H D \9>6 DEPT. UC-NRLF B M sob a^a OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PROPOSED NEW DOMINION WATER-POWER REGULATIONS WITH EXPLANATION OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1916 i 5:1 .« 03 c! 03 •« «; Ai 03 C5 Jh ■p ■^ ?=: c" o o >& (V 4-^ > >a •rH 4^ rH CD •H ;:( O «f^. U • G3 4J a 5h 03 U 03 >V o >- 03 J4 «»-l ccf 03 £ t>- > rH C OJ 03 c3 fl ^ •H ;:i «i-l •;-J C) CD f^'a rcJ ,^ 03 4' ^', a O pj t^ •r-t o C rC CO •H tJ OJ P O m CD W 4--> ^ j::; cd- 03 07 2 B o o o C i>* r V' CD t* 4^ V. tD C •H Jh 03 03 «• C od •H •H tori « J^ P^ O >^ •H ^ iH • Co Ci pH •PO a ••H o • rt*n cr CO o •> CQCO >i ftq 1=^ 03 .«H 4J rH 03 O •H 03 'C 03 J^ 5^^ ^ %i W o 03 03 CO >PP • to •H O 03 C «h{:d 02 O 03 ?H rH04 ?H CD * ,ci O TIONS )n of the under- ferences among present for the }re as represenl- ler in whole or e their examin- )sed regulations nable. ilations and the lized on water- for this special t'r lira mil. 1^'* 5 "t-^ I ■^ '^^ 4 c^~ E-i ,^ M 05 bo -ti !^ •ri (U m U O 03 ^ a3,q4^ t « o (3 --cs -P Vi -P cc 03 c->-i S -p S m ro p ^ +^03+3 s::a3i-l!S*H«JOCi, 03 HV UZi O(arH03 a;pOQ3 ^ o ^->t;^+> cf-iVi >»-P to O -P a -H p, O K, «H .H .H C O h rH -P 05 G H C •^^ -H Pj 03 11 ):; -^ . . . . 0)

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O W to r-i '^ m " 03 CS 03 -H ^ > 0! .G +J 03 Ei +3 03 ^ >C 03 Sh O fc:.+3 o o G G -H 03 •r' 03 G 03 >» C -H ^ ^ V. fn C5 03 03 4J 03 03 > B: Ih > > O O 03 to 00 Uj P O ^ ,G •P o (3 >, ,G O til -rt c ^ •H & tJG G U «H !h rH • CC tt! rH +^0 Oi «.H O . GlH cr si o • 03:0 >» W >> PQ • 03 -H Vif:) THE PROPOSED NEW DOMINION WATER POWER REGULATIONS WITH EXPLANATION "\T/^\^T^Ti^ , The regulations here proposed were prepared under the direction of the under- ^^ ^^ *■ -"-^ • signed. The provisions have been the subject of frequent conferences among the officials of the Branch in the past year or more, and the principles accepted represent for the most part the prevailing views at such conferences. They must not be taken therefore as represent- ing the settled policy of the Department. They are not released for publication either in whole or in part at this time. It is desired to emphasize the fact that they were printed primarily to facilitate their examin- ation by parties whose opinion was desired by the undersigned in order that the proposed regulations might be presented to the Department along with the best considered judgment obtainable. Special acknowledgment is due in connection with the drafting of the regulations and the accompanying explanatory note to H. W. Grunsky, a legal expert who has specialized on water- laws and administrative regulations, and whose services have been engaged largely for this special purpose. • J. B. CHALLIES, Superintendent Dominion Water Power liranih. 0:5- THE PROPOSED NEW DOMINION WATER POWER REGULATIONS WITH EXPLANATION XT /^^T^^ fj^ . The regulations here proposed were prepared under the direction of the under- ^^ ^^ ' -'— ^ • signed. The provisions have been the subject of frequent conferences among the officials of the Branch in the past year or more, and the principles accepted represent for the most part the prevailing views at such conferences. They must not be taken therefore as represent- ing, the settled policy of the Department. They are not released for publication either in whole or in part at this time. It is desired to emphasize the fact that they were printed primarily to facilitate their examin- ation by parties whose opinion was desired by the undersigned in order that the proposed regulations might be presented to the Department along with the best considered judgment obtainable. Special acknowledgment is due in connection with the drafting of the regulations and the accompanying explanatory note to H. W. Grunsky, a legal expert who has specialized on water- laws and administrative regulations, and whose services have been engaged largely for this special purpose. J. B. CHALLIES, Superintendent Dominion Water Power Branch. C).'}- HD IC^^C OOCUIVitHTS DEPT. CONTENTS Page. The Explaiiiitiou of the Proposed Regulations 5 Territory Administered C The Application T The Agreement for a License 9 Supervision by Department Engineers 10 Cancellation of Agreement for Default 10 Term of License 10 Renewal or Termination 12 Rights of Crown in Patented Lands 13 Rentals under License and Lease 14: Lease Provisions 15 Limited Rights in Certain Lands 15 Forest and Park Provisions 16 Works — Maintenance and Operation 16 Power Output Clauses 16 Power Sale Clauses 16 Stream Regvilation and Control 17 Appraisal and Accounts 17 Rates to Consumers and Capitalization of Grants 18 Transfers 18 Penalties for Default of Licensee or Lessee 19 Miscellaneous Provisions. 19 Small Water Powers 20 Departmental Work Simplified 21 The Proposed Water Power Regulations 25 Definition of Terms 25 Application of Regulations 27 Small Water Powers 27 The Application 30 Authorization to make Surveys 31 General Layout Plans 32 The Agreement for a License 32 Rights in Lands, lender Agreement 35 Rentals Under Agreement 30 Final Plans of Works 36 Plan of Lands 37 Approval of Plans 38 Bond 38 6373— U Page. The Proposed Water Power Regulations — Concluded. "Works — Construction and Operation by Contractor 38 Cancellation of Agreement for Default 41 License and Lease 43 Term of License 45 Renewal or Termination 45 Rentals Under License and Lease 48 Lease Provisions 50 Limited Rights in Certain Lands 51 Care of Lands 52" Forest and Parks Provisions 54 Works — Maintenance and Operation 55 Power Output Clauses 56 Power Sale Clauses 58 Stream Regulation and Control Clauses 59 Appraisal and Accounts 60 Rates to Consumers and Capitalization of Grants 62 Transfers 63 Penalties for Default of Licensee or Lessee 63 Miscellaneous Provisions 65 Small Water Powers 68 Index to the Regulations 69 EXPLANATION OF THE PROPOSED REGULATIONS (Bracket references interspersed throughout this note are to sections of the accompanying draft of the Regidations.) The regulations under which the Department of the Interior at present administers the water-powers within the jurisdiction of the Dominion Govern- ment are comparatively brief, having been adopted almost in their present form by an order of the Governor in Council on the 2nd of June, 1909. They contain many excellent features which have 'been retained in the accompanying draft. However, it is not surprising that, pertaining as they do to a subject which occupies a comparatively new field and which has lately been receiving much attention from the administrative side in nearly all countries, they should be found to be inadequate. The proposed new regulations are in part an outgrowth of policies which have been shaping themselves through the past years of administration, but they also incorporate many provisions which have been framed after a con- sistent study of the administration of water-powers in other jurisdictions, as well as of the legislative measures which have been there adopted or proposed. The views of financial interests, upon whom the future development of the water-powers so largely depends, haA'e also been carefully considered, and an- endeavour has been made to be fair t(t these without in 'any case sacrificing the ptiblic interest. The legislation of the Dominion Parliament which is the atithority for both the existing and the proposed regulations is contained in section 35 of the Dominion Lands Act (1908), and covers abotit one printed page. This section, after providing for the withdrawal from ordinary disposition and sale of all Dominion lands which are valuable for water-power development purposes, simply gives the Governor in Cotincil very broad powers to make regulations for administering the said lands and water-powers, but stipulates that in nc case shall any sttch lands be conveyed in fee. The primary purpose of the water-power regulations is to bring into force an administrative scheme which, while not retarding the present development of any water-powers Avhich are ready for development, will retain the owner- ship and control of the powers themselve?^ in the Crown, and will sectire their utilization imder conditions that will guarantee the inhabitants of the surroimd- ing cities and districts the utmost possible benefits. Fortunately the Dominion Government has disposed of only a very small percentage of the water-powers under its jurisdiction. The lands commanding 5 Avator-powors which were patented l)efore the legishition above referred to became etfeetive comprise a negative item. Furthermore, very few final water-power licenses and leases have been issued under the existing regulations, and such agreements or contracts as have been entered into, looking to the issuance of licenses when developments shall have 'been completed, have been so framed that the licenses and leases, when issued, may be issued subject to the then existing water-power regulations. Therefore the Government is in a position to profit by the experience of other jurisdictions and to bring practically all the water-powers within its control under uniform and modern regulations. In the hope that the proposed regulations would receive more careful scrutiny at the hands of persons interested in giving the Department the benefit of their criticisms, an endeavour has been made to arrange them syste- matically according to titles, and to accompany each section by a concise side note showing its nature. A brief index will also be fVmnd at the end of the regulations. Territory Administered. The territory, whose water-powers with but slight exception are adminis- tered by the Department of the Interior, embraces the three provinces, ]\ranitoba, Saskatchewan and xVlberta, the Korthwest Territories, and the national parks in the Railway Belt of British Columbia. This area, except the J^^orthwest Terri- tories and the parks of the British Columbia Railway Belt, is shown on the plan on page 8. As indicating the importance of having suitable water-power regulations, I wo typical situations in this jurisdiction are here briefly set out. As a result of a complete comprehensive survey by the engineers of the Dominion Water Power Branch on the power and storage possibilities of the Winnipeg river/ it has been shown that it is possible to develop, under unregu- lated flow conditions on this river in the Province of Manitoba at nine power sites, 250,000 continuous 24-hour horse-power, and under regulated flow con- ditions, feasible of realization within a short period of time, 420,000 continu- ous 24-hour horse-power. Two of these power sites are already developed, one by the city of Winnipeg at Point du Bois falls, and one by the Winnipeg Electric Railway Company. Fortunately these developments fit into and form a part of the comprehensive scheme of development worked out by the Government. The total output of these two developments is transmitted to and used in and around Greater Winnipeg. In view of the strategic location of this city, there is little doubt that all available power of the Winnipeg river will be developed in the near future. It is therefore of prime importance that satisfactory water- power regulations should be brought into force which will insure the complete develojDiment of the-se Avater-powers in a manner that will be fair and just to the 1 See Water Resources Paper No. 3, being a report on the Winnipeg River Power and Storage Investigations by J. T. Johnson, Chief Hydraulic Engineer. Crow-n, the licensee and the public. A map showing the location of these water-powers with respect to the city of Winnipeg is shown facing page 68. A second typical situation in the jurisdiction covered by these regula- tions is that on the Bow river in the province of Alberta. Elaborate compre- hensive surveys were made several years ago by the engineers of the Dominion Water Power Branch/ as a result of which it has been shown that at six power sites on the Bow river, a total amount of 50,000 continuous 24-hour horse-power is feasible of development. Two sites on this river are already developed by the Calgary Power Company, one at Horseshoe falls of 18,000 installed horse- power, and one at Kananaskis falls of 7,500 installed horse-power. The power output is transmitted for use in and around the city of Calgary. A relief map showing the location of the developed and undeveloped power sites on the Bow river is shown facing page 10. The following paragraphs are aimed to give the reader a very brief out- line of the principal features of the proposed regulations, although it is hoped that where a question arises concerning a particular point, the corresponding sections of the regulations will also be consulted. The index will be of assist- ance in locating subject matters not touched upon in this summary. The Application. The information required to be furnished by an applicant (4) may seem rather onerous at first glance, but it is to be remembered that this information is not, in every case, filed