. Modern culture. 1867.1 375 3 — Tyndall, J. Life and letters of Faraday. {In /h'.s "Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 Farce I'oveuse et recreative dii galant que a faict le'coup. Paris, 1610. S. 25 [-1-2] p. 842 9 The fardle of facious, see Bohme, J. Farens Dage, Drama, see Overskou, T. Faria y Sonsa, JIaunel de. Asia portuguesa. Lisboa, 1666-75. 3 v. y. po;-. 954 5 — Historia del reyno de Portugal. Nueva edi- cion, hasta 1780. Lisboa, 1779. F. 946 64 FARISI, Lnigi Carlo. Bersezio, V. Fnrini. Torino, 1860. "T. por. (I c3 32.1 For other editions *>/ KH'ryinva. Dupiicalc of map in portfolio 1. FAROE ISLANDS m FAUST — Gniiultviff, S. H. Meddelelse angiiende Fa?io- ernes Littt'ratur i)f^ fSpiog. (In Copenhagen — K. iiord. (Hd.-Si'lska)t. Aaiboger. v. 17, 1SS2.) i)48 5 — Haiitinersliaiiiib, V. X. FfEreiske Folkesagn; ft«i()iske Udtale. (In same. Annaler. v. (i, 1846.)— Fajroisk Sproglrere. (In same. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 Mt'dilelelser fra en Rejse pii Fixroerne i 1847-8.— <)luvu kva'3i, Olufas kvad, en fasroisk Folkesang; med melodi. (Tn same. Antiquarisk Tidsiskrift. v. 3. 1846-8.)— Fa3roiske KvEeder, nied daiisk Orersrettelse. — Fwroiske Folkesagn, med Iiidlioldet foriid>skikket paa Dansk. — Feb- roiske Ordsprog. — Ffeioiske Talemaader. — Fa^- roiske Skikke og Lege. — Barneviserog Ramser. Faendske Gader. (In same. v. 3, 1849-.51.) 948 4 — Jacol)s0n, L. Faro* et Faeioa reseiata: det er, F^ei'oeiiiis oc fffiroeske Indbyggeris Be.skrif- velse Kiobenhafn, 1673. S. jA. 914.9 14 — Laiidt, J. Forsog til en BeskriTelse oyer Fffii-oerne. Ki0benhavn, 1800. D. j)/. )nap. 914.9 15 — IJoiiiiir, ef. feroisk, aiideligt kvad. (In Co- lieiiliaareii— K. iiord. 01d.-Selskal». Aaiboger. V. 4, 1869.)— Rettelsei- til Oversajttelsen af Ljo- mur [; by R. JensenJ. (I)i, .sa?»e. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 — Mackenzie, tr. S. Koit Efterretning om Fsb- roerne; med Anmnrkninger af Lyiigbye og Forchliammer. (In Collin, J. For Historie, 1822-5, V. 1.) 948 66 — Marmier, X. (//( his Lettressurle nord, 1840, v. 2.) 914.8 1 — Miilile, C. A. Om Emancipationen af Fa-ro- erne og Groidand. Kiobenhavn, 1835. O. 70 p. map. 949 5 — Nieoll, J. (//( his Historical and descriptive account of Iceland. 1840.) 914.9 7 — Pl0yen, C. Fferoiske Trylleformularer. (In Copenhag:en— K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Annaler. V. 6, 1848 I 948 2 — Sclir0ter, J. H.Foeroi.ske Folkesagn. (In saine. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 3, 1849-.51.) 948 4 — -Tliorsteinsson, B. Om den fieroeske Handels Tilstand i ai'Mre og nyere Tider, samtom dennc Handels Frigivelse. (In Collin, J. For Historie, 1833-5, V. 1.) 948 66 FAROESE LANGUAGE. Carmen Fieroicum: Fimun- bin Fruji. (In Rafn, C. C. Antiquitates Americana". 1837.) 839.6S 21 FARRAGCT, David G\nsgoyr,admiral. Parker, F. A. Tlie battle of Mobile bay. Aug. 1864. Boston, 1878. O. por. maps. 973 41 Farrar, Frederic William. The life of Christ. 13 edition. London [,pref. 1874]. 2 v. O. pi. 231 3 —editor. Essays on a liberal education. Lon- don, 1867. O. 375 1 F( ir contents, see EDCC.ITIOX. FARSE. Gandiu, L., editor. Epitres farcies inedites de la Saint-Etieune, en langueromane. music. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 2, 1871.) _ ^ 479 ,5 —Paris, G. B. P. Epitre farcie pour le jour de Saint-Etienne. (^( Jalirl)ncll rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 4, m-^.) 805 1 Farse carnovalesche, see Alione, G. G. Fasciculus Lemporu; dat is, Vergaderlge v& ■a\ di historien va Adam tot Crist' tijt... Thantwerpen, 1539. D. 099 33 Uubricated title-piisre, with illusti-ation of the tempta- tion of Adfun and Eve. Fasti, Sep Ovidius Naso, P. v. 3. FASTIS(J. Wier, .J. Ein kurtzer Bericht von ^ dem falschen und erdichten Fasten. (In his De lamiis. 1586.) 133 1 FASTS AND FEASTS, see FESTIVALS. La fata galanti, poema berniscu, see Meli, G. FATA MORGANA, see MIRAGE. FATHERS, see HERMITS. Fatime,eiu Trauerspiel, see Lessing, G. E.v.ll. FATIXELLl, Pietro. Sforza, G. La congiura di Fatinelli eontro la. signoria raccon- tata sui documenti. Lucca, 1865. O. 77[ + 3] p. 945 80 I fatti e le jnodezze di Manoli Blessi Strathioto, see Molino, A. Fanirere, Arnaud Prosper, editor, see Pascal, B. Pensees. 1644. 848 14 Fanr, — . Vie privc'e du marechal de Richelieu. (Jn Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, y. 17.) 944 10 Fauriel, Clande Charles. History of Provencal poetry: translated from the French, with notes and introduction by G. J. Adler. New York, 1860. O. 849 6 — editor <& translator, see Histoire de la croi- sade contre les Albigeois. 1837. 849 14 Fausse-Lendry, Mme. (de Paysac) de Fars, marqnise de. (^uehiues-uns des fruits amers de la revolution; et un faible partie des 3-3 sept. 1793. (In Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 18.57-81, v. 18.) 944 10 FAUST, Johann. Faust; das Volksbuch und das Puppenspiel: nebst einem Anhang iiljer den Ursprung der Faustsage von Karl 8imrock. Frankfurt a. M.[, 1846]. D. 832 5 — Hamilton, A. L'enchanteur Faustus, conte. (In liis CEuvres, 1825, v. 3.) 848 8 — [Historia von D. Johann Fausten:] Das iilteste Fau.stbuch; xVbdruck der editio princeps voni 1587: mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen von August Kiihne. Zerbst, 1868. O. 832 4 — Historie van Jan Faustus, grooten tooveraer. Amsterdam, 1714. T. 839.33 31 — The Iiistory of Dr. John Faustus.— The sec- ond report of Dr. Faustus. (In Thorns, W. J. Prose romances, 1838, v. 3.) 823 2 ~Leben,Thaten,und Hollenfahrtdes berufenen Zauberers und Schwarzkiinstlers Dr. Johann Faust. Leipzig, n. d. D. 84 p. il. (In Volks- hiicher, 24.) 833 33 — Lessing', G. E. Doctor Faust. (In hisWerke, 1823-5, v. 11.) 832 6 — Scheible, J., editor. Doctor Johann Faust. Stuttgart, 1846-9. 4 v. S. por. pi. (In his Das Kloster, V. 3, 3, 5, 11.) 837 16 Contents: 1. Doctor Jobann Faust. 2.Christoph Wac- ner, Fausts Famulus. S. Die Sage vom Faust.—Faust auf der Vollssbuhne.— Zauber-Bibliothel;. 4. Die Re- schichte von Faust in Reimen — Die deutsehen Volks- biicher von Faust und Wagner. — Stieg:litz, C. L. Die Sage vom Doctor Faust. (In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1S34.) 905 1 FA UST 222 FENIGIA Faust, eine Tragodie, see Uotlie, J. W. von, v. 13, 41, 57. Faiisti, Ludovico, see Teiianzi, G., & otiters. Faustina, blye\ ndend"-spel, see Kriil, J. H. Faustina Strozzi, see Lie, J. Faiivel, Le Ionian de; piibl. par A. Pey. {In • Jahrhiicli loni. u. eug. Lit. v. 7, 186ii.) 805 1 Faiivel-Oouraiul, Francis. Phreno-mnemotecli- uy: or, Tiie art of memory. New York, 184.J. O. 2J0r. 154 1 Le fanx Baudouin, see Saint-Geiiois, J. L. D. a. (ic. Favero, (Jiovanni Battista. La determinazione gratiL-M delle forze interne nelle travi reticolari. pi. (Jn Rome— II. accad. dei lineei. Atti.:) ser. sci.fis. V. 3, 1877-8, pt. 1.) — De aecjuationum ditferentialium partialiuni naturadisquisitiones quaedam aualyticae. {In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Intorno alle figure reciproche della statica grafica. pi. {In same. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-.i.) 065 3 La favorita, dramma serio; mtisica di Gaetano Donizzetti. Firenze [, 18.'53J. D. 32 p. 852 1 Favre de Saint-Castor, Jean Baptiste, abhd. Lettres iiiedites de I'abbe Favre; L. (jaudin. iln Kevue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 47» 5 Fawcett, Henry. Manual of political eiononiy. 4 edition, enlarged. London. 1874. D. 330 9 Faye, Andreas. Norges Historie. 3 0|)lag. CliVistiania, 1842, O. 948 8.1 Faytinelli, Pietro de.' Rime, del sec. 14; con vita ed illustrazioni da Leone del Prete. Bo- logna, 1874. D. faesim. {In Seelta di curi- ositi'i. 139.) 850 10 FAYllM. Lenoir, P. Le Fayoum, le Sina'i et Petra. Paris, 1872. D. poj-. pi. 910.2 11 Fazello, Toniniasoi De rebus Siculis decades duas nunc prinium in lucem editaj. Panormi, 1.5.58. Q. 099 44 — De relms Siculis decades. {In Reruni Sicula- rum scriptores. 1579.) 945 105 — Italian: Delia storia di Sicilia declie due: tradotte in lingua toscana dal Remigio [Nanni] Forentino. Palermo, 1817. 'iv.O. par. 945 107 Fazio, Engenio. Terme di Porto d' Iscliia. Na- poli, 1881. O. 76[ + l]p. 615 20 — Terme Fornello-Fontana in Ischia; anno 1. Napoli, 1882. O. tab. 615 20 FEASTS, see UIXINtJ. Fehrer, Andren, translator, Uante AliK'Iiieri. La i-onu.'dia en rims cathalans. 1878. 851 40 Febrcro, Jose. Febrero novisimo; 6, Libreria dejueo's, al)ogados y escril)anos; refuridida. y adicioiiada con un tratado del juicio criminal, y algunos otros, por Eugenio de Tapia. Valen- bia, 1838-3fi. 10 v. O. 349 28 Vol. 1 iincl :!. Sedition; v.l-S,18.W; v.8 Pcri)iiiiiii. Fi;('liM)ATI()N, see GEXERATION. Feddorseii, .Vrtliiir. To Mdsefund. it. {In Co- peiilniKen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. V. l(i, 1881.)— Nogle vil)orgske Oldsager og Ud- gravninger. il. (/« same. v. 5, 1870.) 948 5 Feilrn ocb Ilippolyt, tragedi, see Racine, J. FEELINtJ, .«t TOUCH. FEELINGS, see EMOTIOSS. Feieraltende, see Langbein, A. F. E. v. 13. Feldborg:, Andreas Andersen, editor. Poems from the Danish, with historical notes; trans- lated into English verse by William Sidney Walker. Philadelphia, 1816. T. 839.81 1 Des FeldpKedigers Schmelze Reise nacli Flatz, see Riditer, J. P. F. v. 26. Der Feldweibel, see Zschoklic, J. H. D. v. 10. FELIX, St. Bede. Vita. {In his Histories. 1722.) 274 1 Felix o/ Croirioiid. The Anglo-Saxon version of the life of St. Guthlac originally written in Latin: with a translation and notes by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin. London, 1848. D. 829 8.1 Felix de Jesns Maria. Vida, virtudes y dones sobrenaturales de la Puebla de los Angeles en las Indias Occidentales. Roma, 1756. O. por. 922 41 Felix de les marauelles del nion, see Lnlio, R. Fellnian, Jacob. Fornlemningar fran stenal- dern funna uti Osterbotten i Finland. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 6, 18-16 ) 948 2 Fellows, Cliarles. An account of discoveries in Lycia. 1840. London, 1841. Q. jil. maps. tab. , 913 31.3 — A journal written during an excursion in Asia llinor, 1838. London. 1839. il. pi. map. 915.6 2 — The Xanthian marbles: their acquisition, and transmission to England. London, 1843. O. pi. inap. 933 31.4 Felltliani, Owen. Resolves, a duple century. 5 edition. London, 1634. D. 170 3 — Resolves, divine, moral, political: with some account of the author and his writings. Cam- bridge [,Mass.], 1832. D. {In Young, A. Lib. of old Eng. prose. 4.) 820 10 Felsing, August. Wallhalla, ein deutsches Hel- den-Buch. Berlin, 1847. pt. 1. D. 833 9 ConUnfs: 1, Uennaun. der Cberusker. Felton, Cornelius Conway, editor, see Carlisle, G. W. F. H., earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. 1855. 914.9 35 FEMALE EDUCATION, see WOMAN. II Feuiia sentenziato, see Martello, P. .1. Une feninie est un diable, comi'die, .see Meri- mee. P. Les I'eninies savantes, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 6. Le feniniine puntigliose, commedia, see Goldo- ni, G. V. 11. Fenelon, Bertrand de Salignac, marquis de la Moilie Le siege de Met/. p:ir Cliarles-Quiut en 1552. {In Midland d- Ponjoulat. Mi'moires, 1866. V. 8.) 944 9 FENELON, Fran(;oisde Salignnt do la Mothe, archbishop of Candinnj- Clianning, »'. E. Remarks on tliechiiracter and writings of Fen- elon. (In his Works, 1848, v. 1.) 208 2 Fenger, Riisnnis Tlieodor, editor, sec Peder- sen, C. Daiiske Skrifter, 18.50-6. ,S39.88 4 Fenicia, Salvatore. Disertazione [.so] sul cho- lera morlms. 2 edizione. Ban, 1867. O. 84 p. 616 11 With author's autograph, liiscrti'd is Sonetto dal oav. S. Kenlcla. FENICIA %-iz FERRARO — SuUe metainorfosi di Taranto. Napoli, 1858. O. [1 +] il3[+ l]p. O. 551.21 8 Feiiiciaeiisclie, treuispel, sw Euripides. Feiliil, Pierre »Ie. MemoireH, coiitcnant I'hi- stoire de (Jliarles VI, 1407-27. {hi Bliclioii, J. A. C. Choix dechroniques, ISesiecIe. 1838.) 944 17 Same. (In Michaiid l. maps. 972 1 FERNANDO, see FERDINAND. FERNS. Liierssen, dl. C. Die Pllanzengruppe der Farne. Berlin. 1S74. O. 28 p. (7. (i;/ Vir- cilow ct- Holtzendorir. V'ortrilge. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Lyell, K. M. A geograjihical handbook of all known ferns. London, 1870. O. iltp. 587 1 Fen-agus, see Roland. Ferrara, Francesco, ulmte. Descrizione dell' Etna, con la storia delle eruzione e il catalogo dei prodotti. Palermo, 1818. O. p/. .551.219 Ferrara, Hieronymo da, see Savonarola, G. M. F, M. FERRARA. Maineri, B. E. (/u 7i/.s II giardino d'ltalia. 1871.) 914.5 67 FERRARESE DLiLECT. Ferraro, (i., editor. Canti pontelagoscuro. Ferrara, 1877. D. 859 12 bound with 9 Ferrari, Costanzo, r<')niiiio. Cartas ei'i'ii'litas y niriosus. en niu- se cimtinua el (lesiguio del Teatro critioo universal. Niieva inipresion. Madrid, 1773-4[v. 1,'74|. 5 v. O. .S«S 4 — llustracion apoloKetica al priniero, y soKundo tomo del Teatro critico. Madnil,lT7;i. O. .S«8 :i — Teatro critico universal. Nueva inipresion. Madrid, 1778. 8 v. O. por. ,S((S 3 Vol. 1 (Hintiiiiis Niitifiia do Feyjo". —Santos, J. Indice general alfabetico de todas las obras del Feijoo. Madrid. 1774. O. 868 .") Ffoiilkes, Kdiuiiud Salisbury. II credo della chiesa o il credo dell corona ? tradotta dal inglese. Firenze, 1S69. D. 73 p. (Libreria Rosmini.) 282 4 Fiacclii, Liiigi. Dei proverbj toscani, lezione. (/u Cecclii, (i. M. L" assiuolo. 186.S: in Bibl. rara. 8.) 850 3 — Same; con la Dichiarazione de" pro\erbi di CJio. Maria (^ecchi. 3 edizione aumentata dalle commedie inedite del Ceccbi. Firenze, 1830. O. 398 50 Fiallio, Aiif rise. Don Petlro II.. empereur du Bre.sil; notice biograpliiiiue. Bruxelles, ISTfi. O. 2wr. 023 79 FIBROUS PLANTS. Sestiiii, F, Dei procedi- nienti per la inacerazione delle piante i)er filo e tessuti; manuale. Roma. 1873. (). (7. (In Italy— Mill, (li agric. Annali.) (»33 3 See also FLAX: TEXTILE F.HtliHS. Ficaruolo, Agresto da, pticiirlonyvi of Caro, k. La Ficclieide, see Caro, A. Fick, .\tloll'. Der Kreislauf de.s Blutes. Ber- lin, 1873. O. 39p. ?7. {/H Vircliow*Holtzen- (lorff. Vortnige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber das Wesen der Muskelarbeit. Berlin. 1877. O. 33 p. i7. (/K.srtwp. 13 Serie.) 043 1 Ficqueliiiont, Cliarles Louis, e.omie de. Die religiose Seile der orientulisclien Frage. 3 Auf- lage. Wien. 1S.54. O. 281 3 FICTION. .>Ieiigrluiii, Iff. Saggio sull' origine delle novelle popolari. (In Bracciollni deU' Api, F. Psiche. 1889; in Scelta di curiosita. 334.) 850 10 Wartoii, T. Of tlie origin of romantic fiction in Europe. (In hin Historv of Englisb poetry, 1840, V. 1.) " 821 13 —Wright, T. Observations on Dunlop's His- tory of fiction. — On the history and transmis- sion of popular stories. (In his Essays, 1846, v. 3.) 820 3 Fideikoiuiiiisset, reman, see Carleii, E. S. F. Fiedler, Ediiard, * Saelis, K. Wissenschaft- licbe Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1801. 3 v. in 1. O. 425 8 Field, Barron, editor, see Heywood, J. King Edward IV. 1843. 822 7 Field, Henry Martyn. Summer pictures, from Copenhagen to Venice. New York. 18.')9. D. 914 4 FIELD HOSPITALS, -NURSES, .see HOSPI- TALS; NURSINO. Fields, .lanu's riioiuas. Poems. Boston. 1849. D. 811 8 La flera, el rayo y la piedra, see Calderon. v. 3. Ficraliras. .scp Feriiinliras. Fieras afemina amor, see (Calderon. v. 3. FIEI5ASFKK. Kniery, C. I'ierasfer; studi in- torno alia sistenuitica. I'analomia e la biologia ilelle specie medilerranec di <|nesto genere. il. III. {/// H e -U. aecad. dei lineei. Atti. 3.ser. xri. lis. V. 7. 1879-80.) 0(!5 4 FIESCHI, (■iaiiliiigi, eoiite di Lavagnii. Cele- sia, A. La congiura del Fieschi; menioria sto- riche deKsecolo 16. Genova, 1864. O. 5)45 ■")() — Mascardi, A. La congiura del conte G. L. de Fieschi. Anversa, 1839. D 945 49 . FIESCHI, Scipione. Belg-rano, L. T., editor., Interrogatorii ed allegazione spettanti alia causa promossa da S. Fieschi per la rivendica- zione dei feudi paterni. {In. Societil lifinre. Atti. V. 8. lS(i8.) Ui:t 48 Fieselii, Sinilialdo. Arredi ed armi da S. Fie- schi, da un inventario del l.")33, con avvertenza e glo.ssario di Antonio Manno. — Glossario delle voci militari, di Angelo Angelucci. (In. sawe. V. 10, 1H74.) 945 48 FIESCHI, Toniiiiasiua. Alizeri, F. Di suor Tonimasina Fieschi, pittrice e ricamatrice, let- tera. (In .ey, Antonio. Studii scientifici sull' Egitto e sue adiacenze, compresa Arabia petrea, con carta geografico-geologica. Lucca, 1864-.5. 3 V. O. & Atlas. F.» 916,2 7' Atlas, Paris, 1864, in Portfolio 3. Figlia del re di Dacia, see Xovella. La flglia senza babbo, commedia, .«'c Moran- di, L. La flglia ubljidiente. commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 14. II tiglinol jModigo, commedia,.see Cecclii, G. M. Figiiier, <>nillanme Lonis,ert/7or,see Annee sci- entifique. 505 4 Fi.jn,je, H. F., d- Sloet, L. A. J. W., baron. Beschrijving van den watervloed in Gelder- land. in Maart, 180.-). Arnhem. ISoG. Q. j)l. maps. 551.48 34 Filalete, Ernesto, pseudonym. Delia scomuni- ca; avvertenze d' un prete cattolico. Firenze, 1861. D. 47 p. 262 11 — Obbligo del vescovo romano e pontefice ma.s- simo di risiedere in Roma. Firenze. 1861. D. 34 p. 262 3 — Per la causa italiana, ai vescovi cattolici: versione dal latino di Alessandro Ferranti. Firenze, 1861. D. 93 p. 282 30.1 — Sulla guerra della corte di Roma contro il regno d' Italia. Torino. 1863. O. 16 p. 282 40 FILANGIERI, Gaetano. VlUari, P. (In hi.^ Saggi. 1868.) S54 8 Filiciija, Vincenzio da. Poesie toscane: coll' ag- giunta della vita [by Tommaso Bonaventuri]. Venezia. 1747. S. iior. 851 71 Filippi, Filippo de.Note di un viaggio in Persia nel 1863. Jlilano, 18fi.5. O. 915.5 3 FILTPPI 236 FINE ARTS — Pesci d' aqua dolce. (In Caitaneo, C? & others. Notizie su la Loml)ardia.lS44.) 914.5 56 Filippo o/'-S/eiia. Gli asseiupri; leggende del secolo 14; tratto da un codiceautografo e pub- blicato per cura del...L. F. Carpellini. Siena. 1864. S. 230 7.1 — Maitirio d" una fanciulla faentina, nel .sec. 14. Edizioue 2. Bologna. 1863. D. 13 p. (In Seeltadicuno.sit;i. 3.) 850 10 — Novelle ed e.sempi morali. Bologna, 1863. ■ D. (In same. 35.) 850 10 II Filocopo, see Boccaccio, (J. FILOJIENA, Santa, see PHILUMEJiA, .S7. Filoniena, 1586. see Boiiaveutiira, St. FUon, Cliaiies Aiigiiste Desire, d-otliers. Italie ancienne, see Dnriiy, V. 910 18 11 illosofo inglese, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 80. FISASCE. Diitot, — . Reflexions politiquessur le commerce et les finances. (/?; Daire, E. Economistes. 1851.) 336 9 — Haiikey, T. Tasseespese, discorso; precede una lettera di R. Bonghi sulla forma del bi- lancio italiano ed Torino, 1865. O. 24+47 p. 33(> 5 — Law, J. Considerations sur le numeraire et le commerce; Memoires et lettres sur les lan- gues; opuscules divers. (/)( Daire, E. Econo- mistes. 1851.) 336 9 — Morpiirgfo, E. La critica storica e gli studi intiiiiio alle istituzioni finauziarie, principal- nieute nelle repubbliche italiane del medio evo. Jn Rome— R. aecad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. .ici. mill-. V. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 • — Ricca-Salerno, 6. Storia delle dottrine finau- ziarie in Italia. (In same. v. 9, 1880-1.; 065 5 .*(> (Um BANKS; CUEDIT; EXCHANfiE; LAXD; SIONEV: PKOPEUTY; SPECULATION; aUo the different countries. Fliiclidale priory. The charters of endowment, inventories, and account rolls. London, 1837. O. il. -pi. (In Siirtees soc. 6.) 820 7 See also UODKIC. FIXE ARTS. Adriani, G. B. Lettera a G. ^ asari; i nomi e 1' opere de" piii eccellenti arte- fici antichi in pittura. in bronzo ed in marmo. (MMarcliese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 70!) 3 ^Allston, VV. Lectures on art, and poems; edit- ed by R. H. Dana, jr. New York, 1850. O. 811 3 — The arts considered as tide-marks of liistory. (In Cliurcli qviart. review, v. 1, 1875 p 158-186.) 282 49 — Bayersdoi-f, A. Ueber die florentinischo Kunst der Gegenwart. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 3, 1876.) <)45 41 — Bertolotti, A. Artisti begli ed olandesi a Rorna iiei .secoli 16 e 17; notizie e docuinenti Firenzo. 1880. D. 709 7 — liiirckliardt, J. Der Cicerone: eineAnleitung zuni Genuss der Kunstwerke Italiens. 3 Auflage, bearbeitet von A. von Zalin. Leipziir 1869, 3 V. D. 702 1 Conlinh: 1. .\rcl)itoct,ur. 2. Sculptur. 'A. Malcrei. — Cainpori, (J., editor. Lettere artistiche ine- dite. .Moilcna, 1866. O. 704 I — Curlolano, F. La filosofia dell' arte. Torino. 1875. D. 701 I — Doliler, E. Entstehung und Entwickelung der religiiisen Kunst bei den Griechen. Berlin. 18,4. O. 47 p. (/(( Vircliow cC- Holtzendorfl'. Vortrlige. 9 Serie.) 043 I — Dlipre, G. Pensieri suU' arte e ricordi autobi- ografici. Firenze, 1879. D. 927 9 — Ehreiisviird, C. A. Skrifter; unyo utgifna af C. Eichborn. Stockholm, 1866. O. par. 704 3 — Eugelliardt, H. C. C'. Romerske Statuetter og andre Kunstgjenstande fra den tidlige nordiske Jernalder. il. pi. (In Gopeuhageu — K. iiord. 01d.-Selsk.ib. Aarb^ger. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 Statuettes romaines et autres objets d"art du ler age de fer. il. pil. — L'influeuce de I'in- dustrie et de la civilisation classiques sur celles du nord dans I'antiquite. (7. pi. (In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 3, 1873-7.) 948 — Foresi, A. Tour de Babel; ou, Objets d' art faux pris pour vrais, et vice versa, Paris, 1868. O. 700 1 — Forsythe, J.Remarks ou antiquities, arts and letters'in Italy. 1803-3. From 3 London edition. Boston, 1818. O. 913 37 — Gaye, G., editor. Carteggio inedito d" artisti dei .secoli 14-16: illustrato con documenti pure inediti. Firenze, 1839-40. 3 v. O. facsim. 704 3 — Gotlie, J. W. von. Einleitung in die Propy- liien. — Der Sammler und die Seinigen. — Ueber Wahrheit und Wahrscheinlichkeit der Kunst- werke.— Ueber Italien. (In his Werke, 1827-43. V. 38.) 832 1 See also v. .39, 44. — Great Britain— Department of practical art. First report. London, 1853. O. jA. 740 4 — Heeren, H. H. L. Archaologische und anti- quarisclie Aufsiitze. (In his Werke, 1831-30, V. 3.) _ 908 3 — Heracliiis. Von den Farben und Kunsten der Romer ; Originaltext und tjbersetzung ; niit Einleitung, Noten und Excursen von A. Ilg. Wieu, 1873. O. 190 p. 709 3 — Jalin, 0. Uber die Kunsturtheile des Plinius. (In Leipsic— K. siiclis. Gesell. Berichte, 1850.) 063 3 — -Kollofl, E. Die Entwicklung der modernen Kunst aus der antiken bis zur Renaissance. (7/; Raiinier. F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenlnicli. 1840.) ' 905 1 — Lessiiig-, G. E. Laokoon ; oder, lUber ilie Grenze der Malerei und Poesie.— Kunst und Altertluim. (In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 3-6.) S32 6 — Mengre, R. Romische Kunstzustilnde im Zeit- tilter des Augustus. Berlin, 1878. O. 44 p. {fn Vircliow d- Holt/eiidorff. V,>rtriige. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — Jlerimee, P. L'en.seignement des beaux-arts. {Jn his .Melanges. 1855.) 004 3 — Ongaro, F. dall.' L'arte ilaliana a Parigi neir csixisizione del 1867. Firenze. 1869. 1). P'- 709 i —Pascal, J. B. E. Institutions de Tart chri'liin Paris, lM.'-)6. 3 v. O. 755 i — Passcrini, C. Curiosita storico-artistiche lio- rentine. 1-3 serie. Firenze, 1866-75. 3 v. D. — Rumolir, C. F. L. F. l\'l)erblick der Kuiisi- histnrie des traiisalbingiscbcM Sach.sens. (hi Schleswiu-...Gpscllschaf(-. Anhiv. \ . 3, 1834 ) 948 43 FINE ARTS 337 FINyriSH LITER A TUUE — Selvatico, P. Le aili rlel disegno in Italia, storia e critica. Milaiio [,1877-83]. 8 v. Q. a. pi. {In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) J)14.5 21 (JoiilenU: 1. Siilviitic-", 1*. L' arte aiitica. 2. Sclviilii-o, I'., 1 117 —Torre di Hczzoiiico, C. C. della. Discorsi ac- cacleniici suUe belle arti. (7n/( is Opere, 181.J-20, V. 1.) 858 5 — Vasari, G. Le vite de' piu ecceleuti pittori, scultori e architetti. Firenze, 1846 70. 14 v. D. pov. !»27 4 For coiiteuts !Kue — Villari, P. Taine e la critica dell' arte. {In /t/.sSaggi. 18(38.) 854 8 — Vinet, E. Bibliographie niethodique et rai- sonuee des beaux arts. Paris, 1874. pt. 1-2. O. on 2 Complement to the Manuel of J. C. Briiuet. Xomoie imblished. — Welliaveii, J. S. C. Norske Kunst-Forholde. yln hi.t Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 2.) 839.84 2 — Wilkiiis, W. S. Visual art; or. Nature through the healthy eve. [London,] 1879. O. ' 707 1 Conh'TiL^: Preface. — Introduction.— Visual art.— Dui'a- liility.— Originality and free trade— Artistic copyright. —Notes. — Woltiiiann, A. F. (J. A. Die deutsche Kunst and die Reformation. Berlin, 1867. O. 40 p. pi. (In Vu'chow * Holtzeiidorff". Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 2 t!,:ealfO .ESTHETICS; .IKCHlTEt'TI KK: IIEVUES; KUAW- IMJ; EXAHEE; EMJRAVIXCJ; ETCHIMi; E(».\TAI\EHEEAl;: (iE.IIS; ULASS; IVOUV; JEWEEUV; JIOSAU'S: .MUSEEMS; (MIXA.MENT; PAIXTERS; I>AIXTIX(i: P(»TTEI{\; ItAn:X- XA; SAIXTS: Sl'UEI'TOUS; SCELPTritEs TECHNIC. La fliiestriiia, cummedia. see Allieri, V. Fineza contra tineza, see Calderoii. v. 2. Finignerri, Stofano. La buca di Mouteferrato, Lo studio d' Atene, e II gagno; poemetti sa- lirici del 15 secolo: editi da Lodovico Frati. Bologna, 1884. D. (//; Scelta di curiosita. 203.) S50 10 Finland. Katalog otver de artiklar hvarined Forstvilsendet deltager uti AUmiinna flnska utstiUlningen, 1876. Helsingfors. 1S76. D. -■* P- 551.58 95 — Kommissionens for under.snkning af forhal- landena inom kronoskogarne i Finland .slutliga yttrande och forslag i iimnet. Helsingfors, 1872. sqO. .53 p. tab. 551.58 94 fife also FORESTRY. — Castreu, M. A.Nordiska resor och forskuing- ar. Helsingfors, 1852-8. 5 v. O. por. plmapK. 947 13 For contents .?cv Castreii. — Djurber8-,D.(/>i his BeskrifniugomSvearike, 1806-8. V. 4.) 914.8 -39 — EuropsBus, A. J. Nagot om Huiiner och Fin- nar. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskah. Aarbager. v. 1, 1866.1 948 5 — Friis, J. A. En Sonimer i Fiumarken, russisk Lapland og Nordkarelen: .Skiklriiiger af Land og Folk. Ohristiania, 1871. O. pi. map. 914.7 8 — IpiatiiiSjK.K.F.Legranil-duche de Finlande; notes statistupies. Helsingfors, 1876. O. [44-] 94 p. maps. 314 16.) _ — Le grand-duche de Finlande; notice stati- stinue. Helsingfors. 1878. O. pil. maps. ^ 314 16.1 — Kekiiliiineu, 0. Finlands nuvarande stats- forfattning. Stockholm. 1S41. O. 52 p. 34iJ 13 Knoharinen, P. Finland och dess fraintid. 3 upplagan. Stockliolm, 1840. O. 947 12 — Kuneber^, J. L. Nagra ord om ne.jderna, folklvnnet och lefiiadfsattet i Saarijilrvi sock- en. (/?( A/.s-Saml. arlieten, 1861-4, v. 2.) 839.71 33 — Siillskapet Pro fauna et flora Fennica.Noti.ser ur forhandlingar. Helsingfors, 1871-4. v. il,13. O. pL 581 12 — Selinbert, F. W. (/)( /os Resagenom Sverige, 1823-5, V. 3.) 914.8 4 — Sulini, P. F. Om Fiimerne, deres a?ldste Saide og Herkomst. (In his Skrifter. 1788-98, V. 11.) 839.88 5 — W— n, S. E. Hundrade miunen fran Oster- botten. Stockholm, 1844-5. 3 v. O. 839.78 3 *. rtfoo XOTEBOR(i ; SAVOEAX. Fiiilay, George. The history of Greece [540- 1566], and of the empire of Trebizond. 12(14- 1461. Edinburgh, 1851. O. 949 41 —The last pages of the history of the last Greek republic [.Cherson]. Malta [,18.53]. O. 17 p. (/)( Malta— Lit. and sci. inst. Occas. paper, 3.) 949 46 *"From the autlior," FINMARK. Keilliau, 1$. M. Reise i Ost- og Vest-Finmarken, 1827-8. Ohristiania, 1831. D. 914.8 26 — Leem, K. Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lap- per ; med E. J. Jessen-s. Afhandling om de norske Finuers og Lappers hedenske Religion. [Danish and Latin.] Ki^benhavn, 1767. sqQ. pi. 914.8 27 Munch, P. A. Om Finmarkens politisk-com- mercielle Forhold til den norske Stat. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 21). 1860.) 948 2 — Wnlfsberg, C. A. Om Finmarken. Ohristi- ania, 1867. O. map. 914.8 28 Saga af Finnbosra hinum rama. (In Yatnsdiela saga. 1812.) 839.03 68 Signrdiirson, S. Nogle Bemaerkninger til det Dr. "Gerings Uugave af Finnbogasaga. 1879, vedfojede (jlossar. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-!Selskab. Aarboger. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Finneblod, see Lie, J. FINNISH LANGUAGE. Euren, G. E. Finsk spraklara. Abo, 1849. O. ' 494 11 — — Finsk-swensk ordlwk. Tavastehus, 1860. D. 494 9 — Skanke, H. Et Brev om Qvajnerne og Fin- uers Sprogs Dlalecter. {In Bang, 0. Samling. 1745-7, pt. 7.) 839.8 1 FINNISH LITERATURE. Fran Saimens och Paijanes striinder: en samling cifversattningar och bearbetningar efter finskan. Helsingfors, [1S70]. sqT. 894 1 — Hertzberg, R. Finska toner; ofversattningar ock liearbetningar efter finskan. Helsingfors. [1,S73]. S. 894 2 •Sioufco Holziiiayer. .1. B. Osiliana. Ks?-' : Kalevaln. FIlSrNSSON 228 FISH Filllissoii, Hauiies, bislmji. Disseitalic. de Speculo regali. (/» Komiiigs skiiggsjil. 1TG8.) ' ° 837. (!S lit — Om Folkemiengdens Formindelse ved Uaar i Island: oveisat ved Haldol- Einarsen. Kiaben- havn, 1831. D. »*« .- Fiiioccliietti, Deiiietrio Carlo. Delia jndustria del legno nell' esposizione di Vienna, 1878: re- lazione. [Roma. 1874.] O. 75 p. , . „ , 674 1 boHndwitli (!,0 2 Witli added title-paf,'e; DicliiKra/.icmc 1 p.; and Omis- sioni. 6 p. —Delia scultura e tarsia in legno dagli antichi tempi ad oggi. Fiienze, 1873. O. {In Italy- Mill, di agric. Annali, no. 56.) 736 1 — Delle industrie relative alle abitazione umane, con noti/.ie sul niosaico e sulla scultnra e tarsia in li'gno. Firenze, 1869. O. 670 3 Fiiiseii, Villijalmiir H10avor. Fremstilling af den islandsUe Fainilieret efter Gragas. {In Copeuliaaeii— K. iionl. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 9-10, 1849-5(1.) 948 3 — Om de islandske Love i Fristatstiden. [In same. Aarboger. v. 8, 1873.) !»48 5 —editor <& translator, see Grig:as. 1850. 839.68 9 Fiiiska forstforealngeii. Meddelanden. Hel- singfors, 1879-81. v. 1-3. O. il. pi. tab. map. 551.58 98 .V. Finsteraar- iil. mitji. 551.4:5 46.1 , see Goldoiii, C. Opere burlesche, li26, Fireuy.iiola, Agiiolo. Capitoli. (In Berul, l. V. 1:— 1760, v. 1, 3.) 857 2-8 commedia. (/)( Trissinii, (J. (i. La 1864; in Biltl. rara. M\.} 850 8 — I Lucidi Sofonisba. — Ragionanieuto. 1729, v. 2.) (In Trissino, G. G. FINSTERAARHORN. RoUi, hornfahrt. Berlin. 1863. O. •dia La fluta ammalata, comii V. 10. Fioravsiiitc, ■■>■" Floovaiit. Fiorelli, (Jiiiseppe. Descrizione di Pompei. Napoli, 1875. D. (7. map. 913 18 — Monumenti cuniani. Napoli, 1853. F.^ 8 p. pi. i)13 12 hoand with 399 4 — Notizie degli .si-avi di antiehita, 1876-81. /'/. facsivi. {In Rome— R. accad. del liuoei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3: 3 ser. .«•/. inoi-. v. 1-8. 5-9, 1876-81.) 065 8,5 — Gli scavi di Pompei, 1861-72: relazione. Na- ])oli, 1873. sqF. il. pi. 913 19 Fiorcntiiio, F. Die |)hil()sophiscbe Bewegung Italiens seit 1860. {In Hillebraild, K. Italia. V. 2, 1875.) 945 41 Fioreiitino, Vittorio. Prosa e poesie italiane della raccolta arborense, con un pensiero. Na- poli, 1870. D. 858 2.1 FIRE. Strieker, W. Die Feuerzeuge. Berlin. 1874. O. 80 p. ( /ji Vlrchow A- Holtzeiidorfl'. Vortrage. 9 Serie. ) 043 1 MILITARY FIRK, see (iREKK FIRK. FIRE-ARMS,, 0. Ludbi.ssen fra Vedel- spang, et Bidra>; til Haan(lsUy(levaal)ni'ncs Historic i dct 15de .\in luindrcde. //. (In CopeiiliagtMi— K. iiord.Old.-Selskal). Aarbuger. V. 7, 1H72.)— Dct Ivbskc .'\(lmiralskili "Engel- ctis"' Kaiioncr. (In same. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 — Cavalli, G. Apert;u sur les canons raves se cliargeant par la bouclie et par la cnlasse. Turin, 1862. sqF. 63 p. p?. 358 1 bonnd with 314 14 — — Memoire sur les eclatenients remanpiar- bles des canons en Belgi(|ue, 1857-8, ci ailleurs, a cause des poudres biisantcs. Turin. IS67. sr|F. }il. 358 1 /)o»/i-/ «-i7/i 314 11 Operc, 851 136 —translator, see Appilleius, L. L'asino d'oro. 1863. (//( Bibl. rara. 24.) 850 8 II Grappa, pseud. Commento sopra la can- zone ill lode della salsicoia. Bologna, 1881. D. (In Seelta di curiosita. 184.) 850 10 FIREl'ROOF BriLl)I>G. Marsh, G. 1'. Fireproof construction in Italy. {In Joliiisoil s cyclopcvdia.) In main library. Firmeiiicli-Ricliartz,J(>lianiiesMattUias,«h7or. Gernianiens Volkerstimnien; Sammlung der deutschen Mundarten in Dichtungen, Sagen, MiVhrchen, Volksliedern u. s. w. Berlin, 1846- ,54. 8 V. Q. 839.1 1 Volksdichtungen nord-und sudeuropai- scher Volker: Nachtriige zu Gernianiens Vol- kerstimnien. Berlin. 1867. Q. [4 4-J86p. 839.1 1 Bmind with his Volkerstimnien. v. 3. Finiiiaiiiis Syiiiposiiis, Cwlins. JEnigniata. (//( l'lia'drus.'l823.) 871 5 Firiuiciis Matenius, Julius. Dc errore pro- fanaruni religionum, cum notis J. a Wower. 83-1^ [3] p. (I7L Miiiucius Felix, M. Octavius. 1678.) 291 8 FIRST CAUSE. Scott, G. G. The argument for the intellectual character of the first cause, as affected by recent investigations of physical science. Cambridge [,Eng.], 1870. D. [8 -^] 83 p. 1-- ~ Fiscliart, Johanii. Samintliche Dichtungen; niit Erl'auterungen. Leipzig, 1866-8. 8 v. D. (In Kurz, H. Deutsche Bibliothek. 8-10.) 830 6 — Geschichtklitterung und aller Praktik Gross- mutter. {In Sclieible, J. Das Kloster. 1845-50, V. 8.)— Flohhatz, Weibertratz, Ehezuchtlmch- lein, Podagrammisch Trostbiichlein, sanmit zehen kleinereu Scliriften. il. por. {In same. V. 10.) 837 16 Fischer, Frederik. Slesvigske Folkesagn. 2 Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1861. O. 398 35 Fischer, Theobald. Die Dattelpalme: ihre geo- graphisclie Verbreitung und rulturliistorisclie Bedeutung. Gotha, 1881. .siiQ. 4 + 85 p. maps. (In Petermanns MittheilHligen: Ergsinzungs- bandU.) 910 44 — Studien iiber das Klinia der Jlittelmeerliinder. Gotha, 1879. S(iy. L2 + [63p. maps. {In savie. 18.) 910 44 Die Fischeriii, ein Sing.spiel, see Giitlie, J. W. von. V. II. Fisli, SiilKiii. .\ supplicacyon for the beggers; reprinted from the original edition of 1524. London, 1845. D. 31 p. 827 7 —A supplicacvon for the beggers, written about 1529: re-edited by Frederick J. Furni- vall; with A supplycacion to Henry the eyght. 1544: A supplication of the poore commons, 1.546; Thedecayeof England by shepe, 1550-3: edited by .1. Meadows tkiwper. London. 1871. O. (/» E. E. Icxtsoc. E.xtraser. 13.) 820 5.1 More, T. The supplicacion of sonles: against the Supplicacion of beggars. {In his Workes. 1.5.57.) 230 5 FISHER 229 FLANDERS Fislicr, .lollli, Insliup af liochcxlcr. Knglish works, tiDw 1ii-.sti;()llect('(ll)yJohn K. II. Mayor. Loniloii, lMT(i. V. 1. O. fm-nim. (In K. E. text soc. Extra ser. Tt.) 820 "i.l —The funeral sermon of Margaret, countess of RirhiiioiKl and Derby, of Christ's ami St. .John's collej;e in Canibrulge: with i)refac('... London, i;(l«. pi. 378 KISHEHiES. AckcrlMiC, A. 1>. Die NutzuiiK der Teiche unci (icwasser duri-li Fischzncht nnd Pflanzenliau. (.^nccllinliurg, 18ti!). D. /)/. — Bettziecll, H. Der wirtiisehaftliche Wcrtli der Wassernutzung durch Hschzucht. Berlin . 1873. O. 44 p. (7)1 Virchow * Holtzeurtorll'. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1, {VA9 -i — Uorolea, L. Sonimario storico dell' alieutiea nelle provincie nieridionali e della legislazione eorrelativa alia stessa. Napoli, 186'2. O. (!3!> 3 — Friedel, E. Aus der Vorzeit der Fischerei. Berlin, !S84. O. 63 p. (7i( Vircliow * Hol- tzpiulorff. Vortrlige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 — Italy— Mliiistero diagricoltu Til. Progetto di legge suUa pesca. n. p. [,:S71.] s(|Q. [l+]T3p^ — Liiideiiiail, M. Die arktische Fischerei der deutsclien Heestiidte, 1«30-I8e8. Gotha, 1869. sqQ. iiKipi'. (III. Peternianns Mittlieiliiiig:cii: Ergi'mzungshand 6.) !tlO 44 Die Seefischereien, 1869-78. Gotha, 188U. sqQ. via}). (Ill same. 13.) 910 44 — Marsh, G. P. Report, made under authority of the Legislature of Vermont, on the artificial propagation of fish. Burlington, 18.")7. O. 080 14 Sliiidt, E. L. Fiskeriets Bedrift; et Foredrag. Christiania, 1862. D. 639 5 Listertiaaden, til Oplysning oni det norske Arbeide. Christiania, ISe.'J. D. [l+]20p. i7. (!:$9 .") Nordlandsbaaden, til Oplysning om det n(,rske Arbeide. Christiania, 186.5. D. [l + ]40p. il. fi39 .5 .SVr«feo I)ltOWXIX(i; OYSTERS. FISHES. Emery, C. Coiitribuzioni all' ittiolo- gia, il. C/u Rome— R. accad, dei lincei. A tti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. 3, 1878-9) 065 4 — Kr0yer, H. N.Danmarks Fiske. Kjobenhavn, 1838. V. 1. O. //. ■ 597 1 s,,: rt/,,1 BK.VIN: FIKIUSFEK; LEISIAS CAl.ARITA.XA; rVI.OKK AI'PE\DA(iE. FISHING. Davy, H. Salmonia; or, Days of tly fishing. Philadelphia, 1833. D. pi- 799 1 — Oppianiis. Delia pesca. tradotto da A. Salvini, Milano, 1864. S. (7)t Bibl. rara. 48.) ,850 3 — Walton, I. The compleat angler. London, 1810. sqS. (7. 799 2 Fisiofllo, Giovanni, pseud., see Born, I. von. La flsiognomia; trattatello in francese antico, colla versione italiana del trecento; pubblicato percura di E. Teza. Bologna. 1864. D. 61 p. (Ill Scolta di curiosita. 42.) 850 10 Fiske, Daniel Willard. Bibliographical notices. Florence [.1886-J 90. no. 1-5. Q. 1. 4. .5. Books printed in Iceland, l.irs-1844; a list-] :)ii supplement ti> the British museum cataloffne- 01.5 5.:i i. Hand-list of Petrarch editions in tlie Florentine puli- lic libraries. 012 2 IxmiiU witli 010 :i S. Francis Petrarch's treatise De remediis utriusi|ne fnrtur:i\ text and versions. Oli i — Icelandic notes. Berlin, 1880. Q. 4 y. 839.63 3 —Iceland's literary establishments. Berlin, 1880. O. 2 p. .S:J9.63 :; Fiskcreii og bans DaUi-r, dramatisk Eventyr, aec Ohicnschliiser, A. (<. Digtervarker, v. 4. Fiskcr.jenten, we I{j0rnson, B. Fiskenie, etSyngespil, .«(> Evvald, .1. v. 3. Fiti'll, Jolin. The original ste;iniboal; a reply to James Kunisey. pi- (In O'Callagliaii, E. 1{. Documentary historv of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 2.) 974 9 Filzueiald, Edward, translator, see 'Lmar Khaiyain. Hiibaiyiit. 1872. 891 2 Fit/-James, James, duke of Benrick, see Ber- wick. Fitzste|»lien, William. Vita 8. Thoma\ (In Rohertsoii, J. C. Materials for the history of Becket, 1875-85, v. 3; /(( (Jt. Br,— Master of rolIs.Cliron. andmem. 67.) 94"i ^< FITZ-WARINE, Fulk. Gesta Fulconis tilii Warini : edidit J. Stevenson. 1875. (In same. 66.) 942 8 — Histoire de Foukines Fitz-Warin: publieepar Francisijue Michel. Paris, 1840. O. 843 17 — Wrigiit, T. (In his Essays. 1846, v. 2.) 820 3 FITZRDY, Henrv, duke of Richmond and ,'ioni- crsft. see RICHMOM). Fizes, Nicolas. Poesies patoises, (hi Revne des langues roinanes. v. 3, 1872.) 479 5 Fjilrilar fn'mPinden, see Nicander, K. A. Flacll, Hans. Der Tanz bei den (Jriechen. Ber- lin, 188(1. O. 35 p. (7)1 Virchow <& Holtzen- dortf. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Flagellants. Statuto dei disciplinati di Poma- rance uel Voltenano, secolo 14; per cura di PietroVigo. Bologna, 1889. D. 32 + 64 p. (/)( Sceltadi curiosita. 332.) 850 1(1 — Le Coinpag'iiie de' Battuti in Roma uell' anno 1399. Bologna, 1862. D. 14 p. (Insanic-M.t 850 10 Flag-g:, Williani .Tosepli. Three seasons in Euro- pean vineyards. New York, 1869. D. (7. 634 3 FLAGS. Bellin, J. N. Tableau des pavilions lies nations... a la mer. [Paris,] 1756. 65x135 cm. 080 36 In poftfulio -'l — Petersen, H. Et dansk Flag fra Unionstiden i Maria-Kirke i Liiljeck. )7. pi. (In Copenliagen - K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 17, 1883.) 948 5 Le roman de Flainenca: publie, traduit et ac- compagne dun glossaire. par Paul Meyer. Paris, 1865. O. 849 II — Bartsch, K. F. Le roii'an de Flainenca: par P. Meyer. (/(( Jalirbneh rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 186(1.) 805 1 Flanders. Sea-laws [Flemish and English]. (In Gt. Br.— Admiralty. Black book, 1871-6, v. 4; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 55. J 942 8 — Chroniiiue de Flandres. I4e siecle, en patois ronchv. (//( BlU'hon, J. A. C. Choix de Chro- nicpies. 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 — Desjtars, X. Cronijcke van den lande ende graefscepe van Vlaenderen, 405-1493; met aen- teekeningen door J. de .Jonghe. 3 uvtgaef. Brugge, 1839-40. 4 v. O, 949 20 FLAISTDERS 230 FLOOD — Dixiiiiide, 0. Merkwaerdige gebeurtenissen in Vlaenderen en Brabant. 1377-1448; door J. J. Lanibin. Ypre, 1835. sqV- 9-i'* — — Krouyk van Vlaenderen van .")80 tot 14()7. Gent, 1H39-4I). 2 v. Q. (In Maotscliappy van Vlaeiii. I)il)l. Werken. 1. ser. :!.) 839.3 -' sw aim AXTHEKl': IfKABAM'; UKlICiKS; BIllSSEI.S: (.KNT: SIM-TKI ¥]•:>■. Flatey,jarl)6k; en Samling of norske Konge- SagaeV, med indskudte mindre Fortfvllinger oni Begivenlieder i og iidenfor Norge, samt An- naler. Christiania, 1860-8. o v. O. S3i).U3 5 List of contents in vol. 3. Edited by G. Vigfilssou ami C. K. linger. FLAUBERT, (Justave. (Jaiitier, T. Salammbo. (In his L'orient, 1^77, v. 2.) 910 29 FLAX. Kafii, C. G. Veiledning til at dyrke Hor og hearbeide den indtil Heglingen. 3 Ud- gave, vedH. A. Wnlff. Kiiibenhavn, 1837. D. 033 r, I'LEAS, Berte, F. Contribuzioue all' anato- niia ed alia tisiologia delle antenne degli afanit- teri. p/. (//( Rome— R. accad. dei lliicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 1.) OO.j 4 Flecliia, (Jlovaiiiii. Di alcuni criteri per I'origi- nazione de' tognonii italiani. {In same. 3 ser. sci. inur. V. 2, 1877-8.; 0C5 r> — liltorno ad una peculiarita di llcssioue ver- bale in alcuni dialetti lombardi. (In same. 3 ser. V. 3, 187o-6, pt. 3") 06.j 3 '— Postille etiniologiche: Saggio di un glossario modenese del G. Galvani. (hi Arcliivio glot. ital. V. 3-3, 187G-8.)— Del libro di B. Bianchi sulla preposizione a. (In same. v. 4, 1878.)— Confessione latino-volgare. 1(10(1-1300, ed. e illlustr. (In same. v. 7, 1880-3.) — Annotazioni sistematiclie alle Antiche rime genovesi e alle Prose genovesi: 1: Lessico. (/}( savie. v. 8, 1883-5.)— 2: Fonologia; 3: Mort'ologia. (In same. v. 10. 1886-8.) 4.50 11 Flechier, Esprit, 6/.s/(o/< of Nimes. Menioires siir les grands-jours iTAuvergne en 1665: an- notes et augnientes d'lin appendice parCheruel. et d"une notice par Sainte-Beuve. Paris, 1856. O. 2d. music. 944 (iO — Oraisons funebres. (In Bossiiet, J. B. Oraisons funebres. bSof*.) 845 2 Flerkeiseii, Alfred, editor, see Tereiitliis Afer, I'. Comoediae. 1858. 872 3 Flcckiioe, Richard. A discourse of the English stage, circa 1660. (Jn Hazlitt, W. C. English drama: /?t /ii'.s Ro.vburghe lib. 4.) S'21 3 FI,EET PRISON. Harris, A, The .economy of the Fleete, an answeare unto articles sett fortli by the prisoners: edited by A. .Jessopp. | Lon- don,] 1879. sqO. fab. (hi Cniiiden soe. ii. s. 25.) H'»0 4.1 Fleetwood, George. Letter giving an acct)unt of the battle of Lutzen and the death of Gtis- taviis Adolphu»: edited by Sir Philip de Malpas Grev Egerto". 1847. {In Cailideii misc. 1: in ramdeii soc. 39.) ,s2(» I Fleg'eljalire.eine Biographie,.sef Richter,.LP.F. V. 20-1. Fleischer, Heiiirich Leberechl. | Variouh arti- cles.] (In Leipsic — K. siichs. (jrscll. Itcricbic, 1846-53,) 0G3 1,3 — conimentatoi-, see Scetzcil, I'. J. Keisen. 1H54-9. aio.G 6 FLEMISH DIALECTS. Firmeiilch-Richarl/, J. M. Vliimisclie Mundarten. (/)( liis Gerinani- ens Volkerstimmen, l«46-54. v. 3.) 839.1 1 — Sclliieriiiaiis, L. >V. Algemeen Vlaanisch idioticon. Leiiven, 1865-70. O. 439.33 3 FLEMISH LITERATURE. Blomiiiaert, J. 1'. M., editor. Oudvlaenische gedichten der 12-14 eeuwen. Gent, 1838-51. 3 v. inl. O. 839.31 2 — Maetschappr der Vlaeiiische bibliophilcii. Werken. 1-4 reeks. Gent, 1839-73. 44 v. in 37. Qrf- F.^ music, tab. 839.3 2-4 Werken voor de leden alleen bestenid. Gent [,1848-]72. 10 v. in 3. Q. 839.3 5 For contents of both publications s« Maetscliappy. For references to si)igle Flemish authors, see Dl'TCll LITKRATl HE. Fleiiiiuiiig, Carl Friedrich. Ueber Geistessto rungen und Geisteskrauke. Berlin, 1873. O. 31 p. (In Vircliow d- Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Flensbiirg', Statuta civitatis, 1284: accedunt Blasii Eckenbergeri Glossa?: CoUatio cum sta- tutis civitatis Slesvicensis : Accessiones. — Fas- ciculus diplomatuni civitatis. — Statuta ruralia ])r:3efecturai Flensburgensis, e codice 1560. (In Westplialeii, E. .1. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 4.) 943 21 Flershehn, lYanz Berthold von, continner, see Zorn, F. Wormser Chronik. 1857. 943 50 Fletcher, Giles. Christ's victory in heaven.— Christ's triuraj)!! on earth: — over death; — after death. (In Sontliey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) ■ 821 9 Fletcher, James. The history of Poland. New- York, 1831. S. jjor. (Harper's fam.-lib.) 943 60 Fletcher, James Cooley,* Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. Philadelphia, 1857. O. por. il. pi. map. 918.1 1 Fletcher, Phineas. The purple island. (In Sontliey R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Fletcher, Robert. An ilitroductorv review. (In Milton, J. Prose works. 1836.) " 82181 Histoire de Flenr d' Epine, see Hiimilton, A. Flenrange, Robert de la Mark, seigneur de. Histoire des clioses memorables advenues des regnes de Louis XII et de Francois I, 1499- 1531. 'por. [In Michand <(■ Ponjoulat. Jle- moires, 1866. v. 5.) 944 9 Fleiirs (111 gai savoir. see Flors del gay saber. Die llicgenden Bliitter des 16. und 17. Jahrhun- clerts. {Ill Schoilde, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, V. 13.) 837 l(i FLJO'I'SILELA sagM, see 1>R(>PLAU(JARS()XA. FLODERUS, Johan. Kosensleiii, >'. von.Lefver- nes-beskrifning lifver Flodeius. 34 juli 1790. {[n his Skrifler. 1838. v. 1.) '839.78 1 Fliihlinlz, .sec Fischart, J. Flood [Latin de Fliictibiis). Robert. Utrius- rjue cosmi. majoris scilicet et niinoris. nieta- phvsica, phvsica atipie technica... Oppenhemii. 1617-19. 2 v. F. il. pi. 099 47 FL(tOI>. IMeslel, L. Die Sintlhit und die FliilsagcM des Alterthums. Berlin, 1871. O. FLOOD 231 FLORENVE 40 II. (Ill Vircliow & Holtzendorfl". VoitiiiKe. (iSerie,) 048 1 FLOODS. Hit/ins, A. Die Wasseiiiotli im Kiuiiienlhal, 13 Aug. lS8(i.(/» hix Ge.sam.Sclirif- ten. l,S,i(i-><, V. 2:!.) 833 7 S<«/ic. 2 AuR.ase. B.M-lin, ISS^. D. 70 p. 551,4S ;i.j.l Brown, J. C. Reboisenieut in Fiance, vvitli a view to pre\ enting the destructive effects of torrents. London, 1876. O. 551.58 83 Ciistellaiii, — .Dell" inimediata influenza delle selve sal corso delle acque. Torino, 1818-19. •i V. in 1. sqQ. tab. 551.58 61 — Cliiiiiiberet, E. de. Des inondations en France. Paris, 1856. 2 v. in 1. O. 551.48 31 .— Chaiiiiiioii, M. Las inondations en France (lepui.s le (>e siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris. 18.58-64. 6 V. O. 551.48 29 — Coaz. J. W. Die Hoclnvasser, Sept. und Oct. 1868. ini bundnerischen Rheingebeit. Leipzig, 1869. O. [■'+]'•'■> P- .. 551.48 27 Deiitsch, J. Die Uberschwemmung und ihre Ursachen: Anschauungen iiber die Donau- Regulirung l)ei Wien, 1876. Wien, 1877. Q. pi. 551.48 28 Uiipnit, .\. J. E. J. De.s inondations; examen des nioyens proposes pour en prevenir le retour. Paris, 1858. O. p?. ?/(rtp. 551.48 31 Diirer, B. Cenni idrologici e considerazioni affini. Como. 1871. Q. [l-l-]16p. 551.48 19 hound trith 551.2 2 — Hericonrt, A. F. d.' Les inondations et le livre de Valles. (In Aiinales forestieres, 4 ser. V. 3, 18.57.) 551.48 31 Laiidriii, A. Les inondations. Paris, 1880. D. il. (Ill Chartoii, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 551.48 24 .— Loiiibai'diui, E. Sulle inondazioni avrenute nella Francia in questi ultinii tempi. Milano, 18.58. q. 551.48 5 — Mardiguy, — de.Memoire sur les inondations des rivieres de I'Ardeche. Paris, 1860. O. [34-] 48 p. pi. 551.48 31 — Mrtrsli,(it. P.Inundations and floods of rivers. (/)( Jidiiison's cyclopedia.) //( main. Khrtirij. The woods. — The waters. {In his Earth as nioditted l)y human action. 1874.) 080 28 ^Messedaglia, A. Analisi dell' oj)era, Le in- nondazioni in Paranoia di M. Champion. Ve- rona, 1865. O. _ 551.48 30 — Moiiestier-Savigiiat, A. Etudes sur les eaux au point de vue des inondations. Paris, 1828. O. 2)1. map. 551.48 25 — Poiree, A. Quelques mots de reponse a Des inondations. par Dnpnit. Paris, 1858. O. 31 p. pl. 551.48 31 — Poll, AV. van de, Schets van den watervloed in Gelderland, Noord-Brabant. Utrecht en Zuid-Holland. in Maart 1855. Tiel, 18.55. Q. pl. 551.48 33 hound iritJi 551.2 2 — Rclazione delli danni cagionati dalle piogge ed escresceiiza de fiumi, ottobre 1755, in Italia. Romii, 17.55. O. 4 p. 551.48 17 — Ribbe, C. de. La Provence au point de vue des hois, des torrents et des inondations, avant et apres 1789. Paris, 1857. O. 551.48 32 — Kozet, C. A. Moyens de forcer les torrents des niontagnes de rendre a I'agricvilture une jiartie du .sol (|u"i!s i-avagent, et d'empi'clier les inondations des rteuves. Paris, 1856. (). 45L + -] !•• pi- 551.48 :il — Switzerland. Die Berichte der K.vpertencom- niissioneii iiber die Ueberscliwemiiiniigen im Jahr 1868. Bern, 1869. D. (ah. 551.48 35 —Valles, F. de P. F. X. H.Ktudes sur les inon- dations; lenrs causes et icurs effets. Paris, 1857. O. /,/. 551.48 26 See aim Alt.NO; FOKKSIIiV; (IKI.DKItl.AMI: .'IKI.I.A; I'O; TIIIKK. Floovant, chanson de geste: publice par F. Guessard et H. Michelant. Pans, 1859. .S. (/(( Gliessard, F. Les anciens pol-tes de la France 1-) 841 :■. — 11 libro delle storie di Fioravante. (In Kiijiia, IM reali di Francia. 1872; w Emilia. Collezione'. =^1-) .S50 6 Li contes dou roi Flore et de la bielle Jeliane. (Jn Moland, L. E. I)., & Hericaiilt, V. d." Nou- velles du 13e siecle. 18.56.) ' SM 13 IFlore and Blaiiclieflor :J II cantare di Fiorio e Biancifiore; edito da Vincenzo C'rescini. Bo- logna, 1889. V. 1. D. (/(( Scelta di curiosita. ^B3.) s:,0 10 Vol. 1 eousisfs of a critiual di-scussion by Crescini. — Florice and Blauncheflour. [In Ellis, G. Specimens of romances, 1805, V. 3.) 821 4 — Floris ende Blancefloer, door Djederic van Assenede; mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Glossar. {In llofi'iiiauii von Fallerslebeu. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt. 3.) 830.31 3 —Flos und Blaneflos. il. (In Volksbiiclier. 53-) 833 22 —Flos und Blankflos. (In Brims, P. J. Ro- mant. Gedichte. 1798.) 839.4 3 — Fragments of Floriz and Blauncheflur: with notes and glossary. (In Liimby, .F. R., editor. King Horn. 1866; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 14.) 820 5 — Saga af FUires ok Blankiflur, i Grundtexten nied OversEGttelse ved Brynjolf Snorrason. — Till»gsbema>rkninger. (hi Copeiiliaaeii— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 10, l.sad.) UiS 2 6'recednta da Notizie storiche dell" accademia. e segnita ila agginnte. Firenze, 1841. F. jjl. 530 ki — Circolo fllolog:ico, Statuto. 30 die. 17T1. (Fi- renze, 1871. J O. 15 p. 404 I — Collegio Ferretti. Report of the executive committee of the Protestant orplianage for girls, for 1879, 1880. Florence, 1880-1. 2 v. O 3C2 3 FLOREI^rE Parole alia l)vu)iui. Fireu7.(\ Ferretti, S. 1S67. O. With list .if Kifts, isii5-i;. — Coiiimissudie per le liceicht' iiiloiiio alia casa di Dante. Delia casa
  • \v- d. !»■ La casa di Dante Alighieri: relatione. Fi- renze, 1869. O. ;!fi[-t3]i). col. pi- i)28 20 — Coiislglio provinclale. Atti del coniitato pro- motore "della esposizione dantesca. Firenze, ISIU. pt. ]. O. 851 61 !)0!()«7 !('(//!, 44 -COSVEMO DI S. UinSTO ALLE MUKA. Uccelli, (ii.B.Il convento dl S. Giustoei gesua- ti- aggiungonsi i capitoli della loro regola. Fi- renze, 1865. D. _ 271 12 — Dei)iitazioiie proinotrice. La facciata di S. :Maria del Fiore: relazioiie. Firenze, 187,5. Q. 66 p. , 72fi 16 — Ksiiosizloiie dantesca, 1865. Cataloglu. [I'l- renze, 186."i.| Q. Sol 63 bound tcifh 40 Vonleiilfs: rodipi <• dooiimeiiti.— iV — Lotteria florentina di benellcenza. Relazione soininaria alia comniissione di sorveglianza. 2 iu"-lio 18S0. Firenze, 1880. O. 33 p. ° 174 2 houmlu-ith IK! 1 —Palazzo di San Donate. Catalogue de la bil)liothe(jue: vente, "i mai 1880 et suivants. Paris [,1880J. F. ph 017 5 —Prima esposizione nazionale dl lavori femnii- nili 1S71. Catalogo offifiale. Firenzi-. IHTl. ",. :{:u 45 69 nnsini, G. B. Lettere a B. Varolii sopra 1' assedio di Firenze: aecresciute per G. Milanesi. 1- irenze, I860. D. 945 69.1 — (laiiponi, U. A. tr. Q. Storia della repubblica ,li Firenze. Firenze, 1875. 3 v. Q. 945 70 — Cavalcanii, B. Lettere. Bologna, 1869. D. (Ill Seelta di curiositii. 101.) S50 10 — (tol'sini, N. Storia di ((uattro ore, 27 a]irile 1S.-|9. 2edizione. Firenze, 1859. D. 10 p. 945 79 DatI, (i. H liliro segreto di Dati: a cura di C. (iargiolii. Bologna, 1869. D. (/» Scelta di curiosita. 102.) 850 10 Della ini- postedal coniuno di Firenze. della monetii c (l(41a inercatura de" Fiorentini, lino al serolo Hi. Lishona. 176.5-6. 4 v. siiQ. :5:j(; 1 — DIx, .(. A. A svininier in Spain and Florence. j,l. ilii Iris Winter in Madeira. 1851.) 914.(> 15 — Eani'anl, I*. Spigolatura fiorentina. Firenze. 1H08-9. no. 1-3. D. 945 79 I'crtalninj; to the 14-lB centuries ; for contents .*/ Kiiiiliiiii. 232 FLO RES Fantozzi, F. Nouveau guide de Florence; traduit de Titalien par Mnie. H. (J. D"Estre. Florence [,1849]. D. ;/)/. ukijj.s. 914,5 65 — Ferriglli, P. F. h. C. Su e gin per Firenze. Firenze, 1877. D. 914.5 65.1 — Laniento di Fiorenza: con la guerra, e con patti e convenzioni con la Santita. 1529-30. Bologna, 1804. D. 36 p. (An Scelta di curiositii. 47.) - S50 10 The first two parts are in verse. Lan^don, Vi. C. The facts concerning the American episcopal chapel. Florence, 1871. O. :!5 ),. 283 1 — Maccliiavelli, N. sopra il riforniare lo stato di Firenze. {Jn ///.s Opere, 1819. v. 6.) 858 10 Descrizione della peste di Firenze, 1527. (Fit scene.) 858 10 Frainmenti istorici.(7?j same. v. 3.) 858 10 Istorie fiorentine.fJji same. v. 1-2.) 858 10 Legazioniecommissioni. (Insame.x. 810.) 858 10 JIalispini, R. Istoria, dalla edificazione di Fiorenza all' anno 1281; con 1" aggiunta di Giachetto al 1286: publjlicata per C. Giannini. Bologna, 1807. D. 945 71 Osvaldi, 0. II palazzo vecchio: memorie storiche. Firenze, 1805. D. 945 79 Passerini, C. Curiosita storico-artistiche fior- entine. 1-2 serie. Firenze, 1866-75. 2 v. D. 709 5 Pernzzi, S. L. Storia del coniinercio e dei bancliieri di Firenze, 1200-1345. Firenze, 1868. < ). jtoi'. pi. fdcsiin. 945 72 Ridolfl, C. Breve nota a una Storia di quat- tro ore, .57 aprile 1859 [by N. Corsini]. Firenze, 1859. D. 15 p. 945 79 — Rinnccini, T. Le usanze fiorentine del secolo 17; con Lamento di Parione di G. Dati. Fi- renze. 1863. O. 40 p. 390 18 — Sclieffer-Roicliorst, P. Florentiner Studien. Leipzig, 1874. O. 945 73 — Setticelli, L. Sguardo storico sulla facciata del iluonio di Firenze. 3 edizioiie. Firenze, 1875. D. 726 17 — TroUope, T. A. A history of the common- wealth of Florence, to 1531. London, 1805. 4 V. O. 945 74 — Varchi, B. Storia fiorentina. Milano, 1803-4. 5 V. O. jior. 945 75 — Villani, ti. Cronica. 'Firenze, 1823. 8 v. O. 2)(ir. ' 945 70 Cronica. Firenze, 1835. 6 v. O. 945 77 — WIss, G. E. Aus der Kulturgesohichte von Florenz. Berlin. 1877. O. " 945 78 ,sv, «/«iF()lilM VIl.l.A;, ; Stinzzi, A. M. iK'Kll. Lettere del see. 1.5. FLDKENTISE DIALECT, see TUSCAN. Flores, Jose Miguel de, eililor, see rastlllo, D. E. del.(-ronica del rev HnricpielV. 1787. 946 34 Flores, Jnan de. Istoria di .Aurelio e Isabella; di lingua castigliana in italiana tradotta da Lelio Aletililo. Firenze, 1864. D. [20 + ] 66 I H I p. [hi Konneei, A. Dclizie. 3.) 850 4 Flores historiarnm [to 1326| ; edited by Henry Ificbards Liiard. London. 1890. 3 v. Q. {In (it. Kr.— Master of rolls. ( lunn. and mem. 95.) 942 8 ^t'C (itfo Flores histi.ii.'irimi li\ It, o/' Weinliivcr. FLORET 333 FOLENG FlfORET, Baltliazar. (ur og EeBntyri. Leipzig, 1862-4. 2 v. O. .S39.63 4 Danish: Islandslie Folkcsagn. (/h Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquaiisk Tidsskrilt. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 — Arndt, E. M. Milrchen und Jugenderinne- rungen. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1843-3. 2 v. D. il. x>l 398 4 — Asbi0riiSen, P. C. Norske Folke-Eventyr. Ny Sanding. Cliri.stiania, 1871. O. 398 17 — — Same. 2 Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1876. O. 398 18 — — Norske Foike- og Huldre-Eventyr, i Ud- valg. Christiania, 1879. O. 398 20 Norske Huldre-Eventvr og Folkesagn. 3 Udgave. Christiania, 1870. O. 398 19 — — Moe, J. E. Norske Folkeeventvr. Chris- tiania, 1843. V. 1, pt. 2, 3; v. 2, pt. 1. S. 398 13 — Same. 2 forogede Udgave. Christiania, 1852. sqD. 398 14 — Same. 4 Udgave. Christiania, 1868. O. 398 15 — Same. 5 Udgave. Christiania, 1874. O. 398 16 _ German: Norwegische Volksmilhrchen: deutsch von F. Bresemaun. Berlin, 1847. V. 1. S. 398 21 Bitzins, .4. Bilder und Sagen der Schweiz. Berlin, 1857. 2 v. O. (In his Gesam. Schriften, V. 15-16.) 833 7 — Cartailliac, E. L'age de pierre dans les sou- venirs et superstitions jiopulaires. Paris, 1877. Q. il. 571 5 bound with 551,2 2 — E., V. Helsingesagner. 34 p. (In Nyare bi- drag, V. 1, 1878.) 439.77 3 — Euslin, K. Frankfurter Sagenbuch. Frank- furt a. M., 18.')6. D. 398 5 — Fischer, F. Slesvigske Folkesagn. 2 Udgave. Kjobenhavn. 1861. O. 398 25 — Friis, J. A. Lappisk Mythologi, Eventvr og Folkesagn. Christiania,1871. 2 v. inl. O. 398 29 — (Joiizenbach, L, Sicilianische Marchen; mit Anmerkuugen R. Kohler's undeiner Einleitung heran.sgegeben von O. Hartwig. Leipzig, 1870. 2 V. D. ;)/. 398 26 — (iriniin, J. li. K. * W. K. Deutsche Sagen. Berlin, lsl(i.l8. 2 V. O. 398 6 Kinder- und Hausm'Archen. 16 Auflage. Berlin, 1879. D. 398 7 — lirmidlviir, S, H. Gamle danske Minder i Folkcnuiiide: Folkeaeventyr, Folkeviser, Fol- kesagn. KJ0benhavn, 1854. 2v. inl. O (V. 398 23 — Hahii, J. 0. von. Griechische und albnnesi- sche MiuchcM. I-ripzig,1864. 2 v. D. })l. 398 27 — Hainiiicrshaimb, V. U. Fmrdisko F'olkcsagn. (In Ciiponliageu -K, uord, 01d,-Selskab, Anna- ler. V. 6, 1846.) 948 2 Fajroiske Folkesagn;— Skikke og Lege; — Barneviser og Raniser; — Gader. (In same. Au- tiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 3. 1849-51.) 948 4 — Hauft', W, Mahrchen. jj/. {In his Sainnit- liche Werke^ v. 4-5.) 833 17 — Hylten-Cavallius, (J. 0., (iOODFELLOW; SPORTS. La foUe journee; on, La mariage de Figaro, comedie, see Beaiiuiarchais, P. A. C. de. Follen, Charles Theodore Christian. A prac- tical grammar of the German language. Bos- ton, 1838. O. 1)/. 435 11 Inserted at the end, in Mr. Marsli's hand-WTitin^, is the German poem ; Reetion der deutschen Priipositioneu. — editor. German reader for beginners. 3 edition. Boston, 1836. D. 830 4 — Chaniiiug', W. E. Discourse occasioned by tlie death of Follen. (In his Works, 1848, v. 5.) 208 3 FoUi, Riccardo, editor, see Manzoiii, A. I promessi sposi, nelle due edizioni del 1840 e del 1825. 1877. 853 31 FoUie's anatomie, see Hutton, H. FOLLY. Erasmus, D. Elogio della pazzia; con dispgui di Holbein. Milano, 1863. S. il. por. (Ill Bil)L rara. 17.) 850 3 Foiiseoa, Jose da, <£• Caroliiio, P. O novo guia da conversaijao em portuguez e inglez. Paris, 1855. sqT. 469 10 The original form of "English as she is spoke." In- serted is a letter by \V. VV. Story written in the idiom of the book. —editor, see Pariiaso lusitano. 1836-34. 869 33 La font Putanella, .see Guiraiid, A. Fontaine, Cliarles. Lequintil horatian; ou. La critique (le La delfence de J. Du Bellav. (In Du Bellay, J. Deftence. 1878.) 447 16 Fontaine, .Jacques. A tale of the Huguenots; or. Memoirs of a French refugee family; trans- lated and compiled from the original mss. by I Ann Maury]: with an introduction by F. L. liawks. New York, 1838, D. 272 12 FOXTAIXEBLEAU. HoUoff, E. Schloss und Sohule von Foritainebleau; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Renais.sance in Frankreich. (In Rannier, F. L. (i. von. Hist. Tascheubuch. 1846.) 905 1 Foutanelli, Carlo. Die Bergbaugesetzgebung in Italieii. (In Hillebriind, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 — Ueber den Unilauf des Papiergeldes in Ita- lien. (/h .same. V. 1, 1874.) 945 41 Foutani, Francesco. Cenni sulla vita di Giuli- ano Dati. (In Dati, (i. La lettera. 1873 ; in. Sceltadicuriosita. 136.) 850 10 Fontenay-Mareuil, Frant^ois Duval, murquis de. Mtinoires, 1610-30. pur. {In Midland >60 lu — Liebi", J. von. Ueber Quelle der Muskelkraft und ErSahruug. (In. his Ueber GiUirung. 1H70.) — M'lyer, J. R. Ueber die Einahrung. (/" his Nat. Voi'tiage. 1871.) 536 3 — Moleschott, J. A. W. Deir alimentazione; traduzione del G. Bellucci. Milano, 1871 D. —Smith, E. Practical dietary. 3d and 4th thousands. London, 187.5. D. pi. 643 4 — Virchow, R. Uelier Nahrungs- und Genuss- mittel. Berlin. 1868. O. 5.5 p. (/)( Vlrclioff & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 See also BUEAD; CHOCOLATE: CINNAMON, COFFEE; GEIOIS; MEAT; SALT; TEA; WINE. For historle og Statistik, see Collin, J., editor. Det forbaiulede Huus, see Ingemauii, B. S. Noveller. Forbes, Archibald. My experiences of the war between France and Germany. Leipzig, 1871. 2 V. S. (Taucliuitz edition.) 943 30 Forbes, James David. Norwegen urd seine Gletscher: nebst Reiseu in den Hochalpen der Dauphine, von Bern und Savoyen; aus dem Englischen von Ernst A. Zuchold. Leipzig, 1855. O. il.2}l. :>51.31 8 Forbiu, Claude, covi.te de. Memoires, 1677- 1710. (/)! Jlichandct Ponjoiilat. Memoires, 1866, V. 33.) 9** ^ Forby, Robert. The vocabulary of East Anglia. London, 1830. 2 v. O. 2>oi-- *27 1 Force, Manning Ferguson. From Fort Henry to Corinth. Kew York, 1881. D. inaps- (Campaigns of the civil war. 3.) 073 33 FORCE. Anserini, A. La forza unica nelT universo. Frato, 1868. O. 531 1 — Urashof, F. Ueber die Wandlungen V. Forestaui, Minione di Dino called il Saviozzo. llcune poesie inedite del Saviozzo e di altri autori; daun ms. del sec. 15, dal Giuseppe Fer- raro. Bologna, 1879. D. (In Scelta di curi- osita. 168.) " 8.J0 10 •Storia d" una fanciuUa tradita da un suo amante. Bologna, 1862. D. 46[-f2Jp. (7u same. 6.) **•»•> 1*^ FORESTRY. American association for tlie ad- vancement of science. Report of the commit- tee upon forestry. [Salem, 1880.] O -3 p. Sal. 5a 40 F. B, HoukU and others, committee. Vnnuaire des eaux et forCts pour 1873-3. PaVis, l»73-3. v. 10-12 in 3. S. 551. .58 80 — Arbois dc Jnbainville, A. d.' Manuel de de- frichement des forets. Paris, 1865. O. fab. 551.58 9 — Asl>i0rnsen, P. C. Om Skovene og om et ord- net Skovbrug i Norge. Christiania. 1855. D. 551.58 96 — Austria— Forstvcrwaltung. Memoriale all' Esposizioneinondiale in Vienna concernante^le onere iiel territorio di Trieste. Trieste, 1873. 0_ 12 p. 551.58 86 — Barth, J. B. Om Skovene i deres Forliold til Nationaloeconouiien. Christiania, 1857. O. .551.58 97 —Barn 111, («. E. Piantamenti urbani; aiTori- nesi. Torino, 1871. O. 23 p. 551.68 48 —Bavaria— Minislcrial-Forstliiircau. Mitthei- lungcn iibcr diis Korst und .Jagdwcsen in Bay- prn. Miiiu-lieii, 1862. v. 4. O. p/. 551.58 72 — Bazclairc, II. de. Traitt- du reboisement; ou Manuel du planteur. 2 edition. Paris, [1864], D. 551.58 40 — Becquerel, A. C.Des cliinats, et de Tinfluence i|u'exer<-ent les sols boiseset nou boises. Paris, 1853. O. maps. 551.58 58 FORESTR Y a37 FOREHTRr — — Meinoire sui' les foiets et leur influence clinititerique. (In Paris— Institiit. Acad, des sci. Mem. v. 33. 1866.) 561.58 59 — Bereiiger, A. di. Dell' antica storia e giuii- spruilHUza forestale in Italia. Treviso, 1859-68. O. lA. 551.58 8.5 "Must learned work ever published on the social his- tory of the forest, or history of the forest in its rela- tions to society." Ao^e b// Mr. Marsh. — — Same: Indici generali. Venezia, 1S67. O. [4 -l-j 86 p. 551.58 a.") — — Guida per il coltivatore di vivai Ijoschivi. Firenze, 1880. D. 551.58 11 — — Intoruo alle cause precijme della diver- genza delle opinion! suir inipoitanza delle fo- rests. [Fireuze,] 1874. O. 25 p. 551.58 48 — — Nuovo uietodo di tassare i boschi ed asse- starne r econuniia. Forli, 1871. D. 84-73 p. 551.58 86 — — Saggio storico della legislazione veneta forestale del sec. 7-19. Venezia, 1863. O. 551.58 87 — Berg, C. H. E. von. Betrachtungen iiljerdeu Einfluss der kleineren deutschen Staaten auf die Entwickeliing des Forstwesens. Dresden, 1867. 35 p. 551.58 75 — — Geschichte der deutschen Wiilder bis zum des Mittelalters; ein Beitrag zu Cul- turgeschichte. Dresden, 1871. O. 551.58 76 bound icith 43 — — Das Verdriingen der Laul)\viUder im nord- lichen Deutschlande durch die Fichte und die Kiefer. Darmstadt, 1844. O. [4-f ] 88 p. 551.58 53 — Bernhardt, A. Waldbeschiidigungen durch WiiidljriKli. Schnee-, Eis- und Duftbruch, 187.5-6. Berlin, 1877. O. p/. map. 551.58 13 — Bloiiiqrist, A. G. Nagra iakttagelser rorande frobildningens periodicitet hos fallen och gra- nen samt rorande ekorrens forekommande i Finland. fEvois, 1875.] O. p. 47.54. 551.58 94 — — Nagra ord till... den skogsf ragan i Finland. Helsingfors, 1874. O. [l-f] 73 p. 551.58 94 ^ — Eine neue Methode den Holzwuchs und die Standortsvegetatioii bildlich darzustellen. Helsingfors, 1879. O. 9 p. p/. 581 1 — — Tabeller framstallande utvecklingen af jemnariga och slutna skogsbestand a( tall, gran och bjork. Helsingfors, 1872. sqQ. 32 p. pi. tab. 551 58 94 — Bombicci, L.Il diboscameuto sullemontagne, specialniente d' Italia; polemica. Messina, 1873. Q. 94 p. 551.58 13 — Borzi, A. Flora forestale italiana. Firenze, 1879. pt. 1. O. 551.58 86 Pt. 1: Ginnosperme. .— Brincken, J. von den. Anslchten iiber die Bewaldung der Steppen des europsei.schen Russ- lands: mit Beziehung auf eine ratiunelle Be- griindung des Staatswaldwesens. Braun- schweig, 1854. sqQ. pi. tab. maps. 551.58 93 bound with 13 —Brown, J. C. Forests and moisture. Edin- burgh, 1877. O. 551.58 60 Forests in South Africa.[Edinburgh, 187-.] O. 8 p. 551.58 69 — — Glances at the forests of northern Europe. London, 1879. O. 551.58 69 Reboisement in France; or. Records of the replanting of the Aljjs, the Cevennes and the Pyrenees with trees, herbage and bush, with a view to preventing the destructive effects of torrents. London, 1876. O. 551.58 83 — Browne, 1). J. The trees of America, native and foreign, pictorially and botanically delin- eated. New York, 1857 [c'46]. O. il. 551.58 11 — Biilller, E. ('. VV. Die Versumpfung der Winder, mit und ohiie Torfmoor-Biklung, und die Mittel zur Wiederbestockuiig derselben. Tiibingen, 1831. O. 551.58 14 — Biirckliardt, H. Aus dem Walde. Hanno- ver, 1865. V. 1. O. 551.58 15 — Cainii, P. Ceuni sulla iniportauza e coUura dei liosclii, con norme di legislazione e ammi- nistrazione forestale. Milano, 1857. O. 551.58 55 — Calandra, C. Sulla esecuzione della legge forestale uella provincia di Cuneo. Savigliano, 1879. O. 53 1). 551.58 86 — CasteUani, — . Dell' immediata influenza delle selve sul corso delle acque. Torino. 1818-19. 2 V. in 1. sqQ. tab. 551.58 61 — Cerini, G. Dei vantaggi alio stato ed alia condizione idraulica dei territorj per inipianto e conservazione del boschi. Milano, 1844. O. 80 [-1-2] p. pi. 551.58 55 — Clievandier de Valdronie, J. P. X. E. Re- cherclies sur I'emploi de divers amendments dans la culture des forets. Paris. 1853. Q. 47 p. 2)1. 551.58 16 bound vnth 13 — Chronik des deutschen Forstwesens, 1876, '78, '81. Berlin, 1877-82. v. 2, 4, 7. O. 551.58 71 — Clave, J. Etudes sur I'economie foreetiere. Paris. 1863. D 551.58 17 — Cleghorn, H. Address at the 19-31 annual meeting of the Scottish arboricultural society, 1873 [-4]. Edinburgh, 1873-5. 3 v. O. 551.58 69 The forests and gardens of South India. London, 1861. O. il. pi. map. 551.58 110 Pines and other conifers of the north-west Himalaya. [London, 1867.J F. 4 p. pi. 551.58 70 bound u-ith 551.31 7 — Colnmella, L. J. ill. De arboribus. (In Scrip- tores rei rusticiB, 178B-4, v. 3.) 878 36 — Conti, B. Sul pineto ravennate ; notizie e pensieri. Ravenna, 1876. Q. 551.58 88 — Contzeu, K. W. H. Forstliche Zeitfragen. 2 Auflage. Berlin. 1872. O. 551.58 18 — Cooper, J. G. The influence of climate and topograpliv on our trees. [San Francisco, 1874.] O.' 6 p. 551.58 48 On the distribution of the forests and trees ofN. A. [Wa.shington, 1859.] O. 40 p. map. 551.58 53 — Conltas, H. What mav be learned from a tree. New York, 1860. O". il. 551.58 19 — Conrval,— .de. Das Auf;istender Waldliiiume; aus dem F'ranzosisclien von C. J. W. Hofller. Berlin, 1865. O. 7-f 74 [4- 1] p. il. 551.58 20 — Cuneo. Consiglio provinciale : Relazione sulla conservazione e taglio dei boschi. [Cuneo, 1865.] F. 31 p. 551.58 89 bound u-ith 548 2 — Danbeny, C. G. B. Essay on the trees and shrubs of the ancients. Oxford, 1865. O. 551.58 21 FORESTIi Y 238 FORESTRY — Davaiizati, B. Toscana coltiTazione delle viti e tleli aibori. (In his Opere, 1853, v. 2.) .S7S 19 — Des Cars, A. J. L' elagage des arbies. 6 edition. Paris, 1867. T. (7. pi. 551.58 22 — Desor, E. La foret vierge et le Sahara. Paris,, 1879. D. pi. map. 551.58 120 — Doiiiet, P. Histoiie de la foret de Fontaine- bleau. Paris, 1873. D. 551.58 83 — Dubois, L. Travaux de reboisement a la charrue lorestiere dans le Blcsois. Blois, 1862. O. [3 +] 83 p. 551.58 53 — Duniiell, M. H. American forestry; speech. Washington, 1882. O. 16 p. o51.58 48 — Eberiiiajer, E. Die physikalischen Einwir- kungen des Waldes auf Luft und Boden. A- schaffenburg, 1873. v. 1. O. fab. 551.58 62 Same. Extia-Beigabe: Graphische Darstel- lungen iiber den Gang der Boden- und Luft- Teniperatur ini Freien und ini Walde Aschaf- fenhurg, 1873. F. 551.58 62 — Evelyu, J. Sylva: or, A discourse of forest trees; with notes by A. Hunter. New edition. York, 1786. 2 v. iii 1. siiQ. jwr. pi. tub. 551.58 23 — I'^raiul-Cxirand, L. J. D. Police des bois, defrichements et reboisements; coninientaire pratique sur les lois proniulguees en 1859-60. Paris, 1861. O. 551.58 81 — Finland. Katalog ofver de artikler hvarmed Forstvasendet deltager uti AUini'inna Hnska utstallningen, 1876. Helsingfors, 1876. D. 24 p. 551.58 95 Kommissionens for underscikning af fcir- hi'iUandena inom kronskogarne i Finland slut- liga yttrande och forslag i iininet. Helsingfors, 1872. sqO. 58 p. tab. 551.'58 94 — Finslia forstforeniugren. Meddelanden. Hel- singfors, 1879-81. V. 1-3. O. il. pi. tab. map. 551.58 93 — Forest management. {In Ediiiburg'li review, V. 143, 1875, p. 359-393.) 551.58 24 — Foriiaini, A. Saggio sopra I'utilita di ben go- vernare, e preservar le foreste. Firenze. 1825. O. 551.58 25 — Forselles, A. af. Undei-Janig berattelse om forvaltningen af kronoskogarne iP'inland, 1875. [Helsingfors, 1877.] D. 69 p. tab. 551.58 95 — Fuller, A. S. The forest tree culturist. Neu- York, 1866. (7. 551.58 26 — (lianil)le, J. S. On the state forests and forest schools of France. Edinburgh, 1872. O. 34 p. il- 551.58 69 — (loppert, H. R. Ueber die Riesen des Pflan- zenreirhes. Berlin, 1869. O. 32 p. (//! Virdiow cfc l{()lt%(^iidorn'. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) Oi.'J 1 —Great Britain— India olBce. East India, for- est conservancy; a selection of despatches and their enclosures to and from the Secretary of state for India. [London,] 1871. 3 v. in 4. F. mapH. 551.58 107 — (Jrebe, €. Gebirgskunde, Bodeiikunde und KliMialclire in ihrer Anvvendung auf Forst- wirthschaft. 3 Auflage. Eisenach, 1865. O. 551.58 63 bound with 42 — (Jrieror, .1. Arboricultin-c; or, A practical treatise on raising and managing forest trees. Edinburgh, 1868. O. 551.58 27 — Grindon, L. H. The trees of old England. London, 1868. O. il. 551.58 68 — Hann, J. Pfaff's Versuche iiber den Einfluss der Biiume auf die Feuchtigkeit der Atmo- sifhiire und des Bodens. (In Zeitselirift fur Meteorologie, v. 6, 1871, p. 10-12.) 551.58 48 — Hartig', R. Vergleichende L^ntersuchungen iil)er den AVaclisthumsgang und Ertrag der Rothbuche, Eiche, Kiefer und Weisstanne. Stuttgart, 1865. O. 6-1-75 p. 551.58 28 — Hartwiff, J. Die Geholzzucht. Berlin, 1876. D. il. 551.58 29 — Heyer, G. Das Verlialten der Waldbaume gegeii Licht und Schatten. Erlangen, 1852. O. [5+] 88 [-1-1] p. pil. .551.58 54 — Holienstoin, A. Der Wald, sammt dessen Ein- fluss auf das Klima der Liinder, Wohl der Staaten, sowie die Gesundheit der Wenschen. Wien, 1860. O. 551.58 54 — Hongli, F. B. An address on our schools and our forests. Washington, 1881. O. 18 p. 551.58 48 — — Cultiyation of timber and preservation of forests. [Washington, 1874.] O. (In U. S.— Ho. of rep.43co?!5f. 2 ses. Report 259.)551.58 48 Report upon forestry. Salem, 1878. O. .551.58 48 From Am. assoc. for adv. of science. Proc. 1878. Report upon forestry. Washington. 1878. O. il. 551.58 30 — India— Forest conference. Report of pro- ceedings at Allahabad, 15-19 Jan 1874: edited by B. H. B. Powell and J. S. Gamble. Calcutta, 1874. O. 551.58 109 —Italy— Ministero diajrricoltnra.L' Italia agra- ria e forestale alia esposizione di Parigi nel 1878. Roma, 1S78. Q. pi. 630 27 8enato. Leggi sui boschi e sulla vendita dei beni couuinali incoiti; relazione della com- niissione e progetti di legge. Roma [.1874]. O. 551.58 86 — Jaliresbei'idit uber die Beobachtungs-Er- gebnisse der im Preussen eingerichteten forst- lich-nieteorologischen Stationen. 1875, "77, '78. Berlin, 1877-80. v. 1, 3. 4. O. .551.58 73 — Kienitz, M. Ueber Formen und Abarten heimischer W?ildb'aunie. Berlin, 1879. O. [5 + ] 43 p. pi. tab. 551.58 81 — Kirbv, M. <£• E. Chapters on trees. London, [1873]." D. 551.58 32 — Kinvan, V.. dp. Les coniferes indigenes et exotiipies, traite pratique. Paris, 1867-8. 2 v. S. '7- /''• 551.58 33 — Knorr, E. A. Sudien iiber die Buchen-Wirth- schaft. Nonlhauscn. 1863. O. 552.58 54 — Kodcrle, J. K. Grundsiitze der kiinstlichen Diingung im Forstkulturwesen. Wien, 1863. O. il 551.58 34 — Lapliam, I. A., &• others. Report on the dis- astrous elfects of the destruction of forest trees in Wisconsin. Madison, 1867. O. 551.58 64 — Eofilro, B. Sui boschi; discorso. Reggio, Cal., 1877. q. 74 [ + 1] p. . 551.58 35 — LiiircMiolz-Coibcrg, F. von. Die Bedeutung und Wicbtigkcit des Waldes. Leipzig, 1873. O. 551.58 36 FORESTRY 239 FORESTRY — — Beitrag uIk'i- die Scliuttekraiikheit dor Fohre Oder Kiefer. Berlin, 1865. O. 48 p. 551.5^! 37 — Loreiitz, 1$. Cours elementaire dc oultiiro des bois: ooni[>lete et piiblie par A. Parade. 4 edition. Pari.s, 1860. O. 55I.5S :^S — Loreiiz, J. R. Wald, Klima uiid Wasser. Miinchen. 1878. D. (7. o51.58 6.5 _ — editor. Das Forstvvesen auf der Wiener Weltausstellung, 1873. Wien, 1874. O. il. pi. .).)!. 58 10 —Madras. Report of tlie conservator of forests, 1866-7. Madras, 1867. sqF. [7+]64 + 10p. pi. map. 5.)1..>S 108 bound tntli 548 3 — Maiitt'iift'el, H. E. von. L'art de planter les arl)res forestiers, fruitiers et d'agrement: tra- duit sur la 3 edition allemande par .S. P. Stumper; revu par C. (lout't. Paris, 1868. S. il. 551.58 39 — Marcliaiid, A. Uelier die Entwaldung der Gebirge. Bern, 1S49. D. .59 p. 551.58 40 — Mal'sll, (i. P. Extracts from Man and nature; witli notes on forests and rain-fall in JIadras, by A. J. Stuart. Madras, 1882. . U. 080 29 — — Pruning forest trees. {In Nation, v. 1, 185.5, p. 690-1. J In main library. — — The woods. (/)( his Earth as modified liy human action. 1874.) 080 28 —Maury, L. F. A. Les forets de la Gaule et de Tancienne t'rance. Paris, 1867. O. 551.58 84 — Meg:uscher, F. Memoria; la migliore maniera per rimettere i boschi nelle montagne dibo- schite dell" alta Lonibardia e per ccmservarli e profitarne. 2 edizione. Milano, 1858. O. 551.58 55 — Mejdell, T. Om Foraustaltninger til en mere huusholderisk Beliandling af Norges .Skove. Christiania, 1858. O. 551.58 97 — Meng'otti. F. Dello imboschimento de'inonti. Torino, 18(59. D. 47 p. 551.58 41 — Miaskowskl, A. von. Die Verfassung der Land-, Alpen- und Forstwirthscliaft der deut- schen Schweiz vom 13 Jahrliundert bis zur Gegenwart. Basel, 1878. O. 551.58 106 — Micliellni, (>. B. Osserrazione intorno ai principi sui quali ijebbono essere fondate le leggi forestall. [Anon.) Torino, 1833. O. 54 p. .551.58 86 — Miiller, F. von. The principal timber trees readily eligible for Victorian culture. [Mel- bourne, 1871.] 30 p. O. 551.58 48 — Naiiquette, H. Cours d'amenagement des forets: precede d"une Notice historicjue sur 1" art des amenagements par Parade. Paris, 1860. O. 551.58 42 —Negri, C. Leggi forestall; memoria. [Torino,] 1864. O. 23 p. 551.58 86 — Norske Forstforeuing. Aarliog for 1881. Krisaania, 1881. O. ' ' 551.58 3 —Norway— ForstviBseii. Forskjellige Indljeret- riinger fra de Funktion^rer, 1857-73. Christi- ania. 1874. V. 1. O. 551.58 98 bound irith 81 1: Dt't S0nden- o;; Vesteufjeldske. — Nutzliorii, 0. Skov og Land. Kjobenhavn, 1873. O. [7 + ] 91 p. 551.58 66 — Olilscii, C. T. A. A<-(iue e foreste, nell' Italia agricole meridionale. Salerno, 1869. Q. 41 p. 551.58 86 — On planting (trees]. London, 1831-2. O. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) 551.58 42.1 — Perona, V. Trattato di selvicoltura. Firenze, 1880. V. 1. O. jj/. 551.58 43 Contents: 1. Selvicoltura j?enerale. — Pfafl", F. Ueber den Betrag der Verdunstung einer Eiche wilhrend der ganzen Vegetations- periode. Uii Mnnicli— Akad. Sitzungsb. Matli.- phys. CI. V. 1, 1870, p. 27-45.) 551.68 48 — Poggi, A. I diboscamenti in rapporto all' economia, all" igiene e alle inondazioni. Rinia, 1881. O. 77 [ + 2] p. 551.58 44 — Portngal— Adniinistra<,'iio gcral das niatas. Relatorio, 1879-80. Lisboa, 1881. y. iintps. 551.58 91 bound with 551.2 3 — Piiton, A. L"amenagement des forets; traite )iratique. Paris, 1867. S. 551.58 45 — Rabbeno, A. Foreste in Italia; leggi attuali, testo, conimento, dottrina e giurisprudenza. Torino, 1877. O. tab. 551.58 90 — Rentzsch, H. Der Wald im Hauslialt der Natur und der Volkswirthschaft. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1862. O. 551.58 54 — Ribbe, ('. de. La Provence au point de vue des bois, des torrents et des inondations, avant etapresl789. Paris, 1857. O. 551.48 32 — Rivoli, J. Die Serra da Estrella [Portugal]; mit spezieller Beriicksichtigung ihrer forst- lichen Verhaltnisse. Gotha, 1880. sqQ. [3-I-] 36 p. ma}}. {In Petermanns Mlttlieilnngen: Erg'anzungsband 14.) 910 44 Ueber den Eiufluss der Wiilder auf die Temperatur der untersten Luftsoliichten. Posen, 1869. O. 46 p. 2)1. 551.58 48 — Roscher,W.EinnationalokononiischesHaupt- princip der Forstwisseuschaft. Leipzig. 1854. O. 28 p. 551.58 58 — Rossniann, J. Uelier den Bau des Holzes. Frankfurt a. M., 1865. O. 5811 — Rossmiissler, E. A. Der W'ald. Leipzig. 1863. O. il. pi. maps. iltp. 551.58 46 — Rothschild, J., compiler. L'alienation des forets de Tetat devant I'opinion pul)liiiue. Paris, 1865. O. 551.58 47 — Roiisset, M. Les etudes de maitre Pierre sur I'agriculture et les forets. Paris. 1864. D. 551.58 40 — Sargent, C. S. A catalogue of the forest trees of North America. Washington, 1880. O. 93 p. 551.58 112 A few suggestions on tree planting. Bos- ton, 1876, O. 35 p. 551.58 48 — Scliaeht, H. Les arbres; etudes sur leur structure et leur vegetation: traduit sur la 2 edition allemande par E. Morren. Bruxelles, 1862. Q. il. pi. 551.58 49 — Schiiffer, M. G. Af handling om Skoves Opelskning:me(l Hensyn tildendanske F'laades Skibsbyggeri. Kjobenhavn, 1811. D. 551.58 99 Anviisniug til Skovdyrkningen og Planta- gevaesenet i Danmark. Kiobenhavn, 1799. S, 551.58 100 FORESTRY 240 FORINI — Scharnaggl, S. Die Forst\vii-chsc)iaft im 6- sterreicliisciien Kiistenlande, mit voizuglicher Riicksicht auf die Kaist-Bewalduug. Wien, 1873. Q. [1+189 p. 551.58 77 bound with 548 2 — Schleiden, M. J. Fiir Bautu und Wald: eine Schutzsoluift. Leipzig, 1870. O. 551.58 50 — Scolari, F. Delle relazione accadeuiiclie e specialuieiite di una intoruo al saggio sull' antica storia e giurisprudenza foiestale iu Italia, opera del A. di Beienger: lettera critita. Venezia, 1860. O. [3+J 17 p. 551.58 86 — Scottish arborlcultnral society. Transac- tions. Edinlmrgh, 1876. v. 8. pt. 1. O. 551.58 69 .— Siemonl, G. C. Manuale teorico-pratico d' arte forestale. 8 edizione. Firenze. 1872. D. 551.58 51 — — Relazione sui boschi ed i loro prodotti, E- sposizione di Vienna, 1873. n. p., n. d. O. 551.58 86 — Suitll, J. England's improvement reviv'd. [London,] 1670. O. 551.58 51.1 — Springer, J. S. Forest life and forest trees; winter camplife, with lumbering operations, Maine and New Brunswick. New York, 1851. D. 551.58 52 ^Starr, ¥.,jr. American forests, their destruc- tion and preservation. [Washington, lS66.] O. p. 210-234. 551.58 48 — Strom, I. Om skogarnas vard och skotsel. Upsala [,18.53J. D. 32 p. 551.58 40 — Switzerland. Bericht liber die Untersuchung der schweiz. Hochgebirgswaldungen, 1858-60. Bern, 1862. O. fab. 551.58 103 French. Rapport sur les forets des liautes montagues de la Suisse, 1858-60 Lau- sanne, 1862. O. tab. 551.58 103 — Tasclieiiblicll fiir Forst- und Jagdmiinner. Leipzig, 18.54-62. v. 4, 6-8, 10-12. T. 551.58 74 — Tlioreau, H. D. The succession of forest trees. — Autumnal tints. {In his Excursions 1863.) 815 5 — Timber trees : fruits, il. {In Vegetable sub- stances. V. 2, 1830.) 581 9 — Troy, P. Inondations, reboisements et pastu- rages; etude sur les movens de faciliter Te.xe- cution de la loi du 28 juillet 1860 sur le reboise- ment des montagnes. Paris, 1861. O. 84-73 p. 551.58 53 ^V., B. La economia forestale nel can tone Ticino. Lugano, 1873. D. 28 p. 551.58 86 — Vall^s, F. de P. F. X. H. The influence of forests upon rain-fall and inundations; trans- lated by C. J. Allen. Washington, 1873. O. 19 p. 651.58 48 — Vaiipcll, C T. Bogens Indvandring i de danske Skove. Kjobenhavn, 1857. O. 6 + 63 p. 551.58 101 ^ — De danske Skove. Kjobenhavn, lS(>;i. O. il. map. 551.5s 101 ^Villa, .v., d- (i. K. Necessita dei bo.sclii nella Lombardia. 2 edizione. Milano, 1856. O. 38 p. 551.58 86 — Walker, C. J. Report on English and Scotch forests. I London, 1872.] F. 30 [). 551.58 70 touniY u't7/( 551.31 7 & otliers. Reports" on forest management in Germany. Austria, and Great Britain. Lon- don, 1873. " O. 551.58 56 Supplement: France, Switzerland and lower Austria. [London, 1873.] O. 4 [ + l] + 49p. pi. 551.58 57 — Watson, W. C. Forests, their influence, uses and reproduction. [Albany, 1865.] O. 16 p. 551.68 48 —Weber, 15. Der Wald im Haushalte der Natur und des Menschen. Berlin. 1874. D. [3+] S3 p. 551.58 67 — Weiizig, J., ct Krejci, J. Der Bohmerwald. Frag, 1860. O. il. 551.68 78 — Wessely, J. Die cesterreichischen Al pen lan- der und ihre Forste. Wien, 1853. 2 v. in. 1. Q. 6.61 68 79 —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Cnattingins, A. Ofversigt af svenska skogsliteraturen: bibliografiska stu- dier. StOL-kholm, 1876. O. 43 p." 016 15.1 bound tcifh 010 3 Gerold, Carl's Sohn. Die Literatur der letzten 10 Jahre [1857-66], aus dem Gesammt- gebiete der Land- unrl Forstwirthschaft, in deutscher.franztisischer und KK1{; KICAU I'll S; PALM; PI>K: rKAIItlKS; «(»(>lt. FOREZ, France. Onofrio, J. B. Essai d'un glossaire des i)atois de Lyonnais, Fon z et Beaujolais. Lyon, 1864. O. 447 3 — Sniitll, v., editor. Germine, La |)or 6 Fiirlioppninynr, .sci- Bremer, K. FORIM FAMILY, (iiirgani, («. t'omnientario d<'lla famiglia Forini de Firenze. con docu- ment! ed annotazioni. Firenze, 1876. O. fab. !>2» 6 FOKIM VIIiliA. <>argani, <>. II giardino gia dei Soderini di Firenze, altualmente di Kniilio FOEJNI 241 FOSCARINI Forini, presso S. Salvi; lueinoria con illustra- zioni. Firenze. 1878. O. 7+84[ + l]p. fab. it29 Vi The Marsh library coutains a photoRraph of Mr. Marsh inhis study in the villa Foriui. There is a mention cif Mr. Marsh on ji. aa. The f<»rme of cury ; a roll of ancient English cookery, compiled about 1390, by the niaster- coolis of Richard II: with notes and index [by Samuel PegKel. London, 1780. O. nor. facsim. 641 4 Foriiaiiii, Antonio. Saggio sopra I'utilita di lien governare, e preservar le foreste. t'irenze, 183.-). O. 551. 5.S 2.5 Fornari, Aug'nsto. Pianta della cilia di Roma. [RoMia.l 1868. 63x85 cm. in S. 912 23 Fornari, Pietro. Fisica sperimentale. jMilano, 1867. D. il. ^ 530 5 — II nuova Carena: La casa; o, Vocabolario metodioo domestico. Torino, 1878. D. 453 10 Fornasari-Verce, A. J., Edler von. Tlieore- tiscli-praktisciie Anieitung zur Erlerniing der italienischen Sprache. ISAuflage. \Vien,ls48. O. 45S 3 Forney, Jolin Weiss. Anecdotes of public men. New York, 1874. D. 920 7 With autograph of the author. Fra Fornjoti ok bans a=ttni6nnum.(/»Rafn,('.('. Forn. sogur, 1839-30, v. 3.) .S39.(>3 13 Fornuiannn sogur, .see Copenliageu— Koug'elise nordiske Oldslirift-Selskab. FORNYRDADRAPA. Ma^'ntisson, E. Anma-rk- ninger til FornvrSadrapa. (hi Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d.-!Selskal>. Aarbcger. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 Forrest, .Sic William, Extracts from Tlie pleas- ant poe.-,ye of princelie, 1548. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 33.) 820 5.1 Forsblad, Jolian Erik, respondent. Dissertatio acadeniica de nionumentis runicis extra Scan- dinavian!, 1800, sec Sjoborg-, N. H. 439.61 8 Forsell, Carl (Justaf af. Socken statistik ofver Swerige. Stockholm, 1834. O. [1-|-] 87 p. 314 22 — Statistik ofver Sverige, grundad paoflfentiiga handlingar. 3 upjJagan, liliiikt. Stockliolm, 1836. O. map. 314 23 — Same. 4 upplagan, tillokt. Stockholm, l844[-5]. O. TOOjj. 314 24 — Summary of the statistics of Sweden: trans- lated l>yG. P. Marsh. (In Hunt's uiercliants' niag'azine. v. 24, 1851, p. Idi-Q. )Inniain library. Translated and extracted from the 4th edition of the Swedish. Forselles, A. af. LTnderdanig beriittelse oni for- valtningen af kronoskogarne i Finland, 1875. {Helsingfors, 1877.] D. 69 p. tab. 551. 5S 95 Forster, Ei'ust Joacliini. Peter von Cornelius, ein Lebensbild. Berlin, 1875. O. 32 p. (In Fircliow d- Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Fiirster, Friedrich. Wallenstein als regieren- der Herzog und Landesherr. (In Raiinier, F. L. 0. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1834.) 905 1 Forster, Karol. Pologne. Paris, 1840. O. por. pi. majis. (In L'nnivers. 57.) 910 18 Fiirster, Wendelin, editor. Antica parafrasi lombarda del 'Neniinem laedi nisi a se ipso' di s. Giovanni Grisostomo. (In Arcliivio glot. it;il. V. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 Ricliars li biaus. 1874. 84129 Fiirster, Willielni, editor, see Del tundieor Nostre-lJanie. (In Romania, v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 Fiirster, Willielni. Johann Kepler, cine Fest- rede. Berlin. 1873. O. 25 p. (In VircllOW * Hollzendorff. Vortrilge. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber Zeitmaase und ihre Verwaltungdurch die Astronomie. Berlin, 1866 32 p. (In .s(/me. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Forstliclie Blatter. Berlin, 1863. v. 5. O. .551.58 2 Forsytll, .Tosepll. Remarks on antiquities, arts and letters in Italy, 1802-3. l''rom 3 London edition. Bo.ston, 1818. O. 913 37 Forsytll, Sir Thomas Doiisrlas. Ost-Turkestan und das Pamir Plateau, nacb denForschungen, 1873-4, bearbeitet. Gotlia. 1877. sqQ. [3-1-] 76 p. ma}). (In Petermanns Mittlieilungen : Ergan- zungsband 11.) 910 44 Forteg'iierri, (iiovanni. Novelle edite ed ine- dite. Bologna, 1882. D. (/h Scelta di curiosita. 191.) 850 10 Fortesrnerri, Niccolo. II Ricciardetto. Pisa, 1813-13. 4 V. T. 851 74 Fortescue, Sir John. The difference between an absolute and limited monarchy, as it more particularly regards the English constitution; published, with remarks, by John Fortescue- Aland. London, 1714. O. " 321 6 The Fortescue papers, chiefly letters relating to state affairs, collected by John Packer: edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London,] 1871. sqO. (/)( Camden soc. n. s. 1.) 820 4.1 FORTIFICATION. Ferriar, .J. On the origin of the modern art of fortification. (/)( hift Il- lustrations of Sterne, 1813, v. 2.) 823 31 ,sVe also DANNEVIRKE. Fortini, Pietro. Tre novelle inedite. Bologna, 1877. D. (/» Scelta di curio.sita. 1.55.) 850 10 Die Fortschritte der Naturwissenschaft in bi- ograpbischen Bildern: bearbeitet von mehreren Gelehrten. Berlin, 18.56-7. 4 pt. O. 925 1 Contend: 1, Nicolaus Copernicus. 2, Johannes Kepp- ler S. Galileo Galilei. 4. Leopold von Buch. No more published. Fortiina con seso, fantasia moral, see (Jnevedo y Villegas, F. (}. de. y. 6 FORTUNATUS. Geschiclite von Fortunat. Leipzig, n. d. D. 96 p. il. (In Volksbiipher, 33.) 833 22 — IJeschicllte von Fortunats Sohnen. Leipzig, n d. D. il. {Ill .''iccolini, IJ. B. V. 3. FOSCARIRI 343 FRANCE Foscarini, Jacopo Vinceuzo. Canti del ijopolo veneziano: con note da Giulio PuUe. Venezia, 1844. O. 859 51.3 Foscolo, Niccol6 Ugo.Notizia intorno a Didinio chierico rijs«)(rf.]. (/» Aiitobiografe. IH.'i?.) !»'20 14 — Ultlme lettere di Jacopo Ortis. o edizione. Italia. 1808. ' 853 13 — Regaldi, 6. Nella solenne traslazione delle cenei-i di B'oscolo in S. Croce di Firenze: ode. Bologna [,1871?]. D. 13 p. 851 108 Fossa of Cremona. Virgiliana. {In Jlacclie- ronnee.'l864; in Bibl. rara. 34.) N50 3 FOSSILS, see PALiEO>TOLOUY. Fossoiiibroni, Vittorio, conte. Memoria sulla relazione tra le acque dell' Arno e quelle della Chiana. Firenze, 1844. S. 48 p. 551.48 16 —Same. (In Opiiscoli idraulici. 184.5.) 627 3 — Memoi-ie idiaulicostoriche sopra la Val-di- Chiana. 3 edizione, ampliata. Montepulci- ano, 1835. O. iil.viaps. 627 8 Libri, U. Analisi della memoria sulla... Arno e Chiana. (/)( Opiiscoli idraulici. 1845.) (5*27 3 Ftistbra'Sra-saara. Kaupmannahofn, 1833. O. 83».fi3 33 F6stbrae9ra saga; udgivet a£ Konrad Gislason. Kjobenhavn, 1853. pt. 1. D. (hi Nord. Lit- Samfund, 15.) 839. «3 34 No more published. Fostbr0dreiie, see 0hleiiscIilager, A. G. Tra- gouier, V. 3. Foster, James P. Gesehichte der Entstehung und juristischen Gestaltung der offentlichen Domainen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Berlin, 1877. O. [3 + ](i8 p. 333 8 Foster, John AVells. The Mississippi valley, its physical geography. Chicago, 1869. O.^jl- mcvps. oi>7 2 Fosterbroderiie, roman, see Caiien, E. S. F. Foiieher, Victor .Vdrien, editor, see Jerusalem. Assises. 1839-41. 349 6(> Fongt, Henric. Til lilsaren. (/nSchiJiibev!?, A. Samlingaf historiska bref, 1777-8, v. l.)948 38.2 Foiilcher of Chartres. Gesta peregrinantium Franc^oruni cum urmis Hieru.salem pergentium. (/?t Boiiirars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos. Kill, V. 1 ) 940 10 FOnXTAIXS ABBEY. Wiilbriiii, J. R., editor. Memorials of tlie aljbey of St. Jlary of Foun- tains. Durham, 1863-78. 2 v. (). (In Surteessoc. 43,67.) 820 7 FoiH(li<^, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr von, .sTcEa Jlotte Foiique. The f(»iir knaves, see Ro^vlailds, S. FOUR .MHRCIIANTS. Om fyra kilpmiin. (In Biickstriim. P. 0. Svenska folkbcicker, 1845, V. 1.) 293 18 Les foiirlieries de Scapin, coniedie, seeMoIiere, J. B. I*, de. V. 6. Foiiriiier, ]^]douard, editor. Varietes histori(|nes et lilliraires. Paris, 18.55-()3. 10 v. S. (hi Bibl. elzevir.) 840 8 Caijiiets de I'accouchee. 1855. 840 3 Fniiriiival, Richard de. Le Vjestiaire d'amour, Kuivi lie la n'pDnsc de la dame ; publics ))ar C. llippeuu. Paris, 1860. O. 84H 7 — Miissafla, A. Le bestiare d'amour; par Hip- peau. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1863.) 805 1 Fowler, Joseph Thomas, editor, see the follow- ing publications of the Surtees society; 820 7 64. Uipon. Acts of chaptei' ot the colleeiate church. 18T6 66. >>miiiiister abbey. C'hartularium. 18T8. ;4, Js. SI. Kiiwn. Memorials. 18S2-H. Fowler, William Chauucey. English giammar: the English language in its elements and forms, with a history of its origin and develo]iment. New A'ork, 1851. O. 4259 — Same: revised and enlarged. New A'ork, 1860 [c'55]. O. 425 10 — The sectional controversy. New York, 1863. O. 973 36 Fowiies, Georfre. Chemistry, as exemplifying the wisdom and i^eneficenceof God. NewA'ork, 1844. D. CActonian prize essay.) 213 6 Fox, George. A journal of [liisj life, travels .and sufferings. Sedition. Philadelphia. 1808. 3 v. O. 922 31 With preface by William Perm, and The testimouy of ilar^aret Fox. — & others. A battle-door for teachers to learn singular & plural, you to many and thou to one:... examples in several languages,... and how the word vou [to one] came first from the pope... London. 1660. Q. 099 10 The fox, a comedy, see Johnson, B. Foxe, Jolin. Narratives of the days of the re- formation, see Sicliols, J. 6., editor. Fra Hardanger, see Tlioreseii, A. M. K. Fra Luigi di Sousa, dramma, see Aluieida- Garrett. Fra Rupert, see Landor, W. S. Fra Sognefjorden, see Thoresen, A. M. K. Fraas, Carl. Klima und Pflanzenwelt in der Zeit: ein Beitrag zur Gesehichte beider. Lands- hut, 1847. O. .551.58 58 Fraas, Oscar. Die alten Hohlenbewohner. Berlin, 1873. O. 33 p. (In Virchow rf- Hol- tzendorff. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Aus dem Orient: geologische Beobachtungen am Nil, auf der Sinai-Halbinsel und in Svrien. Stuttgart, 1867. O. pi. 555 1 Framtiden; tid.-.krift for fosterlandsk odling; utgifven af Carl von Bergen. Nv foljd. 1877. Stockholm [, 1877], v. 1. Q. 948 32 Fran nya verlden, .seeBeckman,.E. Fran Saimensoch Piiijiuies striinder; en sani- ling ofversattningar och bearbetningar efter finskan. Helsingfors [,1870]. sqT. 894 1 France. Comptes de I'hotel des rois de France aux 14-15 siecles; publies pour la Societe de 1' histoire de France par L. Douct-d'Arcq. Paris, 1865. O. 640 3 — C!onstitution de la republique francjaise. Paris, an 4 [1796]. T. 342 5 .•Vppcnilcd is Calaudrier [ko] pour I'an Be. — Constitution l. 729 6 Yonngr, A. Voyages en France, 1787-9; iiouvelle traduction i)ar Lesage. Paris. 1860. 3 V. D. 914.4 7 *ca/»o (AXNKS; HAUTE-LOUtE; HAl TK-SAVOIE; HV- EKES; MENTONE; MOXACO; Mt'E; >OIiMA.\nV; I'ARIS; PVKEXEES; SAVOY. —FINANCE. Boisguillebert, P. le P. de.Detail de la France: Factum do la France, et ojiuscu- les divers. (In Daire, E. Economistes. 1851.) 33fi 9 Horn, I. E.Le bilande I'empire. 4 edition. Paris. 1868. O. 336 5 Vauban, S. le P. de. Projet d'une dixme ro3-ale. n. p., 170,S. .S. tab. 33G 8 Same. (/(* Daire, E. Economistes. 1851.) 336 9 Seeaho CI.AIMIS: I..IW. .1. —GOVERNMENT. 3IacchiaveUi,N.Ritratti delle cose della Francia. (In his Opere, 1819, v. 6.) 858 10 ;-Sanford, H. S. Memoir on the adminis- trative changes in France since the revolution of 1848. (In his Penal codes of Europe. 1854.) 343 7 —HISTORY, Bailly,— . Precis sur la revolution fran9aise. (In Celnart, E, F, Choix d'anec- dotes, 1838. v. 4.) 848 1 — — Barriere, F, J., & Lesciire, M. F, A, de. editors. Bibliotheque des memuires relatifs a I'histoire de France pendant le 18e siecle: avec avant-propos et notices. Paris, 1857-81. 37 v. in 19. D. 944 lO Bonfadini, R. Sull' indole e sugli effetti della riroluzione francese nel .secolo scorso. Milano, 1871. D. 77 [). 944 So Bonnechose, E, B, de, Histoire de France, jusqu'a 1848. 13' edition. Paris, 1864. 3 v. O. 944 6 Bnchoii, J, A. C, editor. Choix de chro- niques et memoires sur I'liistoire de France, [14e siecle]; avec notices litteraires. Paris, 1838. Q. 944 14 For contents see Biit'lioii. Choix de chroniques et memoires sur I'histoire de France [,15e siecle]; avec notfs et notices. Paris, 1838. Q. 944 17 For contents, see Buclioii. Chroniques etrangeres relatives aux ex- peditions francaises pendant le 18e sier le. Paris, 1841. Q. 944 10.1 For contents see Buclion. Carlyle, T, The French revolution , a his- tory. Bo.ston, 1838. 3 v. D. 944 36 Parliamentary history of the French revolution. (Inhis Essays, 1860, v. 4.) 824 8 Chartier, J, Chronique de Charles VII, roi de France. Nouvelle edition, par Vallet de Viriville. Paris, 1858. 3 v. S. (Bibl. elzevir ) 840 5 — —Clement, J, P, Jacques Cceur et Charles VII: ou. La France au 15e siecle; etude histo- ricpie; precedee d'une notice desanciennesmon- naies francaises. 3 edition. Paris, 1863. 3 v. in 1. O. il. por. j)l. 944 19 FRANCE— HISTOR Y 344 FRA NCE—IUSTO li Y Coii)l. 944 5 -; — Heiiaiilt, C. J. F. Nouvel abrege chronolo- gique de I'histoire de France, jusqu'a Louis XIV. Paris, 1775. 3 v. S. 944 4 — — Hugo, V. JW. Histoire d'un crime. Paris, 1877-8. 2 V. in 1. O. 944 44 Jacob, K. ii. Ueber den politischen Ein- fluss der Koiii^in Marie Antoinette. (/« Rau- iner, F. L. (i. von. Hist. Tasclienbuch, 1838.) — Die Frauen in der franzosischen Revolution. {In same. 1840.) 905 1 ;-Le IJas, P. France: annales historiques. Paris, 1840-3. 2 v. O. ma2:>s. {In L'linivers, B6-7.) 910 18 — — — France: dictionnaire encyclopedique. Paris, 1840-5. 12 v. in 10, . 'E.-'Ae^j'ois, 1847. 2 v. O. 944 37 M(instrol(>t. E. de. Chroniciues [;avec no- tice biogra|)lii(nie par J. A. C. Buchon]. Paris, 1836. y. 944 15 .tlontliic, l{. de. Commentaires; par A. de Ruble. Paris. lK(i4-73. 5 v. O. 944 23 ~- — — EiKjlixh: ( lornmentaries [; translated by C. Cotton]. London, 1674. F. jior. 944 24 Morean de Jonnes, A. Etat economique et social de la France, depuis Henri IV jusqu'a Louis XIV, 1589 a 1715. Paris, 1867. O. 944 38 — — Racine, J.Etudes sur Thistoire de France: sur le commencement, — sur le regne de Louis XIV, 1644-78. (/« /(/.s Etudes. 18.55.) 848 15 Remiisat, C. E. J. 0. de V. de. Menioires, 1803 8; publics par P. de Remusat. 1-8 edition. Paris, 1880. 3 v. O. 944 37 — — Respiiblica sive status regni Galli;e. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1626. Tt. 094 27 Salut Simon, L. de R. de. Jlemoires sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la regence. Paris, 1820-30. 21 V. O. 944 31 Stevenson, J., editor. Letters and papers illustrative ot the wars of the English in France during the leign of Henry VI., king of Eng- land. London, 1801-4. 2 v. in 3 pt. Q. {In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 22.) 942 8 Siiger, abbot of St. Denys. O^uvres com- pletes; recueillies. annotees et publiees par A. Lecoy de la Marche. Paris, 1867. O. 944 8 — — Taine, H. A. Les origines de la France contemporaine. 1-4 edition. Paris, 1876-87. 4 V. O. 944 33 Coiifffifs: 1. L'ancien re^me. 2. La revolution. :3 v. Talleniant des Reaux, G. Les historiettes; menioires jjour servir a I'histoire du 17e siecle. 2 edition, par Monmerque. Paris, 1861. 10 v. in 5. D. 2'or. 920 16 T^not, P. P. E. La province en decembre 1851; etude historiqiie sur le coup d'etat. 12 edition. Paris, 1870. D. 944 45 Paris en dt?cembre 1851 : etude histori- que sur le coup d'etat. Paris, 1870. D. 944 46 Tocqneville, A. C. H. C. de. L'ancien regime et la revolution. 7 edition. Paris, 1866. O. 944 34 Veron, L. D. Menioires d'un bourgeois de Paris, comprenant la fin de I'empire, la re- stauration, la inonarchie de juillet, la repu- blique iusqu'au retablissement de I'empire. Paris, 1857. 5 v. S. 944 40 — — — Nouveaux menioires d'un bourgeo's de Paris, 1848-63; le second empire. Paris, 1866. O. 944 41 Vinas, L., editor. Documents relatifs aux guerres du 15e siecle. {In Revue des langues roniitnes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 Webster, N. Revolution in France. {In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Franklin, A. L. A. Les sources de I'lustojre de France: notices biblio- grapliiques et analytiques des inventairesetdes recueils des documents. Paris, 1877. O. 944 8.1 See aho AllVKIMOK; LES II.VIIX; IIRri'()>><: ItritlUINDV; K ( OXtlKESS; DAIil..!.: KAl{\KSK.A.:FKri>AI,lSJI:FHA>(iSL:KI!A\KS; (iAtl,; IlKMtVIV.; IIKilKNOTS: LAMIIKIMH': LKAtJl'E; LOIHSIII.. IX.. XL. Xln..XVlll.:MAItli: AXT01>iKTTF.; MKT/: MOliKA: NAroLKOX I.. IIL: XOHMAXKV; X(»KTH- niKX: I'liy UK IIO.MK: L.\ IIOCilKI.Li;: ItOI'KX; ItOII.SSIL- l,()X: SAVOY; STIiASSIinttl; Itl.LK; VAXDALISJI; VKLAY; VKKDrX; VKIISAILLKS; VOLAMIK ItK FltANCE; ff/\o the liislorieal Tiovi'N of Kr<-kiiiiiiiii-erte relijjiense. — -Courier de M6re, P. L. CEuvres completes. Nouvelle edition. Bruxeiles, 1833. O. por. pi. 848 3 — Opuscoli politici; voltati in italiano da G. Bernardi. Napoli, 1861. O. 320 4 — — (ilasparin, A. E. de. La declaration de guerre. Paris [,1870]. O. 16 p. 944 50 — La France; nos fautes, nos perils, notre avenir. [v. 1,| 3 edition. Paris, 1872-3. 2 v. in 1. O. 944 54 (liinstiuiaiio, F. Relazione di Francia. 1538. (In A., E. lUustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 35 (iJiiistiniaiio,M.ASoJue.l535.(/)t sa»ie.)940 35 — ^Liinfrey, P. Etudes et portraits politiques. 3 edition. Paris, 1874. D. 923 3 For contents see Liinfrey. Le Boy, P., <& others. Satyre menippee de la vertii du catholicon d'Espagne et de la tenue des estats de Paris. Nouvelle edition; par C. Labitte. Paris, 1841. D. 847 3 Miclielet, J. La France devant I'Europe. Florence, 1871. D. 944 53 — ^Pelletan, P. C. E. Les uns et les autres. Paris, 1873. O. 944 55 Contents : Le pape. — L'antipape. — L'erapereur. — Le citoyen. .— — .Prevost-Piiradol, L. A. La France nou- velle. 10 edition. Paris, 1869. D. 944 49 Renan, J. E. La reforme intellectuelle et morale. Paris, 1871. O. 944 53 Rogeard, L. A. Pauvre France ! R. F. [Inverse.] Bruxeiles [,186.5]. S. 84130.1 Les propos de Labienus. Londres, 1865. D. 31 p. 944 48.1 Tillier, C. Pamphlets. (//( his ODuvres. 1846, V. 3-4.) 843 43 Toc(iueviUe,A. C. H. C. de.Speecli,37 Jan. 1848 [predicting the revolution]. (7h /lis De- mocracy in America, 1863. V. 2. p. 469-484.) 321 10 — — Vitolo de Arif aya, F. La lotta tra vecchio e nuovo. Napoli, 1873. O. 944 56 &e a&o EASTERN QIKSTION; XAPOLEOX I., 111.; Key- baud, M. K. L. .Jerome Paturot —SOCIAL LIFE A CONDITION. Foiiiiiier, E. editor. Varietes historiques et litteraires. Paris. 1855-63. 10 V. S. (In Bibl. elzevir.) 840 8 — — Le Grand d'Aussy, P. J. B, Histoire de la vie privee des Fran9ois depuis I'origine de la nation jusqu"a nos jours. Nouvelle edition, par J. B. B. de Roquefort. Paris, 1815. 3 v. O. 390 14 Le Pluy, P. G. F. La reforme sociale en France. Tours, 1872. 3 v. D. 301 10 Meray, A. La vie au temps des trouvires, ll-13siecles. Paris, 1873. D. 390 15 — — Moreau, de Jonnes, A. Etat econoniique et social de la fiance, depuis Henri IV jus(iu"tt Louis XIV, 1.589 a 1715. Paris, 1867. O. 944 28 Rihbe, C. do. Les families et la societc en France avaut le revolution. Paris, 1873. D. 944 33 — — Robert, C, editor. De I'ignorance des populations ouvrieres et rurales en Fiance, et des causes qui tendent a la perpetuer. Mont- beliard, 1863. O. [l + ]64p. 33110 Twesten, C. Die Zeit Ludwigs XIV. Ber- lin. 1871. O. 2s) p. (/?i Virchow OF TUK » O.MJIO> LIFE. -OF THE LIFE OF POVERTY; I!(i>kilile. Fraiiciscl, Erasmus, translator, see Vahasor, J. W. Die Elue lies Grain. 1689. 943 59 Francisco de Jesus y Jodar, see Jesus y Jodar. FRANCISCO XAVIER, St., see XAVIER. ^ Frauck, Adolplie. Des principes du droit I'atu- rel et de .ses rapports avee la famille. ( //( Tlievenin, A. Eiitretiens, 1806, v. -2, p. 107-169.) 304 0.1 Franck, Seliastiaii. Chrouica, Zeitbuch unnd Geschichtbibell voii Anbegyn bis in 1543 Jar verlengt. n. p., 1543. F. 5)0'J 5 Franco, Lucio. De' rivolgimeuti contempora- nei in Italia. Roma, 1872. v. 1. D. 945 41) Franco, Matteo. Un viaggio di Clarice Orsini de' Medici uel 1485. Bologna, 1868. D. 23 p. {111. Scelta di curiosita. 98.) 850 10 Francois de Neiifchiiteaii, Nicolas, comte, edi- tor, see Le Sage, A. R. Histoire de Gil Bias. 1820. 843 28 — translator, see Muret, M.A.Adviceof afather lo his son. 1871. 879 8 Frauq'ois le Clianipi, par George Sand, .set l)ii- devant. A, L. A. 1). FRA>CO-PROVEiN^:AL dialect. Iscoli, «. I. Schizzi tranco-provenzali. — P. Meyer e il franco-provenzale. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 3-4, 1878.) 450 11 FRASCO-PRUSSIAX war, see (GERMANY— HISTORY. Guillauine le Franc-parleiir, see Joiiy, V. J. E. Frank, Loiiis. Tunis. 1850. pi. map. {In L'nnivers. 7.) 910 18 FRANKFORT on the Main. Knox, J. A narra- tive of the pi-oceedings and troubles of the English congregation at Frankfurt, 15.")4-5. (fn liis Worlis, 1840-64, v. 4.) 20N 4 — Krieg:k, 0. L. Deutsches Biirgerthuni iin Mittelalter niit besonderer Beziehung auf Frankfort a. M. Frankfurt, 1868. O. 390 12 Frankfurter Sagenlmch .see Ensliu, K. FRAXKISH LANGUAGE, see FRENCH LAN- GUAGE ETYMOLOOY. Franklin, Alfred Louis Augusts. Les sources de I'histoirede France; notices bibliograjjhiques et analytiques. Paris, 1877. O. 944 8.1 Frnnkliri, ISeu^janiin. Works; with notes and life by Jared Sparks. Revised edition. Phila- delpliia |,cl8.10|. \0 v. <.). 2Mr. pi. faesim. iltp. SIS 1 —Autobiography; edited from his ins., with notes ami an introduction, by John Bigelow. Philadelphia, IsilS. O. j)0/-. >25 3 — Marcknianii, .1. >V. Bogtrykkeron B. liiis Li\- c)g LcvncI,. Kjobenliavn, 1839. S. 9L'5 4 Franklin, N//' John. Narrativeof a .second ex- pedition til llie .shores of the polar sea, 1835-7; including an account of the progress of a de tachment to the eastward by John Richardson. Philadelphia, 1828. O. map. 919.8 5 FRANKS, (liagnin, R. De origine et gestis francoruni. Lugduni, 1497. F. 093 6 01sner,L. Jahrbticher des f rankischen Reiches unter Konig Pippin. Leipzig. 1871. O. 943 15.1 — Richter, W. Die Auflosung des Karolingi- schen Reiches und die Griindung dreier selb- stiindiger Staaten. Hamburg. 1889. O. 52 p. (Ill Vircliow it' Holtzeudorfl". Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 See also CHARLEMKJNE; CHUKi H HISTOBY— FKA>KS; FHAM'E; (iEKMANY; SALIO LAW. Fraiiskt och svenskt handlexikon. 26fversedda uj.plagan. Stockholm [,1848], sqT. 439.73 9 Frati, Lodovico, editor. II sacco di Volteira ne.l 1472; poesie storiche contemporanee, e coni- mentario inedito di Biagio Liscl. Bologna, 1886. D. (//( Scelta di curiosita. 214.) 850 10 ■See also 303. — & Medin, A., editors. Lamenti storici dei secoli 14-16. Bologna, 1877-90. v. 1-3. D. (/)( same. 319, 226, 236.) 850 10 —d- Rioci, C, editors. II sepolcro di Dante; documenti. Bologna, 1889. D. il. pi. (In same. 335.) 850 10 Franz Sternbalds Wanderungen,seeTieck, J. L. v. 16. Franz und Rosalie, .->ee Lau^hein, A. F. E. v. 9. Franzeu, Frans Mikael. Skaldestycken. Ny upplaga. drebro, 1824-36. 5 v. O. iltp. 839.71 13 — Columbus: eller, Americas uppfackt. poem. Stockholm. 1831. pt. 1. S. pi. 839.71 14 I'nfinished. —Sketch of the life of the author of Frithiof's saga. {In Tegn^r, E. Frithiof's saga. 18^9.) 839.71 45 Franzesi, Mattio, Capitoli. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 2-3.) S57 8 Frauzi, Adriano. II Polito. (In Trissino, G. G. Opere, 1729, v. 2.) 851 126 II frappiitore, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 40. FraticeUi, Pietro. Storia della vita di Dante Alighieri; compilata sui documenti in parte raccolti da Giuseppe Pelli. in parte inediti. Firenze. 1861. D. 928 18 — annotator, seeDante Alighieri. Opere minori. 1856-7. 851 41 FRATICELLI, see BRETHREN. FRAU AVENTIURE, see AYENTIURE; also Scheffel, J. V. Frauensttidt, Paul. Die Todtschlagsiihne des deutsclien Mittelalters. Berlin, 1886. O. 32 p. (In Virchow \ von. Personalier ofver Fred- rik Adolf, (ill li isSkrifter, 1838, v. 1.) 839.78 1 FREDERICK WILLIAM IL, king of Prussia. Engel, J. J. Rede am Geluirtstage des Kimigs. (In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 4.) 838 3 Frederiks, Joliaiines (iodofridns, & Brandeu, F. J. P. van den. Bi(i,i,'ra)iliisch woordenboek der Noord- en Zuidnederlandsche letterkunde. Nieu«edrnk. Amsterdam, 1888-92. O. 928 4 2 Frederiksborg og Fredensborg. — Roeskilde. pi. (In Danske Atlas. 1833.) 914.8 38 Freduiaii, pseudonym of Bellman, K. M. Freds-afl, see Stjernlijelin, H. FREE THOUGHT, .see RATIDXAIJSM. FREE TRADE. Laniiners, A. Oie geschicht- liche Entwicklung des I'reihanilels. Berlin, 1869. O. 55 p. (In Vircliow * Holtzeiidorff. Vortriige. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Mariano, R. Contro il libeio scambio. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mar. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 5 — Meiigotti, F. II colbertismo: dissertazione, 1792. iMiiano, 1803. S. 380 4 — Passy, F. La liberte commerciale. (In 'I'lieve- nin, E. Cours d'econ. indust. 4 serie. 1800.) 330 18 — Stepliensen, 0. Kort Underretning om den islaudske Handels Forelse, 874-1788; med Tan- ker om frie Handel. Kjabenhavn, 1798. S. 380 18 FREEDOM. Channing, W. E. Spiritual free- dom. (/)( liis Works. 1848, v. 4.) 208 3 FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE. Bunsen, C. C. J. Die Zeiclien der Zeit; Briefe iiber die Gowis- sensfreilieit und das Recht der christlichen Gemeinde. Leipzig, 1855. 3 v. D, 172 5 — Stalll, F. .T. Wider Bunsen. 3 Abdruck. Ber- lin. 1856. D. 11-i 6 bound with loO 2 Williams, R. The bloudy tenent of persecu- tion for cause of conscience, discussed, n. p., 1044. .sqD. 099 9 .s-ee alsu HEKKSY. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, see PRESS. Frehse, Fr. Worterbuch zu Fritz Reuter's sammtlichen Werken. Wismar, 1867. D. [5-I-] 94 p. 839.4 12 Freiberg, Giinther von. Italiens moderneLyri- ker. (In Hlllebrand, K.Italia. v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 Freidank, Bernliard. Vridankes Bescheiden- heit; von Wilhelm Grimm. Gottingen, 1834. D. 831 87 Der Freigeist, eiu Lustspiel, .see Lessiiig, G. E. Der Frelhof von Aarau, seeZscliokke, J. H. D. V. 7. Freinsheim, Joliaiin. Supplementa. (In Cur- tins Rnfns, O. De rebus gestis Alexandri. 1778.) 878 26 Freire, Francisco Jose. Vida do infante D. Henrique, escrita por Candido Lusitano [pseud.]. Lisboa, 1758. Q. por. 94G 77 Noted by llr. Marsh as "admirably written." Freire de Andrade, Jacinto. Vida de Joao de Castro, quarto viso-rei da India. Nova edii;ao, augmentada, com vida do author. Lisboa, 1786. T. por. pi. 954 6 "A cla.wie Hw/'i "— Note by Mr. Marsh. COL DE FRfiJUS, see MT. CENIS. Der Freinde, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 14. Den Fremsynte ; eller, Billeder fra Nordland, see Lie, J. FRENCH DIALECTS. B., G. Recueil d'opuscu- les et de fi-agments en vers patois. Paris, 1839. sqT. 849 4 — Gregoire, H. Rapports sur la necessite et les moyens d'aneantir les i>atois et d'universaliser I'usage de la laugue fran9aise. (In his Rap- ports. 1807.) 010 3 FRENCH DIALECTti 248 FRENCH LANG UA QE — Oiiofrio, J. B. Essai J'ua glossaire des patois de Lyounais, Forez et Beaujolais. Lyon, lb;64. O. • 447 3 ^Revne des langues romanes. Montpellier, 1870-4. V. 1-5. O. por. music. 479 5 The following numbers are wantlDg: v. 1, no. 3; v. 3. no. 3-4; V. 5, no. 2-4. See also AIMiOT; BEIKXAISE; KOREZ; FUAXCO PROVEX- l\Xh; CEXKVAX; LIJIOIISIX; LORRAINE; LYOXXAISE, MESSIX; XEUCILiTEl; PR'AKI): PROVKXCAL; RUKill: SWISS; TOI'RAIXE; W.1A\: «ALDKXSIAX;'(VALL()()X. FRENCH {early) LANGUAGE. Bartscli, K. F., editor. Altfranzosische Chrestoniathie, 8-15 Jahihundert; Chiestoiuathie,GrarDniatik,Glos- sar. Leipzig, 1866. Q. 841 3 — Biirg'iiy, a. F. Grammaire de la langue d'oil: ou, Grammaire des dialectes fran9ais au 12e et 13e siecles ; suivie d'un Glossaire [etvmolo- gicpie]. Berlin, 1853-6. 3 v. in 2. O. 447 13 — Chabaille, P. Glossaire du Livre de jostice et deplet. Paris, 1850. Q. [1+J69p. 447 13 bound with 411 1 — Dai'iuesteter, A. Glosses et glossaires liebreux- frauvais du moyen-age. (In Komaiiia. v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 — Diez, F. C. Gachet, Glossaire ronian. (In Jalirbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 — Dii Bellay, J. La deffence et illustration de la langue fraucoyse: avec introduction, notes et glossaire, suivie de Quintil lioratiau de C. Fontaine, par E. Person. Versailles, 1878. O. facsim. 447 16 — Dii Caiige, C. du F.Glossaire franyais. (In his Glossarium mediae etinfimse latiuitatis, 1840-57, V. 7.) 479 2 — Glossaire roman-latin du 15e siecle; annote par A. iScheler. Anvers, 1865. O. 57 p. 479 13 — Hippeaii, C. Dictionnaire de la langue fran- 9aise au 12-13 siecle. Paris, 1873. 2 v. in 1. O. 447 9 — Kelhaiii, K. A dictionary of the Norman or Old French language. London, 1779. O. 447 11 — Knaiier, 0. Beitrage zur Keuntniss der fran- zosischen Sprache des 14 Jahrli. (In Jahrbucll rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.} 805 1 — La maiiiere de langage qui euseigne a parler et a ecrire le fran(;ais; modeles de conversations composes en Angleterre a la fin du 14e siecle. Paris, 1873. O. [3 -I- ] 373-408 p. 447 14 —Palsgrave, J. L'eclaircissement de la langue fran9aise; suivi de la grammaire de Giles Du Guez: publies par F. Genin. Paris, 1802. sqQ. facsim. 447 15 — Baynouard, F. J. M. Observations philologi- ([Ues et gramniaticales sur le Roman de Rou et sur quelques regies de la langue des trouveres aul2e siecle. Rouen, 1839. O. 447 10 — Sflieliy, .1. A. H. Glossaire. (In Froissart-.I. (Kuvres, 1867-77, v. 19.) 940 30 FRKNCir LAMUIAGE. Ampere, J. J. A. Hi- stoire de la formation de la langue fran^aise. 2 edition. Paris, 1869. O. 440 3 — Borring, L. S. Conversations fran9aise8 et danoises: suivie d'un comedie en un acte par A. Duval, avec la traduction. Copenhague, 1h:!6. S. 439. S8 2 — Cinnciiilis, .1. A. The gate of tongues unlock- ed; in Latine, English and French. 2 edition, by J. Anchoran. London, 1633. T. 478 1 — Le coiirrier de Vaugelas, journal bi-mensuel, consaere a la propagation universelle de la langue frau9aise. Paris, 1868-75. v. 1-5 in 1 v. Q. 440 2 — Estieiine, H. La iirecellence du langage fran- cois. Nouvelle edition par L. Feugere. Paris, 1850. D. 447 17 — Geiiiii, F. Recreations philologiques; ou, Re- cueil de notes pour servir a I'histoire de la langue fran9aise. Paris, 1856. 2 v. in 1. O. 440 1 — Hollybaiid,C.The French schoolemaister; cor- rected by P. Erondelle. London, 1615. T. 448 3 — Littre, M. P. E. Histoire de la langue fran- 9aise. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1863. 2 v. O. 440 4 — Pellissier, A. La langue fran9aise: tableau historique de sa formation et de ses progres. Paris, 1866. D. 440 5 — Scagliarini, C. Vocabolario domestico fran- cese; riassunto completo di grammatica fran- cese, esercizi, modelli di compiti. Milano, 1876. D. 448 7 — A(X;ENT. Diez, P. C. Etude sur le role de I'accent latin dans la langue fran9aise, par G. Paris. (/)( Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 —DICTIONARIES. Albert! di ViUaiiiiova, F, d.' -Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ais-italien [& italiano-francese]. Nouvelle edition. Milan, 1834-5. 3 V. F. 453 24 Boiste, P. C. V. Dictionnaire universel de la langue franyaise, avec le latin et les etymo- logies. 8 edition, revue et augmentee par C. Nodier. Paris, 1834. sqQ. 443 4 -■ Same. 15 edition. Paris, 1866. sqQ. 443 4.1 Borriiig, L.S. Dictionnaire fran9ais-danois. 3 edition. Copenhague. 1859-60. 2 v. in 1. O. 439.83 7 Cotgrave, R. A French-English dictionary, with English and French [by R. Sherwood]; added, animadversions of James Howell. London, 1650. F. 443 7 Ferrari, C, & Caccia, G. Gran dizionario italiano-francese e francese-italiano. Parigi, 1874. 2 V. Q. 453 03 — — Fransltt och svenskt handlexikon. 2 upplagan. Stockholm [, 1848]. sqT. 439.73 9 Kramers, J. NieuwNederlandsch-Fransch woordenl)oek. Gouda, 1862. O. 439.33 8 — Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ais-hollan- dais. Gouda, 1859. O. poi: 439.33 8 Landre, G. N. Dictionnaire de poche fran- 9ais-hollandaih[,liollandais-fran9ais].II(irdre. ; Duuias. A. 11.; Erckuiaiin, E. . Keuillet,(>.; (iauller,'!'.; Iltirizons iirochjiins: -leliau W Arras; Karr, .1. A. ; Koek, ('. I", de; l.aeniix, P. ; La Sale, A. de.; Lc Huiic A. It. ; Miiiitesiiuieu, ('. de S. ile: Xoilier, .J. I'. E.. Peyroiiuet. C. I. di'; Italielais, I'.; Reyliaud. 11. E. F. A. ct M. K. I..; Riiussenu. ,1. J.; Saliit-deiiiils, J. L. II. U. de; Slail-lldWeiu, A. h. (i. i\. dc; Sue, JI. J. E.; Tllller, ('.; T(ip(er. K.; Vesper. — Hll.nOR or. 845 1 — PERIODICALS. Nemenyi, A. Journale und Jouriialisten derfranzosisclien Revolutionszeit. Berlin, 1880. O. 63 p. {/?t Virchow . O. 841 7 .SVf iihij -iih'iies li Uois; AlexHudre of Bernatj; AHoiie, G. G.; AniiiitiiK; AniiuHl^ V.; Auberi ; Aiicasiii et Nicolete; Battry, .1. dc. Hciuiist ; Bfraiisrcr, I*. J. do; Honapai'te. C.L. J. L.; CIlAULE-MAdNE; CliicKtciii of 'Iroijm; Condi', .1. dc; CiiiKliicst of Ireland; ('(mijuite de Jerusalem; COROMi:- MKNT Lriois; Did timibeor Nostre-Dame; Ddillc, J. ; Dii Bartas G. dt' S.; Fsintosmf, .!. ; Ferunibras; FoiitciHdIt', B. It' B. do; FroiNSiirt. -J. : GaruiiT of Pont ^s,tintt> ^f(l.rer^l'e; Grfsset, •!. B. L. ; Gntsseteste. B. : lliiiniltitii, A. ; Have- lok the Dane; Hu^o, V. M.; .lAlCJUKS of Amimx ; Jcliaii de Haute Settle; La I'otidretti'; \m Fontaine, J. de; Lam- bert li Tors; La Motte. A. H. dc: La vie de saint I/'f;er; Lorris, G. de; Marie ih: France; Mennp, J. de; Passion du Christ; PASTOURELLES; Pliilippc de lieimes; Pibrao, G. du F. de; Rene d'Aiyou; IU>ynard the fox; Richard Ig pelerin: Rieliars li biaus; Ro^eard, A.; Bohind; Telieiiy, 0. de hi >. lie; Villon, F.; Voltaire, V. M. A. de; Wace, E. — ROMAMCES. Biyiijiilfssoii, G. G. De I'ancien roman fi'an9ais et de I'influence exercee sur son developpement par les Normands: niemoire tia- duit par L. S. Borring. (In Copenhagen— K. nord.Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 8, 1845-9.) 948 3 Guessard, F,, editor. Les anciens poetes de la France. Paris, 18.59-70. 10 f. S. 841 3 Contents: 1. Guide Bourtro{2:ne- — Otinel.— Floovant. 2. Boon de Maience. 3. Gaufrey. 4. Fierabras.— Parise la duchesse. 5. Huon de Bordeaux, (i. Aye d'Avignon— — Gui de Nanteuil. 7. Gaydon. 8. Hugues Capet. 1(. Macaire. 10. Aliscans. Le Grand d'Aussy, P. J. B., editor. Fabli- aux of the 12th and 13th centuries; translated into English verse by G. L. Way; with notes by G. Ellis. New edition. London, ISI.J. 3 v. D. il. 841 4 For contents see Peabodj' catalogue. Molaiid, L. E. D., & H^ricaiilt, C. d.' editors. Noiivelles fran^oises en prose du 13e siecle. avec introduction et notes. Paris, 18.56. S. (Z"«IJiljl. elzevir.) 840 13 Wright, T. Chansons de geste; or, Histori- cal romances of the middle ages. {In his Es- says, 1846, V. 1.) 820 3 See also ALEXAXDEK the (?reo<; Aniadas; Artiiur of little Britain; Anberi; Aiicasin et Nicolete; BALDWIN; BLAN- CANDIX ; ( HAULEMAGNE; Clirestien of Troyes; Conciuete de Jerusalem; Fauvel; Fitz Warine, F, ; Flanieuca; Girartz de RoifsUtio; Guy of Warwick; llavelok the Bane; Huon of Bordeaux; La Sale, A. de; Lorris,; Melusine; .Meung, J. de; Philippe rfe iridmfts.' Bernard the fox; Richard fepe- to'in,' Ricliarsli biaus; Robert the devil; Roland; Knight of the snau; Trasifjnycs; TRISTAN de NanteuiL FRENCH REVOLUTION, see FRAXCE— HIS- TORY. FreiifanclU Cibo, Serafliio. Cenni storici sugli Stati Uniti d' America. Foligno, 1865. D. tab. 973 23 Frenf-zel, J. P. Ueber die Landespferdezucht im Regiruugsbezirk Gumbinnen. Berlin, 1875. O. 56 ]). (/( Vircliow & Holtzendorfl'. Vor- triige. 10 Serie.) 04.'{ 1 Frenzel, Abraham. Etymologica Vandalica & Slavica Megapolijana. {In Weslphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1739-45, v. 2.) 94:'. 21 Frere, John Hookhaui. Works, in verse and prose, now firKt collected, witli a prefatory memoir by his nephews, W. E. and Sir Bartle Frere. London, 1872. 3 v. O. por. 821 58 — Prospectus and specimen of an intended na- tional work by William and Robert AVhistle- craft, relating to King Arthur and Ids round table. 3 edition. London, 1818. O. 7 + 61 p. 821 93 FRESCO. Marsh, G. P. (In Johnson's cyelo- p;>?dia.) In- inain library. Fresh gleanings, by Ik. Marvel, .see Mitchell, I). G. Freshflehl, Douglas Uilliani. Travels in the central Caucasus and Bashan. London, 1869. O. maps. 914.7 24 Thet Freske riim, met aanteekeningen van E. Epkema; vorafgegaan door eene levensschets van laatstgenoemden door J. van Leeuwen. {/»Friesch genootschap. Oude kronijken. 1835- 53.) 839.2 1-3 Freske sjenistin, see Nissen, M. FretTvell, James. The family history begun by Fretwell. tal>. (In Jackson, C. Yorkshire di- aries, 1877-86, v. 1; in Surtees soc. 65.) 820 7 Der Freiideuleere. Der Wiener Mervart. (In Lambel, H. Erzahluneen. 1872; in Pfeitfer, H. Deutsche Classiker. 12.) 831 15 Freund, WUhelm. A copious and critical Latin- English lexicon, on the basis of the larger Latin-German lexicon of Freund, with addi- tions, bv E. A. Andrews. New edition. Lon- don, 186.5. Q 473 1 See also «1iite & Riddle. Die Frennde, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 14. Freiisherg, — . Sohlaf und Traum. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (In Tirchow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortriige. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Frey, Jacob. Die Alpen im Lichte versehie- dener Zeitalter. Berlin, 1877. O. 47 p. {In same. 12 .Serie.) 043 1 Frey, Joseph Samuel Christian Frederick. A Hebrew grammar. 10 edition, enlarged. Lon- don. 1839. O. 492.4 3 Freytag, (iustav. Bilder aus der deutschen Ver- gangenlieit. 5-17 vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1867-89. 4 V. O. 943 25 Contents; 1. Aus dem Mittelalter. 2'. VomMittelalter zur Neuzeit, r3«M500. 2''. Aus dem Jahrhundert der Re- formation. 1500-1000. 3. Aus dem Jahrhundert des gros- sen Krieges, 16Uii.iniO. 4. Aus neuer Zeit, lTOO-1848. — Die verlorene Handschrift; Roman. 4 Auf- lage. Leipzig, 1865. 3 v. in 1. D. 833 10 Fribert, Lauritz Jacob. Haandbog i Lovgiv- ningen om de danske Provindsialsta>nder. Kjobenhavn, 1835. O. 328 3.1 Frick, Joliann, editor, see Schilter, J. Thesau- rus antiquitatum Teutonicarum. 1727-S. 830 9 FRICTION. Coiiti, P. Sulla resistenza di attrito. p/. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2. 1874-5.) 065 3 Fridrikssoii, Halldor Kristjiln. Islandsk Lase- FRIDRIKSSON' 252 FRIESLANIi bog. med OiJiegister og en Orersigt over den islaiidske Formlajre. Kiobenhavn, 1846. D. 439.6S 3 —editor, see Bandamaiiiia sag*. 1850. 83!>.63 34 Bjarnar saga. 1847. 839.63 36 Sagaun af Fridthiole irackna : The saga of Frithiof the Bold : translated from the Icelandic. {In Tegiier, E. Frithiof's saga. 1839.) 839.71 4.5 Friedlierg, Emil Albert. Die Geschichte der Civilehe. Berlin, 1870. O. 40 p. (/;i Virchow * Holtzeiidorll". Vortriige. -T Herie.) 043 1 Friedel, Ernst. Aus der Vorzeit der Fischerei. Berlin, 1884. O. fi:^ p. (la same. 19 .Serie.) 043 1 Friedeniaiiii, Friedrich Traiigott. Practische Anleitung zur Keiintuiss lateinischer Verse; nebst Chrestomathie. 3-.5 Auflage. Leipzig, 1840-4 [V. 1, '44]. 3 t. in 1. O. 476 1 Frledlander, Liidwig. Mceurs romaines du regue d'Auguste a la fin des Antonins : traduc- tion libre sur la 3 edition allemande, avec des remarqiies, par Cli. Vogel. Paris, 1865-74. 4 v. O. 390 4 Vol 3-4 are Civilisation etmoeurs romaines; they contain supplements to v. 1-2. — Uel^er die Entstehung und Entwickluug des Gefiihls flir das Roniantische in der Natur. Leipzig, 1873. O. [4 +] 45 p. 7013 Friedlieb, Conrad. Jus feudale Pomeranicuni vetus & novum. {In Westi»lialeu,E. J, von. Monumenta, 1739-45, t. 3.) 943 31 FRIENDS, called qUAKEBS. Sewel, W. Histo- i-i van de Quakers. Amsterdam, 1717. F. 289 1 .S'(!= also Fox, (J.: Wooliiiiiii, .1. FRIENDSHIP. Cicero, M. T. Lselius: sive, De amieitia dialogus. (/)( his Opera, 1830, v. 4.) 87.5 1 Fries, O. Bemferkninger til nogle Funkier i Kong Frodes Lov f(M- Hii;ren. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 17, 1883.) 948 5 Fviescli geiiootscliap van gescliied-, oudlieid- en taalknnde. Oude Friesche krouijken. Leeu- warden, 1835-53. sqQ. 839.2 1-3 CoitteiUs: Thet Freske riim. — Die olde Freesche cro- Bike. — Gesta Frisiorum. — M. .\lvini tractatus. Gesta Fresonum is wanting. See also De vrye Fries. De Friesche bouwmeester, see Lennep, J. van. Romant. werken, 13. FRIESIC LANGUAGE. Cadovius-Mliller, .1. Memoriale lingute Frisica; : zum ersten Male lierausgegeben von L. Kiikelhan. Leer, 1875. O. pi. 439.2 6 .— Cnnimins, A. H. .V grammar of the old Frie- sic language. L.)nd(m, 1881. D. 75 p. 439.2 4 ^Doornkaat Koolnian, J. ten. Wiirterbuch der ostfriesis(tlien Sprache, etymologisch bearbei- tet. Norden, 1879-84. 3 v. O. 439.2 2 — Epkc^nia, E. Woordenboek op de gedichten en vcrdere gesclniften van Gijsbert .Japicx. Leeii warden, 1834. scjO. 839.2 7 — tirinini, .1. L. K. Rask, Friesisk Sprogl,t»re. {fn /M.sKleiiiere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 4.) 408 3 — Oiitzen, N, Glossarium der friesisclien Sprache, besondersin nordfriesischcr Muiidart; herausgegeben von L. Engelstoft und C. Mol- bech. Kr)p(.nhagen, 1837. s()0. 439.2 3 —Rask, R. C. Frisisk .Sproglasre. KJ0benhavn, 1835. D. 839.2 5 — Riclitliofen, K. 0. .T. T. von. Altfriesisches Worterbucli. Giittingen, 1840. sqQ. 439.2 1 — Winkler, J. Algemeeu Nederduitsch en Friesch dialecticon. 's Gravenhage, 1874. 3 v. in 1. O. 439.37 1 FRIESIC LITER.VrURE. Firmenich-Ricliartz, J. M. Friesische JIundarten. (In his Germa- nieus Volkerstimmeu, 1846-54, v. 3.) 839.1 1 — Ippius Fockens, E. Bijdragen totde Frie.-iche geschiedenis, taal en letterkunde. Franeker, [18.5-]. 3 V. S. iwr. pi. 839.2 4 Verzameling van stukken betreflfende de Friesche geschiedenis, taal- en letterkunde. Franeker[, 185-]. 3 v. S. por. pi. music. 839.2 3 — .Japicx, (t. Friesche rijmlerye. 3 druwck, trog E. Epkema. Ljeauwert, 1831. sqO. j>or. 839.2 6 Frysce rymlerye; yn de spelling fen J. H. Halbertsma oerbrocht fen W. Dykstra. Fre- antsjer. 1853. O. 839.2 8 — Nissen, M. De Freske sjemstin, me en Hugs- tiiisk auerseting: Der friesische Spiegel, mit einer hochdeutschen Uebersetzimg. Altona, 1868. D. 839.2 5 —The Oera Linda book, from a ms. of the 13th century, the Frisian text, [with] an English version of Ottema's Dutch translation, by W. R. Sandbach. London, 1876. O. facsim. 839.2 9 A forgery by Gen-it Over de Linde. — De vrije Fries: mengelingen uitgegeven door liet Provmcial Friesch genootschap ter beoefe- niug der Friesche geschied-, oudheid- en taal- kunde. Leeuwarden, 1838-58. v. 1-8. O. por. pi. tab. 949 16 See also Bihie— .V. T.— M.ittlien. Friesland. Asega-Buch; ein alt-friesisches Gesetzluich der RUstringer; herausgegeben von T. D. Wiarda. Berlin, 1805. sqO. 349 61 — Friesische Rechtsquellen, von Karl Freiherm von Richthofen. Berlin, 1840. sqQ. 349 60 Contents: Handscbriftenverzeichniss.— Lex Frisionum. — AUeemeine friesische Gesetze.— Gesetze einzelner frie- sischer (iemeindcn. — Getsetze der Nordfriesen. — De Lex Frisionum; uitgegeven en toegelicht door Karl Freihtrr von Riclithofen, naar Pertz' Slonumenta Germanica; gevolgd door eene verliandelingover de zamen.stelling van de Lex Frisionum van B. J. Lintelo de Geer. Leeu- warden, 1866. O. 349 62 — Das ostfriesische Land-Recht. nebst dem Deich- und Syhlrechte, durch Uebersetzung, Anmerckungen und Erklarungen erliiutert, mit Vorherichte und Register. Aurich [,pref. 1746]. s(|0. 349 59 — Hanickeni, M. Frisia; seu, De viris rebusque Frisii« ilhistribuslibriduo. Monasterii Westph. , 1609. s(|l). //. 949 17 — Hansen, C. P. Das schleswig 'sche Watten- nieer und die friesisclien Inseln. Glogau, 1865. O. ;)/. map. 914.3 11.1 — Ht^inireicli, .\. Nordfresische Chroiiik; zum drilti'ii Male herausgegeben von N. Falck. Tondern, 1819. 2 v. D. 949 18 — il0rgensen, A. D. De sfinderjydiske Strand- friscrs foregivne Sclvst.vndiglied i Middelal- dereii;— Tiling. {In (loiiennligcn— K. nord. Old. - Sclskab. Aarboger. v. 3, 1868.) 948 5 FRIESLAXD 253 FROISSART — Kleiiie aardriiksUunde van Friesland. Drag- ten, 1S(>4. S. 'Ui p. 914.!) 17 — Sclliiiidt, 3. \. (JlgerdiK^- "K FriHcrnr^ndscn. (/" Copeiiliiigcii— K. iiord. (Hd.-Selskab. An- tiquai-isk Tids.skrilt. v. 2, 1846-8.) !)4.'< -4 — De vrije Fries; raengelingen uitgegeven door het Provincial Friesch genootschaji ter beoefe- ning der Friesclie geschied-, oudheid- en taal- kunde. Leeuwardeu, 1839-58. v. 1-8. O. par. pi. fah. 943 10 Frieslaiids boezemwater. Leeuwarden, 1870. O. 23 p. 627 44 Siffned L. Friess de Coloima, Casimir. Histoire de la 1847. pi. map. {In L'liiilvers. 35.) 5)10 18 De Friezen te Rome, see Leiiiiep, J. van. Ro- mant. werken, 10. De Frifarvede, see Hertz, H. Kjaerligheds Veie. Frig'ga, coniedi, see Gustaviis III. Friis, Jens Anders. Hans Majestan Kong Oscar II. s Reise i Nordland og Finmarken, 1873. Christiania, 1874. O. pur. i^l. 914.8 16 — Lappisk Mythologi, Eventyr og Folkesagn. Christiania, 1871. "3 v. in 1. O. 398 29 — En Sonimer i Finmarken, russisk Lapland og Nordkarelen: Skildringer af Land og Folk. Christiania. 1871. O. pi. map. 914.7 8 FRIMAXN, Clans. Welliaven, J. S. C. Om Frimann. (In Iiis Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 6; — v. 8, p. 343-4.) 839.84 3 FRIMAXN, Peter Harboe. WeUiaven, J. S. C. (7)1 same. v. 8, p. 336-343.) 839.84 3 Frisclianer, EinU. Bilder aus der romischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig, 1877. D. 920 8 Frisclibier, H., coinjjiler. Preussische Sprich- wtirter uiid volksthiiniliche Reden.sarten. 3 Saninilung, mit Glossar. Berlin, 1876. O. 398 37 Frisi, Paolo. Del modo di regolare i fiumi e i torrenti, principalmente del Bolognese e della Romagna. Lucca, 1763. sqO. 627 9 — A treatise on rivers and torrents; added, An essay on navigable canals; translated by John Garstin. New edition. London, 18G1. D. 627 9.1 FRISIAN ISLANDS. Sax, P. De prn-cipuis rebus gestis Frisiornm Septentrionaliuni. 16.")6. por. pi. map. {In fl'estplialen, E. J. von. Mo- numenta, 1739-45, v. 1.) 943 31 — Schmidt, J. N. Undersogelser angaaende Trovivrdigheden af J. Mejers Kort over Nord- frisland, 1340, med kritisk Kort soni Revision. (/)( Copeuliagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. An- naler. v. 11, 1851.) 948 3 — Weigelt, tJ. Die nordfriesische Inseln vor- ruals und jetzt. Hamburg, 1858. D. maps. 914.3 13 — —Same. 2 Auflage. Hamburg, 187H. D. map.^. 914.3 14 FRISIAN LANGUAGE & LITERATURE, see FRIESIC ; also FRIESLAND. Frith, Jolin, & Tyndale, ^V. The works of the English reformers; edited by Thomas Russell. London, 1831. 3 v. O. " 208 10 Frith's works are in v. 3; for contents sf« Tyndale. — More, 1'. A letter impugning the erroniouse wrytingof.J. Frith agaynst the blessed siicra- nient of theaulter. {In. his Workes. 1557.) 230 5 Frithiofs saga, see Tegner, E. Fritsch, Giistav Theodor. Die elektrischen Fische im Lichte der Descendenztheorie. Ber- lin, 1883. (). 64 p. il. (/(( VIrehow ct- Hoi- tzendorft'. Vortriige. 18 Serie.) 013 1 Fritsch, Karl von. Reisebilder von der Canari- schen Inseln. Gotha, 1867. scjCi*. [3-1-] 44 p. maps. I In Petermanns Jliltlieilungen: Ersiin- zungsband 5.) 910 44 Fritsclie, H. Ein Beitrag zur Geographic und Lehre vom Erdmagnetismus Asieiis und Europas; aus Beobachtningen, 1867-83. Gotha, 1885. si|Q. [3-I-] 73 p. ojryj.s. {In .sa}iie. 17.) 910 44 Fritzsche, Otto Fridolin. De Theodori Moiisu- esteni vita et scriptis i-ommentalio liistorica theologica. (In Synesiiis. Opera. 1859.) 208 12 — editor, see Bible— Apocrypha. 220 4 FRIULAN DIALECT. Joppi, V., editor. Testi inedite friulani dei .secoli 14-19. (//( Arcllivio glot. ital. V. 4, 1878.) 450 11 See aho Percoto, t'. FRIIJLI. Taranielli, T. Catalogo ragicnato delle rocce del Frinli, menioria. pi. {In Rome — R.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Jis. v. 1, 1876-7, lit. 1.) 065 4 Frizzi, (Giuseppe, onnotator, see Zannoni,(i.B. La Crezia rincivilita. 1873. ^57 16 FROBEL, Friedrich, see CHILDREN. Frobose, Jiilins. Gottfried von Bouillon. Ber- lin. 1879. O. 51 p. (/nVircliow * Holtzen- dorir. Vortriige. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Frohschamnier, Jakob. II primato dell' apo- stdlo Pietro e del papa. Firenze, 1876. S. 37 p. 262 2 Froissart, Jean. CEuvres, puliliees avec les variantes par le baron Ivervvn de Lettenliove: Chroniijues. Bruxelles, 1867-77 [v. 1, 1870-3], 35 V. in 26. O. p)Or. maps. (Academie rovale de Belgique.) 940 20 Contents : 1. Introduction. 2 v. 2-lJ. Chroniques. IS. Pieces .iustiflcatives. 19. Glossaire. par A. Soheler. 20-3. Table des noms historiques. 24-5. Table des noms geograpbiques. — ffiuvres: Poesies, publiees par Aug. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1870-2. 3 v. O. (Academie rovale de Belgique.) 841 '17.1 Contents: 1. Introduction. — Le paradys d 'amours. — Li orloge amoreus.— L'espinette amiiureuse.— La prison amoureuse.— Le dit dou bleu cbevalier. 2. Buisson de .ieunesse. — Temple d'b(»nneur. — .Joli mois de 7nai.— La Marguerite — Le cbeval et le levrier.— Dit du Florin.- Plaidoirie de la roseetde la\ioiette.— Lais, pastourelles, cbansons royaus. ballades, virelais et rondelets. :5. La cour d'amour. — Le tresor amoureux.— Glossaire. — Deux notices de Kervyn de Letteubove sur la Cour d'amour et le Tresor amoureux. — Histoire et chronique memorable: reveu et corrige par Denis Sauvage. Paris, 1574. 4 v. in 1. F. «»40 18 — Les chroniques; nouvellemeut revues et aug- mentees, avec notes, eclaircissemens, tables et glossaire, i)ar J. A. C. Buchon. Paris. 1835. 3. V. Q. 940 19 — Chroniques; publiees pour la Societe d'liistoi- re de France par Simeon Luce. Paris. 1869- 88. V. 1-8 in 9 v. O. 940 21 FEOISSART 254 — Le premier livre des chroniques: texteinedit, publie par le baron Kervyn de Letteiihove. Bruxelles, 1863. 2 v. O. (Acadeinie royale de Belsique.) 940 l^.l —English: Chronicles; translated from the Freiicli by John Bourchier, lord Berners; re- printed from Pynson's edition of 1523 and 152"); added* a memoir of the translator, and index. London, 1812. 2 v. sqF. 940 22 Froinnieiit, Antlioiiie. Les actes at gestes mer- veillenx de la cite de Geneve, commen^ant 1532, mis en lumiere par Gustave Revilliod. Geneve, 1854. O. p'- 270 23 Frondes caducas : Ane tractat of a part of ye Yngliss cronikle, shawand of yar kings part of yar ewill & cursit gouernance and yar vnhappie lynaare... Auchinleck press, 1818. sqQ. [1 + ] 9[ + l]l. 94215 From Asloiin's ms. in the Auchinleck library. FROSDIN, Birger. Roseiistein, N. von. Lef- vernes-beskrifning ofver Frondin, 20 mars 1787. {In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) 839.78 1 L'opera de Frontignan; L. Gaudin. (In Revue des langues romaues. v. 2, 1871.) 479 5 FrontiuHS, Sextns .Jalius.[Extracts.](MBlHine, F. Scliriften der rom. Feldmesser, l«48-52, V. 1.) 526 2 — Topografia di Roma antica ; I commentarii di Frontino intorno le acciue e gli aquedotti; silloge epigrafica aquaria; memoria di Rodolfo Lanciani. Roma, 1880. F. pZ. 628 5 bound ivith 627 4 — Same. (In Rome— R. iiccad. dei lincei. Atti. 8 ser. sci. vior. v. 4. 1870-80.) 065 5 Frost, John. The book of the navy. New York. 1842. O. il. por. pi. ilfp. 973 28 FROST. Lugan, J. L. Des gelees printanieres, de leiirs causes, de leurs ettets sur la vegeta- tion, et des moyens del'en preserver. Paris, 1864. O. 47 p. 632 2 — Rinibanll, E. F., editor. Old liallads illus- trating the great frost of 1683-4, and the fair on the river Thames. London, 1844. D. 30 [+ 1] -1-38 p. (/ji Percy soc. V. 9.) 820 6 Villas, L., editor. Documents rolatifs a riiiver de 1470-1. {In Revue des langues ro- manes. v. 2, 1871 ) 479 5 Frothiugliam, Arthur L., Jr. L'omelia di Giacomo di Sarug sul battesimo di Costantino imjieratore; pubblicata, tradotta ed annotata da A. L. Frothingham, jr. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 Frowd, J. (i. Player-. Six mcmths in Califor- nia. London, 1S72. D. !»17.9 3 Frn Inger til f'stn'it, Skuespil, see Ibscn, H. Frneii fra Havet, Skuospil, same. FRUIT. Timber trees; fruits, il. {In. Vege- table substances. V. 3, 1830.) 5819 — >Vilkonnn, H. >f. Ueber Siidfriichte, beson- di-rs ill Sud-Kuropa. Hcrlin, 1877. O. 72 p. (In Virchow * Holtzendorir. Vortrilge. 12 Se- rie.) 043 1 .See ah-o (tUk'SUV,. Fry, Francis, editor, see A proper dyaloge bo- twene a gentillman and a husbandman. 1803. 821 91 FULDA Fryxell, Anders. BeriUtelser ur svenska histo- rie'n. Stockholm, 1828-43. v. 1-8, 10-12. D. »48 39 — Leben und Thaten Gustavs I. Wasa, Konigs von Schweden; aus dem Schwedischen iiber.setzt von G. V. Ekendahl. Neustadt, 1831. O. 923 48 Fnii-Fusinato, Erminia. Dopo sette anni; a' miei figli, Veuezia. 1872. O. 6 p. 851 76 Fnclis, Aiignst. Die romanischen Spraclien in ihrem Verluiltnisse zum Lateinischen. Halle, 1849. (J. mop. 479 3 Fuchs, Leonliard. Den nieuwen Herbarius; dat is, dboeck vanden cruyden... Basel, M. Isin- £/)■!» [,pref. 1543]. F. il. 099 23 Fncini, Renato, pseudonym Keri Tanfucio. Cento sonetti. Firenze, 1872. S. 859 26.1 — Napolia occhio nudo, lettere. Firenze. 1878. D. 914.5 90 LAKE FUCINO. Amato, L. II lago Fucino; inaugurazione dell" emissario Torlonia. Torino, 1862. O. 15 p. 627 30 — Brisse, A., & Rotrou, L. de. The draining of Lake Fucino, accomplished by Prince A. Tor- lonia; an abridged account, historical and tech- nical [in French, with] English translation by V. de Tivoli, jr. Rome, 1870. Q, & Atlas. F'. 627 26 — Castrucci, G. Fucino ululante: ossia, Deriva- zione delle sue acque nel fiume Liri. Napoli, 1858. s(iQ. 18 p. pi. 627 27 hound with 607 2 —Kramer, G. Der Fuciner See. Berlin, 1839. sqQ. [l-)-]63 p. pi. map. 627 27 hound with 607 2 — Lombardini, E. Osservazioui sul piano di bonificazione del bacino del lago Fucino; ap- pendice 3. [Milano, 1872.] Q. 10 p. map. 627 27 bound with 607 2 Sulle opere intraprese pel prosciugamento del lago Fucino. Milano, 1862. 47 p. /)/. i/iop. 551.48 5 Same [,with Appendice. Aggiuuta]. Milano, 1862. sqQ. 49-1-4+4 p. map. 627 27 bound tvith 607 2 M., C. Prosciugamento del lago Fucino. {In (iiornale di Roma, 27 set. 1865.) 627 30 — Marsli, tii, P. (In Jolinson^s cyclopaxlia.) /)( main library. — Pini, (x. II prosciugamento del lago Fucino; narrazione storico-tecnica. Fnenze, 1878. D. 80 p. 627 38 — Rotron, L. de. Dissechement du lac Fucino, notice histori(|ue et considi^rations econo- miques. Turin, 1864. O, & Atlas. F. 627 29 — — Prosciugainento del lago Fucino; coiifronto tra r emissario di ('hiudio e 1' emissario Torlo- nia. Firenze, 1871. O. jd. 627 30 Fiiegode Dios en elquerer bien, .sec Caldcron. V. 3. Fuero juzgo, en latin y castellano; cotejado con los mas anliguos y precio.sos codices ])or la Real academia espanola Ma 3 — Joseph's party-coloured coat, containing a comment on the 11. chapter of 1. Corinthians; with several! sermons; by T. F. London, 1640. sqD. 232 7 —The life of Henry Smith. (In Smith, H. Ser- mons, 1866, V. 1, pref. p. 7-9.) 252 4 — Life out of death; a sermon. [London,] 16.55. S. 37 p. 262 3 — Ornitho-logie; or, The speech of birds. Lon- on [so], 1655. T. 827 8 — Perfection and peace; a sermon. London, 1653. S. [7-l-]24 p. 265 3 —A Pisgali-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof; witli the history of the Old and New Testament acted tliereon. London, 16.50. F. 2)1 iltp. maps. 915.G 27, 38 —The profane state, see above The holy state. — A sermon of reformation; fast dav, 27 July 1643. London, 1643. sqD. [l-l-]28p. 240 9 — A sermon preached 27 March, the day of liis majesties inauguration. London, 1654. S. [4-I-] 30-1-37 p. 2G2 3 The apiiended 37 pages are A fast sermon preached on Innocents-day. - A triple reconciler. London, 1654. S. 262 3 — Two sermons; tlie first. Comfort in cahimitie, teacliing to live well; tlie other. Tlie grand assize, minding to dye well. London. 1654. S. [5-1-177 p. 240 10 -20 15 II fumoso, jjsendonym of Salvestro. Fundinn Noregr. (In Miibins, T. Analecta. Ks,59.) 839.03 11 FUNEN. Simonsen, L. S. V, Fyens Vilkaar i den saa kaldte Grevens Feide. Kjobenhavn, 1813. D. map. 947 97 —Fyens Stifts literaire Selskab. Aktstykker til Oplysning is;er af Danmarks indre Forhold i reldreTid.' Odense, 1841. 3 v. sqO. 948 69 Fnnfzehn Jahre, von Talvj, see Robinson, T. A. L. V. J. Der Fiinlzehnte November, Novelle, see Tieck, J. L. Schritten, v. 19. FUNGI. Baifnis, C. Mycologia Romana. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei.Atti. 3 ser. set. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.)— Same: centuria se- conda. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 3.) 065 4 Neelsen, F. Unsere Freunde unter den nie- deren Pilzen. Berlin. 1SS3. O. .33 ji. (/)( Vir- chow (£■ Holtzendorft'.Vortrage. 18 Serie.)043 1 Scf aim JIOCLD: PKt'IM.t; UREDO. La Fnorfeee, see A'aleutino, B. Fi'irer, ('hristoi)h, of Haimendorf. Reis-Be- screibung in Egypten. Arabien, Paliistinam, Syrien, etc ; sambt JacoVi Fiirers constantino- politanisclier Reise. Niirnberg, 1646. sqD.^il. por. 2>l. iltp- 915 4 Fiiria, Francesco del. Delia scojierta e subita- nea iierdita di una parte inedita delprimo libro de' Pastorali di Longo. [Firenze, 1810.] O. 34 p. facsim. 888 53.1 Furini, Francesco. Saggio di alcune rime. — Vita di Furini con giudizio d' arte sul mede- simo. (/" Gargani, G. Commentario della faniiglia Forini. 1S76.) 929 6 Fnrnian, (Jabriel. Introduction and notes. (In Denton, 1>. Brief description of N. Y. 1845.) 917.4 7 FURNITURE. Finoccluetti, D. C. Delle In- dustrie relative alle abitazione umane. Firenze, 1869. O. 670 3 Fnrnivall, Frederick Jnmes. Chaucer's prior- ess, her chaplain and three priests, illustrated by the Survey of the abbey of St. Mary, "Win- chester. 14 May 1537. (In Essays on Cliaucer. pt 3, 1876; »i Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 16.) 821 46 — A temporary preface to tlie six-text edition of Chaucer's Canterbury tales; pt. 1, attempt- ing to show the true order of the tales, and the days and stages of the pilgrimage, etc. Lon- don, 1868. pt. 1. O. (In Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 3.) 821 46 — Trial-forewords to my Parallel-text edition of Chaucer's minor jooems; witli a try to set FURNIVALL 25C GABRIELLO Chaucer's works in their right order of time. London, 1871. pt. 1. O. facsim. (Insame.e.) 821 46 — editor. Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II. ; The life of St. Alexius; Solomon's book of wisdom; St. Jereniie's 1.5 tokens before dooms- day; The lamentation of souls. London, 1878. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 69.) 820 5 The babees book ; The bokes of nuture of Hugh Rhodes and John Russell; Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of keruynge; The booke of de- meanor; The boke of curtasye; Seager"s Schoole of vertue, &c. ; with French & Latin poems, and forewords on education in early England. London, 1868. O. j:>i. (In. tame. S2.) 820 5 The halt-title is: Manners anil meals in olden time. Chaucer as valet & squire to Edward III; King Edward II's household and wardrobe ordinances, 1323. englisht by Francis Tate in 1601, with extracts from Edward IV's house- hold book. London, 1876. O. por, (In. Life- records of Chaucer. 2; in Chancer soc. 2 ser. 14.) 821 46 The fifty earliest English wills in the court of probate, London, 1387-1439. with a priest's of 1454. London, 1883. O. (//( E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 78.) 820 5 Hymns to the Virgin & Christ, The par- liament of devils, and other religious poems. London, 1867. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 24.) 820 5 Political, religious and love poems. Lon- don, 1866. O. (In same. 15.) 820 5 Queens Elizabethes achademy, by Sir Hum|)hrey Gilbert; A booke of precedence, &c.: varying versions of The goode wife, &c.; maxims, Lydgate's Order of fools, &c.: with essays on earlv Italian and German books of courtesy bv W. M. Rossetti & E. O.swald. London, 1869. O. (Insame. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 .see the following publications of the Early English text society. ORIGINAL series; • 820 5 2. Arthur; a short sketch in verse. 1864. 12. Artam of Cobsham,. The Wright's chaste wife. 1865. 16. Hermes Trisinegistiis. Book of quinte essence. 1866. 25. Stacions of Rome. 1867. 41. r-auder, W. Minor Poems. 1871. 64. Thymic, F. Emblemes and epigrame.s. 1876. EXTRA series; 820 5.1 3. Caxtoii, W. Book of curtesye. 1868. 9. Andcley, .1. lYaternitye of vaoabondes. 1860. 10. Kdorilp, A. The fyrst boke of the Introduction, letc.l 18711. IS. Fish. S. Snpjilicacyon for bCKgers. 1871. 20, 24. 28. :!0. Kiirron, R. ''. At the end is Breve vocabulario valenciano y castellano, identical with the foUowins work. See Appendix. — Breve vocabulario valenciano-castellano. Valencia, 1827. S. 4G" 6 FUTURE LIFE. Clianning, W. E. The future life. (/)( his Work^ 1848, v. 4.) 208 2 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Entstehung des Begriffs von Strafen und Belohnungen nach dem Tode unter den Griechen. {In hisWevke, 1821-30, V. 3.) 908 2 — Les horizons celestes. 5 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 944 2.1 ,sv,> aho ESCH.VTOLOGY; ETEKXAl PCXISH.1IEXT: IM- 3I(»liTALITV. FYES, see FUNEX. De fyra signaturerna, af Onkel Adam, see AVetterbergli, K. A. Fyrsteog Page, Skuespil.see Paliidan-MulIer,F. (»., B. Lalira 'd Giandouja; poesiejiiemontesi; pul>l)licate da B. D. Torino, 1869. S. 47 p. 859 22 (jaal. Jozsef. Szirmav llona, torti'neti roraan. Pest. 1836. 2 V. S. " 894 8 (liahelenfz, Hans Tonon von der, l. (/)( Uinias, 1836-46, v. 3.) 439.9 5 Same, iritli Glossarium. 839.9 3 Uppstriims Codex argenteus ; eine Nach- schrift zii I their] Ausgabe des Ulfilas. Leipzig, IWW. s(|(,i). 20 p. 839.9 3 (Jabler, Matbias. Epistola nietrica in laudem regis Cliristierni II. (hi Langebck, J. Script, rerum Dan.. 1772-1834, v. 8.) 948 76 Gabriel, ^. Quelipies mots sur la (|Uestion d' orient. Athones[, 1853]. O. 23 p. 949 55 Gabriello, il consolatore; racconto, sec Aure, L. d.' GAD ibl G ALICIA (Jad, J(>haniies. Korperwiinne, Arbeit und Kli- ma. HambiiiK, 1887. O. 36 p. (In Vircllow * Holtzeiidorff. Voitriige. Neue Folg:e. l.)043 2 GAI)E1L», the ii-ord. Lyiifrbyc, H. V. Oni Ga- (ieild (IK de jydske Ord Gadefjassf, Gudiiide, Gadeluiii OK "(iadidainsgilde. (//(Copenhagen — K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk lidsskrift. V. 2. isoa.) !)-l8 i.a GADELAM, the word. Petersen, N. M. Et Brev til Oplysuinp; om Ordet Gadclain. (In sami'. Aimaler. v. 3, 1840-1.) 948 3 GAELIC LITERATURE, see Ossian. Gaelic society of Dublin. Transactions. Dublin, 1S08. V. 1. O. 891 7.1 Confents; 1, Advertisement.- -Rules and regulations. — O'Brien, P. Address.— M*KIliffOtt, P. Observations on the (iaelir lan^'uaffe.— MacHrody, 1'. Advice to a prince, witU F.n^'lish l.iiid Latin] translation by T. O'FlauaKan. — D*^ir(iri, an Irish tale [.with same].— Kill, Coluin. Fare- well to Aran [.with same].— ()^Killll. The blackbird of the trrove of Carna [.with same]. — The poem of Talc [.with same]. — .\dvertisement. GAKTA. Memoires sur le siege de Gaiite, 1800-1. Stockliohn, 18(51. O. 43 p. wuyjs. 945 104 Gaetani d' Aragona, Bernardo. I manoscritti membra iiarfi della l)il)lioteca della S.S. Trinita di Cava allo, Agostino. Le ^-inti giornate dell" agri- coltura ; nuovamente ristampate. Venetia, 1596. D. pi. 630 13 Gallolti, G. C. Processo dei quattro briganti dell" Aunis, Cipriano La Gala e compagni: pre- cedutodaun'introduzionestorica. Najjoli, 1864. S. 2^or. 343 18 Gallns, see Beclier, W. A. Gait, John, The life of Lord Byron. New York, 1830. S. (Harper"s fam. lib,) 928 12 Gallon, Francis. The art of travel. 3 edition, enlarged. London, 1860. il. 910 19 — editor. Vacation tovirists and notes of travel in 1860. Candjridge, 1861. O. il. maps. 910 28 Galvani, Giovanni, conte. Delle genti e delle favelle loro in Italia dai primi tempi storici siuo ad Augusto; con un" appendice de studi relativi. Firenze, 1849. O. (Iji Archivio sto- rico italiano, v. 14.) 470 1 — Sulla verita delle dottrine perticariane nel fatto storico della lingua: dubbi. Milano, 1846, O. 450 19 Gamba, Bartolouimeo, editor. CoUezione delle migliori opere scritte in dialetto veneziano. Venezia, 1817. 14 v. S. 859 49-50 Contents: 1-2. POETI ANTICTII: 1. La ffiierra de' Nicol- otti e Ciistellaiii deU'aiinol521.-Rime tolte da una raccoita intitolata La caravaiia. 2. Veniero, .M. Poesie.— Iiieeene- li, A. Poesie. 1-12. POETI MODkHXI: 1-3. Lambcrti, A. Poesie. 4. Mazzolii. (i. li. ] oavei de Nina.— I'ast«, I. Poesie. h. PastO, A. El vin friularo; — La polenta. —CHniano, (i. I (iseleti.— tavaiils. M. A. La zuca. 6. Uritti, F. Apologhi scelti. 7. Same. 11 brigliadoro.— Giovanelli, B. Sonetti.— Sala, P. Capitolo per accademia. S, Biiratti, P. Poesie. !). (ioliloiii, C. Scheizi poetici.— Gritti, C. B. Canzone, e Risposta di Goldoni. 10. Labia, A, M. Poesie satiriche. 11. Barbara, A. JI. Poesie diverse.— Zorzi, BI. A. Madrigali. — Caciai, P. L'ipocrisia.— Teozzi, P. II ciar- latauo;— I debiti.— Priuli, N. II bouquet. 12. La Monio Icta. — Jlcrati, T. Sonetti.— Pozzuboii, (J. Poesie.— Bade, G. B. Poesie. — Xovelli, P. A.Sonetto. — Salutazione a Venezia. Gambiuo of Arezzo. V'ersi, con un carme di Toinmaso Marzi: editi da Oreste Gamurrini. Bologna, 1878. D. (In Scelta di curiosita, 164,) 850 10 Gamble, J. Sylies. On the state forests and forest schools of France, Edinburgh, 1873, O. 34 p. )■/. 551.58 69 GAMBLING, see DICE. Gambs, J. H. G. OllendorfiF"s Neue Methode: Anleitung zurErlernung der niederliindischen Sprache. 3 Auttage, vermehrt von D. Schram. Frankfurt a. M., 1873. D. 439.38 1 (JAME L.VWS. Argiillol y Serra, J. de, * Ma- spoils y l.abros, F. La caza: derechos y deberes del pniprietario y del cazador; coleccion de di- sposiciones que la reglamentan, comentadas. Barcelona. 1867. D. 349 35 Gaines, Giitierre I)iez de.Cronica dePedro Niiio, conde de Buelna. ( /»i Cr«)nicas espanolas. v. 3, 1783.) 946 34 — >VoIf. A. I iC Victoria!, traduit par A. de Cir- (•(inrt et le comtede Puvmaigre. (In Jalirbiicll rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, '1867.) .S05 1 (JAMES, see SPORTS. Den gamle Rabbin, see Iiigemnnn, B, S. No- veller. GAM ON 259 GARNETT (Jainoii, Aoliille. Mt-nioives, 14i)7-loJ8. (hi Mi- dland & l'(»ii.j<)iiliit. Menioiies, 180(5, v. 8.) 944: 9 9. O. 12 p. pi. 3S» 5 (Jamnirini, Oreste, editor, set? (Kambiiio of Arezzo. Versi. 1878. (/?i Scelta di curiositii. 164.) 850 10 ., «15 16 Garelli, Viiicenzo. Antonio Rosmini. Torino, 1861. T. por. (I coutemp. Italiani.) 921 5 Gargani, Gargano. Commentario della fami- glia Forini di Firenze, con documenti ed anno- tazioni. Firenze, 1876. O. tab. 929 6 With autograph letter to Mr. Marsh from Eniilio Fo- rini. — II giardino del Soderini di Firenze, attual- mente di Emilio Forini, pressoS. Salvi; memo- ria con illustrazioni. Firenze, 1878. O. 7-1-84 [ + l]p. tab. 929 13 Edition of I OU copies, not for sale. Copy containing autograph letter to Mr. Marsh from Emilio Forini. — Sulle poesie toscane di Domenico il Burchiello nel secolo 15: studi ed osservazioni. Firenze, 1877. O. 851 33 Gargiolli, Carlo, editor, see Scelta di curiosita. 30, 89, 103, 106. 850 10 Garibaldi', Giuseppe. I mille. Torino, 1874. D. 945 31 A historical novel. — (lliaml)crs, — . Garibaldi and Italian unity. London, 1864. O. 945 38 — Marcliese, G. S. Garibaldi. 2 edizioue. To- rino, 1801. T. nor. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 39 — Ricciardi, G. Vita di Garibaldi; continuata al 9 nov. 1860. Firenze, 1860. D. 923 40 — Vecclij, A. V. La vita e le geste di Garil>aldi; jirecedute da una lettera di G. Cardncci. Bo- logna, 1883. D. p)or.facsim. 923 41 G.VRINS lo Brans. Bartscli, K. F. Garin der Braune. (/?) Jahrbuch rom u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1801.) 805 1 Garland, John. Dictionarius. (In same. v. 6, 1865 ) 805 1 T)ie garland of good-will, see Deloney, T. Ciarma y Diiran, Francisco Xavier de. Adarga catalana: arte heraldica y practicas reglas del blazon, con exemplos. Barcelona, 17.53. 2 v. O. pi. 929 18 Garnett, Richard. Philological essays: edited by his son. London, 1859. O. 404 3 For contents ste LAXGCAGE. GARJSHER 360 GA UDEAMUS Gamier of Pont Saint-3Ja,rence. La vie rle saint Tliomas le martyr, arche\eque de (Uinter- biirv: publiee et precedee d'une introduction par'C. Hippeau. Paris, 1859. D. 841 17.2 — Pey, A. La vie de saint Thomas par Garnier; publ. par Hippeau. (In JahrbiR'h nom. u eng. Lit. V. 2, 1860.) 805 1 Garrett, Edward, pseudonym o/Mayo, I. F. GARRICK, Gavid. Murphy, A. Meinoires de GarricU. {In Barrlere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 6.) 944 10 Garri^iie, Rudolph P. Bericht an die Commis- sion fiir die Begrunduug einer deutsclien Buch- handhing in den Vereinigtenytaaten. | Leip- zig, 184-.] O. 47 p. 68(! 3 Garziini, Costaiitiuo. Relazione, 1573. (In Do- ciiiiicilti di storia oltomana. 1843.) 949 54 Gascard, A., & Diipont, C. Krankenheil pres de Toelz. Paris[,1870]. O. 20 p. 615 15 Gascoigriie, George. Complete poems; now first collected and edited, with memoir and notes. [London,] 18G9-70. 2 v. sqO. pi. (In Hazlitt, AV. C. Roxburghe lib. 5.) 821 2 — Certayne notes M instruction in English verse, 1575; — The Steele glas, 1576; — The com- playntof Philomeue, 157(3: preceded by George Whetstone's A remembrance of Gascoigne. London, 1868. S. {In Arber, E. English re- prints. 11.) 820 9 — Princely pleatures, with the masque in- tended to hare been represented before Queen Elizal)eth at Kenilworth castle, 1575; with in- troductory memoir and notes, London. 1821. O. por. inserted ph 822 5 — [Select poems.] (In Soiithey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Gasc(>ig:iie, Thomas. Loci e Libro veritatum; passages from Gascoigne's Theological tliction- ary illustrating the condition of church and state, 1403-58; with introduction bv J. E. T. Rogers. Oxford, 1881. sqO. facsim. 274 3 GASCON DIALECT, see Jasmin, J. GASES. Bartoli, D. La tensione e la pres- sione, disputanti (pial di loro sostegna Targen- tovivo ne' cannelli doppo fattone il vuoto. Bologna, 1677. T. pi. 533 1 — Govi, (». Suir invenzione dell' accendi-fuoco pneuniatico. {In Rome— R.accad. del liucei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 005 3 — Tiipfer, H. Die gasformige Kiirjier und die heutige Vorstellung vom Wesen 48 41 Vol. 8 has only pt. 1. — Oni var tids inre samhilllsfdr)iallanden i syn- nerhet med afseende pa filderneslandet; tre fo- relasningar, 1844. Stockholm, 1845. O. 948 42 — Svea rikes hafder. Upsala, 1825. O. iltp. 948 42.1 Part 1; uii more published. — Svenska folkets historia [till Carl X Gustaf]. Orebro, 1832-6. 3 v. O. 948 43 — Thorild; tillika en philosophisk eller ophilo- sophisk bekiUmelse. Upsala, 1820. pt. 1. O. 839.71 49.1 —& AfzeliiiS,A. A., compilers. Alte schwedi- sche Volks-Melodien: fur das Piano-Forte be- arbeitet von P. Gronland. Copenhagen [,1818J. obO. [4 4-] 40 p. 784 2 editors. Svenska folk-visor f ran forntiden. Stockholm. 1814-16. 4 v. D. iltp. 839,712 Vol. 4, music. — continuer, see Fanl, E. M., editor. Scrip- tores rerum Svecicaruni, 1818-28, v. 2. 948 38.1 editor, see Lltteratiir-l)ladet.l838. 839.7 1 Thorild, T. Samlade skrifter. 1819-35. 839.71 49 Geiler ron Kaisersberg, Joliaun. Weltspiegel; oder Narrenscliiff von Brandt und Geiler. jioc. (/)» Sclieible, J. DasKloster, 1845-50,v. l.)837 16 Gcinoz, Francois. 'A7roXo7ia Oirlp ToC 'UpoSdrov. (In Herodotus, 'laropla, 1836, v. 3.) 888 4 In nioilein Greek. Geise, Otto. Die Reblausgefahr. Hamljiirg, ISSK. O. 24 p. pi. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Gcisenlieiuier, Leopold. Erdmagnetismusiiiul Nordlicht. Berlin, 1873. O. 28 p. il. (In some. 8 Serie ) ^ 043 1 — Ueber Wahr.sclieinlichkeitsreclmung. Berlin, 1879. O. 44 p. pi. {In same. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Der Geisterseher, see Schiller, .1. ('. F. von. Gelasius I., St., pope. Sacrainentariuni: anno- tavit Muratorius. (In MigiiC, .1. P. Patrol. Lat. v. 74.) !»22 6 Geld nnd Geist; oder. Die Versohnung, see Bitzitis, A. V. 13. GELDERLASD. Sloet, L. A. J. W., * Fijiije, H. F. Beschrijviug van den water vloed in Gelderland, in Maart 1855. Arnhem, 1856. Q. pi. maps. 551.48 34 Der Gelehrte, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 3,— Schriften, 22. Die gelehrte Gesellschaft, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 15. Gellert, Christian Fiirchtegott. Siimmtliche Fabeln nnd Erziihlungen. Neue Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1853. O. 831 29 Gelli, Giovan Battista. Lezioni petrarcliesche; per cura di Carlo Negroni: con una lettera di S. Carlo Borromeo e una di Giosue Carducci. Bologna, 1884. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 204.) 850 10 GELLI, .see GHILAN, Persia. Gellius, Anliis. Noctium Atticarum libri 20; quos perpetuis notis & emendationibus illustra- verunt Johannes Fredericus et Jacobus Grono- vius: accedunt varia conimentaria. Lugduni Batavorum, 1706. sqQ. iltp. 878 30 — Noctium Atticarum libri 20: ex recensione Martini Hertz. Lipsiae, 1871-2. 2 v. D. 878 31 Gelmetti, Luigi. La lingua parlata di Firenze e la lingua letteraria d' Italia. Milauo, 1874. 2 V. D. 450 4 La gelosia, see Grazzini, A. F. Conimedie. La gelosia di Lindoro, commedia, see Goldoui, C. V. 6. Le gelosie della Crezle, commedia, see Zanuo- ni, 6. B. II geloso avaro, commedia, see Goldoui, C V. 20. GKLTfXG. Jensen, H. N. A. Geschichte des Kirchspiels Gelting. (In Sclileswig... Gesell- schaft. Archiv. v. 3, 1837.) 943 42 Der Geltstag ; oder, Die Wirthschaf t nach der neuen Mode, see Bitziiis, A. v. i8. Die Geniiilde, Novelle, see Tieck, J. L. Schrif- ten, V. 17. Genielli, Giovanni. NapoU e Austria; cenno storico-politico. Firenze, 1859. D. 945 103 Geniniellaro, Carlo. Breve ragguaglio delle eruzione dell' Etna del 21 agosto 1852. Catania, 18.52. Q. pi. 551.21 10 hound triih 13 — Breve relazione della piccola eruzione deU' Etna in luglio 1863. Catania, 1863. sqQ. 12 p. 551.21 10 bound with 13 Genimellaro, Giorgio G.Sugli strati con aspido- ceras acanthicum o|)p. sp. di Sicilia e sui loro cefal()pZ. 910 3 Vol. 1-3: rhysikalische Erdbeschreibunfr. — Bevan, W. L. The student's manual of mod- ern geography. London, 1869. D. il.jjl. 910 5 — Boccardo, (i. La terra e la sua progressiva conquista; storia della geografia e del commer- cio. Torino, 186G. O. 380 3 — Biigckamp, H., compiler. Geographische Cliarakteristiken. Mainz, 1856. O. 561 1 — Egli, J. J. Neue Erdkunde. St. Gallen,1873. O. 910 7 — Higden, R. Polychronicon; with English translations; edited by C. Balnngton [,v. 3-9 by J. R. Lumby]. London, 1865-86. 9 v. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 41.; 942 8 The volume is chiefly geofjraphical. — islenzka b6kmentafelag. Almenn landaski- punarfi-ajdi. Kaupmannahafn, 1821-7. 3 v. D. max>s. 839.68 15 — Kloden, G. A. von. Handbuch der Erdkunde. Berlin, 1859-63. 3 v. O. il. 910 9 — Kwppen, A. L. The vrorld in the middle ages, an historical geography. New York, 18.54. F. maps. ' 911 6 — Kriegk, G. L. Scln-iften zur allgemeinen Erdkunde. Leipzig, 1840. O. 910 10 — Mackay, A. Manual of modern geography. Edinburgh, 1861. D. 910 11 — Mehren, A. F. M. Fremstilling af de islami- tiske Folks almindelige geographiske Kundska- ber, med sa^rligt Hensyn til de nordlige og syd- lige Kystlande af den dem bekjendte Jordens Halvkugle. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 17, 1857.) 948 2 — — Resume du memoire sur les connaissances geographiques des peuples islamites. (In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 ^Mela, P. De situ orbis libri tres. Londini, 1819. T. 878 10 — Negri, C. Discorso letto 10 nov. 1874 nel Circolo filologico di Firenze. Roma, 1874. Q. 32 p. 910 53 — Rechis, J. J. E. Nouvelle geographie uni- verselle; la terreet les hommes. Paris, 1876- 91. V. 1-15, 17. Q. il. 1)1. maps. 910 13 See Supplement. — Recllis, 0. Geographie; la terre a vol d'oiseau. 3 edition. Paris, 1877. 3 v. D. il. 910 14 — Reviie de I'orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1843.58. v. 1-35. O. pi. facsim. 950 2 — Reybaud, M. R. L. Coup d'osil sur la science geographique. (/« 7u!s Marines. 1854.) 910 66 — Ritter, K. Einleitung zur allgeimenen ver- gleichenden Geographie, und Abhandlungeu zur Begriindung einer mehr wissenschaftlichen Behandlung der Erdkunde. Berlin, 1853. O. 910 15 bound with 7 Die Erdkunde im Verhiiltniss zur Natur und zur Geschiclite der Menschen; oder, Allge- meme vergleichende Geographie. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1822-59. 19 v. in 20. O. 915 1 Contents: 1. Afrika. 2-19. Asie. — Silverstolpe, G. A. Allman geographie. 2 upplagan. Stockholm, 1806. D. 910 15.1 GEO GRAPIIY ■?.m GEOLOGY Strabo. Geographica; lecognovit A. Meineke. Lipsia-, 1S52-3. 3 v. D. J)10 16 Erdbeschreibuug [; with] Anmerkuugen; verdeutscht von C. G. Gioskurd. Berlin, 1831- 3. 3 Y. O. pi. 910 17 — Strafforello, (i. La terra e 1' uomo, seconda 1' opera di F. di Hellwald. Torino, 1878-80. 2 v. O. il. pi. tab. aol 20 L'linivers: liistoire et description de tons les peoples. Paris, 1835-62. 68 v. O. il. por. pi. facsim. maps. "10 18 For contents see Astor catalogue, continuation. Venezia e il Congresso geografico, 1881; gi- ornale numero unico a beneficio della spedi- zione Bove. Venezia, 1881. F.-* 16 p. jjZ. 910 54 hound with 399 4 — Tries, S. de. Curieuse aenmerkingen der by- sonderste Oost- en West-Indisclie dingen, ue- vens die van andere gewesten. Utrecht, 1082. 4 V. sqO. J7?. maps, iltp. 910 62 — Werlauff, E. C, editor. Symbolas ad geo- graphiam niedii a?vi ex monumentis Islan- dicis... Hauniaj, 1831. sqO. [1-I-J62 p. /ae- si7n. S3 J. 68 X^o See (dso DISCOVERIES; JUPS; MEDITERRANEAN SEA; VOYAGES & TRAVELS. — ASCIEST. Bevaii, W. L. The student's man- ual of ancient geography; edited by W. Smith. New edition. London, 1867. D. 911 1 -_ Kiepert, H. Atlante antico. 5 edizione. Berlino, 1869. F.' I'i maps. 9111.1 Siiiitli, W. Dictionary of Greek and Ro- man geography. London, 1854-7. 2 v. O. il. See also AFRICA— CENTnAl; CARTHAGE; GREECE; LECCADIA; MEDITERRANEAJi SEA; PILLARS OF HERCU- LES; R0.1IE. —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Castellaiii, C. Catalogo ragionato delle piii rare o piu importanti opere geografiche a stampa nella biblioteca del Col- legio romano. Roma, 1876. O. 016 24 Rome— Soeieta geograflca italiana. Studj bibliografici e biografici sidla storia della geo- grafla in Italia. Roma, 1875. Q. maps. 010 25 Contents: Santo Filippo, P. A. di. Biografia dei viaggi- atori italiaui. e bibliografla delle loro opere.— Uzielli, G. Mappamondi, carte nautiche e portolani del medioevo.— NarduiTi, Y,. Opere geografiche nelle biblioteche governa- tive dell' Italia. —DICTIONARIES. Deschainps, V. C. E. Dic- tionnaire de geographie ancienne et moderne, a I'usage du libraire; par un bibliophile. Paris, 1870. O. Oil 2 Hoflmann, W. Encyklopadie der Erd-, Volker- nnd Staatenkunde. Leipzig, 1864-6. 2v. Q. 910 21 Murray, H. The encvclopa'dia of geogra- phy; revised by T. G. " Bradford. Philadel- pliia, 1837. 3 V. Q. il. 910 12 Ritter, K, Geographisch-statistisches Le- xikon. 6 Autiage, von O. Henne-AniRhyn. Leipzig, 1874. 2 v. Q. 910" 22 Thomas, J., & Baldwin, T. A complete pronouncing gazetteer, or geographical dic- tionary, of the world. Philadelphia, 1855. Q. 910 23 — MATHl'^MAriCAIj. Haiiii, J. Astronomische Geograpliie. {In his Allgenieine Erdkunde. 1872.) 502 3 Stelnliauser, A. Grundziige der maUiema- tischen Geographie und der Landkartenprojec- tiou. Wien, 1857. Q. il. pi. 525 3 bound with 504 2 —PERIODICALS. All round the world: an illustrated record of voyages, travels and ad- ventures; edited by W. F. Ainsworth. [1860-1.] London [, 1861] . v. 1-2 in 1 v. sqQ. il. p)l. 910 55 — ■• — L'auiiee geographique. 1862-78. Paris, 1863-80. 17 v. in 16. D. 910 46 jliiunaire des voyages et de la geographie pour 1847; sous la direction de F. Lacroix. Paris, 1847. v. 4. S. 910 47 Bergliaus, H. K. W. Physikalischer Atlas: Geographisches Jahrbuch. Gotha, 1850-1. 4 v. sqQ. mapjs. 910 42 Cosmos; communicazioni sui progressi della geografia e delle scienze affini, diG. Cora. Torino, 1873-88. v. 1-9. Q. maps. 910 48 — — — Supplemento. Torino, 1884-8. Q. map. 910 48 The geographical magazine; edited by C. R. Markham. London, 1874-8. v. 1-5. Q. viaps. 910 40 Cleograpliisches Jahrbuch, 1874; herausge- geben von E. Behm. Gotha, 1874. v. 5. D. 910 41 Magazin for Reiseiagttagelser; udgivet af R. Nverup. Kj0benhavn, 1830-5. v. 1-4 D. 910 45 Mittlieilimgeii aus Justus Perthes" geo- graphischer Anstalt iiber neue Erforschungen auf deni Gesammtgebiete der Geographie. [Monthly.] Gotha, 1855-89. v. 1-35. sqQ. il. pi. maps. 910 43 — —Same: Ergiinzungsband. Gotha, 1860-89. V. 1-20. sqQ. i)l. maps. 910 44 ■Same: Inhaltsverzeichniss, 1855-74. Gotha, 1805-' sqQ. 910 43 Ocean highways; edited by C. R. Mark- ham. Loudon, 1873-4. n. s. v. 1. O. maps. 910 39.1 —SOCIETIES. American geograpliical society. Journal. New York, 1879-81. v. 11-13. O. maps. 910 49 London — Royal aeocrapliical society. Journal. London, 1879. V. 49. O. maps. 810 50 Proceedings, and monthly record of ge- ography. London, 1880. n. s. v. 2. O. maps. ■ " 910 51 Rome— Soeieta geograflca italiana. Bol- lettino. Firenze, 1868-70. v. 1-5. O. pi. maps. 910 53 GEOLOGY. Anderson, H. J. Geological recon- naissance of part of the Holy Land. (In Lynch, W. F. Official report of U. S. expedition to Dead Sea. 18.53.) 915.6 30 — Bennigsen-Fiirdei', R. von. Das nordeuro- jHUsche und besonders das vaterlilndische Schwemndand. Berlin, 1863. sqF. 4 + 56 p. 554.3 4 bound with 551.31 7 — Bereudt, G. Geognostische Blicke in Alt- Preussens Ur/.eit. Berlin, 1871. O. 33 p. {In Vircliow 04.1 1 — Bcrgliaiis, H. K. W. Cieologie. {hi his Phys. Atlas, 18-(5-8, v. 1.) JO^ i GEOL O G Y 367 GEOLOGY — Bucklaud, W. Geology and luineialogy con- sidered with reference to natural tlieology. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. O. pi. 213 3 — BiiriiK^istor, H. Gescliichte der Schojilung. 6 Aiitluge. Leipzig, 1856. O. it. por. 551 1.1 — Ciipellini, (li. Ariano e dintorni; cenni geolo- gic! sulla valle dell' Ufita, del Galore e del Cervardo. Bologna, 1869. F. 33 p. pi. 554.5 6 buund with 551.31 7 ^ — Compendio di geologia. Bologna, 1870. pt. 1. O. 2^1- 551 ^ _ — Congresso geologico internazionale, 3 ses- sione, Bologna, 1881 : Relazione a Ministro di agricoltura. Roma, 1881. O. 56 p. 550 2 — — Ricordi di un viaggio scientifico nell' Ame- rica settentrionale nel 1863. Bologna, 1867. O. it. 2)1. map. !)17.3 5 — Cocclli, I. Sulla geologia delF Italia centrale. Firenze, 1864. O. 99 p. pZ. 554.5 3 ^Cottii, B. von. Deutschlands Boden : sein geologischer Bau and dessen Einwirkung auf das Leben der Menschen. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. 3v. inl.O. it. jil. 554.3 1 _ — Die Geologic der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1866. O. it. 551 3 Dawson, J. W. The story of the earth and man. Loiidon, 1873. D. il. pi. 561 16 — Diller, J. S. The geology of Assos.— Notes upon the geology of the Troad. il. ma2y. {In Archseol. iiist. of Amer. Papers. Clas. ser. 1. 1883.) _ 913 38 — Figari bey, Etudes geographiques et geolo- giques de 1' Egypte, de la peninsule de I'Arabie Petree, et de la Palestine. Paris, 1864. 6 maj^s. obF.9 912 54 In portfulio 3. — Forcllliammer, J. G. Dan marks geognostiske Forhold, forsaavidt som de ere afhasngige af Dannelser, der ere sluttede. Kjabenhavn, [1835]. sqO. 554.8 1 — Fraas, 0. Aus dem Orient; geologische Beo- bachtungen am Nil, auf der Sinai-Halbinsel und in Syrien. Stuttgart, 1867. O. pi. 555 1 — (Jastaldi, B. Frammenti di geologia del Pie- monte: Sugli elementi che compongono i con- glomerati mioceni. Torino, 1861. sqF. 50 p. il. 552 3 & Baretti, M. Sue rilevamenti geologici in grande scala fatti nelle Alpi piemontesi nel 1875, 1877. jj/. map. {In Rome— R. accad. dei IJncei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt 3; 3 ser. s-ci. fis. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 3.) 0C5 3-4 (Jatta, L. L' Italia; sua formazione, suoi vul- cani e terremoti. Milano, 1882. O. it. 2^1. maps. 551.21 7 ^Giordano, F. Sul sistema usato pel rileva- mento della carte geologica d' Italia. {In Rome — R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Goriiii, P. II plutonismo attacato da una commissione accademica, e difeso da Gorini. Lodi, 1853. O. 552 1 — Giitlie, J. W. von. {In his Werke, 1827-43, V. 51, 60.) 832 1 — Haun, J. Astronomische Geographic. {In his AUgemeine Erdkunde. 1872.) 502 3 — Hartini^, G. Die skandinavische Halbinsel, eine geologische Skizze. Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. {In Virchovv s. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fls. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Riimsay, A. C. The physical geology and ge- ography of Great Britain. London, 1863. D. il. 554.2 1 — Rotli, J. S. A. Die geologische Bildung der norddeutschen Ebene. " Berlin, 1870. O 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortr'age. 5 Serie.) 043 1 —St, Gothard tunnel. Geologische Tabellen und Durchschnitte uber den Gotthardtunnel. Bern, 1876-81. pt. 1-8. F.^ p/. 622 9 GEOLOGY 268 GERBERT — Sars, M. Geologiske og zoologiske lagttagel- ser i Trondhjems Stift, 1862. Christiania, 1863. O. [1 + J 88 p. 554.8 5 — Sc)iuuiaiin, J. Geologische Wanderimgen durch Altpreussen; gesamraelte Aufsatze, niit eiiier Lebeusekizze. Konigsberg, 1869. O. 554.3 2 bound imth oft\.hi 114 — Spratt, T. A. 15. On the geology of Malta and Gozo. [Malta,] 1852. O. 24 p. pi. map. 554.5 4 — Staring', W. C. H. De boden van Nedeiland. Haarlem, 1856-60. 3 v. O. pi. maps. 554.9 1 — — Het voorkomen van diluviale gronden op Java. Aiu-sterdain, 1864. O. 11 p. 559 3 .— — Voormaals en thans: opstellen over Neer- lands grondsgesteldheid. Haarlem, 18.58. O. maps. 554.9 3 — Stoppani, A. II bel paese; bellezze naturali, geologia e geografia fisica d' Italia. Milano, 1876. O. 554.5 1 — — Corso di geologia. Milano. 1871. 3 v. O. 551 10 Contents: 1. Dinamica terrestre. 2. Geologia strati- grafica. 3. Geologia endograflea. — — & others. Geologia d' Italia. Milano, [1879-] 83. 3 V. in 1. Q. il. pi. maps. (In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 2 Contents; 1. Negri, G. Descrizione dei terreni. 2. Stop- pani, A. L'era neozoiea. 3. Merctilii, O.Vulcani e fenome- ni vulranici- A glacier map in 2 leaves belonging to v. 2 is bound •with L'ltalia: Carte diversi. — Taraiiielli, T. Catalogo ragionato delle rocce del Friuli, menioria. p/. (In Rome— R. accad. dei Ilncei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. 1, 1876-7. pt. 1.) 065 4 — Tliomassy, M. J. K. Geologie pratique de la Louisiane. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1860. sqQ. jj?. .557 1 — Veiieiiia, G. A. Over het dalen van de noor- delijke kuststreken van ons land. Groningen, 1834. O. [8-I-] 79 p. pi. 627 44 —\ogt, C. Grundriss der Geologie. Braun- schweig, 1860. D. il. tab. 551 11 See (Uso AIL^CUE; BASALT; BOHMEKWALD; CAVES; CHALK; (OAL; COASTS; DAXUBE; EAHTIKJCAKES; EMERT. EROSION: OEMS; OL.ACIERS; GRAMTE; (IRAPHITE; ICE A«E; ICEBERGS: LAKES: LAZIO; LOMBARDY; MINERAL WATERS; MOCNTAIXS; Ol'EAN; PEAT; PEPERIXO; PE- TROLEIM; PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY; PISA; PRECIODS METALS; SAM); SANDSTONE; SE.ASONS; SERPENTINE. SOIL; SURTUUBRAND; TARENTO; TERTIARY PERIOD! VALLEYS. GEOMETRY. Caporali, E. Sopra i piani ed i punti singolari della superficie di Kuninier. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liucei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 3.) 065 4 — Chiz/oni, F. Sulle superficie e suUe linee che si otteiigono come Uiogo o come inviluppo delle rette congiuiigenti i ])unti corri.'spontlenti di due curve omogratiche i)iane, niemoria di ge- ometria jmra. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1878-0.) 065 4 — Cremona, L. Sulla corrispondenza fra la teciria dei sistcmi di rette e la tcoria delle su- perlicie. (In. same. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 066 3 — Ilelmholt/, H. L. F.Ueber den Ursprungund die Bedeutung der geometrischen Axiome. (In his VortrUge, 1884, v. 3.) 504 5 —Lucas, E. Sur un i)riMcipe fondamental de geometrie et de trigonometrie. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1877- 8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Ovidio, E. d'. Le funzioni metriche fonda- mentali negli spazidi [n] dimensioni e dicurva- tura costante. (In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Paolis, R. de. Sui fondameuti della geome- tria projettiva. (In sa)ne. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Veronese, (j. Sopra alcune notevoh configu- razioni di punti, rette e piani di coniche e su- perticie di 3o grado e di altre curve e superficie. (7m .laine. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 .s« Thorner Re.sidenten am War- schauer Hofe, S. L. v. Geret.von Leopold Prowe. Berlin, 1870. O. 943 61 Gerhard, Johann. Soings discurs dad un' oliria fidevla, cun Ueus a cun saseza, par sa niuentar si tier iinna vera tenuua da Deus: ussa mess giu en rima riimonscha tras Johann Moeli ad ussa tras Barnabas Moeli. Squitschau en Ba- naduz, 1789. uar. S. 245 5 Bound in stamped calf, with brass ornamentation. Gerlach, L. Illustrirtes Wdrterbuch lier niit- telalterliclien Kirchenbaukunst. Stuttgart, 1871. O. //. 726 6 Gerland, E. Die Dampfmaschine im 18 Jalir- hundert in Deutschland. Hamlnirg, 1887. O. 44 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. VortriiKe. NeueFolge. 2.) 043 2 — Der leere Raum, die Constitution der Korper und der Aether. Berlin, 1883. O. 40 p. (In same 18 Serie.) 043 1 —Das Thermometer. Berlin, 1885. O. 48 p. (/)( aaitiv. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Geriaiid, Georg Karl Cornelius, tjber das Aus- sterben der Naturvoiker. Leipzig, 1868. O. 572 7 GERMAN, St., bishop of Auxerre. Newman, J. H., i& others. (In their Lives of the Eng- lish saints, 1844-5, v. 6.) 922 8 GERM AN, ?/ie?('ord. Watterich,— . Derdeufcsche Name Gernianen; und die ethnographisrhe Frage vom linken Rheinufer; eine historische Untersuchung. Paderboru, 1870. O. maji. 943 2 GERMAN DIALECTS. Altdeutsche Neujahrs" blastter filr 1874; mittel- und niederdeutsche Dialektproben herausgegeben von A. Birling- er uud W. Crecelius. Wiesbaden, 1874. sqQ. 6 [4-74] p. 839.1 6 —Ellis, A. J. German dialectical changes. (In his On early English pronunciation, 1869-89, v. 4; in E. E. text soc. E.xtra ser. 23.) 820 5.1 — Firmeiiich-Richartz, J. 3L, editor. Germa- niens Volkerstimmen: Sainralung der deut- schen Miindarten in Dichtungen, Sagen, Mahrchen, Volksliedern ii. s. w. Berlin. 1846- 54. 3v. Q. 839.1 1 — Gieline, F. Deutsche Mundarten: Anthologie aus den Gebieten muudartlicher Dichtung. Wien,1873. D. 839.1 2 —Munich— K. baier. Akad. der W\ss.—Hist. Commis. Die Chrouiken der deutschen Stadte, 14-16 Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1862-89. v. 1-21. O. facsim. maps. 943 24 —HIGH GERMAN. Sef AI;EM.\XMC; AUSTKI.4X; BAViRUX: BERXESE; CARIXTHIAX: OIMBRIAX; (iOTTSCHEE; PEXXSYLVAMA OEUMAX: PIEltMOXT; STUASSBUUG: SWISS; TIEWESE (Utio Avt'iitimis, J. Chronica: Bruiischwj-ark, H. Liberde arte distillandi. 1500 (Strmsburg) ; Dietz, ('. Annales. 1631 (Axigsljurgw Fiiclis, L. Den nieuwen Herbarius. I.MS (Basfly, Gobius, J. Himelstrass. 1510 (Augsburg); llierouy. miis, St. Das ist sant Pauls leben. 1498 (Strassburg); llltfclt, E.Falkenbuch. (135U? Vimnaf): KHraJaii, T. (J. vim. Kaiser Jlaximilian-s I. .Tacdbuch. etc. (l.TOHy Vhnnit!'); KliiiBeiilii'r!.', .1. v«ii. ('hr<>nili,-U60 ; Kaiinolfl', !■. Aigent- lielie beschreibuiiK. l-Wl iAugxhurg) : UcKiiiii'ii sanitatis. 14K2 (Aiigeburg) ; UUNKELSTEIN. ii'M iBoieiO ; Sohilt- lierger, .1. Reisen, 1391-1437 LUnnir/i) ; Sluniiifl; .J. Schwy- tzer Chriiniea. 1554; Taulcr, J. Sermones. 1608 {Avgsburg); Tsclmchllan, B. Berner-Chronilt, 1431-66; Voii den siben slafaeren, 13.Jahrh.; Welser, M. Chronica der Statt Augs- purg. —LOW GERMAN. Berghans, H. G.Der Sijrach- schatz der Sassen : Worterbucli der plattdeut- schen Sprache. Brandenburg, 1880-3. 3 v. Q. 439.43 1 A— Paddeln. — — Bruns, P. J. Romantir.che und andere Gedichte in altplattdeutscher Spraciie. Berlin, 1798. D. 839.4 2 Dauuehl, C. W. (i. Ueber niederdeutsche Sprache und Literatur. Berlin, 1876. O. 64 p. (In Tirchow & Holtzeiidorll'. V^ortrilge. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — — Eichwald, K., compiler. Niederdeutsche Sprichworter und Redensarten; niit Glossar. 4 Ausgabe. Bremen, 1870. D. 398 39 Frehse, F. Worterbucli zu Fritz Reuter's silnimtlichen Werken. Wismar, 1867. D. [4-I-] 94 p. 839.4 12 Hamliurg — Vereiu fiir niederdeutsche Spraclitorscliung. Jahrbucb. 1875. Bremen, 1876. O. 439.1 1 Heyne, M., editor. Kleinere altnieder- deutsche Denkmaler: niit Glossar. Paderliorn, 1867. O. 839.1 7 bound with 838 7 — — Kosegarten, J. G. L. Worterbuch der niederdeutschen Spraciie iilterer und neuerer Zeit. Greifswald, 18.56-60. v. 1, pt. 1-3. sqQ. 439.1 2 A— angetoget. No more published. — — -Marahens, A. Graminatik der plattdeut- schen Sprache. Altona, 1858. D. 439.45 1 — — Schiller, K., & Lubbeii, A. Mittelnieder- deutsches Worterbuch. Br> men, 187.J-81. 6 v. O. 439.1 3 Vol. 6 is Naehtrag. — ■ — Socin, A. Der Kampf des nieuerdeutschen Dialektes gegen die hochdeut.sche Schrift- sprache. Hamburg. 1887. O. 42 p. (In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 See also ALTJIARK; BREJIE.X. PRrSSIA.V; Bonieniaiiii, W.; Cuba, 3. Garde der suntheyt. 1530 (Lulitck) ; Dier- inissen, .1.; Ditiiiiirsoli. Van der Lehre des Godtlichen wordes. {iSlh ajifury) ; Kike von Btpgnf. Das Zeitbuch. (ISIIi century); Orodi, K. ; Harff, A. von. Pilfferfahrt, 1496-9. (Cologne); Hingbers, H. K. vaiii : Jiilland. Valde- mar den andens jydske Lot. (1593); Kantzovv, T. Chronik von Pommern: Koster, J. A. Chronik des Landes Dit- marschen ; L!ipi)eiiberg, J. JI., editor. Hambursische Chroniken in niedersiichsischer Sprache; Lyra, F. W. ; Slichelsen, A. L. .T., editor. Urkundenbuoh des Ditmar- schen; Petersen, X. M. :Reuter, F. ; Saokiiiauii, J.: Seeliucb. (iW/j centnnj) ; Stendal. Urtheilsbuch, 14 .Jahrhundert; Vopflius, (i.: Westpbalen, E. J. von. Mouumenta: Woort. It. —MIDDLE GERMAN. .%»i BAVAKIAX; HEXXEBERfi: SAXOX; W'ESTEKWALD; fj/sn Blriritta, .S^.Das puch. 1.502 (Xiiremberg); .lohamies. Die Limburger Chronik; Pfolfprandt, H. von. Buch der Bundth-Ertznei. I4!r0 (Thuringia); Seydlitz, M. von. Wall- GERMAN DIALECTS 270 GERMAN LANG UA GE fart nach dem heiligen Lande. (SUeAa): Tliuriii!,'isolie C'hronik: Tiirckei: Chronica. 1436 (Thuriiigut); Zorii, F. Wormser Chroiiik. (JEBMAN {early) LANGUAGE. Bartscli, K. F. Worterbuch. (In ^Mbeliiiigenlied. Der Nibe- lunge Not, 1870-80, v. 3-'.) 831 66 — Bechstein, R. Die Ausspi-achedesMittelhoch- deutschen. Halle, 1808. D. 437 20 — Beuecke, (t. F. Worterbuch zu Hartmaniies Iwein. Gottingen, 1833. D. 831 40 — Diefeiibacli, L. Novum glossarium Latino- Germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis: Bei- trage zur wisseuschaftlichen Kuude der neula- teinischen und der germauischen Sprachen. Frankfurt a. M., 1867. O. 479 1 — Diezj F. Die Casseler Glossen. (/)( his Alt- roiiiauische Glossare. 1865.) 479 9 — Glossaria antiqua Latino-Tlieotisca. (In Xyenip, R, SyniboLt. 1787.) 839.63 1 — Graft', E. (J. Althochdeutscher Sprachscliatz. Berlin, 1834-42. 6 v. sqy. 437 16 Same: Vollstiiudigtr Index, von H. F. Massmann. Berlin, 1846. sqQ. 437 17 editor. Diutiska ; Denkm'aler deutscher Sprache und Literatur, aus alten Handschrif- ten. Stuttgart, 1826-9. 3 v. O. 830 5 ^Kelireiii, J. Sammlung alt- und mitteldeut- scher Wdrter aus lateinisohen Urkunden. Nordhausen, 1863. O. 8-f71 p. 437 18 —Lexer, M. Mittelhochdeutsches Handvvcirter- buch: zugleich als Supplement und alphabeti- scher Index zum Mittlehochdeutschen Worter- buche von Benecke-Miiller-Zarncke. Leipzig, 1872-8. 3 V. O. 4.37 22 — —Mittelhochdeutsches Taschen worterbuch , mit grammatischer Einleitung. Leipzig, 1879. D. 437 23 — Martin, E. Grammatik und Glossar zu Der Nibehinge Not. Berlin, 186.i. O. 3.5 p. 831 68 Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik, nebst Worterbuch zu Der Nibelunge Not, und zu den Gedichten Walthers von der Vogelweide. 5 Auflage. Berlin, 1872. O. 98 p. 437 24 — Miiller, W. Mittelhochdeutsches Worterbuch. Leipzig, 1854-66. 3 v. in 4. Q. 437 21 — Raiimer, R. Ton. Die Einwirkung des Clui- tenthums auf die althochdeutsche Sprache. Stuttgart. 1845. O. 437 13 — Scliade, 0. Altdeutsches Worterbuch. 3 Auf- lage. Halle a S., 1872-82. 1 v. in 2. O. 437 19 — Schilter, J. Glossarium. jil- (In his Thesau- rus, 1727-8, V. 3.) 830 9 — Sclinieller, J. A. Glossarium Saxonicum e poemate Heliand, cum vocabnlario Latino- Saxonico et svnopsi grammatica. Monachii, 1840. sqQ. fdcsim. (In Heliand, v. 2.) 831 44 ^Tatianiis. flarmonia; evangelica? anticpiissi- ma versio Theotiwa, &c.; J. P. Palthenius edidit. Gryphiswaldiw, 1706. s(jO. L>2«! 1 — AVillenis, ,1. P. Elnonensia: Monuments de la langue tudesque du 9e siecle; avet^ introduc- tion ei remarques. 2 edition. Gand, 1845. Q. 67 p. fucsim. 437 15 See alio OKllMAX DIAIyECTS; GERMAN (early) LITERA- TURE; SALIC LAW. GERMAN LANGUAGE. Bresemanii, F.Deutsch- schwedischer Parleur. Lund, 1845. D. 439.78 1 Tydsk Sproglosre. Kjabenhavn, 1846. S. 438 7 — Grinun, J. L. K. Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1853. 3 v. O. 430 1 Wortverzeichnis zu Grimm's Deutsclier Grammatik und Geschichte der deutschen Sprache; von F. X. Wober. Wien, 1860. sqO. 43.5 5 Kleinere Schriften. Berlin, 1863-90. 8 v. O. facsim. 408 3 — Liiwe, H. Deutsch-englische Phraseologie, nebst einem Systematical vocabulary. Berlin, 1877. O. 435 13 — Ostliofl", H. Schriftsprache und Volksmund- art. Berlin. 1883. O. 40 p. (/?J Vircliow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 SV, „lM PKKJIITATIOX' OF (OXSO.NAKTS. —ACCENT. Huss, H. C. 0. Lehre vom Accent der deutschen Sprache. Altenburg, 1877. O. 8-1-72 p. 431 7 —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hermann, C. H. Biblio- theca Germanica: Verzeii-hniss der, 1830-75. in Deutschland erschienenen Schriften liber alt- deutsche Sprache und Literatur, nebst ver- wandten Fachern. Halle, 1877. pt. 1. O. 016 \7 bound iciih 19 —DICTIONARIES. Alexi, T. Dictionarii por- tativU germano-romanu. Bucuresci, 1866. sqS. 459 3 Aplielen, H. von. Kongelig dansk Ord- Bog. Kiobenhavn, 1764. 3 v. sqQ. 839.83 1 Barciaiin, S. P. Vocabulariu romanu- nemtiescu. Sibiiu, 1868. O. 459 4 — — Diefenbacli, L., & Wiilclicr, E. Hoch-und nieder-deutsches Worterbuch der mittleren und neueren Zeit; zur Ergiinzung der vorhan- denen Worterbiicher, insbesondere des der Briider Grimm. Frankfurt a. M. [,1874-] 85. Q. 433 1 — — Grieb, C. F. English-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Wilrterbuch. 6 Ausgabe. Stuttgart, 1863. v. 1. Q. 433 12 Contents: 1. En^lisch-deutsch. — — ■Grimm, J. L. K., V. von: Lessing, (i. E.; Liclitenberg, 0. ('. ; Mat- thissoii. F. von; Kichter, J. P. F.; Scluller, J. t'. F. von; ScliMiidt-Pliiseldek, ('. F. von. —PERIODICALS. Se-e Westerniann's .lahrbuch der illustrirten deutschen Monatshefte —POETRY. Arninu L. A. von, & Breutano, C, editiirs. Des Knalien Wunderhorn; alte deutsche Lieder. Charlottenburg, 1845-6. 3 v. O. iltp. 831 1 _ ^Beyer, C. Geist und Inhalt der deutschen poetisiben Literatur. (In Ilinriclisen, .V. Das literarische Deutschland. 1887.) 928 4.1 _. — Brooks, C. T., translator. German lyrics. Boston, 18.53. D. ' 831 2 ("aiiyle, T. Taylor's Historic survev of German iJoetry. (In liis Essays, 1860, v. 2.) 824 8 — — Die/, F. ('. Monuments litteraires du vieu.xhaiit allemand. Angiers, 1868. O. 64 p. 831 47 ^ — FlUg:el, J. G., translator. Flowers of German poeti'y [Gerinim and English]. Leip- zig, 1835. D. 831 3 — — Fi'iHtev, A., editor. Blumenlese koniischer deutsciier Dichtungen, mit Biographien. New- York [, c 18.57]. O. 837 18 (irinini, J. L. K. Kleinere Schriften, Berlin, 1864-90. 8 v. O. facsim. 408 3 GERMAN LITERATURE 273 GERMANY— ANTIQ UITIES Uarfenkliin^e; Polens Erinnnerungen und seinen Heimathlosen Reweiht. Darmstadt, 1833. D. [4+] 44 p. nmsic. 831 1 Hub, I., editor. Deutschland's Balladen- und Roman/.eii-Dicliter, von G. A. Burppr bis auf dieneuesteZeit; nebst Biographieen. Kavls- rube, 1846. sqO. 831 8 Lachtiiiuiii, K. K. F. W., & Haupt, M., editors. Des Miunesaiigs Friihling. Leipzig, 1857. O. 831 9 Laiiibel, H., editor. Erziihlungen und Schvviinke. Leipzig, 1873. D. {In PfeiflVr, F. Deutsclie Classiker. 13.) 831 15 Lipperlieule, F., editor. Lieder zu '^'chutz und Tiutz; Galjen deutsclier Dicbter aus der Zeit des Kriege.s, 1870. Berlin [,1870-1]. 4 v. in 1. O. fucsiiii. dtp. 831 10 Longfellow, H. \V. German language and poetry. {In his Poets and poetry of Europe. 1845 ) 808 1.1 Marbaclij G. 0., editor. Alte und neue Lieder in Leid und Lust. Leipzig, 1838. D. 94[+lJp. il. (/n Volksbiicher. 3.) 833 33 _ — Deutsclie Lieder zu Schutz und Trutz. Leipzig, n. d. D. il. (In same. 19-30.) 833 33 Mittlei-; F. L., editor. Deutsche Volks- lieder. 3 vermehrte Ausgabe. Frankfurt a. M., 18(55. O. 831 13 _ — Nyenip, R., editor. Symbolse ad literatu- ram Teutonicam antiquiorem. Havnia-, 1787. sqO. 83}».63 1 — —0., W., compiler. Deutsche Hausspriiche aus Tirol. Innsbruck, 1871. T. 40 p. 398 38 — — Sclnvab, G. B,, editor. Fiinf Bilcher deutsclier Lieder und Gedichte, von A. von HalliT bis auf die neueste Zeit. 3 vermehrte Autiage. Leipzig, 1840. D. 831 16 — — Uliland, J. L., editor. Alte hoch-und nie- derdfutsche Volkslieder. Stuttgart, 1844-5. 1 V. in 3. O. 831 17 AVackernagel, K, II. W. Proben der deut- schen Poesie, seit dem Jalire 15U0. Basel. 1836. O. ■ 831 18 — — Wel)er, H. W., ifc Jainieson, R. Illustra- tions of northern antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian romances. Edin- burgh. 1814. sqF. 831 33 Weielimaiiii, C. F., editor. Poesie der Nieder-Sachsen. Hamburg, 1735-38. 6 v. D. pi. 831 19 See a/fo .tlpliarts Tod; Alxincfr. .1. B. : Aiirdiiiua: Anno, Arnilt, ('. M.; Bililc— 61. 7".— Din Buocliir Mosis; Biterolf uud Dietlieb; Bodenstedt, F. 31. von; Boner, U. ; Brsiiidt, S. ; Burster, G. A.; Chaniisso, A. von; CHARLE.1IA0NE: Clau- dius, M. ; Dieti-iclis .\hnen,— Fluoht ; Fisoliart, J.; Frei- dank, B.: Oeoitraphie aus dem KBten .lahrhuiidert; (JEK- MAX LITEU.ATUUE— UOMA>( ES; Der Got Amur; Giithe, J. W. von; Gottfi-ied von Sfnistihifrf/: GreKorovhis; Der ^rosse Rosefiarten; Gudnin; llaitedorn, F. von; Hanlen- Itorif, F. I., von ; Hartinann f/tf/' .lr//?(?.- Hartnianii von Aw; llaull'. \\.: Hel>el, J. P.; Heine. II.; Heiiirieh der arme Kn*_rhf; lleinricli ron Freiherti: Heinrieli von Melk; Heli- and; IlildelirandKlied; Hiiltv, L. H. ('. ; Hornen Siegfried; Joseph; Dill Kliuie; Kleist.E.C.von; Kopiscll, .A.; Komer, K. T. ; Kortnni, K. A.; Lamljreolit; La Motte Fouc|ue, F. U.K. de; Langlteui, A. F. E,; Laiirin; Lessing, G. E, ; Liditen- stein, l". von; lavliindlsclie Reimohronik; LOUIS III.; Der Miinrli von Ilcilsl>nmn; Jlumer, T.; MlielnnRenlled; Mco- lay, E. II. von; Orendel und liiido; Ortnit; Oswald run Wdlkftwliiii: Ottfried run WeUsinlMnj: I'ilalns; I'leler; Kaliensehlaclif; liednitz-Selimelt/, 0. von; Iteinbot mn JJorn: Ucjnard the fox ; Itobinson, T. A. L. v. .1.: Hon, K. von der; KOTIIER, king: BUckert, .1. .M. F.; Saelis. II. ; Salis-Secnis, . I. G.G.; Sanders, I».; Sehleitel, A. W . von * K. W. F.; Seheflel, v.; Schiller, .1. «'. F. von; Sehoeeken- hurt-er, M.; SdEOMON; Der Strieker; Tatianiis; Theuerdank; TVKOI, ylvnf/.- Uhland, .1. I..; Veldeeke, II. von; Vintler, II.; Volniar; VonTieren unde von Focilen; Voss, .1. II.; Wiillieran; Wieland, ('. M.; Wolfdietrich; Der WarthurBkries; Der Winsheke; Wollrain von Esehenhafli; WiBamur; Wjss, J. K.; Zeno. —ROMANCES. Bniiis, V. J. Romantische und andere Gedichte in altplattdeutscher Sjnache. Berlin, 1798. D. 83!>.4 3 Griiiim, W. K. Die deutsclie Heldensage. Gottingen, 1839. O. 831 4 Never, J. Richard Wagner und die deutsclie Sage. Hamburg, 1889. O. 43 p. {/)( Vircliow & HoUjiendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 Volksbiicher, herausgegeben von G. O. Marbach. Leipzig, 18381-45]. 53 v. in 6. D. il. 833 33 For contents see Peabody catalogue under Marbaeh. AVeber, H. W., * Jamiesoii, R. Illustra- tions of northern antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian romances. Edin- burgh, 1814. sqF. 831 33 See also Ajilion's sons; BlUEBEARD; Dietric-li of Bern; FAl'ST, J.; Hennann der Cherusker; Jlelusine; Bejnard GERMANIC LANGUAGES, see TEUTONIC. GERMANIC RACES, see GERMANY. GERMANICUS CAESAR. Wieterslieim, K. A. >V. E. von. Der Feldzug des Germanicus an der Weser im Jabre 16. (//( Leipsie— K. siiclis. GeseH. Abhandl. cl.v.l. 185(1.) 737 1 GERMANY— ANTKilHTlES. Grimm, J. L. K. Deutsche Grenzalterthiimer. {In his Klemere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 3.) 408 3 — liliilina und Hermode ; eine Alterthunis- zeiluug tiir 1816 : herausgegeben von F. D. Grater. Hall [.1866]. sqO. pi. facsiin. music. 830 1 Major, J. D, Bevolckertes Cimbrien ; oder, Die Halb-Insel Deutschlandes, nebst dero ersten Einwohnern und ihrer Ankunift. Plon, 1693. Q. 913 34 Prodromus Atlanticte ; vel, Regnorum septentrionalium in achate albo exprett-oium declaratio piaelimiiiaris chorographica. Kilia?, 1691. Q. il. pi. map. 913 34 Riecke, C. F. Die LTrbewohner und Alter- thihuer Deutschlands. Nordhausen, 1868. O. 2>l. map. 913 35 Tacitus, C. C. Libellus de situ, moribus et populis Germaniae. (In his Opera, 183i-9, v. 4.) 878 17 — - — — Germanische Alterthiimer: niit Text, ijbersetzung und Erklarung von Tacitus Ger- mania, von A. Holtzmann; herausgegeben von A. Holder. Leipzig, 1873. O. 878 30 Worsaae, J. J. A. Den nationale Oldkyn- dighed i Tvdskland. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aunaler. v. 6, 18460 *J48 3 GERMANY— ANTiq UITIES 274 GERMANY— HISTOR Y — . — .Zeitschrift filr deutsches Alterthuni : he- rausgegeben von Moriz Haiipt. Leipzig, 1841- 79. 23 V. in 12. O. 830 3 See also AlftSBURO; HILDGSHEI9I. — CRO^VN, see INSIGMA. —DESCRIPTION. Ascliam, R. A report of the affaires and state of Germany. (In his Wliole works, 1864-5, v. 3.) 828 2 Ba^^esen, J. I. Digtervandringer. (In his Danske Vasrl^er, 1827-33, v. 8-11.) S39.S1 13 — — BergliauSjH.K.W.Was man von Deutsch- land weiss. (In his Was man von der Erde weiss, 1856-7, v. 2-3.) 914 3.1 — — Cecclii, G. M. Compendio di pin ritratti. Bologna, 1867. D. 95 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 81.) 850 10 — — Cesare, C. de. La Germania nioderna. Roma[,1872y] O. 943 37 Gerbert, M, Iter Alemannicum; accedit Italicum et Gallicum. Editio 3. Tvpis San Blasianis, 1773. D. p/. faesim. '914.3 1 — — Keriiell, P. U. Anteckningar under en resa i det sydliga Europa. 4 uplagen. Linko- ping, 1833. ■ T. 914.5 34 — — Kohl, J. (jr. zur Wesermiindung. — Die Donau. — Eine Moselfahrt von Trier nach Koblenz. (In his Skizzen. 1851.) 304 3 KiiUberg', K. A. (In his Bref, anteckning- ar och skizzer frau utiandet, 1844, v. 1.) 914 5 Murray, J., publisher. Handbook for travellers in southern Germany. 13 edition. London, 1876. D. incqjs. 914.3 6 Slyke, J. vaiuler. Journal van onze reyze naer Weenen, 1716. Gent [, pref. 1849]. Q. (In Maetscliappy der ^laem. bibl. Werken, 3ser. 10.) S39.3 3 Stael-HolsteiH, A. L. G. X. de. De I'Alle- magne. 4 fedition. Paris, 1818. 4 v. S. por. 914.3 2 Staffeldt, A. W. S. von. Beretning om bans Eeise i Tydskland og Norditalien, 1796- 1800. (/?i /lis Sanilede Digte, 1843-7, v. 3-4.) 839. SI 51 Seealso AUSTRIA; BOHMEUHALP; DRESDK.V; FUIISIAN ISIAXD.S; IIARTZMOUXTAIXS; MOSEL; PRl'SSIA: RHINE; SCHI.ESWICi. ULJI. —FOREIGN RELATIONS. Gardiner, S, R. Letters and other documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the thirty years" war. [London,] 186.5-8. 3 v. sqO. (/« Camden soc. 90, 98.) 820 4 Moinmsen, C. M. T. Agli Italiani. Ber- lino, 30 agosto 1870. O. 26 p. 943 28 — —Strauss, I). P. Krieg und Friede, zwei Briele an Kenan. Leipzig, 1870. O. 66 p. 943 28 Sybcl, H. K. L. von. Der Frieden von 1871. Dusseldorf, 1871. O. 943 28 •SVv' also .loliiiHon, I). Tbe political comedy of Europe; SCIILESniU. -(;E0L0GY, see GEOLOGY. —GOVERNMENT. Maecliiavelli, N. Ritratti del Ic dell' Alemagna. — Kapporlo di cose della Magna. — Discorso sopra le cose di Ala- magna. (//* ///.v Opere, 1819, v. 6.) S58 10 — HISTORV. Abel, C. Teutsche und silchsische Alterthiimer. Braunschweig, 1729-30. 3 v. in 2. S. /*/. 943 10 Arnold, W. Deutsche Urzeit. 2 Autlage. Gotha, 1880. O. 943 11 Aventinus, .1. Chronica. Franckfort a M., 1580. F.-" (7. tab. 943 36 Beheiiii-Scliwarzbaeh, M. Die Besiedelung von Ostdeutsch!anS. Geta e Birria, novella; da C. Arlia. Bologna, 1879. D. (/nSeeltadicuriosita. 169.) 850 10 GETE8, .see GOTHS. Der getreue Eckart und der Tannenhauser, see Tieck, J. L. Sclaiften. v. 4. Der Gevattersmann; Volksbuch ffir 1847-8; von Berthold Auerbach. Braunschweig [,1846-7]. V. 3-4. D. it. 838 1 GEYSERS, see SPRINGS. Ghazzali, Mohammed al, see Mnhaniuiad ibu Mnliamniad. Gheleu, Sigisunind, annotator, see Pliuius Secnndus, C. Hist, mundi. 1545. 500 2 Ghent. Memorieboek der stad, 1.301-1793. Gent, 1852-61. 4 V. Q. (/n Maetschappy der Vlaeni. bibl. Werken, 2 ser. 15.) 839.3 3 — Verslag van't magistraet van Gent nopens de godsdieustige beroerten aldaer. 15(i6-7, gevolgd door talryke bewysstukken. Gent[, pref. 1850J. Q. facslm. (In same. 11.) 839.3 3 -Glide van Sint Antone. Jaerboeken van het souvereine gilde der kolveniers, busschieters en kanonniers. gezegd hoofdgilde van Sint An- tone te Gent; door Ferd. Vanderhaegen [; 1488- 1866]. Gent, 1S67. 3 v.O. jA- faesim. (In .tame. 3 ser. 11.) " 839.3 4 — Arendt, \V. A. Der Gentner Aufstand, 1539. {In Rainner, F. L. G. Ton. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1842.) 905 1 — Vaernewljck, M. van. Van de beroeilicke tijden in do Nedcilanden, en voornamelijk in Ghendt, 1566-8; uitgegeven door F. Vander- haeghen. Gent, 1872-4. v. 1-3. Q. faesim,. (In Maetschappy derA'laem. bibl. Werken, 4ser. 1.) 839.3 4 Some. Gent, 1872-6. 3 v. O. faesim. {hi same.) 949 21 — Voocht, CJ. or. 945 95 — Opere posturae in difesa della sua Storia ci- vile di Napoli, con la di lui Professionedi fede. Palmyra, 1760. Q. 945 96 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Rare and Important." OcceUa, P. Pietro Giannone negli ultiini do- dici anni di sua vita, 1736-48. (In Curiositii di storia subalpina. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Giannotti (Latin Jannotiiis), Donato. Dialog! de repub. Venetoriun; cum notis [l>y Nicola Crassl. Lugd. Batav., ex offleina Elzeviriana, 1631. Tt. pi. 094 62 The notes have a separate title-page, 1642. — Nove lettere inedite; pubblicate da Jodoco del Badia. Firenze, 1870. Q. 23 p. 856 11 Edition of only 10^ I copies. GIANTS, see MONSTERS. GIANTS' CALDRONS, see GLACIERS, Gibbes, Robert Wilson, editor. Documentary history of the American revolution; chiefly in South Carolina, 1764-76. New York, 1855. O. 973 24 With autograph of the editor. Gibbon, Edward. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with notes by H. H. Milman. Paris, 1840. 8 v. O. por. maps. 937 1 — Life, with selections from his correspondence, and illustrations by H. H. Milman; added, Essav on the study of literature, by Gibbon. Paris, 1840. O. por. 928 26 Gibbs, Henry HnckSj editor, .see The romance of the cheuelere Assigne. 1868. (In E. E. text see. Extra ser. 6.) 820 5.1 Gibbs, Josiali Willard. Teutonic etymology; the formation of Teutonic words in the Eng- lish language. New Haven, 1860. D. 422 2 Gibelli, Giuseppe, Copeiihagren— K. nord. OM.-Sels- kal). Annaler. v. 18, 1857.) !»-i8 '2 F6stbrffi3ra saga. 1853. 839.63 34 Gisla saga Siirssonar. 1849. 839.63 35 Xjdla. 1875. 839.63 55.1 La Gritaiiilla, see Cervantes. Novelas, v. 1. Giudice, Giuseppe del, editor. Codice diploma- tico del regno di Carlo I. e II. d' Angio, 1265- 1309. Napoli, 1863-9. 3 v. in 1. F. 327 3 Vol. 2, pt. 2. wantins. GiiiUaui, Giambattista. Delizie del parlare to- scano ; lettere e ricreazioni. 4 edizioue con ag- giunta. Firenze, 1880. 2 v. D. 457 33 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "very interesting " — Moralita e poesia del vivente linguaggio to- scano; nuove ricerche. Firenze, 1871. Tt. 457 23 — Sul vivente linguaggio della Toscana. 3 edizione, ampliata. Firenze, 1865. D. 457 24 Giuliani, 51. Sulla struttura del midollo spinale e sulla riproduzione della coda della lacerta viridis. pi. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3ser. sci.fts. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 Giuliani, Xicolo. Notizie sulla tipografla ligure sino a tutto il sec. 16. — Supplemento, pei Giu- liani e L. T. Belgrano. — Secondo supplemento. — Nuove correzioni ed aggiunte. facsim. {In Societii ligure. Atti. v. 9, 1869.) 945 48 Giuliari, Giovanni Battista Carlo, editor, see Sceltadi curiosita. 105, 112, 12(1, 141. 850 10 Ginliui, Giorgio, confe. Notizie. — Quartine. (In Collezione milanese, 1816-7, v. 9.) 859 15 II giuoeatore, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 33. Giusti, Giuseppe. Le lettere scelte; postulate per use de' non Toscani da Giuseppe Rigutini. Firenze, 1864. D. 856 13 — Metrisclie Uebersetzungen aus dem Italieni- scbeii des Giusti von Paul Heyse. (In Hille- brand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) 945 41 — Nuova raccolta di scritti inediti; per cura di Pietro Papini. Firenze, 1867. O. 858 7 — Raccolta di proverbi toscani. Firenze, 1853. D. 398 51 For additions »w (iottl, A. — Scritti vari in ))rosa e in verso; per cura di Aurelio Gotti. Firenze, 1863. D. liliot. 858 6 — Versi editi ed inediti. Edizione postuma. Firenze, 1852. I). 861 78 — Horner, S. The Tuscan poet Giusti and his times. London, 1864. D. 928 37 —Ruth, E. Der Satirendichter Giusti. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eug. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 GIUSTI, Mariauua, contessa. Aleardi, A. Canto politico in niorte della contessa Giusti, nata marchesa Saibante. Firenze, 1862. O. 50 p. 851 7 GiHStiniani,Antonio. Dispaccidi A. Giustinian, ambasciatore veneto in Roma,1.503-5; pubblicati da Pasuuale Villari. Firenze, 1876. 3 v. D. 945 84 Copy presented by the editor to Mr. Marsh, who notes it as "very important." (liustiniaui (Latin Justiniauus), Bernardo, 910 44 — — Der Inngletsoher von Kufstein bis Haag. 'Gotha, 1882. sqQ. [4-l-]67p. il. map. (In same. 15.) 910 44 — Dames, Vi. Die Glacialbildungen der nord- deutschen Tiefeliene. Berlin, 1886. O. 44 p. (In Virchovv & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 —Dove. H. W. Ueber Eiszeit, Fohn und Sci- rocco. Berlin, 1867. O. il. 551.51 2 — Dul'our, C, 4. D. [l + ]84p. pi. 551.311 — Ilelmlioltz, H. L. F. Eis und Gletscher. (.In //.JS Vortrage. 1884, v. 1.) 504 5 — Hiiber, W. Les glaciers. Paris, 1867. D. pi. 551.31 3 — Fyeriilf, T. Om Skuringsniierker, Glacialfor- matiouen, Terrasser [og Strandlinier] saint oni Grundfjeldets og Sparagmitfjeldets Maegtig- hed i Norge, Kristiaiiia, 1871-3 2 v. sqQ. il. pi. map. 551.31 9 bound unth 548 3 — Leiuleiifeld, R. von. Der Tasman-Gletscher und seine Umrandung. Gotha, 1884. sqQ. [3+] 80 p. il. pi. maps. (In Petermanns Mil- tlieillingren: Ergiinziingsband 1(5.) !)10 44 — Martiiio, B. I ghiacciai, antichi e moderni. Torino, 1866. sqQ. 87 p. 551.31 6 hound with 551.2 3 — Moussoii, J. U. A.Die Gletscher der Jetztzeit. Ziirich, 18.54. O. 551.31 3 — Payot, V. Oscillations des quatre grands glaciers de la vallee de Ghamounix. Lausanne, 1867. O. 7 p. 551.31 4 — Sexe, S. A. On giants' caldrons [English and Danish]. Christiania, 1874. sqQ. [2+] 44 p. p>l. 551.31 10 hound u-ith 548 2 — Tyndall, J. The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers. London, 1872. D. ?7. /)Z. (Internat. sci. series. 1.) 551.43 30 — — The glaciers of the Alps. Boston, 1861. O. a. pi. 551.43 28 — Ziirclier, F., * Margrolle, E. Les glaciers. Paris, 1868. D. il. (In Cliarton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 551.31 5 See especially ALPS. En glad Gut, see Bj0i'iisoii, B. Glildje-flickaii i Rom, sp6k-scen,sf« Stagneliiis, E. J. Ghtdstoue, William Ewart. L' Italia e la sua chiesa; traduzione di Carlo Guerrieri Gonzaga. Roma, 1875. D. [l-f]9-f53p. 282 30.2 — The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance. 53d thousand. London, 1874. O. 72 p. 282 30 — Vaticanism; an answer to reproofs and re- plies. 12th thousand. London, 1875. O. 282 30 — Italian: I decreti del Vaticano e i doveri del cittadino; — II vaticanismo; risposta ai con- tradittori della rimostranza; traduzione di Carlo Guerrieri-Gonzaga. Firenze, 1875. D. 282 30.1 —(ft Lyttelloii, G. W. L., ith haron. Transla- tions. Loudon, 1861. O. 808 2 — Diismaiii, A. L. La missione di Gladstone nelle isole Jonie; narrazione. Corfu, 1869. O. 949 49 — Macaiilay, T. B. Church and state. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 3.) 824 16 Gladwiu, Francis. The Persian moonshee. Lon- don, 1801. sqQ. pi. 491.5 5 Glafey, Adam Friedrich. De gladio quo cum Gustavus Adolphus occubit. Lipsiae, 1749. sqO. 43 p. pi. 948 53 Glalze, Antonin. Ecrivains contemporains en langue d'oc:— .\lbert Arnavielle;— Remy Marce- lin. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) — Alphonse Michel;— Baltliazar Floret.— L' Ar- mani prouvenfj'au de 1872. (In .same. v. 2. 1871.) 479 5 Glanvill, .losepli. Saducismus triunipliatus; or. Full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions. London, 1681. U. j)l. 133 5 Glanville, Bartholomew. Liber de proprietati- bus reruni. Argentine, 1485. F. [299] leaves. ruhricated. 093 5 A mediaeval encyclopaedia. Glanville, Sir John. The voyage to Cadiz in 1625, a journal; edited, with introduction and notes, by Alexander B. Grosart. [London,] 1883. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 32.) 820 4.1 Glareanns, Heinrich Loi'iti| called, & others. Helvetice soli nalura. (In Helvetionini res- publica. 1627.) 094 34 GLASS. Adda, G. T;. Moriggia, A. La globolina, considerata come reatti\o per gli acidi. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser v 2 1874-5.) Qg5 3 Die Glocke von Aragon, see Tieck, J. L. No- velleu, 10,— Schriften. 35. La gloire du Val-de-Grace, see Moliere, J. B P. de. V. 6. Gloriant, een abel spel. {In Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Horae Belgicia, 1836-63. pt 6.) 839.31 3 GLORY 282 G OIRAN The glory and shame of EnglanJ, see Lester, C. E. . , .- Glossaire roinan-latin du 15e siecle; annote par Aug. Scheler. Anvers, 1865. O. 57 p. 479 12 Gloucester, Robert of, see Robert of Gloucester. (jrloucester, England. Historia et cartulariuni monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriaj; edited by William Henry Hart. London, 1863-7. 3 v. Q. facsim. (In (jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 33.) 942 8 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Lysons, S. Our vulgar tongue; with a few words (jn Gloucestershire in particular. London, 1868. O. 410 5 GLOVER, Jean. Keddie, H., * Watson, J. L. (ill their Songstresses of Scotland, 1871, v. 1.) ^ 928 2 Glover, John, editor & translator, see Peter of Jckhani. I^e livere de reis de Brittanie, e Le livere de reis de Engletere. 1865. (In Gt. Br. —Master of roUs. Chron. and Mem. 42.) 942 8 Gliick giebt Verstand, eine Novelle, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 19. Die Gliickliclie Erbin, ein Lustspiel, see Les- sing, G. E. Gnielin, Moriz Friedrich. Christensolaverei uud Renegatenthum unter den Vblkern des I- slam. Berlin, 1873. O. 32 p. (In Vircliow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 8 Serie.) 043 1 Gneist, Helnrich Rndolf. Die Stadtverwaltung der City von London. Berlin, 1867. O. 52 p. (In same. 2 Serie.) 043 1 Gnifetti, Giovanni. Nozioni topografiche del Monte Rosa, ed ascensioni. 2 edizione, con aggiunte. Novara, 1858. D. 93 p. .551.43 47 Gnomici poeta?, see Poetae Grwci gnomici. Gobat, Samnel. Journal d'un sejour en Abys- sinie, 1830-2; publie par la Societe des missions de Geneve, et precede d'une introduction. Paris [,pref. 1834]. O. par. map. 916.3 1 Gobel, K.Ueber die gegenseitigen Beziehungen der Pflanzenorgane. Berlin, 1884. O. 31 p. (In Vircliow lilert, J. Vincenz. Statistisclie Untersu- chungen iil)er dieEhen: ein BeitragzurPopula- tionistik. Wien, 1870. O. 25 p. 312 6 Goidtsenhovrn, Laureis van, called van Haecht. (jhrciiiiickc v:mdr hertoghen van I^riibiint. Antwcrpen, Kil'J. F. par, <)4!» l.") (loiraii, Agostino, d- others. Sopra gli aeroliti cuduti 29 leh. l.S(i,s, ,iel territorio di Villanova; memoria di Goiran, Antonio Bertolio, Arturo Zanneti, Luigi Musso. Torino, 1868. D. pi. 623 3 G OLBER Y 283 GOSSOJSr Golbery, Miirii' Philippe Aim^e de. Histoire et descri|>tion de la .Suisse et dii Tyrol. Paris, 183.S. O. (//( L'linivers." (53.) 910 18 GOLD. Rath, (i. voiii. Ueber das Gold. Ber- lin. 1879. O. 64 (). (In Virchow panica. GSrres, Jakob Joseph von. Die Wallfahrt nach Trier. Regensburg, 1845. D. 231 4 —Die Zaubersage. — Der Geisterbann . — Der Ver- bund mit dem Bdsen. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 5.) 837 16 Gorton, John. Admiral Blake. London 1829 O. 24 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 923 17.1 Gosch, J. L. Entwurf eines Plans zu einem vollstiindigen System der siimtlichen einem Staatswirthe nothwendigen Wissenschaften. Copenhagen, 1787. D. 503 3 Gosellino, Giuliano. Congiura di Piacenza con- tro Pier Luigi Farnese. Firenze, 1864. D. (In Bonucci, A. Delizie. .5.) §50 4 Gosson,Stephen.Playes confuted in five actions (In HazUtt, W. C. English drama, 1543-1664: in his Roxburge lib. 4.) §21 2 G ossoisr 284 GOTHS —The schoole of abuse, 1579, and A short apolo- gia of the schoole of abuse, 1579. London, 1868. S. 80 p. (In Arber, E. Englisli re- prints. 3.) 820 9 — The school of abuse; with an introduction [by J. P. Collier]. London, 1841. O. 18-F.50p. (Shazespeare soc.) 827 9 Der Got Amur; ein erzehlendes Gedicht aus dem 15 Jahrhundert. {In MilUer, C. H. Sanimlung deutscher Gedichte. 1782-3.) 831 1.4 (rdtha, pseudonym. Landtsoldaten ; en teckning ur folklifvet i Westergothland. Stockholm, 1867. D. 839.73 18 (Jotliaischer genealogischer Hof-Kalender, see Alnianaeli de Gotha. Gotliard tunnel, see Saint Gothard. Gotlie, Jolianii Wolfgang voii. Werke. Voll- standige Ausgabe letzter Hand. Stuttgart, 1827-42. 60 V. in ao. O. por. tab. 832 1 — Same. Inhalts- und Namen-Verzeichnisse liber .s'ammtliche Goethe'sche Werke ; von Christian Theodor Musculus. Stuttgart, 1835. O. 832 2 —Faust, a tragedy; translated from the Gei-- man, with notes, by Charles T. Brooks. 2 edi- tion. Boston, 1858. D. 832 3 The first part of Faust. Fragment af Gotlies Faust, oversat i Fore- ning med Henrik Hertz. {In Heiberg-, J. L. Digte, V. 2.) 839.82 M Metrische Uebersetzungen von A. Guerrieri- Oonzaga: I limiti dell umanita.— Prometeo.— II divino. — Ganimede. — II dio e la bajadera. — La visita. — Romische Elegieen. {In Hillebrand, K.Italia.v. 1-2, 1874-5.) 945 41 — Novelle.— The tale (Das Mahrchen). {In Carlyle, T. Essays, 1860, v. 3.) 824 8 —Scenes from the Faust. {In Shelley, P. B. Poet, works, 1855, v. 3.) 821 96 —Carlyle, T. Goethe's Helena. — Goethe. {In his Essays, 1860, v. 1.)— Goethe's portrait.— Death of Goethe.— Goethe's works.— Schiller, Goethe and Madame de Stael. (/w same. v. 3.) 824 8 Cramer, F. Despotismus und Volkskraft; eine Goetlie'sche Confession. Berlin, 1874. O. 33 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — De Oiiincey, T. (In his Biog. essays. 1850.) * 824 10 Heliiiboltz, H.L. F. Ueber Goethe's natur- wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. {In Iris Vortriige. 1884, V. 1.) 504 5 —Jordan, K. F.Goethe — und noch immer koin Ende! Ilamliurg, 1888. O. 48 p. (iji Virebow A Hollzendorfl'. Vortr'dge. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Martin, E. Goethe in Strassburg. Berlin, 1K71. G. 32 p. (/)i ,sa7)(e. 6 Serie.) 043 1 Meyer, C. Goethe und seine italienische Roise. Hamburg, 1886. O. 26 p. {In same. Neiie Folge. 1.) 043 2 — -Ranibert, K. Les Alpes vues par Goethe. {In his Alpes, 1866.71, V. 4.) 551.43 25 llemy, M. Goethe's Erscheinen in Wciniar. Berlin, 1877. O. 32 p. {In Vircliow * Hol- tzendorff. Vortrdge. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Scbiller, J. C. F. vou. Ueber Egmont, Trau" erspiel von Goethe. {In his S'ammt. Werke, 18.55, V. 2.) 832 9 Semler, C. Goethe's Wahlverwandtschaften, und die sittliche Weltanschauung des Dich- ters. Hamburg, 1887. O. 48 p. {In Yircbow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. l.)043 2 —Strieker, AV. Goethe und Frankfurt am Main. Berlin, 1876. O. 55 p. {In same. 11 Serie.) 043 1 S<,- (iL-o .Iniolifllili, A. Volfeango Goethe, in Ms Versi. 1,ST3. s.-|l II GOiHE, Katliariua Elisabetb (Textor). Jacob, K. G. Goethe's mutter. {In Raniuer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1844.) 905 1 GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, see ARCHITEC- TURE. GOTHIC LAISGUAGE. Biondelli, B. DeiGotie della loro lingua. Milano, 1839. O. 28 p. 439.9 1 —Dietrich, F. E. C. Ueber die Aussprache des Gothischen waerend der Zeit seines Bestehens; nebst Anhang ueber die Namen des Jornandes. Marburg, 1862. O. 439.9 2 — Diefenbacb, L. Vergleichendes Worterbuch der gothischen Spraclie. Frankfurt, a. M., 1851 2 V. O. 439.9 3 — EUis, A. J. Gothic pronunciation. {In his On early English pronunciation. 1869-89, v. 2; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 7.; 820 5.1 — Gabelentz, H. C. von der, cfc Liibe, .1. Gram- raatik der gothischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1846. sqO. pi. {In Ulfllas, 1836-46, v. 2.) 439.9 5, 839.9 3 Grimm, J. L. K. Kleinere Schriften. Berlin, 1864-80. 8 V. O. facsim. 408 3 — Schulze, E. Gothisches Woerterbucli, nebst Flexionslehre. Zlillichau, 1867. 439.9 4 Set especially I'lfllas. GOTHLAND. Linn^, C. von. Oliindska och gothliiudska resa, 1741. Stockholm, 1745. D. il. pi. maps. 581 20 Wastgota-resa, 1746. Stockholm, 1747. D. il pi. 581 18 Gothland, I's/and. GothIands-laghen,pa ganmial giithiska, med en historisk berattelse. Stock- holm. 1687. F. il. 349 47.1 Edited by J. Hadorph. — The Gotland sea-laws [Low German and English]. — Glossary of Saxon or Low-German words in the sea-laws. {In Gt. Br.— Admi- ralty. Black book, 1871-6, v. 4; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 55.) 942 8 The oriKinal is"Water Recht" or "Dat hogheste sot- lansc'he Water-Hecht." See also Wisbj. GOTHS. Bessell, W. Ueber das Leben des Ulfi- las \ind die BeUelirung der Gothen zuni Chri- stenUiUMi. (ioMiiigeii, 1860. O. 839.9 11 — (. 943 6 — Kiipkc, K. R. A. Deutsche Forschunsen; die Anfange des Koiiigthums bei den Giithen. Ber- lin. 1859. O. 943 7 bound with 937 — Luiidldild, J. Observationes historic^ de Gotliis veleribus eorunique ad pontum Euxi- num recentioribus Testigiis...subniittit A. O. Lindfors. Londini Gothorum 1 ,18031. O 24 p. 943 !) —Magnus, J. Gothorum Sveonumque histuria. Basileas 1558. D. 948 50 — — Historia de omnibus Gotliorum Sveonum- que regibus; opera O. Magni edita. Roma', 1554. F. 948 49 — Olai, E. Historia Suecorum Gothorunwiue; a J. Loccenio illustrata. Holmise, 1654. S. 948 53 — Saavedra Fajardo, D. de, & Nnnez de Castro, A, Corona gotica, castellana y austriaca. Parte 1-4. Madrid, 1789-90. 7 v. T. 94(> U The (joths in New England, see MarsU, G. P. Gotsch, (Jeorg, Das Leben der Gletscher. Inns- bruck, 1864. D. [l-l-]84p. pi. 561.311 Gottfried, monk of St. Pantaleon. Chronicaj regias 1 1 163-1387] versio vetus Germanica. (In Eckhai'd, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1733, v. 1.) 943 13 Gottfried of Viterbo. Gesta Friderici I. et Heinrici VI. imperatoruni metrice scripta; ex editione Waitzii. Hannorerae, 1873. O. 11-1-53 p. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 4.) 943 16 Gottfried von Strassbiirg. Werke; mit Einlei- tung und Wcirterbuch herausgegeben durch F. H. von der Hagen. Breslau, 1833. 3 v. O. 831 30 Con/entx: 2. Tristan und Isolde, rait Ulrichs von Tur- heim Fortsr-rzuiti^. -. Heinrichs von Friberff Fortset- zuntr von (iuitt'rieds Tristan. —Gottfrieds Minnelieder. — Die alten franzOsischen, engiischen, wallisischen und spanischen Gedichte von Tristan und Isolde. — Worter- buch. — Tristan: herausgegeben von Reinhold Bech- stein. Leipzig, 1869. 3 v. D. {In Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Classiker. 7-8.) 831 15 Gotthelf, Jeremias, pseudonym of Bitziiis, A. Gotti, Aiirelio. Aggiunta ai Proverbi toscani di Giuseppe Giusti. Firenze, 18.55. D. 398 53 — Dell' uso e dell arte della pai'ola; discorso. Firenze, 1879. O. 16 p. 401 3 —editor, see Giiisti, G. Scritti vari. 1863. 858 6 Gottling, Karl Wilhelin. [Various articles.] {In Leiusic— K. siichs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 063 1,3 Gottschalk, moiik of Nigen Miinster. Excerpta qua'dam e visionibus Godeschalci. (In Lange- bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834. v. 5.) 