presented to the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO by Canadian Government .\a). -1' h CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION BY GOLDWIN SMITH, D.C.L. WITH MAP. ILonlJon $c flcto gork MACMILLAN AND CO. TORONTO. HUNTER, ROSE AND CO., 180 1 All righU rttfrvtd CONTENTS CHAPTER I The Subject The natural v. tlie jwlitical map — The Provinces of the Dominiou and their economical relations — Tlie (juestion projiounded . . I'age 1 CHAPTER II The Frf:xch Province Canada proper a French colony — Dominion of the Papacy and the Church in Quebec — The French peasantry and their lot — Rapid increase of their numbers — Their occupations — Hold of the Church upon them — Wealth of the Church — The Jesuit and his relation to education — The Parti Roiujc — The Guibord affair — Recent change in the character of the Church— Attitude of the Church towards the State, and towards the British and Protestant population — Ecclesiastical pretensions and nationalist aspirations — The Quebec Premier the champion of both — He apostrophises the Tricolor — Relations between the British and French race in the Province — Extrusion of the British — Protestant strongholils — Exodus of French Canadians to New England— The Irisli at Montreal ........ \ CHAPTKi; 111 Tin: I'RITISII I'ROVINCES Oiilaiio the core of the (JoiifecU'ration -Its chief industries — Structure of ."Mjciety and Nocial Heiitinient — H!(ffct» of ilenjoiracy in the luiusclndtl and on juvenile character — City life — The imbiic silioul systiiii - The CONTENTS Clmrchcs — Nationalities ami national societies — Canadian respect for law — Public justice and the bench — Socinl life — The climate — Pastimes — Commerce and industry — Trade orj^anisations — Social problems — City government — Literature, Art, and Science — Journalism — Emigration and native feeling towards the emigrant — Jligration of Canadians to the United States — Practical fusion of the two nations — The Maritime Provinces, Nova Scotia, New BruTiswick, and Prince Edward Island — JIanitoba and the North- West — liritish Columbia . Page 24 CHAPTEli IV French Canada before the Conquest Jacques Cartier, the discoverer — Champlain, the founder of Quebec — Coming of the Jesuits — Their missions, heroic exploits, and relations with the Indian tribes — Ursuline convents and hospitals — Aims of the Jesuits — Their rule — Jloral decadence of the Order — Foundation of Montreal — The Sulpicians and their relations to the Jesuits — Failure of Quebec as a colony — Epoch of Louis XIV. — Royal administration extended to the colony — Colbert's commercial system and the Intendant Talon — The fur trade — Bushranging — Passion for exploration, and feats of dis- coverers — Abuses under Louis XV. — The parish clergy — Jloral state of the colony — Contrast between the French and English colonists — The Conquest ........ 64 CHAPTER Y French Canada after the Conquest What was to be done with Quebec ? — The question settled by the American Revolution — ililitary rule — British concessions to the concpicred people preserve their allegiance during the American invasion — The (Quebec Act — Incoming of royalist refugees from the American colonies, and formation of an oligarchy of conquest — With the French Revolution comes a re- settlement of Quebec — Policy of Pitt — Attempt to separate the races by dividing the colony into a French and a British Province — Failure of that attempt — Political conflict between the two races in Lower Canada under the Parliamentary Constitution— Want of information and of decision on the part of the Home Government — British rule an improvement on French rule — War of 1812 — The French Canadians again faithful to Great Britain — Renewal of civil strife after the war — Ineffectual mission of Lord Gosford — Rebellion breaks out and is suppressed — End of the Constitution — Jlilitary opinion as to the value of Canada as a depend- ency ......... 80 CONTEXTS vn CHAPTER VI History of Upper Canada Upper Canada founded by the United Empire Lo}^alists — Their wrongs as a vanquished party shut out from amnesty — Constitution of British Canada — Simcoe its first Governor — Beginnings of political life and controversy — Governorships of Hunter and Gore — "War of 1812 — The Tory "Famil)- Compact" — Conflict between itand the Reformers — Leaders of the Reformers, Mackenzie, Rolph, and Bid well — The clergy reserves and other political issues — Demand for responsible government — Governorship of Sir Francis Bond Head — Conflict between the Governor and the Reformers — Rebellion breaks out and is suppressed — End of the governor- ship of Sir Francis Bond Head .... Page 98 CHAPTER vn The United Provinces Mission of Lord Durham — His report on the situation — Re-union of the two Provinces under a single Governor and legislature — Concession of responsible government — The change carried into effect by Lord Sydenham — Parties and politics under the new constitutional system — Governorship of Sir Charles Bagot — An attempt of Lord Metcalfe as Governor to restore the power of the Crown brings him into conflict with the Assembly and the people — Practical end of monarchical government in Canada — Governorship of Lord Elgin — Personal influence retained by him under the new system — The Rebellion Losses Bill — Secularisation of the clerg}' reserves — The reciprocity treaty — Failure of the policy of union to bring about British ascendency or assimilate the French element — Influence of the French in politics — Political combinations and jiarties — The " Clear Grits " and the struggle for representation by population — Series of ephemeral administrations — Political deadlock from which refuge is sought in Confederation — Other motives for that measure — Mood in which it was carried . . . I'Jl CHAPTER Vni The Federal Constitution The monarcliical element of the Constitution — The Govenior-tJeneral— His losH of jiolitical jiower — His social and other functions — Tlie ollice devoid of constitutional value— Baronetrecedent for Irish Homo IJule — A written constitution a necessity of democracy — Ottawa as the seat of government ....... Page 147 CHAi'TEK IX Fruits of Confederation Doubtful increase of military security — The incorporation of the North-West — Resistance of the French half-breeds to the annexation — Federal rail- roads, the Intercolonial and the Canadian Pacific — Adoption of a Pro- tective tariff under the name of "National Policy" — Effects of that measure, particularly in regard to the settlers of the North-West — Ap- jtarent failure of Confederation to produce national unity — Aspiration of French Canada to separate nationality continued and increased — (Question of the Jesuits' estates — Renunciation of the national veto on provincial legislation — Want of national union and of Dominion i>arties entails government by corruption — The Pacific Railway scandal — Injury to the political character of the people — Confiict of sectional with national interests — The financial condition of the Dominion — The Exodus from Canada to the United States . . . . . 192 CHAPTER X Thk Canadian Question Dependence — The sanction of the mother country necessary for any change of political relations — Canada considering the problem of her future — Distinction between a colonj' and a colonial dependency — Misleading ase of the term " Empire" — Supposed influence of sentiment on emigration — The strength of England lies in herself, not in her dependencies — England's protection of Canada precarious — Canada's complaints against British diplomacy — Political tutelage no longer possible — Society in the New World unalterably democratic — British interests in Canada — Value of the filial sentiment and that of dependence compared . . 237 CONTENTS ix Independence — The "Canada First" movement — Its tendency to independ- ence—That solution of the problem probable in itself — Obstacles to its adoption— The moral of the movement . . . Page 253 Imperial Federation — Origin of the movement — Absence of any definite plan — The scheme without precedent in history — What would be the object of the Association ? — A limit to the effects of steam and telegraph in annihilating distance — \\Tiat would be the relation of the Federal govern- ment to the British monarchy ? — What diplomatic policy wouhl prevail < — Complexities and embarrassments of the pro[)Osed system — Difiiculties of setting the negotiations on foot — Difficulty of finding trustworthy representatives of the colonies — A moral federation of the whole English- speaking race more feasible — The colonies will not part with self-govern- ment ........ 257 Political Union — "Annexation" an improper term — Union of Canada with the American Republic might be on ei^ual and honourable terms, like that of Scotland with England — Service which Canada, if admitted to the Councils of the Union, might render to England — By entering the Union Canada need not forfeit her peculiar character or her historical associa- tions — The idea that the connection would be one of moral disparagement unfounded — The evils and dangers of both countries substantially the same — Objections on the ground of over-enlargement of territory and populations — No line of political cleavage on the continent — Americans ready to welcome Canada into the Union — No thought of conquest or violent annexation — Difficulty of gauging Canadian sentiment — The Canadian people certainly in favour of free trade with their continent — Respecting their feeling as to political union nothing can be certainly said — Difficulty of bringing such a union about on the American as well as on the Canadian side — The primary forces will in the end prevail ........ i.'07 C(nnviercial Union — Mr. Bayard on tiie subject — The name Commercial Union adopted in contradistinction to Political Union. Account of the movement — Her own continent the natural market of Canada — Re- ciprocity of trade or reciprocity of tariffs the motto of the Conservative leader — The continent an economical whole — Reciprocity the dictate of nature — Si)ccial strength of the case with regard to the minerals of Canada — The shipping interest of Canada needs the freedom of the coasting-trade — The Americans on their side ready for Reciprocity — Policy of Mr. Blaine — Answer to the as.sertion of Protectionists that tliere can- not be a profitable trade between Canada and the United States — Remarkable growth of tlie trade in eggs when free from duty — Prevalence of smuggling under tlie present system — Special liard.sliips resulting from the tariir to .Manitoba and the Maritime Provinces — Comparison of the British with the American market— Ri-asons wliy the near market is tlie l>e»t — Counter-propo.sal of an Imperial Zollvorein — Fatal objections to that plan — I'ltforts of the Canadian (iovcrniniiit to open up m-w markets CONTENTS — The natural intercstsof Canada all in favour of Recipiocity — Objections to Coninu'rcial Union between tlie United States and Canada similar to those made between England and Scotland — Ai)j)eal of I'roteetionists to Imperial sentiment — Answer to the allegation that Commercial Union would be annexation in disguise — Practical difliculties of the scheme enhanced by the M'Kinlcy tarifl" — The policy of the M'Kinley Act not likely to endure — A new commercial era apparently dawning for tlie United States ...... Page 281 APPENDICES— .1. Mr. Henry "\Y. Darling on Banking . . 303 Jj. Mr. Thomas Shaw on Agriculture in Ontario . 307 C. Mr. T. D. Ledyard on ]\Iining . . .321 GRIEVANCE OP CANADIAN SHIP- OWNERS. {^^jL-t^^ ;37. 92 Ottawa, WEDNESDAT.-i^di^utatlon of Cana- dian shipowners en^ag-ed in tha Transatlantic trade had an Interview, this afternoon, with the Hon. J. J. 0. Abbott, the Premier, They repre- eented to him the loss caused to them by "ihe lack of heavy freight in consequence of the falling-off in the export of iron from Great Britain to Cannda, which was dne to increased production within the Dominion, and urged the Fromipr to umka a substantial reduction in the jron duties. Mr. Abbott pointed out that to grant the request would be a violation of the policy of the present Government, which bftd been endorsed by the electorato at four e:eneral elections. I CHAPTER I THE SUBJECT Whoever wishes to know what Canada is, and to understand the Canadian question, should begin by turning from the political to the natural map. The political map displays a vast and unbroken area of territory, extending from the boundary of the United States up to the North Pole, and equalling or surpassing the United States in magnitude. The physical map displays four separate projections of the cultivable and habitable part of the Continent into arctic waste. The four vary greatly in size, and one of them is- very large. They are, beginning from the east, the Maritime Provinces — Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island ; Old Canada, comprising the present Provinces of Quebec and Ontario ; the newly-opened region of the North- West, comprising the Province of Manitoba and the districts of Alberta, Athabasca, Assiniboia, and Saskatchewan ; and British Columbia. Tlie habitable and cultivable parts of these blocks of territory are not contiguous, but are divided from each other by great barriers of nature, wide and irre- claimable wildernesses or manifold chains of mountains. The Maritime Provinces are divided from Old Canada by the wilderness of many hundred miles tluprnigh whicli the Inter- B 2 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ni.\i-. colonial Eailway runs, hardly tak in l,^ u]) a passenger or a bale of freight by the way. Old Canada is divided from Mani- toba and the North-AVest by the great freshwater sea of Lake Superior, and a wide wilderness on either side of it. Mani- toba and tlic Nortli-West again are divided from British Columbia by a triple range of mountains, the Eockies, the Selkirks, and the Golden or Coast range. Each of the blocks, on the other hand, is closely connected by nature, physically and economically, with that portion of tlie habitable and cultivable continent to the south of it which it immediately adjoins, and in which are its natural markets — the ]\Iaritime Provinces, with Maine and the New England States ; Old Canada, with New York and with Pennsylvania, from which she draws her coal; Manitoba and the North-West, with Minnesota and Dakota, which share with her the Great Prairie ; British Columbia, with the States of the Union on the Pacific. Between the divisions of the Dominion there is hardly any natural trade, and but little even of forced trade has been called into existence under a stringent system of protection. The Canadian cities are all on or near the southern edge of the Dominion ; the natural cities at least, for Ottawa, the political capital, is artificial. The principal ports of the Dominion in winter, and its ports largely throughout the year, are in the United States, trade coming through in bond. Between the two provinces of Old Canada, though there is no physical barrier, there is an ethnological barrier of the strongest kind, one being British, the other thoroughly French, while the antagonism of race is intensified by that of religion. Such is the real Canada. Whether the four blocks of territory constituting the Dominion can for ever be kept by political agencies united among themselves and separate from their Continent, of I THE SUBJECT 3 which geographically, economically, and with the exception of Quebec ethnologically, they are parts, is the Canadian question. Where the subject is so complex and so disjointed, to devise a satisfactory arrangement is not easy. Writers and readers of the history of the Dominion too well know how wanting it is in unity. For the special purpose of this work, wliich is neither elaborate description nor detailed histoiy, but the presentation of a case and of a problem, it seemed best first, briefly to delineate the Provinces, which are the factors of the case, then to sketch their political history, leading up to Confederation, then to give an account ot the Confederation itself, with its political sequel, up to the present time, and finally to propound the problem. The general reader, if any one answering to that description ever takes up this work, may skip the chapter on the Federal polity, the subject of which to the reader specially interested in Colonial institutions will probably seem the most important of all. To impart anything like liveliness to a discussion of the British North America Act one must have the touch of Voltaire. The writer knows too well that he is on highly contro- versial ground. All he can say is that the subject is clearly and practically before the public mind ; that he has done liis best to take his readers to the heart of it by setting the whole case before them; that his oi)ini(jns have not been hastily formed ; that they have not, so far as he is a\\aie, been biassed by personal motives of any kind ; and that he does not think that the lionour or the true interest of his native country can fur a moment be absent from his breast. CHAPTER II THE FRENCH PROVINCE ^ The eldest first. Canada proper was a French colony. To the hahitans, as the Quebec peasantry are called, it is a French colony still ; for they know no Canadians but those of their own race. French enterprise it was that first looked down from the high-pooped barque, in which, without chart or quadrant, it had braved the wide and wild Atlantic, upon the St. Lawrence, then running between forests full of bears, moose, and beavers, and roamed by a few human wolves in the shape of Eed Indians. The true Canada is the river explored by Jacques Cartier, with its shores, its affluents, and the country of which it is the outlet. A royal river it is, bearing on its broad breast of waters Atlantic steamers a thousand miles from its mouth, and running between high banks, while its rival, the Mississippi, spreads over vast flats of mud ; its weak point being that the frost of Canadian winter binds it half the year in chains which invention has been tasked in vain to loose. Quebec and Montreal are the only historic cities of the Dominion, and Quebec alone retains its ^ With regard to tliis and the following chapter, the writer owes acknow- ledgment to Picturesque Canada, edited by Principal Grant, D. D., and also to the article by Dr. Prosper Bender, on the French Canadian Peasantry, in the Magazine of American History, August. 1890. CHAP. II THE FRENCH rROVINCE 5 historic aspect. Eveu in Quebec there are in the way of buildings but scanty remnants of the Bourbon days. But the citadel, the prize of battle between the races, the key and throne of empire, stills crowns the rock which stands a majestic warder at the portal of the Upper St. Lawrence ; and the city with its narrow, steep, and crooked streets, crouching close under its guardian fortress, recalls an age of military force and fear in contrast to the cities of the New World, with their broad and straight streets spreading out freely in the security of industrial peace. Quebec is a surviving offset of the France of the Bourbons, cut off by conquest from the mother country and her revolu- tions. Its character has been perpetuated by isolation like the form of an antediluvian animal preserved in Siberian ice. Just now the ice is in appearance freezing harder than ever, though there are ominous crackings and rumblings which to the listening ear seem to portend dissolution, and do certainly portend critical change. The Bourbon monarchy is gone, and very faintly is its image replaced in the heart of the French Canadian by that of the alien monarchy of Great Britain, The aristocracy is gone, since the seigniories in- stituted by Louis XIV — poor counterparts of Old World seigniories even while they existed — have been bought up and abolished, tliough a slight influence is retained by a few old families. The power of the notary rests on a foundation of adamant which no conquest or revolution can overthrow. But it and all other powers, political or social, are small compared with that of the priest. Quebec is a theocrOiCy. Wliile Koine has been losing her hold on Old France and on all the European nations, she has retained, nay tightened, it here. The people are tlie shecj) of the priest. He is their political as well as tlieir spiritual (;liier and nominates the 6 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ciiai-. politician, -who serves the interest of the Cimrcii at Quebec or at Ottawa. Tlie faith of the peasantry is medieval. It is in Quebec alone on the Western Continent that miracles are still performed. The shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre is thronged with pilgrims and thickly hung with votive offerings, though her cures are confined to ailments of a certain class, chiefly nervous, and she has not restored a limb or healed anybody of cancer. A bishop writing to the people of his diocese about his visit to Eome assumes that they receive as undoubted truth the legend of the three fountains marking the three boundings of St Paul's head after it had been cut off, and that of St. Zeno and his 10,203 companions in martyrdom. Not only have the clergy been the spiritual guides and masters of the French Canadian, they have been the preservers and champions of his nationality, and they have thus combined the influence of the tribune with that of the priest. The habitant is a French peasant of the Bourbon day. The "Angelus" would be his picture, only that in the " Angelus " the devotion of the man seems less thorough than that of the woman, whereas the habitant and his wife are alike devout. He is simple, ignorant, submissive, credulous, unprogressive, but kindly, courteous, and probably, as his wants are few, not unhappy. If, in short, there is an Arcadia anywhere, in his village most likely it is to be found. He tills in the most primitive manner his paternal lot, reduced by subdivision, executed lengthways, to a riband-like strip, with, if possible, a water-front ; the river having been the only highway of an unprosperous colony when the lots were first laid out. His food is home-raised, and includes a good deal of peasoup, which affords jokes to the mockers. His raiment is homespun, and beneath his roof the hum of the spinning- II THE FRENCH PROVINCE 7 wheel is still heard. His wife is the robust and active partner of his toil. Their cabin, though very humble, is clean. Such decorations as it has are religious. The Church services are to the pair the poetry and pageantry of life. If either reads anything it is the prayer-book. There are, however, Chansotis Populaires, though probably more read by the cultivated than by the people, and there is a folk-love brought apparently from Old France, perhaps from the France before Christianity.^ The domestic affections among the hdbitans are strong ; that grand source of happiness at least is theirs ; and two or more branches of the same family are found living in harmony under the same roof The hahitant is not cultivated or aspiring, but his life is above that of the troglodyte of La Terre. Close observers think that they can still trace the race characters of the two districts of Old France from which the French Canadians came, and distinguish the Breton Celt from the more solid and shrewder Norman ; but the general characteristics prevail. It is denied that tlie language is a patois, such as a Parisian could not understand, though there are in it old Breton and Norman words and phrases. English words and phrases have also intruded, but these French patriotism is now trying to weed out. The Frencli Canadians breed apace. To them, as to the Irish, the Church preaclies early marriage and speedy re-mar- riage in the interest of morality, and to multiply the number of the faitliful, perliaps also with an k'\v. to fees. From a return Just laid before the Quebec Legishiturc it appears that for the grant of a hundred acres of land bestowed as a reward upon families boasting twelve or more children, there are * Sec an interesting article by Mr. Edwiinl Fiirn-r, a dihtingiUHlieil Cun.iiliiiii journaliBt, in the Atlantic Monthly for Ajiril, 1882. 8 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. 1009 claimants. One family numbers twenty-three ; a family of twenty-six has been known. There is no saying what bound there would be to the extension of the French if they did not prefer pills made of paper with a likeness of the Virgin to vaccination as a preventive of smallpox. As it is, they are overflowing in multitudes into New England, and threaten, in conjunction with the Irish, who are also settling there in great numbers, to supplant the Puritan in his old abode. They are also displacing the English in Eastern Ontario, and making the politicians of the province feel their power. The digestive forces of Canada have been too ■weak to assimilate the French element even politically as those of the great mass of American Englishry have assimil- ated, sufficiently at least for the purposes of political union, the French population of Louisiana. Instead of being assimilated, the French Canadians assimilate, and Scotch regiments disbanded among them have become French in language, in religion, and in everything but name and face. The factories of New England welcome the French not only on account of the cheapness of their labour, but because they are tractable, amenable to factory discipline, and not addicted to industrial war. Farming is not the only pursuit of the French Canadians in their own country. With it they combine one of a more stirring kind. They furnish a large proportion of the lumber- men. The forest wealth of Canada is immense, though it is now, unfortunately, being fast reduced not only by the axe, but by forest fires, which the carelessness of trappers or tramps kindles, and which are terrible in their destructive range, while governments, their thoughts engrossed by the party conflict, have left the forests to take care of themselves.^ ^ In Ontario a forest-ranger has now been appointed, in the person of Mr. Phipps, who had done good service in calling attention to the subject. II THE FRENCH PROVINCE 9 For lumbering winter, when the snow makes slides, is the season, so that the French peasant may combine it with the cultivation of his little farm. Picturesque writers dwell with rapture on the romance of life in the lumber shanty, the forest ringing with the axe, the glories of the winter land- scape by sunlight and by moonlight, the healthiness of the work, the vigour and skill which it calls forth, and the joviality of the gangs, toucliing with poetry even " the huge pan of fat pork fried and floating in gravy." ^ In the dangerous work of guiding the logs down the stream, above all, great nerve as well as agility is displayed. The lumber shanty is also a school of temperance, for in it no liquor is allowed. Nor does religion fail to say her mass there, or to unpack her bale of ecclesiastical wares. The land east of Quebec city is poor ; even with the help of the lumber trade subsistence is rapidly outrun by popula- tion, and if there were not this ready outflow into the adjoining states of the American Union, Quebec would be a second Ireland, and an analogy would be presented which might be useful in teaching Irish reformers to deal with the fundamental problem of congestion rather than try to feed a heedless and thriftless people with statutory parliaments. But the priest looks on emigration with an evil eye ; it takes away his flock, and those who return, as not a few do when they have earned some money in tlie New England factory, are apt to bring back with them the mental liabits of a free commonwealth. Schemes of" repatriation " have been formed, but of course in vain, and desperate attempts are being made to turn the current of emigration northwanls to Lake St. Jolin. Shipment to the French settlement in Manitolia is * See Picturesque Canada, vol. i., " I,uiiil»riiif,'," where a comjileto ami very iiittresting descriiition of tlic Innlc ami all that iLJatcs to it will he foun. of the Massachusetts School Inspector among the French Canadian imniit^iants in Massachusetts, though these are likely to be not among the least active-minded or intelligent of the community from which they come. In fact education for the masses is probably little more than preparation for tlie first communion. The series of school books in use in the Province is highly ecclesiastical and very poor. The school history is a characteristic work.i It scarcely mentions British Canada, treats the British as alien intruders, exults in French victories over them, imputes to them insidious designs of crushing French nationality, and glorifies the priesthood for having preserved it from their attacks. Lord Durham, the author of the hated union with British Canada, is accused of having scattered money broadcast for that object, and Sir John Colborne is charged with ravaging the country at the head of seven or eight thousand men when the rebellion was over and order had been restored. The Conquest, the pupil is tauglit to believe, was followed by eighty years of persecution, of religious intolerance, and of despotism, during which England was following, with regard to Canada, the sinister policy which she had pur- sued with regard to Ireland. This is a primer sanctioned by the Council of Public Instruction in a province styled British. There is at present no ill-feeling among the French Canadians against Great Britain. British rule has been too mild to provoke hatred. British Royalty when it visits Quebec is perfectly well received. But Great Britain is a foreign country to the French Canadian. There is in Quebec a circle of French literary men con- ^ Abrege d'llistoire du Canada a I'usage des Jeunes Etudiants de la Pro- vince de Quebec, par F. X. Toussaint, Professcur h TEcole Normale-Laval. Approuve par le Conseil de I'lnstruction Publiijue, Montreal, 1886. II THE FRENCH PROVIXCE 15 taining some names of eminence ; but it is hardly more connected with the Church and her people than was the literary circle of the eighteenth century with the Church and her people in France. It draws its intellectual aliment from Paris, where some of its members are Mell known, and M. Frechette, the poet of French Canada, has won a crown. Probably it is itself better known at Paris than in Quebec. In this Paradise of Faith there is a serpent called the Parti Piongp, though it is not Dynamitard or Atheist, but merely Liberal, or at most free-thinking, and opposed to clerical domination. It had at Montreal a literary society called tlie Iiutitut Canadien. This society, for taking heterodox literature, was excommunicated as a body by the Church. Guibord, one of its members, died under the ban, and the Church refused to let him be buried in the Catholic cemetery where he had owned a lot. The Provincial courts upheld the sentence of the Church. But the Privy Council on appeal, after debating the question, as Carlyle says, with the iron gravity of Roman augurs, decided that men must, according to the Canon Law, be excommunicated individually, not in the lump ; consequently that Guibord had not lost his right to burial in tlie cemetery. The Church sliowed figlit, the militia were under orders, a huge block of granite was prepared to protect the grave from desecration, a colli- sion seemed to be impending, when the Bishop of Montreal cut the knot by proclaiming that in whatever spot the excommunicate miglit be laid that spot would thereby be cut off from the n^st ol" th(; ground and deconsecrated; so that in the rest of the ground the faithful might sleep uncontamiiiated and in peace. Till lately, however, the Church of Quclicd ri'inaintd a 16 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. true daughter of the Church of monarchical France, and kept her Gallican tradition, giving Ca?sar his due, and living at peace with the civil power. But at length the same change has passed over her which has passed over the Roman Catholic Churches of Europe, since, having lost the allegiance of the national governments, they have been compelled to throw themselves for support on their spiritual centre, and to exalt without limit the authority of the Pope. Ultrauion- tanism has come, and in its van the Jesuit bearing with liiui the Encyclical and Syllabus, his own work. Having, besides his surpassing skill in intrigue, the ecclesiastical influences of the time in his favour, he captures the Episcopate, fills the Church with his spirit, extends his empire on all sides. The Sulpician order, Gallican in sentiment, whose great seminary rises over Montreal, after a bitter struggle goes down before him, and resigns to him in part the cure of the wealthy city. Against the University, the last fortress of Gallicanism or Liberal Catholicism, his batteries have opened. From his own pulpit, or through the lips of bishops who speak as he prompts, he denounces Gallicanism as a pestilent error, brands Liberal (Catholicism, the Catholicism of ^Montalembert and Lacordaire, as insidious poison, reasserts in the language of the Encyclical the medieval claims of the Papacy to domina- tion over conscience and over the civil power, scornfully repels the idea that the priest is to confine himself to the sacristy, claims for him the right of interference in elections, the censorship of literature and of the public press. Against Protestantism and its pretended rights he proclaims open war ; it has no rights, he says ; it is merely a triumphant imposture ; no religion has any right, or ought to be treated by the State as having any, but that of Pome. Pome is the rightful sovereign of all consciences ; and will again, when she II THE FRENCH PROVIXCE 17 cau, assert her authority by the same means as before. Wal- ls declared against religious liberty, progress, and the organic principles of modern civilisation. On such a course the ship of the French Church of Quebec is now steering, with the Jesuit at the helm. If she holds on, a collision can hardly fail to ensue. It has been said very truly that the Jesuit always fails. This world would be strangely ordered if he did not. His wisdom has never been equal to his craft. When by craft he had got James II into his liands, he, by want of wisdom, hurried the king along the road to ruin. He may do the same with the Nationalist party and politicians of (Quebec. In the history of the Order, as often as the marvel- lous labours of the sons of Loyola iii majorcm Dei gloriam seemed on the point of being crowned with success there has come an afflavit Dcus et dissipati sunt. But though tlie Jesuit has always failed, his failures have been tremendously costly to humanity. The ascendency of Ultramontanism has been aided by the change which has taken place in the position of the clergy. They used to hold their cures, under an ordinance of Louis XIV, by a fixed tenure, like the freehold of an Englisli rector. But they have now been put generally on the footing of mis- sionaries, removable at the pleasure of the bishop. The old- fashioned cure, a man something like the English rector of tlie old school, quiet and sociable, is passing away, and his place is being taken by a personage of a more stirring sjiirit, and better suited to be the minister of Ullianionlaiic ambition. With tliis advance of ecclesiastical i)ix'LL;u.^iuiis comes a sympathetic growth of nationalist aspiration. The dream of a French nation on this continent has long been liovering before the minds of French Canadians, though it is hard to say liow far the idea has ever assumed a distinct shape or formed a C 18 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai-. definite motive of action. The Abbe Gingvas in a pamphlet some years ago, after glorifying the Dark Ages, justifying the Inquisition, and reviving the claims of Innocent III, set forth what he deemed the necessary policy of French Canadian statesmen towards the Dominion, describing it as one of conciliation, more or less elastic, with the creation of a papal and French nationality always in view as its covert aim. But now the twin movement has taken a more pronounced form. M. Honore Mercier has risen to lead Ultramontanisni and Nationalism at once, and has been raised by their joint forces to the Premiership of the Province, while the old Con- servative or Bleu party, which corresponded to the Gallican party in the Church, has suffered a complete overthrow. M. Mercier proclaims himself the devout liegeman of the Pope, wears a papal decoration on his breast, seeks the papal blessing before going into an election contest, champions all ecclesiastical claims, restores to the Jesuits their estates, and boasts to a great Roman Catholic assemblage at Baltimore that he has thereby redressed the wrong done by George III. At the same time he avows his Nationalism in language that makes British ears tingle. At the unveiling of a joint memorial to Brebceuf, the Jesuit martyr, and Jacques Cattier, the French discoverer, he bids the Eed and Blue party of Quebec blend their ensigns in the Tricolor. He celebrates his political victory in a hall profusely decorated with French flags, while only one Dominion flag is to be seen. " Gentle- men," he says, pointing to the Tricolor, " this flag you know ; it is the national flag. The government which you have you know ; it is the national government. The party which 1 have before me I know. This flag, this government, and this party are to-night honoured by the National Club. It is a national triumph which we celebrate to-night, and not 11 THE FRENCH PROVIXCE 19 national merely in name but national in tendencies, aspira- tions, and sentiments." The French Canadian nation tele- graphs its salutations to the Pope, and the Pope telegraphs back his benediction to the French Canadian nation. On a day in September 1887 the French flag was hoisted above the British flag on the Parliament House of Quebec in honour of the French frigate La Minerve. This was afterwards said to have been an accident. It was an accident full of omen. Between Old France and the Xew France of the priests a gulf was set by the Atheist Revolution. There seems to have been some change of feeling in the minds of the Quebec clergy when Xapoleon restored the Church, and when after- wards the old regime came back with the Bourbons. But since 1830 Liberalism, with the interlude of the Empire, has reigned again in Old France and repelled clerical sympathy. The Liberals of Quebec cultivate their connection with the mother country, who begins on her part to meet their advances and to show renewed interest in her great colony. But the moral sovereign of Quebec is the Pope, and the out- come of this movement, if it bears fruit at all, will be a French and Papal nation. The hearts of the French Canadians were, however, deeply moved by the spectacle of the Franco-German War. " If any one," said Sir George Cartier at that time. ■' would know to-day how far we are Frenchmen, I answer : ' Go into the towns, go into the country, accost the humblest among us and relate to him tlie events of that gigantic struggle which has fixed the attention of the world ; aniiounci' to him that France is conquered ; then place your liand upon his breast, and tell me what can make his heart beat if it be not love for his country.' " Lord Durham, coming immediately after what was called a rebellion, but was really rather a war between the two races 20 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. ill Lower Canada, describes not only the estrangement of the races but tlieir mutual bitterness as extreme. The bitterness has in great measure passed away ; the estrangement remains. There is hardly any intermarriage ; marriages of Roman Catholics with Protestants are in fact interdicted by the Church of IJome. There is hardly any social intercourse either of young or old. Lord Durham said that the two races meet in the jury-box only for the utter subversion of justice. In any political case, or any case in which an appeal can be made to the sentiment of race, they meet only for the sub- version of justice still : at least a disagreement of the jury is sure to result. The politicians have to act with British colleagues, with whom they must also associate. They have to speak English, because while French as well as English is recognised in the Parliament at Ottawa a member speaking French only cannot produce much effect ; and some of them, Mr. Laurier and ^Ir. Chapleau for example, are among the very best English speakers. But constant intercourse is con- fined to the leaders; the British and French members generally, even at Ottawa, live much apart. As the French population in Quebec increases, the British population decreases ; it is likely in time to be thrust out altogether from the whole of the Province except a quarter of Montreal. In the city of Quebec there are now, it is believed, not more than six or seven thousand British remaining, and, as the shipbuilding trade has fled from its former seat, the British element being bound up with commerce, it is likely that the decline will go on. The eastern townships on the south of the St. Lawrence were once entirely British, and were under English law while the rest of the Province was under the Custom of Paris ; but that district is now rapidly passing into French hands. The Bishop has the power of a THE FRENCH PKOVIXCE 21 creating an ecclesiastical parish which by subtle links draws after it the civil and the municipal parish. The British farmer is harassed by an increase of his assessment as well as by social influences adverse to his peace and comfort. He becomes ready to sell out, and the Church advances money to the Frenchmen for the purchase at an easy rate, Avhich she can do with profit to herself, because in the Frenchman's hands the farm becomes subject to tithe and Church repairs. One Protestant church after another is closed and in one parish alter another French is proclaimed as the only language in which the records are to be kept. The commerce and wealth of Montreal are still in Britisli hands, the reactionary ecclesiasticism of the French being little propitious to com- mercial pursuits. But commercial ^lontreal in French Quebec is becoming an outpost of an alien territory ; proposals have been made for transferring it from Quebec to Ontario, close to the border of which it lies. Under the present jurisdiction it runs no small risk of being despoiled by the needy financiers of a separate race, as would Belfast if the taxing power in Ireland w^ere committed to lioman Catholic and Celtic hands. Meanwhile the liritish traders of Montreal tliink of little Ijut tlieir trade, or of their pleasure, and make no head against the progress of the foe. In truth to make head something like a martyr spirit is required, for the Church can puni.sli in liis trade or profession the man who dares to show himself her enemy. Free and bold voices are lieard, but they are few, and the ears to which they speak are for tlie most part closed against anything whicli, by disturbing (juiet, might interfere with thci interests of tratle. The les.s Ultramontiuie (.•hnient of the iJiiebec, to which Liberals resort, and whicli has hitherto held 22 CANAl^A AND TIIK e'ANAIUAN gUESTION ciiAi-. Jesuit ascendency at liay. Protestantism has its lloiirishinj^ place ot'liigh education in McCiill University,at Montreal, while the Church of Enj^dand has a small University at Lennoxville. Amonjist the stronirest bulwarks of I'rotcstantism in the Province is the Presbyteriau College at Montreal. There are French Protestants in the Province to the number, it is said, of about 10,000. These are by origin converts from Eoman Catholicism, and may be regarded with interest, as a recurrence of the tendency which gave birth to the Huguenots, but seemed to have been thoroughly crushed out of existence between Ultramontanism on the one hand and Voltaire on the other. They have produced, in the person of Mr. Joly, who was for a short time Provincial Premier, the most thoroughly upright and the most univers- ally respected among the public men of the Province. The point at which the empire of the Church in Quebec and the Jesuit's ideal polity are most threatened, is thejuuctio)i with the American Republic, produced by the overflow already noticed, of the French population into the north-eastern States of the Union. This exodus the Church, while she deplores and dreads it, is constantly augmenting, both by her encouragement of ^early marriages and by her own absorption of wealth. She may send her priests with the exiles and try to extend her reign of childlike submission and unin- quiring faith over Massachusetts ; but in this she will not succeed. Xor will she be able to prevent the connection between the French from being the conduit of American ideas fatal to faith and tithes. Among the Eoman Catholics of Quebec itself there are sectional divisions which may some day lead to rupture, while the intellectual tendencies of the age being what they are, the Parti Rouge is not likely to decrease. There are those who suspect that even M. Mercier n THE FRENCH PROVINCE " 23 liimself is less narrow in his convictions than from his public professions and actions has appeared. At this moment he is said to be braving Ultramontane ire by transferring the lunatic asylums from religious to secular keeping. But it is in the quarter of the exodus that we may look with most assurance for the beginning of the end. In the meantime, however, the French Canadians in Vermont, Xew Hampshire, and Massachusetts, remain French Canadians. They form settlements by themselves. They cling to their language and their religion. They remain in close communication with those whom they have left be- hind, and population circulates between the two divisions. Thus New France now stretches across tlie Line into the the United States, one section of her being on the British side of the Line, the other section, the proportion of which already amounts to two-sevenths, and is always increasing, on the other side. Let those who dream of a war between Canada and the United States ponder tliis fact, and remember that they would have .to call upon one part of New France to take arms in a British quarrel against the other part. At Montreal there is a large settlement of Irish, who show their gregarious tendency by dwelling together in a quarter of the city called Griflintown. In the relations of the Irish to the French Catholics difference of race sharpened by industrial competition seems to predominate over identity of religion, to the advantage of the British rrt)testants, whom the combined force would overwhelm. CHAPTER III THE BRITIiSll PROVIXCES Ontario, formerly Upper Canada, and better designated as British Canada, was the nucleus and is the core of the Confederation. It will be seen on the map, running out between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie on one side, and Lake Huron and the Georgian Bay on the other, Windsor on its extreme point being almost a suburb of Detroit, thougli separated from that city by the Detroit river. That great tongue of land is its garden, but it has also fruitful fields along the Upper St. Lawrence. It reaches far back into a wilder and more arctic country, rich however in timber, and still richer in minerals. The minerals would yield great wealth if only the treasure-house in wliich an evil policy keeps them locked could be opened by the key of free-trade. "Rich by nature, poor by policy," might be written over Canada's door. Rich she would be if she were allowed to embrace her destiny and be a part of her own continent ; poor, comparatively at least, she is in striving to remain a part of Europe. At present the great industry of Ontario is fanning. It is so still, in spite of the desperate efforts of protectionist legislators to force her to become a manufactur- ing country without coal. The farmers are usually freeholders, but leaseholders are growing more common. Not a few of CHAP. Ill THE BRITISH PROVINCES 25 the farms are mortgaged, as are a good many of the farms in the United States. Let this be noted by those who fancy that to make a happy commonwealth they have only to do away with landlords and divide the land among small pro- prietors. The mortgagee is a landlord who never resides, never helps the tenant, never reduces the rent. Much of the money, however, borrowed in Ontario has been spent in clearing or improving farms in a new country, and has proved an excellent investment to the borrower. The farms are generally from one to two hundred acres. The Canadian farmer works with his own hands, unlike the British farmer on a large farm who rides about and watches his men work. If he has not sons to help him he hires a labourer, who gets good wages, and lives with the farmer and his family, thus having a rise in life ; for in England the farmer is now usually too much a gentleman, and his wife is far too much a lady, to live with the labourer. The system in Canada, however, has of late been changing, and labourers' cottages are beginning to be built. The labour-saving machines which are among the wonderful products of American invention, and of which the self-binder is the paragon, save the farmer much hire of men. Canada flatters herself that she is ahead of England in tlieir use. Nowhere probably on this continent is the farming high ; the land having hitherto been abundant, the farmer has preferred to work out his farm and move on. Thus the yield in some districts has decreased ; it is said also that the crops have suffered by the clearing of tlic land, wliich exposes them to the cold winds. In a new country there is a general tendency to lavishness and waste ; trees have been recklessly cut down, and replanting has been neglected. Hitherto the cliief products have been wheat and bailry ; but a deluge of grain is now jiourin;^' . The Public School system iu Canada is much the same as in the United States, and as in the United States is regarded as the sheet anchor of democracy. The primary schools arc free ; at the High Schools a small fee as a rule is paid,' At Toronto University there are no fees for University lectures, but the youth during his course has to board himself, so that except to the people of the University town the education cannot be said to be free. If it were we should be in danger of having a population of penniless and socialistic graduates. As it is there are more than graduates enough. In the city of Toronto in one year .S600,000 were levied for Public Schools, including the expenditure on sites, buildings, and repairs, besides the sum expended on High Schools and Separate Schools, amounting to nearly $100,000 more. Grumblers then began to challenge the principle