at once. In fact it is expected that in the average case several letters will pass between the applicant and the department before the application is complete, and more than likely if the application is for a small water-power site an engineer representing the Dominion Water Power Branch in the particular district will proceed to the site and assist the applicant in the preparation and filing of the requisite data. Since no priority is obtained under these regulations by the mere filing of an initial, or even of a completed application, but since such priority can only be obtained when a permit or an agreement is executed, no particular hardship is placed upon any one by setting out at once the whole scope of the information which is required of an applicant. In case where a small water-power is applied for the Department can permit of an application being filed omitting such part of the data required in section 4 as is considered not essential. Application for small water-powers may be dealt with specially by the Minister. This is explained on page 20. The discussion which here follows, has reference in the m.ain to the larger developments. In order to place a premium on development the effort has been made to facilitate applications in every possible way. The annual rental required 1 See Water Resources Paper No. 2, being a report on the Bow River Power and Storage Investigations by M. C. Hendry. under the agreement, that is, during the survey-construction stage, is to be fixed by the ^Minister (20/). The policy of the Department in the past has been to make this rental light. In the ordinary case, but 25 cents an acre has been asked for the lands not covered by water actually occupied and 'still less for lands under water. Immediately after the filing of an application the applicant is to proceed at once to prepare his general layout plans. These plans might be termed the preliminary plans. They are such as will suffice to explain the general nature of the project (12). An agreement for a license may be entered into at any time after the applicant has filed his general layout plans (16). 2 110 lOe 106 104 102 lOO 96 96 94 32 Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada, "The Prairie Provinces." It has long been the policy of the Department of the Interior to explore the water-powers far in advance of settlement and to collect systematic data with reference thereto, so that it may frequently happen that the information required for general layout plans is already in the possession of the Depart- ment. In such cases this is placed at the disposal of the applicant and he, then has but to execute his agreement and proceed with the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. The Minister may, however, if he considers it necessary to have more information than is required in the general layout plans, defer entering into &n agreement and issue in favour of the applicant a preliminary permit entitling him to carry on further surveys and to prepare further plans, but not in such detail as is required of the final plans. Such a permit oives the applicant priority in the meantime for entering into an agreement (17, IS). Such permit may not be effective for more than a year in the first instance or for two years at the maximum (19). The Agreement for a License. The agreement might well be termed a conditional license, since, if the person holding the same (called in the regulations " the contractor ") completes his works within the time specified and otherwise complies with the terms of agreement, a license unfailingly issues in his favour. The first duty of the contractor is to proceed with the preparation and filing of final plans and specifications. The time within which these must be filed is set out in the agreement. The Department has then six months in which to examine the plans and notify the contractor wdiether they have been approved or rejected, or with what modifications they have been approved (27). Within sixty days after being notified by the Department of the approval of his final plans and specifications, the contractor is to deposit a bond or cheque in such amount as the Minister may deem proper, guaranteeing the performance by him of the terms of his agreement (28). Within six months after receiving such notification of approval of plans the contractor must commence the construction of his works and must thereafter diligently prosecute the same, and bring them to such a stage of completion within five years after the date of the agreement as to be then developing water-power and putting it to a beneficial use (20f). While other provisions of the agreement are subject to amendment by the execution of a supplemen- tary agreement these particiilar provisions relating to the completion of works within a time to be specified and the development and utilization of a mini- mum quantity of water-power within five years after the date of the agree- ment cannot be amended (41). The Minister may, however, in such a case, if he considers that the con- tractor has made a creditable showing on the works and that his failure is excusable enter into an entirely new agreement with such contractor, but such new agreement is in every case to be made subject to the water-power regulations then in force (39). Only temporary rights in or upon any Dominion lands are acquired under an agreement, these being such rights of entry, use or occupation as may, in the opinion of the Minister, be necessary for the purpose of carrying on sur- ve^^s and constructing works (21), 10 Supervision by Department Engineers. Everv agreement is subject to the coiicUtiou that the Minister may phice a qualitiecl inspecting engineer on the work during construction and may also if he considers it necessary retain a consulting engineer for advice in connec- tion with the plans or works of the contractor. The contractor may he required to reimburse the ]\linister for sums expended for salaries, fees and expenses of such inspecting and consulting engineers (32). The contractor must conform to the instructions of the said inspecting engineer (33). Proof of completion of the works must be tiled by the contractor wathin sixty days after the date fixed in his agreement for such completion (36). but the Minister may in any case defer the issuance of a license until a satis- factory inspection has been made by the officers of the department (37). Cancellation of Agreement for Default. Every agreement is subject to cancellation for failure on the part of the contractor to comply with its terms. Unlike the case of non-compliance by a licensee or lessee, the Minister is in the first instance the sole judge of what action shall be taken for such failure on the part of the contractor. He may if he considers the default inexcusable cancel the agreement outright and make any provision which he deems proper for compensating the contractor for works constructed by him on Dominion lands (38). If however, the Min- ister considers that the contractor has made such substantial progress on his works as to entitle him to further consideration two options are presented, first, he may after cancelling the existing agreement grant the contractor a new agreement, but such new agreement must be subject to the water-power regu- lations in force at the time such new agreement is made, or secondly,, he may refer the entire matter of such failure on the part of the contractor to the Exchequer Court of Canada. This Court, it may be explained, has jurisdiction in all cases arising out of a contract entered into by or on behalf of the Crown. The said Court, in case of reference of this nature, may order specific performance on the part of the contractor, or may award the payment of a sum to the Crown as liqui- dated damages, or may order the cancellation of the agreement or may make any other order in the premises wdiich it deems proper (39). Term of License. It is left to the Minister to fix the term of any license issued under the regulations but such terms cannot in any case exceed 55 years from and after the date of the original agreement for the license. This provision practi- callv limits the term of the license to 50 vears and is intended to reinforce ./" ^' ^ \-^s,^^_^^^r^\ - 5 ■';■ ;■ i ■" V ^ 1 I '; »-;■ J 12 that provision of the regulations already referred to which makes it impos- sible to extend the time for the completion of the works and the putting of at least some of the water to a beneficial use in the development of power within 5 years from the date of the agreement. If an entirely new agreement should be entered into because of the applicant having made siibstantial progress in the fulfilment of his original agreement, as already explained, he is in any ease penalized to this extent, namely, that the term of his license is shortened by as many years as the completion of his works has been deferred beyond the five-year period originally allowed. The Committee on the Public Lands of the United States House of Representatives has the following to say on the question of the term of water- power licensees : — " A 50-year term is the one advocated by all of the authorities on the subject, (both in the hearings, in the annual reports of the depart- ments, in writings, and in reports upon the bill from the departments and other authorities on the subject. This length of time seems to be the one thing upon which all are agreed." ^ Renewal or Termination. The two-year period beginning with six years before the termination of the license and ending with four years before such termination is allowed for the licensee to file his application for renewal of his privileges for a further term. Such application, however, must conform to the laws and regulations then in force. Other intending applicants may also file their applications at the same time (46). After this period for new applications or renewals has elapsed the Department is to carefully consider what is the best possible future disposition which may be made of the site. If the Minister decides that some disposition of the site other than a renewal of the licensee's term is in the public interest he must give the licensee not less than three years' notice of the contemplated termination of his license (48). The matter of coaiipensation for the works of the licensee in case of termination is dealt with in section 48. Regarding works on Dominion lands the Minister is to determine what works are to be taken over at the end of the term and the licensee is to be compensated for any works which the Minister decides shall be so taken over (48 [2]), the Exchequer Court to fix the amount of compensation in case of disagreement. The Court in fixing such compensation is to consider the appraisals made from time to time by the officers of the Department (80), also the cost of construction of such works and the depre<*iation fwm Itheir original condition. Xo intangible elements of value are to be included, and the works taken over are to be compensated for only to the extent to which 1 Report No. 16, 64th Congress, 1st Session. 