948 76 GOTTSCHED, Joliann Clnistoph. Koch, M. Gottsched und die Reform der deut.sclien Lite- ratur im 18 Jahrhuadert. Hamburg, 1887. O. 33 p. (/(( Virchow it- Holtzendorff. Vortriige. NeueFolge. 1.) 043 2 GOTTSCHEE DIALECT. Seliriier, K. J, Wor- terbuch der Mundart von Gottschee. Wien, 1870. O. 437 5 Contents; 1. Ausflug nach Gottschee. 2. Weitere Mit- theilungen iiber die Mundart von Gottschee, (Jottscliick, A. F. Geschichte der Griindung und Hliithe des hellenischen Staates in Kvrena- ika. Leipzig, 1858. O. [14- 40] p. 939 7 (ilotz, Wlllieliii. Altnordisches Kleinlel)eii und die Renaissance. Berlin, 1866. O. 44 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 1.) , 043 2 — Die Nialssaga ein Epos, und dasgermanisclie Ileidentbum in seinen Auskliingen im Nordeii. Berlin, 1885. O. 33 p. (In same. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Giitz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand, ein Schauspiel, .see Gothe, J. W. von. v. 8, 42. Gonlart, Simon, editor, aeelhi Bartas, G. de S. Lesreuvres. 1.593-1601. 841 16 (Joulbnrii, Edward Meyriek. An introduction to the devotional stud v of the Holy Scrijjtures. 6 edition. London, 1864. D. 220 18.1 Gould, Angiistu.s Addison. Shells. (In U. S.— Naval expedition to southern hemisphere, 1849- 52. v. 3, 18.55.) 916.3 1 Gould, Benjamin Aptliorp. Investigations in the military and anthropological statistics of American soldiers. New York, 1869. O. jj/. (In U. S. sanitary com. San. memoirs.) 573 7 — Relations of the man of science to the com- munity, address to the American association for the advancement of science, 30 Aug. 1869. Salem, 1869. O. 39 p. .504 4 GOULD, EmUy (Bliss). Bacon, L. W. Memo- rials of E. B. Gould, of Rome. New York, [c 1879]. D. ;7. 2>or. 923 44 Gonrville, Jean Heranlt, sicur de. Memoires,' etc.. 1643-98. (In Midland <£• Ponjoulat. Me- moires, 1866, v. 39.) 944 9 GOUT. R6veill6-Paraise, J. H. Guide pratique des goutteaux et des rhumatisants. Edition refondue par E. Carriere. Paris, 1878. D. 616 39 bound ivith 615 10 Gonvea, Antonio de. Rela(;ani, em que se tra- tam as guerras que alcanijou o grade rey da Persia Xii Abbas do grao Turco Mahometto, & seu filho Amethe; das embaixadas da Felippe segundo a Persia. Lisboa, 1611. D. 955 2 SCIENCE • OF GO^TIRNMEUT, see POLITI- CAL SCIENCE. Govi, Gilberto. Galileo e i matematici ilel Col- legio romano nel 1611. (In Rome— R. accad. dellincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.)— Sull' in- venzione dell' accendi-fuoco pneumatico. — Del metodo proposti nel 1639 da B. Cavalieri per ottenere direttamente il logaritmo della som- ma o della differenza diduentimeri... ilnsame. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) — Intorno a un opuscolo del secolo 15: Antiquarie prospettiche romane. (/" same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — Intorno alia datta di un discorso inedito, da Federico Cesi. {In same. sci. mar. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 5 — Intorno alia teoria dell' elettroforo. (In .same. 3 ser. sci fis. v. 9. 1880-1.) 065 4 Gower, John. Ccmfessio amantis; edited by Reinhold Pauli. London, 1857. 3 v. O. 821 .59 — Marsh, G. P. Chaucer and Gower. (In h is Origin and history of tlie English language. 1863.) " 080 21 GOZO, see MALTA. GOZZI 286 GEAMMATICA (iozzi, Carlo, conte. Turandot, Piinzessin von China, ein tragikomischesMiihrchen. (/nScllil- ler, J. C. F. von. Siimmt. Weike, 1855. v. l.") ' 832 9 Ortzzi, Gasparo. Argomenti. {In Dante Aliglil- eri. La divina commedia in his Opere, 1757-8, V. 1-8.) 851 33 —La storia del Reaine degli Orsi. [In More, T. K Utopia. 1863; in Bibl. lara. 51.) SoO 3 ORAAE, Niels Christian. Snlini, P. F. Mi-c- minde over Uraae. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, V. 4.) 839.88 5 Graali, Willielm Angust. Uridersogelse af Kir- kpiuint-ni Kakoitok. (/» Copenhagen — K.nord. Old.-Sclskah. Nordisk Tidsslvi-ift, v. 1. 18:!:?.) !)48 1.2 Graberff di Heniso, Jakob, translator, see Rafn, C. C. Meinoria sulla Hcoperta dell' Ame- rica nel secolo decinio. 1839. *)73 4 GRACCHI. Heeren, A. H. L. Geschichte der Staatsumuhen der Graccheii. (/« /re.s Werke, 1821-30, V. 3.) 908 1 —Saint-Real, C. V. de. Conjuration des Grac- ques. (/(( his Conjuration des Espagnols. 1803.) 946 37 Gracco, Cajo, tragedia, see Monti, V. Graciaii Dantisco, Lucas. Galateo espaiiol: aora nuevaniente inipresso ; va aiiadido el Destierro de iKnorancia,y la Vida de LazarillodeTornies, castigado. Valencia, 1769. S. 868 1 Gradi, Temistocle. Racconti popolari: e Ri- spetti politici [di Giuseppe Tigri]. Torino, 1862. D. 853 14 — Regole per la pronunziadella lingua italiana. Torino, 1869. D. 451 3 GRADMESSUNG, see ARC-MEASUREMENT. Graf, Artiiro. Roiua nella memoria e nelle im- maginazioiii del medio evo. Torino, 18S3-3. 2 V. O. !)37 16 Griife, Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Albrecht von. Sehen und Seliorgan. Berlin, 1867. O. 48 p. il. (In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 2 Serie.) 043 1, 635 1 Graff, Eberhard (Jottlieb. Althoclideutsclier Sprachscliatz. Berlin, 1834-43. 6 v. sqQ. 437 16 — Same. Vollstandiger Index, von H. F. Mass- mann. Berlin, 1846. sqQ. 437 n —editor. Dlutiska; Denkmiiler deutscherSpra- che und Lituratur aus alten Handscliriften. Stuttgart, 1826-9. 3 v. O. 830 5 Ottfrid. Krist. 1831. 83172 Grafstriini, Anders Abraham. Skalde-for.sok. Storkhclm, 1826-32. 2 v. in 1. O. 839.71 15 (Jraftou, Richard, Chronicle ; or, History of Enghirid; added, liis Table of the haiiiffs, sherilis, an44 9 La gran Cenobia, see Calderon. v. 1. La gran comedia de el caballo del rey Don Sanch, see Zorrilla. v. 2. El gran prineipe de Fez, .see Calderon. v. 2. GUAXADA. Hnrtadode Mendoza, 1). Gueria df (xranada hecha ]>oi- Felipe II. contra los mo- riscos. Nueva edicion. Valencia, 1830. D. jior. 946 29 —Irving, W. A clironicle of tlie conquest of Granada, (/n /ijs Works, 1840, v. 2.) 817 5 — Perez de Hita, G. Guerras civiles de Gra- nada. Madrid, 1833. 2 v. S. 946 31 _ — Histciria de las guerras ci riles de Grandda. [Paris, 1600.] D. iltp. 946 30 Freucli.: HistoirechevaleresquedesMiiures de Grenade; traduite, avec notes, par A. M. Sane. Paris, 1809. 2 v. in l.O. 946 32 See also iLHASIBRA; MOORS. GRAND, Jens, archbishop). Actiones adversa- ria^ Erici regis Dania; & Joliannis Grand, 1296. (Ill Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772- 1834, V. 6.) 948 76 — Munch, P. A. Diplomatislie Bidrag til Erke- biskop Jens Grands Levnetsliistorie. {In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 20, 1860.) 948 2 GRAND MOGUL, see INDIA. Grandgagnage, Charles Marie Joseph. Dic- tionnaire etyniologique de la langue wallonne. Liege, 1845-80. 2 v. in 1. O. 447 7 Vol. 2, pt. 2, pub. by Aug. Scheler. GRANDIER, Urbain. Scheible, J., editor. {In his Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 GRANITE. Rath, G. voni. Ueber den Gr:init. Berlin, 1878. O. 60 p. pi. (7« Virchow * Holtzeudorff. Vortrilge. 13Serie.) 043 1, 552 1 Les grands-jours d'Auvergue, seeAUVERGNE. Granville, Denis, dean of Durham. Remains. London, 1861-5. 2 v. O. (/ji Surtees soc. Mis-. cellanea; in its Pub. 37, 47.) 820 7 GRAPE, .see VINE. Graphic sketches illustrating tlie costume, liab- its and character of the aborigines of America. New York, 1841. v. 1. O. pi. 390 24 Conlents: 1. Wjtli, J. Poi-trait.s and manners of the In- habitants of Virginia. 1585-8. GRAPHITE. Weger, H. Der Grapliit und seine wii-htigsten Anwendungen. Berlin, 1872. O. 40 p. (In Vlrchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. T Serie.) 043 1 II Grappa, pseudonym. Commento sopra la canzone [del Firenzuola] in lode dellasalsiccia. Bologna, 1881. D. { /?i Scelta di curiosita. 184.) 850 10 Grashof, F. Ueber die Wandlungen des Ar- beitsverniogens ini Haushalt der Natur und der Gewerbe. Berlin, 1877. O. 36 p. (/;; Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 12 Serie. 1043 1 Griisse, Johaiin Georg Tlieodor. Guide de 1' amateur de porcelaines et de poteries; ou, Col- lection complete des marques de fabriques. 4 edition, augnientee. Dresde, 1873. D. il. 738 2 GRASSES. Allonso-Spagna, V. Monografia sui prati artiliciali. Palermo, 1870. D. 633 1 hound with ii'M 11 Grassi, Jacopo Liiigi. Sul martirologlo dolla chiesa di V'entinuglia. — Sul luogo dflnjartirio di san Secondo. — Importante franiniciito di Polibio relativo a Geneva. (In Socletil ligiire. Atti. V. 4, 1860.) 945 48 Grassi, Mariano. Relazione storica ed osserva- zioni sulla eruzione etnea del 1805, e su' tre- nmoti flegrei clie la seguirono. Catania, 1865. O. 92 p. .551.21 11 The grateful unburied, see Sir Aniadas. Grater, Friedrieh David. Aljbildungen aus der nordischen Mythologie. Hall, Handdruckerey, 1807. O. [5] p. 293 24 — Stammbaeume der nordisclien Gotter u. Got- tinen. n. ])., n. d. pi. 36x45 cm. 293 24 — editor, see Idiinna und Hermode; eine Alter- thumszeitungfiir 1810. 830 1 Der grane Konig, .sec Langbein, A. F. S. v. 11. Grave, Charles Joseph de. Republique des champs ely sees; ou, Mondeancien. Gand,]H06. 3 V O. 292 2 Grave, Salverda de. On the Eneydes and the Roman d'Eneas. (In Caxton, \V., ti-anslator. Eneydos. 1890; in E. E. textsoc. Extra .ser. 57.) S20 .5.1 GRAVE-MOUNDS. Bahnson, K. Sepultures d' hommes et de femmes de r age de bronze, il. (In Copenhagen— K, nord. Old.-Selskab, Me- moires. n.s. V. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 — Boye, V. Gravhoie fra Broncealderen. (In same. Aarboger. v. 1, 1866.) 948 5 — BrnniilS, G.Ovanligt kummel vid Forstheim. il. (In same. v. 9, 1874.) 948 5 — Engelhardt, H. C. C. Les cercueils en chene de Borum-Aeshoei. il. (In same. Memoires. 71. s. V. 2, 1872-7.) 948 8 Langhoie fra Oldtiden. il. (In same. Aarboger. v. 12, 1877.) 948 5 — Jensen, J. To Gravhoie. il. pi. (In same. V. 1, 1806.) 948 5 — Vireliow, R. Ueber Hiinengraber und Pfahl- bauten. Berlin, 1866. O. 30 p. (In Virchow S 107 — Lord cliaiicellor. Two speeches for opening Parliament, by J. Kussell, bishop of Lincoln, lord chancellor: with introduction by J. G. Nichols. 18.54. (In Cniiiden soc. 60.) 820 4 — Master of the rolls. Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the middle ages. London, 18.58-90. No 1-96 in 326 v. Q. pi. facfiim. 942 8 foniei}ls: 1-74, Bee Astor catalogue, continuation. 75. ^^nwon of Durhtttn. Opera oninia; ediditT. Arnold, a v. Stiibltw, n., editor. Chronicles of the reitrns of Edward I. and Edward II. 2 v. 77. Peckllnni, J. KeKistrum epi- stolarum; edited by C. T. Martin, a v. 7s. Salisbury. Vetus reKistrum; edited by W. I). R. .Jones. 2 v. 79. Ramsey. Cartularium monasterii; edited by W.H.Hart and P. A. Lyons. 2 v. SO. Ihiltlin— St. Mary's abbey. Chartularies; edited by -J. A. Gilbert. 2 v. 81. Kiidiiier. Historia novorum in .\nglia. et opuscnla duo de vita S. Anselmi: edited by M. Rule. S2. Honlett, U., (dilor. Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. 4 v. 88. Ramsey. Chronieon abbatise; cura W. D. JIacray. 84. Wendover, U. of. Flores historiarum; edited by H. G. Hewlett. .3 v. 8.5. t'iiiiterbiiry. Liter* Cantuarienses ; edited by .1. B. Sheppard. 3 v. 8«. Vio- \KTt of Gloucester. Metrical chronicle; edited bv W. A. Wright. 2 V. 87. Ware. R. The story of England, by. R. Manning of Brunnc; edited by F. J Furnivall. 2 v. 88. Vi^fussoiu (J., editor. Icelandic sagas relating to the Northmen on tlie British isles. 2 v. 89, Stokes, >V., editor and irfiif-^/a/nr. Tin- tripartite life of Patrick. 2 v. 90. MaliiM'sltiiry, W. o/. IM' grstis regum Anglorura: Historise novcllic lihri; edited l)y W. Stubbs. 2 v. 91. n, F. The history of the reigne of King Henry VII. London, 1629. Q. 942 18 — — Bate, G. Ristreito de i moti nioderni d" Inghilterra; tradotto dal latino dal G. B. Bira- goAvogadro. Bologna, 16.52. T. 942 21.1 Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England. From 2 London edition. New York, 1862-3. 2 V. O. 942 4 — —Burke, E. An abridgment of English his- tory, from the invasion of Ctesar to tlie end of ihe reign of John. (In his Works, 1839, v. 5.) 825 1 — ^Camden society. [Publications.] London, 1838-72 .105 V. sqO. il. pi. facsim. map. 820 4 For contents see Peabody catalogrue. — Same. New series. London, 1871-90. V. 1-47. sqO. pl.phot.facsijH. tab. 820 4.1 For contents f{)L0-SAX0NS: AXXE BOLEYX; liRlTONS; BU('KIX(ilIAM, (i. V., 1st (lute of; liLAIS; (OBDKN. !{.; rOI.OGXK COXflUKSS; EliwARD IV.; (iKOR(iE IV.; CJUXPOWDEB PLOT; IIEXRIES: HERST- .flOXCEAlIX; HUTCHIXSOX, J.; IRELAXD; KEXT; I.OX- IiOX; MAXCHESTER, E. !«., emi of: XEW.MIXSTER ABBEY; POXTEER.A(T CASTLE; PUHITAXS; REGICIDES; REVENGE. s/iij>; RIPOX; SAVILE. T.: SCOTLAXD; SPAX- ISH ARMADA; II. S.— HISTORY; WALDEMAR IV.; WILL.S; WVATT. T.. t/ie t/oiingfr. — LITERATURE,.??? ENGLISH LITERATURE. —MILITARY AFFAIRS. Airey, Sir R. Open- ing address of quartermaster-general, Chelsea; with his summing-up address, and a memo- randum to the board on Bupplies of camp equi- page. London, 1856. O. maj^s. 355 6 Calvert, H. Journals and correspondence, conq)rising the campaigns in Flanders and Holland in 1793-4: with an a|)pendix, contain- ing his plans for the defence of the country in case of invasion; edited by H. Verney. Lon- don, 1853. O. majjs. 942 28 Grose, F. Military anti(iuities respecting a history of the English army from the conquest to the present time. London, 1801. 2 v. sqQ. j)l. 355 5 Moore, J. A narrative of the campaign of the British army in Spain commanded by Sir John Moore. 2 edition. London, 1809. por. maps. 942 30 —NAVAL HISTORY. Glaiivllle, J. Th« voyage to Cadiz in 1625, a journal; editeil, with intro- duction and notes, bv A. B. Gmsart. [London,] 1883. sqO. (Ill Caimleii soc. n. s. 32.) 820 4.1 Halliflell-Pliillipps, J. 0., editor. The early naval ballads of England. London, 1841. D. (7/( Percysoc. V. 2.) 820 6 —POLITICS. The Aiiti-Jiicobin ; or. Weekly examiner, 1797-8. Sedition. London, 1803. 3 v. O. 942 39 Burke, E. Works. Boston, 1839. 9 v. O. 825 1 — — Carlyle, T. Past and present, chartism. New York, 1848. D. por 824 7 Cobbett, \V. Selections from [his] political works, with notes, by J. M. and ,1. P. t'obbett. London [,pref. 1835]. 6 v. O. 320 3 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Defoe, D. (/n his Works, 1840-1, v. 20.) 823_ 7 His life and recently discovered writ- ings, 1716-39. by W. Lee. London, 1869. 3 v. O. il. por. pi. facsim. 823 8 The Harleian miscellany ; or, A collection of pamphlets and tracts in the earl of Oxford's library; with historical, political and critical notes [by W. Oldys]. London, 1744-6. 8 v. sqQ. 942 11 For contents se/; Peabody catalogue. — — Milton, J. A letter concerning the rup- tures of the commonwealth. — The ready way to establish a free commonwealth. — The pres- ent means, and a brief delineation of a free commonwealth. (In his Works, 1863, v. 5.) — Pro poi)ulo Anglicano defensio contra Salmasii Defensionem regiam [,etc.J. (In same. v. 6.) — A defence of the people of England in answer to Salmasius "s Defence of the king. — Letters of state [etc.J. (In same. x. 8.) 821 78 Pepys, S. Diary and correspondence; with life and notes by Richard, lord Braybrooke; with additional notes by M. Bright. London, 1875-9. 6 V. O. por. pi. tab. facsim. 942 26 Reresby, J. Memoirs and travels, the former containing anecdotes and secret history of the courts of Charles II. and James II. Lon- don, 1813. Q. 942 25 The Saturday review of politics, litera- ture, science and art. London, 1861-9. v. 12-28. F. • 052 3 — — Starkey T. England in the reign of Henry VIII. London. 1878. O. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 32, 12.) 820 5.1 GREAT BRITAIN 39-3 GREECE (iMODERN)' Swift, J. Works, with notes by T. Roscoe. New York, 1859. 6 v. D. por. 827 13 — — Vanity fair; a weekly show of political, social and literary wares. London [,1868-70]. V. 1-3. V. col. por. 052 4 Wriffht, T., editor. Political ballads pub- lished in England during the commonwealth. London, 1841. D. (/n Percy soc. v. 3.) 820 6 — — — Political poems and songs relating to English history, Edw. III.— Ric. III. Lon- don. 1859-61. 2 V. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 14.) 942 8 Tlie political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II. Lon- don, 1839. sqO. (7» Camden soc. 9.) 820 4 See also CHARLES I. For other works pertaininK to Great Britain, xef BKITISII C'OLOXIES; CHURCH HISTORY, GEOLOGY; lUEL.lXO; SCOTLAND. The great lone land, see Biitler, \\. F. GREAT YARMOUTH, see YARMOUTH. Grebe, CarL Gebirgskunde, Bodenkunde und Klimalelire in ihrer Anwendung auf Forst- wirthschaft. 3 Auflage. Eisenach, 1865. O. 551.58 63 bound imth 42 GRECIAN ARCHIPELAGO, see .EGEAN SEA. GREECE (aficjeji/.) Becker, W. A. Charikles; Bilder altgriechischer Sitte. 2 Auflage, von K. F. Hermann. Leipzig, 1854. 3 v. O. 390 2 Dondorff, H. Das hellenische Land alsSchau- platz der althellenischen Geschichte. Ham- burg, 1889. O. 42 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 — Heeren, A. H, L. Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums. {In his Werke, 1821-30, V. 6.)— Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der alten Welt. {In same. v. 15.) 908 2 — Herodotus. Historia[ Greek and Latin J; ex editione J. Gronovii. Glasguae, 1761. 9 v. S. 888 2 For other editions, xee Herodotus. — Kiepert, H. Wandkarte von Alt-Griechen- land. Weimar, 1847. 911 8 In portfolio 1. — MacaulaY, T. B. On Mitford's History of Greece. (In his Essays, 1843, v. 3.) 824 16 — Malkin, F. History of Greece, to its subjec- tion to Rome. London, 1829. O. (Lib. of useful knl.) 938 1 — Meriniee, P. De I'histoire ancienne de la Grece. (/» /hs Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 — Negri,C. Memoi-iestorico-politichesugli anti- che Greci e Romani. Torino, 1864. O. 933 6 — Parregoponlos, K. 'IcrTopU toU'EWiji^ikov fdvovs Ep ASVa's, lK"';i. O. 938 2. ^Potter, J. Archai'Dlogia Gra^ea; or. The anti- quities of tirpece; added. History of the Gre- cian states, and Account of Greek aiitliors, by G. Dunbar. I .Vinerican edition, bv C. Anihon. New York, 1S25. O. " i»13 26 — PomiiieviUe, F. C. H. L. Greco. Paris. 1835. O. /(/. maiis. {In L'linivers. 51.) 910 18 — Hliantrahes, A. R. Antiquites helleni(iues. Atliiiies, 1853-55. 2 v. F. pi. map. 913 27 TA '-EW-qviKi. ']•> 'ASiJrais, 1853. v. 1-2. O. 914.9 25 — Selimitz, L. A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth, B. C. 146 ; based upon that of Tliirlwall. New York, 1851. O. 938 3 — Thucydides. ...De beUo Peloponnesiacn libri octo[ Greek and Latin]; curavit C. A. Duke- rus. AmstelEedami, 1731. F.' il. map. iltp. 898 4.1 For other editions and translations see Tlincydidcs. —Wheeler, G. Voyage de Dalmatie,de Grece... La Have, 1723. 2 v. D. 914.9 26 — Xenoplion. Historia Graeca. {In his Opera, 1826-7, V. 4.) 888 12 6e#«fcoi:(iEAX SEA; AXTUJUITIES; ASSOS; ATHENS; BYZANTINE EMPIRE; CHEBSON; CITIES; CRIMEA; CY- PRUS; CYRENE: DANCING; HAIK; HAU'YONIA; ITHACA; LEVANT; LYCIA; MOUEA; PELASGIANS; PERGAMUS;. TROY; ^VEIGHTS * MEASURES; XANTHUS. Greece {modern.) 01 eWTjnKoi KuSrjKa. rb iroXi- Tt^bv Gvvra'^pjx t^s 'EXXdSos, koX TTapdpT-qy.a, viro T. A. PdXXij Kal M. II^tXt;. B'. ^k5o(Tl$. Ad-qvQffiv^ 1844. 2v.T. 349 63 —DESCRIPTION. About, E. F. V. La Grece contemporaine. 3 edition. Paris, 1858. D. 914.9 22 — — Br0ndsted, P. 0. Reise i Grwkenland, 1810-3. Kjobenhavn, 18-t4. 2 v. D. jmr. map. 914.9 23 Carlisle, G. W. F. H., earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters; edited by C. C. Fel- ton. Boston, 1855. D. 914.9 35 — — Gautier, T. L'imperatore Lodovico. — Le Piree. — Les Propylees. {In his L'orient, 1877, V. 1.) 910 29 Murray, J., publisher. The hand-book for tlie Ionian islands, Greece... London, 1845. D. maps. 914.9 24 — — Rhangabes, A. R. Ti eW-nviKa. 'Ev 'Ae-^ms, 1853. V. 1-2. 6. 914.9 25 — — Wheler, G. Voyage de Dalmatie, de (irece. La Have, 1723. 2 v. D. pi. 914.9 26 Woods, J. Letters of an architect from France. Italy and Greece. London, 1828. 2 v. sqQ. il. pi. 729 6 Wutzer, C. W. {In his Reise in den Orient, 1860-1, V. 2.) 914 11 — — Wysc, T. Impressions of Greece; with let- ters from Greece by A. P. Stanley. London, 1871. O. 914.9 27 f!fe nh-n ATHENS; BRIGANDS; CORFU; LEVANT; MOREA. —HISTORY. Brunet de Presle, C. M. W., * Blancliet, A.Grece, depuis la conquete romaine jusqu'ii nos Jours. Paris, 1860. O. ^j/. {In Luuivers. 52.) 910 18 Fallnierayer, J. P. Welchen Einfluss liatte die Besetzung Griechenlands dureh die Slaven auf das Schioksal der Stadt Athen und der Landschaft AttikaV oder. Die Entstehung der heutigen Griechen. Stuttgart, 1835. O. 949 45 — — History of modern Greece; with the ge- <>gra|ihy. ;inti(|Uiti('S ami present I'ondition of that i-(iiiMtry. Boston, 1827. O. map. !>49 47 Itluntaner, K. Chroniiiue. {In Buelion, J. A. C. Cluonicpu's .•■trangferes. 1841.) 944 10.1 PaparregopouloS, K. 'laropla rod (W-qviKoO HOvovi. 'V.p "AtfTJrais, 1853. O. 938 3 GREECE {MODERN^ 393 GREEK LITER A TURE Rhaiigabcs, A. R. Greece; her progress and present position; from the Frencli. New York, 1867. S(|0. 949 50 _ ^TrikOlipC) S.'IfTop/a T^s AXi/w/c^s iiravacrTa- cTfws. 'E^ Aoi'SLvif., 1853-7. 4 v. O. 949 48 Wacliler, J. F. L. Vorbereitiing und Aus- bruch (k's Aufstandes der Griechen gegen die osnianische Pforte. (In Raiinier, F. L. 0. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1831.) 905 1 ,SVe «/.w ALBANIA ; BYZANTINE EMPIRE; HOMNENI; MOIIEA. —MAPS. Kiepert, H. Dus Konigreich Hellas und die sieben ionischen Inseln. Weimar, 1849. 60x70 cm. with text, 3 p. 912 52 In portfolio ~. —POLITICS. Papadopoiilos Vretos A. Le compte rendu du Miroir grec; journal redige en grec et en fran9ais, mai 1832-jan. 1833. Athe- nes, 1839. O. 80 p. 949 51 See also CORFU; EASTERN QUESTION; IONIAN ISLANDS. —STATISTICS. Lecoute, C. Etude economique de la Grece: suivie de documents sur ia com- merce de I'orient, etc. Paris, 1847. O. tab. map. 314 35 Greek clllircll."A7r6crToXo!, ija-onrpd^eis Kal iinaToKal Tutp dyitxiv diTofjTbXwv KaO' 6\op rti eros ^tt' ^KK\-qala?'aL. 'Afarvwudil^ 5^ Kal dfvrepoi'. 'Ei' Bfverift 1836. O. //. 264 4 — ^Evxo\6yiov rb p.^ya. "E/c5o(7is v^a. ^7rt^i 7XuV(T7;s. 'V,vKu>vaTavTi.mvTrb\ei, 1851. D. (Ill liis 'EyKVKXoTTaiSela.) SHU 2 — .—Short, C. The order of words in Attic Greek prose. (In Yonge, C. D. English-Greek lexicon. 1870.) 4S3 3 — PHONOLGY. Gfifflths, J. Laws of the Greek accents. 11 edition. Oxford, 1863. T. 481 1 —SYNONYMS. Pillon, A. J. B.Greek synonyms; from the French, with notes, by T. K. Arnold. (Ill Yoiige, C. D. English-Greek lexicon. 1870.) 483 3 GREEK LITERATURE. Dionysiiis of Hali- carnassus. De veteribus scriptoribus censura. — De oratoribus antiquis. (In Ids Opera, 1829, ''\5:.l, r ^ 888 49 — Gotlie. J. W. von. Altgriechische Literatur (In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 46.) 832 1 — Wriglit, R. S., & ShadweU, J. E. L., editors. A golden treasury of Greek prose. Oxford, 1870. S. 888 1 See aho CLASSICAL LITERATURE. —DRAMA. Rnichmann, K. Ueber die Dar- stellung der Frauen in der griechischen Trago- die Berlin, 1882. O. 33 p. (In Virchow * Holtzendorff. V^ortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 See also vEsclijIus; Aristophanes; Euripides; DIenander- Sopliocles, ' —MISCELLANEOUS. See Appiaiius: Aiistoteles; Arrianiis ; Atlieiiieus ; Aurelins Antoninus, .11.; Cebes; Ctesias; Dio Cassius; Diodorus; Dioge- nes Laertius; Dionjsius of HalicarnaxKus; Epictetos; Hero- (iiaiius; llerodotns; .loannes of Damascus; Lucianns; Plato; PlntniTlius; Polyhius; Stralpo; Tlieoplirastus; Tlmcjdides; Xenttplion; Zosinins. —ORATORY. Macaulay, T. B. On the Athe- nian orators. (In his Essays, 1843, v. 3.) 824 16 Oratores Attici et quossic vocant sophis- i?^o°P*",';'' *'''^'*'"'''° ^- S- Dobson. Londini, lo.i8. lb V. O. goE -I For contents se4 Oratores. — — Westerinann, A. Untersuchungen iiher die in die attischen Redner eingelegten Urkunden (In Leipsic— K. siiclis. GeseU. Abhandl. phil 1 hist. V. 1, 1850.) 73J J See also Uemostlienes; Libanius. GREEK LITERATURE 294 GREENLAND —POETRY. Aiitliologia Graeca, ad Palatini codicis fidem edita. Lipsiae, 1829. 3 v. T. 881 1 Boissonade, J. T., editor. ...Lyrici Gifeci. Parisiis, 1825. T. 884 1 Poetae Graeci gnomici, curante J. F. Bois- sonade. Parisiis, 1823. T. 881 3 Wright, R. S., editor. The golden treas- ury of ancient Greek poetry. Oxford, 1867. O. 881 2 See also A1c:pu8; Aiiacreon; Bioii ; Hesiudus; Uoiiienis; Moschus; Musipus; Oppiaiius; PinUariis; Sapplio; Siiiuiiias; Tlipocrit lis. GREEK (wiodeni) LANGUAGE. B.vzantios,S. D. AcfiK6i' iW-nvMbv KoX yaWmbv. ' Adijvria i,v , 1840. Q. 489 2 Clirysoberges, G. TpafinariKJi t^s koS' V2s eW-nv. 7Xiicrcn)s. 'A0Tipri'Tii'oi;7r6Xei, 1850-3. 11 V. D. 889 1.1-8 For contents see Photilas. See also Arguropoulos, A. P. ; Bi^Aoi- t^? (couvkccttt)?; (lire- stopoulos, A.; Defoe, D. 'OPojSii'iripi'; Herodotus. IH3(J; Kal- vos, A. ; KuoiTToj-Tiiic;!; MPKUTOLDINO.S ; Papadopoulos Vretos, A.; Photilas, I>. X.; PHOTIl'S; Rliizns, .!.; Soutsos A.; Sue, M. .1. K. 'OTrtpiTrAafuifxei'os 'loufiatos; TrikoupS, S. ; WASSHIXfiTOX, 0.; Zampelios, -S. (Jreeii, G. F., & BlackweU, A. The probable effect of spiritualism upon society; prize essays. London, 1876. D. 64 p. 133 85 Green, Henry, editor, see Holbein society. lii'prints. 1869-70. 7«1 5-7 (ircen, .John Ricliiird d- Alice (Stopford). A short geography of the British islands. Lon- don, 1879. S. 'maps. 914.2 3 —editor, see Addison, J. Essays. 1880. 824 1 (Jreeii, .losenli Henry. On instinct. {In Cole- ridge, S. i . Aids to reflection, 1843, v. 3, p. 328-344.) 240 4 From his Vital dynamics. Green, Mary Anne Everett, editor, see the fol- lowing publications of the Camden society: 820 4 ««. Kons, J. Diary, 1625-42. 1856. 101. Life of William WHITTIXGH.VJI. 1870. Green, Samuel. The river systems tabulated. London, 1876. obS. 551.48 4 Green, William Henry. Hebrew philology and biblical science. (//( Scliaff, P. Anglo-Ameri- can Bible revision. 1479.) 220 5 The green knight, see Gawain. Greene, George Washington. History and ge- ography of the middle ages; chieflv from the French. Pt. 1 : History. New York, 1851. D. 940 2 Greenhow, Robert. The history of Oregon and California. Boston, 1844. O. maji. 979 1 — Same. 2 edition, enlarged. Boston, 1845. O. maji. 979 2 GREENLAKD. Blefken, D. Gronlandia. (In his Islandia. 1607.) 914.9 1 — Bredsdorflj J. H. Om det asldste bekjendte Kort over Gronland. {In Copenhagen — K. nord.Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 3, 1836.) 948 1.2 — Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Gron- lands historiske Mmdesmasrker. Kj0l)enhavn. 1838-45. 3 V. O. pi. maps. 839.63 36 — Graah, W. A. Undersogelse af Kirkeruinen i Kakortok. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1832.) 948 1.2 —Helms, H. Griinland und die GronVander, eine Skizze. Leipzig, 1867. D. 919.8 8 — Lacroix, F. Greenland. 1840. pi. map. {In Lunivers. 10.) 910 18 — Mnhle, C. A. Om Emancipationen' af Faero- erne og Gr0nland. Kiabenhavn, 1835. O. 70 p. maj). 949 5 — >'icoll, J. {In his Historical and descriptive account of Iceland. 1840.) 914.9 7 ^Piugel, C. Antiquariske Efterretninger fra (iriinland. (7. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 1, 3, 4, 1836-43.) 948 3 Om nogle mindre bekjendte Ruiner paa Vestkysten af Gronland. {In same. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1833.)— Efterretninger om fundne nordiske Oldsager: Grenland. {In same. v. 3, 1836.) 948 1.2 See also vol. 2. — Rafn, C. C. Kort over Gronlands Osti-ebygd, efter oldnordiske Beretninger. map. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — — Renseignements sur les premiers habi- tants de la cote oceidentale du Groenland; traduits en groenlandais par S. Kleinschmidt. [Nungme, 1864.] siiQ. 13 p. ■//. pi. map. 998 1 — Rink, H. .L Gronlandske Folkesagn, ud- givne i Xouk. 2 pt. (/» Copenhagen— K. nord. 0148 5 See aim AIM"1'1<' 1!K(II(»>S; ARSIIK; SOKKKSOV, K. GREKX'LANDISH LANGUAtiE. Fabricliis, 0. Den groiihuidske Ordbog, forbedret og foioget. Kjolieuhavn, 1804. D. 4«7 4 URli. Sarah Dana (Lorlng), wife of Richard Saltoustall. Arabesques: Monare, Apollyona, Doinitia, Ombra. Boston, 1872. D. il. . 813 3 GREENVILLE, Sir Richard. Markhaiii, G. The most honourable tragedie of Sir Ricliard Grinville. irjO.'i. [In verse.] (In Arber^ E. English reprints. 29.) 8'-'0 9 Greenwell, William, editor. Wills and inven- tories from tlie registry at Durham, [1580-99]. Durliam, 1860. pt. 2. O. (In Siirtees soc. 38.) 820 7 For pt. 1 see Uaiiie, J. see the following publications of the Sur- tees society : 820 7 25. Dnrhiiiii. Bolden buke, with translation. 1852. 27. Kurbert. Pontifical. 1853. 32. Durlmm. Bishop Hatfield's survey. 18.57. 58. Durham. Feodariura prioratus. 1872. GREEXAVICH, England. Meibaner, R. 0. Die Sternvvarte zu Greenwicli. Berlin, 1868. O. 31 p. (/» Virchow & Holtzeudorff. VortriVge. 3Serie.) 043 1 Greenwood, George. Rain and rivers; or, Hutton and Playfair against Lyell and all comers. London, 1857. O. maps. 551.35 1 Greg, WiUiani Rathbone. Whv are women redundant? London, 1869. D. .39 p. 396 5 Gregoire, bishop of Tours, see Gregorius. Gregoire, Henri, bishop of Blois. Rapports sur la bibliograpliie, la destruction des patois etlesexces du vandalisme, faits a la Convention, an 2-3; reedites sous les auspices de Emile Egger par un bibliophile normand [Charles Renard]. Caen, 1867. O. 010 3 Gregoras, jVicephonis, patriarch of Constan- tinople. Explicatio in librum Synesii de in- somniis. (/ji Syiiesius. Opera. 1612.) 208 11 Gregorio, ■physician, IJfth century. Fiori di medicina. Bologna, 1865. D. 86 p. (In Scelta di ouriosita. .59.) 850 10 — Mni^salta, A. Fiori di medicina, di Gregorio. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865. )805 1 Gregorio, G. de. Fonetica dei dialetti gallo- italici di Sicilia. (In Archivio glot. ital v. 8, 1882-5.) 450 11 Gregorins, Georgiiis Florentius, St., bishop of Tours. Histoire ecclesiastique des Francs ; suivie d' un sommaire de ses autres ouvrages, et precedee de sa vie ecrite par Odon, abbe de Cliini; traduction nouvelle par Henri Bordier. Paris, 1859-61. 2 v. D. 274 4 Gregorins, see Hartmann von Aue. Gregorj, Giovanni Gasparo. ile de Sardaigne 1839. pi. ma]). (In L'nnivers. 35.) 910 18 Gregorovins, Ferdinand. Alouni cenni storici suUa cittadinanza romana. (In Rome — R. ac- cad. del lincei, Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 — Buphorion; eine Dichtung aus Pompeii. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1873. S. 831 31 — Lucrezia Borgia; nach Urkunden und Cor- res|ion'' facsim. 923 20 For critical estimate ««■ UlUcliriind, K. Italia, v. 1. — Le tombe dei papi; prima trailuzione italiana, accresciuta dair autore. Roma, 1879. D. 922 11 bound with 21 — Wanderjahre in Italien. Leipzig, 1874-7. 5 V. D. 914.5 38 "Very interesting travelsin Italy."— .Vo^e hi/ Mr. Marxh. —translator, see Meli, G. Lieder. 1856. 859 36 Gregory L, St., pope, the Great. CoUectio li- terarum de Augustini missione in Britanniani. (In Bede. Hist, eccles. Anglorum, 1722, p. 674- 90.) 274 1 — King Alfred's West-Saxon version of Greg- ory's Pastoral care: with an English transla- tion, notes and an introduction, edited by Henry Sweet. London, 1871. O. (In. E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 45, 50. ) 820 5 — II libro della regola pastorale ; volgarizza- mento inedito del secolo 14 ; tratto da un nis. da Antonio Ceruti. Milano, 1869. D. 262 4 GREGORY VII. (Hildebrand), pope. HanptjC. Staat und Kirche vor 800 Jahren. Berlin, 1878. O. 40 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 13Serie.) 043 1 — .Winckler, A. Gregor VII. und die Norman- nen. Berlin, 1875. O. 40 p. (In .lame. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Gregory IX. (Ugolino Conti), pope. Epistola a Federigo II. (In Villani, G. Cronica, 1823^ V. 8.) 945 76 Gregory, John, M. D. A comparative view of the state and faculties of man with those of tire animal world. 3 edition. London, 1766. S. 573 1 Gregory, William. Chronicle of London. (In Camden soc. n. s. 17, 1876.) 820 4.1 Grein, Christian Wilhelm Michael. Die histori- schen Verh'altnisse des Beowulflides. (In Jahr- buch rom.u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Contents: 1-2. Text. 3-4. Sprachschatz. — editor. Bibliothek der angelpachsischen Poe- sie in kritisch bearbeiteten Texten und mit voUstandigem Glossar. Goettingen, 1857-8. 4 v. in 3. O. 829 17 Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Prosa in kritisclien bearbeiteten Texten. Cassel, 1872-89. 3 V. in 1. O. 829 11 Contents: 1. Alfrik de vetere et novo testamento. Pen- tateuch, losua, Buch der Ricbter und Hiob. 2. Die angelsachsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benedictiner- regel; hrsg. von A. Schroer. 3. .\ngelsachsische Homi- lien und Heiligenleben; hrsg. vonB. Assmann. Vol. 2-3 fortgesetzt von H. P. WUlker. Hildebrandslied. 1858. 831 48 —translator. Dichtungcn der Angelsachsen stabreimend iibersetzt. Gottingen, 1857-9. 2 v. in 1. O. 829 18 Grellet, — . Esquisse geognostique du canton d' Allegre. (In Pny de Dome— Soci^te. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 Grellet, Stephen. Memoirs of [his] life and gos- pel labours: edited by Benjamin Seebohm. 3 edition. London, 1862. 2 v. O. por. 922 28 GRENAZ 296 GRIMOD DE LA RETNIERE tiRENAZ, the word. Gislason, K. {In Copeiilia- geu— K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 1, 1H66.) 948 5 GBENLAND, Norivay. Munch, P. A. Om Be- liggenhedeii af det garale Grenland, Grenmar, og andre Steder i Forbindelse deriued. ?)(ap. (1)1 same. Aiinaler. v. 1, 1836-7.) 948 2 GRENOBLE. [Map of environs of Grenoble.] Paris, 1853. 64x92 cm. 912 48 In portfolio 1. With one other French map. Gresset, Jean Baptiste Louis. CEuvres de Gresset. Paris, 1811. 2 v. O. 84118 Life in T. 1 . Le parrain magnifique added to v. 3. Grettls saga; udgivet af G. Magnusson og G. Thordarson. Kidbenhavn, 1853. pt. 1. D. {In >'ord. Lit.-Sainflind, 16.) 839.63 37 GREVENS FEIDE. Paliidan-Muller, C. P. Fire Studier til Grevefeidens Historie. {In C'open- haffen— K. noi-d. Old.-Selskab. Anualer. v. 13, is.>l) 948 2 Greville, Fulke, Lit baron Brooke, see Brooke. Grey, Lady Jane, see Dudley. Grey, Zacliary, editor, see Butler, S.Hudil)ras. 1772. 827 5 GREY FRIARS, see FRANCISCANS. Grey of AVilton, Arthur Grey, 14th baron. A commentary of tlie services and charges of William, lord Grey of Wilton; with a memoir of the author, and illu^rative documents; edited by Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton. London, 1847. sqO. facsim. {In Camden soc. 40.) 820 4 Grida della civilta e dell' umanita contro le vivisezioni. 4 edizione. Torino. 1881. O. //. p?. 179 2 bound irith 14G 1 II grido d' Italia, see Peruzzini, G. Griel), Christoph Friedricli. English-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Worterbuch. 6 Stereo- typ-Ausgabe. Sluttgart, 1863. v. 1. Q. 433 13 Contents: 1. English-deutsch. GRIFFENFELH, Peder. Molbeeh, C. Nogle Ideer over G. L. Badens Skrift om Griflfenfeld. Kiobenhavn, 1808. D. 88 p. 948 98 Griffiths, John. Laws of the Greek accents. 11 edition. Oxford 1863. T. 481 1 Grigor, John. Arboriculture; or, A practical treatise on raising and managing forest trees. Edinburgh, 1868. O. 551. .58 37 GriUet, Jean, Griiuhersjschc oorlog, ridderdicht uit de 14e eeuw. (Jent, 18.52-4. 2 V. Q. CO/. j>?. (//i Mact- schappy der Vlaeni. bihl. Werken, 2 ser. 14.) 839.3 3 (Jrimm, Herman Friedricli. Albrecht Diirer. Berlin, 1H66. O. 46 p. (/n VircliOW * Hol- tz(md<)rir. Vortrilge. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — XotizcM iiber Lionardo da Vinci. {In Hille- brand, K. Italia, v. I, 1874.) 94."> 1 Grimm, Jakob Ludwigr Karl. Deutsche Gram- matik. Gottingen, 1822-37. 4 v. O. 435 2 — Same. 3 Ausgabe. Gottingen, 1840. v. 1. O. 435 3 — Same. 2 Ausgabe ; neuer, vermehrter Ab- druck. Berlin, 1870-90. v. 1-3. O. 435 4 Vol. 1-2. hesorgt durch Wilhelm Scherer; v. 3, durch Gustav Roethe und Edward Schroder. — Deutsche Rechtsalterthiimer. Gottingen, 1828. O. 349 1 — Geschichte derdeutschen Sprache. 2 Autlage. Leipzig, 1853. 2 v. O. 430 1 — Kleinere Schriften. Berlin, 1864-90. 8 v. O. facsim. 408 2 Contents; 1. Reden und .\bhandlungen; 2. Abhand- lunfren zur Mytholofjie und Sittenliuude. :J, Abhand- lungen zur Literatur und Grammatik. 4-7, Recensionen und vermischte Aufsatze. S, Vorreden, Zeitgesebich- tliches und Fersonliches. Vol. 1-5 edited by K. Miillenhoff, with index in v. 5: V. 6-8 by E. Ippel, with index in v- 8. — Om oldnordiske Egennavne i en i Reicheuau skreven Necrolog fra det 9-10 Aarhundrede. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. An- tiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — Sendschreiben an Karl Lachmann iiber Reiii- hart Fuchs. Leipzig, 1840. O. facsim. 837 4 — Wiiber, F. X. Wort- und Sachverzeichnis zu Grimm's Deutscher Grammatik und Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Wien, 1860. pt. 1. sqO. 435 5 Contents: 1. Wortverzeichnis. — d- Wilhelm Karl. Deutsche Sagen. Berlin, 1816-18. 2 V. O. 398 6 Deutsches Worterbuch. Leipzig, 1854-90. 12 V. sqQ. 2^or. 433 2 A— F, H— Q complete; the remaining parts to be sent as published. Kinder- und Hausm'archen. 16 Autlage. Berlin. 1879. D. 398 7 editors, see Hartmann I'OJi Aue. Der arme Heinrich. 1815. 831 33 Hildebrand, R. tjljer Grimms Worter- buch in seiner wissenschaftlichen und nation- alen Bedeutung; Vorlesung. Leipzig, 1869 O. 23 1). 433 3 Miihlhausen, A. Geschichte des Grimm- schen Worterbuchs. Hamburg. 1888. O. 42 p. (/)( Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Grimm, Wilhelm Karl. Die deutsehe Helden- sage. Gottingen, 1829. O. 831 4 — Die Sage von Polyphem. Berlin, 1857. sqQ [2 +] 30 p. ■ 292 3 — Ueber deutsehe Runen. Gottingen. 1821. S. facsim. 439.61 11 — editor, see Hildebrandslied. Fragmentum. 1830. 831 49 Freidank, B. Besoheidenneit. 1834. 831 87 — Grimm, J. L. K. Rede anf W^ilhelm Grimm. {In //?'.s- Kleinere Schriften. 1864-90, v. 1.) 408 2 Grimmelshausen, Hans Jacob Christoffel von. Simplicianische Schriften: mit Krii'uiterungen. Leipzig. 1863-4. 4 v. D. (/;; Kurz, H. Detit.scho Bibliothek. 3-6.) 830 6 GRIMM'S LAW, .see PERMUTATION OF CON- SONANTS. (irimod de la Reyniere, Alexandre Balthazar Laurent. Manuel des amphitryons. [An(m.l Paris, 1808. O. pi. 641 3 aRIMORIUM 297 GR ONO VIUS Das sogenannte Griiiioriiim; oder, Dei- grosse Grimoir des Pabsts Honorius. {In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 Saga Gi'iins, loSinkinna. {In Rafii, €!. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-80, v. 3.) S30.63 13 Grimsliaw, William. The history of Fiance, to the deatli of Louis XIV. [Philadelphia, 1829.] D. 1)1. 044 5 GRINDING. Holtzapfel, C. Das Schleifen uud Poliien drr Werkzeuge und Instiuiiiente; deutsch bearbeitet von C. Haitmann. Weimar, 1853. D. 689 1 Plates wanting. Griiidoii, Loo H.artley. The trees of old Eng- land. London, 1808. O. il. 551.58 68 Gring'ore, Pierre. Le jeu dii prince des Sotz et mere Sotte, joue aux halles de Paris, le Mardy Gras, 1.501. n. p., n. d. S. 842 3 Contains a "sottie,'' a "moralit6" and a "farce." — Chassaiig', A. Pierre Gringoire. {In Jalirbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Griniiell, Joslali Biishnell. The cattle indus- tries of the United States; Dairying and dairy improvements, by J. H. Reall. [New York, 1883.] O. 41 p. 637 1 Grioii, Giui^to. Entwickelung der italienischen Nationalliteratur, 1858-9. {In Jalirbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1-3, 1859-60.) — Ein motto con- fetto des veroneser Dichters Francesco di Van- nozzo. (In same. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 — II serventese di Ciullo d' Alcamo, scherzo co- mico del 1247. Bologna, 1871. O. 80 p. 859 41 — II sirventese di Ciullo d' Alcamo; e.sercita- zione critica. Padova, 1858. sqQ. 34p. 859 41.1 — editor, see Tempo, A. da. Delle rime. 1869. (7« Emilia. Collezione. 37.) 850 6 ALEXANDER. I nobili fatti di Alessandro magno. 1873. (/», same. 33.) 850 6 GRIPSHOLM. Ljungmaii, C. F. Beskrifning om Gripsholms slott. Stockholm, 1790. D. (7. pl. 914.8 31.1 Griscelli, Giacopo Francesco, da Vezzani, ha- rone di Rimini. Memoires de Griscelli, agent secret de Napoleon III, de Cavour, d'Anto- nelli, de Fran9ois II, de I'empereur d'Autri- che. Bruxelles, 1867. S. 923 46 Grisebacli, Eduard, editor, see Licliteiibergr, G. C. Gedankeu, mit einer biographischen Ein- leitung. 1871. 838 5 [Griselda :] The clerkes tale. (In f liaticer, G. Poetical works, 1866, v. 3.) 821 40 For other editions see Chaucer. — Geschiclite von Griseldis und dem Mark- grafeu Walther. Leipzig, 1838. S. 71 p. il. (In Volksbiiclier. 1.) 833 32 — Grisilla. (In Biickstriim, P. 0. Svenska folk- bocker, 1845, v. 1.) 293 18 — Die historie vander goeder vrouwen Grisel- dis. Gent [,pref. 1849]. Q. [5-l-J 31 \>. {In Maetscliappy der Vlaeni. bibl. Werken voor de leden.) 839.3 5 —The history of patient Grissel ; two early tracts in black-letter, with an introduction and notes. London, 1843. D. 1H«63 p. pZ. (In Percy soc. v. 3.) 820 6 —II marchese di Saluzzo e la Griselda; novella in ottave del aecolo 15. Bologna, 1862. D. 38-f [1] p. (In Scelta di curiosita.! 19.) 850 10 — Tlie patient Griselda ; English abstract of a French version of Cliaiicer's Clerk's tale, by W. A. Clouston. (//t Originals and analogues. 1872- 88; in Chancer soc. 3 ser. 33.) 821 46 — Petrarch's Latin tale of Griseldis, with Boc- caccio's story from which it was re-told. (In Originals and analogues. 1872-88 ; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 10.) 821 46 With note by . I. W. Hales. La Griselda, comniedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 39- GRISONS. Fallmerayer, J. P. Die alten und moderuen Riiter. (In his Werke, 1861, v. 3.) 908 1 — Spreclicr, P. Rhetia. Lugd. Batavorum, 1633. Tt. 094 53 .Sw alM OIIIRCH HISTORY— OKISONS; EXGADI.V: IIO- MA>SH nMLECT. Griswold, Rnfiis Wilniot. The poets and poetry of America; witii an historical introduction. 9 edition. Philadelphia, 1848. O. jwr. pl. iltp. 811 1 — The prose writers of America; with a survey of the history, condition and prospects of American literature. Philadelphia, 1847. O. por. 810 1 Gritti, Cornelia Barbaro. Canzone. (In Gamba- B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 9.) 85<( 5(5 Gritti, Francesco. Apologhi. Venezia, 1817. S. (In same. v. 6.) 859 50 — II brigliadoro, favola Chinese. (In same. V. 7.) 859 .50 Grivel, Adolplie C, editor, see Jnssie, J. de. Lelevaindu calvinisme; suivi de notes & d' une notice sur I'ordre religieux de Sainte- Claire & sur la conimunaute des Clarisses de Geneve, par Grivel. 1865. 284 1 Griiber, Gnstav, editor, see [Fernnibras :| La destruction de Rome. (In Romania, v 2 1873.] 479 6 Groden, der Grodner und seine Sprache; von einem Einlieimischen. Bozen, 1864. O. 459 12 Grohman, William A. Baillie. Tyrol and the Tyrolese. Leipzig, 1877. S. (Tauchnitz edi- tion.) 914.3 16 Griindal, Benedikt. Clavis poetica antiquae linguae septemtrionalis quam e Lexico poetico S. Egilsson collegit Grondal. Hafniae. 1804 O- 439.63 3 — Hruugnersmy then, med almindelige Beuiierk- ninger om den oldnordiske Poesie. (In Copeu- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 30, I860.)— Om Ni-Tallet. (In same. v. 23, 1863.) — Folketro i Norden, med sa^rligt Hensvn til Island. (In same. v. 3, 1863.) 948 3 — Orm og Ormegaarde i de nordiske Oldskrif ter. (In same. Aarboger. v. 4, 1869.) 948 5 — Strobeniferkninger. (In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 —editor, see Rafn, C. C. Breve fra og til Rafn, med en Biographi. 1869. 913 1 Gronlandische Prozesse; oder, Satirische Skiz- zen, see Rlcliter, J." P. F. v. 9. Gronovins, Jakob, annotalor, see Herodotus. Historiarum libri. 1763. 888 3.1 Gn ON onus 298 GEUNDTVia —& Jolianii Friedrich, editors, see Uelliiis, A, Noctium Atticarum libri. 1706. 878 30 Grronoviiis, Johanii Friediicli. Ad Albeituni Rubeniuni epistolae 10; edidit et prefatus est Johannes Cornelius Geiardus Boot. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. set. inor. \. 1, 18T6-7.) 065 5 Groote, E. vou, editor, see Harff, A. voii. Pil- gerfahrt. 1860. ' !)10 30 GROOTE, Gerard, see BRETHREN OF THE COMJIOX UFE. Grosart, Alexander Ballocli, editor, see Gran- ville, J. The voyage to Cadiz in les.*). {In Cam- den soc. n. s. 32, 1883 ) 820 4.1 Gi'ose, Francis. Military antiquities respecting a liistory of the English army, from the con- quest to tlie present time. London, 1801. 3 v. sqQ. pi. 355 5 Grosknrd, Christoph Gottlieb, translator <£■ annotator, seeStrabo.Erdbeschreibung. 1831-3. 910 17 Gross, Carl, Freiherr von. Eine Wanderung durcli irlandisclie Gefangnisse. Berlin, 1868. O. 86 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 3. Serie.) 043 1 Der Gross-Cophta, ein Lustspiel, see Gotlie, J. W. von. V. 14. Der grosse Rosengarten. {In Hagen, F. H. vou der. Der Helden Buch. 1825.) 831 6 Grosseteste, Robert, bishop of Lincoln. Car- mina Anglo-Normannica: Chasteau d'amour; added, La vie de Sainte Marie egyptienne, and an [Early] English version of the Chasteau d'amour; edited by M. Cooke. London. 18.52. O. (Caxtonsoc.) 841 19 — Epistolfe; edited by Henry Richards Luard. London, 1861. Q. facsim, {In Gt, Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 35.) 942 8 Grossi, Tommaso. La pioggia d' oro. — La fug- gitiva. (//( CoUezione inilanese, 1816-7, v. 11.) 859 15 — Poesie milanese di Carlo Porta e Grossi, con alcune inedite. Milano, 1869. Tt. il. 859 18 Grote, George. Plato and the other compan- ions of Solsrates. London, 1865. 3 v. O. 888 20 Groth, Klans. Quickborn; Volksleben in platt- deutschen (iedichten ditmarscher Mundart. 8 Auflage, mit einem Glossar von K. Mttllen- hofif. Hamburg, 1860. D. 839.4 5 — Vertelln. 2 Auflage. Kiel, 1855-60. 2 v. S. 839.4 8 Contents: 1. TwisGhen MarschunGeest.— UtdeMarsch — Detlef. 2. Trina. — Domenica mattina; aus dem Plattdentschen [into Italian, by E. Teza]. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 4, 1877.) 94.5 41 Grotiiis (Dutch de Groot), Hugo. De antiqui- tate reipublica! Batavicie. (In Scliryver, P. Re8pul)licii Ilollandia^ 1630.) 094 37 — Foretal pa Golhernes. Wiindei-s ocli Longo- barders liistoria. (In GI}'ldcnstoli)e, H. Nor- landz chriinika. 1670.) 948 38.1 — Historia Gottliorum, Vaifdalorum & Lango- bardoruin, ]>artim versa, partim in ordinem digestii; ])r()leg()m(>Ma. nomina cum explica- tione, tabula. Amstelodami, 1654. D. 943 5 — J. V. Vondels Sofompaneas; of, Josef in 't hof; vertaelt uit het Latijn. Amsterdam, 1655. nnp. 839.32 30 — & others. Dissertationes de studiis insti- tuendis. Amsterdam, L. Elzevirium, 1645. T. 370 3 — Hartenstein, G. Darstellung der Reclits- pliilosophie des Grotius. (In Leipslc — K. Sachs. GeseU. Abhandl. phil.-hist. v. 1, 1850.) 737 1 — Nenmann, L. Hugo Grotius, 1583-1645. Ber- lin, 1884. O. 31 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzen- dorft'. Vortriige. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Grottaiielll, Francesco, editor, see Leggenda minore di S. Caterina e lettere dei suoi disce- poli. 1868. (/Ji Emilia. CoUezione. 26.) 850 3 GrottaneUi, Lorenzo. La Maremma toscana; studi .storici ed economic!. Siena, 1873-6. 2 v. O. 551.49 13 GROTTOES, see CAVES. Groiilart, Claude. Memoires; ou, Voyages par lui faits en cour. (/n Micliaud & Poujoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 The ground worke of conny-catching [; the parts added to Harman's Caueat to make it]. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 9.) 820 5.1 Grove, Sir William Robert. The correlation of physical forces. 2 edition. London, 1850. O. 531 3 Grubb, Christopher, L. Penu proverbiale; dhet ar, Ett ymnigt forradh aff allelianda gambla och nyia swenska ordseeder och liihresprak. Linkoping, 1665. S. 398 41 Gruel, Guillaunie. CIn-onique du comte de Richemont. {In Buchon, J. A. C. Choix de chroni(|ues, 15e siecle, 1838.) 944 17 — Histoire d' Artus III, comte de Richemont, 1413-57. por. (In Miclmud iililica Naimnxensi.s. 1634.) !)49 24 — Hollan(lia',Selaiulia>(iue descriptio. (7h Scliry- ver, I*. Kespublica llollandiai. 16i!0.) 0!)4 37 Giiichard , J. Marie. Introduction. (In Theonlii- iiis. Liiii-i. iH4:i) eoa 1 Giiic'lie, Armaiid de Grairioiit, comie de. Rela- tion du jiassaKe du Rliin. (In Micliaud & Poii- joulat. Menioires, 1866, v. 31.) 944 9 Giiidalottrt, IMoiiiede. Egloga. (In Biibbi, A. EgloKlie. 178.").) 851 2 (iiiidi, Caiiiillo. Sulla determinazione grafica delle forze interne negli archi nietallici. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. scL fis. V. 4, 1878-9.) — nelle travi omogenee e nelle travi reticolari appoggiate agli estrenii e sog- gette ad un sopraccarico mobile, pi. (In same. V. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 (iuidi, Ig;nazio. Delia sede primitiva dei po- |)oli semitici. (In same. 3 ser. sci. nior. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 5 — editor & translator, see Simeon, bishop of Beth Arsam. La lettera. (In same. v. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 Gnidiccione, Giovanni. Novelle. (In Zanibrini, F. Tre novelle. 1867; in Scelta di curiosita. 85.) 850 10 Guidickins, F. W. An answer to Horace Wal- pole's Historic doubts on the reign of Ricliard HI. London, 1768. sqO. 923 50 iiUlDO of Arezzo. Arezzo. Regolamento per. . . erigere un monumento europeo all' inventore delle note musicali. Arezzo, 1866. F.^6p. 92710 Gnido of Pisa. I fatti d' Enea, libro secondo della Fiorita d' Italia: con note di Domenico Carbone. 6 edizione. Firenze, 1871. D. 873 11 Gnido dalle Colonne, see Colonne,;G. dalle. Gnidncci, Mario. Tre LezionisorpaLe riniedi M. A. Buonarroti. (In Buonarroti, M. A. Le rime. 1817.) 851 21 GniftVey, Georges, editor, see Clironiqne du roy Fraui-oys. 1860. 944 22 GUILDFORD, Francis >"orth, baron. ]Vortli,R. The lives of F. D. and J. North. New edition [by H. Roscoe]. London, 1836. 3 v. O. por. 923 75 GUILDFORD, Frederiolv Augustus Xortli, earl of. PapadoponloS VretOS,A. ...Bi.oypa4>iKa icTopma. vcpl VviKtpopd. 'Ev 'Adripai^, 1846. O. por. 923 17 Guildford, Nicholas de. Tlie owl and the niglit- ingale ; an Early English poem ; with some shorter poems from the same ms. ; edited by Thomas Wright. London, 1843. D. 8-t-84 p. (In Percy soc. v. 11.) 820 6 GUILDFORD, Sir Richard. Tlie pylgryniage of Guylforde to the Holy Land, 1506: edited by Sir Henry Ellis. [London,] 1851. sqO. facsim. tab. (In Camden soc. 51.) " 820 4 Gnillaiime, archbishop of r//re,see Willermns. Guillaume of Btoi.s. 1135-1303. Alda [Latin]. (/n Wright, T. Latin stories, 1842, appendix; in Percy soc. v. 8.) 820 6 GUILLAUME of Conches. Werner, K. Die Ko- .smologie und Naturlehre des scholastischen Mittelalters, mit specieller Bezieliung auf Wil- helm von Conclies. Wicn, 1874. O. [2-1- 1 95 p. 113 1 (jiiillanme of Tndele. Historie de la croisade contres les Albigeois, see Hlstoire. Guillaiime de la Barre, ronian, see Tidal de Castelnandary, A. Guilleniin, Amed6e Victor. La vapeur. Paris, 1873. D. il. (In Charton, E. Bibl. des mer- veilles.) 621 3 Gnilliman, Fran(jois, ci- others. Brevis Helve- tia; geographica descriptio. (In Helvetiorum respublica. 1637.) 094 34 GUINEA. Eaunes de Azurara, G. Chronica do descobriniento e conquistadeGuine; trasladada do Carreira, com notas pelo Santarem. Pariz, 1841. MiQ. por. facsim. 967 1 — Monrad, H. C. Bidrag til en Skildring af Guinea-Kvsten og dens Indbyggere, 1805-9. Kiobenhavn, 1823. D. 916.6 8 —Santarem, insconde de. Memoria sobre a priorirkninger ora Guldholm Kloster. {hi Copeii- haaen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Amialer. v. 19. 1859.) 948 3 GVLF STREAM. Kolil, J. G. Geschichte des Golfstroms und seiner Erforschung. Bremen, 1868. O. max>s. 551.47 2 GULIELMA, St. Bonfadiiii^ A. Listoria di santa Gulielnia. (In his Vite. 1878; iii Scelta di curiosita. 1.59.) 850 10 Giilliver's travels, see Swift, J. v. 2. Giiiiippeiiberg-Pottmes, Joseph, Frieherr von. Der Wasserbau an Gebirgstiiissen. Augsburg, 18.54. sqQ. 8+83 p. 1)1. mcqis. 627 10 GUSHILD, "mother of kings." Petersen, S. M. IJdsigt over den norslie Dronning Gunhildes Levnet. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kab. Aunaler. V. 1, 1836-7.) — Yderlige Beniwrli- niuger om Gunliilde. (In same. v. 4, 1842-3.) 948 3 — — German: Gunnhild der Konige Mutter; in gedrangten Auszuge Ubersetztvon A. A.Wolff. (In same. Memoire.s. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 Giinloa:, mythisk dikt, .■'. O. 947 6 Giistaf Adolf ocli lOhlia Brahe, lieroisk drame, .ire (liustavus III. v. 2. Gustaf Adol|)li (ich Ebba Brahe, lyrisk drame, see Kelljrren, J. II. Glistaf den tredje och bans liof, see Knllberir. K. A. "' Giisfaf Mndorm, see Carl^n, E. S. F. Gustaf Vasa [, drama], see Gustarns III. v. 2. Gustaf Wasa, lyrisk tragedie, .see Kellgren, J.H. GUSTAVUS I., Vasa, king of Sweden. Celsius, 0. Konung Gustaf den forstes historia. 3 up- lagan. Lund, 1792. 3 v. D. 948 35 — Fryxell, A. Leben und Thaten Gustavs I, Wasa, Konigs von Schweden ; aus dem Schwe- dischen von G. v. Ekendahl. Neustadt, 1831. O. 923 48 GUSTAVUS II. Adolphus, king of Sweden. Glafey, A. F. De gladio quo cum Gustavus Adolphus occubuit. Lipsiae, 1749. sqO. 43 p. 1)1. 948 53 —The new starr of the north shining upon the victorious king of Sweden. London, 1632. sqD. [3-I-] 50 p. 2^or. 133 35 — Roe, T. Letters relating to [his] mission to Gustavus Adolphus. 1629-30; edited by S. R. Gardiner. [London,] 1875. sqO. (In Camden misc. 7: in Camden soe. 14.) S20 4.1 — Taddel, E. Hiertelig og smertelig Klage- Pre- dicUen oftuer den wformodende dog salige oc hoyprijselige dfldelige Affgang den hoya'rver- digis Gustavi Adolphi..., Rostock, den 18. De- cemb. ... Ki0benhaffn, 1633. sqS. 22 p. 252 6 — Wallin, G., prceses. Triga dissertationum de gladio magico Gustavi Adolphi, 1738-9. Lipsiae, 1746. s(iO. (7. jj/. 948 53 Sfe also I.l'TZEN. Gustavus III., fcinsf of Sireden. Skrifter i po- litiska och vittra amnen, tillika med des bref- vexling. Stockholm, 1806-13. 6 v. O. par. pi. 839.72 4.1 — Geijer, E. G. Konung Gustaf III:s efterlem- nai1e papper ; ofversikt, utdrag och jemn- forelse. Upsala, 1843-4. 3 v. O. 948 41 — Oxensljerna, J. G. Areminne ofver Konung Gustaf III. (///. his Arbeten, 1805-26, v. 3.) 839,71 33 Gustos y disgustos son no mas queimaginacion, see Calderon. v. 3. Die guten Weiber, see Giitlie, J. W. von. v. 15. GUTENBERG, Jolianu. .Madden, J. P. A.Etudes sur Gutenberg et sur Schoiffer. (In his Lettres, 1868-74, V. 3.) 010 4 GUTHIAC, St. Felix of Crowland. The Anglo- Saxon version of the life of St. Guthlac: with a translation and notes by C. W. Goodwin. London, 1848. D. 829 8.1 GUTHORMR SINDRE. Olsen, B. M. Bemterk ninger til to Vers af Guthormr Sindre. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarlioger. V. 21, 1886.) 948 5 Gutierrez, Juan Maria. Beitrilgezur Geschichte der spaniscb-amerikanischen Literatur. (In Jahrbuch mm. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Giitslafl', Karl. [The doctrine of redemption, in Chinese, compiled by Ai Han.] ii. p., 18;i6. Q. .S95 3 GUTTA-PERCHA, .see RUBBER. Saga Gnltorms SigurSarsonar. (In Copenha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Fornnuinna sI3 35 Gynevera de le dare donne, see Sabadino degli Arienti, G. GYPSIES. Wlislocki, H. von. Zur Volkskunde der transsilvanischen Zigeuner. Hamburg, 1887. O. 40 p. (/»(. Virchow d2: Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 3 See aim VAOABOXDS. Gysbreelit van Aemstel, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van (leu. H., C. The French schoolmaister, 1615, see HoUyband, C. 448 3 H., C. A philosophical discourse of earth- quakes; occasioned by the late earthquake, 8 Sept. 1693. London, 1693. D. [3 +] 31 p. 551.22 3 H.iag-, Friedrich. Vergleichung des Prakrit mit den ronianischen Sprachen. Berlin, 1869. O. 68 p. 491.2 6 HAARLEM LAKE. Ainersfoordt, J. P. Het Haarleminermeer. Haarlem, 1857. O. {;'>+] 't'i P- 627 44 — Deloche, R. Note suruneferme dans I'ancien lac de Harlem. Paris, 1863. O. 34 p. 630 33 Haavlems verlossing, zangspel, see Lennep, J. von. Poet, werken, 9. Haben, or Hyberdyne, — ,parson. A sermon in praise of thieves and thievery. (//; E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 9.) 820 5.1 Habiiigton, William. Castara. (In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 —Castara. 3 edition of 1649. London, 1870. S. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 2-1.) 820 9 Hackel, Ernst Heinrich. Das Leben in den grossten Meerestiefen. Berlin. 1870. O. 43 p. il. pi. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber Arbeitstheilung in Natur- und Men- schenleben. Berlin, 1869. O. 40 p. (7. pi. (/» sOT/ie. 4 Serie.) 043 1,590 3 — Ueber die Entstehung und den Stammbaum des Menschengeschlechts Berlin, 1868. O. 80 p. (/?i same. 3 Serie.) 043 1, 573 3 —editor, see Bleek, W. H. I. tjber den Ur- sprung der Spraciie. 1868. 410 3 — Semper, C. Der Haeckelismus in der Zoolo- gie. 2 Auflage. Hamburg. 1876. O. 36 p. 590 3 HACKERT, Plillipp. Gothe, J. W. von. (In his Werke, 1837-43, x. 37.) 832 1 Hackliinder, Friedrich Wilhelni. Bilder aus dem Leben. Stuttgart, 1850. sqD. il. 838 4 bound with 833 11 — Der Pilgerzug nach Mekka, morgenlandische Sagen und Erzahlungen. Stuttgart, 1847. sqD. 833 11 — Das Soldatenleben im Frieden. 3 Auflage. Stuttgart [,1871J. O. il. 833 11 Haddock family. Correspondence, 1657-1719; edited by Edward Maunde Thompson. [Lon- HABJD CK FAMIL Y 304 HAIR don.] 1881. sqO. 8+58 p. tab. (In Camden misc. 8; in Camden soc. u. s. 31.) 820 -1.1 Haden, Francis Seymour. The etched woik^of Remljiandt: with an appendix. London, 1879. Q. [8+] o3 p. pi. 767 1 Hadersleben, Schlesn-ig. Statuta Haderslelii- ensia. 1392. (/» Westphalen, E. J. vou. Moiiu- menta. 1739-4.'5, v. 4.) 943 '-'l Hadji-Abd' el-Hamid-bey, pseudonym of Du Couret, L. Hadley, James. A Greek grammar. New York, 1860. D. 4*^5 8 Hado y divisa, seeCalderon. v. 2. Hadorpli, Jolin, editor, see Biiirkoa riitten. 1687 : — tiothlands-laglien. 1687 ; — Wisby lag. 1689. 349 47.1 HADR.iMAUT. Wiede, A. von. Reise in Ha- dramaut, Beled Beny 'Yssa and Beled el Had- scliar ; herausgegeben von H. von Maltzan. Braunschweig, 1870. O. facsim. map. 9la.S 14 Maltziin si^es an appendix Ueber die Konige und V61- kerSiidarabiens. HADKIANUS, Pnblins.Elius, emperor of Rome. Eyssenhardt, F. R. Hadrian and Florus. Ber- lin, 1883. O. 32 p. (/?t Vircliow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 See also TlBl'li in ser. 18. Haen-Carstau.jen, -de. Bie Wasserglas-Gal- lerte ihre An'wendung und ihr Nutzeu. DUs- seldorf [,1856]. D. 16 p. 666 1 H»nsa-i6rissa,ga. (/n Copenhasen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab, Isl. sogur, 1843-7, v. 2.) 839.63 9 Haii-niiendene paa Helgeland, Skuespil, see Ibsen, H. Hiifelin, Franz. Die romanischen Mundarten der Siidwestschweiz: l.Die Neuenburger Mund- arten. Berlin, 1874. O. 447 4 Hagbart og Signe, see 01ilenscbliiger, A. G. Tragtidier, v. 2. Hagedorn, Friedrich von. Siimmtliche poeti- sche Werke. Carlsruhe, 1777. 3 t. in 1. .S. 831 33 Hagemans, Gustave, editor. Relations inedites d'ambassadeurs venitiens dans les Pays-Bas •sous Philippe II et Albert et Isabelle. Bru- xelles, 1863. O. 86 [-1-1] p. 914.9 16 Hagen, Ernst August. Norika, das sind niirn- bergische Novellen aus alter zeit. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1855. D. 833 13 Hagen, Friedrich Heinricli von der, & Bii- scliing, J. G., editors. Deutsche Gedichte des Mitlelalter.s. Berlin, 1808. v. 1. sqQ. fac.iim. 831 5 Contents: 1. Einleituns— K^nii; Hdthcr. ~ Vahlcckc, II. TOn. Herzog Ernst — Wiguniur. — Iteiiibut /'o/t Dorii. Derliei- lige Geoig.— Snlonioii und Morolf. — & Priniissor, A., editors. Der Helden Buch in der Ursprache. Berlin, 1825. v. 2 of pre- ceding. sqQ. 831 6 Voiiifntx : i. (inilrun.— nittcnilf iind Dirtlu'b. Per (irosHC KosenKartim.— Itii". K. vdiiilcr. Das lli'Idenbiu'li — ifornoii Siegfried.— Oictriclis Ahuen and i'liudit /.u den ileunen— Die liiin'iina-Srliliii'lit.— .\iinieikuligen. — (irinim, .1. L. K. Von der Hagen und Btisching, dcut.sche Godichto des Mittelalters. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 4.) 408 2 Sec also index in v. 8. —editor, see Gottfried von Strassburn. Werke. 1823. 831 30 Hagen, Gotfrid. Dit is dat boich van der stede Oolne. (/Ji Municli— K. baier. Akad. Chroni- ken der deutschen Stadte, v. 12, 1875.) 943 24 Hagen, Hermann. Der Roman vom Konig Apollonius von Tvrus in seinen verschiedenen Bearbeitungen. " Berlin, 1878. O. 32 p. (In Virchow . 'il. 913 30. 1 Haldenian, Samuel Stehniaii. Affixes in their origin and application, exhibiting the etymolo- gic structure of English words. Philadelphia, 1865. D. 422 3 — On the relations between Chinese and the Indo-European languages. Cambridge [, Mass. J, 1857. O. [1-f] 201-213 p. 495 1 From Proceedings of American association for ad- vancement of science, 1K56. — Report on the present state of our knowledge of linguistic ethnology. [Cambridge, Mass.,] 1856. O. 414 1 Hale, William, * EUaconibCj H. T., editors. Account of the e.xecutors of Richard, bishop of London, 1303, and of Thomas, bishop of Exeter, 1310. [London,] 1874. sqO. p?. tab. {In. Cam- den soc. n. s. 10.) 820 4.1 — editor, see the following publications of the Camden society: 820 4 69. London. The domesday of St. Paul's. 1858. 91. Worcester. Registrum prioratus b. Marije. 1865. Halclujali; or, Britans second remembrancer, see tt'illier, G. Hiiles, John Wesley. The teaching of English. (In Farrar, F. W., editor. Essays. 1867.) 375 1 — editor, see Percy, T. Folio manuscript. 1867-8. 821 6 Hdlfdaiiar saga Eysteinssonar. {In Rafn, C. C. Forn sogur, 1809-30, v. 12.) 839.63 12 liittr Halfdanar svarta. {In Copenhagen— K, uord. Uld.-Selskab. Fornmanna sogur. 1825- 37, V. 10.) 839.63 7 Half-hours with the best authors, . see Kiiif>ht,C. Saga af Hdlll ok Halfsrekkum. {In Rafn, CO. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 2.) 839.63 12 Hall meidenhad, an alliterative homily of the 13th century ; edited by Oswald Cockayne. London, 1866 O. 8-1-50 p. (/w E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 18.) 820 5 See a/so Clene maydenhod. in same, 25. Halieuticon, see Ovidins Naso, P. v. 1. Halkett, Lady Anue (Miirray).Autobiography; edited by John Gough Nichols. [London,] 1875. s(jO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 13.) 820 4.1 Hall, Capt. Basil. Voyage to the eastern seas, 1816: including an interview with Napoleon at St. Helena, 1817. New York, 1827. S. 915.1 2 Hall, Edwin. The puritans and their principles. New York, 1846. O. 285 1 Hall, Fitzedward. Modern English. London, 1873. D. 428 3 — Recent exemplifications of false philologv. New York, 1872. O. 428"4 — editor, see the following publications of the Early English text society: ORIGINAL SERIES. 820 5 3. Lauder, W. Ane compendious tractate. 1864. 11, 19. Lyndesay. I). The monarche and other poems' 1865-6. 35. Lyndesay, I). Historie of William lleldrum. 1868. 37. Lynilesuy, I). Satyre of the thrie estaits. 1869. Hall, John. An histoiiall expostulation against the beastlye abusers, both of chyrurgerie and physyke, in oure tyme; edited by T. J. Petti- grew. London, 1844. D. 28-1-60 p. poc. {In Percy soc. v. 11.) 820 6 Hall, Robert. Sermons on various subjects, now first collected. New York, 1814. 211 3 Contents: Modern infldelity. its influence on society.— Reflections on war.— Account of the benevolent society instituted at Cambridge, 1801.— Sentiments proper to the HALL 306 HAMBURG present crisis.— Advantages of knowledge to the lower classes.— On the discouragements and supports of the C'liiistian ministry.- The work of the Holy Spirit. Hall, Sidney. Black's general atlas. Edinburgh, 1841. ¥.' 'oimaps. J»12 4 Hallager,Georg Fre(lerik,edWor,see Deiiiiiark. Kong Christian den f jerdes norske Lovbog af 1604. 1855. 349 39 Hallaarer, Laurents. Norsk Ordsamling; tilli- geined Viser i det norske Bondesprog. Kjoben- havn, 1803. O. 43».87 1 Halldorssou, Bjorn. Lexicon Islandico-Latino- Danicum; cura R. K. Raskii; prefatusest P. E. Miiller. HavniiB, 1814. 2 v. in 1. sqO. 439.63 3 Halleck, Fitz-Greeue.Fanny, with other poems. New York, 1839. D. iltp'. 811 9 HaUenberg, Jonas. Quatuor monunienta aenea e terra in Suecia eruta ; accessere nonnulla de litteratura cufica. Stockholiuiae, 1802. O. [6 + ] 71 p. (7. pi 913 50 H.lLLENfSTJERNA, Gnstaf. Rosenstein, N. Ton. Tal ot'ver Hallenstjerna, 18 aug. 1813. (In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 2.) 839 78 1 Haller, Albrecht tou. Lissauer, A. Albrecht von Haller uud seine Bedeutung fiir die deut- sche Cultur. Berlin, 1873. O. 39 p. (In Vir- chow <£• Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. SSerie.) 043 1 Hallfredar saga. [In Gislasoii, K. 44 Prover. ISOO.) 839.63 6 Die Hallig; oder. Die Scliififbriichigen; Novelle, see Biernatzki, J. C. Halliwell-Pliillipps, James Orchard. Descrip- tive notices of popular English histories. Lon- don, 1848. D. il. (In Percy soc. v. 23.) 820 6 — A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, ob.solete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs, from the 14th century. London, 1846-7. 2 v. O. 427 13 —Notices of fugitive tracts and chap-books. London, 1849. D. (/» Percy soc. v. 29.) 820 6 —editor. The early naval ballads of England. London, 1841. D. {In same. v. 2.) 820 6 The nursery rhymes of England; collected principally from oral tradition. London, 1842. D. {In same. v. 4.) 820 6 Poetical miscellainies, from a ms. collec- tion of the time of James I. Loudon, 1844. D. 6+47 p. (In .mme. v. 15.) 820 6 Kara mathematica; or, A collection of treatises on the mathematics; from ancient mss. London, 1839. O. facsim. 510 3 For contents gee MATHEMATICS. 7 The Thornton romances: Perceval, Isum- bras, Eglarnourand Degrevant. London, 1844. sqO. (/)) Camden soc. 30.) 820 4 -■& Wright, T., editors. Reliquias antiqufe; scraps from ancient mss. illustrating Early English literature and language. London, 184 1- 3. 2 V. O. 821 13 see the following publications of tlie Cam- den society: 820 4 10. HnrkHoiih, .1. .\ chronicle of Edward IV. ISiH. I.j. KlHlmnKPr, \Y. dc. The chronicle of the barons' wars. 1840. lit. !»<•(•, J. Private diary, and catalogue of mss. 1842. see the following publications of the Percy society: 820 6 Vol. 2. I.ydgate, J. Selection from minor poems. IMO. 4. The lioke of curtasye. 1841. 6, The nu'otinjf of gallants at an ordinarie. 1841 . 9. Hobson, W. Pleasant conceits. 1843. 14. AiiUtlay, J. Poems, 1844. 14. The roiiianre of the emperor Octavian. 1844. l.j. Terilo, W. Friar Bakon's prophesie. 1844. IB. The romance of Syr Tryaiuoure. 1846. 20. Barndelil, K. The affectionate shepherd. 1845. 20. The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy. 1847. 22. The interhide of the four elements. 1848. 22. lageldid, T. The interlude of the disobedient child. 1848. 22. Kinde Kit of Kingston. Westward for smelts. 1848. 2S. The interhide of the trial of treasure. 185U. 29. The man in the moone. 1849. 29. Walker, G. A manifest detection of dice play. 1850. 29. The loyal garland. 1850. The harrowing of hell. 1840. 822 6 Mandeville, J. Voiage and travaile. 1839. 910 33 see >iares, R. Glossary. 1859. 427 14 Torrent of Portugal. 1542. 821112 Warkworth, J. Chronicle. 1839. 820 4 HALLKELSSOS, Tindr. Jonsson, F. Bidrag til en rigtigere Forstaelse af Tindr Hallkelssons Vers. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kab. Aarboger. v. 21, 1886.) 948 5 Halmota prioratus Dunelmensis, see Dnrham. Halte-Hnlda, Drama, see Bj0rnson, B. HALVARO, St. Fragmenta de S. Halvardo martyre. (//( Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1884, V. 3.) 948 76 Halvorsen, J. B. P. C. Asbjornsen's Forfatter- virksomhed, 1835-72. {In. Larsen, A. P. C. Asbjornsen. 1872.) 928 7 — Same: trad, par V. Molard. (In same. 1873.) 928 7 The French contains an appendix, 4 p., 1872-6. Hambnrg, Oermany. Codex antiquissimus ju- ris Hamburgensis, vulgo Liber ordaliorumanni 1270; accedunt additiones. {In >Vestphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 31 — Necrologium Hamburgense; sive. Liber me- moriarum & donariorum ecclesise Hamburgen- sis. (/)( Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. ,5.) 948 76 — Verein fiir niederdeutsche Spracliforschuna:. Jahrlluch, 1875. Bremen, 1876. O. 439.1"! — Verein zur Forderiiiig weibliclier Erwerbs- thatigkeit. Jahresbericht, 1867-9. [Hamburg, 1867-9.] 3 v. O. 331 6 — Adam of Bremen. Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontiticum. Hannoverae, 1876. O. (In Pertz, 0. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) 943 16 Historise ecclesiastics liini juimi capita 33, notis Ottonis Sperlingii illustrata. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1739-1845. V. 2.) 943 21 — Archiepiscopi TIamburgenses. — Calalogns )x)ntitiruiii llamliiirgcnsium. (/?«' Langebek, J. Script, lerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 — Lappenberg, J. M. llamlmrgische Chroniken in niedersilchsicher Sprache. Ilaniburg, 18(il. 943 54 HAMBURG 307 HAM&FORT — Seliliiter, M. Origo & descriptio concordato- riiiii civitatis Hainburgensis, 1691; accedunt Concordata Dania;, 1470: Memorial Scliaum- bufgico HolsaticsB Hamburgi, 1690, delineate. (In. Westphaleii, E. J. tod. Moimmenta. 1739- 45, V. 4.) 943 31 — Triitziger, A. Clironica der Stadt Hamlmrg, a C;a-olo Magiu) usque ad CarohunV., ir)57. (In same. 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Haiiicken (Laif'n Hamconiiis), Martiiius. Frisia; seu, De viris rebusque Frisian illustribus libii duo. MonasteriiWestpli.,1609. sqD. il. 949 17 Mostly in latin verse. HAMERLING, Robert, Kleiiiert, K. E. Robert Hamei'ling, ein Dichter der Schouheit. Ham- burg, 1889. O. 63 p. {hi Virchow & Holtzeii- dorfr. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 HAMILTON, Alexander. Baldwin, J. «. (hi 7k's Party leaders. 18.55.) 923 1 Hamilton, Aiitliony, count. CEuvres; precedees d'une notice historique sur sa vie et ses ouvra- ges, par J. B. J. Champagnac, et augmentees d'une suite des Quatre Facardins et de Ze- neyde. Paris, 1835. 3 v. O. por. 848 8 Contents: 1. Notice sur Hamilton — Epitre a Gi-am- mont.— Relations \'6ritables de differ^ns endroits d*Eu- rope.— Lettres et epitres. i. Contes— Poesies diverses.— Chansons HAMILTON, Elizabeth. Keddie. H., & Watson, J. L. (/li //(.('(> Songstresses of Scotland, 1371, V. 1.) 928 3 Hamilton, James. Life of Bunyan. (/); Bnn- yaii, J. The Jerusalem sinner saved, 1840.) 240 2 Hamilton, Nicholas Esterhazy Stephen Ai-my- tag-e, editor, see Malinesbnry, W. of. De gestis poutificuni Angloruni. 1870. (In (Jt. Hr. — Master of rolls. "Ohron. and mem. 53. ) 942 8 Hamilton, William Honglas, editor. Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of Jolm Milton. [London,] 1859. sqO. (/)( Cam- den soc. 75.) 820 4 Wriothesley, C. A chronicle of England. 1875-7. (In same. n. s. 11, 20.) 820 4.1 Hamilton, William John. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia; with some ac- count of their antiquities and geology. Lon- don, 1843. 3v. O. maps. 915.6 3 The Hamilton papers; selections from original letters in the possession of the duke of Hamil- ton and Brandon, 1638-50; edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London,] 1880. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 37.) 820 4.1 The tragedy of Hamlet, see Shakespeare, W. Hamley, Edward Bruce. The story of the cam- paign of Sebastopol. Edinburgh, 1855. O. pi. mop. 947 7 Hamniarskold, Lars, editor, see Jomsyiking'a- saga. 1815. 839.G3 49 Sta^nelins, E. J. Samlade skrifter. 1830- 33. 839.71 36 Stjernhjelm, d. Vitterhets-arbeten. 1818. 839.71 37 HAMME, Petrus Thomas van. Het leven van Pater P.T.van Hamme, missionnaris in Mexico en in China; 1651-1727. Gent, 1871. Q. tab. (In Maetschappy der Haem. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 14.) 839.3 4 Hiimmerlein (Latin Malleolifs), Felix.Tractatus [duo] de e.xorcismis; — de credulitate da>moni- bus adhibenda. (In Sprenger, J., & others. Malleorum, 1582, v. 2.) 133 10 Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph, Freiherr von. Ge- scliichte der ChanederKrim unter osmanischer Herrschaft. aus tiirkischen Quellen, niit der Zugabe einesGaselsSchahingerai's; als Aidiang zur Geschichte des osmanischeu Reichs. Wien. 1856. O. lil.facsivi. 9hl 4 — Histoire de I'empire ottoman, juaqu'a nos jours; traduit de Talleniand sur la 2 edition par Dochez. Paris, 1840-2. 3 v. Q. maps. 949 58 —Das Kamel. Wien, 1856. s(iQ. 386 3 hound with 336 3 — Die Schuld der Templer. Wien, 1855. sqF. [2-I-] 30 p. pi. 369 1 hound with 336 3 — tjber Bogen und Pfeil. den Gebrauch und die Verfertigung derselben bei den Arabern und Tiirken. Wien, 17.53. F.^ 36 p. pi. 399 4 — Umblick auf einer Reise von Constantinojiel nach Hrussa und dem Olympos und zuriick fiber Nic'aa und Nicomedien. Pe.sth. 1818. sqO. pi. inaps. 914.9 36 — Fallmerayer, J. P. [Various articles.] (In his Werke, 1861, v. 2-3.) 908 1 — Schlottmann, K. Joseph von Hammer-Purg- stall ; ein kritischer Beitrag zur Geschichte neuerer deutscher Wissenschaft. Zui-ich, 1857. O. 73 p. , 890 1 Hammershainib, Venceslaus Ulricns. Fa-roiske Folkesagn; fajroiske Udtale. (/(( Copenhagen — K. nord.:01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.)— Fajroisk Sprogla-re.(/n same. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 — Meddelelser fraen Rejse pa Fasroerne i 1847- 8._()luvu kva?3i, Olufas Kvad, en fajroisk Folkesang; med Melodi. (In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 2. 1846-8.)— Fa?roiske Kvajder. med dansk Overs;ettelse. — Fwroiske Folke.sagn, med Indholdet forudskikket paa Uansk. — Fw- roiske Ordsprog. — Fieroiske Talemaader.— Fas- roiske Skikke og Lege. — Barneviser og Ram- ser.— Fwroiske Gader. (In same. v. 3, 1849-51.) — Snorre Sturlasons Ynglinga saga, tolkad och uiiplyst af Carl Save. (In same. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 —editor, see Sjnrdar kva^di. 1851. 8.39.61 23 Hamond, Walter. A paradox, prooving that the inhabitants of Madagascar are the happiest people in the world; prefixed, A description of that i-land. London, 1640. D. map. 916.9 1 Hampden, John. The tryal of John Hambden in the great case of ship-money. London, 1719. F.'' 347 11 Croke, J. Notes of [his] judgment in the case of ship-money; edited by S. R. Gardiner. [Lon- don,] 1875. sqO. [3-1-] 17 p. (In Camden misc. 7; in Camden soc. n. s. 14.) 820 4.1 Macanlay, T. B. Lord Nugent's Memorials of Hampden. (In his Essays, 1843, v. 2.) 824 16 Hampden, John, junr, pseudonym. The ari- stocracv of England; a history for the people. 3 edition. London, 1846. D. 942 31 Hampole, Richard Rolle de, see Rolle de Ham- pole. Hamsfort, Cornelius. De rebus Holsatorum vicinarumque gentium gestis libri 4. 1579. (In HAMSFORT 308 HAEALDAR Westphalen, E. V. 1.) J. vou. Monumenta, 1739-45, 943 21 — Series regum Danise. — Chronologia veruin Danicarum secunda, 687-1448. (/u Laiiiiebek.J. Script. reruniDau., 1772-1834, v. 1.)— De' faniilia Sprakalegumin Dania. (In same. v. 3.)— Cata- logus episcoporum Slesvicensium. — Chronicon ecclesiae Ripensis. il. — Series episcoporum Ot- thoniensium. {In same. v. 7.) 948 76 Hancock, Rev. Tlioums. Autobiographical nar- rative. (In Nichols, J. G. Narrative. 1859: in Camden soc. 77. ) 820 4 HAND. Bell, C. The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing de.'^igu. Piiiladelphia, 1833. D. il. 213 3 Handbook for travellers, see Murray, J. A liandefcill of pleasant delites, see Ilobinson,C. , af Clu-^tmn Molbech Kiobenhavn, 1826. O. bio 3 Hiiritsfleid, Nicholas. A treatise on the^^rre- tended divorce between Henry VII . and Ca h- arine of Aragon; now tirst printed by Ivjcholas Pococ.k. [Loudon,] 1878. sqO. (In Camd^e^.^soc. n. s. 31-) ^, , ■' ■ Harrebomee, Pieter Jakob. Spreekwoorden- "ekdrNederlandschetaal. Utrecht, 18o8-70. HarringjJohannes, pseudonym of Bagger,C.C. Harris, Alexander.The oecononay of theFleete; fn answeare unto articles set forth by the pris- oners: edited by Augustus J^ssopp. [London, | 1879.sq0.ta!>.(/)i Camden soc. n. s. 2o.)820 4.1 Harris, James. Hermes: or A philosophica.1 induirv concerning universal grammar. 6 edi- tion. London, 1806. O. pi. 41o 3 Harrison, Matthew. The rise, progress and present structure of the English language^ London, 1848. O. 420 . Harrisse, Henry, b'authenticite des "Histone" attribuees a Fernand Colomb. Pans, 18.3 Q. 10 p. ^'-'^ ''^ —Fernand Colomb, sa vie, ses ouvrages; essai critique par I'auteur de la Bibliotheca Ameri- cana vetustissima. Pans, 18 1 2. Q. S»iJ*J 3i — L'histoire de Christophe Colomb attribuee a son fils Fernand: examen critique du memoire prrS'lvezac,1873. Paris, 1875. O. [S+J^f P^ —Les sepultures de i;hristophe Colomb: revue critique du premier rapport officiel. Pans, 1879? O. 37 p. it. »23 31 The liarrowinir of hell, a miracle play: with introduclion, translation and notes, by James Orcliard Halliwell. London, 1840. O. 33 p. Blind Harry, see Henry the minstrel. Harryson, James. An e.xhortacion to the Scottes to conforme themselfes to the union of Englande <& Scotland, 1547. (/)( E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 17, 18.) 820 5.1 Harslcy, Fred, editor, see Bible. Eadwine's Canterbury psalter. 1889. (7?t ,s«??ie. Orig. ser. 92.) 820 5 Hart, AVilliam Henry, editor, see Historia et cartiilariuni nionasterii S. Petri GloncestriSB. 1863-7. (/" Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. ( hnm. and mem. 33.) J*- 8 HARTZ MTS. Ramsey. Cartularium nionasterii de Ra- meseia. 1884-6. (In same. 79.) 942 8 Hartenstein, Gnstav. Darstellung der Reclits- philosophie des Hugo Grotius. (In Lelpsic— K. sachs. Gesell. Abhandl. phil.-hist. v. 1. 1850.) 737 1 HARTFORD CONVENTION. AVebster, N. Origin of the Hartford convention in 1814. (In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 824 15.1 Hartifj-, Robert. Vergleichende Untersuchung- en liber den Wachsthurasgang und Ertrag der Rothbucbe, Eiche, Kiefer und Weisstance. Stuttgart, 1865. O. 64-75 p. 551. 58 28 Hartmann der Anne. VonGlouben. (hi Mass- niann, H. F. Deutsche Gedichte. 1837.) 831 13 Hartninnn von Aue; herausgegeben von Fedor Bech. Leipzig, 1867-9. 3v. D. 831 15 — Der arme Heinrich: herausgegeben und er- klart durch die Briider Grimm. Berlin. 1815. D. 831 33 — Der arme Heinrich; metrisch iibersetzt von Karl Simrok. Berlin, 1830. D. 831 34 — Der arme Heinrich, nach Hartmann von Aue. Leipzig, n. d. D. 55 p. il. (In Volksbiicher, 32.) 833 22 . — Eric, eine Erzilhlung: herausgegeben von Moriz Haupt. Leipzig, 1839. O. 831 35 — Gregorius, eine Erzahlung: herausgegeben von Karl Lachmann. Berlin, 1838. O. 831 36 — Iwein, eine Erzilhlung; mit Anmerkungen vonG. F. Benecke und K. Lachmann. 2 Aus- gabe. Berlin, 1843. O. 831 37 —Die Lieder und Biichlein und Der arme Heinrich: herausgegeben von Moriz Haupt. Leipzig, 1842. O. 831 38 — Sechs Lieder und Der arme Heinrich: heraus- gegeben, mit Anmerkungen und einem Glos- sar, von Bernhard Schulz. Leipzig, 1871. D. 8+8-dp. 831 39 —Benecke, G. F. Worterbuch zu Hartmannes Iwein. Gottingen, 1833. D. 831 40 Hartmann, Eduard von. Philosophie des Unbe- wussten. 4 Auttage. Berlin, 1872. O. 121 2 Hartmann, Robert. Die Menschenahnlichen Alien. Berlin, 1876. O. 54 p. ^7. (In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Hartiing:, Georg:. Die skandinavische Halbin- sel, eine geologische Skizze. Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. (/)i sfwie. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Hartwig, Georg. Gott in der Natur. Wies- baden, 1864. O. 27. 213 7 —Die Inseln des grossen Oceans in Natur- und Viilkerleben dargestellt. Wiesbaden, 1861. O. col. J}!, maps. 91!) 1 —Das Leben des Meeres. 2 Auflage. Frank- furt a. M., 1857. O. 590 4 Hartwiff, J. Die Geholzzucht. Berlin, 1876. I), il. ' 551.58 29 Hartniir, 0. Die Franzosen in Sicilien, 1674-8. (/» Ilillfbrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) 945 41 — Letterasu la data degli sponsali di Arrigo VI e la (lostanza di Sicilia. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. nior. v. 2, 1877-8.) 0(>5 5 HAR TZ MOUNTAINS. Andersen, H. C. Skyg- Kcbilledcr af en Reise til Harzen, 1831. Kjo- benhavn, 1831. S. 914.3 5 HARVARD UNIVERSITY 311 EAUTEVILLE Harvard university. Catalogue of the law li- brary. 4 edition. Cambridge, 1846. O. 016 13 Harvey, Gabriel. Letter-book, 1573-80; edited by Edward John Long Scott. [London,] 1884. sqO. (7)1 Camden soc. n. s. 33.) 820 4.1 HAIIVEY, Wiiliaiu, M. £»., l.-JTS-lor^g. Meyer, (}. H. von. William Harvey, der Refonnator der Physiologie. Berlin, 1880. O. 32 p. (7?t Vir- choAVcfc Hollzendorft'.Vortrilge. IS Serie.)043 1 Harvey, William, .1/. Z). On corpulence in re- lation to disease; with remarks on diet. Lon- don, 1873. O. 616 17 Harvey, AVilliam, illustrator, see Arabian nights' entertainments. 1839-41. S92 3 Hasdeii, Bosdaii Petriceico. Le type syntacti- que homo-iile ille-bonus. (/« Archivlo glot. ital. V. 3, 1878.) 450 11 HASELDORF. Michelsen, A. L. J. Die Hasel- dorl'er Mai'sch im Mittelalter. {In Schlesv^'ig'... Gesellschaft. Archiv. v. 1, 1833.) 943 42 HASHEEISH. Gantier, T. Le hachich. {In his L'orient, 1877, v. 3.) 910 29 Haslewood, Josepli, editor, see Mirror for magistrates. 1815. 821 85 Hasselt, Andre Henri Constant van. Belgique et Hollande. Paris, 1844. O. por. pi. map. {In Kunivers, 32.) 910 18 Hasselt, Gerard, annotator, see Kiel, C. van. Etymologicum. 1777. 439..S3 10 Hassenstein, Bruno. Ost-Afrika zwischenChar- tum and deni Rothen Meere bis Suakin und Massaua. Gotha, 1861. sqQ. 16 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittlieilnng'eu; Erganzungsband 1.) 910 44 — & Petermann, A. H. Inner- Afrika nach der geographischeu Kenntniss, 1861-3. Gotha, 1863. sqQ. pi. maps. {In same. 3.) 910 44 Hassler, Kourad Dieterich, editor, see KraflCt. H. U. Reisen. 1861. 915.6 18 HASTINGS, Warren. Burke, E. Articles of charge against Hastings. — Speeches on the im- peachment of Hastings. (In liis Works, 1839, V. 6-S.) 825 1 — Macanlay, T. B. {In his Essavs, 1843, v. 4.) 824 16 Hatfield, Thomas de, bislioj) of Durham. Sur- vey, see Durliam. Hatton family. Correspondence; chiefly letters addressed to Christopher 1st viscount Hatton; 1601-1704; edited by Edward Maunde Thomp- son. [London.] 1878. 2 v. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 22, 23.) 820 4.1 Hauberg, P. Danmarks Myntviesen og Mvnter 1241-1378. il. (/)i Copenhagen- K. nord. "Old. - Selskab. Aarboger. v. 19, 1884.)— Saj/te. 1377- 1481. (In same. v. 21, 1886.) 948 5 — French: Coup d"oeil sur I'histoire de la mon- naie en Danemark, 1341-1377. il. {In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Hauch, Johannes Carsten. T vends Digtninger. Kiobenhavn, 1837. S. 839.82 10.1 Contents: Den hiemkomne S0mand, et Skuespil.— De Geers Ungdomsliv. Haurk, Giistav. Die Heilquellen und Kurorte Deutschlands. Leipzig, 1865. O. 615 12 HaulT, Wilhem. Siimmtliche Werke. Stuttgart, 1837. 10 V. in 6. D. il. x>or. pi. 833 17 Contents: 1. W. Hiiiifl's Leben. von G. Schwab— Kede nach Hiiuffs BHcrdi^'iinir, 31 Nov. l»i~. von Grilnrisen.— Gedicbte zn IlaulT-^ AmliTiken.— Ilaiiffs Gedichte.— skiz- zen: I. I3ie BUcIht uthI die Lesewelt. 2. Freie Stunden am Fenster. 3. Der iisthetische Klubb. -1. Ein paar Reiscslunden. 2-S. Lichtenstein. 4. lliihrchcni 1. Miihrchen als Alnianach. 2. DerScheik von Alessandria und seine Skhivcn. •'>, jriibrcheu: 3. Das Wirthshaus Im Spessart. ti. Mittljiiluimcn aus den Memorien des Sa- tan. 7-s. Der Mann ini Mond.— Controverspredigt. It. Novellcn: Othello;— Die Bettlerin vom Pont des Arts: — .Jnd Siiss. 10. Novellen: Das Bild des Kaisers;— Die let/.ten Hitter von Marienburg;— Die Sangerin;— Phanta- sien iin Bremer Rathskeller. Haug, Martin. Confucius, der Weise China's. Berlin, 1880. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortriige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Hank Erlend.sson, see Erlendsson, H. liittr Hanks Inihrokar. . (In Co)>enliagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Fornmanna scigur, 1825-37, V. 10.) 839.63 7 Haupt, Carl. Statt und Kirche vor 800 Jahren. Berlin, 1878. O. 40 p. (fti Virchow * Holtzen- dorir. Vortriige. 13 Serie.) 043 1 Haupt, Moritz. [Various articles.] (In Leipsic — K. siichs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 016 1.3 — editor. Des Minnesangs Friihling, 1857, see Lachmann, K., & Haupt. 831 9 Hartmann von Aue. Erec. 1839. 831 35 — Die Lieder und Biichlein und Der arme Heinrich. 1843. 831 38 Neidhart von Renenthal. 1858. 831 60 Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Altertlmm. 1841- 73. 830 3 Haupt, Otto. Demosthenische Studien. C6- slin[, 1853]. pt. 1. O. [5-I-] 73 p. 885 3 Hauran, Syria. Vog:iie, C. J. M. de. il. (In Morrison, W., editor. The recovery of Jeru- salem. 1871.) 915.6 30.1 — Wetzstein, J. G. Reisebericht iiber Hauran und die Trachonen. Berlin, 1860. O. il. facsim. map. 913 62.3 Hausknecht, Emil, editor, see The romaunce of the sovvdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras his sone. 1891. (/)i English Charlemagne ro- mances. 5; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 38.) 820 5.1 Hausmann, Johanu Friedricli Ludvig. Bihang ur Hausmann's Resa genom Skaiidinavien, 1806-7. {In Buch, L. von. Resa igeuom Norrige. 1814.) 914.8 11 — tjber die durch Molekularbeweguiigen in starren leblosen Korpern bewirkten Formver- anderungen. Gottingen, 1856. sqQ. 539 1 bound icith 504 3 Haussner, Josef. Unsere Kaisersage. Berlin, 1884. O. 56 p. (In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 HAUTE-LOIRE. Malegue, H.,p«6Hs7ier.Guide de I'etranger dans la Haute-Loire : texte de A.-B. Le Puy, 1866. D. il. map. 914.4 13 HAUTE-SAVOIE. Wey, F. La Haute Savoie, recits d'histoire et de voyage. Paris, 1865. D. 914.4 13 Hauteville, Jean de. Architrenius. (In Wright, T. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1873, v. 1; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron.and mem. 59.) 942 8 HA VA3IAL 312 HEALTH RESORTS Hdvaiiidl. (In Edda— Elder. 1787-1828. pt. 3, in V. 1.) 839.61 1 Havard, Oscar. Le moyen age et ses institu- tions. Tours, 1876. Q. pi. 940 3 [Havelok the Dane:] Le lai Dhaueloe le Danois. (In (iaiinar, 0. Lestorie des Engles. 18fe8-9; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chiou. and mem. 91.) 942 8 Text in V. 1 ; translation in v. 2. —Lai d' Havelok le Danois, 13 siecle \-, edited by Franoisque Michel]. Paris, 1833. Q. [5-f] 48+33 p. 841 20 One ot 34 copies on Dutch paper. —The lay of Havelok the Dane, composed about 12S0: re-edited bv Walter W. Skeat. London, 1868. O. In E. E. text see. Extra ser. 4.) S-'O 5.1 Havers, George, translator , see Valle,?. della. Travels. 1665. 915 19 HVWAII.VN ISL.iXDS. Neiiliaiiss, E. Die Hawaii- Inseln. Berlin. 1886. O. 38 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff.Vortr'ilge. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE. Andrews, L. Gram- mar of the Hawaiian language, Honolulu, 1864. O. 499 2 Hawes, Steplieu. The pastime of pleasure. [In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 — The pastime of pleasure; an allegorical poem, l.i.5.5. London, 1845. D. (7?i Percy soc. v. 17.^ 820 6 HAWKING. Gandolfo, Persian. Libro delle medesine de falcoue; pubblicato dal G. Ferraro. Bologna, 1877. D. (/». Seelta di curiosita. 154.) 850 10 Hitfelt, E.Incipit aucupatorium herodiorum. [13.J0V] sqO. Ms. 091 1 — Libro delle nature degli ucelli, fatto per lo re Danchi; da F. Zambrini. Bologna, 1874. D. (/h Sceltadi curiosita. 140.) 850 10 — Taiiara,V.La caccia degli ucoelli; per cura di A. Bachi della Lega. Bologna, 1886. D. (In same. 218.) 850 10 Hawkins, Francis Vaugliau. Partial ascent of Mont Cervin (Matterhorn). il. (In Galton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 Hawkins, Sir Richard. Observations in his voyage into the South Sea, 1593; reprinted from the edition of 1622; edited by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. London, 1848. O. (In Haklnyt soc. Works. 1.) 919.(5 1 Hawks, Francis Lister. The monuments of Egypt: or, Egypt a witness for the Bible. 3 edition, enlarged. New York, 1850. O. il. pi. iitp. map. 932 2 Hawley, Gideon. Journey to Oghquaga, Broome CO., 1743. (7(H>'('alla«:iian. E. B. Document- ary hist, of N. Y., 1850, v. :i.) !)74 9 Hawthorne, Natluuiicl. Passages from [his] note-hooks; with an introduction by Moncure D. Conway. I>ondon, 1869. S. 818 2 — Transformation; or, The romance of Monte Beni. Leipzig, 1860. 2v. inl.S. (Tauchnitz edition.) 813 3 I'lililislii'il in .■\mi'ric'a as Tim mariilo faun. HaxthanscD'Ahbenburg, Franz Ludwig' Maria August Haxthansen, Freiherr Ton. Transkau- kasia; Reiserinnerungen. Leipzig, 1856. 2 v. inl.<). il. pi. par. map. 914.7 25 Hay, John Hay Druniniond. Le Maroc et ses tribus nomades; traduit de I'anglais par Louise Sw. Belloc. Bruxelles, 1844. 2 v. in 1. S. 916.4 4 Hayden, Ferdinand Vauderveer. The hot springs and geysers of the Yellowstone and Firehole rivers. [New Haven,] 1872. O. 28 p. il. pi. map. .551.23 1 From American journal of science, v. 3. Haydeii, Frank Scott, editor, see Eulogium. (historiarum sive temporis). 1858-63. (In Gt.Br. —Master of rolls. Cluon. and mem. 9.) 942 8 Hayes, John Lord. The probable influence of icebergs upon drift. [Boston,] 1844. O. 28 p. 551.34 1 Hajinonskinder, .sec Aynion's sons. Haynes^ Heury Williamson. Discovery of pa- laeolithic flint implements in upper Egyjit. [Boston, 1881.] scjF. )). 357-361. pi. 571 2 hound with 551.31 7 From Memoirs of American academy, v. 10. Haywiird, Charles,//*. Life of Sebastian Cabot. por. (In Sparks, J. American biography, 1835-9, V. 9.) 920 15 Hay ward, Sic John. Annals of the first four years of the reign of Elizabeth; edited by John Bruce. London, 1840. sqO. (/« Camden SOC. 7.) 820 4 Hayward,|Jolin. The New England gazetteer. 6 edition. Concord, N. H. 1839. O. pL 917.4 3 Haywood, William. A discourse upon the Arge- nis. (In Barclay, J. Argenis. 1636.) 879 1 Hazlitt, William. The round table; a collection of essays on literature, men and manners. 3 edition, edited by his son. London, 1841. D. 824 11 — Dana, R. H. Hazlett's Lectures on the Eng- lish poets. (In his Poems and prose. 1850. v. 2.) 811 5 Hazlitt, WllllamjCarew. editor. A catalogue of early English miscellanies formerly in the Harleian library. 1863. (In Camden misc. 6; iJiCamdensoc. 87.) 820 4 The Roxburghe library. London, 1868-70. 8 V. sqO. por. pi. facsim. 821 2 Contents; 1. Paris and Vienne, 1485. 2. Brown. W. Wliolfe works. 2 v. :t. Hiulitt, W. C, editur. Ineilited tracts, illustrating manners [,1.579-1618]. 4. Same. The EiiKlish drama and stage. 154.3-1664. 5. Oascoigiie, G. Complete poems. 2 v. 0. Cnreiv, T, Poems. Head, Sir Edmund Walker, bart. "Shall" and "will:" or. Two chapters on future auxiliary verbs; an essay on certain affirmative and neg- ative particles in English; an essay on the pro- vincial word "songle." 2 edition. London, [pref. 1S5H|. D. 425 13 HEALIXJ, <- TIIKRArElTICS. HEAi/ni, .sK hkuem:. HEALTH RESORTS. CantanI, A. Acireale considered as a climatic station and bathing town ; translated by Alfred Cumberworth. Naples, 1880. O. 16 p. 615 20 — Elbcriili, C. Hygienic-medical liand-book for travellers in Italy. Rome, 1878. D. 615 17 UFA L Til RES OR TS 313 HECK — Reclns, J. J. E. Les villes d'hiver. P;iiis, IHG-l. I), il. maps. iH4.(5 'fi (^onifittf!: lly^res.— Cannes. — Nice. — Monaco. — Mciiton. — Sanremo. — Storer, H. R. Southern Italy as a health station for invalids. Naples [,187.')1. [H + ]70 D. «15 18 — Toscaiii, I). La saison d'liiver, nov. 1880 a avril 1881 a Rome, et la sante des etrangers. Rome, 1881. O. 16 p. 615 30 .SV< itlxo MINKIUL WATEIIS. .\ liCiiltli to the gentlemanly profe.ssion of serv- ingiiien; or, The servingmans comfort. l.')98. (lii Hiizlitt, W. C. Inedited tracts. 1868; in his Roxburghe lib. 3.) 821 3 HEARING, see EAR. Hparne, Thomas. Reliquiae Hearnianae; the remains of Thomas Hearne, being extracts from his ms. diaries, collected, with notes, by Philip Bliss. 2 edition, enlarged, London, 1869. 3 V. D. por. 942 37 — editor. Works, v. 1-3, see Robert of Glouces- ter. Chronicle. 1734. 821 93 V. 3-4, see Laiiirtoft, P. Chronicle. 1735. 821 73 — Hiiddesfonl, W. The life of Hearne : also catalogue of his writings, i^ {Tti his Lives of antiquaries, 1773, v. 1.) 028 4 HEAT. Bartoli, A. fi. Apparecchio per la deternunaziotie tiell" equivalente meccanicodel Galore, pi. (In Rome— R. aecad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 8, 1879-80.) 0(>5 4 —Mayer, .1. R. Ueber nothweudige Conse- quenzen und Iiiconsequenzen der Wiirmen^e- chanik. (InliisNut. VorU%e. 1871.) S.'Jfi 3 — Mouchot, A. La chaleur solaire et ses appli- cations industrielles. Paris, 1869. O. (7. .536 6 ^Selmi, A. 11 calore, in relazione coUa produ- zione della forza e coll' alimentazione degli animali; lettura. Milano, 1869. S. 39 p. 536 4 — Tait, P. G. Transformation of heat into work.— Conduction of heat. (7« /us Lectures. 1876.) 504 6 1 — Tijpfer, H. Das mechanischeWarmeaquiva- ieiit, seine Resultate und Consequenzen. Ber- lin, 18.59. (J. 36 p. {In Virchow * Holtzeii- dorff. Vortriige. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Tyndall, J. Heat a mode of motion. 3 edi- tion. London, 1868. O. il. pi. 536 !5 On radiation. — On radiant heat in relation to color and chemical constitution of bodies. {In his Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 .sVf aim TIIEKMOMETKK. Heath, I., fran.'^lator, see Ohieiischliiser, A. (i. The little shepherd-boy. 1837. J839.82 4.5 Heath, Sir Robert. Speech in the case of Ale.xander Leighton, Star cliamber. 4 June 1630; edited, with preface by John Bruce, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London.] 187.5. sqO. 32-1-10 p. (7)1 Camden misc. 7; in Cam- den soc. n. s. 14.) 820 4.1 HE.ATINtJ. Berber, .1, Moderne und antike Heizunf^s- und Ventilationsniethoden. Berlin, 1870. O. 48 p. (7. (/)( Vlrchow cfr Holt/en- dorir. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Rairimelsberg, C. F. Uebei die Mittel Licht und WiUme zu erzeugen. Berlin, 1866. O. (/)( .•iiimc. I Serie.) 043 1 ., Bio^raphie und litterarische Denltschriften. 7. Hand- buch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums. 8-9. Handbuch der Geschichte des europiiischen .staatensy- stems und seiner Colonien. 10-15. Ideen Uber die Politilc der alten Welt. Vol. 1 contains Biographische Nachrichten Uber den Verfasser Heftye, Th(pinas Johan. Temperaturforhold pa Frognersseteren. [Kristiania,] 1872, O, p. 75- 81, 551.5 1 Hegel, Karl, editor, see Miiiiicli— K. Akad. der Wiss. — Hist. Conimis. Die Clironikeu der deut- schen Stiidte, 14-16 Jahrhundert, 1862-89. 943 24 He^jewiscli, Dietrich Hermann. Introduction to liistorical chronology; translated from the German by James Marsh, Burlington, 1837. D. 529 1 — Uebersicht der irlandischen Geschichte. Al- tona, 1806. O. 941 4 Hegner, Ulricll. Die Molkenkur. [v. 1,] 3 Aus- gabe. Ziiricb, 1819-27 [v. 1,'27]. 3 v. S. 833 18 Vol. 2, 3, Suscliens Ilochzeit. Helm, Vict.oi'. Kulturpdanzen und Ilausthicre in ihifni jybcrgang aus Asien in Kuropa. 2 unigearbeitetc Autlage. B('rlin, 1874. O. 410 3 — Dius Salz; eine kulturhistorische Studie. [24-] 74 p. D. 394 2 Heiberg, .lolian Liidvig. Samlede Skrifter. Kjobenliavn, 1834-6. 8 v. D. 839.82 11,12 ConlenU; 1-2. Dlgte og Forta>llinKer. 1-(1. Sliuespil. —editor, see Gyllenibourg, T. C. ilaria. 1839. 839.93 13 Noveller. 1833-4. 839.83 10 Nye Forta?llinger. 1835-9. 839.83 11 To Noveller. 1837. 839.83 12 St. Aiibain, A. S. de.Et Aar i Kjobenhavn. 1835. 839.83 36 Heiberg Peter Andreas. Om Dcdsstraffene. Christiania, 1820. D. 343 3 Heidarvlgasogn brot. (hi Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Isl. sogur, i829-30, v. 1.) 839.63 8 Saga Hei9reks konungs ens vitra. (Tn Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 1.) 839,63 12 Hei9rekskongssaga, 1785, see Hervararsaga. HEIWHTS. Cora (J. Note illustrative intorno alia Carta altimetrica e batometrica dell' Italia. Torino, 1888. Q. 11 p. mapi. (In Cosmos : Sup. 2.) 910 48 — Marinelli, 0. Saggio di altimetria della regione veneto-orientale. Torino, 1884. O. (In same. 1.) 910 48 —Toner, J. M. Dictionary of elevations of the, U. S.; with orographic peculiai'ities of N. A. New York, 1874, O. 551.53 1 See also B.VRO.METER, Heini, Albert. Ueber die Verwitterung im Gebirge. Basel, 1879. O, 40 p, pi. 551.37 1 Heimbach, Giistav Ernst, editor, see Harmen- opiiliis, C. Manuale legum. 1851. 349 08 Heiinonskinder, see Aymon's sons. Heimreich, Anton. NordfresischeChronik; zum dritten Male, mit den Zugaben des Verfassers und der Fortsetzung seines Solines, audi anderu Nachrichten, herausgegeben von N, Falck, Tondern, 1819. 2 v. D. 949 18 — Supplementa ad Clironicon Frisian septen- trionalis 1668 editum, por. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1730-45, v, 4,) 943 21 Heiias kringla, see Sturluson, S. Heine, Heiiirich. Letzte Gedichte und Gedank- en, Hamburg, 1869, D, 831 41 — Metrische Uebsetzungen aus dem Deutschen : Airigo IV, von Heine. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.)— Sieben Kapitel aus Heine's Atta Troll. (In same, v 3, 1876.)— Mare del Nord. (In same. v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 — Paraphrases. (In Browning. E. B. B. Last poems. 1862.) 821 24 — .Vruold, JI. (In his Essays in criticism, 1865.) 824 2 Heine, Otto, annotator, see Cicero, M. T. De oHiciis. 1871, 875 9 Hoinrich, aijcnt, . {In same. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Hoiine von Sargans, Anton, editor, see Klin^- enberjj:, .1. von. Cln-ouik. 1861. 949 33 Henne-.VniHhyn, Otto, editor, see Rittcr, K. Geogriipliis<-li-statistisches Lexikon. 1874. 910 23 Hennebersr, Knnd. Ilvad er Edda? eller, Rai- sonncrct kritisk Undersogelse over de tvende ved Galleluuis f undue Guklhorn ; met et An- hang, Om der iiar vairet flere Odiner til. Aal- borg, 1813. sqO. Jll. 913 54.1 — Forsvar forSkriftet, HvaderEdda? Aidboig, 1813. s(|0. [1 + 134 p. 913 54.1 HENKEBER<3 DIALECT. S|)iess, B. Die fiimk- isli-lieniiel)ergische Mundart. Wien, 1873. O. map. 487 4 Hennessv, William Maunsell, editor & transla- tor, see the annals of Locli Ce. 1871. {In (it. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 54.) 942 8 Chronicon Scotorum. 1866. {In same. 46.) 942 8 Hennin, Heinrifh Christian von, editor, see Hofmann, J. J. Historia augusta imperatorum Rojuanorum. 1707. 937 2 Henrich og Pernille, see Holberg, L.Comedier. V. 4. HENRIES. Capgrave, J. The book of the illus- trious Henries; translated from the Latin by F. 0. Hingeston. London, 1858. Q. pi. (hi (Jt. Br.— llaster of rolls. Chion. and Mem. 7.) 942 8 HENRIETTA ANNA, of England, duchesse d' Orleans. Bossnet, J. B. {In his Oraisons fune- bres. 1858 ) 845 2 —La Fayette, M. M. P. de la V. de. Histoire de Mme. Henriette d'Angleterre. jmr. (In Mi- dland cfc Poinonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 82.) 944 9 HENRIETTA MARIA, queen of England. Bos- suet, J. B. (In his Oraisons funebres. 1858.) 845 3 — Motteville, F. B. de. Memoir on the life of Henrietta Maria; edited by G. Hanotaux. [London,] 1880. sqO. 31 p. {In Camden misc. 8; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) 820 4.1 HENRY, St., bishop of Upsala. Yita et miracu- la .S. Henrici episcopi et martyris. (In Fant, E. M. Script, rerum Svecicaruni, 1818-28, v. 2.) 948 38.1 HENRY II., king of CoshVe.Lopez de Ayala,P. Don Enriipie II. p>or. {In Cronicas espanolas. V. 1-3. V. 1779-80.) 946 34 HENRY III., king of Castile. Lopez de Ayala, P. Don Enrique III. {In same. v. 3, 1780.) 946 34 HENRY IV., king of Castile. Castillo, I). E. del. Cronica del rey Enrique el quarto. 3 edi- cion, corregida par J. M. de Flores. por. {In same. v. 6, 1787.) 946 34 See also Miiieo Revulso. HENRY II, king of England. Gesta regis Hen- rici II. Benedicti abbatis: the chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard 1., 1169-93; edited by W. 8tubb.s. London, 1867. 3 v. Q. (In (;t.Br. -Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 49.) 942 8 — Howlelt, R., editor. Chronicles of tlie reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. London, 1884-9. 4 V. Q. facsim. {In same. 83.) 942 8 Henry III., king of England. Prochimation, 1358. (/)/ Miitzneri E. A. F. Alteng. Sprach- pi(il>eii. V. 1, pt. 3, 1869.) 820 8 — Shirley, W. W., editor. Royal and other historical lett<>rs iUustivitive of tlie reign of Henry HI., 1216-72. Lon42 8 — Bacon, F. The liistorie of the reigne of King Henry VIL London, 1629. Q. J)42 18 — Campbell, W., eilitor. Materials for a histoiy of the reign of Henry VII. London, 187b-7. 3v. Q {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 60.) i)i'2 8 — liairdiier, J., editor. Letters and papers il- lustrative of the reigns of Ricliard HI. and Henry VII. London, 1861-8. 2 v. Q. {In same. 24.) »4"2 8 —Innocent VIII., jiope. Bull on tlie marriage of Henry VII. with Elizabeth of York; com- municated by J. P. Collier. 1847.) {In Camden misc. 1; in Camden soc. 3U.) 820 4 HENRY VIII., h-ing of Emjlnnd. Harpsfleld, N. A treatise oii tlie pretended divorce between Henry VIII. and Catliariue of Aragun: now first printed by N. Pocock. [London,] 1878. sqO. (/n Camdeu soc. n. s. 21.) 820 4.1 The life of King Henry the eighth, .see Shake- speare, W. HENRY III., liing of France, previously of Po- laiiil. Choisin, J. Memoires sur Telection du roi de Pologne, 1571-3. {In Midland.* Ponjoii- lat. JMtmoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 Aitpt'iided is Lettre sur la mort du H«nri III. HEXRY III. ti- IV., kings of France. Ang'Oil- leuie, C. de V. d.' Memoires pour servir a Thi- stoire de Henri HI et de Henri IV. {In same.) 944 9 L'Estoile, P. de. Memoires et journal, 1574-1611. par. {In same. v. U-15.) 944 9 Henry IV. de Bourbon, king of France Me- moire jiistificatif. {In same. v. 10.) 944 9 — Cayet, P. V. P.Chronologienovenaire, conte- nant Flnstoire de la guerre et les choses sous le regne de Henri IV., 1589-98. por. {In. same. V. 12.)— Clironologie septenaire, 1598-1604. In same. v. 13.) 944 9 — Pereflxe, H. deB.HistoiredeHenri-le-Grand; suivie d'un recueil de quelques belles actions et paroles de ce prince. Paris, 1825. D. 944 29 — Snlly, M. de B. de. Memoires de sages et rovales oeconomies d'estat. etc., de Henri le Grand, 1570-1628. por. {In Michand cf- Pon- jonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 16-17.) 944 9 Vi)l. 3 contains Remaryues sur les Memoires, par Mar- bault. HENRY I., emperor of Germany. Bosch,—. Heiruich I. und Otto I. Berlin. 1883. O. 32 p. (/}( Virchow'RY' HI., emjH'ror of Germani/. Carmen de liello Saxonico; accedit Comniestio IIcnri:{ 1 Heiizeii, Wilhelm. Osservazioni sul biano di fasti capitoliiii scavato nelforo ronianodiiuinzi al teiiipio di Aiitonino e Faustina. (/« Koine — R. accatl. dei Uiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 18''i-b. pt. -A.) O'J'' ^ "En-ra (iri e-ij/Sas, see Aeseliylus. HEllACLEIUJI, sec CRIMEA. Heraclides of ^feia;(cZ;iV». Paradisus, incerto interiJiete. (in Millie, J. P. Patrol. Lat. y- ^4) 922 6 Heraclilis. Von den Farben.und Kunsten der Romer; Originaltext und Uljersetzung ; mit Einleitung, Noten und Excursen von Albert Ilg. Wien, 1873. O. 190 p. 70i» 3 'HpoKX^t fsjxivbuivo^, see Euripitles. HERALDRY. Bosch, A. Summari, index, o epitome dels titols de honor de Cathalunya, Eossello y Cerdanya... Perpinya, 1628.^^^F. ^^ —Camden, W. Armories.-Impreses. ({"his llemanies. 1637.) 420 3 Charles, >'. The visitation of the county of Huntingdon, 1613 ; edited by H. Ellis. [Lon- don,] 1849. sqO. //. (/» Camden soc. 43.) 820 4 U,|.r(lale, W.The visitation of the county of Yorke 166.5-6. Durham, 18.59. O. {In Snrtees soc. 36.) 820 7 irrnvtaee. (>. J. Index to The visitation. London 187^. ' O. [3+] 40 p. 820 7 —Uarma y Diii-an, F. X. de. Adarga catalana: arte heraldica y practicas reglas delblazcii, con exemplos. Barcelona, 1753. 2 v. O. pi. 929 18 — Jdrseusen, A. D. Det gainle danske Konge- viibeir il. (Ill Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- SelsUal). V. 14, 1879.) 948 5 —Marsh, G. P. American heraldry. (/"World, N. V.V 186-.) 080 43 l>etprsen, H. Skjoldefrisen i Soro Kirke, et kritisk Bidrag til dansk Heraldik. il. {In Co- iienhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. V. !8,ls83.) »48 5 — Ton"e, T. Heraldic visitation of the north- ern ccunties in 1530; with appendix of other lier:ildic documents relating to the north of England: edited by W. H. D. Longstaflfe. Dur- ham, 1863. O. (/. (In Snrtees soc. 41.) 820 7 sv, !,/«, (;K>F„U,0(JY: NOItll.lTY: li.VTZKItlRfi. HERRARIUM, see BOTANY. Herhclot, Barthelemy d.' Bibliotheque orien- tale- ou, Dictiotiiiaire univorsel ... des pciiples del'orient. Maestricht, 177G. F.' !).^0 1 —Same: Supi>linient. par C. Visdelou et A. Galand. [Maestricht,] 1780. F.'' tub. 9.-.0 1 Herlierstein, Sigismond, Frellien- von. Notes upon Russia: translated and edited, with notes and introduction, by R. H. Major. London, 18.51-2. 2 V. O. por. pi. mnp. {In Hnklnyt soc. Works. 10-11.) J)14.7 5 Herbert, (icorgo. Remains. London, 1836. S. pi. '''28 14 —Walton, I. Li;e of HMberl. {In his Lives, 1832, v. 2.) •'^20 10 Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, 1st Ixiron. Life, written by himself [;tdited by Horace Walpole]. London, 1770. sqO. 2>or. 923 50 Herbord. Dialogus de vita Ottonis ejjifcop. Babenbergensis, ex recensione R. Kopke. Hani noverae, 1868. O. {In Pertz, G. H. Script- rerum German. 5.) 943 16 Herbst, Christian Frederik. Hvidegaardsfun- det, fra Broncealderen. jj/. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aimaler. v. 8, 1848.)— Dueaas-Fundet. ^jl. {In same, v. 9, 1849.)— Varpelev Fuiidet. il. pi. {In same. v. 21, 1861.) — Sando Fundet. (//( same. v. 23, 1863.) 948 2 — Oni Bevaring af Oldsager af Traj fundne i Trtrvenioser. {I)i .s-aHie. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. V. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 Om de over en Kj?erne af bn-endt Leerstobte Bronce-0xer. iZ.— Fund af Steen-Oldsager ved Vester-Egesborg. tZ.— Brangstrup Fundet. il. pi. —Om Opdagelsen af den ,x4dre Jernalder.— Biergsted Fundet. il. pi. {In same. Aarboger. V. 1,1866.) 948 5 Herbst, Gustav.Kant als Naturforscher, Philo- soph und Mensch. Berlin, 1881. O. 40 v. {In Yircliow 14.8 50 Hertig Fredrik af Normandie see Frederick of Normandy. Hertlein, F. K., annotatorr, see Xenophon. Anabasis. 18,54. 8.SS 15 Hertui? Skule, Tragoedie, .see Munch, A. Hertwis, Richard. Der Zoologe am JBfcr. Berlin, 188!. O. 31 p. C-f"- Virdlow * Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Hertz, B. Catalogue of [his] collection of an- tiquities. London, 1851. sqQ. pi. i)13 2 Hertz, Henrik. Anions Geniestreger, versifice- ret Lvstspil. [Anon.] Kjobenliavn, 18,i0. S. 839.82 15 — Kjajrligheds Veie, Nytaarsgave for 1836. Kjo'benliavn [, 1835]. S. 839.82 13 — Kong Rene's Datter, Lvrisk Drama. 4 Oplag. Kj0benhafn, 18.54. T, 96 [-f 1] p. 839.82 14 — Lvriske og dramatiske Digte. Kjobenhavn, 184i-4. 3v. in 1. S. 839.82 15 — Svend Dyrings Huus, romantisk Tragoedie. Kjobenhavn, 1,837. S. 839.82 16 Hertz, Martin Julius. Renaissance und rococo in di'r romischen Literatur; ein Vortrag. Ber- lin, 1865. O. 50 )). 870 1 — editor, see (jellius, A. Noctium Atticarum libri. 1871-2. 878 31 Hertz, Wilhelm. Die Nibelungensage. Berliii, 1877. O. 39 ji. (//t Virchow ttHoltzendorfr. Vortriige. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Hertzberg:, Ehbc. Grundtrjekkene i den ;vldste norske I'roccs; udgivet ved F. Brandt. Kri- stiania, 1874. O. 349 42 Hertzber^, Rafael. Finska toner; en samling af dfversiUtningar ocli bearbetningar efter finskan; rned inledningsord of Z. To))elitis. Helsingfors[, 1873]. 8. 894 3 — Kalevala beriittad forungdom. Helsingfors, 1875. D. pi. 894 5 Hertzbcrfr, M'ilhelni A\ Hildeliraud, Bror Eiiiil. Description of Inge- borg's arm-ring. p/. [hi Tegner, E. Frithiof'a saga. 1839.) 839.71 45 HILDEBRAND, Friedricli. Delpiiio, F. SulP oiiera La distribuzione 29 Hilliard, Georg:e Stillman.Lifeof Captain John Smith, por. (In Sparks, .J. American biog- raphy, 1835-9, V. 2.) 920 15 — editor, see Spenser, E. Poetical works 1839. 821 100 Ticknor, G. 1876. Life, letters and journals. 928 49 facsim. Sil 49 Hilton, David. Brigandage in South Italy. London, 1864. 2 v. O. 343 19 Himelstrass, 1510, see Gobius, J. HI.MYARITIC INSCRIPTIONS. Maltzan, H. K. E. H. von. Hiniyarische Inschrift von 'Obne erklart. fucsim. (/?(. Wrede, A. von. Reise in Hadramaut. 1870.) 915.3 14 — Riidigrer, E. Excurs fiber himjaritischen In- schriften. facsim. (In Wellsted, J. R. Reisen in Arabien, 1842. v. 2.) 915.3 13 Hiiiemar, archbishoj) of Reims. Epistola;. (In Eekhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 2.) 943 13 Hinde, John Hodg'son, editor, fee Symeon of Diirhaw. Opera, v. 1. 1868. (In Surtees soc. 51.) 820 7 Hindeuburg, T. Bemajrkninger i Anledning af den Internationale archa?ologiske Kongres i Kjolienhavn, 1869. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 4, 1869.) 948 5 HINDUISM, see RELIGION— INDIA. Hiiigberg, H. K. vam. Ut auler un neier Tied; Erzillilungen in niederdeutscher Mundart. Leip- zig, 1872, 3v. inl. D. 839.4 9 Voii/fiitx: 1. Meister Beekwahter. 2. De Icssde Bruh- low in Ewwekowwe.— Di Opj^tsregden. 3. De henneti- sdie (iewrllsf^haf. Ilingcsloii-Randolpli, Francis Cliarles, sec Randolph. Hinrek /■'(» Allniier. Reinke de fos, see Bark- liusen, II. Iliiirieliseii, Adolf. Das literarische Deutsch- land; mil eincr lOinh'ilnng von C. Beyer. Ber- lin, 1887. O. ■ <»28 4.1 lliuzpeler, F. \\., editor, see Ceesar, C. J. Conniiciilarii. 1837. 878 2 HIPPEA U 323 IllHTORY Hippeau, Celestin. Dietionnaire de la lanRue fraacaise au 12-13 siecle. Paris, 1873. 3 v. in 1. O. 447 9 — L'instruction publique dans lesetatsdu nord, Suede, Norwese, Daneuiark. Paris, 1876. D. 37!> 4 — editor, see Aniadas et Ydoine. 1863. 841 8 Coiiqiietede Jerusalem. 1868. 841 38 Gai-nier o/Po»i Sury. 1859. 841 17.3 Foiirnlval, R. de. Le bestiaire d'aniour. 1860. 848 7 Raoul de Hoiideuc. Messire Gauvain. 1863. 293 6 Reiiauldde Beaujen. Le belincouuu. 1860. 293 1 'iTnrrjs, see Aristopliaiics. Hippocrates. Proiiostichi, V(ilgarizzati nel buon secole ilella lingua. Bologna, 1866. D. 67 p. (Ill Scelta
  • avri^6pos , see Euripides. Hippolytus, see Seneca, L. A. Hippolytiis, treurspel, see Voiidel, J. van den. Hirlanda. Leipzig, n. d. D. 48 p. il. {In Volksbiiclier, 31.) 833 33 Hirsclier, Joliaiin Baptist. Lo stato attuale della cliiesa; traduzione dal tedesco di Ottavio Tasca. Milano, 1863. D. 282 4 —Same. 3 edizione. Bergamo. 1865. D. 282 4 Hirtiiis, Anliis. For the commentaries attributed tc) Ilirtiiis. ^ee Caesar, C. J. Hirzel, Carl. Jeanne d'Arc. Berlin, 1875. O 4» p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorif. Vor- triige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 His, Willielm. Ueber die Bedeutung der Ent- wickelungsgeschichte fiir die Auffassung der organischen Natur; Rectoratsrede. Leipzig, 1870. O. 40 p. 575 3 Hispania, 1639, see Laet, J. Hispano, Luca, see Lucas, hermit. Histoire amoureuse des Gaules, ."iee Bussi- Rabutiu, R. de. Histoire d"un crime, see Hjigo, V. M. Histoire d'un paysan, see Erclimann,E.,cfc Cha- trian, A. Histoire de Foulques Fitz-Warin, nee FITZ- WARIKE. Histoire de Huou de Bordeaux, see Huon. Histoire de I'invention de rimprimerie par les monuments. Paris, 1840. F. [43J p. por. pi. il. facsim. 016 30 Histoire de la croisade contre les heretiques albigeois, ecrite en vers provencjanx par un ]>oete contemporain: traduite et publiee par C. Fauriel. Paris, 1837. sqQ. facsim. (Col. de doc. sur I'hist. de France.) 849 14 Attributed to Ouillaiinie of Tudde. Histoire des Vaudois, see Brez, J. Histoire du Petit Jehan de Saintre.scc La Sale, A. de. Histoire du plebiscite, see Ercliniaiin, E., & Clialrlan, A. Histolres nornuindes, see Karr, J. A. HistoriaclH-onologicaPannonia:',s('(' AnnaiuSjT. Historia compendiosa Daniai reguni; .studio Erpoldi liindenbruch. {In Steplinnins, S. H. De regno UaniiB. 1639.) 094 31, 33 Historia de la reyna Saba, see Horozco, A de. Historia dos descobrimentos dos Portuguezes no novo mondo, see Lafitan, J. F. Historia y vida del gran tacaiSo, see (Juevedo y Villo5?as,'F. G. de. Historise Anglicanse scriptoi-es quinque. Oxo- nias, 1687. v. 3. F. 942 11.1 Contenle: i. Annales MARGAXE>'SES.-Wikcs,T.Chroni- con.— Annales WAVEKLEIK>SES (Inlfriiliis ih; Y'mosalw. Historia —WMar of Hemirtafonl. Historia. -Index. Historic doubts on the life and reign ol King Richard III., 1768, see Orford, H. Walpole, earl of. 923 50 Historical and descriptive account of Iceland, see N'icoll, J. Historic of the arrivall of Edward IV. in Eng- lan'- map. 943 55 Historiselies Tasclienbuch, see Ranmer, F. L. (J. von. HIstorisli Calender, see Engelstoft, L., * Mil- ler, J. Historislia miirkwilrdigheter, see L<)nl)oni, S. Historlsli-statistisk aterblick pa Sveriges sist- forflntn.-i trettio aren... 3 upplagan, tillokt. Stockholm, 1843. O. 948 45 HISTORY. Carlyle, T. (/)i7( (.5 Essays, 1860, V. 3, 3.) 824 8 — Cartolano, F. La storia religiosa, artistica e civile e lo svolgimento universale. Rjnia, 1873. O. 901 1 — Perriar, J. Menippean essay on Englisii historians. (In his Illustrations, 1813, v. 2.) 823 31 — Li>l)ell, J. W. Uber die Epochen die Ge- schichtschreibung und ihr Verhaltniss zur Poe- sie. {In Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Tascben- buch. 1841.) 905 1 — Macaulay, T. B. (Inhis Essays, 1843, v. 1.) 824 16 — Marsh, G. P. The American liistorical scliool: a discourse l)efore the literary societies of Union College. Troy, N. Y., 1847. O. 29 j). 080 9 — Putnam, G. P. The world's progress; a dic- tionary of dates, with tabular views of general HISTORY 324 HISTOR r history, and a historical chart. New York, 18")!. D. pi. 902 1 — Raiimer, F. L. G. von, editor. Historisclies Tasrhenbuch. Leipzig, 1880-47. v. 1-10, n. s. V. 1-8. S. por. !)05 1 — Rognldi, (jr. Storia e poesia, discorso. Tori- no, IHfil. O. 1.5 p. 001 3 —Saint-Real, C. V. de. Sept discours sur I'u- sage lie I'histoire. (In his Conjurations des Espagnols. 1803.) 946 37 — Sayce, A. H. The needs of the historical sciences. {In Essays on endowment of research. 1876.) 378 3 —Schiller, J. C. F. von. Prosaische Schriften. — Kleine Schriften. {In his Siinimt. Werke, 185.1. V. 3.) 83'i 9 — Sclnvarze Punkte und Sonnenblicke am Le- benshuumel der Volker. Leipzig, 1871. O. 5)04 3 bound irith 901 t See also EIGHTEENTH CENTURY; EPOCHS; MEDITEE- RANE.IX SE.4; MIDDLE ,4(JES; XIXETEEXTH CENTCRY; also the '. F. S. Haandbogi Verdens- Historieii. Ivlobenhavn, 1833-6. 3 v. O. 9:50 1 Hceron, A. H. L.Handbuch der Geschich- te der Staaten des Alterthums. .5 Auflage. Gottingen, 1838. U. (In liis Werke, v. 7.) 908 3 Ideen tlber die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der alten Welt. Gottingen. 1834- 6. 6 v. O. maps. {In same. v. \0-15.) 908 2 — — Isidorus, St. Chronicon. {Tii Itis Opera. 1617 ) 208 3 Justlnus. Historia? Philippicte. Londini, 1818. T. 878 7 — — —Italian: Delle istorie, volgarizzaniento; per cura di L. Calori. Bologna, 1880. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. i73.) 850 10 I'ublLsheil with S.allustii Opera. Nanni, G. Antiquitatum variarum volu- mina 17. [Paris,] IfjlS. F. il. 099 43 A worli little trusted; most of the fragments being in- ventions r,f the coinpiler- Negrri, C. I^a storia antica restituita a ve- rity, (• raifroiitata alia moderna. Torino, 1865. O. 937 6.1 — • — IVtrarca, F. Kerinn memorandarum li- bri 4. (/„ /,/.s Opera, 1581, v. 1.) Sol 93 Rndbccli, 0. Atland eller Manlielni: At- laiitica sive Miinlieim... Upsalia- [,1675-] 89. V. 1-3. F. ijl. illp. & Atlas. F.'' 930 6 Suhin, P. F. Fors0g til et Udkast af Vi- densltabers og Konsters Ilistorie til Svndflo- deii — Skil(l(!rie at Vordcn | , fra Sviidllodi'ii til Isaaks Dod|. (In /,/.s Skrifter, 17HH.98, v. 5.)— Anin.Trkiiinger over TCHAT.V\TKA. Hitzig:, Julius Ediiard, editor, see Chamisso, A. von. Leben und Brief e. 1839. (In Jiis Werke. v. 5-6.) 833 8 Un hirer au midi de I'Europe, par George Sand, see Diidevant, A. L. A. D. Hjlllmters ok divers saga. (In Rafn, ('. C. Fern sogur, 1829-30, v. 8.) 839.63 12 Hjaltalin, J6ii Andresson. The thousandth an- niversary of the Norwegian settlemen [so] in Iceland. Reykjavik, 1874. S. 949 3 The first English pamithlet printed in Iceland. H,jaltaliii, Oddlir .Joiissoii. Islenzk grasafrfeSi; utgetin a3 tilhlutun bins i-ilenzka iiokinenta- feiags. Kaiipmannahofn, 1830. D. 839.63 3 Hjort, Peder. Oin det engelske Konjugations- .systeni; med en Tilla^g cm Forlioldet imellem Dansk og Engelsk. Kjobenhavn, 1843. sqO. 425 14 — Udtog af Breve til en Ven i Sjfelland om det slesvigholsteenske Rore ; udgivne af L. S. Navne [pseud.]. KJ0benhavn, 1847-8. 3 v. O. 943 43 Hoare, Edward JJewenliaiiijffean of Waterford. English roots, and the derivation of words from the Anglo-Saxon. 3 edition. Dublin. 1863. D. 422 4 — Exotics; or, English words derived from Latin roots. 2 issue. Dublin, 1865. D. 422 5 Hobbes, Thomas. Behemoth; the history of the causes of the civil-wars of England, 1640-60. London, 1682. D. 942 24 —translator, see Thncydides. 1841. 888 9 HOB-GOBLIN, see ROBIN GOODFELLOW. Hobson, John. Journal, tab. (In Jackson, C. Yorkshire diaries, 1877-86, v. 1; in Surtees soc. 65.) 820 7 Hobson, William. The pleasant conceits of old llobson, tlie merry Londoner, 1607 ; edited by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1843. D. 84-40 p. (In Percy soc. v. 9.) 820 6 Hobjj Sir Thomas, translator, see Castiglione, B. The courtier. 1.577. 395 1 Hoccleve, Thomas, poems, never before print- ed, selected from a nis. in the possession of George Mason; witli a preface, notes and glos- sary. London, 1796. sqO. 821 63 Hochsletter, Ferdinand von. Geologic. (In Hann, J. Allgenieine Erdkunde. 1872.) 502 3 —Uelier den Ural. Berlin, 1873. O. 58 p. (/ra Virchow tljube Lieder des 15. Jabrhunderts. II. Antncrpeiifr LirdL-rbucb Tom 1514. 12. H. von F. Brucb- stiicke mittfliiiederliindiscber Gedichte, uebst Lover- kens. Barkhuseii, H. Reineke Vos. 1834. 837 5 Hofler, Giistay. Bad Krankenlieil zii Tolz in Oberbayern; zugleich Fiihier in Tolz und seiner Umgebung. Freiburg ini Breisgau, 1866. O. 615 15 — Eau alcalines acidules iodosulfurees de Krankenlieil pres Toelz. [Fribourg, 1865?] D. 23 p. 615 15 Hofiiiau, Tyclio de. Historiske Efterretninger oin velfortieute danske Adeismiend; overt atte, forogede eg forbedrede. Ki0benhavn, 1777-9. 3v. sqQ. it. i^or. tab. 929 4 Hofinauii, Joliaiin Jakob. Historia augusta ini- peratoruin Ronianoriini a C. Julio Ca?sare usque ad Josephum; ex Joannis Petri Loticbii tetra- sticbis mnemonicis et Hofmanni tetrastichis et enaiTationibus historicis; adduntur singuloruni iniperatorum effigies; additainenta & supple- menta adjecit Henriens Christianus Hennini- us. Anistela'dami, 1707. F.-* poc. ilt2). 937 2 Hofmaiiii, K. B. Das Blei bei den ViUkern des Altertbunis. Berlin, 1885. O. 48 p. (/« Vir- chow ifc Holtzeiidorff.Vortriige. 20 Serie ) 043 1 Uogadals [irostgard, beriittelse, see Ji., A. Ho^artli, William, illustrator, see Butler, S. Hudiliras. 1772. 827 5 Hogg, Lewis M. What is doing in furtherance of church reformation in Italy. London, 1867. O. 36 p. 284 11 Hoggiier,— ,//-t7(frrc von. Reise nacli Lappland und deni nordlichen Schweden. Berlin, 1841. O. 914.8 33.5 Atlas wanting. Hogstriini, Peter. Beschreibung des Lapp- landes; nebst Arwid Ehreninalms Reise durch West-Nordland nacli der Lappinark Asehle: aus deni SchwedischenUbersetzt. Copenliagen, 1748. D. 2,1. map. 914.8 33.6 Holienstein, Adolph. Der Wald, sammtdessen Eiiitluss aut das Klima der Lander, "VVold der Staaten, sowie die (lesundheit der Menschen. Wien, 1860. O. 551.58 54 Ilojf'da, Aldiizo, .see OJeda. Holbein, Hans. Alplialietof Doatli; illustrated with old borders engraved on wood, with Latin sentences and English quatrains, selected by Anatole de Montaiglon. Paris, 1856. O. [361 !'• 761 8 —iUjistrator, see Erasmus, D. Elogio della pazzia. 1863. (//( Bibl. raia. 17.) 850 3 Panegyrick upon folly. 1709. 879 6 The latter contains A catalogue of the paintings of Holbein. Holbein society. Fac-simile reprints. Man- chester, 1869-70. V. 1-3. sqO. it. 761 5-7 Contents: 1. Les simulachres & historiees faces de la Mort, commonly called The dance of Death; translated and edited by Henry Green; with a sketch of Holbein's life and works, and notes. I8b9. 2. Icones historiarvm Veteris Testament!; edited by Henry Green. 1869. 3. The mirrovr of maiestie; edited by Henry Green and .James Croston. 187U. Holberg, Lndvig, Friherre af. Comedier; ud- givne af R. L. Rahbek. Kiobenhavn, 1824-7. 6 V. sqT. 839.82 17 — Dannemarks Riges Historie. [v. 1-2,] 3 Oplag. Kiobenhavn, 1754-63 [v. i, '63]. 3 v. sqO. p<.r. 948 73 — Holbergiana: Smaa-Skrifter af og cm Hol- berg: udgivne ved A. E. Boye. Kjobenhavn, 1833-5. 3 v.S. par. ' 839.88 1 — Levnet, forfattet af ham selv, i tre Breve: ny oversatte af Latin, med Anma?rkninger, ved K. L. Rahbek; saint dan 447(leaf dedaiiske Epistler. Kjobenhavn, 1814. D. 928 29 — Niels Klinis underjordiske Reise, efter Hol- bergs latinske Original. (In Baggesen, J. I. Danske Vgerker, 1837-33, v. 13.) 839.81 13 Niels Klinis underjordiske Reise; fra Latin oversat af N. V. Dorph : med Oplvsninger af E. C. Werlauff. Kjobenhavn, 184l". O.' (In Sanifnndet til den danske Literatnrs Fremme. Skrifter, 3.) 839.87 3 Historiske. Bibliographiske Noticer om Niels Klims Reise. p. 290-.319. An English translation is in the main library. — Niels Klims underjordiske Reise ; oversat after den latinske Original af Jens Baggesen. Kiobenhavn, 1789. sqO. p/. 839.87 4 — Peder Paars, et heroi-skcomisk Poenia; ud- givet paa nye ved et Selskab. Kiobenhavn. 1773. sqO. pi. 839.87 5 — Suhm, P. F. (//( his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 4.) 839.88 5 — Welliaven, J. S. C. Om Holberg. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 6.) 839.84 3 —Werlauff, E. C. Historisk Antegnelser til L. Holbergs Lystspil. Kjobenliavn, 1838. v. 1. O. 839.82 18 Holden, Edward Singleton. On the number of words used in speaking and writing. Phila- delphia, 1876. O. [7] p. 401 3 Holder. E. Savigny und Feuerbach, die Kory- pliiien der deutscheii Rechtswissenschaft. Bi r- lin, 1881. O. 44 p. (iji Vircliow c£- Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Holger Danske, .see Ingeinann, B. S. HOLIDAYS. Tutkerniann, H. T. (In his Criterion. 1866.) 814 15 Holidays on high lands, .sec Maomillan, H. Holinslied, Italpli, & others. Chroiiiiles of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1807- 8. 6 V. s(|F. !»42 13 Holland, Frederick Wliitmore. Explorations in the wililcrness of Sinai, j)/. nnq). (In Mor- rison, W., editor. The recovery of Jerusalem. 1871.) 915.6 30.1 Holland, Henry Iticliard Fox Vassal, ..'(/ Iniron. Souvenirs des cours de France, d'Espagne, de HOLLAND 327 II OL Y R OMAN EMPIRE Prusse et de Russie; traduits del'anglais par E. F. (In Biirrl^re * Lesciire. Meinoires, 1807- 81. V. 37.) »44 10 — Macaiilay, T. B. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 4.) 824 16 Holland, I'hilt'iiion, trandattir, see Pliuiiis Se- CIIIkIiis, v. llistorie of the world. KiDl. ;>00 4 I'liifarclins. Moral.-. 1003. 8S8 33 Holland, Willielm Lndwig. Du poeme du Cid dans ses analogies avec la ehanson de Roland, par E Baret. — Ueber den Roinan de la jioire. (/)! Jahrbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 —editor, see Clires'ticn of Troi/es. Li remans dou chevalier au lyon. 1862. 84114.1 HOLLAND, see NETHEHLANDS. Hnllant, Heynric van. Die cracht der mane; uitgegeven door M. de Vries. {In Vereenijfing Ned. Icttcrknnde.Verslagen, v. 4, 1847.)83J).3 6 Holle, Carl. Die Protnetheussage mit Besonde- rer Berucksiohtigung ihrer Bearbeitung dnrch Aeschylos. Berlin. 187(1. O. 33 p. ( In \ir. cliow . HouMorat, Simon ilnde. Dictionnaire proven- (;al-franvais, suivi d'un Vocabulaire fran^ais- provencjal. Digne, 1816-8. 4v. sqQ. 449 1 HONOR. Banmeisler, H. Ucber In juricn. Ber- lin, issd. :',il p. (/,( VirHiow * HoUzendorir. Vortrilge. 15 Serie.) 043 1 — Oscnbriiggcn, E. Die Hhrc im Spiegel der Zeit. Berlin, 1873. O. 32 p. (In same. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Honorins, I'hilippus, .see Onorio, F. noon 329 nORNEMANN HOOD, Robin. Child, F. J., edlUx-. (In his English and Scottish balhids, 1801, v. 6.)821 3.2 —The noble birtli and gallant acliievements of Robin Hood; added, The life of Robin Hood. (Tn Tlioiiis, W. J. Piose romances, 1828, v. 3.) ^ ' 823 2 Ritsoii, J., editor. Robin Hood; a collection of poems, songs and ballads; prefixed, histori- cal anecdotes of his life. London, 1823. D. 47. 821 8 Rees's expurgated edition. • Wright, T. On the popular cycle of the Robin Hood ballads. (Inhis Essays, 1846, v. 2.) 820 3 .*<> also BALLADS: .loiisoii, n. Tlie sad shepherd. Hooker, Richard. Of the lavves of ecclesiasti- cal! politie. Eyght bookes. London [, 15941-7. 3v. inl. Q. 202 5 Only five books. The fifth book has a separate title-page aud paging. — Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie. Eight bookes. London [,1639]. Q. 262 6 Only five books. The fifth book has a separate title- page. 1638. Appended are Certain divine tractates, and other godly sermons, 163'J; including several title-pages, 16.3.'j-C. — Works, in eight books of ecclesiastical polity, compleated out of his own manuscrips[so]; with an account of his life and death [by Izaak Walton]. London, 1666. F. iMr. iltp. 262 7 With the tractates of the preceding edition. Walton, I. Life of Hooker. (In his Lives, 1832, V. 2.) 820 10 Hoolier, William. Hooker's new pocket plan of the city of New York. New York, 1824. 33x 40 cm. in T. 912 43 Hooper, Richard, editor see Honierus. Whole works; translated by Chapman. 1857-65. 883 6 Hope, Thomas. Anastasius; or. Memoirs of a Greek, written at the close of tlie 18tli century. London, 1836. 3 v. D. p/. mcq}. iltp. 823 12 Uopf, Karl. Bonifaz von Montferrat, der Ero- berer von Konstantinopel, und der Troubadour Ranibaut von Vaqueiras; herausgegeben von Ludwig Streit. Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. (7m Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 13 Serie. ) 043 1 — editor. Chroniques greco-romanes inedites ou peu connues [, 1200-1566]; avec notes et tables genealogiques. Berlin, 1873. O. 949 40 Hopkins, Jolin Henry, bishop of Vermont. The American citizen; his rights and duties. New- York, 1857. D. 172 4 — Autobiography in verse: printed for the family on the occasion of the golden wedding. Cambridge [, Mass., 1866]. O. por. 922 34 — "The end of the controversy," controverted; A refutation of Milner's [work]. 3 edition. New York, 1855. 2 v. D. 282 5 — Essay on Gothic architecture; with plans for churches. Burlington, 1836. sqQ. 6-1-46 p. pi. iltp. 726 2 Hoppe, A. Englisch-deutsches Supplement- LexiUon. Berlin, 1871. Q. 433 13 Hopper, Clarence, editor, see the following publications of the Camden society: 820 4 78. lonilon chroniele.Henry VII.-VIII.— Lydgate, J. The childe of Bristow. 1859. 87. Lciig, R. Drake's service against the Spaniai-ds.lS63. Hoppe-Seyler, Felix. Ueber die t^uellen der LebeuskriUte. Berlin, 1871. O. 35 p. (In Vir- chow ct- Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Uel)er Spectralanalyse. Berlin, 1868. O. 36 p. pi. (i>t .same. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Horae Belgicae,.sce Hoffmann von Fallersleben, A. H. Horatins Flaccns, (Juintiis. Opera; ex editione J. C. Zeunii [; recensuit Joannes Carey]. Lon- dini, 1822. T. 874 2 — Poemata, illustravit Carolus Anthon. Novi Eboraci, 1830. O. 874 3 — Art of poetrie ; made English by Ben. John- son [, Latin and English]. {In Jonson, B. Workes, 1640, v. 2.) 822 8 — L" arte poetica; esposta in dialetto milanese. Milan.), 1836. O. 81 [-1-4] p. 874 4 — Lundy, F. J. Metra Horatiana. Burlington, 1838. S. 36 p. 476 3 Pope, A. Satires and epistles of Horace imi- tated. (/»7i/s Works, 1764, V. 3.) 821 90 Rosch, AV. Der Dichter Horatius und seine Zeit. Beilin,1885. O. 40 p. (/« VircllOW (fc Holtzendorff". Vortriige. 20 Serie.) 043 1 ^Snhni, P. F. Anmsei-kninger over Horatius. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 7.) 839.88 5 HORBERG, Pehr. Molbech, C. The life and works of the painter Horberg; translated and abridged bv G. P. Marsh. (In American eclec- tic, V. 1, 1831.) 080 32 Les horizons celestes; par I'auteur des Hori- zons prochains. 5 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 944 2.1 Les horizons prochains. 4 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 844 2 *e a/so, by the same author, Au bord de la mer, Les horizons c61estes. Vesper, Horkel, J. Die Lebensweisheit des Komikers Menander ; Vortrag. Konigsberg, 1858. O. 4-f 50 p. 882 8 King Horn. (In Miitzner, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 1, 1867.) 820 8 — King Horn..., with notes and glossary by J. R. Luinby. London, 1866. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 14.) 820 5 — Horn et Rimenhild; recueil de ce qui reste des poemes relatifs a leurs aventures, composes en fran9ois, en anglois et en ecossois dans les 13-16 siecles : public par Francisque Michel. Paris, 1845. sqQ. facsim. (Bannatyneclub.) 821 64 — Hornkind und Maid Rimenild. (In Grimm, J. L. K.Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 6.)408 3 HORN, Fredrik, grefve. Oxensljerna, J. G. Aminnelse-tal ofver Horn, 3 april 1796. (In his Arbeten, 1805-26, v. 3.) 839.71 33 Horn, or Elnhorn, I^ndtz Edudrd. Le bilan de I'empire. 4 edition. Paris, 1868. O. 336 5 A horn-hook, printed about 1570. pi. (In Hal- liwell-Phillips, J. 0. Notices of fugitive tracts. 1849; in Percy soc. v. 29.) 820 6 Frontispiece, % original size, with notice on p. 30-1. Hornemaun, Frederich Konrad. Journal of travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, 1797-8. Lon- don, 1802. s(iQ., maps. 916.1 5 Horneniann, Jens Wilken.De indole plantarum Guineensium. Hauniae, 1819. O. 581 35 HORNEMANN 330 HO HA US — Forsog til en dansk oeconomisk Plantelsere, [v. 1,] 3 forogede Oplag. Kjobenhavn. 1831- 37. 2 V. O. 581 31 Horueii Siegfried. (In Hagen, F. H. von der. Der Helden Buch. 1835.) 831 6 Horner, Heinrieli. Der Siiugling, eine toskani- sche Geschichte. (In. Hillebrand, K. Italia. T. 3, 1875.) 945 41 Horner, Susan. The Tuscan poet Giuseppe Giusti and his times. London, 1864. D. 928 37 HORNS. Ariikiel, T. Cinibrisch gulden Hey- den-Horn bey Tundern 1639 gefunden. Ham- burg, 1703. sqO. pi. (In his Ausfiihrliche Er- offnung. 3.) 913 47.1 — Bredsdorff, J^ H. tjber die Inschrift auf dem letzt gefundenen goldenen Home. (In Copen- hagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 — (jrani, H. Afhandling om det 1734 red M6- geltonder fundne Guldhorn ; med Indledniug og Bemajrkninger af E. C. Werlauff. (In same. Annaler. v. 13, 1853.) 948 3 — Hennebergr, K. Hvad er Edda ? eller. Rai- soneret kritisk Undersogelse over detvende red Gallehuus fundne Guldhorn; med et Anhang, Om der har vferet flere Odiner til. Aalborg, 1812. sqO. pi. 913 54 1 Forsvar for Skriftet, Hvad er Edda ? Aal- . borg, 1813. sqO. [H-] 34 p. 913 54.1 —Munch, I'. A. Om Indskriften paa det i Son- der-Jylland 1734 fundne Guldhorn. — Tillajgs- bema?rkninger. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 7, 1847.) 948 3 — Milller, P. E. Antikvarisk Undersogelse over de ved Gallehuus fundne Guldhorn. Kioben- havn, 1806. sqO. pi. 913 55 — Rafn. C. C. De tvende ved Gallehuus fundne Guldhorn, efter de a?ldre Beskrivelser. pi. — Guldhornindskriftens Forklaring. (/?( Copen- hagen- K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 15, 18.55.) 948 2 — — French: Sur les deux cornes d'or trouvees pres de Gallehus; d'apres les anciens descrip- tions, p^— Inscription de la come d'or inter- pretee. (In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 The plates are in Atlas de I'arobfiologie du nord. 913 53 —Worm, 0. Aureum cornu Danicum. pi. (In /us Dauicorum monumentorum. 1643.) 913C1.3 — — De aureo cornu Danico. (/)( Bartholin, T. De armillis. 1676.) 391 1 HOROMETRY, see CHRONOLOGt. Horozco, Alonso de. Historiade la reyna Saba, quando disputo con el rey Salomon en Hierusa- lem. Salamanca, 1568. T. 868 6 A collection of sermons. Horrebow, Niels. Tilforladelige Efterretninger oni Island, med 2 Aars meteorologiske Obser- vationcr. |Kj6benliavn,] 17,53. D. map. 914.9 5 — Englisli : The natural history of Iceland; tr.anslated from the Danish. London, 1758. F. viap. 914.9 6 HORSE. Dainnas, M. .1. E. Les chevau.x du Sahara et les nweurs du desert. 3 edition. I'aris, 1855. D. «3« 1 — Frentzel, J. P. Ueber die Landespferdezucht ini Regirungsbezirk (iunibinnen. Berlin, 1875. O. 56 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Hippocrates. Trattati di mascalcia, attribuiti ad Ippocraie; per cura di P. Delprato. Bologna, 1865. O. (In Emilia. Collezione. 13.) 8.50 6 — Neergaard, J. V. Anma?rkninger til Indberet- ningen af den Commission til at undersoge det kongl. Stutteri. Kjobenhavn, 1827. D. 14-t-] 43 p. 636 2 — — Fors0g...den engelske Fuldl)lodshest...til Hesteavlens Forbedring i Danmark. Kioben- havn, 1830. D. 8+44 p. 636 2 Har Praemie-Uddelingen hidtil gavnet Landets Hesteavl? Kiobenhavn, 1831. I). lO-l- 43 p. 636 2 Hesteavlen i Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1827. D. 636 2 La?ren om Hastens Exterieur. Kjoben- havn, 1837. V. 1. O, dk Atlas. obO. 599 5 Opiysmnger om S. T. Stutterdirectionens Indberetning om mine Skrifter angaaende Hesteavlen i Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1828. D. 636 2 Et par Ord om Danmarks Hesteavl. Kio- benhavn, 1832. D. [8-I-] 6-1-71 p. 636 2 — Rusio, li. La mascalcia [Latin and Italian]; da P. Delprato. Bologna, 1867. 2 v. O. (In Emilia. Collezione. 19-30.) 850 6 Vol. 2 is Notizie storiche degli sorittori italiani di vete- rinaria. — Vegetius Renatns, F. Ars veterinaria ; sive Mulomedicina. (In Scriptores rei rusticae, 1783-4, V. .5.) 878 36 — Xeno))hou. De re equestri. (In his Opera, 1826-7, V. 6.) 888 12 — Tonatt, AV. The horse; with a treatise on draught. London, 1831. O. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) 636 3 Horstmann, Carl, editor. The Paris beggar- boy murdered by a Jew for singing "Alma re- demptoris mater?" (/« Originsils and analog- ues. 1872-88; in Chancer soc. 3 ser. 15.) 821 46 see the following publications of the Early English text society; ORIGINAL SERIES; 820 5 So. Joliann von HUdesheim. The three kin^ of Cologne. 1886. 86. The lives of women saints of England. 1886. 87. The early South-English legendary. 1887. SS. Bradsliaw, II. The life of St. Werhurge. 1887. Horton, Samuel Uana. Discours et documents. 73 p, (/n luternat. monetary conf. 1881. Pro- ces-verbaux.) 339 2 Horlus sanitatis, 1520, see Cuba, J. Horivircz, Adolf. Zur Naturgeschichte der Gefiihle. Berlin. 1876. O. 39 p. (7» Vlrchow & Holtzendortr. Vortriige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Horwood, Alfred John, editor, see Milton, J. A common-place book. 1876. (In Camden soc. n. s. 16.) 820 4.1 ({■ traihtlafor. Year books of the reign of Edward I., vcars 20-2, 30-5: Edward III., 11-13 Lonilon, 1863-83. 6 v. Q. (/j( Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. ami mem. 31.) 942 8 Ttie last volume has preface & index hy Luke Owen Pike, who continued tht; series. Hosiiiis, A. Die Wa.s.serverdunstung derPflanze uiiil Hire Bedcutung im Ilaushalt der Natur. (/(( >V('ini«r— Realschnlc. Programm. 9. 1870.) 681 8 HOSPITAL 331 HO USEHOLD Hospital transports; a memoir of the embark- ation of the sick and wounded from the Penin- sula of Virginia in tlie summer of 1862; com- piled at the request of the sanitary commission. Boston, 1863. D. 362 7 HOSPITALS. Bo, A. Raffronti storici sui prov- vedimenti sanitarii antichi e nuovi nel porto di Brindisi, lettera. {In SocletJl ligiire. Atti. v. 8, 1868.) 945 48 —Collin, J. Efterretning om Fadsels- og Pleie- Stiftelsen. (In his For Historie, 1823-5, v. 2.) 984 60 — Vircliow, E. Ueber HospitiilerundLazarette. Berlin, 1869. O. 33 p. (In Vircliow & Hoi- tzendorff. Vortruge. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Wernher, A. Die Armen- und Krankenpf lege der geistlichen Ritterorden in friiherer Zeit. Berlin, 1874. O. 53 p. (In same. 9 Serie.) 043 1 SeealfO LIIBECK; NURSIJiG; ROME; SIENA; U. S. sani- tary coniniisislon. H0st, Georg. Efterretninger om Marokos og Fes, 1760-8. Kiobeuhavn, 1779. sqQ. (7. por. pi. facsim. map. 964 1 H0st, Jens Kragli. Der danischeGeheimecabi- netsminister Graf Johann Friedrich Struensee und sein Miniaterivun. Kopenhagen, 1826-7. 2 V. D. por. 948 73 — Rigshofmester Gre^' Korfits Ufeld og Eleo- nora Christina Qfelds Levnet. Kjobenhavn, 1835. D. 923 93 Hostlanga, see Edda— Younger. HOT SPRINGS see MINERAL SPRINGS ; SPRINGS. Hotten, John Camden. The history of sign- boards, see Sadler, L. R., & Hotten. 394 8 The slang dictionary. 13th thousand. Lon- don, 1865. D. map. 427 7 Houbrakeu, Arnold, artist. Diehtkundige be- spiegelingen op 57 zinnebeelden door Houbra- ken van Gezine Brit. Amsterdam, 1782. il. lit p. 839.31 13 Hough, Franlilin Benjamin. An address on our schools and forests. Washington, 1881. O. 18 p. 551.58 48 Cultivation of timber and preservation of forests. [Washington, 1874.] O. (In U.S.— Ho. of rep. 43 cong. 3 ses. Report 259.) 551.58 48 —Report upon forestry. Salem, 1878. O. 14 p. 551.58 48 From Am. a»soo. tor adv. of science. Proc. 18V8. Report upon forestrv. Washington, 1878. O. (7. ' 551.58 30 Houghton, Richard Monclfton Milnes, baron. On the present social results of classical educa- tion. (In Farrar, F. W., editor. Essays. 1867.) 375 1 —Selections from [his] poetical works. Lon- don, 1863. D. 821 77 HOUSE PLANTS. Perkins, G. H. Hygiene of house plants, (/^n American naturalist, v. 10, 1876.) 651.58 131 HOUSEHOLD. Account of the expenses of John of Brabant and Tliomas and Henrv of Lancaster, 1292-3 : edited by J. Burtt. 1853. (In Camden misc. 2; in Camden see. 55.) 820 4 ^A breviate touching the order and govern- mente of a nobleman's house, &c.; copy of an original ms. communicated by Sir J. Banks, bart. [London, 1800.] sqQ. p. 315-389. 640 1 bound with (531 30 — Carena, G. Vocabolario domestico. ViAi- zione2. Torino, 1851. O. ( /« /ti,s Prontuario, V. 1.) 453 3 — IMirliam, England. The Durham household book; or. Accounts of the bursar of the mon- astery, 1.530-4. London, 1844. O. (In Surtees soc. 18.) 820 7 — Emminghaus, K. B. A.Hauswirthschaftliche Zeitfragen. Berlin, 1869. O. 44 p. (/)( Vir- chow & Holtzendoi-ff.Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Fieschi, S. Arredi ed armi, inventario. 1533. {In Society lignre. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 — Fornari, P. II nuovo. Carena : La casa ; o, Vocabolario metodico domestico. Torino. 1878, D. 453 10 — France. Comptes de I'liotel des rois de France aux 14-15 siecles; publics par L. Douet-d'Arcq. Paris, 1865. O. 640 8 — Fnrnivall, F. J., editor. King Edward IPs household and wardrobe ordinances, 1333, eng- lisht by F. Tate in 1601; with extracts from Edward IV's household book. London, 1876. O. por. (In Life-records of Chaucer. 3 ; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 14.) 821 46 — Guala, L. Consigli di economia domestica. (In his Elementi di economia politica, 1863, appendice.) 330 3 Lezioni di economia domestica. Vercelli, 1869. 2 V. O. 640 4 Contents; Pt. 1. Prolefromeni : storia e costituzioiie della famiglia. 2. Economia ed amministrazione do- —Hale, W. H., f- Chronica; edited by Wil- liam Stubbs. London, 1868-71. 4 V. Q. (//i tit. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 51.) 942 8 Hovelacque, Abel. La linguistique. Paris, 1876. D. (Bibl. des sciences contemp.) 400 1 Howard. (Jeorge W. The monumental city; its history and resources. Baltimore, 1873. O. il. pi. maps. 5U7.5 1 Howard, George William Frederick, 7tli earl of CarHxle, see Carlisle. Howard, Henry, carl of Surrey, see .Surrey. HOWAKD, John. Holtzendorff, F. voii. John Howard und die Pestsperre gegen Ende des 18 Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1879. O. 64 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Howard, Lord William, of Naicorth castle. Se- lections from [his] houseliold books; with ap- pendix illustrative of his life and times. Dur- ham, 1878. O. (/uSiirtees soc. 68.) 820 7 Howe, John. The blessedness of the righteous. — The vanity of man as mortal. {In Marsli, J. Select practical theology. 1830.) 208 6 — The Redeemer's tears wept over lost souls; Union among protestants : Carnality of relig- ious contention ; Man's enmity to God: and Reconciliation between God and man ; with life of the author, by W. Urwick. New York, 1846. D. (Works of the English puritan di- vines.) 240 13 HoweU, James. AenSpoXoyla : Dodona's grove; or, the vocall forrest. [London,] 1640. O. pi. 823 13 With inserted portrait. — Epistolae Ho-Elianfe; familiar letters domes- tick and foreign. 9 edition. London, 1726. O. 2'or. 826 3 — Instructions for forreine travell, 1642. Lon- don, 1869. S. 88 p. {In Arber, E. English reprints, 16.) 820 9 Howells, William Dean. Italian journeys. London, 1868. D. 914.5 30 —Suburban sketches. London, 1871. D. 814 9 —Venetian life. New York, 1866. D. 914..'> 60.1 —Same. 2 edition. London, 1867. D. 914.5 61 Howitt, William, translator, see The religion of Rome. 1875. 282 20 Howlett, Richard, editor. Chronicles of the reigns of Ste])hen, Henry II., and Richard I. London, 1SS4-9. 4 v. Q. facsim. {In (Jt. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 83.) 942 8 Monnmcnta Franciscana. v. 2, 1883. {In same. 4.) 942 8 H0yen, Niels Laiiritz Andreas. De oeldste Par- tier af Vestervig Klosterkirke. 2)1. {In Co- peuhasren— K. uord.Old.-Selskab. Aunaler. v. 3, 1840-1.) 948 2 — Tegningeraf teldre Bygninger i Sverrig og deres indre Udsmykning af N. SI. Mandelgren; Bema?rkninger. {In same, Anticjuarisk Tids- skrift. V. 4. 1852-4.) 948 4 HOYT, Josse. Mackenzie, W. L. The lives and opinions of B. F. Butler and J. Hoyt. Bos- ton, 1845. O. 974 11 Sagan af Hrafni ok Gunnlaugi ormstiingu. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. isl. sogur, 1843-7, V. 2) 839.63 9 Hroars Saga, see 0hlenscliliiger, A. G. Digter- vwrker, v. 3. Hrolf Krake, et Heltedigt, same, v. 8. .S'ee also Itolf Krage. Saga af Hriilfl konungi Gautrekssyni. (/;( Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1839-30, v. 3.) 839.63 12,42 Saga af Hrolfl konungi kraka ok koppum bans. {In same. v. 1.) 839.63 13 Saga af Hr6ninndi Greips.syni. {In same. v. 2.) 839.63 12 Hrotsvitlia, nun of Gandesheim. Poesies latines de Rosvith, religieuse saxonne du 10 siecle; avec une traduction libre en vers fran- 9ais par Vignon Retif de la Bretonne. Paris, 18.54. O. 879 9 HBUStiNIR. G[r0ndal, B. Hrungnersmythen, med almindelige Bema^rkninger om den old- nordiske Poesie. {In Copenliag'en — K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 30, 1860.) 948 3 HUAETBERT, ohhot ofWearmoiith &Yarrou\ Bede. (/« /ns Historise. 1723.) 274 1 Hnb, Ignaz, editor. Deutschland's Balladen und Romanzeu-Dichter, von G. A. Biirge(; bis auf die neueste Zeit; nebst Biographieen. Karlsruhe, 1846. sqO. 831 8 Huber, Johannes N'epomnk. Der Jesuiten- Orden, nach seiner Verfassung und Doctrin, Wirksamkeit und Geschichte. Berlin, 1873. O. 271 7 — Das VerhiUtniss der deutschen Philosophie zur nationalen Erhebung. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. {In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 6 Serie.) 043 1 Huber, Victor ^Umi. II papa ed il concilio, di Janus [pseud.] Torino, 1869. O. 282 37.2 — Skizzen aus S|)anien. 1-2 Auflage. Gotting- en, 1833-45 [v. 1, '45]. 2 v. S. 833 19.1 Contents: 1. Dolores. 2. .Jaime Alfonso, genannt el Barl)Hdo; Skizzen aus Valencia und Murcia. Hiiber, William. Les glaciers. Paris, 1867. D. pi. 551.31 2 Huber-Liebenan, Tlieodor von. Das deut.sche llaus zur Zeit der Reuuiseance. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 p. {In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Das deutsche Zunftwesen im Mittelalter. Berlin, 1878. O. 40 p. {In same. 13 Serie.) 043 1 Hi'ibertz, Jens Rasinussen. Beskrivelse over yEro; et historisU. tt)pographisk Forscg. Kjo- bcnhavn, 1S34. D. pi. map. 943 48 lliiddesford, William. The lives of those em- inent anli(|uaiies, John Leland, Thomas Ilearno and Anthony ii. Wood; with memoirs relating to persons and literature. Oxford. 1773. 2 v. O. par. pi. 928 4 With nis. corrections by the author. HUDIBRAti 333 HUMBOLDT Hiidibras, see Butler, S. HUDSON, Henry. Clevelaud, H. U, Life of Hudson. (/?) Sparks, J. Aiuorican hioKi'apliy, 1835-9, V. 10.) »20 15 Hudson, John, annolutor, see Tlincydidcs, 17:n. 888 4.1 Hudson, 'riioinas, translator, see Du IJartas, ii. de S. The liistoiie of Judith. {In his Divine weekes. 1011.) 841 17 Hiiffer, Franz. Der Tiobador Guillem de Cabe- stanh, seiii Leben und seine Werke. Berlin, 1808. O. 68 p. 849 8 Hiiffer, Hermann. Die Ahtretung der Villa Me- dici in Rom an Frankreich. (In HiUebrand, K. Italia. V. 4, 1877.) 94.5 41 Hiig'el, Fr. S. Der Wiener Dialekt; L 'xikon. Wien, 1878. O. 437 12 HUGH, St.. bishop of Lincoln. Barri, G. de. Giialdi Canibrensis vita S. Hugonis. (In liis Opera. 1861-77, v. 7; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 21.) 942 8 — Jla^na vita S. Hugonis: edited by James F. Dimock. London, 1864. Q. (/»i same. 36.) 942 8 Hughes, .John, see The spectator. 824 19-21 HUGHES, Jolin, archbishop of New York. Murray, N. Letters to HuKhes; and Bishop Hughes confuted; bv Kirwan [pseud.]. Nevir York, 1849. 3v. ini. D. 282 17 Hughes, Samuel. A treatise on waterworks for tlie supply of cities and towns. New edition, enlarged.' London, 1872. D. 628 1 HUGI, Franz Joseph. Buchheister, J. Fine wissenschaftliche Alpenreise im Winter 1832. Berlin, 1886. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Hugo, Victor Marie, comte. Angelo, drama: utiln Biiro Eotvos Jozsef. Pesten, 1836. T. 842 3 bound ivith 8oO 13 Histoire d'un crime. 3 edition. Paris, 1877-8. 2 v. in 1. O. 944 44 — Aniicis, E. de. Vittor Hugo. {In his Ricordi di Parigi. 1879.) 914.4 9 — Dannehl, C. W. G. Victor Hugo, literarisches Portiait, mit besonderer BerUcksichtigung der Lehrjahre des Dichters. Berlin, 1886. O. 48 p. (In Virchow (& Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Hugo von Rheinberg, see 0hIeuschlager, A. G. Tragcidier. v. 4. Hugsviuns-mill, see C.ito, D. HUGUENOTS. Borrel, A. Biographie d'An- toiue Court: ou, Episode de I'histoire des egli- ses du desert Cevenol, 1713-60. Toulouse, 1863. D. 922 27 — Carriere, P., ca/Zed Corteis. Memoires, 1685- 1730; publies par J. G. Baum. Strasbourg, 1871. O. [9 + ] 88 [-1-1] p. 284 7 —Cooper, W. 1)., editor. Lists of foreign pro- testants and aliens resident in England, 1618- 88. [London,] 1862. .sqO. (In Camden soc. 82.) 820 4 — Coquerel, C. A. Histoire des eglises du de- sert cliez les i)rotestants de France depuis Louis XIV a la revolution. Paris, 1841. 3 v. O. 284 8 — Dumont de Bostaqnet, I. A. Memoires inedits sur les temps qui ont precede et suivi la revoca- tion de red it de Nantes, sur le refuge et les expeditions de Guillaume IIIenAngleterreet en IrlaiKle; piiliUi-s ))ar C. Read and F. Wadding- ton, et prwedes d'une introduction hisloriciue. Paris, 1864. O. 944 30 — Fontaine, J. A tale of the Huguenots: or, Memoirs of a French refugee family; trans- lated and c()mi>iled by [Ann Maury], New York, 1838. D. ■ 272 13 — Merimee, P. Memoires d'une famille hugue- note. {7h /y(.s- Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 — Marteillie, J. Memoires d'un protestant con- damne aux galeres de France. [1757.] Paris, 1865. D. pi. 272 11 —Smiles, S. The Huguenots in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes. New edition. London, 1875. D. map. 284 9 The Huguenots, their settlements, churches and industries in England and Ire- land. New edition. London, 1876. 284 10 Pages ■S.'jT-CW are: A list of distinguished Huguenot refu- gees and their descendants. Hugues, Gustave d.' Une province romaine sous la republique: etude sur le proconsulat de Ciceron. Paris, 1876. D. 937 17 Hugues, Luigi. II lago di Aral; dissertazione. Torino, 1874. O. [4-h]53p. .551.48 38 Hugues Capet, chanson de geste; publiee par le mis. de La Grange. Paris, 1864. S. (In Gues- sard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France. 8.) 841 3 Het Iiuis ter leede, see Lennep, J. van. Poet, werken, 1. Hull, Wilhelmiis van den. Over den oorsprong en de geschiedenis der hollandsche duinen. Haarlem, 1838. O. pL 5.51.33 3 Hiillmann, Karl Dietrich. Geschichte des Ursprungs der Stande in Deutschland. 2 Aus- gabe, gro.ssteutheils ein neues Werk. Berlin, 1830. O. 929 2.1 —Geschichte von Diinemark. Warschau, 1796. O. 948 75 Hultsch, Friedrich. Griechische und romische Metrologie. Berlin, 1862. O. 389 4 Human knowledge, see Marsli, G. P. HUMBOLDTjFriedrichWilhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand, Freiherr von. liriichmann, K. Wil- helm von Humboldt. Hamburg, 1887. O. 36 p. {In Vircliow & Hoitzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Humboldt. Friedrich WUhelm Heinrich Ale- xander von. Ansichten der Natur. 3 vermehrte Ausgabe. Stuttgart. 1849. 3 v. in 1. D. 551 33 — Briefe an Varnhagen von Ense, 1837-58; nebst Ausziigen aus Varnhagen's Tagebiichern und Briefen von V. und Audern an Humboldt. 5 Auflage. Leipzig, 1860. O. 836 1 Edited hy Ludmilla Assing. —Introduction. {In Buch, L. von. Vovage en Norvege, 1816, v. I.) 914.8 12 — Kosmos; Entwurf einer phvsischen Weltbe- schreibung. Stuttgart, 1845-62. 5 v. in (!. O. 551 24 Atlas in 43 Tafeln, mit erlauternderm Texte; herausgegeben von Traugott Bronime. Stuttgart [, 1851]. obF. il. pi. maps. 551 34 HUMBOLDT 334 HUON — Nota suUa coinunicazione f ra I'Orenoco e il flume delle Amazoni; tradotta dal francese. {In OpuscoU idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 —Bernstein, A. Alexander von Humboldt und der Geist zweier Jalirhunderte. Berlin, 1809. O. 48 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. VortriiKe. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Cotta, B. von, & others. Briefe iiber Hum- boldt's Kosmos: ein Commentar zu diesem Werke. Leipzig, 1848-60. 4 v. O. (7. pi. maps. 551 25 — . Supplement-Theil : Humboldt's wissen- schaftliches Lehen und Wirken, von W. C. Wittwer. Leipzig, 1860. O. jwr.facsim. 551 25 ^Klencke, P. F, H. Alexander von Hum- boldt; ein biographisches Denkmal. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1859. scjS. 925 9 Hume, Alexander. Of the orthographie and congruitie of the Britan tongue; a treate.s for the schooles; edited bv Henry B. Wheatlev. London, 1865. O. Il-h40 p. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 5.) 820 5 Hnmmel, Karl. Physische Geographic. Graz, 1855. O. 551 26 HUMOR. Speyer, 0. Ueber das Komische und dessen Verwendung in der Poesie. Berlin. 1877. O. 40 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorfl". Vor- trage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 See also \W>y\. HUMP-BACK, see SPIIVE. Hnniplireys, Andrew Atliinson. [Letter to E. W. Kobeitson on Mis.sissippi river improve- ment, 1 May 1878. Washington, 1878.] O. 7 p. 627 14 Hand, Daniel Hansson. Konung Erik XIV: s kronika, pa rim ; utgifven af Fredrik August Dahlgren. Stockholm, 1847. O. (In Svenska forn. siil. Samlingar. v. 3.) 839.7 3 Hundrade minnen fran Osterbotten, see W— n, S. E. De Hunenborg, see Lennep, J. von. Romant. werken, 10. Hnnfalvy, Jilnos, translator, see Mag-yar, L. Reisen in Sud-Afrika. 1859. 916.8 2 HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE. CsdszAr, F.Grama- tica ungherese. Pestino [, 184-?]. O. 494 7 — Lesicon romanescu - latinescu - ungureseu- nemtescu. Budae, 1825. O. 450 7 ^Mailer, P. Grammatica Hungarico-Valachi- ca. Buda, 1837. O. 494 8 — llicllter, A. F. Neues vollstandiges Taschen- wrirterbucli der uugarischen Spraclie. Wien, 1836. 2 V. hqS. 494 6 — Sii.jnovics, J. Demonsti-atio idioma Ungaro- rum'et La|)p(inum idem Hafnia^, 1770. s(iQ. [10-i-]8:ip. 494 4 I'l.r wiirk.s wiiltcn in IIunKarian see Biijzu, .1.; Itiiro K.ili.K. .). lll'XiARY. Anniuiis, T. Historia chronologic a Pannoniaj; icones a J. J. Boissardo; ad 1607 eontiiuiata studio G. Arthus. Francofurti. 16()H. I). (7. por. !»43 62 ^l']ur(ipiens, A. J. Nagot oni Uunncr ocii Fin- nar. (In. Copenliag'en— K. iiord. Old.-Selskah. Aarboger. v. 1, lH(l(j.) <,»48 5 .— Rcruni Ilungaricaruni scriptores varii, liisto- rici, geograiihici. Francofurti, 1600. F. 943 6;j — Respnblica et status regni Hungaria;. [Lug- duni Batavorum,] 1634. Tt. 094 38 — Ujfalvy, K. E. La Hongrie; son histoire, sa langue et sa litterature. Paris, 1872. D. 894 6 Chiefly literary. .*<. a/so ATTILA ; CHIKCH HISTOBY— HUNOABY. Hnngnrvaka, Pals biskups saga, & lattr a£ Thorvalldi Vidforla; cum interpretatione La- tina, annotationibus, chronologia, tabulisgene- alogicis & indicibus. Hafnia>, 1778. O. tab. 839.63 43 E legato Magnfeano. Hunt, James Henry Leigfli. [Various articles.] (/(( Hazlitt, W. Round table. 1841.) 824 11 —Clarke, C. C. * M. V. N. C. Leigh Hunt and his letters. (/?t ^teir Recollections. 1878.) 928 3 Hnnt, Robert, editor, see Ure, A. Dictionary of arts. 1867. 603 2 Hnnter, Joseph. Agincourt; a list of the com- manders of the English host. London, 1850. D. [3 + ]56 p. (In his critical and historical tracts. 1.) 942 17 — Collections concerning the congregation of separatists at Scrooby, the founders of New- Plymouth. London, 1854. O. 974 3 — editor. Ecclesiastical documents: 1. A brief history of the bishoprick of Somerset to 1174. 2. Charters from the library of Cox Macro. London, 1840. sqO. (/?i Camden soc. 8.) 820 4 Cartnright, T. Diary, 1686-7. (In same. 22,1843.) 820 4 HUNTING. Arrianiis. KmeyfTiK6s.(InhisScTi-pta. minora. 18.54.) 888 37 — Dn FonilloHX, J. La venerie. Angers, 18.34. Q. (7. 799 5 — Karajan, T. G. von, editor. Kaiser Maximi- lian's I. geheimes Jagdbuch; und Von den Zei- chen des Hirsches, eine Abhandlung des 14ten Jahrhunderts. Wien, 1858. T. jjo)-. 799 3 — Kelirein, J., & F. Worterbuch der Weid- mannsprache. Wiesbaden, 1871. D. 433 8.7 — Oppianus. Delia caccia; tradotto da A. Sal- vini. (A)( Bibl. rara. 48.) 850 3 — Severini da Faria, M. Com que condi^oens seja louvavel o exercio da ca?a. (hi his Di- scursos. 1791.) 914.6 14 — Tasclienlmcli fiir Forst- imd Jagdmiinner. Leipzig, 18.54-62. v. 4. 6-8, 10-12. T. 551.58 74 — Tonssenel, A. Tristia; histoire des miseres et des tlijaux de la chasse de France. Paris, 1863. D. 799 4 — Xenoplion. De venatione. {In. liis Opera, 1826-7, v. 6.) 888 13 .svf «/so imvKixu. HUNTINCJDOXSHIRE. Charles, N. The visita- tion of the <'()iiiitv of Huntingdon, 1613: edited by II. Kllis. [London,] 1849. sqO. il. (In Camden soc. 43.) 820 4 Hiintiimlord, Henry, editor, see Danim, T. C. Lexicon riniliiricnni. 1814. 884 4 The liunlyng of the hare. (In. Weber, H. W. Mctri(.'al lunuinces, 1810, v. 3.) 821 10 |Hiioii of Bordeaux :] Tlie boke of Duke Huon of Hurdeux: done into Eiiglisli by Sir John Bourdiier, lord Berners, and |irinted by Wyn- kyn de Worde about 1534; edited, with an In- HUON 335 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING troductioii, by S. L. Lee. London, 1883-7. 3 v. O. por. {hi Eii!;lisll Charlemagne romances. 7-9, 11; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 40, 41, 43, .50.) • 820 5.1 — Histoire de Huon de Bordeaux. Montbeli- ard [,18-':'|. 3 v. in 1. sijO. il. 843 20 — Huon de Bordeaux, chanson degeste; publiee par F. Guessard et C. Grandmaison. Paris, 1860. S. (In (jiiessard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France, v. 5.) 841 3 — Oberon; oder, Hug von Bordeaux: nieder- landisches Volksbuch. Frankfurt a. M.[,]864J. (/» Simrock, K. J. Deutsche Volksbucher, 40.) 839.33 25 Hnrault, Philippe, bishop of Chartres. Me- moires, 1599-1601. (In Michaild as ist von der ordnug der gesuntlieyt. Augspurg, 1482. sqO. [96] p 1 2)1. 093 3 — Seliat der gesontlievt. Na de copie gedrukt tot Dordrecht, 1836. "2 v. in 1. T. il. 613 9 — Uffelmann, J. Die offentliche Gesundheits- lif lege imalten Rom. Berlin, 1880. O. 30 p. (Ill Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 .s> also BATHS; (XEAXLIXESS; DIET; DWELLINGS; EYE; (iVSIXASTUS; HOUSE PLANTS: LONGETITY; BICE; SEWERAGE. Hygiiiiis, surveyor. [Extracts.] (In Blunie, F. Scliritten der rom. Feldmesser, 1848-52, v. 1.) 526 2 Hyltin-Cavalliiis, Giiniiar Olof. Herr Scott och niethodisnien. [Anon.] Stockliolni, 1842. O. [3+] 92 p. 286 1 — & Stephens, G. Svenska folk-sagor ocli ilf- ventyr. StocUliolm, 1844. v. 1, pt. 1. O. 39S 12 — editor, see [Dietrich of Bern :| S:iuaii oin Didrik af Bern. 1850-4. {In Svenska f'oni.-siil. Samlingiir, v. 5.) S39.7 3 HYMXS. Beekninn, J, W. Schwedische Bear- beituiigcn uiid Ueliersotzungon'der .Sequenzen Dies irae uiul Staliat mater, als I'^r^tlingf hyin- nologiscber J'\)r,schiiiigen. Htoc^kliolni, 1843. (). (3-f]39p. 245 3 — Daglegt kvolld og morgun-olTur. Hoohini i llialltadal, 1780. S. 839.61 21 — Gabotto, F., lO Orsi, D., editors. Lelaudi del Piemonte. Bologna, 1891. v. 1. D. (In Scelta dicuriositii. 238.) 850 10 — Gerhai-d, J. Soings discurs ; en rima ru- monscha tras J. [n, T.Nockurliood-niiple. Hoolum i Halltadal, 1780. T. 839.61 22.1 — Welliaven, J. S. C. Antydninger til en for- bedret Psalmeverk for den norske Kirke. — Psalmesagen og Herr Pastor Wexels. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8. v. 6.) 839.84 2 —Wither, G. Tlie hymnes and songs of the church. [Manchester,] 1881. sqO. (In Spenser SOC. Pub. 30.) 821 3 translator. The psalms of David trans- lated into lyrick-verse. [Manchester,] 1881. 2 pt. in 1 V. sqO. (In same. 31-2.) 821 3 HYPNOTISM. Mendel, E. Der Hypnotismus. Hamburg, 1889. O. 38 p. (In Yircliovv d- Hol- tzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 HYPSOMETRY, see HEIGHTS. Hyrden af Tolosa,Tragoedie,.sceIngeniann,B.S. liyssope, i)oema heroi-comico, see Cruz e Silva, A. I), da. I., S. 0. A. M. (J. V. C. Saggio sulla religione in generale. Torino, 1866. (). 74[-f 2] p. 200 1 1 Dahirna, .sec Bremer, F. f G.FR, the j>hra.'d Allali, Al Lawuti. IBSEN 337 ICELAND Ibsen, Heiirik. Brand, et dramatisk nist. 6 Oi)lag. KolxMiliavn, 1,H71. D. S39.82 19 A rhymed translat ion of the fourth act by ('. II. Her- ford appeared in the ('(intcmiiorary review for March 18'Jl; also a review, witli translations, by U. A. Arui- stronjf, in the WestnnnslcT- rc\'icw for April 1H91: by A. 11. Palmer in the New KufiiandBr for Oct. 1S90. — Digte. Kobeiihavn, 1871. S. 839.S1 20 — Et Dukkehjem, Skuespil. 3 Oplap;. Kolu'ii- havn, 1880. D. 8;!i).8a 27.3 — Eu Folkefiende, Skuesiiil. Kohenliavii, 1882. D. 8;{9.82 27.4 — Fru Inger til Oetrat, Skuespil. 2Keiinenisete Udgave. Kobenhavn, 1874. D. 839.82 27.8 — Fruen fia Havet, Skuespil. Kolieiiiiavn, 1888. D. S39.S2 27.7 — Gengangere, et Familjedrama. Kubeiiliavn, 1881. D. .S39.82 27.3 — Gildet paa Solhoug, Skuespil. Cliristiania, 1856. O. [l + ]88p. 839.82 20 — Hajrmsendene i)aa Helgeland, Skuespil. 2 Oplag. Chiistiania, 1871. S39.82 21 — Hedda Gabler, Skuespil. Kobenliavii, 1890. D. 839.82 27.9 — Kejser og verdensbistorisk Skue- spil. Kobenbavn, 1873. D. S39..S2 22 Contents: Ciesars Frafald, Skuespil.— Kej.-ev Julian, Skuespil. — KJEerlighedens Komedie. 3 Udgave. Ko- benbavn, 1867. D. 839.82 23 — Kongs-Emiierne. liistorisk Skuespil. 3 Ud- gave. Kobenbavn, 1873. D. 839.82 24 —Peer Gynt, et dramatisk Digt. 3 Oplag. Kjo- benhavn, 1867. 839.82 35 "Ibsen's Peer Gynt, a study," by P. H. Wicksteed, ap- peared in the Contemporary review for Aug. 1889. — Rosmersbolni, Skuespil. Kobenbavn, 1886. D. 839.82 37.6 — Samfundets Stotter, Skuespil. 2 Oplag. Ko- benbavn, 1877. D. 839.82 26 — De Unges Forbund. Lystspil. 3 Oplag. Kjo- benliavn, 1869. D. 839.82 '27 — Vildanden, Skuespil. 2 Oplag. Kobenbavn, 1884. D. 839.82 27.5 —Prose dramas. Authorised English editic^i, edited by VVilliam Archer. New York, 1890 [-91]. 5 V. D. (7. por. 839.82 38 Contents: I. Biographical introduction.— The league of youth.— The pillars of society.— A doll's house. 2. Ghosts.— .4n enemy of the people.— The wild duck. 8. Lady Inger of Ostrat.— The vikings at Helgeland.— The pretenders. 5. Emperor and Galilean. 5. Kosmers- holm. — The lady from the sea.— Hedda Gabler. — Jager, H. Henrik Ibsen, 1828-88; a critical biography; from the Norwegian by W. M. Payne. Chicago, 1890. D. por. 839.82 38.1 ICE. Weber, C. W.Die Entstehung des Grund- eises erlautert. Sehandau, 1856. O. 20 p. 551.57 1 See aim GI-ACIEltS; WATKK. ICE AGE. Brauii, A. Eie Eiszeit der Erde. Berlin, 1870. O. 43 p. (/(i VircIlOW * Hol- tzendorff. Vortriige. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Kjenilf, T. Die Eiszeit. Berlin, 1878. O. 80 p. il. map. (//i .S((»(e. 13 Serie.) 043 1 ICEBERGS. Hayes, J. L. The probable influ- ence of icebergs upon drift. fBoston.! 1844. O. 38 p. 551.34 1 Iceland. Diplomatarium Islandicuiii: Islcnzkt fornbrel'asafn [834-1363J; gefi3 I'lt at liiiiu isU-nz- ka bokmentafelagi. Kaupmannahufn. 1857- 63. V. 1, pt. 1-3. O. 839.08 6 — Den islandske Lov, Jons Bogen, udgiven af Kong Magnus Lagabwtir, 1380; sanit na;sten ved bver Mening henviist til Christ ian IV. og Christian V. norske Love, den Store Dom, og Register. Kioben'havn, 1763. D. 349 57.1 — Log-Jingis bookin... rettinum, 1775-7. Hrapp- sey, 1775-7. 3y.ini. sqO. 839.68 13 — Registr yfir Islands Stiftisbokasafn. Kaup- mannahcifn, 1838. D. 017 3 Title pages and introductory matter, parallel, Ice- landit! and Danish, — TiSindi fra Aliingi Islendlnga ; fyrsta Jing, 1 Jtil.-5 Aug. 1845; ritnefendarmenn.Jon Johnsen, Jon SigurSsson. Reykjavik, 1845. O. 839. (>8 4 — AXTKJITITIES. Kalniid, K. Islands Fortids- Uvvniiiger. (/?i Copenhagen — K.nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarboger. v. 17, 1882.) 948 5 .See e.oijeri„/li/ SCAXBIX.iVlA- AN'TKjUITIES. —DESCRIPTION. Bedemar, V. Om vulcani- ske Producter fra Island. Kjobenhavii 1817. O. [6 + ] 57 p. 511. '21 36 Blefken, I). Icelandia. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1607. S. 71 p. 914.9 1 Clark, J. \y. Joiuiial of a yacht voyage to Iceland. >naj>. {In Galton, F. Vacation tour- ists, 1860.) 910 28 Egger, C. U. D. von. Pbysikalische und statistische Beschreibung von Island. Kopen- hagen. 1786. y. 1, pt. 1. D. 914.9 3 Content^: Kinleitung. — Physlsche Geographic. Glieinann, T. Geographiscbe Beschrei- bung von Island. Altona, 1834. O. map. 914.9 3 — —Henderson, E. Iceland; journal of resi- dence, 1814-15. Boston, 1831. O. pi. f/uip. 914.9 4 Horrebow, X. Tilforladelige Efterretning- er om Island, med 3 Aars nieteorologiske Ob- servationer. [Kjobenhavn,] 1752. D. (dop. 914.9 5 English: The natural history of Iceland. London, 17.58. F. map. 914.9 6 .(onsson, A. Crymoga?a; sive, Reruni Islaiidicanini libri 3. Hamburgi, 1614. sC|D. 914.9 8 — — Kalund, K. Familielivet pa Island i den forste Sagaperiode, indtil 1030. (In Copenha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 5, 1870.) 948 5 Kjernlf, T. Fra Island. (In Asbj0rnsen, P. C. Ydale, 1851.) 914 3 Lock, C. G. W. The home of the Eddas; with a chapter on the Sprengisandr liv C. L. N. Foster. London, 1879. O. map. 914.9 8.1 Mohr, X. Forsog til en islandsk Naturhi- storie. Kiobenbavn. 1786. D. jj/. 590 14 Miwray, J., piMisher. {In his Handbook for Denmark. 1858.) 914.8 3 Milrniier, X. Lettres sur I'lslande. Paris, 1837. O. 914.9 9 Nicoll, J. An historical and descriptive ac- count of Iceland. Edinburgh, 1846. D. ?»ap.s. ilfp- 914.9 7 ICELAND 338 ICELA NBIC LANG UA GE — — 6lafsson, E. F. Olafsens og B. Povelsens Reise igiennem Islam! Soroe, 1772. 2 pt. in 1 V. sqO. pi. 914.9 10 — — Olafsson, 0. Oecononiiak Reise igiennem Island; tilligenied O. Henchels Undenetning om de islandske Svovel-Miiner og Svovel-Raf- finering, samt C. Zieners Beskrivelse over Surteibrands-Fielde. Kiobenhavn, 1780. 2 pt. in 1 V. sqQ. pi. maps. 914.9 11 -; Sartorlus von Waltershaiiseii, >V. Phy- sisch-geographisclie Skizze von Island, niit be- sonderer Riicksiclit auf vulcanische Erschei- nungen. Gottingen, 1847. O. 551.21 25 — — Slieplierd, C. W. The noith-west peninsu- la of Iceland, 1862. London, 1807. D. pi. map. 914.9 12 — — StreyCj D. Kortfattet Beskrivelse af den U Islandia; fra Polsk oversat nied en Iiidledning af E. M. Thorson. (/?t Copenliagen— K. nord. OId.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 18, 18.58.) 948 2 Followed by Nogle Bem.T?rkninger, ved S. J6nasson. — —Troll, U. von. Bref lorande en resa til Island, 1772. Uj^sala, 1777. D. pi. map. 914.9 13 English. Letters on Iceland. London, 1780. O. pi. map. 914.9 13.1 — FIN.INCE. Eiaarsson, H. Om Vasrdie-Bereg- ning paa LandsviisogTiende-Ydeisen i Island. Kjobenhavn, 1833. D. 336 2 — HISTORY. .Vnnales Islandorum regii. {In Langrebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 3.) — Annales Islandorum vetustissimi. (/)/, same. v. 2.)— Fasti necrologici Islandici. (In same. v. 8.)— Necrolog'iiim Islando-Norvegicum vetus. (I7i same, v. 2.) 948 76 — — Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d..Selskab. islen- dinga sogur. Kaupmannabofn, 1829-.S0. 2 v. O. . 839.63 8 -Islendinga sogur. Kjobenhavn, 1843-7. 2 V. O. facsim. tab. map. 839.63 9 — — Esp6Iin, J. J. Islands arbsekur i scigu- formi. Kaupmannabofn, 1821-55. 12pt. in3v. sqO. 839.63 44 Finnsson, H. Om Folkemajngdens For- mindelse ved Uaar i Island: oversat ved H. Ei- narson. Kjobenhavn, 1831. D. 949 2 (JiniloffseH, A. H. The commonwealth of Icelanil. [London, 1890.] D. 19 p. 949 3 Hjalfaliii, J. A. The thousandth anniver- sary of the Norwegian settlemen [so] in Iceland. Reykjavik, 1874. S. 949 3 Islenzkir annalar; sive, Annales Islandici, 80.3-1430: cum interpretatione Latina... H.Tf- nia3, 1847. sqQ. 839.63 45 lonsson, A. Tractatus de Islandica^ gentis primordiis & veteri republica. (In Slepliauins, S. H. De regno Dania\ 1629.) 094 21, 22 Jonsson, XI. Annalar [,1400-1645]. IJrap))- sey, 1774-5. 2 v. in 1. sqO. 839.63 46 Lacroix, F. Islande. 1840. pi. map. (In L'nnivers. 10.) 010 18 IVlerscn, \. M. Islands Opdagelse og furste liebyggelse. (In ('openha)ren— K\ nord. Old.-Sclskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift v. 1. is:!3.) 948 1.2 — — — editor. Historiske Forta?llinger om Islaendernes Faerd hjemnie og ude. Kioben- havn, 1839-44. 4 v. 6. 839.6:5 18 2 .— — Rf mbegla ; sive, Rudimentum computi ecclesia.stici et annalis veterura Islandorum; versione...anxit S. Biornonis ; addita sunt Tal- byrdingus, Oddi Somnia, J. Arnse & F. Johan- nsei Horologia. Havniae, 1780. Q pZ. 839.63 61 — — Stephensen, M. 0. Eptirmaeli atjandu aldar eptir Krists hingaliurd fra ey-konnuni Islandi. Leirarg0rdum vid Leira, 1806. D. 839.68 14 — — — Island i det 18de Aarhundrede,historisk- politisk skildret. Kjobenhavn, 1808. S. tab. 949 4 — ^Sturliinga-saga; edr, Islendinga-saga hin raikla. Kaupmannabofn, 1817-20. 2 v. in 4 pt. sqO. 839.63 63 — — Thoinsen, (i. The Northmen in Iceland ; remarks on a treatise of G. W. Dasent. (In Copenhagen— K. nord.OId.-Selskab. Memoires. V. 4, 1820-60.) 948 3. 949 5 Thorgilssun, Ari. Schedse: sen Islendinga- bok; in Latinam versus ac illustratus ab A. Bussfeo. Havnia;, 1733. sqO. 839.63 47 — — Thorlaciu8, B. Undersogelse over en i det 12te Aarhundrede skreven islandsk Historie kaldet Fliotsdajlernes. eller Droplogs Sonners, Saga. Kiobenhavn, 1828. S. [H-]64p. 949 6 Vidalin, P. J. Udtog af Vidalins Afhand- ling om Islands Opkomst: Deo, regi, patriae; samt andres af sannne Indhold. Soroe, 1768. 949 7 — MAPS. Island a ofanver3ri tiundu old eptir Ki-ists burS ok um aldamotin ar 1000. 38x58 cm. 912 52 In portfolio 2. From Antiquitates Amerlcanfe. 1837. -POLITICS. Einarsson, R, Om de danske Provindsialstffinder, med specielt Hensyn paa Island. Kjobenhavn, 1832. O. 40 p. 949 1 — — Eiriksson, M., 'i annall. ICELANDIC LANGUAGE. Bryn.jfilfsson. G. G. Oldenerelsk og Oldnordisk. ihi ('openhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. .\ntiiiuarisk Tidsskrift. V. 4. ls.-)2-4.) 948 4 ^Jislason, K. Um frum-i)artaislenzkrar tnngu Ifornold. Kaupmannabofn, 1846. D. 439.6 3 — Lnnd, 4ii.F. W. Om det oldnordiske Sprogs P'orhold og Stilling til Nordcns mivffrende Sprog. (In Copenliaaen— K. nord. Old-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, lH.52-4.) 948 4 — Mnnrer, K. von. U<'brr die Ausdriicke: alt- nordischi', iiltnorwi'gisclK' & isliindische Spra- <-he. Miincben, ISOT. s(|Q. 439.6 2 bomid until 411 1 — Milller, I*. E.Om det islandske Sprogs Vigtig- bed. Kiobenhavn, 1813. D. 439.6 4 ICELANDIC LANG UA QE 339 ICELANDIC LITERA TUBE —Petersen, N. M. Sprogkundskab i Norden; Bema^rkninger til noiere Overveielse. (In Co- peiihivtfeii— K. nortl. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. :i. 1840-1.)— Den noniiske Oldtiiis Betydniiig for Nutiden. (/» saj/it'. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 2 — Rask, R. C. Undtusogelse om det gainle nor- diske eller i.slandske Sprogs Oprindelse. Kjo- benhavn, 1818. D. 439.6 5 — Westergaard, N. L. On the connection be- tween Sanscrit and Icelandic. {In Copenha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 3, 1840-4.) 948 3 See alto FAROE ISLANDS; RUNES; SCAMHXAVIAX LAMJIIAWES. —DICTIONARIES. Dyrliind, F. R.ttelser og Optegnelser. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 20, 1885.) 948 5 — — Kgilsson, S. Clavis poetica antiquaj lin- gUfe .se|)temtrionalis; collegit B. Grondal (Egils- son). HafnifB, 1864. 439.63 3 Latin-Icelandic. — — — Lexicon poiiticum antiquce lingua? sep- tentrionalis. Hafnia;, 1860. 439.63 1" Icelandic Latin. — — Gislason, K. Diinsk orSabok meS izlenz- kum *.f3ingum. Kaupni*inah6fn, 1851. F. 439.63 8 — — Halld6rsson, B. Le.xicon Lslandico-Latino- Danicuni ; cura' R. K. Raskii. Havnia", 1814. 2 V. in 1. sqO. 439.63 8 Jonsson, E. Oldnordisk Ordbog. Kjolien- havn, 1863. O. 439. i83 3.1 Mobins, T. AltnordischesGlossar; Worter- biich zu einer Auswahl alt-israndi.scheriindalt- norwegischer Prosatexte. Leipzig, 1866. O. 439.63 4 — — Oddsson, tf . Ordabok, sem inniheldr flest fagiajt, framand: og vandskilinn ord, er verda fyrir i donskum bokum. Kaupmannahofn, 1819. D. 430.63 5 — — Olafsson, J. Glossarium quo explicantur et brevibus etymologiis illustrantur plera^que voces antique. [4 + ] 01 p. (/?i /(is Syntagma debai)tismo in boreali ecclesia. 1770.) 265 1 Sigiirdarson, S. Nogle Beniierkninger til det Dr. Geriugs Udgaveaf Finnbogasaga, 1879, Tedfojede Glossar. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selsbab. Aarb0ger. v. 16. 1881 ) 948 5 Specimen glossarii. (/u Edda— Elder. 1787- 1828. V. 2.) S39.61 1 Vigfiissoii, G. An Icelandic-English dic- tionary, based on the ms. collections of R. Cleasby. Oxford, 1874. sqQ. 439.63 6 ^Werl, 0. Index linguaj veteri.s Scvtho- Scandica; sive Gothica3 opera C). Rudbecki" edi- tus. Upsate, 1691. F. Bound with V. i 0/839.63 13.1 Sse a/so (IREXAZ; KUETT; KYLFIXGAK; JILM'; .IIA'lA- SPJOT; (EOIR: RIBR; VK(i(iR; VERA. — GRAMM.\R. Gislason, K. Malfylling.— En Halvstrophe af Hallvar3r Iblreksblesi fortolket. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- boger. V. 3, 1868.)— .■Eldre og nyere Boiiiing af f0rste Persons Plural-PossessiV i Oldnordisk- Islandsk. (In same. v. 34, 18S9.) 948 5 Om de reduplicerede Datider i Old-Is- landsk. (In same. Annaler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 3 Marsh, raket : fran danskan ofversiitt och omarbetad af forfattaren. Stockholm, 1818. O. 439.65 3 — — — A grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse tongue; translated from the S■w■edi^h bv G. W. Dasent. London, 1843. O. pi. 439.65 5 — — — Kortfattet Vejiedning til det oldnordi- ske eller gamle islandske Sprog. Kabenhavn, 1833. S. [4-I-] 76 p. 439.68 4 — — — Vejiedning til det islandske eller gamle nordiske Sprog. Kjobenhavn, 1811. D.439.65 3 Wininier, L. F. A. Altnordische Gram- matik ; aus dem Dilnisclien iiber.setzt von E. Sievors. Halle, 1871. O. 439.65 4 to»Jid M'i77i 1 —PHONOLOGY. Ellis, A. J. (In his On early i)ronunciation. 1869-89, v. 3; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 7.) 820 5.1 _ -.(jislason, K. la eller Ja i Oldislandsk. {In Copenhagen K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 23, 1863.) 948 2 — — — Den ved u eller v bevirkede Omlyd af a i den stockholmskeHomiliebog. {In same. Aarboger. v. 19, 1884.) 948 5 —PROSODY. Gislason, K. Strobemcerkninger til oldnordiske Digte. — Forandringer af 'Qranti- tet' i Oldnordisk-Island.-k. (In same. v. 1,1866.) — Hlj63stafr, hljoSfyllandi ( - hlj63fyllendr), hljoSfylling. — Rimhenda eller runhenda.' (In same.\. 10, 1875.) ■ 948 5 __ — Gr0ndal, B. Strobeniit'rkninger. (In same. Anticiuarisk Tidsskrift. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 Olafsson, J. Om Nordens gamle Digte- konst. Kiobenhavn, 1786. sqO. 439.66 1 See also Vtiliispa. — READTXG-BOOKS,see,fceto«-,COLLECTIOSS. ICELANDIC LITERATURE. Only one edition of a work is given nnder this subject; for other editions, see the author or title entry. — Copenhagen— K. nordiske Oldskrift Selskab. BoSsbref til Islendinga um fornrita-i-kyishir og foriisogur. (In its Autiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — Firnienich-Richartz, J. M. Alte isliindische Lieder... (/« 7tiS Volksdichtungen. 1867.) 839.1 1 Bound with v. 3 of his Volkerstimmen. — Fiske, D. W. Icelandic notes. Berlin, 1880. Q. 4 p. 839.63 3 Iceland's literary establishments. Berlin, 1880. O. 2 p. 839.63 3 — Grimm, J. L. K. Recensionen und vermischte Aufsiltze. Berlin, 1869-84. 4 v. O. (In his Kleinere Schriften. v. 4-7.) 408 3 — Islenzka bokmentafelag. Sk<-i-slur og reik- nuigar, 1858-9. Kaupmannahofn, 1859. O. 48 p. 839.6 1 ICELANDIC LITERATURE 340 ICELANDIC LITER A TURE — Keyser, J. R.Nordmsendenes Videnskablighed og Literatur i Middelaldeieu. {In his Efter- ladte Skiifter, 1866-7, v. 1.) 948 9 — Legis-Gliickselig, G, T. Die Runen und ihre Deiikinaler, neljst Beitragen zur Kundri des Skaldenthumes. Leipzig, 1829. O. pi. {In Ilia Fundgruben, v. 1.) S39.6 5 —Marsh, ii, P. Old Northern literature. (In American whig review, v. 1, 1845, p. 350-7.) OSO 31 — — [References to Icelandic works ; with index; ms.l 1834. sqD. 39 p. 080 35 — Miiller, P. E.Om den islandske Historieskriv- nings Oprindelse, Flor og Undergang. {In Copenliaaren— K. iiord. Old.Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. V. 1, 1882.) 948 1.2 English : The origin, progress and decline of Icelandic historical literature ; translated, with notes, by G. P. Marsh. (In American ec- lectic, V. 1-2, 1841.) OSO 32 — — German : tiber den Ursprung, die Bliithe und den Untergang der islandischen Geschichts- schreibung. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Hist.-antiq. Mittheil. 1835.) 839.6 4 — Xyernp, R. Udslgt over vort Fsedrenelands Litteratur i Middelalderen. (In his Hist.-sta- tistisk Skildring, 1803-6, v. 2.) 948 14 — Peterseii, N. M.Bidrag til den oldnordiske Li teraturs Historie. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 21, 1861.) 948 2 — — De I'importance de la litterature islan- daise; traduit par X. Marmier. (In same. Me- nioires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 —Stephens, G. Forslag til Islsendernes uud- givne Folkesagnsog SangesOptegnelse og Be- varing. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v, 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 -Troll, U. Ton. (//; his Letters on Iceland. 1780.) 914.9 13.1 —Worm, 0. ...Danica literatura antiquissimai vulgo Gotliica dicta; accessit de prisca Dano- ruiu poesi dissertatio. Hafniae, 1836. sqD. il. 839.6 6 — — Olai Worraii et ad eum doctorum viroruni epistoliB niedici, anatomici, botanici, physici, historic! argurnenti; rem vero literariam, lin- guasque & antiquitates boreales potissimuni ilhistrantes. Havnia?, 1751. 2 v. D. por. 839.6 7 — BIBLI0(;RAPHT. Amldsson, A. I. For- teckningofverKongl.bibliotheketsi Stockholm, isliindska hand.skrifter. Stockhohn, 1848. O. (/" Svenskaforn.-siil.Allmanna arsmote, 1847.) 839.7 2 Fiske, I>. W. Books i)rinted in Iceland, 1578-1H44: a |lst-3d] sui)plement to the British museum catalogue. Florence [,1886-] 90. 3 v. in 1. Q. (Mibl. notices, 1,4, 5.) 015 5.3 — —London — Rritish niiiseiim. Catalogue of the bociks printed in Iceland, 1578-1880. Lon- don, IHSO. F. vp. 01.) 5.2 — — Miibiiis, T. Catalogus librorum Islniidico- rum it Norvegiconim ;etatis media", editorum, versormn, illustnitorumi.Skiildatal: sivc, I'oeta- rum recensus Eddie UpsiUiensis. Lipsiic, 1856. O- 016 18 Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der altnordischen (altislilndischen und altiiorwegi- schen) Sprache und Literatur 1855-79 ersehiene- uen Schriften. Leipzig, 1880. O. 016 19 — — Miiller, P. E. Conspectus criticus librorum Islandicorum ad antiquam litteraturani perti- nentium. (/)( Halldorsson, B. Lexicon, 1814, V. 1.) 439.63 3 -COLLECTIONS. Dietrich, F. E. C. Altuor- disches Lesebuch, bis zum 14 Jahrhundert: mit Grammatik und Glossar. Leipzig, 1843. O. 439.68 1 — — FriSriksson, H. K. Islandsk LEesebog;nied Ordregister og Formliere. KjobenhaTn, 1846. D. 439.68 2 Munch, P. A,, |)cnliag:Rii — K. nord. (Hd.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 10, 18,50.) 948 3 _ — Fi^stbratdra-sai^a. Kaupmannabofn, 1823. O. 889.63 33 — . — [Gisla saga Siirssonar:] Tvaer Siigur af Gisla Siirssyni: udgivne ved K. Gislason; mod en Forklaring over Qvadene af S. Egilssoii. Kjolienhavn, 1849. D. (Tn Nord. Lit.-Snm- fiilld, 8.) 839.63 35 — —Gislason, K. Fire og fyrretyve Praver af oldnordisk Sprog og Literatur. Kjobenliavn, 1860. O. 839.63 6 — — Grettis saga: udgivet af G. Magnusson og G. Thordarson. Kjobenhavn, 1853. pt. 1. D C/nNord. Lit.-Saiiifuud, 16.) 839.63 37 — ^Sagan af Giinulaugi ormstungu ok skalld-Rafni : cum interpretatione Latina notis, clironologia, tabulis genealogicis et in- dicibus. Hafni*, 1775. »qQ. j)/. tab. 839.63 38 — — De Hakone Vicensi.anecdoton Islandicum, edidit, vertit et prtefatione instruxit B. Tlior- lacius. [HavniiB, 1823.] F. [&+] 16 p. 839.63 39 Hervararsagra ok Heidrekskongs; versione Latina, illustravit S. Biornonis. Hafnise, 1785. sqQ. 839.63 42 — — Hiingnrraka, Pals biskups saga, & lattr af Tliorvalldi vidforla: cum interpretatione La- tina... Hafniie, 1778. O. tab. 839.63 43 .— ^sleiizkir annaler: sive, Annales Islandici, 803-1430; cum interpretatione Latina... Haf- ni», 1847. sqQ. 839.63 45 — — Jacobsson, H. Armafis saga. [Hrappsey, 1782.] sqO. 'SS p. il. ntp. 839.63 23 — —Saga Jdtvardar komings bins helga; udgi- ven [,raed dansk Over-saattelse, af C. C. Rafn og J. SigurBsson]. Kjobenhavn, 1852. O. 43 p. facsim. 839.68 48 J6iisson, B. Annalar fof Iceland, 1400- 1645]. Hrappsey, 1774-5. 2 v. in 1. sqO. 889.63 46 Jonsson, S. ^fisaga J. J. Therkelsen. Kaupmannabofn, 1835. D. 889.63 64 — — Karlauiagiiiis saga ok kappa bans; ud- givet af C. R. Linger. Christiania, 1860. O, 889.63 50 Kolbing, E., editor. Riddarasogui- : Par- cevals saga, Valvers iattr, Ivents saga, Mir- mans saga; mit einer literarhistorischen Einlei- tung. Strassburg, 1873. O. 889.63 59 — • — Kormaks saga ; cum interpretatione Latina. Hafnia-, 1833. O. 839.63 51 Kristui-saga, nee non Jattr af Isleifi bis- kupi ; cum interpretatione Latina... Hafnia?, 1773. O. tab. 839.68 52 — — .Laxdwla-saga ; sive, Historia de rebus gestis Laxdolensium; cum interpretatione La- tina... Hafniai, 1836. sqQ. 839.68 53 — — Marcfisson, B., editor. Agisetar fornmafia sflgur, eru aa Jrick wtgeingar. Hoobim i Hialltadal. 1756. S. 839.63 10 Mobius, T., editor. Analecta Norrcena; Auswahl aus der islandischen und norwegischen Litteratur des Mittelalters. Leipzig, 1859. O. 839.68 11 Miiller, P. E. Critisk Undersogelse af Dan- marks og Norges Sagnhistorie; eller, Om Tro- vaerdighedeii af Saxos og Snorros Kilder. Kiol)enbavn, 1823. sqO. 948 13 SagabibUothek, med Anma>rkninger og indledende Afliandliiiger. Kiobenliavn, 1817- 20. 3v. D. 839.63 18.1 [Njdls saga:] Sagan af Niali lorgeirssyni ok Solium bans. Kaupmannaliaufn, 1772. sqO. 839.68 54 — — Olafs saga bins helga ; udgivet of R. Key- aer og C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1849. O. 839.68 56 ICELANDIC LITERATURE 343 ICELANDIC LITERATURE — — Olafsson, J. Propajdeutisk Veiledning til Stuciiuni af denordiske Oldsager, 17f)2; oversat, ined Fortiile og Aniiiwrkninger af E. C. Wer- laiiff. (/)( Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 13, 1832.) 948 2 — ^Orkneyiiiga saga; Saga hins lielga Magim- sar; cum veisione Latina et indicibus. edidit J. Jonajus. Hafiiiii^, 1780. sqO. 839.63 57 — .— Saga Osvalds komings hinshelga: udgiven efter en islandsk 01ill)0g, nied Indledning af Jon Sigurdsson, og nied dansk Oversa^ttelse af T. G. Repp {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 Pdlsson, S. ^flsaga Jons Eyrikasonar. KiUipniannahofn, 1828. D. por. 839.63 31 Peterseiu N. M., editor. Historiske For- ta^llinger om Islasndernes FiErd hjenime og ude. Kjabenhavn, 1839-44. 4 v. O. 839.63 18.3 — — Rafn, C. C, editor. Antiquitates Ameii- canae... 10-14 Aarhundrede. Hafnias, 1837. sqF. pl.facsim. tab. iiuqjs. 839.63 21 — Antiquites ameiicaines, d'apies les monuments liistoriques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. Copenhague, 1845. sqF. ma2)s. 839.63 32 — Antiquites russes, d' apres les monu- ments liistoriques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. Copenhague, 1850-3. 2 v. F.^ 839.63 60 — — Fornaldar sogur Nordrlanda. Kaup- niannahofn, 1839-30. 3 v. O. facsim. 839.63 13 — — — translator. Nordiske Fortids Sagaer. Kjobenhavn, 1839-30. 3 v. O. 839.63 19 Vol. 1-2 are atranslation of his Fornaldar soffur: v. 3 is Didrik af Berns Saga. — — Nordiske KLempe-Historier. Kjoben- havn. 1831-6. 3 v. O. 839.63 20 — — Rask, R. C. Oldnordisk Lresebog, inde- holdende Prover af de bedste Sagaer i den gamle islandske Text, med Ordregister. Kb- benhavn, 1833. D. 439.68 4, 4.1 — — Ryinbegla; sive, Rudimentum computi ecclesiastici et annalis veterum Islandorum; versione... auxit S. Biornonis; addita sunt Tal- bvrdingus, Oddi Somnia, J. Am* & F. Johan- neei Horologia. Havniie, 1780. Q. pi. 839.63 61 — —Storm, U, Snorre Sturlassons ' Historie- skrivning; en kritisk Undersogelse. Kjoben- havn, 1873. O. 839.63 16.1 Sturlftnga-saga; edr, Islendinga-saga hin mikla [, edited hv B. Thorsteinsson]. Kaup- mannahiifn, 1817-20. 3 v. in4pt. sqO. 839.63 63 Stiuiuson, S. Heims kringla; eller, Nord- landske konungasagor; edidit, versione geniina notisque, indici illustravit J. Peringskiold. Stockholmia;, 1697. 3 v. F. 839.63 13.1 — —Thomas saga erkibyskups; FortasUing om T. Becket; udgiven af C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1869. O. facsim. 839.63 65 Thorgilsson, Ari. Schedos; sen, Islendinga- bok ; in Latinam versus ac illustratus ab A. Bussa?o. Havnias, 1733. sqO. 839.63 47 — — Thorstens Viikings-sons saga, pa gammal gothska, och uthsatt, medh anteckningar. af J. J. Reenhielm. Upsate, 1680. S. 839.63 66 sogur. Christiania, 1877. — Postola sogur. Saga af Tristram og Isodd; i Grundtcxten, med Oversa'ttelse og Aniiiirrkniiiger af (iisle Brynjulfsson. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old- Selskah. Annaler. v. 11, 1851.) 948 3 — — Tr6jnnianna saga ok Breta sogur; med dansk Oversfettelse af J. Sigurdsson. (In same. V. 8-9, 1848-9.) 948 3 Heilagra manna 3 V. O. 839.63 40 Christiania. 1874. O. 839.63 58 Vd|inflrdinga saga: lattr af Sorsteitii livita; liittr af Jorsteini stangarhogg: Brandkrossa Mttr; bescirget og oversat af G. Thordarson. Kjobenhavn, 1848. D. (/n Nord. Lit.-Samfund, 5-) 839,63 67 Vatiisdiela saga ok Saga af Finnboga hinum rama; udgivneaf E. C. Werlauff. Kjobenhavn, 1812. sqO. 839.63 68 Viga-Glums saga; cum versione Latina... Havnia;, 1786. sqQ. 839.63 69 Vigfusson, a., editor. Icelandic sagas relating to the descents of the Northmen on the British isles. London, 1887. 2 v. Q. fac.tim. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem! 88.) 942 8 Contents: 1. Orkneyinga saga, and Magnus saga. 2. Hakonar saga, and a fragment of JIagnu.s saga. Iconographic encyclopedia, 1851-2. see Heck, J. 0. Idatius, bishop of Chaves. Chronicon, illu- stratum a Joanne Matthaso Garzon. {In Migne J. P. Patrol. Lat. v. 74.) 922 6 Ideen van Multatidi, see Dekker, E. D. Les idees napoltoniennes, see Napoleon III. The idle man, see l)ana, R. H. The idler, see Johnson, S. IDOLATRY, Auserini, A. Idoliesanti. Milano 1877. D. 231 5 — Jlinncins Felix, M. Octavius ; C Cyprianus de idulorum vanitate; et J. Firmicus de errore profanarum religionum. Oxoniae. 1678. T. 291 3 See aim 9IYTH0L0GY. Les idoles d'argille, .see Reybaud, M. R. L. Idunna und Hejmode; eine Alterthumszeitung fur 1816: herausgegeben von F. D. Grater. Hall [,1816]. sqQ. pi. facsim. music. 830 1 lets overalles, see Fokke, A. S. v. 7-8. Iflgeni i Auliden, tragedi, see Adlerbeth, G. G. Iflgenie in Tauren, treurspel, .see Euripides. Ignatins, Karl Emil Ferdinand. Le grand- duche de Finlande : notes statistiques,... expo- sition finlandaise, 1876; traduit du suedois par G. Biaudet. Helsiiigfors, 1876. O. [4-1-] 94 p maps. 314 le.i — Le grand-duche de Finlande ; notice stati- stique; traduit du suedois par G. Biaudet. Hel- singfors, 1878. O. pi. maps. 314 16.I Published on occasion of the Paris exhibition of 1878- an enlarged edition of the "Notes statistiques" of ISTb! IGUVIUM. Biicheler, F. Populi Iguvini lustra- tio. Bonnae, 1876. sqQ. 39 p. 394 7 Ihre, Johan. Glossarium Suiogothicum Un- saliiB, 1769. F. 439.73 {q —Letter concerning the Edda. (/)( Troil, U. Ton. Letters on Iceland. 1780.) 914.9 I3.i IHRE 344 INDIA — Sweuskt dialect lexicon. Upsala, 1766. sqO. 439.77 1 — editor & commentator, see Ulillas. 1773. 839.9 12 Ilg, Albert, editor & translator, see Cenniiil, C. Das Bucli von der Kunst. 1871. 750 3 Heraclins. Vou den Farben der Eoraer. 1873. 709 3 'IXids, see Uoiueru:4. ILLEGITIMACY. Suiidt, E. L. Om S;edelig- heds-Tilstanden i Norge. Chiistiania, 1H57. B. 312 2 Illiers, Floreiit sire d.' Godefroy, D. Menioiies relatifs a d'llliers. (In Micliaud & Poiijonlat. Memoiies, 1866, v. 3.) 944 9 IlUiiois— Canal coiiiuiissioners. Report. 1870, '72. [Spriugtield, 1870-2.] 2v.ini. O. pi. 626 1 —Special report, 9 Feb. 1872. Springfield. 1872. O. 29 p. 626 2 lUiiffa saga Gri3arf6stra. {7m Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 3.) 839.63 12, 62 ILLUSIONS, see GHOSTS ; SENSES. Illustrirte Kriegs-Chronik; Gedeukbuch an den deutsch-tranzosisclien Feklzug von 1870-1; vom Verfasser der Illu.strirten Kriegs-Chronik von 1866. Leipzig, 1871. F.= iltp. maps. 943 29 La ilnslre fregona, see Cervantes.Novelas. v. 3. IMAGES, see EYE. IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS. Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu; par un conteraporain. Bruxelles, 1864. D. 320 5 — Foiiteiielle, B. le B. de. Dialogues des morts. (In his CEuvres choisies, 1779, v. 2.) 848 6 — Landor, W. S. (Jn his Works. 1846.) 824 14 Rosensteiii, N. von. Sanital eniellan dode personer. {In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 3.) 839.78 1 Siiliui, V, F. Samtaler og Idyller. — Samtaler 1 de Dades Rige. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 1.) 839.88 5 — Vanveiiargiies, L. de C. de. Dialogues. (In his CEuvres posthumes. 1831.) 848 19 IMAGINATION. Tyiidall, J. Scientific use of the imagination. {In his Fragments of science. 1871. J 504 7 L'imagination, poeme, see Delille, J. Imbriani, Vittorio, editor. XII conti pomigli- anesi, con varianti. Napoli, 1876. D. 859 26 — cfc Casetti, A. editors. Canti popolari delle prjvinciemeridionale, 1871-2, see Casetti. 859 2 Iniliotf, Valentin. Chronicon inferioris eomi- tatus Cattinielibocensis. {In Westplialcn, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-4.'), v. 3.) 943 21 Iinitatio Cliristi, see Thomas a Kenipis. IMMORTALITY. Clianning, W. E. Immortal- ity. {In his Works, 1848, v. 4.) 208 2 — .Ditfby, K.Two treatises; the nature of Ixnlies; tlie nature of man's aoule; by way of discovery of immortality. London, 164.5. 2 v. in 1. sqD. por. 218 1 — Roclilioix, E. L. Deutscher Unsterbliclikeits- glaulic liirliii, 1867. O. {In his Deutscher (jrlaul)e und Braucli im Spiegel der lieidiiisclien Vorzeit, v. 1.) 390 10 — Taylor, I. Pliysical theory of another life. New York, 1836. O. 218 2 See also FllTCRE LIFE. Imperial!, Giovanni. Musseum historicum et physicum. Venetiis, 1640. sqO. jMtr. 801 1 "This volume coutains the most important piece of testimony to the existence and accomplishments of the Admirable Crichton.'' Ms. note by Mr. Marsh. IMPOSTERS. De tribus impostoribus , 1598; testo latino, con una notizia di Filcmnesto il giovane. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 47.) 850 3 L' impostore, commedia, seeGoldoni, C. v. 19. L" impresario delle Smirne, commedia, same. V. -Zl. L'improniptii de Versailles, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 2. IMPROVISATION. Marsh, G. P. (In John- son's cycloptedia.) In main library. Iniprovisatoren, Roman, see Andersen, H. C. Impruneta— Compagnia della JIadonna. Capi- tol! della compagnia. Firenze, 1886. O. 81 p. 271 15 Valuable as a specimen of the langruape. the society having been founded in i:MO. Only 200 copies printed. In risaia, racconto. see TorrelU-Viollier, M. T. In the year '13, see Renter, F. INCAS, see PERU. Inchofer, Melchior, pseudonym of Scotti, G. C. Incidents of travel in Egypt... by an American, see Stephens, J. L. . L' incognita, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 23. Incoroiiato, Angelo. Scheletri della caverna delle arene candide jHesso P'inalmarina. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Sopra uno scheletro umano dell' etii della pietra della provincia di Roma. jil. (In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 INCUBUS, see NIGHTMARE. INCUNABULA, see PRINTING. Index expurgatorius; — librorum prohibitorum, .see Couaregatio indicis. INDEXES. M.irsh, G. P. Index, concordance, digest, table of contents. (In Johnson's cyclo- pfedia.) In main library. — Wheatley, H. B. What is an index ? a few notes on indexes and indexers. London, 1878. O. 96 p. 029 1 bound with 016 19 India— Forest conference. Report of proceed- ings at Allaliabad, 15-19 Jan. 1874; edited by B. H. Baden Powell and J. Sykes Gamble. Calcutta, 1874. O. 551.58 109 —DESCRIPTION. Arrianus. IvSikv. (In his Scripta minora. 1854.) 888 37 Bartoli, D. Missione al gran mogor del R. Aquaviva. Piacenza, 1819. O. 915.4 1 Bernier, F. Voyages des etats du grand mogol. Amsterdam, 1699. 2 v. S. jjl. majis. 915.4 1.1 — — Clegliorn, H. The forests and gardens of Soutli India. London, 1861. O. il. pi. map. 551.58 110 ^ — Corliett, A. F. Tlie climate and resources of upper India, and suggestions for tlieir im- ])rovenient. London, 1874. O. 551.56 5 Coryat, T. Letters from India. (7. (In his Crudities, 1776, v. 3.) 914 3 INDIA 345 INDIANS Ctesias. Indicoiuin excerpta. {In hi.i Ope- runi rt-liquian. 1824.) 888 4!! Dapper, 0. Het li.jk des grooten niogols en Indien. il. pi. map. (/« A/s Asia, lG73, V. 1.) 015 3 Duff, M. E. G.Notes of an Indian joiiiney. London, 1876. O. 7ii(ip. 915.4 3 (iaiitler, T. L'Inde a, I'expo.sition univer- selle de Loiidres. (/« /i/s L'orient, 1877, v. 1.) 910 27 Great Britain — India office. East India, chincliona plant; copy of further correspond- ence, 1863-6. [London,] 1866. F. il. pi. map. 551.58 113 — East India, forest conservancy: a se- lection of despatches and their enclosures to and from the Secretary of state for India. [Lon- don,] 1871. 3v. in4. F. maps. 561.58 107 Gnbernatis, A. de. Menioria intorno ai viaggiatori italinni nelle Indie orientali dal secolol3al6. Firenze, 1867. Q. 915.4 3 Storia dei viaggiatori italiani nelle Indie orientali. Livorno, 1875. D. 915.4 4 — — Jacqneniont, V. Correspondanoe inedite, 1834-32. Paris, 1867. 2 v. O. 846 4 _ — . — Correspondance pendant son voyage dans rinde, 1828-32. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1869. 2 V. D. 915.4 5 — — Laet, J. de. De imperio magni Mogolis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1631. Tt. 094 47 niarliiiani, C. R. A. memoir on Indian sur- veys. 2 edition. London, 1878. Q. maps. 555 3 — — Jiiglitlnffale, F. Life or death in India, 1873: with appendix on irrigation, 1874. Lon- don, 1874. O. 63 p. 614 3 — — Pinto, F. M. Peregrina9So. Nova edi<;ao. Lisboa, 1829. 4 v. S. 915 8 _ — Polo, M. La description gi'ographique de I'Inde orientate. Paris, 1556. D. 099 34 For other pditions see Polo. ._ — Pyrard, F. Voyage aux Indes orientales. 3 edition. Paris, 1615-19. 3 v. S. 915.4 6 Robinson, P. In my Indian garden: with a preface by Edwin Arnold. 3 edition. Lon- don, 1878. S. 828 15 _ — Roe, T. A voyage to East-India. {/» Valle, P. della. Travels. 1665.) 915 19 _ ^Sassetti, F. Lettere sopra i suoi viaggi nelle ludie orientali, 1578-88. Reggio, 1844. S. 915.4 7 — — — Same; annotate da E. Marcucci. Fi- renze, 18.55. D. 915.4 7.1 — — — Same; con note. Milano, 1874. D. 915.4 7.3 _ — -Sclilagintweit-Saliiinliinslii, H. von. Rei- sen in Indien und Hochasien. Jena, 1869-80. 4 v. O. 2)1. maps. 915.4 8 — ^Tavernier, J. B. Voyages des Indes. pi. map. (Ill his Six voyages, 1679-92, v. 3.) 099 26 English. {In same. 1678.) 915 16 Tlievenot, J. de. {In Ms Travels. 1687.) 915 7 Valle, P. della. Viaggi. Brighton, 1843. 3 V. D. 2^or. 915 18 — — — English : Travels. London, 1665. F. 915 19 — — Vartlienia, L. {In his Itinerario; in Scelta di curidsila. 2U7.) 850 10 — — Viiicenzo Maria, ijudre. II viaggio all' Indie orientali. Venetia, 1678. O. 915.4 9 Williams, M. Modern India and the Indi- ans. London, 1878. O. 915.4 10 — —Yule, H. An endeavour to elucidate Ra- sliiduddiu's geographical notices of India. [London, 1869.] O. 915.4 11 See also liUTAN; NEPAL. — HISTORY. All)U<|uerl. 605 3 II politcciiico ; repertorio mensile di studj applicatialla prosperita e coltura sociale. Ml- lano, 1860-5. v. 8-37. O. il. id. maps'. 055 2 ^— .Rivislil si'ieutifico-industriale ; c<.mpilata da G. Vimercati. 1869-70. Firenze. 1809-71. 2 V. S. 505 9 See also BI.EACIIIXW ; 1!11K«'IX(J ; CLOCKS ; KXHIIll- TIONS; FOUCK; KlIKMTURK; (JKXOA: OL.VSS; OniMUXJ; I.NVEMiOXS; IKON ; DIACHINEIiV ; MOSAICS ; OLIVE; ORXUIEM'; I'UIM'INC; TECHMO ; TEXTILE FAItUKS; WASTE MATEISIALS : WATER-ULASS ; WOOD ; WOOI)- CAKVIXC; WOOL. INDUSTRIAL DRAWING, see DRAWING. Iiies Ivlendo : ou, Le piejuge vaincu,— ou, Le triomphe dii [irejiige, comedie, see Meriiii6e,P. Inezie ; traduzione dall' inglese. Imola, 1881. S. 7-1-70 p. 241 3 EVFALLllJILITY, see POPES. INFECTION, see ACCLIMATION. Infessiira, Stefauo. Diaiium urbis Romfe. (In Eckhard, J. U. Ton. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 3.) 943 13 INFIDELITY, ste ATHEISM; CHRISTIANITY —EVIDENCES; RATIONALISM. INFLAMMATION. Marcliiafava, E. Delia angi- oite obliterante nelle intiamiiiazioni interstizi- ali ed in isjiecie nella tubercolare. (In Rome — R. aecad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3. ) 0(!5 3 Saga Ing'a Bi'uBarsonar. (In Copeiihag'en — K. noi'd. Old.-Selskab. Fommanna sogur, 1835-37, V. 9.) 839.63 7 Saga luga konungs Haraldssonar ok brajSra lians. (In same. v. 7.) 839.63 7 ISiiiEBORti, queen of France. Diplomata ad historian! Ingeburgaj regina;. (In Langeltek, J. Script, reruni Dan., 1773-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 Ing-egiiieri, Maffeo. Poesie. (In Oaiiiba, B. Poeti antichi venez. 1817, v. 3.) 859 49 Ingeleiid, Thomas. Tlie interlude of the diso- bedient child. London, 1846. D. [8-1-1 60 p. (In Percy see. v. 23.) 820 6 Ing:eloH', Jean. Poems. 13 edition. London, 1866. D. . 821 66 —A storv of doom, and other poems. London, 1867. D. 821 67 Ingemann, Bernhard Severiu. Blade af Jeru- salem Skomagers Lommebog. KjobenhaTn, 1833. D. 839.81 31 — Digte. 2 Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1817. D. 839.81 33 -Dronning Margrete, et historisk Digt. Kjo- benhavn, 18.;6. D. 839.81 33 — Erik Menveds Barndom; en historisk Roman. Kjobenhavn, 1828. 3 v. O. 839.83 16 — Holger Danske, et Digt. Kjobenhavn, 1837. D. 839.81 24 — Hvrden af Tolosa, Tragoedie. Kjobenhavn, [1816]. D. 839.82 39 — Julegave, en Samling af Digte. Kjobenhavn. [1816]. D. 839.81 35 — Kampen for Valhal, Tragoedie. Kjobenhavn, 1821. D. 839.82 29.1 — Kong Erik og de Fredlose, en historisk Roman. Kjobenliavn, 1833. D. 8.39.33 17 — Loveridderen, Tragoedie. Kjobenhavn] ,1816]. D. 839.82 30 — Morgenpsalmer og Cantater. 2 Oplag. Soroe, 1827. S. 839.81 26 — Noveller. Kjobenhavn, 1827. D. 839.83 18 — Prinds Otto af Danmark og bans Samtid, en historisk Roman. Kjobenhavn, 1835. 2 v in I. D. 839. S3 19 — Reinald Underbarnet, et Tryllespil. Kjoben- havn [, 1816]. D. 839^82 31 — Reiselyren. Kj0l!enhavn [, 1820], 3 v. in 1. D. 839.81 27 — Renegaten, et dramatisk Digt. Kjobeidiavn, 1838. D. 839.82 32 — Rosten i 0rkenen, et bibelsk Drama. Kj0- benhavn[,1815]. D. 839.82 33 — De sorte Riddere, et romantisk Epos i ni Sange. Kjobenliavn [, 1814]. D. 839.81 28 — Tassos Befrielse, et dramatisk Digt. Kj0- benhavn[, 1819]. D. 839.82 34 — De Underjordiske; et bornholmsk Eventyr. Kjobenhavn [,1817]. D. 839.83 20 — Valdemar Seier; en historisk Roman. 2 Ud- gave. Kjolienhavn, 1828-9. 3 v. D. 839.83 21 — Varulven, Den levende Dode, Corsicaneren: tre Fortiellinger. Kiobenhavn, 1835. S. |4-(-] 67 p. 839.83 22 — Waldemar den Store og lians Ma?nd, et episk Digt. Kjobenhavn, 1824. D. 839.81 38.1 Iiigersoll, Louisa C, translator, see Dumas, A. D. Joan. 1846. S43 12 Ingiald Illrada, tragedi. see Adlerbetli, G. G. Drottning lugierd, see Franz^ii, F. M. In&rUs, Charles. A memorial concerning tlie Iroquois [,1771]. (In O'Calhlg-haii, E. B. Docu- mentary hist, of N. Y., 18.50-1, v. 4.) 974 9 Ingram, James, translator, see [Anglo-] Saxon chronicle, with notes, grammar, &c. 1823. 942 3 Ingvars saga viSforla. (In Rafu, C, C. Auti- quites russes, 18.50-2, v. 3.) 839.63 60 Inkei'sley, Thomas. An inquiry into the chro- nological succession of Romanesque and point- ed architecture in France. London, 1850. O. 729 2 INLAND NAVIGATION, see CANALS. Gli innamorati, commedia,.sec Goldoui, C.v.ll. The Inner Temple masque, see Browne, W, INNOCENT III., pope (Lotario de' Maisi). Gasparin, A, E. Innocent III, le siecleapostoli- que, Constantin. Paris, 1873. D. 270 10 Innocent IV.j pope (Sinibaldo de' Fieschi). Bulla in qua mseruntur literfu regis Hungarise. (7?i Bongars, J. Gesti Dei per Francos, 1611, V. 1.) 940 10 I>'NOCENT X., pope (Giovanni Battista Pam- mi). Cianipi, I. Innocenzo X Pamtili e lasua corte ; storia di Roma, 1644-55, da nuovi docu- menti. Roma, 1878. O. 945 87 Innooentius, surveyor. Ex libro 12 de litteris et notis juris exponendis. (In Blunie, F.Schrif- ten der rom. Feldmesser, 1848-52, v. 1.) 526 2 INNS. Tnckerman, H. T. (In his Criterion 1866.) 814 15 INO 348 INSTINCT Ino e Temisto, see Niccoliui, (1. B, v. 1. Le iuqiiietiidiui di Zelinda, see Goldoni,C. v. 6. INCJUISITION. Acliilli, (i. G. Dealings with the inquisition ; with important disclosures. New York, 1S51. O. 272 9 — Boni, F, (le. L' inquisitione e i Calabro-Val- desi. Milano, 1864. S. 272^18 — Ciocci, R. Das Ketzergericht in Rom. New York [,184-?]. S. 272 20 — — A narrative of iniquities and barbarities at Rome. New York, 1854 [i846J. S. 272 19 — EyiuericN.DLrectorium inquisitorum. Romas, 1578. F. 090 45 .— Heyer, F. Die Ausbildung der Priesterherr- schaft uud die Inquisition. Berlin, 1877. C). 47 p. (In Vii'cliow & Holtzendorlf. Vortiage. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — Hoffiuaiin, F. Geschichte der Inquisition. Bonn, 1878. 3 v. O. 272 8 — Lithgow, W. A narrative of the tortures he suffered in the Spanish inquisition. (In his Travels. 1814.) 910 33 — Pegiia, F., compiler. Liter* apostolicffi di- versorum Roraanorum pontiflcum pro officio sanctissima? inquisitionis ab Innoc. III. usque ad h.-BC tempora. Romas, 1579. F. 099 45 See also ABItl'KS.P.; BAUDICHON DE LA M.USO>' >El'VE, J.; CKE.nOMXO, C; GALILEI, CJ.: (illGLIELMITI : LEON, L. ser. sci. mor. v. 6, 1880-1.) 065 5 —Clifford, W. K. Seeing and thinking. Lon- don, 1879. D. il. 152 2 ^Jensen, J. Traumen und Denken. Berlin, 1871. O. 34 p. r/« Virchow tfc Holtzendoiff. VortriVge. GSerie.) 043 1 — Striimpell, L. A. Die zeitliche Aufeinander- folge der Gedanken. Berlin, 1871. O 47 p. {In same. 6 Serie.) 043 1 See alM ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS ; GENIUS : KNOWL- EDGE; MEMOBV; PSYCHOLOGY; UE.ASON: SENSES. L'lntelligenza, poema, see Coinpagni, D. INTEMPERANCE, see TEMPERANCE. INTEREST. Couieelle-Seneiiil, J. (i. Interet et usure. {In Th^venin, E. Cours d'econ. indust. 4 serie. 186G.) 330 18 INTERJECTIONS. Marsh, (}. P. Inter.iections and intonations. {In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 30 The interlude of the disobedient child, see Ingelend, T. The interlude of the four elemeuts, an early moral play; edited by James Orchard Halli- well. London, 1848. D. 8-F55 p. {In Percy soc. V. 22.) 820 6 The interlude of the trial of treasure, 1567; edited by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1850. D. 8-1-48 p. {In same. v. 28.) 820 6 International conarress of anthropology and prehistoric archaeology. Compte rendu de la 5 session a Bologne, 1871. Bologne, 1873. O. il. pi. 571 1 — Programme du comite d'organisation. Co- penhague, 1869. sqQ. [3-l-J 10 p. 571 2 hound with 552 3 INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS. Capellini, G. Congresso geologico internazio- nale, 2 sessione, Bologna. 1881: Relazione al Ministro di agricoltura. Roma, 1881. O. 56 p. 550 3 INTERNATIONAL LAW. Bluntschli, J. K. Die Bedeutung und die Fortschritte des nio- dernen Volkerrechts. Berlin. 1866. O. 64 p. (In Virchow* Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Kolderup-Rosenvinge, J. L. A. Grundrids af den positive Folkeret. 2 Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1835. O. 341 1 — •Wlieaton, H. Histoire des progres du droit des gens. Sedition. Leipzig, 1853. 3v.ini. O. 341 3 ,SMn/m CON(JIIEST; IKH.Y ALLIANCE; NATURALIZA- TION; NEirntALnv. International monetary conference. Oonfe- ren('e moiiutaire Internationale, avril-juillet 1881: Procte-verbaux. Paris, 1881. 2 v. in 1. F. 332 2 Appended. 72 p.. is Discours et documents par Dana Hoiton, d416(;ii6 des Etats-Unis. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. EUero, P. I vincoli dell" uniana alleanza. [Bologna, 1876.] O, 19 p. 172 3 bound with 14(> 1 — Schniidt-Pliiseldok, C. F. von. Die Politik nacli lien Grundsatzen der heiligen AUianz. Kopenhagen, 1822. D. 341 2 See a/so ALEXANDRA: CAPTIVITIES; CLAIMS; NEU- TRALITY. INUNDATIONS, .see FLOODS. INVENTIONS. Beckmann, J. A history of inventions, discoveries and origins ; translated from the German by W. Johnston. 4 edition, by W. Francis and J. W. Griffith. London, 1846. 2 V. D. 23or. 608 3 Vereilio, P. Dereruminventoribus. Basilete, 1575. D. 608 1 INVENTORIES, see Coldinghain priory; Finch- dale priory; HOUSEHOLD; WILLS. Invernizzi, Giosia. II risorgimento 1.1375-1494], Milano, 1878. y. {In ViUari, P., editor. Storia letteraria d' Italia; in L' Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 17 INVERTEBRATES, see OCEAN. "Iwc. .see Euripides. IONIAN ISLANDS. Diisinaiii, A. L. La mis- sione di Gladstone nelle isole Jonie; narrazione. CorfTi, 1869. O. 949 49 — Mnrray, J., publisher. A hand-book for the Ionian islands... London, 1845. D. maps. 914.9 34 'Iipif^peia T) if AuXWi, — ev Tavpois, see Euripides. Ipigenie auf Tauris, ein Schauspiel, see Gotlie, J. W. von. V. 9, 57. Ipliigeuie in Aulis, iibersetzt aus dem Euripi- des, .see Schiller, J. C. F. von. L' ipocrisia, satira, see Cacia, P. [Ipomydon :] The lyfe of Ipomydon. {In Ellis, G. Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 3.) 821 4 —Lyfe of Ipomydon. {In Weber, H. W. Me- trical romances, 1810, v. 3.) 821 10 Ippel, Ednard, editor, see Grimm, J. L. K. Kleinere Schriften, v. 6-8, 1882-90. 408 3 Ippins Fockens, E., editor. Bijdragen tot de Friesche geschiedenis, taal en letterkunde. Franeker [,185-]. 3 v. S. jjor. pZ. 839.2 4 Verzameling van stukken betreffende de Friesche geschiedenis, taal- en letterkunde. Franeker [,185-]. 3 v. S. por. p)l. music. 839.2 3 Ippolito di Este, see Landor, W. S. Ipswich, England. Le domesday de Gippewyz. (In Gt. I5r. — Master of rolls. Cluon. and mem. 55.) 942 8 French and English on opposite pases. Ira de Dios, poema bililico, see Zorrilla. v. 3. Irby, Charles Leonard, & Mangrles, J. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria and the Holv Land. London, 1847. D. 915.6 17 lECANA 350 IRRIGATION' Ircana in Ispaan, — in Julfa, commedia, see Goldoui, V. 35. Ireland. A roll of the proceedings of the king's council in Ireland, 1392-3; with an appendix; edited by James Graves. London, 1877. Q. facsim. (In (it. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 69.) 942 3 Fi-ench, with EiiKlish translation. ^The annals of Loch-Ce; a chronicle of Irish affairs, 1014-1590; edited, with a translation, by W. M. Hennessy. London, 1871. 3 v, Q. facsim. (/?i ,. 031 20 — Lniiibiirdiiii, E. Dei progetti intesi a provi- dere alia deticienza di aeijue irrigue nel Cre- nionese. Milano, IS.'iH. C^. [1+J31p. (531 23 — Miinffon, H. Experiences sur I'emploi des eaux dans les irrigations. 2 edition. Paris, 18119. Q. pi. 631 12 bound with 554.5 5 — Mai'khaiii^ C. R. Report on the irrigation of eastern Si)ain. [London, 1867. J O il. pL maps. 631 2.5 —Marsh, (J. P. {In Johnson's cyclopedia.) In main library. Irrigation; its evils, the remedies, and the compensations; 10 Feb., 1874. 33 p. (7)t U. S. —Senate. 4^ cong. l ses. Misc. doc. 55.) In main library. — — The waters. {In his Earth as modified by human action. 1874.) 080 28 .—Millet, V: Les irrigations. {In his Merve- illes des fleuves. 1871.) 551.48 6 ^Moncrieff, C. C. S. Irrigation in southern Europe. London, 1868. O. pZ. 631 14 — Niifhting'ale, F. Life or death in India, 1873; with ajipendix on irrigation, 1874. London, 1874. O. 63 p. 614 2 —Rossi, V. A. Di una navagazione mediterra- nea in Capitanata, e della irrigazione di ijuelli terreni. Napoli, 1843. 35 p. nuqi. 631 23 —Smith, R. B. Italian irrigation; a report on the agricultural canals of Piedmont ami Lom- bardv. 2 edition. Edinburgh, 1885. 2 v. O, & Atlas. F.« 631 19 — Tagliasacchi, G. Notizie intorno al primo consorzio del canali dell' alta Lombardia. Milano, 1871. O. 631 22 — Vigan, — . Etude sur les irrigations des Pyre- nees-Orientaies, et en particulier sur un phe- nomene dit la reproduction des eaux. Paris, 1867. 69 p. pi. 631 18 — Vigrnotti, A. Des irrigations du Piemont et de la Lombardie. Paris, 1863. D. 94 p. 631 31 See also CXy.ilS; LANDES; LOMBARDY. IRVINii!, Edward. Carlyle, T. Death of Ed- ward Irving. (In his Essays, 1860, v. 3.) 824 8 Irvinir, Washington. Works. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 V. Q. iwr. 817 5 Contents; 1. Knickerbocker's History of New York. — The sketch book — Bracebridge hall. 2. Tales of a trav- eller.— A chronicle of the conquest of Granada.— The Alhambra. —Biography and poetical remains of Margaret Miller Davidson. Philadelphia, 1841. O. 811 5.1 — Slahomet and his successors. New York, 1850. 2 V. D. 922 38 ^Dana, R. H. The sketch book. {In his Poems and prose. 18.50. v. 2.) 811 5 Is atlinga, .see Goransson, J. Isaac, Hermann. Amv Robsart und Graf Lei- cester. Berlin, 1882. O. 40 p. (/?i Virchow er de gentium vocatione. — De ecclesiasticis ofliciis. — Epistola: Quod episcopi ct cjeterorum sit officium in ecciesia. — SententiarumUbriS, G. Loais^notisillustrati.- Epistoite. — Reguia monachorum.— De conflictu vitiorum et virtu- tum. — Expositioin Canticum Salomonis.— De viris illu- stribus. — Ildefonsi de virorum illustrium scriptis.— Notte in libros Isidori, per Joannem Grialum collects. — Lirer [.w] glossarum. —Index locorum S. Scripturse.— Index rerum et verborum. — De nativitate Domini, passione, resurrectione, judicio: fragmentum [Latin and Old-German], {In Tatianiis. Harmonia-. 1706.) 226 1 — De nativitate Domini. (In Schilter, J. The- saurus. 1727-8, v. 1.) 830 9 — [Extracts.] {In Blnnie, F. Schriften der rom. Feldmesser, 1848-52, v. 1.) 526 2 — Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum in His- pania chronicon : auctius, e bibliotheca Isaaci Vossii. {In Grotius, H. Historia Gotthorum. 16.54.) 943 5 Isidonis Mercator. Decretalium collectio; ac- cedunt prolegomena Henrici Denzinger. Lute- ti;e Parisiorum, 1853. Q. {In Migne, J. P. Patrologia-. v. 130.) 262 8 Isla, Jos^ Francisco de. Historia del famoso predicador Frav Gerundio de Canipazas. alias Zotes. Paris, 1824. 5 v. in 2. T. 863 6.1 The title ascribes the work to Francisco Lobon de Salazar. who was a friend of the author. Die isliindischen Briefe, .see Zschokke, J. H. D. V. 4. , ISLANDS. Avezac-Macaya, M. A. P. d', & others. lies de I'Afrique. Paris, 1848. O. por. pi. (/« L'univers. 4.) 910 18 — Bory de Saint- Vincent, J. B. G. M., & La- croix, F. lies diverses des troix oceans et regions circompolaires. 1840. pi. maps. {In same. 10.) 910 18 See also .EGEAN' SEA; BAtEAUIC; CAXAKY: CYPRl'S- FRISIA>; ' MAYEX: MADE- IRA; MA LniVE; MALTA; XU'OBAR; OCEANIA; PHILIP- PINE; I'lTCAIRNS ISLAND; SIHLESHKJ; SICILY; SO- COTRA; SPITZBERGEN; SUJIATRA ;TENElilFFE. ISLANDS 353 ITALIAN DIALECTS Islands landnamabok. {In Copenliagreii— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. fsl. sogur, 1829-30. v. 1.) 839.63 8 —(In same. 1843-7, v. 1.) 839.68 9 Islandske Varsler og Tegn. {In same, Aiiti- quarisk Tidsskrift. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 Iiittraf Isleifl biskupi. (In Kristui-sag'a. 1773.) 839.63 52 f sleiidska lands-iippfrsediii^ar felag. Samiyck- tir. Leiiargorduni vidLeira, 1796. S. 839.68 16 Isleiizka bOkineutafelag:. Almenn landaskipu- narfi-edi. Kaupmannahofn, 1821-7. 2 t. D. mcqjs. 839.68 15 — Sk^ivslur og reikningar, 1858-9. Kaupmanna- hofn, 1859. O. 48 p. 839.6 1 See also Hjalt-alin, O. J. Islenzk grasafra'Si ; Iceliind Di- plomatariura;— Joiisson.O.Safn af Islenzkum orBskviSum; Palssou, S. ^Efisaga Jons EjTikssonar; Sturliinga-saga: Tli"r9«rsoii,Ci. Ritpjord um tuna- o? engjaraekt. Isleiizkir aninUar; sive, Annales Islandici, 803-1430; cum interpretatione Latina, lectioni- bus, prolegominis, nee non indice. Hafnise, 1847. sqQ. 839.63 45 Sumtibus legati Arnee-Magnaeani. ISLES OF GREECE, see ^GEAN SEA. ISMAIL Pacha, khedive of Egypt. Pellegrini, F. de. Nel terzo anniTersario dell' esalfazione al trono di Lsmail Pascia. omaggio [in verse, with French prose translation]. Firenzp, 1865. O. 16-H4p. 851 93 Isocrates. Qiuv exstant omnia [, Greek and Latin, with full critical apparatus]. (In Ora- tores Attici, 1828, v. 3, 14.) 885 1 — Operette morali. (In Leopardi, (i. Opere, 1842-51. V. 3.) 858 8 — Uionysiiis of HaHcarnasstis. De Isocrate ju- dicium. (/?( 7i!.s Opera, 1829, V. 5.) 888 49 Isola, Ippolito Gaetano, editor, see Le storie Serbonesi. 1877-87. (In Emilia. Collezione. 46-48.) 850 6 Vol. 3 is Delle lingue e letterature romanze, di Isola, pt- 1-2. Hieronymiis, St. Epistola ad Eustochio. 1869. (/;j Sceltadi curiosita. 110.) 850 10 ISRAELITES, see JEWS. Issel, Arturo. Del canale di Suez; relazione. Genova, 1865. O. 71 p. map. 626 10 — Nuove ricerche sulle caverne ossifere della Liguria. il. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 Istoria di Maria per Ravenna, see Maria. ISTRIA. Kolil, J. 0. Reise nach Istrien, Dal- matien und Montenegro. Dresden, 1851. 2 v. S. 914.3 19 Sir Isumbras. (f/t Ellis, G. Specimens of ro- mances, 1805, V. 3.) 821 4 — The romance of Sir Isumbras. (In Camden soc. 30.) S20 4 Italia, 1874-7, see Hillebrand, K., editor. La Italia liborata da Gotti, see Trissiiio, G. G. L' Italia sotto I' aspetto fisico, storieo, lettera" rio, artistico e statistico. Milaiio (,1864-83]' 36 V. Q & F." il. 2il- maps, & 2 tv(dl viaps. 914.5 1-22 Contents: P.\nTK 1. Anmtl, A. Dlzloniirlo corogra- flco. 8 V. PAUTE 2. Stoiqiaiil, A., ti olliers. Ueologia. .■)v. in 1. Deiiartolomeis, !-• Oro-idrografia. 1 v.— Marienl, L. Ac\ Canti monferrinl. "1. Casetli, A., d- Imbriani, V., editors, Canti delle pro- vincie meridionale. 2 v. — Cori'azzini, F. Una quistione su la storia della lingua. Bologna, 1875. O. 60 p. 457 3 Relazione ai soci promotori dell.a Societa dialettologica italiana. Benevento, 1876. O. 48 p. 457 3 — Kopisch, A., editor & translator. Agninii; volksthiiuiliche Poesien aus alien Mundarten Italietis. Berlin, 1838. S. 859 4 ^Mussafla, A., editor. Monumenti antichi. Vienna, 1864. O. 859 5 — Nardi, F. Sui dialetti d" Italia. Nuova edi- zionc accresciuta. Koiiia, 1872. O. 22 p. 457 2 — Nomi volgari adoperati in Italia a designare le jiriiicipali piaiile di hosco. Firenze, 1873. O. (/)) llaly— Min. di iigric. Annali, v. 60.) 457 3 — Pilr^, G. Studi di (loesia popolare. Palermo, 1872. D. (//( ///sBibl. sicil. 3.) 859 37 ITALIAN DIALECTS 353 ITALIAN LANG UA GE — Toinmas^o, N. editor. Canti popolari toscani, corsi, illirioi, greci. Venezia, 1841-2. 4 v. O. 2}l. 85» 7 — Zuccag:iii-Orlaiidiiii, A. Raccolta di dialotti italiani, con illustrazioni etnologiche. Firen/.e, 18()4. O. 850 8 Seeaiso AlATRI; Allone, 0. G.; AllETI>K; BKIiOAMASK; BOLOtJNESE; I'ALABKUN; OAMPOBASSO; Catfrliiii, St.; CORSICAN; ETBl'SCAX; FEBHAKESE; FKAXCO-i'BOVEX. ^'AL; FKIDLAX; (JEXOESE: LECCESE; LKillBIAX; EOM- BAUB; MIEAXESE; MODEXESE; MOXFERBIXE; JIOXTA- LESE; XEAPOEITAX; XIZZARD; IMEIIJIOXTESE; PISAX; POMHJLIAXEKE; PKOVEKBS; KOMACIXOE; BOMAXESK; ItOlMAXSH ; SABDIXIAX ; JSICIEIAX ; SWISS ; TUSCAN; TYBOLESE: VEXETIAX; WALDEXSIAX. ITALIAN (early) LANGUAGE. Ovidio, F. d.' Ricerche sui pronoini personali e possessivi neolatini. {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 ITALIAN LANGUAGE. Amicis, E. de. Pagine sparse. Nuova edizione. Milano,1876. D. 854 2 —Archivio glcttologico italiano, diretto da G. I. Ascoli. Torino, 1873-91. v. 1-11. O. facshii. map. 450 11 — Rioudelli, B. Origine e sviluppo della lingua italiana. Milano, 1811. O. 21 p. 450 17 ^^ — Studii linguistici. Milano, 1856. O. por. 408 1 —II Bor^hini ; giornale di filologia e di lettere italiaue; coinpilato da P. Fanfani e C. Arlia. Firenze, 1874-7. v. 1-3 in 1 v. O. 450 13 —II Borg:liiiii ; studj di filologia e di lettere italiane; conipilato da P. Fanfani. Firenze, 1863-5. V. 1-3. O. 450 12 •^!!aix, N. Die Streitfrage iiber die italienische Spraclie. (.In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 — Cantii, C. Sull' origine della lingua italiana. Napoli, 1865. O. 450 18 See the article by Mr. Marsh catalogued below. — Capponi, G. Se sia vero nella opinions.. .in Italia una lingua illustre distinta dal dialetto della Toscana. (In his Scritti, 1877, v. 1.) 858 4 — Dante Alighierl. De la volgare eloquenza, col testo latino a colonna. (In liis Opere, 17,57-8, V. 1.) 851 33 — — Delle volgare eloquenza ; traduzione di G. G. Trissino, 1.529; con unaletteradi A. Manzoni e una di G. Capponi, intorno a quest' opera. Milano, 1868. S. 851 42 — Delatre, L. M. J. L. Delia unita della lingua e del metodo per conseguirla. Firenze, 1869. S. 450 2 — Esercitazioiii filologiclie [by M. A. Parentil. 1845-62. Modena, 1844-61. v.' 1-18. D. 450 14 Appendice : Strenna pel 1863 [hv B. Ve- ratti]. Modena, 1862. O. 42 [+2] p. 450 15.1 Studj fllologici : Strenna pel 1865 [bv B. Veratti]. Modona, 1864. O. 85 [-F2J p. 450'l5.1 — Estriip, H. F. J. Ord-Liigheder niellem det danske og det italienske Sprog. (Bi his Hist Blandinger. 1830.) 904 1 — Fanfani, P. Di alcune propriety della lingua italiana. Firenze, 1871. O. fl-)-] 21 p. 450 2 — — I diporti fllologici, con altri opuscoli. Fi- renze, 1870. O. 450 1 — — La lingua italiana, c' e stata, c' e, c si muove. Faenza, 1868. O. 23 p. 450 2 ^Florio, J. Florios second frutes [for] Italians and Englishmen. London, 1.591. D 458 2 — Fornasari-Verce, A. J. von. Tlieoretisch- praktische Anleitung zur Erleriiung der italie- nisclien Sjjrache. 13 Auttage. Wicn, 1848. O. 458 3 — Galvani, G. Sulla verita delle dottrine perti- cariane nel fatto storico della lingua; dubl)i. Milano, 1846. O. 450 19 — Gelnietti, L. La lingua parlata di Firenze e la lingua letteraria (1' Italia. Milano, 1874. 2 V. D. 450 4 — Macchiavellij N. Discorso, in cui si esamina se la lingua in cui scrissero Dante, il Boccaccio e il Petrarca, si debbachiamare italiana, tosca- na o fiorentina.(/)i his Opere, 1819, v. 6.)858 10 — Manno, G. Della fortuna delle frasi. Tor- ino, 1866. D. 854 5 — — Della fortuna delle parole. Firenze, 1855, D. 854 4 —Manzoni, A. Appendice alia Relazione in- torno air unita della lingua. Milano, 1869. D. 4.50 5.1 Le correzioni ai Promessi, e 1' unila della lingua, lettera ; con un discorso di L. Morandi. Milano, 1874. D. 95 p. 853 22 — — I promessi ; nelle due edizioni del 1840 e del 1825, raffrontate tra loro dal R. FoUi; precede una lettera di R. Bonghi. [3 edizione.] Milano, 1877. v. 1. O. 853 21 — — Sulla lingua italiana; scritti vari. Milano, 1868. D. 450 5 —Marsh, G. P. (In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) //( 7natn library. — — The origin of the Italia» language. (In N. A. review, v. 105, 1867, p. 1-41.) In main library. Embodying a notice of the treatise by Cantii. —Morandi, L, Le correzioni ai Promessi sjjosi e r unita della lingua; discorsi; preceduti dalla lettera del Manzoni a Casanova, e seguiti da altri documenti. 3 edizione. Parma, 1879. D. 853 33 — — Deir unita della lingua rispetto alia corn- media. (In his La maestrina. 1877.) 859 46 — Pasqnini, P. V. Dell" unificazione della lingua in Italia. Milano, 1863. D. 450 6 Same. Firenze, 18G9. D. 450 7 — Strenna filologica modenese per 1' anno 186i. Modena, 1862. D. 450 15 — Toloniniei, C. II Cesano, nel quale da piu dotti luioiuini si disputa del nonie, col quale si dee ragionevolmente chianiare la volgar lin- gua. Vinegia, 1555. O. 450 8 — Tommas^o, N. Intorno all' unitiv della lingua italiana. (/)( Florence— R. accad. della criisca. Adunanza 13 set. 1868.) 450 9 —Trissino, G. G. II Castellano: ed II Cesano di C. Tolomei;»dialoghi intorno alia lingua vol- gare; con I'epistola dello stesso Trissino intorno alle lettere nuovamente aggiunte all' alfabeto italiano. Milano, 1864. S. (In Bibl. rara. 49.) 850 3 Prose. (J» /us Opere, 1729. V. 2.) 851126 ITALIAN LANG UA GE 354 ITALIAN LANG UA GE —La Hiiita della lingua; periodico [half-month- lyj. Firenze, 1869-73. V. 1-4. O. il. 45016 — Vago, G. Giulietto e Rosina; ovreio, Se- cundo liViro di lettura e nomenclatura ; di- aloghi, edizione. Napoli, 1871. D. 458 5 — Viaiil, P. Letters filologiche e critiche. Bo- logna, 1874. It. 450 10 Contents: Leliere filolo(jiche : Del verljo portare e por- \ tarsi.— Del modo prbverbiale Cercar Maria per Ravenna. — Delia voce calaverna o galaverna. — DICTIOSARIES. Albert! di Villanuova, F.d.' Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ais-italien [& itali- ano-francesel. Nouvelle edition. Milan, 1834- 5. 2 V. F. 453 24 Aiiseliicci, A. Agli errori della Vocabo- lario della Crusca, 5 impressione, A e C, notati dal A. Cerquetti, appendice. Torino, 1879. D. ^ 453 4 Bazzariui, A., * Bellini, B. Vocabolario universale latino-italiano e italiano-latino; riv. T. Vallauri. Torino, 1850[-4]. 2 v. sqF. 473 7 Borgis, F. La lingua dell' agricoltore; ossia, L' Italianoistruitoiiella tecnologia cam- pestre. Torino, 1878. D. 99 p. 453 1 Caiievazzi- E. Vocabolario di agricoltura. Bologna, 1871-.' 2 v. Q. G30 1 Completed as far as Hnzzatui-a- Careua, H. Prontuario, per saggio di un vocabolario metodico della lingua italiana. Torino, 1851-60. 3 v. in 1. O. 453 2 Contents: 1. Vocabolario domestico. Edizione 2a. 2. Vocabolario metodico d' arti e mestieri. S. Vocabolario dei veicoli su terra e su acqua, e frammenti relativi ai vocaboli mereaiitili. alia zecca, ed al cavalcare. Casas, C. de las. Vocabulario de las dos lenguas, toscana y castellana. Venetia, 1604. S. 463 6 ^" — Cerquetti, ^. Saggio di correzioni egi>iiite al C della Crusca. Torino, 1874. D. 60 p. 453 3 — — Ceriiti, A. Indici di voci e maniere non registrate dalla Crusca. (In Baiicliini, G. II libro d" amore di carita. 1889; in Emilia. Colle- zione. 66.) 850 6 _ — Faiifani, P. Una casa fiorentina da ven- ders; con una racconto morale e un esercizio lessicografico. Firenze, 1868. D. 453 5 Una fattoria toscana, e il modo di fare r olio, con un esercizio lessicografico. Milano, 1877. D. 453 6 .— Vocabolario dell' uso toscano. Firenze, 1863. D. 453 8 — — —Vocabolario della proiuinzia toscana. Firenze, 1863. S. 453 7 Voci e maniere del parlar tioreiitino. Firenze, 1870. D. 453 9 Ferrari, C, & Caccia, U. Gran dizionario italiano-francese e francese-italiano. Parigi, 1874. 2 V. Q. 453 23 __Florio, J. Queen Anna's new world of words; or, Dictioiiarie of tbe Italian and Eng- lish tongues. London, 1611. Q. 0!)» '29 Koniari, P. 11 nuovo Careiia; La casa; o, Vocabolario metodico domestico. Torino, 1878. D. 453 10 Completed as far as prmiJere. Oiorgiiii, (i. B., <{• Brojrlio, E. Novo vo- cabolario (1(11:1 lingua italiana. Firenze[.1870-] 90. 3 V. y. 453 13 lsola,'I. G. Spolio lessicografico. (In Le storie Nerlioiiesi, 1877-87, v. 2; in Emilia.Colle- zione. 47.) 850 6 —Melzi, B. Nuovo vocabolario universale della lingua italiana. 4 edizione. Milano, 1881. D. 453 11 Micliaelis, H. VoUstandiges WiJrterbuch der italieniscben und deutschen Sprache. Leip- zig, 1879-81. 2 V. O. 453 21 Monastier, A. Gallicismes, idiotisnies et isophones. Torino. 1876. D. 443 10 Pabna, S. Prontuario del linguaggio mer- cantile, amministrativo ed economico, secondo ilbuonuso toscano; con parole preliminari di P. Fanfani. Milano, 1877. D. 453 13 Vocabolario metodico-italiano, parte che riferisce all' agricoltura, alle arti ed Industrie che ne dependono. Milano [,1865-70]. 2 v. in 1. D. 453 14 Petronj, S. E., & UaTenport, J. Nuovo dizionario italiano-ingl(3se-francese. Edizione 4. Londra, 1836. 3 v. in 2. O. 453 20 Iligutini, G. Vocaliolario della lingua ita- jiana. Firenze, 1874. O. 453 15 & Faufaiii, P. Vocabolario italiano della lingua parlata. Firenze, 1875. Q. 453 16 Appendice, da G. Rigutini. Firenze, 1876. Q. 453 16 Air Appendice da G. Rigutini, ap- pendice di A. Cerquetti. Milano, 1877. Q. 32 p. 453 16 Sassetti, F. Spoglio di voci e modi di dire. (/)i7<(.sLettere. 18.55.) 915.4 7.1 Tomiuas6o, N.Aiuto all' unita della lingua; saggio di modi conformi all' uso vivente italia- no Firenze. 1874. D. 453 17 d' Bellini, B. Dizionario della lingua italiana. Torino, 1861-79. 4 v. in 7. sqF. 453 18 Torriaiio, G. Vocabolario italiano & inglese; A dictionary Italian & English; added, a dictionary English & Italian. London. 16.59. F. 099 '39.1 Voci e modi niancanti nel Vocabolario della Crusca, estratti dalla Cronica di Giovanni Villani.— Voci, loro signiflcati ed esempi man- canti nel Vocabolario. (In Tillani, G. Cronica, 1823. V. 8.) 946 76 Weber, F, A. Nuovo dizionario italiano- tedesco e tedesco-italiano. Stampa nuova. Lipsia. 1876. 2 V. in 1. O. 453 22 — EIJRORS. Fanfani, P., A- Arlia, C. II lessico della corrotta italianita. Milano, 1877. D. 458 6 Nino, A. de. Errori di lingua italiana che sono pin in uso. Firenze, 1866. O. 458 7 —ETYMOLOGY. Caix, N. Studi di etimologia italiana e ronianza. Firenze, 1878. D. 479 7 Canini, M, A. Etimologico dei vocaboli italiani di origineellenica. Torino, 1865. 2 v. D. 452 1 Delatre, L. M. J. L, Vocaboli germanici e loro derivati nella lingua italiana. Roma, 1871. D. 452 3 Nannucci, V. Voci e locuzioni italiane de- rivate d:\lla lingua provenzale. Firenze, 1840. O. 452 3 Redi, F.Etimologie italiane. (In his Opere, 1778, v. 3.) 590 9 ITALIAN LANG UA GE 355 ITALIAN LITERA TURE —GRAMMAR. Ambrosoli, F. Manuale della lingua italiaiia. Milano, 182S. D. 455 1 — — Bianchi, IJ. La declinazione nella to])(mi- mia toscane. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 9-10, 1886-8.) 450 11 _— . — Storia della pie|)Osizione a, e de" siioi coinposti nella lingua italiana. Fireuze, 1877. O. 455 3 __ — Corticelll, S. Regole ed osservazioni della lingua toscana: jier cura di P. dal Rio. zione. Firenze, 1846. O. edi- 455 4 — — .Demattio, F. Sintas»i della lingua italiana. Innsbruck, 1K72. O. 455 5 Glierardini, 0. Appendice alls graniina- tiohe italiane. Milano, 1847. Q. 455 6 ^ — Melga, M. Nuova grammatica italiana. 2 edizione. Napoli, 1863. D. 455 7 Mottura, C, A Parato, G. Grammatica norniale teorico-pratica. 9 edizione. Roma, 1871. D. ^ 465 10 — — Naniiiicci, V. Analisi critica dei veibi ita- liani investigati nella lore priniitiva origine. Firenze, 1843. O. 455 S ^ — — Saggio del prospetto generale ditutti i verbi anomali e difettivi e di tutte le loro varie conflgurazioni di voci. Firenze, LS.'iS. O. 455 9 Pesavento, D. Manuale di un metodocom- parativo per apprendeie la logica struttura delle due lingue italiana e latina ad un tem(io. 'Padova, 1867'. O. 475 7 — — Piioti, B., marchese. Regole elementari della lingua italiana. Nuova edizione, con note di P. del Rio. Milano, 1860. S. 455 11 RoboUo, G. Grammaire italienne. .5 edi- tion. Paris, 1849. O. 455 13 Stella, A. F. Teorica dei verbi italiani. Ultima edizione. Firenze, 1850, D. 455 13 —PHONOLOGY. Demattio, F. Fonologia ita- liana. Innsbruck, 1875. O. 64 p. 451 2 — — Faiifani, P. Vocabolaria della pronunzia toscana. Firenze, 1863. O. 453 7 — ^iradi, T. Regole per la pronunzia della lingua italiana. Torino, 1869. D. 451 3 -SYNONYMS. Tomiiias^o, N. Nuovo diziona- rio dei sinouiuii della lingua italiana. Milano, 18.58. Q. _ ^ 4.54 1 — Zecchini, S. P. Dizionario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana. Torino, 1848. D. 454 2 ITALIAN (early) LITERATURE. Biblioteca rara; pubblicata da G. Daelli. Milano, 1862-6. 65 V. in 26. S. il. por. pi. facsim. 850 3 For contents st^f !til)Iiotet*a. — Bonuoci, A., editor. Delizie degli eruditi bibliofili italiani. Firenze, 1863-5. 7 pt. in 2 v. D. 850 4 For contents see Bonncei. — Corazzini, F., editor. Miscellanea di cose inedite o rare. Firenze, 1853. D. 850 8 — Emilia— Reale coiiimissione pe' testi