of tlie system, and to ask why the ]nan who has one child or none should be called upon for the schooling of the man who has six, when three-fourths probably of the people who use the schools are able to pay for themselves. The answer is that with a popular suffrage ignorance is dangerous to the commonwealth. Unluckily there is reason to believe that of the class likely to be dangerous a good many escape the operation of the system. It appeared from a recent report of the ]\Iinister of Education that 25 per cent of the children are not in school at all, while of those on the register the attendance was not more than half the roll. The attendance is higher in cities than it is in the country, where the weather in the winter season is a serious obstacle ; but iu the cities and towns it is only about 60 per cent. Attendance is legally * The trustees have the option of remitting the fee, ami this is commonly done as a reward for proficiency in the public school. Ill THE BRITISH PROVINCES 33 compulsory, but the law is a dead letter ; nor is the well-to-do artisan anxious to have the ragged waif in the school at his child's side. In the New England of early days, the first and classical seat of the system, the Common School would answer strictly to its name. It would be really common to a group of families, all of whom might take a personal interest in it. This would be a different thing from a great State machine maintained by taxing the whole community for the benefit of a certain portion of it, taking education entirely out of the hands of parents and extinguishing, as it must, the sense of parental duty in that respect. In American commonwealths, however, the system of free education, expedient or inexpedient, just or unjust, is a fixture. But British statesmen had better inquire before they take the leap. Some people it seems propose to give not only free education but free breakfasts. Bribery in the old days of corruption was petty ; now it is being raised in scale and dignity by demagogues who bribe whole classes out of the public funds. When it is understood that instead of working and saving you may vote yourself the earnings and savings of other people, industry will lose some of its charm. The Public Schools, saving the Separate Schools for IJonjan Catholics, are secular. To satisfy the religious feelings of the people some passages of Scripture of an undogmatic character are read without comment. This in strictness is a deviation from the secular priiicij)le : thoroughgoing secular- ists object, and there has been a guod deal of ct)ntr()versy on the subject. The practice is defended on the ground that the moral code of the community is a necessary part of edu- cation, and that the etliics of th(^ gospel, ajiaiL i'nnn any- thing dogniatir;, are still tlie moral code c)f llu; community. IJ 84 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. Clergymen are by law allowed access at certain liours, but this privilege is not used. The organ of religious education is the Sunday School. Of these there are said to be in Ontario nearly 4000, more than half of the number being ^lethodists, with 40,000 unpaid teachers. The Sunday School is made attractive by entertainments, picnics, and excursions. The New AVorld has produced no important novelty in religion. Universalism, the only new sect of importance, is but Methodism with Eternal Punishment left out. Upon that doctrine in almost all the Churches, as well of Canada as of the United States, the humanitarianism of democracy has acted as a solvent. Perhaps the Presbyterian Church should be excepted. At least a very eminent preacher of that church in Toronto, who had breathed a doubt some years ago, was compelled to explain, after a debate in Knox Church which recalled the debates of the primitive councils. The two Presbyterian Churches had just united, but their distinctive characters were still visible, like those of two streams which have run together yet not perfectly com- mingled, and the men of the Free Kirk exceeded those of the Old Kirk in orthodox rigour. Freedom from an Establishment begets tolerance as well as equality : the co- operation of the ministers, of all Protestant Churches at least, in good works is almost enforced by public opinion ; dogmatic differences are softened or forgotten, and among the masses of the laity practically disappear. There is even talk of Christian union. Old - standing organisations, with the interests attached to them, are in the way ; but economy may in time enforce, if not union, some arrangement which, by a friendly division of the spiritual field, shall enable a village, which neither knows nor cares anything about dogma, to Ill THE BRITISH PROYIXCES 35 feed one pastor instead of starving three. Of the Protestant Churches in Ontario the largest and the most spreading is ^Methodism, strong in its combination of a powerful clergy with a democratic participation of all members in church work ; strong also in its retention of the circuit system, which saves it from the troubles bred in other voluntary churches by the restlessness of congregations which grow weary of hearing the same preacher. The Presbyterian Church is that of the Scotch, here, as everywhere, a thrifty, wise, and powerful clan. The Baptists also maintain their ground by their austere and scriptural purity, though the great principle of which they were the first cliampions and martyrs, separation of the Church from the State, is no longer in so much need of champions or in any need of martyrs. Amidst the grow- ing indifference about dogma, the question between infant and adult baptism would not in itself be enough to support a church. The Anglican Church in Canada, as in England, may almost be said to be two churches — one Protestant, the other neo-Catholic — under the same roof. The two live in uneasy union, and hard is the part of their bishop. They are held together by a body of laity unspeculative and at- tached to the Prayer-book. Neo-Catholicism gains ground fast among the clergy ; even a college founded by Low Churchmen to stem tiuj niovemeut finds itself tuining out High Churchmen. The Mass, the Confessional, the monastic system, Protestants say, are creeping in. Still the Englisli of tlie wealthier class, wliatever their opinions, geniMally adhere to their old Churcli : so do the English of tlus poorest class, who are unused to paying for their religion, and among whom tlie Anglican clergy are very active. All the Pro- testant Churches, even that of the Paptists, liave relaxed their Puritanism of form and become ii'Sthetic : ihuich aiclii- 36 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. tccture, music, flowers, have <,fenerally been introduced. The metropolitan church of the Methodists at Toronto is a Cathedral. There is a tendency also in preaching to become lively, perhaps sensational. The most crowded cliurch on Sunday evenings in Toronto is one in which tlie preacher handles the topics of the day with the freedom of the plat- form, and amidst frequent applause and laughter. The Church of Eome, of course, stands apart with the Encyclical and Syllabus in her hand waiting till the time for putting them in execution shall arrive. In Ontario she is mainly the church of the Irish, the race which is now nearly her last hope. She does not appear to gain by conversion. She must be gaining, however, in wealth, for her churches and convents continue to rise. Her prelates affect hierarchical state, go about in the insignia of their order, and claim a social rank as princes or nobles of a Universal Church, which the other clergies are now inclined to challenge. In Ontario she has succeeded in obtaining for herself Separate Schools supported by the State. Upon this question also issue is about to be joined. Apart from ecclesiastical pre- tensions, and the desire to make tlie child a churchman first and a citizen afterwards, there seems to be no justification for the privilege. Roman Catholic children attend public schools in the districts where their sect is not numerous enough to claim a division of the rates without the slightest prejudice to their religion. There is no feeling whatever against Eoman Catholicism apart from the feeling against priestly domination or aggression, while in politics the Church is only too strong. A Protestant holding high offices has been seen on his knee before a Cardinal. Orange- ism itself in Canada is political, not religious : it still carries in its processions the effigy of William of Orange ; but it is jii THE BRITISH PROVIXCES 37 a bulwark not of Protestantism, but of a Tory Government ; and it goes to the poll and eats at the same party- table with the Eoman Catholic, and even with the Ultra- montane. Xortli America has had no Torquemada or Alexander Borgia, and has not been the scene of priestly persecution or of papal crime. In the streets of Toronto tlie drum of the Salvation Army is still heard. Other revivals have for the most part quickly passed away, but this endures. So far at all events it has in it the genuine spirit of Christianity that it points the road to excellence and happiness not through the reform of others, much less through dynamite, blood, and havoc, but through self-reform. Wherever books find their way criticism and scepticism must now go with them. There is in Toronto an Agnostic circle, active-minded and militant. What is at work in minds beyond that circle nobody can telL But there is no falling off in the outward signs of religion. Churches are built as fast as the city grows ; their costliness as well as their number increases, and they are wonderfully well filled. Sunday is pretty strictly kept, though there is an agitation for Sunday street cars and the strong Sabba- tarians have failed to put down Sunday boats. With regard to the whole of tlie American continent this appear ance not only of undiminished but of increased life in the Churches while free inquiry is making inroads, of whicli those who read cannot help being conscious, on old beliefs, is an enigma which the result alone can solve. lievision of creeds is in the air, and it is probable that among the laity of all the Protestant Churches there has been formed a sort of Christian Theism in wliich many, without formulating it, repose. The tide of scepticism does not beat so iiercely 88 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. against Free Churches as against an Estahlishment. To suppose that all the religion is hollow or mere custom would be* absurd. We must conclude that people in general still find comfort in worship. Nor can it be doubted that belief in God and in conscience as the voice of God is still the general foundation of Canadian morality. "With the British are mingled in Ontario a large number of Irish, who, as in the United States and everywhere else, cling to the cities, follow the priest to the tliird generation, band together, do a great deal of the political as well as of the liquor trade, and cherish a hatred of England not so bitter, at least not so violent in its manifestations, as that which is cherished by their race in the United States. There are also Scotch-Irish, whose ways are those of the Scotch. There is a settlement of Germans in Waterloo County who remain German, and make excellent farmers and citizens, though they would vote against the prohibition of lager. Gaelic is still spoken in Highland settlements. There is a French settlement in Essex county, beside the Detroit river, a relic of the era of old French fur -trading and adventure. Before the fall of slavery Canada was the asylum of the fugitive slave, as was made known to the world by the famous case of Anderson the slave who had killed a man in escaping from bondage, and whose extradition when demanded was refused, or at least evaded, by the Canadian Courts, the Home Government showing its resolution to support Canada in upholding the right of asylum. Hence there are in Canada a number of negroes, of whom some have done well, in spite of the obstacles of race and climate, and one has attained wealth by an invention. There are scatterings of other races, the last arrival being the Italian with his grinding organ and, we hope, without his knife. The increase of Ill THE BRITISH PROVINCES 39 wealth and speculation has not failed to attract the Jew, who brings with him his tribal exclusiveness, his tribal code, his tribal ways in trade. If there is a feeling against him here it is not religious, for on the American continent, while open irreligiou still gives offence, each man is free in every respect to choose his own religion. In the Eastern part of the Province, a non-British ele- ment of a more ominous kind appears. The French population of Quebec is overflowing that district and has already in two or three counties almost supplanted the British. It intro- duces its own ecclesiastical system, and imports its own language into the public schools. Opposition has been aroused, and the advance of the French language in the schools has been for the moment checked, but it is difficult to get party politicians to act with vigour against an invader who has the power of turning several elections. The French press on compactly, acting as a unit in their own interest ; and it is not likely that the limit of their extension in Ontario has yet been reached. Nationalities are not so easily ground down in a small community as they are when thrown into the hopper of the mighty American mill. National societies, or societies which partake of the nationalist character, such as the St. George's Society, the Sons of England, the St. Andrew's Society, the Catholic Celtic League, and the Orange Order, are strong, and their strength gives umbrage to those who see in it a detrac- tion from loyalty to the commonwealth. The passion for a.ssociation is powerful over the whole continent and gives birth, besides the National Societies, the Orange Order, and the Freemasons, to Knights of Pythias, Good Templars, Odd- fellows, Knights of the Maccaljees, Forfsters, lioyul Black Knights of Ireland, and other brotherhoods, benevolent and 40 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION « hai>. social High-sounding titles of office and resplendent regalia probably iorin part of the attraction. On a wide continent, liowever, without ancient centres or bonds of union, a man would feel almost like a grain in a vast heap of shifting sand if he did not attach himself to some brotherhood. Some of the brotherhoods march through the streets in military array and iro throuut those who have invested in known banks or companies have, it is believed, seldom had reason to complain. The banks everywhere, as the great organs of the commercial system, have enemies in the Socialists, who would wreck and plunder them if they could. Governments also everywhere are haunted by tlie fancy that, because it is their duty to Ill THE BRITISH PROVINCES 45 stamp the coin, they have a right to the profits of the money trade, and they are sometimes inclined to legislate accordingly.^ But their inclination has been hitherto kept within bounds. Canadian industry can hardly be said to present any special feature, saving that, owing to the severity of the winter, there is more or less of a close season in out-of-door trades, which, with high wages during the rest of the year, must always be trying to industrial character. Industrial questions, trade unionism, its aims and methods, its conflict with capital and free labour, the upheaval of the labour world by strikes, are the same in Canada as in the United States and England. Canada is, in fact, included in the American organisation of the Knights of Labour, which has thus in a way industrially annexed her. Toronto has her anti-poverty society, for the nationalisation of land. She has Socialism more or less pronounced. She has her Socialistic journalists instilling class hatred into the heart of the working man, inciting the " toiler " to an attack on the "spoiler," and blowing the trumpet of industrial war. The storm may be less violent in the bay than on the wide ocean, but it is part of the universal storm. Toronto was startled at hearing that four per cent of her people had been receiving some kind of relief. Xot a few of the recipients probably were new-comers or wanderers, and few were actual paupers. But these cities have lived fast, and the cares and problems of maturity are already upon them. Still tliey recoil from the idea of a poor law, and indeed from any regular form of public relief. There is a notion that public relief pauperises. The sentiment is to be ' In the Appendix will bu found a note on the 8|)ecial bunking syHtcni of ("anada, in contrast with that of t}io United States, by .Mr. lli-nry \V. I)arlinf(, formerly president of tlie Canadian IJank of Commerce and of the Toronto I'oard of Tr.idi-. 46 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. respected, but that which really pauperises is relief unwisely given, as private charity is too apt to be. What, after all, is free education but a vast system of public relief, though received for the most part by those who are not in need ? City government in Canada presents the same problems which it presents in the United States, and is likely soon to present on the grandest scale in London, now endowed with representative administration. These elective governments of cities are survivals from the Middle Ages, when each city was a little commonwealth in itself, when its rulers were concerned chiefly with the guardianship of franchises and the regulation of trade, when there was little thought of anything sanitary or scientific, when every man was his own police- man, and when, moreover, the city was a social unit, and the chief men lived in the heart of it, took the lead, and were mayors and aldermen. A city is now merely a densely peopled district in special need of scientific administration. Its social unity is gone, and the chief men live in suburban mansions and are above taking part in municipal affairs, while nobody knows the citizens of his street. Com- bination for the purpose of selecting aldermen is out of the question, and you come by a fell necessity under the rule of the ward politician, which means maladministration, waste, neglect of public health, and too often jobbery and corruption. New York with its Tammany is the climax to which city government of this kind tends. Toronto has no Tammany, and has had no Tweed. But her debt is heavy, and she is just now much exercised by the problem of administration. Even if there is nothing worse, the ephemeral character of a government annually elected, and with the minds of its members always set on re-election, would pre- clude foresight and system. Spasmodic attempts at reform Ill THE BEITISH PROVINCES 47 are made, but their eftect dies away. No one looks for a radical cliauge. A board of commissioners, which some pro- pose, would no doubt be a vast improvement ; but it would be very difficult to get the people to part to that extent with their power, though they would be amply repaid in assurance of health and comfort, while the power after all really resides not in the people, as tliey fancy, but in those who manage the elections. Sometliiug, however, is being done in the way of a devolution of the aldermanic power on skilled health officers and engineers. Economy there can hardly be where the money and the power of voting it away are in different hands. There is one city on the continent with the admini- stration of which now everybody, at least everybody who has anything to lose, seems to speak with confidence and satisfaction : this is "Washington, which as a Federal district is administered by three commissioners appointed by the President of the United States. Washington has a heavy debt, but this was contracted some time ago. The counties are governed by elective councils, with reeves, which have not very much to do or to spend. Against these no complaint is heard. Of provincial legislation and politics there will be something to be said presently in connection with those of the Dominion. Canada is a political expression. This must be borne in mind when we speak of Canadian Literature. The writer in Ontario has no field l)eyond liis own Province ;iiid Montreal, lietween him and the Maritime Provinces is inter})osed French Quebec. ^lanitoba is far olf and thinly peopled. To expect a national literature is therefore unfair. A literature there is fully as large and as liigh in quality as could be reasonably looked for, and of a character thoroughly healthy. Perha])S a kind critic might say that it still retains something of the 48 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. old English sobriety of style, and is comparatively free from the straining for effect which is the bane of the best literature of the United States. The area is not large enough to support a magazine, though the attempt has more than once been made. It is hardly large enough to support a literary paper. Ontario reads the magazines of the United States, especially the illustrated magazines in which New York leads the world. Canada has been at a disadvantage alongside of the United States in falling under British copyright law, and also in having her booksellers cut off by the tariff from their natural centre of distribution at New York. To fill an order at once a double duty must be paid. Let it be remembered also that it is difficult for the sapling of Colonial literature to grow beneath the mighty shadow of the parent tree. It is not so long since the United States were without writers of mark. Even now have they pro- duced a great poet ? To make a centre of Art is still harder than to make a literary centre, because art requires models. There can barely be said to be an art centre in the United States. Eor art, people are likely long to go to Europe. Of millionaires Canada has not many, and such as there are can hardly be expected to give high prices for pictures and statues where they have no connoisseurs to advise them. Ontario, however, has produced a school of landscape painters the merit of which has been recognised in England. For subjects the painter has to go to the Eocky Mountains, the more poetic Selkirks, the magnificent coast-scenery of British Columbia, the towering cliffs of the Saguenay, or the shores and shipping of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Ontario has pleasant spots, but little of actual beauty or of grandeur, if we except Thunder Bay, with some other points on the shore Ill THE BRITISH PROVINCES 4» of Lake Superior, and the unpaintable Niagara.^ In a new country there can be few historic or picturesque buildings, so that the painter's landscape must lack historic or human interest. Nor can there be anything like the finished loveliness of England. The gorgeous hues of Canadian autumn and the glories of Canadian sunset are nearly all, and these often reproduced will tire. That the love of beauty and the desire to possess objects of beauty are not wanting, the stranger may learn by a glance at the display in the Toronto stores or at the house architecture of the new streets, which, whether the style be the best or not, un- questionably aspires to beauty and does not always miss its aim. The rows of trees planted along all the streets and the trim little lawns are proof of taste and refinement which cannot fail to please. Science, as well as literature and art, has its centres in old countries. But from these, unlike literature and art, it can be imported by the student. Medical science is imported into Canada, as is believed, in full perfection. Canadian surgery performs the most difficult operations with success. The traveller who is borne safely on the Canadian Pacific Kailroad along the gorges and over the chasms of the Eocky Mountains will acknowledge the skill and daring of the Canadian engineer as he will acknowledge in all details of the service the excellence of Canadian railway administra- tion. In the International Bridge at Buffalo is seen anothei- Canadian achievement. Ontario is a network of railways ; ' I'f'rliaiis some of the most jtiftun-stfue .sconery in Ontario is to lie lounJ in tlie Diindaa Valley, on the Grand Rivir, ami among the Hluo Alonntains west of Collingwood. Fine is tlic view from tjiieenston Heij^lits, looking down tlie Niagara Hiver to Lake Ontario. The lake scenery in the .Muskoka District, and in the region arounil I'eterboro, is also attractive ; so is the river scenery at the outlet of Lake Ontario, among the Thousand Islands of the St. I^awrcnce. E 50 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. probably she has mure iiiilos of tlieiii in pro])ovtioii to her population than any otlier district in tiie workl ; and if they pay no dividends on their stock the British capitalist who has been the chief investor may have the satisfaction of thinking how much he has done to promote the material civilisation of a great colony. In tlie use of agricultural machinery the Province, it has already been said, believes herself to have outrun the mother country. The dearness of labour here, as in the United States, has stimulated the invention or adoption of its substitutes. The streets of Toronto are a maze of wires, telegraphic and telephonic, and the chief thoroughfares are lit with the electric light. Every office, almost every house, of any pretensions, has its telephone, and converses not only with the rest of the city but with places fifty miles off. In what some people are still pleased to call Canadian wilds life is almost vexed with improvements. Journalism labours under the same disadvantage as literature in respect to the smallness of the area. With less than two millions of people, with an attainable circulation for any one paper of hardly more than twenty-five thousand, and considering the expense of telegraphic intelligence, how can a provincial press be maintained on a metropolitan scale ? In fact, journalism, so far as the morning papers are concerned, has a hard life. It bears up however, and Toronto reads at breakfast time the debates in the British House of Commons of the evening before, looks on as well as the Londoner at all that is going on in the world, and shares in full measure the unification of humanity by the electric wire. The Canadian Press is, in the main, American not English in its character. It aims at the lightness, smartness, and crispness of Xew York journalism Ill THE BRITISH PROVINCES 51 rather than at the solidity of the London Times. There is an interchange of writers with Xew York. Enterprise in the collection of gossip and scandal is now a feature of the press in all countries and everywhere bears the same relation to taste and truth. Canada, when the value of the connection is under dis- cussion, is always set down as a place where an Englishman can find a home. A sudden change has come over the attitude of the occupants of the American continent on the subject of Emigration. Till lately the portals were opened wide and all the destitute of the earth were bidden to come in. It was the boast of America that she was the asylum of nations. Xow the door is half shut, and there are a good many who, if they could, would shut it altogether. Malthus has his day again. The world has grown afraid of being over-peopled. j\Ioreover, the Trade Unions want to close tlie labour market. They have forced the Canadian Govern- ment to give up assisting emigration, and they w atch with a jealous eye anything like assistance to emigration on the other side of the water. There is, however, still a demand in Canada for farm labourers, and the Labourer if he is steady and industrious will do well and earn wages which in a few years will enable him to own a farm. There is a demand also for domestic servants, if they come prepared to be useful, and not with the notion that a colony is a place of high wages and no work. For teachers or clerks, it has ah-eady been said, there is absolutely no room unless lliey have been engaged beforehand. The Trade Unions dechire that there is no room for mechanics and take every one by the throat who says that a good mechanic may still do well. Setting the cost of living against tlie liigher rate of wages, it is doubtful whether a British mechanic ini])rovcs his lot by coming tu 62 CANADA AND TlIK CANADIAN Ql'E.STION chai-. Caiiiula. J louse rent is liitj;h, clothes are dear, and a great deal of fuel is required. The difl'erence in the cost of fuel would soon equal the difference between the price of a ticket to Canada and a ticket to New Zealand. One cannot helji wondering that a poor man who works out of doors and who does not dream of repeating the exploits of Attila and Clovis should choose a country where the winter is severe. Tlie notion that an Englishman enjoys a preference in Canada is pleasant, but not well founded. He is rather ajjt to be an object of jealousy. Anything like favour shown to him gives umbrage. The appointment of three English Professors in Toronto University roused a feeling which lingered long. From the political abuse of England which constantly offends an Englishman in the American Press, and which is largely a homage paid to Irish sentiment, the Canadian Press of course is free ; but social allusions may be sometimes seen not of a friendly kind. If the writers are Irish or Socialists, still the allusions appear. The jealousy is, perhaps, a legacy of the times when most of the high places and good things were in the hands of emigrants from the Imperial country.^ At all events, it has been with truth said that in any candidature no nationality is so weak as the English. In the United States, on the contrary, while there is a traditional prejudice against England, against the indi- vidual Englishman there is none. He is perfectly welcome to any employment or appointment that he can get. How- ever, an Englishman intending to emigrate had better turn ^ A trace of this feeling lingers in a passage embodied in Osgood's Handbook of the Maritime Provinces. "The Nova Scotians have not hitherto sought to qualify themselves by culture and study for public honours and preferments because they knew that all the offices in the jirovince would be filled by British carpet-baggers." It is not here only that the term "carpet-bagger" has been seen. Ill THE BRITISH rROVINCES 53 his thought first to Australia and New Zealand where there is no prejudice either against him or his country, and the Irish are not so strong. These remarks have reference, of course, only to the emigrant who goes to a colony to push his fortunes in competition with the natives, not to him who goes to live on his own patrimony or the farm which he has bought, seeking nothing beyond. Nor does what has been said apply to ]\Ianitoba, and the recent settlements of the North-West. There all alike are new- comers, and no one has to encounter any jealousy or pre- judice whatever. Lord Durham said in his famous Eeport on Canada : ■ There is one consideration in particular which has occurred to every observant traveller in these our colonies, and is a subject of loud complaint within the colonies. I allude to the striking contrast wliich is presented between the American and the British sides of the frontier line, in respect to every sign of productive industry, increasing wealth, and progres- sive civilisation. By describing one side, and reversing the picture, the other would be also described." That this was so in Lord Durham's day was not the fault of Canadian hands, brains, or hearts. It is not the fault of Canadian hands, brains, or hearts if the contrast, though softened, still exists and is noticed by the stranger who passes from the southern to the northern shore of Lake Ontario and the St, Lawrence, as he compares Windsor, Hamilton, London, Kingston, and even Toronto, with Detroit, Buffalo, Rochester, and Oswego. The cause is the exclusion of Canada from the commercial pale of her continent, and tlie result would be the same if an equal portif)n of England were cut olf from tlie rest. Tlie standard of living and of niiitcrial civilisulidii is neces- sarily higlier in the wealthier country. Let thi- tiavcllcr 64 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN ()UEST10N chap. inakr due allowance for this if lu( misses an air ol" homelike comfort in a Canadian house or if he does n(tt find luxury in a Canadian country iini. It has been said that the want of duties, such as country life provides for the rich in England, is felt in Canada ; though it is of course not felt nearly so much in a country where millionaires are rare as it is in the United States, where they abound in every great city. Politics un- happily are repulsive, and a man born to independence is not inclined to put his neck under the galling yoke of party ; otherwise the public service would be the natural occupation of the rich. They might still take part in social effort ; they might help to keep the press in good hands ; they might even exercise a political influence outside party, and corrective of its spirit. As it is, the heirs of wealth on the American continent are too often men of pleasure, spending half their time and money in London or I'aris, while as their wealth excites envy they are a dangerous class. But men who have no duty laid upon them will seldom make duties for them- selves, and in this sense at least the Gospel is still true, which says that it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. From British as well as from French Canada there is a constant flow of emigration to the richer country, and the great centres of employment. Dakota and the other new States of the American West are full of Canadian farmers ; the great American cities are full of Canadian clerks and men of business, who usually make for themselves a good name. It is said that in Chicago there are 25,000. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have relatives in the United States. Canadians in great numbers — it is believed as many Ill THE BRITISH PROVINCES 55 as 40,000 — enlisted in the American army during the civil "war. There is a Lodge of the Grand Army at Ottawa. A young Canadian thinks no more of going to push his fortune in New York or Chicago than a young Scotchman thinks of going to Manchester or London. The same is the case in the higher callings as in the lower : clergymen, those of the Church of England as well as those of other churches, freely accept calls to the other side of the Line. So do professors, teachers, and journalists. The Canadian churches are in full communion with their American sisters, and send delegates to each other's Assemblies. Cadets educated at a Military College to command the Canadian army against the Americans, have gone to practise as Civil Engineers in the United States. The Benevolent and National Societies have branches on both sides of the Line, and hold con- ventions in common. Even the Orange Order has now its lodges in the United States, where the name of President is substituted in the oath for that of the Queen. American labour organisations, as "vve have seen, extend to Canada. The American Science Association met the other day at Toronto. All the reforming and philanthropic move- ments, such as the Temperance movement, the Women's Rights' movement, and the Labour movements, with their conventions, are continental. Intermarriages between Cana- dians and Americans are numerous, so numerous as scarcely to be remarked. Americans are the chief owners of Canadian mines, and large owners of Canadian timber limits. The railway system of the continent is one. The winter ports of Canada are those of" tin; United States. Canadian banks trade largely in the American market, and some have branches there. There is almost a currency union, American bank-bills connnonly passing at par in 56 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION igot, whose chateau near Quebec was a sort of outpost of the Pare aux Cerfs. It is astonishing that, vexed as they were with imposts, pillaged as they were by scoundrels in office, and harassed as they were by compulsory service in the militia and on public works, the peasants of Quebec should have remained true as they did to their King and to France. Pompadour was not so hostile as Maintenon to Huguenots, and would not have opposed their settling in New France. But the Huguenot was now extinct ; in his place had come Voltaire. The historian bespeaks our sympathy and admiration, not only for the missionary, but for the parish priest, who went about through the sparse settlements of a wild peasantry, along the inhospitable shore, performing Mass, baptising, con- fessing, and preaching, in defiance of great hardship and no IV FRENCH CANADA BEFORE THE CONQUEST 77 small peril. These men, no doubt, after the downfall of asceticism, kept alive such religion and such morality as there was. But of morality there seems in the closing days of the colony to have been as little as there was of industry or trade. The soldiery, the bushrangers, the fur trade and its roystering fciirs, the association with the Indians, the habits and examples of Pompadourian Intendants, appear by their united agencies of corruption to have morally ruined the Northern Paraguay, Of education there had never been any except that wliich the Jesuits gave to the boys destined for the priesthood, or to the sons of the few people of quality. French gaiety remained ; so, we are told, did the polisli of French manners, and the Colonists, we are also told, spoke French well. The French colonist, however, if he was backward in the arts of peace was not to be despised in war. This he showed in the long conflict with the P^nglish colonies and their mother country whicli fills tlie closing period of this history. The very absence of industrial and connnercial pursuits preserved the military character. The bushranger was the best of bushfighters and could act in perfect unison with his savage comrade the Ped Indian. The New Fng- landers, tliuugh they came of tlie Ironside blood and had the making of the best soldiers in them, were not soldiers, but tradcirs and mechanics. Wolfe speaks very disparagingly of liis Colonial Pangers. The first capture of Louisbourg by a Colonial army supported only by a British fleet was a stroke of luck, due to the mutinous state of the garrison and the weakness of the Commandant. ^Moreover the English colonies were divided in their councils : tlu'y had with the inde- pendence and self-reliance the still-necketlness of republicans, and the weakness in joint action which it entails. It was 78 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai'. very lianl to bring each colony to take its part in any common enterprise or furnish its contingent to any common force. The French, on the other hand, were united under the absolute command of tlie Koyal Governor, who could call them all to arms and dispose of everything they had for the Kin^f's service. Nor were the French nobles, by whom the governorship was held, ill-fitted for the military part of their work. Frontenac especially was a man of great genius for war as well as of iron character ; he left a name dreaded by the English Colonists and renowned in Canadian history, though sullied by his murderous employment of the savage ; not that anybody abstained from the use of this vile auxiliary, whose subsequent introduction into the revolu- tionary war by the British was not the horrible innovation which rhetoric painted it, tliough assuredly it was a crime as well as a blunder. Superior as they were in population and in wealth, the English colonies might have been lost had they not been united, as far as they were capable of union, and supported by their mother country. As soon as her arm, after a long and desperate struggle, had laid low their formidable rival and assured tlieir safety, she was made to feel what had been their real tie to her. The conquest of Quebec is familiar to all ; and has been narrated by Mr. Parkman in the two most cliarming volumes, perhaps, even of his charming series. If he fails in anytliing, perhaps it is in not perfectly painting the character of Wolfe, one of the most interesting, if not one of the most important or dazzling, figures in military history. Near the famous battle-field on which the steadiness of the British soldier, reserving his fire for the decisive volley while his comrades were falling fast around him, determined that to his race, not to the French, should belong the New World and its hopes, IV FRENCH CANADA BEFORE THE CONQUEST 79 stands the monument raised by the victor to the joint memory of "Wolfe and Montcalm. The warlike aristocracy of France and the military duty of England could not have encountered each other in more typical forms. Voltaire, more philosopher and philanthropist than patriot, celebrated by a feast the transfer of New France from the realm of despotism to that of freedom. Mr. Parkman says : " A happier calamity never befell a people than the conquest of Canada by the British arms." CHAPTEE V FRENCH CANADA AFTER THE CONQUEST (1759) Quebec had been won. What was to be done witli it ? The higliest wisdom said, " Add it to the New England Colonies by which it will soon be assimilated, and leave the whole independent, content with the Empire of British civilisation over the New World, and with the moral supremacy which the mother country, provided the filial tie remains unbroken, is sure to retain." Cromwell had meditated giving the Colonies Jamaica. But such a policy was beyond the ken of the statesmen of that day, and few even among the calmest observers had any conception of it. We must re- member, moreover, that in times before Adam Smith a distant dependency seemed to everybody to have real value inasmuch as the Imperial country monopolised its trade. Still the question remained whether Quebec should be left French and governed as a conquest or made English. That question was settled by the American Eevolution, which compelled the Imperial Government to court the French of Quebec and respect their nationality. That a revolt of the American colonies would follow when the curb of French rivalry had been removed was surmised by clear-sighted men at the time, albeit it would be hard to accuse England of blindness, because she failed to foresee that the requital CHAP. V FRENCH CANADA AFTER THE CONQUEST 81 of her supreme effort on behalf of her American colonists would be their secession. Mr. Samuel Adams and the rest of the Boston counterparts of Wilkes and Home Tooke, who fomented the quarrel till it became revolution and civil war, should have had a little patience and waited till Quebec had been not only conquered but made Englisli. To make her English as she then was would not have been hard. Her French inhabitants of the upper class, had, for the most part, quitted her after the conquest and sailed with their property for France. There remained only 70,000 peasants, to whom their language was not so dear as it was to a member of the Institute, who knew not the difference between codes so long as they got justice, and among whom, harsh and abrupt change being avoided, the British tongue and law might have been gradually and painlessly introduced. While the war lasted, and for a short time afterwards, the government was military, and the ultimate policy of the British Government with regard to the conquered Province was in suspense. That the government sliould at first be military was inevitable, and French writers who speak of this with indignation must remember what was the conduct of the House of Bourbon or of the French Eepublic to countries overrun by their armies. They should remember the plan which was sanctioned by Louis XIV for the treatment of New York in case it should be conquered, and according to which Protestantism would have been uprooted, all property confiscated, tlie inhabitants generally dei)urted, and tliose who remained put to convict labour on the fortifications. The Americans called upon the Canadians to join them in their revolt. But the Canadians liad already begun to ta.ste the fruits of the Conquest. Tliey liad been released from tlie vexations of constant military service and allowed (; 82 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai'. to till their farms. Their religion had been respected to a greater extent even than was required by the terms of the Treaty of Cession. Not only were the parish clergy left in possession of their tithes, but tlie religious orders also, saving the anti-national Jesuits, had been left in possession of their estates. Bourbon despotism and corruption had departed. Instead of arbitrary tribunals, trial by jury had been intro- duced, though the habitant at first hardly understood the boon, while the Seignior thought it a derogation from his ragged dignity to be judged by shopkeepers and peasants. The Puritans, or rather ex-Puritans of New England, had made the retention of Eoman Catholicism in Quebec one of the counts in their indictment of the British Government. In an address to the British people they spoke of the religion of the Canadians as one " that had drenched Great Britain in blood and disseminated impiety, bigotry, persecution, murder, and rebellion through every part of the world." Afterwards, •calling the French Canadians to freedom, they treated the religious question in a different strain. " We are too well- acquainted," they said, " with the liberality of sentiment dis- tinguishing your nation to imagine that difference of religion will prejudice you against a hearty amity with us. You know that the transcendent nature of freedom elevates the minds of those who unite in the cause above all such low-minded infirmities. The Swiss Cantons furnish a memorable proof of this truth ; their union is composed of Catholic and Protest- ant States, living in the utmost concord and peace with each other ; and they are thereby enabled, ever since they bravely vindicated their freedom, to defy and defeat every tyrant that has invaded them." The Quebec clergy, however, did not forget the former and as they probably thought more sincere manifesto. Their weight was cast into the other scale, and V FRENCH CANADA AFTER THE CONQUEST 83 their chief, the Bisliop of Quebec, exhorted his people to be true to British allegiance aud repel the American invaders. To the blandishments of Franklin aud his coadjutors the priests replied that Great Britain had kept her faith, preserved to the French people their laws and customs, shielded their religion, left the monasteries their estates, and even ordered the military authorities to pay honour to Catholic processions.