UC-NRLF B 3 SDS 3h7 ~~*»*~ RECON ERRATA PEOTESTANT BIBLE TRUTH OF THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS EXAMINED; IN A TREATISE, SHOWING SOME OF THE ERRORS THAT ARE TO BE FOUND IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES, USED BY PROTESTANTS, AGAINST SUCH TOINTS OF RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE AS ARE THE SUBJECT OF CONTROVERSY BETWEEN THEM AND THE MEMBERS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ; IN WHICH ALSO, FROM THEIR MISTRANSLATING THE TWENTY-THIRD VERSE OF THE FOURTEENTH CHAPTER OF THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, THE CONSECRATION OF DR. MATTHEW PARKER THE FIRST PROTESTANT ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, IS OCCASIONALLY CONSIDERED. BY THOMAS WARD, ESQ. A NEW EDITION, CAREFULLY REVISED AND CORRECTED. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, THE CELEBRATED PREFACE OF THE REV. D CT RLINGARD IN ANSWER TO RYAN'S " ANALYSIS AND A VINDICATION, BY THE RIGHT REV. DOCTOR MILNER, IN ANSWER TO GRIER'S " REPLY." " For I testify to every one that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book : If any m.in shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the- words of the bookof this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the Holy City, and from these things which are written in this book." Revelations xxii. IS, 19. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY D. & J. SADLIER, & Co. No. 31 BARCLAY STREET. BOSTON:— 128 FEDERAL STREET. LOAN S T TO THE RIGHT REVEREND JOHN FENNELLY, VICAK APOSTOLIC OF MADRAS, BISHOP OP CASTORIA, THIS EDITION OF "WARD'S INVALUABLE WORK, AGAINST THE GROSSEST OP ALL CORRUPTIONS, THE CORRUPTION OP THE SACRED SCRIPTURES, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, AS A SMALL TESTIMONY OF THE HIGH ESTEEM AND VENERATION IN WHICH HIS LORDSHIP IS HELD, BY HIS LORDSHIP 3 MOST OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANTS, THE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 1ft, AVOLKBKA-STREET, DUBLIN, 1* JMly, 1841. 0027 CONTENTS. Preface to the Fourth Edition, . The Author's Preface, The Truth of Protestant Translations of the Bible examined, Of the Canonical Books of Scripture, Of Books rejected by Protestants for Apocryphal, Piotestant Translations against the Church, " " against the Blessed Sacrament and Sacrifice of the Mass, ** " against the Blessed Sacrament and the Altar, ** " against Priests and Priesthood, ** " against Priesthood and Holy Orders, ** " against the Authority of Priests, u " against Episcopal Authority, ** " against the Single Lives of Priests, • " against the Sacrament of Baptism, " " against Confession and the Sacrament of Penance, " " against the Honour of our Blessed Lady and other Saints, " M against the Distinction of Relative and Divine Worship, ** " against Sacred Images, ** " against the Use of Sacred Images, " " against Limbus Patrum and Purgatory, ... " " against Justification and the Reward of Good Works, u " against Merits and Meritorious Works, ** " against Free Will, " " against Inherent Justice, •* " in defence of the Sufficiency of Faith alone, " " against Apostolical Traditions, M " against the Sacrament of Marriage, Protestant Corruptions by adding to the Text Considerations on the Lambeth Records, Protestant Translation against the Perpetual Sacrifice, ... ... * Corruptions of the Scripture, ... ... „, ** Absurdities in turning Psalms into Metre, A Vindication of tne Roman Catholics, A Vindication of Ward's Errata, in Reply to Grier, by the Right Rev. Dr. Milner, PAGE i _ -14 15- -24 25- -31 32 33- -39 40, 41 42, 43 44, 45 46, 47 48, 49 50, 51 52, 53 54, 55 56, 57 58, 59 60, 61 62, 63 64, 65 66- -69 70- -73 74, 75 76, 77 78, 79 80, 81 82, 83 84- -86 87 88- -90 91- -97 98- 101 102- 107 108- 111 112, 113 114- 118 PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. BY DR. LINGARD. The publication of Ward's M Errata to the Protestant Bible" has disclosed a most curious and important fact, that the scriptural church of England and Ireland was originally founded on a false translation of the scriptures. It was the boast of the first reformers, that they had emancipated their disciples from the shackles of Catholic despotism, and had restored to them the freedom of the children of God : it now appears, that this freedom consisted in reading an erroneous version of the inspired writings, and in venerating as the dictates of eternal Wisdom the blunders of ignorant or interested translators. " The scriptures," they exclaimed, " are the sole rule of faith. Here they are, no longer concealed under the obscurity of a learned language, but exhibited to you in your native tongue. Here you will easily detect the errors of Popery, and learn the true doctrine of the Gospel." The credulity of multitudes ac- cepted with joy the proffered boon ; the new teachers were hailed as apostles commissioned by heaven ; and every old woman, both male and female, that could read, became an adept, if not in the knowledge of the Bible, at least in the prejudices and errors of its translators. It is not for man to dispute the wisdom of Providence, and arraign at the bar of his private judgment the means which God may choose for the diffusion of religious knowledge. Otherwise, I must confess, there appears to me something very unaccountable in the scriptural blunders of the apostles of the reformation. The object, they said, of their mission was the dissemination of evangelic truth. If the Holy Spirit selected them for this important office, he must also have gifted them with the true knowledge of the scriptures, and, if he gifted them with the true knowledge of the scriptures, it seems to follow that he ought also to have granted them the power to make a true translation of the scriptures. The apostles of Jesus received the knowledge of tongues, that they might instruct the different nations of the earth : the apostles of the church of England and Ireland ought to have received the knowledge of, at least, the Hebrew and Greek tongues, that they might form an accurate version of the scriptures. Such a version was as necessary to that church, as the instructions of the first apostles could be to the primitive churches of Christianity. If they were apostol- ical, she was scriptural. However, without speculating on the cause, the fact is certain, not only from the arguments of Ward, but even ; from the concessions of his adversaries, that the fathers of this scriptural church gave it a version of the scriptures abounding with errors. And here it may reasonably be asked, whence arose these errors ? Were they the offspring of igno- rance, or design ? Dr. Ryan warmly contends for the former, and endeavours to fortify his opinion by the authority of Father Simon : (a) but then, even admitting his assertions, devoid as they are of proof, and liable to objection, what are we to think of the temerity of these men, who, incompetent to the task, and con- scious of their incompetency, still presumed to violate the purity of the sacred volumes, and to obtrude on their unsuspecting disciples an erro- neous version as the immaculate word of God, and as the sole and infallible guide to religious truth 1 Ward, on the contrary, attempts to show that the more important of their errors were committed by design ; and a curious cir- cumstance it is, highly corroborative of his opinion, that most of their blunders are favour- able to their own peculiar doctrines, and unfa- vourable to those of their opponents. But, if this be true, what judgment can any unpreju- diced man form of these saints of the reforma- tion ? For my part, I know of no crime more foul in its own nature, more prejudicial in its consequences, more nearly allied to diabolic malignity, than that of designedly corrupting the holy scriptures, and, by such corruption, leading the sincere inquirer into error, and converting the food of life into the poison of death. But, from whatever source these false ren- derings proceeded, whether their authors were guided by policy or misled by ignorance, this must be conceded, that if Ward has fairly established the fact, he is entitled to the gratitude of the im- partial reader. The impartial reader, let him be Protestant or Catholic, will, if his object be truth, thankfully receive the truth from whatever hand may present it to him Hence it was with no small surprise that I heard the clamour which was raised against the last edition of the " Errata." In parliament and out of parliament, in news- papers and pamphlets, it was stigmatized as an attempt to vilify the reformation, and to heap disgrace on the Established Church. " It was the work," observed an eminent senator, emi- nent for the only talent he possesses, that of (a) Ryan's Analysis, p. 5. Simon, however, in tlie pas- sage referred to, does not speak of the English translator in particular, but of the Protestant translators in general This Dr. Ryan has thought fit to conceal from his readers PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. religious calumny, " it was the work of one hundred and twenty Popish priests leagued to put down Protestantism." Such nonsense hardly deserves notice. If facts are to be hidden from the eye of the public, because they reflect on the character of our predecessors, let history at once be condemned to the flames. The evangelists did not conceal the treachery of Ju- das : why should Protestant divines wish to conceal the blunders or the frauds of the fathers of their church ? To me, it appears, that none among the ad- versaries of Ward have had the courage, or the honesty to do justice to that writer. His object in compiling the " Errata," was twofold : firstly, to prove that the versions of the scripture on which the established creed was originally founded, were extremely corrupt : and secondly, to show that though many errors have been since corrected, there still remain many others to correct. All this however they prudently overlook ; and by an artful confusion of times and persons, by referring to modern Bibles the charges which he makes against those of a for- mer age, and by affecting to consider his accu- sation of the clergy of Queen Elizabeth as directed against the clergy of the present reign, they pretend to convict him of misrepresentation and calumny. In this, perhaps, they may act wisely ; they certainly act unfairly. Could they have shown that Ward had attributed to the ancient English Bible errors which it did not contain, or that he had attributed to the present Bibles errors which have been corrected in them, they might have substantiated their charges against him. But this they have not attempted. They content themselves with exclaiming that many of the former corruptions have been corrected, and therefore should not have been mentioned. But why should they not ? The very fact of their having been corrected is an unanswerable proof of Ward's assertion. It shows beyond the possibility of a doubt, that the church of England, however scriptural it may pretend to have been in its origin, was in reality founded on a false version of the scriptures ; a version which was a very Babel of confusion, which spoke sometimes the language of God and often the language of men, which had attempted to improve the lessons of eternal truth by the addition of the whims, the ignorance, the pre- judices, and the falsehoods of Tyndal, Coverdale, Cranmer, &c, &c. Among the opponents of Ward, the fiercest and the only one who has attempted a full refu- tation of the " Errata," is Dr. Ryan. His at- tempt is a consequence of the grant of Ireland which Adrian IV. made to Henry II. Nay, start not, gentle reader ; the most important events may often be traced to remote and almost imperceptible causes. The attempt of Dr. Ryan is a consequence of the grant of Ireland by Adrian IV. to Henry II. By that grant the Ryans lost an extensive property ;(a) and the present Dr. is the champion reserved by heaven (a) Anal., p. 58 to revenge on Popery .he injuries which she inflicted on his ancestors six centuries ago. An awful lesson this to the ambition of princes ! But. let us see, how the Dr. proceeds in the work of vengeance. He has divided his treatise into different sections, corresponding with those of the " Errata." In reviewing it, I shall follow the same order. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAIN3T THE CHURCH Under this head Ward has adduced no less than seven texts in which the English translators had substituted the word congregation for church ; to which Dr. Ryan replies, " that the former mistranslations of these seven texts, having been corrected in the present Bible, should have been excluded from the catalogue of the ' Errata.' "(A) This plea has, I trust, been sufficiently refuted in the preceding observations. That the correction has taken place, is indeed an improvement in the present Bible ; but it is at the same time a condemnation of its prede- cessors. After the correction, Ward should not have imputed these errors to the corrected copies ; neither has he done so : he should have imputed them to the more ancient copies, and in doing so, he is justified by the very concession of his adversary. " But," continues the Dr., " he produces an eighth text to show that we have been guilty of misconstruction to injure his church. In the Romish version it is written : my dove is one ; (Cant. xi. 8 :) in ours, my dove is but one; a curious proof of malice to his church ! Many of his errata are of this kind ; frivolous in themselves ; and affording no proof or but feeble proofs of the propositions he main- tains. "(c) Now, reade . what canst thou infer from this passage, but .t Ward had censured the Protestant version for having adopted the reading, my dove is but one ? The reverse, however, is the truth. Ward did not censure, he approved that reading. His censure was levelled against the more ancient reading in the English Bibles, my dove is alone. " But this," he adds, "is also amended." Such was the candour of Ward, that he carefully pointed out to his reader every correction. Of the candour of Dr. Ryan I wish I could speak with equal commendation. But he has begun his analysis with an artifice, which it will be impossible foi him to palliate, much less to justify. He has suppressed the real assertion of his adversary which he could not controvert, and has substi tuted in its place an assertion so palpabli absurd that it could not fail to make an impres- sion on the mind of the uninformed reader highly prejudicial to the character of Ward. Nor has the Dr. left his artifice to work its own effect. He has aided it. by his own observations: and has of consequence charged the author of (fe) Ibid., p. 11. (c) Ibid. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. the " Errata" with labouring to create disagree- ments where there was perfect harmony ; and wishing to widen instead of contracting the breach between the two churches, (a) Such is the honestj of our biblical Aristarchus. But if he cannot claim the praise of honesty, he may claim at least that of consistency. The fraud with which lie has commenced his controversial career, he has been careful to repeat in every stage of it. He was fully aware that in works of the imagination, according to the masters of the art, perfection cannot be attained, unless character be preserved throughout. Serveler ad im.um, Qualis ab incccpto processerit, el sibi conslct. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, AND THE SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. Dr. Ryan commences his strictures on this section by observing, that five of the texts pro- duced by Ward having been corrected in the modern Bibles, should have been excluded from the " Errata." I shall not fatigue the patience of the reader by repeating what I have already 6aid on the subject of these concessions : but shall content myself with reminding him how extremely corrupt that version must have been, the defence of which is thus abandoned by its warmest advocate. He proceeds : " The other three texts have no relation to the sacrament even in his own translations, as will appear by exhibiting them. Whom heaven truly must receive — let us cast wood upon his bread — -for he was the priest of the Most High. These three texts are thus rendered by us : Whom heaven must receive — let us destroy the tree with the fruit there- of — and he was the priest of the Most High, (b) These texts are no more for or against the sacrament than a treatise of astronomy : yet we are accused of misconstruing them from preju- dice against it!" Softly, good Doctor ! There may be more in some of these texts than you seem to be aware of. Let us examine them separately. 1st. Whom heaven must receive. In exhibit- ing this text, (to borrow the Doctor's expres- sion,) I fear he has had recourse to his favourite artifice, which I have exposed in the preceding section. He has suppressed the text, which Ward really condemns, and substituted in its place one which he approves. Ward did not condemn the corrected reading of the modern Bibles, which Dr. Ryan has exhibited: but he condemned the corrupted reading of the ancient Bibles, which the Dr. very prudently has for- gotten. That reading hath, whom heaven must contain ; a rendering which the correction, it has since received, sufficiently proves to have been false. But Dr. Ryan, by suppressing it, and substituting the corrected passage, states (a) Anal., p. 11. (b) Ibid., p. 12 two advantages : he conceals the ancient corrup- tion from the eye of his reader, and represents Ward as a man of weak intellects, who could thus refer to the sacrament a text which has no relation to it. In the corrected copies 1 acknow- ledge it has not; but in the more ancient it had. Ward had told us that it was so rendered by I?eza, according to that reformer's own confes- sion, in order to exclude the presence of Christ from the sacrament ; and Dr. Ryan must have known that Protestant controvertists in England have often alleged the same text for the same purpose. Ward then was perfectly correct. 2d, The second passage is very differently ren- dered in the Catholic and Protestant versions : in the former, Let us cast wood upon las bread : in the latter, Let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof. It must be acknowledged that the Catholic rendering is not conformable to the present Hebrew : "j^n^s 7? nmrran. But then it is conformable to the more ancient ver- sions, the Greek, the Vulgate, and the Arabic, and the consent of these versions proves that the modern reading of the Hebrew is false, (t) The Protestant translators, on the contrary, have chosen to follow that reading, and accor- dingly have rendered "p> nmrrao, let us destroy the tree ; but then, to make sense, they have been compelled to give to en? a meaning, which, I believe, it has not in any other part of ^ scripture, and under ■pn? the fruit thereof instead of his bread. Ward, therefore, was justified in numbering this in his catalogue of errata. If it be asked why he placed it under the head of false translations against the acra- ment, he answers because he suspected it to have been adopted in order to elude the force of a passage in the works of St. Jerom, who had re- ferred the original text to the holy Eucharist, (d) 3rd. The difference in the third text, Gon. xiv. 18, depends on the meaning which on a 3 n?3>:? trrrj for she is a man's wife. And Isaiah lxiv. 5 : Behold thou art wroth, Nf^na - ] for we have sinned.) In the present instance, they have rendered it and, which Ward ascribes to their wish to* elude the argument that Catholic theologians had been accustomed to draw from Melchizedeck's typical sacrifice of bread and »wine. Dr. Ryan proceeds to instance another text, which, as he vainly flatters himself, will yield him an easy victory. " In the Protestant trans- lation (Heb. x. 10,) it is said, v:e are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." " Ward says that our translators added the words for all, to take away the daily oblation of Christ's body and blood in the mass. (c) It was probably nrr«: in the more ancient ;opie» (of) Errata, No. Il" PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION". But it must be admitted that the compound Greek word, which Romanists render once should be rendered once for all ; only once and for a short time : that the words for all are improperly omitted in the Popish translations, and without servingthe cause for which Catholics contend."(o) He is an unskilful or an unfortunate champion, who cannot aim a stroke at his adversary with- out inflicting a wound on his friends. When Dr. Ryan condemns the Catholic, his censure bears still more heavily on the Protestant trans- lators : and he chooses to praise them at the very moment when they condemn him. The Greek . word eqanuS occurs frequently in the New Tes- tament : (6) yet in no one instance can I discover that the Protestant translators have rendered it once for all, except in this passage, Heb. x. 10. If then, as the Doctor asserts, the words for all are improperly omitted in the Popish translations, I trust, he will acknowledge that they are also improperly omitted in the Protestant translations; and thus contribute his mite towards comple- ting Ward's catalogue of errata. The truth, however, is, that the Protestant translators, in- stead of thinking the words for all improperly omitted, were conscious that they formed no part of the sacred texts, and therefore printed them in italics, as an indication that they occurred not in the original, but were useful to form a right notion of the apostle's meaning. Thus is Dr. Ryan condemned by his own clients. But, continues the Doctor, " The term once without the addition of the words for all, would not jus- ify a daily oblation : for where we are sanctified through the offering of Jesus Christ once, it must be unnecessary to repeat it : it does not follow that, because Christ's body was offered once for sinners, it should be daily offered for them." (c) Is not this a controversial stratagem, a ruse de gucre, to draw off the attention of the reader from the real state of the question 1 Ward did not say that because Christ's body was of- fered once, it follows that it ought to be offered daily. He was not so weak a logician. But he did say, that the Protestant translators added the words for all, in support of their favourite doctrine that he was not to be offered daily : and I confess, I think he is not mistaken : for on no other ground can I account for their having added the words for all in this passage, and having omitted them in every other in which the Greek term fqr>«.-reo6pEv ; nqoacfEQO^sv u).X (jtfaftfrjaif notovfiFvot iov duvatov dviov xai juat iattf ixutt] scat 6v no).hai .... tov yao u>OHj>g nvevjiajog &yi8, u l$F}(eFr Up fatxg, per lavacrum regenerations spiritus sancti quod effudit in nos. The English translators reversed the authority of Calvin ; and therefore preferring his version to the words of the original, they also rendered it, by the fountain of the regeneration of the Holy Ghost, which he shed on us." If it be said that the relative which is ambiguous, and may be referred either to fountain or Holy Ghost, I ask, why, where the original is clear, did they prefer ambiguity? why did they select the veib to shed, which alludes rather to the fountain than the Holy Ghost, and why did they so scrupu- lously adhere to Calvin's version, as to suppress the very Avords which he suppressed ? In the modern English Bibles, the words originally suppressed, are indeed restored, and fountain is changed into washing : but the ambiguous relative which, and the verb, to shed, are still retained. Dr. Rvan owns that the Catholic version is preferable. (a) Bez. annot. in Act xiz. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST CONFESSION AND THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE. On this subject, the point at issue between Ward and Dr. Ryan is the true meaning of the Greek verb fjeravoeiv. According to the Doc- tor it implies sorrow for sin with a firm resolu- tion of amendment, and is therefore properly rendered by the Protestant translators to repent. According to Catholics, it implies not only sorrow and a purpose of amendment, but also an external demonstration of that sorrow by good works performed in a penitential spirit, such as prayer, alms, and fasting, of which nu- merous instances are recorded in holy writ. The Catholic translators have therefore rendered it, to do penance. Now, that their rendering is accurate I think clear: lstly, from some of the texts themselves, which mention bodily afflic- tion as an adjunct to the sorrow and amend- ment required. Thus we read, Matt. xi. 21, Luke x. 13, They had done penance [repented Prot. ver.) in sackcloth and ashes ; 2ndly, from the ancient Greek ecclesiastical writers, who probably understood the real import of their own language as well as the Protestant transla- tors. Now those always style the. performance of penitential works /.isntvoui. Thus St Basil, speaking of the prayers, the abstinence, the sack- cloth and ashes of the Ninivites, exclaims : Togairri] fj tcii>' duccQTiaiz tve^oueroii' fiETavoia ;(a) 3d, from the austerities to which in the ancient church public sinners were subjected, who were then termed bi kv ttj usTavotu dfiea ; 4th from the translator of the Vulgate and the Latin fathers, who render it by " penitentiam agere." To these I may add Ausonius the poet in the well known passage, Sum Dea, quae facti, non factique exiero poenas ; Scilicet ut pceniteat, sic fitravoia vocor. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST THE HONOUR OF OUR LADY AND OTHER SAINTS. I shall not dwell long on the texts enumerated under this head, as they are of minor importance. By Ward they were noticed with no other view than to show, how scrupulously anxious the Protestant translators were not to contaminate the orthodoxy of their version by any approach towards the language of Catholics. I shall give one instance. In Psalm cxxxix. 17, occurs the following passage : — Thy friends, O God, are bicome exceedingly honourable : their princedom is exceedingly strengthened. In the Catholic service this text is applied to the saints ; a suffi- cient argument for its exclusion from a Protes- tant Bible. That the Hebrew word y\y\ ori- ginally meant thy friends, and anirasn their (a) St. Bas. horn, in fame et siceitate. princedom, cannot be denied. They had beeff rendered so by the Greek translator, and the Latin translator, and the Syriac translator, and the Arabic translator, and the Ethiopie. trans- lator, and the Chaldaic paraphrast. But then it was the misfortune of these writers to live before the reformation. Hatred of Popery had not disclosed to them all the mysteries of the Hebrew language. Our Protestant translators applied to the task ; and by the magic touch of their pen, the friends of God, and their prince- dom, were translated into the thoughts of God and their sum. " How precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God ! and how great is the sum of them.'" But this version, if it cannot lay claim to accuracy, has at least one advantage. It offers to the piety of the orthodox churchman a new subject of meditation, the sum of God's thoughts. Truly, if men "are determined to corrupt the language of scripture, let them at least make it speak sense. To pervert it from its true meaning is guilt sufficient : to transform it. into nonsense is a work of supererogation : it is more than is necessary for the support of or- thodoxy. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST THE DISTINCTION OF RELATIVE AND DIVINE WORSHIP. In Hebrews xi. 21, it is said of Jacob, nor- OEXvitjOtv fJTi to daoovirja QufiDe avru ; which 10 the Catholic translation is rendered, according to the Vulgate, adored the top of his (Joseph's) rod : in the Protestant, worshipped, leaning on the top of his staff. Among the ancient writers there were, two opinions respecting the meaning of this passage, and that to which it alludes, Genesis xlvii. 