  • , S. da; (avaloanll, A. ; Contl di antl<;lil oavalieri; llonl, A. F.: Flllppoo/.Vit««,- ForteKuerrl, (i.; FortinI, P.: Garibaldi, (J.; Gentiie Kicoi, P. G.; Giacoppo: Gine\T«; Giovanni of Flmr- ence; Giovanni of Pmlo; Gradi, T.; Grazzini, A. F.; Gualti- eri, L.; Guidiccione, G.; Tiiincia, A.; lA'valdini, L, ; Linares, v.; Macchiavelli, X.; JIaineri, B. E.; Mantova, M.; Manzoni, A.; Molza. F. M.: Xovella deila flglia del re di Daoia; Oro- logi, G.; Papirl, P. E.; Percoto, C; Petrucelli della Gattina, F.; Piatti, U.; PiusIL, ;»/«,• Kivalta, A.; Sacdietti, F.: Salvi, G. ; Sereanibi, (i. : La sirena: Storia di una crudele matrigna; Stuart, R. M.; l^n testament/): Tliouar, P.; Valca- lerio, G. G. ; Yisronti Venosta, G. —HUMOR &■ SATIRE. Beriii, F. Opere bur- lescbi iiisti, (J.; Leopanli, *;.; MaocliiarelH, N.; lllaiiiii, D.; Miiratori, L. A. ; Paltaviciiio, <«.; Prati, <•.; Koli, F.; Salviali, 1,.; Si'iriii'ri, I'.; Slruzzi, A. II. lic;;!!: Tusso, B. ; Tassoni, A.; Testi, F.; Vcttori, P. —MISCELLANEOUS. See Bunna//.onlco, C. 1'. Uella. —MYSTERIES. Ebert, A. Die altesten italieni- sclien Mvsterien. (hi Jalirbucll rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 5, 1864.) 805 1 —PERIODICALS. See Annuario scientifloo,- Arcliivio glottologioo italiaao; II biljliolllo ; Bibliogralla d' Italia ; II Borghiiii; Cosmos ; Esereitazioni aiologiche; Oioruale della bibliografla itali- aua: (lioriiale di economia forestale; >uova antoloKia: Periodico di numismatica; 11 politeiiiico : II propiij^'nature; La rassc'giia settimanale: Kivista contemporanea; Bivista delle Alpi; La rlvista europea; Romania: La rosa di ogni mese; La sirena; Strenna bresciana; Strpnna fllolofjica. — POETRY. Aiicona, A. U.' La poesia popolare italiana, stiidj. Livorno, 1878. D. 859 1 — it- Coiuparetti, D., editors. Le antiche rime volgari secondo la lezione del codice vati- cano 3793. Bologna, 1875-88. 5 v. O. (In Emilia. Collezione. 41-4.) 850 6 Borsognoni, A. Studi d' erudizione e d' arte. Bologna, 1877-8. 2 v. in 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 156, 163.) 850 10 — — Carducci, (J. Musica e poesia nel mondo elegante italiano del secolo 14. {In his Studi. 18'-1-) 850 12 Casini, T., editor. Le rime dei poeti bo- lognesi del seeolo 13. Bologna, 1881. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 185.) 850 10 Testi inediti di antiche rime volgari. Bologna, 1883. v. 1. D. (In same. 197.) 850 10 Cavaileri, E., editor. Italian readings from Dante, Petrarca, Tasso and Ariosto: with English translations and notes. Torino, 1865. (J- " P- 851 1 Ceriiti, A. Rime di poeti italiani del secolo 16. Bologna, 1873. D. (/« Scelta di curiosita. 133.) 850 10 ~,~?*'*'""'"'5 C., editor. Tre cantari dei se- coli 15 e 16 concernenti fatti di storia genovese. (In Societa ligiire. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Ferraro, (J., editor. Poesie popolari re- ligiose del secolo 14. Bologna, 1877. D. 85 p. (/rt Scelta di curiosita. 1.52.) 850 10 Freiberg, G. von. Italiens moderne Lyri- ker. (In Hillebran(l,K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 — _'.; Futt-Fiisinato, K.; UMnhinr, of Arezzo: Getji e Biiria; Ghi- bellini, L.; Giamliiillari, B.; Gianni, I,.; Gibello; Giusti, G.; Giustiniani, L.: Grisclda; Gualterotti. R.; Guerra di riALIAN LITERATURE 358 IT A L Y— MINISTER O Serrezzana: (iuerrini. 0.: (Juittono of Arezzo; Laiiiento della Virgine: Laiiieiito di Fiorenza: Leopard i, (■.; Levi, D.; Ixireiizi, B.: liOzzi. »'.; La Lusiirnaica; MacchlaTOlli, N.: Mailnnna Lioaessa; Malatesti, A.: Maiiiiani, T.; Marplii, F. A. (le: Maria per Ravenna; Mariitnolle, t'. da: JlaroiliuH. T.; Marotta, S.; Marsi, A.; Marzi, T.: Meritrotti, P.; Moli- no. A.; Monti, v.: Muzio.O.; Mci-olini, 0. I!.: Mna: Niiil, fl. D.: Octioni, O.: Oiiaiiro, F. dall'; Ottinello e Giulia: Parini, G.. Pellei/irini, F. de: PenizzinI, 0.: Pelraroa, F.: Petrutci. G. A. de: I'ietra of Bescajie; Piurteiiionte. L; Pi- stoia, A. da: Poiite, L. da: Prati, G.; PIUTO; Proverbii attiladi; Puc-ci, A.: Pulii, L.: (Julstlone d' amove: Kedl, F.: Resaldl, G.: lilflo, D.: Kiicellal, G.: Rusiwll, V.. Sal- yestro: SalvlatI, L.; Sandaliad. Saniiazzaro,G.: Savarese, L.: La sireiia: SOX(iS; Spolveriiil, G. li.: Tasso, B. itT.: Tas- soiil. A.; Ti'za, K.; Tlijri, G.; Tolosani, G. M. ; Tomiiiaseo, S.: Torre dl Rezzoniro, C (.della; Trlsslno, G. G.; llliertl, F. degll: Val, S.; VellettI, A.: Vergogiia; Zeiia: Zeiidrliil, B.; Zeiionl, Z. ,Vee especiaUy ITALUN DIALECTS. —ROMANCES. See Acqulstodi ponente; Ajolfo: Alliano; Barberino, A. da; CHARLEMAGNE: Flomaiit: Guerliio: Laucelot; MAU- TMLIS'SY.; XerbonesI; Riiialdiiio: Rosaiia: SecoudaSpagua; Tohla. Italieiis, pseud. Le condizioni presenti ed 11 prcsslmo avveulie della chiesa; lettere. Roma, 1874. D. a82 4 Les italiens piosateurs francais, see Arnaiid, J. De italienske Rovere, see jShienschlager, A. 0. Tragodier, x. 8. Italy — Ariiia del geiiio.Ilgenio nella campagna d' Aiicona e della bassa Italia, 1860-1 : Testo. Torino, 1864. sqQ. 7(jap. fi23 1 — Camera dei deputati. Commissione d' inchi- esta sul brigantaggio: Relazione, 3-4 maggio 1863. n. p. [.1863.] sqQ. 343 20 Discovsi nella discussione del progetto di legge per garanzie dell' indipendenza del som- mo pontefice; raccolti per cura di G. Briano, Firenze, 1871. F. 282 39 Relazione della commissione sul progetto di legge per la estensione alia provincia di Roma delle leggi suUe corporazione religiose, 3aprilel873. n. p.[,1873.] sqQ. 27 p. 282 40 — Codes. Codice civile. Torino [,1865J. O. 349 13 Same: Indice. Firenze [.ISe.'i]. O. 79 p. 34!) 13 Codice civile. Firenze, 1866. Tt. 349 12 II codice civile [albertino] ; coll" indice e coUa concordanza degliarticoli col codice civile francese. Torino, 1863. T. 349 11 Codice di commercio. Firenze, 1866. T. 349 15 Codice di commercio. Torino [,186.5]. ,sqQ. 349 \(i bound ^l■itll 314 14 Codice di procedura civile. Torino [.186.')]. O. 349 14 Same: Indice. Torino, 186.5. O. 49 p. 349 14 Codice di procedura jienale. Milano, 1865. O. 343 11 Codice penale, 18.59, colle modificazioni 186.5, e con indice. Milano, 18C6. S. 343 8 Codice per la marina mercantile. Torino, [186.5]. O. 349 17 — Commissione. Della istruzione obbligaloria; relazione e progetto di legge. Firenze, 1870. O. 379 2 A. Bargoni relatore. Commissione di risananiento dell' Agro ro- mauo. Relazione. Roma, 1872. O. (7m Italy —Mill, di afrric. Annali. v. 50.) 551.49 8 —Commissione per il boniJIoameiito agrario dell' Agro romano. Atti. Roma, 1880. O. {In same. 1880, no. 30.) 551.49 9 —Commissione per studiare I'ordinameiito delle borse. Relazione. Roma, 1873. O. 332 3 — Commissione sulla sicnrczza delle miiiiere di Cercara in Sicilia. Relazione. Roma, 1875. O. 64 i>. 622 1 — Crown (Victor Emmanuel). Loi relative aux garanties accordees au pape et au saint-siege, ainsi qu" aux rapports de 1' eglise et de I'etat en Italic, 13 marzo 1871. Florence, 1871. O. 11 p. 282 49 — Direzione di statistica. Monografia della citta di Roma e della Campagna romana, presentata air esposizione universale di Parigi del 1878. Roma, 1878. 2 v. y. pZ. * Atlas. F.' 914.5 71 — Direzione tecnica. Sulle rotte del Po a Ouaida Ferrarese; relazioni. Roma, 1872. O. 19 p. pi. 627 18 Traforo delle Alpi tra Bardonneche e Mo- dane: relazione alia Direzione generale delle strade ferrate dello stato. Torino, 1863. F. j)l. 622 3 Siivells, W. D. Italian journeys. London, 1868. D. 914.5 80 Jaiiieson, A. M. The diary of an ennuyee. 3 edition. London, 1838. O. 914.5 31 Jauiii, J. G. Voyage en Italie. Bruxelles, 1839. S. 914.5 32 Joanne, A. L., <& Du Pays, J. A. Itineraire de r Italie septentrionale. Paris [,1859]. D. vuqis. 914.5 33 — — Kernell, P. U. Anteckningar under en resa i det sydliga Europa. 4 uplagan. Linko- ping, 1833. T. 914.5 34 Lessona, M. Volere e potere. Firenze, 1869. D. 914.5 35 Liberal!, C. Hygienic-medical hand-book for travellers in Italy. Roma. 1878. D. 615 17 Lullin de Cliateanvieux, J. F. Lettres sur Italie [,1813-16]. 3 edition. Paris, 1834. D. 914.5 27 Marmocclii, F. C. Descrizione dell' Italia. Firenze, 1846. S. 914.5 37 — — Monnier, M. L' Italie est-elle la terre des morts. Paris, 1860. D. 914.5 38 Murray, J., pi/&Zis/ier. Handbook for travellers in northern Italy. 3 edition. Lon- don, 1847. D. maps. 914.5 39 Negri, C. La grandezza italiana; studi, confronti e desiderii. Torino, 1864. O. 915.5 40 —Norton, C. E. Notes of travel and studv in Italy. Boston, 1860. 914.5 41 — ^Pontani, F. Italia, trattatello di geografia nazionale. Milano, 1874. D. 914.5 43 Progress of the kingdom of Italy. {In Edinburgh review, v. 142, 1875, p. 472-.501.) 551.58 24 — — Raltelais, F. Les epistres escrites pendant son voyage d'ltalie. Paris. 1651. S. 914.5 43 Rome— Societ.^ geograllca Italiana. Studj suUa geografia naturale « civile dell' Italia. Roma, 1875. O. tab. map. 554.5 5 Segethus, T., editor. Deprincipatibus Ita- liie tractatus varij. Lugd. Bat., 1628. Tt. 094 39 Spume, .1. G. Spaziergaug nach Svrakus, 1802. Leipzig, n. d. T. 914.5 99 Sloppani, A, II bel paese; bellezze natu- r;ili, gt'ologia e geografia fisica d' Italia. Mi- lano, 1H76. O. il.jil. 554.5 1 — — Storer, H. R. Southern Italy as a health station for invalids. Naples [, 1875]. O. [8-f] 70 p. phot. 615 18 VallardI, G. Itineraire d' Italie. 23 edition. Milan, 1844. D. maps. 914.5 44 ITAL Y— DESCRIPTION 301 ITAL Y—HISTOJi Y Ware, W. Sketches of European cajjitals. London, lyol. D. !»14.5 45 — — Witte, K. Aliiinisches uiid Transalpini- sches. Berlin, 1858. S. pi. !H4.9 20 ^ — Woods, J. Letters of an architect from France. Italy and Greece. London, 1828. 2 v. sqQ. il. pi. 729 6 — — Young', A. Voyages en Italie et en Espagne, 1787 et 1789; traduction de Lesage. Paris, 1860. D. »14.5 46 See also ABBUZZO: ALPS: APENNINES; CADORE; CALA- BKIA ; CAMPAGNA : CANAVESE : MT. CEMS; fEM'O. COMessa. Del riordina- mento delle provincie e dei communi d' Italia. Torino, 1870. O. 20 p. 321 1 — — II nuovo Paliiiiiverde ; per 1870. Torino, [1869]. V. 148. T. 350 5 —(ancient) HISTORY. Micall, G. L' Italia avanti if dominio dei Romani. 3 edizione. Milauo, 1826. 4 v. in 2. S. 93" 4 For other treatises see ETBDRLA: ROME. —HISTORY. Arrivabene, C. Italy under Victor Emmanuel: a personal narrative. London, 1862. 2 V. O. 945 28 Artaiid de .Moiitor, A. F. Italie. 1835. pt. map.'!. (In L'liiiivers. 56.) 910 18 Bigazzi, V., editor. Firenze-Milano; saggio di lettere djploniatiche del secolo 14 e 15. Fi- renze, 1869. O. 39 p. 945 12.1 — ^Botta, C. (jr. (<. Storia d' Italia, continuata da (juelli del Guicciardini sino al 1789. Parigi, 1832. 15 V. T. por. 945 3 — — Bnini, L., of Arezzo. La historia univer- sale de suoi tempi: con giunta sino all' anno 1560, e con annotationi, per F. Sansovino. Ve- netia, 1.561. D. 945 13 Blirckliardt, J. Die Cultur der Renais- sance in Italien. 2 AuHage. Leipzig, 1869. O. 945 8 — Scmte. 3 Auflage, von L. Geiger. Leip- zig, 1877-8. 2 V. O. 945 9 — — De-Agostini, (J. Palestro, 31 maggio 1868; discorso, con illustrazioni inediti o rari. Edi- zione 2. Vercelli, 1868. O. 63 p. 945 38 — — Eckbard, J. (i. von, editor. Corpus histo- ricum medii a'vi. Lipsiai, 1723. 2 v. F. 943 13 For contents see Eckharcl. Ferrari, fi. Carta figurativa e indice delle guerre municipali d' Italia. Milano, 1860. O. 28 p. map. 945 6 Garihaldl, G. I mille. Torino, 1874. D. 945 31 A historical novel. Guicciardini, F. Istoria d" It.alia; edizione dal G. Rosini. Livorno, 1832-4. 12 v. in 6. D. por. 945 2 La Yareniie, P. C. M. de. L'ltalie centrale. Neuilly, 1859. D. 945 25.1 — — Medin, A., ifc Frati, L., editor.?. Lamenti storici dei secoli 14-16. Bologna, 1887-90. v. 1-3. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 219, 226, 236.) 850 10 Miiratari, L. A. Annali d' Italia, anno [1-] 1749. Milano, 1818-21. 18 v. O. por. 945 1 Reumout, A. von. Notizie bibliografiche dei lavori spettanti alia storia d' Italia, pub- blicati in Germania, 1800-46. (In Vettori, F. Sommario. ) 945 12 WithSiipplemento primo. — — Rey, R. Histoire de la renaissance politi- que de 1' Italie, 1814-61. Paris, 1864. D. 945 23 — — Riceiardi, F. Ricordi storici dal 1494 al 1500: ])er euradiP. Vigo. Bologna, 1882. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 186.) 850 10 Scliierii, F. S. Udsigt over Udvandring- erne fra Normandiet til Italien, og Norman- nernes forste Erobringer i Neapel og Sicilien. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. An- naler. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 3 Vaninicci, A. I martiri della liberta itali- ana, 1794-1848. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1860. D 945 31 \arietil storiche di diverse provincie d' Italia. Firenze [,184-]. O. 945 H Varietil storiche italiane dal 14 al 17 secoli. Firenze 1,184-]. O. 945 10 For contents see Variety. — — Vettori, F. Sommario della storia d' Ita- lia, 1511-27: ed altri documenti storici. Fi- renze [. 184-]. O. 945 13 For contents see Vettori. Yillani, G. Cronica. Firenze, 1823. 8 v. O. por. 945 76 ITAL r—niSTOR Y 363 ITAL Y— POLITICS — ^Yillaili, M. Cronica. Firenze, 1825. 6 v. O. i)45 — ^Villari) P., editor. Storiapoliticad' Italia. Milano, 1869-83. 8 v. Q. (In L'ltalia. Paite2.) J)14.5 7-14 Contents ; Bertoliiii, F. Storia antica ;— Diiininaziune grerraanicbe. 395-1034— Ljiiizaiii, F. I t-omuni. I'i24-131.3.— Ciimlle, r. Le signorie, 1313-153 i.—t'osoi. A. La pvepoude- ranzestraniere, 1530-1789.— Fraiirlietti, A. Storia. 1'89-!I9.— Castro, (J. (le. Storia, 1799-1814 -Bortoliiii, F. L' Italia, 1814-78. See a/so ARABS; ASTI; BANDIFBA, A. * E. ; BORtilA, C. c6L.; BRESCIA: BRlSlfiHELLA; CANAVESE; CATHOLIC CHURCH: CEVA; CHIERI: F.ITIXELLL P.; FEUDALISM: FIESCHL a. L.: FLORENCE: (SAETA: GABIBALDL (i.; GENOA; LKJURIA: LOMBARDV: LICCA: MILAN; MODENA; NAPLES: NIEVOLE: PARMA: PEKSANO, C. P. di : PIED- MONT; PIUTO; RAVENNA; ROME: RIFFINI, (i.: SAN MARINO ; SARDINIA : SAVOY ; UOLSE OF SAVOV; SICILY; SUBIACO; TERRA DI SAN (JIMUiNAXO; THEO- DOItIC: TOUCELLO; TUSCANY: VENETU; ^'ENICE; VER- CELLI: VICTOR EMMANUEL II. — LIBR.VRIES, see LIBRARIES. — M\PS. Atlaiite corogral1c(.), orografic<.). idro- grafico e storico dell' Italia. Milano [, 185-]-83. 4 v. F." (i» Lltalia. Partes.) 914.5 23 Bound arbitrarily in 4 v. lettered: Carte generali; Pro- viiicie settentrionali; Proviucie centrali e meridionali: Carte diversi. Tbe last contains title and table of con- tents. Cora, a. Note illustrative intorno alia Carta altiinetrioa e batometrica dell" Italia. Torino. 188S. Q. lip. 7iiap. (Ik Cosmos: Sup. 2.) 910 48 Ferrari, (i. Carta figurativa e indice delle guerre municipali d' Italia. Milano, 1860. O. 28 p. majj. 945 5 Ives, J. C. Military map of the seat of war in Italy. New York, 1859. 86x122 cm. in. O. 912 15 Scliiaparelli, L., c{- Mayr, C. <£■ E. Nuova carte generale d' Italia. 3 edizione. Gotha, 1871. 148.Kl38cm. in. sqF.'' 912 16 [Tliirty-two Italian maps.) 912 49 In portfolio 1. ,Vf« also CAMPAfiNA: LAGO M.AGGIORE; LATIUM; MIXCIO: PIEDMONT: ROME; SICILY. —MILITARY AFFAIRS. La Maruiora, A. F. 45 34 L'ltalia nel 1867: cousiderazioni poli- tiche. Firenze, 1867. O. 21 p. 945 38 — — — Su le quistioni del giorno. alcune let- tere, 1871-3. Milano, 1874. O. 76 p. 945 38 Petriiccelll (lellii Gattina, F. I moriliondi del palazzo Carignano. Milano, 1863. D. 945 33 Ilassugiia settimanale di politica, scienze, lettere ed arti. Firenze, 1878-80. v. 1-5. F. 055 3 — — .Reglioli, 0. Italia e Roma, considerazioni. Torino, 1861. T. 945 33 Society of the friends of Italy. Address. 5th thousand. London, 1851. O. 16 p. 945 30 Monthly record. Sept. -Dec. 1851. [Lon- don, 1851.] no. 1-4. O. 945 30 Tracts. London, 1851. no. 1-3. D. 945 30 Contetits: 1. Non-intervention. 2. The charge of ter- rorism in Rome during tlie republic, refuted. Touinias^o, N. II segreto dei fatti palesi seguiti nel 1859, indagini. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 37 — — Villari, P. Di chi e la colpa? o sia la pace e la guerra. — Liherta oanarchia? (hi /(/sSaggi. 1868.) 854 8 — — — Discorso agli elettori del collegio di Guastalla, 37 set. 1876. Firenze, 1876. 34 )i. 328 3 — — Zobi, A. Saggio sulle n^utazioni politiche ed econouiiche in Italia, 1859-68; con un discor- so preliminare. Firenze, 1870. v. 1 . O. 945 30 See also Arrivaliene, G. : Azeglio, M. T. € a/.vf Italv— Miiiistcro di affricoltiira; MIXING: PISA; ROME; SICILY. Italy and her church. {In Church quart, review, V. 1, 1875, p. 1-35.) 282 49 ITCH. Sundt, E. L. Om Skab-Klaaens Udbre- delse. Chrisliania, 1867. D. 16 p. 616 27 ITHACA. Schliemann, H. Ithaka, der Pelo- ponnes und Troja, archilologische Forschungen. Leipzig, 1869. O. jj/. vKqjs. 913 31 Iran lejon-riddaren, see Inain. Ive. Antonio, editor. Prose genovese del seco- lo 14-15. {in Arcliivio glut. ital. v. 8, 1883-5.)— L" antico dialetto di Veglia. (In same. v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 Iventssaga. (In Kolbing-, E. Riddarasogur. 1873.) 839.63 59 Ives, Joseph C. Military map of the seat of war in Italy. New York, 1859. 86x123 cm. in (). 912 15 IVORY. Pulszky, F. A. Catalogue of the Fe- jerviiry ivories, in the museum of J. Mayer; preceded by an essav on antique ivories. Liv- erpool, 1856 O. [a-l-]53 p. ]il. 736 3 [Iwaiii :] Herr Ivan lejon-riddaren, en sveusk rimmad dikt, ifriin 1300-talet; af J. W. Liffman och G. Stephens. Stockholm, 1849. O. tab. (In Svenska forn-sal, Samlingar, v. 3.) 839.7 3 — Chrestien of Troycs. Li romans dou cheva- lier au lyon; herau.sgegeben von W. L. Hol- land. Hannover, 1863. O. facsim. 841 14.1 — Uartniann von Aue. Iwein, eine Erziihlung; mit Aiimerkungen von G. F. Benecke und K. Laclimann. 3 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1843. O. 831 37 Jacehia, M. R. Relazione suU' inondazione del Po. Ferrara, 38 maggio 1873. Roma, 1872. O. 17 p. map. 651.48 17 Jacini, Stefaiio. Un po' di comment! sul tratta- to di Berlino. Roma, 1878. O. 85 p. 945 38 — La proprietii fondiaria e le popolazioni agri- cole in Lombaidia. 2 edizione, accresciuta. Milano, 1856. D. tab. map. 333 10 — La proprieta fondiaria e le popolazioni agri- cole in Lombardia; studj economici. 3 edi- zione. Milano, 1857. O. 333 11 J A GiJsri 364 JAKOB ERLANDSON — Sulle condizioui della cosa pubblica in Italia dopo il 1866. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1870. O. 945 38 With supplement, 16 p., La riforma elettorale e la ri- forma ammiuistrativa. Jack of Dover, his quest of inquiiie, or, his privy search for the veriest fool in England; a collection of merry tales. London, 1842. D. 8+36 p. (/" Percy soe. v. 7.) 820 6 JACKSON. Andrew, president of the U. S. Baldwin, J.(J.(/» liis Party leaders. 185.').) 923 1 — Parton, J. Life of Andrew Jackson. New York, 1861. 3 v. O. por. 923 52 Jackson, Charles, editor. Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies in the 17-18 centuries. Durham, 1877-86. 2 v. O. por. tab. (In Surtees 80C. 6.5, 77.) 820 7 see the following publications of the Sur- tees society : 820 7 54. De la Prjnie, A. Diary. 1870. 62. Thornton, A. W. Autobiography. 1875. Jacuie, to conqueridor see Jauies I. Jacob, — . Memoire svir les eaux thermales de Bagnols, Lozere. {In Puy de Dome — Society. Annates. 1839.) 944 61 Jacob, Arthur. On the designing and con- struction of storage reservoirs. London. 1867. [l + ]32p. til. 628 10 Jacob, Karl tJeorg. Ueber drn politischen Ein- fluss der Konigin Marie Antoinette von Frank- reich. (/" Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1838.) — Die Frauen in der franzosischen Revolution. (In same. 1840.) — Goethe's Mutter. {In .5 3 Jacobinus, Joannes. Brevis enarratio reruin a Sigismundo anno 1595 gestarum. (In Rcrnni Hungaricarum scriptores. 1600.) 943 63 Jacobs0n, Lucas. Ft«roa; et F;troa reserata: det er, Fajroernis oc fa^raeske Indbyggeris Beskrif- velse. Kiobenhafn, 1673. S. pi. 914.9 14 JAC()BS0S, Peder, bi.sliop of Roskildc. Korne- rup, J. Om Biskop Jacobsons Skibbrud ogDod paa Kysten af Flandern, 1225. (7m Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab.Aarboger. v. 13, l,S78.) 948 5 Jacobsson, Halldor. Armans saga. [Hrappsev. 1782.1 s,|0. :!8 p. it. ntp. 839.(53 23 JacobuS,.S7. ,()/■ Sarug. L'omelia sul batte.^inio di Costantino iniperatorc; pubblicata, tradotta ed aniiolata da A. I>. Frothinghain, jr. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. .ici. mor. v. 8, 18s3.) 065 5 Jacobus de Vitriaco, see Jacques of Vitri. Jacqueniart, Albert. Le.s merveilles de la c(':rami(|ue. Paris, 1866-89. 3 v. D. il. (In Charton, E. Bibl. de.s merveilles.) 738 3 Jacquemout, Victor. Correspondance inedite avec sa famille et ses amis, 1824-32; precedee d' une notice biographique par V. Jacquemont neveu, et d'une introduction par Prosper Me- riniee. Paris, 1867. 2 v. in 1. O. 846 4 — Correspondance pendant son voyage dans 1' Inde, 1828-32: precedee d'une etude sur Jacque- mont par Cuvillier Fleury. Nouvelle edition, augmentee. Paris, 1869." 2 v. D. 915.4 5 JACQUES of Amiens. Brakelmann, J. L'art d' amors et Li remedes d'amors, zwei altfran- zosische Lehrgedichte ; herausgegeben von G. Korting. (In Jalirbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 9, 1808.) 805 1 Jacques of Vitri. Historia Hierosolimitana abbreviata. (Ir, Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 Jacques, by George Sand, see, Dudeyant, A. L. A. D. En Jaegers Erindringer, see Herre, B. J.EGERSPRIIS. Wegener, C. F. Historiske Efterretninger om Abrabauistrup Gaard i den aildre og nyere Tid. mup. {In Copenhagen — K.nord. Old.-Selskab.Annaler. v. 15-16, 1855-6.) 948 2 — — En Vandring gjennem Jiegerspriis's Have og Lund. KJBbenhavn, 1858. O. [4+J40p. it. map. 914.8 43 Ja^rubaneu og Kirkegaarden, see Bj0rnson, B. Jager, Arie de. Latere verscheidenheden uit bet gebied der Nederduitsche taalkunde. De- venter, 1858. O. 439.3 3 — editor. Archief voor Nederlandsche taal- kunde. Amsterdam, 1847-54. 4 v. O. 439.3 2 Nieuw archief voor Nederlandsche taal- kunde. Amsterdam, 1855-6. O. 439.3 2 Jiiger, Henrik. Asbjornsenog "Huldreajventy- ret." por. (In Ude og Hjemme, 9 Okt. 1881.) 928 7 bound with 925 18 — Henrik Ibsen, 1828-88: a critical biography; from the Norwegian by William Morton Payne. Chicago, 1890. D. por. 839.82 28.1 Jnlin, Ferdinand Heinricli. Almindelig Udsigt over Nordens Krigsva?sen i Middelalderen. Kjobenhavn, 1825. O. pi. 355 8 Jalin, Otto. [Various articles]. (In Leipsic— K. siichs. Oesell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 016 1, 3 Jalirbucli fiir romanische und englische Litera- tur. V. 1-9. O. Berlin, 1859-68. 805 1 Jaliresbericlit iiber die Beobachtungs-Ergeb- nisse der im Konigreich Preus.sen und in den Reichslanden eingerichteten forstlich-meteoro- logischen Stationen. 1875, '77, '78. Berlin, 1877-88. V. 1, 3, 4. O. 551.58 73 Jaliresberlclite iiber die Verilnderungen nnd Fortscliritte im Militairwesen. 1876. Berlin, 1877. V. 3. O. 355 1 Der Jiibrnutrkt, .see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, 20. Das Jalirniarkts-Fest zu Plundersweilern, ein Schonbarl spiel, see (jiitlie, J. W. VOn. v. 13, 57. Jaime I., et roiniiiislador, see James. Jaime Alfonso.gcnannt el Barbudo, see Huber, V. A. J.\KOBEKI,AM»S(>N. Processus litis inter Chri- stnplioruni 1 & Jacobum Erlandi. {In Lange- bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1884, v. 5.) 948 76 JAKOBS 365 JANS OK Jakobs, dps Handwerkseeselleii, Wandorungen durchdie Schweiz, see Itit%illS, A. v. II. Jaines I., the Conqueror, kinq of Arayon. Une asseiublee nationale au 13e siecle: extrait de la fhioniqiie catalane du roi; C. de Toiirtoulon. (//' Revue des laiigues i-omanes. v. 2, 1871.) 479 f) — Historia del rey de Aragon, don Jaime 1. el concjuistador, escrita en lemosiii fior el mi.snio nionarca; trailucida al oastellana }' aiiotada por Mariano Flotats y Antonio de Bofarull. Barcelona, 1848. Q. por. Mti 19 — Libre dels feyts esdeuengnts en la uida del molt alt senyorrey, en Jacme lo coni|ueridor. 1343. [Barcelona, 1878]. D. facsim. (In Biblioteca catalana. 1.) S69 3 "Thi.s work is professedly autobiographii', tliout'h its authenticity is (lisputpcl, hut... it is probably ms trust- worthy as any of t\u- niedijeval annals. It is.hotti liistor- irally and philo!n^ir:il!y, among the most valuiifih- and attractive of the old Hispanic chronicles."— J//-. J/a/-**A, hi JohiuoiVe ctjclopu^dia. — .iiireiim opus Valentie, cum historia Jacobi priuu. Valencie, 1518. F. il. 946 58 — Miiiitaner, R. Chronica; o, Descripcio dels fets del rey Jaume primer. Barcelona, 1562. Q. iltp. 946 20 — Tourtoiilon, C. de. Jacme ler, le conque- rant: d'apres les chroniques et les documents inedits. Montpellier, 1863-7. 2 v. O. 946 21 JAMES II., tlie Just, king of Aragon. Mane- scal, H. Sermo... del don Jaume segon, predi- cat 4 noeml)re 1597. Barcelona, 1602. O. 946 22 James I., king of England. Workes: pub- li.shed by James [ Montague], bishop of Winton. London, 1616. F. por. pi. iltp. 320 8 Contents: Epistle dedicatorie. — Preface. — Paraphrase upon the Revelation —Two meditations.— DaemonoloKie. — Basilicon-doi-on.— Trew law of free monarchies. — Counter-blast to tobacco. — Discourse of the powder treason. — .\polot:ie for the oath of allegiance.— Pra^mo- nition to all Christian monarches.— Declaration against Vorstius.— Defence of the right of kings— Five speaches. — Correspondence with Sir Robert Cecil and others in England during the reign of Eliza- beth, with an appendix illustrative of transac- tions between James and Robert earl of Essex; edited by John Bruce. [London,] 1861. ,sqO. (/" Camden soc. 78.) 820 4 — The essayes of a prentise in the divine art of poesie, 1585; — A counterlilaste to tobacco. 1604. London. 1869. S. {/» Arb«r, E. English re- prints. 19.) 820 9 — Letters of Queen Elizabeth and James: edit- ed by J. Bruce. [London,] 1849. sqO. tin Camden soc. 46.) 820 4 James 11., king of England. Memoires du due d'Yorck sur les evenemens en France, 1652-9. (Tn Michaiid <& Poujoillat. Memoires, 1866. v. 27.1 944 9 James I., king of Scotland. "Works, contain- ing The king's quair, Christis kirk of the grene, and Peblis to the play. Perth, 1786. S. por. Pl- 821 68 Inserted at the end is The farmers' ha', a poem. — Tytler, P. F. 2'or. (In his Lives of Scottish worthies. 1831-3, v. 2-3.) 920 17 James VI., king of Scotland, see James I., king of England. James, Charles T. Practical hints on the com- jiarative cost of the culture of cotton and of its manufacture. Providence, ltil7. O. 68 p. 338 3 JAMES, (Jeorge Payne Rainsford. Wliipple, E. P. James's novels. {In liis Es.says, IS4H-9, V. 1.) 814 16 Jameson, Anna (Murphy). The diary of an ennuyee. 3 edition. London, 1838. O. 914..5 31 Jameson, Robert, & others. Narrative of dis- covery and adventure in Africa ; by Jameson, James Wilson and Hugh Murray. New-York. 1831. S. il. map. (Harper's fam.'lib. 16.) 916 2 Jamieson, John. An etymologi(;al dictionary of the Scottish language. 2 edition, with the sup- plement incorporated, by John Johnstone. Ed- inburgh, 1840. 2 V. in 4. sqQ. 427 8 — Same: Supplement. Edinburgh. 1825. 2 v. in 4. sqQ. 427 8 — editor, .see Barbour, J. The Bruce. 1820, 1869. 821 15, 16 Henry the minstrel. Wallace. 1820, 1869. 821 15, 16 Jamieson, Robert, & Weber, H. W. Illustra- tions of northern antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian romances. Edin- burgh, 1814. sqF. 831 22 JAN MAYEN. (Jvennerstedt, A. Anteckingar fran en resa till Jan Mayen, 1863. (/n Dun^r, N., & others. Svenska expeditioner till Spets- bergen. 1867.) 919.8 9 Jan van Huysums Blomsterstykke, see Werge- land, H. A. T. Jancijrny, Adolphe Philibert Du Bois de. Inde. Introduction. 1845. pi. maps. (In L'univers. 19.) 910 18 — Japon, Indo-Chine, Ceylan. Paris, 1850. O. pi. vuqis. (In same. 20.) 910 18 Jiinicke, Uskar, editor, see Bitterolf und Diet- lib. — Ortnit una die Wolfdietriche. {In Dent- schesHeldenbuch. 1866-73.) 831 14 Janin, Jules Gabriel. Le Jardin des plantes. (In Boitard, P. Jardin des plantes. 1842. )599 2 —Voyage en Italie. Bruxelles, 1839. S. 914.5 32 Jannet, Claiidio.Les Etats-Unis conteniporains; ouvrage precede d'une lettre de F. Le Play. Paris, 1876. D. 973 45 — Ija reforme du code civil selon les juriscon- sultes des pays a famille-souche. (In Le Play P. a. F. L'organisation de la famille. 1871.) 321 3 Jauiiet, Pierre, editor, see Erangilcs des que- nouilles. 1855. 840 7 Villon, F. CEuvres. 1867. 841 35 .Taunotius, Donatus, see Giannotti, D. Jannuccelli, Gregorio. Continuazione deUe memorie di Subiacoe suabadia, 1853-69. Roma, 1869. O. por. 230 8 — Memoria di Subiaco e sua badia. Genova, 1856. O. 945 94 Jansen, Albert. Leben und Werke des Malers Giovannantonio Bazzi von Vercelli, genannt il Sofldoma. Stuttgart, 1870. O. pi. •J27 5 JANSENISM. Louandre, C. Le jansenisme et Les provinciales. (In Pascal, B. Les provinci- ales. 1858, p. 3-29.) 282 19 Janson, Kristofer Nagel. Norske Dikt. Bi rg- ^in, 1867. S. 839.81 29 J ANSON 366 JEANNARAKI — SiKmund Biesteson. Bergen, 1873. D. 839.81 30 — Toigiini. Bei-Ken, 1872. D. 839.83 33 Janus, pseudonym of Hiiber, V. A. JAPAN. Asiatic society of Japau. Transac- tions, 1873-89. Yokohama, 1874-89. v. 1-17 in 10 V. O. 1)1. tab. map. 915.2 1 Vol. 12 contains index to v. 1-12. —Beau voir, L. de. Yeddo. pi. map. (In his Voyage autonr du monde. 1873-9, v. a.) 910 24 — Uaiitier, T. Japon. (In his L'orient, 1877, V. 1.) 910 39 — Janci^iiy, A. P. D. B. de. Japon. 1850. pZ. map. (In L-|iiiivers. 20.) 910 18 Kiiiiipfer, E. Chartopoia Japonica.— Regnum Japoniaj optimti ratione claiisum.— Plantarum Japonicaruni noniina. 2)1. [In his Amcenita- tiini, 1712. pt. 2, .').) 915 6 — Knippini!;, E.Der Nakasendo in Japan. Gotha, 1880. sqV. [2 + ] 38 p. ma2}s. (In Peter- manns Mittheiluugeu: Ergauzungsband 13.) 910 44 .— KudrialTsliy, E. von. Japan; vier Vortriige, nebst eineni Anhang japanischer Original-Pre- digten. Wien, 1874. O. ^)/. " 915.2 3 — Riindall, T., editor. Memorials of the empire of Japon, 16-17 centuries, with notes. London, 18.50. O. facsim. map. (In Haklnyt soc. Works. 8.) i>15.2 3 — Tliunberg, K. P. Resa til och uti Japan, 1775-6. pi. (In liis Resa, 1778-93, v. 3-4.) 910 38 — U. S. Navy department. ...Instructions, cor- respondence and otlier documents relative to the naval expedition to Japan. [Washington, 1855.] O. 915.2 4 — Varen, B. Descriptio regni Japonic. Amste- jodami, 1649. Tt. 094 40 Japicx, (Jysbert. Friescherijmlerye: ijn trye deelen. 3 druvvck, op nijz trognoaze in forbet- tere trog E. Epkeina. Ljeauwert, 1831. sqO. par. 839.2 6 — Frysce rymlerye; yn de spelling fen J. H. Halbertsma oerbrocht fen Waling Dvk.stra Freantsjer, 1853. O. .839.2 8 — Epkeina, E.Woordenboek op de gedichten en verdere gi^scliriften van Gijsbert Japicx. Leeu- warden, 1824. sqO. 839.2 7 La Jaquerie, scenes feodales, see Mcriinee, P. El jardin de Falerina, see Calderon. v. 3. Li's jardins, iioeme, see Oelille, J. JAIlLSBERtJ, Herman Wedel,G;e('. Welhaven, J. S. (_'. ( /" his SkriftiT, 1867-8, v. 6.) 839.84 3 [Jiinisida :| Ilin forna logbok Tslendiiiga sem nefnist Jilrnsida cSr Iliikonarbok; cum inter- pretatioiie Latinu, lectioiiibus, inchcilms et iiistorico tcntamine a Th. .Svcirilijornssoii con- scripto. Havnia'. 1847. s(|Q. fac.vm. 839.0S 10 Sumiitibus l«'{;:iti .\rnicmaj;iia'ant. Jarri!?c, Pierre. Jesuita in ferali pegnuite ob nefanda crimina in iirovincia Guieiina perpe- trata: e Gallico latinirate [.so] donatus. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1665. T. 099 48 ('liaptur.x H-1 1 of tlie oriRinnl are ((uoted in Snilll, (I. ('. Soliiisc's. II. :)(i:!-.'i2(;. Jarrow. Inventories and account rolls of the BenuiLictiue liouses of Jarrow and Monk-Wear- mouth. Durham, 1854. O. it. (In Surtees soc. 39.) 820 7 Jiirta, Hans, editor, see Rosenstein, N. von. Samlade skrifter. 1838. 839.78 1 J.\RUBA. Tucker, S. Abbeokuta; or. Sunrise witliin the tropics; an outline of the origin and progress of the Yoruba mission. New York, 1853. S. p?. majM. 916.6 11 Jarves, Dcuiiii^. Reminiscences of glass- making. 3 edition, enlarged. New York, 1865. O. pi. 666 2 Jarves, James Jackson. Ghosts writing poet- ry. Florence, Dec. 29 [,1879?]. 236 3 Newspaper clipping ; inserted in Davis A. J. Death and the after life. Jarvis, Charles, see Jervas. Jasmin, Jacques.Las papillotos, 1825-43. Agen, 1843-51. 3v. O. 849 15 — Same. Edition populaire. Paris, 1860. D. por. 849 16 Each edition has French and Gascon on opposite pages. — The blind girl of Castel-Cuille; from the Gascon. (//( LongfeUovv, H. W. Seaside and fireside. 1850.) 811 13 Jastram, H., editor. Leben.sbilder und Skizzen aus der Culturgeschichte. Leipzig, 1875. O. 301 8 hoinulwith 7 Jdtvardar saga. (In Vlgfusson, (i. Icelandic sagas, 1887, v. 1; in Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. andmem. 88.) 942 8 Saga .Idtvardar koniings bins lielga; udgiven, [med dansk Overs.fttelse, at C. C. Rafn eg Jon Sigur3.sson]. Kjobenhavn, 1852. O. 43 p. facsim. 839.63 48 Same. (In Copenliagen— K. nord.Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 12, 1852.) 94S 2 Englisli: A saga of St. Edward the king; trans- lated bv T. G. Repp. (Ill same. Memoires. v. 3, 184.5-9.) 948 3 Jaume, see James. JAVA. Beaiivoir, L. de. Java. jjZ. map. (In h is Voyage autour du monde, 1873-9, v. 3.) 910 24 — Starins, W. C, H. Het voorkomen von dilu- viale gi'onden op Java. Amsterdam, 1864. O. 11 p. , 559 3 — Thunbersr, K. P. Resa til on Java, 1775, '77. pi. (/» /ii.s Resa, 1778-93. v 3, 3.) 910 38 Jayiue, .see James. Jean, see Kock, f. P. E. Jean de France; eller, Hans Frandsen, see Hol- berg', L. Comedier, v. 1. Jean o/ Troi/es. Clironii|Ue de Louis XI, 14(il- 83. (In Burboii, J. A. 0. Choix dechr(>ni(|Ui's, 15sitcle. is;!s.) <)44 17 — Chroni(pie .scandiiicuse: Hisloire de Louis XI, 1460-83. (/(( .Michidid Ie— Apoorvphn; — rilOSS: I^a paNsioii du Christ, pi.BTne: (JllAII.; MAItY; SACIiKP IIKAKT. Jesus y .Todar, Francisco de. El heclio de los tralados del niatrimonio ))or el princijie de Gales con la infante de Espafia Maria : Narra- tive of tlie Spanish nuirriage treaty; edited and translated by Samuel Rnwsoii Gardiner. [Lon- don,] 18(19. s(iO. (7(1 Camden soc. 101.) 820 4 JETZER 369 JOHANNES JE I'ZER, Joliaiiii. La storia ili Fia Jetzer. (hi Un testament (». 1SG4.) 853 3o hound tinth 24 Le jeu du prince des sotz, see Griiigore, P. Jewel, John, bishop of Salmburij. Works: 3d portion; edited by John Ayre. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1848. O. (Parker society.) 283 4 Vontenln: Apoloaia ecclesiie AiiKlicana;.— An apolojry of the churcli of England.— The dtfence of the Apolo(ry, JEWELRY. Cellini, B.I trattati dell' oreficeria 6 della scultura; per cura di C. Milanesi. Fi- renze, 1857. D. 671 1 — Darcel, A. Notice des eniauxet de 1' orfevre- rie [du Louvre]. Paris, 1867. D. il. 751 3 — Laborde, L. E. S. J. de. Notice deseniau.x, bijoux et objets divers du Louvre. Paris, 18.53. 3 V. in 1. D. il. 751 1 — Merimee, P. Inventaire des joyaux de Louis, due d'Anjou. (/?( 7i(s Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 See also tiKMS: OKXAMKXTS. Jewett, Charles Collin. Smithsonian report on the construction of catalogues of libraries, and of a general catalogue. Washington, 1852. O. 6 [ + 2] +78 p. 025 1 JEWS. Bertram, B. C. De republica Ebraeo- rum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1641. Tt. 094 28 — Bynfcus, A.De calceis Hebrajoruni. Dordraci, lOSi T. 391 2 —Cohen, A. 1). De mosaiske Troesbekjenderes Stilling i Danniark forhen og mi; tilligemed alle Lovsteder og offentlige Foranstaltninger dem angaaende. 1651-1836. Odense, 1837. D. 933 4 — Cornill, C. H. Entstehung des Volkes Lsrael und seiner nationalen Organisation. Ham- burg, 1888. O. 30 p. (/)t Virchow i)atrum, 1860, v. 1.) 922 6 — Liebrechl, F. Die Quellen des Barla;im und Josaphat. (//( Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 — Liltre, M. P. E. Barlaam et Josapliat. {In 7us Etudes sur les barbares. 1867.) 940 4 Joannes Physiophilus, pseudonym of Born, I. Ton. Joannides, Benjamin. ThQa^wp.Trepiypatpn.roTro- ypatpLKT] Kal laTopiKT}. 'Ev 'Icpo<7"oXiJ/no(S, 1867. O. 66|; + l]p. 915.6 29 •Joao, see John. Jobsiade, see Kortnni, K. A. Jocasta, a tragedie, see Euripides. Jocelin of Brakelond. Chronica de rebus gestis Samsonis abbatis monasterii S. Edmundi, cu- rante Johanne Gage Rokewode. Londini, 1840. sqO. il. 2)1. facsim.. (In Camden soc 13.) 820 4 Same. (In Arnold, T. Memorials of St. Edmund's abbey, v. 1, 1890: in Gt. Br. Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 96.) 942 8 See also Oarljie, T, Past and present. .Tocns und Phantasus, .see Langbein,A.F.E.v.5. J0ilen, see (iyllembonrg, T. C.,— Wergeland, H. A. T. Jogues, Isaac. A description of New Netlier- land, 1644. (In O'Callaghan, E. B. Document- ary hist, of N. y., 1850-1, v. 4.) 974 9 Jolian Gordon, en Fortfelling, see Lind, P. E. Joliann of Freiburg. Summa Joannis ghetogen aller meist vth deme hilligen Euangelio vude Decret boeke [Colophon ...\u van Latine in dudesch gemaket is dorch broder BartlioU pre- diker ordens. Basel,] 1518. F. il. 099 17 Johann of Hildesheim. The three kings of Cologne; an Early English translation of the Historia trium regum; edited, with the Latin text, bv C. Horstmanu. London, 1880. O. (In E. E. text soc. Grig. ser. 85.) 820 5 Johann of Winterthur. Clironicon a Frideri- co II. ad 1348. (In Eckliard, J. G. Ton. Corpus hist., 1723, V. 1.) 943 13 Johannes. Die Limburger Chronik; uach J. Fr. Faust's Fasti Limpurgenses herausgegeVien von Karl Rossel. Wiesbaden, 1860. O. pi. 943 57 JOHANNES 370 JOHNSTON Johannes VitoJm-anus, see Jolianu of Winfer- thur. Johaniiite order, nee Knights of JIalta. Joliaiinot, Tony, iUustrator, see Cervantes. Don Quixote. 1837-9. 8(>3 4 John XXL, pope (Pedro, or Pietro Spano). Volgarizzaniento del trattato della cura degli ocelli; a cura di Francesco Zambrini. Bologna, 1873. D. facsim. (7)i Scelta di cuiiositii 130. ) 850 10 JOHN I., king of Castile. Lopez de Ayala, P. Don Juan I. par. (7k Cr6nicas espaiiolas. v. 2, 1780.) 94« 34 JOHN IIL Sobieski, k-ing of Poland. Declara- tion for the election of John IIL (In Milton, J. Works, 18G3 T. 8.) 821 7. JOHN I. the Great, king of Portugal. Lopes, F. Chronica del rey D. Joam I. Lisboa, 1642. 3 pt. in 1 V. F. 09!) 42 — N lines do Leao, I). Cronicas del rey Joani I. ... Lisboa, 1643. Q. 946 72 JOHN IL, king of Portugal. Goes, D. de. Chronica do principe D. Joao. Coimbra, 1790. O. 946 79 — Resende, (J. de. Chronica del rey Joao II. Lislioa, 1623. Q. 946 78 JOHN IIL, king of Portugal. Andrada, F. d'. Chronica do rey de Portugal, Joao o III. Coim- bra, 1796. 4 V. O. 946 81 JOHN, duke of Bavaria. K0nigsfeldt, J. P. F. Docuuienter angaaende den baieriske Hertug Johans og den danske (poninierske ) Prindsesse Katharines Gifterniaal. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 2 JOHN IL, duke of Brabant. Acconnt of the expenses of John of Brabant and Thomas and Henry of Lancaster, 1292-3; edited by Joseph Burtt. 18.")3. {In Camden misc. 2; nt Camden soc. 55.) 820 4 JOHN the Fearlesn, duke of Burgundy. Jonghe, B. de. Het leren van Joannes den Onbevrees- den. Gent, 18.52. Q |5-H]80p. (/« Maet- schiippy der Vlaem. hibl. Werken, 2 ser. 13.) 839.3 3 John, prior of Hexham. Continuation of tlie chronicle of Simeon[; Latin.] (In Haine, Rec. J. The priorv of Hexham, v. 1, 1864; in Snr- tees soc. 44. ) " 820 7 JOHN of Fordun. Tytler, P. F. John de Fordun. (In hi.f Lives of Scottish worthies, 1831-3, V. 2.) 920 17 Joliii of Hexham, continuer, see Synieon of Durham. Historia regum. (/» 7(/.s Opera, 1882- 5, V. 2; /■/( Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron.and mem. 75.) 942 8 John of London. Commendatio lamentabilis in transitu regis Edwardi. (In Stnbbs. W. Chronicles of Edward I. and IL, 1882-3, v. 1; in same. 70.) 942 8 John of U.vnead. Chronica; edited by Sir Henry Ellis. London, 1859. Q. facsim. (In same. 13.) 942 8 John, presler (\. e. presbyter). Lettera alio im- pera(lore Federigo di Roma. (In. Villani, (J. Cronica, 1823, v. 8.) 94.} 76 — .Vlviirez, F. Historia de las cosas de Etiopia, y di>l emporador (el preste Juan). Anvers, 1557. T.- «»99 40 .John, Richard Ediiard. Ueber die Todesstiafe. Berlin, 1867. O. 43 p. (In Virchow & Hoi- tzendorff. Vorthlge. 2 Serie.) 043 1 JOHN ALBERT, (/wfce of Mecklenburg. Ca^vM- iis,J. ...In obitiim Jo. Alberti (In AVeslphalen, E. J. von. M(jnunienta, 1739-45, v. 2.) 943 21 The life and death of King John, see Shake- speare, W., also Bale, .1. .John Bon and mast person, see The enterliide. John Bull and his island, by Max O'Rell, see Blouet, P. John Buncle, see Amory, J. Jolinsen, Jon, reporter, see Iceland. Ti3indi fra Ali-ingi. 1845. 839.68 4 Johnson, Baniel. The political comedy of Eu- rojie. London, 1880. S. 817 6 JOHNSON, Esther, "Stella." Sv/ift, J. Journal to Stella. (In his Worka. 18.59, v. 3.)— On the death of Mis. Johnson. (In same. v. 5.) 827 13 Johnson, (L D. B. Nogle Ord oni Snedreev, Snefog og Snefonner. Christiania, 1852. D. 22 p. pi. 5.51. .57 1 Johnson, Richard. The crown garland of gold- en roses, consisting of ballads and .songs, 1612 [,16.59]; edited by W. Cliappell. London, 1842-5. 2 V. D. (In Percy soc. v. 6, 15.) 820 6 — The history of Tom a Lincoln, the red rose knight. (/)( Thonis, W. J. Prose romances, 1828, V. 2.) 823 2 — The renowned history of the seven cham|ii- oiis of Christendom, and their sons. London, [1824]. T. pi. iltp. (Dove's English classics.) 293 20 — rompiler, see Hobson, W. Pleasant conceits. 1843. (In Percy soc. v. 9.) 820 6 .Johnson, Samuel, LL.D. Works. New edition, with an essay on his life and genius by Arthur Murphy. Boston, 1809-12. 12 v. D. por. pi. 824 12 — A dictionary of the English language; ]jre- fixed, a history of the language and an English grammar. 1 American from 11 London edition; added, Walker's Principles of English pro- nunciation. Philadelphia, 1818-19. 4 v. O. por. 423 3 — Bosvvell, J. The life of Samuel Johnson, in- cluding a journal of his tour to the Heliriiles. New edition, with additions and notes by J. W. Croker; added, two volumes of Johnsoiii- ana, and notes by various hands. London, 1839. lOv. D. facsim. iltp. 928 31 — Carlyle, T. Biography. — Boswell's Johnsnn. (/// his Essays, 1860, v. 3.) 824 8 — Macaulay, T. B. Croker's edition of Boswell's Johnson. '(/"/"'■■< Kssays, 1.S43, v. 2.) 824 16 Johnson, Sir William, hurt. Jlanuscripts. por, mai>s. (Ill O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., lM,-)0-l, V. 2.) 974 9 Johnson, William. On the education of the reasoning faculties. (In Farrar, F. W. editor. Essays. 1867.) 375 1 .Johnston, .1. R., translator, see Werne, F. Ali'ii-an wanderings. 1852. 916.2 29 Johnston, John. Thauniatdgrapliianaturalis in classes 10 divisa. Editio 2, auctior. .•\mstelo- daiiii, 1633. T. 502 5 JOIINSTRUP 371 JONSSON' Johnstriip, Jolianiios Frederik. Oni FiifrtiKlip- (ieiis i den naliiilifje Jonllmnd. Kjobenliavn, 1866. Q. 40 (i. (!31 7 Joies ilu gai savoir, see Joyas del gay saber. Joinville, Jean, si'/r de. Oiluvre.s, compienant: L'histoire de saint Louis, Le credo e La lettre (i Louis X; avec un texte rappi'oche du fran(;i\is nioderne mis en regard du texte original, cor- rige, par Natalis de Wailly. Paris, 1867. O. pi. faesim. 944 12 — Credo: fac-simile d'uii nis. unique. prtJeedt' d'une dissertation par Ambrose Kirniin Didot, et suivi d'une traduction en fran9ais moderne par Artaud de Mentor. Paris, 1870. sqO. [3+] 74 p. a. 848 9 — Dissertations, ou reflexions snr l"liistoire de saint Louys .(In I)ii C'ange, C. dii F. Glossari- um. 1840-57, v. 7.) 47!> 3 — Histoire de saint Louis, poj'. (Iti. Midland & Poiyoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 1.) 944 'J With Notice snr Joinville, Indication des documents pour le rtjffne de saint Louis, and Extraits des historiens arabes relatifs aux deux croisades de saint Louis. — Histoire de saint Louis; suivie du Credo et de La lettre a Louis X; texte publie pour la Soci- ete de I'liistoire de France par Natalis de Wailly. Paris, 1868. 3 v. O. 944 13 Vol .2 contains M^moire sur la langue de Joinville. be- sides Eelaircissenients. Vocabulaire and Table alphabe- tique des matieres, which follow from the paging of v. I . — Memoires; ou, Histoire et chronique du roi saint Louis; publics par Francisque Michel: precedes de dissertations par Ambr. Firtnin Didot, et d'une notice sur les mss. de Joinville par Paulin Paris. Paris, 1859. D. pi. 944 11 —Didot, A. F. Etudes sur la vie et les travaux de Joinville : le partie, accompagnee d'une no- tice sur les mss. de Joinville par P. Paris Paris, 1870. D. jyl. 928 33 lattr Jokli Biiasyui. {In Copenhag-en— K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Isl. sogur, 1843-7, v. 3.) 839.63 9 Joli niois de mai, see Froissart, J. Joliet, Louis, see Marquette, J. Joly, Claude. Memoires concernant le cardinal de Retz, 16.50-5. (In Michtiud & I'oujoiilat. Memoires. 1866, v. 26.) 944 9 Joly, Guy. Memoires, 1648-65. jjoc. (In scime.) 944 9 Jonisborg-s Undergaiig, see Grundtvig, Jf. F. S. Optrin, V. 3. Jomsvikiugasaga. (In Copeuliageu— K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Fornmanna sogur, 1835-37, v. 11.) 839. e3 7 — IslamUe and Swedish: Jomswikinga-sagan; eller. Historia cm kamparne fran Jomsborg; pa isl'andska och swenska, redigerad och ofwersatt af Magnus Adlerstam, och utgifwenaf L. Ham- marskold. Stockholm, 1815. sqO. 839.63 49 Jon Lopts0ns Encomiast: eller, En ubemevnt Forfatters Lykonsknings-Vers til ham; med dansk Over.ssettelse og Anmajrkiunger; samt Thormod Torfesens Brev-Vexling angaaende den gamle nordiske Tiids-Regning, oversat af det Islandske, med Tillajg, ved John Enchsen. Kiobenhavn, 1787. sqO: 839.61 11 Jonseus, Arngrimus, see Joiisson, A. Jonas,Justus,fr(OisZa/o)',see A short instruction into Christian religion. 1839. 241 1 J6nnssoii, Sigurd. Nogle Beiriierkninger til Daniel Streyc's Beskrivelse af Island. (In Co- penliiigen— ^K. nord. Old.-Selskali. Annaler. V, IH. is5s.) 94.S 3 Joriallian Frock, .see /scliokke, J. H. D. v. 3. Jonckliloct, Willeni Joseph Andiies.Geschichte der niedcrl'andisclien Literatur. Deutsche Ans- gabe von Wilhelm Berg, mit Vorwort und der Schriftsteller von Ernst Martin. Leipzig, 1870-2. 3 v. O. 839.3 15 — Geschiedenis der middelnederlandsche diiht- kunst. Amsterdam, 1851-4. 3 v. O. 839.31 5 — editor, see Roman van Lancelot. 1*^46-9. 293 7 Pennine & Vostaert, 1*. Roman van "\Va- lewein. 1846-8. (In Vereenigiug' Ned. letfer- kunde. Werken.) 839.3 13 Roman van Karel den Grooten. 1844. (In same.) 839.3 10 -sVf «^'0 various articles in the society's Versla^cn. v. !■.■!. 1H44-6. 839.3 JOES, John Paul. Mackenzie, A. S. The life of Jones. Boston, 1841. 3 v. D. 923 53 Jones, Jolin Winter, editor, .--ee Haklnyt, K., editor. Divers voyages touching the discoverv of America. 1850. 973 18 Jones, Richard. Copenhagen and its environs. Copenhagen, 1829. D. pi. map. 914.8 37 Jones, Samuel William. Memoir of James Duane. (in O'Callaghan, E. B. Doeunientarv hist, of N. Y., 18.50-1, v. 4.) 974 9 Jones, Thomas Wharton, editor, see A true re- lation of the life of W. BEDELL. 1873. {In Camden soc. n. s. 4.) 820 4.1 Jones, W. H. Rich, editor, see Salisbury. Vetus Registrum. 1883-4. (7w Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 78.) 942 8 Jones, Sir William. A grammar of the Persian language. 4 edition, with index. London. 1797. sqO. pi. 491.5 6 Jones, M'illiam Alfred. Characters and criti- cisms. New York, 1857. 2 v. D. 814 10 Jonglie, Bernaert de. Het leven van Joannes den Oiibevreesden. Gent, 1852. Q. [5-t-]80p. ( /« Maetschappy der Ylaem. bibl. Werken, 2 ser. 13.) 839.3 3 — Het leven van Philippus den Stauten ende van Margarita van Wale. Gent, n. d. Q. ^mr. (In same. 13.) S3!>.3 3 Jonghe, Jan Antoon de, editor, see Despars, >'. Crunijcke van Vlaenderen. 1839-40. 949 30 Jonson, Ben. Workes. London, 1640. 3 v. Q. 822 8 —Sa?/ie, with additions. London, 1693. F.^ 822 9 — Heir von Fuchs, nach dem Voljione. — Ejii- coene, uebersetzt. — Die Tbeegesellschaft. [In Tieck, J. L. Schriften. 1828-4.5, v. 13.) 833 39 J6nsson (Latin Jonaeus), Arngrimur. Cry- moga^a: sive, Rerum Islandicarum libri 3. Hamburg!, 1614. 914.9 8 — Tractatus de Islandicie gentis primojdiis & veteri republica. {In Stophanius, S. H. De regno Danin-. 1639.) 094 31, 32 Jonsson, Bjiirn. Annalar [of Iceland, 14(10- 1645], Hrappsey , 1774-5. 3 v. in 1. sqO. 839.63 46 Vol. 1 edited by 6. 6lafsson, v. a. by JI. Ketilsson. Jonsson, Eriknr. Oldnordisk Ordbog. Kjoben- havn, 1863. O. 439.63 3.1 joisrssoN 373 JOSEPHUS —editor, see Sjdla. 1875. 839.63 55.1 J6n»)S0U, Fiiinnr. Hi.storia ecclesiastica dia>. Havni*, 1772-8. 4 v. sqO. poc. 274 7 — Om Svarfdaila Saga. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarbager. v. 19, 1884.)— Bidrag til eii rigtigere Forstaelse af Tindr Hall- kel3Son.s Vers. (In same. v. 21, 1886.)— Har- baifsljoi, en Undersogelse. {In same. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 — Sciagraphia horologiilslandici.p/. (/" Ryni- hegla. 1780.) 839.63 (U J6iisson, Gndninndur. Safn af islenzkum oiBs- kviSum... utgetiS a3 tilhlutan bins islenzka bokmenta-felags. Kaupniannahofn, 1830. D. 839.68 17 J<5nsson, J6nas, editor & translator, see Ork- neyingra saga. 1780. 839.63 57 J6nsson, Steiugrimiir, bislio}). j3<:fisaga Jons Jonssonar Therkelsen philologife studiosi. Kaupmaniiabofn, 1825. D. 839.63 64 Joppi, Vincenzo, editor. Testi inediti friulani dei secoli 14-19. — Ascoli, G. I. Annotazioiii ai Testi friulani:— Cimelj tergestini. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. V. 4, 1878.) 450 11 Jordan, Heinrich. Die Kaiserpalilste in Rom. Berlin, 18G8. O. 31 p. (In Yirchow * Hol- tzendorfl". Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — editor, see Scrii)tores liistoriae Augustae. 1SG4. 878 34 Jordan, Karl Friedricli. Goethe— und noch ini- nier kein Ende! Hamburg, 1888. O. 48 p. (fn Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Fcilge. 3.) 043 2 Jordan, Thomas. London's resurrection to joy and triumph. — The triumphs of London. — Re- presentations j)erformed before tlie lord mayi)r. (In Fairholt, F. W. Lord mayor's pageants, 1843-4, V. 2; in Percy soc. v. 10.) 820 6 Jordan, Wilhelm. 1819-. Nibelunge: Sigfrid- sage. 2Auflage. Frankfurt a. M., 1870. 2 v. in 1, S. 831 52 Jordan, Wilhelm, 1842-. Die geonraphisclien Resulatte der von G. Rohlfs gefiilirten Expedi- tion in die libysche Wiiste. Berlin, 1875. O. 32 p. map. (In Virchoff & Holtzendorff. Vo- rtriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 RIVER JORD .IN. Lynch, W. F. Official re- port of the United States' expedition to explore the Dead S^a and the river Jordan. Baltimore, sqQ. pi. map. 915.6 30 — Ritter, K. Der Jordan und die Beschiffung des Todten Meeres; ein Vortrag. Berlin. 1850. O. [l-l-]38p. map. 915.6 36 iTordaniis, friar. Mirabilia descripta: The Wonders oi' the East, circa 1330; translated from the Latin, with a commentarv, bv Henry Yule. London, 1863. O. {In Hakliiyt soe. Works. 31.) 915 5 Joret, Chai'Ics. I^oi des finales en espagnol. {1)1 Romania, v. 1. 1873.) 479 6 J0rgensen, A, 1). De sonderjydiske Strandf ri- sers foregivne SelvsbHndighed i Mil. map. (><)7 31 bound with (!07 2 — Studer, B., & others. Rapport sur ^boule- merits qui pourraient resulter d'un abaissement du niveau des lacs du Jura. Berne, 1866. D. 30 p. il. 627 32 •liirgciis, Karl. Etymologisches Lelinwiirter- hui-li der deulscbeii Sprache. Brauiiscliweig, 1877. O. 44-73 p. 433 8.3 JURY. Franccschini, L. I giurati secondo la nuova legge 8 giugno 1874; osservazioni ccom- menti. Roma, 1874. O. 349 35 — Milterniaier, K. J. A. Das Volksgericlit in Gcfttalt dst|)lialen, E. .1. voii. Monumenta, 17;ii)-4r), V. 4.) 943 21 Kiinwn :is bis "Artikler'' or ''Forklariug." — Eck('ul>erger, IJ. Keguhe juris Cimbiici ac Daiiici, lOUl. {Iiisavic.) !»43 31 — Uislasim, K. Spit^^^beuia^rkninger aiii^aaende VaWeinar den Andtnis jydske Lov, eflei- Fleiis- bc)i-g-Haandskiiftet. (/» Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 22, 1862.) !>48 3 — Kopsen, K. Juris Danici& Jutici Iibri2; ordi- natioiies. sanctiones. partini expositioiiibus le- guiu Jutias 1507 abillo editissubjuiict:v'; partim Ciirpori juris Jutiei (Kong Waldeiiiars rette judske Low) 1(U2 edito adiifxa;. (In Westplia- ieiijE. J. von. Moiuiuieuta, 1739-45, v. 4.)i)43 21 — Krnse, F. K. H. tjber die Horkunft des alten russisclien Fiirsteiigescldecbtes aus Jiitland. (//* Copenhag'eM— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Me- uioires. v. 1, 1836-9.) — Verbesserungeii zu der Srammtafel des russi.sclien Grossfiirstenliurik. (//) Kume. V. 3, 1845-0.) i»48 3 —Meyer, J. Compendium juris Cimbrici; seu, Metbodus juris Danioi. {In Westplialen, E. J. vou. Mormnienta. 1739-45.) 943 21 — Panlseii, P. D. C. Bidrag til Sprogets Histo- rie paa clen jydske Halvoe. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Oldi-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrilt. v. 1, 1832.) 948 1.2 — Varniing, L. Det jydske Folkesprog gram- matisk fremstillet. Kjobenbavn, 1862. O. 437.87 8 See also (UnEII.D. Jnul, Svend Brnn, * Cron, T. L. Geographie over Danuemark. KjdbenliaTn, 1816. S. 914.8 34 Jnvenal des Ursiiis, Jean.Chroniquede Gbarles VI. {In Biichon, J. A. C.Clioix dechroniiiues, 14 siecle. 1838.) 944 14 — Histoire de Charles VI, roy de France, 1380- 1422. juor. (hi Midland & Ponjonlat. Me- moires, 1866, v. 3.) " 944 9 Juvcnalis, Decimns Jnnins. Decii Junii Juve- nalis et Auli Persii P'lacci satyra\ Londini, 1716. T. pi. 877 1 Jlalttaire'.s edition, with lives, variants ami full iiulsx. — Fiftl) satire. (In. Honierus; trans, by Chap- man, 1857-65, V. 5.) 883 8 — Om Bornetugt ; Juvenals 14de Satire i det danske Sprog orersat. {In Falster, C. Satirer. 1840.) 839.87 1 — DiJtsch, P. Juvenal ein Sittenrichter seiner Zeit; ein Beitrag zur Sittengesehiclite Roins unter den Kaisern, nach den Satiren des Dich- ters zusammengestellt. Leipzig, 1874. O. 7 + ■^•Mi- 877 3 Juvenilia, see Wither, G. Jylland, see Jutland. K., (i. H. A gossip on a Sutherland hill-side. {//( Gallon, P. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 38 K— g, K., see Knllberg, K. A. Kabale und Liebe. ein btirgerliches Trauer- spiel, see Schiller, J. C. F. von. Kaden, Woldeniar. Die Malernester in den Sa- binerbergen. (J« Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 2, 1875.) 945 41 KAFFRARIA. Great Britain— Parliament. Cor- respondence witli the gov(rnt)r ol the Ca))e of Good Hope relative to the Katir tribes. London, 1847. F. map. 9(j8 1 Kahlert, Karl August Timotliens. l)i.-Sage vom Don Juan. (In. Scheihh^ J. Das Kloster 1845-50, V. 3.) S37 16 Kain ; eller, Vredens Barn, see Paludan-Miil- ler, F. KAIRIS, Theophilos, & uthers. Athens (modern) — Court of the Areopagus. 'H Kara riji/ 1<) iamva- plov 1853 biKT} Tou G. Katpov Kal rutv ni af Rafael Hertz- berg, llelsingfors, 1.-575. D. pi. 894 5 Kalevala; efter andra original-ui)p)agan ofver- satt at K. Collan. Helsingfors, 1864-8. 2 v O- 894 4 Kalevala; ofversatt af M. A. Castren. Helsing- fors, 1841. 2 V. in 1. D. 894 3 — Europseus, A. J. Nagra hypotheser angaende Vilinol'ii, Polijola och andra i Kalevala dikten forekoniniande namn. (In Copenhagen K. nord. (Ud.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 21, 1861.) 948 3 — (Jrinini, J. L. K. Ueber das finnisclie Ejkis. (/)/ his KleinereSchriften, 1864-90, v. 2.) 408 3 Kalkar, Christian Andreas Herman. Folkeop- lysningen er Htatens sikkreste Va^rn: en Tale Odense, 1830. D. 33 p. 379 q KALMAR LETTER. Erslev, K. Unionsbrevet fraKalmarmodet 1397. il. (/n Copenhagen K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarbdger. v. 24, 1888.) Kaltenbriinner, Ferdinand. Die Polemik iiber die Gregorianische Kalenderreform. Wien, 1877. O. 529 4 —Die Vorgescliichte der gregorianischen Ka- lenderreform. Wien, 1876. O. 529 4 Kalund, Kr. Familielivetpa Island i den forste Sagaperiode, indtil 1030. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 5, 1870.) Islands Fortidsktvninger. ' {In same, v 17 1^83.) 948 5 Kalvos, A.,o/.^a)!Ye. Odes nouvelles: suivies dun clioix de poesies de Chrestopoulo [, Modern Greek and French]; traduites par P. de C Paris, isofi, T. S89 13 Das Kampanerthal, see Richter, J. P. F. v. 13. Kanipen for Valhal, Tragoedie, see Ingemann, Kampf, Saul Isidor, translator. Nichtandalu- siscbe Poesie andalusischer Dicbter aus dem 11-13 Jahrhundert. Prag. 1858. O. 892 6 fo«/cn/K.-MakamenCliarisi's.— Neuhebriische Poesie — Die andalusische Scbule.— Salomo Ibn Gabirol — Jloses IlinEsra.— Abraham ben Meir Ibn Esra.— Jehuda ha- Kiimpfer, Engelbert. Amoenitatum exotica- rum politico-pliysico-medicarum fasciculi 5 Lemgoviai, 1713. sqO. iltp. maps. 915 6 KAMPFER 376 KA VLB A an Contents: 1. Helationes de aulse PersioEe statu hodi- erno. 2. Relationes et obsei-vationes historico-physicse. S. Obsei'vationespbysico-medicascuriosaj. 4. Relaticnts botanioo-historicEB de palmadactylifera. 5. Plantarum Japonicarum nomina et eharaoteres Sioici. Noted by Mr. Marsh as a "'Rare and most valuable book of travels." Kamrer Lassman, see Carl^n, E. S. F. Kan ej, familjemalniug, see Ruiieberg-, J. L. Kane, Elislia Kent. The United States Giinnell expedition iu search of Sir John Frankhn: a personal narrative. New edition. Philadel- phia, 1856. O. il. por. pi. map. 911). 8 6 —Elder, W. Biography of Kane. Philadel- phia, 1858. O. por. pi. iltp. 923 54 Kaninen, en Fort*lling, see Heibergr, J. L, Digte, V. 2. Kant, Iniuianuel. Critik der reinen Veruunft. 7 Aurtage. Leipzig, 1838. O. 153 1 — Von der Macht des Gemiiths durcli den blossen Vorsatz seiner krankhaften Gefiihle Meister zu seiu: mit Anmerkungen von C. W. Hufeland. 6 Auflage. Leipzig, 1853. D. J8 p. (513 3 l)e (Juincey, T. German literature. (In his Life and manners. 1851.) 824 10 Herbst, 0. Kant als Naturforsclier, Philo- soph und Mensch. Berlin, 1881. O. 40 p. {In Vircliow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 —Leopold, K. a. af. Stycken om Kantiska filosoHen. (In his Saml. Skrifter, 1814-33. v. 4.) 839.71 20 —Nescience — the doctrine of Kant. (In Cliurch quart, review, v. 1, 1875. p. 67-96.) 282 49 Schubert, F. W. Immanuel Kant und seine Stellung zur Politik in der letzten Halfte des 18ten Jahrhunderts. (In Ranuier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1838.) 905 1 KANTERBERG, Jolian Fredrik. Rosenstein, N. von, Tal ofver Loitnanten Kanterherg, 28 aug. 1787. (In his Skrifter, 1838,v.l.) 839.78 1 Kantzow, Thomas. Chronik von Pommern, in niederdeutscher Mundart ; sammt einer Aus- wahl aus den iibrigen ungedruckten Schriften desselben ; herausgegeben, mit Einleitung, Glossar und Zugaben, durch Wilhelm Bohmer. Stettin, 1835. D. facsim. 943 34 Kapp, Friedrlch. Ueber Auswanderung. Ber- lin, 1871. O. 44 p. (/h Vircliow Philipp Joseph von Rehfues. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 Kaufuiann, J. Le percenient du Gothard. Zurich, 1875. sqF. 11 p. p/. 622 4 hound with 607 2 KAUFMANN, Johann. Ganz besondere Nach- richt von J. Kaufniann. (In Strobel, G. T. Misccllaiieen, 1778-^1, v. 1.) 830 10 KAULBACH, >Vilhelni von. Dobbcrt, E. Die monumentale Darstcllung der Reformation durch RieLschel und Kaulbach. Berlin. 1869. O. 40 p. (/« Virehow cfc Holtzendorff. Vor- trilge. 4 Serie.) 043 1 KAULBACII 377 KENT —Kaiser, V. Kaulbach's BiUlerkreis der Welt- geschichte. Berlin, 1879. O. 33 p. {In same. USerie.) 043 1 Eaiisler, Ediinnl H. von, editor. DenkmSlor altniederliindisolier Spraclie und Litteratur, nach ungedruckten Quellen lierausgeKeben. Tubingen, 1840-66. 3 v. O. facaim. S39.31 4 Confent. 1 — editor, .see Romancero del CID. 1840. 801 6 Manuel, J. El conde Lucanor. 1839. 863 8 Keller, Jakob. Die cyprischen Alterthums- kunde. Berlin, 1881. O. 32 p. (Zn Virchow* Holtzendorfr. Vortrilge. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Keller, Philipp. Sulla direzione della gravity alia stazione Barberini sul Monte Mario. {In Rome — R. acead. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. sei.Jis. V. 1, 1876-7. pt. 1.) — Sulla variazione secolare della declinazioue raagnetica di Roma. {In same. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 1.) — Misure della com- ponente orizzontale del magnetismo terrestre eseguite in alcune localita del dintorui di Roma. (/)(. same. pt. 2.) — Sulla dirninuzione della gravita coll' altezza. (//( same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 063 4 Kellgren, Johan Henrik. Samlade skrifter. Stockholm, 1800-3. 3 v. D. por. 839.71 18 — Rosenstein, N. von. Kellgrens lefverne. (In /ii.s Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) 839.78 1 Kelonid, tragedi, .see Adlerbeth, G. G. Kenible, .Fohn Mitchell. Historical introduc- tion. (Ill Knights of Malta. The Knights Hospi- tallers in England. 1857; ire Camden soc. 65.) • 820 4 — editor, see Twysden, R. Certaine considera- tions upon the government of England. 1849.) {lit Canideu soc. 45.) 820 4 & translator, see Codex Vercellensis. 1843- 56. 829 4 Salomon and Saturnus. 1848. 829 5 Kemp, William. Kemp's nine dales wonder, performed in a dance from London to Norwich; with introduction and notes by Alexander Dyce. London. 1840. sqO. 36-1-35 p. (In Camden soc. 11.) 820 4 Kem])is, Thomas a, see ThoDias h Kempis. Kendall, Timothy. Flowers of epigrammes; reprinted from the original edition of 1.577. [Manchester,] 1874. sqO. (/?(. Spenser soc. Pub. 15.) 821 3 Kendrik, Asahel Clark. Inaccuracies of the au- thorized version in respect of grammar and exegesis. (In Schaff, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Kennedy, John Pendleton. Mr. Ambrose's letters on the Rebellion. New York, 1865. D. 973 44 — Occasional addresses; and The letters of Mr. Ambrose ou the Rebellion. New York. 1873. D. 815 4 — Political and official papers. New York, 1873. D. 320 9 — Tuckermanii, H. T. The life of J. P. Kenne- dy. New York, 1871. D. 2^or. 928 34 Kent, James, chancellor. A course of reading. New York, 1840. 69 p. 028 1 bound with 013 1 KENT, Conn. Bradley, C. W. Cm en Ind- skriften i Kent i Connecticut il. (In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskritt. v. 2, 1846-.-5.) 948 4 KENT 378 KIEL KENT, Eiighmd. Almack, R., editor. Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, 1642-6. 1854. (/« Camden misc. 3; in Camden soc. 61.) 820 4 KENTISH DIALECT. Morris, R. Outlines of Kentisli grammar. (//( Michel, Dan. Ay en- bite of inwyt. 1866; in E. E. text soc. Orig ser. 23.) 820 5 Outline of grammatical forms in the old Kentish sermons. (In his Old English mis- cellany. 1873; in same. 49.) 820 5 KENTUCKY. Drake, D. Pioneer life in Ken- tucky; a series of letters. Cincinnati, 1870. O. par. 976 1 Keppler, Johauii. Bertrand, J. L. F. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Kepler. {In Paris— Ilistitut — Acad des set. v. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 — Betliune, J. E. D. Life of Kepler. London, 1830. O. 54 p. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) !»25 10 — Forster, W. Johann Kepler, eine Festrede, 16 Jan. 1872. Berlin, 1872, O. 25 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Johannes Keppler; sein Leben und seine wis- seuscliaftliche Bedeutung. Berlin, 18S6. O. {In Fortschritte der Naturwiss. 2.) 925 1 — Zollner, J. C. F. Kepler und die unsicht- bare Welt. — Kepler fiber die Natur der Cometen und ihre Bedeutung. por. {In liis Wiss. Ab- haudlungen, 1878-81. v. 2,1 504 8 Ker, Henry Bellendon. Sir Christopher Wren; with remarks on architecture. London. 1828 O. 32 p. (7. (Lib. of useful knl.) 927 16 Keratry, £niile, eointe de. La creance Jecker, les indemnites fran9aises etles emprunts mexi- cains. Paris, 1868. O. 336 4 — L' empereur Maximilien, son elevation et sa chute; d'apres des documents incdits. Leijizig, 1867. O. ii72 i bound with 917. '2 1. 1 Kerkhiirde, Johauu. Clnonik, 1405-65. {/n Mnnich— K. baier. Akad. der AViss. — Hist. Coin.inis. Chroniken der deutschen Stiidte. v. 20, 1887.) 943 24 Kerl, Simon. A comprehensive grammar; a treatise on the English language. Philadelpliia, 1859. O. 425 17 Kern, Johau Hcndrik Caspar. Die Glossen in der Lex Salica, und die Sprache der salischen Franken. Haag. 1869. O. 437 13 Keruell, Per Ulrik. Anteckningar under en resa i det sydliga Europa; utgifne af Chr. Stenhammar. 4 uplagan. Linkoping, 1833. T. 914.5 34 Kero, monk of St. Gall. Interpretatio Regular S. Benedic^ti theotisca. {In Schilter, J. Tlie- sanrus, 1727-8, v. 1.) S30 9 A Kerry pastoral in imitation of the first eclogue of Virgil; edited, with introduction and notes, by T. Crofton Croker. London. 1813. D. 15-F38p. i7. (/h, Percy soc. V. 7.) 820 6 K(^rvyn de Lettenliove, Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin, barox de. Deux notices sur la Cour lie may et le Tresor amoureux. {In Frois- sart, J. (Euvres; Poesies, 1870-2, v. 3.) 841 17.1 — editor, see Froissart, J. Le premier livre de.s chroniques. 1863. «>40 19.1 CEuvres ; Chroni(jues. 1867-77. 940 20 Kessler, G. W. Prinz Leopold von Braun- schweig. (In Ranmer, F. L. (i. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1844.) 905 1 KETILLUS, St, see KIELD. Saga Ketils ha;ngs. (InRafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, V. 2.) 839.63 12 Keukenboek, uitgegeven naar een handschrift der 15e eeuw. Gent, 1872. Q. [5-t-] 8-1-22 p. {In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl.Werken voor de leden. 10.; 839.3 5 Key, Thomas Hewitt. Tlie alphabet; Terentian metres; Good, better, best, well, &c. 2 issue; with a paper on pronouns of the third person. London, 1849. D. 410 4 P'or contents t. maps. (In Petermanns Mitthcilnngen: Ergiinzungsband 13.) 910 44 Knolles, Richard. The Turkish hi.story; with a continuation to 1687: added, The present state of the Ottoman empire, by Sir Paul Rvcaut. 6 edition. London, 1687-1700. 3 v. F.-" 'por. 949 60 Knop, Adolf. Molekularconstitution und Wachs- thum der Krystalle. Leipzig, 1867. O. il. 548 1 Knorr, E. Angnst. Studien iiber die Buchen- Wirthschaft. Nordhausen, 1863. O. 551.58 54 KNOWLEDGE. Abercronibie, J. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the in- vestigation of truth. From the 2 Edinliurgh edition. New York, 1833. S. 150 1 — Bacon, F. The advancement of learning; edited by W. A. Wright. Oxford, 1869. D. 3701 — Baker, T. Reflections upon learning. Lon- don, 1738, O. 215 1 — Dirckinck-Holnifeld, C. P. H. M. M'. af. Om den aandelige Sandheds Anerkjendelse og An- vendelse i Livet ; et Forsog. Kjobeniiavn, 1827. D. .. ■ 121 1 — Engel, J.. J. tlber die Realitiit allgemeiner Begriffe. — tjber den Ursprnng des Begrifi's der Kraft. (In his Schriften, 1801-6.) 838 3 — Hall, R. The advantages of knowledge to the lower classes. (In Iris Sermons. 1814 ) 211 3 — Marsh, G. P. Human knowledge; adiscourse before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Cambridge, 26 Aug. 1847. Boston. 1847. O. 42 p. 080 8 — Molescliott, J. A. W. Die Grenzen des Men- schen. Giessen, 1863. D. 56 p. 150 2 — Rosenstein, N. von. Forsok till en afhandling om upplysningen, 36 aug. 1789. (In his Skrift- er, 1838, v. 2.) 839.78 1 —Wiener, L. C. Die ersten S'atze der Erkennt- uiss,insl)esondere das Gesetz der Ursilchlichkeit und die Wirklichkeit or. 022 35 With list of Knox's writings, p. 520-8. EnoX; Robert. An liistorical relation of the island of t-!eylon: wiih an account of the cap- tivity of the author. London, 1681. F. pi. map. 915.4 13 KXUD, see CANUTE. Eniid den Store, see jBHiIenscliliiger, A. (li. Tra- godier, v. 10. Enud Kopsen, bishop of Viborg, see Kopseii. Eniidsen, Hans. Bidrag til OplysninK af den danske Refonnationshistorie. {hi Col»enliasen — K. iiord. Old-Selskab. Annaler. v. 7, 1847.) !)48 2 — Joachim Ronnow; et Bidrag til Oplysning af Fte Irenelandets Historic i Reforraation.s- Tiden. Kjohenhavn, 1840. D. 922 48 — c& M0lil, K. E. Historisk-antiquarisk Beskri- velse over .Snodstru[> og (jlstykke Sogne. maj). (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. An- naler. V. 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 Kiinst, Hermann. Das Liljro de los gatos. (In Jalirhiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 186.5.) — Itali- enische Marchen. {In saJtie. v. 7, 1866.) — Ein Beitrag zur der Escorialbibliothek. (7/1 same. v. 8-9, 1867-8.) 805 1 Eny, Leopidd. Das Planzenleben des Meeres. Berlin, 1875. O. 61 p. il. (In Vircliow * Holtzeiidorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Enytliiigasaga. (In Copenliagren — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Forumanna sogur, 1825-37. v. 11.) 839.63 7 Eober, Raphael. Die Grundprincipien iler Sch 'lliag'.sclii^n Naturphilosophie. Berlin. 1881. O. 36 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Eocli, C. Friedrich. Historisclie Gramniatik der eugii>.cheii Sprache. Weimar, 1863-8. 3 v. O. 425 18 — Shakspere's Name. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1885.) — Die vocalischen Ablei- tungen im Angelsachsischen undderenVerlauf. — EtvMiologisches Worterbuch der englischen Sprache von E. Muller. (In same. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 Eocli, F. A. de, editor, see Diiral. V. J. (Fai- vres...vie. 1784. ' 840 3 Eocli, (Jeorg Anotheus. Vollstilndiges Wiirter- bucli zu den Gedichten de.s P. Vergilius Maro. 4 Auflage. Hannover, 1870. O. 873 10 Eoch, Jidiann. On 1 : An original version of tlie Kniglit's tale, 2: The date and personages of the Parlament of foules. 3 : Queue Anelida and the false Arcyte, 4 : Lollius; Chaucerand Boccaccio's Decamcrone; Ap|iendix. (/» Essays on Chaucer. i;t. 4, 1878; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 18.) .821 46 Eoch, Earl Ueinrich Kniil. Die Krim und Odessa; Reise-Erinnerungen. Leipzig. 1854. O. 914.7 21 Eoch, Max. Gottsched und die Keforin der deutsclien Literatur im In Jahrliundert. Ham- burg, 1887. O. 32 p. (-/»t Virchow ? * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Eohl, Johann Georg. Alpenreisen. Dresden, 1849-51. 3 V. in 1. O. .551.43 22 — Geschichte des Golfstroms und seiner Erfor- schung. Bremen, 1868. O. maps. 551.47 2 — Hundert Tage auf Reiseu in den osterreichi- schen Staaten. Dresden, 1842. 5 v. O. maj). iltp. 914,3 15 — Die Marschen und Inseln der Herzogthiimer Schleswig und Holstein. Dresden, 1846. 3 v. in 1. O. il. 914.3 12 — Reise nach Istrien, Dalmatien und Montene- gro. Dresden, 1851. 3 v. S. 914.3 19 — Reiseii in Siidrussland. 3 vermelirte Auflage. Dresden, 1847. 3 v. D. map. 914.7 22 — Skizzen aus Natur- und Volkerleben. Dres- den, 1851. 2 V. in 1. O. 304 3 — Ueber Klangmalerei in der deutschen Spra- che. Berlin, 1873. O. 56 p. (7?i Virchow "!•■ 343 23 Kollmann, Julius. Elementares Leben. Berlin, 1883. O. 36 p. an Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 KoU T&.uv(TTavTivovK6\eL. 1844. O. tab. 914.9 44 —French: Constantiniade ; ou, De.scription de Constantinople ancienne etnioderne; compos^e par un philologue et archeologue ; traduite du grec par M. R. Constantinople, 1846, O. pl. tab. map. 914.9 45 Konstberider-Faniilieu, see Ingemann, B. S. Noveller. Den Konstitutionelle, Nissespil, see Werge- land, H. A. T. Kontopoulos, Nikolaos. A lexicon of Modern Greek - English and English - Modern Greek. London, 1868. v. 1. O. ^gg j Vol. 1: Modern Greek - English. Konnng Carl XI, liistorisk reman, see Arfwed- son, K. D. Konnnga styrilse, .see Kununga. KONUNGS 384 KORNER UP [KonungS skuggsjii:] Kongs-skugg-sio, utlogd a daunsku og latinu; udgivetaf Half dan Einer- sen. Sorae, 1768. sqQ. 839.(58 19 — Speculum regale ; eiii altnorwegischer Dia- log: herausggeben von Oscar Brenner. Miiii- chen, 18IS1. O. 839.68 19.1 — Blom, 0. Bemaerkninger oui Kongespeilets Affattelsestid. il. {In Copenhagen— K.nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 3, \mi.) 948 5 — Steen«triip, J, J. S. Hvad er Kongespeilets "Havgjerdinger"? et Bidrag til For.staaelse af Kougespeilet og til Bestemnielsen af dets Af- fattelsestid. (In same. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 Kooij, K. K. Proeve van een ontwerp tot af- sluiting der Zuiderzee. Sneek, 1870. O. 20 p. map. 627 44 Koulninn, J. ten Doornkaat, see Doornkaat- Koohnan. Eoopnian, Harry Lyman. Treasures of the Marsh library. (//( Ariel. 1889.) 080 40 Proof-sheets in envelope. — A trial bibliography of George Perkins Marsh. (In Library journal, v. 11, 1886, p 474-7.) In main library^ Republished with corrections in this volume. See (Uso University cynic, v. 4. 1886, p. 101. 080 35 ; (dm in Library .iournal for June, 1890, "Geortre Perkins Marsh; on finishing: the catalogue of his library;" a sonnet. Koorknaap, see Lennep, J. van. Eomant. werken, 11. ' Kopisch, Ang'iist. Gesammelte Werke; herans" gegeben von Freundes Hand [Carl Botticher]- Berlin, 1856. 5 v. S. 831 54 Contents: 1-3. Lieder. 4. Dramatisches. 5. Prosaisches. — Zum Leben des Dichters vom Herausgrebet . — editor & translator. Agrunii; volksthiiinliche Poesien aus alien Mundarten Italiens. Berlin, 1838. .S. 859 4 Eopke, Ernst Rndolf Anastasins. Deutsche Forscliungen; die Anfiinge desKoiiigthuins bei den Gothen. Berlin, 1859. O. 943 7 bound with 937 6 Koppe, C.Die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete des Vertnessiingswesens in Preussen unter der ReglerungKoiiig Wi'lielm I. Hamtiurg, 1889. O. 28 p. [In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Koppen, Adolph Ludvig, see Ka^ppcn. Kopken, Heinrich David. Solennia Martinalia Sverinensia: aildita coiijeotura de enruni ori- gine. [In Westplliilen, E. ,1. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 2.) 943 21 Koppniann, Karl, editor, see Seebiicli. 1876. . 839.1 8 Kojjson, Knud, bishop of Viborrj. Juris Danici & .jutici liliri 2 ; piirtini expositionibu.s leguiu Juti:e 15U7 ab illoeditis subjunctw. (In West- phiilen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 21 Kora orli Alcirizo, opera, see Adlcrhcfli, (J. («. KOIIAKS, Adaniantlos. Ar^^nropoulos, K. P. A670!, 20 /ioioi/ 1850 [, on D. Koraes]. 'Ev AS^rais, 1850. O. 52 p. 928 35 Koran. [Colophon: Written l)y the poor and humljle man, who confesses Ids W(>akness and incapacity, the Seid Ibrahinial-Rushdial Husa- ini, of the descendants of Amir Seid All al- Hamadani (may his soul be sanctified!) al Sub- hani. In tlie year 1267 (A. D. 18.50).] S. 297 3 The above translation was kindly furnished by Prof. C. H. Toy. who adds. "'No title-page. No place given. It looks like a Constantinople edition. The writer seems to be of Persian extraction. French : Le Koran ; traduction nouvelle par Kasimirski. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de notes, commentaires et index. Paris, 1853. D. 297 2.1 Macassar : Pioeve eener Makassaarsche ver- taling des Korans [by B F. Matthes]. Amster- dam [,1856]. O. 1-1-89-106 p. 899 2 KORDOFAN. Riippell, W. P. E. S. Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan... Frankfurt a. M., 1836. O. pi. maj)s. 910.2 35 Korlstka, Kdroly Ferencz Ediiard, Hitter von. Die hohe Tatra in den Central-Karpaten ; eine geographische Skizze. Gotha, 1864. sqQ. |3-1-] 36 p. il. pi. mup). (In Petermanns Mitthei- lungen: Ergiinzungsband 3.) 910 44 Kormaks saga; sive, Koriraki O^gmundi filii vita ; cum interpretatione Latina, dispersis Kormaki c.nrminibus, et indicibus. Hafniee, 1833. O. 839.63 51 Sumptibus legati Maernajani. — Bnggre, E. S. Om Verserne i Kormaks Saga. (In Co]>enliageii — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- boger. V, 24, 1889.) 948 5 — Olsen, B. M. Om Verserne i Kormaks Saga' (In same. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 Korn, Friedrlch, pseudonym F. Nork. Mytho- logie der Volkssagen und Volksm'ahrchen. Stuttart, 1848. S. (/u Sehelble, J. Das Kloster, V. 9.) 837 16 — Die Sitten und Gebrauche der Deutschen und ibrer Nachliarvolker, mit Bezugnahme auf Mvthen und Volkssagen. Stuttgart, 1849. S. (In same. v. 12.) 837 16 — editor. Der Festkalender. Stuttgart, 1847. S. pi. (In same. v. 7.) 837 16 Kornella Vossius, see Lennep, J. van. Romant. werken, 14. KSrner, Friedrlch. lUustrirte geographische Bilder aus Preussen. Leipzig, 18.56. 2 v. O. il. 2)1. (Das Vaterlandsbuch, V. 5-6.) 914.3 3 — Der Menscli unil die Natur; Skizzen aus dem Kultur- und Naturleheu. Leipzig, 1853. O. 551 41 Korner, Karl Theodor. Leyer und Schwert. 6 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1824. D. 83155 Kornernp, J. LVglise deGumliise en Scanie. il. pi. — L'egljse de Storelieddinge en Selande il. — Peintures nun-ales decouvertes dans quelques eglises du Danemark. il. pi. — Les eglises de bois en Danemark all moyen-age. //. — Les anciennes eglises a tour-gemines dans les vil- lages danois. //. — Figures enigmatiques d'hom- mes et d'animan.x employees dans T architec- ture danoise a>i moyen-age. (/h Copen- hiison— K rd. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. n. s. V. 1, IS(i6-71.) 948 3 — Gumlose Kirke i Skaane. //. pi. (In same. Aarboger. v. 1, 1866. (—Sailing Kirke ved Log- stor. (7. /)^— Storheildinge Kirkes Alder og tidligere Form. //. (In .syokc. v. 3, 1867.)— Om nogle i danske Kirker opdagede Kalkmalerier. il. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1868.)— Gamie danske Landsbj'kirker med Tvillingtaarne. il. — Om KORNER UP 385 • KREMEll den tidlige Middelaklers Tnckirker i Diimiiark. il. {In same. v. 4, 1809.) — Mateiialet i de aeldste danske Kirker, il. — Om iiogle af de gaadefulde Menneske- og Dyreskikkelser, soni forekoinme i vor Middelalders Konst. il. pi — {III xnini>. V. 5, 1870.) — Oui Middelalderens Fremstillinger af Cliristus paa Korset. il. (In same.v. 6, 1871.)— Oin Middelalderens Hegravel- sesmaade i Danmark. il. (In same. v. S, 1878.) — Fieiineslevlille Kirke. (In .same. v. 10, 1875.1 — Minder oniDrouningMargiethe Spriitii;- hest i Rostock og Doberan. il. — Skjalm Hvides Sliegts Grave og Skjoldnia;rker i Soro Kirke. il. (In same. v. 12. 1877.)— Oin den roskildske Biskop Peder Jacobson.s Skibbrud og Dod paa Kysten af Flandern. 1235. (In same. v. 13, 1878.)— Minder om Cistercienserklostret i Es- rom. om dets Stiftelse og dets Forbindelser med Clairvaux; — Tdlmg. (7. {In same. v. 14. 1879.) — Ora Esrom Klosters Forbindelser med Venden og de arehitektoniske S])or deraf. )7. — Om den tidlige Middelalders Stenhuggerknnst i Dan- mark. (7. (In same. r. 16, 1881.)— To Foredrag om gande Kalkmalerier. il. (In same. v. 19. 1884 )—Om Afbildninger af '• Lykkehjulet." {In .'«(me. v. 23. 1887.) — Johannes Do'berens Kapei i 0rslev Kirke, V. Flakkebjerg Herred. il. (/"u.w??ic. V. 33, 1888.) 948 5 Korfiiia', (t. Ueber die Aechtheit der einzelnen Theile des Roman dn Rou. (In Jalirbiiph roin. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 18ti7.) .S05 1 Kortiiiii, Kiiii Arnold. Leben, Meinungen und Thaten von Hieronimus Jobs. Hamm, 1839. 3 V. in 1. S. il. pi. 837 2 . With an engravea title: Die .Jobsiade, ein grotesk- komisches Heldengedicht. Kosegrarten, Johnun (lOttfriedLudwlgr. Chre- stomatliia Arabica. tum adseriptis vocalibns, tum additis lexicoet adnotationibusexplanata. Lipsiae, 1828. O. 492.7 7 — Wcirterbuch der niederdeutschen Siirache alterer und neuerer Zeit. Greifswald, 185(i-fi0. V. l,pt. 1-3. sqQ. 439.1 2 A— aiiKetoeet. No more published. Koster, Joliann Adolpli. Johann Adolfi's, genannt Neocorus, Chronik des Landes Dith- marschen: herausgegeben von F. C. Dahlinann. Kiel, 1827. 2 v. O. jA. map. 943 49 KOSZTA, Martin. Marclii, F. A. de. Delia liberazione di M. Koszta. Sniirne, 1853. s(|Q. [10] ]). por. 091 3 A poem in ms. See also Life and letters of G. P. Marsh V. 1, chap. 13. Kotscliy, Theodor. Reise in den cilicischen Taurus iiber Tarsus. Gotha, 1858. O. pi. maps. 551.43 53 Kottowltz, Crustar voii. Der Curort Gleichen- berg, mit seinen Heihjiiellen. Wien, 1847. O. G15 14 Krafft, Hans ITIrich. Reisen und Gefangen- schaft; herausgegeben von K. D. Haszler. Stuttgart, 1861. O. (In Stuttgart— Lit. Vereiii. Bibl. 61.) * 915.G 18 Krag, Niels (Latin Nieolaiis Cragius). Annali- um lil)ri 6, quibus res Daniose ab exce..")-.'iSl.) «!«<» 3 Kruse, Friedrieh Karl Hermann. Om Russer- nesieldsteXilvaerelsei Russland ogByz;iiiz under Navn af Gother, Varajger. Foederati og Russer; oversat af L. Kevper. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab.Annaler. v. 5,1844-5.) 948 3 — ijber die Herkunf t des alten russischen Fur- stengescblechtes aus Jutland. — Resultate eini- ger Untersuchungen iiber die Altertliiimer in Livland, Curland und Estbland. (7?; same. Me- moires. r. 1, 1836-9. )— Verbesserungen zu der Stammtafel des russischen Grossfiirsten Rurik. {In same. v. 3, 1845-9.) 948 3 —editor, see Seetzen, U. J. Reisen. 1854-9. 915.6 6 Krnse, R. H. Et Bidrag til Limfjordens Histo- ric i det lite Aarhundrede. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 4, 1869.) 948 5 Krzistaiiovic, Stanislas. Status regni Polonife. (/)( Respublica Polonia?. 1637.; 094 51 Kiichlin, Geiso. Reimchronik. (In Mnnich— K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Sfadte. V. 4, 1865: Augsburg, v. 1.) 943 24 Kudriaffsky, Eufeniia von. Japan ; vier Vor- tr'age,nebst eineniAnhang japanischer Original- Predigten. Wien, 1874. O. pZ. 915.2 2 Kndrnn, see Gndrun. KlIETT, the word. (Jislason, K. Kue t et Forklaringsforsog. (/?; Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 1-2, 1866-7.) 948 5 Kngler, Bernhard. Studien zur Geschichte des zweiten Kreuzzuges. Stuttgart, 1866. O. 940 12 — Wallenstein. Berlin. 1873. O. 39 p. (In Virehowcfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie. )043 1 Kniilmaun, Charles Frederic, Applications des silicates alcalins solubles. Paris, 18.57. O. 93 p. 666 1 Kilhne, August, editor, see FAUST, J. Das alteste Faustbuch. 1868. 832 4 Kiihus, Friedrieh Julius. Die Bedeutung iscoi)i)ium Slesviceii.siuin. (In Laiig'ebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1H;!4. V. 7.) 948 76 — Chronicon episcoporuni Slesviceiisiuiii. il. — DipUimatariuiu coenoliii .Slesvicensi.s St. Jolian- nis, 13.50-156(j. (Tn Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1730-4.1, v. :S.) !>43 'Jl KUPFERSCHMIDT, Joliaiiii AiloIpli.I'aliiiciiis, J.,tfc FeilStkillg', C. F.Notie & olwervatiDnes ad Cvpraji Anuales episcoporum Slesvic, IfiW, 8. (Tn same.) 943 21 Kiippers, I^iiaz. Der Apoxyomenos des Ly.'^ip- pos uiid die grieclii,-!che PaliVstra. Berlin. i.S7;l O. r)6 p. pi. (In Virchow Vaa:iier, M. Reise nach Persien und dem LandederKurden. Leipzig,1853. 2t. O. 915.5 6 Kiiirer, Wilheliii Heiiirich von. Ueber kiesel- sauie Verl)indungen CWa.sserglas) und deren Verwendung. Zwickau, 18.i7. O. 4 + 48 p. GGC 1 Knrtzel, .V. Der Jesuit Giraid und seine Heilige. (In Raumer, F. L. ii. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1843.) — Geschichte der Law' scben Finanzoperation in Frankreicli. ( In same. 1846.) 905 1 Knrz, Heiniicli, editor. Deutsche Bil)lii)thek-. Saniinliing seltener Schriften der illteren deut- schen National-Literatur: mit Erliluterungen. Leipzig, 1862-8. 10 v. in 9. D. 830 6 Coiilni/x: 1-2. .Ksiipiis. Escipus, von Burkliard WaWis. 8-6. (iriiniiiclsliiiiiscn, II. .1. C. von. Simplicianisuhe .Sthrif- ten. i. Wickraiii. .1. Hollwasrenhuohlein. s-10. Fisrlmrt, J. sitinnitlichf Dichtuntren. Eiitsclikelied, .tee Pistorins, H. A. Knyper, Gerrit. Elements degrammaire neer- landaise. Nouvelle edition augmentee. La Haye, 1870. D. 435.35 4 KYLFISGAR, tlie word. Muncli, P. A. Oni 0|)rindelsen til Benjevnelsen '•Kylfingar" eller "Kollia^Ker" i det gamle Gardarike. (In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 17, 18.57.) 94fS 3 Kynire Johan, a play, see Bale, J. Kyrko-invigningeii i Hammarby, see Carl6ii. E. S. F. KYTELER, .ilice. A contemporary narrative of tlie proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler for sorcery, 1324. London, 1843. sqO. (/»'Cam- den soc. 24.) jj20 4 L., D. M, de. El mansueto; 6, Las cuevas de Monserrat. leyenda bistorica. 2 edicion. Bar- celona, 1860. O. J)!. 914.(! 8 LAKE LAACH. Soggeratli, J. Der Laaclier See und seine vulkanischen Unigebunt'en Berlin, 1870. O. 32 p. (In Virchow * Hol- tzeadorff. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Labat, Jean Baptiste, Nouveau vovage aux isles de rAmerit]iie. La Haye, 17241 6 v. S. pi. maps. 917.2 7 —editor, see Arvieiix, L. d.' Memoires. 17.35. Labannie, Jnles, & Regnanlt, E. J. S. 0. Suite des Etats-Unis, depuis 1812. 1849. pi. (hi L'univers, 1.) 9j0 18 Lalii'Miia, Pcre. Diccionari de la llingua cata- lana, ab la correspondencia castellena y llatina. Barcelona, 1839-40. 2 v. O. " 467 4 Labia, Angelo .Maria.Poesie satiricbe. Venezia, 1817. S. (//( Gainba, It. Col. venez. 10.) 859 50 Les propos de Labicnus, xee Ro^eard, L. A. Labitle, Charles, editor, see Le Roy P . cfc othirs. Satyre menippee. 1841. 847 3 La Bi)etie, Ktienne de. II contr' uno: o, Delia .servitii volontaria: con la lettera de Montaigne circa alia morte dell" autore; prima veisione italiaiia di Pietro Fanfani. Milano, 1864. S. 12-1-64 p. (//( Bibl. rara. 39.) 850 3 La Rolinn, Jack, pseudonym of Vecclij, V. LAItOR. Brassey, T. On work and wages. 3 edition. London, 1872. O. 331 2 — Cbaiiiiing-, W. E. Lectures on the elevation of the laboring portion of the community. (In his Works, 1848, v. 5.) 208 2 — Eiigel, E. Der Preis der Arbeit. Berlin, 1866. O. 70 1). (In Virchow & Holtzendorlf. Vor- triige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Contents: 1. Wesen und Preis der .\rl)eit. 2. Die Selbst- kosten der Arbeit. — Le Play, P. (J, F. Lorganisation du travail selon lacoutuiiie des ateliers et la loi du deca- logue. Sedition. Tours, 1871. D. 3319 — Riiskin, J. Time and tide by Weare and Tyne; twenty-five letters on the "laws of work. 2 edition. London, 1868. S. .331 11 —.Simon, J. F. L'ouvriere. 2 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 3:-ji 12 — Stahl, F. W. Die Arbeiterfrage sonst und jetzt. Berlin, 1872. O. 47 p. (Deutsche zeit- und Streit-Fragen, v. 1, no. 6.) 331 10 — Sfamni, F. Geschichte der Arbeit: Volkslese- bucb. Wien, 1870. O. 331 15 — StralTorello, G. I fenomeni della vita indu- striale. Torino, 1870. D. 331 16 — Siiiidt, E. L. Oni Husfliden i Norge. 2 Oplag. Kristiania, 1867-8. D. 331 17 —Thompson, J. P. The workman, his false anil true friends. NewYork[,c 1879]. S. 331 18 — \Vrig:ht, T., Jonrneymmi engineer. Some haliits and customs of the working classes. London, 1867. D. 337 19 — EimCATIOX. Ferrai-io, E. Qual' e la morali- ta de' campagnuoli e come possa mit;liorarsi. Milano, 1875. D. 333 7 Martelet, — . De I'utilite des etudes scien- tifiipies pour les onviiers. (In Thevenin, E. Entretiens, 1866, v. 2, p. 171-238.) 304 5 Robert, C. F., editor. De I'ignorance des populations ouvrieres et rurales en France, et des causes qui tendent a la perpetuer. Montbe- liard. 1863. O. [1 + ] 64 p. 331 10 .'fee also ALS.«E: BODILY HEAT: CHILDREN'; COOPER- ATION: (JILDS: MIMMJ; PEASANTRY; SILK; WOMAN. Laborde, Leon Eminauuel Simon Josepli, inarqnisde. Journey through Arabia Petra-a to Mt. Smai and the excavated city of Petra 2edition. London, 1838. O. il. pi. map. 915.315 —Notice des emaux, bijoux et objets divers du Louvre. Paris, 1853. 2v.ini. D. il. 751 1 "Vahiahle as a glossary." Xote tjij .Mr. Marsh. LaBrocqiiiere, Bertraudon de, see Bertrandon. LA VHATRE 388 LAGO MAGGIORE La Chatre, Clande de. Memoire du voyage du due de Guise en Italie, etc. , 155R-7. (/w Midland & Poujonlat. Memoires, 186B, v. 8.) 944 9 La Cliatre, £dine, comte de Nanfay. Meinoires. 1642-8. (In same. v. 27. ) 944 9 With Observations de M. le comte de Brienne sur les mfimoires. Lacliiiiaiiii, Karl Kourad Friedricli Wilheliii. Ueber die deiu Bottliius zugeschriebeneii ai^ri- niensorischen Stiicke; — Ueber Frantinus, Bal- bus, Hyginusund Aggenus Urbicus. (/uBluiiiP, F. Schrifteu der roin. Feldmesser, 1848-.i2, V. 2.) 526 2 The Latin title of v. I is Gromatici veteres ex recen- sione C. Lachnianni. — editor, see Hartmanu von An.e. Gregorius. 1838. 831 36 Iwein. 1838. 831 37 Lichtenstein, U. von. 1841. 831 85 Waltlier von der Vogelweide. 1843. 831 88 Wolfram von Eschenbach. 1833. 831 93 — & Haiipt, M., editors. Des Minnesangs Fruh- ling. Leipzig, 1857. O. 831 9 — Griiiiin, J. L. K. Rede auf Lachmann. (In his Kleinere Scliriften, 1864-90, v. 1.) 408 2 Lacoiiibe, Paul. Les amies et les armures. Paris, 1868. D. il. (In Cliartou, E. T. Bibl. des merveilles.) 399 3 La Coiidrette. The romans of Partenay or of Lusignen. otherwise liiiown as tlie tale of Melusine; translated from tlie French about 1500-20: edited, with introduction, notes and glossarial index, bv Walter W. Skeat. London. 1866. O. (In E. E.'textsoc. Orig. ser. 22.) 820 5 Lacoiir, Lonis, editor, see Sauvage, J. Me- moire clu voiage en Russie en 1586; Expedition de Drake. 1855. 973 20 Lacretelle, Jean Charles Dominique de. Le 13 vendeiniaire. (In Barriere & Lescnre. Me- nioires, 18.57-81, t. 80.) 944 10 Laci'oi.x, Fr^d^ric. Guide du voyageur a Con- stantinople et dans ses environs. Paris, 1839. D.. 914.9 43 — lies Baleares et Pithyuses. 1847. pi. map. (In Knnlvers. 35.) 910 18 ^Patagonie, Terre-du-Feu et archipel des Ma- louines. — Regions circoiiipolaires. 1840. pi. map. (In same. 10.) 910 18 — Perou et Bolivie. 1843. pi. map. (In same. 12.) 910 18 — Possessions anglaises dans I'Araerique du Nord. 1849. i^l. (In same. %.) 910 18 — editor, see Annnaii'o des voyages. 1847. 91047 Lacroix, Louis. lies de la Grece. Paris. 1853. O. pi. maps. (In L'nnivers. 53.) 910 18 — Nuini. B.J j>nhlisher. Carta topogralica del Lago Maggiore e della strada della S(>m])i- one. Torino, 1869. 66x106 cm. in O. 912 20 LAG OMAGG TORE 389 LA MB IN Lagomagg:iore, M., editor. Rime genovesi del sec. 13 e 14. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 2, 187(i.) 450 11 La Grange,— mar(/!u'.se de, editor, see Malbois- siere, L. de. Lettres d'une jeune fille. 18GG. ' 84e 6 Der Laien Doctrinal ; ein altsassisches gereini- tes Sittenlmch; lieraiisgeKeben unci niit einem Glossal- veisehen von K. F. A. Schellei-. Braun- schweig, 1825. D. 83i).2 11 Lainn;', Samuel, translator, see Stnrlusoii, S. The heimslvnngla. 1889. .S39.(!;{ 16.1 Laiiig, Sidney Herbert. Wiileilegter Daiwinis- mus: uebtfr Darwin"s Theorie der Abstaniinung des Menschen; aus deni Englischen. Leipzig, 1872. O. [3 + ] 80 p. 573 3 Lake, Sir Edward. Account of his interviews with Charles I. on being created a baronet; edited by T. P. Langniead. 1858. {In. Camden misc. 4: iti Camden soc. 73.) 820 4 Lake, Dr. Edward. Diary, 1677-8 ; edited by George Percy Elliott. 1846. {In same. 1; Hd.) 820 4 Lake, J. W.The life of Lord Byron. {In Byron, a. Works, 1831, V. 1.) 821 33 LAKE UWELLINOS. Desor, E. Les palafittes, ou constructions lacustres du lac de Neuchiitel. Paris, 1865 O. il. 571 3 — Fortidsminder i Schweiz's Indsoer ; Anniel- delse af Habitations lacustres, par F. Troyon. {In Copenhagen— K. uord. Old.-Selskab. Anti- quarisk Tidsskrift. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 — Lioy, P. Le abitazioni lacustri. (In his Con- ferenze. 1872.) 570 1 bound icith 551.58 120 — Pigorini, L. Lt" abitazioni lacustri di Peschi- era nel Lago di Garda. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei.Atti. 3 ser. sci fls. v. 1, 1876-7.) 005 6 ^Troyon, F.Om antiquariske Fund i Schweiz's Indsoer. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Sel- skab. Antiquarisk Tidss'krift. v. 4, 1852-4.)948 4 — VircllOW, R. Ueber Hiinengriiber und Pfahl- bauten. Berlin, 1866. O. 86 p. (/» Virehow d- Holtzendorff.Vortrage. 1 Serie.)043 1, 571 4 LAKES. Credner, (t. R. Die Reliktenseen. Gotlia, 1887-8. 2 V. in 1. sqQ. maps. (In Peter- manns MitUieiluugen: Erg'anzungsband 19.) 910 44 See (duo AKAt; CASPIAN SEA; OOMO; FUCIXO; SE.^. OP GAI.IIiEK; OKORCJE; HAARI.EJI; JIRA; LAAt'H; I/AGO MAOCilOKE: PERUtilA: SALI'I; SALZKAMJIEROIT; VAL- LEYS Lally-Tolendal, Trophine (Jerard, »iOiv/(ns de. Meinoires concernaiit Marie-Antoinette. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 18.57-81, v. 7.) 944 10 Professedly by J. Weber, foster-brother of the queen. La Lonpe {Latin Liipanus), Vincent de. Com- mentarii demagistratibus et praafecturis Fran- corum. (In Respnblica Galliw. 1626.) 094 27 La Lnniia, Isidoro. I Roniani e le guerre ser- vili in Sicilia. 2 edizione. Torino, 1874. O. 937 18 hound with 6 — Studi di storia siciliana. Palermo, 1870. 2 v. D. 945 108 Lamarca, Lnis. Ensayo de un diccionario va- lenciano-castellano. 2 edicion-, aumentada. Valencia, 1842. T. 10-1-72 p. 4G7 7 Laniarelie, Hippolyte Dumas de. Les Turcs et les Knsses; histoire de la guerre d'orient. Paris, 118.541. F. |l-l-J68)i. il.maps. 949 55.1 bound irith 913 17 La Marche, Olivier de. Memoires, 1435-89. por. — L'estat de la maison du due Charles de Bour- gongne, dit le Hardy, 1474, por. (In Midland * Ponjonlat. Memories, 1.866, v. 3.) 944 9 La Mark, Kobert de, seigneur de Fleurange, see Fleiirange. La Marmora, Alfonso Ferrero, di. Un po' pill di luce suglieventi politici e militari dell' anno 1866. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1873, O. 945 37 — Schiarimenti e rettificlie. Firenze, 1868. O. 44 p. 945 38 Lamb, Cliarles. Letters, with a sketch of his life bv Thomas Noon Talfourd. London, 1837. 2 v. 6. 2)or. 826 3 — Literary sketches and letters; lieing final me- morials; by Thomas Noon Talfourd. New York, 1848. D. 826 4 —Poetical works. London, 1836. D. 821 70 —Prose works. London, 1836. 3 v. O. 824 13 — editor. Specimensof English dramatic poets, who lived about the time of .Shakspeare. New edition. London, 1835. 2 v. D. 822 1 —Clarke, C. C, <& M. V. N. C. Charles Lamb and his letters. — Mary Lamb. (In their Recol- lections. 1878.) 928 3 — De (juincey, T. (In his Biog. essays. 1850.) — Recollections of Lamb. (In his Literary reminiscences, 1851, v. 1.) 824 10 Lambarde, William. Eirenarchia; or. Of the office of the justices of the peace. London, ' 1582. D. 347 1 Lambeek, Peter, annotator, see Rembertns, St. S. Anscharii vita gemina. 1677. 923 93 Lambel, Hans, editor. ErziUilungen und .Schwanke. Leipzig, 1872. D. ( r« Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Classiker. 12.) 831 15 Volniar. Das Steinbuch. 1877. 831 86.1 Lambert li Tors & Alexandre of Bernay. Li romans d'Alixandre; herausgegeben von Hein- rich Michelant. Stuttgart, 1846. O. (In Stutt- gart—Lit. Verein. Bibl. 13.) 841 22 Lambert of Aschaflfenburg. monk of Hirschfeld. Annales, ex recensione Hessii. Hannoverae, 1843. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 5.) 943 16 Lambert, Ernest. Eucalvptus; son role en Al- gerie. Paris, 1873. O. 56 p. 551.58 115 Lambert, Louis. La bago d'or, version de Belesta. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 2, 1871.) — Chant des crieurs de nuit, en Langue- doc. music. (In same. v. 3, 1872.) — Contes populaires. — Petites compositions populaires. (In same. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Lamberti, Antonio. Poesie. 'Venezia. 1817. 3 V. S. (In (iamba, B. Col. venez. 1-3.J 859 50 Contents: 1. Canzonette. 2. Apologhi e idillj. 3. Le quattro stasioni campestri e olttadine. Lambertini, Prospero, cardinal, see Benedict XIV., pope. Lanibiu, Jan Jacob, editor, see Dixmude, 0. van. Merkwaerdige gebeurtenissen in Vlaen- deren en Brabant. 1835. 949 22 LAMBREGHT 390 LAND Lambrecht. Alexander. [In Massinanii, H. F. DeakmjBler. 1828.) 831 11 — Same. (7w sawic. Deutsche Gediclite. 1837.) 831 Vi Lambrecht Hensmans, see Conscience, H. Lanieuti storici dei secoli 14-16, see Medin, A., d- Fniti, L., editors. II laniento della beata vergine Maria, e Le allegrezze; in rima. Bulogna, 1863. D. 23 p. (//( Scelta di curiosita. 15.) 850 10 Laniento di Ceccoda Varlungo,seel{aldovini,F. Lameiito di Fiorenza; con la guerra, e con patti e convenzioni con la Santita, 1529-30, Bologna, 1864. D. 36 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 47.) 850 10 Lami, Vittorio, editor, see Fortegnerri, G. Norelle. 1882. {In same. 191.) 850 10 Lanii-Denozaii, — , editor, see La Sale, A. de. Histoire du Petit Jehan de Saintre. 1830. 843 26.1 Lamnia, Ernesto, editor, see Correggiari, M. Le riine.1891. (In Scelta di curiosita. 24 1.)850 10 Eldyalogo di Salomoue e Marcolpho. 1885. (In same. 209.) 850 10 Lanimers, .August. Die geschichtliche Eutwick- lung des Freihandels. Berlin. 1869. O. 55 p. (/(I VlrchoTVct" Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1 LAMOI(t>'ON, Giiillaunie de, marquis de Ba- ville. Flechier, E. Oraison funebre de Lamoi- gnon. (In Bossnet, J. B. Or. fun. 1858.) 845 2 Laraoni, Piiccio, annotator, see Llppi, L. Mal- mantile racipiistato. 1688. 857 11.1 La Motte, Antolne Hondart de. Fables nou- velles; avec un discours sur la fable. Paris, 1719. sqQ. il.l)l. 841 23 La Motte Foutin^, Caroline (von Briest), Ba- roniii de. Erzahlungen; neue Sammlung. Jena. 1821. 3v. S. 833 20 La Motte Fouqiifi, Friedricli Heinrich Karl, Freilierr de. Ausgewiiblte Werke. Ausgabe letzter Hand. Halle, 1841. 12 v. in 6. T. 8.33 21 Lanipe, Joakim. Handelsordbog. Chri.stiania, 1870. O. (550 1 Lanipertico, Fedele. La proprieta. Milano, 187(). D. 331 8 Lanipreclit, -we Lamltreclit. Lana, Jacopo della, commentator, see Dante .Vliyhieri. lomedia. 1866. (In Emilia. Collezi- oue. 38-40.) 850 6 Lanari, Antonio. La schiava, tragedia lirica; niusica dal Francesco Cortesi. Firenze, 1852. S. 32 p. 852 1 [Lancelot :| Dell' illustre et famosa historia di Lancillotto dal Lago, alcuni capitoli a .saggio. Bologna, 1862. D. 72 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 23.) 850 10 — Lancelot of the lalk; a Scottish metrical ro- mance, about 1490-1500 ; re-edited, with intro- duction, notes, and glossarial inde-x, by W. W. Skeat. London, 1865. O. (/» E. E. "textsoc. Orig. ser. 6.) S20 5 — Le roman de Lancelot du lac. 3 v. (In Paris, A. I'. Romans de la table ronde, 1868-77, v. 3-5.) 2!)3 10 — Roman van Lancelot, 13 eeuw ; naar het eenig-bekende haudschrift uitgegeven door W. J. A. Jonckbloet. 's Gravenhage, 1846-9. 2 v. in 1. sqF, 293 7 —Sir Lancelot of Dulake. (In Percy, T. Folio ms., 1867-8, v. 1.) 821 6 Lances de amor y fortuna, see Calderon. v. 1. Laucctti, Vinceuzo, translator, .see Petronins Arbiter, C. Satire. 1863. (In BlbL rara. -1.) 850 3 Lancia, Andrea. Novelle, di secolo 14. Bo- logna, 1873. D. 75 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 134.) 850 10 Lanciani, Kodolfo. Di alcune opere di risana- mento dell' Agro roraanoeseguitedagliantichi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Jis. V. 4, 1878-9.) 005 4 — Intorno alia grande pianta di Roma antica. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — Iscrizioni dell' Anfiteatro flavio. Roma, 1880. Q. 76 p. pi. 471 5 — Iscrizioni di Cures: lettera a Teodoro Momm- sen. n. p. [,187-.] Q. 8 p. 913 13 — Scavi di Ostia. Roma, 1881. Q. 13 p. 913 17 — Sulle vicende edilizie di Roma. Roma. 1878. Q. [1 + ] 49 p. 913 11 — Supplementi al volume 6 del Corpus inscrip- tionum Latinarum. Roma, 1881. Q. 47 )). i)l. 471 5 — Topografia di Roma antica; I commentarii di Frontino intorno le acque e gli aquedotti; sil- loge epigrafica aquaria. Roma, 1880. F. p/. 628 5 hound with ((27 4 — Same. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. mor. v. 4, 1879-80.) 065 o LAND. Bergs0e, A. F. Motiveret Udkast til en Creditforening for danske Grundbesiddere. Kjobenhavn, 1839. O. 332 1 — Bertagnolli, C. La colonia parziaria. Roma, 1877. D. 333 3 — Cibrario, tJ. A. L. Delia schiavitii e del servaggio. e specialmente dei servi agricoltori. Milano, 1868. 2 v. O. 326 1 ^Jacini, S. La proprieta fondiaria e le popo- lazioni agricole in Lombardia. 2 edizione. Milano, 1856. D. tab. map. 333 10 Same. 3 edizione. Milano, 1857. O. 333 11 — Koenen, H. J. De Nederlandsche boeren- stand bistorisch bescbreven. Haarlem. 1858. O , 333 12 — Lavergne, L. G. L. G. de. Econoniie lurale de la France depuis 1789. 2 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 338 7 — Malenotti, I. II padron contadino. (^olle, 1883. S. 333 14 — Micliele, B, I catasti d' Italia e 1' econoniia agricola in Sicilia. Messina, 1875. O. 336 5 —Negri, (J. B. ...Studj e risiioste ai quesiti della giunta agraria sulle [condizioni delle classi agricole in Italia]. Como, 1878. O. 333 16 — Ral)ben(), A. II contr.atto di mezzadria . Reg- gioneir Emila, 1874. D. .333 16.1 — Sonnino, S. I contadini in Sicilia. Fironze, 1877. O. 314 16 Das Meiersystem in Toscana. (hi Hille- brand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) 945 41 — Sleenackcrs, F. F. Le i)avsan, I'inipot et le suflfrage univcrsel. Paris, 1869. D. 333 17 LAND 391 LANGE — Stivanollo, L. C. Proprietarii e coltivatori nellii iiroviiicia di Venezia. Venezia, 1873. Q. 333 18 .Set «/«/ liATTLK AliHKV; ITALY— COMMUNAL LAXDS; JUTLAND; II. S.-l'i;ilLl(: LAXDS. Landais, Napoleon. Graniniaire generale des gi'ainmaires t'ran9aises. 5 edition. Paris, 184.'i. Q. 445 3 Interleaved. — & Barre,L. Dictiounaire des rimes f ran(;aises. Nouvelle ediiion. Paris, 1873. T. pi. 440 1 Lander, Richard & Joliii. Journal of an expe- dition to explore tlie Niger. New York, 1833. 3 V. S. il. puv. map. (Harper's fam. lib. 35-6.) 916.6 6 L.iM)ES. Bivort, J, B. Dissertation sur les nieilleurs nioyens de fertiliser les landes de la Campine et des Ardennes. [Brussels? 1846?] sqQ. 60 p. 631 17 hound with 354.5 5 — Uiipoiicliel, A. Avant-projet pour la crt'ation d'un sol fertile a la surface des landes de Ga- scogne. Mont))ellier, 1864. O. 7ncq). 631 15 — Dii Trieii de Terdoiick, C. Dissertation sur les nieilleurs nioyens de fertiliser les landes de la Campine et des Ardennes. [Brussels? 1S46?] sqO. 33 p. 631 17 bound with 554.5 5 ^EeiieilS, A. M. Memoire sur la fertilisation des landes de la Campine et des dunes. Bru- xelles, 1849. O. il. 631 16 — Raingo, Q. B. J.De la fertilisation des landes dans la Campine et les Ardennes. [Brussels? 1846?] sqO. 68 p. 631 17 6otmd twY/i 554.5 5 Sfe aljso PINE. Lanilgrebe, Georg. Naturgeschichte der Vul- cane. Gotlia, 1855. 3 v. O. 551.21 3 Landois, >'arcisse, cfc Barrg, L. Complement du Dii'tionnairede r Academiefran^aise. Bru- xelles, 1839. sqF. 443 3 Laiidoni, Teodorico, editor, see Scelta di curi- osita. 8, 25, 63, 132. 850 10 Landor, Walter Savage. Works. London, 1846. 3v. O. 824 14 —The last fruit off an old tree. London, 1853. O. 824 15 Landr^. G. N. Dictiounaire de poclie fran9ais- hollandais, lionandais-fran9ais. Dordrecht, 1821. 2 V. in 1. T. 439.33 9 Laiidrin, Aruiand. Les inondations. Paris, 1880. D. il. {Ill Chartitn, E. Bibl. des mer- veilles.) 551.48 34 — Les plages de la Fiance. 2 edition, aug- mentee. Paris, 1868. D. il. {In same.) 590 12 Landslniter Rathschronik, 1439-1504. {In Mil- nich— K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deut- schen .Stadte, v. 15, 1878.) 943 24 Laiidt, J0rgen. Forsog til en Beskrivelse over Faeroerne. Kiobenhavn, 1800. D. pi. map. 914.915 Laudtsoldaten; en teckning ur folklifvet i Westergothland, see Gotlia. Laiidiicci, Ambrogio. Origine del tenipio dedi- cato in Roma alia Vergine detto hoggi del po- polo; data in luce dal . . . Niccolo Dalmatic. Roma, 1646. O. 230 9 Lane, Edward William. An account of the modern Egyptians, 1833-5. London, 1836. 3 v. D. il. pi. 916.2 9 —translator, see Arabian nights' entertain- ments. 1839-41. 892 2 Lane, John. Continuation of Chaucer's 'Squire's tale': editeooIiS.— Languages and dialects^of the British islands.— Probable relatitms of the Picts and Gael with the other tribes of Great Britian.— Origin and import of the augment in Sanscrit and Greek. — Origiu and import of the genitive case.— Derivation of words from prttnominal and pre]>ositional roots. — Certain initial letter-changes in the Indo-European languages.— Formation of words by the further modificaticni of inflected cases. — Relative impctrt of languag^.— Nature and analv&is of the verb, — Grimm, J. L. K. Kleinere Schriften. Berlin, 1864-90. 8 v. in 4. O. facsim. 408 3 — (jriiubaum, M. Mischsprachen und Sprach- mischungen. Berlin, 1885. O. 48 p. {In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff.Vortrage. 30 Serie.)043 1 — Helllij V. Kulturpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem t'bergang aus Asien in Europa. 2 Auf- lage. Berlin, 1874, O. 410 3 — Heyse, K. W. L. System der Sprachwissen- schaft; herausgegeben von H. Steinthal. Ber- lin, 1856. O. 401 4 — Holdon, E. S. On the number of words used in speaking and writing. Philadelphia, 1876. O. [7] p. 401 3 — Hovelac«lue, A. La linguistique. Paris, 1876. D. 400 1 — Klee, F. DealmeenculturhistoriskePrinciper for (le europa?iske Sprogs, (/" Copen- liag'en— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antictures on the science of language. 3 series. London, 1864. O. il. 401 7 Letture sopia la .scienza del linguaggio; tradotto da G, Nerucci. Milano, 1864. D. 401 6 LANGUAGE 393 LANMAN ^Murray, J. A. H. Eighth annual address of the president to tlie Pliilolngical society. 16 May 1879. [Loudon, 1879.] O." 64 p. 404 1 Conieiiln: Work of the society. 1878-9;— The society's dictionary;— Problems and principles of lexii^o^'rapliy. Itajiiii, P. Dialects of Italy.— Schieftier, F. A. Lanjruaj;es of' the Caucasus.— Doiiiicr, 0. Finnish and Lappish.— (list, K. N. Korean language.— Conclusion.— Specimen of the dictionary. —Noire, L. Max Miiller and the philosophy of language. London, 1879. O. 401 8 ^Ostlioft", H. Dasphy.siologischeundpsycholo- gische Moment in der sprachlichen Forinen- hildung. Berlin. 1879. O. 48]). (In Virchbw * Holtzeiulorll'. Vortriige. 14 Serie.) 043 1 — Petersen, N. M. Sprogkundskab i Norden; Bennerlcninger til noiere Overveielse. (In Copeiihageii— K. nord. Old.-Selskah. Annaler. V. 3, 1840-1.)— Den nordiske Oldtids Betydning tor Nutiden. (In same. v. 5, 1844-.5.) 948 2 — Rask, R. C, Samlede tildels forlien utrykte Afhandlinger; udgivne af H. K. Rask. Koljen- havn, 1838. pt. 3. D. 408 3 — Rozau, C. A travers les mots. Paris, 1876. D. 848 17 — — Petites ignorances de la conversation. .5 edition. Paris [,1 ed. 1856]. D. 848 18 — Seymour, H. The use of short words. Utica, 1878. O. 8 p. 080 20.1 — Stensel, A. Die Anfange der Sprache. Ham- burg, 1888. O. 30 p. (In Vlrchow & Holtzen- (lorff. Vortriige. Neue Foige. 3.) 043 3 — .Stoddart, J. Glossology, or. The historical relations of languages. 1st division. London, 18.58. D. 400 3 — Strangford, P. E. F. W., viscount. Original letters and papers upon philological and kin- dred subjects. London, 1878. O. 404 3 — Trencli, R. C. On the study of vs-ords. 13 edition. London, 1867. S. 428 5 — Urquliart, T. Logopandecteision; or. An introduction to the universal language. 1653. (In his Works. 1834.) 828 20 —Whipple, E. P. Words. (In his Essays, 1848- 9, V. 1.) 814 16 -Whitney, W. D. Language and its study, with especial reference to the Indo-European family of languages; edited by R. Morris. Lon- don, 1876. D. 401 11 — —Language and the study of language. London, 1867. D. 401 13 — —The life and growth of language. London, 1875. D. 401 13 — Wollscliliiger, C. S. Handbuch der Ethno- graphie und der Verbreitung der Sprachen. Leipzig, 1873. O. 572 4 See also ADCRX; AFOHiX; ALPHABET; AXOLO-SAXOX; AKABIC; AZTKC; BASQIE; BULGARIAN; CAMBODLVX; CATAWBA; CELTIC; CHALDEE : CHINESE: CHINOOK; CREOLE: CUNEIFORJI WUITIMi ; DANISH: DIALECTS; DOIBLETS: DUTCH; ENULISH; ETIMOLOUY; FINNISH; FUEXCII; FKIESIC; GAELIC; GERMAN; GOTHIC; ORAM- MAR; GREEK; GREENLAXDISH; HAW.UIAX; HEBREW; HIEROGLYPHICS: HUNGARIAN; ICELANDIC: INDIA: IN- DIANS: IXDO-EUROPEAX; IRISH: ITALIAX: LAPPISH; LATIN; LEXICONS; LOVE; MACASSAR: MALAY; MPONGWE; NAMES: NEGRO-ENGLISH: NORSE; ORIENTAL: PERMUTA TION OF CONSONANTS: PERSUN; PHIENICUN; PHONOLO- GY; POLYGLOT: PORTLGUESE; PRAKRIT; PUNCTUATION; ROMANCE: ROMANSH: RUMANIAN: SANSKRIT: SERVIAN; SIGNS; SINHALESE; SLANG; SLAVIC; SPANISH: SWED- ISH : TEUTONIC : TURKISH ; VOICE ; WALLACHIAN; WELSH: WRITING. — ORIOIX. Bleek, W. H. I. tJber den Ur- .spriing der Sprache; lierausgegelien, miteinein Vorwort, von E. Haeckel. Weimar, 1868. O. 73 p. pi. 410 3 — — Dooriikaat-Kooliiiaii, J. ten. Die Sprache naoh M. Carriere und Auderen. Hannover, 1865. O. 38 p. 401 3 (iorp, J. van. Opera. Antwerpias, 1569-80. 3 V. F. //. 2Jor. 401 1-3 — — tiriinin, J. L. K. Ueber den Ursprung der Sprache. (In }iis Kleinere Schrifteu, 1804-90, V. 1.) - 408 3 Jessen, E. Nyere Skrifter oni Sprogs Op- rindelse. (/)( Copeiibageu— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarlwger. v. 3, 18G7.) 948 5 — -.Harsh, O. P. The biography of a word. (In Nation, v. 33, p. 88-9.) In main library. — — • — Origin of speech, and of the English language. (In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 30 Miiller, F. M. Meine Antwort an Darwin. n. p. [,1875]. Q [H-] 387-413 p. 4013 Roscli, W. Ueber das "Wesen und die Ge- schichte der Sprache. Berlin, 1873. O. 30 p. In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 8 Serie.) 043 1 401 3 Sclileiclier, A. Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Spracliwissensohaft. 3 Auflage. Wei- mar, 1873. 33 p. pi. 401 3 Stjernlyeliii, G. De linguarum origine pre- fatio. (In Ulfllas. 1671.) 839,9 1 Voigtiniiiin, C. tf. Dr. Max MUller's Bau- wau-Theorie und der Ursprung der Sprache. Leipzig, 1865. O. 401 9 Wedgwood, H. On the origin of language. London, 1866. S. 401 10 Same. (/« /t/s Dictionary. 1872.) 422 8 For philological societies see Breslau; Florence; Leipsic; Rome. LASGUEDOC. Liitchitzki, I., editor. Docu- ments inedits sur riiistoire du Languedoc et de La Rochelle apres la Saint-Barthelemy, 1572-4. Paris, 1873. Q. 74 [-MJ p. 944 63 •Laugiiet de Gergy, Jean Joseph, arehbishop of Sens. La vita della niadre Margherita Maria [Alacoque]; traduzione dal francese; con un discorso dal Alessandro Ignazio Sagromoso sopra la divozione del Sacro Cuore di Gesu. Edizione 3, cui si aggiuuge uu' orazione del Leonardo Cominelli sopra lo stesso argomento. Venezia, 1748. O. p/. 922 14.1 Lai^uinais, Jean Denis, comte de. Les 31 mai- 2 juin 1793, fragment; avec discours, 2 juin. e recit de cette journee. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 30.) 944 10 Laninaii, Charles. Dictionary of the United States Congress ; from the foundation of the government. Philadelphia, 1859. O. 923 4 — Essavs for summer hours. 3 edition. Boston 1842. D. pi. 814 11 The author's copy, with ms. notes and corrections, presented to Mr. Marsh. LANMAN 394 LA RIVE — Letters from a landscape painter. Boston, 1845. D. 814,12 Dedicated to Mr. Marsh. — A summer in the wilderness; embracing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. New York, 1847. D. 917.7 2 Copy presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. La None, Frauijois (le . Memoires, 1562-70. (In Miciiaiiu cfc Poiiioulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 9.) 944 9 Lautsloot ende die scone Sandrijn. {In Hoff- mauu von Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836- 62, pt. 5, 6.) 839.31 3 Lanz, Karl Friedrlch Wllhelm, editor, see Muntaner, R. Chrouik. 1844. 946 51 —translator, see Same. 1842. 946 52 Lauzani, Francesco. Storia dei comuni italiani dalle origini [1024J al 1318. Milano, 1883. Q. •{In Villarl, P., editor. Storia politica d' Italia; in L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 9 Lanzi, Luiari, abate. Notizie della scultura degli antichi e dei varj suoi stili. (/» Marcliese, v. Manuale. 1846 ) 709 2 L.10C00S. Gothe, J. W. Ton. Ueber Laokoon. (Jn his Werke, 1827-42, v. 88.) 832 1 Laokoon ; oder, tJber die Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie, see Lessing, G. E. v. 3. LAOS. Mouhot, A. H. Travels in Siam, Cam- bodia and Laos, 1859-60. London, 1864. 2 v. O. il. por. pi. map. 915.9 1 Lapeyrouse, Stanislas de. Preface. [In Du Conret, L. Les mysteres du desert, 1859, v. 1.) 915.3 6 Laphani, Increase Allen, & others. Report on the destruction of forest trees in Wisconsin. Madison, 1867. O. 551.58 64 LAPLAND. Blom, G. P. {In his Bemserkninger paa en Reise i Nordlandene. 1832.) 914.8 9 — Enestroni, J.Resageuom Norrland och Lapp- land. Stockholm, 1834. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.8 32.3 .— - — Resa genom sodra Lappland... Calmar, 1835-6. 2 V. in 1. D. 914.8 32.4 — Friis, J. A. En Sommer i Finniarken, russisk Lapland og Nordkarelen ; .Skildringer af Land eg Folk. Christiania, 1871. O. p/. map. 914.7 8 ■—Goes, D. de. Deploratio Lappianai gentis. — Jjappias descriptio. {In Angrliiera, P. M. d,' De rebus oceauicis. 1574.) 910 1 — Hoggn6r, — von. Reise nach Lappland und. dem nordlichen Schweden. Berlin, 1841. O. 914.8 32.5 — Hogstroni, P. Beschreibung des der Crone Schweden gehorenden Lapplandes ; nebst A. Ehrenmalms Reise durcli West-Nordland nacli der Lappniark Asehle; aus dem Schwedi.sclieu. Copenhagen, 1748. D. 914.8 32.6 — Liistadins, P. Journal for forsta 'liret i Lajip- marken. Stockholm. 1831. D. 914.8 32.7 .— — Fortsilttning af journalen, 1828-32. Stock- holm, 1833. D. 914.8 32.8 — liinn^j C. von. Lachesis Lapponica; or, A tour in Lai)land; now first pul)lislied hv J. E. Smitli. London, 1811. 2 v. O. (7. 581 13 — Mellin, G. H. Lappland; Schwedens Noma- den ; oder, Bilder aus dem Hirtenlcben der Gebirgswiisten. Leipzig, 1856. D. iltp. 914.8 32.9 — Rtidbeek, 0., the younger. Nora samolad; eller, Uplyste Lapland. Upsala, 1701. sqD. pi. iltp. 914.7 14 .Swedish and Latin. English. {In Scheffer, J. History of Lap- land. 1704.) 914.7 16 — Sclieffer, J. Lapponia. Francofurti, 1673. sqO. il. map. 914.7 15 — . — English: The history of Lapland; from the Latin. London, 1704. D. (7. x>l. map. iltp. 914.7 16 — Schnbert, F. AV. (In his Resa genom Sverige, 1823-5, V. 3.) 914.8 4 — Zieg:ler, A. (In his Meine Reise im Norden, 1860, V. 3.) 914.8 7 .See aim FI.NMAllK. Laponinieraye^, Pierre Henri Victor Berdalle de. Les sucietes de secours mutuels. Paris, 1867. S. 51 p. (Conferences populaires.) 334 1 La Porte, Pierre de. Memoires des regnes de Louis XIII et de Louis XIV. por. (In Midland . Treatise on the arts... of the (iroelis and liomans. 1*33-5. 3 v. 91S 24 Lareuaudiero, Pliilippe Prantjols de. Ale.xique et Guatemala. 1843. por, pi, maps, (In L'nni- vers. 12.) 910 18 Largeaii, Victor. Le iiays de Riilia, Ouargla, voyage a Rhadanies. Paris, 1879. D. por, pi. map, 91(i,6 7 Larghi, Pietro Cesarc. Poesie. (In Collezione milaneso, 1816-7, v. 4.) 859 15 LA RIVE, Artlinr Ansrnste de. Volpicelli, P. Necrologia (h .\. De la Rive. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei.Atti. 2 ser. v. 1, 1K73-4.) 065 3 LARKING 395 LA TIN LANG UA GE Lurking'', Lambert Blackwell, editor. Proceed- iugM in the county of Kent in connection with tlie parliaments called in 1640; from the col- lections of Sir Edward Dering, bart.; with pre- face by John Bruce. [London,] 1863. sqO. por. {In Camden soc. 80.) 820 4 Knights of Malta. The knights hospital- lers in England, 1388. (In same. v. 65, IH,")?.) 820 4 La Rocliefoucaiild, Francois VL, due de. Me- nioires, 1630-52. par. (In Mjcliaiid c£- roiijoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 29.) <»44 i) — Reflexions, sentences et maximes morales. Nouvelle edition, conforme a celle de 1678; on a joint les annotations d'un contemporain, les variantes, et des notes par G. Duplessis; avec une preface par C. A. Sainte-Beuve. Paris, 1853. S. {In Bit)L elzevir.) 840 10 Laroclieroiicauld-Liaiicoiirt, Fr^d^ric (Jaetau, marqidH de, editor, .see Kaciue, J. Etudes. 185.-). 84S 15 Larseii, Alfred. Peter Christen Asbjornsen; en literan-biografisk Skitse; med Tillteg af en bibliogratisk Oversigt ved J. B. Halvorsen. Christiania, 1872. F. 50 p. il. por. 928 7 bouv/i with 925 18 — French: trad, par Victor Molard. Chris- tiania, 1873. F. 38-1-4 p. il. por. 928 7 bound loith 925 18 The translation contains an appendix. 4 p., Asbj0rn- sens Forfattervirksomhed, 1873-6. — Svensk Ordbog for Danske og Norske. 3 Ud- gave. Kjobenhavn, 1866. O. 439.8:i 1.1 Lartet, Edonard Armand Isidore Hippolyte, (>P- (I't L'liuivers. 56.) 910 IS Lasaulx, Arnold von. Der Streit uber die Ent- Btehung des Basaltes. Berlin, 1869. O. 38 p. (/(iVircIiow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortriige. 4 Serie.) 043 1, 552 1 II Lasca, pseudonym of Grazzini, A. F. Lascaris, Maria, Del riordina- mento delle provincie e dei comuni d'ltalia. Torino, 1870. O. 20 p. 321 1 Lasicki, Jau. De diis Samogitaruni c;etero- ruiiKjue Sarniatarum. (In Respublica Polo- nise. 1637.) 094 51 Laspeyres, £tienue. Justus von Liebig's The- orie der Bodenerschopfung voni nationaloko- noniischen Standpunkt beleuchtet. Riga, 1869. O. 44 p. 338 3 Lassels, John. Protestacion and confession where vppon he suffered in smythfielde at London, 1546. (7ji Wiclif, J. Wicket. 1548.) 099 3 Lassen, Hartvig' M., editor, see Wergeland, H. A. T. Udvalgte Skrifter. 1871. 839.81 56 Lassorrc, Henri. O.-L. Vrouw van Lourdes. 4 Nederduitsche uitgaaf. Gent, 1873. O. 230 13 Tlie last fruit off an old tree, see Landor, W. S. LAS'I' THINGS, see ESCHATOLOUY. Liistadiiis, Lars Levi. Om allmiinna uppod- lingar i Lappmarken. Stockholm, 1834. D. [1 + ] 143 p. t(d>. 630 38 Ltistadius, Petrus. Journal for for.sta aret af bans tjenstgoring siisom niissionaire i Lapp- marken. Stockholm, 1831. D. 914.3 32.7 — Fortsiittning af journalen i Lappmarken, 1828-33. Stockholm, 1833. D. 914.3 33.8 Latham, Robert Gordon. The English lan- guage. 4 edition, enlarged. London, 1855. 3 V. O. 420 8 —editor, see Pricliard, J. C. The eastern origin of Celtic nations. 1857. 491.6 1 Latimer, Hii^ii, bishop of Woreester. Select sermons; with some account of the author and his writings. Boston, 1833. D. (In Younsr, A. Lib. of old Eng. prose. 7.; 820 10 — 37 sermons, as well sucli as liaue bene print- ed as certayne other yet neuer set forth in print... London, J. Day, 1563. D. 149 leaves. 099 3.1 Black-letter. The title-page contains the foUo-nnng table of contents, of which pt. 3 has a separate title-page, and pt. 6 and 7 were not published in this volume. 1. Hys sermon Ad clerum. 2. Hys fourth sermon vpon the plouKh. 3. Hys 7 sermons before kyns Edward. 4. Hys sermon at Stamforde. 6. Hys last sermon before kyng Edward. 6. Hys 7 sermons vpon the Lordes prayer. 7. Hys other 9 sermons vpon certayne Gospels and Epistles. — Seven sermons before Edward VI., 1.549. London, 1869. S. {In Arber, E. English re- prints. 13.) 820 9 — Sermon on the ploughers, 18 Jan. 1549. London, 1868. S. 40 p. {In same. 2.) 820 9 LATIN {early) LANGUAGE. Bug-ge, E. S. Altitalische Studieu. Christiania, 1878. O. [3-1-] 88 [-f 1] p. 477 1 Contenix: Die oskisohe Execrationsinschrift der Vibia, —Das Weihjredicht von Corfinium. LATIN LANer apprendere la logica struttura dclle due lingue italiana e latina ad un tempo. Padova, 1867. O. 475 7 I'ezzi, I). Grammatica storico-comparati- vailcila lingua latina. Torino, 1871. O. 475 8 396 LA TIN ( late ) LA NG UA G E Roby, H. J. A grammar of the Latin lan- guage frt)m Plautus to Suetonius, v. 1, 2 edi- tion. London, 1872-4. 2 v. D. 475 9 Ruddinian, T. Grammatics; Latinse insti- tutiones. Editio 11. Edinburgh, 1786. D. 475 10 Scliniitt-Blank, J. C. Lateinische Gram- matik, Mannheim, 1870. O. 475 11 Smith, J. TheNewhampshire Latin Gram- mar, a edition. Boston, 1806. D. 475 12 Zumpt, K. (J. Auszug aus Zumpt's Latei- nischer Graiumatik. 4 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1836. D. 475 13 —PHONOLOGY. Angles, P. M. Prontuario orthologi-graphico trilingue, en que se ensena a pronunciar, escribir y letrear en latin, castel- lano y Catalan. Barceloua[,1742]. S. 467 1 Corssen, P. W. tiber Aussprache, Vokalis- mus und Betonung der lateinischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1858-9. 2 v. in 1. O. 4711 Estrup, H. F. J. Om den rette Udtale af Bogstavet i det latinske Sprog. (In his Hist. Blandinger. 1830.) 904 1 Palmer, E., 'epos, ('. ; Patercalus,C. V. ; Plinius Se- cunilus, C; Sallustius ('rispus, C. ; Scriptores historiae Au- gustae; Scriptores rei rusticas; Seneca, L. A. ct M. A.; Suetonius,!'.; Tacitus, C. C; Victor, S. A.; Vitruvius Pol- lio, in. —PERIODICALS. ZeU, K. Ueber die Zeitung- en der alten Eomer. 3 Ausgabe. Heidelberg, 1873. D. 070 1 —POETRY. Miiller, L. Die Entstehung der romischen Kunstdichtung. Hamburg, 1889. O. 43 p. (In Virchow <& Holtzeridorft'. Vor- trage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 3 — — Zanella, (iJ.Versioni da poeti latini. (In his Versi. 1868.) 861 131 *Sc(^ a/.TO A usonius, D. M.; Arianus, F.; Oato, D. ; ('atullus, C.V. ; Clauflianus, ('. ; Firniianus Symposius, t'. ; iloratius Flaccus, Q.; Juvenalis, i>. J.; Lucanus, M. A.; Lucretius Ca- ms, T. ; Ovidius Xaso, P.; Persius Flaccus, A., Plia-clrus; Propertius, S. A.; Silius Italicus, C; Statins, P. P. ; Syrus, P.; TiliuUus, A.. Tergilius Maro, P. — SATIRE. Neissuer, E. Horaz, Persius, Juve- nal, die Hauptvertreter der romischen Satire. Berlin, 1884. O. 40 p. (In Virchow & Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrage. 19Serie.) 043 1 LATIN date) LITERATURE. iEvi Carolini car- mina. {In Isidorus Mercator. Decretal, 1853, col. 1195-1334.) 262 8 — Dii Can^e, C. du F. Index, seu nomeuclator scriptorum medi;« et infimffi latinitatis. {7k Itis Glossarium, 1840-57, v. 7.) 47J> 3 ^Mone, F. J., editor. Hymni Latini medii aevi. Friburgi Brisgoviae, 1853-5. 3 v. O. 245 1 — Stevenson, J., editor. The Latin Iiymns of the Anglo-Saxon church; chiefly from ams. of the 11th century. Durham, 1851. O. (/» Snr- tees soc. 33.) 820 7 See alAO various other publications of this society. —Wright, T. On the Anglo-Latin poets of the twelfth century. (/?t his Essays, 1846, v. l.)820 3 — — editor. Tlie Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the 13th century. Lon- non,1873. 3 v. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 59.) 942 8 — Political poems and songs relating to English liistory, from Edw. III. to Kic. III. London, 1859-61. 3 v. Q. (In same. 14.) 942 8 See ahu the otlier puljlications of this extensive series. — A selection of Latin stories, from inss. of the 13-14 centuries; a contribution to tlie history of fiction during the middle ages. Lon- don, 1843. D. (/7i Percy SOC. v. 8.) 820 6 See aim Asciiani, R.; Barclay, .!.; ('aniileu, W.; Coryal, T.; Kpistolie oliscurorum virorum; ICrasnius, !>.: I''erriicci, L. ('. ; (Jesta Komanorum; llaniclicn, M.; Herltert, .; Map, W.; MilUiu, .1.: llluret, Al. A.; Petrarca, F.; VwLs\\..,poiie; Butilius Namatiaiius, C; Sarbievslii, M. K.; Vida, V. 0. Latin!, Brnnetto. Fiore di filosofl e di molti savi, attribuito a Latini; testo da Antonio Cap- pelli. Bologna, 1865. D. (In same. 63.) 850 10 — Li livres dou tresor; publie par P. Chabaille. Paris, 1863. sqQ. (Col. de doc. sur I'hist. de France.) 848 10 — II tesoro, volgarizzato da Bono Giamboni; ralfrontato col testo autentioo francese edito da P. Chabaille, illustrato da Luigi Gaiter. Bo- logna, 1877-83 [v. 1, '78]. 4 v. O. il. (In Emilia. Collezione. 49-53.) 850 6 — Del tesoro volgarizzato libro primo; edito da Roberto de Visiani. Bologna, 1869. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 104.) 850 10 — Tesoretto, extract. (In Rossetti, W. M. Itali- an courtesy-books. 1869; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 — translator, see Cicero, M. T. La prima ora- zione contra Catilina. 1834. 876 3 — Mussafla, A. II trattato della sfera, per cura di B. Sorio. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 18.59.) 805 1, — Siindby, T. Brunetto Latinos Levnet og Skrifter. Kjobeuhavn, 1869. O. 848 10.1 LATITUDE, see CAMPIDOGLIO ; CATANIA. LATIUM. Spinetti, G. Carta geografica delle cinque provincie di Roma, Viterbo, Civita- vecchia, Frosinone e Velletri. Leipzig, n. d. 58x45 cm. in O. 912 32 Latomas, Bernhardus, see Steinmetz. La Tour d'Auvergne, Tli^ophUe Malo Corret de. Origines gauloises. 3 edition, augmentee d'un notice de I'auteur. Hambourg, 1801. D. por. 944 7 La Tour Landry, GeoflVoy de. Le livre pour I'enseignement de ses filles; publie par Ana- tolede Montaiglon. Paris, 1854. S. (/w Bibl. elzevir.) 840 11 — English : The book compiled for the instruc- tion of his daughters, translated from the French in the reign of Henry VI., and edited, with introduction and notes, by Thomas Wright. London. 1868. O. (/nE.E. text soc. Orig. snr. 33.) 820 5 La Tr6mo)iilIe, Charlotte finiile Henriette de, afterwards coinitess of Oldenbnrrj. Portrait par elle-meme. (7n Michaud foiI Ancher, P. Samlede juridiske Skrif- ter. udgivne af J. F. W. Schlegel og R. Nye- rup. Kjobenhavn. 1809-11. 3 v. D. 340 1 —Lea, H. C. Superstition and force: essays ou the wager of law, of battle, the ordeal, torture. 3 edition. Philadelphia, 1870. O. 340 4 — Liiidenbrog:, F., editor. Codex legum anti- quarum. Francofurti, 1613. F. 349 3 Contents: Prolegomena.— Leges Wisigothorum.— Eriic- turn Theodorici.— Lex Burgundionum;— Salloa;— Ala- mannorum; — Baiwariorum; — Deeretum Tassilonis duois. —Lex Ritmariorum;— Sa.'ionum;— Angliorum et Werino- rum;— Frisionum:— Longobarduruni.— C'oustitutiones Si- cute, sive Neapolitanae.—Capitulare Karoli M et Hlu- dowici, »fec. — Formulae solennes negotiorum. — Variae lec- tiones et notas.— Glossariura Index. — ^Moiitesqiiien, C. de S. de.De I'esprit desloix. maps. (In his CEuvres, 1788, v. 1-3.) 340 5 1 — Tlickermau, H. T. Lawyers. [In his Cri- terion. 1866.) 814 15 — Ubbelolule, — . Ueber Recht und Billigkeit. Hamburg, 1887. O. 38 p. (In Virchow * HoUzendorfT. Vortrage NeueFolge. 3.) 043 3 —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Harvard iiiilversity.Cata- logue of the law library. 4 edition. Cam- bridge, 1846. O. 016 13 N. Y. (state)— Lihrary. Catalogue, 1855: Law library. Albany, 1856. Q. 016 14 —DICTIONARIES. Cliabaille, P. Glossaire du Livre de jostice et de plet. Paris, 18.50. Q. [l-f]69p. 447 13 bound ivith 411 1 — — Rastal, W. Les termes de la ley; or, Cer- tain difficult words of the laws of England ex- plained. 1 American from London edition of 1731. Portland, 1813. O. 340 9 — — Skene, J.De verborum significatione: The exposition of the termes and diificill wordes... Edinburgh, 1597. y. (In Ids Lawes of parlia- ment.) 346 3 — ANGLES. Siilini, P. F. Anmwrkninger over Anglernes og Varnernes Lov. (In liis Skrifter, 1788-98, V. 7.) 839.88 5 —ANGLO-SAXONS. Canute If. Aiiti(iuam le- gum regis Canuti JIagni versionem Latinam edendo notisque illustrando prolusit J. L. A. Kdlderup-Rosenvinge. Havuiae, 1836. .sqO. 829 9.1 Selimid, R., editor. Die Gesetze der Ang- elsachsen, in der Ursprache, mit Uebersetzung, ErliUiterungen und einem antiquarischen Glossar. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. y. 346 1 — ATHENS. Westermann, A. Beitriige zur Geschichte des athenischen Biirgerrechts. — Uber das Amnestiegesetz des Solon. (In Leip- sic— K. sachs. Gesell. Berichte, 1849.) 063 3 — DENMARK. Canuti II. jus aulicum antiquo- rum Danicum, Witherlaghs Raitt nuncupatum, in Angliii circa 1035 conditum ; ...versioni- buaq; & notis illustratum studio Petri Johan. Reseuii. (In Norway.Jus aulicum. 1673.)349 41 J0rgrensen, A. D. Bidrag til Oplysning af Middelalderens Love og Samfundsforliold. (In Copenliagen— K. iiord. Old-.Selskab.Aarboger. V. 7, 1872; v. 11, 1876.) 948 5 Kolderup-RosenTinge, J. L. A. Grundrids af den danske Politiret. 3 for0gede Udgave. Kiobenhavn, 1828. O. 349 49 — Grundrids af den danske Retshistorie. 3 Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1833. 2 v. O. 349 48 — —Kong Christian den femtes norske Lov. Nyt Oplag under det juridiske Fakultets Op- syn. Kiobenhavn. 1800. T. 349 40 Kong Christian den fjerdes norske Lovbog af 1603: udgiven af F. Hallager og F. Brandt. Christiania, 1855. O. 340 39 Schlesrel, J. F. W. Danmarks og Hertug- dommenes Statsret, med stadigt Hensyn til deres aeldre Forfatning. Kiobenhavn'. 1837. O. 349 53 Weylle, C. 0. Glossarium juridicum Da- nico-Norvegiciim. Nu anden Gang reviderit. Ki0benh,affn, 1653. sqD. iltp. 439.83 5 Appended, [1-1-1 49 p., is Tractat otfver alle de Falds- maal oc B0der udi alle voris Lower. 165S. See alio ('opfiih,'u;en; Denmark— Forliicelses-Conimissioii; Elsiiiofp; Jutland: M.tRITIME LAW; Ribe; Sceland; TR.iXS. ACTION; and especially the references under LAW- GERMANY. —EGYPT. Mancini, P. S. La reforme judici- aire en Egypte: rapport a la Chambre des de- putes d'ltalie. Rome, 1875. O. 349 67 —ENGLAND. Bracton, H. de. De legibus et consuetudinibus Anglia; libri 5; edited bv Sir T. London, 1878-83. 6v. Q. (7j( Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 70.) 942 8 Latin and Englisli on opposite pages. Horwood, A. J., & Pike, L. 0., editors & translators. Year books of the reign of Ed- ward I. , years 30-3. 30-5; Edward III., 11-15. London, 1863-89. 9 v. Q. (In same. 31.) 942 8 LA W— ENGLAND 400 LA W—NOE WA T The laws of William the Conqueror, with notes and references. (/" Kelliam, R. Diction- ary of the Norman language. 1779.) 447 11 La vieux Xatura brevium, dernierment corrigee et amend', (fecynouvelmentimprimee. Londini, 1584. T. 347 2 St. German, C. The dialogue in English betweene a doctor of divinitie and a student in the lawes of England; newly corrected, with additions, n. p., 1638. T. 347 3,1 Followed by the second dialogue. Staiill(ifordP, W. Les plees del corone. Londini, 1607. sqD. 347 3 See a/go EiiKlnnd— Courts ; Great Britain- Piirrmiiiciit : jrsTICES OF THE PEACE. —Flanders. Wielant. P. Practijcke criminele; uitgegeveu door A. Orts. (Jent, 1873. Q. {In Maetscliapny der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 15.) 839.3 4 —FRANCE. Michelet, J. Origines du droit franvais, cherchtes dans les syniboles et for- mules du droit universel. Paris, 1837. O. 340 5 See atso France. -GERMANY. Grimm, J. L. K. Deutsche Rechtsalterthiimer. Gottingen, 1838. O. 349 1 Paralipomeiia exhibentia constitutiones aliquot vetustas imperatoruni. (In Scllilter, J. Thesaurus, 1737-8, V. 3.) 830 9 Thiimmel, C. Aus der Symbolik der alt- deutschen Bauernrechts. Hamburg, 1887. O. 44 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. NeueFolge. 3.) 043 3 See also FEIIERB.4CH, P. .1. A. Ton; Fleusbnrg; lladers- lehen: Hamburg; Luliecli; POMEHAXIA; Biclitsteig; Sacli- senspiegel; SALIC LAW; Scliwsbenspiegcl: Sclineriu; Sost. Htendal. —GREECE. Harmenopulus,C. Manuale legum; sive, Hexabiblos, cum appendicibus et legibus agrariis; recensuit, Latinam Reitzii transla- tionem correxit, notis, locis parallelis glossario illustravit G. E. Heimbach. Lipsiae, 1851. O. 349 68 See aim Greece (nioilern). — ICELAND. Arnason, J. Historisklndledning til den gamle og nye islandske Rsettergang; med Anraserkuinger af J. Erichsen: med Ko- fod Anchers Fortale om Lovkyndigheds Nod- vendighed. Kinlienhavn. 1762. sqO. 349 56 ^Finsen, V. H. Fremstilling af den island- ske Familieret efter Gragas. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 9-10, 1849-50.) 948 3 — — Om de Islandske Love i Fristatstiden. (In. same. Aarboger. v. 8, 1873.) 948 5 — (}rdg^S, Islfenderne.-i Lovbog i Fristatens Tid; udgivet og o\-er.sat af V. Finsen. Kjo- beiibavn, 1850. pt. 1. D. (M Nord. Lit. Sam- fnnd. 11.) 839.08 9 Den islandske Lor, Jons Bogen, udgiven af Kong Maginis Lagabietir, 1280; samt naisten ved hver Meiiiiig henviist til Christian IV. og Christian V. norske Love, den Store Dom, og Register. Kiiibeiihavn, 1763. D. 349 57.1 .Iiirnsida. I tin forna loglok fslendinga nefnist .Jiinisida eSr Hiikoiiarbok: cum inter- pretatione Latina, lectioiiibus, inS. Oaves der nogot Lag- niaiiilseiiibeile i Norge lor Sverres tidV (In Coneiiliag'on— K. iiord. Old.- Selskab. Aailw- ger. V. 1-4, 1«7'J.) !t4H 5 Tliorkeliii, 0. J., editor. Aiialecta iiui- biis histcjiia, antiijuitates, jura regni Norve- gici illuslrantur; observatioiiibus et indice ad- jectis. Havniie, 1778. D. 34» 38 See aho Bcrpeii. —ROME. Hiiiiel, ti. F. tiber die Hand^Lluift zii Udine init der Lex Roiuana. (In Leipsic — K, siichs. (jiesell. Berichte, 1852.) 0«;{ 3 Sfliupfer, F. La legge romaua udinese. (In Rome— R. accad. del liiicei. Aiti. 3 ser. .set. mor. V. 7, 1880-1.) 0«6 5 See also CITIZK\SHir. —RUSSIA. Katliai'iiiii der zweiten Instruc- tion fUr die zur Verlertigung des Entwurfs zu einem neuen Gesetzbuciie verordnete Com- mission. Riga, 1769. D. por. 349 36 —SAXONY. Rieiltsteig: Landrechts; nebst Cau- tela und Premis; lierausgegeben von C. G. Ho- mey er. Berlin, 1857. O. 349 4 — — [Sacliseiispiegel :] Sassenspegel; mit velen nyen Addicien fan deni Leenrechte vnde Richt- stige. Aussburcli, 1516. F. 099 17 —SCOTLAND, see Scotland— Parliament. — — SPAIN. Febrero, J. Febrero novisimo: 6, Libreria de jueces, abogados y escribanos; refundida y adicionada por E. de Tapia. Va- lencia, 1838-36. 10 V. O. 349 28 — -Ferrer, Iff. Methodus, sive ordo procedsdi judiciarius juxta stylum & foros regni Ara- gonum; auctus et emendatus per J. Buvl. fCiesaraugusta-], 1579. D. 349 '30 See- atso Aragon; Itaroclona; Catalonia; Faero juzffo; GAME LAWS; Valencia. — SWEDEN. Biiirkoa ratten; konunga stad- gar. Stockholm, 1687. F. il. 349 47.1 — — Collin, H. S., <£• Sclilyter, C. J., editors. Corpus juris Sveo-Gotorum antiqui. Stock- holm, 1827-34. V. 1-3. sqQ. facsim. 349 44 Contents: 1. Westgota-lagen. 2. Ostgota-lagen. 3. Up- lands-lagen. Elirenstrale, D. Jus publicum Sveciee; eller, Swenska etats lagfarenheten [; ms]. F, 349 43 — — Gothlands-Iaghen; med en historisk beriit- telse. Stockholm, 1687. F. il. 349 47.1 Stjernliobk, J. 0. De jure Sveonum et Gothorum vetusto. Holmise, 1672. sqD. 349 46 Sweriges Rikes Lag, 1734. Stockhohn, 1808. D. 349 45 Wisby stadz lag pa Gotland. Stockholm, [1689.J F. 349 47.1 Appended is Then eambla Wijsby sio-ratt. 16S9. See also Scania; ZAJIOLXIS. -TURKEY. Ohsson, I. M. d'. La legislation mahometane. (In his Tableau de I'empire othoman, 1787-1824, v. 1-6.) 949 62 See also Pera, —VALENCIA. Anreum opus regalium priui- legiorum ciuitatis et regni Valentie. Valencie, 1515. F. it. 946 58 — —Furs, capitols, provisions e actes de cort, fets y atorgats, per S. C. R. M. Don Pheiip, 1626. Valencia, 1635. F.» 349 33 — VISItiOTHS. Helfferlch, A. Entstehung und Geschiohte des Westgothen-Rechts Ber- lin, 1858. O. 349 3 See also Fuero juzgo. For other works on law »«c APOTIIKCAIIIES; ("ANON LAW : CASSATION ; COXSCIKM'E ; COVSTITITIONS : COI'VKKiHT; COIUTS; (Knil>AL h\\\ ; KXTKAItlTlOX; (JAMK LAWS; (ilAltKIANSIIIP IIO.VOIl; IMKKNATIONAL LAW: .lUUY; MAmTIMK LAW: IIAKUIAlii;; MIMMi: MU- MdPAL LAH; JHUIIKK; POOR; SEIOM)! It; SLAVKRY; TKAXSACTION: TItlAlS; WATHll. Lawley, Stcplien, editor, see York. Breviarl- um ad usum ecclesiK. 1880-3. (In Snrtees soc. 71, 75.) 820 7 Lawrence of Durham. Dialogi [, excerpta ex Hvpognostico, Anecdota qu*dam poetica]. Durham, 1880. O. (In samf. 70.) 820 7 LAWRENCE, Timothy iJigelow. Memoir, in- cluding his commercial report as U. S. consul- general for Italy. Boston, 1869.] D. 44[4-l]p. phot. 923 55 Lawson, Heni-y. Sciatica, lumbago and brach- ialgia: their nature and cure by hypodermic injection of morpliia. London, 1872. D. 616 30 Lawton, William Cranston. Notes on Bunarba- slii and other sites in the Troad. pd. (In ArchaBol. inst. of Amer. Papers. Class, ser, 1, 1882.) 913 28 Laxda;la-8aga; sive, Historia de rebus gesti^ Laxdolensium: cum interpretatione Latina> tribus dissertationibus et indicibus. Hafniie. 1826. sqQ. 839.64 53 Sumptibns legati Masnceani. "One of the most im- portant of the Icelandic sagas." Ms. note by Mr. Marsh. Lay le Fraine, see Marie de France. Layamon. Brut; or. Chronicle of Britain; a poetical Semi-Saxon paraphrase of the Brut of Waoe; now first published, accompanied by a translation, notes and glossary, by Sir Frederic Madden. London, 1847. Z t.Q. faesim. 821 73 Layard, Anstin Henry. Nineveh and its re- mains. New York, 1849. 2v.O. il. pi. map. 913 3.1 Lays of ancient Rome, see Macaulay, T. B. Essays, v. 4. Lazarillo de Tormes, La vida de, see Mendozn, D. H. de. LAZIO, Ifali/. Ponzi, (i, Storia dei vulcani la- ziali. 2>l- (i'" Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 1, 1873-4.) 06.5 3 — Striirer, J. Studi sui minerali del Lazio. pt. 1. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — — Same. pt. 2. pi. — Studi petrografici sul Lazio. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 06.) 4 — Tucci, P. di. Saggio di studi geologici sui peperini del Lazio. il. map). {In same. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Lazzarelli, Giovanni Francesco. La Cicceide legitima; in questa 3 impressione ordinatamente disposta. ed aocresciuta d'alquanti sonetti nelle due antecedenti edizioni omessi. [Anon.] n. p. [168-?]. S. 099 31 A satire against Bonaventura Arrighini, — tiothe, J. W. Ton. Don Ciccio. (In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 38.) 832 1 LEA 402 LEEGHDOMS Lea, Henry Charles. Studies in church his- tory:— The rise of the temporal power;— Bene- fit of clergy; — Excommunication. Philadel- phia, 1869. O. 270 3 — Superstition and force: essays on the wager of law, the wager of battle, the ordeal, torture. 2 edition. Philadelphia, 1870. O. 340 4 LEAD. Hofmaiiu, K. B. Das Blei unter den Volkern des Alterthums. Berlin, 188.5. O. 48 p. {In Virchow <£■ Holtzendorff. Vortr'Age. 20 Serie.) 043 1 HOLY LEAGUE. La Fosse, J. de. Journal d'un cure ligueur de Paris sous les trois derniers Valois; suivi du Journal du secretaire de Phi- lippe Du Bee, archereque de Reims, l!i88-1605; pulilies et annotes par E. de Barthelemy. Paris, [ISfir,]. D. 944 27 The leasriie of youth, see Ibsen, H, Leake, William Martin. Topographic Athens. 2 Ausgabe, uebersetzt von J. G. Baiter und H. Sauppe. Ziirich, 1844. O. pi. maps. 913 29 Leal conselheiro, see Edward I. of Portugal. Lealtad de una muger, comedia, see ZorrUla, T. 2. Leandro, padre. Mesopotamia; ovvero, Terzo viaggio in oriente. Roma, 1757. Q. pi. 915.6 15.1 — Palestina; ovvero. Prime viaggio in oriente. Roma, 1753. Q. pi map. 915.6 29.1 The map represents Persia, Mesopotamia, Palestina. — Persia; ovvero, Secondo viaggio dell' oriente. Roma, 1757. Q. pi. 915.5 3.1 King Lear, see Shakespeare, W. LEARXING, see EDUCATION;— KNOWLEDGE. MT. LEBANON, see MARONITES. Le Bas, Philippe. Allemagne. Paris, 1838-9, [v. 1, '38]. 2 V. O. por. pi. ?/wips. {In L'uniTers. 25-6.) 910 18 — Asie Mineure, jusqu'k 1402 ; terminee par Cheron. Paris, 1863. O. il. pi. (In saiiie. 14.) 910 18 — Etats de la confederation germanique. Paris, 1842. O. por. pi. (Ill same. 27.) 910 18 — France: annales historiques. Paris, 1840-3. 2 V. O. maps. {In same. 36-7.) 910 18 With 33 historical maps. — France: dictionnaire encvclopedique. Paris, 1840-5. 12 V. in 10, & Planche.s. 3 v. O. {In .same. 38-50.) 910 18 — Suede et Norwege. Paris, 1838. O. por. pi. map. {In same. 62.) 910 18 Leben Fibels, .sec Rlchter, J. P. F. v. 2fi. Leben und Tod der heiligen Genoveva, ein Trauerspiel, — Leben und Tod des kleinen Roth- kappchen.s, cine Tragodie, .see Tieck, J. L. v. 2. Des Lebens Ueberfluss, see same, Novellen, 11, — Schrilten, 26. Lebens-Ansichteii des Katers Murr, see Hoff- mann, E. T. A. V. H. LEIUAS CALAIM'l'ANA. Lepori, C. Osserva- zioiii siiir novo clcll;i Icbias calaritiiiia. })l. (In. Home— R. accad. deilinrei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. lis. V. 9, IH,H0-1.) 065 4 LECCKSE DIALECT. Morosi, (J. II vocalismo del dialetto leccese. {In Archivlo glot. ital. v. 4, 1878.) 450 11 Lechevalier, Jean Baptiste. Voyage de ia Pro- pontide et du Pont-Euxin. Paris, 1800. D. 914.9 39 The map is wanting. Lechner, Ernst. Piz Languard und die Bernina Gruppe; ein f^iiiirer durch das Oberengadin. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1865. S. pi. maj). 551.43 34 — Das Thai Bergell in Graubiinden. Leipzig, 1865. S. pi. map. 914.9 21 Leeky, William Edward Hartpole. Geschichte des Ursprungs und Einflusses der Aufklarung in Europa; deutsch von H. Jolowicz. 2 verbes- serte Auflage. Leipzig, 1873. 2 v. O. 211 5 The dedication reads: Dem geistvoUen Sprachforscher George P. Marsh gewidmet von dera Uebersetzer. — History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 edition. London, 1869. 2 V. O. 170 1 L^clnse, Charles de, translator, see Acciajuoli, D. Les vies de Hannibal & Scipion. [In Pin- tarchus. Vies, 1565, v. 2.) )SS8 29 Le Comte, Louis. Memoirs and observations made in a late journey through China; trans- lated from the Paris edition. 2 edition. Lon- don, 1698. D. tab. 915.13 The map is wanting. Leconte, Casimir. Etude economique de la Grece; suivie de documents sur le commerce de I'orient, etc. Paris, 1847. O. tab. map.314 25 — Promenade dans I'isthnie de Suez. Paris, 1864. O. map. 626 12 Le Coutenlx de f antelen, Jean Barthelemy. Souvenirs. Barriere * Lescnre. Memoires. 1857-81, V. 30.) 944 10 Lecoy de la Marelie, Albert, editor, see Suger. CEuvres. 1867. 944 8 LECTURES. VircUow,R., & Holtzendorff, F. Ton, editors. Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage. Berlin, 1866-90. v. 1-20, Neue Folge. v. 1-4. O. il. por. pi. nuq^s. 043 1-2 Each volume contains 24 lectures. For contents see Astor catalogue (continuation), and Peabody catalogue. LEDYARD, John. Sparks, J. Travels and ad- ventures of John Ledyard. 2 edition. London, 1834. O. 923 56 Lee, Alfred. Revision of the Scriptures and church authority. (/)( Schaff, P. Anglo-Amer- ican Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Lee. Edwin. The principal baths of Germany, with reference to chronic disease. 4 edition, with additions. London, 1863. D. 615 18 Lee, Sidney Lazarus, editor, see The boke of Hiion of Burdeux. 1882-7. (In English Charle- m:igne ron-ances. 7-9,11; in E. E. te\t soo. Extra, ser. 40, 41, 43, 50.) 820 5.1 Lee, William. Brtendeviin ogSalt, seeA'allance, J. H. 615 5 Lee, William. The life of Defoe. {In Defoe, D. His life and writings, 1869, v. 1.) 823 8 Leech, Thomas. Dozens versus tens; or, The ounce, the inili and the pcnnj- considered as stand;irds of weight, measure and money, and with n'ference to a duodecimal notation. Lon- don. 1866. D. .389 6 Leechdoms, wortcunning and starcraft, see Cockayne, T. 0., editor. J.EEDS 403 LEHNINGER Leeds, Francis Godolpliin Osborne, 5^/( dnkc of. Political niemoraiula; editi'cl.withothci- iiapcrs, and with notes, intioiluction and apiiendix, by Oscar Browning. [London,] 1884. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. :«.) 820 4.1 Leeds, Henry. Rudimentary architec- ture; the orders and their a;sthetic principles. London, 1848. D. [3+J96p. 720 1 Leem, Enild. Beskrivelse over P'ininarkens Lapper; nied J. E. Gunneri AniuLBrkninger, og E. J. Jessen-s. Afhandliiig oni de norske Pin- ners og Lappers hedenske Religion. [Danish and Latin.] Kiobenhavn, 1767. sqQ. pi. 914.8 27 ^En lappesk Nomenclator. Tronhlem, H.'SG. D. 494 10 See aho Rask, K. C, Riesonneret Sproj^Ia-re. 1838. Leendertz, P., editor, see Potter, I). Der inin- nen loep. 1845-6. (In Yereeniging Ned. letter- kunde. Werken.) 839.3 11 De leeuw van Vlaenderen, see Conscience, H. Leeuwendalers, lantspel, see Yondel, J. van den. Lefevre, Andre. L'homme a travers les iiges; essais de critique historique. Paris, 18f^0. D. 301 9 Le Fevre, Jacques. Anciens niemoires du 14e siecle de la vie liu fameux Bertrand Du Gue- sclin. par. (In Midland &' Ponjoulat. Me- moires, 1866, v. 1.) ' 944 9 Le Fevre, Rauul. Le recueil des histoires troi- ennes, contenans troys liures. Paris, A. ve- rard [,149-]. Q. [17.5] leaves, il. ruhricated. 093 7 — English : The ancient historie of the de.struc- tion of Troy; translated by W. Caxton. 6 edi- tion. London, 1636. D. 939 3 Lefevre, Tli^otiste. Guide pratique du compo- siteur d'imprimerie. Paris, 1872-3 [v. 1, '73]. 2 v. O. il. pi. 655 3 Lefnianu, Salomon. Ueber deutsche Recht- schrelbung. Berlin, 1871. O. 32 p. (In Vir- chowcfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 6 Serie.) 043 1 Legenda aurea, see Varaggio, G. da. LEliiENDS. Alcnne leggende anonime, testi inediti. 1863. {In Scelta di curiosita. 33.)8o0 10 — Ancona, A. d', editor. La leggenda di Ver- gogna; di Guida. Bologna, 1869. D. (In same. 99.) 850 10 — Biancliini, D.. editor. Due leggende divote. Napoli, 1862. O. 31 p. 922 12 Contents: La passior.e de' Quirico e Giuletta. — Leg- genda de' Savino e Savina. ^Dandolo, T. Monachismo e leggende; saggi storici. Milano, 1856. O. 271 1 — Graf, A. Roma nella niemoria e nelle imma- ginazioni del medio evo. Torino, 1882-3. 2 v. O. 937 16 — Jonannaux, — . La geographie des legendes; ou, Table geographique des lieux qui se rencon- ti-ent dans les martyrologes... Paris, 1737. S. 272 17 —Marsh, G. P. (In Johnson's cyclopoedia.) In main library. ^Manry, L. F. A. Essai sur les legendes pie- uses du moyen age. Paris, 1843. O. 098 1 — Pitr^, G, Fiabe e leggende popolari siciliane. Palermo, 1888. D. (/ji /m-Bibl. sicil. 18.) 859 37 — Ueciill do exiniplis e miracles, gestesefaules, e altrcs ligcndes, ordenades per A — B — C, tre- tes de un ms. dtl sigle 15. [Barcelona,] n. d. 2v. D. il. (/?(, Biblioteca catalana, 11-12.) 869 8.1 — StepheMS,(ii.,ed?7or. Eit forn-svenskt legenda rium, iniu'hallande medeltids kloster-sagor om helgon. pal'var och kejsare, 1-13 arhundradet. Stockholm, 1847. v. 1. O. (In Svenska forn. •siil. Samliiigar, v. 4.) 839.7 3 — Tobler, A. Eine handschriftliche Sammlung altfranzosischer Legenden. (In Jahrblich rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 7, 1866.) 805 1 — Villari, P., editor. Antiche leggende e tra- dizioni die illustrano la Divina commedia. Pisa, 1865. sqQ. 851 59 — /ambrini, F., editor. Collezione di leggende inedite. Bologna, 1855. 2 v. D. 231 3 See also ADAM: BBENDAN, St.: CATEUIXA, St..: CATHA- KINE, St.; JULIAN, St.: MAIUiARET, St.; MAKTULIS, St.: MIKACLES; SAINTS; THREE KINGS; TOBIA; TCNDALE; WANDERING JEW. La vie de saint Leger ; texte revu [, with intro- duction, by G. Paris], (/it Romania, v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 Leggenda del viaggio di tre santi monaci al paiadiso terrestre; per cura di Francesco Zain- brini. {In Emilia. Miscellanea. 1861.) 850 5 Leggenda di s. Margherita, v. e m.; testo ine- ditc) del buon secolo a cura di Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, 1870. O. 18 p. 922 39 Leghorn— Corte di assise. Processo oontro il celebre falsario G. Ruscowik, 1868. Livorno, 1868. D. .56 p. 343 13 Legis-Gliickselig, Gnstav Thormod. Alkuna; iiordische und nord-slawische Mvthologie. Leipzig, 1831. O. ^j/. tab. ' 293 25 — Fundgruben des alten Nordens. Leipzig, 1829. 2v. inl. O. pi. 839.6 5 Contents: 1. Die Runen imd ihre Denkmiiler. i. Edda; iibertragen, mit Bemerkungen,Erliiuterunj;en. Cummen- tar und Register, Vol. 2, pt. 2, wanting. Le Grand d'Aussy, Pierre Jean na|>tiNte, edi- tor. Fabliaux, or tales, abridged from Fi-ench mss. of the 12th and 13th centuries; selected and translated into English verse by G. L. Way; witli preface, notes and appendix by G. Ellis. New edition. London, 1815. 3 v. D. il. 841 4 For contents see Feabody catalogue. — Histoire de la vie privee des Fran9ois, depuis I'origine de la nation jusqu'a nos jours. Nou- velle edition, avec des notes et additions par J. B. B. de Roquefort. Paris, 1815. 3 v. O. 390 14 Lehmanii, Hermann. Pommern zur Zeit Otto's von Bamberg. Berlin, 1878. O. 36 p. (In Vir- chow * H(>ltzendorir.Vortrage.l3 Serie.) 043 1 Lebmnnn, Karl Ootthold. [Various articles.] (In Leipsic— K. sacbs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-8.) 0G3 1 LEHNBERG, Magnus, bishoji. Rosenstein, N, Biskop Lehnbergs lefverne. (/ri 7ijA> Skrifter, 1838, V. 1.) 839.78 1 Lehninger, Jobann Angnst. Description de la ville de Dresde et de ses environs. Dresde, 1782. D. pi. map. 914.3 4 LE HON 404 LENNGREN Le Hon, Henri. Histoire complete de la grancle eruption du Vesuve de 1631; avec la carte de toutes les laves de ce volcan, depuis le seizieuie siecle jusqu'aujourd'hui. BruxeUes, 1865. O. 64 p. map. 551.21 16 LEIBNITZ, Gottfried Willielm, Frciherr von. Bockll, A. Leibnitz iu seinem Verhiiltniss zur positiveu Theologie. {In Kainuer, F. L. (i. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1844.) 905 1 Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of. Correspond- ence during his Kovernment of the Low Coun- tries, 1585-6; edited by John Bruce. London, 1844. sqO. {Ill Camden soc. 27.) 820 4 .SV-' also KOBS.IKT. Amy. LEICESTER, Simon de Moiitfort, earl of. The mii'iicles of Simon de Montfort[, Latin]; edited by J. O. Halliwell. 1840. (In same. 15.) 820 4 Leiden und Freuden eines Schulnieisters, see Bit/lus, A. V. 5-6. LEIWHTON, Alexander. Heath, R. Speech in in the case of Leigliton, Star chamber, 4 June 1630; edited, with preface 1)V J. Bruce, by S. R.Gardiner. [London,] 187.5. sqO. 23-HO p. (In Camden misc. 7; in. Camden soc. n. s. 14.) 820 4.1 Leiirliton, Robert, archbishop of Glasgmv. Wliole works; prefixed, a life of the author by John Norman Pearson. New York, 1844. O. 208 5 Leinbiirg', tJottfrled von, translator, see Tesr- ner, E. Frithiof.ssage. 1872. 839.71 46 Leipsic — Koni^liohe saclisisclie Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungeu der philo- logisch-historischen Classe. Leipzig, 1850. v. 1. Q il. tab. map. 737 1 Bericlite iiber die Verhandlungen. 1846-8. Leipzig, 1848-9. v. 1-2. O. lil. 063 1 -Same : Pliilologisch-historische Classe. 1849-53. Leipzig f, 18.50-54]. v. 1-5. O. pZ. 063 3 — UMVERSITAT. Drobiscli, M. Vf. Beitriige zur Statistik der LTniversitat Leipzig, innerlialb der ersten 140 Jahre ihres Bestehens.— Neue Beitrage. (In Leipsic— K. siiclis. Gesell. Be- richte, 1848-9.) 063 1, 3 LEIRE. Miinter, F. C. C. H. Leire i Sielland, i Begyndelsen af det 19de Aarhundrede. Kio- benhavn, 1806. S. [4-l-]58 p. pi. 913 56 LEITH. Churcliyard, T. The siege of Leith, June 1560 [; verse]. (In his Chips. 1817.) 941 2 Lejean, (juillaunie. EthnographiedelaTunjuie d'Kurope I; Krencli and German]. Gotha. 1861. sqQ. [2-l-]3Hp. ?(iap. (/ra Petermanns Mittliei- lungen: Ergilnzungsband. 1.) 910 44 Lejonet i (iUnen, .see Meander. K. A. Leiiain, Henri Louis. Memoires. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 6.) 944 10 fiififi also, in the same vulume. Notice de'F. R. Mol6 siir les M6moire.s de Lekuin. Der Leken spieghel, .te,e Boendale, J. Leiand, Charles (Jodfrey. Tlie Egyptian sketcli- book. London, 1873. D. 916.2 10 LELVM), John. Pote, J. The life of Lehuid; addi'd, Lclanrl's New Years gyfte to K. Henry, wlili tlie ciiinmentariesof J. Bale. par. (In Huddesford,\V.Lives of antiquaries, 1772, v. 1.) 928 4 Lenicke, Ludwig U. Cintio dei Fabrizii. (In Jahrbui'h rem. u. eng. Lit, v. 1, 1859.) — Wolf, Studien zur Geschichte der span, und portugies. Nationalliteratur. — La estoria de los siete in- fantes de Lara; v. Holland. (In same. v. 3, 1861.) — Ueder einige bei der Kritik der tradi- tionellen schottischen Balladen zu beobach- tende Grundsatze. — Zur Textkritik und Erkl'a- rung der Divina commedia. — Dante Alighieri's lyrische Gedichte und poetischer Brietwechsel; K. Krafft. (In same. v. 4, 1862.)— Contribu- tions to the study of the Divina commedia, by H. C. Barlow. — Early English alliterative poems in the West-Midland dialect; by R. Mor- ris. — Un mucchietto di gemmr. (In same. v. 7, 1866.)— BibliographiedesJahres 1865-7. (In same. v. 7-9, 1866-8.)— Zur Literatur iiber Chau- cer. — La storia di Ottinello e Giulia. — In lode di Dante; A. Pucci. — Bibliothek auslandischer Klassiker. (In same. v. 8, 1867.) — George Chapman's Tragedy of King Alphonsus; ed. by K. Elze. (In same. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 Lemcke edited v. 6-9. 1865-8. Leuiniacus, Itasius, pseudonym, translator, see Butilius Namatianns, C. Heimkehr. 1872. 879 10 bound with 874 4 LEMONS, see ORANGES. LEMOSIN DIALECT, see CATALAN, L'Empereui", Constantin, commentator, see Bertram, B. C. De republica Ebra?orum. 1641. 094 23 Lendenfeld, B. von. Forschungsreisen in den australischen Alpen. Gotha, 1887. sqQ. [3-I-] 37 p. maps. (/» Petermanns Mittheiluugen: Erganzungsband 19.) 910 44 — Der Tasman-Gletscher und seineUmrandung. Gotha, 1884. sqQ. [3-l-]80p. il. pi. maps, (In same. 16.) 910 44 Lenet, Pierre. Memoires concernant I'histoire du prince de Conde. 1637-59. por. (In Michand (fcPoujoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 36.) 944 9 Lenar, Heinrich. Vollsl'andiges Handbuch der Glasfabrication. 3 vermehrte Auflage bearbei- tet von Ch. H. Sclmiidt. Weimar, 1854. D. 666 4 Plates wanting. Leng, Robert. Sir Francis Drake's service against the Spaniards, 1587; now first edited, with appendix, by Clarence Hopper. 1863. (In Camden misc. .5; in Camden soc. 87.) 820 4 Leiinep, Jacob van. Poetische werken. Rot- terdam,, 1859-63. UY.O.iltp. 839.3115 Contents: 1-4. Nederlandschelejjenden. 5-7, Mengel- poijzy. 8-H. Treur- en blijspelen. — Romantische werken. Rotterdam. 1856-9. 14 v. O. pi. iltp. 839..S3 23 Contents: 1-2, De pleepzoon. 3-4, Ferdinand Huyck. 5-0. De roos van Dekama. 7-8. Elizabeth Musch. 9-lS. Onze voorouders. 14. De twee amiralen— Kor- nelia Vossius. — Een schaking in de 17e oeuw- — Een ver- tellinfj van Me.inffrouw Stanffa*'her. — De vooriiaamste gescliiedenissen van Noord- Nederland. 5 druk. Amsterdam [, 1865|. 4 v. in 2. O. /)/. maps. 949 8 Lennarren, Anna Maria. Skalde-fiirsok. 3 upp- lagaii. Siockliolni, 1^'25. O. 839.71 31 — Rosenslein, N. von. A. M. Lenngrens lef- verne. (/)( /i/.s Skrifter, 1838. v. 3.) 839.78 1 — Runelterg, J. L. Fru Lenngren. (In his Sand, arbetcn, 1861-4, v. 2.) 839.71 33 LENOIR 405 LE ROY Lenoir, Paul. Le Fayouui, le Siuiii ot Petra. Paris, 187d. D. pur. 2)1. 91«.2 11 Leiioriiiaut, Cliarles. Note relative h rexecution d'uu puits artesian en Egjpte sous la. 18e dy- nastie. [Paris, 1852.] sqQ. 16 p. (Acad, des inscr. et Ijelles-lettres.) 628 6 Lenz, Max. Drei Tractate aus dein Scliriften- cyclus des Constanzer Concils. Marburg, 1876. O. 270 11 LEO X., pope (Giovanni de' Medici). (Jar T., editor. Documeiiti risguardanti (iiuliaiio de' Medici e Leone X. (In VarietJl storiciie itali- ane.) 945 10 — Gebliart, E. Le pape Leon X. (Ir, his De 1' Italie. 1876.) 94r> 4 Leo. Heinricli.AagelsachsischesGlossar. H,nlle, 1873-7. O. 429 3 — Einiges iiber das Leben und die Lebensbe- dingungen in Island in der Zeit des Heiden- thumes. (In Itaunier, (i. L. G. von. Hist Ta- schenbuch. 1835.-Uber Burgenbau und Burgen- einrichtuns; in Deutschland 11-14 Jahrhundert. (In same. 1837.) 905 1 Leo, Johannes, the African (Arabic Al Hasan ibn Slulianiniad al Wazzan al Fasi). Africae desci'iptio. Lugd. Batav. , Elzevir., 1083. Tt. 094 8 LEON, Luis Ponce de. Ueuscli, F. H. Luis de Leon und die spanisclie Inquisition. Bonn, 1873. O. 272 7 Leonardo of Udine or Belluna (Latin Leonar- dns de Utino). Sermones aurei de Sanctis. Ve- netijs, pev Franciscwru de Hailbrun. & Nico- lau de Frackfordia, 1473. O. [313| leaves. 093 1 With ms. initials and ornaments in red and blue. The leaves are numbered in ms , and there are a few ms. mareinal notes. A very beautiful copy. Leonclavius, Johannes, .see Liiwenlclau, J. Leone, Evasio. Le virtii del trono, cantata per la nascitadi Don Antonio diBraganza, principe di Beira. Parma, 1796. F.* [13-I-] 35 [-1-9] p. 852 11.1 Leone Leoni, par George Sand, see Dudevant, A. L. A. I>. Lcouliardi, Georg. Der Comersee und seine Umgebungeii. Leipzig, 1863. O. map. 914.5 57 — Das Veltlin, nebst einer Beschreibung der Bader von Bormio. Leipzig, 1860. D. map. 914.3 18 Leopardi, Giaconio, conte. Opere. Edizione accresciuta, da Antonio Ranieri [,Pietro Pelle- grini e Pietro Giordani, Prospero Viani]. Fi- renze, 1843-51. 7 v. in 4. D. por. pl.fac.nm. 858 8 Contents: 1. Notizia intorno a^h scritti. alia vita ed ai costumi di Leopardi, da A. Ranieri.— Canti.—Operette morali. 2. Operette morali.— C'omparazione delle sen- tenze di Bruto minore e di Teofrasto. vieini a morte.— Pensieri. — Martirio de' sauti padri del monte Sinai e dell' eremodi Raitu.— Volgarizzamenti. 3. Studi filologici. ■t. Saffgrio sopra^li errori popolari deffli antiehi. 5-6. Epistolai'io. 7. Paralipomeni della Batracomiomacbia. Parigi. 1842. — Appendice all' Epistolario e agli scritti gio- vanili; per cura di Prospei-o Viani. Firenze, 1878. D. po;-. 858 9 — Metrische Uebersetzungen aus dem Italieni- schen des Leopardi von Paul Heyse : Der Ti-aum. — Sappho's letzter Gesang. — Die Blau- amsel. — Nachtgesangeines waiideruden Hirteu in Asien. — Der Sonnabend auf dem Dorfe. (In HiUebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 —Gebliart, E. (/n his De i'ltalie. 1876.) 945 4 — Marsli, C. C (/n Johnson's cyclopa'dia.) In main, library. — Zscliecll, F. Giaconio Leopardi. Berlin, 1885. O. 31 p. (fn Virchow d- Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 LEOPOLD, prince of Brunswick. Kessler, G. W. Prinz Leopohi von Braunschweig. {In Kaiimer, F. L. G. von. Hist, 'laschenhuch. 1844.) 905 1 LEOPOLD II., grand duke of Tuscany. Mon- tazio, E. L'ultimo granduca di Toscana; cenni biograflci, storici, aneddotici, ecc. Firenze, [1870J. D. por. 945 68.1 Leopold, Karl Gnstaf af. Samlade skrifter. Stockholm, 1814-33. 6 v. O. 839.71 30 Vol. 1-3, 2 upplagan, tillokt. Minne af Leopold, by L. M. Enberj;, in v. t. Leotard, Satiirnin. Bulletin bibliographique de la langue d'oc pendant 1869-70. (In Hevne deslangues romanes. v. 1-3, 1870-2.) 479 5 LEPANTO. Diedo, G. La battaglia di Lepanto. Milano, 1863. S. por. (In Bibl. rara. 7.) 850 3 Le Petit, Dc— .Grammatikderd'anischen Spra- che. Hamburg, 1846. D. 439.85 10 Le Play, Pierre Giiillaume Frederic. La con- stitution d'Angleterre; precedee d'aper9us sur la nature du sol et I'histoire de la race; avec la collaboration de A. Delaire. Tours, 1875. 2 v. D. ,342 3 — Lettre. (/« Jannet,C. Les Etats-Unis con- temporains. 1876.) 973 45 — L'organisation dela famille; avec trois ap- pendices, parE. Cheysson,,Le Play, et C. Jan- net. Paris, 1871. D 32I 2 — L'organisation du travail selon la coutume des ateliers et la loi du decalogue. 3 edition. Tours, 1871. D. 331 9 — La reforme sociale en France. Tours. 1873, 3v. D. 301 10 Lepori, Cesare. Osservazioni sull' novo della lebias calaritana. j)!. (In Rome — K. accad dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 005 4 Le Prevost, Auguste. Supplement au notes historiques sur le Roman de Rou. 28 p. (In Rayuoiiard, F. J. M. Observations. 1829.) 447 10 Lepsius, Karl Richard. Briefe aus Aegypten, Aethiop'ien und der Halbinsel des Sinai, 1842-5. Berlin, 1853. O. pZ 7nap. 916.2 13 — Standard alphabet for unwritten languages and foreign graphic systems. London, 1S55. O. 9-^78 p. 411 3 Leqiiien, E. A. Concordance des temps des verbes. 10 edition. Paris, 1836. D. 445 8 Lercheiiner, Angustin, ronSteinfelden. Clirist- lich Bedenken und Erjnnerung ron Zauberey. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 5.) 837 16 Le Roux de Lincy, Adrien Jean Victor. Intro- duction. (ZuCaq nets de I'accouchee, 1855.) 840 3 —editor, see Bible— O. T.— Kings. 1841. 222 3 Pliillippe de Reiines. The romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin. 1858. (/n Camden soc. 73.) 820 4 Wace, R. Leromande Brut. 1836-8. 841 38 Le Roy, Alphouse. Die franzosische Literatur Belgiens, 1859. (In Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 8, 1861.) 805 1 LE ROY 406 LEUCADIA Le Boy, Pierre, & others. Satyre menippee de la vertu du catholicon d'Espagne et de la tenue des estats de Paris. Nouvelle edition, accom- paguee de coinmentaires et piecedee d'une no- tice sur les auteurs par Charles Labitte. Paris, 1841. D. 847 3 Le Sage, Alain Rene. Le bachelier de Sala- mauque; ou, Memoires et aventures de Don Clierubia de La Ronda. Paris, 1830. 2 v. in 1. T. 843 37 — Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. Edition coUationnee sur celle de 1747, avec un examen et des notes par Fran9ois de Neufchateau. Paris, 1820. 3 v. O. pi. 843 38 Lesaffe, — . translator, see Young', A. Voyages en France. 1860. 914.4 7 Voyages eu Italie et en Espagne. 1860. 914.5 46 Lesbonax. Politica. — Hortatoria. [Greek and Latin]. (In Oratores Attici. 1828, v. 4, 14.j 885 1 L'Escalopier, Charles, comte dc, editor, see TheophUiis. Lil)ri. 1843. 602 1 LESCHERAJNE, Joseph, marquis Ae. Perrero, D. Ilpresidente de Lescheraine corrispondente di Madama di La Fayette. {In Curiosita di storia subalpina. v. 4, 1880.) 945 43 Lescnre, Mathiirin Francois Adolphe de, & Barriere, F. J., editors. Bibliothetjue des niL^moires relatifs a I'liistoire de France, see Barriere. 944 10 New series, v. 2937. edited by Lescure. Lesicon romiinescu-latinescu-iingurescu-nemte- scu. Budae, 1835. O. 459 7 De lessde Bruhlew in Ewwekowwe, see Ulngr- berg, H. K. vani. Lessing,()rottliold Ephraiui. S'ammtlicheWerke. Carlsruhe, 1833-5. 30 v. m 13. O. p/. (Sanim- lung der deutschen Classiker.) 832 6 C'oiitenU: l-<>. Poesie und Kunst. J-lo. Theater. 16-21. Literatur und Theologie. 27-30. Briefwecbsel. Trosien, E. Lessing's Nathan der Weise. Berlin. 1876. O. 33 p. (In VirchoTV & Holtzeu- dorff. Vortriige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Lessou.a, Mario. Studi sugli anfilii anuri del Pieinonte. pi. (In Rome— K. accad.dei liucei. Atti. 3ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.)— MoUu- schi viventi del Pienionte. pi. (In same. v. 7, 1879-80.) 065 4 Lessona, Michele. L'uomo e la natura. (In Nuova antologia, v. 14, 1870, p. 402-8.) 080 35 — Volere e potere. Firenze, 1869. D. 914.5 35 With a mutto on every margin. Lester, Charles Edwards. The condition and fate of England. New York, 1843. 3 v. D. dtp. 914.2 5 — The glory and the shame of England. New- York, 184l". 2 V. I), pi. iltp. 914.2 4 1/Estoile, Pierre de. Registre-journal pendant le re;;nc (Ic Henri 111. 1574-89. por. (in Midland & Poiljonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 14.) — Memoires et journal de|)uis la mort de Henri, III, 1589- 16il. iwr. (In same. v. 15.) 944 9 Vol. 1 contains also: Notice sur les msa.; Additions au rcKistre-jonrnal: Pieces diverses. Vol. S contains Notice sur l.'Estoile. Lestrange, Sir Nicliolas, conipilKr. Merry jiass- ages and Jests. (V/i 'riioiiis, W.J. Anecdotes and traditions. 18.'!9; ()( ('aniden soc. 5.) 820 4 With notice of Lestranj;e by J. G. Nichols. Lestrange family. Extracts from the household and privy purse accounts of the Lestranges of Hunstanton, 1519-78; by Daniel Gurney. [Lon- don, 1833.] .sqQ. 640 2 bound with 631 20 LE TELLIER, Michel. Bossnet, J. B. (in his Oraisons fuuebres. 1858.) 845 2 Leto, Pomponio, pseudonym of Vilelleschi, F. N. Lctte, Wilhelm Adolf. Die Wohnungsfrage. Berlin, 1866. O. 31 p. (In Virchow l.maps. 916.2 17 — Thevenot, J. de. Travels into the Levant. London, 1687. F. por. 915 7 — Wlieler, O. Voyage de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant. La Haye, 1733. 3 v. D. pl. 914.9 26 — Zieg'ler, J. Terrae Sanctse, Syrias, ^gypti... descriptio. Argentorati, 1536. sqQ. majjs. 915.6 41 LEVELLIXtJ. Romersliaiisen, E. Das Siiiegel- Niveau. 3 A ullage. Marburg, 1851. D. 38 p. l^i- 526 1 Den levende Dode, see Ingeniann, B. S. Lever, Thomas. Sermons, 1550. London, 1870. S. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 35.) 820 9 Levi, Carlo. Rom als Hauptstadt des Konig- reichs Italien. 1871-6. (In Hillelirand, K.Italia. V. 3, 1876.) «)4.5 41 Levi, David. Democrazia e papismo, per Julius [pseud.]. Milano, 1863. S. 282 46 — II profeta ; o. La passione di un popolo, dramma. Torino, 1866. Q. 852 I'i — Vita di pensiero; ricordi e liriche. Milano 1875. D. 928 .36 Kevin, Israel. Haandbog i det danske Sprogs Grammatik. Kjpbenhavn, 1844. pt. 1. O , . „ X 439.85 5 Levins, Peter. Manipulus vocabularum : a rhyming dictionary of the English language, 1570; edited, with an alphabetical index, by Henry B. Wheatley. London, 1867. O. (In Camden soc. 95.) §20 4 —Saiiie. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 27.) 820 5 L6vis, Pierre Marc Gaston, due de. Souvenirs et portraits. (7)i Barriere 1(J.2 22 —St. John, B. Adventures in the Libyan desert and tlie oiisis of .fnpiter Ammon. London, IS49. D. (7. map. !»l(i.2 23 Liceate, Emerisoo, xiseudonym of Rocco, M. El liceiiciitdo Vidriera, .see Cervantes. Novelas, V. 2. LICHENS. Ueess, M. Ueber die Natur der Flechten. Berliji, 1S79. O. 47 p. (7. (/?;, Vir- chow — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. V. 8, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 ^Schlegel, V. Ueber die Methoden zur Be- stimmung der Geschwindheit des Lichtes. Hamburg, 1887. O. 33 p. (/)i Vlrcliow * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1 . ) 043 3 — Tyildall, J. On chemical rays and the struc- ture and light of the sky. (In liis Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 — Zolluer, J. C. F. (In liis Wiss. Abhandlung- en, 1878-81, v. 4.) .504 8 See TS; TELESCOPES. The liarhtof Asia, see Arnold, E. IIGHTINU. Raminelsbera:, C. F. Ueber die Mittel Licht und Wiirme zu erzeugen. Berlin, 1866. O. (;)iVircli(>wcfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) , 043 1 IIGHTNIXU. Fonveille, W. de. Eclairs et tonnerre. Paris. 1867. D. il. (In Cliarton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 537 3 —Strieker, W. Der Blitz und seine Wirkung- en. Berlin, 1873. O. 31 p. il. pi. (In. Vireliow * Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Lignamiiie, (liinnfllippo. Continuatio chronici Ric()l)aldini, 1316-1469. (In Eckliard, J. U. von. Corpus, 1733, v. 1.) 943 13 Ligne, Karl Josepli, Fiirst von. Pensees et let- trcs; publieespar la baronnede[Stacl-]Holstein. (/"Barri^re diretto per Ic con- fessioiii della gentedi campagna, cogli avvcrti- menti ai confessori. Monza, 1835. D. 2(!6 5 — Deir uso moderato dell 0|iiuione probabile; aggiuntevi una dissertazione dell' autore, e lettere di varj prelati. Monza, 1831. D. 23016 — Le glorie di Maria. Bassano, 1853. 3 v. D. 230 10 LIUUBIA. Albini, G. Guida del navigante nel littorale della Liguria... Geneva, 1855. O. 94[ + ll p. 527 8 — C, A. (J. Lezi<3ne sopra un codice ms. liirure del secolo 17. Firenze, 1869. O. 19 p. 945 46 — Celesia, E. Porti e vie strate dell' antica Liguria. Genova, 1863. O. 69[ + 2Jp. «2" 20 — Societil lignre di storia patria. Atti. Geno- va, 1858-75. v. 1-13. Q. pi. facsim. majJS. 945 48 &ealso FIESCHI, G. L.; GENOA. LIGURIAN DIALECT. Celesia, E. Dell' anti chissimo idioma de' Liguri. Genova, 1863. O. 457 7 Lilii, ,ici- (Jiitlie, J. W. von. v. 11. Liljegren, Jolian Gnstaf.Hun-lara. Stockholm, 1833." O. pi. 439.01 4.1 — cfc Brnnius, C, G. Nordiska fornlemningar. 1-100. Stockholm, 1833. 2 v. S. jjl. 913 53.1 Vol. 2. by Liljegren alone. — I'ditor. Diplomatorum Suecaniira [.817-1310]. Holmiai, 1839-87. 3 v. in 8. sqQ. 327 6 Liljor i Saron, see Stag'nelius, E. J. Den lille Hyrdedreng, see f[|lilensclilag:er,A. G. Tragodier, v. 5. Den lille Karen, see Gyllembourg:, T. ('. Lilly, William. Christian astrology. London, 1647. sqD. 133 22 — History of his life and times, 1603-81. Lon- don, 1715. S. 133 28 Lily, John, see Lyly. LIMBURG. Joliannes.Die Limburger Chronik: berausgegeben von K. Rossel. Wiesbaden, 1860. O. ij/. 943 57 LIJIFJORD. Brieka, C. F. Om Limfjordens med Vesterhavet i detllteAar- hundrede. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarboger. v. 3, 1868.) — Endnu nugle Ord. (In same. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 — J0rgensen, A. D. Harald Hardradei Limfior- den. (/)( .-ianie. v, 5, 1870.) 948 5 — Krnse, R. H. Et Bidrag til Limfjordens Hi- stcirie i det 11 Aarhundrede. (In same. v. 4, 1869.) 948 5 LIMOUSIN DIALECr. Beronie, N. Diction- naire du patois du Bas-Limousin (Correze): public par J. A. Vialle. Tulle [,182,5]. sqO. 447 2 Kor the Lemosin dialect of the Spanish see CATALAN', — Chabaneau, C. Grammaire limousine. (In Revue des Umgues ronumes. v. 3, 4, 5, 1871-4.) 479 5 — Meyer. M. P. tt.,editor. Sermons limousins. (hi .I'alirbnchrom. u. eiig. T,it. v. 7, 1866.) S(t5 1 Lliiant de Bellcfouds, Manrice Adolphe, called Iiiriaill-bey. Meiuoire sur le lac Mieris. Ale- xaiidrie, 1848. F. [8 + ] 28 p. map. 932 3 boimd with 913 17 Linares, Vincenzo. Racconti popolari. 4 edi- zione. Palermo. 1867. Tt. .S53 \x hound with S51 83 Accademia dei lincei, see Rome (city, modern). LINCOLN 411 LIPONARI LINCOLN, Abraham, }wexkleni of the U. S. Buiig:eiier, L. F. AI)ramo Lincoln; com' ei visse, quaf' opera coinpie, ijual fu lasuaniorte. Firenze, 18G6. D. 88 p. !>2:j 58 —Lowell, J. U. {In his My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 — U. S. — state (lepartiuent. The assassination of Lincoln, 14 April \S'^^^)^, expressions of con- dolence and sympathy. Washington, 1807. sqF. par. !>'23 07 LISCOLSSHIRE, England. Chrouicle of the rebellion in Lincolnshire, 1470; edited by J. G. Nichols. 1847. (//i Camden misc. 1; in Cam- den soe. 29.) 820 4 Liiicy, Le Rou.x de, see Le Roux delLincy. Llnd, Peter Engel. Johan Gordon, en Fortajl- int;;. Kjobenhavn, 1830. D. ,S3!t.S3 30 Linda i blonisterkorgen, see Nicander, K. A. Lindber^, Jacob Christian. Essai sur les mon- naies couticiues frappees par les emirs de la famille des Bouides et les princes de lenr de- pendance. {In Copenliagren— K. nurd. Old.- Selslcab. Memoires. v. 2, 1840-4.) 948 3 — Lettre sur quelques medailles cufiques, trou- vees dans I'ile de Falster, et sur quelques manu- scrits cutiques. Copenhague, 1830. sciQ. pi. 4!>2.7 2 — Orientalske (kufiske) Mynter. il. pi. — Oni de kufiske Mynter i det Rordalske Fund, — i det Aalborgske Fund. — Om et Fund af kutiske Mynter ved Knudsker. — Oplysniug om Aar og Montsteder, hvor de kufiske Mojiter ere prie- gade. (/iiCopenliagen— K.nord. Old.-Selsliab. Annaler. v. 4, 1842-3.) 948 3 LINUBLOM, Jacob .\xel, archbishop. Rosen- steiii, JJ. von. Personalier ofver Lindlilom, 7 mars 1819. {In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 2.) 839.78 1 Liiidegren, Knrl.Samlade arbeten. Stockholm, 180.5-7. 3 V. O. 839.72 7 Liiideman, Jloritz. Die arktische Fischerei der deutsclien Seestiidte, 1020-1868. Gotlia, 1869. sqQ. maps. {In Petermanns JUttlieilnngen: Ergiinzungsband 6.) 910 44 —Die Seefischereien, 1869-78. Gotha. 1880. sqQ. map. (In .s-((»(e. 13.) 910 44 Lindoniann. J. Hermann, Vier Abhandlungen iiber die reli^ios-sittliche Weltanschauung des Herodot, Thucydides und Xenophou und den Pragmatlsmus des Polybius. Berlin, 1852. D. 94 p. 901 2 Lindenbrog, Friedrich, editor. Codex legum antiquaruni; accedunt Formulas solennes pri- soas publicorum privatorumque negotlorum, nunf primuni editie, et glossarium. Franco- furti, 1613. F. 349 2 For contents see Ij.4W. Liiidenbrucli, Erpold. Historia belli Cimbro- ruin per 8 annos cum Romanis. (In Westuhalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. ;!.) 943 21 Liiider, N. Om uUmogemalet i Sodra More liiirad af Kalmar liiu. Uppsala, 1867. O. 439.77 4 hound with 439.75 3 Lindfors, Andreas Otto, disputant. Observa- tiones liistoricse de Gothis veteribus, see Liiud- blad, 3.,pneses. 943 9 Lindner, Felix. The alliteration in Chaucer's Canterbury tales. (In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 3, 1870; ill (!hancer see. 2 ser. 16.) 821 46 Lindner, Tlicodor. Kaiser Heinrich IV. Berlin, 1881. O. 40 p. (/7t Virchow i-maii. New York, 1845. D. 809 5 — Tnckerman, H. T. Authors. (In his Crite- i-ion. lH(i6.) 814 15 See also .KTHKTICS; AMERICAN: A>(JI,0-SAX(>N; AliA- BIC: BAS(JUK. BOOKS; BKKTO>'; CIIINK.SK; (OMKBY; LITERATURE 413 LLOYD D.IMSII: DIALECTS; DIAUMirKS; IIKAMA; KLTdl; EX: FINM.SII; K()I,K-I,(»HK; KI{K\(1I; FltlK- Sl(:(iAEI,U';liKIt,1IAX: (iOTIlir: (ilCEKK; IIEIIKEW: HU- MOR; HIMJARIAX ; 1(EI,AM)I(; lltOVV; ITALIAN; LAX- (U.UJE; LATIN; ORATOItV; OKIEXTAL; I'ERSIAN; I'OE- TRV; POLISH; l'erstit<'S, cum deperditorum voluminum compendiis; ex editione Arnoldi Drakenborch [,recensuit Jo- annes CareyJ. Londini, 1819. 5 v. T. 878 11 — Italian: I primi quattro libri del volgarizza- mento della terza deca: attribuito a Giovanni Boccaccio; per ciira di Carlo Baud i di Vesme. Bologna, 1875. 3 v. in 1. D. (In Scelta di cui'i- osita. 153.) 850 10 — Scotch : The first five books of the Roman history; translated [into the Scottish language] by John Bellenden. Edinburgh, 1823. Q. 878 13 — Heydenreicli, F. Livius und die romische Plebs. Berlin, 1882. O. 48 p. (In Vircliow d- Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Tartara, A. Tentativo di critica sui luoghi liviani... relative alle provincie ed agli eserciti. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 6, 1880-1.) 065 5 See also RiiiiilialdO, B. 11 Romuleo. Livliiudisclic Reimchronik: herausgegeben von Franz Pfeirter. Stuttgart, 1844. O. (In Stutt- gart—Lit, Verein. Bibl. 7.) 831 57 LIVONIA. Heinrlcli von Liefland. Chronicon Lyvoniae. Hannoverae, 1874. O. (ht Pertz, a. H. Script, rerum German. 4.) 943 16 — Merkel, G. H. Die Vorzeit Lieflands: ein Denkmahl des Pfaffen- und Rittergeistes. Ber- lin, 1798-9. 3 V. S. )7. p/. map. 947 11 — Resmililiea sive status regni Polonia:", Litu- ani;e, Prussiai, LivoniEe. Lugduni Batavoruni, 1627. Tt. 094 51 Livre .v. 3. The annals of Loch-C6, see Annals. Lock, Charles (J. Warnford. The home of the Eddas: witii a chapter cm the Sprengisandr by C. Le Neve Foster, l^ondou, 1879. (). map. 914.9 8.1 Lockhart, .Fohn (iibsoii. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, bart. Boston, 1837-8. 7 v. D. 928 47 Locnian, xrc Lnkniitn Al-Hakiin. LOCO.MOriON. Meyer, G. ir. von. DieOrts- bewegung der 'I'hierc. Handiurg, 18110. O. 48 p. (/» Vircliow ct IIollzcndorlT'. VortriVge. NeueFoIge. 4.) 943 2 See aim >KKV()IIS SYSTK.M . LOCOMOTIVKS, see lUlMiOADS. LODHIIOK, the word. Seliicrn, F. E. Om Navuet Lt)i]l)rok hos Angelsuxerne. (/« Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 18, 18.58.) 948 2 Lo9br6kardrilpa, see Brage. Lodire, Barton, editor, see Palladiiis, B. T. A. On husbcjudrie. 1873-9. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 52, 72.) 820 5 Lodge, Thomas, translator, see Seneca, L. A. Workes. 1620. 878 14 LODOMERIA. Snhm, P. F. Om Galicia. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 10.) _ 839.88 5 Lodsen og bans Hustru, .see Lie, J. Lofdro, Basilio. Sui boschi; discorso. Reggio Cal., 1877. q. 74 [ + 1J p. 551.58 35 Loffelholz-Colberg-, Friedrich, Freiherr von. Die Bedeutung und Wichtigkeit des Waldes. Leipzig, 1872. O. 551.58 36 — Beitrag iiber die Schiittekrankheit der Fbhre Oder Kiefer. Berlin, 1865. O. 48 p. 551.58 37 L0tller, Ernst. Nogle BemEerkninger om Karl den Danskes Billed i Bifigge. il. (/w Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-iSelskab. Aarbager. v. 12, 1877.) 948 5 — Remarques sur I'image de Charles le Danois a Bruges, il. (In same, Memoires, n. s. v. 2, 1872-7.) 948 3 L0Hler, J. B. Rygberg Kirke. il. — Bergen Khtoterkirke paa Rygen. il. pi. (In same. Aar- boger. V. 8, 1873.) — Vestervig Klosterog"Liden Kirstins" Grav. il. (In same. v. 11,1876.) — "Bispegraven" paa Sjoring Kirkegaard. (7. (In same. v. 12. 1877.) — Kirkerne i Altenkirchen og Schaprode paa Rygen. il. (In saine. v. 13, 1878.) — Nogle yderligere Bemferkningei om Doppeltgraven i Vestervig. il. (In same. v. 14, 1879.)— Tamdrup Kirke. (7. (In same. v. 16, 1881.) — Indskrifterne paa Kirkerne i Harald- sted og AUindeniagle. il.. — Ruinerne af Silke- borg Slot. il.—(In .sa?He. v. 20, 1885.)— Brahe- ti'oUeborg Kirke. il. — Danske daterede Grav- stene indtil 1400. il. (In same. v. 22, 1887.)— Flere Gravstene over samme Person. — Indskrif- terne paa Veirslev-Stenene. (In same. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 Loftns, William Kennett. Travels and research- es in ChaUhea and Susiana, 1849-52. New York. 1857 O. (7. pi. nnqhf. 915.5 4 LO?. 551.48 5 — Intorno al progetto di abhassare le iiiene del Lago Maggiore. Milano, 1863. Q. 28 p. 551.48 5 — Intorno al sistema idraulico del Po; ai can- giamenti ed opere pel suo regolaraento. Mi- lano, 1840. Q. maps. 627 13 — Nota intorno all' influenza della Chiana suU' Arno. (Ill Opnscoli idraulici. 1845.) 027 3 — Nuove considerazioni sulle jiieiie e sulle in- ondazioni del Po nel 1872. Milano, 1874. Q. [H- 16 p.] 551.48 19 Iwiiud with 551.2 3 — Osseivazioni sul piano di bonificaziune del bacino del lago Fucino; appendice 2. [Milano, 1872.J Q. 10 p. map. 627 27 boittid iritli. 607 2 — Saggio idrologico sul Nilo. Milano, 1864. Q. 724-8 [ + 2] 1). 551.48 5 — Stato idrografico naturale, — artificiale. jil. map. (In Cattaneo, C. cfc others. Notizie su la Lombardia. 1844.) 914.5 56 — Studi idrologici e storici sopra il grande estuario adriatico, e principalmente gli idtimi tronchi del Po. Milano, 1868. F. ma2)s. 551.48 19 hound with 548 3 —Studj suir origine dei terreni quadernari di trasi)orto e specialmente di quelli della piaiuira lonibarda. Milano, 1861. Q. 38 p. 551.48 5 — Sui progetti intesi ad estendere 1' irrigazione della pianura nel la valle del Po. Milano, 1863. Q. 39 p. map. 551.48 5 — Sul regime delle acque del progettato canale diSuez. Torino, 1860 O. 23 p. 626 8 — Sulle inondazioni avvenute nella Francia in questi ultimi tempi. Milano, 1858. Q. 551.48 5 — Sulle opere intraprese pel prosciuganiento del lago Fucino. Milano, 1862. 49 p. j)/. maj^. 551.48 5 —Same [,with Appendice; Aggiunta]. Milano, 1862. sqQ. 49-f 44-4 p. map. 629 27 bound with 607 2 — Sulle piene e sulle inondazioni del Po nel 1872. Milano, 1873. F, 551.48 19 boirnd with 548 2 Lombard-Martin, — . Precis historique sur 1' insurrection roniaine : operations militaires dans Viterbe, 1867. Paris, 1868. O. 945 93 Copy presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. LOMBARDY. Azeglio, M. T. d.' La lega lonibarda. (i)( /ij's Scritti postunii. 1871.) 856 3.1 — — Ilutti di Lombardia. Firenze, 1848. D. 96 p. 945 58 — Bliilinie, F. Die gens Langobardorum mid ihre Herkunft. Bqnn, 1868. O. 35 p. 945 5 — Capponi, (i. A. H. G. Sulla dominazione ilei Longobardi in Italia. (In Varietk storiche ita- liane.) 945 10 Same. (In his Scritti, 1877, v. 1.) 858 4 — Capei, P. Sulla dominazione dei Longoliardi in Italia. (/)( VarietJl storiche italiane.) 945 10 —Carta longobarda dell' anno 762: illustrata P. Capei. (/" same.) 945 10 ^Cattaneo, C, & others. Notizie natural! e civili su la Lombardia. Milano, 1844. O. jil map. 914.5 56 — Fj'cliempertiis. Historia Longobardorum Fe- neventi. (fn Eckhard, J. (i. Ton. Corpus hist., 1723. V. 1.) _ 943 18 — (xrotillit, H. Historia Gotthorum, Vandalo- rum (fc Langobardorum. Amstelodami. 1654. D. 943 5 — Jacini, S. La proprieta fondiaria e le popola- zioni agricole in Lombardia. 2 edizione. Jli- lano, 1856. D. tab. map. 333 10 Same. 3edizione. Milano, 1857. O. 333 11 — Lonibardini, E. Altre considerazioni sulle irrigazioni della Lombardia. Milano, 1863. Q. 33 p. 551.48 5 L 0MB ARD Y 410 Loisruoisf — — Studj suir origine dei terreni (jundernaii di trasporto e specialiuente di qiielli della i)ia- mira lombarda. Milano, 1861. Q. 38 p. 551.48 5 — — Sui piogetti intesi adestendere irrigazione della pianura nella valle del Po. Milano, 1863. Q. 39 p. map. 551.48 5 —Paolo Variiefrido. Historia Langobardoium. Hannoverae, 1878. O. ;7n Portz, G. H. Script. 943 16 Historia Gottho- rum. 1654.) ' 943 5 — —Same. (In Jornandes. De rebus (Jottho- rum. <)43 6 Lombroso, Cesare. Suirincremento del delitto in Italia, e sui inezzi per arrestarlo. 3 edizione anipliata. l\)rino, 1879. O. 343 13 Lonbom, Kaiiiiiel. Historiska markw'ardigheter rerum German. ' Same. (In Grotiiis, H, Stockholm 948 48 Catalogue of the M880,in the libra- London, 1880. F. 015 5.3 For supplements see til uplysning af swenska balder. 1768-75. 4 V. in 1. S. Vol. 1-3 are 2 edition. London— British ninseiini. books printed in Iceland, 157 ry of the British museum. vp. Compiled Ijy T. W Lidderdale. Fi-ke, n. W. Copy of a representation from the trustees to the Treasury on enlarged expenditure for books, with the Treasury minute tbeieon. [London, 1846.] F. 43 p. 027 4 bound with 015 5.3 liiven to Mr. Marsh by Henry Sterens Panizzi, A. On the supply of books to the reading room of the British museum. [Lon- don,] 1846. O. 39 p. 024 1 bound icith 01(> 19 — Cliapel royal, see Great Britain. — Exliibitlou. 1851. Reports of the juries: pre- sentation copy. London, 1853. Q. il. pi. 606 3 Babbage, C. The exposition of 1851; or. Views of the industry, science and government of England. Sedition. London, 1851. O. (iOC 1 Stevens, H. An account of tlie dinner given by George Peabody to tlie Americans connected with the e.xhibition. London, 1851. Q- il- 60C 3 1862. The illustrated catalogue of the in- dustrial department : British division. [Lon- don. 1863.] 3v. Q. il.pj. 606 4 —Guildhall. De antiquis legibus liber: cronica majorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum, 1178- 1374, cum appendice ; curante Thonia Stai)Ie- ton. Londoniis, 1846. sqO. (In Camden soe. 34.) 820 4 Munlmenta Gildhallw Londoniensis: Liber albus. Liber custumarum ot Liber horn: edited by H. T. Riley. London. 1859-63. 3 v. in 4. Q. faesim. (/" Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 12.) 942 y — Pliilologiral society. An alphabetical list of English words occurring in tlie literature of the 18th and 19tli centuries, and foiiiiiii^; a basis of coiiii)arison for contributors to the imw dictionary. Pt. 1, A-D. London, 1861. 34 p. O. 423 7 -^ An appeal to the English-speaking and English-reading iiublic to read books and make extracts for the new EngJisli dictionary. [London, 1879. J O. 8 p. 423 7 Inserted is a notice from the Athenamm, 23 Sept. 1879. Canones lexicographici ; or. Rules to be ob.served in editing the new English dictionary. [London, I860.] O 11 p. 423"7 -Eighth annual address of the president, by J. A. H. Murray [; chiefly on the new dic- tionary]. [London, 1879.] "O. 64 p. 404 1 Proposal for the publication of a new English dictionary. London, 1859. O. 423 7 Another copy is liound with 4i7 11. Specimen of English dictionary, n. p., n. d. sqF. [4] p. ~ 423 7 The completed dictionary as far as published is in the main library. —Royal geographical society. Journal. Lon- don, 1879. V. 49. O. maji.s. 910 50 Proceedings, and monthly record of ge- ography. New monthly series. London. 1880. V. 3. O. majys. 910 51 —St. Paul's cathedral. Ihe domesday of St. Paul's, 1333, and other documents relating to the dean and chapter in the 13-13 centuries: with notes bv William Hale Hale. [London,] 1858. sqO. (In Camden soe. 69.) 820 4 Simpson, VV., editor. Documents illus- trating the history of S. Paul's cathedral. [London.] 1880. sqO. (In sa7ne. n. s.36.)820 4.1 — Annales Londonienses.— Annales Paulini. (In Stiibbs, >V. Chronicles of Edward I. and II. , 1883-3, y. 1: in Gt.Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 76 ) 942 8 —Arnold, K. The customs of Ll<;«endorn'. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Graflon, \l. A Uible of the bailiffs, shcrilfs and mnyors of tli(> city of London, 1 1SO- 1 5.58. (/)! ///.s- Chronicle, 1809, v. 3.) 942 10 — (Jregory, W. Chronicle of London. (In Cam- den soc. 11. 8. 17, 1876.) )S20 4.1 L OND ON 41^ LOllirs SUPPER — StoWj J. A survey of London, 1598. New edition by W. J. Thorns. London, 1842. O. !H4.2 11 — Weale, J., editor. London exhibited in IM.jl. London [,1851]. D. il. pi. iltp. !)14.'2 12 See also FLEET PRISON. London clironicle during the reigns of Henry VIL and Heni-y VIIL: edited by Clarence Hop- per. 1859. (//( Ciimdcii misc. 4; in C'nmdon soc. 7H.) 820 4 Lonelivli, Herry, translacor, seeBorroii, R., vorum: Denkschrift. Frankfui t a. M., 1863. O. 8-|- 56 p. Gil 1 — Rameri, L. Sulla durata della yita uniana in Italia. (//( Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. .sc(.))tO)-. y.l, 1876-7.)— Legge statistiea del'' influenza del sessosulla durata della vita uniana in Italia. {In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 5 — Turck, L. La yieillesse consideree conime maladie, et les movens de la combattre. 3 edi- tion. Paris, 1869. D. 613 13 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Alcune poe- sie; traduzione dall' inglese di Angelo Mes,--e- daglia. Padova, 1866. O. [4-(-]33 p. 811 14 fontenls: Prefazione.—EncBlado.— Excelsior!— Salmo .della vita.— II vecoliio oroloKio sulla scala.— L'arena del deserto nell' orologio.— II crepuscolo.— Lo spuntare del Kiorno.— La fanclulla metiocia.— Torquemada. — Eyangelina, novella; tradotta da Pietro Ro- tondi. Nuova edizione. Firenze, 1867 D 88 p. 811 15 —Sa»ie. 3 edizione. Milano. 1873. D. 811 16 — The poets and poetry of Europe; with inti'O- ductions and biographical notices. Philadel- jihia, '845. O. ptur. iltp. 808 1.1 — The seaside and tlie fireside. Boston. 1850 D. 811 12 — Tales of a wayside inn. Boston, 1863. D J^'. 811 13 Longford, Joseph H, A summary of tlie Ja- panese penal codes. (In Asiatic soc. of Ja)>aii. Trans, y. 5, 1877.) !»l.j.>2 i Longhi, Giuseppe. La calcografia. Milano, IHiO. V. 1. O. j^or. 760 2 Vol. 1: La teovioa dell' ai'te. Notizie biograflche di Lonshi, da F. Loughena. p. 387-ur)uiiii. IIalmotaprioralu.s. 1H89. Longiis. Gli amori pastorali di Dafni e Cloe; volgariz/.ali da Annibal Caro, col suppkinento tradotto ila Sel'astiano Oiamjii. Nuova edi- zione. Milano, 1863. S. //. (/;; Bibl. rara. 20.) 850 3 — Les pastorales. (In Courier de Mere, I*. L. CEuvres. 1833.) 848 3 — Courier de Mere, P. L. Lettre sur une tache faite il un ins. de Florence, facsim. (In his (Euvres. 1833.) 848 3 — Furia, F. del. Della scoperta esubitanea per- dita di una parte inedita del prinio libro di Pa- storali di Longo. [Firenze, 1810.] O. 24 p. facsim. 888 52.1 Lonsdale, Mark. Poems. (In Westmoreland and Cunjberland dialects. 1839.) 820 1 L«)0-CHOO ISLANDS, Hall, B. (In his Vovage to the eastern seas. 1827.) 915.1 2 A looker on from America, .st'f Boynton, C. B, Loparco, Luciano. (In Spiiielli, M. Idiurnali. 1865.) 945 98 Lopes, Fernao. Chronica del rey Joam I. Lis- boa, 1644. 3 pt. in 1 v. F. " 099 42 "This volume probably combines, in a liieher degree tban any otber I possess, the qualities of extreme rarity and great literary merit. It is beyond doubt the tirst historical work of the 15th century, and is almost as im- portant to French and English as to Portuguese history." — Ms. note by Mr. Marsh. — Chronica del rey Pedro I.-; accresoentada pelo .Joze Pereira Bayam. Lisboa, 1760. O. 946 76 — Chronica d'el rey Pedro I., — Fernando. (In Lisbon — Acadeniia. Collec5ao de. hist, port., 1790-1824, v. 4.) 946 68 —Marsh, ii. V. (In Johnson's cyclopwdia.) In main library. Lopez de Ayala, Pedro. Cronicas de los reyes de Castilla, Pedro, Enrique II, Juan I, Enrique III.; con las enmiendas del Geroninio Zurita, y las correcciones y notas por Eugenio de Lla- guno Aniirola. por. (In Crciuicas espaiiolas. v. 1, 2, 1779-80.) 946 34 Lopez de Tortajada, Damian, editor. Floresta de vario.s romances de los doce pares de Fran- cia. (In Rodd, T., translator. Ancient Sitau- ish ballads. 1831.) 861 3 Lord, John Kenst. At home in the wilderness; by The wanderer. London, 1867. D. il. pior. 910 20 Lord William Russell, historisk Tragoedie, see Munch, A. LORD'S PRAYER, see Bible— A': T.— GOSPELS. LORD'S SUPPER. Frith, J. A book answer- ing More's letter against the treatise that Fritli nuide concerning the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ. (In Tyndale * Frith. Works, 1831, v. 3.) 208 10 — Fuller, T. Joseph's party-coloured coat. London, 1640. D. " 232 7 —Knox, J.A summary of the sacrament of the Lord's supper. (In his Works, 1846-64, v. 3.) 208 4 — More, Sir T. A letter impugning the erroni- ouse %yryting of John Frith agaynst the sac- LORD'S SUPPER 418 LOUIS III rament of the aulter. — The answer to the first part of The supper of the Lord. — A treatice to receave the body of our Lorde. (In his Works, 1557, v. 2.) 230 5 — Tyiidale, W. The supper of the Lorde. ri. p., 1533. T. [73J p. 09!) 2 Same. (In Tyiidale * Frith. Works, 1 831 . V. 3.) 208 10 See a/so MASS; SACRAMENTS; TRANSUBSTAMIATIOX. Lore, IJoiidcTrUn van der. Gedichten. (In. Bloiiimaert, J. P. M. Oudvlaemsche gedicliten, 183S-51, V. 2.1 839.31 2 Lorens (Latin Lorentlus Galliis), /rerc. La somme de vices et de vertus: — Frencii & Italian. Trattatello delle virtu, 'testo francese; e to>cauo di Zucchero Benci- venni, del sec. 14. Bologna, 1863. D. 48 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 26.) 850 10 — English, see Michel, Dan. Ayenbite of inwyt. 1866. (/hE.E. textsoc. Orig. ser. 23.) 820 5 — Ellers, \y. Dissertation on '"I'he parson's tale." and the "Sonime de vices et de vertus.'" (In Essays on Cliaucer. pt. 5, 1884; in Chaucer SOC. 3ser. 19.) 821 46 Lorentis, Nikolaos. Ac^ikJc tQv dpxal'-"' Kvploiv dpo/xdrajv TTJt ^vdoXoyias, liTToptas Kai 7ecu7pa0fas. E^ Bi^.'i'B, 1837. sqF. (In tiazis, A. A. Ac|«6^, 1835-7, V. 3.) 483 1 Lorentz, Bernard. Cours elementairede culture des bois; complete et publie par A. Parade. 4 edition, auginentee. Paris, 1860. O. 551.58 38 Lorentz, Friedrich. Karls des Grossen Privat- und Hotieben. (In Ranmer, F. L. 9. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1832) 905 1 Lorenz, Josef Roman, ttitter von Liburnan. Wald, Kliina und Wasser. Miinchen, 1878. D. a. 551.58 65 — editor. Das Forstwesen auf der Wiener Welt- au.sstellun22 6 Lorenzo, /Va/p, de' predicatori, see Lorens. Lorenzo, Giacomo di. La insalubrita di Napoli in rapporti) alia igiene pubblica della citta. Napoli. 1875. O. 614 2 Lorenzo Benoni, see Rnffini, 6. LORETO. The miraculous origin aiid transla- tion of the church of Our B. Lady of Loreto:... tr. out of the Latin [by Robert C^jrbington]. Lo- reto, 1849. broadside, 53x40cm. (7. 230 11 — Mnrri, V. Relazione istorica delle prodigiose traslazioni della Santa Casa di Nazavette, ora venerata in Loreto. Loreto, 1852. S. pi. 231 10 bound with 223 4 — Torsellino, 0. Lauretan.-B historife libri 5. Moguntia'. 1600. S. p7. 271 14 Lori, Andrea. In lode delle mele. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 2.) 857 3 Loii, Jacopo. La Mea di Polito, poemetto nion- tanino; con anuotazioni filologiche di Pietro Fanfani. Pistoja, 1870. D. 859 4& "Pbilolotfically very important." Xote by Mr. Marsh. Loriti, Heinrich, see Glareaniis. LORRAINE. Document en patois lorrain rela- tif a la guerre entre le conite de Bar et le due de Lorraine, 13H7-8 [: edited by F. Bonnardot]. (hi Roniiinia. V. 1. 1872.) 479 6 Lorris, Guillannie de, ar Francisque-Micbel. Paris, 1864. 2 v. in 1. D. 841 25 Die Rose [van H. van Aken]. (In Kansler, H.vaii. Denkmaler altniedeiT landischer Litera- tur, 1840-66, v. 2.) 839.31 4 Same: met de fragmenten der tweede ver- taling; uitgegeven door E. Verwijs. 's Graven- hage, 1868. Q. 839.31 6 Lost beauties of the English language, see Mackay, C. The lost tales of Miletus, see Lytton, E. G. Loticli, Joliau Peter. Historia Augusta impe- ratorum Komanorum, ex Lotichii tetrastichis mnenionicis; effigies & supplementa adjecit H. C. Henniuius. Arastelaedami, 1707. F.'' jwr. iltp. 937 3 LOTTERIES. Florence -Lotteria floreiitiiia di lieueflceuza. Relazione soniniaria alia coniinis- sione di sorveglianza, 2 luglio 1880. Firenze, 1880. O. 32 p. 174 2 hoMnd ic(77i 146 1 Lotti, Bernardino. Dialcune recenti scoperte ])ale(intol(igiche nei dintorni di Massa inarritti- nia. (/// Roine^R. accad. dei lincei.Atti. 2 ser. V. 3, IS75-6. pt. 2.) 065 3 Loiiandre, Charles Leopold. I.e jansenisme et I,i>s provincialcs. (//( Pascal, It. Les jirovin- ciales, 18.-,8, p. 3-29.) 285 19 LOIIDUN. Phelypanx, P. Conference de Lou- dun, (in Michand (t- Poiuonlat. Memoires, 1866, V. 19.) 944 9 LOI'IS III., king of France. 'ETriW/doi/ rhythnio Ti'utonico liudovici regi acclaniatinn, cum Nortninnnos an. 883: interpretatione Latina & coniMientatione historica illust. J)l, (In Schil- ler, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, v. 2.) 830 LOUIS IX 419 LOVE Louis IX., St., king of Fniiicc. De captione et liljoratione sua. — Lmiovici canonisatio. (In Bon^rars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) !»40 10 IJolcrraiio, L. T., editor. Docinnenti iiiediti ri^Uiinhuiti le due crociate cli san Ludovico IX, re di Fraucia. Genciva, 1859. O. ;3H1 )). fac- sim. !Hi) 14 — Joiiiville, J. de. Dissertations, ou rrMexions sur I'histoire de saint Louys. (In Dii Caiige, C. dli F. Glossariuni, 1840-57, v. 7.) 47« 3 .— — Histoire de saint Louis, par. {In Michaild & Poiijoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 1.) 944 9 With Indication des documents pour le regne de Louis, and Extraits des Instoriens arabes relatifs aux deux croi- sadesde Louis. — — Memoires; or, Histoire et ehronique de saint Louis; publies par F. Micliel. Paris, 1859. D. pi. 944 11 For other editions see Joiiiville. ^Littre, M. P. E. Saint Louis et Joinville. (hi his Etudes sur les barl>ares. 1867.) 940 4 — Sarrasiiis, J. P. Lettre sur la premiere croi- sade de saint Louis, por. (In >Iicliaiid d- Poii- joulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 1.) 944 9 LOUIS XI., king of France. Comiiies, P. de. Memoires, 1464-98. (In same. v. 4.) 944 9 — — English: Memoirs, containing tlie history of Lewis XL, also The scand.'ilons chronicle [by Jean of Troyes]. New edition. London, 1833. 3 V. O. " 944 31 ^Jean of Troi/es. Chronique de Louis XI, 1461-83. (7)1 IJuclloii, J. A. C. Choix decliro- niques, 15 siecle. 1838.) 944 17 ^ —Chronique scandaleu>-e: Histoire de Louis XI, 1460-83. por. (In Midland * Poiijoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 4.) 944 9 With indication des documents relatifs an regue de Louis XI. LOma Xlll., king of Fra lire. Dubois,—. Me- moire des choses a la mort de Louis XIII, 1643. (In same. v. 11.) 944 9 — Estr6es,F. A. d.'Memoires, reKencede Marie de Medicis et regue de Louis XIII. por. (In same. v. 30.) 944 9 — Herouard, J. Journal sur Tenfance et la jeunesse ile Louis XIII, 1601-38; publie par E. iSoulie et E. de Barthelemy. Paris,' 1868. 3 v. O. 923 59 ^Raumer, P. L. G. von. Geschichte Ludwigs XIII und des Kardinals Richelieu. (In liis Hist. Tasclienbuch. 1830.) 905 1 LOUIS XIIL d- XIV., kings of France. Bri- enne, H. A. de L. de. Memoires, 1615-61. por. (/(t Midland '»-- ''iS 83 LOUISA Ausnsta >VillieIinina Anialla, queen of Prnssia. Klnckliolni, .V. Luise, Konigin von Preussen. Berlin, 1)S76. O. 70]). por. (In. VirclloH' tt Holtzendorir. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Lonise de Saroie, dnchesse d'Aiigoiilenic. Jour- nal, 1476-1523. jfwr. (In Midland d- Poiyouliit. Memoires, 1866, t. 5.) 944 9 LOUISIANA. Tliomassy, M. J. R. Geologie pratique de la Louisiane. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1860. sqQ. pi. 557 1 Lonnsbiiry, Thomas Raynesford. On tlie ter- minology of the periods of the Englisli lan- guage. [New Haven, 1875.] O. p 77-107. 420 9 From New Englander for Jan. 187t>. Lontrliitzlti, .Jean, see Lntcliitxiii, Ivan. Lontll, Jolili, archdeacon of Nottiiighaiii. Re- miniscences. 1579. il. (In Sidiols, J. (J. Nar- ratives. 1859: in Camden soe. 77.) 820 4 Lonvet de Convray, Jean Baptiste. Jlemoires. (7» Barriere rf- Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 13.) 944 10 LOUVRE, see Paris. Lovatelii, ErsiliaC'aetani, eoH/pssa. Di un an- tico musaico rappresentante una scena circense. pi. (Ill Rome— R. accad. dei lined. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 3, 1878-9.) — Di un antico musaico a colori rappresentante gli aurighi delle quattro fazioui del circo. j)/. (In same. v. 7. 1880 1.) 065 5 LOVTE. Abel, C. Ueber den Begriff der Liebe in einigen alten und nenen Spraehen. Berlin, 1,'^73. O. 63 p. (//( Virdiow ct Holtzcndorff. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Aragona, T. d,' Delia infinitii d' amore, dia- logo. Milano, 1864. S. (In Bibl. rara. 39.) 850 3 ^Baiidiini, (i. II libro d" amore di carita; per cura del A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1889. O. (In Emilia. Collezione. 66.) 850 6 — Betnssi, E. II Raverta. dialogo d' amore e degli effetti suoi. Milano, 1864. S. (In Bibl. rara. 30.) 850 3 — Midielet, J. L'amour. 3 edition. Paris, 1859. D. 157 1 LOVE 420 LUC A ^Tasso, T.Il cavaliere amante elagentiklonna ainata. — La Molza: ovveio, Dell' amove. — II Cataneo; ovvero, Delle couclusioni. (In his Dialoghi. 1822.) 851 117 ^Teoli, C.J editor. Mescolanze d' aniore; ovve- ro, Raccolta di scritti amatori di Plotliio, L. B. Alberti, S. Giiazzo e M. Cesarotti. Milano, 1863. S. (In Bibl. rara. 6.) 850 3 — Wiegaud, W. Die wissenscliaftliche Bedeu- tung der platonisclien Liebe. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. (Ill Vircliow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortr'iige. 13 Serie.) 043 1 THE GOD OF LOVE, see CUPID. Lovelace, Richard. [Select pcems.] (In Soiitli- ey, R. Select works of British poets. 1 831 .) 821 9 Loveling, Rosalie <& Virginia. Novellen. Gent, 1874. sqD. 839.33 24 XoTell, A., translator, see Tlievcnot, J. de. Travels into the Levant. 1687. !H5 7 L0veridderen, Tragoedie, see Ingemann, B. S. Loves labour's lost, see Slialjespeare, W. Lovisato, Boiiienico. Strumenti litiei e brevi ceuni geologici sulle jirovincie di Catanzaro e di Cosenza. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liii- eei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Sulle chinzigiti della Calabria. (In same. v. 3, 1878-9.)— Novi oggetti litiei della Calabria, pi. (Ill same. — Cenni critici suUa preistoria cala- (/h .so)»e. v. 8, 1880-1.) 065 4 Et L0vte, see St. Aiibain, A. N. de. Low, Sampsoii.The English catalogue of books published, 183.5-89. London, 1864-91. v. 1-4. Q. 015 3 — Same: Index [of subjects]. 1837-80. London, 1858-84. V. 1-3. Q. 015 3.1 Liiwe, Hciiiricli. Deutsch-Euglische Phraseolo- gie, nebst einem Systematical vocabulary; unter Mitwirkung von Bernhard Schmitz. Berlin, 1877. O. 435 13 Lowell, James Russell. Fireside travels. Lon- don, 1864. S. 814 13 —The life of Keats. (In Keats, J. Poetical works. 1854.) 