■^^m^ ^^fy'^:ffW ^^, .s<^ 1 <'.«•- J' m^^^^^^^^^M ■SB s^^^ S^m^ .^^^ ^^^3^ ^^^ irf9i iti^^i^ ELEMENTS OF §^^^, ECHANICAIL FMIILOSOPHY,. BEING THE SUBSTANCE OF A COURSE OF LECTURES ON THAT SCIENCE. By JOHN ROBISON, LL.D. PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT ST. PETERSBURGJ1> AND OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES OF MANCHESTER AND NEW YORK, &C. &C. VOLUME FIRIST, INCLUDING DTNAMICS AND ASTRONOMT, EDINBURGH: Printed for ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO. EDINBURGH i T. CADELL & W. DAVIES, AND LONGMAN HURST REES 5c ORME, , LONDON. 1804. D. WlUIson, Printer, ^^j ^; JA Craig's Close, Edinburgh. ADVERTISEMENT. Jl he foil-owing pages contain the fubftance of a Courfe of Lecliires, which have been read by me during the annual feflions of the Colleges, ever fince the year 1774. Any perfon, well ac- quainted with Natural Philofophy mud be fen- fible that, in the ihort fpace of a fix months fef- "fion, juflice cannot be done to the various branches of this extenfive fcience. I found that I mufl either treat in a loofe manner fubjedls which re- t:on calculation 9 8 AY^aT^b AFB, an .26 10 fin^' p 1) n 3S 17 LKIH LIH 33^' 17 to of 18 KICB, KHDB LICB,LHDB 3«4 9 confidering ccnfider i3 KG IG 385 7.7 relre; ts rerreat 47 II ^Z '.^ 394 26 poUente pellente la v if 395 9 art: is 20 A P AC 398 28 MP MR 53 14 to tn from E to ffz 418 4 clotted dotted 15 tn 449 12 PI GI 65 14 AVjV ADO 13 PF— PG PH— PI 64 17 AK BK 16 PF'—PG' PH'— PI' 73 23 ultimate alternate 45* 26 Fij 64. Fig 64. N^i. 75 a defleciiny fo rces deflexions 458 28 after P (Fig.64.N^a.) 79 i» para! Id particle 471 18 L.'^gr E.Qy Sz la divcfting dividing 476 19 BDF PDF 549 4 S C Note. Boiruet BoOiit ^S3 a8 equal, equally 591 26 S 5 188 11 AC! AE[ 59* 3 Cof.* 2 X Cof ^x 189 20 A EM ACM 647 19 corrofponds correfpo||i 190 la MI Mi CORRECTIONS FC R THE FIGURES. Figure. 9 Draw EQ. 37 44 46 64 ^5 71 73 76 Draw ED. The line ES was, drawn (295.) perpendicular to IC. Tn {e€t. 29S, it is fuppofcd to be perpendicular to i C. The two perpendiculars would not he diftinguilhable. e (hould be d Produce BS to M Draw SM^ perpendicular to PN" D fhould be in the crofling of I i and e q Draw Ap The upper S fhould be s Infert G at the crofling of EQ and N^S Write / to the left of F, on the outfide of all. THE BOOKBINDER IS DESIRED TO PLACE THE PLATES AS FOLLOWS : Plate I. to face page 48. a. to face page 72. 3. to face page 80. 4. to face page T44. 5. to face page 160, 6. to face page 16. Plate 7. to face page i8a. 8. to face page 224. 9. and fucceeding ones to be placed agreeably to the engraved re- fcri^nce at th. L of each. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS usJed in the following pages. {a) A. HE fymbol ^.: ^ expTeffes the ratio or proper- t»n of a magnitude a to another magnitude i> of the fame kind, fuch as two lines, two furfaces, two weights, velo- cities, times, &c. (h) a'.b '=z c :d. The ratio of ^ to ^ is equal to, or is the fame with, that of c to d, — This is ufually read, a is toh as Q to d. [c) ab \d> the producl of two numbers, or the rect- angle of two lines, a and b, {d) a :sib IS 2. fymbol made up of the fymbol : of proportion, and the fymbol = of equality. It m^ans that a ifjcrea/es or decrenfes at the fame rate with by fo that if b become double or triple, &c. of its primitive value, the contemporaneous a is alfo double, triple, Sec. of its firfl value. A a , this J^ ifXPLANATlON OF SYMBOLS. This Is a fhort way of writing A : a zz B : hj in which A and a are fuccefiive values Of one changeable magni- tude, and B, b, the correfponding or fimultaneous values of the other. In this fymbol, a and b may be magnitudes of different kinds, which cannot hold with refpec^ to the fymbol a : b, becaufe there is no proportion between magnitudes of different kinds, as between a yard and a pound, an hour and a force, &c. This may be called the fymbol of a proportional equation. (e) ab'.cd expreffes the ratio compounded of the ratio of ^ to r and that of b to d. It therefore expreffes the ratio of the product of the numbers a and b to that of the numbers c and d. In like manner, it represents the proportion of tVv^o reftangles, a and b being the fides of the fir ft J and c and d the fides of the fecond. In the fame manner a b c : d e f \s tho: ratio compounded of thofe of a to d, of b to e, and of c to /-, and fo on, of any number of ratios compounded together. (See Euclid, VI. 23.) ( / ) a :b =: -:- means that a is to b In the ijiverfe ^^ c a proportion of c to r/, or, that a : b ■= d : c. It is plain that if c be doubled or trebled, the fraction - is reduc- c ed to one half or one third, &c. fo that - or -7 are in- c a creafed in the fiime proportion that c ox d arc diminifli- ed. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS. f (g) a :h = -:- means that the ratio of ^ to ^ is the c d fame with that of the fra<£lion - to the fraction - , or that the ratio of « to ^ is compounded of the direct ratio oi c to d and the inverfe or reciprocal ratio of e to f. It is the fame with a\h ■=. cf-.d e, (h) X = - means that x increafes at the fame ratio ./ that y diminiflies, and is equivalent to X : :v = ^ ; - , or ecjuivalent to X : ;v = j? : Yv (i) X =^ ~ means that .v varies in the ratio com.- pounded of the direct ratio oi y and the inverfe ratio of z. {k) x' \y' expreffes the proportion between the differ- ence of tM^o fucceflive values of x and the dfference of the two correfponding values of y» It is equivalent to the fatio of X — X to Y — ;;. (/) Suppofe that, in the continual variation of x and J', thefe fimultaneous and correfponding differences are always in the fame ratio \ then x' :_y' is a conftant ra- tio. Thus, Let AD and AF (fig. A) be two right lines diverging from A, and let B C, Br, B D, be fucceiTive values of Xy and the parallel ordinates C E, c e^ D F be correfponding values of y. Draw E G and eg parallel to A D, and confequently equal to C D and c Z), then C D and G F are correfponding differences of tlie fuc- ceiTive O EXPLANATION dF SYMBOLS. cefTive values of a: and )'. So are c D and g F. Now it is plain that CD:GF = (rD:^F, and x' : y' is a con- ftant ratio. (m) But it more frequently happens that the ratio x' : y is not conftant. ThuS;, if the line E ^ F (fig. B) be an arch of a curve, fuch as a hyperbola, of w^hich A is the centre, we know that C D has not the fame ratio to G F that c D has to g F, and that the ratio of .v' to / continually increafes as the point C or r approaches ^o D. We know that while C is above D, the ratio of C D to OF, or ^ D to ^ F is lefs than that of the fub- tangent T D to the ordinate D F. But when c' gets be- low D, the ratio of E'G', or r'D, to G'F is greater than that of T D to D F ; and the difference of thefe ratios increafes, as c feparates from D on either fide. The ratio of a;' to y', therefore, approximates to that of T D to D F as r approaches to D from either fide. For this reafon, the ratio of T D to D F has been called the ultimate ratio of the evanefcent magnitudes .v' and y^ as the magnitudes x' and^))' are continually diminifhed, till both van'ipj together, when c coalefces with D. If, again, we conceive the point* C to fet out, either upM^ard or dow^nward, from D, the ratio T D : D F is called the prime ratio of the nafcent magnitudes x' andjy'. We know alfo that the ratio of the fubtangent tc to the ordinate r ^ is lefs than that of T D to D F, and that the ratio of the fubtangent to the ordinate increafes continually, as D is taken further from the vertex V of the. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS. J tJie liypcrbola. But we know alfo that it never is fo great as the ratio of A D to D/ (the ordinate produced to the asymptote) but approaches nearer to it than by any difFcrence that can be affigned. For this reafon, A D : T)f has been called the ultimate ratio of the fub- tangent and ordinate — in the fame manner, the ultimate ratio of D F to Df has been faid to be the ratio of e- 4^uality. (w) But, in thefe two cafes, the employment of the term ultimate is rather improper, becaufe this ratio is never attained. Perhaps the term limiting ratio, alfo given it by Sir Ifaac Newton, is more proper in both thefe cafes. TD : D F is the limiting ratio of sk' \y'y or the limit, to which the variable ratio of the nafcent, or, evanefccnt magnitudes x' and y' continually approaches. [o) Sir Ifaac Newton, the author of this way of con- fidering the variations of magnitude, has exprefTed by a particular fymbol this limiting ratio of the variations x and y\ He expreflcs it by x : y. It is not the ratio of any x' to any y', however fmall, but the limit to which their ratio continually approaches. When we chance to employ the terms ultimate or prime, Vv^e defire to be un- derftcod always to mean this limiting ratio. The fo- reign m.athematicians employ the fymbol dx:dy, in which d means the infinitely or incomparably finail diiFer,. ence between tv/o fucceeding values of x ox y. We, S EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS^ We have been thus particular in defcribing this view of the variations of quantity, becaufe without a know- ledge of fome of thofe limiting ratios, it is fcarcely pof- iible to advance in mechanical philofophy. (/)) The cafe already mentioned, namely TD:DF = x' :y'y occurs very frequently in our inveftigations. And, in like manner, if the arch B F be reprefented by the fymbol 2, we have » : z = T D : T F, and ;,' : z = DF:TF. Alfo, if E g be drawn parallel to the tangent / ^, we have E ^ to E g ultimately in the ratio of equality. For, tecaufe the triangles tee and E d g are fimilar, we have Ed:Ei=::tc:te, that is, = x : c , that is, = C r : E f, or E ^ : E f, and therefore, ultimately, E e = E ^. [q) Such limiting ratios may alfo be obtained in turves that are referred to a pole or focus, inftead of an abfciffa. Thus, let B F G (fig. C) be an ellipfe, whofe centre is C, and focus D. Let F ^ be a very fmall arch of the curve. Draw D F and D e, and about the pole D, with the diftance D^, defcribe the circular arch Eeg, cutting F D in g. Draw the tangent F T, and D T per- pendicular to DF. Now, reprefenting FD by x, FB by z, and the circular arch ^ E hy y, it is plain that ; : ;;;=FD:FT, and « :; = FD:DT. All this is very evident, being demonftrated by the fame reafoning as in the cafe of the hyperbola referred to its axis or abfcifla EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS. «> (r) Another limiting ratio, of very frequent occur- rence, is the following. Suppofe two curves AB. and ah (fig. D) round the fame pole F, from which are drawn two ri^ht.liiies FA, F B, cutting both lines in A, a, B, and^. Let-FB, by revolving round F, continually ap-». ptoach to FA. Let it come, for example, into the.fima* tion Y cQ very near to F A a. Let S and s repreient the mixtii-ineai fpaces AFBwF^. Then S' and/ may ex- ^refs the fpaces AFC and aFr. It is plain that the li^ mitiflg ntiQoi A F C to aV c is that of F A^ to F a", and we may fay tkat' S • x =i F A* : F a-. (j) The laft example v/hich fl:iall be mentioned is of almofl continual occurrence in our inveftigations.-rr- Let FHIC andy/j^ (fig..E) be two curves, having the abfciflk A E and a e. Let thefe abfcilTs be divided into an equal number of fm.aii equal parts, fuch as A B, B C, DE and ah, be, de\ and let ordinates be drawn through the points of divifion. And on thefe ordinates, as bafes, let parallelograms, fuch as A B L F, B C N G, &c. and ah If, hcng, &c. be infcribed, and others, fuch as ABGM, ACHO, and ahgm, acho, &c. be circum- fcribed.— It is ainrmed, i/?, that if the filbdivifion be carried on without end, the mixtiiineal areas A E K F and aekf are, ultimately, in the ratiO of equality to the fum of all the infcribed, or of all the circum.fcribed pa- rallelograms j and, zdly, that the ratio of the fpace A E K F to the fpace a e kf is the limiting ratio cf the B fum 1* EXPLANATION OF StMBOtJT. fum of all the parallelograms (infcribed or circumfcribed) m A E K F to tlie fum of thofe in a e hf.- I/?, Mske D S and d s equal to A F and af, and drav/ S R, s r, parallel to A E, ^ e. It is evident that the parallelogram S R K Q is equal to the excefs of aH the circumfcribed over all the infcribed parallelograms. Therefore, by continuing the fubdivifion of AE with-^ out end, this parallelogram may be made fmaller than any fpace that can be affigned. Therefore the infcribed and circumfcribed parallelograms . are ultimately in the ratio of equality — or equality is their limiting ratio. The fpace A E K F is greater than all the infcribed, and lefs than all the circumfcribed parallelogranls, and is nearly the half fum of both. Therefore, much more accurately is equality the limiting or ultimate ratio of A E K F to either fum. The fame muft be true of the other figure. idly, Since each mixtilineal figure is ultimately equal to its parallelograms, it is plain that both have the fame ratio vrith the fums of the parallelograms* {t) Cor. If the ordinates which are dravv-n through fimilarly fituated points of the two abfcilTx, be in a con- ftant ratio, the areas are in the ratio compounded of the ratio of A E to ae, and that of A F to afy or are as AExAF to a e X afi This is evident. For, by the fuppofition, C N : r /? = A F : ^y. And, fince the number of parallelorgrams is the fame in both figures, B C and he are fimilar parts of AE and ae\ that is, BC :^r=: A E : ^ c. Therefore BCNG:^ OF MOTION. ^^ 12. We do not perceive the abfolute place of any ob- jeft. — A perfon in the cabni of a flilp does not confider the table as changing its place while it remains faftened to the fame plank of the deck. Few perfons think that a mountain changes its place while it is obferved to re- tain the fame fituation among other objecSls. On the other hand, moll men think that the ftars are continually changing their places, although we have no proof of it, and the contrary is almoft certain. 13. We acquire our notions of time by our faculty of memory, in obferving the fucceffions of events. 14. Time IS conceived by us as unbounded, conti- Tiuous, homogeneous, unchangeable in the order of its parts, and divifible without end. 15. The boundaries between fucceffive portions of time may. be called instants, and minute portions of it may be called momefits. 1 6. Time is conceived as a proper quantity, made up cf, and meafured by, its own parts. In our a£lual mea- furements, we employ fome event, Vv^hich we imagine always to require an equal time for its accomplifliment ; and this time is emiployed as a unit of time or duration, in the fame manner as we employ a foot rule as a unit * • • • of extenfion. As often as this event is accomplifhed du- ring fome obferved operation, fo often do we imagine C 2 that 4^' OF MOTION. that the time of the operation contains this unit. It is thus that we affirm that the time of a heavy body falling 1 44 feet, is thrice as great as the time of falling 1 6 feet j becaufe a pendulum 39-I- inches long makes three vibra- tions in the firft cafe, and one in the laft. 17. There is an analogy betvi^een the affefticns of fpace and time fo obvious, that, in mofi languages, the fame words are ufed to exprefs the affe6i:ions of both.— Hence it is that time may be reprefented by lines, and meafured by motion ; for uniform motion is the fimplell fucceflion of events that can be conceived. 18. All things are placed in fpace, in the order of fituation. — All events happen in time, in the order of fueceffion. 19. No motion can be conceived as inilantaneous. For, fince a moveable, in paffing from the beginning to the end of its path, pafles through the intermediate points ; to fuppofe the motion along the moll minute por- tion of the path inftantaneous, is to fuppofe the move- able in every intervening point at the fame inftant. — This is inconceivable, or abfurd. 20. Absolute Motion is the change of abfolute pilace. Relative Motion is the change of fituation among other objeds. Thefe may be differept, and even contrary 21^ OF MOTION. 5f ?,i. The relative motions of things Ire the dljfferences of their abfolute motions, and cannot, of themfelves, tell us what the abfolute motions are. The detection and de- termination of the abfolute motions, by means of obfer- vations of the relative motions, are often talks of great difficulty. 22. Mathematical knowledge is indifpenfably requi- fite for the fuccefsful fludy of mechanical philofophy. On the other hand, the confideration of motion, in all its varieties of fpace, direction, and time, is purely mathe- «iatical, and carries with it, into all fubjeds, the moll incontrovertible evidence. 23. Motion is fufceptible of varieties in refpe6t of quantity and of direBion, 24. That aife£lion of motion which determines its quantity, is called velocity. Its moft proper meafure i« the length of the line uniformly defcribed during fome given unit of time. Thus, the velocity of a fhip is afcertained, when we fay that fhe fails at the rate of fix miles per hour. 25. The DIRECTION of a motion is the pofitlon of the ftraight line along which it is performed. A motion is faid to be in the dire^lion AB (fig. i.) when the tiling moved palTes along that Ymefrom A towards B. In com- mon difcourfe we frequently exprefs the diredion others wife. ^ OF MOTION. wife. Thus we fay a wefterly wind, although it moves caftward. 26. In rectilineal motion, the direiJ^lion remains the fame, during the whole time of the motion. 27. But if the motion be performed along two con- tiguous ftraight lines AB, BC (fig. 2.) in fucceflion, the direction is changed in the point B. From B Cy the prolongation of A B, it is changed to B C. This change may be called deflection -, and this deflection may be meafured, either by the angle cBC, or by a line c C drawn from the point r, to which the move- able would have arrived, had its motion remained un- changed, .to the point C, at which it aClually arrives in tlie fame time. When a moveable defcribes the fides of a polygon, there are repeated deflections, with undefleCted motions intervening. 28. But if the motion be performed along a curve line, fuch as ADBEC (fig. 3.) the direction is co^iti- mially changing. The direction in the point B is that of the tangent B T, that direction alone lying between any pair of polygonal directions, fuch as B C and B r, or B D and B E, however near we take the points A and C, or D and E, to the point B. 29. A curviiineal motion fuppofes the deviation and deflection eF MOTIOV'. ^3 deflection to be continual, and a continual deflection conftitutes a curvilineal motion. 1. Of Uniform Motmts. 30. In our general conceptions of motion, in which we do not attend to its alterations, the motion is fuppofed to be equable and rectilineal ; and it is only by the de- viations from fuch motion that we are to obtain the marks and meafures of all changes, and therefore of all chang- ing caufes, that is, of the mechanical powers of nature. Let us therefore fix the characters of uniform or un- changed motion. 31. In uniform motions , the velocities are in the pro* portions of the /paces defcribed in the fame, or in equal times. For thefe fpaces are the meafures of the velocities, and things are in the proportion of their meafures. Let S and s reprefent the fpaces defcribed in the time T, and let V and v reprefent the velocities. We have Ae analogy V : •y = S : x. This may be exprefled by the proportional equation v == s, 32. /// uniform motions 'luith equal velocities, the times Mre in the proportion of the fpaces defcribed. during their currency. For, in uniform motions, equal fpaces are defcribed in equal times. Therefore the fucceffive portions of time are 24 0¥ MOTION*. are equal, in which equal fpaces are fucceilively defcrib- ed, and the fums of the equal times mail have the fame proportion as the correfponding fums of equal fpaces. Therefore, in all cafes that can be reprefentcd by num- bers, the propofition is evident. This may be extended to all other cafes, in the fame w^ay that Euclid demon- flrates that triangles of equal altitude are in the propor- tion of their bafes. 33. Thefe proportions are often exprefled thus : ^* ^l)e velocities are proportional to the fpaces defcribed in " equal times.— ^The times are proportional to the fpaces de- ** fcribed ivith equal velocities. " Proportion fubiifts only betvi^een quantities of the fame kind. — But nothing more is meant by thefe inaccurate expreflions, than that the proportions of the velocities and times are the fame vi^ith the proportions of the fpaces. 34. It is on this authority that uniform motion is univerfal-ly employed as a meafure of time. — But it i^ not eafy to difcover whether a motion which may be pro- pofed for the meafure is really uniform — fandglafs — clepfydra — ^fundial — clock — revolution of the ftarry hea- vens. 35. //; uniform motions y the fpaces defcribed are in the ratio compounded of the ratio of the velocities and the raiU »f the times. Let the fpace S be defcribed with the velocity V, in the time T^ and Jet the fpace s be defcribed with tlie ve- locity OF MOTIOM. I5 ioclty v, "m the time t, Let another fpace Z be defcribed in the time T with the velocity v. Then, by art. 3 1 , we have S : Z = V : i> And, by art. 32, Z : j =: T : /• 'Therefore, by compofuion of ratios (or by VI. 23. Eucl.-^ we have = V x T : -u X / = S X Z : / X Z j that is, = S:j-. 36. This is frequently exprefled thus : " The /paces •** defcribed iv'ith a iimform motion are proportional to the ** produEls of the times and the velocities. " — Or thus : 37. '* 27>^ f paces defcribed ivith a iwifonn motion atf *' proportiofiat to the reElangles of the tunes and the veloci' «* ties.'' Thefe are all equivalent expreffions, d therefore V ; i) ;=; / ; T, or V : v =: p^ : -. Or, be- Z6 OF MOTION. caufe the rectangles AC, DF (fig^ 4.) are in this cafe equal, we have (by Eucl. VI. 14.) AB:BF = BD:BC, that is Y :v = t:'T, 39. In uniform viQtionSy the times are as the fpuces^ iireEllyy and as the velocities, inverfely. For, by art. 35, S : / = V T : -y / ^ therefore S -y / = j- V T and T'.t-^v:sY and t =- ' A was ftated to that in B as ^^ to bf. Therefore a e% hf=. a e : bf'y which is abfurd. Therefore, &c. f 51. The only immediate obfervation that we caii m^ke on thefe variable motions' is the relation between AND ©.ETARDED MOTIONS, 25 flie ipace defcrlbed and the time which elapfcs. The preceding propofitions teach us how to infer from this relation the mechanical condition of the body, to which condition we have given the name Velocity, which, how- ever, more properly denominates the efFecl and meafuri? of this condition or determinatioru The fame inference may be made in another way. Inftead of taking the uniform motion along a line to rc- f refent the uniform lapfe of time, Sir Ifaac Newton often Teprefents it by the uniform increafe of an area during the motion along the line taken for the abfciiTa. The .velocities, or determinations to miction in the different points of this line, will be found inverfely proportional to the ordinates of the curve which bounds this area. Thus, let a point move along the ftraight Hne A D (fig. 6.) with a motion any how continually changed, and let the curve LKIH be fo related to AD that the area^ I C B is to the area Jt H D B a^ the time of mov- ing along B C ;:o that of moving along B D -, and let this i>e true in every point of the line A D. Let C c, D d be two very fmail fpaces defcribed in equal times, draM^ the. ordinates i<-, h d, and draw ii, h I perpendicular to K C, H D. It is evident that the areas IC.^i and HD J/7 are .equal, becaufe they reprefent equal moments of time. It is alfo plain that as the fpaces C c and D d are continually diminilhed, the ratio of ICci and HTi d h to the rec- |:angles kCci and IVi dh continually approaches to that of pi^uaUty, and that the ratio of equality is the limiting or Jl 1 ultmi^^^ 2^6 OV ACCELERATED ultimate ratio. Therefore, fince the areas iCc t and HD ^^ are equal, the rectangles kC c i and ITi dh are ultimately in the ratio of equality. Therefore their bafes i c and h d are inverfely as their altitudes C c and D dy that is, I c \h d=-T) d\Q,c. But C c and D d being de- fcribed in equal times, are ultimately as the velocities in e and d (46). Therefore /' c and h d are inverfely as the velocities in c and d. Becaufe this may be fimilarly de- monftrated in refpecl of every point of the abfciiTa, the propofition is demonftrated. 52. It now appears that in all cafes in u'hich we can difcover by obfervation the relation between the ipaces defcribed and the times elapfed during the defcription, we difcover the velocities and the mechanical condition of the moveable. To make any practical application of our conclufions, we muft always have recourfe to arith- metical calculations. Thefe are indicated by the alge- braic fymbols of our geometrical reafonings. We repre- fent any ordinate c g oi fig. 5. by v, and the portion cd of the abfciffa by 't , and the area c dh g^ or rather, its e- qual, the rectangle c d g, by -y / . And iince this redl- angle is as the correfponding portion C D of the line of motion, and C D is reprefented by j , v/e have die equa- tion ]•=: V ], We may now afTume as true, all the mathematical confequences of thefe reprefentations. Therefore / =-, as in art. 41. For the algebraic fymbols are the repre- fentations of arithmetical operations, and they reprefent AND RCTARDUD MOTIONS. 57 the Operations of geometry more remotely, and only be- caufe the area of a re(£langle Is analogous to the produ£l of numbers which are proportioned to its fides. If we life the fymbol j v t to reprefent the fum of all thefe rectangles, it will exprefs the whole area adhe, and will alfo exprefs the whole line of motion A D, and we may ftate the equation s = y ^ t . In like manner J ~ will be equivalent to f t, that is, to t, and will ex- prefs the whole time ad. It is alfo eafy to fee that - reprefents the ordinate D H of the line L K I H of fig. 6, becaufe any portion D ^ of its abfcilTa is properly repre- fented by j, and the ordinates are reciprocally propor- tional to the velocities, that is, are proportional to the quotients of fome conilant number divided by the veloci- ties, and therefore, to -. Now i being reprefented by the redtangie kQci, which is alfo reprefented by j x -, v/e have / = — , and t = /— , as before. Such fymbollcal reprefentations will frequently be employed in our future difcuffions, and will enable us greatly to fhorten our manner of proceeding. 53. There is one cafe of varied motion, which has very particular and ufeful charaders, namely, when the line efg h of fig. 5. is a ftraight line. Let fig. 7. re- prefent this cafe of motion along the line A D, and let ^a^ h c^ c d reprefent equal moments of time, in which 3^ OP ACCELERATED the moveable defcribes PA, B C, CD; draw /?;/, gn,es parallel to the abfcifs a d. It is evident that m g and n h are equal, or that equal increments of velocity are acquired in equal times. AU fo eq^er^e s are proportional to qf^ r g^ s hy and there- fore the increments qf, rgy s h, of velocity, are propor- tional to the times ab, a c, a d, in v/hich they are ac^ quired. This motion, may vi^ith great propriety be called UNi- PORMLY ACCELERATED, in which the velocity increafe^ at the fame rate wdth the times, and equal increments are gained in equal times. If the hne e h cut the abfciffa in fome point ^», it vv^ill reprefent a motion uniformly accelerated from reft, dur^ ing the time v d, and will give us the relations between the fpaces, velpcliies and times in fuch motions. Frpm this manner of expreffing thefe relations, It folr lows that, z';; motioJis uniformly accelerated from a fate of r^Jly the acquired vekc't'es are proportional to the times from the begirifiing of the motion* For a - = /? S, and V^ — v^ == aS -— a s, or =^ S — j, which we may exprcfs in this manner vv' =^ as'. That is, the morne?!- iary change of the fquare of the velocity^ in a motion unU formly accelerated^ is proportional to the acceleration and to the fpace y jointly. This will be found a moft important theorem. Thus we fee that the acceleration conti-nued during ^ given time /, or /', produces a certain augmentation of the fimple velocity ; but the acceleration continued along' a given fpace x, or 'S, produces a certain augmentation- AND RETARDED MOTIONS. 4^ •f die fquare of the velocity. This obfcrvation will be found of very great importance in niechanical philofophy, 68. Hitherto the acceleration has been confidered as conllant — that is, we have been confidering only fuch mo- tions as are uniformly accelerated j but thefe are very rare in tlie phenomena of nature. Accelerations are as variable as velocities, fo that it is equally difficult to find an ac- tual meafure of them. Yet it is only by changes of velocity that we get any information of the changing caufe, or the mechanical power of nature. It is only from the continual acce- leration of a falling body, that we learn that the power which makes it prefs on our hand, alfo prelles the body downward, while it is falling through the air ; and it is from our obferving that it acquires equal increments of velocity in equal times, that we learn that the dov/nward prefflire of gravity on it is the fame, whatever be \^:\q ra- pidity of its defcent. No rapidity withdraws it in 'Cn^i fmalleft degree from the action of its gravity or weight. This is valuable information ; for it is very unlike all our more familiar notions of preliures. We feel that all fuch preffures as we em.plovj have their acceleratlnn- power diminiflied as the body yields to them. A flream of water or of wind becomes lefs and lefs efFeclive as the impelled bodies move more rapidly away, and, although they are Hill in the ilream, there is a limit- ing velocity which they cannot pafs, nor ever fully at- tain. It is of tl:ie greated confeq^uence therefore to ob- triia '4^ O? ACCELERATED tain acciirat:e mcafures cf acceleration^ even wlien con* tinually varying. We may obtain this in the very fame way that we get meafures oi a velocity which varies continually. We can conceive a line to increafe along with our velocity, and to hicreafc precifely at the fame rate. It is evident tliat this rate of increase of the velocity is the very thing that we call Acceleration, juft as the rate at v/hich the line now mentioned increafes is the very thing that we call Velocity. We have only therefore to confider the areas of fig. 5. or the line A D of that figure, as repre- fenting a velocity ; then it is plain that the ordinates to tlie line e g h, which we demonftrated to be proportional to the rate of variation of this area, will reprefent, or be proportional to the variation of this velocity, that is, to the acceleration. Hence the following propofition. 69. If the ahfdjfa 7i A of a curve line e g h reprefent the time of a motion^ mid if tho areas a b f e, a c g e, a d h e, &c. are prcportioned to the velocities at the in- Jlanis b, c, d, &c. then the ordinates a e, b f , eg, d h, &c. are proportional to the accelerations at the infants a, b, c, d, &c. This is demonftrated precifely in the famiC manner as m art. 45. and we need not repeat the procefs. We have only to fubflitute the word acceleration for the word velocity. From this propofition, we may deduce fome corol- laries which are of continual ufe m every mechanical difcuiTion. 70. AND RETARDED MOTIONS. 47 70. The momentary 'vKrements of vehcity arc as the (iccelcratlor.Sy and as the moment s^ jointly. For, the inerement of velocity in the moment c d (for example) is accurately reprefented by the area c dh ^y or by the reclanclle c d nk ^ and c d accurately reprefents the n^.oment. Alfo, the ultimate ratio of c k to fuch an- other ordinate b /, is tlie ratio of eg to bf (45) ; that is, the ratio of the acceleration in the indant c to the accele- ration in the inftant b. Therefore the increment of velo- city daring the moment pa is to that during the moment c d ?iS p n X a e to c d X d g, — We may exprefs this by the proportional equation v =^ a t. 71. Converfcly. The acceleration o is proportional to - , agreeably to what v/as fhown v/hen the motion h uniformly accelerated (63). When, from the circum fiances of the cafe, we can meafure the area of this figure, as it is analogous to the fum of all the infcribed redangles, we may exprefs it by J aty and thus we obtain .the whole velocity acquired during the time A P, and we fay v ^ ja t. It frequently happens that we know the Intenfities (or at lead tlieir proportions) of the accelerating powers cf nature in the diiFerent points of the path, and we want to learn the velocities in thofe points. This is obtained by means of the following propcfition : 72. If the abfnjfa AE cf a line ace (fig. 8.) he the /pace along ivhich a body is moving ivilh a motion coniinuallf varied^ 4.8 OV ACCELERATED n^/iried, and if the ordi?iates An, B ^, Cr, S:c. he propor- tional to the accchrat'ions in the points A, ]>, C, &c. then, the areas AV>ba, AD day A¥.ea, &c. are proportional to the auginefiiatiom of the fqiiare of the velocity in A at the points B, D, E, &c. Let B C, CD, be two very fmall portions of the line AE, and draw bf eg, panillel to AE. Then, if we fuppofe that the acceleration B b continues through the fpace BC, the rectangle BbfC will exprefs the aug.- mentation made on the fquare of the velocity in B (67 ). In like manner, C ^ ^ D will exprefs the increment of the fquare of the velocity in C ; and, in like manner, the rectangles infcribed in the remainder of the figure will feverally exprefs the increments of the fquares of the velocity acquired in ipoving over the correfponding por- tions of the abfcifTa. The v/hole augmentation thercr fore of the fquare of the velocity in A (if there be any ■velocity in that point) during the pafiage from A to B, is the aggregate of thefe partial augmentations. Tlie fame muil be affirmed of the motion from B to E. Nov/, vviien the fubdivifion of A E is carried on without end, it is evident that the ultimate ratio of the area J^JLe a to the aggregate of infcribed recStangles, is that of equality ; that is, when the acceleration varies, not by ftarts, but continually, the area AB b a will exprefs the augmentation made on the fquare of the initial ve- locity in A, during th.e motion along A B. The fame muil be affirmed of the motion along B E. — Therefore ffie intercepted areas A B b a, B,D d b, BEe d, are pro^ portional AND RETARDED MOTIONS. 4f portional to the changes made on the fquarcs of the ve- locity in A, B, and D. 73. Cor. I. If the moveable had no velocity in A, the areas AB^^, AD da, &c. are proportional to the fquares of velocity acquired in B, D, &c. 74. Cor. 2. The momentary change on the fquare of the velocity is as the acceleration and increment of the fpace jointly, or, vi^e have vv=: as ', and thus we find that virhat vi^e demonflrated ftridly in uniformly accele- rated motions (67) is equally true when the acceleration ■continually changes. 75. Cor. 3. Since v/e found vv equal to half th? increment of the fquare of the velocity {^g), it follows Tchat the area AlLea, or the fluent fas is only equal to V*, v^ . . . • , fuppofing V and V to be the velocities in A and R. 76. All that has been faid of tlie acceleration of motion is equally applicable to motions that are retarded, whether uniformly or unequably ; the momentary varia- tions being decrements of velocity inftead of increments. A moveable, uniformly retarded till it is brought to reft, will continue in motion during a time proportional to the initial velocity ; and it v/ill defcribe a fpace proportional' ip the fquare of this velocity ; and the fpace fo defcribed G is lilD RETARDED MOTIONS. 4f portional to the changes made on the fquarcs of the ve- locity in A, B, and D. 73. Cor. r. If the moveable had no velocity in A, the areas A B ^ ^, AD da^ &c. are proportional to the iquares of velocity acquired in B, D, &c. 74. Cor, 2. The momentary change on the fquare of the velocity is as the acceleration and increment of the fpace jointly, or, we have vv=: as '^ and thus we find that what we demonilrated ftridly in uniformly accele- rated motions (67) is equally true when the acceleration continually changes. 75. Cor, 3. Since we found vv equal to half th^ increment of the fquare of the velocity (59), it follows that the area A^ea, or the fluent fas is only equal to V* ; v^ . . . • , fuppofing V and V to be the velocities in A and E. 76. All that has been faid of the acceleration of motion is equally applicable to motions that are retarded, whether uniformly or unequably ; the momentary varia- tions being decrements of velocity infl^ad of increments. A moveable, uniformly retarded till it is brought to reft, will continue in motion during a time proportional to the initial velocity ; and it v/ill defcribe a fpace proportional' ift the fquare of this velocity *, and the fpace fo defcribed G l^ $0 Of compound motions, i? one half of what It would have defcribed in the fame time with the initial velocity undiminiflied, Sec, Sec. &c. Having nov/ obtained proper marks and meafures of all variations of velocity, it remains to obtain the fame for all changes of diredion. Thus we fhall obtain a knowledge of the greateft part of thofe motions y^hich the fpontaneous phenomena of nature exhibit to our view. Jt is very doubtful whether we have ever feen a motiou ftri£lly re£lilineal. 3. Of Compound Motions. 79. In our endeavours to obtain a general mark ov <:hara6leriftic of any change of motion, it is evident that when the change is fuppofed to be the fame in any two or more inftances, the oftenfible marks muft be the fame, whatever have been fehe previous conditions of the two. moveables. There muft be obferved, in all the cafes of change, fome circumftance in the difference between the former motions and the new motions, which is precifely the fame, both In refpe^l: of kind and of quantity, that is, in refpeft of direction and of velocity. We may there- fore fuppofe one of the bodies to have been previoufly at reft. In this cafe, the whole change produced on it, is unqueftionably the very motion which we fee it ac- and y, and the line A C A' has got into the pofitions BB', FF', GG', fo that A (p is four times A/3; and A y is nine times A /S. Therefore A /3, A ^, A y, are as the fquares of /3 b, cpfj and ygy and the line A bfg is a parabola. It is in this way that a nail in the fole of a cart- wheel defcribes a cycloid, while the cart moves along a fmooth plane. This is the compofition of a pros^relTive motion with an equal circular motion. The geometrical lectures of Dr Barrow contain many beautiful examples of fuch compofitions of motion ; and it was by intro- ducing this procefs into mathematical reafoning, that this celebrated geometer gave a new department to the fcience, which quickly extended it far beyond the pale of the ancient geometry of the Greeks, and fuggefted to Sir Ifaac Newton his dcdrine of Fluxions. 89. OF COMPOUND MOTlONfS. ^53 89. When two motions, however variahle, are com- pounded, we dlfcover the direclion and velocity of the compound motions in any inftant, if we know the direc- tion and velocities of each of the fimple motions at that hi Q ant. For v.^e may fuppofe, that, at that inflant, each motion proceeds unchanged. Then we conftrudl a pa- rallelogram, the fides of which have the directions and proportions of the velocities of the fimple motions. The diagonal of this parallelogram will exprefs the direftion and velocity of the compound motion, 90. On the other hand, knowing the direction and velocity of the compound motion, and the dire^ions of each of the fimple motions, we difcover their velocities. 91. When a curvllineal motion AD V (fig. 15.) re- fults from the com.pofition of tv/o motions, whofe direc- tions we know to be AC and A F, we learn the veloci- ties of the three motions in any point D, by drawing the tangent D I, and the ordinate D h parallel to one of the fimple motions, and from any point L in that ordi- nate, drawing LI parallel to the other motion, cutting the tangent in I. The three velocities are in the propor- tion of the three lines IL, LD, and ID. This is of very frequent ufe. Since the phenomena are our only marks and mea- fares of their fuppofed caufes, it is plain that every mif- take with refpe6l to a change of motion, is accompanied by a miflake in pur iniference of its caufe. Such mif- takes 6'4 OF COMPOUND MOTIONS. takes are avoided with great difficulty, becaufe the mo- tions "which we obferve are, at all times, extremely dif- ferent from what we take them to be. A book lying on the table feems to be at reft ; but it is really moving with a prodigious fpeed, and is defcribing a figure very like the figure defcribed by a nail in the nave of a coach- wheel while the carriage is going over the fummit of a gentle rifing. We imagine that we are at reft, and we judge of the motion of another body merely by its change of diftance and diredtion from ourfelves. Thus, if a (liip is becalmed at B (fig. i6.) in a part of the ocean where there is an unknown current in the direction B D ; and if the light of another fhip is feen at A, and if A really fails to C while B floats to D, A will not appear to have failed along A C, but along A K ", for when B is at D, and A at C, A appears at C, having the bearing and diftance D C. Therefore, if A K be made equal and parallel to D C, it will have the fame bearing by the compafs, and the fame diftance from B that C has from D ; and therefore the fpeclator in B, not knowing that he has moved from B to D, but be- lieving himfelf ftill at B, muft form this opinion of tlie motion of A. — In the fiime manner it muft follow, that our notions of the planetary motions muft be extremely diftcrent from the motions themfelves, if it be true that this earth is moving to the eaftward at the rate of nearly twenty miles in every fecond. It would feem a defpe- rate attempt therefore for us to fpeculate concerning the powers of nature by which thefe motions are regulated. And, OF COMPOUND MOT^ON^* <^ ^nd, accordingly, nothing can be conceived more fan- taftical and incongruous than the opinions formerly en- tertained on this fubje£l. But Mathematics affords ^t. clue by which we are conducted through this labyrinth. 92. l^he motion of a hcdy A -relative to^ or as fee/i. frotUy another body B, which is alfo in motion, is compound^ ed of the real motion of A, and the oppoftte to the real mo- tion of "&. (Fig. 16.) Join A B, and draw A E equal and parallel to S P, and complete the parallelogram ACFE, and join ED and D C. Alfo produce E A till A L is equal to A E or B D, and complete the parallelogram LACK, and draw A K and B K. Had A moved along A E while B moves along BD, they wouW have been at E and D nt the fame time, and would have the fame bearing and diftance as before. If the fpedlator in B is infenfible of his own motion, A will appear not to have changed its place. It is well known that tv/o {hips, becalmed in an unknown current, appear to the crews to remain at reft. It is plain, therefore, that the real pofition and diftance D C are the fame with B K, and that if the fpe£l:ator iu B imagines himfelf at reft, the line A K will be confi- dered as the motion of A. This is evidently compofed of the motion A C, which is the real motion of A, and the motion A L, which is equal and oppofite to the mo- tion B D. ^3 . In like manner, if B H be drawn equal and o^" piofite to A C, and the parallelogram B H G D be com* I pleted. 6"(5 Otf COMPOUKD MOTIONS. pleted, and BG and A G be drawn, the diagonal B G will be the motion of B relative to A. (92.) Now, It is plain that K A G B is a parallelogram. The relative po- fition and diftances of A and B at the end of the motion are the fame as in the former cafe. B appears to have moved along B G, which is equal and oppofite to A K. Therefore, the apparent or relative motions of two bodies are equal and oppofite, whatever the real motions of both way bey and therefore give no immediate information concerning the real motions, 94. It needs no farther difcufiion to prove the fame propofitions concerning every change of motion, viz. that the relative change of motion in A is compofed of the real change in A, and of the oppofite to the motion, or- change of motion in B. Suppofe the motion B D to be changed Into*-- B ^. This has arifen from a compofition of the motion B D with another D ^ •, draw C » equal and oppofite to D ^, and complete the parallelogram E C » «. The diagonal E X is the apparent or relative change of motion. For the bearing and diftance ^ C is evidently the fame with D X, becaufe the lines ^ C and D « which join equal an4 parallel lines are equal and parallel. ^^, Therefore, if no change happen to A, but if the motion of B be changed, the iTxOtion of A will appear to be equally changed in the oppofite diredlion. • Hence we draw a very fortunate conclufion, that the pbferved or relative changes of motion are equal to the real (5F COMPOUND MOTIONS* 6y veal changes. But we remain ignorant of its diredlion, becaufe we may not know in which body the change has happened. E s is the apparent cJiange of motion of the body A, becaufe E C was the apparent motion be- fore the change into E k. Complete the parallelogram AC K ec. The diagonal A k would have been the mo- tion of A, had its motion A C fuftained the compofition or change A tx,. It is plain that either the motion D ^, compounded with B D, or the motion A oe. compounded with AC, will produce the fame apparent or relative change of motion. Still, however, it is important to learn that the apparent and real changes are the fame in magni- tude ; becaufe they give the fame indication of the mag- nitude of the changing caufe. 96. It is evident that if we knov/ the real motion of B, we can difcover the real motion of A, by confidering its apparent motion E C as the diagonal of a parallelogram of which one fide E A is equal and oppofite to the known motion B D. It mufh tlierefore be A C. 97. In like manner, if any other circumftances have afiured the fpedtator in B, that A C is the true motion of A, which had appeared to him to move along A K, he muft confider A K as the diagonal of a parallelogram A L K C, and then he learns that B has moved over a line BD, equal and oppofite to AL. It was in this manner that Kepler, by obfervations on the planet Mars, difcovered the true form of the earth's orbit round the Sun. 0i OF CURVILINEAL MOTIOxNb^^ 98. If equal and parallel motions be compounded with all and each of the motions of any number of bo- dies, moving in any manner of v/ay, their relative mo- tions are not changed by this fupenndu6lion. For, by Compounding it with the motion of any one of the bo- dies, which we may call A, the real motion of A is in- deed changed. But its motion relative to another body B, or its apparent motion as (een from B, is compound- ed of the real change (94. )> and of the oppofite to the real change in B, that is, oppofite to the real change in A, and therefore deftroys that change, and the relative motion of A remains the fame as before. — In this man- ner, the motions and evolutions of a fleet of (hips in a current which equally afFefts them all, are not changed, or are the fame as if made in ftill water. The motions m the cabin of a fhip are not afFe6led by the (hip's pro- greffive motion 5 nor are the relative motions on the fur- face of this globe fenfibly afFe£\ed by Its revolution round the fun. We (hould remain for ever igix>rant of all fuch common motions, if we did not fee other bo- dies which are not aiFe£led by them. To thefe we re- fer, as to fo many fixed points, 4. Of Motions continually DeJieBed. 99. A curvilineal motion is a cafe of continual de- fle£lion. It is fufceptible of infinite varieties, and its modifications and chief properties are of diflicult inVef* tigatiou. The OF CURVILINEAL MOTIOKS. <5g The fimpleft cafe of curvilineal motion is that of Uniform, motion in a circular arch. Here, the deflediona in equal times from re£lilineal motion are equal. But, fhould the velocity be augmented, it is plain that the momentary deflection is alfo augmented, becaufc a greater arch will be defcribed, and the end of this greater arch deviates farther from the tangent •, but it is not eafy to afcertain in what proportion it is increafed. When one uniform rectilineal motion AB (fig. 17.) is defleCled in- to another BC, we afcertain the linear defleCtion by drawing a line from the point c, at which the body would have arrived without deflexion, to the point C, to which it really does arrive. And it is the fame thing whether we draw dD, or c C, in this manner, becaufe thefe lines, being proportional to B J, B c, will always give the fame meafure of the velocities (41.), and the lines of deflec- tion are all parallel, and therefore aflure us of the di- redlion of the defleCtion in the point B. But it Is other- wife in any curvilineal motion. We never have cIJ^icC =r B ^ : B r ; moreover, it Is very rarely that ^ D, c C, &c. are parallel. We know not therefore which of thefe lines to feleCt for an Indication of the dIreClion of the defleClIon at B_, or for a meafure of its magnitude. Not only does a greater velocity In the fame curve caufe a greater deflection, but alfo, If the path be more incurvated, an arch of the fame length defcribed with the fame velocity, deviates farther from the tangent. Therefore, if a body move uniformly in a curve of va- riable curvature, the defledlion will be greater wnere ihe curvature is greatier. 70 OF CURVILINEAL MOTIONS. We may learn from thefe general remarks, that iha dire(5lions and the meafures of the clefle6l:ions by which a body deviates continually into a curvilineal path, can be afcertained, only by inveftigating the ultimate pofi- tions and ratios of the lines which join the points of the curve with the fmiultaneous points of the tan- gent, as the points ^ and C are taken nearer and nearer to B. Some rare, but important cafes occur, in which the lines joining the fimultaneous points c and C, d and ^, &c. are parallel. In fuch cafes, the deflexion in B is certainly parallel to them, and they are cafes of the compofition of a motion in the direction of the tan- gent with a motion in the direction of the lines c C, d ^, &c. But, in moil cafes, we mull difcover the direction of the deflection in B, by obferving what dire£lion the lines d ^, c Cy &c. taken on both fides of B, continually approximate to. The following general propofition, dif- covered by the illufhrious Newton, will greatly facilitate this refearch. 100. If a body defcribe a curve line ABCDEF (fig. 18.) ivhich is all in one plane y and if there he a point S /// this plafiCy Jo fituatedy that the lines S A, SB, S C, &c. drawn to the curve, cut off areas A S B, A SC, A SD, &c. proportional to the times of defer ibing the arches A B, AC, AD, &c. then are the defleBions always direEled to this point S. Let us firft fuppofe that the body defcribes the poly- gon ABCDEF, formed of the chords of this curve, and tliat it defcribes each cliord uniformly, and is de- fleaecl OF CURVILINEAL MOTIONS. ^t fleacd only in the angles B, C, D, &c. Let us alfo (for the greater fimplicitv of argument) fuppofe that the fides of this polygon are dcfcribed in equal times, fo that (by the hypothecs) the triangles A SB, BSC, CSD, &c. are all equal. Continue the chords A B, B C, &c. beyond the arches, making B c equal to A B, and C d equal to B C, and fo on. Join r C, ^ D, &c. and draw <; S, ^ S, &c. 5 alfo draw C b parallel to <: B or B A, cutting B S in ^, and join h A, and draw C A, cutting B ^ in c^. Laftly, make a fimilar conftruclion at E. Then, becaufe r B is equal to B A, the triangles A S B and B S ^, are equal, and therefore B S ^ is equal to B S C ; but they are on the fame bafe S B. There- fore they are between the fame parallels •, that is, r C is parallel to B S, and B C is the diagonal of a parallelo- gram B ^ C r. The motion B C therefore is compounded of the motions B c and B hy and B ^ is the deflection, by which the motion B r is changed into the motion B C ; therefore the deflection in B is dire<£l:ed to S. — By fimi- lar reafoning / F, or E i, is the defledtion at E, and is likewife dire£led to S *, and the fame may be proved con- cerning every angle of the polygon. Let tlie fides of this polygon be diminifhed, and their number increafed without end. The demonftration re- mains the fame, and continues, when the polygon ex- haufts or coalefces with the curvihneal area, and its fides with the curvilineal arch. Now, when the whole areas are proportional to the tiiiies, equal areas are defcribed in equal times ; and thereforej ^t OF CURVILIJ^EAL MOTIONS, therefore, in fuch motion, the defleclions are always dU rented to S. This point S may be called the centre of dejleSlion. I o I . If the dejleEllon by luhich a curve line A D F is defcribed, be continually direEled to a fixed pointy the figure njuill be in one plans ^ and areas will be defcribed round that point proportional to th times. For B C is the diagonal of a parallelogram, and is in the plane of S B and B c (84.) j and r C is parallel to B S, and the triangles SBC, S B o and S B A, are equal. Equal areas are defipribed in equal times ; and therefore areas are defcribed pra^ portional to the times, ^g. &c. 102. Cor, I. The velocities in different points of the eurve are inverfely proportional to the perpendiculars S r and S t (fig. 19.) drawn from S on the tangents A r, E t in thofe points of the curve. For, becaufe the elementary triangles A S B, E S F, are eqiial, their bafes A B, E F, are inverfely as their altitudes $ r^ St. Thefe bafes, being defcribed in equal times, are as the velocities, ^nd they ultimately coincide vi^ith the tangents at A and E. Therefore the velocity in A is to that in E as S ^ to S r* T03. Cor. 2, 7'he angular velocities round S are in- 'perfely as the fquares of the difiances. For, if we defcribe round the centre S the fmall arches B cf, F ^, they may be confidered as perpendiculars on S A and S E ; alfo with the diflance S F defcribe the arch g h^ It is evident that ^^' OF CURVILINEAL MOTIONS. 73 that g /: IS to Y d as the angle A S B to the angle E S F. Now, fmce the areas A S B, E S F, are equal, we have B ^, : F ^ =r S E : S A. But g /j :B cc = S E : S A therefore ^ y6 : F ^ = S E^ : S A* and ASB:ESF_- SE^:S A* 104. AVe now proceed to determine the magnitude of the defle£tion, or, at leaf!:, to compare its magnitude in B, for example, with its magnitude in E. .In the po- lygonal motion (fig. 18.) the defleftion in B is to that in E as the line B , or C B Z, is equal to C A Z, {landing on the fame chord C Z. Therefore, the remaining angles ^ C B and C Z A are equal, and the triangles a.re fimilar ; therefore B^:CA:=BC:AZ. K Now, f4 0^ CURVILINEAL MOTIONS. Now, fince, by continually diminifhing the fides of the polygon, the points A and C continually approach to B, and C A continually approaches to ^ A or to 2 r B, or 2 C B, and is ultimately equal to it ; alfo A Z is ulti- mately equal to B Z. Therefore, ultimately, B 5 : 2 B C = B C : B Z, and B ^ X B Z = 2 B C% and B Z' = -^-~- In like manner, at the point E, v/e fliall have E / 2 E F ' ultimately equal to —^ — , Ez being that chord of the circle through D, E, and F, which pafies through /'. Iherefore B ^ : il ; zz _, ^ : — ^=; — . n Zj E 2 The ultimate circle, when the three points A, B, C, coalefce, is called the circle of equal curvature, or the EQUicuRVE CIRCLE, coalefcing with the curve in B in the mod clofe manner. The chord B Z of this circle, which has the direction of the deflecSlion in B, may be called its deflective chord. Since B C and E F are defcribed in equal times, they are proportional to the velocities in B and E. There- fore, we may exprefs this propofition In the following words : In curvilweal motions y the dejleBlons in different points ef the curve are proportional to the fqiiare of the velocities in thofe points^ direclly, and to the dejleEiive chords of the equicurve circles in thofe points, iiiverfely. It mufl be here remarked, that this theorem is not limited to curvilineal motions, in which the deflections sre always directed to one fixed point, but extends to all OF CURTILINEAL MOTIONS. 75 all curviilneal motions whatever. For it may evidently be exprelTed in this manner ; The defleBing forces are ul- timately proporUo7ial to the fquares of the arches defcribed in equal times, direSfly, afid to the dejleclive chords of the equiciirve circle, inverfely. The equable defcription of areas only enabled us to fee that the lines B C and E F were defcribed in equal times, and therefore are as the velocities. It will be convenient to have a fymbolical expreflion of this theorem. Therefore, let the defleftive chord of the equicurve circle be reprefented by c, and the deflec- tion by d, the theorem may be exprelTed by , . "y ^ , 2 arch "* d =^ — 5 or rf = c c 105. Remark. — The line B i^ is the linear deflec- tion, by which the uniform motion in the chord A B is changed into a uniform motion in the chord B C, or it is the deviation c C from the point where the moveable would have arrived, had it not been deflected at B. But, in the prefent cafe of curvilineal motion, the lines B h and Br exprefs the meafures of the velocities of thefe motions, or the meafures of the determinations to them. B r is to B ^ as the velocity of tlie progreflive motion is to the velocity of the deflection, generated during the defcription of the arch B C. But, becaufe the defle<51:ion 'in the arch has been continual, and becaufe it is to be meafured, like acceleration, by the velocity which is ge- nerated uniformly during a given moment of time, it K 2 jiiay ']6 OF CURVILINEAL MOTIONS. may be meafured by the velocity generated during the defcrlption of tne arch B C Its meafure therefore will be double of the fpace through which the body is ac- tually defle£i:ed in that time from the tangent in B. The fpace defcrlbed will be only one half of B b, or it will be BT). Now, this is really the cafe ; for the tangent is ultimately parallel to O C, and bife^ls r C ; fo that al- though the deflection from the tangent to the carve is only half of the defleftion from the produced chord to the curve ; yet the velocity gradually generated is that which will produce the defleclion from the produced chord, or is that which conftitutes the polygonal motion in the chords. It is perfecJy legitimate, therefore, to reafon from the fubfultory deflections of a polygonal motion to the continual deflections in a curvilineai motion ; for the de- fieftions in the angles of the polygon have the fame ra- tio to one another with the deflections in the fame points of the curve. But we muft be careful not to confound the defledions from the tangent with thofe from rhe chords. This has been done by eminent mathematicians. Tor the employment of algebraical expreflions of the in- crements of the abfciflis and ordinates of curves, ahvay>^ gives the true cxpreflion of the deflections in a polygonal motion. But, when we turn our thoughts to the figures, vmd to the curvilineai motions them fe Ives, we naturally think of the deflcCtions (fuch as we fee them) from tlie tangent to the curve. We then make geometrical in- ferences, which are true only when aflirmed fA the cur- vilineai OF CURVILINEAL MOTIONS. '"^y vilineal motions. We are apt to mix and confound thefe inferences with the refiilts of the fliixionary calculus, which always refer to the polygon. By thus mixing quantities that are incongruous, fome celebrated mathe- maticians have committed very grofs miftakes. It is, in general, moft convenient, and furely mofl natural, to ufe the ultimate ratio of the actual deflec- BC" tions from the tangent, or T.-y- ; ^nd this even gives us its meafure in feet or inches, when we know the dimen- fions of the figure defcribed. Thus we know that, in one minute, the Moon, when at her mean diftance, de- flefts 193 inches from the tangent to her orbit round the Earth, and that the earth deviates 424 inches in the fame time from the tangent of her orbit round the Sun. 1 06. The velocity in any point of a curvilineal mo- tion is that which would be generated by the delie6lioii in that point, if continued through ~ of the deflective chord of the equicurve circle. Let x be the fpace along which the body muft be accelerated in order to acquire the velocity B C. We have Bb\ or 4 B O^ : B C^ = B O : :v (57) and , , BC^xBO BC^ J Be tnereicre^ = — ^^-^, = -g-^, and 4. =-gg-, or B O : B C = B C : 4 .V. But B O : B C = B C : B Z. Therefore a: = ^ B Z, ' ReCAPITU" yI br curvilineal tviotions. Recapitulation. Thus have we obtained marks and mcafures of all the principal affe£lions of motion. The acceleration « is - (71) or -r— (72) or — (65) t s f- The momentary variation of velocity v= at (71) The momentary variation of the fquare of velocity 2vv^2a s (72) arc ^ The momentary defle£l:ion d = , ' (105) The deflective velocity = ^— (104) But, in order to apply the dodlrines already eflablifhed w^ith the accuracy of vi'hich phyfico-mathematical fubjefts are fufceptible, it is necelTary to feleft fome point in any body of fenfible magnitude, or in any fyftem of bodies, by the pofition or motion of v^^hich we may form a jufh notion of the pofition and motion of the body or fyftem. It is evident that the condition which afcertains the pro- priety of our choice, is, that the pofition 3 dijlance, or mo- t'lon of this point fiall he a medium or average of the poft- iions, dijiancesy aud motions of every particle of ?natter in the fjfetnblage, 107. This will be the cafe, if the point be fo fituated that, if a plane be made to pafs through it in any direc- tion ivhatever, and if perpendiculars be drawn to this plane from every particle of matter in this aflemblage, the fum of all the perpendiculars on one fide of this plant? OF THE CENTRE OF POSITION. 79 plane Is equal to the fum of all the perpendiculars on the other. That there may be found in every body fuch a point, is demonftrated (after Bofcovich) in the Eticycl. JBrlLi/i, Art. Portion ( Centre of). Let P (fig. 20.) be a point fo fituated, and let OR be a plane (or rather the feftion of a plane, perpendicu- lar to the plane of the paper) at any diftance from the body. The diftance V p of P from this plane, is the average of all the diftances of each particle. For, let the plane A P B pafs through this point, parallel to the plane O R. The diftance C S of a parallel C from this plane is DS — DC, orP/> — DCj and the diftance GT of a particle G is H T -f G H, or P/ + G H. Let ;; be the number of particles betvi^een O R and A P 5 and let # be the number on the other fide of A P ; and let m be the number of particles in the w\\o\q body, that Is, let in:=zn -\- 0. It Is evident that the fum of all the diftances, fuch as C S Is // X ^ p minus the fum of all the diftances, fuch as C D. Alfo o X P/), plus the fum of the diftances GH, is the fum of all the diftances GT. Nov/, the fum of the lines GDIs equal to that of all the lines G H, and therefore ?/ + o X P/, or m X P/, is equal to the fum of all the lines C S and G T, and V p is tlie /;/•* part «f this fum, or the average diftance. Now, fuppofe the body to have approached to the plane Q R (fig. 2 1 ), and that P is now at tt. It is plain that the diftance 7rp is again the average diftance, and in x 7rp is the fum of all the new diftances. The difference from the to OF THE CENTRE OF POSITION. the former fum Is m X V tt, and confequently }?i X P ^J" is the fum of the approaches of every particle j and P tt is the fn^^ part of this fum, or is the average of them all. The diftance, pofition, and motion of this point is there- fore the average pofition, diftance, and motion of the whole body. The fame demonftration will apply to any fyftem of bodies. The point P is therefore properly chofen. 1 08. Since the point P is the fame, in vi^hatever direflion the plane APB is made to pafs through it, it follows tliat the laft propofition is true, although the body may have turned round fome centre or axis, or though the bodies of u'hich the fyftem confifts may have changed tlieir mutual pofitions. 109. The point P, thus felecled, may, with great propriety, be called the centre of position of the body or fyftem. no. If A and B (fig. 22.) be the centres of pofi- tion of two bodies A and B, and if a and b exprefs the numbers of equal particles in A and B, or their quanti- ties of matter, the common centre C of this fyftem of two bodies lies in the ftraight line A B joining their re- fpe6live centres, and A C : C B = ^ : ^. This is evident. III. If a third body D, whofe quantity of matter is r/, be added, the common centre of pofition of thi$ fvftem OF THE CENTRE OF POSITION* -81 fyllem of tliefe three bodies lies in the ftraight line D C, joining D with the centre of the other two, and D E : E C :=a + hid. In like manner, if a fourth body be added, the common centre of pofition is in the line joining it with the centre of the other three, and the diilance of the fourth from this common centre, is to the diilance of that from the com- mon centre of the tbr^e, as the matter of all the three to the matter of the fourth— And the fame thing is true for every addition. 112' If the particles or bodies of any fyflem be inoving uniformly in firiiight lines, with any velocities and directions whatever, the centre of the fyftem is ei- ther at reft, or it moves uniformly in a ftraight line. For, let one of the bodies D move uniformly from D to F. Join F with the centre C of the remaining bo- dies, and make Cf to Ff as the matter in F is to that in the remaining bodies. It is plain that E y is parallel to D F, and that DF:E/=:A + B:D. In like man- ner, may the motion of the centre be found that is pro- duced by that of each of the other bodies. Biit tliefe motions of the centre F are all uniform and r<^diJlneal. Therefore, the motion compounded of tiiem all is uniform and ro6lilineal. It m.ay happen that the motion refulting from this corapofition may be nothing, by reafon of the coatrariety of fome individual motions. In this cafe, the centre will remain in the fame point. This obtains alfo, if the centres of any number ofc U l)odie$ OF THE CENTRE OF POSITION* Zl fyilem of tliefe three bodies lies in the ftraight line D C, joining D with the centre of the other two, and D E : E C In like manner, if a fourth body be added, the common centre of pofition is in the line joining it with the centre of the other three, and the diftance of the fourth from this common centre, is to the diitance of that from the com- mon centre of the thr^e, as the matter of all the three to the nicitter of the fourth— And the fame thing is true for every addition. 112' If tlie particles or bodies of any fyflem be moving uniformly iu ilraight lines, with any velocities and dircftions whatever, the centre of the fyftem is ei- ther at reft, or it moves uniformly in a ftraight line. For, let one of the bodies D move uniformly from D to F. Join F with die centre C of the remaining bo- dies, and make Cf to ¥f as the matter in F is to that in the remaining bodies. It is plain that E ^ is parallel to D F, and that D F : E/ = A + B : D. In like man- ner, may the motion of the centre be found that is pro- duced by that of each of the other bodies. But tliefe motions of the centre F are all uniform and r^dillneal. Therefore, the motion compounded o£ tliem all is uniform and rcclilineal. It m.ay happen that the motion refulting from this compofition may be nothing, by reafon of the contrariety o£ jfome individual motions. In this cafe, the centre will remain in the fame point. This obtains alfo, if the centres of any number ofc X* J)odie» '8f2 OF THE CENTRE OF POSITION. bodies move uniformly in right lines, whatever may have been the motion of each body, by rotation or otherwife. The motion of the common centre w^ill ftill be uniform and re£lilineal. 113. Cor. I. The quantity of motion of fuch a fyf- tem, is the fum of the quantities of motion of each body reduced (85.) to the dire6lion of the centre's motion, and it is had by multiplying the quantity of matter in the whole fyftem by the velocity of the centre. 114. Cor. 2. This velocity of the centre is had by reducing the motion of each particle to the direction of the centre motion, and divefting the fum of the reduced motions by the quantity of matter in the fyftem. 115. If equal and oppofite quantities of motion be any how imprefled on any two bodies of fuch an af- femblage, the motion of the centre of the whole is not afFeifbed by it. For the motion of the centre, arifmg from the motion of one of the bodies, being compound- ed vv^tli the equal and oppofite motion of the other, the diagonal of the parallelogram becomes a point, or thefe motions defbroy one another, and no change is induced thereby, in the motion of the centre. The fame thing muft be faid of equal and oppofite quantities of motion being imprefled on any other pair of the bodies, and, in •ihort, on every pair that can be formed in the aflem- blage. Therefore the propofition is ftill true. MECHA- MECHANICAL PIIILOSOP^IY. PART I. Section I. OF MATTER. 1 1 6. JL HE term matter exprefles that fubflance of which all things which we perceive by means of our fenfes are conceived to confift. It is almofl fynonymous, in our language, with body. Material and corpo- real feem alfo fynonymous epithets. 117. Senfihle bodies are ufually conceived as con- fifting of a number of equal particles or atoms of this fubftance. Thefe atoms may alfo be fuppofed fimilar in ^11 their qualities, each poffeffing fuch qualities as diftin- ^uifli them from every thing not material. 118. But we are eiitirely ignorant of the e/Tential qualities of matter, and cannot ailirm any thing concern- ing it, except what we have learned froi7i obfervatioii. To us, matter is a mere phenomenon. Cut we mufl: af- L 2 certaiu 84 OF MATTER. certain with precifion the properties which we fele£l as diftin£live of matter from all other tilings.. 1 19. All men feem agreed in calling that alone mat- ter, which excludes all other fubftances of the fame kind, or prevents them from occupying the fame place, and which requires the exertion of what we call force to re- move it from its place, or anyhow change its motion. Thefe two properties have been generally called soli- dity or IMPENETRABILITY, and INERTIA Or MOBILITY, Mere mxobility, however, is not, perhaps, peculiar to mat- ter I for the mind accompanies the body in all its changes of fituation. "When mobility is afcribed to matter, as a diftinguifhing quality, we always conceive force to be re- quired. We are ccnfcious of exerting force in moving even our own limbs. In like manner, extenfion, and fi- gure, and divifibility, although primary quahties of mat^ ter, are common to it with empty fpace. 120. Mobility in confequence of the exertion of force may be ufed as a charafteriftic of matter, or of an atom of matter. All polTefs it — and probably all pofTefs it alike, their fenfible ditFerences being the confequence of a difference in the combinaticns of atoms to form a particle. 121. A particle of matter under the influence of a moving force, is the objccr of purely mechanical con- templation, and trie coniideration of thc'ckiuges of mo- tion OF MATTER. ^f tioil which refuk from its condition as thus defcribed may be called the mechanism of the phenomenon. 122. Perhaps all changes of material nature are cafes of local motion (though unperceived by us) by th© influence of moving forces. Perliaps they cannot be faid to be completely underflood, till it can be fhewn how tlia atoms of matter have changed their fituations. Perhaps the folution of a bit of filver in aqua fortis is not complete^ ly explained, till we (liew, as the mechanician can (hew with refpe£^ to the fatellites of Jupiter, how an individual atom of filver is made to quit its connexion with the reft, and by what path, and with what velocity in every inftant of its motion, it gets to its final ftate of reft, in a diftant part of the veflel. But thefe motions are not eonfidered by the judicious chemift. He confiders the phenomenon as fully explained, when he has difcovered «11 the cafes in which the folution takes place, and has defcribed, with accurate fidelity, all the circumftances of the operation. 123. We have derived our notions of solidity or IMPENETRABILITY chicfly from our fenfe of touch. The fenfations got in this way feem to have induced all men to afcribe this property of tangible matter to the mutual contaft of the particles — and to fuppofe that no diftance is interpofed between them. 124. But the compreflibility and elafticity of alj Jcnown bodies, their contradion by cold, and many ex- ^mplea- 3(5, OF MAtTEK. amples of chemical union, in which the ingredients oc- cupy lefs room when mixed, than one of them did before mixture, feem incompatible with this conflitution of tan- gible matter. Did air confift of particles, elaftic in the fame manner that blown bladders are, it would not be fluid when comprefled into half of its ufual bulk, be- caufe, in this cafe, each fpherule would be comprelTed into a cube, touching the adjoining fix particles in the whole of its furfaces. No liquid, in a ftate of fenfible compreflion, could be fluid ; yet the water at the bottom of the deepeft fea is as fluid as at the furface. Some op- tical phenomena alfo fhew incontrovertibly that very flrong prefl"ure may be exerted by two bodies in phyfical or fenfible conta6l, although a meafurable diftance is ftill interpofed between them. On the whole, it feems more probable that the ultimate atoms of tangible matter are not in mathematical contact. 125. Bodies are penetrated by other matter in con- fequence of their porofity. Therefore the fame bulk may contain different quantities of matter. 126. Density is a term, which, in flri^l language, cxprefles vicinity of particles. But, v/hen ufed by the mechanician as a term of comparifon, it expreflcs the proportion of the number of equal particles, or the quan- tity of matter, in one body, to the number of equal par- tiv'les in the fame bulk of another body. 127. • F MATTER. 87 127. Therefore the quantity of matter (frequently galled the mass) is properly exprefled by the product of numbers exprefling the bulk B and the denfity D. If M be the quantity of matter, then M = B D MECHA- MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. PART L Section IL DYNAMICS. 128. JJynamics is that department of phyfico- mathematical fcience which contains the ahftracl doc- trines of moving forces ; that is, the neceffary refults of the relations of our thoughts concerning motion and the caufes of its produftion and changes. 129. Changes of motion are the only indications of the agency, the only marks of the kind, and the only meafures of the intenfity of thofe caufes. 130. "We cannot think of motion, i7i ahJlraElo^ as -st thing, properly fo called, that can fubfifl feparately, but as a quality, or rather as a condition, of fome other thing. Therefore we confider this condition as permanent, like the fituation, figure or colour of the thing, unlefs fome caufe of change exert its influence on it, 13'' a&YNlMICSu S^ 13 f. Looking round us, we cannot fail of ohferving \\\\t the changes m the ftate or condition of a body in refpe«£t of motion, have a diftin61: and conftant relation to the fituation and diftance of fome other bodies. Thus, fche motions of the Moon, or of a ftone projected through the air, have an evident and invariable relation to the Earth. A magnet has the fame to iron« — an electri- fied body to any body near it — a billiard ball to ano- ther billiard ball, &c. &c. Such feeming dependences^ may be called the mechanical relations of bodies. They are, unqueftionably, indications of properties, that is, of diftinguifliing qualities. Thefe accompany the bodies wherever they are, and are commonly conceived as m- herent in them 5 and they certainly afcertain and deter- mine what we call their mechanical nature. The me- chanician will defcribe a magnet, by faying that it at- traiHis iron. The chemift will defcribe it, by faying that it contains the martial oxyd in a particular proportion of metal and oxygen* 132. Philofophers are not uniform, liowever, in their* reference of the qualities indicated by thole obferved re- lations. Magnetiiin is a term exprelfing a certain clafs of phenomena, which are relations fubfifting between magnets and iron ; but many reckon it a property of the magnet, by which it attracts iron ; others imagine it a property of the iron, by which it tends to the magnet. This difference generally arifes from the intereil we take in the phenom.enon ; both bodies are probably affecSted a- like^ and the property is diftinclive of both : For, in all M €%fs3 9© MECHATSilCAL FORCES cafes that have yet been obferved, we find that the in- dicating phenomenon is obferved in both bodies ; — the jnagnet approaches the iron, and the electrified body ap- proaches tlie other. The property therefore is equally inherent in both, or perhaps in neither •, for there are fome philofophers, who maintain that there are no fuch mutual tendencies, and that the obferved approaches, or, in many cafes, mutual feparations, are effe6ted by the extraneous impulfion of an aethereal fluids or of certain miniftering fpirits, intrinfie or extrinfic. 