31. St. Augustine expounded them to mean that Jacob adored God, leaning on his staff, and St. Jerom countenances this opinion by translating the Hebrew : " adoravit Israel deum, conversus ad lectuli caput." But the general opinion was, that Jacob in this instance directed his respect not immediately to God, but to his son Joseph. Those, however, who held this opinion, were divided in theii manner of explaining it. " He worshipped Joseph," says Theophylactus, " pointing out the worship of the whole people. But how did he worship ? On the top of his staff: that is, sup- porting himself on his staff on account of his age. But some say he worshipped towards the top of Joseph's rod, signifying by the rod the sceptre of the kingdom which would be after- wards worshipped." (6) Of these two opinions the former was adopted by Theodoret ; " Israel sat resting on his staff, and worshipped bending (A) TlpoaeKVvriae r« Itotrety, rrjv wavTOS tov ~Saov -rrpoaKwriai* &n\b>v' TJwff fit TrpooiKwriaev ', lirt to hxpov tv" paotiov avrov, TavTioTiv, fKLptioBaa rripaPlo} aai t itpoatKWJiac, onpaivoiv to Tt\a paai^ciaa / <5ia rijo- pa(3Sov irpoaKVvT}drio-iodvT)cjtv tirtK\tvaa rtj pa@A, 10, it is rendered »in» &()rj(T, inferi, infernus, as they do "'-!?, racfoo, [ivij/Au, sepulchrum. It is from them that the true meaning of this ancient language is to be learned. If, however, Dr. Ryan refuses to submit to them, I trust he will not reject the authority of St. Peter, who in Acts xi. 27, translates it dcdija, and in obedience to whom the correctors of the Protestant Bible have in this instance erased the word grave, by which it had been rendered in the more ancient editions. Dr. Ryan wishes to persuade his readers that Ward introduced the text from Heb. v. 7, as a proof of the existence of purgatory. Why should he thus misrepresent his adversary 1 In discoursing of the foregoing texts. Ward had occasion to mention that article of the creed, in which Christians profess their belief in the de- scent of our Saviour into hell : and this had led him to censure the opinion of Calvin and Beza that the descent into hell was only a metaphorical expression, significative of the anguish of de- spair, and the horrors of damnation, which Jesus felt on the cross. To countenance so blasphe- mous an idea, the Protestant translators added their mite ; and in rendering that passage, in which St. Peter alludes to the prayer of Jesus on the cross, tell us that he was heard in that which he feared. The Greek is awor^tr ivladetaa, which in the Catholic version is translated, he was heard for his reverence. What plea may be offered in defence of the Protestant rendering I know not. Dr. Ryan has offered none. I may therefore assume that it is inde» fensible. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST JUSTIFICATION AND THE REWARD OF GOOD WORKS. Dr. Ryan observes that the texts enumerated by Ward in this section were too obscure to induce the Protestant translators to misrender them. But this is shifting the question. The point in debate is not, whether these texts be obscure or not ; but whether they be fairly ren- dered in the Protestant version. Ward asserts they are not ; and I think he has made out a pretty strong case. The Protestant translators were violent champions in favor of justification by faith only, and whoever consults this version will find that they had two sets of English words to express the Greek word Sinv and its deriva- vations. When they were united in the scriptures with the word faith, then they were rendered by just, justice, justification ; but if they were united with words expressive of the reward or practice of good works, just and justification disappeared, and righteous and righteousness were adopted in their place. If nothing unfair were meant, what motive could they have for this verbal legerdemain ? How comes it, that the same PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. Greek words should be cautiously rendered by- two different sets of English words, and that these should be alternately adopted as they fa- voured the opinions of the translators, or were adverse to those of their antagonists. TROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST MERIT AND MERITORIOUS WORKS. In this section Ward produces five texts which, he maintains, have been falsely rendered in the Protestant Bible. In answer, Dr. Ryan compares these texts as they now stand, with the same passages in the Catholic version, and very gravely asks where is the difference 1 But know, gentle reader, tbat he quotes from the amended version, in which the three principal corruptions have been corrected ; while Ward complains of the original translation. Such artifices are but sorry indications of the confidence which Dr. Ryan professes in the goodness of his cause. Of the remaining texts, one (Coloss. i. 12), according to the Catholic version, declares that God has made us worthy ; according to the Protestant, has made us meet to he partakers of the inheritance of the saints. The Greek is Ixctvoourti : and as the Protestant translators have rendered Ixatoo worthy in Matt. iii. 11, and viii. 8, I see not why they should here have rendered it meet, were it not to avoid the Ca- tholic doctrine of merit. The other passage is in Ps. cxix. 112, in which -i?? j s rendered for reward, by the Catholic ; unto the end, by the Protestant version. There is something very singular in the fate of this word. If in this passage the Catholic translator has rendered it for reward, in verse 33 of the same psalm he has rendered it always : and in like manner, if in this passage the Protestant translator has ren- dered it unto the end, in Psalm xix. 12, he has rendered it reward. In this confusion of ren- derings I should think it the most prudent to adhere to the ancient Greek interpreter, rather than the modern translators. He probably pos- sessed more accurate MSS , and certainly was more intimately acquainted with the original language. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST FREE WILL. Of the seven texts enumerated by Ward under this head, three, according to Dr. Ryan, have be -p ro»n\ 3rd. In Ephes. i. 6, the Apostle says that God t/aQt,T(t)aav f)fiag if tw riyanyuEva. Ward has made it sufficiently clear from the ancient Greek writers, that f^oawfjev means, has made us agreeable or pie sing in his eyes. The Pro- testant translators have rendered it, has made us accepted. At first sight it may perhaps appear that the two renderings are nearly alike ; but a closer inspection will discover that the former is adverse, the latter favourable to the doctrine of imputative justice. Ward then was probably accurate in attributing this rendering to the pre- judices of the translators in favor of their own opinion. 4th. The false translation of 2 Cor. v. 21, is corrected in the more modern Bibles. Who- ever consults Ward will see what unjustifiable liberties the original translators took with their text. But on this head Dr. Ryan is silent. He would fain persuade his readers, it is of the pre- sent and not of the ancient version that Ward complains. Such artifices are unworthy of a wri- ter, who is convinced of the goodness of his cause. 5th. The two remaining texts, Dan. vi. 22 ; Rom. iv. 6, are noticed by Ward principally a* instances of the horror which the reformers seems to have entertained for the word justice. That they might not pollute their pages with such a term, they have inserted innocency in the former, and righteousness in the latter passage. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS IN FAVOUR OF THE SUFFICIENCY OF FAITH ALONE. This section, like most others, offered Dr. Ryan a subject of imaginary triumph. Out ol the six corrupt, renderings noticed by Ward, he boasts that four have been corrected in the later editions of the Bible. He must be a weak adver- sary indeed, who can envy him such a triumph. I shall therefore proceed to the two remaining texts. Among the separatists from the Church of Rome at the period of the reformation, no less than among the separatists from the Church of England at the present day, it was a favourite doctrine, that justification by faith consisted in a full assurance of salvation. Whoever could work in himself this conviction, was secure of future happiness. His assurance was infallible; it would preserve him from ever falling, so as to forfeit his claim to the kingdom of heaven. Among the texts adduced in favour of this opinion was that of the epistle in the Hebrews, x. 22, with this difference, that former fanatics could only appeal to the assurance of faith of the ancient Protestant version, while modern fanatics may appeal to the full assurance of faith of the present amended edition. But does the original text, ev nh/Qoyoiq TTTCTrewrr, warrant such a rendering 'I 1 have no hesitation in asserting, that it does not, and I found my assertion on the authority of those who could not have been ignorant of the true meaning of the Greek language, the ancient doctors of the Greek Church. By these the nlrjooyoQia Tiiorewo is said to be, a full and perfect faith, a faith that believes without doubting whatever God has revealed. Tavxa. says Theodoret, *5rwcr i/Biy niOTEvovjsa, x«t nuaav Si%ovoiolv jtjo yju^a e^uQi^oviEcr. Tttxo yag nXr t qoq;OQiav e^uXeoe i'.(a) It is, according to Theophylact, nioxia nenXi^w- /jEPtj xui adiOTotXTog. (&) The last text is Luke xviii. 43, Thy faith hath saved thee, instead of hath made thee whole. That this is a false rendering, is acknowledged. I shall therefore only ask, why it was first in- serted in the original version, and why it is still preserved in the corrected edition ? PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST APOSTOLICAL TRADITIONS. On this subject I shall be content to refer the reader to the Errata, No. XVI., where he will see (a) Theod. in Ep. adHeb., c. x. (6) Tb^od. in eund. loc. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. 13 what reasons Ward had for censuring the Protes- tant translators ; and shall only notice Dr. Ryan's artifice in attempting to persuade us, that two of the five texts condemned by his adversary " agree with the Popish translation." What then ! did Ward accuse the Protestants of mis- translating, when they translated in the same sense as the Rhemish divines ? No such thing, Dr. Ryan meant to say, that the ancient ren- dering of the Protestant Bible in these two pas- sages was so evidently false, that it has since been corrected according to the Catholic trans- lation. Had he said this, he would have said the truth. MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES. Ov this head I shall notice the principal passages. It would fatigue the patience of the reader to go through them all. On marriage. " In the Popish version," says Dr. Ryan, " we read, this is a great sacra- ment : in ours, this is a great mystery. (Eph. v. 22.) Ward allows that the word signifies mystery ill Greek, and in Latin sacrament : surely then we are not chargeable with mistranslation. "(a) Never perhaps was there a more intrepid writer than Dr. Ryan ; never one who cared less for detection, or trusted more to the credulity of his readers. Does Ward then condemn the words, this is a great mystery, as a false transla- tion ? On the contrary, he approves of it as a true one. But he condemned the original Protestant rendering, this is a great secret ; a rendering so very faulty that Dr. Ryan was ashamed to notice it, and therefore endeavoured, by calumniating his adversary, to keep it a. great secret. On prayers in an unknown tongue. In 1 Cor.- xiv. the Protestant translators have added the epithet unknown in five different pas- sages ; and in answering this charge, Dr. Ryan very adroitly becomes the assailant, and accuses the Catholic translators of having omitted it in the same passages. What then 1 Does it occur in the original ? No ; but it is necessary to complete the sense. So Dr. Ryan may think ; but the apostle thought otherwise. He did not insert it. ; and if he did not, I cannot conceive ■whence any translator can derive authority to insert it for him. If you will have the people to study their faith in the scriptures, let them at least have the scriptures as they were originally written. Let the stream flow to them pure from its source, without the admixture of foreign matters. With respect to the texts, 1 Cor. xiii. ; 1 Cor. i. 10 ; and 1 Tim. iii. 6, Ward's charges are directed against the ancient Protestant version ; and Dr Ryan charges him with misrepresenta- tion because these passages are corrected in the modern amended editions ! ! James i 13. Let no man say that he is tempted of God : for God is not a tempter of evil: and he tempteth no man. Instead of this the Protestant version reads, for Gnd cannot be tempted with evil. Dr. Ryan has the modesty to assert that these two constructions are nearly the same ! (b) CONCLUSION. Dr. Ryan has repeatedly challenged he " Po- pish clergy" to reply to his analysis r lie cannot be offended that I have accepted the invitation. If in the cause of my reply, I have shown that he has often adopted artifices unworthy a scholar and a divine ; that he was frequently misrepresented, and still more frequently con- cealed the arguments of his adversary, the blame must attach not to me, but to himself. He volunteered in the controversy : he must be an- swerable for the manner in which he has con- ducted the contest. Besides those parts of the Analysis which I have noticed, Dr. Ryan has offered some argu- ments respecting the Lambeth Register, and added answers to Ward's queries. With these I have no concern. My only object was to refute his remarks with respect to the Protestant version of the scriptures. As, however, it would be uncivil to take my leave without replying to these queries, which he has placed at the end of his pamphlet, I shall endeavour to do it as concisely and as satisfactorily as I can. The three first queries ask, how the Vulgate can be an infallible standard for other transla- tions ? I answer, that the Vulgate is a version deservedly of high authority, but I never yet met with a Catholic who considered it as infal- lible. Q. IV. Is the translation of the Bible respon- sible for the errors or excesses of Beza, or others, who had no hand in any of our versions ? A. It is not. Nor does Ward say it is. But many of the first translators were the pupils of Calvin and Beza, and it was not irrelevant to trace in the work of the masters the errors of their disciples. Q. V. Did the Protestant Churches ever pre- tend to be infallible in these translations or other- wise ? A. I know not whether they did or not. But this I know, they ought to have done so. Whence can a Protestant ignorant of the origi- nal languages, derive the knowledge of the Christian faith, but from the translation of the Bible ? If then, that translation be fallible, or manifestly erroneous, how can he have any security that his faith be true 1 Built on an unsafe foundation, it can never acquire stability. The translation of the Bible must be infallible, or at least authentic, or the Protestant in question must always live in uncertainty. Q. VI. Did not the translators of the Bible of the year 1683 correct forty errors in our old ones ? A. The reformers of the old Protestant trans- it) Anal., p. 40. 3 (6) Anal., p. 42. 14 PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. lations did conect forty errors, and should have corrected forty more. Q. VII. Having adopted the'very words of the Popish English Bible in very many in- stances, is it fair to charge them in every page with malice, design, and misinterpretation ? A. Ward does not often charge them with malice, design, and misinterpretation. His charges are principally levelled against the ori- ginal translators. He approves in many places of the conduct of the reformers of the Protes- tant version ; in some he condemns them, I fear, justly. Q. VIII. It always proves a bad cause to represent an opponent's argument as weaker than it is. Show where I exhibit Ward's objec- tions as less strong than they are ? A. In every division almost without exception. This I think I have sufficiently proved in the preceding pages. Q. IX. According to Ward, the apostles had a Christian doctrine, a rule of faith, before the New Testament was written ; prove that they had it ? A. If by a rule of faith Dr. Ryan means the thirty-nine Articles, I do not believe that the apostle had them either before the scripture was written or afterwards. But of this I am sure, that before the scripture was written the apos- tles preached the Christian doctrine, and estab- lished churches in which it was taught I humbly conceive that they must have had a knowledge of it, and have imparted that know- ledge to their disciples. Q. X. Will not the Greek professor at May nooth admit that the word lyanuS signifies once for all ? A. As I have not the honour to be acquainted with the Greek professor at Maynooth, I am unable to answer the question. Qs. XI. XII. XIII. XV. regard the meaning of Greek words. For answer I must request the reader to consult the preceding pages. Q. XIV. Was it not more decent in an apostle to lead about a wife than a strange woman ? A. I do not see how he could, unless he were married. Our blessed Redeemer was often attended by holy women of his kindred ; why might not an apostle also ? Q. XVI. The word nuQctnrw t u& signifies fault as well as sin. The Romanists render it sin : why may we not. render it fault without being guilty of misconstruction 1 A. I see no great sin in rendering nagaTtTw/j^ fault, nor any great fault in rendering it sin. Q. XVII. Did not Adrian IV. grant Ireland to Henry II., and did not Alexander IV. confirm that grant ? A. Did not Dr. Ryan undertake to refute the " Errata," and has he not failed in almos every point 1 THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. Among the many and irreconcileable differ- ences between Roman Catholics and the secta- ries of our days, those about the holy scriptures claim not the least place on the stage of controversy : as, firstly, whether the Bible is the sole and only rule of faith ? Secondly, whether all things necessary to salvation are contained in the Bible ? Or, whether we are bound to believe some things, as absolutely necessary to salvation, which are either not clear in scripture, or not evidently deduced out of scripture ? Thirdly, whether every individual person, of sound judgment, ought to follow his own private interpretation of the scripture ? If so, why one party or profession should condemn, persecute, and penal-law another, for being of that per- suasion he finds most agreeable to the scripture, as expounded according to his own private spirit ? If not, to what interpreter ought they to submit themselves, and on whom may they •safely and securely depend, touching the exposi- tion and true sense and meaning of the same ? Fourthly, whence have we the scripture ? That is, who handed it down to us from the Apostles, who wrote it ? And by what authority we receive it for the Word of God 1 And, whether we ought not to receive the sense and true meaning of the scripture, upon the same author- ity we receive the letter ? For if Protestants think, the letter was safe in the custody of the Roman Catholic Church, from which they received it, how can they suspect the purity of that sense, which was kept and delivered to them by the same church and authority ? With several other such like queries, frequently firoposed by Catholics ; and never yet, nor ever ikely to be, solidly answered by any sectaries whatever. It is not the design of this following treatise to enter into these disputes ; but only to show thee, Christian reader, that those translations of the Bible, which the English Protestant clergy have made and presented to the people for their only rule of faith, are in many places not only partial, but false, and disfigured with several corruptions, abuses, and falsifications, in derogation to the most material points of Cath- olic doctrine, and in favour and advantage of their own erroneous opinions : for, As it has been the custom of heretics in all ages, to pretend to scripture alone for their rule, and to reject, the authority of God's holy church ; so has it also ever been their practice to falsify, corrupt, and abuse the same in divers manners. 1 . One way is, to deny whole books thereof, or parts of books, when they are evidently against them : so did, for example, Ebion all St. Paul's epistles ; Manicheus the Acts of the Apostles ; Luther likewise denied three of the four Gospels, saying, that St. John's is the only true gospel ; and so do our Enp'hh Protestants those books which they call tie Apocrypha. 2. Another way is, to call in question at the least, and make some doubt of the authority of certain books of holy scriptures, thereby to diminish their credit : so did Manicheus affirm, that the whole New Testament was not written by the Apostles, and particularly St. Matthew's Gospel : so did Luther discredit the Epistle of St. James : so did Marcion and the Arians deny the Epistle to the Hebrews to be St. Paul's ; in which they were followed by our first English Protestant translators of the Bible, who pre- sumed to strike St. Paul's name out of the very title of the said Epistle. («) 3. Another way is, to expound the scripture according to their own private spirit, and to reject the approved sense of the ancient holy Fathers, and Catholic Church : so do all here- tics, who seem to ground their errors upon the scriptures ; especially those, who will have scripture, as by themselves expounded, for their only rule of faith. 4. Another way is, to alter the very origi- nal text of the holy scriptures, by adding to, di- minishing, and changing it here or there for their purpose : so did the Arians, Nestorians, &c. and also Marcion, who is therefore called Mus Ponticus, from his gnawing, as it were, certain places with his corruptions ; and for the same reason may Beza not improperly be called, the Mouse of Geneva. 5. Another way not unlike this, is to make corrupt and false translations of the scriptures for the maintenance of their errors : so did the Arians and Pelagians of old, and so have the pretended reformers of our days done, which I intend to make the subject of this following treatise. Yet, before I proceed any further, let me first assure my reader, that this work is not undertaken with any design of lessening th« (a) See Bibles J 579, 1580. / 16 THE AUTHOR S 1'REFACE. credit or authority of the Holy Bible, as perhaps some may be ready to surmise : for indeed, it is a common exclamation among our adversaries, especially such of them as one would think should have a greater respect for truth, that Catholics make light of the written Word of God : that they undervalue and condemn the sacred scriptures : that they endeavour to lessen the credit and authority of the Holy Bible. Thus possessing the poor deluded people with an ill opinion of Catholics, as if they rejected, and trod under feet, the written Word : where- as it is evident to all, who know them, that none can have a greater respect and veneration for the holy scripture than Catholics have, receiving, reverencing, and honouring the same, as the very pure and true Word of God ; neither re- jecting, nor so much as doubting of the least tittle in the Bible, from the beginning of Genesis, to the end of the Revelations ; several devout Catholics having that profound venera- tion for it, that they always read it on their knees with the greatest humility and rev- erence imaginable, not enduring to see it pro- faned in any kind ; nor so much as to see the least torn leaf of a Bible put to any manner of unseemly use. Those who, besides all this, consider with what very indifferent behaviour the scripture is ordinarily handled among Pro- testants, will not, I am confident, say that Catholics have a less regard for it, than Pro- testants ; but, on the contrary, a far greater. Again, dear reader, if thou findest in any part of this treatise, that the nature of the subject has extorted from me such expressions as may, perhaps, seem either spoken with too much heat, or not altogether so soft as might be wished for ; yet, let me desire thee not to look upon them as the dictates of passion, but rather as the just re- sentments of a zealous mind, moved with the incentive of seeing God's sacred word adul- terated and corrupted by ill-designing men, on purpose to delude and deceive the ignorant and unwary reader. The holy scriptures were written by the Pro- phets, Apostles, and Evangelists ; the Old Tes- tament in Hebrew, except only some few parts in Chaldee and Syriac ; the greater part of the New Testament was written in Greek, St. Matthew's Gospel in Hebrew, and St. Mark's in Latin. We have not at this day the original writings of these Prophets and Apostles, nor of the seventy interpreters, who translated the Old Testament into Greek, about 300 years before the coming of Christ ; we have only copies ; for the truth and exactness whereof we must rely upon the testimony and tradition of the church, which in so important a point God would never permit to err : so that we have not the least doubt, but the copy authorised and approved of by the church is sufficiently authentic. For what avails it for a Christian to believe that scripture is the Word of God, if he be uncertain which copy and translation is true ? Yet, not- withstanding the necessity of admitting some true authentic copy, Protestants pretend that there is none authentic in the world ; as may j be seen in the preface to the Tigurine edition of the Bible, and in all their books of controversy ; seeing therein they condemn the council of Trent, for declaring that the old translation is authentic, and yet themselves name no other for such. And, therefore, though the Lutherans fancy Luther's translation ; the Calvinists, that of Geneva ; the Zuinglians, that of Zuinglius ; the English, sometimes one, and sometimes another : yet because they do not hold any one to be authentic, it follows, from their excep- tions against the infallibility of the Roman Ca- tholic Church in declaring or decreeing a true and authentic copy of scripture, and their con- fession of the uncertainty of their own transla- tions, that they have no certainty of scripture at all, nor even of faith, which they ground upon scripture alone. That the Vulgate of the Latin is the most true and authentic copy, has been the judgment of God's Church for above those 1300 years ; dur- ing which time, the Church has always used it ; and therefore it is, by the sacred council (a) of Trent, declared authentic and canonical in every part and book thereof. Most of the Old Testament, as it is in the said Latin Vulgate, was translated (b) out of Hebrew by St. Hierom, or St Jerom ; and the New-Tes- tament had been before his time translated out of Greek, but was by him (c) reviewed ; and such faults as had crept in by the negligence of the transcribers, were corrected by him by the ap- pointment of Pope Damasus. " You constrain me," says he, "to make a new work of an old that I, after so many copies of the scriplures dispersed through the world, should sit as a certain judge, which of them agree with the true Greek. I have restored the New Testament to the truth of the Greek, and have translated the old according to the Hebrew. Truly, I will affirm it confidently, and will produce many witnesses of this work, that 1 have changed nothing from the truth of the Hebrew," &c. (b) And for sufficient testimony of the sincerity of the translator, and commendations of his trans- lation, read these words of the great Doctor St. Augustin : " There was not wanting," says he " in these our days, Hierom, the priest, a man most learned and skilful in all the three tongues who not from the Greek, but from the Hebrew, translated the same scriptures into Latin, whose learned labour the Jews yet confess to be true." (e) Yea, the truth and purity of this translation is such, that even the bitterest of Protestants themselves are forced to confess it to be the best, and to prefer it before all others, as also to acknowledge the learning, piety, and sincerity of the translator of it; which Mr. Whitaker, notwithstanding his railing in another place, (a) Con. Trident., Sess. 4. (b) S. Hierom. in lib. de Viris Illustr. extremo, et in Praefat librorum quos Latinos fecit. (c) Hier Ep. 89. ad Aug , qnsest. 