821 69 — My study windows. London, 1871. O. 814 14 — Poetical works. Comijlete edition. London, 1873. S. ijor. 811 17 Lower, Mark Antony. English surnames: es- savs on family nomenclature : with the roll of Battel abbey, &c. London, 1842. O. il. 929 14 — editor, see Newcastle, M. L. C. Lives of Wil- liam duke of Newcastle and his wife. 1872. 923 74 Liiwcnklan tLatin Leouclavius), .Toliann. De variis monetis. — & others. Series imperatorum Turcicorum. (In Tnrcici imperii status. 1630.) 094 59 Lowndes, William Thomas. The l)ibliogra])li- er's manual of English literature. New edi- tion, enlarged [Ijy II. G. Bohn]. London, 1857- 64. 6 V. in 11. D. 015 1.1 Vol. 6 is Appendix, by H. G. Bohn. The loyal garland ; a collection of songs of the 17th centurv; edited bv J. O. Halliweil. Lon- don, 1850. 'D. [Il-f|'88p. (/ii Percy soc. V. 29.) ■ 820 6 Lrtysi)n,Ghai-le3 .lean Marie, see Hyaciiithe,^)^'^. Lozzi, Carlo. Canti popolari pei nostri tigli. Firenze, 1873. Tt. 851 83 Luard, Henry Richards, editor. Annales nio- nastici. Lon'don, 1864-9. 5 v. Q. facsim. (In at. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 rLives of Edward the Confessor. London, 1858. Q. facsim. (In .same. 3.) 942 8 For contents see EDW.tlil) 111. Cotton, B. de. Historia Anglicana. 1858. (In same. 16.) 942 8 Flores historiaruni. 1890. (In same. 95.) 942 8 Grosseteste, R. Epistolse. 1861. (In same. 25.) 942 8 Paris, M. Chronica majora. 1873-83. (In same. 57.) 942 8 Liibben, Angnst, cipue Lubecen- ses. (In same. v. 3.) — CoUectio diplomatum de rece])tione & usu juris Lubecensis in civitati- bus Cimbricis,1232-1692. (/); same. v. 4.) 943 31 — Dittiner, tJ. W. heil. Geist Hospital zu Liibeck, von seinem Ursprung bis auf unsere Zeit. (/)( Schleswig...Gesellschaft. Archiv. V. 1, 1833.) " 943 42 — Lappenberg, J. M. Zur Geschichte der Bi- schofe und des Stiftes von Lubeck. (In .■iame. V. 2, 1834.) 943 42 — Memorial iiber die Aufnahme Konig Chri- stian's I., 1462, und die Bewirthung Herzog Albreeht's von Sachsen, 147S, in Liibeck. (/« same. v. 3, 1837.) 943 42 — Munich— K. baler. Akad. der Wiss. — Hist. Contniis. Die Clironiken der deutschen St'adte; V. 19: Lilbek, V. 1. Lei)>zig, 1884. O. 923 24 Contents: I. Di'tiiiiir. Dclniar-rhroiiik, 1101-1400. Seenho HAXZAI', K.: WulIcnnolHT, ,J. Liibke, Williclni. (iiNchidite der Architektur. 3 vermehrte AuUagc. Leipzig, 1865. O. il. 720 9 Lnca, prior. II Po, 1" Arno e il Tevere; veglia decima, 2 edizionc. Firenze, 1864. S. .10 p. 945 91 — Veglie. Firenze, 1860-8. 6 v. D -:3- 7. (/)( Surtees soc. 73, 76, 80.) 820 7 Lukniiiu Al-Haklm. Locmani sapientis fabulae 40; edidit Erasmus Rask. Hafnis, 1831. O. 8-1-37 p. 892 4 Lulio, Raimnndo (English Raymond LiiUy.) Codicillus; seu, "Vade mecum in (juo fontes alchimicie artis ac philosophise reconditioris ul)errime trahuntur, Postrema editio. Rotho- magi, 1651. S. .540 1 — Ein katalanisches Thierepos; von Konrad Hofmann. Miinchen, 1873. sqQ. 70 p. 869 14 The title of the Catalan is: Lo VII. libre qui es de les besties. The story forms a part of his Felix rie les mara- uelles. An analysis in German follows the test. —Libre apellat Felix de les marauelles del mon. 1386. [Barcelona, 1878-80.] 3 v. D. {In Bibliotecacatalana. 8-9.) 869 7 — Helfferich, A. Rayiuund Lull iind die An- fange der catalonischen Literatur. Berlin, 1858. O. 869 15 —Marsh, (t. P. {in Johnson's cyclopsedia.) In main library. LuUin de Chateanvieux, Jacob Fr^dtSric. Let- tres sur Italie [,18l2-16j. 2 edition augmentee. Paris, 1834. O. 914.5 07 Lumbroso, Giacomo. Ricerche alessandrine.— Descrittori italiani dell' Egittoe di Alessandria. LUMBROSO 422 L UTHER {III Rome— R. accad. tlei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. nior. V. 3, 1878-9. — Sulla fortuua della parola filosofo. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) 0(>5 5 Luuiby, Joseph Rawson, editor. Beinardus de cura rei fauiuliaris; with .some early Scottish prophecies, &c. London, 1870. O. 11 + 46 p. {In E. E. text see. Orig. ser. 42.) 820 5 King Horn; with fragments of Floriz and Blauncheflur, and of The assumption of Our Lady; with notes and glossary. London, 18ii6. O. {In same. 14.) 820 5 Ratis raving, and other moral and relig- ious pieces in prose and verse. London, 1870. O. (In same. 43.) 820 5 Hiiitlen, R. Polyclnonicon. v. 3-9, 1871-86. (Ill (it. Bi'.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 41.) 042 8 Knishtoii, H. Chronicon. 1889. {In same. 92.) 042 8 Lima, Alvaro de. Cronica; lapublicaconapen- dices Josef Miguel de Fiores. 2 impresion. (In Croiilcas espanolas. v. 5, 1784.) 94G 34 Luna, Miguel de. Historia verdadera del rey Don Kodrigo. de la perdida de Espaiia, y la conquista que della hizo Mitamamolin Alman- 9or, y vida del rey Jacob Alman9or: compuesta por Abulcacim Tarif Abentarique [pseu laurca subuiittit Andreas Otto Lindfors. Londini Gothoruni [, 1802]. O. 24 p. 943 9 Lundell, J. A. Det svenska landsmalsalfabetet. 147 p. (Ill Syare bidrag, v. 1, 1878.) 439.77 3 LUNDtlREN, Lars Jolian. Beckman, W. Amin- nelse-tal ofver Lundgren. Stockholm, 1836. D. 30 p. 923 60 Lundh, (Jregers Fougner, editor, see Bersrens gamle Bylov. 1829. 839.68 1 Lnudy, F. J. Metra Horatiana; or. The metri- cal systems of Horace arranged on a new plan. Burlington, 1838. S. 26 p. 476 3 LtiXEBURti. Chronicon Luenburgicum Sax- onica lingua conscripta. (In Eckliard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723. v. 1.) 943 13 Lungo, Isldoro del, editor, see Scelta di curi- osita. 49, 56, 98. 850 10 LUNIGIAXA. ZolfaneUi, C. La Lunigiana e le Alpi ai>uaue. Firenze, 1870. D. 551.43 42 Lunkeiitns, dramatiserad folk-saga, seeStjerns- tolpe, J. M. Lnpnuns, Vincentius, see La Loupe, \. de. Lupi, Cleniente. Manuale di paleografia delle carte. Firenze, 1875. D. pi. 417 1 Lupus, see Wulfstau. Luria, a tragedy, see Brownins, R. Os Liisiadas, see I'anioens, L. de. La Lusiguacca ; novella inedita del buon secolo della lingua. Bologna, 1862. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 10.) 850 10 HOUSE OF LUSIGIVAN, see CYPRUS ; JERU- SALEM [kingdom) . The romans of Lusignen, see Melusine. Lusitnuia liberata, see Sousa de Macedo, A. LHtchitzki, Ivan, editor. Documents inedits sur I'histoire du Languedoc et de La Rochelle apres la Saint-Barthelemy, 1572-4. Paris, 1873. Q. 74 [-1-1] p. 944 62 Lulfullali. Autobiography of a Mohaniedan gentleman; edited by Edward B. Eastwick. Leipzig, 1857. S. (Tauchnitz edition. i 923 61 bound with 46 Luther, Martin. P'iinf bisher ungedructt Briefe Luthers an Veit Dietrich. (}n Sirobel, (J. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1.) — Sieben unge- druckte Briefe Luthers. {In same. v. 3.) 830 10 — Hauspostille; oder, Predigten liber die Evan- gelien auf die Sonn- und vornehmsten Fest- tage. 1 amerikanisclie Auflage nach Veit Dietrich. New-York, 1846. Q. jjo?-. 252 11 —Saxoi/: De Husspostilla auer de Euangelia der Sondage vnd vornehmesten Feste dorch dat gantze jar; in Sassische sprake getriiwelick auersettet. n p., n. d. Q. il. 252 10 On the cover is stamped : 1622. — Sinnreiche Tischreden. Neue, verbes.serte Ausgal)e. Stuttgart. 1836. 2 v. O. 244 1 — Audoer, J. Suecint.a descripziun della vita da Luther. {In /m-Ilsreforinaturs. 1845.) 859 31 — Carlyle, T. Luther's psalm. (In his Essays, 1860. V. 2.) 824 8 With uri;;hi!il juid translation. — Fislier, J. Sermon made agayn the pernicy- ous doctryn of Martin Luvither, 1521. (hi his Knglisb works, v. 1. 1876; /)( E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 27.) 820 5.1 — Mnrner, T. Ob der Konig von Kngbind ein Liigner sei oder der Luther. (In Sclieiblc, J. L UTIIER 423 LYA'GBY Das Kloster, 184.'i-50, v. 4.)— Von dein grossen Luthevisclien Naneii. — D(*r Lutlierisclieii Kir- clieiulicb- and Ketzerkalciider. {In name. v. 10.) 837 IB — Scliiniilt-l'liiseldek, C. V. von. Rede am Tage der Urundlegung des Deiikiuals fur Luther, 'i\ Oct. 1817. (/». ///.s Prohcn. 1823.) S3r> 1 — Splnviillt, M. Luther's Kiitvvickluiig vom Moncli /.uiii Reforiimtor. Berlin, 1884. O. 32 p. (//( Virclunv d: lloltzeiidortf. Vortriige. 19 Serie.l 043 1 Lutheran clinrcli, Gerinauy. [Hjmn Ijook, with sonn- test- nnd feyertiigliche Evangelien und Episteln. 18— .J S. 245 2 Title-page wanting. Bedenkcn der niarggriifisclien Tlieohigen iiljer die uiarggriiflish- brandenljurg- und nlirn- liergische Kirchenordnuiig. (l)i. Strobel, (i. T. Mihcellaneen, 1778-81, v. 2.) 830 10 LUTJENBUItG. MicUelseii, A. L. J. Die Erb- uuterthilnigkeit der Stnilt l..iitjenburg ini 16 und 17 Jahrliundert. (/». SclllesSvig... (ilfsell- scliaft. Arebiv. v. 3, 1837.) 073 42 Li'itken, Otto Diderik. Kan Markfred i IJan- niark opnaaes uden ved Hegn? {In David, C. (i. S. Stats. Archiv. v. 2, 1829.) 330 15 Littze, Arthur. Das Galgenniiiunlein, ein dramatisclies Gedicht. Leipzig, 1839. S. 6+91 p. 832 7 LUTZEN. Fleetnood, ti. Letter giving an account of tlie battle of Lutzen and the death of (justavus Adolphus; edited liy Sir P. de M. (i. Egerton. 1847. {In Camden misc. 1: (/; t'amden soc. 39.) 820 4 — The jiTeat and famous battel of Lutzen; an abridgment of the kings life, and a relation of the king of Bohemia's deatli; translated out of tBe French coppie. n. p., 1633. D. [6 + ] 39 p. 943 26 LUXDORPH, BoUe Willnni. Siihni, P. F. Character af Liixdorph. {In liis Skrifter. 1788- 98, V. 6.) 839.S8 5 LUXEMBOURG, Francjois Henri de Montnio- rency, due de. Der Marschall von Lu.xem- burg". {In Scheible, J. Das Kloster. 184.1-50, V. 3.) 837 16 LUXEMBURG. Bertel, J. Historia et descrip- tio ducatus Luxemhurgensis. {In Res|)nl)lica Namurcensis. 1634.) )»4!t 24 LUXURY. Bergamo. Capitoli prohil)enti le ]iompe della citta. Bressa, 1540. O. [14] p. 099 27 Luzi, Lodovico. II duomo di Orvieto. Firenze, 1866. D. 726 20 Liizzatti, Liiigi. II centenario della publilica- zione di Adamo Smith. {In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — Die naticmalokonomischen Sclnilen Italiens und ihre Controversen. {In. Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 2, 1875.) 945 41 l-vcksalighetens 6, sagospel, .see Atterboni, P. I). A. LYCIA. Fellows, C. An account of discoveries in Lvcia, 1840. London, 1841. Q. pZ. maps. 913 31.3 Lycksiikaren, komedi, see Lindegren, K. Lycurgns. Qusb exstaut omnia [, Greek and L itin. with full critical apparatus^. {In Orato- res Attici, 1828, v. 4, 14.) 885 1 Lydgate, John. The childe of Bristow, a i)oem; edited by Clarence Hopper. 1859. (In Camden misc. 4; m Camden soc. 73.) S20 4 — The historie of the destruction of the citee of Thebes. (7/t Chaucer, G. Workes. 1561.) S21 37 — A selection from the minor |)oenis: edited by James Orchard Halli\Ml|. London, ISIO. D. {In. Percy soc. v. 2.) ^^20 6 — Verses on the kings of England. (/?i Camden soc. n. s. 17, 1876.) 820 4.1 Lydgate and Occleve society. [Prospectus. London, 1872.] (). 4 p. 820 5.2 Lyell, Sir Charles. Elements of geology. Lon- don, 1838. O. il. pi. ' 551 6 — The geological evidences of the antiquity of man; with remarks on origin of species by va- riation. 2 edition. London, 1863. O. 573 4 — Principles of geology. 8 edition. London, 1850. O. maps. 551 7 —Same. 10 edition. London, 1867-8. 2 v. O. il. pi. majts. 551 7 Lyell, K. M. A geographical handbook of all known ferns. London, 1870. O. iltp. 587 1 Lygnm monastei-y. Necrologium monasterii Loci Dei. {In Langeliek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 4.) 948 76 — Diplomata ad monasterii Loci Dei pertinen- tia, 1173-1578. {In same. v. 8.) 948 76 Det lykkelige Skibbrud, seeHolberg, L. Come- dier, v. 5. Lykken bedre end Forstanden, et Lystspil, see Wessel, J. H. Lykkens Kalosker, see Andersen, H. C. Tre Digtninger. Lykkens Tenipel, en Drom, see Ewald, J. v. 1. Lykkens Yndling, see St. Aubain, A. N. de. Noveller, v. 3. Lykkeridderne, see 0hlenscIilager, A. G. Dig- terva^rker, v. 2. Lyly, John. Euphues : The anatomy of wit, 1579;— Euphues and his England, 1580. Lon- don, 1868. S. {/« Arber, E. English reprints. 9-) 820 9 Lynch, William Francis. Official report of the United States' expedition to ex])lore the Dead Sea and tlie river Jordan. Baltimore. 1853. sqQ. lil. map. 915.6 30 C/iief ctmlents.- Lynch, W.F. Report.— Anderson, H. .1. Ge- ological reconnaissance.,— Conrad, T. A. Paleontulogieal report. Lyndesay, Sir David. Works. London, 1865- 71. pt. 1-5. O. (/« E. E. text soc. Orig. .ser. 11,19,35,37,47.) ^820 5 Contents: The monarche, and other poems;— The his- torie of William Meldrum;—Ane satjTe of the thrie es- taits; edited by Fitzedward Hall.— Minorpoems- edited by J. A. 11. Murray. — Poetical works. New edition, enlarged, with life, prefatory dissertations, and glos.sary, by George Chalmers. London, 1806. 3v. D. 82175 — Tytler, P. F. {In /tts Lives of Scottish worth- ' ies, 1831-4, v. 3.) «)20 17 Lyngby, K. J. Bemankninger til den Afhand- ling[; Om det tidligere Folkesprogi Even Sles- vig, af C. C. LorenzenJ. {In Copenhagen— K. L YJSTGB Y 424 MA CCHIA VELLI nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 19, 1859.— Oixi Spiogec paa Hjaltlandsoerne. {In same. v. 20, 1«60.) 948 3 — Skrifter af Moller, R'aiif, Save, Djurklou og Rydqvist om det sveiiske Sprog og de sveuske Sprogarter. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskiift. V. G, 1858-60.) 948 4 Lyngbye, Hans Christian. Annia;rkninger. {In Mackenzie, G. S. Efteiretning om Faeioeine; in Collin, J, For Historie, 1832-5, v. 1.) 948 66 — Oiii Uadeild og de jyc. Poll' arte della guerra. («. Due provvisioni per isiruiie milizie uazionale nellare- pul)l)lica tiorentiria,.-('i)Tisnlti. perl clczicmedclcoman- dante delle fantciic— lielazii.Ti.- di una visita fatta per fortilieare Finaize. - Sentenzc — Discoi-so sopra il riforniaro lo state di Fireiize. — Soiu- mario delle cose della cittji di Lucca.— Kitratti delle cose della Francia — Delia natura de' Frances!. —Kitratti MAC CHI A VELLI 435 MA C-RA Y delle cose dell' AlamaKnii.— Rapporto delle cose della Magna.— Disrorso stipra Ir cose di AlamaKiia Istru- ziuiu" u K;irfa«'il'i ( Mrolaiiii. Disrorso-.-Ia liiif^ua-.-itHli- ana. o liorentina- — Nin-ill.-i di Belf:i[;or arcidi- avulo. — Dcsoriziuiie della pcstc; ', W. Neuere Machiavelli- Literal ur. (fit Hillelmnid, K. Italia, v. 3, 1875.) 945 41 — Macaiilav, T. B. (In his Essays, 1843, v. 1.) 824 16 — Twesteu, C. Machiavelli. Berlin, 1868. O. 36 p. {In Vircliow <£• Iloltzeudorff. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Vlllari, P. Niccolo Machiavelli e isuoitemi)!; con miovi documeuti. Fireuze, 1877. v. 1. O. 923 63 English: Niccolo Machiavelli and his times; translated by L. Villari. London, 1878-83. 4 v. O. 923 63.1 Maccia, Raimondo. L'amiuiraglio Persano; os- sia, Coufutazione di alcuni appuuti suUa batta- glia navale di Lissa. 4 edizione. Torino. 1866. O. 55 p. 94.5 38 M'Crie, Thomas. History of the progress and suppression of the reformation in Italy in the 16th century: iucludiugasketchof the reforma- tion in the Grisous. 3 edition, enlarged. Edin- burgh, 1833. O. 270 33 —The life of John Knox, containing illustra- tions of the history of the reformation in Scot- land; with appendix. New- York, 1813. O. por. 922 35 McDevltte, W. A., translator, see Caesar, C. J. Commentaries. 1870. 878 4 Mac(5, Jean. Histoire d'une bouchee de pain ; lettres sur la vie de I'liomme et des animaux. 18 edition. Paris [,1866J. D. 612 5 MACEDO, Joaqiiiiu Maiioel de. Wolf, F. J. Die Nebulosa von Macedo. (In Jahrbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1863.) 805 1 Macedo, Jose Agostmlio. Os burros: ou, O rei- nado da Sandice, poema heroi-comico-satirico. {In Parnaso lusitano, 1836-34, v. 6.) 869 33 MACEDONIA. Heereii, A. H. L. Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums. (7?i his Werke, 1831-30, v. 6.) 908 2 MTilligott, P. Observations on the Gaelic lan- guage. (7(i Gaelic soc. Trans, v. 1,1808.) 891 7.1 M'Flngral, a modern epic poem, see Trumbull, J. Maeliado, Roger. Journals [, French and Eng- lish]. (/)/ Audi-(5, B. Historia Henrici VIL 1858; ill (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 10.) 942 8 MACHINERY. IJabbage, C. On the economy of machinery and manufactures. Philadeli)hia, 1833. D. 338 1 —Nicholson, J. The operative mechanic and British nun-hiiiist. 1 American from 2 Lon- don edition. Philadelphia, 1836. 3 v. O. 71/. 670 1 — Passy, F. Les machines, et leur influence sur le developpement de I'liumanitij. Paris, 1866. D. 621 1 — Wilkius, J. Mathematical magic; or, The wonders [of| mechanical geometry. 4 edition. London. 1091. S. il. por. 621 3 See also STEAMBOAT: TUUBINE WIIEET,. Macliyii, Heury. Diary, 1550-63; edited by John Gough Nicliols. London, 1848. sqO. {In Camden soc. 42.) 820 4 M'llvaine, Charles Pettit. Oxford divinity compared with that of the Romish and Angli- can cliurches. Philadelphia, 1841. O. 230 4 Maciiighi negli Sfrozzi,Alessandra,see Strozzi. Mackay, Alexander. Manual of modern ge- ography. Edinburgh, 1861. D. 910 11 Mackay, Charles. Lost beauties of the English language. London [,1874]. D. 427 13.1 —editor. A collection of songs and ballads re- lative to the London prentices and trades, and to London generally, 14-16 [15-17] centuries. London, 1841. D. {In Percy soc. v. 1.) 820 6 Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell. The life of Paul Jones. Boston, 1841. 2v. D. 923 53 Mackenzie, Sir George Steiiart. Kort Ef terret- ning om Fasroerne: med Anma-rkninger af Lyngbye og Forclihammer. {In CoUin, J. For Historic, 1823-.5, v. 1.) «)48 66 Mackenzie, William Lyon. The lives and opinions of Beiij'n Franklin Butler and Jeste Hoyt, and their political associates. Boston 1845. O. 974 11 Mackintosh, .9/?- James. A genera] view of the progress of ethical philosophy; chieflv during the 17th and 18th centuries. Philadelohia 1832. O. i'7i i —The history of England. Philadelphia, 1830- 3. 3 V. D. {In Lardner, D. Cabinet eye. 8, 6, —■) 942 6 — Macaiilay, T. B. Mackintosh's History of the revolution in 1688. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 3 ) 824 16 Maclean, John, editor, see the following pub- lications of the Camden society: 820 4 70. Carew, G. Letters to Roe. 1860. S8. Salisbui-}-, R. ('., earl of . Letters to Carew. 1864. Macmillau, Hugh. Holidays on high lands; or, Rambles and incidents in search of Alpine plants. London, 1869. D. 581 23 Macplierson, David, editor, see Wyntown, A. Orygyuale cronykil of Scotland. 1795. 821 118 MACPHERSON James, see OSSIAN. Macrae, Archibald. The Andes and Pampas iiuqjs. '(In U.S.— Naval expedition to southern hemisphere, 1849-52. v. 3, 1855.) 918.3 1 Macray, William Dunn, editor, see Ramsey Chronicon abbatia?. 1866. (//( Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 83.) 942 8 3fAI) 426 3IAETS CHAPPY Th- mad pranks :«id merry jests of Robm O.wdfellow. reprinted from the edition ol lb~», with an introduction by J. Payne Collier. London, 1841. D. 30+45 p. (/" Percy s«c. V. 2.) MADAGASCAR. Hauiond, W. f paradox, prooving that the inhabitants of Madagascar are the Iiappiest people in the world; prefi.xed, A description of that island. London, 1640. p Madtien, Sir Frederic. Introduction to Syr Ga- wayne- a collection of ancient romance-poems relating to that knight of the round table London, 1839. Q. 2i»3 5 Only the introduction and glossary. For the text see E. E. t«xtsoc. Oriff. ser. 4. —editor, see Layamon. Brut. 1847. 821 73 Paris, M. Historia Anglorum. 1866-9. (In Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. and mem 44.) »*2 8 Madden, J. P. A. Lettres d'un bibliographe. [Anon.] 1-3 serie. Versailles, 1868-74. 8 v. O. facsim. **10 4 Conlenis- 1. Trois exemplaires imprimis de la lettre de Pie U i Mahomet 11. 2. Explication de la laenne... 4e la Bible attrilniSe i Ulric Zel— Interpretation de trois notes manuscrites.-Des Bible de 36 lignes, de 42 h^nes et de celle attribuee u Ulric Zel.— Examen d un exem- plaire du Lis Christi etBelial.-Analyse[etc.lde 1 ouvrage pr6c6dent.-Par qui le Lis Christi et Belial a-t-iUto im- ijrim6 ''—William Caxton, a-t-il imprimS le De pro- m-ietatibus rerum?-Des deux MitionsduDe arte pra-di- oandi de saint Ausustin.— Transcription de la preface de Mentelin Fust— Interpretation d uiie note manuscrite sur Siimma de ca>ibus conscientia; d Aste- xanus — D'uiie edition de I'ltnitatio, par Jean de West- phalie.— De I'edition du De remediis utriusque fortuna; de P^trarque, par U. EKjrestein.-De I'ouvrage d Adnen le Chartreux- De remediis utriusque tortunse.- De qua- tre lettres d'indulgence.- A quelle ecole Nicolas Jeiison a-t-il apprisPimprimerie? 3. Interpretation d'une note manuscrite dans laquelle le verbe disponere...;— procii- rare remplace disponere;— se trouyent assooiSs I Iric Zel et .Jean Alen;— se trouyent rfeunis disponere et pro; curare-- resulte que Jean Guldenschaff imprimait a Weidenbaoh.— Des FrSres de la yie commune.— Etudes sur Gutenberg et sur Schoiffer. M.\DEIRA. I)ix, J. A. A winter in Madeira. 2 edition. New York, 1851. D. pi. 914.6 15 —Wilde, W. R. Madeira, il. (In his Narrative of a voyage. 1844.) 5)10 39 Maderup, Oluf. Journal efter Missions Direc- teurers Ordre \>:iix Skibet Princesse Charlotte Amalia, paa Reyseii til Tranqvebar, 1741. (In Madrid -Real acadeiiiia de la historia, editor. see Fernandez de 0\ iedo de Valdes, G.Histori;! de las Indias. 1851-5. 972 1 — R«al academia espafiola. Diccionario de la lengua castellana. 3 edicion. Madrid. 1783. F ^ 463 1 -Same. 11 edicion. Madrid, 1869. F. 463 3 editor, see Fuero juzgo. 1815. 349 27 Madseu, A. P. Undersogelse diugen ved Meilgaard i 1888. gen— K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. 1888.) Madseu,^Eiuil 6s Stednavne. Bans, 0. Samling, 1743-' af Kjekkenmod- il. (In Copenlia- Aarbager. v. 23, 948 5 . pt. 2-3.) 839.8 1 Madison, James, editor. Debates on the adop- tion of the feileral constitution in the conven- tion at Philadelphia in 1787; with a diary of the debates of the congress of the Confedera- tion. (M Elliot, J. Debates, 1836-45, v. 5.)342 15 Madonna Liomwsa. cantare inedito del secolo II; aggiuntavi una novella del Pecorone. Bo- lo.'iia, 1H66. D. 7-1-71 p. (In Scelta di curi- ositii. 89.) 850 10 Madramany y Calataynd, Mariano. Tratadode l;i iiobleza de la I'orona de Aragon, especial- nieiite de Valencia. Valencia, 1788. O. 946 41 Madras. Ueport of the conservator of forests, 1866-7. Madras, 1867. .--ifiF. 17-fl64-H0 p. pi. map. 551.58 108 bound with 548 2 See aim Mnrsli, 0. V. Extracts from Man and nature. Una madre, see Thenar, P. La niadre amorosa, commedia, see Goldonl, C. v. 18. Sjielandske Stednavne. — Sams- (Iii same. Annaler. v. 3, 1863.) 948 2 Madvig, Jolian Nikolai. Lateinische Sprach- lehre. 2 Ausgabe. Braunschweig, 1847. O. 475 5 — A Latin grammar; translated from the Ger- man by George Woods. Sedition, with index of authors. Oxford, 1863. O. 475 6 Maegdendale abbey. Audenarde. Verhael der reforinatie van de abdy, 1468. Gent, n. d. Q. 43 p. {In Maetscliappy der Vlaem. bibl. Wer- ken, 2 ser. 4.) 839.33 3 Maegfhden, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den. Maerlant, Jacob van. Dboec vanden houte: uitgegeven dour J. Tideman. Leiden, 1844. O. (In Vereeniffing Ned. letterknnde. Werken.) 829.3 8 — Leven van Sint Franciscus; uitgegeven door J. Tideman. Leiden, 1847-8. O. (In same.) 829.3 9 — Rymbybel; met voorredc, varianten, aentee- keningeu en glossarium, voor de eerste mael uitgegeven door J. David. Brussel, 1858 9. 3 v. Q. facsim. iltp. 839.31 16 — Spiegel historiael; met de fragmenten der later toegevoegde gedeelten, bewerkt door Philip Utenbroeke en Lodewijc van Velthem; uitgegeven door M. de Vries en E. Verwijs. Leiden, 1863. 3 v. sqF. 839.3117 — Same. 2 partie, bewerkt door Philip Uten- broeke; uitgegeven door Ferdinand von Hell- wald, M. de Vries en E. Verwijs. Leiden, 1879. sqF. 839.31 17 — Brnchstlicke aus Spiegel historiael. (In Die- luer, J. Kleine Beitriige. 1851.) 831 3.1 — De Trojaensclie oorlog; Jazon en Medea; fragmenten. (In Blommaert, J. P. M. Oud- vlaeuische gedichten, 1838-51, v. 2.) 839.31 2 Maes, Costantlno. II Pantheon; le espropria- zioni e le demolizioni alle Terme di Agrippa. Roma, 1881. O. 31 p. pi. 722 5 — Le Ternie di Agrippa; il Pantheon ripristi- nato a mausoleo dei re d' Italia. Roma, 1882. O. [3-l-]l0p. 722 5 Maestri, Pletro, editor, see Auiiuario statisti- co-italiano. 1864. 314 4 La macstrina, commedia, see Morandi, L. El maestro de (hmzar. sec Calderon. v. 1. Maetscliappy der Vlaomsche liihliophilen. Ge- wyzigde wetten, 1845. Gent [,1845]. Q. |3-t-] 9j>. 839.3 1 —Werken. 1-4 reeks. Gent, 1839-73.44 v. in 37. Q&F.-* il. facsim. music, tab. 839.3 2-4 MAETUVHAPPY 427 MA GNETltiM Cmtlmts: FIRST SEIUEH. 1. Ilcinhj/c, J. van. Ilet be- cliu'li, Kie eouw. '2. Dim-n'rlmi'l viui dcti oprcier te Aiit- wi^rpen in lti59. !J. Knuijk van Vlaendoren, 580-1407. :;v. 4. Leven van Sinte AMAXD.dirlilstuk der I4e eeuw. 2v. SECOND SERIES. 1. Vooclit,0.viiii. Ilet bele^van Gent ten jare 965. 2. Aiitncrp. Dit sijn de coren van der stad Antwerpeu. 3. Der vrouuon heinieiykheid. di<-htwcrk der 14e eeuw. 4. Verhael der relornijilii- \iin d-- aluly van Miieardeiidfilo, 1108, .». Sint-Triiyt'ii. (ii-wnnnii-n, \ rijtie. den en pri\ik'i,'ien der .sttid, 14e tM'Uw. 0. Ilet s\w\ van de V vnttMlr rn di-r nnlM'vreesiU-n. II. Dr (iriiiilicrL-vln- cmrloK, ridderdieht uit de 14e eeuw- )i v. l.i. (»hfiit. Memorie- boek der stad. 1301-1793. 4 v. THIIID SERIES. 1. Ifuus. broec, .1. van. Dat boec van den tjheesteleken taberna- cule, 14e eeuw. 8 v. 2. Het btwck van al 't aene datter geschiedt is binnen Bmsfcbe, 1477-91. S. Male, Z. van. Lamentatie. beeldstormerie van Bruj^plie. 4. Hunsliroocs i. van. Dat boec vanden twaelf dotiheden; — Die spiejrhel der ewifiher salicheit;— Van den kerstecen jrUelove; He eeuw. 6. Pottre. .1. de. Dayboek, 1549-1621'. G. >Vaes. De weerhare inaiinen van het land van Waes, 1480, 1552 en 1558. 1. J£tul^lll■(l(•r, J. van. Dat boec van VII trappen; — Dat boec \aii sc\ en sloten:— Dat boec vanden rike der ghelieven; — Dat l)oec vanden vier beeorin^hrji; I4e eeuw. 8. Tat'ereelen uit het leven van .IKM's. ].-ie eeuw. 9. Rnusbroec. J. van. Dat boec vanden Iwaelf l"-i;liinen, 14e eeuw. 10. Ilernielf^heni. A. van. N''dt'il;iiid,srhe hi- storic. 1573-91. 2 V. II. (jJient. .Jaerboekeii \;in hrt ;;ilde van .Sint Antone. I4H8-1866 3 v. 12. ItuiisliriK'o. .1. van. Diecliierheitder ^heesteieker brulocht;— Dat hantvingh- erlijn; oft. Vanden blickenden steene;— Dat boec der hoeehster waerheit: I4e eeuw. Clerrk, ('. de. Gedicliten, 161S-40, 14. Het leven van Pater Petrus-Thomas van llAJniK; I(r)M727. 15. Wielant, P. Praotijcke oriniinele. FuUllTII SERIES. 1. Vaeniewijck, JI. van. Van die be- roerlicke tijden in die Nederlanden, 1566-8. v. 1-3. — Werkeii voor Je ledeu alleen bestenid. Gent, [1848J-73. 10 V. in 3. Q. il. 839.3 5 Coitlints: 1. Dystorie van Saladhie. 2. Die historie vander goeder vrouwen (iriseldis. :!. Declaratie van der triiunphe bewezen PHILIPS, Ghend 13 Jul. l.M'.i. 4. He- schryvinghe...incomste des ininccn \ari (;II.;\, Ghendt,29 Dec. 1577 5. Keen sclioone historie \ an -llarikcii van Nimwcfjhen. 6. Van llunniiiis, een schoene conie- die. 7. Basliijnken van Parijs. 8. (Jootnian, L. De spief^el der jongers, 1488. 9. Dat dyalogus tusschen Sidonion ende Marcolphus. 10. Keukenboek der 15e eeuw. — Wetten. Gent, 1839. Q. lip. 839.3 1 MIG.^LHAENS, Fernando de. Navarrete, M. F., editor. Viage al Malueo de Magallanes. por. (Ill his Colecoion de viages, 1825-^7, v. 4.) 910 59 Magaloiti, Lorenzo, translator, see Trapidsts. Le regole della Trappa. 1883. {In Scelta di curiosita. 196.) 850 10 M'itgauzini, Italo. Sui lavorie-wguitinelBelgio pel miglioramento del regime del tiume Mosa. Roma, 1877. O. 47 p. il. pi. ' 627 15 — .Sulle opere idrauliche dei Paesi Bassi; re- iazioue di niissione. Roma, 1877. Text erH. Milano, 1810. 2 V. S. (In Cullezionu milanese, v. 2-ii.)859 15 Contents: 1. Vita — Commedie. 2. Commedie.— Poesie varie. Majfgri, (iian Antonio. Distribuzione dell' elet- tricita in ecpiililirio Mipra due conduttori... (In Home— U. accad.dei lincci. Atti. y ser. sai.fis. V. 7, 1879-80.)— Iniluzione elettriea su con- duttori limitati... (/(( same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Ma^g:i, (iiovanni Battista, publisher. Carta topogratica del Lago Maggiore e della strada della Sempione. Torino, 1869. 66x106 cm. in O. 912 20 Magsri, (Jirolanio (Latin Hieroiiymns Magius). De tiiitinnabuli.s; Franciscns Wweertius notis illustravit; De e(iuuleo, cum notis G. Junger- manni; ut & appendix. Amstelcedami, 1689. T. 2>l. iltp. 789 1 Maggi, Isidore. Memoria per [J. D.] Davis, ac- cusatod'ingiurie alia santa feile. Roma [,1880]. F. 28 p. 262 1 bound with 282 39 Maggia, C. Relazione sull' ordinamento della scuola professionale di Biella. Torino, 1871. O. 21 p. 607 2 Maggioraui, Carlo. Sulla coincidenza di per- turbazioni del magnetismo terrestre e di attac- chi nervosi, — La funzionedel nervo spinale. — Fisiologia della catalessi. (In Rome — K. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 LAGO MAGGIORE, see LAGO MAGGIORE. Magia divina ; oder, Griind- und deutlicher Uiiterricht von denen fiirnehmsten cabbalisti- schen Kunststiiclien. il. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 MAGIC, see WITCHCRAFT. NATURAL M.AGIC. Brewster, 1). Letters on natural magic. New Yorli, 1832. S. il. 133 19 — Wilkiiis, J. Mathematical magic ; or. The wonders [of] meclianical geometry. 4 edition. London, 1691. S. 621 2 El iiidgico prodigioso, see Calderon, v. 3. Een inagiske Nogle, see Gyllenibonrg', T. C. JIa'jister Zimpels Brautfahrt, see Laugbeiu, A. F. E. V. 9. Magliani, Angnstino. Abolizione graduale della di niacinazione del grano; discorsi. Roma, 1880. Q. 336 7 — Nella discussione del bilancio di prima pre- visione dell" entrata per 1879, discorsi. Roma, 1879. O. 336 5 Maguaeus, Arnas, see Maguiisson, A. The mau:netick lady; or. Humours reconciled, a coineily, see Jouson, B. MAGNETiSxM. Bergliaus, H. K. W. Telluri- scher Magnetisiuus. (In his Phys. Atlas, 1845- 8, V. 1.) 503 1 — Fritsclie, H.Ein Beitrag zur Geographic und Lehre vom Erdmagnetismus Asiens und Eu- ropas; aus Beobachtungen. 1867-83. Gotha, 1885. sqQ. [3-f j 73 p. muiie. (In Petermanns MittlieUnngeii : Ergihizungsband 17.) 910 44 MA GNETISM 438 MAGNUSSON — Uatta, L. La sismologia ed il magnetismo terrestre secoiido le piii recent! osservazioni fatte iu Italia. Roma, 1875. Q. map. 551.2:2 —Keller, P. Sulla variazione secolaie della de- cllnazione maguetica di Roma. {In Rome — R. acead. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.jis. v. 2, 1877- 8, pt. 1.)— Misure della componente orizzon- tale del magnetismo teirestre eseguite in al- cune localita dei dintorni di Roma. (In same. pt. 3.) 0(!5 4 — Mag^ioraui, C. Sulla coincidenza di pertur- bazioue del magnetismo terrestre e di attacchi nervosi. {In same. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) 0(55 3 — Tyiulall, J. An elementary lecture on mag- netism. (In liis Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 Xagiii, Coriielio. Quanto di piu curioso e vago ha potato raccorre C. Magui in viaggi e dimore per la Turchia-..; aggiontavi la relazione del serraglio del Gran Signore,da Alberto Boliovio. Bologna, 1685. O. 09!) 30 Plate wantine. Xaguou, Herve. Instructions pratiques sur le drainage. 3 edition, aiigmentee. Paris, 1863. D. il. 031 10 Magnus, A, Gelior und Sprache. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. (In Virchow & Holtzeiidorff. Vor- triige. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber die Gestalt des Gehororganes beiThie- ren und Menschen. Berlin, 1871. O. 35 p. {In same. 6 Serie.) 043 1, 612 3 MAGMJS, HeiiiricliGiistav. Helnilioltz, H. L. F. Zum Gediichtniss an Magnus. {In Jiis Vor- trilge, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 Mag'iiiis, Hugo. Ueber ethnologische Unter- suchungen des Farbensinnes. Berlin, 1883. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortriige. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Magnus, Joliau. Gothorum Sveonumcjue hi- storia. Basiiea;, 1558. D. 948 50 Edited, with appendix, by Olaus Magnus. — Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sveonumque regibus; opera Olai Magni edita. Romre, 15.54. F. 948 49 Magnus, (nsms,arclibishop of Upsala. Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus... Romse, 1555. sqQ. il. 948 11 Maguiis saga helga. — Magmis saga Hakonar- sonar, fragment. (/« Vlgfl'issou, (j. Icelandic sagas. 1887; ih Gt. Br.— Master of rolls, Cluon. and mem. 88.) 942 8 Mairni'is saga hins g63a ok Haralds liarSniSa. (/uriatcyjarb6k, 1860-8, v. 3.) 839.63 5 Saga Magnflsar hins helga. {In Orkiieyiuga saga. 1780.) fS39.(> 57 Saga Magni'isar koniings g63a. (/(* Co|K>iilingoii — K. nord. ]. sqTt. [33]p. 839.68 21 — Bidragtil nordisk Arcliasologie meddeelte i Forekiisninger. Kidbenhavn, 1820. D. 913 54 — Eddahuren og dons Oprindelse. Kjobenhavn, 1824-6. 4 V. S. pi. 839.61 7.1 See also the following: — Oldnordisk Verdensbetragtning. Kjoben- havn, 1825. 839.61 7.2 Consisting of the three plates of his Eddala^ren. col- ored. and published separately with the above title pasted on tlie paper cover. — Oni de Engelskes Handel og Fajrd paa Island i det 15de Aarhundrede, isair met Hensyn til Columbus's Reise dertil i 1477 og bans Beret- niiiger desangaaende. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1833.) — Om indenlandske Helgeners Skrinla^g- gelse og Dyrkelse i Middelalderen blandt Nord- boerne. {In same. v. 3, 1836.) 948 1.3 — Om de gamle Skandinavers Inddeling af Da- gens Tider. Kjobenhavn, 1844. sqQ. pi. tab. 529 5 — Om Obelisken i Ruthwell og om de angel- saxiske Runer. il. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v, 1, 1836-7.)— Om en Steenring med Rune-Indskrift fra den he- deuske Tid, funden i Skaane. il. — Om Nord- boernes asldste Gudsdyrkelsessteder, kaldede Ve eller Vi, samt denne Bensevnelses Oprin- delse og Afledninger. (In same. v. 2, 1838-9.) — Kortt'attet Udsigtover Astroiogiens Opkomst og Udbredelse i Norden. {In same. v. 3, 1840- 1.) — Ydeiligere Bemeerkninger om den paa Island fundne Stylus, il. (In same. v. 4, 1843-3.) — Bemierkninger om de tveude leldste tydske Digte, udgivne af J. Grimm. (In same. V. 5, 1844-5.)— Om Dobefonten i BaarseKirke: Tillseg. pZ. — Om et ved Largs i Skotland fun- det kostbart Spajnde og dets tvende Rune-Ind- skrifter. {In same. v. 6, 1846.) 948 3 — On the ancient Scandinaviaps' division of the times of the day: translated by John M'Caul. (In same. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 — Roeskilde, et Par Erindringsblade fra 1819 og 1835-36. Kjobenhavn [,1836]. 839.81 32 — Udsigt over den kaukasiske Menneskestam- mes askiste Hjemsted og Udvandringer. Kjo- benhavn, 1813. O. 34 p. 572'l3 — Underretning om tvende fra Island hidkoin- ne udskaarne Stole, pi. — Om tvende Rune- stene i Norre-Jylland. pi. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. V. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 —editor, see Edda— Elder. 1821-3. 839.61 7 Olafsson, S. Liodnifeli. 1823. 839.61 18 Saga Magniiss koniings berfa^tts. (/)( Copenha- gen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Fornmanna s6- gur, 1825-37, V. 7.) 839.63 7 Saga MaguAss konungs ErIingssonar.(/?i same.) 839.63 7 Siigubrot Mugniiss konungs H^konarsonar. {In same. v. 10.) 889.63 7 Magnfisson, Ami. Vita Saemundi multiscii. ( /(riMda-Elder. 1787-1828, pt. l,in v. 3.) 839.61 1 — collector. Di|ilomatariuni Arnn-Magna'anum exhibcMs moiiumciita diplomatica historiam al(|Ui' jura Dania\ Norvegite et vicjnarum re- gionum illusti anlia: edidit Grinuis Johaniiis Thorki'liii. llavniii-, 1786. 3 v. in 1. sqO. pi. 327 5 Hx bibliijUiBca leRati Araa-Maftneani. See also Ariia- Mit^rnirnti lo;?ary. — Olafsson, .1. Biograliske Efterretninger om Arue Jlagnusen; med Indledning, Anma?rk- MAdNUSSON 429 MALARIA niii<;er ok Tilla'R af E. C. WerlaufT. (/)( Copen- hagen— K. iionl. Old.-Selskab. Noidisk Tiils- skrift. V. 3, 1S3(J.) 94.S 1.2 Mn^iiiisson, Eirikr. Anm.Hikninger til 1, "For- nyr3;uli-a|i;i,' OK til 3, 'Islaiulsk OrdsproKsaiii- liiiK'" Kbiivii. 1886. (In same. Aarlxiger v. 33. isss.) 948 5 — wi/Zor.see Thomas saga prkibyskup.-s. lH7,5-83. (//' ({t. Br. — Master of rolls. Chion. and iiifiii. 65.) J)42 8 ManniissoMj Gisii, editor, see (Jretlis saga. 18.-)3. S3!».(i:5 37 MAtfRl. Cocclli, I. Sulla geologia dell' alta valle di Magra. Milano, 1866. F. 17 p. j)l. 551.43 iS bound with 551.31 7 Mas'riiii, Aiirelio, editor, see Tiepolo, F. Kela- zioiie della Moscovia, 1.560. 1877. !)14.7 7 Magyar, Ladislans. Reisen in Siid-Afiika. 1849- 57; aus dein Ungarischen von Joliaiiii Hun- falvy. Pest, 1859. v. 1. O. j)/. nwj). !)16.8 3 No more published. Maliiililiilrata. Bhagavad-Gita; oder, Das Lied der Gottlieit: aus deni Indischen iibersetzt von Robert Bo.\berger. Berlin. 1S70. D. 73 p. 891 1 Malm, Karl August Friedricli. Der Trouba- dour (Jercamon. — Nachtrag, von Adolf Tol)]er. (In Jalirbuchrom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 editor. Die epische Poesie der Provenza- len. Berlin. 1883. v. 1. D. Bound iiuth v. 3-4 of 849 3 Conlnnts: 1. Einleitimg.— Girartz de Rossilho. Gedichte der Troubadours, in provenza- lischer Sprache, mit kritischen Anmerkungen. Berlin, 1856-73. 4 v. in 3. D. 849 3 Die Werke der Troubadours, in provenza- lischer Sprache, mit einer Gramniatik und ei- nem Woerterbuche. Berlin. 1846-86. 4 v. in 2. D. 849 3 MAHOMET, see MOHAMJIED. Ma!ii>met,Trauerspiel, nach Voltaire.sce Gotlie, J. W. von. V. 7. Miilirclieu als Almanach.— MiihrcIienfiirSohne und Tocliter, xee Hanff, W. v. 4-5. Mai. .\ngelo, cardinal, editor, see Cicero, M. T. De re republica. 1833. 875 10 rifllas. 1819. 839.9 7 La Maiana, coniniedia, see Cecchi, G. M. MAID OF ORLEANS, see DARC, J. Maiiluient, James. Prefatory notice. {In Stany- lliirst, II. The first four books of the ^Eneid. 1836.) 873 7 Maidstone, llicliard of. Alliterative poem on the deposition of King Richard II.; edited by Thomas Wright. London. 1838. sqO. 8-1-64 p. (In Camden soc. 3.) 820 4 Maigne, Jules. Tiaite de prononciation fian- <;aise et manuel de lecture a haute voix. Paris, 1868. D 441 3 The English mail-coach, see De ({nincey, T. Misc. essays. The Maine woods, see Thoreau, H. D. Slaineri, Raccio Emmanuel. II giardino d' Italia, peregrinazioni. Milano, 1871. D. 914.5 67 — Santa Filomena; bozzetto del villaggio. Mi- lano, 1876. D. 853 19 Ijound with 14 —editor, see Gioberti, V., & Pallavicino. G. II Piemonte. 1850-3; lettere. 1875. 94o 47 Manin,D.,'■ 616 25 Same. (In Rome— R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fls. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 MALAJIIA 430 MALOMBRA — Miiyo, W. S. Progetto di abitazioni e stabili- menti agricoli intesi a preservaie i colon! dai tristi effetti della malaria nelleMaremme, nella Campagna... Milano, 1863. O. 27 p. pi. 610 33 — Pantaleoiii, D. Del miasma vegetale e delle malattie miasmatiche. n. p. [,1870.1 O. 79 p. 616 33 — Seluii, A. II miasma palustre; lezioni di chi- mica igieiiica. Padova, 1870. D. 616 23 — Tommasi-Cnideli, C. Della distribuzione delle acque nel sottosuolo dell' Agro i-omano e della sua iiifluenza nella produzione della ma- laria. Roma, 1879. F. 18 p. pi. maps. 616 24 — —Same. {In Rome— R. accad. del liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. sci. Jls. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 Sulla distribuzione delle acque nel sotto- suolo romano, e suUa produzione naturale della malaria, pi. maps. (Insaine. v. 5, 1879-80, )065 4 .See also CAMPAfJX.l; MAREMME. Mdlasp.jiit, the word. Brynji'ilfsson, G. G. Nogle Bemitr'kninger om malaspjot. malajarn og de beslfBgtede Onl. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 12, 1853.) 948 3 Malatesti, Antonio. La sfinge. I Brindisi de' Ciclopi, e La Tina; per cura di Pietro Fanfani. Milano, 186.5. S. 851 84 —Same. (In Bibl. rara. 64.) 850 3 MALAY LANtJUAUE. Pjinappel, J, Maleische spraakkunst. 's Gravenhage, 1866. O. 499 1 Malboissiere, Laiirette de. Lettres d'une jeune fiUe, 1761-6: publiees et precedees d'une notice historique, par la marquise de La Grange, Paris, 1866. D. facsim. 846 6 Noted by ilr. Marsh as "Very interestmg" Malclius [,in Anglo-Saxon]. (In Cockayne, T. 0. Shrine, 1864-70.) 829 3 I malcontcnti, commedia, seeGoidoni, C. v. 19. MALDIVE ISLANDS. Pyraid, F. Description des isles Maldives, (In his Voyage, 161.5-19, V. 1.) 915.4 6 Male, Zeglier van. Lamentatie, tentydevan de geuherie ende de beeldstormerie van Brugghe. Gent, 1859. Q. (In Maetscliappy der Vlaeni. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 3.) 839.3 4 Malegiie, Hippolyte, publisher. Guide de I'etranger dans la Haute-Loire; texte de A.-B. Le Puy, 1866. D. il. map. 914.4 13 Malenotti, l!;:uazlo. Manuale del cultore di pi- antonaie. Colle, 1831. S. 630 U — Manuale dtl vignaiolo toscano. Colle, 1831. S. 634 4 bound with 630 14 — II padron contadino. Edizione unica coi i)ro- verbi dei contadini e con altre aggiunte. Colle, 1833. S. 333 14 .Maleriet, .see 0lilenscliliiger,A. Q. Digtervwr- ker. V. 3. Mallieiir ft pitii', poeme, .sec llelille, J. Malinrernl, Maiiriiia Colli Caccia. Ldtera a Guido Baccelli, cliiedente I'aholizione della vi- vLsezione. Vercelli [,1881 ). O. 14 p. 179 3 bound with 146 1 Mnlispini, Rleordano. Istoria, dalla edifica- zione di Fiorenza per insiiio all' anno 1381 ; con I'aggiuiita di suo nijiote, al 1286; pubblicata per cura di Crescentiiio Giaiiiiini. Bologna, 1867. D. 945 71 Malkln, Frederick. History of Greece, to its subjection to Rome. London, 1829. O. (Lib. of useful knl.) 938 1 Malleolus, Felix, see Hiinimerlein, F. Mailer, Petru. Grammatica Hungarico-Vala- chica. Buda, 1837. O. 494 8 Mallet, Paul Henri. Introduction a I'histoire de Dannemarc, ou Ton traite de la religion, des lois, des moeurs & des usages des anciens Danois. Copenhague, 1755. sqO. par. map. 293 36 — Danish: Indledning udi Danmarks Riges Hi- storie; om de gamle Danskes Guds-Dyrkelse, Love, Si-eder og Skikke; paa Dansk oversat. Kiobenliavn, 1756. sqO. 293 26.1 — Monumens de la mythologie et de lapoesie... des anciens Scandinaves; supplement a I'lntro- duction a Thistoire de Dannemarc. Copen- hague, 1756. sqO. 293 37 — Northern antiquities; or, A def-cription of the manners, customs, religion and laws of the ancient Danes; with a translation of the Edda and other pieces; with additional notes by the English translator, and Goransnn's Latin version of the Edda. London, 1770. 3 V. O. 293 38 —Same. Edinburgh, 1809. 2 v. D. 293 28.1 Mailing, Ore. Great and good deeds of Danes. Norwegians and Holsteinians; translated by the author of A tour in Zealand. London, 1822. O. 948 77 — Om Soroe Academie. (In Collin, J. For Hi- .storie, 1823-5. v. 1.) 948 66 Mailing', Peter Tideniand, editor. Norske ViserogStev; med en Indledning af Jorgen Moe. 3 forandrede og forogede Udgave ved Hans Ross ; Musikbilaget af L. M. Lindeman. Christiania, 1869. T. music. 839.81 8 Mallock, William Hiirrell. The new republic ; or.Culture, faith and philosophy in an English country house. New edition. London, 1878. D. 823 14 MALLORCA, see MAJORCA. Malloiif, Nassif.Dictionnaire de poche francjais- turc. Sniyrne, 1849. S. 494 3 Malmantile|uistato, see Lippi, L. Malinesbiiry, William of. De gestis pontificum Aniiloruiii liliri 5; edited bv N. E. S. A. Ham- ilton. London. 1870. Q. facsim. (In dt. Mr. -Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 52.) 942 8 — De ger,tis reguin Anglorum libri 5 : Historiae niivclla'. liliri 3; edited bv William Stubbs. London, 1887-9. 2 v. Q. (In .sav/ie, 90.) 942 8 — Vita Sancli Dunstani. (/)( Stubbs, W. Me- morials of Dunstan. 1874; in same. 63.) 942 8 Malmesbury abbey. Regi.strum Malniesburiense; edited bv .1. S. Brewer. London, 1879-80. 2 v. Q. (/)( sfime. 72.) 942 8 Vol. L' I'd il I'd liy Brewtirand f'harli^^ Trii^o Martin. Malmgreu, A. J. Vetenskajiligt bihang. (In Diiner, N., A: otliers. Svenska expeditioner till Spetsbergen. 1867.) 919,8 9 Maliiisteu, Per llenrik. Karl von Linne, Ge- .liichtMissrcdi'. Bciliii. 1879. O. 39 p, (/?( Vir- chow ;j 9 Printed from Caxton's edition, 1485. — The history of Arthur, king of Britain, [and] the knights of tlie round table. London, IHKi. 3 V. T. " pi. 203 8 MALTA. IJadfrer, tJ. P. Description of Malta and (lozo. Valletta, 1851. T. pi. miifiic. maps. !)14.5 104 — Blaquiere, E. {In his Letters from the Med- iterranean, 1813, V. 3.) 914.5 87 — Bi'ydoiie, P.A t«ur through Sicily and Malta. Paris, 1780. 2 v. T. 914.594 Same. New York, 1813. D. 914.5 94 — Murray, J., piiblislier. A description of Malta^(//( Itis Handbook for the Ionian islands. 1845.) 914.9 34 — Pnjoli, A. Descrizione dell' isola di Malta, 1654 [; edited bv G. Ferraro]. (In Niiove effe- meridi siciliane'.v. 3,1875, p.177-189.) 914.5 105 — Partliey, U. F. C. Wanderungen durch Sici- lien und Malta. Berlin, 1834. D. music. 916.2 13 ^Relation du voyage et prinse de quatre gall- ons de Tunis par les galeres de Malte. Paris, 1639. S. 15 p. 961 1 — Spratt, T. A. B. On the geology of Malta and Gozo. [Malta,] 1853. 34 p. pi- '"ap- 554.5 4 —Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Viaggio di Sicilia e di Malta, 1793-4. {In his Opere, 1815-30. V. 5-6.) 858 5 Knights of Malta. The Knights Hospitallers in Englanil; lieing the report of Prior Philip de Thame to the grand master for 1338; edited by Lambert B. Larking; with an historical intro- duction by John Mitchell Kemble. [London,] 1857. sqO. (/« Camden soc. 65.) 820 4 — Reiiiiioiit, A. von. Die letzten Zeiten des Jo- hanniterordens. (In Raumer, F. L. G. vou. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1844.) 905 1 — Vertot d'Aubenf, R. A. de. Histoire des Che- valiers... de Malte. Lyon, 1779. 5v. S. 369 2 &«a&o HOSPITALS. Malte- Briin, see Brnini. Maltzaii, Heinricli Karl Eckardt Helmnth, Freiherr von, editor, see Wrede, .A. von. Keise in Hadramaut; mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Erklarung der Insclirift von Obne von Maltzan. 1870. 915.3 14 MALUCO, see MOLLUCCAS. Malvasia, Carlo C'esare, conte. Felsina pittrice; vite de' pittori bolognesi; cably Jean de Bouruo^ne. — The voiage and travaile of Sir John Maunde- vile, kt. , which treateth of the way to Hieru- salem;andof inarvayles of Inde. with other ilands and countryes; reprinted from the edi- tion of 1735, wit'i introduction, notes and glos- sary by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1839. O. 910 33 — Same : Prolog und Kapitel 5 bis 10. (In Miitzner, E. X. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 3, 1S69.) 820 8 — Italian: I viaggi ; volgarizzamento antico toscano; per cura di Francesco Zambrini. Bo- logna. 1870. 3 V. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 113-4.) 850 10 Slandl, Max. Das Sklavenrecht des alien Testa- mentes ; eirie rechtsgeschichtliche Sludie Hamburg. 1SS6. O. 33 !>. (7». Vircllow . 551. 4S :i3 MaiiiflC'!, Jiimes, .« 17 Mango, Fraiiceseo, editor. La guerra di C'a- mollia, e La ]avsa di Riinia: rime del sec. 1(!. BoljO'.;na, lHS(i. D. (/vi Scelta di curiosita. 217.) 850 10 Maiig'old, Wilhelm. Die Irrlehrer der Pastoral- briefe. Marburg, ISSfi. O. 273 1 Mair.^011, Herve. E.-cperiences sur I'eniploi des eaux dans les irrigations. 3 edition. Paris, 1869. Q. pL 031 12 bound unih 554,5 5 Maiiicus, Clans. Oin Ostrevoblens Retniiig og Beskallenbed. map. (In Copenhagen— K. nonl.Old.-.Selskab. Annaler. v. 2,1838-9.) 348 2 La niauiere de laugage qui enseigne a parleret a esrire le t'ran9ais; modeles de conversations omp )sesen .^.ngleterre a la fin du 14e siecle; piblie-i [bv M. P. H. Meyer]. Paris, 1873. O. [3 + ] 373-408 p. 447 14 A manife'it detection of dice play..s¥f'Walker,G. Mmiii, Diiniele. F.ic-siniile d' una lettera. (/"/I Cnriosita di storia subalpina. v.l, '1874.) 945 43 — Lettere a Giorgio Pallavicino; con note e docunienti sulla quistione italiana. Torino, 1859. D. 945 18.1 Edited by Francesco Carrano. — & Pallavicino, tJ. Epistolai-io politico, 18.15- 7: con note e docunienti per B. E. Maineri. Milano, 1878. O. 945 63 — Errera, A. Daniele Manin e Venezia, 1804- 53; narrazione. Firenze, i875. D. 945 62 — Tonimaseo, >'. Daniele Manin, 11 Veneto e 1" Italia: desiderio. Torino, 1859. D. 15 p. 945 64 — YoUo, G. Daniel.^ Manin. Torino, 1860. T. por. \\ contenip. Italian!.) 923 65 Maun, Sir Horace, see Orford, H. W., carl of. Letters. Der Mann im niond, see Hauif, W. v. 7-8. Mannati d' Induno, Pieti'o. Jlemorie. Torino, 1869. O. 35 p. 945 16 Mannelli, Ranioudo d' Amaretto. Leitera in- to rno alia batta'j;lia navale tra Fiorentini e Veneziani confederati e i, 1431. {In Varietal storiclie d' Italia.) 945 11 MAXXUIUSM. Breen, H. H. (//i A (s Modern English literature. 1857.) 820 2 MANNERS. Caxton, W., printer. Book of curtesve, about 1477-8; edited by F. J. Furni- vall. London, 1868. O. 12-1-57 p. (/)* E. E. textsoc. Extra ser. .3.) 820 5.1 — Furiiivall, F. .1., editor. The babees book, (So., with forewords on education in early Eng- land. London, 1868. O. pi. (In same. Orig. ser. 32.) 820 5 The half-title isr Manners and meals in olden time. — '.Jueene Elizabeths achadeniy, by .Sir H. Gilbert; A booke of precedence. &c. ; with essays on early Italian and German books of courtesy, by W. M. Rossetti & E. Oswald. London, 1869 O. (/« same. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 — Wciidt, H. If. Ueber das sittlich Erlanl.te. Berlin. IHSO. (). 32 p. (/« Vircliow ct llol- tzendortr. V'ortriige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 ,SV,' aho COl.'IM'IKH. MANMCRS AND CUSTOMS, see CUSTOMS. Mannliardt, .Tohann Wlllielni Emanuel. Klytia. Berlin, is;.-), o. 52 p. (/« Vircliow (t Hoi- tzeudord. Vortrage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 MannI, Donipnico Maria. Dei fuochi d' alle- grezza artifiziati per la fainiglia dei Pazzi di Firenze nel sabato sanlo ; lagionamento. Fi- renze, 1867. Q. L4+] 39 p. (In Palagri, fi. Deliziestoriehe.) 929 9 Edition of 100 copies, no. 30. — Istoria del Decanierone di Giovanni Boccac- cio. Firenze, 1742. O. 7)/. 853 8 — Vita del Baldovini. (In lialdovini, F. La- mentodiCecco. 1S17.) 851 13 Manning-, Henry Edward, archbishop of West- ininster. The gloiies of the Sacred Heart. New York, 1876. D. 232 11 Mannin<>', .Inliiis. Characters and character- istics of Miildleburv college ; bv Auctor incer- tus. Middlebury. 1837. T. 22 p. 099 12 .\ satire in verse. Mannina-, Robert, of Brnnne, translator, .see Boiiaventura, St. Meditations on the supper of our Lord. (//( E. E. text SOC. Orig. .ser. 60.) 820 5 Lau^toft, P. Chronicle. 1725. 821 72 This forms the second part of Manning's chronicle; the first part is contained in the following: Wace, R. The storv of England. 1887. (In (it. Br,— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 87.) 942 8 Manning', Thomas, Narratives of the mission of G. Bogle to Til)et and of the journey of Man- ning to Lhasa; edited, with notes, introduction and lives, by C. R. Markliani. London. 1876. O. il. I'Kir. pt. faesim. viaps. 915.1 7 Maiiningham, John. Diary, 1603-3, edited by John Bruce. We.stminster, 1868. sqO. facsim. (In Camden soc. 99. ) 820 4 Die miinnliche Mutter, see Tieck, J, L. Schrif- ten, v. 14. Maniio, Antonio, II tesoretto di un bibliofilo piemontese. (In Curiositii di storia subalpina. v. 1-3, 1874-9.) — Docunienti jier una storia del vivere e del vestire in Piemonte. — Origine e vicende dello steniina sabaudo. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1876.) — Spicilegio nel regno di Carlo Alberto, (hi same. v. 3. 1879.) — Cesare Balbo ed il trafore delle Alpi. {In same. r. 4, 1880.) 945 43 — editor, see Fieschi, S, Arredi ed armi. 1532. (In Societil lignre, Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 M.auno, (iinseppe. Delia fortuna delle frasi. Torino, 1866 D. 854 5 — Delia fortuna delle parole; De' vizi de' lette- rati. Firenze, 1855. D. 854 4 —Note sarde e ricoidi. Torino. 1868. D. 945 113 — Storia moderna della Sardegna; preme^sovi un comiiendio della storia antica. Firenze, 1858. D. 945 114 MAN'O 434 MANZONI Mano, G. A. Des interets religieux de I'orient, au sujetdesbiens conventuels dans les Princi- pautes-Uuies; avec uue annexe. Paris. 1864. Q. 274 18 Manoel, see Manuel, also EMMANUEL. Las iiiaaos blancas noofenden.see Calderoii.v.4. Maiiriqiie, Jorge. Coplas liechas a la muerte de su padre Don Rodi'igo Manrique ; con las glosas de Juan de Guzman, Rodiigo de Valde- penas, Luis Perez, y Alouso Cervantes. Ma- drid, 1779. D. 861 11 Manro, Th., pseudmiym of Thornam, A. W. Mansfield, Edward Deerlng. Memoirs of the life and services of Daniel Drake; with notices of the early settlement of Cincinnati. Cincin- nati, 1855. O. por. 926 3 Mansoiiriili, Poeme anglo-normand sur la ba- taille de. (In Joiiiville, J. de. Memoires. 1859.) 944 11 Manss, Johannes. Franz vonSickingen. Berlin, 1877. O. 35 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortnige. 12Serie.) 043 1 El mansneto, see L., 1>. M. de. Maiitegrazza, Paolo. Elementi d' igiene, 3 edi- zione, accresciuta. Milano, 1867. D. 613 6 — Rio de la Plata e Tenerife, viaggi e studj. Milano, 1867. D. il. por. pL 918.2 1 MANTEtiNA, Andrea. Gothe, J. W. von. Tri- umplizug von Mantegna. (In his Werke, 1827- 42, V. 39.) 832 1 Manteuft"el,H. Y,., Freiherryon. L'art de planter les arbres forestiers, fruitiers et d'agrement; traduit sur la 3 edition allemande par S. P. Stumper; revu par C. Gouet. Paris. 1868. S. il- 551.58 39 Mantora, Marco. Novelle, del sec. 16, stam- pate a fac-simile. Bologna, 1863. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 22.) 850 10 Mantorani, Paolo. Descrizione geologica della Canipatjna romana. Torino, 1874. O. pi. map. 554.5 2 Mantua. Da pellagra nella provincia di Man- tova; relaziorie della commissione provinciale. Firenze, 1878. Q. 78 p. «16 27 — Ettenins, Cornelius. Bericlit iiber die Reise des Legaten Vorstius uni deni romischen K6- nige und den deutsclien Fiirsten dieallgemeine Kirchenversammlung zu Mantua anzusagen, 1530-7; herausgegeben von A. W. Arendt. (In ilanmer, F. L. H. Ton. Hist. Taschenburli. 1839.) 905 1 MANUALS, see YORK. Manuel. C. Albert Bitzius,seinLeben und seine Schriften. Berlin, 18.58. D. (7u Bitzius, A. Giwani. .Srhriften, v. 24 ) 833 7 .Manuel, Jnaii. El conde Lueanor, jmblicado por A. Keller. Stuttgart, 1839. D. iHibl. ca- stellana. 1.) sC'i H .Manuel annuaire de la sante, S'c Kaspail, F. V. Manuel des aniphitryons, .seeGrlmod delaKev- nUre, A. B. L. Manuel dd Staats-Bibliotliek. Co- dices inanu scripti.Gallici [etc.], descripti. Mo- nachii, 1858. O. 017 4 — N. Y. (stafe)— Library. Catalogue, 1856: Maps, manuscripts, &c. AUiany, 1857. Q. 016 23 — Rajna, P. Ricordidicodicifrancesi pos.seduti dagli Estensinel .secolo 15. (In Romania, v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 — Stephens, G. Forteckning ofver deforniimsta brittiska och fransyska handskrifterna uti Kongl. bibliotheket i Stockholm. Stockholm, 1847. O. 016 4.1 — . — Same. (In Svenska forn. siil. Allmamia arsmote, 1846.) 839.7 2 For manuscripts in the possession of the library f!ee Danish exercises; Ditnnirsdi. Van der lehre des Godtli- clien w'ordcs; Hitfelt, E. Ancup;itiiriiini: lljirclii, F. A. de. llella libeiazionc (li M. Kdszta; S:n. 627 14 Man/oni, Alessandro. AppendiceallaRelazione intoriiii air unila della lingua. Milano, 1869. D. 450 5.1 — Le correzioni ai Promessi sposi, e 1' nnitk della linguii, lettera inedita: con un discorso di Luigi Morandi. Jlilano, 1874. D. 95 p. 853 23 "I'liilolofiiealiy of mueli interest."— -Vo/e *;/ .Vr. Man/i. —Lettera. (In Dante Allgliieri. Delia volgare eloquenza. 1868.) 851 42 MANZONI 435 MARCIIESE — I promessi sposi ; storia milanese del secolo 17. Milano, 1835-6. 3 v. O. 099 34 "Extremely rare. — Ist edition, suppressed by author, & unknown to Brunei and to all torei);n bibliographers." J^oie by Mr. Marak. — I promessi sposi, storia milanese del secolo 17. Livorno, 1837. 3 v. O. 853 30 "Generally regarded as the first edition, and was the standard one till 1849."— xVohilo]ogical .study of the English language. New York, 1865. D. 420 10 — Die Nationalliteratur der Vereinigten Staa- ten von Nord-Ainerika, 1858-61. {In Jalirbnoli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 4, 1860-2.) .S05 1 — The opening address before the International convention for the amendment of Efiglish or- thographv, Philadelphia, 15 Aug. 1876. O. n. p., n. d. "16 p. 420 9 Marchiind, A. Ueber die Entwaldiing der Ge- l.irgv. Bern, 1849. D. .59 p. .551.. 58 40 Marcliese, Engenio. Scoperta di minerali d'ar- gentdin Sardegna, nota. (In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) 065 3 Marchcse, G, S. GiuseppeGaribaldi. Sedizione, accresciuta. Torino, 1861. T. jjor. (I con- temp. Italian!.) 923 39 Marcliese, Vincenzo Fortnnato. Per la inaugn- razione della societa, discorso. (In Societa lignre. Atti. v. 1, 1858.) 945 48 — & others, editors. Mafiuale storico dell' arte greca. Firenze, 1846. D. 709 3 MAECHETTI 436 MARGARET A Marclietti, Antonio Salvagnoli, see Salvagnoli- Maiclietli. Jlarchi, Francesco Antonio de. Delia libeia- zioiie di Martino Koszta, unglierese. Sniirne, 18r)3. sqQ. 10 p. poT. 0!)1 3 A poem in ms. — lutroduzlone air opera, Studi sulla storia, dii itto e cirilta degli Arabi e degli Ottoman!. Roma, ISTfi. O. 25 p. 953 1 Miirchiafava, Ettore. Delia angioite obliterante nelle intiammazioni interstiziali ed in ispecie nella tuiliereolare. (In Rome — R. accad. dei Uncei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, i)t. 2.) 065 3 — & Cnboni, (J, Nuovi studi sulla natura della malaria. ))/. {In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Marcillac, Pierre Louis Aiiguste de Crusy, ■marqitis de. Souveiirs de I'eniigration ; ou, Memoires. (In Barriere & Lesciire. Memoires, 18.57-81, V. 33.) 944 10 Miircker, P. A. Das alte und das neue Rom: Voitrag. Berlin, 1865. O. 48 p. 937 3 Marcliinanu, J0rg'e)i Wilhelm. Bogtrykkeren Benjamin Franklins Liv og Levnet. 2 Oplag. Kjobenhavn, 1839. S. 925 "4 Marco, Felice. La causa della luce zodiaoale. {Ill Rome— U. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 8. 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Marcolplio, .sec Solomon. Mareucci, Ettore, editor, see Sassetti, F. Let- tere. 18.55. 915.4 7.1 Marcu-i-ion, Bjiirn, editor. Agiistar fornmaiia soj;ur, eru aa frick wtgeingnar. Hoolumi Hi- alltadal, 17.56. S. 839.63 10 Contents: Kialnesintra s0ku.— Af Krouka-ref.— .Af H0rde o^'IIoolmveriura. -Af (iijslaSwrssyne.— Af Vijga-Glwm. Marcy, Randolph Benton. Thirty years of army life on the border... London. 1866. O 917.8 2 Mardigny,— de. Memoire sur les inondations des rivieres de I'Ardeche. Paris, 1860. O. [3]-l- 48 p. pi. 551.48 31 Daz Jliire von deni Sjierware. {In Laml)el, H. Erzilliluiigen. 1872: in Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Classiker. 12.) 831 15 M.IREMME. Barcarini, .\. Sul compimento delle opere di bonificazione e sulla defiuitiva re^colazione delle acque nelle Maremme tosca- ne. Roma, 1873. F. p/. maps. 627 35 bound with 16 — driorglni, (J. Relazione sullo stato del boni- ficamento delle Maremme toscane nel luglio del 1863. Firenze, 1863. Q. [H-]89 ji. »ia/).s. 627 36 ^irottanelli, L. La Maremraa toscana: studi storici edeooiiomici. Siena, 1873-6. 2 v. (). 551.49 12 — RalFanini, 0., A Orlandini, 0. Analisi sto- rii-D-ti^ico-economic-a sulle c:uise d' iiisaiiil)rit!i, nelle Maremme toscane. Firenze, 1869. Q. 551.49 13 — SalvasnoliOrarchctti, A. Jlemorie economi- mico-statisiice sulle Maremme toscane Fi- renze, 1846. O. maps. 551.49 14 — — Raccolta di document! sul bonificamento delle Maremme toscane, 1828-.59; appendice al Rapporto, 18.59. Firenze, 1861. Q. ;>/. 627 37 Rapporti sulle operazioni idrauliche e eco- noniiche eseguite nel 1859-60 nelle Maremme toscane. Firenze, 1860. O. 51 p. maps. 627 37 Rapporto sul bonilicatnento delle Ma- remme toscane, 1838-59. Firenze, 1859. Q. mnps. 627 37 ^Stlldj sul compimento dei bonifici nelle Ma- remme toscane. Firenze[,186-]. D. 48 p. 627 38 — Tartini, F. Memorie sul bonificamento delle Maremme toscane. Firenze, 1838. F." 1)1. mai)s. 627 39 — Valle, P. La Maremma toscana e le colonie dei gettatelli ed orfani da stabilirsi in essa, ed in oonsiraili localita. Firenze, 1862. O. 52 p. 362 3 Mareiiholtz-Biilow, Bertha von Billow, Freiin von. Die Arbeit uud die neue Erziehung nach Frobels Methode. Berlin, 1866. D. 372 2 Mareta, Hiiiro. Proben emes Worterbuches der osterreichisclieu Volkssprache. 2 Versuch. Wien, 186.5. O. lH-72 p. 437 7 Marforio, see Pasquino. Marpin monastery, U'o/e.s. Annates de Mar- gau. 1060-1232. '(In Liiard, H. R. Annates inoaastici. 1864-9, V. 1: in dt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 — Annates Marganenses. (Tn Historife ."^ngli- canse scriptoi-es quinciue, 1687, v. 2.) 942 11.1 MAROARET, St. Legende von der heiligen .Margaretha. (//( Diemar, J. Kleine BeitriVge. 1851.) 831 2.1 — Lexgeuda di s. Margherita, v. e m.; a cura di ArCeruti. Bologna, 1870. O. 18 p. 922 39 See also Seiiite Marherete. MAB(iARET, St.. of Antioch. Leggenda di S. Marglierita di Antiocha. {In Percopo, E. IV. poemetti. 1885; i» Scelta di curiosita. 211.) 850 10 ^.K.naX'RY.T. St. .queen of Scots. Tnrgot «./ Darliain. Vita S Margaretie. {In Symeon. Opera, v. 1, 1868; in Snrtees soc. 51.) 820 7 Mar8:aret de Valois, queen of Nai^arre. Me- moires, 1569-1582. por. {In Midland enliajren— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. V. 12, 1H77.) 948 5 — Petersen, U.Om Dromiing Margrete Spra'ng- hests (rravMionument i Doberan. (In same. V. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Mai-garet, a tale, .see Jiidd, S. Margareta, abbess of Vadstena. De S. BIrgitta clHuiiicoii, versione & notis illustratuni, subji- ciunt Ericus Benzellus & Nicolaus fil. llufvedi Dal. Upsaliiv, 1710. sqD. [2-1-] 44 p. 922 22 111 .Swedish ami I.alin. Several articles follow the Clu'rmiiMni. i,li(! ionifesi, heinff I'rotestatio contra Inge- ;rerdein abbatiss. Va(isten- Dronning Margareta, .see 0hleMschliiger, A. G. Tragbdier, v. .8. MARGQRAFF 437 MARIETTA Miirggraff, Hugo. Badewesen und Badetech- nik del- VerKaiiKeiihcit. Berlin, 1881. O. 32 p. (/)( Virchow & Holt/eiitlorir. ViirtiHge. Ifi Serie.) 043 1 — Die Vorfaren unserer Eisenbahnen und Dainpfwageii. Berlin, 1884. O. 04 p. //. (/iisKHiC. 19 Serie.) 043 1 MAU(;HERITA mart a, madre, see ALACO- (JUK, M. M. Marsjolle, £lie, & Zurcher, F. Les Klii<-'iers. Paris, 18(j8. D. (7. (fu Cliartoii, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 551.31 5 Les meteores. Pari.s, 1865. D. il. (In same.) 551.5 5 Volcans et tremblements de terre. Paris, 186(5. D. il. {Ill same.) 551.21 5 Droiiniiig Margrete, .see Iiigeiiianii, B. S. .>IAHGKETHEN\VALL. Ewaldseii, C. JIargre tlienwail og Knos i'y Sdgn i Angeln. map. (/iiCopenhasen— K. iiord. Uld.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 14, 18.?4.) 948 3 La flour de la Marguerite, -fee Froissart, J. JIaria ("lotildeof France, princess of Piedmont. Alouue lettere inedite. (In Ciiriositil di storia subalpina. v. 4, 1880.) 945 43 Maria, corona poetica de la Virgen, see 'Lav- rilla. V. 3. MAKIA DE JESUS of La Puebla de Los Ange- les. Felix de Jesus Maria. Vida, virtudes y dones sobrenaturales de la .sor Maria de Jesus. Roma, 17.i6. O. por. 925 41 MARIA F(EODOROVNA, empress of Russia. Schnitzler, J. H. Marie Fceodorovna, avant son elevation au trone de Russie, 1759-81. Halle, 1865. T. 923 66 Maria, novelle, sec Gylleuibourg-, T. C. La istoria di Maria per Ravenna ; scritta nel secolo 15 da ignoto autore. Bologna, 1864. D. 38 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 45.) 850 10 Maria Stuart, ein Traueispiel, see Schiller, J, C. F, von. Maria Stuart i Skotland, see Bijirnson, B. Maria Stuart ; of, Gemartelde majesteit, see Voiidel, J. van den. MARIA THERESA of Au8tria,queen of France. 1638-83. Bossiiet, J. B. Orasions "funebres. 1858.) 845 2 Un niariage dans le monde, see Feuillet, 0. Le manage force,ballet,—cuniedie, sec Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 3. ' Mariana, Juan de. Historia general de Espaiia. 14 iiniuesion. Madrid, 1780. 2 v. F. 946 5 Mariano, Raffaele. Contro il libero scambio. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. mor. V. 3, 1878-9.) 065 5 — Cristianesimo, cattolicismo e civilta. Bolo- gna, 1879. p. 282 13 Noted by Mr. Marsh as an "Important work." —Giordano Bruno, la vita e I'uomo; saggiobio- graflco-critico. Roma, 1881. D. 921 3.1 —II nuovo parlamento. Roma, 1877. S. 328 3 —Padre Curci e il problema religioso in Italia, n. p. [,1881?| O. 41-61 p. 282 50 "A proposito del libro. La nuova Italia e i vecchi ze- lanti, 1881."— From Mnistacnsiiana. — II risorgimento italiano secondo i princijiii della fllosofia della storia. B'irenze, 1866. 1). 945 30 Marie de France. Poesies; pultliees avec une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Marie; la traduction en regard du texte, notes, par B. de Ro(|uefort. Paris, 1832. 2 v. O. i)or. 841 36 — Fable of the cock and fox [,in French], (/n Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 10.) 821 46 — Lai du Chevrefoil. (In (joltfried von Strass- biirg. Werke, 1823, v. 3.) 831 30 ^Lay leFraine. (In Ellis, G. Specimens of ro- mances, 1805, V. 3.) 821 4 — Same. (In Weber, II. W. Metrical romances, 1810, V. 1.) 821 10 —Ellis, G. Marie's lays. (In Ids Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 1.) 821 4 — Liebrecht, F. Marie de France, iibersetzt von W. Hertz. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1863.) 805 1 — Priee, R. On the Lais of Marie. (In Warton, T. History of English poetry, 1840, v. 1.) 821 13 MARIE AXNE CHRISTINE VICTOIRE of Ba- varia, daujihiness of France. Flechler, E. Ora- ison funelire de Mine, la dauphine. (In Bos- suet, J. B. Or. fun. 1858.) 845 3 MARIE ANTOINETTE JOSEPHE JEANNE I)' AUTRICHE, 3«fei( of France. Canipan, J. L. H. (t. Memoires sur la vie de Marie-Antoinette. (In Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 10.) 944 10 — Carlyle, T. The diamond necklace. (In liis Essays, 1800, v. 4.) 824 8 — (ieffroy, M. A. Marie Antoinette et Fersen. (In Rome— R. accad. del linoei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 3. 1878-9.) 065 5 — Jacob, K. ti. Ueber den politischen Einfluss der Konigin Marie Antoinette. (In Rauuier F. L. (i. von. Hist. Taschenlmch. 1838.) 905 i — Lally-Tolendal, T. (i. de. Memoires concer- iiant Marie- Antoinette. (i» Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 7.) 944. 10 Professedly by J. Weber, foster-l)rother of the queen. Marie Brontin, see Reybaud, M. B. L. MARIE DE MEBICIS, qncen of France. Bour- geois, L. Comment et en quel temps la reine accoucha. . . Louis XIII. (//< Michaud & Pou- .joulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 — Estrees, F. A. d.' Memoires, regencede Ma- rie et regne de Louis XIII. nor. (In same. v. 20. )_ 944 9 — Gillot, J. Relation dece qui se passa au par- lement touchant la regence de Marie de Medi- cis, 1610. (In same. v. 11.) 9^4 9 — Phelypeaux, P. Memoires concernant la re- gence de Marie de Medicis.— Conference de Lou- dun, por. (In same. v. 19.) 944 9 La vie de sainte Marie egyptienne. (In Grosse- tesle, R. Carmina. 1853.; 841 19 MARIENBURG, see TEUTONIC ORDER. Marieni, Luigi. Geografia medica dell' Italia: acque minerali, notizie. Milano f.pref. 18701 Q. (//( L'ltalla. Parte 2.) 914,5 4 Marietta de' Ricci, racconta storico, see Ade- nioUo, A. MARIETTE 438 MAROCCO Mariette, Aiiguste Edouard, bey. The monu- ments of upper Egypt: a translation of the "Itineraire de la haute Egypte." London, 1877. X)l. map. 932 4 MA11IG>'0LI, Ciirzio. Cavalcaiiti, A. Novel- lette iniorno aMarignoli: per oura di G.Piccini. Bologna, 1870. D. (In (Scelta dl curiosita. 111.) 850 10 MarignoUe, Ciirzio da. Rime varie; con le niitizie intorno alia vita e costumi di lui scritte da Andrea Cavalcanti; raccolte da C. Arlia. Bologna, 1885. D. {In same. 213.) 850 10 JIarikeu van Nimweghen, Een schoone lii- storie van. Gent, 1853. Q. [5+] 10+81 p. (In Maetscliappy der Vlaeiii. bibl. Werken voor deleden. 5.) 839.3 5 Jlarillac, Michel de. Memoire. (In MJchaiid '. {In same. 19.) 944 9 Marliielli, GiOTanni. Saggio di altimetria della regione veneto-orientale. Torino, 1884. O. {In Cosmos : Sup. 1.) 910 48 Marineu, Geschithte der heiligen. {In Brims, P. J. Romaut. Gedichte. 1798.) 839.4 3 Marineo, Liicio. Obra de las cosas memorables de Espaila. Alcala de Henares, 1539. Q. iltp. 946 6 Black-letter. The last page has been supplied in ms. — Pontifico & prelati Portugallise. {In Portll- gallia. 1641.) 094 52 Mai'ini, Aiigusto. Cento sonetti in vernacolo romanesco, con proemio di Raifaele Giova- gnoli. Roma, 1877. D. 859 29 Marino, (Jiovanni Battista. Sonetti inediti. (In Curiosita di storia subalpina. v. 4, 1880.) 945 43 Mario, Jessie White. La miseria in Napoli. Fi- renze, 1877. D. 339 3 JIONTE MARIO. Ponzi, U. Dei monti Mario e Vaticano e del loro snUevamento. j>?. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 1, 1873-4.) 065 3 .*(! . ,Sr>l 39 Marolda-Petilli, Francesco. Gli euc-alitti. Roma, 1879. O. j)/. 551.58 114 MARONITES. Karani, J. La situation du Li- bau et celle de I'eglise maronite. Rome, 1877. O. 13 p. 282 35 Same. .Suite. Rome, 1877. O. 18 p. 282 35 — Poiyade, E. Le Liban et la Syrie. 3 edition. Paris, 1867. D. 915.6 31 Marotta, Saverlo. Canti popolari. 3 edizione accresciuta. Torino, 1873. S. 37[+3]p. 851 86 Marqiiardt, Karl Joacliiiu. Romische Privat- altertlilimer. Leipzig, 1864-7. 2 v. in 1. O. il. pi. 390 5 Marquart, L. C. Anleitung zur Anwendung des Wasserglasses. 3 Auflage. Eilenburg, 1856. D. 16 p. 666 1 MARQUESAS ISLANDS. Reybaud, M. R. L. Voyage de Du Petit Thouars; occupation des lies Marqui-ses. (In his Marines. 1854.) 910 66 Marquette, Jacques. Voyage et decouverte de MarslijGeorge Perkins ( 15th Mareh lS01—23d July ISSC). Addre,-s delivered before the Ag- ricultural societv of Rutland countv. Sept 30 1847. Rutland, Vt., 1848. O. 34 "p. 080 to bound trith 1 Sabin gives also the same, Rutland, 1847. MARSH, G. P. 440 MARSH, G. P. — Address [delivered before the American col- onization society, 15 Jan. 1856]. {In African repository, v. 33, 1856, p. 40-7.) 080 43 bound icith 1 Page 45, col 1, line 32, for adapted read adopted; 1. 47, for divine read diviner. — Address delivered before the Burlington me- chanics institute, April 5, 1843, and published at the request of the institute. [Burlington, 1843.] O. 36 p. (Burlington free press, —Extra. Friday, June 3, 1843.) 080 2 bound trith 1 "On the history of the mechanic arts." Address delivered before tlie graduating class of the U. S. military academy at West Point, June, 1860. New York, 1800. O. 8 p. 080 19 bound toith 1 rage T, line 36, Consonant is corrected to Convertiant. — Address delivered before the New England society of the city of New York, Dec. 34. 1844. New York, 1845. O. 54 p. 080 5 bound ivith 1 With the motto: 'loi/jitv eis 'Ae^i-a?, Remarks on an Address... Boston, 1845. D. 33 p. Not in library. "The substance of these remarks appeared in two re- cent numljers of the Churchman newspaper of New York. There being a somewhat wider demand for them, the}' have tieen thrown into this form."— iN'o^t^ oft reverse of titlt-jniije. — Agriculture in Italy. (In ?(ation, v. 3, 1866, p. 183-4.) In main library. — American diplomacy. (In World, N. Y., I860?) 080 43 hound ivith 1 — American heraldry. {In same.) 080 43 bound tvith 1 — The American historical school : a discourse delivered before the literary societies of Union college. Troy, N. Y., 1847. O. 39 p. 080 9 bound with 1 Ms. corrections by the author: p. 9. 1 37. for its read tfieir ; p. 18, 1. 28, for Ji'or read /n,\. 30, read chroniclers, 1. 3i, read saga of Njai ; p. Xi, 1. 39, strike out Th£; p. 87, I. 10-11, for it was read thetj were. 1. 12, strike out first the, 1. 2.3. strike out second of: p. 39, 1. 9, for value read sake. &e New Englander, v. 6, p. 311-12. — Third annual report of the Railroad commis- sioners of the state of Vermont to the General assembly, 1858. Burlington, 1858. O. 15-1- 131 p. 080 17 Inserted are newspaper clippings containing the Special report, and criticisms on the 3d annual report. — Fourth annual report, 1859. Burlington, 1859. O. 10-fl59[-l-3]p. 080 18 See "The earth as modified by human action," p. 53-55, note. — An apology for the study of English, deliv- ered on Monday, Nov. 1, 1858, introductory to a series of lectures in the post-graduate course of Columbia college. New York. {In Dwight, T. \V., & Marsh. Inaugural addresses, 1859, p. ,57-93.; 080 15 — The aque. 6 of Mr. Marsh's volume. The camel. This reference, with the menlion by Mrs. Marsh (Life, v, 1, p. 225) of articles on the cainol written by him for periodicals, would indicate that the article was written liy Mr. Marsh, if internal evidence alone were not cnnrlnsivc. Tlie title given above wasintended to cover ;i series of which this first article is entitled: "The ship of the ilosert: or. A discourse of cameLs, and herein o( their furniture, diet and drivers." — annotator. A dictionary of English etymolo- gy, by Hensleigh Wedgwood; volume 1 (A-D); MARSH, G. r. 441 MARSH, G. P. with notes and aililitions l>y George P. Marsh. New York, 1S63. Q. 19+24T p. 080 22 The volume contains numerous ms. coiTections imd additions l)y the aiinotator, some of which were incor- porated into his Notes on Wedcwood's Dictionary. He- viewed in liihlioUiei'a sacra, v. Ill, p. 720-49. — [Diplomatic correspontlence as minister to Italy, 9 May 18(il-3!) June 1882. (In U. S.— State dept. Pn.pers relating to foreign affairs. 1861-83.) In main Uhrarij. There are no letters by Mr. Marsh in the volumes for 1871 and 1876. The vol. tor 18T0 contains, p. 451-2, the confidential letter whose publication formed one of the most disaf^'eeable incidents in Mr. Marsh's life. — The dramatic diction of Shakespeare and his time. (In !Ste., * Uiitpliiiisoii, E. M. Lih. of American literatnre, 1889-90, v. G, p. 63-6.) In main librari/. From his Origin and history of the English language. A biographical outline is given in v. 11. — Dry wines. (In American register. Paris, 186-V) 080 i'd bound wWi 1 —Education of women. (//( Nation, v. 3, 1866, p. 165.1 Notinlihrary. — ^[English-Spanisli vocabulary; ms.] ISiV. D. 107 p. ■ 080 35 — The excommunication of noxious animals by the Catholic church. ( /(( Nation, v. 2, 1866. p. 763-4.) //( main librari/. — Female education in Italy | ,l)y Viator]. Jn same. v. 3, 1866, p. 5-7.) 7^/; main library. — The future of Turkey. (/» Cliristiaii exam- iner. V. 65, 1858, p. 401-19.) //( main library. — The Goths in New England; a discourse at the anniversary of the Philomathesian society of Middlebury college, Aug. 15, 1843. Middie"- bury, 1843. O. 39 p. OHO 2.1 bound ivith 1 "Its ob.iect was to demonstrate and defend the influ- ence of what he calls the Gothic eleuient,— akin to if not the same as what we commonly call the Anglo- Saxon,— upon th^' mind and character of our English and Puritan fdrefatlicrs. It is written with epigram- matic vigor, and smites what seems to him untrue and evil as with the hammer of Thor."— 5. G. Brown. Dis- course on G. P. Marsh, p. 11. .S'e« a/i'o p 13 of the same, anrf New Englander. V. 2. p. JiSS-Qi. Sabin notes this as aijpearing in an edition without place and date, and without the first phrase of the title "The Ooths in New England." — The granunar of English grammars, by Goold Brown. — A treatise on the English lan- guage, by Simon Kerl. (7« World, N. Y., 14 June, 1860.) 080 43 bound with 1 — Human knowledge : a discourse delivered before the Massachusetts Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa societv, at Cambridge, Aug. 26, 1847. Boston, 1847. O. 42 p. 080 8 bound with 1 Reprinted in his Life and letters,v. l.p. 431-52, without embodying, however, the frdlowing corrections made by the author in this copy: Page 20. line 12, for had read has; p. 23. 1. 28, for nuliiral read (ictuul. for first or read of; p. 28, 1. 4, after f>ij)/Km insert ///ii/; p. 36. 1. 7. for re- ■ivard read rewards, 1. II), for evil read mischief. See New Englander. v. 6, p. 311-12. — Irrigation; its evils, the remedies, and the compensations ; 10 Feb. 1874. 22 p. (In U. S. —Senate. 40 eong., 1 aex. Misc. doc. 55.) //( main library. — The Italian cause and its sympathizers. (In World, N. Y.? June? 1860.) 080 43 boundxvith 1 — Italian nationality. (In same.) 080 43 bound icith 1 — Johnson's new universal cyclopaHiia. 1878. In main library. The f(MowiMj articles: Amat, F. de T ;— Castanheda, F. L. de;— Catalan languiige and literature;— Crichton. .1.; — D'Esclot, B. ;— Fireproof construction in Italy;— Fr6- jus. Col de;— Fresco; Pucino, Lake;— (Jenoa;— Girgenti; — Improvisation:— Index, concordance, etc:— Index 11- brorum prohibitorum;— Inundations and floods of rivers: — Irrigation;— Italian language and literature;— -Jacme; — Legoud;—Lexicou;— Lopes, F.;— Lull. R.;— March, A.;— Mulberry tree ;— Muntaner, K. :- Olive ;—Po. The ;- Pontine marshes ;— Romansch ;--St. (iothard. Tunnel of: —Sicilian Vespers ;— Sicilies, The Two;— Sicily :— straw. Manufacture of ;— Tiber;— Velvet:— Watershed :— Well . — [Langiuige-charts, used in his lectures, il- lustrating alliteration, absence of punctuation, transposition, etc.] F. 13 sheets. 080 35 — The late General Estcourt. {In National in- telligencer, Washington, 7 Feb. 1856.) 080 43 bound with 1 —Same. (In Ryan, G. Life of Estcourt, 1856, apx., p. 2-8.) 080 34 —Same. {In Mar,sh, C. C. Life of G. P. Marsh, 1888, V. 1, p. 474-9.) 080 42 — Lectures on the English language. New York, 1860. O. 8-f 697 p. 080 20 — Sawf['With author's ms. corrections |. 080 20.1 In this volume are inserted two speeches by Horatio Seymour, illustrating the use of short words, and a ms. note on liriticisms. —Same. First series. Revised and enlarged edition. New York, 1885. O. 15-1-583 p. 080 54 This edition is without index. ".\lthough this volume contains, particularly in the notes, a world of illustrations from the author's im- mense erudition, collected from the study of every available Aryan language this side of Sanscrit.and from those of the Semitic families as well, the book is still wli.illy iiiti-lligihle and thoroughly interesting to any person who knows no more of foreign languages than Beujaiiiiii Franklin did when he expressed himself in what is almost the best English tliat was ever written down. When wespeak of .'Ml. Maish's immense erudi- tion, we express our ruling feeling whenever we lay down this volume. We are not surprised that one liv- ing man should have known all the recondite facts whi<'h are here arranged together. The wonder is that at any moment, or in any year of his life, one man can re- collect them and arrange them in their jirecise places in the study of this grand organized living being which we call the English language."— A'. E. Hale in Christian ex- aminer, V. UD, p. 2. See the whole article, p. MS. .*e'«/so Bibliotheea sacra. V. 17, p. 449; Littell's living age, V. 65, p. 776, v. 71, p. 560-5; National review, v 14, p. 348-75, 080 35 ; New Englander, v- 18, p. 5.32-3. The Na- tional quarterly review, v. 1, p. 410-430, contains a severe attack upon this work, by E. B. Humphreys. 080 35 — The student's manual of the English lan- guage: Lectures on the English language; edit- ed, with additional lectures and notes by Wil- liam Smith. 2 edition. London, 1863. D. 11 +'19« P- 080 25 —Letter. (In U. S.— (ieol. and geog. snrvey. Extracts from letters, 1879, p. 10-12.) 557 3 —[Letter to H. A. P. Torrev: ms.] Rome, Oct. 18, 1877. O. 3 p. • 080 57 —Letters. (In U. S.— State dept. Copies of papers relating to claim of F. Dainese, 1857 p. 100, 107, 108, 120, 173, 174, 182, 187.) 327 1 — Man and nature; or. Physical geography as modified bv human action New York, 1865 O. 194-566 p. 080 26 "Mr. Marsh belongs to the higher order of men, who organize experience, who make inductions as well as gather the materials for them. His mind drains a vast surface of knowledge, and he not only sees clearly to the farthest comers of earth through the windows of books, but his own eye is watchful, and his memory car- MA It SB, G. P. 443 MARSH, G. J'. ries a fact observed in Vermont till he can match and oonflrm it in Egypt or Italy- We have fo'ind his book a delightful one.' It suggests thought and pleases the fancy at the same time; for while it implies long study, and has the peculiar library aroma about it. yet its char- acter is such that it seems as if all its books had been found in running brooks, and you are now in the forest, now on the mountain, as you read, , . A book so inter- esting and instructive, which will lure the young to ob- serve and take delight in Nature, and the mature to respect her rights as essential to their own well-being, which pleads the cause of birds and beasts and trees, we welcome as a public benefaction."—/, li. Loivdl in N. A. review. V. 99. p. 319-2 I. .^ee a/.so Bibliotheca sacra, v. 21 p. 882-3; J. II. Altenm Christian examiner, v. 77, p. 65-73; Edinburgh review, v. 120, p. 464-5011. OSO .35. Circourt, A. (le. Man and Nature. {In Nonvelles aimales des voyages, r. IS.'J, 1865, p. 313-31.) OSO 3.5 A review; with ms. corrections by the author. — Italian : L' uomo e la natura. [Florence, 1869?] D. nt2). 630 p. 080 27 "This translation of an early edition of my 'Man and Nature' is a literary curiosity. It was made by a lady not acquainted with the subject, and with a very im- perfect knowledge of both English and Italian. The gross and often ludicrous errors are very numerous, numberingnot less than 6, 0011, or 10 to the page. The original translation, although printed, was destroyed by the publisher and another prepared. There is connected with this book a philogical faftt of a good deal of in- terest. I had frequently introduced into the text cita- tions from French authors, translated of course into English. These are generally faithfully translated into Italian, bad as the translatioii of English generally is. I, at flrst, thought that the translator must have found and used the original authorities. This I found afterwards was a mistake: she had merely re-translated my transla- tions. Did my translations correspond so closely to the French idiom that the French construction was visible in them?"— J/^<. note by Mr. Marsh. L'liomo e la natura; ossia. La superficie terrestre modificata per opera dell' uomo. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1872. D. 13 [-1-2] -1-634 p. 080 .53 With Avvertenza by Mr. Marsh, dated Firenze. Gen- naio 1870. Conmiended as mechanically superior to the American edition, in the Nation, v, 10. p, 322. Lessona, M. L' uomo e la natura, (In Nuova antologia, v. 14, 1870, p. 402-8.) 080 35 — The earth as modified by human action; a new edition of Man and nature. New York, 1874. O. 21-1-6.56 p. 080 28 "The revision of Mr. Marsh's volume, since the flrst publication, has been so thorough, that every page has been reset, and the title has been changed in order to indicate clearly the freshness of the work. The topics remain the same, but the information is brought down to the latest period. This is especially true of the notes, which are exuberant in interesting materials."— .S'c/'i//- yier^s iiionUdif, v. 9, p. 120. • See also International review, v. 2. p. 120-5; the Nation. V. 19, p 22:^-4; and the extract from a letter by Mr. Marsh in the Nation, v. .35, p. 130. — Same; a last revision of Man and nature. New York, 1885. O. 24-1-629 p. 080 56 — Extracts from Man and nature, or. The earth as modified by human action; with some notes on forests and rain-fall in Madras, by A. J. Stuart. Madras, 1882. O. 4[ -1-1] -I- 125 p. 080 29 — [Mansh to Rafn,] BurlinKton, Oct. 21, 1833.— [Marsh til Rafn,| (^onstantinojiel, den 5te Decbr. 1851: Turin, den Iste J:inuar 1804. (/?i Rafn, C. C. Breve fra og til Rafn. 1869.) »13 1 With one English and one Danish letter from Kafn to Marsh. — Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles; not ab uno e Sooietate Jesu. New York, 1876. D. 307 p. 080 30 "The book is not only well worth thoughtful considera- tion by those who arc ospocially Interested in the study of Romanism, but even more does it demand the atten- tion of those optimists who are inclined to believe that ignorance and superstition are of the past, and that the priesthood is no l(»nger a formidable enemy to human progress." — Harper's magazine, v. 53, p 787. This copy contains the following ms. corrections: Page 4, line 16, read shall: p. 7. read PAKT II., and strike out the lst,4th and 5th titles quoted, 1. 21, read ear/ita da'; p. 8, read PART III., PART IV.; p, 9, read PAKT I.. 1. 14, i-ead Antwerpen; p. 11, read Eremilieue; p, 38, 1. 24-25 read Fm'o Ecdefiastico. 1. 35, Apostolie&; p. .53, 1. 21-22 read an endless decimal; p 62, 1. 32-.33, read devices to a Church; p. 63. 1. 12, for our read an ; 1. 15, read their treatment; p. 71, 1. 81, read det ; p. 118, 1. 9, read Laveleye; p. 124, 1. 3, re?LA inaniamoaclds ; p 126, 1. 13, for paper read vohnne; p. 143, 1. 19. read apostles; p. 141, 1. 24, read Vieyra; p. 151, 1. 12. for or' read at, 1. 14 strike out to; p. 179, 1. 30. read pos- sessed of ; p. 181. 1. 12, read Catholic female servant; p. 192, 1. 13-16, read Uhe... discipline); p. lS7, 1. 5. read in a gene- ral; p. 198, 1 25, read Grettorovins. I. 27. Infe^sura; p. 199, 1. 7, for received read usurped; p. 203. 1. 24, read fastigia; p. 212, 1. 23, read estaMish/nents; p. 215, I. 8, read gearing; p. 234, 1. 7, readji?'mitatem; p 293, 1 4, read vell^ilAi, 1. 9- 10, his motley adventurers; p. 295. 1. 15, read or upon. — Memorial for pay for diplomatic services; 1 Dec. 1854. 2 p. {In U. S.— Senate. 33 cong. 3 ses. Misc. doc. 8.) In main library. Asking compensation for services as minister-resident to the Ottoman Porte, under act of 11 Aug. 1848, impos- ing judicial duties, and for his services under a special mission to Greece. — [Miscellaneous papers, in envelope.] 080 50 Contents : Fallen column of Jupiter's Temple. Athens: measurements taken 6 May 1853.— Inscription for grave- stone of Charles Marsh.— Certificate of election to life- fellowship of the Metropolitan museum of art. N. Y., 1875. — Certificate of admission to practice in Vermont circuit court, 4 Oct, 18.30. — Tracing map of country around Belgrade.— Draft of Latin acknowledgment of election to membership of the .\cademy of the Lincei. — Monumental honors [,by Viator]. (In Nation. v. 1, 1865, p. 491-2.) In iiiain library. — Notes on Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood's Dic- tionary of English etymology, and on some words not discussed by liim. [London, 1864?] O. 30 p. 080 23 bound ivith 1 From the Transactions ? of the Philological society. Pages 15-20 are Postscript: with the following ms. cor- rections by the author: Page 15. 1. 22. read sit ende, 1. 27. for li nd read land; p. 20, 1. 34, for in read is. and strike out following comma. — Notes on the new edition of Webster's Dic- tionary. (In Nation, v. 3, 1866. p. 125, 147, 186, 335, 268, 288, 369, 41)8, 515; v. 4, 1867, p, 7, 108. 137, 312, 373, 393, 516; v. 5, 1867, p, 7, .-8, 208.) OSO 33 bound ivith 1 19 papers; no 1-17 are in main library- — Offlcual corruption, (In World, N. Y., 15 June. 1860.) OSO 33 bound with 1 — Old Northern literature, {In American whig review, v. 1, 1845, p. 2.50-7.) 080 31 Called "Article 1. Introductory;" but no more was published — Oration [before the New Hampshire state agricultural society, 10 Oct. 1856), {In N. H. state asrric. soc. Trans,, 1856, p. 35-89.) OSO 13.1 With the ft)Ilowing ms. corrections by the author: I'ngc :i7, line 3. read All purely physical; p. 42, 1. 3-4, strike out i-omni:is after fOW7*Ari(wand 7if/r/?(//«,* p 43,1. 13, for iilliir those; p. 48, 1. 7, read those namely, I. 36, read clsvwhire. ill, \. :i7. entail: the; p. ^n, I. 2,5, for MWr read this; p. 62. 1.34, read or the eauterntp. ,53, 1.4, read almind; p. 54, 1. 5, for leafy read heavy, I. 27, read corn, hemp; p. 55, 1. 86, read a,tertile; p. 56, line 25, read post-statiotm; p. .57. I. 26. read liii their; p. 58, 1. 30, read practical; p. 59, 1. 8, read heniji. silk. 1. 21, 28, read Karst; p, 64, 1. 82, read Ilork; p. 66. 1. 4. mad latiiirs. 1. 17, for rude read such: p. 72. I. :U. read f'oniiir.hiliriin; p 76,1.36. for «;)/)<■(//■*' read i^tliiiiiilht ; J). 77. 1. 23-21. I'cad Fos..niinhriiiii ; p. 78. I. 12, n:ndtloor is the, 1, 22. for it reail the outer wall; p. 8il, I. 20. 21, semicolons after A.o?'«vi and ?'?w/(?fi(/,' p. 81, 1. 17. read thills. To; p. 82, 1. 28, tor slim road Min, 1, 89, »2read MARSH, G. P. 443 MAIISH, G. P. calks; p. 84. 1. 19. for satnples read siviples; p. 86, 1. 9, read crusaders, hrouqhl, I. 13. read iolM; p. 88, 1. 9, for Mx read lis. — Oriental Christianity and Islaniisni. {In Christian examiner, v. '05, 1858, ]). 'J5-125.) In main library. With tlio following ins. corrections: Pa^e 97, line 7. read .*/;>.■.■.■ p. 118, 1. 18. tor sterniifrend thereby; p. ia2, 1. 2-3, for strikinfi roag{er; p. 141, 1. 19, read frequeuUij ; p. 158. 1 .34, read furfe ; p. 159, 1. 32, p. 160. 1. 16. read ifere; p. 16 i. 1. 4, read fan. 1. 5. read put. 1. 21. read *urue; "p- 161. 1. 1.for pridde read f ridde; p. 163, 1. 33. rea(/ qulffef; p. 165. 1 17, read \iui:n9 ; p. 167, 1. 12. for me read ire; p. 217, the concluded quotation is refer- red to p. 2.53 of Camden Soc Political songs, the next to p. 251. th'" Song given on p. 249 is referred to p. 69. and the quotation on p. 251 to same. p. -333; p. 263, 1. 6. for than read tkem; p. .334. 1. 13, strike out and; p. 441. !. 10. for history the sense requires the reading literature. — ^Circoiirt, A. de. Origine et histoire de la langue anglaise. {In Revue britannique, aout 1865, p. 461-83.) 080 35 A review of Mr. Marsh's work; with ms. corrections by the author. — The origin of the Italian language. [Anon.] (In N. A. review, v. 105, 1867, p. 1-41.) In main library. — translator. The origin, progress and decline of Icelandic historical literature, by Peter Erasmus Mueller, late bi.sliop of Zealand in Denmark: translated from tlie original in the Nordisk Tidsskrift for Oldkyndiglied, I. B. 1. H., with notes. (In Amerieaii eclectic, 1841, V. 1, p. 446-68; v. 2, p. 131-46.) 080 32 "Part I." "To be concluded," but no more was pub- lished. — Pliysical science in Italy [; review of G. Boc- cardo's Fisica del gloho]. (In Nation, v. 7, 1868, p. 420-1.) 080 33 bound with 1 — Th(! principles and tendencies of modern commerce; with special reference to tlie char- acter aiiil influence of the traffic between the Christian states and the oriental world [; dis- course before the Mercantile library associa- tion at Boston, 15 Nov. 1854]. [In Hunt's mer- chants' magazine, v. 33, 18.55, p. 147-108.) 080 43 bound with 1 With the following ms. corrections by the author: Page 152. line 2ii, iov continued read contained ; p. 157, 1. 31, read to tlieparenlii, 1, 37. read enumerated ; p. 158, I. ai, read to resemljle; p. 160. 1. 31. strike out It is only when Vie European; p. 161. 1. 37, read mwer, an; p. 166. 1. 6, for those read these; p. 168. 1. 40. for ovr. read an. — The proposed revision of the English Bible. {In Nation, v. 11, 1870, p. 238-9, 261-3, 281-3.) 080 33 bound ivith 1 — Protection to naturalized citizens. (Ui .'iame. V. 3, 1800, p. 115-10.) 080 33 Signed U. — Pruning forest trees. (In Nation, v. 1, 1865, p. 690-1.) In main library. — [References to Icelandic works: with index; ms.] 1834. sqD. 39 p. 080 35 — Remarks on slavery in the territories of New Me.xico, California and Oregon; delivered in the House of representatives, Aug. 8, 1848. [Burlington, 1848.] O. 12 p. 080 13 bound ivith 1 — Report, made under authority of the Legis- lature of Vermont, on the artificial propa- gation of fish. Burlington, 1857. O. 52-1-62 [-^3] p. 080 14 Page 11. line 11, (or those reaithese animals; p. 13. 1. 17, for tlie read thHr; p. 37, 1. 19, for best read least; p. 38, 1. 38, for affected read effected. — Report on claim of E. H. Holmes ; 80 Jan. 1840. 2 p. {In U. S.— Ho. of rep. 29 eong. 1 ses. Report 160.) lu main library. Recommends extension of patent for dredging-ma- chine. — Report on claim of J. Dodge; 26 April 1848. 5 p. (In same. SO eong. 1 ses. Report 589.) In main library. Recommends compensation for services rendered as special tobacco agent for the U. S. in Germany and Italy, and for other services to tobacco interests in U.S. Wrongly referred in the index of Poore's Catalogue to p. 551 instead of 557. —Report on claim P. J. Farnham and J. Frye; 3 March 1849. 34 p. (In U.S.— Ho. of rep. 30 eong. 2 ses. Report 142.) /)( 7nain library. Recites the seizure of American bark Jones by Lt. Lit- tlehales of the British navy, at St- Helena, the sale of the vessel, and outrages upon its officers; and lu-ges demand upon Great Britain for reparation. — Report on Durazzo library, Genoa ; 7 June 1844. 2 p. (In same. 28 eong. 1 ses. Report 553.) In main library. Its character; purchase inexpedient, as unsuited for use of Congress. — Report on memorial of J. A. Stevens; 24 May 1844. 15 p. (hisame. 510.)/« main library. Experiments to determine resistance of water, and best forms for vessels proposed; provision for experi- ments recommended; remarks on models of vessels. — Report on petition of E. H. Holmes; 16 Feb. 1847. 2 p. {In same. 29 eong. 2 ses. Report 62.) In main library. Favorable to extension of patent for dredging ma- chine; adopts report made at preceding session- MARSH, G. P. 444 MAJRSJl, G. P. — Report on petition of P. B. Holmes anil W. Pedrick; 29 March 1844. 4 p. {In same. JS coikj. 1 ses. Report 389.) In main liln-ari/. Mr. Marsh recommends compensation foi* invention. while in goTernment employ, of machine for outtinf; raw hides, and for its use byj^overnment. — & others. Report on publication of Squier and Davis's Ancient monuments. (Jn U. S. — Senate, so cong. l ses. Misc. doc. 23 : Report of Smithsonian institution for 1847.) In main library. — Report on spirit ration in navy; 28 Jan. 1845. 2 p. {In U. S.— Ho. of rep. ^S cong. 2 ses. Re- port 73. ) In main library. Its discontinuance recommended. — [Report on the education of the deaf and dumb.] {In Vermont— Gen. assembly. Journal, 1824, p. 23-30.) 080 1 —The Sicilian revolution. {In World, N. Y.? ISbO?) 080 43 bound with 1 — Special report of the Railroad commissioner, October session, 1838 [,on the connections be- tween the Rutland & Burlington and Vermont central railroads]. [Burlington, 1858.] O. 8 p. 080 16 Pages 1-4 are extract.s from the Keport, 18.^8. — Speech on the bill for establishing the Smith- sonian institution, delivered in the House of representatives of the U. States, April 22, 1846. Washington, 1848. O. 15 p. OSO Abound icith 1 Reprinted in .Smithsonian miscellaneous collections 328, p. 410-28. "What [Mr. Marsh] seeks is to provide for the speedy collection of a large library, and his speech is chiefly a well informed and intelligent appeal to Con- gress upon this point."— i\V«' Enr/kwder, v. 4, p. 605. "In later life he estimated the Value of large libraries somewhat less, proportionally, than at an earlier ijeriod. his own experience in the great librai-ies of England and Europe having suggested unforeseen limitations to their utility.''— Life and letters, v. 1, p. 99. — Speech on the Mexican war; delivered in the House of representatives of the U. S., Feb. 10, 1848. Washington, 1848. O. 16 p. 080 11 hound with 1 Reprinted in his Life and letters, v. 1, p. 453-71. — Speech on the tariff bill; delivered in the House of representatives of the U. States. April 30,1844. Washington [,1844]. O. 16 p. 080 3 bound with 1 —Same. St. Albans*, Vt.. 1844. O. 15 p. 080 4 bound ivith 1 ".\lluding to this speech, many years after. Mr. Marsh said: "I wa.s fully convinced of the truth of my position th€n; but, though not yel prepared to declare myself a convert to free trade, I can now see there is another side to the cjuestion.' "—Life and letters, v. 1, p. 04. — Speech on the tariff que.stion, delivered in the House of representatives of the U. S. .June 30th, 1846. [Washington, 1846.] O. 16 1>. 080 7 bound with 1 — State sovereignty, iln Nation, v. 1, 1865, p. 554-6, 648-50, 715-16, 776-7, 810-13.) 080 33 bound trith 1 — Statistics of the Mont Cenis tunnel [,by an American traveller]. {In same. v. 5, 1869, p. 259-60.) Not in library. — The study of nature. (In Christian examin- er. V. 68, 1860, p. 33-63.) 080 58 With the following ms. corrections: Page 35, line 14, read all human jmwer and virtue; p. 41, 1. 11-12, strike out on, a, and a; p. B8, 1. B, for but read if. 1, 84 read connplcu- om^from; p. 69, 1. 82, for have read to. — translator. Summary of the statistics of Sweden. {Iti Hant'S merchants' magazine, v. 34, 1851, p. 194-9.) In main lihrai~y. Translated iftid extracted from Forsell's Statistik ofver Sverige, 4 upplagan, 1844-5. — Swedish literature. {In .Imericau eclectic, V. 1, 1841, p. 63-81, 313-32.1 080 33 Contents: 1. Olaf Rudlieck the elder, and his Atlanti- ca: the sul>stance of a notice in the .Skandinaviske Lite- raturselskalis skrifter for 1813. by R. Nyerup; trans- lated, with slight :dteratif)nsand more cojjious extracts. 2. The life iind works of the painter Ilorberg; translat- ed and abridged truni an article by ('. Molbech in the Skaudinaviske l.ittrraturselskabs [so] .Skrifter. 12te og 13de Aargang. — To the corporation of the University of Ver- mont [: A report in ms. on the condition of the librarv of the universitv, 27 Nov. 1855]. sciQ. 6 p. " 080 57 — translator. Trieste, and the participation of Austria in the commerce of the world. 1832-41 ; translated from the Austrian Lloyd's joinnal. {In Hunt's merchants' magazine, v. 10, 1844, p. 495-521.) In main library. — The two dictionaries [.Worcester's and Web- ster's]. {In World, N. Y.,15 June, 1860.) 080 3?, — The war and the peace. {In Christian exam- iner. V. 67. 1859. p. 260-82.) /)( main library. — Were the states ever sovereign? {In Nation. V. 1. 1865, p. 5-8.) 080 33 hound with 1 — Benelli, C. A. A G. P. Marsh sonetto. 65x50 cm. 080 36 Ms. written on cardboai'd, with gold and silver orna- mentation. In portfolio 3. — Brown, S. (i. A discourse commemorative of G. P. Marsh ; Dartmouth college, June 5, 1883, University of Vermont, June 25, 1883. [Burlington, 1883.] Q. 37-1-4 p. 080 41 — Cariitti, D. Genno necrologico del socio straniero Perkins Marsh. {In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Transunti. v. 7, 1882-3, p. 173-3.) 080 35 With the autograph of Carutti See also the notice in Xiiova rivista foreslale. v. 5. p. 172. 080 .35 — Clay, J. B. Report on case of G. P.; 12 March 1858. 5 \i. {In U. S.— Ho. of rep. ,?.5 cong. 1 ses. Report 168.) hi main library. On Senate bill for relief of Marsh, with instructions to procure information from the state dept. as to the amount of money alreaih- paid Marsh for services abroad. Committee recomnifiul an amendment. — Ferraro, («. A sua eccelenza Tanibasciatore degli Stati Unit! d'America signor Giorgio P. Marsh, in segno di alta stima e di profonda ri- conoscenza, Giusejipe Ferraro dedica. {Dedi- cation of Relazione delle scoperte da Colombo. 1875; in Scelta di curiosita. 144.) 860 10 —Fish, H. Letter on presents to G. P. Marsh: 19 Nov. 1W5. 2 p. (7)1 U. S.— Senate. 44 coHj/. / ,s('s. Misc. doc. 16.) In main library. — [Government commissions to Mr. Marsh.] 080 49 Xamflij: .\ppointment by O. P. Van Ness, governor of Vermont, to report on education of deaf and dumb. 20 March 1.S24.— Appointment by Horace Katon, governor of Vermont, of (;. P. Marsh and Charles Paine to cor- respond with Hiram Pctwers in regard to statues of Ethan .Mien and Thomas Chittenden, I Dec- 1846.— Ap- p(}intment by President Taylor as minister resident at Constantinople, 29 May 1849.— .second appointment, by the same, 2-1 June 1850.— Appointment by President Lincoln as minister at Turin, 20 March IHOI . MARSH. G. I'. 445 MAESH LIBRARY — Gris*ol(l, R. W. George P. Marsh. (//( /m'.s Prose writers of America,1847, p.414-16.) 81(> 1 With extracts: Tbn Goth und the Homan;— IiiMucnce <»f the Bible on literature anil art. — JoUwicz, H.Dein geistvollen Spraohforscher George P. Jlarsh IjevoUmilchtigten Minister und ausserordeiitlichen Gesaiiflten dor Verei- nigten Staaten Nordanierilias in Rom, gewid- met von dem Uebersetzer. (Dedication of lils translation of Lecky, W. H. E. Aiifklarinig in Europa. 1873.) 211 5 See also Rcclus, J. J. E. La terre. 1868-9. Preface to v. 2. — Knopiriaii, H. L. A trial bibliography of G. P. Marsli. (In Library journal, v. 11, 1886, p. 474-7.) In main librnnj. See also University cynic, v. 4, 1886. p. 101. OSO 35 — Laiiman, C. [Biographical sketch.] (hi liia Dictionary of Congress, 18.59, p. 814.) 923 4 George Perkins Marsh. (In Literary world, V. 13, 1883, p. 352-3.) In main librari/. — — To the Hon. George Perkins Marsh, Bur- lington, Vermont. (Dedication and j^ref ace o( his Letters from a landscape painter. 184.5.) 814 12 — Lioy, P. Lettera al signor Marsh sul lato destro e sinistro. (In his Sulla legge dei sessi. 2ed. 1873.) 577 3 —Marsh, Mrs. C. C. Life and letters of G. P. Marsh. New York, 1888. v. 1. O. por. 080 42 Vol. - not yet published. — Mason, J. M. Report on case of G. P. Marsh; 20 Feb. 188.5. 3 p. (In U. S.— Senate. SScong. 2 ses. Report 534.) — Report [on same]; 22 Dec. 1857. 3 p. (In same. 33 cong. 1 ses. Report 2.) In main library. On memorial praying compensation for extra duties on special mission to Greece, and for judicial services: favorable. The former report is WTongly referred in the index of Poore's Catalogue to ii. 601 instead of 661. — Nasli, 15. H., & F. P. George Perkins Marsh. (In American academv. Proc. v. 18, 1882-3, p. 447-57.) " 080 52 .— — Same: Notice of George Perkins Marsh. Cambridge [,Mass.], 1883. O. p. 447-57. 08052 — [Passports ; in morocco pocket-book.] S. 080 46 Xamely: p'rom V. S- Dept. of state. 17 .\pril 1801. sign- ed by W. II. Seward.— In nome di Vittorio Eramanuele II, 38 mafigio 1875 — In nome di Umberto I, 20 giugno 1879. —Pennington, A. C. M. Report on case of G. P. Marsh; 23 May 18.56. 5 p. an U. S.— Ho. of rep. -'4 cong.l ses. Report 166.)/h main library. On Senate bill directing payment for judicial services while minister to the Ottoman Porte; adverse. ^Porter, E. ii. Speecli [on pi"esenting an oil portrait of G. P. Marsh]. (In Pliillips academy, Andover. Speeches at first dinner of alumni association. 1886.) 080 57 The portrait was painted in 1885-6 by Miss Jane E. Bartlett of Andover. who vLsited Mrs. Marsh for the purpose of studying the Powers bust, and other por- traitures of .Mr. Marsh in her possession. The portrait measures 76x06 cm. — Regaldi, (i, (In his Da Siene a File, 1862, p. 14-16.) 916.2 16 —Rome — R. accadeniia dei liiicei. [Notice in ms. of liis election as foreign member in the of historical, pliilological and moral sci- ences, 19 March 1876, dated Kal. April. MDCCCLXXVI.] F. 3 p. tf- bronze tablet in morocco case. O. 080 47 Societa greografl(\a italiana. [Certificate of his election as honorary momlier, 15 May 1870.] 31.X42 cm. 080 48 In (lii>loma style, 2 leaves. — Royce, H. E. Report on claim of G. P. Marsh; 6 April 1860. 2 p. (In U. S.— Ho. of rep. •y; cong. 1 se.t. Report 350.) In main library. On hill for relief of Marsh, as mini.ster resident at the Ottoman Porte, claiming extra compensation for travel- ling expenses also for judicial services; recommended. -San Scpolcro— R. accadeniia della Valle Ti- berina Toscnna. Dipk)iiia |of liis election as corresponding inember, 3 June 1870. dated] 7 luglio 1870. obF. Broadside. 080 30 — Stillman, W. J. The late George P. Marsh. (/)i Nation, v. 35. 1883, p. 304-5.) Tii maiyi library. See also the artitde in the same volume of the Nation, 11.75. t»so :^ ; the notice by G. W. Curtis in Harper's magazine, v. 2.'!. ]). 561: the sketch by C. II. .J. Douglas, in his Collection of family rt>oords, 1879. p. 118: the notices in .Mliboue's Dictionary of authors, and the various en- cyclopa'dias. espe'.;ially Appletons' cyclopi-pdia of Amer- ican biography. whic:h" gives a two-column notice with portrait. —[Turkish and Arabic letters to Mr, Marsh.] 34 pieces in envelope. 080 4.5 — ITurliish passports.] 5 pieces in cloth bag. 080 44 The library contains the following portraits of Mr. Marsh, nimibered in inobiiblc order of age: 1. Crayon. 5Ix38cm.-2. Phnloi;,.i>icd. 11.5 x 9.5 cm. S. Steel engraving of the same: frontispiece to v. 1 of Life and letters. 13.5 X 111 cm. 4. Photograph of Mr. Marsh in his study in the Villa Forini. Florence. 17 x 21 cm. 5. Wood- cut in Harper's weekly. 5 Aug. 1882. 9 x7.5 cm. 0. Wood- cut in v. 4 of Appleton's Cyclopjcdia < if American hiogra- phy. 4x:i.5cm. 7. Marble bust liy I'rrston Powers. 84 x 58 cm. See also in t\iQ preceding column E. G. Porter's notice of the oil painting by Miss Bartlett. Marsli, James. Preliminary essay. (In Cole- ridg'e, S. T. Aids to reflection. 1843, r. 2. pref. p. 11-49.) 240 4 — editor. Select practical theology of the 17th century; with biographical sketches and notes. Burlington, 1830. v. 1. O. 208 6 ConUiits: 1. Hone,,!. The blessedness of the righteous; —The vanity of man as mortal. Bates, W. Discourses on the four last things. No more published. The copy in the main library has the title: "Select practical works of -J. Howe and W. Bates." etc, 1830. Coleridge, S. T. Aids to reflection. 1829. 240 5 The friend. 1831. 824 9 — tran.ilator, see Hegewisch, 1). H. Introduc- tion to historical chronology. 1837. .529 1 Marsli, John B., compiler, see Sliakespeare, W, The reference Shakspere. 1864. 822 14 Marsli, Leonard. The shadow of Christianity; or, The genesis of the Christian state; a trea- tise for the times; bv the author of the Apoca- tastasis. New York [, 186.5]. D. 320 12.1 Marsh, Othniel Cliarles. Introduction and suc- cession of vertelirate life in America; an ad- dress. [New Haven, 1877.] Q. 57 p. ,566 2 Marsli library. [Alphabetical catalogue in ms. of the librarv of George P. Marsh.] 3 v. sqO. 080 38 — [Catalogue in ms. of the librarv of George P. Marsh.] 3 v. sqO. " 080 37 With occasional notes in pencil by Mr. Marsh. MARSH LIBRAE Y 446 MARTIN — Catalogue of books belongiiiK to George P. Marsh, ambassador to the Sublime Porte, and deposited during his absence in the Library of the University of Vermont. Q. 15 ms. sheets. 080 40 —List of incomplete works In the Marsh libra- ry, May 1890 [: compiled by H. L. Koopman. Burlington, 1890.] O. 4 p. 080 40 — Partial alphabetical list [in ms.J of books be- longing to the estate of G. P. Marsh; compiled by G. F. Edmunds and others, Sept. -Oct. 1882. sqO. 080 39 —Partial list [in ms.] of books belonging to the estate of G. P. Marsh; compiled by J. E. Good- rich and H. A. P. Torrey, at home of G. F. Ed- munds, Burlington, Oct. 1882. F. 44 m.s. sheets. 080 40 With supplementary list, correspondence, etc. —Burlington free jn-ess and times. Illustrated edition [, with] supplement, 1 July 1885. F.' 6 p. U.rwr. 080 40 Containing, amont; other commencement matter. "The Billiniis library" and "The Billings library dedi- cated:" with an exterior and an interior view of the buildiiis and a portrait of Frederick Billings. — Ko(»pmiiu, H. L. Treasures of the Marsh li- brary. (In Ariel. 1889.) 080 40 Proof-sheets in envelope. The article quotes, with important typographical corrections. Mr. Marsh's letter to Charles Lanman published in v. 13 of the Literary world for laSS. p. :a-J-3. *'ee also in Libr.ary .iournal for June 1890. "George Perkins Marsh: on finishing the cata- logue of his library,'' a sonnet. — Lstumaii, C. [George P. Marsh and his libra- ry.] (/;* his Letters from a landscape painter, 1845, p. 111-18.) 814 12 — ^West, C. E. [Catalogue of] the Icelandic li- brary of George P. Marsh. (In his Catalogue, 1889, p. 73-80.) 080 40 Also another copy, with prices. 71 of the volumes here catalogued, including all not duplicate, were bought by Mr. Billings for the Mar.sli library, 91 May 1889. With a letter from iMr. West. For an account of Mr. Marsh's collection of engrav- ings, which was bought by the Smithsonian institution and afterwards greatly damaged by lire and neglect. see his letter to Lanman, dated 11 Aug. 18-14. in the Liter- ary world. V. 1:5, 1883. p. :ia3; his Life. v. 1. p. 139-40, and Prof. .Jewett's account. 1851, in same, p. 472-3. reprinted from the 9th annual report of the Smithsonian institu- tion Lord Vernon's collection of casts of gems in the UfBzi gallery at p'lorence. which was purchased by Mr. Marsh, is now. tlirougb the generosity of Mrs. Billings, the property of the University library. Marshall, Isabel, & Porter, L. Ryme-iiulex to the ms. texts of Chaucer's minor poems; with introduction, and appendix of ryme-indexes to some spurious poems, by W. W. Skeat. Lou- don, 1889. O. (/« Chancer soc. 1 ser. 80.) 821 45 Marshall, Williaiii. Deutschlands Vogelwelt im Wechsel (ler Zfiton. Hamlairg, 1887. O. 48 p. (In Virchow d- Holtzeiidorif. Vortrilge. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 3 MAUSIIKS, Biihicr, K. C. W. Die Versump- fung dcr Wiililcr. iiiit iiiul i)line Torfinoor-Bil- dung, unci dii' MiUel zur Wiederbestockiuig dersclben. Tiibingcn, 1831. O. 551.58 11 — Rcveiitlov, A. Om Marskdannelsen i^ui Vest- kysten af Slesvig og Midlerne til dens I''rcniine. Kj0l)enhavn, ISO:!. (,). 02 p. maps. 551.4!) 5 See (dm t'AJIl'AdNA: MAUKJIMK: S(;|II,KSWI(): Sl'IflMJS. MarsI, Antonio. I dranniii i)aslorali; a i lira di Italo I'alniarini. Bologna, 1887-8. 2 v. D. f/»( Scelta
  • !> « Martineaii, James.Endeavonis after the C'hris- tian life ; discourses. New edition. Boston, 1858. D. Hoi 2 Martini, Antonio, I nm. viator, see Bible— Itali- an. 1845-8. 'liO Hi Martini, Lnca. G'apitoli. (//< Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1700, v. 2.) 857 3 Martini, Pietro. Giudizi opfiosti di Paolo Mey- er e di Amedeo Roux sovra le carte d' Arborea esaminati. Cagliari, 1865. 1). 42 p. 858 2 — Storia delle invasion! degli Arabi e SSKi;.1l. l>'(;iII8ITI<)N: l-ilswls. .1.; PKItSK- (ilTIONS ; Tliicy, W.; Tjiiduks W. Marnfli, (iioaceliiiio, alitor, see Sanseverino, R. da. Viaggio in Terra Santa. 1888. (/« Scelta di curiosila. 229.) 850 10 Marvel, \k., jiseudonyin of yiiMiell, I). (>. Marvell, Andrew. The rehearsal transprosd: or. Animadversions upon A preface |by Bishop Samuel I'arUer], shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of poperv. London, 1672, S. ' 282 13 Mar.v, J, Geschichte des hell. Rockes zu Trier. Trier; 1814. D. 231 4 MARY, mother of ./esas. Bertliier, J. Notre- Uanie de la Salette, son apinirition, son culte, le pelerinage national de 1872. Paris, 1872. D. 230 14 — Bonaventura, Ht. II saltero della Maria. Bo- logna, 1S72. D. (/)( Scelta dicuriosita. 126.; 8.50 10 — Caillan, A. B. Les gloires de Notre-Dame du Puy. Paris, 1846. D. 230 13 — Kopiseb, A. Das Fest der Himmelfahrt Maria in Messina. (In liis Gesam. Werke, 1856, v. 5.) 831 54 — Landnoci, A. Origine del tempio dedicato in Roma alia Vergine, detto hoggi del popolo. Roma, 1646. O. 230 9 "Kiire and curious legend." — Xote by Mr. Mar»h. — Lasserre, H. O.-L. Vrouw van Lourdes. Gent, 1873. O. 230 12 — Legg'enda del transito della Madonna, del secolo 14. (/)( Percopo, E. IV. poemetti. 1885; in Scelta di curiosita. 211.) 850 10 — Liguori, A. M. de,' St. Le glorie di Maria. Ba.ssano, 1852. 2 v. D. 230 10 —Nan, — , ahhi. L'apparition de la Salette envisagee dans ses contequences. Paris, 1861. D. 237 4 — Rimini— Ecelesiastica curia. Del prodigioso movimento degli occhi nella sacra immagine di Madre della Misericordia, in Rimini, 1850. Rimini, 1851. O. xtl. 231 11 — Santa Maria, A. de. Santuario mariano e historia das images milagrosas de Nossa Sen- hora. Lisboa, 1707-23. 10 v. O. 230 15 — Savonarola, G. M. F. M. Expositione so]ira laoratione della Vergine. n. p.. n. d. O [12] p. 230 7 — Talavera, (i. de. Historia de Nuestra Seiiora de Guadalupe. Toledo, 1597. O. 230 11 — Yantaggi e doveii [degli] ascritti alia pia unione del sacro abitino ceruleo di Maria eretta in S. Martino. Viterbo [,187-?]. T. 282 30 See aUo Assumption; Oel tiunbeor Nostre-Dame. MARY, St., ofEfjinit. Bartsch, K. F. Ueber die Quelle der altspani.schen Vida de S. Maria egipciaca: von A. Mussatia. {In Jalirbncllrom. u. eng.Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 MARY', queen of Scots. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary, ([ueen of Scots, Nov- York, 1831. 2 v. S. 'por. 923 67 — Crosby, A. J., cfeBrnce, J., editors. Accounts and pai">ers relating to Mary, queen of Scots. [London,] 1867. sqO. faesim. (In Camden soc. 93.; 820 4 See also B.i0rnsoii. B. ; Schiller, J. ('. V, ron.; Tondel, J. ran den. MARY 448 MAiiSO]Sr Mary Schweidler, the amber witch, see Meiu- hold, K.W. Mary-Lafoii, Jean Bernard Lafon, called, editor & translator, see Pasqnino et Marforio. 1876. 282 7 Marzi, Tomiiiaso. Carme. {In Scelta di curi- osita. \*M.) 850 10 Marzo, Oualberto ie. New York. 1851. O. tab. ' 510 ! — Davies, C. Matliematics; inaugural address. (7(t Columbia colleg'e. Addresses. 1858.) 378 1 —De Morgan, A. On the study and difficulties of mathematics. London, 1830-3. [24-] 93]). O. (Lib. of u.seful knl.) 510 2 —Fuller, J. E. Computing telegraph. New York, 1852. sqQ. pi. 511 2 Accompanied by a tablet containing Palmer's com- puting scale, and Fuller's time telegraph. — Halliwell-Pliillipps, J. 0., editor. Rara mathematica. London, 1839. O. facsim. 510 3 Contents: Siicro Busto, .F. de. Tractatus de arte uume- randi.— A method for taking the altifudent'a steeple.— .\ treatise on the numeration of alf-'niisin. — ISmirne. W. A treatise on glasses for optical purposes.— Ituhyiis, .J. De cometis oommentaria.— Two tables: High water at Lon- don bridge:- Duration of moonlight A treatise on the mensuration of heights and distances.— An account, table for merchants.— Alextiiidre of rUkdieii. Carmen de algorismo.- Merle.v, D. de. Prefatioad librum de naturis superiorum et interiorum.— Proposals for inventions in the meiliaiiical arts.— Preface to a calendar for 1430.— >i»P- 9VA 36 Matilde, see Niccolini, G. B. v. 1. La matinee du comedien de I'ersejKjlis, pro- verloe, see Mol6, F. R. II matrimoiiio per concorso, commedia, see (lOldoiii, C. V. 14. r^a iiiatrona d" Efeso,novella,.see Rarbaro,A.M. Die Matrone von Ephesus, ein Lustspiel, see Lesslng-, (J. E. v. 11. Mattel, Antoine. Pruverbj, detti e massime corse: Proverbes, locutions e maximes de la Corse; precedees d'une etude sur le dialecte de cetteile. Paris, 1867. S. 398 48 MATTER. Talt, G. P. Structure of matter. (Ill his Lectures. 1876.) 504 6.1 MATTERHORN. Hawkins, F. V. Partial ascent of Mont Cervin. ?7. {In, Galtoii, F. Va- cation tourists, 1860.) 5)10 28 Mattenccl, Carlo. Raccolta di alcune proposte di leggi, e di varie scritti sulla pubblica istru- zione. Torino, 1865. D. 379 3 — Suir elettro-fisiologia; letture. Milano, 1869. O. 612 3 — Bianehi, N. Carlo Matteucci e 1" Italia del suo tempo ; narrazione. Torino, 1874. O. phot. 925 14 Matthaius Parisiensis, see Paris, M. Matthes, B. F., translator, see Koran. Proeve eener Makassaarsche vertaling. 1H56. 899 2 Matthew o/ We.'itmin.-iter, see Flores histori- arum. Matthew, Frederic David, editor, see WIclif, J. English works. 1880. (In E. E. text SOC. Orig. ser. 74 ) 820 5 Matthew Paris, .see Paris, M. Matthissun, Friedrich von. Erinnerungen. Zliricli. 1810-16. 3 v. S. 838 6 — Gedichte. Tiibingen, 1811. 2 v. S. 831 59 —Schiller, J. C. P. von. Ueber Matthissons (ledichte. (Inhis Siimmt. Werke, 1855. v. 2.) 832 9 Mattiolo, Pietro di. Cronaca bolognese; pub- blicata da Corrado Ricci. Bologna, 1885. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 202.) 850 10 Miitzner, Ednard Adolf Ferdinaiid,eIaundreU'.s Journey from .\leppo to the Euphrates, Beer and Mesopotamia. — Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697. {in Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 40 Maiiiioir, Charles, eilitor, see .inn^e K^gja- phique, 1876-8. 910 46 Jlaureiibreclier, Karl Wilheliii. Don Carlos. Berlin, 1869. O. :« p. (]it Virchow * Hol- tzeiidorfT. Vortr'age. 4 Serie.) 043 1 -Vaiirer, Konrail von. Ueber die Ausdriicke ; altnordische, altnorwegische & islan(ria c il cistclloili Miraiiiare; ricordi ill Trrcste. Firenze, 187."i. It. 55 p. phot. 953 59.1 — K^ratry, E. de. L'empereur Maximilian, son elevation et sa chute ; d'apres des docu- ments inedits. Leipzig, 1867. O. 972 4 tmund with 917.2 1.1 MAXIMS. Galland, A, Paroles renjarquables des orientau.x.— .Maximes des orientau.x. {In Herbelot, R. d'. Bibl. orient. Sup. 1780.) 950 1 — La Rochefoucauld, F. de. Reflexions, sen- tences et maximes morales. Nouvelle edition, par G. Duple.ssis. Paris, 1853. S. (In Bibl, elzevir.) ^840 10 — Vauvenariariies, L, de C, de. Reflexions et maximes. ^7// /us CEuvres, 1821.) 848 19 Maximus, Valerius, Factorum dictorumque memorabiliumliliri novem; ex editione Joannis Kappii [, recensuit Joannes Carev J. Londini, 1819. T. " 878 37 — De' fatti e detti degni di memoria; testo di lingua del secolo 14; publ)licati da Roberto de Visiani. Bologna. 1867. O. (/?i Emilia, Col- lezione. 23-4.1 850 6 — Saggio del volgarizzamento antico di Valerio Massimo, citato dagli Accademicidella crusca. Bologna, 1862. 3 v. in 1. D. iln Scelta di curiosita. 24.) 850 10 MAYENCE, see MAINZ, Mayer, Julius Robert, Naturwissenschaftliche Voi-trilge. .Stuttgart, 1871. O. [5-1-] 76 p. 536 2 C'oii/eii/s: feltor nothwendige Consequenzen und In- oonsequenzender WJirmemechanilc.— Ueber Erdbeben. — l^ebev die Bedeutunsr unveranderlicher Grossen. — Ueber die Ernahnins;. — Helmholtz, H, L. F, Robert Mayer's Priori- fat. (In his Vortr'age. 1844, v. 1.) 504 5 On Mayer's priority in the discovery of the law of the conservation of force. — Ziillner, J, C, F, Robert Mayer's Verdienste um die Astiophysik — Robert Mayer aus Heil- bronn, eine biographische Skizze. jmr. facsivi. (In hisWiss. Abhandlungen, 1878-81,v. 4.) 504 8 Mayer, Paul, Sopra certi organi di senso nelle antenne dei ditteri. 7)/. (In Rome — R. accad, dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 —Ueber Sturmflnten. Berlin, 1873. O. 40 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorif. Vortr'age. 8 Serie.) 043 1, 551.5 1 Maynarde, Thomas. Sir Francis Drake his voyage, 1595; with the .Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico: edited by W. D. Cooley. London, 1849. O. 12 -f 8 -I- 65 p. (In Hakluyt soc. Works. 4.) 973 19 Mayo, Isabella (Fyvie), jisendonym Edward (jarrett. The crust and the cake. 2 edition. London, 1870. D. 823 15 — The occupations of a retired life. London, 1869. D. 823 16 Mayo, William Slarbuek. Never again. I^on- don, 1873. 3 V. O. pi. 823 17 — Progetto di abitazioni e stabilimenti agricoli intesi a presorvare i coloni dai tristi efFetti del- \:i malaria nelle Marenime, nella Campagna. .. Milano. IS(;;i. O, '^7 ,,, pi, (Jig 22 Mayor, Jolin Eylon Itickerslelh, editor, see (irencesler, R. of. Spccuhim historiale. 1863- 9. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 29.) 942 8 Fisher, J. English works. 187)i. (Fn E. E. text soc. l"'xtra ser. 27.) 820 5.1 MA YOR 451 MEDICINE — reporter, see 01(1 catholics. Report of con- gress of Constance. IH78. 284 11 El miyi»r enc;into amor, .vce Calilcroii. v. 1. Kl iiiavor nionstruo los zelos, xamc, MAYOIt OF rilR I'.VL.VCE. Heeren, A. 11. L. Die Mill jores iloiuus unil die emirs al onirali. {in /tis Werke, 1831-;!0, v. 3.) 908 3 Mayr, C. & K., & Sciiiaparelli, L. Nuova carte generale d' Italia, i edizione. Gotha, 1871. 148x188 cm. in sqF.« 912 16 Mayr, Joliaiin (Jeorg:. Karte der Alpen. Ootlia, 1871. . obF.-* 8 maps. (In Stieler, A. Iland- Atlas. Eiganzungslieftl.) 912 81 Worked'ovei' by Hermann Berbaas from Mayr's Atlas der AlpenliindtT. Mazade, Charles de. Les deu-x jumeaux. — Un poete roman au 19e siecle. ( J?t Jasiiiiii, .T. Las papillotos, 1848-51, v. 3.J 849 15 Mazzarella, K. Delia critica. Genova, 1866-8. a V. in 1. O. 801 3 Mazzarella Farao, Francesco, editor, see Gali- aili, F. Vocaliolario del dialetto napoletano. 1789. (/(( Collezione napoletana, 1783-9, v. 26- 7.) 859 19 — transliitor. see Homenis. Batracommioma- chia. {In same. V. 34.) 859 19 Mnzzatiiiti, GiiiseppejerifYoc. Poesie religiose del secolo 14. Bologna, 1881. D. (fn Scelta dicuriosita. 179.) 850 10 Mazzi, Filippo. Recherches historiques et poli- tiques sur les Etats-IJnis. Colle, 1788. 4 v. O. 973 22 Mazziiii, (Jiuscppe. Ai giovani; ricordi. Italia, 1848. D. 55 p. 945 19 Mazzol^, (Jiaii Giacoiiio. I cavei de Nina, so- neti cento. {In Oainba, B. Col. venez. 1817. v. 4.) 859 50 Mazzolili, .\iig'elo. Delia Valtrompia e della innondazione del Mella, 14 agosto 1850. (In Streiiiia bresciana, 1851.) 850 3 Mazzuchelli, Giovanni Marin. Vita de Berni. (7)1 Berni, F. Orlando innamorato. 1806.) 851 15 — La vita di Alamanni. (In Alniuauni, L. La coltivazione. 1745.) 851 4 La mea di Polito, poenietto montanine, see Lori, J. Measure for measure, see Shakespeare, W. MEASURES, .tee WEIGHTS. MEAT. Salskowski, E. Ueber das Fleisch als Nahrungsmittel. Berlin, 1874, O. 44 p. (In Virchow & HoKzendorff. Vortrage. 9 fSerie.) 043 1 MEAUX, see MELSA. MECHANICAL ARTS, .see INDUSTRIAL ARTS. MECHANICS. Dini, U. Su una funzione ana- loga a ijuella di Green. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 8, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 0(55 8 — Lipscliitz, R. Bedeutung der theoretischen Mechanik. Berlin, 1876. O. 33 p. (7)i Vir- chow d- Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 11 .Serie.)043 1 See a/so DYNAMICS; ELASTIrlTY; EI.LIPSK; FRICTIOX. OKAVITl: IlKAT; ItOTATlOX; TlUtBINE WHEEL. Mechanism in tliought and morals, see Holmes. 0. W. Le mediant, coniedie, see (jresset, J. B. L. MECKLENBURG. Westphnlcn, E. .1. von, edi- tor. Monumenta inedita rcrum Gornianica- rum, pnwipue (Jimbricarum et Megajiolensi- um. I,ipsi;i.,1739-45. 4 V. F.^ 2)or. pi. 943 21 .■tfeda, Charles Aiidr^. Precis historiquc des i';vcriempnts ilu 9 tliermidor. (//( Barrifere & Lescurc. Mcmoircs, 18.57-81, v. 39.) 944 10 MEOALS, see NUMISMATICS. Medea, see Niccolini, (J. B. v. 1; Seneca, L. A. Medea, oijera, see Lidner, B. Le niedccin malgre lui, comddie, see Molifere, J. B. V. de. V. 4. Mij56ia, see Euripides. MEDIA. Hffifer, J. C. F. Medie. 1853. pi. map. (//( L'univers. 16.) 910 18 MEDIEVAL, .«« MIDDLE AGES. Mediajval and modern saints and miracles, see Marsh, G. 1'. La mediation en orient. Paris, 1877. O. 39 p. 949 55 MEDICAL BOTANY. Cuba, J. Dit is de ge- nochlike Garde der suntheyt, to latiue Ortulus sanitatis. edder Herbarius genomet... Lubeck, 1530. Q. a. 099 18 Medicamina facei, see Ovidius Naso, P. v. 1. MEDICI, .Vlessaudro de'. Ceceheregli, A. Delle azioni e sentenze di A. de' Medici, ragio- namento. Bologna. 1865. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 66.) 850 10 MEDICI, Cosimo I. de'. Adriani, G. B. Vita di Cosimo.— Orazione in morte di Cosimo. {In his Scritti varii. 1871: in Scelta di curiosita. 131.) 850 10 — Davanzati, B. Orazione in morte del grandu- ca Cosimo primo. (//i /u's Opere, 18.53, v. 3.) 878 21 MEDICI, Cosimo III. de'. Segneri, I'. Lettere al Cosimo III. Firenze, 1857. D. 850 16 With Notlzit' su Cosimo III e sulla sua famiclia, di P. I.itta. MEDICI, Gialiano de'. Gar, T., editor. Docu- menti risguardanti Giuliano de' Medici e Leone X. (/H Variefk storiche italiane.) 945 10 ~& Lorenzo U. de'. Palliolo, P. Le feste pel conferimento del patriziato roniano a G. e L. de' Medici. Bologna, 1885. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 306.) 850 10 Medici, Lorenzo I. de', the Magnijieent. Sim- jKisio: altrimenti. I beoni. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesclie, 1760. v. 3.) 857 3 Medici, Lorenzo di Pier Francesco de', called Lorenziuo. Scritti e documenti. Milano, 1862. S. (//* Bilil. rara. 3.) 850 3 Coiilf^iits: .Apolofiia.— Aridosio, commedia.— Lettere. liiblioiii, F. JMorte di L. de' Medici.— -Molza, F. M. Ora- zione contra L. de' Medici. —Apologia. (In Autobiografe. 1857.) 920 14 — Ghibellini, L. II lameuto di Lorenzino de' Medici e del duca Alessandro; aggiuntavi La morte di Lorenzino [by F. Bibbonij. (iJiGuerra di Serrazzana. 1863.) 851 79 hound icitJi 72 MEDICI VILLA. Iliiffer, H. Die Abtretung der Villa Medici in Rom an Frankreich. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 4, 1887.) 945 41 MEDICINE. Bullein, W. Bulleins bulwarke of defSce againste all sicknes. London, 1562. Q- il- 099 4 MEDICINE 452 ME HZ IS — Cliainpier, S. Practica uoua in inediciiia; Liber deoinuibus generibus februm. n. p., n. d. D. 610 2 Rosa Gallica; una cu sua Margarita. [Paris. 1518.] D. iJ. 610 2 — Clliriiio, A. Tratado llamado nieuordauo de medicina. Seuilla, 1529. Q. 0!)9 38 — Cockayne, T. 0., editor. Leechdoms, wort- cuuiiiug and starcraft of early England; docu- ments illustrating the history of science before the Norman conquest. London, 1864-6. 3 v. Q. facsim. (Zh Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cliron. and mem. 34.) 942 8 — Doni, G. Monarchia triadis. il. (In Paracel- sus. Aurora. 1577.) 540 1.1 — Eyssenhardt, F. U. Arzneikunst und Alche- mie im IT Jahrhundert. Hamburg, 1890. O. 33 p. (7)i Vlrcliow & Uoltzeudorff. Vortrage. NeueFolge. 4.) 043 2 — Gesner, C. Euouj-mus: De remediis secretis liber 2; studio C. 'Wolphii editus. [Tiguri. 1569.] S. ii. 615 2 ^Gocleniiis, R. Tractatus novus de magnetica vulnerum curatione. Francofurti, 1613. S. 615 8 — Greg:orio. Fiori di medicina. Bologna. 1865. D. 86 p. (/nSceltadicuriosita. 59.) 850 10 — Hall, J. An historian expostulation against the beastlye abusers, both of chyrurgerie and physike. in oure tvme; edited by T. J. Petti- grew. London, 1844. D. 28-)-60 p. por. (In Percy see. x. ll.) 820 6 — Harpestreng, H. Danske Lwgebog fra det 13de Aarliundrede ; udgivet, med Indledning. Anunerkninger og Glossarium, af Christian Molbecli. Kiobenliavn, 1826. O. 615 3 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Das Denken in der Medicin. (/« 7iis Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 — Uelmont, J. B. van. Opera ommia. Franco- furti, 1682. 2 V. in 1. sqO. 610 6 Of the niagnetick cure of wounds. (/)) h is Ternary of paradoxes. 16.50.) 615 9 — Hippocrates. Pronostichi, %'olgarizzati. Bo- logna, 1866. D. 67 p. (^»( Sceltadicuriosita. 6".) 850 10 — Kainpfer, E. Observationes physico-medica? curiosa'. il. pi. (In his Amwnitatum. 1712, pt. 3.) 915 6 — Manfredi, (}. de.' II perche. Venetia, 1596. T. 610 7 — I'folfpnmdt, H. von. Buch der Biindth- Ertznei, 1460: lierausgegeben von IL Haeser und A. Mi'- CHOXA ; COSMETK'S : fiVMXASTKS ; HOMEOPATHT : HORSE: HYGIENE: LOXGEVITY: .MIXD-CUUE: 9I1NEBAL WATERS: NUaSING: PESTILEXCES: PHYSICIANS: PHYS- IOLOGY: POISONS: TAB WATEIi: THERAPEITICS: VAC- (:INATI0N. El medico de su honra, see Calderon. v. 1. II medico olandese, commedia, see Goldoiii, C. V. 27. Medin, Antonio, ft lli nwyii til lie norillit;(' ug sydliKt' ICystlaiide al' dcii deiii lie- kjendtc Jdi-deiis HalvkuKlt'. (/» Copoilliag-eil— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 17, 1857.) 948 2 — Resume du menioiie sur leis coniiaissaiices geograpliiques des pfuples islamites. (/>/ same. Memoii-es. v. 4, 18.50-0(1.) 948 3 Meibaiier, Kndolf Ottoiiiar. Die Steiiiwaite zii (ji-eeiiwicli. Berlin, 18(18. O. 81 p. (/)(. Vir- cliow (fc Hdltzendorff. Voitrage. H Seri('.)043 1 MEIERSYSTEM, .see LAND. Meyer, Jouas Daniel. Memoirs sur I'origiiie de la ditTereiice relative a I'usage de la langue Ha- mande ou walloiie dans les Pays-Bas, | Amster- dam, isa.').] .sqQ, 1). 435-491. 4.S9.3 5 Froui Recucil de 1'In.stitut des Pays-Bas. Meiiieke, Jolianii Albert Friedrich Aug:iist, c-d- i7or, see Stnibo. Geographica. 1852-3. 910 16 Meiiiliold, Karl Wilhelni. Mary Schweidler, the amber witeli; translated from the German, by Lady Duff Gordon. New York[, 1845]. O. 60 p. 133 11 bound iri III 113 1 Meiiii, ttiuscpiie. Diseorso preliminare. (In Tommaseo, N., * Hellini, B. Dizionario della lingua italiana, 18(Jl-7i», v. 4, pt. 2.) 453 18 3Ieiiiicke,Carl Ediiard.Australien nacli dergeo- graplu.sehen Kenntniss in 1871, kartographisch dargestellt von A. Petermann, nebst eiuem geograpliisch-statistisfhen Compendium von Meinioke. Gotlia. 1871. 2 v. sqQ. )»«7).s. (In Petermanns ittittlieiliiiigeii: Erganzungshand 6-7.) 940 44 Meister Beekwahter, see Hiiigbergr, H. K. vain. Meister FIoli, see Hoffmann, E. T. W. v. 10. Meisterlin, Sigmiind. Chronik der Reichstadt Nlirnberg, 1488. (In Mnnich— K. baier. Akad, Clironiken der deutselieu Stadte, v. 3, 1864.) 943 24 Mejdell, Thorwald. Om Foranstaltningertil en mere huusliolderisk Beliandling af Norges Skove. Christiania, 1858. O. .551.58 97 Mejor esta (|ue estaba, .see Calderon. v. 3. La mejor razon, la espada, comedia, .see Zor- rlUa. v. 2. Mela, Pompouins. De situ orbis libri tres; ex editione Ahrahami Gronovii[,recensuit Joannes Carey]. Londini, 1819. T. 878 10 Melampe, .see Holberg, L. Comedier, v. 3. Tlie anatomie of melancholy, see Bnrton, R. Melanchthou, Pliilipp. Drey i)islxer ungedruck- te Bedenken Melanchthons. {In Strobe], (i. T . Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 2.)— Declaniatiuncula in D. Pauli doctrinam. [In .same. v. 3.) 830 10 — Reicliel, C. A. Oratio de caussis calamitatuni quas Melanclithon sub vitae finem sul>iit. (In same. v. 2.) 830 10 — Vogel, J. Apologie der Schriften Melanch- thons. (In same, y.'i.) 830 10 Melayiie, see The sege off Melayne. Meletius, Johannes, De Russorum religione. ri- tibus, &c. (In Boxhorn, M. Z. Resjiublica Moscovise. 1630.) 094 48 Meli, Giovanni. Poesie siciliane. 8 edizione siciliana, coll' aggiunta della grammatica e d'un dizionario. Palermo, 1853. O. por. 859 35 — Lieder; aus dem Sicilianischen von Ferdi- nand (Jregorovius. Leipzig, I8.5(i. S. 859 36 Meli, Itoniolo. .Sui dmlorni di Civitavecchia. Un Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Jis. V. 5, 1879-80.)— Sulla natura geologica dei terreni...a Ripetta. e suU' unio sinuatus Lamk. 1)1. (/?i .sa(»fi. V. 8, 1H79-80.) 005 4 Melga, Michele. Nuova grammatica italiana. 2 edizione. Napoli, 1863. D. 455 7 Melicerte, pastorale lu'ro'ique, .see Moliere, .1. B. P. de. V. 4. Melk, Heinricli von, see Heinrich von Helk. Mella, Camillo. Della controversia gerseniana notizia illustrativa. Prato, 1875. O. por. 242 4 Ascribes to Gerseii the authorsliip of the Iniitatio Christ! . MELLA. Delle inondazioni del Mella e de' suoi confluenti, 14-15 agosto 1850; memoria storica e osservazioni geologiche. Brescia, 1851. O. [5-Hl(!0[-l-3|p. }il. 551.48 31 — Ma/zoldi, A. Della Valtrompia e della innon- dazione del Mel!a, 14 agosto 1850. (/jiStreniia bresciana, 1851.) 850 2 Mellin, Gnstaf Henrik. Kolarflickan; eller, En vandring i Norrland: novell af G. H. M-n. 2 upplagan. Stockholm, 1836. D. 839.73 19 — Kolniiirds-boerna, novell. Stockholmr,1841]. S. . 839.73 30 — Das Volksleben und die Natur des scandina- vischen Nordens. Leipzig, 1856. v. 1. D. iltj). 914.8 33.9 Contents: 1. Lappland. Melo, Francisco Manuel de, see Manuel de Mel- lo, F. Melon, Jean Frauijois. Essa,i politique sur le commerce. (7m Daire, E. Economistes. 1851. 336 9 MELSA ABBEY. Burton, T. de. Chronica monasterii de Melsa, ad 1396; accedit continu- atio ad 1406; edited by E. A. Bond. London, 1866-8. 3 V. Q. famim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 43.) 942 8 MELUN. Bocler. Etvras von einem Convent zu Melun. 1.544. (/;( Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, V. 3.) 830 10 Latin verse, with notes in German. Meliisina. (In Biiekstroni, P. 0. Svenska folk- bocker, 1845, v. 1.) 293 18 — Geschichte von der edien und schonen Melu- sina. Leipzig, 1838. D. 73 p. il. (In Volks- biicher. 3.) 833 23 — Jehan HX, Moses. Anorbacli. B. Dichter und Kaufnianii: ein I,ebeiiSf;emiil(le aus der Zeit Menilel.ssohns. Mannheim, 18.55. D. 833 1 Mendez, Francisco. Tipografia espaiiola. 2 edicion, adicioiiada por Dionisio Hidalgo. Ma- drid, 1801. O. 655 5 Entregal-9; p 1262. Mendoza, Diego Hnrtado de. La vida de La- zarillo .le Tormes y de sus fortunas y adver- sidades. Nueva edicion. Burdeos, 1816. T. 8639 — Vida del Lizarillo de Tormes castigado. (In Gracian Dantisco, L. Galateo. 1769. ) 868 1 Meiiegliiai, (Jiuseppe. Nuovi fossili siluriani di Sardegna. j)!. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lineei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Paragone paleontologico dei vari lembi del lias superiore in Lombardia. (In same. 2 set. V. 2, 1874-0.) 065 3 Menezes, Luiz de, cond- da Erceira. Historia de Portugal restaurado. Lisboa, 1751. 4 v. sqO. 946 70 Noted by Mr. Marsli as an "important work." Menge, Rndolf. Romische Kunstzustiinde im Zeitalter des Augustus. Berlin, 1878. O. 44 p. {In Vircliow i,o(;y. MEN rONE. Reclns, J. J. E, (In his Villes d' hiver. 1864.) 914.5 52 MENTZ, .sw MAINZ. De nienuet en de domiiiees i)ruik,.see \Vol(',E.B. Meoii, Dominii|ne Martin, editor, see Barba- zan, !•;. Fabliaux. 1808. 841 1 Lorris, G. de, e. Vulcani e feiioint'iii vul- canici. Milano, 1883. Q. il. pi. maps. (In 8to|)pani, A., & others. Geologia; in L'llalia. Partes.) 914.5 2 MERCANTILE LAW, see COMHTERCE. Mercator, see Plaiitus, T. M. v. 2. The merchant and the friar, see Palgrave, F. The merchant of Venice, see Shakespeare, W. Merck, Kleniens. Neuestes Waareu-Lexikon fur Handel iind Industrie. Leipzig, 1870. D. <503 2 Mercuvi, Filippo, traii.ilafor. Le pitture del Filostrati e Le statue di Callistrato, fatte in volgare. (In Marchese, V. Manuale. 1846.1709 3 Mergey, Jean de. Meinoires, 1554-89. (In Mi- chiind* PoHJoulatMemoires. 1866, v. 9.) 944 9 MERIDIANS, .see ARC-MEASUREMENT. Merig:otti, Placido. Narrazioni in versi. 2 edi- zione variata. Torino, 1864. O. 56 p. 851 87 Merim^e, Prosper. Clironique du temps de Charles IX, 1572. Bru.Kelles, 1835. S. 843 29 — Colomba. Bruxelles, 1840. S. 843 30 — Episode de I'histoire de Russie, — les faux De- metrius. Paris, 1853. D. 947 1 —Introduction. (In Jacrinemont, V. Corre- spondance inedite, 1867, t. 1.) 846 4 — La jaquerie, scenes feodales; suivie.s de La famille de Carvaial; faisant suite au Theatre de Clara Gazul. ' Bruxelles, 1838. T. 842 5 — Lettres a une inconnue ; precedees d'une etude sur Merimee par H. Taine. Paris, 1874. 2 V. O. 846 7 — Melanges historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1855. D. 904 3 — Notes d'un voyage dans Touestde la France, Bruxelles, 1837. S. 914.4 5 — Notes d'un voyage dans le niidi dela France. Bruxelles, 1835. S. 914.4 4 — Die Seelen des Fegfeuers ; oder. Die beiden Don Juan; aus deni Franzosischen. (/» Schei- blc, J. Das Kloster, 184.5-50, v. 3.) 837 16 —Theatre de Clara Gazul [pseud.]. Bruxelles, 1828. T. 842 5 Merkel, dJarlieb Helwig. Die Vorzeit Liefiands; eiii Deukmahl des Pfatfen- und Rittergeistes. Berlin, 1798-9. 3 v. S. il. pi. maj). 947 11 Merle, Mathien, baron de Salanas. Meuioires sur les guerresde religion. 1.572-87. (In Midland di: Ponjoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 Merle {Latin Mernla), Paul van. De statu reip. Batavica' diatriba. (In Schryver, P. Respu- blica HollandifB. 1630 ) 094 37 Merle d'Anbigne, Jean Henri. Puseyism ex- amined; with notice of the author h"y Robert Baird. New York, 1843. S. 54 p. 283 6 Merii, Antonio. II palazzo del principe D'Oria aFassoloin Genova, illustrazioni; continuate da L. T. Belgrano. (In Societa ligiire. Atti. v. 10. 1874.) " 945 48 —Same. Genova, 1874. Q, <& Tavole. F.« 724 1 Merlin. (In Ellis, (i). Specimens of roman<;es, 1805, v. 1.) 821 4 — I due primi libri della istoria di Merlino, 1480; |)er cura di Giacomo Ulrich. Bologna, 1884. D. (^y Scel(adicurio.siti.201.) 850 10 — Merlin; or, the early history of King Arthur; a roniaiice. about 14.50-60; edited by Henry B. Wheatley, with an introduction by D. W. Nash, and an essay on Arthurian locali- ties by J. S. Stuart Glennie. Ijondon, 1865-9. pt. 1-3. O. map. (In E, £. text soc. Orig. ser. 10, 31, 36.) 820 5 — Merlin; par Robert de Boron. (In Paris, A. P. Romans de la table ronde,1868-77, v. 2.) 293 10 — Merline. {In Percy, T. Folio ms., 1868-9, v. 1.) 821 6 — GeoflVeyo/ J/o)imort. 1866.) 551.58 oO — Berlin, N. J. Om tiagra nordiska metallle- geringars sanimansiittning. — Nagra luaterialier for bedomandet af sammanhanget mellan de antika bronsernas samman.silttning och alder. (In Vonenhagen — K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. An- naler. v. 12, 1852.) 948 2 .— Ber/elillS, J. J. Undersokniug al metall- massan i nagra fornlemningar. (In sdiiie. v. 1, 1836-7.) 948 2 — Blom, 0. Nogle lagttagelser angaaende Ma- terialet i den a;ldre Jernalders V^aaben. (In same. Aarbwger. v. 3, 1868.) 948 5 — Pisati, G., & others. Ricenhe speriinenlale suUa tenacita dei metalli a diverse tempera- ture. jA. (7« Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. At- ti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 See also MAmiMVM: COPPKH: IBO.N. METAMORPHISM. Zirliel, F. Die Umwand- liingsprocessS,tIOI.OGY; F1K8T CAl'SE; KNOWI.KIKJE; SPACE; TIME. METAYAGE, see LAND. La metempsicosi, commedia, see Golduni, C. v. 39. METEORIC STONES, sre METEORS. METEOROLOGY. Becquerel, A. C, ct A. E. Elements de physique terrestre et de meteoro- logie. Paris, 1847. O. pi. maps. 551 13 — Bergliaiis, H. K. W. Meteorologie. (In his Pliys. Atlas, 1845-8, v. 1.) 503 1 — Boglislawski, P. H. L. Resulate der im 1845 ausgefiihrten meteorologiscben Beobachtung- en. 44 p. (//i Breslau— Scliles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1847. ) 063 4 — Campidoglio — R. osservatorio. Osservazioni lueteorologiche, ottobre 1876 -aprile 1882. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. Tran- sunfi. V. 1-6, 1876-82.) 065 6 — Cassani, P. Lezioni di meteorologia popo- lare. 2 edizione. Venezia, 1865. O. [8+] 64 p. 551.5 1 — Craveri, F. Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte in Bra dai fratelli Craveri, 1862. Carmagnola, 1863. O. 8 p. tab. 551.5 1 — Dampier, W. A discourse of trade-winds, breezes, storms, seasons, tides and currents of the torrid zone. (In his Voyages, 1703-5, v. 2.) 910 25 — Foissac, P. Meteorologie; mit Riicksicht auf die Lehre vom Kosmos,und in ihren Beziehung- en zur Medizin und Gesundheitslehre ; deutsch bearbeitet von A. E. Einsmann. Leipzig, 18,59. O. 551.5 3 — Giitlie, J. >V. vou. (Ill his Werke, 1837-42, v. 51.) 832 1 — Haiiu, J. Meteorologie. (In his Allgemeine Erdkunde. 1872.) 502 3 — Herscliel, J. F. W. Meteorology. 2 edition. Edinburgh, 1862. D. ^j/. 551.5 2 The weather and weather prophets. (lit /lis Familiar lectures. 1867.) 504 6 — Horrebow, N. Meteorologiske Observationer, paa Bes.sested udi Island, 1749-51. (Inhis Til- for. Efterret. om Island. 1752.) 916.9 5 EiKjUsh. (Inhis Natural history of Iceland. 17.58.) ■ 914.9 6 ^.laliresbericht iiber die Beobachtungs-Ei- gel)nisse der im Preussen eingericliteten forst- lich-meteorologiscben Stationen. 1875, '77, '78. Berlin, 1877-80. v. 1, 3, 4. O. 551.58 73 — Laiirencin, P. La pluie et le bon temps; meteorologie usuelle. Paris, 1874. S. il. pi. 551.5 4 — MargoUi?, E., * Ziirclier, F. Les meteores. Paris, iste. D. (7. (/« Cliartfln, E. Bibl. des nierveilles.) 651.6 5 — Manry, M. F., ct others. Correspondence in relation to a universal system of meteorological ob.servations for the sea as well as for the land. Washington. 1851. D. 13 p. 551.6 1 — Molin, H. Om Vind og Vejr: Meteorologiens Hovedresultater. Christiania, 1873. I). 551.51 1 — Miillor, J. H. J. Lebrlnu-h der Physik und Mete(iriil(igie. 5 Aullage. Braunschweig, 1850- 7. 3 v. (). (7. pi. 530 6 — Respiglli, L. Osservazioni meteorologiche al osservatorio del Campidoglio, 1873-4. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.)— .SVwne, gen. -set. 1876. (Tn same. v. 3, 187.5-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 METEOR OLOG V 457 MEYER — Wojeikof, A. Die atnuisplmrische Circula- tion; Verliioituiig' des Lultdiiickes, der Winde und der li^i^eti auf der Oberfiiiche der Erde. Gotha, 1H74. s(iQ. [3+J35p. maps, (/u Pcter- iiianns .Uitllieilllliueii: Erjiilnzungshaiid 8.) i>10 44 .SVe<(/«, llAltOMKTKK. CI.IMATK; \W.Vi . KVAIMHtlTIOX; FOItKSl'KY; IIKKIHTS; KIK: NOKTIIEItN liUJHTS; OCKAN; I'OIXTS (H' TlIK CO.UI'ASS; ItAliN; SNOW: TEJII'KIUTlIltE; TOItXADOKS; WATEK; WlMtS. METEOItS. IJogiisIinvski, «. II, von. Die Sternschmippeii und ilire Bezii'liuiija;en zu den Kometen. Berlin, 1874. O. 47 p. (/« Vircliow 6 HoltzeiKlorff. Vortriige. 9 Serie. ) 04S 1 — DenZit, F. Le stelle cadenti di nov. osservate in Pienionte nel 1807; nienioria ^i. Torino. 1868. D. 03 p. tub. 523 2 .— (woiraii, A., (fc others. Sopra gli aeroliti cadiiti 29 feb. 1868, nel territorio di Villanova. Torino, 1868. D. pi. ,}23 3 — Miinter, F. C. C. H. Vergleiclumg der vom Hirnniel gefallenen Steine mit den Bathylien des Altertliunis. ( Tn his Anti<[. Abhandlung- en. 1816.) 913 2.1 — RaiiiiiieLsberg', C. F. Ueljer die Meteoriten und ibre Beziehuiigen zur Erde. Berlin, 1872. O. 32 p. ( //( Vircliow cfc Holtzeiulorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1, o23 5 METHODISM. Hylteii-Cavalllus, (i. 0. Herr Scott ocb methoJismen. Stockholm, 1843. O. [34-] 92 ]). 286 1 Motromanieii ; eller, Vers-vunnen. koniedi. see Leopold, K. (i, at. v. 1. MetteiilK-imer, Pari. Sectione.s longiKvoruni; Denksclirift. Frankfurt a. M., 1863. O. 8-1- r)6p. 611 1 METZ. F6neloii, B. de S. Le siege de Metz par Charles-Quint en l.)53. {In Micliaiul <& Poujoii- lat. Memoires, 1866, v 8.) 944 9 — Scherer, H. Der Raub...Metz, Tull und Ver- dun, 1552 [-1G48J. {In Kaiimer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Tascbenbuch. 1843.) 905 1 Meiiiig, Jeande. Roman de la rose, see Lorris, G. de, .t- Meiingr. Meiiiiier, Etieuiie Stanislas, translator, .see Page, 1). Geologie technologi(iue. 1877. 553 1 Menrice, Fi-anQois Paul. Amaury, see Dumas, A. D. Meiirs, Jan de. Historica ; Danica pariter ac Belgica. Amstelodami, 1638. F. 948 78 Coiitentx; HistoriiP DaniciB libri 5 [-f-5-f3]. Guliel- mus AuriiiCUS.— Ferdinandus Albanus.— Induciarum hi- stovia. .Also a second copy of the whole, and a third copy of the Danica. MEUSE. Ma^anxini, I. Sui lavori eseguiti nel Belgio pel niiglioramento del regime del flume Mosa. Roma, 1877. O. 47 p. v7. p/. 627 15 Mevius, David. Beschreibung des mecklenbur- gischen Land-Rechts. — Henrici Hahnii nota>. {In Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45. V. 1.) 943 31 MEXICAN LANGUAGE, see AZTEC. MEXICAN WAR, .w U. S.— HISTORY. MEXICO. Brasseur de Boiirboiiig, E. C. Hi- stoire des nations civilisees du Mexiijue et de rAmerique Centrale durant les siecles anteri- eurs ii Colonib[; review with extracts, in Dan- ish]. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selsltab. Anti(iuarisk Tidsskrift. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 —Diaz del Castillo, B. Historia verdadera de la coni|uista de la .Vueva Esi)afia. Paris, 1h;!7. 4 V. D. 972 3 — Heller, K. B. Mexico ; Andeutungen Uber Boden, Klinia, Thier-, Pflanzen- und Mineral- reich, Kultur und Kulturfiihigkeit des Landes. Wien, 1864. O. fi[-H]+.52p. 917.2 1 — K6ratry, E., eomle de. La creance Jecker, les indemnites fran9aises et les emprunts mexi- cains. Paris, 1868. O. 336 4 — Kollonitz, P. Eiiie Reise nach Mexico, 1864. 2Auflage. Wien, 1867. O. 917.2 1.1 — Masseras, E. Un essai d'empire au Me.\i(|ue. Paris, 1879. D. 972 5 —Mitchell, S. A. Map of Mexico. Philadel- phia, 1847. 53x73 cm. 912 55 In portfolio 3; with maps of the Battles of Mexico, and Battle of C'erro G.7 3. 1 The subject is "Le sorgenti ilel Nilo Bono esse son- perte?" — La mia escursione all' istmo di Suez; me- moria. Trieste, 1864. Q. 6 p. 916.7 4 Miaskowski, Angnst von. Die Verfassung der Land-, Alpen- und Forstwirthschaft der deut- schen Schweiz vom 13 Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Basel, 1878. O. 551.58 106 MIASMA, see MALARIA. Micali, Ginseppe. L'ltalia avanti il dominie dei Romani. 3 edizione. Milano, 1826. 4 v. in 2. S. 937 4 Vol. I contains Discorso del A. Benci. MICCA, Pietro. Perrero, D. Una discendente di Pietro Micca. (In Cnriosita di storia su- balpina. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Micco Passaro nnammorato, see Cortese, G. C. Michael, Herr, priest at Odense. Tre danske Riimvierker fra 1496 : Om Jomfru Marise Ro- senkrands. Om Skabelsen, og Oni det men- neskelige Levnet; efter den Udgave af 1516 paa n}' udgivne, med Oply.sninger og Ordforkla- Christian Molbech. Kiobenhavn, 1836. O. 839.81 33 Michael, Dan, see Micliel. Michael Angelo, .see Bnonarroti, M. A. Micliaells, H. Vollstundiges Worterljuch der iralienischen und deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1879-81. 2 V. O. 453 21 Michaelis, Hermann. Von Hankau nach Su tschou; Ueisen ini mittlern und westlichen China, 1879-81. Gotha, 1888. sqQ. [2-f ] .58 p. il. maps. (In Petermanns Mlttheilungen: Er- giinzuiigsband20.) '910 44 Mlchalon. Quielam ad Lituaniam pertinentia. (In Respnhlica Poloni;e. 1627.) 094 51 Michaiid, Joseph FrauQois, * Pou,joulat^ J. J. » F., editors. Nouvelle collection des memoires pour servir a I'histoire de France, 13-18 siecle, precedes de notices biographiques et litteraires et accompagnes d'eclaircissements historiques. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1866. 34 v. Q poi\ 944 9 For contents s^e Peabody catalogue. Michaiid, Philibert Engene. De I'etat present de I'eglise catholique-romaine en France. Paris, 1875. D. '282 37 ^Discussion sur les sept concilesoecumeniques etudies au point de vue traditionnel et liberal. Berne, 1878. O. 262 9 MICHEL. Alphonse,(Pco('e>ipa? Alphonso Mi- qneu). Glaize, A. Ecrivainscontemporainsen langue d'oe. (//( llevne des langues rom.anes. V 2, 1871 ) 479 5 Michel, Dan. Ayenl)ite of inwyt; or. Remorse of conscience. (In Miitzner, E. A. F. Alteng. Spracliproben. v. 1, pt. 2, 1869.) 820 8 — Ayenbite of inwyt ; or, Remorse of con- science: in the Kentish dialect, 1340; edited, with introduction on the peculiarities of the dialect, and a glossarial index, by Richard Morris. London, 1866. O. facsim. (In Y„ E. text soc. Orig. ser. 33.) 820 5 Michel, Francisqne Xavier. Etudes de philolo- gie comparoc sur I'argot, et sur les idioraes analogues. Paris, 1856. Q. 410 6 — HisloinMlu commerce et de la n.avigation a Hordenux, |)rim'i|>aleiiieMt sous I'adininistra- tion anglaise. Bordeaux, 1867-70. 2 v. (). pi. 380 5 MICHEL 459 MIDDLE A GES — Le Pays Basque: sa population, sa langue, ses incBurs, sa litterature et sa musique. Piiris, IsriT. O. 8«9 1 — Recherches sur le commerce, la fabrication et I'usage des etoffes de soie, d'or et d'argent, et autres tissus precieux pendant le nioyen age. Paris, 1853. 2 v. sqO. «77 7 — editor. Chroniques anglo-normandes; re- cueil d'extraits et d' ecrits relatifs a I'histoire de Norinandie et d'Angleterre, 11-12 siecles. Rouen, 1836-40. 3 v. O. 841 5 Contunls: I. Giiimar, G, Extrait de sa Cbroni(iue ties rois anslo-saxons.— Extrait de la eontlnuatioii du Itrut d'Aiijrleterre. de Wacc, par un jxxitii anoii^rin! — I-lxtrait de la vie de saint KUOrAISI).— Liin[;t(»njM^"rairMieMl clironique.— lU'iioist. Ilistoire de la liat.iilii- d'llasiiii^^s... jusiia'i lOST. i. Desjestis HKUliWAIilll S:ix..iiis. \ilact passio WAI.KKVl oomitis.— Me .Iciditha ux..r.- \V,U,I)I:VI eomitis — Miracula Sancti n'AM)KVI.- Vita IIAKOI.DI.— De iiiventione sancta3 CKIICIS Waltbaniensis. :{, {ini of Aniienf. VVidonis carmen de Ilastin^a' pmdio. — riircstien of Troyi'.t. Du roi <;ialllaume d'Angleterre.— Le dit de 43 21 Micro-oosmographie, see tavle, J. MIDDLE AGES. Eekliard, J. G. von, editor. Corpus historicum medii a;vi,... prajcipue in Gerrnania... Lipsia?, 1723. 2 v. F. 943 13 For contents see Eckbard. — Freytag. G. Aus dem Mittelalter. Aufiage. Leipzig, 1867. O. (In Ms Bilder. 1.) 943 25 — Gebliart, E. La vie reele et la poesie en Italic et chez les peuples d'Occident au moyen ao-e (7u /lis Del' Italie. 1870.) " 945 4 —Great Britain— Master of the rolls. Chroni- cles and memorials of Great Britain and Ire- land during the middle ages. London, 1858- 90. 220 V. Q. pi. facsim. 942 8 For contents see Great Britain. —Greene, G. W. History of the middle ages: chiefly from the French. New York, 1851 . D 940 2 MIDDLE A GES 460 MILAN — Urundtvig, N. F. S. Middel-Alderens Histo- rie. (In his Haandbos i Verdens-Historien, 1833-6, V. a.) 930 1 — Havard, 0. Lemoyenage et ses institutions. Tours, 1876. Q. })l. 940 3 — Isola, I. G. Delle lingue e letteratuie lo- manze. pt. 1-2. {In Le stoiie Nerboiiesl, 1877-87, V. 3; in Emilia. Collezione. 48.) 850 6 — Kiesselbacll; W. Der Gang des Welthandels, und die Entwicklung des europiUschen Volker- lebens im Mittelalter. Stuttgart, 1860. O. 380 1.1 — Koeppen, A. L. Tlie world in the middle ages, an historical geography. New York, 1854. F. maps. 911 6 — Littre, M. P. E. Etudes sur les barbares et le moyen Tige. Paris, 1867. O. 940 4 — Martoiiiie, L. G. A. de. La piete du moyen age. Paris, 185.'). O. 246 1 — Maury, L. F. A.Essai sur leslegendes pieuses du moyen age. Paris, 1843. O. 0!»8 1 — Molbech, C. Europa i Middelalderen. le Stykke: Om Hierarchiet fra dets Opkomst til Udgangen af det niende Aarhundrede. Kjo- benhaTn,1819. D. 940 5 — Palgrave, F. Truths and fictions of the mid- dle ages. 3 edition. London, 1844. S. 823 31 — Revilloilt, C. La litterature du moyen age et le ronianti.sme. (In Revue des langues romanes. V. 1, 1870.) 479 5 — Veuillot, L. Le droit du seigneur au moyen age. 2 edition. Paris, 1871. D. 3214.1 — Vulliet, A. Histoire du moyen age. 3 edi- tion. Lausanne, 1857. 2 v. D. 940 6 — Wartou, T. On the introduction of learning into England. (In his History of English poet- ry, 1840, V. 1.) 820 13 See also tillV.lLBY; CKUSADESi CUSTOMS; (Jcstii lio- manorum; Guillaume of Conches: LEOEXDS: MUItBER: EOJIANCES; and expedulbj the publications of the Cam- den. Chaucer. Early Eiifjlish. Percy and Siu-tecs societies. The middle kingdom, see Williams, !S. W. MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE. Maiuiiiig, J. Char actersaud characteristics of Middlebury college; by Auctor incertus. Middlebury, 1837. T. 33 p. 099 12 A satire in verse. MIDDLEHAM. AtUiill, W. Documents relating to the foundation and antii]uities of the collegi- ate church of Middlehani ; with historical in- troduction. London, 1847. sqO. (7. (In Camden soc. 38.) 820 4 Middleton, Conyers. Letter from Rome show- ing an exact conformity between popery and paganism; witli [his] Defence; with introduc- tory essay and notes by John Dowling. New York, 1H54. S. 282 16 A midsomiiicr niglitsdreame, .ste Slialtespeare, W. The midsummer night; or, Sliakespeareand the fairies, .sec Tiecli, J. L. Mi^gC, Guy. La relation de trois anil>assades de M. le comte de Carlisle vers Moscovie, Suede et Danemark, 1663-4. Nouvelle edition, anno- tee par lo prince Augustin Galitzin. Paris, 1857. S. (BiW. elzevir.) 840 4 Mieidet,— .Massif du Mont Blanc. Paris. 1865. 60x80 cm. 912 48 In portfolio 1. Mignano, duca di. Considerazioni suU' econo- mia senza riduzioue e reforme amministrative deir esercito italiano. Firenze, 1870. O. 355 10 Mignaty, Margarita Albaiia. An historical sketcli illustrative of the life and times of Dante Alighieri; with an outline of the legend- ary history of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise previous to the Divina commedia. Florence, 1865. D. por. 928 19 Migne, Jacques I'anl, editor. Vitse patiTiin; sive, Historic eremiticfe libri decem, notationi- bus illustrati studio Heriberti Rosweydi; acce- dit ononiasticon rerum et verborum, cum in- dice. Luteti* P.uisiorum, 1860. 3 v. Q. maps. (In his Patrol. Lat. v. 73-4.) 922 6 Vol. 2 contains .\dden(l;i ad quosdam 74 prioruni to- morum Patrologia". Mignet, Francois .\ngusle Alexis. 'Io-to/jio t^s FaXXtK-^s ewavaaTdaeuJs^ 1789-1814, fji€TapaV. E. von. Geschichte der Volkerwanderung. Leipzig, 18.59-64. 4 v. in 3. O. pi. maps. 572 11 See also ETHNOLOGY. Miguel del Verms, sef Verms. MikkelRsev. D. 839.8 ;;4 The title-pace is wanting. Mild y Fontanals, Manuel. Nacliricht von ei- nem handscliriftlichen romancer© Barcelonas; mit Uebersetzungen von Paul Heyse. {In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) — Die spanische Nationalliteratur, 1860-1. (hi same V. 4, 1862.) — Catalanische Dichter, erste Peril ode, 14-15 Jahrh. (In same. v. 5, 1864.)— Dan zas infantiles castellanas. {Tn same. v. 7- 1866.) 805 1. — Noticia de la vida y escritos de Prospero de BofaruU y Mascaro. Barcelona, 1860. Q. 928 8 bound u-ith 925 18 Milan. Le due edizioni, milanese e torinese, delle consuetudini di Milano, 1316; cenni ed appunti giuntovi 11 testo delle Consuetudini ri- dotto a'buona lezione [by Francesco Berlan]. Venezia, 1872. D. 349 31 — Processo originale degli untori uella peste del 1030. Milano, 1839. O. pi. 133 13 —Marsh, C. C. (//' Jolinson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. —I'., S. Descrizione della facciata e dell' inter- no del duomo di Milano. Milano. 18(i5. O. 45 p. il. pi. 726 18 — Torelli, L, Ricordi intorno alle cini|ui'gi- ornali' (li Milano, 18-33 niarzo 1848. Milano, 1876. D. 945 59 — Visconti, V. Commentarius de peste (|uae 1630 Mediolani saeviit. (In A'ariefil storiche d' Italia.) 945 11 See also OmiUKhmjl: illiiiiziiiil, ,».; The sPKe oil Me- lavnc; SFOllZA, K. A. MILANESE DIALECT 4G1 MILL MEL.VNESE DIALECT. Band, (J. Voc;ibulaiio railiinese-italiano. li edizione. Milano, 1870. S. 457 !l — BiKl, G. A. Piissian dr Milan de la painoii- zia milanesa. (In GoUezione inilanese, 181G-7, V. 1.) 859 ir, — Capis, G. Varon milanes de la lenRua de Milan. (In same.) 859 15 — Collezione d«lle miglori opere scritte in dia- lotto niilanese. Milano, 1817-7. 12 v. S. 859 IT. Km- contentb see Collezioiie. — Miissnila, A. Daistellung der altmailiUidi- schen Mundart nach Bonvesins Scliriften. Wien. 1868. O. 40 p. 457 8 See aho La erodada di campanu; Daiitt; Aligliivri. L'in- ferno. 1860; Grossi, T.: Horatius Flaccas, (J. T.'artepoetica. 18.%; Porta, 0. Milancsi, Gaetaiio, & others. Indici. (In Va- sari, G. Vite de' pittori, 1846-70, v. 14.) 927 4 — editor. Dell' arte del vetio per mu.saico, tre trattatelli dei secoli 14-15. Bologna, 1864. D. (Til Scelta di curiosita. 51.) 850 10 Btisiui, G. B. Lettere sopra rassel. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 16, 1856 ) 948 2 Sur les armes datant de I'age de bronze du nord. J)/. (/)( some. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 The plates are in Atlas de rarchSoIoKie du nord. aiS 5a — Ribbentrop, — lieiit. Vocabulaire militaire fran(;ais-allemand. Leipzig, 1877. S. 443 9 — -Tiniur. Institutes; translated by Davy; with notes by J. White. Oxford, 1783. sqQ. por. pl. 954 8 &c afeo AKCHEET; ARMIES: DEXMAKK; FIRE-ARMS; FORTIFU'ATIOX; GENERALS; (iERMAXY: (Jlipnt^Gilde vail Siiit Aiitone; (iUEEK FIRE; ITALY; .lEH'S; ROME kincieni) ; SWITZERLANK. MILK, see GERMS. MILKY WAY. Grimm, J. L. K. Irmenstrasze und Irmensaule. (In liis Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, V. 8.) 408 2 Mill, John Stuart. Autobiography. London, 1873. O. ^ ' • 923 69 —On liberty. London, 1865. D. f8-|-]68 p. 324 4 — Principles of political economy- London, 1865. D. • 330 12 —The subjection of women. London, 1869. O. 396 1 — Torto e diritto dell' ingerenza dello stato nelle corporazioni e nelle proprieta della chi- esa; tradotta dalT inglese e seguita da un dis- corso di Carlo Bon-Compagni; precede una let- tera di R. Bonghi. Torino, 1864. O. 282 49 MILL 463 MINAS GERAES — Utilitarianism. 4 edition. London, 1871 O. 171 3 — Villari, P. J. S. Mill sulla Liberia. {In his Sajjgi. 1«()8.) 854 8 1 iiiille, see Garibaldi, G. Miller, Hugh. First impressions of England and its people. Boston, 1855. D. 2Jor. 914.2 6 — The foot-priuts of the creator ; or, The aste- rolepis of Stromness. From 3 London edition, with memoir of the author by Louis Agassiz. Boston, 1850. D. " 560 3 — The old red sandstone. From 4 London edi- tion. Boston, 1851. D. pi. 551 9 — The testimony of the rocks; with memorials of the author. "Boston, 1857. D. il. 2'1- 215 3 Brown, T. N. The life and times of Hugh Miller. New York, 1858. D. 925 15 Miller, Jens Peter, translator, see Teener, E. Frithjofs Saga. 1826. 839.7148 Miller, Samuel. Life of Jonathan Edwards. por: (In Sparks, J. American biographv, 1835- 9, V. 8.) 920 15 Millet, C. Les merveilles des fleuves et des ruis- seaux. Paris, 1871. D. il. (In Cliarton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 551.48 6 Der Millioniir, eine Doppelgeschichte, see Zschokke, J. H. D. v. 3. Mills, Charles. The history of chivalry; or, Kniglithood and its times. Philadelphia. 1821). 2 V. in 1. O. 940 6 Milnian, Henry Hart. History of Latin Chris- tianitv. to Nicolas V. 4 revised edition. Lon- don, 1867. y V. D. 270 4 — The history of the Jews. From the newly revised London edition. New York, 1866. 3 v. D. 933 1 — annofator, see Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Roman empire. 1840. 937 1 Life. 1840. 928 26 Milne, Joliu. Journey across Europe and Asia. (In Asiatic soc. of Japan. Trans, v. 7, 1879.) 915.2 1 MILNER, John, bishop. Hopkins, J. H. "The end of controversy," controverted. 2 edition. New York, 18.55. 2 v. D. 282 5 Milone, Cesare. Sulla origine della cellula gi- gantesca del tuberoolo. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.jis. v. 1. 1876- 7,_pt. 2.) 065 4 Milton, John. Works in verse and prose; printed from the original editions, with a life of the autlior, by John Mitford. London. 1803. 8 V. O. il. por. tab. facsim. 821 78 With an index in v. 8. — Poetical works ; edited, with introductions, notes, and an essay on Milton's English, by David Masson. London, 1874. 3 v. O. il. por. facsim. 821 80 — Poetical works ; edited [,\vith life,] by Sir Egerton Brvdges, hart., with illustrations bv J. M. W. Turner. London, 1835. v. D. por. pi. 821 70 — Prose works; with an introductory review by Robert Fletcher. London, 1836. Q. por. 821 81 — Areopagitica, 1644; preceded by illustrative documents. London, i868. S. 80 p. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 1.) 820 — A common-place book; and a Latin essay and Latin verses presumed to be by Milton; edited by Alfred J. Horwood. [London,] 1876. sqO. 20-f-69 p. facsim. (In Camden soc. n. s. 16.) 820 4.1 — Same. Revised edition. 26-f68 p. {In same.) 820 4.1 The revised edition is without the facsimiles. — Ens enska skalds, J. Miltons. Paradisar missir, a islenzku sniiinn af Joni lorlakssyni. Kaupmannahofn, 1828. O. 839.61 15 — Det forlorade paradiset, poem; ofversatt- ning. (In Oxenstjerna, J. G. Arbeten, 1805- 26, V. 4.) 839.71 32 — Paradis perdu. [English and French.] {In Delille, J. CEuvres. 1840.) 841 15 — II pensieroso; poemetto. (In Torre di Rezzo- nico, C. C. della. Opere, 1815-20, v. 2.) 858 5 —Addison, J. Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost. 1711-12. London, 1868. S. (i?i Arber, E. English reprints. 8.) 820 9 — Clianniug:, W. E. Remarks on the character and writings of Milton. (In his Works, 1848. V. 1.) 208 3 — HamUton, >V. D., editor. Original papers il- lustrative of the life and writings of Milton, including 16 letters of state written by him; with an appendix of documents relating to his connection with the Powell family. [London,] 18.59. sqO. (/)( Camden soc. 75.)" 820 4 — Macaulay, T. B. (In his Essays, 1843, v. 1.)— Cowley and Milion. (In same. v. 3.) 824 16 — Pattison, M. Milton. 6th thousand. London, 1879. D. (English men of letters.) 928 38 — Pearce, Z. A review of the text of Milton's Paradise lost, in w hich Bentley's emendations are considered. London, 1733 O. 821 84 — Prendergast, G. L. A complete concordance to the poetical works of Milton. Madras. 1857. sqQ. 821 83 — Stern, A. Milton und Cromwell. Berlin, 1875. O. 36 p. (/(( Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Milton e Galileo, see Zanelln, G. Milton, >ViIlinm Wentwortli-Fitzwilliani, vis- count, cfc Cheadle, \\. B. The north-west pass- age bv land, across the continent to British Columbia. London |, 186.5]. D. por. pi. 917.13 MIMETIC ART, see SIGNS. Miu Broders Levnet, Forta^lling af Johannes Harring, ,s«' Bagrger, C. C. Min fattiga sangmo, see Sturzen-Becker, (). P. Minadoi, Giovanni Toniaso. Historia della guerra fra Tiirchi et I'ersiani, 1577-85. Roma, 1587. O. map. 955 3 MINAHASSA. Meyer, A. B. Die Minahassa auf Celebes, eine Koiscerinneruiig. Bcrlii', 1876. O. 31 p. (//( Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 MIXAS GERAKS, Tschudi, J. J. von. Diebra- siliani.sclie Provin/. Miiias (jeraes; Orijiiiial- karle nach II. G. F. llalfeld, 18;!(!-55,gezei(hnet von F. Wagner: beschrcibender Text. 1863. Gotha. 1862. s(|y. |2 + ]43p. map. (In Pe- termanns Mitthcilungen : Ergiinzungsband 3.) 910 44 MIJSTASI 463 MINIQH Minasi, Antonio. Dissertazione prima scpiji fata morgana. Koma, 1773. D. p\. 535 ii MINCIO. Hantltke, F. Carta topogratua spe- ciale del teiitro della f;uerra sulMincio.i'oii una pianta di JIantova. Torino, 1861. 'i inajis in 0. i»12 :.'l MIND, see INTELLECT; TSYCHOLOUY. MINU-CUKE. Kant, I. Von der Maclitde.s Gc- miiths (lurch den blossen Vorsatz seiner krank- haften Ciretuhle Meister zu sein; mit Anmer- kunjjen von C. W. Hufeland. 6 Autiage. Leip- zig, 1852. U. 78 p. 613 3 Virchow, R. Ueber die Heilkriifte des Orga- nismus. Berlin, 187.5. O. 33 p. (7u Virrhow * Holt/iMitlorff. Vortrilge. lOSerie.) 043 1 MINEltAL WATERS. Carina, A. Dei bagni di Lucca; notizie topograficlie, storichee mediclie. Firenze, 1866. O. map. 615 21 Cliiari, P. Jlemorie e riflesbioni so|)ra i hagni di Aqui nelle coUine pisanecomunemente detti di Casciana. 2 edizione. Pisa, 18.53. O. 615 19 —Collin, (}. De Sedunorum thermis et aliis fontibus medicatis liber. {In Simmler, J. Val- lesias descriptio. 1G33.) 004 60 Fazio, E. Terme di Porto d" Ischia. Napoli, 1881. O. 76[+l]p. 615 20 — — Terme Fornello-Fontana in Ischia; rescon- to clinieo-statistico, con note climatiche; anno 1. Napoli, 1882. O. tah. 615 20 — Garelli, G. Delia acque minerali d' Italia e delle loro applicazione tei'apeutiche. Torino, 1864. O. map. 615 16 — Gascard, A., & Diipont, C. Krankenheil presdeToelz Paris [,I870J. O. 20 p. 615 15 Hanck, G. Die Heilquellen und Kuroite Deutschlands. Leipzig, 186.5. O. 615 12 Inserted. 8 p., is Nachricbt liber die Arininius-Quelle zu Lippspriii^e in Westphalen. .—Holler, G. Bad Krankenheil zu Tolz in Ober- bayern. Freiburg, 1866. O. 615 15 — — Eau alcalines acidules iodo-sulfurees de Krankenlieil pres Tcelz. [Fribourg, 186.5V] D. 23 p. 615 15 —Jacob, — . Memoires sur les eaux tliermales de Bagnols, Lozere. (In Pny de Dome— Soci^te. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 — Kdttowitz, G. von. Der Curort Gleichenberg, mit seinen Heilquellen. Wien, 1847. O. 615 14 —Lee, E. The principal baths of Germany, with reference to chronic disease. 4 edition. London, 1863. D. 615 18 — Marleni, L. Geografia medica dell' Italia : acque minerali, notize. Milano [, pref. 1870]. Q. (In L' Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 4 — Pnff, R. G. Wegvveiser fiir den Badeort Glei- chenberg. Gratz, 1845. S. pi. map. 615 14 — -Prilsil, W. W. Gleichenberg in seiner Ent- wicklung zu einer Curanstalt. Griiz, 18.50. D. [6-h]48p. 615 14 — Schivardi, P. Guida ai bagni ed alle acque di Recoaro. Milano, 1876. D. il. 615 22 — Torrlgiani, A. Delle acque minerali di Mon- tecatini. (In his Le castella della Val di Nie- vole. 1867.) 945 S3 — Valerio, G. Idrografia medica: le acque fer- ruginose de La Bauclie in Savoia. Torino, 1865. O. 28 p. 615 20 Le terme di Saint Moritz nell' Alta Enga- dina. Torino, 1805. H. 615 23 MINERALOGY. Heclii, E. Su la coniposizione delle rocce della niiniera di Montecatini. (//( Rome— R. aicad. dei lintei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. V. I!, 1.^78-9.) 066 4 — Bombicci, L. Corso di miiieralogia. 2 edi- zione. Bologna, 1873. 2 v. in 3. Q. il. pi. 549 1 — — Processo di evoluzione nelle sp( cie mine- rali ; di.scorso. Bologna, 1877. Q. 29 [ + 2] p. 549 2 liuuml with 504 2 — Bnckland, W. Geology and mineralogy eon- sidereil \viili reference to natural tlieology. Philadelphia, 1837. 2. v. O. pi. 213 2 — Dana, .1. D. Trattato elementare di miiiera- logia. 5 edizione; prima traduzione italiana di A. Saffi. Torino, 1868. D. il. pi. 549 4 — Gotbe,J. W. von. {In his Werke, 1827-42, V. 51,60.) 832 1 — Lovisato, D. Sulle chinzigiti della Calabria. (7m Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. .s«. Jis. V. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Mobs, F. The characteristics of the natural history system of mineralog3'. Edinburgh. 1820. O. ■ ■ 549 5 — Nenes Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie. 1841. Stutt- gart, 1841. O. maps. 550 1 — Pokoruy, A. Storia illustrata del regno mi- nerale; versione italiana di G. StrueTer. Tori- no, 1872. O. il. 549 6 — Reynand, J. HLstoire elenientaire des mir.e- raux usuels. 2 edition. Paris. 1867. D. pi. (In Charton, E, Bibl. des merveilles.) 549 7 — Scliorn, P.Leitfaden der Mineralogie. Bonn, 1870. O. il. map. 549 8 — Striiver, J. Studi sui minerali del Lazio, pt. 1-2. pi (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2 ; 3 i-er. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) — Studi petrografici sul Lazio. (In latter.) 065 3-4 — Uzielli, G. Sopra la baritima e il ferro oligi- stro di Calafuria. — Sulle piirotina della mini- era del Bottino. il. (In same. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Sopra la titanite e 1' apatite della Lama dello Sjiedalacchio. il. {In same. 3 ser. sci. Jis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 See also XhVit. BORAX; t'EBlTE; CRYSTAI.I.OGKAI'HV: DIABASE ; IMORITE ; EUPHOTIDE ; CASTAI.DITE : MET- AMORPlllS.M; PEPERINO; PKEDAZZITE; SALT: SAND- STONE: ZIRCON. Ming'lietti, Marco. Delia economia pubblica e delle sue attinenze colla morale e col diritto. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1868. D. 330 13 — Opuscoli letterari ed economici. Edizione riveduta. Firenze, 1872. D. 330 14 — Soprfi il disegno di legge per la soppreseione delle corporazioni religiose in Eonia; discorso, 8 maggio 1873. Roma. 1873. O. 24 p. 282 50 — Stato e chiesa. Milano, 1878. O. 322 4 Coplasde Mingo ReTulgo; glosadaspor Hernan- do del Pulgar; — por Juan Martinez de Barros. (In Cr6uicas espafiolas. v. 6, 1787.) 946 34 Miniatnrer, see Bremer, F. Miriieb, Seraflno. Sull" uso analitico delle differenze tra le radici nella teorica delle eqiia- zioni algebrice. (In Rome— R. aeead. dei lin- cei. -A^tti. 2 ser. v. 3, 187.5-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 MINING 464 MIRMANS MINING. Briinnich, M. T. Historiske Efter- retninger om Norges Biergverker, 1516-1623. Kiohenl.avn, 1819. O. C22 2 — Briizzo. G. Legislazione e industria miiiera- iij,. Fii-euze, 1871. vt. 1. Q. 55 [ + 2J p.) 338 3 Pt. 1; Legislazione iu vi;;ore in Italia. — Fontanelli, C. Die Bergbaugesetzgebuiig in Italien. (/» Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 — Italy — Coininissiime. SuUe condizioni di si- CMiezza delle miuiere di Lercara iu Sieilia: relazione. Roma, 1875. O. 64 p. 622 1 Ingegniei'i del real.corpo delle miuiere. Statistica del regno d' Italia: industria minera- ria. Firenze, 1868. O. maps. 338 6 — Simoiiin, L. L. Les cites ouvrieres de mi- ueurs. Paris, 1867. S. 52 p. (Conferer.cps po- pulaires.) .331 14 See also GOLD; SILVER. Miniscalclii-Erizzo, Francesco, vwite. Discorso ...riordinaniento dell' arsenalo di Venezia, 13 gennaio 1868. Firenze. 1869. O. 18 p. 3.55 7 — Le scoperte'artiche narrate. Venezia, 1855. O, * Atlas. Q. 919.8 1 Copy presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. — Sistema generale di trascrizione. Venezia, 1858. F. [1+]31 p. pi. 411 1 — Le sorgenti del Nilo : menioria. Venezia, 1863. O. 27 p. maps. 916.7 4 MINISTRY, see CLERGY. Minna von Barnhelni, ein Lustspiel, see Les- sini% G.;E. v. 8. Minnebrieven, see Uekker, E. 1). Miiinell!,JD. Alfio Balzani; or, Extracts from tbe diary of a proscribed Sicilian. New York, 1861. D. 813 6 Der miiinen loep, see Potter, D. Des Minnesaug^s Friihling, see Laclim.ann, K., & Haupt, M. De minnezanger, see Conscience, H. MINORCA. Rainis, .1. Antiguedades celticas de la isla de Menorca, liasta el siglo 4. Mahon, 1818. O. pi. 913 46 MINORITES, see FRANCISCANS. Milisheu, John. 'Uyeiiwv ds rai yXioinras: Ductor in linguas: The guide into the tongues; with etymologies in English, Welsh, Low Dutch, High Dutch, French. Italian, .Spanish, Portu- guez, Latine, Greeke, Hebrew, &c. Londini, 1617. F.^ 423 4 Appended is Vocabulnrium Hispanicolatinum et Anglioum. Minsta rimchronikan. (In Faiit, E. M. Script. rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28, v. 1.) 948 38.1 MINSTRELS. IN^rcy, T. An essay on the an- cient minstrels of England. (In his R('lii|ues, 1823, V. I.) 821 7 Miuto, William. Daniel Defoe. 7th thousand. LoiKlon, 1879. D. (English men of letters.) 928 22 Minncins Felix, Marcns. Octavius : Ciucilius Cypri.inus de idolorum vanitate; cum observa- tionibus Nii-olai Rigaltii: et Julius Firmicusde errore profanarum religionum, cum notis Joan, a Wower. Cxonia;, 1678. T. 291 3 Minutoli, Carlo, editor, see Storia di Rinaldino di Montalbano. 1865. (In Emilia. CoUezione. 11.) 850 6 Miniiloli, Joliann Heinricli, Freiherr von. Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Ammon in der libysohen Wiiste und nach Ober-Aegypten, 1820-1; laei-ausgegeben, mit Beilagen vonE. H. Toelken. Berlin, 1824. sqQ, d: Atlas. F.« 916.2 21 — Same: Nachtrage. Berlin, 1827. O. 2)1. 916.2 22 Mir, Acliille. L'aguel e lou bouche. (/u Revue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 MIRABEAU, Honors Giibriel Riquetti, comte de. Carljle, T. (Jn his Essays, 1860, v. 4.) 824 8 — Macanlay, T. B. Dumont's Recollections of Mirabeau. {/)( his Essays, 1843, t. 2.) 824 16 MIRACLE PLAYS, see ENGLISH LITERA- TI! RE -JURACLE PLAYS. MIRACLES. Capitula de niiraculis et transla- tionibus. (In Symeon of Durham. Opera, 1882- 5, V. 2; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 75.) 942 8 — Eginliard.Histoirede la translation des bien- heureux martyrs S. Marcellin et S. Pierre. (/?i7u.sCEuTres. 1856.) 943 13.1 — Filipi»o o/>S'teHa. Gli assenipri; leggendedel secolo 14 ; per cura del ... C. F. Carpellini. Siena, 1864. S. 230 7.1 — Janniiccelli, G.Continuazione delle memorie di Subiaco e sua badia, 1853-69. Roma. 1869. O. 2^or. 230 8 — Marsh, G. P. Media3val and modern saints and miracles; not ab uno e Societate Jesu. New Y'ork, 1876. D. 080 30 ^Newman, J. H. Two essays, on biblical and on ecclesiastical miracles. Loudon, 1873. D. 281 7 — Onofri, 0. Propositiones de miraculis. Flo- rentia>, 1598. F. Broadside, il. 231 8 — Tyndall, J, Miracles and special providences. — Additional remarks on miracles. (In his Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 See olfO .n:SVS; LK(JEXI)S; LEU'ESTKK, S. de IHontrort, ear! of; LOIIETO; .«AI!Y: PHIIIMENA: UELICS; SVIXTS: TUEVES. MIRAGE. Miiiasi, P. Dissertazione prima sopra fata morgana. Roma, 1773. D. jjZ. 535 3 Miraglia, B. Roma e la Francia nel 1849.— Poesie. (Tn Calendario di Roma. 1875.) 314 12 Mira^lia, Nicola. Relazione sulle materia tes- sili all" espbsizione di Vienna, 1873. [Roma, 1874.] O. 49 p. 677 2 6o?'»rf ir/f// 670 2 Miranda, see Fogazzaro, A. Mirccsco, V. Grammaire de la langue rou- maine; prrccih'e d"un aperi,u historiiiue sur la la'iigue roiim.iini' par A. Ubicini. Paris, 1863. D. 459 11 Mireio, pouemo proven^an, .see Mistral, F. Le mircoiir du monde; manuscril dn M siocle, dccouvert dans I'archives de la commune de La Sarra, et repriiduit avcc des notes par Fc4ix Chavannes. Lausanne, 1845. O. 844 7 Noled by Mi'. Mar^li as "very curiou.s." Mirkhond, see Mnlianimad ibn Kliiiivand. Mir mans saga. (In Kiilbing', E. Uidd(>rasdgur. 1872.) 839.63 .59 MTROTR 4fi5 MOBIL'S Miroir K'ff'. ^-^ compte-rendu du, see Papado- poiilos Vrctos, A. Mirror for iiiaKistrates; edited by Joseph Ha- slewood. London, ISin. 3 v. in 8. scjO. 821 85 Tlie mirror of t;ood nianers, see Barclay, A. The iiiirrovr of nmiestie, 1618, .sec Holbein. Mirza-Scliafiy, pseudonym of Bodeiistedt, F. M. Ton. La Mir/ia, xee Marsi, A. Le niisantlirope,comedie, see Moliero, J. IJ. 1'. de. V. 3. MISCEGENATION. Croly, D. G., & others. Miscegenation applied to the American white man and negro. From New York edition. London, 1864. D. 91 p. 572 8 Miscellanea pratese di cose inedite o rare, anti- che e moderne : 11. Paccliiiini, F. Delia voce oaribo adoperatadalF Ali- ghieri. 18i;5. »&l 54.1 bound n'i//i 44 12. Casotti, (i. B. Da Venezla nel 1715; lettere. 1KG6. 914. .-1 no 13. Vallisnleii. A. Lettere a Casotti. 1S66. 914.5 (in The miseries of human life, see Beresford, J. II Misogallo, see Alfleri, V. Miss Sara Sampson, ein Trauerspiel, see Les- sing:, G. E. v. 9. MISSALS, .see LITURGIES. MISSIONS. Gautier, T. Missions evaugeliijues. {Ill his Lorieut, 1877, v. 3.) 910 39 — Madernp, O.Journal efter Missions Directeu- rers Ordre paa Skibet Princesse Charlotta Amalia, paa Reysen til Tranqvebar, 1741. (/)( Bang, 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 3-3.) 839.8 1 See also other mission articles in the same volumes. ^Miiller, F. M. On missions; a lecture in Westminster abbey; witli introductory sermon by A. P. Stanley. London, 1873. O. [3-(-] 64 p. 266 3 See aim Lettres 6difiantes; and names of non-Christian countries and places. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Journal d'un voyage dans I'Amerique Sep- tentrionnale. maps. (In his Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 1744, V. 5-6.) 971 1 — Hnmplireys, A . A. [Letter to E W. Robert- son on Mississippi river improvement, 1 May 1878. Washington, 1878.] O. 7 p. 627 14 —Marquette, J. Voyage et decouverte de quel- ques pays et nations de rAmeriqiie Septentrio- nale par Marquette et Joliet. Paris, 1845. S. [3-t-]43p. map. 973 17 — Messedasliii, A. Relazione delle condizioni fisiche ed idrauliche del Mississippi, secondo 1' opera dei sigg. Humphreys e Abbott. [Venice, 1863?] Q. 73 p. 627 18 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. Foster, J. W. Tlie Mississippi valley, its physical geography. Chicago, 1869. 6. il. maps. " .557' 3 Mistral, Frederi. Mireio, pouemo prouven^au; erne la traducioiin literalo en regard. Paris, 1873. D. 849 17 — Laprincessa Clemen90. (7« Revue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) — La reino Jano. (In same. V. 3, 1871.) 479 5 Mitchell, Donald Grant. Fresh gleanings: or, A new sheaf from the old fields of continental Europe ; by Ik. Marvel [pseud.]. New York. 1847. O. ■ 914 6 —My farm of Edgewood; a country book. New York, 1863. D. 818 3 — Seven stories, with basement and attic. New York, 1864. D. 813 7 Mitchell, Samuel Auj^nstus. An accompani- ment to Mitchell's reference map of the United States. Philadelphia, 1834. O. 917.3 7 —Map of Mexico. Philadelphia, 1847. 53x73 912 55 In portfolio .3. —Mitchell's traveller's guide through theUnited States. Philadelphia, 1837. T. 74[-(-4] p. map. 917.3 8 Mitford, .lolin. The life of Gray. (In Graj". T. Works. 1836.) 82 1 60 —The life of Milton. (/» Milton, J. Works, 1863, V. 1.) 821 78 Die Mitsclinldigen, ein Lustspiel. .see Giitlie, J. W. von. V. 7. Mittheihingen aus den Memorien des Satan, see Hautt', W. v. 6. Mittlieilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographi- scher Anstalt fiber neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographic. [Month- ly.] Gotha, 1855-89. v. 1-35. sqQ. il. pi. maps. 910 43 Vol. 1-34 edited by A. Petermann; v. 25-0, by E. Behm and .\I. Lindemann: v. S7-30, by E. Behm; v. 30-35 by A. a. Sui>an. -Eigiinzung.sband. Gotha, 1860-89. v. 1-30. in 11 V. sqQ. il. 2^1- maps. 910 44 — Inhaltsverzeichniss, 1855-74, 30 Jahresbande uhd 8 Erganzungsbande. Gotha, 1865-77. 3 v. s.|Q. 910 43 Mlttermaier, KarlJoseph Anton. Das Volks- gericht in Gestalt der Schwur- und Schoffenge- richte. Berlin. 1866. O. 40 p. (In Ylrchow 40 Modo di dedicare se stesso e la propria famiglia al San Giuseppe. Bergamo, 1871. T. 8 p. 282 35 Moe, J0r^en Eiig'ebretsen. Samlede Skrifter. Kristiania, 1877. 3 v. O. por. 839.81 35 See (dm AslijAriiscn, V. ('., A- Moc, .1. E. Moeli, Barnabas & Joliann, translators, see Gerhard, J. Soings discurs, en rima rumon- scha. 1739. 245 5 M0E?(, Paliidail, J. Forsog til en antiquarisk, histori.-ik, statistisk og geografisk Beskrivelse over Moen. Kjobenliavn [,1833-4]. 3 v. O. p/. tab. mails, iltp. 914.8 45 LAKE MflERIS. Linant de Bellefonds, M. A. Memoire sur le lac Mieris. Alexandrie, IS43. F. [3-fJ38p. map. 932 3 bound with dVi 17 Moeurs et portraits du temps, see Rerbaiid, M. R. L. .Molfiit, Robert. Mis.sionary labors and scenes in souiliein Africa. 3 edition. New York, 1843. O. 916.8 3 II inog'liazzo franimesso, .see Berni, F. La nioi;'lie del capitano I'rijezda, canto serbo; vensione di E. Teza. Bologna. 1864. 89113 La mof^lie saggia, commedia, sec Goldoni,C.v.9. M0(JIIL EMPIRE, .see INDIA. MOHAM.MED. Bush, G. The life of Moliam- incd. New York, 1830. S. i>22 30 — (liirKeiis, E. I'. Mohammed, ein Cliarakti i- liild: auf (Inind der Darstellung von Terniidi's. Berlin, 1878. O. 43 p. (/n Virchow * Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrilge. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — •Hjat-iil-kllloob : The life an also CALIFS; Koran. , MOHAWK VALLEY. Taylor, J. Journal of |hisj missionary tour through the Mohawk and Black River countries in 1803. maps. {In O'Callaglian, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, V. 3.) 974 9 Miihl, Ueinrich. Der Boden und seine Bestim- muna. Berlin, 1876. O. 36 p. {In VircIlOW * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 — Erdbeben und Vulcane. Berlin, 1874. O. 40 p. p/. {In .same. 9 Serie ) 043 1 M0hl, Knnd Eskild, ttKiiudsen, H. Historisk- antiijuarisk Beskrivelse over Snodsti'Up og Olstvkke Sogne. map. {In Copenhagen — K. nord.Old.-Selskab.Annaler. v. 2, 1838-9.) 948 3 Mohn, Henrik. Die norwegische Nordmeer- Expedition ; Resultate der Lothungen und Tiefseeteniperatur-Beobachtungen. Gotha,1880. s(|Q. [3-1-1 ~-l P- pl- maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungsband 14.) 910 44 — Om Vind og Vejr: Meteorologiens Hoved- resultater. Christiania, 1873. D. (7. mans. 551.51 1 — Die Stromungen des euroiVilischen Nordmee- res. Golha, 1885. sqQ. [3-l-]30p jil. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Ergilnzungs- hand 17.) " 910 44 Mohiiike, Gottlieb Christian Friedrich, editor, see Fajreyinga saga. 1833. 839.63 33.1 Molir, N. Fors0g til en islaudsk Naturhistorie. Kiobenhavn, 1786. D. pi. 590 14 Mohrkirehcn, Scjilesn-ig. Diplomatarium mo- nasterii Morkirchensis S. Aiitonii. {In West- phalen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1739-45. v. 4.) 943 31 Molls, Friedrich. The characters of the natu- ral history system of mineralogy. Edinburgh, 1820. O. ■ 549 5 Moby, Eryc. I'ulvis sympathcticus. {hi Digby, K., A others. Theatrum svni|ia(heticuni. Ilidll.) 131 8 MOISES 467 MOLLEIt Moises, Edward. The Persian interpreter : grammar, extracts, vocabulary. Newcastle, 1793. s(iQ. 4!»1.5 7 MOISTURE, see WATER. Molaiid, Loiiiz £iiiile Dieiidonii^, c(' Il^ricault, C. dj' (''it See also Bible— O. r.-Danisli. — Dansk Dialect-Lexikon. Kiobenhavn, 1841. 0. it. 439.87 5 — Dansk Glossarium ; eller, Ordbog orer for- seldede danske Ord, 13-16 Aarhundrede. Kio- benliavn, 1857-66. 2 v. O. 439.87 9 — Dansk Ordbog. Kiobenhavn, 18;J3. H v. iu 1. O. 439.83 3 — Same. 2 forugede Udgave. ICiobenliavn, 1859. 3 v. in 1. Q. 439.83 3.1 — Digteren Adolf Vilhelni .Schack Statfeldt : et biographisk Udkast. {In. Staffeldt, A. W. S. TO* Samiede Digte, 1843-7, v. 3.) 8.39.81 51 — Europa i Middeladeren. le Stykke : Om Hi- erarchiet fra (lets Opkomst til Udgangen af det niende Aarhundrede. Kjobenhavu, 1819. D. 940 5 — Foretale. {In Muiirad, H. C. Bidrag til en Skildring af Guinea-Kysten. 1833.) 916.8 8 — Fort;ellinger og Skildringer af den danske Historie. Kiobenhavn, 1837-8. 3 v. in 3. S. 948 79 Contents: 1. Det gamle Nordeu os Danniark. i. Dan- mark i Middelalderen. — Historie om Ditmarskerkrigen Aar 1500, og Ditmarskens Erobring under Frederik II.; nied en liistorisk Udsigt over ieldre Tider. Kio- benhavn, 1813. D. 943 53 — Johannes Evalds Levnet ; med Bidrag til bans Digtervajrkers Historie ogCliarakteristik. Ki0benhavn, 1831. D. 928 34 — Julegave for Born, 18.37-8. Kiobenliavn, [1837-8]. 3v. S. 839.88 3 — The life and works of the painter Horberg: translated and abridged bv G. P. Marsli. {In American eclectic, v. 1, 1841, p. 313-33. 080 33 — Nogle Ideer over Historie og Historieskriv- ning med Bidrag til en Kritik over G.L.Badens Skrift om Griflfenfeld. Kiobenhavn, 1808. D. 88 p-. 948 98 — Reise gieunem Tydskland, Fraiikrige, Eng- land og Italien, 1819-30. Kiobenliavn, 1821-3. 3v. D. . 914 7 — editor. Dansk poetisk Anthologie, med bio- graphisk-kiitiske Efterretninger. Kjobenhavn, 1830-3. 3 V. S. 839.81 3 Birclierod, J. Uddrag af Dagb0ger. 1846. 948 64 Den Danske Riimkronike. 1825. 839.8115 Harpeslren^, H. Danske L«gebog. 1836. 615 3 Mifhael, Herr. Tre danske Riiniva^rker. 1836. 839.81 33 IttOLDAVIA, ,s(e RUMANIA. HoU, Fran(jois Rene. Memoires. {In Barriere dc- Losfure. Memoires. 1857-81, v. 6.) 944 10 Contents: Elofe do Mile. Dangevillo.— Notice sur les M6moires de H. L. Lekain.— La matinee du com6dieu de I'ersepolis, proverbe en un acte. MOLECULES. Haiismann, J. P. L. tiber die durch Molekularbewegungen in starren leblo- sen Ktirpern bewirkten ForniveriVnderungen. Gottingen, 1856. sqQ. 539 1 hoiiml with 504 3 ■See also OA.MPIIOR; rllKMISTUV; ♦liVST.VM.dtJKAI'HT; PHYSUS; XAXTHO.Ml ACID. Molcscliott, Jacob Albert Willibrord. Dell' ali- meutazione; traduzione del Giuseppe Bellm^ci. Milano, 1871. D. 641 3 — Die Eiuheit des Lebens; Vortrag. Gie.ssen, 1864. D. 63 p. 577 2 — La fisiologia e le scienze sorelle: prolusione. Torino, 1879. O. 25[-l-2] p. 612 3 — Die Grenzen des Menschen; Vortrag, 34 Nov. 1863. Giessen, 1863. D. 56 p. 150 3 — Licht und Leben; Rede. 3 Auflage. Frank- furt a. M., 1856. D. 48 p. 535 1 — Osservazioni sugli eifetti della cicuta. (In Plato. Dialoghi, v. 3. 1881.) 888 19 — Physiologisches Skizzenbuch. Gie.ssen, 1861. D. it. 612 3 — Zur Erfor.schiing des Lebens; Rede. Gie.s.sen, 1863. D. 4-f33 p. G12 3 Moliere, Jean Raptiste Poqnelin de. Oiuvres; avec des reniarques grammaticales, desavertis- .semens et des observations sur cliaque piece par Bret; precedees de la vie de Moliere par Voltaire et de son eloge par Chamfort. Nouvelle edition sur celle de 1773. Paris, 1821. 6 v. O. 842 6 II Moliere, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 38. Molliiari, (Jiistave de. Preface. [In Scliwabe, J. S. Richard Cobden. 1879.) 923 38 Molino, Antonio. I fattie le prodezze di Manoli Blessi Strathioto. Vinegia, 1561. O. 85188 With dedication by Lodovico Dolce. El molino de Guadalajara, drama, see Zorrilla. V. 3. Molinos, L. La navigation interieure de la France, son etat actuel, .son avenir. Paris, 1875. O. 386 1 Molitor, Ulric. Tractatus de Pythoiucis mulie- ribus. (7?( Sprenger, J., & others. Malleorum, 1582, V. 2.) 133 10 Die Molkenknr, sec Hegner, U. JIoll, G., editor, see Swinden, J. H. van. Ge- schiedkundigonderzoek naar verrekijkers.1831. 522 2 hound with 504 3 Moll Flanders, see Defoe, D. Miiller, J. Ueber das Salz in seiner culturge- schichtlichenund naturwissenschaftlichen Be- deutung. Berlin. 1874. O. 33 p. {In Vir- chow * Holtzeiidorff. Vortiilge. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Uelier den Alkohol. Berlin, 1867. O. 35 p. {In same. 2 Serie.) 043 1 MtfUer, Jens. Mindeskrift over Daniel Ranzau. Kjobenhavn, 1818. D. 923 88 MOLLER 468 MONASTICISM — Mnemosyne ; eller, Samling af fcedienelandske Miutler og Skildringer. Kjobenhavn, 1830. 4 V. D. 948 80 —& Eiigelstoft, L. Historisk Calender. Kjo- benhavn, 1814-17. 3 V. D. por. mrips. 948 58 M0ller, Johaiiu, editor, see Bartholin, A. De scriptis Danoium. 1699. 839.7 6 Scheffer, J. Srecia literata. 1698. 839.7 Miiller, Leriii. Nouveau dictiounaire fian^ois- suedois et .suedoi.s-fran9ois. Stockholm, 17.')5. 2 pt. in 1 V. sqO. pi. 439.73 3 MoUenip, W. Billedlige Fremstillinger af Sla- get ved Bornhoved. il.facsiin. (i?;. Copenha- gen— K. nord. (Hd.-Selskab. Aai-boger. v. 33, 1888.) 948 5 — French: Miniatures representant la bataille de Boruhceved. il. facsim. {In same. Memoii'es. n. .S-. V. 4, 1884-9.) ' 948 3 MOLLUSKS. Lessona, M. Molluschi viventi del Piemoiite. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. set. fis. v. 7, 1879-80.) 06.) 4 — Miiuter, A. H. A. J. TJeber Muscliein, Sclmek- ken und verwandte Weichthiere. Berlin, 1876. O. 48 p. {In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. llSerie.) 043 1 — Siniroth, H. Ueber die morphologische Be- deutung der Weichthiere. Hamburg, 1890. O. 40 p. {In same. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 3 ^Trinchese, S. I primi moment! dell' evolu- zione nei molluschi. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei, Atti. 3 ser. sci.fls. v. 7, 1879-80.) 065 4 .See also PK.tHLS. Moltke, Hellnintli Karl Bernhard, Graf von. Reden, 1867-78. Berlin, 1879. O. 83 p. 355 7 — Wanderbuch. 3 Auflage. Berlin, 1879. O. 914 8 MOLUCCAS. Navarrete, M. F. de, editor. Expedicione.sal Maluco. de Magallanes, Elcano. Loaisa y Saavedra. por. (/?« /i?.s Coleccion de los viages, 1830-.37, v. 4-.5.) 910 59 MOLYBDENUM. Mauro, F., * Panebianco,R. Biosside di molibJeno. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fts. v. 9, 1880-1.) " 065 4 Molza, Francesco Maria. Capitoli. {In Bern!, F. Opere burle.solie. 1736, v. 1;— 1760, v. 1-3.) 857 2,3 —Novella. (In Zambrinl, F. Tre novelle. 1867: in Scelta di curiosita. 85.) 850 10 Moninisen, Christian .Matthias Theodor. Agli Italian!. Berlino, 30 agosto 1870. O. 26 p. 943 28 — Inde.\-. (/)( ninins Cfecilius Secundns, C. EpistulariiiM libri. 1870.) 876 6 — Die lil)ri coloiiiarum. — Ueber die le.x Mami- lia Rdscia Peducaea Alliena Fabia. {In Blnnie, F. Sclirifteii der rom. Feklme.sser, 1818-52, V..2.) .. 526 2 — Uherdas romische Munzwesen. — Ueber den Chronographen vom Jahre 354. {In Leipsic— K. silchs. (Jescll. Ahhandl. i)hil.-hist. v. 1. 1850.1 737 1 —[Various articles.] {In same. Berichte, 1816- 53.) 016 1,3 MoMiinsen, Karl.Tohann Tycho. Tln' works of Shake.sjicare, bv Dvre. (//( .lalirlinch roin. u. lov-iin ; ItltKTHItKN OF TIIH COinidN I.IKK; Itretliicii iirilic life ill' pdnitj; llonles. lidliH : ('AMAI.nOlil ; riiiit*'iiiiir.v ; i'isniur : ruldiiicliaill : ('oiii|ini:nIii (li Stiiilii Marin df'l runiihio ; l)isriili>; Ihililln: Oiirhaiii: KlIKI.nOI/l'; HSUdJI; KVKSIIA.M: KI.VI'.IMiAAItl); I'iiK'lKlali' : l'(fl MAINS : (I »; (MdiiccsliT ; nninliiirK : Hyilo : niOXHAn; Inipriini'ln ; .liirnm : .IHSIITS : Kid; I.OIiKTO ; l.iiiiil ; Jlncsdriiiliili' : Malinislmry ; MiUKan ; .IIKI.SA; Miihrkirclii'ii: Miink-Wrannouni; MilNSTKItllOKF; >ATK(»N I.IUHS, Niiiiiiiiiislcr; Ncniiiiiistir; Xcirniih; 0111: l>cti'rli(proiii.-li : I'Wiiia ; PinilHollii: Itniiisc) : UATISIIOX ; Kcinhik : Itlliv KIcvauK : Ulpoll ; St, Allmils ; ST. Kl»- MONASTICISM W.) MONNTER MUiVirS AltKKY: Siilislmij ; Sclilcsnii? U-ihj): SCIIMAI.KAL- DEX; SKAAItrl": Skdikliisiir, S(ir0i-; SIIIIIACO ; Tni|i|)isls; Ut«isili: VKIHHIJ.I; VKSIKKVU); VINCKM' ItK I'AIII,, SI.: Wiulstcini. WAl.TllAM; Wiivcilj; IVIiithv; Wish) ; HiiitosIit. York. Monastier, A. Gallicisiues, idiotismes et iso- phones. Torino, 1H7(). D. 443 10 Moiicada, Francisco de, conde de Osona. Ex- peJicion de loa Catalaiies y Aragoneses contra Turcos y Griegos. Madrid, 180r). D. 946 49 Noted by Mr. Jlarsh as "Very curious." Der Moncb von Heilsbronn ; zuni ersteu Male vollstiindig lierausgegeben von J. F. L. T. Merzilorf. Berlin. 1870. O. 831 59.3 Moncrieff, t^oliii Campbell Scott. Irrigation in southern Europe ; with appendix. London, 1868. O. pi. (;31 14 Moiidejar, Gaspar Ibauez de Segovia Pcralta y Mendo'za, marqais de. Memorias historicas de la vida y acciones del rey Alonso el nohile, oc- tavo del nonihre; con notaspor Francisco Cerda y Rico. por. iln Criiiiicas espanolas. v. 4, 1783.) 946 84 U mondo create, see Tasso, T. Der Moiidsiichtigre, we Tieck, J. li. Novellen, 1,— Scliriften. 31. Mone, Franz Josepli, editor. Hynmi Latin nie- dii aevi. Fril)urgi Brisgoviae, 1853-5. 3 v. O. 245 1 Monestier-Savifriiat. A. Etude sur les eaux au point de vue des inondations. Paris, 1858. O. pi. map. .■>51.48 25 MONEY. Camden, W. (/ii 7us Reniaines. 1637.) 420 3 —Clement, J. P. Notice sur la valeur relative des anciens nionnaies franpaises, et particu lieremeut de celles du loe siecle. (In his Jac- ques Cceur, 1863, v. 1.) 944 19 ^Davanzati, B. Lezione delle nionete. (In his Opere, 1853, v. 3.) 878 31 — Fontaiielli, C. Ueljer den Umlauf des Papier- geldes in Italien. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874. 945 41 — International monetary conference. Confe- rence monetaire Internationale, avrU-juillet 1881: Proces-verbaux. Paris, 1881. 2v.ini. F. 332 3 Appended, 72 p., is ^Discoui'S et documents par Dana Horton, d61o^u6 des Etats-Unis. — Messedas'lia, A. La monetaeilsisteniamone- tario in geherale. Roma, 1883. [pt. 1.] O. 332 4 — Milani, L. A. II ripostiglio della Venera: monete roniane della seconda nieta del terzo secolo. 2)1. (/li Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 4, 1879-80.) 065 5 — Mommsen, C. M. T.tJber dasromisclie Jliinz- wesen. (In Leipsic— K. siichs. Gesell, Ab- handl., 1850.) 737 1 — — tjber den Verfall des roniischen Miinzwe- sens in der Kaiserzeit. (In .same. Berichte, 1851.) 063 3 — Oresme, N. Traictie de la premiere invention des monnoies: et Traite de la monnoie de Co- pernic: annotcs pari/. Wolowski. Paris, 1864. Q. 332 5 — Passy, F. De la monnaie et de son role dans le developpement economique des societes. (In Tli^veiiin, E. Eutretiens, 1866, v. 2, p. 15-105.) 304 5 — I'arb^ des Sablons. S. A. Dos monnaies. (In ///.s- NdUvcMU inniniel des ])oids. 1839.) 389 1 —II, S. — llonse ol'rep. Report of the commit- tee on coinage, weights an; af Guinea-Kysten og dens Iiidhyggere, 1805-9: med en Fortale af C. MoUiech. Kio- benliavn, 1823. D. 910.6 8 MOXREALE. Seriadifalco, D. lo V. P. di, Del diiomo di Monreale, e di altre chiese siculo- normanne. Palermo, 1838. F.« [3+] 87 [ + 31 p. 726 19 Monro, Cecil, editor, see Margaret of Anjoii. Letters. 1863. (In Camden soc. 86.) 820 4 M. de Pourceaugiiao. comedie-ballet, see Moli- fere, J. B. P. de. v. 5. MONSTERS. Bollinger, 0. Ueber Zwerg- uiid Rie.senwuchs. Berlin, 1884. O. 33 p. (/« Vir- chow & Holtzendorff.Vortrage.l9 Serie.) 043 1 — Ferriar, J. Of certain varieties of men. (In his Illustrations, 1813, v. 2.) 823 31 — Moriargia, A. Tre embrioni di pulcino in un blastodermo unico. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3ser.sci.^s. v. 3, 1878-9.) 06.5 4 ^Sanctis, L. de. SuUo sclieletro di un mostro viteiiino sternopago. j.*Z. — Cranio etrusco con singolare processo osseo sul tubercolo occipi- tale. pi. (In same. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 See also PYGMIES. Mi)nstrelet,EngiierrandMe. Clironiques [; avec notice biographique par J. A. Buclion]. Paris, 1836. Q. (Choix de chroniques.) i)44 15 El monstrno de los jardines,.5('e Calderon. v. 3. Monta^na, Crescenzo. Nouvelle tlieorie du nie- tamirpliisme des roches fondee sur les phe- nomeiies de fossilisation. Naples, 1869. O. pi 5.51.6 1 Annonces et avis de la foirede Montagnac; A. Alart. (hi Reviie des langues romnnes. v. 4. 1873.) 479 5 Montagn, Basil, editor, see Bacon, F. Works. 1844. 828 3 Montaiglun, Anatole de Conrde de, editor. Reciieil de poesies francoises des 15 16 siecles, morales, facetieusos, historiques. Paris, 1855-8. V. 1,3, 6-8. S. (/« Blhl. elzevir.) 840 14 Holheiu, H. Alphabet of Death. 18.56. 761 8 Jchan de Haute Seille. Li romans de Do- lopatVios. 1856. 840 6 La Tour Landry, (J. de. Le livre. 1854. 840 11 Montaigne, Micliel Eyqncni de. Essais; avic les note.s de tons commentateurs, et I'eloge de Montaigne par Villemain. Paris, 1825. 8 v. T. por. 844 8 — Lottera circa alia ultima malattia ed alia niorte deir .autore. . (7(1 La Boetie, E. de. II contr'uno. 18(;4; Bihl. rara. 39.) 850 3 — Trailu>5ioiie di due oapitoli di Montaigne: lib. l,cap. 25; lib. 3, cap. 8. (In (jinsti, (J. Scritti. 1863.; 858 6 Montalbani, Uiovanni Batiista. Kcrum Tur- <-ii-aruni cominentarius. (In Tiircici imperii status. 1630.) 094 59 Moiitaldo, Adamodi. Delia conijuista di Co- stantinopoli per Maometto II nell453; ripubbli- cato dal C. Desimoni. (7n SocietA lignre. Atti. V. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Montalembert, Cliarles Forbes de Tryon, conite de. La victoire du nord aux Etats-Uuis. Paris, 1865. O. 973 43 — Tallicliet, E. M. de Montalembert et le pfere Hyacinthe: histoire du proces intente par la famille de Montalembert au pere Hyacinthe et a la Bibliotheque universelle. Paris, 1877. O. 349 8 MONTALESE DIALECT. Nerncci, (J. Saggio di uno studio sopra i parlari vernacoli della Toscana; vernacolo montalese. Milano, 1865. D. 457 25 Montnnelli, Ginseppe. Memorie sull' Italia e specialmente sulla Toscana, 1814-50. Torino, 1853. 3 v. in 1, D. 945 24 Montaner, Raimond, see Mnntaner. Montani, P. SuU' azione meccanica esercitata dallaluce. il. (/?! Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 scr. v. 3, 187.5-G. pt. 2 ) 065 3 Moutaiuis, Aruoldiis. Description of New Ne- therland: 1617: translated from De nieuwe en onbekeiide weereld. pi. (In. O'Callaglian, E. B. Documentary liist. of N. Y., 1850-f, v. 4.) 974 9 Montanus den Yngre, see Gyllenibourg:, T. C, MONTAUSIER, Charles de Sainle-Manre, due dc. Flecliier, E. Oraison funebre de M. de Montausier. (In Bossiiet, J. B. Or. fun. 18.58.) 845 2 MONTAUSIER, Julie Lucine d'Angennes de Rambouillet, duche.'^se de. Flecliier, E. Orai- son funebre de Mme. de Montausier. (In same.) 845 3 Montazio, Eurico. Felice Orsini. Torino, 1862. T. jjor. (I contemp Italiani.) 923 75 — L' ultimo granduca di Toscana: cennibiogra- fici, storici, aneddotici, ecc. Firenze [.1870]. D. por. 945 68.1 Monte Bianco, canto, see Camhray Digny, MOXTE NUOVO. Preller, L. ttlier den Monte Nuovo. (In Leipsic— K. siichs. Gesell. Berich- te. 1850.) 003 3 Monteciistello, Pisa. Statuti et ordini : per cura di (riuseppe Kirner. Bologna, 1890. D. (In Scelta di curiosittt. 237.) 850 10 MONTECATINI DI NIEVOLE, see NIEVOLE. Monteiro, Joa(|uim Francisco, editor, see Se- verim da I'aria, M. Noticias de Portugal; — Varios (liscursos. 1791. 914.6 14 Montel, Acllille. De rortbographie. — L.Roumi- eux. — Francois Camlxudiii. — L'Armana prou- ven9au de 1870-1. {/((Revue des langues ro- manes. v. 1, 1870.) — Contes populaires rhyth- mes, — Archives de Monti)ellicr : 1. IjC livre des privileges de laconmiune cloture. (In same. v. 2, 1871.) — 2. Inventaire des Mrchivcs du con- sulat. — 3. Inventaire des archives de la com- miiiio cloture. (//( s(tnie. v. 3, 1872.) — 4. Le catalogue des cliapellenies:— l,e nienuirial des nobles. (In .lanw. v. 4-5, 1873-4.) — Contcs popu- laires. — Pi'riodiques. (In same. v. 3, 1872.) — Contes populaires. — Petites comjiositions pojm- laires.— Volo-Biou, pocnie par A. Arnavielle, etc. (In same. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 MONTELA TIGI 471 MOORS Montelatici, Francesco. Relazione del trovato pratico pi'i' salvare le viti (M:i.')0. .Stockliolm, 1HT7. O. il. (Ill Sveriges liistoria, v. 1.) !)48 01 Mixiteliipo, Italt.iello da, see Raifaello. ■ Monte in6r [SimiiUIi Monieinayor), Jorge de. La Diaiiii. Parte priinera. Madrid, 17115. 8. 863 10 The volume contains also hispoems, Historiade .\lcida y Silvano. Historia V. O. jMir. maps. 340 •') 1 MOXTFOKT, Simon de, earl of Leu-ester, see LEICESTEK. JIOM'GOMEIlYj^ci/. Uiciiard. Armstrong,,!. Life of Mont^^oniery. facsiin. (Id Sparks, J. American biography, 1885-9. v. 1.) 920 15 Monti, Vincenzo. Canti epoemi; a cura di OJ. Cnrdncci. Firenze, 1803. v. 1. Tt. 851 89 — Tragedie. Firenze, 1822. O. por. 852 13 Cnnlentx: Aristodemo.— Cajo Gracco— Galeotto Man- fred! principe di Paenza. — editor, see Uborti, F. degli. II dittamondo. 1820. 8.jl 129 Montglat, Fran(jois de Paiile de Clermont, marquis A^, Memoires, contenant I'lii.stciire de la ijuerre entre la France et la niaison d'Au- triche. 1635-60. por. (/» Midland cfc Ponjou- lat. Memoires, 1800, v. 29.) 944 9 Montlosier, Francois Douiiniqne Reynand, comte de. Memoires, e.xtraits. (In Barriere A: Lesciire. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 36.) 944 10 Montlnc, Blaise de Lasseran Massencome, sei- guenr de, mar^Jtal de France. Commcntaires, 1521-74. ]mr. (In Michaud (' Ticknor catalogue. Morandi, Lnigi. Le correzioni ai Proniessi sposi e r unitii. della lingua; discorsi; preceduti dalla lettera del Manzoni al Casanova, e segu- iti da altri documenti. 3 edizione accresciuta. Parma, 1879. D 853 33 — La maestrina, e La liglia senza babho, com- medie; con un discorso sull" unita della lingua rispetto alia commedia. Torino, 1877. D. 859 46 hound iritli 38 ^Un prt-giudizio letterario intorno I i)roniessi sposi, discorso. (In Manzoui, \. Le correzioni ai Promessi sposi. 1874.) S5i$ 23 — annotntor, see Belli, 0. U, Duecento soiietti in dialetto romanesco. 1870. 859 27 Sonetti in dialetto romanesco. 1869. 859 38 Morando, Filippo Rosa. Osservazioiii. (In Uantc Alifrhicn. La divina oomniedia; in lii.s ()l)pre, 17.'57-8, v. 3.) 851 33 M(MIATA, Olympia Fulvia, see GRUNTHLER, 0. F. M. Le inorldnose,— I niorbiiiosi, commedia, see (Joldoni, C. v. 7. .Horcaldl, Micliaele, eiliior,' hvp Cava.— Hadia della Trinltii. (Jodex diplomaticus. 1.S73-5. 327 3 MORDAUNT, f'Iiarles,.j(i earl of Peterborough, see PETERBOROUGH. Mordeiite, Joao Manoel. Exercises upon the Portuguese language; added, commercial let- ters in Portuguese. London, 1807. D. 469 9 Mordimann, Andreas David. Belagerung und Eroberung Coustantinopels durch dii> Tiirken, 1453. Stuttgart, lf58. O. mail. 949 43 More, Henry, Lettei-, with postscript. {In Glanvill, J. Saducismus. 1081.) 133 5 More, Sir Thomas. Workes wrytten in the EnglLsh tonge. London, 1557. 1 v. in 2. Q. 230 5 t'oii/eiitg; [Dedication.! — Fowre short thinges writ- ten in his youthe. — Tables.— Lyfe of Jhon Picas, erle of Mirandula.— History of Kyng Richard III — Trea- tice uppu till' last thinges.— Dialoge concerning heresies. — Supi>lii-atiuii nf soules.— Cofutation of Tindale. — Let- ter inifiugniiig the erronious writynge of -Jhon Fryth agaynst the sacrament of the aulter— Apologye.— De- bellacion of Salem & Byzance.— Aunswere to the fyrste parte of The super of ye Lorde. — Dialoge (Sf eomforte against tribulation. — Treatyce to receyue the bndye of our Lorde. — Treatice vpon the passitm "of Chryste. — Translation of an exposition of a parte of the passion of Chryst. — A godly instruction.— A godly in- struction in Latyn.— A prayer in Latin.— A godly medi- tation. — A devout prayer. — Letter to bis wife. — Mores epitaphe in latyn.- Certen letters written after he had gyven over the offyce of lord Chauncelloure.— Certen letters and other tliinges while he was prisoner in the towre. —The apologye. [London, 1533.) T. 099 1 His defense after resigning the oflice of lord chancel- lor. Black-letter. Leaves 2ti9-:iy0 are wanting. — Utopia, printed in Latin, 1516; translated by Ral|>h Robinson. 3 edition, 1556. London, 1809. S. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 14.) 820 9 — Italian : L'Utopia; e La citta del sole di Tom- maso Campauella; versioni italiane; aggiunta- vi, La storia del Reatne degli Orsi di Gaspare Gozzi. Milano, 1863. S. por. (In Bibl. rara. 11.) 8.50 3 — Tyndale, W. An answer unto More"s Dia- logue. (/(I Tyndale * Frith. Works, 1831, v. 2. 208 10 MOREA or PELOPONNESUS. Beule, C. E. Etiules sur le Peloponnese. Paris, 1875. D. 914.9 29 — Bnchoii, J. A, C. Nouvelles recherches histo- riiiues sur la principaute fran^aise de Moi ee et ses liautes baronnies; faisant >uite aux Eclair- cissements historiques. [Seconde epoque; 1 333- 1470.1 Pa'is, 1843. 2 v. O. 949 39 Content^!: Diplomes. — — Recherches et materiaux pour servir a une histoire de la domination frani;aise aux 13-15 siecles dans les provinces de Tempire grec. Paris, 1840. 3 v. Q. i>l. tab. 949 37 Recherclies historiques sm- le i)rincipaute fran9aise de Moree et ses hautes baronies. Pre- miere epo(iue: 1205-1333. Paris, 1845. 2 v. O, 949 38 — ('lironiqiicde la principaulc fran<;aised' Acha- te; texte grec. (//( Biichon, J. A. C. Clironii|ue8 etrangeres. 1811.) 944 10.1 With Frencli translation — (!oronelli, M. V. I)escriptioi\ g('()gra]ibi(|ue I't liistori(|iie de la Morie, des lieux circonvoi- siiis... P,-iris, I6H7. F.' /)/. maps. 914.9 30 — Schlicuianii, H. IthaUa, der Peloponnesus und Troja: arcliiiologische Forsclumgen. Leip- zig, 1869. O. pi. maps. 913 31 MOREA 473 MORRIS Wyse, T. An excursion in the Poloponnesus in I808; edited by W. M. Wysc. London, IHIi."). 2v. O. il. ijiir. pi. map. 014.9 28 Moreaii tie Jouiics, Alexandre. Ktat econo- mique et social de la France, depuis Henri IV jusini-a Louis XIV, 1589 a 1715. Paris, 1867. O. 944 28 Noted by Mr, Marsbas an "Extremely valuable uon- tribution to French history." Morean ile Joiiiies, Alexandre C. La France avant ses premiers habitants, et origines ra- tionales de ses populations. Paris, 18."")(). D. 572 16 Morel], John Daniel. A grammar of the Flnj;- lish language 84th thousand. London, 18()4. D. 42 :> 20 — A series of graduated exercises, adapted to Morell's Grammar. 84tli thousand. London, 1864. D. 63 p. 425 20 Morell, .Jolin Reynell. Scientific guide to Swit- zerland. London, 1867. D. il. 551.43 24 Morelli,Salvatore.La donna e la scienza: o. La soluzione dell' umano problema. 2 edizione italiana. Napoli. 1862. D. 376 1 Preface by C. Katski. Morf, H. Aus der Geschichte des franzosischen Dramas. Haml)urg, 1887. O. 38 p. (In Vir- cliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Morgaute maggiore, see Piilcl, L. Morgenpsalnier og Cautater, .see lugeniaun, B. S. Morliof, Georff. Argumentiim de gente Brock- tortifia. (//( Westphalen, E. J. von. Monu- nienta, 1739-45, t. 1.) 943 21 Moriie encomium, see Erasmns, D. Moriaiien, see Crusenstolpe, M. J. I inoriboiidi del palazzo Carignano, see Petriic- celli della (fe;l |)refixed, anecdotes of Morton, {hi liis Chips. 1817.) 941 3 Morton, Nathaniel. The New-Englands me- morial, with special reference to New Ply- mouth. Plymouth, 1826. D. 974 7 MORUS, Alexander. Milton, J. Defeusio se- cunda pro populo Anglicano [,etc.]. (In his Works. 1863, v. 6.) 821 78 MOSAIC. Cardncci, 0. B. Sul grande musaico scoperto in Pesaro. Pesaro, 1866. F.^ 55 p. 2)1. 747 3 — Finocchietti, D. C. Del mosaico italiano. (In his Delle Industrie. 1869.) 670 2 — Marsh, C. C. (In .lohnson's oyclopsedia.) In main library. — Milanesi, G., editor. Dell" arte del retro per musaico, tie trattatelli del secoli 14 e 15. Bologna, 1864. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 51.) 850 10 — Salviati, A. On mosaics. 2 edition. London, 1866. O. 63 p. 747 1 MOSAIC COSMOGONY, see CREATION'. De uiosaiske Troesbekjenderes Stilling i Dan- mark, see Cohen, A. I). Les niaitres mosaistes, par George Sand, see Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Moschus. 'EiaiXXm. (/jiTheocritns. 1829.)884 5 — Greek, Latin & Italian: Idillj. {In Pagnini, G. M. Teocrito, 1780, v. 3.) 884 6 — Italian : Idillj. — Discorso sopra Mosco. (In Leopardi, G. Studi filologici. 1845.; 858 8 — Swedi.'ih : Ofversattning af G. Paykull. (In Anacreon. 1787.) 884 2.1 MOSCOW. Richter, J. Moskwa: eine Skizze. Leipzig, 1799. T. pZ. 914.7 17 MOSEL. Waring, G. E., Jr. The bride of the Rhine; two hundred miles in aMosel row-ljoat; added, a paper on the Latin poet Ausonius and his poem Mosella, by C. T. Brooks, Boston, 1878. S. 914.3 9 Moser, Hans. Die Stenographie nach Ge- soliiclite uud Wesen. Hamburg, 1887. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorir. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Moses ben , Jakob ibn Esra. CJedichte. (In Kiimpf, S. I. translator. Nichtandalusisohe Poesie. 1858.) 892 6 MOSS, see PEAT. Mossiiian, Sninnel. The origin of the seasons, considered from a geological point of view, Edinljiirgh, 1869. D, il. maps. 525 5 Mosso, Angelo. Sulla circolazione del sangue nel cervello dell' uomo. il. pi. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.Jis. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy; edited by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1847. D. 8-F79 p. (/)/ Percy soc. v, 20.) 820 6 Mostellaria, ser Plant iis, T. M. v. 2. MOSUL. Sandreczki, C. Reise nach Mosul, Stuttgart, 1857. 3 v. 11. 915.0 13 MOTHKR-LOVK. Scliroeder van der Kolk, .1. L. K. Do miiederliefde in de natuur. {/n his ZicI en ligchaam. 1861.) 1;{1 7 Mothes, Oscar. Die Basil ikenfnrm bei den (Christen der ersten Jaluhunderte. Leipzig, 1865. O. lah. 726 3 MOTLEY 475 MUHAMMAD Motley. John Lotlii'0|>. History of the United Netliei-laricls. New York, 1861. v. 1-2. O. por. map. 949 10 Vol. 3-4, and '".John of IJarnevcld" are in the mjtin library. — The of the Dutch repulilic; a historv. New York, 1861. 3 v. O. por. 9499 — Holmes, 0, W. John Lothrop Jlotley. a me- moir. London, 1878. D. 928 40 Motteville, Fraiicjoise Berfaiit dc. Memoir on tlie life of Henrietta Maria; edited by G. Hano- taux. [London,] 1880. 'i\ p. (/nrailldeii misc. 8; in Camden soe. n. s. 31.) 820 4.1 — Memoire.s, ]61.')-66. por. (In Micliaud & PoiijoiUat. Memoires, 1866, v. 24.) 944 9 Mottura, C, cfrParato, G. Grammatica nor- male teorico-pratiea. 9 eilizione. Roma, 1871. D. 455 10 Motz, Heinrich. Ueber die Empfindung der Naturschonheit bei den Alten. Leipzig, 1865. O. 701 3 Moiicliot, Alphonse. La chaleur solaire et ses applications indnstrielles. Paris, 1869. O. il. 53G 6 Moufet, Thomas. The tlieater of insects. Lon- don, 1608. F. )7. (In Topsell, E. History of beasts.) 590 2 Moiihot, Alexandre Henri. Travels in the cen- tral parts of Indo-Cliina (Siam), Cambodia and Laos, 18o9-60. London, 1864. 3 v. O. il. por. pi. map. 915.9 1 MOULD. Bary, H. A. von. Ueber Schimmel und Hefe. Berlin, 1869. O. 78 p. il. (In Virchoiv iirepTo\Shov. 'Ev BfntTlf, 1847. D. .80 p. ,S89 15 MPONGWELANGUAGE,.seeBible— Mpongwe. Much adoe about nothing, see Sliakesjjeare, W. Muckleston, R., translator, see Teener. E Axel. 1864. 839.71 42 Mnffel, Nicolaus. Gedenkbuch. 1468.— Muf- fel's Prozess und Verurtheilung. (7n Munich— K. baler. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stiidte, V. 11, 1874: Niirnberg. v. 4.) 943 24 Muger, llora y venceias, see Calderon. v. 3. II di Vallecchia, see Thonar, P. Muhammad All Hazin. Life, written by him- self; edited from two Persian mss. by" F. C. Belfour. London, 1831. O. (Oriental trans fund.) S9J 6 —Same : translated, with notes, by Belfour. London, 1830. S. (Same.) ' 891 7 Muhanniiad ibn 'Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrilbini, Abi'i 'Abd Allah, Al Lau-ati. called Ibn Batnta. Voyages; texte arabe, accompagne d'une traduction par C. Defremery et B R Sanguinetti. Paris, 1853-8. 4 v. O. (In Soc. Asiat. Col. d'ouvrages orient.) 915 2 —Same: Index alphabetique. Paris, 1859. Q. 1 3 -I- ] 91 1 1, ibisame.) 915 2 Muhammad ibn Khdwand Shih ibn Mahmtid, Humilni Al-Din, called Mir Khdwand or Mir- khond. Viede Djenghiz-Khan; texte persan. Paris 1841. O pers 891 5 MUHAM3IAD 476 MULLER Muhammad ibii Muhammad, Zaiii Al-lMu Alui Hdinid, '(/ GImzuH. called Hiij.iat al Islilm. The alcheiuv of hai)piiiess; traii'slateil Irom the Turkish by Heiirv A Homes. Albany, IBTo. O. " 297 1 Miihldorfer Annalen, 1313-1428 : — Stadtrecht. (f« Munich— K. baier. Akad. Chroniken dei- deutschen Stiidte, v. M, 1878.) 943 2i Muhle, Carl Adolf. Oin Emancipationen af Fajr0erne og Gronland. Kiobenhavn, 1835. O. 70 p. m(q>r 949 5 Miihlhaiiseu, August. Geschk-hte des Grimin- schen Wortei-buchs. Hamburg. 1888. O. 42 p. (Ill Virchow & Hollzeudorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Mulatten, romantisk Drama, see Auderseu, H. C. MULBERRY. Marsh, G. P. (In Johnson's cyclopa'dia.) In main Ubrari/. Miilerti!, Anders Faaborgr. Om raadgivende Landstiender i Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1832. D. 32 p. 328 .5 MuUach, Friedrich Wilhelm August. Gram- matik der griechischen Vulgarsprache in histo- rischen Entvvicklung. Berlin, 18.56. O. 489 7 Miilleiihoff, Karl Victor. Glossar. (In ttrotli, K. Quickborn. 1800.) 839.4 o — editor. Altdeutsche Sprachproben. Berlin, 1864. O. 830 7 Grimm, J. L. K. Kleiners Schriften. v. 1-5, 1864-71. 408 2 — 1& Scherer, W., editors. Denkm'aler deut- scher Poesie und Prosa aus dam 8-12 Jahrhun- dert. Berlin, 1804. O. 830 8 Miillcr, Alexander. Die Ziele und Mittel einer gesundheitlichen und wirthscliaftlichen Rein- haltung der Wohnungen. Dresden, 1869. O. [2+] 89 p. 628 11 Miiller, August. Ueber die erste Entstehung organischer Wesen und deren Spaltung in Arten. Berlin, 1866. O. 46 p. (/n Virchow & Holtzendorfl". Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Miiller, Carl Frederilj.Om Silkeorine. Koben- havn, 1839. O. 40 |). 638 2 MiiUer, Cliristoph Heinrich,ed»/o)'. Sammlung deutscher Gedichte. Berlin, 1782-3. v. l,pt. 1-3. sqQ. 831 1.4 Cantenls: Das Liet der Nibelunsen.— Die Eneidt, von Heinrich Ton Veldeoken.— Der Got Amur. The titlepafie is wanting. Miiller, Kdnard. Etymologisches Woeterbuch der englischen Spraclie. Coethen, 1865. 2 v. in 1. O. 422 Miiller, Ferdinand, Baron von. The principal timber trees rcaage, 1775. [Anon. I Kiolienliavn, 1778. D. 914.8 14 Miiller, I'cter Frasnins. Antikvari^k Under- siigelse over de ved tiallehuus fundne Guld- horn. Kiobenhavn, 1806. s(iO. pi. 913 .55 — Critisk Undersiigelse af Danmarksog Norges Sagnhistorie. Kiolienhavn, 1823. sijO 948 13 — Om de fa»roiske Qvieders Beskaffenhed og .Elde. (/» FfBreyinga saga. 1822.) 839.6134 MULLER 477 MUNCH — Om den islandske H'istorieskrivniiif^s Opiiii- ilelse, Floi- o^ (Jjidergaiig. (//( Copoiiliiifteii— K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskiilt. v. 1. 18;«.) <»48 1.2 — Engliah: The origiii, profjress and drclino (if Icelandic liistorical literature: translated, with notes, by George P. Marsh. (/» American eclec- tic, 1841, V. 1, p. 446-68; v. 2. p. 131-46.)080 33 — Om det islandske Sprogs Vigtighed. Kio benhavn, 1813. D. 43».« 4 — Prefatio[, Latin and Danish]. {In Hnlldiii'S- soii, B. Lexicon, 1814, v. 1.) 4:{!).e:J 3 — Si'j;abibliothek, med Am^arkiiiiiger og imllo- deiide Afhandlinger. Kiobenhavn, 1817-30. 3v. D. 83i).03 18.1 — Vita Andrepe Sunonis; prograninia... Haf- uife, 1830. sqD. [l-l-]38p. «22 16 — ^Vita Lagonis Urne; prograinnia... Hafniiv, 1831-3. 3 pt. sqO. !»22 .50 — & others. Synonymik; ved B. G. Spo- ron, M. L. Heiberg, J. Sniidth og Udgiveren. Kiobenhaven, 1839. 2 v. D. " 4.3!). 84 2 — editor & annotator, see Saxo grain inalicus Historia Danica. 1839. 948 86 With portrait of Miiller. Jliiller, Robert. On the origin, development, peculiarities and destiny of the English lang- uage: inaugural dissertation. Gottingen, 1860. O. 48 p. 420 9 Miiller, Noplius. Discours commtrnoratif sur .J. J. A. Worsaae. por. — Trouvailles danoises iTex I'oto, des ages de pierre et de Ijronze. il. — Instruments tranchants de Tancien age de pierre. il. — Determinations zoologi(|ues et archeologiques. il. (/iiCopeiiliaaen— K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 — En Tidsadskillelse mellem Fundene fra den reldre Jernalder i Danmark. (7. (In .srtHK?. Aarboger. v. 9, 1874.) — Broncealderens Perio- der, en Undersogelse i forliistorisk Archa^ologi. (7. {Insame. v. 11, 1876.) — Dyreornamentiken i Norden. //. pi. (hi same. v. 1.5. 