13 they can be shown to. be valuable and serviceable under modern and approved standards from both economic and engineering points of view in the future development and use of the waters in question (48 [4]). Rights of Crown in Patented Lands. It might ordinarily be assumed that the Crown is not interested in any actions of the licensee beyond the boundaries of Dominion lands. A little thought will, however, convince one that it is of the utmost importance that all contracts and licenses be so issued as to give the Crown a hold on that part of the undertaking of a licensee which is carried on outside of Dominion lands. Suppose the regulations were to stop in any case of cancellation or terrnination of a license at taking over only the works on Dominion lands. In most cases the undertaking and works are extensive, with very important parts of trans- mission lines, substations, etc., located on patented lands. It is easily seen that if to terminate or cancel a license it were necessary to disrupt the system entirely and disturb business in the surrounding districts, termination or cancellation would rarely ])e resorted to and the regulations prescribing such penalty would for all practical purposes be a dead letter. Therefore the Crown must have some hold on the undertaking beyond the boundaries of Dominion lands, and if the jurisdiction of the Dominion Government over the requisite territory should be found to be lacking, the desired end must be obtained through the contractual relation which the Crown has with the licensee. This most important point is dealt with in part in section 8G, which provides that before executing any license the Minister must submit to the prospective licensee a draft of the proposed license and secure from the licensee an acceptance thereof and an undertaking to observe and fulfil all the terms and conditions which under his license and under the regulations he is required to observe or fulfil, with particular reference to the right of His Majesty to take over the works, lands, and properties held by the licensee in connection with his license in certain contingencies. The same matter is further dealt with in section 85. This section sets out the rights of the Crown in patented lands and in works not attached to Crown lands when an agreement, license or lease is cancelled or terminated under the regulations. These rights are the same whether the case be one of cancellation for default or one of the termination. It might here be explained that the expression " termination " is used in (•<)iirra-distinction to the term "cancellation" throughout the regulations to denote the cases where the license or lease is brought to an end without any default on the part of the licensee or lessee. In every case of either cancellation or termination full compensation is made for all patented lands and for all works not attached to Crown lands, and rhe Exchequer Court of Canada is allowed to fix the same. The Minister has 14: ihe I'iglit. however, to say iu the tirst instance what lands and works ninst bo given over into the possession of the Crown, but except in the case of the can- cellation of an agreement the Exchequer Court may review and revise the Minister's decision on this question as to which of such lands and works are to be permanently taken over and occupied. The compensation to be paid tor any j»atente(l lands so taken over from the licensee is to be determined by considering sm-h lamls from the jxdnt of view of their natural fitness for ordinary, connnercial or industrial purposes when compared with other lands in the immediate vicinity but is uot to include any special value which may attach to the said lands by reav&on of the development made by the licensee in coiinection with his license (8r)[-i]). The compensation \o be paid for works not located upon Dominion lands is to be arrived at as nearly as possible according to the i)rovisions already referred to for a])praising the value of works located on Dominion lands (48, [4] and | r»J. If, however, the Dominion Water Power Regulations in force at the time of such taking over contain provisions more j^articidarly a])plicable to the case in hand then such compensation shall be airived at according to snch later provisions (85 [5 J). Silver F*11h, \Vinni|)eg River. Rentals Under License and Lease. The annual ri'iital payable under any license or lease is to be fixed by ihe ^linister (4!>). This rental may be a fixed sum or a sum compute]). The licensee or lessee is given notice of any intended increase of rentals not less than one year before such increase is to become effective and is given sixtv davs in which to tile his objections. The 16 jMiiiister may direct the holding of an inquiry on the matter by the Superin- tendent of Water Power if, in his opinion, the case warrants it, but the Minister's decision, after hearing the report by the Superintendent of Water Power is finah The penalty for non-payment of rentals is cancellation of the license or lease by the Governor in Council (50 [1]) but if the Governor in Council so directs, the case may bo referred to the Exchequer Court like other cases of default (84). If the Governor in Council concels the license outright he may at the same time decide the question of the compensation, if any, which is to be paid for the works of the licensee or lessee located upon Dominion lands. It is obvious that in the case of cancellation for non-payment of rentals the pro- visions respecting compensation should not be too lenient, or the licensee may seize the opportunity of unloading a white elephant on the hands of the Government. Lease Provisions. The proposed regulations follow the principle that lands contiguous to a water-power or lands which are required in the development of any water- power are to be considered as part and parcel of such water-power and are to be administered under like regulations as such water-power. The lease is to be made concurrent with the license in its term, and is to be dependent upon cxm- pliance "by the licensee with all the provisions of the license (51, 5'2). A lease may be voided in whole or in part because of the lessee's ceasing to occupy and use the lands leased or because of their being no longer required for constructing, maintaining and operating the works of the lessee. The Minister is to be the judge of wdiether any particular lands are no longer required for the said purposes, but his decision is not to be made without an opportunity for objection on the part of the lessee. The Minister may in such case in his discretion permit the lessee to remove any works located upon the lands so withdrawn from the operation of the lease, or may make provision for com- pensating the lessee for such works (53). Limited Rights in certain Lands. No exclusive rights are to be granted in lands required only for flooding purposes or in lands required for rights of way for transmission lines (54-56). This permits of homesteaders and others having the same degree of access to the shore as formerly. Furthermore no rights in any lands forming the beds or shores of any river, lake or other natural body of water shall be granted by any lease except as may be required for the actual site of works (56). Sections 57 to 68 fire general sections dealing with the care of Dominion lands covering such matters as protection against fires, care of government and other transmission lines, maintenance of roads and trails, and the cutting of merchant- able timber. 16 Forest and Park Provisions, Sections 64 to 00 provide that any lease of lan(.ls for water-power purposes within any Dominion forest reserve or park shall be subject to such conditions as the Minister may impose with respect to the care and management of such forest reserve or park, and to compliance on the part of the lessee with the provisions of any forest or park regulations which are applicable to such forest reserve or park. Works — Maintenance and Operation. Sections 07 f<> 70 provide f«»r luaintiMuuu'c and operation of the works to the satisfaction of the Minister, free access at all times for inspecting pur- poses, the securing of an authurization by the licensee before making any material change in the work- and the installation of measuring devices to the satisfaction of the ^fini^ter. Power Output Clauses. If the licensee refuses to develop power up to the full capacity possible under his license his license and lea.>=<» are sailiject to cancellation (71, 72). If an investigation and a hearing l>y the I)e|)artnient should disclose the fact that a more comprehensive development than that of the licensee is desirable at i>r near the site occui)ied, the (lovernor in (Jouncil may authorize the ^linister to offer the licen-ee a new agreement for umlertaking such enlarged developiuent. and if the license should not. within six months after receiving such offer, enter into such new agreement his licence would become subject to cancellation by order of the Governor in Council : but in such case he would receive compensation for the reasonaltle vaim- of his works, plus a bonus to be decided by the Exchequer Court, but not to exceed in any case three-fourths of one per cent of such reasonable value for each full year of the unexpired term of th«' license. If tlie license had forty y<>ars to run the maximum Ixmus would be thirty j»er cent, if tliirty years twenty-two and one- half per cent, and so on (73). In case the works of several licensees are affected by a proposed enlarir<'d develo|)ment a procedure is atVorde(| under which |)roposals may be received from all such licensees and an agreement entered into with that one whose proposal appears most in the judilic interest (74). Power Sale Clauses. If a licensee desires to use or dispose of power in a manner or for a purpose other than as set out iii hi< license or wishes to develop and dispose of a greater quantity of power than authorized by such license, he must secure a new license for the purpose which shall in every case be subject to the conditions of the Water Power Regulations then existing; (7.')). 17 Except upon the written consent of the Minister no sale or delivery of power is to be made to a distributing company, except in case of an emergency, and then only for a period not exceeding thirty days (76). The Crown has the privilege of purchasing power from any licensee at as low a price as is given other consumers under similar conditions (77). Contracts for the sale of power extending beyond the term of the license are permitted to be entered into only with the approval of the Minister; but if .such contracts are so approved and the license is terminated at the end of the term, such contracts must be taken over and fulfilled by the Government or the new licensee (78). Stream Regulation and Control. Every agreement, license or lease issued is to be subject to governmental regulation of the flow of the stream upon which the works are located and to governmental .control over all diversion of waters so as to secure the maximum i'.dvantageous development of the power resources of such stream, also over the raising of the level of any waters. The Government also has the right in any case to construct works for the benefit of the general regulation and control of the waters of the stream or for the storage of water, and the cost of such works may be prorated among the several licensees operating on the stream (79). Generating Station, Point du Bois. Appraisal and Accounts. Not only is it intended that a close watch shall be kept during construc- tion by inspecting engineers appointed by the Government as heretofore explained as a result of which the original cost of construction of any works will be known, but in every case where the Minister considers such action of sufficient importance, he is to cause an appraisal of the value of the works, lands and properties of the licensee to be made once every five years, taking 6373—2 18 note of any enlargement or permanent improvement which may have been authorized, and setting over against these items a fair estimate of any loss in the value of the said works, lands and properties whether due to ordinary or extraordinary causes (80). As an aid to this appraisal every licensee is required to keep a true and detailed account of all expenditures made in respect of the said works, lands and properties and to file annually a return based on the said account. The Minister may direct the mode of keeping the said account including the classi- fication of items under the headings of permanent improvements, maintenance and operation, etc., and the method of allowing for depreciation (80). Rates to Consumers and Capitalization of Grants. The Governor in ("onncil may ublic utility ])urposes, the application may be treated as a special case, an(»wer at any ])lant which is used as an auxiliary to the water-power plant; the transmis- sion and distribution of such jiower; the construction, main- tenance and (operation of all the wnrks in anywise instrumen- tal or useful for such purposes; and the business of the appli- cant or licensee connect(xl with the foregoing: *' Works " when used in reference to any application, permit, agreement or license, means all physical structures and devices constructed, used or held, or t<» i)e constructed, used or held in respect of such application, permit, agreement or license, and shall include all sluices, raceways, dams, reservoirs, divert- ing works, gates, weirs, canals, tunnels, pipes, penstocks, water eonduits, embankments, pits, sli]»urtenances, so constructed, used or held : Any other term used in these regulations if defined in the Dominion Lands Act (Chapter 20, 7-8 Edward VID, or in the Interpretation Act (Chapter 1, R.S.C., 190G), shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meaning in these regulations. Words importing the masculine gender shall inchule the feminine and lx»dies corporate. 27 APPLICATION^ OF KEGULATIOXS. 2. These regulations shall govern — (o,) The administration of all water-powers located upon Regulations for V ' • r> 1 administration or within any Dominion lands as herein denned : both water powers and lands. (6) The administration of such of the said lands, or inter- ests therein, as are, in the opinion of the Minister, essential to the proper development and working of the said water-powers : (c) The mode in which lands other than those of the Crown, which are essential to the proper development and working of the said water-powers may be acquired and held. SMALL WATEK-POWEKS. 3. Where the Department's estimate of the capacity of the smaii water- T 1 ^ -I Tin T • 1 powers to be Site applied for, under average usable now conditions, does not dealt with exceed five hundred horse-power, and where, the Minister con- separated. siders, after receiving a report by the Superintendent of Water Power, that the site applied for is not of primary importance for commercial or public utility purposes, the application may be dealt with under the provisions of sections 95 to 97 hereof.