11, inter Ep. Aug (d) See his preface before the New Testament, dedica- ted to Pope Damasus, and his Catalogue in fine. (e) S. Aug. de Civit. Dei. lib. 18, c. 43, et Ep. 80, ad Hierom c. 3, "»t lib. 2, Doct. Christi, c. 15. THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. 17 does in these words : " St. Hicrom, I reverence ; Damasus, 1 commend ; and the work I confess to be godly and profitable to the church." (a) Dr. Dove says thus of it: " We grant it fit, that fur uniformity in quotations of places, in schools and pulpits, one Latin text should be used : and we can be contented, for the antiquity thereof, to prefer that (the Vulgate) before all other Latin books." (b) And for the antiquity of it Dr. Covel tells us, " that it was used in the church 1300 years ago :" not doubting to prefer that translation before others, (c). Dr. Humphrey frees St. Hierom, both from malice and ignorance in translating, in these words : " The old interpreter was much addicted to the propriety of the words, and indeed with too much anxiety, which I attribute to religion, not to ignorance." (J) In regard of which integrity and learning, Molinoeus signifies his good esteem thereof, saving, (e) " I cannot easily forsake the vulgar and accustomed reading, which also I am accus- tomed earnestly to defend :" " Yea, (/") I prefer the vulgar edition, before Erasmus's, Bucer's, Bollinger's. Brentius's, the Tigurine transla- tion ; yea before John Calvin's, and all others." How honourably he speaks of it ! And yet, Conradus Pellican, a man commended by Bi;cer, Zuinglius, Melancthon, and all the fa- mous Protestants about Basil, 'Figure, Berne, ) See the Praef. to the Rhemish Testament; Dr. Mar- tin's Discovery ; Reynold's Refutation of Whitaker, cap xiii. (c) Such were Luther, Calvin, Beza, Bucer, Cranmer, T) ndal, &c. from the fountains of the Greek and Hebrow ; so is also our Latin Vulgate ; only with this dif- ference, that ours was taken from the fountains when they were clear, and by holy and learned men, who knew which were the crystal waters, and true copies ; but theirs is taken from foun- tains troubled by broachers of heresies, self- interested and time-serving persons ; and after that the Arians, and other heretics, had, I say, corrupted and poisoned them with their false and abominable doctrines. Obj. 2. Cheminitius and others yet further object, that there are some corruptions found in the Vulgate Latin, viz., that these words, Ipsa conlerct caput tuum, (d) are corrupted, thereby to prove the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary ; and that instead thereof, we should read Ipsum contcret caput tuum, seeing it was spoken of the seed, which was Christ, as all ancient writers teach. Ans. Some books of the Vulgate edition have Ipsa, and some others Ipse ; and though many Hebrew copies have Ipse, yet there want not some which have Ipsa : and the points being taken away, the Hebrew word maybe translated Ipsa : yea the holy fathers (e) St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, St. Chrysostom, St. Gregory, St. Bede, &c, read it Ipsa, and I think we have as great reason to follow their interpreta- tion of it as Cheminitius's, or that of the Pro- testants of our days ; and though the word con- teret in the Hebrew is of the masculine gender, and so should relate to Semen, which also in the Hebrew is of the masculine gender, yet it is not rare in the scriptures to have pronouns and verbs of the masculine gender, joined with nouns of the feminine, as in Ruth i. 8 ; Esther i. 20 ; Eccles. xii. 5. The rest of Cheminitius's cavils you will find sufficiently answered by the learned Cardinal Bellarmine, lib. ii. de Verb, Dei, cap. 12, 13, 14. Again, Mr. Whitaker condemns us for follow- ing our Latin Vulgate so precisely, as thereby to omit these words, (/) " when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption," which are in the Greek exemplars, but not in our Vulgate Latin : whence it follows assuredly, says he, " that Hierom dealt not faithfully here, or that his version was corrupted afterwards." I answer to this, with Dr. Reynolds, (^) that this omission (if it be any) could not proceed from malice or design, seeing there is no loss or hindrance to any part of doctrine, by reading it as we read ; for the self same thing is most clearly set down in the very next lines before. Thus stand the words : " For this corruptible, must do on incorruption ; and this mortal, do on immortality : and when this (corruptible, has done on incorruption, and this) mortal has done (/I) Gen. iii. (e) St. August , lib. 2, deGen. cont. Manich , c. xviit-l. 11, de Gen." ad Literam, cap. xxxvi ; St. Ambr. lib. de Fusra Sseculi, cap v i i . : St. Ghrysost in Bom. 17, in Gen. St. Greg. lib. i ; Mor. cap. xxxviii.; Beda et alii in hunc locum. ( / ) 1 Cor. xv. 54. (le, " is a translation that takes away from the text, that adds to the text, and that sometimes, to the changing or obscuring of the meaning of the Holy Ghost ;" calling it yet further, " a trans- lation which is absurd' and senseless, pervert- ing, in many places, the meaning of the Holy Ghost." {g) For which cause, Protestants of tender con- sciences made great scruple of subscribing thereto: "How shall I," says Mr. Burgf s, " approve under my hand, a translation which hath so many omissions, many additions, which sometimes obscures, sometimes perverts the sense ; being sometimes senseless, sometimes contrary ?" (//) This great evil of corrupting the scripture being well considered by Mr. Broughton, one of the most zealous sort of Protestants, obliged him to write an epistle to the Lords of the Council, desiring them with all speed to procure a new translation : " because," says he, " that which is now in England is full of errors." (?) And in his advertisements of corruptions, he tells the Bishops, " that their public translations of scriptures into English is such, that it per- verts the text of the old Testament in eight hundred and forty-eight places, and that it causes millions of millions to reject the New Testament, and to run to eternal flames." A most, dreadful saying, certainly, for all those who a re forced to re- ceive such a translation for their only rule of faith. King James the First thought the Geneva translation to be the worst of all ; and further affirmed, " that in the marginal notes annexed to the Geneva translation, some are very partial, untrue, seditious," &c. (A) Agreeable to this are also these words of Mr. Parkes to Doctor Willet : " As for the Geneva Bibles, it is to be wished, that either they were purged from those manifold errors which are both in the text and in the margin, or else utterly prohibited." Now these our Protestant English transla- tions being thus confessedly " corrupt, absurd, senseless, contrary, and preverting the meaning of the Holy Ghost ;" had not King James the First just cause to affirm, " that he could never see a Bible well translated into English ?" (/) And whether such falsely translated Bibles ought to be imposed upon the ignorant people, and by them received for the very Word of God, and for their only rule of faith, 1 refer to the judgment of the world ; and do freely assert with Doctor Whitaker, a learned Protestant, (/) Whitaker's Answer to Dr. Reynolds, p. 255. (g) Seethe Abridgment, which the Ministersof Lincoln Diocess delivered to his Majesty, p. 11, 12, 13. (A) Burges Apol. Sect. 6, and in Covel's Answei to Barges, p. 93. (7) See the Triple Cord, p. 147. (k) S, ethe Conference before the King's Majesty, p. 46, 47. Apologies conceining Christ's descent into hell at Ddd. (I) Conference before his Majesty, p. 46. 22 THE AUTHOR S PREFACE. ' that translations are so far only the Word of God, as they faithfully express the meaniig of the authentical text." (a) The English Protestant translations having been thus exclaimed against, and cried down not only by Cathtflics, but even by the most learned Protestants, (b) as you have seen ; it pleased his majesty, King James the First, to command a review and reformation of those translations which had passed for God's Word in King Edward the Sixth, and Queen Elizabeth's days. (c) Which work was undertaken by the prelatic clergy, not so much, it is to be feared, for the zeal of truth, as appears by their having cor- rected so very few places, as out of a design of correcting such faults as favoured the more puritanical part of Protestants (Presbyterians) against the usurped authority, pretended episco- pacy, ceremonies, and traditions of the prelatic party. For example : the word " congregation" ' in their first Bibles, was the usual and only English word they made use of for the Greek and Latin word Lxxh t oiu ecclesia, because then the name of church was most odious to them ; yea, they could not endure to hear any mention of a church, because of the Catholic Church, which they had fosaken, and which withstood and condemned them. But now, being grown up to something (as themselves fancy) Tike a church, they resolve in good earnest to take upon them the face, figure, and grandeur of a church ; to censure and excommunicate, yea, and perse- cute their disssenting brethern ; rejecting there- fore that humble appellation which their primi- tive ancestors were content with, viz. congrega- tion, they assume the title of church, the Church of England, to countenance which, they bring the word church again into their translations, and banish that their once darling congregation. They have also, instead of ordinances, institu- tions, &c. been pleased in some places to trans- late traditions ; thereby to vindicate several ceremonies of theirs against their Puritanical brethren ; as in behalf of their character, they rectified, " ordaining elders, by election." The word Image being so shameful a cor- ruption, they were pleased likewise to correct, and instead thereof to translate Idol according to the true Greek and Latin. Yet it appears that this was not amended out of any good de- sign, or love of truth ; but either merely out of shame, or however to have it said that they had done something. Seeing they have not cor- rected it in all places, especially in the Old Testament, Exod. xx., where they yet read Image, " Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image," the word in Hebrew being Pesel, the very same that Sculptile is in Latin, and fiignifies in English a graven or carved thing ; and in the Greek it is Eidolon (an Idol) : so that by this false and wicked practice, they en- deavour to discredit the Catholic religion ; and, contrary to their own consciences, and correc- («) Whitaker's Answer to Dr. Reynolds, p. 235. {b) Dr. Gregory Martin wrote a whole Treatise against them (c) Bishop Tunstal discovered in TyndaPs New Testa- ment only, no less than 2000 corruptions. tions in the New Testament, endeavour to make the people believe that Image and Idol are the same, and equally forbidden by scripture, and God's commandments ; and consequently, that Popery is idolatry, for admitting the due use of images. They have also corrected that most absurd and shameful corruption, grave ; and, as they ought to do, have instead of it translated hell, so that now they read, " Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell ;" whereas Beza has it, " Thou wilt not leave my carcase in the grave." Yet we see, that this is not out of any sincere intention, or respect to truth neither, because they have but corrected it in some few places, not in all, as you will see hereafter ; which they would not do, especially in Genesis, lest they should there- by be forced to admit of Limbus Putrum, where Jacob's soul was to descend, when he said, " I will go down to my son into hell, mourning," &c. And to balance the advantage they think they may have given Catholics where they have corrected it, they have (against purgatory and Limbus Patrum) in other places most grossly corrupted the text : for whereas the words of our Saviour are, " Quickened in spirit or soul. In the which spirit coming, he preached to them also that were in prison," [d) they translate, " Quickened by the spirit, by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison." This was so notorious a corruption, that Dr. Mon- tague, afterwards Bishop of Chichester and Norwich, reprehended Sir Henry Saville for it, to whose care the translating of St. Peter's epistle was committed ; Sir Henry Saville told him plainly, that Dr. Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury, and Dr. Smith, bishop of Glou- cester, corrupted and altered this translation of this place, which himself had sincerely performed. Note here, by the bye, that if Dr. Abbot's con- science could so lightly suffer him to corrupt the scripture, his, or his servant Mason's forging the Lambeth Records, could not possibly cause the least scruple, especially being a thing so highly for their interest and honour. These are the chiefest faults they have cor rected in this their new translation ; and with what sinister designs they have amended them, appears visible enough ; to wit, either to keep their authority, and gain credit for their new- thought-on episcopal and priestly character and ceremonies against Puritans or Presbyterians ; or else, for very shame, urged thereto by the exclamations of Catholics, daily inveighing against such intolerable falsifications But because they resolved not to correct either all, or the tenth part of the corruptions of the for- mer translation : therefore, fearing their over seen falsifications would be observed, both by Puritans and Catholics, in their Epistle Dedi- catory to the king, they desire his majesty's pro- tection, for that " on the one side, we shall be traduced," say they, " by Popish persons at home or abroad, who therefore will malign us, because we are poor instruments to make God's holy ( - o known unto the people whom they desire still to keep in ignorance and darkness : on the other side, we shall be ma- ligned by self-conceited brethern, who run their own ways," &c. We see how they endeavour hereto persuade the king and the world, that Catholics arc desi- rous to conceal the light of the Gospel : whereas on the contrary, nothing is more obvious, than the daily and indefatigable endeavours of Ca- tholic missioners and priests, not oidy in preach- ing and explaining God's holy word in Europe ; but also in forsaking their own countries and inconveniences, and travelling with great diffi- culties and dangers by sea and land, into Asia, Africa. America, and the Antipodes, with no other design than to publish the doctrine of Christ, and to discover and manifest the light of the Gospel to infidels, who are in darkness and ignorance. Nor do any but Catholics stick to the old letter and sense of scripture, without altering the text or rejecting any part thereof, or devising new interpretations ; which certainly cannot demonstrate a desire in them to keep people in ignorance and darkness. Indeed, as for their self conceited Presbyterian and fanatic brethern, who run their own ways in translating and interpreting scripture, we do not excuse them, but only say, that we see no reason why prelatics should reprehend them for a fault, whereof themselves are no less guilty. Do not themselves of the Church of England run their own ways also ; as well as those other sectaries in translating the Bible? Do they stick to either the Greek, Latin, or Hebrew text ? Do they not leap from one language and copy to another ? accept and reject what they please 1 Do they not fancy a sense of their own, every whit as contrary to that of the Catholic and an- cient church, as that of their self-conceited bre- thren the Presbyterians, and others, is acknow- ledged to be ? And yet they are neither more learned nor more skilful in the tongues, nor more godly than those they so much contemn and blame. All heretics who have ever waged war against God's holy church, whatever particular wea- pons they had, have generally made use of these two, viz., " Misrepresenting and ridiculing the doctrine of God's church ;" and, " corrupting and misinterpreting his sacred word, the holy scripture ;" we find not any since Simon Magus s days, that have ever been more dexterous and skilful in handling these direful arms, than the heretics of our times. In the first place, they are so great masters and doctors in misrepresenting, mocking, and deriding religion, that they seem even to have solely devoted themselves to no other profession or place, but " Cathedra irrisorurn" the school or " chair of the scorner," as David terms their 6eat : which the holy apostle St. Peter foresaw, when he foretold, that " there should come in the latter days, illusores, scoffers, walking after their own lusts." To whom did this pro- phecy ever better agree, than to the heretics of our days, who deride the sacred scriptures 1 " The author of tlu- nook of Ecclesiastes," says one of them, " had l. either boots nor spurs, but rid on a long stick, in begging shoes " Who scoff* at the book of Judith : compare the Ma- cabees to Robin Hood, and Hevis of Southamp- ton : call Baruch, a peevish ape of Jeremy : count the Epistle to the Hebrews as stubble : and deride St. James's, as an epistle made of straw : contemn three of the four Gospels What ridiculing is this of the word of God' Nor were the first pretended reformers only guilty of this, but the same vein has still con- tinued in the writings, preachings, and teachings of their successors ; a great part of which are nothing but a mere mockery, ridiculing, and misrepresenting of the doctrine of Christ, as is too notorious and visible in many scurrilous and scornful writings and sermons lately published by several men of no small figure in our English Protestant Church. By which scoffing strata- gem, when they cannot laugh the vulgar into a contempt and abhorrence of the Christian reli- gion, they fly to their other weapons, to wit ; " imposing upon the people's weak understand- ing, by a corrupt, imperfect, and falsely trans- lated Bible." (a) Tertullian complained thus of the heretics oi his time, Istn hatrrsis nan r< cipit qnasdum scrip- turas, &c. " These heretics admit not some books of scriptures ; and those which they do admit, by adding to, and taking from, they per- vert to serve their purpose ; and if they receive some books, yet. they receive them not entirely or if they receive them entirely, after some sort nevertheless they spoil them by devising divers interpretations. In this case, what will you do, who think yourselves skilful in scriptures, when that which you defend, the adversary denies ; and that which you deny, he defends V El tu quidem nihil perdes nisi vocem de r.ontcntione, nihil consequtris nisi bihm de bhtsphemutione : " And you indeed shall lose nothing but words in this contention ; nor shall you gain any thing but anger from his blasphemy." How fitly may these words be applied to the pretended refor- mers of our days ! who, when told of their abu- sing, corrupting, and misinterpreting the holy scriptures, are so far from acknowledging their faults, that on the contrary they blush not to defend them. When Dr. Martin in his disco- very, told them of their falsifications in the Bible, did they thank him for letting them see their mistakes, as indeed men endued with the spirit of sincerity and honesty would have done ? No, they were so far from that, that Fulk, as much as in him lies, endeavours very obstinately to defend them : and Whitaker affirms, that " their translations are well done." Why then were they afterwards corrected ? and that all the faults Dr. Martin finds in them are but trifles ; demanding what is there in their Bibles that can be found fault with, as not translated well and truly ? (b) Such a pernicious, obstinate, and contentious spirit, are heretics possessed with, (a) Dr. St , Dr. S., Dr. T., Mr. TV., &c. {b) Whitaker, p. 14. 24 THE AUTHORS PREFACE. which indeed is the very thing that renders them heretics ; for with such I do not rank those in the list, who, though they have even with their first milk, as I may say, imbibed their errors, and have been educated from their childhood in erroneous opinions, yet do neither pertinaciously adhere to the same, nor obstinately resist the truth, when proposed to them ; but on the con- trary, are willing to embrace it. How many innocent, and well-meaning people, are there in England, who have scarcely in all their life-time, ever heard any mention of a Catholic, or Catholic religion, unless under these monstrous and frightful terms of idolatry, superstition, antichristianism, &c. 1 How many have ever heard a better character of Catholics, than bloody-minded people, thirsters after blood, worshippers of wooden gods, prayers to stocks and stones, idolators, antichrists, the beast in the Revelations, and what not, that may render them more odious than hell, and more frightful than the devil himself, and that from the mouths and pens of their teachers, and ministerial guides ? Is it then to be wondered at, that hese so grossly deceived people should enter- tain a strange prejudice against religion, and a detestation of Catholics 1 Whereas, if these blindfolded people were once undeceived, and brought to understand, rhat all these monstrous scandals are falsely charged upon Catholics ; that the Catholic doctrine is so far from idolatry, that it teaches quite the contrary, viz., That whosoever gives God's honour to stocks and stones, as Protes- tants phrase it, to images, to saints, to angels, or to any creature ; yea, to any thing but to God himself, is an idolater, and will be damned for the same ; that Catholics are so far from thirsting after the blood of others, that on the contrary, their doctrine teaches them, not only to love God above all, and their neighbour as themselves, but even to love their enemies. In short, so far different is the Roman Catholic religion from what it is by Protestants repre- sented, that on the contrary, Faith, Hope, and Charity, are the three divine virtues it teaches us ; Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Tem- perance, are the four moral virtues it exhorts us to : which christian virtues, when it happens that they are, through human fraility, and the temptations of our three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil, either wounded or lost ; then are we taught to apply ourselves to such divine remedies, as our blessed Saviour Christ has left us in his church, viz., his holy sacra- ments, by which our spiritual infirmities are cured and repaired. By the sacrament of bap- tism we are taught, that original sin is forgiven, and that the party baptized is regenerated, and born anew unto the mystical body of Christ, of which by baptism he is made a lively mem- ber : so likewise by the sacrament of penance all our actural sins are forgiven ; the same holy Spirit of God working in this to the forgiveness of actual sin, that wrought before in the sacra- ment of baptism to the forgiveness of original sin. We are taught likewise, that by partaking of Christ's very bod}-, and his very blood, in the blessed sacrament of the Eucharist, we by a perfect union dwell in him, and he in us, and that as himself rose again for our justification so we, at the day of judgement, shall in him receive a glorious resurrection, and reign with him for all eternity, as glorious members of the same body, whereof himself is the head. I» further teaches us, that none but a priest, Wul). consecrated by the holy sacrament of order, can consecrate and administer the holy s».Tam^nts. This is our religion, this is the centre it t^nds to, and the sole end it aims at ; which point, we are further taught, can never 'oe gained but by a true faith, a firm hope, and a perfect charity. To conclude : if, I say, thousands of well- meaning Protestants understood this, as also that Protestancy itself is nothing else but a mere im- posture begun in Germany and England, main tained and upheld by the wicked policy of self interested statesmen ; and still continued by mis representing and ridiculing the Catholic religion by misinterpreting the holy scriptures ; yea, b^ falsifying, abusing, and, as will appear is tins fol- lowing treatise, by most abominably corrupnng the sacred word of God : how far would it be from them obstinately and pertinaciously to ad- here to the false and erroneous principles, in which thev have hitherto been educated 1 How willingly would they submit their understandings to the obedience of faith ? How earnestly would they embrace that rule of faith, which oui blessed Saviour and his Apostles left us for our guide to salvation ? With what diligence would they bend all their studies, to learn the most wholesome and saving doctrine of God's holy church ? In fine, if once enlightened with a true faith, and encouraged with a firm hope, what zealous endeavours would they not use to acquire such virtues and christian perfections, as might inflame them with a perfect charity, which is the very ultimate and highest step to eternal felicity ? To which, may God of his infinite goodness and tender mercy, through the merits and bittei death and passion of our dear Saviour Jesu* Christ, bring us all. Amen. THE TRUTH DF PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE EXAMINED. Our pretended Reformers, having squared and modelled to themselves a faith contrary to the certain and direct rule of apostolical tradition, delivered in God's holy church, were forced to have recourse to the scripture, as their only rule of faith ; according to which, the Church of England has, in the sixth of her Thirty-nine Articles, declared, " that the scripture compre- hended in the canonical books (i e., so many of them as she thinks fit to call so) of the Old and New Testament, is the rule of faith so far, that, whatsoever is not read theiein, or cannot be proved thereby, is not. to be accepted as any point of faith, or needful to be followed." But finding themselves still at a loss, their new doc- trines being so far from being contained in the holy scripture, that they were directly opposite to it ; they were fain to seek out to themselves many other inventions ; amongst which, none was more generally practised than the corrupting of the holy scripture, by false and partial transla- tions ; by which they endeavoured, right or wrong, to make those sacred volumes speak in favour of their new-invented faith and doctrine. The corruptions of this nature in the first English Protestant translations, were so many, and so notorious, that Dr. Gregory Martin com- posed a whole book of them, in which he dis- covers the fraudulent shifts the translators were fain to make use of, in defence of them. Some- times they recurred to the Hebrew text; and when that spoke against their new doctrine, then to the Greek ; when that favoured them not, to some copy acknowledged by themse.ves to be corrupted, and of no credit; and when no copy at all could be found out to cloak their corruptions, then must the book or chapter of scripture contradicting them be declared apoc- ryphal ; and when that cannot be made prob- able, they fall downright upon the prophets and apostles who wrote them, saying, " that they might and did err, even after the coming of the Holy Ghost." Thus Luther, accused by Zuinglius for corrupting the word of God, had no way left to defend his impiety, but by impu- dently preferring himself, and his own spirit, before that of those who wrote the holy scrip- tures, saying, " Be it, that the church, Augus- tine, and other doctors, also Peter and Paul, yea, an angel from heaven, teach otherwise, yet is my doctrine such as sets forth God's glory, &c. Peter, the chief of the apostles, lived and taught (extra verbum Dei) besides the word of God. "'(a) And against St. James's mentioning the sa- crament of extreme unction : " But though," says he, " this were the epistle of St. James, I would answer, that it is not lawful for an apostle, by his "authority, to institute a sacrament: this appertains to Christ alone. "(i) As though that blessed apostle would publish a sacrament, with- out warrant from Christ ! Our Church of England divines, having unadvisedly put St. James's epistle into the canon, are forced, instead of such an answer, to say, " That the sacrament of extreme unction was yet in the days of Gre- gory the Great, unformed." As though the apostle St. James had spoken he knew not what, when he advised, that the sick should be by the priests of the church, " anointed with oil in the name of our Lord. "(c) Nor was this Luther's shift alone ; for all Protestants follow their first pretended reform- er in this point, being necessitated so to do for the maintenance of their reformations, and trans- lations, so directly opposite to the known letter of the scripture. The Magdeburgians follow Luther, in accu- sing the apostles of error, particularly St. Paul, by the persuasion of James. (d) Brentius also, whom Jewel terms a grave and learned father, affirms, " that St. Peter, the chief of the apostles, and also Barnabas, after (a) Vid". Supr. torn. 5, Wittemb., fol. 290, and in Ep. ad Galat., c.ip. i. (b) De. (apt. Babil., cap. de Extrem. Unct., torn. 2, Wittemb. (c) See the Second Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England, &c. U) Cent. 1, 1. ii., c. 10, col. 560. -/■ 26 PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS the Holy Ghost was received, together with the church of Jerusalem, erred." John Calvin affirms, that " Peter added to the schism of the church, to the endangering of Christian liberty, and the overthrow of the grace of Christ." And in page 1 50, he reprehends Peter and Barnabas, and others. (a) Zanchius mentions some Calvinists, in his Epist. ad Misc., who said, " If Paul should come to Geneva, and preach the same hour with Calvin, they would leave Paul, and hear Calvin ." And Lavatherus affirms, that " some of Luther's followers, not the meanest among their doctors, said, they had rather doubt of St. Paul's doctrine than the doctrine of Luther, or of the Confession of Augsburgh."