1880.) — Den europieiske Bronzealders Oprindelse og forste Udvikling. (7. (/« .saHje. v. 17, 1883.)~Mindre Bidrag til den forhistoriske Archa'ologis Me- thode. (In same. v. 19, 1884.) — Mindetale over J. J. A. Worsaae. po)'. — Votivfund fra Sten- og Bronzealderen. il. — Ringguld ogandrcBe- talingsmidler i Bronzealderen. (7. (In same. V. 21, 1886.) — Om en aaben Tagstol i vore ro- manske Smaakirker. (I7i same. v. 22. 1887.) — Nogle Billeder af Bygmestre ved romanske Kirker. il. — Vievandskar og Kirkelaniper. )7. — ^gredskaber fra den asldre Stenalder. (7. — Zoologiske og arohfeologiske Bestemmelser. il. (In 'same. v. 23, 1888.) 94.S .') Miiller, Tlieodor, Shakespeare's Romeo und Julie: von Tycho IMonimsen. (In Jalirbiicli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) S0.5 I — editor, see La chanson de Roland. 1863. 841 33 Miiller, Wilhelin. Mittelhochdeutsches Worter- buch ; mit Benutzung des Nachlasses von Georg Friedrich Benecke. Leipzig, 18.i4-66. 3 V. in 4. Q. 437 21 M-Ris by Friedrich Zarnclie — <{• Selisinibacli, G. Niedersiichsisclie Sagen mid Miirclien. Gottingen, 18."w. O. 395 10 Miillliaiipt, .1, Leuthold's new map of Switzer- land. Zurich, n. d. 04x92 cm. in O. 912 29 .Miillatiili, pseudonj/m of Dekker, E. D. .Miiniiiie, Hans Peter. St. Knuds Kirke i Odense: en historisk Beskrivelse. Odense, 1844. O. pi. 726 23 Miniiseii, J. Tagebuch einer Reise nach dem siidliclieii Tlieil v[. 18501. F. [7 + ]8-)-.59p. faesim. 948 37 bound with 913 17 C'onteii/s : Breve chronicon Norvegia".— Genealojria comitum (;)rcadeiisium.— Catalogiis repum Norvepi.e. Bii^ffe, E. S. BemiErkninger om den i Skill hiiid fundne hitinske Xorgos Krnnike. {In Copciiliagcn— li. iiord. Old.-Sclskab. Aarbn- ger. V. 8. 1873.) 948 5 — —Storm, (3. Yderligere Bemajrkninger om den skotske "historia Norvegisie," {In same.) 948 5 Kdda-EIdor. 1847. 839.(!1 3 Fagrskiiina. 1847. 839.63 33.3 — —Norway. Norges gamle Lov indtil 1387. 1846-0. ■ 349 37 Mnnch-Bi-lliiigliaiiscii, Eligiiis Frniix Joseph, Fri'ihcrr von. ViriiO-i Leben luid Werke. {In Jalirliiicli rom. u. cng. Lit. v. 3, 1 «(>().)- Bre- vio's Novellen von der Erbiirmlichkeit des mensclilichen Lebens. {In same, v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 Miiricli-Useder, Ole, see Kasder, 0. M. Mmiifli— Konigliclie baierische Akakemic der >Visseuscliaften — Historisclie Commission. Die Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, vom 14 bis in's 16 Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1862-89. v. 1- 31. O. faesim. majjs. 943 24 Contertt.?: 1-3,10,11. Niirnberg. 5 v. 4-5. Augsburg. S V. 6,16. Braunschweig. 2 V. J. Magdeburg. 8,9. .Strassburg. 2 v. 12-14. Coin. 3 v. 1.5. Regensburg.— Landshut.— Muhldorf.- llunchen- li-lS. Mainz. 3 v. 10. Liibek. v. 1. 20. Dortmund. -Xeuss. 21. Soest. The series is edited by Karl Hegel. Jahrbiichei der deutschen Geschichte : Olsiier, L. JahrbUcher des frankischen Rei- dies. 1871. 943 15.1 — Koiiigliclie Hof- und Staats-Bibliothek. Co- dices mauu scripti Gallici, Hispanici, Italici, Anglici, Suecici, Danici, Slavici, Esthnici. Hungarici descripti. Monachii, 1858. O. (Catalogus, v. 7.) 017 4 MUNICIPAL LAW. Dwight, T. W. Oiir mu- nicipal law, and the best mode of acquiring a knowledge of it. (/)( Dwiglit, ct- Marsh. G. P. Inaugural addresses, 1859, p. 1-55.) 080 15 MUNK, Kirsteii, morganatic wife of Christian IV. Heiides Liv og Levnet, 1658. {In Bang, 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 3.) 839.8 1 Miiiik, Salomon. Palestine ; description geo- graphique, liistorique et arclieologique. Paris. 1845. O. pi. map.'<. {In L'univers. 21.) 910 18 Miiiikebr0drene, see 0hlenschIiiger, A. G. Dig- terv;erker, v. 3. Miiuro, Hugh Andrew Johnstone, & Palmer, E. Syllabus of Latin pronunciation. Cam- bridge [,Eng.], 1873. O. 7 p. 4713 Mniiro, Robert. A description of the Genesee country. 1804. pi. niajJ. {In O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentarv hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 3.) 974 9 MiJXSTERDORF. Scliroder, H. Versuch einer Geschichte des Mlinsterdortischen Consistori- unis. {In Schleswig'... Gesellscliaft. Archiv. r. 2-3, 1834-7.) 943 42 — Steininann, J. V. Origines & incrementa fra- ternitatis Calendarum in Welna et consistorii Munsterdorpiensis, 1304-1677. pi. {In West- phalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 31 Miiutaner, Ranion.Chronioa; o, Descripcio dels fets e hazanyes del inclyt rey Don Jaunie primer, rev Darago... Barcelona, 1563. Q. iltj). 94« 49.1 — Chronik; herausgegebeii vdii Karl Lanz. Stuttgart, 1844. O. (^ii Stnttgart— Lit. Ver- ein. Bibl. 8.) 94« 51 — Cronica catalana; texto original y traduc- cion castellana, acompanada de notas, per Antonio de Bofarull. Barcelona, 1860. O. 946 50 — French: Chroni(iue d'Aragoii, de Sicile et de Grece; trabiis inotiu- mentis veteris eoclesia?. 1810.— Uebei- das Davidisebe Familienbeerabnis unter dem Berge Zion. 1804.— Ueber einiue unter den Ruinen von Babylon neulich gefundene Inschriften. 1801.— Spuren aegyptischer Keligionsbegriffe in yioilien und den benachbarten luseln. ISUIl.— Erklii- rung elner griechischen Inschrift, welche auf die samo- thrai-i-icben ilysterien Beziehung bat. 1810.— Verglei- chuni; iler vom Himmel gefallenen Steine mit den Biithy- lien des Altertbuins. 1805.— Ueber die llunzen der van- dalisclien Konige von Karthago. 1S03. — Die Cliristin im heidnisclien Hause vor den Zeiten Constantins des Grossen. Kopenhagen, 1828. O. [3+] 81 p. 270 8 — Erklarung elner grieciiisclien Inschrift welche auf die samothracisclien Mysterien Be- ziehung hat. Kopenhagen, 1810. S. 47 p. 133 32 — Leire i Sieland, i Begyndelsen af det 19de Aarhundrede. Kiobenliavn, 1806. S. [4+1.58p. 1)1. !)13 56 — Priinordia ecclesiaj Africana;'. Hafnia^, 1829. sqO. 276 1 — Religion der Karthager. 3 vermehrte Auflage. Kopenhagen. 1821. sqO. pi. 299 1 — Der Stern der Weisen ; Untersiichungen iiber das Geburtsjahr Christ!. Kopenhagen, 1827. O. pi. 232 4 — Versiich iilier die keilformigen Inschrifteii zu Persepolis. Kopenhagen, 1802. O. ;)/. 492.1 1 — Viaggio in Sicilia; tradotto dal tedesco dal Francesco Peranni, con note ed aggiunte. Pa- lermo, 1833. 2v. S. pZ. 914.5 96 MUNU, the word. Nygaard, M.Betydningen og Brugen af Verbet munu. (In Copenliasren— K. nord. OhI-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 13, 1878.) 948 5 Munzin^er, Werner. Die deutsche Expedition in Ost-Afrika, 1861-2: Zusammenstellung der Beobachtungen, nebst einem allgemeinen Be- richt. Gotha, 1864. sqQ. [6-f]46p. /)/. map.s. (In Petermanns Mittheilungeu: Erganzungs- . band 3.) 910 44 MURAJfO. Salvador!, C. Murano e la sua espo- sizione; lettura. Milano, 1869. S. 69 p. 600 5 Muratori, Giovauui, F. Asti, colonia romana, e sue iscrizioni latine. Torino, 1869. O. 74 p. 471 6 — Same. 3 edizione, accresciuta. Torino, 1869. D. 88 p. 471 7 — Correzioni ed aggiunte alia Raccolta delle iscrizioni. [Torino. 1865.] Q. 48 p. 471 5 Muratori, Lodovico Antonio. Annali d' Italia, all' anno 1749. Milaiio, 1818-21. 18 v. O. ^Jor. 945 1 Vol. 1 contains Vita di Muratori. Vol. 18 is Tavole oronologiche ed indice. — De rebus litui-gicis dissertatio. (In Miffne. J. 1'. Patrol. Lat. v. 74.) 922 6 — Trentasei lettere inedite. Bologna, 1868. D. 83 p. 856 13 f;dited l)y G. Campori. Edition of only 206 copies. MUllUER. Frauenstadt, P. Die Todtschlag- siiline des deutschenMittelalters. Berlin, 1886. O. 33 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorll". Vor- triige. Neue Folge. 1 .) 043 2 Urimni, J. L. K. tJber eine altgernianische Weise der MordslUine. (In his Kleinere Schrif- ten, 1864-90, v. 6.) 408 2 — Holtzendorff, F. von. Die Psychologie des Mordes. Berlin. 1875. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Murder, considered as one of the fine arts, see De Qulucey, T. Misc. essays. Muret (La h?/ Muretus), Marc Antoinc. Advice of a father to his son; imitated from the Latin by N. Fran9ois; reprinted from the edition of Bodoni, with an English version. Albany, 1871. O. [6-h]46[-H]p. 879 8 In Latin, French, Italian, tierraan and English. Murininth, Adam. Continuatio chronicarum; Robertus de Avesbury de gestis mirabilibus re- gis Edwardi tertii ; edited by Edward Maunde Thompson. Loudon, 1889. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cluon. and mem. 93.) 942 8 Munier, T. Der wiedererstandeneEulenspiegel. Leipzig, 1845. D. il. (In Volksbiicher. 12.) 833 32 —French : Les aventures de Tiel Ulenspiegel. Bruxelles, 1840. D. il. pi. 837 3 —Die Schelmen Zunfift. por. pi. facsim. (In Sclieible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50. v. 1.)— Schrif- ten und Leben, nebst Narrenbeschworung, und der Spottschritt : Ob der Konig von England ein Liigner sei oder der Luther, pt. (In same. V. 4.)— Giiuchmatt ; Satyren wider ihn. (In .tame. v. 8.) — Vom Lutherischen Narren, Kirchendieb- und Ketzer-Kalender, und sieben Satyren wider ihn. il. pi. por. (In same. v. 10.) 837 16 —TractatusdePythonico contractu. (/nSpreng-- er, J., * others. Malleorum, 1852, v. 2.) 133 10 Murphy, Arthur. An essay on the life and genius of Samuel Johnson. (In Johnson, S. Works, 1809-12, v. 1.) 824 12 Murphy, Edward, annotator & translator, see Luciauus. Select dialogues. 1811. 888 26 Murray, Charles Anarustns. Travels in North America, 1834-0: including a residence with the Pawnee Indians and a visit to Cuba and the Azores. New York, 1839. 2 v. D. 917.3 9 Murray, Eustace Clare (Jrenville. Bozzetti francesi moderni: versione libera dall' inglese. Firenze, i879. 2 v. D. 914.4 6 Mnrray, Hugh. The encyclopsedia of geogra- phy; revised, with additions, bv Thomas G. Bradford. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 v. Q. il. 910 13 — & others. Narrative of discovery in Africa, 1831, see Jameson, R., & others 916 MURRA Y 480 MUSIO Murray, James Augustus Henry .EiKhth annual address of the president to the Philological so- ciety, 16 May 1879. [London, 1879.] O. (i4 p. For contents, see LAMJllAGE. —editor, see the following publications of the Early English text society. ORIGINAL SERIES: 820 5 47. l)ii(les.iy, D. Minor poems. 18T1. 61. Eroeldouue, T. L. of. Romance and prophecies. 187.5. EXTRA series: 820 5.1 17, 18. Complajiit of .Scotlande. 1872. Murray, John, piMisher. A handbook for travellers in central Italy. 8 edition, aug- mented. London, 1853. viaps. 2 v. D. 1. Southern Tuscany and Papal states. 914.5 6S 2. Rome and its environs. 914.5 SI The pocket map of Rome is wanting. A handbook for travellers in Denmark, Norwav. Sweden and Iceland. 3 edition. Lon- don, 1858. D. maps. 914.8 2 Hand-book for travellers in Egypt, see Wilkinson, J. ii. 916.2 19 Handbook for travellers in northern Italy. Sedition. London, 1847. D. mcqis. 914.5 39 Handbook for travellers in southern Ger- many. 13 edition. London, 1876. D. 7)i(i2>s. 914.3 6 A handbook for travellers in Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. 10 edi- tion. London, 1863. "D. il. jil. maps. 914.9 18 A hand-book tor travellers in the Ionian islands. Greece, Turkey, Asia Minor and Con- stantinople, including a description of Malta. New edition, augmented. London, 1845. D. maps. 914.9 24 Murray, Nicholas. Letters to John Hughes: and Bishop Hughes confuted ; by Kirwan [pseud.]. New York, 1849. 3 v. in l.'D. 282 17 Mnrri, Vincenzo. Relazione istorica delle prodigiose traslazioni della Santa Casa di Na- zarette, ora venerata in Loreto; accresciuta dair... Lucio Gianuizzi. Edizione 21. Loreto. 1852. pi. 231 10 bound toith 223 4 Mnsaeiis, grammarian. Frammenti della ti-adu- zione del poemetto di Museo sugli amori di Ero e di Leanrlro. — Dissertazione sugli amori di Ero e di Leandro, e sul poemetto di Museo. (In Torre di Itezzonieo, C. C. della. Opere, 1815- 20, V. 2.) 868 5 — Hero and Leander. (In Honieriis; trans, by Chapman, 1857-65. v. 5.) 883 8 .Musarion, sec Wieland, C. M. MUSCLES. rUk, A. Ueber das Wesen der Muskelarbeit. Berlin, 1877. O. 32 p. il. (In Virchow 1 — AVorsaae, J. J. A. De I'organisation des musees historico-archeoloKiques dansle nord et ailleurs. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Memoires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Miisgrave, Sir Samuel, editor, see Euripides. Tragoediae. 1797. 882 4 MUSIC. Albrechtsberger, J. G. Methodes d'harmouie et do composition. Nouvelle edi- tion, trad uit par Clioron. Palis. 1830. 2 v. O. 780 1 Vol. 2, music. Dutschke, H. Musikali.sche Zustiinde in Italien. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 — Fetis, F. J. La musique mise a la portee. Derniere edition. Bruxelles, 1839. S. 780 3 — Oraininatica musicale semplificata da poche riforme. Chieti, 1870. O. 16 p. music. 780 3 Gressetj J. B. L. Discours sur I'harmonie. (Jrt ft/sCEuvres, 1811, v. 2.) 841 18 — Uebnlioltz, H. L. F. Ueber die physiolo- gischen Ursachen der musikalischen Harmo- nie. (In his Vortriige. 1884, v. 1.) 504 5 — Naumann, E. Das goldene Zeitalter der Ton- kunst in Venedig. Berlin, 1876. O. 48 p. (In Virchow t'S; VIOLIS. MUSICIANS. Xaumann, E. Deutschlands mu- sikalische Heroen in ilirer Riickwirkung auf die Nation. Berlin. 1873. O. 34 p. (In same. 8 Serie.) 043 1 Musikalisfhe Leiden und Freuden, Novelle, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften. v. 17. Musio, (iiuseppe. Delle questione di Roma e della relativa convenzione, 15 settembro 1864; pensieri. Firenze, 1870. O. 51 p. 282 50 — Di una novella legge organica dell' online giudiziavio ; nuovi studi. Firenze. 1868. O. 98 p. 310 7 — Discorse intorno al progettodi legge di niodi- ficazioni all' ordinamento giudiziario, 24-9 gennaio 1873. Roma [,1873]. O. 340 7 — Discorso sulla liquidazione dell" asse ccele- .siastico, 8 agosto 1867. Firenze, 1867. O. 16 p. 282 50 "Estratto dalla Nuova antoloKia, gennaio 1876." —Parole in risposta al libello famoso contro 1' Italia da il...arcivescovo di Parigi. Roma, 1874. O. 24 p. 282 49 — Sul ricjrdinamentogiudiziario. Ancona. 18()2. O. 340 — Sulla cassazione come iinica suprema magi- stratnra in Italia ; discorso. Firenze, 1872. O. 90 p. 340 7 MUSIO 481 MYTHOLOGY — SuUe scomuniche : note storico-canoniclie. Firenze, 1879. O. 77 p. 2«2 10 — Piiitor, S. Giiulicio intonio agli Stiuli del JIusio sill rii)iiliiiiiiiiento giudiziaiio. Firenze, 180il. O. lU p. ;540 7 Muspilli, Brudstykker af et oldhoityksk Digt: med dansk Oveisa^ttelse og Aiiiiwrkiiiiiger af N. M. Petersen. (In Copenluvgen— K. n(>r«l. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrilt. v. ;J, is:i(i.) 948 1.2 Miissabini, E. Un tour dans rAsie-Minriue. Smyrne, 18.")(). a") p. S. 915.6 4 Jlussafla, Adolfo. Beitrilge zur Ge.scliklite der lomanischen Sprachen. Wien, 1802. O. 'i\ p. 479 !) — Darstellung der altmailiindischen Miiiidart iiach Bouvesin's Schrifttii. Wien, 1868. O. 40 p. 457 8 — Barstellung der romagnolisclien Munclart. Wien, 1871. O. 457 14 — Handschriftliclie Studien. AVien. 1864. pt. 3. O. 849 10 Contents: 3. tjber die zwei Wiener Ilancisoliriftcn ties Breviari d'amor. — II Sirventese di CiiiUo d' Alcamo, esercita- zioue critica del G. Grion. — II trattato della sfera di Brunetto Latiui; B. Soiio. {In Jnlir- bucll rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) — Ueber ein von I. Bekker herausgeg. altitalienisclies Frag- ment. (Insame. v. 'i, 1861.) — Ueber eine itali- enische Bearbeitung derSieben weisen Meister. — Le bestiaire d'aniour; Hippeaii. — Le bel in- conuu, ou Giglaiii; Hippeaii. (/)( .mine. v. 4, 1862.)— Zum cod. ital. Monac. 165. — Ich bin gehal)t=Ich bin gewesen. — The romance of Blonde of Oxford, by Pbilippe de Reimes; Le Uoux de Lincy. — Ziini Breviari O'amor. — Eine Emendation zu Palermo, ms. Palat. 2, ;!46. (Insame. v. 3, 1864.) — I fatti di Cesare; a cura di L. Berchi. — Miscellen. — Fiori di niedi- cina di Maestro Gregorio. (In same. v. 6, 1865.) — Zu Diez altromanischen Glossaren. (In same. V. 7, 1866.)— Zu Flamenca, ed. Meyer.— Zu Cleomades, ed. van Hasselt. — Analecta aus der Marcushibliothek. — Spuren des lateini.schen neutruin plurale im Altfranzosischen. (In same. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 — tJber eine altfranzosische Handschrift der K. Universitatsbibliothek zu Pavia, Bericht. Wien, 1870. O. [2+] 74 p. 841 6 — Zur rumanisohirn Vocalisation. Wien. 1868. O. [2+] 125-154 p. 459 2 —editor. Altfranzosische Gedichte aus vene- zianischen Handschriften. Wien 1864. 2 v. in 1. O. 841 6 Contents: 1. La prise de Pampelune. 2. Jlacaire. Monumenti antichi di diaktti italiani. Vienna, 1864. O. 859 5 Muster, G/Asons, see Disentis. Miisiihnaiii di Sicilia, sec Aiiinri, 31. Miitinelli, Fabio. Del commercio dei Venezi- ani. Venezia, 1835. O. 380 8 Miitiiis, Huldric. De Germanorum prima ori- gine, moribus, institutis, legibus & gestis, ad 1539. Basilea>, 1539. F. 948 84 Miizio iproperli/ Xuzio), Cfirolaiiio, of Giustino- poV). Rime a TuUia d' Aragona.— Le amoroes. egloglie alia Tullia d' Aragona. (In Aragona, T. d.' Le rime. 1891 : in Scelta di curiositii. 240.) 850 10 MVC()LO(a, see FUS(JI. Myiistcr, .Jakob Peter, P. O. Brondsted's Bio- grapliie. (/)/ Br0udsted, V, 0. Reise i Gneken- land. 1844.) 914.9 23 — Pniediken liolden i Roeskilde Donikirke ved Aabningen af Provindsialstwndernes Forsam- ling, 1 Oct. 1835. Ki0benhavn [,1835]. D. 32 p! 252 6 Myrc, .Tollll. Instructions for parish priests; edited by Edward Peacock. London, 1868. O. {In M. E.fext soc. Orig. ser. 30.) 820 5 MYKI.VrODS, Faiizago, F. Sopra akuni miriapodi cavernicoji della Francia e della Spagna. (In Rome— U. accad. dei liiicel. Atti. 3 ser. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 The mymiire of Oure Ladye, containing a de- votional treatise on divine service, with a translation of the offices used by the sisters of the Brigittine monastery of Sion at Ilesworth, 1.5th and 16th centuries; edited, with introduc- tion and notes, by John Henry Blunt. London, 1873. O. facsim. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 19.) 820 5.1 Der Mysogyii, ein Lustspiel, see Lessingr, G. E. V. 7. Le iiiystere du chevalier qui donna sa femme audyable. n. p.,n. d. S. fl]-l-39 1. 842 8 Performed in 1505. MYSTERIES, see ASTROLO(a ; BACCHAN- ALS ; SAMOTHRACE. MYSTERIES, dramatic. LitU% M. P. E. Mysteres. (In his Etudes sur les barbares.1867.) 940 4 See also EXfiLISH LITERATURE— MIRACLE PLAVS; ITALIAX LITERATURE. MYTHOLOGY. Americanske Myther [: Popol Vuh]. (In Copeiihaaen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrilt. v. 7, 1801-3.) 948 4 — Biickstroiii, P. 0., editor. Svenska folkboc- ker. Stockholm, 1845. v. 1. O. 293 18 Contents: 1. De s.1u vise mastare.— Konung ApoUo- uius af Tyrus. — Helena Antonia af Constantinopel.-^ Ke.isar Octavianus.— Hildegardis och Talandus.— Gri- sill'a.— Grefvinnan af Rosilien.— Om fyra kopmiin.— Melusina. Baden, T. Om den nordiske Mythologies Ubrugbarhed for de skiouue Kunster. Kie- benhavn, 1820. D. 30 p. 293 21 —Boccaccio, G. Genealogia de gli dei. Vine- gia, 1547. O. il. 292 1 — Brynjiilfsson, G. G. Nogle exempler paa mytliologiske Antydninger hos Oldtidens Skjalde. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 3, 1853-7.)948 4 — Bulllnoli, T. The age of fable: or. Beauties of mvthologv. Boston, 1866 [c"-55]. O. il. pi. 291 1 — Castren, M. A. Forelasningar i finsk mvto- logi. (In /u'sNordiska resor. 1852-8. v. 3.)947 13 — Dalin, F, Bausteine : Gesammelte kleine Schriffen. Erste Reihe. Berlin, 1879. O. 834 1 — Dirckinck-Holnifeld, C. P. H. M. W. af. Nordisc'he Vorzeit und Mvthen. Copenhagen, 1828-9. pt. 1-2. O. ■ 293 22 MYTHOLOGY 482 NABIE — Friis, J. A. Lappisk Mythologi, Eventyr og Folkesagn. Christiania, 1871. 2v.ini. O. 398 29 — "Joransson, J. Is atlinga ; det iir, De forna Gbters, h'ar uti Svea rike bokst'afver ok sa- lii'over5 J. Bedeutuug und Nachwirkung germanischer Mythologie. Berlin, 1880. O. 32 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 1.5 Serie.) 043 1 ^Nyeriip, R. Worterbucli der skandinavi- .schen Mythologie; mit einer Einleiting, Ge- scliichte des Studiunis der nordisclien Fabel- lehre. Kopenhagen, 1816. D. 293 39 — Olilensclilaser, A. G. Nordens Guder, et episk Digt. Cin liis Digterva;rker, 183.5-7, v. 7.) 839.81 4.5 — Petersen, C.Das Zwolfgottersystem der Grie- chen und Romer. Berlin, 1870. O. 40 p. (In Virchow* Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 —Petersen, >\ M.Nordisk Mythologie. Kaben- havn, 1849. O. 293 30 — Rndbeck, 0. Atland eller Manheim: Atlanti- ca sive Manheim... Upsaliaj [,1675-] 89. r. 1- 2. F. pi. iltp. E; CI.TTIE; EDDA ; FOLK-I.OKE : HEROES: Hia'X. il. (In sanii'. 20 (Serie. ) 043 1 Niigeli, Karl Willieliii von. Kntsteliung und Bi'grilf der naturhistorischen Art ; Rede. Miinchen, 1805. scjQ. .5:'. p. 575 5 NAIUNE, Carolina ((Mipliaiit), buronesn. Ked- dic, II., tt Watson, J. L. (//( tlieir Songstresses of Scotland, 1871, v. 2.) <)2S 2 Xairne, Charles Jliirray. Inaugural discourse [as| professor of literature and philosophy. (//( Colnmbia collegre. Addresses, 1858.) 378 1 Xakwaska, Anna (Krajewska). Aniela; ossia, L'anello nuziale; episodio della rivoluzione po- laccadel 1830; tradotto dall' originale polacco da Vittoria di Leuchseiu-ing e G. Vegezzi-Ru- scalla. Torino, 1848. D. 56 p. 891 13 Jiall, John (iri'eaves. Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft; with An etymological and compar- ative glossary of the dialect of East Anglaia. London, 1866. 2 v. S. pi. maps. V. 1,914.2 6: V. 3, 427 3 NAMES. Bianchi, B. La declinazione nella toponimia toscane. {In Arehivio glot. ital. v. 9-10, 1886-8.) 450 11 — Camden, W. Christian names. — Surnames. {In his Remaines. 1637.) 420 3 — Coi)enhag:en— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Ortho- grapliie de (piehiues anciens nonis propres nor- di(iues. {In. its Memoires. v. 4, 18.50-60.) 948 3 — Dietrich, F. E. C.The Teutonic uame-sy.stera applied to the family names of France, England and Germany, bv R. Ferguson. (/)(, Jahrbncli roin. u. eng. Lit.' v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 — Flechia, G. Di alcuni criteri per I'origina- zioue de" coguomi italiani. (/»Konie — R.acead. del lincei.Atti. 3 ser.sci.7)ioc. v. 2. 1877-8.)0G5 5 — Fortegjnelse over Personsnavne i Island {In. Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiqua- rislc Tidsskrift. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 WitQ a full list of the fore-uames of all persons in Ice- land 1 Oct, 1855. — lirimni, J. L. K.Om oldnordiske Egennavne i eu i Reicheuau skreven Necrolog fra det 9-10 Aarlmndrede. (In same. v. 1. 1843-5.) 948 4 Ueber Frauennamen aus Blumen. (In his Kloinere Schriften, 18i)4-90, v. 3.)— Von Ver- tretung miinnlicher durch .weibliche Namens- formeu. (In same. r. 3.)— Uber hessische Orts- iiamen. {In same. v. 5.) 408 3 See also indexes to v. 5 and 8. — Hansen, A, Forsog til Tydning af nogle hid- til ikke forklarede gamle sjadlandske Steds- navne. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 14, 1879.) 948 14 — Holmboe, C. A. Stedsnavne, hvori Ordet kind forekommer. {In same. Antiqiiarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 18.53-4.) 948 4 — Krlegh, U. L. Ueber die Liindernamen. {In liis Schriften zur Erdkunde. 1840.) 910 10 — Lower, 31. A. English surnames; essays on family nomenclature, historical, etymological and humorous; witli chapters on rebuses and canting arms, the roll of l!;ittel abbey, a list of Latinized surnames, &c. London, 1843. O. (7. 929 14 — Madsen, E. Sjielandske Stednavne. — Samsos Stednavne. (/// Copenhagen— K. nord. Old. -Selskab. .\nnaler. v. 33, 1863.) 948 3 — Mniich, 1'. A. Geographiske Oplysningerom de i Sagaerne forekommenrle skotske og irske Stedsnavne. (In same. v. 13, 1853, v. 17, 1857.) 948 3 — —Geographical elucidations on the Scottish and Irish local names occuring in the .sagas. (In same. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9; v. 4. I.S.50-60.) 948 3 — Petersen, >'. 31. Benuerkninger om danske og norske Stednavnes Oprindelse og Forkla- ring. — Bemajrkningerom Stednavne i Norman- diet. {In same. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 3. 1883.) 948 1.3 — Reinsberg-Diiriugsfeld, 0. von.. Die Namen und Beinamen der StiUlte Italiens. (In Jahr- bnch rom. u. eng- Lit. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 — Hitter, E. Des noms de famille francais h terminaison diminutive. (In same. v. 7. 1866.) 805 1 — Schiern, F. E. Om den slaviske Oprindelse til nogle Stedsnavne paa de danske Sniaaoer. (//I Copenliiigen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anna- ler. V. 13, 1853.) 948 3 — Selnier, F. Om Endelsen -lase i nordiske Stednavne. (In same. Aarb^ger. v. 19, 1884.) 948 5 — Taylor, I. Words and places; or. Etymologi- cal illustrations of history, ethnology and ge- ography. 3 edition. London, 1873. D. maps. 929 16 — Varniing, L. Bema^rkninger til A. Hansens Afhandling: Gamle sja^landske Stedsnavne, 1879. (In Copenhasen- K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 — Verstegan, K. Etymologies of ancient Saxon names, (//t /ns Restitution... 1673.) 942 3 — Vihnar, A. F. C. Deutsches Namenbiichlein. 3 Ausgabe. Frankfurt a. M., 1863. S. [l-H] 93 p. 929 15 See also DAOJIAH; LODBROK: OLAFfi; lilBU; UXDIB- FELL; VELAY. Naniiiliis och Valentin, see Valentine and Orson. NAMUR. Orannnaye, J. B. Respublica Namur- censis. (In Respublica Namurcensis. 16.34.) 949 24 Ouiceiardini, L. Descriptio comitatus Na- murcensis. (/)( same.) 949 24 Nanni, (Jiovanni, eal/ed Annio da Viterbo. An- tiquitatum variarum volumina 17. [Paris,] 1515. F. (7. ' 099 43 Nanui, lieniigio, of Florence, translator, see Fazello, T. Delia st'oria di Sicilia.1817. 945 107 Sanniicci, Vincenzio. Analisi critica dei verbi italiani investigati nella loro primitiva origine. Firenze, 1848. O. 455 8 — Saggio del prospetto generate di tutti i verbi anoniaji edifettivi, e di tutte le loro varieconfl- gurazioni di voci. Firenze, 1853. O. 455 9 — Voci e locuzioui italiane derivate dalla lin- gua provenzale. Firenze, 1840. O. 452 3 NANNUCCI 484 NARDUCCI — editor. Maiuiale della letteratura del piinio secolo della lingua italiana. 2 edizione. Fi- lenze, 1856-8. 3 v. D. 850 9 Vol. I, poetry, v. 2, prose. Vol. 1 contains Della vita e ilelle opere di Nanaucci. by Giovanni Tortoli. NaiKHiette, Henri. Cours d'amenagemeut des forets; precede d'une Notice historique sur I'art des amenagements par Parade. Paris, 18G0. O. 551.58 43 EDICT OF ISAiVTES. Jttarsh, G. P. The edict of Nantes, and its revocation. {In his Jlediin- val saints. 1876.) OSO 30 See especially HUfiUEXOTS. yA.OG'EORHl I pi-eviuusly KIRCHJIAIR), Tho- mas. Elide, — am. Nachriclit von Naojreorgi Leben uiid Schriften. (In Strobel, (i. T. Miscel- laneen, 1778-81, v. n.) 830 10 Mapione di Cocconato, Giorauiii Francesco Ga- leaiii, coiife. Delle rovine della Grecia. (In .>Iarchese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 709 2 NAPLES {kingdom). CoUetta, P. Storia del reame di Napoli, 1734-182.5. Napoli,1861. 4 v. Tt. 945 100 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Important." — Gemelli, G. Napoli e Austria: cenno storico- politico. Firenze, 18.59. D. 945 103 — Giaiinoiie, P. Istoria civile del regno di Na- poli. Italia [Firenze], 1821. 8v. O. po?-. 945 95 Opere postunie in difesa della sua Storia civile di Napoli. Palmvra, 1760. Q. 945 96 — Giiidice, G. del, editor. Codice diplomatico del regno di Carlo I. e 11. d' Angio, 1265-1309. 2 V. F. 327 2 Vol. 8. pt. 2. wantinj,'. ^Liponari, N. Relatione delle ri volution ipopo- lari, successe nel distretto e regno di Napoli. nel 1647 alii T luglio. Padova, 1648. S. 945 99 —Marsh, G. P. Sicilies, The Two. (In John- son's cyclopedia.) In main library. — ^iscia, A, di. Storia civile e letteraria del regno di Napoli. Napoli, 1846. 2 v. in 1. O. 945 97 — Richardiis de S. Germano. Chronica [,1189- 12431. Hannoverae, 1864. (In Perlz, G. H. Script, reruin German. 8.) 948 16 ^Robello, G. Cenno critico intorno ad alcuni costumi ed usi dei Napoletani. Firenze, 1850. D. 282 11 — Spinelli, M, I diurnali: con discorso del L. T.oparco, e con note filologiche di C. d' Agosti- !ii. Bari, 186.5. D. 945 98 —Swinburne, H. Travels in the two Sicilies. 1777-80. London, 1783-5. 2 v. sqF. ])l. wdp. 914.5 101 — Torre di Rezzonico, C. ('. della. Oioriialedel viaggio di Napoli, 1789-90. (In. liis Opere. 1815- 20, V. 7.) ,S58 5 Seetilso rAMOIiliA; PISACANK, ('. Naples (cZ/.y)— Aceademia delle scienze. Istoria deir incendio del V^suvio, maggio 17H7. Napo- li, 1738. sqQ. pi. 651.21 17 — Prisoners. Supplica alia maestfi Vittorio Eniriianuele 11, e lireve cenno delle infainie in Napoli dei trihunali della pulizia e drila dirc- zione carceraria. [Napoli, 1869.] y. 12 p. 3(55 2 ^Aloe, S. Naples, ses moiuiniens et aes curi- osites. 2 edition. Naples, 1853. ,S. mapn. 914.5 89 ^Clark, TV. G. Naples and Garibaldi. (In Gal- ton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 — Fncini, R. Napoli a occhio nudo, lettere. Firenze, 1878. D. 914.5 90 —■Lorenzo, G. di. La insalubrita di Napoli in rapporto alia igiene pubblica della citta. Na- poli, 1875. O. 614 3 — Marsh, C. C. {In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — ({naranta, B., & others. Napoli e i luoghi celebri delle sue vicinanze. Napoli, 1845. 2 v. Q. 1)1. maps. 914.5 88 — Rossniaun, W. Vom Gestade der Cyklopen und Sirenen: Briefe. Leipzig, 1869. 0.914.5 91 See also POOR. Napole scontrafatto dapo la peste, see Valen- tino, G. B. NAPOLEON I., emjieror of the French. Chan- nin^, W. E. Remarks on the life and character of Napoleon Bonaparte. (In his Works, 1848, V. 1.) 208 2 — Hall, B. Interview with Napoleon at St. He- lena, Aug. 1817. (In his Voyage to the eastern seas. 1827.) 915.1 2 — Lanfrey, P. Hi.stoire de Napoleon Ier[,1769- 1811. V. 5,1 5 edition. Paris. 1867-75. 5 v. D. 944 38 — R^mnsat, C. E. J. G. de V. de. Memoires. 1802-8: publics par P. de Remusat. 1-8 edition. Paris, 1880. 3 v. O. 944 37 NAPOLEON III., emperor of the French. A Napoleon III. Qu'avez-vouz fait de la France? Londres, 1867. O. 16 p. 944 48 — L'emperenr Napoleon III et son gouverne- ment ; etudes parisiennes par un non-diplo- mate; traduit de Tallemande. Dresde, 1864. D. 944 47 — Les idees napoleoniennes. London, 1865. no. 1-7. O. 944 48 Contenis: 1. Nassau Senior on the horrors ot Dec. 1851: with appendix. 2. Distress and degradation ot Italy- S. "Comme Francois II." 4. France pinioned, Europe paralysed and Italy prostrate, o. The criminal ajr^'ression uptni the Mexican republic. 6. ^lacbiavelism and mystilication. 7. France gagfjed and irarotted. — Napoleon III en Algerie; par I'auteur de L' orient rendu a lui-menie. 3 edition. Florence, [186.5]. O. [3+] 27 p. 965 1 —Napoleon III et TEurope en 1867. Paris, 1867. Q. 940 30 — Rogeard, A. Les propos de Labienus. Lon- dies, 1S65. D. 31 p. 944 48.1 Same. 6 edition. Bruxelles, 1865. S. 19 p. 944 48.1 Napoleon III. in Italy, and other poems, see Browning, E. B. B. Napoli e sue vicinanze, 1845, see (Jnaranta, B., & others. Narcissns, ballet, sec Stagnelins, E. J. Nardi, Francesco. Sui dialetd d'ltalia. Nuova edizioi.e accresciuta. Roma, 1872. O. 23 p. 457 2 Per le noz/.o del contc (Juardino CoUeoni con Caro- lina ih'i (iinstiiiiani Randiiii. Nardncci, Enrico. Di Benedetto Micheli e di ini suo poema roinanesco: La libbtM-tii roniana. (//I Rome— R. nccad.dei lincei. Atli. 3 ser. sci. in.or. v. 2, 1877-8.) — Intorno all' autenticitu di NARDUCCl 485 NATURAL HISTORY un codice vaticaiio di Boezio De consolatione philosophiae, scritto da niaiio di Giovanni Boc- caccio; appendice di documenti rinnardanti Bernardo Bembo facsim. (In saiiw. v. S, 1883.) 0«5 5 — Intoruo ad un nis. della Biblioteca alessan- •drina contenente gli apici di Boezio, senz' abaco e con valore di posizione. facsim. (In same,'i. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) OGii 4 — Opere Keografiche nelle princijiali l)ibilothe- che governative dell' Italia. {In Rome — Soc. geog. ital. Studj. 1875.) 016 25 — Saggio del bililiografta del Tevere. Roma, 1876. O. 8+G9 p. 016 15 UouikI iriti, 010 3 — Same. {In Rome— R. accad. (lei liiicei. Atti 3 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 —editor, see Giordano of Rivalto. Prediche inedite. 1867. {In Emilia. Collezione. 16.) 850 6 Xares, Robert. A glossary to Englisli autliors, particularly Shakespeare and his contempora- ries. New edition, with additions by James O. Halliwell and Thomas Wright. Loudon, 1859. 2 V. O. 427 14 Rin Jiarr des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, see Zsclioltke, J. H. D. v. 3. Narrenbescliwiiriiiia:, see Munier, T. Xarreiisehiff, see Bramlt, S. Kascimeiito, Francisco Manoel do, trantilator. see Osorio, J. Da vida d' el rei Manoel. 1S04-6. 946 80 Xasli, Bennett Hubbard & Francis IMiillp. George Perkins Marsh. {In American acade- my. Proc. V. 18, 1882-3, p. 447-.57.) 080 52 —Same : Notice of George Perkins Marsli, Cambridge [,Mass.], 1883. O. p. 447-57. 080 52 A reprint of the preceding. Presentation copy from tlie anthors. Aasii, David William. Merlin tlie enchanter, and Merlin the bard, {In Merlin. 1865-9; in E. E.text soc. Orig. ser. 10, 21, 3()., 820 5 X.ViSH, Richard, ca«e(^ Beau Nash, (ioldsmitli, O. The life of Xasli, princi|]ally from original papers. (In Iiis Misc. works. 1837, v. 3.) 823 11 >'asini, Ralfaele. Studi sul potere rotatorio. Uii. Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 >'ast, Jolliinii. Nacliricht von einer hochst sellenen georgischen Bibel. (In Strobel, (}. T. Mi.soellaneen, 1778-^1, v. 4.) 830 10 XATAL. Rogrers, W. An account of Natal in Afrik. (In Uampier, W. Voyages, 1703-5, v. 2.) 910 25 Nathan der Weise, ein dramatisches Gedicht, see Lessing', (i. E. v. 11. Niithan-David, Christian Georg, .see David. Natliauson, Mendel Levin. Danniarks Handel, Skibsfart, Penge- og Finantsvjesen, 1730-1830; historisk fremstillet, Kjobenhavn, 1832-4. 3 v. D. 380 15 —Historisk statistisk Fremstilling af Dan- marks National og Stats Huuslioldning, fra Frederik den 4des Tid indtil Nutiden. Kjo- benhavn, 1836. O. 330 16 — Udf0rligere Oplysninger om Handels- og Fi- nants-Viesenet i Christian den 7de3 og Frederik den 6tes Regjeringstid. Kjobenhavn, 1832 D. 380 16 NATIONALITY. Bluntsclili. J. C. Die nationa- Ic Staatenhildung und der nioderne deutsche Staat. Berlin, 1870. O. 47 p. (/» Vircliow cfc Holtxendorfl'. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Mittel zur Kr- haltung der Nationalitiit besiegter ViJIker. 1810. (/)( Ills Werke. 1821-30, v. 2.) 908 2 NATRON LAKES, Egi/pt. Brugsoli, H. C. Wanderungeii nach den Natronklostern in ^gypten; Vorlesung. Berlin, 1855. S. 48 p. 916.2 5 Nattvardsbarnen, see Teg'uer, E. v. 2. La vievx Natura breuium, dernierment corri- gee et amend,' & cy nouuelment imjjrimee Londini. 1584. T. " 347 2 NATURAL HISTORY. Bates, H. W. The nat- uralist on the river Amazons. London. 1864. D. a. pi. map. 390 17 — Belon, P. Les observations de pivsievrs sin- gvlaritez et choses memorables trovvees en Grece, Asie, ludee, Egypte, Arable & autres pays estranges. Paris, 1588. O. il. pi. 590 18 — Belt, T. The naturalist in Nicaragua. Lon- don, 1874. D. il. pi. map. 590 16 — Horrebow, N. Tilforiadelige Efterretninger om Island. [Kjobenhavn,] 1752. D. map. 914.9 5 English: The natural history of Iceland. London, 1758. F. ?«oj). 914.9 6 — Josselyn, J. New England's rarities discov- ered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents and plants; with an introduction and notes by E. Tuckerman. Boston, 1865. O. il. 917.4 4 — Labat, J. B. Nouveau voyage aux isles de I'Amerique. La Haye, 1724. 6 v. S. j'l- majis. 917.2 7 — Molir, N. Fors0g til en islandsk Natnrhisto- rie. Kiobenhavn, 1786. D. pi. 590 14 — Olafsson, E. E. Olafsensog B. Povelsens Reise fgiennem Island. Soroe, 1772. 2 pt. in 1 v. sqO. pi. 914.9 10 — Pyrard, F. Traite et description des animaux, arbres & f ruicts des Indes Orientales. ( /;/ li /.v Voy.nge, 1615-19, v. 2.) 915.4 (! — Russell, A. The natural historv of Aleppo. 2 edition. London, 1794. 2 v. sqQ. p/. j«Hps. 91.5.6 22 — Tenneiit, J. E. Sketches of the natural his- tory of Ceylon. London, 1861. D. il. 2)1. 590 15 — Tlionijtson, Z. History of Vermont, natural, civil and statistical; with appendix, 18.53. Bur- lington, 1853. O. il. , 974 8 — U. S.— Naval astronomical expedition to the southern hemisphere, 1849-52. [Report.] Washington, 1855. V. 1-2. sqQ. x'aps. 918,3 1 Contents: 1. Oilliss, J. M. Chile. -2. Macrae, .i.-d- ot/iers The Andes and Pampas. — Verkriizen, T. A. Norwegen, seine Fjorde und Naturwunder; eine naturwissenschaftliche Reise, 1871. Cassel, 1872. O. il. 2>l. 914.8 20 — Vogel, C. Naturbilder. 3Auflage. Leinziipe with the Dutch- men. (/» //(.s' Fri'sli gleanings, 1847.) 914 6 Scliryver, P., editor. Uespublica HoUan- dia- et urbes. Lugduni Batavorum, 16;W. Tt. 094 37 Stariiitf, W. C. H. De bodenv van Nedep- land. Haarlem, lH.5(!-60. 2 v. O. pi. majis. (Nat. hist, van Nederland.) 554.9 1 NETHERLANDS 489 NEUMA YR — — — Vooimaals en thans ; opstellen over Neerlands grondsgesteldheid. Haarlem, 1858. O. map. 554.9 2 See al'ioV\\\VS,\A'S\>. —HISTORY. Die chroiiycke van Hollant, Zee- lant ende van Vrieslandt... [tot 1597]. Dor- drecht, 1595-7. 4 V. in 1. F. 940 6 Hasselt, A. H. C. van. Belgique et Hol- lande. Paris, 1844. O. por. pi. nuip. {In L'univers. 32.) 910 18 — — Heriiiel^'liem, A. van. Nederlaudsche hi- storie, 1572-91. Gent, 18(i4-7. 2 v. Q. (/)i Maet- schappy der Vlaeiii.rbibl. Werken, 3 ser. 10.) 839.3 4 Hofdijk, W. J. Voor 300 jaren; hi.storie- schilderingen uit Neerlands vrijheids-kriig. Utrecht, 1869. Q. pi. 949 7 — — Jeaiiiiiii, I*. Negociations, 1598-1609. jior. {In Micliaiid & Poiijoiilat. Memoires, 18(it), v. 18.) 944 9 — ^Leicester, R. D., earl of. Correspondence during his government of the Low Countries, 1585-6; edited 1)}' J. Bruce. London, 1844. .sqO. (In Camden soc. 27.) 820 4 — — Leiinep, J. van. De voornaamste geschie- denissen van Noord-Nederland. 5 druk. Am- sterdam [,186.5]. 4 V. in 2. O. pi. maps. 949 8 — — Meurs, J. de. Gulielmus Auriacus. — Fer- dinandus Albaims. — Induciarum historia. (In his Historica. 16.J8.) 948 78 Motley, J. L. History of the United Neth- erlands. New York, 1861. v. 1-2. O. por. maps. 949 10 Remaining volumes and continuation are in main library, ^ The rise of the Dutch republic; a his- tory. New York, 1861. 3 v. O. por. 949 9 — — Salviati, L. Discorso intorno alia riliel- lione di Fiaudra, 1576. (In his Prose, 1873; in Scelta di curiosita. 129.) 850 10 — — Schiller, J. C. F. vou. Geschichte des Ab- fallsder vereinigten Niederlande von derspani- schen Regierung. (In liis Siimmt. Werke, 1855, V. 2.) 832 9 ^— Stoke, M. Rijmkronijk; met historie-oud- heid- en taalkundige aannierkingen door B. Huydecoper. Le.\ den, 1772. 3 v. O. 839.31 20 — — Vaernewyck, M. van. "Van de beroerlicke tijden in de Nede''landen, en voornamelijk in Gliendt, 1566-8: uitgegeven door F. Vander- haeghen. Gent, 1872-4. v. 1-3. Q. faesim. (In Maetscliappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 4 ser. 1.) 839.3 4 Same. Gent, 1872-6. 4 v. O. faesim. (In same.) 949 21 • — —Veen. 0. van. Histoire de la guerre des Bataves et des Romains ; avec les planches gravees par A. Tempesta ; redigee par St. Si- mon. [Amsterdam,] 1770. F.'' pi. maps. 949 11 — — Waelitendorp, C. Oude HoUandsche ge- schiedenissen; olte, Corte rym-kronyck, van deSuntvloet tot 1.560. "s Gravenhage, 1648. sqD. (7. 839.31 33 ^ — Wagenaar, J. Vaderlandsclie historie, in- zonderheid van Holland, van de vroegste tyden af. (l-]2druk. Amsterdam, 1752-70. 21 v. O. por. pi. iltp. maps. 949 12 Vol. 21 is index volume; appended is : Vaderlandsche historie verkort, en by vraa^en en antwoorden voorge- steld. 1769. — —Wild, A. Die Niederlande, ihre Vergangen- heit und Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1862. 2 v. in 1. O. 949 13 Appended to v. 2 are Gerrit Witse, Novelle; and Nio- derliindisehe Volkshymne nebst alten Volksliedern, translated, with music. _ — /esen, F. B. Leo Belgicus ; hoc est, Rei- puliiioiu Helgarum descriptio. Amstelodami, 1600. T. 094 42 —MAPS. [Five Dutch maps.] 912 53 In portfolio 2. — • — •Noothoven van Goor, D., publisher. Nieuwe kaart van het koningrijk der Neder- lauden, Ijenevens de Nederlandsche besittingen in andere werelddeelen. Leiden, 1871. D. 60 x87cm. in D. 912 28 For other works on the Netherlands see BEEM.STER ; BltAIlANT; BKEDA; COLOGNE rOXJKESS; DIKEi^; DIN- \S{i; nUAINAOE; FLANDKBS; WILLIAH of Nassau; aiso the historical fiction of J. van Iiennpp. Netter, Thomas, of Walden, see Walden. Nettlesliip, Henry. The present relations be- tween classical research and classical educa- tion in England. (In Essays on endowment of research. 1876.) 378 3 NEUCHiTEL. Hiifelin, F. Die romanischen Mundarten der Siidwestschweiz: 1. Die Neuen- burger Mundarten. Berlin, 1874. O. 447 4 Neiies Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefakten-Kunde ; herausge- geben von K. C. von Leonhard und H. G. Bronn. Stuttgart, 1841. O. il. pi. maps. 550 1 Das Neneste vou Plunders weilern, see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 13. Neugebauer, Salomon. De re nummaria Polo- norum. — De vectigalitius regis Polonise. {In Respnblica Poloniaj. 1627.) 094 51 Pfeubauss, R. Die Hawaii-In.seln. Berlin, 1886. O. 48 p. (In Vlrcbow l)a.—Adamnan.^Bega. -Gilbert of Sempring- liam. •». Wilfrid, bishop of York.— Stephen Langton. ti. German, bishop of Auxerre. 7, Aelred, abbot of Rievaux. — Ninian, bishop of Candida Casa. H. Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury.— Waltheof.— Robert of New- minster. — Richard, bishop of Chichester. The volumes are not numbered. This arrangement is arbitrary. Vol.1 is entitled The Cistercian saints of England. Newmiiister abbey. Chartulariumabbathia^ de Novo Mouasterio, ordinis Cisterciensis, fiin- datie anno 1137. Durham. 1878. O. pi. map. (In Siirtees soc. 66.) 271 19, 820 7 NEWPORT, R. I. Rafn, C. C. Beniierkninger om en gammel Bygning i Newport. pL (In. Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 3, 1840-1.) 94S 3 —Webb, T. H. Account of an ancient structure in Newport, R. 1. pi. [lit name. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 Newton, Charles Thomas. Travels and discov- eries in the Levant. London, 186.5. 2 v. O. il. pi. phot, vuqjs. 913 35.1 NEWTON, Sir Isaac. Biot, J. B. Life of New- ton. London, 1839. 38 [ + 2] p. (Lib. of use- ful knl.) 925 17 — Brewster, D.The life of Newton. New York, 1831. S. il.jjor. 925 16 Newton, Ricliard Heber. The morals of trade; two lectures. New York, 1876. D. 174 1 Ney, Julius. Der Reichstag zu Speier, 1526. Hamburg, 1889. O. 44 p. (In Virchow * Hoi- tzendoi-ff. Vortrilge. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 3 Ni amor se libra de amor, see Calderon. v. 3. Nibby, Antonio. Itineraire de Rome et de ses environs. 1 1 edition, augmentee. Rome, 1875. S. (7. j>l. maps. 914.5 82 — tfr Vasi, («. New guide of Rome and the envi- rons, with the latest antiquarian researches. Rome, 1849. E). pi. map. 914.5 84 Nibcliiniie ; Siglridsage, .scf^ Jordan, W. [Xibelnngenlied:! Das Liet der Nibehingen. (/// Miiller, C. H. Sammlung deutsclicr Ge- dichte. 1783-3.) 831 1.4 ^Der Nibelunge Lied; Abdruck der Haud- schrift de.s Freiherrn Joseph von Lassberg; mit Holzschnitten nach Originalzeichnungen von Eduard Bendemann und Julius Hiibner. Leip- zig, 1840. sqF. )7. iltp. 831 61 — Der Nibelunge Lied ; herausgegeben, mit eiuem Worterbuch, von O. F. H. Schbnhuth. Tiibingen, 1834. S. 831 63 — Der Nibelunge Not; mit den Abweichungen von Der Nibelunge Liet, Lesarten, und einem VVorterbuche, herausgegeben von Karl Bartsch. Leipzig, 1870-80. 2 v. O. 831 66 Contents; I. Text. 2. Lesarten.— Worterbuch. — DerNilielungenNoth;mitHolzschnitten nach Zeichnungen von Julius Schnorr von Carols- feld und Eugen Neureuther; die Bearbeitung des Textes von Gustav Pfizer. Stuttgart, 1843. Q. il. iltp. 831 67 — Das Nibeluiigenlied ; herausgegeben von Friedrich Zarncke. 4 Auflage. Leipzig, 1,871. S. 831 63 — Das Nibelungenlied; herausgegeben von Karl Bartsch. Leipzig, 1866. D. {In PfeifTer, F. Deutsche Classiker. 3.) 831 l.'i — Modern German: DasNibelungen-Lied; poe- tisch neugestaltet von Wilhelm Wegener. 2 Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1871. O. 831 65 Das Nibelungenlied, uebersetzt von Karl Bartsch. Leipzig, 1867. 831 64 — English: The song of the Nibehmgen. (/// Weber, H. W., & Jamieson, R. Northern an- tiquities. 1814.) 831 22 — Carlyle, T. The Nibelungen Lied. (In h is Essays, 1860, v. 2.) _ 824 8 — (jrinini, J. L. K. tjber das Nibelungen Lied. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 4.) 408 2 See also indexes to v. 5 and 8. — Grundtvig, N. F. S. Volsunger og Niflunger. (hi his Optrin, 1809-11, v. 1.) 839.82 10 — Hertz, W. Die Nibelungensage. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. (In Viixhow (fc Holtzendorflf. Vor- trilge. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Martin, E, Grammatik und Glossar zu Der Nibelunge Not. Berlin, 1865. O. 35 p. 831 68 Worterbuch zu Der Nibelunge Not. (In 7/isMittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. 1872.) 437 34 — Schuhmann, G. I Nibelungen. [^86-?] O. 66 p. ntp. 831 68 — Storm, t!. Nye Studier over Thidreks Saga. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V. 12, 1877.) 948 5 .?eickleby, sec Dickens, ',C. J. II. The Nicholas papers ; correspondence of Sir Edward Nicholas, secretary of state; edited by George F. Warner. Vol. 1: 1641-52. [London,] 1886. V. 1. sqO. (In Camden soc. n.s. 40.) 820 4.1 Nichols, John Gon^h, editor. The chronicle of Galais in the reigns of Heury VH. and VIII., to 1540. London, 1846. sqO. (/n Camden soc. 35.) 820 4 The discovery of the Jesuits' college at Clerkenwell, 1627-8. 1853. (In Camden misc. 2; in same. 55.) — Supplementary note. 1859. (In same. 4 ; 73.) 820 4 Inventories of the wardrobes, etc., of Henry Fitzroy, duke of Richmond, and of the wardrolx' stuff of Katharine, princess dow- ager; with a memoir and letters of Richmond. 1855. fuesiin. (In same. ;i ; 61.) 820 4 Narratives of the days of the reformation; compiled chiefly from the mss. of John Foxe; with two contemporary biographies of Arch- bishop Cranmer. [London,] 1859. sqO. (hi same. 77.) 820 4 Two sermons preached by the boy bishop, temp. Henry VIII. and Mary; with introduc- tion by Edward F. Rimbault. [London,] 1875. s(iO. 36-1-34 p. (J?i Camden misc. 7; in same. n. s. 14.) 820 4.1 see also the following publications of fhe Camden society : 820 4, 4.1 39. Chronicle of the rebellion in LINCOLNSHIBE, 1470.— Coningsb}, T. Journal of the siege of Rouen. 1591. 1847. 42. Machyn, H. Diary. 1818. 48. The chronicle of Queen Jane. 1850. 53. Chronicle of the grey friars of London. 1852. 00. (Ireat Britain.— Crot™. Grants. 1854. 7S. Pope, A. Letters to Atterbury. 1859. 94, 97. Dingley, T. History from marble. 1867-8 n. s. 13. llaUiett, A. M. Autobiography. 1875. — & Bruce, J., editors. Wills from Doctor's commons; selection from the wills proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury, 1495- 1695. [London,] 1863. sqO. (In Camden soc. 83.) 820 4 Nicholson, John. The operative mechanic and British machinist. 1 American from 2 Lon- don edition, with additions. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 V. O. pi. 670 1 NICOBAR ISLAND.S. Pralil, B. De nicobari- ske 0ers nasrvasrende Tilstand,samt Nytten for den danske Handel at befolke samme. Kioben- havn, 1804. S. 919.2 1 Nicodemus, Apocryphal gospel of, see Bible- Apocrypha. NicoIaSjSir Nicholas Harris. Memoir of Thom- son. (7?^ Thomson, J. Seasons. 1860.) 82111 — editor, see Chaucer, G. Poetical works, with memoir. 1866. 821 40 Digby, K. Private memoirs. 1827. 923 33 Faushawe, A. H. Memoirs. 1830. 923 35 ^\colsius,archbishop of Lund. Chronica episco- poruin Lundensium. (In Lang:ebek,J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 Sant Nicolaus, see Conrad I'on Wiirzhiii-g. Nicolay, Liidwij? Heinricli, Freiherr von. An- thologie aus den Gedichten. Hildburgshausen, 1831. Tt. 94 [-1-2] p. (Miniatur-Bibliothek.) 831 69 Nicole^ Pierrcj pseudonym Guglielmus Wen- drockius. Choix des pensees de Nicole et son Traite de la paix avec les hommes. (h} Pascal, B. Pensees. 1843.) 848 13 —annotator, see Pascal, B. Le provinciali. 1789. 282 19.1 NicoU, James. An historical and descriptive account of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe islands. [Anon ] Edinburgh, 1840. D. maps, iltp. (Edinb. cab. lib.) 914.9 7 Nider, .Tohan. Liber de maleficis & eorum de- cejitionibus ex ipsius Formicario selectus. (In Sprenjrer, J,, . maps. 916.7 4 — Prnyssenaere de la Wostyne, E. E. J. M. de. Reisen und Forschungen im Gebiete des Weis- sen und Blauen Nil: bearbeitet und herausge- geben von K. Zoppritz. Gotha, 1877. 2 v. in 1. s(]Q. pi. maps. (In Petermanns Mittheilung- en: Ergiinzungsband 11.) 910 44 — Kavioli,C., compiler. Viaggio della spedizione ronianainEgitto, 1840-1; compendiatosuidocu- menti ufficiali. Roma, 1870. v. 1. O. il. tab. 916.2 28 — Ritter, K. Ein Blick in das Nil-Queilland; Vortrag. Berlin, 1844. O. 72 p. map. 916.7 6 — Thibant, — . Expedition a la recherche des sources (lu Nil, 1839-40. Paris, 18.56. O. map. 916.7 9 bound with 916.2 27 The Nile boat, .see Bartlett, W. H. Nllsson, L. G. & others. Engelsk-svensk ord- bok. Stockholm, 1875. O. 439.73 3.1 Nilsson, Sven.Illuminerade figurer till skandi- navisk fauna, nied beskrifningar. Lund, 1829- 38. 2 V. Q. col. pi. 590 13 Parts 1-19: pt. 1, 3 upplagan. — Skandinaviska Nordens ur-invanare; et forsok i koinparativa etiinogi'alien. 2 upplagan, med tilUigg. Stockholm, 1862-6 [, v. 1, '66]. 2 v. in 1. sqQ. 913 57 Contents: I. Stenaldern. 2. Brons&ldern. NlMEfS, see GARD. Nina, .S'('c(/ia?i/) Borgognoni, A. La con- danna capitale d" una bella signora. (In his Studi, 1877-8, v. 2: in Scelta di curiosita. 163.) 850 10 Nina, see Bremer, F. La niua de Gomez Arias, .see Calderon. v. 2. Nina; eller. Den Vanvittige af Kja?rlighed, see Heiberg, J. L. .Skuespil, v. 5. Nine, the number. Gr0ndal, B. Oin Ni-Tallet. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anna- ler. V. 22, 18ti2.) 948 2 NINETEENTH CENTURY, Channing, W. fi. The present age. (In his Works, 1848, v. 6.; 208 2 NINEVEH. Layard, A.M. Nineveh and its re- mains: with a \ isit to the Chalda-au Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis: and an inquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient As- syrians. New York, 1849. 2 v. O. il. pi. map. 913 3.1 Nini, Giovanni Battista. Stanze a Don Fer- rante. (//; Salvestro. Profezia suUa Siena. 1868: in Scelta di curiosita. 91.) 850 10 NINIAN, St., bishop) of Candida Casa. New- man, J. H., & others. (In their Lives of Eng- lish saints, 1844-5, v. 7.) 922 8 Nino, Antonio de. Errori di lingua italiana che sono piii in uso. Firenze, 1866. O. 458 7 — Usi e costumi abruzzesi. Firenze, 1879-81. 2 V. D. 390 17 NINO 494 NOLTEN MNO, Pedro, conde de Buelna. Games, G. D. de. Cronica de Pedro Nino. {In Cr6nicas espa- nolas. V. 3, 1782.) 946 34 Niitpold, Friedricli Wilhelm Franz. Aegypten's StL-Uuug in der Religions- und Culturgeschich- tp. Berlin. 1869. O. 32 p. (hi Vircliow Msida, see Gyllembourg, T. C. Mspi-Landi, Giro. Carlo Botta e le sue opere: discorso, corredato di note e di un' appendice suUa storia del Canavese. Firenze. 1876. O. 928 11 Nisseil, Heinricli. Ponipeji. Berlin, 1867. O. 40 p. an Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 Kissen, M. De Fre.ske .sjemstin, me en Hugs- tiiisk auerseting : Der friesisclie Spiegel, mit einer hochdeutschen Uebersetzung. Altona. 1868. D. 839.2 5 Nithard, abbot of St. Riquiei: Historiaruni libri 4. Editio 2.' Hannoverae, 1879. O. 8+ .57 p. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 6.) 943 16 Die nine doctrinael, see Weert, J. de. SIZZARD DIALECT. Toselll, G. B. Rapport d'nne conversation sur le dialecte ni9ois, dis- sertations, pieces ju.stificatives et glossaire. Nice, 1864. O. 457 11 [X.j41s saga :] Sagan af Niali lorgeirssyni ok so'nvm bans; lUgefin efter gavmlvni skinnbo- kvni. Kavpmannahavfn, 1772. sqO. 839.63 r)4 Rdited by 6. Olafsson. 2 copies. — Nials-saga: Historia Niali et tiliorum: Latina reddita, cum chronologia, lectionibus,Klossano et indice. Havniaj, 1809. sqO. facsim. 839.63 5.5 Sumptlbus P.F. Suhmii et lecati Aina-JIadn.i'aui. Only the Latin. S copies. "With valuable glossary."— A'ofc by Mr. ilarsh. — Njiila: udgivet af det Kongelige nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Kobenhavn, 187.5. v. 1. O. 839.63 55.1 KorminK v. 3 of the society's fslendinga s(1kui'- Editeil by K. fii.sla.soii and E. Junsson. — Gotz, W. Die Nialssaga ein Epos, und das germaniscbe Heidentbum inseinen Ausklangen im Norden. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (/« Vir- ehow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 20 Serie.) 1)43 1 — Thomsen, G. Njiils Saga i engelsk Oversa^t t*lse; by (i. W. Dasent. (/« Copenhag:en — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquariak Tidsskrift. v. «, 1858-00.) 948 4 .Seeaho 01) NX All. No hay burlas con el amoi', sec Calderon. v. 3. No hay cosa conio callar, .tame. No Biempre lo peor es cierto, same. v. 4. Noah, treurspel, .see Vondel, J. van den. Noailles, Adrien Manrice, due de. Mcmoires pourservir ii I'histoire de Louis XIV et de Lou- is XV, 1663-1756.— Pieces detachees. (In Mi- chaiid cfc PonJoiiIat.Menioites,1866, v. 34.)944 9 Nobbe, Carl Friedrieh August, editor, see Ci- cero, M. T. Opera, v. 9, 1849. 875 5 Nobile Vigonce opus incipit. {In Macelieronee. 1864: )•» Bibl. rara. 34.) 850 3 NOBILITY. Hofinan, T. de. Historiske Efter- retninger om velfortiente danske Adelsn,a?nd. Kiobenhavn, 1777-9. 8 v. sqQ. il. por. tab. 929 4 — Hiillmann, K. I). Gescbichte des Ursprungs der Stiinde in Deutschland. 2 Ausgabe. Ber- lin. 1830. O. 929 2.1 — Kincli, J. Om den danske Adels Udspring fra Thinglid. {In Copenhagf-n— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarboger. V. 10, 1875.) 948 5 — Madranianv v Calataynd, M. Tratado de la nol)leza de .Vragon. Valencia, 1788. O. 946 41 — Sandoval, P. de. [Account of various noble families of .Spain.] (In his Chronica de Alonso VII. 1600.) 946 17 — Tasso, T. II Forno : ovvero, Delia nobilta. (In his Dialoghi, 1822, v. 2.) 851 17 ,Sef also (iENEALOflY. Nockur liood-male, see Thorarinsson, T. Noctes Attic;e, .see Gelliiis, A. Nodier, Jean Charles Eninianiiel.Lespapillotes du perruc|uier d'Agen. {In Jasmin, J. Las pa- pillotos, 1848-61, V. 2.) 849 15 — & others. Nouvelles vieilles et nouvelles, par Nodier, Topfer, comte de Peyronnet et Arthur Dudley. Paris, 1845. D. 843 2 Contents: Nodier, J. C. E. Les proscrits.— I.ettre d'un solitaire des Vosges a I'editeur.— La filleule du seigneur. — Une Leure.— Sanchette : ou, Le laurier rose —Les aveusles de Chamouny.— Histoire du chien de Biisquet. — Polichinelle.— Le bibliomane. —annofator. see Sainte-Palaye, J. B. de la C. de. Mt-moires sur chevalerie. 1829. 940 17 Noe, padre. Viaggio da Venezia al s. sepolcro ed al Monte Sinai. Bassano. 1791. D. il. 915.6 31 Noel, Baptist Wriotliesley. du Piemont visitts en 1854. Vaudois et vallees Paris, 1855. D. 284 4.1 Noi;i, Francois Joseph Michel,* Chapsal, C.P. Nouvellc grannnaire fran(;aise. 46 edition aug- niontee. Paris. 1854. D. 445 4 Noel, lioden. Syrian travel and Syrian tribes. (/(( Gallon, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 Miggerath, Giistav Adolph. Die Achat-Indu- stric iin oldenlinrnischen Fiirstenthum Birkeii- feld. Hi'rHn. 1H76. O. 31 p. (In Virehow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Niiggerath, Jacob. Der Laacher See und seine vulkanischen Umgebungen. Berlin, 1870. O. 32 p. (In same. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — DerTorf. Berlin, 1875. O. 36 p. (/» .same. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Noir^, Lndwig. Ma.x Miiller and the philosojihy of language. London, 1879. O. 401 8 Nolten, (iPorgLiidwig. ...Dissertationem histo- ricani de OlympiM' Morata' vit;i. scri])tis, fatis & virtntilnis... Fr.incofurti ad Viadrunif,1731]. S(|D. |6+1.56|-)-2|i>. 928 39 NO MI 495 NORSE LANG UA GE Noiiii volgari adoperati in Italia a desigiiare le principali piante di bosco. Fireiize, 1873. O. (//( Italy— Mill, di agric. Aniiali, v. 60.) 467 3 "\'ery iiiiportant for forest biitany."— iVofe tr\i Mr- M(m/i. Noiiiius of I'anopolis. Paraplirases: lil). 47. {Ill Browning, E. B. B. Last poems. 1863.) 821 34 Noothoveii van Ooor, D., publisher. Nieuwe kaart van het koningrijk der Nederlanden, be- nevens de Nederlandsche btsittingen in andere werelddeelen. 6 druk. Leiden, 1871. D. 00x87 cm. in D. 912 38 Jiorbert, abbott of Iburg. Vita Benndnis epi- scopi Osnabrugensis, 1118. (/)! Eckliard, J. (i, von. Corpus liist., 1733, v. 3.) i»4:{ 13 NORBY,S0feu. Ekdalil, N. 3,, editor. Cliristiern II: s arkiv 1: Handlingar rihande S. Norby ocli lians krigsforetagen mot Sverige. Stockliolm, 1835-0. 3 V. O. »48 38 NORDALBIMilA, .st HOLfSTEIS. HOUSE OF SORDBURW. Hansen,-. Ge- schichte des fiirstlicli nordburgisclien Haiises. (/h Schleswig... CJesellscliaft. Arcliiv . v. 3, 1834.) }I43 43 Xorden, John. Speculi Britanniit pars; an his- torical and cliorograpliical description of the county of Essex, 1.194; edited l)y Henry Ellis. London, 184(j. sqO. 44-!-43n. map. (/« Cam- den soe. 9) .820 4 Nordens Guder, et episk Digt, see 0]ilenscliIii- g'Cr, A. a, Uigtervttrker. v. 7. Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik, d- athcrs. Svenska expeditioner till Spetsbergen och Jan Maven. 1807. Q. il. pi. map. M'.i.H 9 Nordisk Conversationslexikon, seeFogli, C. J., <$• others. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Oldkyndighed, .sec Co- penhagen— K. nord. Oldskrifl-Selskab. Nordiske Liferatur-Sainfund. [Publications:] 4. lyaniarsagaHItdctlakappa: ved H. FriSriksson. 1847. 8;t9.(i3 so 5. ViipiiflrSinaii saga: af G. Thordavson. 1848. 839.63 67 8. Tvnr sotiiiT- af (»isla Siirssyni; ved K. Gislason. IS49. SS9.63 35 "9. JiitlHiid. Kong Valdemar den andens jyske Lov; ved N, M. Petersen. 1850. S49 54.1 10. liandamanna saga, ved H. Fri»riks.son. 1850. S39.fl3 24 11. Criisriis; af V. Finsen. pt- 1. 1850. SS9.68 9 12. SjiirSar kvajBi: ved V. U. Hammershaimb. 1851. 839.(>1 an 13. Seeland. Valdemars Lov. eg Absalons Kirkelov: ved P. G. Thorsen. 185-2. 349 58.1 14. Eriks sajUaudske Lov: ved P. 6. Thorsen. 18.53. 349 58.2 16. Foslbracffra saga: af K. Gislason. 1852. S39.()3 3J 16. (Jrettis saga: af G. Magnusson og G. Thordarson. pt. 1. 18,53. 8;!9.fi3 37 JiordQordhesten, see Lie. J. KORDSJ.ELLANI), see SEELAND. Nordstjernan; witterhetsstycken och jjoenier. Stockholm [,184.3-4]. 3 v. O. 2'or. 829.7 5 Tioreen, Adolf. Dalbymalets Ijud- ock bojnings- lara. 61 p. (In Nyare bidrag. v. 1. 1878.1 439.77 3 Norfolk, Jolin. In artem progressionis summu- la. {Ill Halliwell-l'hillips, 0. J. Kara mathe- matica. 1839.) • 510 3 Norges Damiring, et polemisk Digt, see Wel- havcn, J. S. C. Skrifter, v. 1. Norika, .see Hageii, E. A. Nork, F., jiseudoHjim of Korii, F. Norlands! chronika, see Gyldeiistalpe, D. Norman, Benjamin Moore. Ramljles in Yuca- tan. New York, 1843. O. il. j)l. iltp. map. 917.2 3 Norman, Henry Wilkins, editor &• translator, .see Basilins. Anglo-Saxon version of Hexiime- ron... 1849. 829 13 NORMAN CONQUEST, .see GREAT BRITAIN -HISTORl. NORMAN LITERATURE. Meyer, M. 1'. H. Bribes de litterature anglonormande. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1806 ) 805 1 —Michel, F. X., editor. Chroniquesanglo-nor- mandes. Rouen, 1836-40. 3 v. O. 841 5 Ft>r contents see Mieliel. — Wright, T. Anglo-Nonnan poetry. (In his Essays. 1840. v. 1.) 820 3 Biograiihia Britannira literaria : Bio- graphy of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland: Anglo-Norman period. London, 1840. O. 928 1 See also Benoist: (:ilAiaKJH(iNK: (ddidn. I'.: Comiuesl of Ireland; Croniqiies de Loniion: DIHV.iKO 111.; Fanto- siiie, J.; (jainiar, G.: (lervaise ';r' /'"/'/' //'//,• (Jrcat Britain- Master of' tlie rolls; (irosseti'st^', It.; Maiisourali; .Marie de Frttnre; Olcroii; Koinaiiz de un chivaler; >Vace, II, NORMAXDV. Benoist. Chronique des dues de Normandie; publiee par F. Michel. Paris, 1836- 44.3 V. sqQ. facsim. 841 10.1 — Estriip, H. F. J. Bemasrkninger paa en Reise i Normandiet i 1819. Kjobenhavn, 1831. D. 914.4 8 — Steveiisonj J., editor. Narratives of the ex- pulsion of the English from Normaiidv. 1449- 50. London. 1863! Q. (/// (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 33.) 942 8. — Walsinaham, T. Ypodigma Neustriae; edited liy H. T.' Riley. London, 1876. Q. (In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 88, pt. 7.) 942 8 See ( NORTHMEX. Soguiiittr af Norna-Gesti. (In Rafii,C. C. Fom. sogur, 1839-30, v. 1.) 839.(53 12 Nor reports Vagt St. Hans Aften, Vaudeville, see Overskon, T. NORSE DULECTS. Firineiiich-Richartz,J. M. Norwegische Mundarten. (In his Germaniens Volkerstimmen, 1846-54, v. 3.) 839.1 1 NORSE LANGUAGE. Hallager, L. Norsk Ord- samling: tilligemed Viser i det norske Bonde- sprog. Kjobenhavn, 1802. O. 439.87 1 — Petersen,N.M. Betdanske, norske ogsvenske Sprogs Historic. Kjobenhavn, 1829-30. 3 v. in 1. D. 439.6 1 deafen D.iMSH LAN(ilMGE; Noriray. NorgesgamleLov indtil 1.S87: Tliorkelin, (i. J. Analecta; for Old-Norse see ICELANDK. —DICTIONARIES. Aasen, \. A. Norsk Ordbog med dansk Forklaring. Christiania. 1873. O. 439.87 2 Daa, L. K. Svensk-norsk Haand-Ordbog. Kristiania, 1841. 2v.ini. sqS. 439.73 4 — — Listov, A. Ordsamling fra den norske »- sthetiske Literatur siden 1843. Kjebeidiavn, 1866. O. 439.83 1 JSrORSE LANG UA GE 496 NOR WA Y— CONSTITUTION Welander, P. 0. Norskt- (och danskt-) qvenskthaiitllexikon: genoinsedtaf C. A.Guld- serg. Christiania, 1844. sqS. 439.73 6 — Svensk-dansk-norsk Lommeordbog; ud- given af S. Strohm. Kjobenhavn, 1846. sqT. 439.73 5 — GRAMMAR. Aasen, I.A. Norsk Gramtnatik. Christiania, 1864. O. 439.87 3 — — Dyrlund, ?f. K. F. Det norske Folke-sprogs Gramiiiatik ved Asen. (/)i Copenhagen — K, nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tiddskrilt. v. 2, 1846-8.) 94S 4 —LITERATURE. Botten-Hanseii, P. La Nor- vege litteraire; catalogue systematique et rai- sonne de tous les ouvrages impriines en Nor- vege, ou composes par des auteurs norvegiens, au 19esiecle; precede d'une introduction lii.sto- rlque. Christiania, 1868. O. 015 5 For other treatises, and for references to single au- thors. «« DANISH MTEKATUKE; s<=« a&o ICELANDIC LIT- EKATCRE. Landniandsbog for 1865-7; udgivet af Anton Rosing[;1868-70, af P. Chr. A.sbjomsen]. 1-3 Udgave. Christiania, 186.5-70. v. 1-6. S. 839.88 3 Norske Forstforeninjr. Aarbog for 1881. Kri- stiania, 1881. O. 551.58 3 Norske Tiiristforeiiiiig. Aarbog for 1868-71. Christiania, 1868 [-71]. 4 v. S * O. il. pi. maps. 914.8 8 Norske Viser og Stev, see Mailing:, P. T. North, Roger. Tlie lives of Francis North, baron Guilford. .Sir Dudley North and tlie Rev. John Nortli. [3] edition, with notes and illus- trations [by Henry Roscoe]. London, 1826. 3 v. O. por. 923 75 North, Thomas, translator, see Plutarchiis. Lives. 1631. 888 28 NORTH AMERICA, .see AMERICA; ((?,so BRIT- ISH AMERICA; MEXICO; UNITED STATES. NORTH FRIESLAND, see FRISIAN ISLANDS. NORTH POLE, see ARCTIC REGIONS. Royal society of Northern antiquaries, see Co- penhagen — Kongelige nordiske Oldskrift-Sel- skab. Northern antiquities, .see Mallet, P. H. For the fteneral subject scfSCANDINAVIA-AXTIQlIlTIES. NORTHMEN. Aniato. Lystoire de li Norniant, et La chroni(|ue de Robert Viscart; ptibliees par ChampoUion-Figeac. Paris, 1835. O. 944 59 — Depping, G. B. Norniannernes S0toge og deres Neds;ettelse i Frankerig i det lOde Ar- hundrede; overset af N. 51. Petersen Koben- havn, 1830. D. 944 58 — Dondorll', H. Die Nornianneu und ibre Be- (hnituiig liir das euroi)iii.sche Culturleben ini Mittcialter. Berlin, 1875. O. 40 p. (7» Vir- cliow & HoItzendorfl'.Vortrilge. lOSerie.) 043 1 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber den Einfluss der Norinannen auf fi'Mrizosi.sclie Spraclie luid I-it- teratur. (/)( A/.s Werke, 1H21-30, v. 2.) 908 2 — Laing, S. Prelitniiiarv dissertation. (//( Stnr- luson, S. Ileinislningia", 1880, v.l.) S89.(>3 16.1 — Schiern, P. S. U 7 — Notes of travel and study in Italv. Boston, 1860. ' 914.5 41 — A review of a translation into Italian of the commentary by Benvenuto da Iniola on the Divina commedia. Cambridge, Mass., 1861. O. 32 p. 851 53 The translation is by Giovanni Tamburini. It is pro- nounced "worse thati worthless" by Mr. Norton. Norway. Jus aulicuni antiquum Norvagicum, Hird-Skraa vocatuni, a Jano Dolmero in liii- guam Danicam & Latinani traiisldtum, notisij; ilhistratum: curis Petri Job. Resenii a quo adjungitur Jus aulicum antiquum Danicum, Witlierlags R;i'tt dictum, cum versione Dani- ca & Latina ac notis. Ilaffni.t!, 1673. scjD. 349 41 — Norges gamle Lev indtil 1387 ; udgivne ved R. Keyser og P. A Miuich. Christiania,1846-9. 3 v. F. 349 37 —Constitution. Kongcriget Norges Griindlov; tilligiined en Siuuliiig al de Lovbestemnielser (ler daiine Norges constitutioiielle, unionelle og communale Retsforfatning. Christiania, 1844. Tt. 342 9 Raider, 0. M. Den norske Statsforfat- nings Historic og Vasen. Kjcibenliavn, 1841. O. ■ 342 10- N^OR WA Y—FORSTVuESEJSr 497 NOR WA Y—HISTOR Y — ForstvsBsen. Forskjellige IndberetninRer fra (le Funktionserer, 1857-73. Christiania, 1874. V. 1. O. 551.58 98 hound with 81 Contents: I. Det S^nden- og Vesteiifjeldskc — Nyeriip, R. Historisk statistisk Skildring af Tilstandeii i Danmark og Norge i aeklie og nyere Tider. Kj0benhavn, 1803-6. 4 v. in 5. S. 948 14 For contents see Nycrup. ^Pontoppidan, E. Det f0rste Forsflg paa Nor. ges natuilige Historie. Kiobenhavn, 1753-!!. 3 V. sqO. pi. map. 554.8 3 — Schiibeler, F. C. Die Culturpflanzeii Nor- wegeiis; init einem Anliange liber die altnor- wegische Landwirthschaft. Christiania, 1803. sqQ. il. pi. viap. 581 14 — — Die Pflanzenwelt Norwegens, ein Beitrag zur Natur- und Culturgeschichte Nord-Euro- pas. Chiistiauia, 1873-5. sqQ. il. maps. 581 15 — Suhm, P. F. Om Norge. — Oni Oec\)nomien, saerdeles Norges. — Opinuntring til de Danske og Norske. — Om Danmarks og Norges Tilstand i Henseende til Haudelen. {In liis Skrifter, 1788-98, V. 6.)— Om de Norskes Fortienester i Henseende til Videnskaberne. {In same. v. 7.) 83!) 88 5 See(dso fiEOLOOV; SCIA'DIXATIA. —ANTIQUITIES. The ancieut vessel found in the parish of Tune, Norway. Christiania, 1872. F. 6 p. pi. 913 47 hound with 17 — — Klilwer, L. D. Norske Mindesniaerker, afteguede paa en Reiseigjennem en Deel af det Nordenfjeldske, og beskrevne. Christiania, 1823. sqO. pi. music, maps. 913 51 — —Schilling:, G.Forsogtil denonliske Landes, saerdeles Norges, gamle Geographie. Kioben- havn, 1751. sqO. 914.8 17 Urda, et norsk antiqvarisk-historisk Tids- skrift; udgivet af Directionen for det Bergen- ske Museum. Bergen, 1837-42. 3 v. in 1. sqQ. pi. 913 61 —BOUNDARY. Lignell, A. Upplysningar till sodra delen af gransbestiimmelsen mellan Sve- rige och Norge i sednare h'alften af 13de iirliun- dradet. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Annaler. v. 9, 1849.) 948 3 — —Munch, P. A.Bemoerkninger ved Gnendse- bestemmelsen mellem Norge og Sverige i det 13de Aarhuudrede. map. {In same. v. 6, 1846.) 948 3 — — Werlauff, E. C. Grsendsebestemmelse mel- lem Norge og Sverrig i det 13de Aarhundrede. {In same. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 3 —DESCRIPTION. Bowden, J.Nornay, its peo pie, products and institutions. London, 1867. O. 914.8 10 .— —Breton, W. H. Scandinavian sketches; or, A tour in Norway. London [, 1835]. O. pi. map. 914.8 lo.l ^ — BuchjL.C. von.Resa igenom Norrige, 1806- 8; jemte ett bihang ur Hausmanns resa genom Skandinavien, 1806-7. en tabell ofver Norriges befolkning, ar 1801 ; ifran tyskan. Stockholm, 1814. D. 914.8 11 Voyage en Norvege eten Laponie, 1806- 8; traduit par J. B. Eyries. Paris, 1816. 2 v. O. maps. 914.8 13 Cnrpelan, W. M. Pittoresk resa til norska fiellen. Stockholm, 1821-3. 3 pt. in 1 v. F'. 914.8 13 Clanss0n, P. Norriges oc omliggende 0ers sandfierdige Bescriffuelse. Kiflbenhaffn, 1632. sqD. 914.8 13.1 —Forbes, J. D. Norwegen und seine Glet- scher; aus dem Englischen von E. A. Zucliold. Leipzig, 18.55. O. il. pi. 551.31 8 Friis, J. A. Hans Majestast Kong Oscar II. s Reise i Nordland og Finmarken, 1873. Christiania, 1874. O. 914.8 16 IHiiller, 0. F. Reise igienneni Ovre-Tille- niarkeii til Christiansand og tilbage. 1775. Kiolienhavn, 1778. D. 914.8 14 Miimson, J. Tagebuch einer Reise nach dem siidlichen Theil von Norwegen, 1788. Hambuig, 1789. S. 914.8 15 Norske Turlstforening. Aarbog for 1868- 71. Christiania, 1868[-71]. 4 v. S tfc O. il. pi. max)s. 914.8 8 Sch0ning,(it.Fors0g tilde nordiske Landes, sferdeles Norges. gamle Geographie. Ki^ben- havn, 1751. sqO. 914.8 17 — — —Reise giennemen Deel af Norge, 1773-5. Kiobenhavn. 1778. sqO. pi. maps. 914.8 18 Siljestroni, P. A. Anteckningar och ob- servationer rorande Norrige, i synnerhet de nordligaste delarna af detta land. Norrko- ping, 18-13. D. 914.8 19 Tozer, H. F. Norway, il. (7?i Gallon, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 38 — — Verkriizen, T. A. Norwegen, seine Fjorde und Naturwunder; eine naturwissenschaftliche Reisfr, 1871. Cassel, 1873. O. 914.8 30 Welhaven, J. S. C. (In his Skrifter. 1867- 8, V. 7.) 839.84 3 Wittich, W. A visit to the western coast of Norway. London, 1848. S. 914.8 21 Wolfl", J. L. Norriga illustrata. Kioben- hafn, 1651. .sqD. 914.8 22 See al1I.)E3I. —HISTORY. Baden, G. L. Det norske riges Historie. Kiobenhavn, 1804. D. 948 31 — — -Falsen, C. 31. Norges Historie under Kong Harald Haarfager og hansmandlige De- scendenter. Christiania, 1823-4. 4 v. O 948 23 — — Faye, A. Norges Historie. 3 Oplag. Chri- stiania, 1843. O. 948 8.1 Keyser, J. R. Samlede Afhandlinger. Christiania, 1868. O. por. 948 10 For contents i!ee Keyser. — ^Le Bas, P. Suede et Norwege. Paris, 1838. O. por. pi. map. (/li L'nnivers. 62.) 910 18 Munch, P. A. Det norske Folks Historie. Christiania. 1852-63. 8 v. O. por. tah. maps. 948 34 — — — Oplysninger om det pavelige Archiv og dets Indhold. fornemmelig for Norges Historie; udgivet af Gustav Storm. Christiania. 1876. O. [34-] 78 p facsim. 948 25 — • — — Samlede Afhandlinger: udgivne af G. Storm. Christiania, 1873. v. 1-2. O. 948 26 NOR WA Y—HISTOR Y 498 NO VELLINO — — — editor. Symbolse ad histoiiani antiquio- rem rerum Norvegicarum. Christiania [, 1850]. F. [7+] 8+59 p. facsim. 948 27 bound tvith 913 17 Contenls: Breve chronicon Norvegia?.— Genealogia comitum Orcadensium.— Catalogus regum Norvegi*. Schilling, (t. Afhandling om de Norskes Oprindelse: med Tiids-Regningen til Haiald Haaifagers Tiider. Soroe, 1769. sqO. tab. 948 30 Norges Riiges Historie. Sor0e, 1771-81. •S V. sqO. 948 29 Storm, a. Norske Historieskrivere paa Kong Sveries Tid. (In Co])eiiliagen — K. iiord. 01(l..Selskal). Aail)oger. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 — — Sturliisoii, S. The heimskringla; or, The sagas of the Norse kings; from the Icelandic bv S. Laiug. 2 edition, by R. B. Anderson. New York, 1889. 4 v. O. maj)s. 839.63 16.1 For other editions .MA1!K; Ol.AF; SCAXDIXAVIA; SKJl'ltl) I. ; SVEKRE SKa;itnS«t\; SVOLItEK. — POLITICS. Magunsson, A., collector. Diplo- matarium e.xliil>ens monumenta historiani at- que iura Daniie, Norvegia-... illustrantia: edidit G. .1. Thorkelin. Havnite, 1786. 2 v. in 1. sqO. 131. 327 5 — — Welliaven, J. S. C. Samlede Skrifter. Kjobenhavn, 4867-8. 8 v. in 4. D. por. 839.84 2 —SOCIAL CONDITION. Keyser, J. R. Nord- ma?ndenes private Liv i Oldtiden. (In hi.LI\KSS ; niMMVXIXJ , ElIISrOM); FISHKKIES. II,l,E(ilTIMA(V ; ITCH: MAHItlAdE: I'OOK; TEMI'EltANCE : VITAI, STA- TISTICS. NORWEGIAN, .see NORSE. Norwich. Visitations of the diocese, 1492-1532; edited l)v .\. .Jessopp. [London,] 1888. sqO. (Ill Camden soc. n. s. 43.) 820 4.1 Norwood; nr. Village life in New England, .see Beeelicr, H. W. NOSE. Desor, E. Etude sur le nez. pi. (Inhis La forfit vierge. 1879.) 551. r>8 120 .See aim SMDUj. Not ab uno e Societate Jesu, pseudonym of Marsh, («. P. Notaris, (jiiiMiMtixt de. Descrizione di una lui- ova specie del genere trapa. (/» Rome — R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 NOTEBORG. Europwiis, A. J. Om det note- borgska Iredsfordraget og dess toljder. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Seiskab. Annaler. V. 20, 1860.) 948 2 Notes on the recent murders by brigands in Greece, 1870, see Geunadius. Notes on the south Slavonic countries in Au- stria and Turkey in Europe; edited by Hum- phrv Sandvvith. Edinburgh. 1865. O. 66 p. limps. 949 71 Nothing to wear, .see Butler, W. A. Notker, snriiamed. Labeo, 7nonk of St. Gall. Psalterium David icum e Latino in Theotiscani vetereni linguaui versuni. (In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1827-8, v. 1.) 830 9 Nott, (ieorge Frederick, editor, see Surrey, H. H., iographiegenerale. — universelle, see Hoefer, .1. ('. P., editor. NOUVELLE FRANCE, sec CANADA. Nouvelle moralite dVne pamuefille villageoise, laqucUe ayina mieux auoir la teste couppee par son pere. cjue d'estre violee par son seigneur. Paris, n. d. S. 38 p. 842 9 Nova, Santillo, pse?/do«2/wi o/ Villano, S. Nova polemica di L. .Stecchetti.see (juerrini, 0. NOVA /EMBLA. Sporer, J. Nowaja Senilii in geographischer, naturhistorischer und volks- wirthschaftlischer Beziehung. Gotha, 1867. sqQ. maps. (In Peternianns Mittlieillingen : Ergiinzungsband 5.) 910 44 Die overwintering der Hollanders op Nora Zenibla, .see Tollens, H. C. Novalice monastery. Chronicon Novalicience, ex recensione Hethmanni. Hannoverae. 1846. (>. (//( Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum. German. 3.) 943 16 Novalis, ]isriidoii!/m o/ Hardenberg,F. L. von. NOVARA. Rusconi, A., ct others. Monografie novaresi. Novara. 1878. D. il. j)l. maps. 914.5 53 Novelas exemplares, see Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Novella del Cerbino, .see Cerbino. Novella della liglia del redi Daiia; testoinedito del buon secolo della lingua. Pisa. 1866. Q. 853 13 Edited l)y .\. Veselovski. Edition of 100 copies. See nlw Ha|ipr('sni!iizi(»no di santa I'liva. Novelle, .see (iiithe, J. W. von. v. 15, Novell!, Pictro Antonio. Sonetto. (In iJamba, B. Col. veiiez. 1817, v. 12.) 869 50 Novellino provenzale ; ossia, Volgarizzaniento (Idle aiiticbe vitarelle dei trovatori K'rilte in lingua d(ic ila Ugo di S. Ciro. da Michele della Torre e da altri. Bologna, 1870. D. (/» Seel- ta dicuriositiV 107.) 850 10 Kditc-d liy i:. Calvani. NOVELLINO. Aneona, A. d.' Le fonti del No- vellino. I't. 1. [Ill Roinanin. v. 2, 1873.) 479 NO VELS 499 NUNES NOVELS, me FICTION. Nover, Jakob. Bedeutung uiul Nacliwirkung gernianischer Mythologie. Berlin, 1880. O. 33 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorll'. Vortnige. 15 Seiie.) — Ricliard Wagner Hamburg, 1889. O. Folge. 3.) — Wilhelni Tell in Hanilmrg, 1887. O. Folge. 2.) Novilin Monasteriiini, mi lister. Nowdk, A. F. P. Die Rathsel unserer Quellen. Leipzig, 1853. O. p/. 551.49 1 Noyes, Daniel James. Memoir of Daniel Gookin Upliam. n. p. [,1871.] O. 58 p. phot. »23 94 NUBIA. Biirckliardt, J. L. Travels in Nubia. Sedition. London, 18^3 043 1 und die deutsche Sage. 43 p. {Tn name. Neue 043 3 Poesie und Wirklichkeit. 34 p. (/» sctme. Neue 043 2 see Neiiiiiiiiister ; New- sqQ. — Clieriil)iiil, S. L'univers. 3.) Nubie. 1847 — Riippell, Frankfurt W. M. ]wi: maps. 916.2 34 pi. map. (Ill 910 18 Reisen in Nubien... l\ E. S, 1839. O. jjI. mai)S. 91C.2 35 Nncius, Nicander. The second book of The travels; edited from the Greek ms.,with trans- lation, bv J. A. Cramer. London, 1941. sqO. (/^uCamdensoc. 17.) 820 4 NUEVA ESPANA, see MEXICO. NUMBER in grammar. Fox, (t., A- others. A battle-door for teachers to learn singular and plural, vou to many, and thou to one. I ondon, 1660. Q. 099 10 NUMBER in mathematics. Bessel, Zahl und Maass. Berlin, 1883. O. Virchow ct Holtzendorff. Vortrage. — Grimm, J, L. K, ten Zahlen. (/)( h 90, V. 7.) — Nardiicci, ll. Intorn oteca ale.ssandrina c Boezio, senz' al)acoe ci facsim. {Tn Rome— R. ser. sci.fts. v. 1, 1876-7 F. Ueber 36 p. (In 17 Serie.) 043 1 Ul)er die zusammengesetz- Kleinere Sohriften, 18C4- 408 3 ■ ad uii ms. della Bibli- 'iitenente gli apici di ■ n valore di posizione. icead. dei liiicei. Atti 3 . |.t. 1.) 065 4 — Sclinbert, H. Zahlen und Zahl : eine cultur- geschichtliche Studie. Hamburg, 1877. O. 36 p. (7ii Virchow ct- Holtzendorff'. \\)rtrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 See also t;OX(JKUEM'KS; JIA IIIEJIATKS; MXE. NUMipiA. Dnreaude la Malle, A. J. C. A. L'Algerie; histoire des ;:uerres des Romains, des Byzantins et dc;s Vandales. Paris, 1853. D. 939 6 — Lacrois, L. Numidie. (/)( L'univers. 3.) 910 18 NUMISMATICS. Avignone, (J. Medaglie dei Liguri e della Liguria descritte. pi., (hi Soci- ety ligure. Atti. v. 8, 1868.) 945 48 ^Aymard, A. Notice sur une decouverte de monnaies du moyen age. (In Piiy de Dome — SocifSt^. Annates. 1839.) 944 61 ^Bamberger, L. Zur deutschen Miinzgesetz- gebung. Berlin, 1873. O. 30 p. (In Virchow & Holtzeiidorir. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 —Bergman, C. J. De numinis Gothlandicis dissertatio. Upsaliai, 1837, O. 16 \). pi. 737 3 — Berj?80e, S. Nogle danske Mwnter fra Mid- delalderen i fremmede Sandinger. ;7. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarbwger. V. 17, 1883.) 948 5 — Bnchon, J. A. C. Monnaies des empereurs fran<;ais de (:onstantino])le. pi.. (In hisB-f- cherches, 1840, v. 1.) 949 ;i7 — Copenliagen— Kongelige nordiskc Oldskril't- Selskab. Om Mynt- og Medaille-Cabinettel. //. (/)( its Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1-3, 1843-51.) 948 4 — Dii Cange, C. dii F. De imperatorum Con- stantino])olitanoruni numismatibus disserta- tio. {//I /lis Glossarium, 1840-57, v. 7.) 479 3 — Dnval, V. J. CEuvres. S. Petersbourg, 1784. 3 V. O. //. par. S46 H — Erslev, K. Quelcjues remanpies sur les plus anciennes monnaies du Danemark. il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskah.Memoires. n. s. v. 4; 1884-9.) 948 3 — — Roskildes leldste Monter. il. {In .'i Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 19, 1884.)— ,S'a)?;e, 1377- 1481. (In same. v. 31, 1886.) 948 5 — — French : Coup d'reil sur I'histoire de la monnaie en Danemark, 1341-1377. il. (In same. Menioires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) , 948 3 — Lindberg, J. C. Essai sur les monnaies cou- fiques frappees par les emirs de la famille des Bouides et les princes de leur dependance. (/)( same. v. 3, 1840-4.) 948 H — — Orientalske (kufiske) Mynter. il. pi.. — Om de kufiske l\Ivnter... {In same. Annaler. v. 4. 1843-3.) ■ 948 3 — Mommsen. C. M. T.TTber das romische Miinz- wesen. {In Leipsic— K. siichs. (xesell.Abhandl. pbil -hist. v. 1, 1850.) 737 1 — Mi'inter, F. C. C. H. Ueber die Miinzen der vandalischen Konige von Karthago. (In his Antiq. Abhandlungen. 1816.) 913 3.1 — N. Y. (.sfnfo— Library. Catalogue, 1856 : Maps, manuscripts, engravings, coins, dernelandets Mindesniferker fra Oldtiden. Vol. 4 contains Anhang; Rasmus Nyerups og S0ren A- bildgaards antiqvariske Rejser i Aarhus Stitt, 1771, 1807. — KjobenhavnsBeskrivelse. Kjobenhavu, 1800. D. 914.8 39 — Olof Rudbeck the elder, and his Atlantica; translated, with more copious extracts, by G. P. Marsh. (In American eclectic, v. 1, 1841, p. 63-81.) 080 32 — Rej.ser til Stockholm, 1810, '12. Kjobenhavn. 1816. D. 914.8 32 The antiquarian appendixes, p. 61-282, form the princi- pal part of the work. — Worterbuch der skandinavischen Mytholo- gie; mit einer Einleitung: aus der danischen Handschrift iibersetzt. Kopenhagen, 1816. D. 293 29 — editor. Symbola? ad literaturam Teutonicam anti(iuiorem, edita? suiuptibus Petri Frederici Suhm. Havniiv, 1787. sqO. 839.63 1 Udvalgle danske Viser, see .Vbraliamson, W. H. F., it- otliers. 839.81 6 Lavacrnni conscientiuj. 094 3 Magazin for Reiseiagttagelser. 1820-5. 910 45 Syv, P.Kjernefulde Ordsprog. 1807. 398 46 Nygaard, Marius, Betydningen og Brugen af V'crl)it niniiu. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.- Sclskilb. .Aarlioger. v. 13. 1878.)— Oni Brugen af (let saakaldte pra'sens Partici]i i Oldiuirsk. (Ill .' SEA : PHOSPHOBESCEXCE ; SEAS ; WAVES. OCEAN 502 OGLTALORO Ocean high.ways. a geographical review: edited by Clements R. Markhani. [Monthly. J April 1873-March 1874. London, 1873-4. n. s. v. 1. Q. mapfi. 910 39.1 Continued as The sroograiiliioal magazine. OCEANIA. Domeiiy I. Vitas duorum Offarum regum. (In his Historia major. 1640.) 942 13 Offeiitliclie und Privatgebaude in Niirnberg. [Niirnberg, 184-?] sqO. SO pi. ntp. 729 1 OFFICIAL CORRUPTIOS. Marsh, G. P. {In World, N. Y., 15 June 1860.) 080 33 Offoi', George. Introduction. {In Mather, I. Remarkable providences. 1856.) 974 6 O'Flanagan, Theopliilus,fca«s/a.81 45 — The little shepherd-boy, an idyll ; translated from the Danish by I. Heath. Copenhagen, 1827. D. 839.82 45 A translation of his Den lille llvrdedreng, Ti-agodici-. V.5. — Regnar Lodbrok ; etHeltedigt. Kiobenhavn, 1849. D. 83».81 47 — Samlede Digte. Kiabenhavn, 1823. 3 v. D. 839.81 44 — Tragodier. Kiobenhavn, 1831-48. 11 v. D. 849.82 44 — Molbech, C. Fragmenter over Oehlenschlse- gers Poesie. [In his Analekter. 1846.) 839.84 1 — Welliaven, J. S. C. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8, V, 6.) 839.84 2 Ohlriclis, Joliaun. Animadversiones in G. F. Heupelii dissertationem de Ulphila. (In Ulfl- las. 1793.) 839.9 12 Ohlseii, Carlo T. A.Acque e foreste, nell' Italia agricole nieridionale, Salerno, 1869. y. 41 p. 551.58 86 Ohssoii, Ignatius Moiiradg-ea, frihen-e d.' Ta- lileau general de I'enipire othoman, en deux parties : la legislation niahometane : I'histoire de I'eminre othoman. Paris, 1787-90. v. 1-2. F.« pi. iltp. 949 6! Vol. 1-2. Code relifrieux. —Same. Paris, 1787-1824. 7 v. O. pi. tab. * .4«as to V. 1. F.« 949 62 Vol- .')-7 were published by ('. d'Ohsson. Vol. 6 con- tains Codes; v. 7. L'^tat actuel de I'empire othoman. Ollthere. Periplus Otheri Norvegi & Wulfstani, [Anglo-Saxon and Latin]. (In Laiigrebek, J. Script, reruin Dan.. 1772-1834, v. 2.) 948 76 — Periplus Ohtheri ut et Wulfstani, Anglo-Sa- xonica lingua descriptus ; Latine versus ; jam notis adauctus ab A. Bussa;o. (In TIlorR'ils- son, A. Scheda?. 1733.) 839.63 47 — Relations de voyage d' Ottar et d' Ulfstein, [Icelandic and LatinJ. (In Kafn, C. C. Anti- quites russes, 18.50-2, v. 2.) 839.63 60 — The voyages of Oh there and Wulfstan. [Anglo-Saxon and English]. (In Alfred the Great. Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius, bk. 1, chap. 1. 1858.) 923 8 OlSlirov^ iirl KoXuHjT, — OlSlirovs Tipafvos, see Sophocles. OIHENART, Arnaiild. Michel, F. X. (In hi.f Pays Basque. 18.57.) 899 1 Oisin, see Ossiaii. OJEDA, Alonzo de. Navarrete, M. E. de. Bio- grafia de Hojeda. (In his Coleccion de los viages, 1825-37, v. 3.) 910 59 (rKelly, Charles. Macariw excidium ; or, Tlie destruction of Clyprus [Ireland], 1692. (In Croker, C. Narratives of contetjts in Ireland. 1841 ; In. Camden soc. 14.) 820 4 OliAF I. Trjffgvason, fcmf/ o/ Norway. Olsen, It. M, Krunologiskc lieni.urkninger oni Olaf TryggvasoMs Kej;irinnsliistorie. (/« Copenha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Sclskab. Aarboger. v. 13, 1878.) 948 5 (HjXF II., St., king of Xorn-ay. Legeuda; ali- ((uot veteres de S Ollivo rege Norvegiaj. (In Langcbek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 2. ) — Legendit. (In same. v. :i.) 948 76 Olaf den Hellige, see Qhlensehlag'er, A. G. Tra- godier, V. 9. OIjAFR, the name, (iinlason, K. Mandsnavnet <)lafr i (lets irbU'e ishindske Former. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 20, 186(1.) 948 2 lattr Olafs geir.staSa-alfs. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Fornmannasogur, 1825- 37, V. 10.) 839.63 7 Saga Olafs koni'mgs bins belga. (In Copenha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab.Fornmannasogur, 1825-37, V. 4-5.) 839.63 7 Saga Olafs komings Tryggvasonar. (In same. V. 1-3, 10.) 839.63 7 Olafs saga bins helga.-Viabatir. (In Flatey- jarbdk, 1860-8, v. 2-3.; 839.63 5 Olafs saga bins helga; tilligemed et Anhang, Anmierkninger, Ord- og Navne-Register. udgi- vet af R. Keyser og C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1849. O. 839.63 56 Olafs saga Tryggvasonar. (7m Flateyjarb6k, 1860-8, V. 1.) 839,63 5 Olafsson, Eggert. Eggert Olafsens og Biarne Povelsens Reise igiennem Island. Soroe, 1772. 2 pt. in 1 V. sqO. pL 914.9 10 Map wantiu^- — Kva>3i. Kaupmannahofn, 1832. O. 839.61 16 Note at end of volume signed by E. .J6nsson, Th. Sie- mundsson, .S. Thorarensen. Olafsson, J6n. Om Nordens gamle Digtekonst. Kiobenhavn, 1786. sqO. 439.66 1 — Syntagma historico-ecclesiasticum de bapti- smo sociisque sacris ritibus, in boreali ecclesia : % acceduut index et vocum syllabus. Hafnia?, 1770. sqO. 265 1 Olafsson, Jon, ofGrimnavik. Biografiske Ef- terretninger om Arne Magnusen: med Indled- ning, Anmierkninger og Tillfeg af E. C. Wer- lauff. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 3, 183b.) 948 1.2 — Propwdeutisk Veiledning til Studium af de nordiske Oldsager, 1752; oversat, med Forlale og Anmierkninger, af E. C. Werlauff. (In same. Annaler. v. 13, 1852.) 948 2 Olafsson, Olafur. Oeconomisk Reise igiennem Island; tilligemed Ole HencbelsUnderretning om de islandske Svovel-Miiner og Svovel-Raffi- nering, samt Christian Zieners Beskrivelse over nogle Surterbrands-Fielde i Island. Kioben- havn, 1780. 2 pt. in 1 v. S(|Q. pi. maps. 914.9 11 —cfWoc, see Njdls saga. 1772. 839,63.54 Olafsson, Stephen, Liodmseli. Kaupmanna- hofn. 1823. S. 839,61 18 Edited by Finn Magnusen. OLAI 504 Olai, Ericiis. Chronica. /acsm. (/nFant. E.M. Script, rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28, v. 1.) — Historia Suecoruin,Gothorumque;a Jolianne Loccenio iterum edita & notis illustrata. Hol- miiE, 1654. S. 948 52 Olai, Petrus, see Olseii. OLAND. Liiine, C. Ton. Olandska och goth- landska resa, 1741. Stockholm, 1745. D^ il. pi maps. »81 «0 — Radloff, F. W. Beskrifning ofver Aland. Abo, 1795. D. 9U./ 9 Olavius, see Olafsson. Olaviis pauper, of Shetland. Poema. {In Lange- bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834. v.^8.) ^^ OLD AGE. Cicero, M. T. Cato major; seu_._De senectute. (/" his Opera, 1820, v. 4.) 875 1 — Grlmiii, J. L. K. Rede iiber das Alter. {In his Kleinere Schi-iften, 1864-90, v. 1.) 408 2 01(1 Catholics. Pro Christo et ecclesia^puritate: I principii dei cattolici anti-infallibilisti. Fi- renze, 1871. D. 26 p. 284 12 Report of the congress of Constance, 12-14 Seijt 1873; by J. E. B. Mayor. London, 1873. O. 35 p. ' 284 11 Castiaiia, B. Redenzioue; primo annuncio. [Milano', 1872.] O. 284 11 Hyacintlie, jjere. Catholicisme et protestan- tisme; deux discours. Paris, 1873. D. 44 p. 284 12 — Langdon, W. C. The restoration of Christian unity, and the approaching Alt-catholic con- gress at Cologne; a letter to J. J. I. Dollinger. London, 1872. O. 284 11 Old court life in France, see Elliot, F. OLD-NORSE LANGUAGE, see ICELANDIC. The old red sandstone, see Miller, Hugh. OLD TIMES. Dana, R. H. (In his Poems and prose, 1850, v. 3.) 811 5 Die olde Freesche cronike. (In Friesch ge- nootschai). Oude kronijken, 183.5-53.) 839.2 1,2 Oldnonliske Sagaer, 1836-37, see Copenhagen— K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Oldtown folks, see Stowe, H. E. B. 01dys,Willlam,edi i 1774-7; oplyste ved Breve. Kjobenhavn, 1835. D. 928 25 OLSEJSr 505 ORANGE Olscii ,1'eder (Latin Petriis Olai). Chronica regiiin Danorum. — Aiiiiales reniiii Danicarum ad 1541. (/« Laiiu:ebck, J. Script. rerum Dan., 1773-l&ii4, V. 1.) — Kxcerpta Nonnannica & Danica, 841-10.50. ^Exuerpta ex liistoiicis Dano- rum a Sveone Tiugskseg ad Ericum Menved. {In same. v. 3.) !)i8 76 Olsner, Liidwiti:. Jaliiliudier des fninkischen lieiches unter Konig Pippin. Leipzig, 1871. O. {In Munich— Akad. der Wiss. — Hist. Commis. Jahrlmcher der deut.schen Greschichte.)J)43 15.1 0LSTYKKE, see SNODSTUUP. <)lti)liiin, Carl' Andrea. Baltramina. (/w CoUe- zione milanese, 1810-7, v. 9.) 859 15 Oliifsen, Oliif Christian. Collectanea til et anti- qvarislf-topograpliisk Lexicon over Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1829. D. 913 58 6I11VU kvaeSi, Olufas kvad ; en fieroisk Folke- sang, meddeelt af V. U. Hammershaimb; nied nielodi optegnet af H. Rung. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Tids- skrift. V. 3, 184G-8.) 948 4 OLYMPIA. Fallmerayer, J. P. {In his Werke, 18(il, V. 3.) 908 1 — Weniger, L. Der Gottesdienst in Olympia. Berlin, 1884. O. 35 p. (/?i Vircliow * Hoi- tzeiidorff'. Vortrage. 19 Serie.) 043 1 0LT3IPI0D0RUS of Alexandria. Bonghi, U. Degli scolii d' Olimpiodoro. {In Plato. Dia- loghi, V. 3, 1881.) 888 19 0m monastery. Exordium monasterii quod dicitur Cara insula. (In Langebek, J. Script. rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 5.) 948 76 — J0r^ensen, A. D. Striden mellem Biskop Tvge og 0m Kloster. {In Copenliagren — K. nord. Old.-Selskab.Aarbgger.v. 14, 1870.) 948 5 Omar Khayyam, see 'Umar Khaiyam. Omboni, (Jiovanni. Element! di storia naturale: Botanica. Milano, 1857. D. 580 3 — Le nostre Alpi e la pianura del Po ; descri- zione geologica. Milano, 1879. D. il. 551.43 41 Omboni, Tito. Viaggi nell' Africa occidentals. Milano, 1846. Q. pi. 91G.7 5 On planting [of trees]. London, 1831-2. O. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) ' 551.58 43.1 Oncken, Wilhelm. Aristoteles und seine Lehre vom Staat. Berlin, 1870. O. 38 p. (/)i Vir- choTV & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Ong'aro, Francesco dall.' A chi legge. {In Rivalta, A. Tito Vezio. 1867.) 853 80 — Alghe della laguna ; rime vernacole. Vene- zia, 1866. D. 32 p. 859 53 — L' arte italiana a Parigi nell' esposizione del 1867. Firenze, 1869. D. pi. 709 4 — Bettino Ricasoli. 3 edizione, accresciuta. Torino, 1861. T. por. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 85 PapaPioIX. Torino, 1861. T. 2^or. (Same.) 922 45 — Stornelli italiani. Milano, 1863. S. 851 91 — II tesoro, commedia da alcuni fraramenti di Menandro. Napoli, 1864. S. 62 p. 852 1 — editor. I gesuiti niudacati da se medesimi ; documenti, con prefazione e note. Jlilano, 1865. S. 271 10.1 A reprint of the Monita secreta. with Italian transla- tion, and of the letters of Clement XIV. Onkel Adam, p.scj(don7/?»io/>Vetterbergh,K.A. Onof'ri, Onol'rio. Propositioues de nuraculis. Florentia-, 1598. F. Broadside, il. 231 8 Witii eiiKravin^ of Moses smiting the rock. Onofrio, •!. B. Essai d'uii glo.ssaire des patois (Ic Lyonaais, Forez etBeaujolais. Lyon, 1864. O. 447 3 Onorio, Fllippo {Latin Pliilippns Ilonorius). De novo in Polonia rege eligeiulo. (In Kcspii- blica Polonia;. 1837.) 094 51 — De regno Gallico relatio. {In Rcspiiblica Gal- liiB. 1036.) 094 27 — Dissertatio, Turcicum imperium perdurabile videri. {In Tiircici imperii status. 1630.) 094 59 — Relatio de regno Britannico. {In Smith, T. De republica Anglorum. 1635.) 094 37 — Relatio de republica Venetoruni. {In Conta- rini, G. De republica Venetorum. 1628.) 094 39 Ouosander. Dell' arte della guerra, trattato ; recato di greco in italiano da Fabio Cotta. Nu- ova edizione. Milano, 1863. S. 8-f 73 p. {In Bibl. rara. 4.) 850 3 Onze voorouders, seeLennep, J. van. Romant. werken, 9-13. Di Opgeregden, see Hingber^, H. K. vam. OPIUM. De Ouincey, T. Confessions of an English opium-eater. Boston, 1851. D. 824 10 Oppenlieiuier, Zacharias. Ueber den Einfluss des Klimas auf den Menschen. Berlin, 1867. O. 35 p. (7)1 Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 Oppianus. Della pesca e della caccia; tradotto dal greco, con annotazioni, da Antonmaria Salvini. Nuova edizione, vita dell' autore per Guglielmo Alessandro Greenhill. Jlilano, 1864. S. (i?i Bibl. rara. 48.) 850 3 — Oppiano della pesca e della caccia, tradotto dal greco, con annotazioni, da Anton Maria Salvini. Firenze, 1738. S. 883 16 "Important in Italian philosophy." — Note by Mr. Marsh, OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Bourne, W. A treatise on tlie properties and qualities of glass for optical purposes. {In Halliwell-Phlllipps, J. 0. Rara raathematica. 1839.) 510 3 See also TKLESCOPES. Optrin af Nordens K;empeliv, see (jiriindtviff, N.F. S. Opuscoli idraulici del padre O. Corsini, di R. Prony, A. Humboldt, A. Tadini, V. Fossom- broni, A. Manetti, G. Libri, F. Guasti. Bo- logna, 1845. sqQ. 637 8 Opzoomer, Carl Willlam.Het wezen der deugd; voorleziiigen, 1847-8. Le.yden, 1848. O. 170 8 ORACLES. I)i)hler,E. Die Orakel. Berlin, 1872. O. 31 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Fontenelle, B. le B. de. Histoire des oracles. {In his CEuvres choisies, 1779, v. 1.) 848 6 Orange, William, prince of, see WUIiam I. ORANGE. Alfonso-Spagiia, F. Precetti sulla coltivazioue degli agrumi. Palermo, 1869. O. il. 634 1 — Briosi, H. Intorno al mal di gomma degli agrumi fusisporium limoni Briosi. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 OR A TORES 506 ORLANDO Oratores Attici et quos sic vocant sophista-, [Greek and Latin] ; opera et studio Gulielnii Stephani Dobson. Londiui, 1828. 12 v. O. 885 1 Contents: 1. Antiphon.— Andooides. 2. Lysias. 3. Iso- crates. 4. Isaeus.— Dinarchus.- Lycurglis.— Demades.— SophistiB. 5-11. Demosthenes, li. fflschines. 13. An- tiphon, Andocides et Lysias Latine. 14. Isocrates, Isfe- us, Dinarchus. LyourKUS, Demades et sophistai Latme. 15. Demosthenes Latine. 16. Demosthenes et ^schines Latine. ORATORY. Cicero, M. T. De inventione rhe- torica. — De oratore.— Brutus; sive, De Claris oratoribus.— Orator.— Topica.— De partitione oratoria. — De optimo genere oratoruni. — Incer- ti authoris Rhetorica, ad C. Herenuium. (In Ms Opera, 1820, v. 1-2.) 875 1 — Qiiintlliaiiiis, M. F. De institutione oratoria iibri 12; ex editione J. M. Gesneri. Londiui, 1822, 2 V. T. 875 15 — .Snhm.P. F. Noget om Talereog Veltalenhed. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 6.) 849.88 5 .—Tacitus, C. C. Dialogus de oratoribus; sive, De causis corrupts eloquentiae. {In his Opera, 1832-9, V. 4.) 878 17 See also the division OKATORY under the various liter- atures. ORDEAL. Lea, H. C. The ordeal. {In his Su- perstition and force. 1870.) 340 4 ORDER OF WORDS, see GRAHDIAR. Oreadiiii, Vincenzio. Opusculum, in quo agit utrum adjectio novarum literarum Italica? lin- guiB aliquamutilitatem pepererit. {In Trissiiio, (i. (i. Opere, 1728, v. 2.) 851 126 OREGON. Denis, J. F. L'Oregon. 1849. {In V iinivers. 8.) 910 18 — Greeiihow, R. The history of Oregon and California. Boston, 1844. O. nuq:). 979 1 — — Same. 2 edition. Boston, 1845. O. map. 979 2 O'Rell, Max, pseudonyvi of Bloiiet, P. Orelli, Johanu Caspar, editor see Tacitus. C. C. Opera. 184(5-7. 878 19 Oreiidel und Bride; eine Riine des deutschen Heidenthuins, umgedichtet im 12ten Jalirhun- dert zu eineni befreiten Jerusalem ; heraus- gegeben von Ludwig Ettmiiller. Ziirich, 1858. O. 831 70 Oresme, Nicole. Traictie de la premiere inven- tion des monuoies, textes fran^ais et latins; et Traite de la monnoie de Copernic, texte latin et traduction fraiicjaise; publies et annotes par li. Wolowski. Paris, 1864. Q. 332 5 L'Oresta, see Braccioliui dell' Api, F. 'Op^iTTTji, see Euripides. La orfaneta de Jlenargues, see Bofarull, A. de. Orford, Horace Walpole, 4th earl of. Historic doubts on the life and reign of King Richard the third. London, 1768. sqO. por. 923 50 — Letters [,1735-97 ; arranged chronologically and annotated by John Wright, with life by Lord Dover]. London, 1840. Gv.O.por. 820 7 — Letters to Sir Horace Mann, 1760-85; con- cluding series. Philadelphia, 1844. 2 v. O. 82« 8 — Iteminiscences and Walpoliana. Boston, 1820. S. 828 21 — editor, see Herbert of Cherbury,E.H., baron. Life. 1770. 923 50 —Dickens, F. W. G. An answer to Walpole's Historic doubts on Richard III. London, 1768. sqO. 923 50 See Dickens, F. W. (1. in appendix to this catalogue. Macaiilay, T. 1$. Walpole's Letters to Sir H. Mann. (In' his Essays, 1843, v. 2.) 824 16 Koning Oriaud, heldensage,see Conscience, H. L'orieut, see Gautier, T. Revue de Torieiit, see Revue de Torient. ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Heeren, A. H. L. Ton. Ueber die asiatischen Spracheu im persi- schen Reich. (In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 3.) 908 3 ORIENTAL LITERATURE. Chasles, V. E. P. Voyages d'un critique a travers la vie et les livi-es ; Orient. Palis, 1865. O. 950 4 — Gotlie, J. W. von. West-ostlicher Divan.— Noten und Abhandlungen zu Verstiindniss des Divans. (In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 5-6.)— Ori- entalische Literatur. (/)(. same. v. 46.) 832 1 — Zenlier, J. T.Bibliotheca Orientalis : Manuel de bibliographic orientale. Leipzig, 1846. O. 016 20 ORIENTAL QUESTION, see TURKEY— POLI- TICS. Oriental translation fund, see Mulianiiuad All Hazin. ORINOCO. Humboldt, F. W. H. A. tou. Nota sulla oomunicazione fra I'Orenoco e il fiunie delle Amazoni. (In Opuscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 — — Ueber die WasserfiUle des Orinoco bei Atures und Maypures. (In his Ansichten der Natur. 1849, v. 1.) 551 23 ORKNEY ISLANDS. Genealogia comitum Or- cadensium. lln Munch, P. A. Svmbote. 1850.) 948' 27 bound ivith 913 17 — Munch, P. A. A map of the Orkneys, with the ancient and modern names of places. (In Copenhagen — K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. i8, 1858.) 948 2 — Petrie, G. Okltidslevninger paa Orknoerne. (In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 — Thonisen, G. Den nordiske Nationalitet paa Shetlands- og Orknoerne. (In same. Annaler. V. 22, 1862.) 948 3 — Ziegler, A. (In his Heine Reise im Norden, 1860, V. 1.) 914.8 7 Orknejinga saga. — Addenda, (/n Tigfdsson, G. Icelan'dic'saKas, 1887, v. 1; in Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron, and mem. 88.) 942 8 Orkneyiiiga saga; sive, Historia Orcadensium: Saga bins helga Magnusar; sive. Vita sancti Magni; cum versione Latina, varietate lectio- num et indicibus, edidit Jonas Joni«us. Hafnise, 1780. sqO. facsim. 839.63 57 Kx niss. le^ati Arna-Ma;^na?ani. Orlaiiilini, — . Antonio degli Albizzi. (In Jah)'- bnch roiu. u. eng Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Orlandini, (Miaiido, 4-i 10 Orleans, CJastouJeaii Baptiste de l''rance,''((t' d.' Memoires, lGU8-ii(j. por. (In llicliaild tic Poil- joulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 33.) 944 9 ORLEANS, Henriette Anne, duchesse d,' see HENRIETTA ANNA. ORLEANS, Louis Pliilippe Joseph, due d,' called Egalitd. Garat, D. J. De la conspira- tion d'Orleaiis. (In Barriere & Lescure. Me- moires, 1857-81, V. 20.) 944 10 MAID OF ORLEANS, see DARC, J, Li orloge amoreus, see Froissart, J. v. 1. ORM. Gr0ndal, B. Orme ogOrinegaarde i de nordiske Oklskrifter. (In Copeuhaj^en — K. nord. Old.-Selskah.Aarboger. v. 4, 1869.) 948 5 Ormin. The Ormuluni ; now first edited, with notes and glossary, by Rol)ert Meadows White. Oxford, 18.53. 2v. O. 82187 ORNAMENT. Bartliolin, C. T. De inauribus veterum syntagma ; accedit mantissa ex T. Bartholini Miscellaneis medicis de annulis na- rium. Amstelodami, 1676. T. il. 391 1 —Bartholin, T. De armillis veterum schedion; acoessit Olai Wormii de aureo cornu Danico. Editio novissima. Amstelodami, 1676. T. il. pi. 391 1 — Belli, F. Catalogo di pietre usate dagli anti- chi per costruire ed adornare le loro fabbriche. Roma, 1843. O. [4-f]94 [-t-1] p. 747 3 — Bucher, B. Ueber ornamentale Kunst auf der Wiener Weltausstelhing. Berlin, 1874. O. 48 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 9Serie.) 043 1 — Uolmboe, C. A. Descriptio ornamentorum aureorum et numorum sseculi 8viet 9ni in prte- dio Hoen, 1834, repertormn. Christianife, 1835. sqO. 16 p. pi. 391 3 — Miiller, S. Dyreornamentikeni Norden. il. pi. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 15, 1880.) 948 5 — Ranlie, J. Anfange der Kunst; antliropolo- gische Beitriige zur Geschichte des Ornaments. Berlin, 1879. O. 32 p. (/« Vircliow * Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 14Serie.) 043 1 Seeaho A.11BEB; INSIGNIA; PEARLS. Ornitlio-logle; or, The speech of birds, see FuUer, T. Ornsby, George, editor, see the following pub- lications of. the Surtees society : 820 7 87, 47. (JranviUe, D. Remains. 1861-5. 52, 55. Cosiii, J. Correspondence. 1869-72. 68. ilonard, W. Selections from household boolis. 1878. Orologi, Giuseppe. Novelleintitolatelsuccessi. Lucca, 1867. O. 853 25 Edition of 115 copies, no. 83. ORONTES VALLEY. The vaUeyof theOrontes; its position, climate and products. Malta, 1850. S. 915.6 23 OROPUS, see AMPHURAUS. Orosins, Panlus. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of [the liistory of] Orosius, with a lit- eral English translation by B. Thorpe. (In Pauli, G. R. Life of Alfred. 1857.) 923 8- — King Alfred's Orosius; edited by Henry Sweet. London, 1883. pt. 1. O. (In E. E. text SOC. Orig. ser. 79.) 82ft 5 }'t. 1, Old-Englisli text and Latin original. ORPHAN ASYLUMS. ,*(? IlKltLIX; Florente— tolleglo Ferretti; MABEMMA TO- SCAXA. Orronville, Jean Cabaret d.' Chronique de Louis de Bourbon. (7»BucIion, J. A. C. Choix dechroniques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 Orsi, Delfluo, & Gabotto, F., editors. Le laudi del Piemonte. Bologna, 1891. v. 1. D. (In Seelta di curiosita. 238.) 860 10 Orsilago, — .Sopra il buon essere di Livorno. (In Berni,~F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Orsini, Felice. Memorie politiche. 5 edizione, aumentata di un appendice per Ausonio Fran- chi. Torino, 1862. D. x)or. 945 15 — Montazio, E. Felice Orsini. Torino, 1862. T. por. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 75 Orsino, Giordano. Relazione alia repubblica di Venezia intorno al modo di .stabilire una mili- zia in pace, 1563. (In Variety storiche d' Ita- lia.) 945 11 jBrsted, Hans Christian. Der Geist in der Na- tur. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe des Verfas- sers. Muncheu, 1850. 3 v. D. 501 6 — Luftskibet, et Digt. Kjabenhavn, 1836. T. 839.81 48 Ortli, Georg Michael. Die Wasserglas-Gallerte, ihre Anwendung und ihrNutzen. 2 vermehrte Auflage. Weimar, 1857. O. 45 p. 666 1 Ortis, Jacopo, Ultime lettere di, see Foscolo, N. U. Ortnit; herausgegeben von Arthur Amelung. (In Dentsches Heldenbuch, 1866-73, v. 3.) 831 14 Ortus sanitatis, see Cuba, J. Orvar-Odds saga. (In Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1839-30, v. 2.) 839.63 12 ORYIETO. Cronaca d' Orvieto, 1343-63. Mi- lano, 1845[1865|. S. (In Bibl. rara. 58.) 850 3 — Luzi, L. II duomo di Orvieto. Firenze, 1866. D. 726 20 Osbern, precentor of Canterbury. Vita Sancti Dunstani. — Liber miraculorum. (In Stubbs, W. Memorials of Dunstan, 1874: in Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 63.) 942 8 — Vita S. Odonis arcliiepiscopi Cantuariensis. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan. , 1772-1834, V. 2.) 948 76 Osbiirn, William, jr. Ancient Egypt; her testi- mony to the truth of the Bible. London, 1846. O. il. pi. iltp. 932 5 Oscauyan, Christoplier. The Sultan and his people. New York, 1857. D. il. por. 914.9 34 With the author's autograph. Oscar, Ossians son, tragedi, efter franskan, see KuUberg, A. C. Oscar II. s Reise i Nordland og Fininarken, see Friis, J. A, I oseleti, capricio ditirambico, see Cnmano, G. Osenbriiggen, Ediiard. Die Ehreim Spiegel der Zeit. Berhn, 1872. O. 32 p. (iw Virchow* Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 OSENBRUGGEJSr 508 OTTFRID —Land und LeutederUrschweiz. Berlin, 186G. O. 36 p. {In same. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Neue culturhistoi-ische Bilder aus der Schweiz. Leipzig. 1864. D. 914.9 19 —Die Schweiz in den Wandlungen der Neu- zeit. Berlin, 1876. O. 40 p. {In Virchow * Holtzeiidorff. Vortriige. 11 Serie.) OU 1 ^Sffood, Howard. Tlie Hebrew text of the Old Testament. (//( Schaff, V. Anglo-American Bil)le revision. 187U.) 2^0 5 OSIANDER, Andreas. Stapliylns, F. Historia aoti negotii inter Staphylum et Osiandruin in Prussia contra calumnias J. Functu. {In Stro- bel, G. T.Miscellaneen, 1778-81, V. 1-3.) 830 10 Osiander, Christian Natliaiiiel von>/'«"^'fio''' see Tliucydides. Geschichte. 1829-o5. 88S 10 Osiliana, see Holzniayer, J. B. Osmund, .St., hisho}) of Snlisbu.ry. Registrum, see Salisbury. Osuey, England. Annales de Oseneia, 1016- 1348._ Chronicon Thomas Wykes, 1066-1289. facsini. {In Lnard, H. R. Annales monastici, 1864-9, V. 4; in Grt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 Osorio. Jeronymo. Da vida e feitos d' el rei D. Manoel: ...vertidos em portuguez pelo Franci- sco Manoel do Nascimento. Lisboa, 1804-6. 3 V. D. 946 80 Ossian. The blackbird of the grove of Carna. — The poem of Talc [.Irish and English]. {In Gaelic soc. Trans, v. 1, 1808.) 891 7.1 —Grimm, J. L. K. tjber Ossian. (In his Klei- nere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 7.) 408 2 Heller, H. J. Das Neueste zur Ossian-Frage. iln Jalirbncli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, I860.)— Zum Ossian. {In same. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 Sliaw, W. An enquiry into the authenticity of the poems ascribed to Ossian. Dublin; 1782. S. 891 7.3 OSSOLl, Sara Margaret (Fuller). Villari, P. {In his Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 ■0sten for Sol og vesten for Maane, see Dracll- niann, H. Osterg'ade og Vestergade, Lystspil, see Over- sliou, T. L'osteria della posta, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 39. (isterley, Hermann. Die Narrationes des Odo von Ciringtonia. (7n Jalirbucll rom. u.eng. Lit. V. 9, 1868.) 805 1 — editor, see Jelian de Haute-SeUle. Dolopathos. 1873. 293 18.1 OSTERM.VNN-TOLSTOl, .Ueksander Ivsinovicli Tolstoi, count. Fallmeraycr, J. 1*. (/" his AVerke, 1861, v. 3.) 908 1 Osterreicliiselier Alpen-Verein.Jahrbuch.Neue Folge. Wion, 186.')-9. v. 1, 5. O. jj?. 561.43 7 Osfgotlie, Tliorgeir. Ett ord efter stormen. Stockholm, 1838. D. 79 p. .124 T) — Rest-ransakning med den s. k. fria prossen. Stockholm, 1839. O. 324 5 Ostlioffj Hennann. Das physiologische und psycluilogis(-lie Jlonient in der sprachlichen Foriiicnbiidniig. Berlin, 1H7!). O. 48 p. (In Tircliow ct lloltzeiulorlf. Vortriige. 14 Serie.) 043 1 — Schriftsprache und Volksmundart. Berlin, 1883. O. 40 p. {In same. 18 Serie.) 043 1 OSTIA. Lanciani, R. Scavi di Ostia. Roma, 1881. Q. 13 p. 913 17 ,S'e«nfcoCAMP.l(i>A. 0STBEVOLD. Maniciis, C. Om Ostrevoldens Retning og Beskaffenhed. map. {In Copen- hasren- K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Anualer. v. 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 OSTROGOTHS, see THEODORIC. Osvaldi, Osvaldo. II Palazzo Vecchio; memorie storiche. Firenze, 1865. D. 945 79 Saga Osvalds komiugs hins helga ; udgiven ef- ter en islandsk Oldbog, med Indledning af Jon Sigurdsson, og med dansk Oversasttelse af Thorleif Gudm. Repp. {In Copenhagen — K. nord.Old.-Selsliab. Annaler. v. 14, 18.54.) 948 3 Oswald, king of Northumberland. Newman, J. H., & others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, V. 4.) 922 8 Oswald von Wolkenstein. Gedichte; mit Einlei- tung, Worterbuch und Varianten, herausge- geben von Beda Weber. Innsbruck, 1847. O. 831 71 Oswald, Eugene. E.arly German courtesy-books. 1869. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 OSWIN, king of Nortliumherland. Newman, J. H., (f- others. {In their Lives of English saints. 1844-5, V. 4.) 922 8 —Vita Oswini regis. {In Raine, J. Misc. hiog. 1838: in Surtees soc. 8.) 820 7 Den otalige, komedi, see Silverstolpe, A. G. Otliello, see Hauff, W. Othello, the Moor of Venice, see Slialiespeare, W. Othere, see Olitliere. OTHO I., the Great, emperor of Germany. Biiseh,— . Heinrich I. und Otto I. Berlin. 1883. O. 33 p. (/nVirchow l. & Atlas. F.' 551.43 37 Ondemans, Antlionie Cornells. Bijdrage tot een Middel-en Oudnederlandsch woordenboek. Arnhem, 1869-80. 7 v. O. 439.37 4 OudTlaenisclie liederen en andere gedichten der 14e en 15e eeuwen. Gent, n. d. Q. mnsic. {In Maetsctaappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 9.) 839.3 3 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, see IHARY. Ouseley, Sir William, editor, see Bnrckliardt, J. L. Notes on the Bedouins; — Arabic proverbs. 1880. 915.3 3 OUTCAST RACES, see VAGABONDS. OUTLAWS, see EUSTACHE, the monk: FITZ- WARINE, Fiilk; HOOD. Robin. Olitzen, Nicolaus. Glo.ssarium der friesischen Sprache, besonders in nordfriesischer I\Iundart; herausgegeben von L. Engelstoft und C. Mol- bech. Kopenhagen, 1837. sqO. 439.2 3 —& Werlauff, E. C. Preisscliriften die diinische Sprache im HerzogthumScliIesswigbetreffend. Kopenhagen, 1819. O. 439.87 6 Ove Kjaer, L. Studier af Oldtidslivet og Old- tidshi.-itorien. Kjobenhavn, 1864. O. map. 930 3 For contents .'see AMKjUlTIES. Ovejas, Udefonso de. Don Jose Zorrilla. (In Zorriila y Moral, J. Obras, 1852, v. 1.) 862 2 Overbeck, Johannes Adolf. Gescliichte der grii'cliischen Plastik. Leipzig, 1857-8. 2 v. in 1. g. 733 1 — Pomjieji in seinen Geb'auden, AlterthiJniern und Kuustwerken. 2 vermelirte Authige. Leipzig, 1866. 3 v. in 1. O. il. id. ma}i. 913 20 Overskoii, Thomas. En Bryllupsdugs Fatali- teter, Lystspil. Kjpbenhavn, 1840. O. 34 p. 839.82 46 — Duellanterne, komisk Syngestykke. Kjpben- havn, lK;i5. O. [3 + J 21 p. 839^82 46 —Farens Dage, Drama. Kjobenhavn 1826. D. 839.82 47 — En Fodselsdag i Slutteriet, Vaudeville. Kjo- benhavn, 1834. D. 74 p. 839.82 48 — Guerillabanden, Syngestykke. Kjebenhavn, 1834. D. [4-|-]68p. 839.82 49 — Hvilken er den Rette? Vaudeville. [Anon.] Kjobenhavn, 1839. 16 p. 839.82 46 — Kunstnerliv; eller. Den Ene arbeidet, den Anden lonnen. Vaudeville. Kjobenhavn, 1832. D. 57 p. 839.82 50 — Norreports Vagt St. Hans Aften, Vaudeville. Kjobenhavn, 1830. O. 15 p. 839.82 46 — dstergade og Vestergade; eller. Deter Nyt^ aarsdag i Morgen, Lystspil. 2 Oplag. Kjoben- havn, 1840. O. [2-t-] 40 p. 839.82 46 — Pak! Lystspil. Kjobenhavn, 1845. O. [1+] 40 p. 839.82 46 — Stormen paa Kjobenhavn, Opera. Kjoben- havn, 1845. D. [H-]96p. 839.82 51 — Vor Tids IVIennesker, Lystspil. Kjobenhavn, 1830. O. 839.82 46 — & Arnesen, A. E. Capriciosa; eller, Familien i Nyboder, Folkecomedie. Kjobenhavn, 1842. O. [l-h]36p. 839.82 46 Oridio, Enrico d'. Alcune proprieta metriche dei complessi e delle congruenze lineari in geo- metria projettiva. — SuUe reti di complessi line- ari nella geometria metrico-projettiva. — Le serie triple e quadruple di complessi lineari nella geometria metrico-projettiva. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — Le funzioni metriche fondamentali negli spazi di [ii] dimensioniedicurvaturacostante. {In same. 3 ser. sci.fls. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 3.) 065 4 Ovidio, Francesco d.' Sul trattato De volgari eloquentia di Dante. — Indici del volume. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 2, 1876.) — Fonetica del dialetto del Campobasso. — Giunte e correzioni. — Indici del volume. (In same. v. 4, 1878.) — Ricerche sui pronomi personali epossessivi ne- olatini. (In same. v. 9, 1886.)— Spigolature ro- manze dalle pagine di un latinista. (In same. V. 10, 1886-8.) 450 11 — James, bart. On the importance of the studv of physiology. (7); Yonmans, E. L., erf)7o?-. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 Pagine sparse, .see Amicis, E. de. Paglierani, Franco, editor, see Trissino, G. G. La Sofonisba, con note di T. Tasso. 1884. (In Scelta di curiosita. 205 ) 850 10 I'agnini, (iiiiso|ipe >laria, translator. Teocrito, Mosco. I!i(ine. .Sinuiiia, greco-latini, con la Huccolica di V^irgilio latino-greca : volgarizzati e forniti 2^ sqQ. par. col. pi. 923 77 In a postscript is given a notice of Mrs. Paine. Paine, Tlioinas. Common sense, addressed to the inhabitants of America. Philadelphia, 1791. O. 320 13 — A letter to the marquis of Lansdowne on his speech, 10 July 17S2, respecting the acknowl- edgement of American independence. Dublin, 1791. O. 48 p. 320 13 Appended are two letters, to the authors of The re- publican, and to the abb6 Syeyes. —Rights of man. Dublin, 1791-2. 2 v. in 1. O. 320 13 PAINTERS. Cunniugliani, A. The lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors, New-York, 1831. 3 v. S. por. 927 1 — Dati, C. R. Vite de' pittori antichi. (In Marcliese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 709 2 Contents: Zeusi Parrasio.— Apelle.— Protogene. — Malrasia, C. C. Felsina pittrice; vite de' pit- tori bolognesi ; con aggiunte di G. P. Zanotti e di altri. Bologna, 1841. 3 v. O. 927 2 ^Tnckerinan, H. T. Book of the artists; American artist life, comprising biographical and critical sketches. New York, 1867. O. por. 927 3 — Vasari, G. Le vite de' piii eccelenti pittori, scultori e architetti. Firenze, 1846-70. 14 v. D. po7\ 927 4 For contents see Athena?um catalogue. See also CORXELIUS, P. von; FIXE ARTS; BAFFAELE SANZIO; RAZZI, G. A.: TIZIANO VECELUO. PAINTING. Borgliini, R. II riposo. Reggio, 1826. 3 V. inl. S. 750 1 — Cederscliiold, G. Studier ofver ishindska kyrbomaldinpar fran fristatstiden. (In t'opeii- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 22, 1887.) 948 5 — Cennini, C. II libro dell' arte: o, Trattato della pittura; per cura di G. e C. Milanesi. Fi- renze, 1859. D. 750 2 — — German : Das Buch von der Kunst; oder, Tractat der Malerei; iibersetzt, mit Einleitung, Noten und Register, von A. Ilg. Wien, 1871. O. 750 3 — Conestabile, G. Pitture murali a fresco, e suppellettili etriische scoperte presso Orvieto nel 1863. Firenze, 1865. F. 750 3.2 hound inth 726 9 — Crowe, J. A., & Cavalcaselle, G. B. Geschich- te der italienischen Malerei. Deutsche Ori- ginal- .4usgabe Von M. Jordan. Leipzig, 1869- 76. 6 V. O. pi. 750 6 — Dexter, F. Pictures and painters; essays upon art; the (dd masters and the modern artists. [Aium,] New York, 1849. O. 750 4 —Diderot, D. Versuch iilier die Mahlerey, mit Anmerkungen. (Jn GiitllC, J. W. von. Werke, 1827-42, V. 36.) 832 1 —Dolce, L. L" Aretino; ovvero, Dialogo della pittura ; con lettere. Milano, 1863. S. por. (M Bibl. rara. 10.) 850 3 — GBtlie, J. W. von. Aeltere Gemilhlde, Vene- dig, 1791. (In hin Werke, 1827-42, v. 38.) 832 1 — Gray, T. Criticisms on architecture and ])aintiiig during a tour in Italy. (In its Works, 183G, V. 4.) 821 60 — Helnilioltz, H. L. F. Optisches iil)er Malerei. il. (In his VortrSge, lh84, v. 2.) 504 5 — Kornernp, J. To Foredrag om gamle Kalk- malerier. il. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.- Selsliah. Aiirb0ger. v. 19, 1884.) 948 5 — I'liilostratus. Philostratorum Imagines;, re- censuit F. Jacobs ; observationes addidit F. T. Welcker. Lipsiae, 1825. O. 750 3 Italian ; Le immagini. (In Marcliese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 709 2 — Tuckerraan, H. T. Pictures, (/ii 7m's Crite- rion. 1866.) 814 15 — Villari, P. La pittura moderna in Italia ed in Francia. Firenze, 1868. O. 54 p. 750 5 ■i'ee also COUREGGIO, A. A. da; ENAMEL; GLASS; BAF- FAELE SAXZIO; Bene d'Aiijou. Pais, Ettore. II aapidnos yiXois. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.) — La Sardegna prima del dominio ro- mano, studi storici ed archeologici. i>l. map. (In same. v. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 Pajoli, Anseluio. Descrizione dell' i.sola di Malta, 1654 [; edited by G. Ferraro]. (In NuOTB effemeridi siciliane, v. 2, 1875, p. 177-89.) 914.6 105 Pak! Lystspil, see Overskou, T. Pal Viirning, see Carlen, E. 8. F. Palacio, Manuel del. Un liberal pasado por agua; recuerdos de un viaje a Puerto Rico. Ma- drid, 1868. O. 861 12 bound with 869 25 With the author's autograph. PAL.EOGRAPHY. Lnpi, C. Manuale di pale- ografia delle carte. Firenze, 1875. D. pi. 417 1 — Wattenbaeli, W. Anleitung zur griechischen PaliBographie. Leipzig, 1867. sqQ, & Atlas of 12 facsim. F. 481 2 With the author's autograph. PAL.EONTOLOGT. fanevari, M. Ibrachiopodi degli strati a terebratula aspasia Mgh. nell' Appennino centrale. pi. (In Rome— R. aecad. dei lineei. Atti. 3 ser. sei.fis. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Capellini, G. Balenottere fossili e pachya- canthus dell' Italia meridionale. (/)) .some. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Gli strati a congerie e le marne compatte mioceniche dei dintorni di Ancona. pZ. — Balenottera fossile delle Colom- baie presso Volterra. (In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) — Gli strati a congerie o la formazione gessoso- solfifera di Pisa e nei dintorni di Livorno. pi. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) -Resti di tapiro nella lignite di Sarzanello. p?. (In same. x.i).lSSO- 1.) 065 4 PAL^NTOL OGY 512 PALESTINE (In same. 2 065 3 SuUfc balene fossile toscane. ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) (t- Heer, 0. Les phyllites cretacees du Ne- braska. Zurich, 186fi. sqQ. 22 p. pi. 5(51 1 —Conrad, T. A. Description of the fossils of Syria, pi. (/k Lynch, W. F. Official report of U. S. expedition to Dead Sea. 1852.) 015.6 30 — Cnvier, G. L. C. F. D. A discourse on tlie revolutions of the surface of the globe, and the changes thereliy produced in the animal kingdom. Philadelphia, 1881. D. pi. 560 1 — (JastaWi, B. Cenni sui vertebrati fossili del Piemonte. [Torino, 18.58.] sqF. m\>.pl. 566 1 hound unth 552 2 —Cenni suUa giacitura del cervus euryce- ros. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti 2 ser. V. 3, 1874-5.)— Sui fossili delcalcare dolo- mitico del Chaberton. 1^1. (In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2. 065 3 Intorno ad alcuni fossili del Piemonte e della Toscana, breve note. Torino, 1866 snF. 46 p. pi. 566 1 bound with 552 2 Su alcuni fossili paleozoici delle Alpi ma- rittime e dell' Apennino ligure studiati da G. Michtlotti. 1)1. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 — GemmcUaro, G. G. Sugli strati con aspido- ceras acanthicuni opp. sp. di Sicilia e sui loro cefalopodi. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Lotti, P. Di alcune recenti scoperte paleonto- logiche nei dintorni di Massa marittima. (In same.) 065 3 Marsh, 0. C. Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America. [New Haven, 1877.] Q. 57 p. 566 2 — Meli, R. Sui dintorni di Civitavecchia. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 5, 1879-80.)— Sulla natura geologica dei ter- reni...a Ripetta, e sull' unio sinuatus Lamk. (In same. v. 8, 1879 80.) 065 4 — Meneghini, G. Nuovi fossili siluriani di Sar- degna. pi- (In same. 3 ser sci fis. v. 5. 1879- 80 ) 065 4 _ — Paragone paleontologico dei vari lembi del lias superiore in Lombardia. (In same.'i ser. V. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 —Miller, H. The foot-prints of the creator; or, The asterolepis of Stromness. Fi'om 3 Lon- don edition. Boston, 1850. D. 660 2 — Pantanelli, D. Sugli strati miocenici del Ca- sino. Siena, e coiisiderazioni sui miocene supe- riore. })h map. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Jis. v. 3, 1878-9.)— I diaspri della Toscana e i loro fossili. pi. (In satiie. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 ^Ponzi, G. Lavori degli insettinellelignitidel monte Vaticano. — I fossili del inonte Vatieano. pi. (In same. 2 .ser. v. 3, 1875-0, i)t. 2.) 065 3 — — Le ossa fossili subapennine dei contorni di Roma. {In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8. pt. 2.) 065 4 — Riimer, F. Ueher die aitesten Formen des or- ganischen Leliens auf der Erde. Berlin, 1869. O. 36 p. (In Virchow d- lIoHzendorll. Vor- tr'Age. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Scarabelli, G. Sugli scavi eseguiti nella ca- verna detta di Frasassi. pi. (In Rome— R. accad, dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 Seguenza, G. Nuculidi terziarie rinvenute nelle provincie meridional! d' Italia, p^ (In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.)— Le formazioni terzi- arie nella provincia di Reggio, memoria. i)i. maps. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.)— Le ringicole italiane. ^j/. (In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Zigno, A. de. Sopra un nuovo sirenio fossile scoperto nelle colline di Bra in Piemonte. 2)1. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) — Sopra un cranio di coccodrillo scoperto nel ter- rene eoceno del Veronese, pi. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 See also AMBER: ARCH.EOLO0T; CHAI.K; MAN. Palatfi, Giuseppe, editor. Delizie storichetratte dagli archivi i^rivati toscani: Maiiiii, I>. M. Dei tuochi d'allegrezza per la famiglia dei Pazzi, 18B7. »-9 9 Palamedes, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den. Palaophron und Neoterpe, see Gotlie, J. \V. von. v. 11. Palau, Melcior de, translator, see Verdaguerj J. La Atlantida, poenia. 1878. 86!) 20 Paleario, Aouio. The benefit of Christ's death; reprinted in facsimile from the Italian edition of 1543, with a French translation printed in 1551 [,and] an English version made in 1548 by Edward Courtenay, earl of Devonshire; with an introduction bv Churchill Babington. Lon- don, 1855. S. facsim. 232 9 —Von der Wohlthat Christi ; unter Anfii- gung des italienischen Originaltextes ins Deu- sche iibertragen und bevorwortet von einem evangelischen Doktor der Theologie. Leipzig, 1855. D. 232 10 PALERMO. Marsh, C. C. (In Johnson's cyclo- piedia.) In main library. .— Veneziano, A. Discorsi sopra le statue del fonte pretorio di Palermo. (In his Opera. 1861.) 850 40 PALESTI\E. Bede. De locis Sanctis. (/?( his Historia'. 1722.) 274 1 Biindi, J. Cudisch dilg viadi da Jerusalem, 1.591. (//( Archivioglot.ital. v. 7,1880-3.) 450 11 — Bnrckhardt, J. L. Travels in the Holy Land. London, 1822. sqQ. il. por. maps. 915.6 15 — Fallmerayer, J. P. PaUistiua.(7H /n's Werke, 1801, v.' 1.) 908 1 — Fnller, T. A Pisgah-sight of -Palestine and the ct)nfines thereof; with the history of the Old and New Testament acted thereon. Lon- don, 16.50. F. pi. iltp. maps. 915.6 27,28 Gcorgi, 0. Die heiligen StiUten nach Origi- nal/.eicliMungen nach der Natur. Leipzig[,1854]. s(|Q. 6-1-91 p. 1)1. iltp. 916,6 28 hound icith 913 17 — Lcandro, padre. Palestina. Roma, 1753. Q. pi. map. 915.6 29.1 — Mauiidrell, H. A journey from Aleppo to Je- rusalem, 1679. London, 1810. O. pi. 915.6 30 — Mniik, S. Palestine ; description geograiihi- (|ue. liistoriciue et arclHologi(iue. Paris, 1845. O. pi. maps. (In. L'univers. 31.) 910 18 PALESTINE 513 PALLA VICING ^Xeale, F. A. Eight years in Syria, Palestine and Asia Minor, 1842-50. London, 1851. 2 v. O. 915.6 5 — Nofe, padre. Viaggio da Venezia al s. sepolcro ed al MonteSiuai. Bassano,1791. D. iZ. 915.()31 ^Oliver, the schokisfie. Historia regum Ter- rfe Sanctae. (In Eckhard, J. (x. von. Corpus hist., 1723, V. 2.) 943 13 — Paxtoii, J. D. Letters from Palestine. Lon- don, 18;{9. D. 915.6 32 — Petraroa, F. Itinerariuni Syriacuiii. (In his Opera, 1581, v. 1.) 851 95 — Pierotti, E. La Palestine actuelle dans ses rapports avec la Palestine ancienne. Paris. 1865. O. 915.6 33 ^ — Rivista generate della Palestina antica e moderna. Firenze, 1866. sqQ. [9-F] 59 [-l-4Jp. 915.6 34 bound with 913 17 ^Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Bashan, and Syria's holy places. London, 1865. D. pi. iltp. 915.6 35 ^Tlie pylgrymagre of Sir Richard Giiylforde to the Holy Land, 1506; edited by Sir Henry Ellis. [London,] 1851. sqO. facsim. tab. (In Cam- den soc. 51.) 820 4 — Ritter, K. Ein Blick auf Palilstina und seine christliche Bevolkerung; ein Vortrag. Berlin, 1852. O. 37 p. 915.6 36 —Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Palestine and the adjacent regions, 1838, '52, by Robin- son, E. Smith and others. Boston, 1856. 3 v. &Atla.-i. O. 915.6 37 ^ — Physische Geographie desheiligen Landes. Leipzig, 1865. O. 555 3 — Sanseverino, R. da. Viaggio in Terra Santa. Bologna, 1888. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 229.) 850 10 — Seydlitz, M. von. Griindtliche Beschreibung der VVallfahrt nach dem heiligen Lande, neben Gefengnuss derselben Gesellschafft... Gorlitz, 1.580. sqO. il. 943 35 — Wilde, W. R. Palestine, il. ma}}. (In his Narrative of a voyage. 1844.) 910 39 —Wright, T., editor. Early travels in Pales- tine; the narratives of Arculf, Willibald, Bern- ard, Saswulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Maundeville, De La Brocquiere, and Maundrell ; with notes. London, 1818. D. map. (Bohn's antiq. lib.) 915.6 40 See esjKcialltj LEVANT, under which will be found every general booli of travels through Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, etc.: (Uso CBl'S-iDES: DE.ID SE.i: SEA OF GALI- LEE; JEKUSALE.!!; JORDAN; MT. TABOR. —MAPS. Figari bey, A. Etudes geographiques et geologiques de I'Egypte et de la Palestine. Paris, 1864. 6 maps. obF.« 916.2 7 In portfolio 3. ^ — -Kiepert, H.Karte von Palaestina. Berlin, 1842. 07x51 cm. 912 53 In portfolio 3. ^ — Ziniuierniann, C.Atlas von Palaestina und der Sinai-Halbinsel. Berlin, 18.50. obF.* 15 maps. 912 39 See also JERl'SALEM. PALESTRINA, Italy. Marsh, C. C. (In John- son's cyclopaedia.) In main library. Palestro, discorso, .see l)e-Agostiul, G. Palfrey, Francis Wintlirop. Memoir of William Francis Bartlett. Boston, 1878. D. jjor. map. 923 14 Palfrey, John Gorhani. A history of New Eng- land, to the revolution of the 17tli century; an abridgement of his History of New England during the Stuart dynasty. New York, 1866. 2 V. D. 974 1 Palgrave, Sir Francis. Truths and fictions of the niicklle ages : The merchant and the friar. 2 edition. London, 1S44. H. 823 21 Palgrave, Francis Turner, editor. The golden treasviry of songs and lyrical poems in English. Cambridge [, Eng.], 1867. S. • 8215.1 Palgrave,' William Oifford. Personal narrative of a year's journey through central and eastern Arabia, 1862-3. 5 edition. London, 1869. D. X)or. maps. 915.3 11 Palingenesien, see Richter, J. P. F. v. 14. Palissy, Bernard. GCuvres completes; avec des notes et une notice historique par Paul Antoine Cap. Paris, 1844. D. 553 2.1 Contents: Notice sur Palissy,— Notice sur les pr6c6- dentes 6dltions.— Recepte veritable, .a multiplier thrfi- sors. — Discours admirables des eaux, des m6taux... — Appendice. Palladiiis, bishop of Helenopolis. Lausiaca, in- certo interprete. (hi Migne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. V. 74.) ^ 922 6 Palladius Rntilns Taurus .Eniilianus. De re ru- stica. (In Scriptores rei rustic*, 1783-4, v. 4.) 878 36 — English : On husbondrie; from the ms. of about 1420, edited by Barton Lodge; with a ryme index edited bv Sidney J. H. Herrtage. London, 1873-9. O." (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 52, 72.) 820 5 Pallnstrelli, Bernardo, conte. La citta d'Um- bria nell' Appennino piacentino ; relazione. Piazenza, 1864. F. 73[-l-2Jp. j^^'ot. maps. 913 45 bound u-ith 726 9 — II suocero e la moglie di Cristoforo Colombo; memoria storica. Modena, 1871. F. 81 p. tab. 929 7 bound with 925 18 With a fienealosieal table of the Pallastrelli family. PaUavicino, Giorgio, Due lettere: 1, Risposta al Carlo Boggio; 2, Delia politica francese e della politica italiana, al conte Lina- ti. Torino, 1862. O. 48 p. 945 34 — L' Italia nel 1867: considerazioni politiche. Firenze, 1867. O. 21 p. 945 38 — Spilbergo e Gradisca; scene del carcere duro in Austria. Torino. 1856. S. 365 1 — Su le quistioui del giorno, alcune- lettere, 1871-3. Milano, 1874. O. 76 p. 945 38 — cfc Gioberti, V. II Piemonte, 1850-3; lettere, per cura di B, E. Maineri. Milano, 1875. D. 945 47 — & Manin, D. Epistolario politico, 1855-7; con note e document! per B. E. Maineri. Milano, 1878. O. 945 63 — Lidforss, V. E. LeMemoriediG. PaUavicino, giudicate. Torino[.1882]. S. 24 p. 923 78 —Negri, C. Le Memorie di G. PaUavicino; con- siderazioni. Torino, 1882. S. 40 p. 923 78 PALLIOL O 514 PANAMA Palliolo, Paolo. Le feste pel conferimento del patriziato loniano a Giuliano e Lorenzo de' Medici. Bologna, 1885. D. {In Scelta di cu- riosita. 206.) 850 10 Fallioppi, Zaccaria. La conjugaziun del verb nel idiom roniauntsch d'Engiadiu' ota. Same- dan, 1868. obi. S. 459 16 Palm, Herinanii, editor, see Der Veter Buocli. 1863. 838 8 PALM. Av6-LaUemaiit, R. C. B. Die Benu- tzung der Pahpen aui Amazonenstroni in der Oekonomie der ludianer. Hamburg, 1861. S. 6+44 p. 551.58 116 —Fischer, T. Die Dattelpalme: ihre geogra- phische Verbreitung und culturhistorische Be- deutung. Gotha, 1881. s(iQ. 4+85 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittlieiluilgeii: Erg'auzungs- band 14.) 910 44 — KiimpferjE. ...Relationes botanico-historicas de palma dactylifera in Perside crescente. i)l. {In his Anioeiiitatum, 1712. pt. 4.) 915 6 Palllia, Stefaiio. Prontuario del linguaggio mercantile, amniii istrativo ed economico, se- condo il buon uso toscano; con parole pnlimi- nari di P. Fanfani. Milano,1877. D. 453 13 —Vocabolariometodico-italiano parte che refe- risce all' agricoltura, alle arti ed industrie che ne dipendone. Milano[, 1865-J70. 2 v. in 1. D. 453 14 11 nuovo Palinarerde ; almanacco universale per 1870. Torinof, 1869]. v. 148. T. 350 5 Palmblad, Yilheliii Fredrik. Faniiljen Falken- swiird, roman. Orebro, 1844-5. 2 v. O. 839.73 24 Paliiieirim de Ingiaterra, see Moraes, F. de. Palmer, Abraiii Smytlie. Leaves from a word- hunter's note-book ; being contributions to English etymology. London, 1876. D. 422 7 Palmer, Edward Henry. A concise dictionary of the Persian language. London, 1876. sqS. 491.5 1 Palmer, Edwin, d- Mimro, H. A. J. Syllabus of Latin pronunciation. Canibridge[, Eng.], 1873. O- 7p. 471 3 PALMER, Jullns. Tliarkham, T. Defence of his conduct towards Palmer. (77! Nichols, J. G. Narratives. 18.59; /« Camden soc. 77.) 820 4 Palmerini, Italo, editor, see Scelta di curiosita. 221, 225. 850 10 Palnierston, Henry John Temple, viscount. Lord Palmerston. Berlin, 1870. O. 39 p. (iji Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.; 043 1 Palmieri, Lnig'i. Cronaca del Vesuvio; somma- rio de' accendimenti, 1840-71, relazione dell' ul- timo incendio del 1873. Napoli, 1874. O. J,>i. 'icolas.De pulvere sympathetico disser- tatio. (In Digby, K,, cfc others. Theatrum sym- patheticuni. 1660.) 131 8 Papini, Pietro, editor, see Oiiisti, G. Nuova i-accolta di scritti inediti. 1867. 858 7 Papiri,P.E. Liverotto Uffreducci da Falerone, signore di Fermo; racconto storico del 1500. Fcrmo, 1867. D. 853 26 PAPYRUS.Comparetti, D. Relazionesui pai)iri ercolanesi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 5 Para veneer a amor, querer vencerle, see Cal- deron. V. 3. Paracelsus, PhUippns Aureolus Tlieoplirastns Bombastns von Holienlieim, called. Aurora thesaurusque philosophoruni; accessit Monar- chia pliysica per Gerardum Dorneum, pra'terea Anatoniia viva Paracelsi. Basileit, 1577. S. il. 540 1.1 — Of the supreme mysteries of nature: eng- lishedbyR. Turner. London, 16.56. S. il. 133 26 Contents: Of the secrets of alchymy discovered in the nature of the planets— Of occult philosophy.— Of the mysteries of the signes of the zodiack: being the mag- netical and sympathetical cure of diseases. Paracelsus, see Browning, R. II paradise degli Alberti, see Giovanni of Prato. Paradoxa, see Cicero, M. T. v. 4. Le paradys d'amours, see Froissart, J. v. 1. PARAGUAY. Famiri,S. M.C. Paraguay. 1840. pi. 7nap. (In L'univers. 10.) 910 18 See also ABIPOXES. Paralellogramniaton, see Wither, G. Paralipomciii della Batracomiomachia, see Leopard!, (J. PARALYSIS. Taylor, G. H. Paralysis, and other affections of the nerves; their cure by movements New York, 1871. D. 616 26 Paramelle, — , ahhi Quellenkunde; aus dem Franzosi.sclien. Leipzig, 1856. D. 551.49 2 Parander, Jean Jacques. Abroge de I'histoire des Vaudois, jus(iu"a 1871. Pignerol, 1872. D. 284 5 bound irith 4.1 Der Parasit; oder, Die Kuiist scin Gliick zu mai'.ben.ein Lustsi)iel, .5ce Schiller, J. C. F. von. PARASITES. Perty,.I. A. M. Ueber den Para- sitismus in der organisclien Natiir. Berlin, 1869. O. 44 p. {In Vircliow & Holt/.endorlT. Vortrilge. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Redi, F. Osservazioni intornoairpellicelli; — agli animali viventi negli animali viventi. pi. (In 7ii.sOpeve. 1778. v. 1-3.) 590 9 Parato, Antonio. II libro dei fanciulli. Parte 1: L' uomo. 22 ristampa. Roma, 1873. D. 170 4 hound u-ith 150 2 Parato, (jiovanni, & Mottiira, C. Grammatica normale teorico-pratica. 9 edizione. Roma, 1871. D. 455 10 Paravicini, Tito Vespasiano. Le arti del dise- gno in Italia, storia e critica: L' evo moderuo. Milano, 1883. Q. il. pi. (In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 31 Parcevals saga. (In Kolbiug', E. Riddarasogur. 1873.) 839.63 59 Parchappe, Jean Baptiste Maxiniilien. Galilee, sa vie, ses decouvertes et ses travaux. Paris, 1866. I). 925 6 PARCHMENT. Pei^not, E. G. Essai sur 1' histoire du parchemin et du velin. Paris, 1813. O. 016 3 Parelli, Giovanni. Seconda calamita volter- rana. 1530. (In Vettori, F. Sommario.) 945 12 1 parentadi, see (irazzlui, A. F. Commedie. Parent-Ducliatelet, Alexandre Jean Baptiste. Hj^iene publique, menioires ; precede d'une notice sur I'auteur par Fr. Leuret. Paris. 1836. 2 V. O. pi. 614 3 Parenti, Marco Antonio, see Esercitazioni filo- logiche, 1844-61. • 450 14 Pareto, Raifaele, Ragionamento critico sulle mercuriali considerate come elemento di arit- metica sociale. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lin- cei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 1, 1873-4.) — Saggio di studi meteorologici sul clinia di Roma paragonato a quello d'altre citta d'ltalia, riguardo alia bonta deir aiia. (In same. v. 2, 1874-5.) 066 3 — Relazione sulle condizioni agrarie ed igieni- clie della Campagna di Roma. Firenze. 1872. O. tab. (In Italy— Min. di agrlc. Annali.) 551.49 10 — Die romische Campagna. (In Uillebrand,K. Italia. V. 2, 1875.) 945 41 —Sulle bonificazioni, risaie ed irrigazioni d' Italia; relazione. Milano, 1865. sqF. viajis. 631 30 Pareto. Yilfredo. Die Eisenbahnen in Italien. (/)) Hillebraiid, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 Parini, Giuseppe. Sonetti. (In Collezione mi- lanese, 1816-17, v. 9.) 859 15 — Versi e prose. Torino, 1857. S. 851 92 — Giusti, G. Delia vita e delle opere di G. Pa- rini. (/(i/i/.s Scritti. 1863.) 858 6 Paris, Alexis Paulin. De I'origine et du deve- lojjpement des ronians de la table ronde : Le saint graal. (In Romania, v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 — Des iiianusorits des Menioires de Joinville. (In Didot, A. F. Etudes sur .foinville. 1870.) 928 33 — Same. (In Joinville, J. de. Menioires. 1859.) 944 11 — Notice sur la chanson de geste : Le voyage de Charlciii.ignc a Jerusalem et a Constantino- ple. (7?t Jahrbuch roni. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 PARIS 517 PARKER — Les romans de la table ronde mis en nouveau langage, et accompagues de reclierclies. Paris, 1868-77. 3 V. D. pi. . 293 10 Contents: 1. Introduction.— .Toseph d'Arimathie.— Le saint-graal. 2. Merlin.— Artus. 8-5. Lancelot dii lac. —editor, see Kichard le pilerin. La chanson d' Antioche. 1848. 841 27 Varis, (Jaston Bruno I'aiilln. Entwickelung der fi-anzbsischen NatiunaUiteratur, 18.58-01. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 3, 4, 1859- 62.)— Epitre faroie pour le jour de Saint-Etien- ne. (Ill same. v. 4, 1803.) — Fragment d'un petit poeme devot du 12e siecle. (In same. v. 6, 1805.) 805 1 —editor, see Uoinania. 1872-3. 479 Paris, Matliew. Chronica majora; edited by Henrv Richards Luard; the creation to 1259. London, 1872-83. 7 v. Q. facsim. {In (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem, 57.) 942 8 — Historia Anglorum ; sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia minor; item, ejusdem Abbreviatio chronicorum Anglia?; edited by Sir Frederic Madden ; 1067-1253. London, 1866-9. 3v. Q. il. facsim. (In same. 44.) 942 8 — Matth;ei Paris. Historia major, 1007-1273, et Duorum Offarura Merciorum regum et viginti trium abbatum S. Albani vitie, unacum libro additamentum; editore Willielmo Wats. Lon- don, 1640. F." 942 13 The title-page is wanting, but the edition is presum- ably that of 1610. Continuatio, 1259-7.3, is by W. Rishang- er. The Zurich edition of the Historia Anglorum, 1589, is in the main library. — King Offa's intercepted letters and banisht queen, to compare with King AUa's in Chau- cer's Man-of-law's tale. (In Originals and ana- logues. 1872-88 ; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 7 ) 821 46 Paris. Etat des sommes payees par le tresorier de la commune de Paris, pour depenses occasi- onnees par la revolution dii I0aoiitl792. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 18.) 944 10 — Extraits des seances de la municipalite qui s'installa lOaoat 1792. (In same.) 944 10 Called also : "ProcJs-verbaux de la commune de Paris," or, "de la mairie de Versailles." — .Vnglo-.Vmerlcan committee for aiding elm rcli reformation in Italy. Report. Dresden, 1808. D. 34 [ + 2] p. 284 12 — Bibliothei|ue nationale. Memoranda relating to the block books in the Bibliotheque imperi- ale, made Oct. , 1858, by S. L. Sotheby. Lon- don, 1859. F. 23 p. il. 016 31 bouiidu-ith 015 5.2 —EXHIBITIONS. Escourrou-Milliago, E. De ritalie a propos de I'exposition universelle de Paris; sur I'exposition de Portugal. Paris, 1856. D. 606 5 — Institut^^cad^niJe des sciences. Memoires. Paris, 1866. v. 35. sqQ. 551.58 59 Academic franfaise. Dictionnaire de 1' Academic. 7 edition. Paris, 1878. 2 v. sqF. 443 1 — ■ Same: Complement, par Louis Barre et Narcisse Landois. Bruxelles, 1839. sqF. 443 2 Conrart, V. Memoires, 1652-61. (In Michaud & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 28.) 944 9 — J.iBDlN.I)ES PLANTES. Bollard, P. Le Jardin des plantes: mammileres ; introduction par J. Janin. Paris, 1812. O. il. por. id. 599 2 —LOUVRE. Meriinee, P. Restauration du Musee. (/n7ti.>j Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 — IVIusenm d'histoire nalurelle. Instructions on collecting, ])reservii)g and transporting objects of natural history. (In Vatteinarc, A. Movement of exchanges. 1846.) S06 1 — Soci^W orientale. Bulletin, see Revue de 1' orient. 950 3 Abbon of St. Germain. De bello Parisiaco Ubri3. Hannoverae, 1871. O. [3+] 51 p. (In Pertz, (J. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) 943 16 — Aniicis, E. de. Ricordi di Parigi. Milano, 1879. D. 914.4 9 — Baggesen, J. I. Reise til Paris. (In his Danske Vasrker, 1827-32, v. 10.) 839.81 13 — Craik, O. L. Paris and its historical scenes. Boston, 1831. v.. 1. >S. il. 2)1. map. (Lib. of entertaining knl.) 914.4 11 — Galignani, J. A. & W., and co., pnhlishers. Galignani's new Paris guide for 1854. Pai"is, [18.53]. S. pi. maps. 914.4 10 ^Kullberg, K. A. (In his Bref, anteckningar och skizzer fran utlandet, 1844, v. 2.} 914 5 — Moltke, H. K. B. von. Briefe aus Paris. (In his Wauderbuch. 1879.) 914 8 — Varnhagen von Ense, K. A. L. P. Aufenthalt in Paris, 1810. (In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1845.) 905 1 Paris and Vienne ; from the copy printed by Caxton, 1485; with preface, glossary and notes. [London,] 1868. sqO. facsim. (In Hazlitt, W. Roxburghe lib. 1.) 821 3 Parise la duchesse, chanson degeste. 3 edition, par F. Guessard et L. Larchey. Paris, 1860. S. (In (iiiessard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France, 4.) 841 3 Park, Mungo. The journal of a mission to the interior of Africa, 1805; with documents, and life of Park. Philadelphia, 1815. O. map. 916.6 9 On the title-page is written "O. P. Marsh. Dart. Coll. 1816." Parker, Charles Stuart. On the history of classical education. (In Farrar, F, W., editor. Essays. 1867.) 375 1 Parker,Foxall Alexander. The battle of Mobile bay, Atig. 1864. Boston, 1878. O. J50c. maps. 973 41 Parker, John Henry. The archaeology of Rome. Oxford, 1871-9. v. 1,4, 7, 9, 13. O. por. pi. maps. 913 5-10 Contents: I. Primitive fortiflcations.—Walls and gates. —Historical construction of walls. 1 & 2 edition. 1874, '78. 4. The twelve Egyptian obelisks in Rome. 1879. 7. The Flavian amphitheatre, called the Colosseum. 1876. 9. The tombs. 1871. 12. The catacombs. 1871. The 1st edition of v. 1 is in two vols. There are also four pamphlet catalogues of Historical photographs, 1871-3. — A glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture. 5 edition, en- larged. Oxford, 1850. 3 v. in 3. O. 720 7 Vol. 1, text; V. 2. pt. 1 & 9, plates. — An introduction to the study of Gothic archi- tecture. 8 edition. Oxford, 1888. S. il. 723 1 PARKER 518 PAS C HA Parker,MartiH, see The king and a poor north- ern man. PARKER, Samuel, bUhop of Oxford. Marvell, A, Tiie rehearsal transpros'd; or, Animadver- sions upon A preface [by Parker], shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery. I.ondon, 1672. S. 282 13 Parker, Theodore. [Discourses.] Boston, 1846- 58. 10 V. in 1. O. 252 2.1 Presentation copies to Mr. Marsli, consisting of the following: The idea of a Christian church, 18-t6.— A ser- mon of war. 1846.— A discourse [on] the death of J. (^. Adams, 1(M8.— The function and place of conscience in relation to the laws of men, 1850.— The chief sins of the people, 1851.— A sermon of the consequences of an im- moral principle and false idea of life. 1854. — The great battle between slavery and freedom, 1856. — A new lesson for the day, 1856. — A false and true revival of religion. 1858.— The revival of religion which we need, 1858. Parker society. Annual report, 1844-5. Cam- bridge [,Eng.i, 1845-6. v. 4, 5. O. 270 17, 18 — Publications : 7, 18. Zurich letters. 1845-6. . 270 16-17 23. Robinson, H., tdifor <0 / ninslafor. Original letters rela- tive to the En-lisb reformation. 1846. 270 18 27. Church of EiittlaiMi Liturgies. 184T. 264 1 80. Jenel, J. Works, 3d portion. 1848. 28S 4 48. —Private prayers. 1851. 264 2 Parkiiian, Francis, jr. History of the conspir- acy of Pontiac, and the war of the tribes against the English colonies after the conquest of Canada. Boston, 1851. O. mops. 970 1 Parma, Domenico Fantozzi. Diario del viaggio fatto in Iiighilteira nel IG^id dal nunzio ponti- ficio Rossetti: pubblicato dal Giuseppe Ferraro. Bologna, 1885. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 212.) 850 10 PARMA. La Varenne, P. C. M. de. Parme de- puisl814. (/(( his Italie centrale.lS59.) ;»45 25.1 — Petrarca, F. Parma liberata, 21 maggio 1341 ; canzone politica: esposta dal F. Berlan. Bo- logna, 1870. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 109.) 850 10 — Salimbene di Adamo. Chronica. Parmae, 1857. F. 945 68 Parmiero, Jacov' Antonio. Composezejune poveteche 'n lengua napolitana. {In Collezione napoletana, 1783-9, v. 22.) 859 19 Parnaso lusitano; ou, Poesias selectas dos auc- tores i^ortuguezes antigos e modernos, com notas; precedido de uma historia da lingua e poesia portugueza. Paris, 1826-34. 6 v. Tt. p/. 8G9 32 For contents see Ticknor catalogue. PAEXELL, Thomas. Goldsmith, 0. The life of Parnell. (In his Misc. works, 1837, v. 3.) 823 11 Parodi, E. G, editor. Rime genovesi del sec. 13-14. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 10, 1886-8.) 450 U Parona, C. F. II calcaie liassico di Gozzano e i siioi fo.ssili. i>l. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 scr. sci.fis. v. 8, 1879-80.) 0G5 4 PARR, Thomas. Taylor, J. The old, old, very old man. 32 p. jxir. (In his Works. 1870; in S|iensersoc. Pub. v. 7.) 821 3 I.i; imrrain magnifique, poeme, see Uresset, J. Pai-rish, Robert Anstin, Jr. Details of an un- paid claim on France for 24,000,000 francs guar- anteed by the parole of Napoleon III. Philadel- phia, 1869. O. p7wt. facsim. map. 836 6 Parsons, Thomas William. The birthday of Michael Angelo [;poem]. London, 1875. T. 15 p. 811 1& — Versi sopra un busto di Dante; tradotti dall* inglese dal Generale Masi [.Englisli and Ital- ian]. Palermo, 1872. O. 9 p. 81119 Parsons, William. A poetical tour, 1784-6, by a member of the Arcadian society at Rome. London, 1787. O. 821 92 Romans of Partenay, see MELUSINE. [Parthenopeus and Melior;] Assi comensa la general historia del esforsat cavalier Partino- bles, comptede Bles; novament traduhida de llengua castellana en la nostra catalana. Ge- rona, n. d. T. 869 27 For a discussion of this romance, see Jonckbloet^ Dicht- kunst.v. 3, p. 185 and after. See also Connid ronAVurzburg, Parthey, tJustav Friedrich Constantin. Wan- derungen durch Sicilien und die Levante. Berlin, 1834-40. 2 v. D. music, & Anhang zum Sten Theile. F.= 916.2 13- C'oiiienis: 1. Sicilien und Malta. 2. Das Nilthal. PARTIES. Webster, N. Brief history of polit- ical parties in the U. S. (In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 See also the division POLITICS iinder the different countries. Parlinobles, see Parthenopens. Parton, James. Life of Andrew Jackson. New York, 1861. 3 v. O. por. 923 5? Partonopier und Meliur, see Parthenopens and Melior. Partsch, Joseph. Die Insel Korfu; eine geo- graphische Monographic. Gotha, 1887. sqQ. maps. (//I Petermanns Mittheilungen: Ergan- zungsband 18.) 910 44 Party leaders, see Baldwin, .1. Gr. Par vi Tordonis Diaconi explicationes,see Deen» T.I. Parville, Francois Henri Peudefer de. Cau- series scieutifiques; decouvertes et inventions, progres de la science et de I'industrie. 1869. Paris, 1870. v. 9. D. il. pi. 605 2 Parvipontanus, Ada, see Adam du Petit-Pout. Parzival und Titurel, see Wolfram ro?i Eschen- bacl) : also Perceval. Pascal, Blaise. I'ensees, fragments et lettres; publics par Prosper Faugere. Paris, 1844. 8 v. O. par. 848 14 — Pensees preced^es de sa vie par Mine. Perier, sa soeur; suivies d'un choix des Pensees de Ni- cole et de son Traite de la paix avec les hommes. Paris, 1842. D. 848 IS ^Les provinciales; ou, Lettres de Louis de Montalte [pseud.]. Paris, 1819. 3 v. in 1. T. 282 18 — Same. Edition accompagnee de notes et d'un precis historique sur le jausonisme par Charles Louandre. Paris, 1858.' D. 282 19 — Italian: Le provinciali; colle annotazioni di Guglielmo Wendrok. 2 ediziono d' Italia. Ve- nezia, 1789. 2 v. O. 285 19.1 Pascal, Jcau Baptiste £ticiiiie. abb^. Institu- tions de I'art Chretien. Paris, 1856. 2 v. in 1. O. 755 1 Der Pascha von Buda, see Zschokkc, J. H. I). V. 10. PASCOLI 519 PATAGONIA Pascoli, Lioiio. II Tevere, navigato e naviga- bile. Roma, 1740. O. 551.48 21 Pasolini, Pietro Desiderio. Delle antiche rela- zioni fra Veuezia e Ravenna; memorie. Fir- enze, 1874. O. 945 60 — Meraorie storiohe della famiglia Pasolini, 1300-1867. Venezia, 1867. O. 91 p. 2)1. tab. 929 8 — Memoiie storiche della famiglia Ponti; per le nozze Ponti-Greppi. Imola, 1876. O. pi. tab. 929 11 bound with a^rt 18 — Gli statuti di Ravenna ordinati e descritti. Firenze, 1868. D. 349 23 Pasqiiale, G. A. Dell' agricoltura industriale nelle provincie meridionall d'ltalia. {In Naples — B. 1st. d' iiicor. Atti. 2 ser. v. 7, 1870.) 551.21 2;S Pasqiialigo, Cristoforo. Raccolta di pioverbi veneti. 2 edizione accresciuta. Venezia, 1879. O. 398 53 Pasqiiini, Pietro Viiicenzo. Dell' unificazione della lingua in Italia. Milano, 1863. D. 144 p. 450 6 — Deir unificazione della lingua in Italia. Fi- renze, 1869. D. [3 + J 17+430 [ + 1] p. 450 7 Pasqililio et Marforio; les bouclies de marlire de Rome; traduits et publics pour la premiere fois par Mary Lafon. 2 edition. Paris, 1877. D. 282 7 — Voigt, J. Ueber Pagquille,...[1.501-,50]. {In Rauincr, F. L. G. you. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1838.) 905 1 Passaglia, Carlo, abate. Sulla eternita delle pene e sul fuoco dell' inferno, dissertazioni ; volgarizzate dal Francesco Regonati. Milano, 1855. O. 93 p. 237 3 — Dii pere Passaglia et de I'ltalie. Turin, 18G2. O. 86 p. 282 50 Passavant, Joliann David. Rafael von UrbiTio und sein Vater, Giovanni Santi. Leipzig, 1839- 58. 3 V. O. pi. 927 13 Passavaiiti, Jacopo. Lo specchio della vera pe- nitenzia. Firenze_, 1821. 2 v. in 1. O. jwr. 241 4 Passega, Carlo. Delle bonificazioni ferraresi e dei lavori a conservazione della loro agricoltu- ra. Bologna, 1843. O. 79 p. 630 32 Una passeggiata pei borghi di Firenze, .see Tlionar, P. Passerini, Gi., & others. Compendio della flora italiana, per V. Cesati, Passerini e G. Gibelli. Milano [,1867-84]. Q. pZ. (7?i L'ltalla. Parte 3) 914.5 5 Passerini, Liiigi, oonte. Curiosita storico-ar- tistiche fiorentine. 1-2 serie. Firenze, 1866- 75. 2 V. D. 709 5 —editor, see Adeniollo, A. Marietta de' Ricci. 1845. 945 69 Passetti, Leon. Valle Varaita ; studi storico- militari del secolo 18. {In Curiosity di storia sulialpina. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Passio deutsch. {In Altdeatsche Neujahrsbla?t- ter, 1874.) 839.1 6 La passion du Christ ; poeme en dialecte fran- co-venitien du 14 siecle ; A Boucherie. {In Berue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 La passion du Christ; texte revu par G. Paris. {Ill Uonianla. v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 — Diez.PM'.Zur Kritik der altronianischen Pas- sion Uhristi. (In Jalirbucll roni. u. eng. Lit. V. 7, 1866.) 805 1 La passione e altre antiche scritture lornliardi; edite da C. Salvioni. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 Libro del pass*; copiiado pnr Juan de Pineda. 2 edicion. {In C'r6nicas espafiolas. v. 5, 1783.) 946 34 Passow, Franz Lndwig Karl Friedricli. Erin- nerungen an ausgezeiclinete Pliilologen des 16- ten Jahrhunderts: Hieronynuis Wolfs Jugend- leben, — Heinrich Stephanus. {In Raiinier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830-31.) 905 1 PASSPORTS, see MARSH, G. P. Passy, Fred<5ric. La liberte commerciale. {In Thevenin, E. Cours d'econ. indust. 4 serie. 1866.) 330 18 — De la monnaie. {In same. Entretiens, 1866, V. 2. p. 15-105.) ,304 5 — Les machines, et leur influence sur le deve- loppement de Thumanite. Paris, 1866. D. 621 1 Passy, G. de. Etude sur le service hydraulir|ue. Paris. 1868. O. 627 5 PAST AND PRESENT. Carlyle, T. Past and present. New York, 1848. D. 824 7 — Dana, R. H. {In his Poems and prose. 1850, V. 2) 811 5 PASTEURIZATION, see GERMS. The pastime of people, see Rastell, J. Tlie pastime of pleasure, .see Hawes, S. Past6, Andrea, El vin friularo de Bagnoli, di- tirambo. — La polenta, scherzo ditirambico. {In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 5.) 859 50 Past('»,Lodovico, Poesie. {In same. v. 4.) 859 50 [I'aston letters:] Original letters written dur- ing the reigns of Henry VI.. Edward IV. and Ricliard III. ; with notes by .John Fern. 3 edition, with additions. Loudon, 1787. 3 v. sqQ. pi. facsim. tab. ilfp. 826 5 Paston letters, 1423-1509. New edition, con- taining upwards of 400 letters, &c., hitherto unjiublished, edited by James Gairdner. Lon- don, 1872-5. 3 V. S. " (Arber's annotated re- prints.) , 826 6 II pastor fido, tragicomedia, see Gnarini, B. Tlie pastoral life of the ancients. {In The history of silk, etc. 1845.) G77 1 PASTORAL OFFICE, see CLERGY. Pastorale comique, see Molifere, J. B. P. de. V. 4. Pastors-ad.jnnkten, af Onkel Adam, see Wet- terbergli, K. A. PASTOCRELLES. Brakelmann, J. Die Pas- tourelle in der nord- und siidfranzosischen Poesie; nebst einem Anghange ungedruckter Pastourellen. {In Jahrbuoll rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 9, 1868.) ^805 1 PASTURAGE, see GRASSES. PATAGONIA. Byron, J. Narrative of dis- tresses suffered on tlie coast of Patagonia, 1740- 6. 2 edition. London, 1768. p?. 916.2 2 PA TA G OlSriA 520 PA YER — Lacroix, F. Patagonie. 18-tO. pi. map. {In Liinivers. 10.) 910 18 Pater Brey,Ein Fastnachtsspiel von, see Giothe, J. W. von. V. 13. Paterciiliis, Cuius Velleiiis. Historia Romana: ex editione J. C. H. KrauHe[,receiisuit Joannes Carey]. Londini, 1818. T. 878 39 Published with Florus, I;. A. Epitome. Pateriid, E. Ricerche sopra I'aeido usnico, e sopra due nuovl principi die lo accompagnano nella zeora sordida. {In Rome— R. accad. (lei liiieel. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 187.5-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Sulla identita degli acidi usnico e carbonu- snico. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fls. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 3.)— Nuovi studi suUa picrotossina : nota del Paterno ed A. Oglialoro. (In same. v. 3, 1878- 9.)— Ricerche dirette alia siutesi del timol: nota di Paterno e F. Cauzoneri. — Ricerche e consi- derazioni suUa natura chimica della picrotossi- na: nota di Paterno ed A. Oglialoro. {In same. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 PATHOLOWY, Beale, L. S. On slight ailments. London, 1880. O. 616 5 Paracelsus. Anatomiacorporum adhuc vi- ventiuiu. il. (In his Aurora. 1577.) 540 1.1 — -Perls, M. Ueber die Bedeutung der pathologi- schen Aiiatomie und der pathologischen Insti- tute. Berlin, 1873. O. 36 p. (/»! Vircliow ordisk Tidsskrilt. v. 1, 1833.) 948 1.2 — Detdanske Sprog i Hertugdommet Slesvig. Kjobenhavn, 1837. S. 59 p. 439.87 7 P.VULUS, St., the hermit. Hieronymus Sophfo- nius, E., St. Das ist sant Pauls leben. Strass- burg, 1498. D. [93] p. il. 093 13 Pauliis diaconus, see Paolo Vai'nefrido. PAUPERS, .s(( POOR. Pauthier, Jean Pierre (Tuijlaumc. Chine : ou, Description historiijue, geographique et litte- raire. Paris, 1837-53. 3 v. O. map>. (In L'univers. 17-18.) 910 18 Vol. 2 i9 Chine moderne ; pt. 2, Arts, Uttorature et miBurs, by A. P. L. Bazin. —editor, see Polo, M. Le livre. 1865. 915 14 Pauvre France ! .see Rogeard, L. A. Pavesi, Angelo, d- Rotondi, E. Studii chimico- idroiogici sulle ac(iue potabili della cittii di Milano. Milano, 1876. F. [1 + ] 37 p. /)/. map. 628 7 bound with 551.31 7 PAVIA. Marsh, ('. C. (/^» Johnson's cyclopa;- dia.) In main library. Faxton, John B. Letters from Palestine, 1836- 8. Lindcin, ls:!9. D. 915.6 33 PaYa, Jean Baptiste Charles. Les cachots du pape. Palis, 1H64. D. 282 48 Fayev, Julius. Die Adamello-Presanella-Alpen. Gotlia, 1865. si|Q. [3+1 36 p. pi. map. (In Peternianns Mittheilungcii : ErgiVnzungsband 4.) 910 44 PA YEIl 521 PEIGNOT — Die centralen Oitler-Alpen; Gebiete: Martell, Laas und Saent; nebst einem Anliange zu den Adamello-Piesianella Alpen. Gotlia, 1872. sqQ. [3+] 36 p. pi. map. {In .tame. 7.) 910 44 — Die Ortler-Alpen ; Sulden-Gel)iet uiul Monte Cevedale. Gotha, 1867. scjQ. pi. vinp. (In same. 4.) 910 44 — Die siidlichen Ortler-Alpen. Gotiia, 1869. sqQ. [3+] 30 p. il. iil. mat). {In same. 6.) 910 44 — Die westllchen Ortler-Alpen; Trafoier Gebiet. Gotha, 1868. sqQ. [3+] 30 p. il. pi. map. (In same. 5.) 910 44 PaykiiU, (iiustaf, friherre af, translator, see Aiiacreon, Sapho, Bionoch Moschus. 1787. 884 3.1 Payne, Joseph.Supplement [on] the elementary study of mechanics. (In Yoiiiiians, E. A. Es- say on the observing powers of children. 1878.) 372 3 — The use of final -e in Early English, and espe- cially in Chaucer's Canterbury tales, (/w Essays on Chaucer, pt. 3, 1874; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 9.) 821 46 Payne, William Morton, translator, see Jag:er, H. Henrik Ibsen. 1890. 839.82 38.1 Payot,Venance. Oscillaticjns desquatre grands glaciers de la vallee de Chamounix. Lausanne, 1867. O. 7 p. 551.31 4 Payra, A. C, editor, see Craz, B. da. Chronica de elrei SebastiSo. 1887. 946 83 Pazzi, Alfonso de.' Sonetti 63 contro Benedetto Varolii; con madrigali e strambotti. (In Beriii, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 PAZZI FAMILY. Manni, 1). M. Dei fuochi d' allegrezza artifiziati per la famiglia dei Pazzi di Firenze nel Sabato Santo; ragionaniento. Firenze, 1867. Q. [4-1-] 39 p. il. 929 9 — Zaniponi, F. Bozzetto storico della famiglia dei Pazzi. Firenze, 1873. O. 43 p. 929 10 Pazzi de' Medici, Alessandro. Le tragedie me- triche ; a cura di Angelo Solerti. Bologna, 1887. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 224.) 8o0 10 PEABODY, George. Steyens, H. An account of the dinner given by Peabody to the Ameri- cans connected with the great exhibition, 27 Oct. 1851. London, 1851. Q. il. 606 3 Peabody, Oliver William Bourne, 1799-1848. Life of Israel Putnam, por. {In Sparks, J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 7.) 920 15 Peabody, William Bourne Oliver. 1799-1847. Life of Alevander Wilson, facsim. (In same. V.2.) — Life of Cotton Mather, facsim. (In same. V. 6.) — Life of David Brainerd. facsim. (In same, v. 8.) 920 15 PEACE. Nicole, P. Traite des moyens de con- server la paix avec les hommes. (in Pascal, B. Pensees. 1843.) 848 13 For other treatises on peace, eee WAR. Peacock, Edward, editor, see MyrcjJ. Instruc- tions for parish priests. 1868; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 30.) 820 5 Peaks, passes and glaciers, .see Alpine club. Pearce, Zachary, bishop of Rochester. A re- view of the text of Milton's Paradise lost, in which Bentley's emendations are considered. London, 1733. O. 821 84 PEAULS. Martens, E. C. von. Purpur und Perlen. Berlin, 1874. O. 55 p. il. (In Vir- chow * Holtzendorff.Vortriige. 9Serie.)043 1 PEASAMRY. Bonnemfere, J. E. Histoire des pay.sans, 1200-1850; precedee d'une introduc- tion, an 50 avaut J. C.-1300 aprJs J. C. Paris, 1856. 3 V. O. 333 4 — Doniol, H. Histoire des classes rurales en France et de leurs progres dans I'tigalite civile et la propriety. Paris, 1865. O. 333 6 — Leyniarie, A.Histiiire des paysansen France. Paris, 1856. 2 v. in 1. O. 333 13 See (dso LAROIt. PEASANTS' WARS. Waclismutli, E. W. W. Aufsfande und Kriege der Bauern ini Mittel- alter. (In Raumer, F. L. tJ. von. Hist. Ta- schenbuch. 1834.) 905 1 PEAT. Asb,i0rnsen, P. C. Torv og Torvdrift. Christiania, 1868. O. il. 553 3 Torvdriften, 1871. n. p., 1873. 8 p. 553 3 — Niiffgeratlij J. Der Torf. Berlin, 1875. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow & HoltzendorfT. Vortrage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Vanpell, C. T. De nordsjsellaudske Skovmo- .ser ; en botanisk-mikroskopisk Underscigelse. Kjobenhavn, 1851. sqQ. pi. 553 4 Pebersvendene, et Lystspil, see Ewald, J. v. 4. .S'ce also v. 3. Peckham, Jolin, archbishop of Canterbury. Registrum epistolarum; edited by Charles Trice Martin. London, 1882-5. 3 v. Q. facsim. (In tit. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 7'?-) 942 8 Pecock, Reginald. The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy ; edited by Churchill Babington. London, 1860. 3 v. Q. (In same. Ifl-J 942 8 Pecori, Liiigi. Storia della Terra di San Gimi- gnano. Firenze, 1853. O. pi. 945 81 Pecorone, Bonifacio. Lamiento de Cuosemo pezzente. (In Collezione napoletana, 1783-9 ^- 24.) 859 19 Peder of Dacia, canon of Ribe. Calendarium. (In Langebek, J, Script, rerum Dan., 1773- 1834, V. 6.) 948 76 Peder Paars, et heroisk-comisk Poema, see Holberg, L. Pedersen,Christieru. DanskeSkrifter; udgivne af C. J. Brandt og R. Th.Fenger. Kiohenhavn, 1850-6. 5 V. O. 839.88 4 Contoifa.- 1. .Tiertegns-Postil, Vinterparten. 3. Sariu Soniiiii-ri>.irtcn.— Tid.'li.isien.— Bogen om Messen. 8. O- versa-ftflsi- af .let Nyi- Testaments. 4. Overssttelse fa D;i\ Mis I'salt.T- smiiaskrifter. 0. Kaiser Karl Magnus Kr0uike.— KonffOIfierDanskes Kr0uike.— Dauske Kr0- niker. PEDRO, see PETER. A peep at the Pyrenees, by a pedestrian. Lon- don, 1867. S. map. 914.4 15 A peei» behind the scenes at Rome, see Trol- lope, T. A. Peer Gynt, et dramatisk Digt, see Ibsen, H. Pegge, Samnel, editor, see The forme of cury. 1780. 641 4 Pegna, Francisco, see Peiia. Peigiiot, Etienne Gabriel. Essai de curiosites bibliographiques. Paris, XIlI-1804. O. 016 3 PEIGNOT 522 PERA — Essai sur I'histoire du iiarchemin et du velin. Paris, 1813. O. 016 2 — Varietes, notices et raretes bibliographiques; suite aux Curosites bibliogvaphiques. Paris, 1822. O. 016 3 PEKES. Bretsclineider, E.Die Pekinger Ebene und das benachbarte Ge,l)irgsl:i.nd. Gotha, 1870. sqQ. [2+] 42 p. map. {In Petermanns Mlttheiluiigeii : Ergilnzungsband 10.) 910 44 PELASGIANS. Dodwell, E. Views and de- scriptions of cyclopian or Pelasgic remains in Greece and Italy. London, 1834. F." [3+] 34 [+2] p. 131 pZ. 913 3.5 PELLA(tRA. Mantua. La pellagra uella pro- vincia di Mantova; relazionedellacommissione provinciale. Firenze, 1878. Q. 78 p. 616 27 — Selnii, A.Delle alterazioni alle quali soggiace il granturco, e specialmente di quello che in- genera la pellagra, il. (In Itoine — R. accad. dei lliicei. Atti. 3 ser. set. fi-i. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 3.) 065 4 Pellarin, Charles. Le mal de mer. Paris. 18.51. [3-I-] 49 [+3] p. O. 616 31 Pellati, N. Sul metodo Zoppi di cemetazione delle soluzioni cuprifere in Agordo. pZ. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Pell^, Cleineiit, & Galibert, L. Angleterre. Paris, 1842-4. 4 v. O. por. pi. "nuipx. {In L' niiivers. 28-31.) 910 18 Le pellegri/ie, cornmedia, see Cecclii, G. M. Pellegrini, Ferdinando de. Nel terzo anniver- sario dall' esaltazione al tronodi Ismail Pascia, vice-re d' Egitto, omaggio [ in verse, with French prose translation]. Firenze, 1865. O. 164-4 p. 851 93 Pellegrini, Giovanni, editor. Raccolta di sacre poesie popolari fatta nel 1446; pubblicata dal G. Ferraro. Bologna, 1877. D. 83 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 152.) 850 10 Pellegrini, Pieti'o, editor, see Leopardi, G. Studi filolngici. 1845. 858 8 Pelletan, Pierre Clement Eugene. Les uns et les autres. Paris, 1873. O. 944 55 Contents: Le pape.— L'aiitipape.— L'empereur.— Le citoyen. Pelli, Giuseppe. Elogio di Pulci. {In Pulci, L. Morgante maggiore, 1806, v. 1.) 851 102 — Meniorie per servire alia vita di Dante. (In Dante jVlighieri. Opere, 1757-8, v. 5.) 851 33 Pellicer de Salas y Tobar, Jos6. El fenix y su historia natural escrita en veinte y dos exerci- tationes, diatribes o capitulos. Madrid, 1730. T. 868 7 Pellicer y Saforcada, Juan Antonio de. Vida de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Madrid. 1800. T. x,or. 928 13 ^editor, see Cervantes. Don QuLxote. 1798-9. 863 3 Pellico, Silvio. Cenni e letters inedite. {In Curiositil ili storiasubalpina. v. 1, 1874.) 945 43 —Rriano, «. Silvio Pellioo. Torino, 1801. T. 79 p. jior. (1 contemp. Italiani.) 928 41 Pellissler, A. La languo fran9aise; tableau hi- storique de sa formation et de ses progres. Paris, 1860. D. 440 5 Pellizzone, Carl Antonio. Poesie. {In CoUezione milanese, 1816-7, v. 11.) 859 15 Pelman, Carl. Ueber die Grenzen zwischen psychisclier Gesundheit und Gei-tesstorung. Berlin, 1884. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortriige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 PELOPONNESUS, see MOREA. Pefia, Francisco, compiler. Literte apostolicae diversorum Romanorum pontificum pro officio sanctissim;e inquisitionis... Roma3, 1579. F. 099 45 — annotator, see Eymeric, N. Directorium in- quisitorum. 1578. 099 45 PENAL CODES, sec CRIMINAL LAW. Pendola, Tommaso. La metodica applicata alia istnizioneed educazionedelsordo-muto. Siena, 1869. O. 371 1 PENDULUM. Saint Robert, P. de. Du mouve- ment d'un pendule simple suspendu dans una voiture de chemin de fer. (i?i Rome — R.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 Penelope, heroisk drame, see Gyllenborg, G,F. Penn, WUliam. Preface. {In Fox, G. -Journal, 1808, V. 1.) 922 31 The penniles parliament of thread-bare poets: or. All mirth and wittie conceites. 1008. p. 37- 57. {In Percy soc. v. 7.) 820 6 Pennine cfc Vostaert, Pieter.Roman van Wale- wein; uitgegeven door W. J. A. Jonckbloet, Leiden, 1846-8. 2 v. O. (7?i Vereenlging Ned. letterkunde. Werken.) 839.3 12 Pennritningar ur folklifvet, see S., J. N. PENNSYLVANIA. Franlilin, B. An historical review of the constitution and government of Pennsvlvania from its origin. {In his Works, 1840, V. 3.) 818 1 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN. Ellis, A. J. Penn- sylvania German the analogue of Chaucer's English. {In his On earlv English pronuncia- tion, 1869-89, V. 3; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 14.) 820 5.1 Pennoclt, Barclay, translator, see Keyser.J. R. The religion of the Northmen. 18.54. 293 34.1 II pentamerone, see Basile, G. B. PENTAPOLIS, see CYRENAICA. Penzel, A. J., editor, see Scliiltberger, J. Raise in den Orient. 1814. 910 36 Peor estil (jue estaVia, seeCalderon. v. 1. PEPE^lINO. Tucci, P. di. Saggio di studi geo- logici sui )ieperini del Lazio, (7. ma})- (/«Bome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. ps. v. 4, 1878 9.) " 065 4 Pcpoli, Carlo. I puritani e i cavalieri. opera seria; musiea del Bellini. Firenze, n. d. D. 28 p. 852 1 Pcpys,Samucl.Diaryand correspondence, from his nis. cypher in the Popsyaii library, with a life and notes by Richard, lord Braybrooka; deciphered, with additional notes, by Mynors Bright; with portraits from the collection in the Pepsyan library, printed in woodburytype. London, 1875-9. 6" v. O. por. pi. facsim. tab. 942 36 Pera, Turkci/. Statuti della colonia genovese di Pera; editi da Vincanzo Promis. Torino, 1871. O. :{49 23 PERANNI 523 PERMUTATION Peraiiiii, Francesco, translator, spo Miiiitcr, F. C. C. H. Viaggio in Sicilia. 182a. \)\\.:, !»(! PERCEPTION, sre SENSES. [Sir Perceval:] Parcevals saga, (la KolI)iii!;,E. Riddaiasbgur. 1872.) 83i».C:i 59 — Tlio romance of Sir Perceval of Galle.s. (/« Camden 80C. 30.) 830 4 — Wolfram's von Eschenbach Parzival und Titurel; lierausgegeben von K. Bartsch. Leip- zig, 1870-1. 3 V. D. (In Pfeiffer, F. Ueutselie Classiker. 9-11.) 831 15 Perch^wi dice efatto il becco a roca,.s7'cIJelIo,F. PERCIVAL, James Gates. Lowell, J. R. The life and letters of Percival. {In liis My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 Pfercopo, Erasmo, editor. IV. poemetti sacri dei secoli 14 e 15; con appendice. Bologna, 1885. D. (/iiSceitadicuriosita. 211.) 850 10 Percoto,.Caterina. Racconti. 3edizonecon ag- giunta. Genova, 1863. 2 v. in 1. D. 853 37 Vol. 1 ooutaiiis preface by N. Tommas6o. Percy, Thomas, bishop of Dromore.Folio man- uscript: ballads and romances; edited l>y John W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall. London, 1867-8. 3 V. O. facsim. 821 6 Life of Percy, by J. Pickf ord. in v. 1 . — Same: loose and humorous songs; edited by Hales and Furnivall. London, 1867. O. 821 6 — Reliques of ancient English poetry. 1 Amer- ican from 5 London edition. Philadelpliia, 1833. V. 1. O. 821 7 Percy society. Early Englisli poetiy, ballads, and popular literature of the middle ages. London, 1840-53. 94 pt. in 30 v. D. il. por. pi. music. 820 6 For contents see Peabody catalogue. The society's re- ports for the years 1840-2, '44-8, '50-5, are contained in v. 3. 7, 17, 21, 22, 28, 30. The last volume contains a list of the publications by volumes, and by numbers. Perdonnet, Jean Albert Vincent Augiiste. Les cliemins de fer. (In Tll(5venin, E. Entretiens, 1860, p. 113-172.) 604 1 bound with 600 2 P6r6flxe, Hardouin de Beaumont de, bishop of Paris. Histoire de Henri-le-Grand, roi de France et de Navarre ; suivie d'un recueil de quelques lielles actions et paroles memorables de ce prince. Paris, 1835. D. 944 39 Pereira Bayao, Jos6, editor, see Lopes, F. Chronica del rey Pedro I. 1760. 946 76 Perella, pseudonym of Salvestro. Perels, Emil. Ueber die Bedeutung des Maschi- nenwesens fiir die Landwirthschaft. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. (7(1 Virchow & Holtzenrtorff. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 PEREYRA, Nuno Alvares. Teixeyra, D. Vida de Pereyra. Lisboa Occidental. 1733. F. por. 923 80 Perez, Antonio. Las obras y relaciones. Gi- nevra, 1676. D. 866 1 Perez, Lnis. Glosas. {In Manriqne, J. Coplas. 1779.) 861 11 Perez de Hita, (iiues.Guerras civiles de Grana- da. Madrid, 1833. 3 v. .S. 946 31 Contains the first and second parts. — Historia de las guerras civiles de Granada. [Paris, 1606.] D. iltp. 946 30 This is the first part, which is chiefly fiction, but has more littTary merit than the second. This edition con- tains niar^inal annotations by Forlan, givinK i''rench translations of difficult words. —French : Histoire ciievaleresque des Maures de Granade; traduite de I'espagnol, precedee de reflexions sur les Musulmans d' Espagne, avec des notes, par A. M. Sane. Paris, 1809. 3 V. in 1. O. 946 32 Perfetti, Filippo. Ricordi di Roma. Firenze, 1861. D. 68 p. 282 30.2 PERGAMUS. Halui, J. (i. von. Die Ausgra- bungen auf der Homerisclien Pergamos. Leip- zig, 1865. O. 36 p. pi. maps. 913 31.2 Pericles and Aspasia, see Landor, W. S. Pericles, prince of Tyre, see Shakespeare, W. Pericoli, Giovanni Battista. Relazione sopra i provvedinienti economici e legislativi per il bonificaniento dell' Agro romano. Roma, [1873]. O. 74 p. {In Italy— Mln. di agric. An- nali.) o51.49 7 Perier, Gilberte (Pascal). Vie de Pascal, par sasoeur. {/)* Pascal, B. Pensees. 1843.) 848 13 Purler, Miss I. Simples entretiens sur la phy- sique et la cosmographie. Paris, 1873. D. il. pi. 530 7 PfiRIGORD. Lartet, E. A. I. H., d- Christy,H. Cavernesdu Perigord; objets graves etsculptes des temps pre-historiques. Paris, 1864. O. 37 p. il.jA. 571 4 Peringskjiild, Johan. Then forsta boken af Swea och Giitha minnings-merken uthi Up- lands forsta del, Tliiundaland [; Swedish and Latin]. Stockboku, 1710-19. 3 v. in 1. F. il. pi. map. 948 57.1 —Same. v. 1. 948 57 Appended toy. 2 is Historia Illalmarl, cum gemiua versione J. Perlngskioldl. — editor, see Cochliens, J. Vita: Theodorici. 1699. 923 92 & annotator, see Messenins, J. Senndia illustrata. 1700-3. 948 13 & translator, see [Dietrich of Bern :] Wilkina saga samt Niflunga saga. 1697. Historia Hialmari. These two are bound with v. 2of the following: Sturlnson, S. Heims kringla. 1697. 839.63 13.1 PERIODICALS. See the different literatures, as ENGLISH LITEIIATDRE — PERIOOICA LS: also various subjects, as OEOdKA PIIV— PEUIODICALS. PERIODICITY, see PANICS. Periodico di numismatica e sfragistica per la storia d'ltalia. [Two-monthly.] Firenze 1868- 74. V. 1-6. Q. il. pi. 737 3 Vol. 6, pt. 5-6, wanting. Perkins, George Henry. Hygiene of house plants. {In American naturalist, v. 10, 1876.) 551.58 131 Perls, Max. Ueber die Bedeutung der patho- logischen Anatomic und der patliologischen Institute. Berlin. 1873. O. 36 p. (In Virchow <£• Holtzendojff. Vortriige. 8 Serie.) 043 1 PERMUTATION OF CONSONANTS, Devan- tier, F. Ueber die Lautverschiebung und das Verhaltniss des Hochdeutsclien zum Nieder- deutschen. Berlin, 1881. O. 44 p. il. (In same. 16 Serie.) 043 1 524 PERNILLES Pernilles korte Frokenstand, see Holberg, L. Coinedier, v. 5. Perona, Vittorio. Trattato di selvicoltuia Fi- renze, 1880. v. 1. O. pi. o51.58 43 No more published. Perranzabuloe, see Trelawuy, C. T. C. Perrero, Doiiienico. Law e Vittorio Amedeo II di Savoia.— 11 testamento di Cnstina di Francia ed il conte Filippod' Aglie.— Singolare preponderanza deir elemento democratico nei tre stati del ducato d' Aosta.— Laprepotenzadi Luigi XIV ed 11 matrimonio del pnncipe tma- nuele Filiberto di Savoia Carignano, 1682-5. {in Curiosity di storia subalpina. v. 1, 1874.)— l.a duchessa Ortensia Mazzarino e la principessa Maria Colonna sorelle Mancini ed il duca Carlo Emanuele II di Savoia, 1673-5.-L' abbate di Saint-Real; rivelazione autobiografache, Ibbd- 92.— La condotta di Vittorio Amedeo II di Savoia verso la Francia prima e dopo ITOL— Lettera suU' articolo : L' abbate di Samt-Real. (In same. v. 2, 1876.)— Aggiuute e correzioni agli storici piemontese.— Un carcieriere ver- cellese del tempo antico.— Una discendente di Pietro Mioca.— Madama di Warens : appunti a Confessioni di Rousseau, 1726-62. (In same. v. 3, 1879.)— Prima carovana de' cavalieri dei bS. Maurizio e Lazzaro.— II presidente Giuseppe de Lescheraine corrispondente di Madama di La Fayette, /acsini.— Lettere inedite di Madama di Ija Fayette e sue relazioni colla oorte di Torino.— Una pagina da aggiungersi alia storia della Biblioteca civica di Torino.— Originee vicende della disgrazia incorsa dall' abate Carlo Denina per la sua opera : Dell' impiego delle persone, 1777-80. (In same. v. 4, 1880.) 9io 43 —editor, see Testi, F. II conte Testi alia corte di Torino, 1638 e 1635. 1865. (In BibLrara. 63.) 850 3 Perring, J. S. A survey of the pyramids at Abou Roash and to the southward, por. pi. map. (In Vyse, H. Operations at Gizeh, 1840- 3, V. 8.) 932 10 Perroiicito, Edoardo. Osservazioni elmintolo- giche relative alia malattia sviluppatasi ende- mioa negli operai del Gottardo. p)l. (In Rome — R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 7, 1879-80.) 065 i Perrnccio, Andreja. L' Agnano zeflfonnato, poemma aroico, e La malatia d' Apollo, jdillio. (In Collezione napoletana,1783-9, v. 16.) 559 19 Perry, George (iresley, editor. Religious pieces in prose and verse; edited from Robert Thornton's ms. London, 1867. O. (In E. E. textsoc. Orig. ser. 26.) 820 5 see the publications of the Early English text society: original series: 820 5 8. Arthur. Miirte Artlmre. IHBS. 20. It<)ll(^ ill? Iliiiniiiilc, It. Knsllsli treatises. 1800. Perry, Matthew Calbraitli. [Correspondence.] (/» U. S.— Navy dept. Instructions relative to the expedition to .Japan. 18.").").) !>15.2 4 Pcra y Ramona, Magin. Ilistoria de la lengua y de hi literatura catalana, desde su origen hasta nu(«tros dias. Harcelona, 1857. O. 8G9 10 Persa, see Planfus, T. M. v. 3. Uipaai, see ;Esc.liyliis. PERSIA PERSANO, Carlo Pellion di, conte. Maccia, R. L'ammiraglio Persano ; ossia, Confutazioue di alcuni appunti suUa battaglia navale di Lissa. 4edizione. Torino, 1866. O. 54 p. 945 38 PERSECUTION. Castro, A. de. The Spanish protestauts and their persecution by Philip 11. ; translated by Thomas Parker. London 1«51. D. -^^ ■* —Der eTangelischen Fiirsten Fiirbitte an den Senat zu Venedig fur einige des Evangelu we- sren ins Gefilngnis Geworfene, 1543. (In Stro- bel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1.) 830 10 — J0rgenseii, A. B. Om Kristenforfolgelser i Danmark. (In Copenhagen— K. iiord. Old.- Selskab. Aarboger. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 —Nichols, J. «., editor. Narratives of the days of the reformation, chiefly from the mss. ofJ. Foxe. [London,] 1859. sqO. »'• (^'1 Caindeii soc. 77.) 820 4 — Shoberl, F. Persecutions of popery. New York, 1844. O. 2<2 3 — Spreuger van Ei.jl{, J. P. De martelaars der protestantsche kerken vanHongarije in de 17de eeuw. Dordrecht, 1845. O. 272 6 &fafco AQUA VIVA, R.; Bocci, D.; BRETHREX OF THE LIFE OF POVERTY; CAI.AS, J.: FREEDOM OF CO>SCI- EXOE; HERESY; HCGUEXOTS; IXqlllSlTIOX; KAIRIS,T.; MARTEII.HE, J.; SAIXT BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY: Tergo- lina, V. di: WALDEXSES. PERSEPOLIS. Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Versuche zur Erklarung der Denkmaler von Persepolis. (In his Weike, 1831-30, v. 3.) 908 1 PERSIA. Berchet, (i. La repubblica di Vene- zia e la Persia. Torino, 1865. O. pliot. 955 1 — Cliardin, J. Voyages en Perse. Nouvelle edition, par L. Langles. Paris, 1811. 10 v. O, & Atlas. F.s il. 916.6 1 — Cteslas. Persicorum excerpta. (In his Ope- rum reliquiae. 1884.) 888 43 —Dapper, 0. Beschryving des koningrycks van Persie. il. pi. maps. (In his Asia, 1673, V. 3.) 915 3 — Diibenx, L. La Perse. Paris, 1841. O. pi. maps. (Ill L'univers. 33.) 910 18 — Filippi, F. de. Note di un viaggio in Persia nel 1862. Milano, 1865. O. 915.5 3 — Gautler, T. La Perse. (In his L'orient, 1877, V. 3.) ■ 910 39 Goiivea, A. de. Relai;am, em que se tratam as gueri:is que alcam-ou o grade rey da Persia Xii Alibas do grao Turco Mahometto. & sen filho Amethe: das embaixadas del Felippe segundo a Persia. Lisboa, 1611. D. 966 3 Hanway, J. An historical account of the British tradeover the Caspian sea, with journal of travels to Persia iiiid back; a5-) 850 3 Pertnsati, Francesco, conte. Poesie. (In Col- lezionemilanese, 1816-17, v. 10.) 859 15 Perty, Joseph Anton Maximilian. Grundziige der Ethnographie. Leipzig, 1859. O. il. 572 1 — Ueber den Parasitismus in der organischen Natur. Berlin, 1869. O. 44 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. VortrSge. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Uebyr die Grenzendersichtbaren Schopfung. Berlin, 1874. O. 39 p. (In same. 9 Serie.) 043 1 Pertz, Georg- Heinrich. Uber die gedruckten Ablassbriefe von 1454-5. Berlin, 1857. sqQ. [15J p. faesim. 016 7 hound with 6 From Abhandlungeu der K. Akodemie der Wissen- senaften zu Berlin, 1856. —editor. Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, in usum scholaruni ex Monumentis Germaniae historicis recusi. Editio 1-3. Hannoverae 1839-90. 39 V. in 9. O. 943 I6 C'on/ents; 1. Abhoii. De bello Parisiaco.— Adam of Bre- men. Gfsta !I:iiinnabursensis eoclesiae.— Altaicli.Annales Altahciis. s SI. Hertiii abbey. Annales Bertiniani.— An- nales Hildishciuuiisos. i. Annales I'OLO-MAE.— Arnold. Chronica .Slav ornm. -linino. De bello Saxonico. Bur- chardciConrad.Chninii ..n.— 1 armen de bello Saxonico 3 Chronica recia COI.OMKNSIS.— Chronicon MO(ilM'|. MJM.— Chronicon NOVALICIEXCE CNUTOMS resris gesta.— Eginhard. Annales. 4. tsiiihard. Vita Karoli Magni.— Gesta abbatum Fontanelleiisiuni. — Gilbert of Mom. Chronicon IhuKjnieiisc— (ioltfried of Vilerbo Gesta Friderioi I. et Ilciiirici VI llrinnrb. Chronicon' Lyvo- niae. 5. Heliiiold. I'hronica Slav. num.— Herbord.Dialoeus de vita Ottonis Bab.nlni-oisis.— Lambert of Asehaffen- ^'ir.?i,^°"3'.'i?- "; '■'"Ipran,!... Opera— Monuinenta WEL- FOUII.M — Aitliard. Hist.. liaiann libri 4. Otto of Frnmng. Chronicon. 7. Otluiiis et liabe\iliii srista Fr'iderici I.— Paolo Variiefrido. Historia Laii^'bardorum. — Hegino. Chronicon. s. Richer. Historiarnni libri 4.— Roger 0? Co- lognt.WVA Brunonis.— Ricliardus de .V. (lermano. Chronica Thietmar. Chronicon. ». Rembert-Vita Au.slo. Padova, 1807. O. 475 7 La pesca di Carlo III., xee Linares, V. Pescliel. Oscar Eerdiiiand. (lescliichte desZeit- alters (for Eiitdeckungen. Stuttgart, 18.58. O. 910 65 — Neue Problcnie der vergloichenden Erd- kunde, als Versuc'h einer Morjihologie der Erd- oberfliicUe. Leipzig, 1870. O. il. map.'i. 551 31 Pcsci, Leone. Rii^erche sull' atropina. {fn Rome — R. accad. dei iincoi. Atti. 3ser. nci. fis. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 PESSIMISM. Hartniann, E. von. Philosophie des Unbewussten. 4 Auflage. Berlin, 1872. O. 121 2 — Schopenhauer, A. Ueber den Willen in der Natur ; eine Erorterung der Bestiltigungen welche die Philosophie des Verfassers durch die e!upiris<^hen VVissenschaften erhalten hat. 3 Auflage, von J. Frauenstadt. Leipzig, 1867. O. 501 7 PEST, see HOWARD, J.; MILAN. PESTALOZZI, Johann Heinrich. Alberti, C. E. R. Heinrich Pestalozzi, ein Lebensbild. Berlin, 1869. O. 38 p. (In Vircliow & Hol- Izeiidorir. Vortrage. 4Serie.) 043 1 PESTILENCES. Garbo, T. del. Gonsiglio con- tro a pistolenza; da P. Ferrato. Bologna, 1866. D. 59 p. (/re Scelta di curiosita 74.) 850 10 PESTS. SceAlBINIA: FROST; FCSISPOBIUM LfflONI ; PHYL- LOXERA; PCCCINIA. Petantzi, Feli\. De itineribusaggrediendi Tur- cuni. (In Rerum Hungaricarum scriptores. 1600.) 943 63 Petaii, Denis (Latin Dionysins Petavius), editor tfc translator, see Syneslns. Opera. 1612. 208 11 PETER, St. Resoconto autentico della disputa, feb. 1872, fra sacerdoti cattolici e ministri evangelici intorno alia venuta di S. Pietro in Roma. 2 edizione. Roma, 1872. O. 922 42 PETER III., king of Aragon. Desclot, B. Cronica del rey en Pere dels seus antecessors passats. (In Buchon, J. A. C. Chroniques etrangeres. 1841.) ' 944 10.1 Peter IV., king of Aragon. Cronica, escrita en lemosin por el mismo monarca ; traducida al castellano y anotada por Antonio de Bofa- rull. Barcelona, 1850. O. por. 946 24 Orijfinal and translation in parallel colurans. PETER II., emperor of Brazil. Fialho, A. Don Pedro II; notice biographique. Bruxelles, 1876. O. por. 923 79 PETER I., king of Castile. Lopez de Ayala,P. Don Pedi-o. por. (7n Cronicas espanolas. v.l. 1779.) 946 34 PETER I., king of Portugal. Lopes, F. Chro- nica del rey Pedro I.; accrescentada pelo J. Pe- reira Bayam. Lisboa, 1760. O. 946 76 Peter of lekham. Le livere de reis de Brittanie, e Le livere de reis de Engletere : edited [,with translation,] by John Glover. London, 1865. Q facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 42.) 942 8 Peter en Pauwels, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van deii. Peter Lebrecht, see Tieclf, J. L. Scliriften, v. 14-15. PETER LEOPOLD L, grand dnkc of Tuseani/. Cappoiii, (J. Storia di Pietro Leopoldo. (rnhi.s Scritti, 1877, v. 2.) 858 4 Peter .Schlemihl's wundersame Geschiohte, see Cbaniisso, \, von. PETI:RB0R0U(JII, riiarles Mordannt, Sd earl of. ("arleton, (J. Rlemoirs of an English officer in the Dutch war, 1673-1713. (In Defoe, I). Novels, etc., 1840-1, v. 8.) 828 7 PETERB OR UGH 527 PETERSEN Peterborongrh abbey. Chronicon Petrobiir- geiise ; ouiante ThomS Stapleton. Ijontlini, 1849. 8(iO. ( /it Camden soc. 46.) 820 4 Petoi'iiiaiiii, August Heiurich. Austral ieii in 1871, nee Meiuicke, C. E. (In Petermanns Mit- theiliing'Cii: Ergiinzungsband 6-7.) !>10 44 — Karte des ainerikanischen Kriegsschaupla- tzes zwischen Washington und Richmond. Gotha, 1862. 47x39 cm. in D. 910 44 — Ost-Afrika zwischen Chartum und dein Ro- then Meere. 1861, see Hassenstein, B. C'^" Pe- termanns Mittheiliing'eii: Ergiinzungsliand l.i 910 41 — Russisch-tiirkischer Kriegsschauplatz, 1877. Gotha, 1877. 59x70 cm. in Q. 91i3 iSrj.l — Specialkarte von Australien. Gotha, 1875. obF.* 9 maps. {In Stieler, A. Hand-Athis, Ergiinzungsheft4-6.) 912 45 — Spitzbergen und die arktische Central-Regi- on. Gotha. 1865. sqQ. 10-f 70 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittheiliingeu : Ergiinzungsband 4.) 910 44 — Die siid-amerikanischen Republiken in 1875, see Biirmeister, H. (In same. 9.) 910 44 — <& Hassenstein, B. Inner- Afrika nach der ge- ographisclien Kenntniss, 1861-3. Gotha, 1863. sqQ. maps. (In same. 3.) 910 44 — editor, see Mittheilnngeii aus Justus Perthes' geograpliisclier Anstalt. 1855-78. 910 43 Same: Ergiinzungsljaml. 1860-78. 910 44 Peters, Cliristiaii Friedricli Wilhelm. Die Ent- fernung der Erde von der Sonne. Berlin, 1873. O. 30 p. (/» Vlrchowcfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. SSerie.) 0-13 1 Peters, Cliristian Henry Frederick. Memoria sulla latitudine geografioa di Catania, 1841. Catania, 1849. sqO. [1-I-] 21 p. ,52.> 4 PETERS, Rev. Hna:Ii. Peters, Samnel. A his- tory of Hugh Peters, chaplain to the protector, 1640-60; with an appendix [ on the family of William Peters]. New York, 1807. O. por. 922 43 Peters, Karl Ferdinand. Die Donau und ilir Gebiet; eine geologische Skizze. Leipzig, 1876. D. il. 554.3 3 Petersen, C. G. Joliann, * Winge, H. . the speech of E. G. Porter on pre- sentinf; an oil portrait of .Mr. Marsh. II Philocopo, see Boccaccio, G. •{■iXoKTTjTTjs, .see Sophocles. PHILOLOGY, see LANGUAGE. Der philosopll fiir die Welt,seeEng:el,J.J.v.l-3. PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. Hermes Trisme- gistiis. Tractatus de lapidis philosophici se- creto, scholiis illustratis: studio D. Gnosii editus. Lipsia\ 1610. S. (515 8 PHILOSOPHY. Atterbom, P. I). A. Studier till philosophiens historia och system. U))sala, 1835. V. 1. O. 198 1 — Boi-tiiiiis, I). Stycken til befrilnijande iif riUt.i begrep om philosophien, desst iindaniiil och niirvarande tilstand. Upsala, 1794. D. 140 1 Cicero, M. T. Academic* questiones. — De finibus bonorum et malorum. — Tusculanaj di- sputatioues. — Paradoxa. (/n 7ms Opera, 1820, V. 2-4.) 875 1 — Condillac, E. B. de. Traite des sistemes. [Anon.] La Haye, 1749. 2 v. S. 140 2 — Diogenes Laertius. De vitis philosophorum libri 10, cum indice rerum. Lipsiae, 1833. 2 V. T. 888 47 — Engel, J. J. Philosophische Schriften. (In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 9-11.) 838 3 — Feyjoo y Montenegro, B. G. Cartas eruditas y curiosas. Madrid, 1773-4. 5 v. O. 868 4 — — Ilustracion apologetica al 1-2 tomo del Teatro critico. Madrid, 1773. O. 868 3 — — Teatro critico universal. Madrid, 1773. 8 V. O. por. 868 2 There is an ailditional index-volume to the whole. ^Fiorentino, F. Die philosophische Bewegung Italiens seit 1860. (In Hillebraud, K. Italia. V. 2, 1875.) 945 41 —Flood, R, Utriusque cosmi, majoris scilicet et niinoris,metaphysica,physica atque technica ... Opphenhemii. 1617-19. 2 v. F. 099 47 — Hebler, R. A. K. Die Philosophie gegeniiber dem Leben und den Einzelwissenschaften. Berlin [,1867]. O. 46 p. (I)i Virchow cfc Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Huber, J. N. Das Verhaltniss der deutschen Philosophie zur nationalen Erhebung. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. (7)1 same. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Leopold, K. G. af. Samlade skrifter. Stock- holm, 1814-33. 6 V. O. 839.71 20 — Lessing, G. E. Philosophische Aufsatze. (In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 23.) 832 6 — Lnnibroso, G. Sulla fortuna della parola fi- losofo. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liucei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mar. v. 5, 1S79-80.) 065 5 — Mamiani, T. Sulle condizioni comuni dell' attuale filosofia d' Europa e sulle particolari della scuola italiana. (In same. v. 3, 1877-8.) 065 5 — Nairne, C. M. Inaugural discourse. (In Col- umbia college. Addresses. 18.58.) 378 1 — Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Die Philosophie und die Philosophen des 12 und 13 Jahrhunderts. (In his Hist. Taschenbuch. 1840.) 905 1 — Tasso, B. II Malpiglio secondo ; ovvero, Del fuggir la moltitudine. (In his Dialoghi, 1822, V. 2.) 851 117 — Thoi-ild, T. Samlade skrifter. Upsala, 1819- 35. 4v. O. 839.71 49 — Waldstein, C. The balance of emotion and intellect: an essay introductory to the stud v of philosophy. London, 1878. D. 109 1 Zeller, E. Religion und Philosophie bei ilen Romern. Berlin, is(i6. O. (In Virchow * Hoi- tzendorff. Vortriigo. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Scfii/sn AI.niKMV; AI'OLI.OMUS o/' Tijma; Arlstotclcs; ATIIKIS.M; llmon, F. ,(■ It.; liniiio, (J.: Cebps; CIIANCK; ( Dlciideo, S. r.; Conifo, t. A. Itl. P. X.; OOSMOLiKiV; Epic- t<>liis; Kl'ICt'lilS: ETIIKS; FIliST CAIISK; INSTIXCT; Kiiiit, I.; KNOWI.KIKiK.; Liiriniius; MATKIilAI,- ISM: NATi:i(K: OICII.T SCIEXCE; PESSIMISM ; I'lalo: l'OSITIVIS.11 ; I>SVtllOliol«;aias eAA7ji't*c^9 yAuiaffTJS. I V — 'lepa iffTOpia, «aT>j\Tj(ris, Kai T^? ^di«»)s t' a^trnfj-ara. 1 v. — Siicoi/d^ apiO/xjj- Tt«^9< yew/xerptas, i) eTrnreSojueTpia? KaX (jTcpeopeTpta?. 1 v. — IleipapaTiKJ] f^uCTiKJ). 1 V. — MuOoAoyia. 1 v. — 'iivoixaaiiKov. 1 V. — Bo»)9ds Twi' pijTe'pwt'. 1 V. The full set contains 20 volumes. — A670S 5 'ATTpIXou 1853. 'El/ KuivaravTivovirbXci., 1853. O. 42 p. .S70 5 PHOTIUS, patriarch of Constantinople. Vie de Photius, pere du schisme grec [; French and modern Greek]. Constantinople, 1848. O. 922 44 Taken chiefly from the life by Jager. PHOTOGRAPHY. Scliuiidt, W. Die Photogra- phie, ihre Geschichte und Entwicklung. Ber- lin, 1886. O. 40 p. (/« Vircliow <£-• Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 PHRENOLOGY, see PHYSIOGNOMY. PHYLLOXERA. Geise, 0. Die Reblausgefahr. Hamburg, 1888. O. 24 p. pi. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 —Italy— Ministero di agricoltura.Rapporto in- torni) alia scoperta della fillossera, Lecco e Monza, ed alle operazioni. 1879. Roma, 1880. pi. map. (Annali, 1880, no. 25.) 632 1 ^Montelatici, F. Relazione del trovato pratico per salvare le viti dalle fillossere; ovvero, Dei camini isolatori insetticidi. Firenze, 1879. O. il- 632 2 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Ansted, D. T. Phy- sical geography. London, ]867. D. 551 13 — Becquerel, A. C, & A. E. Elements de phy- sique terrestre et de meteorologie. Paris, 1847. O. pi. maps. 551 13 — Bergliaus, H. K. TV. Grundziige der plivsi- kalischen Erdbeschreibung. pi. (In /tj's Allge- meine Lander- und Volkerkunde, 1837-44 v'^1- 3.) 910 3 -Physikalischer Atlas. Gotha, 1845-8. 2 v. F.J maps. 503 1 Same. Geographisches Jahrbuch. Gotha, 1850-1. 4 V. sqQ. maps. 910 42 — — Was man von der Erde weiss. Berlin 1856-7. 3v. O. pi. 914 o_i Confined to Europe. — Boccardo, G. Fisica delGlobo; spazi, climi e meteore; corso completo di geografia fisica e di meteorologia. Genova, 1868. Q. il. por. maps. 551 u — Bogekamp, H., compiler. Geographische Charakteristiken. Mainz, 1856. O. 551 1 — Cattaneo, C, & others. Notizie natural! e civili su la Lombardia. Milano, 1844. O. ^j7 »"yj- 914.5 56 — Cooley, W. D. Physical geography. London, 1876. O. il. 1)1. maps. 551 1,5 — Egger, C. U. D. von. PhysikalischeBeschrei- bung von Island. Kopenhagen, 1786. D. 914.9 3 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 532 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY — Ewbank, T. The world a workshop ; or. The physical relationship of man to the earth. New York, 1855. D. 551 40 Figari hey, A. Studii scientifici suU Egitto, con carta geoKrafico-geologica. Lucca, 18G4-5. 2 T. O, \ 859 13 Pl.tmoute, Nicolas Ae,translator, see CHARLE- MAGNE. Historia del emperador. 293 17 PIANO-FORTE. Done, J. The tuner's compan- ion. New York, 1831. O. 24 p. music. 786 1 — Relazioni diverse intorno ai progressi delle costruzioni dei piano-forti. {In Naples— R, ist. d'lucor. Atti. 2 ser. v. 7. 1870.) 551.21 23 Platti, Rosalia. Raccontidiunadonna. [Anon.] 3 edizione. Firenze, 1872. D. 853 29 PTBRAC 534 PIGEN Pibrac, Gui dii Faiir, simr de. The profit of imprisonment, a paradox; translated by J. Syl- vester. (In Dii Bartas, G. de S. Divine weekes. 1611.) 841 17 Pieard, Louis Beiioit. Der Neffe als Onkel, Lustspiel. {In Sclliller, J. C. F. von. Samnit. Werke, 1855, v. 1.) 832 9 PICIRD DIALECT, see Ferumbras. Picoiiii, Giulio, editor, see Scelta di curiositJi. 89, 111. 850 10 Piccolomiiii, Alessandl'o. L' Alessandro, coni- media. Milano, 1864. S. (/« Bibl. rara. 38.) 850 3 — Dialogo dove si ragiona della bella creauza delle donne. Firenze, 1863. D. 858 12 bound with 859 36 Edited by P Fanfani. — La Raffaella: ovvero, Della bella creanza delle donne: dialogo. Milano, 1862. S. por. {In Bibl. rara. 1 ) ' 850 3 Piccolomini, Enea, & Paoli, C, editors. Lettere volgari del secolo 13, scritte da senesi. Bologna, 1871. D. (/n Sceltadicuriosita. 116.) 850 10 Pic'coloiiiini, Enea Silvio, see Pius II., i>ope. PICCOLOMim, Octavio f Bcscapi. Poemt'tto inedito. faciim. (In Bioiidelli, B.Poesie loinbarde. 1856.) 859 14 Pietro Sjiano, see John XXI., poj^e. Pietro von Albano, .see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 6.— Schriften, 23. Pigen fra Norge, Fortselling, see Miincli, A. PIGNA 535 PINTO PIGNA, (Jiovanni Battista, Tasso, T. Con- siileiazioni sopia tie canzoiii di Pi^na intitolato Le tre sorelle. (In liis Discorsi, 1823, v. 1.) 851 118 Pigrnerol, liistoire du temps de Louis XIV., see Lacroix, 1*. PisTonati, Andrea. Descrizione delle ultinie eiuzioui del Vesuvio, 1766. Napoli, 1767. D. [8 + ] 28 p. 53.5 3 Pigoriiii, Liii^i. Le abitazioni lacusti i di Pe- schiera nel Lago di Garda. (//( Home— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser, sci. Jis. v. 1. 1876-7.)— Di alcuni oggetti etnologici dell' Eeuadcirpos- seduti dal Miiseo di Roma. pi. (In same. v. 7, 1880-1.) 0G5 4 — Le abitazioni palustri di Fontanellato dell' epoca di ferro. Parma, 1865. Q. 30 p. pi. 571 2boimdwith 551.2 3 — Tenamaia dell' eta del bronzo situata iu Castione dei Maichesi. pi. (.In Rome— R. ac- cad. dei liiicei. Atti.sei. nior. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 Pihaii, Aiitoine Paulin. Dictionnaire etymolo- gique des mots de la langue fran9aise derives de I'arabe, du persan ou du turc. Paris, 1866. O. 44a 5 Pijiiappel, Jan. Maleische spraakkunst. 's Gravenhage, 1866. O. 499 1 Pike, Lulie Owen, editor & translator. Year books of the reign of Edward III., years 12-15. London, 1885-9. 3 v. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 31.) 942 8 Pike furnished preface and index to the next preced- ing volume of the series. Edward III , years 11-12. Acts of Pilate, see Bible— Apocrypha. Pilatus. {In Massniauu, H. F. Deutsche Ge- dichte. 1837.) 831 13 Pllenejo, Eritisco,pseMdori2/»io/ Png:ninl,G.M. Pilgerzug nach Mekka, sire Hacklander, F. Vi, Pilgrim, Ludwig. Galilei. Berlin, 1885. O. 44 p. {In Virchow d: Holtzendorff. Vortiige. 30Serie.) 043 1 PILGRIM FATHERS. Marsh, G. P. Address before the New England society of the citv of New York, Dec. 34, 1844. New York, 1845. O. 54 p. 080 5 See also XEW EMiLAND: >EW PLYMOUTH tOLOXY. The pilgrim of Glencoe, see Campbell, T. PILGRIMAGES, see CRUSADES. The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come, see Bunyan, J. PILLARS OF HERCULES. Rabiisson, A. De la geographic du nord de I'Afrique. Paris, 1857. V. 2. O. 911 5 Tlie pillars of society, see Ibsen, H, Pilloii, Alexandre Jean Baptiste. Greek syno- nyms; from the French, with notes, by T. K. Arnold. {In Yonge, C. D. English-Greek lexi- con. 1870.) 483 3 Pilltay, see Hitopadesa. Pin y Soler, J.Les jeux d'enfant en Catalogue. (/« Revue des langues romanes.v.5,1874.) 479 5 Pina, Ruy de. Chi-onicas dos reis Duarte, Af- fonso v., Joao II. — Chronica do conde Duarte de Menezes. (In Lisbon — Acadeniia. Collec9ao de hist, port., 1790-1824, v. 1-3.) 946 68 Pinclierlc, Giacomo. Ricordo a Sliakespeare ; under the auspices of Shakespeare's tercenten- ary birtli. 50 sonnets. Trieste, 1804. O. [2+] 53 p. 821 88 Mr. Marsh has noted this as " Very curious." Pinchetli, Pietro. Conso teorico-pratico per la fabliricazione della stoffe di seta. Conio, 1874. V. 1. y. 677 9 Vol. 1: Stoffe lisoie e ad armatura. With numerous samples of silk cloth inserted in the text. Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Very important new work." — (fc others. Relazione suUa seta e tessuti di seta air esposizione di Vienna nel 1873. [Rome. 1873.] O. 53 p. 677 8 6oim(i)H ova edi9ao conforme a primiera de 1614. Lisboa, 1829. 4 V. S. 915 8 Pinto, Giuseppe. Gli eucalitti; appunti critici. Roma, 1879. O. 24 p. 551.58 115 PINTOR 536 FLA VES Pintor, Siotto. Giudicio intorno agli Studi del senatore Musio sul rioidinamento giudiziario. Firenze, 1869. O. 16 p. 340 7 El pintor de su deshonia, see Calderon. v. 4. La piiizochcra, see Orazzini, A. F. Commedie. Pio de Saboya, Antonio Valcarcel, principe. Inscripclones y antiguedades del reiuo de Va- lencia; ilustradas por Antonio Delgado. [Va- lencia, 1845.] sqQ. pZ. 913 46.1 hound with 912 3 Piobesi. Regolamenti per il comune. Torino, 1862. O. 352 4 II Plovan Arloto, poenia faceto in vernacolo familiar venezian. Venezia, 1796. S. 859 53 Piper, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand. Karls des Grossen Kalendarium und Ostertafel, aus der Pariser Urschrift herausgetjeben und erliiulert; nebst einer AbhaudhiiiKiilier die lateinischen uuu griechischen Ostercvkeln des Jlittelalters. Berlin, 18.58. O. pi. ' 264 3 Pippa passes, a drama, see Browning:, R. PIR^US. Rafn, C. C. En nordisk Runeind- skrift i Pirieus, med Forklaring. il. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Antiqua- risk Tidsskrift. v. 5, 1855-7.) 948 4 Piramo y Tisbe, see Monte-m()r, J. Pisa, Guido da, see Guide of Pisa. Pisa. Nel trecentesimo natalizio di Galileo in Pisa, 18 feb. 1864. 2 edizione. Pisa, 1864. Q. 68 [-Hi] p. 925 7 — Statute inedito dell' arte degli speziali nel secolo 15; per cura di Pietro Vigo. Bologna, 1885. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 208.) 850 10 — Marsli, C. C. (/» Jolinson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. Savi, P. Saggio suUa costituzione geologica della provincia di Pisa. maps. 314 11 In the following: Statistica della provincia di Pisa. 1863. Pisa, 1863. sqF. 7?!aps. 314 11 For a specimen of the Pisan dialect, see Fucini, K. PISACXNE, Carlo. Racioppi, tl. La spedizione di Carlo Pisacane a Sapri ; con documenti. Napoli, 1863. D. 54 p. 945 103 Pisan, Cliristine de. Le livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles V. por. (In Mi- chaud & Ponj6ulat.Memoires,1866,v.l-2.) 944 9 With Notice sur Christine de Pisan. — Vie de Charles V. {In Bucbon, J. A. C. Clioix de chroni(iues, 14 siecle. 1838.; 944 14 Pisani, ttiacomo. Stati e religioni. Roma, 1877. D. 322 5 Pisano, Matteo. Livro da guerra de Ceuta. (In Lisbon— .Vcadcmia.CoUecvao dehist. port.. 1790- 1824, V. 1.) 946 68 PIsati, G. Su la dilatazione, la ca])illarita e la viscositii del solfo fuso. pi. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti, 3 ser. sei.fis. v. 1, 1876- 7, pt. 1.) — & others. Ricerche sperimentali sulla tenacitii dei temperature. pi. (In same.) 065 4 PISCICULTURE, .see FISHERIES.' Pistoia, Antonio da. Sonetti giocosi; e sonetti satirici si-iiza iionie d'autore. Bologna, 1865. D. 76 ]). (In Scelta di curiositi. 58!) 850 10 Pistoia, Zenone da, see Zenoni, Z. Pistoia— Compagnia della purlta. Una con- fraternita di giovanetti pistoiesi del secolo 16; cronachetta inedita; per cura di Pietro Vigo. Bologna, 1887. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 220.) 850 10 PISTORIUS, Hermann Alexander. Ehreutlial, W. Das Kutschkelied auf der Seelenwande- rung. 6 Auflage. Leipzig, 1871. O. 72 p. pi. 808 1 For an account of the poem and its authorship ««« Lipperheide, F. Lieder zu Schutz und Tnitz, p. 184. Pistoriiis, .loliann. Regum Hungarian genealo- gia. (In Reruni Hungaricarum scriptores. 1600.) 943 63 PITCAIRN'S ISLAND. Barrow, J. A descrip- tion of Pitoairn's island ; with an account of the mutiny of the ship Bountv. New York, 1832. S. pi. ' 996 1 PITHYUS.E ISLANDS, see BALEARIC IS- LANDS. Pitrfe, Giuseppe. Biblioteca delle tradizioni popolari siciliane. Palermo, 1870-89. 18 v. D. pd. music. 859 37 Contents: 1-2. Canti. 3. Studi di poesia popolare. 4-7. Fiabe, novelle e racconti. 8-11. PToverbi. 12. Spetta- coli e teste- 13. Giuochi fanciulleschi. 14-17. Usi e co- stujni.credenze e pref,'iudizi. 18. Fiabe e leggende. Mr. Marsh notes this collection as "Very important." — Usi popolari siciliani nella festa di S. Gio- vanni Battista. 2 edizione con molte giunle. Palermo, 1871. D. 23 p. 264 7 Pittington parish, see Durham. Pitts, Joseph. A faithful account of the reli- gion and manners of the Mahometans. 4 edi- tion, with additions. London, 1738. S. pi. 916.5 3 PITT. Tasso, T. I Bagni; ovvero, Della pieta. (In his Dialoghi, 1822, v. 2.) 851 117 Pius II., i)ope (Enea Silvio Piccolomini). Cer- tayne egloges of Alexander Barclay, gather- ed out of Sliseria? curialium by ^neas Silvius; 1570. [Manchester,] 1885. F. [4+] 47 p. (In Spenser see. Pub. 39.) 821 3 — Opera inedita, descripsit, notisque illustravit Josephus Cugnoni. facsim. (In Rome — R. accad, dei Uncei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. 7nor. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 — Recension der Briefe Aeneil Sylvii mit eini- gen Ausziigen. (In Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, V. 4.) 830 10 — Storia'di due amanti. Milano, 1864. S. il. (In Bibl. rara. 38.) 850 3 Pius IX., pojjc (Giovanni Maria Mastai-Fer- retti). The papal encyclical and syllabus, translated from the Latin: added, a translation of all the dogmatic decrees of the Vatican council. London, 1875. O. 47 p. 282 30 — Itongbi, R. Pio IX e il papa futuro. Milano, 1877. D. 2S2 33 — (higaro, F. dall.' ...Papa Pio IX. Torino, 1861. T. 2'or. (1 contenip. Italiani.) 922 45 — Pio IX ed il cardinale Antonelli. Milano, 1859. S. pi. 282 34 Pizarro, a tragedy, .vw Sheridan, R. B. B. PLACES, see GEOtJRAPHY ; NA.HES. PL A CID US-DRAPU 537 PL Uq UET Brot af Placidiis-drdpii ; litgefld af Svoiiil)irni Egilssyni. Viiieyar Klaustri, 1833. D. (55 ]). 8:$!».61 9 PLAGIARISM. Breeii, H. H. (In hin Mmlern English literature. 1837.) 820 2 Plaidoirie de la rose et de la violette, see Froissart, J. v. 2. PLANA, OioTaiini Antonio Anindeo, harone. Sclopis, F. P. Delia vita di Plana, discorso. Torino [,1864J. .sciQ. 15 p. !)25 18 PLANETS. Helinholtz, H. L. T. Ueber die Entstehung des Planetensystems. il. (In his Vortrage, 18«4, \. 2.) 504 5 PLANTATIONS. Smith, J. Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New Eng- land or anywhere. Boston, 1865. O. 8+ 72 p. map. 917.4 5 Plantin, Christoplie. Thesavrus Thevtonicie lingvse : Schat der Neder-duytscher spraken : Thresor du language Bas-alman ; traduict en Fran9ois & en Latin. Antveipise, 1573. .sqO. 439. .SS 7 PLANTS, see BOTANY ; HOUSE PLANTS ; SOIL. RIO DE LA PLATA, see ARGENTINE REPUB- LIC. Plato. Dialoghe; tradotti da Ruggiero Bonghi. Roma, 1881. v. 2. O. 888 19 Lav'^e paper copy. Contents: i. Bonglil, K. La vita J dolore? lettera ;— Proe- mio al Fertone;— Sommario PlHto. Fedone; o, Dell' ani- ma. Molescliolt, J. Osservazioiii sugli effetti della cicu- ta. Boiiehi, K. Note; Appendice. 1: Degli scolii d'Olira- piodoro. 2: Obbiezioni di Stratone di Lampsaco a due ai'goraenti del Fedoue. Note all' appendiue. — L'Eutifrone; o, Del santo; dialogo tradotto dal Salvini. — II convito: o, Dell' aniore: tra- dotto dal detto. (In Corazzini, F. Miscellanea. 18.53.) 850 8 — Plato against the atheists: or. The tenth book of the dialogue on laws ; with notes, and dis- sertations on some points of the Platonic phil- osophy as compared with the Holy Scriptures, by Ta'yler Lewis. New York, 1845. O. 888 18 — Tima;us: sive. De universitate. (In Cicero, M. T. Opera, 1820, V. 4.) 875 1. — Apiileiiis, L. De dogmate Platonis. (/;; Iris Opera. 1825, v. 3.) 878 27 ^Dionysins of Halicarnnssus. De Platone. (In his Opera, 1829, v. 6.) 888 49 ^Eliffel, J. J, Versuch einer Methode der Ver- nunftlehre aus Platonischen Dialogen zu ent- wickeln. (In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 9.) 838 3 — Grote, G. Plato and the other companions of Sokrates. London, 1865. 3 v. O. 888 20 — Ricllter, A. Wahrheit und Dichtung in Pla- ton's Leben. Hamburg, 1886. O. 34 p. (In Vircliow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1> 043 2 PLATONIC LOVE, see LOVE. PLATT DEUTSCH, see GERMAN DIALECTS -LOW GERMAN. Plaiitiis, Titus Maccius. Comoedias superstites viginti [recensuit Joannes Careyl. Londini, 1823. 3 V. T. 872 1 — Anfitrione, commedia, voltata in terza rima da Pandolfo Collenuccio. Milano, 1864. S. (In Bibl. rara. 55.) 850 3 — The capteivei; with an introduction and notes by W. M. Reynolds. (Jettvsburg, 1846. D. 84 p. ■ 872 2 — Lessine, G. E. Abhandlung von dem Leben und den Werken des Plautus.— Kritik iiber die Gefangnen des Plautus. (/n his Werke, 1 823- 5, V. 14.) 832 6 Pleasant memories of pleasant lands, sec Sig- ouruey, L. H. H. PLEASURE. Tasso, T. II Gonzaga; ovvero, Del piacere onesto. — II Nifo; ovvera, Del pia- cere. (/u/u'.s Dialoglu, 1822, v. 1.) 851117 De Pleegzoon, see Leunep, J. van, Roman t, werken, 1-2. Pleier. Zu Pleier's Garel die Bruchstiicke der Meraner Handschrift, von Ignaz V. Zingerle. Wien, 1865. O. 831 73 PLESSEN FAMILY. Scliultz, J. Annales Ple.s- senses diplomatici, 1160-1712.— ^SteinInetz, B. Origines Plessiacse Megapolenses. 1611. pZ. {In Westplialen,E. J. von, Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Plinins Cwclliiis Secnndus, Cains, the younger. EpistolsB et Panegyricus: ex editionibus P. D. Longolii et G. H. Schasferi [, recensuit Joannes Carey]. Londini, 1821. T. 876 5 ^Epistolarum libri decern; recensuit, notisque illustravit Gottlieb Erdmann Gierig. Lipsiae, 1800-2. 2v. O. pi. 876 3 — Same et Panegyricus; recensuit et illustravit Gierig. Lipsiae, 1806. 2 v. D. pZ. 876 4 — Epistularum libri novem, Epistularum ad Trajanum lilier, Panegyricus ; ex recensione Heurici Keilii; accedit index auctore Theodoro Mommsen. Lipsia?, 1870. O. 876 6 — Italian: Panegirico a Trajano. (In Alflerl, Y. Vita. 1818.) 928 5 — Kraut, K. Uber Syntax und Stil des jiingeren Plinius. [Tiibingen,]1872. sqQ. 47 p. 475 3 In Pi'OKram des Seminars .Schonthal. Plinius Secnndus, Cains, the elder. Historiae mundi libri 87, collati et emendati, ut patet ex adjunctis annotationibus [Sigismundi Gelenii]; index est additus. Basileae, 1545. F.^ 500 2 — Naturalis historias lil>ri 87, ex editione Gabri- elis Brotier, cum notis et interpretatione in usum delphini, variis lectionibus, notis vario- rum, recensu editionum et codicum et indici- bus recensiti. Londini, 1826. 12 v. O. 500 3 — English: The historie of the world, com- monly called the naturall historie ; translated by Philemon Holland. Londini, 1601. 2 v. in 1. F. 500 4 PLOVSTRUP. Nielsen, 0. Herregaarden Plov- strup ved Rihe. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 2 PI0yen, Cliristian. FieroiskeTrylleformularer. (In same. v. 6, 1846.) ' 948 2 Pliinieu der Tugent, see Vintler, H. Plumpton correspondence, Edward IV. -Henry VIII.; edited by Thomas Stapleton, with no- tices of the family of Plumpton. London, 1839. (/n Camden soc. 4.) 820 4 Plnquet, Fr^d^ric, editor, see Wace, B. Le ro- man de Rou. 1827. 841 39 PL URALITY 538 POETIC PLDBAIITT OF WORLDS. Fonteiielle, B. le B. de. Eiitretiens sur la pluralite des iiioudes. (//( /((s Oiuvres choisies, 1779, v. 1.) 848 6 Pliitarclius. Varia scripta, quae Moialia vulgo vocantur. Editio stereotypa. Lipsise, 1820. 6 V. T. 888 31 — Moralia ; ex recensione Rudolfi Hercheri. Lipsite, 1872. v. 1. D. 888 32 — English : The philosopbie, commonlie called The morals; translated out of Greeke into Eng- lish by Philemon Holland ; annexed, summa- ries. London, 1603. F. 888 33 — French: Les oeuvres morales & meslees; translatees du grec en fran9ois par Jacques Amyot. Paris, 1573. 3 v. F.* 888 30 The first edition. The two volumes are paged consecu- tively. — Vitae parallelae. Editio stereotypa. Lipsise, 1818-31. 9 v. T. 2'or. 888 37 The vols, dated 1818 read: "edidit G. H. Schaefer." — English : The lives of the noble Grecians and Romains; translated out of Greeke into French by James Amiot; with the lives of Hannibal and Scipio African translated out of Latine [of D. Acciajuoli] by Charles del' Escluse; and out of French into English by Thomas North ; added, lives by S. G. S. London, 1631. F. 888 38 — French: Les vies des hommesillustres; trans- latees de grec en fraii9oi8 par Jacques Amyot. Paris, 1565. 2 v. F.'' 888 29 The second edition. The two volumes are paged con- secutively. Title-page wanting. Vol. 2 contains the lives of riannibal and Scipio. translated by C. de L6cluse from the Latin of D .\cciajuoli; and the various lives, including that of Plutarch, compiled by S. G. .S. — Utpl T^s 'HpoSdrov KaKotjdctas. (In Hei'odotllS. 'laropla, 1836, V. 3.) 888 4 In Modern Greek. — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber den historischen Werth der Biographieen Plutarch's.— Ueber die Quellen der Biographieen. {In his Werke, 1821- 30, v. 3.) 908 3 — Tasso, T. Risposta di Roma a Plutarco. {In his Uiscorsi, 1823, v. 1.) 851 118 Plutus ; eller. Proces imellem Fattigdom og Riigdom, see Holberg', L. Comedier, v. 6. PLYMOUTH COLONY, see NEW PLYMOUTH COLOXY. PNEUMATICS, see GASES. PO. BottoHi, A. Appunti storici sulle rotte del basso Po. Ferrara, 1873. O. pi. tab. map. 551.48 18 — Calandra, C. Sulla estrazione delle acque sotterranee nell' alta valle del Po; cenni. Tori- no, 1867. sqQ. 48 p. 627 13 —Italy— Dlrezione tecnina. Sulle rotte del Po a Guanla Ferrarese, e sui lavori d' interclusioiie e di riordinamento del' arginatura ; relazioni. Roma, 1872. O. 19 p. pi. C27 13 — Jacdiia, M. B. Relazione suU' inondazione del Po. Ferrara, 38 maggio 1872. O. 17 p. ■map. 551.48 17 — Loiiibardini, E. Altre osservazioni sul Po; colic (|uali si rettificano alcune cose espiistedal Stopjiani nella niemoria sul prolunganiento delle linee liuviali. Milano, 1843. O. 55 p. fi27 13 — — Dei cangiamenti cuisoggiacquel'idraulica condizione del Po nel territorio di Ferrara. Milano, 1853. Q. [34-] 48 p. jjL maps. 551.48 5 — ^Della condizione idraulica della pianura subapennina fra I'Eiiza ed il Panaro. Milano, 1865. Q. pi. maps. 551.48 5 ^ — Intorno al sistema idraulica del Po; ai cangiamenti ed opere pel suo regolamento. Milano, 1840. Q. maps. 627 13 — — Nuove considerazioni sulle piene e sulle inondazioni del Po nel 1873. Milano, 1874. Q. [1+] 16 p. 551.48 19 bound with 551.2 2 Studi idrologici e storici sopra il grande estuario adriatico. e principalraente gli ultimi tronchi del Po. Milano, 1868. F. maps. 551.48 19 bound with 548 2 — — Sulle piene e sulle inondazioni del Po nel 1873. Milano, 1873. F. 551.48 19 hound with 548 3 —Marsh, G. P. {In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In m,ain library. Poce, Paolo. Frammenti dell' opera, II sacer- dozio guasto universale del nioudo. Firenze, 1869. O. _ 282 50 Poclii, commedia, see Alfleri, V. Pocock, Nicholas, editor. Troubles connected with the prayer book of 1.549. [London,] 1884. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 37.) 820 4.1 Harpsfleld, N. A treatise on the divorce between Henrv VIII. and Catharine. 1878. {In same. 21.) " 820 4.1 Pococke, Richard, bishop. Travels through England, 1750[-7J; edited by James Joel Cart- wright. [London,] 1888-9. 2 v. sqO. {In same. 42, 44.) 820 4.1 Podestk, Francesco, & others, editors. Docu- menti ispano-genovesi ; pubblicati dai M. Spi- nola, L. T. Belgrano e Podesti. {In Societk ligrure. Atti. v. 8. 1868.) 945 48 Podogramniisch Trostbiichlein, see Fischart, J. A poem on the times of Edward II ; edited by C. Hardwick. London, 1849. D. [3-t-] 11 + 35 p. {In Percy soc. v. 38.) 820 6 Poema Germanicum vetus de amissione Terras Sanct;«. (In Eckhard, J. G. Ton. Corpus hist., 1723. V. 2.) 943 13 Poenitentiaria Romana. Taxes de la Peniten- cerie apostolique; d'apres I'edition, 1520; tra- duction nouvelle en regard du texte latin, avec introduction et notes, par A. Dupin de Saint- Andre. , 2 edition. Paris, 1879. D. 33-1-60 p. 282 4 PiBnulns, see Plaiitns, T. M. v. 3. II poela fanatico, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 15. Poet» Grteci gnomioi, curante J. F. Boisso- nade. Parisiis, 1823. T. 881 3 Poi!taster, a comical satyr, sec Jonson, B. Poeti aiitichi del dialetto veneziano, see Gain- bii, B. Poeti del primo sec 'lo della lingua italiana. Firenze, 1816. 2 v. O. 851 3 For (MUltcnts aee Hoston public libr.'iry c-ntalngue. 1H65. POETIC TOURNAMENTS. Biercks, G. Poeti- sche Turniere. Berlin. 1884. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & HoItzondorlT. Vortriige. 19 Serie.) 043 I POETISKE 539 POLAND Poetiske Samlinger ; udgivne af et Selskab. Kiobenhavn, 177r). pt. 1. D. 839.81 4 POETUY. Aristo(,eles. ITe/ji ttoitjtiktjs hGreek aiul Latin, with varidus readings]. [17-. J S. 888 33 \riiul(l, M. Prefaces to poems. (In Idfi Irisli essays. 1«83.) 824 3 — Berni, F. Dialogo contra i poeti. {In Jiis Rime. 1863.) 850 16 — Eiitfel, J. J. Poetik. (In his Schriften, 1801- 6, v.ll.) 838 3 — tt^nestet, P. A. de. Over kinderpoezie; eenc voorleziDg. (In liin Dichtwerken. 1869, v. 3.) 83!».31 10 —Grimm, J. L. K. Von der Poesie im Reclit. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, t. 6.) 408 2 ^Jyllenborg, (i. F. Forsok cm skaldekonnten, poeaie; med Anmarkningar cm svenska versi- fication. Stockholm, 1798. O. 839.71 17 — Horatiiis Fiacciis, Q. De arte poetica. (In his Opera. 1823:-Poemata. 1830.) 874 2, 3 — Leopiih), K. G, af. Vitterhet. (In his Saml. skrifter, 1814-33, v. 5.) 839.71 20 — Lessing, G. E. Laokoon; oder, Uber die Grenze der Malerei und Poesie. (In hisWerke, 1823-5, V. 3.) 832 6 ^Lobell, J. W. Uber die EpochenderGeschicht- schreibung und ihr Verh'altniss zur Poesie. (In Ranmer, F. L. G. tod. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1837.) 905 1 —Longfellow, H. W. Tlie poets and poetry of Europe; with introductions and biographical notices. Pliiladelphia, 1845. O. poi\ iltp. 808 1.1 — Pitre, G. Studi di poesia popolare. Palermo, 1872. D. (In his Bibl. sicil. 3.) 859 37 — Piittenliam, G. The arte of English poesie, 1589. London, 1865. S. (In Arber, E. Eng- lish reprints. 15.) 820 9 — Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Ueber die Poetik des Aristoteles und sein Verh'altniss zu den neuern Dramatikern. (In his Hist. Taschenbuch. 1842.) 905 1 — Regaldi, G. Storia e poesia; discorso. Torino, 1861. O. 15 p. 901 3 ^Salutati, C. Epistola a G. Dassaminiato. (In Scelta di curiosita. 80.) 850 10 — Salviati, L. Del trattato della poetica. (In his Prose. 1873; in same. 129.) 