t>o X THE GIFT OF MAY TREAT MORRISON IN MFMORY OF ALEXANDER F MORRISON INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY By J. H. W. STUCKENBERa. Introduction to the Study of Philosophy. With ail Appendix and Index. Gtli edition. Crown Svo, cloth, net, Sl-.W. The volume U inlendeJ to be (in Introduction to tilt' Stint// of J'/iilosoplii/, and eieri/l/iixri fiii.1 heen (iilnpted to t/iis spri-ifii- aim. It is not an eniyilojiiidia, nor is it iutt-nded as an iutruibiction to any particular philosophical system — or to the liialory of the various systems — but to the study of Philosophy itself. The author holds that philosophy is not taiiyht, but thought; that Ihouijht is never appropriated errept by mental elaboration, and that the best preparation fur philosophii consists in clear, pro- found, and independent thinking. Introduction to the Study of Sociology. With