(&) These desperate shifts being so necessary for warranting their corruptions of scripture, and maintaining the fallibility of the church in suc- ceeding ages, for the same reasons which con- clude it infallible in the apostles' time, are ap- plicable to ours, and to every former century; otherwise it must be said, that God's proudence and promises were limited to a few years, and Himself so partial, that he regards not the necessities of his church, nor the salvation of any person who lived after the time of his disci- ples ; the Church of England could not reject it without contradicting their brethren abroad, and their own principles at home. Therefore Mr. Jewel, in his defence of the apology for the Church of England, affirms, that St. Mark mistook Abiathar for Abimelech ; and St. Matthew, Hieremias for Zacharias.(c) And Mr. Fulk against the Rhemish Testament, in Galat. ii., fol. 322, charges Peter with error of igno- rance against the Gospel. Doctor Goad, in his four Disputations with Father Campion, affirms, that " St. Peter erred in faith, and that, after the sending down of the Holy Ghost upon them."() In Annot. in Nov. Test , pag. ult. (<7) Cent. I., 1,2, c. 4, Col. 54. (r) Inst., 1, 2, c. 16. In Matt 27, Harm, in Matt. 20,16. (V) Victoria Veritatis et Ruina Papatus, Arg. 5. 38 Of SUCH BOOK3 AS PROTESTANTS CALL APOCRYPHA. Zuinglius and other Protestants affirm, that " all things in St. Paul's Epistles are not sacred ; and that in sundry things he erred." (a) Mr. Rogers, the great labourer to our English convocation men, names several of his Protestant brethren, who rejected for apocryphal the Epis- tle of Paul to the Hebrews, of St. James, the first and second of John, of Jude, and the Apoc- alypse." (b) Thus, you see, these pretended reformers have torn out, some one piece or book of sacred scripture, some another ; with such a licentious freedom, rejecting, deriding, discarding, and censuring them, that their impiety can never be paralleled but by professed Atheists. Yet all these sacred books were, as is said, received for canonical in the third Council of Carthage, above thirteen hundred years ago. But, with the Church of England, it matters not by what authority books are judged canonical, if the Holy Spirit, in the hearts of her children, testily them to be from God. They telling us, by Mr. Rogers, that they judge such and such books canonical, " not so much because learned and godly men in the church so have, and do receive and allow them, as for that the Holy Spirit in our hearts doth testify, that they are from God." By instinct of which private Spirit in their hearts, they decreed as many as they thought good for canonical, and rejected the rest ; as you may see in the sixth of the Thirty- nine Articles, (c) OF SUCH BOOKS AS PROTESTANTS CALL APOCRYPHA. The Church of England has decreed, (d) that " such are to be understood canonical books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority there was never any doubt in the church :" and therefore, by this rule she rejects these for apoc- ryphal, viz., Tobit. Judith. The rest of Esther. Wisdom.. Ecclesiasticus. Baruch, with the Epistle of Jeremiah. 1 he Song of the Three Children. The Idol, Bell, and the Dragon. The Story of Susannah. Maccabees I. Maccabees II. Manesseth, Prayer of. Esdras III. Esdras IV. (e) (a) Tom 2, Elench . f. 10. Magdeburg. Cent 1. 1. , c. t0. Col. 580 (b) Defence of the 39 Articles, Art. 6. (c) The private spirit, not the church, told those Pro- testants who made the 39 Articles, what books of scrip- ture they were to hold for canonical. ( ixxXqaia*. (1) Quod si non au- dierit eos, die " Ec- clesice," txxXijola' si autem " ecclesiam" ixxXrjalag, non audic- rit, sit tibi sicut eth- nicus et publicanus. Viri, diligite uxores vestras, sicut et Christus dilcxit " ec- clesiam." Ut exhiberet ipsi sibi gloriosam " ec- clesiam." " Sacramentum " hoc est magnum ; ego autem dico in Christo et "ecclesia" ixxlijolav. Et ecclesiam pri- mitivorum, ixxkyola. Una est columba mea. Tia ftla. (2) Et ipsum dedit caput supra omnem " ecclesiam," qum est corpus ipsius, et plenitudo ejus, qui omnia in omnibus " adimpletur, " to nXijQitfiim. (3) The true English accord- ing to the Rhemish Translation. And I say to thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this Rock will I build my " church." And if he will not hear them, tell the " church ;" and if he will not hear the " church," let him be as an hea- then, and as a pub- lican. Husbands, love your wives,as Christ loved the " church," verse 25. That he might present to himself a glorious " church," verse 27. For this is a great " sacrament ;" but I speak in Christ, and in the "church," ver. 32, &c. And the " church" of the first-born. My dove is " one." Corruptions in the Pro- testant Billies, printed A. d. 1562, 1577, 1579. And hath made him head over all the "church," which is his body, the ful- ness of him " which is filled," all in all. Instead of church they translate "con- gregation." Upon this Rock will I build my " congregation." (1) If he will not hear them, tell the " con- gregation ;" and if he will not hear the "congregation," &c. Husbands, love your wives,as Christ loved the " congre- gation." That he might present to himself a glorious " congre- gation." For this is a great "secret," for I speak in Christ, and in the " congregation." And the "con- gregation" of the first-born. My dove is "alone." The last Translation of the Protestant Rible, Ed. Lon., an. 1683. (2) And gave him to be the head over all things to the " con- gregation," which is his body, the fulness of him " thatfilleth" all in all. (3) It is corrected in this last translation. Corrected. Corrected Corrected Corrected Corrected. My dove is " but And gave him to be the head over all things to the " church," which is his body, the fulness of him " that filleth" all in all. THE CHURCH. 41 The two English Bibles, (a) usually read in the Protestant congregations at their first rising up, left out the word Catholic in the title of those epistles which have been known by the name of Catholica Epistolce, ever since the apostles' time : (b) and their latter translations, dealing somewhat more honestly, have turned the word Catholic into " General," " the General Epistle of James, of Peter," &c. as if we should Bay in our creed, "we believe the general church." So that by this rule, when St. Augustine says, that the manner was in cities, where there was liberty of religion, to ask, qua itur ad Catholicum ? we must translate it, which is the way to the general? And when St. Hierom says, if we agree in faith with the bishop of Rome, ergo Cathulici sumusi we must translate, " then we are gene- rals." Is not this good stuff? (1) And as they suppress the name Catholic, even so did they, in their first English Bible, the name of church itself :(r.) because at their first revolt and apostacy from thai church, which was universally known to be the only true Catholic Church, it was a great objection agiinst their schismatical proceedings, and stuck so much in the people's consciences, that they left and forsook the church, and the church condemned them : to obviate which, in the English translation of 1562, they so totally sup- pressed the word church, that it is not once to be found in all that Bible, so long read in their congregations : because, knowing themselves not to be the church, they were resolved not to leave God Almighty any church at all, where they could possibly root it out, viz., in the Bible. And it is probable, if it had been as easy for thein to have eradicated the church from the earth, as it was to blot the word out of their Bible, they would have prevented its "continuing to the end of the world." Another cause for their suppressing the name church was, " that it should never sound in the common people's ears out of the scriptures," and that it might seem to the ignorant a good argu- ment against the authority of the church, to say, " we find not this word church in all the Bible :" as in other articles, where they find not the express words in the scripture. Our blessed Saviour says : " Upon this rock I will build my church ;" but they make him say, " Upon this rock I will build my congregation." They make the Apostle St. Paul say to Timothy, 1 Ep. c. iii " The house of God, which is the congregation," not " the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth." Thus ihey thrust out God's glorious, unspotted, and (a) Rib. 1562, 1677. (b) Euseb., Hist. Eccle3.,lib. 2, c. 23, in fine. (c) Bible, printed anno*1562. most beautiful spouse, the church ; and in place of it, intrude their own little, wrinkled, and spotted congregation. So they boldly make the t apostle say: " He hath made him head of the con- gregation, which is the body :" and in another place, " The congregation of the first-born :" where the apostle mentions heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God, &c; so that by this translation there is no longer any church mili- tant and triumphant, but only congregation ; in which they contradict St. Augustine, who affirms, that " though the Jewish congregation was sometimes called a church, yet the apostles never called the church a congregation." But their last translation having restored the word church, I shall say no more of it in this place. (2) Again, the true church is known by unity, which mark is given her by Christ himself; in whose person Solomon speaking, says : "Una est cohimba mea ;" that is, " one is my dove," or " my dove is one." Instead of this, they, being themselves full of sects and divisions, will have it, " my dove is alone ;" though neither the He- brew nor Greek word hath that signification ; but, on the contrary, as properly signifies one, as unus doth in Latin. But this is also amended in their last translation. (3) Nor was it enough for them to corrupt the scripture against the church's unity ; for there was a time when their congregation was invisi- ble ; that is to say, when " they were not at all :" and therefore, because they will have it, that Christ may be without his church, to wit, a head without a body, (d) they falsify this place in the Epistle to the Eph., xi. 21, 23, translating, " he gave him to be the head over all things to the church," congregation with them, " which (church) is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all." Here they translate actively the Greek word is nXijoB/uevv, when, according to St. Chrysostom, and all the Greek and Latin doctors' interpretation, it ought to be translated passively ; so that instead of saying, " and filleth all in all," they should say, " the fulness of him which is filled all in all ;" all faithful men as members, and the whole church as the body concurring to the fulness of Christ the head. But thus they will not translate, " because," says Beza, " Christ needs no such compliment." And if he need it not, then he may be without a church ; and consequently, it is no absurdity, it the church has been for many years not only invisible, but also, " not at all." Would a man easily imagine that such secret poison could lurk in their translations ? Thus they deal with the church ; let us now see how they use particular points of doctrine. {d) Protestants will have Christ to be a head without a body, during all that time that their congregation wai invisible, viz., about 1500 vears 42 II. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST The Book, Chapter, and Verse. St. Matth. chap. xxvi. verse 26. St. Mark, chap. xiv. verse 22. Acts of the Apos. chap. iii. v«>rse 21. Jeremiah chap. xi. verse 19. Genesis chap. xiv. verse 18. The Vulgate Latin Text. Jccepit Jesus pa- rtem el " benedixit" xiti iuloy facte, acf re- git, deditquc, <$c. (1] Accepit Jesus pa- rtem el "benedicens" xai ivloyi\aag y (Sfc.{2) Quern oportet qui- dem caelum " susci- pere" usque in tem- pora restitutions omnium, ov <5fi a^d- vov di^aodat. (3) Milkimus lignum in panetn yus. (4) At vcro Melchize- dek, sex Salem, pro- ferens panem et vi- num, " erat enim sacerdos Dei Altis- simi." (5) The true English accord- ing to the Rhemish Translation. Jesus took bread and " blessed," and brake, and gave to his disciples. Jesus took bread, and "blessing," &c. Whom heaven tru- ly must " receive," until the times of the restitution of all things. Lei us cast wood upon his bread. And Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine ; " for he was the priest of God most high." Corruptions in the Pro- testant Bibles, printed a. D. 15G2, 1577, 1579. Instead of " bless- ed," they translate, " and when he had given thanks." (1) Instead of " bless- ing," they say, "and when he had given thanks." (2) Instead of "receive," they say, whom hea- ven must " contain." And Beza, " who must be contained in heaven." (3) " We will destroy his meat with wood." In another Bible, " Let us destroy the tree with the fruit." (4) Instead of " for he was the priest," they translate, " and he was the priest," &c. (5) The last Translation of the Protestant Bibic, Ed. Lon., an. 1683. Corrected. Corrected. Corrected. Let us destroy tne tree with the fruit thereof. Instead of " for," they translate "and." THE BLESSED SACRAMENT AND SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. 43 (1) The turning of blessings into bare thanks- giving, was one of the first, steps of our pre- tended reformers, towards denying the real pre- sence. By endeavouringto take away the operation* and efficacy of Christ's blessing, pronounced upon the bread and wine, they would make it no more than a thanksgiving to God : and that, not only in translating thanksgiving for blessing, but also in urging the word eucharist, to prove it a mere thanksgiving ; though we find the verb ev^aQigsiv used also transitively by the Greek fathers, saying, io»' aomv ivx<»Qtqr t dtna, panem, et chali- cem eucharistisatos ; or, panem, in quo gratiae acta} sunt ; that is, " the bread and cup made the eucharist ;" " the bread, over which thanks are given ;" that is, " which, by the word of prayer and thanksgiving is made a consecrated meat, the flesh and blood of Christ." (a) St. Paul also, speaking of this sacrament, calls it, (1 Cor. x.)"the chalice of benediction, which we do bless ;" which St. Cyprian thus explicates, " the chalice consecrated by solemn blessing." St. Basil and St. Chrysostom, in their liturgies, say thus, " Bless, O Lord, the sacred bread ;" and "bless, O Lord, the sacred cup, changing it by thy Holy Spirit :" where are signified the conse- cration and transmutation thereof into the body and blood of Christ. (2) And, by this corrupt translation, they would have Christ so included in heaven, that he cannot be with us upon the altar. But Beza confesses, " that he translates it thus, on pur- pose to keep Christ's presence from the altar ;" which is so far from the Greek, that not only Illy- ricus, but even Calvin himself, dislikes it. And you may easily judge, how contrary to St. Chry- sostom it is, who tells us, " that Christ ascending into heaven, both left us his flesh, and yet ascend- ing hath the same." And again, " miracle !" says he, " he that sits above with the Father in the same moment of time is handled with the hands of all." (b) This, you see, is the faith and doctrine of the ancient fathers ; and it is the faith of the Catholic Church at this day. Who sees not, that this faith, thus to believe the pre- sence of Christ is in both places at once, because he is omnipotent, is far greater than the Pro- testant faith, which believes no farther than that he is ascended ; and that therefore he cannot be present upon the altar, nor dispose of his body as he pleases 1 If we should ask them, whether he was also in heaven, when he appeared to Saul going to Damascus ; or whether he can be both in heaven, and with his church on earth, to the end of the world, as he promised ; per- haps, by this doctrine of theirs, they would be put to a stand. (3) Consider further, how plain our Saviour's words, " this is my body," are for the real pre- %. a) St. Justin in fine, 2 Apolog., St Ireneeu9, lib. 4, 34. l "i) Horn. 2, ad popul. Antioch., lib. 3, de Sacerdotio. sence of his body : and for the real presence of his blood in the chalice, what can be more plainly spoken, than " this is the chalice, the New Testament in my blood, which chalice is shed for you" (c) According to the Greek, to 7iojijQtov to ex/vrofieror, the word "which" must needs be referred to the chalice : in which speech chalice cannot otherwise be taken, than for that in the chalice ; which sure, must needs be the blood of Christ, and not wine, because his blood oidy was shed for us ; according to St. Chrysostom, who says : " That which is in the chalice is the same which gushed out of his side." (J) And this deduction so troubled Beza, that he exclaims against all the Greek copies in the world, as corrupted in this place. (4) " Let us cast wood upon his bread ;" " that is," saith St. Hierom, (e) " the cross upon the body of our Saviour ; for it is he that said I am the bread that descended from heaven." Where the prophet so long before, saying bread, and meaning his body, alludes prophetically to his body in the blessed sacrament, made of bread, and under the form of bread ; and there- fore also called bread by the apostle, (1 Cor. x.) so that both in the prophet and the apostle, his bread and his body is all one. And lest we should think the bread only signifies his body, he says, " Let us put the cross upon his bread ;' that is, upon his very natural body that hung on the cross. It is evident, that the Hebrew verb is not now the same with that which the seventy interpreters translated into Greek, and St Hierom into Latin ; but altered, as may be sup- posed, by the Jews, to obscure this prophecy of their crucifying Christ upon the cross. And though Protestants will needs take the advan- tage of this corruption, yet so little does the Hebrew word, that now is, agree with the words following, that they cannot so translate it, as to make any commodious sense or understanding of it ; as appears by their different translations, and their transposing their words in English, otherwise than they are in the Hebrew. ( /) (5) If Protestants should grant Melchize- dek's typical sacrifice of bread and wine, then would follow also, a sacrifice of the New Tes- tament ; which, to avoid, they purposely translate " and" in this place ; when, in other places, the same Hebrew particle vau, they translate enim, for ; not being ignorant, that it is in those, as in this place, better expressedby '' for" or " because, '" than by " and." See the exposition of the fathers upon it. (g) (r.) Luke xxii. v. 20. (d) St. Chrysost. in 1 Cor., cap. x., Horn. 24. (e) St. Hierom. in com. in cap. xi. vers. 19, Hierom. Prophetae. (/) Genes, xx. 3 ; Gen. xxx 27 ; Isaiah lxiv. 5. (g) St. Cypr., Epist. 63, Epiphan. Haer. 55 et79. SL Hierom. in Matth. xxvi., et in Epist. ad Evagrium. 44 III. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST The Book, Chapter, and Verse. Proverbs chap. ix. verse 5. Proverbs chap. ix. verse 1. 1 Corinth, chap. xi. verse 27. 1 Corinth, chap. ix. verse 13. 1 Corinth, chap. x. verse 18. Daniel chap. xiv. verse 12. Et verse 17 Et etiam verse 20. The Vulgate Latin Text. Venite comedite pa- nem meum, et bibite vinum quod "miscui" vobis, xexequxa^va. (0 Immolavit victimas suas, miscuit vinum, exeqaosv. (2) Itaque quicunque manducaverit pattern huttc, vel, »;, biberil calicem domini in- digne, <$fC. (3) Et qui altari de- serviunt cum altari participant, Ovaiaqr^ Nonne qui edunt hostias participes, sunt altaris ? 6vai- ac//£vi.ii^siai ix^i^auaiv, Topn" 1 Tt'cv ; where it is as plain as can be spoken, that " the priest's lips shall keep knowledge, and they shall seek the law at his mouth ;" which is a wonderful privilege given to the priests of the old law, for true determination in matters of controversy, and rightly expounding the law, as we may read more fully in Deuteronomy the 17th chapter, where they are commanded, under pain of death, to stand to the priest's judgment : which, in this place, verse 4, God, by his pro- phet Malachi, calls, " His covenant with Levi," and that he will have it stand, to wit, in the New Testament, where St. Peter has such pri- vilege for him and his successors, that his faith shall not fail ; and where the Holy Ghost is president in the councils of bishops and priests. All which, the reformers of our days would deface and defeat, by translating the words otherwise than the Holy Ghost has spoken them. And when the prophet adds immediately the cause of this singular prerogative of the priest : " because he is the angel of the Lord of hosts," which is also a wonderful dignity to be so called ; they translate ; " because he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts." So do they also, in the Revelations, call the bishops of the seven churches of Asia, messengers. (2) And here, in like manner, they call St. John the Baptist, messenger ; where the scrip- ture, no doubt, speaks more honourably of him, as being Christ's precursor, than of a messenger, which is a term for postboys and lacqueys. The scripture, I say, speaks more honourably of him ; and our Saviour, in the Gospel, telling the people the wonderful dignities of St. John, and lhat he was more than a prophet, cites this place, and gives this reason, " For this is he of whom it is written, Behold, I send my angel be- fore thee :" which St. Hierom calls, mentorum, avS^oiv, the " increase and augmenting of John's merits and privileges." (b) And St. Gregory, " He who came to bring tidings of Christ him- self, was worthily called an angel, that in his very name there might be dignity." And all ( i) Twenty-fifth of the Thirty-nine Articles. Roger's Defence of the same, p. 155. t.i) St. Hierom, in Comment, in hunc locum. St. Greg., Horn. 6- in Evang. the fathers conceive a great excellency of this word angel ; but our Protestants, who measure all divine things and persons by the line of their human understanding, translate accordingly ; making our Saviour say, that " John was more than a prophet," because he was a " messenger." Yea, where our blessed Saviour himself is called Atigelus testamenti, the Angel of the testament ; there they translate, the " messenger of the covenant." St. Hierom translated not nuntius, but an- gelus ; the church, and all antiquity, both reading and expounding it as a term of more dignity and excellency. Why do the innovators of our age thus boldly disgrace the very elo- quence of scripture, which, by such terms of amplification, would speak more significantly and emphatically 1 Why, I say, do they for angel translate messenger ? for apostle, legate or ambassador, and the like ? Doubtless, thi.s is all done to take away, as much as possible, the dignity and excellency of the priesthood. Yet, methinks, they should have corrected this in their latter translations, when they began them- selves to aspire to the title of priests ; whose name, however, they may usurp, yet could not hitherto attain to the authority and power of the priesthood. They are but priests in name only ; the power they want, and therefore are pleased to be content with the ordinary style of messengers ; not yet daring to term themselves angels, as St. John did the bishops of the seven churches of Asia. (3) But, great is the authority, dignity, excel- lency, and power of God's priests and bishops : they do bind and loose, and execute all ecclesi- astical functions, as in the person and power of Christ, whose ministers they are. So St. Paul says : " that when he pardoned or released the penance of the incestuous Corinthian, he did it in the person of Christ ;" (c) they falsely trans- late, " in the sight of Christ ;" " that is, as St. Ambrose expounds it, " in the name of Christ;" "in his stead," and as " his vicar and deputy ;" and when he excommunicated the same incestuous person, he said, " he did it in the name, and by virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ." (d) And the fathers of the Council of Ephesus avouch, " that no man doubts, yea, it is known to all ages, that holy and most blessed Peter, prince and head of the apostles, the pil- lar of faith, and foundation of the Catholic Church, received from our Lord Jesus Christ the keys of the kingdom ; and that power oi loosing and binding sins was given him ; who, in his successors, lives and exercises judgment to this very time, and always." (e) (c) 2 Cor. ii. 10 (d) 1 Cor. v. 4. (e) Part 2, Acts lii. 52 VIT. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST The Book, The true English accord- Corruptions in the Pro- The last Translation of Chapter, The Vulgate Latin Text. ing to the Rhemish testant Bibles, printed the Protestant Bible, Ed. and Veise. Translation. A. D. 1562, 1577, 1579. Lon., an. 1683. St. Matth. Ex te enim exiet For out of thee Instead of " rule," Corrected chap. ii. dux, qui " regat" shall come forth the the NewTestament, verse 6 ; populum meum Is- Captain, that shall printed anno 1580, Micah. rael. Jhdid rvrt-ft, t5 " rule" ray people translates " feed. " chap. v. elvut, fig drj^tJjra tb Israel. (1) verse 2. 'IagatjX. (1) 1 Peter Subject i igilur Be subject there- In the latter end Submit yourselves chap. ii. estate " omni hu- fore " to every hu- of king Henry VIII. "to every ordinance rerse 13. mance creatures" man creature" for and in Edward VI. of man," for the ndorj (jLvdownlvri God, whether it be times, they transla- Lord's sake,whether xzlae^propter Deum, to the " king, as ted, " submit your- it be to the " king, sive "regi quasi pr f ixxlrjalav ib 0£C.(3) God. EPISCOPAL AUTHORITY. 