^ Nor did the Seigniors like the look of revolution. The peasantry were slow to move, rejoicing to have got back to their homesteads and thinking that it was not their quarrel ; the city of Quebec narrowly escaped capture by the Americans under Arnold and ^lontgomery; but the behaviour of the invaders helped to stir up the people against them, and the Province was saved. The Governor, Sir Guy Carleton, was a man worthy to command. Had he been in the place of the torpid Howe, the heavy Clinton, or the light Burgoyne, there might have been a ditferent tale to tell. The danger, however, had determined the policy of the British Government and led to the practical abandonment, as it proved for ever, of the thought of Anglicising Quebec. The settlement embodied in the Quebec Act, framed by Lord North's government, not only secured to the French people the free exercise of their religion and to the priesthood its revenues, but established the French civil law and French procedure without juries. It put an end to the military dictatorship by giving the Province a governing Council which was to be partly composed of Catholics ; an Elective Assembly could not have been safely given to people recently conquered, nor did the French themselves dt-inand it; they had been accustomed only to obey, and were satisfied if tlicir rulers were just. TIk; (^)ut'b('c. Act was ojjjiosed as anti- ' Oarncau'8 History of Cmuidn, BcU'h tditioii, vritisli Province an exact counterpart, or what was supposed to be an exact counter- part, of the liritish Constitution. Each Province was to liave, besides the Oovc-rnor wlio represented the Crown, a legislative council nominated by the (Jrown to represent th(! House of Lords, and an Assitinltly elected by the p(!0ple to rejiresent 86 CANADA AND THK CANADIAN ()UESTION (;nAi>. the House of Coiinnoiis. The CJoveriiur was furnished with an Executive Council, the counterpart of the Privy Council, at least as the I'rivy Council was in the days when it really advised the sovereign, not of the modern Cabinet. Of the extension of the Cabinet system to a dependency nobody then dreamed. It was assumed that the Crown would govern through its representative, and shape its own policy with the aid of ministers chosen by itself, much as it had in Tudor England, thoujih with a general recfard for the wants and wishes of the people signified through their representatives in an Assembly. The whole British polity, civil and ecclesiastical, was to be reproduced. Provision was made for an aristocracy by empowering the Crown to annex hereditary seats in the Upper House to titles of nobility. Provision was also made for a Church Establishment by setting apart an eighth, or, as the Church construed the Act, a seventh, of the Crown lands as Clergy Eeserves. The genius of the New AVorld repelled from the outset the attempt to introduce aristocracy made by Pitt, as it had, though not so decisively, repelled the similar attempt made by Louis XIV. The attempt to introduce a Church Establishment took more effect, and was destined to be the cause of much trouble. The Test Act being declared not to extend to Canada, both Houses of the Legislature and all the offices were thrown open to Roman Catholics. Pitt thus carried what it might have been hoped would prove the first instalment of Catholic Emancipation. Prejudice against the Roman Catholic Church had yielded, even in the breasts of British Tories, to the hatred of the common enemy, the Atheist Revolution, while to aristocracy the French signiories became more congenial than ever. In the British Province British law, both civil and criminal, was established ; in the French Province was established the criminal law of England V FRENCH CANADA AFTER THE CONQUEST 87 with the civil hiw of France, based on the custom of Paris. By giving up Lower Canada to the French and to French law, the Act of 1V91 finally decided that French nationality should be preserved, and that British civilisation should not take its place. Thenceforth England brooded like a mis- guided mother-bird upon an egg from which, by a painful and dangerous process, she was to hatch a French Canadian nation. Xew France would soon have been cut otf from her mother country by the Kevolution and the war which followed. From the rest of the continent she was cut off by race, language, and religion. She would in all probability have come to naught had she not been placed under the regis of conquerors powerful enough to protect her nationality and constrained to protect it by their fears. Pitt's policy missed its mark. The two races were not separated by the division of the I'rovince. The British still clung to the trade of Quebec, which their commercial energy had begun to develop, and still struggled to maintain their political ascendency over the conquered race. Their strong- holds were in the Executive, in the Legislative Council appointed by the Crown, and in Downing Street, to which they had almost exclusive access. The stronghold of French patriotism was the elective Assembly, in which the French soon had a large majority. The French did not at first care for free institutions, nor were they fit for them : an autocratic governor ruling llicni justly, syiii]Kitlit'tically, and economi- cally, would have suited them nnich better than any parlia- ment. Neither their priesthood nor their seigniors liked anything of a republican cast. liut they grasped the votes which Imperial legislation had jiut intu their hands as W(;aj)ons to be used for tlu; protection of their nationality and for the overthrow of the oligarchy of Conquest. The 88 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ihai'. situation was luuch the same that it would have been in Ireland had the Catholic Celts been admitted to Parliament and formed a majority of the popular House, while the House of Lords, the Castle, and the influence of the Imperial Government had remained in the hands of a Protestant minority. Had the demand of the French for an elective Upper House been conceded, the British minority would, as Lord John Eussell said at the time, have been left absolutely at the mercy of the French. Patriot leaders soon appeared, and oratory could not fail in a community of Frenchmen. The English had brought with them the Press. To combat British journalism French journalism soon started into life, and, among the French who could read, became an organ of perpetual agitation. The battle-fields were the control of the revenue and the civil list, the composition of the Legisla- tive Council (which the patriots desired to make elective that they might fill it with men of their own party), and the tenure of the judges, whom they wished to make irremovable, like the judges in England, in order to dim- inish the power of the Crown, besides minor and per- sonal questions about which party feelings were aroused. Controversies about the land law also arose and set the seigniorial patriots among the French somewhat at cross purposes with the patriots pure and simple. The commer- cial interest, which was entirely British, clashed with the agricultural interest, which was mainly French. There was constant strife between the Upper Chamber, which was in the hands of the British, who filled it with placemen, and the Lower Chamber, which was in the hands of the French ; the Upper Chamber perpetually putting its veto upon the legisla- tion of the Lower Chamber. The French, untrained in English constitutional government, went beyond the bounds of con- V FRENCH CANADA AFTER THE CONQUEST 89 stitutional opposition. Gallic temper often broke out, and governors, struggling painfully to maintain their authority, and at the same time to pour oil upon the waters, became the objects of fiery remonstrance, sometimes even of insult thinly veiled. The Home Government, looking on from afar, in the days before steam communication and ocean telegraphs, knew not what to make of the fray or how to deal with it. Its own policy was not clearly defined, nor did it know whether it meant really to bestow Parliamentary government on a dependency or not. So far was it from understanding the situation that in 1839 we find Lord Durham informing it, with the pomp of a momentous revelation, that the confiict in French Canada was one not of political opinion but of race. Moreover, power in Downing Street was always chang- ing hands, and was wielded one day by a Tory and the next by a Liberal or a Tory of a more Liberal brand. Governors correspondingly different in character were sent out : now a military martinet like Haldimand, now a reactionary aristo- crat like the Duke of Eichmond, anon a conciliator like Prevost or Gosford. The governors who made themselves popular with the French were of course regarded as traitors and detested by the British. Sir James Craig, who is said to have usually addressed civilians as if they needed the cat-o'- nine tails, seemed to the British just the man for that country. There were still among the British political leaders some who clung desperately to the policy of ascendency, and contended that the Province ought to be Anglicised, and might l>e Anglicised if it were handled with resolution, i're-eiiiinent among them was Chief Justice Sewell, a sort of Canadian Fitzgibbon. These men oftcai got the ear of the Governor, to wlioiii tlieir circle had almost exclusively social access, and, when tlic Home Guvernnu'iit was Tory, the ear of the 90 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION cuxv. Home Goverunu'iit. As llie net result, a loyal thutigh liberal historian has to say that " the government of Canada was one continued blunder from the day in wliich Amherst signed the capitulation of Montreal to the union of the Provinces," and that it presented a painful contrast to the resolute treatment of Louisiana by the Americans, who had at once introduced their laws and language. It is doubtful whether his parallel is perfectly correct, but he is certainly right as to his facts. The British minority was reinforced, its sense of superiority was increased, and the enmity between it and the French majority was aggravated by the settlement in the district south of the St. Lawrence, called the Eastern Townships, of a colony of English farmers whose improved and energetic cultivation presented a contrast to the slovenly agriculture of the French.^ Angry questions as to the representation of the Eastern Townships in the Assembly and as to the extension of the French civil law to that district were at the same time added to the budget of discord. Nevertheless, compared with the rule of the Bourbons, the British rule was beneficent, and the Province, however discontented, had improved. M. Papineau, the rebel that was to be, drew the contrast at the hustings between tlie government under which he was living and that of former days. " Then," said he, " trade was monopolised by privileged companies, public and private property often pillaged, personal liberty daily violated, and the inhabitants dragged year after year from their homes and families to shed their blood from the shores of the great lakes, from the banks of the Mississippi and the Ohio to Kova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Hudson's Bay. Now religious toleration, trial by jury. Habeas Corpus, afford legal and equal security to all, and we need submit to ^ See Lord Durham's Report. V FRENCH CANADA AFTER THE CONQUEST 91 no laws but tliose of our own making. All these advantages have become our birthright, and will, I hope, be the lasting inheritance of our posterity. To secure them let us only- act as British subjects and freemen." An eminent American judge avowed to the writer that he saw witli pleasure the extension of the British Empire, because with British domin- ion went the reign of law under which no man could be de- prived of property or right otherwise than by legal process. In the hearts of the upper and more Conservative classes the British Crown had perhaps taken the place of the French Crown as an object of loyalty, though of a loyalty far less intense. There had been for a time ditliculties with the French Church. The ticklish question had been raised whether the King of Great Britain had not either stepped into the place of the King of France and inherited the French King's control over ecclesiastical appointments, or even become ecclesiastically supreme as he was in England. But the point had been waived by the prudence of a government which felt its need of clerical support, and the French clergy were pretty well contented with their relation to the State. They were more than contented with the conduct of England in waging war against the Eevolutionary Atheism of France, and gave tlianks to God for having snatclied the people of Canada from dependence on an impious nation which had overturned the altars.^ Tlius it came to pass that, in 1812, when war broke out between England and tlie United States, the French Canadians were once more true to England. The seigniors were as much opposed as ever to Itepublicanism. The priests, though they might have less reason than before to droad the in- tolerance of Puritanism, had been set more than ever against ' OariKaH's History, vol. ii, p. '2'2^>. 92 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. democnxcy by its alliance with Atheism in tlicir muther country, wliile the national aspirations wliich had now become strong in the French breast recoiled from the prospect of absorption in the population of the United States. In the person of De Salaberry, a brilliant captain appeared of the French race, but trained in the British service. His victory at Chateauguay over a vastly superior force was among the most famous exploits of the war. French Canada, the Americans probably expected, would fall at once into their arms. But they had overrated the attractiveness of Republican institutions to the Frenchman, and had falsely assumed that the British and their rule were as odious in the French Canadian's eye as in their own. Americans are fond of dilating on the harsh features of the English character, which they say make England hateful to all men of other races, and from which they flatter themselves that their own character has become in three generations entirely free. But they have twice offered French Canada liberation from the yoke, welcoming her at the same time to their own arms, and twice she has answered them with bullets. It was the saying of an eminent French Canadian that the last gun in defence of British dominion on this continent would be fired by a Frenchman. True, the saying was expressive less of loyalty to Great Britain than of desire to preserve under her pro- tection a nationality separate from the United States, and perhaps a theocracy untouched by Republican influence ; yet it could hardly have been uttered if England had been hate- ful. About British unsociability too much has been said. It is true that such characters as are suited for command are generally less amiable than strong. But in India, saving the sympathetic disturbance set up in Oude by the Sepoy mutiny, there has not been a political insurrection since the V FRENCH CAXADA AFTER THE CONQUEST 93 formation of the British Empire, and when liussiun invasion threatened, all the feudatories came forward of their own accord with contributions to the defence. Enjijland M'as riuht in ceding the Ionian Isles, but no bitter recollection of her rule, it is believed, lingers there. The Corsicans put them- selves into her hands, and the Sicilians after 1815 would gladly have remained under her protectorate. The Egyptians do not want to be rid of the British, though France wants to see them out of Egypt. How did France, the reputed paragon of sociability, get on with the Sicilians in the days of the Sicilian Vespers, with the Germans at a later date, or with the nations whose territories her armies occupied under Xapoleon ? How does she get on with the Algerian tribes ? The Americans, happily for themselves, have not yet been tried in this way. The war with the Americans over, civil strife began again. This is the proper phrase. Tlie French, the mass of them at least, were not fighting against British government or connec- tion, but against the ascendency of the other race in ollice and in the Legislative Council. Their feeling towards the British government was rather that of disappointed and weary suitors than of rebels ; they mistrusted its knowledge more than its intentions. They cried like their forbears in France, "AJi, si le Roi le savait ! " Matters, however, went from bad to worse. For four successive years the Assembly stopped the supplies, so far at least as lay in its power ; for the Crown had a fixed civil list and certain revenues of its own, besides the privilege, in extreme need, of falling back on the Im]»erial treasury ; it could even turn the tables on tlie McmlxM-s of the Assembly by causing tlie Legislative Council to throw out the Jiill for tlieir pay. Since the year ISUO revolution had once more broken 94 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. loose in France, and the infection had spread to some of the French leaders and to some active spirits among the yonng lawyers and journalists. A few of the British in Lower Canada were also touched by it and joined the French patriots against tlieir own race. Though there had been a good deal of talk about popular education, the French people were still very ignorant ; out of eighty-seven thousand of them whose names were affixed to a petition only nine thousand could ■write ; and their minds were thus open to any delusions which the leaders chose to propagate. Just at this time civil discord was approaching the revolutionary point in Upper Canada, and though the two movements were distinct and had different sources, there was a sympathy between tliem, and the leaders were in close communication. Papineau, a great popular orator, put liimself at the head of the Frencli malcontents, and Nelson at the head of the British. When the crisis was approaching the Home Government became alive to the danger. The tocsin, in fact, was rung in ninety- two resolutions passed by the Canadian Assembly, and demanding, under the guise of a series of reforms, a practical revolution. Lord Gosford was then sent out with two other commissioners to inquire and advise. He preached concord with much imction but with little success. He reported in favour of some practical reforms, but against the change which would liave made the Assembly master of the Govern- ment, and on which that body had set its heart. To make the Assembly master of the Government would have been not only tantamount to abdication on the part of the Crown, but would have entailed the abandonment of the British minority to the mercy of the exasperated French. Eesolutions in the sense of the Eeport were moved by Lord John Russell in the House of Commons and carried in spite of the opposition of V FRENCH CANADA AFTER THE CONQUEST 95 Eoebuck, Moleswortli, and other Radicals who had espoused the cause of the Canadian patriots. This was the signal for insurrection. The French clergy either were off their guard, or, there being on this occasion no danger to their religion from New England I'uritans or FrencTi Atheists, wavered between their love of order and their patriotism as French- men. At all events, they interfered too late to prevent the rising, though in time to render it if possible more hopeless. All the British and even the Irish rallied at once round the Government. Nelson proved himself a man of leading if not of light, and, though untrained to arms, repulsed a British detachment which attacked a hamlet in which he was entrenched. Papineau ran away. Sir John Colborne, a resolute veteran of Wellington's school, who was in connnand, soon swept the rebellion out of existence, and flung the American desperadoes who had come to join it over the border. Some of the leaders were hanged ; martial law reigned, and the Constitution of French Canada came to a disastrous end. The next stage in the political history of the Province is its union with British Canada, of M'hich we shall presently take up the thread. Among the documents in Christie's History of Lou-cr Canada (vol. vi), is a paper on the troubled state of French Canada, by a military man, whether Sir John Harvey, suc- cessively governor of Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia, or by Lieut.-General Evans, is uncertain. The writer speaks with the frankness of his profession. " To a peo])le," he says, " in no respect identified with their rulers, French in their origin, their language, th(;ir liabits, their sentiments, tlieir religion, — English in nothing but in the glorious Constitution wliich that too liberal country has conferred upon them, — the sole clfect of this boon has 96 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai'. been to enable them to display in a constitutional manner those feelings of suspicion, distrust, and dislike by whicli the conduct of their representatives would warrant us in believing them to be animated towards their benefactors. The House of Assembly of Lo\ver Canada has not ceased to manifest inveterate hostility to the interests of the Crown, it lias with- held its confidence from the local government, and has through this blind and illiberal policy neutralised, as far as it could, every benefit which that government has wished to confer upon the people ; and that the popular representatives have acted in unison with the feelings of their constituents the fact of their having invariably sent back those members whose opposition to the government has been most marked may be thought sufficiently to prove. Ought not such a people to be left to themselves, to the tender mercies of their gigantic neighbours, whose hewers of wood and drawers of water they would inevitably become in six months after the protection of the British fleets and armies had been withdrawn from them ? The possession of this dreary corner of the world is productive of nothing to Great Britain but expense. I repeat that the occupation of Canada is in no respect compensated by any solid advantage. Nevertheless, it pleases the people of England to keep it much for the same reason that it pleases a mastiff or a bull- dog to keep possession of a bare and marrowless bone towards which he sees the eye of another dog directed. And a fruitful bone of contention has it proved, and will it prove, betwixt Great Britain and the United States before Canada is merged in one of the divisions of that Empire, an event, however, which will not happen until blood and treasure have been profusely lavished in the attempts to defend what is indefensible, and to retain what is not worth havinij." V FRENCH CANADA AFTER THE CONQUEST 97 " This dreary corner of the world " may be relegated to oblivion with Voltaire's quelques atyents de neige. The rest of the quotation will provoke dissent. But the soldier has hit the mark by saying that the only use which the French- Canadians had made of the Constitution given them by Great Britain was to renew in a constitutional form their struggle against the power which had conquered them with tlie sword. Not only were they enabled to renew the struggle but ta renew it with success ; for the rebellion in both provinces, though vanquished in the field of war, was victorious in the political field and ended in the complete surrender of Imperial power. It is the height either of generosity or of folly when you have beaten people with arms to bestow on them the means of beating you with votes. Tlie French are not to be blamed in the slightest degree for what they have done. Rather they are to be admired for their patriotic constancy and the steadiness with which their aim has been pursued. A British colony conquered by France would have acted just as they have acted : it would have used any political power which the conqueror gave it or whicli it had extorted from his fears as an instrument for breaking his yoke. The fact with which statesmen have to deal is that the power has been so used by the people of New France under the guidance of their clergy, and that Quebec at the present day, thougli kindly enougli in its feelings towards Great Britain, is not a British colony, liut a little French nation. H CHAPTEE VI HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA^ Had the Americans been as wise and merciful after their first as they were after their second civil war, and closed the strife as all civil strife ought to be closed — with an amnesty — British Canada would never have come into existence. It was founded by the Loyalists driven by revolutionary vengeance from their homes, who at the same time settled in large numbers in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. These men were deeply wronged, and might well cherish and hand down to their sons as they did the memory of the wrong. Tliey had done nothing as a body to put themselves out of the pale of mercy. They had fought as every citizen is entitled and presumptively bound to fight for the government under which they were born, to wliich they owed allegiance, and which as they thought gave them the substantial benefits of freedom. They had fought for a connection which, though false, at all events since the colony had grown able to shift for itself, and fraught with the peril of discord, was still prized by the colonists generally, as misht have been shown out of the mouth of all tlie revolu- ' The chief sources of this historical sketch are MacMullen's Canada, Read's Life of Simcoe, Coffin's War of 1812, Sir Francis Bond Head's Narrative, Mr. Lindsey's Life of W. Lyon Mackenzie, Dent's Upper Canadian Rebellion, and Lord Durham's Report. CHAP. VI HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA 99 tionary leaders, including Samuel Adams, tlie principal fomentor of the quarrel. The constitutional means of redress had not been exhausted, nor was there any reason to despair of obtaining a repeal of tlie Tea Duty as a repeal of the Stamp Tax had been obtained. A group of Boston republicans, who had been bent from the first, notwithstanding their disclaimer, on bringing about independence, laboured to excite the people and prevent reconciliation. The in- telligence and property of the colonies, the bulk of it at least, had been on the loyalist side till it was repelled by the blundering violence of the government and its generals ; nor would it have been possible to fix upon a point at which the normal rule of civil duty was reversed and fidelity to the Crown became treason to the commonwealth. Outrages had been committed on both sides, as is always the case in civil war. England, at all events, was bound in honour to protect the refugees in their new home ; ^ otherwise she might have listened to counsels of wisdom and withdrawn politically from a continent in which she had no real interest but those of amity and trade. If an empire antagonistic to the United States is ever formed upon the north of them, and if trouble to tliem ensues, they have to thank their ancestors who refused amnesty to the vanquished in a civil war. British Canada, when it was severed from French Canaila received by Pitt's Act the same Constitution. It was j)ro- vided with a Governor, called in the case of the younger province Lieutenant-Governor, to represent the Crown ; an Executive Council to re])resent the Privy Council ; a Legisla- tive Council iioniinatf'd liy lln- Ciown to represent the House ' I'.fHiilfH jtrotcctin^; the LoyaliHfs' in tlnii- new lidiiif, Kn^^laiul votril i:3,300,000 to iiKicimiify tli(;in for tlicir lost estates. 100 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. i)f Lords ; and au Elective Assembly to represent the House of Commons. This was called " the express image and transcript of the British Constitution." But though it might be the express image in form, it was far from being the ex- press image in reality of Parliamentary Government as it exists in Great Britain, or even as it existed in Great Britain at that time. The Lieutenant-Governor, representing the Crown, not only reigned but governed, with a ministry not assigned to him by the vote of the Assembly, but chosen by himself, and acting as his advisers, not as his masters. The Assembly could not effectually control liis policy l)y with- holding supplies, because the Crown, with very limited needs, had revenues, territorial and casual, of its own. Thus the imitation was, somewhat like the Chinese imitation of the steam-vessel, exact in everything except the steam. But in the new settlement there was other business than politics on hand, and perhaps Parliamentary Government, party, and the demagogue came quite as soon as they were needed. British Canada had as her first Lieutenant-Governor, Sim- coe, and save in one respect she could not have had a better. Local history still fondly seeks to identify the spot Avhere he pitched his tent — a tent which had belonged to Captain Cook — when the shore of Lake Ontario, on which the fair city of Toronto now stands, was a primeval forest, and the stillness of the bay, now full of the puffing of steamers and the hum of trade, was broken only by the settling of flocks of water- fowl or by the paddling of the Indian's canoe. Simcoe had a good estate in England, and had sat in the House of Com- mons. He might have lived at home at his ease when he chose to live under canvas in a Canadian winter and strufrde with the difficulties of founding a commonwealth in Canadian wilds. The love of active duty must have been strong in VI HISTORY OF UPPER CAXADA 101 him. But the love of fighting Yankees was strong also, and it led him at last into relations with Indians hostile to the United States which alarmed the Home Government and cut short his useful career. As colonel of the Queen's Eangers in the revolutionary war he had served the Crown gallantly, and at the same time had commanded the respect of his opponents. His character in itself would have been enough to prove that a patriot might be opposed to the revolution. His intercourse with the better men on the other side re- minds us of the letter of Sir William Waller, the Parlia- mentary general, to a Royalist friend at the outbreak of the Civil War in England, praying that the war, since it must come, might be waged without personal animosity and in a way of honour. The Due de Eochefoucauld Liancourt, the paragon of French liberal aristocrats and of landlords, driven into exile by the revolution, looks in on Governor Simcoe and reports of him that he is "just, active, enlightened, brave, frank, and possesses the confidence of the country, of the troops, and of all those who join him in the administration of public affairs, to which he attends with the utmost appli- cation, preserving all the old friends of the King and neglect- ing no means of procuring him new ones. He unites," says the Due, " in my judgment all the qualities which his station requires to maintain the important possession of Canada, if it be possible that England can long retain it." The governor's face, in his portrait, bespeaks force of character, honesty, and good sense. His good sense lie showed by admitting, in spite of his prejudice against the Americans, settlers from the United States, though he was careful to guard his frontier with a line of U.E. Loyalists, placing the Americans in the rear. With all his fervent attachment to (Jreat liritaiii, he knew at all events that Canada was on the American continent. 102 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai-. At Niiigara, then the caiiital, in a log-house which De Liancourt describes as small and miserable, but which if it were now standing would be venerated by Ontario as much as Eonie venerated tlie hut of Eomulus, Sinicoe assembled for the first time the little yeoman Parliament of British Canada with all the forms of monarchical procedure, and in pbi'ase which not unsuccessfully imitated the buckram of a Speech from the Throne, announced to his backwoods Lords and Commons the reception of the "memorable Act," by which the wisdom and beneficence of a most gracious Sover- eign and the British Parliament had " imparted to them the blessings of our invaluable Constitution," solemnly enjoining them faithfully to discharge "the momentous trusts and duties" thereby committed to their rough hands. The meeting being at harvest time, and the harvest being of more consequence than politics, out of the five legislative coun- cillors summoned two only, and out of the sixteen assembly- men summoned five only, attended. The good sense of those present, however, seems to have risen to the level of their legislative functions. Probably it showed itself now and for some time afterwards by letting the governor legislate as he pleased. The session over, they wended their way homeward, some on horseback through pathless woods, camping out by the way, or using Indian wigwams as their inns, some in bark canoes along the shore of Lake Ontario and dowm the St. Lawrence. It was not easy, as Simcoe found, to get a Par- liament together in those days. This was the heroic era before politics, unrecorded in any annals, which has left of itself no monument otlier than the fair country won by those obscure husbandmen from the wilder- ness, or perhaps, here and there, a grassy mound, by this time nearly levelled with the surrounding soil, in which, after their VI HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA 103 life's partnership of toil and endurance, the pioneer and liis wife rest side by side. " The backwoodsman," says history,^ " whose fortunes are cast in the remote inland settlements of the pre- sent day, far removed from churches, destitute of ministers of the Gospel and medical men, witliout scliools, or roads, or the many conveniences that make life desirable, can alone appreciate or even understand the numerous difficulties and hardships that beset the first settler among the ague-swamps of Western Canada. The clothes on his back, with a rifle or old musket and a well- tempered axe, were not unfrequently the full extent of his worldly possessions. Thus lightly equipped he took possession of his two hundred acres of closely-timbered forest land and commenced operations. The welkin rings again with his vigorous strokes, as huge tree after tree is assailed and tumbled to the earth ; and the sun presently shines in upon the little clearing. The best of the logs are partially squared and serve to build a shanty ; the remainder are given to the flames. Xow the rich mould, the accumulation of centuries of decayed vegetation, is gathered into little hillocks, into which potatoes are dibbled. Indian corn is planted in another direction, and perhaps a little wheat. If married, the lonely couple struggle on in their forest oasis like the solitary traveller over the sands of Sahara or a boat adrift on the Atlantic. The nearest neighbour lives miles off, and when sickness comes they have to travel far through the forest to claim human sympathy. r)Ut for- tunately our nature, with elastic temperament, adapts itself to circumstances. By and by the potatoes peep up, and the corn - Ijladcs modestly show themselves around the charred maple stum])S and girdled pines, and (lie pros- ])ect of sufficiency of food gives consolation. As winter ' ilacMuUen'a Canada, p. 232. 104 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION cuap. approaches, a deer now and then adds to the comforts of the solitary people. Such were the mass of the first settlers in Western Canada." The rough lot, we trust, was cheered by health and hope, while the loneliness and mutual need of support would knit closer the tie of conjugal affection. To the memory of con- querors who devastate the earth, and of politicians who vex the life of its denizens with their struggles for power and place, we raise sumptuous monuments : to the memory of those who by their toil and endurance have made it fruitful we can raise none. But civilisation, while it enters into the heritage which the pioneers prepared for it, may at least look with gratitude on their lowly graves. With clergy the people in those days were very scantily provided,^ and their work, with their home affections, must have been their religion, the solemn and silent forest their temple. When the clergyman came his life in going round to settlements through an uncleared country was, as survivors of the primitive era will tell you, almost as hard as that of the backwoodsman himself. In due time the English of Canada showed their kinship to those of New England by setting up common schools, and their civilisation, though backward and rude at first, developed itself generally on the lines of their race. Simcoe was followed by Hunter and Gore, about whom not much is known, but who were evidently weaker men, and failed to restrain wrong-doing which Simcoe had restrained. Even of these, however, and of the whole line of Eoyal Gover- nors in both Provinces, it may be said that whether they were strong or weak, wise or unwise, popular or unpopular, there rests not upon the name of any one of them the stain of ^ MacMullen's Canada, p. 248. VI HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA 105 dishonour.^ Neither British Canada nor French Canada in British hands ever had an Intendant Bigot. The errors and misdeeds of the Governors arose chiefly from their ignorance of the country which they were sent to rule. On their arrival they almost inevitably fell into the hands of the dominant clique. The Home Government, from which they took their orders, was if possible more ignorant than they were, and its councils changed with every change of a party administration. It was their doom, in short, to be the instruments of that futile and pernicious attempt of the Old World to regulate the lives of communities in the New World which is now happily drawing to its close. For the character of the people, and perhaps even for their material welfare, the imported rule of men of honour, had they only been better informed and more impartial, might in itself have been not less desir- able than that of the party leaders who have succeeded them. But party government, we w^ill hope, is not the end. The colony was filling up with settlers from different quarters. There came in, besides Englishmen, Scotchmen who brought Presbyterianism and usually Liberal ideas with them, Americans who had lived under a Republic, and Irish- men, both Orange and Green. Political life began, though it was still of little importance compared with the axe and the plough. Even so early we hear of an ' independent ' Member of Parliament who is killed in a duel, though we are not told that the duel was owing to his difference of opinion witli the Treasury Bench. On the more active and democratic spirits the neighbourliood of the American liepublic could ' Pttcr Ku.s,sell, wlio acted as adiiiiiiistrator between the^overnorsliips of Simcoe and Hunter, appears to have disgraced liinisidf by raimcity in the matter of Crown lands. Partinj^ presents to (lovernors were (jiieslionalile, but probably had not been condemned in those days. No charge of actual cor- rui)tion was ever made against a Kdviil (iovernor. 106 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION tiiAi-. not fail to tell. An iiuiependent Press was born in a log hut, the embryo editorials being no doubt written and printed by the same hand. Under Hunter and Gore abuses had grown up, especially in the land department and in the administration of justice. Reformers arose. Keform had its proto-martyr in Thorpe, an English barrister sent out to a Canadian judgeship, and apparently an upright man, who for protesting against wrong was deprived of his place through the influence of Governor Gore, misadvised probably by the Council. Willcocks, an immigrant journalist, whom the Governor had learned to regard as " an execrable monster who would deluge the Province with blood," also testified in prison to the liberty of the Press. But political conflicts were suspended by the War of 1812. Into that war the weak and unconscientious Madison was forced by the violent party whose leading spirit was Henry Clay, not for the reasons alleged, about which nothing was afterwards said in the negotiations for peace, but mainly in the hope of conquering Canada, and furthering the ambitious ends of the party. England had the war with Napoleon on her hands ; victory seemed likely to rest with the oppressor of nations, and the United States, it was thought, might share with him the glory and the booty. Let it never be forgotten that the best part of the American people opposed the war. Their attitude was marked by the com- parative absence of attacks on Canada along the line of Vermont and Maine ; though the loss and suffering fell most on the maritime states of New England, and little on the "West, which had driven the country into the war. Unprin- cipled aggression met with its due reward. The American invaders were repeatedly beaten by handfuls of Canadians, and the names of Sir Isaac Brock, and his comrades- VI HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA 107 ill-arms, including the Indian chief Tecumseh, were endeared by heroic exploits to the country which they successfully defended against tremendous odds. The first invader, General Hull, and his army capitulated to a Canadian force not half their number, and the Canadians conquered Michi- gan. On Queenston Heights, the scene of Brock's deatli and his army's victory, the idol of Canadian patriotism sleeps beneath a monumental column which challenges by its stateliness respect for Canadian art. Of the share which French Canada and De Salaberry had in the defence men- tion has already been made. As the war went on it became more ferocious, and the inhuman burning of Niagara by the Americans in mid- winter was avenged by havoc not less inhuman, and by the burning of the Capitol at Washington. Tlie Americans learned in time to fight well, and the battle of Lundy's Lane, near the close, was the most desperate of all. Till midnight the struggle went on, the roar of the cannon and the rattle of the musketry contending with the thunder of Niagara, and the loss on both sides was terrible. The superiority of American resources also showed itself upon the lakes ; the Canadian flotilla on Lake Erie was totally destroyed, and Toronto, then called York, twice fell into the hands of the enemy. When Napoleon had fallen, the hands of Great Britain were free, the better party among the Americans prevailed, and they were ready for peace. Their aggression would have ended move disastrously than it did had not Bakenham blindly dashed his army against the cotton bales of New Orleans, and had the large force which England was at last enabled to send to Canada been placed under the command of a better scjldicr tlinii I'lcvost. Americans say that the war did them good by consolidating thi! iriiion. A nation has hardly a right to consolidate its 108 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ciiai>. union by slaughtering and despoiling its unoffending neigh- bours. l>ut slavery, from wliich the real danger of disruption arose, was not weakened in its political intiuence ; on the contrary it was strengthened by the war. Whatever attrac- tion American institutions might before have had for Canadians was counteracted or weakened by American aggression. "Worst of all was the effect which the fratri- cidal conflict inevitably had in renewing and envenoming the schism of the Anglo-Saxon race. Before that time British Canadians and Americans had hardly looked upon each other as foreigners. Americans had freely settled and been received as citizens in British Canada. Two generations have not sufficed to efface the evil memories of 1812. Ministers of discord, seeking to fan the dying embers of international hatred, still appeal to the names of Brock and his companions -in -arms, whose glory they sully by such misuse.^ The war over, the political stniggle began again — with all the more intensity, perhaps, because the war had unsettled the people and excited their combative propensities, while, farming having been neglected, depression ensued as soon as the military expenditure had ceased. In the course of the next fifteen years a regular Eeform Party was born. It had reason enough for its existence. The Government with all ^ Injustice has been done to the niemor}' of General Proctor, whose nome seems worthy to be coupled with that of ]5rock. He gained one brilliant victory. It appears to be admitted that his retreat before Harrison's immensely superior and far more effective army had become inevitable after the destruction of the Canadian flotilla on Lake Erie. Even if, as the court- martial on him pronounced, he did not conduct the retreat with judgment, there seems to be no shadow of a pretence for charging him with personal misconduct. The court-martial expressly acquitted him of any charge of that kind. His name was coupled with a misfortune, which was not his fault, and he seems not to have been popular in command ; but there is apparently nothing to justify an impeachment of his courage. v[ HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA 109 its patronage and iufluence, including the disposal of the Crown lands, had fallen into the hands of a liing called the " Family Compact " — a nickname borrowed, it seems, from the diplomatic history of Europe rather than suggested by the number of family alliances among the members. The nucleus of the Family Compact was a group of United Empire Loyalists who might not unnaturally deem them- selves a privileged class. To this was added a number of retired officers and other British gentlemen who had received grants of lands but found themselves ill fitted for farming in the bush, and better fitted for holding places under Govern- ment, together with scions of genteel families in England, sent out sometimes for the family's good. The Compact formed a social aristocracy as well as a political ring. It had, like all such political bodies, a tail less aristocratic than itself. Its strongholds were Government House, the occu- pant of which was all the more under its influence because he had no other gentlemen witli whom to associate ; the Executive Council, which was entirely in its hands, and the Legislative Council or Upper House of Parliament, which it also engrossed, and through which it was enabled to veto any bills passed by the Elective Assembly. The Elective Assembly, it will be borne in mind, could not effectually coerce the Government and the Upper House, as the British House of Commons had done, by stopping the supplies, the Government having a fixed civil list and a territorial revenue of its own, with the Imperial treasury whereon to fall back in extreme need. In the Assembly itself tlie Family Compact was able to control many seats, and sometimes a majority, through the influence of the Government, aided by irregularities in the representation. Its adherents filled the Bench, the magistracy, the liigli jilaces of the legal profession, and tliose 110 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. of the E[>iscopal Church, wliich at that time was virtually established aud endowed by the State, liy grant or purchase, its members had got into their hands nearly the whole of the waste lauds of the Province, they were all-powerful in the Chartered liauks, and at last shared among themselves almost all offices of trust and profit.^ By the appropriation of tlie public lands the Compact not only robbed the commonwealth, but, as the lands were held for a rise, obstructed settlement and retarded the progress of the country. It enhanced its unpopularity by giving itself social airs, though the account of its grand mansions, its trains of lackeys and its banquets, found in some historians, are certainly overdone. Of its mansions some remain and are of modest dimensions, nor did its chief members leave great wealth. The Compact showed its exclusiveness even towards British immigrants, excluding them by jealous restrictions from free practice in the legal and medical professions, " so that an Englishman emigrating to Upper Canada found himself almost as much an alien in the country as he would have been in the United States." - The politics of the Compact were Tory, of course, and it was ardently loyal to British connection, so long, at least, as Toryism reigned at home. Like its counterpart in England, it was closely allied with the Established Church. Not all its leaders were jobbers : some were sincere lovers of prerogative. Sir John Beverley Eobinson, for example, Attorney-General, afterwards Chief Justice, and the ruling spirit of the Executive Council, was a high-minded as well as very able man, though it is impossible to disconnect his name from a system of administrative jobbery, or from some acts of partisan injustice. At his side was Dr. Strachan, Archdeacon and afterwards Bishop of Toronto, a clerical ^ Lord Durham's Report, p. 66. - Ibid., p. 74. VI HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA 111 aspirant who had passed from Presbyterianism to Angli- canism, as was generally believed, with a view to the advancement of his fortunes — a man of remarkable force of character, able and shrewd, though not wise, the type of a clerical politician, and, like all clerical politicians, even more mischievous to the Church for whose interests he fought than to the State. Beside the Family Compact there was gradu- ally formed a Conservative party, in which the Compact ultimately merged, of men who had no desire to abet the oligarchy in its abuses, but recoiled from revolution. The Keform party was in like manner divided into an extreme and a moderate wing. Of the moderate and constitutional wing the chief was Robert Baldwin, a man whose renown for integrity and wisdom is such as to make him a sort of Canadian Lord Somers. Of the extreme and covertly repub- lican wing the chief man at the time was William Lyon Mackenzie, a wiry and peppery little Scotchman, hearty in his love of public right, still more in his hatred of public wrongdoers, clever, brave, and energetic, but, as tribunes of the people are apt to be, far from cool-headed, sure-footed in his conduct, temperate in his language, or steadfast in his personal connections. AVith Mackenzie were Dr. Eolph, a man of more solid ability, of deeper character and designs, whom his admirers call sagacious, his critics sly ; and Bidwell, the son of a refugee from American justice, but himself apparently a man of viitue as well as sense. "War was declared on a number of issues — the constitution of the Legislative Council, whicli the patriots wanted to make elective and to purge of placemen ; the administration of the Crown lands ; tlie independence of the judges, which was compromised both l)y their lialjility to removal at pleiusure and by their holding seats in Parliament; the control of the 112 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. revenue and the eivil list, besides a number of personal questions, such as always present themselves in the heat of party war. Among all the special subjects of controversy most stir was made by the Clergy Keserves. Pitt, as we have seen, had set apart an eighth, or, according to the clerical interpretation, a seventh of every land grant " for the support of a Protestant clergy." This, by tying up blocks of land all over the country and standing in the way of close settlement, created an economical grievance, besides the jealousy excited by the favour shown to a particular Church, and a Church which, looking down upon all her sisters, treated their members as dissenters. To complicate the question, the term " Protestant clergy " was ambiguous. The Presbyterians, then equal in number to the Anglicans, claimed a share on the ground that their Church in Scotland was recognised by tlie State ; the other Churches not Roman Catholic claimed a share on the ground that they also were Protestant, while thorough -going Reformers and Roman Catholics united in demanding complete secularisation. But all the special ffrievances and demands of the Reformers were summed up and merged in their demand for " Responsible Govern- ment." By Responsible Government they meant that the crovernment should be carried on, not by an Executive nominated by the Governor and independent of the vote of Parliament, but, as in England, by a Cabinet dependent for its tenure of office on the vote of the Commons. They meant, in short, that supreme power should be transferred from the Crown to the representatives of the people. It was nothing less than a revolution for which they called under a mild and constitutional name. Mackenzie, who had for some time been spitting fire through his journal, having been borne into the Assembly on the shoulders of the people, the VI HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA 118 battle began in earnest, and with all the bitterness which his tongue could lend to it. The oligarchy from the outset defended itself furiously with every weapon at its command. It had before harried Gourlay — a benevolent and inquiring Scotchman who came among its lieges taking notes and printing them — out of his mind. It had persecuted the elder Bidwell under an Alien Act. It shut up Collins, another patriot, in gaol on a charge of libel. It now, having a majority in the Assembly, five times lawlessly expelled ^lackenzie and still more lawlessly voted him incapable of re-election. The hot-blooded youths of the oligarchy were hurried into actual outrage : they wrecked Mackenzie's printing press, and the party paid the fine by subscription. The Governors during this period were two soldiers. Sir Peregrine Maitland and Sir John Colborne, neither of whom understood politics. Sir Peregrine was weakly subservient to the oligarchy, and he got himself into a scrape by using military force in a civil case. Sir John Colborne was a strong and upright man as well as a good soldier, and was by no means inclined to wink at abuses; but he had a military leaning to prerogative, deemed it his duty to hold the fortress for the Crown, and was eminently devoid of popular arts. His gracious reply to an Address was, " I receive your Address witli much satisfaction aud thank you for your congratulations." His less gracious and more succinct form was, " Gentlemen, I have received the petition of tlic iuliabit- ants." He welcomed a patriotic deputation witli artillcrviuen standing to tlieir guns and troops served witli a duul)le allow- ance of ball-cartridge. Mackenzie went to England, showing thereby, as in fact did tlie Reformers generally, tliat they did not regard the Home Government as wilfully ()])pri'ssive, but the reverse, though it might be sadly misinformed. In I 114 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai'. England itself a revolution had by this time taken place. Since the close of the war with Napoleon, the current of political life, long frozen, had begun to flow. The winter of Liberalism had ended ; its sun rose high again, and Parlia- mentary reform had come. The change extended to the Colonial Office, though there Liberalism was still limited by lingering tradition. Even from the Canningite Lord Goderich the agitator received a degree of attention which scandalised the Tories of the Canadian Assembly. Among other things Lord Goderich laid it down in his despatch that ecclesiastics, if they were to keep their seats in the Council, ought to abstain from interfering with secular affairs ; in- timating his opinion at the same time " that by resigning their seats they would best consult their own personal comfort and the success of their designs for the spiritual good of the people." The Legislative Council treated the despatch with open contempt. By the Liberal Lord Glenelg a catalogue of grievances drawn up by the Eefomiers with Mackenzie at their head was respectfully considered, and a reply was written promising important reforms and concessions, though not the one great concession, Ee- sponsible Government. The law officers of the Compact, Boulton and Hagerman, were also dismissed for rebellion against the liberal policy of the Crown, whereupon the loyalty of the Tories gave way and they began to throw out hints of " alienation " from " the glorious Empire of their sires," and of "casting about for a new state of political existence." On a liberal policy congenial to that which prevailed in England the Home Government was now bent. But to carry it out through a warrior like Colborne was impossible, and he was recalled, though only to command against the rebels in the French Province. Before leaving, VI HISTORY OF UPPER CANADA 115 however, he set the house ou tire by authorising the creatiou of fifty-seven Rectories out of the disputed Clergy Reserves Fund. Though the number actually carved out was only forty- four, it gave to the Church a substantial slice of the endow- ment which she claimed. This measure produced intense exasperation. The choice of a man to take Colborne's place, and give effect to the new policy, which the Colonial Office made was so strange that to account for it recourse has seriously been had to the hypothesis of mistaken identity.