^ THE APPLTCATTOX. 4. Every applicant for a license to divert or use water for contents of power purposes shall file with the Superintendent of Water ^^^ ication. Power a statement giving or accompanied by the following information : — (a) The name of the applicant: (6) His occupation and post office address: (c) The name or a clear description of the river, lake, or other water-course from which the water is to be diverted or used : (d) The place where the water is to be diverted from or in the said water-course, referred if possible to an established monument of the Dominion lands system of surveys ; also the place where the water is to he returned or released : (e) The maximum and average amounts of stream flow expressed in cubic feet per second which it is proposed to divert or use at the place of diversion in the first year of opera- tion and ultimately, under the license, namely: 1. Maximum flow, first year: 2. Average mean flow, first year: 3. Maximum flow, ultimately: ■i. Average mean yearly flow, ultimately: 1 Page 68. 28 (/) The maximum flow of water expressed in f'iil)it' feet per second which will ultimately be required, at the place of use, to operate the proposed works at their greatest (i.e., overload) capacity: (Whore no storaffe, pondage or penning back of the waters is contemplated, the answer to this item will be identical with item 3 of (*ed type and the material to be used in its construc- ti(»n) : {/>■) if stt»ragc is involved, the location of each lake, basin or other place in which it is desired to store water; also, with reference to each such place, the capacity in acre-feet of storage desired, the aj»j)roximate ninnber of acres of land which it is proposed to flood and the api)roximate area ia acres of the surface of the reservoir when tille<| : (/) A reasonably accurate description and the area in acres of the lands which must be occuj)ied or used in the construc- tion, maintenance or operation of the jtroposed W(»rks, noting sej)arately lands recpiircil for riirbts of way and lands which must be flooded : — 1. Within i>oMiinion lands: 2. Within provincial Crown lands: •"i. Within privately ownecl lands: (Describe by section, township, and range or by jot niunber, if in surveyed territory ; and if other than Crown lands give tlie name of the registered owner in fee, any registered mort- gagee or lessee, and any clainuint in actual ])ossession otiier ilian a registercvl owner, mortgagee or lessee). 29 (m) A sketch or plan (which need not necessarily lie drawn to a scale) showing- approximately the location of all the principal works and lands referred to in the last three preceding i reins : (n) The nearest neigh bonring works or strnctures ciin- plered or in course of construction, both above and below the place of the proposed diversion, for diverting or using water for any purpose from the same source of supply and the approximate distance and direction of each such works from the proposed works ; also the names and location of any other works or structures whatever (including bridges, railways and canals) which might affect or be affected by the construction, maintenance or operation of the proposed works. State the nature of any possible conflict, and also whether any of the works mentioned are irrigation works within the meaning of the Irrigation Act: (o) The approximate discharge in cubic feet per second, at or near the place of diversion of the river, lake or other source from which the water is to be diverted at high, medium and low water stag;es respectively, also a copy of any existing measurements of the flow of the stream in the possession of the applicant or of which he knows : (p) Briefly an outline of the undertaking in respect of which the license is desired, including the use to which the power is to be applied, any sale, delivery or transfer thereof to other than the applicant which is contemplated, the territory, if any, within which such sale, delivery or transfer is to be exercised, the probable demand for power within such terri- tory and an estimate of the capital cost of the entire under- taking : (q) The financial standing of the applicant with reference to his ability to carry out the proposed undertaking. (The applicant, when requested so to do by the Minister, shall file an affidavit setting forth such facts with respect to this item as the Minister may require, which affidavit will he treated as confidential.) (r) If the applicant be an incorporated company, the state- ment shall, in addition to the foregoing information, set forth : — 1. The names of the directors and officers of the com- pany, and their places of residence. 2. The head office of the company in Canada. 3. The amounts of sul)scribed, and of paid-up capital, specifying in regard to the latter^ (a) how much has 30 been paid in cash, and (h) in what manner the balance has been paid for, also the proposed method of raisino- fnrther funds, if reijuired, for the construction and opera- tion of the proposed works. 4. Copy of such parts of the charter or memorandum of association as authorize the application and proposed undertakini--. Elevations re- ferred to sea- level. Minister mny request further Information. (s) If the applicant ix' a municipality, then the f<>llowini>; special information shall be o-iven in addition to that requiivd in items («) to (q) above, namely: — 1. The location, area and boundaries of the munici- pality. 2. The a[)pi-oNiiii;iic nniiibcr of its inhabitants. • !. llic ])r('S('nr c-timatcd market value of the property owned l)y sufli nmiiicipality. 4. The asse>sed value of the property subject to taxa- tion by sucli miniicipality. '). A certified copy of any ly-hiw or rexilutiou passed by liie municipality respectiiiir the application or the undertakiiiiT to which tlie application relates, and also a certified copy of any eiuii)linj; Act or other statutory provision authoriziui:: the municipality to engage in tiie proposed undertaking. 5. All elevations given in connection with the plans or other information filed by any applicant n to m.vkk sruvKVs. Auliiorization. issued if necessary. 7. rile Minister may. if he considers it ad\isable. issue to any a]»plicant an authorization to make surveys which shall empower the aj)plicant to enter upon any Crown lands without other license therefor, and ujx^n tl\e lauds of any pers<3n 1. Altitudes In Canada by James White, Assistant to the Chairman, Commission of Conservation, Ottawa, 1915, will serve as a satisfactory guide on this- subject. 31 whomsoever for tbie purpose of making such surveys and inves- tigations as may be necessary for the preparation of his general layout plans and data, but for no other purpose whatsoever. 8. The issuance of an authorization to make surveys shall ^° special rights . . T c acquired. not give the applicant any priority over other applicants for the development of any water-power, nor any special claim or right whatsoever in respect of the said water-power. 9. The applicant shall furnish such security as the Min- Applicant to ^ , , 1 • 1 1 furnish security. ister may require lor the payment of any sums which may be subsequently awarded for the damage caused by the applicant in making any surveys and investigations authorized under these regulations, and the applicant shall, in making such sur- veys and investigations, do as little damage as possible, and shall make full compensation therefor to all persons sustain- ing the same. 10. In case the applicant and the person whose lands are Provision for damaged by the making of any such survey's and investigations dama^'"'"^ cannot agree on the amount of the compensation for the dam- age done, either party may apply to any superior or county court of the province or district in which the lands entered upon are located to have the question settled by arbitration, and thereupon the procedure supplied in the Railway Act for determining the compensation for the taking and using of lands by a railway company and for awarding the costs of the said arbitration shall be followed, as provided in subsection 8 of section 35 of the Dominion Lands Act. GEXEKAL LAYOUT PLANS. 11. Forthwith after the tiling of the application, or after ^^^"^ t° ^« , f^ / i _ " prepared and the issuance to the applicant of the authorization to make sur- filed . veys, if such authorization has been considered necessary, the applicant shall proceed with the preparation of his general lay- out plans and data, and shall file the same within such time as the Minister shall specify, not to exceed in any ease, one year from the date of the filing of the application. 12. The general layout plans and data shall be such as will '^^^^^^^ layout enable the Superintendent of Water Power to determine plans, whether the proposed works are of suitable desigTi to accom- plish the purpose intended, whether the proposed development is in general accord with the most beneficial utilization of the resources of the stream and \vhether the proposed undertaking is feasible and practicable and in the public interest, and such 32 Lands. Nearby works to be shown on plans. Requirements 'P plans. plans shall further conform to any requirements of the ^lin- ister not inconsistent with these reijulations. The said data shall in all catimates of cost. 13. The said plans shall in every case show the location and area of the land which must he occupied, used or flooded ir. connection with the proposed works. (This information should be in such form as will satisfy the requirements of item (l) of section 4.) 14. If there are other works ;il ready constructed or in course of construction in the neighbourhood of the proposed works for diverting or using water from the same stream, the said plans shall inai tem- porarily diverted, used or stored under the agreement, pending ihe issue of a license: ( j ) Tbe sum or sums to be ]t;ii«I :is rentals oi- ntvalties for tlie hinds occupied or the waters used during the life of the agreement, also the times and the nujuner of the paynu'iit Miereof : (A) A promise ou the part of the c^^ntractor that he will observe and fulfil all the terms and c<»nditions of these regula- tions or of tbe said agreeuu-nt re<|uired to be observed or ful- rilled ity him, including, in every case where an agreement is cancelled or terminated under the terms thereof or of these regulations, the provisions of section 85 ; and als4j a promise that he will, whenever requested so to do by the Minister, execute the acceptance of the license and (or) lease to be issued by tbe .Minister in conformity with thes<' regulations, and the undertakiuir in conjunction therewith as set out in section 80. (/) The amount of the bond or checpie, if any, recpiired to be deposited by the contractor as security for the j^erform- ance of the terms and conditions of the agreement : 35 (m) A promise to issue in favour of the contractor upon completion of his works and observance and fulfilhnent by him of all the terms and conditions required under his agree- ment and under these regulations to be by him observed and fulfilled :— "^ (1) A water license and a statement of the principal terms, which, subject always to these regidations will be embodied in such license when issued, with particular reference to items (r), (c). if) and {g) of section 43, and (or) (2) A lease of lands and a statement of the principal terms, which, subject always to these regulations will be embodied in such lease when issued. {n) A statement that, pursuant to the statute in that behalf, no member of the House of Commons of Canada shall be admitted to any share or part of the said agreement or to any l)enefit to arise therefrom: (o) Any other special terni> and conditions which, subject always to these regulations may be imposed by the Minister. RIGHTS IX LAXDS UNDER AGREEMENT. 21. Onlv such interim rights of entry upon or of the use Temporary rights T^ . . T 1 1 11 -• • 1 • ^"^ Dominion or occupation of any JJominion lands shall De acquired m lands. virtue .of any agreement executed under these regulations as may, in the opinion of the Minister, be necessary for the pur- pose of making surveys, preparing jDlans, constructing works and otherwise carrying out the terms of the agreement and in no case shall the rights granted by any agreement be con- strued to interfere in any way with any interest in Dominion lands previously disposed of by the Crown. The Minister may, from time to time, as plans and information are tiled showing the extent and scope of the works and undertaking of the contractor with greater precision than was possible when the agreement was executed, and pending the execution of the lease hereinafter mentioned, designate, allot, amend and limit the areas of the said lands which the contractor is permitted to enter upon, use or occupy for the purpose aforesaid, and the Minister's decision on the above matter shall be final. 