53 (1) It is certain, that this is a false translation ; because the prophet's words (Mich, v., cited by St. Matthew) both in Hebrew and Greek, signify only a Ruler or Governor, and not a Pastor or Feeder. Therefore, it is either a great oversight, which is a small matter, com- pared to the least corruption ; or else it is done on purpose ; which I rather think, because they do the like in another place, (Acts. XXI.) as you may see below. And that to suppress the signi- fication of ecclesiastical power and government, that concurs with feeding, first in Christ, and from him in his apostles and pastors of the church ; both which are here signified in this one Greek word, notfiulrw ; to wit, that Christ our Saviour shall rule and feed, (a) yea, he shall rule with a rod of iron ; and from him, St. Peter, and the rest, by his commission given in the same word, noiuuire, feed and rule my sheep ; yea, and that with a rod of iron : as when he struck Ananias and -Sapphira with corporal death ; as his successors do the like offenders with spiritual destruction, (unless they repent) by the terrible rod of excommunication. This is import- ed in the_double signification of the Greek word, which they, to diminish ecclesiastical authority, rather translate "feed," than "rule or govern." (2) For the diminution of this ecclesiastical authority, they translated this text of scripture, in King Henry \LIII. and King Edward VI. times, " Unto the king, as the chief head," (1 Pet. ii.) because then the king had first taken upon him this title of " Supreme head of the Church." And therefore, they flattered both him and his young son, till their heresy was planted ; making the holy scripture say, that the king was the " chief head," which is all the same with supreme head. But, in Queen Eliza- beth's time, being, it seems, better advised in that point, (by Calvin, I suppose, and the Mag- deburgenses, who jointly inveighed against that title ; (I/) and Calvin, against that by name, which was given to Henry VIII.,) and because, perhaps, they thought they could be bolder with a queen than a king ; as also, because then they thought their Reformation pretty well established; they be- gan to suppress this title in their translations, and to say, " To the king, as having pre-eminence," and, " To the king, as the superior ;" endeavour- ing, as may be supposed by this translation, to encroach upon tnat ecclesiastical and spiritual ju- risdiction they had formerly granted to the Crown. But however that be, let them either justify their translation, or confess their fault : and for he rest, I will refer them to the words of St. fgnatius, who lived in the apostles' time, and tells us, " That we must first honour God, then the bishop, then the king ; because in all things, nothing is comparable to God ; and in the church, nothing greater than the bishop, who is consecrated to God, for the salvation of the world ; and among magistrates and temporal rulers, none is like the king." (c) (a) Psalm ii. ; Apocalyp. ii. 27 ; Job. xxi. (6) Calvin in cap. vii. Amos ; Magdebur. in Praef. Cent. 7, fol.9, 10, 11. (c) Ep. 7, ad. Smyrnenses 8 (3) Again, observe how they here suppress the word " bishop," and translate it " overseers ;" which is a word, that has as much relation to a temporal magistrate, as to a bishop. And this they do, because in King Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth's time, they had no episcopal conse- cration, but were made only by their letters patent ; (g, propter regnum ca- lorum. (5) Have not we power to lead about a '.' woman," a sis- ter? &c. Yea, and I be- seech thee, my sin- cere " companion." " Marriage hon- ourable in all," and the bed undefiled. Who said to them, "Not all take this word," but they to whom it is given. And there are " eunuchs," who have made them- selves " eunuchs" for the kingdom of heaven. Corruptions in the Pro- testant Bibles, printed A. D. 1562, 1577, 1579. Have not we power to lead about a " wife," a sister ? &c. (1) For companion, they say, " yoke- fellow." (2) "Wedlock is hon- ourable among all men," &c. (3) — " All men can- not receive this say- ing," &c. (4) There are some " chaste," which have made them- selves " chaste" for the kingdom of hea- ven. (5) The last Translation of the Protestant Bible, Ed. Lon., an. 1683. Instead of " wo- man," they trans- late " wife,' her© also. — " Yoke-fellow." " Marriage is hon ourable in all." -f. — " All men can not receive this say ing," &c. Corrected. THE SINGLE LIVES OF PRIESTS. 55 (1) "If," says St. Hierom, " none of the ( laity, or of the faithful, can pray, unless he for- bear conjugal duty, priests, to whom it belongs to offer sacrifices for the people, are always to f>rar ; if to pray always, therefore perpetually to ive single or unmarried." (a) But our late pre- tended reformers, the more to profane the sacred ordj|r_of_ priesthood, to which continency and single life have always been annexed in the New Testament, and to make it merely laical and popula r.. will have all to be married men : yea, those that have vowed to the contrary : and it is a great credit among them, for apostate priests to take wives. And therefore, by their falsely corrupting this text of St. Paul, they will needs have him to say, that he, and the rest of the apos- tles, " led their wives about with them," (as King Edward the Sixth's German apostles did theirs, when they came first into England, at the call of the Lord-protector Seymour ;) whereas the apostle says nothing else, but a woman, a sis- ter ; meaning such a Christian woman as fol- lowed Christ and the apostles, to find and main- tain them with their substance. So does St. Hierom interpret it, (b) and St. Augustine also, both directly proving, that it cannot be translated " wife." (2) Neither ought this text to be trans- lated " yoke-fellow," as our innovators do, on purpose to make it sound in English, " man and jwjfe ;" indeed, Calvin and Beza translate it in the masculine gender, for a " companion." And St. Theophylact, a Greek father, saith, that " if St. Paul had spoken of a woman, it should have been yvygiu, in Greek." St. Paul says himself, he had no wife, (1 Cor. vii.) and I think we have a little more reason to believe him, than those who would gladly have him married on purpose to cloak the sensuality of a few fallen priests. In the first chapter of the Acts, ver. 14, Beza translates, cum exoribus, " with their wives," because he would have all the apostles there esteemed as married men ; whereas the words our cum mulieribus, " with the women," as our English translations also have it ; because, in this place, they were ashamed to follow their master Beza. (3) Again, for the marriage of priests, and all sorts of men indifferently, they corrupt this text, making two falsifications in one verse : the one is, " among all men :" the other, that they make it an affirmative speech, by adding " is ;" whereas the apostle's words are these : " Mar- riage honourable in all, and the bed undefiled ;" which is rather an exhortation ; as if he should say, " let marriage be honourable in all, and the bed undefiled ;" as appears, both by that which goes before, and that which follows immediate- ly ; all which are exhortations. Let, therefore, (a) St. Hierom., lib. contr. Jovin., cap. 19 ; 1 Cor. Yii. 5, 35. (b) Lib. 1, adversus Jovin., de Op. Mon., cap. 4 ; Lib. 9, eap. 24. Protestants give us a reason out of the Greek text, why they translate the words following, by way of exhortation, " Let your conversation bo without covetousness ;" and not these words also in like manner, " Let marriage be honourable in all." The phraseology and construction of both are similar in the Greek. (4) Moreover, it is against the profession of continency in priests and others, that they trans- late our Saviour's words respecting a " single life," and the unmarried state, thus, " all men can- not," &c, as though it were impossible to live continent, where Christ said not, " that all men cannot," but " all men do not receive this say- ing." St. Augustine says, " Whosoever have not this gift of chastity given them, it is either because they will not have it, or because they fulfil not that which they will : and they that have this word, have it of God, and their own free will." (c) " This gift," says Origen, " is given to all that ask for it." (d) (5) Nor do they translate this text exactly, nor, perhaps, with a sincere meaning ; for, if there be chastity in marriage, as well as in the single life, as Paphnutius the confessor most truly said, and as themselves are wont often to allege, then their translation doth by no means express our Saviour's meaning, when they say, " there are some chaste, who have made them- selves chaste," &c, for a man might say all do so, who live chastely in matrimony. But our Saviour speaks of such as have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven ; not by cutting off those parts which belong to gene- ration, for that would be an horrible and mortal sin ; but by making themselves unable and impotent for generation, by promise, and vow of perpetual chastity, which is a spiritual castra- tion of themselves. St. Basil calls the marriage of the clergy " fornication," and not " matrimony." " Ot canonical persons," says he, " the fornication must not be reputed matrimony, because the conjunction of these is altogether prohibited ; for this is altogether profitable for the security of the church." And in his epistle to a certain prelate, he cites these words from the Council of Nice ; " It is by the great council forbidden in all cases whatsoever, that it should be lawfuj for a bishop, priest, or deacon, or for any whom soever, that are in orders, to have a woman live with them ; except only their mother, sister, or aunt, or such persons as are void of all suspi- cion."^) (c) Lib. de Gratia et Liber. Arbitr., cap 4. (d) Tract 7, in Matth. (e) St. Basil, Ep. 1, ad Amphiloch. ; Ep 17, ad Pftr» |l gor. Presbvt. Con. Nice, in Cod. Grae. Can 3. 56 IX. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST The Book, Chapter, and Verse. Acts of the Apos. chap. xix. verse 3. Titus chap. iii. rerses 5, 6. The true English accord- The Vulgate Latin Text. | ing to the Khemish Translation. " In quo, eig rl, ergo haptizati estis? qui dixerunt, " In" Johannis baptismate. (1) Non ex operibus justitim, qua fecimus nos, sed secundum suam misericordiam salvos nos fecit ; per lavacrum regenera- tions et renovation- is Spiritus Sancti, "quern effudit" in ?ios abunde per Jesum Christum Salvato- rem nostrum. (2) " In" what then were you baptized ? who said, " In" John's baptism. y Not by the works of justice, which we did ; but according to his mercy, he hath saved us ; by the laver of regene- ration, and renova- tion of the Holy Ghost, " whom he hath poj.ved" upon us abundantly, by Jesus Christ our Saviour. I y. Corruptions in the Pro- testant Bibles, printed a. d. 1562, 1577, 1579. " Unto " what then were you bap- tized 1 " And they" said, " Unto" John's baptism. (1) y — By the " foun- tain" of the regene- ration of the Holy Ghost, " which he shed on" us, &c.(2) The last Translation of the Protestant Bible, Ed. Lon., an. 1683. " Unto" what then were ye baptized 1 And they said, "Un- to" John's baptism Not by works of righteousness.which we have done ; but according to his mercy, he saved us ; by the " washing" of regeneration,and re- newing of the Holy Ghost, " which he shed" on us, &c. THK SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM. 57 In the beginning of the reformation, they not Only took away live of the seven sacraments, but also deprived the rest of all grace, virtue, and efficacy ; making them no more than poor and beggarly elements ; at the most, no better than those of the Jewish law. And this, be- cause they would not have them by any means hejpjjd, or necessary towards our salvation ; for the obtaining of which, they held and asserted, that " faith alone was sufficient." (a) For which reason Beza was not content to say, with the apostle, (Rom. iv. 11,) "That circumcision was a sea l of the justice of faith ;" but because he thought that term too low for the dignity of circumcision, he (to use his own words) "gladly avoids it;" putting the verb instead of the noun, quod obsignarct, for sigil- lum. And in his annotations upon the same place, he declares the reason of his so doing to be, the dignity of circumcision equal with any - sacrament in the New Testament. His words are, " What could be more magnificently spoken of any sacrament ? Therefore, they that make a real difference between the sacraments of the Old Testament and ours, never seem to have known how far Christ's office extendeth :" which he says, not to magnify the old, but to disgrace the new. (1) This is also the cause, why the firstEnglish Protestant translators corrupted this place in the Acts, to make no difference between John's baptism and Christ's, saying : " Unto what then were you baptized 1 And they said, Unto John's baptism." Which Beza would have to be spoken of John's doctrine, and not of his baptism in water; as if it had been said, " What doctrine do ye profess ?" and they said, " Johns ;" whereas, indeed, the question is, " In what then ?" or " wherein were you baptized ?" and they said, " In John's baptism ;" as if they would say, we have received John's baptism, but not the Holy Ghost, as yet : whence immediately follows, ' then they were baptized in the name of lesus :" and after imposition of hands, " the Holy Ghost came upon them :" whence appears, the insufficiency of John's baptism, and the great difference between it and Christ's. And this so much troubles the Bezaites, that Beza himself expresses his grief in these words : " It is not necessary, that wheresoever there is mention of John's baptism, we should think it the very ceremony of baptism ; therefore they, who gather that John's baptism differs from Christ's, because these, a little after, are said to be bap- tized in the name of Jesus Christ, have no sure foundation." See his annotations on Acts xix. Thus he endeavours to take away the foundation (a) Twenty-fifth of the Thirty-nine Articles. of this Catholic conclusion, that John's baptism differs from, and is far inferior to Christ's. Beza confesses, that the Greek sfg il is often used for " wherein" or " wherewith :" as it is in the Vulgate Latin, and Erasmus ; but he, and his followers, think it signifies not so here ; though but the second verse after, (verso 5,) the very same Greek phrase els to ovofia is by them translated " In ;" where they say, " that they were baptized in," not unto, the name of Jesus Christ. (2) But no wonder, if they disgraced the baptism of Christ, when some (b) of them durst presume to take it away, by interpreting these words of the Gospel : " Unless a man be born again of water, and the Spirit," &c, in this manner, " Unless a man be born again of water, that is, the Spirit ;" as if by water, in this place, were only meant the Spirit allegorically, and not material water : as though our Saviour had said to Nicodemus : " Unless a man be born again of water, I mean of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven." To which purpose, Calvin as falsely translates the apostle's words to Titus (c) thus : Per lavacrum regenerationis Spiritus Suncti, quod cffudit in nos abunde ; making the apostle say : " That God poured the water of regeneration upon us abundantly ;" that is, " the Holy Ghost :" and lest we should not understand him, he tells us, in his commentary on this place, " that the apostle, speaking or water poured out abundantly, speaks not of ma- terial water, but of the Holy Ghost :" whereas the apostle makes not " water" and the " Holy - Ghost" all one ; but most plainly distinguishes them ; not saying, that " water" was poured out upon us, as they would infer, by translating it " which he shed ;" but the " Holy Ghost, whom he hath poured out upon us abundantly." So that here is meant both the material water, or washing of baptism, and the effect thereof, which is, the Holy Ghost poured out upon us. But, if I blame our English translators, in this place, for making it indifferent, either " which fountain," or " which Holy Ghost he shed," &c, they will tell me, that the Greek is also indifferent : but, if we demand of them, whether the Holy Ghost, or rather a fountain of water, may be said to be shed, they must doubt- less confess, not the Holy Ghost, but water : and consequently, their translating " which he shed," instead of " whom he poured out," would have it denote the " fountain of water ;" thereby agreeing with Calvin's translation, and Beza's commentary ; for Beza, in his translation, refers it to the Holy Ghost, as Catholics do. (b) Beza in Jo. iv. 10, and in Tit. 111. k (c) Calvin's Translation in Tit. i>i. a. 58 X. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST The Rook, Chapter, and Verse. St. James chap. v. verse 16. St. Matth. chap. xi. verse 21 ; St. Luke chap. x. verse 13. St. Matth. chap. iii. verse 2. St. Luke chap. iii. verse 3. St. Luke chap. iii. verse 8. Acts of •he Apos. chap. ii. terse 38. The Vulgate Latin Text. " Confitcmini, " k$nuot.oynode, ergo, alter utrum " pec- cala" vestra. (1) — Si in Tyro et Sidone facta essent virtutes, qua facta sunt in vobis, olim in cilicio et driers " pm- nilentiam egissent," fierevoijoav, (2) The true English accord- ing to the Rhemish Translation. "Paenitentiam agite^ appropinquabit enitn reenum cozlorum. Predicans baptis- murn " pcenitentia." Facite ergo f rue tus dignos "panitentia." Petrus vero ad illos " poznitentiam (inquit) agite," et baptizetur unusquis- que vestrum in no- mine Jesu Christi. " Confess," there- fore,your lf sins" one to another. — If in Tyre and Sidon had been wrought the mira- cles that have been done in you, " they had done penance" in sackcloth and ashes, long ere now. " Do penance," for the kingdom of hea- ven is at hand. — Preaching the baptism of "pe- nance." Yield, therefore, fruits worthy of " penance." But Peter said to them, "do penance," and be every one of you baptized in the name of JesusChrist Corruptions in the Pro- testant Bibles, printed a. d. 1562, 1577, 1579. " Acknowledge " your " faults " one to another. (1) Beza in all his translations has, " they had amended their lives." And our other transla- tions say, " they would have repen- ted." (2) " Repent," for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Preaching the bap- tism of " repen- tance." — Worthy of "re- pentance." Beza says, " Do fruits meet for them that amend their lives." — " Repent," and be every one of you baptized, &c. The last Translation of the Protestant Bihle, Ed. Lon., an. 1683. " Confess " your " faults," &c. Instead of " they had done penance," they say, " they would have repen- ted." " Repent," &c — Preaching the baptism of " repen- tance." — Fruit worthy of repentance." — " Reper.t," and be baptized, &c CONFESSION AND THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCfi. 59 (1) To avoid this term "confession," especially in this place, whence the reader might easily gather " sacramental confession," they thus fal- sify the text. It is said a little before, " if any be sick, let him bring in the priests," &c. And then it follows, "confess your sins," &c. But they, to make sure work, say, acknowledge, instead of confess ; and for priests, " elders," tnd for sins, they had rather say faults ; " ac- knowledge your faults," to make it sound among the ignorant common people, as different as they can from the usual Catholic phrase, " Confess your sins." What mean they by this ?" If this acknowledging of faults one to another, before death, be indifferently made to all men, why do they appoint in their common prayer-book, (o) (as it seems, out of this place,) that the sick person shall make a special confession to the minister ; and he shall absolve him in the very some form of absolution that Catholic priests use in the sacrament of penance ? And again, seeing themselves acknowledge forgiveness of sins by the minister, why do they not reckon penance, of which confession is a part, amongst the sacraments 1 But, I suppose, when they translated their Bibles, they were of the same judgment with the ministers of the diocess of Lincoln, (b) who petitioned to have the words of absolution blotted out of the common prayer- book ; but when they visit the sick, they are of the judgment of Roman Catholics, who, at this day, hold confession and absolution necessary to salvation, as did also the primitive Christians. Witness St. Basil : " Sins must necessarily be opened unto those, to whom the dispensations of God's mysteries is committed." St. Am- brose : " If thou desirest to be justified, confess thy sin : for a sincere confession of sins dissolves the knot of iniquity." (c) (2) As for penance, and satisfaction for sins, they utterly deny it, upon the heresy of, " only faith justifying and saving a man." Beza pro- tests, that he avoids these terms, /ueraroiu, pecnitentia, and /usTavoene, p&nitentiam agite, of purpose : and says, that in translating these Greek words, he will always use, reaipiscenlia and resipiscite, " amendment of life," and " amend your lives." And our English Bibles, to this day, dare not venture on the word penance, but only repentance ; which is not only far different from the Greek word, but even from the very circumstance of the text ; as is evi- dent from those words of St. Matth. xi., and Luke x., were these words, " sackcloth and ashes," cannot but signify more than the word repentance, or amendment of life can denote ; as is plain from these words of St Basil, (d) (a) Visitation of the Sick. (b) Survey of the Common Prayer-Eook. (c) St. Basil, in Regulis Brevior., Interrogatione 288. St. Amb., lib. de Pcenit., cap. 6. (d) St Basil in Psalm xxix ; St. Aug. Horn. 27- Inter- 50 H. et Ep. 108; Sozom., Lib. 7, cap. 16. See St. Hierom. in Epitaph. Fabiol. " Sackcloth makes for penance , for the fathers, in old time, sitting in sackcloth and ashes, did penance." Do not St. John Baptist, and St. Paid, plainly signify penitential works, when they exhort us to " do fruits worthy of penance '" which penance St. Augustine thus declares : " There is a more grievous and more mournful penance, whereby properly they are called in the church, that are penitents : removed alsc from partaking the sacrament of the altar." And Sozomen, in his ecclesiastical history, says, " In the Church of Rome, there is a manifest and known place for the penitents, and in it they stand sorrowful, and as it were mourning, and when the sacrifice is ended, being not made par- takers thereof, with weeping and lamentations they cast themselves far on the ground: then the bishop, weeping also with compassion, lifts them up ; and, after a certain time enjoined, absolves them from their penance. This the priests or bishops of Rome keep, from the very beginning, even until our time." Not only Sozomen, but (e) Socrates also, and all the ancient fathers, when they speak of penitents, that confessed and lamented their sins, and were enjoined penance, and performed it, did always express it in the said Greek words ; which, therefore, are proved most evidently 'x> signify penance, and doing penance. Again, when the ancient Council of Laodicea (/) says, that the time of penance should be given to offenders, according to the proportion of the fault : and that such shall not communicate till a certain time ; but after they have done pen- ance, and confessed their fault, (g) are then to be received : and when the first Council of Nice speaks of shortening or prolonging the days of penance : when (h) St. Basil speaks after the same manner ; when St. Chrysostom calls the sackcloth and fasting of the Ninevites, for cer- tain days, " Tot dierum pcenitentiam, so many days of penance :" in all these places, I would demand of our translators of the English Bible, if all these speeches of penance, and doing penance, are not expressed by the said Greek words ? and I would ask them, whether in these places, where there is mentioned a proscribed time of satisfaction for sin, by such and such penal means, they will translate repentance and amendment of life only ? Moreover, the Latin Church, and all the ancient fathers thereof, have always read, as the Vulgate Latin inter- preter translates, and do all expound the same penance, and doing penance : for example, see St. Augustine, among others ; (i) where you will find it plain, that he speaks of " pcniten'.ial works, for satisfaction of sins." ,e) Socrat., lib. 5, cap. 19. (/) Council of Laodicea, Can. 2, 9, et 19. (g) 1 Council of Nice, Can. 12. (A) St. Basil, cap. I, ad Amphiloch. (i) St. August., Ep. 10a 30 XI. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST The Book, Chapter, and Verse. St. Luke chap. i. verse 28. St. Matth. chap. i. verse 25. Genesis chap. iii. verse 15. 2 St. Peter chap. i. verse 15. Psalm cxxxviii. Eng. Bib. cxxxix. verse 17. The Vulgate Latin Text. Ave, " gratia plena,"' Dominus te cum, ys^apciui/iifrj. 0) Et " vocavil" no- nornen ejus Jesum, xui sxalsoe to o>'0/na (XVT8 ItjOUV. (2) " Ipsa" conteret caput tnum, et tu " insidiaberis" cal- caneo ejus. (3) Dabo autcm operam et frequenter habere vos post obitum me- um, ut " horum me- moriarn" faciatis.(4) Nimis honorijicati sunt amici lui, " , T'" 1 , oi (pikoi on, Deus ; ni- mis confortatus est principatus eorum, ErHDJO ~pf5>, at, ap/ai UVTWV. (5) The true English accord- ing to the Rhemish Translation. Hail, " full of grace," our Lord is with thee. And " called" his name Jesus. * \ "She" shall bruise thy head in pieces, and " thou slialt lie in wait for her heel." And I will do my endeavour ; you to have often after my decease also, that you may keep, a " memory of these things." Thy friends, God, are become exceedingly honour- able ; their prince- dom is exceedingly strengthened. Corruptions in the Pro- testant Bihles, printed A. D. 1502, 1577, 1579. Hail, " thou that art freely beloved." In Bib. 1577, "thou that art in high fa- vour." (1) And " he" called his name Jesus. (2) " It" shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt " bruise his heel." (3) I will endeavour that you may be able, after my de- cease, to have these things " always in remembrance." (4) How dear are thy counsels (or thoughts) to me ? O ! how great is the sum of them ? (5) I The last Translation of the Protestant Bible, Ed. Lon., an. 1683. In Bib. 1637 Hail, " thou that art highly favoured." In Bib. 1G83, Hail, " thou that art high- ly favoured," our Lord is with thee. And " he" called his name Jesus. "It" shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt " bruise his heel." I will endeavour, that you may be able after my de- cease,to have "these things always in re- membrance." How precious also are thy thoughts un- to me, O God ! How great is the sum of them ! THE HONOUR OF OUR BLF.SSKD LADY AND OTHER SATNTS. 61 (1) The most blessed Virgin, and glorious mother of Christ, has by God's holy Church always been honoured with most magnificent titles and addresses. One of the first, four general councils gives her the transcendent title of the mother of God. (a) And by St. Cyril of Alexan- dria, she is saluted in these words, " Hail ! holy mother of God, rich treasure of the world, ever- shining lamp, crown of purity, and sceptre of true doctrine ; by thee the holy Trinity is every where blessed and adored, the heavens exult, angels rejoice, and devils are chased from us : who so surpasses in elegance, as to be able to say enough to the glory of Mary ?" Yea, the ' agel Gabriel is commissioned from God to ad tess himself to her with this salutation, " HaiJ full of grace. "(b) Since which time, what r.-s ever been more common, and, at this day, more gen- eral and useful in all Christian countries, than in the Ave Maria to say, gratia plena, " full of grace V But, in our miserable land, the holy prayer, which every child used to say, is not only vanished, but the very text of scripture wherein our blessed Lady was saluted by the angel, " Hail ! full of grace," they have changed into another manner of salutation, viz., " Hail! thou that art freely beloved," or, " in high favour." (c) I would gladly know from them, why this, or tba\ or any other thing, rather than " Hail ! full c) /race ?" St. John Baptist was full ef the Ho'v '/host, even from his birth; St. Stephen wv " I ill of grace, (d) why may not then our Lady be rp'i 3d " full of grace," who, as St. Ambrose say r , " only obtained the grace which no other worn?