^ Sir Francis Bond Head, a half-pay major, an assistant Poor-Law commissioner, the hero of a famous ride over the Pampas, and the writer of light books of travel, was awakened in tlie dead of night at his lodging in Kent by a King's messenger, who brought him the appointment of the Lieutenant- Governorship of Upper Canada, with a summons to wait on the Colonial minister next morning. In justice to him be it remembered that he declined, and accepted only when pressed in a manner which made acceptance a duty. He was recommended no doubt by the manner in which he had done his work as Poor- Law commissioner, by his genial temper, his knowledge of the world, and the plucky and adventurous character shown in his ride, which was likely to make him a favourite with people whom the Colonial Secretary miglit tliink more Ijack- woodsmen in cliaracter tiian they really were. Nor was he ' The story told by Mr. Roebuck and others to Sir Francis Ilincks that .Sir Francis Bond Head was mistaken for Sir Ednmnd Walker licail, afterwards Governor-General, is still current, but cannot be Wdrthy of credence. Sir E given 120 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai-. vi to diplomacy about the Fisheries and Behring's Sea, as so many blind efforts of the New World to shake off European interference. On the other hand, when it is said that the Canadian rebellion was put down by British bayonets, let it be borne in mind that in Upper Canada there was not a single British bayonet when the rebellion was put down. In both Canadas it was, in fact, not a rebellion against the British Government, but a petty civil war, in Upper Canada between parties, in Lower Canada between races, though in Lower Canada the British race had the forces of the Home Government on its side. "We rebelled neither against Her Majesty's person nor her Government, but against Colonial misgovernment," were the words of one of the rebel leaders in Lower Canada. The two movements were perfectly distinct in their origin and in their course, though there was a sympathy between them, and botli were stimulated by the general ascendency of Liberal opinions since 1830 in France, in England, and in the world at large. The rebellion was the end of Sir Francis Bond Head. Now came Lord Durham, the son-in-law of Grey, and an Avatar, as it were, of the Whig Vishnu, to inquire into the sources of the disturbance, pronounce judgment, and restore order to the twofold chaos. CHAPTEE VII THE UNITED PROVINCES ^ Lord DuRHAii was a splendid specimen of the aristocratic man of the people, such as perhaps only the Wliig houses, after being out of office for half a century, could have pro- duced. From the hotel where His Excellency put up all other guests were cleared out, and not even the mails were allowed to be taken on board the steamer which bore his person. Invested with large powers, he exceeded them in playing the despot. He issued an ordinance banishing some of the rebels to Bermuda, under penalty of death if they should return. This delivered him into the hands of Brougham, who bore him a grudge, and at once set upon him in the House of Lords, pointing out that His Excellency's ordinance could not be carried into effect without committing murder. The Prime Minister was compelled to disallow the ordinance. Durham after thundering very irregularly against the ungrateful Government which had thrown him overboard, Hung up his commission, folded his tragic robe round him, and went home. He had time, however, to produce, with the ' The principal sources of this sketch, besides a number of ])ainphlot.s and State i)ai»crs, are MacMulIcn's History of Canada, Scroj)e'8 Liff of Lord Sijden- ham, Walrond's IjcUrrs and Journals of Lord Kl;d(hvin, i;ave birth to the party of the "Clear Grits," the leader uf whieh was Mr, George Brown, a Scotch Presbyterian, and which having first insisted on the secularisation of the Clergy IJeserves, became, when that question was out of the way, a party of general opposition to French and Eoman Catholic influence. The population of Upper Canada having now outgrown that of Lower Canada, the Clear Grits demanded that the repre- sentation should be rectified in accordance with numbers. The French contended with truth that the apportionment had been irrespective of numbers, and that Upper Canada, while her population was the smaller, had reaped the ad- vantage of that arrangement. Mortal issue was joined, and " Eep. by Pop." (Eepresentation by Population) became the Keform cry. The war was waged with the utmost vehemence by Mr. Brown and his organ, the Glohe, which became a power, and ultimately a tyrannical power, in Canadian politics. But the French, with the P) faction which courted their vote, were too strong. A change had thus come over the character and relations of parties. French Canada, so lately the seat of disaffection, became the basis of the Conservative party. British Canada became the stronghold of the Liberals. But the old Tories of British Canada, true at least to their anti- pathies, combined with the French against the Liberals in the amalgam styled Conservative. Irish influence, almost as sectional as the French, was now beginning to grow powerful. The famine of 184G had thrown upon the shores of Canada thousands of miserable exiles, stricken with pestilence as well as with famine. At the moment when Canada lost her commercial privileges as a colony, she was called upon to perform the most onerous of colonial duties to the mother country, and the duty was Til THE UNITED PROVINCES 13& nobly performed, the medical profession taking the lead in heroic philanthropy. Abortive insurrections in Ireland added some political exiles. Among the number was D'Arcy M'Gee, a Fenian leader who, in a happier political climate, doffed his Fenianism while he retained his enthusiasm and his eloquence, and for doffing his Fenianism was murdered by his quondam fellow-conspirators. There was now an Irish as well as a French vote to be played for. Had not the difference of race generally prevailed, as we have said, over the identity of religion, there might have been a coalition of the two Roman Catholic races, which would almost have reduced the other races to political servitude. A struggle of principle is sure to leave some men of principle as well as mark upon the scene. Such were Robert Baldwin on one side, and Draper on the other. But when these have passed away faction, intrigue, cabal, and selfish ambition have their turn. What else can be expected with party government when the great issues are out of the way and notliing but the prizes of office remains ? Already, in Lord Elgin's time, politics had entered on a phase of party without principle. He had pensively remarked that in a community " where there was little if anytliing of public principle to divide men, political parties would shape them- selves under the intiuence of circumstances, and of a great variety of affections or antipathies — national, sectarian, and personal." "You will observe," he .says, " wlien a Ministry is trying to recruit itself by coalition, that no ([uestion of principle or of public policy has been mooted by either party during the negotiation. The whole discussion lias turned upon iiersonal considerations. This is, I fancy, a pretty fair sample of Canadian ])olitics. It is not even ])rc- tended that the divisions of party represent corresponding 136 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ( hap. divisions of sentiiiu'iit on subjects wliicli occupy the }iul)lic iiiiiid." He coiniilaiiis that his Ministers insist on appealing to low personal motives, as if they did not believe in the existence of anything higher, that unprincipled factiousness is taken for granted as the rule of conduct on all hands, and that he is himself in danger of being besmirched by its mire. A period of tricky combinations, perfidious alliances, and selfish intrigues now commenced, and a series of weak and ephemeral governments was its fruit. The Hincks- Morin, the MacNab-Morin, the Tach(5-Macdonald, the Brown- Dorion, the Cartier-Macdonald, the Sandfield Macdonald- Sicotte, the Sandfield Macdonald-Dorion,the Tach(^-Macdonald (second) administrations followed each other like the shifting scenes of a farce, their double headships indicating the necessity of compounding with the French, whose vote was the great card in the game. Unfortunately they left their traces. " A political warfare," said Senator Terrier (a Montreal merchant) afterwards in the debate on Cohfedera- tion, " has been waged in Canada for many years of a nature calculated to destroy all moral and political principle, both in the Legislature and out of it." In such a competition, unscrupulous craft, with a thorough knowledge of the baser side of human nature, is sure to prevail, and to mount to the highest place. It did prevail ; it did mount to the highest place, and became the ideal of statesmanship to Canadian politicians. It was in the course of this unimpressive history that the one remaining prerogative of the Crown was exercised by the Governor- General for the last time.^ In 1858, Mr. George Brown, the leader of the " Clear Grits " put the ^ It has been since exercised on one occasion by a Liouteuant-Governor of a Province. VII THE UNITED PROVINCES 137 Conservative Ministry in a minority on the question of the choice of a site for the Capital, the Queen having given her decision in favour of Ottawa. Though the combination against the Government was fortuitous, and the question not one of principle, the Ministry resigned ; it was surmised because they thought it politic to appear as martyrs to their loyal respect for the Sovereign's judgment. The Governor, Sir Edmund Head, sent for ^Ir. Brown but refused him a dissolution, on the ground that the Parliament was newly elected, that there was no reason for supposing that public opinion liad changed, and therefore that there was no justification for throwing the country again into the turmoil of an election. Mr. Brown's fortuitous majority deserting him, his Ministry at once fell. The Governor was of course fiercely denounced by the Grits for partisanship ; but supposing he still held the prerogative of dissolution, it would seem that he did right ; he certainly did what was best for the country. A farcical sequel to this episode was the " Double Shuffle," a name applied to a piece of legerde- main by which the old Ministers, on resuming their places, contrived to bilk the constitutional rule which required them to go to their constituencies for re-election. Public morality was outraged. The courts of law, by an extremely technical construction, sustained the trick. But notliing smarter was ever done by any Yankee jjoliticiaii. At last tliere came a Ministry witli u majurity <>f two, wliich afterwards dwindled to one, so that the fate of the administration might liang upon the success of a page in hunting up a member before a division, and the dangerous opportunity was alforded to ciich in(li\i(lu:d ])olitician of saving the country by liis single vote. Disscjlutions oidy made faction mort! factious. Finallv there was a deadlock. 138 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ciiAi-. The wheels of the political machine ceased to turn, and the most necessary legislation was at a stand. As a door of escape from the predicament into whicli their factiousness and selfishness had brought the country, tlie politicians bethought them of a confederation, including all the North American Colonies of Great Britain. In this the antagonism between British and French Canada, which was the im- mediate source of the dilemma, would be merged, and altogether there would be a fresh deal. The idea of such a confederation was not new. Lord Durham had recommended it in his Report : even before his day, Judge Haliburton had ventilated the idea in Sam Slick; while Mr. George Brown, finding that he could not carry his project of Representation by Population, had been proposing that the Union between Upper and Lower Canada should be recon- stituted on a federal footing, so that they might be made independent of each other in their local affairs. The three Maritime Provinces — Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island — had, as has been already said, meditated a Legislative Union among themselves ; and, though a difficulty about the choice of a capital had come in the way, it is likely that in time they would have carried the project into effect. Another inducement to confederation at this juncture was the belief that it would bring to all the Provinces an increase of military strength and of security against invasion. On this head there was at the time some ground for alarm on account of the critical position into which Canada as a dependency of Great Britain had been drawn in relation to the United States. Before the American Civil War Canada had been, like the mother country, an enemy of the Slave Power ; one of the first acts of her yeoman legislators in the VII THE UNITED PROVINCES 139 Upper Province had been tlie abolition of slavery ; and she had prided herself on being the refuge of the slave. At the opening of the conflict between Slavery and Freedom her lieart had been where it was natural that it should be. But after the Trent affair she had been drawn, together with the aristocratic party in England, into an attitude of hostility to the North. Her citizens had taken to drilling, and she had sounded the trumpet of defiance. Her Government had strictly discharged their international obligations, but the Confederates had violated the neutrality of her territory in the case of the St. Alban's raid, and some of her own citizens wlio were hot sympathisers with the Slave Power had hardly kept their sentiment within the bounds of the Queen's proclamation. The Union was now triumphant and liad a large and victorious army at its command. There was reason to fear that its ire, kindled by the conduct of Great Britain in the matter of the Alabama, and by the stinging lantjuage of the British Press, miglit find vent in an attack on the dependency. There had in fact been a Fenian raid encouraged by the laxity of the American Government, if not by its connivance, and somebody having blundered, a number of Canadians had in tlie disastrous affair of Kidgeway fallen in defence of the frontier. The second Fenian raid in 1870 was a mere imposture got up to make the money How again from the pockets of Irish servant girls ; but the first wiis rendered f(jrnii(lali](j Ity the ])resence among thi; raiders of Irishmen who had fought in the American Civil War. It was a natural impression, though some saw through the fallacy at the time, that the ])olitical union of the Provinces Would greatly add to their force in war. 'I'lie Hoino AuLJiorities also applauded tlie project, in the hope that the colonies would become better able to (Iffciid themselves, HO CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. lean thenceforth less heavily for protection on the arm of the overburdened mother country, and be less of an addition to her many perils. Some years before, Lord Beaconsfield, then Mr. Disraeli, Imperialist as he was, had written in con- fidence to the Minister for Foreign Affairs urging him to push the Fisheries question to a settlement while the influences at AVashington were favourable, and remarking that " these wretched colonies will all be independent too in a few years and are a millstone round our necks." ^ What Mr. Disraeli said in the ear was said on the housetop by the Hditiburgh Rcvieiv, which after averring that it would puzzle the wisest to put his finger on any advantage resulting to Great Britain from her dominions in North America, and glancing at the " special difficulties which beset her in that portion of her vast field of empire," pronounced it not surprising that "any project which may offer a prospect of escape from a political situation so undignified and unsatisfactory should be hailed with a cordial welcome by all parties concerned." If the same thing was not said by other statesmen it was present in a less distinct form to the minds of some of them : at least they were very anxious that the millstone should be a millstone no more, but be able to provide for its own defence at need and perhaps to help the mother country. Colonial Reformers like the Duke of Newcastle, Mr. Adderley, and Mr. Godley who clung to the political connection, were just as desirous of relieving the mother country of the military burden and of training the colonies to self-reliance and virtual in- dependence as were the men of the so-called Manchester School, who advocated complete independence. Cobden and Bright, it may be remarked by the way, though their ^ See Lord Malmesbury, Memoirs of an Ex-Ministcr, vol. ii, p. 344. VII THE UNITED PROVINCES 141 opinion was avowed, never took a very active part in the discussion. A third motive was the hope of calling into existence an intercolonial trade to make up for partial exclusion from that American market which Canada had been enjoying to her great advantage during the last twelve years. To the anger wliich the behaviour of a party in England had excited in America, Canada owes the loss of the Eeciprocity Treaty, and the bitter proof which she has since had of Lord Elgin's say- ing that free navigation and reciprocal trade with the States are indispensable to put her people in as good a position as their neighbours. If Great Britain can with justice say that she has paid heavily for the defence of Canada, Canada can witli equal justice reply that she has paid heavily, in the way of commercial sacrifice, for the policy of Great Britain. Under the pressure of necessity the faction-fight was suspended, and a coalition government, after some haggling, was formed (1864) with Confederation as its object, the Grit leader, Mr. George Brown, and two of his friends entering it, with Sir John A. Macdonald and his Conservative colleagues, under the figure-headship first of Sir Etienne Tache and, on his death, of Sir Narcisse Belleau. The spectacle was seen, as a speaker at the time remarked, of men who for the last twelve years had been accusing each other of public robberies and of every sort of crime seated on llu; ^liiiisti-rial benches side by side. Delegates, comprising the leading men of botli parties, were appointed by the Governors of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, at the instance of the several legislatures. They met and drew uj) a scheme which, having been submitted to the legislatures, was afterwards carried to LnndiMi, thne (iiiallv settled with 142 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. the Colonial Office, ami fiiibodiecl liy the Imperial rarliaineiit ill the Ih-itish Xoith America Act, which forms the instru- ment of Confederation. The consent of the Canadian Legis- lature was freely and fairly given by a large majority. That of the Legislature of New Brunswick was only obtained by heavy pressure, the Colonial Office assisting, and after strong resistance, an election having taken place at which every one of the delegates had been rejected by the people. That of the Legislature of Nova Scotia was drawn from it, in defiance of the declared wishes of the people and in breach of recent pledges, by vigorous use of personal influence with the members. Mr. Howe, the patriot leader of tlie Province, still held out and went to England threatening recourse to violence if his people were not set free from the bondage into which, by the perfidy of their representatives, they had been betrayed. But he was gained over by the promise of office, and those who in England had listened to his patriot thunders and had moved in response to his appeal, heard with surprise that the orator had taken his seat in a Federationist administration. I'rince Edward Island bolted outright, though high terms were offered her by the delegates,^ and at the time could not be brought back, though she came in some years afterwards, mollified by the boon of a local railway for the construction of which the Dominion paid. In effect, Confederation was carried by the Canadian Parliament, led by the politicians of British and French Canada, whose first object was escape from their deadlock, with the help ^ In the autumn of 1866, Mr. J. C. Pope (Premier of Prince Edward Island) went to England "and an informal offer was made through him by the delegates of the other provinces, then in London, settling the terms of Confederation, to grant the Island ?S00,000 as indemnity for the loss of territorial revenue and for the purchase of the proprietors' estates, on condi- tion of the Island entering the Confederation." — History of Prince Edward Island, by Duncan Campbell, p. 180. VII THE UNITED PROVINCES 14g of the Home Government and of the Colonial Governors acting under its directions. The debate in the Canadian Parliament fills a volume of one thousand and thirty-two pages. A good deal of it is mere assertion and counter-assertion as to the probable effects of the measure, political, military, and commercial. One speaker gives a long essay on the history of federations, but without much historical discrimination. Almost the only speecli which lias interest for a student of political science is that of ]\Ir. Dunkin, who, while he is an extreme and one-sided opponent of the measure, tries at all events to forecast the working of the projected constitution, and thus takes us to the heart of the question, whether his forecast be right or wrong. Those who will be at the trouble of toiling through the volume, however, will, it is believed, see plainly enough tliat whoever may lay claim to the parentage of Confederation — and upon this momentous question there has been much controversy — its real parent was Deadlock. Legally, of course, Confederation was the act of the Imperial Parliament, wliich had full power to legislate for dependencies. But there was nothing morally to prevent the submission of the plan to the people any more than there was to prevent a vote of the Colonial Legislatures on the project. The framers can hardly have failed to see how much tlie Constitution would gain in sacredness by being the act of the whole community. They must have known what was the source of the veneration with wliich the American Constitution is regarded by the people f)f the United States. The natural inference is that the politicians were not sure that they had the people with them. They were sure that in some of the provinces they had it not. The ocal Ij-gislature to a certain extent. The want of this jiowcr was the great source 160 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. of weakness in tlic United States, and it is a want that will be remedied by an aniendnient in their Constitution very soon." This could not refer to a mere power of restraining excesses of jurisdiction on the part of State Legislatures, since such a power is already possessed and constantly exercised by the Supreme Court. In like manner Mr. Dorion, Mr. Joly, and other opponents of the scheme assume that the veto is general, and regard it accordingly with suspicion. The point of these remarks will hereafter appear. Thus, constitutionally, the Canadian Dominion is less federal and more national than the American Eepublic. Practically the reverse is the fact, because in the case of the American Eepublic the unifying forces, economical and general, of which the power increases with the advance of commerce and civilisation, have free action, the barrier of slavery being now removed ; whereas in the case of Canada their action is paralysed by geographical dispersion, com- mercial isolation, and the separatist nationality of French Quebec. The American President is elected by the people at fixed periods, and for a term certain. Ho and his Cabinet have no seats in Congress, nor has he any part in legislation except his veto and such influence as his position in the party may enable him to exercise behind the scenes. The framers of the American Constitution were full of Montesquieu's false notion about the necessity of entirely separating the executive from the legislative, and probably also of that supersensitive dread of the presence of placemen in the popular assembly which in England gave birth to the Place Bills. The Canadian Premier, like the British Premier, is elected by the people at periods rendered uncertain by the power of dissolu- tion, and for so long only as he can keep his majority in the VIII THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION 161 House of Commons. On the other liand, he and his Cabinet have seats in Parliament, where, with their majority at their back, they initiate the most important part of legisLation and control the whole of it. Assuming that government is to be by party, the Canadian and British system has clearly the advantage in respect to the conduct of legislation. The American House of Representatives is apt for want of leader- ship to become a legislative chaos. Order and the progress of business are secured only by allowing the speaker, who ought as chairman to be neutral, to act as the party leader of the majority, and control legislation by a partisan nomination of the committees. A speaker having thought it right to con- tine himself to his proper duties, anarchy prevailed and legis- lation was at a standstill till a masterful and unscrupulous partisan got into the chair, when legislation and expenditure marched with a vengeance. Tiie advantage, we say, depends on the existence of government by party ; for, were party out of the way, there seems to be no reason why a legislative assembly with a competent chairman should not get on with its business as well as an assembly of any other kind. Another plea which may be "made for the Canadian system is tliat by a sure and constitutional process it brings the executive into agreement with the legislature and with the people by whom the legislature is elected, whereas wlien President Andrew Johnson entered upon a course of policy directly at variance with the policy of Congress no renietly could be found except the very rougli remedy of impeach- ment. It is on this account that some Canailians boast that tlieir .system is more democratic than that of tlie Americans, and taunt the American llejtublic with being monarcliical and even autocratic. (h\ the other hand, the American system gives the country .M 162 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION cnAi'. a stable executive independent of the il actuating majorities of the legishitive chamber and of those shifting combinations, jealousies, and cabals which in France, and not in France alone, have been making it almost impossible to find a firm foundation for a government. The American Executive for the four years of the Presidential term is independent; it would be so at least were it not for the baleful influence of the power of re-election. As it is, the veto is sometimes exercised most uprightly and with the best effect, while the Presidential Government, raised in some measure above the party strife, enjoys a dignity and a measure of national respect which to the party Premiership are denied. A Canadian Premier always engaged in party fighting and manoeuvring, perpetually on the stump, stoops to acts which, if done by an American President, would cause great scandal. The American system moreover has the advantage of sometimes admitting to the Cabinet and to the highest service of the State men of high administrative ability who are not party managers and rhetoricians. Such selections indeed have been not un- frequently made. Turgot would probably have been a bad Parliamentary leader and a failure on the stump : he could hardly have made his M^ay into a Parliamentary Cabinet ; but in an American Cabinet, supposing his name had become known as an administrator and a master of political science, lie might have found a place. Of the Presidents themselves, several have been men who, thougli attached to the party by which they were nominated, had not spent their lives in the party war, and their patriotism and breadth of view have been greater on that account. \Vlien we come to compare the Canadian Senate with its American counterpart, though the form and the nominal power are the same, the actual difference is great indeed. vui THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTIOX 163 The American Senate, elected by the State Legislatures, is in the full sense of the term a co-ordinate branch of the Federal Congress with the House of Eepresentatives, rejects the Bills passed by the House with perfect freedom, and with equal freedom initiates legislation on all subjects except finance. It has a veto on appointments, and can in this way put strong though irregular pressure on the Executive. It has a veto on all treaties, as Foreign Governments which have the misfortune to negotiate with that of the United States know to their cost. Of late, under a violent stress of party exigency, it has been bringing a stain upon its record. It has been consenting to a Tariff Bill, the folly of which no man of sense can fail to see, and doing in regard to the admission of new States and the decision of Senatorial elections what no party exigency can excuse. Faction corrupts all that it touches. There is also a growing belief that wealth exerts an undue intiuence both directly and indirectly in Senatorial elec- tions. Still the power of the Senate remains tlie same ; its authority is generally regarded by Americans as the sheet- anchor of the State, and a seat in it is, after the Presidency, the highest prize of American ambition. The Canadian Senate nominated by the Crown is, on the contraiy, as nearly a cipher as it is possible f(jr an assembly legally invested with large powers to be. The question as to the constitution of the Upper House when it came before the framors of the Dominion Constitution was not mooted in Canada for the first time. Under the old Constitution, first of the separate tlien of the United Provinces, the Ix^gislative Council, as tlir Upper House was tlien called, liad been nominated by the Crown. This system had been pronounced a failure ami a < liaiigc to the elective system was one of the reforms which follo\v«'d the tninsfer fjf .siijtrciiK! j»o\\it from the Ciouii to the people. 164 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION eiiAP. Lord Kh^iii was in favour of the change, though he saw as he thought that among its advocates, with some whose aim was Conservative, there were others whose aims were "subversion and pilhige." He expressed his belief " that a second legis- Lative body returned by tlie same constituency as the House of Assembly under some differences with respect to time and mode of election would be a greater clieck on ill-considered legislation than the Council as it was then constituted ; " and he predicted that Eobert Baldwin, who opposed this with other organic changes, and having got what he imagined to be the nearest thing to the British Constitution wished to cast anchor, would, if he lived, find his ship of State among unexpected rocks and shoals. His own ideas, perhaps,were not very clear. He wished to introduce the elective principle, yet in such a way as not to exchange " Parliamentary Govern- ment," which was his idol, for " the American system," which he abjured ; but in what essential respect a system with two elective Chambers and with supreme power vested in the representatives of the people would differ from the American system he might have found it difficult to explain. In 1856, however, as has been already said, the change was made and the system adopted was that of election by popular vote, the suffrage being the same as that for elections to the House of Commons, but the electoral divisions much larger, and the term eight years instead of four. The alternative of election by Provincial legislatures of course could not present itself under the legislative union. The experiment of an Upper Chamber elected by the people appears not to have been successful, tlie labour of canvassing the extended electoral divisions being found so oppressive by candidates that the best men declined to come forward. It is curious that the Fathers of Confederation when they came to debate the con- VIII THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION 165 stitution of their Upper House seemed to thiuk that their only choice was between the retention of election by popular suffrage and a return to the system of nomination by the Crown. It did not occur to them apparently that as they were about to erect Provincial legislatures corresponding to the State legislatures of the Americans they might vest in these the election of the Senate. Their chief reason for rejecting the elective principle and going back to nomination appears to have been that if the Senate felt the sap of popular election in its veins, its spirit would become too high, it would claim equality as a legislative power with the House of Commons, perhaps even in regard to money bills, and collision between the Houses would ensue. But these are perils in- separable from the system of two Chambers. Wherever tlie power is divided between two assemblies, collision may at any time arise, and if the collision is prolonged deadlock may ensue. There has been legislative deadlock or something very like it at Washington when one of the political parties has had a majority in the House of Representatives and the other in the Senate. You cannot have tlie advantages of union and division of power at tlie same time. To construct a body which, witliout claiming co-ordinate authority, shall act as a Court of legislative revision, and as the sober second- thought of the community, is practically beyond the power of the political architect. He must try to ensure sobriety where he places power. To suppose that power will allow itself on important matters to be controlled by impotence is vain. Evidently the image of tlie House of Lords hovered before the minds of the builders of the Canadian Constitution, liut tlie House of Ixjrds lias never acted as a court of h-gislative revision or as an organ of the nation's .sober second-thought. It has acted as the House of a jirivileged order, resi.sting all 166 CANADA AND TIIK CANADIAN QUESTION chai". change in the interest of privilege. It resisted r;ulianientary reform till it was overborne by the threat of a swamping creation of peers. All the power which it retains is the power of hereditary rank and wealth. Nothing analogous to it exists or can exist in Canada, and in framing Canadian institutions it ought to have been put out of sight. Nomination having been chosen it followed that the ap- pointments should be for life : nothing else could give the nominees of the Crown even a semblance of independence. r>ut the result is a nullity, or rather an addition to the number of vicious illusions, since the sense of responsibility in the Lower House may be somewhat weakened by the impression, however false, that its acts are subject to revision. The Senate is treated with ironical respect as the Upper House and surrounded with derisive state. The decorations of its Chamber surpass those of the Commons' Chamber as the decorations of the Lords' Chamber surpass those of the Commons' Chamber at Westminster. The members sit in gilded chairs, are styled Honourable, and on all ceremonial occasions take precedence of the holders of real power. But these, like the observance paid to the Governor-General and his Vicegerents, are merely the trappings of impotence. The Senate neither initiates nor controls important legislation. After meeting for the Session it adjourns to wait for the arrival of Bills from the Commons. About once in a Session it is allowed to reject or amend some measure of secondary importance by way of showing that it lives. It is supposed to be sometimes used by the j\Iinister who controls it for the purpose of quashing a job to which he has been obliged to assent in the Lower House. Measures of importance may sometimes be brought in first in the Upper House, for the sake of saving time, but they never originate with it. At VIII THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION 167 the end of the Session the measures passed in the Lower House are hurried througli the Upper House with hardly time enough for deliberation to save the semblance of respect for its authority. Its debates are rarely reported unless piquancy happens to be lent to them by personal altercation. Nobody dreams of looking to it for the second-thought of the nation, or imagines that in any political emergency it could serve as the sheet-anchor of the State. Men of a certain class may seek seats in it for the sake of the title, the trappings, and whatever of social grade may be attached to membership. To some possibly the annual payment of a thousand dollars and mileage may be an attraction. But Senatorships are not sought from the promptings of a generous ambition or a desire to render active service to tlie country. Almost the only serious business of the Senate is sitting in judgment, as tlie House of Lords used to do, on divorce cases, an incongruous function, exercised because the French Catholics will not allow the Dominion to have a regular Divorce Court.^ The experience which led under the Union to the reform of the old nominee Legislative Council and the judgment of Lord Elgin on that subject are confirmed ; and it is proved that under the elective system nothing which is not based on election can have power. It is true that the work of those who instituted the nominee Senate has hardly had a ftur chance. They may have reckoned on a Ijroad, tolerably iinjiaitial, and patriotic exercise of the power of appointment. They may have had before their minds an assembly comprehending representatives of national eminence in all lines, not the agricultural und mercantile only, but tin- professional, tlu' scientilic, thf ('dui-a- ' Thanks to tilt; fxcrtioiis of .Scniitor (Jnwiiii, hoimtliiii;,' iiinri' of tlio character of a n-f^iilar I)ivoric (Jimrt 1ms nccnlly Ih-cii j^'ivcii to tin- Sciiiitr. 168 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN CjUESTION cuav. tionul, and opi'iiing its doors to men capable of doing good service in special departments of legislation, as well as of lending by their character and attainments dignity to the Legislatnre, but without inclination or aptitude for the party ])latform or tlie turmoil of popular elections. Even the Bona- partes tried to make their Senate respectable by giving it a character of this kind. But of the seventy-six Senators of Canada, all but nine^ have now been nominated by a single party leader, who has excercised his power for a party purpose, if for no narrower object. "My dear P , I want you before we take any steps about T. Y 's appointment to see about the selection of our candidate for "West Montreal. From all I can learn W. W will run the best. He will very likely object ; but if he is the best man you can easily hint to him that if he runs for West Montreal and carries it, we will consider that he has a claim to an early seat in the Senate. This is the great object of his ambition." This letter, from a Prime Minister to a local party manager, illustrates at once the sort of work which a Canadian Prime Minister does and the principle upon which he uses his power of appointment to the Senate. Money spent for the party in election contests and faithful adherence to the person of its chief, especially when he most needs support against the moral sentiment of the public, are believed to be the surest titles to a seat in the Canadian House of Lords, If there is ever a show of an impartial appointment it is illusory. When the expenditure of money is a leading qualification, commerce is pretty sure to be well represented. But no one will pretend that the general eminence of Canada is represented by its Senate. No intel- ' This includes some members of the old Legislative Council, in the selection of wliom the Act enjoined that consideration should be shown to both political parties. VIII THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION 169 lectual or scientific distinction finds a place, while illiteracy scarcely excludes those who have served a party leader well. The age of the members as a body would in itself preclude active work. It will be seen from the letter just quoted that the Prime Minister treats the Governor-General as a perfect cipher in regard to these appointments, and looks upon the patronage as entirely his own. Propose that a party leader shall in his own name nominate one branch of the Legislature and you will be met with a shout of indignation ; but under the name of the Crown a Prime Minister is allowed to nominate a branch of the Legislature without protest of any kind. Such is the use of fictions ! A life tenure, though it makes a nominee more independ- ent than a tenure for a term of years, does not make him entirely independent of the power wliich created him, though it does make him entirely independent of the people and of public opinion. He is still eligible for political office as well as for a baronetcy or a knighthood. He has sons and nephews. The other day a controversy having arisen about the quality of cloth furnished to the Militia for uniforms, it transpired that the contractor was a member of the Senate. In the case of the British House of Lords general independ- ence is secured, apart from any mode of political appoint- ment, by hereditary rank and wealth, and tliere is usually nothing to be feared but the bias of the privileged order. That of seventy-six members all but nine wouUl ever be the nominees of a single party leader the framcu's of the Constitution can liardly have anticipated. Hut they did anticipate a preponderance of dilfcrent parties in tin; two Houses which might Ijring on a c(;llisioii hikI a di-aillock. Against this they tried to ])rovid(; by an cxiicdicnt Ixinowcd from tlie Hrilish method of constitutionally coercing 170 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. the House of Lunls. To swaiiij) an adverse majuiity in tlie Senate a Minister is allowed to create three or six extra Senators. The device is both clumsy and invidious, besides being open to exception as a recognition of the party prin- ciple. But weiglited down as the scale now is wiLli the following of a single politician, an additional creation of six would have no perceptible effect u])on tlie balance. If the other party should come into office, and the Senate under the iniluence of tiie Outs should be inclined to give trouble to the Ins, there is no way of bringing it to its senses short of a revolution. Instead of being a mere cipher, it may possibly become an active source of evil if it ever allows itself to be used as an engine by the man to whom the majority of its members owe their nominations, for the purpose of embarrass- ing the Government when he is out of power. In imitation of the Constitution of the United States, which recognises the federal principle by giving two Senators to each State witliout regard to population, the Canadian Act of Federation assigned an equal number of senators (24) to each of the great divisions of the Dominion, Ontario, Quebec, and the ^Maritime Provinces. Provision was made for the extension of tlie principle to provinces thereafter to l)e admitted. As the Senate was to be distinctively federal, re- presenting the provinces, the House of Commons was to be national, representing the people of tlie whole Dominion. In the House of Commons and the Ministers whose tenure of office depends upon its vote supreme power centres. In this the Canadian Constitution is a faithful copy of that of Great Britain. But copying the Constitution of Great Britain not for Canada only, but for all communities like Canada, is perilous work unless they understand their model more VIII THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION 171 distinctly than it is understood at home. The House of Commons was not originally intended to be the Government or even the Legislature. The Government resided in the Crown, and the House of Commons was merely the repre- sentation of the people summoned by the Crown to grant it money, and at the same time to inform it about the state and wants of the country. Through its hold over the purse it gradually drew to it supreme power and in effect became the State. But it at the sam; time ceased to be in reality a popular assembly, and became, though in irregular and illegitimate ways, a representation of the wealth and high political intelligence of the nation. In this phase of its existence it was oligarchical, no doubt, and legishited in the interest of a class, but it was a powerful and dignified assembly capable of governing the country. It was enabled to be what it was because England had a large leisure class at liberty to devote itself to public life and to serve the country without wages. It is now as a consequence of demo- cratic change rapidly losing this character, and it is at the same time becoming an anarcliy and a bear-garden incapable either of legislation or of government, incapable even of putting down the feeblest rebellion or preserving the integrity of the nation. A commercial colony has no such class as that which supplied the members of the House of Commons in the palmy days of that body. It lias very few men of wealth and leisure, still fewer of those who, having iidierihHl wealth, are at liberty from their youth, if they jjossess the sense of duty or the ambition, to devote themselves to politics. The chiefs of commerce, the leading maiuifaeturers and the bankers, the lawyers and physicians who an- in ^ 1 practice, the substantial and tlie wealthiest membei-s of the community generally, cannot alVord to leave their business 172 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. and spt'iul four luontlis of every year in ratlier petty politics at Ottawa, to say notliing of tlie drafts made upon their time by canvassing, correspondence with constituents, and the fell demands of the stump. It is necessary therefore to have recourse for politicians to an inferior class of men, and too often to those who have failed in other industries or prefer living on the public to living by the sweat of their brows. Go to one of these assemblies, look behind the thin line of ability or of political experience presented by the front bench, and you will see the connection of effect with cause. Business interests and the necessity of looking after legisla- tion which affects their trades will draw to Parliament a certain number of commercial men, and these probably will be about the best material that you will get, though they are not likely to be statesmen, while they are likely to have interests of their own. This is not a criticism upon the work of the framers of the Canadian Constitution alone ; it applies to the whole system of governing through supposed imitations of the British House of Commons. "When you have in making up your legislature to call in the country lawyer, the country doctor, the storekeeper, the farmer, the payment of members plainly becomes a necessity. The salary of a thousand dollars and mileage is small, but it is enough to tempt a man hanging rather loose upon industry, or a country practitioner with little practice. Advocates of the system assume the case to Ije, that the electors having chosen a poor man for his worth it is requisite in order to secure to them his services to give him a salary, whereas the fact may be, that the salary induces the poor man to compass heaven and earth in order to press himself on the electors. To French members, whose habits are very frugal, the indemnity is said to be sometimes a livelihood, and there is VIII THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION 173 reason to believe that their umvillingness to risk the loss of it forms something of a practical check upon the Minister's use of the power of dissolution. Public men of the higher stamp have been heard to condemn the system as apt to call into activity local intriguers who devote themselves to capturing beforehand the favour of the constituency, and close the avenue against worthier candidates whom the election day might otherwise bring forward. The revolutionary party in England