22* The powers of expropriation conferred on contractors Rights in private by subsection 3 of section 35 of the Dominion Lands Act shall '^"^^• in no case be exercised until the Minister, by a permit or other writing issued in favour of the contractor, has designated the lands with respect to which such powers may be exercised, and 6373— 3i . ' ; the Minister shall not issue such permit or other writing prior to the filing by the contractor of his final plans of the works and of the lands which are required to he occupied as herein- before specified. Any such j)ermit <»r writing shall expressly provide that the power to expropriate is granted only in so far as His ^Majesty's Government in rlie right of (^mada is empowered to grant the same. iJK.XTALs r.xiiKi; a(;i;krmf,nt. Rentals under agreement, when payable. 23. The first payment on animal rentals account under any agreement shall be payable on or before the execution of the agreement, and shall be proratc^d to cover the then unex- pired portion i»f the calendar year; subsequent payments oii said account shall be payable on the first day of January of each year in advance; provided that on the issuance of the license or lease to which the agreement relates, the contractor shall be credited on license or lease rentals account with any excess of j)aym(Mit made by him fi»r the then unexpired portion (if the calciidar vcar nu the aiircfiiK'Mt-rentals account. FIN.\I. I'I,.KNS OK WOKKS. Wlien to be preparecl. Nature of final plans. 24. ( 1 ) Fortliwitli after the exectition of any agreement the contractor shall commence and carry forwani the prepara- tion of the tinal ■j)laii-; and ;*pecifications os4'd works for the development of power at the site in l plana. 25. The said plans shall be on tracing linen; and the -aid specifications .i.\ty days after being ni»tified in writing by the Superintendent i>t" Wafer Power epart- ment tiiat the final plans and specitications of the work have been approved; the contractor shall depfisit with the Minister either a cheque or cheques drawn on a chartered bank, in such anntunt as tiie Minister may deem proper for guaranteeing the performance and fulfilment by the contractor of the terms and conditions of his agreement, which deposit shall be forfeited to His Majesty as li(|ui if the contractor does not, to the satisfaction of the Minister, perform and fnlfil thp said terms and conditions; or, at the option of the Minister, a bond in such amH»unf as the ^linister shall specify, guaranteeing the said performance and fulfilment. Evidence of the said prrfonnance and fulfilment shall be supported by statutory declaration as hereimifter providem-h deposit or bond as the ca^-e mav be shall be returned to liim. W(H;KS CONSTRICTION AX1> Ol'KK.VT lO.N BY ("ON'lUAC'Toi;. Xo commence- ment till after approval. Commencement and pro«»ecution of construction. 29. ( 1 ) The c-ontract/or shall not commence the actual osed works until after boing notified as hereinbefore provided, that his final plans and specifications of such works have Wen approve. 1 either with or without con- ditions by the Department. (2) Within six months after receiving such notification the contractor shall commence the construction of the said works and shall thereafter without interruption, except sucli as may be occasioned by stress of weather or other cause beyond rhe 39 control of the contractor (other than want of funds), carry on and complete the construction of the said works aecr.rding to the plans and specifications as so approved, and subject to ihe terms -of the agreement and of these regulations. (3) The contractor, before making- any material chanae in Authorization ^^ . . > 1 • necessary for works constructed or under construction m pursuance ol his change in works agreement or in the location thereof from the plans as approved taking!*" ^^' by the Minister, or before making any change in the character of the undertaking authorized by such agreement or in the purpose for which the said works are to be utilized as set out in such agreement shall submit a complete statement and plans of such proposed change to the Minister and the putting into eifect thereof shall be subject to such conditions as the Minister, at the time of giving his approval thereto, may impose. 30. (1) In the event that the said works are put into opera- if works tion before the issuance of the water-license, the contractor agreenaent shall, pending the issuance of such license and until otherwise agreed upon, maintain and operate the same to the satisfaction of the Minister and shall at no time raise the level of the waters of any river, lake or other body of water or permit such level to be raised higher than the elevation which shall be fixed from time to time by the Department and shall abide by all reason- able regulations which may iivmi time to time be promulgated by the Minister for the control of the flowage of any waters for general conservation purposes. (2) The contractor shall in such case pay for any water used in the development of power prior to the issuance of the said water-license, such sum or such rate per horse-power as the Minister may determine. 31. The Minister or any engineer or person appointed inspection during by him for that purpose shall have free access at all times to all construction. parts of the lands being occupied or of the works being con- structed by any contractor for the purpose of ascertaining whether the terms and conditions of the agreement are being satisfactorily carried out by the contractor, and in particular whether the construction of the works is in accordance with the plans and specifications approved as hereinbefore provided ; also for the purpose of checking and taking note of construction- cost data; for which purposes the contractor or any sub-contrac- tor shall give the Minister or the engineer or person appointed for the purpose access to figtires in the possession of such contractor or siiib-contractor a^t all reasonable times. 32. The Minister, if he considers the case of sufficient inspecting and importance, may place a qualified inspecting engineer on the gi*neers!"^ ^"' 40 work (hiring- eonstnictiou and may also if he considers it neces- sary retain a consulting engineer for advice in connection with the plans or works of the contractor. The contractor shall reimburse the Minister on or before the first day of January in each year for all sums paid for salaries, fees, and expenses of the said inspecting and consulting engineers in respect of the undertaking of the contractor on statements being sub- mitted by the Department from time to time of the sums so paid. If inspecting engineer's instructions not followed. 33. The contractor shall abide by, conform to and carry out all written instructions of the inspecting engineer regard- ing the construction of all works in accordance with the plans and specifications approved as hereinbefore provided, and in case of dispute, regarding such written instructions, or regard- ing the plans and s])ecifications, the Minister's decision shall Ihj final and conclusive; and in case the contractor does' not abide by or conform to and carry out the written instructions of the inspecting engineer the ^linister may cause the con- tractor to suspend all operations with respect to works herein mentioned until he gives instructions to resume operations. Contractor's reports. 34. The contractor shall submit such reports of ])rogress during construction of the saivorks or the carrying on of his undertaking for the time IxMug is simihir to that (»f a lessee or license*^, observe and comj>ly with all the provisions of these regulations n|il)licable to les.sccs aiul licensees. Proof of completion. By .statutory declaration. 36. (li I'nless excused from com])liance with this sec- tion hy the .Minister, the contractor shall file with the Su])er- intendent of Water Power within sixty days after the date fixed in his agreement for the completion of his works and fulfillment otherwise of the terms of his agreement, jiroof of such fiiltillment and completion. (2) The said proof shall be in the form of a statutory declaration by the contractor, or, if the contractor is a body corporate, by one of the officers thereof, sujiported in either case by the statutory declaration of two reputable persons 41 olher than the contractor and not interested in the agreement. Blank forms for making the said declaration shall he supplied €n request, by the Superintendent of Water Power. 37. The Minister may defer the issuance of any license Minister may until a satisfactory inspection and survey of the works con- ^^^^ mspec ion. structed, the lands occupied and the water used has been made under his direction. If required so to do by the Department the contractor shall pay the cost of such inspection and survey. CA?iCELT.ATIOIV OF AGREEMENT FOR DEFAULT. 38. (1) If default shall be made by the contractor in any cancellation part of the payment of the rental payable under his agreement ^^ default, for thirty days after the same shall have become payable (whether formally demanded or not), or in the satisfactory completion of the proposed works within the time specified in the said agreement, or in the development and putting to a beneficial use within the time specified in the said agreement of the amount of power prescribed therein, or in the observance or fulfilment of any other term or condition of the said agree- ment, the Minister to he the final judge of such satisfactory completion of works, development and use of power or obser- vance or fulfilment of other term or condition, provided always that, except respecting non-payment of the said rental, the Minister shall have given the contractor written notice of such contemplated cancellation and his reasons therefor and allowed the contractor sixty days in which to file in writing his objec- tions to such cancellation and considered the said objections, it shall be lawful for the Minister by a writing under his hand to cancel the said agreement and determine the rights thereby conferred, and to repossess himself on behalf of His Majesty of the Dominion lands used or occupied in connection with the said agreement and all works, structures and equipment located thereon. (2) If an agreement is cancelled for default on the part f « compensation ^ ^ ^ ^ , _ , i , for works on of the contractor under the terms of this section, and if, in Dominion lands, the opinion of the Minister, the contractor is entitled to com- pensation for any works constructed on any Dominion lands or for any plans filed by him in pursuance of his agreement, the Minister may make any prov*ision which he deems proper for arriving at or securing the payment of such compensation. 39. In the case of default on the part of the contractor as Alternative f -11 • ^ • ■ r \ ~\r- • ^ i procedure where aforesaid, where, m the opinion of the Minister, the works substantial already constructed by the contractor represent a substantial p^^"**^^-^ made. 42 Rights' of Crown In patenterl l.inds and works, etc., not attached to Dominion lands. Amending the agreement. percentage of all the work.-^ required to be constructed under his agreement, or if the money already expended by the con- tractor in the actual development of tlie water-power site, including engineering expenses, purchase of equipment, con- struction of roads, railways or other incidental works, repre- sents a substantial percentage of the total sum required to be expended for the said purpose under the agreement, the ^Minister may — (a) After cancelling the existing agreement, grant the contractor priority over all other applicants for entering into a new agreement with His ^lajesty for the development of the site in (piestion. but in every such case such new agreement and any further c(»ncessions made in favour of the contractor shall be made subject to and shall be deemed to incorporate, in 50 far as applicable the provisions of the water-power regula- tions of the Dominion (iovcrnment then or thereafter in force: (6) Refer the matter of such non-observance or non-fulfil- nient to the Exchecpu'r Court of Canada, after giving the contractor nr»t less than thirty days' notice in writing of such reference, in which case if the said Court after hearing the matter finds that there has In'cn failure on the part of the contractor to observe or fnltil any term or condition of the said agrj'cment and th<' case is one which cannot, in the opinion of tlie said Court, be met by an order of specific performance or l)v the award of a sum payable to the Crown as liquidated e imposed by the Minister. TER.\[ OF LICEXSE. 45. Every license shall be limited to such term, not ex- Term of cteding fifty-iive years from and after the date of the original ^'^ense. agreement for such license, as the Minister mav determine. KEXEWAL OK TERMIXATIOX. 