133. Tliefe mechanical afFe£lions of matter have been very generally called powers or forces •, and the body conceived to poiTefs them is faid to act on the re- lated body. This is figurative or metaphorical language. Power, and force, and a61:ion, cannot be predicated, in their original ftrift fenfe, of any thing but the exertions of animated beings •, nay, it is perhaps only the exerted influence of the mind on the body which we ought to call action. But language began among fimple men ; they gave thefe denominations to their own exertions with the utmoll propriety. To move a body, tliey found tliemfelves obliged to exert their Jlrength^ or force^ or pDiuery and to aci. When fpeculative men afterwards attended to the changes of motion obferved in the meet- ings or vicinity of bodies, and remarked that the phe- nomena very much refembled the refults of exerting their own (trength or force ; and when they would ex- prefs this occurrence of nature, it was eafier to make ufe . of IN GENERAL. pt t)f an old term, than to make a new one for things ■which fo much refembled ; becaufe there are always fuch differences in other circumstances of the cafe, that there is little danger of confounding them. We are not to imagine that they thought that inanimate bodies exerted ftrength, as they themfelves did. This was referved for much later times of refinement. — In the progrefs of thij refinement, the word power or force was employed to ^xprefs any efficiency ivhatever ; and we now fay^ the power of aqua fortis to dilTolve filver- — the force of argument — the action of motives, &c. &c. To this notion of conveniency we mufl :afa:ibe, not only the employment of the words power and forcey to exprefs efficiency in general, but alfo of the terms attract i'lon^ repitlfton^ impulfion^ preffiure, &c. all of which are metaphorical, unlefs when applied to the adiions of ani- mals. But they are ufed as terms of diftin£tion, on ac- count of the refemblance between the phenomena and thofe which we obferve when we pull a thing toward us, pufh it from us, kick it away, or forcibly comprefs it. 134. IMuch confufion has arifen from the unguard- ed ufe of this figurative language. Very flight analogies have made fome animate all matter with a fort of mind, a oc-TTs^ "^vyc'^i while other refemblances have made other fpeculatiils materialize intelledl itfelf. The very names which we give to thofe powers •v/hich we fancy to be inherent in bodies, iliew that we M 2 know 92 FORCE, IMPULSE, know nothing about them. Thefe names either, Wlit magnetifm, exprefs a relation to the particular fubllances which we imagine poiTefs the power, or they exprefi fomething of the effect which fuggefted their exiftence. Of this laft kind are cohefion,, gravity ^ &c. They are almoft all verbal derivatives, and fhould be coniidered by us merely as abbreviated defcriptions or hints of the phenomena, or as abbreviated references to certain bo- dies, but by no means as any explanation of their na- ture. The terms are the worffe by having fome meaning. For this has frequently mified us into faife notions of the manner of aiding. Perhaps tlie only ftrict application of the term action is to the effect produced by our exertions in moving our own limbs. But we think that ^e move other bodies, becaufe our own body, which is the immediate inftrument of the mind, is overlooked, like the plane in the hand of the carpenter, attending to the plank which he drefles. 135. Forces have been divided into impulsions andi ?RESSURES. Impulnons are thofe which produce the changes of motion by the collifion of moving bodies. Preflure is a very familiar idea, and perhaps enters into every clear conception that we can form of a moving force, when we endeavour to fix our attention on it. We know that preffure is a moving force ; for, by prelT- ing round the handle of a kitchen jack, we can urge the fly into any rapidity of motion. Even when one ball puts another in motion by hitting it, we thiTik tliat fome- PRESStTRfi. 95 thing preciiely like our own prefTure Is the hnmediate producer of the motion ; for if the ball is compreflible, we fee it dimpled by the blow. Gravity, or elafticity, and the like, are called preffing powers *, becaufe a ball, Jying on a mafs of foft clay, makes a pit in it, and, if lying on our hand, it excites the fame feeling that an- other man would do by prefhng on our hand. There are fome Indeed who call fuch powers, as gravity, mag- netifm, and ele61:riclty, solicitations to motion. We fhall foon fee that this claffification of forces is of no ufe. 136. Preflure and impulfion are thought to be ef- fentially diftingulfhed by this clrcumfcance, that, in or- der to produce a finite velocity In a body by preflure, it muft be continued for fome time — as when we urge the fly of a jack into fwlft motion by prefTnig on the handle ; whereas Impulfion produces it In an inftant. — ^They are alfo difllngulflied by another circumftance. The impel- ling body iofes as much motion as the impelled body has gained j fo that there feems fometliing like the transfu- fion of motion from the one to the other. Accordingly, It is called the communication of motion. But we fliall find that neither the Inftantaneous production of mo^ tion by impulfe, nor the transfufioa of It into the body, are true. 137. Some again think that Impulfion is the only ^ufe of motion, faying, * Nihil movetur nifi a contigua. ' et fj^ MECUANICAL FORCE ' et moto ; ' and they have fuppofed ftreams of aether, which urge heavy bodied dovi^nward — which impel the iron and magnet toward each other, &c. 138. But a third feci of mechanicians fay that forces, a£ling at a diftance, as we fee in the phenomena of gravitation, magnetifm, and ele(^ricity, are the fole Caufes of motion ; 9nd they affert that fuch forces are exhibited, even in the phenomena of fenfible contact, preiTure,.- and im.pulfion. 139. The only fafe procedm-e is to confider all the forces which we obfeive in aclioh as mere phenomena. The cpnftitution of our mind makes us infer the agency of a caufe, whenever we obferve a change. But, whe- ther the exertion of force fhall p^^oduce motion or heat, we know not, except by experience, that is, by obferva- tion of the phenomena. Nor vrill fpeculations about the intimate nature of thefe forces, and their manner of a61:- iiig, contribute much to our nfefui knowledge of mecha- nical nature. We gain all that is poffible concerning the nature of thofe faculties which accompany matter, or are fuppofed to be its inherent properties, by noticing the LAWS according to which their exertions proceed. With- out a knowledge of thefe laws, the other knowledge is of no value. 140. It is alfo from the change of motion alone that we learn the direBion of any force. . Thus, by obferving that IN GENERAL. 95* tliat an arrow is retarded during its afcent tKrough the air, but accelerated during its fall, we infer, or learn, that the force of gravity a6ts downwards. 141. When a force is known to be In a£lIon, and yet its chara inaccuracy has done much harm in natural philofophy. The word inertia, which had been employed by Kepler and Newton, to exprefs the indifference of matter as to motion or reft, or its tendency to retain its prefent ftate, has got other notions annexed to it by fubfequent writers, and has been called a force, vis inertia. Mr Rutherfurth, in his Syftem of Natural Philofophy, lectures which he read in the Univerfity of Cambridge with great applaufe, is at pains to fliew that matter is not merely indifferent, but RESISTS every change of motion, by exerting what he calls the force of ina£livityy by which it preferves its condition unchanged. But, furely, this is as incongru- ous as to fpeak of a fquare circle. Yet is inertia con- fidered as a real exiftence, and is faid to be proportional to the quantity of matter in a body. When we find that we muft employ twice as much force to move A with a certain velocity as to move B, we fay that A contains twice as much matter, becaufe we fee that it has twice as much inertia. Is it not enough to fay that we judge A to have twice as much matter, becaufe all matter re- quires force to move it ? — this is its chara 193. If the ahfcijfa A E (fig. 8.) of the line zee bt ihe path along ivhich a body is urged by the aBion of a fore e^ R % %'arying 132 ACCELERATING FORCES. varying in a7iy manner y and if the ordinates A <7, B b, C c^ &c. be proportional to the intejifities of the force in the dif- ferent points of the pathy the intercepted areas ivill be pro- portional to the changes made on the fquare of the velocity during the motion along the correfpondijig portions of the path. For, by art. 72, tlie areas are in this proportion when the ordinates are as the accelerations. But tlie accelera- tions are the mea hires of, and are therefore proportional to, the accelerating forces. Therefore the propofition is manifeft. 194. Cor. I. The 2riomentary change on the fquare of the velocity is as the force, and as the fmall portion of fpace along which it a^fls, jointly; V V =^ f s and /=f-^ V V s I 195. It deferves remark here, that as the moment- ary change of the fniiple velocity by rny force f depends only on the time of its afticn, it being r=y if (^89.), fo the change on the fquare of the velocity depends en the fpace, it being — f s. It is the fame, whatever is the velocity thus changed, or even though the body be at reft when the force begins to act on it. Thus, in every fecond of the falling of a heavy body, the velocity is aug- mented 32 feet per fecond, and in every foot of the fall, the fquare of the velocity increafcs by 64. 50$. ACCELERATING FORCES. I3-3 196. The whole area AY. e a, exprefled ^f J f h expreffes the whole change made on the fquare of the velocity wliich the body had in A, whatever this velocity may have been. We miay therefore fuppofe the body to have been at red in A. The area then meafures the fquare of the velocity which the body has acquired in the point E of its path. It is plain that the change on v^ is quite independent on the tim.e of action, and there- fore a body, in paffing through the fpace A E with any initial velocity whatever, fuftains the fame change of the fquare of that velocity, if under the influence of the fame force. 197. This propofition is the fame with the 39th of the Firfl Book of Newton's Principia, and is perhaps the mod generally ufeful of all the theoremiS in Dynamics, in the folution of pra6lical queltions. It is to be found, without denionflration, in his earlieil writings, the Op^ tical Leftures, which he delivered in 1669 and foUow- ing years. 198. One important ufe may be niade of it at pre- fent. It gives a complete folution of all the fac^s which were obferved by Dr Hooke, and adduced by Leibnitz with fuch pertinacity in fupport of his meafure of the force of moving bodies. All of them are of precifely the fame nature with the one mentioned in art. 157, or with the faft, " that a ball projected direflly upwards ^* with a double velocity, will rife to a quadruple height, " and 134 ACCELERATING FORCES. *' and that a body, moving twice as faft, will penetrate ** four times a$ far into a uniformly tenacious mafs. " The uniform force of gravity, or the uniform tenacity of the penetrated body, makes a uniform oppofition to the motion, and may therefore be confidered as a uni- form retarding force. It will therefore be reprefented, in fig. 8, by an ordinate always of the fame length, and the areas which meafure the fquare of the velocity loft will be portions of a rectangle AEia. If therefore A E be the penetration necelTary for extinguifhing the velo- city 2, the fpace AB, necelTary for extinguifliing the velocity I, muft be ;^ of AE, becaufe the fquare of i is 4 of the fquare of 2. 199. What particularly defer ves remark here, is, that this propofition is true, on/y on the fiippofition that forces are proportional to the velocities generated by them in equal times. For the demonftration of this propofition proceeds entirely on the previoufly eftablifhed meafure of acceleration. We had nj =ft ; therefore v v ^ft v. But / «u == J- ; therefore v v ==' f s, which is precifely this propofition. 200. Thofe may be c^WqA ft7nilar points of fpace, and fimilar inilants of time, which divide given portions of fpace or time in the fame ratio. Thus, the beginning of the 5th inch, and of the 2d foot, are fimilar points of a foot, and of a yard. The beginning of the 21st minute, ACCELERATING FORCES. I35 minute, and of the 9th hour, are fimilar inftants of an liour, and of a day. Forces may be faid to a£l; ftmilarly when, in fimilar inltants of time, or fimilar points of the path, their in- tenfities are in a conftant ratio. 201. Lemma, If two bodies be fimilarly acceler- ated during given times a c and h k (fig. 24.), they are alfo fimilarly accelerated along their refpeftive paths A C and H K. Let a, by c be inftants of the time a c, fimilar to the inftants />, /, k of the time h k. Then, by the fimilar accelerations, we have the force a e \h 1-=. b f : i m. This being the cafe throughout, the area af is to the area h m as the area a g x.o the area h n (Symbols (/)). Thefe areas are as the velocities in the two motions (71.) Therefore the velocities in fimilar inftants are in a con- ftant ratio, that is, the velocity in the inftant b is to that in the inftant z, as the velocity in the inftant c to that in the inftant l. The figures may now be taken to reprefent the times •f the motion by their abfciflse, and the velocities by their ordinates, as in art. 45. The fpaces defcribed are now reprefented by the areas. Thefe being in a con- ftant ratio, as already fliewn, we have A, B, C, and H, I, K, fimilar points of the paths. And therefore, in fimilar inftants of time, the bodies are in fimilar points ef the paths. But in thefe inftants, they are fimilarly accelerated, that is, the acceleratioyis and the forces are in J3(J ACCELERATING FORCE?. in a conftant ratio. They are therefore in a cOnftanS ratio in fimilar points of the paths, and t\\Q, bodies are fimilarly accelerated along their refpective paths (200.). 202. If two particles of matter are fimilarly urged h\ accelerating or retarding forces during given iimes^ the whole changes of velocity are as the forces and times jointly ; or \ ==i t. For the abfciflk a c and /; k will reprefent the times, and the ordinates a e and h I will reprefent the forces, and then the areas will reprefent the changes of velocity, by art. 70. And thefe areas are as ^ r "%. a e tohl X h ly (by Symbols (/. Cor.) Hence ^ = 7^, and f = - . 203. If two particles of matter are fimilarly impel* led or oppofed through given fpaces, the changes in the fquares of velocity are as the forces and fpaces jointly ; or 4fs. This follows, by fimilar reafoning, from art. 72. It is evident that this propofition applies dire£i:ly to the argument fo confidently urged for the propriety of the Leibnitzian meafure of forces, namely, that four fprings of equal ftrength, and bent to the fame degree, generate, or extinguiih, only a double velocity. 204. If two particles of matter are fimilarly impelled through given fpaces ^ the fpaces are as the forces and the fquares of the times jointly^ For OF MOTIVE FORCES. !37 For the moveables are fimilarly urged during the times of their motion (converfe of 2oi.) Therefore v =f ftf and v^ ==/* /* j but (203.) v^ =rfs. Therefore fs =f \pt\ and/4/^\ J" X Cor. /*=T> and /=-. That is, the fquares of the times are as the fpaces, directly, and as the forces, inverfely ; and the forces are as the fpaces, dire£lly, and as the fquares of the times, inverfely. 205. The quantity of motion in a body is the fum of the motions of all its particles. Therefore, if all are moving in one dire6tion, and with one velocity v, and if m be the number of particles, or quantify of matter, m v will exprefs the quantity of motion q, or 5^ == in v, 206. In like manner, we may conceive the ac- celerating forces y, which have produced this velocity v in each particle, as added into one fum, or as combined on one particle, by article 170. They will thus compofe a force, which, for diftindlion's fake, it is convenient to mark by a particular name. We fliall call it the motive FORCE, and exprefs it by the fymbol p. It will then be confidered as the aggregate of the number m of equal ac- celerating forces /, each of which produces the velocity V on one particle. It will produce the velocity tn v, and the fame quantity of motion q. 207. Let there be another body, confif?-ing of n particles, moving with on^ velocity u. Let the moving S force IjS' OF MOTIVE FORCES'. force.be reprefented by tt. It is meafured in like maimer by n lu Therefore we have, piTizzmv.n u^ and v : u =: P '^ -i • /- : - ; that is. m n The velocities luhich may be produced by the Jtmilar ac- tion of different motive forces^ in the fame time, are di- reEily as thofe forces ^ and inverfely as the quantities of matter to which they are applied. In general. V == — m And f being = — > /=^ — . - t ' ' mt Remark. 208. In the appHcation of the theorems concerning accelerating or retarding forces, it is necefTccry to attend carefully to the diftin61:ion between an accelerative and a motive force. The caution neceflary here has been ge- nerally overlooked by the writers of Elements, and this has given occafion to very inadequate and erroneous no- tions of the a£lion of accelerating powers. Thus, if a leaden ball hangs by a thread, which pafles ever a pulley, and is attached to an equal ball, moveable along a hori- zontal plane, without the fmallef obftru£l:ion, it is known that, in one fecond, it will defcend 8 feet, dragging the other 8 feet along the plane, with a uniformly accelerated motion, and will generate in it the velocity 16 feet per fecond. Let the thread be attached to three fuch balls. We know that it will defcend 4 feet in a fecond, and Ejenerate or DEFLECTING FORCES. I39 generate the velocity 8 feet per fccond. Mod readers arc difpofed to think that it fliould generate no greater velocity than 54- feet per fecond, or y of 16, becaufe it is applied to three times as much matter (207.) The er- ror lies in confidering the motive force as the fame in both cafes, and in not attending to the quantity of mat- ter to which it is applied. Neither of thefe conje£lures is right. The motive force changes as the motion acce- lerates, and in the firft cafe, it moves two balls, and in the fecond it moves four, Tlie motive force decreafes fimilarly in both motions. "When thefe things are confi- dered, we learn by articles 202 and 207, that the mo- tions will be precifely what v/e obferve. Of Defle&lng Forces^ in gaiei^aL 209. It was obferved, in art. 99, that a curvilineal motion is a cafe of cotitinual defle£l:ion. Therefore, when fuch motions are obferved, we know that tke body is un- der the continiml influence of fome natural force, a6ling in a direction v.'hich crofles that of the motion in every point. We muft infer the magnitude and direction of this deflecting force by the magnitude aiid dire6lion of the obferved deflection. Therefore, all that is afl^irmed -concerning deflections in the 99th and fubfequent articles of the Introduction, may be afHrmed concerning defleCt- 4ng forces. It follows, from what has been eftablifhed concerning the action of accelerating. forces, that no force -can produce a finite change of velocity in an inftant, ^ 2 JS'ow, 140 OF DEFLECTING FORCES Now, a defle<5lion is a compofition of n motion already exifting with a motion accelerated from reft by infenfible degrees. Suppofing the defle6^ing force of invariable direftion and intenfity, the defleclion is the compofition of a motion having a finite velocity with a motion uni- formly accelerated from reft. Therefore the linear de- flection from the rcftilineal motion muft increafe by in- fenfible degrees. The curviiineal path, therefore, muft have the line of undefleCled motion for its tangent. To fuppofe any finite angle contained between them would be to fuppofe a polygonal motion, and a fubfultory de- fledion. Therefore no finite change of d'lreclion can he produced by a defieEiing force in an tnftant. 210. The moft general and ufeful propofition on this fubje6l is the following, founded on art. 104. The forces by luhtch bodies are defieBed from the tangents in the different points of their curviiineal paths are propor- tional to the fquares of the velocities in thofe points y direEily^ and inverfely to the defieBive chords of the equicurve circles in the fame points. "We may ftill exprefs the propofition by the fame fymbol where f means the intenfity of the defledliing force. 211. We may alfo retain the meaning of the propofi- tion exprefled in article 105, where it is fhewn that the ac- tual IN GENERAL. 14! tual linear ileflc6lion from the tangent is the third pro- portional to the dcflc6live chord and the arch defcribed in a very fmall moment. For it was demonftrated in that article (fee fig. 1 8.) that BZ:BC = BC:BO. We fee alfo that B h, the double of B O, is the mea- fure of the velocity, generated by the uniform action of the defle61:ing force, during the motion in the arch B C of the curve. 212. The art. 106. alfo furnifhes a propofition of frequent and important ufe, viz. The velociiy in any point of a curvilinear fnotion is that which the deflecling force in that point nvoidd generate i?i the body by uniformly impelling it along the fourth part of the defective chord of the equicurve circle. Remark. 213. The propofitions now given proceed on the fuppofition that, when the points A and C of fig. 18, after continually approaching to B, at laft coalefce with it, the laft circle which is defcribed through thefe three points has the fame curvature which the path has in B. It is proper to render this mode of folving thefe queftions more plain and palpable. If A BCD (fig. 25.) be a material curve or mouldy and a thread be made faft to it at D, this thread may be lapped on the convexity of this curve, till its extremity meets it In A. Let the thread be now unlapped or EVOLVED from the curve; keeping it always tight. It i& plaija 142 O? DEFLECTING plain that its extremity A will defcribe another curve line Khc. All curves, in which the curvature is neither infinitely great nor infinitely fmall, may be thus defcribed by a thread evolved from a proper curve. The proper- ties of the curve hb c being known, Mr Huyghens (the author of this way of generating curve lines) has (hewn how to conftruO: the evolved curve ABC which will produce it. From this genefis of curves we may infer, \sty that the detached portion of the thread is always a tangent to the curve ABC; idly^ that when this is in any fituation B 3, it is perpendicular to the tangent of the cuiTe Kh e in the point b^ and that it is, at tlie fame time, defcrib- ing an element of that curve, and an element of a circle * 3 X, whofe momentary centre is B, and which has B h for its radius. 3^/y, That the part b A oi the curve, be- ing defcribed with radii growing continually fhorter, is more incurvated than the circle b «, which has B b for its conftant radius. For fimilar reafons the arch be oi the curve A ^ <: is Itfs incurvated than the circle « b ». 4/^/^', That th^ circle ub x, has the fame curvature that the curve has in by or is an equicurve circle. B^ is the radius, and B the centre of curvature in the point b. ABC is the curva evoluta or the evolute. Abe IS fometimes called the involute of ABC, and fometimes its evolutrix. 214. By this way of defcribing curve lines, we fee clearly that a body, when pafiing through the point b of tl>e CENTRAL FORC&ff. I^^ the curve Kbc may be confidercd as in the fame flate, in that inftant, as in pafling through the fame point b of the circle ocBki, and the ultimate ratio of the defle6tions in both is that of equality, and they may be ufed indif- criminately. The chief difficulty in the application of the preced- ing theorems to the curvilineal motions which are ob- ferved in the fpontaneous phenomena of nature, is in af- certaining the direction of the defle(fl;ion in every point of a curvilineal motion. Fortunately, however, the moft important cafes, namely thofe motions, where the defle6l^- ing forces are always directed to a fixed point, afford a very accurate method. Such forces are called by the ge- neral name of Central Forces. 215. If bodies defer ibe circles with a uniform motion the defleEling forces are always direBed to the centres of the sirclesy and are proportional to the fquare of the velocities direBlyy and to their diflances from the centre^ inverfely. For, fmce their motion in the circumference is uni- form, the areas formed by lines drawn from the centre are as the times, and therefore (100) the deflediions and the deflecting forces (209) are directed to the centre. Therefore, the defledive chord is, in this cafe, the dia- meter of the circle, or twice the diftance of the body from.the centre. Therefore, if we call the diilance from the centre J, we have/ 4 -j, 2^4 144 OF CENTRAL FORCES. 2 1 6. Thefe forces are alfo as the dtftanceSy direBly, and as the fquare of the time of a revolution^ inverfely. For the time of a revolution (which mny be called the PEPviODic time) is as the circumference, and there- fore as the diftance, directly, and as the velocity, in- verfely. Therefore /=-, and-y^^-, and v"^ ~ ~ . ,V' . d and-^--. 217. Thefe forces are alfo as the difiances^ and the fquare of the angular velocity^ jointly. For, in every uniform circular motion, the angular Telocity is inverfely as the periodic time. Therefore, calling the angular vefocity <7, « ^ == - , and - == d a^, and therefore f==da'', 218. The periodic time is to the time of falling along half the radius by the uniform aElion of the centripetal force in the circumference^ as the circumference of a circle is to the radius* For, in the time of falling through half the radius, the body would defcribe an arch equal to the radius (59), becaufe the velocity acquired by this fall is equal to the velocity in the circumference (212.) The periodic time is to the time of defcribing that arch as the circumference to the arch, that is, as the circumference is to the radius. 219. When a body defcribes a curve ivhlch is all in $ne plane ^ and a point isfofituated in that plane, that a line drawn TjjtJ^.J. Fift.-'4. CENTRAL FORCES. I45 dinwrJ from it io the body ilefcrihes round that pobit areas proportional to the times y the dejle cling force is ahuays dire^' ed to that point (100.) 220. Coiiverfely. If a body is defeBed by a force al- iVi^ys direBed to a fixed pointy it will defcribe a curve line lying in one plane ivhich paffes through that pointy and the line joining it ivith the centre of forces will defcribe areas proportional to the times (101.) The line joining the body with the centre is called the RADIUS VECTOR. The defle£i:ing force is called CENTRIPETAL, or ATTRACTIVE, if its direction be al- ways toward that centre. It is called repulsive, or CENTRIFUGAL, if it be directed outwardsyr^;« the centre. In the firft cafe, the curve v/ill have its concavity toward the centre, but, in the fecond cafe, it will be convex to- ward the centre. The force which urges a piece of iron towards a magnet is centripetal, and that which caufes two ele(Slrical bodies to feparate is centrifugal. 221. The force by which a body may be ?nade to defcribe circles round the centre of forces ^ with the jaiigU' lar velocities which it has in the different points of its €urvili?ieal path, are inverfely as the cubes of its diflances from the centre of forces. For the centripetal force in circular motions is proportional to da'^ (217.) But when the deflediions (and confequently the forces) are diredled to a centre, we have ^ =f 7T (103-) ^^^ ^^ =f 7:;? there- fore da' 4^^ X -j^y 4 73> therefore/=f 77. d'^ ^ ' • d' ,/3' therefore/ 4^ This Cr.NTRAL FORCES. I45 dinivfi from it to the body defcribes round that point areas proportional to the t'uneSy the defecting force is always dire^- ed to that point ( 1 00.) 220. Converfely. If a body is defcFted by a force aU ivays direEied to a fixed pointy it ivill defcribe a cur'De line lying in one plafie ivhich paffes through that pointy and the line joining it ivith the centre of forces ivill defcribe areas proportional to the times (101.) The line joining the body with the centre is called the RADIUS VECTOR. The deflefting force is called CENTRIPETAL, 01 ATTRACTIVE, if its direction be al- ways toward that centre. It is called repulsive, or CENTRIFUGAL, if it be directed outwardsyr^;^ the centre. In the firfl; cafe, the curve v/ill have its concavity toward the centre, but, in the fecond cafe, it will be convex to- ward the centre. The force which urges a piece of iron towards a magnet is centripetal, and that which caufes two eledrical bodies to feparate is centrifugal. 221. The force by which a body may be made to defcribe circles round the centre of forces^ with the migu- lar velocities which it has in the different points of its €'arvili?ieal path, are inverfely as the cubes of its diflances from the centre of forces. For the centripetal force in circular motions is proportional to da'^ (217.) But when the deiledions (and confequently the forces) are direiled to a centre, we have a ^= ~ (103.) and a^ =f -rj, there- fore da' ^d X j^y "^ J5' therefore/4 j]- T Thift J4(> CENTRAL I^ORCES-. This force is often called centrifugal, ihe centrifugal force of circular motion, and it is conceived as always act- ing in every cafe of curvilineal motiorr, and to act in op- pofition to the centripetal f6rce which produces that mo- tion. But this is inaccurate. We fuppofe this force, merely becaufe we muft employ a centripetal force, jult as we fuppofe a refifing vis inerti?^, becaufe we mull em- f)loy force to move a body. 222. If a body defcrihe a curve line ABC ^_y means of a centripetal (fig. 26.) force directed to S, and varying according to fome proportion of the difances front it, and if another body be impelled toward S in the ftraight line a b S hy the fame force y and if the two bodies have the fame velo- eity in any points A and a which are equidiftafit from S, they nvill have equal velocities in any other tvjo points C ajul c, which are alfo equidiftant from S. Defcribe round S, with the diftance S A, the circu- lar arch Afl!, which will pafs through the equidiftant point a. Defcribe another arch B b, cutting off a fmall arc A B of the curve, and alfo cutting A S in D. Draw D E perpendicular to the curve. The diflances A S and a S being equal, the centri- petal forces are alfo equal, and may be reprefented by the equal lines A D and a b. The velocities at A and a being equal, the times of dcfcribing A B and a b will be as the fpaces (31). The force ab h Vv-holly employed in accelerating the rectilineal motion along a S. But the force A D, being tranfverfe or oblique to the motion along CENTRAL FORCES. 147 along A B, is not wholly employed in thus accelerating the motion. It is equivalent (173) to the two forces AE and ED, of which ED, being perpendicular to AB, neitlier promotes nor oppofes it, but incurvates the mo- tion. The accelerating force in A therefore is A E. It was Ihewn, in art. 71, that the change of velocity is as the force and as the time jointly, and therefore it is as A E X A B. For the fame reafon, the change of the velocity at a is as ab X ab, or ab^. But, as the angle A D B is a right angle, as alfo A E D, we have A E : A D = AD:AB, and AExAB = ADS = a b\ There- fore, the increments of velocity acquired along A B and ab are equal. But the velocities at A and a were equal. Therefore the velocities at B and b are alfo equal. The fame thing may be faid of every fubfequent increafe of velocity, while moving along B C and b c •, and therefore the velocities at C and c are equal. The fame thing holds, when the deflefting force is directed in lines parallel to a S, as if to a point S' infi- nitely diftant, the one body defcribing the curve line V A' B', v.diile the other defcribes the ftraight line V S. 223. The propofitions in art 102. and 103. are alfo true in curvilineal motions by means of central forces. When the path of the motion is a line returning into itfelf, like a circle or oval, it is called an orbit ; other- wife it is called a trajectory. The time of a complete revolution round an orbit is called the periodic time. T 2 224. 148 CENTRAL rORC£S. 224. The formula / =i — ferves for difcoveriiig the law of variation of the central force by which a body defcribes the different portions of its curvilineal path , and the formula y"=f - ferves for comparing the forces by which different bodies defcribe their refpective orbits. 225. It muff always be rcmcm.bered, in conformity to art. 105, that/=r— or f — — ~ exprcffes the li- near deileftion from the tangent, which may be taken 2 v^ for a mcafure of the deflecting force, and that f~ c 2 arc ^ or y = — — expreffes the velocity generated by this force, during the defcription of the arc, or the velocity which may be compared dire£i:ly with the velocity of the^ motion in the arc. The laff is the mod accurate, becaufe the velocity generated is the real change of condition. 226. A body may ^lefcrihey by the acticn of a cen- tripetal forcCy the direBion of which pajfs through C (fig. 27.) a figure VPS, which figure revolves {in its own plane) round the centre of forces C, /;/ the fame man^ tier as it dfcribes the quiefcent figure^ provided that the angular mrjion of the body in the orbit be to that of the or- bit itfelf in any confiant ratio^ fuch as that of m to n. For, if the direction of the orbit's motion be the fame with that of the body moving in it, the angular motioii eXNTRAL FORCES. 14^ €f the body in every point of its motion is increafed in the ratio of m to // + ^^h ^i^d it will be in the fame ratio in the different parts of the orbit as before, that is, k will be inverfely as the fquare of the diftance from S ( 103). Moreover, as the diflances from the ceiltre in the fimal- tancous pofitions of the body, in tlie quiefcent and in the revolving orbit, are the fame, the momentary incre- ments of the area are as the momentary increments of the angle at the centre ; and therefore, in both motions, the areas increafe in the conftant ratio of in to m -f ;/ (^03). Therefore the areas of the abfolute path, produced by the compofition of the two motions, will fiiili be proportional to the times; and therefore (101) the defle61:ing force mnft be directed to the centre S ; or, a force fo directed will produce this compound motion. 227. The differ e?jcei hetiveen ihe forces by ivhich a kcdy may be made to move in the quiefcent and in the move- able orbit are in ihe inverfe triplicate ratio of the diflances from the centre of forces. Let VKSBV (hg. 27.) be the fixed orbit, and up h b u the fame orbit moved into another pofition ; and let N p « N N / Q V be the orbit defcribed by the body in abfolute fpace by the compofition of its motion in the orbit with the motion of the orbit itfelf. If the body be fuppofed to defcribe the arch V P of the fixed orbit while the axis V C moves into the fituation u C, and if the arch :.'/» be mnde equal to VP, then p will be the place c£ the 1^0 <;entral forces. die body in the moveable orbit, and in the compound path Y p. If the angular motion in the fixed orbit be to the motion of the moving orbit as m to ;/, it is plain that the angle VCP is to VC/> as m to m -\- «. Let PK and pk he t-wo equal and very fmall arches of the fixed and moving orbits. P C and p c are equal, as are alfo K C and k C, and a circle defcribed round C with the radius C K will pafs through h. If we now make V C K to V C « as m to m -\- n \ the point n of the circle Yikn will be the point of the compound path, at which the body in the moving orbit arrives when the body in the fixed orbit arrives at K, and p n is the arch of the abfolute path defcribed while P K is defcribed in the fixed path. In order to judge of the difference between the force which produces the motion P K in the fixed orbit and that which produces p n in the abfolute path, it muft be pbferved that, in both cafes, the body is made to ap- proach the centre by the difference between C P and C K. This happens, becaufe the centripetal forces, in both eafes, are greater than what would enable the body to defcribe circles round C, at the diilance C P, and with the fame angular velocities that obtain in the two paths, viz, the fixed orbit and the abfolute path. We fliall call the one pair of forces the circular forces^ and the other the srbital. I^et C and c reprefent the forces which would produce circles, with the angular velocities which obtain in the fixed and moving orbits, and let O and o be the forces which produce the orbital motions in thefe two paths. Thefe CENTRAL FORCES. I5I Thefe tilings being premifetl, it is plain that — ^ is equal to O — C, bccaiife the bodies are equally brought toward the centre by the difFerence between O and C and by that between and c. Therefore — O is e- qual to c — C. * The difFerence, therefore, of the forces which produce the motions in the fixed and moving orbits is always equal to the difFerence of the forces which would produce a circular motion at the fame diflances, and with the fame angular velocity. But the forces which produce circular motions, with the angular motion that obtains in an orbit at different diftances from the centre of forces, are as the cubes of the diftances inverfely (221). And the two angular motions at the fame difiance are in the conftant ratio of m to m -f- n. Therefore the forces are in a confcant ratio to each other, and their differences are in a conftant ratio to either of the forces. But the circular force at different diftances is inverfely as the cube of the diftance (221). Therefore the difference of them in the fixed and moveable orbits is in the fame proportion. But the difference of the orbital forces CO CO * For let A 0, A O, A r, A C reprefent the four forces /?, O, c, and C. By what has been faid, we find that c z=: O C. To each of thefe add O c, and then it is plain that c/ O = ^ C, that is, that the difFerence of the circular forces c and C is equal to that of the orbital forces and O. 1^2 CENTRAL FORCES. forces is equal to that of the circular. Thei'efore, finaliy, the chfFerence of the centripetal forces by whic'i a body may be retained in a nxed orbit, and in the hniic orbit moving as determined in article 226, is always in the in- verfc triplicate ratio of the diftances from the centre of forces. In this example, the motion of the body in the orbit is in the fame direction with that of the orbit, and the force to be joined with that in the fixed orbit is always additive. Had the orbit moved in the oppofite dire61:ion, the force to be joined would have been fubtraftive, un- lefs the retrograde motion of the orbit exceeded tv/icc the angular motion of the body. But in all cafes, the reafoning is fimiiar. 228. Thus we have confulered the motions of bo- dies influenced by forces directed to a fixed point. But we cannot conceive a mere mathematical point of fpace as the caufe or occafion of any fuch exertion of forces. Such relations are obferved only between exifling bodies or mafles of matter. The propofitions which liave been demonftrated may be true in relation to bodies placed in thofe fixed points. That continual tendenxy towards a centre, which produces an equable defcription cf areas round it, becom.es intelligible, if we fuppofe fome body placed in the centre of forces, attracting the revolving body. Accordingly, we fee very remarkable example* of fuch tendencies towards a central body in the motions of the planets /•■und tjie Sun, :md of the fatellites round the priraiary planet. But, CENTRAL FORCES. f53 But, fince it is a univerHil hO: that all the relations l>ctwcen bodies are mutual, we are obliged to fuppofe that whatever force inclines the revolving body towards the body placed in the centre of forces, an equal force .(from whatever fource it is derived) inclines the central hody toward the revolving body, and therefore it cannot remain at reft, but rnufl move towards it. The notion of a fixed centre of forces is thus taken away again, and we feem to have demonftrated propofitions inapplicable to any thing in nature. But more attentive confidera- tion will fliew us that our propofitions are moft ftri^lly applicable to the plienomena of nature. 229. For, in the firfl; place, the motion of the com- mon centre of pofition of two, or of any number of bo- dies, is not affeded by their mutual adions. Thefe, be- ing equal and oppofite, produce equal and oppofite mo- tions, or changes of motion. In this cafe, it follows from art. 115. that the ilate of the common centre is not af- fected by them. 230. Now, fuppofe two bodies S and P, fituated at the extremities of the line SP (fig. 28.) Their centre of pofition is in a point C, dividing their difiiance in fuch a manner that S C is to C P as the number of material atoms in P to the number in S ( 1 10.) or S C : P C = P : S. Suppofe the mutual forces to be centripetal. Then, be- ing equal, exerted between every atom of the one, and fvery particle of the other, the vis motrix may be ex- U prcfied 1-4 CENTRAL FORCES. prefled by P X S. This mufc produce equal quantities of motion in each of the bodies, and therefore muft pro- duce velocities inverfely as the quantities of matter (127). In any given portion of time, therefore, the bodies will move towards each other, to / and />, and S j- will be to Vp as P to S, that is as S C to P C. Therefore we fliall ftill have /C:/C = SC:PC. Their dilVances from C will always be in the fame proportion. Alio we fhall have S C : S P = P : S + P, and j- C :/) C = P : S + P 5 and therefore S C : S P = j C : j P. Confequently, in whatever manner the mutual forces vary by a variation cf diftance from each other, they will vary in the fame manner by the fame variation of diftance from C. And, converfely, in whatever maimer the forces vary by a change of diftance from C, they vary in the fame man- ner by the fame change of diftance from each othe.\ Let us now fuppofe that when the bodies are at S and P, equal moving forces are applied to each in the oppofite diredions S A and P B. Did they not attra£l each other at all, they would, at the qw^i of fome fmall portion of time, be found in the points A and B of a ftraight line drawn through C, becaufe they will move with equal quantities of motion, or with velocities S A and P B inverfely as their quantities of matter. There- fore S A : P B = S C : P C, and A, C, and B are in a ftraight line. But let them now attract:, when impelled from S and P. Being equally attra, of the ecliptic* Thefe are called ECLIPTIC MERIDIANS. The arch AB of one of thefc circles, intercepted between a phenomenon A and the ecliptic, is called the latitude of the phenomenon ; and the arch V B, intercepted betvv^een the point V of the vernal equinox and the point B, is called the longi- tude of the phenomenon. This is fometimes exprefTed in degrees and minutes, and fometimes in figns, (each = 30°.) 285. The motion of the Sun in the ecliptic is not uniform. On the firfl of January his daily motion is nearly 1° i' 13". But on the firft of July, his daily mo- tion is 57' 13". The mean daily motion is 59' c8". The Sun*3 place in the ecliptic, calculated on the fup- pofition of a daily motion of ^g' 08", will be behind his obferved place, from the beginning of January to the be- ginning of July, and will be before it, from the begin- ning of July to the beginning of January. The greateft difference is about 1° $^' 32", v/hich is obferved about the beginning of April and Oftober ; at which times, the obferved daily motion is 59' 08". 286. This unequable motion of the Sun appeared to the ancient aftronomers to require feme explanation. It UNEQUABLE MOTION OF THE SUN. iS It had been received as a firft principle, tliat the celeftial motions were of the mof!: perfect kind — and this per- fection was thought to require invariable famenefs. Therefore the Sun muft be carried uniformly in the cir- cumference of a figure perfedly uniform in every part. He muil therefore move uniformly in the circumference of a circle. The ailroncmers therefore fuppofcd that the Earth is not in the centre of this circle. Let AbV d (fig. 37.) reprefent the Sun's orbit, having the Earth in E, at fome diflance from the centre C. It is plain that if the Suii's motion be uniform in the circumference, defcribing every dny 59' 08", his angular motion, as {^tn from the Earth, muft be flower when he is at A, his great- eft diftance, than when neareft to the Earth, at P. It is alfo evident that the point E may be fo chofen, that an arch of 59' 08" at A fhall fubtend an angle ut E tliat is only 57' 13", and that an arch of 59' 08'' at P fhall fubtend an angle of 61' 13". This will be accompliflied, if we m.ake EP to E A as 57' 13" to 61' 13'', or nearly as 14 to 15. This v/as accordingly done ; and this me- thod of folving the appearances was called the eccentric hypothefis. E C is the eccentricity, and PE is to P G nearly as 28 to 29. 287. But although this hypothefis agreed very v/eli with obfervation in thofe points of x\\q orbit where the Sun is mod remote from xki^ Earth, or neareft to it, it was found to differ greatly ir* other parts of tlie orbit, and particularly about half way between A and P. A- ilronomcrs. UNEC^ABl.E MOTION OF THE SUN. 1^3 It had been received as a firft principle, that the celeftial nictions were of the moft perfect kind — and this per- fection was thought to require invariable famenefs. Therefore tlie Sun muft be carried uniformly in the cir- cumference of a figure perfe£lly uniform in every part. He muil therefore move uniformly in the circumference of a circle. The aflroncmers therefore fuppofcd that the Earth is not in the centre of this circle. Let AbV d (fig. 37.) reprefent the Sun's orbit, having the Earth in E, at fome diftance from the centre C. It is plain that if the Sun's motion be uniform in the circumference, defcribing every day 59' 08", his angular motion, as ittn from the Earth, muil be flower when he is at A, his great- eft diftance, than when neareft to the Earth, at P. It is alfo evident that the point E may be fo chofen, that an arch of 59' 08" at A fhali fubtend an angle ut E tliat is only 57' 13", and that an arch of 59' 08" at P fhall fubtend an angle of 61' 13". This will be accornpliflied, if we m.ake EP to E A as 57' 13" to 61' 13", or nearly as 14 to 15. This v/as accordingly done ; and this me- thod of folving the appearances was called the eccentric kypothefts. E C is the eccentricity, and PE is to P G nearly as 28 to 29. 287. But although this hypothefis agreed very well with obfervation in thofe points of the orbit where the Sun is moft remote from the Earth, or neareft to it, it was found to differ greatly in other parts of the orbit, arid particularly about half way between A and P. A. ftronomcrs. lg4 ASTROKOMICAL PHENOMENA. ftronomers, after trying various other hypothefes, were' obliged to content themfelves with reducing the eccen- tricity confiderab^y, and alfo to fuppoie that the angular motion of 59' 08" per day was performed round a point c on the other fide of the centre, at the fame diftance with E. This, however, v/as giving up the principle of perfect motion, if its perfe(Slion confifted in uniformity j.^ for, in this cafe, the Sun cannot have an uniform mo- tion in the circumference, and alfo an uniform angular motion round e. Eefides, even this amendment of the eccentric hypothecs by no means agreed with the ob- fervations in the months of April and October: but they could not make it any better. 288. Allronomical computations are made on the fuppofition of uniform angular motion. The angle pro- portional to the time is called the mean motion, and the place thus computed is called the mean place. The differences between the mean places and the ob- ferved, or true places, are called equations. They are always greateft when the mean and true motions arc equal, and they are nothing when the mean and true motions ditfer nioft. For, while the true daily angular motion is lefs than the mean daily motion, the obferved place falls more and more behind the calculated place every day, and although, by gradually quickening, it lofes lefs every day, it flill lofes, and falls ftill more behind ; and when the true daily motion has at laft become equal to the mean, it lofes no more indeed, but it is now the farthed MEAN TIME — EQUATION OF. 1 85 fartheft behind that can he. Next day it gains a little ti the loft ground, but is ftill behind. Gaining more and more every day, by its increafe of angular motion, it at laft comes up with the calculated place ; but row, its angular motion is the greateft poffible, and differs moll from the equable mean motion, 289. Thefe computations are begun from that point of the orbit where the motion is lloweft, and the mean angular diftance from this point is called the mean ano- maly. A table is made of the equations correfponding to each degree of the mean anomaly. The true anomaly is found by adding to, or fubtra^iing from the computed mean anomaly, the equations correfponding to it. In this manner may the fun's longitude, or place in the ecliptic, be found for any time* 290. In confequence of the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the fun's unequal motion in it, the natural days, or the interval betv/een two fucceflive palTages of the fun over the meridian, are unequal ; and if a clock, which meafures 365** 5^ 48' 45" in a tropical year, be compared from day to day with an exa£t fun dial, they will be found to differ, and will agree only four times in the year. This difference is called the equation of time, and fometimes amounts to 16 minutes. The time fhewn by the clock is called mean solar time, and that fliewn by the dial is called true time and apparent time. A a 291. r86 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOM'ENA^ 291. The change in the fun's motion is accompa- nied by a change in his apparent diameter, v/hich, at the beginning of January, is about 32' 39", and at the begin- ning of July is about 31' 34", y^ lefs. This mu^ be afcribed to a change of diftance, which muft always be fuppofed inverfely proportional to the apparent diameter. 292. By combining the obfervations of the fun's place in the ecliptic with thofe of his diftance, inferred from the apparent diam.eter, and by other more decifive, but lefs obvious obfen^ations, Kepler, a German aftro- nomer, found that his apparent path round the earth is an ellipfe, having the earth in one focus, and having the longer axis to the fhorter axis as 200,000 to 199,972. The extremities A and P of the longer axis of the fun's orbit ABPD (fig. 37.) are called the apsides. The point A, where the fun is fartheft from the earth (placed in E), is called the higher apfis, or apogee. P is the lower apfis, or perigee. The diftance E C between the focus and centre is called the eccentri- city, and is 1680 parts of a fcale, of wliich the mean diftance ED is 100,000. 293. Kepler obfervedy that the fun's angular motion in this orbit was inverfely proportional to the fquare of his diftance from the earth •, for he obferved the fun's daily change of place to be as the fquare of his apparent diameter. Kence, be inferred that the radius vedor E B defcribed areas proportional to the times (103.) 294- CALCULATION OF THE SUN*S PLACE. I 87 294. From this he deduced a method of calculating the fun's place for any given time. Draw a line E F from the focus of the ellipfe, which fliall cut off a fe£lor A E F, having the fame proportion to the whole furface of the ellipfe, which the interval of time between the fun's laft paffage through his apogee, and the time for which the computation is made, has to a fydereal year j F will be the fun's true place for that time. This is called KEPLER^s problem. This problem, the mod interefting to aftronomers, has not yet been folved otherwife than by approximation, or by geometrical conftrudtions which do not admit of accurate computation. 295. Let ABPD (fig. 37.) be the elliptical orbit, having the earth in the focus E. A and P, the extremi- ties of the tranfverfe axis, are the apogee and perigee of the. revolving body, B D is the conjugate axis, and C the centre. It is required to draw a line E T which fhall cut off a feclor AET, which has to the whole el- lipfe the proportion oi m to n -, m being taken to n in the proportion of the time elapfed lince the body was in A to the time of a complete revolution. Kepler, who was an excellent geometer, faw that this would be effected, if he could draw a line E I, which fhould cut off from the circumfcribed circle AbV d the area A E I, which is to the whole circle in the fame pro- portion of m to n. For, then, drawing the perpendi- cular ordinate I R, cutting the ellipfe in T, he knew that the area AET has the fame proportion to the el- A a 2 lipfe 1 88 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. lipfe that A E I has to the circle. The proof of this is eafy, and it feems greatly to fimplify the problem. Draw I C through the centre, and make E S perpendi- cular to I C S. The area A E I confifts of the circular feftor A C I, and the triangle C I E. The fe6tor is equal to half the rectangle of the radius C I and the arch A I, G A X I A that is, to '■ . The triangle C I E is equal to eixES CAxES ^, , . . ., ^ , or . Inereiore it is evident that, if we make the arch I M equal to the ftraight line E S, the feftor ACM will be equal to the circular area A C I, and the angle ACM will be to 360 degrees, as in to «. 295. Hence we fee that k will be eafy to find the time when the revolving body is in any point T. To find this, dravv^ the ordinate R T I ; draw I C S and E S, and make IM = ES. Then, 360° is to the arch AM as the time of a revolution to the time in which the body moves over A T. This is (in the aftronomical language) finding the mean anomaly vi^hen the true anomaly is given. The angle A C M, proportional to the time, is called the mean anomaly, and the angle A E T is the TRUE ANOMALY. The angle A C I is called the ano- maly OF THE ECCENTRIC, Or the ECCENTRIC ANO- MALY. 297. But the aftronomer wants tae, true anomaly ^<:orrcfponding to a given mean anomaly. The procef> Iiere given cannot be reverfcd. We cannot tell how mucin KEPLeVs PROBLEM. I 89 «nucK to cut cfF from tlie given mean anom?Jy A M, fo as to leave A I of a proper magnitude, becaufe tlie indif- penfable meafure of M I, namely E S, cannot be had till I C S be drawn. Kepler faw this, and fild that his problem could not be folved geometrically. Since the invention of fluxions, however, and of converging fe- riefes, very accurate folutions have been obtained. That given by Frifitts in his Cofmographia is the uune in prin- ciple with all the mod approved methods, and the iovro, in which it is prefented is peculiarly fimple and neat. But, except for the conftru^lion of original tables, tl-efe methods are rarely employed, on account of the labo- rious calculation which they require. Of all the dire6i: approximate folutions, that given by Dr IMatthew Stew- art at the end of his Traclsj Phyftcal and Mathematical^ publifhed in 1761, feems the moft accurate and elegant \ and the calculations founded on it are even iliorter than the indiredl methods generally employed. His conftruc- iion is as follows. 298. Let the angle A E M be the mean anomaly, join EM, and draw Cz parallel to it, and MO perpendicu- lar to C /. If the orbit is not more eccentric than that of Mars, make the arch i I equal to the excefs of the arch M i above its fine I^.'I O. Then A I is the eccent- ric anomaly correfponding to the mean anomaly A M, and the ordinate I R will cut the ellipfe in T, io that AET will be the true anomaly required. The error will not amount to two feconds in any part of fuch or- bits. ipo ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. bits. But, for orbits of greater eccentricity, another ftep is neceflary. Join E/, and draw C Q parallel to E /, meet- ing the tangent i O in Q. Let D reprefent the excefs of the arch M i above its fine MO*, and inftitute the following analogy, fin. M C i : tan. i C Q = D : / 1, tak- ing i I from / towards M. The point, I, will be fo fi- tuated that the fector A E I is very nearly equal to the feftor ACM, or A I is the eccentric anomaly corref- ponding to the mean anomaly A M. The error will not amount to one fecond, even in the orbit of Mercury. The demonftration of this conftrudilon is by no means abftrufe or difficult. Draw I S, and M I. The triangles z C E and i C M are evidently equal, being on one bafe i C, and between the parallels i C and M E. For fimilar reafons, the triangles z S I and /EI are equal. There- fore the triangle / C E, together with the fegment in- cluded between the arch Mb i and the chord M /, will be equal to the circular feftor / C M. Now it is plain, from the conftruci:ion, that S i :C i = SE:/Q, =MO:iQ, =Sr^'-^^rO:iL There- fore S/X>I = C/ X Ml^i — Ci X MO. But Ci X Mbi * This excefs muft be expreffed in degrees, minutes, or fecondo. The radius of a circle is equal to an arch of 206,265 feconds. The logarithm of this number is 5.3 14425 1. There- fore we fhall obtain E S, or the feconds in E S, by adding this logarithm to the logarithms of E C (AC being unity), and the logarithm of the fine of A C I. The fum is the lo- garitlim of tlie feconds in E S. KEPLER'S PROBLEM. I9I M /'/ is equal to twice the fe£lor M C /, and C t X M O is equal to twice the triangle M C /. Therefore S i X il is equal to twice the fegnient contained between M b i and the chord M /. Therefore this fegment is equal to the triangle i S I, or to the triangle / E I. Therefore the fpace C / 1 E C is equal to the feclor / C iM, and the feaor A E I to the fedor A C M. The calculation founded on this con{lru6tion is ex- tremely fimple. In the triangle M C E, the fides M C and C E are given, with the included angle MCE; and the angles OE M, C M E are fought. Moreover, A E is the fum of the given fides, and P E is their difference, and A C M is the fum of the angles M and E. There- ^ E -f M E — INI fore A E : E P = tan. — ■ : tan. : and thus E 2 2 and M, or their equals, A C i and M C /', are obtained. In the next place, in the triangle i C E, the fides i C, C E, z-zA the included angle / C E, are given, and the angle E / C is fought. We have, in the fame manner as before, AC/ equal to the fum of the angles E and /, E j_ / E i and therefore A E : E P = tan. — -^ : tan. . Thus 2 2 the angle E / C, or its equal, i C Q, is obtained, and then, a 1 • T T\ ^ Q TA tan. / C O the arch z 1 = D x -^^irh j = D X -^ — '^ittt^- • MO' ~- ^ im. MC In the very eccentric orbits of tl-e comets, this brings us vaftly nearer to the truth than any of the indireft me- thods we know does by the firil ftep. So near indeed, that the common method, by the rule offalfe pofition^ may now be fafely employed. If the point, I, has been accurately found, iC)2 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. found, it is plain that if to the arch A I we add E S, that is, E C X fin. A C I, we obtain the arch A M with which we began. But if I has not been accurately de-' termined, A M will differ from the primitive A M.- Therefore, make fome fmall change on A I, and again compute A M. This will probably be again erroneous. Then apply the rule of falfe pofition as ufual. The er- ror remaining after the firfl ftep of Dr Stewart^s procefs is always fo moderate that the variations of A M are very nearly proportional to the variations of A I ; fo that two fteps of the rule will generally bring the calculation within two or tliree feconds of the truth. The aflrono- mical ftudent will find many beautiful and important propofitions in thefe mathematical trails. The propofi- tion juft now employed is in page 398, Sec. 299. Aftronomers have difcovered, that the line AP moves flowly round E to the eaftward, changing its place about 25' 56" in a century. This makes the time of a complete revolution in the orbit to be 365(1 6^ 15' 20". This time is called the anomalistic year. Of the proper Motions of the Moon, 300. Of all the celeftial motions, the moft obvious- are thofe of the Moon. We fee her fliift her fituation among the ftars about her own breadth to the eaftward in an hour, and in fomewhat lefs than a month fhe makes a complete tour of the heavens. The gentle beauty of her THE MOTIONS OF THt MOON. i'/J, hex appearance during the quiet hours of a ferr^ne night, has attracted the notice, and we may fay the affcc'tions of all mankind ; and (lie is juftly ftyled the O '.een of Heaven. The remarkable and diftin^^ changes of her appearance have afforded to all ^mple nations a moft convenient index and meafure of time, bot)^ for record- ing pad events, and for making any future appointments for bufinefs. Accordingly, we find, in the firft hiftr-nes of all nations, that the lunar motions were the firft ftu- died, and, in fome degree, underftood. It feems to have been in fubferviency to this ftudy alone that the other appearances of the ftarry heavens were attended to ; and the relative poiitions of the ftars feem to have interefted us, merely as the means of afcertaining the motions of the Moon. For we find all the zodiacs of the ancient oriental nations divided, not into 12 equal portions, cor- refponding to the Sun's progrefs during the period of fea- fons, but into 27 parts, correfponding to the Moon's daily progrefs, and thefe are exprefsly called th^ houses or man- sions of the Moon. This is tha diftribution of the zodiac of the ancient Hindoos, the Perfians, the Chinefe, and even the Chaldeans. Some have no divlfion into 12, and thofe who have, do not give names to 1 2 groups of ftars, but to 27. They firft defcribe the fituation of a planet in one of thefe manfions by name, noting its diftance from fome ftars in that group, and thence infer in what part of which twelfth of the circumference it is placed. The divifion into 12 parts is merely mathematical, for the purpofe of calculation. In all probability, therefore, this B b was 194 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. was an after-thought, the contrivance of a more culti- vated age, well acquainted with the heavens as an object of figiit, and beginning to extend the attention to fpecu- lations beyond the firfl: conveniences of life. 301. When the Moon*s path through this feries of manfions is carefully obferved, it is found to be (very nearly) a great circle of the heavens, and therefore in a plane pafling through th^ centre of the earth. 302. She makes a complete revolution of the heaven§ in 27^ 7'^ 43' 12", but with fome variations. Her mean daily motion is therefore 13° 10' 25", and her horary mo- tion is 32' 5(5''. 303. Her orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle of 5° 8' 45", nearly, cutting it in two points called her nodes, diametrically oppofite to each other j and that node through which fhe pafTes in coming from the fouth to the north fide of the ecliptic, is called thj? ASCENDING NODE. 304. The nodes have a motion which is generally weftward, but with confiderable irregularities, making d complete revolution in about 6803'^ 2"^ 55' 18", nearly 18} years. 305. If we mark on a celeftial globe a feries of points where the Moon was obferved during three oj four LUNAR EQUATIONS PARALLAX. I95 four revolutions, and then lap a tape round the globe, covering thofe points, we flrall fee that the tape crofles the ecliptic more wefterly every turn, and then crofles the lafl round very obliquely -, and we fee that by conti- nuing this operation, we fhall completely cover with the tape a zone of the heavens, about ten or eleven degrees broad, having the ecliptic running along its middle. 306. The Moon moves unequally in this orbit, her hourly motion increafing from 29' 34" to 36' 48", and the equation of the orbit fometimes amounts to 6° 18' 32" ; fo that if, fetting out from the point where her horary motion is floweft, we calculate her place, for the eighth day thereafter, at the rate of 32' 56" per hour, we fliall find her obferved place fhort of our calculation more than half a day's motion. And we fhould have found her as much before it, had we begun our calculation from the oppofite point of her orbit. 307. Her apparent diameter changes from 29' 26" to 33' 47", and therefore her diftance from the Earth changes. This diftance may be difcovered in miles by means of her parallax. She was obferved, in her paflage over the meridian, by two aftronomers, one of whom was at Berlin, and the other at the Cape of Good Hope. Thefe two places are diftant from one another above 5000 miles j fo that the obferver at Berlin faw the Moon every day confiderably more to the fouth than the perfon at the Cape. This B b 2 diiFerence loO ASTROXOMICAL PHENOMENA. difForc;ice of apparent declination is the meafure o£ the angle DSC (fig. 34.) fubtended at the Moon by the line rD of 5443 miles, between the obfeiTers. The angles ST) c imd S rD are given by means of the Moon's obfeiTcd altitudes. Therefore any of the fides S D or S c m-riy be computed. It is found to be nearly 60 fe- midiameters of the earth. 3c8» By combining the obfcrvations of the Moon's place in the heavens with thofe of her apparent diameter, we dif- cover that her orbit h nearly an ellipfe, having the Earth in one focus, and having the longer axis to the fhorter axis nearly as 91 to 89. The greatef! and lead diftanccs. are nearly in the proportion of 21 to 19. 309. Her motion in this ellipfe is fuch, that the line joining the Earth and Moon defcribes areas which are nearly proportional to the times. For her angular hourly motion is obferved to be as the fquare of her apparent diameter. 3 1 o. The line of the apfides has a flow motion eaft- ward, completing a revolution in about 3232^^ ii'^ 14' 30'', nearly 9 years. 311. While the Moon is thus making a revolution round the heavens, her appearance undergoes great changes. She is fometimes on our meridian at midnight, and, therefore, in the part of the heavens which is op- pofite LUNAR PHASES — ECLIPSES. 197 pofite to the Sun. In this fituation, fiie is a complete lu- minous circle, and is faid to be full. As fhe moves- eaftward, (lie becomes deficient on the weft fide, and, after about 7y days, comes to the meridian about fix in the morning, having the appearance of a femicircle, with the convex fide next the Sun. In this (late, her appearance is called half j.ioon. Moving fi:iil eafi:vi?-ardy file becomes more deficient on the weft fide, and has now the form of a crefcent, with the convex fide turned to- wards the Sun. This crefcent becomes continually more fiender, till, about 14 days after being full, ftie is fo near the Sun that fhe cannot be feen, on account of his great fplendour. About four days after this difappear-^ ance in the morning before funrife, fhe is feen in the evening, a little to the eaftward of the Sun, in the form of a fine crefcent, with the convex fide turned towafcl the Sun. Moving ftill to the eaftward, the crefcent be- comes more full, and when the Moon comes to the me-, ridian about fix in the evening, fire has again the appear- ance of a bright femicircle. Advancing ftill to the eaft- ward, flie becomes fuller on the eaft fide, and, at laft, after about 29^ days^ (lie is again oppofite to the Sun, and again full. 312. It frequently happens that the Moon is eclip- sed when full ; and that the Sun is eclipfed fome time between the difappearance of the Moon in the morning on the weft' fide of the Sun, and her reappearance in the evening on the eaft fide of the Sun. This eclinfe of the Sun 198 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA." Sun happens at the very time that the Moon, in the coun^ of her revolution, paffes that part of the heaVens where the Sun is. 313. From thefe obfervations, we conchide, i. That the Moon is an opaque body, vifible only by means of the Sun's light illuminating her furface ; 2. That her or- bit round the Earth is nearer than the Sun's. 314. From thefe principles all her phases, or ap- pearances, may be explained (fig. 39.) 315. When the Moon comes to the meridian at mid-day, f!ie is faid to be new, and to be in conjunc- tion with the Sun. When fhe comes to the meridian at midnight, flie is faid to be in opposition. The line joining thefe two fituations is called the line of the SYZiGiEs. The points where fhe is half illuminated are called the quADRATUREs ; and that is called the firft it. The monks followed in the rear with their begging-boxes called f'lre-Iir'u They rattled them, crying tire-Piri ; and the people put money into them., under the fiction that it was for a lady in laboun People in difguife (Guifards) forced into the houfes, playing antic tricks, and bullied the indwellers for money, and for choice victuals, crying tire-Uii — tire-Ilrl — maim du hlanc, et point Ju Lis, They made fuch riots, that the Bi(hop of SoiiTons re- prefented the enormities to Louis XIV., and the practice was forbidden. May not the guifcarts of Edinburgh, with their cry of " Hog menay, troll loUay ; gie's your white bread, none of your gray, '* be derived from this ? 2X1 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. days, indead of the old number 354. As all thefe day* were unprovided with folemnities, the year preceding Ciefiir's kalendar was called the year of confufion, Cicfar alio, for a particular reafon, chofe to make his firft year Gonfift of 366 days, and he inferted the intercalary day between the 23d and 24th of February, choofing that particular day, as a feparation of the luftrations and other piaculurns to the infernal deities, which ended with the 23d, from the worfhip of tlie celeftial deities,, which took place on the 24th of February. The 24th was \kiQfcxtus ante kalendas neomenias Martias. His inferted day, an- fwering civil purpofes alone, had no ceremonies, nor any name appropriated to it, and was to be confidered merely as a fupernumerary fexttis ante kalendas. Hence the year which had this intercalation was ftyled an an- nus bijfext'disf a bifiextile year. With refpecl to the reft of the year, C^efar being alfo Pontifex Maximus (an office of vaft political importance), or rather, hav- ing all the pov/er of the ftate in his own perfon, or- dered that attention ftiould be given to the days of the month only, and that the religious feftivals alone fliould be regulated by the facred college. He affigned to each month the number of days which has been con- tinued in them ever fnice. 335. Such is the fimple kalendar of Julius Csefar. Simple however as it was, his inftru£l:ions were mifun- derftood, or not attended to, during the horrors of the civil wars. Inftead of intercalating every fourth year, the intercalation was thrice made on every fucceeding third JULIAN KALEXDAR — CHRISTIAN ^RA. 213 third year. The mlftake was dlfcovcred by Auguflus, aiul corre6led in the bell manner poflible, by omitting three intercalations during the next twelve years. Since that time, the kalendar has been continued without in- terruption over all Europe till 15S2. The years, confift- ing of 365-4: days, were called Julia?i years ; and it was ordered, by an edicl of Auguftus, that this kalendar fliall be ufcd through the whole empire, and that the years Ihall be reckoned by the reigns of the different em- perors. This edi6l was but imperfedly executed in the diftant provinces, Vv-here the native princes were allowed to hold a vaffal fovereignty. In Egypt particularly, al- though the court obeyed the edicl, the people followed their former kalendars and epochs. Ptolemy the aftro- nomer retains the reckoning of Hipparchus, by Egyptian years, reckoned from the death of Aljxander t\\Q Great. We muft underfland al^ thefe modes of computation, in order to make ufe of the ancient afS:ronomical obferva- tions. A comparifon of the different epochs will be given as we finifli the fubje6l:. 336. The lera adopted by the Roman Empire when Chriftianity became the religion of the ftate, was not finally fettled till a good while after Conllantine. Dio- jiyfius Exiguus, a French monk, after confulting all pro- per documents, confiders the 25th of December of the forty-fifth year of JuUus Casfar as the day of our Sa- viour's nativity. The ift of January of the forty-fixth year of Ciefar is therefore the beginning of the jcra now ufed 214 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOM£nA* ufcd by the Chrlftian world. Any event happening in this year is dated a?mo Domini primo. As Cxfar had made his firfl year a bifTextile, the year of the nativity was alfo biiTextiie ; and the firft year of our xra begins tlie fliort cycle of four years, fo that the fourth year of our cera is bilTextile. That we may connect this sera with all the others employed by aftronomers or hiftorians, it will be enough to know that this firll year of the Chriftian sera is the 4714th of the Julian period. It coincides with the fourth year of the 194th Olym- piad till midfummer. It coincides with the 753d ab iirhe cojidita^ till April 2 1 St. It coincides with the 748th of Nabonaflar till Au- gufh 23d. It coincides with the 324th civil year of Egypt, reck- oned from the death of Alexander the Great. In the arrangement of epochs in the aftronomical tables, the years before the Chriflian sera are counted backwards, calling the year of the nativity o, the pre- ceding year i, &c. But chronologifts more frequently reckon the year of the nativity the fird before Chrift. Thus, Yearsof C2erar...4i, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 Aftronomers 4, 3, 2, i, o, i, 2, 3, 4 Chronologifts 5, 4, 3, 2, i, i, 2, 3, 4 This kalendar of Julius Caefar has manifeft advan^ tages in refpe6l of fimplicity, and in a, fbort time fup- pjanted ERRORS OF THE JULIAN KALENDAR. 