appears to have taken up payment of members as a democratic measure. It is democratic with a vengeance, and is a pretty sure way of turning the highest of callings into a trade not so high. Still where there is no leisure class, or where the leisure class is excluded from public life, as a needy man cannot live on his sense of duty, you have to choose between paying him regularly and letting him pay himself in irregular ways. Of the two evils the first is clearly the less. Among the American errors, of which even Liberals who took part in founding the Canadian Confederation promised themselves to steer clear, was universal suffrage. Canadian suffrage in those days was comparatively conservative, the qualification being practically ownership of a freehold, which was not beyond the reach of any industrious and frugal man. But the inevitable Dutch auction has been going on, alike in Dominion and in Provincial politics, and it is evident that to universal suffrage — to manhood suffrage at least — Dominion and Provinces will soon come. Already they have come to its very verge. Thus power will be transferred from the freehold fiirmers to people far less con- servative, and at the same time fnjni the country to th<^ city. It has already becm mentioniul that the; public school system does its work but imperfectly in educating the dangerous 174 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN gUESTION ciiai>. class. As ill Cireat Britain so in Canada, the politicians who style tlieniselves Conservatives vie in the competition with tliose who call themselves Liberals, and like their com])c'ers at Westminster "dish the Whigs." It was a Conservative Minister that extended the franchise to Indians, who, it was anticipated, would have patriotism and intelligence enough, if proper inducements were lield out to tliem, to vote for the Government candidate. The same Minister attempted, prob- ably with the same strategical motive, to give the franchise to women, but tlie conservatism of his French supporters, in regard to the relations of the sexes, forced him to withdraw his proposal. Canadian politics are also exemplifying a weakness of democracy wliich though little noticed by political writers is very serious — its tendency to narrow localism in elections. In the United States tlie localism is complete, and the ablest and most popular of public men, if lie happens to live in a district where tlie other party has the majority, is excluded from public life. In England, before the recent democratic changes, places were found on the list of candidates for all the men of mark, wherever they might happen to live, and a good many non-residents are still elected, though localism has evidently been gaining ground. In Canada there is a chance still for a non-resident if he holds the public purse, perhaps if he holds a very well-filled purse of his own, but as a rule localism prevails. Even the Prime Minister of Ontario, after wielding power and dispensing patronage for eighteen years, encounters grumbling in his constituency because he is a non-resident. A resident in one electoral division of Toronto Avould be rather at a disadvantage as a candidate in another division, though the unity of the city, commercial and social, is complete. The mass of the people VIII THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION 175 into whose hands power has now passed naturally think much less of great questions, political or economical, than of their own local and personal interests ; of these they deem a local man the best champion, and they feel that they can correspond more freely about them with him than with a stranger. Besides they like to keep the prize among them- selves. Such, in the exercise of supreme power, are the real tendencies of those whom collectively we worship as the people. That the calibre of the representation must be lowered by localism is evident ; it will be more lowered than ever when the rush of population, especially of the wealthy part of it, to the cities shall have concentrated intelligence there and denuded of it the rural districts. The Hare plan, of a national instead of a district ticket, would immensely raise the character of the representation if it could be worked ; but it assumes a level of intelligence in the mass of the people far above what is likely for many a generation to be attained. In the meantime as, on the one hand, the local man represents the choice of nobody outside his own district, and on the other hand men are excluded by localism whom the nation at large would elect, the net outcome can hardly be with truth described as an assembly representing the nation. liut the most important point of all in tiie case of Canada, as in that of every other Parliamentary country, is one to which scarcely an allusion was niaritish Colonies, has hitherto refused, in spite of all overtures, to come into Confederation, and her decision seems now to be final. The owners of her boats, who are the owners of her fishermen, probably think that their interest is better served by remaining ii\nui ; 200 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chav. perhaps she also looks witli alarm on the growth of Confedera- tion debt. The Confederation, on the other hand, by taking her in would annex a very bitter local feud between Orangemen and Catholics, commit itself to the naval defence of an island, add to the Fisheries question with the United States a similar but more dangerous question with France, in which she would have her own French against her, and open a new field of political corruption. To link together the widely -severed members of the Confederation two political and military railways were to be constructed by united effort as Federal works. The first was the Intercolonial, spanning the vast and irreclaimable wil- derness which separates Halifax from Quebec. This has been constructed at a cost of $40,000,000, and is now being worked by the Go^'ernment at an annual loss, the amount of which it is difficult to ascertain, but which is reckoned by an independent authority at $500,000. The Canadian Pacific has also been constructed at a cost to the Dominion in money, land grants, guarantees, com- pleted works and surveys of something like $100,000,000, though it was promised by the original project that there should be no addition to taxation. Of the military value of these lines, and of their availalulity as a route for the transmission of troops from England to India, it is for military men to judge. At the time when the Inter- colonial was projected, the two British officers of artillery, whose pamphlet has been already cited, pointed out that the line would be fatally liable to snow -blocks. It would be awkward if, at a crisis like that of the Great Mutiny or that of a Russian invasion in India, the reinforcements were blockaded by snow in the wilderness between Halifax and Quebec. We need hardly take into account such a chance as IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 201 that of the closing of Halifax harbour by ice, which happens not more than once in tliirteen or fourteen years. It is a more serious consideration that the line where it approaclies the northern frontier of Maine runs, if the enemies are the Americans, within easy reach of a raid. Still more exposed to hostile attack is the Canadian Pacific, which runs along the northern shore of Lake Superior, the southern shore of which is in the hands of the Americans, and for 800 miles across the prairie country where the frontier is perfectly open. In the mountain region there are points at which, if an enemy could get at it with dynamite, it might, as the writer has been assured on competent authority, be blocked for months. Against snow-blocks and against avalanches, which are frequent, careful provision on a large scale is being made ; but landslides also are frequent in that region, where it has been jocosely said " the work of creation is not quite finished." One of them blocked the course of the great Thompson Eiver for forty-eight hours. But the fact is constantly overlooked in vaunting the importance of this line to the Empire that its eastern section passes through the State of Maine, and would, of course, be closed to troops in case of war witli any power at peace with the United States.^ In sending troops to India there would be two transliipments, a consideration the importance of which again it is for tlie War Office to determine. ' "Yh^ Quarterly lievleu; for example, .spokeof the Canadian I'acific Railway as running fronr "start to finish " over British ground, tlioiigh the line wa.s at that very moment apjdying for bonding jirivilegrs to the (Joverninent of the United States. I take the ojjportunity of repeating tliat the statement of the Quarterly, that I had been going about the United States trying in vain to jwrsuaile the Americans to annex Canaila, is liaseless. The only occasion on which I spoke jmldicly of the political relations of Canada with the United States was at a debating society in New York, where I had been invited to take jiart in the discussion ; and what I .said on that occasion was, in olfect, that political union was a (pieHtion for the future, while the improvomout of 202 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai'. As a commercial road the Intercolonial is a failure, for the simple reason that there is not, nor is there likely to be, any trade of the slightest importance between Canada and the Maritime Provinces of tlie Dominion. Small must be its receipts for local tratiic between <^)uebec and Halifax or St. John. Its commercial usefulness will be reduced, if possible, still lower if not altogether destroyed, now that the Canadian Pacific, its reputed consort in tlie great Imperial scheme, cuts it out by taking the route, 200 miles shorter, througli the State of Maine ; nor can the condition to which it will probably be reduced by commercial depression fail to tell upon its efficiency even as a military road. What are the success and prospects of the Canadian Pacific as a commercial road we shall be better able to say when the earnings of the original and national line between Ottawa and the Pacific coast are distinguished from those of the Eastern and American extensions, which are no part of the original and national enterprise. So far as the profits of the Canadian Pacific Piailway are made at the expense of the Grand Trunk they are made at the expense of a road which has done a great deal more for Canada than the Canadian Pacific llailway itself, and in which £12,000,000 sterling of British capital are invested. As a colonisation road its achievements are very doubtful. It has strung out the settlers along a line of 800 miles, carrying them far away from their markets and their centres of distribution, raising their freights, and, what is worst of all, depriving commercial relations was the question of the present. The story published in the Qiuirterhj about a rebuke administered to me for my Annexationist sentiments by General Sherman, at the banquet of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, is also a pure fiction. The General spoke before me, he spoke to his own toast, and my speech on that occasion was confined to the commercial question, the political question being mentioned only to exclude it.— G. S. IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 203 them of the advantages of close settlement which in a wintry climate are particularly great. Many emigrants it carries all down the line to British Columbia, whence, there being hardly any land for them to take up, they pass into the Pacific States of the Union. In one of the emigrant trains there were found ten persons bound for British Columbia and fifty- eight bound for places in the United States. Besides this, the monopoly granted to the Company in consideration of the sacrifice of commercial to military and political objects in the laying out of the line long weighed like lead upon the rising community. To this, in conjunction with the tariff and with some unfortunate land regulations made both by the Company and the Government, it is due that whereas Dakota and Manitoba started eighteen years ago on nearly equal terms, Dakotahas a populationof over500,000,whiletliat of Manitoba is about 150,000. At one time Manitoba was brought to the verge of despair : men who had been members of a Conserva- tive Government were leaving her for the United States. Yet the Ottawa Government, in pursuance of its political aims obstinately maintained the monopoly by the exercise of its veto, and was supported in so doing by its compliant majority in the Dominion Parliament. Suddenly, on a transpar- ently hollow pretext, it changed its course. Tlie province petitioned the Crown for a hearing before the Privy Council, and it is commonly believed that the British Government then sent the Ottawa Government a liint, to which tlie Ottawa Government gave ear. Manitoba wouhl otherwise liave escaped ruin only by secession, and a Canadian Government which boasts that by its statesmansliip the Confederation is held together, and excuses the most equivocal practices by that plea, would itself have been the; immediate autlior of dis.solution. 204 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. Tliere is one point of view in which tlic history of tlie Canadian Pacific J Jail way is most instructive. It was originally proclaimed as a purely national and imperial enterprise which was to assure the perpetual separation of Canada from the United States, frustrating for ever the designs of American ambition, and in which no Yankee was in any way whatever to take part. So everybody said and Sir George Cartier swore. An American firm was in the syndicate ; an American, now Vice-President of the United States, was the first Vice-President of the Company ; a genuine American was the first manager and is now President. The line runs through the State of Maine ; it connects the Canadian with the American railway system not there only but at the Sault Ste. Marie and at its Pacific terminus. It is an applicant for bonding privileges at Washington, and in danger of being brought under the Inter- State Commerce Act. It is in fact, or soon will be, as much an American as a Canadian line. Tlie C. P. E. even discriminates in its freights, involuntarily no doubt, against Canadians and in favour of Americans.-^ Such is the outcome of designs for the suj)- pression of geography and nature. In opening a trade among the Provinces, a natural trade at least, these inter-provincial railroads have failed, for the ' ^ The following is from an official source : " 1st. The rate on wheat from Winnipeg to St. John, N.B., is 50 cents, and to Halifax, 63i cents per 100 )>ounds. These are rates for traffic when carried by the C. P. R. alone. 2d. The rates on wheat from Minneapolis to Portland, Me., is 42^ cents, Bo.ston, 42| cents, and New York, 37^ cents per hundred pounds. These rates ajjjjly where traffic takes the route from Minneapolis via the " Soo Line" and C. P. R., and were made effective Jan. 1st inst. Prior to that date each of the above rates was 5 cents less per 100 pounds. 3d. The first-class rate on general merchandise from St. John, N.B., to Winnipeg is §2.64 per 100 pounds, and from Montreal §2.08 per 100 pounds. These rates apjily via the C. P. R. 4th. The rates on first-class general merchandise from Portland and Boston to Minneapolis is §1.05 per 100 pounds, via C. P. R. and "Soo Line." IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATIOX 205 simple reason that the Provinces have hardly any products to exchange with each other, and that means of conveyance are futile when there is nothing to be conveyed. " I take," says Mr. Lougley, the Attorney-General of Nova Scotia, " the solid ground that naturally there is no trade between Ontario and the Maritime Provinces whatsoever. Without the aid or compulsion of tariffs scarcely a single article produced in Ontario would ever seek or find a market in Nova Scotia or the other Maritime Provinces. In like manner, unless under similar compulsion, not a product of the Maritime Provinces would ever go to Ontario. Twenty years of political union and nine years of an inexorable Protectionist policy designed to compel inter-provincial trade have been powerless to create any large trade between these two sections, and what it has created has been unnatural, imhealthy, and consequently profitless." As illustrations, Mr. Longley points out that Ontario sent to the United States S7,000,000 worth of barley, timber to the same value, and §4,000,000 wortli of animals and their produce, but to the Maritime Provinces none ; while, on the otlier hand. Nova Scotia sent to the United States also in spite of heavy duties 82,000,000 worth of fish, S600,000 worth of minerals, and 8500,000 worth of farm products ; sending none to Ontario. " Of the geniune natural products," continues Mr. Longley, " Nova Scotia sends practically nothing to Ontario. If the exports of Nova Scotia to Ontario are carefully studied, it will be found that they consist chiefly of refined sugar and manu- factured cotton, the product of two mushroom industries called into existence by the Protective system, and which do not affect one way or another tlie interests of 500 individuals in the entire province of Nova Scotia." To aiiy one who may ask why this state of things exists, "God and nature," 206 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. he says, " never designed a trade between Ontario and tlie Maritime Provinces. If I have a barrel or ton of any com- modity produced in Nova Scotia, and I desired to send it to Toronto or Hamilton, tlic cost of sending it thither, unless it were gold, would probably be more than the value of the commodity. But I can at any moment put it on board of one of the numerous vessels or steamers which are daily leaving every port in Nova Scotia for Boston and send it to that city for twenty or thirty cents. If I desired to go to Toronto and Hamilton to sell it I should have to mortgage my farm to pay the cost of the trip, whereas I can go to Boston and back for a few dollars." ]\Iuch more would he have to mortgage his farm if lie carried liis bales to Calgary or Vancouver. The moral drawn by Mr. Longley is, " that the Maritime Provinces have no natural or healthy trade with the Upper Provinces, but with the New England States ; that the Upper Provinces have no natural trade with the Maritime Provinces, but with the Central and Western States adjoining them ; that Manitoba has no natural trade with the larger provinces of Canada, but with the Western States to the south of her ; that British Columbia has no trade with any part of Canada, but with California and the Pacific States. In other words, that inter -provincial trade is unnatural, forced, and profitless, while there is a natural and profitable trade at our very doors open and available to us." The harvests of the North-West, as they cannot be moved south, go along the Canadian Pacific Railway to the sea. If an Asiatic trade comes to Vancouver the tea will be carried across the Continent. But this is not inter-provincial trade, nor, being merely of a transitory kind, can it add much, beyond the railway freight, to the wealth of the Dominion. The French province, the people of which live on the IX FRUITS OF COXFEDERATION 207 produce of their own farms and clothe themselves with the produce of their own spinning, is uncommercial, and lies a non-conductor between the more commercial members of the Confederation. To force trade into activity between the Provinces and turn it away from the United States, giving the Canadian farmer a home market, and consolidating Canadian nationality at the same time, were the ostensible objects of the adoption in 1879 of a Protective tariff. The real object perhaps was at least as much to capture the manufacturer's vote and his contributions to the election fund of the party in power. Protectionists boast and enlightened men speak sadly of the course which opinion has been taking on this subject. It is true that through the extension of the suffrage the world has passed from the hands of Turgot, Pitt, Peel, and Cavour into those of a multitude ignorant of economical questions, swayed by blind cupidity, the easy dupe of protectionist sophistry ; and that fallacies which it was hoped liad been for ever banished have thus regained their power. But in the United States and Canada it is less mistaken opinion tliat has been at work than the influence of sinister interest. The Canadian politicians who framed the Protective tariff were not and had never professed to be believers in Protection. If tliey had been identified with any fiscal policy it was that of Free Trade, at least between Canada and her own Continent, Tlieir watchword liad been reciprocity of trade or reciprocity of tariffs, in other words, the enforcement of Free Trade by Ketaliation, which, though the purists of Free Trade may condemn it, is not protectionism Ijut the reverse. If they had formed their design, lh(!y niaskt'd it till the election wa.s over and declared that what they meant was not pro- tection but readjustment, fV)r wliich and f, yut Manitobans tell you that thongli (heir jHrsonal and raniily 214 CANADA AND TIIK CANADIAN QUESTION chai-. connections are cherished, us a community they are sev'cred from Eastern Canada. All the Provinces are under the British flag. All are united by the sentiments common to British Colonies and by historical associations. This they were before Confederation. That Confederation has as yet increased the community of feeling or strengthened the moral bond there is nothing in the attitude of the Provinces towards each other, political or general, to prove. So much as to the British I'rovinces. Of Quebec some- thing has been already said. If there is a word hateful to French ears it is amalgamation. Not only has New France shown no increase of tendency to merge her nationality in that of the Dominion ; her tendency has been directly the other way. She has recently, as we have seen, unfurled her national flag, and at the same time placed herself as the French Canadian nation, under the special protection of the Pope, who accepts the position of her ecclesiastical lord. At her head, and to all appearances firmly seated in power, is the chief of the Nationalist and Papal party, who bids Blue and Eed blend themselves in the tricolor and restores to the Jesuits their estates. The old Bleu or Conservative party, associated with the clergy of the Gallican school, which by its union with tlie Tories in the British Provinces linked Quebec politically to the Dominion, has fallen, as it seems, to rise no more. What life is left in it is sustained largely by Dominion subsidies of which the Ottawa Government makes it the accredited channel. " The complete autonomy of the French Canadian nationality and the foundation of a French Canadian and Catholic state, having for its mission to continue in America the glorious work of our ancestors," are the avowed aims of the Nationalist and Ultramontane press. Greybeards of the old Conservative school protest that all IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 215 this meaus nothing, that no design of autonomy has been formed, and that it is unjust to speak of French nationality and theocracy as dangers to Confederation. Whether the design has been distinctly formed or not matters little if the tendency is manifestly there and is gaining strength every day. Let those who prophesy to us smooth things take stock of the facts. When one community differs from another in race, language, religion, character, spirit, social structure, aspirations, occupying also a territory apart, it is a separate nation, and is morally certain to pursue a different course, let it designate itself as it can. French Canada may be ultimately absorbed in the English-speaking population of a vast Continent ; amalgamate with British Canada so as to form a united nation it apparently never can. In the Swiss Confederation there are diversities of race, language, and religion, but the union is immemorial ; it was formed and is held together by the most cogent pressure from without; its territory is compact and surrounded by a mountain wall ; the races and religions are interlocked, not confronted like two cliffs, and the division into small cantons tends to avert a broad antagonism of forces. After all, Switzerland has had its Sonderbund, and the Jesuit, whose intrigues gave birth to the Sonderbund, is now dominant in Quebec. Quebec sends her representatives to the Federal Tarliament. But their mission is not to take counsel witli the other representatives of the nation so much as to look to tlie separate interest of Quebec, and above all to draw from the treasury of the Dominion all that can be drawn in aid of her em])ty chest. Thoy let pass no opportunity of doing thf.'ir duty to her in tliat line. On one occasion th(iy stayed out of tlie Jlmise haggling with Iht; Government till the bell had rung Un- a division, when the Government gave way, (Quebec, a.s revelations going on at 216 CANADA AXIJ THE CAXADIAN QUESTION ciiAi-. this moment show, is politically corrupt, and by her corruption she may be held in the Union, but of what benefit the Union will be to her partners, or how they will be indem- nified for the expense, it is not easy to see. Her people, savinjT the Protestant traders of Montreal and the remnant of British commerce at Quebec, being very poor, their contribu- tion to the common revenues is small. The creative genius of Lord Lome, besides a lloyal Society and a Eoyal Academy, bestowed on Canada a National hymn. Tiie hymn should have been written in alternate stanzas of French and English. The beauty of the French language, the brilliancy of French literature, the graces of French character, the value of the contributions made by France to the common treasure of civilisation, on which Governors-General preaching harmony dilate, are by nobody denied. But supposing Quebec to be the depositary of all French gifts, mere vicinity to them is little worth when the separation in all other respects is as complete as if seas rolled or Alps rose between. France may enrich the store of humanity, but the store of the Dominion, material or moral, is not enriched by simple want of homo- geneity and harmony among its members. The last deliverance on this subject from the French side is La Question du Jour, by M. Faucher de Saint- Maurice. The author puts tlie question, " Shall we remain French ? " and answers it with a thundering "Yes," hurling his anathemas at all wliom he suspects of a desire to bring about denationalisation. A curious and instructive part of the pamphlet is that which, in portraying the emotions of Quebec on the occasion of the Franco - German war, displays the passionate attachment of New France to her own mother country. " At the thought of the struggle in which the land IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 217 of our fathers is engaged tlie French blood stirred in our veins, as though it had never been chilled, and we shouted for the flag of our mother country as if it had never ceased to wave over our heads." " We admire the United States, whose prosperity dazzles us, but France alone is the object of our passionate love." " Our thoughts and our hearts belong to our mother country." We have seen that Sir George Cartier, of all Frenchmen the most British, spoke in a similar strain. In the event of a war between Great Britain and her most probable enemy, on which side are we to suppose that the hearts of the French Canadians would be ? After reckoning up all the elements of French population and strength, including 108,605 " Acadians " in the Maritime Provinces, M. Faucher de Saint-lMaurice concludes by saying, " With courage, with perseverance, with union, with effort, and above all with a constant devotion to our religion and our language, the future must be ours. Sooner or later, marching on together, we shall arrive at the position of a great nation. The logical conclusion of my work can only be this — One day we shall be Catholic France in America." This wi-itcr, at all events, has formed his design. The coping-stone and the symbol of nationality in the Con- stitution, it has been already said, was the national veto on Provincial legislation, that vast power, as Sir Alexander Galt,^ one of the Fatliers of Confederation, called it, and that palla- dium, as he deemed it, oi Protestant and civil rights in Quebec, which might otherwise be exposed without defence to Ultramontane aggression. Yet this coping-stone of nation- ality, this palladium of civil right, both the i)arties have abandoned or reduced to nullity uiidn' tlu! jircssuri- of the French-Catholic vote. In tlif transfer of Quebec fmin France ' Churr/i and SOi/r, l.y Sir Altxaii-I.i T. Call, K.C.M.C,, 187(3. 218 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chat. to Britain the revenues of the parish clergy were secured with the religion of the people, but the estates of the religious orders were left to the pleasure of tlie Crown, and the Solicitor-General Wedderl)urn advised that wliile the other religious orders might be allowed to exist, tliat of the Jesuits, on account of its anti-national character, could not. Tlie Crown, as a matter of humanity, allowed tlie remaining Jesuits subsistence on the estates for their lives. In 1773 the Order was suppressed by the Pope. The estates then, at all events, fell to the Crown, which held them for the purposes of education, and ultimately transmitted them to the Province impressed with that trust. But the restored Order laid claim to the estates. The claim would have been met by any Government in Europe with derision. But Quebec had fallen under Jesuit influence. An Act was passed (1888) by the Provincial Legislature in whicli Protestantism has a merely nominal representation, assigning to the Jesuits the sum of $400,000 by way of compensation for the estates. To give colour to the transaction the sum of $60,000 was assigned to Protestant education. The Pope's name was introduced in tlie Act as arbiter of the arrangement. Apologists in Parliament pretended that this was a mere expedient of conveyancing ; but if it had been nothing else it would most certainly have been avoided. There could be no doubt about the spirit and intention of the Act ; had there been any it would have been set at rest when Mr. Mercier, as we have already said, before an assembly of Eoman Catholic Bishops and Clergy, boasted that he had emulated the glorious deeds of the American Eevolutionists by undoing the wrong done by George III. The Act was a rampant assertion of Eoman Catholic ascendancy by the endowment out of a public fund of an Order formed specially for the IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 219 subversion of Protestantism, and at the same time a recogni- tion of the Pope as the ecclesiastical sovereign of Quebec. Morally, if not legally, it was an excess of jurisdiction, since religion is not in the list of subjects with which the Provincial Legislatures are authorised by the Constitution to deal, while the endowment out of the public treasury of a professedly propagandist Order was certainly a religious measure and one of an extreme kind, as we should soon have been made to understand had the Legislature of Ontario endowed a Protestant mission for the subversion of the Poman Catholic Church. Yet such is the power of the French vote that both parties fell on their faces before it. The position of tlie Government was the worst, since the hollowness of its affected respect for Provincial self-government was betrayed by its own recent conduct in vetoing a Pailway Act of the ^lanitoba Legislature, the legality of which could not be questioned, in the interest of its auxiliary, the Canadian Pacific Railway. But a Liberal party, voting for the public endowment of Jesuitism, also cut a strange figure. Only thirteen members out of a total of 215 in the Dominion House, however, dared to uphold the national character of Confedera- tion, British ascendancy, the rights of the Civil Power, and the separation of the Church from the State. After the division, the members who had voted for the endown)ent of Jesuitism lulled their consciences, as they sometimes do, by singing " God save the Queen." Indignation, liowever, was aroused, great meetings were held at Toronto and elsewhere in Ontario to protest against tlie Act, and the most powerful movement that has yet been witnessed outside the party machines was organised under the name of Kqual Kight, and is still on foot. It aims at the repression of priestly influence in politics, and (»f French encroachment at the same time; 220 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. and its first fruits have been the abolition of Separate Schools and the discontiniiance of French as an official language in Manitoba. It is not religious or directed in any way against the faith or worship of the Roman Catholics, but political and purely defensive. It is religious at least only in so far as the Church, not less than the State, has an interest in tluit entire freedom of each from the interference of the other which is a great organic principle of society in the New World. The Maritime Provinces and those of the West have been imperfectly incorporated, if they can be said to have been incorporated at all, into the old political parties which have their basis in the two Canadas, and were formed before Con- federation upon questions and in interests with which the other Provinces had no concern ; the Conservative party being a combination of the reactionary clericism of Quebec with the Toryism and Orangeism of Ontario, the Liberal party being a counter-combination of the Liberals of Ontario with the misnamed Parti Rouge of Quebec. It can hardly be said that in the remoter Provinces a Dominion party, otherwise than as a combination for securing local advantages through the Dominion Government, exists. When the writer asked a denizen of the Pacific Coast what were the politics of his Province, the answer was. Government appropriations. Once more let Australians who propose to follow the example of the British North - American Provinces by forming an Australian federation remark that this, under our present system, means the creation of Federal parties, and that unless a basis of principle for Federal parties can be assigned, Government appropriations will be the basis. " There is a perfect scramble among the whole body to get as much as possible of this fund for their respective constituents ; cabals IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 221 are formed by which the ditlereut members mutually play into each other's hands ; general politics are made to bear on private business, and private business on general politics; and at the close of the Parliament the member who has succeeded in securing the largest portion of the prize for his constituents renders an easy account of his stewardship, with confident assurance of re - election." This picture, though drawn by Lord Durham of the legislature of a single colony, would be found to be heightened in its colours as well as extended in its scale when the constituencies were Provinces, and the members were the representatives of Provincial interests. It would be so at least unless such momentous issues and such a pervading spirit of Federal patriotism were awakened as have not yet been witnessed in the Canadian Confederation. In the want of a real bond among the members of Con- federation, the anti-national attitude of Quebec, the absence of real Dominion parties, and the consequent difficulty of holding the Dominion together and finding a basis for the administration must be found the excuse, if any excuse can be found, for the system of political corruption which during the last twenty years has prevailed. "Better Terms," that is, increased subsidies to Provinces from the Dominion treasury. Dominion grants for local railways and other local works and concessions to contractors, together with the patronage, including, as we have seen, appointments to the Senate, have been familiar engines of gcn-ernnient. It was a Con- servative member of the Senate who the other day, wlicn tlie usual batch of railway grants was ])ushed througli at the end of the Session, could not refrain from protesting against a vast system of briljory. Post offices and local works of all kinds are held out by (iovernnient candidates as bribes to 222 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. constituencies with an openness mIucIi would almost have scandalised a French constituency under the Second P^mpire, and it is painful to see how paltry an inducement of this kind will prevail. " The people of County want railways and other public works, and they all know that the policy of the Government regarding railways is liberal. If a Govern- ment supporter is elected, any reasonable request will be granted. It rests entirely with the Government candidate what will be done." Such is the language held. The result of an election won by the Protectionist Government the other day in Victoria County, was reported to the English Press as highly significant, and as showing that the people were against Reciprocity ; but the fact was apparent from the returns that the Government had gained its majority of 133 by two subsidies to local railways.^ Nova Scotia and New ^ Here are two specimens, which will probably be enough. The first is an extract from a circular letter of a Roman Catholic bishop to the electors of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, in favour of Sir John Thompson, Minister of Justice, and a member of the Bishop's communion. The second is the address (in French) of a Quebec member of the Dominion Parliament to his constituents. "Seventeen months ago you needed postal communication and facilities in various localities, and already you have no fewer than five new post-offices opened. You needed improvement in our railway tariff. Through Mr. Thompson's strenuous efforts you have obtained these. If you needed money to repair most useful public works or to complete others and to originate more, already no less than §34,346 has been placed at your disposal for that purpose, yet this magnificent sum is doubtless but an instalment of the amount which we may expect under the auspices of this most efficient bene- factor, to be expended for our advantage. Lastly, he has been mainly instru- mental in persuading the Cabinet to undertake and build a railway through Cape Breton as a Government measure. He has thus conferred an inestim- able boon to Eastern Nova Scotia, as well as on that fine island in whose prosperity we all feel the liveliest interest. In view of the foregoing undeni- able facts, I ask you, gentlemen, have you not every reason to be proud of your admirable representative and deeply grateful for what he has already achieved in your behalf, and confident tliat your public works, whether begun or only in contemplation, will be satisfactorily completed by him more likely than by men who now ask you to oust him. Indeed it is simply incredible IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 223 Bnmswick, as they suffer particularly from the commercial atrophy produced by severance from their natural markets, are specially opeu to the influence of the Treasury, and before an election a Nova Scotian, who is master of such arts, is actually that Hon. A. McGillivray is now under tlie impression that he can without office and in the cold shades of opjiosition serve you better than he can, an incomparably abler man, in the commanding position of Minister of Justice. It is plainly therefore your duty as patriotic citizens to resist such conduct and to vote one and all for the Minister of Justice, who so eminently deserves your confidence and esteem, and not to give him his discharge. In the exist- ing circumstances it would be an act of senseless ingratitude, a public calamity, and a lasting disgrace, for which I trust you will never be guilty of making yourselves answerable. In a word, to do yourselves full credit you ought not only to return Mr. Thompson, but to return him by an over- whelming majority. Gentlemen, I confidently leave the issue in your hands, and remain your devoted well-wisher and servant in Christ." "Les deux grandes questions politiques qui interessent le comte sont la construction de nos chemins de fer et les travaux publics. Au sujet du chemin de fer, j'ai fait un travail plus qu'ordinaire afin d'obtenir les subsides necessaires h, sa construction. J'ai envoye vingt-deux requetes k tous les honorables cures du comte afin de les faire signer, lesquels requetes demand- aient un subside de §100,000. Vingt requetes m'ont ete retournees couverte de dix-huit cents signatures ; deux ne m'ont pas ete renvoyees, je ne sais pourquoi. II est vrai que la demande de §100,000 n'etait pas suffisante selon ce que j'ai appris plus tard, et j'ai modifie ma demande en la portant h §239,000. " Tous les deputes Canadiens m'ont donne leur appui, et dix-huit Sena- tears ont signe ma demande que j'ai adressec au Conseil Prive. Jusqu'au dernier moment Ton m'a fait les plus grandes promesses. Sir Hector me disait toujours : ' Mon cher Couture, ne crains rien ; les subsides ne sont pas encore votes, mais nous n'oublierons pas ton comte.' Jusqu'au dernier mom- ent j'ai supporte le Gouvernement, nieme j'ai vote contre mes convictions, confiant dans les jiromesses (pii m'etaient faites. "Quand aux travaux publics, j'ai demande tellementque mes confreres me rejirocliaient de vouloir enlever les deux tiers des subsides du Dominion. J'ai demande §40,000 pour le comte, et j'avais encore les inenies jtromesses des Ministres. A la fin voyant (jue rien ne vcnait j'ai commence h m'ai)ercevoir que Ton voulait me jouer, et j'ai cm me rendre aux vu-ux du comte en refus- ant fl'aiiprouver une conduite anssi deloyaie, et j'ai vote contre Ic (louverne- ment. Je savais que le comte me reprocherait j'as d'avoir vote contre un gouvernement (pii ne voulait rien ni'accorder. C'est hut la (jucHtion dcM quin/o inillionM au ranisni in Freland, as well as the breach of intcrnatiitnal piuprii-ty wliich they involve, is freely admitted by American politicians. Similar resolutions from the same motive were ])assed by Can.'ulian I/'gi.glatures, both Federal and Provincial, tlje Con- 230 CANADA AND TllK CAXAIUAX <>rKsri()N ciiAi-. servativc I'leinier of the Doininioii, willi the Grand Cross of the Bath ui>()ii his breast, heading the way. Let Englishmen, before they welcome as the sincere expression of Canadian opinion, snch manifestoes as the Loyalty Resolution passed by the Dominion Parliament of last session on the motion of Mr. ]\[ulock, call to mind the fact tliat the same Assembly had before passed what was virtually a resolution in favour of the dismemberment of the United Kingdom. When Mr. William O'Brien came over to Canada with the avowed pur- pose of insulting, and if possible expelling from the country, Her Majesty's representative, those who, like the present writer, took an active part in opposing his irruption had the opportunity of seeing what the real influence of loyalty was among Canadian politicians compared with that of tlie Irish vote. That colonies would allow themselves to be used by Irish disaffection as levers for the disruption of the mother country was hardly foreseen as an incident of the system of dependence either by the opponents of the system or by its defenders. Unhappily, England herself is in no position to cast a stone either at Canada or at the United States, for subserviency to the Irish, nor has there been anything in the conduct of the lowest of Canadian or American vote-hunters to match with the conduct of British statesmen who have leagued with the foreign enemies of their country and accepted aid from theClan-na-Gael for the subversion of the Union. That the Irish should thus have been able by acting on the balance of parties to put the heads of the Anglo-Saxon common- wealths under their feet is surely a tremendous comment on the system of universal suffrage with government by faction. What has been said will serve to explain two things apparently enigmatic. One of these is the stability of the Canadian government, which, saving one interruption, has IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 231 reinaiued unchanged for more than twenty years, while in Australia the changes of government have been prodigiously rapid. There having been really no Dominion parties, none, at least, united by any great principle or important issue, the Opposition has hitherto had no ground of attack or battle- cry, wliile the Government, resting on its patronage and its bribery -fund has been always becoming more strongly en- trenched, and has been able to carry the elections, at which no great question was presented, by dangling before the eyes of constituencies the Federal purse. Its election fund has also been much 1 tetter supplied than that of the Opposition, which has had no corps of protected manufacturers to which to appeal, and no senatorships to hold out as prizes to the aspir- ing millionaire. The adverse influences which now threaten it, Nationalism in Quebec, by which its chief pillar is shaken, and the movement in favour of a reform in the tariff, which is evidently gaining strength, are of recent growth, and have never before had a chance of showing their force in a general election. The other phenomenon to be explained is the sin- gular division of the power, the Dominion government being in the hands of the Conservative party, while the govern- ments of the Provinces, saving the two least important of them, are in the hands of the Liberals. This has been supposed to prove that the people of the Dominion, whatever may be tht.'ir local leanings, are all united in favour of the fiscal system or " National policy," as it is called, of Sir John Macdonald. What it really jn-oves is that tlie Dominion bribery-fund is used in Dominion, not in Trovincial, t'h'ctions, and used with tin; more effect because a grcit many of the people, especially in tlie newly annexed I'rovinces, are com- jjaratively apathetic about the affairs of the Dominion, while they feel a lively interest in their own. The truth of this 232 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN (,)UESTION cua)-. solution is clearly shown in the case of Manitoba. To that Province, which has no manufactures, the tarilf is an unmixecl evil ; it is an evil of the most oppressive kind, and, could it be submitted to the votes of the people, there would be an overwhelming majority in favour of its repeal. Yet Manitoba, while in her local legislature out of tliirty-oiglit mendxa-s four only are Conservatives, sends to Ottawa a ( onservative dele- gation which supports the tariff, and not only the tariff but railway monopoly, against which the Province is a unit. When the election comes round, the government secures the seats by petty bribes and by promises. This, new settlements being for the most part needy, it is too easy to do, the more so as the principal settlers, who would be likely to be inde- pendent and patriotic, are too mucli occupied with their own affairs to go to Ottawa, wliile for a government to find " heelers " is never difficult. "We cannot help once more warning the Australians that Federation under tlie elective system involves not merely the union of the several States under a central government with powers superior to them all ; but the creation of Federal parties with all the faction, demagogism, and corruption which party contests involve over a new field and on a vastly ex- tended scale. It is surprising how little this obvious and momentous consideration appears to be present to the minds of statesmen when the (piestion of Federation is discussed. It is a strong comment on the Protection system that since its inauguration there has not only been no abatement, but apparently an increase of the exodus from Canada to the United States. It is reckoned that there are now on the south of tlie Line a million of emigrants from Canada and half a million of their children. A local journal finds that it has 300 subscribers in the United States, and believes IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 233 that iu fifteen years it must liave lost a tlionsaiul in that way; and from another journal, issued in one of the choicest dis- tricts of Ontario, we learn that the population there has been almost at a standstill. In one week 300 persons went from St. John and 400 frum Montreal. The Americans may say with truth that if they do not annex Canada, they are annexing the Canadians. They are annexing the very flower of the Canadian population, and in the way most costly to the country from which it is drawn, since the men whom that country has been at the expense of breeding leave it just as they arrive at manhood and begin to produce. The Aalue of farm property has declined in Ontario, according to the current estimate, 30 per cent, and good authorities hold that this estimate is within the mark. It would be wrong to ascribe either the exodus or the decline in the value of land directly and wholly to the fiscal system. There is a natural flow of population to the great centres of employ- ment in the United States, and there is no real barrier of a national or sentimental kind to check tlie current, the two communities being, in all save political arrangements, one. The depression of agriculture and tlie fall in the value of farms are common in a measure to the whole continent, and are consequent on the depreciation of farm produce, perhaps also, so far as the United States are concerned, on a change in ilie once frugal hal)its of the farnu-r. But if ('aiiada h;ul fiiir play, if she were within the commercial pali' of thi- Continent, by admission to a free market, combinetl with freedom of importing machinery, her minerals and other resources could be tunicil to thi; best account, slic would \ui\r mon,' centres of employment in herself, and lier farmers would have more mouths to feed. There is a shifting of the agri- cultunil i)opulation in the United States im well as in Canada, 234 CANADA AND TIIH CANADIAN QUESTION chap. and many lariiis have been deserted in Massachusetts and Vermont. lUit these people are not lost to their country : those who emigrate from Canada to the States are. The promise of the Protectionist legislator to the farmer that he would give him a ricli home market has at all events been signally belied. Xor is the wisdom of the policy demonstrated by a great decline in the value of that kind of property for which a special benefit was designed and the produce of which is the staple of the community. If the IM'Kinley Act remains iii force, the consequence will probably be an increase of the exodus. Especially, there is likely to be a largely increased exodus from Quebec, the agricultural products of which are not of a kind suitable for exportation to a distant market, so that, the near market being closed, the people will have to suffer or to depart. Strange to say, the exodus has told in favour of the stability of government ; not only because it forms a vent but because the emigrants, as a rule, are the most active-minded, and there are probably among them at least two Liberals for one Conservative. Government by subsidies and grants cannot be economic- ally carried on. Nor is the Canadian form of government in itself simple or inexpensive. Eight Constitutional Monarchies with as many Parliaments, four of the Parliaments having two Chambers, and the members of all being paid, are a con- siderable burden for a population under five millions and by no means wealthy. It is commonly said in Canada that we are " too much governed." Political architects in framing their Constitutions should have some regard for the cost of working among people whose wealth is not boundless. The work done by the eight Parliaments in the way of real legis- lation, apart from mere faction-fighting, would, if summed up, IX FRUITS OF CONFEDERATION 235 cut a poor tigure iu comparison with the expense. The eight Constitutional Monarchies have cost fully four millions of dollars since Confederation without doing any work at all. Hence, while the American debt, to whicli everybody pointed as a bugbear at the time of Confederation, has, notwith- standing the enormous squandering of public money by the tariff men, been rapidly decreasing, the Canadian debt has been almost as rapidly increasing, and now amounts to two hundred and forty nullions net, or S50 per head of the whole population. The gross debt is two hundred and eighty millions, while of the securities some are very doubtful. If the demand for subsidies continues, the Canadian question may be settled by finance. The Dominion has been immensely extended in territory since Confederation by the accession of the North-West and British Columbia. This extension has necessarily brought with it an addition of population and wealth, irrespectively of any stimulus given by institutions or political relations, though as we have seen, the growth of population in Manitoba and the rest of that region has been slow compared with its growth in the new States of the Union. But iu Old Canada the growth of population and wealth is far from having kept pace with their growth within the commercial pale of the continent, in the six years, 1S8U-8G, the natural growth of population in Ontario would have been 250,000, the actual growth was only 128,000. There is no estimate of tlie aggregate wealth, nor any means of distinguishing the savings of the people from the large auKnint of capital borrowed from England; but the visitfjr who crosses from the Americaii to the Canadian side of the Line and compares the cities and towns on one side with on tlie other can feel no doul^t a.s to the effect of exclusion from the commercial pale. 236 CANADA AND Till': CANADIAN QUESTION ciiai-. ix The Canadian people are industrious, energetic, and tln-ifty ; their country is ricli in resources. The political institutions or relations must be bad indeed whicli could altogether arrest their progress. But this does not prove that an ill-cemented Confederation is or can be well cemented, that figureheads are useful, that a Senate which does nothing is worth the expense, that a fiscal policy of the Dark Ages promotes industry and commerce, or that it is a good thing to be governed by corruption. Nor is there any pessimism in saying that the qualities and energies which in spite of an evil policy have done what we see, would under improved conditions do more. When Jingoism conspires with the party of commercial monopoly in the United States to bring on a tariff war, Canada is exhorted to show her fortitude, and told that if she does she will survive. No doubt she will survive ; but like her neigh- bour across the Line and England herself she wants not only to live but to live woM. CHArTEE X THE CANADIAN QUESTION Section I. — Dependence Xo one can now take up a Canadian newspaper or listen to a group of Canadians talking about politics without being made aware that Canada has the problem of her future before her. It is idle to suppose that Canadians will be prevented from discussing that problem or from conferring freely with their neighbours across the Line on a subject of the highest practical interest to both communities. If it is lawful for an ex- Governor- General of Canada to write on the Canadian question in an American magazine, suicly it is lawful for Canadians and Americans to interchange their thoughts in the way they find convenient. Kor will free discussion do any harm. Not a plough will be stopped on the farm, not a spindle will cease to turn in the factory, not a politician will in his hunt for a vote because this debate is going on. Statesman.ship is not niatle more practiciil oi- in any way improved by blindness to the future. The fruits of Canadian industry are being lavi.shed by scores of millions on ])olitical railways and other works, the object of which is to kee)) Canada for ever separate from her neii^diboui-. 