UC-NRLF B 3 3bl M3T |. IBE'DIAiP^^^ 1 1 OF mm WALTER POWELL J 1 1603-1654 H 1 1 jj 1 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^ Tic iettUikh^ 7 ^loeJ^A^ y^yrxjuf^SL- From the Painting in the posnessiwi of Marion, widow of James, "24th Lord Dunboi/nc. The Diary Walter Powell of Llantilio Crossenny in the County of Monmouth, Gentleman. 1603 1654. Transcribed, and Notes added by JOSEPH ALFRED BRADNEY, ES.A. From the original MSS. in the possession of Sir Henry Mather Jackson, Bart., to which is added a Pedigree and Portrait of the Diarist, 1907: BRISTOL: JOHN WRIGHT cS; CO. JOHN WRIGHT AND CO.. PRINTERS, BRISTOL. felFT INTRODUCTION. Walter Powell, the author of this diary, was the son of Thomas Powell of Penrhos. His family claimed, as do many Welsh families, to be of Norman origin, descending in the paternal line from Sir Walter de Bredwarden, who was seated at Bredwarden in Herefordshire soon after the Conquest. Settling at Crickhowel the family became Welsh, and after a succession of a/>'s Thomas Powell, or Thomas ap Howel David Rawling, is found resident in the parish of Penrhos in the sixteenth century. Here his son Walter Powell, author of the Diary, was born on the 25th of March, 1581. The diary commences with extracts from the parish register book of Tregaer, long since lost, relating to the family of his first wife Margaret, daughter of William ap John Evans of Llwyn-y-gaer and Cefn-garw, botli ancient seats in that parish. On his marriage in 1604, when only 22 years of age, he settled in a house of his own in the parish of Llanarth— which place this was there is nothing to show, but it may have been Cefn-coch, a farm belonging to the Powells for many years afterwards. In 161 1 he moved from Llanarth and came to live_ajt the vicarage at Llantilio. His reason for so doing may have been that his uncle Hugh Powell was vicar. In January 161 i lie took the new house at Llantilio, which stood on the site of the present mansion of Llantilio Court, having had a grant, dated 13 May, 161 1, of the farm from William Sterrell. By indentures dated 12 May, 1619, he had a niioc^nionr! INTRODUCTION further lease from Sterrell of the premises, and also of another messuage wherein Thomas ap Howel David dwelt, and also of Lantrothy in the parish of Penrhos, for 21 years at the rent of £25. How William Sterrell came to own land here is not clear, but it was probably granted him, in return for services, by Edward, Earl of Worcester, whose secretary he was. He is an interesting personage, concerned as he was in the plots and counterplots of the latter years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Of scholarly education and culture, he was a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and was employed by the Earl of Worcester and the Government to spy on the Catholics who, from 1590 to 1596, were plotting against the Queen. Among the State Papers Domestic are letters and papers concerning him which show that he was at last suspected by his employers of duplicity. The last note of rent paid by Walter Powell to Sterrell is in May, 1643, and in 1645 he removed to Penrhos, where he continued till his death. There is nothing to show where in Penrhos he hved, but it is probable it was the Grange. By this time, 1645, he must have purchased the estate at Llantilio from Sterrell, as in 1649 he demised {i.e. let) the great house at Llantilio to John Webb. Besides being deputy-steward and receiver of rents to the Earl of Worcester, to whom and whose family he often refers, he seems to have managed several smaller estates, notes occurring of the various manor courts he attended. As a local man of business he made and proved his neighbours' wills. He also had a lease of the mill at Llantilio from Lord Worcester, his accounts for which are still extant, extending over the whole period of his 21 years' lease, and all in the same handwriting as that of the Diary. It might be wished that he had said more about the Civil Wars, and, in particular, the siege of Raglan. On the 25th of May, 1646, a few days before the siege began, he was committed to prison in Raglan Castle for an offence he does not name. INTRODUCTION The siege began on the 3rd of June, and on the 8th of June, on account of his age, he was allowed by Lord Worcester to depart, the besiegers also permitting him to go home. The following letter is a copy in his own hand of one addressed to the commander of the besieging army. Colonel Thomas Morgan of Llangattock Lingoed, to whom he must have been well known : — Indeitcd for the Com'ander in chief. Sr. It has pleased my lord in regard of my age & infirmities of body to give me (that now am a prison'r) leaue vpon my par'll to goe home to my wiei & children to my house in Penros, and therefor I humbly desire you that you will be pleased to graunt me a passe to goe freely throughe yo'r armye w'thout lett or molestac'on, and I shall remayne Yr humble servant 6 Junij 1646 W. P. This is endorsed : — A coppie of my request for a passe from the castle of Raglan as a prison'r & to goe throughe the guardes of the leaguer. During his absence his house in Penrhos had been plundered by the Parliamentary forces. Safe at home again he settled down to business as though no disturbances were taking place in the kingdom, his diary containing the usual notes as to lending money, collecting rents, and attending sessions. The only difference was that he had to pay rent for his estate to one William Loup, the receiver for sequestered estates. Having had in 1643 a quarrel with Owen Rogers, the vicar, over the church key, he from this date attends Llanarth church, noting the dates on which he received the sacrament. It is worthy of note that his daughter Anne, who was bom at the vicarage 23 May, 161 1, married her husband John Watkins 11 June, 1621, she being therefore only slightly over 10 years of age. Her husband was baptized 2 June, 1609, so that he was but a trifle over 12 years old, both younge as the Diarist observes. In 1627 he put John Watkins to school at Monmouth to learn to write, and in 1630 John Watkins ran away from the Diarist's house. INTRODUCTION Of the sons of Walter Powell only two left children. The descendants of Thomas have disappeared, but are probably to be found among those of the name in the humbler walks of life in Abergavenny. Matthew, the youngest son, who had under his father's will the small estate at Llantilio, continued the representation of the family there. His grandson Matthew Powell was sheriff in 1724, whose half-sister and heir married John Lewis, esq., of Llwyn-ffortun in Carmarthen- shire. Around this lady is woven a story of romance or of tragedy, according to the views of the reader of a certain scandalous book. This work, which went through at least three editions, is entitled THE TRUE ANTI-PAMELA : OR MEMOIRS OF Mr. James Parry, Late ORGANIST of Ross in Herefordshire. In which are inserted His AMOURS with the Celebrated Miss P of Monmouthshire. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF In Two Parts Compleat. Part I. memoirs of his Life and Amours. Part II. Genuine letters of Love and Gallantry. LONDON Printed for the author, and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, 1741. After many love scenes with Parry, whose acquaintance with the lady commenced by his teaching her to play on the spinnet, she became tired of him, which so annoyed him that, being refused admittance to the house at Llantilio, he got drunk at INTRODUCTION the Hostry inn, i and was arrested for riotous behaviour. The result was a scries of Actions at Law, in which Mr. John Lewis of Llwyn-ffortun, who was a barrister of Lincoln's Inn, was counsel for Miss Powell. Parry in revenge published the book, and John Lewis married the heiress. Of this marriage there were two children, Mr. Richard Lewis, whose name is remembered as having for very many years maintained a pack of hounds, the origin of the present Monmouthshire Hounds, and Eliza Maria, who married William Morgan, esq., of the Argoed in Penallt, the representative of one branch of the family of Tredegar. Mr. Richard Lewis died in 1836, leaving only a daughter, Mrs. Taddy ; and the estate went to Colonel Henry Morgan-Clifford, the grandson of the above William Morgan. Both Mrs. Lewis and Colonel Clifford increased the estate by many purchases of farms and land, and the latter sold it in the year 1874 to Sir William Jackson, baronet. The present possessor of the estate, and of the Diary with a large number of papers connected with the Powell family, is Sir Henry Mather Jackson, 3rd baronet. Walter Powell's will is dated 29 Dec, 1655, proved 11 Oct., 1656 (PCC Berkeley, 349), the following being an abstract : — Whereas by deed dated 28 May 1635 smce revoked to bar entail of my lands in Llanarth, and to settle such lands in Llanarth, Llanvapley and Penrose, I have levied a fine in the Common Pleas unto Walter Morgan and James Williams gent'n in trust of and in certain lands by the names of two messuages, two barns, one bake- house, and cottages, two gardens, 100 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood to the use of my last will by deed dated the 20th inst December between me and Phillip Cecil and Sheldon Powell, gent'n, Sibyl my wife, my sons Walter Powell and Matthew Powell, such lands I leave to Philip and Sheldon in trust, parcel of lands in Penrose called Gworlod 1 The present Hostry inn stands on a different site from the one named here. The original Hostry stood at the comer of the present pleasure grounds of Llantilio Court, facing the steps leading into the churchyard. INTRODUCTION y bryn purchased of Richard Hughes, and lands in Llan- vapley purchased of Charles Hughes and Hugh William James and Mary his wife called Hames,i also lands in Llantilio Crossenny and Llanvapley called Glan Trothy, upon the death of the said Mary, one moiety for the use of my wife Sibyl, and after her to my sons Walter and Matthew, the other moiety to my said sons Walter and Matthew to my dau Anne £^ per annum my brother William Powell, elk., deceased my cousin Walter Morgan lands called Ton-llwyd^ parcel of an ancient tenement in Llantiho Crossenny my son Richard land called Trefol'd^ to my dau Katherine to my dau Mary a cottage and garden called the Pant lands in Skenfrith where John Powell and Margaret his wife dwelleth, their children lands in Llanvapley to my son Charles Powell whereas I hold two leases from Walter Morgan and William Morgan of Llantilio Pertholey, the same to my son Thomas Powell lands in Tregare to my dau Anne lands in Grosmont by grant from Turberville Morgan, Edward Morgan, and George Morgan, these to my nephew Sheldon Powell whereas two parcels of land in Llanelen are conveyed to me and Prudence my dau, such to remain with Prudence bringing £3 per annum my grand children, children of John WilHams and Blanche my dau my sons Walter and Matthew ex'ors my friends Phillip Cecil, Sheldon Powell, and Thomas Powell of Poolhall overseers. Witnesses : — Sheldon Powell Phillip Cecil Hugh Powell Dauid James Wm Price 1 Ham, or Horn, or Holm, is a favourite name for a meadow. - Ton-Uwyd (the grey sward), now only a cottage, is situated on the bank of the Trothy half a mile eastward from the church. 