21^ planted all others among the wcftern nations. Many other nations had perceived that the year of feafons contained more than 365 days, but had not fallen on eafy methods of making the correclion. It is a very re- markable fact, that the Mexicans, when dlfcovered by the Spaniards, employed a cycle which fuppofed that the year contained 365^ days. For, at the end of fifty-two years, they add thirteen days, which is equivalent to adding one every fourth year. In their hieroglyphical annals, their years are grouped into parcels of four, each of which has a particular mark, 337. But although the Julian conftru£lion of the civil year greatly excelled all that had gone before, it was not perfect, becaufe it contained 11' 14^" more than the period of feafons. This, in 128 years, amounts exa6lly to a day. In 1582, it amounted to 12^* 7*". The equi- noxes and folftices no longer happened on thoie days of the month that were intended for them. The celebra- tion of the church fcftivals was altogether deranged. For it mud now be remarked, that there occurred the fame embarraiTment on account of the lunar months, as formerly in the Pagan world. The Council of Nice had decreed that the great fef- tival, Eafter, fliould be celebrated in conformity with the Jewifh paflbver, which was regulated by the new moon following the vernal equinox. All the principal fcftivals are regulated by Eafter Sunday. But by the devialiou gi the Julian kalendar from the feafons, and the words of 2l6 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. of the decree of the Nicene Council, the celebration of Eafter loft all connexion with the Paflbver. For the de- cree did not fay, * The firft Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox, but the firft Sunday after the full moon following the 2 1 ft of March. * It fre- quently happened that Eafter and the Paftbver were fix weeks apart. This M^as corrected by Pope Gregory the XIII. in 1582, by bringing the 21ft of March to the equinox again. He firft cut off the ten days which had accumulated fince the Council of Nice ; and, to prevent this accumulation, he directed the intercalation of a bif- fextile to be omitted on every centurial year. But the error of a Julian century containing 36525 days. Is not a whole day, but 1 8" 40'. Therefore the correction in- troduces an error of 5*" 20'. To prevent this from ac- cumulating, the omiflion of the centurial intercalation i» limited to the centuries not divifible by four. Therefore 1600, 2000, 2400, &c. are ftill biflextile years; but 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, &c. are common years. There ftill remains an error, amounting to a day in 144 centuries. The kalendar is now fufficiently accurate for all pur- pofes of hiftory and record — and even for aftronomy, becaufe the tropical year of feafons is fubje years -2lg ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA, yeavs before Chrift in a proper manner. An eclipi^' mentioned by an aftronomer as having happened on the ift of February anno 3tio A. C. muft be confidered as happening in the forty-fecond year of JuHus Ga^far. But if tlie fame thing is mentioned by a hiftorian or chrono- logiil, it is much more probable that it was in the forty- third year of C?efar. It was chiefly to prevent all am- biguities of this kind that Seaiiger contrived what he called the Julia7i period. This is a number made by multiplying together the numbers called the Lunar or Metonic c\cley the folar cycle^ and the indi^'ion. The ijnar cycle is 19, and the firfl: year of our Lord was the fecond of this cycle. The folar cycle is 28, being the number of years in which the days of the month return to the fame days of the week. As the year con- tains fifty-two weeks and one day, the firil day of the year (or any day of any month) falls back in the week one day every year, till interrupted by the intercalation in a bilTextile year. This makes it fall back two days in that year j and therefore it will not return to the fame day till after four times feven, or twenty-eight years. The firft year of our Lord was the tenth of this cycle. The iNDiCTiON is a cycle of fifteen years, at the begin- ning of which a tax was levied over the Roman Empire. It took place A. D. 312; and if reckoned backward, it would have begun three years before the Chriflian aera. The year of this cycle for any year of the Chriflian sera, will tlaerefore be had by adding three to the year, and dividing by fifteen. The produdl of thefe three num- bers JULIAN PERIOD — .T.RAS. 2 Tf> bers is 7980 ; and it is plain that this number of years muft elapfe before a year can have the fame place in all the three cycles. If therefore we know the place of thefe cycles belonging to any year, we can tell what year it is of the Julian period. The firft year of our lera was the fecond of the lunar cycle, the tenth of the folar, and the fourth of induc- tion, and the 4714th of the Julian period. By this we may arrange all the remarkable seras as follows. j-p- -^ra of the Olympiads . . . 3938 Foundation of Rome . . . 3961 NabonalTar 39^7 Death of Alexander , . . 4390 Firft of Julius Caefar . . . 4669 A. Dom. 1 4714 341. Did theMetonic cycle of the Moon correfpond exa6i:ly with our year, it w^ould mark for any year the number of years which have elapfed fince it was new moon on the ift of January. But its want of perfe£b accuracy, the vicinity of an intercalation, and the lunar equations, fometimes caufe an error of tw^o days. It is much ufed, however, for ordinary calculations for the Church holidays. To find the golden number, add one to the year of our Lord, divide the fum by 19, the re- mainder is the golden number. If there be no remain- der, the golden number is 19. E e 2 343. (L I. A. C. 18 5 8 IIS^II^ 13 9 I 1S^^7S3 19 15 7 74^>747 323^324 21 H 4 44> 45 10 2 4 220 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. 342. Another number, called EpaO:, is alfo ufed for facilitating the calculation of new and full moon in a grofs way. The epa6l is nearly the moon's age on the id of January. To find it, multiply the golden number by II, add 19 to the product, and divide by 30. The remainder is the epa£fe. Knowing, by the epaL>, the Moon's age on the ift of January, and the day of the year correfponding to any day of a month, it is eafy to find the Moon's age on that day, by dividing the double of the fum of this number and the epa£l by 59. The half remainder is nearly the Moon's age. Although thefe rude computations dp not correfpond with the motions of the two luminaries, they defer ve notice, being the methods employed by the rules of the Church for fettling the moveable Church feftivals. Of the proper Motions of the Planets, 343. The planets are obferved to change their fitua^ tions in the ftarry heavens, and move among the figns pf the zodiac, never receding far from the ecliptic. Their motions are exceedingly irregular, as may be feen by fig. 65. A, which reprefents the motion of the planet Jupiter, from the beginning of 1708 to the be- ginning of 1 7 r 6. E K reprefents the ecliptic, and the initial letters of the months are put to thofe points of the apparent path where the planet was fcen on the firfb .day of each month. It INEQUALITIES OF THE PLANETS. 221 it appears that, on the ift of January 1708, the pla- net was moving llowly eaftward, and became ftatlonary about the middle of the month, in the fecond degree of Libra. It then turned weftwaid, gradually increafmg its wefterly motion, till about the middle of March, when it was in oppofition to the Sun, at R, all the while de- viating farther from the ecliptic toward the north. It now flackened its wefterly motion every day, and was a- gain ftationary about the 20th of May, in the twenty-fecond degree of Virgo, and had come nearer to the ecliptic. Jupiter now moved eaftward, nearly parallel to the eclip- -tic, gradually accelerating in his m^otion, till the begin- ning of 06tober, when he was in conjundlion with the Sun at D, about the eleventh degree of Libra. He now flackened his progreflivc motion every day, till he was a- gain ftationary, in the fecond degree of Scorpio, on the 1 2th or 1 3 th of February 1 709. He then moved weft ward, was again in oppofition, in the twenty-feventh degree of Libra, about the middle of April. He became ftation^ ary, about the end of June, in the twenty-firft degree of Libra ; and from this place he again proceeded eaftr ward -, was in conjunction about the beginning of Novem- ber, very near the ftar in the fouthern fcale of Libra ; and, on the ift of January 17 10, he was in the twenty- fourth degree of Scorpio. This figure will very nearly correfpond with the ap- parent motions of the planet in the fame months of 1803 and 1804. Jupiter will go on in this manner, forming g loop in his path in every thirteenth month ; and he in in 222 ASTRONOMICAL PlIEKOMENA. in oppofitioii to the Sun, wlicn in the mkldle of each ioop. His regrefs in each loop is about lo degrees, and his progreflive motion is continued about 40°. He gra- dually approaches the ecliptic, crofTes it, deviates to the fouthward, then returns tou ards it ; crofTes it, about fix years after his former crolhng, and in about twelve years comes to vi'here he was at the beginning of thefe ob- fervations. 344. The other planets, and particularly Venus and and Mercury, are ftill more irregular in their apparent motions, and have but few circumftances of general re- femblance. The firft general remark which can be made on thefe intricate motions is, that a planet always appears largeft when in the points R, R, R, v/hich are in the middle of its retrograde motions. Its diameter gradually di- minifhes, and becomes th^ leaft of all wlien in the points D', D', D', which are in the middle of its diredl mo- tions. Hence we infer that the planet is neareft to the Earth when in the middle of its retrograde motion, and fartheft from it when in the middle of its dire£l motion. It may alfo be remarked, that a planet is always in conjunaion M'ith the Sun, or comes to our meridian at noon, when in the middle of its direct motions. The planets Venus and Mercury are alfo in conjunction with the Sun Mhen in the middle of their retrograde motions. But the planets Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, are always in oppofition to the Sun, or come to our meridian i^t midnight. AKCrEXT PLANETARY THEORY. 223 niidnight, when in the miJcUc of tlielr retrograde mo- tions. Their fituations aUb, when (tationary, are always fimibr, relative to the Sun. Thefe appearances in all the planetary motions have therefore an evident rela- tion to the Sun's place. 345. The ancient aftronomers were of opinion tliat the perfection of nature required ail motions to be uni- form, as far as tlie purpofe in view would permit. The planetary motions muit therefore be uniform, in a figure that is uniform ; and the allronomers maintained that tlie obferved irregularities were only apparent. Their method for reconciling thefe with their principle of per- fection is very obvioully fuggefted by the reprefentatioii here given of tlie motion of Jupiter. They taught that the planet moves uniformly in the circumference of a circle q r s (fig. 40.) in a year, while tlie centre Q of this circle is carried uniformly round the Earth T, in the circum- ference of another circle Q A L. The circle O A L is called the deferent circle, and qrs is called the EPICYCLE. They explained the deviation from the eclip- tic, by faying that the deferent and the epicycle were in planes different from that of the elliptic. By various trials of different proportions of the deferent and the epicycle, they hit on fuch dimenfions as produced the quantity of retrograde motion tliat was obferved to be combined with the general progrefs in the order of the figns of the zodiac. — But another inequality was obferv- ed. The arch of the heavens intercepted between two fucceffiv'^ 224 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMfiNit." fucceflive oppofitions of Jupiter, (for example), was ob- lerved to be variable, being always lefs in a certain part of the zodiac, and gradually increafing to a maximum ftate in the oppofite part of the zodiac. In order to correfpond with this second inequality, as it was called, and yet not to imply any inequality of the motion of the epicycle in the circumference of the deferent circle, the aflronomers placed the Earth not in, but at a certain diftance from, the centre of the defer- ent ; fo that an equal arch between two fucceeding op- pofitions fliould fubtend a fmaller angle, when it is on the other fide of that centre. Thus, the unequal mo- tion of the epicycle was explained in the fame way as the Sun's unequal motion in his annual orbit. The line drawn through the Earth and the centre of the de- ferent is called the line of the planet's apsides, and its extremities are called the apogee and perigee of the de- ferent as in the cafe of the Sun's orbit (292.) In this manner, they at laft compofed a fet of motions which agreed tolerably well with obfervation. The celebrated geometer Apollonius gave very judi- cious direclions how to proportion the epicycle to the deferent circle. But they feem not to have been attend- ed to, even by Ptolemy ; and the aflronomers remained very ignorant of any method of conflru£tion which a- greed fufEciently with the phenomena, till about the thirteenth century, when the doctrine of epicycles was cultivated with more care and fkill. A very full and diftinft account is given of all the ingenious contrivances of the ancient aflronomers for explaining -/■// aT ^ bat b t ' a' = — — , and h — —— . Alio - = -r — 7^ = —nry at a -^ t a b t to and a-=z . t—^h We may alio calculate the fynodical period /, when we know the real periods of each. For — = -r — - = a — b , a b — r- , and / = y a b a — b This TEUIOD AND ANOMALIES OF VENUS. 22^ This gives for the periodic lime of Venus round the Sun 224^ 16'' 49' 13". 349. But it is evident that if this angular motion is not uniform, the interval between two fuccefi'ive conjunc- tions may chance to give a falfe meafure of the period. But, by obferving many conjunctions, in various parts of the heavens, and by dividing the intei*val between the firfl and Jail by the number of intervals between each (taking care that the firft and laft fliall be nearly in the fifme part of the heavens), it is evident that the inequa- lities being diilributed among them ail, the quotient may be taken as nearly an exzGt medium. Hence arifes the great vakie of ancient obfervations. In eight years we liave five conjunctions of Venus, and flie is only i° 32' lliort of the place of the firft conjunction. The period de- duced from the conjunCl ions in 1 761 and 1769, fcarcely differs from that deduced from the conjunctions in 1639 and 1 76 1. But the other planets require more diftant obfervations. 350. Venus does not move uniformly in her orbit. For, if the place of Venus in the heavens be obferved in a great number of fucceflive conjunctions with the Sun tat which time her place in the ecliptic, as feen from tlie Sun, is either the Sun's place, as feen from the Earth, or the oppofite to it), we find that her changes of pbcc are not proportional to the elapfed times. By obferva- tions of tJiis kind, we learn the inequality of the angular F f 2 motion aa3 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMEKA- inotion of Veniis roun4 the Sun, and hence can find the equations for every point of the orbit of Venus, and can thence deduce the pofition of Venus, as feen from the Sun, for any given inftant. This however requires more obfervatlons of this kind than we are yet poUelTed of, becaufe her conjunflions happen fo nearly in the fame points of her orbit, that great part of it is left without obfervations of this kind. But we have other obfervations of almoft equal value, pamely, thofe of her greatefl: elongations from the Sun. There is none of the planets, therefore, of which the equations (which indeed are yery fmall) are more ac- curajtely deterniined, 351. We can now determine the form and pofition of the orbit. For we can ohferve the place of the Sun, or the pofition of the line ES (fig. 41.), joining the Earth and Sun. We knoyv the length of this line (291.) We can ohferve the geocentric place of Venus, or the pofition of the line E D joining the Earth and Venus. And we can compute (350.) the heliocentric place of Venus, or the pofition of the line S C joining Venus and the Sun. Venus muft be in V, the interfe6tion of thefe two lines 5 and therefore that point of her orbit is determined. 352. By fuch obfervations Kepler difcovered that the orbit of Venus is an ellipfe, having the Sun in one focus, the femitranfverfe axis being 72333, and the eccentri- city PHENOMENA Or VENUS AND MERCURY. 229 city 510, mcafuretl on a fcale of which the Sun's mean diftance from the Earth is loccoo. 353. The upper apfis of the orbit is called the APHELION, and the lower apfis is called the perihelion of Venus. 354. The line of the apfides has a flow motion eafl- ward, at the rate of 2° 44' 46" in a century. 355. The orbit of Venus Is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of 3° 20', and the nodes move weftward about 3 1" in a year. 356. Venus moves in this orbit fo as to defcribe round the Sun areas proportional to the times. 357. The planet Mercury refembles Venus in all the circumftances of her apparent motion ; and we make fmiilar inferences v/ith refpecfl to the real motions. His orbit Is difcovered to be an elllpfe, having the Sun in one focus. The femitranfverfe axis is 38710, and the ec- centricity 7960. The apfides move eaftward i° 57' 20" in a century. The orbit is inclined to the ecliptic 7*^. The nodes move weftward 45" in a year. The periodic time is 87^ 23*^ 15' 37" j and areas are defcribed propor- J;ional to the times. 0/ 230 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. Of the proper Motions of the Superior Planets, 358. Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, exhibit phenomena confiderably different from thofe exhibited by Mercury and Venus. 1 . They come to our meridian both at noon and at midnight. When they come t*o our meridian at noon, and are in the ecUptic, they are never feen crofling the Sun's difk. Hence we infer, that their orbits include both the Sun and the Earth. 2. They are always retrograde when in oppofition, and dire(Sl when in conjunftlon. The planet Jupiter may ferve as an example of the way in which their real motions may be invefligated. 359. Jupiter is an opaque body, vifible by means of the reflecfted light of the Sun. For the fliadows of fome of the heavenly bodies are fometimes obferved on his dilk, and his (Iradow frequently falls on them. 360. His apparent diameter, v/hcn in oppoHtlon, is a- bout 46", and, when in conjuniflion, it is about 3 1 ", and his dilk is ahvavs round. Hence we infer, tliat he is ncarell when in oppofition, and that his lead and grenteft diftance are nearly as two to three. The Earth is, therefore, far removed f) om the centre of his motion j anc, if we en- deavour to explain his motion by means of a deferent circle EPICYCLICAL THEORY OF JUPITER. 23! circle and an epicycle ( ), the radius of the deferent muft be about five times the radius of the epicycle. 361. Since Jupiter is always retrograde when in op- pofition, and direct when in conjun£i:ion, his pofition, with refpecl to the centre of his epicycle, mufl be fmii- iar to the pofition of the Sun with refpe795>5oo Mars 142,818,000 lupiter 487,472,000 Saturn 894,162,000 Georgian Planet 1,789,982,000 Of the Secondary Pla?tets, 377. Jupiter is obferved to be alwa)rs accompanied by four fmall planets called satellites, which revolve rouml him> while he revolves round the Sun. Their diflances from Jupiter are mefifured by means of their greatefl elongations, and their periods are dif- covered by their eclipfes, Vv'hen they come into his fha- H h dow. 242 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENl. dow, and by other methods. They are obfer\'ed to d"e- icribe ellipfes, having Jupiter in one focus ; and they de- icribe areas round Jupiter, which are proportional to the times. Alfo the fquares of their periods are in the proportion of the cubes of their mean diftances from Jupiter. 378. It has been difcovered by means of the eclipfes of Jupiter's futclHtes, that light is propagated in time, "and employs about 8' 11" in moving along a line equal to the mean diilance of the Earth from the Sun. The times of the revolutions of thefe little bodies had been fludied with tlie greateft care, on account of the eafy and accurate means which their frequent eclipfes gave us for afcertaining the longitudes of places. But it was found that, after having calculated the time of an eclipfe in conformity to the periods, which had been moft ac- curately determined, the eclipfe happened later than tlie calculation, in proportion as Jupiter was farther from the Earth. If an eclipfe, when Jupiter is in oppofition, be obferved to happen precifely at the time calculated j an eclipfe three months before, or after, when Jupiter is in quadrature, will be obferved to happen about eight minutes later than the calculated time. An eclipfe hap- pening about fix weeks before or after oppofition, will be about four minutes later than the calculation, when thofe about the time of Jupiter's oppofition happen at the exadt time. In general, this retardation of the eclipfes is obferved to be exactly proportional to the increafe of Jupiter's PROGRESSIVE MOTION OF LIGHT. S^.-? Itiprter's dlftance from the E.irtli. It is tlie fame with refpe£t to all the fatellites. This error greatly perplexed the aftronomers, till the connexion of it with Jupiter's change of diftnnce was remarked by Mr Roemcr, a Da- nifli aflronomer, in 1674. As foon as this gentleman took notice of this connexion, he concluded that the re- tardation of the eclipfc was owing to the time employed by the .light in coming to us. The fatellite, now e- clipfed, continued to be feen, till the lajl reflected light reached .us, and, when the ftream of light ceafed, the fatellite difappeared, or was eclipfed. When it has pafT- ed through the fliadow, and is again illuminated, it is not feen at that Inftant by a fp^ftator almoft four hun- dred millions of miles ofF — it does not reappear to him, till the firji reflected light reaches him. . It is not till about forty minutes after being reilluminated by the Sun, that the firft refle£l:ed light from the fatellite reaches the Earth when Jupiter is in quadrature, and about thirty- two minutes when he is in oppofition. This ingenious inference of Mr Roemer was doubted for fome time ; but moft of the eminent philofophers a- greed with him. It became more probable, as the mo- tions of the fatellites were more accurately defined ; and it received complete confirmation by Dr Bradley difco- vering another, and very different confequence of the progreflive motion of light from the fixed ftars and pla- nets. This will be confidered afterwards ; and, in the mean time, it is evinced that light, or the caufe of vi- Gon, is propagated in time, and requires about i6y mi^ H h 2 nute§ ^44 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. nutes to move along the diameter of the Sun's orbit, or about 8' ii" to come from the Sun to us, moving about 200,000 miles in a fecond. Some imagine vifion to be produced by the undulation of an elaftic medium, as found is produced by the undulation of air. Others imagine light to be emitted from the luminous body, as a flream of water from the difperfcr of a vi^atering-pan. Whichever of thefe be the cafe, Light novi^ becomes a proper fubjecSl of Mechanical difcuffion ; and we may now fpeculate about its motions, and the forces which produce and regulate them. 379. Saturn is alfo obferved to be accompanied by feven fatellites, which circulate round him in ellipfes, having Saturn in the focus. They defcribe areas pro- portional to the timeSj and the fquares of the periodic times are proportional to the cubes of their mean dif-. tances. 380. Befides this numerous band of fatellites, Sa- turn is alfo accompanied by a vafl arch or ring of co- herent matter, which furrounds him, at a great diftance. Its diameter is about 208,000 miles, and its breadth a- bout 40,000. It is flat, and extremely thin ; and as it fhines only by receding the Sun's hght, we do not fee it wlien its edge is turned towards us. Late obfervation has fnewn it to be two rings, in the fame plane, and al- moft united. But that they are feparated, is demon- ftrated by a flar being (o^n through the interval between them= SATELLITES OF THE PLANETS. 245 rliem. Its plane makes an angle of 29° or 30° with that of Saturn's orbit; and when Saturn is in 11* 20°, or 5S 20®, the plane of the ring paHcs through the Sun, and refleds no light to us. 381. In 1787, Dr Herfchel difcovcred two fatellites attending the Georgian planet; and in 1798, he difco- vered four more. Their diftances and their periodic times obferve the laws of Kepler ; but the pofition of their orbits is peculiarly interefling. InPtead of revolving in the order of the figns, in planes not deviating far from the ecliptic, their orbits are almofl, if not precifely per- pendicular to it ; fo that it cannot be faid that they move either in the order of the iigns, or in the oppofite. 382. Thus do they prefent a nevv-- problem in Phy- fical Aftronomy, in order to afcertain the Sun's influence on their motions — the interfe^tion of their nodes, and the other difturbances of their motions round the planet. 383. They alfo fiiew the miilake of the Cofmogo- nifls, who would willingly afcribe the general tendency of the planetary motions from weft to eaft along the ecliptic to the influence of fome general mechanical im- pulfion, inftru£ting us how the world may be made as we fee it. Thefe perpendicular orbits are incompatible with the fuppofed influence. Of ^6 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. Of the Rotation of the Heavenly Bodies, 384. In 161 1, Scheiner, profefibr at Ingolfladt, ob- fcrved fpots on the diik of the Sun, which come into view on the eaftern hmb, move acrofs his dillc in parallel circles, difappear on the weftern limb, and, after fome time, again appear on the eaftern limb, and repeat the fame motions. Hence it is inferred that the Sun re- volves from weft to eaft in the fpace of 25^ 14" 12^, round an axis inclined to the plane of the ecliptic 7^ de- grees, and having the afcending node of his equator in longitude 2* 10°. Philofophers have formed various opinions concerning the nature of thefe fpots. The moft probable is, that the Sun confifts of a dark nucleus, furrounded by a lu- minous covering, and that the nucleus is fometimes laid bare in particular places. For the general appearance of a fpot during its revolution is like fig. 43. 385. A feries of moft interefting obfervations has been lately made by Dr Herfchel, by the help of his great telefcopes. Thefe obfervations are recorded in the Philofophical Tranfa6lions for the years i8ci and 1802. They lead to very curious conclufions refpe6ling the pe- culiar conftitution of the Sun. It would feem that the Sun is im^mediately furrounded by an atmofphere, heavy and tranfparent, like our air. This reaches to the height of feveral thcufand niiles. On this atmofphere feems to float CONSTITUTION OF THE SUN. 247 f.oat a ftrritum of fliinlng clouds, alfo fome thoufands of miles in thicknefs. It Is not clear however that this cloudy flratum ililnes by its native light. There is above it, at fome diftance, another ftratum of matter, of moft: dazzling fplendor. It would feem that it is this alone which illuminates the whole planetary fydem, and alfo the clouds below it. This refplendent ftratum is not equally fo, but moft luminous in irregular lines or ridges, which cover the whole difk like a very clofe brilliant network. Something of this appearance v/as noticed by Mr James Short in 1748, while obferving a total ecllpfe of the Sun, and is mentioned in the Philofophical Tranf- «.£^Ions. Som.e operation of nature in this folar atmo- fphere feems to produce an upward motion in it, like a biafl, which caufes both the clouds and the dazzling flratum to remove from the fpot, making a fort of hole in die luminous ftrata, fo that we can fee through them, dov/n to the dark nucleus of the Sun. Dr Herfchel has obferved tha-. this change, and this denudation of the jiucleus, is much more frequent in fome particular places of the Sun's difk. He has alfo obferved a fmail bit of fliining cloud come in at one fide of an opening, and, in a fliort time, move acrofs it, and difappear on the other {ide of the opening ; and he thinks that thefe moving clouds are confiderably below the great cloudy Itratum. 386. Dr Herfchel is difpofed to think that the up- per refplendent flratum never fhines on the nucleus j not even 248 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENil. even when an opening has been made in the ftratum of clouds. For he remarks that the upper ftratum is al- ways much more driven afide by what produces the opening than the clouds are ; fo that even the moft ob- lique rays from the fplendid ftratum do not go through, being intercepted by the border of clouds which imme- diately furround the opening. 387. From Dr Herfchel's defcription oi" this won= derful obje6lj we are almoft led to believe that the fur- face of the Sun may not be fcorched with intolerable and dePtrudive heat. It not unfrequently happens that we have very cold weather in fummer, when the fky is overcaft with thick clouds, impenetrable by the direct rays of the Sun. The curious obfervations of Count Rumford of the manner in which heat is moft copioufly communicated through fluid fubftances, concur with what we knew before, to ftiew us that even an intenfe heat, communicated by radiation to the upper furface of the fliining clouds by the dazzling ftratum above them, may never reach far down through their thicknefs* With much more confidence may we affirm that it would never warm the tranfparent atmofphere below thofe clouds, nor fcorch the firm furface of the Sun. It is far from being improbable therefore, that the furface may not be uninhabitable, even by creatures like our- felves. If fo, there is prefented to our view a fcene of habitation 13,000 times bigger than the furface of this Earth, and about 50 times greater than thofe of all the planets added together. 388. ROTATION OF JUPITER. 249 388. Similar obfervations, firfl made by Dr Hooke in 1664, on fpots in the dilk of Jupiter, fhow tUat he revoh'es from weft to eaft in ^^ 56', round an axis in- clined to the plane of his orbit 2^°. It is alfo obferved diat his equatoreal diameter li to his axis nearly as 14 to 13- 389. There are fome remarkable circumftances in the rotation of this planet. The fpots, by whofe change of place on the dilk we judge of the rotation, are not permanent, any more than thofe obferved on the Sun's difk. We muft therefore conclude that, either the fur- face of the planet is fubje61: to very confiderable varia- tions of brightnefs, or that Jupiter is furrounded by a cloudy atmofphere. The laft is, of itfelf, the moft pro- bable ; and it becomes ftill more fo from another cir- cumftance. There is a certain part of the planet that is fenfibly brighter than the reft, and fometimes remarkably fo. It is known to be one and the fame part by its fi- tuation. This fpot turns round in fomewhat lefs time than the reft. That is, if a dark fpot remains during feveral revolutions, it is found to have feparated a little from this bright fpot, to the left hand, that is, to the wcftward. There is a minute or two of difference be- tween the rotation of Jupiter, as deduced from the fuc- ceflive appearances of the bright fpot, and that deduced from obfervations made on the others. 390. Thefe circumftances lead us to imagine that Jupiter is really covered with a cloudy atmofphere, and I i tliat 2^6 AiJTRdNOMICAL I^HENOM^Ni'. that this has a flow motion from eafl to weft relatire id the fm-face of the planet. The ftriped appeatances, called Belts or Zones, are undoubtedly the effect of a difference of climate. They are difpofed with a cer- tain regularity, generally occupying a complete round of hi» furface. Mr Schroeter, who has minutely ftudied their appearances for a long tradl of time, and with ex- cellent glaffes, fays that the changes in the atmofphere are very anomalous, and often very fuddert and exten- five ; In fhort, there feems almoft the fame unfettled weather as on this globe. He does not imagine that we ever fee the real furface of Jupiter -, and even the bright fpot which fo firmly maintains its fituation, is thought by Schroeter to be in the atmofphere. The general current of the clouds is from eaft to weft, like our trade winds, but they often move in other direcStions. The motion is alfo frequently too rapid to be thought the transference of an individual fubftance ; it more refembles the rapid propagation of lome fliort-lived change in the ftate of the atmofphere, as we often obferve in a thunder ftorm, Tlie axis of rotation is almoft perpendicular ta the plane of the orbit, fo that the days and nights are always equal. 391. The rotation of Mars, firft obferved by Hooke and Caffmi in 1666, is ftill more remarkable than that of Jupiter. The furface of th^ planet is generally o£ unequal brightnefs, and fomething like a permanent fiv- gurc may be obferved in it, by which' we guefs at the ^ tinwJ ROTATION or MARS, 2^1 ume of the rotation. But tlic figure is fo ill defined, and fo fubjeft to confiderable changes, that it was long before allronomers could be certain of a rotation, fo as to afcertain the time. Dr Herfchel has been at much pains to do this with accuracy, and, by comparing many fucceilive ;ipparitions of the fame objefts, he has found that the time of a revolution is 24 hours and 40 minutes, round an axis inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle of nearly 60 degrees, but making an angle of 61° 18' with his own orbit. 392. It is midfummer-day in Mars when he is in long. 11^ 19° from our vernal equinox. As the planet is of a very oblate form, and probably hollow, there may be a confiderable preceffion of his equinoctial points, by a change in the direction of his axis, 393. Being fo much inclined to the ecliptic, the poles of Mars come into fight in the courfe of a revolu- tion. When either pole comes firll into view, it is ob- ferved to be remarkably brighter than the relt of the diik. This brightnefs gradually dlminiflies, and is ge- nerally altogether gone, before tliis pole goes out of fight by the change of the planet's pofition. The other poje jiow comes into view, and exhibits fimilar appearances. 394. This appearance of Mars greatly refembles what our own globe will exhibit to a fpedator placed on Venus or Mercury. The fnows in the colder cli- l i 2 mates 252 ' ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. mates diminlfh during fummer, and are renewed in tlie enfuing winter. The appearances in Mars may eithev be owing to fnows, or to denfe clouds, which con- denfe on his circumpolar regions during his winter, and are diflipated in fummer. Dr Herfchel remarks that the atmofphere of Mars extends to a very fenfible diftance from his dilk. 395. Obfervers are not agreed as to the time of the rotation of Venus. Some think that fhe turns round her axis in 23'', and otiiers make it 23 days and 8 hours. The uncertainty is owing to the very fmall time allowed for obferyation, Venus never being feen for more thaw three hours at a time, fo that the change of appearance that we obferve day after day may either be a part of a flow rotation, or rnore than a complete rotation made in a (hort time. Indeed no diftin6l fpots have been ob- ferved in her difk fmpe the time of the elder CafTmi, about the middle of the feventeenth century. Dr Her- fchel has always obferved her covered with an impene- trable cloud, as white as fnow, and without any variety of appearance* 396. The Moon turnvS round her axis in the courfe of a periodic month, fo that one face is always pre^ fented to our view. There is indeed a very fmall li- 5RATI0N, as it is called, by which we occafionally fee a little variation, fo that the fpot which occupies the very CiCntre of the difk, when the Moon is in apogee and in perigee, ROTATION OF SATURN. 253 perigee, flilfts a little to one fide and a little up or down. This arifes from the perfetl uniformity of her rotation, and tlie unequal motion in her orbit. As the greateft equation of her orbital motion amounts to little more than 5°, this caufes the central fpot to fliift about -^^ of her diameter to one fide, and, returning again to the centre, to fliift as far to the other fide. She turns al- ways the fame face to the other focus of her elliptical orbit round the Earth, becaufe her angular motion round that point is almoft perfectly equable. 397. It has been difcovered by Dr Herfchel that Saturn turns round his axis in 10^ i&, and that his ring turns round the fame axis in lo*^ 324'. This axis is in- clined to the ecliptic in an angle of 60° nearly, and the InterfetStion of the rinig and ecliptic is in the line pafling through long. 5^ 20° and 11' 2o^ We fee it very open when Saturn is in long. 2^ 20°, or 8^ 20° j and its length is then double of its apparent breadth. It is then mid- fummer and midwinter on Saturn. When S?.turn is in the line of its nodes, it difappears, becaufe its plane pafles through the Sun, and its edge is too thin to be vifible. It fliines only by reflecting the Sun's light. For we fometimes fee the fliadow of Saturn on it, and fome- times its fhadow on Saturn. It will be very open in 1 81 1. Juft now (1803) it is extremely flender, and it difappeared for a while in the month of June. Its dia- meter is above 200,000 miles, almofl half of that of the Moon's orbit round the Earth, 39% 254 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. 398. No rotation can be obferved in Mercury, on account of his apparent minutenefs ; nor is any obferve4 in the Georgian planet for the fame reafon, 399. Many philofophers have imagined that the Earth revolves round its axis in 23" 56' 4" from weft to eaft : and that this is the caufe of the obferved diurnal motion of the heavens, which is therefore only an ap- pearance. It muft be acknowledged that the appear- ances will be the fame, and that we muft be infenfible of the motion, There are alfo many circumftances which render this rotation very probable. 400. I. All the celeftial motions will be rendered Incomparably more moderate and fimple. If the hea-» vens really turn round t:he Earth in 23*" 56' 4", the motion of the Sun, or of any of the planets, is fwifter than any motion of which we have any meafure ; and this to a degree almoft beyond conception. The motion of the 8un would be 20,060 times fwifter than that of a can-, non ball. That of the Georgian planet will be twenty times greater than this. If the Earth turns round its axis, the fwifteft motion necefl'ary for the appearances is that of the Earth's equator, v/hich does not exceed that of a cannon ball. The motions alfo become incomparably fimpler. For the combination of diurnal motion with the proper mo- tion of the planets makes it vaftly more complex, and imnofhble tp account for on any mechanical principles. This. DIURNAL ROTATION OF-THE EARTH. 2^^ This diurnal motion nuift vary, in all the planets, by their change of declination, being about j- flower when they are near the tropics. Yet we cannot conceive that any phyfical relation can fubfid between the orbital motion of a planet and the pofition of the Earth's equator, fufiV- cient for producing fuch a change in the planet's mo-- tion. Befides, the axis of diurnal revolution is far from being the fame juft now and in the time of Hipparchus. Jull now, it pafTes near the ftar in the extremity of the tail of the little Bear. When Hipparchus obferved the heavens, it pafled near the fnout of the Camelopard. It is to the bft degree improbable that every object in the univerfe has changed its motion in this manner. It fnufl be fuppofed that all have changed their motions in different degrees, yet all in a certain precife order, without any connexion or mutual dependence that wc can conceive. 401. 2. There is no withholding the belief that the Sun was intended to be a fource of light and genial warmth to the organized beings which occupy the fur- face of our globe. How much more fimply, eafily, and beautifully, this is elTecled by the Earth's rotation, and how much more agreeably to the known occonomy of nature 1 402. 3. This rotation would be analogous to what is obferved in the Sua and mofl of the planets. 403. 256 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. 403. 4. We obferve phenomena on our globe that are iiecefTary confequences of rotation, but cannot be accounted for without it. We know that the equatoreal regions are about twenty miles higher than the circum- polar ; yet the waters of the ocean do not quit this ele- vation, and retire and inundate the poles. This may be prevented by a proper degree of rotation. It may be fo fwift, that the waters would all flow toward the equa- tor, and inundat-e the torrid zone ; nay, fo fwift, that eve- ry thing loofe would be thrown off, as we fee the water difperfed from a twirled mop. Now, a very fimple cal- culation will fliew us t-hat a rotation in 23^ 56' is pre- cifely what will balance the tendency of the waters to flow from the elevated equator towards the poles, and will keep it uniformly fpread over the whole fpheroid. We alfo obferve that a lump of matter of any kind weighs more (by a fpring fteelyard) at Spitzbergen than at Quito, and that the diminution of gravity is precifely what would arife from th^fuppofed rotation, viz. -y^y-- There are arguments which give the moft convincing demonftration of the Earth's rotation. 404. I . Did the heavens turn round the Earth, as has long been believed, it is almoft certain that no zo- diacal fixed ftar could be feen by us. For it is highly probable that light is an emiflion of matter from the lu- minous body. If this be the cafe, fuch is the diftance of any fixed flar A (fig. 44.) that, when its velocity A C is compounded with the velocity of light emitted in any DIURNAL ROTATIOTN OF THE EAKTH. 257 any direclion A B, or A b, it would produce a motion in a direction AD, or A J, which would never reach the Earth, or which might chance to reach it, but with a velo- city infinitely below the known velocity of light •, and, in any hypothefis concerning the nature of light, the velo- city of the light by which we fee the eircumpolar flars muft greatly exceed that by which we fee the equatoreal Itars. All this is contrary to obfervation. a. The fliadow of Jupiter alfo fhould deviate greatly from the line drawn from the Sun to Jupiter, juft as we fee a (hip's vane deviate from the dire6tion of the wind, when fhe is failing briikly acrofs that direction. If the diurnal revolution is a real motion, when Jupiter is in oppofition, his firfl fi^tellite m.ufl be feen to come from behind his difk, and, after appearing for about 1^ 10', muft be eelipfed. This is alfo contrary to ob- fervation ; for the fatellites are eelipfed precifely when they come into that line, whereas it fhould happen more than an hour after. 405. We muft therefore conclude that the Earth revolves round its axis from weft to eaft in 23^ 56' .4''^ We muft further conclude, from* the agreement of the ancient and modern latitudes of places, that the axis o£ the Earth is the fame as formerly ; brut thafit changes its pofitbOR, as we obferve in a top who fe. motion is nearly fpent. This change of pofition is. feeti:.by the ftiifting of the equinodial points. As thefe rliake a tour of thja-- ecliptic in: 25972 yeai's, tlxe pole of die eoitaitQ?,' i»:eepieg^^ ;o K k always- 2^8, ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. always perpendicular to Its plane, mufl defcrlbe a circle round the pole of the ecliptic, diftant from it 23° 28' 10", the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic. It will be feen, in due time, that this motion of the Earth's axis, which appeared a myftery even to Copernicus, Tycho Brahe and Kepler, is a neceflTary confequence of the ge- neral power of nature by which the whole aflemblage is held together ; and the detection of this confequence is the moft illuftrious fpecimen of the fagacity of the dif- eoverer, Sir Ifaac Newton. Of the Solar Syjlem. 406. We have feen (372.) that the planets are always found in the circumferences of ellipfes, which have the Sun in their common focus, while the Sun moves in an ellipfe round the Earth. The motion of any planet is compounded of any motion which it has in refped: of the Sun, and any motion which the Sun has in refpecSt of the Earth. Therefore (92. 93.) the appearances of the planetary motions will be the fame as we have defcribed, if we fuppofe the Sun to be at reft, and give the Earth a motion round the Sun, equal and oppofite to what the Sun has been thought to have round the Earth. In the fecond part of that article concerning relative motion, it was ftiewn that the relative motion, or change of motion, of the body B, as feen from A, is equal and oppofite to that of A feen from B. In the prefent cafe, tlie diftance of the Sun from the Earth is equal to that of PROOFS OF THE MOTION OF THF EARTH. 2^() of the Earth from the Sun. The pofitioii or bearing Is the cppofite. When the Earth is in Aries or Taurus, the Sun will be foen in Libra or Scorpio. When the Earth is in the tropic of Capricorn, the Sun will appear in that of Cancer, and her north pole will be turned to- ward the Sun ; fo that the northern hemifphere will have longer days than nights. In fliort, the gradual variation of the feafons will be the fame in both cafes, if the Earth's axis keeps the fame pofition during its revolution round the Sun. It muft do fo, if there be no force to change its pofition j and we fee that the axes of the other planets retain their pofition. 407. Then, with refpecl: to the planets, the appear- ances of dire(Sl and retrograde motion, with points of ftation, will alfo be the fame as if the Sun revolved round the Earth. That this may be more evident, it muft be obferved that our judgement of a planet's fituation is precifely fimilar to that of a mariner who fees a fhip's light in a dark night. He fets it by the compafs. If he fees it due north, and a few minutes after, fees it a little to the weftward of north, he imagines that the (hip has really gone a little weftward Yet this might have happened, had both been failing due eaft, provided that the (hip of the fpectator had been failing fafter. It is juft the fame in the planetary motions. If we give the Earth the motion that was afcribed to the Sun, the real velocity of the Earth will be more than double of the velocity of Jupiter. Now fuppofe, according to the K k 2 old 260 ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. old hypothefis, the Earth at T (fig. 40.) and the Sun at cc. Suppofe Jupiter in oppofition. Then we muft place the centre of his epicycle in A, and make A a equal to T a. Jupiter is in ^, and his bearing and dif- tance from the Earth is T a, nearly ^ of T A. Six weeks after, the Sun is in /S ; the centre of Jupiter's epi- cycle is in B. Draw B b equal and parallel to T /3, and h is now the place of Jupiter, and T d is now his bear- ing and diftance. He has changed his bearing to the right hand, or weftward on the ecliptic j and his change of pofition is had by meafuring the angle aT b. His longitude on the ecliptic is diminiflied by this number of degrees. 408. Now let the Sun be at T, according to the new hypothefis, and let A B E L be Jupiter's orbit round the Sun. Let Jupiter be in oppofition to the Sun. We muft place Jupiter in A, and the Earth in ?, fo as to have the Sun and Jupiter in oppofition. It is evident that Jupiter's bearing and diftance from the Earth are the fame as in the former hypothefis. For A a being ' equal to g T, we have g A, the diftance of Jupiter from the Earth, equal to T^ of the former hypothefis. Six v/eeks after, the Earth is at t we can give at the prefent day. » 422. The only anfwer that can be given to this is, that the diftance of the fixed ftars is fo great, that £ figure of near 200 miUions of miles diameter is not a fenfible obje2? PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. of the planetary motions, imagined that they were con> dueled by intelligent minds. Ariftotlc's way of conceiv- ing this has been already mentioned. The fame doftrine has been revived, in fome refpec^:, in modern times. Leibnitz animates every particle of matter, when he gives his Monads a perception of their fituation with refpeft to every other monad, and a motion in confe- quence of this perception. This, and the elemental mind afcribed by Lord Monboddo to every thing that begins motion, do not feem to diifer much from the oT'rn^ -^vxni of Ariftotle •, nor do they differ from what all the world dillinguifhes by the name oi force. This dodlrine cannot be called a hypothefis ; it Is ra- ther a definition, or a mifnomer, giving the name Mind to what exhibits none of thofe phenomena by which we diftinguifli mind. No end beneficial to the agent is gained by the motion of the planet. It may be beneficial to its inhabitants — But fhould we think more highly of die mind of an animal when it is covered with vermin ? — Nor does this do£trine give the faialleft explanation of the planetary motions. We rauil explain the motions by ftudying them,. in order to difcover the laws by which the action of their caufe is regulated : this is juft the way that we learn the nature of any mechanical force. Accordingly, 432. 4. Many philofophers, both in ancient and modem times, imagined that the planets were defledled frem uniform re^ilineal motion by forces fimilar to what we EXPLANATION BY ATTRACYlON. 283 we obfen'e in the motions of magnetical and ele£lncal bodies, or in the motion of common heavy bodie5, where one body feems to influence the motion of another at a diftance from it, without any intervening impul- fion. It is thus that a ftone is bent continually from the line of its direction towards the Earth. In the fame manner, an iron ball, rolling along a level table, will be turned afide toward a magnet^ and, by properly adjufling the diftance and the velocity, the ball may be made to revolve round the pole of the magnet. Many of the ancients faid that the curvilineal motions of the planets were produced by tendencies to one another, or to a common centre. Among the moderns, Fermat is the firft who faid in precife terms that the weight of a bxxiy is the fum of the tendencies of each particle to every particle of the Earth. Kepler faid ft ill more exprefsly, that if there be fuppofed two bodies, placed out of the reach of all external forces, and at perfect liberty to move, they would approach each other, with velocities inverfely proportional to their quantities of matter. The Moon {fays he) and the Earth mutually attract each o- ther, and are prevented from meeting by their revolu- tion round their common centre of attraftion. And he fays that the tides of the ocean are the effects of the Moon^s attraction, heaping up the waters immediately under her. Then, adopting the opinion of our country- man, Dr Gilbert of Colchefter, that the Earth is a great magnet, he explains how this mutual attraction will pro- duce a deflection into a curvilineal path, and a4ds, ' Veritath * in me Jit amor an gloria, loquantur dogmata rnea, qu£ pic- N n 2 [ rague 284 FHYSICAL ASTROhOJiir. * raque ah aliis accepta fero. Totam ajlroriomiani Qopsr*' * tiici hypcthefibus de mimdo^ Tychonis vero Bra.ha obferva'* * tionibtiSy denique Gultelmi Gilberii ^?igU philofophla magr *• mtic/£ i?iiedifico» ' epit. astr. copern. 433. The moft exprefs furmife to this purpofe is that of Dr Robert Hooke, oiie of the moft ardent and ingenious ftudents of nature in that bufy period. At a meeting of the Royal Society, on May 3. 1666, he exr preiTed himfelf in the following manner, . '' I v*iU explain a fyflem of the world very diiierent *^ from any yet received j and it is founded on the three- *' following pofiuQns. . " I. That all the heavenly bodies have not only a gra- .** vitaiion of their parts to their own proper centre, but <* that they alfo mutually attra£l each Other within their ** fpheres of action. " 2. That all bodies having a nmple motion, wiij **. continue to move in a ftraight line, unlefs continually *' deflected from it by fome extraneous forie, caiifing ^* them to defcribe a circle, an ellipfe, or fome other curve. '' 3. That th>s attraction is fo much the greater ^^ " the bodies are nearer. As to the proportion in whi 'although I have made " fome experiments to this purpofe. J leave this to other&j *' who have time and knowledge fuflicient for the tii&,''': - . . Xtiia is a very precife enunciation of a proper philoib- phical theory. The phenomenon, the. change of motion ^ ' . i-e >-a HOOKE's THhORY^ . ^8^ /s Cohfidered as the mark and measure of a chaRg^ing force, and his audience is referred to Experience for the nature of this force. He had before this exhibited to the Society a very pretty experiment contrived on thefe prin^ ciples. A ball fufpended by a long^ thread from the (^eiling, was made to "fwing round another ball laid on a table immediately, below the point of fufpenfion. When the pufli given to the pendulum was nicely adjuftcd to its deviation from the perpendicular, it defcribed a perfe.t the remark regain barren in their hands, becaufe they had I8f^ ^ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. had neither examined with fufficient attention the celeflial motions, which they attempted to explain, nor had they formed to themfelves any precife notions of the motions from which they hoped to derive an explanation. ' 434. At lafl a genius arofe, fully qualified both by talents and difpofition, for thofc arduous tafks. I fpeak of Sir Ifaac Newton. This ornament, this boaft of our nature, had a moil acute and penetrating mind, accom- panied by the foundeft judgment, with a modefl and proper diffidence in his own underftanding. He had a patience in inveftigation, which I believe is yet without an equal, and was convinced that this was the only com- penfation attainable for the imperfe£lion of human un- derftanding, and that when exercifed in profecuting the conje£tu^es of a curious mind, it would not fail of giv^ ing him all the information that we are warranted to hope for. Although only 24 years of age, Mr Newton had already given the moft illullrious fpecimen of his abi- lity to promote the knowledge of nature, in his curious ^ifcoveries concerning light and colours. Thcfe were the refult of the mofl unwearied patience, in making experi- ments of tlie moft delicate kind, and the m^oft acute pe- netration in Separating the refulting phenomena from each other, and the cleared and moft precife logic in reafoning from them •, and they terminated in forming a body of fcience which gave a total change to all the no- tions ofphilofopliers on this fubjeff. Yet this body of op- ^j<;al fcience was nothing but a f;iir narration of the fa6ls prefented SPECULATIONS OF NEWTON. 287 prefentcd to his view. Not a fingle fuppofitlon ©r con-r je(fi:ure is to be found in it, nor reafoning on any thing not immediately before the eye ; and all its fcience con- fifted in the judicious claflification. This had brought to light certain general laws, which comprehended all the re It. Young Newton faw that this was fure ground, and that a theory, fo founded, could never be ihaken. He was determined therefore to proceed in no other way in all his future fpeculations, well knowing that the fair exhibition of a law of nature is a difcovery, and all the difcovery to which our limited powers will ever admit us. For he felt in its full force the importance of that maxim fo warmly inculcated by Lord Bacon, that no- thing Is to be received as proved in the iludy of nature that is not logically inferred from an obferved facl 5 that accurate obfervation of phenomiena muft precede all theory; and that the only admifiible theory is a proof that the phenomenon under confideration is included in fome general facl, or lav/ of nature. 435. Retired to his country houfe, to efcape the plague which then raged at Cambridge where he ftudied, and one day walking in liis garden, his thoughts were turned to the caufes of the planetary motions. A con- jeclure to this purpofe occurred to him. Adhering to the Baconian maxim, he imm.ediately compared it with the phenomena by calculation. But he was milled by a falfe eftimation he had made of the bulk of -the Earths His calculatign ihewed him. that his conje<^ure did not igrfc agree with the phenomenon. Newton gave It up witlir (Dttt hefitation '; yet' the difference was onlv about a fixth or fevcnth part; and the conjecture, had it been con- firmed by the calculation, was fuch as would have ac- quired him great celebrity. What youth but Newton could have refifted fuch a temptation ? But he thought no more of it. As he admired Des Cartes as the firft mathematician of Europe, and as his. defire of underftanding the pla- netary motions never quitted his mind, he ft2t himfelf to examine, in his own ftri£l manner, the Cartefian theory, which at this time was fupreme in the univerfities of Eu- rope. He difeovered its nullity, but would never have publiflied 3. refutation, hating controverfy above all things, and being already made unhappy by the contefts to which 'his optical difcoveries had given occafion. His optical difcoveries had recommended him to the Royal Society, and he was now a member. There he learned the accu- rate meafurement of the Earth by Picard, differing very much from the eftimation by which he had made his cal- culation in 1666 -y and he thought his conjedure now more likely to be juft. He went home, took out his old papers, and refumed his calculations. As they drew to a clofe, he was fo much agitated, that he was obliged to defire a friend to finifh them. His former con- jefture was now found to agree with the phenomena with the utmoft precifion. No wonder then that his mind was agitated. He faw the revolution he was to • . maltc SPECULATIONS OF NEWTON. 289 make in the opinions of men, and that he was to (land dt the head of philofophers. 436. Newton now faw a grand fcene laid open be- fore him ; and he was prepared for exploring it in the completeft manner ; for, ere this time, he had invented a fpecies of geometry tlrat feemed precifely made for this refearch. Dr Hooke's difcourfe to the Society, and his Ihewing that the pendulum was not a proper reprefenta- tion of the planetary forces, was a fort of challenge to him to find out that law of deflection which Hooke own- ed himfelf unable to difcover. He therefore fet himfelf ferioufly to work on the great problem, to " determine the *^ motion of a body under the continual influence of a de- '* flee Sun pajfes over or defcr'bij (verrit, /weeps) areas proportional to the times of the motion. Hence Newton made his firft and great inference, that the defecfion of each planet is the aElion of a force always direfted toward the Sun (zip.)? that is, fuch, that if the planet were ftopped, and then let go, it would move toward the Sun in a ftraight line, with a motion continually accelerated, juft as we obferve a fhone fall toward the Earth. Subfequent obfervation has fhewn this obfervation to be much more extenfive than Kepler had any notion of; for it comprehends above ninety co- mets, which have been accurately obferved. A fimilar action or force is obferved to conne«Si: the Moon with this Earth, four fatellites with Jupiter, feven with Saturn, and fix with HerfcheFs planet, all of which defcribe round the central body areas proportional to the times. Newton afcribed all thefe deflexions to the aftion of a mechanical force, on the very fame authority with wliich we afcribe the defle£l:ion of a bombfliell, or of a (lone, from the line of projecStion to its weighty which all man- kind confider as a force. He therefore faid that the primary planets are retained in their paths round the Sun, Q o 2 «r}(i 2^2 PHYStCAL AST ilONOMt. and the fatellltes i?i their paths rotifid their refpe^ive pri^ tnaries, by a force tending toward the central body. But it muft be noticed that this expreiTion afcertains nothing but the direction of this force, but gives no hint as to its manner of acting. It maybe the impulfe of a ftream of fluid moving toward that centre ; or it may be the attraction of the central body. It may be a tendency in- herent in the planet — it may be the influence of fome miniftring fpirit — but, whateyer it is, this is the direct tion of its effetl,. 459. Having made this great ftep, by which the re» iation of the planets to the Sun is eftabliflied, and the Sun proved to be the great regulator of their motions, Newton proceeded to inquire farther into the nature of this deflefting force, of which nature he had difcovered only one circumftance. He now endeavoured to difco- ver what variation is made in this deflection by a change cf diftance. If this follow any regular law, it will be a material point afcertained. This can be difcovered only by comparing the momentary deflections of a planet in its different diflances from the Sun. The magnitude or intenfity of the force muft be conceived as precifely proportional to the magnitude of the defleCtion which it produces in the fame time, juft as we meafure the force of terreftrial gravity by the deflexion of fixteen feet in a fecond, which we obferve, whether it be a bombfhell flying three miles, or a pebble thrown to the diftance of a few yards, or a ftone Amply dropped from the INVESTIGATION OF PLANETARY FORCE. Jp^ the hand. Hence we infer that gravity is every where the fame. We mufl reafon in the {lime way concerning the planetary defleflions in the different parts of their or- bits. Kepler's fecond law, with the afliftance of the firft, enabled Newton to make this comparifon. This fecond general fajft is, that each planet defcribes an ellipfe^ having the Sun in one focus. Therefore, to learn the proportion of the momentary defledlions in different points of the ellipfe, we have only to know the proportion of the arches defcribed in equal fmall, mom.ents of time. This we may learn by drawing a pair of lines from the Sun to different parts of the ellipfe, fo that each pair of lines fiiall comprehend equal areas. The arches on which thefe areas (land muft be defcribed in equal times ; and the proportion of their linear defie£lions from the tan- gents mufl be taken for the proportion of the defled^ing forces which produced them. To make thofe equal areas, we rrqjfl know the precife form of the ellipfe, and we xnull know the geometrical properties of this figure, that we may know the proportion of thofe linear deflec- tions. * 440. * Some of thofe properties are not to be found among the elementary propofitions. For this reafon, a few propofitions> containing the properties frequently appealed to in aftrono- mical difcuffions, are put into the hands of the fludents, and they are requeftcd to read them with care. Without this in- formation, 294 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 440. 27» be a very minute arch, and pr he perpendicular to the radius vedorPF, then q p, the linear defledion from the tan- gent is, ultimately, in the proportion of p r*. But, be- caufe equal areas are defcribed in equal times, the ele- mentary triangle PF/> is a conflant quantity, when the moments are fuppofed equal, and therefore p r is inverfe- ly as P F, and p r' inverfely as P F^ Therefore qp is inverfely as P F', or the momentary defledion from the tangent is inverfely as the fquare of PF, the diftance from the focus. Now, the momentary defledlion is the meafure of the defle£ling force, and the force is inverfe- ly as the fquare of the diftance from the focus. Here then is exhibited all that we know of that pro- perty or mechanical affection of the mafles of matter which compofe the folar fyftcm. Each is under the continual influence of a force directed toward the Sun, urging the planet in that dire£tion ; and this force is va- riable in its intenfity, being more intenfe as the planet €omes nearer to the Sun ; and this change is in the in- verfe duplicate ratio of its diftance from the Sun. It will free us entirely from many mctaphyucal objedions which ipo PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. which have been made to this inference, if, inftead of faying that the planets manifeft fuch a variable tendency toward the Sun, we content ourfelves with fimply affirm- ing the facfi:, that the planets are continually defledted to- ward the Sun, and and that the momentary defle6lions are in the inverfe duplicate ratio of the diftances from, him. 442. We mufl affirm the fame thing of the force* which retain the fateilites in their elliptical orbits round their primary planets. For they alfo defcribe ellipfes having the primary planet in the focus •, and we muft alfo include the Halleyan comet, which fhewed, by its reapparltion in 1759, that it defcribes an ellipfe having the Sun in the focus. If the other comets be alfo car- ried round in eccentric ellipfes, we muft draw the fame conclufion. Nay, Ihould they defcribe parabolas or hy- perbolas having the Sun in the focus, we fhould flill find that they are retained by a force inverfely propor- tional to the fquare of the diftance. This is demonftrated in precifely the fame manner as in the cafe of elliptical motion, namely, by comparing the linear deflecSlions cor- refponding to equal elementary fediors of the parabola or hyperbola. Thefe are defcribed in equal times, and the linear deflections are proper meafures of the deflecl- ing forces. We (hall find in both of thofe curves q p proportional to p /•\ It is the common property of the i:onic fe£lions referred to a focus. It is moft probable that the comets defcribe very ec- centric •r4:) :i Law of planetary tORCE. 297 c^nttlc elHpfes. But we get fight of them only when they come near to the Sun, within the orbit of Saturn. None has yet been obferved as far off as that planet. The vifible portion of their orbits fenfibly coincides with 3 parabola or hyperbola having the fame focus ; and their motion, computed on this fuppofition, agrees with ob- fervation. The computation in the parabola is very eafy, and can then be transferred to an ellipfe by an ingenious theorem of Dr Halley's in his Jjlronomy of Comets. M. Lambert of Berlin has greatly Amplified the whole pro- cefs. The (Indent will find much valuable information on this fubje£t in M*Laurin's Treatife of Fluxiofis, The chapters on curvature and its variations, are fcarcely dif- tinguifhable from propofitions on curvilineal motion and deflecting forces. Indeed, fince all that we know of a deflecting force is the defledlion which we afcribe to it, the employment of the word force in fuch difcuflfions is little more than an abbreviation of language. This propofition being, by its fervices in explaining the phenomena of nature, the mofl: valuable mechanical theorem ever given to the v/orld, we may believe that much attention has been given to it, and that many methods of demonftrating it have been ofi^ered to the choice of mathematicians, the authors claimhig fome merit in facilitating or improving the inveiiigation, Newton's demonitration Is very fliort, but is a good deal incumbered with compofition of ratios, and an arithme- tical or algebraical turn of cxpreflion frequently mixed P p vvicb. tAW OF PLANETARY fORCE. ^97 c-enttic ellipfes. But we get figlit of them only when they come near to the Sun, within the orbit of Saturn. None has yet been obferved as far olF as that planet. The vifible portion of their orbits fenfibly coincides with 3 parabola or hyperbola having the fame focus ; and their motion, computed on this fuppofition, agrees with ob- fervation. The computation in the parabola is very eafy, and can then be transferred to an ellipfe by an ingenious theorem of Dr Halley's in his AJlronomy of Comets. M. Lambert of Berlin has greatly fimplified the whole pro- cefs. The ftudent will find much valuable information on this fubje£l in M*Latirin's Treaiife of Fluxions, The chapters on curvature and its variations, are fcarcely dif- tinguifhable from propofitions on curviiineal motion and deflecting forces. Indeed, fmce all that we know of a deflefting force is the defle£lion which we afcribe to it, the employment of the word force in fuch difcuITions is little more than an abbreviation of language. This propofition being, by its fervices in explaining the phenomena of nature, the mod valuable mechanical theorem ever given to the world, we may believe that much attention has been given to it, and that many methods of demonftrating it have been offered to the choice of mathematicians, the authors claiming fome merit in facilitating or improving the inveiiigation, Newton's demonitration is very fliort, but is a good deal incumbered with compofition of ratios, and an arithme- tical or algebraical turn of expreflion frequently mixed P p wiub. IpS PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. with ideas purely geometrical. Newton was obliged to comprefs into it feme properties of the conic fedlions which were not very familiar at that time, becaufe not of frequent ufe : they are now familiar to every ftudent, making part of the treatlfes of conic fe we are led to the fecoml and third fa£l obferVed by Kep- ler as its neceflary confequences. It appears that the periodic time of a planet under the influence of a force inverfely as the fquare of the diftance, depends on it$ mean diftance alone, and will be the fame^ whether the planet defcribe a circle or an ellipfe having any degree whatever of eccentricity. This, as was already obferved, >5 the fifteenth propofition of the firft book of Newton'^ Q q Principle. 26€ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. Priiicipia. Suppofe the ihorter axis B D of the ellipiV ABPD (fig. 47.) to diminifli continually, the longer axis AP reir.almng the fame. As the extremity B of the invariable line B"S moves from B toward C, the ex- trem.ity lS" will move toward P, and when B coincides with C, S will coincide with P, and the ellipfe is chang- ed into a flraight line P A, whofe length is twice the mean diftance SB. In all the fucceflive ellipfes produced by this gradual diminution of CB, the periodic time rem.ains unchanged. Juft before the perfe(9: coincidence of B with C, the el- lipfe may be conceived as undiftinguifhable from the line P A. The revolution in this ellipfe is undiflinguifhabTe from the afcent of the body from the perihelion P to the aphelion A, a:nd the fubfequent defeent from A to P. Therefore a body under the influence of the central force will defcend from A to P in half the time of the revolu- tion in the -ellipfe A D P B A. Therefore the time of defcending fi-om any diftance B S is half the period of a body revolvirtg at half that diftance from the Sun. By fuch means we can tell the time in which any planet would fall to the Sun. Multiply the half of the time of a revolution by the fquare root of the cube of i, that is, by the fquare root of ^ ; the produ£l is the time of de- feent. Or divide the time of half a revolution by the fquare root of the cube of 2, that is, by the fquare root of 8, that is, by 2,82847 J ^^> which is the fhorteft pro- cefs, multiply the time of a revolution by the decimal 0.1767765 Mercur? 30? d. h. 15 13 39 ^7 64 10 121 290 798 406 4 21 •THE SATELLITES TEND TO THE SUN. Mercury will fall to the Sun in - Venus -----.. The Earth Mars Jupiter ------- Saturn - ----.- Georgian planet - - - - - The Moon to this ^Earth - - - - Cor. The fquares of the times of falling to the Sun are as th^ cubes of the diftanccs fron; him. 448. So far did Ney/ton proceed in hh reafoiiings from the obfervations of Kepler. But there remained many important queft.ions to be decided, in which thofe obfervations offered no direct help. It appeared improbable that the folar force fiiculd no.t affecl: the fecondary planets. It has been dcmon- ftrated (252.) that if a body P (fig. 29.) revolve round anotlier body S, defcribing areas proportional to the times, while S revolves round fome other body, or is aiji'dled by fom.e external force, P is not only acted on by a cen^ tral force directed to S, but is alfo affected by every ac- celerating f9rce which a6ts on S. While, therefore, the Moon xlefcribes areas propor- tional to the times round the Earth, it is not only dcr- He£ted towaird the Earth, but it is alfo defle6ted as much 3« the Earth is toward the Sun. For the Moon acconi- Q q 2 panlecJ 508 FHTSICAL ASTHONOMT. panics the Earth in all its motions. The fame thing mult be affirmed concerning the fatellites attending the other planets. And thus has Newton eftablifhed a fourth propol^^ tion, namely. The force by which a fecofidary planet is trtpde to accotn^". pany the primary in its orbit round the Sun is continually, directed to the Sun, and is inverjely cu the fquare of the diflance from him. For, as the primary changes its diflance from the Sun, the force by which it is retained in its orbit varies in this inverfe duplicate ratio of the diftance. Therefore the force which caufes the fecondary planet x.o accompany its primary miifl vary in the fame proportion^ . in order to produce the fame change in its motion that is produced in that of the primary. And, further, fmce the force which retains Jupiter in his orbit is to that which retains the Earth as the fquare of the Earth's dif- lance is to that of Jupiter's diflance, the forces by which their refpeftive fatellites are m.ade to accompany them niufl vary in the fame proportion. Thus, all the bodies of the folar fyflem are continually urged by a force dire<£led to the Sun, and decreafing as the fquare of the diflance from him increafes. 449. Newton remarked, that in all the changes of motion obfervable in our fublunary world, the changes in the a£ling bodies are equal and oppofite. In all impullions, one body is obferved to lofe as much motion as the other gains. All magn^tical and electri- cal HEClPROCiL ACTION OF THE stN, &C. 30^ pal attractions and repulfioiis are mutual. Every acfllon feems to be accompanied by an equal reaClion in the oppofite direction. He even imagined that it may be proved, from abftraCl principles, that it mufl be fo. He therefore affirmed that this law obtained alfo in the ce- leftial motions, and that not only were the planets con- tinually impelled toward the Sun, but alfo that the Sun was impelled toward the planets. The doubts which may be entertained concerning the authority of this law of motion have been noticed already. At prefent, we are to notice the fa(5ls which the celeftial motions furnifh in fupport of Sir Ifaac Newton's aflertion. 450. Diriiflions have been given (294.) how to cal- culate the Sftn's place for any given moment. When the aftronomers had obtained inllruments of nice con- ftru(Si:ion, and had imprgved the art of obferving, there was found an irregularity in this calculation, which had an evident relation to the Moon. At new Moon, the obfervations correfponded exa£lly with the Sun's calcu^ lated place 5 but feven or eight days after, the Sun is obferved to be about 8" or 10" to the eaftv/ard of his calculated place, when the Moon is in her firft quadra- ture, and he is obferved as much to the well ward whei^ fhe is in the laft quadrature. In intermediate fituations, the error is obferved to increafe in the proportion of the fme of the Moon's diflance from conjunction or oppofi- tion. Things muft be fo, if it be true that the defied ion of the 3IO PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. the Moon toward the Earth is accompanied with an er qual deflecSlion of the Earth toward the Moon. For (230.) the Moon will not revolve round the Earth, but the Earth and Moon will revolve round their common centre of pofition. When the Moon is in her firft qua- 4rature, her pofition may be reprefented by M (fig. 48.) while the Earth is at E, and their common centre is at A. A fpedlator in A will fee the Sun S in his cal- culated place B. But the fpeclator in the Earth E fees the Sun in C, to the left hand, or eaftward of B. The interval B C meafures the angle B S C, or A S E, fub^ tended at the Sun by the diilance E A of the common centre of the Earth and Moon from the centre of the Earth. At new Moon, A, E, and S, are in a flraight line, fo that B and C coincide. At the iait quadrature, the Moon js at w, the Earth at f, and the common centre at a. Now the Sun is feen at c, S" or 10" to the weftwara of his calculated place. This correction has been pointed out by Newton, but it was not obferved at the firil, ow- ing to its being blended with the Sun's horizontal pa- rallax which had not been taken into account. But it was foon recognifed, and it now makes an article a- mong the various equations ufed in calculating the Sun's place. Here^ then, is a plain proof of a mutual action and jreaCtion of the Earfh and Moon. For, fnice they revolve round a common centre, the Earth is unqueflionably dc- iie£i:ed into the curve line by the aCtion of a force di- •^•ccled towards the Moon. But ^-e have a much better proof. MUTUAL ACTION OF SUN AND PLANETS. 