11 pei-])etual separation is impossible, justice to tlu; jicople ni|uirf.s that this waste of their f*arnin"s shall cease. 288 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION en ai-. To answer at (uice the cries of treason Avhicli, as soon as tlu' main (pu'stion is approached, are raised by the oflicial world and by the Protected Manufacturers, let us say that no Canadian, and so far as we are aware no American, has ever proposed tliat Canada should change her political relations to the mother country without the mother country's assent. If the Crown and Tarliament of Great Britain sanction a change, the treason thenceforth will be in resistance. There must have been talk of the union between England and Scotland before it took place, and there has been talk of a union of Portugal with Spain ; but so long as all was open and with- out prejudice to national duty on either side there could be no treason. Let him who deals with tlie Canadian question first of all clear his mind of the confusion between a colony and a dependency. The proposal to put the coping-stone on colonial independence is branded as anti-colonial, Carthage was a colony but not a dependency of Tyre. The communities of Greater Greece were colonies, not dependencies of tlie Greece which sent them forth. The States of America are colonies of England, though they are dependencies no longer, and had they been let go in peace they would still be bound to the mother country by the filial tie. None are greater advocates of colonisation or cherish the link between the mother country and the colony more than those who are most opposed to the protraction of dependence. " Mother of free nations " is by all deemed the proudest title that England can bear, and a dependency is not a nation. The notion, peculiar to the moderns, that a colony ought to remain a dependency has its root not in any ground of reason or policy, but in the feudal doctrine of personal allegiance as an indefeasible bond between the liegeman and the lord. The founders of Xew X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 239 England believed themselves, as their manifesto shows, to be indefeasibly liegemen of King James. But this fallacy has long been dead, and by the recent naturalisation treaties it has been buried. That the colonies in the early stage of their existence needed the protection of the mother country against the rival powers of Europe was a more substantial but still only a temporary reason for the connection. A better way was at one time opened. It was agreed by the Treaty of Neutrality between Louis XIV and James II (1G86) that the colonies of England and France in America should remain at peace when the nations were at war. The Treaty came to nothing, but it pointed true. Another fallacy to be shunned, especially when the horo- scope of Canada is being cast, is that of treating " the Empire " in the lump, assuming a vital connection between all its parts and taking it for granted that the destiny of all of them is the same. Mr. Freeman may be rather rigorous on the sub- ject of political nomenclature, but he has done a service by showing that the term Empire has been greatly misapplied and that its misapplication leads to practical delusion. It applies only to India, the Crown Colonies, and the military stations, which alone are held by a tenure really imperial and governed with imperial sway. An Asiatic dominion extending over two hundred and fifty millions of Hindoos, a group of West Indian islands full of emancipated negro slaves, a Dutch settlement at the southern point of Africa, occupied to secure the old passage to India, a conquered colony of France in the Indian Ocean, a factory like Hong Kong, military or coaling stations like Gibraltar, Malta, and Aden — what have these in coniuiou, or why aic tlicy likely to b(! for all time bound up with groups of self-governing Ihitish colonics in North America or Australia? Why again should Canada and •210 CANADA AND 'lllK CANADIAN QUESTION chap. Australia be treated as it' their cases were identical, so that what is done with one must be done with the other, when Canada lies along the edge of a vast confederacy of kindred states with which are all her natural relations, di})loniatic and commercial, while Australia lies in an ocean by herself, and such external relations as she has are with China ? The real tie among the members of the motley group is England's command of the sea, which in successive wars has enabled her to pick off' the transmarine possessions of her enemies, lint the loud cries of high Imperialists I'or an increase of naval defences show that superior as Great Britain may still be in naval force to her rivals no single power any longer commands the seas. On the other hand, to fancy that because one possession or dependency is resigned all must go is surely a mere illusion, produced by the vague use of a common name for things which have nothing in connnon. Is England to be bound for ever, without any regard to change of circum- stances, on penalty of the loss of her greatness and at the risk of all her general interests, to hold every sugar island taken in the days of slave -grown sugar, every coign of vantage occupied in the struggle against the continental system of Napoleon ? When the cession of the Ionian Islands to Greece was proposed, the cry was raised that this would be the signal for general dissolution. Yet no dissolution ensued, nor was there any sign among the nations of diminished respect for Great Britain. She found herself all the stronger for being rid of a possession which in case of war must either have been garrisoned at a ruinous sacrifice or abandoned with disgrace, and the shrieks of dissolution were suspended, not to be raised again till the announcement of the cession of Heligoland. Let the Canadian question then be considered by itself and with reference to the circumstances of Canada, X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 241 not to those of Jamaica, Malta, South Africa, or Hon"- Kong. What is gained by the present system of dependence or semi-dependence as applied to Canada ^ Wlut ^yould be lost if it were exchanged for the filial tie ? That is a question which, as even Imperial Federationists proclaim, the course of events has practically raised. That the connection lays on Great Britain heavy responsibilities, both military and diplomatic, that it adds not a little to the burdens and perils of empire, is plain. Were England to withdraw politically from the American continent she would be quit not only of the diplomatic entanglements and disputes with the United States about boundaries and fisheries, but of the ill-feelinf^ which her presence on the continent enables her enemies in the United States to keep up against her, and which is adding seriously to her embarrassments in dealing witli the Irish question. Hardly could any fisher of Irish votes succeed in inflaming the American people against a nation in another hemisphere with which they would no longer be brought into contact. Wliat are the compensating advantages? The ex- clusive command of colonial markets which formed at least a substantial ground for the old colonial system, England has no more. No longer can she in the interest of her manu- factures forbid a colony to make a horseshoe or a nail. Instead of that the Dominion of Canada lays ])rotective iluties on her goods. The chief of that which calls itself the loyal party in Canada has asserted Canada'.s right to do this, whether Englishman, Scotchman, or Irishman likes it or not, in ringing and almost defiant tones. It is still held that the colony cannot in Ik.t tarill' discriminate against the niotlirr country'.s goods; this little nion; than sentimental privilege is all in the way of commercial advantage that Kngluml has ic 242 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ciiai>. now. It is said lliat trade follows the flag. It follows the flag at first to a new colony which has no manufactures of its own. lint apart from this and from national tariffs com- merce is no discerner of nationalities. If the trade of Canada with Great Britain has hitherto exceeded (though it no longer exceeds) her trade with the United States, it is not because the British market is maternal, but because it is free. Find the merchant who in making a purchase, even of the bunting for the flag itself, has asked on patriotic grounds where the goods were made, and you will have some ground for saying that trade follows the flag. Did not the trade of England with her American Colonies, instead of diminishing, increase from the time when the Union Jack was exchanged for the Stars and Stripes, evil as the day of separation had been? To take the book trade as an example. At the very time when, in consequence of the Trent affair, Canadian feeling was excited against the Americans, the vast bulk of that trade — prices then ruling low and copyrights of great popular works not having expired — was going to the United States. Patriotic or philanthropic movements in favour of particular markets have beenoftenset on foot,and to what have they come? As to Emigration, there w(;nt in the year 1888 of British emigrants to Canada 49,168, to the United States 293,099 ; while of those who went to Canada half at least passed on to the United States. What the emigrant wants is bread. That an Englishman in quest of employment will meet with a warmer welcome in Canada than in the United States is, as has already been said, a natural impression, but not the fact. There is nothing to make an emigrant prefer the British dependency to the Anglo-Saxon Colonies as his new home except the anti-British tone of American politics and of the American press ; and on this probably few intending emi- X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 243 grants bestow a thought. It suffices them to know that they are going where their friends have gone before them, and where they will be better off than they are at home. Besides, as we have seen, the emigration question has now entered on a new phase, and the people of whom the mother country wishes to be rid the colony is no longer inclined, or not so well inclined as it used to be, to receive. It looks as though England might have for the future to close her own ports against the influx of Polish Jews or foreigners of any race, and in this or other ways to set bounds to the growth of her own population and find means of feeding her offspring at home. Of dominion over the Colony barely a rag remains to the mother country, and even that remnant is grudged, and is being constantly nibbled away. The appellate jurisdiction of the Privy Council has been narrowed by the interposition of the Canadian Supreme Court ; there is a smouldering agitation for the transfer of the military command from a British to a Canadian officer, and with regard to commercial matters there is a gradual assertion of diplomatic independ- ence. This we have seen. The appointment of a Governor- General is about all that remains ; and it perhaps may not be long before the Colonies generally improve upon the ex- ample of Queensland, which asserted a veto, and, under some constitutional form of recommending a name to Her Majesty, take the appointment to themselves. That England can derive no military strength from a dependency 3000 miles away, without any army or navy of its own, and with an open frontier of 4000 miles, will surely be admitted by all, and is in effect ])roclaimed by Imperialists when they strive to goad Canadians into setting up a standing army. She cannot even derive that false sliow of strength solemnly styh-d "prestige": the weakness 244 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. is too patent and too confessed to deceive even an opponent capable of taking pasteboard for a stone wall. Enlist soldiers in Canada England may, if she chooses to pay much higher wages than she pays her soldiers now, and perhaps bounties into the bargain ; so, as the enlistments during the Civil War showed, can the American Government. The soldiers would no doubt be good, though British ofhcers might have some trouble with democratic recruits not brought up like the British peasant to obey a gentleman. But Canada will never contribute to Imperial armaments at her own expense. Even Australia, which is more British than Canada, and has no New France in the heart of it, seems not likely to send another regiment at her own expense to an Imperial war; and when it was faintly proposed in Canada to emulate Australia in devotion there was a chorus of dissent. Conservative organs showing special anxiety to relieve their Government of the suspicion. The Conservative leader in Canada has intimated that the Colony will help the mother country only in case of defensive war ; and he evidently did not regard as defensive the war in Afghanistan or that in Egypt. The mercantile marine of Canada claims the fourth place among those of the world. It is often spoken of as a nursery for the British navy. The mercantile marine of Great Britain can of course draw from it freely in case of need, as does the mercantile marine of the United States — for of those American fishermen about whose rights diplomatists contend the majority are said to be Canadians. But the new warships require seamen specially trained for the service. Besides, while people are dilating upon the military and naval resources of Canada as aids in time of need to the mother country, French Canada is left out of sight. Let the War Office ask the Canadian High Commissioner whether he thinks that Quebec would, under X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 245 any conceivable circumstance, send contingents or subsidies to British armaments, or allow the Dominion, which is con- trolled by the French vote, to send them. Tlie most likely antagonist of England is France, and in a war between France and England the hearts of the French Canadians, if not their arms, would be on the wrong side. There was no difficulty in raising Papal Zouaves. "There are," says Sir George Cornewall Lewis,^ "supposed advantages flowing from the possession of dependencies which are expressed in terms so general and vague that they cannot be refen-ed to any determinate head. Such, for example, is the glory which a country is supposed to derive from an extensive Colonial Empire. We will merely remark upon this imagined advantage that a nation derives no true glory from any possession which produces no assignable advantage to itself or to other communities. If a country possesses a dependency from which it derives no public revenue, no mili- tary or naval strength, and no commercial advantages or facili- ties for emigration which it would not equally enjoy though the dependency were independent . . . such a possession cannot justly be called glorious." These are the words of a ^linister of the Crown and a colleague of Lord Palmerston. Great Britain may need a coaling station on the Atlantic Coast of North America, not for the purposes of bluckade, which could no longer have place when all danger of war was at an end, but for the general defence of her trade. Safe coaling stations and harbours of refuge, rather than territorial dependencies, are aijjmrenlly wliat the great exporting country and the mistress of tin; carrying trade now want.s. New- fijundland would be a safe and uninvidious possession, and it lias coal, though bituminous and not yet worked. The Ameri- ' Kuay on the GuVfrnmrnl of JJej>fiulenciea, \>. 'S6\>. 246 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ciiai-. cans do not covet islands, for the defence of which they would have to keep up a navy. The island itself would be the gainer ; there would be some chance of the development of its resources ; with nothing but the fishery the condition of its people seems to be poor. Let England then keep New- foundland. Cape Breton is rather too close to the coast, otherwise it has coal in itself, and Louisbourg might be restored. The strength of England is and always has been in herself, not in her dependencies. Alone she fought and van- quished Louis XIV and Napoleon, as well as Philip IL Some sepoys sent to Egypt in the war with France, some sepoys brought to the Mediterranean fourteen years ago as a demonstration against Russia, the regiment raised by Australia for the campaign in the Soudan — these are about the total amount of military contribution ever drawn by the Imperial country from what is called the Empire. Black regiments were raised in the West Indies, and the 100th Regiment was originally raised in Canada, but at Imperial expense. On the other hand, one dependency at least has drawn heavily on Imperial resources in an hour of extreme peril. "When Wellington faced Napoleon at Waterloo he must, as he looked on the raw^ levies or foreign auxiliaries around him, have thought with bitterness of his victorious veterans who were on the wrong side of the Atlantic, engaged in what, as the conquest of Canada was the American aim, was really a Colonial war. Had Canada then been in the American Union her friendly vote might have turned the scale of its councils generally in favour of England. The British in the United States have hitherto to a great extent declined naturalisation, repelled perhaps by the political feeling against their native country. But they have now been persuaded to take the wiser course, and are being naturalised in great X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 247 numbers. As soou as their vote makes itself felt, tlie intluence of the Irish vote and of the enemies of England on politics will decrease. The Nova-Scotian vote is said to have told the other day in Massachusetts. No other kind of aid will it be in Canada's power to lend. If this assertion is ques- tioned, let the Canadian Government be called upon, while yet it is time, to say plainly what assistance, military or naval, it is able to afford, and in what contingency the assistance will be afforded. Sir Henry Taylor cannot be said to have forfeited his character as a patriotic Englishman when he wrote, as Under- Secretary for the Colonies, to Lord Grey : " I cannot but regard the North-American Provinces as a most dangerous possession for this country, whether as likely to breed a war with the United States or to make a war otherwise generated more grievous and disastrous. I do not suppose the Provinces to be useless to us at present, but I regard any present uses not obtainable from them as independent nations as no more than the dust in the balance compared with the evil con- tingencies." It may be said that this was written in 1852, and that since that time we have had new lights. Some persons may have had new lights ; but those who have not are no more unpatriotic in saying that the possession and that its uses are as dust in the balance compared with its evil contin- gencies than was Sir Henry Taylor. Now on the side of the Colony. The disadvantages of dependence stare us in the face. If to be a nation is strength, energy, and grandeur, to be less than a nation is to have less than a full measure of all these. Nor can any «»ne who has lived in a dependency fail to see that the high spirit of inde- pendence is not there. Its absence is marked by and uneasy .self-assertion, by a misgiving which sometimes lurk.s 248 CANADA AND TlIK CANADIAN QUESTION chap. uiidcr iiu outward boastfulness, by a constant craving for the notice of the Imperial country, coupled with a jealousy of lier superiority and of the supposed pretensions of those who belong to her. To live not to yourself but to another man, said the philosopher of old, is moral slavery, and a dependency lives to the Imperial country, not to herself. The full pride of country cannot have place, nor can the full attachment to country. The social centre of the rich and eminent is in the Imperial capital, and in their social centre are their aspira- tions and their hearts. There is not found in Canada the same public munificence which there is in the United States ; nor are there found, as in the United States, great citizens who, without going into public life, without coveting its prizes, recoiling perhaps from it altogether, as it is under the party system — still take an active interest in all questions which deeply concern the welfare of the comnmnity, head movements of reform, political as well as social, throw them- selves even into the political conflict when the salvation of the State hangs in the balance, and in a measure neutralise the evil influence of faction and its retainers. The depend- ency shares, it may be replied, the greatness of the Imperial nation. It does ; but only as a dependent ; it bears the train, not wears the royal robe. Military and naval j)rotection Canada may be said to receive ; but it is protection of a very precarious kind. It is not pretended that the arm of England would save Canada from invasion : the most that is alleged is, that when Canada had suffered all the evils of invasion she would be redeemed by the pressure which the English navy would put upon the seaboard cities of the enemy. What amount of naval force Great Britain would be able to spare for the defence of colonial trade in case of a war between her and any other X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 249 maritime power is a question which must be answered by the Admiralty, whose utterances on the subject hitherto have not been comforting. But it could hardly be such as to prevent a rise in the rate of insurance such as, the market of the United States being half closed by the tariff, would ruinously reduce Canadian trade. The saving to Canada of military and naval expense is one of the great inducements always held out to her for adhering to the connection. The ohter is the saving of diplomatic expense, which, however, will not be com- plete if the proposal to have residents at seats of commerce, in addition to the High Commissioner at London, is carried out. Diplomatic expense is not found intolerable by Switzer- land, Denmark, Belgium, or Sweden, although they are mixed up with European diplomacy, of which Canada would be clear. In the balance against this claim to protection and this saving of expense must be laid the heavy weight of a constant liability to entanglements in the quarrels of England all over the world, with which Canada has nothing to do, and about wliich nothing is known by her people. Her commerce may any day be cut up, and want brought into her homes by a war about the frontier of Afghanistan, about the treatment of Armenia or Crete by the Turks, about the relations of the ])anubian principalities to Russia, or about the l)alance of jjower in Europe. No one in Canada who forms liis estimate of public sentiment through his senses and not through his fancy can doubt what the result would be. That in all diplomatic questions with the United States tlie interest of Canada has been .sacrificed to the Imperial exigency of keeping the peace with the Auiericans is the const^mt theme of Canadian conii)hiint. " I dt) not tliink " — these are the words of a Canadian knight — "that we arc under any deep debt of gratilmle to Kni^lish statesmen, that 250 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. we owe them much, unless, percliance, it may be the duty as Christian men to forgive them for the atrocious blunders which have marked every treaty, transaction, or negotiation which they have ever had with the United States where the interests of Canada were concerned, from the days of Benjamin Franklin to this hour, not excepting their first or second treaty of Washington." By the Treaty of 1783, confirming the independence of the United States, England not only resigned the territory claimed by each State of the Union severally, but abandoned to the general government immense territories "unsettled, unexplored, and unknown." That this was done partly through ignorance appears from the fact that in the Treaty the north-western angle of demarcation was fixed at tlie north-west corner of the Lake of the Woods, from which point of departure it was to run due west to the sources of the Mississippi ; whereas the sources of the Mississippi were afterwards found many hundred miles to the south, so that the line prescribed was impracticable.^ This is the beginning of a long and uniform story, in the course of which not only great tracts of territory but geographical unity has been lost. To understand how deeply this iron has entered into the Canadian soul tlie Englishman must turn to his map and mark how much of geographical compactness, of military security, and of com- mercial convenience was lost when Great Britain gave up Maine. The British statesman would with truth reply that he had done all that diplomacy could do, that he had gone to the very verge of war with the United States, and that with a world-wide empire and world-wide enmities on his hands he could not afford to go beyond. The Canadian, if he were ^ See article "How Treaty- makinf^ unmade Canada," by the late Lieut.- Colouel Coffin, Ottawa, in the Canadian Afonthly, May, 1876. X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 251 reasonable, would acquiesce, but he would feel that the sincerest wish to protect without the power was not protec- tion. A large portion of Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, and "Washington, Canada also thinks she has wrongfully lost. These are causes of discontent ; discontent may one day breed disaffection ; disaffection may lead to another calamit- ous rupture ; and instead of going forth into the world when the hour of maturity has arrived witli the parent's blessing, the child may turn in anger from the paternal door. About the advantages of political tutelage hardly a word need be said. Practically the idea has been abandoned. How could a democracy in Europe regulate, to any good purpose, the progress of a democracy in America about the concerns of which it knows almost nothing, and which is superior to itself in average education and intelligence ? British democracy has enough to do in regulating itself In former days, when the British Government consisted of the chief men of the nation exercising real power the illusion of tutelage was possible ; but who can believe that a colony is the better for being guided by the delegates of an English caucus? Even the best informed in England are still too uninstructed about Canada to interfere usefully in her affairs? If the days are gone by when the Admiralty could send out sentry-boxes for the troops, water- casks for a llotilla on Canadian lakes, and spars for the use of vessels in a land of pine, the writer has seen posted in England a jtroclamation of the Privy Council in whicli Ontario was culled " that town," and he has heard a well-educated Englishman con- gratulate a Canadian on the removal by the settlement of the Alabama question of all causes of enmity between Canada and Great Britain. The House of Connnons notoriously cannot be got to attend to colonial (questions, in the debate 252 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. Oil the Quebec Act it was near being counted out, and in the division which was to decide the constitution and laws of the dependency only seventy -two members took part. An Act relating to the South- African Confederation was passed in an all-night sitting held to beat obstruction. Nobody blames people for knowing or caring little about matters with which they have nothing to do. Canadians care and know little about Australia or the Cape of Good Hope. But to talk of tutelage is absurd. If Ikitish monarchists have continued to cherish the hope of establishing through the agency of Canada hereditary monarchy and aristocracy on this Con- tinent, and thus wresting from democracy a part of its ilominion, let that hope be for ever laid aside. The structure and spirit of Canadian as well as American society, it must be repeated, are thoroughly democratic. The homage paid to titled visitors from the old country and the social worship of the Governor-General are indications merely of personal habit, not of any political return to the past. Americans and Canadians are in this respect the same. In the hereditary principle there is not on the American Continent a spark of life. The abdication of the Brazilian dynasty was the knell. That democracy on the American continent and elsewhere may some day pass through faction into anarchy, and that out of the anarchy a strong government may arise, is among those possibilities in the womb of the future which no external power can help to the birtli ; but on the soil of the New World hereditary monarchy and aristocracy can never grow. Canada has received, it is true, large advances of British capital. Her debt to England has been reckoned at §650,000,000, though of the portion invested in the construc- tion of Canadian railways most may be practically written off. How far facility of borrowing is really a blessing to any X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 253 country is a question which need not be discussed. English capital is now pouring into the United States ; it has poured into the Argentine Eepublic, Spain, Eussia, Egypt, Turkey, Mexico, and every country in wliich it appeared that profitable investments could be found. Investment is as cosmopolitan as trade. Let Canada keep up her credit and the British investor will not curiously inquire whether the Governor-General is sent out from England or elected by the Canadians themselves. Sentiment then, apparently, is the sole life of the present connection. Of sentiment no one wishes to speak irreverently. But to be sound, it must after all have its root in some kind of utility, and when the root is dead the days of the flower are numbered. Besides it is but the exchange of one senti- ment for another which is more certain to endure. Why is the filial sentiment of less valuo than the sentiment of de- pendence ? It is surely ratlier the nobler of the two. The Greek colony which kept the fire taken from the mother country's altar always burning on its sacred hearth and assigned to the representatives of the mother country places of honour, effectively preserved, in its classic fashion, tlie bond of the heart ; and why should not the same thing be done in forms suited to our time by a Colony at the present day? Protracted dependence may imperil the filial tie if resentment is caused on either side by the failure to render services which can no longer be rendered, and perform duties which can no longer be performed. Section 1 1. — Indepkndknck (Junfederation was folhjwed by a niovenuMit in tin- direction of Independence, chiefiy among the young men of Ontario, 254 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. which was called " Canada First." The name was the title of a pamphlet written in 1871 by ]\Ir. W. A. Foster, a barrister of Toronto, which fired a number of young hearts. To in- dependence the movement manifestly tended, if this was not its avowed or definite aim. The authors of Confederation, to induce the people to accept their policy, had set before them glowing pictures of the resources of the country, and made strong appeals to patriotic pride, hope, and self-reliance. These produced their natural effect on ardent and sanguine souls. It happened that just at the same time the gener- ation of immigrants from England which had occupied many of the leading places in the professions and commerce was passing off the scene and leaving the field clear for native ambition, while the withdrawal of the troops also brought socially to the front the young natives who had before been somewhat eclipsed in the eyes of ladies by the scarlet. " Canada First" was rather a circle than a party : it eschewed the name of party, and the Country above Party was its cry. Some of the group were merely nativists who desired that all power and all places should be filled by born Canadians, that the policy of Canada should be shaped by her own interest, and that she should be first in all Canadian hearts. With some a " national policy " for the protection of Canadian manufactures was probably a principal object. But that to which the leading spirits more or less consciously, more or less avowedly, looked forward was Independence. That they aimed at raising Canada above the condition of a mere dependency and investing her with the dignity of a nation they loudly proclaimed, and they would have found that this could not be done without putting off dependence. " Canada First " was violently denounced and assailed by the politicians of the two old parties, who betrayed in their treatment of the X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 255 generous aspirations to which they had themselves appealed the real source of their policy and the spirit in which they had acted as the authors of Confederation. The Court of Ottawa also exerted its influence, including its influence over the masters of the Press, in the same direction. The movement found a leader, or thought that it had found a leader, in a native Canadian politician, who was the child of promise and the morning star at that time. But at the decisive moment party ties prevailed, the leader was lost, and the movement collapsed, not however without leaving strong traces of its existence, wliich are beginning to show themselves among the younger men at the present day. In one respect, at all events, the men of " Canada First " were right. They saw or at least felt — even the least bold and the least clear-sighted of them fell: — that a community in the New World must live its own life, face its own responsibilities, grow and mould itself iu its own way ; that Anglo-Saxon nations in North America could no more be tied for ever to the apron-strings of the mother country than England could have been tied for ever to the apron-strings of Friesland, or France to those of the mother country of the Franks. There was nothing on the face of it impracticable in tlie aim of " Canada First." There is nothing in nature or in political circumstances to forbid the existence on tliis Continent of a nation independent of the United States. American aggression need not be feared. The violence and unscrupulousness bred of slavery having jtassed away, the Americans are a moral people. It would not be j)ossible for Clay or any other demagogue now to excite them to an un- provoked attack upon another free nation or even to a encroachment on its rights. If tlieyhad lieen lilibusters they 256 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai'. would have shown it when they had an immense army on foot, with a powerful navy, and when they w-ere flushed with victory. The New England States, and the non-shivery element of the nation generally, were opposed to the War of 1812. An independent Canada, however inferior to tlieni in force, might rest in perfect safety by their side. But when " Canada First " was born the North- West had only just been acquired. British Columbia was as yet hardly incorporated, and the absolute want of geographical compactness or even continuity was not so apparent as it is now. Enthusiasm was blind to the difficulty presented to the devotees of Canadian nationality by the separate nationality of Quebec, or if it was not blind, succeeded in cajoling itself by poetic talk about the value of French gifts and graces as ingredients for combination, without asking whether fusion was not the thing wliich the French most abhorred. There is no reason why Ontario should not be a nation if she were minded to be one. Her territory is compact. Ilcr population is already as large as that of Denmark, and likely to be a good deal larger, probably as large as that of Switzerland ; and it is sufficiently homogeneous if she can only repress French encroachment on her eastern border. She would have no access to the sea : no more has Switzerland, Hungary, or Servia. Already a great part of her trade goes through the United States in bond. The same thing might have been said with regard to the Maritime Provinces — supposing them to have formed a legislative union — Quebec, British Columbia, or the North- West. In the North- West, rating its cultivable area at the lowest, there would be room for no mean nation. But the thread of each Province's destiny has now become so inter- twined with the rest that the skein can hardly be disentangled. X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 257 That the North-West, if it is not released irom the stranjiliiig tariff, may take a course of its own is not unlikely ; but it is unlikely that the course will be Independence. Section III. — Imperial Federation It was probably the sight of the tie visibly weakening and of the approach of Colonial independence that gave birth, by a recoil, to Imperial Federation. But the move- ment has been strangely reinforced from another source. Home rulers, who, under that specious name would surrender Ireland to Mr. Parnell, think to salve their own patriotism and reconcile the nation to their policy by saying that in breaking up the United Kingdom they are only providing raw materials for a far ampler and grander union. In the case of the late Mr. Forster, the only statesman who has seriously embraced the project, something might be due to the Nemesis of imagination in the breast of a Quaker. The Imperial Federationists refuse to tell us their plan. They bid our bosoms dilate with trustful enthusiasm for arrangements which are yet to be revealed. They say it is not yet time for the disclosure. Nor yet time when the last strand of political connection is worn almost to tlie thread, and when every day the sentiment opposed to centralisation is implanting itself more deei)ly in Colonial hearts! While we are bidden to wait patiently Ibr the tide, the tide is running .strongly the other way. Now New- foundland claims the right of making her own commercial agreements with the United States independently of other Colonies. Disintegration, surely, i.s on the jioiiit of being complete. At we may be told of whom the Confederation is 8 258 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai-. to consist. Are the negroes of the West Indies to be included? Is Quashee to vote on Imperial policy? But above all, what is to be done witli India? Is it, as a Canadian Federationist of thorough - going democratic tendencies demanded the other day, to be taken into Federation and enfranchised ? If it is, the Hindoo will outvote us by five to one, and what he will do with us only those who have fathomed the Oriental mystery can pretend to say. Is it to remain a dependency ? Then to whom is it to belong ? To a Federation of democratic communities scattered over the globe, some of which, like Canada, have no interest in it whatever? Its fate as an Empire would then be sealed, if it is not sealed already by the progress of democracy in Great Britain, Or is it to belong to England alone ? In that case one member of the Confederacy will have an Empire apart five times as large as the rest of the Confeder- ation, requiring separate armaments and a diplomacy of its own. How would the American Confederation work if one State held South America as an Empire ? Some have suggested that Hindostan should be represented by the British residents in India alone. If it were, woe to the Hindoos. Again, the object of the Association must surely be known. Every Association of a practical kind must have a definite object to hold it together. The objects which naturally suerjiest themselves are common armaments and a common tariff. But Canada, as we have seen, refuses to contribute to common armaments, and Australia, though she sent a regiment to the Soudan, now apparently repents of having done it. Great Britain is a -svar power ; the Colonists, like the Americans, are essentially unmilitary, and here would be the beginninjj of troubles. As to the tariff, the Canadian Protectionists, who make use of Imperial Federation as a X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 259 stalking-horse in their struggle against free trade with the United States, are always careful to say that they do not mean to resign their right of laying protective duties on British goods. Victoria also seems wedded to her Protective system. What remains but improvement of postal com- mvmication and a Colonial Exhibition, neither of wliich surely calls for a political combination unprecedented in history. Unprecedented in history the combination would be. The Koman Empire, the thought of which, and of its Civis Romanus sum, is always hovering before our minds, was vast, but it was all in a ring-fence. Moreover, it had its world to itself, no rival powers being interposed between Eome and her Provinces. It was an Empire in the proper sense of the term. Its members were all alike in strict subordination to its head. The head determined the policy without ques- tion, and danger to unity from divided counsels there was none. We confuse our minds, as was said before, by an improper use of the term Empire. The name applies to India, but to nothing else connected with Great Britain unless it be the fortresses and Crown Colonies. Our self- governed Colonies are not members of an Empire, but free communities virtually independent of the mother country, which for the purpose of Confederation would be called upon to resign a portion of their independence. Of the Spanish Empire it is needless to speak. Its name is an omen of disaster and a warning against the blind ambition which mistakes combination for union and colossal weakness for power. After all, the Roman Emj)ire itself fell, and ])artly because the life was drawn from the members to the head. The Acluean Lfjague, the Swiss P>und, the Union of the Netherlands, the American Union, all were perfectly natural 260 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. combinations, not only snggested but commanded by a common peril. In three out of the four cases the communities which entered into the compact were kindred in all respects ; in the case of the Swiss Bund they were equal. In the case of the Confederation now proposed, they M'ould be neither kindred nor equal ; and fasten the people of the British Islands, those of the self-governed Colonies, the Hindoo, the African, and the KafiBr together with what legislative clamps you will, you cannot produce the unity of political character and sentiment which is essential to community of councils, much more to national union. Steam and telegraph, we are told, have annihilated distance. They have not annihilated the parish steeple. They have not carried the thoughts of the ordinary citizen beyond the circle of his own life and work. They have not qualified a common farmer, tradesman, ploughman, or artisan to direct the politics of a world-wide State. How much does an ordinary Canadian know or care about Australia, an ordinary Australian about Canada, or an ordinary Englishman, Scotchman, or Irishman about either ? The feeling of all the Colonists towards the mother country, when you appeal to it, is thoroughly kind, as is that of the mother country towards the Colonies. But Canadian notions of British politics are hazy, and still more hazy are British notions of the politics of Canada. When John Sandfield Macdonald, the Prime Minister of Ontario, died, his death was chronicled by British journals as that of Sir John A. Macdonald, the Prime Minister of the Dominion. About India Englishmen know more, because their interest in it is so great ; but Canadians know nothing. The framers of these vast political schemes, having their own eyes fixed on the political firmament, forget that the eyes of X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 261 men iu general are fixed on the path they tread. The suffrage of the Federation ought to be limited to far-reaching and imaginative minds. A grand idea may be at the same time practical. The idea of a United Continent of North America, securing free trade and intercourse over a vast area, with external safety and internal peace, is no less practical than it is grand. The benefits of such a union would be always present to the mind of the least instructed citizen. The sentiment connected with it would be a foundation on which the political architect could build. Imperial Federation, to the mass of the people comprised in it, would be a mere name conveying with it no definite sense of benefit, on which anything could be built. To press this receding vision a little closer, what would be the relation of the Federal Government to the British monarchy? "Would the same Queen be sovereign of both ? Would she have two sets of advisers ? Suppose they should advise her different ways! Would she appoint, as she does now, the heads of all the other members of the Federation? It would hardly do to let the President of the United States appoint all the State (Governors. How would the Supreme Court be constituted ? Such an authority would certainly be needed to interpret the Constitution, and the monarchy would have to be a suitor before it. How would the decrees of the Federationists be enforced, say, in case of refusal to send the war cuntiugeiil '. How, again, would the representation in the