3 Tre'r-ffyliaid {the home of the fools), the site is unknown {vide footnote p. 18). INTRODUCTION Walter Powell lies buried in the chancel of Llantilio Church, under a flat stone which also covers his father. The inscription is much worn, all that is legible being : — 1- I.II.S. T. P. [JVNJII 19 1611 WALTER POWELL OF PENROS WAS 14TH FEBRUARY [i6]55' Near to this his mother is buried, with the inscription : — ANNE POWELL THE WIDOWE OF THOMAS POWELL OF PENROS WAS BVRIED THE 21 DAY OF lANVARIE ANNO DOMINI 1630 HAVINGE LIVED 88 YEARS. Though Walter Powell does not seem to leave any bequest to the poor, his children behaved liberally in this respect. Richard, whose occupation does not appear, left £10 to be invested, the interest to be distributed on Good Friday and St. Thomas' day in each year to the poor of Llantilio ; Charles, who was an apothecary in Bristol, left £20, as did Walter's daughter Anne, the wife of John Watkins. Sybil, the widow of Walter, left 30s. which was given to the poor. The church book, in which are the two half-yearly distributions of these and other charities, still exists. From 1650 to 1706 all the doles are regularly entered. The present LlantiHo Court stands on the site of the residence occupied by Walter Powell, the kitchens and back premises being the remains of the ancient house. The road from 1 The year, according to the modern computation, would be 1656. Until 1753 the civil year began on the 25 March, so that any period between the I January and the 24 IMarch would be, according to the old reckoning, the year previous to that which would now be written. INTRODUCTION Monmouth passed through what is now the park, running under the north end of the house and so to the Hostry inn near the churchyard gate. Great alterations have been made from time to time, and the place, from being the residence of a country attorney in the 17th century, has been gradually developed into a demesne of great charm and beauty. The park referred to in the diary lay to the north of the church, covering what is now called the Park Farm. This was one of the three parks belonging to Raglan Castle, 1 and contained red deer. It comprised about 400 acres, the boundaries being, roughly speaking : on the east, the road to Brynderri ; on the west, the road to Whitecastle ; on the north, the road from Brynderri to Whitecastle ; on the south, the old road mentioned above. No remains of any park wall are left, so it may be concluded that the pale was of cleft oak, the repairing of which, with an enlargement to the park, is mentioned on p. 13 of the Diary. It was disparked, with the other two, soon after the destruction of the castle. It is worth noting that the estate of Llantilio seems to have belonged in the 15th century to Sir David Gam, the Welsh hero of Agincourt. His seat in the parish was the castle called Hengwrt {Old Court), of which only the moat remains. Gwladys, the daughter of Sir David, took it to her husband. Sir Wilham ap Thomas of Raglan, and so it came to the Somersets, Earls and Marquises of Worcester, and afterwards Dukes of Beaufort. After the destruction of Raglan, the property was held by the Powells on leases for lives, and was finally purchased in fee simple by the late Colonel Morgan- Clifford. The whole now belongs to Sir Henry Mather Jackson, Baronet. 1 The other parks were the Home Park surrounding the castle, now covered by the Castle and Pen-y-parc farms, and a small one still called Parc-bach (the little park), in the parish of Tregaer. In the latter stand the ruins of an ancient lodge. MSS. !i. I. a booke of ould remembrances collected by me Walter Powell of the ages of me & my ffrindes and children. and of other matters happening in my occasions, collected out of my ould Almanacks, wch I have filed togeather from yeare to yeare, as in the blanks thereof they are written more at large. of all wch, this booke is a shorte breviat to be caried about me to helpe my memorie concerning those things & vpon all occasions THE DIARY OF WALTER POWELL MSS. A 2. notes taken out of Register booke of Tregare i 1560 William Jo: gwillim Rawlins was buried in ffebruary 1565 ffrauncs John Evan that since maried John Hoell d'd-^ was baptized in June 1566 the same John Howell d'd was baptized in August. Wm John Evans was m'ied in may 1581 1583 John Evans of lloyn y gare^ buried 30 Apr. 1588 John Evans the younger bapt. in novemb'. 1 59 1 Dorothie Wm. John that since maried Roger Harries of lancayo bapt. vlt. octobr. 159 1 John RawJyns buried 2 Janu'y 1 59 1 Watkyn Wm John where mr. shawe dwelleth was buried 6 Junij. 1592 John Evans of tregare buried 3 Julij 1593 John Hoell d'd & ffrancs John m'ied 10 febr. 1594 Water Wm. bapt. 21 apr., q're of him. the same day 4 children of on burden-* baptized & buried of Morgan John y glyde al's Wynston. MSS. /. 3. 1599 Hughe Evan Wm. of lanihangell & Jane John Evan of lloyne y gaer were maried 4 ffebruarij 1601 William John Evans of Kevengarow was buried 22 Maij 1901 Gwenllian his daughter baptized 11 Junij. 1601 Evan John Hoell d'd 2 bapt. 14 novemb. 1605 Maude verghe^ Hu: Watkin bapt. 18 Apr. 1 This register book has disappeared, and is no longer in Tregaer ( hurch. - d'd = David. ^ Ll-w'yn-y-gaer {ihr '^rnve of the fortress) is an ancient mansion in Tregaer, at this time the seat of the Evans' named here. * One burden, all four carried to the grave together, ^verch {da ghtcr of) ; Maud, daughter of Hugh Watkin. I THE DIARY OF 1605 Blaunch my daughter was baptized at tregare 9 Junij borne at Keven garow. 1606 Dorothy Richards, late wief of oiild John Evans of lloyne y gaer, was buried the 22 of May. 1606 I went to keepe house in lanarth before x'p'mas 1609 John, the sonne of Hu: Watkins, that since m'ied Anne my daughter bap. 2 Junij. 1609 Water Wilham John Evan & Maude Wm. Rosser of lanvayre gilgidyn were maried at tregare 19 ffebr. 1617 Bridgett, da: of Jo: Evans, bapt. 9 Sept. i6ig Anne verghe John Evans bapt. 3 oct. 1619 Wilham Watkin Wm John buried i m'ij. 1620 James Shawe' maried Ales, the widow of the said Wm. Watkin, 4 Maij. MSS. /i. 4. 1622 Elizabeth, da: of John Evans bapt. 8 Apr. 1622 Susan Shawe bapt. 15 Septemb. 1623 James Shaw Junior bapt. 26 octob. 1626 Anthonie Evans Junior, sonne of John Evans, bapt. 10 Julij. 1626 Water Shawe bapt. 15 Aug. 1626 William Poskins Junior ] maried & Gwenllian Evans j 27 Aug. 1613 Maude vz. John Evans borne in Penros was borne I febr. 1615 William, the sonne of John Evans, was borne in Penros 22 Junij, & he was x'p'ned at Penros by Sr. H. . . .2 of Dingestowe 10 Julij 1615. MSS. p. 3. 1581 The deede of Jointure of Wm. John Evan of Keven garow and Anne his wief, vpon their mariage, was dated 5 Apr. 24 Eliz. 1582 Margaret their eldest daughter, w'ch was my ffirst wief, was borne in May, 12 monethes after. ^The house in Tregaer called Ty-Shaw seems to be called after James Shaw. His daughter Susan, baptized 1622, married Humphrey Howarth of the White House in Vowchurch. co. Hereford. -This word looks like Harrv, but it is doubtful. WALTER POWELL soe she was aged 50 yeares in May 1632, and then she was buried the 20th of August following, 1632, beinge aged 50 yeares & 3 monthes. 1581 I, Wa: Powell, was borne 25 m'cij 1581, & I was aged 22 yeares & 10 monthes when I m'ied Margaret Evans 20 ffebr. 1603, she tlien beinge aged 21 yeares. A/SS-. /. 6. Here are the ages of my children found inter alia. 1603 I, Wa: Po'ell, was m'ied to Margaret Evans my first wief 20 ffebr. 1605 My daughter Blaunch was borne on corpus x'p'i day at Kevengarowe 1607 My eldest sonne Wm was borne 18 octobr. & buried at lanarth at 6 monethes ould vidz't 24 m'cij next 1608 My sonne John Powell borne 13 ffebr. at 6 a clock at night at lanarth. 16 ro I fell longe sicke in lanarth 1610 Hughe Powell, clerke,^ died in Novemb. 161 1 1 tooke the new house at lantilio^ in Janu'y. 161 1 I had come to lantilio to dwell at the viccarage 14 Apr. before. 161 1 My daughter Anne was borne at the viccarage house 23 Maij. 161 1 Tho: Powell my father died 19 Junij. 1613 Roger Rawlins came to dwell in my new house. 1615 Wm Evans my nephew borne i Junij at my mother's house in Penros. 1613 My sonne Wm Powell the youngr was borne at the viccarage 14 m'che 1612 & x'p'ned 28 m'cij 1613. 161 5 My sonne Thomas was borne there also 21 Aug. 1617 My brother Wm Powell, clerke, maried Bridgett Sheldon 13 ffebr. » Hugh Powell was son of Howel ap David Rawling and brother to the author's father. He was also rector of Llangynidr, co. Brecknock. - He had a lease of his house, which stood on the site of the present Llantilio Court, from William Sterrell of Westminster, esq. The latter, who appears in the secret history of the period as a plotter, was in the employ of the Earl of Worcester, and apparently had a ^i't of the house and about 40 acres of land around the church from the Earl in return for services rendered. THE DIARY OF MSS. p. 7. 1618 My Sonne Richard Powell there also borne 11 Jan. 1618 My brother Wm Powell, clerke, inducted rector of lanbeter in ffebr., he had maried Bridgett Sheldon 13 febr. 1617. 1618 I was sworne deputy sheriff 8 decemb. 1619 I removed at May ffollowing, i6ig, to the new house to dwell by lantilio Churche. 1620 My Sonne Charles Powell 6 Apr. 1621 My daughter Anne & John Watkins were maried II Junij. 162 1 I tooke a lease of lantilio milP in octob. 1623 James Kynvyn was slayne in May. 1623 My daughter Margaret borne 18 Nov. my mother in law of Kevengarow^ died in deer. 1630 My mother died 20 Janu'y 1632 Margaret, my first wief, was buried the 20 of August. USS.p. 8. 1635 I was maried to Sibill Russell 30 May 1635 at lantilio church. 1636 My daughter Prudence was borne 19 Apr. at 11 of the clock in ye forenoon, & x'p'ned at lantilio 25 Apr. 1636. 1637 My daughter Catherin was borne 6 Januarij 1637 at 6 aclock at night, & x'p'ned 11 Jan'ij 1637 1639 My daughter Mary was borne the 18 of Novemb., half an houer after highe noone, & x'p'ned 2 decemb. 1639. 1641 My Sonne Water was borne at 12 of the clocke at noone 3 Junij 1641, x'p'ned 21 Junij 1641 1643 My Sonne Mathew was borne the 22 of September at 4 of the clock in the after noone, & x'p'ned at lanarth all 5 of them borne at lantilio at Sterrells house by ye church. 