31: proof. The waters of tlie ocean are obferved every day to heap up on that part of our globe which is under the Moon. In this fituationj the weight of the water is di- minifhed by the attra the ftone fliould deflect as much in one fecond as the Moon does in a minute. For we may, without any fen- fible error, fuppofe that the lunar force a6ts uniformly during one minute. If fo, the linear deflections muft be as the fquares of the times, llie defledlion in a mi- nute muft be 60 >< 60 times, or 3-600 times the deflec- tion in a fecond. But, according to the law of plane- tary force, the defle£lion at the Earth's furface muft be 60 X 60, or 3600 times the defledion at the Moon~ Now,. CraVitation of the moon. jry Now, ill a fccond, a flone falls i6 feet and an inch. Therefore tlie Moon fhould defledi: i6 feet and an inch in a minute from the tangent of her orbit. Newton caku- lated the verfed fine of the arch defcribed by the Moon in a minute, to a radius equal to 60 femidiameters of the Earth. He found it only about 13^ feet, and he gave over any farther inquiry. But he had haftily fup- pofed a degree to contain 60 miles, not attending to the difference between a geographical mile, or 6otli of a degree, and an Englifii ftatute mile. A degree contaiiis 69^ fuch rhiles •, fo that he had made the Moon's orbit, and Confequently her defie6^ion, too fmall in the fame proportion. If vre increafe the calculated deflexion iit this proportion, it comes out exa^ly i6/x j and the con- jecture is fully eftablifhed. "When Picard's accurate meafure of the Earth had enabled Newton to confirm his former conje6ture con- cerning the identity of the planetary force and terreftrial gravity, he again made the calculation and comparifon i/i the moft fcrupulcus manner. For we now fee that fe- Veral circumftances fnufl be taken into the account, wluch he had omitted in his firii computation from Picard's meafunJ of the Earth. The fall in a feeond is not th$ €xa£l: meafure of terreftrial gravity. A ftone would fall farther, were it no! that its gravity is-.diminiflied by th« Earth's totation. It is alfo diminiflied by the action o£ the Sun and Moon, and by the weight of the air which the ftone difplaces. • Ail thefe diminutions of the accele- fating fore^ of gravity are Aifceptible of exacl ealcula- tio». 3l8 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. tion, and were accordingly calcnlated by Newton, and the amount added to tlie obferved acceleration of a fall- ing body. In tlie next place, the real radius of the Moon's orbit niuil be reckoned only from the common centre of tlie Earth and Moon. And then the force de- duced from this deflection muil be increafed m the fub- duplicate ratio of the matter in the Earth to the matter in the Earth and Moon added together (231.) All this has been done, and tlie refuit eojncides precifely witli obfervation. This may be demonflrated in another way. We can tell in what time a body would revolve round the Earth, clofe to its furfacc. For we muft. have f proportional to ^^ It will be found to be 84 minutes and 34 feconds. Then we know the arch defcribed in one fecond, and can calculate its defledion from the, tangent. We fhall iind it i6~t ^eet, the fame with that produced by com- mon gravity. 456. TerreJIrial gravity^ therefore, or that force which caufes bodies to fall^ or to prefs on their fupports, is only a particular exaviple of that univerfal tendency^ by ivhich ail the hsdics of the folarfy fern are retained in their orbits. \s^Q muft nov/ extend to thofe bodies the other fymp- toms of common gravity. It is by gravity that water ar- ranges itfeif into a level furface, that is, a furface which jftiakes a part of the great fphere of the ocean. The •weight of tliis water keeps it together, in a round form. We muft afcribe the globular forms of the Sun and pla- nets GRAVITY. — GRAVITATION. 319 nets to a finiilar operation. A body on their furface will prefs it as a heavy body prelTes the ground. Dr Hooke remarks that all the protuberances on the furface of the Moon are of forms confiftent with a gravity toward its centre. They are generally floping, and, though in fome places very rugged and precipitous, yet nowhere over- hang, or have any fnape that would not (land on the ground. The more rugged parts are moll evidently mat- ter which has been thrown up by volcanic explofion, and have fallen down again by tlieir lunar gravity. 457. That property by which bodies are heavy is called GRAVITY, heaviness— the being heavy; and the /flj? that it moves toward the Earth, may be called gra- vitation. While it falls, or preiTes on its fupports, it may be faid to gravitate, to give indication of its being gravis or heavy. In this fenfe the planets gravitate to the Sun, and the fecondary planets to their primaries, and, in ihort, everybody in the folar fyftem to every o- ther body. By the verb to gravitate, nothing is meant but the fa6l, that they either actually approach, or ma- nifefl, by a very fenfible prefTure, tendencies to approach the body to which they are faid to gravitate. The verb, or the noun, fhould not be confidered as the expreiTion of any quality or property, but merely of a phenomenon, ^ facb or event in nature. *- ^ 458. But this deviation from uniform re^lilirieal mo- pen is (^dilfidered as an (f^^, and it is of importance to difcQver ^50 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. difcover the cnufc. Now, in the moft familiar inftance, the fall or preflure of a heavy body, we afcribe the fall, or preflure indicating the tendency to fall, to its heavi- nefs. But we have no other notion of this heavinefs than the very thing which we afcribe to it as an eifetl. The feeling the heavinefs of the piece of lead that lies in our hand, is the ftttn of all that ive know about it. But we confider this heavinefs as a property of all terreftrial mat- ter, becaufe all bodies give fome of thofe appearances which we confider as indications of it. All move toward the Earth if not fupported, and all prefs on the fupport. The feeling of preflure which a heavy body excites might be confidered as its chara6leriftic phenomenon j for it is this feeling that makes us think it a force — we muil oppofe our force to it ; but we cannot diftinguifh it from the feeling of any other equal preflure. It is moft diftinguifhable as the caufe of motion, as a moving or ac- celerating force. In faort, we know nothing of gravity but the phenomena, which we confider, not as gravity, but as its indication. It is, like every other force — an unknown quality. The weight of a body (hould be diftinguifhed from its Gravity or heavinefs, and the term fliould be referved for expreflTing the mcofure of the united gravitation of all the mater in the body. This is indeed the proper fenfe of the term weight— pondus. In ordinary bufmefs, we meafure the weights of bodies by means of knov.-n units of weight. A piece of lead is fiiid to be of twenty pounds weight, r'hen it balances twenty pieces of matter, each of which is ALL MATTER E be a particle placed any where within this fpherical fliell, to every particle of which it gravitates with a force inverfely as the fqiiare of its dif- tance from it. This particle will have no tendency to move in any direction, becaufe its gravitation in any one direftion is exa6lly balanced by an equal gravitation in the oppofite dire^lion. "Draw through p the two ftraight lines d p t^ ep^, making a veryTmali angle at p. This may reprefent the fection of a very flender "double cone dp e^ ^p g, having p for the common vertex, and d e, ^ & for the diameters of the circular bafes. The gravitation of p to the mat- ter in the bafe a e is equal to its gravitation to the mat- ter in the bafe ^g. For the number of particles In dg is to the number in ^ g as the furface of the bafe d e to that of the bafe ^ £, that is, as de' to ^i^, that is, as /> J* to /^% that is, as the gravitation to a particle in ^g to the gravitation to a particle in d e. Therefore the whole gravitation to the matter in d e is the fame with the whole gravitation to the matter in ^e — fmce it is alfo in the oppofite direftion, the particle p is in equilibrio. The fame thing may be demonftrated of the gravitation to the matter in ^ r and in s /, and, in like manner, of the gravitation to the matter in the fecftions of the cones dp e, ^p i by any other concentric furface. Confequent- ly, the gravitation to the whole matter contained in the folid dqre is equal to the gravitation to the whole mat- ter in the* folid '^tsi, and the particle p is ftill in e- Now, 623 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. Now, fince the lines dp t, ep 3 may be drawn in any dire£lion, and thus be made to occupy the whole fphere, it is evident that the gravitation of p is balanced in every direcftion, and therefore it has no tendency to move in any direction in confequence of this gravitation to the fpherical fliell of matter comprehended between the fur- faces A L B M and alb m. It is alfo evident that this holds true with refpe^l; to all the matter comprehended between A L B M and the concentric furface p nv paffing through p ; in fliort, p is in equilibrio in its gravitation to all the matter more remote than itfelf from the centre of the fphere, and ap- pears as if it did not gravitate at all to any matter more remote from the centre. 461. We have fuppofed the fpherical fliell to be uni- formly denfe. But p will ftill be in equilibrio, although the fliell be made up of concentric flrata of different den- fity, provided that each ftratum be uniformly denfe. For, fhould we fuppofe that, in the fpace comprehended be- tween A L B M and p n v, there occurs a furface a I b 7n of a different denfity from all the reft, the gravitation to the intercepted portions q r and j- t are equal, becaufe thefe portions are of equal denfity, and are proportional to p f and p J* inverfely. The propofition may there- fore be exprefled in the following very general terms. <* A particle placed any where ivithin a fpherical Jhell of ** gravitating matter^ of equal denfity at all equal d fiances ** from the centre y nvill be in equilibrio ^ and vjill have no *' tendenry to move in any direBion. " jR.emnrL GRAVITATION TO A PYRAMID. 327 Remark — The equality of the gra- Itation to the fur- face ed and to the furface e^ is afRrmed, becaufe the numbers of particles in the two furfaces are inverfely as the gravitations tov^^ards one in each. For the very fame reafon, the gravitations to the furfaces e d, and q r, and / /, are all equal. Hence may be derived an elementary propofition, w^hich is of great ufe in all inquiries of this kind ; — namely, 462. If a cone or pyramid dp e, of uniform gravi- tating matter, be divided by parallel feftions de, qr^ &c. the gravitation off a particle p in the vertex to each of thofe fections is the fame, and the gravitations to the folids pqr^ pdey q d e r, &c. are proportional to their lengths p q, p d, q d, Sec, The firfi: part of this propo- fition is already demonftrated. Now, conceive the cone to be thus divided into innumerable fiices of equal thick- nefs. It is plain that the gravitation to each of thefe is the fame, and therefore the gravitation to the folid qpr is to the gravitation to the folid q de r as the number of fiices in the firft to the number in the fecond, that is, as p qy the length of the firfb, to q d, the length of the fe- cond. The cone dp e was fuppofed extremely llender. This was not neceflary for the demonftration of the particular cafe, where all the fe^lions were parallel. But in this elementary propofition, the angle at p is fuppofed fmaller than any afligned angle, tliat the cone or pyramid may be confidered as one of the elements into vv'hich we may refolve 328 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. refolve a body of any form. In this refolutlon, the b'afes are fuppofed, if not otherwife exprefsly ftated, to be pa- rallel, and perpendicular to the axes j indeed they are fuppofed to be portions x r, y f, 2 s, &c. of fpherical furfaces, having their centr-es in p. The fmall portions 9i r q^ y e d, z i ^, &c. are held as infignificant, vanifhing in the ultimate ratios of the whole folids. It is eafy alfo to fee that the equilibrium of p is not limited to the cafe of a fpherical fliell, but v/ill hold true of any body compofed of parallel flrata, or ftrata fo form- ed that the lines p cl, p^ are cut in the fame proportion by the feclions d e^ q r, &c. In a fpheroidal fhell, for example, v/hofe inner and outer furfaces are fimilar,*'and {jmiilariy pofited fpheroids, the particle/) will be in equili- brio any where witliin it, becaufe in this cafe, the lines p ^ and ;/ e are equal ; fo are the lines p g and d, the lines / ^ and r e, the lines s i and q d, &c. In moft cafes, however, there is but one fituation of the particle p that will infure this equilibrium. But we may, at the fame time, infer the following very ufeful propofition. 463. If there be two folids perfecily fimilar^ and of the fame uniform de?fity\ the gravitation to each of thefe folids by a particle fimilarly placed on or in each^ is proportional to any homologous lines of the folids. For, the folids being fmiilar, they may be refolved into the fame number of fimilar pyramids fimilarly placed in the folids. The gravitations to each of any corref- ponding pair of pyramids are proportional to the lengths^ of GliAtlTATION TO A SfHEkfi. 329 of thofe pyramids. Thcfe lengths liave the fame pro- portion in every correfponding pair. Therefore the abfo- late gravitations to the whole pyramids of one fohd has the fame ratio to the abfolute gravitation to the whole pyramids of the other folid. And, fince the folids are fimilar, and the particles are at the fimilarly placed ver- texes of all the fimilar and fimilarly placed pyramids, the gravitation compounded of the abfolute gravitations to the pyramids of one folid has the fame ratio to the gravi- tation fimilarly compounded of the abfolute gravitations to the pyramids of the other. 464. The gravitation of an external particle to afphf'^ rical furfacey fiell^ or entire fphere^ which is equally denfe at all equal dijlances from the centre^ is the fame as if the luhole matter ivere colleEied in its centre. Let A L B M (fig. 49.) reprefent fuch a fphere, and let P be the external particle. Draw P A C B through the centre C of the fphere, and crofs it by L C M at right angles. Draw two right lines P D, P E, containing a very fmall angle at P, and cutting the great circle A L B M in D, E, D', E'. About P as a centre, with the diflancc P C, defcribe the arch Qdm^ cutting DP in ^, and E P In e. About the fame centre defcribe the arc DO. Draw dYy eO parallel to A B, and cutting L C in f and^. Draw CK perpendicular fo P D, and ^H, D^, and Ft^ perpendicular to A B. Join CD and CF. N'ow let the figure be fuppofed to turn round the axis P B. The' femicircumference ALB will generate Tt a 33^-' PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. a complete fplierlcal furface. The arch C d 7n will ge"-^ nerate another fpherical furface, having P for its centre* The fmall arches D E, d e, Y G will generate rings or zones of thofe fpherical furfaces. D O will alfo gene- rate a zone of a furface having P for its centre, fg and F I wall generate zones of flat circular furfaces. It is evident that the zones generated by DE and D O (which we may call the zones D E and DO), hav- ing the fame radius D ?, are to each other as their re- fpe6live breadths D E and D O. In like manner, the zones generated by d is agreeable to what is obfeiTed in the folar fyftem. The planets are very nearly fpherical, and they are obferved to gravitate mu- tually in this proportion of the diitance between their centres. This mutual aftion of two fpheres could not refult from any other law of a<£lion between the par- ticles. Therefore we conclude that the particles of gra- vitating matter of which the planets are formed gravi- tate to each other according to this law, and that the obferved gravitation of the planets is the united efFe6b of the gravitation of each particle to each. There is juft one other cafe, in which the law of corpufcular ac- tion is the fame with the law of aftion between the maffes ; and this is when the mutual aci:ion of the cor- pufcles is as their diftance direftly. But no fuch law is obferved in all the phenomena of nature. The general inference drawn by Sir Ifaac Newton from the phenomena, may be thus exprefled : Every par- ticle of matter gravitates to every ether particle of matter vj'ith 33^ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. with a force inverfely proportional to the fqunre of the dif- tance from It. Hence this do6lrine has been called the DOCTRINE OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. The defcriptlon of a conic feclion round the focus fully proves that this law of tlie diftances is the law competent to all the gravitating particles. But, whether all particles gravitate, and gravitate alike, is not demon- ftrated. The analogy between the diftance of the dif-^ ferent planets and their periodic times only proves that the total gravitation of the different planets is in the fame proportion with their quantity of matter. For the force obferved by us, and found to be in the inverfe duplicate ratio of the diftance of the planet, is the ac- celerating force of gravity, being meafured by the ac» celeration which it produces in the different planets* But If one half of a planet be matter which does not gravitate, and the other half gravitates twice as much as the matter of another planet, thefe two planets will (till have their periods and diftances agreeable to Kepler's third law. But, fmce no phenomenon indicates any In- equality In the gravitation of different fubftances, it is proper to admit its perfect: equality, and to conclude with Sir Ifaac Nev/ton. 472. The general confequence of this do£lrine 1% that any two bodies, at perfect liberty to move, fliould approach each other. This may be made the fubjecl of experiment, in order to fee whether the mutual ten- dencies of the planets arife fron; that of their particles. For UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 337 "For it muft flill be remembered that although this con- llitution of the particles will produce this appearance, it may arife from fome other caufe. . Such experiments have accordingly been made. Bo- Hies have been fufpended very nicely, and they have b§en obferved to approach each other. But a more careful examination of all circumftanees has fliewn that mod of iliofe mutual approaches have arifen from other caufes; Several philofophers of reputation have therefore refufed to admit a mutual gravitation as a phenomenon compe- tent to all matter. But no fuch approach fliould be obferved in the ex- periments now alluded to: The mutual approach of two fpheres A and B, at the diftance D Of their centres, muft be to the approach to the Earth E at the dillaiKe d A X B A X E of their centres in the proportion of — T^r"" ^° — j z — > B E :• . that is, of c^ to -^— . Therefore, if a particle be placed at the furface of a golden fphere one foot in diameter,' its gravitation to the Earth muft be more than ten mil- lions of times greater than its graLvitation to the gold. For the diameter of the Earth is nearly forty millions of feet, and the denfity of gold is nearly four times the mean denfity of the Earth. And therefore, in a fecond, it would approach lefs than the ten millionth part of id feet — a quantity altogether infenfible. If we could employ in thefe experiments bodies of fufhcient magnitude, a fenfible efFed might be expeded; Suppofe T (fig. 50.) to be a ball of equal denfity with U u the ^•^a PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. the Earth, and two geographical miles in diameter, and let the particle B be at its furface. Its gravity to T will be to its gravitation to the Earth nearly as i to 2300, and therefore, if fufpended like a plummet, it would cer- tainly deviate i' from the perpendicular. A mountain two miles high, and hemifpherical, rifmg in a level country, would produce the fame deviation of the plummet. 474. Accordingly, fuch deviation of a plumb line has been obferved. Firft by the French academicians- employed to m.eafure a degree of the meridian in Peru. Having placed their obfervatories on the north ai*d fouth- fides of the vail moufitain Chimboracao, they found that the plummets of their quadrants were deflected to- ward the mountain. Of this they could accurately judge, by means of the ftars wliich they faw through the te- lefcope of their quadrant, when they were pointed ver- tically by means of the plummet. Thus, if the plummets take the pofitlons A B, CD (fig. 51.), inftead of hanging in the verticals AF and C H, a ftar I, will feem to have the zenith diftances e I, 1; I, inftead of E I, G I, which it ought to have ; and the diftance F H on the Earth's furface will feem the mea«* fiire of the difference of latitude eg, whereas it corre- fponds to E G. The meafure of a degree including the fpace F H, and eftiraated by the declination of a ftar I, will be too ihort, and the meafure of a degree termin- ating either at F or H will be- too long, when the fpace FH i« excluded. Confiderablc UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION. 339 Confiderable doubts remaining aii to the inferences ^"^ mull be lengthened fo much before it will ba-. lance N C, which fuftains no diminution of weight. Every other canal parallel to C Q^Cuftains a fimilar lofs of weight, and muft be fimilarly compenfated. This will produce an elliptical fpheroidal form. But the equatoreal parts of our globe ^re much more elevated than this ; not lefs than ^\-^. The reafon is this. When the rotation of the Earth has raifed the equatoreal points ^4^, the plummet, which at a (fig. 33,) would have hung in tlie direction a D, tangent to the evoiute A B D F, i$ attracted fidewife by the protuberant matter toward the equator. But the furface of the ocean muft ftill be fuch that the plummet is perpendicular to it. Tlierefore it cannot retain the elliptical form pro- duced by the rotation alone, but fwells ftill more at the equator j and this ftill increafes the deviation of the plummet. This muft go on, till a new equilibrium is produced by a new figure. This will be confidered af- terwards. No more is mentioned at prefent than what is neceirary for fhewing that the protuberance produced by the rotation caufcs, by its attriidion, the plummet to deviate 342 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. deviate from the pofitlon which it had acquired in coHif fequence of the fame rotation. 477. By fuch indu(f^ion, and fuch reafoning, is efta- blifhed the do6lrine of univerfal gravitation, a doctrine which is placed beyond the reach of controverfy, and has immortalized the fame of its illufhrious inventor. Sir Ifaac Newton has been fuppofed by many to have afligned this mutual gravitation, or, as he fometimes calls it, this attraction, as a property inherent in matter, and as the caufe of the celeftial phenomena ; and for this rea- fon, he has been accufed of introducing the occult qua-. lities of the peripatetics into philofophy. Nay, many ac- cufe him of introducing into philofophy a manifell ab^ furdity, namely, that a body can aft where it is not pre- fent. This, they fay, is equivalent with faying that the Sun attracts the planets, or that any body aCls on ano- ther that is at a diflance from it. Both of thofe accufations are unjuft. Newton, in no place of that work which contains the do£lrine of uni- verfal gravitation, that is, in his Mathematical Principles of Natural Philofophy ^ attempts to explain the general phe- nomena of the folar fyftem from the principle of univer- fal gravitation. On the contrary, it is in thofe general phenomena that he difcovers it. The only difcovery tq which he profefles to have any claim is, i/?, the matter of faft, that every body in the folar fyflem is continually defleCled toward every other body in it, and that the defle£lion of any individual body A toward any other body GRAVITATION NOT AN OCCULT C^IALITY. 343 bot commentator of Newton, and who has given the finifh- ing llroke to the univerfallty of the influence of gravita- tion on the planetary motions, by explaining, by this principle, the fecular equation of the Moon, which had reiifled the efforts of all the mathematicians, endeavours, on the contrary, to prove that an action in the inverfe duplicate ratio of the diftances refults from the very ef- fence or exiftence of matter. Some remarks will be made on this attempt of M. de la Place afterwards. But at prefent we fliall find it much more conducive to our purpofe to avoid altogether this metaphyfical queftiorr, and ftritlly to follow the example of our illuftrious In- ftru£lor, who clearly faw its abfolute infignificance for increafing our knowledge of Nature. Newton faw that any inquiry into the marjier of aEl^ ing of the efficient caufe of the planetary deflections W25 altogether unneceffiry for acquiring a complete know- ledge of all the phenomena depending on the law which he had fo happily difcovered. Such was its perfedi fim- plicity, that we wanted nothing but the affurance of its conftancy — an affurance eftablifhed on the exquifite a- greement of phenomena with every legitimate deduiSLioii from the law. Even Newton's perfpicacious mind did not fee the number of important phenomena that were complete- ly explained by it, and he thought that fome would be found which required the admiffion of otlier prin- ciples.' But the firft mathematicians of Eurppe haveac- c^uired ^52 PHYGICAt ASTRONOMY. quired moil defcrved fame in the cultivation of this plii- lofophy, and in their progrefs have found that there is TxOt one appearance in the celeftial motions that is in- confiftent with the Nevv- tonian law, and fcarcely a phe- nomenon that requires any thing elfc for its complete ex- planation. Hitherto we'have been employed in the eftablifliment- of a general law. AVe are now to fhew how the mo- tions a6lualiy obferved in the individual members of the folar fydem refult from, or are examples of the opera- tion of the power called Gravity, and how its effe^ls are modified, and made what we behold, by the circum- ftances of the cafe. — To do this in detail would occupy many volumes *, we muft content ourfelves with ad- ducing one or two of the moft interefting examples. The ftudent in this noble department af mechanical phi- lofophy wjil derive great aififtance from Air Ai^Laurhi's Accoufit of Sir Ifaac Neivton^s Dtfcoveries. Dr Pember' torCs Vieiu of the Newtonian Philofophy has alfo confider- able merit, an be a very minute arch. Draw the tangents PN, p n^ and the perpendiculars S N, S /r. V q perpendicular to PN will meet pq perpendicular to pn (P p being eva- nefcent) in q the centre of curvature. Draw pS and It is evident that the angles V qp and V Op are ulti- mately equal, as they ftand on the fame arch Pj^ of the equicurve and the given angle S P N) be /^, and let p be the perpendi- cular and q the focal chord of curvature, correfponding to the diftance x. Let 4 P T be = ^. Then (102. 210.) we have I I _ I I ¥~d'fq~'^'7'- b^d ; p^q =z a^ : x^ therefore q = -^, = -ix ^ Let — J z= e then q zr. — -, which is an equation to a co- nic fedion, of which e is the parameter, S the focus, and P N a tangent in P. Now ^ is a given magnitude, becaufe fl, h, d, are all given. Exprefllng the angle S P N by in 2. Make P/) to PV as the ve- locity in the ellipfe to that in the circle. Then it is plain that P z is to P V as the angular motion in the ellipfe ii to the, angular motion in the circle. The THEORY OF ELLIPTICAL MOTION. 367 The angle z P/ being the complement of N P S (be- caufe NP may be confidered as coinciding with />P) it is equal to N S P. Therefore P 2= : P;>' = S N^ S P% = P Q^ : P O* therefore Fz^ :Vp' = P P. : P O but P/ :PV^ = PO :PS therefore P 2= : P V^ = P R : P S. Cor, The angular motion in the circle exceeds that in the ellipfe, when the point R lies between P and S, and falls (hort of it when R lies beyond S. They are equal when P S is perpendicular to A C, or when the true anomaly of the planet is 90°. For then R and S coincide. Here the approach to S is moll rapid. 494. In any point of the ellipfe, the gravitation or centripetal force is to that which would produce the fame angular motion in a circle, at the fame diftance from the Sun, as this diftance is to half the parameter, that is, as P S to P R. For, by the lafb propofition, when the forces in the circle and ellipfe are the fame, the angular motion in the circle was to that in the ellipfe as P V to P 2, which has been fhewn to be as VlFS to VPR. Therefore, when the angular velocity in the circle, and confequently the real velocity, is changed from P V to P 2, in order that it may be the fame with that in the ellipfe, the centripe- tal force muft be changed in the proportion of P V to P 2% that is, of P S to P R. Therefore the force which retains the body in the ellipfe is to that which will retain it ^dt PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, it with tlie fame angular motion in a circle at that diftanctf as PS to PR. Thefe are the chief afFedions of a motion regulated by a centripetal force in the inVerfe duplicate ratio of the diftance from the centre of forces. The comparifon of them with motions in a circle gives us, in moft cafes, eafy means of ftating every change of angular motion, or of approach to or recefs from the centre, by means of any change of centripetal force, or of velocity. Such changes frequently occur in the planetary fpaces ; and the regular elliptical motion of any individual planet, produced by its gravitation to the Sun, is continually di-. ilurbed by its gravitation to the other planets. This di* fturbance is proportional to the fquare of the diftance from the diflurbing planet inverfely, and to the quantity of matter in that planet diredlly. Therefore, before vi^e can afcertain the difturbance of the EartVs motion, for example, by the action of Jupiter, vi^e muft know the proportion of the quantity of matter in Jupiter to that in the Sun. This may feem a queftion beyond the reach of human underftanding. But the Newtonian philofophy furniflies us with infallible means for deciding it. Of the Quantity of Matter in the Sun and Planets. Since it appears that the mutual tendency which we have called Gravitation i^ competent to every particle of matter^ QUANTITY OF MATTER IN A PLANET. 2^g matter, and therefore the gravitation of a particle of mat- ter to any mafs M'hatever is the fum 6r aggregate of its gravitation to every atom of matter in that mafs, it fol- lows that the gravitation to the Sun or to a plaiiet is proportional to the quantity of matter in the Sun or the planet* As the gravitation may thus be comp-ned, when we know the quantity of matter, fo this may be com- puted when we know the gravitation towards it. Hence it is evident that we can afcertain the proportion of the quantities of matter in any two bodies, if we know the proportion of the gravitations toward them. 495. The tendency toward a body, of which m is the quantity of matter and d the diftance, is =^ — . It is this tendency which produces delle£lion from a itraight Jine, and it is meafured by this defle£lion. Now this, in the cafe of the planets, is meafured by the diftance at which the revolution is performed, and the velocity of that revolution. We found (224.) that this combination is exprefTed by the proportional equation ^ == ~> where p 171 d is the periodic time. Therefore we have 17 == — j and, confequently, m = —. By this means we can compare the 4 0,89 Herfchel 18,7 1,16 Of the Mutual Bijliirbances of the Planetary Motions, 498. The queftions v/hich occur in this department of the ftudy are generally of the moft delicate nature, and require the moft fcrupulous attention to a variety of circumftances. It is not enough to know the dire£lion and intenfity of the difturbing force in every point of a planet's motion. We muft be able to collecl into one aggregate the minute and almoft imperceptible changes that have accumulated through perhaps a long tra£l: • of time, during which the forces are continually changing, both in diredion and in intenfity, and are frequently combined with other forces. This requires the conftant employment of the inverfe method of fluxions, which is by far the moft difficult department of the higher geo- metry, and is ftill in an imperfed" ftate. Thefe pro- i^lems have been exclufively the employment of the moft eminent 374 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. eminent mathematicians of Europe, the only perfons who are in a condition to improve the Newtonian philofophy ; and the refuh of their labours has fliewn, in the cleared manner, its fupreme excellence, and total diffimiHtude to all the phyficai theories which have occupied the atten- tion of philofophers before the days of the admired in- ventor. For the feeming anomalies that are obferved in the folar fyftem are, all of them, the confequences of the univerfal operation of one fimple force, without the interference of any other, and are all fufceptible of the moft precife meafurement and comparifon with obferva- tion ; fo that what we choofe to call anomalies, irregu- larities, and difturbances, are as much the refult of the general pervading principle as the elliptical motions, of which they are regarded as the difturbances. * It is in this part of the ftudy alio in which the pene- trating and inventive genius of Newton appear moft con- fpicuoully. The firft law of Kepler, the equable de- fcription of areas, led the way to all the reft, and made the detection of the law of planetary force a much ea- fier talk. But the moft difcriminating attention was ne- ceiTary for feparating from each other the deviations from fimple elliptical motion which refult from the mutual gra- vitation of the planets, and a confummate knowledge of dy- namics for computing and fummingup all thofe deviations. The fcience was yet to create j and it is chiefly to this that the firft book of Newton's great work is dedicated. He has given the moft beautiful fpecimen of the invef- tigation in his theory of the lunar inequalities. Tq every one DISTURBANCES Or ELLIPTICAL MOTION. 37.5 one who has acquired a juft tafte in mathematical com- pofition, that theory will be confidered as one of the mofl elegant and pieafuig performances ever exhibited to the public. It is true, that it is but a commencement of a moft delicate and difficult invefligation, which has been carried to fucceffive degrees of much greater improve- mentj by the unceafing labours of the firft mathema- ticians. But in Newton''s work are to be found all the helps for the profecution of it, and the firfl application of his new geometry, contrived on purpofe •, and all the fteps of the procefs, and the methods of proceeding, are pointed out — all of Newton's invention, fua mathefi facem P'i\rferente. It mud be farther remarked that the knowledge of the anomalies of the planetary motions is of the greateft importance. Without a very advanced (late of it, it w^ould have been impofnble to conflru61: accurate tables of the lunar motions. But, by the application of this theory, Mayer has conftrudled tables fo accurate, that by obferving the diftance of the Moon from a properly feledted ftar, the longitude may be found at fea with an exa£tnefs quite fufficient for navigation. This method is now univerfally pra£lifed on board of our Eaft India fhlps. This requires fuch accurate theory and tables of the Moon's motion, that we muft at all times be able to determine her place within the 30th part of her own diameter. Yet the Moon is fubjedl to more anomalies than any other body in the folar fyftem. But the ftudy Is no lefs valuable to the fpeculatlve philofopher. ^^5 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. philofopher. Few things are more pleafing than the being able to trace order and harmony in the midft of feeming confufion and derangement. No where, in the wide range of fpeculation, is order more complete- Jy efFecled. All the feeming diforder terminates in the deteclion of a clafs of fubordinate motions, which have regular periods of increafe and diminution, never arifing to - a magnitude that makes any confiderable change in the fimple eUiptical motions ; fo that, finally, the fclar fyilem feems calculated for almoft eternal du- ration, without fuftaining any deviation from its prefent ftate that will be perceived by any befides aftronomers. The difplay of wifdom, in the fele£l:ion of this law of mutual aftion, and in accommodating it to the various circumilances which contribute to this duration and con- ftancy, is furely one of the moft engaging obje6LS th2rt can attract the attention of mankind. In this elementary courfe of inflruftion, we cannot give a detail of the mutual difturbances of the planet- ary motions. Yet there are points, both- in refpe6b of do6l:rine and of method, which may be called element- ary, in relation to this particular fubje£t. It is proper to confider thefe with feme attention. 499. The regularity of the motions of a planet A round the Sun would not be diflurbed by the gravitation of both to another planet B, if the Sun and the planet A gravitate to B with equal force, and in the fame or in a parallel dire£lion (98.) The difturbance arifes en- tirely blSTURBANCE OF PLANETAtlY MOTIONS. 377 tirely from the inequality and the obliquity of the gravi- tations of the Sun and of the planet A to B. The man- ner in which thefe diflurbances may be confidcred, and the grounds of computation, will be more clearly under- ftood by an example. Let S (fig. 54.) reprefent the Sun, E the Earth, and J the planet Jupiter. Let it be farther fuppofed (which may be done without any great error) that the Earth and Jupiter defcribe concentric circles round the Sun, and that the Sun contains 1000 times as much matter as Ju- piter. Make J S to E A as the fquare of E J to the fquare of S J. Then, if we take S J to reprefent the gravitation of the Sun to Jupiter, it is plain that E A will reprefent the gravitation of the Earth, placed in E, to Jupiter. Draw E B, parallel and equal to JS, and com- plete the parallelogram E B A D. 1 he force with which Jupiter deranges the motion of the Earth round tlie Sun will be reprefented by E D. For the force E A is equivalent to the combined forces E B and E D. But if the Sun and Earth were impelled only by the equal and parallel forces S J and E B adding on every particle of each, it is plain that their relative motions would not be affe£led (98.) It is only by the im- pulfion arifmg from the force E D tliat their relative fu tuations will fuftain any derangement, 500. This derangement is of two kinds, afFeding either the gravitation of the Earth to the Sun, or her an- gular motion round him. Let ED be confidcred as the 3 ^ diagonal jyS^ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. diagonal of a redtangle E F D G, EG lying in the direc- tion of the radius S E, and E F being in the dire6lion of the tangen^ to the Earth's orbit. It is plain that the force EG affects the Earth's gravitation to the Sun, while E F afFe£ls the motion round him. As E G is in the direction of the radius, it has no tendency to acce- lerate or retard her motion round the Sun. E F, on the other hand, does not affect the gravitation, but the mo- tion in the curve only. This diflurbing force E D varies, both in direftioa and magnitude, by a variation in the Earth's pofition ii> relation to the Sun and Jupiter. Thus, in fig. A, which reprefents the Earth as almoft arrived at the conjuncElion with Jupiter, having Jupiter near his oppofition to the Sun, the force E G greatly diminiflies the Earth's gravi- tation to the Sun, and the force E F accelerates her mo- tion round him in the order of the letters E C P O Q. In fig. B, the force E G ftiil diminiflies the Earth's gra- vitation to the Sun, but E F retards her motion from O to Q. In fig. C, E G increafes the Earth's gravita- tion to the Sun, and E F accelerates her motion round him. It appears very plainly that the motiqn round the Sun is accelerated in the quadrants O C and P O, and is retarded in the quadrants CP and O Q. We may alfo fee that tlie gravitation to the Sun is increafed in the neighbourhood of the points P and Q, but is diminifhed in the neighbourhood of C and O, and that there is an intermediate point' in each quadrant where the gravita- tion fuffer* no change. The greateft (diminution of the Earth'8 DiSTURBANCE OF THE PLANETARY MOTIONS. ^19 Earth's gravitation to the Sun muft be in C, when Jupi- ter Is neareft to the Earth, in the time of his oppoiition to the Sun. We alfo fee very plainly how all thefe dlflurbing forces may be precifely determined,- depending on the proportion of E I to E S and to S I. Nor is the con- ftru£lion reftritied to circular orbits. Each orbit is to be confidered in its true figure, and the parallelogram E G D F is not always a re^langle, but has the fide E F lying in the direction cf the tangent. But we believe that the computation is found to be fuiBciently exa£l without confidering the parallelogram E G D F as ob- lique. The eccentricity of Jupiter's orbit muft not be negledted becaufe it amounts to a fourth part of the Earth's diftance from the Sun- We have taken the Sun's gravitation to Jupiter as the fcale on which the difturbing forces are meafured ; but this was for the greater facility of comparing the dlflurb- ing forces with each other. But they muft be compared with the Earth's gravitation to the Sun, in order to learn their efFe£t on her motions. It will be exacl; enough for the prefent purpofe of merely explaining the method, to fuppofe Jupiter's mean diitance five times the Earth's from the Sun, and that tlie quantity of matter in the Sua is 1000 times that of Jupiter. Therefore the Eartli's gravitation to the Sun muft be 25000 times greater than to Jupiter, when the Earth is about P or Q, When the Earth is at C, her gravitation to Jupiter is increafed -121 the proportion of 4' to 5% and it is now t^^oo ^^ her •- 3 B 2 gravitation. %S0 PfiTSICAL ASTRONOMY. : gravitation to the Sun. When the Earth is in O, ife^ gravitation to Jupiter is ^^^^^ of her gravitation to the Sun. But we ^re not to imagine that when the Eafth is at Cj her motion relative to the Sun is afFe£^ed in the fame manner as if -rg^rro S>^ her gravitation were taken away. For we muft recoIjeO: that the Sun alfo gravi- tates to Jupiter, or is deflected toward him, and there- fore toward the Earth at C. The diminution of the re- lative gravitation of the Earth is not to be meafured by E A, but by E G. All the difturbing- forces E G and E F, correfponding to every pofition of the Earth and Jupiter, muil be confidered as fractions .of S J, the mea- i\ire taken for the mean gravitation to Jupiter. This is ■xrido- of the Earth's gravitation to the Sun. Meafuring in this. way, we fliail find that when the Earth is at P or Q her gravitation to the Sun is increafed by x^o-Q-o • ^^^ P S ^V Q S will, in this cafe, come in the place of E G in fig. C, and there will be no fuch force as E F. At C the Earth's gravitation is diminifhed To be able to afcertain the magnitude of the difturb- ing force in the different fituations of the Earth is but a very fmall part of the tafk. It only gives us the mo- mentary i'mpulfion. We muft afcertain the accumulated efFe6b of the aftion during a certain time, or along a certain portion of the orbit of the diilurbed. planet. This is the celebrated problem of three bodies^ as it is called, which has employed the utmoft effort? of the great- ma- tKemtijcians ever fince the time that it firft appeared in Newton's COMPUTATION or THE DISTURBANCE. 3S1 Newton's lunar theory. It cnn only be folved by ap- proximation ; and even this folution, except In fo me very particular cafes, is of the utmofl difficulty, which fliews, by the way, the folly of all who pretend to explain the? motions of the planets by the impulfions of 'fluids, -wh^Q not three, but millions of particles are atllng at once. We Iiave to afc^rtain, in the iirft place, the accumu- lated effect of the acceleration and retardation of the an- gular motion of the Earth round the Sun. The generaji procefs is one of the two following. ly?, Suppofe it required to determine how far the attrad^ion of Jupiter has made the Earth overpafs the quadrantal arch OC of her annual orbit. The arch is fuppofed to be unfolded into a ftraight • line, and divided into minute portions, defcribed In equal times. At each point of 'divifion is erected a perpendiGuiar ordinate -equal to the accelerating difturbing force E F correfpoiiding 'to that point. A curve line is drawn through the extremlr. ties of thofe ordinates. The unfolded arch heing conii- dered as the reprefentation oi the time, and the ordinares as the accelerating forces, it is plain that the area will reprefent the acquired velocity (70.) Now let ano- ther figure be conftrucled, having an abfcifla to repre- fent the time of' the motion. But the ordinates muft iiow be made prdportional to the areas of the laft figure. It is plain, from article' 50, that the area of this new fi- gure will reprefent, or be proportional to the fpaces de- fcribed, in confequence of the adlion of the difturbing force ; and therefore it will exprefs, nearly, the addition' to 3«2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. to the fpace defcribed by the undlfturbed planet, or the diminution, if the accelerations have been exceeded by the retardations. The other method is to make the unfolded arch the fpace defcribed, and the ordinates the accelerations, as before. The area now reprefents the augmentation of the fquare of the velocity (75.) A fecond figure is now conftruO:ed, having the fame abfcifla now reprefenting the time. The ordinates are made proportional to the fquare roots of the areas of the firfl figure, and they will therefore reprefent the velocities. The areas of this new figure will reprefent the fpaces, as in the firfl procefs, to be added to the arch defcribed by the undiflurbed planet, or fubtra£led from it. 501. All this being a taflc of the utmofl labour and difficulty, the ingenuity of the mathematicians has been exercifed in facilitating the procefs. The penetrating eye of Newton perceived a path which feemed to lead di- re£tly to the defired point. All the lines which reprefent the diflurbing forces are lines connefted with circular ■arches, and therefore with the circular motion of the planet. The main diflurbing force E D is a fun6lion of the angle of commutation C S E, and EF and EG are the fine and cofine of the angle DEC Newton, in his lunar theory, has given moft elegant examples of the fummation of all the fucceffive lines E F that are drawn to every point of the arch. Sometimes he finds the fums or accumulate adlions of the forces exprefTcd by the COMPUTATION OP THE DISTUi^BANCfi. 2^3 the fine of an arch ; fometimes by the tangent -, by a fegment of the circular area, &c. &c. &c. Eulel*, D'AIembert, De la Grange, Simpfon, and other illuf- trious cultivators of this philofophy, have immenfely im- proved the methods pointed out and exemplified by Nev/- ton, and, by more convenient reprefentations- of the forces than this elementary view will admit, have at laft made the whole procefs tolerably eafy and plain. But it is ftill only fit for adepts in the art of fymboUcal analyfis. Their procefTes are in general fo recondite and abftrufe that the analyft lofes all conception, either of motions or of forces, and his mind is altogether occupied with the fymbols of mathematical reafoning. 502. The fecond part of the tafk, the afcertaining the accumulated efFedl: of the force E G, is, in general, much more difficult. It includes both the changes made on the radius vedor S E, and the change made in the curvature of the orbit. The department of mathematical fcience immediately fubfervient to this purpofe, is in a more imperfe^. IPLANETARY DISTURBANCES. 385 thus, in every fynodical revolution, tlie apfides of the in- ferior planet will tw^ice advance and twice retreat, as if the elliptical orbit iliifted a little to the eaftward or weft- Avard. But, as the diminution of the iinferior planet's gravitation to the Sun is much greater when it is in the line C S O than the augmentation of it when in the line 5* S Q, the advances of the apfides, in the courfe of a fynodical period will exceed the retreats, and, on the whol<*> tliey will advance. The perturbations of the motion of a fuperior planet by its gravitation to an inferior, are In general oppofite, both in kind and in dire(5tion, to thofe of the inferior planet. Therefore, in general, their apfides retreat. All thefe derangements, or deviations from the fimple elliptical motion, are diftin^tly obferved In the heavens j and the calculated effe£l: on each planet correfponds with what is obferved, with all the precifion that can be wi{h- ed for. It is evident that this calculation muft be ex- tremely complicated, and that the effe6l depends not or>- ly on the refpe^live pofitions, but alfo on the quantities of matter of the different planets. For thefe reafons, as Jupiter and Saturn are much larger than any of the o- ther planets, thefe anomalies are chiefly owing to thefe two planets. The apfides of all the planets are obferved to advance, except thofe of Saturn, which fejifibly re- treat, chiefly by the a6lion of Jupiter. The apfides of the planet difcovered by Dr Herfchel doubtlefs retreats confid^rably, by the ad ion of the great planets Jupiter tmd Saturn. It might be imagined that the vaft number 3 C cf JPLANETARY DISTURBANCES. 385 thus, in every fynodicai revolution, the apfidcs of the in- ferior phuiet V ill twice advance and twice retreat, as if the elliptical orbit lliifted a little to the eaftward or weft- Avard. But, as the diminution of the inferior planet's gravitation to the Sun is much greater when it is in the Hne C S O than the augmentation of it when in the line P S Q, the advances of the apfides, in the courfe of a fynodicai period will exceed the retreats, and, on the \\'hol<», they will advance. The perturbations of the motion of a fuperior planet by its gravitation to an inferior, are in general cppofite, both in kind and in dire(flion, to thofe of the inferior planet. Therefore, in general, their apfides retreat. All thefe derangements, ox deviations from ths fimple elliptical motion, are -diftin^tly obferved in the heavens j and the calculated efFe61: on each planet correfponds with what is obferved, with all the preciuon that can be wifh- ed for. It is evident that this calculation mud be ex- tremely complicated, and that the efFed: depends not on*- ly on the refpe^tive pofitions, but alfo on the quantities of matter of the different planets. For thefe reafons, as Jupiter and Saturn are much larger than any of the o- ther planets, thele anomalies are chiefly owing to thefe two planets. The apfides of all the planets are obferved to advance, except thofe of Saturn, which fejifibly re- treat, chiefly by the adion of Jupiter. The apfides of the planet difcovered by Dr Herfchel doubtlefs retreats confid^rably, by the ad ion of the great planets Jupiter nnd Saturn. It might be imagined that the vafl number 3 C of ^96 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMy. ©f comets, which are almoft conftantly without the or- bits of the planets, would caufe a general advance of all the apfides. But thcfe bodies are fo far off, and pro- bably contain fo little matter, that their action is in* 'fenfible. 504. The alternate accelerations and retardations of the planets Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars, in confequence of their mutual gravitations, and their gra- vitations to Jupiter, nearly compenfate each other in e- very revolution ♦, and no effects of them remain after a long tra^t: of time, except an advance of their apfides. But there are peculiarities in the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, which occafion very fenfible accumulations, and have given confiderable trouble to tlie aftronomers in dif- covering their caufes. The period of Saturn's revolution round the Sun increafes very fenfibly, each being about 7 hours longer than the preceding. On the contrary, the period of Jupiter is obferved to diminifli about half as much, that is, about li hours in each revolution. This is owing to the particular pofition of the aphe- lions of thofe two planets. Let ABPC (fig. 5^.) be the elliptical orbit of Jupiter, A being the aphelion and P the perihehon. Suppofe the orbit a bp c of Saturn to be a circle, having the Sun S in the centre, and let Sa- turn be fuppofed to be in a. Then, becaufe Jupiter em- ploys more time (about 140 days) in moving from A to C tlwn in moving from C to P, he mud retard the mo- tion of Saturn more than he accelerates him, and Jupiter mull DISTURBANCES OF SATURN AND JUPITER. 387^ mud be more accelerated by Saturn than he Is retarded. The contrary muft happen if Saturn be in the oppofite part p of his orbit. After a tra£l of feme revolutions, all muft be compenfated, becaufe there will be as many oppofitions of Saturn to the Sun on one fide of the tranfverfe diameter of Jupiter's orbit as on the other. But if the orbit of Saturn be an ellipfe, as in fig. 5 c;. B, and if the aphelion a be 90 degrees more advanced iii the order of the figns than the aphelion A of Jupiter, it is plain that there will be more oppofitions of Saturn while Jupiter is moving over the femiellipfe A C P, than while he moves over the femiellipfe P B A, for Saturn is about 400 days longer in the portion b a c of his orbit 5 and therefore Saturn will, on the ^hole, be retarded, and Jupiter accelerated. Now, it is a fa^t that the aphelion of Saturn Is 70 degrees more advanced on the ecliptic than that of Ju- piter. Therefore thefe changes muft happen, and tlie retardations of Saturn muft exceed the accelerations. They do fo, nearly in the proportion of 3^*3 to 352. This excefs will continue for about 2000 years, when the angle AS/) will be 90 degrees complete. It will then begin to decreafe, and will continue decrealing for i6coo years, after which Saturn will be accelerated, and Jupiter will be retarded. The prefent retardation of Sa- turn is about 2', or a day's motion, in a century, and the concomitant acceleration of Jupiter is about half as much. (See Mm- Acad. Par, 1746.) M. de la Place has happily fucceedcd in account.- • 3 C 2 ing 5&8 PHYSIC iiL ASTROXOMY. ing for feveral irregukritles in this gradual change ot the; mean motions of thefe two planets, which had confiderably perplexed the aftronomers in their attempts to afcertaitv their periods and their maximum by mere obfervation. Thefe were accompanied by an evident change in the elliptical equations of the orbit, indicating a change of eccentricity. M. de la Place has fnewn that all are precife confequences of univerfal gravitation, and depend on the near equality of five times the angular motion of Saturn to twice that of Jupiter, while the deviation from perfect equality of thofe two motions introduces a varia- tion in thefe irregularities, wliich has a very long period (about 877 years). He has at lail given an equation, which exprefTes the motions with fuch accuracy, that the calculated place agrees with the modern obfervations, and with the moft ancient, without au error exceed? ing 2'. (See Mem, Acad Far^ i/^S-) 505. In confequence of the mutual gravitation of the planets, the node of the difturbed planet retreats on the orbit of the difturbing planet. Thus, let EK (fig. 56.) be the plane of the dillurbing planet's orbit, and let Ji B be the path of the other planet, approaching to the node N. As the difturbing planet is fomewhere in the plane EK, its attraction for A tends to make A approach that plane. We may fuppofe the oblique attraction re- folved into two forces, one of which is parallel to E K, and the other perpendicular to it. Let tliis iafl: be fach that^ in the time that the planet A, if not dillurbedj MOTION OF THE ?LANETART KODES. 3^^^ would move from A to B, the perpendicular force would caufe it to defcrlbe the fmall fpnce AC. By the com- bm^d a£i:ion of this force AC with the motion A B, the planet defcribes the diagonal A D, and croilcs the plane EK in the point «. Thus the notie has iliiftcd from N to Tiy m a diredliion contrary to that of the planet^s mo- tion. The planet now proceeds in the line n o^ getting to the otlier fuie of the plane E K. The attraction of the diilurbing planet now becomes oblique again to the plane^ and is partly employed in drawing A (now in a) toward the plane. Let this part of the attraction be a- gain reprefented by a fmall fpace a c. This, compound- ed with the progreirive motion a by produces a motion in the diagonal a r/, as if the planet had come, not from «,. but from N', a point flill more to the weftward, Tlie node feems again to have fliifted in aitfecedentiu ftgnomm. And thus it appears that, botli in approaching the node, and in quitting the node, the node itfelf fliifts its place, in a direction contrary to that of the motion of the dif- turbed planet. It is farther obfervable that the inclination of the dif. • turbed orbit increafes while the planet approaches the ncde, and diminiihes during the fubfequent recefs from it. The original inclination A N E becomes A n E, which is greater than A N E. The angle A ;z E or ^ // K is af- terwards changed into a N'K, W"hi^h is Jefs than a n K. In this manner we percci^^e that when a planet, hav- ing croiT^d the ecliptic, procc^eds on the other fide of it^ the node recedes, -that i'',' the planet moves as if it had 39© PHTSICAL ASTRONOMY. had come from a node fituated farther weft on the eclip- tic ; and all the while, the inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic is diminifhing. When the planet has got 90* eaftward from the node which it quitted, it is at the greateft diftance from the ecliptic, and, in its farther progrefs, it approaches the oppofite node. Its path now bends more and more toward the ecliptic, and the in- clination of its orbit to the ecliptic increafes, and it crolTes the ecliptic again, in a point confiderably to the weftward of the point where it crofled it before. The confequence of diis modification of the mutual action of the planets is, that the nodes of all their orbits in the ecliptic recede on the ecliptic, except the node of Jupiter's orbit J J (fig. 57.)> which advances on the e- cliptic EK, by retreating on the orbit S S of Saturn, from which Jupiter fuffers the greatell difturbance *. 506. We have hitherto confidered the ecliptic as a permanent circle of the heavens. But It now appears that the Earth mull be attracted out of that plane by the other * As this motion of the nodes, and that of the apfides formerly mentioned, become fenfible by continual accumula- tion, and as they are equally fufceptible of accurate medfure and comparifon as the greater gravitations which retain the revolving bodies in their orbits, Mr Machin, profefTor of af- trononiy at Grefham College, propofed them as the fitteft phenomena for informing us of the dillance of the Sun, D^ Matthew PI. L'>- -I^.3S>o- \i It n Y ie I 'ir F:l(^..',7 C)l J3 ! r Change of the ecliptic. 3^1 other planets. As we refer every phenomenon to the e- cllptic by its latitude and longitude in relation to the ap*- parent path of the Sun, it is plain that this deviation of the Sun from a fixed plane, muft change the latitude of all the ftars. The change is fo very fmall, however, that it never would have been perceived, had it not been pointed out to the aftronomers by Newton, as neceflarily following from the univerfal gravitation of matter. The ecliptic (or rather the Sun's path) has a fmall irregular motion round two points fituated about 7I degrees weft- ward from our equinodlial points. 507. The comets appear to be very greatly deranged in their motions by their gravitation to the planets. The Halleyan comet has been repeatedly fo difturbed, by paf- fing near to Jupiter, that its periods were very confider- ably altered by this action. A comet, obferved in 1770 by Lexel, Profperin, and other accurate aftronomers, has been fo much deranged in its motions, that its orbit has been totally changed. Its mean diftance, period, and pe- rihelion diftance, calculated from good obfervations, which Matthew Stewart made a trial of this method, employing chiefly the motion of the lunar apogee, and has deduced a much greater diftance than what can be fairly deduced from the tranfit of Venus. Notwithftanding fome overfights in the fummations there given of the diflurbing forces, the conclu- fion feems unexceptionable, and the Sun's diftance is, in all probability, not kfs than iiQ or 115 millions of miles. ti(l ec ea pr( be cli cr<| we ac in! Ju cli frc th tic 1 tr pi Change of the ecliptic. 3^1 other planets. As we refer every phenomenon to the e- cllptlc by its latitude and longitude in relation to the ap^ parent path of the Sun, it is plain that this deviation of the Sun from a fixed plane, muft change the latitude of all the ftars. The change is fo very fmall, however, that it never would have been perceived, had it not been pointed out to the aftronomers by Newton, as neceflarily following from the univerfal gravitation of matter. The ecliptic (or rather the Sun's path) has a fmall irregular motion round two points fituated about 7I degrees weft- ward from our equinodlial points. 507. The comets appear to be very greatly deranged in their motions by their gravitation to the planets. The Halleyan comet has been repeatedly fo difturbed, by paf- fing near to Jupiter, that its periods were very confider- ably altered by this action. A comet, obferved in 1770 by Lexel, Profperin, and other accurate aftronomers, has been fo much deranged in its motions, that its orbit has been totally changed. Its mean diftance, period, and pe- rihelion diftance, calculated from good obfervations, which Matthew Stewart made a trial of this method, employing chiefly the motion of the lunar apogee, and has deduced a much greater diftance than what can be fairly deduced from the tranfit of Venus. Notwithftanding fome overfights in the fummations there given of the dillurbing forces, the conclu- fion feems unexceptionable, and the Sun's diftance is, in all probability, not kfs than iiQ or 115 million* of miles. ^2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. which had been continued during three months, aglreed with all the obfervations within i' of a degree. In its aphehon, it is a fniail liiatter more remote than Jupiter, and mull have been fo near him in 1 767 (about -^^ of its diftance from the Sun) that its gravitation to Jupiter muft have been thrice as great as that to the Sun. More- over, in its revolution following this appearance in 1770, namely on the 23d of Auguft 1777, it mufi: have come vaftly nearer to Jupiter, and its gravitation to Jupiter muft have exceeded its gravitation to the Sun m.ore than 200 times. No wonder then that it has been diverted into quite a dilTerent path, and that afhronomers cannot tell what is become of it. And this, by the way, fug* g^fts fome fingular and momentous reflections. The number of the comets is certainly great, and their courfes are unknown. They may frequently come near the pla* nets. The comet of 1 764 has one of its nodes very clofe to tlie Earth's orbit, and it is very poffible that the Earth and it may chance to be in that part of their refpedtive orbits at the fame time. The effect of fuch vicinity muft be very remarkable, probably producing fuch tides as would deftroy mofl of the habitable furface. But, as its continuance in that great proximity muft be very momen- tary, by reafon of its great velocity, the effeCt may not be fo great. When the comet of 1770 was fo near to Ju- piter, it was /« aphelioy moving Ilowly, and therefore may have continued fome confiderable time there. Yet It does not appear that it produced any derangement in ^e motion of his fatellites. We muft therefore con- clude LUNAR INEQUALITIES.- 393 elude that either the comet did not continue in the path that was fuppofed, or that it contained only a very fmall quantity of matter, being perhaps little more than a denfe vapour. Many circumftances in the appearance of comets countenance this opinion of their nature. As they retire to very great difi:ances from the Sun, and in that remote fituation move very flowly, they may greatly difturb each other's motion. It is therefore a reafonable conjetlure of Sir Ifaac Nevi^ton that the comet of 1680, at its next approach to the Sun, may really fall into hinx altogether. Of the Lunar Inequalities, 508. Of all the heavenly bodies, the Moon has at- tracted the greateit notice, and her motions have been the mod fcrupuloufly examined : and it may be added, that of them all flie has been the moil refraftory. It is but within thefe few years paft that we have been able to afcertain her motions with the precifion attained in the cafes of the other planets. Not that her apparent path is contorted, like thofe of Mercury and Venus, run- ning into loops and knots, but becaufe the orbit is conti- nually fl-.ifting its place and changing its form \ and her real motion^ in it are accelerated, retarded, and deflecled, in a great variety of ways. While the afcertaining the place of Jupiter or Saturn requires the employment of five or fix equations, the Moon requires at leaft forty to 3D attain 394 PHYSICAL ASTRON'OMr. attain the fime exacflnefs. The correftions introduced by thofe equations are fo various, both in their magni- tude and in their periods, and have, of confequence, been fo blended and compHcated together, that it furpafled the power of obfervation to difcover the greateft part of them, becaufe we did not know the occafions which made them neceffary, or the phyfical connexion which they had with the afpe£ts of the other bodies of the fo- lar fyftem. Only fuch as arofe to a confpicuous magni- tude, and had an evident relation to the lituation of the Sun, were filhed out from among the reft, 509. From all this complication and embarraflment the difcovery of univerfal gravitation has freed us. We have only to follow this into its confequences, as modi- fied by the particular fituation of tl^e Moon, and we get an equation, which w«/? be made, in order to determine a deviation from fimple elliptical motion that ?fjufi refult from the a£i;ion of the Sun. This alone, followed re- gularly into all its confequences, gives, all the great equa- tions which the fagacity of obfervers had difcovered, and a multitude of other corre viz. lefs than one part in fifteen thoufand, in the moft unfavourable circumftances. Therefore the diiFerence between N S (or E S) and M G may be fuppofed equal to MD, without any fenfible ^rror, that is, to the double of N M, the difference of NS and MS. Therefore MG--NS = 2MN very nearly, and MG^ — MS, that is, SG = 3MN very nearly. We may alfo take MI for M H without any fenfible error, and may fuppofe E I = 3 M N. For the lines M F, IP, H G, being equal and parallel, and S P nearly coinciding with S G, from which it never deviate* more than 9', E I will nearly coincide with EH, = S G, = 3 M N nearly. 511. Thefe confiderations will give us a very fimple manner of reprefenting and meafuring the difturbing force in every pofition of the Moon, which will have no error that can be of any fignificance. Moreover, any error that inheres in it, is completely compenfated by an equal error of an oppofite kind in another point of the orbit. Therefore Let us fuppofe that the portion of the Earth's path round the Sun fenfibly coincides with the ftraight line AB (fig. 60.) perpendicular to the line OCS, paffing through the Sun, and called the line of the stzigies, as A B is called the line of the quadratures. Let M D crofs A B at right angles, and produce it to R fo that M P = 3 M N. Join R E, and draw M I parallel to it. MI LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 399 M I will, in all caffS, have the pofitlon and magnitude corrcfponding to the difturbing force. Or, more fimply, make E I = 3 M N, taking the point I on the fame fide of AB with M, and draw MI. M I is the difturbing force. 512. This force M I may be refolved into two, viz. ML, having the direction of the Moon's motion, and M K, perpendicular to her motion, that is, M K lying in the dire = 2,1833 : i f m- l6s,2.S^' 27,322* ^^ very nearly. Thus we fee that the Moon's gravitation to the Sun is more than twice her gravitation to the Earth, The confequence of this is, that even when the Moon is in con- junftion, at new Moon, between the Earth and the Sun, her path in abfolute fpace is -concave toward the Sun;^ and convex towarci LUNAR INEQUALITIES. 40I The Pvioon's mean gravitation to the Earth is thcre- .ore to its increment in the quadratures by the action of rhe Sun, in the duplicate ratio of the Earth's period round the* Sun to the lunar period round the Earth. This is very nearly in the proportion of 179 to i. Her gravi- tittion Is increafed, when in quadrature, about xt-j-* This will diminifli the chord of curvature and increafe the curvature in the fame proportion. 515. In order to fee what change it fuftains in any. other pofition of the Moon, fuch as M, join E D, and draw toward the Earth. Everl there fiie i§ defiefted, not toward the Earth, but toward the Sun. This is a very curious, and feemingly paradoxical alTertion. But nothing is better efta- bhihed. The tracing the Moon's motion in abfohite fpace is the completeil demonftration of it. It is not a looped curve, as one, at firfl thinking, would imagine, but a line always concave toward the Sun. Indeed fcarcely any things can be more unhke than the real motions of tlie Moon are to what we firil imagine them to be. At new Moon, (he appears to l)e moving to the left, and we fee her gradually pafling the }lars, leaving them' to the right ; and, calculating from the diil:ance 240000 miles, and the angular motion, about half a degree in an hour, we fliould fay that flie is moving to the left at the rate of 38 miles in a minute. But the faCi is that ihe is then moving to the right at the rate of 11 00 miles in a minute. But as t&e Earthy from whence we view her," is moving ^t the rate of 11 46 miles in a minute, the Moon is left behind. 3E 402 « PBYSICAL ASTRONOMl.^ draw DQ perpendicular to EM. It is plain that D Q IS the fine of the angle D E Q, which is twice the angle OEO or CEM, that is, twice the Moon's diftance from the nearefl: fyzigy. O E is the cofine of the fame angle. The triangles M D O and E I K are fimilar. E I is equal to i^ M D. Therefore E K = H M Q, = i|ME -f i-|EO, ufing the fign 4- when D E //z is lefs than 90°, or C E M is lefs than 45°, and the fign — when CEM is greater than 45°. Therefore MK = iME+iiEQ. Therefore, if ^ME be equal to li E Q, that is, if M E be = 3 E Q, M K is reduced to nothing, or the force M I is then perpendicular to the radius vector, or is a tangent to the circle. The angle C E M, or the arch G M, has then its fecant E I equal to thrice its cofme M N. This arch is 54° 44'. There are therefore four points in the circular orbit diilant 54"^ 44' from the line of the fyzlgies, where the Moon's gravitation to the Earth is not afFe6led by the a61ioii of tlie Sun. If the arch CM exceed this, the point K will lie within the orbit, as in fig. 60. 2. indicating an augmentation of the Moon's gravitation to the Earth. At B, iiEQ=i|EM, and therefore liEQ — -I E M = E M, as before. 516. At O and at C, i| E O + i E M = 2 E M. Therefore, in the fyzigies, the diminution of the Moon's gravitation to the Earth is double of the augmentation of it in quadratures, or it is ^-^ of her gravitation, to '^e Earth* 517^ LUNAR TirEORY. 4O3 51'/. With refpe£l: to the force ML, it is evidently = li D O or li of the fine of twice the Moon's diftance from oppofitiou or conjunction. It augments from the fyzigy to the o61ant, where it is a maximum, and from thence it diminiflies to nothing in the quadrature. In its maximum ftate, it is about xlo o^ tJie Moon's gravitation to the Earth. 518. It appears, by conftrucling the figure for the different pofitions of the Moon in the courfe of a luna- tion, that this force M L retards the Moon's motion round the Earth in the firft and tliird quarters C A and. O B, but accelerates her motion in tlie fecond and lall quarters A O and B C. Thus, in lig. 60, M L leads from M in a direction oppofite to that of the Moon's motion eaftward from her conjunction at C to her firft quadrature in A. In fig. 60. 3. ML lies in the direc- tion of her -motion ; and it is plain that M L will be fimilarly fituated in the quadrants C A and O B, as alfo in the quadrants A O and B C. All tliefe diflurbing forces depend on the proportian of E B to E S. Therefore, wdiilo E S remains tlie fiime, the diflurbing forces will change in the fame proportion with the Moon's diftance from tlie Earth. 519. But let us fuppofc that ES changes in th^e courfe of the Earth's motion in her elliptical orbit. Then, did the Sun continue to att with the fame force as be- iore^ ftili the diflurbing force would change in the pro- 3 E 2 portion 404 PHYSICAL ASTRONOI.ir. portion of ES, becoming fmaller as ES becomes greater, becaufe the proportion of EB to ES becomes finaJkr. But, when E S increafes, the gravitation to the Sun di- miniflies in the dupHcatc ratio of ES. Therefore the difturbing force varies in the inverfc proporiion of E S^, . E B and, in general, is =^ -^ „ , . Therefore, as the Earth is nearer to the Sun about -^^ i" January than in July, it follows that in January all the difturbing forces will be nearly ^~ greater than in July. What has now been faid mufl; fuffice for an account of the forces which difturb the Moon's motion in the dif- ferent parts of a circular orbit round the Earth. The fame forces operate on the Moon revolving in her true elliptical orbit, but varying, with the Moon's diftance from the Earth. They operate in the fame manner, pro- ducing, not the fame motions, but the fam.e changes of motion. 520. It would feem now that it is not a very difii- cult matter to compute the motion raid the place of the Moon for any particular moment. But it is one of the moft difficult problems that have employed the t.ilents of the firfl mathematicians of Europe. Sir Ifaac Newton has treated this fubje6l with his ufual fuperiority, in his Principles of Natural Philofophy, and in the fcparate Effay on the Lunar Theory. But he only began the fub- je6i:, and contented himfelf with .marking the prhicipal topics of inveftigation, pointing out the roads that wert^ LUNAR THEORY. 405 tQ be held in each, and furnifhlng us with the mathema- tics and tlie methods which were to be followed. In all thefe particulars, great improvements have been made by Euler, D^Alembcrt, Clairaut, and Mayer of Gottingen. This laft gentleman, by a moft fagacious examination and comparifon of the data furniflied by obfervation, and a judicious employment of the phyfical principles of Sir Ifaac Newton, has conilructed equations fo exactly fitted to the various clrcum.ftances of the cafe, that he has made his lunar tables correfpond with obfervation, both the moft ancient and the moft recent, to a degree of exacl- nefs that is -not exceeded in any tables of the primary planets, and far furpaihng any other tables of the lunar motions. "We can, ^viih propriety, only make fome very gene- ral obfervations on the effeds of tlie continued action of the diilurbing forces. 