/, deserved, to be replenished with the au- thor of grace ?" If they say, the Greek word does not signify so : I must ask them, why they translate ?j*xgj- fiftoa, (c) ulcernsus, " full of sores," and will not translate TtBjiaqtiotfiivrj^ gratiosa, " full of grace ?" Let them tell us what difference there is in the nature and significancy of these two words. If ulcrrosus, as Beza translates it, be "full of sores," why is not gratiosa, as Erasmus trans- lates it, " full of grace ?" seeing that all such adjectives in osus signify fulness, as periculosus, arumnosus, &c, as every school boy knows. What syllable is there in this word, that seems to make it signify " freely beloved?" St. Chry- sostom, and the Greek doctors, who should best know the nature of this Greek word, say, that it signifies to make gracious and acceptable^ St. Athanasius, a Greek doctor, says, that our blessed Lady had this title, xex"Q' T( ","£ t '1, be- cause the Holy Ghost descended into her, filling her with all graces and virtues. And St. Hierom reads gratia plena, and says plainly, she was so saluted, " full of grace," because she conceived him in whom all fulness of the Deity dwelt corporally. (/) (2) Again, to take from the holy mother of God, what honour they can, they translate, (a) Cone Eph., cap. 13. (b) St. Luke i. 18. h) St. Luke i. 15. ( (2) Filioli, custodite vos a " simulacris." eidojXwv. " Neque idolatry stdwXoXuTQoti, efficia- rnini" sicut quidam ex ipsis. The true English accord- Corruptions in the Pro- ing to the Rhemish testant Bibles, printed Translation. a. d. 15G2, 1577, 1579. — And avarice, which is the " ser- vice of idols." — Or covetous per- son, which is " the service of idols." And what agree- ment hath the tem- ple of God with " idols V My little children, keep yourselves from " idols." " Neither become ye idolaters," as certain of them. — And covetous- ness, which is the " worshipping of images." (1) — Or covetous man, which is " a worshipper of im- ages." How agreeth the temple of God with " images V (2) Babes, keep your- selves from " im- ages." " Be not wor- shippers of images," as some of them. The hst Translation of the Piotestant Bible, E«*. Lon., an. 1683. — And covetous- ness, which is "ido. latry.' Corrected. Corrected. Corrected Corrected also t this. SACRED IMAGES. 65 (O Before I proceed in this, let me ask our English translators, what is the most proper, and best English of hdwlov, Ftdo)loluT(jtj;, fldwlo. luTQelu ; idolum, idolatra, idolatria? Is it not idol, idolator, idolatry 1 Are not these plain English words, and well known in our lan- guage ? Why then need they put three words for one, "worshipper of images," and "wor- shipping of images ?" Whether is the more natural and convenient speech, either in our English tongue, or for the truth of the thing to say, as the holy scripture does, " covetousness rs idolatry ;" and consequently, '* the covetous man is an idolator ;" or to say, as their first ab- surd translations have it, " covetousness is worshipping of images,'' and the " covetous man is a worshipper of images ?" I suppose they will scarcely deny, but that there are many covetous Protestants, and, perhaps, of their clergy too, that may be put in the list with those of whom the apostle speaks, when he says, there are some " whose belly is their god." And though these make an idol of their money, and their bellies, by covetousness and gluttony, yet they would doubtless take it ill of us, if in their own scripture language, we should call them 41 worshippers of images." Who sees not, therefore, what great difference there is be- tween " idol" and " image," " idolatry" and " worshipping of images V even so much is there between St. Paul's words, and the Pro- testant translation ; but because in their latter translations they have corrected this shameful absurdity, I will say no more of it. (2) In this other, not only their malice, but their full intent and set purpose of deluding the poor simple people appear; this translation being made when images were plucking down through- out England, to create in the people a belief, that the apostle spoke against sacred images in churches 1 whereas his words are against the idols and idolatry of the Gentiles ; as is plain from what goes before, exhorting them not to join with infidels ; for, says he, " How agreeth the temple of God with idols ?" not " with images," for " images" might be had without sin, as we see the Jews had the images of the cherubim and the figures of oxen in the temple, and the image of the brazen serpent in the wilderness, by God's appointment ; though, as soon as they began to make an idol of the serpent, and adore it as their god, it could no lor.gcr be kept without sin. By this corrupt custom of translating image, instead of idol, they so bewitched their deceived followers, as to make them despise, contemn, and abandon even the very sign and image of salvation, the cross of Christ, and the crucifix , whereby the man- ner of his bitter death and passion is represent- ed ; notwithstanding their signing and marking their children with it in their baptism, when they are first made Christians. By such wilful corruptions, in these and other texts, as, " Be not worshippers of images, as some of them;" and, " Babes, keep yourselves from images ;" which, the more to impress on the minds of the vulgar, they wrote upon their church walls ; the people were animated to break down, and cast out of their churches, the images of our blessed Saviour, of his blessed mother, the twelve apostles, &c, with so full and general a resolution of defacing and extir- pating all tokens or marks of our Saviour's pas- sion, that they broke down the very crosses from the tops of church steeples, where they could easily come to them. And though, in their latter translations, they have -corrected this cor- ruption ; yet do some of the people so freshly, to this day, retain the malice impressed Wy it upon their parents, that they have presumed to break the cross lately set on the pinnacle of the porch of Westminster abbey : and the more to show their spite towards that sacred sign of our redemption — the holy cross — they placed it, not long since, upon the foreheads of bulls and mastiff-dogs, and so drove them through the streets of London, to the eternal shame of such as receive it in their baptism, and pretend to Christianity. What could Jews or Infidels have done more ? Was it not enough to break it down from the tops of churches, and to put up the image of a dragon, (the. figure wherein the devil himself is usually represented,) as on Bow Church, (a) in the midst of the city, but they must place it so contemptuously on the fore- heads of beasts and dogs 1 In how great esteem the holy cross was had by primitive Christians, the fathers of those days have sufficiently testified in their writings : " This cross," says St. Chrysostom, " we may see solemnly used in houses, in the market, in the desert, in the ways, on mountains and hills, in valleys," &c, contrary to which, the pretend- ed reformers of our times have not only cast it out of their houses, but out of their churches also : they have broken it down from all market- places, from hills, mountains, valleys, and high ways ; so that in all the roads in England there is not one cross left standing entire, that I have ever heard of, except one called Ralph cross, which I have often seen, upon a wild heath or mountain, near Danby forest, in the north riding of Yorkshire, (b) (a) Why might not a cock (the animal by which out Saviour was pleased to admonish St. Peter of his sins 1 , have been placed upon Covent Garden Church, rathei than a serpent] or a cross on Bow Church, rather than a dragon ] (b) The inhabitants of Danby, Rosdale, Westerdale and Ferndale, may glory before all parts of England, that they have a cross standing to this day in the midst of them. 66 XIV. PROTESTANT TRANSLATION'S AGAINST The Book, Chapter, and Verse 1 Corinth. chap. v. ver. 9, 10 Romans chap. xi. verse 4. Acts of the Apos. chap. xix. verse 35. Exodus chap. xx. verse 4. The Vulgate Latin Text. Scrips! vobis in rpistola, ne commis- ceamini fornicariis, non vtique fornica- riis hujus mundi, aut avaris, aut rapaci- ous, aut " idolis ser- vientibus" elSojXok&T- oitlg, alioquin debue- ratis de hoc mundo eociissc : nunc autem scripsi vobis non commisccri ; si is qui frater nominalur, est fornicator, aut ava- rus, aut " idolis ser- viens." SfC, eldojXoXuT. Qatg. (1) Reliqui mihi sep- lem millia virorum qui non curvavcrunt genua " ante Baal." (2) Viri Ephesi, quis enim est hominurn, qui nesciat Ephesio- rum civitatem cultri- cem esse magnce Diana et " Jovis proMsV rS diOTigitig 1 Non fades tibi "sculptilef ?2D, f I'dw- Xor. The true English accord- ing to the Rhemish Translation. I wrote to you in an epistle, not to keep company with fornicators ; I mean, not the fornicators of this world, or the covetous, or the ex- tortioners, or " ser- vers of idols ;" other- wise you should have gone out of this world. But now I have writ to you, not to keep company ; if he that is named a brother be a forni- cator, or covetous person, or a " ser- ver of idols," &c. I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to Baal. Ye men of Ephe- sus, for what man is there that knoweth not the city of the Ephesians to be a worshipper of great Diana, and "Jupi- ter's child V Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven thing." Corruptions in the Pro- testant Bibles, printed a. I) 1562, 1577, 1579. I wrote to you " that you should" not company with fornicators : " and" I " meant" not " all of" the fornicators of this world,"either of" the covetous, or extortioners, "either the idolaters," &c. But " that ye" company not " toge- ther ;" if " any" that is " called" a bro- ther be a fornica- tor, or covetous, or a " worshipper of images," &c. (1) I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to " the image of" Baal. (2) Instead of " Ju- piter's child," they translate "the image which came down from Jupiter." Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image." The last Translation of the Protestant Bible, Ed. Lon. an. 1683. It is corrected in this Bible. I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to " the image f" Baal. And here they translate, " the im- age which fell down from Jupiter." Thou shalt not make to thee anv " graven image." THE USE OF uA( X.ED IMAGES. 67 (1) How malicious and heretical was iheir intention, who, in this one sentence, made St. Paul seem to speak two distinct things, calling the Pagans " idolaters," and such wicked Christians as should commit the same impiety, eylvrfiav avio Quia non colo " idola" manufacta, sidioXa %siQ07iot7]ta. (2) The true English accord- ing to the Rhemish Translation. And thou shalt con- taminate the plates of the " sculptiles" of thy silver, and the garment of the " molten " of thy gold. What profiteth the " thing engraven," that the forger thereof hath graven it a " molten," and a " false image 1" Because 1 wor- ship not " idols " made with bands. Corruptions in the Pro- testant Bibles, printed a. d. 1562, 1577, 1579. Ye shall defile also the covering of the "graven images" of silver, and the or- nament of thy "mol- ten images" of gold. (1) What profiteth the " image," for the maker thereof hath made it an " image, " and a " teacher of lies ?" I worship not " things " that be made with hands. (2) The Jast Translation of the Protestant Bible, Ed. Lon., an. 1683. In this also they translate " graven " and " molten im- ages, " instead ot "graven" and "mol- ten things, " or " idoW " What profiteth the "graven image," that the maker there- of hath graven it, the "molten image," and a " teacher of lies V Though they have corrected it, yet the two last chapters are omitted in their small impressions for Apocrypha. THE USE OF SACRED IMAGES. (1) The two Hebrew words, pesilim and mas- secfwth, which in the Latin, signify sculptilia and conjlatiliu, they in their translation render into English by the word images, neither word being Hebrew for an image ; thus, if one should ask, what is the Latin for an image ? and they should tell him sculptile. Whereupon he seeing a fair painted image on a table, might perhaps say, Ecce cgregium sculptile ; which, doubtless, every boy in the grammar-school would laugh at. And this I tell them, because I perceive their endeavour to make sculptile and image of the same import ; which is most evidently false as to their great shame appears from these words of Habbakuk; Quid prodest sculptile? &c, which, contrary to the Hebrew and Greek, they translate, " What profiteth the image V v iftoi. (2) In quo habemus "fuluciam" et " ac- ctssum" in confiden- tia per Jidcm ejus. (3) " Adjuvantes" av- veoyovvTeg,autem ex- hortamur, tie in va- cuum gratiam Dei recipiatis. (4) XJt quid enim Christus, cum adhuc " ihfirmi esscmus," secundum tempus pro " impiis " mortuus est. (5) H Xojq£itu). Vide above. (b) Whitaker, p. 18. (c) See Br-za's Annot, in Rom. ii. 27. (d) St. August, de Gia. et lib. Arbitr. cap. 4. so XX. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS A3AINST The Book, Chapter, and Verse. Romans chap. v. verse 18. Romans chap. iv. verse 3. 2 Corinth, chap. v. ver. ult. Ephesians chap. i. verse 6. Daniel chap. vi. verse 22. Romans chap. iv. verse 6. The Vulgate Latin Text. " Igitur" sicut per unius delictum in omnes homines in condemnationsm : sic et per unius jus Lilian} in omnes homines in juslificationem vitce. (1) Credidil Abraham Deo, et reputatum est Mi "adjustitiam" sig dixmoovvtjv. (2) — Ut nos effice- remur l< justitia'' , Dei ipso, Sixixioaviv 0f« 6V ctvi®, (3) In qua " gratif,- cavit,ex a Q ll(,)aet 'i n os in dilecto Jilio suo. (4) — Quia coram co " justitia inventa est in me." (5) Sicut et David dicit, i.&yel, beatitu- dinem hominis cui Dcus accepto fert justitiam sine operi- bus, (6) The true English accord- ing to the Rhemish Translation. Corruptions in the Pro testant Bibles, printed A. I). 1562, 1577, 1579. Therefore, as by the offence of one, unto all men to con- demnation : so also by the "justice" of one, unto all men to justification of life. Abraham believed God, and it was re- puted him " to jus- tice." — That we might be made the " jus- tice" of God in him. Wherein he hath " gratified us" in his beloved Son. — Because before him ''justice was found in me." As David also "termeth" the bless- edness of a man, "to whom" God " repu- teth justice" with out works. The last Translation of the Protestant Bible, Ed. Lon. an. 1683. " Likewise then," as by the offence of one, " the fault came on" all men to condemnation : so by the " justifying" of one " the benefit aboundeth towards" all men, to " the" justification of life. 0) Abraham believed God, and it was re- puted to him " for justice." (2) That we " by his means" should be " that righteousness which before" God " is allowed." (3) Wherein he hath "made us accepted," (or " freely accep- ted") in his beloved Son. (4) Because before him, " my justice was found out." (5) As David " de- scribeth" the bless- ednessof "the" man, " unto whom" God " imputeth righte- ousness." (6) Therefore, as by the offences of one, "judgment came up- on" all men to con- demnation : even so by the " righteous- ness of" of one,"the free gift came upon" all men unto justifi- cation of life. And it was ac- counted unto him "for righteousness. ** That we might bp made the " righte- ousness" of God in him. Wherein he hath made us "accepted" in the Beloved. Forasmuch as be- fore him"innocency was found in me." Instead of " ter- meth" they say,"de- scribelh ;" and for justice," they have " righteousness." INHKRKNT JISTICE. 81 (1) Beza, in his annotations on Rom. v. 18, protests, that his adding to this text is especially against inherent justice, which, he says, is to be avoided as nothing more. His false translation you see our English Bibles follow ; and have added no fewer than six words in this one verse ; yea, their last translations have added seven, and some of these words much different from those of their former brethren ; so that it is impossible to make them agree betwixt themselves. I cannot but admire to see how loath they are to suffer the holy scripture to speak in behalf of inherent justice. (2) So also in this next place, where they add the word " for" to the text, " and it was reputed to him for justice," for " righteousness," says their last righteous work ; for the longer they live, the further they are divided from justice ; because they would have it to be nothing else, but instead and place of justice : thereby taking away true inherent justice, even in Abraham himself. But admit this translation of theirs, which, notwithstanding in their sense, is false, must it needs signify not true inherent justice, because the scripture says, it was reputed for justice ? Do such speeches import, that it is not so indeed, but is only reputed so? Then if we should say, this shall be reputed to thee " for" sin, "for" a great benefit, &c, it should signify it is no sin indeed, nor great benefit. But let them remem- ber, that the scripture uses to speak of sin and of justice alike, repulabitur tibi in peccutum, "It shall be reputed to thee for sin," as St. Hierom translates it. (a) If then justice only be reputed, sin also is only reputed : if sin be in us indeed, justice is in us indeed. And the Greek fathers make it plain, that " to be re- puted unto justice," is to have true justice indeed ; interpreting St. Paul's words, that " Abraham obtained justice," " Abraham was justified ;" for that is, say they, " It was reputed him to justice." And St. James testifies, that " In that Abraham was justified by faith and works, the scripture was fulfilled," which says, " It was reputed him to justice," Gen. xv. 6, in which words of Genesis there is not " for justice," or " instead of justice," as the English Bibles have it, for the Hebrew npn? *b "Err should not be so trans- lated, especially when they meant it was so counted or reputed for justice, that it was not justice indeed. (3) Again, how intolerably have their first translations corrupted St. Paul's words, 2 Cor. v., which though their latter Bibles have undertaken to correct, yet their heresy would not suffer them to amend also the word (a) Deut., xxiii. andxxiv.; (Ecum. in Caten. Photius, chap. ii. ver. 23. " righteousness !" It is death to them to hear of justice. (4) Here again they make St. Paul say, that God made us " accepted," or" freely accepted in his beloved Son," (their last translation leaves out Son very boldly, changing the word his into the, " accepted in the Beloved,") as if they had a mind to say, that " in, or among all the beloved in the world, God has only accepted us :" as they make the angel in St. Luke say to our blessed Lady, " Hail! freely beloved," to take away all grace inherit and resident in the blessed Virgin, or in us : whereas the apostle's word signifies that we are truly made grateful, or gracious and acceptable ; that is to say, that our soul is inwardly endued and beautified with grace, and the virtues proceeding from it ; and conse- quently, is holy indeed before the sight of God, and not only so accepted or reputed, as they imagine. Which St. Chrysostom sufficiently testifies in these words : " He said not, which he freely gave us, but, wherein he made us grate- ful ; that is, not only delivered us from sins, but also made us beloved and amiable, made our soul beautiful and grateful, such as the angels and archangels desire to see, and such as him- self is in love withal, according to that in the Psalm, the king shall desire or be in love with thy beauty." (b) St. Hierom speaking of bap- tism, says : " Now thou art made clean in the laver : and of thee it is said, who is she that ascends white 1 and let her be washed, yet she cannot keep her purity, unless she be strength ened from our Lord ;" (c) whence it is plain, that by baptism original sin being expelled, in herent justice takes place in the soul, rendering it clean, white, and pure ; which purity the soul, strengthened by God's grace, may keep and conserve. (5) Another falsification they make here in Daniel, translating : "My justice was found out;" and in another Bible, " My unguiltiness was found out," to draw it from inherent justice, which was in Daniel. In their last edition you see they are resolved to correct their brethren's fault; notwithstanding though they mend one, yet they make another ; putting innocency in- stead of justice. It is very strange that our English Protestant divines should have such a pique against justice, that they cannot endure to see it stand in the text, where the Chaldee, Greek, and Latin place it. (6) It must needs be a spot of the same infection, that they translate " describeth" here ; as though imputed righteousness (for so they had rather say, than justice) were the description of blessedness. (6) St. Chrys. in this place of the Ephesians. (c) St. Hierom., lib. 3, contra Pelagianoi. 82 -PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS IN The Book, The true English accord- Corruptions in the Pro- The last Translation of Chapter, The Vulgate Latin Text. ing to the Rhemish testant Bibles, printed the Protestant Bible, Ed. and Verse. Translation. a. d. 1562, 1577, 1579. Lon., an. 1683. Hebrews " Accedamus" cum Let us ''approach" Let us " draw Let us " draw chap. x. vero corde in " pleni- with a true heart, in nigh" with a true near" with a true verse 22. ludine" Rdei, in nXrj- " fulness" of faith. heart, in " assu- heart, in " full as- Qo■ uvuqyoq-r^ mnyonaqodoiH, is rather to be thus translated, and it is the Greek they pretend to follow, and not our Vulgate Latin which the} condemn : " From your vain conversation de- livered by the fathers ;" but because it sounds with the simple people, to be spoken against ihc traditions of the Roman Church, they were as glad to suffer it to pass, as the former translators were, for the same reason, to foist in the word tradition ; and for delivered, to say received. I say, because it is the phrase of the Catholic Church, that it has received many things by tradition, which they would here control by like- ness of words, in their false translations. But concerning the word tradition, they will tell us perhaps, the sense thereof is included in the Greek word, delivered. We grant it : bu» would they be content, if we should always ex- pressly add tradition, where it is so included ? Then should we say in the Corinthians, " I praise you, that as I have delivered to you, by tradition, you keep my precepts or traditions." And again, " For I received of our Lord, which also I de- livered unto you, by tradition." (d) And in another place, " As they, by tradition, delivered unto us, which from the beginning saw," &c., and such like, by their example, we should translate in this sort. But we use not this licen- tious manner in translating the holy scriptures ; neither is it a translator's part, but an interpre- ter's, and his that makes a commentary : nor does a good cause need any other translation than the express text of the scripture. (c) Col. ii. 14 ; Eph. ii. 15. {d) 1 Cor. xi. 2, 23 ; Luke i. 3. 86 PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS AGAINST APOSTOLICAL TRADITIONS. But if you say, (a) that our Vulgate Latin has, in this place, the word tradition ; we grant it has so, and therefore, we also translate accor- dingly : but you, as I hinted above, profess to translate the Greek, and not our Vulgate Latin, which you condemn as papistical, and say it is the worst of all, though Beza, your master, pronounces it to be the best, (b) And will you, notwithstanding, follow the said Vulgate Latin, rather than the Greek, when you find it seems to make for your purpose ? This is your par- tiality and inconstancy. One while you will follow it, though it differ from the Greek ; and another time you reject it, though it agree with the Greek most exactly ; as we have shown you above, (Col. ii. 20,) where the Vulgate Latin hath nothing of traditions, but, quid decernilis, as it is in the Greek ; yet there your sincere breth- ren translate : " Why are ye burthened with traditions ?" Is not all this to bolster up their errors and heresies, without sincerely following either the Greek or Latin ? The* Greek, at least, why do they not follow? Doth the Greek naqnSoasig, induce them to say, ordinances for traditions ? Or doyuarir lead them to say, traditions for de- crees ? Or Sixumuuia, ngeoSvTSQo;, udr;g, el'doolor, &c, force them to translate ordinances for jus- tifications, elder for priest, grave for hell, image for idol, &c. ? No ! Where they are afraid of being disadvantageous to their heresies, they scruple not to reject and forsake both the Greek and Latin. Though Protestants, in their last translation of the Bible, have indeed corrected this error in several places, not in all, on purpose, thereby to defend themselves against their Puritanical bre- thren, when they charge them with several Po- pish observances, ceremonies, and traditions, which they cannot maintain by scripture alone, without being forced, as is said, to fly to unwrit- ten traditions : yet, when they either dispute with, or write against Catholics, they utterly deny traditions, and stick fast to the scripture alone, for their " only rule of faith :" falsely asserting, that the scripture was received by the primitive church as a " perfect rule of faith." These are the words of a late ministerial (c) guide of the Church of England, " The scrip- ture was yet (viz., when St. Augustine was sent (a> Discovery of the Rock, p. 147. (b) Beza, Prsf. in Nov. Test , 1556. (c) See the Pamphlet called a Second Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England, &c.,p. 13, n. 24. into England) received as a perfect rule of faith :" for which he cites another authority like his own. But how true this is, let the holy fathers of the first five hundred years satisfy us. St. Chrysostom, expounding the words of St. Paul, (2 Thess. xv.) affirms, that " Hereby it appears, that the apostles did not deliver all things by epistle, but many things without wri- ting ; and these are worthy of faith : wherefore also, let us esteem the tradition of the church to be believed. It is a tradition, seek no fur- ther." (d) And the same exposition is given by St. Basil, Theophylact, and St. John Damascene : as also by St. Epiphanius ; who says, " We must use tradition, for all things cannot be received from divine scripture ; wherefore the holy apostles have delivered some things by tradition : even as the holy apostle says, as I have delivered to you, and elsewhere ; so I teach, and have de- livered in the churches." (e) St. Augustine, proving that those who wero baptized by heretics should not be re-baptized, says, " the apostles commanded nothing hereof; but that doctrine which was opposed herein against Cyprian, is to be believed to proceed from their tradition, as many things be, which the church holds ; and are therefore, well be- lieved to be commanded of the apostles, al- though they are not written." (f) These words of this great doctor are so clear, that Mr. Cart- wright, (g) a Protestant, speaking thereof, says, " To allow St. Augustine's words, is to bring in Popery again." And in another place, (h) " If St. Augustine's judgment be a good judgment, then there be some things commanded of God, which are not in the scriptures, and thereupon no sufficient doctrine contained in the scriptures." How to make all this agree with the doctrine of our present ministerial guides of the Church of England, who teach that in those primitive times, " the scripture was received as a perfect and only rule of faith," will be a task that, I am confident, no wise man, who has either honour, credit, or respect for truth, will venture to un- dertake. {d) St. Chrys. in 2 Thes. Horn. 4. (e) See St. Basil de Spirit. Sanct., c. 29 ; Theophil. in 2 Thess. ii. ; St. Damage, cap. 17, de Imag. Sanct. ; St Epiph. Hser. 61. (/) St. Aug. de Bapt. contra Don., lib. 5, cap. 23. (g) In Whitg. Def , p. 103. (A) And his Second Reply againgt Whitg., part I., pp. 84, 85, 86. XXIII. PROTESTANT TRANSLATION AGAINST THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE. 87 The Book, Chaptsr, nnd Verse. Ephesians chap. v. verse 32. The Vulgate Latin Text. " Sacramen/um " {ivqi\qiov t hoc mag- num est. (1) Tho true English accord- ing to the khemish Translation Corruptions in the Pro- testant Millies. printed A. i>. 