46. Xot less than four nor more than six years prior to Licensee treated the termination of any license, the licensee may apply in ^^J^^^nt for writing: for an extension of riohts held under such license and further term. applications may also be filed with the Minister by any per- sons looking to the future utilization of the site to which the license applies. Any application for this purpose including the application for renewal of the licensee shall be in such form and contain such statements and information as will satisfy the laws and regulations then in force, and such appli- cation for renewal bv the licensee shall in everv case be accom- 46 Renewal must be in public interest. l)anie(l l)_v a suitable iiiider taking on the part of the licensee that he will comply with all the said laws and regulations. Fpon the filing of such application for renewal and under- taking the licensee will he given preference over other a]ipli- cants, for a license to use and occupy the waters and lands in (juestion during a further term. Proviri*f8h<>e Fallc Calgary I'owtT CoiiipanyV I)<'\cl(i|>iii<'iit. Minister to •lecide on future disposition. 47. At'icr iljc termination of ilic tun ycnr pn-idd men- tioned in tlie last jtreeeding section, and after such jtuhlic hearing as the .Minister may tjeem necessary, hut subject idways to the hiws and regulations then in force the .Minister sliall determine, in view of all a))plications then pending for the future occupation and use of the waters and lands in ques- tion (ine removed without damage to the said hmds. and the licensee may thtu-e- upon at any time before such expiry sequent date, as the case may be. remove the sai i.k.vsk. Annual rental flxiMl hv Mlnipiter. Clear of taxes, etc. .May he fixed sum or rate. 49. ( 1 ) An annual r(>ntal shall Ik- payable uniler evei-y li<'ense in resprs-l of the water u-eil or authorized to be useayable to him. ('2) Such i-eiital shall be eloar rinia facie sufiicient to warrant an inquiry he shall so decide, and shall notify such licensee or lessee of such decision ; but if he considers the alleged grounds of objection sufiicient to war- rant an inquiry he shall set a time and place for a hearing before the Superintendent of Water Power or such other officers or persons as he may designate, and shall give such licensee or lessee not less than sixty days notice of such hearing. (9) The Superintendent of Water Power or such other Hearing before ^ ■' ^ . 1 1 ■ • Superintendent of officers or persons as are appointed to conduct such hearing water-Power. may summon and examine witnesses upon oath or affirmat^'on, may adjourn the hearing to obtain further evidence and shall report their recommendations to the Minister who may there- upon take action as he deems just. 50. (1) If a licensee or lessee shall be in arrears for six cancellation for moiiiths in respect of any rental or other sum or sums payable by J°e"s"^^^™^"* ''^ him under these regulations, provided always that he shall have 6373-4 50 Re works on Dominion lands. Rights of Crown In patented lands and work-s. etc., not attached to Dominion lands. been given notice of the arrearage not less than sixty days he- fore the jjrtssing of the order hereinafter mentioned, the Gov- ernor in Council may, hy an order in that behalf, cancel his license or lease, as the case may be, and thereujwn such license or lease shall become void and of no effect and the rights there- by granted shall absolutely cease and determine without fur- ther proceeding, and such of the licensee's or lessee's works as are located on Dominion lands shall alisolutely vest in and be- come the property of the crown without re-entry or any other act or any suit or legal proceeding being brought or taken. Provided always that His Majesty shall be entitled to recover from such licensee or lessee the rent then accrued or accruing, and that any rights of action of His Majesty against such licensee or lessee in respect of any antecedent breach of any term or condition of such license »»r lease shall not be prejudiced by such cancellation. (2) The Governor iu C^ouncil may in such case, if he deems such licensee or lessee entitled U> any com'jx^nsation for the works so taken over and located on Dominion lands fix the said compensation. (15) The rights of His Majesty with respect to the posses- sion, occupation and use of any lands, works, structures, equi])- ment and pntpertics other than Dominion binds and the works htcated thereon, then owned or held by the licensee or lessee and used or occupied in connection with the undertaking to which such license or lease relates, and the compensation to be })aid for any such other lands, works, structures, equipment and properties shall in case of cancellation under this se<'tion be as set out in section .s.'j hereof. I^e:»5e to run concurrently with license. I.KA.SK rnovisioNs. 51. Kvery lease >\\i\\\ be for tlie same term of years as the license in conjunction with \vhi<-h it is issuehall be sul)ject to all the terms and condi- tions of the license so far as the said terms and conditions are applicable thereto; provided always, tihat in no case shall sucon or use or »K'cupation of any Dominion lands for a period exceeding fifty-five years from and ntter the date of the oriirinal agreement for such lease. Lpe to depend upiin license. 52, The ea-ements, rights and privileges acquired under such lease shall be subject always to compliance by the lessee with all the terms and conditions of his license and if. under the provisions of such license or of these regulatif»ns. or by other 51 lawful means such license is terminated or cancelled or becomes null and void, then such lease shall, ipso facto, and upon like conditions, become void and of no effect, and all the rig-hts granted thereunder shall cease and determine. 53. (1) Everv such lease shall be valid or effective to Lf^se voided _ ^ -' « _ _ , when lands no 'authorize entry upon or use or occupation of any Dominion longer needed, lands only in such manner and to such extent and for such length of time as may be necessary for the purpose of construct- ing, maintaining and operating the works authorized to be constructed, maintained and operated under the liceuise in respect of wiiich such lease is granted land no further, (2) If, because of a chanoe in the location of the said Lessee to , <• 1 • 1 1 c receive notice, works, or because of their abandonment, or for any other reason continued or further entry upon or use or occupation of such lands in whole or in part for the said purpose becomes, in the opinion of the Minister unneceseary, he shall give the lessee written notice of the contemplated withdrawal of such lands from the operation of the lease and his reasons therefor. (3) The lessee mav within sixtv davs after the giving of ^^y 5^® • _ • _ . ." ' . . objections. such notice file a written obje<"tion to such withdrawal of lands. (4) The Minister may, after the comsideration of such or<;j^e'r'^fl^,ai objection, or after the expiry of the time allotted for an objection if no objection is filed, make an order withdrawing sudh lands from the operation of the lease, which order shall be final. Removal of works after (5) If any lease is voided iii whole or in part under the provisions of this section, the lessee shall not be privileged voidance. to remove any works, buildings or other improvements con- structed by him on the said lands unless the Minister's consent in writing to such removal is first obtained. The Minister may, however, if he deems it advisable, make provision for arriving at the compensation, if any, which is to be paid to the lessee for such of the said works, buildings or other improve- ments as are taken over by His Majesty and as are considered serviceable in the future disposition which is to be made of the said lands. LIMITED KIGHTS I]Sr CERTAIN LANDS. 54, (1) Any Dominion lands required onlv for the purpose Lands for . n r *i 1 u • ^- "^ -.v. . flooding purposes. of Hooding the same, wnerher in connection with a storage reservoir or for regulating the flow of a stream or otherwise 6373— 4i 52 Not to be fenced. Such lease not exclusive. shall Ijc set out in the lea^se separately from lands required for other purposes and no such leaise sihall be valid or effective t/> grant to the lessee any further use of sudi lands than the right of flooding' the same in such manner and to such extent and at such times as are required to carry out the purposes of the lease, and the !^[ini8ter shall he the sole judge concerning the manner in which and the extent to \\''hich any flooding opera- tions shall he from time to time carried on. (2) Sucli lands shall not be fenced or otherwise enclosed except the ^linister's consent in writing be first obtained. (3) Every iiraiit. by any such lease, of a right to flood ;iny Dominion lands shall Ik- subject to the right of His ^fajesty to grant liberty or privilege to other ]iersons for any puqiose or in any manner to enter upon, use or occuj)y the said lands, jirovided always that the rights <»f the lessee shall not be. in the ((pinion oi' the Minister, {(rcjudicially interfered with by any SUcll UIMUt. Beds or chores not to be included. 55. Xn riiiiii.-^ ill any lands tnriiiing the bcd.s or shores of any river, lake or other natural body of water shall be granted by any .-^neli lease except as may be rev anv such urant. CARE OF L.VNDS. General clause. 57. ( 1 ) rile lessee- or contractor shall at all times main- tain the lands, works, and proju'rly ludd or used by him in respect of his lease in a manner satisfactory to the Minister; 53 and shall do all in his power to protect the said lauds and the interest of the Crown therein against injury by any one engaged on or about his works, and, against damage by fire. (2) It shall be laAvful for the Minister or any person there- unto authorized by him at all reasonable times during tlie c-on- tinuanee of these presents, to enter upon the said lands to examine the condition thereof. 58. (1) Every lessee and contractor shall protect all Gov care of ernment and other telephone, telegraph and power transmis- ij^es^'"'^'"" sion lines at crossings of and at all places of proximity to the transmission line of such lessee or contractor in a workman- like manner according to the usual standards of safety lor ctmstruction, operation and maintenance in such cases, and to maintain transmission lines in such manner as not to menace life or i^roperty. (2) Every lessee and contractor shall clear and keep clear the Dominion lands along the transmission line for such width and in such manner as the Minister may direct. 59. Every lessee and contractor s:hall, to the satisfaction of Clearing lands- tlie ]\[inister, dispose of all brush, refuse or unused timber on ' ' ' Dominion lands resulting from the construction and main- tenance of the works, and shall keep the lands covered by his lease or agreement at all times clear of unnecessary comhus- tible material. 60. Everv lessee and contractor shall do evervthing reaison- suppressing " . . .. o fires. iible within his power, both independently and on request of the Minister to prevent and suppress fires on or near the lands to be occupied under his lease or agreement. 61. The lessee or contractor shall not erect any buildings Buildings to be or structures whatever whether of a permanent or temporary approved. character upon any Dominion lands without first submitting plans thereof to the jVIinister and securing his approval for such building or structure and the site thereof. 62. Xo roads, trails, telephone lines, buildings or other Roads, trails, etc. improvements the property of the Crown in the right of the Dominion shall be removed, altered or in lany way affected by any lessee or contractor in the construction of his works without the Minister's consent in writing having been fii'st obtained. Such lessee or contractor shall in every case replace or recon- struct such improvements and shall build and maintain neces- sary and suitable crossings for all such roads and trails existing or that may be established intersecting anv Wiater conduits of 54 «ueh losisce or contractor to tlie ^linister's sat i>f action. The ^finister may, if ho deems it necessary, require the lessee or contractor to furnish a bond for the satisfactory carrying out of the provisions of this section. Every lease or agreement shall he subject to the right of the Minister to construct, or authorize the construction of roads, trails or telephone lines on or across the leasehold. FOKEST AM> I'AUKS PltOVISK )NS. Re cutting merchantable timber. Forest reserves provipion. Parks provision. Timber in forest reserves or parks. 63. Kvcry lessee or contractor shall pay such sums by way (if siumpage and royalty for any merchantable timber cut or removed from any forest reserve as may be fi.xed by the regula- tions governing the administration of forest reserve^?, and for any such timber cut or removed from any Dominion lands other than f(>rest reserves, as may Ix^ ti.xod by the regulations governing the granting of yearly licenses and pennits to cut timbrr. 