521. In the fyzigies and quadrature, the combined force, arifmg from the IMoon's natural gravitation to the Earth and the Sun's diilurbing force, is direded to the Earth. Therefore the Moon will, notwithftanding the diilurbing force, continue to defcribe areas proportional to the times. But as foon as the Moon quits thofe fta- ticxis, the tangential force M L begins to operate, and the combined force is no longer directed precifcly to the Earth, In the octants, where the tangential force is at Its maximum, it qaufes the combined force to deviat^e about 4o6 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. about half a degree from the radius ve6lor, and therefore confiderably affecls the angular motion. Let the Moon fet out from the fecond or fourth oc- tant, with her mean angular velocity. Therefore M L, then at its maximum, increafes continually this velocity, which augments, till the Moon comes to a fyzigy. Here the accelerating force ends, and a retarding force begins to a6^, and the motion is now retarded by the fame de- grees by which it M-as accelerated juil before. At the next o£lant, the fum of the retardations from the fyzigy is juil equal to the fum of the accelerations from the preceding oclant. The velocity of the Moon is now reduced to its mean ftate. But her place is more ad- vanced by 37' than it would have been, had the Moon not been affected by the Sun, but had moved from the fyzigy with her mean velocity. Proceeding in her courfe from this o6tant, the retardation continues, and in the quadrature the velocity is reduced to its iov/eft ilate ; but here the accelerating force begins again, and reilores ihe velocity to its mean ftate in the next ociant. Thus, it appears tliat in rhe octants, the velocity is always in its medium ftate, attains a maximum in pall- ing through a fyzigy, and i^ the leaft poiTible in qua- drature. In tlie firft and third oclant, the Moon is 37' eaft, or a-head, of her mean place -, and in the fecond and fourth, is as much to the weft ward cf it ; and in the fyzigies and quadratures her mean and true places are the fame. Thus, when her velocity differs, moft from its i;iedium ftate, her calculated and obfervcd places are LUNAR THKORY — VARIATION. 4O7 are the fame, and where her velocity lias attained its mean (late, her calculated and obfcrved places ditlbr moit widely. This is the cafe with all aflronomical equa- tions. The motions are computed lirll in their mean Itate ; and when the changing caufes increafe to a maxi- mum, and then diminifh to nothing, the efFe6i:, which if^ a change of place, has attained its maximum by conti- nual addition or dedu£lion. 522. This alternate increafe and diminution of the Moon's angular motion in the courfe of a lunation was firft difcovercd, or at leaft diftinguifhed from the other irregularities of her motion, by Tycho Brahe, and by him called the Equation of variation. The dedudion of it from the principle of unlverfal gravitation by Sir Ifaac Newton is the mod elegant and perfpicuous fpeci- men of mechanical inveftigation that is to be feen. The addrefs which he has (hewn in giving fenfible reprefen- tations and meafures of the momentary actions, and of their accumulated refults, in ail parts of the orbit-, are peculiarly pleafmg to all perfoiis of a mathematical tafte, and are fo appofite and plain, that the inveftigation be- comes highly inftruiSlive to a beginner in this part of the higher mathematics. The late Dr Matliew Stewart, in his Tnicfs Fhyfical and Maihemaiicaly following Newton's example, has given fomc very beautiful examples of the lame method. ' 523. We have hitherto confidered the IMocn's orbk as circular, and muil now in(|uire whetherits form will fulTer 4C8 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. fufFer any change. %Ye may expecl that it wlil, fince we fee a very great diilurbing force diminiiiiing its ter- rellrial gravity in the fyzigies, and increafmg it in the quadratures. Let us fuppofe the Moon to fet out from a point 35° 16' fnort of a quadrature. The force INI K, which we may call a centripetal force, begins to act, in- creafing the deflecting force. This muft render the or- bit more incurvated in that part^ and this change will be continued through the whole of the arch extending 35° 16' on each fide of the quadrature. At 35'' 16' eaft of a quadrature, the gravity recovers its mean (tate , but the path at this point now makes an acute angle with the radius vector, which brings the Moon nearer to the Earth in paffmg through the point of conjunction or op- pofition. Through the whole of the arch V v, extend- ing 54° 44' on each fide of the fyzigies, the Moon's gra- vitation is greatly diminiflied ; and therefore her orbit in this place is flattened, or made lefs curve than the circle, till at V, 54*^ 44' caft of the fyzigy, the Moon's gravity recovers its mean (late, and the orbit its mean cur- vature. 5 24. In this manner, the orbit, from being circular, becomes of an oval form, moft incurvated* at A and Bj and lead fo at O and C, and having its longeft diameter lying in the quadratures ; not exadlly however in thoie points, on account of the variation of velocity v/hich we have fhewn to be greateft in the fecond and fourth qua- drants. The longell diameter lies a fmall m.atter fliort of LUNAk THEORY. ^Op of the points A and B, tiiat is, to the weftward of them. Sir Ifaac Newton has determined tiie proportion of the two diameters of this oval, viz. A B =r 70 and O C = 69. It may fecm fl range that tlie Moon comes neareft to the Earth wlien her gravity is moll diminiflied ; but this is owing to the incurvation of the orbit in the neighbour- hood of the quadratures. c^^. The Moon's orbit is not a circle, but an ellip- fis, having the Earth in one of the foci. Still, however, the above alTertions will apply, by always conceiving a circle defcribed through the Moon's place in the real orbit. But we muft now inquire whether this orbit alfo fufFers any change of form by the a£tion of the Sun. Let us fuppofe that the line of the apfides coincides with the line of fyzigies, and that the Moon Is in apogee. Her gravitation to the Earth is diminiflied in conjunc- tion and oppofition, fo that, when her gravitation in pe- rigee is compared with her gravitation in apogee, the gravitations differ more than in the Inverfe duplicate ratio of the diftance. The natural forces in perigee and apogee are inverfely as tlie fquares of tlie diftance. If the diminutions by the Sun's action were alfo inverfely as the fquare of the diftance, the remaining gravitations would be in the fame proportion ftill. But this is far from being the cafe here j for the diminutions are direct- ly as the diftance, and the greateft quantity is taken from the fmalleft force. Therefore the forces thus diminiflied .muft dilfer' In a greater proportion than before, that is, 3 1^^ ;u 410 PHYSICAL ASTRONO^rY. in a greater ratio than the inverfc of the rtjuare of the diftances. * Let the Moon come from the apogee of this cUilurb- ed orbit. Did her gravity increafe in the due proportion, file would come to the proper perigee. But it incrcafes in a greater proportion, and will bring the Moon nearer to the focus ; that is, the orbit will become more eccentric, and its elliptical equation will increafe along with the eccentricity. Similar efFedts will refult in the Moon's motion from perigee to apogee. Her apogean gravity being too much diminifhed, fhe will go farther off, and thus the eccentricity and the equation of the orbit will be increafed. Suppofe the Moon to change when in apogee, and that v/e calculate her place feven days after, when fhe fliould be in the vicinity of the quadrature. We apply her elliptical equation (about 6° 20') to her mean motion. If we compare this calculation with her real * Thus, let the following perigee and apogee diftances bt compared, and the correfponding gravitations with their dimi- nutions and remainders. Perigee. Mean. Apogee. Diftances 8 10 12 Gravitations - - - - 144 100 64 Diminutions - - - - 2 "2^ 3 Remaining gravities - - 142 97^ 6r Now 12*: 8^= 142:63,11. Therefore 142 is to 61 in a much greater ratio than the inverfe of the fquare of the diftance-. LUNAR THEORY — EVECTION. 4 1 1 real place, we fliall find the true place alnioil: 2° behind the calculation. We iliouKl find, in like manner, that in the lafl quadrature, Iier calculated place, by means of tlie ordinary equation of the orbit, is more than 2° be- hind the true or obferved place- The orbit has become more eccentric, and the motion in it more un-jquable, and requires a greater equation. This may rife to 7° 40', inflead of (f 20', which correfponds to the mean form of the orbit. But let us next fuppofe that the apfides of the orbit , lie in the quadratures, where the Moon's gravitation to the Earth is increafed by the aclion of the Sun. Were it increafed in the inverfe duplicate ratio of the diftances, the new gravities would ftill be in this duphcate pro- portion. But, in the prefent cafe, the greateft addition will be made to the fmalleil force. The apogee and perigee gravities therefore will not differ fufficiently ; and the Moon, fetting out from the apogee in one quadra- ture, will not, on her arrival at the oppofite quadrature, come fo near the Earth as (he othery/ife would h?.ve done. Or, fhould (he fet out from her perigee in one , quadrature, (lie will not go far enough from the Earth in the oppofite quadrature \ that is, the eccentricity of the orbit will, in both cafes, be diminiOied, and, along with it, the equation correfpondlng. Our calculations for her place in the adjacent oppofition or conjunction, made Vsith the ordinary orbital equation,, will be faulty, $nd the errors will be of the oppofite kind to the former. 3 E 2 U^hii 412 PHYSICAL ASTRCNO'MY. The equation neceifary in the prefent cafe will not cx^ ceed 5° 3'. In all intermediate pofitions of the npfides, fimilar a- nomalies will be obferved, verging to the one or the other extreme, according to the pofitlon of the line of the apfides. The equation pro expediendo calculo^ by Dr Halley, contains the corredlions which nniil: be made on the equation of the orbit, in order to bring it into the (late which correfponds with the prefent eccentricity of the orbit, depending on the Sun^s pofitlon in relation to its tranfverfe axis, 52(5. All thefe anomalies arc dlllinCtly obferved, a- greeing with the dedu(ftions from the effefts of univerfal gravitation with the utmoft precifion. The anomaly it- felt was difcovered by Ptolemy, and the difcovery is the greateft mark of his penetration and fagacity, becaufe it is extremely difficult to find the periods and the changes of this corredion, and it had efcaped the obfervation of Hipparchus and the other eminent aftronomers at Alexandria during three hundred years of continued ob- fervation. Ptolemy called it the Equation of evec tion, becaufe he explained it by a certain fhifting of the orbit. His explanation, or rather his hypothcfis for diredling his calculation, is moft mgenlous and refined, but is thti leaft compatible with other phenomena of any of Ptolc- iny's contrivances, 527. The deduction of this anomaly from its phyfi- cal principles was a far more intricate and dlilicult talk than LUNAR THF.ORY. 413 tlian the variation which equation had ftirniflied. It is however accompliflied bv Newton in the completed manner. It Is ail interefling cafe of the great fvohlevi of three bodies J which has employed, and continues to employ, the talents and beft efforts of tlie great mathematicians^ In , Mr Macliin gave a pretty theorem, which feem- ed to promife great alTiftance in the folution of this pro- blem. Newton had demonftrated that a body, defiedled by a centripetal force directed to a fixed point, m.oved fo that the radius vector defcribcd areas proportional to I he times. Mr Machin demonfi. rated that if deflected by forces directed to tv/o fixed points, the triangle connect- ing it with them (which may be called the plaJin veEIrix) alfo defcribed folids proportional to the times. Little help has been gotten from it. The equations founded on it, or to which it leads, are of inextricable com- plexity. 528. Not only the form, but alfo the pofition of the lunar orbit, nmfl fuffer a change by the a61ion of the Sun, It was demonftrated (226.) that if gravity de- creafed fafter than in the proportion of --:-, the npfides of an orbit will advance, but will retreat, if .the gravitation decreafe at a flower rate. Now, we have {^tn that Vv'hile the Moon Is within 54° 44' of the fyzigies, the gravity is diminiflied in a greater proportion than that of -^— . Therefore the apfides which lie In this part of the fy nodical 414 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. fynodlcal revolution mufl advance. For the oppofite reafons, while they lie within 35^^ 16' of the quadra* tures, they mufh recede. But, fince the diminution in fyzigy is double of the augmentation in quadrature, and is continued through a much greater portion of the or- bit, the apfides muft, in the courfe of a complete luna- tion, advance more than they recede, or, on the whole, they mull advance. They mud advance mod, and re- cede lead, when near the fyzigies J becaufe at this tims the diminution of gravity by the diiturbing force bears the greated proportion to the natural diminution of gra- vity correfponding to the elliptical motion, and becaufe the augmentation in quadrature will then bear the fmall- ed proportion to it, becaufe the conjugate axis of the ellipfe is in the line of quadrature. The contrary mud happen when the apfides are near the quadratures, and it will be found that in this cafe the recefs will exceed the progrefs. In the octants, the motion of the apfides in coufcqucnUa is equal to tliclr mean motion ; but their place is mod didant from their true place, the difference being the accumulated fum of •the variations. But, fince in the courfe of a complete revolution of tlie Earth and Moon round the Sun, the apfides take every pofition with refpe6l to the line of the fyzigies, they will, on the whole, advance. Their mean progrefs is about three degrees in each revolution. £^29. It has been obferved, already, that the invedi- cation jof the cirects of the force ;^IK is much more dilTicuU LUNAR THEORY. ^I^ tllfficult than that of the effeas of the force M L. ThitJ laft, only treating of acceleration and retardation, rarely employs more than tlie direft method of fluxions, and the finding of the fimpler fluents which are exprefled by circular arches and their concomitant Hues. But the very elementary part of this fecond inveftigaticn eno-ages us at once in the ftudy of curvature and the variation of curvature ; and its fimpleft procefs requires infniite fe- riefes, and the higher orders of fluxions. Sir Ifaac New- ton has not confidered this queftion in the fame fyilema- tic manner that he has treated the other, but has gene- rally arrived at his conclufions by more circuitous helps, fuggefted by circumftances peculiar to the cafe, and not fo capable of a general application. He has not even given us the fteps by which he arrived at fome of his conclufions. His excellent commentators Le Seur and Jaquier have, with much addrefs, fupplied us with this in- formation. But all that they have done has been very par- ticular and limited. The determination of the motion of the lunar apogee by the theory of gravity is found to be only one half of what is really obferved. This was very foon remarked by Mr Machin, but without beinjr able to amend it •, and it remained, for many years, a fort of blot on the doctrine of univerfal gravitation. 530. As the Newtonian mathematics continued to improve by the united labours of the firft geniufes of Europe, this invefligation received fuccefiive improve- ments alfo. At laft, M. Clairaut, about the year 1743, confidered 4l6 PHY.-ICAL ASTRONOMY*. confidered the probit^m of tliefe bodies, muturdly gravi- tating, in general terms. But, finding it beyond tnc reacli of our attainments in geometry, unlcfc; confider- ably limited, he con lined his attention to a cafe whicli fuited the interefting cafe of the lunar motions. He fup- pbfed one of the three bodies immerifely larger than the other two, and at a very great diftance from them ; and the fmalleft of the others revolving round the third in an ellipie little different from a circle ; and limited his attention to the dijhirbajices only of this motion. — With this limitation, he foived the problem of the lunar theory, and conflrucbcd tables of the Moon's motion. But he too found the motion of the apogee only one half of what is obferved. — Euler, and D'Alembert, and Simpfon, had the fame refult ; and mathematicians began to fuf- pe£t that fome other force, befides . that of a gravitation inverfely as the fquare of the diftance, had fome ihare in thefe motions. At laft, M. Clairaut difcovered the fource of all their miilakes and their trouble. A t^rm had been omitted, which had a great influence in this particular circum- ftance, but depended on fome of the other anomalies of the IVToon, with which he had not fufpefted any con- nexion. He found that the dillurbances, which he was confidering as relating to the Moon's motion in the fnnple ellipfe, fliould have been confidered as relating to the orbit already afFefted by the other inequalities. When this was done, he found that the motion of the apogee, deduced from the a^Hiion of the Sun, was pre- cifelv LUNAR THEORY. 417 cifely what Is obferved to obtain. Eulcr and D'Alem- bert, who were employed in the fame invelligation, ac- ceded without fcruple' to M. Clairaut's improvement of his analyfis ; and all are now fatisfied with refpecSt to the competency of the principle of univerfal gravitation to the explanation of all thefe phenomena of the lunar motions. 531. In the whole of the preceding invelligation, we have confidered the difturbing force of the Sun as afting in the plane of the Moon*s orbit, or we have con- fidered that orbit as coinciding with the plane of the ecliptic. But the Moon's orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic nearly 5°, and therefore the Sun is feldom in its plane. His a£lion muft generally have a tendency to draw the Moon out of the plane in which flie is then moving, and thus to change the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic. But this oblique force may always be refolved into two others, one of which (hall be in the plane of the orbit, and the other perpendicular to it. The firft will be the difturbing force already confidered in all its mo- difications. We muft now confider the cfFe£l of the other. * 532- * It is very difficult to give fuch a leprefentation of the lunar orbit, inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, that the lines which reprefent the different aff'eftions of the difturbing forct 3 G may 418 PHYSi'CAL ASTRONOMY. 532. Let ACBO (fig. 61.) be" the moon's orbie cutting the ecliptic in the line N N' of the nodes, the half N M A N', being raifed above the ecliptic, and the other half N B O N' being below it. llie clotted cir- cle is the orbit, turned on the line N N' till it coin- cide with the plane of the ecliptic. C, O, A and B are, as formerly, the points of fyzigy and quadrature. Let the Moon be in M. Let A E B be the interfedion of a plane perpendicular to the ecliptic. Draw M n perpendicular to the plane A E B, and therefore parallel to the ecliptic, and to O C. Take E I equal to 3 M «, and join ML M I is the Sun's difturbing force (5ii.)> and E M meafures the augmentation of the Moon's gra- vitation when in quadrature. It is plain that M I is in a plane pafling through E S, and interfe£ting the lunar orbit in the line M E, and the ecliptic in the line E L M 1 therefore does not lie in the plane of the lunar orbitj nor in that of the ecliptic, but is between them both. The force M I may therefore be conceived as refolvable into two forces, one of which lies in the Moon's orbit, and the other is perpendicular to it. This refolution will be efFefted, if we draw 1 1 upward from the ecliptic, till it meet the plane of the lunar orbit perpendicularly in /. Now may appear detached from the planes of the orbit and eclip- tic, and thus enable us to perceive the efficiency of them, and the nature of the effed produced. The moft attentive confi- deration by the reader is neceffary for giving him a diftin^ ''Otion of thefe circumftances. LUNAR THEORY. 4T9 Now join M /, and complete the parallelogram M z I w, having M I for its diagonal. The force M I is equiva- lent to M /■ lying in the plane of the Moon's orbit, and M ;// perpendicular to it. By the force M i the Moon is accelerated or retarded, and has her gravitation to the Earth augmented or diminifhed, while the force M m draws the Moon out of the plane N C M ; or that plane is made to fhift its pofition, fo that its interfe£lion N N' iliifts its place a little. The inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic alfo is aiFe£led. Let a plane I i G be drawn through I / perpendicular to the line N N' of tlie nodes. The Hne E G .is perpendicular to this plane, and there- fore to the Hnes G I and G /. Alfo I z G is a right angle, becaufe I i was drawn perpendicular to the plane M / G E. Now, if E M be confidered as the radius of the tables^ M n is the fine of the Moon's diflance from quadrature. Call this q. Then E I = 3 ^. Alfo making E I radius, I G is the fme of the node's dillance from the line of fyzlgy. Call this s. Alfo, I G being made radius, I i or M m is the fine of the inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic. Call this /. Therefore we have EM:EI=rR:3^ EI:IG = R:s IG:M;/7 = R:/ Therefore E M : M m = R^ : 2 q s i and M« = 3EMx^j^'. Thus we have obtained an exprefhon of the force M m, which tends to change the pofition and inclination 3 G 2 of 420 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. of the orbit. From this expreflion we may draw feveral conclufions which indicate its different effcfts. Cor. I. This force vaniflies, that is, there is no fuch force when the INIoon is in quadrature. For then q, or the Hne M «, is nothing. Now g being one of the nu- J I merical factors of the numerator of the fraction ^ry-j the fraction itfelf has no value. We eafily perceive the phy- fical caufe of the evanefcence of the force M ;;? when M comes into the line of quadrature. VvHien tliis hap- pens, the whole difturbing force has the direction A E, the then radius ve£tor, and is in the plane of the orbit. There is no fuch force as M m in this fituation of things, the difturbing force being wholly employed in augment- ing the Moon's gravitation to the Earth. 2. The force M w vaniflies alfo when the nodes are in the fyzigy. For there, the fa£tor s in the numerator vanifhes. We perceive the phyfical reafon of this alfo. For, when the nodes are in the fyzigies, the Sun is in the plane of the orbit -, or this plane, if produced, pafles through the Sun. In fuch cafe, the difturbing force h in the plane of the orbit, and can have no part, M ;// a£ting out of that plane. 3. The chief varieties of the force M m depend how- ever on s, the fine of the node's diftance from fyzigy. For in every revolution, g goes through the fame feries of fucceflive values, and / remains nearly the fiime in all revolutions. Therefore the circumftance which will moft diftinguifli the different lunations is the fituation of the node. LUNAR THEORY. 4^1 534. This force bends the Moon's path toivard the ecliptic, when the points M and I arc on the fiime fide of the line of the nodes, but bends it awayyrow the eclip- tic when N lies between I and M. This circumftance kept firmly in mind, and confidered with care, will ex- plain all the deviations occafioned by the force M J7i. Thus, in the fituation of the nodes reprefented in the figure, let the Moon fet out from conjun61:ion in C, moving in the arch C M A O. All the way from C to A, the difturbing force M I is below the elevated half N M N' of the Moon's orbit betv/een it and tlie ecliptic, and therefore the force M m pulls the Moon out of the plane of her orbit toward the ecliptic. The fame thing happens during the Moon's motion from N to C. This will appear by conftru6^ing the fame kind of parallelo- gram on the dbgonal M I drawn from any point between N and C. When the Moon has pafled the quadrature A, and is In M', the force M' V is both above the ecliptic, and above the elevated half of the Moon's orbit. This will appear by drawing M'^ perpendicular to E N', and join- ing g r. The line M'^- is in the orbit, and g V is in the ecliptic, and the triangle M'^ T ftands elevated, and nearly perpendicular on both planes, fo that WV is above them both. In this cafe, the force M' m' in pull- ing the Moon out of the plane of her orbit, feparates her from it on that fide which is molt remote from the eclip- tic ; that is, caufes the path to approach more obliquely to the ediptic. The figure 61. B will illullrate this. NT 42Z PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. N' r is the ecliptic, and M' N' is the orbit, both feen edge- wife, as they would appear to an eye placed in f, (fig-. 6i.) in the line N N' produced beyond the orbit. The diflurb- ing force, a£ting in the direction M' I', may be refolvcd into Mp in the dire£lion of the orbit plane, and M' m' perpendicular to it. The part M' w', being compounded with the fimultaneous motion M' q^ compofes a motion M'r, which interfecfts the ecliptic in n. "When M' in fig. 6i. gets to M'', the path is again bent toward the ecliptic, and continues fo all the way from N' to B, where it begins to acl in the fame manner as in M' between A and N'. 535. By the a£lion of this lateral force, the orbit muft be continually fhifting its pofition, and its interfcc- tion with the ecliptic ; or, to fpeak more accurately, the Moon is made to move in a line which does not lie all in one plane. In imagination, we conceive an orbital material line, fomewhat like a hoop, of an elliptical ihape, all in one plane, pafhng through the Earth, and, inflead of conceiving the Moon to quit this hoop, we fuppcfe the hoop itfelf to fliift its pofition, fo that the arch in which the Moon is in any moment takes the direction of the Moon's mo- tion in that moment. Its intcrfedion with the ecliptic (perhaps at a confiderable diflance from the point occu- pied by the Moon) iliifts accordingly. This hoop may be conceived as having an axis, perpendicular to its plane, pafhng through the Earth. This axis will incline to one (idQ from the pole of the ecliptic about five degrees, and, 22. MOTION OF LUNAR NODES. 423 anJ, as the line NN' of the nodes fliifts round the eclip- tic, the extremity of this axis will defcribe a circle round the pole of tlie ecliptic, diftant from it about 5° all round, juft as the axis of the Earth defcribes a circle round the pole of the ecliptic, difbant from it about 23^ degrees. 536. When the Moon's path is bent toward the ecliptic, fhe muft crofs it fooner than flie would other- wife have done. The node will appear to meet the Moon, that is, to fhifc to the weflvv^ard, /;; antecedentut fignormny or to recede. But if her path be bent more away from the ecliptic, ihc mud proceed farther befoira file crofs it, and the nodes will Ihift in confequentUj that is, will advance. Ccr. I. Therefore, if the nodes have the fi tuatlon reprefented in the figure, in the fecond and fourth qua- drant, the nodes murt; retreat while the Moon defcribes the arch N C A, or tlie arch N'OB, that is, while fhe pafles from a node to the next quadrature. But, while the Moon defcribes the arch AN'^ or the arch BN, the force which pulls the Moon from the plane of the orbit, caufes her to pafs the points N' or N before flie reach the ecliptic, and the node therefore advances, while the Moon moves from quadrature to a node. It is plain, that the contrary mufl happen when the nodes are fituated in the firfl and third quadrants. They will advance while the Mocn proceeds from a node to the next quadrature, and recede while ib.Q proceeds from a quadrature to the next node. a-. MOTION OF LUNAR NODES. 423 anJ, as the line N N' of the nodes fliifts round the eclip- tic, the extremity of this axis will defcribe a circle round the pole of tlie ecliptic, diftant from it about 5° all round, juft as the axis of the Earth defcribes a circle round the pole of the ecliptic, diftant from it about 23^ degrees. 536. When the Moon's path is bent toward the ecliptic, fhe muft crofs it fooner than flie would other- wife have done. The node will appear to meet the Moon, that is, to fhift to the weflward, in antecedentLt figjiorinn^ or to recede. But if her path be bent more away from the ecliptic, ihe mud proceed farther before file crofs it, and the nodes will fhift In confequentUj that is, will advance. Ccr. I. Therefore, if the nodes have the fiturction reprefented in the figure, in the fecond and fourth qua- drant, the nodes mufi retreat while the Moon defcribes the arch N C A, or tlie arch N'OB, that is, while fhe pafles from a node to the next quadrature. But, while the Moon defcribes the arch AN'^ or the arch BN, the force which pulls the Moon from the plane of the orbit, caufes her to pafs the points N' or N before flie reach the ecliptic, and the node therefore advances, \vhile the Moon moves from quadrature to a node. It is plain, that the contrary muft happen when the nodes are fituated in the firft and third quadrants. They will advance v/hile the Mccn proceeds from a node to the next quadrature, and recede while fhe proceeds from '^ quadrature to the next node. 424 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. Cor. 2. Ill each fy nodical revolution of the Moon, the nodes, on the whole, retreat. For, to take the ex- ample reprefented in the figure, all the while that the Moon moves from N to A, the line M 1 lies between the orbit and ecliptic, and the path is continually inclining more and more towards it, and, confequently, the nodes are all this while receding. They advance while the Moon moves from A to N'. They retreat while fhe moves from N' to B, and advance while flie proceeds from B' to N. The time therefore during w^hich the nodes recede exceeds that during which they advance. There will be the fame difference or excels of the regrefs of the nodes when they are fituated in the angle C E A. It is evident that the excefs of the arch N C A above the arch B N or A N', is double of the diftance N C of the node from fyzigy. Therefore the retreat or wefter- ly motion of the nodes will gradually Increafe as they pafs from fyzigy to quadrature, and again decreafe as the node pafles from quadrature to the fyzigy. Cor. 3. When the nodes are in the quadratures, the lateral force M m is the greatell polTible through the whole revolution, becaufe the fadlor j- in the formula ^-y is then equal to radius. In the fyzigies it is nothing. The nodes make a complete revolution in 6803d 2** 55' 18", but with great inequality, as appears from what has been faid in the preceding paragraphs. The exad: determination of their motions is to be feen in Newton's Frincipia^ B. III. Prop. 32. j and it is a very beautiful ex- ample luVar ine(:vualitie$. 425 ample of dynamical analyfis. The principal equation a« mounts to 1° 37' 45" at its maximum, and in other fitua- (ions, it is proportional to the fine of twice tlie arch N C. The annual regrefs, computed according to the principles of the theory, does not diiFer two minutes of a degre6 from what is aftually obfervcd in the heavens. This wonderful coincidence is the great boaft of the doftrine of univerfal gravitation. At the fame time, the perufal of Newton's inveftigation will fliev/ that fuch agreement is not the obvicus refult of the happy fimplicity of the great regulating power j we Oiall there fee many ab- ftrufe and delicate circumftances, which muft be confi- dered and taken into the account before we can obtain a true ftatement. This motion of the nodes is accompanied by a varia- tion of the inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic. The inclination increafes, when the Moon is drawn from the ecliptic while leaving a node, or toward it in approach- ing a node* It is diminifhed, when the Moon is drawn toward the ecliptic when leaving a node, or from it in approaching a node. Therefore, when the nodes are fituated in the firll and third quadrants, the inclination increafes while the Moon palTes from a node to the next ■quadrature, but it diminiflies till flie is 90° from the node, and then increafes till Hie reaches the other node. Therefore, in each revolution, the inclination is incrcaf- ed, and becomes continually greater, while the node re- cedes from the quadrature to the fyzigy ; and it is the greateft poffible when the nodes are in the line of the 3 ^i fyzigies. 42(^ PHiSlCAL ASTRONOMT, fyzigies, Jind it is then nearly 5° 18' 30". Wlicn the iiodeiT are fituated In the fccond and fourth cjuadrantSy the inclination of the orbit diminlflies wliile flic Moon paflcs from the node to tlie 90th degree j it is increafed- from thenee to the quadrature, and then dimlniilies till the Moon reaches the other node. While the nodes are thus fituated, the inclination diminiilies in every revolu- tion, and is the Icaft of all when the node is in quadra- ture, and the Moon in fyzigy, being then nearly 4° 58', and it gradually increafes again till the nodes reach the line of fyzigy. Whil^ the nodes are in the quadratures, or in the fyzigies, the inclination is not fenfibly changed during that revolution. Such are the general efFecls of the lateral force M mv that appear on a flight confideration of the circumftances of the cafe, A more particular account of them caniwt be given in this outhne of the fcience. Wemayjuil add, that the deductions from the general principle agree precifely with obfervation. The mathematical inveftiga- tion not only points out the periods of the different ine- qualities, and their relation, to the refpeftive pofitions of the Sun and Moon, but alfo determines the abfolute mag- nitude to which each of them rifes. The only quantity deduced from mere obfcrvation is the mean inclination of the Moon's orbit. The time of the complete revolu- tion of the nodes, and the magnitude and law of vari- ation of this motion, and the change of inclination, with all its varieties, are deduced from the theory of univer- fal gravitation. S^9^ ANNUAL EQUATION OF THE MOON. 427 539. There is anot])cr cafe of this problem which IS confiderably dlflcrent, namely, the fatellites of Dr Herfchcl's planet, the planes of whofc orbits are nearly perpendicular to the orbit of the planet. This problem offers fome curious cafes, which deferve the attention of the mechanician ; but as they intcrefl us merely as ob- jects of curiofity, they have not yet been confidercd. c;4C. There is flill another confiderable derangement of the lunar motions by the aclion of the fun. We Iiave feen that, in quadrature, the Moon's gravitation to the Earth is augmented ^y^, and tlpt in fyzigy it is dimi- niOied -r-TTr* Taking tlie whole fynodical revolution to- gether, this i^ e<]uivalent, nearly, to a diminution of ~r"' ^^* TTT* That is to fay, iji confequcnce of the Sun's a£lion, the general gravitation of the Moon to the Earth is -y^^ Icfs than if tlie Sun were away. If the Sun were away, ^lerefore, the Moon's gravitation v/ould be TTT g^"c^ter' than her prcfent mean gravitation. , The confequence would be, that tlie Moon would come nearer to the Earth. As this would be done without any change on her velocity, and a,s flie now will be retained in a fmaller orbit, ih-e will defcribe it in a proportionally lefs time ; and we can compute cxaclly Iiov/ near (he would come before this increafed gravitation will be balanced by the velocity (224.) We mufl conclude from this, that the mean diftance and the mean period of the Moon whicli we obferve, are greater than her natural diflance and pe- riod, 3 H 2 From 428 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. From this It is plain that if any thing Hiall iiicreaie or diminilh the adlion of the Sun, it mull equally increafe or diminifli the diftance which the Moon aflumes from the Earth, and the time of her revolution at that diftance. Now there a£lually is fuch a change in the Sun's ac- tion. When the Earth is /// penhclio^ in the beginning of January, fhe is nearer the iSun than in July by i part in 30 J confequently the ratio of E M to E S is incrcafcd by 3^, or in the ratio of 30 to 31. But her gravitation (and confequently the Moon's) to the Sun is increafed ~^y or in the ratio of 30 to 32. Therefore the difturbing force is increafed by i part in 10 nearly. The Moon mud there- fore retire farther from the Earth i part in 1790. She muft defcribe a larger orbit, and employ a greater time. We can compute exasftly what is the extent of this change. The fydereal period of the Moon is 27^ 7*^ 43'> or 39343'. This muft be increafed ttfoj becaufe the Moon retains the fame velocity in the enlarged orbit. This will make the period 39365', which exceeds the 0- ther 22'. The obferved difference between a Junation in Ja- nuary and one in July fomewhat exceeds 25'. This, when reduced in the proportion of the fynodical to the perio- dical revolution, agrees with this mechanical conclufioiv with great exaQ:nefs, when the computation is made M^ith due attention to every circumftance that can affe£l the conclufion. For it muft be remarked that the computa- tion here given proceeds on the legitimacy of affuming a general diminution of yf-g of the Moon's gravitation as equivalent to the variable change of gravity that really takes SECULAR EQUATION OF THE MOON. 429 takes place. In the particular circumllances of the cafe, this is very nearly exaft. The true method is to take tlie average of all the difturbing forces M K through the quadrant, multiplying each by the time of its a6lion. And, here, Euler makes a fagacious remark, that, if the diameter of the Moon's orbit had exceeded its prefent magnitude in a very confiderable proportion, it would jfcarcely have been pofTible to affign the period in which fhe would have revolved round the Earth ; and the great- eft part of the methods by which the problem has been folved could not have been employed. 541. There ftill remains an anomaly of the lunar motions that has greatly puzzled the cultivators of pliyfi- cal aftronomy. Dr Halley, when comparing the ancient Chaldean obfervations with thofe of modern times, in or- der to obtain an accurate meafure of the period of the Moon's revolution, found that fome obfervations made by the Arabian aftronomers, in the eighth and ninth centuries, did not agree with this meafure. When the lunar period was deduced from a comparifon of the Chaldean obfervations with the Arabian, the period was fenfibly greater than what was deduced from a comparifon of the Arabian and the modern obfervations •, fo that the Moon's mean mo- tion feems to have accelerated a little. This conclulion \vas confirmed by breaking each of thefe long intervals into parts. When the Chaldean and Alexandrian obfer- vations were compared, they gave a longer period than the Ale.vndriaii compared with the Arabian of the eighth century ; 430 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. century ; and tliis laft period exceeded what is deduced from a comparifon of the Arabian with the modern ob- fervations ; and even the comparifon of the modern ob- fervations with each other Hiews a continued diminution. This conje Mr Stirling had fald that the revolving figure was not an accurate elliptical fpheroid, but approached infinitely near to it. Mr Clairaut's folutlons, in mofl cafes, fup- pofe the fpheroid very nearly a fphere, or fuppofe lines and angles equal which are only very nearly fo. With- out this allowance, the treatment of the problem feemed impra<^icable. This made Mr Stirling's aflertion more credited ; and we apprehend that it became the general opinion that the folutions obtainable in our prefent ftate of mathematical knowledge were only approximations, exad indeed, to any degree that we pleafe, in the cafes exhibited in the figures of the planets, but ftill they were but approximations. 554. But in 1740, Mr M*LaurIn, in a diflertation on the tides, which fliared the prize given by the Aca- demy of Paris, demonftrated, in all the rigour and ele- gance of ancient geometry, that an homogeneous ellipti- cal fpheroid, of any eccentricity ivhatever, if turning in a proper time round its axis, will for ever preferve its form. He gave the rule for inveftigatlng this form, and the 44^ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. the ratio of Its axes. His final propofitions to tliis puf- pofe are the fame that Mr Stirling had communicated without demonftrationj This performance was much ad- mired, and fettled all doubts about the figure of a homo- geneous fpheroid turning round its axis. It is indeed equally remarkable for its fimplicity, its pcrfpicuity and its elegance. Mr M*Laurin had no occafion to profccute the fubje<5l beyond this fimple cafe. Proceeding on his fundamental propofitions, the mathematical philofophers have made many important additions to the theory. But It ftill prefents many queftions of mod difficult folutlon, yet intimately conne£led with the phenomena of the folai fyftem. In this elementary outline of phyfical afironomy, we cannot difcufs thofe things in detail. But it would be a capital defe£l not to include the ge?ieral theory of the figure of planets which turn round their axes. No more, however, will be attempted than to fhew that a homo- geneous elliptical fpheroid will anfwer all the condi- tions that are required, and to give a general notion of the change which a variable denfity will produce In this figure. * The * The ftudent will confult, with advantage, the original dilTertations of Mr Clairaut and Mr M*Laurin, and tlie great additions made by the laft in his valuable work on Fluxions. The Cofmographta of Frtftus alfo contains a very excellent epi- tome of all that has been done before his time j and the Mc- char.lque riG?)RE OF THE EARTH. 449 The following lemma from Mr IV'PLaurin mufl be pre mi fed. ^^^. Let AEBQ and aebq (fig. 64. No. i.) be two concentric and fmiilar ellipfes, having their fhorter axes A B and a b coinciding. Let P « L toiich the in- terior ellipfe in the extremity a of the fliorter axis, to which let P K, a chord of the exterior ellipfe be parallel, and therefore equal. Let the chords af and ^^ of the interior ellipfe make equal angles witli the axis, and join their extremities by the chord y^ perpendicular to it in /. Draw P F and P G parallel to af and ag, and draw F H and P I perpendicular to P K. Then, P F together with P G are equal to twice a z, when P F and P G He on different fides of P K. But if they are on the fame fide (as P F' and P G') then 2a I is equal to the difference of P F' and P G'. Draw K k parallel to P G or ^ gy and therefore e- qual to P Fj being equally inclined to K P. Draw the diameter MCz, bifecling the ordinates KZ', P G, and a gy in iUy J-, and z, and cutting PK in ;/. By fimilarity of triangles, we have K ?« : K « = P i : P ?i, ~ a z : a Cy z=. a g'.ab. Therefore chaniqite Cekjle of La Place contains fome very curious and recondite additions. A work of F. Bofcoinch on the Figure of the Earth has peculiar merit. This author, by employing geometrical exprcfiions of the acting forces, wherever it can be done, gives us very clear ideas of the fubjed. 450 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMt. Therefore Km -{- T s :Kri -\~V n =.ag :a I?, and K X' (or P F) + P G : 2 P K = 2 ^^ : 2 ^ h and P F + P G : 2 ^^ = 2 P K : 2 .7 ^ ; Jlnd, by fimilarity of triangles, we have PH +PI:2«i=:2PK:2^^. But 2 P It = 2 , and then they will be fimilar. The gravitation of a particle P to the pyramid GPD is to the gravitation oi p to the pyramid gpd as any fide FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 45 I fid« P D of tlie one to the homologous fide p d oi the other. This is evident, by what was fliewn in J 462. The fame proportion will hold when the abfolute gx?.- vltation in the dire<£lion of the axis of the pyramid is efli- mated in any other direction, fuch as P ;/;. For, draw- ing p n parallel to P ;//, and the perpendiculars D m, d Tiy it is plain that the ratio P D : p d =. V ?n: p ti} -^ D /« : d n. This propofition is of moft extenfive ufe. For we thus eftimate the gravitation of a particle to any folid, by refolving it into elementary pyramids ; and having found the gravitation to each, and reduced them all to one di- rection, the aggregate of the reduced forces is the whole gravitation of the particle eftimated in that direction. The application of this is greatly. expedited by the fo.k lowing theorem. K,^%. Two particles fimilarly fituated in refpelanes pafling through thofe lines, and through fi- milar points of the folids. The fe61:ions of the folids made by thofe two planes mufl: be fimilar, for they arr- fimilarly placed in fimilar folids. We can then draw o- ther planes through the fame two ftraight lines, contain- ■Jpg with the former planes very fmall equal angles. Tiie 3 L 2 fcction^ 452 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. fe6tions of thefe two planes will alfo be fimllar, and there will be comprehended between them and the two former planes fimilar llices of the two folids. We can now divide the flices into two fericfes of fi- milar pyramids, by drawing planes fuch as G P E, gp e^ and FPD, y/>^, of fig. 63. the points P and p being fuppofed in different lines, related to each of the two folids. By the reafonings employed in the laft propofi- tion," it appears that when the whole of each 11 ice is oc- cupied by fuch pyramids, the gravitations to the corref- ponding pyramids are all in one proportion. Therefore the gravitation compounded of them all is in the fame proportion. As the whole of each of the two fimilar flices may be thus occupied by feriefes of fimilar and fi- milarly fituated pyramids, fo the whole of each of the two fimilar folids may be occupied by fimilar llices, con- fifting of fuch pyramids. And as the compound gravi- tations to thofe llices are fimilarly formed, they are not only in the proportion of the liomologous lines of the folids, but they are alfo in fimilar diredlions. Therefore, finally, the gravitations compounded of thefe compound gravitations are fimalarly compounded, and are in the fame proportion as any homologous lines of the folids. Thefe things being premifed, we proceed to confider the particular cafe of elliptical fpheroids. 559. Let AEBQ, aebq (fig. 64.) be concentric and fimilar elUpfes, which, by rotation round their fliorter axis FtGURE OF THE EARTH. 4^3 axis AabV>, generate Hmilar concentric fpherolds. We may notice tlie following particulars^ 560. {a) A particle r, on the furface of the inte- rior fpheroid, has no tendency to move in any direction in confequence of its gravitation to the matter contained between the furfaces of the exterior and interior fphe- roids. For, drawing through r - the ftraight line P r / G, it is an ordinate to feme diameter C M, which bifefts it in s. The part r t comprehended by the interior fphe- roid is alfo an ordinate to the fame diameter and is bi- fe£led in /. Therefore P r is equal to t G. Now r may be conceived as at the vertex of two fimilar cones or pyramids, on the common axis P r G. By what was demonftrated in art. 462. & 557> it appears that the gra- vitation of r to the matter of the cone or pyramid whofe axis is r P is equal and oppofite to the gravitation to the matter contained in the fnijlum of the fimilar cone or pyramid, whofe axis is t G. As this is true, in what- ever direction P r G be drawn through r, it follows that r is in equUibrio in every diredtion, or, it has no ten- dency to move in any direction. 561. (b) The gravitations of two particles P and p (fig. 64. No. 2.) fituated in one diameter PC, are pro- portional to their diftances PC, pQ, from the centre. For the gravitation of p is the fame as if all the matter between the furfaces AEBO and aebq v/ere av, :iy (by the laft article), and thus P and p are fimilarly firu- ated 454 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. .ited on fimilar follds •, and P C and p C are homolo- gous lines of thofe folids ; and the propofition is true, by ? 5:58. 562. [c] All particles equally diilarat from the plane of the equator gravitate towards that plane with equal forces. Let P be the particle (fig. 64. No. i.) and P^ a line perpendicular to the axis, and parallel to the equator E Q. Let P ^ be perpendicular to the equator. Let a eh q be the fe<2:ion of a concentric and fimilar fphe- roid, having its axis a h coinciding with A B. Drawing any ordinate fg to the diameter ah oi the interior el- lipfe, join ^y and a g^ and draw PF and PG parallel to af and ag^ and therefore making equal angles with P ^C. Let f g cut a h in /, and draw F H, G I, per- pendicular to P L The lines P F and P G may be confidered as the axes of two very ilender pyramids, comprehended be* tween the plane of the figure and another plane interfed;- ing it in the line P ^z L and making with it a very mi-, nute angle. Thefe pyramids are conftltuted according to the conditions defcribed in art. 556. The lines af^ ag are, in like manner, the axes of two pyramids, whofe fides are parallel to thofe of P F and P G. The gravi- tation of P to the matter contained in the pyramids P F and P G, and the gravitation of a to the pyramids af and a g^ are as the lines P F, P G, af^ and ag^ refpec- tively. Thefe gravitations, eftimatcd in the diredlion fiGURE OF THE EARTH. 45^ P ^, ^ C, perpendicular to the equator, are as the Hues P H, PI, a /, a /, refpedively. Now it has been (liewn (555.) that P H 4- P I are equal to ^ / + ^ /. Therefore the gravitations of P t(f this pair of pyramids, when efli- matcd perpendicularly to the equator, is equal to the gravitation of a to the corrcfponding pyramids lying on the interior ellipfe a e b q. It is evident that by carrying the ordinate y^' along the whole diameter from b to a, the lines nfy a gy will diverge more and more (always equally) from o b and the pyramids of which thefe lines are the axes, will thus occupy the whole furface of the interior ellipfe. And tlie pyramids on the axes P F and P G, will, in like man-- ner, occupy the whole of the exterior ellipfe. It is alfo evident that the v/hole gravitation of P, eftiniated in the dire£lion P dj arifmg from the combined gravitation 3, to every pair of pyramids ellimated in the fame direiflion, is equal to the whole gravitation of «, ariling from the com.bined gravitation to every correfponding pair of py« ramids. That is, the gravitation of P in the diretStion P d to the whole of the matter contained hi the elemen- tary (lice of the fpherold comprehended between the two planes which interfe^t in the line P«L, is equal to the gravitation of fl to the matter contained in that part of the fame flice which lies within the interior fpheroid. But this is not confined to that Hice which has the ellipfe A E B Q for one of its bounding planes. Let the fpheroid be cut by any other plane pafling through the line P«L, It is known Uikt this fe^ion"alf<3 is ^n el- liuie, 45^ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. lipfe, and that it is concentric with and fimilar to the ellipfe formed by the interfeclion of this plane with the interior fpheroid a e b q. They are concentric fimilar el- lip fes, although not hmilar to the generating ellipfes A E B O and a e h q. Upon this fecStion may another flice be formed by means of another fcclion through P ^ L, a little more oblique to the generating ellipfe A E B Q. And the folidity of this fedion may, in like manner, be occupied by pyramids conftituted according to the conditions mentioned in art. 558. From what has been demonftrated, it appears that the gravitation of P to the whole matter of'' this flice, efti- mated in the dire£lion perpendicular to P ^ L, is equal to the gravitation of a to the matter in the portion of this flice contained in the interior fpheroid. Hence it follows that when thefe flices are taken in every direction through- the line P <7 L, they will occupy the whole fpheroid, and that the gravitation of P to the matter in the whole folid, eftimated perpendicularly to P <2 L, is equal to the gravitation of a to the matter that is contained in the interior fpheroid, eftimated in the fame manner. This gravitation will certainly be in the dire6lion per- pendicular to the plane of the equator of the two fphe- roids. For the flices which compofe tlie folid, all pafling through the generating ellipfe A E B Q, may be taken in pairs, each pair confifliing of equal and fimilar flices, equally inclined to the plane of the generating ellipfe. The gravitaiions to each flice of a pair are equal, and equally FIGURE OF THE PLANETS. 457 equally Inclined to the plane A E B Q. Therefore they Compofe a gravitation in the direction which bife^s the angle contained by the flices, that is, in the direction of the plane A E B O, and parallel to its axis A B, or perpendicular to the equator. From all this it follows, that the gravitation of P to the whole fpheroid, when eflimated in the direction P d perpendicular to the plane of its equator, is equal to the gravitation of a to the interior fpheroid a e b q^ which is evidently in the fame direction, being directed to the centre Ci In like manner, the gravitation of another particle P' (In the line P a; L), in a dire6lion perpendicular to the equator of the fpheroid, is equal to the gravitation of a to the interior fpheroid a eh q\ for P' may be conceived as on the furface of a concentric and fimiiar fpheroid. "When thus fituated. It is not affected by the matter in the fpheroidal ftratum without it, and therefore Its gra- vitation is to be eftimated in the fame way with that of the particle P. Confequently the gravitation of P and of P', eftimated in a direction perpendicular to the equa- tor, are equal, each being equal to the central gravita- tion of a to the fpheroid a eh q. Therefore all parti- cles equidiftant from the equator gravitate equally to- ward it. 563. {d) By reafoning in the fame manner, we prove that the gravitation of a particle P in the direc- tion P/7, -perpendicular to the axis A B, is equal to the 3 M gravitation 4S^ PHYSICAL ASTRON'OMt. gravitation of the particle r/ to the concentric flniiiar fpheroid d a q /^ ^ and therefore all particles equidiftaut from the axis gravitate equaliy in a direiElion perpendi- cular to it. 564. (e) The gravitation of a particle to the fphe- roid, eftimated in a dire£l:ion perpendicular to the equa- tor, or perpendicular to the axis, is proportional to its diftance from the equator, or from the axis. For the gravitation of P in the dircQion P ^ is equal to the gra- vitation of a to the fplieroid a e h q. But the gravita- ilon of a to the fpheroid a e b q, \\ to the gravitation of AtoAEBOas^CtoAC rc,^8.> Therefore the gravitation of P in the direcLicii V d is to the gravitation of A to the fpheroid A E B Q as aC to A C, or as P ^ to A G ; and the fame may be proved of any other par- ticle. The gravitation of A is to the gravitation of any particle as the diftance AC is to the diftance of that particle. All particles therefore gravitate towards the equator proportionally to tlieir dillances from it. In the fame manner, it is demonftrated that the gra- vitation of E to the fpheroid in the direftion E C per- pendicular to the axis, is to the gravitation of any particle P in the fame dire61:ion as E C to P a^ the diftance of that particle from, the axis. Therefore, &c. S^S* (/) ^^ ^-'^^ "O'^ "^^^ ^^ afcertain the direc- tion and intenfity of the compound or abfolute gravita- toon of any particle P. For flGURE OF TflE PLANETS. 459 For tlil^ purpofe let A reprefent the gravitation of the particle A in the pole, and E the gravitation of a particle E on the furface of the equator j alfo let the force with which P is urged in the dirccflion P d be exprefled by the fymbol /, P dy and let f, P a exprefs its tcndencj in the diredion P a. Wc have f,Vd:K:=zVd:AC and A : E = A : E and E :/, P ^ = E C : P ti. Therefore /, P ^ :/, P ^ = P ^ X A X E C : A C X E X P^, Now make dC : dv = A X E C ; E x A C, and draw P V. We have now/, F d :f,V a ~? d X d C : P axdv, = F d X 'P a : F a X d V, z:: F d : d V. F is therefore urged by two forces, in the diredions P d and P a, and thefe forces are in the proportion of Fd and dv. There- fore the compound force lias the direction P v. Moreover, this compound force is to the gravity at the pole, or the gravitation of the particle A^ as P ^' to A C. For the force P v is to the force P d as P ^' to P d ', and the force P d is to A as F d to A C. There- fore the force F v is to A as P v to A C. In like maimer, it may be compared with the force at E. Make ^v C : ^ // - E x C A : A x C E. We flialJ then have /, Fa :f, F d =z F a : a 1/ -/ and the force in the direction P a, wlien compounded with that in the diredion P dy form a force in the direction P //, and having to the force at E the proporiion of P 7* to E C. Thus have we obtained the dire6lion of gravitation for any individual particle on the furface, and its magni- 3 ^'i 2. um 4^0 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMr. tudc when compared with the forces at A and at E, which are fuppofed known. 566. (g) )3ut it is neceffary to have the meafure of the accumulated force or pieflure occafioned by the gra- vitation of a column or row of particles. Draw the tangent E T, and take any portion of it, fuch as E T, to reprefent the gravitation of the parti- cle E. Join C T, cutting the perpendicular d ^ in ^. Since the gravitations of particles in one diameter are as their diftances from the centre (561.) d^ will exprefs the gravitation of a particle d. Thus, the gravitation of the whole column E C will be reprefented by the area of the triangle CET, and the gravitation of the part E d, or the preffure exerted by it at d, is reprefented by the area ET^ d. We may alfo conveniently exprefs the E X E C preflure of the column E C at C by , and, in A X A C like manner, — exprelTes the weight of the co- lumn A C, or the preffure exerted by it at C. Should we exprefs the gravitation of E by a line ET equal to E C, the weight of the whole column E C E C^ would be expreiTed by — , and that of the portion EC'-—dC' , . ,Ed X dO _^ E« by , or by it» equal ~ . We fee alfo that v/hatever value we afhgn to the force E, the gravitations or prefiures of the columns E C and E d are proportional to EC% and EC — ^/C% or to EC' and }ld X d O. This remark will be foequently referred to. FIGURE OF THE PLANETS. 461 567. From thefe obfervations it appears that the two columns A C and E C will exert equal or unequal pref- fures at the centre C, according to the adjuftment of the forces in the direction of the axis, and perpendicular to the axis. If the ellipfe do not turn round an axis, then, in order that the fluid in the columns A C and E C may prefs equally at C, we mult have AxACr=ExEC, or A C : E C = E : A. The gravitation at the pole mufl be to that at the equator as the radius of the equator to the femiaxis. But we fliall find, on examination, that fuch a proportion of the gravitations at A and E cannot refult folely from the mutual gravitation of the particles of a homogeneous fpheroid, and that this fpheroid, if fluid, and at reft, cannot preferve its form. 568. The fix preceding articles afccrtain the mecha* nical ftate of a particle placed any where in a homogene- ous fpheroid, inafmuch as it is aflFecled folely by the mutual gravitation to all the other particles. We arc now to inquire what conditions of form and gravitating force will produce an exa6t equihbrium in every particle of an elliptical fpheroid of gravitating fluid when turn- ing round its axis. For this purpofe, it k neceflary, in the firft place, that the diredion of gravity, affeded by the centrifugal force of rotation, be every where perpen- dicular to the furface of the fpheroid, otherwife the wa- ters would flow off toward that quarter to which gravity inclines. Secondly, all canals reaching from the centre ,tQ the furface muft balance at the centre, otherwife the preponderating t 4^2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. preponderating column will fubfide, and prefs up the other, and the form of the furface will change. And, laflly, any particle of the whole mafs muft be in equili- briof being equally prefled in every direction. Thefe three conditions feem fufficient for infuring the equili- brium of the whole. 5(59. Thefe conditions will be fecured in an ellipti- cal fluid fpheroid of uniform denfity turning round its axis, if the gravity at the pole be to the equatoreal gravity^ diminijljed by the centrifugal force arifing from the rotation^ as the radius of the equator to the femiaxis. We iliall firft demonftrate that in this cafe gravity will be every where perpendicular to the fpheroidal fur- face. Let p exprefs the polar gravity, e the primitive equa- toreal gravity, and c the centrifugal force at the furface of the equator, and let e — <:, = J", be the fenfible gravity remaining at the equator. Then, by hypothefis, we have /» : J = C E : C A. Confidering the ftate of any indivi- dual particle P on the furface of the fpheroid, we per- ceive that that part of its compound gravitation which is in a dire6lion perpendicular to the plane of the equator is not affected by the rotation. It ftill is therefore to the force p at the pole as P^ to AC (564.) But the other conilituent of the whole gravitation of P, which is efti- rnated perpendicular to the axis, is diminiflied by the centrifugal force of rotation, and this diminution is in proportion to its di (lance frorj. the axis; that is, in pro- per tioi: riGURE CF THE PLANETS* 463 J)ortion to this primitive conftltuent of its whole gravita- tion. Therefore its remaining gi-avity in a dire 61 ion per- pendicular to the axis is dill in the proportion of its dif- tance from it. And this is the cafe with every individual particle. Each particle therefore may Hill be confidered as urged only by two forces, one of which is perpendicular to the equator and proportional to its diflance from it, and the other is perpendicular to the axis and propor- tional to its diflance from it. Therefore, if v/e draw a line "P V Uy (o that d C may be to d v as /> x E C to J X A Cj Pi' will be the direction of the compound force of gravity at P, as afFe61;ed by the rotation. But, by hypothefis /> : / = E C : A C 5 therefore p X EC:/ X AC=:Ee: AC% and EOtAC'zrc'C idvy =V u'.V V. But (Elllpfe 7.) if P u be to P v as E CMo A C% the line V vu is perpendicular to the tan- gent to the ellipfe In the point P, and therefore to the fpheroidal furface, or to the furface of the ftill ocean. Thus, then, the firfh condition is fecured, and the fu- perficial waters of the ocean will have no tendency to move in any direction. Having therefore afcertained a fuitable direBmi of the affected gravitation of P, we may next inquire Into its intenfity. 570. The fenfible gravity of any fuperficial particle P is every where to the poUr gravity as the line P u (tlie normal terminating in the axie) to the radius of meri- dional curvature at the pole 5 and it is to the fenfible gra» vity at the 'equator as tlie portion P^' of the fame normal ter'Tiinatii:ig 464 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. terminating in the equator is to the radius of meridional curvature at the equator. For it was fliewn (565.) to be to the force at E as P « to E C. If, therefore, the ra- dius of the equator be taken as the meafure of the gra- vitation there, P u will meafure the fenfible gravitation at P. And fince the ultimate (ituation of the point //, when P is at the pole, is the centre of curvature of the ellipfe at A, the radius of curvature there will meafure tlie polar gravity. That is, the fenfible gravity at the equator is to the gravity at the pole, as the radius of the equator to the radius of polar curvature. By a perfe£tly fimilar procefs of reafoning, it is proved that if the gra- vity at the pole be meafured by A C, the gravity at P is meafured by P ^', and at the equator by the radius of curvature of the ellipfe in E. 571. Cor, I . The fenfible gravity in every point P of the furface is reciprocally as the perpendicular C t from the centre on the tangent in that point. For every where in the ellipfe, C ^ X P // = C E% and C / X P -y = C A% as is well known. 572. Cor. 2. The central gravity of every fuperfi- cial particle P, that is, its abfolute gravity V u or P -y eftimated in the dire6tion P C, is inverfely proportional to its diftance from the centre, that is, the central gra- vity at P is to the central gravity at E as E C to P G, and to the polar gravity as A C to P C. For, if the gra- vity P !> be reduced to the diredion P C by drawing vo perpendicular to C P, Vq will meafure this central gra- vity. FI&URH OF THE PLANETS. 465 VXy. Now, it is well known that P X P C is every wJiere = A C" ; and, in like manner, P « X P C = E C*. Therefore P c, or P *^, are every where reciprocally as PC. Henc« it follows that the fenfible increment of gra- vity in proceeding from the equator to the pole is very nearly as tlie fquare of the fine of the latitude ; for, with- out entering on a more curious inveftigation, it is plain that the increments of gra%'ity, when fo minute in com- parifon witli the whole gravity, are very nearly as the , containing w^ater, the furface of this ftill water would be a part of the fpheroidal furface aebq. Should this cavern extend all the way to e or ^, the wa- ter (hould arrange itfelf according to this furface \ or, if er p be a pipe or conduit, the water in it fhould be ftill, except fo far as it is aife' g' perpendicular to PC, it is plain that P and p 0' reprefcnt the gravities of P and /) eilimated in the direction PC. Now l^cipo'zr. V C : p C, Therefore the gravitation of the whole co- P (5 X P C lurnn, or tlie prefliire on C, is rcprefcnted by — (566.) Now, in the ellipfe Vo X PC = CA% a con- ftaiit quantity. Therefore the preffure of every column at C is the fame. In lik^ manner, the prefTure of the columns, C^ and Ca are equal, and therefore alfo the 3 N 2 preflures 4^8 PHYSICAL ASTRONOM'if. prefTures of P/, E f, and A a, at py e, and- ^, are aD equal. 577, Lallly, any particle of the fluid Is ccjually prefled in every direction, and if the whole were fluid, would be /;/ equilihrio, and remain at reft. To prove this, let V p (fig. 64. 3.) be a column reach- ing from P to the furface, and taken in any direction, but, firft, in one of the meridional planes, of which A B is the axis, and E Q the interfection by the equatoreal plane. In the tangent A a take A a equal to E C, and A u equal to A C. Draw aQe and a C g to the tangent E £ at the equator. It is evident that E ^ :;r A C, and E g = E C. Through p and P draw the lines p L l, N P z, parallel to E C, and the lines /) N (p, I P 5 parallel to A B. Draw alio IKk parallel to E C. Since, by hypothefis, the whole forces at A and E are inverfely as A C and EC, A a and E e are as the forces acting at A and E. Confequently, the weights of the columns F D, L Z, and K L, will be reprefentcd by the areas Vfd D, L Iz Z, and KkIL {^66.) All the preflures or forces which att on the particles of the column p P may be refolved into forces acting pa- rallel to A C, and forces acting parallel to E C, and the force atting on each particle is as its diftance from the axis to which it is directed ('564.) Therefore the whole force with which the column p P is prelTed in the direc- tion A C is to the force Mith which the column O P is prefixed in the lame direction, as the number of particles i.U Zi^^^f^'^^ „ ^"^^1. ■ / (^--- '■-■^y'L: ^V^HOx .^^^^\- \ ■■ \/ J xv^ '^-^^A. c^ 1 '■ F Lg / 04 ricuRK or TiiF. ri.ANr,T«;. 469 in pV to the num])ci- in () ?, tli.vf is, as pV to O P. But there is only a part of this force employed in prelhng the particles in the dire(Si:if)ii of the canal. Another part merely prefles the fluid to the iide of the cairal p P. Draw O g perpendicular to p P. The force a£ling in the di- rection A C on any parti-cle in /> P is to Its efficacy in the direction / P as OP to i' P, that is, as /> P to O P Therefore, the prefllire which the particle P fuflains in the direction p P, from the action of all the particles in p P in the direction A C, is precifely equal to the prcf- fure it fuftains from the a6tion of the column O P, act- ing in the fame direction A C. But it has been fliewn (566.) that the preiTure of OP in the direction A C is precifely the fame with the weight of the column L Z, which weight is reprefented by the area L /s Z. In the very fame manner, the whole prefllire on P in the direction p P arifing from the preflure of eacli of the particles in /> P In the direction E C, is precifely the fame with the preflure on P, arifmg from the preiTure of t]ie 'column NP in this direction E C, that is, it is equal to the weight of the column F D, which is reprefented by the area ¥fdT). Bccaufe E j is equal to E C, we have F

caL:K>^'/L = AC :EC mi ricrRK OF TiiF. rr.ANr.T<;. 469 in /) P to the iiiim])cr in () ?, tli.vf is, uS pV to O P. But there Is only a part of this force employed in prelFnig the particles in the direction of the canal. Another part merely prefles the fluid to the iide of the cairal p P. Draw O g perpendicular to p P. The force afting in the di- rection A C on any particle In /» P is to its efiicacy iu the direction / P as OP to ^ P, that is, as pV to O P Therefore, the prelTure which the particle P fuftalns In the direction p P, from the action of all the particles in p P in the direction A C, is precifely equal to the pref- fure it fuftains from the aclion of the column O P, act- ing in the fame direftion A C. But It lias been flicwn (566.) that the preiTure of O P in the direclion AC is precifely the fajne with the weight of the column L Z, which weight is reprefented by the area h /zZ. In the very fame manner, the whole prcfllire on P in the direcl:ion p P arifing from the prelTure of each of the particles in / P In the direction E C, is precifely the fame with the preflure on P, arifing from the prcfTurc of tLe 'column NP in this direction E C, that is, it is equal to the weight of the column F D, which is reprefented by the area YfdD. Bccaufe E g is equal to E C, we have F