1502, 1577, 1579. This is a great " sacrament." This is a great " secret." (1) The last Translation of the Protestant Bible, Ed. Lon. an. 1683. This is a great " mystery." (1 ) The church of God esteems marriage a holy sacrament, as giving grace to the married per- sons, to live together in love, concord, and fidelity. But Protestants, who reckon it no more than a civil contract, as it is amongst in- fidels, translated this text accordingly, calling it, in their first translations, instead of a " great sacrament," or " mystery," as in the Greek, a " great secret." But we will excuse them for not translating " sacrament," because they pretended not to translate the Latin but the Greek : yet, however, we must ask them, why they call it not " mys- tery," as it is in the Greek ? Doubtless, they can give us no other reason, but that they wished only to avoid both those words, which are used in the Latin and Greek Church, to sig- nify sacrament ; for the word mystery is the same in Greek, that sacrament is in Latin ; and in the Greek church, the sacrament of the body and blood itself, is called by the name of mys- tery, or mysteries ; so that, if they should have called matrimony by that name, it would have sounded equally well as a sacrament also : but in saying, " it is a great secret," they are sure it shall not be taken for a sacrament. But perhaps, they will say, is not every sacra- ment and mystery, in English, " a secret ?" Yes, as angel is a " messenger ;" priest, an " elder ;" apostle, " one that is sent ;" baptism, " washing ;" evangelist, " a bringer of good news ;" Holy Ghost, " Holy Wind ;" bishop, " overseer or superintendent." But when the holy scripture uses these words to signify more excellent and divine things than those of the common sort, pray does it become translators to use profane, instead of ecclesiastical terms, and thereby to disgrace the writing and meaning of the Holy Ghost 1 The same Greek word, in all other places, (a) they translated mystery ; who, therefore, can imagine any other reason for the translating of it " secret" in this place, than lest it might seem to make against their heretical opinion, " That marriage is no sacrament ?" though the apostle makes it such a mystery, or sacrament, as repre- sents no less than the conjunction of Christ and his church, and whatsoever is most excellent in that conjunction. And St. Augustine teaches, that " a certain sacrament of marriage is commended to the faithful that are married ; whereupon the apostle says : ' Husbands, love your wives ; as Christ loved the church.' " (b) And Fulk grants, that " Augustine and some others of the ancient fathers take it, that matrimony is a great mystery of the conjunction of Christ and his church." (c) But because they have kept to the Greek in their last translation, I shall say no more of it ; nor should I indeed have thus much noticed it here, but to show the reader how intolerably partial and crafty they were in their first trans- lations. (a) Tim. iii.; Col. i. 26; Eph. iii. 9; 1 Cor. xv. 15 (£) St. Aug. de Nupt. et Concup., lib. i. c. 10. (c) Fulk. in Rhem. Test, in Ephes. v. 32, sect. 5. Here follow severa. heretical additions, and other notorious falsifications, <$c. 88 XXIV. PROTESTANT CORRUPTIONS The Book. Chapter, anil Verse. 2 Paralip. or Chron. ch. xxx vi. verse 8. Acts of the Apos. chap. ix. verse 22. 1 St. Peter chap. i. verse 25. Sec the like addi- tion in 1 Corinth, chap. ix. verse 17. St. James chap. iv. verse 6. Colossians chap. i. verse 23 The Vulgate Latin Text. Reliqua autem verborum Joakim, et abominationum ejus, qitas operaius est, "et quceinvenla sunt in eo," continentur in libro regum Judo; et Israel. (1) Et confundebat Judmos qui habila- bant Damasci, ajfir- mans quoniam hie est Christus. (2) Vcrbum autem Domini tnanet in (Sternum : hoc est autem verbum quod " evangelizatum est" in vos. (3) Majorem autem dat gratiam. (4) Si tamen permane- tis in fide fundati et stabiles, et immobiles a spe cvangelii quod audistis, quod pra>di- calum est in universa creatura que sub ccelo est. (5) The true English accord- ing to the Rhemish Translation. But the rest of the words of Joakim, and of his abomi- nations which he wrought, " and the things that were found in him," are contained in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. And confounded the Jews, &c, affirm- ing that this is Christ. But the word of our Lord remaineth for ever : and this is the word that " is evangelized " among you. And giveth greater graces If yet ye continue in the faith ground- ed and stable, and unmoveable from the hope of the gos- pel which you have heard, which is preached among all creatures, &c. Corruptions in the Pro- testant Bib'es, printed a. i). 15G2, 1577, 1579. The last Translation of the Protestant Bible, Ed. Lon. an. IG83. The rest of the acts of Jehoakin, and his abomina- tions which he did, " and carved images that were laid to his charge,"behold they are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. (1) Saul confounded the Jews, proving, " by conferring one scripture with ano- ther," that this is very Christ. (2) The word of the Lord endureth for ever : and this is the word which " by the gospel" was preach- ed unto you. (3) But " the scrip- ture" offereth grea- ter grace. (4) If ye continue established in the faith, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you have heard " how it was" preached. Or, " whereof" ye have heard " how that it" is preached. Or, " whereof" ye have heard " and which hath been"preached. (5) Corrected. Corrected. — And this is the word, which " by the gospel" is preached unto you But "he" giveth more grace. Which ye have heard, " and which was" preached to every creature BY ADDING TO THE TEXT. 89 (1)1 have not set down these few examples of their additions, as if they were all the only places in the Bible that were corrupted after ibis manner ; for if you observe well in the fore- going chapters, you will find both additions and diminutions ; and that so" frequently done, and with such wonderful boldness, as if these trans- lators had been privileged by especial license to add to, or diminish from, the sacred text at their pleasures : or, as if themselves had been only excepted from that general curse denounced against all such as either add to, or diminish from it, in the close of the Holy Bible (Apo- calypse xxii. 18, 19,) in these words, "For I testily to every one, hearing the words of the prophecy of this book : If any man shall add to these; things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book. And if any man shall diminish of the words of the book of this pro- phecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and of these things that be written in this book." Against holy images they maliciously add to the text these words " carved images, that, were laid to his charge." And to what intent is this, but to deceive the ignorant reader, and to fo- ment his hatred against the images of Christ, and his saints ? as they have done also in another place, (Rom. xi. 4,) where they maliciously add the word " image" to the text, where it is not in the Greek, saying, instead of " I have left me seven thousand men, who have not bowed their knees to Baal," thus, " I have left me seven thousand men, who have not bowed their knee to the image of Baal." (a) (2) " By conferring one scripture with another:" this is added more than is in the Greek, in favour of their presumptuous opinion, that the comparing of the scriptures is enough for any man to undertsand them himself, solely by his own diligence and endeavour ; and thereby to reject both the commentaries of the doctors, and the exposition of holy councils, and the Ca- tholic Church, (b) (3) " By the gospel :" These words are added deceitfully, and of ill intent, to make the simple reader think, that there is no other word of God, but the written word ; for the common roller, hearing this word gospel, conceives nothing else. But indeed all is gospel, what- soever the apostles taught, either by writing, or by tradition, and word of mouth. It is written of Luther, (c) that in his first tianslation of the Bible into the German tongue, he left out these words of the apostle clearly : " This is the word which is evangelized to you ;" because .St. Peter does here define what is the word of God, saying : " That which is preached ' to you, and not that only which is written. (a) Rible 1562. (b) Bible 1577. (c) Lind. Dubitat., p. 89 (4) In this place they add to the text the words " the scripture ;" where the apostle may as well, and indifferently say : " The Spirit," or, " Holy Ghost," gives more graces, as is more probable he meant, and is so expounded by many. And so also this last translation of theirs intimates, by inserting the word He : " But Ho giveth more grace :" though this is more than they can stand by. Bui they will never be pre- vented from inserting their commentary in the text, and restraining the " Holy Ghost* to one particular sense, where his words seem to bo , ambiguous, which the Latin interpreter never presumed to do, but always leaves it as open to either signification in the Latin, as he found it in the Greek. (5) In this last place they alter the apostle's plain speech with certain words of their own ; for they will not have him say, " Be immoveable in the faith and gospel, which you have heard, which has been preached ;" but, " whereof you have heard how it was preached ;" and though he spoke not of the gospel preached to them, but of a gospel which they had only heard of, that was preached in the world. The apostle exhorts the Colossians to con- tinue grounded in the faith and gospel, which they had heard and received from their apos- tles. {. '209, 211, and 394- I 13 mentions not any certain place or form oi their consecration ; so that it might be performed as well at the Nag's Head as at Lambeth. And indeed, we deny them not to have had a certain kind of puritanical consecration, by John Scorey, at the Nag's Head in Cheapside ; but we deny the said Nag's Head consecration to be either valid or legal, both for defect in the form, and in the minister, John Scorey himself being no bishop, no more than Barlow and Coverdale, as is hinted above, in page 53. By reason of which defects, the queen, it seems, was forced after- wards to declare, or make them bishops, by act of parliament. But to pass by these things, and to come to a closer examination of their Lam- beth Records : (d) Mr. Mason, the very first man that ever told us of this Lambeth Register, urges it in this manner : (r.) " Queen Mary died in the year 1558, the 17th of November ; the same day died cardinal Pool, archbishop of Canterbury ; and the very same day was queen Elizabeth pro- claimed. The 15th of January next following, was the day of queen Elizabeth's coronation, when Dr. Oglethorp, bishop of Carlisle, was so happy as to set the diadem of that kingdom upon her royal head. Now the see of Canterbury continued void till December following ; about which time the dean and chapter having received the conge (retire, elected master Parker for their archbishop, juxta morem antiquum et laudabilem consueludincm ecclesim prcedictcs ab antiqua usita- tem et incussa observatam, proceeding in this election " according to the ancient maimer, and the laudable custom of the aforesaid church ;" citing for these words, his new found register, ex Regist. Mat. Parker. "After which elec- tion, orderly performed, and signified according to the law, it pleased her highness to send her letters patent of commission, for his confirma- tion and consecration, to seven bishops ;" whose names, with as much of the commission as is necessary, he sets down ; after which he tells us, " That to take away all scruple, he will faithfully deliver out of authentical records," as he calls them, putting in the margin ex Regist. M. Par- ker, with as much confidence as if they had then been made known to the world, and published or produced upon all occasions, for fifty years to- gether, before ever he spoke of them," both the day when he, Mr. Parker, was consecrated, and by whom, viz., a icen m . n i ( William Barlow, Anno 1559. Mat. Park. V T , o IPir , , ' John Scorey, Cant. cons. 17 Decemb. < ,,., ^ ■", , , j Miles Coverdale, ^ ( John Hodgkins." These are Mr. Mason's obtruded records : with which let us compare the words of another recorder, Dr. Bramhall, who, after having told us of Mat. Parker's being, by conge (Celire, elected archbishop of Canterbury, says: ( f) (d) Staf. I., 8th Eliz. (e) Mason, lib. 3, p. 128. (/) Dram. p. 83. 94 CONSIDERATIONS ON THE " The queen, accepting this election, was gra- ciously pleased to issue out two commissions for the legal confirmation of the said election, and consecration of the said archbishop ; the former dated the 9th of September, anno 1559, directed to six bishops ; Cuthbert, bishop of Durham ; Gilbert, bishop of Bath ; David, bishop of Peterborough; Anthony, bishop of Landaff; William Barlow, bishop ; and John Scorey, bishop." Which commission he sets down at large, from Ro , par. 2, 1 Eliz. Dated, Apud Redgrave, Nono die Scptembris anno regni Elizabeths Anglo?., SfC, primo. Per breve de privato sigillo, Examinator, Ri. Broughton. Then he goes on : (a) " Now if any man de- sire a reason why this first commission was not executed, the best account I can give him is this, that it was directed to six bishops, without an " Aut minus, or at the least four of you ;" so as if any one of the six were sick, or absent, or refused, the rest could not proceed to confirm or consecrate. And that some of them did refuse, I am very apt to believe, because three of them, not long after, were deprived." Thus Dr. Bramhall. The three bishops, he means, that were, as he would have us believe, " shortly after de- prived," were Cuthbert Tunstal, bishop of Dur- ham ; Gilbert Bourn, bishop of Bath ; and David Pole, bishop of Peterborough. But according to John Stow, (b) and Hollinshead, these three bishops, with other ten or eleven, all Catholics, were deprived and deposed from their sees, in July before, for refusing the oath of supremacy. " In the month of July," says Stow, " the old bishops of England, then living, were called and examined by certain of the Queen's Majesty's council, where the bishops of York, Ely, and London, with others, to the number of thirteen or fourteen, for refusing to take the oath, touching the Queen's supremacy, and other articles, were deprived of their bishoprics." Hollinshead had also the same words, and tells us further who succeeded in their rooms and places." Hollinshead, in the praises of bishop Tunstal, of Durham, has these words : " He was, by the noble Queen Elizabeth, deprived of his bishop- ric, &c, and was committed to Matthew Parker, bishop of Canterbury, who used him very hon- ourably, both for the gravity, learning, and age of the said Tunstal : but he, not long remaining under the ward of the said bishop, did shortly after, the 18th of November, in the year 1559, depart this life at Lambeth, where he first re- ceived his Consecration." By this it appears, that Matthew Parkpr was bishop of Canterbury, and lived in the bishop's palace at Lambeth, consequently installed in the bishopric, which (a) P. 85. (£) See John Siow and Hollinshed, in an. 1 Eliz. he could not be before he was const. ( rated, if consecration was then used ; and all this before the 18th of November, 1559. And well might he, by this time, be in the full enjoyment and possession of the bishopric of Canterbury ; for by Stow and Hollinshead, we find him called bishop elect on the 9th of September, when he and others assisted at the king of France's obsequies. Yea, by Hollins- head, it evidently appears, that they were elected immediately, or, however, very shortly after the deprivation of the old Catholic bishops : for, on the 12th of August, we find Doctor Grindall not only called bishop elect, but exercising as much power, as if he had been more than only elect. His words are these : " On the 12th of August, being Saturday, the high altar in Paul's Church, with the rood, and the images of Mary and John, standing in the rood-loft, were taken down ; and this was done by the command of Doctor Grindall, newly elected bishop of Lon- don." The truth of what I have here set down, from Hollinshead and Stow, is unquestionable : but if it agree not with Mr. Mason, and Doctor \ Bramhall, and their Lambeth Records, shall we not have just cause to reject these as forged ? But, before we compare them together, let us first see what accordance and agreement is found among the records and recorders them- selves. Firstly, in the queen's letters patent, or com- mission for consecrating Matthew Parker, (c) the suffragan bishop, there mentioned, is named Richard, suffragan of Bedford ; whereas by Mr. Mason and others, he is called John ; yea, Mason calls him John in one place, and Richard in another. I suppose those, who made these records, might be ignorant of the said suffragan's name ; and therefore for making sure work, calls him sometimes Richard, sometimes John ; but if these records had been made while the man himself was living, and when he imposed hands on Matthew Parker, he could have satisfied them of his true name, and the place where he was saffragan, viz., whether of Bedford or Dover ? And whether there was any other suffragan there besides himself, if we suppose that the Lambeth notarius publicus could be ignorant of such circumstances. Secondly, Mr. Sutcliff affirms, that Parker was consecrated by Barlow, Coverdale, Scorey, and two suffragans. But by our pretended register, we find but one suffragan at that solemnity, (d) Thirdly, Mr. Mason, and his records, style him suffragan of Bedford ; but by Doctor Butler he is called suffragan of Dover, (e) Fourthly, in Mr. Mason, we hear tell but of one commission from the queen, for the confir- mation and consecration of Matthew Parker. But Bramhall, by more diligent search among (c) See D. Bram., pp. 87, 89, 90. \d) Sutcliff' against Dr. Kellison, p. 5. (e) Butler, Ep. de Consecrat. Minist. LAMBETH RECORDS. 95 the records, finds two ; the first dated September the 9th. (a) Fifthly, by which commission it appears, Parker was elected before the 9th of Septem- ber : but Mr. Mason says, he was elected about the beginning of December. Thus they concur one with another : and to compare them with Richard Ilollinshead, and John Stow's chronicles, they jump as exactly, as if the one had been written at China and the other at Lambeth : for, Sixthly, Mr. Mason, I say, affirms, that the dean and chapter elected Doctor Matthew Parker about the month of December, But in Stow and Ilollinshead, we find him and others called bishops elect, on the 9th of Sep- tember. Yea, seeing Hollinshead calls Grindall newly elect on the 12th of August-, we may easily conclude, that Matthew Parker the metro- politan, was also elected before that time ; which, you see, is about four months before Mason's election by conge iVclire. Seventhly, Mr. Mason affirms, that the see of Canterbury continued void till December 1559. On the 17th of which month, according to the new register, Parker was consecrated. But in Hollinshead we find, that Matthew Parker was bishop of Canterbury, and lived in the bishop's place at Lambeth, where he had bishop Tunstal committed, prisoner, to his charge, long before the 17th of December : for on the J 8th of November, 1559, the said bishop Tunstal died. Eighthly, Doctor Bramhall, as is said, from our new-made records, brings us a commission, dated on the 9th of September, 1559. And directed, besides others, to three Catholic bishops, Cuthbert Tunstal, Gilbert Bourn, and David Pool, requiring them to confirm and consecrate Matthew Parker. And he has the confidence to affirm, that " the said three bishops were shortly after deprived of their bishoprics, as he is very apt to believe, for refusing to obey the said commission." But in Stow and Ilollinshead we find, that the said three Catholic bishops, with ten or eleven others, were deprived of their bishoprics in the month of July before, for refusing the oath of supremacy ; and Mason himself confirms this, by acknowledging they were deprived not long after the feast of St. John the Baptist ; for which he also cites Saunders, lib de Schismate Angl. But pray consider, Mrs, what can be more absurd, than to imagine that Queen Elizabeth would be beholden to such Roman Catholic bishops, as she had formerly deprived of their bishoprics, and made prisoners, for the confirming and consecrating of her new Protes- tant bishops, who were to be " unlawfully intruded" into their sees ; especially she liming, as Bramhall says, Protestant bishops enough of her own ; or if such had been wanting, might, he says, have easily had store of bishops out of Ireland, to have done the work ? Pray give me leave to demand of our English (a) Bram., p. 83. prelates, why this first commission a\ as by the queen directed to those three zealous Catholic bishops, and not rather to her own Protestant bishops, to whom she directed the last commis- sion, dated December 6 ? Her majesty was not ignorant that their consciences had been too tender to permit them to swear herself head of the Church of England : and that rather than gall their so tender consciences, they were con- tent to lose their bishopries, and suffer perpetual imprisonment : could she, upon revolving this in her princely thoughts, easily imagine thai they would, without all scruple, impose hands on her newly elected bishops, whom they knew to be of a religion as far different from themselves, as king Edward the VI th was from queen Mary's 1 Could she suppose, that they would make bishops in that church, whereof themselves refused to be members ? Could she think, that those Catholic bishops would consecrate Parker, according to king Edward the Vlth's form of consecration, which they had in queen Mary's days declared to be invalid and null ; and which, at this time, was also illegal ? Or could the queen easily imagine, that Matthew Parker and the rest of her chosen bishops, who had stood so much upon their punctilios at Frankfort, would receive consecration by a form condemned as superstitious and antichristian ; and from which, as Mason says, they had pared away so many superfluities ; yea, so many, as even to pare out the very name, itself, of bishop ? Let the impartial reader consider these things. How our present pretended bishops them- selves will make all these things agree, will be hard to imagine ; which, if they cannot do, let them be content to leave us to our own liberties, and freedom of thought ; and to excuse us, if we freely affirm, that " Matthew Parker was never consecrated at Lambeth : that the said records are forged : tnd, that themselves are but mere laymen, without mission, without succession, and without consecration, - ' Ninthly, it is none of the least objections against Parker's solemn consecration at Lam- beth, that we find it not once mentioned by the historians of those times, especially by John Stow, who professed so particular a kindness and respect for Parker ; and who was so exact in setting down all things, of far less moment, done about London. Doubtless, he omitted it not through negligence or forgetfulness, seeing he is not unmindful to set down the consecration of cardinal Pole, Parker's immediate prede- cessor, and the very day on which lie said Ins first mass. Nor does it appear to have been through forgetfulness, that Ilollinshead men- tions not this notorious Lambeth solemnity, seeing he tells us, that bishop Tunstal, who died under Parker's custody, " received his consecra- tion at Lambeth :" if either he orJonn Stow had but given us only such a short hint as this, of Parker's consecration at Lambeth, we should never have questioned it further, nor have doubted-of. the truth of it, though they had not been so exact to a hair in every punctilio, as to have told us of the chapel's being " adorned 96 CONSIDERATIONS ON THE with tapestry towards the east ; a red cloth on the floor, in advent ; a sermon, communion, concourse of people ; Miles Coverdale's side woollen gown ; of the queen's sending to see if all things had been rightly performed." What care was here taken 1 " Of answer being brought her, that there was not a little amiss, only Miles Coverdale was in his side woollen gown, at the very minute of the consecration : of their assuring her that that could not cause any defect in the consecration," &c, as our records mention ; which ridiculous circum- stances render them not a whit the more cre- dible, (a) If now, from what has been said, these Lambeth records appear evidently to be forged, to what other refuge will these pretenders to episcopacy have recourse for their episcopal character, but to queen Elizabeth's letters patent, and an act of parliment . ? If so, I see no great reason why they should find fault with their ancient name and title of parliamentary bishops. Whoever read of bishops, between St. Peter's time and Parkers, that stood in need of an act of parliament to declare them such ? Doubtless, if they had been consecrated at Lambeth by imposition of the hands of true bishops, though all their consecrators had been in side woollen gowns, and neither tapestry towards the east, nor red cloth on the floor of the chapel, and could have shown authentic records of the same, they would never have desired the queen to make and declare them bishops by act of parliament : nor would the queen, and the wisdom of the nation, have con- sented to the marking of such a superfluous act, if their reverences had desired it. No ! no ! there would have been no more need of any such act for them then, than there had been for three score and nine preceding archbishops of Canterbury. After all this, another query will yet arise ; to wit, by what form of consecration Matthew Parker was consecrated ? Our present prelates and clergy will not. say, I suppose, that he was made bishop according to the Roman Catholic form, though queen Elizabeth had revived the act of 25 Henry VIII., 20, which authorized the. same. Nor can they say that king Ed- ward the Vlth's form was then in being, in the eye of the law ; for that part of the act of Edward the Vlth which established the book of ordination, having been repealed by queen Mary, was not revived till six years after the pretended consecration of Matthew Parker, viz., till the 8th of Elizabeth, as is easily proved. For whereas the act of 5th and 6th Edward VI.. 1, consisted of two parts ; one, which authorized the book of common prayer, as it was then newly explained and perfected ; another which established the form of consecrated bishops, ) In the Alphab. Table of the Third Cent., under the letter S., col. 83. (c) Ep. ad Marcel, ut migret. Bethleem.; Ep. ad Evagr. Gtuaest. in Gen., c. 14. U) Ep. 95. first appeared," says he in another place, " that sacrifice which is now offered to God by Chris- tians, in the whole world." (c) Again, (Cone. 1, in Psal. xxxv.) " There was formerly," says he, " as you have known, the sacrifice of the Jews, according to the ordei of Aaron, in the sacrifice of beasts, and this in mystery ; for not as yet was the sacrifice of the body and blood of our Lord, which the faithful know, and such as have read the Gospel ; which sacrifice now is spread over the whole workl- Set therefore before your eyes two sacrifices, that according to the order of Aaron ; and this, according to the order of Melchizedek ; for it is written, our Lord has sworn, and it shall not repent him, thou art a priest for ever, according to the order of Melchizedek." And in Cone 2, Psal. xxxiii., he expressly teaches, " that Christ, of his body and blood, instituted a sacri- fice, according to the order of Melchizedek." Nothing can be more plain than these words of St. Irenaeus, in which he affirms of Christ, (f) " Giving counsel also to his disciples, to offer the first, fruits of his creatures to God ; not as it were needing it, but that they might be neither unfruitful nor ungrateful, he himself took of the creature of bread, and gave thanks, saying, this is my body ; and likewise the chalice, he confessed to be his blood, which is made of that creature which is in use amongst us, and taught a new oblation of the New Testament which oblation the church receiving from the apostles, throughout the whole world, offers to God, to him who gives us nourishment, the first fruits of his gifts in the New Testament ; of whom, amongst the twelve prophets, Malachy has thus foretold : ' I have no will in you, the Jews, says our omnipotent Lord, and I will take no sacrifices at your hands, because, from the rising of the sun to the setting thereof, my name is glorified amongst the Gentiles ; and in every place, incense is offered to my name, and a ppre sacrifice, because my name is great among the Gentiles, saith our Lord Almighty,' manifestly signifying by these things, because the former people indeed ceased to offer to God ; but in every place a sacrifice is offered to God, and this pure, for his name is glorified among the Gentiles." Thus St. Irenams, whose words so touch the Protestant Centurists, that they say, " Irenaeus, &c, seems to speak very incommo- diously, when he says, he, Christ, taught the new oblation of the New Testament, which the church receiving from the apostles, offered to God over all the world." Euscbius Csesariensis : (g) "We sacrifice, therefore, to our highest Lord a sacrifice of praise ; we sacrifice to God a full, odoriferous, and most holy sacrifice ; we sacrifice after a new manner, according to the New Testament, a I'URE HOST." St. John Chrysostom expounding the words of (c) Lib. 1G, de Civ. Dei, c. 22. See him also lib. 17, o. 17, and lib. 18, c. 35; cum Psalmcix., lib. 1, contr. A dyers. Lea. et Prophet, c. 20: Serm. 4, de Sanctis Innocentibus. (/) Lib. 4, Advers. lifer., c. 32. (g) Lib. 1, Demonstrat. Evan., c. 10. 