850 10 — Schaller, J. Die dichterische Auffassung der Natur. (In Cotta, B. Briefe uber Hum- boldt's Kosmos, 1848-60, v. 3.) 551 25 — Sliairp, J. C. On pontic interpretation of nature. Edinburgh, 1877. D. 801 4 — Sibbern, F. C. Om Poesie og Konst. Kjoben- havn, 1834. v. I. D. 701 4 — Sidney, P. An apologie for poetrie. 1595. London, 1868. S. 72 p. (In Arber, E. Eng- lish reprints. 4.) 820 9 Same. (7n /ws Arcadia. 1638.) 823 28 — Suhm, P. F. Nogle Tanker omPoeter Oil Poe- sie. (/« /lis Skrifter, 1788-98, V. 6.) 839.88 5 — Tasso, T. Discorso del poenia eroico.— Dis- corsi deir arte poetica. (//i 7i!.s Discorsi, 1823, ■s'- 3.) 851 118 — Trissino, G. G. Le sei division! della poetica. (In his Opere, 1729, v. 2.) 851 126 ^Vida, M. G. De arte poetica. (In Iris Opera. 1605.) 879 11 — VVebbe, W. A discourse of Englisli poetrie, 1586. London, 1870. S. (/ji Arber, E, Eng- lisli reprints. 36.) 820 9 — Zorrilla y Moral, J. El poeta. (In his Oltras, 1853, V. 3.) 862 3 SeeMso BALLADS; EPIC POETRY ; IIIUIOR; PKOSODV; and the division POETKV under the various literatures. Poggi, Aiigusto. I diboscamenti in rapporto all' economia, all' igene e alle inondazioni. Roma, 1881. O. 77[-f 2] p. 551.58 44 Poggibonsi, Niccolo da, see NicPol6. POINTS OP THE COMPASS. Scbreiber. P. Die Bedeutungder Windrosen fiir Meteorologie und Klimatologie. Gotha, 1881. s(|Q. [3-f-] 34 p. pi. (In Petermanns Mittheiliiiigen : Er- giinzungsband 15.) 910 44 Poir6, Paul. La France industrielle. Paris, 1873. O. pi. 600 3 Poir6e, A. Quelques mots de reponse a Des inondations, par Dupuit. Paris, 1858. O. 31 p. pi. 551.48 31 POISONS. Christison, R. A treatise on poi- sons, in relation tomedical jurisprudence, phy- siology and the practice of physic. 3 edition. Edinburgh, 1836. O. 615 4 — Pfotenliauer, C. E. DieGifte als bezaubernde Macht in der Hand des Laien. Berlin, 1874. O. 48 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 See also ALBUMEN ; AMYGDALINE ; AIKEMC ; ATRO- PINE ; CADAVER ; PICKOTOXINE. Poitevin, Prosper. Etude des homonymes et des paronymes fran9ais. 18 edition. Paris, 1873. D. 444 3 Der Pokal, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 4. Pokoriiy, Alois. Pflanzen- und Thiergeogra- phie ; Verbreitung und Verscliiedenheit der Menschenrassen. (In Hann, J. AUgemeine Erdkunde. 1873.) 502 3 —Storia illustrata del regno minerale ; versione italiana di Giovanni Struever. Torino, 1873. O. il. 549 6 — Storia illustrata del regno vegetale; versione italiana di Teodoro Caruel. Torino, 1871. O. il. 580 4 Poland. Depecher fra den polske Legation i Kj6l>enhavn[, 1791]; meddeelte af Edvin M. Thorson. (In same. v. 18, 1858.) 948 3 — -Annales Poloniae. Hannoverae, 1866. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 2.) 943 16 ^Clioisniii, J. Memoires sur Telection du roi de Pologne. 1571-3. (In Midland * Ponjnulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 — Fletclier, J. The history of Poland. New York, 1831. S. par. 943 60 — Forster, K. Pologne. Paris, 1840. O. par. pi. maps. {In L'nnivers. 57.) 910 18 — Geret, S. L. von. Polen in 1766-8; aus den Berichten des Thorner Residenten am War- schauer Hofe Geret, von L. Prowe. Berlin, 1870. O. 943 61 POLAND 540 POLITICAL ETHICS — Raiimer, F. L. 6. von. Polens UnterganK. (In his Hist. Taschenbuch. 1832.) 905 1 ^Respublica sive status regni Poloniae. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1627. Tt. 094 51 See also Harfenkliinee: SIGISMCND III. POLAR REGIONS, see ARCTIC REGIONS. Polchaii, Arthur. Das Biicherwesen im Mit- telalter. Berlin, 1881. O. 30 p. (/?i Virchow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 POLDERS, see DIKES. La polenta, scherzo ditirambico, see Fast6, A. POLICE. Colquhoiin, P. A treatise on the commerce and police of the river Thames. London, 1800. O. tab. map. 352 2 ^ — A treatise on the police of the metropolis. 6 edition, enlarged. London, 1800. O. 352 3 Polidori, Filippo Luigi, editor, see Siena. Statuti, 1863-77, v. 1. (In Emilia. CoUezione. 4.) 850 6 La tarola ritonda. 1864-.5. (In same. 8-9) 850 6 POLISH LITERATURE, see Sakwaska, A. K. Polissenn, see JJiccolini, (J. B. v. 1. II polltecnico ; repertorio mensile di studj ap- plicati alia pro.sperita e coltura sociale. Milano, 1860-5. V. 8-27. O. il. pi. maps. 055 2 Vol. 8 begins a new series and virtually a new pub- lication. Politi, Raffaello. Due cammei e due intagli in onice. Noto, 1847. T. 33 [-f2] p. pi. 736 7 — II viaggiatore in Girgenti ; ovvero, Guida agli avanzi d'Agrigento. 2 edizione, accresci- uta. Palermo, 1842. O. 84 p.ifc Atlas.q. 913 38 — translator, see Dumas, A. D. Cenni suUe antichita agrigentine. 1861. 913 42 The political comedy of Europe,seeJohnson,D., also Wright,—. POLITICAL ECONOMY. About, E. F. V. A B C du travailleur. 2 edition. Paris, 1869. D. 330 1 .— Anniiaire de I'economie politique et de la statistique. 1866, '68-70, '73, '75. Paris, 1866- V. 23, 25-7, 30, 32. S. 310 1 — Bastiat, F. Sophismes economiques: petits pamplilets. Paris, 1863. 2 v. D. 330 1.1 — Bandrillart, H. J. L. Eoonomie politique populaire. Paris, 1869. D. 330 2 — Blanqni, J. A. Precis elementaire d'econoniie politique. 3 edition. Paris, 1857. D. 330 3 BiblioKraphie, p. 118-123. Vocabulaire, p. 124-8. — Boccardo, G. Dell' applicazione del metodi quantitativi alle scienze economiche, statisti- che e sociali ; saggio di logica economica. "jTorino, 1875.] Q. 72 p. 330 4 — — Dizionario universale di economia politica e di commercio. 2 edizione ampliata. Milano, 1875-7. 2 V. Q. 303 1 — — Marsh, G. P. Boccardo's Dictionary of po- liti(,al economy. (In Nation. 1876, p. 65-6.) In main library. ^ — Trattato teorico-pratico di economia po- litica. 3 edizione. Torino, 1863-4. 3 v. D. 330 5 — Brnzzo, G. Principii di economia politica. Firenze, 1869. 48 p. 330 6 — Capponi, G. Letture di economia toscana (In his Scritti, 1877, v. 1.) 858 4 — Cattaneo, C. Memorie di economia puljlica, 1833-60. Milano, 1860. O. 330 7 — Cibrario,G. A. L.Deila economia politica del medio evo. 5 edizione. Torino, 1861. O jior. 330 8 — David, C. G. N. Statsoeconomisk Archiv. Kj0benhavn, 1829-9. 2 v. D. 330 15 — Fawcett, H. Manual of political economy. 4 edition. London, 1874. D. 330 9 — Franklin, B. Essays on general politics, commerce and political economy. (/)( his Works, 1840, v. 2.) 818 1 ^Jebhart, E. Les historiens florentins de la renaissance et les commencements de I'eco- nomie politique et sociale. (/" his De I'ltalie. 1876.) 945 4 ^Guala, L. Elementi di economia politica. Torino, 1863. D. p/iof. 330 3 ^Kleinwacliter, F. Die National-Oekonomie als Wissenschaft. Berlin, 1882. O. 36 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Lnzzatti, L. Die nationalokonomischen Schulen Italiens und ihre Controversen. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 2, 1875.) 945 41 — Mill, J. S. Principles of political economv. London, 1865. D. 330 12 — Minghetti, M. Delia economia pubblica e delle sue attinenze colla morale e col diritto. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1868. D. 330 13 ^ — Opuscoli letterari ed economici. Edizione riveduta. Firenze, 1872. D. 330 14 — Patzig, C. A. Ueber Staatswirthschaft in den altorientalischen .Staaten. Hamburg, 1886. O. 48 p. (In Virchow D; MIXl'RV; MO.NEV; PANICS; POOR ; TAXATION; WATER: WOOL. POLITICAL ETHICS. Cantu, C. Buon sense e buon cuore ; conferenze popolari. Milano, 1872. 2 v. S. por. 302 1 — Channing, W. E. Duties of the citizen in times of trial or danger, (i?; /; i's Works, 1848, V. 5.) 208 5 ^Fuller, T. Andronicus ; or. The unfortunate poliliciaii. 2 edition. London, 1646. T. 172 3 — Hall, R.The sentiments proper to the present crisis, Oct. 19, 1802. {In his Sermons. 1814.) 211 3 —Hopkins, J. H. The American citizen ; his rights and duties, according to tlie spirit of the Constilutiun. New York, 1857. D. 172 4 — Parker, T. The chief sins of the people ; a scniioM, 10 Ai)ril 1851. Boston, 1851. 252 2.1 — Tjndiile, W. Tlie obedience of a Christian man, and how Christian rulers ought to govern. (/» Tyndale & Frith. Works, 1831, v. 1.) 208 10 POTATICAL ETHICS 541 POLO See also CIVIL SKItVICE; CO>'S(:iKX<'K; IXTKKNATIOX- AL UEI.ATIONS; OltKDIEXCE; SOCIETV; WAIt. POLITICAL FAKTIES, see PARTIES. POLITICAL SCIENCE. Aristoteles. Ti.utato de" govenii ; tradotto da B. fSe^iii. Nuova edizione. Milano. 1864. S. (M BibL laia. 56.) 850 3 —Balzac, J. L. (x. de. Aristippe; ou, De la cour. Amsterdam, 16G4. T. 350 1 Appended is Avis...des ministres & du ministJre. — IJigelow, J. France and hereditary monarcliy. Luudcin, 1H71. O. 321 5 — ISodiii, J. Les six livres de la republicjue. Paris, 1577. F. 320 1 — Canitti, D. Dei principii del governo politico libero, e saggi politici. Nuova edizione. Fi- renze, 1861. D. 320 2 — Cicero, M. T. Lilirorum de re publica sex: recognovit R. Klotz. Lipsife, 1857. D. 875 13 —Coleridge, S. T. The friend : a series of es- says. 1 American edition. Burlington, 1831. O. 824 9 — — Tlie statesman's manual; — A lay sermon on the existing distresses and discontents, 1817. {In his On the church and state, 1839, p. 301- 430.) 322 3 — Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Mon- tesquieu; ou, La politique de Machiavel au 19e siecle; par un contemporain. Bruxelles, 1864. D. 320 5 ^Elyot, .Sir T. The image of governance, n. p., 1541. O. a. 320 16 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Entstehung, die Ausl)ildung und den praktischen Einfluss der politischen Theorieen, und die Erhaltung des monarchisrhen Princips in dem neuern Euro- pa. {In his Werke, 1831-30, v. 1.) 908 3 — Holberg, L. Stater og Regieringsformer. {In his Holbergiana, 1832-5, v. 1.) 839.88 1 — James I, of England. Basilicon-doron, — The trevir law of free monarchies. {In his Workes. 1616.) 320 8 — Kolil, J. G. Politische Meditationen. {In his Skizzen, 1851, v. 1.) 304 3 — Lieber, F. Inaugural address. {In Columbia college. Addresses. 1858.) 378 1 ^ — On civil liberty and self-government. Enlarged edition. Philadelphia, 1859. O. 320 10 — Maccbiavelli, N. Discorsi. {hi his Opere, 1819, V. 3-4.)— II principe. (7» same.v. 5.)858 10 II principe. Italia, 1814. O. 320 11 Same. Parigi, 1850. Tt. por. 320 13 —Marsh, L. The shadow of Christianity; or, The genesis of the Christian state. New York. [1865J. D. 320 12.1 — More, T. Utopia; translated by R. Robinson. 2 edition, 1556. London, 1869. S. {In Ar- ber, E. English reprints. 14.) 820 9 Italian : L'Utopia; e La citta del sole di T. Campanella; aggiuntavi, Lastoria del Reame degli Orsi di G. Gozzi. Milano, 1863. S. por. (In Bibl. rara. ll.i 850 3 — Onckeii, W. Aristoteles und seine Lehre vom Staat. Berlin, 1870. O 38 p. (/?t Vircliow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Paine, T. Rights of man. Dublin, 1791-2. 3 V. in 1. O. 320 13 — Petrarcii, F. De repulilica optinife aclinini- straiula. (/« /n'.s Opera, 15H1, v. 1.) 851 95 — Saavedra Fajardo, I), de. Empresas politi- cas; 6, Idea de un principe politico christiano. Ma AIM IIY ; NA- TIONALITY : PRESS ; SEKINEIK ; SLAreUY : SOCIAL. ISM; SOCIETY ; SUFFRAGE ; VASSALAOE. POLITICS. Dnff, M. E. G. A political survey. Edinburgh, 1868. O. 320"6 Politicke balladen, refereinen, liederen en spotgedichten der 16e eeuw. Gent, n. d. Q. (In Maefseliappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken 2 ser. 7.) 839.3 3 Den politiske Kandestober, see Holberg, L. Comedier, v. 1. Poliuto, tragedia lirica, see Canimarauo, S. Poll, AVilleiu vail de. Schets van den water- vloed in Gelderland, Noord- Brabant, Utrecht en Zuid-HoUand in Maart 1855. Tiel, 1855. Q. pi- 551.48 33 boowdjmtt 551.2 2 Pollok, Robert. The course of time, a poem; with index, memoir, introductory notice, and analysis prefixed to each book. Revised edition. Boston, 1843. S 821 89 — Dana, R. H. Pollok's Course of time. {In his Poems and prose, 1850, v. 3.) 811 5 Pollllge, Liidwig. Klimaanderungen in histo- rischen Zeiten. Berlin, 1880. 40" p. (Jm Vlr- chow A- Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Polo, Marco. The book concerning the king- doms and marvels of the East ; newly trans- lated and edited, with notes, by Henry Yule. London, 1871. 3 v. O. il. pi. in x>ocket', pi. fae- sim. maps. 915 13 Presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. Marsh, G. P. The book of Marco Polo. (In Nation, v. 31, 1875, p. 135-7, 152-3.) In main library. — La description geographiqve des provinces & villes plus fanieuses de I'lnde Orientale, meurs, loix & coustumes des habitans...; nou- uellement reduict en vulgaire franyois. Paris, 1556. O. 099 24 —Ex itinerario. (In Trigaiilt, Jf. Regni Chi- nensis descriptio. 1639.) 094 19 Le livre; redige en fran9ais sous sa dictee en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise; publie.... accom- pagnee des variantes, de rexplication des mots, POLO 542 FONTHIEU et de coiumentaires geographiques et histori- ques, par G. Pauthier. Paris, 1865. 3 v. Q. por. pi. map. 915 14 —11 milione: testo di lingua del secolo 13; pub- blicalo ed illustiato dal fJio.Batt. Baldelli Boni. Firenze, 1827. 3 v. Q, & Carte F. 915 9,11 Vita di M. Polo in v. 1. — I viaggi: reintegrati col testo francese, per cura di Adolfo Bartoli. Firenze, 1863. D. 915 13 With life. — Baldelli Boni, (J. B. Storia delle relazioni viceudevoli dell' Europa e dell' Asia [die puo servire d' introduzione al Milione di Marco Polol. Firenze, 1837. 2 v. Q. 915 10 — Schiimaiiii, K. Marco Polo. Berlin, ISS."). O. 32 p. (Ill Vircliow 'IA. Bartliold, F. W. Deutsches Biirgerthum in Pommern um [1550]. {In Rau- mer, F. L, G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1839.) 905 1 .— Friedlieb, C. Jus feudale Pomeranicuni vetus & novum, (/fi Westplialen, E. J. von. Moiiunienta, 1739-45, v. 2.) 943 21 ^Kantzow, T.Clironik von Pommern; heraus- gegeben durch W. Buhmer. Stettin, 1835. D. fat'.sim. 943 34 .— Lclimann, H. Pommern zur Zeit Otto's von Bamberg. Berlin, 1878. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorir. Vortriige. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — Sclircibcr, H. Die Reformation in Pommern. Berlin, 1880. U. 53 p. (7?i sMHie. 15 Serie.) 043 1 POMFRET, .see PONTEFRACT CAjSTLE. POMIGLIANESE DIALECT. Imbriani, V,, editor. XII couti pomiglianesi, con variant!, Napoli, 1876. D. 859 36 POMPADOUR, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de. Despres, J. B. D. Essai sur la marquise de Pompadour. (In Barriere & Le- sciire. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 3.) 944 10 POMPEII. Fioi-elli, G. Descrizione di Pompei. Napoli, 1875. D. il. map. 913 18 Gli scavi di Pompeii, 1861-73 ; relazione. Napoli, 1873. sqF. il. jil. 913 19 — Gebhart, E. La vie italienne a Pompei et les doctrines d'Epicure. (In his De I'ltalie. 1876.) 945 4 — Marsh, C. C. {/« Jolinson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — Nissen, H. Pompeji. Berlin, 1867. O. 40 p. (/)( Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Overbeck, J. A. Pompeji in seinen Gebau- den, Alterthiiinern und Kunstwerken. 3 ver- mehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1866 2v. inl.O. il. pi. map. 913 30 —Pompeii. London, 1831-3. 3 v. S. il. p/. (Lib. of entertaining kill.) 913 31 Pomponazzi, Pietro. Pomponatius in librosde aninia [, preceded by Memoria del L. Ferri]. {In Rome — R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 Pont Saintc-Maxeuce, Garnier de, see Gamier. Pontani, Filippo. Italia, trattatello di geo- grafia nazionale ; con proeniio di Gaetano Sangiorgio. Milano, 1874. D. 914.5 42 Pontanus, Joban Isakseu. Chorographica Danise descriptio. — Coeli solique qualitates . (In Siirtecs soc. Miscellanea; hi its Pub. 37.) 820 7 Pontetetto. Capitoli delle monache di Ponte- tetto presso Lucca; del secolo 13. Bologna, 1863. D. 46 p. (In Scella di curiosita. 39.) 850 10 PONTHIEU, \dh\e.,romtesse iio. Istoire d'outre iner. (In Molaiid L. E. D., cfc H6ricaiilt, C. d.' Nouvelles du 13e siecle. 1856.) 840 13 PONTI FAMIL Y 543 /' OPES PONTI FAMILY. PasoUni, P. D. Mcmoriesto- riclit> . 282 50 — 'roiistall, C. A sermon preached on Palm Sunday, 1539, before Henry VIII. London, 1823. D. 262 14 — Voigt, J. Stimmen aus Rom iiber den jiilpst- liciii^n Hof im 15ten Jahrhundert. (/?( Uau- iiier, F. L. (J. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1833.) 905 1 — — Italian: Ragguagli di Roma nel secolo 15. (/h VarietJl storiche italiane.) 945 10 — Wattenbacli, W. Oescliiclite des romischen Papstthunis. Berlin, 1876. O. 282 27.1 Ste also iaconio &• Guglielmo della. Variii, S. Delle opere di G. G. e G. della Porta. (/)( Societil lig-nre. Atti. v. 4, 186P.) 945 48 Porta, Giovanni Battista della. De bumana physiognomonia. Editio postrema. Franco- fui-ti, 1618. D. il. 138 1 — De occultis literarum notis. Montis Beli- gardi, 1593. S. 651 3 Porter, Edward G. Speech [on presenting a portrait of Geo. 1'. Marsh]. {In Phillips acad- emy, Andover. Speeches at dinner of alumni assoc. 1886.) 080 57 Porter, Henry. The two angry women of Ab- ington; edited bv Alexander Dyce. London, 1841. D. (/((Percy soc. V. 5.) 820 6 Porter, Josias Leslie. The giant cities of Ra- shaii, and Syria's liolv places. London. 1865. D. pi. iltp. ' 915.6 35 Porter, Lola, tt' Marshall, I. Ryme-index to the ms. texts of dliauitr's minor iwenis; with introducti(m,und a)ipendix of ryme-indexes to some spurious poems, by W. W. Skeat. Lon- don, 1889. O. (/(( Chancer soe. 1 ser. 80.) 821 45 PORTER 545 PORTUGUESE PORTER, William Trotter. Brinley, F. Life of Porter. New York, 1H«». L). pnr. 927 U Porto, (jiacoiiio da, translator, see Uouavoiitu- ra, St. Filomena. 1586. OJ»i» 28 PORTRAITS. Coiiterfet Kupfferstich deren jeiiigeii regiereiul'-u fi;r<).sseii Herren, von Kay- sers Ferdinand des aiidern Geburt liis zu des- selben Abschied. Leipzig, 1731. F. il. pnr. 9'.'3 3 PORTS, see HARBORS. Portiig:al, Jose Miguel Joao de, conde do Vimi- oso. Vida do infante D. Luiz. Li,-,boa Occi- dental, 17.35. O. por. 946 83 Portuiral— Administra<2ao geral das iiiatas. Relatorio, 1879-80. Lislioa, 1881. Q. iiutps. 551,58 91 bound with 551.2 2 — Secretaria de estado. Collec9a6 dos breves pontiflcios y leys regias desde 1741 solire a li- berdade das pessoas, bens e commercio dos Indies do Brasil, dos excesses da Companhia de Jesu, dos procedinieutos... [Lisboa, 17.59?] Q. 981 1 —DESCRIPTION. Escoiirrou-Milliago, E. Es- sai sur Portugal a I'exposition universelle de Paris, 1855. (In his De I'ltalie. 1856.) 606 5 — —Goes, D. de. De rebus & imperio Lusi- tanorum. {Tn Aiiglliera, P. M. d.' De rebus oceanicis. 1574.) 910 1 _ — Niines do Leao, D. Descrip^ao do reino de Portugal. 3 edi9ao. Lisboa, 1785. T. 914.6 13 Portiigallia ; sive, De regis Portugalliaj regnis et opibus commentarius. Lugd. Batav., 1641. T. 094 53 .— ^Severlin da Farla, M. Noticias de Portu- gal. 3 edi9ao, por J. F. Monteiro. Lisboa, 1791. 3 v. S. pZ. 914.6 14 See also SERRA DA ESTItKMiA. -HISTORY. Brito, B. de. Monarchia lusyta- na. Lisboa, 1806-9. 6 v. D. 946 69 Same ,• 3 & 4 parte ; por A. Brandao. Lisboa, 1806. 2 v. D. 946 69 Coiiestaggio, G. F. The historie of tlie uniting of Portugall to Castill. London, 1600. Q. 946 67 Denis, J. F. Portugal. Paris, 1846. O. por. pi. (In L'lniivers. 58.) 910 18 Duuham, S. A. History of Spain and Portugal. Philadelphia, 1833-3. 5 v. D. 946 3 Faria y Sousa, M. de. Historia del reyno de Portugal. Nueva edioion, hasta 1730. Lis- boa, 1779. F. por. pi. 946 64 Herculano de Carvallio e Araiijo, A. Hi- storia de Portugal [,1097-1379]. Lisboa, 1846- 87. 4 v. O. 946 65 Historien der Konigkreich Hispannien, Portugal und Aplirica. ..von dem Kriegszug Konig Sebastiansin Aphrica... Miinchen, 1589. Q. por. pi. 946 1 — — Lisbon— Acadeiiiia real das sciencias. Col- lec9ao de livros ineditos df hist(jria [lortugueza dos reinados de Joau I. [-Fernando]: publica- dos por J. Correa da Serra. Lisboa, 1790-1834. 5 V. F. 946 68 — — Manuel de MeUo, F. Epanaphoras de varia historia portugueza. [3 edicao.j Lisboa, 1676. O. 946 85 For contents see Manuel de Mello. — — Menezes, L. de. Historia de Portugal re- stauradi). Lisl)oa, 1751. 4 v. sqO. 946 70 ^ — Moraes Silvii, A. de, translator. Historia de Portugal ; loinpcjsta em ingles ; continuada por H. J. da Costa. Londres, 1809. 3 v. in 1. D. 946 60 — — Nuues do Leao, D. ...Chronicas dos reis de Portugal. Lisboa, 1774-80. 4 v. O. 946 71 — — — Cronicas del rey Joani o I. ...eas dos reys Duarte e Affonso o V. ; e Autos do levan- tamento. e juranientos del rey Joam o IV.; e do Theodosio, & Proposi9ao das cortes. Lisboa, 1043. Q. tpw. 946 73 Rabbe, A. Resume de I'histoire de Portu- gal, jus(iu"eu 1823. 3 edition. Paris, 1827. T. 946 73 Severini da Fnria, M. Varios discursos po- liticos. Lisboa, 1791. S. 914.6 14 — — Sousa de Macedo, A. Lusitania liberata ab injuirto Oastellanorum dominio. Londiui, 1645. F. por. pi. iltp. 946 74 Vertot d'Aubeuf, R. A. de. Histoire des revolutions de Portugal. Paris 1816. T. 946 75 See (dso A.\THO>Y; E.«.1IAXUEL; HENBY, prince; JOHX I.-III.: LOUIS, rf«feo/jSf;a.- PETER I.; POMBAL, S.J. de ^•. lie; SEBASTIAN I.; SPAIX. PortugaUia : sive, De regis Portugallise regnis et opibus commentarius. Lugd. Batavor., e.r offlcina Elzeviriana, 1641. Tt. 094 53 PORTUGUESE IN ASIA, see INDIA. PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. Coelho, F. A. Formes divergentes de mots portugais. (In Romania, v. 3, 1873.) 479 6 — Conslancio, F. S. Novo diccionario critico e etymologico da lingua portugueza ; precedido de Imma introduc9ao grammatical. 7 edi9ao. Paris, 1.S59. sqQ. 4C9 3 —Dozy, R., * Engelmanii, W. H. Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais derives de T arabe. 3 edition. Leyde, 1869. O. 462 i — Eug'leinann, W. H. Glossaire des mots espa- gnols et portugais derives de I'arabe. Leyde, 1801. O. 4/9 ^ — Fonseca, J. da, * Carollno, P. O novo guia da couversa9ao em portuguez e inglez. Paris, 1855. sqT. • 469 10 The original form of "English as she is spoke." — Lisbon— Acadeniia real das sciencias. Dic- cionario da liugoa portugueza. Lisboa, 1793. v. 1. F.» 469 1 Vol. 1, A ; no more published. — Moraes Silva, A. de. Diccionario da lingua portugueza. 6 edi9ao, pelho A. de Meudon9a Falcao. Lisboa, 18.58. 3 v. sqQ. 469 3 — Mordente, J. M. Exercises upon the Portu- guese language, referring to Vieyra's gram- mar; added, commercial letters in Portuguese. London, 1807. D. 4g9 9 — Pinlieiro y Aragao, M. P. T. Memorias cu- riosas para a grammatica filosofica da lingua portugueza. Lisboa, 1812. S. 469 6 —Santa Rosa de Viterbo, J. de. Elucidario das palavras, termos, e frases, que em Portugal antiguamente se usarao e que hoje regular- niente se ignorao. Lisboa, 1798-9. 3 v. F. pi. 469 4 PORTUGUESE 546 POTTERY — Severim da Faria, M. Das partes que ha de aver na lingoagem para ser perfeita, e como a portUKueza as tern todas. {hi Ids Discursos. 1791.) 91 4. 6 14 — Tillbiiry, W. P. Breve explica9ao sobre a grammatica. Rio de Janeiro, 1823. D. 46!) 7 — Vieira,A.A dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages. New edition. London, 1805. 3 V. O. 469 5 ^ — A new Portuguese grammar. 9 edition, revised by I. P. Aillaud. London, 1812. O. 469 8 »^afeo(ULICI.VX DI.VIECT. PORTU(iUESELITERATURE.Austett,S.T.An- nuario portuguez scient'ifico, letterario e arti- stico por. J. J. de Sousa Telles. (In Jahrbiicli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 BelleriuaiiM, C. F, Die alten Liederbiicher der Portugiesen : oder, Beitrage zur Geschich- te der portugiesischen Poesie, 13-16 Jahr- hunderts, nebst Proben. Berlin, 1840. sqQ. [7+] 82 p. 869 34 ^Cancioiieiriiilio de trovas antigas colligidas de um grande cancioneiro da bibliotheca do Vaticano; precedido de uma noticia critica do mesmo grande cancioneiro. Vienna, 1870. D. 869 31 —Denis, J. F. Resume de 1' histoire litteraire du Portugal, du Bresil. Paris, 1826. T. 869 30 — Eoliler, R. Zu F. Wolf's Proben portuguie- sisctier und catalanischer Volksromanzen. — Nachwort von F. Wolf. (/)i Jalirbiich roni. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 — Longfellow, H. W. Portuguese language and poetry. (/?i his Poets and poetry of Europe. 1845.) 808 1.1 — Pariiaso lusitano ; ou, Poesias selectas dos auotores portuguezes antigos y modernos, com notas: precedido de uma historia da lingua e poesia portugueza. Paris, 1826-34. 6 v. Tt. pi. 868 33 Edited by .1. da Fonseca. For contents see Ticknor catalogue. — Resende, G. de, compiler. Cancioneiro geral; altportugiesische Liedersammlung ; neu he- rausgegeben von E. H. V. Kausler. Stuttgart, 1846-52. 3 V. O. facsim. 869 33 —Wolf, F. J. Zur Geschichte der portugie- sischen Nationalliteratur in der neuesten Zeit. (In Jahrbiicli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 See also An)ii(Jarrett, .J. B. dii S. L. de: Alltoiiici, II.; Itarriis, .1. de; BR.AZII.IAN LITKUA- TURK; Ciilasiiiis, P. de; raiDOeiis, L, de; CaKtaiiheda, F. L. dc; Castro,.!, ile; Torte Iteul, 3.: Coiitit, l>. de; Kaiines de Azurara. .: Ticira. A. Posilleclieata, sc.i', Sarnelli, P. POSITIVISM. Somiiier, H. Die positive Plii- losophie Coiiite's. Berlin, 1885. O. 48 p. (/(i Vircliow & HoUzeiidorff. Vortriige. 20 Sorie.) 043 1 — Villari, P. La filosofia positiva e il nietodo stori.-o. (/// his Saggi. 1808.) 854 8 Posoiiyi, Alexander. Catalog der Albrecht Dii- rer-Sammlung. [Wien, 1867.] Q. 10 + 79 p. 761 4 Possenti, Carlo, Piano di sistemazione del fiume Tevere dall" acqua acetosa al mare per inipedire le inondazioni di Roma. Firenze, 1871. O. 66 p. pi. tab. 627 14 — Sulle piene del Tevere. Roma, 1872. O. 15 p. 561.48 17 Posseviiio, Antonio. De Moscovia diatriba. (In Boxliorn, 51. Z. Respublica Moscovia. 1630.) 094 48 POST. Ritter von Rittersliain, G. Die Reichs- post der romischen Kaiser. Berlin, 1880. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 — Rotliscliild, A. de. Histoire de la poste aux lettres depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours. 2 edition, augmentee. Paris, 1873. D. 383 1 Postel {Latin Postellus), Gnillaunie. De re- publica sell magistratibus Atheniensium; ac- cessit Antonii Thysii Discursus politicus & collalio legum. Lugduni Batavorum. J. Mai- re. 1645. Tt. 094 13 POSTILS, see SERMONS. Postola sogur, see Ungrer, K. R. El postrer duelo de Espana. see Calderon. v. 3. Postiinia, canzoniere di L. Stecchetti, see Guerini, L. Pole, Joseph. The lives of those eminent anti- quaries, John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and An- thony a Wood; with memoirs relating to per- sons and literature. Oxford, 1772. 3 v. O. 928 4 Entered in tliis catalogue under Huddesford. with the date misprinted as 1773. This copy was formerly th e property of "Rear Admiral The Lord Mack Kerr." It contains ms. corrections and notes signed "J. P." From them we learn that the preface, and the lives of Leland and Bale were written by Pote, while vol. 2, containing the life of Wood, was edited by Huddesford ; also that the publisher was indebted to Jos. Panford of Bal- iol college for the copy of Leland's Laboryouse Jour- ney, from which the reprint in vol. 1 was made. From these facts it would seem that the work should be entered under Pote. Potonie,Heury.Die Pflanzenwelt Norddeutsch- lands in den verschiedenen Zeitepochen, be- sonders seit der Riszeit. Berlin, 1886. O. 32p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendortf. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) . 043 2 -DasSkelet der Pflanzen. Berlin, 1881. O. (7. (/?i .some. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Potteniager Walter, Marionetspil,.scf Heiberg, J. L. Skuespil, v. 1. Potter,' Dire. Der minnen loep ; uitgegeven door P. Leendertz. Leiden, 1845-7. 3 v. O. (In Vereeniging Ned. letterkiinde. Werken.) 839.3 n Potter, John. Archaaologia Gneca: or. The an- tiquities of Greece; added, A concise history of the Grecian states, and A short account of Greek autliors, by G. Dunbar. 1 American edition, liv Charles Anthon. New York, 1825. O. 913 26 Potter, Louis Jose]ih Antoine de. Vie de Sci- pion dc Ricci. Bru-xellos, 1825. 3 v. O. por. facsim. 922 46 PO TTERY. Dennnin, A. Guide de I'amateur de faiences & porcelaines, poteries, terres cuites, peinture sur lave et emaux. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1863. D. il. 738 1 POTTERY 547 PRECIEUSES — UrSsse, J. (}. T. Guide de I'aniateur de por- celaines et de poteries ; ou, Collection com- plete des marc|Ue.s de fabriqiies de I'Europe et de I'Asle. 4 edition. Dresde, 1873. D. il. 738 2 — Jacqiieiiiai't, A. Les merveilles de la cera- mique. Paris, 1806-89. 3 v. D. il. {In Chai- ton, E. Ribl. des merveilles.) 738 8 Contetilx: 1. Orient. 2. Occident: antiauitfi, moyen age et renaissance. 3. Occident: temps modernes. — Vigliola, A. G. Delle maioliche e porcellane in Piemonte. pi. (In Curiositit di storia subal- pina. V. 3, 1879.) 945 43 POTTHAST, August. Pressiitti, V. I regesti de'romani pontetici, 1198-1304, per A. I'otthast; osservazioni storico-critiche. Roma, 1874 O. 282 50 Pottre, Jan de. Dagboek, 1.^49 - 1620 [1602J. Gent, 1861. Q. (In Maetscliappy der Vlaeni bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 5.) 839.3 5 Potvin, Charles. De la corruption litteraire en France; etude de litterature comparee sur les lois morales de Tart. 2 edition. Bruxelles, 1873. O. 840 18 — Le Perceval de Chrestien de Troyes ; un ms. inconnu, fragment uni(iue. (In Jalirblicll rom. u. eng Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 Poujade, Eugene. Chretiens et Turcs, scenes et souvenirs de la vie politique, militaire et re- ligieuse en orient. 3 edition. Paris, 1867. O. 949 64 — Le Liban et la Syrie. 8 edition. Paris, 1867. D. 915.6 21 — La monarchie selon le suffrage universel. O. 32 p. 324 2 Poujonlat, Jean Joseph Franijois. Toscane et Rome.correspondanced'Italie. Bruxelles, 1840. S. 914.5 69 —& Michaiid, J. F., editors. Nouvelle collec- tion des menioires, see Slichand & Ponjonlat. 944 9 PonqiieyiUe, Francois Charles Hugues Lau- rent. Grece. Paris, 1835. O. pi. maps. (In L'univers. 51.) 910 18 Povelsen, Biarne. Reise igiennem Island, see (Jlafsson, E. 914.9 10 Powell, Rev. Baden. On the study of the evi- dences of Christianity. (In Essays and reviews. 1862.) 204 1 Powell, Walter. A summons for swearers. [London, 1644.] S. 179 1 Title-page wanting. Power, Oiovanua (Vlllepreux). Guida per la Sicilia. Napoli, 1842. O. maps. iltp. 914.5 97 POZZO, Cassiano dal, the younger. Carutti, D. Di un nostro maggiore, C. Dal Pozzo.(/)i Rome — R. accad. deiUncei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3 ) 0C5 3 Pozzobon, GiOTauni, called Schieson da Trevi- so. Poesie. (In Ganiba, B. Col. venez. 1817, V. 12.) 859 50 Prahl, B. De nicobariske 0ers na^rvnerende Tilstand. Kiobenhavn, 1804. S. 919.2 1 PRAIRIES. Whitney, J. D. Plain, prairie and forest. (In American naturalist, v. 10, 1876.) 561.58 131 PRAKRIT LANtJUAGE. Haag, F. Verglei- chung des Prakrit mit den romanischen Spra- chen. Berlin, 1869. O. 68 j). 491.2 6 Prd.^il, W. VV. Gleichenberginseiner Entwick- lung zu einer Curanstalt. GrSz, 1850. D. [Ii+] 43 p. le, E. P. Prescott's histories, — Con- nuest of Peru. (In his Essays, 1848-9, v. 2.) 814 16 PRESENTS, see GIFTS. Presidciiteiis dotti ar, see Bremer, F. PRESS. Holtzendorff, F. von. England's Pref-se. Berlin, 1870. O. 32 p. (/ji Yircliow cfe Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1 Milton, J. Areopagitica, 1644; preceded by illustrative documents. London, 1868. S. 80 p. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 1.) 820 9 Sei idm the various editions of liis worlds. ^Neui6n}'i, A. .Journaleund Journalisten der franzbsischen Revolutionszeit. Berlin, 1880. O. 63 p. (/nVircliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 — Ostgotbe, T. Ett ord efter stormen. Stock- holm, 1838. D. 79 p. 324 5 — — Rest-ransakning med den s. k. fria pres- sen. Stockholm, 1839. O. 324 5 — Riditer, .1. P. F. Freiheits-Biichlein. (In his SVimiiit. Werke, 1840-2, v. 23.) 833 24 — Tnckerman, H. T. Newspapers. (In his Criterion. 1866.) 814 15 — Welbaven, J. S. C. Cm norske Presse-Anlig- gender. {In his Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 2.) 839.84 2 — Zell, K. Ueber die Zeitschriften der alten Romer. 2 Au.sgabe. Heidelberg, 1873. D. 070 1 Pressiitti, Pietro, abate. I regestide' romani pontetici, 1198-1304, per Augusto Potthast: os- servazioni storico-critiche. Roma, 1874. O. 282 50 Prestei' John, see John, presier. PRESTIDIGITATION, see NATURALMAGIC. Prete, Leone del, editor,fiee Andrea di Jacopo. Storia di Ajolfo. 1863-4. (/;; Emilia. Colle- -3.) 850 6 Faytinelli, P. de.' Rime. 1874. [In Scel- ta di curiosita. 139.) 850 10 The pretenders, see Ibsen, H. PrenSS, Hugro. Franz Lieber, ein Biirger zweier Welten. Berlin, 1886. O. 44 p. {/)( Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. NeueFolge. l.)043 2 Preville, Pierre Louis Dnbns. Memoires. (In Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 6.) 944 10 Pr^vost-Paradol, Lncien Anatole. Les anciens partis. Pans, 1860. D. 48 p. 30114 — Essai sur I'histoire universelle. 2 edition. Paris, 1865. 2 v. D. 909 3 --Etudes sur les moralistes fran^ais : suivies de reflexions. Paris, 1865. D. 1712 — La France nouvelle. 10 edition. Paris, 1869. D. 944 49 Preyer, Thierry William. Die fiinf Sinne des Meiischen ; Vorlesung, 9 Feb. 1870. Leipzig, 1870. O. [4-I-] 75 p. 152 3 botmd with 146 1 — Der Kampf um das Dasein ; ein populiirer Vortrag. Bonn, 1869. O. 48 p. 575 3 — Ueber Empfindungen. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. {In Vlrchovr & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 PRIAPUS. Lessins,', G. E. Priapeia. (In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 2.) 832 6 Price, Richard, d. IS.^3. Preface.— >otes. (In Warton, T. History of English poetry. 1840, V. 1.) 821 13 PRICES. Mommsen, C. M. T. tjber das Edict Diocletians de pretiis rerum venalium vom Jahre 301. — Uberein neuaufgefundenesBruch- strlick des Edicts. (/)! Leipsic — K. siichs. GeselL Berichte, 1851.) 063 3 — Pareto, R. Ragionamento critico sulle nier- curiali considerate come eleniento di aritnie- tica sociale. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 1, 1873-4.) 065 3 — Sedand. Capitds Taxten udi Sia^Uand paa' Rug og Biug fra 16(M», og Avre fra 1651 til 1744. (In Bang, 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 6.) 839.8 1 Prichard, James Cowles.The eastern origin of the (,'eltic nations |)ri)ved by a comparison of their dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic languages; edited by R. G, Tiath- am. Lon.lon, 18r,7. O. 491.6 1 Pridcaux, Hnmphrey, dean of Norwich. Let- ters to Jolin FUis, 1674-1722; edited by Edward JIaunde Thompson. [London,] 1875. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 15.) 820 4.1 PRIESTLEY 549 PRINZESSIN Priestley, Jonathan. Some memoirs ooncern- iiiK the family of the Priestleys, 1G96. (In •lackson, C. Yorkshire diaries, 1877-8(), y. 2; in Siirtees soc. 77.) 820 7 PIUKSTS, see CLERGY. Priijry:, Liidolpli. De coronatione Christiani III. carmen, 1539. {In Lang:ebek, J. Scrijrt. renim Dan., 1772-1834, v. 8.) !»48 7t) Prime, Samuel Irenseus. Travels in Europe and the east. New York, 1855. 2 v. O. /)/. 910 34 Priniero soy yo, see Calderon. v. 3. Primisser, Alois, editor. Der Helden Biich, 1835, see Hairen, F. H. von der, & Primisser. 831 5 Primon, Carl Friedrich. Lexicon over de frem- mede Ord og Udtryk. 2 for0gede Oplag. Kjo- benhavn, 1820. D. 439.83 4 PRINCES, see COURT LIFE. La priiicesse d'Elide, coniedie-ballet. see Mo- liere, J. B. P. de. v. 3. El principe constante, see Calderon. v. 1. Priuds Otto af Danmark, Roman, see Inge- niann, B. S. Priiidsesse Isabella, Lystspil, see Heiberg,J.L. Skuespil, V. 2. Pringle, Thomas. Narrative of a residence in Soutli Africa. New edition ; prefixed, A bio- graphical sketch of the author by Josiah Con- der. London, 1840. O. 916.8 4 PRINTING. Berjeau, J. P. Catalogue illustre des livres xylographiques. Londres, 18G5. O. ii. oie 5 — Bodoni, G. B. La prefazione al Manuale ti- pografioo; seguita da una Dissertazione estetica di G. Chiantore; edite per cura di S. Landi. Firenze, 1874. O. 17->-73 [-1-2] p. 655 2 — Fallienstein, C. K. Geschichte der Buch- druckerkunst. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1856. sqQ. il. pi. facsim. 655 1 — Geschicllte der K. k. Hof- und Staats-Druk- kerei in Wien: von eiueni Tvpographen dieser Anstalt. Wien, 1851. O. pi. 655 4 — Ginliani, N. Notizie sulla tlpografla ligure sino a tutto il sec. 16.— Supplemento, pei Giuli- ani e L. T. Belgrano. — .Secondo supplemento. — Nuove correzioni ed aggiunte. facsim. {In SocietJi liffiire. Atti. v. 9, 1869.) 945 48 — Lefevre, T. Guide pratique du compositeur d" imprimerie. Paris, 1872-3. 2 v. O. il. pi. 655 3 — Marsh, G. P. English as affected by the art of printing. {In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 — Meiide/, F. Tipografia espanola. 3 edicion, adicionada por D. Hidalgo. Madrid, 1861. O. 655 5 We have p. 1-368. — N. Y. (state) — Library. Catalogue of the books on bibliography, typography and engra- ving. Albany, 1858. O. 016 1 boiotd «(7/i 010 3 — Sotzmann, J. D. F. Alteste Geschichte der Xylographie und der Bruckkunst uberhaupt ; besonders in Anwendung auf den Bilddruck. (In Raumer, F. L. (}. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1837.)— Gutenberg und seine Mitbewerber; oder. Die Briefdrucker und die Buchdrucker. (In same. 1841.) 905 1 — Stajjlieno, M. Sui primordi dell' arte dolla stampa in Genova, appunti e documenti. (7)1 Societa ligure. Atti. v. 9, 1869.) 945 48 For specimens of rare printing. He€ €ain;oner; <'»\ton« W.; Horde, H'. do; . 093 2 Keariiiien silnitatis. Das ist von der ordnug der gesunt- heyt. Aujispurt;, 1482. sqO. [96] p. \ pi. 098 3 Varacffio, (i, da. Sanctorwrn ac f estorwwi ;;«/■ totii anti Liber tcipit. Venetijs, 1483. O. [24B] leaves. 0»3 4 Ulanrille. B. Liber deproprietatibusrerum. Argentine, 1485. F. [299] leaves. 0«3 5 Simoiietta, ft. Rerum gestarum Franciscl Sphortiae... Mediolani, 1486. F. [187] leaves. 093 6 Lp Fevre, R. Le recueil des histoires troiennes. Paris, [149-1. <-l- [175] leaves, il. 093 7 Scliedel, H. Liber Cronicarum. Nuremberge. 1493, P. [21)] -l-299[-t-l] leaves, 093 8 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Commentationes a P. Bero- aldo in Svetonivui Tranqvillvm. Mediolani, 1494. Q. [326] p. 093 9 Colonne, 0. dalle. Historia Troiana. [Argentinaj, 1494!) Q. [88] leaves. 093 10 Xinieues, F. Libre deles denes. Barcelona, 149.5. Q. [12 + ] 267 leaves. 093 U Ga!.Miin, R. De origine et gestis francorum. Lugduni, 1497. F. [4 + ] 123 leaves. 093 6 Ilicroiivnius Soplironius, E. Das ist sant Pauls leben des ersteneynsidels. Strassburg, 1498. D. [9.3] p. il. 00312 Prinz Zerbino; oder, Die Reise nach dem guten Geschmack, see Tieok, J. L. Schriften, v. 10. PRINZENRAUB. Carlyle, T. (7?i his Essays, 1860, V. 4.) 824 8 Prinzessin Brambilla, eiu Capriccio, see Hoff- mann, E. T. W. V. 9. PRINZESSIN 550 PROHIBITED BOOKS DiePrinzessiii von Wolfenbiittel, see Zschokke, J. H. I). V. 9. Prior, James. The life of Oliver Goldsmith. Londou, 1837. 2 v. O. iwr. pi. 928 28 —editor, see Uoldsmitli, 0. Miscellaneous works. 1837. 823 11 Priorato, Galeazzo Gualdo, see tJiialdo-Prio- rato. La prise de Pampelune. (In Miissafia, A. Alt- frauzbsiche Gedichte, 1364, v. 1.) 841 6 La prison anioreuse, see Froissart, J. v. 1. PRISONS. Aschrott, P. F. Aus dera Strafen- und Gefangnisswesen Nordanierikas. Ham- burg. 1SS9. O. 60 p. (In Vircliow <& Hoi- IzeiidorfT. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Bolim,— , comtesse de. Les prisons en 1798. (In Barriere & Lesciire. Memoires, 18.57-81, v. 34.) 9U 10 —Brink, C. 0. Historisk of versigt af fangelse- systemerna, samt svenska lagstiftningen ro- rande fangelserna. Stockholm, 1848. 365 4 — Faiituzzi, H. La prigiona d' H. Fantuzzi ; pubblicata da C. Ricci. Bologna, 1888. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 229.) 850 10 Gross, C. yon. Fine Wanderung durch ir- liindische Getiingnisse. Berlin, 1868. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzeiidorff, Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 —Naples— Prisoners. Supplica alia... Vittorio Emmanuale II, e cenno delle infamiein Napoli dei tribunali della pulizia e della direzione car- ceraria. [Napoli, 1869.] Q. 12 p. 365 3 Xeergaard, J. V. Bidrag til Kundskab om Hovedstadens Straffeanstalter og Varetaigts- fasngsler; med Hensyn til de nyere nordameri- kauske Straffeanstalter. Kjobenhavn. 1839. O. 365 3 Pallavlclno, d. Spilbergo e Gradisca ; scene del carcere duro in Austria. Torino, 1856. S. 365 1 — Trenek, F. von der. Fragments concernant la cai)tivite du baron de Trenek. (In Barriere A Lesciire. Memoires. 18.57-81, v. 38.) 944 10 U. S. sanitary comiuissiou. Narrative of pri- vations and sutfering.s of i>risonersin the hands of the rebel authorities. Philad'a, 1864. O. phot. 973 40 Wreech, C. F. von. Wahrhaffteundunistilnd- liche Historie von denen schwedischen Ge- fangenen in Russland und Siberien, nach dem A. 1709... Sorau, 173.5. S. 341 6 f!ff.alxo BARltACKS; BASTILK; FLEET. Prliili, Mccolt). II bouquet : ossia, Mazzetto. (In (;amba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 11.) 859 50 PROBABILITIES, (ieisenheinier, L. Ueber Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechiiung. Berlin, 1877. O. 44 p. pi. (In Vircliow (& Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.) 043 1 — Herscliel, J. F. W. On the estimation of skill in target shooting. (In liis Popular lectures. 1867.) 504 6 Lisiiori, A. M.'rte.' Dell'uso moderato dell' opinione probabile. Monza, 1831, D. 230 16 See idm (ilAKCK. Probus, ^milius, see Nepos, C. Probus, Marcus Valerius. Opusculum de notis antiijuis. (In Isidoriis Mercator. Decretal., 18.53, col. 1179-1196.) 262 8 — Mominsen, C. M. T. Probus de notis anti- quis. i.In Leipsic— K. siichs. Gesell. Bericlite, 1853.) 063 3 PROCESSIONALS, -see York. PROCIDA, Giovanni di.Clironique de lacoiispi- ration de J. Prochyta; traduite du sicilien. (In Buchon, J. A. C. Chroniques etrangeres. 1841.) 944 10.1 — Giovanni di Procida e il Vespro siciliano; per cura di A. Cappelli. (In Emilia. Miscellanea. 1861.) 850 5 — Notizia di alcuni documenti spettanti a (J. da Procida. (//( Varieta storiche italiane.) 945 10 — Lu ribellamentu di Sicilia contra re Carlu. (Ill Giovanni, V. di. Cronache siciliane. 1865; in Emilia. Collezione. 10.) 850 6 5«e a/so SICIUAM VESPERS; SICILY; and the tragedy by Niccolini, in v. i of bis Opere Procopius of Ccesarea. Histoire de la guerre des Vandales. (In Bureau de la Malle, A. J. C. A. L-Algerie. 1852.) 939 6 — Vandalica et Gothioa. — Excerpta ex Arcana historia. (In Grotius, H. HistoriaGotthorum. 1654.) 943 5 Prodicns of Ceos. Ercole, favola. (.In Leopardi, G, Opere, 1843-51, v. 2.) 858 8 II prodigo, commedia, see Goldoui, C. v. 12. . The profane state, .see Fuller, T. PROFANITY. Powell, W. A summons for swearers. [London, 1644.] D. 179 1 Professorn och bans skyddslingar, see Carina, E. S. F. II profeta; o. La passione di un popolo, dram- ma, see Levi, D. PROGRESS. About, E. F. V.Le progres. Paris, 1864. O. 301 1 — Arnoft, N. A survey of human progress. London, 1861. O. ' 301 2 — Gasparin, A. £. de. Le bon vieux teni])s. 3 edition. Paris, 1874. D. 301 6 .— Quinet, E. L'esprit nouveau. 3 edition. Paris, 1875. D. 301 11 — Visby, C. H. Culturens Gang over Jorden.og Eiiropas naervairende Standpunkt. Kjoben- havn. 1830. D. 38 p. 301 14 See alw COXSEUVATISM. PROGRESSION. Norfolk, .1. In artem pro- gressionis sumnuila. {In Halliwell-Pllillipps, J. 0. Kara mathenuitica. 1839.) 510 3 PROHIBITED BOOKS. Consrregatio indicis. An exact reprint of the Roman Index expurga- torius; edited by R. Gibbings. Dublin, 1837. D. " 016 8 — — Index librorum prohibitoruin Gr"gorii XVI jussu editus. 1863. Napoli, 1863. D. 016 10 With apiiondixes, 18C2-7.5, and inserted newspaper clippings. l87Gy-8. Index librorum prohibitorum Innoc. XI. jussu editus, usque ad 1681; accedit a])pendix usque ad 1704. Roma', 1704. S. 016 9 Witli appendixes to 1750. PROJECTION 551 PR VENCAL PROJECTION, we (GEOMETRY. I,es projets lie manage, eomedie, see Duval, A. V. P. I promessi sposi, 1825-6, see Maii/oiii, A. PROMETHEUS. Holl(',C.Die Projiietheussage, iiiit besondeier BeriicUsiclitiKUiiK ihrer Bear- beitung durch Aescliylos. Berlin, 1879. O. 82 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzeiulorff. Vortmge. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Prometheus bound, see iEscliyliis. ripOfiTjflel/s deo-nuT-qi, see jEscliyliis. ProinetlieiiSjilramatisches Fragment, seeGothe, J. W. von. V. S3. Prometlieiis unbound, see Shelley, P. B. Promis, Viucenzo. Tre edizioni torinesi del secolo 15. — Su alcuni nianoscritti della Biblio- teea di. S. M. in Torino. (In CliriositJldi storia subalpino, v. 2, 1876.) — Feste alia corte di Sa- %'oia nel seoolo 17. — Galeotto del Carrettoed al- cune sue lettere. pi.. — Luigi Prorana e Massi- mo d'Azeglio. /aesim. —Groteschi rillevati da una tapessaria da letto. {In same. v. 3, 1879.) — I tredici volumi di blasoneria di Carlo Enia- nuele I di Savoia. — La nobilta d' Alessandria del conte Cesare Canefri. — Medaglia di Teresa di Liechtenstein. (In same. v. 4, 1880.) 945 43 The volumes contain ftso matter edited by Promis. — editor, see La cronaca di GENOVA, del secolo 16. {In Society ligiire. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Also various other articles in the same volume. Pera. Statuti. 1871. 349 33 PRONUNCIATION, see PHONOLOGY. Proiiy, Gaspard Clair Fraiicjois Marie Riclie, baron de. Estratto dalle Rioerclie sul sistema idraulico dell' Italia; tradotto dal francese. {In Opnscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 8 Propaganda, see Congregatio de propaganda fide. A proper dyaloge betwene a gentillman and a husbandman, complaynynge of the clergye: with A compendious olde treatyse, written by a Lollard about 1450. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 28.) 820 9 Same; reproduced in facsimile, with an intro- duction by Francis Fry. London, 1863. D. il. 821 91 Propertius, Sextiis Aurelius. Carmina; ex edi- tione C. T. Kuinoel accurata. {In Catullus, C. V, Opera. 1823.) 874 1 PROPERTY. Grimm, J. L. K. Das Wort des Besitzes. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, V. 1.) 408 3 — Lampertico, F. La proprieta. Milano, 1876. D. 331 8 — Roscher, W. Grundziige einer nationaloko- nomischen Erklarung des Privateigentliums. {In Leipsic— K. siichs. Gesell. Berichte, 1853.) 063 3 See also hATiB: WATER. PROPHECY. Erceldoiine, T. L. of. Romance and prophecies ; with illustrations from the prophetic literature of the 15th and 16th centu- ries: edited by J. A. H. Murray. Loudon. 1875. O. (/?i E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 61.) 820 5 — Schafft, A. Ueber das Vorhersagen von Na- turerscheinungen. Berlin, 1886. O. 40 p. (/?!. Virchow cfc Holtzendorff.Vortriige. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 See aim FOKTUNE-TELLIXO. PUOPONTIS, see SEA OF MARMARA. PROPRIKTY, see MANNERS. II propiigiiatore ; studii tilologici, storici e bibliogratici, in appendice alia Colle/.ione di opere inedite o rare. Marzo 1869 - die. 1875. Bologna, 1869-75. v. 1-8 in 15 v. O. 850 7 Les proscrits, see Nodier, J. C. E. PROSODY. fi'uMno of Sommaoompagna. Trat- tato dei ritnii volgari ; posto in luce da G. B. Giuliari. Bologna, 1870. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 105.) 850 10 — (Jyllenborg, G. F.Anmiirkningar omsvenska versification. {In his Forsok om skaldekon- sten. 1798.) 839.71 17 — Rios, J. A. de los. Die spanischen Sprich- worter als Element der Verskunst betrachtet. (/»i Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3,1860.) 805 1 — Tempo, A. da, Delle rime volgari, trattato, 1393: per cura di G. Grion. Bologna, 1869. O. (/)t Emilia. Collezione. 27.) 850 6 See a/-''0 the different languap:es, as ICELAMHC; also ALLITERATION; POETET; RHYME. Prota, Lnigi. Considerazioni politico-morali suir allocuzione di papa Pio IX, 29 ottobre 1866. [Napoli, 1866.] F. lip. 282 39 PROTECTION, see FREE TRADE. Protestant episcopal clinrch in the Confeder- al* States of America. The book of common prayer: with the psalter. Richmond, Va.,1863. 2 V. in 1. Tt. 099 13.1 "From the cargo of the Anglo-rebel blockade runner Minna, captured Dec. 6th, 1863, off Wilmington, by the government dispatch ship Circassian." Protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America. Papers and correspondence of the joint committee on the Italian reform movement. New York, 1866. O. 284 11 — Report of the Italian church reformation commission, 1872-3. Hartford, Conn., 1873-4. 3 V. O. 284 11 — Langdon, W. C.Le odierne quistioni politico- ecclesiastiche e la chiesa americana. Firenze, 1875. D. 283 1 See also FLORENCE. PROTESTANTISM. Grundtvig, N. F. S. Kir- kens Gienm;ele imod H. N. Clausen. 3 Oplag. Kjobenhavn, 1825. D. 10-1-45 p. 282 3 &e afeo HUGUENOTS; Old catholics; and the names of the various protestant sects. Proudhon, Pierre Joseph. Lettres. {In Bastiat, F. Sophismes, 1863, v. 2.) 330 1 — Lanfrer, P. (In his Etudes et portraits. 1874.) ■ 923 3 La prova di iin' opera sevia, melodramma gio- coso ; musica di Giuseppe Mazza. Milano, [185-]. S. 33 p. 852 1 PR0VEN^;AL language. Conzlni^, J. P. Dictiounaire de la langue romano-castraise et des contrees limitrophes. Castres, 1850. Q. 449 5 PROVENCAL 552 PR O VERBS — Dlez, F. C. Ein altprovenzalisches Prosa- denkmal : von C. Hofmann. (In Jahrbucll rom. u. eng. Lit. \. 1, 1859.) 805 1 — Honnorat, S. J. Dictionnaire proven9al- fi-an9ais, suivi d" un Vocabulaire fran9ais-pro- ven9al. Digne, 1846-8. 4 v. sqQ. 449 1 — Raynoiiard, F. J. M. Lexique roman; on, Dictionnaire de la langue des troubadours. Paris, 1844. 6 v. O. 449 3 Contents; 1. Recberches. — Grammaire. — Po6sies. 2-5. Dictionnaire. 6. Appendice. — Vocabulaire. — Reriie des langues ronianes. Montpellier, 1870-4. V. 1-5. O. por. music. 479 5 Ttie following numbers are wanting : v. 1. no. .3: v. 3. no. 3-4; v. 5, no. 2-4. —Roquefort, J. B. B. Glossaire de la langue romane ; mots usites dans les 11-16 siecles. Paris, 1808-20. 3 v. O. iltj). 449 4 PROVENijJ.lL LITERATURE. Bartsch, K. F. De los trovadores en Espaua, por M. Mila y Foutanals. {In Jahrbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1863.) 805 1 — — editor. Chrestomathie proven9aIe ; ac- compagnee d'uue grammaire et d'un glossaire. 3 edition, augmentee. Elberfeld, 1868. O. 849 1 hoimd with 841 3 — Boliuier, E. Die provenzalische Poesie der Gegenwart. Halle, 1870. D. [3+] 48 p. 849 5 — Camboiiliii, F. R. Renaissance de la poesie proven9ale a Toulouse au 14e siecle. — Le memo, rial des nobles. (In Jahrbiicli rom. u. eng- Lit. V. 3, 1881.) 805 1 ^Faiiriel, C. C. History of Proven9al poetry; translated, with notes, specimens, and an in- troduction on tlie literature of tlie history of Provencal poetry. New York, 1860. O. 849 6 — Malm, K. A. F., editor. Die epische Poesie der Proveuzalen. Berlin, 1883. v. 1. D. Bound with v. S-4 of 849 3 Contents; 1. Einleitung. — Girartz de Rossilho. — Gedichte der Troubadours; mit kriti- schen Anmerkungen. Berlin, 18.')6-73. 4 v. in 3. D. 849 3 Die Werke der Troubadours. Berlin, 1846-86. 4 V. in 3. D. 849 3 —Meyer, M. P. H. Fragments inedits d'un la- pidaire proven9al. (In Jalirblich rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 4, 1863.) 805 1 — — editor. Melanges de litterature proveri9ale. (In Romania, v. 1, 1873.) 479 6 — Novellino provenzale; ossia, Volgarizzamento dwUe antiche vitarelle dei trovatori scritte in linguad'oc da Ugo di S. Giro, da Michele della Torre e da altri. Bologna, 1870. D. (In Scelta dicuriosita. 107.) 850 10 — Raynoiiard, F. J. M, Noupeau choix des poe- sies originali's des troubadours. (In //f'.sLexiciiie roman. 1844, v. 1.) 449 3 See aim Arnavicllc A.; Aiitanel, T.: IIKAK.VAISK DIA- LECT.; IlKmilKDAX, (i. lie; lllanclin do Cornoiliiillcs; Ca- Iwsiaiih, 0. il(';('(>l{l!IA(', I>. de; Kniiciiiiraud, 11.; Fizcs, N. ; Haiiiciiwi; riors di 1 day nabcr ; FRA.NOO-PROVK^^^'AL; (iAIll \S lo Brum; Oaut, .1. II. ; (Jlrarlz de UosAlhn; IliNtnii-c de la croisado contre Ics Aibigeois; .InKiiiin. .1.; .Idiininn, J,; JoyaH del i^ny saber; Lanicladt^, A.; MIIMIS Saiicti ,Ia- CObi; Jllr, A.; Mistral, F.; Jloiiiir, .1.: rASTOritKl.l.KS; Itainliaud r^e Vagneiras; Roudil: Vidal. P. ; Vidal dc Castel- iiaudarr. A.; Villeiieuve-Esclapon, ('. de; Wjse, W. (1. B. Proverb! drammatici, see Renzis, F. de. [Proverbla communia;] Altniederiandische Sprichworter. — Gesprachlmcldein, romanisch und flitmisch. (In Hoffiiiaiiii von Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836-63, pt. !),) S39..31 3 ^Suringar, W. H. D. Glossariuni van de Oud- HoUandsche en midden-eeuwisch latijntche woorden in de Proverbia communia; gevolgd door omstreeks 300 emendaties in den Latijn- .schentekst. Leyden, 1865. O. 438.37 3 Overgedrukt als bijiage tot het 9de deel der Horae Belgicae van Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Proverbii attiladi novi; et aggiontovi altri 38 proverbi bellissimi, 1586. (In Seelta di curi- osita. 91.) 850 10 PROVERBS. Alfred, king. Proverbs. (In Mor- ris, R. Old English misc. 1873; in E. E. text soc. Grig. .ser. 49.) 820 5 Proverbs. — Anglo-Saxon apothegms. — Proverbs of Hending. (In The dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus- 1848.) 829 5 Breseinaiin, F., compiler. Danske Ordsprog og Mundheld. Kjobenhavn, 184J. D. 398 43 Bninet, P. (». La bugado prouen9alo. (In Jahrbucll rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 — Biirckbardt, J. L, Arabic proverbs current at Cairo. London, 1880. 'feqQ. 915.3 3 —Camden, W. (In his Remaines. 1637.) 420 3 — Coruazano, A. Proverl)ii in facetie. Bologna, 186.'). D. il. (In Seelta di curiosita. 62.) 850 10 — Denliam, M. A., editor. A collection of pro- verlis and popular sayings relating to the sea- sons, the weather, and agricultural pursuits. London, 1846. D. [3-i-]4-l-73 p. (In Percy soc. V. 20.) 820 b — Doni, A. F. Fiore di sentenze tratte dall' Or- namento della lingua toscana. Firenze, 1869. O. 398 49 — Eicbwald, K., compiler. Niederdeutsche Sprichworter und Redensarten ; mit Glossar. 4 Ausgabe. Bremen, 1870. D. 398 39 — Espagne, A. Proveriies et dictions populaires recueillis a Aspiran. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 — Fiacclii, li. Dei proverbj toscani, lezione. (In Cecchi, (i. M. L'assiuolo. 1863 ; in Bibl. rara. 8.) 850 3 ,S'a»ie; con la Dichiarazione de' proverbi di G. M. Cecchi. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1830. O. ' 398 50 — Florio, J. Giardino di ricreatione: sei mila priiverl)i). Londra, 1591. D. (In his Second friites.) ■ 458 3 — Fviscllbier, H., coni/iUcr. Preussische Sprich- worter uiid volkstliiiinlicbe Redensarten. 3 Sammluiig, mit Glossar. Berlin, 1876. O. 398 37 — (iriusti, (}. Raccolta di proverbi toscani. Fi- renze. 18,53. D. 398 51 — (Jolti, A. Aggiunta ai Proverbi toscani di G. Giusti. Firenze, 1855, D. 398 ,53 — (iriibb, C. L. Penu proverbiiile; dliet iir, Ett ymnigt forradh alT 902 1 PUTNAM, Israel. I'eahody, 0. W. B. Life of Putnam, por. (In Sparks, J. American bi- ography. 1835-y, V. 7.) 920 15 Puton, Alfred. L'amenagement des forets; traite pr;itic|ue. Paris, 1867. S. 551.58 45 La piitta onorata, commedia, see (ioldohi, C. V. 26. Puttenham, George, The arte of English poe- sie, 1589. London, 1869. S. (/)( Arber, E. English reprints. 15.) 820 9 Puy de Douie— Societe d'agricultnre, sciences, arts et commerce. Annales pour 1837-8. Puv, 1H39. (). jil. 944 61 PUr DE DOME 555 R — Untliieu, P. P. Le Puy de Dome: ses mines; Mercure et les inatrones. Clerniont-Feiiiuifl, 1876. O. pi. map. UVi 36 Pyat, F61ix. A rCditeur. (In TillLer,(!. Oiiuvies, 1H46, V. 1.) 843 43 Pygmalion, .lee Paliidaii-Milller, F. PYOMIES. Kitsoii, J. (In his Fairy tales. 1S31.) 398 3 PYLORIC APPENDAOE, Sanctis, L. de. Moi- fologia delle ai)])endici piloiiclie dei pesci ossei. pi. (In Kouic— R.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. V.3, 1874-5.) 005 3 PYRAMIDS, see EGYPT— ANCIENT. IPyramus aiidTliisbe:] La istoria di Piranio e Tisbe; per cura di Cesare Cavara. (In Emilia. Jli.scellanea. 1881.) 8.50 5 Pyrard, Franuadi'io, Francesco Saverio, annotator, see IJaute Aligliieri. I sette salmi penitenziali. — n credo. (In his Opere, 1757-8, v. 3.) 851 33 qUADRUPEDS. Knight, C. The menageries: (piadrupeds Boston, 1830-2. 2 v. S. il. (Lib. of entertaining knl.) 599 1 (JUAKERS, see FRIENDS, ({uaranta, Bernardo, & others. Napoli e i lu- oghi celebri delle sue vicmanze. Napoli, 1845. 2 V. Q. pZ. 7«((p.s. 914.5 88 The other writers are : Ajello, G. B., Aloe, S., Anilira, B. d," Ajala, M. d," Boniioci, C, Dalboiio, C, and Piioti, F. (juariteli, Bernard, booh:'neck, (Jnstar, editor, see Statins', P. P. 1854. 873 15 ({lEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Denis, J. F. Les lies de la Reine Charlotte. 1849. (In L'univers. 8.) 910 18 The (|uecu\ Engli.sli, .see Alfordj H. Oucvcdo y Villegas, Francisco (ioniez de. Obras jocosas. "Madrid, 1798. 6 v. T. il. por. 867 3 Corilmts: 1. Historia y vkla del gran tacanci. 2. Visita de los chistes. — Cartas del caballero de la tenaza. — Libro de todas las cosas y nun-has mas.— Aguja de nave- gar cultos La culta l;itiiii[t:irla.— EI entrenietido, la du- ena y el soplon. 3. Cui'iitn decuentos.— Casa de los lo- c■ Mv stud v win- dows 1871.) " 814 14 ({uindes faule, see Rocca, L. (juiiiet, Edgar. L'esprit nouveau. 3 edition. Paris. 1875. D. 301 11 — ct- Miclielet, J, Les je.suites. Paris, 1843. O. 271 6 QUININE, see CINCHONA. Qiiintana, Albert de. Dies irae; al castel de Montgri. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1871.) ' 479 5 The book of quinte essence, see Hermes Trisme- gistus. Qnintilianus, Slarcus Fabius. De institutione oratoria libri duodecim: e.x editione Jo. Mat- thise Gesneri [, recensuit Joannes Carey]. Lon- dini, 1822. 3 v. T. 875 15 Des Quiiitus Fixlein Leben, see Richter, J. P. F. V. 3. Quirini, Vincenzo. Relazione di Borgogna. 1506. (In A., E. lUustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 35 La quistione d" amore, testo del sec. i5. (In Scelta di curiosita. 161.) 850 10 QUOTATIONS. Bartlett, J. Familiar quota- tions. 4 edition. Boston, 1866. D. 828 4 — Defensor, compiler. Liber scintillaruni : edited by E. W. Rhodes. London, 1889. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 93.) 820 5 Presenting the opinions of the fathers on numerous questions. Qvennerstedt, A. Anteckningar fran en resa tdl Jan Mayen, 1863. (In Dun6r, N., & others. Sven.ska expeditioner till Spetsbergen. 1867.) 919.8 9 R., London correspondent of Die nene Zeit. Der Kampf urn Kars. New York [, 1856]. O. 16 p. 949 55 JiAAB 556 RAFN Raab, Fritz. Leonardo da Vinci als Naturfor- scher. Beilin, 1880 O. 40 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Riiiif, Karl A,, & Bnizeliiis, M. Specimen an- tiquitatum borealiuui. Luudae, 1816. sqD. [2+]26[ + l]p. yl. 913 48 RaaRl0r, Waldeinar Rudolph. Riicklilick auf die militairisclieii iiml politischen Verliiiltnisse der Algerie, 1840-1. Altoiia, 1845. O. p\. 91fi.5 4 Rabbe, .Vlphonse. Resume de Thistoire de Portu- gal, jusqu'en 1833: avec uue introduction par R. T'. Chatelain. 3 edition. Paris, 1827. T. 946 73 Rabbeno, Aroiine. II contratto di mezzadria. Reggio neir Emilia, 1874. D. 333 161 — Foreste in Italia: leggi, testo, conimento, dottrina e giurisprudenza. Torino. 1877. O. tab. 551.58 90 Rabelais, Francois. Q^uvres. Paris, 1835. Q. par. 843 31 — German : Affentheurliclie, naupengeheur- liche Gescliichtklitterung: Von Tliatender Hel- den : Grandgoschier, Gorgellantua vnnd Panta- gruel ; nun vlierschrocklich lustig in einen teutschen Model vergossen, durch Huldrich EUoposcleron [Johann Fischart^. (In Sclieible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-60, v. 8.) 837 16 — Les epistres escrites pendant son voyage d'ltalie : nouvellenient mises en lumiere, avec des observations historiques et I'aljrege ile la vie de rautheur, Paris, 1651. S. 914.5 43 — Kiililer, R. Zu Rabelais. (/?( Jahrbiich rom. u.eng. Lit. V. 3, 1861.) S05 1 Die Rabensclilaciit. (In Hagreii, F. H. von der. Der Helden Buck. Ih35.) 831 6 Rabeii!«chlacht; herausgegeben von Ernst Mar- tin. (In Dentsphes Heldenbuch, 1866 73, v. 2.) 831 14 RABIXAL ACHI. Etanierfcansli Drama, muaip. (In Copenhagen— K. nord Old.-Selskab. Anti- quarisk Tidsskrift. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 Rabnsson, A. De la geographie du nord de rAfricjue pendant les periodes romane et arabe. Paris, 1856-7. 2 v. O. maps. 9115 Rabuliii, Fran(;ois de. ' 'ommentaires des der- nieres guerres en la Gaule lielgique. 1551-8. jjor. (//(, Midland <£• Poiljoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 7.) 944 9 Raccouti di una donna, see Piatti, R. Die Rache, see Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. Racliol, Samuel. Autobiographie: mitgetheilt von Katjen. (//( Schleswiff ... Gesellscbaft. Arcliiv. V. 1. 1833; v. 3, 1837.) 943 42 Racine, Jean. Etudes litteraires et morales; pul)lices par le marquis de Larochefoucauld- Liancourt. Paris, 1855. O. 848 15 C'butaiiis bis own studies and {jtber niatteron his A - alie — Fedra och Ilippolyt, tragedi. (In Adierbetb, 0. (J. Poetiska arl)eten, 1SII2-3, v^ 1.) 839.72 1 — De genade. (In. Lennep, J. van. Poiiit. wer- ken, 18.59-62, v. 7.) S39.31 15 — Phiidra, ein Trauwrspiel. (In Schiller, .1. V. F. VOM. Slunmt. Werke, 1855, v. 1 .) 832 9 Racioppi, (xiacomo. La spedizione di Carlo Pi- sacane a Sapri; con documenti. Napoli, 1863. D. 54 p. 945 103 — Sui tremuoti di Basilicata, die. 1857. Napoli, 1858. O. 28 p. 551.22 1 RACK, see TORTURt. Radfliffe, Anne (Ward). Dana, R. H. (In his Poems and prose, 1850, v. 2.) 811 5 Radde, Gustav Ferdinand Richard. Aus den dagestanisclien Hochalpen, 1885. Gotha, 1887. sqQ. 4-1-64 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mit- thellungen: Ergiinzungsband 18.) 910 44 — Vier Vortriige fiber den Kaukasus, 1873-4. Gotha, 1874. sqQ. 6-t-71 p. maps. (In same. 8.) 910 44 Radewich, see Rahenin. RADICATl DI PASSERANO, Ignazio Adal- berto. Saraceno, F. II manifesto del conte Radicati di Passerano. (In Curiosity di storia subalpina. v. 1, 1874.) 945 43 Radluus, .4., translator, see Herodotus.'lo-Topla. 1836. 888 4 Radlotf, Fredric Wilhelni. Beskrifning ofver Aland. Abo, 1795. D. 914.7 9 Radulescu, Giovanni Heliade, see Heliade Ra- dulescn. Rieder, Ole Muncli. Jury-Institutionen i Stor- britanien, Canada og de forenede Stater af Amerika. Christiania, 1850-2. 3 v. O. 340 8 — Den norske Statsforfatnings Historie og Vse- sen. Kjobenhavn, 1841. O. 342 10 RAFFAELE SASZIO of Urbino. Colbaccliini, (t. Ratfaelli) ed un suo insignio dipinto; discor- so critico. Bassano, 1878. O. 39 p. 755 4 — Farabulini, D. Sopra una Madonna di Ra- faelloa lui negata dal Passavant e da altri. Rome, 1875. D. 7.55 5 — (iebliart, E. Raphael. {In his De I'ltalie. 1876.) 946 4 —Lloyd, W. W. Philosophy, theology and poetrv in the age and the art of Raphael. Lon- don. 1866. Q. 755 6 — Passavant, J. D. Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater, Giovanni Santi. Leipzig, 1839-58. 3 v. O. pi. 927 13 — Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Rifle.ssionl suUe pitture di Raffaello nelle cainere del Vati- cano. (/» /lis Opere, 1815-20, v. 8.) 858 5 Raffaello of MonteJupo. Vita. (In Autobl> ografie. 18.57.) 920 14 RaiTaninl, Odoardo, (' Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. fis. v. 1, 1876-7.)— Legge statistica deir influenza del sesso suUa durata della vita uman,a in Italia. (In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 005 5 Ramis, Juan. Antiguedades celticas de la isla de Menorca, hasta el siglo 4. Mahon, 1818. O. pi. 913 46 Ramnielsberg, Carl Friedrich. DieGevrinnung von Gold und Silber. Berlin. 1881. O. 44 p. {In Viroliow ct- Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 16 Se- rie.) 1 — Ueber die Meteoriten und ihre Beziehungen zur Erde. Berlin, 1873. O. 32 p. (Insavie. 7 Serie.) 043 1, 523 5 — Ueber die Mittel Liclit und Warme zu erzeu- gen. Berlin, 1866. O. (Insame. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Ramos, Jeronymo de, editor, see FERDDJAND, St. Chronica do D. Fernando. 1730. 923 37 Ramsay, Andrew Crombie. The physical geol- ogy and geography of Great Britain, London, 1863. D. il. 554.2 1 Ramsay, Edward Bannerman. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. Edinburgh, 1867. S. 390 9 Ramsey, William. Astrologia restaurata : or, Astrologie restored; in four books. Lomlon, 1653. Q. 133 36 Ramsey. Cartularium nionasterii de Rame.seia; edited by William Henry Hart and Ponsonby A.Lyons. London, 1884-6. 2 v. Q. (In {it. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 79.) 942 8 — Chronicon abbatise Rameseiensis, a ssec. 10 ad an. 1300; cura W. Dunn Macray. London, 1886. Q. (In same. 83.) 942 8 Ramus, Jonas. Ulysses & Outinus unus & idem; sive, Disquisitiohistorica & geographiea, qua ex coUatis inter se Odyssea Homeri & Edda Island. Homerizante... Editio nova. Hafnise, 1713. S. 883 14 Ramus, Petrus, see La Ramee, P. de. Ramusio, Giovanni Battista. Delle navigationi et viaggi, con discorsi. 3[,4. 2] editione. Vene- tia, 1563, '83, 65. 3 v. F. il. maps. 910 61 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Ranallo, Buccio di. Leggenda di S. Caterina d' Alessandria. 1330. — X. sonetti inediti. (In Pfercopo, E. IV. poemetti. 1885 ; in Scelta di curiosila. 211.) 850 10 BANDERS. Stadfeldt, S. A. Chorografisk og oeconomisk Beskrivelse over Randers Ki0hsted i norre Jylland. Kiobenhavn, 1804. sqO. j)l. map. 914.8 47 RANDOLPH 560 RAS&EGNA Bandolph, Francis Charles Hingestoii-, editor. Roval uiid historical letters during the reign of Henry IV.. 1399-140-1. London, 1860. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 18.) 942 8 Capgrave, J. Chronicle of England. 1858. (la same. 1.) 942 8 —translator, see Capgrave, J. The book of the illustrious Henries. 1858. {In same. 7.) 942 8 RANDOLPH, John, o/ JBofiHofce. Baldnin, J. fcj. {In his Party leaders. 1855.) 923 1 Rangab6, see Rhangabes. Rauieri, Antonio. Discorso... dedicandosi la statua di Giambattista Vico. Napoli, 1861. F.-" [3-l-]17[+2Jp. 928 50 bound with 399 4 —editor, see Leopardi, 6. Opere. 1842-51. v. 1-3. 858 8 Ranke, Johannes. Anfange der Kunst, anthro- pologische Beitrilge zur Geschichte des Orna- ments. Berlin, 1S79. O. 32 p. (In Vircliow d- Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Ranolf and Amohia, a South-Sea day-dream, see Domett, A. Rantzan, Henrik. Cimbricu; Chersonesi descrip- tio nova, 1597. par. pi. maps. {In Westpha- len. E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 1.) ' 943 31 Raiizanns, Petrus, see Razzano. RASZAU, Balthasar, bishop of Lubeck. Behr- inann, H. Nachrichten iiber die Entfilhrung des Bischofs von Liibeck B. Ranzau's durch Martin von Waldenfels, 1545. (7?i Schleswig... Gesellschaft. Archiv. v. 3, 1834.) 943 43 RANZAU, Daniel. M0ller, J. Mindeskrift over D. Ranzau. Kjobenhavn, 1818. D. 923 83 Raoul de Houdenc. Messire Gauvain : ou, La vengeance de Roguidel; poeme de la table ronde; publie par C. Hippeau. Paris, 1863. O. 293 6 RAPE. Grimm, J. L. K. tJber die Notnunft an Frauen. (/;t /((.5 Kleinere Schriften, 1864- 90, V. 7.) 408 2 RAPHAEL, see BAFFAELE. Rapp, Karl Moritz. Versuch einer Physiologie der Sprache. Stuttgart, 1836. 3 v. O. {In his Vergleichende Grammatik. 1 Halfte.) 414 3 Rapp, Liulwig. Die Hexenprozesse und ihre Gegner aus Tirol. Innsbruck, 1874. S. 133 7 Rappresentazione di santa Uliva. Pisa, 1863. O. 852 16 bound with 3 Edited by .\. d' Ancona. See aim Sovella della figlia del re tli Dacia. Bashid-eddin. Extrait de I'histoire des Mon- gols ; publiee par Quatremere ; texte persan. Paris, 1844. O. 891 4 —Yule, H. An endeavour to elucidate R.isliid- uddin's geographical notices of India. [Lon- don, 1869.] O. 91.5.4 11 Rask, Rasmus Cliristian. Den ssldste hebraiske Tidsregning iiidlil Moses, cfter Kilderne pa ny bearbejdet ; med et Kart over Paradis. Ko- benhavn, 1838. D. il. 2)1. 529 9 — Angelsaksisk Sprogkere; tilligemed en kort Laisebog. Stokholin, 1817. O. pi. 429 5 — Anvisning till islandskan eller nordiska forn- spriikel; fran daiiskan ofvers'att och oinarbctad af forfuttaren. Stockholm, 1818. O. 439.(!5 3 — Danish grammar; edited by T. G. Repp. 3 edition. Copenhagen, 1846. O. 439.85 8 — Engelsk Forml^re. K0benhavn", 1833. S. 425 24 — Frisisk Sproglaere. Kabenhavn, 1825. D. 439.2 5 — Den gamle fegyptiske Tidsregning, efter Kilderne pa ny bearbejdet. Kabenhavn, 1827. D. 529 8 — A grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse tongue; translated from the Swedish by George Webbe Dasent. London, 1843. O. pi. 439.65 5 — Kortfattet Vejledning til det oldnordLske eller gamle islaudske Sprog. K0benhavn, 1832. S. [44-] 76 p. 439.«8 4 — Lestrarkver handa heldri manna bornum, meS stuttum skiringargreinum um stafrofiS, og annaB iartil heyrandi. Kaupmanuahbfn, 1830. D. 6-1-65 p. 439.68 5 — Oldnordisk L;esebog, indeholdende Proveraf de bedste Sagaer i den gamle islandske Text, med Ordregister. K0benhavn, 1832. D. 439.68 4, 4.1 — Rujsouneret lappisk Sproglfere; en Omar- bejdelse af Knud Leems Lappiske Grammatica. Koljenhavn, 1832. O. 494 12 — Samlede tildels forhen utrykte Afhandling- er; udgivne af H. K. Rask. K0benhavn, 1838. pt. 3. D. 408 3 — Singalesisk Skriftltere. Kolombo, 1821. O. [2+] 16p. 491.4 1 — Spansk Sproglaere. K0benhavn, 1834. O. 465 3 — Undersogelse cm det gamle nordiske eller islandske Sprogs Oprindelse. Kjobenhavn, 1818. D. 439.6 5 — Vejledning tilAkra-Sproget paKysten Ginea, med et Tillieg oni Akvambuisk. Kobenhavn, 1828. D. 70 p. 496 1 — Vejledning til det islandske eller gamle nor- diske Sprog. Kjobenhavn, 1811. D. 439.65 2 — editor, see Halldorsson, B. Lexicon Islan- dico-Latino-Danicum. 1814. 439.63 3 Luknidn AI-Hakim.Fabulae 40. 1831. 892 4 — frajis/aioc, see Ten viziers. 1829. 892 3 ^Grimm, J. L. K. Rask, gamle nordiske Sprog. — Snon-a-Edda. — Rask, frisisk Sproglse- re. (hi his Kleinere Schriften, 1804-90, v. 4.) — Rask, gamle nordiske Sprog. (In sam.e. v.l.) » 408 2 Basles, Sebastian, see Rale. Basniussen, H.V., compiler. Danske Ordsprog. Kjobenhavn, 18G9. 1). 25 p. 398 44 Basmnssen, Jens Lassen. Det under Frederik den 5te oprettede Danske afrikanske Kompa- gnies Historie. Kjobenliavn, 1818. D. 38017 Riispail, Kraii(;ois Vincent. Manuel annuaire de la santc pour 1M77. 3'.! annueou 31 I'dition, aug- raentde. Paris. 1877. S. por. 610 5 BASPONl FAMILY. Bicci, C. Cronacbe e do- cumenti per la storia ravennate del secolo 16. Bologna, 1883. D. (In Scelta
  • S. REAL PRESENCE, see TRANSUBSTANTIA- TIOX. Reale accademia dei lincei, see Rome (city, ■modern). Reale accademia della Valle Tiberina Toscana, see San Sepolcro. Gli reali di Francia, see Barberino, REALISM. Kreyssis, F. Ueber Realismus und Realschuhvesen. Berlin, 1871. O. 39 p. (In Yirchow & HoltzendorlT. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 REASON. Engel, J. J. Versuch einer Metliode der Vernunftlehre aus Platonischen Dialogen zu entwickeln. (In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 9.) 838 3 —Kant, I. Critik der reinen Vernunft. 7 Auf- lage. Leipzig, 1828. O. 153 1 REASONING, see INDUCTION: LOGIC. REBMANN, Joliann. Andree K.T. Rebmann's Wanderung nacli Dschagga. il. (In his For- sclumgsreisen, 1861, v. 2.) 915.3 1 RECC.l. Schmidl, A. Ueber den unterirdischen Lauf der Recca. [Wien, 1851.] O. [H-]28p. map. 551.48 17 RECCHI, Gaetano. MingliettI, M. Elogio. (In A/.sOiiuscoli. 1872.) 330 14 Rccensentcn og Dyret, Vaudeville, see Heiber^, .1. L. Skuespil, v. 3. Reclierclies historiques sur les feats-Unis, see Mazzei, F. Het rcclit van bruiloftsavondkout, .see Lenncp, J. von. Poet, werken, 7. Die Reclits^elclirten, see TIeck, J. L. Schrif- ten, V. 14. Reckendorf, Hermann. Die Geheimnisse der Juden. Leipzig, 1856-7. 5 v. in 1. D. 833 23 Reclns, Jean Jacques filis^e. Histoire d'un ruisseau. Paris [,18()4]. 551.48 7 — Nouvelle geographie univer.selle; la terre et les hommes. Paris, 1876 92. v. 1-17. Q. ^7. pi. maps. 910 13 Contents: EUROPE: 1. L'Euvope m6ridiouale. 2. La France. 8. L'Europecentrale. 4. L'Europe septentri- onale. 5. L'Europe scandinave et A.SIE : 6. L'Asie rus.'ie. 7. L'Asie orientale. 8. L'lnde et Indo- Chine. il. L'Asie antirieure. AFHIQUE : 10-11. L'A- frique septentrionale. 1-2. , L'Afrique occidentale. 13. L'Afriquem^ridionale. , 0C'-£'.4.V/£'; 14. L'oc^an et les terres oceanlques. .4,.V£'i?/§ ?'£■.■ 15. L'AmSrique bo- reale 1«. Les )Etats-Uuis. 17. Les Indes occidentales. —La terre. Paris, 1868-9. 2 v. Q. il. maps. 551 33 Copy presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. In a note prefatory to V, 2 the author expresses his indebtedness to "M. George P. Marsh, I'auteur de Man and Nainre. et I'un des citoyens le plus respectes de la R6publique am6- ricaine." This work is noticed by Mr. Marsh in the pre- face to The earth as modified by human action. — Les villes d'biver de la Mediterranee et les Alpes maritinies; itineraire descriptif et histo- rique. Paris. 1864. D. il. maps. (Col. des guides-Joanne.; 914.5 52 Contents: Hyeres.— Cannes. — Nice. — Monaco. — Menton. — Sanremo. This book is pronounced by Larousse an "ouvrafre ex- tr&mement remarquable." Recliis, Oneslme. Geographic: la terre a vol d'oiseau. 3 edition. Paris, 1877. 2 v. D. il. 910 14 Recneil d'opuscules en vers patois, see B., G. Reciill de eximplis e miracles, gestes e faules, e altres ligendes, ordenades per A-B-C, tretes de un ms. del segle 15. [Barcelona,] n. d. 2 v. D. il. (In Bibliotecacatalana, 11-12.) 8«9 8.1 Appended to v. 2 areLa rida,— Los miracles del sent Ju- lia, De la anima. Reciipero, Giuseppe. Storia naturale e gene- rale deir Etna ; opera postunia arricchita di annotazioni dal Agatino Recupero. Catania, 1815. 2v.Q. map. 551.2112 RED SEA. Castro, J. de. Roteiro em que se content a viagem que fizeram os Portuguezes, 1541, da goa atee Suez: com o Itinerarium Ma- ris Ruliri; pelo A. Nunes de Carvalho. Paris. 1833. O. par. facsim. 915.3 4 — KInnzing'er, K. B. Rilder aus Oberagypten, der Wiiste und dem Rothen Meere. 2 Auflage. Stuttgarb, 1878. O. il. pd. 916.2 20 — Torelli. L. La navigazione nel Mar Rosso e proposta della correzione della carta idrogra- fica del mare. Venezia, 1871. O. 28 p. 910 53 Redhonse, James William. An English and Turkish dictionary, in two parts. London, 1856-7. 2 V. D. 494 1 — Grammaire raisonnee de la langue ottomane: suivie d'un appondice. Pai'is, 1846. Q. 494 3 Redi, Francesco. Opere. 2 edizione napole- tana. Napoli, 1778. 7 v. O. jA. 590 9 Contents: 1. Vita di Redi, dall'... S. Salvini.— Delle lodi di Redi. orazionc d'A. M. Salvini.— Esperienze inlorno alia generazione degl' inselti.— Osservazioni Intorno a' polliccUi.— Migliorainenti.— Indice. 2. Osservazioni in- torno agli aniniali vivt^nti negli animali viventi,— Indice. — Ksporienze intorno a diverse cose natural!. — Indice. 3. Osservazioni intorno alle vipcre— Lettere intorno alle vipere— Osservazioni intorno a (pielle gocoiolc di ve- tro cbe stritolano.— Esperienze intorno a (Hiell' aqua che stagna i flussi de sangue — a' sali fattizj.— Lettcra infor- REDI 563 REGNA ULT no air invenzione ileKli occhiali.- Lettere.— Etimologie italiane. 4. BacooinToscana.— Annotazioni.— Indice.— Sonotti.— Annotazioni.—Giunta di vai'le poesie. 5-(l. Lettere.— ludice. J. Indioe.— Consulti— Lettere.— Opu- scoli appartenenti alia medioina ed alia storia naturale. —Indice. — 8ei odi inedite. Bologna, 1804. D. 47 p. (//t Sceltadi curiosita. 44.) 850 10 Rediiiayiie, Roltcrt. Vita Henrici quinti. {In Cole, t!. A. Memorials of Henry V. IS.'iS; in (Jt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 11.) {»42 8 Redwitz-Schmcltz. Oscar, Freiherr von. Das Lied vom neuen deutschen Reich. 3 Auflage. Berlin, 1871. D. 831 74 Reeiilijelni, Jacob Istmeii, editor ao ila derrota naval... para aTerra Santa, 1189, see De itinere navali. 940 18 Relacion cierta y verdadera de la invencion de las reliciuias y libros en las cavernas d'el nionte de Valparayso, y en la torre vieja de la yglesia mayor... Granada, 1600. F."' fl2-|-l]p. pl.fac- sim. map. 099 41 Relation du voyage et prinse de quatre gallons du rtiy de Tunis par les galeres de Malte: tra- duitede I'italien par le commandeur de Nalierat. Paris, 1629. S. 15 p. 9«1 l A relation of some abuses against the com- monwealth, 1629 ; edited by Sir Frederic Mad- den. 1854. (in Camden niisc. 3 ; «i Camden soc. 61.) 820 4 RELATION 565 RELIGION A relation, or rather a true account, of the is- land of Eiighiml; about 1500; translated from the Italian, with notes, by Charlotte Augusta Sneyd. London, 1847. sqO. (In Caiiulcii soc. 37.) 820 4 Relation veritable de Piemont; de ce qai s'est pas-e dans les persecutions & massacres oette 1655. annee... Ville-Franche, 1655. S. [64] p. Oi>9 as Relazione delle scoperte fatte da C. Colombo, da A. Vespucci e da altri, 1493-1506 : annotata dal Giuseppe Ferraro. Bologna, 1875. D. (7. (In Soelta di curiosity. 144.) 850 10 Dedicated to Mr. Marsh. Relazione delli danni cagionati dalle pioggeed escrescenza de fiumi, ottobre 1755, in Italia. Roma, 1755. O. 4 p. 551.58 17 RELICS. Relacion cierta de la invencion de las reliquias y libros en las cavernas d"el monte de Valparayso. Granada, 1600. F. [12-H] p. pi. facsim. map. 099 41 See also AIX-LA-CHAPELLE ; TREVES. RELIEF ASSOCIATIONS. Lapommeraje, P. H. V. B. (le. Les societes de secours mutuels. Paris, 1867. S. 51 p. (Conferences populaires.) 334 1 RELIGION. Baker, T. Reflections upon learn- ing. evince the necessity of revelation. London, 1738. O. 215 1 — Bodin, J. Colloquium heptaplomeres de re- rum sublimium arcanis abditis ; curavit L. Noack. Suerini Megaloburgiensium, 1857. O. 230 2 —Chambers, R. Explanations ; a sequel to "Vestiges of tlie natural history of creation." New York, 1846. O. 215 4 — Clianning, W. E. Importance of religion to society. (In his Works, 1848, v. 5.) 208 2 —Cicero, M. T. De natura deorum. — De divi- natione. — De fato. (In his Opera, 1820, v. 3-4.) 875 1 — Draper, J. W. History of the conflict be- tween religion and science. London. 1877. D. 215 2 ^Emerson, R. W.An address, divinity college, Cambridge, 15 July 1838. Boston, 1838. O. 31 p. 814 2 —I., S. 0. A. M. G. V. C. Saggio sulla reli- gione in genei-ale. Torino, 1866. O. 74f-f2]p. 200 1 — Mainiani della Rovere, T. Delia religione positiva e perpetua del genere umano. Milano, 1880. D. 200 2 —Miller, H. The testimony of the rocks ; or. Geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed. Boston, 1857. D. il. pi. 215 2 .—On some aspects of science in relation to re- ligion. (J?i Church quart, review, v. 1, 1875, p. 36-66.) 282 49 — Schmidt-Phiseldek, C. F. von. Die Welt als Automat und das Reich Gottes;ein Beitragzur Religionsphilosophie. Kopenhagen, 1829. D. 201 1 — Steinthal, H. Mythos und Religion. Berlin, 1870. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 —Temple, F. The education of the world. (In Essays and reviews. 1862.) 204 1 — Varen, B. Brevis informatio de diversis gentium religionibus. (In his Tractalus de Japoniorum religione. 1649.) 094 40 — White, A. D. The warfare of science; with prefatory note by Prof. Tyndall. London, 1876. D. 215 5 See also IDOLATRY , IMl'OSTEIW ; 1H0IIA.V.UKI)AM81II : MVTHOLOUV. NATURAL UEMOION; SECTS; SPIRITUAL- ISM; THEOLOOV. —CARTHAGE. Miinter, F. C. C. H. Religion der Karthager. 2 Auflage. Kopenhagen, 1821. sqO. pi. 299 1 —CHINA, see CONFUCIUS. — EGIPT. Miinter, F. C. C. H. Spuren ;egypti- scher Religionsbegriffe in Sicilien und den benachbarten Inseln. pi. (In /us Antiq. Ab- handlungen. 1816.) 913 3.1 —ENGLAND. Brinklow, H. Complaynt of R. Mors, about 1542 ; and The lamentacyon of a Christen agaynst the cytye of London, by R. Mors, 1.545; edited by J. M. Cowper. London, 1874. O. (In E. E. text soc. Extra, ser. 23.) 820 5.1 See also CHURCH HISTORY; CHURCH OF EMJLAXD. — FINMARK. Jessen, E. J. Afhandlingom de norske Finners og Lappers hedenske Reli- gion. (7(1 Leeni, K. Beskrivelse over Finmar- kens Lapper. 1767.) 914.8 27 —GREECE. Gravenhorst, E. T. Die Entwick- lungsphasen des religiiisen Lebens im helleni- schen Alterthum. Berlin, 1881. O. 29 p. (In Virchovv <& Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 16 Serie.) 043 1 See also AMPHIARACS; MYTHOLOGY; OLYMPIA. —GREENLAND. Rink, H. J. Om Gronlisn- dernes gamle Tro og hvad er bevaret under Kristendommen. (In Copenhagen— K.nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 3, 186'8.) 948 5 —ICELAND. 6r0ndal, B. Folketro iNorden, med sajrligt Hensyn til Island. (In same. An- naler. v. 3, 1863.) 948 2 See also CHURCH HISTORY. —INDIA. Caldwell, R. The relation of Christi- anity to Hinduism. London, 1874. S. 38 p. 266 4 Miiller, F. Max. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion. London, 1878. O. (Hibbert lectures.) 297 2 Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Lettera sui monumenti indici del Museo borgiano. {In his Opere, 1815-30, v. 8.) 858 5 See also VEDAS. —JAPAN. Varen, B.Tractatus de Japoniorum religione. Amstelodami, 1649. Tt. 094 40 See also SHIX-TAU. —ROME. Zeller, E. Religion und Philoso- phie bei den Roraern. Berlin, 1866. O. (In VirchowcfrHoltzendorff.Vortrage.l Serie.}043 1 — SCANDIN.AVIA. See CHURCH HISTORY; MYTHOLOfiV; VE. The religion of Rome, described by a Roman; translated, with introduction and notes, by William Howitt. 2 edition. London, 1875. D. 282 20 RELIGIOUS BIOGRAPHY 5G6 REPP RELIGIOUS BIORRAPHY. Fuller, T., & others. Abel redevivus ; the lives of modern divines. London, 1865. D. jjor. i7res les tableaux originaux par [P.] Hawke. An- gers. 184,5-6. 4 V. in 2. F.-* il. pi. 755 7 Reuegaten, et dramatisk Digt, see Ingemanu, B. S. Renier, Rodolfo, editor, seeLadicesadi Ugo d' Alvernia alio inferno. 1883. (In Scelta di cu- riosita. 194.) 850 10 Rennie, James. The architecture of birds. Boston, 1831. S. //. (Lib. of entertaining knl.) 598 3 — Insect architecture. Boston, 1830. S. il. (Same.) 595 3 — Insect miscellanies. London, 1831. S. il. (Same.) 595 4 — Insect transformations. Boston, 1831. S. il. (Same.) 595 3 Renout, sea Rinaldo. RENT, .sec LAND. Reutzsch, Hermann. Der Wald im Haushalt der Natur und der Volkswirtbschaft. 2 Auf- lage. Leipzig, 1863. O. 551.58 54 Rennick, James. Life of David Rittenhouse. facsim. (hi. Sparks,.!. American biographv, '1835-9, V. 7.)- -Life of Robert Fulton. (/;/ sanie. V. 10.) 920 15 Renzis, F. de. Proverbi dramniatici. Pisa, 1876. O. 852 17 Repp, lorlcifr Gndnnindsson. Dano-niagyii- riske Opdagelser. Kjcibenhavn, 1843. O. 26 )). 439. S2 2 — A memoir of Kiiiav Sockcson. (7)t Copeiiha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Mcmoires. v. 2, 1840-4.) 948 3 REPP 567 REUMONT — Om Kong Gorms Mindesteen i Jellinge. (In same. Antiiiuarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 —translator, see Saga Jdtvardar ; A saga of St. Edward the king. [In same. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9.) 948 3 -Saga dsvalds, koniings hins helga. (fii same. Annaler. t. 14, 1854.) 948 2 & editor, see Itask, R. C. Danish gram- mar. 1846. 4.'> 8 Reppoiie, Masillo, pseudonym of Sarntdli, 1». Kepreseulaiiten, see Cavleii. E. S. V. REPTILES. Todaro, F. Sulla struttura iuti- lua della pelle de' rettili. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877- 8, i)t. 3.) 065 4 R^|)iii>li([iie des Champs elysees, see Grave, C. J. de, REPUTATION, see HONOR. Rereshy, Sir John, bart. Jlenioirs and travels; the former containing anecdotes and secret history of the courts of Charles II. and James II., the latter exhibiting a view of governments and society in Europe during Cromwell's usur- pation. London, 1813. Q. 942 35 With biographical preface. ^The Reresby memoirs. (In Edinbiirs'Ii re- view, V. 143, 1875, p. 894-431.) 551^58 34 Reriini Hungaricaruni scriptores varii:histori- ci, gtographici. Francofurti, 1600. F. 04S 63 Rei'um Sicularum scriptores. Francolurti a. M., 1579. F. 945 105 C'oiitriils: Fazello, T. De rebus Siculis decades.— .trezzo, C. M. Ur situ insulffi Sicilise llbelhis.— Neprl. I>. HI. Sicilia? insula- desi/riptio.— Uicei, M. De regibus Sicilian.— Fa!- caii(li)^ U. De calamitate Sicilian. — Index. ENDOWMENT OF RESEARCH, see EDUCA- TION. Resell, Peder Hansen, editor & translator, see Deiiinark. Jus aiilicum. 1673. 349 41 Reseude, (xarcia de. Chronica dos valerosos feitos del rey Joao II.; com outras obras. Lisboa, 1633. Q. 940 78 — compiler. Cancioneiro geral ; altportugie- sische Liedersaminlung ; neu herausgegeben von E. H. V. Kausler. .Stuttgart, 1846-53. 3 v. O. facsim. (In Stiittg'art — Lit. Vereiii. Bibl. 15, 17. 26.) 869 33 Reseude, Luis Andres de. Descriptio regni Portugalliee geographica. (In Portiigallla. 1641.) 094 52 RESERVOIRS, see WATER SUPPLY. Respiii'lli, Lorenzo. Sulla latitndine del osser- vatorio del Campidoglio, memoria 3. (In Rome— R. accad. dei Uiicei. Atti. 3 ser. .set. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) — Osservazioni del diametro solare, 1876-7. (In same. pt. 3 ; v. 3. 1877-8, pt. 3.) — SuUe osservazioni spettroscopiche del bordo e delle protuberanze solari al Campi- doglio. pi. (In same. v. 1, pt. 2.) — Declina- zioni medie pel 1875,0 di 385 stelle. (In same. V. 3, 1877-8. pt. 3.)— Catalogo delle declinazioni medie pel 1875,0 di 1463 stelle. (In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) —Osservazioni del diametro orizzontale del sole, 1878-9. (In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Sulle variazioni del diametro del sole in cor- rispondcnza al vario stato di attivita della sua superficie, nota. — Osservazioni del diametro solare. — Sulle osservazioni spettroscopiche de- bordo e delle protuberanze solari. jj2. — Osser- vazioni meteoiologiche. 1873-4. — (In same. 2 ser. V. 2, 1874-5.)— .S'ame, gen. -set. 1876.— Osl servazioni del diametro solare, nota 2a. (In same. v. 3, 1875-b, pt. 2.) 065 3 Respnblica et status imi)erii Romano-German i- ci. Liigduni Batav., e,v ojjicina Elzeviriana. 1634-40. 3 V. in 1. Tt. 094 39 Rcspiibliea et status regni Hungarite. (Lugdu- ni Batavorum,] e,v offlcina Elzeviriana, 1634. Tt. " 094 38 Respublica HoUandife, 1630, see Schryver, P., editor. 094 37 Rcsnublica Mosxovia?, 16:^0, see Boxliorn, M. Z., editor. 094 48 Respublica Namurcensis, Hannonias et Lutsen- burgensis. Amstelodami, 16;^4. T. iltp. 949 24 ConlenU: Oraniaye, J. B. Respul)lioa Namurcensis.— Ouiraiardini, L. Descriptio comitatus Namurcensis.— Hannonia'.— Bert«l, J. Historia et descriptio ducatus Luxemburgensis. Respublica sive status regni Galliaediversorum autorum. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana. 1626. Tt. 094 27 Respublica .->ive status regni Polonia^.Lituanise, Prussiaj, Livonife, etc. diversorum autorum. Lugduni Batavonmi, ex offlcina Elzeviriana, 1627. Tt. 094 51 Respublica sive status regni Scotia^ et Hiber- nia; diversorum autorum. Lugd. Bat., ex offl- cina Elzeviriana,W21. Tt. 094 27 For a list of the other publications in this series, see Elzevii'rs, jiubfishers. Ressa, Joan de. Vocabulari pera las obras del poeta Ausias March. (In March, A. Obras. 1864.) 869 17 Restitution of decayed intelligence in antiqui- ties, see Verstegan, R. RESURRECTION, see ESCHATOLOGY. Retberg, Ralf Leopold von. Diirer's Kupfer- stichenndHolzschnitte; ein kritischesVerzeich- nis. Milncheu, 1871. Q. pi. 701 3 The return of the Druses,a tragedy, see Brown- ing, R. Retz, Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, cardinal de. Vie et memoires, 1648-79. — Complement, redige d'apres les dncnnients par Champollion- Figeac. por. (In Micliaud ct- Poujoulat. Me- moires, 1866, V. 25 ) 944 9 Vol. 26 contains the memoirs of C. and G. Joly, form- ing a supplement to those of Retz. Reueiitlial, Neidhart von, see Neidliart. Reunioiit, Alfred von. Das Collegio del cambio zu Perugia. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1875.) 945 41 — Italienische Diploniaten und diplomatische Verhiiltnisse, 1360-1550. (In Rnunier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1841.) — Die letzten Zeiten des Johanniterordens. (In same. 1844.) — Benvenuto Cellini's letzte Lebensjahre. (In same. 1847.) 905 1 REUMONT 568 REYNARD — Xotizie bibliograficlie dei lavovi spettanti alia storia d'ltalia. pubblicati in Geimania, 1800-46. {In Vettori, F. Sommaiio.) 945 12 With SiiiiiiletDento primo. Renscli, Friedrich Heinricli. Luis de Leon und die spanische Inquisition. Bonn, 1873. O. 272 7 Reiisoli, Hans H. Ueber Vulkanisiuus ; aus dem NoivveKisclien von O. Herrmann. Berlin, 1883. O. 35 p. il. (In Vircliow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Renter, Fritz. Sammtliche Werke. Wismar, lso4-(). 13 V. D. p\. 839.4 11 Contents: 1-2. Liiuschen un Rimels. 3. De Reis' nah BelliKen. 4-5, 8-10, 12. Olle Kamellen. 6. Schurr-Miur. 7. HanneNiiteundeluttePudel. 11. Kein IlUsung. —In the year '13. a tale of Mecklenburg life; translated from the Platt-Deutsch by Charles Lee Lewes. Leipzig, 1867. sqS. 839.4 13 A translation of his Ut de Franzosentid. Frelise, F. Worterbuch zu Reuters silmmtli- chenWerken. Wismar, 1867. D. [4+] 94 p. 839.4 12 R6veill6-Parise, Joseph Henri. Guide pi atique des goutteux et des rhumatisants Edition re- fondue par Ed. Carriere. Paris, 1878. D. ei6 29 bound u-ith 61.5 10 REVELATION, see RELIGION; THEOLOtiY. The revelation to the monk of Evesham. 1196: from the edition printed by William de Machli- nia about 1482. London, 1869. S. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 18.) 820 9 REVENGE, ship. Ralegli, W., * others. The last fight of the Revenge at sea, 1591. London, 1871. S. 96 p. (/« .sa?)ie. 29.) 820 9 Rpventlov, Arthur, Oreve. Om Marskdannel- sen paa Vestkvsten af Slesvig og Midlerne til dens Fremnie. Kjobenhavn, 1863. Q. 63 p. maps. 551.49 5 REVENTLOV,ChrlstianDitleTFrederil£,Grew. Bergsirfe, A. F. Geheiine-Statsminister Revent- lovs Virksomhed. Kiobenhavn, 1837. 3 v. in l.O. tab. ^ 923 84 Revett, Nicholas, t aeninerkiiing- en en ophelderingen van J. F. Willoms. Gent, 1836. O. fitcsim. 837 10 REYNARD 569 RHYME — Reinaert de vos ; naer de oudste berviiiiiiK door J. F. Willems. Eecloo, 1834. D. 8;{7 i) — Reineke de Vos, mit dem Koker. WulfTen- biittel, 1711. sqO. 837 6 — Reineke der Fuchs. Leipzig, [,18-10]. I). (In Volksbiuher, 15-17.) 833 33 — Reynckefoss, thet iir en skon och nyttigh dicht. Stockholm, 1631. S. il. 837 11 The title page is wanting. — Le ronian du Renard; traduit d'apres un texte flaniand du 13e siecle, edite par J. F. Wil- lems, augmente d'une analyse de ce qn'ont ecrit au sujet des romans du Reuard, Legrand- d'Aussy, etc. Bruxelles, 1837. O. 837 14 — Re roman du Renart; publie d'apres les mss. des 13-1.5 siecles, par D. M. Meon. Paris, 1836. 4 V. O. pi. 837 13 ; Supplement, variantes et corrections, par P. Chabaille. Paris, 183.5. O. facaim. 837 13 — Barkhiiseii, H. Reinke de Fos, fan Hinrek fan Alkmer; upt nye ntgegeven undeforklared dorg K. F. A. Scheller. 3 Utgave. Bruns- wyk, 1835. O. 837 7 Reineke Vos; uach der Liibecker Ausgabe vom 1498: mit Einleitung, Glossar und Annier- kungen von Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Bre- slau, 1834. O. 837 5 — Wothe, J. W. Ton. Reineke Fuchs, in Zwolf Gesaiigen. {In his Werke, 1837-43, v. 40.) 832 1 ^(xriinm, J. L. K. Herausgabe des alten Rein- hart Fuchs. (/k 7i /s Kleinere Schriften, 1864- 90, V. 4.)— Grimm, Reinhart Fuchs. — Willems. Reinaert de Vos. — Jonckbloet, Etudes sur le roman de Renart. (In same. v. 5.) — Berichti- gung einer Stelle im Reinhart. — Notice d'une poeme latin du 12e siecle traitant la fable de Renard et d'Isengrim. (In same. \. 7.) 408 3 Sendschreiben anK. Lachmann iiber Rein- hart Fuchs. Leipzig, 1840. O. facsim. 837 4 — I^oliO; R- Ein katalanisches Thierepos ; von K.Hoffmann. Miinchen, 1873. sqQ. 70 p. 8e9 14 Reynaiid, Jean. Histoire elementaire des mine- raux usuels. Sedition. Paris, 1867. D. pi. {In Cliartoii, E. Ribl des merveilles.) 549 7 Reynolds, William Morton, annotator. see Plaiitiis, T. M. Capteivei. 1846. 872 3 With introduction on the life and wi'itings of Plautus. Rezzonico, Carlo Castone, conte della Tone di, see Torre di Rezzonico. RH.ETIA, see GRISONS. RHETO-LADIN, RH^TO-ROMAN, see RO- MANfSH. Rliau^nbes, Alexandros Rliizos. Antiquites helleniques. Athenes, 1823-55. 2 v. in 1. F. i)l. map. 5)13 27 — Greece; her progress and present position ; from the French. New York, 1867. sqO. 94!> 50 Rliangabes, Jakobos Rhizos. 1ae\\r,nKi. 'Ev 'ASiiraij, 1853. 3 V. O. 914.9 35 Vol. 3 is wanting. Rliees, William Jones. Manual of public li- braries, institutions and societies in the United States and British provinces. Philadelphia, 1859. O. 027 1 'Pv1C 38 — IWveill^-Parise, J. H. Guide pratique des goutteux et des rluimatisants. Edition re- fondue par E. Carriere. Paris, 1878. D. CI 6 39 bound with (Jlo 10 RHINE. Biichner, W. J. Der Rhein, der Deutschen Lieblingsstrom. Berlin, 1876. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow'ewiiiiiii, J. H., cfc others. (In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 8.) !t22 8 RICHARD, king of the West Saxons. Newman, J. H., oi'- (/" Micliaud cf- Poig'oiilat. Me- moires, 1866, v. 3.) !>44 9 Richer,TOOMfc of St. Remi, Reims. Historiarum libri 4. Editio altera.recognovit G. Waitz. Han- noveiEe, 1877. O. (In Pertz, ii. H. Script, le- rum German. 8.) 943 16 Rlclier, Clirlstophe. De moribus atque institu- tis Turcarum, Arabum aliarumque, qua; Ma- humedeni sequuutur, gentium. {In Arabia. 1633.) 0!»4 59 RICHMOND, Henry Fitzroy, duke of. Nicliols, J. (jr., editor. Inventories of the wardrobes, etc. of Richmond, with memoir and letters. 1855. facsim. (In Camden misc. 3; in Camden soc. 61.) 820 4 Richmond, England. Wills and inventories from tlie registry of the archdeaconry at Ricli- mond; by James Raine, jun. Durham, 1853. O. (/nSnrteessoc. 26.) 820 7 RICHMOND AND DERBY, Margaret (Beau- fort) Tndi}r,couHtess of. Fisher,J. Tlie funeral sermon of Margaret, foundress of Christ's and St. John's college in Cambridge; witli preface containing further account of her charities. London, 1708. D. pZ. 378 6 — — Mornynge reniembraunce of PrynceMars- garete. (In his Englisli works, v. 1, 1876; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 27.) 820 5.1 Same as tlie sermon of t)ie previous entry. Ricliter, Adolf Friedricli. Neues voUst'andiges Taschenworterliucli der ungarischen Spraclie. Wien, 1836. 2 v. sqS. 494 6 Richter, Arthur. Wahrheit und Dichtung in Platon's Leben. Hamburg, 1886. O. 32 i>. (In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge 1.) 043 2 Ricliter, Heinrich Moritz Karl. Die Piccolomi- ni. Berlin, 1874. O. 31 p. ( In same. 9 Setie.) 043 1 Richter, Jean Paul Friedrlch. Jean Paul's siimmtliche Werlie. Berlin, 1840-2. 33 v. in 16. D. po?-. 833 24 List of contents in last volume. — Wahrlieit aus Jean Paul's Leben. Breslau, 1826-.33. 8 V. in 5. S. por. facsim. 928 43 — Carlyle, T. (In his Essays, 1860, v. 1, 2.) 824 8 — Spazier, R. 0. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter; ein biographisciier Commentar zu dessen Wer- ken. Neue Ausgabe. Berlin, 1835. 5 v. in 2. O. 928 44 Richter, Johann. Moskwa; eine Skizze. Leip- ziK, 1799. T. lit. 914.7 17 Richter, W. Die Auflosungdes Karolingis<^hen Reichcs und die Griindung dreier selbstiindiger Staaten. Ilamlmrg, 1889. O. ,52 p. (/u Vir- chow n, 1840. sqO. facsirn. {In Camden soc. 15.) ' 820 4 — (fc others. Chronica et annales: edited by H. T. Rilev; 1359-1307. London, 1865. Q. facsirn. {hi St. Albans abbey. Chronica 2; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 28.) 942 8 —contimter, see Paris, M. Historia major. 1640. 942 13 Risi, Pietro. Dei tcntativi fatti per spiegare le aiuiche lingue italiche, e specialmente I'etru- Kca. Milano, 1863. O. 457 26 Ristoro of Arezzo. Delia composizione del mondo; teste del 1283, gii pubblicato da Enrico Narducci. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. ,54.) 850 3 The earliest Italian prose work. Ristretto de i moti d' Inghilterra, see Bate, G. Ritchie, Leitcll. Wanderings by the Loire; with 31 drawings by Turner. London, 1833. O. 2>l- illP- '40 3 Ritio, Darinel. Li nomi e cognomi di provin- tie et citta, 1585. {In Scelta di curiosita. 91.) 850 10 Ritins, see Ricci. II ritorno dalla villeggiatura, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 7. II ritrovamento del figllo, commedia, see Zan- noni, (i. B. Ritson, Isaac. Letter from a young shepherd. {In Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects. 1839.) 829 1 Ritson, Joseph, editor. Fairy tales, now first collected; prefixed, two dissertations: On pyg- mies. On fairies. London, 1831. O. 398 3 Robin Hood; a collection of poems, songs and ballads: prefixed, historical anecdotes of his life. London, 1833. D. il. 8218 Rees's expurfjated edition. RITTENHOUSE, David. Benwick, J, Life of Rittenhouse. facsirn. {In Sparks, J. Ameri- can biography", 1835-9, v. 7.) 920 15. Ritter, Eugene. Dds noms de famille fran9ais a terminaison diminutive. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Ritter, Karl. Ein Blick auf Pal'astina und seine christliche Bevolkerung; ein Vortrag. Berlin, 1853. O. 37 p. 915.6 36 —Ein Blick in das Nil-Quellland ; Vortrag. Berlin, 1844. O. 73 p. map. 916.7 6 — Einleitung zur allgemeinen vergleichenden Geographie, und Abhandiungen zur Begrlin- dung einer mehr wissensehafllichen Behand- lung der Erdkimde. Berlin, 18.52. O. 910 15 bound ivith 7 — Die Erdkunde im Verhaltniss zur Natur und zur Geschichteder Menschen; oder, Allgemeine vei-gleichende Geographie. 3 Ausgabe. Ber- lin, 1833-59. 19 V. in 30. O. 915 1 Contents; 1. Afrika 2-19. Asien. Zimmerniann, C. Atlas von Palaestina und der Sinai-Halbinsel; zu Ritter's Erdkunde, Band 14-16. Berlin, 1850. obF.'' \b maps. 912 39 F'iinf Karten zu C. Rifer's Erdkunde vonArabien. Berlin, 1847. sqF.' 912 53 III portfolio :;. — Geographisch-statistiches Lexikon. 6 ver- mehrte Anflage, von Otto HenneAmRhvn. Leipzig, 1874. 2 v. Q. 910" 22 — Der Jordan und die Beschiflung des Todten Meeres; ein Vortrag. Berlin, 1850. O. fl-f ] 38 p. map. 915.6 36 Der Rltte'* iIt Wahrheit, see Lanifbeiu, A.F.E. V. 14. Ritter von Rittershain, (Jottfried. Die Heil- ktinstlcr ilos alten Hoins und ihre biirgerliche Striking. Berlin, 1875. O. 39 )>. (7i( VircllOW (t- Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Die Reichspost der rdinischen Kaiser. Ber- lin, 1880. O. 32 p. (In same. 15 Serie.) 043 1 RITTERSHUSS 575 ROADS Ritterslmss, Coiirail. Leichenanschlag auf Georg Lichtenthaler. (In Strobcl, . 551.48 13 Scenfeo AMAZON; AR\0; CHUNA; KAXIIBE; FLOODS- FORESTRY ; JORDAX ; MELI.A ; JIECSE ; MISSISSIPPI • M(JER; M1.E ; ORIXOCO ; PO : RECOA ; SEIXE; SXAGs' THEISS; TIBER; WATER. Rivista contemporanea ; politica, filosofia, scienze. storia. letteratura, poesia, romanzi, vi.aggi, critica, bibliografia, l)elle arti. [Month- ly.] Torino, 1863-3. v. 38-35. O. 055 3 Rivista delle Alpi, degli Appennini e vulcani fTwo-monthly.] Torino. 1864-7. v. 1-3. O. pi. 551.43 11 Vol. 2, no. 11-12, wanting. La rivista europea. [Monthly.] Firenze, 1869- 77. v. 1-30. O. ■ 055 4 Vol. 34, pt. 3 for Nov. 1875. wanting. Rivista scientifico-industriale ; compilata da Guido Vimercati. [Yearly.] 1869-70. Firenze 1869 71. 3 V. S. 505 9 Rivoli, J. Die Serra da Estrella. Gotha, 1880. sqQ. [3-1-] 36 p. 7nap. (In Petermanns Mittliei- Inngen : Erganzuugsband 14.) 910 44 — Ueber den Einflussder Walderauf dieTempe- ratur der untersten Luftschichten. Posen. 1869. O. 46 p. 1)1. 551.58 48 Risner, Georg. Historischer Auszug von dem Herkommen und Wapen der Konige und Her- zoge in Mecklenburg. 1530. pZ. (In Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 94,3 21 Rizos, see Rliizos. ROADS. Bannigartuer, J. Die neuesten und vorziiglichsten Kunst-Sti-assen uber die Alpen Wien, 1834. O. i^l. 625 3 — Celesia, E. Porti e vie strate dell" antica Li- guria. Genova, 1863. O. 69 [-1-2] p. 627 30 ROADS 576 ROBINSON Ciirtius, E. Zur Geschichte des Wegebuus bei deu Giiechen. Berlin, 1855. sqQ. 95 p. 625 3 hound with 607 2 Roba di Roma, see Story, W. W. Robello, Gr. Cenno critico intorno ad alcuni costumi ed usi del Napoletani. Firenze, 1850. D. 282 11 — Grammaire italienne. 5 edition. Paris, 1849. O. 455 13 ROBERT, St., abbot of Newminster. Newman, J. U., tfc others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 8.) 922 8 Robert, abbot of St. Remi, Reims. Historia Hierosolymitana. (/Ji Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 'Roh^xX, bishop of Elgin. Vita S. Canuti ducis- {In Laiigebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772- 1834, V. 4.) • 948 76 Robert, monk. La guerra per li principi cri- stiani contra i Saracini, 1095: in latino dichia- rata, e traslatata in volgare per Uno da Pistoia; si aggiunge la lettera del Sig. Dureau Dela- malle sopra le due Gerusalemme di Torquato Tasso. Firenze, 1825. O. pi. 099 36 Edited by 8ebastiano Ciampi. Robert of Brunne. see Manning, R. Robert of Oloucester.Chromcle; now first pub- lish'd by Thomas Hearne; added, besides a glossary and other improvements, a continua- tion. Oxford, 1724. 2 v. O. (Hearne's works, V. 1-2.) 821 93 — The life and martyrdom of Thomas Beket, archbishop of Canterbury; edited by William Henry Black. London, 1845. D. pZ. {I7i Percy soc. v. 19.) 820 6 — Metrical chronicle: edited by William Aldis Wright. London. 1887. 2 v. Q. {In (it. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 86.) 942 8 Robert, Cliarles Fr^d^ric, editor. De I'igno- raiice des populations ouvrieres et rurales en France, et des causes qui tendent a la perpe- tuer. Montbeliard, 1863. O. [l-l-]64p. 331 10 Robert college, Constantinople. Laying of the corner stone, 4 July 1869. Constantinople, 1869. O. 24 p. 378 9 Robert of Cysille. {In Ellis, G. Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 3.) 821 4 Lyfe of Robert the deuyll. (In Thonis, W. J. Prose romances, 1828, v. 1.) 823 2 —Robert der Teufel. Leipzig, [,1842]. D. 60 p. il. {In Volksbiieher. 26.) 833 23 — Littrfe, M. P. E. Robert-le-Diable. {In his Etudes sur les barbares. 1867.) 940 4 Roberts, tJeorge, editor, see Yonge, W. Diary. 1848. (/» Camden soc. 41.) 820 4 Roberts, Henry. The dwellings of the labour- ing clasfe* ; with plans and elevations. 6th thousand, augmented. London [, pref, 1867]. Q. il. pi. 690 5 Robertson, Alexander. Our deer forests. Lon- don, 1867. O. 47 p. 551.58 69 Robertson, Frederick William. Life and let- ters; edited by .Stopford A. Brooke. People's edition. London, 1872. O. 922 47 Robertson, James Craigle, editor. Materials for tlve history of Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1875-85. 7 v. Q. {In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 For contents D MEASURES. — ANTUJUITIES. Adda, Gf. d'. Ricerche sulle arti e sulT industria roniana; vasa vitrea dia- treta. Milano, 1870. F. 54 p. jjhot. 666 6 _ — FioreUi,Cr.Notizie degli scavi di antichita, 1876-81. pZ. faesim. (In Rome— R.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3; 3 ser sci. mor. V. 1-3, 5-9, 1876-81.) 065 3,5 Ritter von Rittershaiu, (i. Die Reichspost der romischen Kaiser. Berlin, 1880. O. 32 p. (In Virchow cfc Holtzeudorff. Vortriige.l5 Serie.) 043 1 — —Sketches of the domestic manners and in- stitutions of the Romans. Philadelphia, 1833. D. 390 6 _ — Worsaae, J. J. A. Fund af romerske Old- sager i Danniark. jjL (In Copenhagren — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 9, 1849.) 948 3 See also ANTIQUITIES ; APPIAN WAY ; CIRCUS ; CCBIA ; DININO ; ETBURIA ; FI\E ARTS ; HERCCLAXEUM ; HT- GIENK; KiUVlUJI; MONEY; POMPEII. —HISTORY. Appiauus. Romanarum liistoria- rura quae supersunt. Lipsiae, 1818. 4 v. T. 888 34 nertolini, F. Storia generale d'ltalia: Sto- ria antica [, dalle origini italiane alia caduta deir imperio romano d'occidente, 395]. Milano, [1874], Q. (In L'ltalia. Parte 3.) 914.5 7 — .— Bruni, L. La prima guerrapunica: pel A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1878. D. (Jn Scelta di curi- osita, 165.) 850 10 For continuation, 5t'<^ Seconds e terza g:uerra. Caesar, C. J. C-Bsaris et A. Hirtii de rebus a CiBsare gestis commentarii. Glasguje, 1750. 3v. T. 878 1 For other editions and translation, see Ca-sar. Croiiica degli imperatori romani; per A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1878. D. (In Scelta di curi- ositfi. 158.) 850 10 Same: Cronica deli imperadori [1-1270], antico testo veneziano: pubblicatoda A. Ceruti. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 3, 1878.) 450 11 — — Dio Cassius Cocceiauiis. Epitome Romante historiiB, a Popeiomagno usijue ad Alexandrum MamreiB filium, J. Xiphilino autore [; Greek andLjitiu]. Parisiis, 1593. F. 888 48 Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Antiquitates Romanae. (In his Opera, 1829, v, 1-4,) 888 49 — — Duruy, V., & others. Italie ancienne. Paris, 1850-1, 2 v, O. pi. maps. (In L'univers. 54-5,) 910 18 Coii/eiils: 1. Annales. '2. Institutions, moeurs et cou- tumcs. Florus, L. A. Epitome rerum Romanarum. Londini, 1HI8. T. 878 39 — Italian: Compendio di storia romana, volgarizzamento inedito; per cura del A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1881. D. (In Scelta di curiosity. 180.) 850 10 — — Ifibbou, E. Tb(^ liistory of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with notes by H. H. Milman. Paris, 1840. 8 v O. 2>'>r- maps. 937 1 R OME— n 1ST OR Y 581 ROME {city, anciefit) _ — (Jsell-Fels, T. J. Chronologische Ueber- siclit del- Geschichte und Kiinstgescliichte Roms. (In hiv Rom. 1872, v. 1.) 9U.5 80 — . — HcereUjA. H. L.Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums. (In Iris Werke, 1831-30, V. 6.) »08 3 — — Henzeii, W. Osservazioni s'.il luaiio ili fasti capitolini scavato nel fororoniano diiiMiizi al teinpii) di Antonino e Faustina, (in Home — R. aci-ad. dei liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, IST.'i-G, pt. 3.) . 0«5 3 — ^Herodianiis. Historiaium libri octo. Nova editio. Lipsiae, 1831. D. 888 53 _ — Holfinana, J. J. Historia augusta inipera- toruin Roinanorum a C. Julio Cassare usque ad Josephuni: ex Lotichii tetrastichis et Hof- manni tetrastichis et enarrationibus historicis; effigies & supplementa adjecit H.C. Henninius. AmstelcBdami, 1707. F.-" 2}or. iltp. 937 2 — .— Holberg, L. Om Aarsagerne til Roms uraaaTIXE EJIPIIIE ; C.E- SAB,C. J.; CaiSARS; CATIUXA, L. S.: lIMIiKI; (iEHMAM- tX'S; GRACCHI; ITALY; JUGUBTUA; NUMIDIA; RIVALTA, A. Tito Vezio, racconto storico ; SARDIMA; SICILY; SYBARLS; TIBERIUS. —MILITARY AFFAIRS. Sauniaise, C. de. De re militari Romanorum. Lugd. Batavorum, 1657. O. 355 4 — — Votscli, W. Cajus Marius als Reformator des romischen Heerwesens. Berlin, 1886. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortritge. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 3 —SOCIAL LIFE. Becker, W. A. Gallus; oder, Romische Scenen aus der Zeit Augusts. 2 Auf- lage, von W. Rein. Leipzig, 1849. 3 v. O. 390 3 Dotscb, P. Juvenal; ein Beitrag zur Sit- tengeschichte Roms unter den Kaisern. Leip- zig, 1874. O. 74-75 p. 877 3 Friedliinder, L.Moeurs roniaines du regne d'Auguste a la fin des Antonins; traduction libre sur la 3e edition allemande, avec des re- marques, parC. Vogel. Paris, 1865-74. 390 4 ^Marquardt, K. J. Romische Privalterthii- nier. Leipzig, 1864-7. 2 v. in 1. O. il. r)l. 390 5 ROME (city). Miirclier, F. A. Das alte und das neue Rom: Vortrag. Berlin, 1865. O. 43 p. 937 3 — {city, ancient). Canevari, R. Notizie sulle fondazioni dell' edificio pel ministero delle fi- nanze in Roma. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Canina, L. Indicazione topografica di Roma antica deir epocaimperiale. 4 edizione. Roma, 1850. O. 913 4 Pianta topografica di Roma antica. [Roma,] 1850. 98-1-140 cm. in Q. 913 4 — Eaton, C. A. Rome in tlie 19th century. From 4 Edinburgh edition. New York, 1827. 2 v. O. 914.5 78 Same. 5 edition. London, 1852. 3 v. D. pZ. iltp. 914.5 79 — Fustel de Coulanges, >\ D. La cite antique. 6 edition. Paris, 1876. D. 352 1 — Jordan, H.Die Kaiserpalaste in Rom. Berlin, 1868. O. 31 p. (In Vlrcliow * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Lanciaui, R. Intorno alia grande pianta di Roma antica. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 187.5-6. pt. 3. ) 065 3 E OME {city, ancient) 582 ROME {city, modern) Sulle vicende edilizie di Roma. Roma, 1878. Q. [l+]49p. 913 11 Topografia di Kinia antica:! commentarii di Frontino intorno le acque e gli aquedotti ; silloge epigraflca aquaria. Roma, 1880. F. pi. 628 5 bound with 627 4 Same. (In Rome— R. accad. di lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 4, 1879-80.) 065 5 — Marsll, G. P.The aqueducts of ancient Rome, [a review of the worli by R. Lanciani]. {In J(a- tion, V. 32, 1881, p. 147-8.) In main library. — Parker, J, H, The archasology of Rome. Ox- ford, 1871-9. V. 1, 4, 7, 9, 13. O. ^wr. jjl. maps. 913 5-10 Contents: 1. Primitive fortifications. — Walls and gates. — Historical construction of walls. 1-2 edition. 1ST4. 78. 4. The twelve Egyptian obelislis in Rome. 1879. 1. The Flavian amphitheatre, called the Colossemn. 1876. 0. The tombs. 1871. li. The catacombs 1871. Also tour pamphlet catalogues of Historical photo- graphs, 1871-3. — Scliuize, E. Das alte Rom als Grossstadt und Weltstadt. Berlin, 1878. O. 40 p. {In Vlrchow 4 On the cover Is printed : Sua eccelunza G. Perkins Marsh. —HOSPITALS. Paiitaleoni, D. Rapporto am- ministrativo sulle condizioni Hnanziarie, igie- niche e morali dell' Archiospedale di S. Spirito inSassia. Roma, 1871. F. tab. 362 2 bound with 336 8 Relazione del commissario degli spedali di Roma. [Roma, 1870.] F. 24 p. 362 3 bound with 336 3 — Reale accademia del lincei. Atti. Serie 2-3, 1873-83. Roma, 1875-83. U\. s^P. il. pi. fac- sim. maps. 065 3-6 Series 2, v. 4, unpublished. Series 3 is divided into Me- morie and Transunti. The Memurie are of two classes; Scienze fisiche, matemati(;he e naturali, and Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. [Bulletin.] Roma [,1870-7]. 13 nos. sqO. 065 7 A preliminary publication of the Transunti. Circolare, no. 530,533; sci. mor. 40. Roma, 1881-3. 3 nos. sqQ. 065 7 Constitutiones Lynceorum, 1875. Romae, 1876. (^. 11 p. 065 7 Elenco delle accademie, giornali, ecc, che ricevono le pubblicazioni dell" Accademia dei lincei... Roma, 1881. O. 50 p. 065 7 [Notice in ms. of the election of George P. Marsh as foreign member in the class of histor- ical, philological and moral sciences, 19 March 1876. J F. 3 p. 1.] Q. 7 p. 065 7 Regolamento per la biblioteca. [Roma, 1879.] O. 4 p. 065 7 With two library blanks. Canitti, 1). Degli ultimi tempi, dell' ultima opera degli antichi lincei, e del risorgimento deir accademia, {In its Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 3, 1877-8.) 065 5 — —Sella, Q.Dell' accademia dei lincei, discor- so. Bologna, 1879. O. [4-f ] 21 p. 065 7 — — VolpiccUi, P. Ragionamento istorico suU' Accademia dei lincei, 1795-1847. (In Rome — Accad. pout, de' niiovi lincei. Atti. v. 1, 1847-8.) 065 1 — Sacra consnlta. [Sentenza contro Gulmanelli, A.,Venanzi,C, Fausti, L., &c.,] SOmaggio 1863. n. p.. n. d. O. 70 p. 343 13 Uennarelli, .l.Processo di morte compilato dalla Sacra consulta contro Cesare Lucatelli esaminato. Firenze, 1861. D. 343 13 — Socief il ffeograflca italiaii.a. Bollettino. Fi- renze, 1868-70. V. 1-5. O. ;)/. maps. 910 52 Studj liibliogratici e biograficisulla storia della geografia in Italia. Roma, 1875. Q. maps. 016 35 Studj sulla geografia naturalee civile dell' Italia. Roma, 1875. O. tab. map. 554.5 5 Correnli, 0. dal presidente della Societil geografica, 30 niarzo. Roma, 1873. Q. 73 p. 910 .53 — — Neg^ri, r. Discorso del presidente della Societa gebgrafica italiana, 15 die. 1807; — 30 aprilel871. Firenze, 1868-71. 3 v. O. 910 53 — — — Relazione del ])residonte, 21 giugno 1868;-4 dic.1868. [Firenze,1868.J 3 v. O. 910 53 ROME {city, modern) 583 ROMULUS — UNIVERSITA ROM:ANA.Moii)iiiffO,E. Roma e la Sapienza; comptniJio cli notizie storiclie suUa Uiiiveraitii romaiia. Koina, 1879. Q. sa p. 378 7 —VATICAN. Forcella, V. CataloKo del mano- scritti riguardaiiti la storia di Roma. Roma, 1879-81. V. 1-3. O. 016 32 — — Miiiich, P. A.Oplysningcr om (let pavelige Arcliiv og dets Indliold foriiemmelig for Nor- ges Historie; udgivet at' Gu.stav Storm. Chri- stiania, 1876. O. [3 + ] 78 p. facsim. 948 25 .—About, E. F. V. Rome contemporaine. 3 edi tioii. Paris, 1861. O. 914.5 73 — Aitkiu, L. The sanitary .state of Rome. [Lon- don,] 1873. O. 11 p. 614 2 —Beyle, M. H. Promenades dans Rome. 2 serie. Paris, 18.58. D. vuqj. 914.5 74 — Bonaparte, J. Tableau historique des evene- mens surveuus pendant le sac deRomeen 1527, par...temoin oculaire ; traduit de I'italien. Paris, 1809. O. 945 85 — Bi'iiii, F. S. C. M.Romischea Leben. Leipzig, 1833. 2 V. D. pL 913.5 75 — Butler, C. M.Iuner Rome, political, religious and social. Philadelphia, 1866. D. 914.5 76 — Caleudario di Roma. Roma, 1875. v. 1. D. 314 12 — Canevari, R. Notizie sulle fondazione dell" editicio pel ministero delle finanze i Roma. /;/. (Ill RBiue— R. accad. del liiicei. Atti. 2 ser.y. 2, 1871-5.) 065 3 ^Ceniii storici sugli avvenimenti di Roma, dal nov. 1848 al luglio 1849. n. p., n. d. 2 pt. O. 45 p. 945 89 — Ciaiupi, I. Innocenzo X Pamfili e la sua corte; storia di Roma, 1644-55, da nuovi documenti Roma, 1878. O. 945 87 — — Sopra alcuni documenti della storia civile del medio evo di Roma. (In Rome— R. aecad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 — riavel, V. Arnauld de Brescia et les Romains du 12e sieole. Paris, 1868. O. map. 922 18 — CoUett, P. J. Breve fra Rom. (In Asbi0rii- sen, P. C. Ydale. 1851.) 914 2 ^Delatre, L. M. J. L. Ricordi di Roma. Fi- renze, 1870. D. 914.5 77 — Dwiglit, T. The Roman republic of 1849; with accounts of the inquisition and the siege of Rome, and biographical sketches. New York [, c 1851]. D. por. 945 90 —Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th century. Fron\ 4 Edinburgh edition. New York, 1827. 3v. O. 914.5 78 Same. 5 edition. London, 1852. 2 v. D. pl- iltp. 914.5 79 — Fornari, A. Pianta della citta di Roma. [Roma,] 1868. 62x85 cm. in S. 912 23 — Friscliaiier, E. Bilder aus der romischen Ge- sellschaft. Leipzig, 1877. D. 920 9 — Gattinara, M. di. II sacco di Roma nel 1527, relazione; con introduzione & annotazioni del barone D. C. Trasmondo-Frangipani. Ginevra, 1866. S. 83 p. 94.5 86 — tJebhart, E. Le sac de Rome en 1527. (In his Del' Italic. 1876.) 945 4 — Miordano, F. Cenni sulle condizioni fisico- economiche di Roma e suo territorio. Firenze, 187i. (). maps. 551.49 6 — Giiistiniani, A. Dispacci di A. Giustinian, ambasoiatore veiieto in Roma, 1502-5 ; pubbli- cati da P. Villari. Firenze, 1876. 3 v. D. 945 84 — Gotlie, J. W. yon. Rom. — Zweiter Aufenthalt in Rom. (In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 27, 29.) 832 1 — (Jsell-Fels, T. J. Rom und Mittel-Italien. Neue Ausgabe. Hildburgliausen, 1872. 2 v. D. maps. 914.5 80 — Italy— Direzione statlstica. Mongrafla della cittii di Roma. Roma, 1878. 2 v. Q. pi. & Atlas. F.' 914.5 71 —Lombard-Martin, — . Precis historique sur I'iiisurrection romaine ; operations militaires dans Viterbe, 1867. Paris, 1868. O. 945 92 — Moltke, H. K. B. von. Wanderungen um Rom. (/(i/(i« Wanderbuch. 1879.) 914 8 — Murray, J., publisher. Rome and its envi- rons. (In his Handbook for central Italy, 1853, pt. 2.) 914.5 81 — Nibby, A. Itineraire de Rome et de ses envi- rons. 11 edition. . Rome, 1875. S. il. pi. maps. 914.6 82 — I'onjoulat^ J. J. F. Toscane et Rome, corre- spoudance d' Italie. Bruxelles, 1850. S. 914.5 69 — Ronclietti, L. Pianta di Roma. Milano, 1880. 55x70 cm. in T. 912 24 — Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. 3 edition. London, 1864. D. 914.5 83 — Toscani, D. La saison d'hiver, nov. 1880 a avril 1881, a Rome, et la sante des etrangers. Rome, 1881. O. 16 p. 615 20 — Vasi, (J., (fc Nibby, A. New guide of Rome and the environs, with the latest antiquarian researches. Rome, 1849. D. pi. map. 914.5 84 — Venosta, F. Roma e i suoi martiri ; notizie storiche, 1846-67. 2 edizione. Milano. 1867. S. p?. 946 88 — Wey, F. Rome, description et souvenirs. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1873. F. 852 il. map. 914.5 85 See also CLIMATE ; IT.4LY- CAPITAL ; MKDICI TILLA ; La prcsa di Roma ; for the latitude see CAMPIGDOLIO. Romeo and Juliet, see Shakespeare, W. II Romeo owero, Del giuoco, see Tasso, T. Di- aloghi. v. 2. Romer, Ferdinand. Ueber die altesten Formen des organischen Lebens auf der Erde. Berlin, 1869. O. 36 p. (/ii Vircliow * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1 Romersliausen, Elard. Das Spiegel-Niveau. 2 Auflage nebst Naclitrag. Marburg, 1851. D. 38 p. pi. 526 1 ROMOALDO, St., abbot. Lnc&s,hermit. ha histo- ria romoaldina, overo eremitica dell' ordine camaldolese di monte Corona; tradotta da G. Premuda. Venetia, 1590. S. 271 14.1 ROMONSH, see ROMANSH. II Romuleo see Ranibaldo, B. ROMULUS. Petrarca, F. La vita di Romolo. Bologna, 1862. D. 53 p. (/)i Scelta di curiosity. 18.) 850 10 ROMVERJAR 584 ROSILIEN K^mveriar. [In Gislasou, K. 44 Pwver. 1860.) •• 839.63 6 Eon, Kaspar von der. Das Heldenbuch. (In Hagen, F. H. yon der. Der Helden Buch. 1825.) ' 831 6 Le roman de Koncevaux, see Roland. Ronchetti, Lnigi. Pianta di Roma. Milano, 1880. 55x70 cm. in T. 912 24 Ronchini, Amadio, editor, see Scelta di cuii- osita. 10-1, 108. 850 10 Rondalla de Rondalles, see R6s, C. Lo rondallayre, see Maspons y Labr6s, F. RONGE, Johannes. Stimme eiues "deutscheu Volkslehrers" uber J. Rouge. Coblenz, 1845. D. 23 p. 231 4 Ronneke. K., translator, see Vangelo e catto- licismo romano. 1876. 282 23 RI9XN0W, Joachim. Knndsen, H. Ronnow ; et Bidrag til Oplysiiing at' Faidrenelandets Histo- rie i Reformations-Tiden. Kjobenhavn, 1840. D. 922 48 Ronsch, Hermann. Spiachliches zu Diez, Alt- romanische Glossare. — Nachweise zur franzo- sischen Grammatik aus dem Vulgilrlatein. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 Rouzoni, Cirillo. Delia vita e delle opere di Pietro d' Abano. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lin- cei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 Rod, Gerard de. Annales, see Dietz, C. 943 38 HOLY ROOD, see CROSS. De roos van Dekama, see Lenuep, J. ran. Ro- mant. weiken, 5-6. Ropell, Richard. Dererste Kampf der Franzo- sen und Englander in Ostindieu. (In Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1836.)— Der Verratli WaUenstein's an Kaiser Ferdinand II. (In same. 1845.) 905 1 Roqiie-Ferrier, Alplionse. Catalanes y Catala- nades, par I'abbe Roux. — Societe scientifique et litteraire d'Alais. — Le Musee, revue arlesienne. — Chronique. (In Revne des laugues ronianes. V. 4, 1873.) — Epigrapliie romane. dialectes an- ciens. — Un recueil de poesies rumonsches [par J. Frizzun], notice et extraits. (In same. v. 5, 1874.) 479 5 Roquefort, Jean Baptiste Ronaventnre dc. Glossaire de la langue romane; mots usittis dans les 11-16 siecles. Paris, 1808-20. 3 v. O. iltp. 449 4 Vol. 3 is Supplement. — editor, see Le Grand d'Aussy, P. J. B. Vie privee des Fran9ois. 1815. 390 14 Marie de France. Poesies. 1832. 821 26 Ronuete, Jose l^nacio, editor, see Edward I. Leal conselheiro. 1842. 869 43 Rorh, E. Luccrna di, marehese. Relazione al consiglio comunale. 24 nov. 1863. sqQ. 32 p. 352 7 bound with 314 14 R()S, Carlos. Rondalla de rondalles, li imitacio del Cueiito de cueiitos dc Quevedo, y de la Ili- storia de histories de Torres; composta per uu curios apasionat il la Uengua llemosina, y treta & Hum per Carlos Kos. [Valencia,] 1820. S. 76[-fl]p. 869 28 "Ks mill sinjfiilar fjue no menclonen esta obra nl Ji- meno nl Fuster entre los an6nimos ni en el arliciilo de Citrlos Ros, de quien me parece es. aunque en la portada solo suena como editor. He colocado este libro en la presente seccion mis bien que entre las novelas porque esta Ueno de refranes y de frases proverbiales."— Sa/?d. — editor, see Roig, J. Lo libfe de les dones. 1735. 869 19 MONTE ROSA. Gnifetti, G. Nozioni topogra- fiche del monte Rosa, ed ascensioni. 2 edizione. Novara, 1858. D. 93 p. 551.43 47 — Schlagintweit, A. & H. Karte des Monte- Rosa und seiner Ungebungen. Leipzig, 1851. 52x70 cm. in D. 912 32 — Welden, L. von. Der Monte-Rosa; eine topo- graphische und naturhistorische Skizze. Wien, 1824. O. pi. tab. map. 551.43 46 Larosachelleta posellechesca, .5ee Cortese, G. C. La rosa di ogni mese, calendario florentino del 1864. Firenze, 1863. v. 2. D. 859 47 hound ivith 38 Rosalfs lefnad och dod, en dikt, see Meander, K. A. La leggenda della reina Rosana, e di Rosana sua figliuola. Livorno, 1871. Q. 54-72 N-l] p. il. 853 31 Edited by A. d'Aneona- Edition of only 153 copies. Rosasco, Girolamo. Rimario toscano. Padova, 1763. sqO. 456 1 Rosch, W. Der Dichter Horatius und seine Zeit. Berlin, 1885. O. 40 p. (In Virchow A Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 20 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber des Wesen und die Geschichte der Sprache. Berlin, 1873. O. 30 p. (In same. 8 8erie.) 043 1, 401 3 Reseller, Albrecht. Ptolemaeus und die Han- delsstrassen in Central-Africa. Gotha. 1857. O. ma2}s. 912 1 Roscher, Wilhelm. Bin nationalokonomisches Hauptprincip der Forstwissenschaft. Leipzig, 1854. O. 24 p. 551.58 -53 — [Various articles.] (/n Leipsic — K. siic'hs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 063 1, 3 Roscoe, Henry, editor, see Nortli, 11. Lives of F.,D..andJ. North. 1826. 923 75 Roscoe, Thomas, editor, see Swift, J. Works, with memoir. 1859. 827 13 Die Rose, see Aken, K. van. Rose et Jean Duchemin, see Karr, J. A. Die Rose von Diseniis, see Zschokke, J. H. D. Aehrenlese, v. 2. Rosen pa tistelon, see Carl6n, E. S. F. Roseng'arten, Albert. Die arehitektonischen Stylarfeu. Bravinsehweig. 1857. O. il. 720 2 Roscnstein, Nils von. Samlade skrifter. Stock- holm, 18;!8. 3 v. O. 839.78 1 I'^dited Iiy Ilaiis .liirta. Rosenstein, Sieiu:niiind. Ueber Aberglauben uiul Mysticismus in ilerMedicin. Berlin, 1866. O. 32"p. (/)( Vircliow * lloUzendorlT'. Vor- triige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Roseiillial, Isidor. Von den elektrisclien Er- sclieinuiigen. Berlin, 1866. O. 32 p. (hi .^ame. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Orefvinnan af Rosilicn. (In Biickstriini, P. 0. Svenska folkbocker, 1845, V. 1.) 293 18 EOSILION 585 EOSWEYDE Rosilioii en Rosanieiv, bly-eyndend-spel, see Ki-ul, J. H. ROSIN, see- I'INE. Rosing, Anton, editor, see Norsk Landniands- bog, :.S(i5-?. 839.88 3 — A8bj0rnseu, P. (!. Anton Rosing; Biographie. Christiaiiia, 18(i9. O. [8+] 49 p. 925 19 Rosini, Uiovnnni, editor, see Uuicciardini, F. Istoria d" Italia. 1833-4. 945 2 Tasso, T. Opere. 1821-3. 851110-20 ROSIB, Jolian, friherre. Rosensteiu, N. Tal ofver Kosir, 17 juni 1789. (7)( hia Ski'il'ter, 1838, V. 1.) 839.78 1 Ruskilde. Liber daticus, 1074-1512. {In Lange- bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 3.) — Statuta capituli et necrologiuni. (In same. V. 6.) — Anniversarla & distributiones capituli Roskildensis, H.'JH sqq. — Catalogus reliquia- riim conventuuni fratruni minoruiu Roskil- densium & Hafniensium. — Reliquias conventus Roskildensium. (In same. v. 8.) 948 76 ^Belirmann, A. Grundrids til en historisk-to- pographisk Beskrivelse af Roeskilde, med sine egne og Oniegnens Mserkvasrdigheder. Kjo-, 1832. O. pi. 914.8 48 — Catalogus pontificum Roskildensium. — Epi- scopi Roskildenses.— Registruni redituuni, de- oiuiaruni & exactionuni ad episcopuni Roskil- densem pertinentium, 1370. (In Langebek, J. Script, reruni Dan., 1772-1834, v. 7.) 948 76 — Petersen, H. EnRelikvie af Roskilde Dom- kirkes Skytslielgen, den hellige Pave Lucius. il. {In Copenhagen— K, nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarbager. v. 9, 1874.) 948 5 —Roeskilde og dets Omegn. pi. {In Dauske Atlas. 1833.) 914.8 38 Rosniei'sliolni, Skuespil, see Ibsen, H. ROSMINI, Antonio. Gaielli, V. A. Ro.s.nini. Torino, 1861. T. jJO)\ (I contemp. Italiani.) 921 5 Rosniouda d" Inghilterra, see Jfiecolini, ii. B. V. 2. Ross, Hans, editor see Mailing, P. T. Norske Viser og Stev. 1869. 839.81 3 Ross, Sir Jolin. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a nortli-west passage, 1829-33 ; in- cluding ttie reports of Capt. J. C. Ross, and the discovery of the northern magnetic pole. Philadelphia, 1835. O. viap. 919.8 7 Ross, Lndwig, editor, see Krienen, P. van. Abdruck seiner Beschreibung. 1860. 913 31.1 Ross, Thouiasina, translator, see Tscluidi, J. J. von. Travels in Peru. 1848. 918.5 2 Rossel, Karl, editor, see Johannes. Die Lini- burger Clironik. 1860. 943 57 ROSSLTTI, Carlo. Parma, D. F. Diario del viaggio fatto in Inghilterra nel 1639 dal nunzio pontificio Rossetti. Bologna, 1885. D. (/?( Scelta di curiosita. 213.) 850 10 Rossetti, Francesco. Indagini sperimentali sulla teniperatura del sole. pil. (In Rome— R. aecad.dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— Sul potere assorbente, sul potere emis- sive terniico delle fiamme e sulla teniperatura deir arco voltaico. jj/. {In same. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Rossetti, AVillinm Michael. Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde compared with Boccaccio's Filo- strato translated by Rossetti. London, 1873- [83]. obO. (/« Chancer soc. 1 ser. 44,65.) 821 45 — Italian courtesy-books; with translations and elucidations. 1869. (/re E.E.text sue. Extra ser. 8.) 821 5.1 — Notes on the stacyons of Rome. {In Furni- nail, F. J. Political poems. 1866 ; in same. Orig. .ser. 15 ) 820 5 ROS.M, Pellegrino Luigi Odoardo, co)(ie. Ven- tnra, — . [Portrait of Rossi.] Genova[, 1848?] 90x66 cm. 080 36 In portfolio 3. Rossi, Vincenzo Antonio. Di una navigazione mediterranea in Capitanata, e della irrigazione di (juelli terreni. Napoli, 1843. sqQ. 35 p. 7nap. 631 23 bound ivith 607 2 Rossilho, Girartz de, see Girartz. Rossniann, Jnlins. Ueber den Bau des Holzes. Frankfurt a. M., 1865. O. 5811 Rossniann, W. Vom Gestade der Cyklopen und Sirenen; Briefe. Leipzig, 1869. O. 914.5 91 Rossmassler, Emil Adolf. Der Wald. Leipzig, 1863. O. maps. 651.58 46 ROSSWURM, Hermann Christopher von. Bar- thold, F. W. (In Ranmer, F. L. (.i. von. Hist. Taschenljuch. 1838.) 905 1 R0sten i 0rkenen, et bibelsk Drama, see Inge- niann, B. S. ROSTOCK. Bacnieister, L. Historia ecclesise Rostocliiensis: seu, Narratio de initio & pro- gressu Lntheranisnii in Rostochio. por. (In Westphaleii, E. J. von, Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 1.) 943 21 — Bacnieister, S. Antiquitates Rostochienses; h. e., Historia urbis, academiaB & eeclesise Ro- stochiensis; aucta & emendata a J. Bacmei- stero. j->/.— Megapoleos literatas: h. e., Histo- rife literarice Megapolensis, speciatim Rosto- cliiensis, prodromus; Liber 1, de jctis; — Liber 2, de medicis: 1419-1700. por. {In same. v. 3.) 943 21 Roslrnp, E. En Notits om Plantev;exten i Danmark i "Broncealderen." il. (7n Copenha- gen— K. nord. 01d..Selskab. Aarboger. v. 12, 1877.) " 848 5 Rosvida, or Roswitha, see Hrofsvitha. Roswal and Lillian. (In Ellis, G. Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 3.) 821 4 Rosweyde, Heribert. De fide hsereticis servanda dissertatio. Antwei-pire, 1610. D. 099 46 "Rare and of trreat importance in history of Reforma- tion. Trial of John nus:'—Xote by Mr. Marsh. — Het leven ende spreucken der vadercn. 3 druck. Brugghe, 1699. F. iltp. 922 7 — Vita3 jiatrum; sive Historiie eremitica? libri 10; accedit onomasticon rerum et verboruni, cum indice, etiam concionatorio. Editio2, aucta. Antverpi.-e, 1638. F. iltp. map. 922 5 — ct- Rivadeneyra, P. de. Generale legende der heylighen. 6 druck, met veel levens vermeer- dert. Antwerpen,16S6. 2 v. F.-" iltp. 922 4 —commentator, see Migne, J, P., editor. Vitse patrum. 1860. {>22 6 ROSWEYBE 586 EOdSSEAU — translator, see Thomas a Kempis. De I'imita- tion de Jesus-Christ. 1652. 242 3 ROTATION. Serret, J. A. Memoire sur Fem- ploi de la metliode de la variation des arbitrai- res dans la theorie des mouvements de rota- tion. (Ill Paris— Institut — Acad, des sci. Mem. V. 3.5. 1866.) 551.58 59 — Volpicelli, P. Dimostrazione di un teorema di meccanica. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. (lei lincei. Atti.2ser. v. 1, 1873-4.) 065 3 Rolermniid, Heiiiricli AVillieim, editor, see EpistoliB obscurorum virorum. 1830. 879 3 Roth, Abraliam. Finsteraarhornfahrt. Berlin, 1863. O pi. map. 551.43 46.1 — Gletscherfahrten in den Berner Alpen. Ber- lin, 1881. S. 551.43 30 Roth, Justus Ludwi^ Adolf. Flusswasser, Meerwasser, Steinsalz. Berlin, 1878. O. 36 p. {In Virchow (fc Holtzeudorft". Vortrage. 13 Se- rie.) 043 1 — Die geologische Bildung der norddeutschen Ebene. Berlin, 1870. O. 36 p. {In same. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — tJber die Erdbeben. Berlin, 1883. O. 40 p. {In same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber die Steinkolilen. Berlin, 1866. O. 33 p. {In same. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Der Ve.suv und die Umgebung von Neapel. Berlin, 18.57. O. it. pi. 551.21 14 Rothe, Andreas Bi0rii. Beytrage zur Kennt- niss der Vergleichs-Einriclitungen iu Dane- mark. Copenhagen, 1804. S. 349 51 Rothe, Giistar, editor, see Grimm, J. L. K. Deutsche Gramniatik. v. 3, 1890. 435 4 Rothe, Ty^e Jesper. Om Hierarkiet og Pave- Magten; eller, Kirke-Reginientet fra de aposto- liske Tider af, indtil Reformationen. Kio- benhavn, 1778-9. 3 v. S. 262 13 Konig Rotlier. (In Ha^en, F. H. von der. Deutsche Gedichte. 1808.) 831 5 —Konig Rother, Fragment. (In Tleck, J. L. Schriften, 1828-45, v. 13.) 833 39 — Kuninc Ruother. (In Massmann, H. F. Deutsche Gedichte. 1837.) 831 13 Rothschild, Arthur de. Histoire de la poste aux lettres Oepuis ses origines jusqu"a nos jours. 3 edition, augmentee. Paris, 1873. D. 383 1 Rothsehild, J., compiler. L'alienation des fon'ts (le I'etat devant I'opinion publicjue. Paris, 1^65. O. 551.58 47 Rotondi, Eririeneaildo, * Pavesi, A. Studii chiinico-iilrologici suUe ac(|ue potabili della citlii di .Milan.i. Milano, 1870. F. [3-f]27p. pi. viiip. 628 7 bound ivith 551.31 7 Rotoiidi, Pieti'o, translatbr, see Longfellow, II. W. Evangelina. 1867,1873. Sll 15,16 RotroM, L^OM de. Dessfechernent du lac Fuci- no; notice histoi'ique et considcTations tcono- miiiues. Turin, 1864. O, <£• .4//«.s-. F. 627 39 — Prosciuganiento del lago Fucino; confronto tra I'emissario di Claudioeremi-ssarioTorlonia. Firenze, 1871. O. lA. 627 30 — & Brisse, A. The draining of Lake Fucino, accomplished by Prince Alexander Torlonia; an abridged account, historical and technical, [in French with] English translation by V. de Tiroli, jr. Rome, 1876. Q, & Atlas. F." 627 36 Rotteck, Karl Weneeslaus Rodecker von. All- genieine Weltgescliichte liir alle Stande, bis zum Jahre 1831. 4 Originalausgabe. Stutt- gart, 1839. 6 V. in 3. sqT. por. tab. 909 4 Rottger, Rudolf. Erdbeben. Hamburg, 1889. O. 43 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Le roman de Ron, see Wace, R. Roucher, Jean Antoine. Consolations de ma captivite, ou, Correspondance. (/n Barriere l. 459 9 — Alexi, T. Dictionarii portativii germano-ro- manii. Bucuresci, 1866. sqS. 459 3 — Barciauu, S.P.Theoretisch-praktische Gram- matik der romanischen Sprache. 2 Auflage. Hermannstadt, 1863. O. 469 10 _ — Vocabulariu romanu-nemtiescu. Sibiiu, 1868. O. 459 4 — Cihac, A. de.Dictionnaire d'etymologie daco- romane; elements slaves, magyars, turcs, grecs- moderne et albanais. Francfort s. M., 1879. O. 459 5 — Hasdeii, B. P. Le type syntactique homo-ille ille-bonus. (7ft Archivlo glot. ital. v. 3, 1878.) 450 11 — Laurianu, A. T., & Massiniu, J. C. Dictiona- riulu limbei romane. Bucuresci, 1871-6. 2 v. Q. 459 ft ^ Glossariu, care coprinde vorbele d' in limb'a romana straine... Bucuresci, 1871. Q. 459 6.1 — Lesiconromanescu-latinescu-ungurescu-nem- tescu. Budae, 1835. O. 459 7 — Mircesco, V. Grammaire de la langue rou- maine; precedee d'un aper9U liistorique sur la langue roumaine. Paris, 1863. D. 459 11 — Mussafla, A. Zur rum'anischen Vocalisation. Wieii, 1868. O. [3-f] 135-154 p. 459 2 — Poutbriant, R. de. Dictiunaru romano-fran- cesu. Bucuresci, 1863. O. 459 8 — Rusealla, G. V. Prolusione al libero corso di lingua, letteratura e storia rumana. Torino, 1863. O. 30 p. 459 1 — Schuchardt, H. E. M. De I'orthographie du roumain. (In Romania, v. 3, 1873.) 479 6 RUMANIAN LITER.ITURE. Cipariu, T. Cre- stomatia; seav, Analecte literarie dein cartile romanesci dela seculu 16-19, cv notitia litera- ria. Blasiu, 1858. O. 859 54 .S'cf aho Alesiiiiilresou, G.; Boliiitineaiiu, D. ; Bolliacu, C; II Pliysiolosiis rumeno; Romania; Vakt^rescii, I. RUMANIAN PROVINCES. Ulticini, J. H. A. Provinces d'origine roumaine. 1856. por. pi. maps. (/)i L'univers. 59.) 910 18 RUMANSH, see ROMANSH. Rnmohr, Carl Friedrich Lndwier Felix, Baron. Ueberl)lick der Kunsthistorie des transalbing- ischen Sachsens. (In Schlcswig...Gesell.scliaft. Arcliiv. V. 3, 1834.) 943 43 Ruinscy, James. A sliort treatise on tlie aiipli- cation of steam. 1787. pi. (In O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 18.50-1. v. 3.) 974 9 Rumspy, Mary C, translator, see Tieck, J. L, The midsummer niglit. 18.54. 832 10 Riindall, Thonuvs. Narratives of voyages to- w.irds the north-west in search of a passage to Cathav and India, 1490-1631. London. 1849. O. maps. {In Iliikluyt soc. Works. 5.) 919.8 4 — editor. Memorials of the empire of .Jajion in the 16 and 17 centuries, with notes. London, 18.50. (). faesim. map. (T^h swhic. 8.) 915.2 3 Runcberg, John Ludvig. Samlade arbeten. Ilelsingfors, 1861-4. 5 v. D. 839.71 33 — Nadeschda, a ])oem translated by Marie A- Brown. Boston, 1879. O. '839.7134 Life of Runeberg, p. 3-10. BUNENBERG 589 BUNES Der Kiinenberg, see Ticck,J. L. Schviften, v. 4. RUNES. Beiidixeii, B. E. Runobjei-K^ot wOi VebluiiKsuics. (/)t Copenhagen— K, iiord. 01(1.- Selskab. Aarboser. v. 7, 1872.) 948 — Bredsdorir, J. H. Om Runeskx-iftens Opriii- delse. Kiobenhavn, 1823. sqQ. 19 p. pZ. 439.(51 2 — BrynUilfsson, G. (». Periculum ruuoloKicum. Havni;e, 183;l D. 439.G1 4 — Bngge, E. )S. Lidt om de addste nordiske Ruaeindskrifters sprogliKC Stilling. {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 5, 1870.)— Veblungsnws Indskriften. (In same. v. 7, 1872.)— En i Norge funden SpiKnde med Ru- neindskrift tra Mellemjeriialderen; af O. Rygh og Bugge. p/. {In same. v. 1.3, 1878.)— Ru- nestenen fra Strand i Ryfylke. il. {In same. V. 19, 1884.) 948 5 ^Dietericli, U. W. Runen-Sprach-Schatz;oder, Worterbucli iiher die illtesten Sprachdenkmale Skandinaviens. Stockholm [, pref . 1844]. O. 439.61 5 — Dybeck, R. Sverikes runurkunder : Upp- land. Stockholm, 1860. F.^ .30 p. 48 pi. 439.61 14 bound with 399 4 — Engelliardt, H, C. C. Kong Gorms og Dron- ning Thyras Mindestene i Jellinge ; Archieolo- giske Bemajrkninger om Runestene og derea Oprindelse. il. iln Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 11, 1876.) 948 5 — GislasOH, K. De seldste Ruueindskrifters sproglige Stilling. {Insame. v. 4, 1869; v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 — Goransson, J. Is atlinga; det iir, De forna Goters, har uti Svea rike, bokstiifver ok sa- lighets lara, 3300 ar fore Christum. Stockholm, 1747. sqO. 439.61 3 — tirinim, W. K. Ueber deutsche Runen. Got- tingen, 1831. S. facsim. 439.61 11 — Jessen, E. Smating vedrorende Runeind- skrifter. 3 pt. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab.:Aarb0ger. v. 3, 1867.) 948 5 — Legis-Gliickselig, G. T. Die Runen und ihre Denkmaler. Leipzig, 1829. O. j)l. {In his Fundgruben. v. 1.) 839.6 5 — Liljegreu,'J. G. Run-liira. Stockholm, 1833. O. 2)1- ' 439.61 4.1 — Magniisen, F. Om en Steenring med Rune- Indskriftfra den hedenske tid. funden i Skaane. il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 3, 1838-9.) — Om den paa Island fundne Stylus, il. {hi same, v. 4, 1842-3.) — Om et ved Largs i Skotland fundet kostbart Spaende og dets tvende Rune-Indskrifter. {In same, v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 — — Om tvende Runestene i Nbrre-Jylland. pi. (In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — Maughan, J.^The runic rock at Barnspike, Cumberland, England, il. {Insame. Memoires, n.s. V. 1, 1866-71.) 948 3 — Mnnchj'P. A. Rune-Indskrifter fra Oen Man og Syderoerne. il. {In same. Annaler. v. 10, 1850.) 948 2 — — Runic inscriptions in Sodor and Man. il. {In same. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9.) 948 3 — Raf'ii, C. C. Antiquitc's de Torient, monu- ments ruiiographiques. Copenliague, 1856. O. 48-f240p. il. 439.61 13 — — Same [with runic itide.x] : Inscriplion ru- iiiiiue du Piree. Copenhague, 1856. O. [3-)-] 353 p. il. 439.61 13 _ — Bem:i^rkninger om en Steenoxe med Ru- neindskrift. Kiobenhavn, 1854. O. 11 p. il. 439.61 7 Bema;rkninger oni en Steenoxe med Ru- neindskrift. i7.— Runestene fra Harald Blaa- tands Tidsalder. ?7.— Bemiwrkninger om en ved Aarhuus i 18.50 funden Runesteen. il. — Yderligere Bem:erkninger om Gorm den Gam- les Mindesteen. il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tid.sskrift. v. 4, 1853-4.)— En nordisk Runeindskrift i Pirasus, med Forklaring. il. {In same. v. 5, 1855-7.) —Fund af en Runesteen paa Helna>s i Fyen, med Forklaring. il. — Mindesteen ved Kleg- gum Hoi, med Forklaring. ?7.:— Yderligere Bemierkninger af C. Siive. (In same. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 — — BemiErkninger om et Guld-Diadem med Rune-Indskrift. il. {In same. Annaler. v. 4, 1843-3.) — Bema3rkninger om en dansk Rune; steen fra det lite Aarhundrede, funden midt i London, il. pi. — Om Gorm den Gamles og Thyre Danabods Mindestene in Jellinge. il. 2>l- (In same. v. 13. 1853.) — De svdslesvigske Rune- stene. map. (In same. v. 19, 1859.) 948 3 — — Inscriptions runiques du Slesvig meridio- nal. Copenhague, 1861. O. [34-] 374-435 p. t7. ma}}. 439.61 9 — — Remarks on a Danish runic stone from the 11th century, found in London. Copenhagen, 1854. O. s7. i>Z. 439.61 10 — — Remarks on a Danish runic stone from the 11th century found in London, pi. — The tomb- stones of king Gorm the Old and Queen Thyre Danaboot at Jellinge. pi.— The runic stones of Bekke, of Lieborg and of Sondervis- sing. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9.) — Inscriptions ruuiques du Slesvig meridional, interpretees. {In same. V. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 — Re|>p, T. G. Om Kong Gorms Mindesteen i Jellinge. (/(( same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1853-4.) 948 4 ^Save, C. F. Nyfunna svenska runinskrifter. pZ. (In same. Annaler. v. 13, 1853.) — Anmark- ningerom inskriften a Gorm den Gamles rune- sten i Jallinge. (In same. v. 13, 1853.) 948 2 — Seidelin, H. C. P. Et Runealphabet fra 1547. facsim. (In same. v. 14, 1853.) 948 2 — S,ioborg, N. H. Cippos runicos ad Dagsniis, prsedium Vestrogothise, positos. Lunda?, [1802]. O. 15 p. 439.61 5.1 Dissertatio academica de moniimentis ni- nicis extra Scandinaviam. Londini Gothorum, [1805-6]. 3 pt. in 1 v. O. 36 p. 439.61 8 ^Stephens, G. Wimmer om Runeind^-krifter. — Jessens Smating vedrorende Runeindskrifter. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- boger. V. 2, 1867.) — Om de seldste old-nordiske Runeindskrifter. (In same, v. 3, 1868.) 948 5 — Tliorsen, P. G. Virring Runesteen. pi. {In same. v. 5, 1870.) 948 5 E UNES 590 R US SI A — Uppstroni, A. De lapide runico Tunensi. Upsaliae, 1S58. sqQ. [1+J9 p. pl- 439.616 — Werlaiiff, E. C. Ruuestenen i Eegaae. (7. (In CoDenliairen— K. nord. Olrt-Selskab. Noi - disk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1833.) 948 1.2 — Werl, 0. Manductio corapeiuliosa ad runo- o-raDliiam Scandicam. UpsaUn, 1675. F. il. Bo!t(uim<7tw. i 0/ 839.63 13.1 Wiborg, K. F. Om Dobefonten i Baarse Kii-ke, dens latiuisk-gotiske Indskrift og s:e- renge Runealphabet ; med et Tillajg af Finn Magnusen. pl. {In Copeiiliageii— K. nord, Old.-St'lskal). Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 Wimmer, L. F. A. De leldste nordiske Rune- indskrifter. (7. (In same. Aarbager.v. 2, 1867.) — G. Stephens om Runeindskrifter. (In same. v. 3, 1868.)— Runeskrif tens Oprindelse ogUdvikling i Norden. il. 2^1- (In same. v. 9, 1874.)— Store Rygbjierg Stenen. (/(( same. v. 10, 187rj.) 948 5 — Wocel, J. E. Ueber die Runeu der Kobelicher Urne. il. (In same. Memoires, v. 3, 1845-9.) 948 3 .—Worm, 0. Danicorum monumentorum libri sex. Hafniie, 1643. Q. 913 61.2 Forrunio writings .w« Icelandic, Danish anil Swedish antiiiuities. histiiry and literature ; also BliACTEATES; HOK>S; UlTinVEl-L OBELISK. Rnneswardet ocli den forste riddaren; sorgspel, see Nicaiider, K. A. Ruiige, Wilhelin. Der Bernstein in Ostpreus- sen. Berlin, 1868. O. 70 p. (iftVlr- Chow V. Die Maleruester inden Sabincrbergen. (/» Hillebrand, K. Ita- lia. V. 2, 1S75.) 5)45 41 Sabinns, Aiilns. Epistol* tres tribus Ovidii e])istolis respondentes. {In Ovidius Naso, P. Opera, 1815, v. 1.) 871 2 Saby, Viffsro. Om Sprogformen i de R.^vUandske Love. {In Coponliasen— K. nord. Old. -Selskab. Aarboger. v. 7, 1S72.) 948 5 Saeclietli, Franco. Le novelle; pubblicate, con note incdite di Vincenzio Borghini e Vincenzio Folliiii, i)er Ottavio Gigli. Fircnze, 1860-1. 2 V. in 1. D. (Opere, v. 2-3.) 853 32 — Rime contro papa Gregorio undecimo. Luc- ca, 1868. O. 23 p. 857 12 Per nozze Bonghi-Uanalll. SACHS 593 SAINT- A UliAIN Saclis, Hans. Hans Sachs im Gewande seiner Zeit ; Oder, Gediclite dieses Meistersilngers in derselben Gestalt wie sie zuerst gedruckt... worden sind. Giitliii, 1831. sqF.'' [4 + ] 37 p. il. 7C1 2 Sachs, Karl. Dictioniiaireencyclopediquefran- 9ais-alleniaiid et alleraand-fran9ais : avec la prouonciation d'aprbs la metliode Toussaint- Langenscheidt. Edition complete. Berlin, 1869- 74. 3 V. Q. 433 14 — Inedita aus deni Breviari d'anior. {In Juhr- blich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1860.) 805 1 — c{- Fiedler, E. Wissenschaftliclie Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1861. 2 v. in 1. O. 425 8 Der Sachsenspieg'el; lierausgegeben von Julius Weiske. 4 Auflage, bearbeitet von R. Hilde- brand, Leipzig, 1870. D. 34ft 4 — Sassenspegel; mit veleu nyen Addicien fan deui Leenreclite vnde Riclitstige. Aussburch, .S'. Othmer, l.'iHi. F. 099 17 See aluo Kichtstt'ig. Wiliitnky, P. Der Sachsenspiegel. Berlin, 1880. O. 31 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Sackmaiiii, Jobst. Predigten : nebst einer Bi- ographie. 4 Auflage. Celle, 1840. S. por. 252 3 Sackville, Thomas, 1st earl of Dorset, see Dor- set is.VCR.VMEXTS. Relasius, I., Sf., pope. Sacra- mentarium; sive, Lilier sacramentorum Ro- nianie ecclesife. (In Migrne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. V. 74.) 022 6 — Knox, J. The form of prayers and ministra- tion of the sacraments, &c., used in the Eng- lish congregation at Geneva. (In /( f.s Works, 1846-64, V. 4.)— The book of common order; prayers and ministration of tlie sacraments, etc., received by the Cliurch of Scotland. (In same. v. 6.) 208 4 — Tyndale, \V. A fruitful treatise expressing the riijht institution and usage of baptism and of the body and l)lood of Christ. (In Tyndale* Frith. Works, 1831, v. 2 ) 208 10 .S.f ((/so BAPTISM ; LOItlfS SUPPER; MASS. SACIIED HEART. Asseline, L. Marie Alacoque et le Sacre-Coeur. Paris, 1873. D. 48 p. 271 17 — Lanyuetde (Jergy, J. J. La vita della Mar- gherita Maria [Alacoque] ; con un discorso dal A.I. Sagromoso [so] sopra la divozione del Sacro Cuore. Edizione 2a, cui si aggiunge un' ora- zione del L. Cominelli sopra lo stesso argo- mento. Venezia, 1748. O. pi. 922 14.1 —Manning, H. E. The glories of the Sacred Heart. New York, 1876. D. 232 11 The sacred history of the world, see Turner, S. The sacred tlieory of tlie earth, see Burnet, T. Sacro Bnsto, Johannes de. Tractatus de arte numerandi. (In HalliwcU-Phlllipps, J. 0. Rara matliematica. 1889.) 510 3 The sad shepherd; or, A tale of Robin Hood, see Joiison, B. SADE, Laura (de Noves) de, .see Petrarca, F. Sadi'beck, Jloritz. Entwickelungsirang der Gradmessungs-Arbeiten. Berlin, 1876. O. 43 p. map. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Sadler, L. R., & Rotten, J. C. The history of signboards; l)y Jacob Larwood [pseud.] and .J. C. Hotten. 3 edition. London, 1860. D. pi. 394 8 Same. [Large-paper edition.] London, 1867. s(iQ. 2'i- 394 9 Sadler, Thomas, editor, see Robinson, H. (;. Diary. 1869. ft2S 4.j S;EMUN1)AR SIGFUSSON, the Wise. Magnfis- son, A. Vita Swmundi niultiscii. (In Euda — Elder. 1787-1828, pt. 1, in v. 3.) 839.01 1 See (duo the various editions of tlie elder Edda. SaJWiilf.Travels, 1102-3. (In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 40 Saifo, zangspel, see Lennep, J. van. Poet, wer- ken, 9. SA«AS,see ICELANDIC LITERATURE-SAGAS. Sagranioso, Alessandro Ignazio. Sernione del Cuore di Gesti. (In Langnet de Gergy, J. J. Vita della Margherita Maria. 1748.; 922 14.1 SAHARA. Danmas, M. J. E. Des chevaux du Sahara et les niceurs du desert. 3 edition. Paris, 18.5,5. D. 636 1 — ^Le Sahara. (In his Mceurs de I'Algerie. 1853.) 390 21 — Desor, E. Aus Sahara und Atlas; vier Briefe. Wiesbaden, 1865. O. jji. 916.6 5 — — La foret vierge et le Sahara. Paris, 1879. D. pi. map. 551.58 120 Die Sahara. Basel, 1871. O. 5 [-1-3] -1-59 p. (Oeffent. Vortrage, 1.) 551.58 121 — Gantier, T. (In his L'orient, 1877, v. 2.) 910 39 — Largean, V. Le pays de Rirha, Ouargla, voy- age a Ehadames. Paris, 1879. D. 2>"''- P^- map. ftice 7 ^Lanrentj C. A. Memoires sur le Sahara orien- tal au point de vue des puits artesiens dans rOued-Souf, rOued-R"ir et les Zibans. Paris, 1859. O. [3-(-J92p. il. pi. map. 551.58 121 Sailer, Luigi. L'Europa e la casa d' Austria. Milano, 1865. O. 48 p. 943 58 SAlLlS(i DIRECTIONS, see NAVIGATION. Saint Albans abbey. Chronica monasterii S. Albani; edited by H. T. Rilev. London, 1863- 76. 12 V. Q. facsim.. (In Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Cliron. and mem. 38.) 042 8 Contents: I. Walsinaliiini, T. Historia Anglicana, 1272- 1122. 2 v. 18U3-4, 2. Kislianwr, W. Chronica et annales 12.i9-:.3r)7. lK(i5. ;j. Trokelone, .J. ile, .1- otfiers. Chronica et annales, 12.M-1406. 1866. 4. WalNJnehani, T. Gesta abba- tum raonastei-ii S. Albani. 793-1411. .3 v. 1867-9. 5. Aniun- desham, .1. Annales monasterii S. .\lbani. 1421 •40' Chroni- con. 1423-31, auctore ignoto. 2 v. 1870-1. 8. Registra quo- ruudam abbattim monasterii S. .\lbani qui ssecnlo 15 floruere: .J. Whethamstede.W. Albon et W. Walingforde. 2 v. 1873-3. 7. Walsingihani, T. Tpodigma Neustriie. 1876. —Paris, M. Vita? duorum Oflfarum, Merciorum regum, et viginti trium abliatum Sancti Alba- ni. (In his Historia major. 1640.) 042 13 Saint-Albin, Alexandre Denis Hiiot de Lomr- champ de, translator, see La chanson de Ro. land. 1865. g4j 34 Saint-Aiibain, Andreas Nikolai de. Et Aar i Kjolienhavn.Novelle af Carl Bernhard[pseud ]• udgiven af J. L. Heiberg. Kjobenhavn. 1835 ' 2 ""■ iu 1- S. 839.83 36 SAINT-A UBAIN 504 SAINT-REAL — Fortaellinger ; udgivne af Carl Bernhard [pseud.]. Kiobenhavn, 1839. v. 1. D. ^^ 839.83 37 Contents: 1. Et L07te.— EnPamilie paa Landet. No more published. — Noveller; udgivne af Carl Bernhard [pseud.]. Kjobenharn, 1836-8. 4,v. S. 839.83 35 Saiiit-Aiiban, Jacques Pape, seigneur de. Me- moires sur les guerres de religion, 1.572-87. (In Michaud & Ponioulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 SAINT BARrHOLOMEW'S DAY. Lntcliilzki, I., editor. Documents inedits sur I'liistoire du Languedoo et de La Rochelle apres la Saint- Barthelemy, 1.573-4. Paris, 1873. Q. 74 [-Hi] p. 944 63 —La strage di San Bartolomeo ; dalla North British review, con introduzione ed aggiunta di documenti dall' archivio generaledi Venezia [by Tommaso Gar]. Venezia, 1870. O. 272 1 Saiiit-lJertin abbey, Saint-Omer, France. An- nales Bertiniaiii; recensuit G. Waitz. Haniio- verae, 1883. O. (In Pertz, (i. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) 943 16 St, Clement's eve, see Taylor, H. SAINT EDMUND'S ABBEY, Suffolk. Arnold, T., editor. Memorials of St. Edmund's abbev. London, 1890. v. 1. Q. {In. (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 96.) 942 8 See also SAMSOX, abbot. Saint-tie iiois, Jules Ludger Dominique (iUi- slaiu, baron de. Le faux Baudouin, Flandre et Haiuaut, 1335. Bruxelles, 1840. 3 v. in 1. S. 843 38 — d~ others, editors, see Messager des sciences historiques de Belgique. 1840. 949 19 Saint German, Clirlstoplier. The dialogue in English betweene a doctor of divinitie and a student in the lawes of England; nenlv cor- rected, with additions, n. p., 1638. T. 347 3.1 The second dialoj^ue follows without separate title- page. Saint tcothard railway. Conferences interna- tionales entre Allemagne, Italie et Suisse pour la construction du chemin de fer par le St.- Gothard, ii Lucerne, en juin 1877. Berne, [1877]. O. 75 p. 622 5 — Jlemoire a I'assemblee generate concernant la reorganisation financiere de I'eutreprise, 1877-9. Lucerne [,1877-]9. 3 v. O. 022 5 1879 is Rapport, etc. — Meinoire a Tasseniblee generale concernant la situation financiere del'entreprise, 17 juin 1876. Zurich, 1876. O. 50 p. C22 5 — Menioire du departement federal sur la con- struction du Chemin de fer du St.-Gothard Berne [,1887]. F.' tab. map. (!22 8 ForminK supplement to Rapports trimestriels. — Rapport de la direction et da coiLseil d'adnii- nistration du Chemin de fer du Gothard [,1871-] 89. [Zurich, 1873-90.] v. 1-18 in 3 v. .sqQ. pi. 622 6 — Rapport .sur la situation de I'entreprise du Chemin de fer du Gothard, 30 juin 1880. Lu- cerne, 1880. O. 14 p. 622 5 — Rapports du conseil federal Suisse aux gou- vernements des etats qui ont participe a la sub- vention de lalinge du St.-Gothard sur la marche de cette entreprise. 1871-81. Berne, 1874-83. 10 V. in 3. F.' pi. maps. 622 8 Beintt Rapports trimestriels 1-m. For report no. 40, supplementary and final, see MSmoire du departement. 1887. — Rapports mensuels du conseil federal Suisse aux gouvernements des etats qui ont participe a la subvention de la linge du St.-Gothard sur la marche de cette entreprise, loct. 1873-31 mai 1883. Berne, 187.5-82. no. 1-114. F.^ 622 7 Rapports 1-35 have collective title-page. —Tableaux et coupes geologiques sur le grand tunnel du St -Gothard ; annexe special aux Rapports du conseil federal. Berne, 1876-82. 10 pt. in 3 V. F.5 iJ/. 622 9 Contents: 1. Gallerie nord. 2. Galleriesud. — Berlepscli, H. A. Ton. Die Gotthard-Bahn, Besclireibeudes und Geschichtliches. Gotha, 1881. sqQ. [3 4-] 77 p. maps. (/» Petermanns Mittlieiluiigen : Ergiinzungsband 14.) 910 44 — Kauifmann, J. Le percement du Gotliard. Zuricli, 1875. sqF. 11 p. pi. 622 4 bound with 607 3 — KoUer, fci., & others. La ferrovia del Got- tardo neir aspetto commerciale. Lugano, 1864. O. map. 385 3 — Marsh, Q. P. {In Johnson's cyclopsedia.) In main library. Saint John, Bayle. Adventures in the Libyan desert and tlie oiisis of Jupiter Ammon. Lon- don, 1849. D. il. map. 916.2 33 Saint John, Henry, viscount Bolingbroke, see Bolingbroke. Saint John, James Augustus. The lives of cele- brated travellers. New York, 1833. 3 v. S. (Harper's fam. lib.) 923 5 Saint John, Spenser. Life in the forests of the far east; or. Travels in northern Borneo. 2 edition. London, 1863. 3 v. O. maps. 919.1 1 Saiiit-Jorioz, Alessandro Bianco, conte di. II brigantaggio alia frontiera pontificia, 1860-3. Milano, 1864. S. 343 16 SAINT MARY OF FOUNTAINS, see FOUN- TAINS ABBEY. Saint-Maurice, Charles de. Eloge de Vauve- nargues. (/)( A'anveuargnes, L. de C. de. CEu- vres posthunies. 1821.) 848 19 SAINT MICHAEL'S CAVE. Lange, C. C. A. Notitsom St. Michaels Kirkehule i Tlieleniarken i Norgf. pi. {In Copenhaffen— K. uord. (Hd.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 10, 18.50.) 948 3 Saint Pantaleoii monastery. Monachorum S. Pantaleonis chronica regia us(iue in 1161. {In Eckhard, J. (i. Corpus hist., 1733, v. 1.) 943 13 St. Patrick's day, a farce, see Sheridan, R.B.B. Saint Paul's cathedral, see London. SAINT PETEUSBUIUJ. Storch, H. F. Ge- miflildc V(in St. Petersburg. Riga, 1794. 2 v. S. pi. 914.7 19 SAINT-({rENTIN. Coligny, G. de. Discours... le siege deSaint-Quentiii en 1557. (7)i Michniid A Poiijoulat, Memoires, 1866, v. 8.) 944 9 Saint-Real, C^sar Viehard de. Conjurations des Espagnols contre la n'liubliijue de Venise; et des Gracques; precedees de sept discours sur I'usage de I'liistoire. Paris, 1803. T. 946 37 SAIJSrT-REAL 595 SALESB UR Y ^Perrero, D. L'ahbate ili Saint-Real istoiio- grafo, cDrtigiaiio e politico; rivelazioni aiitobi- ograQclie 1663-92.— Lettera...suir articolo: L'ah- bate di Saint-Real, (/h Ciiriositk (li Stoiia su- balpina. \. 3, 1870.) 945 43 Saint- Robert, I'aul eomte de. Cannoocliiale pen- sile per la inisura dcgli angoli verticali arl oris',- zontali. pi. (In Rome— R. iiccad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— Du niourenient d'un pendule simple suspendu dans une voitui'e de chemin de fer. (/« same. v. 3, 1878-9.) __ 065 4 — Gita al monte Ciamarella nelle Alpi giaie. Torino, 1867. O. 23 p. 551.43 46 Saint-Simon, Louis de Ronvroj, due de. Me- naoires coniplets et autlientiques sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la regenee ; publics par le mar- quis de Saint-Simon. Paii.s, 1839-30. 31 v. O. 944 31 Vol. 21 contains : Table des sommaires des chapitres; Table: Notes et rficUimations. — Extraits des Metiioires en ce qui touche la re- genee. C^" Barrlere cfc Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 1.) 944 10 Saint-Simon, JIaxiniilien Henvi, marqui/s de, translator, see Veen, 0. Tan. Histoire de la guerre des Bataves. 1770. 949 11 Sainte-Benve, Charles Augnstiu. Introduction. (/>i Fiddlier, E. Memoires sur les grands-jours d'Auvergne. 1856. 944 60 — Jasmin. (In Jasmin, J. Las papillotos, 1843- 51,v. 3, 3.) 849 15 —La Rochefoucauld. (In La Rochefoucauld, F. de. Reflexions. 1853.) 840 10 — Vauvenargues. (Inserted in Vauvenargnes, L. de C. de. CEuvres completes, 1831, v. 1.) 848 19 Saiute-Palaye, Jean Baptiste de la Curne de. Memoires sur I'ancienne chevalerie ; avec une introduction et notes historiques par Cli. No- dier. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1839. 3 v. O. pi. 940 17 SAINTS. Hlfric. Lives of saints [Anglo-Saxon & English],being sermons on saints' days;edited by W. W. Skeat. London, 1881-90. 3 v. O. (In E". E. text soc. Orig. ser. 76, 83, 94.) 820 5 — Baillet, A. Les vies des saints. Nouvelle edition. Pans, 1715-16. 4 v. F-i por. 922 1 — Benedict XIV., pope. Opus de servorum Dei beatificatione et beatorum canonizatione. Prati, 1839-43. 7 V. Q. 231 1 — Bntler, A. Florilegio di vite de' santi, con note istoriche e critiche. Monza, 1834-5. 4 v. in 8. O. 922 3 —The ejirly South-English Legendary, or Lives of saints: edited bv C. Horstmann. London, 1887. V. 1. O. (Ill E. E. test soc. Orig. ser. 87.) 820 5 — Historia sanctorum in Selia insula Norvegias. (In Langebek,J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, V. 4.) 948 76 — Isldorus, St. De vita vel obitu sanctorum qui Deo placuerunt. (Inhis Opera. 1617.) 208 3 —Leonardo of Udine. Sermones aurei de Sanc- tis. Venetijs, 1473. O 093 1 — Tlie lives of women saints of our contrie of England, also other lives of holie women, c. 1610-15; edited by C. Horstmann. London, 1886. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 86.) 820 5 — M., A. von. Die Attribute der Heiligen al- phiibetisch geordnet. Hannover, 1843. O. 755 2 — Magnnsen, F. Om indenlandske Helgenes Skrinla^ggelse og i Middelalderen blandt Nordboerne. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 3, Ix'.'S.} 948 1.2 —Marsh, G. P. Mediasval and modern saints and miracles; not ab uno e Societate Je?u. New York, 1876. D. 080 30 — Xewman, J. H., & others. Lives of the Eng- lish saints. 1-3 edition. London, 1844-5. 18 v. in 8. D. iltp. 922 8 For contents see Xenmaii. — Rivadencyra, P. de. Flos sanctorum: seu vitw et res gestse sanctorum; latine traductfe additjs annotationibus & vitis recentioribus a J. Canisio. Colonia;, 1741. 3 v. F.^ 922 3 * Rosweyde, H. Generale legende der heylighen. 6 druck. Antwerpen, 1686. 2 v. F.^ iltp. 922 4 — Solenne canonizzazione di ventisette beati nella basilica vaticana, 1863; vite dei ventisei martiri giapponesi, vita di S. Micheledei Santi. Roma, 1863. T. 922 13 — Stolfl, C. Leggende di alcuni santi e ijeati venerati in S. Maria degli Angeli di Fireiize. Bologna, 1864. 2 v. in 1. D. (In Sceltadi curi- osita. 53-3.) 850 10 ^Ung'er, K. 'R.,editor. Heilagra manna sogur. Christiania, 1877. 2 v. O. 839.63 40 — Varaggio, (J. da. Sanctocwm ac testorwn per totu anu Liber icipit. Venetijs, 1483. O. 093 4 See also ALB.WUS : AXSCHAIRE : AXTOMCS : BEKET, T.; CAMTE; CUTHBERT; DAVID: Dl'NSTAX ; EATA: ED- JirSU ; ECWIX ; ERK ; ESKIL; El PHRASIA : FRANCESCO 0/ Paolo : (iODRIC : GILIEOIA ; HEXRV : KIELD ; LE- GENDS ; MARGARET ; MARY : MELS : ODULF ; OLAF : PATRU'lUS : PACL ; PAULIS ; PETER ; PHII,UME\A : RE.1IBERT; RO.«OALDO ; SEVEX CHAMPIOXS : SKJFRID: STRUS : THORLAK ; TICEUXTS ; WERBERGE : WILLE- HAD; WISTAX. La Saisiaz, -see Browning, R. Sajnovics, Jdnos. Demonstratio idioma Unga- rorum et Lapponum idem esse. Hafnife. 1770. sqQ. [10-(-]88p. 494 4 Sakellarios, Athanasios A. Ta KvwpiaKd, ijroi, npayiuiTela Trepl 7£arypa0(as...T^s Kiirpou. 'En A8-^- rais, 18.55. V. 1. O. 915.(5 10 Sala, Piefro.Capitolo per accademia. (In Gani- ba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 7.) 859 50 Dystorie van Saladine. Gent [,pref. 18481. Q. [.5-1-1 9-f 79 p. (/)( .Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken voor de leden. 1.) 839.3 5 Salas y Berart, tJaspar. Govern politich de la ciutat de Barcelona pera sustentar los pobres y evitar los vagamundos. Barcelona, 1636. D 339 4 Salazar, Francisco Lobon de, see Isla, J. F. de. Salesbury, William. A playne and a familiar introductio, teaching how to pronounce Welshe, 1567.— A litle treatvse of the englyshe pronujiciacion, 1547. iln Ellis, A. J. On early English pronunciation, 1869-89, v. 3; in E. E'. text soc. Extra ser. 14.) 820 5.1 SALETTE 596 SALVA NOTRE DAME DE LA SALETTE, see MARY. SALIC LAW. Antiquissimse legis Salicie textus vetustior; accedit Pactus legis Salicaa : cum notis. (/iiScliilter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, v. 2.) 830 9 — til-iiiiiii, J. L. K. Lex Salica hrsg. von Mer- kel. an his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90. v. 8.) 408 3 — Kern, J. H. J. Die Glossen inderLex Salica, uud ilie Spraclie der salischen Frauken. Haag, 1860. O. 437 13 Saliu'uac, see F^neloii. Salimbeiie di Adamo,F/'a, of Parma. Chronica. Panaae, 1857. F. (Monuinenta ad Parmensem et Placeiitiam pertinentia.) 945 68 "Extremely curious medljeval chronicle." Jfote bij Mr. Marsh. ^Miissafla, A. Aus der Chronik von Fra Sa- limbene. (In Jalirbncll roni. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 186.").) 805 1 Saliu, Daniel, respondent, see Wallin, fi. Triga diss, de gladio magico Gustavi Adolphi, 1746: Diss, prima. 948 53 Salisbury, Edward Elbridge. Phoenician in- scription of .Sidon. [New Haven, 18.5.5?] O. p. 227-259. facsim. 492.6 1 Pages 343-259 are by W W. Turner, From .Tournal of American oriental society, v. 5, no. 1. Salisbury, Joliu of, Bishop of Chartres. Vita S. Thomas. (In Robertson, J. C. Materials for the history of Becket, 1875-85, v. 2; in (it. Br. —.Master of i-oUs. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 Salisbury, Robert Cepil, earl of. Letters to Sir George Carew: edited by John Maclean. [Lon- don.] 1864. sTI!A ; Soiiiadeva. Sansovino, Francesco Tatti. Capitoli. (In Bernl, F. Opere burlesclie, 1726, v. 3.) 857 2 — Historia universale dell' origine, guerre et imperio de Turchi ; accresciuta dal Maiolino Bisaccioni. Venetia, 1654. sqO. il. 949 53 —annotator, see Sauuazzaro, G. Arcadia. 1571. 851 110 Briini, L., of Arezzo. La historia de suoi tempi. 1.561. " 945 13 Saut' AlbinOj Vittorio. Gran dizionario pie- montese-italiano. Torino, 1859. F. 457 18 Santa Filomena, bozzetto del villaggio, see Maineri, B. E. Santa Maria, Agostinlio de. Santuario mariano e historia das images milagrosas de Nossa .Sen- hora. Lisboa, 1707-23. 10 v. O. 230 15 With the autogrraph of Robert Southey. Santareui^ Manuel Francisco de BarroseSonsa de Masquita de Macedo Leitao e Carvalhosa, visconde de. Memoria sobre a prioridade dos descobrimentos portuguezes na costa d' Africa occidental; para servir di illustracao a Chronica da couquista de Guine por Azurara. Pariz, 1841. O. 967 2 — Researches respecting Americus Vespucius and his vovages ; translated by E. V. Childe. Boston, 18.50. D. 973 13 — editor, see Eannes de Aznrara. Chronica de Guine. 1841. 9(i7 1 Ediviird I. Leal consellieiro. 1843. 869 43 SANTA ROSA, Pietro Derossi di. Saraceno. F. Vita di Santa Rosa; con documenti inediti. Torino, 1864. D. 923 86 Santa Rosa, Santorre Annibale Derossi, conte di. Delia rivoluzione piemontese nel 1821; versione sulla 3 edizione francese : coll' aggi- unta della biografia di Santarosa e di docu- menti. Genova, 1849. O. jjor. 945 45 SAN'TA ROSA 600 SARNELLI — Biaiiclii, j!(. Santoiredi Santa Rosa; memo- rie e lettere inedite. {In Cnriositk di storia subalpina. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 — (iiiberiiatis, A. de. Santmre di Santa Rosa. Torino. 1860. (I conterap. Italian!.) {C.'S 87 Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Joaqiiim de. Elucida- rio das palavras, termos, e frases, que em Portu- gal antiguamente se usarao e que hoje regu- larmente se ignorao. Lisboa, 1798-9. 2 v. F. pi. 409 4 SANTI, Giovanni & Raffaele, see RAFFAELE SAJiZIO. Sautillana, luigo Lopez de Mendoza, marquis de. Noticias para la vida del maniues, y la carta [Proeniio] que escribio solire el origen de nuestra poesia. (/« Sanchez, T. A. Coleccion de poesias, 1779-90, v. 1.) 861 4 Santob. Ellibro del rabi .Santob. {In Ticknor,ti. History of Spanish literature, 1849, v. 3 ) SCO 1 SAXTORIN. Seebach, K. von . Der Vulkan von Santorin, Milrz und April 18G6. Berlin, 1867. O. 33 p. pZ. {Ill Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Santos, Joseph. Indice general alfabetico de todas las obras del Benito Geronimo Feijoo. Madrid, 1774. O. 868 5 Sannto, Marino, called Torsello. Liber secre- torura tidelium cruois super Terrse Sanctse re- cuperatione et conservatione. — Epistola;.- {In Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 3.) 940 10 Sapeto, (Jiuseppe. L'ltalia e il canale di Suez. Genova, 1865. Q. map. 626 13 Sapinaiid, Marie Lonise (de Charette) de. Me- moires. — Notices sur quelques generaux vende- ens. {In Barriere & Lescnre. Jlenioires, 1857- 81, V. 31.) 944 10 Preceded by "Notices sur MM. Sapinaud gfin^raux vendeens." Sappho. (/» Anacreon. Carniina. 17.57.) 884 2 — {Ill Bolssonade, J. F. Lyrici Grajci, 1835 ) 884 1 — /tah'aw ; Vita e frammenti di Saffo da iVliti- lene: discorso e versione, prima intera, di Giu- seppe Bu.stelli. Bologna, 1863. D. (/» Scelta di curiosita. 37.) 850 10 — Swedish: (Jfversattning af G. Paykull. (7k Anacreon, 1787.) 884 3.1 —Arnold, B. Sappho. Berlin, 1871. O. 31 p. {Ill Virchow & Hollzendorfl'. Vortrilge. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Sara Burgerhart. see Wolf, E. B., & Deken, A. Saraceno, Filippo, conte. II manifesto del con te Radicati di Passerano. {In Cnriosit^ di storia subalpina. v. 1, 1874.)— Due anni di regno, 1460-3, di Lodovico duca di Savoia. — Di un nome iiuovo da ag'S, see ARABS, Sarbicvski [Latin Sarbievius), Mathias Kazi- nilerz. Cannina. Argentorati, 1803. O. /lor. 879 2 Prefixed arc : Vita; Scrlptaetedltlonea. Sardannpalns, a historical tragedy, see Byron, (i., baron. SARDINIA ( (stand). Aniadeo, L. La Sardegna, provincia romana; saggio di studj antiiiuarj. Roma, 1874. O. 47 p. 937 18.1 — Amat di San Filippo, P. Del commercio e della navigazione dell isola di Sai'degna nei secolil4el5. Cagliari, 1865. O. 380 7 — Cresi»i, V. Catalogo illustrato della racqolta di antiehita sarde del Raimondo Cliessa. Ca- gliari, 1868. F. pZ. 913 41 — (Jregorj, U. Cf. lie de Sardaigne. 1839. pL map. (//( L'uni vers. 3.5.) 910 18 — Mauno, (t. Note sarde e ricordi. Torino, 1868. D. 945 113 Storia moderna della Sardegna; premessovi un compendio della storia antica. Firenze, 1858. D. 945 114 — Martini, P. Storia delle invasion! degli Arabi in Sardegna. Cagliari, 1861. O. 945 11 —Pals, E. La Sardegna prima del dominio ro- mano; studi storici ed archeologici. 2^'- map. {In Rome— R. accad. dei llncei. AUi. 3 ser. sci. moi: V. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 See also .4KB0KEA, IIOL'.ND TOWERS. Sardinia {kingdom). Codice penale. Torino, [1859]. O. 343 10 — Manuale ad use dei senator! del regno e dei deputati, contenente lo statuto, la legge eletto- rale, ! regolamenti delle due camere, e le princi- pal! leggi organiche dello stato, con annota- zioni ; compilazione di A. P. e P. T. Torino, 1860. S. 349 9 Same. Appendice, contenente i decret! di annessione di Napoli, Sicilia, MarcheeUmbria, e la nuova legge elettorale. Torino, 1861. S. 349 10 .?«' espn-ialbi PIEBMOXT. SARDINIAN DIALECT. Bohnier, E. Der sardi- nische Dialect des 13ten Jahrhunderte; vonN. Delius. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 — Boullier, A. Le dialecte et les chants jiopu- laires de la Sardaigne. Paris, 1864. O. 859 33 — .Porrii, V. Dizionariu sardu-italianu. 2 edi- zioni. Casteddu, 1866. S. 457 15 SARDONIC LAUGHTER, the phrase. Pais, E. II crapSdwos yfKoii. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lln- cei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 5 SaredOjCiinseppe. Terenzio Mamiani. Torino, 1860. T. 91 p. par. (I contemp. Italian!.) 923 63 Sargent, Charles Sprag:iie. A catalogue of the forest trees of North America. Washington, 1880. O. 93 p. 551.58 113 Printed only on reoto. — A few suggestions on tree planting. Boston, 1876. O. 35 I). 551.58 48 Sargent, El)es. The critic criticised: a reply to a review of Welister's .system in the Democratic review for March 1856. Springfield, Mass., 18.56. O. 16 p. 423 7 Sarnelli, Ponipeo, bishop of Biseglia. Posille- clieala de Masillo Reppone de Gnanopole [pseud.]. {In Collezionc napoletana, 1783-9, v. 23.) 859 19 SARPl 601 SAVE Sivrpi, I'artlo. Istoria del concilio tridentino. [Napoli.J 1780-90. 8 v. in 4. D. 270 13 — Raccolta delle opere; migliorate ed accresci- ute da Giovanni yelvaggi. Napoli, 1789-00. 16 V. in 8. D. 208 8 Collective table of ooiitents at end of v. Hi. ^Johnson, S. Fatlicr Paul Sarpi. (In his Works, 1809-13, v. 13.) 8-24 12 See also Howells, >V. I>. Venetian life, 1SH7. p. i.*'^3-.31. Sarrasins, Jean Pierre. Lettre siir la premiere croisade de saii.t Louis. (/)( Joilivillc, J. (le. Memoires. 18.59.) 9-1-1 11 — Same. (In Midland & Poiijoiilat. Memoires. 1806, V. 1.) ■ »44 9 Sarraziii, Joseph. Das franzosisclie Drama in unserem Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1888. O. 40 p. {Ill Vircliow e i<\'rrarq. SAVOY. Baggesen, J. I. Reiae til Savoven. {In his Danske Va?rker, 1827-33, v. 10.) 889.81 12 — Biirch, L. rander. Sabaudi» respublica et historia. Lugd. Batav., 1634. T. 094 54 .?ee uho AM.iDECS VII. ; HAUTE-SAVOIE ; lOI-ANDE. HOUSE OF SAVOY. Savoia di Cangiano, F. Cronaca della casa sabauda. Roma, 1879. O. 945 56 — Vayra, P. II museo storico della casa di Sa- voia.' (In Curiositil di storia subalpina. v. 1, 3, 4, 1874-80.) 945 43 See aim numerous other articles in the four volumes. Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose, translator, see Bible -X r.— English. 1858. 225 14 Sax, Peter. De pra^cipius rebus gestis Frisio- ruin Septentrionalium. 1656. jjor. 2>1- map. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 1.)— Exercitationes historicaj in Cypraei... aliorumque annales. (In same. v. 2.) 943 31 Saxe, John (iodfrey. Poen?s. 2 edition. Bos- ton, 1850. D. 817 7 —Same. 6 edition. Boston, 1863. T. par. 817 8 Both editions have the same dedication to Mr. Marsh. De Saxische weezeu, see Lenuep, J. van. Rc- mant. vverkeu, 10. Saxo grammaticus. Commentariolus de regno- rum Aquilonarium situ & natura. (In Stepha- nins, S. H. De regno Danias. 1629.) 094 21 — Danorum historias libri 16; accessit index. Basilea?, 1534. F. 948 84 — Historic Danicae libri 16; Stephanus Johan- nis .Stephanius recognovit, notisq; lUustravit. Soraj, 1644. F. iltp. 948 85 — Historia Danica; recensuit et commeutariis illustravit Petrus Erasmus Miiller; opus absol- vit Joannes Matthias Velschovr. Havnite, 1839. 3 V. Q. por. 948 86 — Danish: Danmarks Kranike; fordansket ved Nik. Fred. Sev. Grundtvig. Kiobenhavn, 1818-22. 3 V. sqO, 948 87 — Kinch, J. Bidrag til en Textkritik af de 7 sidste Boger af Saxes Danmarkshistorie med Fortolkning af enkelte Steder. (In Copenha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 9, 1874.) 948 5 — Siiliui, P. F. Anmwrkniuger over Saxo. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 11.) 839.88 5 Saxon chronicle, see Anglo-Saxon chronicle. SAXON DIALECT. Der altsiichsische Beiclit- spiegel zur Zeit des h. Liudgerus und seiner nilchsten Nachfolger; mit Ubersetzung undWor- terl)uch vonj. R. Kone; Zugabe: Verzeichniss der Bischofe von MuDster. Miinster, 1860. Q. 439.2 7 —Der Laien Doctrinal; ein altsassisches ge- reimtes Sittenl)uch: herausgegeben mit Glossar von K. F. A. Scheller. Braunschweig, 1835. D. 839.2 11 — Warnuind, A., editor. Dat .Sassische done- ken-bok. sammed tor tvdkortinge. Hamborg, 1829. D. ■ 839.2 13 — Wolfliinann, ('. F., editor. Poesie der Nie- der-Sachsen. Hamburg, 1725-38. v. D. pi. 831 19 See also Biirkhiisi'ii. II. Uc-inlif di- Kus. 1108; lliWe— Siixon ;-0. '/'.-KlMijs; (iothluiKl, h/iiml ; littXEIHIMJ : I.iithi'r, Jl. Husspostilla. KVJS; Iteiiii'ke de Vos, mit dem Koker. 1711; IllclitstelK l.andrechts; Siu'lisensiiioitcl. 1516; Tniilor,.!. Predlue. K2:i: Toutoiiio ordiT; WIslij. SAXONY 603 SCANDINA VIA SAXONY. Abel, C. Teutsche untl aiiclisische Alterthuiiiei-. Braunschweig, lT29-aO. 3 v. in 3. S III. " 943 10 — (irimm, J. L. K. Scheller, Kronik fan Sas- sen. (In Ian Kleinere Scliriften, 1804-90, v. 4.) 408 2 See nh-o I.AW-SAXONY. Say, .leiiu Baptiste. Om LigeviBgtinielleni Con- suniation og Production. (In Uavid, V. (}. ?(• Stats. Ai-chiv, v. I, 1836.) 3;{0 15 Saycp, Archibald Henry. The needs of the liis- torical sciences. — The results of tlie e.xaniina- tion system at Oxford. (In Essays on endow- ment 'of research. 1876.) 378 3 Sayselliis, Claudius, see Seissel, C. de. SC.VCAZZONE, Jacomo alias. Sozziiii, A. Rac- colta di burle. facetie, niotti e Imtfonerie di tre huoiuine sanese. Siena, 1865. U. 857 13 Seacclii, Arcaugelo. Delia regione vulcanica del monte Vulture, e del tremuoto ivi avvenu- to, 14 agosto 1851: relazione da L. Palmieri ed A. Scacchi. Napoli, 1852. F. pi. map. 551.21 34 — Slemoria sullo incendio vesuviano di maggio 1855, fatta dai (i. Guarini, L. Palmieri ed A. Sc.icchi: preceduta dalla relazione dell' incen- dio del 18.)0. Napoli, 1855. sqF. pi. 551.21 22 Scau:liariMi,JClemeiitiiia. Vocabolario domesti- 00 ri-ancese. Milano, 1876. D. 448 7 Scala celi, 1510, .iee Uobiiis, J. La scala del paradiso, sec Joaiiues cUmaeiis. Scala di vita, see Ferruecl, E. C. SCANUERBEU. Lavardiii, J. de. The historie of Cieorge Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg ; translated out of French by Z. I. London 1596. Q. ^ 923 88 S('AM)INAVIA-A>TI(JUIT1ES. Arnkiel, T. Ausfiihrliclie Erotfnung : 1, Der cinil>rischen Vbllier Antiquitaten ; 2, Tundern...Wunder- Horn ; 3, Gr'aber und Topffe; 4, Elienialiger Zustand und Bekehrung. Hamburg, 1703. 4 V. in 1. sqO. por. pi. 913 47.1 — Birelierod, T. B. De deperditis Septentrio- nalium antiquitatibus. pi. (In M'estplialeii, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Copenhagen — Konarelige nordiske 3 13 — • translator. Nordiske Fortids Sjisaer. Kjobenhavn, 1829-30. 3 v. O. S39.63 19 Vol. 1-2 are a translation of v. \-i of his Fornaldar sogur. — Nordiske K;empe-Historier. Kjoljen- havn, 1821-6. 3 v. O. 839.63 20 Riant, P. Skandinavernus Korstog og Andagt;,reiser til Pala-stina, 1000-1350. Kja- benhavn, 1868. O. 940 14.1 Siiidiug, P. K. History of Scandinavia. New York, 1858. O. por. 948 16 — — Strinnholm, A. M. Skandinavien under hedna-aldern. Stockholm, 1834-0. 2 v. O. maps. (In his Svenska folkets historia, v. 1-2.) 948 54 Stiirliison, S. Heims kringla: eller, Nord- liindske konunga sagor; edidit, versione gemi- na notisque, indici illustravit J. PeriEgskiiild. Stockholmia?, 1697. 2 v. F. 839.63 13.1 For other editions and for translations, ^ee Nturhisnii. Suhni, P. F., ct- Sch0ning, G. Forsog til P'orliedriii^er i den gamle danske og norske Historie. Kiobenhavn, 1757. sqO. 948 18 Westphalen, E. J. von, editor. Monu- menta ineditarerum Germanicarum, prajcipue Cimbricarum et Megapolensium. Lipsiw, 1739- 45. 4 V. F.J iMr. pi. 943 21 AVIlCiitoii, H. History of the Northmen, or Danes and Normans, to the conquest of England by William of Normandv. Philadel- phia, 1831. O. ' 948 19 Worsaae, J.J. A. Om Forholdet mellem de skandinaviske Folk i Oldtiden; et Foredrag. Kjobenhavn, [,1844]. O. 23 p. 948 20 5e« afeo DEXJI.4RK ; KAUIAR I.KTTElt ; XOKTH.IIK.X ; XOIHVAV : SWKDEX ; VirTl'AIJ.ERS. SCAMHSAVIAN LANGUAGES. Petersen, >\ M. Det danske, norske og svenske Sprogs Hi- storic. Kjolienhavn, 1839-30. 2 v. in 1. D. 439.6 1 — Varniiiig, L. Om Overgang af Ma>rket J i nordiske Gerningsord. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 See also KAMSIl ; ICELAXDIC ; XORSE ; SWEDISH. Scania.' Leges provinciale terra? Scania, 1163, accedentc collatione cum Jure Cindjrico. (In Westphalon, E. J. von. Jlonumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 31 — Liun^, C. von. Skanska resa, 1749. Stock- holm, 1751. D. il. 581 19 Una scappatn fuori del nido, see Yisconti Veno- stn, G. Scarnbelli, Luciano. Letture morali, per la gentedi campagna. Bologna, 1870. O. 177 1 — Sulle carte d' Arborea, lettere al Pietro Fan- fani. Cagliari, 1865. O. 37 p. 858 3 — editor, see Dante Alighieri. Comedia, col commento di J. della Lana. 1866. (hi Emilia. Collezione. 38-40.) 850 6 Eseniplare della Divina comedia 1 : 20 codici]. 1870-3. (In same. 38-30.) 850 6 SVARABELLI 605 8 CELT A Scarabelli Uoiniui Flaiiiiui, K%. Sugli scavi ese- guiti nella (Uiverna detti di Frasassi. lil. {In Rome— R, accad. dei Hiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 5, 1879-80.) 06.J 4 Lo scartafacciodeiraiuicoMichele, seeViscoiiti Venosta, G. Scelta di curiositk letterarie inedite o rare dal secolo 13 al 27. Bologna, 1861-91. v. 1-241 in 94 V. D. il. pi, faesim. viiisic, 850 10 Contents: I. Zamhr\m,V,^ etiitor. Novelle del secolo 14. 2. I'ecclii, il. 31. Lezione sopra sonetto [by Berni]. 8. FlWppoof Sierui. Martiiio d' una fanciulla faeutina. 4, Zaiiibrini, F., etilfor* Due novelle del secolo 14. 5. Vita di F. Petrarca. (i. Forestani, S, Sioria d' una fanci- ulla tradita da un sue amante. 7. Caro, A. Commento sopra la prima Ficata del padre Siceo. s. OonI, A. F. La miUa, La chiave, e MadriKali satirici- i). Zaiiilirini, ¥,^ editor. Dodicl conti moral! di anonimo senese. UK La Lusignacca, novella. 11. Dottrina dello schiavo di Bari. 12. Bible— Apuoryplia. 11 passio o vangelo di Nicodemo. 13. BeriianliNoo/" 5?e«a. Sermonesulla soc- cite di bestiami. 14. Storiad' una crudelematrigna. lo. II lameiito della Verjjine, e Le alle^rezze. Ifi. II Hbro della vita coutemplativa. 17. Torini Beiiciveiiiii, A, Brieve meditazione sui benefioii di I)io. IS. Petraroa, F. La vita di Romolo. li*. II marchese di Saluzzo e la (iri- selda, novella. '20. iJi'ritilf llirci, P. G, Novella.— Biblti. eiia, B. D. da. Un' avv<-iiriii;i ;iniorosa di Ferdinando d' Araffona.— Le conipaf;iiie di.^' Hattuti in Roma. 1339. 21, OvidiuH \aso, P. Dueepistole. 22. Mantova, M. Novelle. 23, Deir illustre historia di Lancillotto dal Lago. 24. Maximus, V. Sasglo del volf^arizzainento. 25, Filippo of Siena. Novelle— Novella del Cerbliio. 2(i. Loreiis. Trat- tatello delle virti\. 27. Ottoiielli, (J, Ne;roziazione alia corte di Spasna- 28. Beiiivieni, 0. Tancredi prinoipe di Salerno, novella in rima. 29. Petrarca, F. Le vite di Numae di T. Ostilio- 30. Bilile. La epistola di san Ja- copo. e i capitoli 3-4 del Van^elo di san Giovanni. 31. Storia di san Cleniente papa. 32. Bible. II libro delle lamentazioni di Jeremia. e il Canticode* cantici di Salo- mone. 33. AlbizzU A, degli. Epistola a Martino V.— Alcune leggende anonime. 34. AllorU A. 1 saltarelli del Bronzino. 35. Ciibello, novella in rima. 30. Marsili, L. de.' Commento a una canzone di Petrarca. 37, Sappho. Vita e frammenti; di G. Bustelli. 38. Vai, S. Rime. 30, Capitoli delle monacbe di Pontetetto pre.sso Lucca. 40. II hbro della cucina. 41. Pucci, A. Ilistoria della reina d' orieute- 42. La flsioariioinia. tnittatello. 43. Storia della reina Kst«r. 44. Kedi, F, Sei odi. 45. La storia di Bfaria per Ravenna. 46. Trattat^llo della verginita. 47. Laniento di Fiorenza. 48. Baiichhii, (4. Un \iag:ffio a Peruffia. 139.5. 49, Braccesi, L. II tesoro;— La canzone del Nicchio. 50. Storia di fra Mirhele rainorita- 51. Milaiie!^!, G., editor. Deir arte del vetro per musaico- 52-3, Stolfl, ('., editor. Leggende di alcuni santi e beati. 54, Regola dei frati di s. Jacopo d' Altopascio. 55. Brethren of the life of poverty. Lettera a tutti i cristiani. 56, (iiacopiHt, novella, e La Ginevra novella. 67. Aiicona. A. d,' editor. La leggenda di sant' Albano, e La storia di san Giovanni Boccadoro. 58. Pistoia, A. da. Souetti gjocosi ; e sonetti satirici senza norae d' autore. 59. Gre!?orio. Fiori di medicina. 60. Ciaeclieri, M. Croni- ohetta di S. Geminiano. 61. Trattato di virtu morali. 62. Coniaiizo, A, Proverbi. 63. Latini. B, Fiore di filosofi. 64. Saiidabad. lUibro deisette savi di Roma. 65, Ber- nard, Sf. Del libero arbitrio. 66. Oeccheregli, A. Delle azioni e sentenze di Alessandro de' Medici. 67. Hippo- crates. Pronostichi.— Cardiu'oi, G. Delia Scelta di curiosita letterarie. 68. Bernard, St. Lo stimolo d' amore;— La epistola a Raimondo. 69. Peruzzi, L. Ricordi suUa vita di Petrarca e di Laura. 70. Gianibullari, B. Tractato del diavolo co' monaci. in rima. 71. Oue novelle in un codice del 1437cont6nente II decamerone. 72. Aniati, 0,,tY/i/or. Ubbie, ciancioni e c^iarpe del secolo 14. 73. AiigustinuN, k,^ St. Specchio dei peccatori.— Bernard, .S7. Epistola a Raimondo. nuova lezione. 74. GarlH>, T. del. Cmrnnrai)qutqna. Trattato dei rilmi volgari 106. La legt:enda d' Adatno ed Eva. 107. \ovelliiio provenzale. lOM. rapjiejlo. B. Lettere. 109. Peirareii. F. Parma Uberuta- 1 10. Iliero- nyjiius SophroniuN, K., St. Epistola ad Eustocliio. III. Cavak-anti, A. Novrllftir intorno a Curzio Marignolli. 112. Tundale. II liln'o di Tli.M.dnlo. 113-14. Mandevill^ J, I viaggi- 3 V. 115. Vettori, P. Lettere. 116. Pmdi, ("., (t- Piceolonilni, ^...editors. Lettere volgari del sec 13, scritte da senesi 117. Salviati, L. Rime. 118. La seconda Spagna, e L' acquisto di ponente. 119. Seroambi, G. Novelle. 120. Blanchini, F. Carte da giuoco in sei-vigio deir istoria e della cronologia- 121. Adrian!, G, B. cfe M. Seritti varii. 122. Salvestro. Batecchio, commedia. 123-4. II viaggio di Carlo Magno in Ispagna per conqui- stare il camino di S. Glacomo. 125. Ilitopadesa. Del go- verno de' regni. 126. Bonaventura, St. II salterio della Maria. 127. Bonvosin o/' /I'ii'r/. Trattato dei niesi. 128, Tundale. Visione di Tiigdalo. 129. Salviati, L. inedite. 130. John XXI., pope. Volgarizzamento del trattato della cura degli occbi, di Pietro Spano. 131. Guglielmo. Trattato delP arte del ballo. 132. Lettere scritte a Pietro Aretino, 4 v. 133. Ceruti, A., editor. Rime del sec. 16. 134. Lanoia, A, Novelle. 135. I cantari di Carduino; Tristano e Lancielotto. 136. Dati, G. La lettera deir isole che ha trovato il re di Spagna. 137. Zenoni, Z. La pietosa fonte, poema. 13H. Papanti, G. Facezie e mottidei sec. 15e 16. 139. Faytinelli, P. de." Rime. 140. Libro della natura degli uccelli. 141, Buonaccortso, G. Prose. 142. Eredia, L, d.' Rime. 143, 153. Livius, T. I primi quattro libri del volgarizzamento della terza deoa. attribuito a Boccaccio. 2 v. 144. Itcbizione delle sco- perte da C Colombo e da altri. 1492-l50t>. 145-6. Mala- gola, C, editor. Lettere di uomini bolognesi. 147. Torelli, P. II Tancredi. trag^dia 148. La defensione delle donne 149. La seconda e r^Mz;) u'liiTra punica. 150. Bus|>oli, F. Sonetti. 151, 16)>. Belli tirioni, B. Le rime. 2 v. 152, Ferraro, G., edittrr. Poesi.- popolari religiose del secolo 14. —Pellegrini, G., editor. iJnr.olta di sacra poesie popo- lari. 153, gee 143. 154. da I' agliata: e La (lui- stione d' amore. 162. Boeeucdo, G. La passione del N. S. Gesii Cristo, poema. 163, see 156. 164. Qmwh'ino of Arezzo. Versi, 165. Bruni, L. La prima gu- erra punica- 166. Aninianiiati, L. B. Lettere a B. Varchi. 167. Petrucci, G. A. de. Sonecti. 168. Forestani, S. di 1), Alcune poesie del Saviozzo. 169. Geta e Birria. novella. 170-1. Petrarca, F. La vita solitaria. 2 v. 172. Folgore o/" San Qemiqnano. Le rime di Folgore, e di Cene da la Chi- tarra- 173. Justinus. Delle istorie volgarizzamento. 174. Tassoni, A. Rime. 175. Casa, U. della, Amore di- spetto per costanza, visione. 176. Sandabad. Storia di Stefano. 177-8. Gnasti, C, editor. II sacco di Prato. 2 v. 179. Mazzatinti, G,, editor. Poesie religiose del secolo 14. 180. Florus, L. A. Compendio di storia romana. 181. Manzoni, L., f//;7or. Libro di carnevate dei sec. 15el6. 182-3. XiceoW of Poggibnns-i. Libro d' oltramare. 2 v. 184. II Grappa, pseud. Commento sopra la canzone [del Firen- zuolal in lode della .salsiccia- 1S5. Castni, T., editor. Le rime dei poeti 186. Riedardi, F. Ricordi sto- rici, 1494-1.50.1. 187. Due farse del secolo Iti. 188,190. Storia di Ugone d' Aveniia. 189. Adimari, A. L' adora- zione de' magi- 191. Forteguerri, G. Novelle. 192. Ricei, C. editor. Cronache e documenti per la storia ravennate del secolo 16. 193. Giustiniani, L. Poesie. 194. La di- scesa di Ugo d' Alvernia alio inferno. 195. Ricettario galante del secolo 16. 196. Le regole della Trappa. 197. Casini, T.,c'/?^o?\ Testi inediti di antiche rime volgari. 198. Calegari, G. A. Cronaca di Brisighella e Val d' Amone. 199. Carlo quinto in Siena. 1530. 2(K>. Storia di Camnriano contadi no. 201. I due prinii libri della isto- ria Cli Merlino. 202. Mattiolo, P. di. Cronaca bolognese. 203, Rniguerri, S. La buca di Monteferrato. Lo studio d* Atene. e II gagno; poemetti satirici. 204. Gelli, G. B. Lezioni petrarchesche. 205. Trissino, G. G. La Sofonisba; con note di T. Tasso- 206. Pallitdo, P. Le teste pel con- S CELT A 606 SCHEFFER ferimento del patriziato romano a G. e L. de Medici. "OT. Tartlienia. L. Itinerario. -208. Pisa. Statute inedit_o dell' arte degli speziali iiel secolo 15. 209. El dyalogo di Salomon e ilarcolpho. 210. Storia siciliana. Ft. 1; Stiulii preliminari da S. V. Bozzo. 211. PSrcopo, E., f^i'"''. I.\ . poemetti sacri dei secoli 14 e 15. 212. Panua, D. F. Dia- rlo del viaggio in Iiighilterra nel 1639 del Rossetti. -U. Marimiolle. C. ila. Rime varie. 214. Frati, L.. ediUtr.\\ saccb di Volterra nel. U-a. 215. B>«>- C-, /'"'o^- Gh SDagnuoli e i Veneziani in Romagna, 152,-9. ill). .>aai, orifiario bolognese. 217. Tanara. T. La cacoia degli nneplli 218. MaiiKO. F., «rfitor. La guerra di CamoUia, e La presa di Koma. 219, 226, 236. Medin. A., it- Frat>,^L., editors. Lamenti storioi dei secoli 14.16. v. l-.i. --i>. Pistoia. Una confraternita del secolo 16. i'-'l, --•>• Marsi, A. I drammi pastorali. 222. II libro del colon. •'2.3. Sabadiiio ilegli Arienti, (i. Gyneveradele claredonne. ■'"l Paxzi de' Medici, A. Le tragedie metriche. 22<. Bcrtioli, P. F. Rime. 228. Cherubiiio da Siena Regole delh ■ ■ ■ " Albert can't'!iv' I'lTliin'i" .' VihincTlforeredito da V. Crescini. v. 1. M4 Itniniolirii (' Ilillebrand, K. Italia, v, 1. — DieNeiiordnungder Papstwahldnrch Nikola- us II. ; Texte und Forschungen zur Geschich- te des Papstthnnis im 1 1 Jahrhimdert. Strass- burg, 1879. O. 2fi2 13 Sclieible, J., editor. Das Kloster, weltlich und geistlich : meist aus der iiltern deutschen Volks-. Wander-, Curiositaten und vorzugs- weise ko.uischen Literatur. Stuttgart, 1845- .50. 13 V. S. il. por. pl.faosim. tab. 837 16 Contents; 1. Volksprediger, Moralisten unci frommer Unsinn.— Briiiiilt, IS. Narrenschiff, mit Geilers von Kai- sersberg Predigteii dariiber, — Muriier, J, Scbelmenzunft. 3. Doctor .Jitbann Faust. 3. Christopb Waj^ner. Faust's Famulus; Don -Juan Tenorio von Sevilla; die Schwarz- kiinstler, und die Bescbworer von Holle und Ilimmel. 4. Der Tbeuerdank. — Thomas Murner's Schriften und sein Leben, nebst dessen NarrenbeschworunK und Ob der Konig von Kngland ein Lusner sey odt-r lier Luther. 5. Die Sage vom Faust.— Faust auf der V»>lksbiibne. — Zau- ber-Bibliotbek. ff. Die gute alte Zeit. T. Horn. F. Der Festkalendei-. 8. Fiscliiirt, J, (ieschicbtklitteruiig und Ailer Praktik Grossmutter. — .Murner, T. Gaacinnatt, nebst Satyren wider ihn von Utz Eckstein. !). Korn, F. Mythologie der Volkssagen und Volksmiihrchen. 10. Fiscliart, J. Flohhatz, Weibertratz, Ehezuchtbiiohlein, Podagraramisch Trostbtichlein. sammt zehen kleineren Schriften. Miirner, T.Von Lutheriscben Narren, Kirchen- dieb- und Ketzerkalender, und sieben Satyren wider' ihn. n. Die Geschichte von Faust in Heimen; die deut- schen Volksbiicher von Faust und Wagner und die Hi- storien von den Zauberern Baco, Zyto, Bnider Rausoh und .Vndern. 12, Korii^ F. Die Sitten und Gebriiuche der Deutscben und ihrer Nachbarvolker. 13. Die flie- geuden Blatter des Iti und 17 .Jahrhunderts, in Einblatt- Drucken. Das Schaltjahr ; welches ist der teutsch Kalender mit den Figiiren und hat 366 Tag. 1-5 Band : Januar. Stuttgart, 1846-7. 5 v. S. il. por. 2)1. 837 17 Scheler, Joliaiiii August Huldreicli. Diction- naire d' etyniologie fran9aise. Nouvelle edition auguieutee. Paris, 1873. O. 442 6 — Glossaire. (J/i Froissart, J. Qiuvres, 1867- 77, V. 19.) 940 30 — Trois traites de lexicographie latine du 12e et du 13e siecle. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 6-8, 1865-7.) Li roumans de Cleomades par Adenes li Rois: publ. par A. van Hasselt. (In same.v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 — annotator, see Glossaire roman-latin du loe siecle, 1865. 479 12 —editor, see Adenes li Ruis. Les enfances d'Ogier. 1874. 841 7.3 Froissart, J. CEuvres : Poesies. 1870-3. 841 17.1 (irrandgagnage, C. M. J. Dictionnaire de la langue wallonne, v. 3, pt. 3, 1880. 447 7 Scheller, Karl Friedricli Arend, editor, see Barkliuseii, H. Reiuke de Fos. 1835. 837 7 Der Laien Doctrinal. 1835. 839.2 11 [Schichtbucli:] Shigt-b5k derstad Brnns- wyk. 1839. 943 50 SCHELLINO, Friedricli Willielm Josepli von. Kiiber, K. Die (irundiaincipien der Schelling" schen Naturphilosopliie. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. (7)1 Virchow cfc Holtzendorfr. Vortriige. 16 Serie.) 043 1 —Leopold, K. (i. at. Styoken om Schellingska fllosophien. (In his Saml. skrifter, 1814-33, v. 4.) 839.71 20 SchelliugjPieter van der. & Alkeniade,K. van. Nederlands displegtigheden. Rotterdam, 1733- 5. 3 v. D. pi. 394 1 Die Sclielnieii Zunftt, .see Miirner, T. Scheltenia, Pieter. Remlirand ; redevoering over het leven en verdiensten van Rembrand van Rijn. Amsterdam, 1853. O. jior. 927 13 Scbenlfl, ('onrad Pliilipp. Der Barometer und seine Benutzung, vorziiglich zum Hohenmess- en. 2 Autiage. Brunn, 18.56. O. 46 p. 551.5 1 Sclierer, H. Der Raub der drei Bistliiimer, Metz, Tull und Verdun, 1553 [-1648]. (//< Rail- mer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1843.) — Der Verrath Strasburgs an Frankreich. 1681. (In same. 1843.) 905 1 Soberer, Willielin, editor, see Grimm, J. L. K, Deutsche Grammatik. 1870-89. 435 4 — * Miilleiihoir, K. V., editors. Denkmaler deutscher Poesie und Prosa aus dem 8-12 Jahr- hundert. Berlin, 1864. O. 830 8 Lo scberno degli del, .see Bracciolini, F. Scherz, Jobanu Georg:, editor, see Scbilftr, J. Thesaurus antiquitatum Teutonicarum. 1737-8. 830 9 Sclierz, List und Rache, ein Singspiel, see Gotbe, J. W. von. v. 11. Sclierzer, Karl, Ritter von. Die Anfange mensclilicher Industrie. Berlin, 1883. O. 33 p. {In Yirchow & Holtzendorff, Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Scheurl, CIiristoph.Epistel iiber die Verfassung der Reichstadt Nfirnberg. 1516. {In Munich — K. baier. Altad. Chroniken der deutscben Stadte, V. 11, 1874.) 943 24 Sch6vlng, Hallgriniur Hanuesson, translator, see Cato, D.Hugsvinns-miil. 1831. 839.61 13 Scbiani, Mauro, editor, see Cava de' Tirreni. Codex diplumaticus. 1873-5. 327 3 Schiaparelli, Ernesto. II libro dei funerali degli antic-hi Egiziani ; memoria. {In Rome— R. accad. dei Ilncei. Atti. 3ser. sci. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 Containing three texts with transliteration and trans- lation. Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virgiuio. Osservazioni astronomjche e lisiche suU" asse di rotazione e suUa topografia del pianeta Marte. pi. map. {In same, sci.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.; 065 4 Schiaparelli, Luigi, & Mavr, C. * E. Nuova carta generale d' Italia. 3 edizione, Gotha, 1871. 148-M38 cm. in sqF.« 912 16 Schiattarella, Raffaele.La missione dello stato. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. SCI. mor. V. 1, 1870-7.) Schiavo di Bari, see Dottrina. 065 5 SCHICHTBUCH 608 SCHLA GINTWEIT ISchichtbucli:] Dat schichtboick. loU. (In Miiiiicli— K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutsoheii StMte, v. 16, 1880: Braunschweig, V. 2.) 943 34 — Shigt-bok der stad Bruusvvyk ; herausgege- ben vou Karl F. A. Scheller. Braunschweig, 18^9. D. 943 56 .Schicksal, Erzahlung, see Tieck, J. L. Sclnif- ten. V. 14. Schieni, Frederik Eginhard Auiadeiis. Be- masrkninger angaaeude de af Kong Sigurd Jorsalafarer paa Sophiekirken i Konstantiuo- pel opsatte Drageflgurer ; et Foredrag. Kjo- benhavn [,1860]. O. [1 + ] 18 p. pZ. 949 36 — Uescente en Augleterre projetee par le roi de Danemark Valdemar atterdag de reunion avec les Fran?ais. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Uld.- Selskab. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.)— Uneenigme ethnographique de I'antiquite. (In same. n. s. V. 3, 1878-82.) 948 3 —Omen ethnologisk (laade fra Oldtiden. (In same. Aarboger v. 15, 1880.) 948 5 — Udsigt over Udvandringerne fra Normandiet til Italien, og Normannernes forste Erobringer i Neapel og Sicilien. {In same. Annaler. v. 5, 1844-5.;— Oni den slaviske Oprindelse til nogle Stedsnavne paa de danske Smaaoer. (In mvte. V 13, 1853.)— Et Par BeniEerkninger til Beo- wulf.' (ill same. v. 18, 1858.)— Om Navnet Lod- brok hos Angelsaxerne.— Oni en paatajnkt Laudgang i England af Kong Valdemar Atter- da"- i Forening med de Franske. iln same. v. 18,''l8.58.) 948 2 Schiesoii da Treviso, see Pozzobon, G. Schifl", Moiitz. Sopra due nuovi iiervi arresta- tori. {In Rome— It. accad. dei lincel. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 —Sulla misura della sensazione e del movi- mento. Firenze, 1869. O. 74 p. 152 3 bound unth 146 1 Schlff, Robert. Intorno alia costituzione del cloralammonio e dell' aldeidato d' ammonio. (7)1 Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.^ 065 4 Schildbiivffer, Denkwiirdige Geschichtschro- nik der. U'l Tieck, J. L. Schriften, 1828-45, V. 9.) 839 29 Der Schildbiirger wunderseltsame Geschichten und Tliaten. Leipzig, 1888. D. 94 p. il. {In VolksbUelier, 4.) 833 22 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich Yon. Siinimtliche Werke. Stuttgart, 1827-8. 18 v. T. 832 8 — Sammtliche Werke. Vollstandige Ausgabe. Stuttgart, 1855. 3 v. Q. 2^or. 832 9 — Bruch.stiick aus einer spanischen Ueberse- tzung von Wilhelm Tell. (In Jahrbiich mm. u. eng. Lit. -v. 7, 1866.)- Wilhelm Tell in ronia- nischer Uebersetzung. (I)i, sauw. v. 8, 1807.; 805 1 —The maid of Orleans. (In Bethiine, J. E. I). Spe<-iniens. 1848.) 83!).71 41.1 — Carlylo, T. The life of Friedrich Schiller, oompieliending an examination of hi.s Works. From the 3 London edition. New York, 1846. D 928 46 Schiller. (In his Essays, 1860, v. 2.)— Schiller, Goethe and Madame de Stael. ^ (In same, v. 3.) 824 8 — De Oiiincey, T. (In his Biog. essays. 1850.) ' 824 10 -Orimm, J. L. K. Rede auf Schiller. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 1.) 408 2 — Liebrecht, L. Schillers Verhaltniss zu Kants ethischer Weltansicht. Hamburg, 1889. O. 36 p. (In Yircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Rambert, E. Les Alpes revees par Schiller. (In liis Alpes, 1866-71, v. 4.) 551.43 25 —Schmidt, J. Schiller und Rousseau. Berlin, 1876. O. 47 p. {In Ylrchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 See also PICCOLOMIM, O. i Jl. Schiller, Karl, & Lubben, A. Mittelnieder- deutsches Worterbuch. Bremen, 1875-81. 6 v. O. 439.1 3 Vol. 6 is Nachtras- ScliUliiig, A. J. Johann Jakob Dillenius, 1687- 1747, seiii Leben und Wirken. Hamburg, 1888, O. 34 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vor- trage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 1 Schilling, Johann August. Die psychische Aetiologie derSculiosen. Augsburg, 1863. O. 10-f 70 p. 131 5 bound ivith 113 1 Scliiltberger, Johannes. Reisen in Europa, Asia und Afrika, 1394-1427; herausgegeben und erlautert von Karl Friedrich Neumann. Munchen, 1859. D. 910 36.1 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Important." — Schiltberger's aus Munchen, 1395-1427, Reise in den Orient ; iibersetzt und herausgegeben von A. J. Peuzel. Munchen, 1814. D. 910 36 Scliilter, Joliann, editor. Tliesaurus antiqui- tatum Teutonicarum. Ulm», 1727-8 [v. 1.'28]. 3 V. F. il. pi. ilti). 830 9 Vita Schilteri, at end of t- 2. Schiuer, Ignaz Rudolf. Fauna der Adelsber- ger -,Lueger -und Magdalenen-Grotte. (In Sciniiidl, A. Zur Hohlenkunde des Karstes. 18.54.) 551.44 1 SCHINNER, Matthias, called cardinal de Sion. (iiovio, S. .Matth;Bi cardinalis Sedunensis elogi- um. (//( Simniler, P. Vallesiaa descriptio. 1633.) 094 60 Schipper, J., editor. Englischt Ale.xiuslegen- den alls deiii 14-15 Jahrhundert. Strassbiirg, 1877. pt. 1. O. 821 13.1 Schivardi, Pliiiio. Guidaai bagni ed alleacque di Recoaro, Milano, 1876. D. il 615 22 SCHLABRENDORF, Christoph Georg Uiistav, (fritfyow. Variibagen von Ensc_, K. A. L. P. (/uRaiinior, 1'. L. U. vou. Hi-st. Taschenbuch. 1832.) 905 1 Der Schlaftrunk, ein Lustspiel, .see Lessing, G. E. V. 11. Schlaggerl, Lambert. Chroniconcoenobii Ri- beiiicensis ordinis St. Clarin, 1206-1540. (In \Vcst|)lialeii, E. J. von. Momimenta, 1739-45, V. 4.) 943 21 Sclilagiutwoit, .Vdolpli if- Hermann. Kartedes Moiite-Kosa und seiner L'mgebuiigen. Leip- zig, 1851. 52x7(1 cm. in D. 912 32 S CIILA QINT WEIT 609 SCHLESWIG Scliiagiiitweit, Robert von. Californieii; Ijaiid unci Leute. Coin, 1871. U. il. !)17.» 4 — Die paciflsclien Eisenbahnen in Nordanieri- ka. Gotba, 188tj. stiQ. [3+] 31 p. map. {In Peteruianns Jlittlleiliillgeii : Ergtmzungsliand. 18.) 910 44 ScIiIaj?intweit-Sakiiuliiiiski,Heriiiiiiiii,/Oe//tt')T vou. Keisen in liidieii and Hochasien ; eine Darstellung der Landschalt, der Ciiltur und Sitten der Bewohner, in Verbindung init kli- matischen und geologischen VeriiiUtnissen ; basirt auf die Resultate der wissenschattlichen Mission von Hermann, Adolpli und Robert Schlagintweit. Jena, 1869-80. 4 v. O. p/. maps. 915.4 8 Schlatter, Daniel. Bruchstiicke aus einigen Reisen nach dem siidliclien Russland, 1832-8. Neue Ausgabe. St. Gallen, 1836. O. pi. fac- sim. map. 914.7 33 Sclilegel, August Willielni von & K. W. F. Anthologie aus den Werken. Hildburghausen, 1831. Tt. 94-H3p. (Miniatur-Bibliotliek.) 831 82 Sclilesel, Jolian Friderich Wilheim. )climellcr, Johann Andreas. Bayerisches Wor- terbuch. Stuttgart, 1827-37. 4 v. in 3. O. 437 1 —Die Mundarten Bayerns gramniatiscli dar- gestellt: beygegeben ist eine Sammlung von Mundart-Proben. Munchen, 1821. O. majj. 437 3 — Sogenanntes cimbrisches Worterbucli ; das ist, Ueutsches Idiotikon der 7. und 13. Comuni in den venetianischen Alpen; mit Einleitung und Zusiitzen herausgegeben von Joseph Berg- mann. Wien, 1855. O. maps. 437 3 —editor, see Heliand [,text and glossary]. 1830- 40. 831 44 SozmUal, L. von. Reise, 1465-7. 1844. 831 57 Schniid, Friedricli Ernst Tlieodor. Leben des Dichters. (In Voss, J. H. Sammtliche Werke. 1835.) 831 86.2 Scliuiid, Reinhold, edj7or.Die Gezetze der Ang- elsaclisen,inder Ursprache, mit Uebersetzung, Erliiuterungen und einem antiquarischen Glossar. 2 vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. Q. 346 1 8climidl, Adolf. Ueber den unterirdischen Lauf derRecca. [Wien, 1851.] O. [1-f] 28 p. jmjj. 551.48 17 — Zur Hohlenkunde des Karstes. Wien, 1854. O, <& Atlas, q. 551.44 1 Schmidt, August, 0 13 Noted by Mr. Marsh as an "Extremely learned and important worli.'" Schiiltz, Ernst Gustav. Jerusalem; eineVorle- Bung. Berlin, 1845. O. 915.6 38 Plan waatlnp;. Scliultz, Ferdinand. Erinnerung und Gediicht- niss. Berlin, 1881. O. 33 p. ( Jii Yireliow * Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 16Serie.) 043 1 — Die Tonkunst nacli Ursprung und Umfang ihrer Wirkung. Berlin, 1883. O. 40 p. (In same. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Sclinltz, Johann. Annales Plessenses diploma- tici, 1160-1713 ; seu. Memoriae nobilium de Plessen in Megapoli. (/h Westphalen, E. J.ron. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Scliultz, Jnliann Mattliias, annotator, see An- relins Antouiuns, M. Commentariorum libri. 1829. 888 41 Sclinlz, Albert. Reimregister zu den Werken Wolframs von Eschenbach. Quedlinburg, 1867. O. 831 92 Scliuiz, Bernhard, editor, see Hartuiann ron Aue. Sechs Lieder und der arme Heinricli. 1871. 831 39 Scluilze, Ernst. Gothisches Woerterbuch, nebst Fle.xionslebre. Zullichau, 1867. O. 439.9 4 Scluilze, Ernst Heinricli Ferdinand. Das alte Rom als Grossstadt und Weltstadt. Berlin, 1878. O. 40 p. (7(1 Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Scliiilze-Delitzscli, Hermann. Sociale Rechte und Pflichten. Berlin, 1866. O. 33 p (In Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrilge. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Scliuinacher, Herniailn Adolf. Das Rettungs- wesen zur Si/e. Berlin [,1867]. O. 48 p. (In same. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Schumann, .Jnlius. Geologiscbe Wanderungen durch Altpreussen; gesammelte Aufsiitze, mit einer Lebensskizze. Konigsberg, 1869. O. 554.3 3 bound unth 551.58 114 Schumann, Karl. Die Ameisenpflanzen. Ham- burg, 1889. O. 37 p. pi. (In Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Kritische Untersuchungen ilber die Zinit- lander; ein Beitrag zur Geschicbte der Geogra- phie und des Handels. Gotlia, 1883. .sqQ. [3-I-] 53 p. 7nap. (In Petermanns Mittlieilnng- en: Ergiluzungsband 16.) 910 44 —Marco Polo. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (In Virchow A- Holtzeudorff. Vortriige. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Schnpfer, Francesco. Lalegge romana udinese. (In Koine— II. accad. dei lliicei. Atti. 3 ser. set. mor. V. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 Schnpnc, Wilhelm. Die Aristotilischen Kate- gorien. Berlin, 1871. O [H-] 71 p. 888 34 Schnrr-Murr, see Renter, F. v. 6. Schiirstal), Erhard, compiler. Niirnberg'sKrieg gegen Albrecht von Brandenburg, 1449-50 ; Kriegsbericht und Ordnungen. (In Munich — K. baler. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, V. 2, 1864.) 943 34 Schi'itz, Christian Gottfried. Lexicon Cicero- nianum. Lip.siae, 1817-31. 4 v. in 2. D. 875 14 —editor, see Cicero, M. T. Bpistoiae. 1808-12. 876 2 Der Schiitzgeist, see Tieck, .1. L. Novellen, 9, — Schriften, 35. Schuver, Jnan Maria. Reisen im oberen Nilge- biet, zwischen Blauem und Weissem Nil, 1881- 3. Gotha, 1883. sqQ. [4-I-] 95 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittheilungeu : Erganzungsband 16.) 910 44 Schuyler, Eugene. Turkistan ; notes of a jour- ney in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara and Kuldja. 3 edition. London, 1876. 2 v. O. il. pi. maps. 915.8 3 Schwab, Gustav Benjamin, ed('to/\Fiinf BUcher deutscher Lieder und Gedichte, von A. von Haller bis auf die neueste Zeit. 3 vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1840. D. 831 16 Inserted is a ms. copy of Aennchen von Tharau in German and in the Platt-Deutsch original. Schwabe, Jnlie Salis, editor. Richard Cobden; notes sur ses voyages, correspondances et souvenii-s: avec une preface de G. de Molinari. Palis, 1879. O. 923 28 [Schwabenspiegel:] Jus provinciale Alleman- nicum, Latina versione, notis illustratum. (In Schilter, J.Thesaurus, 1727-8, v. 3,) 830 9 Schwabsteder-Buch, see Schleswi? (ci7(/). Schwalb, Moritz. Luther's Entwicklung vom Moncb zum Reformator. Berlin, 1884. O. 33 p. (l>i Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortriige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Schwanenritter, see Knight of the swan. Schwarz, Karl. jZur Geschichte der neuesten Theologie. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1856. D. 209 1 SCHWARZ, Ulrich. Zur Geschichte des Biir- germeisters Ulrich Schwarz. (In Munich — K. baler. Akad. der Wlss.— ffisi. Commis. Chro- niken der deutschen Stiidte. V. 22: Augsburg. 1893.) 943 24 Scliwarze Punkte und Sonnenblicke am Le- benshimmel der Volker. Leipzig, 1871. O. 904 2 bound with 901 1 SCHWARZENBERG, Karl, Fiir.w -Voiwort. (/" Kliinziiiger, K. B. Bilderaus Oberiigypteii.'l878.) " 91«-2 ^0 Scbweiuicheii, Hans von. Leben und Abenteuer des schlesischen Ritters, von ihm selbst auf- gesetzt, und heiausgegeben von Busching. Neue Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1823-3. 3 v. U. 92.i 89 vnl » is first edition, 1882. and is entitled: Lifoen T,Sun~dLebenderDeutscliendes 16ten Jahrhunderts to den Begebe^lieiteu des schlesischen R.tters.. Scliweizer Alpenclnb. Jahrl.uch. 1864. '5, '8-9. Bern, 1864-9.' v. 1.3,5 D. il. pl- J^ap % Artistische Beilagen. D cfc O. ool.ii » Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, Auiancl, Freiherr von, editor, lee Cernik, J. Technische Studien-Ex- nedition durch die Gebiete des Euplirat und Tigris. 187.>6. (/n Petermanns SUttlieilinigen: Erganzungsband 10.) 9i0 U Sehwerin. Septem fragmenta veteris juris Zwe"in'"sis, 1232-1.593. iln Westphalei.,.E. J, VOT. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. l.)-Episcopi Frklerioi constitutiones ecclesias bvennensis, 1238. (Ill same. V. 2.) J4.i ~i —Hederich, B. Chronicon Sverinense, 1140- 1598 ; accedunt appendiculaj 4. por. pl- i.1^!- smne. v. o.j — KoDken, H. D. Solennia Martinalia bveri- nensia: addita conjectura de eoruin orig^ne (In same. v. 2.) 9*^ -l -Westplial. «., editor. Selecta literana ex epistolis qu'as servat archivum ducale feveri- nense. {In same, ^r . 4.) JiA -i Schwinimer, Ernst. Die ersten Anfange der Heilkunde und die Medizui in. alten Aegyp- ten Berlin, 1876. O. 46 p. (In VirchoW * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 04*J 1 Sclivthe, J0rgen Christian. Hekla eg dens Bkfste ^dbrud, 2 Sept. 1845. Kjobenhavn 1847. O. pi. map. ooi.-i ~' Gli sci^niitl, commedia, see Cecclii, G. M. Sciatanione mpetrato, see Antonio, G. d'. SCIATICA. Lawson, H. Sciatica, lumbago aud brachialgia; their nature and cure by hypo- dermic injection of morphia. London^.^Ui i^^ SriENCE.Aerippa, H. C. The vanity of the arts fnd sciences^ London, 1684. D. por. 601 1 —Alliertiis magmis. [Summas philosophic na- turalis tractatus 1-5.] T. 502 1 The title pii(re is wanting. — Babinet, J.Etudes et lectures sur les sciences d'observation et leurs appUcations pratK|ues Paris, 18.V)-68. 8 v. S. 504 1 —Bacon, F. Sylva sylvarum; or, A naturall historie i published by W. Rawley. 5 edition London, 1639. Q. por. iltp. 500 1 -Bofcardo, tlichen emem Staatswirthe nothwendigen Wissenschaften Copenhagen, 1787. D. o02 3 -Gothe, J. W. von. (In his Werke, 1827-42 V. 50-o.J, 58-60.) »•"*- 1 -Gould, B. A. Relations of the man of science to the community; address. Salem, 1869 O. 39 P '^ -HelniUoltz, H. L. F. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Naturwissenschaften zur Gesammtheit der Wissenschaft.-Ueber das Ziel und die Fortschritte der Naturvvissenschaft.--Ueber das Streben nach Popularisirung der ^^ issen- schaft. (Ju/u-s Vortrage, 1884.) o04 5 — Herscliel, 3. F scientific enquiry- W., editor. A manual of London, 1849. O. il. maps. 502 4 -Isidorns, St. De natura rerum. (i» Ms Opera. 1617.) -"».** -Jolinston, J. Thaumatographia naturalis in classes 10 'divisa. Editio 2. Amstelodami 1633. T. ^"2 5 — Liebig, J. von. Induction und Deduction Miincheii, 1865. O. 24 p. oOl 9 — Littr6 M. P. E.La science en Occident avant rintrodiiction des livres arabes. {In his Etudes sur les barbares. 1867.) 9*0 4 -Messedaglia, A. Delia scienze iiell' eta no- stra; ossia, Dei caratten e dell efficacia dell odierna cultura scientifica; discorso. Padova, 1874. O. -'"1 ^ —Meyer .T. B.Volksbildung und Wissenschaft in Deuts'chland wahrend der letzten Jahrhun- derte. Berlin, 1866. O. 56 p. (/Ji Vircllow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. ISerie.) 04*J 1 -Milani, G. H pii>"o passo alia scienza; pnu- cini di scienze fisiche e naturali. Milano. 18,3. D. //. ^02 6 — Neckaiu, A.De naturis rerum libri duo; edited by T Wright. London, 1863. O. (/?? Gt.Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 34.) 942 8 — Orsted, H. C. Der Geist in der Natur. Miin- chen, 18.50. 2 v. D. 501 6 — riinius Seeniidiis, 0. Historiae mundi libri ;i7. Basileae, 1515. F.-" 500 2 Naturalis historife libri 37. Londini, 1826. 12 v. O. ''OO 3 EnrjUsh: The historie of the world; trans- lated bv P. Holland. Londini, 1601. 2 v. in 1. p ■ 500 4 — Sclioiteiiluiiier, A. Ueber den Willcn in der Natur : eine Erorterung der Bestatignngen welche die Philosophie des Verfassers durch SCIENCE 615 SCOTCH DIALECT die empirischen Wissenscliaften erhalten hat. 3 Auflage, von J. Frauenstiidt. Leipzig, 18()7. O. 501 7 —Schubert, U. H. von. Ansichten von der Nachtseite der Naturwissenschaft. 4 Auflage. Dresden, 1840. O. 501 8 ^Seuecii, L. A, Qiiestiones naturales. (/u /tz.s [Works, 1 1703, v. 3.) 878 Hi — Tait, P. G.Lectureson some recentadvances in phv.-sical science; with a special lectui'e on force." Sedition. London, 1870. D. U. 504 6.1 — Tyiidall, J. The constitution of nature. {In /tis Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 ^Vircho^v, R. Ueber die nationale Entwicke- lung und Bedeutung der Naturwissenschaften; Rede. Berlin, 186.5. D. 31 p. 501 9 — Wright, T., editor. Popular treatises on science, written d\iring the middle ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English. London, 1841. O. (Hist. soc. of science.) 502 7 — Zolluer, J, C. F. Ueber die Freiheit der Wis- senschaft. (In his Wiss. Abhand,ungen, 1878- 81, V. 3, pt. 3,) 504 8 See also ARCHj:OLOGY; ASTRONOMY: BIOLOfiY; IIOT- ANT; CHEMISTRY; CLASSIFICATION OF KXOWI.KmjE : GEOLO(JY ; MAN ; MATHEMATICS ; MINEKAI,0(iY ; MU- SEUMS: NATURAL HISTORY; PALEONTOLOGY; I'HYS. ICAL GEOGRAPHY; PHYSICS; PWH'HECY; VINCI, L. da: ZOOLOGY. — DIOTIONARIES. Ro(hvell, G. F., editor. A dictionary of science; preceded l)y an es^ay on the historv of the physical sciences. London, 1871. O." 503 3 —EDUCATION. Wilson, J. M. On teaching natural science in schools. (In Farrar, F. W., editor. Essays. 1867.) 375 1 — — Youmans, E. L., editor. Modern culture: addresses and arguments on the claims of scientific education. London, 1867. D. 375 2 Contents: Tyndall, J. On the study of physics— Dim- beny, C. G. B. On the study of chemistry.— lU'iifrey, A. On the study of botany.— Huxley. T. H. On the study of zoology. — Piii;et, J. On the study of physiology.— Wlieiv- ell, W. On the educational history of science.— Fara- day, M. On the education of the Judgment.— Hode>ioii, >V. B. On the study of economic science.— Spencer, H. On political education.— MiLsson, D. On colletre-education and self-education — Youinans, E. L. On the scientific study of human nature.— Appendix. — PERIODICALS. L"anu6e scientifique et in- dustrialle; par L. Figuier. 1861-4, '79-81. Paris, 1863-83. V. 6-9, 33-5. D. il. pi. 505 4 — — •Annuaire scientifique ; publie par P. P. Deherain. 1865-7, '9. Paris, 1866-70. v. 5-7, 9. D. il. 505 5 The head-line is : Progres des sciences en 1865-9. — — Annuario scientifico ed industriale. 1869- 70. Milano, 1870-1. v. 6-7. D. t7.p/. 505 7 — — Archives des sciences physiques et natu- relles. [Half-monthly.] Nouvelle periode. Geneve, 1869-71. v. 84-42. O. pi. 505 6 — — Aus der Natur; die neueslen Entdeckung- en auf dem Gebiete der Naturwissen.schaften. 1-2 Folge. Leipzig, 1852-73. v. 1-61. O & Q. il. 505 3 — — Xatnre; a weekly illustrated journal of science. 1869-82. London, 1870-83. v. 1-26. Q. il- por. 505 3 fiques: decouvertes et inventions, progres de la science et de I'industrie. 1869. Paris, 1870. V. 9. D. il. pi. 605 2 II politecnleo; rejiertorio mensiledi studj applic;iti alia prosperita e coltura sociale. Milano, 1860-5. v. 8-27. O. il. pi. maps. 055 3 — — Rassegiia seme.strale delle scienze fisico- iiaturali in Italia. Firenze, 187."). v. 1. O. 505 8 Rivista scientifico -industriale; comiiilata da G. Vimercati. 1869-70. Firenze, 1869-71. 2 V. S. 505 9 — SOCIETIES. Modena—Societii dei naf nialisti. Annuario. Modena, 1S66. v. 1. O. pi. 506 3 See also ^\'^shiH\ Leipsic: Rome. SCIENCE AND RELIGION, see RELIGION. Scintilla, see Tomniasen, N. Scio de San Mlgnel, Felipe, translator, see Bible-A'. r.— Spanish. 225 23 SCIPIO AFRICANUS, Pnblins Cornelins. Aecl- l^noli, D. La vie deScipion. (/?i Plularehus. Vies, l.'iOo, V. 2.) 888 29 English. (/» Pliitarchns. Lives. 1631.) 888 28 El segundo Scipion, commedia, see Calderon. V. .3. Sclafani, Gaetano, translator, see Riedesel, J. H. von.Viaggioiii Sicilia. 1831. 914.5 »8 Sclopis di Salerano, Federigo Paolo, conte. II conte Cavour ; rimembranze. (In Cni'iosit 1 — Meyer, G. H. von. Ueber Sinnestiiuschungen. Berlin, 1866. O. 36 p. {In same. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Preyer, 1'. W. Die fiinf Sinne des Menschen. Leipzig, 1870. O. [4-I-] 75 p. 152 3 bound with 146 1 Ueber Empfindungeii. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. (In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Schiff, M. Sulla misura della sensazione e del morimento ; lettura, 18 aprile 1869. Fi- renze, 1869. O. 74 p. 152 3 boioid ji'ifft 146 1 — Schmidt-Rimpler,H. Ueber die allmillige Ent- wicklung des sinnlichen Unterscheidungsver- niogens der Menschheit. Berlin, 1877. O. 29 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — Wendt, H. Sinneswahrnehmungen und Sin- nestiluschungen. Berlin, 1872. O. 32 p. {In same. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Wittlch, W. H. vou. Ueber die Schnelligkeit unseres Empfindens und Wollens. Berlin, 1868. O. 31 p. {In same. 3 Serie.) 043 1 See also EYK: S.>IELL; TOICH. SENSITIVENESS, see OD. Sentenze di profeti, erangelisti e santi padri, secondo un codice citato dagli Accademici della Crusca: per cura di Teodorico Landoni. (In Emilia. Miscellanea. 1861.) 850 5 A sentimental journey through France and Italy, see Sterne, L. La sepmaine ; ou. Creation du monde, see I)u Bartas, tl. de S. Sepp, Johann Xepomnk. Kaiser Friedrich I. Barbarossa's Tod und Grab. Berlin, 1879. O. 56 p. (Jrt VirchoTT & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Septuagint, see Bible— O. T.— Greek. Sepulchral reminiscences, see Turner, D. SEPULCHRES, see BURIAL. SERAGLIO, see HAREM. The seraphim, see Browning, E. B. B. Die Serapions-Briider, see Hoffmann, E. T. A. V. 1-4. SERVTICO FAMILY. Serrego-AUighieri, P. di.Dei Seratico e dei Serego-Alligliieri; cenni storici. Torino, 1865. O. 8-H48p. pi. tab. 929 13 Sercambi, Giovanni. Novelle. Bologna, 1871. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 119.) 850 10 Serdonati, Francesco. Giunta. (In Boccaccio, G. I casi de gl' huoiiuni illustri. 