1 An account book exists showing his transactions in connection with the mill. - Cefn-garw (the rough ridge), an ancient residence in Tregaer, belonged to the Evans', who also Qwned Llwyn-y-gaer. V ALTER POWELL Sibill was Christened at much niartell church' in herefordshiere 23 July 1606. MSS. p. 9. these memorandu's are to be seene in my blank Allma- nucks wch are filed together one yeare after th'other. 1606 I began to keej^e house in lanarth a ffortnight before Christmas 1609 Sutis- against Jo. Evans to bringe him to cohabit wth my sister Catherin, his wief. 1610 I had lantilio tiethes of the viccarage 1609 P'son Wms of Tiberton died 14 novemb., ffelice his wief m'ied Jo: James of Burg'v'ny,^ clerke, 25 ffebr., & he died the therd day after. 1609 My vncle Phe' John Pricherd died 15 m'cij ; thes m'che had I a cruell ague. 1610 ffelice m'ied Sr Jo. Price, ■* clerke, 2 Julij at landaff. 1 6 10 I had a decree in the audience against John Evans to cohabit w'th his wief, and to pay for costs & Aly- monie 65li. 1610 My vncle Hu: Powell, clerk, died 7 Nov. 1610 I tooke the new house of Watt, baughe^ 12 Jan'ij, but had noe lease till ffebr. next. 1 6 10 My Cosen Tho: P'sser« of Coyd y velyn? was buried 2 ffebr. 161 1 My aunt Johan Wm buried at lanarth 30 m'cij. 1611 A/S-S. /. 10. 161 1 I removed from lanarth to the viccarage of lantilio gressenny to dwell 27 Apr. 161 1 and I had a graunt from mr Sterrell of the ffarme for 21 yeares 13 Maij. 1 This is in a different hand, or at all events added later. Much Marcle is near Ledbury. - Suits, i.e., law suits. ^ This word is not clear, but it is probably Burgavenny meaning Abergavenny. " It was customary to call clerics Sir. M.e., Watkin bach {Little Watkin.) * Prosser. ' Coed-y-felin {the wood of the mill) in the parish of Penrhos. There is now no house standing, but remains can be seen covered with gorse and bushes. The land, about 60 acres, was recently sold by the Duke of Beaufort. THE DIARY OF 1611 My father fell sicke 5 Junij, & died 19 Junij 161 1 Sould the house & lands late Rosser d'd waythi to Wm Sr Hughe^ for looli ijs 23 Jan'ij. 161 1 John Evans & my sister his wief came to line togeather as man & wief 24 Jan'ij. 1612 this was the greatest yeare of ffruite that eu'^ I sav\^ I made 50 hogsheades of sider of the tieth of both p'ishes. Charles Morgan of Skenfreth buried 7 decembr' 1612. Comission at Chepstowe p' John Wm Parry ad s's^ John James for the great account of 6oooli 30 decembr' 1612 1612 Maude Evans my neece borne i ffebr', my sonne Wm borne 24 m'cij 1612,^ &x'p'ned 28 instant m'cij 1613. 1613 MSS. p. II. 1613 Roger Rawlins removed to dwell in my new house by lantilio Churchyard 8 ap: manie suites for tiethes and slaunder p' John Prichard in May & June mr Nelson sent a goose to Penros Church that abused the x'p'ning there 8 Augusti. Arbitram't w'th Charles Jones« i Septemb', he payd ili. 6s. 8d. to Alice, mother of the bucher baughe. " mr Phe' morgan of lanvayre buried 16 sept. Tho: Jo: y gove^ grazed Cay vayr issa,^ all I sved him, he payd me vjli. octob' in Aprill following. 1 Rosser Dafydd weydd {Rosser David the weaver). - This is William the son of Sir Hugh, Sir Hugh being the vicar, Walter Powell's uncle. *eu', ever. * Ad secta»t, at the suit of. ^This would be 1612 old style, and therefore the dates according to present style would be the 24 and 28 March, 161 3. ^ Charles Jones, whose name occurs in other places, was a neighbour living in Penrhos. His will was proved in 1649 (PCC Fairfax 5), in which, described as of Penrhos, gent, he mentions his daughter Joyce married to John Rawlyns Of Llanfihangel Ystern Llewern, gent, and Mary married to Robert Knight of Tal-y-coed. gent, vide p. 39. ' butcher bach, the little butcher. ''Thomas John y gof {Thomas John the blacksmith). " Cae mawr isaf {the lower great field). WALTER POWELL 1614 my brotheri p'ceeded mr of Artcs in June 1614 Gruffvn Powell, 2 principall of Jesus CoUedge, at my house 16 octob' 1614 Comission at Chepstow p' Edw: Kemeys, ar',3 & p' Wm Baker at Bergeveny & for the tenn'ts at Vsk .... Edw: Morgan of lanternam, Esq', 2 Jan'ij. for Trevethyn men. & in m'ch next I had the stable & litle house from James Howell 1615. MSS. /. 12. John Morgan de Wayn" m'icd in May at St Brevells p' Wm Phe' Ho'ell d'd. May My nephew Wm Evans borne i Julij, christened ... a fortnight after. My Sonne Tho: borne 21 august half an hower after 6 in ye morning x'p'ned 27 Aug. Comission at Pont y moyle 11 sept, for treuethyn men. Commission at Bergeveny in dom' Berg's & Jo: Wm Parry e and the ten'nts for p'ke ll^mgoed^ 5 octobr. and at Hereff' 14 octobr.' p' Phe's of Kevernows contra Hawarth9 et al's.io > This is William Powell, the vicar. He matriculated at Hart Hall, Oxford, 31 Oct., 1606, then aged zi, B.A. from Jesus College, 12 July, 1610, M.A. 30 June, 1614. = Griffith Powell was a Carmarthenshire man. He was elected Principal of Jesus College, Oxford, in 161 3, and died in i6ro. ' ar. = armiger, esquire. * John Morgan of the Waen in Skenfrith, son of John Morgan of the Wacn, M.P. ' In dominio Bergavenny (in the lordship of Abergavenny). « John ap William Parry was of Pen-y clawdd in Llantilio Pertholey ; he died in 1633, and has a monument in the church of Llanfihangel Crucorney. ' Pare Llyngoed was a park at Llangattock Lingocd belonging to the Lord of Abergavenny. It is now a farm called generally the Great Park. « Kevernow is in the parish of Much Dewchurch, and is now known as Kivernol. Phe's means PhilUps ; John Phillips was of this place by his marriage with Catherine, daughter and heir of Richard Lewis of Kevernow. s Hawarth would be Howarth of the White House in Vowchurch. ^^ al's- alios [others.) THE DIARY OF I stopped the way in Cay Cryddi in november. John Rawlins brake it. agreemt wth Jo: Ja: Powell he bought trewaylod- in October ffollowing admit'd at St Michell Crucorney p' tenentib's ad s's d'ni Bergeveny in Jan'y- & at Carlion p' Wa: Gruffithe contr' Giles Morgan in Jan'y at Ph'e d'd hoell price, Jointure p' Gunter. at hereff' assis's p' Rawlins 9 m'cij, sicknes there. 1616 MSS. p. 13. my brother Wm Powell, clerke, m'ied to Bridge tt Sheldon 13 ffebr' at mr morgan's of the wayne. 1617 John Wm of langoven came to me to dwell 5 Julij, he maried my daughter Blaunche since, my brother Powell & his wief came home to dwell at my mother's house. I sould Cay trewaylod- to Jo: James Powell 17 Julij. the great comorth^ to impale & inlarge lantiho Parke vlt'mo Julij. mr Hughes of Killoughc m'ied mr Tho: Berington's daughter Elenor at Motehall in Shropshire vlt' Augusti, & they came to Killoughe 9 sept.* I Decembr' I road to london for lambeter & p'trisho,'' & had a pu'tac'on, & stayed there wth my lord^ 19 dayes ' Cae'r-crydd {.the shoemaker' s field.) 2 Tre-waelod {the town in the bottom) is an ancient farmhouse in Llantilio Crossenny. John ap James Powell died 19 Sept., 1634, leaving, with other issue, a son William James Powell, who by his wife Ehnor, daughter of Sir Charles Jones of Dingestow, knt., left two daughters Jane James and Ann James living in London unmarried in 1686. Tre-waelod was sold in 164S to David James of London, brother of James James, citizen and apothecary. ^ Cymhorth (assistance) means that the tenants of the Earl of Worcester's manor of Llantilio had to give a certain number of days' work in enlarging the park. It was the custom in manors for the tenants to give the lord a certain amount of aid (cymhorth) each summer in harvest time. ^ William Hughes of Cillwch, esq., sheriff 1619, married as his third wife Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Berington of Motehall. Vide the Visitation of Shropshire {Harl. Sac. vol. xxviii., p. 44) Cillwch is an ancient and interesting house, now let as a farm, in lllantilio. ^ Llanbedr and Patrisho are two parishes in Breconshire. * The Earl of Worcester. WALTER POWELL my Sonne Richard was borne lo Jan'ij my brother! inducted in lambeter 21 ffebr' Sheldon Powell- borne 8 m'cij 1617. 1618 MSS. /. 14. Edward Morgan & Jane Powell m'ied 23 Apr' 1618. At ludlow 5 Junij ad s's Jo: Morgan et Wm Walter-'^ for the exemplicaco'n of the demesnes of Skenfreth wch I brought to the Court for them, the Earle of Northampton, lord President,' at Raglan 21 Augusti & 3 dayes after. 18 octob'r at Place y dathle, Jo: Wm Jenkin to pay 3oli. to Jo: ho'ell d'd for his daughter, in octob'r 1 sunk the well at lantilio house. Hu: James my cosen at Bryngwyn hurt by Rosser Topp, I payd for his cure 61i 13s 4d & neu'^ had yt againe. Wm Hughes 6 swome highe sheriff 7 decemb', & I was sworne vnder sheriff 8 decemb' my nephew Samuell Powell x'p'ned at Grossemount 22 m'cij 1618, I was gossippe.' i6ig A/55. /*. 15. I aplied myself close to the sheriff's office till 6 decemb'r, the writt of discharge was serued vpon mr Hughes. 1620 5 Apr', my sonne Charles borne betweene 8 & 9 of the clock at night. I was cast out of Court in th'excheq'r & had quietus est for the sheriff's account 13 & 14 of July. Comission at New Inne inter monington et monington 19 sept. * William Powell, vicar of Llantilio, and also rector of Llanbedr in Breconshire. - Son of the vicar. ' William Walter, esq., was King's farmer of the demesnes of Skenfrith. He lived at Part-y-seal in Grosmont, and was sheriff in 1623. ^Lord President of the Marches of Wales. ^ Neu' — - never. *of Cillwch, vide p. 13. ' gossip, an old word for godparent. 2 THE DIARY OF Hedges deuided betweene me at lantrothy & Tho: Jo: y govei borlanny 2 Nov. Trothy deuided betweene me & John Rawlins, modo inter me et Knight, see this yeare's ahmanack 4 novemb'r & 20 Jan'arij, & Cay r Ian Jury. Rich: Jones & Edw. morgan lessees did allott to me the third p'te of Coyd kenol^ for p'te of my 61i ii Jan'ij 1620 Submission of John ap John at tregare, & an end of the suites contr' Wm Hughes late sheriff. 15 m'cij, the hedges diuided betweene me at lantrothy farme p' ho'ell Wm. 1621 MSS. p. 16. the comission at herefford for George Moore ad s's comit' Salop' 3 for 6oooli 13 Apr' at Penros fynall end inter Shaw & Jo: Watkins 16 Apr'. Comissions at lloyvos for the woodd 26 Apr'. I demised lanarth house for a yeare to Wm Crompton 6 May. My daughter Anne m'ied to John Watkins, both younge II Junij. Mr. Wm Sterrell dyned at my house 9 Augusti. end inter mr Hughes & Jo: James tho: at enys y Pollon^ 17 Aug. bought gwastod y Bryn^^ of Richard Hughes for I7li. I fell into the Riu' of Vsk neere to langattock's church 24 sept. Mr Prosser of the p'ke died 27 sept * Thomas John y gof [Thomas John the blacksmith.) ^ Coed-canol (middlewood) is a farm in Llantiho. There are other references to this and the Llyfos. At one time there was a large piece of common land, reaching from near Cefn-llyfos to Taly-coed, called Comyn-y-gwaelod {the common in the bottom), and it can be gathered that the suits and disputes alluded to between Walter Powell and his neighbours Thomas Watkin Powell of Tre-Adam and Robert Knight of Tal-y-coed, were over boundaries of the land allotted to them. A great part of the land was covered with woods, hence the names Coed-gwaelod, Coed-llyfos, Coed-canol, and Tal-y-coed. 3 Ad sectam comitatus Salopiensis (at the suit of the county of Salop). * Ynys-y-polon (the island of the stakes), probably a meadow on the banks of the river Trothy. ^ Gwastad-y-bryn {the plain on the bank). WALTER POWELL ii 1 had a graunt of the mill the next day for yoVi lime, iH Rent. 2 decemb' I delUu'ed to mr Hughes 2 quiet's ests. 1621 MSS./>. 