64. l'!v«TV agreement. lease. lieen>e. permit or other grant wliich includes or affects any lands situated within any Dominion forest reserve Cj^tablished in virtue of the Forest Reserves and Park> .\ct shall 1k' s\d)ject to such conditions as tbe ^linister may impose with respect to any matters atlVrting the care, upkeep and management of the said reserve; and the contractor, lessee, licensee, permittee, or other grantee shall care- fully obsen'e and comply with the provisions of any regulati(ms est.ablisheil in virtue <»f the said Act and api»licable to tlie said reserve. an«l .shall aUo (v»mply with all instructions of the l>i rector of F(»restrv in matters pertaining t<> the care and |ireservation of the said n'serve. 65. Kvery agreeiiieiit. lea^e. license. jM-rmit or other grant which includ(»> or atiects any land- situatcKl within any area set a]>art and designated as a Dominion j)ark in virtue of the Forest Reserves and Parks A<-t -hall be subject to such condi- tions as the Minister jnay impose with respect to any mattei*s affecting the care, upkeep and management of the said park; and the coutractor, lessee, licensee, jK^rmititee or other grantee shall carefully observe and comply with the provision.s of anv regulations established in virtue of the said Act and applic- able to the said park, and shall also comply with all instruc- tions of the ('ommissioner of Dominion Parks in matters ])ertaininu' to the care and preservation of the said park. 66. Xo trees on any Dominion torest reserve or j>ark shall be cut by any lessee or contractor without the permission of the 55 Director of Forestry or Commissioner of Dominion Parks, as the case may be, and when any trees are so cut the debris of such cutting shall be piled and burned or otherwise disposed of as instructed l>y the officer in charge of the reserve or park. ^o burning shall be done except under permit from such officer. WORKS — :maiktenance a>'d operation. 67. The licensee or lessee shall at all times maintain and Maintenance and 1 , , , , . /'IT 1 1 operation to operate the works held m respect ol the license, lease or under- satisfaction of taking to the satisfaction of the :Minister, and the Minister shall ^^^ Minister have power at any time to have the said works inspected by such officer or engineer as he may appoint and the licensee or lessee shall pay all the expenses connected with such inspection, including any fee or remuneration paid to the inspecting officer or engineer when so required by the ^Minister. 68. For the purpose of aseertainine; the quantity of water .^^®^ access for * insDcctinsT stored, diverted or used, or capable of being stored, diverted purposes, or used, under any license, or the amount of power developec! or capable of being developed from such water, or of ascer- taining the condition of any works held in respect of such license or the lease or undertaking connected therewith, or for the purpose of determining whether any of the conditions of such license, lease or undertaking have been satisfactorily observed and fulfilled, the Minister or any officer, engineer or other person ajipointed by him for such purpose, shall have free access to all parts of the said works and to all books, plans or records having reference to such license, lease or under- taking and may make measurements, take o'bservations, and do such other things as may be considered necessary or expedient for any such purpose ; and the findings of the Minister with respect to the quantity of water stored, diverted or used or capable of being stored, diverted or used or the amount of power developed or capable of l)eing developed shall be con- clusive and binding upon the licensee or lessee. 69. A licensee or lessee, before making any change in the Authorization existing works or in their location which would be a material change in works deviation from the plans of the said works, as approved by f^kin ""'^^'^' the Minister and referred to in the license or lease or from the existing works as constructed, or before making any change in the purpose for which the said works were authorized to be constructed, or in the character of the undertaking in respect (.)i which such license or lease has been issued shall submit plans and statements of such proposed change to the Minister and secure his approval thereof. 56 Measuring devices must be installeil if requested. 70. On the request of the Minister any licensee, lessee or contractor shall install and maintain in good operating con- dition at such places and in such manner as shall be approved hy the Minister accurate meters, measuring weirs, gauges or other devices approved by the Minister and adequate for the determination of the amount of water used or power developed in the operation of the works and of the flow of the stream or streams from which the water is diverted or is to be diverted, and of tlie amounts of water held in or drawn from storage: to kee]) accurate and suthcicnt records of the foregoing deter- mination to the satisfaction of the ^linister; and to make such returns from time to time of the foregoing matters, supported Iv statutory declarations, as the Minister may require. rOWKK Ol'IlM r CLAl'SKS. Power to be developed up to c-apaclty when demand therefor. 71. The licensee or lessee shall develop .^uch power, as in the opinion of the Minister there shall be a public demand for, up to tlie full extent possible from the amount of water t;rante(l under his license. ("am-ellatioii if lefupal to eriod to be fixed by the ^linister, which period shall not be less than two years after such licensee or lessee or the person in charge of the existing works .shall have been notified of such order; and in default of compliance with such order the provisions respecting cancellation, the effect thereof and the mode of arriving at the compensation, if any, to bo paid to the licensee or lessee set out in sections 84 and 8o hereof shall apply. 73. rpon a report U-ing made by the Superintendent of Water Power that it would appear desirable to investigate the possibility of establishing an enlarged or more comprehen- sive development of the water-power in any stream at or near the site occupied by any licensee, lessee or contractor than that which is being actually attained by such licensee, lessee or contractor, the Minister may direct the Superintendent of 57 ... Water Power to iuvostigate and hold a hearing ou the matter, of which hearing such licensee, lessee or contractor and other parties who, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Water Power, appear interested shall have been given not less than sixty days' notice and an opportunity to be heard. After such hearing, and a report thereon by the Superintendent of Water Power, the Minister, if he considers such enlarged or more comprehensive development in the public interest, may make a recommendation to that effect to the Governor in Coimcil, and the Governor in Council may in such case, by an order passed in that behalf, authorize the Minister to offer such licensee, lessee or contractor the privilege of entering into a new agree- ment for undertaking such enlarged or more comprehensive development and for receiving a license to carry on the same, subject always to the regulations fhen in force, and if such licensee, lessee or contractor fails within six months thereafter to enter into such new agreement and in good faith to begin and carry on to completion such new development, then, in such case the Governor in Council may order the existing license, lease or agreement terminated, and thereupon the provisions respecting the taking over of the properties and the compensa- tion to be i)aid to the licensee, set out in section 48 hereof shall apply. Provided that in fixing the compensation which shall be Compensation • 1 IT 1 ^ ^ i^ i- ii 1 1 1 w:th bonus. paid to the licensee, lessee or contractor lor the lands, works or properties taken over by the Crown under this section a bonus may be added to the value, determined under the said section 48, of such lands, works or properties, the said bonus not to exceed three-fourths of one per cent of such value for each full year of the unexpired term of the license or lease. 74. Where more than one existing plant or site is affected w^here enlarged by the enlarged or more comprehensive development referred desirabiTTnd to in the last preceding section, the Governor in Council before several licensees affected ordering the licenses, leases or agreements applying to the said plants or sites terminated, may authorize the Minister to receive proposals from all the licensees, lessees or contractors affected for the luidertaking of the proposed new development, and to offer to each in turn (selecting first that one who offers to pay the highest rental for the use of the waters and site of the proposed development, or whose offer from other considera- tions appears to the Minister most in the public interest) an agreement for the construction of the new proposed works and for a license to operate the same siubject always to the regula- tions then in force, and if each of the said licensees', lessees or contractors in turn within the times hereinbefore specified 58 fails to accept such olfer and to l)ev such company. 77. Every licensee or lessee whose undertaking involves the sale, barter or exchange of p(»wer developed at the site held under his license or lease shall sell power to the Crown when so requested by the ^linister at as low a price as is given to any other consumer for a like use at the same time and under similar conditions; provi(le«l always that such request is within the capacity of the said site and that the rights of any other c<»nsumer then holding a binding contract for the iiders of sufficient importance, not less than once every five years, appraise the value of the said works, lands and properties, taking note of any enlarge- ment or other permanent imprn'\A Works, lands and properties and shall hie annually with the .Minister on (»r before the tir.st day of ^larch a return for th(^ year ending tlie '{Ist day of l)ecend)er preceding, based on the said account and being a sul>stantial siimmarv thereof, such return t»» l>e attestenfb annual return tlie folj.iwing in-ms shall In- separately shown, namely : — (d) Respecting the Works: ( 1 ) Initial cost <>i' W"rk>. -bowing- ihr overhead charges separately : (2) Amount.-* expended for enlargements and p<'i-nian- ent improvements authorized by the Minister: ('\) I)epre<'iation in value froni any and all causes. ( //) .V statement .setting out tlie lands and other asset*; not inchnlcd in the above item, giving in each case both the cost and the estimated present value, estinuiting lands acx'ording to the principles enunciated in sul«ection (4) of section 85 hereof. {(') Respecting ca])ital -tock : (1) Amount authorized and the nuinlK-r of shares into which it is divided : (2) Number of shares subscribed for and all<»tted, and number of shares forfeited to date: 61 (3) Tiie amount of calls made on eacli share, and the total amount received from shareholders in cash on account of stock: (4) Kumber of shares, if any issued as fully paid-up shares as consideration for any service rendered or other- wise, specifying in each case for what consideration such shares were issued : (5) Amounts of dividends declared and paid: (d) Respecting bonds or debentures: (1) Amount authorized: (2) Amount sold (face value) and rate of interest: (3) Amount realized from sales: (4) Amount set aside as sinking fund to meet bonded indebtedness : (e) The indebtedness other than stock and bonds, speci- fying nature and amounts, and the rate of interest such indebtedness is bearing: (/) A statement showing the total revenues in the conduct of the undertaking, specifying amounts received from vari- ous sources : (g) Maintenance and operation expenditures, separating labour and attendance at or about the works from adminis- tration and other current expenditures : (Ji) The names of otHcors and the classification of employees, with salaries paid: (i) The proposed extensions during ensuing years: (;') If a company, such annual return shall have attached thereto a copy of the by-laws of the company, showing all amendments thereto during the year covered by the said return : (/t'jSueh other data as the ^Minister may require. (3) The Minister's decision in regard to classifying items Form of under one or another of the above heads, in regard to methods ^^^°""'^^- of allowing for depreciation and in regard to the form in which the said accounts shall be kept and shall be final. (4) All books and records respecting the undertaking and Books to be open works of any licensee, lessee or contractor shall be open at all times to the inspection and examination of the Minister or such person as the Minister may appoint for the purpose. 