1.598.) 920 3 —Giunta. (In .same. Libro delle donne illustn. 1596.) 920 4 — trniishitor, see Seneca, L. A. Dell' ira. 1863. (//(Bibl. rara. 25.) 850 3 Serego-Allighicri, Pletro di. Del Seratico e del Surego-Alligliieri : cenni storici. Torino, 1805. (). 8-fl8 p. pilot, pi. tab. 929 12 Sereniiis, Jakob. Dictionarium Anglo-Svethi- co-Latinum; i)ra>mittitur Erici Benzelii Praa- fatio de nova Ulphihv editione, itemque au- tboris De voteruiu Sveo -Gothoruni cum An- glis usu&commcreio dissertatio. Ilaml/urgi, 173 1. siiQ. facsim. 439.73 11 SERIES, see CALCULUS. SJERLO 621 SETTEQA8T-PR0SKA U Serlo of Paris. Versus de filiis presbyterorum. — Poemata. (//i Wright, T. Anglo-Latin satir- ical poets, 1873, V. 3 ; in (it. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 59.) 942 8 SERMONS. Tlie IJlickliiigr homilies of the 10th century; edited, with translation and index, by R. Morris. London, 188G. O. (/)( E, E. text soc. Orig. ser. 58, 63, 73.) 820 5 —Morris, R., e.dilor. Old English homilies of the 13th and 13th centuries; with introduction, translation and notes. Series 1-3. London, 1868-73. 3 V. O. facsim. an E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 29, 34, .53.) 820 5 — Taveriier,R.,co»ipi7cr.Postils on the Epistles and Gospels; published in 1.540, and now ed- ited by E. Cardwell, Oxford, 1841. O. 252 8 The library contains collections of sermons by Abra- ham a St. Ciara ; J-IIfrk ; Bernanl, SL; Ittinyan, J.; t'ulver- wcU, X.; Epiirem, St.; Fuller, T.; Oiordaiio of Ilimlto ; HalU 1^*: Horoxco, A. tie; Latimer, H. ; Leit^htoii, R. : Lever, T.; Luther, M.; Marteiisen, II. L.: Slartinoau, J.; Parker, T.; Pedersen, C. ; Saokmaini, J.: Shute, J.; Smith, H.; Soutfi, 11. ; Sterne, L.; Swift, .1.; Taijler, .1.; Vieira, A. SERNSKOLD, Samuel. Rosenstein, N. voii. Tal ofver Sernskold, 1 Juni 1797. (M liis Skrifter, 1838, V. 1.) 839.78 1 SERPENTINE, Cossa, A. Sul serpentino di Verrayes in Valle d' Aosta. p/. {In Rome — R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 3.) — Sulla composizione di alcuni serpentini della Toscana. (In same. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 — Taramelli, T. Sulla formazione .serpentinosa deir Apennino pavese. pi. map. (In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 3.) 065 4 Serra, Giiillem, translator, ste Genesi de scrip- tura. 1873. 869 4 Serradifalco, Domenico lo Faso Pietrasaiita, diica di. Le antichita della Sicilia esposte ed illustrate. Palermo, 1834-42. 5 v. F.^ j,or. jjl. maps. 913 41.1 — Del duomo di Monreale, e di altre chiese si- culo-normanne. Palermo, 1838. F.« [3-I-] 87 [+3] p. 726 19 Serres (Latin Serraiiiis), Jean de.Historie van de Maaght van Orleans : over-gheset by Govert Basson. {In Scot, R. Ondecking van tovery. 1638.) 133 9 Serves, Olivier de, seigneur du Pradel. Le theatre d'agriculture et mesnage des champs. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de notes et d'un vocabulaire. Paris, 1804-5. 2 v. sqQ. par. pi. 630 18 Serret. Joseph Alfred. Memoire sur I'emploide la niethode de la variation des arbitraires dans la theorie des mouvements de rotation. — Me- moire sur la theorie des congruences. (In Paris — Iiistitiit— ^cad. des sciences. Mem. v. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 Serristori, Alfredo. La costa dalmata e il Mon- tenegro durante la guerra del 1877 ; note di viaggio. Firenze, 1877. O. 914.9 53 Serrnre, C. P., editor, see Baldwin, I. Le livre de Baudoyn. 1886. 843 4 La serra amorosa, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 8. SERVANTS. Defoe, D. Everybody's business is nobody's business. (In his Novels, etc., 1840-1, V. 19.) 823 7 Directions to servants, sec Swift, J. v. 6. SERVETUS, Michael. Tolliii, ll.Charakterbild des Servet's. Berlin, 1876. O. 48 p. (7h Vir- chow l. map. 914.9 49 —Mackenzie, (J. M., & Irby, A. P. Notes on the south Slavonic countries in Austria and Turkey in Europe; edited by H. Sandwith. Ed- inburgh, 1865. O. 66 p. maps. 949 71 SERVIAN LANGUAGE. Boskovl6, S. Theore- tisch-praktisches Lehrbuch der serbischen Sprache. 2 Auflage, von J. BoSkovicj. Pnst 1871. O. 491.8 3 — Popovii, J. Worterbuch der serbischen und deutschen Sprache. PanSova, 1879-81. 2 v i" L O. 491.8 3 SERVIAN LITERATURE. Grimm, J. L. K., translator. Erbschaftstheilung, serbisch. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 1.) — Neun- zehn serbische Lieder. (In same. v. 4.) 408 2 See also indexes in v. 5 and 8. —Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. History of the Il- ly rico -Servian language. — Servian popular poetry. (In her Hist, of lang. and lit. of Slavic nations. 1850.) 891 9 ^—translator, Volkslieder der Serben; nie- trisch iibersetzt und historisch eingeleitet. Neue vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1853. 2 v. S. 891 11 From the 18-10 edition of Vuli's collection. — Riineberg, J. L., translator . Serviska folk- sanger. (In his Saml. arbeten, 1861-4, v. 3 ) 839.71 33 From P. von Gotze's German version of Vuk's colleo- tion, published in 1827. —Sanders, D., translator .Aus Aem Serbischen: Lieder der Liebe und des Scherzes. (In his Aus den besten Lebensstunden. 1878.) 831 77 bound with 74 — Tommass^o, N., translator. Canti illirici. (In /iisCanti popolari, 1841-3, v. 4.) 859 7 From Vuk's collection. See also La moglle del capitano Priiezda. SERVILE WARS, see SICILY. Servin, Louis. Extract wt 't playdoye aen- gaende Jehan Breton ende Jehanne Simoni zijn huysvrou bescbuldicht van toverv, 1594. (In Scot,R. Ondecking van tovery. 1638.") 133 9 II servitore di due padroni, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 12. Sesellius, Claudius, see Seissel, C. de. Sestini,— . Sull' acido foto-santonico. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v 3 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 Sestini, Fansto. Dei procedimenti per la ma- cerazione delle piante per filo e tessuti ; manu- ale. Roma, 1873. O. il. {In Italy— Min. di agric. Annali.) 633 3 I sette soldati, canto, see Aleardi, A. Settegast-Proskau, Hernmnn. Aufgaben und Leistungen der modernen Thierzucht. Berlin 1870. O. 33 p. pi. (/» VirchowdHoltzen- dorff. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 SETTEMBRINI 622 SHAKESPEA RE Setteiiibriiii, Liiig'i. Lezioni di letteratura ita- liaiia. :2 edizioue. Napoli, 1869-73. 3v. D. 850 16 Setticelli, L. Sguardo storico sulla facciata del duoino di Firenze. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1875. D. 72G 17 SETTDIO, Riigg'iero. Coloniia, G. Ruggiero Settimo. Torino, 1861. T. 79 p. jjoc. (I con- temp. Italiani.) 923 91 Seuffertj Lotliar. Das Autorrecht an literari- schen Erzeugnissen. Berlin, 1873. O. 44 p. (In Vircliowc&Holtzeiidorff.Voitiage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 Seiiine, Jolianu Gottfried. Spaziergang nach Syralius, 1803. Leipzig [,1869 V]. T. 914.5 99 SEVEN CHAMPIONS. Johnson, R. The re- nowned history of the seven champions of Cliristendoiu and their sons. London, 1824. T. pZ. 293 20 Tlie seven deadly sins ; by R. Morris. {In Jiihrbncli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 Seven sages, see Saudabad. [Seven sleepers:] Von den siben slafaeren; Ge- dicht des 13 Jahrhunderts, herausgegeben Ton T. G. V. Karajan. Heidelberg, 1839. D. [3-F] 16-t-43p. 293 19.1 Seven stories, see Mitchell, D. G. Seven Swabians, see Geschichte von den sieben Schwaben. Seven wise masters, see Sandabad. Severini da Faria, Manuel. Noticias de Portu- gal; acrescentadas pelo Joze Barbosa. 3 edi9ao, augmentada por Joaquini Francisco Monteiro. Lisboa, 1791. 3 v. S. pi. 914.6 14 Vidade Severim in v. 1. — Varios discnrsos politicos ; fielmente reini" pressos por Joaquim Francisco Monteiro. Lis" boa, 1791. S. 914.6 14 — Vida de Barros. (In Barros, J. de, & Couto, D. de. Da Asia, 1777-88, v. 9.) 954 2 Sewel, Willeni. Histori van de Quakers. Am- sterdam, 1717. F. 289 1 SEWERAGE. Miiller, A. Die Ziele und Mittel eiuer gesundheitliclien und wirthschaftlichen Reinhaltung der Wohnungen, besonders der stadtischen. Dresden, 1869. O. [3-h] 89 p. 628 11 Sewerzow, N., see Sievertsov. SEX. Delpino, F. Sull' opera La distribuzione deisessi nelle piante del F. Hildebrand. Mi- lano, 1867. O. 34 [-H] p. 680 1 — Lioy, P. Sulla legge della produzione dei sessi. 3 edizione coll'...lettera a) Marsh sul lato destro e sinistro. Milano, 1875. D. 677 3 — Rameri, L. Legge statislica dell' influenza del scsso sulla durata della vita umana in Ita- lia. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei mor. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 5 — Tliury, M. Ueber das Gosetz der Erzeugung del- (iesi'liU'i-liter bei den Pllanzcn, den Tliieren und dcm Menschen; ;ius dem Franziisischen, mit einer kritischen Bearbeitung von IL A. Pagonstecher. Leipzig, 1864. O. 45 p. 577 3 Scxe, Sjnrd Aaniiindsen. On giants caldrons; [Knglish and Danish.) Cbristiania, 1874. sqQ. [3] + 44 p. pi. 561.31 10 bound with 548 2 — On the rise of land in Scandinavia. Chri- stania, 1873. sqO. 17 p 561.24 1 Seydlitz, Melchior von. Griindtliche Beschrei- bung der Wallfart nach dem heiligen Lande, neben Vermeldung der Gefengnuss derselben Gesellschafft; auffs new vom authore uberseh- en. Gorlitz, 1580. sqO. il. 943 35 Seyffarth, Giistav. [Various articles.] (In Leip- slc— K. siiclis. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-8.) 063 1 Seymour, Horatio. Facts for tax payers; speech before the canal committee of the legis- lature of New York, April 9, 1878. Utica, [1878.] 16 p. 080 30.1 Valued by Mr. Marsh as Illustrating the use of short words. — The use of sliort words; remarks, Utica, Feb. 1878. Utica, 1878. O. 8 p. 080 20.1 La sfera, see Dati, L. di S.; Tolosani, G. M. La sflnge, see Malatesti, A. SFORZA, Francesco Alessandro, dtike of Mil- an. Sinionetta, G. Rerum gestarum F. Sphor- tiae... Mediolani, 1486. F. 093 6 Sforza, Giovanni. La congiura di Pietro Fati- nelli contro la signoria lucchese, raccontata suidocumenti. Lucca, 1865. O. 77 [-f]2 p. 945 80 Ludovico Sforza [,tragedia], see Niccoliui, G. B. V. 3. Saranarelle; ou, Le cocu imaginaire, comedie, see Molifere, J. B. P. de. v. 1. SgrHttendio,Felippo,pse(«(?on2/m of Balzano,F. The shadow of Cliristianity, see Marsli, L. Sliadwell, John Emilias Lancelot, & Wriglit, U. S., editors. A golden treasury of Greek prose. Oxford, 1870. S. (Clarendon press series.) 888 1 Shaftesbury, Antlioiiy Asliiey Cooper, 3d earl of. Characteristicksof men. manners, opinions, times, n. p., 1749. 3 v. T. i7. 822 7 FARJHNG ON SHARES, SHAUE-SYSTEM, see LAND. Sliarpe, Samuel, editor & translator, see The decree of Canopus. 1870. 419 2 Shaw, John. Life. tab. {In Jackson, C. York- shire diaries, 1877-86, v. 1; in Surtces soc. 65.) 820 7 Shaw, Thomas. Travels ; or. Observations re- lating to several parts of Barbary and the Le- vant. Oxford, 1738. F.'' jjl. maps. 916.1 3 Shaw, Thomas Budd. A history of English lit- erature. New edition, with notes and illus- trations by William Smith. London, 1864. D. (.Student's manuals.) 820 16 Shaw, Williaui. An enquiry into the authen- ticity of the poems ascribed to Ossian. Dub- lin, 1782. S. 891 7.3 SHEEP. Certiiyne causes wherein is shewed the decaye of England by the multitude of shepe [,1550-3]. (In Fish, S. Supplicacyon. 1871; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 13.) 820 5.1 Der Sheik von Alessandria und seine Sklaven, see Haiifi', W. v. 4. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical works: edited by Mrs. Shelley, with a memoir. Boston, 1865. 3 V. 1). par. 1^21 96 SHELL-HEAPS. Wyman, J. An account of shell-heaps in Maine anci Massachusetts. Sa- lem, 1867. O. 26 p. 572 4 An account of the fresh-water shell-heaps of the St. Johns river, East Florida. Salem 1868. O. 27 p. pZ. 571 4 Shelton, Edward. The dictionary of every-day difficulties. London [,pref. 1862]. D, 423 9 Shelton, Maurice, translator, see Wottoii, W. Short view of G. Hickes's Treasury of the northern languages. 1737. 429 8 The shepheards pipe, see Browne, W. Shepherd, Charles William. The north-west peninsula of Iceland, 1862. London, 1867 D pi. map. . 9i4;9 13 Shepherd, WlUi-am. History of the American revolution. [Anon.] London, 1830. O. 64 p. (Lib. of useful knl.j 973 25 Sheppard, Joseph Brigstocke, etlitor, see Can- terbury. Christ church letters. 1877. (/)( Cam- den soc. n. s. 19.) g2o 4^ Litera? Cantuarienses. 1887-9. (//; Gt Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 85.) ' Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler. AVoi"ks collected by Thomas Moore. New edition, with biographical sketch. Leipsic, 1833. O. 822 21 —Whipple, E. P. {In his Essays, 184S-9. v. 2.) Sherley, Anthony, Robert * Thomas. The three brothers: or. Travels and adventures in Fo*;T-''*'t.^"^'''''' Turkey, Spain, etc. London, 182.3. D. por. 91Q 37 SHERMAJSr 624 Sherman, William Tecumseli. Memoirs, by himself. New York, 1875. •iv.O.maps. 973 43 Sherwood, Robert. A dictionary English and French. (7)i Cotgrave, R. French-English dic- tionary. IGOO.) 443 7 SHETLAJVI) DIALECT. Laureiison, A. Om Sproget paa Shetlandsoerne. (In Copenhagen — K. nord.Old.-Selskab. Aunaler. v. 30, i860.) 948 3 — Lyug'by, K. J. Om Sproget paa Hjaltlands- oerue. (In same.) 948 3 SHETLAND ISLANDS. Thomsen, G. Den nor- diske Nationalitet paaShetlands-ogOrknoerne. (/?! same. v. 32, 1803.) 948 3 — Zlegler, A. [In Ids Meine Reise im Norden, 1800, V. 1.') 914.8 7 Shigt-bok, see Sehichtbnch. Shillingford, John. Letters and papers of Shil- liugford, mayor of Exeter, 1447-50; edited by Stuart A. Moore. [London,] 1871. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 3. ) 820 4.1 SHIN-TAU. Satow, E. JI. The revival of pure shin tau. Yokohama, 1883. O. [1-I-] 87 p. {In Asiatic soc.,"of Japan. Trans, v. 3, apx.) 915.2 1 Shipley, Marie A. (Brown), wife o/ John B., translator, see Rnneberg, J. L. Nadeschda. 1S79. 839.71 34 SHIPS. The ancient vessel found in the parish of Tune, Norway. Christiania, 1873. F. 6 p. pi. 913 47 boimd with 17 — Tnxen, N. E. De nordiske Langskibe. il. pi. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Uld.-Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V, 31, 1886.) 948 5 ^ — French : Les longues nefs de I'ancienne marine septentrionale. il. pi. {In same. Me- moires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 See also BOATS. SHIPWRECK, see LIFE SAVINO. Shirley, Anthony, see Sherley. Shirley, Walter Waddiugton. A catalogue of the original works of John VVyclif. Oxford, 1865. O. 012 1 — editor. Royal and other historical letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III., 1316-73. London, 1802-6. 3 v. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 37.) 942 8 Walden, T. X. of. Fasciculi zizaniorum J. Wyclit. 1858. (In same. 5.) 942 8 Slioberl, Frederic. Persecutions of popery. New York, 1844. O. 272 3 SHOES. Bynajus, A. Decalceis Hebrajorum. Dordraoi, 1082. T. il.iil. 3913 Shoreham, William de. Religious poems; edit- ed by Tliomas Wright. London, 1849. D. (In Percy soc. v. 38.) 820 Short, Charles. The order of words in Attic Greek prose ; an essay. (In Yonge, C. D. Eng- lish-Greek lexicon. 1870.) 483 3 A short instruction into Cliristian religion; be- ing a catechism set forth liy Archbisho|) Cran- mer in 1548 ; witii the same in Latin, trans- lated from the German bv Justus Jonas in 1539 [; edited by Edward Burton]. Oxford, 1829. O. il. 241 1 A short treatise against stage-playes, 1635. {In Haxlilt, W. C. linglish drama; in his Rox- burghe lib. 4.) 821 3 SICILIAN- DIALECT SHORT-HASD. Moser, H. Die Stenographie nach Geschichte und Wesen. Hamburg, 1887. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff.Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) , 043 2 Shreve, Henry Miller. Memorial in relation to the removal ?)f snags, sawyers, &c., from the western rivers by the use of his steam snag Ijoat;— Official evidence as reported to the House of representatives, 1834-47. Saint Louis, 1847. D. 13-1-38 p. pi. 627 19 The shrine, a collection of occasional papers, see Cockayne, T. 0. SHROPSHIRE DIALECT, see Audelay, J. Shiite, Josias. Judgement and mercy; or The plague of frogges ; in nine sermons ; added a sermon at his funerall, by Ephraim Udall. London, 1645. sqD. 232 7 SIAM. Beauvoir, L. de. Siam. pi. mapi. (In his Voyage autour du monde, 1873-9, v. 3.) 910 24 — Mouhot, A. H. Travels in Siam, 1858-60. London, 1864. 3 v. O. il. maps. 915.9 1 — Wood, W. M. Fankwei; or. The San Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan. New Y'ork, 1859. O. 915 20 Slbbern, Frederik Christian. Om Poesie eg Konst. Kjobenhavn, 1834. v. 1. D. 701 4 No more published. — Patriotiske Intelligentsblade; na^rmest i An- ledning af Provindsialst^ndernes Forsamling i Roeskilde, 1835. Kjabenhavn, 1835-6. 2 pt. O. 328 4 Sibbern, Niels Peder. Supplementa & acces- siones ad Bil)liothecam historicam Dano-Nor- vagicam 1716 ab ipso editam. (In Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1730-45, v. 4.) 943 31 SIBERIA. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and west- ern Siberia; seven years' explorations and ad- ventures. New Y'ork, 1858. O. il. pi. map. 915.7 1 ^Castr^n^ M. A. Nordiska resor och forskning- ar. Helsingfors, 1853-8. 5 v. O. por. pi. maps. 947 13 For content.s .^ee Castrt'ii. — Milne, J. Journey across Europe and Asia. (In Asiatic soc. of Japan. Trans, v. 7, 1879.) 915.2 1 — Wreech, C. F. von. Wahrhaffte und umstand- liche Historie von denen schwedischen Ge- fangenen in Russland und Siberien, nach dem A. 1709... Sorau, 1735. S. 341 6 La sibila del oriente, see Colderon. v. 3. La sibilla, see Gi'azzini, A. F. Commedie. Sibote. Vronwenzuht. (In Lanibel, H. Erziih- lungen. 1873; /)( Pfeiffcr. F. Deutsche Classi- ker. 13.) 831 15 Sicard, Roch Ambroise Cucurron, abM. Gours d'instruction d'uu sourd-muet de naissance. 3 edition. Paris, an 11, 1803. O. pi. 371 2 — Relation sur les dangers qu'il a courus 2-8 sept. 1793. (In Barriferc ct- Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 18.) 944 10 SICILIAN DIALECT. (Jlovaniii, V. di. Filolo- gia e letteratura .siciliana, stiulii. Palermo, 1871. 3 v. 1). 859 34 — (iSonzcMbach, L. Sicilianische Marchen. Leip- zig, 1870. 3v. inl. D. J)/. 398 36 SICILIAN DIALECT 625 SIC UL US FLACC US — (jirefforio, (J. tie. Fonctica dei dialetti gallo- itiilici ili Sicilia. — Slorosi, (J. Osservazioiii e agKiunte. (/)( Arcllivio glot. ital. v. H, ian2-5.) — Enienciazioni e coniplementi. {In utime. v. 9, 188(5.) 450 11 — Mortillaro, V. Nuovo dizionario siciliano- italiauo. S edizione. Palermo, 1863. Q. 457 16 — Pitrfej G. Bililioteca didle tradizioni popolari siciliaiie. Palermo, 1870-89. 18 v. D. ^j/. music. 859 37 Contents: 1-2. Canti. .3. Studi di poesia popoliire. 4-7. Fiabe, novelle e racconti. 8-1 1. Proverbi. 12. Spetta- coli feste. 13. Giuochi fanciulleschi. 14-17. Usi o costumi, credenze e presiudizi. 18. Fiabe e leggende. — Saloiiioiie-Mariiio, S., editor. Canti popolari siciliani in aggiunta a quelli del Vigo. Paler- mo, 1867. S. 859 39 ^TrainiVj A. Nuovo vocabolario siciliano-itali- ano. Palermo, 1858. Q. 457 1!) See also La biironessii di Carini ; Ciullo of Alcmno; Meli, G.; Venezijiiio, A. A Sicilian summer, see Taylor, H. SICILIAN VESPERS. Aiiiari, M. La guerra del Vespro sicilano. 2 edizione. Parigi, 1843. 2 V. D. 945 109 — — Racconto popolare del vespro siciliano. Roma, 1882. D. 945 110 — tfiovaiini di Procida e il Vespro siciliano. (In Emilia. Miscellanea. 1861.) 850 5 —Marsh, tJ. P. (i)i Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. Le Sicilieu ; ou, L'Amour peintre, Comedie- ballet, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. v. 4. THE TWO SICILIES, see NAPLES (kingdom). SICILY. Amari, M., editor. Biblioteca arabo- sicula. Lipsia, 1857. O. 892 5 — Ainato. L'ystoire de li Normant, et La chroni- que de Robert Viscart; publiees par Champol- lion-Figeao. Paris, 1835. O. 944 59 — Belocll, a. L' imperio siciliano di Dionisio. maj}. (In Koine— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 — Blaquiere, E. Letters from the Mediterrane- an. London, 1813. 2 v. O. map. 914.5 87 — Bozzo, S. V. Storia siciliaua di anonimo autore, secolo 15 ; trascritta da Bozzo. Bo- logna, 1884. V. 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 211.) 850 10 Pt. 1 : Studii preliminari. — Brydone, P. A tour through Sicily and Malta. Paris, 1780. 2 v. T. 914.5 94 Same. New York, 1813. D. 914.5 95 — PazeUo, T. De rebus Siculis. Panorum, 1558. Q. 099 44 — — Italian : Delia storia di Sicilia deche due; tradotte dal Remigio [Nanni] fiorentino. Pa- lermo, 1817. 3 V. O. par. 945 107 — [Foarlio 120-174, with breaks, of a map of Sicily.] obF. 912 19 — Franchetti, L. La Sicilia nel 1876 : Condi- zioni politiche e amministrative. Firenze, 1877. O. 314 15 —Giovanni, V. di, editor. Cronache siciliane dei secoli 13-15. Bologna, 1865. O. (/u Emilia. CoUezione. 10.) 850 6 — Hartwiff, O. Die Franzosen in Sicllien, 1674- 8. (//( Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) 945 41 — Italy— (jiiiinla per I'inchicsta snlle condi- zionedella Sicilia. Relazione. Roma, 1876. sqy. 314 14 — La Liiniia, I. I Romani e le guerre servili in Sicilia. 2 edizione. Torino, 1874. O. 937 18 hound with 6 — — Studi di storia siciliana. Palermo. 1870. 2 V. D. 945 108 — La Salle, A. E. 0. de. Sicile. 1835. pi. map. (In L'nnivers. 56.) »10 18 — Marsh, (x. P. (In Johnson's cyclopiudia.) In 7nain library. — — The Sicilian revolution. (In World, N. Y.? 1860?) 080 43 — Miintaner, R. Chronique. (In Buchon, J. A. C. Ohroniques etrangeres. 1841.) 944 10.1 — Miinter, F. C. C. H. Viaggio in Sicilia ; tra- dotto dal F. Peranui. Palermo, 1823. 2 v. S. pl. 914.5 96 — Parthey, G. F. C. Wanderungen durcli Sici- lien und Malta. Berlin, 1834. D. iiiitsic. 916.2 13 — Pitre, G. Biblioteca delle tradizioni po|)olari siciliane. Palermo, 1870-89. 18 v. D. p/. music. 8.)9 37 — —Usi popolari siciliani nella festa di s. Gio- vanni Battista. 2 edizione. Palermo, 1871. D. 33 p. 264 7 —Power, G. V. Guida per la Sicilia. Napoli, 1843. O. jHcyjs, iltp. 914,5 97 — Reriiin Sicularum scriptores. Francofurti a. M., 1579. F. 945 105 For contents see Il«runi Sicularum. ^Riedesel, J. H,, Freiherr von. Viaggio in Sicilia ; traduzione del G. Sclafani. Palermo, 1831. S. pl. 9U.5 98 — Rossmann, W. Vom Gestade der Cyklopen und Sireuen ; Briefe. Leipzig, 1869. O. 914.5 91 — Serradifaleo, D. lo F. P. di. Le antichita della Sicilia esposte ed illustrate. Palermo, 1834-43. 5 V. F.5 p)or. pl. maps. 913 41.1 —Smyth, TV. H. Memoir descriptive of the re- sources, inhabitants and hydrography of Sicily and its islands. London, 1824. sqQ. ' pl. map. 914.5 100 — Sounino, S. [La Sicilia nel 1876:] I conta- dini in Sicilia. Firenze. 1877. O. 314 16 —Swinburne, H. Travels in the two Sicilies, 1777-80. Loudon, 1783-5. 3 v. sqF. pl. map. 914.5 101 —Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Viaggio della Sicilia, 1793-4. (/)i /n'.s Opere, 1815-20 v "'-6-) 858 5 &« ((/so ARABS; niOXTSICS; ETXA; (JIKUENTI. SICKINGEN, Franz von. Manss, J. F. von Sickingen. Berlin, 1877. O. 35 p. (In Virchow <£Holtzendorff. Vortrage. ISSerie.) 043 1 —Meyer, C. U. von Hutten und F. von Sik- kingen als Vorkiimpfer unserer nationalen Ein- heit. Hamburg, 1889. O. 44 p. (In same. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Siciilns Flaccns. De condicionibus agrorum. (/'( BInuie, F. Schriften der rom. Feldraesser' 1848-53, V. 1.) 52e 3 SID G WICK 636 SidRwick, HeniT. The theory of classical edu- cation. (In Farrar, F. W., editor. Essays 1867.) •■*"' ^ Sidiiei, comedie, see Gresset, J. B. L. Sidney, Sir Philip. An apologie for poetri>, 1.59.1. Loudon, 1868. S. 72 p. (/« Arber E English reprints. 4.) »-" ^ —The countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia; now the ninth time published, with a twofold sup- plement of a defect in the third book ; abided, a sixth booke [; also Certaine sonnets, Tlie de- fence of poesie, Astrophel and Stella, The lady of May]. Loudon, 1638. Q. 823 38 II libro di Sidracli ; testo del secolo 14, pub- blicato da Adolfo Bartoli. Ft. 1: testo. Bo- logna, 1868. O. {In Emilia. Collezione^_25.) Den sidste friseglaren, see Sparre, P. G. Siebeck, Hermanu. Das Trauiuleben der Seele. Berlin. 1877. O. 40 p. {In Vircbow * Hoi" tzeiidorff. Vortriige. 12 Serie.) 04(5 1 Siebeiikiis, see Richter, J. P. F. v. 12. The siege of Ancoua. see Laiulor, W. S. ISiefffried:! Geschiohte von dem gehornten Siegfried. (7n Volksbttcber, 9-10. 1838.) 833 22 — Hornen Siegfried. {In Hageii, F. H. von der. Der Helden Buch. 1825.) »31 b Siegnumds merkwmdigste Tage, see Tieck, J. L. Scliriften, v. 15. Siemens, Charles AVilUam. Die electrische Telegraphie. Berlin, 1866. O. 40 p. (/Ji A ir- cliow * Holtzendorff, Vortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Sieuioni, Giovanni Carlo. Manuale teoiico- pratico d'arte forestale. Firenze, 1864. O. ' 651..58 55 —Same. 3 edizione, ampliata. Firenze, 1872. D 551.58 51 — Relazione sui boschi ed i loro prodotti, espo- zione di Vienna, 1873. n. p., n. d. O. 551.58 86 Siena, Filippo da, see Filippo. Siena. Alcune legazioni senesi del secolo 15 ; pubblicate da Luciano Banchi. 3 edizione. Siena, 1864. O. ll-t-79p. 945 83 — Statuti senesi scritti in volgare ne' secoli 13 e 14: pubblicati per cura di Filippo-Luigi Poll dori f V. 2-3. di Luciano Banchi]. Bologna, 1863-77. 3 V. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 4-6.) 850 6 — Spedale di sanla Maria vergine. Statuti vol- gari, 1305 ; per hi jirima volta pubblicati da Luciano Banchi. 2 ediz. Siena, 1!^6;1- ,S. (Piccola antologia senese, 1.) 3()- 1 — Statuto r,131S-l.H61]. (In Siena. Statuti. 1863- 77, V. 3; in Emilia. Collezione. 6.) 850 6 —Carlo (luiiito in Siena, aiirile 1530: relazione (li mi contenii">raiieo. Bologna, 1884. D. 24 + .52p. (/uSccltrt di cuiiosita. 199.) 850 10 —Marsh, C. C. (/« Johnson's cycloiia^dia.) In main library. — Salvestro, Profezia sulla guerra di Siena, Htanze del Perella, edite da L. Banchi. Bo- logna, 1868. D. 63 p. (In Scelta di cunositii. 91.) 850 10 See also B»rg«gll, S. Novelle. aiG URD — Tanari, B. F., marchesa. Description som- maire de 1' Album de la ville et province de Sienne. Florence, 1873. Q. 12 p. 91-t.o '0 See also La ^erra di Camollia. SIERRA. NEVADA. King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. London, 18.2. U. ^ ^ SIERRA NEVADA DE MERIDA. Engel, F. Auf der Sierra Nevada de Merida. Hamburg, 1888 O. 36 p. (/)i Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 i Sievertsov, Nikolai Aleksievich. Erforschung des Thian-Schan -Gebirgs-Systems,186/^ebst kartographischer Darstellung von A. Peter- mann Gotha, 1875. 2 v. Q. maps (In Peter- manns Mittheilnngen : Erganzungsband 9^HM SIGFRID.Sf., bishoj] of Weiriomstorla B. Sig- fridi, Latine et Svethice.-Legeudaede S. Sig- frido.-Vita S. Sigfridi (/« Fant, E. M. Script rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28, v. 2.) 948 38.1 SIGFBID, abbot of Wearmouth & yuijo^'- BeTle. Vita. (Inhis Historian. 1722.) 2*4 1 Sigfridsage, see Jordan, AV. SIGHT, see EYE. SIGISMUND III., king of Poland & Sweden._ Fnlkonimelige skiil och lattmiitige orsaker, sa och sanfiirdige beriittelser hwarfore samptlige Sweriges rijkes stiinder hafwe afsngdt Konung Sigismundum uthi Poleu, etc. Stockholm, 1607. sqD. ^ **8 40 Sigmund Bresteson, see Janson, K. N. SIGNBOARDS. Sadler, L. R., & Hotten, J. C. The history of signboards. 3 edition. London, 1866. D. pi. ^•>*° —Same. [Large-paper edition.] London, 1867. sqQ. pi ' ^** ^ Signes Historie, en Fortalling, see Tlioresen, A. M. K. SIGNS. Akerly, S. Observations on the lan- guage of signs. [New York, 1823.] O. 414 1 —Engel, J. J. Ideeu zu einer Mimik. pi {In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 7-8.) 838 3 — Jorio, A. de. La mimica degli antichi in- vestigata uel gestire napoletano. Napoli , 1 8.W. O. 2}l "4 ^ — Marzolo, P. Saggio sui segni. Pisa, 1866. sqF. 1 1 +] 77 [-I-2] p. 414 4 bound with 411 1 — Renii Valade, T. L. Etudes sur la lexicologie et la graminairedu langage natureldes signes. Paris, 18.54. O. 414 5 Set also inAF \M> WilK. Sigournoy, Lydia Howard (Hnntley). Pleasant memories of pleasant lands. 2 edition. Boston. 1844. D. 811 20 ISignrd. Fareyinga saga :] Fiwoiske Qvteder oin Sigurd Fofnersbane ; oversatte af H. C. Lyngbye. Randers, 1822. O. 839.61 24 — SjiirSar kva-Bi : samlede og besorgede ved V. U 'llamiiiershaimli. Kobcnhavn, 1851. D. (In Nord. Lit.-Sanilund, 12.) 839.61 23 ,9,y nimi AS(iAKI)sm:ll>lN. SIGURD I. Jorsalafarer, kin;/ of Norway. Schiern, F. E. A. Benuerkninger aiigaaende de af Kong Sigurd Jorsalafarer paa Sophie- 8IG URD 627 SIMON kiiken i Konstantiuopel opsatte Dragefigurer ; et Foi-eclrag. Kiiibenhavn [,18G0]. O. [1 + 1 18 i>. pi. ' 949 SO — Stiirliisoii, S. Tlie saga of Sigurd tlie cru- sader, 1107-11 ; from the Heimskringla by S. Laing. (/)( Wright, T. Early travels in Pales- tine. 1848.) 915.6 40 Sigrurd Ring, sorgspel, see Stagiielius, E. J. Sigurd Slembe, see Bj0i'ii8uii, B. Saga Signrdar, Uomings jorsalafara ok luM'Sra bans. (In Copeuliageii— K. iiord. Old.-Selsknb. Fornmanna sogur, 1835-37, v. 7.) 839. 03 7 Sig:iir9arsOii, Sigurdr. Gaves der noget Lag- mandsenibede i Norge for Sverres tid? (In same. Aarlwger. v. 14, 1870.) — Nogle Beman-k- ninger til det Dr. Gerings Udgave af Finnbo- gasaga, 1879, vedfojede Glossar. (In same. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Sigurdssoii, J6ii, editor, see Saga Osvalds bins heiga. (In .^aiue. Annaler. r. 14, 1854.) 839. «3 48 — reporter, see Iceland. TiSindi fni. Allingi. 1845. 839.68 4 —translator, see Saga Jdtvardar. 1852. 839. C3 48 Trojiiinnnna saga ok Breta sogur. (In Copenhagen— K. uord. Old, -Selskab. Annaler. V. 8-9, 1848-9.) 948 3 SILA. Ziinibini, B. Die Sila in Calabrien. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1875.) 945 41 Silberstcin, Leo.Worterbuch zu Frithiofssage. — Kurzgefasste Granimatik der scbwedischen Sprache. (J/t Tegn6r, E. Frithiofssaga. 1873.) 839.71 46 The silent woman, a comedy, see Jonsou, B. Siliiis Italiciis, Caius. Punicorum libri 17 ; [recensuit Joannes Carev]. Londini, 1834. T. 873 13 Siljestriini, Pehr Adam. Anteckningar ocli observationer rorande Norrige. Norrkoping, 1842. D. 914.8 19 SILK. • Alfonso-Spagn.i, F. Sui gelsi e 1' in- dustria serica in Sicilia. Palermo, 1867. O. 638 1 hound with 034 1 —Italy— Ministro dl agricoltura. Bachicoltura nel 1873. Milano, 1874. O. tab. (Annali, V. 73.) 638 3 Trattura della seta, 1863. Torino. 1864 Q. 59 p. (Statistica del regno.) 677 8 — Michel, F. X. Recherches sur le commerce, la fabrication et I'usage des etoffes de sole, d' or et d' argent, et autres tissus precieux pen- dent le moyen age. Paris, 1853. 3 v.sqO. 677 7 — Miiller, C. F. Om Silkeorme. Kobenhavn, 1839. O. 40 p 638 3 — I'iuchetti, P. Corso teorico-pratico per la della stoffe di seta. Como, 1874. V. l.Q. il. 2)1. 677 9 Pt. 1: Stofife Hscie e ad armatura. Containing samples of silkcU)tti. — — ifc others. Relazione sulla seta e tessuti di seta air esposizione di Vienna nel 1873. [Rome, 1873.] O. .52 p. 677 8 ^Reybaud, M. R. L. Condition des ouvriers en sole. Paris, 1859. O. (Etudes sur le regime des manufactures ) 331 9.1 — Vida, M. («• De bombyce libri. (M/ijs Opera. 1605 ) 879 11 SILKEBORU CASTLE. L0nier, J. B, Rui- nerne af Silkeborg Slot. it. (hi Copenhagen — K. nord. Old. -Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 20. 1885.) 948 5 SILLEJORBS PR.ESTEfilELl). AVille, H. J. Beskrivelse over Sillejords Pra'stegield i Ovre- Tellemarken i Norge. Kiobenbavn, 1786. D. maj^. 914.8 34 Silva Lopes, Joao Bapti.sta da, translator. Re- la9ao da derrota naval... para a Terra Santa, 1189, see Deitinerenavali. 1844. 940 13 Silvae, see Statins, P. P. SILVANI, Antonio. Minghctti, M, Elogio. (In his Opuscoli. 1873.) 330 14 SILVER. Marchese, E. Scoperta di minerali d' argento in Sardegna, nota. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Simoniu, L. L. L'or et I'argent. Paris, 1877. D. it. pi. 332 6 .SVc iilso PRECIOUS JIETiLS. Silverstolpe, Axel Oabrlel. Skaldestycken. 2 tillokta upplagan. Stockholm, 1814. O. 839.71 35 Silverstolpe, G. A. Allm'iin geographie. 3 upp- lagan. Stockholm, 1806. D. 910 15.1 Silvestri, Orazio. I fenomeni vulcanic! pre- sentati dair Etna, 1803-6. Catania, 1867. Q. phot. tab. 551.21 13 —Sulla eruzione delVesuvio.nov. 1867; ricerche chimiclie. Catania, 1868. Q. 16 p. j)!. 551.21 20 Silvias, ^neas, see Pius II., ^jojx'. Simeon, bishop of Beth Arsam. La lettera sopra i martiri omeriti, pubblicata e tradotta dal I. Guidi. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 Simeon Seth, translator, see Hitopadesa. 1873. (/v! Scelta di curiosita. 125.) 850 10 SIMILES. Spencer, J. Things new and old; added, A treasury of similes bv R. Cawdray. London, 1867. Q. " 208 9 I simillinii, commedia, see Trissino, G. G. Simmias of Rhodes. Poemetti scabrosi [,Greek, Latin and Italian]. (In Paguini, G. M. Teo- crito, 1780, v. 3.) 884 6 Sinimler, Josias. De republica Helvetiorum. (In Helvetiorum respublica. 1637.) 094 34 — Vallesiaj et Alpium descriptio. Lugduni Batavorum, ex offlcina Elzeviriana, 1638. T. 094 60 Simmonds, Peter Lund. Waste products and undeveloped substances ; a synopsis of pro- gress in their utilisation during the last quarter of a century. London, 1878. D. 608 3 Simmons, Thomas Frederick, editor. The lay folks mass book ; from mss. of 10-15 century, with appendix, notes and glossary. London^ 1879. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 71.) 820 5 Simon, H. Chaucer a Wicliffite ; an essay on Chaucer's parson and Parson's tale. (lii Es- says on Chaucer, pt. 3, 1876 ; in Chaucer soc. 3 ser. 16.) 821 46 Simon, Jnles Francois Simon Suisse, called Jules Simon. L' ecole. 4 edition. Paris. 1865. O- 370 8 SUION 628 SISMONDI — L'ouvrier de huit ans. Paris, 1867. O. 331 13 — L'ouvriere. 2 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 331 12 SIMON, Louis. Fallmerayer, J. P. {In his Werlce, 1861, v. 2.) " 908 1 Simoiide de Sisiiiondi, Jeau Charles Leonard, see JSismoudi. Simoiie of Lentini. La conquista di Sicilia per manu di lu conti Rugeri di Normandia. {In Giovanni, V. di. Crouaclie siciliane. 1865 ; in Emilia. Collezione. 10.) 850 6 Simonetta, Gioranui. Rerum gestarum Fran- cisci Sphortiae Mediolanensium ducis.-.Medio- lani, A. Zarottus, 1486. F. [187] leaves. 093 6 Simonetta, Stefano. Poesie. {In Collezione milanese, 1816-17, v. 4.) S59 15 Simonides. {In. Boissouade, J. F. Ijj-rici Gr;eoi. Parisiis, 1825. T. 884 1 —{In Poetic Graxi gnomici. 1833.) 881 3 Simonin, Louis Laurent. Les cites ouvrieres de mineurs. Paris, 1867. S. 52 p. (Confe- rences populaires.") 331 14 — L' or et Targent. Paris, 1877. D. il. pi. {In Charton, E. T. Bibl. des merveilles.) 332 6 Simonius, Joliann. Vandalia, 1598. {In West- plialeUjE. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 1.) 943 21 Simonsen, Laurits Scliebye Vedel. Biedrag til danske Slottes og Herreborges Bygnings- og Befsestnings-Historie i den catholslieTidsalder. Odense, 1840. D. 948 88 — Borgruinerne. Kjobenhavn, 1813. 2 v. in 1. 8. pi. maps. 913 59 Contents; 1. Riesbyehoved og 0rkel. 2. Gamborg og Hinsgavl. — Efterretning cm Borgruinen Himmelstrup- liuus (^-Emelthorphuus) i Fyen. pi. — Om det ganile Kloster der slial liave ligget ved Elved- gaard i Fyen. pi. {In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskilb. Nordisli Tidsskrift. v. 3, 1836.) 948 1.2 — Fyens Vilkaar i den saa kaldte Grevens Feide. Kjobenliavn, 1813. D. inaj). 948 97 — Om Klostersagn, i Sserdeleshed om Jomfru- klosteret ved Skaarup i Fyen. il. iln Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 1, 1836-7.) — Historiske Efterretninger oin de sjsellandske Borge Hjortholm og Gurre, samt en Deel af Valdemar Atterdags Sagnhistorie... til Tovelille. map. { v. 3, 1838-9.) 948 3 — Udsigt over Natjonalliistoriens reldste og moerkeligste Perioder. KJ0benhavn, 1813-16. 3 V. D. 948 89 Simony, Friedricll. Die Seen des Salzkamnier- gules. IWieii, 1850.JO. [l-f]24 p. ,'>r>1.48 36 Simos, E. A., translator, see Migiiet, F. A. A. 'luTopla Trji yaWiKfji ^Travaffrderews. 1847. 944 37 Slmplicianisclio Schriften, .see Grimmclslinu- sen, II. J. v. von. Simpson, Willliim Sparrow, editor. Documents illustrating the history of S. Paul's catliedral. [London,] 1880. siiO. (In Camden soe. n. s. 26.) 820 4.1 Sinirocli, Karl Joseph. Die deutschen Spricli- worter. Frankfurt a. M. [,1863]. D. 398 35 —editor, see Faust. 1846. 832 5 —& translator, see Wartburglirieg. 1858. 831 89 — translator, see Hartmann von ^4ite.Der arme Heinrich. 1830. 831 34 Simrotli, Heinricli. Ueber die morphologische Bedeutung der Weichthiere. Hamburg, 1890. O. 40 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzeudorft'. Vor- trsige. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 SIN. Channing, W. E. The evil of sin. {Inhis Works, 1848, v. 4.) 208 2 SINAI. Brugscli, H. C. Wanderung nach den Tilrkis -Minen und der Sinai - Halbinsel. Leip- zig, 1866. D. facsim. 913 62.1 Holland, F. W. Explorations in the wilder- ness of Sinai. jjZ. nuq}. {In Morrison, W., editor. The recovery of Jerusalem. 1871.) 915.6 30.1 Journal from Grand Cairo to Jit. Sinai and back; translated from a ms. by the prefetto of Egypt, by R. Clavton. {In Maundrell, H. Jour- ney to Jerusalem". 1810.) 915.6 20 — Lenoir, P. Le Fayoum, le Sina'i et Petra. Paris, 1872. D. poc. pZ. 916.2 11 — Lepsius, K. R. Briefe aus Aegypten, Aethio- pien mid Sinai, 1842-5. Berlin, 1852. O. pi. map. 916.2 12 — Zimmermann, €. Atlas von Palaestina und der Sinai - Halbinsel. Berlin, 1850. obF.' 15 majis. 912 39 Sinding, Paulln Kristian. History of Scandina- via. New-York, 1858. O. por. 948 16 Singer, Samuel Weller, editor, see Chaucer, G. Poems. 1823. 821 38 Selden, J. Table-talk. 1860. 828 17 SINHALESE LANGUAGE. Rask, R. C. Singa- lesisk Skriftlsere. Kolombo, 1821. O. [2-l-]16p. 491.4 1 Gilde van Sint Antouie, see Ghent. Sintenis, Karl Friedrich Ferdinand, editor, see Arrianus. Anabasis. 1849. 888 36 Sintram und seine Gefahrten, see La Motte Foiiqn^, F. H. K. de. Sint-Trnyen. Gewoouten, vryheden en prlvile- gien der stad, 14 eeuw. Gent, n. d. O. [5-I-] 9-f38 p. {In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 2 ser. 5.) 839.3 3 Sionltn, Gabriel <£• Hesronita, J. De nonnullis Orientalium urbibus. {In Arabia. 1633.) 094 59 Sir Gawain. .ffcOinviiiii; and similarly with other names preceded by this title. Sirac, see Sidrach. La sirena ; augurio pel capo d' anno. Napoli, 1854. V. ,s. O. 858 13 Siri Brahe, skadcspel, sec Gustavus III. II sirventese di Ciullo d'Alcamo, see Ciulu. Siska van Roosemael, see Conscience, H. Sisiiiondi, Jean Charles Leonard Simondc de. Nuovi priiicipj (H ('((inoniia i)olitica; traduzione del Gaetano Barbieri. Milano, 1819. 3 v. D. 330 17 — Om Ligevsegt imellem Consumation og Pro- duction. {In David, C. G. N. Stats. Archiv., v. 1, 1826.) 330 15 SIS3I0JVDI G29 SKOVKLOSTER — Tabloau de I'agriculture toscane. Geneve, 1801. O. «:$() :!") Sitillo, (xiancola, translator, see Verg-iliiis Maro, r. L'Eneide. 1784. {In CoUezioiic napo- letana, v. 8-11.) 859 19 El sltio (le Bredii, see Caldci'ou. v. 1. La siliiatioii ; «■ M. Rattazzi, lettie liisti)ii(iue. Turin, 1803. D. 282 ^0.3 Signed P. La situation du papa, et Ic dernier mot sur la question roniaine. J^aris, 1881. O. [3+ J 83 p. 282 50 Siward, earl of Northumberland. Orlgo et ge- .stis Sivardi ejusque filii Waldevi comitis. (/?(. Laugebek. J. Script. reruniDan., 1772-1834, v. 3.) 948 76 SIXT. Mailg'et, J. L. La vallee de Sixt et le Petit Saint-Bernard. Geneve, 1851. D. (54 p. pi. map. 551.43 33 SIXTUS v., pope, (iualtieri, (i. H proemio delle Efemeridi del pontificate di Sixto V'. C-''^ Vai'ietil storiche italiane.) 945 10 Sjoboi'Sf, Nils Hcnrili. Cippos runicos ad Dags- nas, priedium Vestrogothise, positos; pro gradu philosopliico exhibet N. U. Hard. Lundae, [1802]. O. lop. 438.01 5.1 — pissertatio academica de monumentis runi- cis extra Scandinavian!, pro gradu philoso- pliico desert C. S. CoUner [, J. E. Forslilad]. Londini Gothorum [, 1805-0). 2 pt. in 1 v. O. 26 p. 4:}9.(J1 ,8 — Monimenta lapidaria qua3 in Scania exstant gigantea; pro laurea exhil)et Jacolj Berggren. Lunda;, 1807. D. 18 p. pi. 913 47.3 — Samlingar for Nordens fornalskare. Stock- holm, 1823-30. 3 V. sqQ. pi. 913 60 — Uppgift pa fornlemningars kilnnetecken. Stockholm, 1815. S. 14 p. 913 60.1 — Utkast til Blekings historia och beskrifning. Lund, 1792-3. 2 pt. in 1 v. D. pZ. iltp. map. 948 56 SJQRRINtf. Fabriciiis, A. K. Sjoringvoldes Beskrivelseog Historie. map. (/« Copeiihagren — K. iiord. Old.-Selsliab. Antiquarisk Tids- skrift. V. 3, 1846-8.) 948 4 Sjur9ar kvajSi ; samlede og besorgede ved V. U. Hammershaimb. Kobenhavn, 1851. D. {In Nord. Lit.-Saiiifuiid, 12.) 839.61 23 SKAARUP. Sliiionsen, L. S. V. Om Kloster- sagn, i Sa^rdeleslied om Jomfruklosteret ved Skaarup i Fyen. //. {In Copenliagen— K. nord. 01d.-SeIskab. Annaler. v. 1, 1836-7.) 948 2 Skabelseii, see Wergeland, H. A. T. Skaife, Robert H., editor, see the following publications of tlie Surtees society : 820 7 49. Kirkliy,J. de.The surrey of the county of York. 1867. 57. York. The register of the guild of Corpus Christi. 18T3. Skdld-Helg-a rimur. {hi Copenhageu— K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Gronlands hist. Mind.. 1838-45, V. 2.) 839.G3 36 SKiXDSKAPARMAL. Gislasoii, K. Bema;rk- ninger til nogle Steder i Skaldskaparmul. {In same. Aarboger. v. 14, 1879.) 948 5 SKANDERBORG. Hansen, C. K. L. Beskri- velse over Skanderborg Bye og Slot. Kjoljen- havn, 1833. D. 54-82 p. map. 948 100 Skanke, H. Et Brev om Qva;nerne og Fiuners .Sprogs Dialecter. {In Baii;^, 0. Samling, 1743- 7, pt. 7.) 839.8 1 Skeat, Walter William. An essay on allitera- tive poetry. (i?i Percy, T. Folio ms., 1868-9, V. 3.) 821 6 — Introduction, and appendi.x of rymo-indexes to some .spurious poems. {In Marshall, I., tfc Porter, L. Ryme-iudex to ms. texts of Chau- cer's minor poems. 1888; in Chancer soc. 1 ser. 80.) 821 45 — Why "The romaunt of the rose" is not Chau- cer's. {In Essays on Chancer, pt. 5, 1884 ; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 19.) 821 46 — editor, .tee the following publications of the Early English text society : ORIGINAL SERIES : 820 5 0. Laiirclot of the laik. 1865. 17. I. Petri Nestvediensis. — Obituarium. — Liber donatio- rum. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, V. 4.) 948 76 SKRYVEKEKS G30 The skryveiier's play, The increduhty of St. Thomas ; edited by J. Payne Collier. 1859. (In. Camden misc. 4 ; in Camden soc. 73.) 820 4 Skuld och oskuld, see Waltei", F. SKULL. Virchow, K. Mensohen- und Affen- schadel. Berlin, 1870. 40 p. il. (In VlrcllOW cfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 4 Serie.) 043 1 SKY. Tyndall, J. On chemical rays and the structure and light of the sky. (In his Frag- ments of science. 1871.) 504 7 Skydds-iingeln, skadespel, see Lindegren, K. Slaclitoffer der moederliefde,see Conscience;!!. SLADE, l!enry. Zollner, J. C. F. por. pi. facsim. (In his Wiss. Abhandlungen, 1878-81, V. 1-3.) 504 8 SlsBgtskabog Dj3evelskab,see Gyllembourg,T.C. Sliifftinffarne i landsorten. Stockholm, 1844. D. 839.73 26 SLMDER, see HOSOR. SLAMi. l!otten, J. C. The slang dictionary. 13th thousand. London, 18(55. D. mcq). 427 7 Bibliosraphy, p. 29.3-305. — Kristiansen, V. Bidrag til en Ordbog over Gadesproget og daglig Tale. Kj0benhavn,1866. O. 439.87 4 See also ARGOT , TAOABOXDS. SLATE. TyndaU, J. (In his Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 Slaven, see Palndan-Miiller, F. Poesier, v. 3. SLAVERY. Cairnes, J. E. The slave power ; its character, career and probable designs ; the real issues involved in the American contest. 3 edition. London, 1863. O. 973 35 Channing, W. E. Slavery.— The abolitionists, &c. (iu /lis Works, 1848, v. 2.)— Remarks on the slavery question. (In same. v. 5.) — Eman- cipation.— The duty of the free states. — An ad- dress on the anniversary of emancipation in the Britisli West Indies. (In same. v. 6.) 208 2 — ^ibrario, G. A. L. Delia schiavitii e del ser- vag^io, e specialraente del servi agricoltori. Milano, 1868. 2 v. O. 326 1 —Cooper, J. Un continent perdu ; ou, L'escla- vage et la traite en Afrique, 1875 ; avec obser- vations sur...systeme contractuel de la main- d'oeuvre ; traduit de I'anglais. Paris, 1876. Q. map. 326 2 — Estrup, H. F. J. Ora Trajldom i Norden ; en archfeologisk Undersagelse. Kiobenhavn, 1823. D. 326 3 Ojcssing, (>. A. Tneldom i Norgo. (In Co* weuhafft-n- K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 22, 1862.) 948 2 — Gmelin, M. F. Christensclaverei und Rene- gatenthum unter den Volkern des Islam. Ber- lin, 1873. O. 32 p. (/)( Virchow i6 !!oltzen- dorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 — Godel, C. Sklaverei und Emancipation der schvirarzen Rasse in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordanierika. Ziirich, 1866. O. 326 4 — Mandl, M. Das Sklavenrecht desaltenTesta- mentes, eine rechtsgescliichtliclie Studie. HamtMirg, 1H86. O. 32 p. (fn VircllOW <£• Holtzendorff. Vortrdge. NeueFolge. 1.) 043 2 SLErNCOUR —Marsh, G. P. Remarks on slavery in the ter- ritories of New Mexico, California and Oregon; House of representatives, Aug. 3d, 1848. [Bur- lington, 1848.] O. 12 p. 080 12 — JIassie, J. TV. America ; the origin of her present conflict ; her prospect for the slave. London, 1864. D. map. 973 39 —Olmsted, F. L. Our slave states. New York, 1861-3. 3 V. D. 917.6 1 —Parker, T. The great battle between slavery and freedom, two speeches, 7 May 1856. Bos- ton, 18.56. O. 93 p. 252 2.1 A new lesson for the day, a sermon, 25 May 1856. Boston, 1856. O. 40 p. 252 2.1 — Rodowicz-Oswiecimsky, T. Ueber Sclaverei, Leibeigenschaft und die Losung der Emancipa- tionsfrage. Rawicz, 1858. O. [4+] 40 p. 326 5 Slowe, H. E. B.A key to Uncle Tom's cabin, presenting tlie original facts and documents, with corroborative statements. Boston, 1853. Q. 813 9 A'illari, P. La schiavitii e la guerra civile in America. (In his Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 Zamboni, F. Gli Ezzelini, Dante e gli schi- avi ; ossia, Roma e la schiavitii personale do- mestica. 2 pubblicazione. Vienna, 1870. p. 851 60 S(e aim LIBERIA ; TEXAS. SLAVIC LANGUAGE cfc LITERATURE. Rob- inson, T. A. L. V. J. Historical view of the languages and literature of the Slavic nations, with a sketch of their popular poetry. New York, 1850. D. 891 9 SLAVIC PEOPLES. ArnolA, abbot of Lubeck. Chronica Slavoruin. Hannoverae, 1868. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 2.) 943 16 — Helmold, presbyter of Boson: Chronica Sla- vorum. Hannoverae, 1868. O. (In same. 5.) 943 16 — Kohl, J. G. Die Slawen und die panslawisti- schen Tendenzen. — Slawen und Slawisclies in der Unigegend von Dresden. (In his Skizzen. 1851.) 304 3 — Mackenzie, G. M., y Thomas Fuller ; edited by the author of Our heavenly home. Lcmdon, 1800. 2 V. D. 252 4 Smith, Henry John Stephen. Mt-moire sur les e(|uations modulaires. (/)/ Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. si:i. lis. v. 1, 1870-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 Smith, James l. 972 3 Noted by 5Ir. Marsh as '"much esteemed." SOLITUDE 634 SONGS SOLITUDE. Petrarca, F. De vita solitaria.— De oonteniptu muiidi. (/?t ]iis Opera, 1581, v. 1.) 851 95 — — Italian: La vita solitaria; pel A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1879. 2 v. in 1. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 170-1.) S50 10 [JSolomon, king.'] A dialogue between Saturn and Solomon. (In Tliorpe, B. Analecta. 1846.) 829 16 — The dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus ; witli an historical introduction by J. M. Kera- bie. London, 1848. O. (In .Elfi-ic soc. Pub.) 829 5 — El dyalogo di Salomon e Marcolpho; a cura di Ernesto Lamma. Bologna, 1885. D. (In Scelta di curiusitii. 209.) 850 10 — Dat dyalogus of twisprake tusschen den wisen coniuck Salomon ende Marcolphus. Gent, 1861. Q. 11+58 p. il. (/n Maetschappy del- Vlaem. bibl. Werkenvoorde leden. 9.) 839.3 5 — King .Solomon's book of wisdom. — Solomon's coronation, judgment on tlie two mothers, court and temple, (la Fiirnivall, F. J. Adam Davy's 5 dreams. 1878; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 69.) 820 5 — Salomon und Morolf. (In Uageii, F. H. Ton der.Deutsche Gedichte. 1808.) 831 5 — Wisdom of Solomon. (In Lniiiby, J. R, Ratis raving. 1870 ; in E, E. text soc. brig. ser. 69.) 820 5 See also ClaWciiIie Salomonis : Semi|ihoras und Schem- hamphoras; Voiidel, J, vim den. Solon. (In Poet* Grteci gnomici. 1823.) 881 3 Solorzano, Alonzo Castillo de, see Castillo Solorzaiio. Soliitiou de la question du canal de Suez. n. p., 1873. O. 26 p. 62« 8 SOMADEVA BHATTA. Brockhaiis, H. tJber Somadeva's Bearbeitung der Vetixla-pancavin- 9ati. (771 Leipsic— K. sachs. Gesell. Berichte, 1853.) 063 3 Somaize, Aiitoine Baudeaii, sieur de. Le dic- tionnaire des precieuses, Nouvelle edition, aug- mentee de divers opuscules du meme auteur relatifs aux precieuses, etd'une clef iiistorique et anecdotique par Ch. L. Livet. Paris, 1856. 3 v. S. (In Bibl. elzevir.) 840 15 SOMALI, Africa. Hag'genmacher, G. A. Reise im Somali-Lande^ 1874. Gotha. 1876. sqQ. [3+] 45 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittlieiliing'- en: Ergilnzungsband 10.) 910 44 Somasco, (iiambattista (i\yi\\A\\\, commentator, see Dante Alig-liieri. Del metodo di commen- tare la divina commedia, epistola a Cangrande della Scala: interpretata da Somasco. 1856. 851 44 Some habits and cu.stoms of the working class- es, by a journeyman engineer, see Wrig:Iit, Thomas. Somerset, Edward Seymour, duke of. An epis- tle or exliortM<-iZ. 553 12 — Bilag til Beretningen om de ved Mollemose- gaard i Fyen fundne Oldsager. it. pi. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1832.) 948 1.2 Sommer, Hngo. Die positive Philosophic Au- gust Comte's. Berlin, 1885. O. 48 p. (In Vlrchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 30 Serie.) 043 1 EineSommerreise, see Tleck, J. L. Novellen, 5,— Schriften, 23. Somuinm Scipionis, see Cicero, M. T., v. 4. Der Sonderling, see Langbeiu, A. F. E. v. 5. S0NDMOR. Str0m, H. Physisk og oeconomisk Beskrivelse over Fogderiet Sondmor i Bergens Stiff i Norge. Soroe, 1762. 2 v. sqO. pi. map. 914.8 25 S0ndm0rs-Ottringen, see Lie, J. SOSdiS. Allen, W. F., & others, editors. Slave songs of the U. S. New York, 1867. O. music. 398 31 — Arwidssou,A. I., editor. Svenska fornsanger. Stockholm, 1834-42. 3 v. O. music'. 839.711 — Berggreeuj A. P. Melodier til Fsedrelands- historiske Digte. Kjobenliavn, 1840. obD. 12-f83 p. 784 4 — Blackie, J. S. Musa burschicosa; a book of songs tor students and university men. Edin- burgh, 1869. S. 821 17 — C!appelli, A., editor. Poesie musicali dei se- coli 14-16. Bologna, 1868. D. 74 [ + 11 p. munic. (In Scelta di curiosita. 94.) 850 10 — Collier, J. P., editor. Lyrical poems selected from musical publications, 1589-1600. London, 1844. D. (fit Percy soc. V. 13.) 820 6 — Croker, T. C, editor. The historical songs of Ireland illustrative of the struggle between James II. and William III. London, 1841. D. {In same. v. 1.) 820 — Popular songs illustrative of the French invasions of Ireland. London, 1845-7. 4 pt. in 1 V. D. il. (In same. v. 21.) 820 6 — [Danskc Nationalsange.] Kiobenhavn, n. d. obC^. 784 3 — Fairholt, K. \Y. The civic garland, a collec- tion of songs from London pageants : with in- troduction and notes. London, 1845. D. il. pi. (hi Percy soc. v. 19.) 820 6 — Geijer, E. G., cfc Afzelins, A. A., compilers. Alto sctiwedische Volks-Melndien ; fiir das Piano-Forte boarbeitet von P. Gronland. Co- penhagen [,1818). obO. [4 + ] 40 p. 784 2 SOJVGS 635 SOJiLA — editors Svenska folk-visor fraiiforiiti - den. Stockholm, 1814-16. 4 v. D. iltp. 8;J«.71 3 Vol. 4. niusir. ^Jolinsoii, R. The crown garland of golden roses, consisting of ballads and songs, 1612, [16.')91; edited by W. Cliappell. London, 1.S43- 5. 2 V. D'. (In Percy soc. v. 6, 15.) 820 6 —The loyal garland ; a collection of songs of the 17th century ; edited by J. O. Hallivvell. London, 18.50. D. [ll-f]88p. lln same. v. 2d.) 820 6 — Mackay, C, editor. A collection of songs and ballads relative to the London prentices and trades and to London generally, 1.5 [-17] centuries. London, 1841. D. {In same. v. 1.) 820 —Mailing', T. P., editor. Norske ViserogStev. 3 Udgave ved H. Ross. Christiania, 1869. T. 7nusic. HHU.Sl 3 — Naval and patriotic songs. (In Frost, J. The book of the navy. 1842.) 973 28 ^Oudvlaeiiisclie liederen en andere gedichten der 14 en 15 eeuwen. Gent, n. d. Q. music. (In Maetscliappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken. 2 ser. 9.) 839.3 3 ^Parthey, (i. F. C, compiler. Musikbeilage. (In liis Sicilien und Malta. 1834.) 91G.2 13 — Segarra, T., editor. Poesias populares. Leip- zig, 1862. D. music. 861 5 — Sandys, W., edf'tor.Festive songs, principally of the 16-17 centuries. London, 1848. D. {In Percy soc. v. 33.) 820 6 — Siieedorff-Hirch, F. Danske Folkeviser og Melodier. Kjobenhavn, 1837. pt. 1. O. 8 p. music. 784 5 — Tottel, R., printer. Miscellany : Songes and sonettes by Surrey, Wyatt, Grimald and un- certain authors, 15.57. London, 1870. S. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 24.) 820 9 ^Wan hondro aria singi. 's Gravenhage [,pref. Paramaribo], 1861. D. 839.39 1 —Wild, A. Niederlilndische Volkshymne nebst einigen alten Volksliedern [; translated, with music]. (In ]iis Die Niederlande, 1863, v. 3.) 949 13 -Wolf, E. B.,Vi/rd. Sorby, Henry Clifton.Unencumbered research; a personal experience. (In Essays on* endow- ment of research. 1876.) 378 3 SORCERY, see WITCHCRAFT. Sorg og Trost, see Mnncli, A. Sorlasaga sterka. (In Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, V. 3.) 839.63 12 Siirla iiittr. {In same. -r. 1.) 839.63 12 SOROE 636 SOUTH AMERCA Sor0e. Liber donationum monasterii Sorensis — Moauiueata Sorana varia. tab. {In Lauge- bek, J. Script, rerum Dau., 1773-1834, v. 4.) 948 76 — Slalliiig, 0. Om Soroe Academie. {In Collin, J. For Historie, 1832-5, v. 1.) 948 66 — Sorterup, J. B. Beskrivelse over Bjeniede Kirke ved Soro. j)l. (In Copeiiliasreii— K. Iiord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 3, 1S40-1.) 948 2 De sorte Riddere, see Ingeiiiauii, B. S. Sorternp, Julius Benjamin. Beskrivelse over Bjernede Kirke veil Soro. ^jZ. {In Copenliag'en — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 8, 1840- 1.) — Udsigt over Uruer, Gravkarog jordfundne Kar fra Nordens Hedenold. jj/. {In same. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 3 Sost. Skraa antiqua & nova civitatis Susa- teusis. {In Westphiilen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 4.) — Rernni inter T.Moerseum archi- episcopura Colouiensem et rempublicam Susa- tenseni gestarum adversaria. {I)i same. v. 3.) 943 31 —Munich — K. baier. Akad. der Wlss. — Hist. Commis. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte ; v. 21: Soest. Leipzig, 1889. O. 923 24 Sijtbeer, Georg' Adolf. Edelmetall-Produktion und Wertliverhiiltniss zwischen Gold und Sil- ber. Gotha, 1879. sijQ. pi. {In Petermanns Mittheihingen : Ergiinzungsband 13.) 910 44 SOTBERG, Erik af. Rosenstein, \. von. Tal ofver Sotberg, 5 Jan. 1782. — Lefvernes-be- skrifning. (In /a'.sSkrifter, 1888, v. 1.) 839.78 1 Soterus, Henricns. Svecia; sive, De Svecorum regis dominiis et opibus commentarius politi- cus. Lugd. Batav.,e,r officina ElzevirianaA633. Tt. 094 57 Sotheby, Samuel Leigli. Memoranda relating to the block-books in the Bibliotheque imperi- ale, Paris, made Oct. 1858. London, 1859. F. 23 p. a. 016 31 bound with 015 5.2 Soto, Hernando de. Letter ; and Memoir of Hernando de 'Escalante Fontaneda ; translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Washington, 18.54. sqF. map. 973 13 100 copies printed tor G. W. H[igKS], by whom the copy was presented to Mr. Marsh. — [Belacam verdadeira...:] The di.scovery and conquest of Terra Florida by F. de Soto; trans- lated by R. Hakluyt; edited by W. B. Rye. London, 1851. O. map. (In Haklurt soc. Works. 9.) "973 14 Sotovagina, Hu^h, precentor of York. Versus. (In Wi-igllt, T." Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1872, V. 2; in Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. and mem. 59. ) 942 8 Sotzmann, J. 1). F. Alteste Geschichte der Xy- lografie und der Druckkunst iiberhaupt: be- sonders in Anwendung auf den Bildch-uck. (/?( Raunier, F. L. (i. von. Hist. Taschenliuch. 1837. j— Gutenberg und seine Mitbewerl)er ; od.'r. Die Briefdrucker und die Buchdrncker. (In. same. 1841.) 905 1 SOUDAN, .lee SUDAN. SOUL. Bastian, P. \\. A. Die Voistellungen voM di-r Seclr. Berlin, 1875, O. 48 p. (In Vircliow (fc Hollzendorir. Vortrilge. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Digby, K.The nature and operations of man's soule. (In liis Two treatises. 1645.) 218 1 — Helmont, J. B. van. The image of God ; or. Vision of the soul. (In his Ternary of para- doxes. 1650.) 615 9 — Paine, M. A discourse on the soul and in- stinct, physiologically distinguished from ma- terialism. Enlarged edition. New York, 1849. D. iKir. 128 1 — Scliroeder van der Kolk, J, L. K. Ueber den Unterschied zwischen todten NaturkrViften, Lebenskriiften und Seele. Bonn, 1836. O. 8-f59p. 131 6 bound with 113 1 — — Zielen ligchaam in hunne onderlinge ver- houding geschetst. Utrecht, 1864. D. 131 7 Soulavie, Jean Louis Giiraud, abbe. Memoires du due de Richelieu. (In Barriere iti, A. Li velocita teoricadel suono e la velocita molecolare dei gas. (/(i Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei. fis. v. 1, 1876- 7, pt. 1.)— Sulla jjropagazione del suono nella odierna teoria degli aeriformi. {In same, pt. 3.) 065 4 — Tyudall, J. Sound: eight lectures. London, 1867. O. il. por. 534 1 See also EAR. SOUND DUES. Schlegel, J. F. W. The origin and history of the Danish souud and belt-tolls; translated from the Danish by G. P. Marsh. (In Hunt's merchant's magazine, v. 10, 1844, p, 218-32; 303-8.) In main library. From chapter of his Danmarks os Hertui^domineues ■Statsri't. ISijr. 3-19 52. .See also an article giving the German view of the question, in the same periodical, X. 3:3, 1H.55, p. 403-23. Sousa de Macedo, .Antonio. Lusitania liberata al) injusto Castellanorurn dominie. Londini, 1645. F. por. pi. iltp. 946 74 Soutll, Robert. Sermons preached upon several occasions; with the chief heads of the sermons, a memoir, and index. London, 1865. 2 v. O. 252 5 ^Whipple, E. P. South's sermons. (In his Es- says, 1848-9, V. 2.) 814 16 SOUTH AMERICA. Burnieister, H. Die siid- amerikanischen Republiken: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, nach der geographi- schen Kenntniss in 1875 ; kartographisoh dargestellt von A. Petermann, nebst einemgeo- graphisch-statistischen Compendium von Bur- nieister. Gotha, 1875. sijQ. [2+] 24 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittlieilungeu : Erganzungs- band 0.) 910 44 — Hawkins, R. Oliservations in his vovage into the South Sea, 1593; edited by C. R. D. Be- thune. London, 1848. O. 919.6 1 —Juan y Santacllia, .J., <{• Ulloa, A. de. Noti- ciiis secretas de America, sol)re el estado naval, militar y ]iolitico del Pervi y provincias de Quito, cost:is de Nucva Gr.anada y ('hile: saca- das a luz por D. Barrv. Londres, 1830. 2 v. in 1. V. por. ' 980 1 — Pontoppidan, 1). Reise til Sydamerica. K\fl- benhavn, 1841. O. " 9lS 1 SOUTH AMERICA 637 SPAIN— DES CRIPTION —Stewart, C. S. A visit to the South Seas, 1829-3(1; witli scenes in Brazil, Peru, Manilla, the Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena. New York, 1831. 2 v. O. J)19.« 2 See also AIIII'ONKS ■ AllAl'tAMANS ; AR(JKMi.\K KK- PUBLK); ItOLIVIA; IIUAZIL; (illlil: C(»L()MIUA: DAltlKN; OUIAXA; INDIAXS; PAUAOIJAV : PATAOOXIA ; TKIilU- DKL-FlJK(i(). SOUTH CAROLINA. tJibbes, R. W., editor. Documentary history of the American revolu- tion; chiefly in S. C, 1764-76. New York, 1855. O. 1)73 24 SOUTH SEA, see PACIFIC OCEAX. SOUTHERN UNITED STATES. Olmsted, F. VV. Our slave states. New York, 1801-3. 3 v. D. 917.6 1 Contents: 1. Seaboard slave states. 2. Texas. S. Back country. Soutliey, Robert. Poetical works. London, 1838. 10 V. D. por. pi. iltp. 821 99 —The doctor, &c. New York, 1836. 3 v. in 1. D. 828 19 — compiler. Common-place book ; edited by John Wood Warter. 1-3 series. New Y'ork, 1849-50. 2 V. O. por. 828 18 — editor. Select works of the British poets from Chaucer to Jonson, witli biographical sketches. London, 1831. O. 821 9 Malory, Sir T. The byrth, lyf and actes of Kyng Arthur. 1817. 293 9 — translator, see Chronicle of tlie CID. 1808. 91G 16 Lobeira, V. de. Amadis of Gaul. 1803. 869 40.3 Moraes, F. de. Palmerin of England. 1807. 869 42 — De ()iiiiicey,T. (In his Literary remini.scences, 1851, V. 3.) 824 10 —Lander, W. S. To Lord Brougham on the neglect of Southey. — On his cliaracter and public services. {In his Last fruit. 1853.) 824 15 — Macaiilav, T. B. Southey's Colloquies on so- ciety. (/u'/iiA- Essays, 1843, V. 1.) 824 16 SoiltSOS,AIexaudroS. "H rovprnfuixos 'EWi<-,-n-olTiiJ.a i-irmbv. ■El' 'xe-qvM^, 1850. V. 1. O. 889 13 Soiitsos, KoustaiitiiKis, U., translator, see Stlirdza,;A. S.'ATO/xi-^creis rat ek6«s.l838. 922 30 SoHveiiirs d' un ancien chef de chantier, see Erckmauu, E., & Chatriaii, A. Souvenirs de Felicie, see fcieulis. Sonza, I). J. M., editor & translator, see Alco- I'orada, M. Lettres portugaises. 1824. 846 5 Soiiza Farinha, Beuto Joz6, editor, see Corle Real, J. Successo do segundo cerco de Diu. 1784. 869 38 'Luceiia, J. de. Historia do S. F. Xavier. 1788. 922 55 The sowdoue of Babylone, see Feruiiibras. Sozziui, Alessaiidro. Raccolta di burle, faoetie, motti e buffonerie di tre huoniini sanesi, cioe : Salvadore di Topo Scarpellino, Jaconio, alias Scacazzone, e Marianotto Securini. Siena, 1865. D. 857 13 bound with 6 Edition of only 165 copies, no. 2. Spaccio de la l)estia trionfante, see Bruno, G. SPACE. Gerlaud, E. Der leere Raum, die Constitution der Kdrper und der Aether. Ber- lin, 1883. O. 40 p. {Jn Vircliow * Holtzen- dorft'. Vortriige. 18 Serie.) 043 1 — Helnilioltz, H. L. F. Der Kaum kann tran- scendental sein, ohne dass es die Axionie sind. {In his Vortriige, 1884, v. 2,) 504 5 — Tlie stars and the earth ; or, Tliouglits upon space, time and eternity. 3 American edition. Boston, 1854. D. 88 p. 114 1 Spall'ord, Horatio Gates. A gazetteer of the state of New- York. Albany, 1813. O. -map. 917.4 8 SPAIN— DESCRIPTION. Aiiiicis, E. de. Spa- gna. Firenze, 1873. D. 914.6 1 bound with 914.4 9 — — Andersen, H. C. I Spanien. Kjobenhavn, 1863. D. ■ 914.6 2 Borrow, (J. The Bible in Spain ; or. Ad- ventures in an attempt to circulate the Scrip- tures in the peninsula. 4 edition. Philadelphia. 1843. O. 274 5 — —Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller. 2 series. New Y'ork, 1859. O. 914.6 3 — ' — Carleton, G.Memoirs of an English officer, 1673-1713. (i?t Defoe, D. Novels, etc., 1840-1, V. 8.) 823 7 — — Cecchi, (i. M. Compendio di piii ritratti. Bologna, 1867. 95 p. {In Scelta di ouriosita. 81.) 850 10 Dix, J. A. A summer in Spain and Flor- ence, pi. (Jn /tis Winter in Madeira. 1851.) 914.6 15 — — (iralton, F. A visit to north Spain at tlie time of the eclipse, il. {In his Vacation tours. 1860.) 910 28 — — Gautier, T. Voyage en Espagne. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1859. D. 914.6 4 — — Goes, D. de. De Hispanise ubertate & po- tentia. — Pro Hispania adversiis Munsterum de- fensio. {In Angbiera, P. M. d.' De relus oceanicis. 1574.) 910 1 — — Huber, V. A. Skizzen aus Spanien. 1-2 Auflage. Gbttingen, 1833-4.5. 3 v. S. 833 19.1 — • — -Laet, J. de. Hispania. Lugd. Batav., 1629. Tt. 094 35 Mas, Poco, pseudonym. Scenes and ad- ventures in Spain, 1835-40. Philadelphia, 1846. S. 914.6 6 iMoltke, H. K. B. von. Tagebuchbliitter aus Spanien. {In. his Wanderbuch. 1879.) 914 8 Ponz, A. Viage de Esijafia. 1-3 edicion. Madrid, 1784-94. 18 v. S. por. pil. maps. 914.6 7 ■Werlauff, E. C. Om degamle Nordboers Bekjendtskab med den pvrensiske Halvoe. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 1, 1836-7.) 948 2 — ^Toung', A. Voyages en Italie et en Espa- gne, 1787 et 1789 ; traduction de Lesage. Paris, 1860. D. 914.5 46 See also BALEARIC ISLAXDS: MAJOKCA; MOXTSEKBATi TAKRAGOXA. SPA IR—RISTOR T 638 SPAISTISH LANG UA GE — HISTOKY. Beiiter, P. A. Coronica general de Espana. Valencia, 1546-51. 2 v. in 1. Q. 946 59 — — Italian : Crouica generale d' Hispagna et del regno di Valeuza ; tradotta dal A. d' Ulloa. Vinegia, 1556. S. 946 2 Buckle, H. T. Outlines of the history of Spanish intellect, 5th-19th century. (In his History of civilization in England, 1863-3, v. 2.) 942 4 Ciirboiiell, P. M. Chroniques de Espanya. Barcelona, 1546. F. 099 39 — Ooroiiica general de Espatia. Madrid, 1791-2 12 V. O. il.2}or. 946 10 Contents: 1-2. F. de Ocampo. 3-10. A. de Morales. 11.12. P. de Sandoval, For fuller list of contents see Ticknor catalogue, p. 108. [Croiiicas espanolas.] Madrid, 1779-87. 7 V. sqQ. lior. . 946 34 For contents see Ticknor cataloRue. —.DuiiUain, S. A. History of Spain and Por- tugal. Philadelphia, 1833-3. 5 v. D. 946 3 Florez, E., & others. Espana sagrada ; theatro geographico-historico de la iglesia de Espana. Madrid, 1747-1860. 47 v. O. il. maps. 946 4 For contents see Ticknor catalogue. — .Historien der Konigkreich Hispanuien, Portugal uud Aphrica... Miinchen, 1589. Q. por. pi. 946 1 Idatiiis. Chronicon, illustratum a J. M. Garzon. (In 5Iigne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. v. 74.) 922 6 Jesus y Jodar, F. de. El hecho de los tra- tados del matrinionio por el principe de Gales con la infante de Espana Maria: Narrative of the Spanish marriage treaty; edited and trans- lated bv S. R. Gardiner. [London,] 1869. sqO. (/u Camden soc. 101.) 820 4 La ViiU6e, J. A. P., & Gueroult, A. Espa- gne. Paris, 1844-7. 2 v. O. pi. maps. (In L'uuivers. 34-5.) 910 18 Macaulay, T. B, Lord Mahon's War of the succession. Un his Essays, 1843, v. 2.) 824 16 Mariana, J. de.Historia general de Espana. 14impresion. Madrid, 1780. 3 v. F. 946 5 — Marineo, L. Obra de las cosas meniorables de Espaiia. Alcala de Henares, 1539. Q. iltp. 946 6 _ — Morales, A. de. Opiisculos oastellanos; or- denados y anotados, con varias noticias histo- ricas, por F. V. Cifuentes. Madrid, 1793. 3 v. O. il. 946 7 For contents see Ticknor catalogue. — — Ucainpo, F. de. Las quatro partes enteras de la cronica de Espana. Zaniora, 1541. F. 946 8 Same. Valladolid, 1604. Q. 946 9 Saavedra Fajardo, D. de, ': BABCE- I,OXA; CANARY ISLANDS, CATALONLl; CHl'UCH HISTOKT; CID; FERDINAND III., V.; OKANADA; JAMES I., 11.: LE- PANTO; 5IAR0CC0: MOORS ; PETEU IV.: PORTUGAL; RODERICK; SPANISH ARMADA; VALENCIA. Spalding, William. The history of English lit- erature ; with an outline of the growth of the language. 7 edition. Edinburgh, 1861. D. 820 17 Spaniolen, et Digt, see Wer^eland, H. A. T. SPANISH ARMADA. Spaunocchi, —,d: others. La dispersione della invincible armata, illu- strata da documenti sincroni. {In Diedo, CJ. La battaglia di Lepanto 1863 ; in Bibl. rara. 7.) 850 3 SPANISH DIALECTS, see CATALAN ; CURA- SAO. - The Spanish Gypsy ,a poem, see Cross,M.A.E.L. SPANISH LANGUxVGtE-DICTIONARlES. Ca- sas, C. de las. Vocabulario de las dos lenguas, toscaua y castellana. Venetia, 1604. S. 463 6 Ferrer, M. Diccionariocastellano-catalan, con una coleccion de 1670 refranes. 2 edicion. Barcelona, 1847. S. 467 3 Diccionario catalan-castellano. Barce- lona, 1839. S. 467 2 Madrid— Real academia espaiiola. Diccio- nario de la lengua castellana. 2 edicion. Ma- drid, 1783. F.^ 463 1 .Some. 1 1 edicion. Madrid, 1869. F. 463 3 .— — Marsh, (i. P. [English-Spanish vocabu- lary: ms.] 1847. D. 107 p. 080 35 — —Marty Caballero, L. Vocabulario de todas las voces (jue faltan a los diccionarios de la lengua castellana. Madrid, 1857. Q. 463 8 Minsheu, J. A most copious Spanish dic- tionarie, with Latine and English. (In his Ductor in linguas. 1617.) 423 4 — — Nenman, H.,V new dictionary of the Span- ish and English languages. 3 edition. London, 1817. 3 V. O. 463 5. Salvil, Y. Nuevo diccionario de la lengua castellana, que comprende la ultima edicion, rectificada y mejorada, del publicado por la academia esi)anola. 3 tdicion. Paris, 1847. Q. 463 4 — ETYM(>L()(a'. Dozy, R., & Enjjelmann, W. H. (ilossaire des mots espagnols et portugais drrivcs de Taralip. 2 edition. Leyde, 18(i9. O. 462 1 — — Engclinaun, \\. H. Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais derives de I'arabe. I,eyde, 1861. O. 479 8 I. de ; Manuel, J.; Mendoza, D. H. de; Monte-nnir, .1. de; ",bv .1. Sparks. 2. Alexander WIl.SOX, bv \V. B. O. Pealiodv.- laptain John SMITH, by G. S. Billiard. 3. Benedict AK\OI.I),by J. Sparks. 4. Anthony WAY.NE, by ,f. Anustnuit;.- sir Henry VAXE, by C. \V. rpham. .i. .John KI.IOT. by C. Francis, fi. William PI.NKNEY, by H. Wheaton.— Wil- liam ELLERY, by E T. Channing.— Cotton MATIIKR, by W. B. O. Peiibody. 7. Sir William PIIIPS, by F. Bowen. —Israel Pl'TXAM, by O. W. B.Peabodv.— Lucretia Maria DAVIDSOX. by [C. M Sedgwick].- David KITTEMIOUSE, by.T Henwirk. S. .Jonathan EDWARDS, by S. Miller.- David liliAI.NKRI), by W. B. O. PealjodV, 9. Baron STEII1K\, l.v F. Bowen. -Sebastian CABOT, bv c. Hay- ward, jr.— William EATOX, by C. C. Felton. 10. Robert FUI.TO.N, by .1 Renwick.— Joseph WARREIV, by A. H.Ev- erett.- Henry HliDSOX, by H. R. Cleveland.— Father MARtJllETTE, by J. Sparks.— List of the lives— General index. The id series, 15 v., is in the main library. see Friiiiklin, B. Works. 1840. 818 1 A'ol.l, Life, by Sparks. Sparre, Per Georg. Adolf Findling ; eller, Tre ar under Drottning Kristinas Regering. Stock- holm, 1835. 3 V. D. 839.73 27 SPARRE G40 SPEYER — Den sidste friseglaren. Stockholm, 1832. 3v. D. 839.73 28 Sparekasseu, Lystspil, see Hertz, H. Spazier, Richard Otto. Jean Paul Friedricli Richter : ein biographischer Commentar zu dessen Werken! Neue Ausgabe. Berlin, 1835. 5 V. in 2. O. 928 44 SPECIES. Darwin, C. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. New York, 1860. O. pi. 575 1.1 — Lyell, C. On the origin of species by varia- tion and natural selection. London, 1863. O. it ph 673 4 — Marsli, (}. P. Transfer, modification and ex- tirpation of vegetable and of animal species. (/(( /lis Earth as modified by human action. 1874.) 080 28 — Mliller,A. Ueber di erste Entstehung organi- ischer Wesen und deren Spaltung in Arten. Berlin, 1866. O. 46 p. (J?i Yircllow A Hol- tzendorfr. Vortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Nii^eli, K. W. you. Entstehung und BegrifE der naturhistorischen Art. Miinchen, 1865. S(iQ. 58 p. 575 5 — Quadri, A. Note alia teoria darwiniana. Bo- logna, 1869. O. 575 4 Specimen magia; albie : oder, Rufungdes Eng- els Gabriels. (In Sclieible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, V. 3.) 837 16 SPECTACLES. Szili, A. Die BriUe. Berlin, 1882. O. 88 p. {In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 RELIGIOUS SPECTACLES, see FESTIVALS. The spectator. 7 edition. London, 1724. 16 v. S. 824 19 — New edition, with biographical notices. Cincinnati, 1857. O. por. 824 20 — New edition, reproducing the original text both as first issued and as corrected by its au- thors, with introduction, notes and index by Henry Morley. London [, 1868]. D. j)0/'. 825 21 SPECTRES, see GHOSTS. SPECTRUJI. Hoppe-Seyler, F. Ueber Spec- tralanalyse. Berlin, 1868. O. 36 p. (/iiVir- diow & Holtzendorff. Vortr'Age. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Tait, P. (t. Radiation and absorption. — Spectrum analysis. (In his Lectures. 1876.) 504 6.1 SPECULATION. Aron, S. Ueber Lieferungs- geschafte und kaufmiinnisclien Schwindel. Berlin, 1875. O. 36 p. (/u Vircliow * Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Colin, G. Die Borse und die Spekulation. Berlin, 1868. O. 32 p. {In same. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Speculum regale, see Konun^.s skuggsja. Speddinsr, .lames, editor, see Bacou, F, A con- fereiu-e of pleasure. 1870. 822 2 SPKECH, see LANGUAGE; PHONOLOGY: VOICK. Speed, John. Hiberniie descriptio. (In Res- publioa Scotiit; et Hiberniiu. 1627.) 094 27 Speersclineider, C. A. Behandling af Oldsager af TrsB. sotn ere fnndiie i Moser. (In (loneiihii- jjen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tids- skrift. V. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 SPEIER. Chronica prassulum Spirensis civita- tis. — Catalogus episcoporum Spirensium. (In Eckhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist. 1723', v. 2.) 943 13 — Ney, .1. Der Reichstag zu Speier, 1526. Ham- burg, 1889. O. 44 p. (In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 SPEKE, John Hanning. Andree, K. T. Die Expeditiouen Burton's und Speke's von Zan- zibar bis zura Tanganyika- und Nyanza-See. (In his Forschungsreisen, 1861, v. 2.) 915.3 1 Het spel van de V vroede ende van de V dwaeze maegden, 16 eeuw. Gent [. pref. 1846]. Q. 54 p. {In Maetschappy der Vlaeui. bilil. Werken, 2 ser. 6.) 839.3 3 SPELLING. See tile division under the various languages, as DA>- ISH LAXJUAfiE-SPELUXG. Spencer, Herbert. On political education. {Ill Youmans, E. L., editor. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 Spencer, John. ...Things new and old ; or, A storehouse of illustrations ; with preface by Thomas Fuller; added, A treasury- of similes, by Robert Cawdray ; both edited, with an in- troduction by J. 6. Pilkington. London, 1867. Q. 208 9 Spener, Philipp Jacob. Vorrede. (In Tauler, J. Predigten, 1841-2, v. 3, pref. p. 3-16.) 252 7 Spenser, Edjniind. Poetical works. 1 American edition, with introductory observations on the Faerie queene and notes by [G. S. Hilliard]. Boston, 1839. 5 v. O. 2^or. 821 lOO — The faerie queen. — Two cantos of Mutabilitie. (Ill Sonthey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.1 821 9 Spencer society. Publications. [Manchester,] 1867-88. 47 v. in 35. sqO & F.-* por. facsiiii. 821 3 Contents: 1. Hevwood, J. Proverbs and epifrrams, 1562. 2-4. Tavlor, J. Works, folio of 1630. o. Zeplieria, 1594. 6. Watson, T. The ■E«aTo^iiro9.a, 1581. i, 14, 19. 21. 25. Tay- lor, J. Worlis not in folio of 1630. S. liobinson, C, <6 others. A handefull of pleasant delites, 1584 ll-ll. Wither, (J. Juvenilia, 1G26 and 1633. 12. 18, 16, 18, 22. 24. Witlier, ti. Miscellaneous worlss. 13. Kendall, T. Flowers of epi- (rrammes, 1577. 17. Uodonliani, J. Belvedere, 1600. 20. Ciiurclijard, T. The worthines of Wales. 15S7. 28. Kous, F. Thule, 1598, 20-34. Witlier, G. S8-7. HaleUijah: or, Ki-ilans second remembrancer. 1641. 2^-9. liritain's re- membrancer, IG^S. 30. The hymns and songs of the church. 31-2. The Psalms of David translated. 33. Paralellop:rammaton. 34. Exercises upon the first Psalm. 3.5, (Jopley, A. A fig for fortune. SO. Wither, 0. Respublica Anglicana- 37. Wither, {i. A preparation to the Psalter, 1619. 88. Itartiay, A. The mirrour of jjood manners,' 1570. 89. narclay, A. Certayne etrloges, 1570. 40. The irrcut assises hnlden in Parnassus. 41. Vaficinf- iini vutivutii, with rlet^ies. 42. Willohy. II. His Avisa. 4l!-4. .Seneca, L. A. The tenne traRedies translated. 45-0. nrayton, M. l*oems. 47. llastard, T, Chrestoleros ; seven boolies of epijrrames. Sperling, Otto. De Danica^ lingua' et nominis autii|ua gloria et pru'rogativa inter septentrio- halt's commentariolus. Hafniu), 1694. suD. [8 + ] 91 p. 439.8 3 — annotator, see Adnni of Bremen. Hist, eccles. lib. 1. (/?( 'Wcstphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 2.) 943 21 Speroni, Sperone. Egloga. (In Rnbbi, A. Eg- loghe. I7S5.) 851 2 Speyer, 0. Ueber das Komische und dessen Verwcnduiig in dir Poesic. Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. (In Vireliow it- HoltzendorfT. Vortrilse. 12 Serie.) 043 1 SPEYK 641 SPORTS Speyk, Hukle aan HoUamls zeeheld, J. C. J. van, see Leiiiicp, J. van. Poit. weiken, 9. SPHORTIA, Francisous, see SFORZA, F. A. De Spiegel tier jongers, see (ioetmaii, L. Spiegel historiael, see Maerlant, J. van. Spiers, Richard Pliene. The aichitfctuial re- mains of Palestine. //. (/», Morrison, >V.,cYZi^o)-. The recovery of Jerusalem. 1.S71.) Ol.i.G 30.1 Spless, Baltliasar. Die friinkisch- hennebergi- sche Muiidart. Wien, 1873. O. map. 437 4 Spiess, Friedricli. Der Tenipel zu Jerusalem, wiihrend des letzten Jahrlumderts seines Be- standes nach Jdsephus. Berlin, 1880. O. 36 p. pi. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorlf. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Spigolatura fiorentina, see Fanfaiii, P., editor. Spina, BartoloniMieo della. Quajstio de strigi- bus.— De lauiiis apologia 1-4. (/vt Spreng-er, J., & others. Malleorum, 1583, v. 3.) 133 10 SPI\E. Schilling, J. A. Die psychisohe Aeti- ologie der Scoliosen ; oder, Der Wille als Fun- damentalursache der habitualen seitlichen Riickgratsverkriimmung. Augsburg, 1863. O. 104-70 p. 131 5 bound tcith 113 1 —Vircliow, R. Ueber das Riickeninark. Ber- lin, 1871. O. 40 p. i7. (/k Vlrchow 8 130 — Tasso, T. II mesaggiero. (/nliis Dialoghi, lH33,v. 1.) 851 117 — TyndalI,J. Science and spirits, (//t /i is Frag- ments of science. 1871.) ,504 7 — ZoUrier, J. C. F. Thomson's Dilmonen und die Schatten Plato's. (In his Wiss. Abhand- lungen, 1878-81, V. 1.)— Ueber die metaphysische Deductionen der Naturgesetze. — Kepler und die unsichtbare Welt. ^)Z. (7« same. v. 3, pt. 1.) — Zur Metaphysik des Raumes. — Zur Aljwehr. pi. (In same. v. 3, pt. 3.)— Die transcendentale Pliysik und die sogenannte Philosophie. por. 2)l.facsim. {In same. v. 3.) 504 8 SPITTLER, Ludwig Timothens. Heeren, A. H. L. (In his Werke, 1831-30, v. 6.) 908 3 SPITZBERGEN. Dnn^r, N., * others. Sveuska expeditioner till Spetsbergen och Jan Mayen, 1863-4, af Duner, A. J. Malmgren, A. E. Nor- denskiiild och A. Qvennerstedt. Stockholm, 1867. Q. il. pi. map. 919.8 9 — Marniier, X. (In his Lettres sur le nord, 1840, V. 3.) 914.8 1 — Peterniann, A. H. Spitsbergen und die arktl- sche Central-Region. Gotha, 1865. sqQ. 10-1- 70 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittlleilnngen : Ergiinzungsband 4.) 910 44 Spolverini, Giovanni Battista. La coltivazione del riso [, poem]. 3 edizione. Verona, 1763. s'lQ- '■'■ 851 111.1 Spon, Ernest. Water supply; the present prac- tice of sinking and boring wells. London, 1875. D. 628 3 —& Byrne, 0., editors. Spon's dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, militarv and naval; with technical terms in French, Ger- man, Italian and Spanish. London, 1873-4. 4 V. O. il. tab. §20 3 Same: Supplement; edited by E. Spon. London, 1879-81. 3 v. Q. il. 620 4 La sporchia de lo bene, see Viilano, S. Sporer, J. Nowaja Semlii in geographischer, naturhistorischer und volkswirthschaftlicher Beziehung. Gotha, 1867. sqQ. 7/iaps. (In Petermanns Mittlieilungen : Erganzungsband 5-) 910 44 Sporon, Benjamin Georg. Eenstydige danske Ords Bem:erkelse ; udgivet med TilL-eg af Lud- vig Heiberg. Kj0benhavn, 1807. D. 439.84 1 See also Miiller, P. E. SPORTS. Barnes, J. The book containing the treatises of hawking, hunting, coat-armour, fishing, and biasing of arms ; as printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde. 1496. London, 1810. Q. il. 094 3 — Bernoni, D. G. Giuochi popolari veneziani. Venezia, 1874. D. 94 p. 859 51 — Maspons y Labr()s, F. Jochs de la infancia. Barcelona, 1874. D. 869 34 —Pin y Soler, J. Les jeux d'enfant en Cata- logue.— Jeiix et souruetas du bas Languedoc. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 5, 1874.) 479 5 — Pitre, G. Giuoehi fanciulleschi siciliani Palermo, 1883. D. p>l. (/u /us Bibl. sicil. 13.) 859 37 SPORTS 642 STAFFELDT — Saraceiio, F. GiuUaii, menestrelli...dei prin- cipi d' Acaia, 1295-1395. (In Curiosity di sto- ria subalpina. v. 3, 1879.)— Giunta, 1390-1438. {In same. v. 4, 1880.) 945 48 — Striltt, J. The sports and pastimes of the people of England. New edition, by W. Hone. London, 1838. O. il. 394 4 See also ACEOB.tTS: ABCHEEY; CARDS; CHESs'.CIBCUS; DA>CI>(i; FISHING; HAWKING; HLNTIXG; STBENGTH. La sposa peisiana, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 35. La sposa sagace, commedie, same, v. 29. Spottiswoodej Heorge Andrew. A tour in Cro- atia and part of Hungary. {In Galtou, F. Va- cation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 Spratt, ThoDias Abel Briiuage. On the geology of Malta and Gozo. [Malta, J 1853. O. _ 24 p. pi. map. 554.5 4 Spreelier. Fortunatns. Rhetia. Lugd. Batavo- rum, e.v officina Elzevinana,WBS. Tt. 094 53 The running title is Palladis Rhseticje liber. Spreiiger, Aloys. Mohammed und der Koran; eine psychologische Studie. Hamburg, 1889. O. 74 p. (/)( Virchow & Hollzendorff. Vor- tr'age. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Sprenger, Jakob, & others. Malleorum quo- rundam maleficarum tomi duo. Francofurti, 1583. 3 r. in 1. S. 133 10 fSprenger van Eijk, Jacobus Petnis. De marte- laars der protestantsche kerken van Hongarije in de 17de eeuw. Dordrecht, 1845. O. 272 6 Entered in Frederiks and Branden'a Biog. woorden- boek under Ejk. Springer, Anton Heinrich. Michelangelo in Rom, 1.508-12. Leipzig, 1875. O. 73 p. 927 6 Springer, John S. Forest life and forest trees ; winter camp-life, with lumbering operations, Maine and New Brunswick. New York, 1851. D. il. pi. 551.58 52 SPRINGS. Dumas, G.La science des fontaines; on, Moyen sur et facile de creer partout des sources d'eau potabile. 3 edition. Paris, 1857. O. pi. 628 3 — Hayden, F. V. The hot springs and geysers of the Yellowstone and Firehole rivers. [New Haven,] 1872. O. 28 p. 551.23 1 Xowik, A. F. P.Die Riithsel unserer Quellen. Leipzig, 1852. O. pi. 551.49 1 Paramelle, — . Quellenkunde ; aus dem Fran- zosischen. Leipzig, 1856. D. 551.49 3 — Vallisneri, A. Lezione accademica intorno I'origine delle fontane. 3 edizione, con giunta da G. G. Giorgi. Venezia, 1736. Q. jjor. pi. 551.49 3 *«a/so BAGNOLS; MIXEKAL WATERS; WEUti. Spurrell, William. A dictionary of the Welsh language, with English explanations. 3 edi- tion. Carmarthen, 1866. S. 491.6 3 — An English-Welsh pronouncing dictionary. Sargraffiad. Caerfyrddin, 1872. S. 491.6 3 SQUARING OF THE CIRCLE, see CIRCLE. Squier, Epliraiin George. Observations on the aboriginal monuments of the Mississippi val- ley. New York, 1847. O. 79 p. il. mans. 571 4 — Peru ; incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas. London, 1877. O. Jl. pi. map. 918.5 1 —& DAVIS, E. H. Oldtidsminder i Nordame- rica. (7. (/i^ Copenliaueu— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Antiiirnlu' lib. 4.) " S21 3 Stags:, John. Poems, &c. (In Westiiiorelaiid and Cumberland dialects. 1839.) 8'2"J 1 Staglieuo, Marcello, mnrchese. Sui primordi deir arte della stampa in Genova, appunti e documenti. (In Societil ligiire. Atti. v. 9,1869.) 945 48 Stagiieliiis, Erik Jolian. Sanilade skrifter ; utgifne af L. Hammarskold. 2 upplagan. Stockholm, 18*1-33. 3 v. O. 839.7136 Stalil, Franz Wilhelni. Die Arbeiterfrage sonst und jetzt. Berlin, 1872. O. 47 p. (Deut- sche Zeit-und Streit Fragen. v. 1, no. 6.) 331 10 Stahl, Friedricli Julins. Wider Bunsen. 3 Ab- druck. Berlin, 1S.56. D. 17a 6 bound with 150 2 Stalder, Frauz Joseph. Die Landessprachen der Schweiz; oder, Schvveizerische Dialektolo- gie; nebst der Gleichnissrede von dem verlor- euen Sohne in alien Schweizermundarten. Aarau, 1819. D. 437 9 — Versuch eines schweizerischen Idiotikon ; samt einer Skizze einer schweizerischen Dia- lektologie. Aarau, 1812. 2 v. in 1. O. 437 10 Stanim, Ferdinand. Geschichte der Arbeit : Volksleselmch. Wien, 1870. O. 331 1.5 Stamni, Friertrich Liidwis, editor, see Ulfllas. 1858. Staminler, Carl.Ueber die Stellung der Frauen ira alten deutschen Recht. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 12Serie.) 043 1 Stanford, Edward. Stanford's portable map of India. London, 1869. 85x76 cm. in D. 912 36 —Same. 1875. 912 37 Stanger, Jakob August. Sendschreiben an seine ehemaligen Pfarrkinder zu Kreuznach. Trier, 1845. D. 15 p. 231 4 Stanley, Arthur Penrliyn, dean of Westmin- ster. An address on the connection of cliurch and state. London, 1868. O. [3-I-] 48 p. 322 7 — The end and the means of Christian miss- ions. (In Milller, F. M, On missions, 1873. p. 1-22.) 26C 2 —Introduction. {In Morrison, MY., editor. The recovery of Jerusalem. 1871.) 915.0 30.1 — Letters from Greece. (In Wyse, T. Im- pressions of Greece. 1871.) 914.9 37 —editor, see Arnold, T. Life and correspond- ence. 1845. 923 10 Stanley, Henry Jlorton. Through the dark continent. Hamburg, 1878. 4 v. D. )nap. (Asher's edition.) 916.7 8 Stanyhnrst, Ricliard, translator. Tlie first four booksof the Aeneid of Virgil, in English heroic verse, with other translations and poems. Ed- inburgh, 1836. sqQ. _ 873 7 .50 copies privately printed. With prefatory notice by James Maidmeut. — Translation of the first four books of the JEneis of P. Virgilius Maro; with other poet- ical devices. 15H2. London, 1880. D. (In Xrher, E. English scholar's library. 10.) 873 8 Stapliyliis, Friedrich. Historia acti negotii inter .Stai)hylum et Andreain Osiandrum in Prussia contra coluinnias Johannis Functii. (In Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1-3 ) 830 10 — Str()l)el, (i. T. Nacliriclit von dem Leben und Scbriften Staphyli. (In .misk Archiv, .see David, C. G. >'. Stauiidfonle, Sii- William.Les plees delcorone; avecques un table des clioses notables. Lon- dini. 1607. sqD. 347 3 STE.VM ENtiOES. Cook, T., compiler. Report of the engineer-in-chief of the U. S. navy on rSickels's cut-off] ; testimonials, &c. Balti- more, 1848. O. 36 p. G21 7 GJerlaiid, E. Die Dampfmaschineim 18 Jahr- hundert in Deutschland. Hamburg, 1887. O. 44 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 — (inillemin, A. V. La vapeur. Paris, 1873. D. (7. ( /;( Cliarton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 621 3 Taddei, («. Rapporto suUa communicazione dal conte Cam|)i sul modo di impedire la forma o-lobulare nell" accpiadelle caldaie di macchine a vapore. [Firenze,] n. d. O. 11 p. 021 7 STEAMBOATS. Fitch, J. The original steam- boat : a replv to Rumsey. j)l. (/)( O'Callairlian, E. U. Uocu'mentary history of N. Y., 1850-1, V. 3.) 974 9 — Rmiisey, J. A short treatise on the applica- tion of steam. 1787. {hi .fame.) 974 9 SteccliettijLorenzo, jjsc!«(toi2/j)i of Uiicn'iiii,0. STEEL, see IRON. Steele, Sir Richard, see The spectator. The Steele glas, see Gascoigiie, (i. Steenackers, Fraixjois Fr6d6rlc. Le paysan, I'impot et le suffrage universel. Paris, 1869. D. 333 17 Steeiistnip, Japetns. Zeni'ernes Reiser i Nor- den ; kritisk Fremstilling af det sidste Tiaars Bidrag til Forstaaelsen... maps. {In Copen- Iiagen— K. iiord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 18, 1883.) 948 5 Steeiistriip, Johannes Japetiis Smith. Hvad er Kongespeilets "Havgjerdinger" V et Bidrag til Forstaaelse af Kongespeilet ogtil Bestemmel- sen af dets Affattelsestid. (In same. v. 6, 1871.) • 948 5 Stefanescii, Maiia, translator, see Heliade Radiilescu, I. La Dacia e la Romania. 1876. 949 75 Stefani, Carlo de. Sulle tracce attribuite all' uomo pliocenico nel Senese. (In Rome — R. aecad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. set. fis. v. 3, 1877- 8, pt. 1.) 0(>5 4 Stefano, Silvano di, editor, see Cava— Badia della Triiiitsl.Code.x diplomaticus. 1873-5. 327 3 Storia di Stefano, see Sandabad. Stein, F. von. Die russischen Kosakenheere ; nach dem Werke des Choroschchin und andern Quellen. Gotha, 1883. sqQ. [2+] 39 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittheilnngeu : Erganzungs- band 16.) 910 44 Steinbuch, see Volmar. Steiner, Maximilian. Ueber den Amazonen- Mythus in der antiken Plastik. Leipzig, 18.57. O. jj/. 292 5 Steinhanser, Anton. Grundziige der mathe- matischen Geographic und der Landkarten- projection. Wien, 1857. Q. 525 3 bound with 504 2 — Karte der Grafschaft Tirol nebst Vorarlberg. Wien, 1877. 59x70cni. in D. 912 33 Steinheil, Karl Angust von. Comparator zur Vergleichung der Toise mit dem Meter. (In Mnuicli— Akad. Sitzungsb. Math.-phys. CI. v.l, 1870, pt. 1-13.) 551.58 48 Stcinmann, Jnstns Valentin. Origines & iucre- menta fraternitatis Calendarum in Welna & consistorii Munsterdorpiensis, 1304-1677. ^j/. (/?» Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 3.) 943 21 Steinnietz (Latin Latomus), Bernhard. Ori- gines Plessiacjc llegapolenses. 1611. ;)/. (In same.) — Genealo-clironicon Megapolitanum : das ist, Eine historischo Beschreiliung...l(ilO. par. — Historia episcopia; Megapoleusis sen Sverineiisis; das ist, Pes Genealo-Chronici vier- terTheil. (hi .-iame.v. 4.) 913 31 Stcinnieyei-, Elias, editor, see Zeitschrift fiir deutschos Altcrthum. v. 17-23, 1874-9. 830 3 Steintlial, llayinann. Mythos und Religion. Berlin, 1S7(I. O. 33 p. " (/;t Virchow * Hoi- tzendorir. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 STELLA, see JOHNSON, Esther. Slella, Antonio Fortiinato. Teorica dei verbi italianl. Ultima edizione. Firenze, 1850. D. 455 13 STELLA 645 STEPHENSON Stella, Joliiiiin Martin. Exemplaria literarum til' riircuruiii in ivgiio HuiiKariie successibus, 154 3-4.— DL'scriptio et inuiiitiones Altemljurgi arcis dotalis. {In Reniiil Ilungaiicarum scrip- tores. 1000.) 5)4:5 (i:i Stella, ein Trauerspiel, see Gotlie, J. W. von. v. 10. STENBOCK, Arvid Nils, grefve. O.venstjerna, J. (1. .Vrniiinelse-tal ofver Stenbock, Hi april 1783. (//( his Arbeten, 1805-26. v. 3.) 83!).71 33 Stendal. Ein Stendaler Urtheilsbucli aus deni 14ten Jahrhundert, als Beitrag zur Keiintniss (les Miig(lel)arger Reolits ; herausgegeben von J. F. Bulu-end. Berlin, 1868. O. :j4i) 5 De Stendhal, pseudonym of Beyle, M. H. Steiiersen, L. B. De historia variisque generi- bus statnaruni iconicarum apud Atheniense.s. Christianize, 1877. O. 733 1.1 Steng:cl, Andreas. Die Anfange der Spracbe. Hamburg, 1888. O. 30 p. (In Vircliow 4 31 —Same. [3 edition.] \8+\ 447 [-f 6J p. Oi»4 33 Same title page. Parts 2-4 displace 2 and 5 of the first edition. — Historian Danicfe libri duo. (/;( Krag, N. Annaliuni. 1737.) «>48 67 — editor & annotator, see Saxo grammaticus. Historia; Danica^ libri. 1644. " !)48 85 Steplianus, Henricus, .see Estienne, H. STEPHEN, king of England. Hewlett, R., editor. Clironicles of thn reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. London, 1884-9. 4 V. Q. facsim. (/iiGt.Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 83.) 942 8 — Richard, x>rior of He.vham. Account of Stephen and the battle of the standard[;Latin]. (In Raine, Rev. J, The priory of Hexham. V. 1, 1864: in Surtees soe. 44.) 820 7 STEPHEN the Great, voivode of Moldavia. Esarcn, E., editor. Stefanu cellu Mare : docu- mente descoperite in arcliivele venedei. Bu- curesci, 1874. O. 949 73 Stephen,Leslie. The Allelein-horn. (In Gnlton, P. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 38 Stephens, tJcorgre. Ett forn-svenskt legendari- um, iunehallaude medeltids kloster-sagor om helgon, i)afvar oeh kejsare, 1-13 arhundradet. Stockholm, 1847. v. 1. O. (In Svenska forn.- Siil. Samlingar, V. 4.) 839.7 3 — Forslag til Islsendernes uudgivne Folkesagns eg Sanges Optegnelse og Bevaring. (In Copen- hag'en— K. nord, Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1. :843-5.) 948 4 — Forteckning iifrer de forn'amsta brittiskaocli fransyska handskrifterna uti Kongl. liililio- theket i Stockholm. Stockholm, 1847.0. 016 4.1 —Same. {In Svenska forn.-sal. Allmiinna ars- mote, 1846.) 839.7 2 ^Prof. S. Bugge's Studies on northern myth- ology, il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old- Selskab. Memoires. n. s. v. 3-4, 1878-89.)— The oldest yet found document in Danish, il. pi. (Ill same. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 — To i Sverrig fundne Proce8sions-0xer. (In .same. Aarbeger. v. 1, 1806.) — Wimmer om Ru- neindskrifter. — Jessens Sniating vedrorende Runeindskrifter. {In same. v. 3, 1807.)— Om de a3ldste old nordiske Runeindskrifter. (In same. v. 3, 1868.) — Tre "barbarisk-classiske" Gemmer, fundne i Danmark. il. {In same. V. 8, 1873.)— T.vr hajb us, ye T.i^r ye Odin !— Den danske Hovding Astrad. il. (In same. v. 10, 1875.) — Prof. S. Bugge's Studier over nordisk Mythologi. il. (In same. v. 18-19. 1883-4.) — Det zHldste hidtil kjendteDokumentpaaDansk. il.l)l. (/n .s«me. v'. 30, 1885.) 948 5 — & Hylten-Cavallins, (}. O.Svenskafolk-sagor och afventvr. Stockholm, 1844. v. l,pt. 1.0. 39S 13 — editor, see [Sir Aniadas: ] Ghost-thanks : or. The grateful unburied. 1860. 821 97 Iwain. Herr Ivan lejon-riddaren. 1849. (In Svenska forn.-siil.Samlingar, v. 3.) 839.7 3 it translator. Tvende old-engelske Digte, met Oversiettelser og Tilla?g. Kjobenhavn. 1853. sqO. 829 19 Contents : Abjjarns-Leeenden.— Old-English versified homily for the third Sunday in Lent. — translator, see Tegn^r, E. Frithiof's saga. 1839. 839.71 45 — — Thomsen, G. The Northmen in Iceland. 1859. 949 5 Stephens, John Lloyd. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. New York, 1841. 3 v. O. pi. map. 917.2 4 — Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrjea and the Holy Land ; by an American. 3 edi- tion, with additions- New York 1838. 3 v. D. il. pi. maps. 916.2 17 — Incidents of travel in Y'ucatan. New York, 1843. 3v. O. il. pi. map. 917.2 3 Stephensen, Magnus Olafsson. Athugaverdt vid saitta-stiptanir og forlikunar-malefni a Is- landi. Videyar Klaustri, 1819. S. 839.68 7 — Commentatio de legibiis qure jus Islandicum hodiernum efficiant, deque emendatiouibus nonnuUis. qiiEB haj leges desiderare videantur. Havnias, 1819. D, 349 57 — Eptirmreli atjandu aldar eptir Krists liinga- burd fra ev-konnuni Island!. Leirargordum vid Leira, 1806. D. 839.68 14 — Island idet 18de Aarhundrede,liistorisk-poli- tisk skildret. Kjobenhavn, 1808. S. tab. 949 4 A translation and revision of his Eptirmjeli. Stephensen. Olaftir. Kort Underretning om den islandske Handels Forelse. 874-1788: nied Tanker om frie Handel. Kjobenhavn, 1798. S. 380 18 Stephenson, — .Life of William Caxton.with an account of the invention of printing. London, 1828. O. 32 p. 926 1 STEPPES 646 STJERNHOOK STEPPES. Briiickeii, J. vou den. Ansichteu iiber die Bevvaldung cler Steppen des europaa- isch^n Russlands. Braunschweig, 1854. sqQ. ])l. tab. maps. 551.58 92 bound with 13 —Humboldt, F. W. H. A. von. Ueber die Step- pen and Wiisteu. {In his Ansicliten der Natur, 1849. V. 1 ) 551 23 STERE03IETRY, see HEXAGRAM. STERILIZISli, see GERMS. Stenn, S0reii. Statistisk-topographisk Be- skrirelse over Kjobenhavn. Kjobenhavn, 1839. pt. 1. O. tab. map. 914.8 41 Steru, Alfred. Milton und Cromwell. Berlin, 1875. O. 36 p. ( 7n Vircliow cfc Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Die Socialisten der Reformationszeit. Ber- lin, 1883. O. 36 p. (/)( same. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Sterne, Lanrence. Works; with life by himself. Loudon, 1780. 10 v. D. por. pi. 823 29 —Same. New York, 1813. 6 v. D. por. p!. 823 30 — Ferriar, J. Illustrations of Sterne. 2 edition. Lond(m, 1812. 3 v. D. 823 31 STEUBEN, Friediieli William August Hein- rich Ferdinand, Freiherr von. Boiven, F. Life of Baron Steuben. (In Sparlis, J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 9.) 920 15 Steiir, Charles. Ethnographie des peuples de r Europe avant Jesus-Chribt. Bruxelles, 1873. V. 3. Q. mtt}). 572 15 Stevens, Alexander Hodgdon. Address on the food of plants. Albany, 1848. O. 22 p. 581 1 Stevens, Henry. An account of the proceed- ings at the dinner given by George Peabody to the Americans connected with tlie great exhi- bition, at the London coffee liouse, Lud^ate Hill, 27 Oct. 1851. London, 1851. Q. (7. 606 3 — The Bibles in the Caxton exhibition, 1877 ; or, A bibliographical description of nearly lOnO representative Bibles, 1450-1877. Special edi- tion, witli additions. London, 1878. O. 016 11 — Catalogue of my English library. London, 1853. S. 015 2 Printed for private distribution. — Stevens's historical collections: Catalogue of the first portion of the rare books and manu- scripts relating to America ; auction, 11 July, 1881. London, 1881. Q. por. /acsm. 016 28 Stevens, Simon. The new route of commerce by the isthmus of Tehuantepec. London, 1871. O. 08 p. maps. 626 6 Stevenson, Joseph, editor. The Latin hymns of the Anglo-Sa.xon cliurch, vpith an interlinear Anglo-Saxon gloss ; chiefly from a ms. of the 11th century. Durham, 1851. O. (/)t Snrlees SOC. 23.) 820 7 See also v. in, 13, 14, 16, 1«, 20, 28. Letters and pajiers iUustrativeof the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the sixth, king of England. London, IBfil-i. 2 V. in 3 pt. Q. (/(( VA. Br. -Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 22.) 942 8 Narratives of the e.\pulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449-50. London, 1803. Q. (In same. 33.) 942 8 VoiiitntK ; Illoiidel, It. De reductione Normannife.— Borry.Le recouvrementde Normendle.— Conferences be- tween the ambassadors of France and England. Chronicon monasterii de Abingdon. 1858. (In same. 2.) 942 8 Coggeshall, R. of. Chronicon Anglica- num... 1875. (In .nnne. GQ.) 942 8 Stewart, Charles Samuel. A visit to the South Seas in the U. S. .ship Vincennes, 1829-30. New York, 1831. 2v. O. 919.63 Stewart, William. The buik of the croniclis of Scothiud; or, A metrical version of the History of Hector Boece ; edited by William B. Turn- bull. London. 18.58. 3 v.Q.facsim. (/n Gt. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 6.) 942 8 Stiattesi, .Indrea. Conimentario storico- scien- tificosuUa vita e le opere del conte Guglielnio Libri. 2 edizione, accresciuta. Firenze, 1879. O. 925 11 Sticlius, see Plautns, T. M. v. 3. Stleglitz, Christian Ludwig, the elder. Die Sage vom Doctor P'aust. (/;; Raunier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1834.) 905 1 Stieler, Adolf. Die europaiscli - russischen Grenzlander. Gotha, 1857. F.^ 10 maps. (Er- ganzungen zu Hand-Atlas.) 912 26 — Handatlas. Gotha [, 1872-3]. obF.* QO maps. 912 8 With Vorbericht, U pagres. separate. — Hand-Atlas. Erganzung.shef t f : Karte der Alpen.aiis G. Mayr"s Atlas der Alpenlilnder. Gotha, 1871. obF.* Smaps. 912 31 —Hand-Atlas. Ergilnzungsheft 4-6: A. Peter- mann, Specialkaite von Australien. Gotha, 1875. obF.= 9 maps. 912 45 Stier, Ewald Rudolf, <& Tlieile, K. G. W.. edi- tors, see Bible -Polyglot. 1854-6. 220 4 Stierlin, E., editor, see Tschachtlan, B.Berner- Chronik. 1820. 949 33 Stieruman, Anders Anton von, editor & anno- tator, see Tegel. E. J. Koning Erics den XIV: deshistoria. 1751. 948 36.1 Stigliola, Nicola, pseudonym of Sitillo, G. Stille, Charles Janeway. History of the U. S. sanitary commission ; being the general report of its work during the war of the Rebellion. Philadeli)hia, 1806. O. 361 3 Stilling, .Tohann Heinrich Jung, called, see Jung; .1. H. Stillman, William James. The late George P. JIarsh. (/)i Nation, v. 35, p. 304-5.) In main library. Stincliin van der Krone. (In Altdcutsehe Neujalir.-bbrtter, 1874.) 839.1 6 I stin((nal da raniur, tragicomedia, see Mauri- /io, (i. Stivauello, Luigi Carlo. Proprietarii e coltiva- tori nella provincia di Venezia. Venezia,1873. V- 333 18 Stjernlijelni, Georg. De linguarum origine jire- fatio. (/u umias. 1071.) ,839,9 1 — Vitterhets-arbeten ; k nyo utgifne af L. Hammarskold. Stockholm, 1818. O. 839.71 37 IJfe, p. 1-fil. Sfjernlioiik, Jolian Olofson. De JureSveonum et Gotlunum vetusto. Holmiiv, 1672. S(|D. 349 40 &TJ ERNST OLPE G47 STORM Stjeriistolpe, Jonas Mag'iiiis. Lunkontus, dra- luatiserail fulk-saga, pa vers. Stocklu>liii,l.S'.i4. D. s:W.72 9 — Trollhandskarne, fee-saga. Stockholiu. IsiS). D. 70 p. S:J!).72 9 — Vitterhets-stycken. Stocklioliii, 1837-9. 3 v. O. 839.71 88 Stobseiis, Anders Pelir, respondent. SxeSioff/na hisCoricum Scandinaviaiu ut gentium vagiiiam consi(lerans,1751, see Iti'in^, S., pnvHen. !>4-S 17 STOCKENSTROM,Kiik \on,grefce. Ilosenstehi, N. von. Aiviniane ofver 8toc;kenstrdiii. 3(i iiiaj 1790. (/;t /(i.5 Skrifter, 18:!8, V. 1.) 835). 78 i Stiickliardt, Jnliiis Adolpli. Die Schule der Chemie. 4 AuHage. Braunschweig, 1849. D. a. 540 10 Stockholm - KONULUiA BIBLIOTHKKET. Arwidsson, A. I. Fiirteckning ofver Kongl. biLiliothekets i Stockliolm isUindska handskrif- ter. (//i Svenska forn.-sal. Allmiinna arsmote, 1847.) 839.7 2 Stephens, (x. Forteckning ofver de for- niimsta brittiska och fransvska handskrifterna uti Kongl. blbliotheket i Stockholm. 8t<3ck- holm, 1847. O. 016 4.1 — — —Same. (7h Svenska forn.-sal. Allmiin- na arsmote, 1846.) 839.7 3 — Kongligrn svenskn velenskaps akadeniien. Svensk spnikliira. Stockholm, 1836. O. 439.75 1 See aim Sveiiska loniskrift-siillskapet. — Elers, J. Stockholm. [Stockholm. 1800-1.] 4 V. O. 914.8 31 Stockliolinslifvet, .see Blanche, A. T. Stoddart, Sir John. Glossology ; or, The his- torical relations of languages. 1st division. London, 1858. D. 400 3 Stoffel en zijn broers, kluchtspel, see Leiinep, J. van. Poet, vverken, 9. Stoke, Metis. Rijmkronijk ; met historie-,oud- heid- en taalkundige aanmerkingen door Bal- thazar Huydecoper. Levden, 1773. 3 v. O. 839.31 20 Stokes, Whitley, editor & translator. The tripai'tite life of Patrick, with other documents relating to that saint ; [Irish text] with trans- lations. London. 1887 2 v. Q. facsim. (In (it. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 89.) 942 8 Stolfl, Casimiro, editor. Leggende di alcuni santi e beati venerati in S. Maria degli angeli di Firenze. Bologna, 1864. 3 v. in 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 53-3.) 850 10 See altto nos. 33, 80. Petrarca, F. De' rimedii dell" una e dell' altra fortuna. 1867. (In Emilia. Collezione. 17-18.) 850 6 Stolze, F., & .\ndreas, F. C. Die Handelsver- hiiltnisse Persiens. Gotha, 1885. sqQ. [3-t-] 86 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittlieihingen : Erganzungsband 17.) 910 44 Stone, Walter George, editor, see The tale of Bervn. 1876-87. {In Chaucer soc. 3 ser. 17, 24.) 821 46 STONE AGE, see ARCHEOLOGY; SCANDI- Jf AVI A- ANTIQUITIES. STONE CARVING, see SCL'LP'ITRE. SrOXE IMPLE.MENTS. Lnnd, P. W. Om de sydanierikanske Vildes Steeno.xer. (/// Copeil- hasren— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 — Worsaae, J. J. A. Efterretning om Under- sogelsen af to Steendysser i Veiby Sogn. il. (In .same.) — Fund i Steendysser i Danmark. (//(. .'iaine. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 3 Sto|)pani, Antonio. II bel paese ; bellezze na- turali. geologia e geografia fisica d'ltalia. Milano, 1876. O. .554.5 1 —Corso di geologia. Milano, 1871. 3 v. O. r7. pi. 551 10 — &others. Geologia d' Italia. Milano [,1879- ' 83]. 3 V. in 1. Q. il. pi. maps. (In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 3 Contents: 1. Negri, (I. Oescrizioiie ilei terreui. i. Stop- pani, A. L' era neozoica. 3. Mercjilli, (». Vulcani e fe- nomeni vulcanlei. A glacier map in 2 leaves belonffius to v. 2 is Ijouiid with the Carte diversi of this series. Stora rimchrouikan. (In Fant, E. M. Script, rerum Svecicarum, 1818-38, v. 1.) 948 38.1 See al^o Miiista rimchronilcan. StorcU, Heinrich Friedrich. Gemiehlde von St. Petersburg. Riga, 1794. 2 v. S. jj/. 914.7 19 Storer, Horatio Robinson. Southern Italy as a health station for invalids. Naples [, 187.5]. O. [b+] 70 p. phot. 615 18 Storia d' una crudele matrigna, ove si narrano piacevoli novelle. Bologna, 1862. D. 68 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 14.) 850 10 Storia della colonna infame, see Manzoni, A. Storia della reina Ester, see Esther, queen. Storia di due amanti, see Pins II., pojje. Storia di quattro ore, see Corsiiii, N. Storia di Stefano, .see Sandal)ad. Stiirk, Felix. Franz von Holtzendorff ; ein Nachruf. Hamburg, 1889. O. 34 p. por. (In Virchowcfc Holtzendorff. Vortr'age. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 STORM, Edvard. Welhaven, J. S. C. (In his Skrifter. 1867-8, v. 8, p. 354-367.) 839.84 2 Storm, Gustav. Etimologie. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 4, 1878.) 450 11 — Norske Historieskrivere paa Kong Sverres Tid. (/it Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 6, 1871.)— Yderligere Bemaerk- ninger om den skotske •'historia Norvegife." (In same. Y. 8, 1873.)^Nye Studier over Thid- reks Saga, (/h same. v. 13, 1877.) — Studier over Vinlandsreiserne, Vinlands Geografi og Eth- nografi. il. (In savie. v. 33, 1887.)— Om Kil- derne til Lyschanders "Gr0nlandske Chronica." (In same. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 — Snorre Sturlassons Historieskrivning ; en kritisk Undersogelse. Kjobenlaavn, 1873. O. map. 839.63 16.2 — Studies on tlie Vineland voyages, il. (In Co- penhaffen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires, n. s. V. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 — editor, see Munch, P. X. Oplysninger om det pavelige Archiv. 1876. "948 25 Samlede Afhandlinger. 1872. 948 26 STORMARlSr 64S 8TRA USS STORMIRN. Petersen, J. Chronica der Lande zu Holsten, Stormai'n,.-.bis in 1531. Franck- fuit a. M., 1557. Q. 943 44 Storiueu paa Kjabenhavn, Opera, see Over- skoii, T. STORMS. Mayer, P. Ueber Sturmfluten. Ber- lin, 1873. O. 40p. (/jiVirchowcfcHoltzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1, 551.5 1 — Solliicke, L. A. Ueber Sturme und Sturm- waruungen. Berlin, 1875. O. 31 p. il. maps. (Ill same. 10 Serie.) 043 1 See also HUh; LIOHTXIN'O; TORNADOES; WINDS. Storiielli italiani, see Oiigaro, F. dali'. Storrs, Ricliaril Salter, jr. John Wycliffe and the first English Bible; an oration. New York, 1880. O. 85 p. 220 6 bound unth 200 1 Story, William Wetmore. Roba di Roma. 3 edition. London, 1864. D. 914.5 83 — A Roman lawyer in Jerusalem; first century. Boston f,1868J. S. 32 p. 81121 A story of doom, see Iiigelow, J. The story of Genesis and Exodus ; an Early English song; now first edited, with introduc- tion, notes and glossary, by Richard Morris. London, 1865. O. {In E. E. text SOC. Orig. ser. 7.) 820 5 Stoiirza, see Stiirdza. StoAV, Joliu. Historical memoranda, and con- temporary notes in the reign of Elizabetli. 1880. {In Camden see. n. s. 38 ) 820 4.1 — A surrey of London, written in 1598. New edition, edited by William J. Tlioms. London, 1842. O. 914.2 11 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth (Beeelier). Oldtown folks. Boston. 1869. D. 813 10 — ^Uncle Tom's cabin ; or. Life among tlie low- Iv. 313th thousand. Boston, 1864. 3v.ini. b. 813 8 — .4. key to Uncle Tom"s cabin, presenting the original facts and documents. Boston, 1853. Q. 813 9 Strabo. Geograplaioa ; recognovit Augustus Weineke. Lipsiae, 1852-3. 3 v. D. 910 16 — German. Erdbeschreibung; unter Begleitung kritisclier und erkliU'ender Anmerkungen ver- deutr'Cht von Christopli Gottlieb Groskurd. Berlin, 1831-3. 3 v. O. jH. 910 17 ^Heeren, A, H. L. Ueber die Quellen der Ge- ographic des Strabo. {In liis Werke, 1821-30, V. 3.) 908 3 Gli straccioni, commedia. see Caro, A. Stracliey, AVilliam. The liistorie of travails into Virginia Britannia ; edited by R. H. Major. London, 1849. O. faciim. (in Hak- hiytsoc. Works. 6.) 975 3 Strada, E, Progetto dei canali di derivazione pcv Roma e sua campagna. Roma, 1876. sqQ. 2:! p. map. 031 23 bound with (107 3 STRADIVARI, Antonio. F^tis, F. J. Antoine Stradivari. Paris, 1856. O. //. facshn. 787 1 Straffen efter Doden, .see 0lilcnsolilitg'er, A. U. Digterv;i'rker, v. 3. Straflord, 'l'lion»as Wentwortli, 1st carl of. Four letters with a poem on liis illness ; edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London,] 1883. sqO. [3-1-] 8 [-I-1J p. {In Camden misc. 8; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) 820 4.1 Strafforello, tiustavo. I fenomeni della vita industriale. Torino, 1870^ D. 331 16 — II nuovo Chi si aiuta, Dio 1' aiuta. Torino, 1870. D. 170 4 — La terra e 1' uomo.seconda 1" opera di Federi- co di Hellwald. Torino, 1878-80. 3 v. O. il. pi. tab. 551 30 La strage di San Bartolomeo ; dalla North British review, con introduzione ed aggiunta di documenti dall' arcliivio generale diVenezia [by T. Gar]. Venezia, 1870. O. 272 1 "L'autore anonirao...5 un siovane pentiluomo la cui famijflia e celebre eyrualmente nei fasti dell' In^hilterra, della Germania e dell' Italia, che occupa un poste nella Camera in^lese del Pari, ed 6 fervente cattolico."— //i- trotUfzione. Stralian, Lisbeth Gooch (Seguin). Walks in Algiers anil its surroundings ; by L. G. Seguin. London, 1878. D. il. p)l. maps. 916.5 5 STRAINS, see BEAMS. Stral, Lorenz. Annales Danici, 1084-1314. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-18;>4, V. 3.^) 948 76 Strange histories, 1607, see Deloney, T. Strangford, Emily Anne Beaufort Sniytlie,ris- conntess. The eastern shores of the Adriatic in 1863; witli a visit to Montenegro. Limdon, 1864. O. phot. 914.9 31 Strangford, Percy Ellen .Algernon Fi-ederlck William Sydney iimyiXx^, Sth'viscount. Original 1. tters and papers upon philological and kind- red subjects ; edited bv Viscountess Strang- ford. London, 1878. 6. 404 3 Stransky,Pauliis. Respublica Bojema descrip- ta : recognita et aucta. Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elezeviriana, 1643. Tt. 094 17 II Strascino, pseudonym of Campani, N. Strassburg, Gottfried von, see Gottfried. STRASSBURG. Mnnich— K. baier. Akad. der W'iss.— Hist. Commis. Die Chroniken der deut- schen Stadte : v. 8-9 : Strassburg. Leipzig, 1870-1. 3 V. O. facsim. maps. 943 34 Conlent.i: >. rioseiipr, F. Chronlk. 1363. 1-2. Kuiiigs- liofen, .1. T. von. rhronik, 1400 (1415). — Sclierer, H. Der Verratli Strasburgs an Frankreicli. 1681. {In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Tasfhenbuch, 1843.) 905 1 SlRASSnURG DIALECT. Bergniann, P. W. StrassburKcr Volksgespriiclie in ihrer JIundart vorgetragen und erliiutert. Strassburg, 1873. O. 839.1 5 Stratniann, Franz Heinrlcli. Beitrage zu einein Wu^rtcrbuche der englisclien Sprache. Bielefeld, 1855 [-6(1]. pt. 1-6. O. 423 10 Contents: A — .Sby. Stratonice, Schauspiel, .see Engel, J. J. v. 6. Strauss, David Friedrioh, Krieg und Friede ; zwei Briiff ati Ernsl Renan, iieKst dossen Ant- wort auf den ersten. Leipzig, 1870. O. 66 p. 943 28 STRAUSS, .lacob. Strobol, (J. T. Nachrirht von Straussens Lebeii und Scliriften. (In his Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 3.) 830 10 STRA W 649 STUART •STRAW. Marslijti. P. Straw, Manufactmeof. (7(1 Johnson's c3'clo|);u(lia.) la main library. Street, Oeorge Edmund. Some account of Gothic architecture ill Spain. Sedition. Lon- don, 1«69. (J. il. 2)1- 729 4 Streftleiir, V. tJber die Natur und die Wir- kungen der Wildbache. I Wien, 1852.1 O. pi. tab. .551.48 HI La Strega, .sec Grazzini, A. F. Coniinedie: Pi- CO delta Mirandola, («. F. STREXUTH. Deppiii!,', (J. Merveilles de la force et de Tadresse. Pari.s, 1809. D. il. (In Cliarton, E. Bil)l. de.s merveilles.) 796 1 STREX(JTH OF MATERIALS, see METALS ; SANDSTONE. Strenna bresciana per 1" anno 1851. Brescia, 1850. O. 1)1. 850 3 Strenna filologica modenese per 1' anno 1863. Modena, 1863. D. 450 15 See also Esereitiixioiii filolusiche, 1844-61. Streyc, Daniel. Kortfattet Beskrivelse af den O IslaiidiM ; fra Polsk oversat med en Indled- ning af Edvin M.Thorson. (/wCopenhagren— K. novd. Old.-Selskah.Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 3 Ft)llowed by Nogle Bema^rkninger, ved S. Jonasson. La stria, tragicomedia, see Maurizio, G. Der Stricljer. Der Pfaffe Amis.— Daz BIocli. iln Lanihel, H. Erziihlungen. 1872 ; in Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Classiker. 13.) 831 15 — Rhytlimus antiquus Gerinanicus de Caroli Magni expeditione Hispanica. (In Schilter, J. Thesaurus. 1737-8, v. 2.) 830 9 Striclier, Williehn. Die Amazonen in Sage und Geschichte. Berlin, 1868. O. 40 p. {In \u- chow & HoltzeiidorlT. Vortnige. 3 Serie. ) 043 1 — Der Blitz und seine Wirkungen. Berlin, 1872. O. 31 p. il. pi. (In same. 7 Serie. > 043 1 — Die F^uerzeuge. Berlin, 1874. O. 30p (/« ■same. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Geschichte der Menagerien und zoologischen Garten. Berlin, 1879. O. 43 p. (In same. 14 Serie.) 043 1 — Goethe und Frankfurt am Main. Berlin, 1876. O. 55 p. (/)( sa?ue. 1 1 Serie. ) 043 1 De strijd met Vlaanderen , .see Leiinep, J. van. Poet, vverken. 3. Strinnholm, Anders Magnus. Svenska folkets historia. Stockholm, 1834-54. 5 v. O. ??i«ps. 948 54 Confenfs: 1-2. Skandinavien under hedna-aldern. 3-5. Svenska folkets medeltids historia [.1050-]1319. Vol. 5 contains general index. Strobel, Georg Tlieodor, editor. Miscellaneen literarischen Innhalts ; grostentheils ausunge- druckten Quellen. Niirnberg, 1778-81. 4 v. in 1. O. 830 10 Strobel, Pellegrino. Avanzi preromani rac- colti nelle terremare e palafitte dell' Emilia. Parma, 1863. pt. 1. sqF. [1-I-] 3-1-10 p. jjl. 571 3 bound with 552 3 Str0m, Hans. Pliysisk og oeconomisk Be- skrivelse over Fogderiet Sondmor i Bergens StiftiNorge. Soroe, 1762. 3 v. sqO. ph map. 914.8 35 — Physisk- oeconomisk Beskrivelse over Eger- Pnestegiadd i Aggerhuus-Stift i Norge. Ki«)- benliavn, 17H4. D. pi. map. 914.8 23 Striim, Israel. Om skogarnas vard och skotsel. Upsala [, 18.53]. D. 33 p. 551.58 40 Striimborg', >'. Svensk sprakliira. Stockliolm, 1853. (). pi. 439.75 2 Stronier, Ulinnn. 'Piichel von meim geslecliet und von abentewr," 1349-1407. (In Mnnicll — K. baior. Akad. Curoniken der deutsclien Stadte, V. 1, 1862: Nuruberg, v. 1.) 943 24 Strong, James. Paragraphs, chapters and verses of the Bible (In Schaff, P. Anglo- American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Strozzi, Alessandra Macinglii negli. Lettere di una gentils, John. A battle-door for singular and plural, 1660, see Fox, G., & others. 099 10 Stndenten, see Tlioresen, A. 31. K. The student's manual of tlie English language, see Marsh, G. I'. Studer, Bernhard. Geschichte der physischen Geograpliie derSchweiz bis 1815. Bern, 1863. O. 554.9 3 — & others. Rapport sur eboulements qui pour- raient resnlter d'un abaissement du niveau des lacs du Jura. Berne, 1866. D. 30 p. il. 627 32 Studer, Gottlieb. Ueber Eis und Sclmee. 1 Ablheilung : Berner-Alpen. Bern, 1869. D. 551.43 31 — & others. Berg- und Gletscher-Fahrten in den Hoclialpen der Schweiz. Zuricli, 1859-63. 2v. in 1. D. 551.43 37 Studj sul compimento dei bonifici nelle Ma- remiiie toscane. Firenze [,186-]. D. 48 p. 627 38 Lo stufaiuolo, commedia, see Doni, A. F. Stiikeley, William, M. I). Tlie family memoirs of Stukeley, and the antiquarian and other cor- respondence of Stukeley, Roger and Samuel Gale, etc. Durham, 1882-7. 3 v. O. por. {In Surtees soc. 73, 76, -80.) , 820 7 StUlpiiagel, F. von, (£■ Bar, J. C. Karte von Europa und dem mittelliindischen Meere. 7 vermehrte Auflage durch A. Petermann. Gotha, 1874. 87x107 cm. in Q. 912 10 — & Berg'haus, H. Chart of the world on Mer- cator's projection. Gotha, n. d. 95x153 cm. in F.s 912 Stuuim, F. Heine Erlebnisse bei der englischen Expedition in Abyssinien. 1868. Frankfurt a. M., 1868. O. maps. 91G.3 2 bound with 916.2 27 Stunipfl', Johaun. Schvsrytzer Chronica, hiss aufT 1546. Ziirych, 1554. D. il. 949 28 Den Stuudesl0se, see Holberg, L. Comedier, V. 6. Sturdza, Alexandr Skarlatovlch. 'Ara^i^crcis rai . ..fxeTa(ppa.ij6^v iiirb ^ujvaTa.vTlvo\j V . ^oirffov. "Ef 'A^^rais, 1858. O. 6-1-54 p. 922 30 Sturlaugs saga starfsama Ingolfssvni.l/)/ Rafii, C. C. Foru. sbgur, 1829-30,v. 3.) 839.63 12.62 Sturluiig'a-sa'ja; edr,Islendinga-saga hiu mikla: lUgeugin u preut ad tilhlutun hius islenzka bokmentafelags. Kaupmannahofn, 1817-20. 2 V. in 4 pt. sqO. 839.63 63 Edited by B. Thorsteinssou. Sturlusoa, Suorri. Heims kringia : eller. Nordl'iindske konunga sagor ; edidit, versione gemina notisque, indici poetico vel rerum il- lustravit Johann. Feringskiold. Stockholmia:-, 1697. 2 V. F. 839.63 13.1 — Heimskringla ; edr, Noregs konunga-sogor ; opera Gerhardi Sclioning. Havni;e. 1777-1826. 6 V. F.» 839.63 14 Icelandic, Danish, and Latin. Vol. 3 accuravit S. T . Thorlaeius. Vol. 1-6, Noregs konunga sogor. curarunt B. Thorlaeius et E. C.Werlauff. — Danish: Norges Konge-Kronike ; fordansket ved Nik. Fred. Sev. Grundtvig. Kiobenhavn, 1818-22. 3 V. sqO. 839.63 16 Norske Kongers Sagaer ; oversatte af Jacob Aall. Christiania, 1838-9. 3 v. in 1. F. 839,63 15 "Cette belle traduction est accompagnee d'impor- tantes notes gfcographiques par G. Muuthe."— £o«fn- Hansen. — English ■ The heimskringla; or. The sagas of the kings: from the Icelandic by Samuel Laing. 2 edition, revised, with notes, by Ras- mus>B. Anderson. New York, 1889. 4 v O. nuqis. 839.63 16.1 520 copies printed ; no. 191. The saga of Sigurd the crusa. SUFFOLK DIALECT, .see Bokenaui, 0. SUFFRAGE. Cantaliipi, A. 11 sutfragio uni- versale e la filosofia sociologica. Torino. 1881. O. 324 2 — Maurice, J. F. D. The workman and the franchise ; chapters from English history on the representation and education of the people. London, 1866. D. 324 3 — Poiijade, E. La monarchie selon le suffrage universel. O. 32 p. 324 3 Siiger, abbot of Saint-Denys. CEuvres com- pletes ; recueillies, annotees et publiees par A. Lecoy de la Marche. Paris, 1867. O. 944 8 SUHM, Karen (Angell). Snlini, P. F. Cha- racter af Frue Suhm. (In his Skrifter. 1788-98, V. 4.) 839.88 5 Snhni, Peter Frederik. Samlede Skrifter. Kiobenhavn, 1788-98. 15 v. S. il. por. pi. tab. 839.88 5 Life with letters to Suhm, v. 15 ; table of contents in SUHM 652 SUJSTDT — Critisk Historie af Danmark udi den heden- ske Tid, fra Odin til Gorm den Gamle. Kio- benhavn, 1774-81. 4 v. sqO. 948 90 —& Scli0iiiug, G. Fors0g til Forbedringer i den gamle danske og norske Historie. Kia- benhavn, 17.57. sqO. 948 18 — continuer, see Laiig:ebek5 J., editor. Scripto- i'e.s rerum Danicarum, 1772-1834, v. 4-7. 948 76 — editor. Symbolse ad literaturam Teutoni- cani antiquiorem, see Jiyerup, R. Torfason, T. Torfwana. 1777. 948 92 SUHM, Ulrik Frederik,Z)a)iis/( admiral. Snhm, P. F. Admiral Suhms Levnet. (/» 7m's Skrifter, 1788-98, V. 10.) 839.88 5 Snlly, Masimilieu de Belluiiie, due de. Me- nmires des sages et royales cecononiies d"estat, etc., de Henri le Grand, 1570-1628. po;\ (In Midland ct- Poiijoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 16-17.) 944 9 Vol. 2 contains Reraarques sur les M6moires, par Marbault . SULPHUR, (liiiareschi, I. Sulla carbotialdina ed altri coinposti solforati. (/« Rome — R.accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sei.Jis. v. 2, 1877-8,pt.l.) — L'acido etilidendisolforico. (In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Henchel, 0. Underretning om de islandske Svovel-Miiner ogSvovel-Rafltinering. jj/. maps, {lit Olal'tsou, 0. Oeconomisk Reise igiennem Island. 1780.) 914.9 11 — Plsatl, G. Su la dilatazione, la capillarita e la visco.sita dei solfo fuso. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei liucei. Atti. 3 ser. set. fls. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 See also .4RSEXIC. Siilpicia. Elegidia. (In Tibiilliis. Carminum lil.er4: in Catulliis, C. V. Opera. 1822.) 874 1 The sultan and his people, see Oscanyau, C. SUMATR.V. JIarsdeii, W. The history of Su- matra, witli a description of the island. 3 edition. London, 1811. sqQ. por. pi. viap. 922 1 Siimma Johannis,1518, .see Johaiiii of Freiburg. A Slimmer in the wilderness, see Lainiian, C. SUN. t'eloria, U. Sopra alcuni eclissi di sole antichi e su (juello di Agatocle in particolare. ;)/. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fix. V. 7, 1^79-80.) 065 4 — Herscliel, J. F. W. (In his Familiar lectures. 1867.) 504 6 —Peters. C. F, \V. Die Entfernung der Erde von der Sonne. Berlin, 1873. O. 30 p. [In Vir- Cliow d- Holtzendorff.Vortriige. 8 Serie.) 043 1 — Respifflii, L. Osservazioni del dianietro so- lare, KS76-7. (/« Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atj:_i. 3 ser. sci. fls. v. 1, 1870-7, pt. 2 ; v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 3.) — Sulle osservazioni del hordo e dclle protuberanze .solari al Campidoglio. }]l. (Ill siiiiie. V. 1, pt. 2.)— Osservazioni del dianie- tro orizzontale del sole, 1878-fl. (In s<(me. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — — Sulle variazioni del diametro del sole in corrispondenza al vario stalo di attivita della sua superficie. — Osservazioni del diametro so- lare. — Sulle osservazioni spettroscopiche del bordo e delle protuberanze solari.p7.(/)i so?/ie.2 ser. V. 2, 1874-5.)— Osservazioni del diametro solare, nota 2a. (In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 ^Rossetti, F. Indagini sperimentali sulla temperatura del sole. j)/. {In same. 3 ser. sci. fls. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 00« 4 — Volplcelli, P. Sulla distribuzione del calo- rico neir apparente disco solare. (In same. 2 ser. V. 2. 1874-5.) 065 3 SUND.^Y. Great Britain— Crown (Charles I.). Declaration concerning lawful sports to be used on Sundays. 1633. [London], 1862. O. [3-I-] 17 [-1-3] p. 263 1 SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Clianning, W. E. The Sunday scbool.(/;t his Works, 1848, v. 4.) 208 3 Sundby, Thor. Brunetto Latinos Levnet og Skrifter; i et Tilheg : Philippi Gualteri Mora- lium dogma; AlbertaniBrixiensis Arsloquendi et tacendi; Versio Islandica c. 36 Moralium dogmatis. Kjobenliavn, 1869. O. por. 848 10.1 — editor, see Albertano of Brescia. Liber con- solationis et consilii. 1873. (In Chancer soc. 2 ser. 8.) 821 46 Sundt, Eilert Lnnd. Aars-Beretning om Fan- tefolket. Christiania, 1863-5. v. 3-4. D. 339 9 For Vol. 1. see Fortsat Beretning. — Bei-etniiig om Fante-eller Landstrvgerfolket i Norge. 2 Oplag. Christiania, 1852. D. 339 8 — Bornenes Husflid og Skoleflid i Eidsvold ; Aarsberetning. [Anon.] Christiania. 1873. O. 16 p. 379 6 — Eidsvolds Fattig-Husholdning, 1871-2. [Eids- vold, 1872-3.] 2 V. O. 339 1 — Fattig-Statistik for 1868. Kristiania, 1871. F. V. p. iiiap. (Norares offioielle Statistik, 1871.) 339 6 bound irith 336 3 — Fiskeriets Bedrift : et Foredrag. Christi- ania, 1863. D. [l-f]42p. il. 639 5 — Fortsatte Bidrag angaaende Sa?deligheds- Tilstanden i Norge. Christiania. 1864. Q. map. 312 3 — Fortsat Beretning om Fantefolket. Christi- ania, 1859. D. 339 9 — Listerbaaden, til Oplysning om det norsTse Arbeide. Christiania, 1865. D. [l + ]20 p. il. 639 5 — Nordlandsbaaden, til Oplysning om det norske Arbeide. Christiania", 1865. D. [l-f] 40 p. il. 639 5 — Om jEdrueligheds-Tilstanden i Norge. Chri- stiania, 1859. Q. 178 1 — Om Bvgnings-Skikken paa Landet i Norge. Christiania, 1862. D. il. 729 5 — Om Dodeligheden i Norge : Hidrag til Kund- skab om Folkets Kaar. Christiania, 1855. D. tab. map. 312 5 — Om Fattigforholdeiie i Christiania. Christi- ania, 1870. pt. 1. Q. 339 7 — Omi Giftermaal i Norge; Bidrag tilKunsdkab om Folkets Kaar og Sieder. Christiania. 1S55. D. 312 5.1 — Om Husfliden i Norge. 2 Oplag. Kristiania, 1867-8. D. 33) 17 SUNDT 653 SVARFDyELA — Oin Renligheds-Stellet i Norge. Christiaiiia, 1869. D. G14 5 — Om SiBileligheds-Tilbtanden i Norge. Cliii- stiania, 18.57. D. 312 3 — Om Skab-Klaaens Udbredelse. Christiaiiia, 1867. D. 16 p. 61 (! 27 — Paa Havet : .5te Aar.s-Beretiiing on; Forlis i Troinsd Bispedomme for 186.5, sanit Oversigt for 1861-5. Kristiania, 18G6. D. [3+] .50 p. 312 4 The ft>reKo:nff are presentation copies from Sundt to Mr. Mai-sh. Siine Jarl, tragedie, see Ojlleiiborg', t{. F. SUNES,0\, Anders, archbishop of Lund. Miil- ler, P. E. Vita Andrea} Sunoiiis, prograninia... Hafniif, 1830. sqQ. [l + ]38p. 922 16 Siipiin, Alexander treore. Aroliiv fiir Wirt- schartsj;e()graplue. I : Nordamerika, 1880-.5. Gotha,1886. sqQ. [2 + ] .57 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittlieiliiugeu : Ergilnzungsband 18.) 910 44 — editor, see Jlittliellllllgcil aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt, v. 30-.5, 1884-9. 910 43 THE SUPERNATURAL, Biisliiiell, H. Nature and the supernatural, as together constituting the one system of God. London, 1863. D. 210 2 SUPERSTITION. Kohl, J. G. Ueber die aber- glaubischeu Meinimgen, Sitten und GebiiUiche eines deutschen Volksstammes im 19ten Jalir- hundert. (In his Skizzen, 1851, v. 3.) 30i 3 ^Pfleiderer, E. Theorie de.s Aberglaubens. Berlin, 1872. O. 43 p. (/(iVirehow cE: Holtzeii- (lorff. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Pitre, (if. Usi e costumi, credenze e pregiu- dizi del popolo siciliano. Palermo, 1889. 4 v. D. music. (7« /lis Bibl. sicil. 1.5-18.) 859 37 ^Rosensteiii, S. Uel^er Aberglauben und My- sticismus in derMedicin. Berlin, 1866. O. 32 p. [In Virehow & Holtzeudorft". Vortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Siipevstitioii and force, see Lea, H. C. Siiuliken, eller, Pjesen pa stund, see Leopold, K. G. af. T. 1. The supper of the Lorde, 1533, see Tyiidale, \\. A siipplieacyoii for the beggers, see Flsli, S. A supplication of the poore commons [,1.546]. —A siipplycac'ion to Henry the eyght [,1.544j. (In Fish, S. Supplicacyon. 1871 ; In E. E. text soe. Extra ser. 13.) 820 5.1 Siipplicanten, Vaudeville, see Heil)erg', J. L. Skuespil. V. 6. Supposes, a comedie, see Ariosto, L. Surell, Alexandre Charles. Etude sur les tor- rents des Hautes-Alpes. Palis, 1841. sqQ. pi. 551.48 9 —Same. 3 edition, avec une suite par Ernest Cezanne. Paris, 1870-2. 2 v. O. p/. 551.48 10 Snriiiaar, Willeni Hendrili Doniiniciis. Glos- sarium van de Oud-Hollandsclie en midden- eeuwisoh latijnsche woorden in de Proverbia comuuia ; gevolgd door omstreeks twee hon- derd eraendaties in den Latijnsclien tekst. Ley- den, 1865. O. 439.37 3 SURNAMES, see NAMES. Surrey, Henry Howard, eurl of. The works of Surrey and Wyatt ; edited by Geo. Fred. Nott. London, 1815-16. 3 v. sqF. Jjor. pi. map. facsim. 821 101 — [Select poems.] (In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 — Soiiges and sonettes. (In Tottel, R. Jliscell- any. 1870; in Arber, E. English rejiriiits. 34.) 820 9 SURTAR-BRANDR. Ziener,C.Beskrivelse over nogleSurterbrands-Fielde i Island. (Jn 6lafs- son, 0. Reise igiennem Island. 1780.) 914.9 11 SURTEES, Robert. Taylor, ii. A memoir of Robert Surtees. A new edition, with additions by J. Raine. Durliam, 1853. O. pior. (In Surtees soc. 34.) 820 7 Containing, in an appendix, poetry and letters of Surtees. Surtees, Scott Frederic. Merlin and Arthur. [Hertford,] 1871. O. 15 p. 293 12 Surtees society. Publications. London, 1835- 89. V. 1-84. O. il. por. pA. facsim. map. 820 7 For contents st^e Pealjodv catalogue. SURVEYING. BhiMie, F., & others, editors. Die Schriften der romischeu Feldmesser. Bei'- lin, 1848-52. 2 v. O. pi. 526 2 — Ciirioui, G. Corso di topografia. Torino, [1870]. O. pi. 526 4 — Koppe, C. Die Fortschritte des Vermes- suugswesens in Preussen unter Willielni I. Hamburg, 1889. O. 38 p. (7k Virehow & Holtzenrtorft'. Vortiage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Malonibra, G. Pratica universale di misurare con la vista. Fiorenza, 1630. 3 pt. in 1 v. O. il. 526 3 — A treatise on the mensuration of heights and distances : from a ms. of the 14th century. (In Halliwell-Phillipps, J. 0. Rara'mathematica. 1839.) 510 3 See also AIiC-.MmsrRE.MEXT ; GEODESY ; LEVELLI\(i. Snsanna,sacra rappresentazione, see Briinet,C'. SHSchens Hochzeit, see Hegner, U. SUSIANA. Loftus, W. K. Travels and re- searches in Chaldjea and Susiana, 1849-52. New York, 1857. O. il. pi. maps. 915.5 4 Snso, Heinrich. Henrik Susos Gudelig Vis- doms Bog, i dansk Oversaettelse fra det 15de Arhundrede : udgivet af 0. J. Brandt. Kjo- lienhavn, 1858. O. 839.88 6 Snspiria de profundis, see De (juincey, T. SUTHERLAND. K., G. H. A gossip on a Sutherland hill-side. {In Galtou, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) <)io 28 Siivenire chi impresii, see Alesandrescii, G. Svaleii, et Skj;ersommermorgens-Eveiitvr, see Wergeland, H. A. T. SVANE, Hans, archbishop. M0ller, J. Erke- biskop Hans Svanes Biographie. (In Engels- toft, L., & M0ller.Historisk Calender, 1814-17, ^- -) 948 58 Svante Sture ; eller, Motet vid Alvastra, poem, see Franzen, F. M. v. 3. Sviufdiela saga. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Isl. sogur, 1829-30, v. 2.) 839.63 8 SVARFDJELA 654 SWEDEN ^Jonsson, F. Om Svarfdasla saga. {In same. Aarboger. v. 19, 1884.) 948 .5 Svartsjnke Neapolitanaren, drame, see titiista- TUS III. Sveas hogtid.lyriskt skadespel, seeGyllenborg, a. F. Svecia, 1633, see Soterus, H. Sveiiibjorussoii, Tliorsteiiin. Historicuni in origines legis Jarnsidie tentamen. {In Jdrii- sida. 1847.) 839.68 10 Sveistnip, Frederik Christian, editor. Forord- iiinger, Placater, Rescripter og Coilegialbreve henhoiende til ForligeIsesv;esenet i Danmark, Norge, Island, og de danske 0er i Vestindien ; i kronologisk Orden. 2 Udgave, 179.5-180.5. Kjobenhavn, 1806. D. 349 53 SVEND, Danisit prince. Infelix Svenonis Dani- ci expeditio ad versus Turcos, 1097. {In Lange- bek, J. Script, reruni Dan., 1773-1884, v. 3.) 948 76 Sreiid Aages0n. Conipendiosa regum Danice historia a Skioldo ad Canutum VI. (/?t same. V. 1.) — Historia legum castrensium Canuti magni. (In same. v. 3.) 948 76 (Sveiid Dyrings Huus, Tragoedie, see Hertz, H. Sveiid Foyn og Ishavsfarten, see Lie, J. Sveiiska arcliivum, 1790-3, see Giirwell, C. C. Svenska fornskrift-siillskapet. Allmanna ars- mote. Stockholm, 184.5-,54. 6 v. O. 839.7 2 — Samlingar. Stockholm, 1845-53. v. 2-7 {pt. 4-22). O. faesim. tab. 839.7 3 Contetits: 2. Wadstena kloster-reKlor ; af C. F. Lind- Strom.— Herr Ivau lejon-riddaren ; af .1. W. Liffraan oeh G. Stephens. .3. Namnlos och Valentin ; af G.E. Klem- ming— Hertig Fredrik af Normandie. pji svenska och danska: af J. A. Ahlstrand.— Huiid, D. H. KonunK Erik XIV:s kronika ; af F. A. Dahlgren. 4. Ett forn-svenskt legendarium : af G. Stephens, v. 1, pt 1-6. 5. Sagan om Didrik af Bern : af G. O. Hyltto-Cavallius. 6. Svenska medeltideus bibel-arbeten ; af G. E. Klemming. 2 v. — Stadgar, 1 dec. 1843. Stockholm, 1844. O. 8 p. 839.7 2 Svenskt liistoriskt magazin. Stockholm, 1849. pt. 1. O. 948 33 Svenskt rimlexikon ; ett bitrSde vid versskrif- niug. Stockliolni [,1851]. S. 439.76 2 Sveriges liistoria f ran iildsta tid till vara dagar. Stockliolm, 1877-89. 6 v. O. il. 948 51 Conlfnts: 1. Mont*liiis, 0. Sveriges hednatid ; samt medeltid. 1060-1.360. i. Hilclebrnnd, H. Sveriges medel- tid. 1350-1521. 3. Alin, 0. Sveriges nydaningstid. 1.531- IGll. 4. VeihuH, M., itof/nis. Sveriges storhetstid. 1611- 171K. •>. Teiigberg, 11., ,(■ Itoi'tliiiis, S. .J. Sverige under l>artitidhvarfvet. i718-lK0:i. (I. Siive, T. Sveriges historia under den nyaste tiden, 1809-7.5. fSVERRE S1GUBDS0N, king of Noru-ay. Aliccdoton historiani Sverreri regis illustraiis ; cdidit 1-;. C. Werlauff. Havni;i', 1815. D. 948 31 Saga Sverris Udiniiigs. (/*( Copeiiliagen— K. iKird. Old.-Selskal). Forninuiina s()gur,lH2.")-37, v. 8.) 839, (i3 7 Sverrlssaga. {In Flatey,jai-b6k, 1860-n. v. 2.) 839. (i3 5 Lo sviato, commedia, see Cecclii, (i. M. SVOLDER. .I0rge»spn, A. D. Svolderslaget o^ TidsiHgiiingiMi i den iiorske Kongeni'kke. {In llopeiihagcri— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V. 4, l.s(J9.) 948 5 SWABIA. Crnsiiis, M. Annales Suevici, ad 1212. Francoforti, 1595. 2 v. in 1. F. por. 943 12.1 ■See also SCEVI. Swan, Charles, translator, see Gesta Roma- norum. 1824. 879 7.1 [Knight of the swan:] History of Helyas, knight of the .swan. {In Thonis, W. J. Pi-ose romances, 1828, v. 3.) 823 2 — The romance of the cheuelere Assigne ; re- edited by H. H. Gibbs. London, 1868. O. [34-1 224-38 p. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 6.) 820 5.1 — Der Schwanenritter, Leipzig [,1846]. D. 43 p. il. (In Volksbiicher, 36.) 833 22 .^tfe «/.«t9Coii(iuetede -Jerusalem ; UlchAri\ k peierin. La chanson d' Antioche ; Saiidabad. Dolopathos. SWEARING, see PROFANITY. Sweden. An account, 1669-70, in relation to witches ; done into Englisli by Anthony Hor- neck. (/jiGlanvill, J. Saducismus.1681.) 133 5 — Royaume de Suede : Projet de loi sur la re- forme de la representation et expose des motifs, Jan. 1863 ; traduit de suedois por L. T. Stock- holm, 1865. O. [l-l-].53p. 324 2 —Sweriges rickes lag, 1734. Stockholm, 1808. D. 349 45 —ANTIQUITIES. Brnzelius, M., A Riiiif, K.A. Specimen antiquitatura borealium, Lundae, 1816. sqD. [2-i-] 26[-(-l]p. pi. 913 48 Hallenberg', J.Quatuor monumenta aenea e terra in Suecia eruta. Stockholmite, 1802. O. [6-I-] 71 p. il. 1)1. 913 50 — ^Hildebrand, H. Das heidnische Zeitalter in .Schweden ; eine archaeologisch-historische Studie ; uebersetzt von J. Mestorf . Hamburg, 1873. O. il. map. 948 44 Liljegren, J. G., & Brunins, C. G. Nor- diska fornlemningar. 1-100. Stoi-kholm, 1823. 2 v.S. pi. 913 53.1 .— — Nyernp, R. Bilag. (In his Rejser til Stockliolm. 1816.) 914.8 32 — — Rudbeck, 0. Atland eller Manheim : At- lantica sive Manheim... Upsalije [,1675-] 89. V. 1-2. F. pi. iltp. & Atlas. F.^ 930 6 Riidbeek, 0., the younqer. Atlantica il- lustrata. Upsalis, 1733. sqD." [4-f ] 84 p. 948 15 ,sVf cdm BOHUSI.AN : THIUNDL.4ND. — BOINDARY, sec NORWAY. — CONSTITUTION. Thani, W. Bidrag till svenska riksdagarnes og regeringsformernas historia. Pt.lf: 1660]. Stockholm, 1845. O. 34211 —DESCRIPTION. Djurberg, I). Beskrifning om Svearike. Stockholm, 1806-8. 4 v. D. 914.8 29 Enirstriiiii, .1. Resa genom Norrland och I>iippl;iiiil til Sulitelma och (iellivare, 1834. Stockholm, 1H34. 2 v. in 1. 1). 014.8 32.3 — . Resa genom .sodra Lappland, Jemtland, Trondhem och Dalarne, 1834. Calmar, 1835-6. 2 V. in 1. D. 914.8 33.4 Grotius, H. Elogia veterum de Suedia. (In Itix Historia Gothorum. 1654.) 943 5 — — Hernii'lin, S. G. Geografiske kartor iifver Swerige. Stockholm. 1810. F.' 30 maps. 912 27 >S WED EN 655 S WEDISH DIALECTS Nyenip, U. Rejser til Stockholm, 1810,'! 3. Kjobenluivn, 1810. D. 914.8 32 Scott, C. H. The Danes and the Swedes. London, 1806. O. 914.8 V, — — -Soteriis, H. Svecia : coranientailus politi- cus. Lugd. Batav., 1633. Tt. 094 57 ^ ^Tiiueld, U. Geografi of ver Sverige. 8 upp- lagan. Stockholm, 1837-a3. v. 1-4' in r-, v. D. 914.8 30 _ — Westerdalll. F. Beskrifning om swenska allmogens sinnelag, seder... Stockholm, 1774. sqO. [4+] 68 p. jil. 390 20 See also DALECARLIA; GOTHLAND; OUII'SIIOIJI ; LAP- LAND: OLAND ; SCAXIA ; SCANDIXAVLA ; STOCKHOLM ; IPSA LA. —FOREIGN REL.iTIONS. Liljegren, J. G., editor. Diplomatarium Suecanum [,817-1310]. Holniia;, 1829-37. 2 v. in 3. sqQ. 327 6 —HISTORY. Afzelius, A. A. Swenska folkets sago-hiifder ; eller, Faderneslandets historia i sagner,folksanger och andra minnesmiiiken ; 829-1.523. Stockholm, 1840-4. 5 y. O. 948 34 — — Faiit, E. M., editor. Scriptoies rerum Svecicarum m«dii aevi. Upsaliae, 1818-28. 2 V, F.' facsim. 948 38.1 — — Fraiiitideu ; tidskrift for fosterl'dndsk od- ling ; utgifven af C. von Bergen. Ny foljd. Stockholm, 1877. v. 1. Q. 948 32 — — Fryxell, A. Beriittelser ur swenska histo- rien. Stockholm, 1838-43. v. 1-12. D. 948 39 Vol. 9 is waniiiiff. — — Geijer, E. H, Om var tlds inie samhalls- forhallanden i synnerhet med afseende pa faJerneslandet ; tre foreliisningar, 1844. Stock- holm, 1845. O. 948 43 — ^ — Svea rikes hafder. Upsala, 1835. O. Hip. 948 43.1 — — — Svenska folkets historia [till Carl X Gustaf]. Orebro, 1833-6. 3 v. O. 948 43 — — -Gjorwell, C. C. Svenska archivum, inne- hallande handlingar uti Svea-Rikes historia. Stockholm, 1790-3. 3 v. in 1. D. p/. 948 43.1 Gustavus III. Skrifter i politiska och vit- tra iimnen. Stockholm, 1806-13. 6 v. O. }}or. pl- 839.72 4.1 Gyldenstaipe, D. Norlandz chronika och beskrili'ning, the aldste historier om Swea och Gotha rijken, sampt Norrie och een-deels om Danmarck. Wijsingzborg, 1670. F. 948 31.1 Hihlebraiid, H. Das heidnische Zeitalter in Schweden; uebersetzt von J. Mestorf. Ham- burg, 1873. O. il. map. 948 44 — — Historisk-statistisk aterblick pa Sveriges sistforflutiia tretti aren... 2 upplagan. Stock- holm, 1843. O. 948 45 Le Bas, P. Suede et Norwege. Paris, 1838. O. por. pl. map. (/?i L'univers. 62.) 910 18 — — Locceiiiiis, J. Historia? Svecan*, usque ad Carolum XI., libri novem ; accedunt Antiqui- tatum Sveo-Gothicarum libri tres. Franco- furti, 1676. sqO. por. 948 47 — — — Rerum Svecicarum historia, a Berone III. usque ad Ericum XIV. Holmia;, 1654. T. 948 46 — — Liinboni, S. Historiska miUkwardigheter lil ui)lvsning af swenska hafder. Stockliolm, 1768-7.5. 4 V. in 1. S. 948 48 — — Magnus, J. Gothorum SveoiuniKiue histo- ria. Basilere, 1.5.58. D. 948 50 — — — Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sve- onumque regibus ; opera O. Magni edita. Roma?, 1554. F. 948 49 Mliucta, P. A. Kilderne til Sveriges Hi- storic i den forchristelige Tid. (in Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 10, 1850.) 948 2 — — Olai, E.Historia Suecorimi Gothoruinque, a J.Loccenio illustrata.Holmise. 1054. S.948 53 — — Ostg-otlie, T. Ett ord efter stormen. Stock- holm, 1838. O. 79 p. 324 5 — — • — Rest-ransakning med den s. k. i'ria pressen. Stockholm, 1839. O. 324 5 Schonberg, A. Samling af historiska bref , om det svenska regerings-siittet i aldre och nyare tider. Stockholm, 1777-8. v. 2-3 in 1 v. D. 948 38.2 — — Strinnhoim, A. M. Svenska folkets histo- ria [till 1319]. Stockholm, 1834-54. 5 v. O. maps. 948 .54 — — Svenskt historiskt magazin. Stockholm 1849. pt. 1. O. 948 33 Sveriges historia fran iildsta tid till vara dagar. Stockholm, 1877-89. 6 v. O. il. 948 51 For contents i^et Syeriges. Vertot d'Aiibeiif, R. A. de, Histoire des revolutions de Suede. Paris, 1811. 2 v. T 948 .55 &e rt/so BLEKINGE ; CHARLES XIL, XIV.; DALEOAR- LIA ; EUK' XIV.; GUSTAVI.S L, IL; NORBV S.; SIGIS- MLMHIL; THllNDALAXD ; VIRDALAND. -STATISTICS. Forsell, C. G. af. Socken statistik ofver Swerige. Stockholm, 1834, O [l + ]87p. 314 20 — — — Statistik ofver Sverige, grundad pa of- fentliga handlingar. 3 upplagan, tillokt. Stockholm, 1836. O. map. 314 03 Same. 4 upplagan, tillokt. Stockholm, 1844 [-5]. O. map. 314 34 — — — Summary of the statistics of Sweden ; translated by G. P. Marsh. {In Hunt's mer- chants' magazine, v. 34, 1851, p. 194-9.) In main library. LangerbringjS.Swea-rikes stats-kunskap Stockholm, 1784. O. 314 24^1 SWEDENBORG, Emanuel. Wilkiuson,J. J. G. Emanuel Swedenborg ; a biography. London 1849. O. 90.1 49 SWEDISH DIALECTS. Firmeiiicb-Richartz, J. M. .Schwedische Mundarten. (InhixGer- maniens Volkerstimmen, 1846-54, v. 3.) 839.1 1 — Ihre, J. Swenskt dialect lexicon. Upsala 1766. s(iO. 439.77 l' — Linder, ?f. Om allmogemalet i Sodra More harad af Kalmar Ian. Uppsala, 1867. O. 439.77 4 hound u-ith 439.75 2 —Nyare bidrag till kiinnedom om de svenska landsmalenock svenskt folklif; tidskrift 1878 Stockholm [,1879]. v. 1. pt. 1-6. O. 439.77 3 Contents: 1. Djuikloii, G. Inledningsord — Luiidell, J. A. Landsmalsalfabetet.— Noreeii, A. Dallmniilets luid- ock bojningslara.— Hohustrom. L. P. Ett iufkalas — E„ V Helsingesagner — Smarre meddelanden. ' S WED IS IT DIALECTS 656 S WEDISH LITER A TURE — Rielz, J. E. Svenskt dialekt-lexikon. Malmo, 1867. sqQ. 439.77 2 With another title-page: "Ordbok ofyer svenska all- moge-spraket. Lund, 1867." ^Save, C. De starka verberna i dalskan ocli gotliindskan. (In Copeiiliasen— K. iiord. Old.- Selskab. Aunaler. v. 14, 18.54.) 948 2 SWEDISH (early) LANGUAGE. Miiiicli, P. A. Sprogliistoriske Undersogelser om det aeldste fasUes-nordiske Sprogs Udseende, og Forsog til at besteinme den olddanske og oldsvenske Muntiarts iionuale Orthographi, Granimatik og rette Forliold til NoiTO?na-Muiidarten. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aimaler. r. 6, 184(i.) 94S 2 SWEDISH LANGUAGE. Breseiiiann, F. Deutsch-schwedischer Parleur. Lund, 1845. D. 439.78 1 ^Lyngby, K. J. Skrifter af Moller, RiUif, Save, Djiirkloii Og Rydqvist om det srenske Sprog Og desvenske Sprogarter. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskiift. V. 6, 18.58-60.) 948 4 —Petersen, N. M. Det danske, noiske og STenske Sprogs Historii-. Kjobenhavn, 1829-.30. 2v. inl. D. 439.6 1 —DICTIONARIES, Daa, L. K. Svensk-noisk Haand-Ordbog. Kristiania, 1841. 2v inl. sqS. 439.73 4 — — Diilin, A..F.Ordbok of ver svenska spniket. Stockholm, 1850-3. 2 v. Q. 439.73 1 — — Ekbohrn, C. M. Nautisk ordbok. Gothe- borg, 1840. O. 439.73 8 — — Franskt och svenskt handlexikon. 2 upp- lagan. Stockholm [,1848]. sqT. 439.73 9 — — Ihre, J. Glossariuin Suiogothicum. Up- salia?, 1769. 2 v. in 1. F. 439.73 10 — — Kindblad, K. E. Ordbok of ver svenska spraket. Stockholm f,1867-72J. 3 v. in 1. Q. 439.73 2 A — (Jradvis. No more published. — — Larsen, A. Svensk Ordbog for Danske og Norske. 2 Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1866. O. 439.83 1.1 — . — Moller, L. Nouvean dictionnaire francois- siiedois et suedois-fran9ois. Stockholm, 1755. 3 pt. in 1 V. sqO. pi. 439.73 3 — — Nilsson, L. G., & others. ordbok. Stockholm, 1875. O. 439.73 3.1 Serenius, J. Dictionarium Anglo-Svethi- co-Latinum. Hambnrgi, 1734. sqQ. 439.73 11 — — Silberstein, L. Worterbuch zu Frilhiofs- sage. (/«Tegn6r, E. Frithiofssage. 1872.) 839.71 46 Welaiider, P. 0. Norskt- (och danskt-) svenskt handlexikon ; genomsedt af C. A. Guldberg. Christiania, 1844. sqS. 439.73 (i — — — Svensk-dansk-norsk Lommeordbog ; udgiven af S. Striilim. Kjobenhavn, 1846. s-iT. 439.73 5 AVeste^ F. W. ParalKle des langues fran- (;oise & suedoise ; on, Dictionnaire fraix.ois & suedois. Stockholm, 1807. v. 3-4. O. 439.73 7 Vol. •■i-'l: Su6dois & franijois, — — —Svenskt och franskt lexicon : snjiple- ment. Stockholm, 1842. O. 439.73 8 — GR.i.MJIAR. Gierlow, J. Elements of the Danish and Swedish languages. Cambridge, [Mass.], 1847. D. 439.85 6 Sllberstein, L. Kurzgefasste Grammatik der schwedischen Sprache. (In Tegn6r, E. Frithiofssage. 1872.) 839.71 46 Stockholm— Kongliga svenska vetenskaps akadeniien. Svensk spraklara. Stockholm, 1836. O. 439.75 1 Stromborg, N. Svensk spnikliira. Stock- hol.n. 1852. O. pi. 439.75 2 —PROSODY. Arvldsson, A. En kort hand- ledning til thet swenske poeterij. [1651.] T. 139.76 1 The title-page is wanting. Svenskt rimlexikon ; ett bitrade vid vers- skrifning. Stockholm [,1851]. S. 439.76 2 SAVEDISH (early) LITERATURE. Fant, E. M. editor. Scriptores rerum Svecicaruni medii aevi. Upsalia;, 1818-28. 2 v. F.^'facsim. 94S38.1 —Svenska fornskrift-siillskapet. Samlingar. Stockholm, 1845-53. v. 2-7. O. facsim. tab. 839.7 3 For contents sec Svenska. .yee(/7*o Kniiuiiga styrilse : Margjiretii, abhess; Nikolaiis, St.: and the entries under LAW— SWEDEN. SWEDISH LITERATURE. Litteratnr.bladet, utgifvet af E. G. Geijer. Stockholm, 1838. V. 1. O. 839.7 1 — Nordstjernan ; witterhetsstycken och poemer af EmilieCarlen, Euphrosyne [Julie Nyberg], Almqvist. Atterbom, von Braun, Bottiger, Crusenstolpe och Jlellin [.Fredrika Bremer, forfatterinnantill "Kusinerna," Adlersparre, von Beskow, Carli5n. Grafstrom, Ingelman, Kullberg och Siitherberg] . Stockholm [,1843-4]. 2 V. O. jwr. 839.7 5 — Seheffer, J. Svecia literata ; emendatius editum & hvpomnematis historicis illustratum aJ. MoUero". Hamburg, 1698. S. 839.7 6 —DRAMA. .*(' Adlerbotli, 0. 0. ; Attcrbora, P. 0. A.; Bcskoiv. li. von; Ilalin, 0. von; (iiistavus III.; Ojllcnbori;, G. F.: Kell- ^ren, J. II.; Leopold, K. (i. af ; Lidner, R.; Linde^ren, K. ; Meander, K. A.; Stjernstoipe, .!. M, —FICTION. -y« ArfiviMlMin. K. I).: lll.tnrlie, A. T. : linuin. V. A. D. von; Rreiner. F.; Carlrn, E. S. F.; ('rnseiist'.,A. I Pnlni- !>Iad, V. F.: S.,.l. \.; Sliit;tini;iirne i landsorten; Sparro, 1*. 0.; Halter, F.; WelleriK it'll, K. A. —HUMOR * SATIRE. .S\( HrauM, V. A. 0. von ; Dalin, O. von ; Kellgren, J. II.; Leopold, K. . von; Franttideii ; (iiistaviis III.: Kellt'i-en, .1. II.; Leo|iolil. K. (•. af ; Mi'iiiider. K. A.; (Keiisljt'i'iiii, .1. (>.; Itosrnstein. \. von. St.iernli.ielni, (<.; 'IVmiiT, I').; lliorild, T.; W-n, S. E. —POETRY. Anvidssoii, A. I., editor. Svenska fornsanger; en saniling af ki'inipavisor, folk- visor, lekar och dansar, samt barn- och vall- sanger. Stockholm, 1834-42. 3 v. O. mxsie. 839.71 1 Geijer, E.G., <{• Afzellns, A. A., editor.'^. Svenska I'olk-visor fran fcirntiilen. StocUholni, 1814-16. 4 v. D. iltp. 839.71 2 Vol. 4, music. S WEDISn L ITER A TURE 657 SWITZERLAND Longfellow, H. W. Swedish language and poetrv. \Ih, liis Poets aiul poetry of Europe. 1S45.) SOS 1.1 See also XiMcrhMt^U.U.. Attfilmiii, I'. B. A.; lii-llinnii, K. M.; Bi'skoiv. It. vein; liiittiiicr, K. v.; nnuiii. V. A. I). voii, ClKiiiiMls, M. ; riciilz, (J. K. ; Daliii, 0. vuii: I'liilizc'u, F. M.; Kiideiick ol' Normandy: Onifsliijin, A. A.; (vvllfii- ImiB, tJ. F.; Ilinid. I). II.; Inniii; Killsnii, 1. II.: Kiill- lii'ii;, A. ('.; I.iniiirifii, A. JI.: I.cdijold, K. 0. iif; l.iiliui-, l(.; Liiidi'inTii, K. ; l.iiii,-. r. II. ; Niniiider, K. A.; Xjlioiii, ■I.; Oxeiistjeniii, .1. (i.: I'ajkull, (i.; licjnnid the fox; lluiic- bfvs, .J. I..; Sihpistid|ic, A. (J.: SOMiS : MajiiK lius, K. .1. ;'iiii.i'lni. (:., Stji'iustolire, .1. .11.; Stuizcn-licckir. (». I'.; Tfsiiir, i;.: Tli(>ill(l, T.; Tolliii. I.: Vulciliis, .1. I).; Wiilliii, —ROMANCES. .'iV^tf Dk'ti-icli of Bern ; Frederick of Normandy: Inain ; Valentine and Orson. Sweerts (Latin Swoertiiis), Robert. De fide heieticis servanda dissertatio. Antverpiif, Kill. D. 099 46 Sweet, Henry, editor. The oldest English texts: with introductions and a glossary. Lon- don, 1885. O. (Ill E. E.text soc. Orig. ser. 83.) 820 5 see the following ])ublications of the Early English text society; extra series : 820 5 4.5, 50. Kinff Alfred's West-Saxon version of Gregory's Pastoral care : with EnKlisL translation. I87I. 19. King Alfred's Orosius. I88ii. Krira volume. The Kpinal glossary. 18S3. Swenska friheten, skalde-dikt, see Daliii, 0. vou. V. 2. Swift, Joiiatlian,(ieaft o/,SY. Patrick's. Works; With note.s and additions, and a memoir of the author, bv Thomas Roscoe, New York, 18.59. 6 V. D. por. 827 13 SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles. LoweU,J.R. Swinburne's tragedies. {In Iiis My studv windows. 1871.) 814 14 Swinburne, Henry. Travels in the Two Sici- lies. 1777-80. London, 1783 5. 3 v. sqF. jj/. map. 91i..5 101 Swiiuleu, Juii Hendrik. Geschiedkundig on- derzoek naar de eerste uitviuders der verre- kijkers ; lit .aanteekeningen zamengesteld door G. Moll. Amsterdam, 1831. sqQ. .522 3 bound ivith 504- 3 SWINE. Viborg, E. N. Veiledning til Srinets Behandling sum Huusdyr. 3 Oplag, af C. Vi- borg. Kjolienhavn, 1836. D. pi. 636 4 Swinflcld, Richard de, Inshop of Hereford. A r.'U of (his) household expenses, 1289-90; edited l)V John Webb. [London,] 1854-5. 3 t. stjO. {in Camden soc. 59, 62.) 820 4 SWISS DIALECTS. Rainbert, E. Une chan- son en patois. (In his Alpes, 1866-71, V. 3.) — Lascie et le nioulin. (In same. v. 4.) 551.43 25 — Stalder, F. J. Die Landessprachen der Schweiz ; oder, Schweizerische Dialektologie ; iiebst der Gleichiiissrede von dem veriorenen Sohne in alien Schw-eizernumdarten. Aarau, 1819. D. 437 9 Versuch eines schweizerischen Idiotikon ; samt einer Skizze einer schweizerischen Di- alektologie. Aarau, 1812. 3 v. in 1. O. 437 10 See also BEUXESE; EMMEXTHAL. Switzerland. Bericht iiber die Untersuchung der schweiz. Hochgebirgswaldungen, 1858-60. Bern, 1862. O. tab. 551.58 102 — Frencli : Rapport sur les forets dos hautes montagnes de la Suisse, 1858-60. Lausanne, 1863. O. tab. 551.58 103 — Die Berichte der Expertencommissionen iiber die Ueberschwemmungen im Jahr 1868. Bern, 1869. D. tab. 551.48 35 Appended, 13 p., is Vorschliige uber die Vertheilung der Jjiebessteuer. — Rapijort au conseil federal sur les torrents des Alpes suisses, 1858-63. Lausanne, 1865. O. 627 17 Written l5y Prof. Culmann, translated from the Ger- man by II. F. Bessard. —DESCRIPTION. Kitzius, A. Erzahlungen und Bilder aus dem Volksleben der Schweiz. Berlin, 1856. 4 v. in 2. D. {In his Gesam. Schriften, V. 7-10.1 8.S3 7 — — .(jothe, J. W. von. Briefe aus der Schweiz. {In Itis Werke, 1827-42, v. 16.) — Schweizerreise, 1797. {In same. v. 43.) 832 1 — — Helvetionim respublica. Lugd. Bat., 1627. Tt. 094 34 KuUberg, K. A. {In his Bref.anteckningar och skizzer fran utlandet, 1844, v. 1.) 914 5 Meyer, J. Physik der Schweiz. Leipzig, 1854. O. 551.43 23 Murray, J., publisher. A handbook for travellers in Switzeiland. 10 edition. London, 1863. D. !>?. ??i(yj.s. 914.9 18 — — Osenbrnggen, E. Neue culturhistorische Bilder aus der Schweiz. Leipzig, 1864. D. 914.9 19 Stnder, B. Geschichte der physischen Ge- ographie der Schweiz bis 1815. Bern, 1863. O. 554.9 3 — — Witte, K. Alpinisches und Transalpini- sches ; neun Vortrilge. Berlin, 1858. S. pi. 914.9 20 See also ALPS ; BBEGACiLIA : ENGADIN. HISTORY. Bitzius, A. Eines Schweizers Wort an den schweizerischen Schiitzenverein. Solothurn, 1844. D. [7-(-]72 p. 356 1 — — — Same. {In 7u's Gesam. Schriften, 18.56-8, V. 23.) 833 7 (xolb^ry, JI. P. A. de. Histoire et descrip- tion de la Suisse et du Tyrol. Paris, 1838. O. ] (/» L'nnivers.'es.) 910 18 The history of Switzerland, B. C.llO-A.D. 1830 Philadelphia, 1833. D. (In Lardner, D Cabinet eye. 19.) 94!) 3 Klingenberg, J. von. Die Klingenberger Chronik [-1460], mit Parallelen herausgegeben von A. Henne von Sargans. Gotha, 1861. O. facsim. 949 33 Miaskowski, A. von. Die Verfassung der Land-, Alpen- uiid For.stwirthschaft der deut- schen Schweiz vom 13 Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Basel, 1878. O. 551.58 106 Miiller, J. von. Der Geschichten schwei- zerischer Eidgenossenschaft 1-5 Theil. Leip- zig, 1805-8. 5 V. O. poj'. 949 27 Osenbriiffgeii, E. Land und Leute der Urschweiz. Berlin, 1866. O. 36 p. {In Tir- chow &' Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 S WITZERLAND 658 SYRIA Die Schweiz in den Wandlungen der Neuzeit. Berlin. 1876. O. 40 p. an same. 11 Seiie.) 043 1 Rambert, E. Les Alpes et la liberte. (In his Alpes, 1866-71, v. 2.) 551.43 2.'5 Stiimpff, J. Schwytzer Chronica, biss auff 1546. Ziirych, 1554. D. il. 949 38 Slllim, P. F. Formodning, at Schwei- tzerue staiume fra Scandinavien. (In /li-sSkrif- ter, 1788-98, v. 14.) 839.,88 14 Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. Democracy in Switzerland ; a report, 1847. {In his Democ- racy in America, 1863, v. 3, p. 445-468.) 321 10 Tscluidi, A. Chronicon Helveticuni ; he- rausgegeben von J. R. Iseliu ; 1000-1470. Basel, 1734-6. 3 V. F.J ilti}. 949 39 Vlscher, W. Die Sage Ton der Befreiung der Waldsfadte nacli ihrer allmalichen Aus- bildiing uutersucht ; nebst eiuer Beilage : Das alteste Tellenschauspiel. Leipzig, 1867. O. 949 30 Zschokke, J. H. D. Des Schweizerlands Geschichte. 5 Originalausgabe, mit Fortse- tzung. Aarau, 1834. O. 949 31 See also BEBX ; CHIIUCH HISTORY ; FEUDALISM : GUISOXS : TELL, W.: VALAIS. — MAPS. Leiizinser, R. Karte der Schweiz. Berne, n. d. 93x05 cm. in F. 912 30 MiilUiaupt, J. Leuthold's new map of Switzerland. Zurich, n. d. 64x93 cm. in O. 912 29 Raveiisteiu,L. Special-Karte von Deutsch- land, der Schweiz... Hildburghauseu, 1868. obF.» 13 maps. 912 11 See also parts of Dufour's Karte der Scliweiz, in Port folio I. _ —.[Seven Swiss maps.] sqF. 912 18 SYBARIS. Caiinoiiero, R. Dell' antica citta di Sibari e dei costumi de' Sibariti ; ricerche. Roma, 1876. D. 937 14 bound with 933 3 Sybel, Heinricli Karl Ludolph voii. Der Frie- den von 1871. Diisseldorf, 1871. O. 943 38 Sylvester, Joshua, translator, see Dii Bartas, 0. de S. Divine weeljes. 1611. 84116.1 Ein Sylvestertrauiii, see Bitziiis, A. v. 33. Sylvius, yEneas, see Pius II., pope. Symbola) ad liistoriam anticjuiorem reriim Norvegicarum, .s-ee Muiicli, P. A., editor. SYMBOLIS.M. Thiinimel, C. Aus der Sym- bolik des altdeutsclien Bauernrechts. Ham- burg, 1887. O. 44 p. (In Vircliow & Holt/eu- dorff, Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 Syiiieon, monk of Durham. Opera et collecta- nea. Durham, 1868. v. 1. O. (7k Surteessoc. 51.) 820 7 AH the works iist'ribed to him except the history of the church of I^urhain. — Opera omnia : edidit Thomas Arnold, M. A. London, 1882-5. 3 v. Q. (/*( Gt. Br.— Master (if rolls. Cliron. and mem. 75.) 942 8 Syninioiis, Cliiirles. Tlie life of Sliakspeare, witli remarks upon liis writings. (In Shake- speare, W. Dramatic works, 1837, v. 1.) 822 13 Syuioiids, Richard. Diary of the marches of tlie royal army during the civil war ; edited by Charles Edward Long. [London,] 1K59. sqO. (In. Camden soc. 74.) 820 4 SYMPATHETIC POWDER. Uigby,K.,ie others. Theatrum sympatheticum. Noriniberga3,1660. T. il. 131 8 Symposius, Coelius Firmianus, see Firmiauus Syniposius. Synesius, of Cyrene, bishoj) of Ptolema'is. Opera quae extant omnia, Graice ac Latine, nunc primum conjunctim edita, interprete Dionysio Petavio. Lutetia;, 1612. F. 208 11 Contents: [Praefatio.]— Ad lectorem.— Oe regno — Dio; vel, De ipsius vitai institute— Calvitii encomium.— ^Egyptius; sive, Deprovidentia.— De insomniis.— Episto- Ije.— Conciuncula in pervigilio natalis Domini.— Catasta- sis in qua Pentapolitana calamitas describitur.— Consti- tutio : sive. Elo^ium Anysii.— Sermo de dono astrolabii. — Hymui.— Nicephori Gregorae oommentarius in librum Synesii de insomniis.— Notae D. Petavii ad omnia Synesii opera. — Opera quae exstant omnia, editore et inter- prete Dionysio Petavio : accedunt Theodori Mopsuesteni episcopi, S. Arsenii eremitce scrip- ta ; accurante J. -P. Migne. Luteti;e Pari^io- rum, 1859. Q. 208 13 — "Taii-oi. (In Boissonade, J. F. Lvrici Gra-ci. 1835 ) 884 1 SYNGRAMMA SUEVICIM. Ende, — am. Er- neuertes Andenken der Gelehrten die das schvviibische Syngramm untersclirieben haben. (In Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 3.) 830 10 Synn0ve Solbakken, see Bj0rnsou, B. SYNONYMS. Marsh, G. P. (In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 See also the language, as DANISH LANGUAGE— SVN- OXVMS. SYRACUSE. Marsh, C. C. (In Johnson's cy- clopfedia.) In main library. — Senme, J. G. Spaziergang nach Svrakus. 1802. Leipzig [,1869?] T. 914.5 99 SYRIA. 'Abd-ol-(ihani-in-Xabolsi. Reisen in Svrien...: von A. von Kremer. [Wien,] n. d. O". 44 p. 915.6 14 —American seog:raphical and statistical so- ciety. Report and memorial on .Syrian explor- ation. New York, 1857. O. 28 p. 915.3 16 — BroAvne, W. G. Travels in Africa and Svria. London, 1799. sqQ. p)l. viaps. 916.2 4 — Buckhardt, J. L. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. London, 1832. sqQ. it. par. maps. 915.6 15 — De Forest, J. W. Oriental acquaintance ; or. Letters from Syria. New York, 1856. D. 915.6 16 — Gautier, T. Syrie ; a proposdu vovagedeG. de Nerval. (In hi.'i L'orient, 1877, v.'l.) 910 39 — Kremer, A. von. Beitriige zur Geographic des nordlichen Syriens : nach Ibn Scliihne's Dorr-el-Montach( Il fi Tarich Haleb. Wien, 18,52. F.^ [l-f]35i). 915.6 19 hound with 399 4 — Neale, F. A. Eight years in Svria, Palestine and Asia Minor, 1843-50. London, 1851. 2 v. O. 915.6 5 — Noel, R. Syrian travel and Syrian tribes. (In Galton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.; 910 28 SYBTA 659 TALANBE — Poujade, E. Le Liban et la Syrie. 3 edition. Paris, 18G7. D. 915.6 31 — Voliiey, C. F. ('. de. Voyage en Egypteet en Syrie, 178^-5. 5 udition. Paris, 1883. 3 v. O. pi. mrqjs. 915.6 34 — Wetzstein, J. U, Reisel)ericht iiber Hauran uud die Trachonen ; neljst oineni Anhange iiber die sprbiiischen DenkniiUer in Ostsyrien. Berlin, 1800. O. il. fac.Him. mup. 91 j$ 63.3 — Yauoski, J., & others. Syrie ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1848. O. pi. map. (In L'lmivers. 23.) 910 18 See also AI.KPPO ; BASHAN ; MOAlt ; OKOXTKS VAL- LEY ; PALKSTINE. SYRIAC LITEKATURE. A'ec Dioiiysius I.; .Ini'olius, .«., o/'.*«n;(/.' Simeon of Beth Arsarn. SYRUS, St., bi.sliop of Genoa. Leggenda ed inni di sail Siro : pubblicati dal X'incenzo Promis. iln Societil ligiire. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Syrns, Piibliliiis. Sententisu. (In Plisednis. 1828.) 871 5 Syv, PederPederseii. Kjernefulde Ordsprog ; udsogte eg ordnede ved R. Nyerup ; nud For- tale indelioldende Bidrag til danske Ordsjjrogs Litteratur. Kjobenliavn, 1807. D. 398 46 Szabad, Imre. L'Europe avant et apres la paix de Villafranca. Turin, 1859. O. [l+]93p. 940 27 Szili, Adolf. Dip Brille. Berlin, 1883. O. 88p. {In Vircliow & Holtzeiidoril'. Vortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 Szirmay Ilona, torteneti ronian, .sccOaal, J. Tabarrini, Marco. Gino Capponi ; suoi tempi, studi, amici, meniorie. Firenze, 1879. D. por. 923 21 —editor, see Gappoiii, ti. Scritti. 1877. 858 4 TABLE CUSTOMS, see DINKS'G. TABLE-TALK. Coleridge, S. T. Specimens New York, 183.5 ~ of [his] table talk. D. 3 V. in 1. 828 10 ^Luther, M. Sinnreiche Tischreden. Neue Ausgabe. Stuttgart, 183(j. 2 v. O. 244 1 — Selden, J. Table talk, 1689. London, 1868. S. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 6.) 820 9 — — Same : witli biographical preface and notes bv S. W. Singer. 3 edition. London, 1860. D. poc. 828 17 MT. TABOR. Joaiinldes, B. T6 ea/iup, w(p,ypaor. (In Michaild * I'oiiioulat. MOmoires, 1866, v. 30.) '944 9 Talrj, pseudonym of Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. Tamagni, Cesare, & Ovidio, F. d.' Storia della letteratura rouiana. Milano [,pref. 1874]. Q. {In Villari, P., editor. Storia letteraria d' Italia; in Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 IS Tambien hay duelo en las damas, see Calderou. V. 2. TAMBORA. Zollinger, H. Besteigung des Vulkanes Tambora auf der Insel Sumbawa und Schilderung der Erupzion, 1815. Winter- thur, 18.55. Q. [1 -I-] 20 [-1-2] p. maps. 551.21 29 bound u-ith 548 2 TAMBURIXI, Giovanni. Norton, C. E. A re- view of a translation into Italian of the com- mentary by Benvenuto on the Divina comnie- dia. Cambridge, Mass., 1801. O. 32 p. 851 58 The triinsliition is pronouneeti "worse than worth- less." Tamerlane, .see Tiinnr. The tamiiiii: of the shrew, .see Sliakcspeare, W. Taiiara, Vinceiizo. La caccia degli uccelli : per cura di Allierto Hachi della Lega. Bologna, 1886. D. (/)i Sceltadicuriosiia. 217.) 850 10 Tanari, Brigida Fava, marehesa. Description soinmaire lie r Allium (le la ville et province de Sienne. Florence, 1873. Q. 12 p. 914.5 70 Sis. note by author : "Esposto a Vienna, .sezione fern- niinUe." Tancred, Trauerspiel, nach Voltaire, see Giithe, J. \y. von. V. 5. Taucrcdi principe di Salerno, see Benivieni, (J. II Tancredi, tragedia, see Torelli, P. Tanfiicio, 'Nm, pseudonym o/Fiicino, R. Tanhiiiiser, — . Hofzucht. (In Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum, v. 6, 1848.) ■ 830 3 — English : Courtly breeding. {In Oswald, E. Early German courtesy-books. 1869 ; in E. E. textsoc. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 Taiitchen Rosmarin, see Zschokke, J.H.D.v. 5. Tante Francisca, see St. Aubaiu, A. N. de. Noveller, v. 3. La visione di Tantolo, see Tundale. Taiizi, Carl' Antonio. Poesie. (/); CoUezione miianese, 1816-7, v. 4.) 859 15 TAPESTRY. Conti, C. Riceiche storiche suU" arte degli arazzi in Firenze. Firenze, 1875. D. 077 8 Tai)ia, Eugeuio de, editor, see Febrero, J. Libreria de jueces. 1828-86. 349 28 TAR WATER. Underretning om den Tjiere Cuur. {In Bang, 0. Sanding, 1743-7, pt. 5.) 839.8 1 Taramelli, Torqiiato. Catalogo ragionato delle rocee del Friuli, inenioria. i>t- (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876- 7, pt. 1.)— Sulla formazione serpentinosa dell' Apennino pavese. pZ. map. (In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Sul dei)osito di salgemma di Lungro nella Calabria citeriore. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) . 065 4 TARANTO. Fenicia, S. SuUe metamorfosi di Taranto. Napoli, 1858. O. [H-] 92 [-f 1] p. 551.21 8 Tarb^ des Sablons, S^bastien Audr#. Nouveau manuel complet des poids et mesures, des mon- naies, du calcul decimal et de la verification. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1839. S. (Manuels- Roret.) 389 1 Tardieu, Eugene Am^d6e. Senegambie et Gui- nee, 1847. ^j/. oiojj. (/?( L'nnlvers. 3.) 910 18 Tarente, Ainelie de Hesse, princesse de. Por- trait, par elle-n.eme. {In Michaild * Poiljonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 28.) 944 9 TARIFF, see the different countries, as U. S. —TARIFF; FREE TRADE. TAR(|UINIA. Dasti, L. Notizie storiche ar- cheologiche di Tarquinia e Corneto. Roma. 1878. O. map. 913 43 TARRAGONA. " MerimiSe, P. Sur un tombeau decouvert a Tarragone. (In his Melanges. 1855.) TARTAR, Helinont, J. B. van. Tlie nativitie 01 tartar in wine. (/// liis Ternary of paradox- es. 16.50.) • (J15 j) Tartaia, Alessandro. Os-ervazioni di storia romana all" anno 537/2!7sulle legioni, sugli imperii, e sull' islitiizione delle ludvincie con- solari. (Ill Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. ."ei.nior.v. 5, 1879-811.)— Tentativoili criti- ca sui luoghi liviaiii coiitenenti le disposizioni relative alle provincie ed agli eserciti della re- pubblica romana. (In same. v. 6, 1880-1.) 065 5 TARTARY. Atkinson, T. W. (In his Oriental and western Siberia. 1858.) 915.7 1 — Bolloni, (J. Storia dei Tartari. Milano. 1835. 7 V. 1). map. !)5i 3 TARTAR Y 601 TATRA — Bcru'iiiiiiiii, It. F. B.NoniailisclieStivileii'icn iHitfi- dfii KaluiucUeii. 1802-3. Riga, 1H04-5. 4 V. D. i»15.1 9 — Ciirplui, G. dal P. di. Epistola de' costumi dei Tiutaii ; sec. 14. Livorno, 1871. O. 3' + 24[ + lJp. :j!»0 23.1 — Diiheanx, L., * Valmout, V. Tartarie. 1848. jil. map. (In. l/uiiivers. 24.) »10 18 — Haminer-l'iirgstall, J. von. Geschichte der Chaiie der Kriin untpro.siiiaMiscl)erHerr.scliaft. Wien. lS5(i. (). pi. facsim. 951 4 — Sclilatter, 1). Bruc-hstiick aus einigen Reisen imcli deiu hiidlichen Russlaiid, 1832-8. Neue Ausi;al)e. St. (Jalleii. 18;!(). O. j)/. fac.nm. map. i»'U.7 Sa — Tott, F. (le. Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartai&s. Amsterdam, 1785. 3 v. S. 94!) (56 — VisdeloH, C. de. Histoire de la grande Tar- taric (hi Herbelot, B. d.' Bibl. orient. Sup. 1780.) 950 1 — Witseil, M. Noord en Oost Tartaryen ; be- helzende eene beschryving van Tartersche en nabuurige gewesten. 2 druk. Amsterdam, 1785. 3 V. F. il. pi. maps, iltp. 915.1 11 See also INDIA ; SIBERIA. Tartini, Ferdiuando. Memorie sul bonifica- mentodelle Maremme to.scane. Firenze. 1838 F.'". J]!, maps. fi27 39 Le Tartufe, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 4. Tasclieilblicll fiir Forst-und Jagdmiinner. Leii>- zig, 18.')4-C2. V. 4, 6-8. 10-12. T. 551.58 74 TASMAINIA. Lendeufeld, R. von. Der Tasnian- Gletscliev und seine Umrandung. Gotlia, 1884. sqQ. [34-] 80 p. il. pi. maps. (In Peter- nianns Mttheiliing'en : Erganzungsband IG.) 910 44 Tassi, Francesco, editor, see Cellini, B. Vita. 1829. 937 7 Tassis, S. A. Ti-aite pratique de laponctuation. 2 edition augmentee. Pari.s [,1859]. D. 441 3 Tasso, Bernardo. L'Amadigi. Vinegia, 1560. Q. por. 851 115 — Lettere inedite ; vita : per cura di G. Cam- pori. Bologna, 1869. D. (/»(. Scelta di curiosita. 103.) 850 10 Tasso, Torqiiato. Dialoghi ; con gli argomenti del Alessandro Mortara. Pisa, 1822. 3 v. m 1. O. (Ill his Opere, illustrate dal G. Rosini. 7-8.) 851 117 — Disoorsi. Pisa, 1883. 2 v. in 1. O. (In same. 11-13.) 851 118 — La Gerusalemme conquistata. Pisa, 1833. 3 V. in 1. O. (In same. 28-39.)' 851 130 — Calabrian : La Gerusalemme liberata,poema; trasportata in lingua calabrese in ottava rima in questa prima edizione da Carlo Cusentino. Cosenza, 1737. sqO. 851 123 —English extract: Arrival of the crusaders at Jerusalem [,with] translation in the Spenserian stanza by J. H. Witfen. [In Cavalleri, E. Italian readings. 1865.) 851 1 — Milanese: La Gerusalemme liberata. tra- vestita in dialetto milanese. (.In Balestrieri, D. Opere, 1816, v. 3 ; in Coilezione milanese, V. 7.) 8.59 15 — Neapolitan: Lo Tiisso napoletano; zoe. La Gier salemm libberata votalaa llcngua nosta da Grabiele Fasano. Napole, 16H9. F. pi. iUp. 851 131 — Same. (In Coilezione napoletana, 17^3-9, V. 13-14.) 8.59 19 — Swedish: Det befriade Jerusalem ; ofversiltt- ning. (/)J Oxenstjerna, J. (x. Arbeten, 1805- 26, V. .5.) 8.39.7133 — II mondo creati). Pisa, 1823 O. {Inhis Opere, illustrate dal G. Rosini. 37.) 851 119 —Rime. Pisa, 1831-3. 4 v. in 3. O. (In same. 3-6.) 851 116 — annotator, see Trisslno, TAINS. Koristka, K. F. E. von. Die hohe Tatra in den Central-Karpaten ; eine geographisclie Skizze. Gotha, 1864. sqQ. [3-1- 1 36 p. il. pi. map. (In Petermanns Mit- flieilniig:en : Erganzungsband 3.) 910 44 TATWIlSr G02 TEE R in US Tivtwiii, archbishoij of CanterbiivT/. JEnig- inata. lln Wright^ T. Anglo-Latin satirical l)(iets, 1873, V. 2 ; iii (it. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 59.) 942 8 'I'auler, Joliann. Predige [,niiwelick ynn ghude bessvssche sprake transfereret vn ouerset]. Halberetadt, 1523. F. 099 19 — Predigten auf alle Sonn- und Festtage im Jalir ; nach den Ausgaben von J. Arndt und P. J. Spener, auf s Neue herausgegebeu von E. Kuntze und J. H. R. Biesenthal. Berlin, 1841-2. 3 V. O. 252 7 — Sermones : von latein in teiitsch gewendt. Augspurg, H. Otmar, 1508. Q. il. 099 15 TAUKO-LIGURIAX COLONIE.S.see GENOESE COLONIES, TAURUS. Kotscliy, T. Reise in den cilicischen Taurus iiber Tarsus. Gotha, 1858. O. pZ. TOctps. 551.43 53 Tavanues, (Jaspard & <)liiillauiiie de Saiilx de. Menioires, 1515-95. })or. (/jt Midland l- 369 1 bound trith 336 3 — Soldan, W. G. Ueber den Process der Tem- pler und die gegen ihren Orden erhobenen Be- .schuldigungen. {In Raunier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1845.) 905 1 Temple, Frederick. The education of the world. (/» Essays and reviews. 1863.) 204 1 Temple, Sir William. Memoires de ce qui s'est passe dans la chretiente. 1673-9; traduit de 1' anglois. iln Michand 2 [Ten Tiziers:] Historien om de ti vezirer og livorledes det gik deiu meJ Kong Aziid Bachts Son; oversat af Arabisk ved R. Rask. K0ben- havn, 1829. S. 892 3 TEXERIFFE. aiaiitegazza, P. Tenerife. (/7i his Rio de la Plata. 1867.) 918.2 1 —Wilde, W. B. Teneriflfe. il. {In his Narra- tive of a voyage. 1844.) 910 «9 Teugrberg', Rudolf, & Boethiiis, S. J. Sverige under partitidhvarfvet, 1718-1809. Stockholm, 1879. O. //. (/() Sverig-es historia, v. 5.) 948 51 Teiment, .S'(;' James Euiersoii, bart. Sketches of the natural history of Ceylon; including a monograph of the elephant. London, 1^61. D. il. pi. 590 15 — The wild elephant and the method of captur- ing and taming it in Ceylon. London, 1867. D. il.ijl. 599 3 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Poems. Boston, 1842. 2 v. D. 821 103 — Dora, idillio tradotto dall' inglese. (In Za- nella, G. Versi. 1868.) 851 131 —Enoch Arden, etc. London, 1864. D. 821 106 — Gareth and Lynette, etc. London, 1872 S. 821 108 —The hoi V grail, and other poems. London, 1870. D.' 821 107 —Idyls of the king. Boston, 1860. D. 821 104 — Maud, and other poems. New edition. London, 1861. D. 821 105 — Brla'litivell, D. B. Concordance to the works of Tennyson. London, 1870. D. 821 109 TENORIO, Don Juan, of Seville. Sclieible, J. Don Juan Tenorio von Sevilla. {In liis Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 See also Zorilla }■ Morales, .J. Don Juau Tenorio, drama, in his Obras, v. 2. T6iiot, Pierre Paul Eiig-ene. Paris en deoem- bre 1851 ; etude historique sur le coup d'etat. Paris, 1870. D. 944 46 — La province en decembre 1851 ; etude histo- rique sur le coup d'etat. 12 edition. Paris, 1870. D. 944 45 T^oli, Carlo, editor. Mescolanze d' araore; ovvei-o, Raccolta di scritti amatori di Plotino, Leon Battista Albert!, Stefano Guazzo e Mel- chior Cesarotti. Milano. 1863. S. por. {In Bibl. rara. 6.) 850 3 Vol. 1-30 of the niblioti'ca rara are mostly edited by T«oll. Teozzi, Pirro. II ciarlatano, novella.— I debiti, ca|)riccio. {In (Jamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 11.) 859 50 Terentiiis Afcr, I'libliiis. Comoediae; recensuit Alfredus Fleckeisen. Lipsiae, 1858. D. 872 3 Witli 0. .Suetonii Tran(iuilli vita P. Terentii. — Ti'Andria, tradottain to.scano. (7w Maccliia- velli, X. Opere, 1819, v. 7.) 858 10 Teroiizio, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 39. Tergoliiia, Vincenzo di. Quattro anni nelle prigioni del santo paclrc. Torino, 1860. 1). pi. 272 13 TeriIo,AVilliam. Friar Bakon's prophesie, a sat- ire on the times, 1604; edited by James Orch- ard Halliwell. London, 1844. D. 8-f31 p. {Tn Percy soc. v. 15.) 820 6 Termes de la ley, see Rastal, W. TERXI. Marsh, C. C. Terni, Falls of. {In Johnson's cyclopedia.) In main, library. TEBRA-I)EL-FUEGO. Lacroix, F. Terre-du- Feu. 1840. 2}l- map. {In L'nuivers. 10.) 910 18 TERRA DI SAN GIMIGNANO. Pecori, L. Sto- ria della Terra di San Gimignano. Firenze, 1853. O. pi. 945 81 TERSIX. Meyer, M, P. H. Tersin, tradition (iit Romaiii.a. v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 TERTIARY PERIOD. Zaddach, E. G. Die iiltere Tertiiirzeit, ein Bild aus der Entwick- lung.sgeschiehte der Erde. Berlin, 1869. O. 35 p. (//( Virchoff & HoItzeiidorH". Vortr'Age. 4 Serie.) 043 1 Terwen, Johannes Leonardiis. Etymologi.sch handwoordenboek der Nederduitsche taal. Gouda, 1844. O. 439.32 3 TerzHolo, F. P. Etudes sur le dictionnaire de I'Acadeiiiie fran9aise. 2 edition, accompagnee de remarques sur... dictionnaire de Littre. Paris, 1864. D. 443 3 La Teseide, see Boccacio, G. II tesoro, connnedia, see Ongaro, F. dall'. Le tessitore, see Tlioiiar, P. Un testamento, novella [; Storiadi Fra Jetzer; Testament d'Antoine Francois Gauthiot]. Mi- lano, 1864. S. 853 35 bound icith 24 Testi, Fiilvio, conie. II conte Fulvio Testi alia corte di Torino, 1628 e 1635; documenti raccolti dair...D. Perrero. Milano, 1865. S. (/« Bibl. rara. 62.) 850 3 A testimonie of antiquitie, see Thomson, E. Se- lect monuments. 829 15 TESTONA. Calandra, C. * E. Di una necro- poli barl)i>rica scoperta a Testona ; memoria. Torino, 1880. O. 39 p. pi. 913 44 TESTS. Smitli, Goldwin. A plea for the abolition of tests in the University of O.xford. Oxford, I.S64. D. " 378 5 Tetens, Sleplian. Christendommens Indforelse i Norden ved Anscharius. Kiobenhavn. 1826. D. 270 9 Teulet, Jean Bai)tiste Alexandre Tlieodore, translator, see Eginliard. Oiuvres. 1856. 943 13.1 TEUTONIC LANGUAGES. Heyne, M. Kurze Laut- und Fle.xionslelire der altgermanischen S|)rachstiimmo. Paderborn, 1862. O. 439 1 — Holzmaiiii, A. Alts de Thcokesberia, 1066- 1863. {Ill Liiaril, H. R. Annales motiaslici, 1864-9, V. \;iH (U. ISr.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 TEXAS. Clmiillin|i:, W. E. On the annexation of Texas to the United States. (In his Work.s, 1848, V. 3.) 208 3 —Olmsted, F. L. A journey through Texas, with a statistical appendix. New York, 1861. D. 917.6 1 Texier, Charles F^Iix Marie. Asie Mineure, description gi'o^rapliique, historique et arche- ologique. Paris, 1863. O. pi. maps. {In L'linivers. 15.) 910 18 — & Pullaii, R. P. Byzantine architecture. London, 1864. F.^ pi. iltp. 726 4 TEXTILE FABRICS. Collin, J. De danske Klcedemanufacturers Historje, 1736-99. Un liis For Historic, 1833-5, v. 1.) 948 66 —The history of silk, cotton, linen, wool and other fibrous substances. New York, 1845. O. pi. map. 677 i — Miraglia, N. Relazione sulle materie tessili air esposizione di Vienna, 1873. [Roma, 1874.J O. 49 p. 677 3 bound with 610 3 ^Rawert, 0. J. Hvorledes kunne Huusflidens Varer vorde godt Kiobniandsgods? {In Collin, J. For Hi.storie, 1833-5, v. 1.) 94S 66 See also COTTO.N : SILK ; T.iPKSTKY ; WOOL. Teza, Emilio. II dialetto curassese. [Milano. 1864.] O. p. 343-53. 467 13 — La tradizione dei sette savi nelle norelliue magiare. Bologna, 1864. D. 56 p. 293 19 — editor. Saggi inediti di lingue americane. Pisa, 1868. O. 91 [+2] p. 497 1 Scelta di curiosita. 43, 135. 850 10 — translator. Gedichte Klaus Groth's und Heine's. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 4. 1877.) 945 41 Traduzioni. Bologna [,1863]. D. [S + ] 48 p. 851 133 La moglie di capitano Prijezda. 1864. 891 13 Thaarup, Christen, editor, see Falster, C. Satirer. 1840. 839.87 1 Thaarup, Frederik. Kopenhagen, mitder Um- gegend. Kopenhagen, 1838. T. pi. viap. 914.8 40 — Same. Berichtigungen und Zusatze. Ko- penhagen, 1831. T. 43 p. tab. 914.8 40 — Statistisk Udsigt over den danske Stat. Kjobenharn, 1835. D. tab. 314 19 — Udforlig Vejledning til det danske Monar- kies Statistik. Kjobenhavn, 1813-19. 6 v. D. tab. 314 18 — Veiledning til det danske .Monarkies Stati- stik. 3 Udgave. Kiobeiduivn. 1794. D. 314 17 THACHEH, Samuel Cooper. ( liaiininK-, W. E. Notice of S. C. Thaeher. {In his Works, 1848, V. -,.) 208 2 Thackhani, Thomas. Defence of his conduct toward Julius Piilmer. (/n Niehols, J. G. Nar- ratives. 1859; / /f Caindcn soc. 77.) 820 4 Tliam, Wilhelm. Bidrag till svenska riksda- gariK's (jg regeringsforniernas historia. Pt.l: [1660]. Stockholm, 1845. O. 342 11 Thanic, Philip de, see Knights of Malta. Thaiilcr, Johann , sci- Tauler. Tliaun, Philippe de. Li livre des creatures; — The bestiary [;vvith translations]. (/» AVria:ht,T. Popular treatises. 1841.) 502 7 — Eberts, A. Philipps von Thaun Livre des creatures. (7?; Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v, 5, 1864.) 805 1 —Meyer, M. P. H. Sur le Comput de Philippe de Thaun. (In same. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Thayer, Joseph Henry. Unwarranted verbal differences and agreements in the English ver- sion. (In Schaff, P. Auglo-Amencan Bible re- vision. 1879.) 220 5 THEATRE. Barriere, F. J,, editor. Memoires de ^Uairon, Lekain, Preville, Dazincourt, Mole, Garrick, Goldoni: avec avant-pro])os et notices. Paris, 1878. D. {In Barriere * Lescure. Me- moires. 6.) 944 10 — Buurnourille, A. A. MitTheaterliv. Kjoben- havn, 1848. O. 839.82 8 -Gibber, C. An apology for [his] life; with an historical account of the stage during his time. 3 edition. London, 1740. '). jMjr. 928 15 — Ferrigni, P. F. L. C. .Das itabenische Thea- ter seit 1848. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v 3, 1875.) 945 41 — Gautier, T. Le theatre turc a Constantinople. {In his L'orient, 1877, v. 1.) 910 39 — Gosson, S. The schoole of abuse, and A short apologie, 1579. London, 1868. S. 80 p. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 3.) 820 9 — Ha^maiin, J^G. Die engliscbe Bvihne zur Zeit der Konigin Elisabeth. Hamburg, 1889. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow i6 Holtzendorif. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 3 — Hazlitt, W. C, editor. The English drama and stage, 1.543-1664, illustrated by documents, treatises and poems; with preface and index. [London,] 1869. sqO. (In his Roxburghe lib. 4.) 821 3 — HeyAVOod, T. An apology for actors ; from the edition of 1613, with introduction and notes. London. 1841. O. [3+] 16-1-66 p. (Shakespeare soc.) 827 9 — Lcssiug, G. E. Dramaturgische und angeho- rige geschichtliche Werke. (In his Werke 1833-5, V. 13-15.) g32 6 — Tuckerman, H. T. (In his Criterion. 1866.) 814 15 See (Urn Copeiihageu-K. DAXSKE THEATER. Theatruni sympatheticum, 1660. see Dig-by, K., & others. Thebais, see Seneca, L. A.; Statins, P. P. THEILE 666 THEOLOGY Tlieile, K. G. \V., & Stier, E. R., editors, see Bihle— Polyglot. 220 4 Seir aagiastu og andrijku psalma flockar ut af fieding, pijnu og upprisu vors Drottenns, asamt psalnium ut af Hugvekium Johannis Geihardi, o^ Viku psalmuin. Hooluni i Hialltadal, 1780. S. 839.61 S3 Edited by Bishop J(5n Arnason. THEISS RIVER. Betocchi, A. L'aumento dell' altezza media delle piene del fiunii... confer- niatl dalle osservazioni ... della Tlieiss. {In Rome— R. .iccad. del lliicei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 18rr)-0, pt. 3.) 06.5 3 THEMIfSTOCLES. Westermaiiii, A. Beitiiige zur Kritik der angeblicheu Briefe des Themi- stokles. Leipsic— K. sixclis. (iesell. Beiicbte, 1849.) 063 3 Theocritus. Theocritus, Bion et Moschus; ad- jectae sunt Godofredi Henrici Schaeferi uotae. Nova eilitio steieotypa iteratis curls expoliata. Lipsiae. 1839. T. 884 5 — Idillj ed epigramuii [.Greek, Latin and Ital- ian]. {/?i Paguini, G. M. Teocrito, etc. , 1780, V. 1.) 884 6 — Paraphrase: The Cyclops; Idyll 11. (In Browning, E. B. B. Last poems. 1863.) 821 34 — Landor, W. S. The idyls of Theocritus. (In 7n's Last fruit. 1853.) 824 15 THEODORIC, king of the Ostrogoth's and of Italy. CochlsBiis, J. Vita Theoderici; cum aii- notatiomlnis J. Perringskiold. Stockholniia;. 1699. sqO. 923 93 See ctlso Dietricli of Bern, Tlieodoricli, monlc. Historia de anti(|uitate regum Xorwagiensium. (In Langeljek,.I.Script. reruni Dan., 1773-1834, v. 5.) 948 76 T\\&oAov\Vi, bishop of Mopsuestia. Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta qua; supersunt. (1)l Synesins. Opera. 1859.) 208 13 Contents: Fritzsclie, 0. F. De Theodori vita et scriptis. — Allacci, L. E.Kcerptum ex...diatriba de Theodoris.— Theodoriis. Commeutarius in 18 prophetas miuores.— Fragmenta in Gene.sin.— Expositio in Psalmos:— .Jobum; — Canticum canticorum.— Commentarii in Novum Te- stamentuni.— Fragmenta dogmatioa. — Theodorn of Mopsuestia and rhodern thought. (In Cluircll quart, review, v. 1, 1875, p. 115-147.) 282 40 Tlieodorns en Dianira,treur-spel, see Ki-iil,.J.H. THfiODULFE, bishop of Orldans. Heddc, I'. Notice sur le ms, de Theodulfe. (In I'ny de Dome— Societe. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 Tlieognis. TvCiiiai. (In Poetae gnomici. 1833.) 881 3 — Prere, .1. II. Theognis restitutus; the per- sonal liihtory of the |ioet reduced from an an- alysis of hi.s existing fragments. {hi his Works, 1873, v. 3.) 821 58 Oeoyovia. see Hesiodus. Thcologia dentsch; nach der einzigen Hand- schrift herausgegehen von Franz Pfeiffer. 3 verbesserte und mit einer neudeutschen tiher- setzung vermehrte Auflage. Stuttgart, 1855. D- 241 6 English. Tbeologia Germanica ; edited by Pfeiffer ; translated by Susanna Winkworth"; with a preface by Charles Kingsley, and a let- ter by Bunsen. 3 edition. London, 1854. S. 241 7 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION. Chanuiu^, W. E. On increasing the means of theological ed- ucation at the university in Cambridge. (In his Works, 1848, v. 5.) 208 2 THEOLOGY. Abraham a St. Clara. Sammt- liche Werke. Passau, 1835-67. 31 v. in 19. S. 2)1. 208 7 —Arnold, M. Literature & dogma ; an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. London, 1873. D. 230 1 — Augustinus, A., St. Confessionum libri 13; herausgegeben und erliUitei-t von Karl von Raumer. Stuttgart, 1856. O. 248 1 German : Die Bekenntnisse. 6 Auflage. Passau, 1856. Tt. 248 2 — — Manuell, or litle booke of the contempla- tion of Christ... London, 1577. 242 1 An undated reprint of this edition. Specchio del peccatori; a cura di U. A. Amico. Bologna, 1866. D. 15-1-34 p. il. {In Scelta di curiosita. 73.) 8.50 10 — Barri, G. de. Giraldi Cambrensis opera ; ed- ited by J. S. Brewer [; v. 5-7, by J. F. Dimock]. London, 1861-77. 7 v. Q. (7?i Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 31.) 942 8 — Benedict XIV. Opuscula miscellanea. Prati, 1845. Q. 208 1 — Bernard, St. Lo stimolo d' amore. Bologna, 1866. D.53p. (7?iSceltadi curiosita. 68.) 860 10 — Birgitta, St. Das puch der Himlischen oflen- barung. Niirnberg, 1503. F. il. 099 14 — Bodin, J. Colloquium heptaplomeres de re- rum sublimiuni arcanis abditis: curavit L. Noack. Suerini Megaloburgensium, 1857. Q. 230 2 — Biiuaventura, St. Dit boeck is ghebeten Stimulus divini amoris. Leyden, 1511. sqT. 099 20 — Biinyau, J. The greatness of the soul ; No way to heaven but by Jesus Christ : The strait gate ; prefixed, An introductory essay on his genius and writings, by Robert Philip. New York, 1846. D. (Works of the English puritan divines.) 240 3 The Jerusalem sinner saved; The pharisee and the publican ; The Trinity and a Chris- tian ; The law and a Christian [ ; Bunyan's last sermon ; dying sayings]: An exhortation to peace ami unity : with life of Bunyan by James Hamilton. New York, 1846. D. (Same.) 240 2 — — The pilgrim's progress; a fac-simile of the first edition. London, 1875. D. il. pi. 823 4 Same. London, 1837. S. pi. 823 5 — Caird, J. Religion in common life; a sermon. New York, 1856. S. 59 p, 240 6 Oerman. Die Religion im genieinen Leben ; mit einem Vorwort von C. C. J. Bun- sen. Leipzig, 1857. O. ,53 p. 240 7 —Calvin, .1. Institution de la religion chre- stiennc. Paris, 1859. 2 v. O. 230 3 — (Ihanniug, W. E. Likeness to God. (7m his Works, 1848, v. 3.) 208 2 THEOLOGY 667 THEOLOGY — ColerUlsjc, S. T, Aids to reflection ; edited bv Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, 1843. 3"v. D. 240 4 ^ Same. 1 American from 1 London edi- tion, with appendix, preliminaiy essay and notes, bv Janies Marsh. Burlington, 1829. Q. 240 n ^Denzing'crj H., editor. Enchiridion synibo- lorum et definitorum quae de rebus fidei et morum a conciliis oecumenicis et summis pf)n- titicis emanarunt. Editio 3 aucta. Neapolis, 18.56. D. 282 2 — Dudley, Larhj Jane <»rey. Life, death and ac- tions ; containin;^ foure principall discourses. London, Kil.") [.reprinted 182S»J. O. 38 p. 923 4.'5 — ElucidarlilS, Brudstykker af den island-ske : udeivne af K. Gislason. (In Copeiiliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Annaler. v. IS, 1858.) 948 3 — Danish; i Ovt rsiettelse af M. Eiriksson. (In same. v. 17, 1857.) 948 2 — Fisher, J. English works ; collected by J. E. B. Mayor. Lonilon, 1870. v. 1. O. f((csim. {In E.E. text soc. Extra ser. 27.) '820 5.1 — Fuller, T. Two sermons ; the first. Comfort in calaniitie, teaching to live well : the other, The grand assizes, minding to dve well. Lon- don, lfi.54. S. [n + ] 77 p. " 240 10 — Uianiione, P. Opere postume in difesa della sua Storia civile di Napoli. Palmyra, 1760. Q. 945 96 — Gohiiis, J, Himelstrass : im latin genant Scala cell. Augspurg, 1510. Q. il. 099 16 — Hieronyimis, St. Lettres choisies ,■ texte latin : traduction par J. P. Charpentier. Paris, [185-?]. D. 240 13 ^Howe, J. The Redeemer's tears wept over lost souls : Union among protestants ; Carnal- ity of religious contention ; Man's enmity to God : and Reconciliation between God and man : with life of the author, bv W. Urwick. New York, 1846. D. (Works of the English puritan divines.) 240 12 — Iiiezie; traduzione dall' inglese. Imola, 1881. S. 7+70 p. 241 3 — Isidorus, St. Opera omnia ; per J. Du Breul. Coloniie Agrippina;, 1617. F. il. 208 3 For contents si^e Isitlorus. — Knox, J. Works : collected and edited ly D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1846-64. 6 v. O. facsim. 208 4 — Leigliton, K. Whole works ; prefixed, life, by J. N. Pearson. New York, 1844. O. 208 5 — Lessiiigr, (i. E. Theologische Schriften. (In his Werke, 1823-5. v. 24-6.) 832 6 — Luther, M. Sinnreiche Tischreden. Neue verbesserte Ausgabe. Stuttgai-t, 1836. 2 v. O. 244 1 —Marsh, J., editor. Select practical theology of the 17th century. Burlington, 1.''30. v. l.'O. 208 6 Contents : 1. Hone, J. The blessedness of the right- eous.— The vanity of man as mortal. Bates, Vi. Dis- courses on the four last things. — Monod, A. Les adieux a ses amis et a I'eglise, 1855-6. 6 edition. Paris, 1859. D. 240 14 — More, T. Workes. London, 1557. 1 v. in 2. V. 230 5 For contents kk More. — Parker, T. A false and true revival of reli- gion : a sermon, 4 April 1858. Boston, 1858. O. 12 p. 252 2.1 The revival of religion which we need ; a sermon, 11 April 18.58. Boston, 1858. O. 15 p. 252 2.1 — Passavanti, J. Lo specchio della vera peni- ten/.ia. Firenze, 1821. 2 v. in 1. O. jjor. 241 4 — Pedersen, C. Danske Skrifter : udgivne af C. J. Brandt og K. T. Fenger. Kjolienhavn, 1850-6. 5 V. O. 839.88 4 — Rnnsbroec, J. van. Werken. Gent. 1858-68. 6 V. O. (■()/. pi. (In Mactschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 1, 4, 7, 9, 12.) 839.3 4 — Savonarola, t!. M. F. M. De simplicitate Christianie vifee libri 5. Lugduni Batavorum, 1638. T. 241 5 — Scheible, J., editor. Volksprediger, Morali- sten und frommer Unsinn. 2wr. pL (In his DasKloster, 184.5-50, v. 1.) 837 16 — Schwarz, K. Zur Geschichte der neuesten Theologie. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1856. D. 209 1 — Soongal, H. The life of God in the soul of man. Boston, 1823. S. 80 p. 243 1 —Spencer, J. Things new and old ; or, A storehouse of illustrations ; added, A treasury of similes, bv R. Cawdray ; edited by J. G. Pilkingtou. London, 1867. Q. 208 9 — Snso, H. Gudelig Visdoms Bog ; udgivet af C. J. Brandt. Kjobenhavn, 1858. O. 839.88 6 — Syneslus. Opera, Grajce et liatine, interprete D. Petavio. Lutetia;, 1612. F. 208 11 Same ; accedunt Theodori Mopsuesteni episcopi, S. Arsenii eremitic scripta : accu- rante J. P. Migne. Lutetian Parisiorum. 1859. Q. 208 13 —Taylor, I. Saturday evening 3 American edition. Boston, 1833" O. 240 15 — Tlieologia deutsch ; nach der einzigen Hand- schrift herausgegeben von F. Pfeiffer. 2te, mit einer neurleutschen ITbersetzung vermehr- te Auflage. Stuttgart, 1855. D. 241 6 —English: Theologia Germanica : translated bv Susanna Winkworth. 2 edition. London, 1854. S. 241 7 —Thomas a Eenipis. De I'imitation de Jesus- Christ ;...trai;luits du latin par H. Ros-wevde. Paris, 1652. D. 242 2 Tractat de la imitacio de Christo; traduhit en llengua cathalana per P. Bonavra. y a la fi trobar algunas oracions... Gerona [,17.59]. T. 242 3 — Tyndale, W., * Frith, J. The works of the Englisli reformers : edited by T. Russell. Lon- don, 1831. 3 V. O. 208 10 — •Ulricll, J., editor. Trattati religiosi e libro de li exempli, in antico dialetto veneziano. Bologna, 1891. D. (In Scelta di curiosifa. 239.) 850 10 ^Vincent, S. Meditations religieuses. Nou- velle edition. Paris. 1863. D. 242 5 THEOL OGY 6G8 THIETMAR — Tiiiet, A. R. Etudes evangeliques. Paris, 1847. O. 243 1.1 — — Nouveaux tliscours sur quelques sujets religieux. 8 edition. Paris, 1848. O. 243 2 — Wiclif, J. Eny;lisli vvorirs liitberto unprinted; edited Ijy F. D. Matthew. London, 1880. O. facsim. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 74.) 820 5 —Den wises ledstjerna genom lifwet. Stock- liolm. 18aG. D. 27 p. 243 3 —Wolff, E. B., (& Deker, A. Onderwyzend ge- sprelc over het geloof en de zedenleer der cliri- stenen. 'sGraaveniiaage, 1781. O. 240 16 See also ANOELS : ATHEISM ; BAPTISM; lUBIJ': ; CAL- VIXISM ; CAXOMZATIOX ; CATECHISM ; COXStlEXCE : CREEDS : DEATH ; ESCHATOLOCiY ; ETEUXAL PUXISH- MEXT; ETHICS; EXCLUSIOX; EXCOMMUNICATIOX; FES- TIVALS; FREEDOM; FUTURE LIFE; HAPPIXESS; HE.VVEX; HOLY SPIRIT ; HVM.NS ; IDOLATRY; IMMORTALITY; JESUS; .lUSTIFICATIOX; LOLLARDS: LORD'S SIPPER; NATURAL RELIGION; OBEDIEXCE; OXFORD THEOLOOY; PAIX; PRAYER; PREACHIXG; PREDESTIXATIOX; PRO- BABILITY; PROVIDENCE; U.\TIO.\AL!SM; REFORM; RE- LIGION; S.ICUAMEXTS; SACRED HEART; SAINTS; SECTS; SELF-DEXIAL; SERMONS; SIN; SOUL; SPIRITUALISM; SUNDAY ; SUXDAV-SCHOOI>> ; TEMPTATION; TESTS; WORSHIP. Theopliilus, or Rngerus, priest & monk. Libri 3; seu, Diversarum artium schedula, opera et studio Caroli de L'Escalopier [.Latin and Frencli]. Lutetise Pari.siorum. 1843. sqQ. 002 1 With introduction, p. 17-72, by .1. M. Giiichard. Noted by Mr. Marsh as a "Valuable and rare work on mediae- val art.*' Theophiliis.(/?i Brans, P. J.Romant. Gediclite. 1798.) 839.4 2 Theoplirastlis. Opera quae .supersunt omnia: ex recognitione Friderici Wimmer. Lipsiae, 1854-62. 3 V. D. 888 54 Content!': 1. Historia plantarum. 2. De causis plan- tarum. S. Fragraenta. — Characteres ; Epicteti Manuale, et Cebetis Tabula. Nova editio stereotvpa iteratis curis castigata. Lipsiae, 1826. T. 888 55 THERAPEDTIC8. Paracelsus. Of the mys- teries of tlie signes of tlie zodiack; being tlie magnetical and sympatlietical cure of diseases. {In his Of tire supreme mysteries. 165G.) 133 26 See also AX.ESTIIETICS ; BRANDY AND SALT; MIND- CURE; SYMPATHETIC POHDER. THERKELSEN, J6ii Jonssou. Jlling. Kjobenliavn. 1817. D [1-1-] 98 p. 839.83 38 — Breve fra England og Skotland, 1(^36. Kio- beuhavn, 1837. O. 914.2 9 — Diinmarks Folkesagn. Kiobenhavn, 1843-60. 3 V. O. 398 24 — Prover af danske Folksagn; med en Fortale af R Nyerup. Kiol)enliavn, 1817. O. 12-f36p. 398 23 bound with 24 Thierry, Ain^d^e Simon Dominique. Histoire d'-Altila et de ses succes.seur.s: suivie des le- gendeset traditions. Paris, 1856. 2 v. O. 943 64 Thierry, Jacques Xicolas Auij-ustiii. Histoire de la coiKpiC'le de I'.Vngleterre par les Nor- mands. Nouvelle I'dition, suivie de la liste des conc|ueranls, et de la description dela tapisserie de Bayeux. Paris, 1870. D. ?7. 942 16 THIERS, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe. Lan- IVe.V, I*. L'histoire du consulat et de I'enipire, l)ar Tliiers. (/n /m- Etudes. 1874.) 928 3 TUietinar, bisliop of Merscburg. Chronicon ; post cditionem J. M. Lapjienbergii recogiiovit I''. Kurze. llannoverae, 1889. O. {In Pertz, G. II. Script, rernni German. 8.) 943 16 THIRL WALL 669 TIIOMHEN Thirhvall, Coiiiiop, bishop */ St. David's. A hUtui-y of Gret'ce, see Sclimitz, L. !>S8 'A THIRTY YEARS' WAR. (JiinMo-Piiorato, «. . I'diltaicx. a. Letters to .1. Ellis. 1875. ' ■ii-'i. lliiltoii family. Correspondence. 1878. 31. Iliiililock family. Correspondence. 1881. Thompson, Sir Henry. The preventive treat- ment ot calculous disease, and the use of sol- vent remedies. 3 edition. London, 1876. S. 73 p. 616 7 Thompson, Joseph I'arrish. The workman, Ids false and true friends. New York [,cl879J. S. 331 18 Thompson, Richard. Letters to Henry Tliomp- son of Escrick, co. York ; edited by James J. Cartvvright. [London,] 1883. sqO. [3-)-J 8 [4-1] p. (/)i Camden misc. 8 ; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) S20 4.1 Thompson, Zadock. History of Vermont, nat- ural, civil and statistical ; with appendix, 1853. Burlington, 1853. O. il. 974 8 Thonis, William John, editor. Anecdotes and traditions illustrative of early English history and traditions. Loudon, 1839. sqO. {In Cam- den soc. 5.) 820 4 A collection of early prose romances. London, 1838. 3 v. O. 823 2 The history of Reynard the fox. 1844. {In Percy soc. v. 13.) 820 6 Stow, J. Survey of London. 1843. 914.2 11 Thomsen, Christian Jiirgensen. Occidentalske Mynter. pi. (/it Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aunaler. v. 4, 1843-3.) 948 3 — Om den nordiske Oldtids Broncearbeider. il. {In same. Antiqiiarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5 ) 948 4 — Om Guldbracteaterne og Bracteaternes tid- ligste Brug som Mynt. pi. — Tillseg. (In same. Annaler. v. 15, 1855.) 948 2 — Sur les bracteates en or et sur le premier emploi de bracteates comme monnaies. pi. {In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 94s 3 The plates are in Atlas de I'arohSologie du nord.913 .5i — Worsaae, J. J. A. C. C. Rafn's og C, J. Thomsen's Fortjenester af Oldtidsvidenskaben. (In same. Aarboger. v. 1, 1866.) 948 5 0. C. Rafn et C. J. Thomsen ; discours commemoratif. (In same. Memoires. n s. v. 1 1866-71.) {)4s 3 Thomsen, Grininr. Et Bidrag til den gamle nordiske Poesies Charakteristik. (In same. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.)— Den nordiske Nationali- tet paa Shetlands-og Orknoerne. {hi same v 22, 1863.) 948 3 THOM&EN 670 THORLAKSSON — Njals Saga i engelsk Overssettelse ; by G. W. Daseiit. (7/1 same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 — The Northmen in Iceland, remarks on a treatise of G. W. Dasent ; translated by G. Stephens. (In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3, 949 5 Thomson, Ebenezer. On the archaic mode of e.'ipressing numbers in English, Saxon, Friesic, etc. Loudon, 18.53. O. 16 p. 429 6 — editor. Select monuments of the doctrine aad worship of the Catholic church in England before the Norman conquest ; witli trausla- tions, notes and introduction. London, 1849. S. facsim. 829 15 A reprint, with additions, of A testimonie of anticiui- tie. 156-. Thomson, James. A poem to the memory of William Congreve ; with preface and notes by Peter Cunningham. London, 1843. D. 33 p. (In Percy soc. v. 9.) 820 6 — The seasons [,witli The castle of indolence, and a memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas]. London, 1860. D. poc. 821 111 THOU, see THUNDER. Thora, see Baggesen, J. I. v. 7. Thorareuseii, Bjarni. Om Gunnars H6j ved Hli3arende. (In Copeiihaaen— K, iiord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 7, 1.847. ) 948 2 Thorarinssoii, Thorliikiir. Lijted b;tna kver. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1780. T. 84 p. 839.61 22.1 Bound with the following : — Nockur liood-m;ele, af psalmum, andlegum vijsum og kvtedum samanstandande. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1780. T. .S39.61 22.1 Edited by Halfdan Einarsson. Thord Degns Artikler, see De^ii, T. I. Thordarson, (iiiiinlaii^iir. Ritgjord um tiina- og eugjanskt ; gefln ut af enu islenzka bok- mentafjelagi. Kaupmannahofn, 1844. O. 83!) 08 2-5 —editor, see Greltis saga. 1853. S'id'.SS 37 Thoreaii, Henry David. Cape Cod. London, 1865. D. 818 4 — Excursions [,with Biographical sketch bj- R. W. Emerson]. Boston, 1863. D. por. 815 5 —The Maine woods. Boston, 1864. D. 818 6 — Walden. Boston, 1866 fc'54]. D. 818 7 — A week on the Concord and Merrimack riv- ers. Boston, 1862 [c"49J. D. 818 8 — Lowell, J. R. (Til. Iiis My study window.s. 1871.) 814 14 Thoresen, Anna Magdalene (Kragh). Billeder fra Vestkysten af Norge. Kjnbenhavn 1872. D. 839.83 39 "AmonKtne best productions of modern Norwegian literature."— Afote^y ^fr. Marsh. — Fortsellinger. Kjabenhavn, 1863. D. 839.83 40 Contents; En Aftcn i BerKen.— V0rringen.— Fra liar- danger.— Fra Sognefjorden— Studcnten, — Et rigt Parti, Skuespil. Kjobenhavn, 1870. D. 8.39.82 56 — Signes Historic, en Fortielling. Kjobenhavn, 1864. D. ' 839.83 41 — Solen iSiljedalSn; en Fortaelling. Kjoben- havn, 1868. D. 839.83 42 Saga Xorllnns karlsefnisok Snorra lorbrands- souar. (Jn llafn, C. C.Antiquitates American*. 1837.) 839.03 21 —Same. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kab. Gronlands hist. Mind., 1838-45. v. 1.) 839.63 36 J0R«EIRSDRAPA. Gislason, K. En Bemyerk- niug til to Verslinier i lorgeirsdnipa. (Iji Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 14, 18f9.) _ 948 5 Thorgilsson, Art. Islendingabok. (In same. isl. sogur, 1829-30, v. l.i 839.03 8 Same. (In same, 1843-7, v. 1.) 839.63 9 Same. (In Mobius, T. Analecta. 1859.) 839.63 11 — Schedte ; seu, Libellus de Is-landia, Islen- dinga-bok dictus: in Latinam ver.sus ac illu- stratus ab Andrea Bussieo. Havnia^, 1733. sqO. 839.63 47 Appended is Periplus Otheri; ab A. Bussseo. Olsen, B. M. Om Forholdet mellem de to Bearbeidelser af Ares Lslaendingebog. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. 01d.-8elskab. Aarboger. T. 20, 1885.) 948 5 Thorhallesen, Egil, editor & translator, see leeliind. Den islandske Lov. 1763. 349 57.1 ThorUd, Thomas. Samlade skrifter. Upsala, 1819-35. 4 V. O. 839.71 49 Edited by E. 6. Geijer. — (lieijer, E. G. Thorild: tillika en philosophisk eller ophilosophisk bekSnnelse. Upsalw, 1820. pt. 1. O. 839.71 49.1 Thorkelin, Grimnr Jonsson, editor. Analecta quibus historia, antuiuitates, jura regni Nor- vegici illustrautur; observationibus et indice adjtctis. Havnia;, 1778. D. 349 38 3Iaguusson, A. Diplomatarium. 1786. 327 5 & translator, see Aruason, J. Jus ecclesi- asticuni. 1777. 839.68 12 Beownlf. 1815. S29 20 Eyrbyggia-saga. 1787. 839.63 29 Thorlaeiiis, B0rge. Undersogelse over en islandsk Historic kaldet Fliotsdwlernes, ellei Droplogs Sonners Saga. Kiobenhavn. 1828. S. [l-h]64p. " i)49 6 editor, see Comnu-ntarium de Egillo. 1822. 839.63 28 De Hakone Vicensi. 1823. 839.63 39 Stnrlnson, S. Heimskringla, 1777-1820, v. 4-6. ' 843.03 14 TIIORLAK,'iho2) of Skalholt. DeS.Thor- laco. ( /» Lnngcbek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-l.SM, V. 4.) 94S 76 Thorliiksson, .Ion, translator, see Klopstock, F. (J. Mcshias. 1838. 839.01 13 Millon, ,1. Paradisir missir. 1828. 839.61 15 Thorliiksson, Sknli Thordarson, editor, see Stiirlusoii, S. Ihimskringla, 1777-1826, v. 3. 839.03 14 & translator, see Edda— Yonnger. Frag- menta Hostlanga; et Thorsdrapw. 1801. 839.03 2.1 THORNAM 671 THUCYDIDES Thoriiam, August WillU'lm. Bladeaf en Lasges Dagl)Og; udgivne at Th. Mauro [pseud ]. K jo- benhavn, 1838. D. 8;J}).83 43 Thornton, Alice (Wandesford). Autoljiogia- phy. Durham, 1875. O. (/» Siirtecs see. ()2.) 8-20 7 Thornton, .J(»hu Wingate. The first records of Auglo-Aiiicricau colonization ; tiieir history. Boston, 18.")i). O. 13 p. i»73 'i\ Thornton romances, .see HalliwcU-Pliillipps, .1. ()., editor. Thorpo, Benjamin, editor. Analecta Anglo- Saxonica; a selection in prose and verse from Anglo-Saxon authors of various age.^, witli a glossary. New edition. London, 184(i. O. 829 16 — fraii.s/otoc.see .I'Ul'ric.Homilies. 1844-6. 8'2J) 3 Anglo-Saxon chronicle. 1861. (/vi (Jt.Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 2'S.) 942 8 .ipollonins of Tyre, Anglo-Saxon version. 1834, 82!) 8 Edda— Elder. 1866. 8.S9.«il fi OrosiuSj P. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius. {In Pauli. G. R. Life of Alfred. 18.')7.) 923 8 Thorpe, Thomas Edward, editor. Coal, its his- tory and uses; by Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Riiclser and Marshall. London, 1878. O. il. 553 6 Thorsen, Peder Goth. Virring Runesteen. pi. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskah. Aar- b0ger. V. 5, 1870.) 948 r> — editor, see Jutland. Valdemar den andens jydske Lov. 1853. 349 55 Seeland. Eriks Lov. 1853. 349 58.3 VaUlemars Lov. 1852. 349 58.1 Tliorson, Edwin Marlus. Antiquariske Medde- lelserfradeslaviskeLande; — Tillaeg. — Bosporos og bosporanske Oldtidsminder. {In Copenha- gen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tids- skrift. V. 4, 1853-4.) 948 4 — translator. Poland. Depecher fra den polske Legation i Kjobenhavn [, 1791]. {In same. An- naler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 3 Streyc, 1). KortfattetBeskrivelseaf Islan- dia. {In same.) 948 3 lattr af Sorsteini hvita. (In Vdpnflrdinga saga. 1848.) 839. (!3 67 Saga af lorsteini SiSu-Halls syni. ( //( Gisla- son, K. 44 Prover. 1860.) 839.03 6 Battr af lorsteini stangarhogg. (//i Vdpnflr- ainga saga. 1848.) 839.03 67 lorsteins saga SiSuhallsonar, — Draumr. {In Mobius, T. Analecta. 18.59.) 839.63 11 Saga Xorsteins Vikingssonar. {In Bafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1839-30, v. 2.) 839.(>3 12 Icelandic and Swedish: Thorstens Viikings- sons saga, pa gammal gothiska, och uthsatt, medh anteckningar, af Jacobo J Reenliiehn. Upsalffi, 1680. S. 839.63 66 Thorstelnsson, Bjarni. Om den fmroeske Han- dels Tilstand i ;eldre og nyere Tider. samt om denne Handels Frigivelse. {In Collin, J. For Historie, 1823-5, v. 1.) 948 66 —editor, see SturlQuga-saga. 1817-20. 839.63 63 Tliorsten, liskare, romantiskt skadespel, see Stagiielius, E. J. Thortsen, Karl .Vdolf. Forsog til en dansk Me- trik. Kjobenhavn, 1833. 3 v. m 1. D. 439.86 1 THOKVALDSEN, Bertel. Festcn for Thorvald- seu i Hotel d'Angleterre, 7 Oct. 18;)8. K.j.ol)en- havn[,1838J. D. 60 p. 839. 81 .53 Thorvallds vidforla saga. {In Ilungurvaka. 1778.) 839.63 43 ThoUj Jacciues Augiiste de. Memoires, 1553- 1601. jjor. (Zri Michaud c& Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 11.) 944 9 — De Valachia; — Poloniie regni desoriptio. {In RespublicaPolonia3. 1637.) 094 51 Thouar, Pietro. Racconti popolari. Nuova edizione, con aggiunta di due racconti e d'una commedia. Firenze, 1860. D. S53 35.1 THOUGHT, see INTELLECT. THRASHISG MACHINES. Italy— Miuistero di agricoltura. Concorso di piccole trebbiatrici a vapore, Perugia 1880. Roma, 1882. O. 48 p. (/. tab. (Annali, 1881, no. .37.) 630 19 Thraziger, Adam, see Tratziger. Three crude veines, 1611, see Coryat, T. THREE KINGS. Johann o/ ifzWes/tem. The tliree kings of Cologne : edited, with tlie Latin text, by C. Horstmann. London, 1886. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. v. 85.) 820 5 See ditto Zeno. THRIFT. Smiles, S. Thrift. London, 1875. D- 170 6 Through the dark continent, see Stanley, H.M. Tlnianiis, Jacobus Augustus, .seeTluiu, Thucydides. ...De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo [.Greek and Latin], cum adnotationibus integris Henrici Stephani & Joannis Hudsoni; recensuit,& notas suas addidit Josephus Wasse; editionem curavit, suasque animadversiones adjecit C'arolus Andreas Dukerus, cum disser- tationibus, collationibus et indiciljus. Amste- laedami, 1731. F.=,iltp. 888 4.1 — ...Bellum Peloponnesiacum [.Greek and Latin]: ex editions Wassii et Dukeri. Glas- guae, 17.59. 8 v. S. 888 5 — Histoire grecque ; accompagne de la version latine, des variantes, d'observations, par J. B. Gail. Paris, 1807. 4 v. sqQ. por. pi. map. 888 6 — De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo [.Greek]; recognovit Godofredus Boehme. Lipsiae, 1857. 2 V D. 888 8 —English ; chiefly from the translation of Hobbes of Malmesbury : witli the various readings of Arnold, Goeller, Haack, &c. New edition, with notes and marginal analvsis. Oxford, 1841. O. 888 9 — French ; traduite en fran9ais, accompaguee de notes, par J. B. Gail. Paris, 1808. 4 v. sqQ. 888 7 — German : Geschichte des peloponnefischen Kriegs ; ubersetzt von C. N. v. Osiander. Stuttgart, 1829-55 [v. 1,'5.5]. 6 v. sqT. 888 10 — Dietsch, R. Versuch uber Thukydides. Leip- zig, 18.56. O. 67 p. 888 11 Coutaining Die Volksversammluiig in Sparta. Thuky- dides I. 6V-87, with German translation and notes. THUCYDIDES 672 TIBER — Dionysiiis of Halicarnassus. De iis quasThu- cydidi propria sunt. —De Thucydide judicium. (In his Opera, 1829, v. 6.) S88 49 — Liiidemanu, J. H. Zur Beurtheiluug des Thucydides voin religib.s-sittlicheu Standpunkte aus. "(/;;, /iisVier Abhandlungeu. 18ij2.) !)01 2 — Siihlli, P. F. Nogle Steder hos Thucvdides oplyste. (In JiisSknUer, 1788-98, v. 7.) 83!».S8 5 Time, Ueiiuiiii;' Jiiiisiians, editor. Norsk An- thologi. Kjobenhavn, 1847. D. 839.81 5 Tlinle ; or, Vertues historie, see Rons, F. Thilmmel, Conrad. Aus der SymboUk des alt- deutscheu Bauenireohts. Hamburg, 1887. O. 44 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzeiidorft'. Vortrage. NeueFolge. 2.) 043 2 Tliuiiberg-, Karl Peter. Resa uti Europa, A- frica, Asia, 1770-9. Upsala, 1788-93. 4 v. D. 2il. 910 38 THUNDER. Orimm, J. L. K.Ueber die Namen des Donners. (In his KleinereSchriften, 1864 90, V. 2.) 408 3 For thunder storms see LIGHTSIXG. Tliiire, cousin till Calle och Carolina. Stock- holm. 1845. D. 839.77 11 Calle and Carolina are by V. A. D. von Braun. THURINfciLV. Kegel, F. Die Eutwickelungder Ortschaften im Tluiriiigerwald : ein Beitrag zur Siedelungslelire Tliiiringeus. Gotha, 1884. sqQ. map. (In Petermanns Mittheiluiigeii : Ergimzungsband 17.) 910 44 Tliiiriiigische Chronick oder Gescliichtbuch, biss autl' gegenwertige Zeit : auss einem alten Exemplar, durch Ern Friderichsu Schmidt vernjehret.endtlich vonandern, jetzo in Druck geben durch Joliaii Bangen. Miilhausen, 1599. sqO. 943 35 THUROT. FratKjois. Duraiid, J. F. Genuine and curious memoirs ol the famous Captain Thurot. 1760. (In Percy soc. v. 31.) 820 6 See also other matter in the volume. Tliury, J. M. Antoiiie. Ueber das Gesetz der Erzeiiguiig der Geschlechter bei den PHanzen, den Thieren und dem Meuschen ; aus dem Franzosischen, mit einer kritischen Bearbei- tung von H. Alex. Pagenstecher. Leipzig, 1864. O. 577 3 Tliwaites, Edward. Notes upon the Anglo- Saxon coins, 1708. (In Wottoii, \V. Short view. 1737.) 429 « Tliwrocz, Janos de. Chronica Hungarorum. (In Reruiii Hungaricarum scriptores. 1000.) 943 03 Tliyestes, sue Seneca, L. A. THYMOL. PateriK), E., ct- Cannoneri, F. Ri- cerclie diri-tte alia sintesi del timol. (In Rome — R. aecad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser. sri. /in. v. 9. 1880-1.) ■ 065 4 Tliynne, Francis. Ainmaduersions vppon the annotacions and corrections of some impres- slones of Chancers workes reprinted in 1598 ; now newly edited, with fresh collection.s for the lives of Willjjim and Fran<-is Thynne, and a re|)rint of the only known fragment of The pilgrim's tale, by K. J. Furnivall, and a pref- ace by G. H. Kingsley. London, 1870. O. (In Chancer 8oc. 2 ser. 13.) 821 40 — Chaucsr; animaduersions uppon the annota- cions and corrections of .some impressiones of Chaucer's workes reprinted in 1598; edited bv G. H. Kingsley. London, 1865. O. 15-f02 p. (I-n E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 9.) 820 5 — Emblemes and epigrames. 1600; edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1870. O. (In same. 64.) 820 5 THYROIl) GLAND. Zoja, G. Ricerche anato- niiche suU" appeudiche della glandola tiroidea. pi. (In Rome— R. aecad. dei Uneei. Atti 3 ser. scl. fis. V. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Tliys, Anton. Discursus politicus de republica Atheniensiuin. — Collatio Atticarum & Ko- manarum legum. (In Postal, G. De republica Atheniensium. 1045.) 094 12 TIBER. Arrivahene, U. Le idee del Garibaldi suUa sistemazione del Tevere estesa alia boni- ficazioue dell' Agro romano. Roma, 1875. Q. 16 p. 627 14 bound with 607 3 — Baccarini, A. SuU' altezza di plena massima nel Tevere urbano e sui provvedimenti contro le inondazioni. Jlilano, 1875 F. 58 p. pi. map. 551.48 23 bound roith 551.31 7 — Barilari, P. Intorno ad un lettera dell' ing. D.iusse suUa sistemazione del Tevere. (/)( Rome — R. aecad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-0, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Betoccliij.i.Effemeridi e statistica del Tevere e deir Aniene nel 1873-80. pi. (^In same. 2 ser. V. 1-3; 3 .ser. sei.fis. v. 1, pt. 1 ; v. 3, pt. 2; V. 4, 8, 9.) 065 3-4 — Brioscliij F. Le inondazioni del Teveie in Roma. (7/1 same. 2 ser. v. 3, 187.5-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Same. [Fireuze, 1876.] O. 46 p. 551.48 17 — Carcaui, M. II Tevere e le sue inondazioni dair origine di Roma fiuo ai giorni nostri. Roma, l875. O. 76 p. ' 551.48 17 — Castiglione, J. Trattato dell' inondatione del Tevere. Roma, 1599. T. [8-l-j 78 p. il. 551.48 22 — Cesarinl, G. Un altro modo di provvedere alia sistemazione del Tevere. Milano, 1878. Q. ■37[-f2]p. pi. 627 27 bound u'ith GOT 2 — CoUyer, C. G. Proposed works for the pre- vention of the inundation of Rome bv the over- flow of the Tiber. Rome, 1875. O. 7" p. 627 14 — Davies, W. The pilgrimage of the Tiber, from its jnonth to its source ; with some ac- count of its tributaries. London, 1873. O. il. pi. map. 914.5 72 — Lonibnrdini, E. Esame degli studj idrologici sul Teveie (Jlilano, 1871,] F. 27 p. ])l. map. 551.48 33 bound irith 551.31 7 With appendix, 12 p. — Maiizi, L. M. Progctto di canale di dcriva- zioneilcl Tevere. [Home, 1874.] Q. map. 627 14 —Marsh, G. P. (7» Joliuson's cyclopaedia. In main library. — Mora, F. Di un canale di derivazione dal Tivere: alibozzo di progetto. Roma, 1873. O. 6 + 09]). 621 14 — Moro, ',Johauii Heiiiruli Wilhelm. (iothe, J. W. von. Tischbeins Idvllen. (In his Werke, 1837-42, V. 39.) ' 832 1 Tiscliendorf, Lobeg:ott Friedrich Coustaiitin von. Gli evangeli quaudo furono scritti? — Scoperta del manoscritto sinaitico. Firenze, 1868. D. 85 [-I-3J p. 225 7 hound with 223 4 —editor, see Bible -iV. r.—Oreek. N. T. Sin- aiticum. 1863. 225 5 .Sa)?ie— English. The N. T. from three mss. 1869. 225 15 Tisclier, dJustav, editor, see Cicero, M. T. Tu- sculanarum disputationum libri. 1854. 875 13 Tissandier, Gaston. L'eau. Paris, 1867. D. il. (In Cliarton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.)551.57 5 Titan, see Richter, J. P. F. v. 15-17. Titi, Roberto, annotator, see Rucellai, G, Le api. 1745. 851 4 Tito Ve/.io, racconto storico, see nivalta, A. TITUREL. Grimm, J. L. K. Docen, erstes Sendschreiben iiber den Titurel. (In his Klei- chrinere Sften, 1864-90, v. 6.) 408 3 Titus Andronicus, see Shakespeare, W. Titus, Vorspiel, .see Engel, J. J. v. 5. TIVOLL Marsli, C. C. (In Johnson's cyclo- pasdia.) In main lilirari/. Tiziaiio Vecellio of C'<«Zore.Lcttere. (In Dolce, L. L'Aretino. 1863; in Bibl. rara. 10.) 850 3 — (Jilbcrt, J. Cadore ; or, Titian's country. Londcin, 1869. Q. pi. map. 914.5 59 TOBACCO. James I., of England. A countor- l^last to tiibacco. (/;/ lii's Wurkes. 1616.) 320 8 Same. (Jn .Vrber, E. reprints. 19.) 820 9 Leggenda di Tubia e di Tobiolo; con note e C(.n indice [by Miclnde VaimucciJ. Milano. 1825. O. 853 36 Toblcr, Adolf. Mittlieilungenaus allfranzusi- scheu ilandschriften. Leipzig, 1870. O. 841 10 Contents: 1. Aus der chanson de geste von Aubeil. — Nachtrag to Mahns Artikel iiber Cercamon. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859. j—Le dit du Magnificat von Jean de Conde. (In same. V. 2, lb60.)- -Tigri, canti popolari toscani, 3 ed. (In same. v. 3, 1861.) — Sul vivente liuguaggio della toscana, di G. Giuliani. {In same. v. 4, 1863.) — Li dis des 8 blasons, von Jehan de Ea- tery. (In same. v. 5, 1864.) — Eine handschrift- liche Sammlung altfranzosischer Legenden. (In. same. v. 7, 1866.)— Dits et contes de B. et J. de Conde; par A. Scneler. — Das RiUhsel der Leys d' amors. (In same. v. 8, 1867.)— Zur ita- lienischen Literaturgeschichte. {In same. v. 9. 1868.) 805 1 ^editor. 11 Panfilo in antico veneziano, col latino a fronte. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 10, 1886.-8.) 450 11 Tobler, Lndwig. Uber die Wortzusammense- tzuug. Berlin, 1868. O. 412 8 Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de. L'ancien regime et la revolution. 7 edition. Paris 1866. O. 944 34 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Most Interesting." — De la democratie en Amerique. 4 edition. Bruxelles, 1837. 3 v. S. 321 8 — Same. 3 partie. Edition originale. Paris, 1840. 3 V. S. 321 9 — English: Democracy in America; translated by Henry Reeve: edited, with notes, by Fran- cis Bowen. 2 edition. Cambridge [Mass.], 1863. 3 V. O. 321 10 Appended to the translation are: Democracy in Swit- zerland. 1847 ; Speech predicting the revolution, 1848; Biographical notice of de Tocqueville. Tod des Dichters, Novelle, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 19. Todaro, Francesco. Sopra lo sviluppo e 1" ana- tomia delle salpe. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. -A.tti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Sulla struttura intima della pelle de' rettili. pi. (In same. 3 ser. sci fls. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 3.) 065 4 Todd, Jiimes Henthoru. The books af the Vau- dois ; the Waldensian mss. in the library of Trinity college, Dublin ; with appendix. London, 1865. D. 284 6 — editor, see Wiclif, J. An apology for Lollard doctrines. 1842. (In Camden soc. 20.) 820 4 & translator, see. ..The war of the Gaed- hil with the Gaill. 1867. (In Gt, Br.— Master of ndls. Chron. and mem. 48.) 942 8 Todero Brontolou, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 28., see /schokke, J. H. D. v. 3. Het toekomcnd jaar M M M, see Fokke, A. S. V. 3. Togna, Angelo. Memorie di uii corriere. Fi- renze, 1«73: D. 914.2 10 lOILET, .see COSMETICS. Toht, I'iiS(|niile, harone. Elogio di Odone di .Snvoia, 4 tel,l,r;iio 1866. (I)i Socictit lignre. Atti. V. 4, lS6(i.) a45 48 Tolel, Friedrich Scholns. Des Christoph Wag- ner's Lelu'u und Tliaten. par. pi. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) S37 Hi TOLIIA USEN 675 TOPO 8CARPELL1N0 Tolluiuscii, Aleviiiidrc. Dictionnaire technoln- giquf ilaiis Ics laugues francjaise, anglaise et alleiiianile; revue et augmoute par Louis Tol- hausen. Leipzig, lS7;i-6. 3 v. S. 443 11 Tolkeii, Kriist Heiiiricli, editor, see Mitiiitoli, J. H.J von. Reise zuin Teinpel des .Jupiter Aniuiou. 18^4. iHC.2 21 Tollens, Heiidrik Citriieliszooii. He overwin- tering /. (i/i Rome— R. accad. dei liucel. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Same. Roma, 1879. F. 6G p. pi. 616 25 Tondalns, see Tundale. Tonclli, Alberto. Osservazioni sulla teoria della connessione. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincel. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 Toner, Josepli Meredith. Dictionary of eleva- tions and climatic register of the U. S. ; witli introduction on the orographic and other phys- ical peculiarities of North America. New York, 1874. O. 551.53 1 Tonge, Thomas. Heraldic visitation of the northern counties in 1530 ; with appendix of other heraldic documents relating to the north of England : edited by W. Hylton Dyer Long- staffe. Durham, 1863. O. il. (In Siirtees soc. 41.) 