17. soe in a leaf annexed to the almanack of 162 1 a note of such moneys as the ten'nts delliu'ed to Rich: Jones & Edw: morgan to purchase the lease of wastland. and another note of the p'ticulers of Wm Watkin Wm Johns in Bryngwyn surveyed by me & my vncle Howell Thomas Prosser. 3 Januarij 1621 I fell sick of the small pocks for 6 dayes. 10 Januarij, Comission at herefford p' Lochard^ ad s's decanatus de hereff . - 5 m'cij, Phe' Wm of Hendrey baskett^ maried at lanvapley. fflackyn. 1622. 25 Apr', my brother the viccar had his first fitt of the fallinge sicknes at Bergeveny. 28 may another fitt. Sept., Edward, 4 Earle -of Worcester, at Raglan, my brother preached there before him. 22 sept. Edw:, lord Bergeveny, dyed about all saints 1622. Wynter Jones offered to stabb me at Raglan 3 m'cij. 1623. MSS. p. 18. I bargained wth Humfrey holiday-' for a lease of lanarth lands or 21 yeares 2 Apr. bought trefoUeds of Morgan James for 5oli 2 Maij. 1 Lochard was an ancient family long settled at the Byletts in Pembridge, CO. Hereford. - Ad sectam decanatus de Hereford {at the suit of the dea)iery of Hereford). ^ Hendre-basket is a farm in the parish of Raglan. * Edwarii, 4th Earl of Worcester, K.G. ^ Who Humphry Holiday was does not appear ; but a John Holiday married in September, 1625, Anne, daughter of Thomas ap David Morgan of Penrhos, yeoman. The will of Thomas ap David Morgan is dated 25 Aug., 1629. « Tre'r-ffyliaid (the fools' home). This place is now unknown, but it occurs in manor rolls and elsewhere as being in Llantilio parish. 12 THE DIARY OF James Kynvyn slayne at penbidell 17 Maij. he died 20 Maij. I received seisin of Coyd poeth lease 11 Junij. heering & decree in Chauncery inter Watkins & Shawe 27 Junij. I Aug. I recou'ed 3oli ffee against Mathew James. 13 octobr' at gwerne evetti wth my brother, and w'th Hodge Powell 17 octob' at Monmouth wth Wm Prich : d'd, my knee hurt cominge home neere tavame baughe^ Jo: Kynvyn x'p'ned 2 Novembr'. My daughter margaret borne 18 novembr' at 8 of the clocke in morning. 13 m'cij bought land of Howell Rich: d'd. 1624. MSS. p. iQ. 14 July, I bought ton lloyd.3 9 sept', Sr Charles Jones'* did burne the p'tridge nett at Coyd y velyn. 4 octobr', Comission at Evesham inter Powell et Shelden vid. ^ 13 octobr', John Edmond came to dwell wth me. I novembr', Winter Jones taken at ludlow & there imprisoned. 4 decembr', Charles Jones his eare cutt allmost off in london. 1625. 26 m'cij, King James died 10 June, my brother's Comission at ledbury. Henry Rumsey^ of langenny died 10 die 16 Junij, my daughter blaunche maried to John Wm. 29 July, triall vers' Wynter Jones. * Gwern-yfed, near Talgarth, in Breconshire, now the seat of Thomas Wood, esq. " Tafarn-bach (the little tavern), an inn in the parish of Llaniihangel Ystern Llewern, which parish is often called Llanfihangel Tafarn Bach. The sign of the inn was Yr Onnen (the ash tree). 3 Ton-Uwyd (the grey sward) is a cottage on the bank of the Trothy, half a mile eastwards from the church. * Sir Charles Jones, knt., was of Dingestow. * Viduam (widow). * Henry Rumsey of Llangenny, co. Brecknock, esq., son of Wilham Rumaey of Crickhowel, and grandson of the Rev. John Rumsey of Usk. The death of his wife. Malyn, is noted in 1627. WALTER POWELL 13 1625. MSS. p. JO. Margaret my wief fell sicke vlt' Aug' My mother fell sicke 19 sept'. Blanche fell sicke. Do'r Midleton w'th vs. Comission at Cicester for Wm Jones of Vske 28 Sept. d'd Wm Rosser buried in decembr'. 9 Jan'ij, misdemen'rs by Thomas Morgan ap Evan tS: his sone in Coyd KenoU 1 against me. 12 Jan'ij, Comission at Rosse pro Will'o Jones de vske. 1626. Coyd Poetli- by me demised to John ho'ell d'd. Comission at Tewkesbury for Wm. Jones of vske. 28 Augusti, Will'm Poskins Junior & Gwenllian Evans maried. and that day my sone Charles was skalded in the Brawne tubbe. Comissions at Bristow^ p' Edw:,'* Comite Wigorne, ad s's morgan 26 sept 1626. MSS. p. 21. Margaret Rumsey of Crickhowell, the mother of henry Rumsey, buried 22 Nov'.^ 26 Novembr', I was w'th mr Owen searching to seise Ed: Rumsey the ward. I fell at Treuethyns hills coming bak & put my Right shoulder out of Joint. 27 decemb', Comissions 6 dayes at Elenor Kynvyn's house for the wastes, Jan'ij 9, payd ili loan money p' Rege. * Coed-canol {middle wood), a farm in Llantilio. * Coed-poeth (the burnt wood), a farm in Tregaer. ^ Bristow is an old form of Bristol ; it is still so called by Welshmen. So Chepstow often appears as Chepstol. * Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester, K.G. ^ Vide note, p. 19. ^ Trevethyn is the parish in which the town of Pontypool, at this date a small village, is situated. 14 THE DIARY OF 15 Jan'ij, Comission at Bergeveny inter John Wm Parry & mr James of Werne y Cwm, & end there for 800H1 vlt' ffebr', John Edwards my man couenanted for another yeare for 40s And the later end of this m'the money & specialtyes receiued & an agreem't wth mr ffranc's Sheldon of Aberton & mr Symons. 1627. MSS. p. 22. I put my sonnes John, VVm, & tho: at Monmouth free schoole 2 Apr. Humfrey holiday & Eliz: Powell were maried at lantiho p' licence 2 Julij.2 30 Julij, Comission at hereff: for Bennet against James lau3, & an end for the borroughe Englishes land at Shelwicke.4 27 Aug:, Malyn Rumseys died at lancayaghee I octobr', I put John Watkins at Monmoth to learne to write 22 octobr', Comission at Monmoth for the wastes 5 dayes. 3 Jan'ij, at llowarge another Comission 9 dayes togeather Edward, 7 Earle of Worcester, died 4 m'cij 1627, & was buried at Raglan 30 m'cij p'x'. 1G28. MSS. p. 33. Apr' 3, at x'p'tchurch^ p'ving the will of John Richard Edmunds. 28 Apr', Tho: Po'ell d'd buried. 17 may, heering in the duchie stayed by a petic'on in the pliament,& the p'liam't brake off 19 Junij &didnothinge in the petic'on. » This refers to a loan by John ap William Parry of Pen-y-clawdd, in Llantilio Pertholey, who was a wealthy man, to John James of Wern-y- cwm. This place is in Llanvetherine. - Vide note, p. 18. ^ Borough English is an ancient tenure of land peculiar to Wales, by which an estate descended to the second son instead of the eldest * Shelwick, a township in the parish of Holmer, co. Hereford. * She was the widow of Henry Rumsey of Llangenny, co. Brecknock, and daughter of Sir John Ividderminster, knt. Vidt note, p. 19. * Probably Llancaiach, co. Glamorgan. ' Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester, K.G. * Christchurch, near Newport. WALTER POWELL 15 18 August, sent my 5 sonnes altogeather to Monmoth free scoole, viz. John, Wm, tho:. Rich: & Charles. 8 sept', Comission p' Jo: Wm Parry at Burg' ad s's Herbert for p'te of the goulden lion 1 p'lor' 16 Jan'ij, heering in the dutchie, all wtli mc, yet the decree stayed the entr3\ & 20 ffebr', Sr humfrey May made his arbitrable decree to the contrary, wch is ou'throuen2 since 20 m'cij, morgan Prauling^ made his will, falsely p'u'ed'« at x'p'tchurche the next court. 1629. MSS./: 24. 7 Aug:, seu'all Judgem'ts at Grossemont Court inter Daniell tho: ph'c. vlt'o Augusti, wernedd wig^ surrendred befor mr Nelson. Chr' p'gers died. Hughe Watkins7 died 13 Septembr'. 6 octob', vx' Wm Watkin p'sser indited at Vsk q'r sess' by Richard Edwards. 17 decemb', Charles Jones hockseds my Cow. 15 Jan'y, Arbitrament betweene me and Water Morice. 1030. 12 Apr', leete at Tregar p' hereotts de Edwardo Comite Wigomie. 22 Apr', magna Cur'^ at Bergeveny for the same hereotts John Watkins ran away from my house 26 Maij. ^o may, Prince Charles borne. 1 The Golden Lion inn in Abergavenny belonged to the descendants of Walter Powell for several generations. It is still a well-known inn. -Overthrown. |vv m ; ■ • j. . ^,, \.,^r. < ,i? 3 Prauling, more properly Prawling, is ap RaKvling, the son of Rawling, * Proved ^ A wood in the parish of Llanarth on the bank of the Trothy is still called Wern-y-wig (the alders of the woody place). Wcrn^'dd is the plural of wern. « Christopher Proger of Wern-ddu, near Abergavenny. • Hugh Watkins was father of John Watkins, who married the author's daughter Anne. « This means hamstrung ; apparently the sinews of the cow's hind legs were cut out of spite. » Magna curia, the great court held for the lordship of Abergavenny. i6 THE DIARY OF i8 Junij, received in the duchie 3oli. 5 Julij, I brought my sonne Will'm prentice in hereff' & bound him there 21 Augusti. 1630. MSS. p. 25- 18 octobr', Rich: Jones sould his landes to mr Shawe at the graig. 4 decembr', my motherlaw died at the Kcvengarow, & the next day buried. & 6 decemb' I came home from london. 20 Janu'ij, Anne Powell, my mother, died & the next day was buried. 26 Jan'ij, I proved my mother's will at x'p'tchurche. my lordi entertayned me to be his sollicitor the next day after my mother died 7 ffebr', I ridd wth him to london. 10 m'cij, Wm Sterrell died. 1631. 6 Apr', Margaret my wief fell sick. 17 Apr', p'ambulac'on in Raglan lo'pp.2 16 Junij, the Bu'pp murrey ^ sould a new lease to my lord of Basselege tiethes. langley p'sonage assigned to Dixon 18 Junij. 4 JuHj, deed of sale of monmoth p'fected 22 Julij, assy's at Bergeveny. 163 1. MSS. p. 26. Vlt' Julij, m'greret, my wief, fell veary ill & I was sent for from Brecon sess' 16 Augusti, Comission p' Barlow* at Hauerford west. 7 sept', an end at lloyvos wth Tho: Watkin Powell. ^ J Henry, 5th Earl of Worcester, the defender of Raglan Castle. - Raglan lordship ; a perambulation of the manor. ^ William Murray, bishop of Llandaff. < Barlow was a family of repute seated at Slebech, co. Pembroke. Colonel John Barlow came with a corps composed chiefly of his tenants to the relief of Raglan, but was repulsed by the Parliamentarians. * Thomas ap Watkin Powell was of Tre-Adam. WALTER POWELL 17 10 sept', I kept Court at Maes y branei 14 sept', at Colbrok for monmoth records. 4 oct', I kept the leete at monmoth. /^ Novemb', the Queen deHu'ed of a daughter. Vlt' decemb',at highe meadow2 for my lord for Court RoUes. 