P from the axis ac I? of the feclion ilq i. It is dfo to the axipetal force in the direction P Z as P z to PZ. Moreover, it has been fliewn (573.) that the force in the direction P Z is to the force in the direction PD in the ratio of A C" x P Z to E C* X P D, that is (on ac- count of the fimilarity of the fe6lions A E B Q and aehq)^ as « f* X P Z to e c^ x P D. Therefore the force in the direction P s is to the force in the direction P D as ac^ X P 2 to ^ 6* X P D. Wherefore, fince from thefe ele- ments it has been proved already that the whole preilure on P in the canal p P, lying in the plane A E B Q, is equal to the preffure of the canal I P, it follows that the prelTure of the canal/ P, lying in the plane aeh q is alio equal to the prelliire of the canal I P. Thus it now appears that the particle P is urged in every direction with the fame force by the fluid in any rectilineal canal whatever reaching to the furface. It is therefore in equillbrio ; and, as it is taken at random, in ajiy part of tlie fpheroid, the whole fluid fpheroid is hi equUibr'io. We alfo fee that the whole force with which any par- ticle P is preffed in any direction whatever is to the preflure at the centre C as the re£tangle IP/ to A C^ For that is the proportion of the preflure of the canal I P to FIGURE OF THE PLANETS. 473 to that of the canal A C ; and all canals termmating m the centre exert equal preflures. 578. It is now demonflratecl that a mafs of unlforrftly denfe matter, influenced in every particle by gravitation, and fo conllituted that an equilibrium of force on every particle is neceiTary for the maintenance of its form, may exift, with a motion of rotation, in the form of an ellip- tical fpheroid, if there be a proper adjuftment between the proportion of the two axes and the time of the rota- tion. Whatever may be the proportion of the axes of an oblate fpheroid, there is a rapidity of rotation which vi^ill induce that proportion between the undiminiflied gravity at the pole and the diminifhcd gravity on the furface of the equator, which is required for the prefervation of that form. But it has not been proved that a fluid fphere, when fet in motion round its axis, muft aflume the form of an elliptical fpheroid, but only that this is a poflible form. This was all that Newton aimed at, and his proof is not free from reafonable objections. The great matlie- maticians fince the days of Newton have done little more. They have not determined the figure that a fluid fphere, or a nucleus covered with a fluid, tnuj} afl'ume when fet in motion round its axis. * But they have added to the number of conditions that muft be implemented, in order to produce another kind of affurance that an elliptical fpheroid * Montucla fays (Vol. IV.) that M. le Gendre has de- monllrat^d that an elliptical fpheroid is the only poflible form for a homogeneous fluid turning round its axis, 474 PHYSICAL ASTR-ONOMY, fpheroid will anfwcr the purpofe, and by this Ihnitalioii' have greatly increafed the dllliculty of the queflion. M, Clairaut, who has carried his fcruples farther than the reft, requires, befidcs the tiiree conditions which have been fhewn to confifl with tlie permanence of the eUip- tical form, that it alfo be demo-nftrated, i/;w. That a ca- nal of any form whatever niuil every where be hi equili* brio-: 2do, That a canal of any fhape, reaching, from one j^rt of the furface, through the mafs, or along the fur- face, to any other part, fhall exert no force at its extre- mities : 3//'?, That a canal of any form, returning into- itfelf, fliall be /;/ eauiiibrlo through its whole extent. 579. I apprehend that in the cafe of uniform denfity,. ail thefe conditions are involved in the propofition In art. (577.) For we can fuppofe the canal /> P of fig. 64. N° 4. to communicate with the canal P ^. It has been fhewn that they are in equilihrio in P. The canal 4 /3 may branch ofF from P ^. Thefe are /// equilihrio in the point 4. The canal 3 oc may branch off at 3, and they will be flill in equilihrio i and the canal 2 1 will be in equilihrio with all the foregoing. Now thefe points of derivation may be multiplied, till the polygonal canal j!) P 4 3 2 i becomes a canal of continual curvature of any form. In the next place, this canal exerts no force at either end. For the equilihrium is proved in every ftate of the canal p P — it may be as fhort as we pleafe — it may be evanefcent, and actually ceafe to have any length, without any interruption of the equilibrium. Therefore, HGURE OF THE PLANETS. 475 Thercf-^re, there is no force exerted at its extremity to difturb the form of the furface. It may be obferved that this very circumftance proves that the direftioii of gra- vity is perpendicular to the furface. And it muft be ob- ferved that the perpendicularity of gravity to the furface is not employed in demonltrating this propofition. The whole refts on the propofitions in art. 02* 563. and 564, both of which we owe to Mr M*Laurin. 580. Having now demonftrated the competency of the elliptical fpherold for tlie rotation of a planet, we proceed to inveftigate the precife proportion of diameters which is required for any propofed rotation. For example, What protuberancy of the equator will difFufe the ocean of this Earth uniformly, confidently with a rotation in 23^^ ^6' 04", the planet being uniformly denfe ? Let p and e exprefs the primitive gravity of a particle placed at the pole and at the furface of the equator, arifing folely from the gravitation to every particle in the fphe- roid, and let c reprefent the centrifugal tendency at the furface of the equator, arifmg from the rotation. We fliall have an elliptical fpherold of a permanent form, If AC be to EC as e — c is to / {s^9') We muft there- fore find, firft of all, what isnhe proportion of / to ^ re- 'fulting from any proportion of A C to EC. To accomplifh this in general terms with precifion, ap- peared fo difficult a talk, even to Newton, that he avoid- ^d it, and took an indirect method, which his fngacity 3 O 2 ili^wed 47^ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. fliewed him to be perfectly fafe ; and even this was ditR* cult. It Is in the complete folution of this problem that the genius of M^Laurin has fliewn itfelf moft remarkable both for acutenefs and for geometrical elegance. It is not €xeeeded (in the opinion of the firft mathematicians) * by any thing of Arcliimedes or Apollonius. For this reafon, it is to be regreted that vre have not room for the feries of beautiful propofitions that are ncccllary in his method. We muft take a iliorter courfe, limited in- deed to fpheroids of very frnall eccentricity (whereas the method of M'Laurin extends to any degree of eccen^ ijicity), but, with this limitation, perfectly exact, and abundantly eafy and fimple. It is, in its chief fteps, the method followed by M. Bofcoyich. ♦ 580. Let AEBQ (fig. 65.) reprefent the terrjeilnal fpheroid, nearly fpherical, and let A . Proceeding on this aflumptlon, we fay that the gravi- tation of A to the rings generated by P^, E e, &c. is proportional to the portions FI, HL, &c. of the cor- refponding ordinates D F, C H, &c., and that the gra- vitation of A to the whole redundant matter may be ex- prefled by the furface A F H G L I A comprehended be- tween the lines A F H G and AIL G. For, the abfolute gravitation of A to the ring P/ is diredly as the furface of the ring, and inverfely as the fquare of its diflance from A. Now, the furface of the ring is as its breadth, and its circumference jointly. Its breadth P/, and alfo its circumference, being propor- tional to Dp, the furface is proportional to T)p\ The abfolute gravitation is therefore proportional to — ^^ Ap''* This may be refoiyed into forces in the dire6lions A D 3nd Dp. The force in the diredion Dp is balanced by 478 PHYSICAL ASTmONOiVlY. by an equal force on the other fide of the axis. There- fore, to' have the gravitation in the direction of the axis, the value of the abfolute gravitation in the dire6i:ion Ap muft be reduced in the proportion of Kp to A D. It , , ^ Dp' X AD Dp' X AD therefore becomes -^i^j^^ =' ^, . or, ,.,• 1 r f Di'xADxA/ ^ ^ which IS the lame thmg, — ■^— -. But A/)* = ABxAD, and A/)♦ = AB'xAD^ Alfo D/' = A D X D B. Therefore the value laft found be- ADxDBxADxA/) , . , . , comes • AB^ x AD^ ' ^^ ^"^ ' or the fame thing with Xl\~ Since A B* is a conftant quantity, the gravitation in tlie dire£lion AC to the ring generated by Fp is proportional to D B X A/. It is very obvious that D F, C H, B G, &;c. are re- fpedlively equal to Ap, Ae, A B, &;c. Therefore the gravitation to the matter in the ring generated by P^ is proportional to D B X D F. Now, by the conftruftiou of the curve line A L C, we have AB:AD = DF:DI therefore AB:DB = DF:IF and ABxIF = DBxDF Therefore, fmce A B is conftant, I F is proportional to D B X D F, that is, to the gravitation to the ring gene- rated by V p. Therefore the gravitation to the whole redundant matter may be reprcfented by the fpace A H G L A. PI CURE OF THE PLANET 3. 479", Let T be the periphery of a circle of which the ra- dius is I. The circumference of that generated by E or T — ; . And becauXe A ^* = 2 A C% 2 A^ 2 A^- ' and LHrriCH, =^Af, the reduced gravitation be- ^ X E^ comes — —^ X L H. 2 A C This being the meafure or reprefentative of the gra- vitation to the material furface or ring generated by E e, the gravitation to the whole redundant matter contained between the fpheroid and the infcribed fphere will be re- prefented by . ^^ multiplied by the fpace compre- 2 A V* liended between the curve lines A F G and A L G. We muft find the value of this fpace. The parabolic fpace A H G B A Is known to be = 4 A B X B G, = I A B\ The fquare of D I is pro- portional to the cube of B D. For, by the con{lru6lion of the curve A B' : A D' = D F' : D P, and D P = A D' X D F' _ AD* DP _ AD' . n - AD^ AB^ ' ~ AB ^ AB' ~ AB ' "" XB' J. Therefore D I is proportional to AD^, and the area ABGLA is=iABxBG, =fAB^ Take this from the parabolic area -f- A B% and there remains t^tAB^ 4^6 fHt^ICAL ASTRONOMT. /^ A B» for the value of A L G H A. This is equal to if A C\ No'^, the gravitation of A to the redundant matter was fliewn tobe^ALGHAx — r-r^r- This now 2 AC" becomes if AC X "^ ^^ , or -j-V ^ X E^. Such is 2 A v-- the gravitation of a particle in the fole of the fpheroid to the redundant matter fpread over the infcribed fphere. The gravitation of a particle fituated on the furface of the equator to the fame redundant matter is not quite fo obvious as the polar gravity, but may be had with the fame accuracy, by means of the following confidera- tions. 581. Let A B ^ ^ (fig. 66.) reprefent an oblate fphe- roid, formed by rotation round the fhorter axis B ^ of the generating elllpfe, and viewed by an eye fituated in the plane of its equator. Let A E ^ ^ be the circumfcribe4 fphere. This fpheroid is deficient from the fphere by two menifcufes or cups, generated by the rotation of the lunula A E ^ B A and Aeab A. Now fuppofe the fame generating ellipfe ^ A B « ^ A to turn round its longer axis A a. It Vv'ill generate an ob- long fpheroid, touching the oblate fpheroid in the whole circumference of one elliptical meridian, viz. the meri- dian A B ^ ^ A which pafies through the poles A and a of this oblong fpheroid. It touches the equator of the oblate fpheroid only in the points A and a, and has the diameter FIGURE or THE PLANETS. 48! diameter A^ for its nxis. This oblong fpheroid is other- wife wholly within the oblate fpheroid, leaving between their furfaces two mcnifcufes of an oblong form. This may be better conceived by firft fuppofing that both the fpheroids and alfo the circumfcr-bed fphcre arc cut by a plane P Ggp, perpendicular to the axis A ^ of the ob- long fpheroid, and to the plane of the equator of the ob- late fpheroid. Now fuppofe that the whole Egure mak(?s the quarter of a turn round the axis B /^ of the oblate fpheroid, fo that the pole n of the oblong fpheroid comes quite in front, and is at C, the eye of the fpeclator be- ing in the axis produced. The equator of the oblong fpheroid will now appear a circle OBo h O, touching the oblate fpheroid in its poles B and b. The feftion of the plane IP p with the circumfcribed fphere will now appear as a circle P' Kp' r. Its feftion with the oblate fpheroid will a|)pear an ellipfe R G' r g' fimilar to the generating ellipfe A B « ^, as is well known. And its fe£lion with the oblong fpheroid will now appear a circle I G' / g' pa- rallel to its equator OBob. V p is equal to P'/', and G ^ to G' «-'. Thus it appears that as every fe£lion of the oblate fpheroid is deficient from the concomitant fec- tion of the circumfcribed fphere by the want of tvv'-o lu- nulae R P> G' and Kp'rg^ fo it exceeds the conco- mitant feclion of the obiong fpheroid by two lunulas G' R ^' I and G' r g' i. It is alfo plain that if thefe fpheroids differ very little from perfe£l fpheres, as when E B does not exceed ~o of E ^, the deficiency of each fedlion G g from^ the concomitant fe£bion of the circum- 3 P f.^ribed 48i PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. fcribed fpliere is very nearly equal to its excefs above the concomitant feclion of the infcribed oblong fpheroid* It may fafely be confidered as equal to one half of the- fpace contained between the circles on the diameters V' p and; G'^', * in the fame way that we confidered the lu- nula APEB^/)A of fig. 65. as one half of the fpace contained between the feniicircles A e B and a^b. From this view of the figure, it appears that the gra- vitation of a particle a in the equator of the oblate fphe- roid to the two cups or menifcufes R V r G' and R/ rg'y by which the oblate fpheroid is lefs than the circum- fcribed fph^re, may be computed by the very fame method that we employed in the lafl proportion. But, inftead of computing (as in lait propofition) the gravitation of a to the ring generated by the revolution pf P G (fig. 66.)y that is, to the furface contained between the two circles RP'r/>' and IG'ig^ v.'e muft ernploy only the two lunula RP'rG'R and R/r^'R. In this way, we may account the gravitation to the deficient matter (or the deficiency of gravitation) to be one half of the quantity determined by that propofition, and therefore' = -s^ 'f X E ^ of fig. 65. The laft propofition gave us- the gravitation to all the matter by which the fpheroid ejtceeded the infcribed fphere. The prefent propofition gives * For the circumfcribed circle is to the ellipfe as the el- lipfe to the infcribed circle. When the extremes differ fo little, the geometrical and arkhn)etical mean will differ but iRJfenfibly. FIGURE OF THE PLANETS. 483 gives the gravitation to all the matter by whicli it fiills fliort of the circumfcribed fphere. 582. We can nov/ afccrtain the primitive gravita- tion at the pole and at the equator, by adding or fub- tracling the quantities now found to or from the gravi- tation to the fpheres. Let r be the radius of the fphere, and cT r the circumference of a great circle. The dia- meter is 2 r. The area of a great circle is , and ijhe whole furface of the fphere is t ^ r% and its folrd contents is y 9r r^. Therefore, fmce the gravitation to a fphere of uniform denfity is the fame as if all its matter were collected in its centre, and is as the quantity of ipatter directly, and as the fquare of the diftance r in- verfely, the gravitation to a fphere will be proportional to y — — , that is, to y TT r. * Now * I beg leave to mention here a circumllance which ihould have been taken notice of in art. 464, when the lirll principles of fpherical attractions were eftabhfhed. It was fhewn that the gravitation of the particle P to the fpherical furface gene- rated by the rotation of the arch A D' T is equal to its gra- vitation to the furface generated by the rotation of B D T. Therefore if P be Infinitely near to A, fo that the furface generated by A D' T rnay be confidered as a point or fingle particle, the gravitation to that particle is equal to the gravi- tation to all ^he reft of the furface ; that is, it is one ha!f of 3 P 2 the 464 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. Now kt AEBQ (iig. 65.) be an oblate fpberoid, whofe poles are A and 13, The gravity of a particle A to the fphcre whofe radius is AC is y ^r X AC, = ^ ''** X E C — -J- ^ X E ^, or y ;r X E C — i-^ ^ X E f . Add to this its gravitation -,-^j- tt x E f, to the redundant luatter. The fum is evidently .^- ;r x E C — -iV '^ Xi The gravitation of the particle E on the furface 01 tjie equator to a fphere v/hofe radius is EC is y^ X EC. From this fubtra61: its deficiency of gravitation, viz. 4t ^ X E ^, and there remains the equatoreal primitive gravity =|;rx EC — ^:rx E^. Therefore, in this fpheroid, the polar gravity is to the equatoreal gravity as | tt X E C — Vy tt x E ^ to ^^-ttxEC — ^TTxE^, or (dividing all by 4 ^) as EC — y E ^ to EC — y E £>, or (becaufe E ^ is fup- pofed to be very fmali in comparifon with EC) as EC to EC — -J- E e. In general terms, let g reprefent the mean gravity, p the polar, and e the equatoreal gravity, r tlie radius of the infcribed fphere, and x the elevation E e of the equator above the infcribed fphere. We have, for a general exprefiion of this proportion of the primi-. tive the whole gravitation. If we fuppofe P and A to coincide, that is, make P or.e of the particles of the furface, its gra- vitation to the fpherical furface will be only one half of what it was when it was without the furface ; ajid if we fuppofe P adjoining to A internally, it will exhibit no gravitation at FiCrRE OF THE PLANETS. 485 tive gravitations, p : e z= r -\- ^- .\ : r, or (becaufe .v is very Imall in compariibn with r), p : e = r * r — ^ x. This lail is generally the moll convenient, and it is exa£l, if r be taken for the equatoreal radius. 583. Had the fpheroid been prolate (oblong) the fame reafoning would have given us p : e = r : r '^- j. x. I may add here that the gravitation at the pole of an oblong fpheroid, the gravitation at the equator of an ob- late fpheroid (having the fame axes) and the gravitation -to the circumfcribcd fphere, on any point of its furface, are proportional, refpe6i:ively, to \ r -{- S^ x ; | r -f- i .v j and y ^ 4- y A^ * 584. It now appears, as was formerly hinted (567.) that we cannot have an elliptical fpheroid of uniform denfity, in * Many quellions occur, in which we want the gravitation of a particle P' fituated in the diredlion of any diameter C P (fig. 6^.) Draw the conjugate diameter CM, and fuppofe the fpheroid cut by a plane palBng through C M perpendicu- lar to the plane of the figure. This fedlion will be an ellipfe, cf which the femiaxes are C M and CE (= r -^ x). A circle whofe radius is the mean proportional between CM and C K has the fame area with this fe^lion, and the gravitation to this circle will be the fam.e (from a particle placed in the a>:is) with the graNatation to this feftion. Therefore, as the angle PCM is very nearly a right angle, the gravitation of F ^8(5 PHYSICAL ASTRGNOMT. in whicli the gravitation at the pole is to that at the e- quator as the equatoreal radius to the polar radius. This \70uld make p :e-=: r -.r — ac, a ratio five times greater than that which refults from a gravitation proportional Thus have we obtained, with fiifficient accuracy, the ratio of polar and equatoreal gravity, unafFe£led by any external force, and we are now in a condition to tell what velocity of rotation will fo diminifh the equatoreal gravitation that the remaining gravity there fhall be to the polar gravity as A C to E C. 585. Let c be taken to reprefent the centrifugal tendency generated at the furface of the equator by the rotation of the planet round its axis, and let the other fymbols be retained. The fenfible gravity at the equator is € — c, the polar gravity/), and the excefs of the equa- toreal radius above the femiaxis r is x. We have {hewn (582.) that the primitive gravities at the pole and the equator are in the ratio of r to r — f ;i^ or, P to the fpheroid will be the fame with its polar (or axicular) gravitation to another fpheroid, whofe polar femiaxis is P C, and whofe equatoreal radius is the mean proportional between "C M and C E* This is eafily computed. If the arch P E be 35° 16', a fphere having the radius PC has the fame ca- pacity with the fpheroid A E B Q (when E ^ is very fmall).. Hence follows what was faid in tlie note on art. 572. riGURE OF THE EARTIt. ^J w, (becaufe ;v is a very fmall part of r), in the ratio o£ r + f .V to r. That is, r:r -J^- }^ x = e \ p. This gives e X p — e -\ . Therefore the ratio of the ftnfihle equato- real gravity to the gravity at the pole is^ — c:^-j-— , e X or, very nearly, e \e -\- \- c. Therefore we mufl have, for a revolving fphere of fmall eccentricitv, £ X e :e -\ — — -X-c^rir + x 5 ^ and e X e : — -^ c zz r :x confequently ex e X ■=: \- re and ex A£ X ex or z=:r c 5 5 and 4 ^ ;v =r 5 r r, and a; = -^ /\e X c c and the elllpticity - = ^ , that is, ^ r ^e Four times the primitive gravity at the equator ts to five times the centrifugal force of rotation as the fcmiaxis to the elevation of the equator above the infcrihed fphere, 586. It is a matter of obfervation tliat the dimi|r nution of equatoreal gravity by the Earth's rotation in ss^^ ^a 4" is nearly ^\^, Therefore 4 X 289 : 5 = r : X = 23if : I, very nearly. This is the ratio deduced by Newton iji his indireft, and feemingly incurious, method. That method has been much criticifed by his fcholars, as if it could be fuppofed that Newton was ignorant that the proportionality 4S8 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMt. proportionality employed by him, in a rough way, was not nccejfafily involved in the nature of the thing. But Newton knew that, in the prefent cafe, the error, if any, muft be altogether infignificant. He did not demonftrate, but afTumed as granted, that the form is elliptical, or that an elliptical form is competent to the purpofe. His jufh- nefs of thought has Ven fo repeatedly verified in many cafes as abilrufe as this, that it is unreafonable to afcribe it to conjecture, and it fliould rather, as by Dan. Ber- noulli, be afcribed to his penetration and fagacity. He had fo many new wonders to communicate, that he had not time for all the lemmas that were requifite for enab- ling inferior minds to trace his fleps of inveftigation. 587. When confiderlng the aftronomical phenomena, fome notice Vx^as taken of the attempts which have been made to decide this matter by obfervation alone, by mea- furing degrees of the meridian in diiFerent latitudes. But fuch irregularity is to be feen among the mea- fures of a degree, that the queftion is ftill undecided by this method. All that can be made evident by the com- parifon is that the Earth is oblate, and much more oblate ^an the ellipfe of Mr Hermann •, and that the medium de- du£^ion approaches much nearer to the Newtonian form. When we recolledt that the error of one fecond in the eftimation of the latitude induces an error of more than thirty yards in the meafure of the degree, and that the form of this globe is to be learned, not from the lengths of the degrees, bttt from the differences of thofe lengths. P.JSf^j. ..... r FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 489 it muft be clear that, unlefs the lengths, and the celeilial arc correfponding, can be afcertained with great pracifion indeed, our inference of the variation of curvature muft be very vague and uncertain. The perufal of any page of the daily obfervations in the obfervatory of Paris will fliew that errors of 5" in declination are not uncommon, and errors of 2" arc very frequent indeed. * So many cir- cumftances may alfo afFe£l the meafure of the terreftrial arc, that there is too much left to the judgement and choice of the obferver, in drawing his conclufions. The hiftory of the firfl meafurement of the French meridian by Caf- fmi and La Hire is a proof of this. The degrees feem- ed to increafe to the fouthward — the obfervations were affirmed to be excellent — and for fome time the Earth was held to be an oblong fpherold. Philofophy prevailed, and this was allowed to be impo^ible ; — yet the obfervations were ftill held to be faultlefs, and the blame was laid on the negle£l of circumllances which fliould have been con- fidered. It was afterwards found that the deduced mea- fares * I mention particularly the daily obfervations of the Pa- rifian Obfervatory, becaufe the French allronomers are dif- pofed to reft the queflion on the obfervations of their own academicians, who have certainly furpafTed all the aftronomers of Europe in the extent of their meafurement of degrees, I fee no reafon for giving their obfervations made in diftant places a greater accuracy than what is to be found in the Royal Ob- iEervatory, with capital inftruments, fixed up in the moil folid aianner. 3Q FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 489 it muft be clear that, unlefs the lengths, and the celeftial arc corrcrpondlng, can be afcertained with great precifion indeed, our inference of the variation of curvature muft be very vague and uncertain. Tlie perufal of any page of the daily obfen^ations in the obfervatory of Paris will fliew that errors of 5" in declination are not uncommon, and errors of 2" arc very frequent indeed. * So many cir- cumftances may alfo aite6l the meafure of the terreftrial nrc, that there is too much left to the judgement and choke of the obferv'er, in drawing his conclufions. The hiftory of the firft meafurement of the French meridian by Caf- fmi and La Hire is a proof of this. The degrees feem- ed to increafe to the fouthward — the obfcrv-ations were affirmed to be excellent — and for fome time the Earth was held to be an oblong fpheroid. Philofophy prevailed, and this was allowed to be impoyfible ; — yet the obfervations were ftill held to be faultlefs, and the blame was laid on the negledl of circumilances which fliould have been con- fidered. It was afterwards found that the deduced mea- fures * I mention particularly the daily obfervations of the Pa- riiian Obfervatory, becaufe the French allronomers are dif- pofed to reft the queflion on the obfervations of their own academicians, who have certainly furpafTed all the aftronomers of Europe in the extent of their meafurement of degrees. I fee no reafon for giving their obfervations made in diftant places a greater accuracy than what is to be found in the Royal Ob- jiervatory, with capital inflruments, fixed up ia the moll folid wanner- 3Q 490 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. fures did not agree with feme others of unqueftidnable authority, but would agree with them if the corrections were left out ; — they were left out, and the obfervations declared excellent, becaufe agreeable to the doftrine of gravitation. * 588. The theory of univerfal gravitation affords ano- ther means of determining the form of the terraqueous globe dire61:ly from obfcrvation.- Mr Stirling fays, very juflly, that the diminution of gravity deducible from the remark of M. Richer,, and confirmed by many fimilar obfervations,. gives an incontellible proof, both of the rotation of the Earth, and of its oblate figure. It could not be of an oblate figure, and have the ocean uniformly diflributed, * They were reconciled with the dodlrine of gravitation by attributing the enlargement of the fouthern degrees to the action of the Pyrenean mountains, and thofe in the fouth of France, upon the plummets. But it appears clearly, by the examination of thefe obfervations by Profefibr Celfuis, that the obfervations were very incoiTedl, and fome of them very inju- dicioufly contrived (See Phil. Tranf. N° 457.\.and 386.) The palpable inaccuracies gave fuch latitude for adjuftment that it was eafy for the ingenious Mr Mairan to combine them in fuch a manner as to deduce from them inferences in fupport of opinions altogether contradiftory of thofe of the academy. Have we not a remarkable example of the doubtfulnefs of fuch meafures, in the meafurement of the Lapland degree J It is found to be almoll 200 fathoms too long. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. ^p-'l diftributed, without turning round its axis ; and it could not turn round its axis without inundating; the equator, unlefs it have an oblate form, accompanied with dimi- nifhed equatoreal gravity. By the Newtonian theory, ^he increments of gravity as w^e approach the poles are in the dupHcate ratio of the fines of the latitude. The increm.ents of the length of a feconds pendulum will have the fame proportion. Nothing can be afcertained ^y obfervation with greater accuracy than this. For the London artifts can make clocks which do not vairy one •fecond from mean motion in three or four days. We need not meafure the change in the length of the pen- dulum, a very delicate talk — but the change of its rate of vibration by a change of place, which is eafily done ; and w^e can thus afcertain the force of gravity without an er- ror of one part in 86400. This furpaffes all that can be done in the meafurement of an angle. Accordingly, the ellipticities deduced from the experiments with pendulums are vaflly more confident with each other, and it were to be wiflied that thefe-experiments were more repeated. "We have but very few of them. 589. Yet even thefe experiments are not without anomalies. Since, from the nature of the experiment, we cannot afcribe thefe to errors of obfervation, and the doctrine- of univerfal gravitation is eflablifhed on too broad a foundation to be called in queftion for thefe ano- malies, philofophers think it more reafonablc to attribute? ;the anomalies to local irregularity in terreflrial gravity. 3 Q 2 If. 4p2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. If, in one place, the perululum is above a great mafs of folid and denfe rock, perhaps abounding in metals, and, in anotlier place, has below it a deep ocean, or a deep and extenfive ftratunj of light fand or earth, we {hould certainly look for a retardation of the pendulum in the latter fituation. The French academicians compared the vibrations of the fame pendulum on the fea-fhore in Peru, and near the top of a very lofty mountain, and they obferved that the retardation of its motion in the lat- ter fituation was not fo great as the removal from the centre required, according to the Newtonian tlieory, viz. in the proportion of the diftance (the gravity being in the inverfe duplicate proportion). * But it fhould not be fo much retarded. The pendulum was not raifed aloft 'in the air, but was on the top of a great mountain, to which, as well as to the reft of the globe, its gravitation was di- rected. Some obfervations were reported to have been made in Switzerland, wdiich fliewed a greater gravitation on the fummit of a mountain than in the adjacent val- lics ; and much was built on this by the partizans of vor- tices. * The length of a pendulum vibrating feconds was found to be 439,2 1 French lines on the fea-fnoie at Lima j when reduced to time at Quito, 1466 fathoms higher, it was 438,88 ; and on Pichinka, elevated 2434 fathoms, it was 438,69. Had gravity diminiflied in the inverfe duplicate^ratio of the diilancite, the pendulum at Quito fhould have been 438. oo, and at Pi- chinka it fhould have been 438,55. riGURE OF THE EARTH. 493 tices. But, after due inquiry, the obfervations were found to be altogether fictitious. It may juft be noticed here, that fome of the anomahes in the experiments with pen- dulums may have proceeded from magnetifm. The clocks employed on thofe occafions probably had gridiron pen- duium.s, having five or feven iron rods, of no inconfider- able weight. We know, for certain, that the lower end of iuch rods acquires a very diflinft magnetifm by mere upright pofition. This may be confiderable enough, efpe- cialiy in the circumpolar regions, to affe£t the vibration, and it is therefore advifeabie to employ a pendulum hav- ing no iron in its compofition. Although the dedu6i;ion of the form of this globe from obfervations on the variations of gravity is expofed to tlie fame caufe of error which affects the pofition of the plummet, occafioning errors in the meafure of a de- gree, yet the errors in the variations of gravity are incom- parably lefs. What would caufe an error of a whole mile in the meafure of a degree will not produce the ^g- part of this error in the difference of gravity. 590. Thefe obfervations naturally lead to other re- fl eel ions. Newton's determination of the form of the terraqueous globe, is really the form of a homogeneous and fluid or perfedly flexible fpheroid. But will this be the form of a globe, conftituted as ours in all proba- bility is, of beds or layers of different fubftances, whofe dcnfity probably increafes as they are farther down ? This is a very pertinent and momentous quellion. But 494 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, But this outline of mechanical philofophy will not adniit of a difculTion of the many cafes which may reafonably be propofed for folution. All that can, with propriety, be attempted here is to give a general notion of the change of form that will be induced by a varying den- fity. And even in this, our attention muft be confined to fome fimple and probable cafe. "We fhall therefore fuppofe the denfity to increafe as we penetrate deeper, and this in fuch fort, that at any one depth the denfity is uniform. •It is highly improbable that the internal conftitution of this globe is altogether irregular. 591. We fhall therefore fuppofe a fphere of folid matter, equally denfe at equal diftances from the centre, and covered with a lefs denfe fluid ; and we fhall fup- pofe that the whole h-is a form fuitable to the velocity of its rotation. It is this form that we are to find out. With this view, let us fuppofe that all the matter, by which the folid globe or nucleus is denfer than the fluid, is collected in the centre. We have feen that this v/ill make no change in the gravitation of any particle of the incumbent fluid. Thus, we have a folid glbbe, covered with a fluid of the fame denfity, and, befides the mutual gravitation of the particles of the fluid, we have a force of the fame nature ailing on every one of them, direct- ed to the central redundant matter. Now, let the globe liquefy or diflblve. This can induce no change of force on any particle of the fluid. Let us then deter- mine the form of the now fluid fpheroid, which will ' mainta::: FIGURE OF THE EARTM. 4^5 maintain itfelf in rotation. This being determrned, let the globe again become folid. The remaining fluid v/iiL not change its form, becaufe no. change is inauced on tiie force acliing on any parcicle of the fluid. Call this Hypothefis A. 592. In order -to determine tliis flate of equUihrium, PHYSICAL ASTRONOMt. perpendicular to the axis, and another perpendicular fa the equator, and proportional to the diftances from them. Therefore tlie whole combined forces a6ling on each particle may be thus refolved into two forces in thofe directions and in thofe proportions. Therefore a mafs fo comlituted will maintain its elliptical form, provided that the velocity of its rotation be fuch that the whole forces at the pole and the equator are inverfely as the axes of the generating ellipfe. We are to afcertain this form, or this required magnitude of the centrifugal force. Having done this, we fhall reftore to the accumulated central matter its natural gravitation, or its aClion on the fluid in the inverfe duplicate ratio of the diftances, and then fee what change muft be made on the form of the fpheroid in order to reftore the equilibrium, 593. Let B A ^^ (fig. 67.) be the fi£titious elliptical fpheroid of liypothefis B. Let B E ^ f be the infcribed fphere. Take E G, perpendicular to C E, to reprefent the force of gravitation of a particle in E to the cen- tral matter, correfponding to the diftance CE or C B. Draw C G. Draw alfo A I perpendicular to C A, meet- ing C G in L Defcribe the curve G L R, whofe ordi- pates G E, L A, R M, 8cc. are proportional to ^^^^ , TTT-ii rlvp' ^^' Thefe ordinates will exprefs the gravitations of the particles E, A, M, &c. to the central anatter by hypothefis- A. In hypothefis A, the gravitation of A is reprefented by FISURE OF THE EARTH. 497 hy A L, but in hypothefis B It is reprefentcd by A I. For in hypothefis B the gravitations to this matter are as the diftances. E G is the gravitation of E in both hy- pothefes. NoMT, E G : A L = C A' : C E% but E G : A £ = C E :C A. — In hypothefis A the weight of the column A E Is reprefented by the fpace A L G E, but by A I G E in hypothefis B. If therefore the fpheroid of hypothefis B wd.s in equilibrioy w^iile turning round its axis, the eqnilihrium is deftroyed by merely changing the force ailing on the column E A. There is a lofs of prefiure or weight fuftained by the column E A. This may be exprefled by the fpace L G I, the difference between the tvi'o areas EGIA and EGLA. But the equilibrium may be reftored by adding a column of fluid AM, whofe weight A L R M fiiall be equal to L G I, which , LIxAE IS very nearly i= . In order to find the height of this column, produce G E on tlie other fide of E, and make E F to E G as the denfity of the fluid to the denfity by which the nu- cleus exceeded it. E F will be to E G as the gravitation of a particle in E to the globe (now of the fame denfity with the fluid) is to its gravitation to the redundant mat- ter colle£led in the centre. Now, take DE to repre- fent the gravitation of E to the fluid contained in the concentric fpheroid E /3 ^ /3, which is fomewhat lefs than its gravitation to the fphere E B ^ ^. Draw C D N. Then A N reprefents the gravitation of A to the whole fluid fpheroid, by § 558. In like manner, NI is the u- 3 R cited 49B PHYSICAL AsrRONOMT. nited gravitation of A to both the fluid and the central matter, in the fame hypothefis. But in hypothefis A, this gravitation is reprefented by N L. Let N O rcprefent the centrifugal force afFe£ling the particle A, taken in due proportion to N A or NL, its whole gravitation in hypothefis A. Dravi^ C K O. D K will be the centrifugal force at E. The fpace O K G I will exprefs the whole fenCble weight of the fluid in A E, according to hypothefis B, and O K G L will ex- exprefs the fame, according to hypothefis A. L G I is the difference, Lo be compenfated by means of a due addition A M. ^rhis addition may be defined by the quadrature of the fpaces G E A L and G L I. But it will be abund- antly exa£l to fuppofc that G L R fenfibly coincides with a (Iraight line, and then to proceed in this manner. "We have, by the nature of the curve G L R, AL:EG = ED:AC* Alfo AH, orEG:AI = EC:AC Therefore AL : AI = EO : AD. Now, when a line changes by a very fmall quan- tity, the variation of a line proportional to its cube is thrice as great as that of the line proportional tp the root. H I is the quantity proportional to E A the in- crement of the root EC. I L is proportional to the va- riation of the cube, and is tlierefore very nearly equal to thrice H I. Therefore FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 499 Therefore fmcc E G : H I = E C : A E, we may ftate EG:LI = EC:3AE, or 3 E G : L I = E C : A E. Now, O O L R may be confidered as equal to Q R X A M, or as equal to K G X A M, and L G I may be confidered as equal to LI x iAE, and 2KG X AM = LIxAE. Therefore 2KG:AE = LI:AM but EC:AE = 3EG:LI therefore 2 K G X E C : A E' = 3 E G : A M and .2KG::|^=3EG:AM and 2 KG : 3 E G = 4^ : AM ^ EC That is, twice the fenfiblc gravity at the equator is te thrice the gravitation to -the central matter as a third proportional to radius and the elevation of the equator is to the addition necelTary for producing the equilibriitm required in hypothefis A. This addition may be more readily conceived by- means of a conffcru61:ion. Make AE:Ef=:2KG: 3 E G. Draw e a parallel to E A, and draw C e m, cut- ting A N in tn. Then a m is the addition that muft be made to the column AC. A fimilar addition muft be made to every diameter CT, making 2KG:3EG = TV •FT^ ' T /, and the v/hole will be in equilibria, 594. This determination of the ellipticity will equal- ly fuit thofe cafes where the fluid is fuppofed denfer than ^ R 2 the 50O PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. the folid nucleus, or where there is a central hollo}^''. For E G may be taken negatively, as if a quantity o£ matter v/ere placed in the centre acting with a repelling or centrifugal force on the iiuid. This is reprefented on the other fide of the axis B b. The fpace g i I in this cafe is negative, and indicates a diminution of the co- lumn a r, in order to reflore the eqiiUihrium. 595. It is evident that the figure refulting from this conftruclion is not an accurate ellipfe. For, in the el- 3iple, T/ would be in a conftant ratio to VT, whereas it is as VT^ by our conftruilion. But it is alfo evident that in the cafes of fmaii deviation from perfect fphe- jicity, the change of figure from the accurate ellipfe of hypothefis B is very fmall. The greateil deviation hap- pens when E f is a maximum. It can never be fen- libly greater in proportion to A E than i- of A E is in proportion to E C, unlefs the centrifugal force F D be very great in compari(bn of the gravity D E. In the cafe of the Earth, where E A is nearly -^yo of E C, if we fuppofe the mean denfity of the Earth to be five times that of fea water, a jn will not exceed ttttt^ ^^ EC, or^4-Tof EA. ^ ' 596. We are not to imagine that, fince central mat- ter requires an addition A M to the fpheroid, a greater denfity in the interior parts of this globe requires a great* er cquatoreal protuberancy than if all were homogene- ous ; for it is juft the contrary. The fpheroid to which the FlOfURE OF THE EARTH. 50I tlie addition muft be made Is not the figure fulted to a homogeneous mafs, but a fi6litious figure employed as a ftep to facihtate inveftigatlon. We muft therefore de- fine its ellipticity, that we may know the fliape refulting from the final adiuftmcnt. Let f be the denfity of the fluid, and « the denfity of the nucleus, and let n — f be = 7, fo that q corref- poiids with E G of our conftru6lion, and expreffes the redundant central matter (or the central deficiency of matter, when the fluid is denfer than the nucleus). Let B C or E C be r, A E be a*, and let g be the mean gra- vity (primitive), and c the centrifugal force at A. Laft- ly, let TT be the circumference when the radius of the circle is r. The gravitation of B to the fluid fpheroid is \ ^/r (582.)> a"d its gravitation to the central matter is y ^r^r r. The fum of thefe, or the whole gravitation of B, is \ T 71 r. This may be taken for the mean gravitation on every point of the fpheroidal furface'. But the whole gravitation of B differs confiderably from that of A. \mo. C A, or C E, is to -J- AE as the primitive gravity of B to the fpheroid is to its excefs above the gravitation (primitive) of A to the fame, (582.) That is, r \ \ x z=. y Trfr : tV ^f^i and ^V "^/^ expreffes this excefs. 2do, In hypothefis B, we have CE to CA as the gravitation of B or E to the central matter is to the gra- vitation of A to the fame. Therefore C E is to E A as the gravitation of E to this matter is to the excefs of A*s gravitation 5^-2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, gravitation to the fame. This excefs of A's gravitatiori is expreiTed by 4- x 5- .v, {or r : x = y -^ q r : j tt q x. ^tio. Without any fenfible error, we may (late the Tatio of ^ to <: as the ratio of the whole gravitation of A to the centrifugal tendency excited in A by the ro- tation. Therefore gr : c = ^Trft r : , and this cen- trifugal tendency of the particle A is . This is D o what is exprefled by N O in our conftru6lion. The whole difference between the gravitations of B and A is therefore -^r ^/^ — yTrqx -\ . The D o gravitation of B is to this difference as -f- ^r ;z r to tV ^f^ Q. '7T ft f C — -y^S'^H or (dividing all by y'?rn) as r to D o f X qx .cr 5« n g ' Now the equilibrium of rotation requires that the whole polar force be to the fenfible gravitation at the -equator as the radius of the equator to the femiaxis (569.) Therefore we muft make the radius of the equa- tor to its excefs above the femiaxis as the polar gravita- tion to its excefs above the fenfible equatoreal gravitation. That is r : ^ = r : *^ — ^ > and therefore x = 5 « n g f X X C f C V Q X f X ^- j . Hence we have — = ;c -j- ^ -^ — . ^n n g g n $n Butj? = «~/. Therefore— zz^c-f — -'^^-^, g fi n ^n Wherefore FIGURE OF THE EARTHT. 50^ Wherefore a? = ^^-., = 1 :-, which. c c f is more conveniently exprefTed in this form x = - — X The fpecies, or ellipticity of the fpheroid is 5 ^^ — 3/ X r' 2g 5^^ — 3./' Such then is the elHptical fpheroid of hypothefis B , and we faw that, in refpe6t of form, it is fcarcely diftin- guifliable from the figure which the mafs will have when the fidlitious force of the central matter gives place to tlie natural force of the denfe fpherical nucleus. This is true at leaft in all the cafes where the centrifugal force is very fmall in comparifon with the mean gravita-> tion. We muft therefore take fbme notice of the influ- ence which the variations of denfity rhay have on the form of this fpheroid. We may learn this by attending to the formula X c c n . — = ^— X • r 2g 5 '' — 3/ The value of this formula depends chiefly on the fra£lion n s^ — if' 597. If the denfity of the interior parts be immenfely greater than that of the furrounding fluid, the value of this fraction becomes nearly f, and - becomes nearly = — , and the ellipfe nearly the fame with what Hermann af- fignedto a homogeneous fluid fpheroid. |»04 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. If ;z =: c /; then ■ ^= -— ; and, in the cafe of S^ — Zf 22 the Earth, - would be nearly == — --:, makhiff an equa- r •' 508,0 ° ^ toreal elevation of nearly 7 miles. troS. If n =: /, the fradlion :, becomes -|-> and - = — J which we have already fhewn to be fuitable to a homogeneous fpheroid, with which this is equiva- lent. The protuberance or ellipticity in this cafe is to that v/hen the nucleus is incomparably denfer than the fluid in the proportion of 5 to 2. This is the greateft ellipticity that can obtain when the fluid is not denfer than the nucleus* Between thefe two extremes, all other values of the formula are competent to homogeneous fpheroids of gra- vitating fluids, covering a fpherical nucleus of greater denfity, either uniformly denfe or confiding of concentric fpherical ftrata, each of which is uniformly denfe. From this view of the extreme cafes. We may infer in general, that as the incumbent fluid becomes rarer in proportion to the nucleus, the ellipticity diminifhes. M. Bernoulli (Daniel), mifled by a gratuitous aflumption, fays in his theory of the tides that the ellipticity produced in the aereal fluid which furrounds this globe will be 800 times greater than that of the folid nucleus ; but this is a miftake, which a jufter aflTumption of data would have prevented. The aereal fpheroid will be fenfibly Jefs oblate than the nucleus. It I^IGURE OF THE EARTH. 505 It was faid that the value of the formula depended chiefly on the fradion ^. But it depends alfo 5 « — 3/ C c on the fra£lion ~ , increafmg or diminifliing as c In- creafes or diminifhes, or as g dimiiiifhes or increafes. It mufi: alfo be remarked that the theorem - = ^- for a homogeneous fpheroid was deduced from the fuppofi- tion that the eccentricity is very fmall (See § 5S0. 585.) When the rotation is very rapid, there is another form of an elliptical fpheroid, which is in that kind of equi- libriumj which, if it be difturbed, will not be recovered, but the eccentricity will increafe with great rapidity, till the whole diflipates in a round flat (heet. But within this limit, there is a kind of {lability in the equUihrluin^ by which it is recovered when it is difturbed. If the rotation be too rapid, the fpheroid becomes more oblate, and the fluids which accumulate about the equator, hav- ing lefs velocity than that circle, retard the motion. This goes on however fome time, till the true jQiape is over- paiTed, and then the accumulation relaxes. The motion is now too flow for this accumulation, and the waters flow back again toward the poles. Thus an ofcillation is produced by the di'fturbance, and this is gradually dimi- nlHied by Che mutual adhelion of the waters, and by fric- tion, and tilings foon terminate in the refumption of the proper form. 599. When the denfity of the nucleus is lefs than that of the fluid, the varieties which jrefult in the form 3 S from 505 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. from a variation in the denfity of the fluid are mucli greater, and more remarkable. Some of them are even paradoxical. Cafes, for example, may be put, (when the ratio of n to / differs but very little from that of 3 to 5), where a very fmall centrifugal force, or very flo\r rotation, fhali produce a very great protuberance, and, on the contrary, a very rapid rotation may coiifift with an oblong form like an egg. But thefe are very fingular cafes, and of little ufe in the explanation of the pheno- mena a0:ually exhibited in the folar fyflem. The erjui/i- hriu'/n which obtains in fuch cafes may be called a tot- tering equUibriumy which, v/hen once dillurbed, will not be again recovered, but the difTipation of the fluid will immediately follow with accelerated fpeed. Some cafes will be confidered, on another occafion, where there is a deficiency of matter in the centre, or even a hollow. 600. The chief diftin£lion betv/een the cafes of a nucleus covered with an equally denfe fluid, and a denfe nucleus covered with a rarer fluid, confifts in tlie diflx?r- ence between the polar and equatoreal gravities ; for we - fee that the diflference in fhape is inconfiderable. It has ^been (hewn already that, in the homogenous fpheroid of fmall eccentricity, the excefs of the polar gravity above. tjie fenfible equatoreal gravity is nearly equal to — ^ (for rx^x = g : ^—] . When, in addition to this, we take into account the diminution c, produced by rotation, we iiave -— + i: for the whole difference between the pO' FIGURE OF THE EARTH. $07 iar and the fenfible equatoreal gravity. But, in a homo- geneous fpheroid, we have tc = . Therefore the ex- cefs of polar gravity in a homogeneous revolving fphe- rold is --he or ^— . We may diftinguiih this excefs 4 4 ill the homogeneous fpheroid by the fymbol E. 601. But, in hypothefis B, the equilibrium of rota- tion requires that r be to x as ^ to — - , and the excefs of polar gravity in this hypothefis is ~ . But we have alfo (een that in this hypothefis, - = — X Therefore the excefs of polar gravity in this hypothefis is ^— X 7.. Let this excefs be dilliniruifhed by 2 5« — 3/ the fymbol f. 602. The excefs of polar gravity muft be greater than this in hypothefis A. For, in that hypothefis the equatoreal gravity to the fluid part of the fpheroid is al= ready fmaller. And this fmaller gravity is not fo much increafed by the natural gravitation to tlie central matter, in the inverfe dupUcate ratio of the diftance, as it was in- creafed by the fictitious gravity to the fame matter, in the direft ratio of the diftances. The fecond of the three diftinctions noticed in § 596. between the gravi- tations of B and A was — — . This muft now be ?i "2. Q X clianged into -f- — ^— , as may eafily be deduced from 3^2 § 593, 5e8 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. § 593, where — — is reprefented by H I in fig. 6j, and the excefs, forming the compenfa'tion for hypothefis A is reprefented by H L, nearly double of H I, and in |:he opppfite dire£lion, diminifliing the grayitation of A. The difference of thefe two ftates is -^—y by which thq ' • n ■* tendency of A to the central matter in hypothefis A falls Ihort of what it was in hypothefis B. Therefore, 'as *'" — f- — is to ^-^ , fo is the excefs £ to a quan- ^ f^i n g n tity £'5 >yhich mud be added to e, in order to produce the difference of gravities ^, conform.able to the ftatement of hypothefis A. Now, in hypothefis B, we had .v = -^-^ — + — J ^nd we may, without fcruple, fuppofe ^ the fame in hypothefis A. Therefore « : t' =r a^ ; n n 71 71 '^ 5 ^ .. ^ .. 3 ^^ — 3 / _ 5 ^' v/ 3 « f :>./ ■ 2 ^ 5^~-3/^ « ' ^ 5^ — 3/' Add to this 2, which is ~ X — - — ^5 and we ob- 2 5^^-7-3/ tain for the excefs e of polar gravity in hypothefis A = If X 4^ — 3/ 2 5^^ — 3/* 603. Let us npv*r compare this excefs of polar gra- vity above the fenfible equatoreal gravity in the three hypothefes : ift^ A, fuited to the fluid furrounding a fphericaj i^i^cleu^ of greater denfity : 2^, B, fuited tq the fame fluid, furrounding a central nucleus which at- iracls with a force proportional to the diftance : and, 3^, -■ c, FIGURE GF THE EARTH. 509 C, firited to a homogeneous fluid fpheroid, or enclofmg a fphcrical nucleus of equal doiifity. Tliefvi cxccfies are 5 C 71 B ^ X 2 5-^ — 3./ C if, or -ii- X 5-!L=Ji:. 4 4 5'^ — 3/ It is evident that the fum of A and B is — v 2, 5 ^^ •" 3 / ^vhich is double of C, or ^^ X ^^^~^^^.. S'^ — Zf 4 5 '^-^3/ and therefore C is the arithmetical mean between them. re A. n '— Q /* Now we have feen that ^— X ~ ^^— .expreffes die ratio of the excefs of polar gravity to the mean gra- z c vity in the hypothefis A. We have alfo {^^Vi that •^— X may fafely be taken as the value of the el- 5" — 3/ ^ iipticity in the fame hypothefis. It is not perfectly <»x- acl, but the deviation is altogether infenfibie in a cafe* like that of the Earth, where the rotation and the ec- centricity are fo moderate. And, laffcly, we have i^^w that the fame fraction that exprefles the ratio of the ex- cefs of polar gravity to mean gravity, in a homogeneous fpheroid, alfo expreifes its ellipticity, and that twice this fraction is equal to the fum of the other two. 604. Hence may be derived a beautiful theorem, fu:ft given by M. Ciairaut, that the fraciion exprejfmg twife the ellipticity cf a hcriiogeneous revolving fpheroid is ike fum 510 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. fuin of two fraclionSf one of which expre/fef the ratio of the excefs of polar gravity to mean gravity^ and the other exprejfes the ellipticity of any fpheroid of f mall eccefitricityy ivhlch confijls of a fluid covering a denfer fpherical nucleus. If therefore any other phenomena give us, in the cafe of a revolving fpheroid, the proportion of polar and cquatoreai gravities, we can find its ellipticity, by fub- tra£^ing the fraction expreifing the ratio of the excefs of polar gravity to ths mean gravity from twice the ellip- ticity of a homogeneous fpheroid. Thus, in the cafe of the Earth, twice the ellipticity of the homogeneous fphe- roid is TTT* -^ medium of feven comparifons of the rate of pendulums gives the proportion of the excefs of polar gravity above the mean gravity = -^y o • ^^ ^^^ fra£i:ion be fubtra£led from -^\-^^ it leaves — p- for the medium ellipticity of the Earth. Of thefe feven expe- riments, five are fcarcely different in the refult. Of the other two, one gives an ellipticity not exceeding ~ j- . The agreement in general is incomparably greater than in the forms deduced from the comparifons of degrees of the meridian. All the comparifons that have been pub- lifhed concur in giving a ccnfiderably fmaller eccentricity to the terraqueous fpheroid than fuits a homogeneous maH^, aild which is ufually called Newton's determina- tio-^.. It is indeed his determination, on the fuppofition of homogeneity ; but he exprefsly fays that a different denfity in the interior parts will induce a different form, and he points out fome fuppofititious cafes, not indeed very pro- bable, where the form will be different. Newton has not conceived this fubje(n; w^th his ufual fagacity, and has FIGURE OF THE EARTH. ^tt has made fome inferences that are certainly inconliftent with his law of gravitation. That the protuberancy of the terreflrial equator is certainly lefs than ^-y-j- proves the interior parts to be of a greater mean dcnflty than the exterior, and even gives us fome means for determining how much they exceed in denfity. For, by making the fradion ^— X ^. =: T-^-Q, as indicated by the experiments with pendu- lums, we can find the value of w. 605. The length of the feconds pendulum is the meafure of the accelerating force of gravity. Therefore let / be this length at the equator, and / -j- J the length at the pole. We have — X — -4^= tj whence 2^ 5«-3/ / An — -if 1 z,d —. . . . , ~—r= — ^. This equation, when properly treat- ed, 2;ives -. = — ^~ ■ — -,, &c. &c.* ^ J 1Q c L — i o g a The fame principles may be applied to any other pla- net as well as to this Earth. Thus, we can tell what portion of the equatoreal gravity of Jupiter is expended in keeping bodies on his furface, by comparing the time of * We have information very lately of the meafurement of a degree, by Major Lambton in the Myfore in India, with excellent inftruments. It lies in lat. 12° 32', and its length is 60494 Britifti fathoms. We are alfo informed by Mr Melan- derhielm of the Svvedifh academy that the meafure of the de- gree in Lapland by Maupertuis is found to be 208 toifes too great. This was fufpeded. 5I2J PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. of his rotation with the period of one of his fatellit^s..^ We find that the centrifugal force at his equator is -^-^ of the whole gravity, and from the equation = x, we (hould infer that if Jupiter be a homogeneous fluid or flexible fpheroid, his equatoreal diameter will exceed his polar axis nearly lo parts in 113, which Is not very ilifl^erent from what we obfcrve ; fo much however as to authorife us to conclude that his denfity is greater near the centre than on his furface. Thefe obfervations mufl fuffice as an account of this fubjeft. Many circumftances, of great efFecl:, are omit- ted, that the confideration might be reduced to fuch fim- plicity as to be difcufl^ed without the aid of the higher geometry. The (Indent who wilhes for more complete information mud confiilt the elaborate performances of -Euler, Clairaut, D'Alembert, and La Place. The dif- fertation of Th. Simpfon on the fame fubje6t is excellent. The diflTertation of F. Bofcovich will be of great fervic^ %% thofe who are lefs verfant in the fluxionary calculus, that author having every where endeavoured to reduce things to a geometrical conflru^liorf. To thefe I would add the Cofmographia of Frifius, as a very mafterly per- formance on this part of his fubjedl:. It were delireable that another element were added to the problem, by fuppofing the planet to confift of co- herent flexible matter. It is apprehended that this would give it a form more applicable to the actual flate of things. If a planet confifl: of fuch matter, ducSlile like- melted glafs, the fhape which rotatioi^ combined with gra* vitatioa FIGURE OF THE PLANETS. 51^ vitation and this kind of cohefion, would induce, will be confiderably different from what we have been con- fideringi and fufceptible of great variety, according to the thicknefs of the fhell of which it is fuppofed to con- fift. The form of fuch a fliell will have the chief in- fluence on the form which will be alTumed by an ocean ©r atmofphere which may furround it. If the globe of Mars be as eccenttic as the late obfervations indicate it to be, it is very probable that it is hollow, with no great thicknefs. For the Centrifugal force muft be exceeding- ly fmalL 606. The. mod fingular example of this phenome- non that is exhibited in the folar fyftem, is the vaft arch or ring which furrounds tlie planet Saturn, and turns round its axis with moll aftonifhing rapidity. It is above 200000 miles in diameter, and makes a complete rota- tion in ten hours and thirty-two minutes. A point on its furface moves at the rate of iooo|- miles in a minute, or nearly 17 miles in one beat of the clock, which is 58 times as fwift as the Earth's equator. M. La Place has made the mechanifm of this mo- tion a fubje£l of his examination, and has profecuted it with great zeal and much ingenuity. He thinks that the permanent flate of the ring, in its period of rota- tion, may be explained, en the fuppofitlon that Its parts are without connexion, revolving round the planet like fo many fatellites, fo that it may be confidered as a vapour. It appears to me that this is not at all probable- ? T He jr4 -PHYSICAL ASTRONO^IT» He fays that the obferved inequalities in the circle of* th^ ring are neceilary for keeping it from coalefcing with the planet. Such inequalities feem incompatible with its own conftitution, being inconfiftent with the equili- brium of forces amo^ng incoherent bodies. Befides, as he fuppofes no cohefion in tt, any inequalities in the con- ftitutixDil of its different parts cannot influence the gene- ral motion of the whole in the manner he fuppofes^ but merely by an inequality of gravitation. The effe6l of this, it is apprehended, would be to deftroy the perma- nency of its conftruiftion, without fecuring, as he ima* gines, the fteadinefs of its pofition. But this feems to be the point which he is eager to eftablifh ; and he finds, in the numerous lift of poiTibilities, conditions which bring things within his general equation for the equili" hriiim of revolving fpheroids *, but the equation is fo very general, and the conditions are fa many, and fo im- plicated, tliat there is reafbn to fear that, in fome cir- cumftances, the equilibrium is of that kind that has no ftability, but, if diflurbed in the fmalleft degree^ is de- ftroyed altogether, being like the equilibrium of a needle poifed upright on its point. There is a flronger objec- tion to M. La Place's explanation. He is certainly mif- taken in thinking that the period of the rotation of the ring is that which a fatellitc would have at the fame diflance. The fecond CalTmian fatellite revolves in 65^ 44', and its diftance is 56,2 (the -elongation in feconds). Now 65^ '44' I* : 10' 32^1' = 56,2^ : 16,45. This is the diflance at which a fatellite would revolve in lo** 32'. It GONSTITWTION OF SATURN's RING. $\ $ It muft be fomewhat lefs than this, on account of the oblate figure of the planet. Yet even this is lefs than the radius of the very inmoll edge of the ring. The ra- dius of the outer edge is not lefs than 22i, and that of its middle is ^o. , It is a much more probable fuppofition (for we can only fuppofe) that the ring confiils of coherent matter. It has been reprefented as fupporting itfelf like an arch; but this is lefs admiflible than La Place's opinion. The rapidity of rotation is fuch as would immediately fcatter the arch, as water is flirted about from a mop. The ring mull cohere, and even cohere with confiderable force, in order to counteract the centrifugal force, which confiderably exceeds its weight. If this be admitted, and furely it is the mod obvious and natural opinion, there will be no diihculty aridng from the velocity of rotation or the irregularity of its parts. M. La Place might eafily pleafe liis fancy by contriving a mechanifm for its motion. We may fuppofe that It is a vifcid fub- ftance like melted glafs. If matter of this conilitution, covering the equator of a planet, turn round its axis too fwiftly, the vifcid matter will be thrown off, retaining its velocity of rotation. It will therefore expand into a ring, and will remove from the planet, till the velocity of its equatoreal motion correlpond with its diameter and its curvature. However fmaii we fuppofe the co- hefive or vifcid force, it v/Ill caufe this ring to flop at a dimenfion fmaller than the orbit of a planet moving with the fame velocity. — ^Thefe fecm to be legitimate confe^ quences of what we know of coherent matter, and they 3 T 2 greatly 5l5 I^HTSICAL ASTR0>W5MT. greatly refemble what we fee in Saturn^s rmg. This conftitution of the ring is alfo well fitted for admitting thofe Irregularities which are indicated by the fpots on the ring, and which M. La Place employs witli fo much ingenuity for keeping the ring in fuch a pofition that the planet always occupies its centre. This is a very curious circumftance, when confidered attentively, and its importance is far from being obvious. The planet and the ring are quite feparate. The planet is moving in an orbit round the Sun. The ring accompanies the planet in all the iiTegularities of its motion, and has it always in the middle. This ingenious mathematician gives ftrong reafons for thinking that, if the ring wer^ perfectly circular and uniform, although it is pojfthle tQ place Saturn exactly in its centre, yet the fmalleft dif- turbance by a fatellite or paihng comet would be the .beginning of a derangement, which would rapidly in- creafe, and, after a very fhort time, Saturn would be in conta6l with the inner edge of the ring, never more to feparate from it. But if the ring is not uniform, but more mafTive on one fide of the centre than on the o- ther, then the planet and the ring may revolve round a common centre, very near, but not coinciding with the centre of the ring. He alfo maintains that the oblate form of the planet is another circumftance abfoluteiy ne- celTary for the ftability of the ring. The redundancy of the equator, and flatnefs of the ring, fit thefe two bodies for afting on each other like two magnets, {o as X^ adjuft each other's motions. The FIGITRE OF THE MeCyN. ^ I J The whole of this analyfis of th ^-RECESSION OF THE ECVUIN^OXES. 5>I from what is now ftated. This will be attended to by and by. For the fame reafon, the nodes of tlie ring will con- tinually recede -, and this retrograde motion will be moll remarkable when the nodes are in quadrature, or the Sun in quadrature with the Kne of the nodes ; and will gra- dually become lefs remarkable, as the nodes approach the line of the fyzigies, where the retrograde motion -ivill be the leaft poffibie, or rather ceafes altogether. All thefe things may be diftinftly perceived, by ftea- dily confidering the manner of acting of the difturbin^^r force. This fteady contemplation however is necefTary, as fome of the effefts are very unexpected. Suppofe now that this ring contrails in its dimen- fions. The difturbing force, and all its efFecls, muft 'di- minifh in the fame proportion as the diameter of the ring diminifhes. But they will continue the fame in kind as before. The inclinatbn will increafe till the Sun comes into the line of the nodes, and diminifli till he gets into quadrature with them. Suppofe the ring to contract till almoft in contact with the Earth's furface. The recefs of the nodes, inltead of being almoft three degrees in a month, will now be only three minutes, and the change of inclination in three months will now be- only about five feconds. Suppofe the ring to contraft ilill more, and to cohere with the Earth. This will make a great change. Tlie ten- dency of the ring to change its inclination, and to change its iji^erfcclion with the ecliptic, ftill continues. But it can- 3X2 up: 532 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY-. not now produce the eiicCt, without dragging with it the whole mafs of the Earth. But the Earth is at per- fe6l liberty in empty fpace, and being retained by no-^ thing, yields to every impulfe, and therefore yields to this aclion of the ring. Now, there is fuch a ring furrounding the Earthy having precifely this tendency. T he Earth may be con- fidered as a fphere, on which there is fpread a quantity of redundant matter which makes it fpheroidal. The gravitation of this redundant matter to the Sun fuflains all thofe difturbing forces which acl on the inflexible ring of moons ; and it will be proved, in its proper place, that the efte£\ in changing the pofition of the globe is j- of what it would be, if all this redundant matter were accumulated on the eqaator. It will alfo appear that the force by which every particle of it is urged to or from the plane of the ecliptic, is as its dif- tance from that plane. Indeed, this appears already, be- caufe all the difturbing forces aifiing on the particles of this ring are finailar, both iif dire(Slion and proportion, to thofe which we fne wed to influence the Moon in the fimilar fituations of her monthly courfe round, the Earth. Similar efFecSls will therefore be produced. Let us now fee what thofe. efiecls will be.— The Iu» nar nodes continually recede ; fo will tlie nodes of this equatoreal ring, that is, fo will the nodes of the equa- tor, or its interfe^Stion with the ccjiptic. But the inter- fe£lions of the equator with the ecliptic are what we call the Equincdial Points. The plane of the Earth's equator. PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES. .533 equator, being produced to the (lurry heavens, Interfecls that feemhigly concave fphere in a great circle, which may be traced out among the ftars, and marked on a celeflial globe. Did the Earth's equator always keep the fame pofition, this circle of the heavens would always pafs through tlie fame ilars, and cut the ecliptic in the fame two oppofite points. When the Sun comes to one of thofe points, the Earth turning round under him, e- very point of irs equator has him in the zenith in fuc- ceflion ; and all the inhabitants of the Earth fee him rife and fet due eaft and wed, • and have the day and night of the fame length. But, in the courfe of a year, the a£lion of the Sun on the protuberance of our equator deranges it from its former pofition, in fuch a manner that each of its interfeclions with the ecliptic is a little to the weftward of its former place in the ecliptic, fo that the Sun comes to the interfe£lion about 20' before he reaches the interfe^lion of the preceding year. This anticipation of the equal divifion of day and night is there- fore called the precession of the equinoxes. The axis of diurnal revolution is perpendicular to the plane of the equator, and mud therefore change its po- fition alfo. If the inclination of the equator to the eclip- tic were always the fame (231 degrees), the pole of the diurnal revolution of the heavens (that is, the point of the heavens in which the Earth's axis would meet the concave) would keep at the fame diftance of 23^ degrees from the pole of the ecliptic, and would therefore always be found in the circumference of a circle, of which the pole '534 I'HYSICAL ASTRONOMY. pole oF the ecliptic Is the centre. The meridian which pafles through the poles of the ecliptic and equator muft always be perpendicular to the meridian which pafles through the equinoclial points, and therefore, as thefe ihift to the weftward, the pole of the equator muft alfo ihift to the weftward, on the circumference of the circle above mentioned. But we have feen that the ring of redundant matter does not preferve the fame inclination to the ecliptic. It is moft inclined to it when the Sun is in the nodes, and fmalleft when he is in quadrature with refpedl to them. ' Therefore the obliquity of the equator and ecliptic fliould be greateft on the days of the equinoxes, and fmalleft when the Sun is in the folftitial points. The Earth's axis fhould twice in the year incline downward toward the ecliptic, and tv/ice, in the intervals, fhould raife itfelf "up again to its greateft elevation. Something greatly refembling this feries of motions may be obferved in a child's humming top, when fet a fpinning on Its pivot. An equatoreal circle may be drav.'n on this top, and a circular hole, a little bigger than the top, may be cut in a bit of ftifF paper. When the top is fpinning very fteadily, let the paper be held fo that half of the top is above it, the equator aimoft touching the fides of the hole. When the whirling motion abates, the top begins to ftagger a little. Its equator no longer coincides with the rim of the hole In the paper, but in- terfedls It in two oppofite points. Thefe interfe£iions will be obferved to fnift round the v/hole circumferehee 9f PRECESSION OF THE E(^INOXES. 53^ of the hole, as the axis of the top veers round. The axis becomes continually more oblique, without any pe- riods of recovering its former pofition, and, in this re- fyeQ: only the phenomena differ from thofe of the pre- cefTion. It u-as affirmed that the obliquity of the equator is greateft at the equinoxes, and fmallefl at the folftices* This would be the cafe, did the redundant ring inftant- ly attain the pofition w^hich makes an equilibrium of ac- tion. But this cannot be ; chiefly for this reafon, that it muft drag along vrith it the whole infcribed fphere. During the motion from the equinox to the next folftice, the Earth's equator has been urged toward the ecliptic, and it muft approach it with an accelerated motion. Suppofe, at the inftant of the folftice, all aftion of the Sun to ceafe ; this motion of the terreftrial globe would not ceafe, but would go on for ever, equably. But the* Sun's aftion continuing, and now tending to raife the equator again from the ecliptic, it checks the contrary- motion of the globe, and, at length, annihilates it alto- gether ; and then the effed of the elevating force begins to appear, and the equator rifes again from the ecliptic. When the Sun is in the equinox, the elevation of the e- quator fhould be greateft ; but, as it arrived at this pofi- tion with an accelerated motion, it continues to rife (with a retarded motion) till the continuance of the Sun's depreffing force puts an end to this rifmg ; and now the cffeft of the depreffing force begins to appear. For rhefe reafons, it happens tliat the greateft obliquity of the L §3^ PHYSrCAL ASTRONOM"?. the equator to the ecliptic is not on the days of the e- quinoxes, but about fix weeks after, viz. about the firlf of May and November ; and the fmalleft obliquity is not at midfummer and midvv'inter, but about the beginning of February and of Auguft. And thus, we find that the fame principle of univer- fal gravitation, which produces - the elliptical motion of tlie planets, the inequalities of their fatellites, and deter- mines the (hape of fuch as turn round their axes, alfo explains tliis moft remarkable motion, which had baffled all the attempts of philofophers to account for — a mo- tion, which feemed to the ancients to afFe6l the whole hoft of heaven ; and when Copernicus fliewed that it was only an appearance in the heavens, and proceeded from a real fmall motion of the Earth's axis, it gave him more trouble to conceive this motion with diflincStnefs, than all the others. All thefe things — obvta confpicimus* nubem pellente mathefi, 6 1 1 . Such is the method which Sir Ifaac Newton, the fagacious difcoverer of this mechanifm, has taken to give us a notion of it* Nothing can be more clear and familiar in general. He has even fubje£l:ed his expla- nation to the fevere tefl of calculation. The forces are known, both in quantity and direction. Therefore the effects mud be fuch as legitimately flow from thofe forces. When we confider what a minute portion of the globe is a£led upon, and how much inert matter is to be moved by the force which afFe£ls fo fmall a portion, PRECESSIOK OF THE ECtUINOXES. 537 portion, we muil expe£l very feeble cfFeds. All the change that the action of the Sun produces on the in- clination of the equator amounts only to the fraftion of a fecond, and is therefore quite infenfible. The change in the pofition of the equinoxes is more confpicuous, becaufe it accumulates, amounting to about 9" annually^ by Newton's calculation. We {hall take notice of this calculation at another time, and at prefent (hall only obferve that this motion of the equinox is but a fmall part of the preceflion a^lually obferved. 'This is about 50y" annually. It would therefore feem that the theory and obfervatiori do not agree, and that the preceflion of the equinoxes is by no means explained by it. 612. It muft be remarked that we have only giveii an account of the efFe£t refulting from the unequal gra- vitation of the terreftrial matter to the Sun. But it gravitates alfo to the Moon. Moreover, the inequality of this gravitation (on which inequality the difturbance depends) is vaftly greater. The Moon being almoft 400 times nearer than the Sun, the gravitation to a pound of lunar matter is almoft 640,000,000 times greater than to as much folar matter. When the calculation is made from proper data, (in which Newton was con- fiderably miftaken) the effect of the lunar a - - - - Thefe bodies prefent fome very fmgular circumftances to our ftudy ; their diftances and periods being almoft the fame, and their longitudes at prefent diifering very little. They differ confiderably m eccentricity^ the place of the uodej Ceres. Pallas, 2767231 2767123 V 0,079 0,2463 r 4.26.44 4.I.7.— ^ 1682,25 1681,22 10.11.59 9.29.53 —.10.37 —•34.39 2.21. 7 5.22.27 ^44 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMr. node, and the Inclination of their orbits. They muft be greatly difturbed by each other, and by Jupiter, and it will bfe loilg before -we fhall obtain exact elements. With thefe obfervations I might conclude the dif- cufTion of the mechanifm of the folar fyltem. The facts obferved in the appearances of the comets are too few to authorife' me to add any thing to what has been al- ready faid concarning them. I refer to Newton's Prin- cipia for an account of that great philofopher's conjec- tures concerning the luminous train which generally at- tends them, acknowledging that I do not think thefe conjeftures well fupported by the eftabliflied laws of motion. Dr Winthorp has given, in the 57th volume of the Phil. Tranf. a geometrical explanation of the me- chanifm of this phenomenon that is ingenious and ele- gant, but founded on a hypothefis which I think inad- miffible. 616, No notice has yet been taken of the relations^ of the folar fyftem to the reft of the vifible hoft of heaven, and we have, hitherto, only confidered the ftarry heavens* as affording us a number of fixed points, by which we may eftimate the motions of the bodies which compofe our fyftem. It will not therefore be unaccept- able fhould I now lay before the reader feme reflections, which naturally arife in the mind of any perfon who has been much occupied in the preceding refearches and fpe- culations, and which lead the thoughts into a fcene of cpnteftiplation faj exceeding in itiagnificence any thing yet GENERAL REFLECTIONS. 54^ yet laid before the reader. As they are of a mlfcella- neous nature^ and not fufceptible of much arrangement, I fhall not pretend to mark them by any diftindtions, but ihall take them as they naturally offer themfelves. The fitnefs for almoft eternal duration, fo confpicu- ous in the conftitution of the folar fyftem, cannot but fuggeft the higheft ideas of the intelligence of the Great Artifl:. No doubt thefe conceptions will be very ob- fcure, and very inadequate. But we fhall find that the farther we advance in our knowledge of the phenomena, we fhall fee the more to admire, and the more numerous difplays of great wifdom, power, and kind intentions. It is not therefore fearful fuperflition, but the cheer- ful anticipation of a good heart, which will make a ftu- dent of nature even endeavour to form to himfelf ftill higher notions of the attributes of the Divine Mind. He cannot do this in a dired manner. All he can do is to abftraft all notions of imperfection, whether in power, j(kill, or benevolent intentions, and he will fuppofe the Author of the univerfe to be infinitely powerful, wife tnd good. It is impoflible to flop the flights of a fpeculative mind, warmed by fuch pleafing notions. Such a mind will form to itfelf notions of what is mod excellent in the defigns which a perfeft being may form, and it finds itfelf under a fort of necelTity of believing that the Di- vine Mind will really form fuch defigns. This romantic wandering has given rife to many ftrange theological o- piuions. Not doubting (at leafl in the moment of en- 3 Z thufiafm} 54^ PHYSICAL ^STRONOMYy thufiafm) that we can judge of what is moft excellent, we take it for granted that this creature of our heated imaglnatibn muft alfo appear moil excellent to the Su- preme Mind. From this principle, theologians have ven- tured to lay down the laws by which God himfelf muft regulate his actions. No wonder that, on fo fanciful a foundation as our capacity to judge of what is moft ex- cellent, have been ere DICAT. 