Federal rarliument be apportioned ? If by population, the representation of the Islands would S(j outnumber the rest that the rest would deem their repre.sentation practically a nullity, and jealousy and cabals would at once arise. The very number, too, would be a diflicultv. If Clroat I'ritaiu had member-; in 262 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai-. l)roportioii to .St. Helena aiul iwji, the I'arliament would have to meet on Salisbury Plain. These are not questions of detail, nor do they attach only to a particular scheme : they are fundamental, and attach to every scheme that can be conceived. The Parliament of Great Britain must cease to be a Sove- reign Power. The Imperial Congress itself would not be a Sovereign Power. Like the Congress of the United States, it would be subject to the Federal Constitution, and would have so much authority only as that Constitution assigned it. The Sovereign Power would be in the people of the Empire at large, and a curious Sovereign they would be. The same person could not be the head at once of a Federation and of one of the communities included in it any more than the same person could be President of the United States and Governor of the State of New York. Her Majesty would have to choose between the British and the Pan- Britannic Crown. Canada is a Confederation in herself. Movements are on foot for a Confederation of the Australian Colonies and of those of South Africa. A Confederation of the "West India Islands has also been proposed. We should thus have a striking novelty in political architecture in the shape of a Confedera- tion of Confederations. But it seems certain that New Zea- land would not, and that some isolated Colonies could not, join any Federation, in which case the members of the Central Parliament would represent partly Federations, partly single communities. Strange apparently would be the complication of fealties, obligations, and sentiments which would hence arise. This Union, so complex in its machinery, with its members scattered over the world, and distracted by interests as wide X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 263 apart as the shores of its members, Home liulers think they could maintain, while they bid us despair of maintaining the Parliamentary Union of Irehmd with Great Britain. Even to assemble the Centralised Convention woukl be no easy task. The governments, British and Colonial, are all party governments and all liable to constant change. The delegate trusted by one party would not have the confidence of the other, and before the Convention would proceed to business somebody's credentials would be withdrawn. We have seen in the case of Canadian Confederation how Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island flew off I'rom the agreement at which their delegates had arrived. In truth there would probably be a general falling away as soon as payment for Imperial armaments came into view. The Federation would be nothing if not diplomatic. But whose diplomacy is to prevail? That of Great Britain, an European Power and at the same time Mistress of India? That of Australia, witli her Eastern relations and her Chinese question ? Or that of Canada, bound up with the American Continent, indifferent to every- thing in I^urope or Asia, and concerned only with her relation to the United States ? If wu may believe Sir Charles Dilke, Australia avows her intention of breaking away from England should British policy ever take a line adverse to her special interests in the East. Achaia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United States, all federated under the pressure of necessity, which, stern and manifest as it was, liad yet scarcely the power to overcome the centralised forces. To do the work of that necessity there ought at least to Ix' an ((luiiUy strong desire. Bui what proof liave we of the existence (jf such u desiri; ? Australia, far from being eager, seems to be adverse ; in some 264 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION ciiai-. of her cities the missionary of Imperial Federation can scarcely find an audience. From Soutli Africa comes no audible response. In British Canada the movement has no apparent strength except what it derives from an alliance with Protectionism, which, as has already been said, repudiates a commercial union of the Empire and insists on maintaining its separate tariff. To the French nationalists of Quebec any- thing that would bind their country closer to Great Britain is odious, and they were disposed to receive the present Governor-General coldly because they suspected him of favouring such a policy. In Great Britain itself the move- ment shows no sign of strength. For several years, under Lord Beaconsfield, Imperialism had everything its own way, yet not a step was taken towards Federation. That was the grand opportunity ; but Federationists failed to grasp it by the forelock. Xot a step has been taken to this hour beyond holding a meeting of Colonists, absolutely without authority, which dined, wined, and talked about postal communications, all power of dealing with the great question having been expressly withheld. Lord Beaconsfield's successor in the Tory leadership has plainly declined to commit himself to the project. We seem to be a long way from a spontaneous and overwhelming vote, nothing short of which would suffice. The approach to centralisation at once sets all the centrifugal forces in action ; it did this even in the case of American federation, so that the project narrowly escaped wreck ; and miscarriage would beget, instead of closer union, discord, estrangement, and perhaps rupture. Let us bear the warning example of the rupture with the American Colonies in mind. What is the real motive for encountering all the difficulties and perils of this more than gigantic undertaking, for running X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 265 laboriously counter to the recent course of Colonial history, as well as to the natural tendencies of our race, and for taking the political heart and brain, as it were, out of each of those free communities and transferring them to London ? We are told that the Federal Empire would impose peace upon the world. This assumes that dispersion is strength, and that Great Britain would be made more formidable in war by being bound up with unmilitary communities. But suppose it true, surely the appearance of a world-wide power, grasjiing all the waterways and all the points of maritime vantage, instead of propagating peace, would, like an alarm gun, call the nations to battle ! The way to make peace on earth is to promote the coming not of an exclusive military league but of the Parliament of Man, the moral Parliament of ^lan at least, by enlarging the action of international law and repressing the ambitious passions to which, however pliilan- thropic may be our professions. Imperialism really appeals. If no distinct object can be assigned, if no definite plan can be produced, if the projectors are conscious that there is no practical step on which they can venture, surely the project ought to be frankly laid aside and no longer allowed to darken counsel, hide from us the real facts of the situation, and prevent the Colonies from advancing on the true path. There is a Federation which is feasible, and, to those wlu» do not measure grandeur by physical force or extension, at as grand as that of which the Imperialist dreams. It is the moral federation of the wh(d(; English -speaking race throughout the world, including all those millions of men .speaking the English language in the IJnitcil States, and jtarted from the rest only a century ago by a wretched quarrel, whom Imjxirial iMjdcration wouM leave out of its 266 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN gUKSTIOX chap. pale. Nothing is needed to bring this about but tlie vuhin- tary retirement of England as a political power from a shadowy dominion in a sphere which is not hers. There is no apparent reason why, among all the states of our race, there should not be community of citizenship, so that a citizen of any one of tlic nations might take np the rights of a citizen in any one of the others at once upon his change of domicile, and without the process of naturalisation. This would be political unity of no inconsiderable kind without diplomatic liabilities, or the strain, which surely no one can think free from peril, of political centralisation. Unless all present appearances on the political horizon are delusive, the time is at hand when the upheaval of the labour world, and the social problems which are coming into view, will give the politicians more serious and substantial matter for thought than the airy fabric of Imperial Federation. The old project of giving the Colonies representation in the Imperial Parliament appears to have been laid aside. The objections urged against it by Burke on the ground of distance have been to a great extent removed by steam, though it miojht even now be difficult to call together a world-wide Parliament in time of maritime war. But the objection still decisive is that the Colonies would not put their affairs into the hands of an Assembly in which their representation would be overwhelmingly outnumbered. Nor could they trust representatives domiciled in London who, under the influence of London society, would be apt to be- come more British than the British themselves. These new countries, which have such difficulty in finding suitable men for their own legislatures, would have difficulty in finding men to represent them at "Westminster at all. They might X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 267 have to fall back on expatriated millionaires, in whom not the slightest confidence as representatives of Colonial sentiment conld be placed. Supposing that the members for the Colonies remained colonial, and tried to make up for their lack of numbers at Westminster by combining among them- selves and log-rolling, they might become a serious addition to the distractions of the British Parliament, which assuredly need no increase. Let it be taken as certain and irreversible that thi' Colonies will not part with any portion of their self-govern- ment. If a scheme can be devised by which they can be governed by an Assembly at "Westminster without any loss to them of self-government it may, supposing it to be presented to them in an intelligible and practicable form, stand a chance of consideration at their hands. Section IV. — Political Union Annexation is an ugly word ; it seems to convey the idea of force or pressure applied to the smaller State, not of free, equal, and honourable union, like that between England and Scotland. Yet there is no reason wliy the union of the two sections of the English-speaking people on this Continent should not be as free, as equal, and as honourable as the union of England and Scotland. We should ratlier say their reunion than tlieir union, for Itefore their unhappy schism they were one people. Nothing but the historical accident of a civil war ending in secession, instead of amnesty, ha.s made them two. When the Anglo-Saxons of England and those ot Scotland were reunited they had bfcn many ccnturie.s apart ; those of tlie United States and Canada liave been separated for one century only. The Anglo-Saxons of Eng- 268 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. land and Scotland liad the memory of many wars to estrange them : the Anglo-Saxons of Canada and the United States liave the memory, since their sejiaration, only of one war. That a union of Canada with the American Common- wealth, like that into which Scotland entered with England, would in itself be attended with great advantages cannot be questioned, whatever may be the considerations on the other .side or the reasons for delay. It would give to the inhabit- ants of the whole Continent as complete a security for peace and immunity from war taxation as is likely to be attained by any community or group of communities on this side of the Millenium. Canadians almost with one voice say that it would greatly raise the value of property in Canada ; in other words, that it would bring with it a great increase of prosperity. The writer has seldom heard this seriously disputed, while he has heard it admitted in the plainest terms by men who were strongly opposed to Union on poli- tical or sentimental grounds, and who had spent tlieir lives in the service of Separation. The case is the same as that of Scotland or Wales in relation to the rest of the island of which they are parts, and upon their union with which their commercial prosperity depends. The Americans, on the other hand, would gain in full proportion as England gains by her commercial union with Wales and Scotland, These inducements are always present to the minds of the Canadian people, and they are specially present when the trade of Canada, with the rest of her Continent, is barred by such legislation as the M'Kinley Act, when her security is threat- ened by the imminence of war in Europe, or when from internal causes she happens to be acutely feeling the com- mercial atrophy to which her isolation condemns her. Canadians who live on the border, and who from the shape X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 269 of the country form a large proportion of the population, have always before their eyes the fields and cities of a kindred people, whose immense prosperity they are pre- vented from sharing only by a political line, while socially, and in every other respect, the identity and even the fusion is complete. On the other hand, there is the aflection of the Colonists for the mother country, which has always been kind to them in intention, even if she has not had the power to defend their rights and her interference has ceased to be useful. This might prevail if imion with the rest of the race on this Continent, under the sanction of tlie mother country, would really be a breach of affection for her. ]?ut it woulil be none. It would be no more a breach of aflection than the naturalisation, now fully recognised by British law, of multi- tudes both of Englishmen and of Canadians in the United States. Let us suppose that the calamitous rupture of the last century had never taken place, that the wliole race on this Continent had remained united, and had parted, when the time came, from the mother counliy in peace ; where would the outrage on love or loyalty have been ? Admitted into the councils of their own Continent, and exercising their fair share of influence there, Canadians would render the mother country the best of all services, and tlie only service in their i)Ower, by neutralising the votes of her em-niies. Unprovoked liostility on the jiart of the American Republic to Great I'ritain would then become impossible. It i.s now unlikely, but not impossible, since there is no wicketlness which may not possibly be conunitted by di' pander- ing to Irish Ijatred. Nor need Canada give up any of tlie distinctive; character or liistorical associations which she lias preserved through 270 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. the contiiiuaucc of lier connection with the mother country. Scotland is still .Scotcli, and her idol Sir Walter Scott was tlie type at once of patriotic Ikitons and of Scotchmen. The Federal system admits wide local diversities, and if Ontario or Nova Scotia clings to the British statute-book, to the British statute-book it may cling. There is no reason even why Canadians, who like to show their s])irit by military celebrations, should not celebrate Canadian victories as the Scotch celebrate Bannockburn. Americans would smile. Of the antipathy to Americans sedulously kept up witliin select circles and in certain interests, there is absolutely none among the Canadian people at large. It would be strange if there were any, considering that half of them have brothers, sons, or cousins on the American side of the Line. " Bom- bard New York ! " said a Canadian to the writer when some- body was declaiming in that vein ; " why, my four sons live there ! " On the Pacific Coast of the United States a British shell could scarcely burst without striking a Canadian homo. The masses do not read much history or cherish antiquarian feuds. If the President of the United States were to visit Canada, he would be received as cordially as he is in any part of his own llepublic ; more cordially, perhaps, since in Canada the people of both parties would unite in the ovation. If the language held by Canadian Jingoes or "Paper Tif^ers," as they are called, about American character were the truth or anything like the truth, union with such people ought indeed to be declined at any sacrifice of military security or commercial profit. But even those who hold it hardly believe it. An Imperialist journal in London the other day ended an article on the influence of Americans in England by saying that they are too like the English in all X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 271 essential respects to produce any possible change in English character. That, as regards the normal American, is tlie fact. The present writer has known the Americans not, like most of their critics, only in the cities, but in the country and the country town. As a lecturer and resident in an American University he has been brouglit into contact with American youth ; he has friends among Americans of all vocations and professions ; he has seen the people under the ordeal of civil war, seen their conduct in the field, tlieir care of the wounded, and their treatment of their captured enemii'S ; and to him the idea that Canadians would undergo moral disparagement by the Union seems of all reveries the most absurd. Sheer snobbishness, to tell the truth, lias not a little to do with the affectation of contempt for Yankees. This is one of the ways in which vulgarity tries to make itself genteel The good feeling of Canadians towards their mother country is strong, genuine, disinterested, and cannot be too highly prized. But there is a blatant loyalty which it is very easy to prize too highly. If a man makes a viuhnt and offensive demonstration of it against those whom he accuses of American sympathies, you are apt presently to find him in the employment of some American company, peddling for an American house, or accepting a call to the other side of the Line. We have already, in our his- torical retrospect, had occasion to observe that Avhen by untoward circumstances interest is divorced from .senti- ment, the loyalisni which Ijefore had been the most liury in its manifestations can suddenly grow cold. If Kngland ever has occasion to call on her children in (.';inail:i for a real .sacrifice, she nuiy chance to repeat the cxpcritiice of King Ix'ar. There are varieties too little noticed by critics of American 272 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. character in ditTeroiit parts of the Union. These are black spots. In certain districts lawlessness and want of respect for human life remain as the traces of slavery, whose cause Canadian Jingoism ardently espoused. New York has its shoddy wealth which the better Americans despise, and which British aristocracy, though scornful of American de- mocracy, sometimes takes to its arms. Rapid commercial development has bred gambling speculation, and with it unscrupulousness, of which Canada also has her proportionate share, though in both cases the amount of knavery is small compared with that of sound and honest trade. Party politics are the same on both sides of the Line, and on neither side, happily, are they the whole of life. The Canadian politician exactly resembles the American, and none the less when he has been knighted. Both countries would be in a bad way if the demagogue ruled society and trade. Political corruption is on a far larger scale in the wealthier country, but it is more shameless in the poorer country. About the American Press there is a good deal to be said, but not more than there is about the successive personal organs of a Prime Minister of Canada. Canada has the advantage of not having broken with her history or bearing on her political character, like the American, the trace of a revolution ; but America is gradually renewing her historical associations, and since she has had herself to contend with rebellion and been threatened within by the Anarchists, the revolutionary sentiment has been losing force. In the wealthier country and that which had the start in civilisation is found a higher standard of livinfj, with more of science and culture : in the other, more frugality and simplicity of life. Both communities are threatened by the same social dangers and disturbances, nor is there any conservative force in one which there is not in the X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 273 other, the phantom of monarchy in Canada being, as has been shown, no conservative force at all, hut rather serving to disguise the action of forces the reverse of conservative. There is continual harping on the laxity of the American divorce law, and Canada was told that if she traded more with the Americans Canadian wedlock would be in danger of the contagion. Illinois and Indiana, where the laxity prevails, are not the United States. However, scarcely had the warning been penned, when we had proof that, even as it is, no impassable gulf of sentiment divides us from Indiana and Illinois. The fear that with the addition of Canada the Union would be too large and that its cohesion might give way, which is felt both by Canadians and Americans, though natural, seems not to be well-founded. Slavery being ex- tinct there is no longer any visible line of cleavage. So long as the freedom of the system is preserved, there seems to be no limit to its possible extension, provided the territory, though vast, is within a ring fence. Nobody is likely to rebel asainst an arrangement which, without fettering local self- development, gives safety against attack from without, peace and freedom of intercourse within. People must be revolu- tionary indeed if they can take arms against mere immunity from evils. The tariff question does not form a line ui' cleavage, and is in a fair way to be settled by the ballot. If 300,000,000 Cliinese can get on well together under a centralised Government, surely 100,000,000 of the higher race can get on together under a government much more elastic. The proljlem of races at the Soutli no doubt is still serious, but there is no tendency to a rcm-wal of seces- sion, and the South is becoming daily sujallcr and less im- portant in proportion to the Union. The growtli there of T •271 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. mumifacturing industries Avill botli modify political character ;uul bind tlie States to their Northern market. Socialistic revolution, such as would take a State out of tlie Uepublic, and the occupation of the Pacific Coast by the Chinese, are continrocity with the United States." Toronto: Hunter, IIobc k Co. [liSM jiji. Crown 8vo, 25 ccnts = lK. Htg.] 1888. 282 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. of the seaboard duties is a separate ([uestioii. (Jonimunity of Fisheries, the Coasting Trade, and Water-ways is included in Commercial Union. The movement in Canada originatetl with a l''armers' Convention in Toronto, and was taken up by the Farmers' Institutes of the Province. On the farmer's mind had dawned the fact that he was the sheep, and tlie protected manufacturer was the shearer. The special organ of the movement lias been the Commercial Union Club, an association independent of political party. The policy of Eeciprocity, however, has been embraced by the Liberal Party now in Opposition : it forms the main plank in the platform of that party ; and will, in all probability, be the issue at the coming elections. On the American side a resolution in Congress authorising the President to treat for Commercial Union with the Canadian Government has been bronght forward by Mr. Hitt, of Illinois, and has been passed unanimously by the House of Eepresentatives, while in the Senate it has failed of unanimous consent only by one vote. Another resolution pointing the same way was brought forward by Mr. Butterworth, the member for Cincinnati, one of the fore- most men in the Eepublican party, and like Mr. Hitt thoroughly friendly both to Canada and to Great Britain. Life has been given to the movement by the public spirit and energy of Mr. Erastus Wiman, a Canadian who has won his way to a high, place in American commerce without ceasing to be a Canadian, and has done more than any other man to keep up attachment both to Canada and England and to sustain the honour of the British flag at New York, so that he is well placed for dealing with any question in the interest of all three countries. A word of justice is due to him, since he has not been fairly treated by certain journals in England X THP: CANADIAN QUESTION 283 whose confidence is abused by their correspondents in Canada on this and on other Canadian questions. That the market of her own continent is the natural market of Canada, both as a seller and a buyer, even so strong an Imperialist as Sir Charles Dilke admits, and no one but a protected manufacturer or a fanatical Tory would attempt to deny. The Conservative leader, Sir John Macdonald, has always professed to be doing his utmost to bring about reciprocity. His motto has been Eeciprocity of Trade or Eeciprocity of Tariffs, meaning that if he had recourse to reciprocity of tariffs it was only because he could not get reciprocity of trade, and in order to enforce it. His Pro- tectionist Tariff Act contained a standing offer of reciprocity in natural products. This, as has been said before, was illusory, inasmuch as the Americans evidently could not, in common justice to their own interests, allow their manufactures to be excluded while they admitted the natural products of Canada ; but it was at all events the homage paid by political strategy to commercial wisdom. If the offer has now been cancelled, this, it may safely be said, is not because conviction has changed on the commercial question, but because tlie irritation bred by the M'Kinley Act presents an opportunity f(jr an appeal to that feeling against American connection which is the life of the existing system. M. ( 'hapleau, one of Sir John Macdonald's French colleagues, still declares for Reciprocity in the teetli of tlie declaration of Mr. Colby, another member of tlie Governnicut, against it, as well as of the general action of the Administration, showing thereby apparently his sense of the fact that Keciprocity is a jirime necessity in the French Province. Let any one scan the economical map of the Noith American continent with its adjacent wat^'is, mark its noithcru zone abounding in niinj'niLs, 284 CANADA AND TlIK CANADIAN QUESTION chap. in bituminous coal, in luinbei', in lish, as well as in special larm products, brought in the north to hardier perfection, all of which the southern people have need : then let him look to its southern regions, the natural products of which as well as the manufactures produced in its wealthy centres of industry are needed by the people of the northern zone : he will see that the continent is an economic whole, and that to run a Customs line athwart it and try to sever its members from each other is to wage a desperate war against nature. Each several Proviuce of the Dominion is by nature wedded to a connnercial partner on the south, though a perverse policy struggles to divorce them. The Maritime I'rovinces want to send their lumber, their bituminous coal, and their fish to the markets of New England ; Ontario and Quebec want to send their barley, eggs, and other farm products, their horses, their cattle and their lumber to New York and other neighbouring States ; Manitoba and the North-West want to send their superior wheat, their barley, their wool, and the fish of their great lakes to St. Paul and Minneapolis ; British Columbia wants to send her bituminous coal, her salmon, and the timber of which she is the mighty mother, to California and Oregon. All of them want to get American manufactures as well as the products of a more southern climate in return. It must be long before Canada can produce a first-rate printing press. Even when an article is made in the Dominion, the freight from one of the scattered Provinces to another may be ruinous. British Columbia was paying for nails a price for transit exceeding their first cost at Montreal.^ Canada is not one market but four, widely separated from each other, and each of them sparse in itself. It is in regard to minerals, perhaps, that the case of Canada ' See Handbook of Commercial Unimi, p. 56. X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 285 is the hardest. She has all the economic minerals except tin. She has vast stores of magnetic and hematatic iron, such as would make the best of iron and steel. In some districts she is rich in copper and nickel. She has valuable veins of silver and gold-bearing quartz, the former in the Lake Superior district, the latter in Xova Scotia and British Columbia. She has abundance of coal, both in British Columbia and in Nova Scotia. Chemical minerals she has also in abundance, and stores of mineral manure. Yet the total value of her mineral exports for 1888, was under 85,000,000, of which nearly a half was for bituminous coal, while she imported hard coal to nearly the same value. What she wants is a free market, free inflow of American capital, free purchase of mining machinery,^ On the American shore of Lake Superior mining is rife, and its yield is immense ; on the Canadian shore, which is not less rich in minerals, it sleeps. Continual appeals are made to the Government by Protectionist patriotism to " open up " the mines, as though a Government could open up production of any kind otherwise than by giving it fair play. With free trade Port Arthur, in the centre of an immensely rich mining district, instead of being, as it now is, a mere village, might be a mining city. Let the mines be opened and there would be a mining population such as would give the Canadian farmer a home market for which he would not have to pay. For the home market which Protectionism gives him he pays botli in the yjrice and quality of the goods. An interest or a country trying to make itself prosperous by such means is, as has been truly said, like a man trying to lift himself up by his boot-straps. ' S\>. 73 el seq. Sue olso Mr. Lc-djard's iiicinorandiini in the Apitcndix to thin volume. 286 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai-. The sliipping interest of Canada again pines for the free- dom of the coasting trade. Canadian vessels are not allowed to trade between American ports, and have often to return without a cargo. The consequence is that the Canadian marine is fast disappearing from the Lakes. Of the vast trade in ore and grain on tlie Upper Lakes less than 10 per cent is now carried in Canadian l)ottonis. The Canadian tonnage passing through the Sault Ste. Marie Canal has fallen to 4 per cent, the rest being American. The new Canadian- built tonnage in the past five years is not over 5 per cent of that launched from Lake shipyards. There is little use in constructing at immense expense a special lock for Canada alongside of the American lock at the " Soo," while Canadian shipping is being made the victim of a policy of extermina- tion. The Dominion Statistical Abstract, for 1889, admits a decrease of the amount even of the seagoing trade of the country carried in Canadian bottoms compared with that carried in foreign bottoms. There has also, according to the same authority, been a steady decline in the inimber and tonnage of the vessels built in the Dominion during the last ten or twelve years, that is since the inauguration of the Protectionist policy of Sir John Macdonald. Protectionists wlio profess that it is an object of their system by multiply- ing industries to diversify national character, should consider whether a variety of it will not perish with the mariner. The Americans, on their side, want to buy things which Canada has to sell ; they want an extended market for the products of a more southern climate, such as fruits; they want an extended market for their manufactures. They can manufacture as a rule better and more cheaply, because they do it on a larger scale and can specialise ; whereas the manufacturer with a small market is obliged to produce X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 287 several kinds of goods to keep his hands employed. All this is most strongly felt at Detroit, Buffalo, and other com- mercial cities along the frontier which find themselves cribbed and confined by the Customs line. It has been objected by some American Protectionists that America would be fjivinii a market of 65,000,000 in exchange for one of 5,000,000, as though markets when thrown together were exchanged and not enjoyed in common. According to this reasoning the 60,000,000 of Americans outside the State of New York would be better off without the 6,000,000 of that State. But American capital also wants free access to the natural resources of Canada, her mineral resources especially, which await only the touch of capital, together with the opening of the market, in order to turn them into wealth for the benefit of all the people of the continent. Mr. Blaine, the political leader of the Trotectionist party in the United States, has shown himself alive to the need of new markets by declar- ing in favour of Keciprocity, and he will not be long in tindiug that the only American community reciprocal trade with which would be of much value is the Dominion of Canada. The half-civilised masses of South America want little except gaudy cottons, with which they are supplied to their satisfaction by England. It Ls alleged by Protectionists that there cannot be a pro- fitable trade between Canada and the United States, because the products of the two countries are the same. The ]>ro- ducts of the two countries, even their natural ]»roducts, leaving out of sight special manufactures, are not the same. In the United States are included regions and productions almost tropical. Canada, on tin; other hand, has liituniinous coal, for which there are markets in tlie I'nitcd Stiitcs, and plenty of nickfl, of wliich the United States have but little. 288 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN gUE.STIOX chap. Canada has lumber to export, and tlie United States want all they can get. Both countries produce barley, but the Canadian barley is the best for making beer, and its exclusion by the M'Kinley Act brought out a heavy vote at Buffalo against the party of Mr. M'Kinley. This is the first answer. The second and the most decisive is that, in spite of the tariff, Canada has actually been trading with the United States more than with England or any other country in the world, and nearly as much as with all the other countries in the world put together. In 1889 her exports to Great Britain were $38,105,126 ; her imports from Great Britain were S42,249,555. Her exports to the United States were 848,522,404 ; her imports from the United States were 856,368,990. Of the total trade of Canada, in the same year, 41"35 per cent was with Great Britain ; 49"65 was with the United States; while only 9 per cent was with the rest of the world. To take even the case of farm products, of 18,799 horses which Canada sold in one year, the United States bought 18,225. Of 443,000 sheep, they bought 363,000. Of 116,000 head of cattle, they bought 45,000. Of 8107,000 worth of poultry, they bought 899,000 worth. Of $1,825,000 worth of eggs, they bought all. Of $593,000 worth of hides, they bought 8413,000 worth. Of 1,416,000 pounds of wool, they bought 1,300,000 pounds. Of 89,456,000 worth barley, they bought all. Of 8743,000 worth of hay, they bought $670,000 worth. Of $439,000 worth of potatoes, they bought $338,000 worth. Of 883,000 worth of vegetables, they bought $75,000 worth. Of $254,000 worth of miscel- laneous agricultural products, they bought $249,000 worth. Manitoba and the North- West believe that, were the tariff wall out of the way, the United States would be their best customer for a cjreat deal of high-class wheat. In spite of the y X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 289 fisheries disputes and taxes, out of $7,000,000 worth of fish, the United States take annually about $3,000,000 worth.^ The case is specially strong with regard to some of the smaller Provinces. Prince Edward Island exported in 1889 only $800 worth of agricultural products to Great Britain, while she exported to the United States $466,000 worth. The total export of her own produce to all countries in that year amounted to $974,000, of wliich $686,000 worth went to the United States. The exports of liritish Columbia for 1889 amounted to $4,284,000, of which $2,782,000 in value went to the United States, and only $870,000 went to Great Britain. To these Provinces the tariff war is ruinous, and they have some reason for demanding compensation in sub- sidies from the Dominion. High as the tariff wall between Canada and the United States is, trade, we see, has climbed over it. Wherever an opening is made in the wall, trade at once rushes through. Before the removal of the duty on eggs, the trade in them was nominal : it rose, when the duty was removed, to over $2,000,000 in 1889. The ^PKinley tariff sends it down again. Smuggling, as might be expected, is rife along the whole Line, with the usual consequences to popular morality and honest trade. When a border township in which the potato crop is short cannot go to the adjoining townshij) tor potatoes, a severe appeal is made to the hamlet's respect for law. To Manitoba and the North-West, which neithiT havi' manufactnrcs, nor, as farm ]»roducts are their staple, are likely to hav(! them, the taritf is a curse, without even a shadow of ccjinpensation. It is ditlicult to believe that in * See 8|>oL-<'li in tin- Doiiiinioii JIoiisu of Coiiiiiioiih uf Kir Kicliuril Cart- wright, ex-.Miiii«»ler of Fjnaiicf, .March 14, 1888. U NV 290 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. that region it will be possible for ever to maintain the Custom line, the frontier being merely an imaginary boundary drawn across the prairie for 800 miles, with identically the same population on each side of it, so that a village, even a house, may be placed astride the line, and the housewife with a new kettle may be liable to duty in passing from one room to the other ; while the Ottawa Government, for the benefit of which the duties are imposed, is remote and, with too good reason, unbeloved. But the case of Manitoba is hardly worse than that of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which get absolutely nothing to make up for their exclusion from their natural market in New England, the attempt to force Ontario, by violent legislative pressure, to buy her coal of Nova Scotia instead of buying it of Pennsylvania having utterly failed. The assertion that the British market is better for Canada than the American market has already been met by the figures. If for a time the English market was better than the American the reason was that the British market was open, whereas the American market was half closed by the tariff. Eemove the Customs line between Canada and the United States and there can be no doubt about the value of the American compared with that of the British market. No people are individually so rich as the Americans, or so ready to pay freely for everything tliey want or fancy. The American market is always increasing with the rapid growth of population. It is also secure, whereas that of England, or any transmarine country, would become very insecure if England were at war with a maritime power. Canada would then be without any free market at all. But it is needless to discuss this question, because when the American market was opened to Canada that of England would not be closed. Canada would enjoy tliem both. X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 291 The near market must as a rule be the best, not only on account of the difterence in freights, but in many cases on account of the perishableness of goods. It must be best for fruits, fish, vegetables, and even for poultry and eggs. It is the best for horses, the breeding of ■which is a great Canadian industry, and might be a greater. The American comes to Canada and buys tlie horses on the spot, whereas if the horses are sent to England, unless they at once take the fancy of the market, they may eat up a great part of their value before they are sold. Xot till the American market is opened can its full value be understood. Commercial Union between Scotland and England gave a value to black cattle and kelp which could hardly have been foreseen. Produc- tion would adapt itself to the new demands, and new roads to wealth would be found. Besides, Canada wants to buy as well as to sell, and the near market, even irrespect- ively of freights, is preferable as the most convenient and the most likely to produce exactly the kind of goods required. This will be acknowledged by the buyers of farm machines and implements in the North- West. It has been proposed that rather than succumb to the force of nature, and allow Canada to secure her destined measure of prosperity by trading with her own continent, England should put back the shadow on the dial of econo- mical history, institute an Imperial Zollverein, and restore to tlie Colonies their former protection against the foreigner in her market. It is hardly necessary to discuss a policy in which Great Britain would have to take tlie initiative, and which no Britisli statesman has shown the slightest disposi- tion to embrace;. Th<; trade, both of inijHirls and exports, of England wJLli the Colonii-s was, in IHS'.t, £187,000,000 ; lirr total trade in the sunn: year with fDrci'n countries was 292 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUKSTION chap. £554,000,000. Is it likely that she will sacrifice a trade of £554,000,000 sterling to a trade of £187,000,000 sterling? The framers of an Imperial Zollverein, moreover, would have some lively work in reconciling the tendencies of strong Protectionist Colonies, such as Victoria and Canada, with the free trade tendencies of Great Britain and New South Wales. The Conservative Prime Minister of England, if he has been correctly reported, holds that the adoption of Protection, on which the Imperialists of Canada insist as a condition of any arrangement, would in England kindle a civil war. The Canadian Government shows its sense of the situa- tion and of the real effect of its policy by trying to open up new markets in distant countries, in the West Indies, in Brazil, in the Argentine Bepublic, in France, in Spain, in Australia — in the Moon. It thus hopes to stay the craving of Canadian commerce and industry for their natural market. It has been compared to the father who told his boy that he could not be taken to the circus, but that if he was good he should be taken to see his grandmother's tomb. If the Canadian manufacturer, as the Protectionists aver, is unable to compete in his own market with the American, how can he compete with him in the markets of other countries ? It may safely be said that all the natural interests in Canada, the farming interest — which is much the greatest of all — the lumber interest, the mining interest, and the shipping interest, would vote for a measure which would admit them freely to the American market. On the other side are only the protected manufacturers. But the protected manu- facturers are strongly organised, whereas the other interests, notably the farmers', are comparatively unorganised ; so that, as was often said in the case of the United States, the fight between Protection and Free Trade is a fight between an X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 293 army and a mob. The Protectionists have a tirm liohl upon the present Government, the existence of which is completely bound up with their system, and which looks to them largely for its election fund. It has, however, been already said that they are tlie hot-house industries which are alarmed. Of the Canadian manufacturers who feel that their business is natural and has a sound basis not a few avow themselves ready for an open market. They would have in some cases to put their production on a new footing, making fewer articles and on a larger scale, but, this being done, they do not fear the competition. They would still have the advantage of some- what cheaper labour. Sir George Stephen, than whom there can be no higher authority, in a circular addressed in 1875 to the heads of the woollen trade, with which he was then con- nected, said that if Canada could have free interchange with the United States of all products, whether natural or manu- factured, she " would become the Lancashire of the continent and increase in wealth and population to a degree that could liardly be imagined." That some of the weaker houses might suffer is acknowledged, and is to be lamented. All possible consideration is due to those wliom Parliament has encouraged to invest. But the whole community cannot be allowed to suffer, nor can commerce and industry be kept for ever on an unsound basis, for the sake of a few. Besides, it will be mercy to shut the door of unsound investment. Put this is tlu- banc of the Protectionist policy : when its unwisd(jm appears, you can hardly draw Ijack from it without doing injury to artificial industries which it has created, and engaged in tliem. Not that the artisans will sull'i-r.' I-'nr tht-ni tlic expansion oi" natural industries would furnish IVcsh em- ployment, if not in Canada in tlie United States, to which ' Soc Ilaiidbook of Commercial Union, pp. 122 ct seq. Mr. Jury. 294 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. they puss wiLli little liesitiitiou when the labour market invites. Canadians are told, to scare them from Commercial Union, that if the tariff wall were out of the way they would become " hewers of wood and drawers of water for the Yankees." Hewers of wood for the Yankees they are already to their own great profit. It is not obvious why the producer of raw materials should be deemed so much beneath the factory hand ; perhaps looking to the effect of manufactures on national character in England we might think that a nation would be wise in contenting itself with so much of factory life as nature had allotted it. Whatever yields most wealth will raise highest the condition of the people, their standard of living, and their general civilisation. Another bugbear is the fear that Canadian cities will be swallowed up by Kew York, though the cities of the State of New York itself, liuffalo, Eochester, Syracuse, Oswego, and even Albany, whicli is within four hours' run of New York, are growing all the time.^ These vague alarms remind us of those raised on com- mercial grounds by the opponents of the union between England and Scotland. The English were told that their wealth would be devoured by the hungry Scots, the Scotch were told that they would become commercial slaves to the wealthy English, and " •with, their grain spoiling on their hands, stand cursing the day of their birth, dreading the expense of their burial." The able and eloquent Lord Belhaven formally paused in the middle of his speech that he might shed a tear over the approaching ruin of his country which he foresaw in a vision of woe. Lord Marchmont in reply said that he thought a short answer would suffice. " Behold, he dreamed ; but, lo, when he awoke, behold, it was a dream." The reality ^ See Handbook of Commercial Union, pp. 86 d seq. Mr. Janes. X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 295 was what the Duke of Argyll in his work on Scotland calls " The Burst of Industry." It was the works and warehouses of Glasgow, the shipbuilding yards of the Clyde, and the farms of the Lothians. To make up for the dearth of economical arguments against Reciprocity its opponents appeal to Loyalty and the Old Flag. " Discriminate against the Mother Country ! Xever ! " So with uplifted hands and eyes cry Trotectiouists who are running to Ottawa to get higher duties laid on British goods, and would not be sorry to shut the gate, if they could, against British importation altogether. Canada does already discriminate against Great Britain, if not on any specific article, on the aggegate trade. It has been shown that she collects about four per cent, more in the aggregate on British than on American goods, and admits more American than British products free.^ When the privileges enjoyed by the Colonies in the British market were withdrawn and the commercial unity of the Empire was broken up, notice was in effect given to each member of the Empire to do the best that it could for itself under its own circumstances. The circum- stances of Canada are those of a country commercially bound up with another country much larger than itself and with u high tariff. It is surely too much to expect that all Canada shall remain in a state of commercial atrophy for the sake of a few exporting houses in Great Britain. The liritish people themselves would never be brought to make such a sacrifice. The discrimination would not, like the duties imposed by Canadian I'rotectionisls on liritish goods, be directed commerce ; it would 1m; niLMcly, like tlu' ecpmlisation of, a necessity incidental to an arrangcnuMit for tlu^ ]u;nefit of Canada witli the United States; so that no breach ' Hoe J/niiilhfMik of f'(/mr}ifrc{(tl Unttm, pj). 