4 Jan'ij, I bargained wth d'd George for his lease at Hetty Adam & sould it him again 11 Apr' p'x' for loh 11 Jan'ij, I had estate in . . . edward 24 Jan'ij, I went toward london w'th my lord Herbert. 24 ffebr', my sonne Thomas came to london. 10 m'cij , triall betweene my brother & John James Price. 19, 1 bought of John Hughes 3 his p'te of tire y Cowargh4 & his sister befor. 22 m'cij, delliu'ed the extent to the sheriff inter Wm Jones of Vsk. 1632. MSS. p. J7 3 Apr', Marie Hughes ran away w'th Thomas Stubbes 8 may 1632, I placed my sone Thomas prentice wth Samuell Decory, dyer, for 7 yeares & payd him 5li 13 Maij. 26 may, receiued poss'n at Vsk p' liberat'. 24 Junij, at Baron den hums at Egham 17 Julij, at Cardiff sessions poss'n contra Tho: Mansell. 24 Julij, at ludlow v'rs's Alexander Jones. 19 Augusti 1632 m'g'ret my wief died. 22 August' at Raglan, end w'th John Wm Price for graig vawr. 28 Aug:, at Swansey for the mises. 24 sept, Comission at hereff' for Water Morg'n 12 Jan'ij, my Lord gaue me Monmoth Castle rents 4li 7s for seruice done. ^ Maes-y-brain {the t,eld of the crows) was a small manor in the parish of Llanarth ; the house now called Ty-du {the black house) stands near the site of Maes-y-brain. 2 High-meadow was a large house in the parish of Newland, co. Gloucester, long the seat of a family named Hall and afterwards of the Lords Gage. The high-meadow woods are still so called, but the estate belongs to the Crown and the house has been pulled down. 3 Jolin Hughes of Llanvapley was son of Walter Hughes of the same, son of Charles Hughes, of Cillwch, esq. Vide note, p. 13. * Tir-cywarch {the flax ground). This is the farm now called the Middle Ton in Llanvapley. 3 i8 THE DIARY OF 1633. MSS. p. 2S. 30 maij, payd Turberuill & the rest for arrears of Rents of the wastes I2h & towards my p'te of the charges of the disclaymers 9U 6s 8d 17 Junij, liu'y & seisin a Rege of the demesnes of Grossmount. 1 23 Juhj, John Wm Parry died. 2 12 Aiigusti, diuision of lloyvos &c in 2 p'tes.^ 22 Aug:, end w'th Charles Jones at tregar. I sept', Assises at Brecon, bands sued 25 sept', Wm James his mare hurte my legge at lloyvos 28 Sept', bought the horse of Wm Phe's for SU. 21 ffebr', bought the 3 meadowes"* of Charles Hughes. ^ 6 ffebr', I placed my sone Thomas w'th Robert Clerke, dyer, & befor he was working wth Rich: Chettwyn. 16 ffebr', I bargained wth Sr Ralf Blaxton^ for the mares. 1634. yiS^S,. p. 29. lent Rice morgan of landaff xs 16 apr', I kept Court at lanelen^ p' Gunter 10 Julij, Justice seate at Gloucester. 3 Augusti, Wm Watkin p'ss's^ house burned. g August, I brought John Price to the gaole of Vske in execuc'on. 12 August 1634, I had liu'y & seisin of lloyvos by the Patent. 15 August, Water morgan's sone bapt'. 25 Aug:, the rents of monmoth arr'rs for 3 yeares collected. ^ Vide note, p. 14. William Walter, esq., the farmer of the demesnes of Grosmont, died between 4 Oct., 1631, and 30 Nov., 1632, the dates of making and proving his will, and Walter Powell appears to have succeeded him as King's farmer. 2 Vide note, p. 12. 2 Vide note, p. 15. * Meadows in Llanvapley now called the Ton. * Charles Hughes, brother of John on p. 26. * Knighted at Whitehall, 21 Feb., 1629-30. ' The lord of the manor of Llanelen at this date was Walter Gunter, of the Priory of Abergavenny. The estates of the priory were granted to his grand- father, James Gunter, and have descended to Mr, Kemeys-Tynte. * Prosser's. WALTER POWELL 19 6 sept', search p' ffrost at the tower 15 sept', swainmote at Deane 17 sept' the ladie Blaxton delhu'd of tlic abortive issue. 19 sept', John James Powell died.i 3 octobr', I kept Court at Penhowe for Bu'pp ffield.2 8 octobr', mr smallman at Raglan bargained &c. 1634. A/SS.A 30. 9 October, my sister Evans died 8 m'cij , payd Charles Pacy by d'd his sone 50s p' p'ke lettis &c 9 m'cij, bought the ffine nagg at Cardiff of Edw: Lewis, wch the lord newburghe road after. 16 m'cij Charles Goddart^ did cutt my rayles at lloyvos. 1635. John morgan of Kevengarow buried 31 m'cij. d'd Phe' Jo: m's died that day. Capt' James buried 2 Apr'. 20 May, at Chalton in Hampshir, Mr Nelson. 30 Maij, I was maried to Sibill Russel. II Julij, Maude, ux' Jo: tho: d'd wm, hanged killing her children at lloyvos. 9 Julij, at Bristow Charles and . . . 1635. MSS. p. 31. 10 Augusti, John Wm Price gave po'ss'on of Graig Vawr. 3 sept', my lord at went wood. 18 sept', Charles Jones, his wief buried. 21 Sept', Parry* of Poston at Raglan. * Vide note on p. 12. 2 The Bishops of Llandaff were, and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners now are, lords of the manor of Bishton (i.e., Bishopston), near Newport. Theo- philus Field was consecrated Bishop of Llandaff in 1619, translated to St. David's in 1627, and to Hereford 1635. It is not, therefore, clear what manor Bishop Field, at this date, 1634, Bishop of St. David's, held in Mon- mouthshire. 3 Charles Goddard was of Cefn-llytha, which stands on the very boundary of Llantilio and Grosmont parishes. He was evidently concerned in the enclosures on Coed Llyfos common. He was son of Thomas Goddard of Wiltshire, by Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of John ap Morris William of Cefn-llytha. * The Parrys were an ancient family seated at Poston, in Vowchurch, co. Hereford, and at Llanfihangel Tre'r Graig, co. Brecknock. The most famous of them was Blanche Parry, maid of honour to Queen Elizabeth. 20 THE DIARY OF 30 sept', I kept Court at Penhow again. 10 octobr', John Parry of Poston buried. 15 octobr', I sent Charles my sone to Bristow. 23 octobr', I received 6 acres for my p'te in Grossemount wood^ 2 novembr', I fell on my stay res & brake my Ribbe 4 decembr', lent lly'n Jones 7s neu' had againe. 28 decembr', ffine & deede of Poston. 29 m'cij, Tho: Watkr Powell brake my ditch at lloyvos neere vnto ffynnon y wiwer. 2 1636. MSS.p, 32. 5 Apr', Charles Goddart arrested vpon the Comission of Rebellion. 19 Apr', my da: Prudence borne at 11 a clocke in the forenoone 25 Apr', she was x'p'ined at lantilio 4 Maij, I kept Court at lanelen. 27 Julij, my mill Robbed & 20 sept' again. 15 of Aug: Eliz: Mason went away towardes Bristow 7 sept', my nephew Samuell Po'ell died. 21 sept', at Glouc' p' . . . que plura. 22 sept'. Justice seate adioumed. 7 octobr', at Gwerne Evett 26 agreemt w'th Wm phe' Rich: 33li 6s 8d 17 novemb', heering at ludlow put off 8 decemb', at Rosse wth Robert lewis 28 decemb', my lord Herb't^ dyned at my house. 11 Jan'ij, Court at lanelen. 6, 7 & 8 ffebr', Robert lewis & Jaggard exa'ied at the Rolles in london. 1637. MSS.p. 33. Agreem't wth Tho: James of trerew* I had of him but loli 1 This refers to the enclosure of Grosmont Wood, by which name the southern portion of the parish is still known. It was once a large unenclosed wood, in which the various freeholders and copyholders had right of house- botte, wood-botte, etc. - Flynnon-y-gwiwer {the squirrel's well). 3 Afterwards 2nd Marquis of Worcester. * Tre-rhiw, an ancient residence in Llantilio on the bank of the Trothy. WALTER POWELL 21 15 Maij, heering in the duchy apointed for the waste. 9 Jiinij, my lord's Comission at monmoth p' mr Godwyn contr' Jones de Vske. 22 Julij, heering at hidlowe v'rs's Price p' pillorie 31 Juhj, John Price on the pillory there 24 Aug:, he was on the pillorie at Monmoth, 28 Aug:, my daughter m'grct sicke 31 Aug: The: Wms, clerke, rector of langeneder, died II sept', my lord Herb't's Comission at Stamfort 26 sept', I was Comission' p' Rege inter al's for the fforest woodds. 13 octobr', at Erdisleyi ffine & deedes. 29 octobr', agreemt wth Tho: Watkin Powell, habend. terras. 6 Novembr', at Brecon cu' Episcopo et Andr' Nicholas 2 1637- MSS. p. 34. 6 Janu'ij 1637, 'my daughter Catherin was borne at 6 a clock at night, she was x'p'ned 11 Jan'ij. 16 Jan'ij, heerings & convicc'ons of John Price for p'iuries^ & forgeries 22 Jan'ij, his head put in the pillory at ludlowe, »& the next day I came home from ludlowe. 7 m'cij, Jury to sequester John P'ce lands seised by James Jones Sheriff 12 m'cij. Sheldon maried at Crickhowell about this tyme beinge in lent. 22 m'cij, at p'thloyd. 1638. Hector Morgan ^ buried 4 Apr' 1 Eardisley, co. Hereford. * Andrew Nicholas was of Llansoy. Their visit to the Bishop was evidently in reference to the living of Llangynidr, which was rendered vacant by the death of John Williams, the rector, reported above on the 31st of August. On Walter Powell, as steward of the Earl of Worcester, would fall the duty of finding a new incumbent, and as a result Giles, the son of Andrew Nicholas, was presented to the living in this year, 1637. The living continued for long to be held by this family. Giles Nicholas was succeeded in 1678 by his son-in-law, John Bowen, who was followed by his son, Giles Bowen, after whom, in 1706, came Ctiarles Griffiths, who married Ann, the daughter of the above John Bowen. ^ Perjuries. * Hector Morgan was of Penrhos. By ind'res dated 7 Dec, 6 Jae I [1C08] Richard James Kynvyn grants a moiety of the Grainge meadow containing 8 acres to Hector Morgan of Penrhos, gent. 22 THE DIARY OF Wm Jo: d'd prytherghei broke my hedge beyond Wm Evan 28 Maij, I had hu'y & seisin of Tho: Watkin Powell n Coyd kenol. 28 Maij, I had possession of the house of margaret Rynalt. Elizabeth Prytherghe serued wth the Jur'ccon2 Vltimo Junij, I had a lease at landaff of Canons close. ^ 1638. MSS. p. 35. Robert Knight^ was serued wth the Jur'ccon^ for the wastes I Aug: I ended wth Wm James for the 4oli & turned him to pay it at Campston 3 sept', I surveyd p'thloyd.^ Wm Jones of Vske ended all at Raglan 11 sept' 1638. 17 octobr', my cause in star chamber contra Price. 23 december, my sone Charles came from Bristow to lantilio. 25 decembr', my brother Wm Powell, ^ clerke, died. 12 Jan'ij, at gwern Evett for the loooli lent. 22 Jan'ij, Sheldon's daughter borne 27 december, my wief at lanvayre gilgydyn II m'cij, my daughter Anne went to the fforest? to dwell. 1 rede Prydderch, i.e., ap Rhydderch. In English Roderick. * Jurisdiction. ^ The Canons' Close, in Welsh Cae'r Canonwyr, was a field now covered by the gardens and grounds of Llantilio Court, belonging to the see of Llandaff, who owned the manor of Llantilio Episcopi. The following notes were made from the Act Books at Llandaff, by Mr. Hobson Matthews : — 30 June 1675 Lease to Samuel Watkins, elk., of a close called Cae'r Canon- wyr adjoining the churchyard of Llantilio Crossenny. 