561 heavenly Hoft, and render it more probable that all are conne£led by one general bond, and are regulated by fimilar lav/s. Nothing is fo likely for conftituting thii connexion as gravitation, and its combination with pro- jectile force and periodic motion tends to fecure the per- manency of the whole. But I muft at the fame time obferve that fuch ap- pearances in the heavens make it evident that, notwith- llanding the wife proviiion made for maintaining that order and utility which we behold in our fyftem, the day may come * when the heavens fhall pafs away like a "* fcroU that is folded up, when the flars in heaven fhall * fail, and the Snn fliall ceafe to give his light. ' The fuftaining hand of God is flill necefiary, and the prefent order and harmony which he has enabled us to under- ftand and to admire, is wholly dependent on his will, and its duration is one of the unfearchable meafures of his providence. What is become of that dazzling ftar, furpa fling Venus in brightnefs, M-hich flione out all at once in November 1572, and determined Tycho Brahe to become an aftronomer ? He did not Tee it at half an hour paft five, as he was crolFmg fome fields in going to his laboratory. But, returning about ten, he came to a crowd of country folks who were flaring at fomething behind him. Looking round, he faw this wonderful ob- ject. It was fo bright that his flafF had a fhadow. It was of a dazzling white, with a little of a bluiih tinge. Jn this ftate it continued about three weeks, and then be- 4 B came 5^2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. came yellowlfh and lefs brilliant. Its brilliancy climinifh- ed faft after this, and it became more ruddy, like glow- ing embers. Gradually fading, it was wholly inviiible after fifteen months. A fimilar phenomenon is faid to have caufcd Hip- parchus to devote himfelf to aftronomy, and to hi^ vail project of a catalogue of the ftars, that pofterlty might know whether any changes happened in the hea- vens. And, in 1604, another fuch phenomenon, though much lefs remarkable, engaged for fome time the atten- tion of aftronomers. Nor are thefe all the examples of the perifliable nature of the heavenly bodies. Several ftars in the catalogues of Hipparchus, of Ulugh Beigh, of Tycho Brahe, and even of Flamftead, are no more to be feen. They are gone, and have left no trace. Should we now turn our eyes to objedls that are nearer us, we fhall fee the fame marks of change. When the Moon is viev/ed through a good telefcope, magnify- ing about 150 times, we fee her whole furface occupied by volcanic craters ; fome of them of prodigious magni- tude. Some of them give the moft unqv.eftionable marks of feveral fucceflive eruptions, each deftroying in part the crater of a former eruption. The precipitous and craggy appearance of the brims of thofe craters is pre- cifely fuch as would be produced by the ejetSiion of rocky matter. In fhort, it is impofiible, after fuch a view of the Moon, to doubt of her being greatly changed from her primitive ftate. Evea INDICATIONS OF DECAY; 563 Even the Sun himfelf, the fource of light, and heat, and Hfe, to the whole fyftem, is not free from fuch changes. If we now look round us, and examine with judici- ous attention our own habitation, we fee the moft incon- trovertible marks of great and general changes over the whole face of the Earth. Befides the flow degradation by the adion of the winds and rains, by which the foil is gradually waflied away from the high lands, and car- ried by the rivers into the bed of the ocean, leaving the Alpine fummits dripped to the very bone, we cannot fee the face of any rock or crag, or any deep gully, which does not point out much more remarkable changes. Thefe are not confined to fuch as are plainly owing to the horrid operations of volcanoes, but are univerfal. Except a few mountains, where we cannot confidently fay that they are factitious, and which for no better rea- fon we call primitive, there is nothing to be feen but ruins and convulfions. What is now an elevated moun- tain has moft evidently been at the bottom of the fea, and, previous to its being there, has been habitable fur- face. It is very true that all our knowledge on this fubje£l: is merely fuperficial. The higheft mountains, and deepefl excavations, do not bear fo great a proportion to the globe as the thicknefs of paper that covers a terreftrial globe bears to the bulk of that philofophical toy. We have no au- thority from any thing that we have feen, for forming 4 B 2 any 564. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. any judgement concerning the internal conllltution of the Earth. But we fee enough to convince us that it bears no marks of eternal duration, or of exifling as it is, by its own energy. No ! — all is perifhable — all requires the fuflaining hand of God, and is fubje£^ to the unfearch- able defigns of its Author and Preferver. There is yet another clafs of obje£ls in the heavens, of M^hich I have taken no notice. They are called ne- bul;e, or nebulous stars. They have not the fparkling briUiancy that diftinguifhes the ilars, and they are of a fenfible diameter, and a determinate fliape. Many of them, when viewed through telefcopcs, are clufters of ftars, which the naked eye cannot diftinguiili. The moft remarkable of thefe is in the conftellation Cancer, and is known by the name Prafepe. Ptolemy mentions it, and another in the right eye of Sagittarius. Another may be feen in the head of Orion. Many fmall clullers have been difcovered by the help of glafTes. The whole ga- laxy is nothing elfe. But there is another kind, in which the fined tele- fcopes have difcovered no clufterlng ftars. Moft of them have a ftar in or near the middle, furrounded with a pale light, which is brighteft in the middle, and grows more faint toward the circumference. This circumference is diftin£l, or well defined, and is not always round. One or two nebulae have the form of a luminous difk, with a hole in the middle like a milftone. They are of various colours, white, yellow, rofe-coloured, &c. Dr Her- fchel, in feveral of the late volumes of the Philofophi- cal NEBULOUS STARS, 565 cal Tranfacflions, has given us tlie places of a vafl num- ber of nebula, with curious defcriptions of their pecu- liar appearances, and a feries of moft ir.genious and in- tereiling refledions on their nature and conftitution. His Thoughts on the Struclure of the Heavens are full of moll curious fpcculation, and fliould be read by every philofopher. When we refie^l: that thefe fmgular objects are not, hke the fixed liars, brilliant points, which become foiailer when feen through finer telefcopes, but have a fenfible, and meafureable diameter, fometimes exceeding 2' \ and when we alfo recoiled: that a ball of 200,090,000 miles -i^^iameter, which would fill the whole orbit of the ■'^Earth round the Sun, would not fubtend an angle of two feconds when taken to the nearefl fixed ftar, what muft we think of thefe nebulx ? One of them Is cer- tainly fome thoufands of times bigger than the EartVs orbit. Although our fineft telefcopes cannot feparate it into flars, it is ftill probable that it is a clufler. It is not unreafonable to think, with Dr Herfchel, that this objed, M^hich requires a telefcope to find it out, will appear to a fpedator in its centre much the fame as the vifible heavens do to us, and that this ftarry heaven, which, to us, appears fo magnihcent, is but a nebulous ftar to a fpedator placed in that nebula. The human mind is almofl overpowered by fuch a thought. When the foul is filled with fuch conceptions of the extent of created nature, we can fcarcely avoid exclaiming, * Lord, what then is man that thou ait * mindful ^6^ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. < mindful of him ! * Under fuch imprelTions, David fhrunk into nothing, and feared that he (liould be for- gotten amongft fo many great objects of the Divine at- tention. His comfort, and ground of rehcf from this deje6ling thought, are remarkable. * But, ' fays he, * thou haft made man but a little lovirer than the angels, * and haft crowned him with glory and honour. ' David correcfled himfelf, by calling to mind how high he ftood in the fcale of God's w^orks. He recognifed his own divine original, and his alliance to the Author of all. Now^ cheered, and delighted, he cries out, * Lord, how glori- ous is thy name ! ' There remains yet another phenomenon, which is very evidently connected with the mechanifm of the fo- lar fyftem, and is in itfelf both curious and important. I mean the tides of our ocean. Although it appears im- proper to call this an aftronomical phenomenon, yet, as it is moft evidently conne6led wath the pofition of the Sun and Moon, we muft attribute this connexion in fa£i to a natural connexion in the way of caufe and efFe£l» Of the Tides. 617. It is a very remarkable operation of nature that we obferve on the fhores of the ocean, when, in the calmeft weather, and moft ferene fky, the vaft body of waters that bathe our coafts advances on our fhores, in- undating OF THE TIDES. $6 J nndating all the flat i;inds, rifing to a confidcrable height, and then as gradually retiring again to the bed of the ocean ; and ail this without the appearance of any caufe to im- pel the waters to our Hiorcs, and again to draw them off. Twice every day is this repeated. In many places, this motion of the waters is even tremendous, the fea advance ing, even in the calmeft weather, with a high furge, rolling along the flats with refiftlefs violence, and rifmg to the height of many fathoms. In the bay of Fundy, it comes on with a prodigious noife, in one vaft wave, that is fecn thirty miles off; and the waters rife loo and 1 20 feet in the harbour of Annapolis-Royal. At the mouth of the Severn, the flood alfo comes up in one head, about ten feet hi^h, bringing certain deftru£tion to any fmall craft that has been unfortunately left by the ebbing waters on the flats ; and as it paffes the mouth of the Avon, it feuds up that fmall river a vafh body of water, rifmg forty, or fifty feet at BrifloL Such an appearance forcibly calls the attention of thinking men, and excites the greateft curiofity to difco- ver the caufe. Accordingly, it has been the objecl of re- fearch to all who would be thought philofophers. We .find very little however on the fubjetl; in the writings of the Greeks. The Greeks indeed had no opportunity of knowing much about the ebbing and flowing of the fea, as this phenomenon is fcarcely perceptible on the fhores of the Mediterranean and its adjoining feas. The Per- fian expedition of Alexander gave them the only oppor- tunity they ever had, and his army was aflonifned at finding 568 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. finding the fliips left on the dry flats when the fea re^ tired. Yet Alexander's preceptor Ariitotle, the prince of Greek philofophers, fhews little curiofity about the tides, and is contented with barely mentioning them, and faying that the tides are moft remarkable in great feas. 618. When we fearch after the caufe of any recur- ring event, we naturally look about for recurring conco- mitant circumftances -, and when we find any that gene- rally accompany it, we cannot help inferring fome con- nexion. All nations feem to have remarked that the flood-tide always comes on our coafts as the Moon moves acrofs the heavens, and comes to its greateft height when the Moon is in one particular pofition, generally in the ibuth-weft. They have alfo remarked that the tides are moft remarkable about the time of new Moon, and be- come more moderate by degrees every day, as the Moon drav/s near the quadrature, after which they gradually increafe till about the time of full Moon, when they are nearly of their greateft height. They novv; leflen every day as they did before^ and are loweft about the laft qua- drature, after which they increafe daily, and, at the nexc new Moon are a third time at the higheft. Thefe circumftances of concomitancy have been no- ticed by all nations, even the moft uncultivated ; and all feem to have concurred in afcribing the ebbing and flow- ing of the fea to the Moon, as the efficient caufe, or, at leaft, as the occafion, of this phencaienon, altliough without or THE TIDES IN GENERAL. S'^9 N\-ithout any comprehenfion, and often without any thought, in what manner, or by what powers of nature, this or that pofition of the Moon fliould be accompanied by the tide of flood or of ebb. Although this accompaniment has been every where remarked, it is liable to fo many and fo great irregulari- ties, by winds, by freflies, by the change of feafons, and other caufes, that hardly any two fucceeding tides are ob- ferved to correfpond with a precife pofition of the Moon. The only way therefore to acquire a knowledge of the connexion that may be ufeful, either to the philofopher or to the citizen, is to multiply obfervations to fuch a number, that every fource of irregularity may have its period of operation, and be difcovered by the return of the period. The inhabitants of the fea-coafts, and par- ticularly the fifhermen, were moft anxioufly interefted in this refearch. 619. Accordingly, it was not long after the conquells of the Romans had given them poiTeflion of the coafts of the ocean, before they learned the chief circumftances or laws according to which the phenomena of the tides proceed. Pliny fays that they had their fource in the Sun and the Moon. It had been inferred from the gradual change of the tides between new Moon and the quadra- ture, that the Sun was not unconcerned in the operation. Pytheas, a Greek merchant, and no mean philofopher, relident at Marfeilies, the oldell Grecian colony, had often i?epn in Britain, at the tin mines in Cornwall and its ad- 4 C jacent S'JO PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. jacent Idands. He had obferved the phenomena witti great fagaclty, and had coUe£led the obfervations of the natives. Plutarch and PHny mention thefe obfervations of Pytheas, fome of them very delicate, and, the vidiole taken together, containing ahuoft all that vt-as known of the fubje^t, till the difcoveries of Sir Ifaac Newton taught the philofophers what to look for in their inquiries into the nature of the tides, and how to clafs the phenomena. Pytheas had not only obferved that the tides gradually abated from the times of new and full Moon to the time of the quadratures, and then increafed again, but had alfo remarked that this vulgar obfervation was not exa£l, but that the greateft tide was always two days after new or full Moon, and the fmalleft was as long after the quadratures. He alfo corrected the common obfervation of the tides falling later every day, by obferving that this retardation of the tides was much greater when the Moon was in quadrature than when new or full. The tide-day, about the time of new and full Moon, is really fhorter by 50' than at the time of her quadrature. 620. This variation in the interval of the tides is called the priming or the lagging of the tides, accord- ing as we refer them to lunar or folar time. Pytheaa probably learned much of this nicety of obfervation from the Cornifh fifliermen. By -Elian's accounts, they had nets extended along fhore for feveral miles, and were therefore much interefted in this matter. 621- OF THE TIDES IN GENERAL. 571 621, Many obfervations on the fcrles of phenomena whlcii completes a period of the tides are to be found in the books of hydrography, and the inn:ru6lions for mariners, to whom the ex2.Ci knowledge of the courfe of the tides is of the utmoft importance. But we never had any good colleftion of obfervations, from which the laws of their progrefs could be learned, till the Academy of Paris procured an order from government to the offi- cers at the ports of Bred and Rochefort, to keep a regi- (ter of all the phenomena, and report it to the Academy, A regifter of obfervations was accordingly continued for fix years, without interruption, at both ports, and the obfervations were publiihed, forming the moll complete feries that is to be met with in any department of fci- ence, aftronomy alone excepted. The younger Callini undertook the examination of thefe reglllers, in order to deduce from them the general laws of the tides. This tafk he executed with confiderable fuccefs *, and the gene- ral rules which he has given contain a much better ar- rangement of all the phenomena, their periods and changes, than any thing that had yet appeared. Indeed there had fcarcely any thing been added to the vague ex- perience of illiterate pilots and iilhermen, except two differtations by Wallis and Fiamftcad, publifhed in the Philofophical Tranfatlions. 622. It is not likely, notwithftanding this excellent colleilion of obfervations, that our knowledge would have proceeded much farther, had not Newton demonftrated 4 C 2 that 57a PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. that a feries of phenomena perfectly refembling the tides refuited from the mutual attra<£lion of all matter. Thefe confequences pointed out to thofe Interefted in the know- ledge of the tides what viciflitudes or changes to look for — what to look for as the natural or regular feries — what they are to confider as mere anomalies— what pe- riods to expert in the different variations — and whether there are not periods which comprehend the more obvi- ous periods of the tides, diftinguifhing one period from another. As foon as this clue was obtained, eveiy thing was laid open, and without it, the .labyrinth was almoft inextricable ; for in the variations of the tides there are periods In which the changes are very confiderable j and thefe periods continually crofs each other, fo that a tide w^hich (liould be great;, confidered as a certain tide of one period, fhould be fmall, confidered as a certain tide of another period. When it arrives, It is neither a great nor a fmall tide, but it prevents both periods from offering themfelves to the mere obferver. The tides afford a very ftrong example of the great Importance of a theory for dire£ilng even our obfei"vations. Aided by the New- tonian theory, we have difcovered many periods', in which the tides fuffer gradual changes, both in their hour and in their height, which commonly are fo implicated with one another, that they never would have been difcovered without this monitor, whereas now, we can predict them all. 623. The phenomena of the tides arc, in general, the following. GEKERAL PHENOMENA OF THE TIDES. $13 I. The wajters of the ocean rife, from a medium height to that of high water, and again ebb away from the fliores, falhng nearly as much below that medium flate, and then rife again in a fucceeding tide of flood, and again make high water. The interval between two fucceeding high waters is about 12*" 25', the half of the time of the Moon's daily circuit round the Earth, fo that we have two tides of flood and two ebb tides in every 24'' 50'. f his is the fhortefl period of phenomena ob- ferved in the tides. The gradual fubfidence of the wa- ters is fuch that the diminutions of the height are nearly as the fquares of the times from high water. The fame may be faid of the fubfequent rife of the waters in tha next flood. The tim.e of low water is nearly half way between the two hours of high water ; not indeed exactly, it being obferved at Breft and Rochefort that the flood tide commonly takes ten minutes lefs than the ebb tide. 624. As the different phenomena of the tides are chiefly diftinguifliable by the periods, or intervals of time in which they recur, it will be convenient to mark thofe periods by different names. Therefore, let the time of the apparent diurnal revolution of the Moon, viz. 24^ 50', be called A lunar day, and the 24th part of it be called A lunar hour. To this interval almoft all the vicilTi- tudes of the tides are mofl conveniently referred. Let the name tide day be given to the interval between two high waters, or two low waters, fucceeding each otlier \vith the Moon nearly in the fame pofition. This inter- val 74 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. val compreKends two complete tides, one of the full Teas happening when tlie Moon is above the horizon, and the next, when flie is under the horizon. We fliall alfo find it convenient to diflingulfli thefe tides, by calhng the iirft the superior tide, and the other the inferior TIDE. At new Moon they may be called the Morning and Evening tides. 625. 2. It is not only obferved that we always have high water when the Moon is on fome particular point of the compafs (S. W. nearly) but alfo that the height of full fea from day to day has an evident reference to the phafes of the Moon. At Breft, the higheft tide is always about a day and a half after full or change. If it fhould happen that high water falls at the very time of new or full Moon, the third full fea after tliat one is the higheft of all. This is called the spring-tide. Each fucceeding full fea is lefs than the preceding, till we come to the third full fea after the Moon's quadra- ture. This is the loweft tide of all, and it is called NEAP-TIDE. After this, the tides again increafe, till the next full or new Moon, the third after which is again the greateft tide, 626. The higher the tide of flood rifes, the lower does the ebb tide generally fink on that day. The total magnitude of the tide is eftimated by taking the differ- ence between high and low water. As this is continu- ally varying, the bed way of computing its magnitude feems Ceneral laws of the tides. 5^j feems to be, to take the half fum of two fiicccedhig tides. This muft always give us a mean value for the tide whofe full fea was in the middle. The medium fpring>tldc at Brefl is about nineteen feet, and the neap-tide is about nine. Here then we have a period of phenomena, the time of which is half of a lunar month. This period com- prehends the mofh important changes, both in rcfpe£l of magnitude, and of the hours of high and low water, and feveral modifications of both of thofe circumflances, fuch as the daily difFerence in height, or in time. 627. 3. There is another period, of nearly twice the fame duration, which greatly modifies all thofe lead- ing circumftances. This period has a reference to the diftance of the Moon, and therefore depends on the Moon's revolution in her orbit. All the phenomena are increafed when the Moon is nearer to the Earth. There- fore the higheft fpring-tide is obferved wdien the INIooa is in perigeo, and the next fpring-tide is the fmalleft, be- caufe the Moon is then nearly in apegeo. This will make a difFerence of 2^ feet from the medium height of fpring tide at Breft, and therefore occafion a difFerence of ^~ between the greatefb and the lead. It is evident thaf as the perigean and apogean fituation of tlie Moon may happen in every part of a lunation, the equation for the height of tide depending upon this circum.ftance may often run counter to the equation correfponding to the regular 576' PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. regular monthly feries of tides, and will ieemingly de- ilroy their regularity. 628. 4. The variation in the Sun's diftance alfo af- fe£ls the tides, but not nearly fo much as thofe in the diftance of the Moon. In our winter, the fprlng-tides are greater than in fummer, and the neap-tides are fmaller. 629. 5. The declination, both of the Sun and Moon, aftedls the tides remarkably ; but the effects are too intricate to be diftindlly feen, till we perceive the caufes on which they depend. 630. 6. All the phenomena are alfo modified by the latitude of the place of obfervation ; and fome phe- nomena occur in the high latitudes, which are not feen at all w^hen the place of obfervation is on the equator. In particular, when the obferver is in north latitude, and the Moon has north declination, that tide in M^hich the Moon is above the horizon is greater than the other tide of the fame day, when the Moon is below the horizon. It will be the contrary, if either the obferver or the Moon (but not both) have fouth declination. If the polar diftance of the obferver be equal to the Moon's declina- tion, he will fee but one tide in the day, containing twelve hours flood and twelve hours ebb. 631. 7. To all this it muft be added, that local circumftances of fituation alter all the phenomena re- markably. THEORY OF THE TIDES. «^77 markably, fo as frequently to leave fcarcely any circum- ftances of refemblancc, except the order and periods in which the various phenomena follow one another. We muft now endeavour to account for thefe remark- able movements and viciflitudes in the waters of the ocean. 632. Since the phenomena of the planetary motions demonftrate that every particle of matter in this globe gra- vitates to the Sun, and fince they are at various diftances from his centre, it is evident that they gravitate une- qually, and that, from this inequality, there muft arife a difturbance of that equilibrium which terreftrial gravi- tation alone might produce. If this globe be fuppofed either perfectly fluid and homogeneous, or to conlift of a fplterical nucleus covered with a fluid, it is clear that the fluid muft aflume a perfeftly fpherical form, and that in this form alone, every particle will be in equilibrio. But when we add to the forces now a6ling on the waters of the ocean their unequal gravitation to the Sun, this equilibrium is difturbed, and the ocean cannot remain in this form. We may apply to the particles of the ocean every thing that we formerly faid of the gravitation of the Moon to the Sun in the different points of her orbit ; and^the fame conftruflion in fig. 59, that gave us a re- prefentation and meafure of the forces which deranged the lunar motions, may be employed for giving us a no- tion of the manner in which tlie particles of water in the ocean are afFcded. The circle O B C A may re- 4 ^ prefent 578 PHYSICAL ASTR0N0-M7. prefent the watery fphere, and M any particle of the water. The central particle E gravitates to the Sun with a force which may be represented by E S. The gravitation of the particle M mufl be meafured by M G. This force M G may be conceived as compounded of MF, equal and parallel to ES, and of M H. The force M F occafions no alteration in the gravitation of M to the Earth, and M H is the only difturbing force. We found that this conflrudlion may be greatly fimpli- fied, and that M I may be fubftituted for M H without any fenfible error, becaufe it never differs from it more than yi^-. We therefore made E I, in fig. 60, =3MN, and confidered M I as the difturbing force. This con- ftru£lion is applicable to the prefent queftion, with much greater accuracy, becaufe the radius of the Earth is but the fixtieth part of that of the Moon's orbit. This reduces the error to tttt^j ^ quantity altogether infenfible. 633. Therefore let OACB (fig. 68.) be the ter- raqueous globe, and C S a line directed to the Sun, and B E A the fecbion by that circle which Separates the illuminated from the dark hemifphere. Let P be any particle, whether on the Surface or within the mafs. Let QPN be perpendicular to the plane B A. Make E I rz 3 P N, and join PL P I is the difturbing force, when the line E S is taken to reprefent the gravitation of the particle E to the Sun. This force PI may be conceived to be compounded of two forces P E and P Q. FE THEORY OF THE TIDF.S. 579 P E tends to the centre of the Earth. P O tends from •Si* the plane B A, or toward the Sun. If this conftruftion be made for every particle in the fluid fphere, it is evident tliat all the forces P E balance one another. Therefore they need not be confidered in the prefent queftion. But the forces P O evidently di- minifh the terreftrial gravitation of every particle. At C the force P Q a£ls in direifl oppofition to the ter- reftrial gravity of the particle. And, in the fituation P, It diminiflies the gravity of the particle as efhimated in the direction P N. There is therefore a force ailing in the direction N P on every particle in the canal P N. And this force is proportional to the diilance of the par- ticle from the plane B A (far P O is always = 3 P N). Therefore the v/ater in this canal cannot remain in its former pofition, its equilibrium being now deflroyed. This may be reftored, by adding to the column N P a fmall portion Pj^, whofe v/eight may compenfate the di- minution in the weight of the column N P. A fimilar addition may be made to every fuch column perpendicu- lar to the plane B E A. This being fuppofed, the fpherical figure of the globe will be changed into that of an elliptical fpheroid, having its axis in the line O C, and Its poles in O and C ($69-) Without making this addition to every column N P, we may underftand how the equilibrium may be reftored by the waters fubfiding all around the circle whofe fec- tion is B A, and rifing on both fides of it. For it was (liewn (564.) that in a fluid elliptical fpheroid of gravi- 4 D 2 tating 580 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. tating matter, the gravitation of any particle P to ail the other particles may be rcfolved into two forces P N and P M perpendicular to the plane B A and to the axis O C, and proportional to P N and P M -, and that if the forces be really in this proportion, the whole will be in equilibrio, provided that the whole forces at the poles and equator are inverfely as the diameters O C and B A. Now this may be the cafe here. For the forces fuper- added to the terreftrial gravitation of any particle are, ly?, A force P E, proportional to P E. When this is refolved into the directions P N and P M, the forces arifrng in this refolutlon are as P N and P M, and there- fore in the due proportion ; icly The force P Q, which is alfo as P N. It is evident therefore that this mafs may acquire fuch a protuberancy at O and C, that the force at O (hall be to the force at B as B A to O C, or as E A to EC. We are alfo taught in § 585. what this protuberance muft be. It mud be fuch that four times the mean gravity of a particle on the furface is to five times the difturbing force at O or C as the diame- ter B A is to the excefs of the diameter O C. This el- lipticity is exprelled by the fame formula as in the former cafe, VIZ. - = — , E C — F SS EC 634. Thus we have difcovered that, in confequence of the unequal gravitation of the m.atter in the Earth to the Sun, the waters will aflume the form of an oblong ellip- tical fpheroid, having its axis diredlcd to the Sun, and its poles THEORY OF THE TIDES. 58 1 poles in thofe points of the furface which have the Sun in the zenith and nadir. There the waters are higheft above tlie furface of a fphere of equal capacity. All around the circumference B E A, the waters are below tlie natural level. A fpedlator placed on this circumfer- ence fees the Sun in the horizon. We can tell exadly what this protuberance E O — E A mud be, becaufe we know the proportions of all the forces. Let W reprefent the terrePtrial gravitation, or the weight of the particle C, and G the gravitation of the fame particle to the Sun, and let F be the dillurb- ing force acting on a particle at C or at O, and there- fore = 3 C E. Let S and E be the quantity of matter in the Sun and in the Eartli. Then (fig. 59.) F ; G = 3 C E : C G therefore F : W = 3 CEx^ ^ CG xE ^ C S" C E* C S^^ X C^ : cEl • ^^<^' ^^caufe CS- E S^ = E S : CG, we have C S^^ x C G = E S^ X E S, = E S^ There- "2 S E fore F : W = |-g3 : ^g^ . Now E : S =: i : 338343, and E C : E S = I : 23668. This will eive -|^ : =,— ^ ^ £8* EC^ = I : i277354i> = F : W. Finally, 4W:5F = CE:CE — AE. We fliall find this to be nearly 244- inches. 635. Such is the figure that this globe would aflinne, had it been originally fluid, or a fpherical nucleus covered with 582 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. with a fluid of equal denfity. The two fummlts of the watery fpheroid would be raifed about two feet above the equator or place of greateft depreflion. But the Earth is an oblate fpheroid. If we fuppofe it covered, to a moderate depth, with a fluid, the waters would acquire a certain figure, which has been confidered already. Let the difturbing force of the Sun a£l on this figure. A change of figure muft be produced, and the waters under the Sun, and thofe in the oppofite parts, will be elevated above their natural furface, and the ocean will be deprefled on the circumference B E A. It is plain that this change of figure will be almofl: the fame in every place as if the Earth were a fphere. For the difference between the change produced by the Sun*s di- fturbing force on the figure of the fluid fphere or fluid fphe- roid, arifes folely from the difference in the gravitation of a particle of water to the fphere and to the fpheroid. This difference, in any part of the furface, is exceedingly fmall, not being ~ of the whole gravitation. The differ- ence therefore in the change produced by the Sun can- not be • r of the whole change. Therefore, fince it 300* . .- is from the proportion of the difturbing force to the force of gravity that the ellipticity is determined, it follows that the change of figure is, to all fenfe, the fame, whe- ther the Earth be a fphere or a fpheroid whofe eccentri- city is lefs than -^\^. Let us fuppofe, for the prefent, that the watery fphe- roid alM^ays has that form which produces an equilibrium. in THEORY OF THE TIDES. 583 in all its particles. This cannot ever be the cafe, be- caufe feme time muft elapfe before an accelerating force can produce any finite change in the difpofition of the waters. But the contemplation of this figure gives us the mofl: diftin61: notion of the forces that are in action, and of their efFe£l:s ; and we can afterwards ftate the difference that mufl obtain becaufe the figure is not com- pletely attained. Suppofing it really attained, it follows that the ocean will be moft elevated in thofe places which have the Sun in the zenith or nadir, and mofl deprefTed in thofe places where the Sun is feen in the horizon. Y^^hile the Earth turns round its axis, the pole of the fpheroid keeps fliil toward the Sun, as if the waters flood flill, and the folid nucleus turned round under it. The phenomena may perhaps be eafier conceived by fuppofing the Earth to re- main at reft, and the Sun to revolve round it in 24 hours from eaft to weft. The pole of the fpheroid follows him, as the card of a mariner's compafs follows the mag- net ; and a fpedator attached to one part of the nucleus will fee all the vicifTitudes of the tide. Suppofe the Sun in the equinox, and the obferver alfo on the Earth's equa- tor, and the Sun juft rifing to him. The obferver is then in the loweft part of the watery fpheroid. As the Sun rifes above the horizon, the water alfo rifes ; and when the Sun is in the zenith, the pole of the fpheroid has now reached the obferver, and the water is two feet deeper than it was at fun-rife. The Sun now approach- ing the weftern horizon, and the pole of the ocean going along 584 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. along with Kim, the obferver fees the water fubfule again, and at fun-fet, it is at the fame level as at fun-rife. As the Sun continues his courfe, though unfeen, the oppo- fite pole of the ocean now advances from the eaft, and the obferver fees the water rife again by the fame degrees as in the morning, and attain the height of two feet at midnight, and again fubfide to its loweft level at fix o'clock in the following morning. Thus, in 24 hours, he has two tides of flood and two ebb tides ; high water at noon and midnight, and low water at fix o'clock morning and evening. An obferver not in the equator will fee the fame gradation of phe- nomena, at the fame hours *, but the rife and fall of the water will not be fo confiderable, becaufe the pole of the fpheroid palTes his meridian at fome diftance from him. If the fpeftator is in the pole of the Earth, he will fee no change, becaufe he is always in the loweft part of the watery fpheroid. From this account of the fimplcfl; cafe, we may iiifer that the depth of tlie water, or its change of depth, de- pends entirely on tlie fhape of the fpheroid,^ and the place of it occupied by the obferver. 636. To judge of this with accuracy, we mud: take no- tice of fome properties of the ellipfe which forms the meri- dian of the watery fpheroid. Let AE«0 (fig. 6^.) reprefent this elliptical fpheroid, and let B E ^ O be the infcribed fphere, and KGag the circumfcribed fphere. Alfo let D F df be the fphere of equal capacity with the fpheroid. THEORY OF THE TIDES. i^^:; fplieroid. This will be the natural figure of the ocean, uiidifturbed by the gravitation to the Sun. In a fpheroiJ like tliis, fo little different from a fphere, iliQ elevation A D of its fummit above the equally ca« p.icious fphere is very nearly double of the depreffion F E of its equator below the furface of that fphere. For fpheres and fpheroids, being equal to y of the circum- fcribing cylinders, are in the ratio compounded of the ratio of their equators and the ratio of their axes. There- fore, fnice the fphere D F df is equal to the fpheroid AE^O, we have C F^ x C D zr C E' X C A, and C E' : C F'- = C D : C A. Make CE:CF = CF:C^, then CE:Ca; = CD:CA, and CE:Ea;~CD:DA, and C E : C D = E a; : D A. Now C E does not diifer fenfibly from C D (only eight inches in near 4000 miles), therefore E x may be accounted equal to D A. But E X is not fenfibly different from twice E F. Therefore the proportion is manifeft. 637. In fuch an elliptical fpheroid, the elevation IL of any point I above the infcribed fphere is proportion- al to the fquare of the cofnie of its diftance from the pole A, and the depreffion K I of this point below the furface of the circumfcribed fphere is as the fquare of the fine of its diilance from the pole A. Draw through the point I, HIM perpendicular to C A, and I/)N perpendicular to C E. The triangles C I N and / I L are fimilar. 4 E Therefore 53"6 JPH7SICAL ASTRONOMT. Therefore pI:lL = C1:\N, = rad. : cof. I C A but, by the elHpfe A B :/> I = A C : I N, = rad. : cof. I C ^ therefore A B : I L := rad.^ : cof.^ I C A and I L is always in the proportion of cof.% I C A, and is = A B X cof.% I G A, radius being =: i. In Hke manner H I : I K = C I : I M = rad. : fm. I C A. and G E : H I = E C : I INI = rad. : fni. I C A therefore G E : K I = rad.^ : Cmr I C A and KI is = AB x fin.aeA. 638. We muil aifo know the elevations and depref- fions in refpecl of the natural level of the undifturb- ed ocean. This elevation for any point z is evidently i / — ?w / = A B X cof.^ iCA—i-AB, =ABx cof.* i C A — y, and the deprefhon nr of a point r is kr — kn = AB X fin.^ rCA — |AB, =ABX fm.^r C A — f. It will be convenient to employ a fymbol for expreffing the whole difference A B or G E between high and low water produced by the a^lion of the Sun. Let it be ex^ prefled by the fymbol S. Alfo let the angular diflance from the fummit, or from the Sun's pface, be x. The elevation mi is = S X cof.* a; — y S- The depreffion « r is = S X fin.' .v — | S. 639. The fpheroid interfefts the equicapacious fphere in a point fo fituated that S X cof.* x — -f S = 0, that k^ where cof.* « =: -f . This is 54'' 44' from the pole of THEOEY OF THE TIDES. 587 of the fpheroldj and 35° 16' from its equator, a fituation that has feveral remarkable pliyfical properties. We have already feen (572.) that on this part of the furface the gra- vitation is the fame as if it were really a perfe6t fphere. 640. The ocean is made to aiTume an eccentric form, not only by the unequal gravitation of its waters to the Sun, but alfo by their much more unequal gravitation to the Moon ; and, although her quantity of matter is very fmall indeed, when compared w'lXh. the Sun, yet being almoft 400 times nearer, the inequality of gravitation is increafed aimoffc 400X400X400 times, and may there- fore produce a fenfible efleft. * We cannot help pre- fuming that it does, becaufe the viciiTitudes of the tides have a moft diilinft reference to tlie pofition of the Moon. Without going over the fame ground again, it is plain that the waters will be accumulated under the Moon, and in the oppofite part of the fpheroid, in the fame jnan- ner as they are affeded by the Sun's aftion. Therefore * The diftance of the Sun being about 392 times that of the Moon, and the quantity of matter in the Sun about 3 38000 times that in the Earth, if the quantity of matter in the Moon were equal to that in the Earth, her accumulating force would be 178 times greater than that of the Sun. We fhall fee that it is nearly 2\ times greater. From which we (hould infer that the quantity of matter in the Moon is nearly ^V of that in the Earth. This feems the beft information that we have on -this fubjed. 4 E ?' THEOEY OF THE TIDES. 587 of the fpherold, and 35° 16' from its equator, a fituation that has feverjil remarkable phyfical properties. We have already feen (572.) that on this part of the furface the gra- vitation is the fame as if it were really a perfe£t fphere. 640. The ocean is made to afTume an eccentric form, not only by the unequal gravitation of its waters to the Sun, but alfo by their much more unequal gravitation to the Moon ; and, although her quantity of matter is very fmall indeed, when compared with the Sun, yet being almoft 400 times nearer, the inequality of gravitation is increafed almoft 400X400X400 times, and may there- fore produce a fenfible eflotl. * We cannot help pre- fuming that it does, becaufe the vicilTitudes of the tides have a moft diftin£l reference to tlie pofition of the Moon. Without going over tlie fame ground again, it is plain that the waters will be accumulated under the Moon, and in the oppofite part of the fpheroid, in the fame juan- ner as they are aiFeded by the Sun's aftion. Therefore * The diftance of the Sun being about 392 times that of the Moon, and the quantity of matter in the Sun about 338000 times that in the Earth, if the quantity of matter in the Moon were equal to tliat in the Earth, her accumulating force would be 178 times greater than that of the Sun. We (hall fee that it is nearly 2\ times greater. From which we Jhould infer that the quantity of matter in the Moon is nearly ^V of that in the Earth. This feems the beft informatioB i;bat we have on -this fubjecl. 4Ej ^68 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY* Therefore let M reprefent the elevation of the pole of the fphcroid above the equicapacious fphere that is pro- duced by the unequal gravitation to the Moon, and let y be the angular diftance of any part of this fpheroid from its pole. We Ihall then have The elevation of any point = M x cof/j — -f M. The deprelhon ~ M x f^n/- y~-t IM. 641. In confequence of the fimultaneous gravitation to both luminaries, the ocean muft aflunie a form differ- ing from both of thefe regular fpheroids. It is a figure of dilTicult inyeiligation, but all that we are concerned in may be determined with fulhcient accuracy by means of the following conliderations. We have feen that the change of figure induced on the fpheroidal ocean of the revolving globe is nearly the fame as if it were induced on a perfect fphere. Much more fecurely may we fay that the change of figure, in- duced on the ocean already difturbed by the Sun, is the fame that the Moon would have occahoned on the undi- fturbed revolving fpheroid. We may therefore fuppofe,. without any fenfible error, that the change produced in any part of the ocean by the joint action of the two lu- minaries is the fum or the difference of the change^ which they would have produced feparately. 642. Therefore, fince the poles of both fpheroids are in thofc parts of the ocean which have the Sim and ihe Moon in the zenith, it follows that if >c be the ze- nith THEORY OF THE TIDES. 589 mth diftance of the Sun from any place, and y the ze- nith diltance of the Moon, the elevation of the waters above the natural furface of the undifturbed ocean will be S X cof.^ /v — I S 4- M X cof/ >• — -f M. And the deprellion in any place will be S X fin.* x — y S -f M X fin.- y — f M. This may be better exprefied a6 follows. Elevation = S X cof.^ a; -f- M X cof.' y — | S 4- MT Depreflion = S X fin.' ;v + M x Cm.^ y -— fS -f- M.' 643. Suppofe the Sun and Moon to be in the fame part of the heavens. The folar and lunar tides will have the fame axes, poles, and equator, the gravitations to each confpiring to produce a great elevation at the com- bined pole, and a great depreflion all round the common equator. The elevation will be -f S -f M, and the de- preflion will be y S + M. Therefore the elevation a- bove the infcribed fphere (or rather the fpheroid fimilar and fimilarly placed with the natural revolving fpheroid) will be ^ + M, 644. Suppofe the Moon in quadrature in the line E D M (fig. 70.) It is plain that one luminary tends to produce an elevation above the equicapacious fphere A O B C, in the point of the ocean A immediately un- der it, where the other tends to produce a depreflion, and therefore their forces counteract each other. Let ^he Sun be in the line E S. The 59» PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. The elevation at S = S — | S + M, = ^ S — 4- M. The depreflion at M = S — | S ~^Wy =r I S — | M. The elevation at S above the infcribed fpheroid = S — M. The elevation at M above the fame rr.M — S. Hence it is evident that there will be high water at M or at S, v/hen the Moon is in quadrature, according as the accumulating force of the Moon exceeds or falls ^ort of that of the Sun. Now, it is a matter of ob- fervation, th^t when the Moon is in quadrature, it is high water in the open feas under the Moon, and lov/ water under the Sun, or nearly fo. This obfervation confirms the conclufion drawn from the nutation of the Earth's axis, that the difturbing force of the Moon exceeds that of the Sun. This criterion has fome uncertainty, owing to the operation of local circumftanceS) by which it hap- pens that the fummit of the water is never fituated either under the Sun or under the Moon. But even in this cafe, we find that the high "W'^ter is referable to the Moon, and not to the Sun. It is alv/ays fix hours of the day later than the high water at full or change. This cor- refponds with the elongation of the Moon fix hours to the eaftward. The phenomena of the tides fhew fur- ther that, at this time, the waters under the Sun are de- prefTed below the natural furface of the ocean. This ihews that M is more than twice as great as S. 64^. When the Moon has any other pofition befides thefe two, the place of high water muft be fome inter- mediate TliEORT OF THE TIDE?. ^ 59 T n^cdiate pofition. It mud certainly be ia the great circle paiTing through the fimultaneous places of the two luoii- Haries. As the pUce and time of high and low water^ and the magnitude of the elevation and deprelTion, are the mofl intcrefting phenomena of the tides, they dial) be the principal objects of our attention. The place of high water is that where the fam of the elevations produced by both luminaries above the natu- tural furface of the ocean is a maximum. And the place of low water, in the great circle paffing through the Sun and Moon, is tliat where the depreffion below the natural level of the ocean is a maximum. There- fore, in order to have the place of high water we muft find where S x cof.^ x + M x cof,' y — i- S + M is a maximum. Or, fince f S -|- M is a conftant quantity, we muft find where S X cof." .v + IvI X cof.* j is a maximum. Now, accounting the tabular fines and co- fijies as fractions of radius, = i, we have Cof.* X = \ + I cof. 2X and Cof.* ^ = -I -j- ^ cof. 2 y. For let ABSD {iig. 71.) be a circle, and AS, BD two diameters crofhng each otlier at ,right angles. De- fcribe on the femidiameter CS the fmall circle CtnS/jy having its centre in d. Let H C make any angle x with C S, and let it interfe6l the fmall circle in /:. Draw J/6, S /6, producing S h till it meet the exterior circle in S, and join Ax, C /. Laftly, draw h and / r perpen- dicular to C S. S i' is perpendicular to C h^ and C S : C ^ = rad. : f^i PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY.' cof. H C S, and C S : C ^ = R^ : cof/ H C S. The tngie S C J- is evidently =2SCH = S^/6 and A r = 2 C JS = 2HCS, THEORY OF THE TIDES. $93 _ 2.V, and d X := d a X cof. 2 ^', = S X cof. 2 a;. There- fore / a: = S X cof. 2 a; -f M X cof. 2 y. Moreover t x = a Vy and is a maximum when ay is a maximum. This muit happen when ay coincides with a w, that is, when /j d is parallel to a m. Hence may be derived the following conftrudliion. Let A M S (fig. 72.) be, as before, a great circle w'hofe plane pafles tlirough the Sun and the Moon. Let S and M be thofe points which have the Sun and the Moon in the zenith. Defcribe, as before, the circle C;?zS, cutting C M in ;«. Make S i/ : ^^ = M : S, and join m a. Then, for the place of high water, draw the diameter hdh' parallel to ma^ cutting the circle C f« S in h. Draw C /?> H cutting the furface of the oceari in H arid H\ Then H and H' are the places of high water. Alfo draw C h\ cutting the furface of the o- cean in L and L'. L and L' are the places of low water in this circle. For, drav/ing m t and a x perpendicular to h h'^ it ' is plain that / a; =r M X cof. 2 j? -+- S X cof. 2 x. And what was iuft now demonflrated fliews that / a^ is in its maximum (late. Alfo, if the angle L C S = z/, and L C M = z, it is evident that J;v = S X cof. ^ J;?, = S X cof. //iS, =S X cof. 2//CS, = S X cof. 2LCS, = S X cof. 2 // y and in like manner, / i = M x cof. 2 z ; and therefore / at = S x eof. 2 // + M x cof. 2 z, and it is a maximum. It is plain, independent of this conftrudion, that the places of high and Jow water are 90° afunder \ for the^ 4 F ^ two ^p4 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. two hemifpheres of the ocean mufl be fimllar and equa^is and the equator muil be equidiftant from its poles. 648. Draw df perpendicular to ;w a. Then, if ^ S be taken to reprefent the whole tide produced by the Moon, that is, the whole difference in the height of high and low water, m a will reprefent the compound tide at H, or the difference between high and low water cor- refponding to that fituation of the place H with refpedl to the Sun and Moon, tnf will be the part of it pro- duced by the Moon and af the pan produced by the Sun. For, the elevation at H above the natural level is S X cof.*;e — \ + M X cof.^^' — -f, and the depreffion be- low it at L is S X Im.^;^ — ^ -f M X iin/s— -i. But fm.* u = cof/ Xy and fin.* 2 = cof.^ y Therefore the de- preffion at L is S X cof." x — :^ + M x cof.';- — ^. The fum of thefe makes the whole difference bct^veen high and low water, or the whole tide. Therefore the tide is = S X 2 COf.^ X I -f- M X 2 COf." ; I. But 2 Cof.' AT, — I = cof. 2 Xy and 2 cof.* y — i = cof. 2 y. Therefore the tide = S X cof. 2 ;v + M X cof. 2 y. Now it is plain that mfz=. m d cof. d /«/, and that the angle d mf zzmdhy z= 2mChy = 2 >'. Therefore ?n d x cof. d mf = M X cof. 2 y. In like manner af=:Sx cof. 2 x. The point a muft be within or without the circte CmSy according as M is greater or lefs than S, that is, according as the accumulating force of the Moon is greater or THEORY OF THE TIDES. 595 or lefs than that of the Sun. It appears alfo that, in the jfirfl cafe, H will be nearer to M, and in the fecond cafe, it will be nearer to S. Thus have we given a conftru£l:ion that feems to ex- prefs all the phenomena of the tides, as they will occur to a fpeclator placed in the circle pafling through thofe points which have tlie Sun and Moon in the zenith. It marks the diftanee of high water from thofe two places, and therefore, if the luminaries are in the equator, it marks the time that will eiapfe between the paflage of the Sun or Moon over the meridian and the moment of high water. It alfo ex- prefles the whole height of the tide of that day. And, as the point H may be taken without any reference to high water, we fliall then obtain the ftate of the tide for that hour., when it is high water in its proper place H. By confidering this conflru<^ion for the different relative pofitions of the Sun and Moon, we fhall obtain a pretty diftin£l: notion of the feries of phenomena which proceed in regular order during a lunar month. 649. To obtain thij greater fimplicity in our firft and moft general conclufions, we fhall firft fuppofe both luminaries in the equator. Alfo, abftra6ting our atten- tion from the annual motion of the Sun, we fhall confi- der only the relative motion of the Moon in her fynodi- cal revolution, dating the phenomena as they occur wherL the Moon has got a certain number of degrees away from the Sun ; and we fliall always fuppofe that the watery ^kerjoid h^s attained the form fuited to its equilibrium 4 F 2 ia 596 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. ill that fituation of the two luminaries. The coiiclufions will frequently differ much from common obfervation. But we -fliall afterwards find their agreement very fatis- fa£l:ory. The reader is therefore expec^led to go along with the reafoning employed in this difcuflion, although the conciufions may frequently furprife him, being very different from his moft familiar obfervatlons. 650. - I. At new and full Moon, we fliall have high water at noon, and at midnight, when the Sun and Moon are on the meridian. For in this cafe C M, a ;«, C S, d /', C H, all coincide. 651. 2. When the Moon is in quadrature in B, the place of high water is alfo in B, under the Moon, and this happens when the Moon is on the meridian. For when M C is perpendicular to C S, the point m coincides with C, am with ^ C, and dh with JC. 652. 3. While the Moon paffes from a fyzigy to the next quadrature, the place of high water follows the. Moon's place, keeping to the weilward of it. It over- takes the Moon in the quadrature, gets to the eaftward of the Moon (as it is reprefented at M^ H^ by the fiune conllru61:ion), preceding her while flie palies forward to the next fyzigy, in A, where it is overtaken by the Moon's place. For v/hile M is in the quadrant S B, or A D, the ponit h is in the arch S /;/. But when M is in the quadrant B A or D S, ly is without or be- yond THEORY OF TFIE TIDES. 597 \on(l the arch S 7;/* (counted eajlivard from 8). Tliere- fore, during the firll and third quarters of the lunation, we have high water after noon or midnight, hut before tiie INIoon's fouthing. But in the fecond and fourth quarters, it happens after the Moon's fouthing. 653. 4. Since the place of high v/ater coincides with the Moon's place both in fvzigy and the following quadrature, and in the interval is between her and the Sun, it follows that it mud, during the firft and third quarters, be gradually left behind, for a while, and then muft gain on the Moon's place, and overtake her in qua- drature. There muft therefore be a certain greateft dif- tance between the place of the Moon and that of high \vater, a certain maximum of the angle M C H. This happens when H' C S is exa6tly 45°. For then h' d^ is 90^, 7/7' a is perpendicular to a S, and the angle a m' d is a maximum. Now a m' d = m' d h\ z=l 2 y\ 654. When things are in this ftate, the motion of high water, or its feparation from the Sun to the eaft- ward, is equal to the Moon's eafterly motion. There- fore, at new and full Moon, it muft be fiower, and at tlie quadratures it muft be fwifter. Confequently, when the Moon is in the ocSlant, 45° from the Sun, the inter- val between two fucceflive fouthings of the Moon, M-hich is always 24'' 5 o' nearly, muft be equal to the interval of the two concomitant or fuperior high waters, and each ide muft occupy \2^ 25', the half of a lunar day. But at s 55^ PFTYSICAL ASTltONOMT. at new or full Moon, the interval between the two fuc- cefTive high waters muft be lefs than 12'* 25', and in the quadratures it muft be more. 655. The tide day muft be equal to the lunar day only when the high water is in the o£lants. It muft be /liortet at new and full Moon, and while the Moon is pafling from the fecond 0(9:ant to the third, and from th^ fourth to the firft. And it muft exceed a lunar day while the Moon pafles from the firft o6lant to the fecond, and from the third to the fourth. The tide day is al- ways greater than a folar day, or twenty-four hours. For, while the Sun makes one round of the Earth, and is again on the meridian, the Moon has got about 13* eaft of him, or S M is nearly 13°, and S H is nearly 9°, fo that the Sun muft pafs the meridian about 35 or 36 minutes before it is high water. Such is the law of the daily retardation called the priming or lagging of the tides. At new and full Moon it is nearly 35', and at the quadratures it is 85', fo that the tide day at new and full Moon is 24^ 35', and in the quadratures it is 25'' 25" nearly. Our conftru<^ion gives us the means of afcertaining this circumftance of the tides, or interval between two fucceeding full feas, and it may be thus exprefled. 656. The fy nodical motion of the Moon is to the fy- Tiodical motion of the high water as ma to T?iy. For, take a point u very near to m. Draw u a and u d, and draw THEORY OF TRE TlDEti 59 draw d i parallel to a Uy and with the centte ay and diftance a tiy defcribe the arch u Vy which may be con- Cdered as a ftraighfe line perpendicular to ?« a. Then u m and i b are refpe6tively equal to the motions of M and H (though they fubtend twice the angles). The angles ait ^', diim are equal, being right angles. There- fore muv=z an dy -zz am dy and the triangles m u Vy d tnfy are fmiilar, and tlie angles u a m, i d h are equal^ and therefore uv',ihz=.ma\hdy z=. ma '.m d urn :uvz= 711 d". mf therefore u m\ih zz. m a\ mf. When m coincides with S, that is, at new or full Moon, m a coincides with S a, and mf with S d. But when m coincides with C, that is, in the quadratures^ i« a coincides with C ay and mf with C d, 657. Hence it is eafy to fee that the retardation of the tides at new and full Moon is to the retardation in the quadratures as C ^ to S ^, that is, as M -f S to M — S. When the high water is in the oQant, ma \^ perpen- dicular to S tty and therefore a and f coincide, and the fynodical motion of the Moon and of high water are th^ fame, as has been already obferved. Let us now confider the elevations of the water, and the magnitude of the tide, and its gradual variation in the courfe of a lunation. This is reprefented by the line 6oO PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 658. This ferles of changes Is very perceptible 112 our conftruftion. At new and full Moon, ;« a coincides' with S a, and in the quadratures, it coincides with C a. Therefore, the fpring-tide is to the neap-tide as Sa to C ay that is, as M -f S to M — S. From new or full Moon the tide gradually leiTehs to the time of the qua- drature. We aifo fee that the Sun contributes to the elevation by the part a f, till the high water is in the oftants, for the point f lies between m and a. After this, the aclion of the Sun diminifhes the elevation, the point / then lying beyond a, 659. The momentary change in the height of the whole tide, that is, in the difference between the high and low water, is proportional to the fine of twice the arch M H. It is meafured by df in our confl;ru6lion. For, let m u be a given arch of the Moon's fynodical mo- tion, fuch as a degree. Then m v is the difference be- tween the tides »/ a and u a, correfponding to the con- ftant arch of the Moon's momentary elongation from th^ , Sun. The fimilarity of the triangles muv and m df gives us mu :mv =1 m d : df. Now m u and m d are conftant. Therefore m v is proportional to dfy and m d : df~ rad. : fin. d inf, = fin. mdhy = fin. 2 M C H. Hence it follows that the dimihution of the tides is moft rapid when the high water is in the ocftants. This will be found to be the difference between the twelfth and thirteenth tides, counted from new or full Moon, and between the feventh and eighth tides after the qua- dratures. THEORY OF THE TIDES. 6ol draturcs. If m u be taken = \ the Moon's daily elon- gation from the Sun, which is 6° 30' nearly, the rule will give, with fuilicient accuracy, \ the difference be- tween the two fuperior or the two inferior tides imme- diately fucceeding. It docs not give the difference be- tween the two immediately fucceeding tides, becaufe they are alternately greater and lefTer, as will appear after- wards. 660, Having thus given a reprefentation to the eye of the various circumftances of thefe phenomena in this fimple cafe, it would be proper to fhew how all the dif- ferent quantities fpoken of may be computed arithmeti- cally. The firaplefl method for this, though perhaps not the moft elegant, feems to be the following. In the triangle m d a, the two fides m d and d a are given, and the contained angle mday when the propor- tion of the forces M and S, and the Moon's elongation MCS are given. Let this angle m d a he called a. Then make M + S : M — S ri tan., a : tan. i;. Then a — b - a 4- If V = , and X =z — . For M + S :M'-Szz7nd + da : md — da, =: i?2 a d 4- a m d mad — at?! d 2 a* + 2 V tan. : tan. = tan. ^ 222 tan. 2 X — — 2 V y = tan. X -^ y : tan. x — y = tan. a : tan. k Now X -\- y -\- X — y =z 2 x and ;v -{- y — at— ^=:2j^. a 4- 1 Therefore a -^ b =z 2 x and a — h = 2yy and x ~ - — , •2 and V = » ^ 2 4 G C6u, 6oi PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 66i. It is of peculiar importance to know the greatefl feparation of the high water from the Moon. This hap- pens when the high water is in the ocSlant. In this fi- tuation it is plain that ?;/ d ida, that is, M : S, = rad. : g {in, d/n' a, rr rad. :fm. 2/, and therefore fin.2y'=^. Hence 2/ and / are found. 662. It is manifeft that the applicability of this con- ilruftion to the explanation of the phenomena of the tides depends chiefly on the proportion of S ^ to da, that is, the proportion of the accumulating force of the Moon to that of the Sun. This conftitutes the fpecies of the triangle m d a, on v/hich every quantity depends. The queftion now is. What is this proportion ? Did we know the quantity of matter in the Moon, it would be decided in a minute. The only obfervation that can give us any information on this fubjeft is the nutation of the Earth's axis. This gives at once the proportion of the difturbing forces. But the quantities obferved, the de- viation of the Earth's axis from its uniform conical mo- tion round the pole of the ecliptic, and the equation of the preceffion of the equino(5lial points, are much too fmall for giving us any precife knowledge of this ratio. Fortunately, the tides themfelves, by the modification which their phenomena receive from the comparative magnitude of the forces in queftion, give us means of difcovering the ratio of S to M. The moft obvious cir- cumftance of this nature is the magnitude of the fpring and neap-tides. Accordingly, this wa§ employed by Newton THEORY OF THE TIDES. 6o2 Newton in his theory of the tides. He coUecl'^vl a num- ber of obfervations made at Briflol, and at Plymouth, and, ftating the fpring-tide to the neap-tide as M -|- S to M — S, he faid that the force of the Moon in raifing the tide is to that of the Sun nearly as 4-5 to i. But it was foon perceived that this was a very tincertain me- thod. For there are fcarcely any two places where the proportion between the fpring-tide and the neap-tide is the fame, even though the places be very near each o- ther. This extreme difcrepancy, while the proportion was obferved to be invariable for any individual place, fhewed that it was not the theory that was in fault, but that the local circumftances of fituation were fuch as af- fected very differently tides of different magnitudes, and thus changed their proportion. It was not till the noble collection of obfervations vi-as made at Breft and PvOche- fort that the philofopher could afibrt and combine the immenfe variety of heights and times of the tides, fo a«; to throw them into claiTes to be compared with the af- pe£ts of the Sun and Moon according to the Newtonian theory. M, Caffini, and, after him, M.. Daniel Ber- noulli, made this comparifon with great care and difcern- ment ; and on the authority of this comparifon, M. Ber- noulli has founded the theory and explanation contained in his excellent Difiertation on the tides, which fhared with M'Laurin and Eulcr the prize given by the Acade- my of Paris in 1 740. M. Bernoulli employs feveral circumftances of the tides for afcertaining the ratio of M to S. lie cmplo)'^ 4 G- 2 thg 6q4 physical astronomy. the law of the retardation of the tides. This has great advantages over the method employed by Newton. What- ever are the obftrudiions or modifications of the tides, they will operate equally, or nearly fo, on two tides that are equal, or nearly equal. This is the cafe with two fuc- ceeding tides of the fame kind. . The Moon's mean motion from the Sun, in time, is about 50^ minutes in a day. The fmalleft retardation, in the vicinity of new and full Moon, i& nearly 35', wanting 15^ of the Moon's retardation. Therefore, by art. ^56, M : S =; 35 : 15^, =: 5 : 2f nearly. The longefl tide-day about the quadratures is 25 '^ 2^\ exceeding a folar day S^'y and a lunar day 34I. There- fore M : S = 85 : 34i, =5 : 2yV nearly. The proportion of M to S may alfo be inferred by a diredl comparifon of the tid^e-day at new Moon and in, the quadratures. 35 : 85 = M — S : M 4- S. Therefore It may alfo be difcovered by obfendng the greateft Reparation of the place of high water from that of the Moon, or the elongation of the IVIoon when the tide-day and the lunar day are equal. In this cafe y is obfcrvod to be nearly 12° 30'. Therefore -^ = fin. 25% and M : S = 5 : 27 nearly. Thus it appears tlrat all thefe methods give nearly THEORY OF THE TIDES. 60J the fame refult, and that we may adopt 5 to a as the ratio of the two difturbing forces. This agrees extremely well with the phenomena of nutation and preceffion. Inftead of inferring the proportion of M to S from the quantity of matter in the Moon, deduced from the phenomena of nutation, as is affected by D'Alembert and La Place, I am more difpofed to infer the mafs of the Moon from this determination of M : S, confirmed by fo many coincidences of different phenomena. Tak- ing 5:2,13 as the mean of thofe determinations, and employing the analogy in § 465, we obtain for the quan^ tity of matter in tlie Moon nearly yV> the Earth be- ing I. If the forces of the two luminaries were equal, there would be no high and low water in the day of quadra- ture. There would be an elevation above the infcribed fpheroid of j- M -f S all round the circumference of the circle palTmg through the Sun and Moon, forming the ocean intq an oblate fpheroid. 663. Since the gravitation to the Sun alone produces %n elevation of 24^ inches, the gravitation to the Moon will raife the waters 58 inches; the fpring-tide will be 24a +58, or 82i inches, and the neap-tide 33I Inches. 664. The proportion now adopted mull be confi- dered as that correfponding to the mean intenflty of the accumulating forces. But this proportion is by no means conftant, by reafon of the variation m the diftanccs of ^hp 6g6 physical ASTRONOMt. the 'luminaries. Calling the Sun's mean diflance i coo, It is 983 in January and 1017 in July. The Moon's mean diflance being 1000, {he is at the diflance 1055 'when in apogeo, and 945 when in perigeo. The a6lion of the luminaries in producing a change of figure varies in the inverfe triplicate ratio of their diflances (519.) Therefore, if 2 and 5 are taken for the mean diflurb- 'ing forces of the Sun and Moon, we have the following meafures of thofe forces. Sun, Moo?t. Apogean 1,901 4>258 Mean 2, — - 5,- — . Perigean 2,105 $^9"^^ Hence we fee that M : S may vary from 5>925 : 1,901 to 4,258 : 2,105, that is, nearly from 6:2 to 4:2. The general exprefTion of the diflurbing force of the Moon will be M ;= |- S X -^ X - where D and d ex- prefs the mean diflances of the Sun and Moon, and A and ^ any other fimultaneous diflances. The folar force does not greatly vary, and need not be much attended to in our computations fbr the tides. But the change in the lunar a£lIon mufl not be negledl- ed, as this greatly afFedls both the time and tjie height of the tide. 665. Firfl, as to the times. I. The tide-day following fpring-tlde is 24'' 27^' when the Moon Is In perigeo, and 24^^ 33' when fhe is in apogeo. THEORY OF THE TIDES. 6of 2. The tide-day following neap-tide is 25 •» 15' in the firft cafe, and 25 '^ 40' in the fecond. 3 . The greateft interval between the Moon's fouthing and high water (which happens in the otftants) is 39' when the Moon is in perlgeo, and 61' when fhe is in apogeo, ;; being 9° 45' and 15*^ 15'. 666. The height of the tide is ftill more affeded by the Moon's change of diftance. If the Moon is in perigeo, when new or full, the fpring-tide will be eight feet, inftead of the mean fpring- tide of feven feet. The very next fpring-tide will be no more than fix feet, becaufe the Moon is then in apo- geo. The neap-tides, which happen between thefe very unequal tides, will be regular, the Moon being then in quadrature, at her mean diftance. But if the Moon change at her mean diftance, the fpring-tide will be regular, but one neap-tide will be four feet, and another only two feet. We fee therefore that the regular monthly feries of heights and times correfponding to our conftfudlion can never be obferved, becaufe in the very fame, or nearly the fame period, the Moon makes all the changes of dif- tance which produce the effects above mentioned. As the effect produced by the fame change of the Moon's diftance is different according to the ftate of the tide which it afFe£ls, it is by no means eafy to apply the e- quation arifing from this caufc, 66'j. 6qS physical astronomy. 667. As a fort of fynopfis of the whole of this de- fcriptlon of the monthly feries of tides, the following Table by D. Bernoulli will be of fomc* ufe. The firfl column contains the Moon*s elongation S M (eaftward) from the Sun, or from the point oppofite to the Sun, in degrees. The fecond column contains the minutes of folar time that the moment of high water precedes or follows the Moon's fouthing. This correfponds to the arch H M. The third column gives the arch S H, or nearly the hour and minute of the day at the time of high water ; and the fourth column contains the height of the tide, as exprefled by the line tn a, the fpace S^ being divided into 1000 parts, as the height of a fpring-tide. Note that the elongation is fuppofed to be that of the Moon at the time of her fouthing. TABLE tHEORY OF THE TIDES. 609 TABLE I. 8M HM Hour. ;/; a Minutes. — — . — - 1000 10 20 22 '6 -.281 -.58 987 949 30 3^v '^ i.28t 887 40 50 40 ^ 45 s 2.35 806 7^5 60 70 46"- ^ 40i 1 3-i3t 3-591 6ro 518- 80 'S §• 4.55 453 90 cq 6.— 429 100 > ^5 7- 5 453 no S . 4oi 8. t 518 120 g- 46t 8.46t 610 130 § 45 9,25 715 140 9 40 10. — 806 150 "^^ CJ I ^ 10.31 887 160 g 22 II. 2 949 170 180 1 ''' II. 3 1 12. — 987. iOOO 668. It is proper here to notice a circumftance, of very general obfervation, and which appears inconfiftent with our conftruclion, which dates the high water of neap-tides to happen when the Moon is on the meri- dian. This mud nuke the high water of neap-tides fix 4 H hours tHEORy OF TBE TIDES. 609 T ABL E I. SM 1 HM Hour. ;;; a Minutes. — — . 1000 10 20 Ill 22 '6 -.281 -.58 987 949 30 3^4- i.28t S87 40 50 40 45 2. 2.35 806 7^5 ^0 70 46I- 404- 3.i3t 3'59i (5io 518- 80 25 5' 4.55 453 90 — CJ5 6.— 429 100 > 25 7- 5 453 no 4OT 8. t 518 120 CD 4^r 8.46t 610 130 140 45 40 9.25 10. — 715 806^ 150 31^^ 10.31 887 160 22 II. 2 949 170 180 0^ 11^ II. 3 1 12. — 987. 1000 668. It is proper here to notice a circumftance, of very general obfervation, and which appears inconfiftent with our conftruction, which dates the high water of neap-tides to happen when the Moon is on the meri- dian. This ma(t make the high water of neap-tides fix 4 H hours ^-XS PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. hours later than the high water of fpring-tideSj fuppofing that to happen when the Sun and Moon are on the me- ridian. But it is univerfally obferved that the high water of tides in quadrature is only about five hours and ten 6t tweh'e minutes later than that of the tides in fyzigy. This is owing to our not attending to another circum- flance, namely, that the high water which happens in fyzigy, and in quadrature, is not the high water of fpring and of neap-tides, but the third before them. They correfpond to a pofition of the Moon 19° weft ward of the fyzigy or quadrature, as will be more particularly noticed afterwards. At thefe times, the points of high water are 13-1 weft of the fyzigy, and 29 weft of the quadrature, as appears by our conftruclion. The lunar hours correfponding to the interval are exactly 511 02', which is n6^arly 5° 12' folar hours. 669. Hitherto we have confidered the phenomena of the tides in their moft fimple ftate, by ftating the Moon and the Sun in the equator. Yet this can never happen. That is, we can never fee a monthly feries of tides nearly correfponding with this fituation of the lumi- naries. In the courfe of one month, the Sun may conti- nue within fix degrees of the equator, but the Moon will deviate from it, from 18 to 28 or 30 degrees. This will greatly afFe61: the height of the tides, caufing them to deviate from the feries exprefled by our conftrudion. It Hill more afFe£ts the time, particularly of low water. The phenomena depend primarily on the zenith diftances of tkeoryofthetid.es. 6li of the luminaries, and, wlien thefe are known, are accu- rately^ expreiTed by the conflrucSlion. But the fe zenith diftances depend both on the place of the luminaries in the heavens, and on the latitude of tlie obferver. It is difficult to point out the train of phenomena as they oc- cur in any one place, becaufe the figure afllimed by the waters, although its depth be eafily afcertained in any fingle point, and for any one moment, is too complicated to be explained by any general d (h2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. rant, and two of them are compreffed. This is mod re^ markably the cafe when the Moon is in quadrature, and there is then a ridge all round that fecllon which has the Suii and Moon in its plane. The fccliion through the four poles, upper and lower, is the place of high water all over the Earth, and the fe6tion perpendicular to the axis of this is the place of low water in all parts of the Earth. Hence it follows that when the luminaries are in the plane of the Earth's equator, the two deprefied poles of the watery fpheroid coincide with the poles of the Earth ; and what we have faid of the times of high and low water, and the other ilates of the tide, are exa^t in their application. But the heights of the tides are diniiniflied as we recede from the Earth's equator, in the proportion of radius to the cciine of the latitude. In ail oilier fitua^ tions of the Sun and Moon, the phenomena vary exceed- ingly, and cannot eafdy be fhewn in a regular train. The pofition of the high water fe^lion is often much in- clined to the terreflrial meridians, fo that the interval be- tween the traniit of the Moon and the tranfit of this fee-' tion acrofs the meridian of places in the,iame meridian is often very different. Thus, on midfummer day, fuppofe the Moon in her laft quadrature, and in the node, there- fore in the equator. The ridge which forms high v/ater lies lb oblique to the meridians, that when the Moon ar- rives at the meridian of London, the ridge of h^igh water has pafTed London about two hours, and is now on the north coaft of America. Hence it liappens that we have no THECXRY OF THE TTDE3. 6j^ 210 fatisfa£lovy account of tlic times of high M^ater In dif- ferent places, even though \vc fhould learn it for a par- ticular day. The only way of forming a good guefs of tlie ftate of the tides is to have a tcrreilrial globe before us, and having marked the places of the luminaries, to lap a tape round the globe, paihng thrcmgh thofe points, and then to mark the place of high water on that line, and crofs it with an arch at right angles. This is the line of high watet. Or, a circular hcop may be made, crofled by one femicircle. Place the circle fo as to pafs through the places of the Sun and Moon, fetting the in- terfeclion with the femicircle on the calculated place of high water. The femicircle is now the line of high wa- ter, and if this armilla be held in its prefent pofition, while the globe turns once round within it, the fuccef- fion of tide, or the regular hour of high water for every part of the Earth v/ill then be feen, not very diftant from the truth. At prefent, in our endeavour to point out the chief modifications of the tides w hich proceed from the decli- nation of the luminaries, or the latitude of the place of obfervation, we muft content ourfelves with an approxi- mation, which {hall not r^ very far from the truth. It will be fufiiciently exact, if we attend only to the Moon. The eitecls of declination are not much affefted by the Sun, becaufe the difTercnce bet^*Ten the declination of the Moon and that of the pole of the ocean can never exceed f.x or (even degrees. When the great circle paffnT^ through the Sun and Moon is much inclined to the equa- tor 5r4 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. tor (it may even be perpendicular to it), the luminaries are very near each other, and the Moon's place hardly deviates from the line of high water. At prefent we fliall confider the lunar tide only. 670. Let NQSE (fig. 73.) reprefent the terra- queous globe, N S being the axis, E O the equator, and O the centre. Let the Moon be in the direction O M, having the declination B Q. Let D be any point on the furface of the Earth, and C D L its parallel of lati- tude, and N D S its meridian. Let B' F b' f be the elliptical furface of the ocean, having its poles B' and b' m the line O M. Let /OF be its equator. As the point D is carried along the parallel C D L, it will pafs In fucceflion through all the Hates of the tide, having high water when it is in C, and in L, and low water when it gets into the interfeftion d of its pa- rallel C L with the equator fd F of the watery fphe- rold. Draw the meridian '^ dG through this interfec- tion, cutting the terreftriai equator in G. Then the arch O G, converted into lunar hours, will give the du- ration of ebb of the fuperlor tide, and^GE rs the time of the fubfequent flood of the inferior tide. It is evi- dent that thefe are unequal, and that the whole tide GQG, confiding of a flood-tide G Q and ebb-tide Q G, while the Moon is above the horizon (which we called the ftiperior tide), exceeds the duration of the whole inferior zide G E G by four times G O (reckoned in lunar hours.) If th^ fpheroid be fuppofed to touch the fphere, THEdRY OF THE TlDE^. 