100 PROTESTANT TRANSLATION AGAINST the prophet Malachy, says, (a) " The church, which every where carries about Christ in it, is prohibited from no place ; but in every place there are altars, in every place doctrines ; these things God foretold by his prophet, for both declaring the church's sincerity, and the ingratitude of the other people, the Jews, he tells them, I have no pleasure in you, &c. Mark, how clearly and plainly he interprets the mystical table, which is the unbloody host, and the pure perfume he calls holy prayers, which are offered after the host. Thou seest how it is granted, that that angelical sacrifice should every where be known ; thou seest it is circumscribed with no limits, neither the altars, nor the song. In every place incense is offered to my name ; therefore the mystical table, the heavenly and exceedingly venerable sacrifice is indeed the prime pure host." Is it not a thing to be admired, that the Church of England should not only corrupt the sacred scriptures against the great and most dreadful sacrifice ; but should also make it an article of her faith, that it is a blasphemous fable, and dangerous deceit? When, without all doubt, she cannot be ignorant, that the holy fathers call it : (b) " A visible sacrifice ; (c) " The sacrifice ;" (d) " The daily sacrifice ;" (e) " The true sacrifice according to the order of Melchizedek ;" (/) " The sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ ;" (g) " The sacrifice of the altar ;" (h) " The sacrifice of the church ; (i) "The sacrifice of the New Testament;" (k) " Which succeeded to all sacrifices of the Old Testament." And that it was offered for the health of the emperor, Sacrificamus pro salute im- peratoris," says Tertullian, de Scapul. c. 2. That it was offered for the sick, Pro infirmis etiam sac- rificamus, says St. Chrysostom, Horn. 27, in Act Apos. " For those upon the sea, and for the fruits of the earth," idem. And for the purging of houses infected with wicked spirits. St. Aug. de Civit. Die, lib. 22, c. 8, says, that " One went and of- fered," in the house infected, " the sacrifice of Christ's body, praying that the vexation mi^ht cease, and by God's mercy it ceased immediately." In the first Council of Nice, can. 14, we find these words : " The holy council has been in- formed, that in some places and cities the dea- cons distribute the sacrament to priests ; neither rule nor custom has delivered, that they who have not power to offer sacrifice, should distri- bute the body of Christ to them who offer." See also, concil. 3, Bracarense. can. 3, and («; Ad. Psal. xcv. \b) St. Agu., de Civit. Dei, lib. 10, c. 19. (c) St. Cypr. 1. 2, ep. 3; et St. Agu. Cit. c. 20. (ft) Aug. Cit. c. 16, et. Cone. Tolet., Lean. 5; Origen. in Num. Horn. 23. (y.Usii», St. James might mean other spiritual songs and hymns, as well as David's Psalms : but be it that he exhorted them to sing David's Psalms, which we have no cause to deny, because the church of Christ has ever used the same ; yet that he meant it of such nonsensical rhymes as T. Sternhold, Joseph Hopkins, Robert Wisdom, and other Protestant poets have made to be sung in their churches, under the name of David's Psalms, none can ever grant, who has read them. It has hitherto been the practice of God's church to sing David's Psalms, as truly trans- luted from the Hebrew into Latin ; but never to sing such songs as Hopkins and Sternhold have turned from the English prose into metre : neither do I think that sober and judicious Protestants themselves can look upon them as good forms of praises to be sung in their churches to the glory, honour, and service of so great, so good, and so wise a God, when they shall con- sider how fully they are fraught with nonsense and ridiculous absurdities, besides many gross corruptions, viz., above two hundred ;(o) con- fessed by Protestants themselves to be found in the Psalms in prose, from wdiich these were turned into metre, which we may guess are scarcely corrected by the rhyme. To collect all the faults committed by the said blessed poets in their psalm-metre, would be a task too tedious for my designed brevity ; I will, therefore, only set down some few of their absurd and ridiculous expressions ; and for the rest, leave the reader to compare these psalms in metre with the others in prose, even ashy themselves translated PSALMS in Prose, Bible 1683. Psalm ii. verse 3. Let us break their bands asunder, and cast awav their cords from us. Psai.m xvi. verses 9, 10. Theretore, my heart is glad, and my glory re- jmceth : my flesh also shall rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, &c. Psalm xviii. verse 36. Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip. (a) See the Preface. (b) The reader need not be told why this is added, be- sides its making up the rhyme. (c) What they translate l: glory " in prose they call PSALMS in Metre, Bible 1683. Psalm ii. verse 3. Shall we be bound to them 1 say they ; Let all their bonds be broke, "And of their doctrine and their law, Let us reject the yoke. "(ft) Psalm xvi. verses 9, 10. Wherefore my heart anil " tongue 1 ' also, {c) Do both rejoice together ; My " flesh and body" rest in hope, When I this thing consider: Thou wilt not leave my soul in "grave," For, Lord, thou lovest me, &c. Psalm xviii. verse 36. And under me thou makest plain The way where I should walk: So that my feet shall never slip, " Nor stumble at a balk." "tongue," in rhyme. And for want of one foot to make up another verse, they thrust, in a whole body, " flesh and body" Again, what in prose is called hell, in rhyme they term grave ; as if souls were left in the grave. IN TURNING PSALMS INTO METRE. 1(W P6ALMS in Prose, Bible 1683. Psalm xviii. verse 37. I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken inem : neither did I turn again till they were consumed. Psalm xxii. verse 7. All they that see me, laugh me to scorn. They shoot out the lip, they shake the head. Psalm xxii, verse 12. Many bulls have compassed me, strong bulls of Basan have beset me round. Psalm xxvi. verse 10. In whose hand is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes. Psalm xlix. verse 20. Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish. Psalm Ixxiv. verses 11, 12. Why withdraweth thou thy hand, even thy ripdit hand 1 Pluck it out of thy bosom. Psalm lxxvii. verse 16. — He caused waters to run down like rivers. Psalm Ixxviii. verse 57. — They were turned aside like a deceitful bow. Psalm Ixxxix. verse 46. The days of his youth hast thou shortened : thou hast covered him with shame. Selah. Psalm xcvii. verse 12. Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness to the upright in heart. Psalm xcix. verse 1. The Lord reigneth, let the people tremble ; he sitteth between the eherubims, let the earth be moved. Psalm cxix. verse 70. Their heart is as fat as grease: (As fat as orawn, in another Bible. But in the Latin Vulgate, Coagulatum est sicut lac cor eorum.) Psalm cxix. verse 83. For I am become like a bottle in smoke. (a) This warrior lays about him in a different manner from David. (A} We have heard of crafty heads, but never of crafty hands. (c^ In the title page they say : " If any be merry, let him •ing psaims.'' But considering what psalms they are, they 15 PSALMS in Metre, Bible 1683. Psalm xviii. verse 37. So I suppress and wound my foes, That they can rise no more : For at my feet they fall down flat, I 6trike them all so sore. (a) Psalm xxii. verse 7. All men despise, as they behold Me walking on the way : "They grin, they mow, they nod their heads," &c Psalm xxii. verse 12. So many bulls do compass me, That be full strong of head : "Yea, bulls so fat, as though they had In Basan-field been fed." Psalm xxvi. verse 10. Whose hands are heap'd with " craft (6) and guile," Their lives thereof are full, And their right hand with " wrench and wile, For bribes doth pluck and pull." Psalm xlix. verse 20. Thus man to honour God hath brought, Yet doth he not consider ; But like brute beast, so doth he live, " And turn to dust and powder." Psalm Ixxiv. verses 11, 12. Why dost thou draw thy hand " a back, And hide it in thy lap 1" O pluck it out, and be not slack, 41 To give thy foes a rap.'"(c) Psalm lxxvii. verse 16. — Of such abundance that " no floodj To them might be compared." Psalm Ixxviii. verse 57. — They went astray, Much like a bow that would not bend. But slip and start away. Psalm Ixxxix. verse 46. Thou hast cut off, and made full short His youth and lusty days ; " And rais'd of him an ill report. With shame and great dispraise."(<2) Psalm xcvii. verse 12. And light doth spring up to the just, With pleasure for his part, Great joy with gladness, mirth and lust, fcc.(tf) Psalm xcix. verse 1. The Lord doth reign, «• altho at it The people rage full sore ;" Yea, he on eherubims doth sit, " Tho' all the world do roar." Psalm cxix. verse 70. Their hearts are swoln with worldly wealth, As " grease so arc they fat." Psalm cxix. verse 83. As a " skin-bottle" in the smoke, So am I parch'd and dried. advise him to sing, they might have done as well to have said rather, " If any would be merry, let him sing psalms." (d) To say that God raises an ill report of men, has af- finity to Beza's doctrine, which makes God the author ot sin. Vid. Supr. (e) I thought, till now, that lust had been a sin> 110 PROTESTANT ABSURDITIES IN TURNING PSALMS INTO METRE. PSALMS in Prose, Bible 1683. Psalm cxix. verse 110. The wicked have laid a snare for me. Psalm cxix. verse i30. The entrance of thy word giveth light : it giveth understanding unto the simple Psalm cxix. verse 150. They draw nigh that follow after mischief: they are far from thy law. Psalm cxx. verse 3. Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar. Psalm cxxvii. verse 2. It is in vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrow. Psalm cxxix. verse 6. Let them be 3s grass upon the house-tops, which withereth before it groweth up. PSALMS in Metre, Bible 1683. Psalm cxix. verse 110. Altho' the wicked laid their nets " To catch me at a bay." Psalm cxix. verse 130. When men first " enter into" thy word, They find a light most clear; And very idiots understand, " When they it read or hear."(A) Psalm cxix. verse 150. My foes draw near, " and do procure My death maliciously :" Which from thy law are far gone back, •* And strayed from it lewdly." Psalm cxx. verse 5. Alas ! too long I slack, Within these tents "so black," Which Kedars are by " name;" •' By whom the flock elect, And all of Isaac's sect, Are put to open shame. "(c) Psalm cxxvii. verse 2. Though ye rise early in the morn, And so at night go late to bed, " Feeding full hardy with brown bread," Yet were your labour '* lost and worn. ''(d) Psalm cxxix. verse 6. And made as grass upon the house, Which withereth " ere it grow. "(e) I could weary the reader with such like ex- amples ; they seldom or never speak of God's covenant with Israel, but they call it God's trade. (a) As in Psalm Ixxviii. 10, where they sing, For why 7 they did not keep with God, The covenant that was made ; Nor yet would walk or lead their lives, According to his " trade." Psalm lxxxvii. verse 10. For why 1 their hearts were nothing bent To him, nor to his " trade." Psalm ex. verse 37. For this is unto Israel A statute and a " trade." Psalm lxxxi. verse 4. And set all my commandments light, And will not keep my " trade." Psalm Ixxxix. verse 32. To them be made a law and " trade," &c. Psalm cxlviii . verse 6- Such stuff as this you will find in other places. The words " more" and " less" have also stood them in as good stead as " trade" to make rhyme with, viz : All men on earth, both " least" and " most." Psalm xxiii. verse 8. All kings, both " more" and " less." Psalm xlviii. verse 11. The children of Israel each one both "more" and " less." Psalm xlviii. verse 14. See also Psalm cix. verse 10 ; Psalm xi. lerse 6 ; Psalm xxvii. verse 8, &c, &c. Nor are they a little beholden to an " ever and for aye ;" " for ever and a da'- ;" " for evermore aiways," and the like. Besides their burning the psalms into metre, (a) Perhaps, this word " trade" should have been " tradi- tion" with them ; but for fear of a Popish term, which they eo much detest they would rather write nonsense than use it. they also made rhyme of the Lord's Prayer, tne Creed, and the Ten Commandments. In which one thing is remarkable, viz., that in the Creed, upon the article of Christ's descent into nell they make a very plain distinction between the hell of the damned, and that of the fathers ol the Old Testament, Limbus Patrvm, thus : And so he died in the flesh, but quickened in the sprite, His body then was buried, as is our use and right. His soul did after this descend into the lower parts, A dread unto the wicked spirits, butjoy to faithful hearts. Whom do they mean by those " faithful hearts," to whom our blessed Saviour's descent into hell Limbus, was a joy, but those of whom the pro- phet Zachary spoke, when prophecying of our Saviour's releasing them, he said : " Thou also iti the blood of thy Testament hast let forth thy prisoners out of the lake, wherein there is no water ?" And, whom St. Peter meant, when he said, that Christ in spirit " coming, preached to the spirits also that were in prison ; which had been incredulous sometimes, when they expect- ed the patience of God in the days of Noe, when the ark was in building." (f) The turning of this article into metre is, I suppose, the very cause why we have not the Creed printed in metre in their latter impres- sions ; and consequently, none of the other pray- (b) By singing thus, they would possess the people that even the most ignorant of them are capable to understand the scripture when they read it, or have it read to them. (c) Why is all this added 1 only for the sake of rhyming to the word " name," unless they would make Isaac a sect maker, and his religion a sect like their own. (d) If brown bread is the bread of affliction, a great many feeds on it who are able to buy white. (e) How grass can wither before it grows, is a paradox. (/) Zach. ix. 11. PROTESTANT TRANSLATIONS OF THE SCRIPTURE. Ill ers and rhymes, which their first Bibles had after the Psalms ; because to put out this and no more, would have given too shrewd a cause of suspicion. Besides the turning of these into metre, they made also certain other prayers of their own in rhyme ; in one of which they rank the Pope, whom their modern divines count a great bishop, and chief patriarch of the western church, and from whom they pretend to receive their episcopal and priestly character, in the same list with the Turk, as if both were infidels alike, and both alike enemies to Christ. Robert Wisdom thus sets out his psalm, which the ignorant people may be apt to take for one of Davids ; assuring themselves that David himself prayed to be de- livered from the Turk and the Pope, and conse- quently, that the Pope is a dangerous creature : Preserve us, Lord, by thy dear word, From Turk and Pope defend us, Lord, Which both would thrust out of his throne, Our Lord Jesus Christ, thy dear Son. But this, with such other like stuff, is also left out by Protestants in their last impressions, as being indeed ashamed of the impiety, malice, and folly of these gross imposters, especially of this Robert Wisdom, who, notwithstanding his name, was doubtless the most ignorant of all those who ever undertook to turn psalm into metre. And so it is likely he was looked upon by Dr. Corbet, sometimes bishop of Norwich, when he made the following address to his ghost : TO THE GHOST OF R. WISDOM. That once a body, now but air. Arch-botcher of a psalm or prayer, From Carfax (a) come, And patch us up a zealous lay, With an old ever and for aye, Or all and some. Or such a spirit lend me, As may an hymn down send me, To purge my brain. Then Robin look behind thee, Lest Turk or Pope do find thee, And go to bed again. This may seem too light for a treatise of this nature ; but the ridiculous absurdity of these rhymes, the singing of which in the churches, has, by several learned Protestants, been com- plained of and lamented, cannot be fully enough exposed ; that so, if possible, the common peo- ple's eyes maybe opened, and they may be taken off from the fondness they seem to have for them. Though the ignorance, rather than ill inten- tion of these busy poets appear in their psalm- metre ; yet what follows cannot be excused from being done with a very treacherous design of the translators ; for what can possibly be a more sly piece of craft to deceive the ignorant reader, than to use Catholic terms in all such places where they may render them odious, and when they must needs sound ill in the people's ears ? For example, 2 Maccabees vi. 7, this term (a) The place of his burial in Oxford. " procession" they very maliciously translate, saying : " When the feast of Bacchus was kept, they were constrained to go in procession to Bacchus." Let the reader see in the Greek Lexicon if there be any thing in this word, iwfiTntdi'Fiv iwdiovvoh), like the Catholic Church's processions, or whether it signify so much as " to go about," as other of their Bibles translate it, with perhaps no less ill meaning than that o 1570, though they name not procession, (b) St. John, ix. 22, 25, where, for " He should be put out of the synagogue," there first transla- tions read : " He should be excommunicated," to make the Jews' doings against them, that con- fessed Christ, sound like the Catholic Church's acting against heretics, in excommunicating them ; as if the church's excommunication of such, from the society and participation of the faithful, were like to that exterior putting out of the synagogue. And by this they designed to disgrace the priest's power of excommunica- tion, whereas the Jews had no such spiritual ex- communication ; but, as the word only signifies, did put them out of the synagogue ; and so they should have translated the Greek word, includ- ing the very name synagogue. But this trans- lation was made when the excommunications of the Catholic church were daily denounced against them, which they have corrected in their last Bible, because themselves have begun to assume such a power of excommunicating their non-conforming brethren. In Acts xrii. 23, for " seeing your idols," or " seeing the things which you Athenians did worship," they translate, " seeing your devo- tions," as though devotion and superstition were all one. And verse 24, for " temples of Diana," they translate " shrines of Diana," to make the shrines of saints' bodies, and other holy relics, seem odious ; whereas the Greek word signifies temples. And Beza says: " He cannot see how it can signify shrines." Thus they make use of Catholic words and terms, where they can thereby possibly render them odious ; but in other places, lest the an- cient words and names should still be retained they change them into their own unaccustomed and original sound. So in the Old Testament, out of an itch to show their skill in the Hebrew, the first translators thought fit to change most of the proper names from the usual reading, never considering how far differently proper names of all sorts are both written and sounded in differ- ent languages ; but this is in a great part rectified by the last translators, according to the directions of king James the First, that in translating the proper names, they should retain the usual and accustomed manner of speaking. Their altering of these proper names in the Old Tastament, through the pride of being es- teemed such knowing masters in the Hebrew, was yet much more tolerable, than the changing of many other words in the New, through an (b) Bib. 1562, 1577 112 A VINDICATION OP heretical intention of introducing an utter obli- vion of them among the people. The words " church, bishop, priest, altar, eucharist, sacrifice, grace, sacrament, baptism, penance, angel, apostle, Christ, &c, at their first revolt, they suppressed, and changed into " congregation, superintendent, elder and minis- ter, table, thanksgiving, gift, mystery, washing, repentance, messenger, ambassador, anointed ;" several other words and phrases they likewise altered, as is evident from what goes before. And for what cause was all this change and al- teration of Catholic terms and phrases, but that the sound of the words should vanish with the substance of the things which they have taken away ? With bishops they banished the pastoral care and charge of the Pope and Catholic bish- ops, and set up a child and a woman for the heads of their congregation. With priests went away the office of priest, in offering the holy sacrifice of Christ's body and blood ; with grace went away the sacrament of holy orders, and four or five of the other sacraments ; with altar, eucharist and sacrifice, they excluded the proper service of Almighty God, with Christ's sacred presence in the blessed sacrament ; with" the word penance they banished confession, absolu- tion, and satisfaction for sins ; they altered the word church, because they had cut themselves off from the Catholic church. And what other design could we suppose them to have had in leaving out apostles, and putting in ambassadors or legates ; in leaving out angels, and introduc- ing messengers ; in putting down the word anointed, where Christ used to be read ; and in translating grave for hell ; but in time to ex- tinguish all faith and memory of apostle, angel, heaven, hell, Christ, and Christianity ;" and to bring them to atheism and infidelity, the very centre to which their reformation tends 1 (a) Thi» fantastical and impious vanity, in chang ing Catholic and Christian terms and speeches into their profane and heathenish use and signi- fication, was a thing so detested, even by Beza himself, notwithstanding his often being guilty of the same, that he inveighs against it, and those who ur.e it, in this manner : " The world is now come to that pass," says he, "that no only they who write their own discourses, re fuse the familiar and accustomed words of scrip ture, as obscure, unsavoury, and out of use, bui also those that translate the scripture out 01 Greek into Latin, challenge to themselves the like liberty ; so as while every man will rathe» freely follow his own judgment than religiously behave himself as the Holy Ghost's interpreter many things they do not convert, but pervert for which licentiousness and boldness, except remedy be provided in time, either I am notably deceived, or within a few years, instead of Chris- tians we shall become Ciceronians, i. e. Pagans and by little and little shall lose the possession of the things themselves." (b) By this you see, that though Beza was one of the greatest mas- ters in this wanton, novel, and licentious art of changing Christian for Heathen terms and phrases, yet he foresaw that in the end, with the words, would be taken away the things signified. " sacraments, baptism, eucharists, priesthood, sacrifice, angels, apostles, and all apostolical doctrine ;" and that so we should be brought again from Christianity to heathenism. From which, and from the Stillingfleetian error, (c) that, by asserting, " The pagan god, Jupiter, to be the true God, blessed for ever, more," throws open the door of Jupiter's temple, and points out the very pathway to paganism, GOOD LORD, DELIVER US * A VINDICATION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLICS: AS ALSO THEIR DECLARATION, AFFIRMATION, COMMINATION ; SHOWING THEIR ABHORRENCE OF THE FOLLOWING TENETS, COMMONLY LAID AT THEIR DOOR. AND THEY HERE OBLIGE THEMSELVES. THAT IF THE ENSUING CURSES BE ADDED TO THOSE APPOINTED TO BE READ ON THE FIRST DAY OF LENT, THEY WILL SERIOUSLY AND HEARTILY ANSWER AMEN TO THEM ALL. 1. Cursed is he that commits idolatry ; that prays to images or relics, or worships them for God. R. Amen. 2. Cursed is every goddess worshipper, that believes the Virgin Mary to be any more than a creature ; that honours her, worships her, or puts his trust in her more than in God ; that be- lieves her above her Son, or that she can in any thing command him. R. Amen. 3. Cursed is he that believes the saints in heaven to be his redeemers, and prays to them as such, or that gives God's honour to them, or to any creature whatsoever. R. Amen. 4. Cursed is he that worships any breaden ]Qtov tov xvqiou avat-iwg, svo- X ?, eaiai iov awfiuioc, xat aifiaiag iov xvgiov. This text, which is so decisive in favour of the Catholic doctrine, respecting the body and blood of Christ being received under either kind in the B. Sacrament, is, on that account, falsified in both translations of the English Bible, by turning the disjunctive article or, into the conjunctive article and. Dr. Ryan finding this falsification (which Ward does not fail to expose) too gross to be defended, very prudently passes it by un- answered. The vicar had, in his former work, attempted to prove that r] and xai, or and and, are convertible articles ! At present he con- tents himself with relating a story about Dr. Kilbie, who, he says, hearing a certain clergy- man maintain in the pulpit that there are three arguments against the translation of a certain word, in the way it has been translated, an- swered him that there are thirteen reasons why it should be translated as it stands ; concluding thus : " To Dr. M. I leave the application of the foregoing anecdote ; for it certainly affords a useful hint to a self-confident critic." Such is the issue of the contest to which the vicai challenged me ! And such are his reasons for showing that the term do not, should be translated cannot, and why the disjunctive or, should be changed into the conjunctive and. I hope you will not forget Dr. Kilbie : if I do not mistake, the vicar will again intro- duce him to you. In the mean time, I remain, Yours, &c, J. M., D. D P. S. — The vicar's mode of reasoning on the corruption in question is of a piece with that of Luther, quoted by me in Letters to a Pre- bendary, Let. v., p. 187, when being called to an account for an undeniable false translation of scripture, he answered : " Sic volo, sic jubco, Luther usita vult, et ait se doctorem esse supra omnes doctor es in toto Papatu." (o-) Answer, p. 35. THE END. N. B.— For a list of additional errors in late additions of the Protestant Bible, see the " Bock of the ChurcJi "—Ed 12 5 4513 HOME USE 3 \5 1-year ioans may be wSESfh^ ""'^ 64? - 3 405 ■Sl'W; NOV 3 5 533 F0RM No ^ - <^5g^^ GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY B0D07ia?Mb