171 1. Chapter claim from William Powell of LlantiUo Crossenny of \\ acres called Cae'r Canonwyr, alias Canons' Close, lying between the churchyard there, freehold lands sometime of William Sterrell being chantry lands, and the highway there, on all sides. The said lands were leased in 1638 to Walter Powell for 21 years at the rent of i2d. * Robert Knight was of Tal-y-coed. Between him and Walter Powell there seems to have been bad feeling, which would appear to have arisen from the enclosure of the common called Coed-gwaelod, vide pp. 41, 42, 43. This common lay between Tre-waelod and Tal-y-coed. * Berth-lwyd {the grey bush) in the parish of Bettws Newydd. * vicar of Llantiho, also vicar of Llanbedr, co. Brecknock. ' This probably means the Forest of Deane. WALTER POWELL 23 George morice sould his lands at Bcttiis to my lady for Qioli to my lord's vse. 1 but my lord Charles 2 his name was put in to take liu'y & seisin to the Earle's vse. 1639. MSS. p. 36; I Apr', I ended the matter betweene Mathew Wms, clerke, & Evan Wms ap Wm of lanovor, see the almanack for the contents of it Aprill, the souldiers pressed to goe for Scotland 18 Apr', the Countesse of woicester^ died. 23 Apr', my brother's testament p'ued at Vske genralls I Maij, I ... to Jane the daughter of d'd morgan of tregare 5 Maij, the meare sett right between me and Wm Jones & dauid Thomas aboue the ould Cou'lett4 maker's house 26 Maij, Wm Watkin p'sser died. 4 Junij, I was at Bergeveny wth mr Nelson, he was hurt wth the spurr. 12 Junij, I kept Court at lanelen.^ 18 Junij, John Edwardes maried at werne y Combe. ^ 25 Julij, triall for the oaks at Hendrey & a Juror wthdrawen. 1639. MSS. p. 37. 20 Aug: brecon sessions, Judgem'ts for the 200oli. forciblie entry at Brianog reu'sed. I septemb', my lord came from london after my lord Herbert's 7 m'iage. 5 septe'b', my sone William disobedient departed my house. ^ This purchase of land would appear to be Berth-lwyd, of which on the 3rd of September Walter Powell had made a survey. The farms of Berth- lwyd, Bettws, and Ilia were sold by the late Duke of Beaufort to William Herbert of Clytha, esq. * Lord Charles Somerset, 6th son of Henry, 5 th Earl and ist Marquis of Worcester, was governor of Raglan Castle during the siege. 3 Anne, daughter and sole heir of John, Lord Russell, eldest son of Francis, 2nd Earl of Bedford, K.G. * Coverlet. * Llanelen, near Abergavenny. * Wern-y-cwm, in the parish of Llanvethcrinc. ' Edward, Lord Herbert, eldest son of Henry, 5th Earl (afterwards Marquis of Worcester. He married ist Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Wilham Dormer), knt., eldest son and heir of Robert, Lord Dormer, and 2nd the Lady Margaret O'Brien, daughter of Henry, Earl of Thomond. 24 THE DIARY OF 25 Septemb', my Comission contra Prytherghe ended wth Elizabeth Prytherghe at the aquaviteman's 1 18 November, my daughter Marie was borne. my man d'd Jenkin came to me a weeke after. 22 Jan'ij, Sr John Stepney 2 at Raglan, sealed the conveyance, and soe did Gwyn of taliaris^ 20 ffebr', Bu'pp Murrey ^ died. I m'cij , heering p' le bastard of Prytherghe. 9 m'cij, mr Justice Rumsey^ at White castle. 1640. MSS. p. 38. 13 Maij, Edward ye smyth buried. 21 Maij, Andrew Brian buried 14 Junij, I went to london wth my lord Herbert about his daughter's porc'ons and Owndell^ estate. 16 triall at Monmoth contr' Ann Roberts 16 Julij, Wm Jones7 of treowen, esq', died. 27 Julij, at ludlow my finall order for 35h costs wanting is lod 10 Aug: Poss'on restoared at Cardiff contra Thom' Uewelyn. 14 sept', my lo: Som's't^ & ye ladies at my house 17 my lord sould Humfrey East's late lands to the Bu'pp Cooke 9 of Hereff' . 8 octobr', Comission of sewers. 1 The aquavitce man was a seller or maker of brandy. In the parish book of charities, at the date 21 Dec, 1650, David the Aquavitae man's child, 6d. 2 Sir John Stepney of Prendergast, co. Pembroke, 2nd baronet. 3 Taliaris is an ancient seat of the Gwyns in Carmarthenshire, now Herbert Peel, esq. * William Murray became bishop of Llandaff in 1627, translated there from Kilfenora in Ireland. s Walter Rumsey, the Welsh judge, was a son of Walter Rumsey of Usk, and had the estate of Llanover, where he resided, by his marriage with Barbara, daughter and heir of Martha Prichard of that place. Was second Justice on the Brecknock circuit, 1631-45, when he was removed by the Parliament. 6 Oundle, co. Northampton. ' William Jones of Tre-Owen was sheriff in 161 5. Tre-Owen is an ancient mansion of much beauty and interest in the parish of Wonastow. Sir Phihp Jones mentioned below was son of William Jones. The lineal descendant in the male Une of these gentlemen is Colonel Sir Ivor Herbert, Bart., C.B., M.P., of Llanarth, who owns Tre-Owen. 8 Probably Lord Charles Somerset, son of the Earl of Worcester, and his sisters. 9 George Coke, appointed Bishop of Hereford, 1636 ; died 1646. WALTER POWELL 25 22 octobr', I kept the leet now first at Raglan. 3 novemb', the p'Hamt began. \ 10 decembr', Gwyn ye seminary 1 died at m'ris Nelson's. 17 december, surrender at Monmoth before mr Hall by Sr Phe' Jones & his brothers, but all their lands were not in Hadnock manors 1640. MSS. p. 39. 14 Jan', Comission of sewers at Vske. 19 Jan', Blaunch Prytherge widow died "20 Jan'ij, she was vnlawfully buried by night in the Church she being a papist. 20 Jan', James d'd Prees died, 13 ffebr', Wm Hughes ^ of Killoughe died. 14 ffebr', he was buried in the night by 2 butchers, a papist convicted 10 m'cij, Will' trenant-* tried for the manslaughter of Henry Ady. & Will' Jo: d'd Prytherge quited for the robbry. Charles Jones of the Jury. 17 m'che, Harry hobyes alehouse sup'ssed. 22 m'cij , subsidie rated at Monmoth. 23 m'cij, distres taken at Phe' P'hotts^ 21 m'cij, Robert Knight & Charles Jones quarrelling in the Churche. 23 m'cij, I passed the Cottage & garden in langattock iuxta Vske vnto Charles d'd Jenkin. 1641. USS. p. 40. Aprill, nothing. 13 Maij , Court kept by me at Raglan. U Probably the Jesuit priest, whose full name was William ap Howel Lewis yn, a native of Llanfair Cilgedin. 2 Hadnock is in the parish of Dixton, near Monmouth. The manor of Hadnock belonged to the Duchy of Lancaster. Benedict Hall, of Highmeadow, esq., was the steward, and Walter Powell the deputy steward. There are further references to Mr. and Mrs. Hall. The surrender was in consequence of the death of William Jones, Sir Philip's father. 3 William Hughes was the representative of a branch of the ancient family of Herbert. Vide note p. 13. * Trenant is the name of William's residence, but where is doubtful. * Ph'otts=Philpots. 4 26 THE DIARY OF i8 Maij, at Glouc' & mr W'ms wth Anne my daughter, there being sick of a ague. 3 Junij, my sonne Water was borne at 12 of the clocke at noone. 9 Junij, I payd 40U debt & 30s vse to Water Gunter by Water Morgan. 28 JuHj, I kept Court at Parklettis.i 9 Aug:, at Monmoth for the Poll money. 8 sept', bought the stoned nagge of Morgan Rogers for 40s 27 sept', I kept Court at Parklettis. 21 octobr', I kept a leete at Raglan. 20 decemb', at highe mead w'th mr Hall. 12 Jan'ij, James Hughe had my oxen at lloyvos 20 Jan'ij, Anne Rob't's deede of p'tic'on sould 8 m'cij, Edmond Jones made steward of Raglan. 9 m'cij, he was called at Monmoth assises. 14, 15, 16, 17 m'cij Rob't Knight's forcible entres 24 m'cij, prime sessions at Bergeveny. 1642. MSS. p. 41. 30 m'cij, Elecc'on at Monmoth inter Herb't^ & Kemeys for to be kt. of the shire 5 Apr', Inquirie of damages at Bergeveny before ye Sheriff v'rs's Harry Prytherghe. 11 Apr', Kt.3 at lantilio Churche. 26 Aprill, Kt's3 wief turned hogs into my wheat in Coyd gwaylod. 4 Maij, my daughter Anne came to see me, Wm. Beard was w'th her. 7 Maij, my wief went wth them to Bath. 12 Maij, Knights went towards london to put a bill in p'liament & misled 1 Park Lettice, an ancient estate in Llangattock nigh Usk, the manor covering tlie parish of Llanover. At this period the lord of Park Lettice was Matthew WiUiams, gent. 2 Henrv Herbert of Coldbrook was elected M.P. for co. Monmouth 31 April, 1642, in the place of Sir Charles Williams of Llangibby, knt., deceased. He afterwards became a colonel in the Parliamentary army, and took Cardiff in 1645. On the taking of Raglan he had the plunder of that castle. 3 Knight, i.e. Robert Knight of Tal-y-coed. Vide note p. 15. WALTER POWELL 27 13 Maij, Jo: lloyd came to mc to dwell. 6 Junij, Court at Parklettis. 10 Junij, I fell sicke 16 Junij, I did lett bloodd. 17 Julij, Kt. at the sermon only 22 Julij, lent 9s. to Tho: Watkin Powell. ID Augusti, Mris. laciei et mr. Cicill & Anne Roberts at my house. 4 Sept', I fell and brake my shoulder bone. 15 Sept', I payd mr. Bray 2 ili this half yeare. 1642. MSS. p. 42. 21 Sept', Knight & Jones at Banney, liu'y & seisin. 23 Sept', Worcester 3 taken p' Essex. '^ 30 Sept', hereford taken p' Stamford till 14 decembr'. 3 octobr', my children went to James Jo: ho'ell's & there remayned till 12 decembr. 4 Oct', I sent goodes to James Wms. 22 octobr', Rec' 50 li of Anne R'b'ts' & James Powell. 12 novemb', Battell at Braynford 13 novemb', the men slayne at Pontrylas. 6 decembr', Morgan James buried. 8 decemb', widow Hector Morgan buried. 9 decemb', p'son Jankins^ wief buried & Bristow was taken for the king, q're when after this Raglan was made a garison. 22 Jan'ij, payd 8d. rent to Charles of Kevencoughe^ for Sr. Phe' Jones for lanvapley lands. 30 Jan'ij, affray inter Charles Jones & John my sone. 3 ffebr', watch at my new mill. 6 ffebr', benevolence p' Rege at Rockfield ill upon me ^ Mrs. Lacey was Catherine, daughter of James ap John (Herbert) of Wern- y cwm in Llanvetherine. Her daughter Charity married PhiUp Cecil of the Lower Dyffryn in Grosmont, who was sheriff in 1665. 2 Mr. Bray was the author's doctor — he died in 1646, vide p. 50. ^ The city of Worcester, then occupied by the Royalists, was taken by the Parliamentarians under the Earl of Essex. * The Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of Llanfihangel Ystern Llewern. ' Cefn-coch {the red. ridge), a farm in Llanarth. 28 THE DIARY OF 28 ffebr', Kt. & Jones appeared at ludlow. 2 m'cij, mr. Sheldon's child x'p'ning, the ffont was abused wth foule water. adhuc 1642. MSS. p. 43. 10 m'cij, my sone Charles came from Bristow. 13 m'cij, at Poston,! 14 at Shobdon,^ 15 at Chilston w'th mr Charles Som'sett 1643. 26 m'cij, the Army taken at hineham^ 3 Apr', Monmoth taken by Waller & Chepstow, allso 5 Apr'. 6 Apr, Sr Wm Waller at Vske. II Apr, Sr Rich: lane^ & souldiers at lantilio. 14 Apr', souldiers from Monmoth at lantilio. 17 Apr', m'ques Hartford at Bergeveney. 23, Monmoth taken & a hoobub, & Herefford was taken. 28, Chepstow taken by Bristow men & retaken. 4 Maij, I tendered Sterrell's rent, see Almanack. 10 Junij, Kt razed the ditch by Tho: m'th^ and plowed the place. 23, 1 entred at hendrey late Rich: Jones harry. I Julij, I demand the Church key at lantilio to be kept neere the Church & not in an Alehouse. 9 Julij, Rog's,6 the viccar, denyed the key to the Church- wardens d'd Hughe & Andr' Symons. then I went thither noe more till 5 maij 1650. adhuc 1643. USS. p. 44. 