6l^ 111 / and F, then C c' is the height of the tide. At L, the height of the tide is L L', and if the concentric circle L,' q be defcribed, C q is the difference between the fuperior and inferior tides. From this con[lru6>ion we learn, in general, that when the Moon has no declination, the duration of the fup?rior and inferior tides of one day are equal, over all the Earth. 671. 2. If the Moon has declination, the fuperior tide will be of longer or of ihorter duration than the in- ferior tide, according as the Moon's declination BO, and the latitude C Q of the place of obfervation are of the fame or of diirerent denominations. 672. 3. When the Moon's declination is equal to the colatitude of the place of obfervation, or exceeds it, that is, if B Q is equal to N 0, or exceeds it, there will be only a fuperior or inferior tide in the courfe of a lunar day. For in this cafe, the parallel of the place of obferva- tion will pafs through fy or between N and y^ as i^ wz. ' 673. 4. The fine of the arch G O is = tan. lat. X tan. declin. For rad. : cot. ^ O G =r tan. d G : fm. G O, and fm. G O = tan. dG X cot. ^ O G. Now ^ G is tlie latitude, and ^ O G is the coded. 674. The heights of the tides are affected in the fame way by the declination of the Moon, and by the la- y titude 6l6 PIIYS1CA3L ASTRONOMY. titudc of the place cf obfervation. The height of the fuperior tide exceeds that of the inferior, if the Moon's deciination is of the fame denomination with the latitude of the place, and vice versa. Jt often happens that the reverfe of tliis is uniformly obferved. Thus, at the Nore, in the entry to the river Thames, the Inferior tide is greater than the fuperior, when the Moon has north de- clination, and vice versa. But this happens becaufe the tide at the Nore is only the derivation of the great tide whidi comes round tlie north of Scotland, ranges along the eaftern coafhs of Britain, and the high water of a Aiperior tide arrives at tlie Nore, while that of an inferior tide is formed at the Orkney iflands, the Moon being un- der the hciizon. 675. The height. of the tide in any place, occafioned by tlie action of a fingle luminary, is as the fquare of the cofine of the zenith or nadir dillance of that luminary. Hence we derive the following conftru£l:ion, which will exprefs. all the modifications of the luriar tide produced by declination or latitude. It will not be far from the truth, even for the compound tide, and it is perfecSlly ex- act in the cafe cf fpring or neap-tides. "With a radius C Q (fig. 74.) taken as the meafure of the whole .elevation of a lunar tide, defcribe the circle E P O /, to reprefent a terreftrial meridian, where P and p are the poles, and E O the equator. Bife6l C P in O, and round O defcribe the circle PBCD.. Let M be that point of the meridian which has the Moon in the Theory of the tides. 617 ihe zenith, and let Z be. the place of obfervation. Draw the diameter Z C N, cutting the fmall circle in B, and MCm cutting it in A. Draw A I parallel to E Q. Draw the diameter B O D of the inner circle^ and draw IK, GH, and AF perpendicular to B D. Laftly, draw I D, I B, A D, A B, and C I M'^ cutting the me- ridian in M'. After half a diurnal revolution, the Moon comes into the meridian at M', .and the angle M' C N is her diftance from the nadir of the obferver. Tlie angle I C B is the fupplemcnt of I CN, and is alfo the fupplcmeiit of IDB, the oppofite angle of a quadrilateral in a circle. There- fore I D B is equal to the Moon's nadir diftance. Alfo A D B, being equal to A C B, is equal to the Moon's zenith diftance. Therefore, accouiiting D B as the ra- dius of the tables, D F and D K are as the fquares of the cofmes of the Moon's zenith and nadir diftances ; and fmce P C, or D B, was taken as the meafure of the whole lunar tide, D F will be the elevation of high water at the fituation Z of the obferver, when the Moon is above his horizon, and D K is the height of the fubfe- quent tide, when the Moon is under his horizon, or, more accurately, it is the height of the tide feen at the fam.e moment with D F, by a fpeftator at 2' in the fame meridian and parallel. (For the Juhfequent tide, though only twelve hours after, will be a little greater or lefs, according as they are on the increafe or decreafe). D F, then, and D K, are proportional to the heights of the fuperior and inferior tides of that day. Moreover, as A I 4 I i« 6l8 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, is bife^led in G, F K is blfecled In H, and D H is tfic arithmetical mean between the heights of the fuperior and inferior tides. Accounting O C as the radius of the tables, A G is the fine of the arch A C, which meafures twice the angle M C Q, the Moon's decUnatiGn. O G is the cofine of twice the Moon's declination. Alfo the angle B O G is equal to twice the angle B C O, the la- titude of the obferver. Therefore O H = cof. 2 decL X cof. 2 lat., and D H = D O + O H, = M X I 4- cof. 2 decl. d X cof. 2 lat. ^, . , ^ , , 7^j-ij3 valux; of the me- 2 dium tide will be found of continual ufe* This conftrucSlicn gives us very difilnci conceptions of all the modifications of tlie height of a lunar tide^ proceeding from the various declinations of the Moon,, and the pofition of the obferver j and tlie height of the compound tide may be had by repeating the conltru^llon for the Sun, fubftitutlng the declination of the Sun for that of the Moon, and S for M in the lail formula^ The two elevations being added together, and i M •+■ S taken from the fum, we have the height required. If it is a fpring-tide that we calculate for, thess is fcarcely any occafion for t^^o operations, becaafe the Sun cannot then be more than fix degrees from the Moon, and tlie pole of the fplieroid will ahiioil coincide with the Moon's place. We may now draw fome inferences from this reprefentation. 676. I. The greateft tides Ipppen when the Moon. is THEORY OF THE TIDES. 619 i« in the zenith or nadir of the place of obfervation. For as M approaches to Z, A and I approach to B and D, and when they coincide, F coincides with B, and tlie height of the fuperior tide is then = M. The me- dium tide however diminiflies by this change, becaufe G comes nearer to O, and confequently H comes alfo nearer to O, and D H is diminillied. If, on the other hand, the place of obfervation be changed, Z approaching to M, the fuperior, inferior and medium tides are all increafed. For in fuch cafe, D fe- parates from I, and D K, D H, and D F are all en- larged. 677. 2. If tlie Moon be in the equator, the fupe- rior ard inferior tide^ are equal, and =: M k cof.^ lat. For then A 2nd I coincide with C ; and F and K coa- lefce in /- and D / = D B x cof/ B D C, = D B X cof.^' zco. 673. 3. If the place of obfervation be in the equa- tcr, the fuperior and inferior tides are equal every where, and are = M x cof.*, declin. d . For B then coincides with C ; the points F and K coincide with G 5 and P G = P C X ccf.* C P A, = M X cof/ M C Q. 679. 4. The fuperior tides are greater or lefs than the inferior tides, according as Z and M are on the fame or on oppofite fides of the equator. For, by taking Q Z' on the other Cde of the equator, equal to O Z, and 4 I 2 drawing ^20 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY.^ drawing Z' C 2', cuttwig the fmall circle in ^, we fe« that the figure is fimply reverfed. The magnitudes and proportions of the tides are the fame in either cafe, but the combination is inverted, and what belongs to a fupe- rior tide in the one cafe belongs to an inferior tide in the other. 680. 5. If the colatitude be equal to the Moon's declination, or lefs than it, there will be no inferior tide, or no fuperior tide, according as the latitude and Moon's declination are of the fame or of different deno- minations. For when P Z = M O, D coincides with I, and K alfo coincides with I. Alfo when P Z is lefs than M Q, D falls below I, and the point Z never paffes through the equator of the watery fpheroid. The low water mm' (fig. 73.) obferved in the parallel km is only a lower part of the fame tide kk', of which the high water is alfo obferved in the fame place. In fuch fituations, the tides are very fmall, and are fubjecled to iinguiar varieties which arife from the Moon's change of declination and diflance. Such tides can be {een only in' the circumpoiar regions. The inhabitants of Iceland no» lice a period of nineteen years, in which their tides gra- dually increafe and diminllli, and exhibit very fmgular phenomena. This is undoubtedly owing to the revolu- tion of the Moon's nodes, by v/liich her declination is confiderably afxecfbed. That ifland is precifely in the part of the ocean where the effedl of this is mo-ft remark- able. A regifter kept there would be very uiftrudive •, aii4 THEORY OF THE TIDES. 621 mid it is to be hoped that this will be done, as in that fequeftrated Thule, there is a zealous aftronomer, M. Lie- Vog, furniflied with good inftruments, to whom this fe- ries of obfervations has been recommended. 68 1. 6. At the very pole there is no daily tide* But there is a gradual rife and fubfidence of the water twice in a month, by the Moon's declining on both fides of the equator. The water is lowed at the pole when the Moon is in the equator, and it rifes about twenty-fix Inches when the Moon is in the tropics. Alfo, when lier afcending node is in the vernal equinox, and flie has her greatefl declination, the water will be thirty inches above its loweft itate, by the adlion of the Moon alone. 682. 7. The medium tide is, as has already been , » , ^_ I -f- cof. 2 decl. d X cof. 2 lat. obferved, = M x — . 2 As the Moon's declination never exceeds 30^, the co- fine of twice her declination is always a pofitive quantity, and never lefs than |. When the latitude is lefs than 45°, the cofine of twice the latitude is alfo pofitive, but negative when the latitude exceeds 45°. Attending to thefe circumflances, we may infer, 683. I. That the mean tides are equally afFe£led by the northerly and foutherly declinations of the Moon. - 684. 2. If the latitude be exadly 45*^, the mean tide is always the fame, and = | M. For in this cafe BD iS2'X PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. B D is perpendicular to P C, and the point H always coincides with O. This is the reafon why, on the coafts of France and Spain, the tides are fo Httle aiFeded h^ the deciinaticn of the luminaries. 6Z^. 3. When the latitude is lefs than 45°, the mean-tides increafe as the decUnation of the Moon dimi- 3ii{hes. For cofm. 2 lat. being then a pofitive quantity, the formula increafes v/hen the cofme of the declination of the Moon increafes^ that is, it diminifnes wheii the declination of the Moon increafes. As B O diminifhes, G comes nearer to C, and H feparates from O towards B, and D H increafes. But if the latitude exceed 45"', the point H mud fall between O and D, and the mean-tide will increafe as tlie declination increafes. 686'. 5. If the latitude be — o, the point H coin- cides. Vv'ith G, and the effecl of the Moon's detiination 33 then the moil fenfible. The mean-tide in this cafe is ^^ I -}- cof. 2 deciin. (I 685. Every thing that has been determined here for the lunar tide may eafily be accommodated to the high and low water of the compound tide, by repeating the computations with S in the place of M, as the conftant coefficient. But, in general, it is almofl as exact as the nature of the queflion will admit, to attend only to .the lunar F'g Ti- y\l^ ^AX\ //'■ /]\ X\ ^ 1 \ 1 )\ \ / // Ki\ 74 \ \ 1 ' ~ \/ 7^ 1 i .^' 'C J THEORY CF THE TIDES. 1^25 lunar tide. The declination of the real fammit of the fpheroid, in this cafe, never differs from the declination of the fummit of the lunar tide more tlian two degrees, and the corre(ftion may be made at any time by a ♦little reflec- tion on the fimultaneous pofition of the Sun. What has been f\iid is itrifHy applicable to the fpring-tides. M + S — tide X fm." ^O (fig. 73.) is the quantity to be added to the tide found by the con(lru£lion. It is exa^b in fpring-tides and very near the truth in all other cafes. The Cm.' r/ O is = f! 1"^^ — . For fin. ^ O G : coi. " decl. a fin. J G O = fin. d G : fin. d O. Such, then, are the more fimple and general confe- quences of gravitation on the waters of our ocean, on the fuppofition that the whole globe is covered with water, and that the ocean always has the form which produces a perfe(Sl: equilibrium of force in every particle. 686. But the globe is net fo covered, and it Is clear that there muft be a very great extent of open fea, in or- der to produce that elevation at the fummit of the fphe^ roid which correfponds with the accumulating force of the luminaries. A quadrant at lead of the elllpfe is necefiary for giving the whole tide. With lefs than this, there will not be enough of water to make up the fpheroid. And, to produce the full daily viciffitude of high and low water, this extent of fea mufl: be in longitude. Aa equal extent in latitude may produce the greateft eleva- tion ; but it will not produce the feries of heights that fhould THEORY OF THE TIDES. tSl^ lunar tide. The declination of the real fammit of the fpheroid, in this cafe, never differs from the declination of the fummit of the lunar tide niorc tlian two degrees, and the correftion mny be made at any time by a ♦little reflec- tion on the fimultaneous pofition of the Sun. What has been faid is flridHy applicable to the fpring-tides. iVl + S —tide X fin.' dO (fig. 73.) is the quantity to be added to the tide found by the condruclion. It is exaft in fpring-tides and very near the truth in all other cafes. The fin.= ^ O is = -^^ — . For fin. dOG: cof. ' decl. a fin. J G O = fin. d G : fin. d O. Such, then, are the more fimple and general confe- quences of gravitation on the writers of our ocean, on the fuppofition that the whole globe is covered with water, and that the ocean always has the form which produces a perfect equilibrium of force in every particle. 6S6. But the globe is net fo covered, and It is clear that there muft be a very great extent of open fea, in or- der to produce that elevation at the fummit of the fphe- roid which correfponds with the accumulating force of the luminaries. A quadrant at lead of the ellipfe Is necefi^ary for giving the whole tide. With lefs than this, there will not be enough of water to make up the fpheroid. And, to produce the full daily viciflitude of high and low water, this extent of fea muft be in longitude. An equal extent in latitude may produce the greateft eleva- tion ; but it will not produce the feries of heights that fhould <^24 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMTi fhould occur in the coiirfe of a lunar day. In confined, feas of fmall extent, fuch as the Cafpian, the Euxine, the Baltic, and the great lakes in North America, the tides mufl be almoft infenfible. For it is evident that the greateft difference of height on the fliore of fuch confined feas. can be no more than the deflection from the tangent of the arch of the fpheroid contained in that fea. This, in the Cafpian Sea, cannot exceed feven inches ; a quan- tity, fo fmall, that a flight breeze of wind, fetting ofF fliore, will be fuflicient for preventing the accumulation, and even for producing a depreffion. A moderate breeze, blowing along the canal in St James's Park at London, raifes the water two inches at one end, while it deprefTes it as much at the other. The only confined feas of cori- fiderable extent are the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The firfl has an extent of 40° in longitude, and the tides there might be very fenfible, were it on the equator, but being in lat. 35 nearly, the efFecls are lefTened in the proportion of five to four. In fuch a fituation, the phe- nomena are very different, both in regard to time and to kind, from what they would be, if the Mediterranean- were part of the open ocean. Its furface vjiW'he parallel to what it would be in that cafe, but fiot the fame. This will appear, by infpecllon of fig. 75, where in rp repre- fents the natural level of the ocean, and M O repre- fents the watery fpheroid, having its pole in M, and its equator at O. S j may reprefent a tide pofl, fet up on the fhore of Syria, at the eafl end of the Mediterranean, and G i? a pofl fet up at the Gut of Gibraltar, which we fhall THEORY OF THS TIDE?. 6i^ {hall fuppofe at prefent to be dammed up. When the Moon is over M, the waters of the INIediterranean aflume the furface g r j-, parallel to the correfponding portion of the elliptical furface Q o M, crofling the natural furface at r, nearly in the middle of its length. Thus, on the Syrian coaft, there is a confiderable elevation of the wa- ters, and at Gibraltar, there is a confiderable depreflion. In the middle of the length, the water is at its mean height. The water of the Atlantic Ocean, an open and extenfive fea, aflumes the furface of the equilibrated fpherold, and it (lands confiderably higher on the outfide of the dam, as is feen by G Oy than on the infide, as ex- prelTed by G g. It is nearly low water within the Straits^ while it is about 4- or 4- flood without. The water has been ebbing for fome hours within the Straits, but flow- ing for great part of the time without. As the Moon moves weftward, toward Gibraltar, the water will begirt to rife, but flowly, within the Straits, but it is flowing very faft without. When the Moon gets to P, things are reverfed. The fummit of the fpherold (It being fup- pofed a fpring-tlde) is at P, and it is nearly high water within the Straits, but has been ebbing for fome hours w^ithout. It is low water on the coaft of Syria* All this while, the water at r, in the middle of the Mediterra- nean, has not altered Its height by any fenfible quantity. It will be high water at one end of the Mediterranean, and low water at the other, when the middle is in that part of the general fpheroid where the furface makes the xnofl unequal angles with the vertical This will be 4 K nearly 626 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY.' nearly In the o6\:ants, and therefore about i| hours be-- fore and after the Moon's fouthing (fuppofing it fpring- tide). Thefe obfer^^atlons greatly contribute to the explana- tion of the fingular currents in the Straits of Gibraltar, as they are defcribed by different authors. For although the Mediterranean is not. (hut up, and altogether feparat- ed from the Atlantic Ocean at Gibraltar, the communi- cation is extremely fcanty, and by no means fufRcient for allowing the tide of thj^ ocean to diffufe itfelf into this bafon in a regular manner. Changes of tide, always dif- ferent, and frequently quite oppoiite, are obferved on the eaft and weft fide of the narrow neck which connects the Rock with Spain j and the general tenor of thofe changes has a very great analogy with what has now been defcribed. The tides in the Mediterranean are fmall, and therefore eafily affefted by winds. But they are remarkably regular. TJiis may be expected. For*as the collection or abftraCiion neceffary for pro- ducing the change is but fmall, they are foon accom- pUlhed. The regifters of the tides at Venice and fome other ports in the Adriatic are furprifmgly conformable to the theory. See Phil. Tranf. Vol. LXVII. From this example, it is evident that great deviations may be expelled in the obferved phenomena of the tides from the imniediate refults of the fimple unobftrufted theory, and yet the theory may be fully adequate to the explanation of them, when the circumftances of local fituation are properly confidered. 688. THEORY OF THE TIDE^. 027 688. The real (late of things is fuch, that there arc very few parts of the ocean where the theory can be ap- pHed witliout very great modifications. ' Perhaps the great Pacinc Ocean is the only part of the temqueous globe in which all the forces have room to operate. When we confider the terreftrial globe as placed before the a6ling luminaries, which have a relative motion round it from eafl to wefl, and confider the accumulation of the waters as keeping pace with them on the ocean, we muft fee that the tides with which we are moft familiarly acquainted, namely, thofe which vifit the weflern fhores of Europe and Africa, and the eaftern fhores of America, muft alfo be irregular, and be greatly diverfified by the fituation of the coafts. The accumulation on our coafts muft be in a great meafure fupplied by what comes from the Indian and Ethiopic Ocean from the eaflward, and what is brought, or kept back, from the South Sea ; and the accumulation muft be diffufed, as from a colIe tDl we get 40° or 50'' weft from the coaft of America. In the neigh- bourhood of that coaft, there is fcarccly any inferior tide. Even in the middle of the vaft Paciiic Ocean the tides are very fmall, but abundantly regular. 692. The fetting of the tides is afreded, not only by the form of the fliores, but alfo by the inequalities which undoubtedly obtain in the bottom of the ocean. A deep and long valley there will give a direction to the waters which move along it, even although they far over- top the higher parts on each fide, jufl as we obferve the wind follow the courfe of the vallies. Tliis direction of the undermoll waters afFe£l:s thofe that flow above them, in confequence of the mutual adhefion of the filaments ; and tlius the whole ilream is deflected from the direction which it would have taken, had the ground been even. , By fuch deflections the path is lengthened, and the time cf its reaching a certain place is protracted , and this produces other deviations from the calculations by the fimple theory. 693. Thefe peculiarities in the bed or channel alfo greatly aiTe^t the height of the tides. When a wave of ■a certain magnitude enters a channel, it has a certrJu quantity THEOPX.Y OF THE TIDE3. 6^t cjuatitlty of motion, mcafurcd by the quantity of water and Its velocity. If the channel, keeping the fime depth, contra6l in its width, t]:»e water, keeping for a while Its momentum, mufi: increafe its velocity, or its depth, or both. And thus it may happen that, although the greateft elevation produced by the joint aftion of the Sun and Moon in the open fea does not exceed eight or nine feet, the tide in fome fmgular fituations may mount confider- ably liigher. It feems to be ov/ing to this that the high water of the Atlantic Ocean, which at St Helena does not exceed four or five feet, fetting in obliquely on the coaft of North America, ranges along that coaft, in a channel gradually narrowing, till it is flopped in the Bay of Fundy as in a hook, and there it heaps up to an afto- nifhlng degree. It fometimes rifes 120 feet in the har- bour of Annapolis-Royal. Were it not that we fee in- itances of as ilrange effects of a fudden check given to the motion of water, we fhould be difpofed to think that the theory is not adequate to the explanation of the phe- nomena. But the extreme difparity that we may obferve in places very near each other, and which derive their tide from the very fame tide in the open fea, mufl con- vince us that fuch anomalies do not impugn the general principle, although we fhould never be able fully to ac- count for the difcrepancy. 694. Nothing caufes fo much irregularity in the tides as the reflection of the tide from fliore to fhore. If a pendulum, while vibrating, receives little impulfes, at ^^2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. at Intervals that are always the fame, and very neai- ly equal to its own vibrations, or even to an aliquot part of them, the vibrations may be increafed to a great magnitude after fome time, and then will gradually di- minifh, and thus have periods of increafe and decrcafe. So it happens in the undulation which conftitutes a tide. The fituation of the coafts may be fuch, that the time In which this undulation would, of itfelf, play backward and forward from fhore to fhore, may be fo exactly fitted to the recurring »£lion of the Moon, that the fucceeding impulfes, always added to the natural undulation, may raife it to a height altogether difproportioned to what the a61ion of the Moon can produce in open fea, where the undulation diffufes itfelf to a vaft diftance. What we fee in this way fliould fuflice for accounting for the great height of the tides on the coafts of continents. Dan. Bernoulli, juftly thinking that the obftru6lions of various kinds to the movements of the ocean fhould make the tides lefs than v/hat the unobftrucled forces are able to produce, concluded, from the great tides a£l:ually ob- ferved, and compared with the tides producible by the Newtonian theory, that this theory was erroneous. He thought it all derived from Newton's erroneous idea of the proportion of the two axes of the terraqueous globe ; which miftake refults from the fuppofition of primi- tive fluidity, and uniform denfity. He inveftigates the form of the Earth, accommodated to a nucleus of great denfity, covered with a rarer fluid, and he thinks that he has demonftrated that the height of the tide will be in THEORY OF THE TIDES. 633 in proportion to the comparative denfity of this nucleus, or the rarity of the fluid. This, fays he, alone can ac- count for the tides that we really obferve •, and which, great as they are, are certainly only a part of v/hat they would be, were they not fo much obftru£led. This is extremely fpecious, and, coming from an eminent ma- thematician, has confiderable authority. But the problem of the figure of the Earth has been examined with the moffc fcrupulous attention, fmce the days of M. Ber- noulli, by the firft mathematicians of Europe, who are all perfe61:ly agreed in their dedudions, and confirm that of Sir Ifaac Newton. They have alfo proved, and we apprehend that it is fufEciently efhablifhed in art. 603, that a denfer nucleus, inftead of making a greater tide, will make it fmaller than if the whole globe be of one denfity. The ground of Bernoulli's miftake has alfo been clearly pointed out. There remains no other way of ac- counting for the great tides but by caufes fuch as have now been mentioned. When the tides in the open Pacific Ocean never exceed three or four feet, we mufl be con- vinced that the extravagant tides obferved on the coafts of great continents are anomalies ; for there, the obftruc- tions are certainly greater than in the open fea. We mufb therefore look for an explanation in the motions and coUifions of difturbed tides. Thefe anomalies therefore bring no valid objection againfl the general theory. 695. There are fome fituations where it is eafy to explain the deviations, and the explanation is inftru6live. 4 L Suppofe 634 PHYSICAL A-STUONOMT. Suppofe a great navigable river, running nearly in a me- ridional direction, and falling into the fea in a fouthem coaft. The high water of the ocean reaches the mouth of this river (we may fuppofe) when the Sun and Moon are together in the meridian. It is therefore a fpring- tide high water at the mouth of the river at noon. This checks the llream- at the mouth of the river, and caufes it to deepen. This again checks the current farther up the river, and it deepens there alfo, becaufe there is al- ways tlie fame quantity of land water pouring; into it. The dream is not perhaps flopped, but only retarded. But'this cannot happen without its growing deeper. This is propagated farther and farther up the ftream, and it is perceived at. a great diflance up the river. But this requires a confiderabie time. Our knowledge in hydrau- lics is too imperfedt as yet to enable us to fay in what number of hours this fenfible check,, indicated by the fmaller velocity, and greater depth, will be propagat- ed to a certain diflance. We may fuppofe it juft a lunar day before it arrive at a certain wharf up th? river. The Moon, at the end of the day, is again on the meridian, as it was when it was a fprjng-tide at th^ mouth of the river the day before. But, in this inter- val, there has been another high water at the mouth of the river, at the preceding midnight, and there has jufl been a third high water, about fifteen minutes before the Moon came to the meridian, and thirty-five minutes after the Sun has pafled it. There muft have been two low waters in the interval, at the mouth of the river. Now„ THFORY OF THE TIDF.So ^3*5 Now, In the fame way that the tide of yeft' "relay noon is propagated up the ftream, the tide of midnight has alfo proceeded upAvards. A-^iid thus, there are three coexiftent high waters in tlie river. One of them is a fprlng-tide, and it is far up, at the wharf above men- tioned. The fecond, or the midnight tide, m-uft be half way up the river, and the third is at the mouth of the river. And there muft be two low waters intervening. The low water, thai 15, a flate of the river below its na- tural level, is produced by the pafling low water of the ocean, in the fame way that the high water was. For when the ocean falls below its natural level at the mouth of the river, it occafions a greater declivity of the iffuing flream of the river. This muft augment its velocity — this abftra6t:5 more water from the ftream above, and that part alfo finks below its natural level, and gives a greater declivity to the waters behind it, &c. And thus the ftream is accelerated, and the depth is leftened, in fuc- ceflion, in the fame way as the oppofite efFe61:s were pro- duced. We have a low water at different wharfs in fue- ^reffion, juft as we had -the high waters. 696. This ftate of things, which muft be famiharly Icnown to all who have paid any attention to thefe mat- ters, being feen in almoft every river which opens into a tide way, gives us the moft diftinft notion of the me- chanifm of the tides. The daily returning tide is nothing but an undulation or wave, excited and maintained by 'the action of the Sun and Moon. It is a great miftafce 4 L 2 t» 6^6 PriYSIGAL ASTRO>iOMY, to imagine that we cannot have high water at London Bridge (for example) unlefs the water be raifed to that level all the way from the mouth of the Thames. In many places that are far from, the fea, the ftream, at the moment of high water, is down the river, and fometimes it is confiderable. At Quebec, it runs downward at leaft three miles per hour. Therefore the water is not heaped up to the level j for there is no ftream without a decli- vity. The harbour at Alloa in the river Forth is dry at low water, and the bottom is about dx feet higher than the higheft v/ater mark on the ftone pier at Leith. Yet there are at Alloa tides of twenty, and even twenty-two foet. All Leith would then be under water, if it flood level from Alloa at the time of high water there. After confidering a tide in this way, any perfon who has remarked the very ftrange motions of a tide river, in its various bendings and creeks, and tlie currents that are frequently obferved in a direclion. oppofite to the general ftream, will no longer expeel; that the phenomena of the tides will be fuch as immediately refuit from the regular operation of the folar and lunar forces. 697, There is yet another caufe of deyiatiorr, wliich is perhaps more diffimilating than any local circumftances, and the operation of which it is very difficult to ftate fa- miliarly, and yet precifely. This is the inertia, as it is called, of the waters. No finite change of place or of velocity can be produced in an inflant by any acce- lerating force. Time muft elapfe before a Hone can ac- quire ?^ny meafurable velocity by falling. Suppofb THEORY OF THE TIDES. 637 Suppofe the Earth fluid to the centre, and at reft, without any external diflurbing force. The ocean will form a perfect fphere. Let the Moon now a£l on it. The v/aters will gradually rife immediately under the Moon and in the oppofite part of the Earth, finking all around the equator of the fpheroid. Each particle pro- ceeds to its ultimate fituation with an accelerated motion, becaufe, till then, the diflurbing force exceeds the ten- dency of the water to fubfide. Therefore, when the form is attained v.diich balances thofe forces, the motion does not flop, juft a^ a pendulum docs not flop when it reaches the loweft point of its arch of vibration. Sup- pofe that the Moon ceafes to act at this inftant. The mo- tion will {till go on, and the ocean will overpafs the ba- lanced figure, but with a retarded motion, as the pen- dulum rlfes on the other fide of the perpendicular. It will (lop at a certain form, when all the former accele- ration Is done away by the tendency of the water to fub- fide. It now begins to fubfide at the poles of the fphe- roid, and to rife at the equator, and after a certain time, it becomes a perfed: fphere, that is, the ocean has its na- tural figure. But it paiTes this figure as far on the other fide, and makes a fiood where there was formerly an ebb ; and it would now ofcillate for ever, alternately fwelling and contracting at the points of fyzigy and quadrature. If the Moon do not ceafe to ad, as was juft now fup- pofed, there will ftill be ofcillations, but fomev/hat dif- ferent from thofe now mentioned. The middle form, on both fides of which it ofcillates in this cafe, is not the perfe£l fphere, but the balanced fpheroid. 638 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. 698. All this is on the fuppofition that there is n® -obflru6lion. But the mutual adhefion of the filaments of water will greatly check all thefe motions. The figure will not be fo foon formed ; it will not be fo far over- palled in the firft ofcillation ; the fecond ofcillation will he lefs than the firft, the third will be lefs than the fe- cond, and they will foon become infenfible. But if it were poffible to provide a recurring force, which fhould tend to raife the waters where they are al- ready rifing, a^ld deprefs them where they are fubfiding, and that would always renew thofe actions in the pro- per time, it is plain that this force may be fuch as will juft balance the obftru^lions com.petent to any particular degree of ofcillation. Such a recurring force would juft maintain this degree of ofcillation. Or tlie recurring force may be greater than this. It will therefore increafe the ofcillations, till the obftru£\;ions are alfo fo much in- creafed that the force is balanced by them. Or it may be lefs than what will balance the obftru^lions to the de- gree of ofcillation excited. In this cafe the ofcillation will decreafe, till its obftru^tions are no more than what this force will balance. Or this recurring force may come at improper intervals, fometimes_ tending to raife the waters when they are fubfiding in the courfe of an ofcillation, and deprefling them when they are rifing. Such a force muft check and greatly derange the ofcilla- tions ; deftroying them altogether, and creating new ones, which it v/ill increafe for fome time, and then check and deftroy them ; and will do this again and '^gain. Now THEORY OF THE TIDE*. &^' Now there is fuch a recurring force. As the Eartk turns round its axis, fuppofe the form of the balanced fpheroid attained in the place immediately under the Moon. This elevation; or pole is earned to the eailward by the Earth, fuppofe into the pofition DOB (fig. ";6.\ the Moon being in the lin« O M. Tlie pole of the wa- tery fpheroid is no longer under the INIcon. The Moon will therefore a6t on it fo as to change its figure, mak- ing it fubfide in the remote quadrant B l? C, and rife a little in the quadrant B ^ A. Thus its pole will come a little nearer to the line O M. It is plain that if B is car- ried farther eaflward, but within certain limits, the fitua- tion of the particles will be ftill more unfuitable to the lunar difturbing force, and its action on each to change its pofition will be greater. The action upon them all will therefore make a more rapid change in the pofition of the pole of the difplaced fpheroid. It feems not im- pofTible that this pole may be jufl fo far eaft, that the changing forces may be able to caufe its pole to fliift its pofition fifteen miles in one minute. If this be tlie cafe, the pole of the fpheroid will keep precifely at its prefent didance from the line O M. For, fince it would fhift to the weflward fifteen miles in one minute by the ac- tion of the Moon, and is carried fifteen miles to the eaflward in that time by the rotation of the Earth, the one motion jufl undoes the effect of the other. The pole of the watery fpheroid is really made to (hift fifteen miles to the weftward on the furface of the Earth, and arrives at a place fifteen miles weft of its former place on 6*40 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. the globe ; but this place of arrival is carried fifteen miles to the ea ft ward ; it is therefore as far from the line O M as before. This may be illuftrated by a very fimple experiment, where the operation of the adling forces is really very like that of the lunar difturbing force. Suppofe a chain or flexible rope A B C E D F laid over a pulley, and hanging dovv-n in a bight, which Is a catenarean curve, having the vertical line O D for its axis, and D for its loweft point, which the geometers call its vertex. Let the pulley be turned very llowly round its axis, in the diredion ABC. The fide C E will defcend, and F A will be taken up, every link of the chain moving in the curve C E D F A. Every link is in the vertex D in its turn, juft as every portion of the ocean is in the vertex or pole of the fpheroid in its turn. Now let the pulley turn round very brilkly. The chain will be obferved to tilter its figure and pofition. O D will no longer be its axis, nor D its vertex. It will now form a curve C e dfK, lying to the left hand of C E D F A. Od will be its new axis, and d will be its vertex. Gravity a61:s in lines parallel to O D. The motions" in the diredlion CE and FA nearly balance each other. But there is a general motion of every Hnk of the hanging chain, by which it is carried from E towards F. Did the chain continue in the former catenarea, this force could not be balanced. It therefore keeps fo much awry, in the form Ce dj Ay that its tendency by gravity to return to its former pofition is juft equal to the fum of all the mo- tions TUrORY OF THE TIDES. 64I '10113 in the links from E towards F. And it will fhew this tendency by returning to that pofition, the moment that the pulley gives over turning. The more rapidly we turn the pulley round, the farther will the chain go a fide before its attitude become permanent. 700. It furpaffes our mathematical knowledge to fay with precifion how far eaftward the pole of the tide muft be from the line of the Moon's diredion, even in the fimple cafe which we have been confidering. The real ftate of things is far more complicated. The Earth is not fluid to the centre, but is a folid nucleus, on which flows an ocean of very fmall depth. In the former cafe, a very moderate motion of each particle of water is fuf- ficient for making the accumulation in one place and the depreflion in another. The particles do little more than rife or fubfide vertically. But, in the cafe of a nucleus covered with an ocean of fmall depth, a confiderable ho- rizontal motion is required for bringing togetlier the quan- tity of water wanted to make up the balanced fpheroid. The obftrudions to fuch motion muil be great, both fuch as arife from the mutual adhefion of the filaments of water, and many that mull arife from fridion and the inequalities of the bottom, and the configuration of the fliores. In fome places, the force of the acting lu- minaries may be able to caufe the pole of the fpheroid to fliift its fituation as faft as the furface moves away, when the angle MOB is 20 degrees. In other places, this may not be tilJ it is 25°, and in another, 15^ may be e- 4 M iiough. 642 PHYSICAL ASTRONQMY. nough. But, ill every fituation, there will be r.n arrange-- ment that will produce this permanent pofition of the fummit. For when the obilrudions are great, the ba- lanced form will not be nearly attained -, and when this is- the cafe, the change producible on the pofition of a par- ticle is more rapidly efFe61:ed, the forces being great, or rather the refiftance arifing from gravity alone being fmall. 701. The confequence of all this mufl be, in the firft place, that that form which the ocean v/ould ulti- mately affiime, did the Earth not turn round its axis, will never be attained. As the waters approach to that form, they are carried eaftward, into fituations where the difturbing forces tend to deprefs them on one fide, while they raife them on the other, caufmg a v/efterly undulation, which keeps its fummit at nearly the fame diftance from the line of the at^ing luminary's direftion. This wefterly motion of the fummit of the undulation does not necelTarily fuppofe a real transference of the water to the weftward at the fame rate. It is more like the motion of ordinary waves, in which yve fee a bit of wood or other light body merely rife and fall with- out any fenfible motion in the direction of the wave. In no cafe whatever is the horizontal motion of the water nearly equal to the motion of the fummit of the wave. It refembles an ordinary wave alfo in tliis, that the rate at which the fummit of the undulation advances in any 4ire£lion is very little affecSled by the height of the wave. Our THEORY OF THE TIDES. 643 Our knowledge however in hydraulics has not yet enabled us to fay with prcclfion what is the relation between the height of the undulation and the rate of its advance. 702. Thus then it appears, in general, that the funi- mit of the tide muft always be to the eaftward of the place affigned to it by our (imple theory, and that expe- rience alone can tell us how much. Experience is more uniform in this refpe61: than one (liould expedl:. For it is a matter of almoil univerfal experience that it is very nearly 19 or 20 degrees. In a few places it is lefs, and in many it is 5 or 6, or 7 degrees more. This is inferred from obferving that the greateil and the fmallefl of all the- tides do not happen on the very time of the fyzigies and quadratures, but the third, and in loma places, the fourth tide after. Subfequent obfervation has .jfliewn that this is not peculiar to the fpring and neap- tides, but obtains in all. At Breit (for example) the tide which bears the mark of the augmentation ariling from the Moon's proximity is not the tide feen while the Moon is in perigeo, but the third after. In fliort, tlie whole feries of monthly tides difagree with the fmiuitaneous poution of the luminaries, but correfpond moil regularly with their portions 37 or 38 hours before. 703. Another obfervation proper for this place is^, that as different extent of fea, and different depth of water, will and do occafion a difference in the time iu which a great undulation may be propagated along it, it 4 ^^ 2 jpay 644 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. may happen that this time may fo correfpond with th« repetition of all the agitating forces, that the adion of to-day may fo confpire with the remaining undulation of yefterday, as to incrcafe it by its reiterated impulfes, to a degree vaftly greater than its original quantity. By ejiving gentle impulfes in this way to a pendulum, in the direcfiiion of its motion, its vibrations may be increafed to fifty times their nrft fize. It is not neceflary, for this cfFeft, that the return of the luminary into the favour- able fituation be juft at the interval of the undulation. It will do if it confpire with every fecond or third or fourth undulation ; or, in general, if the amount of its confpiring actions exceeds confiderably, and at no great diftance of time, the amount of its oppofing aft ions. In many cafes this cooperation will produce periods of augmentation and diminution, and many feeming ano- malies, which may greatly vary tlie phenomena. ^04. A third obfervation that fhould be made here is, that as the obftrudions to the motion of the ocean arifing from the mutual adhefion and aftion of the fila- ments are known to be fo very great, we have reafon to believe that the change of form aftually produced is but a moderate part of what the force can ultimately pro- duce, and that none of the ofcillations are often repeated. It is not probable that the repetitions of the great undu- lations can m.uch exceed four or five. When experi- ments are made on ftill water, we rarely fee a pure un- dulation repeated (d often. Even in a fyphon of gfafs, • where- ' THEORY OF THE TIDES. 64$ where ail difFufions of the undulating power is prevented, they are rarely fenfible after the fifth or fixth. A gentle fmooth undulation on the furface of a very fliallow bafon, in tlje view of agitating the whole depth, will feldom be repeated thrice. This is the form which mod refembles a tide. 705. After this account of the many caufes of de- viation from the motions affigned by our theory, many of which are local, and reducible to no rule, it would feem that this theory, which we have taken fo much pains to eftabliili, is of no ufe, except that of giving us a general and moll powerful argument for tlie univerfal gravitation of matter. But this would be too hafty a conclufion. We fhall find that a judicious confideration of the different claffes of the phenomena of the tides will fuggeft fuch relations among them, that by properly combining them, we fhall not only perceive a very fatis- fadlory agreement with the theory, but fhall alfo be able to deduce fome important practical inferences frojn it. 706. Each of the different modifications of a tide has its own period, and its peculiar magnitude. Where the change made by the a£fing force is but fmall, and the time in which it is effected is confiderable, we may look for a confiderable conformity with the theory ; but, on the other hand, if the change to be produced on the tide is very great, and the time allowed to the forces for effeding it is fmajl, it is equally reafonable to expe£i: fenfible 64^ PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. fenfible deviations. If this confideration be judicioully applied, we ihall find a very fatisfa£lory conformity. 707. Of all the modifications of a tide, the greateft, and the moft rapidly efFefted, is the difference between the fuperior and inferior tides of the fame day. When tlie Moon has great declination, the fuperior tide at Breft may be three times greater than the fucceeding or infe- rior tide. But the fact is, that they differ very little. M. de la Place fays that they do not differ at all. We cannot find out his authority. Having examined with the moft fcrupulous attention more than 200 of the ob- fervations at Breft and Rochefort and Port i'Orient, and made the proper allowance for the diftances of the lumi- naries, we can fay with confidence ihat this general af- fertion of M. de la Place is not founded on the ob- fervations that have been publiflied, and it does not agree with what is obferved in the other ports of Europe. There is always obferved a difference, agreeing with theory in the proportions, and in the order of their fuc- ceffion, although much fmaller. A very flight confidera- tion will give us the reafon of the obferved difcrepancy. It is not poffible to make two immediately fucceeding un- dulations of inert water remarkably different from each other. The great undulation, in retiring, caufes the wa- ter to heap up to a greater height in the offmg ; and this, in diffufing itfelf, muft make the next undulation greater on the fliore. That this is the true account of the matter is fully proved by obfprving that when the theoretic THEORY OF THE TIDfiS. C^J theoretic dilTerence between thofe two tides is very fmall, it is as diftin£tly obferved in the harbours as when it is great. Tliis is clearly ieen in the Erell obferva- tions. 708. The abfolute magnitudes of the tides are great- ly modified by local circumftances. In fome harbours there is but a fmall difference between the fpring and neap-tides, and in other harbours it is very great. But, in either cafe, the fmall daily changes are obferved to follow the proportion required by the theory with abun- dant precifion. Counted half way from the fpring to the neap-tides, the hourly fall of the tide is as the fquare of the time from fpring-tide, except fo far as this may be changed by the pofition of the Moon's perigee. In like manner, the hourly increafe of the tides after neap-tide is obferved to be as the fquares of the time from neap- tide. 709. The priming and lagging of the tides corre- fponds with the theory with fuch accuracy, that they feem to be calculated from it, independent of obferva- tion. There is nothing that feems lefs likely to be de- ranged than this. Tides which differ very little from each other, either as to magnitude or time, fiiould be expected to follow one another juft as the forces re- quire. There is indeed a deviation, very general, and eafily accounted for. There is a fmall acceleration of the tides from fpring-tide to neap-tide. This is un- doubtedly 648 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMT. doubtedly owing to the ob{lru£l:ions. A fmaller tide be- ing lefs able to overcome them, is fooner brought to its maximum. The deviation however is very fmall, not exceeding ■} of an hour, by vi^hich the neap-tide antici- pates the theoretical time of its accomplil'hment. It would rather appear at firfl fight that a fmall tide would take a longer time of going up a river than a great one. And it may be fo, although it be fooner high water, be- caufe the defalcation from its height may fooner termi- nate its rifing. There is no difference obferved in this refpedl, when we compare the times of Iiigh water at London Bridge and at the Buoy of the Nore. They happen at the very fame time in both places, and there- fore the fpring-tides and the neap-tides employ the fame time in going up the river Thames. 710. This agreement of obfervation with theory is moft fortunate j and indeed without it, it would fcarcely have been poflible to make any practical ufe of the theory. But now, if we note the exa£l: time of the high water of fpring-tide for any harbour, and the exa£^ pofition of the Sun and Moon at that time, we can eafijy make a table of the monthly ferles for that port, by noticing the difference of that time from our table, and making the fame difference for every fucceeding phafis of the tide. 71 T. But, in thus accommodating the theoretical feries to any particular place, we muft avoid a miftake commonly THEORY OF THE TIDES. 649 commonly made by the compofcrs of tide tables. They give the hour of high water at full and change of the Moon, and this is confidered as fpring-tide. But per- haps there is no part in the world where that is the cafe. It is ufually the third tide after full or change that is the greateft of all, and the third tide after quadrature is, in moft places, the fmalleft tide. Now it is with the great- eft tide that our monthly feries commences. Therefore, it is the hour of this tide that is to be taken for the hour of the harbour. But, as winds, frefhes, and other caufes, may afFe6l any individual tide, we muft take the medium of many obfervations ; and we muft take care that we do not confidcr as a fpring-tide one which is in- deed the greateft, but chances to be enlarged by being a perigean tide. When thefe precautions are taken, and the tides of one monthly feries marked, by applying the fame cor- reftion to the hours in the third column of Bernoulli's table (I.), it will be found to correfpond with obfervation with fufficient accuracy for all purpofes. In making the comparifon, it will be proper to take the medium be- tween the fuperior and inferior tides of each day, both with refpe£l to time and height, becaufe the difference in thefe refpe6ts between thofe two tides never entirely difappears, 712. The feries of changes which depend on the change of the Moon's declination are of more intricate comparifon, becaufe they are fo much iniplicated with 4N thft 6^C PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. the changes depending on her diftance. But when freed as much as poflible from this complication, and then efti- mated by the medium between the fuperior and inferior tide of the hme day, they agree extremely well with the theoretical feries. This, by the way, enables us to account for an ob- fervation which would otherwife appear inconfiftent with the theory, which affirms that the fuperior tide is greatefl when the Moon is in the zenith (676.) The obfervation is, that on the coafts of France and Spain the tides in- creafe as the Moon is nearer to the equator. But it was lliewn in the fame article, that in latitudes below 45®, the medium tide increafes as the Moon's declination dimi- nifhes. Bernoulli juftly obferves that the tides v/ith which we are moft familiarly acquainted, and from which we ■form all our rules^ muft be confxdered as derived from the more perfe£l and regular tide formed in the wideft part of the Atlantic ocean. Extenfive however as this may be, it is too narrow for a complete quadrant of the fphe- Toid. Therefore it will grow more and more perfedl: as its pole advances to the middle of the ocean •, and the . changes which happen on the bounding coafts, from which the waters are drawn on all fides to make it up, muft be vaftly more irregular, and will have but a par- tial refemblance to it. They vvill however refemble it in its chief features. This tide being formed in a con- fiderably fouthern latitude, it becomes the more certain that the medium tide will diminifti as the Moon's decli- nation increafes. But although this fceming objection occuvi ^THEORY OF THE TiCES. 6^1 occurs on the French coafts, it is by no means the cafe on ours, or more to the north. We always obferve the fuperior tide to exceed the inferior, if the Moon have north declination. The fame agreement with theory is obfervable in the folar tides, or in the elTeft of the Sun's declination. This indeed is much fmaller, but is obfcrved by reafon of its regularity. For although it is alfo complicated with the effects of the Sun's change of diflance, this effect having the fame period with his declination, one equation may comprehend them both. M. Bernoulli's obfervation, juft mentioned, tends to account for a very general opinion, that the greateft tides are in the equi- noxes. I obferve, however, that this opinion is far from being well eftabliihed. Both Sturmy and Coleprefs fpeafc of it as quite uncertain, and Wallis and Flamftead reject it. It is agreed on all hands that our winter tides exceed the fummer tides. This is thought to confirm that point of the theory which makes the Sun's accumulating force greater as his diflance diminiflies. I am doubtful of the applicability of this principle, becaufe the approach of the Sun caufes the Moon to recede, and her recefs is in the triplicate ratio of the Sun's approach. Her accumu- lating force is therefore ulminifhed in the fefquiplicate ratio of the Sun's approach, and her influence qn the phenomena of the tides exceeds the Sun's. 713. The changes arifmg from the Moon's change of diftance are more confiderable than tliofe arifing from 4 N 2 her S^2 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMir. her change of declination. By reafon of their implica- tion with thofe changes, the comparifon becomes more difficult. M. Bernoulli did not find it fo fadsfaclory. They are, in general, much lefs than theory requires. This is probably owing to the mutual effects of undula- tions which fhouid differ very confiderably, but follow each other too clofely. In M. de la Place's way of con- fidering the phenomena (to be mientioned afterwards) the diminution in magnitude is very accountable, and, in other refpe^ts, the coiTefpondence is greatly improved. When the Moon changes either in perigeo or apogeo, the feries is confiderably deranged, becaufe the next fpring-tide is form.ed in oppofite circumftances. Tlie de- rangement is flill greater, when the Moon is in perigee or apogee in the quadratures. The two adjoining fpring- tides fhouid be regular, and the two neap-tides extremel|r unequal. 714. We {hall firft confider the changes produced on the times of full fea, and then the changes in the height. M. Bernoulli has computed a table for both the perigean and apogean diftance of the Moon, from which it will appear what corre6lion muft be made on the re- gular feries. It is computed precifely in the fame way as the former, the only difference being in the magni- tude of M and S, and we may imitate it by a conftrucr lion fimilar to fig. 72. To make this table of eafier ufe, ]^'I. Bernoulli introduces the important obfervation, that ^he greateft tide is not, in any part of the world, the tide THEORY OF THE TIDES. ^5J tide which happens on the lay o^ r.^vr or full Moon, nor even the firit or the feconu tide after j and that with vefpeiSl to the Atlantic Ocean, and all its coifls, It is very precifely the third tide. So that fiionld we have high water in any port precifely at noon on the fuii i^r change of the Moon, and on the firft day of the m.^iAth, the greateft tide happens at midnight on tlie fecond day of the month, or, exprefling it in the common way, It is the tide which happens when the Moon is a day and a half eld. The fummit of the fpheroid is therefore 19 or 20 degrees to the eaftw^rd of the Sun and Moon. At this diftance, the tendency of the accumulating force* of the Sun and Moon to complete the fpheroid, and to bring its pole precifely under them, is juft balanced by the tendency of the waters to fubfide. Therefore it i$ raifed no higher, nor can it come nearer to the Sun and, Moon, becaufe then the obliquity of the force is dimi- niflied, on which the changing power depends. That this is the true caufe, appears from this, that it is, in like manner, on the third tide that all the changes are perceived which correfpond to the declination of the Moon, or her diilance from the Earth. Every thing falls out therefore as if the luminaries were 19 or 20 de- grees eaftward of where they are, having the pole of the fpheroid in its theoretical fituation with refpe£t to this fictitious fituation of the luminaries. But, in fuch a cafe, were the Sun and Moon 20° farther eaftward, they would pafs the meridian 80 minutes, or one hour and 2» minutes later. Ther-efore i^ 20' is added to the hours of ^4 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. of high water of the former table, calculated for the mean diftance of the Moon from the Earth. Thus, on the day of new Moon, we have not the fprhig-tide, but the third tide before it, that is, the tide which fliould happen when the Moon is 20° weft of the Sun, or has the elongation 160°. This tide, in our former table, happens at ii'^ 02'. Therefore add to this i^ 20', and we have o" 22' for the hour of high water on the day of full and change for a harbour which would other- wife have high water when the Sun and Moon are on the meridian. In this way, by adding !*» 20' to the hours of high water in the former table for a pofition of the luminaries 20° farther weft, it is accommodated to the obferved elongation of the Moon, this elongation being always fuppofed to be that of the Moon when fhe is on the meridian. Such then is the following table of M. Bernoulli. The firft column gives the Moon's elongation from the Sun, or from the oppofite point of the heavens, the Moon being then on the meridian. The fecond co- lumn gives the hour of high water when the Moon is in perigeo. The third column (which is the fame with the, former table, with the addition of i^ 20') gives the hour of high water when the Moon is at her mean diftance. And the fourth column gives the hour when fhe is in apogeo. TABLE THEORY OF THE TIDES. 6iS TABLE II. dcc'e d in (J in d in d. ,„1 d inl d ml Perigeo. M.Dift. Apogeo Perigeo. M.Difl. Apogeo o -.18 -.2Z -.27i > 18 >22 > 27 / 2. 1-^ •-n *-n i-f 10 -.491 -5ii -54 9r llf 14 20 1.20 1.20 1.20 — — — — — — 3® 1.50! 1.481 1.46 9T t? 5:?^ Hi M 40 2.22 2.18 2.12i 18 22 27i 0^ 50 2.54 2.48I 2.40^ 26 3ii 393 C 60 3.27 3.20 3.10 33 g 40 g 50 2 70 4. 21 3-55 3-44 37 8 45 S6 8 80 4411 4.33I 4.22 38t a." 46i 58 90 5.26I 5-191 5. 9i 33t 4oi 5oi 100 6.19 6.15 6.9 22 5". 5' 25 B- 31 5* no 7.20 7.20 7.20 — °? — °? — crq 120 8.21 8.25 8.31 > 21 > 25 > 31 130 p-'^s^- 9.20I 9-3oi 33 •-i 40 -1 5c 140 9-58i 10. 6i ro.i8 38 3- 46 58 150 10.37^ 10.45 10.56 2 37 45 2 C/5 56 160 II. 13 11.20 1 1.30 CO 33 CO o 40 C/2 5c 170 11.46 1 1.5 14 ri.59i ?- 26 5- 31 ?t 39 180 —.18 — .22 —27^ 5* 18 ^ 22 5' 27 715. This table, though of confiderable fervice, be- ing far preferable to the ufual tide tables, may fometimes deviate a few minutes from the truth, becaufe it is cal- culated on the fuppofition of the luminaries being in the equator. But when they have confiderable declination, the 6^&, PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. the horary arch of the equator may differ two or thrj^e degrees from the elongation. But all this error will be avoided by reckor:ing the high water from the time of the Moon's fouthing, whicli is always given in oar al- manacks. This interval being alv/ays very fmall (ne- ver 12°) the error will be infenflble. For this reafon, the three other columns are added, exprefling the prim- ing of the tides on the Moon's fouthing. To accommodate this table to all the changes of the Moon's declination v^-ould require more calculation than all the reft. We Ihall come near enough to the truth, if we leffen the minutes in the three hour-columns tV when the Moon is in the equator, and increafe them as much when fhe is in the tropic, and if we ufe them as they iland when flie is in a middle fituation. 716. All that remains now, is to adjufl this general table to the peculiar fituation of the port. Therefore, colleft a great number of obfervations of the hour of high water at full or chanri"? of the Moon. In making this colledtion, note p.irticuhvly tlie hour on thofe days where the Moon is new or full precifely at' noon ; for this is tlie circumfti^nce necefiary for the truth of the elongations in the niil colurni' of the table. A fmall equation is neceflary i\ r correcting the obferved hour of high water, when the ^yzigy is not at noon, becaufe in this fituation of the lum.inarics, the tide lags 35' behind the Sun in a day, as has been already fliewn. Suppofe jhe lagging to he 36', this v.ill make the equation hi mi- nute THEORY OF THE TIDES. 657 nute for every hour that the full or change has happened before or after the noon of that day. This corre£tiou tnufl be added to the obferved hoUr of high water, if the fyzigy was before noon, and fubtracfled, if it happened after noon. Or, if we choofe to refer the time of high water to the Moon's fouthing, which, in general, is the heft method, we muft add a minute to the time between high fea and the Moon's fouthing for every hour and half that the fyzigy is before noon, and fubtra6t it if the fy- zigy has happened after noon. For the tides prime 15' hi 24 hours* 717. Having thus obtained the medium hour of high water at full and change of the Moon, note the differ- ence of it from o^^ 22', and then make a table peculiar to that port, by adding that difference to all the numbers of the columns. The numbers of this table will give the hour of high water correfponding to the Moon's elongation for any other time. It will, however, always be more exact to refer the time to the Moon's fouthing, for the reafons already given. By means of a table fo conftru6led, the time of high water for the port, in any day of the lunation, may be de- pended on to lefs than a quarter of an hour, except the courfe of the tides be diflurbed by winds or frefnes, which admit of no calculation.- It might be brought nearer by a much more intricate calculation j but this is altogether unnecelfary, on account of the irregularities arifnig from thofe caufes. 4O It 6^S' PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. It is not (o eafy to ftate in a feries the variations which happen in the height of the tides by the MoonV change of diftance, although they are greater than the variations in the t}/?ies of high water. This is partly ow- ing to- the great differences v/hich obtain in different ports between the greateil and fmalleft tides, and partly from the difficulty of expreffmg the variations in fuch a man- ner as to be eafiiy underftood by thofe not familiar with mathematicai computations. M. Bernoulli, whom we have followed in all" the prafiical inferences from the phyfical theory, iinagines that, notwithflanding the great difproportion between the fpring and neap-tides in dif- fei^nt places, and the differences in the abfolute magni- tudes of both, the middle betv/een the higheil and loweft daily variations will proceed in very nearly the fame way as in theory. Inflead therefore of taking the values of M and S as already eftabliflied, he takes the height of fpring and neap-tides in any port as indicative of M -{- S- and M — S for that port. Calling the fpring-tide A and the neap-tide B, this principle will give us M = — ~ — , and S = . From thefe values of M 2 2 and S he computes their apogean and perigean values, and then conftrucls columns of the height of the tides, apogean and perigean, in the fame manner a« the column already computed for the mean diftance of the Moon, that is, computing the parts mfznd af{Rg, 72.) of the whole tide m a feparately. The fame may be done with in- comparably lefs trouble by our conftru£llon (fig. 72.) and - _ A + B ' A — B the values M = , and S = . Although THEORY OF THE TIDES. 6f 9 Although this is undoubtedly an approximation, and perhaps all the accuracy that is attainable, it is not founded on exaiSl phyfical principles. The local propor- tion of A to B depends on circumftances peculiar to the place ; and we have no affurance that the changes of the lunar force will operate in the fame manner and pro- portion on thefe two quantities, however different. We are certain that it will not ; otherwife the proportion of fpring and neap-tides would be the fame in all harbours, however much the fprings may diiFer in different har- bours. I com.pared Bernoulli's apogean and perigean tides, in about twenty inftances, fele£led from the obfer- vations at Breft and St Malo, where the abfolute quan- tities differ very widely. I was furprifed, but not con- vinced, by the agreement. I am however perfuaded that the table is of great ufe, and have therefore inferted it, as a model by which a table may eafily be computed for any harbour, employing the fpring-tide and neap- tide heights obferved in that harbour as the A and B for that place. The table is, like the lafl, accommo- dated to the eafterly deviation of the pole of the fphe- roid from its theoretical place. It appears from this table, and alfo from the lafl, that the neap-tides are much more affefted by the ine- quahties of the forces than the fpring- tides are. The neap-tides vary from 70 to 128, and the fprings from 90 to 114. The firft is almoft doubled, the lafl is augment- ed but J. , 4O 2 TABLE 666 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, TABLE III. a S o HviGHT OF THE TIDE. 1 a in Perlgeo. | o,79A-f 0,086 10 i,ioA-f-o,o4B o,97A + o,o3B o,87A-f 0,026 20 i,i4x\-f-OjOoB i, 00 A -f 0,006 o,9oA-f 0,006 30 1,10 A -f- 0,046 0,97 A + 0,036 o,87A + o,c2>j 40 o,99A + o,i5B o,88A-i-o,i2B o,79A-j-o,o8i3 50 o,85A+o,32B o,75A-ho,25B o,68A-|-o,i86 60 o,67A + o,53B o,59A-t-o,4i6 o,53A+o,296 70 o,46A-fo,75B 0,41 A+ 0,596 0,37 A + 0,4 [B 80 a,28A+c,96B c,25A+o,756 o,23A+o,536 90 o,i3A-f 1,136 o,i2A + o,886 o,iiA4-o,626 100 0,03 A4- 1,246 o,o3A-fo,976 0,03 A +0,686 1 10 o,ooA-f i,28B o,ooA+ 1,006 o,ooA+o,7o6 120 0,03 A+ 1,246 o,o3A + o,976 o,o3A+o,686 130 o,i3A4-i,i3B o,i2A + o,888 o,iiA + o,626 140 o,28A-f.o,96B o,25A-|-o,756 o,23A + o,53B 150 o,46A+o,75B c,4iA+o,596 0,37^+0,416 160 o,67A-|-o,53B 0559A+o,4iB o,53A+o,29B 170 0,85 A -I- 0,3 26 o,75A+o,256 . o,68A+o,i86 180 o,99A-f 0,156 o,88A4-o,i2B 0379A + o,o86 719. The attentive reader cannot but obferve that all the tables of this monthly conftru6lion mitft be very imperfeft, although their numbers are perfe611y accu- rate, becaufe, in the courfe of a month, the declination and diftance of the Moon vary, independently of each other. THEORY OF THE TIDES. 66t Other, through all their poflible magnitudes. The laft table is the only one that is immediately applicable, by interpolation. It would require feveral tables of the fame extent, to give us a fet of equations, to be applied to the original table of art. 66']. ; and the computation would become as troublefome for this approximation as the calculation of the exaci value, taking in every cir- cumftance that can afFe^l: the que ft ion. For that calcu- lation requires only the computation of two right-angled fpherical triangles, preparatory to the calculation of the place of high water. But, with all thefe imperfe£l;Ions, M. Bernoulli's fecond table is much more exa£t than any ^'Ide table yet publifhed, Such, cu the whole, is the information furniflied by the do£lrine of univerfal gravitation concerning this cu- rious and important phenomenon. It is undoubtedly the mod irrefragable argument that we have for the iruth and unlvcrfality of this dodlrine, and at the fam.e time for the fimpiicity of the whole conftitution of the folar fyftem, fo far as it can be confidered mechanically. No new principle is required for an operation of nature fo unlike all the other phenomena in the fyllem. 720. The method which I have followed in the In- veftigation is nearly the fame with that of its iiluftrious difcoverer. We have contented ourfelves with (liewing various feriefes of phenomena, which tally fo well with the legitimate confequences of the theory, that the real fource 662 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. •foiirce of them can no longer be doubted. And, not- withftanding the various deviations from thofe confe- and the difFufion of the means of animal life and enjoy- ment. As our knowledge of the celeflial phenomena is enlarged, the probability becomes flronger that other planets are alio flored with inhabitants who fhare with 4 Q 2 us 6']6 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. US the Creator's bounty. Their rotation, and the evi- dent changes that we fee going on in their atrnofphereSj fo much refemble what we experience here, that I ima- gine that no man, who clearly conceives them, can ihut out the thought that thefe planets are inhabited by fen- tient beings. And there is nothing to forbid us from fuppofing that there is the fame inexhauftible ilore of fubordinate contrivance for their accommodation tliat we fee here for living creatures in every fituation, with ap- propriate forms, defires, and abilities. I fear not to appeal to the heart of every man who has learned fo much of the celefcial phenomiena, even the man v/ho fcouts this opinion, whether he does not feel the difpo- fition to entertain it. And I infift on it, that fom.e good reafon is required for rejecting it. 728. When beholding all this, it is impoffible to prevent the furmife, at leafc, of purpofe, defign, and contrivance, from, nrifing in the mind. AVe may try to fliut it out — We may be convinced, that to allege any purpofe as an argum^ent for the reality of any difputed faft, is againft the rules of good reafoning, and that final caufes are improper topics of argument. But we cannot hinder the anatomifl, who obferves the exquifite a- daptation of every circumftance in the eye to the forming and rendering vivid and diftin£t a pifture of external ob- jects, from believing that the eye was made for feeing — or the hand for handling. Neither can we prevent our heart GENERAL REFLECTIONS. tSjf lieart from fuggefling the thought of tranfccndent wif- dom, when we contemplate the exqiufite fitnefs andadjuft- ment whicli the mechanifm of the folar fyllem exhibits in all its parts. 729. Newton was certainly thus aiTeclcd, when he took a ccnfidcrate view of all his own cliicovcries, and perceived the almoft eternal order and harnicny which re- fults from the fimple and u.:mixed operation of univer- fal gravitation. This fingle iu€t produces all this fair order and utility. Newton was a mathematician, and faw that the law of gravituion obferved in the fyflem is the only one that can fecure the continuance of order. He was a philofopher, and faw that it was a contingent law of gravitation, and might have been otherwife. It therefore appeared to Newton, as it would to any unpre- judiced mind, a law of gravitation feledled as the moft proper, out of many that were equally poffible ; it ap- peared to be a choice, the acl of a mind, which com- prehended the extent of its influence, and intended the advantages of Its operation, being prompted by the de- fire of giving happinefs to the works of almighty power. Imprefled with fuch thoughts, Newton breaks out into the following exclamation. * Elegantijfima hacce compages ' ^ol'ts Planetarum et Cometarum^ non n'lfi confdio et dominh * Entis cujufdam potentis et itttelligentis oriri potuit. Hac ' omnia regit, tion ut anima mundiy fed lit tmiverforum * Dominus mundorum, Et propter dominium Dominus ' Deus, 67J PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. * DcitSy UuvTOK^ccru^y diet folet. Deitas eft domwatio Dei, ' non in corpus proprium, uti fentiimt quibus Deus ej] am* * ma mundi, fed in fervos,^ &c. Thefe were the efFufions of an afFeclionate heart, fympathifing with the enjoyment of thofe who iliared with him the advantages of their iltuation. Yet Newton did not know the full extent of the harmony that he had difcovered. He thought that, in the courfe of ages, things would go into diforder, and need the reHoring hand of God. But, as has been already obferved (543. )> I^e ^^ Grange has demonftrated that no fuch diforder will hap- pen. The greatell deviations from the moft regular mo- tions will be almoft infenfible, and they are all periodical, waneing to nothing, and again riCng to their fmall maxi- mum. ^30. Thefe are furely pleafing thoughts to a culti- vated mind. It is not furprifing therefore that men of affe ^ 87.) "REFLECTIONS OF LA PLACE. 683 under the title of Zyjlcme du Monde. In the whole of this work, the author milTcs no opportunity of Icflening the imprelhon that might be made by tlie peculiar fuit- ablenefs of any circunvllance in the conilitution of the iblar fyftem to render it a fccne of liabitation and enjoy- ment to fentient beings, or which m-iglit lead the mind to the notion of the fyflem's being contrived for any pur- pofe whatever. He fonietimes, on the contrary, endea- vours to ihew Iiow the alleged purpofe may be much better accompliflied in fome other way. He labours to leave a general impreflion on the mind, that the whole frame is the necelTary refult of the primitive and effen- tial properties of matter, and that it could not be any thing but what it is. He indeed concludes, like the il- luftrious Newton, v/ith a furvey of all that has been done and difcovered, followed by fome rerle|ersity of California Berkeley .■■r U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES WM ^^ iinni BDDlD23iS7 %.^