62 KATES TO CONSUMERS AND CAI'ITAT.IZATIOX OF GRANTS. Revision of rates. 81. (1) The Governor iu Coiiiieil may by an Order in Council appoint or designate the board or eommi^ssion which in any particular territory may re£:ulate and control the service and the charges for service to couusiuner^ and the stock and bond issues of licensees, lessees or contractors engaged in the sale, barter or exchange of power in the said' territory' and may also appoint, a person to act with the said l>oard or commission in an advisory capacity and to represent the interests of the Department. Licensee to sojbmit schedules. (2 ) When such a board or commission is so designated, every such licensee, lessee or contractor shall immediately submit tin' schedule of rates under which he is then operating to such board or commission for adjustment and approval and shall thereafter before putting into effect any new s«^]iedule of rates and prices t<> Ik.* charged to consumers for jx)wer, submit the same for adjustment and approval, and no rates o'" prices for power shall thereafter 'be legal or enforceable until so submitted. Such lM»ar(l or commission may. on the complaint of any affected party or on its own initiative. re and works taken over. 85. ( 1 ) livery agreement, license or lease shall be deemed to have Iteen executed on the ex|)ress condition that in the event of the t«'rminatirin or cancellation thereof in pursuance of its terms or of the.^e regulations. His ^Majesty or such j)er.s((n as the Minister may designate to act in that behalf, may imujediately and without further proceeding enter upon, take over, possess, occupy, operate ainl control, in addition to the Dominion lands and the works and structures located thereon as hereinbefore set out. all other lands or interests therein and all other works, structures, equipment and properties, real or per.sonal, then owned or held by the c(tntractor, lic<>nsee or lessee, as the case may be, and used or occupied in connection with the undertaking to which the j»articular agreement, license or lease relates, and required in the carrying forward of the said undertaking, and that in such t*vent such contractor, licensee or lessee shall immediately execute in favour of His ^lajesty or in favour of such ])erson as the ^linister may designate for the purpose, a grant of all of the said other lands, works, structures, equipment and properties. (2) In the case of the cancellation of any agreement the ^Minister's decision in regard to tiie extent of the said other lands, works, structures, equipment and properties so required ■ 65 shall be final, but in tbe case of the termination or cancellation of any license or lease, if the Minister and licensee or lessee cannot agree on the said matter, it shall be referred to the Exchequer Court for detennination. Provided always that pending a decision by tihe Exchequer Court in the case last mentioned the Minister's decision on the extent of the said other lands, works, structures, equipment and properties so required shall be final. (3) Compensation shall in every case be paid for all lands, compensation works, structures, equipment and properties taken over by Exchequer court His Majesty under this section, such compensation to be fixed, '" ^'^ ^^'^^ cases, if the Minister and the contractor, licensee or lessee cannot agree, by the Exchequer Court of Canada. (4) The compensation paid for any lands taken over from i^"'e of ,,. . I'n • compensator! any contractor under this section shall not exceed the price for laijds. paid therefor by such contractor ; and the compensation paid for any lands taken over from any licensee or lessee under this section shall be arrived at "by considering such lands from the point of view of their natural fitness for ordinary, com- mercial or industrial purposes when compared with other lands in the immediate vicinity, but shall not include any special value which may attach to the said lands by reason of the development made by the licensee or lesisee in connection with his license or lease. (5) The compensation paid for any works, structures. Rule of , 1 1.J.1 ij.i'i.' compensation equipment or personal property taken over under this section f^r works, shall be arrived at as nearly as possible according to the pro- visions relating to compensation for works on Dominion lands taken over on the termination of the licensee's term as set out in subsections (4) and (5) of section 48 hereof. If, however, the Dominion Water Power Regulations in force at the time of such taking over contain provisions amending the above subsections or contain other provisions more particularly applicable to the case in hand then such compensation shall be arrived at according to such later provisions. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 86. Before executing any license or lease the Minister shall Acceptance by submit to the prospective licensee or lessee a draft of the pro- lesseef^ °^ posed license or lease and shall secure from such licensee or lessee an acceptance thereof and an undertaking to observe and fulfil all the terms and conditions which under such license or lease and under these regulations such licensee or lessee is 6373^5 66 required to observe or fulfil, -with particular reference to the rig'ht of His Majesty to take over the works, lands and pro- perties held hy the licensee or lessee in connection with his license or lease in certain contingencies as in these regulations provided. Such acceptance and undertaking shall be made to bind the executors, administrators ajid assigns, or in the case of a corporation the successors and assigns of the prospective licensee or lessee. Crown to be indemnified. 87. The licensee or lessee shall indemnify the Crown against all actions, claims or demands arising against it by reason of anything done by such licensee or lessee in the exercise or purported exercise of the rights and privileges granted imder the license or lease. Times of paymi^nt of rentals may I* altered. License may be termlnater ;ig?*('('iii('iit i< iKit iiKM'f'ased by -;ucli aetinii. 89. rpnii a rcp(»rt being made by the Minister that the c-uniiniicd uperation of the works held in respect of any license, lease or agreement will conflict with the exercise of rights which exist or may be created under the Irrigation Act, then in such cases, the Governor in Council may order such license, base or agreement terminated, and thereupon the provisions ri'spcc'ting the taking over of tbc properties, and the compen- sation to be paid to the licensee, lessee or cuntractor, set out in section 48 hereof shall apply. Provided that in fixing the compensation which shall be paid to suoh licensee, lessee or contractor, for the lands, works and properties taken over by the Crown under this section, a bonus may be added to the value, determined under the said .<ter may mental rules regarding such matters as the nature of plans mental rules, and specifications to be filed, the prescribing of forms to be used, the procedure to be followed in connection with various inquiries and matters arising under these regulations as may, in his opinion, be desirable. 94. The Minister may take such steps as he may deem Surveys and (■ • . 1 measurements. necessary irom time to time to secure complete or partial surveys of the sources of the water supply; may authorize the establishing of gauges, weirs or other devices for water measure- 68 Superintendent to make recom- mendatioii. l^ocal liearinK in ceita'.n oases. Short tt-rni license, and lease. merits; and may /direct the carrying out of observations, measurements or investigations to determine the volume or discharge of any stream or body of water, or to determine the economic avaihibility or usefulness thereof for power purposes, or to determine the flow or quantity of water used by any licensee or other person for power and other pui-poses, or to determine the output of electrical or other form of energy produced from the use of water by any licensee or other person. SMAT.T, WATKH-POWKRS. 95. In ilie case of ;iiiy application for the development of a water-power not exceeding in capacity the limits set out in section 3 hereof, the Superintendent (»f Water Power may at any time after the filing of the application and such plans and infonnation as may have been required imder sections 4. 5 and (5 hereof, pnx'ced with the consideration of such application, and may reconmicnd t<> the Minister either the dismissal of the applicatidii or the entering into an agreement for a license or lea>e, or the taking of such other action a.s he may deem advisable. I 96. It. however, because of <»bjections being filed, or for other reas<«is, the Superintendent iconsiders that a local or other hearing should take place before action is taken, he shall apjx>int a lime and plaee for >uch hearing and ■shall name a person to jireside over and cuuduet 'the same. Such person shall rej)urt his findings and recommendations in writing, after which the Superintendent may make his recommendations to the Minister, and the .Minister may dismi>s the application, enter into an agreement or take such other action as he deems advisalile. 97. riie Mini-ter may. in the case of any such application, if he considers such acti(»n in the public interest, enter into an agreement for a isp(>cial license' and (or) lease and may subsequently i>sue .-uch special license and (or) lease subject to such terms and conditions as. irrespective of any provision of those regulations, he ^nay deem advisable. Provi5 (4) 65 42 43 42 (2) 43 71 Section. Page. contents of 44 44 rentals payable under 49, 50 48, 49 term of i • • • 51 50 to run concurrently with license 51 50 dependent upon license 52 50 voided if lands not required 53 51 cancellation of, (see "cancellation"), termination of, (see "termination"). License — when issued 42 43 regulations incorporated without restatement 42 (2) 43 contents of 43 43 term of 45 45 renewal of 46-48 45 termination of at end of term 48 46 rentals payable under 49, 50 48 cancellation of, (see " cancellation ■")• termination of, (see "termination"). Logging interests to be protected 92 67 Measuring devices to be installed 70 56 Navigable Waters Protection Act to be complied with 92 67 Notice, definition of what constitutes sufficient 1 25 Parks, Dominion, provision relating to 65 54 Penalties — for defa/ult by contractor 38 41 for non-payment of rentals by licensee 50 49 for non-observance of conditions by licensee 84 63 Permit, preliminary — issued when not sufficient plans for agreement . . . 17-19 33 Power output clauses 71-74 56 Power sale clauses 75-78 58 Plans — Minister may call for additional of applicant 6 30 general layout plans 11-15 31 final working plans 24-25 36 of lands affected 26 37 approval of final 2i7 38 Priority — not acquired by receiving authorization to make survey 8 31 is acquired under permit 18 33 Proof of completion of works by contractor 36 40 Purity of waters clause 92 67 Rates charged consumers — supervision of 81 62 Regulation of stock and bond issues 81 (3) 62 Regulation of stream flow, and conservation works 79 59 Regulations — definition of term 1 25 every agreement subject to 16 (2) 32 every lease and license subject to 42 (2) 43 Renewals — of permit limited 19 33 of agreement 41 42 of license 46-48 45 of lease 51 50 Rentals — under agreement 20 (:;), 23 34, 36 under licenses and leases 49, 50 48 times of payment of, may be altered 88 66 Reserved lands, surveys of. Minister to direct 94 67 Return, anniual of accounts 80 60 Return of waters clause 90 66 72 Section. Page. Rights of way — for flooded lands 54 51 over beds and shores 55 52 fior transmission lines 56 52 Roads and trails, changing location of 62 53 Security (see Bond or Security). Small water-powers 3. 95-97 27, <^5 Stock and bond issues — provisions re, in regulations then in force to govern supplementary license 75 58 statement re, in annual summary 80 60 commission or board to regulate 81 62 Stream control clauses 79 59 Summary, annual of accounts 80 60 Surplus power, use of, requires license 75 58 Surveys (see also " plans ") — authorization to make •. 7 30 permit to make additional, in certain cases 17-19 33 of lands required for water-jiower ijurposes. Minister to direct 94 f.7 Term — of license 45 45 of lease 51 50 Termination of license — at end of license's term 4 8, 8,". 4fi, r>4 where enlarged development desirable and licenses will not undertake. 73, 74 56 where conflict with Irrigation Act 89 66 Timber — cutting of merchantable 63 54 cutting in parks and forest reserves 66 54 Transfer of agreement, license or lease 83 63 Transmission lines — rights of way required for licensee's 56 52 care of Government transmission lines 58 53 Uncompleted contracts. :it end of ti-rm 78 58 Undertaking — definition of term 1 25 application must describe 4 (;>) 27 license must describe 4.'5 (