18 Julij, John Wms of lanvannar died. ^ Vide note on p. 31. 2 Shobdon in Herefordshire, now the seat of Lord Bateman. 3 Highnam, near Gloucester. 4 Sir Richard Lane was made Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Jan., 1643-4. When Oxford surrendered to Fairfax in June, 1646, Sir Richard drew up the articles of surrender. ^ Meredith. « Owen Rogers was instituted to the living 10 Jan., 1638-9, he was a B.A. of Balliol College, Oxford. Vide ultra, p. 71. WALTER POWELL 29 19 Julij, d'd Jones s'd he would keepe the key in despight of the p'ishoners, see the ahnanack. 25 July, Wm Phillips buried. 30 Julij, my sone Richard fell sicke. 7 Aug:, Charles went to Bristow againe to the bridge [erased] for ffreedome. 17 Aug:, Siedge began at Gloucester, & m'gret Jones that day brought to bedd. 23 Aug:, the hayle tempest at lanfoyst & Berg'. 28 Aug:, my sone John went towards Gloucester siedge & was abroad till May 1646. 29 Aug:, Gloucester siedge raysed. 12 Sept', Mary Quarrell came to me to dwell. 22 Sept', Kt. & Jones at talycoed answered by dedimus 22 Sept', my sonne Matthew was borne at 4 a clocke in the afternoone. 24 Sept', my horse at Grass by Daniell's house. 2 octob', Charles Jones died. II octob', I demised Grossem't mills. 24 octob', Churching dinner at my house. 27 octobr', my wief Churched at lanarth, the Rabbetts questioned adhuc 1643. MSS. p. 45. nothing cutt out with the former leaf 1 2 Nov', Wm. James Powell died. 8 Nov', received 2d rent of M'gret Rynaldes at Banney, wittness in Almanack 14 Novembr', Harry d'd Prytherghe buried being a Recusant p' Rogers. 23 Novemb', payd 8d rent to Charles of Kevencoughe for lanvapley lands. 21 octob', Rogers buried Anne Player, being a Recusant convicted, at Penrose. 7 decemb', mris. Phillips was buried. II decemb', informac'on v'rs's Morice at Raglan 1 This refers to a page which looks as though it had been cut out. 30 THE DIARY OF 10 ffebr', K't's men ditched in my landes at Thomas Meredith. 17 ffebr', Kt. came from Oxford. 25 ffebr', I was at the sheriff's at lanfoysfi 20 m'cij, 1643, I made the issue in my Arme by mr, Braye. 1644. MSS. p. 46. 9 Apr', meares settled wth d'd Hughe inter Hoy 00s & the farme. 14, I tendered Sterrell's Rent, see the Almanack 21 Apr', I received the sacrament at lanarth^ 23 Maij, Rogers 3 fought wth Will' James. 17 Maij, I bought the oxe of Wm. Price for 50s, 22 Maij, payd loli 2s. for . . . to the smyth 9 Junij, I received the sacrament at lanarth and the same day Charles went to Bristow to mr. Edwards his shoppe, 30 Junij, Mr. Herbert Jones his testam't. I Aug:, my sonne Wm. went towards Indies & there died. 3 Aug:, Collonell Myn was slayne 16 August, at Raglan wth Sr. Rich: Mynshan.-* 18, lent Valentyne John lewis 5s. 24 Aug:, Prince Rupert at Monmoth. 31 Aug:, mrs. Hall went towards Bristow. 23 sept', Monmoth taken p' Massy. 28 sept', ffire at Wonastow.^ 17 oct', I lay at James tho: Jo: Bevan. 1644. MSS. /. 47- . . , . 13 October, Wm loop^ at my house 2 nights surveighmg, not fully bargayned & he came agayn 9 July 1646. 23, Richard went to Charles, being sick at Bristow. 1 Thomas Price of Llanfoist was sheriff this year. * He seems to have deserted LlantiUo Church on account of the dispute with the vicar 9 July, 1643, over the church key. ^ This apparently is Owen Rogers, the vicar. * Probably Sir Richard Minshull, knighted in 1626. « This refers to the attack by the Royahsts on Wonastow Court, which was defended by the owner, John Milborne, a Parliamentarian. 6 Loup seems to have been a parliamentary officer or agent who dealt with the inhabitants for provisions, etc., and received the rents of sequestered estates. WALTER POWELL 31 Novemb', Bergcveny troops eu'y night at my house. 18 Novemb', Monmoth retaken p' Rege by Raglan men. 27 Novemb', my da: Margaret & Besse at Johan Prichard's by night. 28, & this day she ran away to Skenfrcth & my knee went out of Joint Decemb', nothinge matteriall. 7 Jan'ij, at Newport wth p'te of the loooli p' Jarrett II Sr Wm Blackston & P'g'r^ at my house 17 Jan'ij, I bargained wth d'd Wilham for the ffarme for 3 yeares iih 5s & 2 capons 28 Jan'ij, Hodge died 1 m'cij, my man Tho: lewis fell sicke. 3 m'cij, the litle bald nagge taken away by liueten't collonell Turnor. 1645. MSS. p. 48. 4 Apr', Prince Rupert at Bergeveny 6 Apr', received the sacram't at lanarth 5 May, mr John Powell's testam't 15 May, Jo: Charles & Jane Wms maried. 24 May, Moore Jones 2 was buried, Conisbye's trowps deuouring my hay meadowes. 3 July, King Charles at Raglan & 10 July at Cardiff 18 July, the affray wth Grossem't men for Stedda's 19 July, I brought present to the kinge at Raglan 21 Julij, Howell Jones wief died & my children removed to lanvapley 2 Aug:, tieth demised to Rich: tho: d'd, & Phe' d'd John. 1 Sept', Rendevous at Perlleny, I was not there 2 sept', siedge at hereff' removed after 6 weekes 7 sept'. The king at Raglan againe 10 sept', Bristow taken by the p'liam't lost by Prince Rupert. 24 sept', Edward John James Watkin died * Prober. "^ 3rd son of Wni. Jones of Tre-Owen, esq. He resided at Campston in Grosmont. 32 THE DIARY OF 2 octobr', leeches vsed p' Bray to me, & Chepstow was taken p' p'hament. 13 & 14 octobr', Washington at Bergeveny 1645. MSS. p. 49. 20 octob', my sonne Richard went to Bristow & 8 die was imprisoned at langely coming back. 24, my daughter margaret brought to bedd of her first sonne. 3 Novemb', m'ris Bray at my house. 7 Novemb', I myself removed to lyve in Penrose. 9 Novembr', my daughter Blaunch died. 12 Novemb', Elenor James widow buried 23 Novemb', John Evans & An Young hurt at tregare 27, the p'liamt army at my house, Collonell Morgan 1 coming from Gloucester towards Bergeveny. 12 decembr', my wief removed to Penros to dwell. 18 decemb', hereff' taken p' p'ham't by Coll: Morgan. 1 19 decemb', Valentine Jones lewis prison' to Raglan. 17 Jan'ij, Tho: lewis my man's father slayne. 16 m'cij, at Vske w'th maghen 14 m'cij, Collonell Charles P'ger2 at lanvapley to burne my hay. 19 m'che, I payd 28s at Raglan p' muskett 23 m'cij, m'ris Nelson's oxen plundered. 26 m'cij, hay burnt at lantilio by the souldiers of Monmoth. 1646. MSS. p. 50. 29 M'cij, I & my wief rec' sacram't at lanarth I Apr', Tho: & Besse my serv'ts maried. 18, my sonne Richard abused at Grossemount by Bissley^ & Tho: Chr' ; do'r Bray died. 1 Colonel Thomas Morgan, who afterwards besieged Raglan, one of the most successful of the Parliamentary officers. He was son of Lewis Morgan of Llangattock Lingoed, and assisting in the restoration of King Charles II. was created a baronet 7 Feb., 1 660-1. * Colonel Charles Proger was of Wern-ddu, near Abergavenny, an officer in the Royal army. At the restoration he was Groom of the Bedchamber to King Charles II. 3 George Bisley was a catholic missioner and a plotter concerned with William Sterrell {vide Preface and p. 6), and was condemned and executed in 1 59 1. The Bisley here mentioned was one of the same family who seem to have settled at Grosmont. Jane, wife of Benedictus Bisley, gent., was buried there 8 Oct., 1678. WALTER POWELL 33 10 May, Lucas hurt by Tho: James Jo: Howell. 17 May, I received the sacram't at lanarth. 25 May, I was comitted prison' at Raglan to the marshall of the Garison, where I remayned close till 8 Junij p'xo. 29 May, my house was plundered at Pcnros by tlie p'liament forces. 3 Junij, the siedge at Raglan began. Raglan yealded vpp 19 Augusti p'xo. 8 Junij, I was suffered to come out throughe the leaguer. 9 et 10 Julij, Wm loup at my house, & he allowed contribuc'on & quartering to Andr' lewis & his sone. sould black horse to Rich: Band 5li 21 Julij, at- Vske contra g'U'm p' le taxac'ons 30 Julij, Goodrich castle taken for ye p'liamt 6 Aug., Gen'all ffayrfax came to the leaguer. 19 Aug:, Raglan Castle yealded vpp. 21 sept', Charles came from Bristow to my house. 24 Sept', I was at Sadlebow hill. 1 1646. MSS. /'. 51. 12 octobr', Charles went againe to Bristow 19 octobr', Tho: & Richard rayled at my wief, teste John Powell of Skenfreth, this was after they thought I had ben at Kilpeck with the woman &c. 16 of Novemb', at Raglan wth Jones of Vske. 17 November, Richard went to herefford & miss'd of the place. 18 October, Wm g'U'm 2 of lanihangell died. 27 Novemb', Wm loop, Edw: Barker & Wm P'byn at my house in Penros, & then he p'missed to allow contribuc'on & quartering, teste 2 cu'stables & I'us^ and he did soe to Andr' lewis & harry Andrew but denied me because my bill did treble the rent * In Herefordshire, in the parish of Much Dewchurch. - Gwillini. ' Lewis, 34 THE DIARY OF i8 decembr', harry Earle of Worcester i died & 24 decembr' buried at Wyndsor. 18 decembr', Wm d'd John died & was buried at Penros 19 decembr'. 19 Jan'ij, I payd lloyvos rent to mr lloyd the deputy receiuor for the p'hament. 6 ffebr', lent Jo: Po'ell of Skenfreth 40s 24 ffebr', I tooke my farme of the comittees for i yeare at 22li. adhuc 1646. MSS. p. 57. 4 m'cij, I payd I2d at Vske for Cannon's close to the Comittees treasurer 10 m'cij, at Vske w'th mr Morgan of Maghen, notes 1647. 30 m'cij, I received ijd rent of m'gret Rinaldes, teste Tho: Daniell, James Tynter & my 3 sones John, tho: & Rich: 14 Apr', I tendered i3li to loope at lantiUo & so the next morning at Penros & since yt that day at lantilio, teste Wa: Jones, Valentine I'us, Jane Lucas 18 Apr', I received the sacrament at lanarth 21 Apr', County Court at Monmoth replevyn tried for the mare of Anne Robert widow. 27 Monmoth court replevyn contr' Roberts 4 May, I tendered the I3h to loope. 10 May, Comission p' Water W'ms at lanvetheryn 15 May, my wief went to mr Haworths x'p'ning 22 may, I receiued John . . . Morgans oxen to grasse for a month w'ch I gaue him. 23 Tho: Philhe the Phisic'on at my house. 24 payd the mill & farme rent I2h los to Wm Harris the sequestrator. 6 J unij, receiued the sacram't at lanarth. K't2 slaundered my brother ^ This is Henry Somerset, 5th Earl of Worcester, created Marquis of Worcester by King Charles I. He held Raglan Castle against Colonel Thomas Morgan and Sir Thomas Fairfax. * Vide p. 35. WALTER POWELL 35 1647. MSS. p. 53- 8 Junij, Richard & Prudence towards bristow 12, at lanvann' to meet harry milburne Esqr^ 14, Sturre in Glamorganshire 20 Jnnij, Wm Po'ell & tho: John Watkin's man fightinge drunke neere my house. 2 Julij, Tho: his Elbow out of Joint. 12 Julij, I kept Court at p'kelettis 19, I caried the 2 milstons^ from Monmoth to lantilio 28 Julij, my wief went to Bristow to Prudence. 2 Aug', Court at Parklettis. 14 Au^ , lent Rowland Poyncs^ ijs, [erased] sol-^ 30 Aug', at Vske wth the 3 streats of taxac'on 31 affray wth lucas wief, p' ux' 10 sept', Howell Jones buried 11 sept'. Will' Po'ell the barber buried. 