820 7 Tonstall, Cuthbert, bishop of Durham. A sermon preached on Palm Sunday, 1539, before Henry VIII. London, 1823. D. 262 14 Reprinted from the original edition of 1539. Tony, pseudonym of Bergmann, A. Too good to be true, see The king and a poor nortliern man. TOOLS, see GRINDING. Topfer, Heinrich Angiist. Die gasformigen Korper uud die heutige A'orstellung vom Wesen der Gasform. Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. (In Virchow * Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Das meohanische Warmeiiquivalent, seine Resultate und Consequenzen. Beriin, 1869. O. 36 p. {7» sa»ie. 4 Serie.) 043 i Tiipfer, Rodolplie. Elisa et Widmer. (In Nodi- er, J. C. E., & others. Nouvelles. 1845.) 843 3 TOPO SCARPELLINO, Salvadore di. Sozziui, A. Raceulta di burle, facetie, motti e buffone- rie di tre huomine sanese. Siena, 1865. D. 857 13 TOPOGRAPHY 676 TORRIGIANI TOPOORAPHY, see SURVEYISG. Tijppeii, Max. Zur Geschichte der st'andischeii Verlialtnisse in Preussen. {In Raiiliier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Tasclieubucli. 1847.) 90.5 1 Topsell, Edward. Tlie history of four-footed beasts and serpents ; collected out of the writ- ings of Conradus Gesner and other authors ; added, The theater of insects, by T. Muflet : revised and inlarged by J [ohn] R [owland]. London, IG.'iS. F. il. 590 3 TORCELLO. Battaglini, S. Torcello antica e moderna. Venezia, 1871. O. ■pi. 945 67 Torcy, Jean Baptiste, marquis de. Jlemoires, 1697-1713. (/il Midland ct Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, T. 33.) 944 9 Tordenskiold, see 01ilensclilager, A. G. Trago- dier, v. 6. Tordo Diaconus, see Degn, T. I. Torelli, Giuseppe. Frammenti in continua- zione dei Miei ricordi. {hi Azeglio, M. T. d.' Lettere a Torelli. 1870.) 856 3 Torelli, Luigi. Commemorazione di Matteo Fontaine Maurv. Venezia, 1874. O 20 p. .551.46 4 — L' eucalyptus e 1' Agro romano. Roma, 1868. O. 86 [ + 1] p. 551.58 115 — L' eucalyptus e Roma. Roma, 1879. O. 77 [-f 2] p. 551.58 115 — La navigazione nel Mar Rosso e proposta della correzione della carta idrografica del mare. Venezia, 1871. O. 28 p. 910 53 — Ricordi intorno alle cinque giornate di Mi- lano, 18-23 marzo 1848. Milano, 1876. D. 945 59 — Le traverse, briglie o serre, rimedio contro i franamenti. Venezia, 1874. O. 53 [-f 2] p. p/. 627 13 Torelli, Pomponio. II Tancredi, tragedia ; nuovamente pubblicata per cura di Licurgo Cappelletti. Bologna, 1875. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 147.) 8.50 10 TorelH-Viollier, Maria Torriani, unfe of En- geiiio, pseudonym La marchesa Colonibi. In risaia, racconto di natale. Milano, 1878. D. S5S 36.1 bound tcith 34 Torfason {Latin Torfaens), Thornnidnr. Brev- Vexling angaande den gamle nordiske Tiids- Regning, oversat af det Islandske ved J. Erich- sen. (In Jon Loptsans Encomiast. 1787.) 839.61 11 — Historia rerum Norvegicarum. Hafnia^ 1711. 4 pt. in 3 V. F. 948 30 —Series dvnastarum et regum Danife antea 1664 ; nunc aucta. Hafniai, 1703. sqO. tab. 948 91 — Torfifiana ; sive, Notse posteriores in Seriem regum Danirp, Epistolfe Latinas & Index iu Se- riem regum Dania'. Hafnia?, 1777. sqO. por. tab. 048 93 Edited by P. F. Sulini. Torgrini, .see Jiinsoii, C. X. Torisrni, Robert of, abbot of Mont-Saint Mi- chel. Chronira. (hi Howleit, R. CMironicIes, 1884-9, V. 4: in Gt. I5r.— Master of rolls.( :iin>ii. and mem. 82.) 942 S Torini Heiicivoniii, Angelo. Brieve medita- zione .sui beneticii di Oio. Bologna, 1862. D. 56 p. (/n Scelta dicuriositft. 17.) 8.50 10 Torkel Knutson, sorgspel, see Beskow, B. von. Torlonla, Alessandro, jmnce, see LAKE FU- CI>0. TORNADOES. Hare, R. Of the conclusion [that] tornados are caused by heat... 3 edition. Philadelphia, 1853. O. 14 p. 551.5 1 — Helniholtz, H. L. F. Wirbelstiirme und Ge- witter. (7. (In Ids Vortrilge, 1884, v. 3.) 504 5 TORPEDO. BoU, F. C. Leber elektrische Fische. Berlin, 1874. O. 39 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. VortrAge. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — — Le vescicole di Savi della torpedine. pi. (In Rome— R. iiccad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) — Nuove ricerchesuUastruttura delle piastrine elettriche della torpedine. (In same. V. 3, 1875-6. pt. 2.) 065 3 ^Fritscli, G. T, Die elektrischen Fische im Lichte der Descendenztheorie. Berlin. 1883. O. 64 p. il. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 18 Serie.) 043 1 — Reiclienheiui, M. Sopra il midollo spinale ed il lobo elettrico della torpedine. pit. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, ]'t. 3.) 065 4 Torre, Gian Raffaele della. Congiura di Giulio Cesare Vaochero. (In Varietk storiche ita liana.) 945 10 Torre, Maria, coniessa della. Danni recati all' Italia dal papato; dedicate aglioperaigenovesi. Italia [Torino], 1861. O. 14 p. 282 50 Torre di Rezzonico, Carlo Castone, con/e della. Opere: raccolte e puljblicate dal Francesco Mocchetti. Como, 1815-30. 8 v. O. por. 858 5 Torrent of Portugal, an English metrical ro- mance, now first published by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1843. O. 821 112 Torrent of Portugale ; re-edited by E. Adam. London, 1887. O. (/« E. E. text see. Extra ser. .M.) 820 5.1 I torrenti delle Alpi, ed i mezzi diretti alia loro difesa. Milano, 1859. S. 551.48 11 TORRENTS, see RIVERS. Torres .Vuiat, Felix. Memorias para ayudar a forniar un diccionario critico de los escritorfs catalanes. Barcelona, 1836. O. 869 1 For supplemento, 1849, w« Cormiiias, J. — editor, see Pujades, J. Cronica de Cataluiia. 1839-31. 946 .54 —Marsh, G. P. Amat, F. de T. {In Johnson's cyclopanlia, sup.) In main tHirary. Torri, Alessandro, editor, see Dante Alighieri. L'ottimo commento della Divina commedia. 1837-9. • 851 35 Piiidenionte, I. Poesie. 1858. 851 96 Torriano, Giovanni. Vocabolario italiano & inglese : A dictionary Italian & English, for- merly compiled by John Florio, augmented by himselO, and now enriched with considerable additions: added, a (liclionary English & Ital- ian. London, 1659. F. 099 39.1 rORRlCELLI, Evangclista. Henry, C. Docu- niciits nouveaux. (/;/ Rome— R. acoad. del lincei. .\tti. 3 .ser. sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-S(1. ) ()(i5 5 Torrigiani, Antonio. Le castella della di Xievolc; studj storici; Delle acque minerali di Montecatini, aiipeniliee. Nuova edizione. Fi- renze, 1867. O. map. 945 83 TORIilGIANI 677 TRANI Torrii^iani, Carlo, marchese. Delia abitazione del poreio. Firpnze, 1857. O. 27 p. 339 1 TOIUl[N(iT(>N', (Jeorfjo Byiig, viscount. Me- moirs lelaUiit; to tlic lonl rorrinKton: edited by John Knox Laiiglitoii. [London,] 1889. s(iO. (/)( Camdeii soc. n. s. 40.) 820 4.1 TorscUiiio, Onizio. De paiticulis Latinos oia- tiouis. {In Facciolati ct Forcollini. Lexicon, 1828.) 473 3 — LauretaiKi' historki' libri 5. Moguntiiu, 1600. S. pi. 271 14 Tortesa the usurer, a play, see Willis, N. P. Tortoli, Uiovaiiiii. Delle vita e delle opeie di Vincenzio Nannucci. (In. Xaiiniicci, V. Manu- ale dellaletteratui-aitaliana, 1856-8, v. a.) 8509 TOKTURE. Lea, H. C. Torture. (/« //is Super- stition and force. 1870.) 340 4 — Ma^fgi, (J. De equuleo, cum notis G. .Junger- manni. ^jL (/« /ii.sDe tintninabulis. 1689.) 789 1 Toscaiielli. (iiuseppe. La economia rurale de- scritta nella provincia di Pisa. Pisa, 1861. O. tab. & Atlas. obO. 630 33 "Exseedingly curious account of life in Tuscany."— Note by Mr. Marsh. Toscaiii, Davide. La saison d"hiver, nov. 1880 h, avril 1881 a Rome, et la sante des etrangers. Rome, 1881. O. 16 p. 615 30 Tosco, Partenio, pseudonym. L' eccellenza della lingua napoletana. {In Collezioue napole- tana, 1783-9, v. 27.) 859 19 Toselli, (Jiovanni Battista. Rapport d'une con- versation sur le dialecte ni9ois, dissertations, pieces justifioatives et glossaire. Nice, 1864. O. 457 11 Tosi, P. A., editor, see Maccheronee. 1864. (/?! Bibl. rara. 34.) 850 3 Tott, Francois, baron de. Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares. Amsterdam, 1785. 3 v. S. 949 66 Tottel, Richard, printer. Miscellany : Songes and sonettes by Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, Sir Tliomas Wyatt, the elder, Nicholas Grim aid, and uncertain autliors, 1557. London, 1870. S. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 24.) 820 9 TOUCH, Abbott, T. K. Sight and touch. Lon- don, 1864. O. il. 152 1 — Enjel, J. J. tJber einige Eigenheiten des Ge- fiihlsmnes. {In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 9.) 838 3 TOURAINE, Bracliet, A. Vocabulaire touran- geau. (/)t Romania. V. 1, 1872.) 479 6 'H Tovpxondxoi 'EXXds, SCeSoutsOS, A. TOURTE, Francois. F6tis, F. J. {In his A. Stradivari. 1856.) 787 1 Tourtonlon, Charles de. La chirurgie d'Abul- <;asis, traduite en dialecte toulosain du 14e sifecle. — Gertificat en langue d"oc, 16e siecle. — Note sur le dialecte proven9al et ses sous-dia- lectes.— Note sur le sous-dialecte deMontpellier. — La baga d'or, romance populaire. (In Revne des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.)— Une assem- blee nationale au 13e siecle; extrait de la chro- nique catalane du roi Jacques ler d'Aragon. (In same. v. 2, 1871.)— Predictions astrouo- miques pour 1290-5.— Biblioteca catalaiia. (In .same, v, 3, 1872.)— Les derniers troubadours de la Provence, d'apres Paul Meyer.— Dequelques formes de Tancienne langue d'oc— Notesur un sous-variete du dialecte de Montiiellier. — De quelques imitations modernes de la pocsie du moyen ilge. (In same. v. 4, 1872.) 479 5 — Jacme ler, le conquerant, roi d'Aragon ; d'apres les chroniques et les documents inedits. Montpellier, 1803-7. 2 v. O. 946 21 Tonssenel, Alphonse. Tristia; histoire des mi- seres et des Heaux de la chasse de France. Paris, 1863 D. 799 4 Toiitaiii,— . Electricite mcdicale. Paris. 1870. D. 615 10 TheTownelcy mvsteries. London [,1836]. O. an Surtces soc. 3.) 820 7, 822 23 —Processus Noe cum filiis. (In Miiti!ner,E. A.F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 1, 1867.) 820 8 Townsend, Frederick, translator, see Occioni, 0. Ola and new. 1880. 851 90 Tozer, Henry Fanshawe. Norway. {In Galton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 Tozzettl, Ottaviano Targioni, editor, see Car- pini, fct. dal P. di, Epistola de' costumi dei Tartari. 1871. 390 22.1 Tpaxiwat, see Sopliocles. Tracia, A. Diccionario de la rima o conso- nantes de la lengua casteliaua ; precedido de los elementos de poetica y arte de la versific- acion espanola. Barcelona, 1829. O. 466 1 Ane tractat of a part of ye Yngliss cronikle, see Frondes caducw. Tractato dei mesi, see Bonresin of Riva. Tracy, William. Testament, expounded by Willyani Tyndall and Jhon Frythe. {In Wiclif, J. Wicket. 1548.) 099 3 —Same (In Tyndale & Frith. Works. 1831, V. 3.) 208 10 TRADE, see BUSINESS; COMMERCE. TradicioHS del valliis, .see Maspous y Labros, F. TRAOEDY. Masing, W. Die tragische Schuld. Berlin, 1872. O. 35 p. (In Virchow <& Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Traidor, inconfeso y miirtir, drama, .see Zor- rilla. V. 3. Traill, Catharine Parr (Stricklaiid).The back- woods of Canada, letters from the wife of an emigrant officer. London, 1836. S. il. pi. (Lib. of entertaining knl.) 917.1 3 Traiua, Antouino. Nuovo vocabolariosiciliano- italiano. Palermo, 1868. Q. 457 19 Traits des sistemes, 1749, see Condillac, E. B. de. TRAJANUS, Marcus Ulpius, afterwards Qm%a.r Nerva Trajauus Augustus, emperor of Rome. Plinius Cfficilius Secundus, C.Panegyricus Tra- jano dictus. (In his Epist. 1806, v. 2.) 876 4 Italian: Panegirico aTrajano. (In Alfleri, V. Vita. 1818.) 92S 5 TRAMPS, see POOR; VAGABONDS. Trani, Ifali/. Ordinances and customs of the sea, published by the consuls of Trani. (In Ut. Br.— .idmiralty. Black book. 1871-6, v. 4: in at. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 55.) 942 8 TRANSACTION' 678 TRENCK TRANSACTION. Sveistnip, F. C, editor. For- ordniiiger, Placater, Rescripter og Collegial- breve henhorende til Forligelsesvoesenet i Dan- mark, Norge, Island, og de danske 0er 1 Vest- iTidien; i kronologisk Orden. 3 Udgave, 1795- 1805. Kjobenhavn, liS06. D. 349 53 TRANSCAUCASIA. Haxtliaiiseii-Abbenbiirg-, F. L. M. A. H. voil. Tiariskaukasia; Reiseerin- nerungen. Leipzig, 1856. 3v.ini, O. il. p}. por. map. J)14.7 25 — Koleiiati, F. A. Die Bereisung Hochainieni- ens und Elisabethopols, der schekinschen Pro- vinz und des Kasbek iin Central-Kaukasus. Dresden, 1858. O. il. 914.7 26 See also CAUCi.SCS. — Radde, (J. F. R. Aus den dagestanischen Hochalpeu, 1885. Gotha, 1887. sqQ. 4-1-64 p. pi. maps. (In Petermanus Mittlieiliiii^eii: Er- ganzungsbaud 18.) 910 44 Transformation, see Hawtliorne, N. TRANSLATION. Marsh, 0. P. Principles of translation. — The English Bible, (/u/ij'.s Lec- tures. 1860.) 080 30 TRANSLITERATION, see ALPHABET. TRANSPORTATION,see CAMEL; COMJIERCE. TRANSUBSTANTIATION. Wiclif, J. Urick- lieffes Wicket, n. p. [,1.548.] T. [64J p. 099 3 ScafeoLOKD-S SUPPER; SVXORAMJIA SIEVICIM. TRANSVA.IL. Jeppe, F. Die Transvaal'sche Republik ; nebst Anhang : Dr. Wangemann's Reise in Siid-Afrika, 1866-7. Gotlia, 1868. sqQ. 4-1-24 p. vuq}. {In Petermanns Mit- theilnngen : Erganzungsband 5.) 910 44 TRANSYLVANIA. Bouer, C. Transylvania, its products and its people. London, 1865. O. il. pi. maps. 914.3 20 — EzekelinSjF.Ein Bild aus derZeit derGegen- reformation in Siebenbilrgen. Berlin, 1885. O. 40 p. (In Vircliow a5«, -see Euripides. Troades, see Seneca, L. A. Trogus Pompeius, see Jnstinns. Troil, Uno von. Bref rorande en resa til Island, 1773. Upsala, 1777. D. pi. map. 014.9 13 — English; Letters on Iceland. London, 1780. O. pi. map. 914.9 13.1 TROILUS. Pev, A. Nouvelles fran(;aises du 14esiecle. (/». Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 Troilus and Cressida, see Shakespeare, W. Les trois regnes, poeme, .see Delille, J. Trdjumanna saga ok Breta sogui- ; med dansk Ovcr.s;i;ttelse af Jon Sigurdsson. (hi Copcu- liagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 8-9, 184S-9.) 948 2 Trokelonc, .John de_, <6 of/iecs. Joluuinis de Trokelowo ct H. de Blanpforde, necnon (luo- runilam anonyml- maps. 913 31 Ti'oyes, Jean de, .see Jean. Troyoii, Frederic. Oni antiquariske Fund i Scliweiz's Indsnei-. (i/i Copciiliageii — K. iiord. Olil.-Selskab. Anticpiarisk Tid.sskrift. v. 4, \Sii2- 4.) 948 4 — Fortidsmiiider i Scliweiz's Indsoer ; Anmel- delse af Habitations lacusti-es, par Trovon. {In same. v. 6, 1858-60.) ' 948 4 Troyte, John Edward & Rcginavld Henry ]>yke Acland.- The change ringer'.s guide "to the steeples of England, London, 1879. D. 789 3 Truan, H., editor. Letture francesi scelte e graduate ad uso degli isituti d' istruzione se- condaria. Torino, 1878. O. 840 17 Trnbetzkoi, Petr, prince. SulF eucalipto. Intra, 1876. O. 34 p. 551.58 115 Triibner and co. A catalogue of books on phil- ology, American antiquities, Indians and lan- guages, publislied during the last forty vears in the U. S. A. London, 18.58. O. 36 p. 427 11 Trnchsess, Gebhard, see (Jebliard. Triiculentns, see Plaiitns, T. M. v. 3. TrunibnlI,Johu. 1750-1831. M'Fiugal,a modern epic poem ; with notes. Boston, 1836. T. 817 9 Trumbull, John. 1756-1843. Autobiography, reminiscences and letters, 1756-1841. New- Haven, 1841. por. pi. maps. 927 15 Appended is Catalogue of paintings by Trumbull. The trnst, see Clarke, M. V. N. C. Syr Tryainoure, see Triamour. Tschachtlan, Bendicht. Berner-Chronik,1421- 66; herausgegeben von E. Stierlin und J. R. Wyss. Bern, 1830 D. pi. 949 33 Tschihatscheff, see Tchikhatchev. Tschiidi, .Eg:idins. Chronicou Helveticum ; herausgegeben, niit Vorrede, Anmerckungen, wie auch Register, von Johann Rudolff Iselin ; 1000-1470. Basel, 1734-6. 3 v. F.^ iltp. 949 39 Tsehndi, Friedrich. Ueber die landwirth- schaftliche Bedeutung der Vogel. St. Gallen, 1854. D. 14 p. 636 5 Tschudi, .lohanu Jakob von. Die brasilianische Provinz Minas Geraes ; Originalkarte nach H. G. F. Halfeld, 1836-55, gezeichnet von Fried- rich Wagner: beschreibender Text, 1863. Gotha, 1863. sqQ. [3-1-] 43 p. map. {In Peter- manns Mittheilungren : Erganzungsband 3.) 910 44 — Reisedurch die Andes von Slid- Amerika, von Cordova nach Cobija, 1858. Gotha, 1860. sqQ. [2-t-] 38 p. il. map. {In same. 1.) 910 44 —Travels in Peru, 1838-43 ; translated from the German by Thomasina Ross. New eilition. New York, 1818. D. 91S.5 3 Tschiisi-Schniidhofen, Victor von. Schiitzet und heget die Vogel; ein Mahrn'uf. Wien, 1873. D. [74-] 36 p. il. 636 5 TrBERCl'LOSIS. Milone, C. Sulla origine della cellula giHantesca del tubercolo. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. del liucei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 3.) 065 4 Tucci, P. di. Deir antico e presente stato della Uampagna di Roma. Roma, 1878. O. pi. 551.49 11 — Saggio di studi geologici sui peperini del Lazio. il. map. (In Rome— R.accad. dei lin- cei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Tucher, Endres. Memorial, 1431-40.— Tucher'- sches Memorialbuch, 1386-1454. — Tucher'sche Fortsetzung der Jarblicher bis 1469-99. {In Munich— K. baler. Akad. Chrduiken der deut- schen Stadte, v. 3, 10,11,1864-74: Niirnberg, V. 2, 4, 5.) 943 24 Tucker, Sarah. Abbeokuta ; or, Sunrise within the tropics ; an outline of the origin and pro- gress of the Yoruba mission. New York. 1853. 8. 1)1. maps. 916.6 11 Tucker, William W., Iranslator, see Briic, C. de. The republic of San Marino. 1880. 945 ti3 Tuckernian, Edward. Introduction and notes. (In Josselyn, J. New England's rarities. 1865.) 917.4 4 Tuckernian, Henry Theodore. America and her commentators ; witli a critical sketch of travel in the United States. New York. 1864. O. 917.3 11 — Book of the artists ; American artist life, comprising biographical and critical sketches; with an appendix containing an account of notal)le pictures and private collections. New Y'ork, 1867. O. por. 927 3 — The criterion; a series of essays. New York, 1866. D. 814 15 — The life of John Pendleton Kennedv. New York, 1871. D. por. ' 928 34 TUCKERMAS, Rev. Joseph. Channliig, W. E. Discourse on the lire and character of J. Tuck- ernian. {In his Works, 1848, v. 6.) 208 2 Tugdalo, see Tundale. TUKE, bishop of Borgtum. Processus inter re- gem Cliristophorum II & episcopuni Burgla- nensein Tuchonem. ( ir» Langebek, J. Script, reruni Dan., 1772-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 TULLE. Scherer, H. DerRaub... Metz, Tull und Verdun, 1553 [-1648]. {In Rauiner, F. L. (.. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1843.) 905 1 [Tundale:] Libellus de raptu aniniae Tundali et ejus visione.— La visione di Tantolo, (In Villari, P. Antiche leggende. 1865.) 851 59 —II libro di Theodolo ; o vero, La visione di Tantolo ; posto in luce per G. B. C. Giuliari. Bologna, 1870. D. (/n Scelta di curiosita. 113.) 850 10 — Tondalus visioen. {In Bloinmaert, J. P. JI. Oudvlaemsche gedichten. 1838-51, v. 3.) 839.31 3 TUNDALE 682 TURKEY — Visione di Tugdalo ; volgarizzata nel secolo 14: posto ia luce da Francesco Corazzini. Bo- logna, 1872. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 128.) ^ 850 10 Tnneld, Erik. Geugrafi ofvev Sveiige. 8 uppla- gan. Stockholm, 1827-33. v. 1-4' in .5 v. D. 914.8 30 TUNIS. Blaquiere, E. {In hia Letters from the Mediterranean, 1813, v. 2.) 914.5 87 — Daniiias, P. Quatre ans a Tunis. Alger, 18.57. O. 91fi.l 4 —Frank, L., l. map. 914.9 33 Carlisle, G. W. F. H., earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters : edited by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1855. D. (7. pi. 914.9 35 — — Fallmerayer, J. P. Gesammelte Werke. Leipzig, 1861. 3 v. O. 908 1 Gautier, T. La Turquie. — Le theatre turc a Constantinople. {In liis L'orient, 1877, v. 1.) 910 29 — .— Georgiewits, B. De Turcarum moribus fpitome. Lugduni, 1.583. Tt. il. 390 £0.1 — — Jouaunin, J. M., & Gaver, J. van. Tur- quie. Paris, 1840. O. JJO)'. pi. maps. {In Lunivers. 64. j 910 18 — • — Maj^ni, C. Quanto di piu curioso...per la Turcbia;...aggiontavi la relazione del serraglio del Gran Signore, da A. Bobovio. Bologna, 1685. T. . 099 30 Murray, J., p^dili.iher.A handbook for the Ionian islands,. ..Turkev... London, 1845. D. ntaps. ' 914.9 24 — — Oscanyan, C. The Sultan and his people. New York! 18.57. D. j7. jjoc. 914.9 34 Poujade, E. Chretiens et Turcs, scenes et souvenirs de la vie politique, niilitaire et re- ligieuse en orient. 8 edition. Paris, 1867. O. 949 64 ShirK^y, A., R. * T. The three brothers; or, Travi'ls and adventures in Persia, Turkev, etc. Lonilon, 1825. D. jjoc. 910 37 — — Tavernicr, J. B. Turquie. — Nouvelle rela- tion de I'interieure du serrail du grantl .sei- gneur, pi. (In his Six voyages, 1679-92, v. 1, 3.) 099 26 TURKEY 683 TURKISTAN — English. 'In same. 1678.) 915 16 ^— Tiircici imperii status; sen, Discursus va- rij tie rebus Turcaruni. Lugduiii Batav, , lOoO. Tt. (»J)4 .v.) — ^Tiirckei: Clironica, Glaul)0, Ges.atz, Sit- teiin, llerkofiieii, Weiss unil alle Geberdeu der TUrcken; vou einem Siebenburger iiii ]4:!fiJar besohriben. Strassburg, 1530. sqO. 943 35 — — Ubiciiii, J. H. A. Lettres sur la Turquie: ou, Table de I'empire ottoman. 2 edition. Paris, 1853. 3v. D. 914.}t 38 Contents: 1. Les Ottomans, 2. Les Ualas. Vallp, P, (lella. Viaggi. Brighton, 1843. 2 V. 1). por. 915 8 English: Travels. London, 166.5. F. 915 9 — — Wagfiier, 31. Denkwiirdigkeiten von der Donaii und voni Bosporus, (In his Reise nach Persien, 18.52, v. 1.) 915.5 — —Walsh, R. Narrative of a journey from Constantinople to England. Philadelphia, 1828. O. 914.9 51 — — Webbe, E. His trauailes, 1590, London, 1868. S. 40 p. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 4.) S20 9 Wutzer, C. W. pi. {In his Rt- ise in den Orient, 1860-1, V. 2.) 914 11 See especially LEV.IXT, under which will be found every general book of travels through Turkey, Pales- tine, Egypt, etc.; see a*o CH Al,D.E-l ; ETH>OLO(iY; KL'li- DISTA>' ; MES0P0TA511A ; MOSUL. —FOREIGN RELATIONS. Ferraro, {i.,editor. Curiosita storiche. Firenze, 1875. O. 8 p. 94955 Contents: Marflsa-— Discorso di lega tra i princlpi cri- stiaui contro il Turco. — • — Liiitpraiulo. Relaiio de legations Con- stantinopolitana. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, reruni German. 6.) 943 16 — — Urqiiliart, D. Recent events in the east, 1853. London, 18.54. D. 947 3 Volney, C. F. C. de. Considerations sur la guerre des Turks. (In his Voyage en Egvpte et en Syrie, 1822, v. 3.) 915.6 24 See also CRDIEA ; EASTEBN QUESTION ; RUSSIA- HISTORY. —HISTORY. Docunienti di storia ottoiiiana del secolo 16. Firenze, 1842. O. 949 54 — — Hammer-Purgstall, J. toil Histoire de I'empire ottoman, jusqu'a nos jours; traduit sur la 2 edition par Dochez. Paris, 1840-2. 3 V. Q. maps. 949 58 — — Knolles, R. The Turkish history ; with a continuation to 1687 ; added. The present state of the Ottoman empire, by Sir Paul Rycaut. 6 edition. London, 1687-1700. 3 v. F.^ por. 949 60 — — Lamarclie, H. D. de. Les Turcs et les Russes ; histoire de la guerre d'orient. Paris, [1854]. F. [l-l-]68p. il. maps. 949 .55.1 bound u-ith 913 17 — — Lewenklaw, H. Neuwe Chronica turcki- scher Nation, in vier Biicher. Franckturt a. M., 1595. F. 949 63 — — — Neuwer musuImanischerHistori tUrcki- scher Nation 18 Biicher. Franckfurt a. M., 1595. F. 949 63 _ — .Moiicaila, F. de. Expedicion de los Cata- lani's V contra Turcos y Griegos. Madrid, lsi)5, D. 946 49 :<)ll$soii, I. M. d.' Tableau general de 1' empire otiioinan, en deu.x parlies : la legisla- tion mahometane; I'histoire de I'empire. Pari.s, 1787-90. V. 1-3. F.'' jj^. 949 61 Sajne. Paris, 1787-1824. 7 v. O. & Atlas to i: 1. F. 949 62 Rycaut, P. Istoria dello stato presente deir imperio ottomano ; tradotta da C. Belli. Venetia, 1672. sqO. il. iltp. 949 65 For the original Me the entry under Knollfs. IS. _ —Saiisovino, F. T. Historia universale dell' origine, guerre et imperio de Turchi ; accre- sciuta dal M. Bisaccioni. Venetia, 1654. sqO. il. 949 53 — — Tott, F. de. Menioires sur les Turcs et les Tartares. Amsterdam. 1785. 3 v. S. 949 66 Walsh, R. A residence at Constantinople during the Greek and Turkish revolutions. London, 1836. 2 v. O. il. por. pi. map. 949 68 —MAPS. Kiepert, H. General-Karte von der europiiischen Turkei. Berlin, 1853. 98x110 cm. 912 52 In portfolio 2. — — Peteriuann, A. H. Russisch-tiirkischer Kriegsschauplatz. 1877. Gotha, 1877. 57.x70 cm. in Q. 912 35.1 See also COSTAXTIXOPLE : BOSPORUS. —POLITICS. Eichmaiin, F. Die Reform en des osmanischen Reiches : mit besonderer Be- riioksichtigung des Verhiiltnisses der Christen des Orients zur tilrkischen Herrschaft. Berlin, 18.58. O. 949 56 Marsh, G. P. The ftiture of Turkey.- Ori- ental Christianity and Islaniism. {In Chris- tian examiner, v. 65, 1858.) — The oriental ques- tion. (In same. v. 64, 1858.) In main librai-y. — — Rustem effendi & Seid bey. Reponse a quel(iues journaux relativement aux affaires de Turquie. Bruxelles. 18-53. O. 45 p. 949 55 For other works on Turkey, see ALBAMA; ASIA JIIXOR: BERLIN, TREATY OF : BLA( K SEA ; BOSPORUS : ( HAL- D1:A : COXSTANTIXOPLE ; CRETE : CYPRUS ; (iALATA ; KABS; K.VTZIAXER. H.: LEVAXT : SEA OF MARMARA ; PERSIA ; RHODES. TURKISH LANGUAGE. Malloiif, N. Diction- naire de poche fran9ais-turc. Smyrne, 1849. S. 494 2 — Redhoiise, J. W. An English and Turkish dictionary, in two parts. London, 1856-7. 2 V. rx 494 1 — — Grammaire raisonnee de la langue ot- tomane ; siiivie d'un appendice contenant 1' analyse d'un morceau de composition otto- mane. Paris, 1846. Q. 494 3 TURKISH LITERATURE. Fleischer^ H. L. Uber den tiirkischen Volksroman Sireti Sejjid Battbal. {Tn Leipsic— K. siiehs. GeseU. Be- richte, v. 2. 1848.) 063 1 See also Fiisco, E. ; SHAHIXGERAI. TURKISTAN. Eversmann, E. Reise von Oren- burg nacli Buchara ; nebst einem Wortver- zeichniss, einem naturhistorischen Anhang und einer Vorrede von H, Lichten.stein, Berlin, 1833. sqQ. pi. map. 915.8 5 TURKISTAN 684 TUXEN ^Forsyth, T. D.Ost-Turkestan uud dasPamii- Plnteau, 1873-4. Gotha, 18TT. sqQ. [2+] 76i). tnup. {In Peteimanns Mittlieiluiigeii : Er- gauzungsband 11.) i)10 44 — Uavazzi, M. Alcune notizie raccolte in uii vi;i<;i;io a Bucara. Milano, 1865. O. maj). 915.8 6 — Przlievalski, N. M. Reise von Kuldsclia ubev den Tliian-Schan an den Lob-Nor uud Altyn- Tag, 1876-7. Gotha. 1878. sqQ. 4 + 31 p. maps. (In Peteruianns Blittheiluiigeu : Ergilnzungs band 13.) 910 44 — Schlaffintweit-Sakunliiiiskl, H. von. Ost- Turkistan und Umgebungen. pi. (In his Rei- sen in Indien und Hochasien, 1869-80, v. 4.) 915.4 8 — Schuyler, E. Turkistan; notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Kliokand, Bukhara and Kuldja. 3 edition. London, 1876. O. U. X>1. nuqis. 915.8 3 — A'aiiil)6ry, A. Reise in Mittelasien. 1863. Leiiizig, 186.5. O. pil. map. 915 19.1 Stf a/so OXUS. TiunbuU, William Barclay David Donald, edi- tor. >ee Stewart, W. Buik of the croniclis of Scotland. 1858. (//( (it, Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 8.) 942 8 Turnei von Nantheiz, see Courad von Wiirz- hnrg. Tnruer, Dawson. Sepulchral reminiscenes of a market town, as afforded by a list of the in- terments within the parish church of St. Nich- olas, Great Yarmouth. Yarmouth, 1848. O. tab. 929 17 Turner, Joseph Mallord William, illustrator. Wan'ierings by the Loire, by Leitch Ritchie; with 31 engravings from drawings bv Turner. London, 1833. O. pl.iltp. ' 740 3 The illustrated title-page reads: Turner's annual tour, 1833. Milton, J. Poetical works. 1835. 821 79 — Uuskiii, J. Notes, 1 : on his [collection of] drawings by Turner ; 2 : on his own handi- work illustrative of Turner. [Chiswick,] 1878. O. 740 3 Turner, Robert, translator, see Conibachius, L. Sal, lumen &spiritus mundi. 1657. 540 1.2 Paracelsus. Of the supreme mysteries of nature. 1656. " 133 26 Turner, Sharon. The history of the Anglo- Saxons, from the earliest period to the Norman conquest. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. O. 942 1 — The sacred history of the world in the crea- tion and subsequent events to the deluge, phil- osophicallv considered. New-York, 1833. S. (H.-irpers fam. lib.) 213 8 Turold. La chanson de Roland, see Roland. TURPENTINE, .see PINE. Turpin, Jean,a;'c/(/))'.s/iojj of Reims. Chronique. Paris, 1H35. .scjQ. [13-I-] 60 [-f 1] p. 943 22 In lilack-letter. Edition of 120 c-opies. no. St3. — Histoire de la vie de Charlemagne et de Ro- land. (In La chanson de Roland. 1865.) 841 34 A modern French version by A. de St. Alljin of the chronicle falsely ascribed to Turpin. — History of Charles the Great and Orlando, (/it Rodd, T., ti'anslator. Ancient Spanish ballads, 1821, v. 1.) S(;l 3 — Pseudo-Turpin, text poitevin du 13e siecle. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 2, 1871.) 479 5 Turpyn, Richard. Chronicle, see CALAIS. Turreau de tiaranibouville, Louis Marie, baron. Memoires pour servir u I'histoire de la guerre de la Vendee. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81. v. 31.) 944 10 Turrini, Giuseppe, editor, see Scelta di curio- sita. 30, 32. 850 10 Tursellinns, Horatius, see Torsellino, 0. TUSCAN DIALECT. Arlia, C. :Del linguaggio degli artigiani fioreutini: dialoghwtti. Milano, 1876. D.^ 457 21 — Fanfaiii, P. Una casa fiorentina da vendere; con un e.sercizio lessicografico. Firenze, 1868. D. 453 5 — — Una fattoria toscana; con un esercizio les- sicografico. Milano, 1877. D. 453 6 Vocabolario dell' uso toscano. Firenze, 1863. D. 453 8 Voci e maniere de) parlar fiorentino. Fi- renze, 1870. D. 453 9 editor. Antologia tosoana. Napoli, 1869. 3 V. D. 859 48 — tiiiuliani, (i. B.. Delizie del parlare toscano; lettere e ricreazioni. 4 edizione. Firenze, 1880. 2 V. D. 457 22 Moralita e poesia del viveute linguaggio toscano ; nuove ricerche. Firenze, 1871. Tt. 457 28 — — Sul vivente linguaggio della Toscana. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1865. D. 4.57 34 — Tobler, A. Tigri, Canti popolari toscani, 2 ed. (/)( Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v, 3, 1861.) — Sul vivente linguaggiodella Toscana, di G. Giuliani, 3ed. (/h s«?»e. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Tonimaseo, N., editor. Canti toscani. (In his Canti popolari, 1841-3, v. 1.) 859 7 See aho Corsi, D. Kaccolta di scene ; Faiifani , P. Pao- lina: I-^jri, .1.; Mornndi, L. La maestrina e La fislia senza babbo: nosadioj^ni mese; Zunnoni, G. B. Tuscany. Codice peuale toscano, con le varia- zioni 1856. 3 edizione con aggiunta. Firenze, 1875. S. 343 9 — La Varenne, P. C. M. de. La Toscane et la maison de Lorraine. (In his L'ltalie centrale. 18.59.) 945 2.5.1 — Maineri, B. E. U giardino d' Italia, peregri- nazioni. Milano. 1871. D. 914.6 67 — Murray, J., publisher. Southern Tuscany. maps. {In his Handbook for central Italy, 1853, pt. 1.) 914.5 68 — Poiijoulat, J. J. F. Toscane et Rome, corre- spimdanced'ltalie. Bruxelles, 1840. S. 914.6 69 Seeal-io FI.OKKXi E; LKOI'OLD II.: I'KTEIt LEOPOLD I. Tusser, Tiioinas. [Complete works.] (In Sonthey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 — A hundreth good pointes of husbaudrie. 1557. London, 1810. O. 20 p. 821113 One of only fix copies on parchment. II tutore, commedia, see (ioldoni, C. v. 10. Tuxen, N. E. 1><' iiordiske Langskil>e. (Ill Copenhasjcn— K. nord. Old.-Sclskab. Aar- boger. v. 21, 1836.) 948 5 TUXEN 685 TYROL — French: Les longues nef.s de rancieiiiie ma- rine septentrioiiale. il. lA. [In same. Meiiioires, n. .s. V. 4, lt<84-9.) !)48 3 Tvilliiigiirne, see Uremer, F. De twee amiralen, seeLeunep, J. van. Roinant. weiken, 14. De twee vrienden, zedeuschets, see Con science, H. Twclfe-Xiglit, or what you will, .see Shake- speare, W. TWKLVE PEERS OF FRANCE, see CHAR- LEMAture.— Suorament of bar>tisni.and ttie sac- rament of the body and blood of Christ. S. Test;inient of \V. Tracy expounded —Sui)per of the J.ord. Krith, j. His life and martyrdom.— Disputation of l^urgatory. — liulwark against Rastell.— His judgment upon 'I'racy's Testament.— Letter written from the tower to Chiist'3 congregation.— Mirror, or glass to know thyself.— 'I'reat- ise iipim fh<' ^.ummcnt of baptism.— Antithesis between Chris! Mihi i)i<' pM|,-. -Book of the sacrament of the body iiid itidoM Ml ( lirist. —Articles for which he tiled. — Kpislic to the christian reader, prefixed to the Kevela- tion of Antichrist. —translator, see Bihle— iV. 2^- Englisli. 1526. 225 9 Same. 1534. 225 3 —More, T. The answer to the first part of the poysoued booke wliych a nameles heretike hath named tlie supper of the Lord. — Apology. — The confutacion of Tyndales Aunswere. — The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance. (In his Workes. 1557.) 230 5 Tyndall, John. The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers. London, 1872. D. (7. 2)1. (Interuat. sci. series, 1.) 551.43 30 — Fragments of science for unscientific people; essays, lectures and reviews. 3 edition. Lon- don, 1871. O. 504 7 — From Lauterbrunnen to the ^ggishorn by the Lauwinen-Tlior in one day. {In Galton, P. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 — The glaciers of the Alps. Boston, 1861. O. ii- pl- 551.43 28 — Heat a mode of motion. 3 edition, with ad- ditions. London, 1868. O. il. -pl. 536 5 — Mountaineering in 1861. London, 1862 O. pl- 551.43 29 — On the importance of the study of physics. C/'J Yoiimans, E. L., editor. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 — Sound; eight lectures. London, 1867. O. il.pnr. 534 i — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Ueberdas Streben nach Popularisirung der Wissenschaften ; Voirede zur Uebersetzung von Tyndall'.s Fragments of Science.— Zollner contra Tyndall. (In his Vortriige, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 TYPOGRAPHY, see PRINTING. TYR-IBl'S. Stephens, (J. Tyr hajb us, veTvr ye Odin ! music. (In Copenhagen— K.'nor'd. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 10, 1875.) 948 5 Kuinig Tyrol von Schotten und Fridebrant sin sun. il. (Aj Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8 V- 2.) S30 9 —Grimm, J. L. K. Tyrol und Fridebrant. [In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 7.) .108 3 TYROL. Golbery, M. P. A. de. Tyrol. 1838. pl. (/((L'nnivers. 63.) 910 18 — Grohnian, W. A, B. Tvrol and the Tyrolese Leipzig, 1877. S. 914.3 jg — Handtke, F. Specialkarte von Tyrol und Salzburg. Glogau, n. d. 45x57 cm. in D. 912 34 — KiJgler, K. Tirol als Gebirgsland. Bnrlin 1881. O. .34 p. (/n Tirchow (fr Holtzendorff. \ ortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 TYROL 680 ULFILAH Eapp, L. Die Hexenpiocesse und ihre Geg- ner ausTirol. Innsbruck, 1874. S. 133 7 Seeaho (iKISONS. TTROLESE DIALECTS. Schueller, C. Die roinanisohen Volksiuundarten in Siidtirol. Gera, 1870. v. 1. O. 457 17 TyrtiBiis. (f'i PoetwGia?oigiiomici.l823.)8Sl 3 Tytler, Pati-ick Eraser. Historical view of di-icovery on the nurthern coasts of America : with sketches of the natural liistory by James Wilson ; added, Remarks on a late Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a vindication of Richard Hakluvt. Xew York, 1833. S. )7. iiirtp. (Harp- er's fam. lib.) 973 15 —Life of the Admirable Crichton ; with ap- pendix of original papers. 2 edition, enlarged. Edinburgh. 1823. D. \wr. iltp. 928 17 Presentation copy from the author. —Lives of Scottish worthies. London 1831-3. 3 V. S. por. pi. 920 17 Contents: 1. Alexander HI.— Jlichael Scott.— Sir Wil- liam Wallace.— Robert Bruce, i. Robert Bruce.— John Barbour —Andrew Wviiton.— Johnde Fordun.-James I. 3 James I— Robei-t lleurvsou.- William Dunbar.— Ga- vin Douglas.— Sir David Lindsay. -Chapter ot antiqua- rian illustrations. Tjtler, Sarah, pseudonym of Keddie, H. De radskillelige, Vaudeville, see Heiberg, J. L. Hkuespil, v. 4. I'blielolule, August. Ueber Recht und Billig- keit. Hamburg, 1887. O. 28 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff.Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Ubereiluiig, see Tleck, J. L. Novellen, 2, Schriften, 21. Uberti, Eazio degli. II dittamondo : pubbli- cate dal Viuceuzo Monti. Milano. 182^. S. por. 851 I'-y Ubiciiii, Jeau Henri Abdolouyiue. _ Court aper(;u sur la langue roumaine. (In Mircesco, Y. Grammaire. 1863.) 459 11 — Lettres bUr la Turquie ; ou, Table de Tempire ottoman. 2 edition. Paris, 1853. 2 v. D. 914.9 38 Contents: 1. Les Ottomans. 2. Les Raias. Provinces d'origine roumaine. 1856. jwr. pi. maps. {In L'univers. 59.) 910 18 La Question d'orient devant I'Europe. Paris, 1854. D. 949 67 Uccelli, Fabio. Ricordi e fantasie letterarie di Cosimo fpseudl. Firenze, 1873. O. 854 7 hoimd with 858 3 Uccelli, Giovan Battista. II convento di S. Giusto alle mura e i gesuati; aggiungonsi i capitoli della loro regola, testo di lingua. Fi- renze, 1865. D. 271 12 LUIall, Epliraini. A sermon i)reaclied at the funerall of Mr. Shute. {In Sliute, J. Judge- ment. 1645.) 232 7 lldall, >'icln>las. Roister Doister. written be- te ,r<' 15.53. London, 1869. S. 88 p. (iu Arber. E. English reprints. 16.) 820 9 rdalricus, see I'lrtc. Udeu Hoved og Hale,sr'e Holborg,L.Comedier, V. 4. I'FELH, Korflts, Orere. Htlst, .). K. Rigsliof- mester Grov Korfits Ufelds og Eleonora Chri- stina Ufelds Levnet. Kjobenhavn, 1825. D. !>23 93 Uffeliuaiiii, Julius. Das Brot und dessen diiite- tischer Werth. Berlin. 1884. O. 36 p. [In Vlr- cliow 'pter. 4. Die Litteratur der alien Aegypter. Uhlia:, V. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Entstehimg des Erdols. Berlin, 1884. O. 44p. (In Vircliow ct- Holtzendortf. Vortrage. 19 Serie.) 043 1 r.jfalvy, Kdroly Engenius, of Mezokbvesd. La Hoiigrie ; son histoire, sa langue et sa littera- ture. Paris, 1872. D. 894 6 — Reclierches sur le tableau ethnographique de la Bible, et sur les migrations des peuples. Paris, 1873. O. [7-1-] 54 p. pi. 572 12 Ukert, Friedricli August, ttber Dilmonen, He- roen und Genien. (/)( Leipsic — K. siiclis. Ge- sell. Abhandl. phil.-hisl. v. 1, 1850.) 737 1 ULEABORG. \\—n, S. E. Hundrade minnen frau dsterbotten. Stockholm, 1844-5. 3 v. O. 839.78 3 Ulfeld, Eleonore Christine, daughter of Chris- tian 7T'. Levnet af hende selv beskreven den 4 Maij 1697.' (In Bang, 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 2.) 839.8 1 rifeld, Jakob Knudscn. HistoriaDanica, 1338- 1559. (In \V('stphalen,E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 2.) !»43 21 ri.FI'Ll) FAMILY. Plaudan-Milller, C. P. Ulfelderne til Oregaard, Bengaiird iig Var- gaard. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Annaler. v. 13, 1853.) !>48 2 rinias. Aelteste Dejikmiiler der deutschen Spr.'iche erhalten in Ullihis gothischer Bibelii- berstzung, von Ign. Gaugengigl. 3 Ausgabe. Passau, 18.53. 2 v. in 1. O. 839.9 4 Contents: 1. Einleitung.— VerhUltniss der gothtschen Sprachc zur Si>rrtchwisscnschaft.— Sprachlehre.— W6r- terbUoher. 2. Eiiileltung.— Sammlung aller Lesarten.— Text— f.ithogr. Bellage. ULtlLAS 687 IJNDER-WOODS — -Auslef^ungdes Evangelii Joliannis in go- thischer Spraclie ; nebst lateinischer Ueberse- tzung, Anmerkungen, '^eschichtliclier Unter- sucliung, go'.liisch-lateinischein Worterbuclie und 8ohriftpiubeii ; von H. F. Massniann. Miinchon, 1834. sq<^. S3!).!) S — Auswahl aus Ulfilas gothischer Bibeliibeise- tzung ; mit eineni Worterbuch und eineni Gnmdriss zur gothischen Buchst;ibon- und Flexionslehre, von K. A. Hahii. 2 Autlage. Heidelberg, 1864. O. 83!).!) 10 — Codex argenteus ; sive, Sacrorum evange- liorum versionis Gotliicai fragmenta ; eclitio- neiu adnotatioiiibus instructani, additis frag- mentis codicum Ainbrosianoium, cuiavit An- dreas Uppstrom. UpsaliiB, 18.54-7. F. facsiiii. .S3!).!) 5 — D. N. Jesu Christi S S. evangelia ab Ulfila ex Grieoo Gothice translato ; nunc cum paral- lelis versionibus, Sveo-Gothica, Norra'na, seu Islandicii & vulgataLatina edita. Stockholmiw, 1671. sqO. tab. .S39.!) 1 — Gothische Bil)elubersetzung, nacli Ihie'ns Text ; rait einer lateinischen Uebeisetzung, samt einer Spracldehre und eineni Glossar, ausgearbeitet von Friedrich Karl Fulda. das Glossar umgearbeitet von W. F. H. Reinwald; versehen und herausgegeben von Johann Christian Zahn. Weissenfels, 1805. sqO. 83!).!) 2 — Johannis ab Hire scripta versioneni Ulphi- lanani et linguam Moeso-Gothicani illustrantia; cum aliis scriptis edita ab Antonio Friderico Busching. Berolini, 1773. sqO. 839.9 13 — Ulfila ; Oder, Die uns erlialteuen Denkniiiler der gothischen Sprache ; Text, Grammatik und Worterbuch : bearbeitet und herausgege- ben von Friedrich Ludwig Stamm. Pailer- born, ISc-iS. O. 839.9 6 — Ulphilae partiuni ineditarura in Ambrosianis palimpsestis ab Angelo Maio repertarum spe- cimen curis Mail et Caroli Octavii Castillionaei editura [in Gothic, Latin and Greek]. Medio- lani, 1819. sqQ. 24-f36 p. il. faesim. 839.9 7 — Veteris et Novi Testamenti versionis Go thiciB fragmenta qua- supersunt, latinitate do- nata, adnotatione critica instructa, cum glos- sario et grammatica, ediderunt H. C. de Gabe- lentz et J. Lcebe. Altenburgi, 1836-46. 2 v. in 1 sqQ. faesim. 839.9 3 — Benzeliiis, E. Prefatio de nova, quam parat, Ulphila3 enitione. faesim. {In Sei'ciiiiis, J. Dictionariuni. 1734.) 439.73 11 — Bessell, W. Ueber das Leben des Ulfilas und die Bekehrung der Gothen zuni Christen thuni. Gottingen, 1860. O. 839.9 11 — (iabeleiitz, H. (;. von der, INTELLECT ; PSYCHOLOOY ; KEASOX. Uiider-woods, consisting of divers poems, see Joiison, B. UNDINE 688 UNITED STATES Uixliiie, eine Evzahlung, see La Motte Foiiqu6, F. H. K. de. USDIRFELL, the ivord. Olseu, B. M. Et is- landsk Stedsuavu. {In Copeiiliageu— K. uord. Old.-Selskal). Aarboger. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Uudset, Ing'vald. Fia Norges ivklre Jernalder. il. {Ill same. v. 15, 1880.) — Oin den nordiske Stenalders Tvedeling. — Mmdre Bidrag ora den yngre Jernalder i Norge. il. (In same. y. '2-i, 1889.) 948 5 Das Uiiyeheiier undder verzauberte Wald, ein musikalisclies Milhrchen, see Tieck, L. Schrif- ten, V. 11. Vnger, Karl Richard, & Miiiicli, P. A. Old- norsU L;iesebog, med tilhorende Olossariuin. Christiania, 1847. O.. 439.G8 3 Det oldnorske Sprogs eller NoiTOuaspro- gets Gram.uatlk. Christiania, 1847. O. 439.05 1 — editor. Heilagra manna sogiir ; Fortssllinger og Legender om hellige Mrend og Kvinder. Christiania, 1877. 2 v. O. 839.63 40 Postola sogur: legendariske Fortsellinger om Apostlernes liv. Christiania, 1874. O. 839.63 58 With circular containing photograph of Unger. Alexanders Sage. 1848. 839,63 20.1 Barlaams ok Josaphats saga. 1851. 839.63 25 Fa^rskiniia. 1847. 839.63 32.2 Karlaina^nns saga. 1860 839.63 .50 Olafs saga hins helga. 1849. 839.63 56 Thomas saga erkibyskups. 1869. 839.6365 — translator, see De falsis diis : Fragment af en angelsaxisk Homili. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6. 1846.) 948 3 De Uny'cs Forlmnd, Lystspil, see Ibsen, H. Die niigleiclien Hausgenossen, ein Singspiel, see (iotlie, J. W. von. v. 57. THE UMOS, see UNITED STATES. Lannita della lingua: periodico. [Half-mnnth- ly]. Firenze, 1869-73. v. 1-4. O. (7. 450 16 UNITARIANISM. Channing, Vf. E. Unitarian Christianity. — Unitarian Christianity most fa- vorable to piety. (Inltis Works, 1848, v. 3.) Objections to Unitarian Christianity consid- ered. (7)1 same. v. 5.) 208 2 United States— Bnrean of education. Public libraries in the United States, their history, condition, and management; special report. Ft. 1. Washington. 1876. O. 027 2 — Congress. Memorial address on William Pitt Fessenden, 14 Dec. 1869. Washington. 1870. Q. 82 p. par. 933 38 — — Lanmau, C. Dictionary of the U. S. Con- gress, containing biographical sketches from the foundation of the government. Philadel- phia, 1859. O. 923 4 —Expedition to explore the Dead Sea and the river .Ionian. Official rejicrt, by W. F. Lynch. Baltiii'iiro, 1852. si|y. pi. iiiaji. 915.6 30 — EXI'LORIN(; EXPEDITION. Dana, J. D. A brief account of the discoveries and results of theexpeV. E. The Union. {In his Works. 1848, v. 1.) 208 2 — —Elliot, J., editor. The debates in the state conventions on the adoption of the constitu- tion; with the journal of the federal conven- tion, and other illustrations. 2 edition. Wash- ington. 1836-45. 5 V. O. 342 15 \'nl. .'): Madison's Debates. Madison, J. Correspondence respecting tlie origin of the present constitution. {In Webster, N.Collection of |)apers.l843.)814 15.1 — DESCIMPTION. Arfwedson, K. D. Forenta .Staateni.-i oi-h Canada, ls;32-4. Stockholm. 1835. 2 V. S. 917.3 1 UNITED STA'lES 689 UNITED STATES — — Arfwedson, K. D. Scener i Nortl-Amerika. Stockholm, \V,m. O. 917.8 2 — — Beckiiian, E. Fnin nya verlden ; rese- slviklrinjjar trail Amerikas Foreiita Stater. Stonklioliii, 1877. O. !)17.3 3 — — Itliickfurd, 1). (le, compiler. Precis de I'e- tat actuel de.s colonies angloises dans TAmcri- (lueSeptentrionale. Milan, 1771. D. !l!) p. 917.8 4 — ^Capelliiii, G. Ricordi di un viaggio scien- titico neir America settentrionale, npl 1863. Bologna, 1867. O. map. 917.3.") — — Marryatt, F. A diary in America, with remarks on its institutions. New York, 1839. D. 917.3 6 Mitchell, S. A. An accompaniment to Mitchell's reference map of the United States. Philadelphia, 1834. O. 917.3 7 — — — Mitchell's ti-avellers guide through the United States. Philadelphia, 1837. T. 74t+4]p. map. 917.3 8 — —Murray, C. A. Travels in North America, 1S34-0. New York, 1839. 2 v. D. 917.3 9 — — Putnam, G. P. American facts; notes and statistics. London, 1845. O. por. map. 917.3 10 — — ReclllS, J. J. E. Les Etats-Unis. Paris, 1892. Q. il. p>l. maps. (In his Nouv. geog. univ. 16.) 910 13 — — Tiickermaii, H. T. America and her com- mentators; with a critical sketch of travel in the United States. New Y'ork, 1864. O. 917.3 11 — — AVilliaiiis, W. The traveller's and tourist's guide througli the United States, Canada, etc. Philadelphia, 1851. S. 917.3 13 See also IIALTIMOIIE ; CALIFORNIA : HEIOHTS : IX. niANS; MICHKUN; XE«' EXOLAXD; XEW YORK; KOCKY JIOL'NTAIXS : SIERRA XEViDA: SOLTHERN U. S.; TEX- AS; WISHIXOTOX; WESTERX U. S. ; YELLOWSTOXE. —GOVERNMENT, Seaman, E. C. The Ameri- can svstem of government. New Y'ork. 1870. D. 320 15 .Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. De la demo- cratie eu Amerique. 4 edition. Bruxelles, 1837. 3 v. S. 321 8 Same. 2 partie. Paris, 1840. 2 v. S. 321 9 English: Democracy in America; trans- lated by H. Reeve ; edited, with notes, by F. Bowen. 2 edition. Cambridge [.Mass.], 1863. 2 V. O. 321 10 —HISTORY. Ageno, F. I casi della guerra per I'indipeudenza d'America ; naiTati dall" amliasciatore di 'Jeuova presso la corte d' Inghilterra nella sua corrispondenza ufSciale, [1770-80J; per G. Colucci. Genova, 1875. 2 v. O. 973 26 — —Force, M. F.From Fort Henry to Corinth. New York, 1881. D. maps. (Campaigns of the civil war. 2.) 973 33 — — Freiifanelli Cibo, S. Cenni storici sugli Stati Uniti d' America. Foligno, 1865. D. tab. 973 23 Gaspariu, A. E. de. Les Etats-Unis en 1861 ; un t;rand peuple qui se releve. Paris, 1861. O. 973 31 _ — Gihbes, R. W., editor. Documentary history of the American revolution ; cliietly in South Carolina, 1764-76. New York, 1855. O. 973 34 — — Glei^, G. R. The campaigns of the British army at vVashington and New Orleans, 1814-15. London. 1836. D. 973 29 Graydon, A. Memoirs of his own time, with reminiscences of men and events of the Revolution ; edited bv J. S. Littell. Philadel- phia, 1846. O. " 973 27 Giirowski, A. G. de. Diarv, 4 March 1861- 18 Oct. 1863. Boston, New York, 1862-4. 2 v. D. 973 34 — —Marsh, G. P. Speech on the Mexican war; House of representatives, Feb. 10, 1848. Wash- ington, 1848. O. 16 p. 080 11 — — -Mazzei, F. , Recherches historiques et po- litiques sur les Etats-Unis. CoUe, 1788. 4 v. O. Regnanlt, E. G. S. 0., & Labaunie, J. Suite des Etats-Unis, depuis 1812. 1849. j>l. (In L'univers. 8.) 910 18 RoHX de Rochelle, J. IJ. G. Etats-Unis d' Amerique. Paris, 1837. O. ixir. pi. facsim. viap. (Ill same. 11.) 910 18 Shepherd, W. History of the American revolution. London, 1830. O. 64 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 973 25 Sherman, W. T. Memoirs. New York. 1875. 2 V. O. maps. 973 42 Thornton,!. W. The first records of Anglo- American colonization ; their history. Boston, 1859. O. 12 p. 973 21 Ses also AMERICA ; CALIFOBXU ; FLORIDA ; .lACKSOX, A.; JOXES, .1. P.; KEXTICKT ; LIXCOLX. A.; MOBILE BAY; XEW EXGLAXD; XEW YORK; OREGON; PKISOXS; V. S. sanitary ooiiimissloii ; VERMOXT ; VIRIJIXIA : IVASH- ixcJTON. (;. —LIBRARIES, see LIBRARIES. —LITERATURE, see AMERICAN LITERA- TURE. —MAPS. [Twenty-two American niaps.]912 55 In portfolio '6. —MILITARY AFFAIRS, see U. S.— HISTORY; also U. S. sanitary commission. — NAVAL^HISTORY. Frost, J. The book of the navy. New Y'ork, 1842. O. iltp- 973 28 i«e abo MOBILE BAY. —POLITICS. Ames, F. Works. Boston, 1809. O- por. jV. Speeches, lectures and let- ters. Boston, 1863. O. por. 815 5 — —Webster, N. A letter to Daniel Webster. — Vindication of the treaty with Great Britain in 1795. {In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 — — Williston, E. B., compiler. Eloquence of the United States. Middletown, Conn., 1827. 5 V. O. 815 1 See also ALEXANDRA, ship; ABBITRATIOX; CIVIL SEE- VICE ; HARTFORD COXVEMIOX; NEUTRALITY; STATE RIGHTS ; TEXAS. —PUBLIC LANDS. Foster, J. P. Geschichte der Entstehung und juristischen Gestaltung der offentlichen Domainen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Berlin, 1877. O. [S]+ 68 p. 338 8 —SLAVERY, see SLAVERY. -STATISTICS. Siipaii, A. G. Archiv fiir Wirtschaftsgeographie. 1: Nordamerika, 1880-5. Gotha, 1886. .snQ. [2-l-].57p. maps. (In Feter- nianns Mittheilnngen : Erganzungsband 18. t 910 44 — — Walker, F. A., compiler. Statistical atlas of the United States, based on the results of the 9th census, 1870. [New York,] 1874, F." pi. maps. 317 2 —TARIFF. Marsh, G. P. Speech on the tariff bill ; House of representatives, April 30, 1844. Washington [,1844]. O. 16 p. 080 3 bound with 1 Same. St. Albans, Vt.. 1844. O. 15 p. 080 4 bound with 1 Speech on the tariff i|uestion; House of representatives, June 30th, 1846. [Washing- ton, 1846.] O. 16 p. OHO 1 boinid with \ United States sanitary commission. Narrative n{ privations ami sufferings of U. S. officers and soldiers while prisoners in the hands of the rebel authorities ; with appendix. Philad'a, 1864. O. 2)hot. 973 40 — Sanitary memoirs, see Gould, It. A. Inves- tigations in statistics of American soldiers. 1869. 573 7 -7-Evans, T. W. La commission sanitaire des Etats-Unis: avec un notice sur les hopitaux militaires aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1865. O. p/. 361 2 —Stills, C. J. History of the U. S. sanitary commission ; being the general report of its work during the Rebellion. Philadelphia, 1866. O. 361 3 — Wormeley, K. P. The U. S. sanitary com- mission: a sketch of its purposes and its work. Boston, 1863. D. 361 1 See also Hospital transports. The unity of Italy, see Sew York (city). 945 39 L'univers: histoire et description de tous ies peuples. Paris, 1835-62. 68 v. O. il. por. pi. facsim.maps. 910 18 For contents see Astor catalogue, continuation. UNIVERSAL HISTORY, see HISTORY— UNI- VERSAL. UNIVERSE. Perty, J. A. M.Ueber die Grenzen der sichtbaren Schopfung nach den jetzigen Leistungen der Mikroskope und Fernrohre. Berlin, 1874. O. 30 p. (/« Virchow cfc Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. 9 Serie. ) 043 1 UNIVERSITIES, see COLLEGES. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT. Marsh, G. P. To the corporation of the University of Ver- mont [: A report in ms. on the condition of the library of the university, 27 Nov. 1855]. sqQ. 6 p. 080 57 "The Library of the University, consisting of about 8500 volumes, was in the year 18;i8 doubtless the best col lection of books in the United States, for its extent, and witti reference to the purposes for which it was se- lected." A'e« (rfxo MARSH, G. P., and Marsh library, both in the body of this catalogue and in the Appendix. UNNE, archbishop of Hamburg tlie, J. W. von. V. 15. Unterhaltnngen fiir miissige Stunden, see Langbein, A. F. E. v. 6. L'nomo e la natura, .see Marsh, G. P. L'nouio di mondo, coniinedia, .see Goldoni, C. V. 21. L'nomo prudente, coninuMJia, .s()?»^e, v. 22. Upliam, Charles Weiitnortli. Life of Sir Henry \ane. por. (/?) Sparks, .1. American biogra- phy. is;i5 <». V. 4.) 920 15 UPIIAM, Nathaniel Gookiu.Noyes, D. J. Mem- oir of Upham. n. p. [,1871.] O. 58 p. phot. UPLAND, sec THIUNDALAND. 923 94 UFPLESDINGA G91 V A VAX I Af iiitplciidiiij^a koniingum. {In Rafn, C. ('. Forn. scigur, 1829-30, v. 3.) 839.G3 Vi rpi)$ti'i>iii, Anders. De lapide ruiiico Tunensi. Upsaliae, 1858. sqQ. [l+]9p. pi. 439.616 —editor, see Ulfllas. Codex argenteus. 1854. 83}).!» 5 CPSALA. Busser, J. B. Utkast til beskiifning om Upsala. Upsala, 1709-73. 3 v. in 1. O. 2>l- maps. 914. 8 30.1 Contents: 1. Stad. i. Academie . Ilptou, John, translator, see Kpictetiis. 'Eyx"- piSioi' 1793. 88S 51 URAL. Hochstetter, F. von. Ueber den Ural. Berlin, 1873. O. 58 p. (/« Virchow A Hol- tzendorir. VortrHge. SSerie.) 043 1 Urdu, et nor8kantiqvarisk-historiskTid.sskiift; udgivet af Diiectioiien for det Bergenske Mu- seum. Bergen, 1837-43. 3 v. in 1. sqQ. /Z. {In same.) 065 3 UBtrEL. Monfar y Sors, D. Historia de las condes de Urgel. {In Aragon— Archive. Col. dedoc. V. 9-10, 18.53.) 946 38 — Proceso contra el ultimo conde de Urgel y su familia. (7k same. v. 35-6, 1868.) 946 38 Urne, Lage, bishop of Roskilde. Oratio qua Urne reginam Isabellam excepit, 1515. (In Langcbek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 8.) 948 76 — Jlilller, P. E. Vita Lagonis Urne. Hafniaj, 1831-3. 3 pt. sqO. 922 50 URNEHOVED. Schmidt, J. N. Urnehoved- Engen i Slesvig. nuqi. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selsltab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 3. 1849-51.) 948 4 URNS, see BURIAL. Urquhart, David. The home face of tlie "four points." London [, 1854J. O. 31 p. 947 4 — Tlie ocoupation of the Crimea ; an appeal from to-day to to-morrow. London, 1854. O. 33 p. 947 4 — Progress of Russia in the west, north and south. 5 edition. London, 1853. D. 947 3 —Recent events in the east, 1853. London, 1854. D. 947 3 —The war of ignorance ; a prognostication. London, 1854. O. 43 p. 947 4 Urquhart, SiVThomas. Works: reprinted from the original editions. Edinburgh, 1834. sqQ. por. pi. (Maitland club.) . 828 30 Edited, with biographical introduction, by Thomas Maitland. Ursins, Jean Juvenal des, see Juvenal des Ur- slns. URUGUAY. Famin, S. M. C. Uruguay. 1840. jil. map. {In L'univers. 10.) 910 18 — (Jiralt, P. Elementi di geografia fisica dell' Uruguay. P'irenze, 1875. O. 36 p. map. 558 1 — Mantegazza, P. Rio de la Plata e Tenerife. Milano, 1867. D. il. por. pi. 918.2 1 Urwick, William. Life of John Howe. {In H««e, J. The Redeemer's tears, 1846, pref. p. 1-53.) 240 13 USEFUL ARTS, see INDUSTRIAL ARTS. USNIC ACID. Paterno, E. Ricerehe sojira I'a- cido usnico, e sopra due nuovi principi clie lo accompagnano nella zeora sordida. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, lK75-fi, pt. 3.) 065 3 Sulla identita degli acidi usnico e carbo- iiusnico. {hi same. Z ser. sci. fis. \'.'i, 1877-8, pt. 3) 065 4 Uspergonse chronicon, see Bnrchardcfe Conrad. De Usynlige, see Holberg, L. Comedier, v. 5. Ut auler un neier Tied, see Hingberg, H. K. vam. UtdeFranzosentid,— Ut mine Festungstid,— Ut mine Stromtid, see Renter, F. v. 4, 5, 8-10. Ut de Marsch, see (Jroth, K. Ut de Musskist, see Diermissen, J. Utenbroeke, Philip, continuer, see Mnerlant, J. van. Spiegel historael, 1863-79. 839.31 17 t}tersen. Diplomatarium ccenobii, 1243-1638. {In Westphalen, E.J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 4.) 943 21 UTILITARIANISM. Mill, J. S. Utilitarianism. 4 edition. London, 1871. O. 171 3 Utino, Leonardusde, see Leonardo of Udine. Utopia, see More, T. Uttersou, Edward Vernon, editor, see Arthur of Little Britain. 1814. 843 3 Froissart, J. Chronicles. 1813. 940 33 Uzielli, Gustavo. Mappamondi, carte nautiche, e portolani del medioevo. {In Rome— Soc. geog. ital. Studj. 1875.) 016 25 — Sopra la baritina e il ferro oligistro di Cala- furia.— Sulla pirrotina della miniera del Botti- no. )7.— Sopra lo zircone della costa tirrena'. il. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6. pt. 3.) 065 3 —Sopra la titanite e I'apatite della Lama dello Spedalaccio. rt.— Studi di cristallografia teo- rica. il. {I7i same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. I, 1S7S-T, pt 1-) 065 4 UZIS. Suhni, P. F. Afhandling om Uzerne eller Polowzerne. (In his Skrifter, 1778-98, •^- 1=^-) 839.88 5 v., B. La economia forestale nel cantone Ti- cino. Lugano, 1873. D. 38 p. 551.58 86 Vacalerio, Ginnesio Gavardo. L' Arcadia in Brenta : ovvero. La melanconia sbandita. Edi- zione novissima. Venezia, 1816. S. 853 37 Vacanij^''aniillo. Della laguna di Venezia e dei liulni nelle attigue provincie. Firenze 1867. Q. map. 551.48 13 VACCHERO 692 VALENTE VACCHERO, Gliilio Cesare. Toiie,G. K. delle. Congiura di G. C. Vacchero. {In Varietil stoiiche italiane.) 945 10 VACCIXATIOX. Bohii, H. Bedeutung und Werth derSclmtzpockenimpfung. Berlin, 1867. O. 31 p. (/)( Virclioff & Holtzeiidorff. Vor- triige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Wolffljerg, S.Ueber die die Impfung. Berlin, 1884. O. 47 p. (/» scMJie. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Vacuna, see Laug'bein, A. F. E. v. 11. Vade mecum, canti, see Prati, G. Vaderlandsche historie, see Wageiiaar, J. Vadsteiia, see Wadstena. Den Ysegelsindede, see Holberg, L. Comedier, V. 1. Vaeiiiiis, Otto, see Yeftn, 0. van. . Vjeringerne i Miklagard, see 01ilenscliliiger, A. G. Tragodier, v. 7. Vaernewijck, Marcus ran. Van die beroerlicke tijdeu in die Nederlauden, en Toornamelijk in Ghetidt. 1566-8; uitgegeven door Ferd. Vander- haeghen. Gent, 1872-4. v. 1-3. Q. fucsim. (Ill Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken. 4 ser. 1.) 839.3 4 —Same. Gent, 1872-6. 4 v. O. facsim. 949 21 "Rare.— importaut in history of Reformation."— -Vofe iy Mr. Marsh. VAGABONDS. Awdeley, J. The fraternitye of vacabondes, 1560-1 ; A caueat for common cursetors, by T. Harman, 1.567 ; A sermon in praise of thieves, by Par.son Haben ; edited by E. Viles and F. J. Furnivall. London, 1869. O. il. {Ill E. E.text soc. Extra ser. 9.) 820 5.1 Dyrliiiid, F. Tatere og Natmandsfolk i Dan- mark. Kobenhavn, 1873. O. 397 2 — Etzel, A. von. Vagabondenthum und Wan- derlelwn in Norwegeu. Berlin, 1870. O. 397 1 Fish, S. A supplicacyon for the beggers, written about 1539 ; re-edited by F. J. Furni- vall : with A supplycacion to Henry the eyght, 1544 ; A supplication of the poore commons, 1546; The decaye of England by the mutitude of shepe, 15.50-3: edited by J. M. Cowper London, 1871. O. (In E.E. text soc. Extra ser. 18.) 820 5.1 See also POOR. Vagn Aagesen; eller, JomsborgsUndergang, see Grnndlvig, N. F. S. Optrin, v. 3. Vago, Giuseppe. Giulietto e Rosina ; ovvero, Secondo liljro di lettura e nomenclatura; dia- loghi. 6edizione. Napoli, 1871. D. 458 5 Vai, Stefano. Rime, del secolo 17. Bologna, 1863. D. 16+.53 [-1-2] p. (/»i Scelta di curiosita. 38.) 850 10 La Vajasseide, see Cortese, G. C. Vakcreskii, 1. Colectie din poesiile. Bucuresci, 1848. O. 859 58 VAL DI NIEVOLE, see NIEVOLE. VALAIS. Sinimler, .T. Vallesiu' descriptio. Lugduni Batavoruin, 10.33. Tt. 094 60 Valckenaer, Lodeni.jck Caspar, annotator, see Herodotus. Historiarum liliri. 17(13. 888 2.1 VALDEMAIl, see WALDEMAR. Valdemar Seier, en historisk Roman, see Inge- maun, U. 8. Valdepeiias, Rodrigo de, Carthusian monk. Glosas. (In Manrique, J. C'oplas. 1779.) 861 11 VALDfiS, Juan. Berti, D. Di Giovanni Valdes e di taluni suoi discepoli secondo nuovi docu- menti dall' archivio veneto. (In Rome — R. accad. dei Uucei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. inor. v. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 VALDICHIASA, see CHIANA. Valencia. Furs, capitols, provisions, e actes de cort, fets V atorgats, per... rey Don Phelip, en lo any 1636. Valencia, 1635. F.'' 349 33 — L'orde judiciari de la cort dels consols de la mar l.Valencian and English]. (/« (Jt. Br. — Admiralty. Black book, 1871-6, v. 4 ; in Gt. Br. — Master of rolls.Chron and mem. .55. ) 942 8 — Aragon — Archive general.Coleccion dedocu- mentos ineditos; publicada i)or P. de BofaruU y Mascaro. Barcelona, 1847-76. 40 v. in 37. O. 946 38 For contents, s€e Aragon. — Aureuni opus regalium priuilegiorum ciuita- tis et regui Valentie.cum historiacristianissimi regis Jacobi ipsius primi oquistatoris. Valen- cie, 1515. F. il. 946 58 — Beiiter, P. A. Coronica general de Espana, y especialmente de Valencia. Valencia, 1.546- 51. 2 v. in 1. Q. 946 59 — Diago, F. Anales del reyuo de Valencia, hasta la muerte del rey Jayme elconquirtador. Valencia. 1613. Q. 946 60 — Eseolano, G. Decada primera de la historia de la ciudad v reyno de Valencia. Valencia, 1610-11. 3 y."Q. 946 61 — Ginart, B. Reportori general y brev sumari per orde alphabetich de totes les materies dels furs de Valencia fins les corts del any 1604 in- clusive. V dels privilegis de la dita ciutat v regne. Valencia, 1608. sqO. 349 83 — Mateu y Sanz, L. Tractatusdereginiineregni Valenti*, sive selectarum interpi-etationum ad principaliores fores ejusdem. Lugduni, 1704. F.^ 349 34 — Pio de Saboya, A. V. Inscripciones y antigue- dades del reino de Valencia; ilustradas por A. Delgado. [Valencia, 1845.] sqQ. pi. 913 46.1 bound icith 912 3 — VIciaua, M. de. Tercera parte de la Chronica de Valencia. Valencia, 1.564. Q. il. 94(5 62 YALENCIAN' DIALECT, .see CATALANS'. Yaleucieunes, Henri de. Continuation de I'hi- stoire de Ville-Hardouin. (In Michaud cf- Pou- joulat. Meraoires, 1866, v. 1.) 944 9 — Continuation de la Chroni(iue de Constanti- nople par G. de Ville-Hardoin. (In Buchon, J. A. C. Recherches et materiau.x, 1840, v. 2.) 940 37 — Same: texte original, accompagne d"uMe tra- duction par Natalis de Wailly. {Jn Villeliar- douin, G. de. La conqete de Constantinople. 1W73.) 949 44 VAEEXCIEXXES DIALECT, see ROUCHI. Valeule, Lorenzo. Azione del cloruro acetilico suir acido santonico. (In Rome— R. accnd. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 VALENTINE 693 VAMBER Y (Valentine and Orson:] Namnliis ocli Valentin, en Miedeltids-roinan: nt^ifven af Gustaf Ed- ward Kl.-mniinj;-, Stockholm. 1840. O. (hi Sveiiska forn-siil. Sanilingar, v. !!.) 839.7 3 Appeuded is the Low-German poem Namelos und Va- lentin. Valentino, Biaso. La fuorfece: o vero, L'omnio pratteco. Napoli, 1783. 3 v. S. (//i Collezione napoletana, v. 6-7.) S-iO 19 Valentino, Giovanni Itattista. La mezacanna i;o lo vasciello de I'arbascia ; La cecala napoli- tana : e Nnapole scontrafatto. Napoli, 1787. S. (Ill same. v. 19.) 851) 19 Valerio, (Jioaccliino. Idrogratia niedica; le acqiie ferrugiiiose de La Bauche in Savoia. Torino, 1865. O. 38 p. 615 20 — Le terraedi Saint-Moritz nell' Alta Engadina. Torino, 1865. S. ' 615 33 Valerius, Jolian David. Visor och siingstvclien. Stookholin, 1809-11. 3 v. in 1. S. 839.71 53 — Vitterhets forsok. Stockholm, 1831. pt. 1. O. 839.71 53 No more published. Valerius Maximus, see Maxiiuns. Valla, Lorenzo, translator, see Herodotus. Hi- storiarum libri. 1763. 888 3.1 Vallaljots saga, (/u Copenhagen— K. nord.Old.- Selskab. Is), sogur, 1829-30, v. 3.) 839.63 8 Vallance, J. H. Brasndeviin og Salt, et L.-ege- mittel opfundet af William Lee; oversat fra det Engelske. Christiania, 1843. D. 40 p. 615 5 Vallardi, Antonio ct- Francesco, juMishers. Nuova carta topografica delta canipagna di Roma antica e moderna. Milano, n. d. 101x99 cm. in sqF.« 912 16 Vallardi, Francesco, pubUshef, see L'ltalia. 914.5 1-22 Vallardi, (iinseppe. Itineraire d'ltalie. 23 edition. Milan, 1844. D. maps. 914.5 44 Vallaiiri, Touimaso, editor, see Bazzarini, A. Vocabolario latino-italiano. 1850 [-4]. 473 7 Valle, A. della. Sui coriceidi parassiti, e suU' anatomia del gen. lichomolgus. pi. ilii Route — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 Valle, tJiuseppe la. Studio cristallograftcodi al- cuui corpi della serie aromatica. pi. {In same. V. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Valle, Pietro. La JIaremma toscana e le colonie (lei gettatelli ed orfani da stabilirsi in essa. ed in consimili looalita. Firenze, 1863. O. 52 p. 36-2 3 Valle, Pietro della. Viaggi, in tre parti : la Turchia, la Persia e I'lndia; colla vita dell" au- tore. Brighton, 1843. J v. D. por. 915 18 — English : Travels into East-India and Arabia Deserta; added, A relation of Sir Thomas Roe's voyage into the East Indies. London, 1665. F. 915 19 Translated by G. Havers. Vallemoiit, Pierre le Lorraiii, abbe de. Curi- ositez de la nature et de I'art sur la vegetation ; on, L'agriculture et le jardinage. Paris. 1708. S. 630 20 Vall^s, Fran<;ois de P. F. X. H. Etudes sur les inondations ; leurs causes et leurseffets. Paris, 1857. O. pi. 551.48 26 — Tlie influence qf forests upon rain-fall and inundations; from Etudes sur les inondations : translated by Charles J. Allen. Washington, 1873. O. 19 p. 551.58 48 — Hericoiirt, A. F. d.' Les inondations et le livre de Valles. (/?i Annales forestieres. 4 ser. V. 3, 1857.) 551.48 31 Vallet de Viriville, Anguste, editor, see C'liar- tier, J. Chroniquede Charles VII. 18.58. 840 5 Coiisinot, a. Chronique de la Pucelle. 18.59. D. 944 18 The valley of the Orontes; its position, climate and products. Malta, 1850. S. 915.6 23 VALLEYS. (Jastaldi, B. Nuove osservazioni suUe origne dei bacini lacustri. [Torino, 1866.] O. 8 p. pi. 551.43 51 — Riitinieyer, L. Ueber Thai- und See-Bildung. Basel, 1869. O. il. map. 551.43 53 See also MAtiKA: MOINTAIXS. Vallisiieri, Antonio. Lettere al conte Giovam- batista Casotti. Prato, 1866. O. 12 p. (In Misc. pratese. 13.) 914.5 60 — Lezione accademica intorno Torigine delle fontane. 2 edizione, con giunta da Gaston Giuseppe Giorgi. Venezia, 1736. Q. por. pi. 551.49 3 Appended, 40 p., is his Conclusiones physico-medicae. Valniout, v., & Dubenx, L. Tartarie, Belou- tchistan, Boutan et Nepal. Paris, 1848. O. pi. mcy7.s\ (hi L'univers. 24.) 910 18 Valoriani, Luea.In lode de' calzoni. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 2.) 857 3 Une valse de Strauss, see Blaze de Bury, M. P. R. S. VAL-SOANA. Higri, C. Fonetica del dialetto di Val-Soana Canevese. — II gergo dei Valsoa- nlni. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 3, 1878.) 450 11 Valsolda, see Fogazzaro, A. VALTELLINA. Lavizari, P. A. Storia della Valtellina. Capolago, 1838. 3 v. D. 943 59.2 — Leonliardlj G. Das Veltlin, nebst einer Be- schreibung der Biider von Bormio. Leipzig, 1850. D. map. 914.3 18 — Rohan, H. de. Memoires sur la guerre de la Valteline. iln Michaiid & Poiijonlat.Memoires, 1866, V. 19.) 944 9 La Valtellina; breve descrizione per usodegli alpinisti. Torino, 1873. O. 29 p. 914.3 18.1 From Bollettlno del Club alpino italiano, v. 6, 1873. no. 20. Valvasor, Johann Weichard, Freiherr. Die Ehre des Herzogthunis Grain...: in Teutsch gebracht, mit Erklarungen, durch Erasmum Francisci. Laybach, 1689. 4 v. F. il. tab. maps. 943 59 Valvers lattr. (In Kiilbingr, E. Riddarasogur. 1872.) 839.63 59 Vdmhery, .iriiiin. Reise in Jlittelasien, 1863. Deutsche Originalausgabe. Leipzig, 1865. O. iil. map. 915 19.1 TM. C'.i-l VARIETA Van der lehie des Reinen Godtliclien wordes, uiid Christlicher Ordenimg und Cwremouiemi in den Kercken unsers Landes Didtmarschen ; ri35 articles issued by Frederick II., 1559?]. F. 129 p. 091 3 Ms. rubricated. See Ditm.irscli. VAXCOUVER. Denis, J. F. Les lies Noutka. 1849. {In L'nnivers. 8.) 010 18 VAND.4LISM. Gr^goire, H. Rapport sur les destructions operees par le randalisnie et sur les moyens de le reprimer. (In his Rapports. 1867.)- 010 3 VANDALS. Grotliis, S. Historia Gotthorum, Vandalorum... Amstelodami, 1654. D. 943 5 Containing the Vaudalioa of Procopius and Vanda- lorum chronicon of Isidorus. — Isidorns, Sf. Historia Wandalorum. {Inhis Opera. 1617.) 208 3 — Krantz, A. Wandalia. Colonic Agrippinse. 1519. Q. 943 8 —Procopius. Histoire de la guerre des Van- dales. (In Dnrean de la Malle. A. J. C. A. L" Algerie. 1853.) 939 6 — Yanoslii, J. Histoire de la domination des Vandales en /tfrique. (In L'univers. 3.) 910 18 See also WEMIS. Vandeiiiaeglieu, Ferdinand. Musee Plantin h Anvers : notice sur la Bibliotheque Plantini- enne. Gand, 1875. O. [4 + ] 38 p. l^or- 027 6 bound trith 01« 19 —editor, see Vaernewijcli, M. van. Van de beroerlicke tiiden in die Nederlanden. 1872-6. 839.3 4, 949 21 VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. StrzelecJfi, P. E. von. Pliysical description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. London, 1845. O.^jwr. pi, maps. 559 1 Vandrins genoni Dalarne, Stockholm, 1829. D. 1)1, 914.8 33.2 The illustrations were drawn by O. S. v. Unge. VANE, Sir Henry, the younger. Upbaui, C. W. Life of Vane. i)or. (^In SparliS, J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 4.) 920 15 Vanegas, Alejo. Primera parte de las ditfe- rencias de libros que ay en el vniuerso. Valla- dolid, 1583. T. 868 9 Vangelo e cattolicismo romano ; traduzione dal tedesco, con aggiunte e note, di K. Roen- neke. Firenze, 1876. S. 282 23 The title of the original is : Evangelium and romischer Katholicismus. Stuttgart. 1871. Vanini, Luciiio. Amphitheatrum seternae pro- videntiie divino-niagicum.christiano physicum nee non astrologo-catholicum ; auctore Julio CiBsare Vanino. Lugduni, 1615. D. 211 7 Vanity fair ; a weekly show of political, social & literary wares. London [,1868-70]. v. 1-3 in 2 V F.^ col. por. 052 4 All after no. "tiis wanting. VAN NESS, Cornelius Peter. BncI, S. The book ; or. Fragments of modern chronicles. Burlington, 1819. O. 099 11 Van Nest, Abraliani Rynier. Memoir of Rev. Geo. W. Bethune. New York, 1867. D. por. 922 20 Vannetti, Giuseppe Valeriano. Lettera intorno ad alcune circonstanze della vita di Dante. (In Dante Aligliieri. Opere, 1757-8, v. 5.) 851 33 Vaunozzo, Francesco di. Ein motto confetto des veroneser Dichters ; von J. Grion. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 Vannucci, Atto. I martiri della libertaitaliana, 1794-1848. 3 edizione. accresciuta. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 21 Vannucci, Micliele, editor, see Tobia e Tobiolo. 1835. 853 36 Vansleb, —plre. Nouvelle relation d'un voyage enEgypte. Paris, 1677. S. 916.2 18 Vaiitaggi e doveri [degli] ascritti alia pia uni- one del sacro abitino ceruleo di Maria eretta in s. Martino. Viterbo [187-V]. T. 14 p. 282 30 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Curious." Vnuzolini, (jiuliano, editor, see Scelta di cu- riosita. 55, 132. 850 10 Vapereau, Louis Giistave. Dictionnaire uni- versel des contemporains. 5 edition, aug- inentee. Paris, 1880. O. 920 18 Vdpnflrdinga saga ; Sattr af iorsteini hvita ; lattr af Sorsteini stangarhogg : Brandkrossa Jattr ; besorget og oversat af G. Thordarson. Kjobenhavn, 1848. D. (In Nord. Lit.-Sam- fund. 5.) 839.63 67 A'aragffio, Giacomo da (Latin Jacobus de Vo- ragine). Dueopuscoli [: Historia reliquiarum: Lstoria translationis Johannis Baptiste]: pub- blicati... di L. T. Belgrano. (In Socletk ligure. Atti. V. 10, 1874.) 945 48 — Sanctorw?/; ac festocHm per totii anu Liber icipit. Venetijs, jjer Oetaiiianu seotu, i483. sqO. 246 leaves, rubricated, 093 4 The famous Legenda aurea, or. Golden legend. YARAITA. Passetti, L. Valle Varaita : studi storico-militari del secolo 18. (In Curiosity di storia subalpina. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Varolii, Benedetto. Capitoli. (hi Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1736, v. 1.) 8o7 2 — Lezione sopra il primo sonetto di M. A. Buonarroti. (In Buonarroti, M. A. Le rime. 1817.) 851 31 —Storia florentina. Milano, 1803-4. 5 v. O. por. , 945 75 Varen, Beruliardus. Descriptio regni Japoniae. Amstelodami, apiid L. Elzevirium, 1649. Tt. 094 40 Varese, Carlo. Storia della repubblica di Ge- nova, sinaal 1814. Geneva, 1835-7. 7 v. O. 945 53 A'arese, Fabio. Sonetti. (In Collozione mi- lanese, 1816-7, v. 1.) 859 15 Vargas y Ponce, Jos^ de. Descripciones de las islas Pithiusas y Baleares. [Anon.] Madrid, 1787. sqO. tab. 914.6 9 Varietk storiche di diverse provincie d' Italia. Firenze [,184-]. O. 945 11 fojifeitfa : Chroiiidioii Venetum. vulgo Altinate.— Nas- ser, I., fli C. di. Kcla/.ione sopra il rttmmereio del Por- toght'si neir India, 1407-]5ri6.— Orslno, U, Relazione in- torno al mod»>di staliilire ndli/.ia in jiaoe, 1563.— Maimel- 11, It. il"A. I.ettera intorno alia liattaglia navale tra Fi- orentini e \'ene/,iani confederati e i (Jenovesi. 1431. — Kin|)oli, (1. da. Lettera intorno al viaggio a Malacca. — ('iitieNtrliil, (J. Intorno alle relazioni i-nniniiM-ciali do' Fl- orentini CO' Portogliesi — Arco, ('. d". Ni.ti/.ic di Isabella Kstense.— VIsooiill, F. Coramentarlns do posle. 1830. Me- dioiani. VARIETA G95 VJE Varietil storiche italiaiie dal 14 al 17 secolo. Firenze [,184-]. O. !)4.j 10 Contents: ltuiiiui.'la, M. Del saoco di Piac-enza ilel 1447. — l/ll|i|W, (I. v. Bi'tulenses, carmmi. 1541;.— Voli;!, J. Kajj- «ii.'licli Kiima tk'1 serulo I.') — (iar, T., rditor. Dm-umenti :iiai'iiii'iiMi.i. Itinerario ; da Alberto Baclii della Lega. Bologna, 1885. D. facsim. (In. Sceltadi curiosita. 207.) 850 10 Varnlven, see lugemann, B. S. VARUS, Pnblius ({uintilius, see HERMANN. VassBUS, Joannes. Chronici reruni meniorabi- lium Hispanice tomus prior. Salmanticit, 15.52. Q. 946 12 No more published. Vasari, Giorgio. Le vite de'piueccelenti pittori scultorl e architetti; pubblicateper cura di una sooieta di araatori delle arti belle. Firenze, 1846-70. 14 V. D. imr. 927 4 For contents see v.l4, ff/.s'0 Peabody catalogue In v. 1 is Descrizione delle opere di Vasari. The last volume. In- dici, is by Gaetano and Carlo Milanesi and Carlo Pini. Vasi, Wiuseppe, & Nibby, A. New guide of Rome and the environs, with the latest anti- quarian researches. Rome, 1859. j)l. map. 914.5 84 Vasquez, Joseph, pseudonym of Cadalso, J. de. VASSALA(3E. Waitz, G. Uber die Anfiinge der Vassallitiit. Gottingen, 18.56. sqQ. 78 p. 321 4 Vatliek, an oriental tale, .see Beckford, W. VATICAN LIBRARY, .see Rome (city, modern). VATICANISM, see CATHOLIC CHLRCH. Vaticinlnm votivum; or, Pal;Kmon"sprophetick prayer; with .several elegies. [Manchester,] 1885. sqO. [10-)-]80p. lior. (/;i Spenser soc. Pub. 41.) 821 3 The Work has been ascribed to Geor{;:e Wither. Vatnsdada saga ok saga af Finnboga hinum rama; udgivneof E.G. Werlauff. Kjobenhavn, 1812. sqO. '839.63 68 Vattemare, Alexandre. Movement of the inter- national litterary [.sojexchanges betweenFrance and North America, 1845-6; with instructions for collecting objects of natural historv... Paris, 1846. O. [3-l-]74p. 806 1 Vaiiban, Jacques Anne Joseph lePrestre^ com^e de. Memoires sur la Vendee. {In Barriere si 9 Vesetiiis Renatus, Flavins. Artis veterinari:^ ; sive. MulomediciiKf libri quatuor. (In Scrip- tores rei rusticrK, 1783-4, v. .5.) 878 36 Vegczzi-llnscalla, (Jiovenale, see Rnscalla. VEGGB. (Jislason, K. En Betydningaf Ordet Vetrgr. (//( Copenhagen- K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarboger. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 Vegio, Maffeo {Latin Slaphains Vegins'), The tliiitcenth hook of Aeneidos. (In Vergilns Maro, P. The tliirteene bookes of Aeneidos. I.IOO.) 099 .5 VE(JlilA. Ive, A. L'antico dialetto ili Vetjlia. {hi Archivioglot. ital. v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 Veibiill, Martin, , I). Veniero, Maffeo, archbishop of Corfu. Poesie. (In Gauiba, B. Poeti antichi venez., 1817, v. 2.) ' 859 49 Venosta, Felice. II martirio di Brescia: nar- razione documentata. 2 tdizione. Milano, 1863. S. jjL 945 57 — Roma e i suoi martiri; notizie storiche, 1846- 67. 3 edizione, aumentata. Milano, 1867. S. pi. 945 88 Venosta, Giovanni Visconti, sec A^iscoiiti Ve- nosta, (i. II ventaglio, comniedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 6. VENTILATION. Berger, J. Moderne und an- tike Heizungs- und Ventilationsmethoden. Berlin, 1870. O. 48 p. (7. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 See also AIK. Ventura, Giovanni. L' incompreso verso di Dante, Pape Satan pape Satan aleppe: e La nuova maniera di intendere una scena [of Paolo and FrancescaJ. Milano. 1868. O. 75 p. 851 57 bound with 44 A'enturi, Lnigi. Le similitudine dantesche or- dinate, illustrate econfrontate. Firenze. 1874. D. 851 58 Ventnri, Ponipeo, annotator, see Dante All- ghieri. La divina commedia. {In his Opere, 1757-8, V. 1-3.) 85133 VERA, the verb. WarniiMg, L. Om Roden til Gjerningsordet "vera," en Underscigelse. (In Copenhagen— K. nord.Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 18, 18.58.) 948 2 Vera Tassis y Vilarroel, Jnan de. Fama, vida y escrilos de Calderon. (7u Calderon de la Barca, P. Comedias, 1837-;W, v. 1.) 8C2 1 Veraldar saga, (in Gislasou, K. 44 Prover. I860.) 839.63 6 De verantwoording:e des Princen van Oraen- gien teghen sijn wedersprekers. n. p., 1568. T. 949 14 Veratti, B., editor, see Esercitazioni lilologi- che, 1863, '5. 450 15.1 VERB 698 VERGILIUS MAEO VERB. IJock, C. W. Veistehen und spiechen die neueien Volkerihre Sprachen noch richtigV Oder, Nachweisung der... Verba in den iudo- gernianischen Sprachen. Berlin, 1846. O. tV. J. Prose romances, 1828, v. 2.) ,S23 2 VERGILIUS MARO G99 VERY —Die wimderbare und nierkwurdige Ge- schichte vom Zaubeier Viigilius. LeipziK, [1848]. 44 p. U. (In Volksbllclier, 4(i.) H3:i 23 La leggenda di Vernrogiiii in prosa e in verso. 1869.' (/n Scelta di curiosita. 99.) 850 10 Verliaiideling over de algemeene gelaatkunde, see Fokkc, A. S. v. 3. Verldiciisi, Theodorus, pseudonym of Bate, G. La V(;rite dan.s le vin, comedie, see Coll^, C. Die verkelirte Welt, .^ee Tleck, J. L, Schriften. V. .5. Die Verkliiriingen, .fee Zschokke, J. H. D. v.2. Verkriizeii, T. A. Norwegen, seine Fjorde und Naturwunder ; eine naturwissenschaftliclie Reise, 1871. Cassel, 1873. O. iX.pX. 914.8 20 Die Verlobnng, Novella, see Tieck, J. L.Schrif- ten, V. 17. Die verloreiie Handschrift, .see Freytag', U. Der Veriiiiililiiiigrstag, Schauspiel, see Eng:el, J. J. V. 5. Veriiierckent hie auff das Kurtzest AVie der Tiii'ckiscli kayser Rodis be kriegt undgestyrmbt hat : Diueli aiii Rodi.sser Ritter den die von Rodis in Kandia habeii geschickt. n. p., n. d. sqD. 7 p. 949 70 Vermont— Railroad roiiiiiiissioiier, see Marsh, U. P. — Chipinaii, S. Letter to General Washington upon tlie policy and course of Vermont in the Revolutionary war. (hi Ciiipiuan, I>. Life of N. Chipman. 1840.) 923 26 — Colton, G. W. & C. B., and co. Coltou's railroad and township map of Vermont New York, 1876. 98x69 cm. in S. 912 42 —Thompson, Z. History of Vermont, natural, civil and statistical; with appendix, 1853. Burlington, 1853. O. il. 974 8 Verms, Mig:uel del. Chroniques des conites de Foix, en laugue bearnaise. (In Buchon, J. A.C. Choix de chroniques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 Verney, hady Frances Parthenoi)e ( Sig-htin- gale ). Practical thoughts on the first forty chapters of Isaiah. London, 1858. D. 224 1 Verney, Sir Harry, hart. Our quarrel with Russia. London. 1855. O. 32 p. 947 4 —editor, see Calvert, H. Journals and corres- pondence. 1853. 942 28 Verney, Sir Ralph. Verney papers : Notes of proceedings in the Long Parliament ; edited by John Bruce. London, 1845. sqO. (/)i Canideii soc. 81.) 820 4 Verney family. Letters and papers, to 1639 ; edited by John Bruce. London, 1853. sqO. an Camden soc. 56.) 820 4 De vernienwde gulden winckel, see Vondel, J. van den. Vernon, Edward Johnston. A guide to the Anglo-Saxon tongue ; a grammar, after Rask, extracts, with appendix. 2 edition. London, 1861. D. 429 7 II vero amico, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 3. V^ron, Eugene. Les associations ouvrieres de consommation, de credit et de production en Angleterre, en AUemagne et en France. Paris, 1865. D. 334 3 V^ron, Louis D^sir^. Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, comprenant la tin de Tenipire-.-jus- uu'au retablissement de I'empire. Paris. 1856- 7. 5 V. S. 044 40 "Contains much important historic material." Note by Mr. Martdia Americana: su|)iilenu'ntary "volume : v. 14. Philadelphia, 1847. Q. 031 1 A'ettorl, Francesco. Sommario della storia d' Italia, 1511-27; ed altre documenti storici. Fi- renze [, 184- 1. n. 945 13 Contents: Vi'Koii, K. Sdnimario.— Chronaclie voltprranc, 1802-1530.— HiMThliiiMi. A. Kicortli (ii Prato. l.'il'J.- ('uppoiii, (I. A. (i. (J., ei/il'ir. Dixnimi'iiti ili storia italiana, 152a-ao. — Itcuiiiniit. A. von. Notl/.le bibliografiche del lavori spet- tantl alia storia 15.4 7 Viardot, Louis. Histoire des Arabes et des Mores d'E.spagne. Paris, 1851.- 2v.O. 946 33 Viator, pseudonym of Marsh, (J. P. Vibe, -Viidreas. Kiisten und Meer Norwegens. Gotha, 1860. sqQ. 24 p. il. pi. map. (In Peternianns Mittlieillliigen : Erganzungsband 1.) 910 44 Vibor^, Eric Xisseii. Veiledning til SvinetsBe- handling som Huusdyr. 2 forogede Oplag, af Carl Viborg. Kjobenhavn, 1836. D. pi. 636 4 The vicar of Wakefield, a tale, see Goldsmith, 0. Yicars, John. England's worthies; under whom all the civill and bloudy warres, 1642-7, are re- lated. London, 1845. D. por. 923 6 Contents: Memoir of .J. Vicars.— Kobert, eai'I of Essex. — Uobert, earle of Warwiclc. — Edward, earl of Manches- ter—Basil Fielding, earle of Denbigh.— Henry Gray, earle of Stamford.— David Lesley, earle of Leven —Lord Fairfax.— Sir Thomas Fairfax — Oliver Cromwell.— Phillip Skiiipon.— Edward Massey.— Sir William Brere- ton.— Sir WilliamWaller.knight.- Collonel Laughorne.- C'olonell Generall Poyntz — Sir Thomas Middleton.— Richard Browu.— Major Generall Mitton. Vicary, Thomas. The anatomie of the bodie of man. The edition of 1.548, as re-issued, 1577; with life of Vicary, appendix and illustrations, edited by Fredk. J. Furnivall and Percy Fur- nivall. London, 1888. pt. 1. O. por. maps. (7;i E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 53.) 820 5.1 Ft. 1. text and appendix. VICELIXrS, St.. bishop of Altenburg. Vita S, Vicelini. (//( Laug^ebek, J. Script, reruni Dan., 1773-1834, v. 4.) 948 76 — Same: Versus antiqui de vita Vicelini. pni\ (III Westphaleu, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 2.) 943 21 VICENZA. Ciscato, A. Guida di Vicenza. Vi- cenza, 1870. D. p/. mryw. 914.5 62 Vices and virtues ; a Middle-English dialogue of about 1300 A. D.; edited, with introduction, translation, notes and glossary, by Fer/. 031 18 Saga af Viga-Styr ok HeiSarvigum. (//( Co- nenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Isl. sogur, 1843-7? V. 3.) 839.63 9 Aerip Vigast.^rssogii ok fyrra parts HeiSarviga- so^u (In same, 1829-30, v. 1.) 839.63 8 Vigatans y botiflers, norela historica, see Ma- spons y Labros, M, del P. Vigellus, see Wireker, N. Vigfiisson, Gii9braudur. An Icelandic-English dictionary, based on the ms. collections of Richard Cleasby; with introduction and life of Cleasby by George Webbe Dasent. Oxford, 1874. sqQ. 439.63 6 — editor. Icelandic sagas and other documents relating to the settlements and descents of the Northmen on the British isles. London, 1887. 3 V. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 88.) 942 8 Contents; 1. Orkneyinga saga, and Magnus saga. 3. Hakonar saga, and a fragment of Magnus saga. Eyrbyggja saga. 1864. 839.63 30 Vigua, Rainiondo Aniedeo, editor. Codice di- plomatico delle colonie tauro-liguri, 1453-75. 3 V. in 3. facsim. (In Societk ligiire. Atti. v. 6-7, 1868-79.) 945 48 Vignetter til danske Digtere, see Andersen, H. ('. Vignola, A. G. Delle maioliche e porcellane in Pieinonte. 2^1. (In Cnriositil di storia subal- pina. V. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Vigiion Retif de la Bretonne, Victor, transla- « tor. see Hrosvitlia. Poesies. 1854. 879 9 The volume contains, p. 399-404, Liste des oeuyres de Vignon. Vignotti, A. Des irrigations du Piemont et de l.i Lombardie. Paris, 1863. D. 94 p. G31 31 Vigo, Pietro, editor, see Seelta di curiositi. LSC, 199, 208, 220, 232. VIKLNGS, see NORTHMEN; SCANDINAVIA. The vikings at Helgeland, see Ibsen, H. Vikn psalmar, see Daglegt kvolld. 1780 ;— Ny psalma Ijok. 1751;— leir aagia-tu... 1780. Vilate, .loachini. Causes secretes de la revolu- tion du 9 au 10 thermidor.— Continuation. (In Barriere <& Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 29.) 944 10 Vildanden, Skuespil, see Ibsen, H. Viles, Edward, editor, see Awdeley, J. The fraternitye of vacabondes. 1869. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 9.) 820 5.1 Vilhelni, abbot of Ebelhvlt. Epistolse. por. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 6.) W48 76 — Genealogia regum Danorum. (In same. v. 2.) 948 76 — Willieluii abbatis vita, auctore ejus discipujo in Dania. (In same. v. 5.) 948 76 Vilkina-sag:n, see Dietrich of Bern. Villa, Antonio & Giambattista. Insetti e mol- luschi. (In Cattaneo, C, it others. Notizie su la Lombardia. 1844.) 914.5 56 — Necessita dei boschi neba Lombardia. 3 edi- zione accresciuta. Milano, 1856. O. 38 p. 551.58 86 VILLAINS. Des XXIII manieres de vilains : 13e siecle [: edited by F. X. Michel]. Paris, 1833. O. 15 p. 848 2(1 Villani, Antonio. Lo calascione. (In CuUezione napoletana, 1783-9, v. 34.) 859 19 Villani, Giovanni. Cronica. Firenze, 1823. 8 v. O. por. 945 76 Vol. 8 contains Elogio by P. Massai; Voci e modi man- oanti nel voeabolorio della Crusoa; Dooumenii diversi, and Indice. Villani, Matteo. Cronica. Firenze, 1825. 6 v. O. 945 77 Book nth was finished by Filippo Villani, by whom is also V. 6 : Le vite d' uomini illustri fiorentini, colle annotazioni del oonte Giammaria Mazzuchelli. Edizione a. Vol. b contains Indice VILLANI, Nicola. Viani, P. Di N. Villani. {In his Lettere filol. e critiche. 1874.) 450 10 Villano, Santo. La sporchia de lo bene ; o sia, L" Aosanza. (In Collezione napoletana, 1783-9, V. 16.) 859 19 Villarenii, Vincenzo Mortillaro, vtarchese di. see MortiUaro. Villari, Emilio. Ricerche suUe leggi termiche e galvaiiometriche delle scintille elettriche pro- dotte dalle scariche dei condensatori. i>l. (In Rome — R. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. V. 4, 1878-9.) — Inlorno alle leggi termiche della scintilla eccitatrice dei condensatori. pi. — Studi sulla carica dei coibenti, sulla teoria dell" eU'ttroft>ro e sulla sua analogia coi condensa- tori. ill. (/« .so)»e. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Villari, Pasqnale. Discorso agli elettoridel col- legio di Guastalla, 37 set. 1876. Firenze, 1876. S. 34 p. 328 3 — Le lettere meridionali ed altri scritti sulla questione sociale in Italia. Firenze, 1878. D. 304 6 — Niccolo Machiavelli e i suoi tempi; connuovi documenti. Firenze, 1877. v. l.O. 923 63 — EiKjli.'ih : Niccolo Machiavelli and liis times; translated by Linda Villari. London. 1878-83. 4 V. O. 923 62.1 VILLA EI 703 VINCI — La pittura inoderna in Italia ed in Franc-la. Firenze, 1868. O. 54 p. 750 5 From Nuova antoloftia. — Relazioiie sulle spesee le entrate per la puLi- blica istriizione del coniune di Firenze. Fi- renze, 1879. D. 48 p. tab. 379 6 — Saggi di storia, di critica e di politioa : nuo- vaniente raccolti. Firenze, 1868. O. 854 8 — La scuola e la quistione sociale in Italia. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1872. O. [4 + ]a6p. 379 2 — Was die Anslliiuler in Italien nicht benier- ken. (In Hillebraiid, K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 —editor. Antiche leggende e tradizioni che il- lustrano la Divina commedia, precedute da os- servazioni. Pisa, 186.5. sqQ. 851 59 Edition of 200 copies. Storia letteraria d" Italia. Milano[, 1874-] 80. 6 V. Q. (In. L'ltalia. Parte2.) 914.5 15-20 Cont€nU: Tiimatfiii, ('., tt- Ovidio, F, d,' Letteratura ro- mana — Biirtoll, A. I primi due secoli della letteratura ilaliana.— liiriTiilzzi, 0. II risorijimento [, 1375-1494] — CBiiitllo, I'. A. Storia (, 1494-1595] —Morsoliii. B. II seioento, [1595-1748).— Ziiiiclln, (J. Storia dalla metii del settecento ai giorui nostrj. Storia politica d' Italia. Milano, 1869-82. 8 V. Q. (In L'ltalin. Parte 2.) 914.5 7-14 ContenU; Itertoliiii, V. Storia antiea;— Dominazioiii Kermaniohe, 395I0-i4. — Laiizani, K. I' comuni, 1034-1313.— (Ipolln, C. Le sijinorie, 1313-153 '.— CdmI. A. Le preponde- ranze straniere, 15."i0-17»9 Franolietti, A. Storia, 17«9- 99.— CaKtro, (J. dc. Storia, 17991814.— Bertolinl, F. L'ltalia, 1814-78. (jiiistiiiiani, A. Dispacci, 1502-5. 1876. 945 84 Villars, — de Montfancon, abb* de. Le conite de Gabalis; on, Entretiens sur les sciences se- cretes. Paris, 1670. S. 133 29 Villars, Louis Claude Hector, marechal, due de. Memoires, 1672-1734. por. (/» Micliaiid * Poujoiilat. Memoires, 1866. v. 33.) 944 9 VILLE, Georges. Clievreiil, M. E., & others. Kecherches e.\periuientales sur la vegetation par Georges Ville : Absorption de I'azote de I'air par les plantes; rapport a I'Acadeniie des sci- ences. Paris, 1855. O. 31 p. 581 1 La villeggiatura, commedia, see Goldoiii, C. V. 17. Villelinrdoiiiii, (ieoffroi de. Chronique de la conquete de I'empire de Constantinople par les Francs[; with] Continuation par H. de Valen- ciennes. (In ISnchoil, J. A. C. Recherches et materiaux, 1840, v. 2.) 949 37 With Notice, Elof;e and Appendice. — La conquete di Constantinople: avec la Con- tinuation de Henri Valenciennes ; texte origi- nal accompagne d'une traduction par Natalis de Wailly. Paris, 1872. Q. ma}^ 949 44 — Ue la conqueste de Constantinople. (In Mi- dland (fc Poiyoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 1.) 944 9 Witli Notice Sur Ville-Hardouin, Continuation, and Indication des sources. Villciiiaiii, Abel Francois. Eloge de Montaigne. {In Montaigne, M, E. de. Essais. 1825, v. 1.) 844 8 Villeiuarqii^, Theodore Claude Henri Hersart, I'icomte de la, see La Villeniarqii^, Villeueuve, (iiiillauine de. Memoires sur le regne de Charles VIII, 1494-7. por. (In Mi- chaiid cfc Ponjoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 4.) 944 9 Villeneiive-Esclapon, Christian de. La flour d'a- niour. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 4, I87;i.) 479 5 Villeroi, Nicolas de Neiifville, seigneur dc. MenidirfN d'etat, 1581-94. 2>or. (i7i Mieliaiid & Toiljoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) Ueber die nationale Entwitkelung und Be- deutung der Naturwisseiischaften; Rede. Ber- lin, 1865. D. 31 II. 501 9 — Ueber Hospitaler und Lazarette. Berlin, 1869. O. 33 p. In Vircliow & Holtzciidoitr. Vorti-age. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber Hiinengraber und Pfahlbauten. Ber- lin, 1866. O. 36 p. (In .'iame. 1 Serie.) 043 1, 571 4 — Ueber Nahrungs- und Uenussmittel. Berlin, 1868. O. 55 p. (/)( same. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Die Urbevolkerung Europa's. Berlin, 1874. O. 48 p. (In same. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — & Holtzendorfl", F. von, editors. Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vor- trage. Berlin, 1866-90. v. 1-30; Neue Folge, v. 1-4. O. il. x>or. pi. mops. 043 1-2 Each volume contains 2A lectures. For contents liee Astor catalogue tcontinuation). and Peabody catalogue. Neue Folge, 4 Serie, 1890. was edited by Virchow and \V. Wattenbach. VIRn.\.L.4ND. Cronliolui, A. P. Granskning af Virdalands forntids-historia ; ethnographisht bidrag. nied anledning af Wieselgrens Ny- Snialands beskrifning, och Sydskandinavernas forstfodsloratt. (/« Copenhagen— K.nord. Old.- Selskilb. Annaler. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 La Tirgen del sagrario, see Calderon. v. 1. VIRHIL, see VERGILIUS. VIRGIN MARY, see MARY, mother of Jesus. VIRGINU. Petermann, A. H. Karte des anierikanischeu Kriegsschauplatzes zwischen Washington und Richmond. Gotha, 1862. 47x39 cm. in D. 910 44 — Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. Aus der Gescbichte der ersten Ansiedelungen in den Vereingten Staaten. (In Rauiner, F, L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1845.) 905 1 — Smith, Capt. J. The generall historic of Vir- ginia. (/?i/((s True travels. 1819.) 975 1 — Stracliey, W. The historic of travaile into Virginia Britannia ; edited by R. H. Major. London, 1849. O. facsim. (In Halvluyt see. Works. 6.) 975 2 Virginia, tragedi, seeLe<^)old, K. G. af. v. 1. VIRtilNITY. Trattatello della verginita. Bo- logna, 1864. D. 39 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 46.) 850 10 See also CHASTITY. WISE AND FOOLISH VIRGINS, see Spel van de V vroede ende van de V dwaeze maeg- den. Le virtii del trono, cantata, see Leone, E. Lavirtii sconosciuta, dialogo, see Alfleri, V. VIRUflS, Cristobal de. Milncli-Bellinghaiiseu, E. F. J. von. Virues Leben und Werke. (In Jahrbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1860.) 805 1 Visby, Carl Holger. Culturens Gang over Jor- den, og Europas najrv.'crende Standpunkt. Kiobenhavn, 1830. D. 38 i). 301 14 — Holsteeils Eroliring og Omvendelse til Kri- stendom af Keiser Carl den Store. Kjoben- havn, 1826. O. map. 943 46 VISCART, Robert, .see GUISCARD. VISCHER, Peter. Bauer, R. Peter Vischer und das alte Niirnberg. Berlin, 1886. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow Villielni. Die Sage von der Bofreiung der Waldstiidte nach ihrer allmiUichen Ausbil- dung untersucht: nelist einer Boilage: Das iilteste Tellenst-hiiuspiel. Leipzig, 1867. O.- 949 03 ViscontI, Carlo Lodovico. \)i una statua rap- presentante il genio di Giove con I'egida. pi. tin Bnlletino del com. archeol. di Roma, anno 10, 18S2, p. 173-9.) 733 3 VISCONTI 705 VOOT Vlseouti, Filippo. Cummentarius de peste quae 1630 Mediolaui saeviit. (i^" Varietil storiohe d" Italia.) 945 11 Giovanni Maria Viscoiiti, diica di Milano, coini- tragedia, see Porta, C. Visconti Venosta, Giovanni. Novelle. Firenzc, 1871. D. 853 38 Visdelou, Claude de, & (Jallaiid, A. Smiple- ment, 1780, see Herbelot, B. d.' Bibliotlieque orientale. 950 1 Visliinisarmau, .sec Hitopadesa ; PANTCHA- TAMRA. Visiani, I{»l)erto di, editor, see Maxiiniis, V. De" fatti e dutti. 1867. (/(( Emilia. CoUezione. 23-4.) 850 6 Trattatodi virtii morali. 186.5. (/» Soelta di curiositii. 61.) 850 10 Sfe aho no. 104. VISKiOTHS, .see Fiieio juzgo ; LAW— VISI- HOIHS ; RODERICK. VISION, see EYE. Tlie vision of sudden death, see De Qiiiucey, T. Misc. essays. Visita(;ao Freire, Antonio da. Vida de Brito. (In Brito, B. de. Mouarcliia lusytana, 1806-9, V. 1.) 946 69 MONTE VISO. Sella, Q. Un salita al Monviso. Torino, 1863. S. 63 p. 551.43 49 Visscher,Lodewijk(Jerard, ed/ior,see Ferg:uut. 1836. 293 3 Visual art, see Wllklns, AV. X. La vita nuova, see Dante Alighierl. VITAL STATISTICS. Calliseu, H. Physisk nietlizinislie Belragtninger over Kiobenhavn. Kiobenliavn, 1807 9. 3 v. D. 312 1 —Elliott, E. B. Preliminary report on tlie mor- tality and sickness of the volunteer forces of the tj. S. government during the present war. New York, 1863. O. 38 p. tab. (Sanitary com. no. 46.) 312 6 — Sundt, E. Om Dodeliglieden i Norge; Bidrag til KunUskab om Folkets Kaar. Christiania, 1855. D. fab. map. 312 5 S««nfeo DUOHXIX(i; ILLEOITIMACV; MAKRIAIjE. ViTALIAXER, see VICTUALLERS. Viti'Uesclii, Francesco Xobili, marchese. Di- scorso; — Replica. {In Italy— Senato.Discussione suUa politica estera. 1879.) 327 4 — Otto niesi a Roma durante il concilio vati- cano, per Pomponio Leto [pseud.]. Firenze, 1873. D. 282 9 "Important history of the last cecumenical council."— Xati bij Mr. Mftrsh . Vitolo de Avitaya, Francesco. La lotta tra vec- chio e nuovo. Napoli, 1873. O. 944 56 Vitriivius PoUio, Marcus. De architectura : il- lustravit Augustus Rode. Berolini, 1800-1. sqQ, & Atlas. F.' 720 5 Vittoria, Vincenzo. Osservazioni sopra il libro della Felsina pittrice. (In Malvasia, C. C. Fel- sina pittrice, 1841, v. 3.) 927 2 Vivenzio, Giovanni. Istoria e teoria de' tremuo- ti, in particolare della Calabria e di Messina. 1783. Napoli, 1783. O. pi. map. 551.22 5 Vivien de Saint-Martin, Louis, editor, see An- n^e geographique, v. 1-14, 1S02-75. 910 46 Vivir loco y morir mas, see Zorrilla. v. 2. VIVISECTION. Great Britain-Commission on vivisection. Estratti dagli appuiiti di prove te- stinioniali sulia vivisezione in Inghilterra; ver- sione di E. M. Firenze. 1876. I). 179 2 bound irith 150 2 — (Jrida della civilta e dell' umanita contro le vivisezioni. 4 edizione. Torino, 1.881. O. il. pi. 179 3 bound with 146 1 — Malinverni, M. C. C. Lettera a G. Baccelli chiedente i' abolizione della vivisezione. Ver- celli[,1881]. O. 14 p. 179 3 bound icith 146 1 —La vivisezione secondo ilsuo valore scientifico e la sua giustiticazione etica; trattato tradotto dal tedesco, da E. M. Roma, 187y. O 98 p. 179 3 bound with 140 1 — Zollner, J. C. F.Ueber die Freiheit der Wis- senschaft. (In his Wiss. Abhandluugen, 1878- 81, V. 3, pt. 3.) 504 8 Containintc Ernst von Weber's lecture : Ueljer die Greuel der Vivisection. Vloten, Johannes van. Beknopte geschiedenis der Nederlandsche letteren. Tiel, 1865. O. 839.3 13 Vogel, Au^nst. Versuche iiber die Wasserver- dunstung auf besatem und unbesiiteni Boden. Munchen, 1867. sqQ. 37 p. 551.56 3 bound with 548 2 — Zur Oeschichte der Liebig'schen Mineralthe- orie. Berlin, 1883. O. 44 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. lS.Serie.) 043 1 Vogel, Charles, translator, see Friedliiiider, 1. Mceurs romaines. 1865-7. 390 4 VOGEL, Eduard. Palide, A. Der Afrika-For- scher Eduard Vogel. Hamburg, 1889. O. 36 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Voitrilge. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Yog'el, Hermann Willielm. Ueber die Veriin- derun'g einiger Bliimen- und Bliithenfarben durch Ammoniakgas. tab. (In Munich— Akad. Sitzungsb. Math.-phys. CI. v. 1, 1870, p. 14-36.) 551.58 48 Vogel, Johann. Apologie der Schriften Me- lanchthons. (hi Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen. 1778-81, V. 1.) 830 10 Vogel, Johann Karl Christoph. Naturbilder. 3 vermehrte Autlage. Leipzig, 1853. O. 590 11 —compiler. Geographische Landschaftsbilder. Leipzig, 1851. O. 551 37 Die Vogel nach dem Aristophanes, see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 14. Die Vogelscheuche, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 13-14, -Schriften, 37. Vogehvoide, Walther von der. .see Walther. Vogt, Carl. Artificial fish-breeding : abridged. (In Marsh, G. P. Report on propagation of fish. 1857.) 080 14 — Grundriss der Geologie. Braunschweig 1860. D. il. tab. 551 n — Studien zur gegenwartigen Lage Europas. Genf, 18.59. D. 940 29 Noted by Jlr. Marsh as a "Very important political pamphlet." VOGT 706 VOLKSB UCIIER Vorlesungen ttber niitzliche uml schajliche, verkannte und verlaumdete Thiere. Leipzig, 1864. D. il. 591 •'5 Vost, Caspar, & Dobel, J. J. Otium Jleklen- buvgensium: seu, De Authjrio contentio. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Mouumenta, l'i'39-45 V. 1.) •'^" * Voffii6, Charles Jean Melcliior, marquis de. The Hauran. (7. {In Morrison, W., erlitoi: The recovery of Jerusalem. 1871.) 915.(5 30.1 VOICE. Bresgen, M. Das menschliche Stimm- uiul Sprach-Orgau. Berlin, 1879. O. 30 p. (In A'ireliow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Magnus, A. Gehor und Sprache. Berlin, 1877. 39 p. {In same. 12 Serie. ) 043 1 —Meyer, (}. H. Stimm- und Sprachbildung. Berlin, 1871. O. 32 p. {In same. 6 Serie.) 043 1, 808 5 Voigt, Johannes. Raggua J li di Roma nel secolo 1.5 : nel Tascheubuch, 1833 ; tradotti da A. C. (//lA^arieta storicheitaliane.) 945 10 —Das Stillleben des Hochmeisters des deut- srhen Ordens und sein Fiirstenhof . {In Raunier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830.)— Her- zog Albrecht von Preussen und das gelehrte Wesen seiner Zeit. (In same. 1831.)— Stinimen aus Rom iiber den papstlicheu Hof im loten Jahrhundert. (In same. 1833.)— Fiirstenleben und Fiirstensitte im 16ten Jahrhundert. {In same. 1835.)— Ueber Pasquille, Spottlieder und Schmahschriften [,1501-50]. (In same. 1838.)— Die Vitalienbriider. (In same. 1841.)— Der Freiherr Hans Kat/.ianer im Tiirkenkrieg. (In same. 1844.)— Wilhelm von Grumbach und seine Handel. (In same. 1846-7.) 905 1 Voigtiiiann, Christoph (Jottl. Dr. Max Miiller's Bau-wau-Theorie und der Ursjirung der Sprache. Leipzig, 1865. O. 401 9 A'oisln, Anguste, editor, see Baldwin 1. Le livre de Baudoyn. 1836. 843 4 VOLCANOES. Bergman, T. 0. Of the effects of fire at the volcanos and the hot springs, and of the basaltes. (In Troll, U. von. Letters on Iceland. 1780.) 914.9 13.1 Boccardo, G. Sismopirologia. Genova, 1869. D. jj/. 551.2 1 — (xatta, L. L' Italia ; sua formazione, suoi vulcani e terremoti. Milano, 1882. O. il. pi. maps. 551.21 7 Goriui, P. SuH' origine delle montagne e dei vulcani. Lodi, 1851. O. 551.43 3 — Herschel, J. F. W. About volcanos and earth(iuakes. (In his Familiar lectures. 1867.) 504 — Hdft", K. E, A. von. Geschichte der Vulcane und Erdbebeii (In his Veranderungen der Er- doberfiilche, 1824-41, v. 2.)— Chronik der Erd- beden und Vulcan-Au.sbriiche. (Same, v. 4-5.) 551 22 — Hinnboldt, F. W. H. A. von. Ueber den Bau und die Wirkungsart der Vulkane. {In Ins Ansichten der Natur, 1849, v. 2.) 551 23 — Jndd, J. >V. Volcanoes : wliat they are and what thev teach. London, 1881. D. (Internal", sci. ser. 35.) 551.21 1 — Landgrebe, G.Naturgeschichte der Vulcane. Gotlia,l8o5. 2v. O. 551.21 2 Lippi, C. Qualche cosa intorno ai volcani in seguito di alcune idee geologiche ; all' occa- sione dell' eruzione del Vesuvio del 1 gennajo 1812. Napoli, 1813. O. 551,21 3 943 21 _5iercaUl, G. Vulcani e fenomeni vulcanic!. Milano, 1883. Q. il. pi. maps. (In Stoppaui, A., ]inen. 11841.] 24. Lehen des Dr. Faust. [184S.] 2.i. Das unscliiitzliare Schloss in Xa Xa. [1842.] 2ft. Robert der 'IVufcl. [1842.] 27. Schnurren. [1842 ) 2s-'>ft. Sorich- w'irttT und Spruchrcdcn der Deutschen. [1842.] 3o.:$1. Die Gcsiiii.lili- vein lien siebcn wcisin Miisterii. [1842.1 :{2. Der arriir Ilcinrifli; iuk-Ii Ibirlniauu von Aue. [l842.] 33. (if-^ijiiclitc v. Dor lustige Kirmessbruder.— Der VOLKSBUCIIER 707 VOLZ lustiKC Cavalier Haus Giick in die rt'elt. [1847J 4«. Der Gescliiichte vom ZaubererV'irKilius. [1818.] 4<. .Joachim und Anna. 1184S.J 4S. Hochst wichtiee Geseliirlite voni [so] (lera Leben .lesu Cbiisti. (1849.1 4!)-:.(). Dcirfdi- spriictie. [18)9.] .">1. Vulksnuircben. [1858.] •">-'. Volks- bbcber ; Heinricb der Lowe ;—Abasveru.'s ; — Flos und Blanetlos :— I'eter Dinirin^er von Staufenbei'f^ in der Ortenaii ;— Bruder Rauscb. [18(iO ] 53. Volk.ilini-ber : Koni;; ApoUonius ; — Die Zwersenbur/; : — Deut-sohes Hiitbselbneb. [IHtiO.] Vol. 37. 39-48. were edited by O. L B. Wolff ; v. 88, by Otto Wisaiid. tbe i»ublisher. For contents arranged al- pliabeticallv, S" I'cabodv catalogue under Marbach. Vol. 47 was lirsl numbered 47-48 ; v. 48 was 49-5 J ; 49-511 were 51-5:;. Volks-Kaleiuler fiir 1865, see ISertliold Auei- bach's Vollis-Kalender. VolksiiiJirclicii. Leipzig [,1858]. D. 73_p. (/. (/// Volksbiicher, 51.) 833 33 Volliiicr, K. («. W. Populaires Handbucli der pliysischeu Geograpliie von W. F. A. Zinmier- inann [pseud.J. 4 Auflage. Beilin, 1855. v. 1. O. iV. pi. hiupst. 551 39 VoUo, (iiuseppe. Daniele Manin. Torino, 18C0. T. por. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 65 Voliliar. Das Steinbuch ; ein altdeutsches Gediclit ; mit Einleitung, Aumerkungen und einem Anhange herausgegeben von Hans Lanibel. Heilbronn, 1877. O. 831 86.1 VolneyjCoustiintiii Francois CImsseb(Biif,eom'inarrcte. — Piirclias, H. Purchas his pilgrimes. London, 1625-6, 5 V. F. il. 7naps. 910 60 — Raiiiusio, G. B. Delle navigation! et viaggi, con discorsi. [2-4] editione. Venetia, 1.563-83. 3 V. F. !7. maps. 910 61 — Scliiltberger, J. Reisen in Europa, Asia und' Afrika, 1394-1427 : erliiutert von K. F. Neu- mann. Miinchen, 1859. D. 910 36.1 Schiltberger's aus Miinchen, [1394-] 1427, Reise in den Orient ; herausgegeben von A. J. Penzel. Miinchen, 1814. D. 910 36 — Sherley, A., R. & T. The three brothers ; or. Travels and adventures in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, etc. London, 1825. D. por. 910 37 — Tliiinberg, K. P. Resa uti Europa, Africa. Asia, 1770-9. Upsala, 1788-93. 4 v. D. pi. 910 38 — Vries, S. de. Curieuse aenmerckingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische verwon- derens-waerdige dingen, nevens die van China, Africa en andere gewesten. Utrecht, 1682. 4 V. sqO. pi. maps, iltp. 910 62 See abo GEOGUAPHT. VOYAGES ROUXI) THE WORLD. Beaiivoir, L. de. Vovage autour du monde. 6-8editi(n. Paris, 1872-9. 3 v. D. por. pi. maps. 910 24 — Chaiuisso, .\. von. Reise um die Welt mit der Romanzoffischen Entdeckungs-Expedition, 1815-18. por. tab. maps. (/« /n'sWerke. 1863-9. V. 1-2.) 833 8 — Dampier, W. Voyages and descriptions, 1-5 edition. London, 1703-5. 3 v. I), pi. maps. 910 25 — Feiizi, S. Gita intorno alia terra, 1876. Ki- renze. IH77. O. par. pi. 910 27 bonud with 30 — Rojrers, W. Voyage autour du monde, 1708- 11 : traduit de I'anglois. Amsterdam. 1710. 2 V. S. pi. majjs. 910 35 Vreeswjk, Uoosseii van. De goude leeuw ; of, Den asijn der wysen. Amsterdam, 1671. S. il. iltp. 540 2 Vretos, see Padadopoulos Vretos. Vridaiik, see Freidank, 15. Vries, Matlliins de. Middelnederlandsch woor- denhoek. "s (Jiavenliage, 1864-5. 2 pt. «i. 439.37 7 A-An.xt. No more publisheil. .*« ViTivijs c(- Vcniiiiii. — Ontwerp van een Nederlandsch wooiden- boek : verslag der commissie van het 3de N. - derland.sch letterkundig congres, 31 Aug.1851. Groningen, 1852. O. [6-(-J 90 [-1-1] p. 439,33 4 — Proeve van Middelnederlandsche taalzuive- ring ; voorbereidende opnierkingen voor de aanstaande uitgave van een Middelneder- landsch woordenboek. Haarlem, 1850. O. 439.37 5 — Verslag der redactie van het Nederlandsch woordenboek, 1852-62 ; in het 4de-7de Neder- landsch letterkundig congres, 1854-62. Haar- lem. 18.54-62. 4 V. in 1. O. 439.33 4 — & others. Woordenboek der Nederlandsche taal. "s Gravenhage, 1882-. v.1-4. Q. 439.33 5 Vol. 1-4 complete ; the remaining parts to be sent as published. — editor, see Knendalc, J. Der leken spiegheL' 1844-8. (In Vereeniging Xed. letterknnde. Werken.) .S39.3 7 See also various articles in the society's ^'erslaKen. 1844-H. ssn.s 6 Macrlant, J. van. Spiegel historiael.1863- 79. 839.31 17 Vries, Simon de. aenmerkingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische verwonde- rens-waerdige dingen, nevens die van China, Africa en andere gewesten. Utrecht. 1682. 4 V. sqO. pi. viaps, iltp. 910 62 De vrije Fries : mengelingen uitgegeven door het Provinciaal Friesch genootschapter beoefe- ning der Friesche geschied-, oudheid- en taal- kunde. Leeuwarden, 1839-58. v. 1-8. O. por. pi. tab. 949 16 Vol. 7-8 are Nieuwe reeks ; v. 8 lacks pt. 4. Vrijlieid blijheid, vaderlandsch dichtstuk, see Wolf, E. B. Vrouw Snaversnel, volksliedje, same. Der vroinven Buoch,-Dienest,see Licliteustein, U. von. Der vromven heimelvkheid, dichtwerk der 14e eeuw. Gent. n. d.' Q. [5] -l-3-f 68 p. (In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken. 2 ser. 3.) 839.3 3 Vnk Stefanovicli Karajioh, editor. Narodne srpske pjesnie, see Robinson, T. A. L. v. J., trau.'ilator. Volkslieder der Serben.1853. 891 11 Runebergj J. L., translator. Serviska folksanger. {In his Saml. arbeten, 1861-4, v. 2.) 839.71 33 Tommaseo,^. ftranslatoi: Canti illirici. (Inhis Canti popolari, 1841-2, v. 4.) 8.59 7 VUK 710 WA GNER — ttrimiiij J. li. K. Wuk Stephanowitscli, sei- Ijisches Wofterbuch. — Serbische Volkslietler. — Serbische Grammatik. — Serbischer Kaleiider.- . Talvj, serliische Volkslieder. — Narodne srpske pjesme. — Serbische Grammatik. — Volksiniir- clien der Seiben. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, T. 4, 5, 8.) 408 2 Viilaerius, magister. Versus in Bonifaciiim VIII. papam et mores cleri. ( J« Eckliard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 3.) 943 13 ViiUiet, Adam. Histoire du moyen age. 3 edi- tion. Lausanne, 1857. 2 v. D. {In 7i is Esquisse d'une histoire unir. 8-4.) 940 6 MONTE VULTURE. Scacchi, A. Delia regione Tolcanica del monte Vulture, e del tremuoto ivi avvenuto 14 agosto 1851 : relazione da L. Palmieri ed A. Scacchi. Napoli, 1853. F. pi. map. 551.21 34 Vj'se, Howard. Operations carried on at the pyramids of Gizeh in 1837 : with an account of a Tovage into upper Egypt, and an appendix. London, 1840-2. 3 v. Q.' majis. 932 10 Vol. 3 is .\ppendix. containiag a survey by J. S. Per- ring of the pyramids at Abu Eoash and to tbe south- ward. W — n, S. E. Hundrade minnen fran Osterbot- ten. Stockholm, 1844-5. 3 v. O. pi. 839.78 3 AVaagreii, fxustav Friedrich. Tier den Maler Petrus Faulus Rubens, por. {In Raiiiiier, F. L. {i. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1833.) 905 1 Wace, Robert. Le roman de Brut.du 13e siecle; publie avec commentaire et notes par Le Roux de Lincy. Rouen, 1836-8. 3 v. O. facsivi. 841 38 — Le roman de Rou et des dues de Normandie, du 13e siecle ; publie avec des notes par Fre- deric PhKniet. Rouen, 1837. 3 v. O. facsiiii. 841 39 — [Le romanz de Rou et des dues de Norman- die:] Bidrag til den danske Historie af uden- landske Manuscriijtsamlinger. ved P.O. Brond- sted. Kjobenharn, 1817-18. 3 pt. in 1 v. D. 841 40 With Danish metrical translation on opposite paEes. — The story of England [translated] by Robert Manning of Brunne, 1338; edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, 1887. 3 y. Q.' (In Gt.Rr. —Master of rolls, Chron. and mem. 87.) 942 8 — Brink, B. E. ('. ten. Wace und Galfrid von Jlonniouth. (/)( .lalirlnich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 9, ISOS.) 805 1 — I)n Meril, E. I'. La yie et les ouvrages de "Wace. (Jn savic. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 — Extrait de la continuation du Brut d' Angle- terre, jiar un poete anonyme. (In Michel, F. X. Chroniciues anglo normandes, 1836-40, v. 1.) .S41 5 — Kiirtiim', (J. Ueber die Aechtheit der einzcl- non Theile des Roman du Rou. {In Jalirbnoli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) .S05 1 — Raynonard, F. J. M. Obseryations jihilolo- Kii|ues et grammaticales sur le Roman de Rou., 1.H29. O. 447 10 Appended, 28 p.. Is Supplement au notes hlsloriques Bur le lioman do Kou. par A. Le Prevost. SeeaUo Iiayiiiniiii. Uaeliler, Joliann Friedrieh Lnd wig. Paul Lud- wig Courier im Verhiiltniss zu seiner Zeit. {In Rannier, F. L. (i. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830.)— Vorbereitung und Ausbruch des Auf- standes der Griechen gegen die osnianische Pforte. (In same. 1831.) 905 1 Waclisinntli, Ernst Wilbelm Gottlieb. Auf- stiinde und Kriegeder Bauern im Mittelalter. {In same. 1834.) 905 1 — Geschichte deutscher NationalitiU. Braun- schweig, 1860-2. 3 r. O. 943 1 AVachtendorp, Casparns. Oude Hollandsche geschiedenissen: ofte, Corte rym-krouyck, van de Suntvloet tot 1.560. 's Gravenhage, 1648. sqD. il. 839.31 23 AVacIiter, Joliann Georg. Dissertatio de lingua Codicis argentei. {In Ulfllas. 1793.) 839.9 12 WACHTMEISTER, Carl Axel, grefve. Rosen- stein, >'. von. Minne af Wachtmeister. {In his Skrifter, 1838, y. 2.) S39.7S 1 Wackernagel, Karl Heinricli Willielm. Die deutsche Glasmalerei. Leipzig, 1855. D. 748 1 — editor. Altfrauzosische Lieder und Leiche : mit grammatischen und litterarhistorischen Abhandlungen. Basel, 1846. O. 841 7 Proben der deutschen Poesie seit dem Jahre 1500. Basel. 1836. O. 831 18 Waddlngton, Francis, editor, see Damont de Bostauqnet, I. A. ilemoires. 1864. 944 30 Wadstena. Diarium Wazstenense, 1344-1545. (7j( Faut, E. M. Script, rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28. v. 1.) 948 38.1 — Wadstena kloster-reglor : utgifna af Carl Ferdinand Lindstrom. Stockholm, 1845. O. facsim. (In Svenska forn.-siil.Samlingar. v. 3.) 839.7 3 See also Birgitta, SI : Katnrina, St. Wadstena kloster, historisk roman, sec Ar ■ vvedson, K. I). Waes. De weerbare mannen van het land van Waes, in 1480, 1553 en 1558. Gent, 1861. Q. {In Maetscliappy der Vlaeni. bibl. Werken. 3 ser. 6.) 839.3 4 Wafer, Lionel. A new voyage and descrijition of the isthnuis of America. London, 1699. D. /)/. map. 917.2 5 Wagenaar, Jan. Vaderlandsch historie, in- zonderheid van Holland, van de vroegste tyden af. [Anon. l-]2 druk. Amsterdam, 17.52-70. 3! v. O. ilt p. maps. 949 13 Vol. 21 is index volume ; appended is : Vaderlandsche historie verkort, en by vraagen en antwoorden voor- L'csteld. 17r.n. ^VAGKR OF BATTLE, see DUELLING. WAGER OF LAW, see LAW. WA(}i:S. see LABOR. Wagner, Adolpli Heinricli (Soltliilf. Die Ver- andcrungen der Karle von Fumpa. Berlin, 1S71. O. 40 p. i/» VirchowA- lloUzendorfl". Vnilriigi'. 6 Seric.) 043 1 WA(!M;R. CHRISTOl'H. Tolet, F. S. Des C. Wagner's Leben und Thaten. J)0r. pi. (In Sclieible, J. Has Kloster. 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 Waaner, Hermann, t'bersicht. Gotha,]S73- H3. 7 v. s(|Q. maps. {In I'etermanns Mil- flieiliingen : I'lrgiinzungsband 7,8, 9, 11. 12. 14, 15.) 910 44 WA GXER 711 WALDENSES WiiKiicr, >Ioritz, Beitnlf^e zii einer physisch- geogiMiiliisclieii SUi/.zo iles Istliinus voii Pana- ma. (Jotha, 1801. sijy. [2 + ja5p, »«(/). (lu same. 1.) J) 10 44 — Der Kaukasus unci das Land der Kosaken, 1843-6. 3Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1850. 3v.ini. D. 914.7 37 — Ri'ise naoh Persien und deni Lande iler Kuiden. Leipzig, 18.'")2. 2 v. O. )»l.>.5f) WA(i!NER,Willieliii Uiclmrd. >'ovcr,.l. Kichaid Wagner und die deutsclie Sage. Ilanilmrg, 1889. O. 43 p. (/Ji Virchow dt HollzMHlorfl'. Vortr'ilge. Neue Folge. H.) ((4;j 3 WA(»R.V3I. Varnhaa-eii tou Ense, K. A. L. V. Die Schlaclit von Deutsch-Wagraiu, 5-6 Juli 180t) : aus personliclien Denkwiirdigkeiten. (In Rauiiier, F. L. (J. yon. Hist. Tasclienbucli. 1836.) ft05 1 WAGRIEN. Petersen, J. Chronica der Lande zu Holsten, Storniarn, Ditniarschen und Wa- gern, bis in 1531. Franckfurt a. M., 1.557. Q. 943 44 WAHABIS. Biirckhaidt, J. L. Notes on tlie Bedouins and WahiU)ys. London, 1830. sqQ. a. ma}}. 915.3 3 Waliraiis, Eiiiard. Chronik, 1136-1445, mit Nachtrilgen zum 1463. (In Munich— -K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stiidte, v. 4, 1865 : Augsburg, v. 1.) 943 34 Die Waiilverwaiidtscliaften, ein Roman, see tfotlie, J. W. Vdii. V. 17. Wailly, Joseph S»el,ca//ed Xatalis, de.Memoire sur la langue de Joinville. Paris, 1868. O. 944 13 Bound as vol. 2 of his 1808 edition of .Joinville. — eiUtor & translator, see Joinrille, J. de. CEuvres. 1867, '68. 944 13, 13 yillehardoiiiii, (J. de.La conquSte de Con- stantinople ; avee continuation. 1873. 949 44 Waitz, Ueorg'. tJber die Anfilnge der Vassalli- tilt. Gottingen, 1856. sqQ. 78 p. 321 4 — Kliickhohii, A. Zur Erinnerung an Georg Waitz. Hamburg, 1887. O. 36 p. (In. Virchow it- Holtzeiulorff. V'ortrilge. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 WALAC'HIA, see RUMANIA. ^VALACHIAS LANGUAGE. Mailer, P. Gram- matica Hungarico-Valachica. Bi'.da, 1837. O. 494 8 Walberan. (In Deiitsches Heldenbuch, 1868-73. V. 1.) 831 14 Walbrau, Jolui Riehardj editor. Jlemorials of the abbev of 8t. Mary of Fountains. Durham. 1863-78. " 3 V. O. il. pi. {In Siirtces soc. 43, 67.) 820 7 WALBURG A, abbess of Heidenheim. Newman, J. H., SIA>' DIALECT. Callet, P. 31. Glos- saire vaudois. Lausanne, 1861. D. 447 6 — fTriiziiiaclier, — . Die walclensische Bibel. (Ih Jaiirbuc'll rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.)- Nach- wort liber die waldeusische Sprache. (In same. V. .5,1864.) ■ 805 1 — Salvioni, C, editor. II Nuovo Testamento valdese. — Morosi, (i. L' odierno linguaggio valdese del Piemonte. (In Avcllivio glot. ital. Y. 11, 1890.) 450 11 —Todd, J. H. Tlie books of the Vaudois ; the Waldensian mss. in the library of Trinity col- lege, Dublin ; with appendix. London, 1865. D. 284 6 WALDEVUS, seeWAlTHEOF. Waldfried, see Anerbaeh, B. Waldis, Biirkhai'd. Esopus, in Reimen gefasst. 1557. Leipzig, 1862. 2 v. D. (In Kiirz, H. Deutsche Bibliothek. 1-2.) 830 6 Waldroii, (ieor^e. The hi.storyand description of the isle of Man. [Anon.] 2 edition. London, 1745. S. il. map. 914.2 13 Waldsteiii, Charles. The balance of emotion and intellect ; an essay introductory to the study of philosophy. London, 1878. D. 109 1 With the author's autograph. WALES. Aiiiiales Cambrias ; edited by J. Will- iams ablthel. London, 1860. Q. facsim. (In (wt.Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 20.) 942 8 — Barri, (i. de.GiraUli Canibrensis Itinerarium Kambria?, et Descriptio Kambrias: edited by J. F. Dimock. London. 1868. Q. (7;; his Opera. V. 6 ; in (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls, chron. and mem. 21.) 942 8 — Brut y ty%vysogion ; or, The chronicle of the princes i, 681-1282 ; Welsh and English] ; edited by J. Williams ab Ithel. London, 1860. Q. facsim. (In same. 17.) 942 8 —Churchyard, T. The worthines of Wales [, a poem], 1587. [Manchester,] 1876. sqO. (In Spenser soc. Pub. 20.) 821 3 See also UHKXT ItUlTAIN. Roman van Walewein, st'e Peiiiiiiic <£- Vosfaert. Walferdiii, Fraii(;oIs Hippolyte. Sur les echelles thermometriques. Paris, 1855. sqQ. 20 ]). 536 3 bound u-ifh 504 2 Walhalla, ein Helden-Buch, see Felsingr, A. Walid, Trauerspiel. see Kopisch, A. Malirmforde, William. Registrum. (In St. Albans abbey. Chronica, pt. 6, v. 2, 1873 ; in tit.Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 28.) »42 8 Walker, CaiiipbelL J. Report on English and Scotch forests. | London, 1872.] F. :i6 p. 551.58 70 hound with 551.31 7 — & others. Reports on forest management in Germany, Austria, and Great Britain. London. 1873. O. 551.58 56 Supplement on forest management in France, Switzerlanil and lower Austria. [Lon- don, 1873.] (J. 4 + [l + ]49p. 2jI. 651.58 57 Walker, Francis Aniasa, compiler. Statistical atlas of the United States, based on the results of the ninth census, 1870. [New York,] 1874. F.» pi. maps. 317 3 Walker, Gilbert. A manifest detection of the most vyle and detestable use of dice play ; edited bv J. O. Halliwell. London, 18o0. D. S+4i+i p. (In Percy soc. v. 29.) 820 6 WALKER, Heury, Taylor, J, The whole life and progresse of Henry Walker, the iron- monger. 7 p. (In his Works. 1870 ; in Spen- ser soc. Pub. V. 7.) 821 3 Walker, John. Preface to Dictionary. — Princi- ples of English pronunciation. (In Johnson, S. Dictionary, 1818-19, v. 1.) 423 3 — A rhyming dictionary. New edition. Lon- don, 1836. D. 426 1 Walker, William Sidney, translator, see Feld- borg', A, A. Poems from the Danish. 1816. 839.81 1 WALLACE. Sir William. Tytler, P. F. (/» his Lives of Scottish worthies, 1831-3, v. 1.) 920 17 Wallace ; or. The life and acts of Sir William Wallace, 1820, see Henry the minstrel. Wallenfels, .August. Ueber eine neuentdeckte altfranzosische Bearbeitung des Petrus Alfon- sus. (/« Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 WALLE>.STEIS,AlbreehtWeiizesIausEusebius, Graf \ on, Herzofj ran. Friedland. Forster, F. Wallenstein als regierentler Herzog und'Lan- desherr. (In Raunier, F. L. ^i. von. Hist. Ta- schenbuch. 1834.) 905 1 — Kus:Ier, B. Wallenstein. Berlin, 1873. O. 39 p. " (In Virchow rceses. Triga dissertationum de gladio magico Gustavi Adolphi, 1738-9 in academia Upsaliensi habitorum nunc junctim editorum. Lipsiie, 1746. sqO. (7. pi. 948 53 The dissertators are Daniel Salin, Olaf Deckberg and Anders Hedent'ren. There is appended a fourth dissertation by Adam Friedricli Glafey. Wallin, Johan Olaf. Vitterhets-forsok. Stfck- holm, 1821. V. 1. O. 839.71 54 WALLOON DIALECT. Grandg:affnage, C. M. J. Dictionnaire etymologique de la laiigue wal- lonne. Liege, 1845-80. 2 v. O. 447 7 — Mcijer, J. D. Memoire sur I'origine de la difference relative a I'usage de la langue fla- mande ou wallone dans les Pavs-Bas. [Amster- dam, 1825.] sqQ. p. 435-491.' 439.3 5 — Heinaclc, J. L. Dictionnaire wallon-franc^ais. 2 edition. Lirge |184-?] 3 v. O. 447 8 Walmysley, Thomas. The expenses of the judges of assize riding the western and Ox- ford ciri'uits. 1596-1 601 ; edited from the nis. ac(-ount book by W. 1). Cooper. 1858. (7(t Cam- den misc. 4 ; in Camden soc. 73.) 820 4 Walpole, Horace, .',th earl of Orford, see Or- ford. WAZP UR G I SNA CIJ T 713 WARENS DieWalpiirgisiiiicht, ste Zscliokke, J. H. I). v,4. Walsh, Robert. Narrative of a jouriu-y from Constantinople to England. Pliiladelphia, 1828. o. an.i) 51 —A residence at Constantinople during the Greek and Turkisli revolutions. London, 1830. 3 V. O. (7. x>or. pi iiKiji. i)4!» 68 Walsingham, Sir Francis. Journal, l.")70-88 ; edited by Charles Trice Martin. 1870. (In Camden misc. 6; in Camden soc. 104.) 820 4 Walsinirham, Thomas. Gesta abbatum mona- sterii sr.Albani, 7'.W 1411. London, 1867-9. 3 v. Q. facsim. (//( St. Albans abbey. Clironica; edited by H. T. Riley. 4 ; in (it. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 38.) 942 8 — Historia Anglicana, 1373-1423. London, 1863- 4. 3 V. Q. facsim. (In same. 1.) 942 8 — Ypodigma Neustri:e. London, 1876. Q. iln same. 7.) 942 8 Waltenberger, A. Die Rhiitikon-Kette, Lech- thaler und Vorarlberger Alpen. jihijis. (In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Ergiinzungsband 9.) 910 44 Walter of Hemingford. Chronica de gestis re- gum Anglife, 1066-1300. (In Historiie Angli- canse scriptores quinque, 1687, V. 3.) 942 11.1 Walter, F. Skuld och oskuld ; bilder efter na- turen. Stockholm, 1844. S. 839.73 29 WALTHAM ABBEY. Fuller, T. The history of Waltham abbey in Essex. London, 16.5.'5. F. 23 p. pi. (/(t /(is Church history of Britain.) 274 3 WALTHEOF, St., abbot of Melrose. Newman, J. H., & others. (In their Lives of English saints, 1844-.'}, v. 8.) 922 8 WALTHEOF, St. d. 1076. Vita et passio Wal- devi coniitis.— De Juditha uxore Waldevi. — Miraeiila Sancti Waldevi. (In Michel, F. X. Chroniques anglo-normandes, 1836-40, v. 3.) 841 r, Waltlier, Cliristoph. Glossar. (In Seebiicli. 1876.) 839.1 8 Waltlier, Marx. Chronik.— Tournierbuch. (In Munich— K. baler. Akad. Aeryfis^.— Hist .Corn- mis. Chroniken der deutschen StiUlte. v. 23 : Augsburg. 1892.) 943 24 Waltlier von der Vogelweide. Gedichte. 3 Ausgabe, von Karl Lachmann. Berlin, 1843. O. 831 88 herausgegeben von Franz Pfeiflfer. Leip- zig, 1864. D. (In Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Clas- siker. 1.) 831 15 — Grimm, J. L. K. Lachmann, Walthervon der Vogelweide. (Inhis Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 6.) 408 2 Ste also indexes in v. 5. and 8. —Martin, E. Worterbuch zu den Gedichten Walthers. (In his Mittelhochdeutsche Gram- matik. 1873.) 437 24 Walton, Izaak. The compleat angler. London, 1810. sqS. il. 799 2 — Life of Herbert. — Appendix. (In Herbert, G. Remains. 1836.) 828 14 — The life of Richard Hooker. (In Hooker, R. VS^orks, 1666, p. 1-30.) 262 7 —The lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson, with some account of the author and his writings. Boston, 1833. 3 v. D. (//( YoungjA.Lib. of old Eng.prose..j-6.) 820 10 Waltram, bishoji of Manmbiirg. Liber de uni- tate ecrlcsiae conservanda ; recognovit W. Scliwcnkeiil)epylov 'Oval. (Inlirnat. sci. series. 1.) 551.43 30 WATER 715 WA VES — Willieliii) 0. Der Boden iinil das Wasser. Wieii, lyiil. O. + S7[ + 21ij. 551.57 1 WATKU Srri'LV. IJt'loe, C. H. On the con- struction ol calcli-water reservoirs in nioun- taia districts for the supply of towns. Lon- don, 1872. O. 48 p. il. pi. tab. 628 » — Calaiidrn, C. Le acque potabili della citta di Torino. Jlilano, 1877. Q. map. 628 8 — — Di una (juestione di acque in relazione alia condotta di Torino. Torino, 1880. O. .'Jl[+2] p. J)/, map. 628 8 — — Sulla fognatura e suUe acque potabili della citta di Torino. Torino, 1880. O. 628 8 — Craveri, F. Idro^rafia sotterranea della citta di Bra. Milano, 1864. O. 24 p. 2 j)?. 628 8 — Dii|toilcliel, A. Eaux de Nimes: projet de de- rivation des eaux filtrees de la plaine du Rhone. Nimes, 180.5. O. 86 [ + 1] p. map. 628 8 — Hufflies, S. A treatise on waterworks for the suppiv of (dties and towns. New edition, en- larged. London, 1872. D. 628 1 —Jacob} A. On the designingand construction of storage reservoirs. London, 1867. [l-l-]32 p. 2)?. 628 10 ^Lanciaiii, R. Topografia di Roma antica : I commentarii di Frontino intorno le acque e gli aqueilotti : silloge epigrafica aquaiia. 2*/. (In Rome— K. accild. dei liiieei. Atti. 3 ser. .srl mi^r. V. 4, 1879-80.1 065 5 Same. Roma, 1880. F. pi. 628 5 bound with 62" 4 — Pavesi, A., <& Rotoiidi, E. Studii chimico- idrologici suUe acque potabili della citta di Milano. Milano, 1S76. F. [l-l-]27 p. pi. map. 628 7 bound u-ithohl. SI 7 — Ridolfl, L. Provvista dell" acqua per Firenze. Firenze, 1871. Q. 46 p. 628 6 — Turiu — Societa aiioiiima. Di una nuova con- dotta di acqua potabile. Torino. 187.1. O. 33 p. 628 8 By V. del Carretto and C. Calandra. Sfea!xo HYDIMILIC ENGINEERIXd; SPRINGS; WELLS. WATER WORKS, xre HYDRAULIC ESGIX- EERING ; WATER SI PPLY. WATER-(iLASS. Haeii-Carstaiijeii,- de. Die Wasserglas-Gallerte, ihre Anwendung und ihrNutzen. Dusseldorff, 18.56]. D. 16p. 666 1 — Kiililmaiin, C. E. Applications des silicates alcalins solubles. Paris, 1857. O. 93 p. 666 1 — Kiirrer, W. H. von, Ueber kieselsaure Ver- bindungen und deren Verwendung. Zwickau, 1857. O. 4-1-48 p. 666 1 — Mariinart, L. C Anleitung zur Anwendung des Wasserglases. 3 Auflage. Eilenliurg, 1856. D. 16 p. 666 1 — Ortli, ({. M. Die Was^rglas-Gallerte. ihre Anwendung und ihr Nutzen. 3 Auflage. Wei- mar. 18.57. O. 45 p. 666 1 WATERSHED. Marsh, U. P. (/Ji Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In 7nain library. Waterton, (Iharies. Essays on natural history, chieflv ornithology : with an autobiographv. Sedition. London", 1839. D. i)l. 5!»8"4 Watrenian. William, translator, see Bohnie, J. Thefardleof facions. 1555. 916 3 Watson, Jean L., * Keddie, H. The song- stresses of Si-otland : bv Sarah Tvtler [pseud.] and J. L. Watson. London, 1871. 2 v. O. «28 2 For contents i/'-fi Keililie. Watson, TlioMias. Poems. London, 1870. S. (//i Arher, E. English reprints. 21.) 820 9 Conlents: Tlie etaTonn-aWn, 158a.— Melibceus. 1.590— An eeloKue upon Walsinghiim. LWO.— The tearcs of fancy, 1593. — Tlje 'EKaroixTTaOla ; or. Passionate centurie of love ; reprinted from the original of (circa) 1581. [Manchester,] 1809. s(iO. (In Spenser soc. Pub. 6.) 821 3 Watson, Winslow (lossonl. Forests, their in- fluence, uses and re|)roduction. [Albanv,1865.] O. 16 p. 551.58 48 Wattenbach. Algier. Berlin. 1867. O. 44 p. (In Virehow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie. ) 0-1.3 1 Neue Folge, 4 Serie, 1890, edited by Vircbow and Wattenbach. — Anleitung zur griechischen Palaeographie. Leipzig, 1867. sqQ, & Atlas of 12 facsim. F. M pages of the text a,re in facsimile. — Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen ini Mittel- alter, bis zur Mitte des 13ten .Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 18,58. O. J»43 3 For continuation, >^ee Lorenz, O. — ijreschichte des romischen Papstthums: Vor- triige. Berlin-, 1876, O. 282 27.1 —Das Schriftwesen ira Mittelalter. Leipzig, 1871. O. 651 1 Wattenwyl de Watteville, Emanuel Moriz von. Zwei Jahre in Algerian. Bern, 1877. sqS. 916.5 6 Watterich, — . Der deutsche Name Gertnanen und die ethnographische Frage vom linken Rheinufer ; eine historische Untersuchung. Paderborn, 1870. O. map. 9-13 2 Watterston, George. A new guide to Wash- ington. Washington, 1842. S. pi. 917.5 3 Watts, William, editor, see Paris, M. Historia major. 1640. 942 13 Wani-in, Jehan de, .see Wavrin. AVaverley abbey. Annales de Waverleia, A. D. 1391. faesim. (In Lnard, H. R. Annales monastici, 1864-9, v. 2 : in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 —Annales Waverleienses. (In Historiie Angli- can;e scriptores quinque, 1687, v. 3.) 942 11.1 W.AVES. Cialdi, A. Dei movimenti del mare sntto I'aspetto idraulico nei porti e nelle rive. Milano, 1876. F. pi. 627 21 bound u-ith 16 EfTetti del moto ondoso allegati dal JIaurv. Roma, 1872. O. 19 p. 551.46 7 — — Sul moto ondoso del mare e su le correnti di esso specialmente su quelle littorali 2 edi- zione. Roma. 1866. Q. maps. 551.46 6 — Merrilleld, C. W. Giudizio intorno all" ojiera del Cialdi Sul moto ondoso del mare. Roma, 1873. O. 18 p. .551.46 7 — Sohncke, L. A. Ueber Wellenbewegung. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. il. (/« VirchoiT <£• Holtzendorff. Vortiage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 See also OCEAX. WA VRIN 716 WEGENER Wavriii, Jeliau de, seujneur du Forestel. Re- cueil des croniques et anohiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, a present nomine Engletene; edited by William Hardy ; from Albina to 688, [1399-144T]. London, 1864-84. 4 v. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls.Chron.and mem.39.) 942 8 V(j1. 4 has EJward L. C. P. Hardy as joint editor. — English: A collection of the chronicles and ancient histories of Great Britain, now called England : translated by William Hardy ; from Albina to 688. London, 1864. Q. (In same. 40.) 942 6 Way, Albert, editor, see Geoffrey. Promptoriuni parvulorum. 1843-65. (In Camden soc. 25, 54, 89.) 820 4 Way, Grea'ory Lewis, translator, see Le Grand d'.Viissy, P. J. P. Fabliaux. 1815. 841 4 Waylaml, Heniau Lincoln, editor, see Miiller, U, Life of trust ; witli an introduction by Frauci.s Way land. 1861. 923 72 WAYX'E, Antliony. Armstrong, J. Life of Wavne. facsini. (In Sparlcs, J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 4.) . 920 15 Weale, John, editor. London exhibited in 1851. London [,1851J. D. il. pi. iltp. 914.2 12 Map wanting:. WEAPOXS,«ec METALS; MILITARY SCIEXCE. Wearmontli, see Mouli-Wearniontli. WEATHER, see METEOROLOGY. Webb, John, editor, see the following publica- tions of the Camden society : 820 4, 4.1 6W, 62. SninlleUI, K. de. A roll of houseliold expenses. I8.")4-5. n. s. 7. liof, — . Military memoir of J. Birch. 1873. Webb, Tlionias Hopliiiis. Account of an ancient structure in Newport, R. I. pi. (In Copen- hauen— K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Menioires. v. 1, ls3(;-9.) — Account of discovery of anti MiirKlt, G. P. Notes, etc. — On the origin of language. London, 1866. S. 401 10 Wedl, Carl, & Miillerj F. Beitriige zur Anato- mie des zweibuckeligen Kameels, Camelus Bactrianus. Wien, 18.53. F.^ [H-]24p. pi. 599 4 bound vith 399 4 Weert, Jan de. Die niwe doctrinael : of, .Spie- gel der sonden. (In Blommaert, J, P. M. Oud- vlaemschegedichten, 1838-51, V. 3.) 839.31 3 Wecrener, Caspar FrederiU. Mindeskrift over Kong Frederik VII. ( In Copenliagen — K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Aarboger. v. 1, l,s66.) 948 5 — Oiu Udgravningen af Asserbos og Soborgs Ruiner under Kongens Ledelse, 1849-50. pi. miijis. (/h ,sY(»ie. Annaler. v. 11,1851.) — Tiling. il. (In .lamc. V. 13, 1853.)— Ilistoriske Efter- WEGENER 717 WELLS retniiiger om Abralianistrup Gaard i den a-Iilre og nyere Tid. map. (In same. v. 15-16, 1855- 6.) 5)48 2 — Ueber die unzertrennliche Veibinduiig Schleswigs mit Daeneniark in staatsrechtli- cher Beziehung. Copenhagen, 1848. O. 943 47 — En Vandiing gjennem Jiiegerspriis's Have og Lund. Kjobenhavn, 1858. O. [4-(-]4()p. it. maj). 914.8 4H Taken from his Historiske Efteri'etninger om Abra- hanistrup. — Vestiges d' Asserbo et de Sdborg, decouverts par Frederic VII, roi de Danemark. Copen- hague, 1855. O. pi. maps. 913 61.1 Wegener, AVillieliii, translator, see Nibelnngen- lied. 1871. 831 65 Weger, Heiuricli. DerGrapliitund .seine wlch- tigsten Anwendungen. Berlin, 1872. O, 40 p. {In Virchow d- Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Weg-ivijzer ter deugden, see Knil, J. H. Weibertratz, see Fischiirt, J. Die weibliclieu Stufenjalire, see Zscliokke, J. H. I>. V. 3. Weiclimiinn, Christinii Friedricli, editor. Poe- sie der Nieder-.Sachsen. Hamburg, 1725-38. 6 V. D. pi. S31 U» Vol. 4-0 edited by J. P. Kohl. Weideiifeld, Joliaiiii Segerus. Four books con- cerning tlie secrets of tlie adepts, or of tlie use of Lully's spirit of wine ; a practical work. London, 1685. sqO. 540 3 Fi'om the library of Robert Boyle. Weier, Johannes, see Wler, J. AVeigaiid, Friediicli Liidwig Karl. Deutsches Worterbucli : 3 uingearbeitete Auflage von Friedrich Schmitthenners kurzem deutschen Worterbuche. Giessen, 1857-60. 2 v. O. 433 8.1 .**■ «/so firiiiini, . I. li. K. lO W. K. Deutsches WBrter- buoh. Fnicht to Fysten, compiled by Weigand. Weigelt, G. Die uordfriesische Inseln vormals und jetzt. Hamburg, 1858. D. vuqjs. 914.3 13 — Same 2 Auflage. Hamburg, 1873. D. majis. 914.3 14 WEIGHTS & MEASURES. Alexander. J. H. Universal dictionary of weights and measures, ancient and modern. New York, 1867. O. 389 8 — Berclitold, J. A. Das Maasensystem der Na- tur und die daraus entwickelten Verhilltnisse zvvischen Zeit und Raum. Berlin, 1865. O. 389 5 — Bessell, F. Ueber Zahl und Maass. Berlin, 1882. O. 36 p. (7»Virch0TV d- Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — («aiiinrriiii, F. Antica bilancia venuta dal Veronese. Roma. 1869. O. 12p. jj/. 389 5 — Great Britain— House of Commons. Report from the select committee on weights and measures; with proceedings, minutes of evi- dence, appendix and index. [London.] 1862. F. 389 2 — Herseliel, J. F. W. Celestial weighings and measurings. — The yard, the pendulum and the metre. (In his Popular lectures. 1867.) 504 6 — Hnltsch, F. Griechisclieund romischeMetro- logie. Berlin, 1802. O. 389 4 — Karsten, G. Maass und Gewicht inalteii und neuen .Systemen. Berlin, 1871. O. 30 p. {//< Vir- cliow (fcHoltzendorff. Vortriige. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Leech, T. Dozens versus tens; or, Tlie ounce, the inch and tlie penny considered as standards of weight, measure and iiiuney, and with ref- erence to a duodecimal notation. Lon 4 l>eisniann, Angnst. Ueber das Wandern der Vogel. Berlin, 1878. O. 43 p. (/« Virchow d Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 13 Serie.) 043 1 Weiss, Jolianii Baptist. Handatlas der griechi- schen und romischen Siiulen-Ordnungen. 2 Ausgabe. Esslingen [,1842]. sqO. [i+] 24 p. 722 2 Welander, P. 0. Norskt- (och danskt-) svenskt haiidlexikon ; genomsedt och utgivet af C. A. Guldberg. Christiania, 1844. sqS. 439.73 6 — Svensk-dansk-norsk Lommeordbog; udgiven af Svante Strohm. Kjobenhavn, 1846 sqT. 439 73 5 Welden, Lndwig, Freiherr von. Der jfonte- Rosa : eine topograiphische und naturhistori- sche Skizze. Wien, 1824. O. j)/. tab. map. '>'ii-i'i 46 neihaven, .Johau Sebastian Cammermejer. Samlede Skrifter. Kj0benhavn, 1867-8. "s v. in 4. D. 2)or. 838.84 2 — Digte. Christiania, 1839. D. 839.81 54 —Nyere Digte. Christiania. 1845. O. 839.81 55 Wells, William Cliarles. Two ess&ys : upon single vision with two eyes ; upon dew : a letter to Lord Kenyoii : and an account of a female whose skin resembles that of a negro ; with memoir, by himself. London, 1818. O. ' 535 4 y\ ELLS. Calandra, C. Delia estrazione delle acque sotterranee per mezzo di tubi verticali : confronto fra i sistemi Norton e Calandra ' [Torino. 1868.] O. 4 p. j)?. 628 8 WELLS 718 WERLA UFF — — Documenti coniprovanti il costante buon esito dei lavori di estrazioiie di acque sotter- ranee eseguiti col sistema inventato dall'... Calandra. Torino, 1870. O. 20 p. (i28 8 ^ — Sui pozzi e fontane inodeiiesi. Modena, 1874. O. 19 p. 628 8 — English, J. J. Artesian wells and irrigation. (In Victorian review, v. 3, 1881,p. r).iO-6.) 628 8 ^Leuormaiit, C. Note relative a I'execution d'liu puits artesien en Egypte sous la 18e dvna- stie. [Paris, 1852. J sqCj! 16 p. 628 6 —Marsh, G. P. AVell. (In Johnson's cyclo- pasdia.) /)( main lihrarij. — Spon, E. Water supply ; the present practice of sinking and boring wells, London, 1865. D. «7.p7. 628 3 — VioUet, J. B. Theorie des puits artesiens. Paris, 1840. O. pi. 628 4 bound u-ith 627 7 Wellsted, James Raymond. Reisen in Arabien: deutsche Bearbeitung. mit Annierkungen und eineni E.xcurs iiber him jaritische Inschriften. von E. Rodiger. Halle, 1843. 3 v. O. (7. facsim. maps. 915.3 13 — Travels to the city of the caliphs, along the shores of the Persian gulf and the Mediterra- nean; including a tour on the islandof .Socotra. London, 1840. 3 v. O. pi. map. 915.3 12 Welser, Marx. Chronica der Statt Augspurg ; aus Welsers acht Biichern in lateinischer 8praachgezogen und in unserteutschenSpraach in Truck verfertigt durcli Engelbertuni Wer- lichinm. Franckfurt a. M., 1595. F. il. map. 943 38 In three parts ; pt. a is translated from tlie Latin of A. P. Gasser : appended is : Antiqua mouumenta, durcb Welsern. WELSH LANGUAtfE. Salesbnry, W. A playne and familiar introductio, teaching how to pro- nounce the British tongue, called Welshe. 1567. (/), Ellis, A. J. On early English pro- nunciation, 1869-74, V. 3 : in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 14.) 820 5.1 — Spurrell, Vf. A dictionary of the Welsli lan- guage, with English explanations. 3 edition. Carmarthen, 1866. S. 491.6 3 An English- Welsh pronouncing diction- ary. 3 argrafKad. Caerfyrddin, 1872. S. 491.6 3 WELSH LITERATUKE. Turner, S. A vindi- cation of the genuineness of the ancient Brit- ish poems of Aneurin,Taliesin, Llywarch Hen, and Merdhin, with specimens. (In his History of the Anglo-Saxons, 1841, v. 3.) 942 1 See also Itrut y tyw.vsofiion. Weltspleffcl, see Geiler von Kaisersber;;', J. Wendover, Rojjer of. Liber (jui dietus Flores historiarum, all 1154 |-1235]: edited by Henry G.Hewlett. London, 1886-9, 3 v. Q. (Iniit. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 84.) 942 8 See (tlso riiris, M. Clironica niajora. Wendrockius, Gulielmus, pseudonym of Ni- cole, 1'. WENDS. Brock. I*. Fornieentlige Vednesbyrd cm vendiske Inrlf.ild i Daninark. (/)! Copen- haffon— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. -Varbiiger. v. 6, l^Tl.) <»48 5 — Frenzel, A. Etymologica Vandalica & Sla- vica Jlegapolitana. iln Westphaleu, E. J. von. Monuinenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 31 — Marschnlk, X. Annalium Herulorumac Van- daloruni libri 7. — Teutsche Uebersetzung. — Commentariolus. — S. Bacmeistericoutiuuatio. — J. Bacmeisteri auimadversiones. (In same. V. 1.) 943 31 — Micraelius, J. Observationes ad Hehnoldi Chronicon Slavorum. 1657. (In same. \. 3.) 943 31 —Petersen, N. M. De Danskes Toge til Ven- den. map. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 1-3, 1836-9.) 948 3 — — German : Die Ziige der Danen nach Wen- den, eine historische Darstellung : iibersetzt von C. Dirckinck-Holmfeld. jwojj. (7« same. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 — Simonius, J. Vandalia, 1598. (In Westpha- lenjE. J. von, Jlonuiuenta, 1739-45, v. l.)943 21 ■See also VAXDALS. Wendt, Hans Heiurich. Ueber das sittlich Er- laulHe.' Berlin, 1880. O. 33 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. 15 Serie.) 043 1 AVendt, Hermann. Sinneswahrnehmungen und SinnestiUischungen. Berlin, 1872. O. 33 p. (In same. 7 Serie. J 043 1 Weniger, Liidwig'. Das alexandjinische Muse- um ; eine Skizze aus dem gelehrten Leben des Alterthunis. Berlin, 1875. O. 33 p. (In same. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Der Gottesdienst in Olympia. Berlin, 1SS4. O. 35 p. (In same. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Wenziff, Josef, <& Krejci, J. Der Bohmerwald: mit eineni Vorworte von Carl Ritter. Prag, 1860. O. il. 551.58 78 WERBURGE, St. Bradshaw, H. The life of Saint Werburge of Chester, 1513 : re-edited by C. Horstmann. London, 1887. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 88.) 820 5 Werdenhagren, Johanu Ani^elins. De rel)uspu- licis Hanseaticis tractatus. Lugduui Batovo- rum, J. Maire, 1631. 3 v. in 4. Tt. 094 33 Pt. 3 ends with p. 1300. Wergeland, Heiirik Arnold Thanlow. Ud- valgte Skrifter udgivne af H. Lassen. 3 for- ogede Udgave. Kjobenhavn,1871.0. 839.8156 — Welhaven, J. S. C. H. Wergelands Digte- kunst og Poleniik.— Kommentar til nogle Ar- tikler otu Wergeland. (In his Skrifter, 1807-8, ^■- '•) 838.84 3 Werl, Olaf.Index lingute veteris Scvtho-Scan- dic;t sive Gothicas ; opera Olai " Rudbecki editus. Upsalc-p, 1691. F. To the Index is appended Caroli Lundii Nolae. — Manductio ad runographiam Scandicam [; Latin & Swedish], Upsalte, 1675. il. The two works are bound with v. 1 of 8!ltt.08 13.1 —editor & translator, see Hervarai- saga. 1673. 948 38.1 Werlanfl', Erik Christian. Bidrag til den nor- diske Kuvhandels llistorie. ICopcnhaeen 183-?] sqO. 3<,i 4 I'Tum K. danske Vidonskab. Selskaljs I'hil. oc hist Af- liaiidl., 5 IJeel. WERLA UFF ri9 WESTER3IANN — Enkelte Berorelser luellem Danniark og Portugal i Miikielakleren. {In, Copeiihasreii — K. nord. Uld.-Selskab. Anti(iuarisk Tidssliiift. V. 4, 18r)a-4.) 948 4 — Historiske Antegnelser til L. Hoibergs Lyst- spil. Kjol)eiihavn, 1838. v. 1. O. 839.82 18 No more published. — Historiske Efterretninger om det store kon- gelige Bibliothek i Kjabenhavn. Kjobenhavn, 182.5. O. 027 5 ^Ole Worms Fortjenester af det nordiske Oldstudiuni. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1832.)— Ru- nestenen i Eegaae. il. (In same. v. 2, 1833.) ^Blografiske F^fterretninger oni Arne Mag- nusen, ved Jon Olafsen : med Indledning, An- mairkninger og Tillajg af Werlautf . (In same. V. 3, 1836.1 948 1.2 — gamle Nordboers Bekjendtskab med den pyreuLuiske Halvoe. (In same. Annaler. v. 1, 1836-7.) — Grsendsebestemmelse mellem Norge og Sverrig i det 13de Aarhundrede. (In same. V. 5, 1844-.").) — Hans Grams Afhandling om det 1734 fiindne Guldliorn ; med Indledning og Bemitrkninger. — Propiedeutisk Veiledning til Studium af de nordiske Oldsager, red J. Olaf- sen, 17.52: oversat, med Foretale og Anma^rk- ninger. (In same. v. 13, 18.53.) 948 2 — & Ontzen, S. Preissschriften die diinische Sprache ini Herzogthuni Schlesswig betieffend. Kopenhagen, 1819. O. 439.87 6 — annotator, see Holberg, L. Niels Klims Reise. 1841. 839.87 3 — continuer, see Laugebek, J., editor. Scriptores rerum Danicarum, 1772-1834, v. 8. 948 76 — edt7or. Symbolas ad geographiam mediisevi ex monumentis Islandicis... Hauniii-, 1821. sqO. ri+]62p. facsim. 839.68 26 Sturluson, S. Heimskringla, 1777-1826, v. 4-6. 839.63 14 Vatusdajla saga. 1812. 839.63 68 translator, see Anecdoton historiam Sver- reri illustrans. 1815. 948 31 Werllcliius, Eng:elbert, translator, see Welser, 31. Clironiea der Statt Augspurg. 1.595. 943 38 Wfti'iie, Ferdinand. African wandei ings ; with a particular glance at the races of Bellad Su- dan ; translated from the German by. J. R. Johnston. London, 1852. D. majj. 916.2 29 bound with 23 WERSEB, Friedricli Ludwig Zacliarias. Car- lyle, T. Life and writing of Werner. (In his Essays, 1860, v.l.) ,824 8 Werner, Karl. Die Kosmologie und Naturlehre des scholastischen Mittelalters, mit specieller Beziehung auf Wilhelm von Conches. Wien, 1874. O. [2-H]95p. 113 1 Wernlier l. 943 37 WESTERN UNITED STATES. Atwater, C. Remarks made ou a tour to Prairie du Cliien, thence to Washington city, 1829. Cohimbus. O.. 18:31. S. 91<-< 3 Bowles, S. Across the continent ; a sum- mer's journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons and the Pacific states, witli Speaker Colfax. Springfield Mass., 1866. D. imip. 917.9 1 Lanmaii, C. A summer in the wilderness ; embracing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. New York. 1847. £) 917.7 2 JIarcy, R. 15. Thirty rears of army life on tlieliorder... London. 1866. O. il. p\. 917.8 2 WESTERWALD DIALECT. Schmidt, K. C. L. Westerw'iildisches Idiotikon. Hadamar, 1800. D. *37 11 M'esthiift', Dietrich. Chronik, 750-15.50. {In 3Imiich— K. baier. Akad. der Wiss.— H/.sf. Com))! is. Die Chroniken der deutschen Stildte. V. 20, 1887: Dortmund.) 943 24 Westmorelaiul and Cumberland dialects ; di- alogues, poems, songs and ballads : witli a glossary. London, 1839. O. S29 1 Weston, Stephen. Persian recreations ; or, New tales, with notes, and curious details of two ambassadors to James L and George III. New edition. London, 1812. D. por. 491.5 8 W'est-iistliclier Divan, see Gothe, J.W.von. v. 5. Westphal, Georg, editor. Diplomatarium Mecklenburgicum miscellum, 1171-1710. por. — Selecta literaria ex epistolis quas servat archivum ducale Sverinense. (In \Vesf plialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, r. 4.) 943 21 Westphal, .lohanu Heinrich. Analyse der Karte, Contorni di Roma moderna,zu [his] Romischer Kampagne. Berlin, 1829. sqQ. 12 p. 914.5 86 Westphalen, Ernst Joachim Ton, editor. Di- plomatarium Doberanense 1-2, 1190-1376 ; ar- giimentis & notulis instructum. p/. (In hi.i Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Momimenta inedita rerum Germanica- rum, priecipue Cimbriearum et Megapolen- sium. Lipsi:e, 1739-45. 4 v. F.^ 943 21 Westward for smelts, see Kinde Kit of Kini/.iton. Die Wette, Lustspiel, .see G< Westmoreland and Cum- berland dialects. 1839.) 829 1 Wheeler. W. H. History of the fens of south Lincolnshire. Boston [, England], 1808. D. ;)/. maji. 627 41 Wheler, Nf'r George. Voyage de Dalmatie, de Grecu et du Levant : traduit de I'anglois. La Haye, 1723. 2 v, D. pi. iltp. 914.9 26 WfIETIIA3fS TEBE 721 WIDMANN WHETIIAMSTEDK, Joliii. Riley, ». T., editor. Hegistra quiirund:i]]i ablKiUiiii iiwnastcrii S. Albani i|ui seeculo 15 lloruine. Liindon, 1873-3. 3 V. Q. (In St. Albans abbey. Chronica. 6 ; in (it. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 38.) 942 8 Vol. 2 contains letters of Whetbanistetle. Wlietstone, tJeorgre. A reincmbrance of the life and end of George Gaskoigne, 1577. ' {In (liascoigne, (w. Oertayue notes. 1808 ; JM Arber, E. English reprints.) 820 9 Wliewell, William. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology. Philadelphia, 1833. D. {In Bridge- water treatises, 3.) 213 5 — On the influence of the history of science upon intellectual education. {In Yoiiiiiaiis, E. \,. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 3 Whipple, Edwin Percy. Essays and reviews. New York, 1848-9. 3 v. D. 814 16 Whistlecraft, William cfc Robert, jisewdoji^ju of Frere, J. H. Wliitby, England. Cartularium abbathise de Whiteby ordinis S. Benedict! fundatse 1078. Durham, 1879-81. 3 v. O. {In Surtees soc. 69, 73.) 820 7 White, Andrew Diclfson. The warfare of sci- ence ; with prefatory note by Prof. Tvndall. London, 1876. D. " 215 5 White, John Talliourdin, * Riddle, J. E. A Latin English dictionarv. Sedition. London, 1869. 3 V. Q. ■ 473 5 On the basis of Andrews's Freund. White, Joseph, annotator, see Tiniur. Insti- tutes. 1783. 954 8 White, Richard Grant. Every-day English ; a sequel to "Words and their uses." London, 1880. D. 428 8 —Words and their uses, past and present ; a study of the English language. 3 edition, re- vised. Boston, 1881 [c'70J. 428 7 For criticisms, .^e*^ Hnll. F. White, Robert Meadows, editor, see Orniin. TheOrmulum. 18.53. 821 87 Wliitelocke, Sir James. Liber famelicus, edited liy .John Bruce. [London,] 1858. sqO. {In Camden SOC. 70.) 820 4 Whitney, James Dwight. Plain, prairie and forest. {In American naturalist, v. 10, 1876.) 551,58 13s Whitney, William Dwlglit. A compendiou, German grammar. 3 edition. New York [C1870]. D. 435 13 — Essentials of English grammar. London, 1877. D. 425 37 — Language aud its study ; edited by R. Mor- ris. London, 1876. D. 401 11 — Language and the sudy of language. Lon- don, 1867. D. 401 13 — The life and growth of language. London, 1875. D. (Internat. sci. series. 16.) 401 13 — & Edgren, A. H. A compendious German and English dictionary, with notation of cor- respondence and brief etymologies. London, 1877. 3 V. in 1. D. 433 11 Whittier, John (Jreenleaf, Poetical works. Boston, 1804. 3 V. T. 2>or. 81135 — In war time, aud other poems. Boston, 1864. D. 811 26 — Snow-bound, a winter idyl. Boston, 1886. D. 51 p. par. il. 811 27 — The tent on the beach, and other poems, Boston, 1867. D. il. 811 28 WHITTIXGHAM, William, dean of Durham. Life of Whittingham ; with appendi.x : edited by Mary Anne Ever<'tt Green. 1870. {In Cam- den misc. 6 : in Camden soc. 104.) 820 4 Wiarda, Tilemaiin Dothias, editor & transla- tor, .see Frieslaiid. Asega-Buch. 1805. 349 61 Wiborg, Karsten Friis. Udgravningeraf lloje paa Langeland. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 3, 1840-1.)— Om Do- betonten i Baarse Kirke, dens latinsk-gotiske Indskrift og saeregne Runealphabet. jjl. — Nogle historiske Notitser ... i Sj;elland. {In same, v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 Wickrani, JiJrar. Rollwagenbiichlein ; mit Er- liUiterungen. Leipzig, 1865. D. (/« Kurz, H. Deutsi-he Bibliothek. 7.) 830 6 Wiclif, John. English works hitherto unprinted; edited by F. D. Matthew. London, 1880. O. facsim. {In E. E. text Soc. Orig. ser. 74.) S20 5 — An apology for Lollard doctrines ; with in- troduction and notes by James Henthorn Todd. London. 1842. sqO. (/n Camden soc. 30.) 820 4 — Tractatus de oflicio pastorali ; e codice Vin- dobonensi primum edidit Gotthardus Victor Lechler. Lipsife, 1863. Q. [l-f]48p. 262 16 — Uvicklieffes Wicket. FaythfuUy ouerseene and corrected after the originaH copie... Here vnto is added an Epistle to the reader. With the protestacion of Jhon Lassels, and the Testa- ment of Wyllyam Tracie, e.xpounded by AVill- vam Tyndall and Jhon Frythe. n. p. [, 1548.1 T. [64] p. 099 3 "Onerseene by M.C." Blacli-letter. "Five hundred per- sons were accused and convicted of reading this Ijook." — translator, see Bible — English. 220 7 Bible— A'. T.— English. 225 3 —Lewis, J. The history of the life and .suffer- ings of Wicliffe. Loudon, 1730. O. 922 53 — Marsh, tJ. P. Wycliffe and his school. {In his Origin and history of the English language. 1863.) 080 31 —Shirley, W'. W. A catalogue of the original works of John Wyclif. Oxford, 1865. O. 012 1 — Storrs, R. S.,jr. John Wycliffe and the first English Bible : an oration. New York. 1880. O. 85 p. 220 6 bound icith 200 1 — Vaughan, R. The life and opinions of J. de Wycliffe. London, 1838. 2 v. O. imr. 922 53 — Walden, T. N. of. Fasciculi zizaniorum Johannis Wyclif, cum tritico; edited by W. W. Shirley. London, 1858. Q. facsim. ' {In Gf. Br. — Master of roUs. Chron. and mem. 5.) 942 8 Containing among other editorial matter: Life of Wyclif, Note on the two .John Wyclifs. and a bibliogra- phy of printed worlis by and on Wyclif. Widmann, Leonhart. Chronik von Regens- burg, 1511-55. (In Mnnicli— K. baier. .ikad. Chroniken der deutscheu StUdte, v. 15, 1878.) 943 24 WIDMARK 722 WILKINSON Widmark, P. F., & others. Engelsk-Svensk ordbok, see Nilssou, L. «. 439.73 3.1 Wldo, see Gui. Widter, iieorg, & others. Volksmiirchen aus Venetien. {In Jahrbiicli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Widukind, see Wlttekind. ^yie Anne Bilbi Jowiiger haushaltet, see Bitzi- us, A. V. 21-2. Wie das Volk spricht, see Hofer, E. Wie fiint' M'adchen ini Brarmtwein umkommen, see Bitziiis, A. v. 12. AVle was de verdrukte ? blijspel, see Lenuep, J. vail. Poet, werken, 11. Der wiederkehrende griechische Kaiser, see Tieck, J. L. Novelleu, 4,— Schriften, 22. Wiegaiid, >Villielui. Die wissenscliaftliche Be- deutung der platonisehen Liebe. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. (In Vlicliow & Holtzeiidorff. Vor- trage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Wielaiid, Christopli Martin. Musarion ; oder, Die Philosophie der Grazien ; ein Gedicht. Leipzig. 1769. S. il. 831 90 — Oberon ; ein romantisches Heldengedicht. Reutlingen, 1822-3. 2 v. in 1. D. 831 91 — Biittiger, K. W. Wieland nach seinem eige- nen Ausseruugen. (In Rauiiier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Tasclienbuch. 1839.) 905 1 — Gothe, J. W. von. Zu Andenken Wielands. 1813. [In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 32.)— Gotter, Helden und Wieland. 1774. (In same. v. 33.) 832 1 Wielant, Philips. Practijoke criminele ; uitge- geven door Aug. Orts. Gent, 1872. Q. (/>i Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 15.) 839.3 4 Wiener, Ludwlg Cliristian. Die ersten Siitze der Erkenntniss, insbesondere das Gesetz der UrsSchliclikeit und die Wirklichkeit der Aus- senwelt. Berlin, 1874. O. 28 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 9 Serie.) 043 1 Wier, Jan. De lamiis ; das ist, Von Teuffels- gespenst.Zauberern und Giff tbereytern kurtzer Berioht ; sanipt eineni Tractiitlein von deni falschen Fasten ; lateinisch beschrieben; in unsere deutsche Sprach gebraclit durch Henri- cura Petrum Rebenstock. Franckfort a M. , 1.586. F. 133 1 Wierstraat, Christianns. Histori des beleegs van Nuis. {In Mniiicli — K. baier. Akad. der Wiss. — Hist. Coiumis. Die Cbroniken der deutschen Stildte. v. 20, 1887.) 943 24 Wiese, Bcrtold, editor, see Ginstiniani, L. Poe.sie. 1883. {In Sceltadi curiositii.l93.).S50 10 Wietersheini, Karl Angnst Willielni Ednard von. Der Feldzug de.s Germanicus an der Weser in Jabre 16. {In Leipsic — K. sitcbs. Gesell. Abbandl. pliil.-hist. v. 1, 1850.) 737 1 — Geschiclite der Viilkorwanderung. Leipzig, 18.59-64. 4 v. in 2. O. pi. maps. 572 11 — [Various articles.] (In Leipsic — K. siichs. GeseU. Bericbte, 1846-53.) 0(i3 1,3 Wigniunr. {!h llageii, F. H, vender. Deutsche Gedichte. 1808.) 831 5 Wigan, Arthnr Ladbroke. A new view of in- sanity ; or. The duality of the mind proved by the structure, functions and diseases of the brain. London, 1844. O. 132 1 Wigand, Otto, editor. Der deutsche Fabel- schatz. Leipzig [,1847]. D. 84 p. il. (In Volksbiiclier. 38.) 833 22 Wiggins, Jolin. The practice of embanking land from the sea. London, 1852. D. 627 40 WiggiesAvortli, Edward. Encyclopiedia Ameri- cana, 1830-33, see Lieber, F., & others. 031 1 Wigolais vom Rade. Leipzig [,1841]. D. 72 p. it. (In Volksblicher. 18.) 833 22 Wigrani, Woolmore. Change-ringing disen- tangled. 2 edition. London, 1880. D. 789 4 AVikes, Thomas. Chronicon Salisburiensis monasterii, 1066-1304. (In Historiie Anglicanie scriptores quinque, 1687, v. 2.) 942 11.1 Wild, Albert. Die Niederlande ; ihre Vergang- enbeit und Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1862. 2 v. in 1. O. 949 13 The wild duck, see Ibsen, H. Wilde, William Robert. Narrative of a voyage to Madeira, Teneriflfe, and all along the Medi- terranean. 2 edition, enlarged. Dublin, 1844. O. il. map. 910 39 WILFRID, St., bishop of York. Newman, J.H., & otiiers. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, V. 7.) 922 8 AVillielm, see Villiebu. Wilhelm, Gustav. Der Boden und das Washer. Wien, 1861. O. 64-87 [+2] p. 551.57 1 AVillielm Meisters Lehrjahre, — Wanderjahre, see GiJthe, J. W. von. v. 18-23. AVilken, Friedrich. Ueber die Parteien der Rennbahn, vornehnilich im byzantinischen Kaisertbum. {I>i Rannier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbueh. 1830.)— Audrouikus Koninenus. (/)( same. 1831.) 905 1 Wilkes. George. Shakespeare, from an Ameri- can point of view. London, 1877. O. 822 20 Wilkin, Simon, editor, see Browne, Sir T. Works. 1835-6. 828 6 Wilkina Saga, see Dietrich of Bern. Wilklns, John, hi.9hop of Chester. Mathemati- cal magic ; or, The wonders [of] mechanical geometry. 4 edition. London, 1691. S. il. por. 621 2 Wilkins, AVllIiam Xoy. Visual art; or. Nature through the healthy eye. [London,] 1879. O. 707 1 Wilkinson, James .Tohn Garth. Emanuel Swe- denborg ; a biography. London, 1849. O. 922 49 Wilkinson^ Sir John (Jardner. Hand-book for travellers in Egypt; l>eing a new edition, con- densed, of " Jlodern Egypt and Thelies." Lon- don, ■/. Murray, 1847. D. il. maps. 916.2 19 — The manners and customs of the ancient Egy])tians. 3 edition. London, 1847. 6 v. O. (7.;./. 932 11 Wilkinson, William Cleaver. The dance of modern society. New York, 1870. S. 175 1 WILL 723 WILLIAMSON WILL. Henianl, St. Del libero ailiitrio ; editi) da U. A. Aniicu. Bologna, 1806. D. (/ji Sccltll di curiosita. 65.) 850 10 See aim I'SYCilOUMJY ; SKXSKS ; SI'IXK. WiJle, Hans Jacob. Beskrivelse over Sillejords Pnestegifld i 0\ re-Tellemaiken i Noige. Ki0- benhavn, 1780. D. map. itU.S 34 Willeliad, S'i. , 6^'.s•/^o/) of Bremen. Aiiscliairc, St. Vita S. Willehadi.— Leg-eiula de .S. Wille- hado, lingua Saxonica ini'crioii. (//( Lang'cbek, J. Script, reruni Dan., 1773-ls;M, v. 1.) !»48 7(i Willeui Leevend, .see Wolf, E. B., & Oekeii, A. Willem van Hiklegaersbercli. Gedichten ; uit- gegeven door W. Bisscop en E. Verwijs. 's Gravenhage, 1870. Q. 839.31 la Willems, Jan Fraiis, editor. Elnonensia : Mo- numents de la langue romaine et de la langue tudesque du 9e siecle ; avec introduction et remariiues. 2 edition. Gand, 1845. Q. 67 p. facsim. 437 15 Heelii,J.vaii. Rymkronyk. 1836. 839.31 11 Klerk, J. de. De Brabantsche yeesten. 1839-69. 839.31 8 Reynard the fox. 1834,1836. 837 9,10 — translator, see Reynard the fox. Le ronian du Renard. 1837. 837 14 Willeram, abbot of Ebersherg. In Canticum canticorura paraphrasis gemina[, Latin and old German]. (In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, V. 1.) 830 9 WiUeruius, archbishop of Tyre. Historiarerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum a tempore successorum Mahumeth usque ad 1184. {In Boiigars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 — French : Histoire de la guerre sainte, dite proprement la Franciade orientale ; traduite en fran9ois par Gabriel Du Preau. Paris, 1574. F. 940 11 Book 2.3 is by Johann Herold, and continues the his- tory from 1184 to 1521. Willet, Andrew. Ecclesia triumphans; that is, The joy of the English church for the corona- tion of James. 2 edition. — Thesaurus ecclesi*; that is. The treasure of the church consisting of the perpetual intercession of Christ. — A cathollcon ; that i.s, A generall preservative against the pseudocatholike religion. Cam- bridge [, Eng.], 1614. F. 283 5 WILLIAM, St., archbishop of York. Newman, J. H., & others. (In their Lives of Englisli saints, 1844-5, v. 3.) 922 8 WILLIAM I., the Conqueror, king of England. Clireslien of Troyes. Du roi Giiillaume. — Le dit de Guillaunie. (In Michel, F. X. Chro- niques anglo-normandes, 1836-40, v. 3.) 841 5 — Lectiones de legatione Helsini abbatis in Daniam circa 1067. (In Laug^ebek, J. Script. rerum Dan.. 1772-1834, v. 3.) 948 76 WILLIAM I., of Nassau, prince of Orange, the Silent. BcschryTingrhe van... inoomste van ... princeu van Oraengien, Ghendt, 29 Dec. 1.577. Gent, 1852. O. 87 p. (/« Maef scliappy der >laem. bibl. Werken voor de leden. 4.) 839.3 5 — Bottiger, K. W. AVilhelms von Oranien Ehe mit Anna von Sachsen. (In Raiimer, F. L. G. Ton. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1836.) 905 1 — Meiirs, J. de. Gulielmus Auriacus. (7n his Hislorica. 1638.) 948 78 — Tranltwcin von Belle, E. Wilhelin von Ora- nien, (ler liefreier der Niederlandc. Berlin, 1867 O. 32 p. (/n Virchow ihe del Canavese, con due dncumenti iiiediti dell' Inquisitione, 1474-5. {Ill Curiosity di storia subalpina. v. 1, 1874. J 945 43 — Wier, J. De lamiis ; das ist, Von Teuffel.sge- spenst, Zauberern und Gifftberey tern. Franck- forta. M., 1586. F. 133 1 — Zeipel, K. S. F. von. Carl XI, Rabenius och hexeri-processen, historisk roman. Stockholm, 1845. 2 V. S. 839.73 34 — Ziiccaliiiaglio, A. W. F. von. Naturforschung und Ilexenglaube. Berlin [, 1868]. O. 39 p. {Ill Virchow A Holtzendorfl'. Vortrilge. 2 Serie.) 043 1 SeealfO AXOIM'EltS; DKiHOOLOdV; FAUST,.!.: KYTK. I.KIi. A. \Vlth(M', (icorge. Britain's remembrancer, 1638. I .Manchester,] 1880. 2 v. sqO. facsim. {In SpeiU'cr soc. Pub. 28-9.) 821 3 — Exercises upon the first Psalnie, both in prose and verse. [Manchester.] 1882. sqC). (Ill same. 34.) • 821 3 — The great assises Iiolden in Parnassus, see The great assises. (In same. 40.) 821 3 — Halelu jah; or, Britans second remembrancer, 1611. [Manchester,] 1879. 3 pt. in 2 v. sqO. {In same 26-7.) S21 3 — The hvmnes and songs of the church. | .Man- chester,"] 1881. sqO. (In same. iO.) .s21 3 —Juvenilia, poems contained in the collections of 1626 and 1633. [Manchester,] 1871. 3 v. sqO. por. facsim. (/?i sa?iit'. 9-11.) 821 3 — Miscellaneous works. [Manchester,] '1872-8. 6 V. scjO. por. broadsides. {In same. 12, 13, 16, 18,22, 24.) 821 8 — Paralellogrammaton. [Manchester,] 1882. s(iO. (In same. 33.) 821 3 — A preparation to the Psalter, 1619. [Man- chester,] 1884. F. facsim. (In same. 37.) 821 3 — Respublica Anglicana ; or, The historie of the Parliament. [Manchester,] 1883. sqO. [ll + ]47p. (Insame.Se.) 8213 —The sheapheards hunting. (In Soilthey. R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 — Vaticinium votivum ; or, Palaemon's pro- phetick prayer, see Vaticiniiim. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 41.) 821 3 —translator, see Bible— O. T.— Psalms. The psalms of David translated into lyrick-verse. 1881. (In same. 31-2.) 821 3 Witseii, Nicolaas. Noord en Oost Tartaryen, 2 druk. Amsterdam, 1785. 2 v. F. il. pi. maps, iltp. 915.1 11 Witte, Johnnu Heinrich Friedrlcb Karl. Alpi- nisches und Transalpinisches; neun Vortriige. Berlin, 1858. S. pi. 914.9 20 — Francisci Petrarcae carmina incognita ed.G. M. Thomas. (In Jahrblich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) — Zum Daute-Jubiliium. (In same. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 Witte, Leopold. Die religiose Frage in Italien. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 Wittekind, monk of Corvey. Widukindi res gestae Saxon icae; ex recensione Waitzii. Han- noverae, 1839. O. {In Pertz, G. H. Script. rerum German. 9.) 943 16 Witticb, Wilhelni. Thenatural wonders of the world. 10th thousand. London, 1862. S. 551 37.1 — A visit to the western coast of Norway. London, 1848. S. 914.8 21 Witticli, AVIllielui Heinrich von. Physiogno- mik und Phrenologie. Berlin, 1870. O. 39 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorif. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber die Sclinelligkeit unseres Empfindens und Wollens. Berlin. 1868. O. 31 p. (In same 3 Serie.) 043 1 Wittiver, Wilhelm Coiistantin. Alexander von Uuiiil)()ldt, seiii wissenschaftliches Leben und Wirken. Leipzig, 1860. O. por. facsim. (In Cotta, |{. Briefe iiber Humboldt's Kosmos, Sui).-tlieil.) ,-,51 25 Wittwer furni.slied also v. 4, pt. J, of tlie Briefe. —Die plivsikalische Geographie fasslich darge- stellt. Leipzig, 185.5. O. il. 551 38 Wladiniir den Store, skaldedikt, see Stagiielius, E. .1. ' Wlislocki, Heinrich von. Aus dem Leben der Siebenliiirgi-r Kniiiiincn. ilandiurg, 1889. O. 34 p. (/// Vircliow it- Holtxendorll'. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 — Sitte und Branch der Siebenburger Sachsen. Hamburg, 1888. O. .36 p. (In same. 3.) 043 2 WLISLOCKI 727 WOLFF — Ziir Volkskumle dertranssilvanischenZigeu- ner. Hamburg, 1887. O. 40 p. (In same. 2.) 043 2 Woans ik tau 'ne Fru kam, see Renter, F. v. 4. Wober, Franz Xaver. Wort- uml Sachverzeich- iiis 7,u Jacob Grimm's Deutsclier Grammatik uml Geschiclite iler deutschen Sprache. Wien, 1860. pt. 1. sqO. 435 5 fonfentu : Wortvcr/A'ichnifJ. VVocel, Jail Eranini. Droniiin^; Dagmar ; fra Bohmisk ve48 4 — Ueber die Runen der Kobelicher Urne. il. (In same. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9 i 948 3 Wocher, Max. Allgemeine Phonologic : oder, Natiirliche Grammatik der menscblichen Sprache. Stuttgart, 1841. O. 415 7 Wodrow society. Publications, see Knox, J. Slag van Woeringen, see Heelii, J. van. Wohhvill, Eniil. Der Inquisitionsprocess de§ Galileo Galilei. Berlin, 1870. O. 272.5 Woillez, Nathalie. Notice biographique litte- raire sur Delille. (In Delille, J. CEuvres. 1840. S41 15 Wojelkofj A. Die atmosphiirische Circulation. Gotha, 1874. sqQ. [2-t-] 35 p. maps. (In Petermanns MittheUnngen : Ergiinzungsband 8.) 910 44 Wolf, Adolf. English and Scottish ballads, by F. J. Child.— The ballads of Scotland, by W. E. Aytoun. (In Jahrbucli rem. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, I860.)— Das Rolandslied, iibersetzt von W. Hertz. (In same. v. 4, 1862.) — Irving, The history of Scottish poetry. (In same. v. 5, 1864.)— Die Uniichtheit des Fuero von Aviles. (In ■■^ame. v. 7, 1866.) — Le victorial, traduit par A. de Gircourt. (In same. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 Wolf, Christian, Reichsfreiherr von. TabuUe sinuum atque tangentium...regulani univer- salem solvendi omnia triangul^. Francofurti, 17.55. S. 2^1. 510 8 Wolf, Christian Wilhelni Friedrieli Angiist. Prolegomena ad Homerum. {In Honierns. Opera. 1814. v. 5.) 883 2 Wolf, Elisabeth (Bekker). Aan de Anistel- dainsche burgers op den 26 Feb. 1787. 's Gra- venhage, 1787. O. 14 p. 839.31 26 — Aan de vaderlandsche burgers, 's Graven- hage, 1786. [3-(-] 18 p. 839.3126 — Aan het vaderland. 's Gravenhage. 1786. O. 12 p. 839.31 26 — De natuur is mijne zanggodin, dichtstuk. 's Hage, 1784. O. 839.31 26 — Proeve over de opvoeding, aan de Neder- landsche iuoeders. 2druk. Amsterdam, 1780. O. 839.31 26 — Vrijheid blijheid ; vaderlandsch dichtstuk. 's Gravenhage, 1786. O. 46 p. 839.31 26 — Vrouw Snaversnel; volksliedje, gevolgd naar de Engelsche ballade. The wanton wive [so] of Bath ; benevens De menuet endominees pruik. [Anon.] Amsterdam[,178-?]. 0.49p. 839.31 26 Bound witb her volume lettered "Diverse stuk.ies." — 3. D. 376 1 — Ovc K jier, L. Studier af Oldtidslivet og Old- tidsliistoiien. Kiobenhavn, 18B4. O. map. 930 3 ConttiiU: Dell sitbeniensiske Kvinde o^ Heta?re. — Frufftharhedsfrudiudeii i deu jeldstelilleasiatiskeKultus. — Kimmerierne— Amazonerrie. — Piccolomini, A. Dialogo dove .si i-agiona della bella creanza delle donne. Firenze, 1862. D. 868 12 — — La Raffaella ; ovvero, Della bella creanza delle donne : dialogo. Milano, 18.52. S. 2^or. {In Bibl. rara. 1.) 850 3 — Reinscll, G. Stellung und Leben der deut- schen Frau ini Mittelalter. Berlin, 1882. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow <& Holtzendorf. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Sahadino degli Arieiiti, G. Gj-nevera de le clave donne ; a cura di C. Ricci e A. Bacchi della Lega. Bologna, 1888. D. facsiin. (In Sceltadicuriosita. 223.) 850 10 —Simon, J. F. L'ouvriere. 2 edition. Paris. 1861. D. 331 12 ^Stamniler, C. Ueber die Stellung der Frauen im alten deutschen Recht. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. {In Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrilge. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Ximenes, F. Libre deles dones. Bar9elona, 149.5. Q. 093 11 Wood, Anthony i\. Life, 1632-72, written by himself, and published by Thomas Hearne ; now continued, with notes and original papers, [by William Huddesford]. Oxford, 1772. O. p07\ pi. (In Pote, J. Lives of antiquaries. V. 2.) 928 4 Wood, Henry Trnemaii Wright. Clianges in the English language, 1400-1600. London, 1870. D. [5-(-j 69 p. 420 13 Wood, John. A journey to the source of the river Oxus. New edition, edited by his son ; with An essay on the geography of tlie valley of the Oxus by Henry Yule. London, 1872. O. pi. maps. 915. S 3 Wood, Robert. The ruins of Palmyra and Baalbec. London, 1827. F.« [8-1- ] 80 p. 722 1 Wood, William Maxwell. Fankwei ; or. The San Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan. New York, 1839. O. 915 20 WOOD. Finoccliietti, D. C. Delia industria del legno nell' esposizione di Vienna, 1873. [Roma, 1874.] O. 75 p. 674 1 hound with 670 3 — Jnsten, J. Notes on wood. London, 1864. O. [l + ]48p. 551.53 .53 WOOD-CARVING. Finocchietti, D. C. Dell" intaglio e della tarsia in legno, e in avorio. (In his Delle Industrie. 1869.) 670 2 — — Della scultiua e tarsia in legno dagli antichi tempi ad oggi. Firenze, 1873. O. (In Italy— Jlin. di agric. Annali, no. .56.) 736 1 Woods, Josi'pli. Letters of an architect from France, Italy anil Greece. London. 1828. 2 v. sqy. il. pi. 729 6 WOODS, .see FORKSTRY. WOOF;. L' arte della lana in Ferrara, 1.550 ; ducumenti e note di G. Ferraro. Ferrara, 1876. D. 81 p. 677 6 —Browne, P. A. Trichologia mtimmaliuni : or, A treatise on hair and wool ; with an essay upon the raising and breeding of sheep. Phila- delphia, 1853. sqQ. jj/. 591 4 bound with 552 3 — Cliolmeley, W. Tlie request and suite of a true-hearted Englishman, 1553: edited by \V. J. Thoms. 1853. (In Camden misc. 2 : in Cam- den soc. 55.) 820 4 -^Reyhand, M. R. L. La laine. Paris, 1867. O. (Etudes sur le regime des manufactures.) 677 5 Woollcombe, William Walker. The sources of the wife of Bath's prologue ; Chaucer not a borrower from John of .Salisbury. (In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 3, 1876 ; in Chancer soc. 2 ser. 16.) 821 46 Woolman, Jolin. Journal of life, labors, and Christian experiences ; added, his works. New edition. London, 1824. O. 922 54 Woolsey, Theodore D wight. Reasons for anew revision. (In Schaff, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Woort, Liider. Plattdeutsche Dichtungen. 2 Ausgabe. Bremen, 1869. D. S39.4 7 Worcester, Joseph Emerson. A comprehensive dictionary of the English language: revised, with additions. Boston, 1860. O. 423 18 — A universal and critical dictionary of the English language. Boston, 18-16. Q. " 423 12 Presentation copies from the author. For discussions of his dictionary, see F.NGLISH I..4>'- GUAGE— DUTIOMRIES. AVORCESTER, >oah. Clianning, W. E. The philanthropist : a tribute to the memory of N. ■Worcester. (In his Works, 1848, v. 4.) 208 2 Worcester, William of. Collections respecting the wai's of the English in France and Nor- mandy. — Annales rerum Anglicarum. {In Stevenson, J. Letters and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France, 1861-4, v. 2, pt. 2 : in (it. Br.— JIasfer of rolls. Chron. and 22.) 942 8 Worcester. Annales prioratus de Wigornia, A. D. 1-1377. {In Luard, H. E. Annales mo- nastici, 1864-9, v. 4 : in same. 36.) 942 8 — Registrum ; sive. Liber irrotularius et con- suetudinarius prioratus beatiE Maria; Wigorni- ensis ; with introduction, notes and illustra- tions bv William Hale Hale. Londini, 1865. sqO. (■/» Camden soc. 91.) 820 4 AVorde, Wynkyn de, printer, see Barnes, J. The book containing the treatises of hunting, 1496. 094 3 WORDS, see LANGUAGE. For worlts on use and misuse of words in English, see ENGLISH LAXGrAGE-ERROES. Words and places, see Taylor, I. Wordsworth, Cliristoplier. Union with Rome. 5 edition. London, 1866. S. 282 24 WORDSWORTH 730 WORSHIP Wordsworth, William. Poetical worlds. New edition. London, 1836-7. 6 v. D. por.. ^1 115 — Poems, chiefly of early and late years, in- cluding Tlie borderers, a tragedy. London, 1842. D. ■ 821 116 — Tlie prelude ; or. Growth of a poet's mind : an autobiograpliical poem. New York, 1850. D. 821 117 — De Qiiiiicey, T. (In his Literary reminis- cences. 1851.) 824 10 — M'lilpple, E. P. (In his Essays, 1848-9, v. 1.) 814 16 Wtnk and play, sec Bnsliuell, H. WORKING CLASSES, see LABOR. Tlie world a workshop, see Ewbank, T. A world of wonders, see Estieiiiie, H. The world's progress, see Putuam, (i. P. T>oriii, Ole. ... Danicaliteraturaantiquissima, vulgo Gothica dicta; accessit De prisca Dano- rum poesi dissertatio. Hafnise, 1636. sqD. il. 839. C 6 — Danicorum nionumentovum libri sex. Haf- ni:e, 1643. Q. il. pi. <)13 61.2 — De aureo cornu Danico. (7« Bartholin, T. Dearniillis. 1676.) 391 1 —Fasti Danici. Hafnise, 1636. Q. il. .529 6 —Museum Wormianum ; seu, Historia rerum rariorum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1655. F.^ (7. pov. iltp. 506 1 — Olai Wormii et ad eum doctorum viroruni epistolaj medici, anatomici, botanici, physici & historici argunienti ; rem vero literariam, lin- quasque & antiquitates boreales potissinium illustrantes. Havnise, 1751. 2 v. D. por. 839.6 7 — Werlaiiff, E. C. Olle Worms Fortjenester af det noi-diske Oldstudium. {In Copenhagreil— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 1. 1832.) 948 1.3 Wormely, Katharine Prescott. The United States sanitary commission ; a sketch of its purposes and its work. [Anon.] Boston, 1863. ^- 361 1 WORMS. Darwiu, C. R. The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms; with obserralions on their habits. London, 1881. D. //. 5.51. J) 1 — Perroiicito, E. Osservazioni elmintologiche relative alhi malattia sviluppatesi endemica negli operai del Gottardo. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atfri. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 7, 1879- 80.) • 065 4 WORMS, Germany. Zorii, F. Wormser Chro- nik : mit den ZusiUzen F. Bertholds von Flers- heiin : herausgegeben von W. Arnold. Stutt- Kurt, 1857. O. 943 M ^yoj'saao, Jpiis ,Iacol» Asmiisseii. C. C. Rafn et C .J. Thciinson ; discours commemoratif. — Sur quclques trouvailles de ITige do bronze faites dans des tourbieres. (7.- De quehiues antii|ui- tis norvi'gienne.'i.— La sepulture de Mamnien d.itant de la fin des temps payens. il. pi. — Le.s empreintes des bracteates en or. essai d'inter- pretation.— 17. {In Copenhagen- K. nord.Old.- Selskah. Memoires. n. s. v. 1. 1866-71.)— Di- scours il roccasion du 50e anniversaire de la fon- dation de la soci^te. — La colonisation de la Russie et du nord scandinave et leur plus ancien etat de civilisation, il. — La conservation des antiquites et des monuments nationaux en Danemark. (In same. v. 2, 1872-7.)— La civili- sation danoise a I'epoque des Vikings, il. — Des ages de pierre et de bronce dans I'ancien et le nouveau monde ; comparaisons archeologico- ethnographiques. (i?i same. v. 3, 1878- 82.) — De Torganisation des musees historico- archeologiques dans le nord et ailleurs. {In same. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 — C. C. Rafn's og C. J. Thomsen's Fortjenester af Oldtidsvidenskaben. — Om nogle Mosefund fra Broncealderen. il. — Om Opdagelsen af den aildre Jernalder. (/?( same. Aarb0ger. v. 1, 1866.) — Slutningsbemierkninger om Opdagel- sen... (In same. t. 2, 1867.)— Om nogle norske Oldsagfund. — Om JIammenfundet, fra Hedenskabs Slutningstid. il. pi. {In same. v. 4, 1869.) — Om Forestillingerne paa Guldbracteaterne. il. pi. (In same. V. 5, 1870.) — Ruslands og det skandinaviske Nordens Bebyggelse og ieldste Kulturforhold. (In same. v. 7, 1872.)— Tale ved det Oldskrift- selskabs 50-aarige Stiftelsfest, 28 Jan. 1875. por. (In same. v. 10, 1875.) — Om Bevaringen af de foedrelandske Oldsager og Mindesnia?r- ker i Danmark. (Insame. v. 13, 1877.) — Fra Steen- og Bronzealderen i den garale og den nye Verden. j7. p/. (/» sa??ie. v. 14, 1879.) 948" 5 — Danmarks Oldtid oplyat ved Oldsager og Gravhoie. Kjobenhavn, 1843. D. 9X3 61.3 — Den danske Erobring af England og Nor- mandiet. Kjobenhavn, 1863. O. map. 948 93 — Efterretning om Undersogelsen af to Steen- dysser i Veiby Sogn. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aunaler. v. 2, 1838-9.)— Undersogelse af Gravhoie i Danmark. — Et Par Ord om Kong Gorms og Dronning Thyres Hbie ved Jellinge. {In same. v. 3, 1840-1.) — Fund i Steendysser i Danmark. (/)( same, v. 5, 1844- 5.) — Om Vigtigheden af et Centrum for nordisk Oldforskning. — Den nationale Oldkyndighed i Tydskland. Reisebemierkninger. (In same, v. 6. 1846.) — Jernalderns Begyndelse i Danmark, oplvst gjennen Gravfund. pZ. (In same, v. 7, 1847, V. 10, 1850.)— Fund af romerske Oldsager i Danmark. pi. (In same, v. 9, 1849.) — Hvor stod Lyrkovslaget? (Insame, v. 12, 1852.) — Fund ved .Suiorumovre af en Metalarbeiders Forraad fra Broncealderen. pi. (In s((me. v. 13, 1853.) ■ 948 2 — Nordens Forhistorie efter samtidige Mindes- m.i^rker. Kjobenhavn, 1881. O. map. 913 63 — Om Forboldet mellem de skandinaviske Folk i Oldtiden ; et Foredrag, 23 Feb. 1844. K\a- benhavn[, 1844]. O. 23 p. 948 30 — Mllller, S. Mindetale over Worsaae. por. (In Copcnhasren— -K, nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarbo- ger. v. 21, 1886.) 948 5 — — French : Discourscommemoratif sur Wor- saae. jior. (In same, Mi'moires, ii. s. v. 4, 1884-fl.) 048 3 WOHSMIP. Chaiiiiing, W. E. Christian wor- ship. (Ill his Works. 1848, v. 4.) 208 3 — The church of Kngland and the public wor- shi|i act. (Ill Church quart, review, v. 1. 1875, !>. 196-230.) 282 49 WORTHIES 731 WRIGHT Tlie history of the worthies of England, see FiiUer, T. Wottoii, Sir Henry. Poems ; edited hy Alexan- der Dvce. Loudon, 1843. D. 8+33 p. (In Percysoc. V. 6.) 820 6 — ReliqiiiiB WottonianiH ; or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters and other pieces. London, 16.51. T. por. 828 32 —Walton, I. Life of Wotton. (In his Lives, is>i3, V. 1.) 820 10 Wotton, William. Short view of George Hickes's Graniiuatico-critical and archeologi- cal treasury of theancient northern languages, with notes ; translated from the Latin by Maurice Shelton ; added, other notes. 2 edi- tion, with additions. London, 1737. sqQ. 429 8 AVouwer, Jan van der, annotator, see Firini- ons .Maternns, J. De errore piofanorum religi- onum. 1678. 291 3 Wrede, Adolph von. Reise in Hadramaut, Be- led Beny 'Yssa uud Beled el Hadschar; heraus- gegeben von Heinrich Freiherr von Maltzan. Braunschweig, 1870. O. facsitn. map. 915.3 14 Wreecli, Curt Frieilrieli von. Wahrhaflfte und unistaadliche Historic von denenschwedischeu Gefangenen in Russland und Siberien, nach deni A. 1709... Sorau, 1725. S. 3416 WREN, Sir Cliristopher. Ker, H. B. Sir C. Wren ; witli remarks on architecture. Lon- don, 1838. O. 32 p. a. (Lib. of useful knl.) 927 16 Wright,-. The name Daniel Joliiison as entered in this catalog:ue is driven by Cushing as a pseudonym of the above. Wriffht, Charles, editor, see Shaliespeare, W. Reprint of works, 1623. 1862-4. 822 11 Wrig:ht, Charles Henry Hamilton. A grammar of the modern Irish language. 2 edition, en- larged. London, 1860. D.' 15-1-60 p. 491.6 3 Wright, Robert Samuel, editor. The golden treasury of ancient Greek poetry. Oxford, 1867. D. (Clarendon press series.) 8812 — A Shadwell, J. E. L., editors. A golden treasury of Greek prose. Oxford, 1870. S. {Clarendon press series.) 888 1 Wright, Thomas, 31. A. Biographia Britannica literaria : or. Biography of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1843-6. 2 V. O. 928 1 Contents: 1. .\uglo-Saxon period. 2. Anglo-Norman period. — The conquest of Ireland by the Anglo-Nor- mans. (/)( Conquest of Ireland. 1837.) 841 14 — Essays on subjects connected wth the litera- ture, popular superstitions and hi.--tory of Eng- land in the middle ages. London, 1846. 2 v. O. 820 3 — A history of domestic manners and senti- ments in England during the middle ages. London, 1S62. ,qO. il. 390 7 — editor. Anecdota literaria : a collection of short poems in English, Latin, and French, illustrative of England in the 13th centurv. London, 1844. O. 821 11 The Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epi- grammatists of the 12th centurv. London, 1872. 2 V. Q. (/)( m. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 59.) 942 8 Early travels in Palestine, with notes. London, 1848. D. map. (Bohn's antiq. lib.) 915.0 40 Coinprisinf? the narnitivos of Arculf. Benjamin of Tu- (lela, Bernard. Bertrandon de la Browiuiere, 8ir .John Maundeville, Maundrell. Sa-wulf, Slumd ami Willibald. Political ballads published in England during the commonwealth. London, 1841. D. (In Percy soc. v. 3.) 820 6 Political poems and songs relating to Eng- lish history, from Edw. III. to Ric. III. Lon- don, 1859-«1. 2 V. Q. [In (it. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 14.) 942 H Popular treatises on science written dur- ing the middle ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo- Norman, and English. London, 1841.^ O. (Hist. soc. of science.) 502 7 A selection of Latin stories, from mss. of the 13-14 centuries ; a contribution to the his- tory of fiction during the middle ages. Lon- don, 1842. D. (In Percy soc. v. 8.) 820 6 Song and carols, from a ms. of the 15th century. London, 1847. D. (In same. v. 23.) 820 6 Specimens of lyric poetry composed in England In the reign of Edward I. London, 1843. D. {In same. v. 4.) 820 6 Specimens of old Christmas carols. Lon- don, 1841. D. 7 + 80 p. (In same. v. 4.) 820 6 Three chapters of letters relating to the suppression of monasteries. London, 1843. sqO. (In Camden soc. 26.) 820 4 A volume of vocabularies, 10th century to 15th ; edited from rass. [Liverpool,] liri- vatelji printed, \9m. Q. il. 427 10 see the following publications of the Cam- den society : 820 4 8. Maidstone, B. of. Alliterative poem on Richard II. 1838. IC. Map, W. Latin poems. 1811. 24. A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Alice KYTELEE for sorcery. 1843. 50. Map, >V. De nugis curialium. 1850. 102. Ludloiv. Churchwardens' accounts. 1869. see the following publications of the Percy society : 8-0 6 Vol. s. Gifford, (i. A dialogue concerning witches. ISli- 11. Guildford. >. de. The owl and the nightingale. 1S43. 14. St. Brandan, a legend of the sea. 1844. Ifi. Snndttbad: The seven sages. 1845. 23-6. Cliancer. G. The Canterbury tales. 1847-51. 29. Sliordiani. W. de. Religious poems. 1849. Chaucer, «. Canterbury tales. 1853. 821 39 Geoffrey of Monmouth. Vita Merlini. 1837. 293 4 Langtoft, P. Chronicle. 1866-8. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 47.) 942 8 La Tour Landrv, G. de. Book for his daughters. 1868. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 33.) 820 5 Mapes, W. Latin poems. 1841. 820 4 Xares, R. Glossary. 1859. 427 14 »ckani, A. De naturis rerum : De laudi- bus divina; sapientia?. 1863. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and men. 34.) 942 8 WRIGHT 733 WYTH & translator. The political songs of Eng- land, from the reign of John to that of Ed- ward II. London, 1839. sqO. {In Camden soc. 6. ) 820 4 —& HaUiwell-PhiUipps, J. 0., editors. Re- liquiit antiqu:i; ; scraps from ancient niss. illus- trating early English literature and language. London, 1841-3. 3 v. O. 821 12 Wriffht, Thomas, journeyman engineer. Some liabits and customs of the working classes. London, 1867. D. 337 19 Wriglit, Williniii, translator, see Caspari, C. P. lirammarof Arabic. 1859. 492.7 6 Wriffht, WiUiaiii Aldis, cfc Eastwood, J. Tlie Bible word-book. London, 1866. S. 423 2 — editor, see Bacon, F. The advancement of learning. 1869. 370 1 Essays and Colours of good and evil. 1862. 824 6 (ieiierydes, a romance. 1878. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 55, 70.) 820 5 Robert of Gloucester. Metrical chronicle. 1887. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Cluon. and men. 86.) 942 8 The wrig^ht's chaste wife, see Adam of Cobsham, Wriotlu'sley, Cliarles. A chronicle of England, 1485-1559 ; "edited by William Douglas Hamil- ton. [London,] 1875-7. 2v. sqO. (/n Camden soc. n. s. 11, 20.) 820 4.1 AVRITIMi, see ALPHABET: BOOKS; CIPHER; SHOUT-HAM). Wiik Stei^hanowitsch, see Vllk. Wiilcker, Ernst, & Diefenbach, L. Hocli- und nieder-deutsches Worterbuch der mittleren und neueren Zeit ; zur Erganzungder rorhan- denen Worterbiicher, insbesondere des der Bru- der Grimm. Frankfurt a. M.[, 1874-185. Q. 433 1 See aim Grimiii, J. L. K. c€- W. K. Deutsches Worter- buch, the letter V, compiled by Wulcker. Wiilfer, Daniel. Bedenken von den Tiinzen an Sonntilgen. {In Strobel, (i. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, V. 1.-) 830 10 Wiilfjieats will [, Anglo-Saxon, with] interpre- tation. {In Cockiiyne, T. 0. Shrine. 1864-70.) 829 2 Wnlfsbera:, Christian Angnst.Norges naturlige Velstand.skilder. Christiania, lb72. O. 314 20 — Om Finmarken. Christiania, 1867. O. 914.8 28 Wnlfstan, archbishop of York. Sermo Lupi ad .\nglos, tempore invasionis Danorum. {In Langcbek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834. v. 2.) 948 76 Wnlfstan, traveller. The voyages of Ohtliere and Wulfstan, see Obthcre. WULLEXWEBEK, Jilrgen. Bartliold, F. W. Jiirgen Wullenweber von Liibeck ; oder, Die Biivgermeisterfehde.(7H Rannier, F. F. G. VOn. Mist. Taschenbuch. 1885.) 905 1 WrLSTAX, St., bishop of Worcester. NeMinan, .1. H., 'asiiii, U. Studi sul potere rotatorio. (In Slime. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Sestini, — . Suir acido foto-santonico. (In same. 3 ser. v. 3. 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 ^Strilver, J. Sulla forma cristallina di alcuni derivati della santonina. p/. (i?i st(»R'.) U65 3 — —Same, 2 serie. (In same. 3 ser. .scj. Jis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 3.) 065 4 — Valente, L. Azione del cloruro acetilico sull' acido santonico. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 XASTHUS. Fellows, C. The Xanthian mar- bles : their aciiuisition, and transniis.sion to England. London, 1843. O. pi. map. 913 31.4 X.IVIER, Francisco de, St. Lncena, J. de. Historia da vida do S. Francisco de Xavier. 2 edi9am, por B. J. de Souza Farinha. Lishoa, 1788. 4 V. S. 922 55 Xeiioplion. Opera. Editio stereotvpa, curante C. H. Weise. Lipsiaj, 1826-7 [v. 1,""27]. 6 v. T. por. 888 13 Contents: 1. Cyropaedia- 2. Memorabilia Socratis. 3. Anabasis- 4. Historia Graeca. 6. Oeconomicus.— Apolo- gia Socratis.— C'onvivium. — Hiero.— Agesilaus. 6. De re- puhlica.— De vectigalibus— De re equestri.— De officio mai^istri equitum. — De veuatione. — Anabasis ; erklasrt von C. Rehdantz. 1-2 Auflage. Berlin, 1864-7 [v. 1, '67]. 3 v. O. il. viaps. 888 16 — Anabasis ; erkla?rt von F. K. Hertlein. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1854. O. pi. map. 888 15 Themapis by n. Kiepert, who contributed also geo- graphical notes. — Du commandement de la cavalerie et de r equitation. (In Conrier de M6r6, P. L. (Eu- vres. 1833.) 848 3 — .iinsworth, AV, F. Travels in the track of the ten thousancl Greeks. London, 1844. O. map. 888 17 — Grote, (t. (/" his Plato and the other com- panions of Sokrates, 1865, v. 3.) 888 20 — Lindemann, J, H. Ueber die religios-sittliche Lebens-Ansicht des Xenophon. {In his Vier Abhandlungen. 1853.) 901 3 Xeuo|)lion of Ephesus. Degli amori di Abro- come ed Anzia, libri 5 tradotti da Anton Maria Salvini. Nuova edizione, con emendazioni di Ennio (juirino Visconti. Milano, 1863. S. {In Bibl. rara. 33.) 850 3 Xiiuenes, Francisco. Libre deles dones. Barce- lona, J. ijose?it»oc/i, 1495. Q. [134-] 267 leaves. rubricated, iltp. 093 11 In Catalan. Xiphilinns, Joannes, epitomator, see Dio Cas- siiis C'occeianus. XYlOfiRAPHIC BOOKS, see PRIMING. Vaiicz y Rivera, <>eroniino de Alcald. El dona- do liablador, vida y aveiituras de Alonso, mozo de nuichos amos. Edicion con notas. Madrid, 1804. 2 V. S. pi. 863 12 Yauoislii, Jean.L'Afri(jue chretienne.— Histoire de la domination des Vandales en Africjue. — Histoire de la domination byzantine. (^In L'liniveis. 3.) " 910 18 —& Dnrean de ia Malle, A. J. C. A. Carthage, 1844. pi. miijis. (In .same.} 910 18 — . Yonmans, Eliza Ann. An essay on tlie culture of the observing powers of children, especially in the study of botany : edited, with notes and a supplement on the extension of the principle to elementary intellectual training in general, by Joseph Payne. London, 1878. D. 12-1-66 p. 372 3 Yonu^j Alexander, editor. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the colony of Plymouth, 1602-25; with notes. Boston, 1841. O. il. x)or. maps. 974 3 Contents: Bradfonl, W. History of Plymouth colony;— it Winslon, E. .Journal.— Cnshinaii, It. Discourse.— Wiiis- lo*v, E, Relation ; — Brief narration.--Bradford, >V. Dia- logue ;— Memoir of Brewster— Robinson, J., eft others. Letters. The library of the old English prose writers. Cambridge [,Mass.], 1831-2. v. 1, 4-7. D. 820 10 Contents: 1. Fuller, T. Holy and profane states. 4. Felltliam. O. Resolves. .5-6. Walton, I. Lives. 7. Latimer, H. Sermons. Young, Arthur. Voyages en France, 1787-9 ; nouvelle traduction parLesage; precedee d'une introduction par Leonce de Lavergne. Paris, 1860. 2 V. D. 914.4 7 — Voyages en Italie et en Espagne, 1787 et 1789 ; traduction de Lesage ; a^'ec une intro- duction par L. de Lavergne. Paris, 1860. D. 914.5 46 YOUTH. Fitzgerald, E. Euphranor, a dialogue on youth. London, 1851. D. [2-1-1 81 p. 828 11 Yrsa, see 01ilenschliiger, A. G. Digtervasrker, V. 3. Yttersta domen, skaldstycke, see Lidner, B. YUC.4T.4N.Nornian, B.M.Ramblesin Yucatan. New York, 1843. O. il. pi. map, iltp. 917.2 3 —Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Cen- tral America, Chiapas and Yucatan. New York, 1841. 2 v. O. pi. map. 917.2 4 — — Incidents of travel in Yucatan. New York, 1843. 3v. O. map. 917.2 3 Yule, A. F. A little light on the Cretan insur- rection. London, 1879. S. 949 78 Yule, Henry. An endeavour to elucidate Ra- shiduddin's geographical notices of India. [London, 1869.] O. 915.4 11 — An essay on the geography of the valley of the Oxus. map. (In Wood, J. Journey to the source of the Oxus. 1873.) 915.8 3 — Papers connected with the upper Oxus re- gions. London, 1873. O. 44 p. maps. 915.8 4 — translator & commentator, see Jordanus, friar. Mirabilia descripta. 1863. 915 5 Polo, M. The book. 1871. 915 13 Ywaine, see lAvain. Zacharins, Otto. Die niedere Thierwelt unserer ninnenseen. Hamburg, 1889. O. 44 p. il. {In Virchow 7 13 Vol. 3 contains Glonta. Zaiiiboiii, Filippo. OH Ezzelini, Dante e gli schiavi; ossja, Koma e la schiavitu personale doinestica ; stiuij storici e letterari. 3 pub- blicazioneaunientata. Vienna, 1870. 851 60 Kambriiii, Francesco. Libro di novelle anticlie tratte da diversi te.sti del buoii secolo della lingua. Bologna, 1868. D. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 93.) 850 10 See also no. 3-7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 31, 23, 28, 31, 40, 43, 48, 50, .59, 60, 08-70, 79, 81. 82. 97, 113, 114, ISO, 130, 131, 1.37, 140, 148. 188, 190, 228. Zamhriui was the pro.iector of the series, and its editor duriut; the publication of no. 1- 22.3. 1861-88. — Le opere volgari a stampa dei secoli 13-14, indicate e descritte. Bologna, 1866. O. (In Emilia. Collezione. Appendice.) 850 6.1 — editor. Collezione di leggende inedite. [Anon.J Bologna, 18.55. 2 v. D. 231 3 Presentation copy from the author. Dodici conti moiali d' anonimo aenese ; testo inedito del sec. 13. Bologna, 1863. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 9.) 850 10 Due novelle niorali d'autore anonimo del secolo 14. Ediz. 3. Bologna, 1863. D. ^34 p. {In same. 4.) 850 10 Novelle d' incerti aiitori del secolo 14. Bologna, 1861. D. 98 [-f 1] p. Un mme. 1.) 850 10 -Tre novelle rarissime del secolo 16. Bo- logna, 1867. D. (In same. 85.) 850 10 The authors are G. Guidicoione, F. M. Molza. G. Salvi. ZAMOLXIS. Lnnd, K. Zd/«)X$is, primus Geta- runi legislator. Upsali*, 1687. sqD. 349 47 ZanipclioS^ S. hvi^atnivaL fxeXeral irepl Tr-qyuiv veo- (\\-qviKri% iSndTijTOi drb rj. dxP'- '■ (KO-Toi'TaeTijpldos Ij.. X- "E" 'Afl^rais, 18,57. O. 949 52 Zainpoui, Florido. Bozzetto storico della fami- glia dei Pazzi. Firenze, 1873. O. 42 p. 929 10 Per le nozze Pazzi-Forini. Edizione di 200 esemplari. Zandkorrels, see Staes, J. Zanella, Oiaconio. Storia della letteratura ita- liana dalla metii. del settecento ai nostri giorni. Milano, 1880. Q. (In Villari, P., editor. Storia letterario d' Italia; in L' Italia. Parte 3.) 914.5 20 — Versi. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1868. D. 851 131 Zaunoui, Giovanni Battista. Le ciane di Fi- renze; ovvero, Scherzi comici. Malta, 18.57. S. 857 15 — Same; corredati di note fllologiche di Giu- seppe Frizzi. Firenze, 1873. v. 1. D. 857 16 bound with 6 Contents; 1. La Crezia rincivilita. "Very interesting views on the popular dialect of Flor- ence.''— -Vo/^ by Mr. Marsh. Zanoja, (liiuseppe. Terzine. (In CoUezione mi- lanese, 1816-7, v. 11.) 859 15 Zanotti, (jriampietro Cavazzoni. Lettere fami- liari in difesa del llalvasia. — Dialogo in difesa di Guido Reni. {In lUalvasia, C. C. Felsina pit- trice, 1841, V. 3.) 927 2 Zapata de Oisneros, (Jristol'oro, conte, editor, see llante Alife'liieri. Opere. 17.57-8. 851 33 El zapatero y el rey, drama, see Zorrilla, v. 3. Zarncke, Friedricli. MittelhochdeutschesWor- terbuch, M-K. 18(j:!, see MlHler, W. 437 21 —Ueber das Verhiiltniss des Brut y Tysylio zu Gottfried's Historia regum Britanniae. {In Jalirbni-Il rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864 ) 805 1 — a^jYor, sec Nibelnnsenlied. 1871. N31 '13 Der Zanberflijte, see (jiitlie, J. W. von. v. 11. Der Zaiiberringj ein Ritterroman, see La Motte Fouqne, F. II. K. de. Das Zaubcrsfhioss, see Tieck, J. L. Novelien, 3,— Srbriften, 31. Zaviziano, tostantino. Sugli avvenimenti pre- istorici ; studii. Napoli, 1871. v. 1. D. 913 3 ZEALAND, Denmark, .see SEELAND. Zeccbiiii, S. P. Dizlonario dei sinoniini della lingua italiana, Torino, 1848. D. 454 2 Een zecinanshnisg'czin, see Conscience, H. Zeipel, Karl SamncI Fredrik von. Carl XI, Rabenius och bexeri-processen, historisk ro- man. Stockholm, 1845. 2v. S. 837.73 34 Zeitgeist und Berneigeist, see Bitzius, A. v. 14. Zeitscbrift des historischen VereinsftirNieder- sachsen, see Historischer Vereiii. Zeitscbrift fiiv deutsches Alterthum: herausge- geben von Moriz HauiJt. Leipzig, 1841-79. 23 V. in 13. O. 830 3 Vol. 17-18 edited by Karl MilUenhoff and Elias Stein- meyer; v. 19-23, edited by Steiiimeyer, with the collabo- ration of MuUenhoff and Wilhelm Scherer. Vol. 13-23 are new series v. 1-11. Zeitscliwingen, see Langbein, A. F. E. v. 12. Zell, Karl. Ueber die Zeitungen der alten R6- mer. 2 Ausgabe. Heidelberg, 1873. D. 070 1 Zelle, Robert. Reform der Vormundschaftsge- setzgebung ; Staats-oder Selbsthiilfe, Berlin, 1870. O. 40 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. VortrAge. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Waisenpflege und Waisenkinder in Berlin. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. {In same. 2Serie.)043 1 Zeller, Ednard. Religion und Philosophie bei den Romern. Berlin, 1866. O. (/)( same. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Zeller, Heinricli. Piz Tschierva im Oberenga- din. (In Ntnder, B., & others. Berg- und Gletscher-Fahrten. 18G3.) 551.43 27 Zelos aun del aire matan, see Calderon. v. 3. El zeloso estremeuo, see Cervantes. Xovelas. V. 3. Zena. Canzone sopra il sacco di Genova del 1.533. (In Societa li^nre. Atti. v. 9, 1869.) 945 48 Zenatti, Albino, erf iYoc, .sot Storia di Campriauo contadino. 1884. (In Scelta di curiosita. 200.) 850 10 Zendriui, Bernardino, Metrische Ueberse- tzungen von Julius Sclianz : Torquato Tasso ; oder, Die heilige Muse. — Ariost's HiUischen in Ferrara. — Auch eine Konigin.— Meine Grie- chin. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1875.) 945 41 Zeneyde, conte, see Hamilton, A. v. 2. Zenker, Jnlins Theodor. Bibliotheca orientalis. Leipzig, 1846. v. 1. O. 010 20 ZENO 736 ZOJA Zeuo, Sicolo ct- Autoiiio. Reiser, med Indled- niug og Anmajrkuinger ved J. H. Bredsdorff. {In Copenhag'en — K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Gronlauds hist. Mind., 1838-45, v. 3.1 839.63 36 Steeiistnii), J, Zeni'ernes Reiser i Norden: det sidste Tiaars Bidrag til Forstaaelsen af Zeni's Reiser, 1390 og 1405. maps. (In same. Aarboger. v. 18, 1883.) 948 5 Zahrtmami, C. C. Bemserkninger om de Ve- netianerue Zeni tilskrevene Reiser i Nordeu. (In same, Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1833.) 948 1.2 Zeiio. (In Brims, P. J. Romant. Gedielite. 1798.) 839.4 2 Zeiio; Oder, Die Legende von den heilegen drei Konigen ; Ancelmus, vom Leiden Christi ; her- ausgegeben vou August Liibben. Bremen, 18(>9. O. 831 94 ZENOBIA, '., editor, see Bertioli, P. F. Rime; col comento di A. Alciato. 1888. (In Scelta di curiosita. 227.) 850 10 Zing'erle, Ig:naz Tincenz, editor, see Geogra- phic aus dem 13ten Jahrhundert. 1865. 910 8 Pieier. Zu Pleier's Garel. 1865. 831 73 Vintler, H. Die Pluemen der Tugent. 1874. 831 86 Zink, Biirkard. Chronik, 1368-1468.(7» Mniiich — K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stiidte, v. 5. 1866: Augsburg, v. 2.) 943 24 Zinkeisen, Johauu WUhelm. Versailles; histori- sche Riickblicke. por. (In Raniner, F. L. (}. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1837.) 905 I Zipoli, Perlone, pseudonym of Llppi, L. ZIRCON. UzielIi,6.Sopra lo zircone della costa tirrena. il. (In Rome — R. acead. de liiicei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Zirkel, Ferdinand. Die Umwandlungsprocesse im Mineralreich. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. (In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie. ) 043 1 Zirngiebl, Eberliard. Peter Arbues und die spamsche Inquisition. 3 Auflage. Miinchen, 1872. 49 p. O. 272 7 Zito, Bartolomco. Annotazejune. — Defenne- miento de la Vajasseide, (In Cortese, (». C. Opere, 1783, v. 2; in Collezione napoletana, v. 3.) 859 19 Zittel, Karl Alfred von. Die Kreide. Berlin. 1876. O. 38 1). il. (In Virchow * Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 — Das Wunderland am Yellowstone. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (7)1 same. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Zobi, Antonio. SaggiosuUe mutazioni jiolitiche ed economiche m Italia, 1859-68; con un di- scorso prcliminare. Firenze, 1870. v.l. O. 945 30 Not cnntinucd. ZODIACAL LIGHT. Marco. F, La causa della luce ziidiacale. (In Home— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Zolirab the hostage, see Morier, J. Zoja, (iiovanni. Ricorche anatomiche sull" ap- pcndiclir di'lla gl.-iMdiila tiroidea. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. lis. v. 4, 1878-it.) ■ 065 4 ZOLA 737 Z0SIMU8 ZOLA, fimile. Viiiicis, E. de. Eniilio Zola. (7u /(('.■* RicDidi (li I'iirigi. 18T'J.) 914.4 9 Zolfauelli, Cesare. La Lunigiana e le Alpi apuanf. Fiienze, 1870. D. 551.43 42 ZolliilifCM-, llciuricll. Kesteigung des Vulkanes Tiiinbiiia aiif iler Insel Suinbawa und Schilde- rung der Erupzion, 1815. Winterthur, 1855. Q. ri+Tsoi+ajp. iiuLps. 551.21 29 hound xoith 548 2 Z511nei', JohaniiCarl Friedricli.Wissenscliaft- liche Abhandlungen. Leipzig, 1878-81. 4 v. in 5. O. por. pi. fac.iim. 504 8 — Hclniholtz, H. L. F. Zollner contra Tyndall. (Jn his Vcrtriige, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 ZOOLOGY. Affassiz, J. L. R. The structure of animal life. London, 1806. O.. il. 575 1 — Aristoteles. ... Historia animalium. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiie, 1831. T. 888 21 — IJerglians, H. K. W.Zoologische Geographie. (Ill his Pliys. Athus, 1845-8, v. 2.) 503 1 — Cornalia, E., & others. Fauna d' Italia. Mila- no [, 187-J. Q. [III. L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 6 — E,5 H. IJie Einweihung der zoologischen Sta- tion in Neapel. [Berlin, 1875.1 O. p. [541-1556. 590 3 — UoUlsiiiitli, 0. A familiar introduction to the study of natural history. (/?t his Misc. Works, 1837, V. 2.) 823 11- — HartwifTj G. Uas Leben des Meeres. 2 Auf- lage. Frankfurt a. M., 1857. O. 590 4 — Hiiiiibuldt, F. W. H. A. von. Das niichtliche Thierlel)en ini Ur%valde. (In his Ansichten der Natur, 1849, v. 1.) 551 23 — Kr0yer, H. JJ. Gnindtrfek af Zoologien. Kjobenharn, 1888. D. 590 6 — Laiidriii, A. Les plages de la France. 3 edi- tion. Paris, 1868. D. il. (In Chartoil, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 690 12 —Millet, C. Les merveilles des fleuves et des ruisseaux. Paris, 1871. D. il. (In same.) 551.48 6 — Xilssoii, S. Illuminerade figurer till skandi- navisk fauna, nied beskrifningar. Lund, 1829- ;!s. pt. l-19in2v.Q. 590 13 — Pfillll, E. Thierptlauzen und Pflanzenthiere. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. (In VircllOW & Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 — I'hipsoii, T. L, The utilization of minute life ; practical studies on insects, Crustacea, uiollusca, worms, polypes, infusoria and sponges. London, 1864. D. il. 591 6 — Physiologus i to islandskeBearbejdelsermed ludledning og Oplysinger af V. Dahlerup. fncsim. (In Copeii hag-en— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarboger. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 — I'okorny, A. Thiergeographie. (In Hann, J, Allgemeine Erdkunde. 1872.) 502 3 — Qualrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de.Souvenirs d'un naturaliste. Paris, 1854. 2 v. D. 590 8 — Siillskapet Pro fauna et flora Feunica. Notiser ur forhandlingar. Helsingfors, 1871-4. V. 11, 13. O. pi. 581 13 ^Sars, 51. Geologiske eg zoologiske lagttagel- ser i Trondhjemens Stiff, 1862. Christiauia, 1863. O. [H-J88p. 554.8 5 — Sclirader, 0. Thier- und Pflanzengeographie ini Lic.ite der .Sprachforschung. Berlin, 1883. O. 32 p. (7/1 Virchow (fc Hollzcndorjr. V^.r- triige. 18 Serie.) 043 1 —Semper, C. Der Haeckelismus in der Zoolci- gie. 2 Auflage. Hanjburg, 1876. O. 36 p. 590 3 — — Ueber die Aufgabe der modernen Thier- geographie. Berlin, 1879. O. 32 p. (hi Vir- cliow & Holtzendorff.Vortriige. 14 Serie. )043 1 — .Strieker, W.Geschichte der Menagerien und zoologischen Garten. Berlin, 1879. O. 43 \>. (hi same. 14 Serie. J 043 1 — Topsell, E. The history of four-footed beasts and serpents ; collected out of the writings of C. Gesner and other authors : added. The theater of insects, bv T. Muffet : revised bv .J. R[owland]. London, 16.58. F. il. 590 2 — Vdgt, C. Viirtesungen iiber niitzliche und schiklliche. verkannte und verlaumdeteThiere. Leipzig, 1864. D. il. 591 5 — Zacharias, 0. Die niedere Thierwelt unserer Binnenseen. Hamburg, 1889. O. 44 p. (7. (In VircllOW cfc Holtzendorfl". Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 See also AMPHIBIANS ; ANTS ; BEES ; BIKBS ; CAMEL : CAVES ; CEPHAI.OPODS ; ClIAMELEOX ; COLLKCTOItS- MANUALS : OOKYC.EIDS ; DIPTEKA : KIVISIOX OF LABOR ; ELEPHANT ; FISHES ; FLKAS ; HAIR ; HORSE : INSECTS : INSTINCT ; LIZARDS ; LOCOJIOTION ; MOL. LUSKS ; MOTHER-LOVE ; MVRIAPODS ; NATURAL HIS- TOKV ; OCEAN ; PHOSPHORESCENCE ; POLYPS ; (JCAII- RIIPEDS ; SPEtlES : WHALE : WOOL ; WORMS. Zoppis, (jiovaiini. Marioma Clarin.commedia. Torino, 1864. S. 86 p. 859 24 — L' papa dla maestra, comniedia. Torino, 1864. S. 87 p. 859 25 Zoppritz, Karl. Ueber die Arbeitsvorrathe der Natur und ihre Benutzung. Berlin, 1870. O. 48 p. (In Virchow 31 1 —editor, see Prnysseiiaere de la Wostync, E. E. J. M. de. Reisen im Gebiete des Weissen und Blauen Nil. 1877. (In Peternianns Mit- theilungen : Ergiinzungsband 11.) 910 44 Zorn, Friedricli. Wormser Chronik : mit den Zusiitzen Franz Bertholds von Flersheini ; herausgegeben von Wilhelm Arnold. Stutt- gart, 1857. O. (In Stuttgart— Lit. Verein. Bibl. 43.) 943 40 ZOROASTER. Magisclie Orakel Zoroasters, nebst den Scholien des Pletho und Psellus. Zoroasters Telescop : oder, Schliissel zur grcs- sen divinatorischen Kabbala der Magier. p/. (In Sclieible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 Zorrilla y Moral, Jos6. Obras. Nueva edicion, con su biografiapor Ildefonso deOvejas. Paris, 1852. 3 V. O. por. (Col. de mej. autores espaii. 39, 40, 54.) 862 2 Zorzi, Marc' Antonio. Poesie. (In Gainba, IJ. Col. venez. 1817, v. 11.) 859 50 Zosimiis. Historiae, Graece et Latine ; recen- suit, notis criticis et commentario historico illustravit Jo. Frid. Reitemeier : subjectae sunt animadversiones C. G. Heynii. Lipsiae, 1T84. O. 937 10 ZSCHECH 738 ZWINGLI Zschech, F. Giacomo Leopardi. Berlin, 1885. O. 31 p. (In Yircliow * Holtzeiidorff. Voi- trage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Z$cliokke,Johauii Heinricli Daniel. Aehrenlese. Aaiau, 1844. 2 v. iu 1. D. 833 32 Contents: Pandora: Civilisation, Demoralisation und Todesstrafen— Die Rose vonDisentis, eine Erziililuni;. — Ausgewahlte Novellen uud Dichtungen. 6 vermehrte Ausgabe. Aaiau, 1843. 10 v. in .5. sqS. 833 31 Inhalt ; Alpbabetisches Register, at end of v. lu. — Das Goldniacher-Dorf ; eine anmuthige Ge- schichte. 6 Auflage. Aarau, 1838. D. 833 33 hovnd with 838 1 — Des Schweizerlands Geschlchte. 5 Original- ausgabe, niit Fortsetzung. Aarau, 1834. O. 949 31 — Eine Selbstschau. 3 Ausgabe. Aarau, 1843. 2 v. O, po)-. 928 52 — Zscliokke, E. Heinrich Zsehokke, ein bio- graphiscber Umriss. Berlin, 18G6. O. 47 p. (In Vircllow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. ISerie.) 043 1 La ziiea, ditirambo, see Cavaiiis, M. A. Zucca^iii-Orlandiiii, Attilio. Raccolta di dia- letti italiani, con illuslrazioni etnologiche. Fi- renze, 1864. O. 859 8 Zuccaliiiag'lio, Anton Willielin Florentin Ton, pseudonym. Wilhelm von Waldliriilil. Natur- forscbung und Hexenglaube. Berlin [,1869]. O. 39 p. (In Vircliow ct- Holtzeudorlf. Vor- trage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 ZUIDERZEE. Kooij, K. K. Proeve van een ontwerp tot afsluiting der Zuiderzee. Sneek, 1870. O. 20 p. ?«fyj. 627 44 — Nederlandsclie ninttscliappij Toor groiid- trediet. Droogmaking van hat zuidelijk ge- deelte der Zuiderzee ; versameling van offi- cieele bescheiden. 's Gravenhage, 1868. sqQ. maps. 62" 46 Zuleiinas Flugt, see Paliidan-Miiller, F. Zninbini, Bonaventura. Die Sila in Calabrien. (In HiUelirand, K. Italia, v. 2, 1875.) 945 41 Ziiuipt, Karl (jJottlob. Auszug aus Zumpt's Lateinischer Granimatik. 4 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1836. D. 475 13 Ziingcliin, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den. Zupitza, .Jiilins, editor, see Beowulf; auto- types, with transliteration and notes. 1882. In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 77.) 820 5 The romance of Guy of Warwick. 1875-6. (In same. Extra ser. 25-6.) 820 5.1 ■ Same, Auchinleck and Caiusmss. 1883-91. (In same. 42, 49, 59.) ,820 5.1 Ziirclier, Fr^dirlc, * Margoiy, E. Les gla- ciers. Paris, 1868. D. il (In Cliarton, E. Bibl. des nierveilles.) 551.31 5 Les nieteores. Paris, 1865. D. il. (In same ) 551.5 5 Volcans et tremblements de terre. Paris, 1866. D. il. (In same.) 551.215 ZURICH. Treichler, J. J. Politische Wand- lungen der Stadt Ziirich. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (In Vircliow GUAGE-I)ICTI(»>AR1ES. — t Stratniann, ENGLISH LITERATURE-HUMOR. liottoni line of p. 20B, red'/ Clii'ttlc, II. — 3I1SCELLANE0US. For Euphranor substitute Fitzaeralil, E. Eslterg, Jolian, piraeses. Ulphilam, disserta- tione graduali exhibet Andreas Soederman... 1700. (/HlTlfllas. 1773.) 839.9 12 EUCALYPTUS, f Trubetzkoi, Enplirauor, a dialogue on youth, ivas tvritten by Fltzaerald, E. Evauselinm und romischer Katholicismus, 1871. see Vangelo e cattolicismo. 1876. 282 22 EXAMPLES in theology. ."See ¥i\\\\T^i of Siena: Gesta Romanorum; Iti^ciill de esim- plis; Spencer," J.: Ulricli. J., editor. Eyk, Jacobus Petrus Sprenger van. See Sprenffer van Ei.jk in the preceding catalogue. FeiTcr, M. f Ctesaraugusta, 1579. FESTIVALS. Baillet, A. L'hisioire des festes mobiles. (In his Vies des saints, 1715.16, v. 4.) 922 1 Fitzgerald, Edward. Euphranor, a dialogue on voutli. [Anon.] London, 1851. D. [l-(-] 81 p". 828 11 FORESTRY'. Scolari. Delle [relazioni. Frati. L. These entries should be transferred to their alphabetical jjlace lower in the column. Frederiks, J. G. t2 omgewerkte druk.f [,1888- 91]. FRIULAN DIALECT. Ascoli, G. I. Annota- zioni ai testi friulani. — Cinielj tergestini. (In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 4, 1878.) 450 11 Fiirer, C. f Reis-Beschi>ibung in Egyptenf, G., F. W., see Dickens, F. W. G. Gabotto, Ferdinaudo, & Orsi, I)., editors. Le laudi del Piemonte. Bologna, 1891. v. 1. D. Scelta di curiosita. 238.) 850 10 Galfridus de Vinosalvo. Richardif et Galiu'iiaiii, J. A. f <£• Galvaui, Giovauni, editor, see Novellino pro- venzale. 1870. . (In Scelta di curiosita. 107.) 850 10 Georgi, 0. Leipzig t[. 1854]. Giorgini, G. B., & BrogHo, E. Novo vocabo- lario della lingua italiana. 453 12 Pajres 1-73 of y. 4. Firenze. li*91, have been received, brin^^intr the alphabet down to rientpire. GREECE ()HO(7e))0-DESCRIPTION. Riianga- bes, f.l. R. GREEK modern) LITERATURE. Sanders, D., /r((».s/((/o?\Gediclite aus dem Neugriecliischen. ( /)( ids Aus den besten Lebensstunden. 1878.) 831 77 bound with 74 (■rimni, .1. L. K., ct- W. K. Deutsclies Wdrter- buch. 433 2 The work was befc'un in 1838. The first part was issued in lS.'i2. The following is a statement E\, J. Theitiyal Hiiriiia^ (x. W. H. Uer falsche f Woldeiuar; lleariie, Tliomas. Life ; also catalogue of his writings, por. pi. (In Pole, J. Lives of an- tiquaries, 1772, v. 1.) 928 4 Correcting previous entry. Some of the notes are siRneil in ras. "J. P." Theyare ascriljetl in tlie Dietion- ary of National hioRi-apUy to Huddesford and Warton. Helm, V. Das Salz. \ Berlin, 1873. HERMITS. Rosweyde, H. Vita- libriflO. f mail- Heyiie, Moritz. See (irinini, J. L. K. d- W. K. Deutsches Worterbucb. tlie letters H-.I. L-M, and R, compiled by Heyne. HUdebi-aiKl, Rudolf. See mme. the letters U and K, compiled by Hildebrand. Hocclove, T. f Poems. Houarth. William, illmtrator, see Sterne, L. Works, i78(>. V. 1-2. 823 29 llopkius, J. H. "The end of f controversy," Huddesford, W., see Pote, J. ICELANDIC LITERATURE — MISCELLANE- Ors. Tliorariiissoii, T. Lijted bajna kver. Hooliini i Hialltad;il, 1780. T. 84 y. 83».fil 22.1 — POETRV. \ [Viiliispji:] — S.Ki.VS. Bjiiriier. t forna t koiigar \ lijaltar IXqUISITIOS. tPeua, P. INSCRIPTIOXS. Reiiioiidini, M. 1874-192. — Sanuniiieti, X, Iscrizioni greche deUa Li- ^.uria." {Tu SocietJl ligure. Atti. v. 11, 1875.) 945 48 Irby, Adelina Paulina, <& Mackenzie, (J. M. Notes on the soulli Slavonic countries. 186.5. 949 71 See .Ihu'lieiizif, (I. 31., it- Irliy, in this Appendix. IRRIGATIOX. Vigran. t O. ITALY-FOREIWN RELATIONS. Maisli,G.P. The war and the jicace. (In Christian exam- iner. V. 67, 18.59, p. 260-282.) In main library. — HISTORY. Villari. Contents; tDominazioni tOipolla. JAMES L ofArarjoH. Muntaner, R. 946 t49.1 Jannnccelli. CJonlinuazione delle f Memorie — t Memorie JET, see SURTAR-BRANDR. Johnson, Daniel. Said by Cashing to lie a pseudonym of Wriglit,— . Jorio. ii^l. JUTLAND. Meyer, J. 1739-45, \ v. 4.) Kant, K. See (Jriniiii, J. l. K. d- W. K. Deutsches Worterbuoh, the letter G. compiled by R. Hildebrand and Kant. Koopuiau, Harry Lyman. Library of the Uni- versity of Vermont : Bibliography of George Perkins Marsh. Burlington, March 1892. O. 24 p. OSO 60 Korn, F., given in the Peabody catalogue as Kolin, F. A. LATINI, B. Sundby. \por. Leenderfz, P. 1845-t7. Leweuklaiv, W. 949 t63 LIGURIA. Societil. 1858 t [-92]. LOUIS, duke of Beja. t I'-SS; Luna, M. de. fMirarnamolin Lund, P. VV. Notice. Strike out [so]. Lydgrate, John. Temple of glas : edited with introduction and notes by J. Schick. London, 1891. O. (Jn E. E. textsoc. Extra ser. 60.) 820 5.1 Mackenzie, tfeorgiana Mui^ .s. 949 71 Entered iu this catalogue under Notes. Magni, C. 1685. \T. Marsh, C. C. Wolfe of the Knoll. The note should be enclosed in quotation marks. Marsh, (Jeorge Perkins. American heraldry. (In .lanie] ?) —The camel. 080 13 In the note read 'Ship of the Desert.' —[Letter to Torrey]. 080 -f 59 —To the corporation of the U. V. M. 080 1 59 — translator. Translations from the German. [In American whig review, v. 2, 1845, p. 256- 8.) In main library. Contents: [Prefatory note signed P.]— Rhine-wine song ; from the German of Claudius.— The Gnomes ;— The fairies ; from the German of Matthisson. — Koopman, H. L. Library of the University of Vermont : Bibliography of George Perkins Marsh. Burlington, March, 1892. O. 24 p. 080 60 Third edition ; the first having been published in the Library journal for Dec. 1886, and the second appearing un pages J39-446 of the catalogue. Large-paper copy. — Saxe, J. G. To Hon. George P. Marsh, U. S. minister resident at Constantinople... Burling- ton, Vermont, 1849. {Dedication and preface of the two editions of his Poems, 1850. 1863.) 817 7, 8 The massacre of St. Bartholomew, see La strage di San Bartolomeo. 272 1 \ Mazzei, F. Meyer, J. B. Volksbildung. tl866. Mlaui, (t. Memoria. t Costantinopli. t916.7 3.1 MINERAL WATERS, f Pr^Ml, W. W. Miilich, Hector. Chronik, 1348-1487 ; mit Zu- siitzen von Demer, Walther und Rem. (In Munich— K. baier. Akad. der Wiss.— Hisf. Commis. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte. v. 22 : Augsburg. 1892.) 943 24 Miiller, P. E. Vita Sunonis. f sqQ. Mumsen, f Jakob. Mnnicli- K. baier. Akad. der yS"iss.—Hist. Commis. Die Chroniken der deutschen Stadte. Leipzig, 1893. v. 22. O. 943 24 Contents: 2*2. Augsburg, v. 3. Supplementing also the entry under GERMAN y-HISTORT. Murner, t Thomas. Murray, Eustace Clare Grenrille. I Russi d' oggidi ; deir autore del Deputato di Paiigi ; versione libera dall" ingJese. "Firenze, 1878. D. 914.7 6 N. Y.ieity). fVittorio. Nork, F., given in the Peabody catalogue as a pseudonym of Eolin, F. A. NOTES 743 SCHICK Notes on the south Slavonic countries, see Mackenzie, F. JI., & Irby, A. P., in this Ap- penilix. OCEAN. Seebacli. f O. f 26 p. P., see Marsh, tl. P., in this Appendix. PAL.EONTOLOfciY. Seguenza. v. fG, 1879-80.) Correct also the h«ad-line of this page. Philippe