17 [> ft lu-q, .Mr. Dryden. '296 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chai'. of good feeling would be involved. Not a penny would be taken from the British Crown. Nor would England be really a loser ; she would gain by the enhanced value of her Canadian investments more than she would lose by the reduction of her exports. It is further alleged that Commercial Union would be Annexation in disguise. When railways were introduced it was thought that u gauge uniform with the American would 1k' annexation in disguise and a difference of gauge was insisted on accordingly. Is there a natural tendency on the part of Canada to political union ? If there is, increased intercourse of any kind, whether locomotive or commercial, will no doubt help it ; but nothing can help it more than the fusion of population by the exodus which the separatist policy keeps up. The enemies of Ileciprocity forget that they are themselves the most active of annexationists, if not in regard to the Canadian territory, in regard to the Canadian people. Canada would be as much as ever mistress of her own political destinies, nor could any step towards political union be taken without the free vote of her citizens. If her nationality is sound what does she require more? That would be a weak nationality indeed which should depend on a Customs line. The German Zollverein, which is pointed out as a warning example, would never have unified Germany or tended much to her unification had not she already been a nation, though in a state of political disruption. Zollvereins are now, it seems, being proposed between other communities of Central Europe without any idea of altering political relations. If the reciprocity in natural products enjoyed under the Elgin treaty did not impair Canada's independence, why should reciprocity in manufactures destroy it ? Not only did the Elgin treaty not impair independence X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 297 but it put an end to the movenieut in favour of annexa- tion, which commercial distress had generated, and wliich had led to the Annexationist manifesto of 1849. In entering into any contract, the parties, wliether nations or men, must give up their independence to the extent for wliich they covenant : in no other sense would a commercial treaty, however extensive, if freely made on both sides, be on either side a surrender of independence. Dependent on the Americans fur her winter ports Canada already is, and large branches of her railway system are on their soil and in their power. Americans who desire immediate Annexation are always against Commercial Union. Commercial Union would include mutual participation in the fisheries, in tlie coasting trade, and in the use of tlie canals and water-ways. In this it is distinguished from Unrestricted Keciprocity, wliich would equally involve the complete removal of the Customs line. In reganl to the fisheries it would give effect to the policy of British states- men who desired, as Shelburne and Pitt seem to have desired, that England and her American colonies should not become foreign nations to each other, but divide amicably between them the family heritage. In no otlier way is the dispute about the fisheries likely to be ended. Even su])- po.sing a treaty satisfactory to diplomacy to be made, fislier- men are not diplomatists ; they are naturally tenacious of the trade by which they live ; they will always be prone to deny their rivals the facilities and hospitalities incident to treaty 1 i;,'lits, and thus (quarrels will be apt to arise. Tht; main objection to Commercial Union is the dilficulty of franiing, in concert with the Americans, a uniform sea- board tariff. Tliis difnculty, however, as matters stood before the passing of tlie M'Kinley Act, was by no ineuns insuper- 208 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION chap. ul)li', llic principle n[' ilic Aiiiciicau iuid Caiiiuliiiu turil'I's being tlie same, and the dillereiice of rates not very great. The smaller interest in case of disagreement might, as in ordinary bargains, without loss of honour, yield a point. An arrangement would probably have been brought about easily enough by a conference of commercial men, free from the malign influences of party, and unaffected by the appeals to national pride and jealousy which, if the negotiation were in tlu; hands of a party government, the opposite party, in its anxiety to discredit its rivals would be sure to make. Nor need there be any fears of subsequent disturb- ance of the agreement, from any source, at least, but a quarrel between Great Britain and the United States, such as that by which the Reciprocity Treaty was overturned. Com- merce after a little experience would be too sensible of the benefit to renounce it or allow the politicians, wliom, by a resolute effort, she can even in the United States control, tu wrest it from her. The line of Custom houses built across a continent which nature has forbidden to be divided, once pulled down, will never be built up again. Fresh obstacles and of a serious kind might have been created by the M'Kinley Act. Commercial Unionists did not feel them- selves called upon to raise the general questions between Protection and Free Trade, so far as the seaboard tariff was concerned. They confined their aim to the removal of the Customs line across their own continent, which on any rational hypothesis is an evil, unless it would be a good thing to have a Customs line between Pennsylvania and New York, or between York and Lancashire. But there must be limits to the compromise of principle, even for the sake of an immediate advantage so great as Commercial Union will brinjj. Canada cannot commit treason aiiainst X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 299 civilisation. However, the manifest faults of the measure, com- bined with the enormous waste of public money incurred in baling out surplus revenue to avert a reform of tlie tariff, have proved too much for the superstition or the sufferance of the American people. Symptoms of a cliange of opinion had even before appeared. At the last Presidential election, Mr. Cleveland was defeated more by party than by protec- tion, and more by the manufacturers' money than either, and there was a marked increase of the. mechanics' vote in favour of a reduction of the tariff, showing that the fallacious belief in protection as a mode of raising wages was losing its hold. Moreover, protection was being nullified by the extension of its own area, which exposed the protectionist to increased competition, national it might be, but not more welcome to him, in spite of his patriotic professions, than that of the foreigner. Xew England is now praying for free admission of raw materials. The Eepublican party in the United States is the war party kept on foot for the sake of maintaining the war tariff in the interest of the protected manufacturers. It has made a desperate effort to retain power and to rivet its policy on the nation by means which have estranged from it the best of its supporters ; but in the late elections it has received a signal, and probably decisive, overthrow. What all the preachings of economic science were powerless to effect has been brought about at last by the reduction of the public del^t and (jf the necessity for duties as revenue. A new commercial era has ajjparcntly dawned for the United States, and the lead of the United Slates will be followed in time by the rest of the world. liy the abandonment of the Customs duties on American goods, the Canadian government would lose n^venue perhuiis to the amount (jf .^7,000,000. This loss might be made up 300 CANADA AND THE CANADIAN QUESTION gii.m'. partly by new taxes of such a character as not to press on industry or shackle trade — to bcLjin with, an increase of the excise — partly by economy in subsidies to Provinces, public works undertaken for political purposes, and needless expenditure on legislation and government. To say that such economy is impracticable, would be to admit that a confederation, united by no natural bond of geography, race, language, or commercial interest, can be held together only by corruption. Wile these pages are going through the press, Canada is the scene of a general election. Seeing that the tide in favour of free trade with the continent was rising, and, before the constitutional time for the next election came round, might rise to an overwhelming height, the Protectionist Government of Sir John Macdonald lias sprung a dissolution on tlie country, the Governor-General passively lending the pre- rogative for that purpose. There is not a shadow of constitu- tional ground for the step, and the reason alleged — that the Government contemplates making overtures on the trade question to the Americans, and cannot do this without a fresh Parliament at its back — was evidently hollow. The Government at first sought to head off the current of opinion and dish the Opposition by declaring for Eestricted against Unrestricted Reciprocity. But this strategy has failed of effect, and the appeal on the part of the Government is now to " The Old Flag," with which are coupled " The Old Leader," and "The Old Policy," against American connection. On the issue thus raised the deliverance of the country will be made. The verdict will be greatly confused, not only by local questions, such as that of a Submarine Tunnel for Prince Edward Island, which seems uppermost in the Islander's X THE CANADIAN QUESTION 301 miiKl, but by the Equal Kight movement against Jesuit and priestly aggression, -vvliirli is still strong, and cuts across the lines of political and commercial party. The Protected Manufacturers will do their best, and the Government will ply all the engines which it has long had at its command. To ply those engines in Xova Scotia the Canadian High Com- missioner has been brought over from England. Nor have party names and shibboleths lost their extraordinary power. Tories, though in favour of Reciprocity, will still vote Tory. To stimulate the enthusiasm of loyalty " Annexation plots " are being discovered, and the discoveries are paraded with all the resources of emotional eloquence and sensation type. What will come out of this chaos is, at the time of our writing, uncertain. lUit already tidings reach us from the rural districts which seem to show that the farmer, however much he may care for the Old Elag, cares also for his bread. Should the Government be beaten or even hard pressed in a pitched battle of its own seeking on the question of relation with the United States, the result will be full of meaning. APPENDIX A CANADIAN BANKS AND BANKING By Mr. Henry W. Darling, Ex-Presideiit of the Toronto Board of Trade. The Canadian Banks hold their franchises hy virtue of an Act of tlie Dominion Parliament, which expires periodically and has just been renewed, extending the Bank Charters for ten years from July 1891. The Bank of British North America, and the Bank of British Columbia are incorporated by Royal Charters, but are subject to the provisions of the Canadian Act in all respects, except as to the double liability of their Shareholders. The system of Bankinj,' modelled upon the plan of the Scotch Bunks with Branches, hixs proved admirably suited to the wants of a new country, and although the management generally has not been conspicuous for ability trans- cending that of all the other commercial enti'ri)rises of the country, the failures and consequent losses to the public liave been neitlier numerous nor large. The tendency of the mau;igement is towards a legitimate banking business conducted upon well-established principles. The provisions governing the creation of new Banks are not too onerous to prevent their increase as the needs of the country may require. Under the new Act the safeguards and restrictions ai-e increased, and they are now severe enough to discourage speculative ecliemes, a substantial ])aid-up capital, and a contribution to tlie fund in tiie hands of the Government f;naranteeing tiie circulation, l)eing requisite before power to issue notes is granted. The list of Shareholders ]>ublislied annually iw a Government return, and jiresented to jiarliament, sliows that tlie ShareholderH are chiefly residentB in Canada, with a few in Britain and the I'nited Suites. The liability of the Sliarehdhiers in awe of lailuru in a further amount equal Ut the anmunt of the nhares hold in no doubt a deterrent to foreign invcNton*. The IJanks are permitted to isHue th<-ir own notes in denominations of $.*> and upwards in multiplcM of •S.'j li» the extent (»f their lnma fuU unimjiaircd 304 APPENDIX A paid - iq) capitiil. L'ihUt tlic new Act, which comes into force iu July 1891, they (.U'jiosit with the Goveinment a sum equal to 5 per cent upon the average circulation of the Bank during the previous year ; and this fund is held as a guarantee against loss to the public from the circulation of their notes. Any impairment is to be made up by ])roportionate contribution fronx each Bank, in payments not exceeding in any one year 1 per cent of the average amount ot its notes in circulaticm. Experience has shown that the risk of ultimate loss on the circulation through the failure of a Bank is infinitesimal, and in order to prevent temporary depreciation to holders of bank notes on the suspension of a Bank, it is provided that they shall bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum until the process of redemption is resumed, either by the Bank or by the Liquidator. It is also incumbent upon the Banks to make provision for the redemption of their notes at a central point in each Province, which ensures their passing at par from end to end of the Dominion. The circulation constitutes a first lien upon all the assets of the Bank, including the reserved liability of the Shareholders. It may therefore be affirmed that there is a circulating medium in Canada ade([uate to all the requirements of the business in it, which cannot be forced upon the community in excess of the daily need, because it is under- going redem])tion daily at three central points, and possessing the essential element of elasticity. From the monthly return made to the Government by the Banks, it is shown that the maximum of Bank circulation for the past year (1889) was .$33,577,700, and the entire assets, including the Shareholders' Capital and Reserve Fund and double liability of Shareholders standing between the public and hiss upon it, was $397,300,000 — ample security in the aggregate. The guarantee fund in the hands of the Government, amounting to about $1,700,000, w'ith the obligation to contribute to any impairment of it to the extent of 5 per cent upon the average annual circulation of each Bank, is regarded as sufficient to meet loss in any case of failure. The system, however, has its chief recommendation in the element of elasticity, enabling the Banks to meet any extra pressure for money, in moving the crops for instance, by an increase in their circulation without causing a stringency, raising rates of interest, or reducing loans to their regular customers. In this respect it is regarded as superior to the system in the United States, where the circulation of each Bank is secured by Government Bonds deposited with the Government against the notes issued. Here the element of elasticity is entirely wanting, and the market value of the bonds makes it unprofitable for the Banks to hold them, and a stringency ensues upon any abnormal demand for money. In addition to the notes of the Chartered Banks, the Dominion Government issues legal tender in $1, $2, $4 bills, and those of larger BANKS AND BANKING 305 denominations, and this is authorised by Act of Parliament to the extent of §20,000,000, but limited at present by order in Council to 819,000,000. The average circulation of those notes for the past year has been about 816,000,000 ; and, althou<:h the Chartered liuiks are not compelled to keep any fixed amount of cash in their Trejisuries as Reserves proportioned either to their Capital or Liabilities, not less than 40 per cent of their Cash Reserves must be in these Dominion notes. By this means a certain volume of circulation is secured. A forced loan is thus obtained by the Government from the Banks without interest. The Reserves held by the Minister of Finance are regarded by competent authorities as wholly inadequate, viz. 15 per cent in gold : 10 per cent in Canadian Government securities guaranteed by the British Grovernment ; and the remaining 75 per cent in Dominion debentures. To prevent the defection of its Gold Reserves by a demand for export to New York when it would be i)iofitable to send gold there British sovereigns are i)aid out, and Ameriain gold, which could be negotiated without discount or depreciation, refused. The Government circulation is further stimulated by making certain proportions of it redeemable only at certain cities. It is of course a legal tender in every part of Canada. The system of Banks with large capiUil, having their head oflBces in the commercial centres and extending their operations by means of branch offices at various points, is admirably suited to a new country, and in this respect is also regarded as superior to the National Bank system of the United States, wliere branches are forliidden and the operations of each Bank are restricted jiractically to the locality in which it is established. In Canada the savings of the people are gathered up at points where they can be attracted in amount.s sufficient to warrant the opening of a Branch Bank, and if the loail loaning business offered is small or undesirable, the funds are employed in commercial and industrial centres, and the value of money is thus equalised, or nearly so, all over the Dominion. It is assumed tliat in the hands of a Bank with large cajtital and a libenil reserve fund deposits are safer than when entrusted to a .«maller insti- tution whose oj)iK)rtunitieH of doing a wife, legitimate, and profitublu business are restricted to the discounts offered in a single locjility. Four of the largest Banks in Canada have offices in New York, one hiis an office in Cliiuigo, and on<' in San Francisco, where they do a large busine-Hs in Foreign Exchange, and employ tlu-ir Reserves on call and Bh(jrt-t in the most northerly counties. The Province is not only admirably adapted to the growth and proper curing of hay, composed of a variety of grasses and clovers, but THE AGRICULTURE OF ONTARIO 309 it w-ill grow field roots, such as turnips, mangels, and carrots in line form in nearly all the counties. Sug-ar beets may also be readily grow-n, yielding by analysis fully as high a percentage as can be obtained in Germany or France, but as yet we have no sugar lieet factories esti\blished. Rape may also bq grown in gieat perfection, and the fattening of lambs on this for the United States market by jjasturing is becoming an important trade. The southerly sections of Ontario are admirably adapted to the growing of many kinds of fruits. The climate in these is tempered by j^roximity to the waters of the Great Lakes. Small fruitii, such as strawberries, i-a.spberries, currant*, and gooseberries, will grow well in almost any section of the country. All tlie Lake counties, and indeed all the counties of the West, grow ai)ples, excellent in quality and in great alnindance in favourable years. Pears, plums, and cherries produce well in the siime sections. Peaches flourish in certain sections of Lakes Erie and Ontario, though the crop is somewhat pre- carious. In the same localities enormous quantities of the finest gmpes are now being grown. Garden vegetables of many kinds, including squash, celery, tomatoes, melons, etc., are grown in finest form. In 1888, 180,557 acres were devoted to orchard and garden purposes. The immense original fore.sts of Ontario are largely a thing of the past. Generally speaking, the farmers have sufficient timber for fuel, but many of them have not a sufficient sujiply for building purposes. Almost the only timber now used for fencing purjtoses is cedar, utilised in the form of posts on which wires are stretched, either with or with- out barbs. Re-foresting is only in its infancy, but trees ])lanted for purposes of protection in winter are now becoming cjuite common. In 1888 the returns of the assessors gave the amount of farm lands in the Province a.s 22,058,279 acres — Cleared .... 11,31 1,72.*) acres Woodland .... 8,512,710 ,, Swamji, iiiarsli, or wastf . 2,230,811 ,, The amount returned as wo(xlland docs not by any means n-prcseut unbroken forest, but lands as yet uncultivated, and from a large portion of which the forest has ])een largely removed. In the same year the sta]>le fielil crops occupied 7,G 10,350 acres, and the pa-sture grouu'ls 2,535,G04 acres. There has been u marked decrca«e in the number of ium-s devoted to jtasture during n-wnt yeai-s, owing Vi the great increase in the growth of suiling and cnHilagi- crupK. Although at the time of writing tlie re])ort fur IHHi> of tin* Hun-au of Indu^trie-H iH not yet publi.-ihefl, through the kindncMH of it« wttvtnry, Mr. A lilue, we are enabli* the agriculture of Ontario in 1889 : — 810 APPENDIX B Acreage, Yield, and Value of Field Cuors Bush. Acres. Buslicls. per Value. 13,001,865 Acre. 15-8 $11,493,618 Fall Wheat 822,115 Spring "Wheat . 398,610 5,697,707 14-3 5,019,680 Bailey .... 875,286 23,386,-388 26-7 10,290,011 Oats 1,923,444 64,346,301 33-5 19,625,622 Rye 90,106 1,431,679 15-9 728,725 Pease .... 708,068 13,509,237 19-1 7,524,645 Corn (in ear) 187,116 9,248,199 49-4 2,395,283 Buckwheat 56,398 1,272,578 22-6 502,668 Beans .... 21,380 371,893 17-0 471,188 Hay and Clover (tons) 2,386,223 3,728,313 1-56 37,208,564 Potatoes .... 145,812 14,355,529 98-5 6,531,766 Mangel-wurzels . 21,218 7,223,478 341 No estimate Carrots .... 11,261 3,431,959 305 936,925 Turnips .... 111,103 37,021,260 333 8,440,847 Value of all Field Crops . $111,169,572 The aggregate returns given in tlie above Tal:)le and tlie average yield per acre compare as follows, with the same during the seven preceding years : Average yield Bushels. per acre. Fall Wheat 19-8 bush. 18,778,659 Spring Wheat 15-9 9,248,119 Barley . 26-1 19,766,436 Oats 35'7 ,, 5.0,997,425 Rye 16-4 1,814,636 Pease 20-7 13,123,509 Corn (in ear) . 67-5 12,290,797 Buckwheat 22 "2 1,367,427 Beans 20-9 465,182 Hav and Clover 1-.33 tons 2,942,900 Potatoes 121-5 „ 18,919,185 JIangel-wurzels 437-1 7,826,216 Carrots . 353-4 3,590,993 Turnips . 394-9 „ 39,556,790 From these figures it is apparent that the fine natural capabilities of the soil of Ontario have not as yet been brought out in best form. But while this is true it should be remembered that Ontario leads the North American continent in the yield obtained per acre from the principal cereal crops. During the seven years ending with 1888 the average yield of fall wheat from Ontario exceeded that of any State in the Union 4-1 bushels per acre, barley 3 bushels per acre, and oats 1.5 THE AGRICULTURE OF ONTARIO 311 bushels per acre. The State giving the largest return of fall wheat ihu- ing this term was Michigan ; spring wheat, Dakota ; l>arlev, Wisconsin ; and oats, Illinois. The average prices obtained in the leading citit-s of Ontario for the various crops grown during the preceding seven years ending 1888 are given in the following table : — Fall Wheat, per bushel . . . .88.8 cents Spring Wheat ,, • . . • .89 Barley „ ■ ■ ■ ■ .57.4 Oats ,, • • • .36.1 Rye ,,..... 60.8 Pease ,,..... 62.3 Corn (in ear) ,, • ■ . . .28.5 Buckwheat ,, • • • . .40.9 Beans ,,..... 93.8 Potatoes ...... 42.3 Hay, per ton . . . . . . $11.50 Live Stock Statistics for 1889 Number of Live Stock — Horses . . 618,795 Cattle . . 1,891,899 (779,171 being milch cows) Sheep . . 1,344,180 Swine . . 835,469 Poultry . . 6,304,298 J'olueo/Farm Livestock, $105,731,288. The principal breeds of horses bred pure are the Clydesdale, the Shire, and Percheron of the heavy breed.s, and of the light ones the Standard bred trotting horse, and the Cleveland Bay. The Clydes are by far the numerous. The chief of the breeds of cattlt- )>red pure are the Sliorthorn, the Herefoid, the Abenleen Angus I'oll, the Galloway, the West Highland, tlie Devon, the Ayrshire, the Jersey, tlie Guernsey, and the Holstein. Of these, Shorthurns are by far the most numerous. The leading i)ure breeds of sheej) ini:liide the Leicester, the Lincoln, the Cotswold, the O.xfonl Down, the Shrojishire Down, the Hampshire Down, the Southdown, the Horned Dorset, ami the .Merino. Of these tlie Leicester is the longest estublished in the eoimtry. The chief of the pure breeds of swine are the HerkHhire, the York- sliire, the Essex, the Sulfolk, the Poland China, the Chesti-r Wliite, and the Tamworth. Of thew; the Berkshire is the best esLablishe*!. No one Stiite or Province of the continent can couiimre with Onlnrio in the number of the pure bred animals prinluced, taken as a wliole, in tlie variety of tlie breeds, or in the in«liviilual excellenre of the animalrt comiKJsing tlicni. Because of this Ontario h;i« become in a Benw a 312 APPENDIX B breeding fjrouml of ]nire stock of ;i liigh older for almost every State in the American I'ninn. Cheese Statistics for 1889 NiuiiIht of Factories .... 784 ,, Patrons ..... 43,215 Average number of cows .... 273,231 Milk used, lbs. ..... 760,146,327 Cheese made, lbs. ..... 72,592,847 Value of Cheese, S ..... 6,787,619 Value per lb., cents ..... 9"35 Milk to make lib. of cheese, lbs. . . . 10'47 Creameries Statistics for 1889 In operation ...... 33 liutter made, lbs. ..... 876,003 Value, $ , . . . . . 184,067 Cheese made at Creameries, lbs. . . . 219,808 Value of Cheese, $ . . . . . 14,406 Total value of Produce, $ .... 198,473 Nearly all tlie butter as yet in'oduced in Ontario is made in jirivate dairies. No better idea can be obtained of the great agricnltural capabilities of this Province intrinsically and relatively than by glancing over a summary of the exports. Owing to the method adopted in making up the official trade and navigation returns for the Dominion of Canada and its respective Provinces, it has been found impossible to ascertain exactly the relative proportion of the agi-icultural i)roducts exported from Ontaiio to Great Britiiin and tlie United States respect- ively. Ontario has no shipping port, and those engaged in making up the trade returns place the products exported to the credit of the country from which they liave been finally shi]>ped. Thus it is that Quebec Province, with Montreal as the leading shipping port for Ontario, is credited with the production of a large proportion of the shipments from Ontario. For instance, in the official returns which end 30th June 1889, Ontario is represented as having shipped to Great Britain during the preceding twelve months, of animals and their produce to the value of $2,139,450 ; and Quebec as having exported of the same, to the value of 813,477,182. The true facts of the case are that nearly tlie whole of this produce came from Ontario, as it consisted almost wholly of fat and store cattle, sheep, and cheese, of which Quebec Province produces very little for export. If the e.\ports from the two Provinces be added together, and say five-sixths of the whole, or a still larger proportion, credited to Ontario, we will then get an approximate idea of the extent of the Ontario exports. THE AGRICULTURE OF ONTARIO 313 The following summary is taken from the official returns for the fiscal year ending 30th June 1889. It relates to the exports of agri- cultural products from Ontario and Quebec togetlier as compared with those of the whole Dominion : — From Ontario From the and Quebec. Dominion. Auinials and their produce .... §21,788,799 $23,89-1,707 Agricultural products $12,272,760 $13,414,111 This implies that probably more than three-fourths of the agricul- tural products of the whole Dominion are produced by Ontario. Ontario produces and exports the greater portion of the cattle and sheep that are sent out of the Dominioni. Of tlie former about 60,000 head have been sent annually to Great BriUiin, and 40,000 head to the United States during recent years. The same may be said of sheep, of which about 30,000 head are sent annually to Great Britain, and 300,000 head to the United States. The same is al.-^o true of horses, of which about 16,000 head are sent annually to the United States. The cheese export from Ontario and Quebec, for the year ending 30th June 1890, was 88,041,857 pounds, and was valued at 89,465,936. Tlie value put upon the cheese at the port of shipment is higlier than the estimate put upon it in tlie factory return.s. The same year Ontorio exported eggs to the United States to the value of §1,544,974, apples to Great Britain to the value of 81,013,909, and to the Unit*;d States to the value of 8179,247. Ontario is the principal jiroducer in the Dominion of all the aforementioned articles; .ind also exports wool, flax, and beans in consideralile (piantities. Her export of barley for the year referred to above was 9,716,993 bushels, valued at 86,329,502. The exports of all other kinds of grain have dwindled to almost nothing, and are sure to still further, as witliout a doubt Ontario is destined to grow great through the production of live stock and live stock products. The METHOD.S Usually Adopted by the Canadi.\n Fahmkr Altliough the methods practised by the Ont;irio farmer are defect- ive in many respects relatively, liis practice is advanced when com- pared with tliat of the other Provinces and Stales of North Anu-ricju No other protv steers are eageily bought up by Scotti>*h farmers in Gl/isg(jw, AlK-nleen, and Dundee. Ontario cheese commamls tlie higliest jirice in the markets «)f lymdon, and Ontario upph-s can at any lime tind pun lla^e^H on British diK-k-* more rca/Jily than tlioHe from the United SlaUs. Ontario barh-y 814 APPENDIX B flowetl into the New Engluinl States in a stream so constant tliat it has been thouj,'ht necessary by tlie United States Government to bar its entrance by a duty of 30 cents per bushel. Our horses liave been sou<,'lit for to tlie extent of about !?:2, 1)00,001) annually by the jieople of that country, and these, along with lar^'e numbers of our store cattle, have climbed over a tariff wall in the face of a 20 i)er cent duty ; and now our lambs are entering their markets in thousands and tens of thousands, although a duty of 75 cents has to be paid on every lamb going into that country. A very large portion of the pure-bred live stock imported into this country from Britain finds its way over our Western border into the United States ; and our best market for the pure bred horses, cattle, sheep, and swine that we raise is found in that market. Methods which give snch results as these cannot be behind the age when viewed as a whole. In Ontario we have some specialists in various lines, biit the system generally adopted is more commonly known by the name of " mixed " farming. Those who practise mixed farming rear a sufficient number of horses to till their lands, and occasicmally one or two for sale. The sale of butter from their cows and of poultry and eggs keeps the family in groceries ; generally more or loss beef, mutton, and pork are sold in addition to what is used in the family. Nearly all the grain and fodder required, if not the whole of these, is grown upon the farm, and sometimes a considerable portion is also sold in the local markets. A very large proportion of the work done upon the farm is now done by machinery. Much of the ploughing is done by the use of the sulky plough, and much of the harrowing by the use of the sulky harrow. Machines are also being introduced which will enable culti- vating to be done in the same way. The sowing is almost entirely done by the use of the seed-drill. The mowing and reaping are done by the use of machines. A large proportion of the pea crop is cut by the pea harvester. The sulky horse-rake does all the raking. Hay loaders load much of the hay, and horse forks deposit much of it in the mow. In some instances sack-lifters elevate the loads bodily to a high position in the bams, and in others the load is carried into the mow from off the waggon by means of .slings. Threshing machines are of the first order, and they are run by steam-engines which have been so perfected in their appendages that they may be set 300 yards away from the barn. The steam-engine is often used in prepar- ing food for the stock, and windmills are frequently employed in pump- ing water for their use. The extent to which the aid of machinery is called in enables the farmer to get over his work witii much expedi- tion, and with a much reduced expenditure of bodily strength. The live stock is all housed in winter, sometimes in sheds, but more frequently in what are termed basement stables, that is, stables THE AGRICULTURE OF ONTARIO 815 the walls of which are of stone, brick, or wood lined with tar-paper, and these support a wooden buildinj^, usually termed a barn, in which are stored the food supplies. The live stock being in the lower ai>art- nient, the food and litter kept overhead are thus very easily fed to them. In many of the buildings the ciittle drink without leaving the stalls, and other facilities for doing the work are equally perfect. The Impoverishmext of the Soil The system of farming practised by the first settlers may justly be termed a land-robbing one. In clearing the land they cut down the heavy growth of timber which covered the soil, applied to it the torch, and reduced the whole to ashes. There was thus added to the stores of fertility, that had been accumulating for ages preceding, an immense quantity of potash. Thus it was that the farmer could go on and grow wheat year after year with an ample return at first, but which after a time gradually became less, until the crop proved unremunera- tive. Thus it was also that slovenly methods of farming came to prevail which even now in many sections are sapping the prosperity of Canadian farming. In this respect, however, the dawn of a brighter day has arrived. Ontario has almost entirely ceased to be an ex])orting country of grain, or indeed of food of any kind that may be fed to stock ; such food is almost entirely fed upon the farm, which of course tends to the reten- tion of its fertility. Were it not for the duty of 7i cents per bushel on Indian corn or maize brought from the United States, large (juantities of this would be imported and used by our farmers in fattening their stock. Artificial fertilisers are also beginning to be used, but their use has not as yet become general. As the Dominion is rich in phosphates and other forms of artificial fertilisers, we may confidently hope that the farmer, who is fast awakening to a sense of the value of such manures, will use them as reguhirly as he now docs those which are made in the barnyard. We may confidently hope then that the peri(xl of soil exhaustion is rapidly drawing to a close, and that it will be followed by one of soil enrichment. Ontario is already importing food for live stock from Manitoba and the North-West, and these importJitions will un- doubtedly from year to year, all of which will be favourable to the retention of the fertility of our soils if not to it.s iKj.silivo incituHe. The Social Condition of the Farmer Tlie condition of the farmer socially is not all tliat c(.iild bo desireastry preparations. Were it not for this he would nndonbtedly taki- a foremost place for robust physical development amongst the rural population of any land. The corrective influences of tliis abnormal stiite of things are already at work, and will, it is lioped, soon bring about a radical reform in the dietary practices of the farmer. The Agricultural Associations of Ontario The agriculture of this Province has been greatly assisted by the various Agricultural Associations operating within it The oldest association within the Province is the Council of the Agricultural and Arts Association, which for more than forty years held an agricultural and arts exhibition every year. This feature of the work of the Council has been brought to a close for the present. Joint-stock associations hold exhibitions annually in some important centres. The Government has made provision for liolding exhibitions annually in every township of the Province where this may be desired liy the people, and these are usually held. We have an association of the breeders representing the Clydesdale and Shire horses, the Shorthorn, Ayrshire, and Holstein breeds of cattle, and the sheep, swine, and poultry industries. The chet-se industry is represented by two associations, east and west, and the butter industry by one. The Bee Keepers' Association of Ontario is leading the world at the present time in the method it has adopted for the eradication of foul brood, and the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association has accom- pli.shed a work second only in importance to that achieved by the Cheese Dairy A.?sociations previously referreil to. A sy.steiii of Farmers' Institutes has been estab*lished by the Government, whereby the farmers may meet in any electoral district in the Province for the puqjose of discussing (juestions relating to agriculture, and tluse an- addressed periodically by the profe.'-sors of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. This college has a farm of 550 acres attached to it, a large jwrtion of which is devoted to experimental j>urj>oses. The sons of farmers who are willing to labour diligently at this college may ]iarticipate in the benefits wliiih it offers at a very trilling cost, though the expense to young men from other countriea is greatiif. Ontario ah a Fiki.d F(jr lMMi(;itATioN The agriculture of Ontario invites tw(j classeH of jmmigrant.H at the pre.Hcnt time. The fir«t «jf these hIiouIiI posM-Ks Kullicient capital to purchawe an Ontariii farm of from one to two liundred acr<"<, and the xecond the ability to labour well with their liandH in the t'a]>ai-ity of farm nervanL-. 318 APPENDIX B It would not be priuk'nt, liowever, for the British capitalist to engage in Ontiirio farming who was not possessed of a fair share of knowledge ret^'urding agriculture as practised in Great Britain. Lacking this he would not lie likely to succeed. The tenant farmer of Britain ])ossessed of sufficient capital to enable him to purchase and stuck a farm here would very probably succeed in Ontario farming. But he would not succeed without having due regard to the nujdifications of method rendered necessary by the differences of climate, and the changed relations as regards labour. The season of growth in Ontario is rel.atively short as compared with the corresponding period of growth in Britain. Labour has to be performed therefore with much energy, and the aid of the most perfected labour-saving machines must needs be ciilled in. The class of tenant farmers from Great Britain who will succeed best as farmers in this country are those whose predilections lead them into stock-keeping, for we have already shown that the agriculture of Ontario in the future will consist very largely of the production of live stock and the products of the same. The amount of capital required to purchase a farm of the dimensions indiaited would be from $10,000 to §15,000, and to stock the farm and equip it with implements of tillage would take about $2000 or $3000. The system of renting or leasing farms in Ontario has never become popular, and is not practised to a very great extent. This is owing to the fact that usually the farmer is the proprietor. Leasing is, however, becoming more frequent during recent years, so that w-here a tenant has proved his efficiency he has little difficulty in obtaining a farm to lease. The rental paid is from $3.00 to $4.00 per acre per year, much depending upon soil and locality. Long leases are seldom given in this country, and the tenant is not usually hampered to any great extent bv the terms of the lease. In instances not a few, persons who began by leasing farms have ended by becoming the proprietors. The efficient farm labourer can always find employment in Ontario when once he has proved his efficiency, so that the capable farm hand coming from Britain, indeed from any other country, need have no misgivings in regard to getting regular work when once he has proved his ability. The difficulty encountered at the first may be overcome by working cheajdy for a time. The average wages paid to a farm hand per annum from 1882 to 1888, without board, was $254, and with board $163. The demand for efficient farm labourers in Ontario is always in excess of the supjjly. Those most in demand from foreign countries are such as are competent to feed and care for live stock. The demand for domestic servants on the farm has never yet been met. The hours of labour for this class are no doubt long, but the domestic enjoys many of the privileges of the household oftentimes not accorded to such in other homes. The average wages paid per month, THE AGRICULTURE OF ONTARIO 819 with Ijoard, was $6.28 during the year 1888. Immigrants of this class, liiinished with credentials as to character, am at all times find ready employment in farndiouses. The Tk.\de Relations of Ontauio The trade relations of Ontario are not satisfactory to a majority of the farmei-s. A large number of them desire to have closer trade relations with the people of the United States. They look upon that country as the natural market for a large prt)purtion of their products. That this view is the correct one is clearly apparent from the extensive trade which they have carried on with the United States during recent years in the face of a high tarilf. The agricultural exports to the United Stiites and Great Britain respectively from the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec combined, for the fiscal year ending 30th June 1890, are given in the ntlicial returns as follows : — To G. Britain To the U. S. Animals and their produce . . §15,616,632 §3, 938, 827 Agricultural products . . . 3,319,398 8.654,824 §18,936,030 Sl4ir.^93,651 As the greater portion of the above jiroduce went from Ontario, we thus see that, in the face of a duty averaging over 20 jjcr cent, the Province of Ontario has sent at least three-fourths a.s much agricultural produce to the United States as to Great Britain during the year referred to. This trade has been carried on in products all of which are grown in the United States, and in most of which that country is a very great exporter. These facts and figures demonstrate very forcibly, first, the high character relatively of Ontivrio farming, and secondly, the overwhelm- ing advantages of contiguity in trade. There is no saying what this trade in agricultural prorlucts between Ontario and the United States might not have been had there been no tarilf restrictions to meet. We are furnished an excellent example of this in the development of the egg trade. On 1st January 1 87 1 the duty of 1 per ceut on eggs going into the United Sbites wiw removed. During the half-year preceding this period the value oi the eggs impnrted into the United Slates fr«>ni all countries was not more than $5,403. In 18H3 the import (aid for tliem to §2,584,279. A large majority of the farmei*H therefore are impatient of the liarriers in the way of their Imde witli their southern neigliltourn, and miiny of them are clamouring to the (Jovernment for their removal. What the ultimate elffcts of failure to attain thin end may )Hi it is difficult to forecast. That it will btrengthcu I lie de«ire for 320 * APPENDIX 11 political uiiidii witli that ])eoj)K' is iiion- than a iJossiKility. In the iiR'autime the I'tlVcts of tht'se restrictions upon our agriculture are depressing, and this (lej)ression has shown itself in various ways ; but in none so strikingly as in its effects upon emigration from Canada to the United States. By the United States census returns we learn that in 1860 the number i)f Canadians in that country was 249,970. In 1880 the number was 717,157; and although we ciinnot give tlie numbers from the census returns for 1890, it cannot be less than 1,000,000 at the present time. Add to this the natural increase of our people there, and we would prol)ably find not less than two millions of the people of that country emigrants from this Dominion, or their descendants. A large majority of these went from Ontario. To say that the restrictions on trade were the sole cause of this exodus would not be correct, but they are no doubt a prime cause, and the constant di-ain upon the enterprising class of our young men from the source indicated furnishes cause for great regret, OsTAUio Agricultural College, 21d October 1890. APPENDIX C MINERAL RESOURCES OF CANADA By T. D. Ledyard, Toronto The continent of North America is abundantly sujjplied with economic minerals wliicli are distributedalike througli the Dominion of Canada and the United States, and are confined l)y no international boundary. The British Provinces are as rich in mineral wealth as the neighbouring Republic, with a striking diH'erence, however, in favour of the latter in the matter of development. The industrial situation of the world is changing ; the sui>remacy in iron and steel manufactures hitherto held by Greiit Britain is about to be transferred to the continent of Americii. Reports of the late census .show that the manufacture of ]>ig-iron in the United States during the la-st ten years has been extraordinary, and at the i)resent rate of increase that country is destined to become the leading producer of jiig-iron in the world, possibly reaching this distinction very .soon. The quantity of pig-iron produced in the United States during the census year 1890 was 250,000 tons in excess of the production of Great Britain during the calendar year 1889, being 9,^ million tons a.s compared with li'^ millions in 1880 and 2 millions in 1870. Wherea.s England 8ui)i»lied in 1878 as much as 45 jicr cent of the world's production of pig-iron, as agiiinst IG ]»er cent sujiplied by the United States ; in 1889 England only supplied 33 per rent, while the jjnnluction of the United States had increased to over 30 j>L'r cent, and is rapiflly growing. While the jiroduction of in»n ore in tin- Like Superior districtft was 5,000,000 tons in 1888 it grew to 7,l»OU,0(>0 in 18H9, anrogress. In Nova Scotia near the Atlantic coast are found numerous dejjosits of iron ore in close proximity to coking coal ; these are as well situated as any ores on the continent, and possess all the requirements for cheap manufacture, antl being so near navigation, have great facilities for transport. The manufacturers of Massachusetts and the Eastern States are earnestly urging their Government to admit coal and iron ores free, so as to enable them to compete with Pennsylvania, and represent that free trade in these articles is highly essential to their welftire. The United States last year used upwards of 15,000,000 tons of iron ore, and Canada should in like projiortion use 1,500,000 ; but the production of Canada in the same time was less than 90,000 tons. The Canadian production of coal is only about one-iifth of wliat it should be to make it jjroportionately equal to that of the States. Some excellent hematites showing 65 per cent metallic iron, and almost free from impurities, suitable for steel, are found in Nova Scotia, while in other sections are found magnetites and limonites of good quality. Manganese occurs in nuniei-ous places both in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, some rich enough to be used in glass-making, and a good deal rich enoiigh for spiegel-eisen and steel manufacture. Although there is no coal in Ontario or Quebec, there are iron ores, both magnetic and hematite, of the finest quality. These ores are generally found in well-wooded districts where hard wood suited to make charcoal aljounds, and there are just as great facilities to make cheap charcoal iron as anywhere in America. Estimates show that in well-situated parts charcoal iron might be manufactured for §10 per ton, which would allow a large margin for profit ; yet there is not a single blast furnace in operation in Ontario, while the charcoal furnaces in Michigan produced last year about 200,000 tons of jDig-iron worth nearly $4,000,000. Within about 100 miles east of Toronto an iron mine is being developed containing ore giving 68 to 70 per cent metallic iron with practically no phosphorus or sulphur, and suitable to make the finest MINERAL RESOURCES OF CANADA 323 steel. There i^ a large Wd of tlii;* ore wliicli, it" it wen- in the States, would doubtless be employing 400 or 500 men and producing several hundred tons per day. This ore is about oue-liall' tlie distance from Pennsylvania furnaces that the furnaces are from Lake Superior mines ; and if such ore as this had free access to the States it would greatly cheapen tlieir steel manufacture, but the duty of 75 cents per ton is a heavy imjjost. A Iciiding English iron trade journal lately stated that the princij^al reason the United States could not make steel as cheaply iis England was tliat their Bessemer ores cost too mucli, the cost being quoted at $7 per ton in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. But this Ontario ore c;in be delivered in Pittsburgh foi- §4 per ton (if thei-e is no duty), which is about as low as the best Bessemer ores cost at English furnaces. If there were no trade restrictions, Toronto, the aipital city of Ontario, should be an excellent jtoint for the manufactui-e of injn and steel. It possesses fully as great facilities for such manufactui-es as Chicago had thirty years ago, before that city commenced to make iron. Ores could be laid down in Toronto for !?2.50 to .^3.50 jier ton, whicli cost $5 to §6 in Cliicago ; and coke c«tuld be obtained from Connellsville, Pennsylvania, as cheaply as in Chicago. But the po])ulation of Canada alone is too small and too scattered to support iron and steel manufactures, except at one or two points, of a size sutli- cient to make them i>rofitable, for experience teaches that small works cannot manufacture nearly so ]»rotitiil>ly as large ones. West of Port Arthur on the Canadian side of Lake Superior are founil extensive deposits of magnetic iron ore, very rich and suitable for steel iiuiking, which are not worked as yet, although from the adjoining districts of Minnesota about one million tons annually are being mined. On an island in Lake Winnipeg is a large deposit of hematite. In British Columbia are numerous deposits of good iron (*res, witligrwxt facilities for smelting, as coal aliouiulsin tliat Province. In British Columbia, as in Nova Scotia, coal is found close to tlie sea shore ; the best market for both is in the neighl>ouriiig States where a , large population ii-fjuires cheap fuel, ami free trade in fuel would be of immens«; benefit to both countries. The nickel ores recently disco vereil in the SuiHairy ilistrict, on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway about 300 miles north-west of Toronto, are extremely valuable, nn jkt cent, the ore also *.siries of life, if it were not for the dutie.-*. In many parts are good qualities? of .s thk Discovkkv ok THE Great West. The OREf; KlfilME is CANAHA L'NDEK Lou IS Xl\'. Count I-rontenac; and New Fuani k UNI>I.R LoLis XIV. Monk Ai.M and a vol*. TlIK CONSIMRA* V OH PoNTI At . a Vol*. MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON. Messrs. MACMILLAN & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. By E. a. freeman, D.C.L., Regius Professor of Modern History, Oxford. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. 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