30 sept', end at Coedmorgan^betweene p'klettis & . . . marks his sister 11 octobr'. Audit at Monmoth 12 octobr', at Edward Morgans at . . . 19 octobr', I tendered loopes Rent 20 octobr', Richard came home from bristow 27 he went away befor I came from Water Morgans adhuc 1647. MSS. /. 54. 29 octob', lent Georg Bradford los 2 November, Tho: sone of Wm Powell barber buried ^ Henry Milborne of Wonastow. * The mill-stones would have come from Penallt. The stone there is a limestone conglomerate, locally called pudding stone, and here were made all the mill-stones for the district. ^ Rowland Poyntz was son of Nicholas, the son of Edward, who settled in Penrhos on his marriage with Florence, daughter of John Jones of Tre-Owen, esq. This Rowland seems to have lived in Llanarth. Edward was the son of Sir Nicholas Poyntz of Iron Acton, knt. ■^ Solutum (paid) — hence the line w'as erased. ^ Coed-Morgan is the high ground between Llangattock nigh Usk and Llanddewi Rhydderch. Llangattock Coed Morgan was the name of the manor. 36 THE DIARY OF 4, 5 et 6 November at Pencrygi 8 Novembr', I tendered loopes Rent. i8 Novemb', acquitt's from Water Bevan in satisfacc'on for legacies p' Sanders. I decembr', lent James Mitch is & before 6d 13 decembr', at Tregare p' Cicill Edwards de 3li 5s 1 Jan'ij, I received the sacram't at lanarth. 10 Jan'ij, Charles g'll'm's answer in lanarth. 12, Vske Comittee to app'r ad s's Tho' Gunter, dismissed because he had noe good lease. 17 Jan'ij, Comission at Pentoyne for Wm Po'ell his ansiier 18, my wief this night at Walter Morgan. 3 ffebruarij, Watkin harry lost his sheepe. 7, Dick Hughes wief taken w'th i off the sheepe in a sack. 9 ffebr', at Vske wth Charles Wm d'd. 18, my daughter m'grett's second sone borne. 8 m'cij, assises at Monmoth, John Wm Watkin in question for Tho: Tyler's sheepe. 1648. !\ISS. /. 55. 2 Apr', I receaued ye sacram't at lan'th 5 Apr', Court baron at lanvayr,2 3 castles. 7 Apr', payd to do'r Brees ih now first wages. 13 Apr', I tooke phisicke of him. 21 & 22 Apr', at Caerlion 25 Apr', Morgan gr'h wief went away. 26 Apr, Court Baron p' 3 castles & 3 Judgm'ts had contra Marie John Wm John widow. & Altworgan way indited 4 m'cij, loope's rent tendered 11 May, 2 oxen sould at Rosse fayre for loli is by my sone John. 1 Pencrug, in the parish of Llanhenog, an ancient seat of a family of Morgan (from Rhys Goch). At this date William Morgan, esq., was of Pencrug, whose daughter and co-heir married Sir Herbert Evans of Gnol, co. Glamorgan, knt., whose daughter and heir married Sir Humphry Mackworth, knt., from whom it has descended to Sir Arthur Mackworth, bart. - Llanfair Cilgoed. The manor court for the three castles of White Castle, Skenfrith and Grosmont. This great lordship was part of the possessions of Hamelyn, the conqueror of Over Gwent, who died m 1090. It afterwards came to the Crown, forming a portion of the duchy of Lancaster. In 1825 the three castles were purchased by Henry Charles, 6th duke of Beaufort. In 1902 Henry, 9th duke, sold them. WALTER POWELL 37 23 maij, tempest & thunder at Cay butten 24, payd the ladies Rent to John thomas 25 May, Chepstow castle taken p' p'l'm't. Water sone of my sone Thomas was borne this tuesday at 12 of the clockc. 22 Junij, my sonne Thomas began to keepe house at lanarth in my house. 27 June, rescue by John Saundcr,glou'r, 1 from Morgan Kynvyn, cu 'stable. 3 Julij, litle Sara of lanvannar died. 1648. MSS./. i'^. 6 Julij, lent John Hu: sawyer ijs more than his payment. 20 Julij, p'son Jenkins 2 his testament 20 Julij, the widow vSmyth of Badsey & Grace Powell widow at my house in Penros. 30 Julij, p'son Jenkins died, buried i August. 31 Julij, great storme of wynde & rayne, & fruite trees &c broken. 6 August, Henry Baker ^ inducted Geo: White in lanihangell Church. 21, sould my mare at Carlion. 29 Aug: the greatest flood in trothy & bridges broken that eu' was scene 6 sept', ad Berg' ad testificand' p' Tho: Gunter contra Woolf. 14 sept', Edward Evans condemned at Monmoth ass's & executed 24 sept', lent tlio: Wm Watkin is. 13 October, Will'm Wms of lanvann' died 19 octobr', loops Rent tendered 12 octob', d'or midleton came to my house. John went to Bristow 22, twoe trowps at lanartli put vpon me. 1 Glover. * Parson Jenkins, whose will Walter Powell makes, was the Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of Llanfihangel Ystern Llewern. His son Walter was a Quaker, and appears {z'. p. 69) as a justice of the peace. =' Henry Baker, who presents George White to the living of Llanfihangel Ystern Llewern, did so as steward to Lord Abergavenny. 38 THE DIARY OF 1648. MSS. p. 57. 7 Novembr', Audite at Monmoth apointed p' Tiiddor 8 Novemb', loopes rent tendered & Court at talycoyd 3 trowprs from lantilio 14 dayes charged bye me & loope 20 Novemb', John came from Bristow 13 december, p'son Powell's da: m'ied 28 decemb', lent Wm ho'ell coop'r ili & the Comission at Monmoth inter finall Edwards, great wynde. 5 Jan'ij, my knee hurt in my bedd. 7 Jan'ij, lewis Jo: U'yni buried 15 Jan'ij, Tho: my son towards london p' Sicill 16 Charles prich' dyned at my house. 30 Jan'ij, King Charles beheaded after that he had raygned 23 yeares. & 10 monthes wanting 2 dayes. 9 ffebr', I was disarmed of the peece & searched. 26 ffebr', graunt p' le sequestrators for the next year. 27, I sett lloyvos mill at halfes to Wm James. adhuc 1648. MSS. p. 5S. 7 m'cij, payd I2d to p'sones Jones- for lanvapley tiethes at x'p'mas. 9 m'cij, at Tregare w'th Wm John Sr Tho: II m'cij, lent James Tyler at Monmoth 2li, loopes acc'on there of 20oli entred. 13 demise to Water Jenkins of Coyd poeth & the graing 15 m'cij, I demised Cay mayn to d'd James, & the rest to d'd Wm. 1649. 25 m'cij, receaued the sacram't at lan'th I & my wief, Jo: martyn, John howell, & Thomas Wms this Easterday. 29 marcij, Comission at tregare p' Sicill Edward to disables wittnesss in the prerogative Court 5 Aprilis, mr Kent at my house. ^ Llewelyn. 2 Parson Jones. John Jones, M.A., was instituted rector of Llanvapley 1637. Shortly after this he was dispossessed by the Puritans. WALTER POWELL 39 13 Apr', match concluded at S'r I'lis Jones 1 14 Apr', loope's rent tendered 20, reference wth loop at Pento^-ne Water Morgan & Water Wms. 24 Julij, Jany vSlieldon buried. 7 May, Sr lus Jones daughter m'icd. 1649. MSS. p. 59. 10 Maij , my gray mare foaled the marc coult wth the starrc 11 Maij, I tooke phisicke of mr Brees 21 Maij, sent my son Water to landeny schoole 21 Maij, payd ladies rents to Jo: tho: 3 Junij, I was at treworgan & landeny " 7 Junij, Tho: James Phe' died 9 Junij, my litle dun mare foaled the horse coult wth the white face. 10, Philemons wief buried 20 Junij, Wm John Wm Jenkin died & the next day buried. 26, Rich: John lewis his testament 2 Julij, Comissions for canons lands ; & Wm James distrayned lucas goods. 8, payd 12s for lanvapley tithes to Pye. 9 Julij, Walt' ho'ell ap Evan [erased] Owen tried at Monmoth for fellonie .& Watt' tho: John Watkin allsoe. 21, at Rockfield trying RentroU 23, mr Peter Evans at Monmouth 24, Hu: Dixton at my house. adhuc 1649. MSS. p. 60. 7 August, Comission at Bergeveny for Wm Wms testam't p'rogative. 11, lent Tho: Sanders of Raglan vjs. 13, 14, 15 Aug:, my wief at Maghen. 16, at Bergeveny p' berthloyd & Bettus^ before the Comittes. ^ Sir Lewis Jones, probably a clergyman. * Vide footnotes, p. 35. 40 THE DIARY OF i6 Aug:, at the Dawkins^ cii' vx'. 20 Augusti, at Bergeveny p' Tho: Wms of Carlion & Tho. Jones of lanvannor died & tlie 2t day buried ; lent tho: los. 24 Aug :, I was at Wm Jo: d'd's house. 29 Aug:, Charles Watkins was buried at tregare 3 Sept', ould Anne William died. 9 Sept', sould 4 oxen to p'son Po'ell. 12, at Bergeveny w'th Tho: Wms. 22, my mayd Catherin began. 29, my grandchild Catherin of lanvannar was buried. 7 octobr', Wm Jo: ll'yn died. 15, I was served wth loopes sup'. 19, I tendered loopes Rent. 23, mris Hall removed from lantilio. MSS. /. 61. 14 Novembr', at Monmouth I discharged myself from the collection of the Rent befor mr. Peter Evans the Receiuor. I sent 30s. to my da: Anne by Tho: Powell of langattock llyngoed. I sent a Cow and a heyfer hide to Vske to be dressed. 30 novemb', ould lucas Rich: died. 19 Apr', Watkin Rich: buried. 17 december, the chyne of Bacon and pudding lost at Monmouth. 3 Jan'ij, 3 souldiers vnder Rice Wms^ of newport searched my house for Amies & found none. 14 Jan'ij, agreemt with loope for all the form' contribuc'on 6 yeares before I payed him Soli. 17 Jan'ij, Comission at lanihangell tormenyth for m'ris Sternehould. ffebr' 8, I threw downe the cott in coyd poeth. 13, at Vske touching the pio's vses & publick faith money. 25, John, the second son of my sone Tho: borne in lanarth house, he was x'p'ned 5 m'cij. * Dawkins is the ancient name of the house now called Plas-derwen, close to the town of Abergavenny. Cu' vx' = cum ttxore, with my wife. - Rice WiUiams of Newport was a noted Welsh preacher and one of the Commissioners for the propagation of the Gospel in Wales. WALTER POWELL 41 nrcij 4, I demised the great house at lantiho to John Webb. yfss. p. 62. m'cij 21, Monmotli ass's, mr. Roane condempned, Huglie Rogers the samt prearcher of the jury for hef and deatli. 1650. Aprill 25, I made my answer ad s's Groome at lanvayrc, & mr. Shaw et vx'. May 8, I subscribed at Raglan to the engagem't. May 2, engagem't. & subscripc'on befor ye Justices at Johan Prichards. 27, Bridgett Vaughn n & the 2 others sent to the house of correcc'on. The new preachers began at lantiho. 22, I had an order at Vske to have the 2oli publick faith, but I would not have it. 27, Audit at Monmoth w'th Peter Evans. 8 May, m'ris Hall and her daughter came to my house w'th her daughter from Worcester and made bate w'thin 2 dayes after. June 21, my Sone Tho: fell sicke. 30, mr Walter 1 preached at lantilio. 10, the 4 Comission's exa'ned me at my house touching Monmoth & the ducliie lands. MSS. p. 6^ July 7, Jenkin Jones 2 preached at lantilio. 12, lent George Bradford 20s. 14, Lester [?] et vx' at lantilio befor the Justices certifficat that she was not maried to ... . 22, payd I2s. for lanvapley tiethes to Pye. Aug: 4, Prudence sicke of the measells. 8, assises at Monmoth. Water John Tyler and the mayd hanged. Tho: Jones of lloyney the preacher of the Jury for lief & death. 1 Henry Walter was younger son of John Walter of Piercefield, esq. He was B.C.L. of Jesus College, Oxford, and was put into the living of St. Woolos, Newport, by the Parliament, from which he was on the restoration of King Charles H. ejected. ^ Jenkin Jones was of Ty-mawr in Llanddetty, co. Brecknock. On the breaking out of the Civil War he raised on behalf of the Parliament a troop of 120 horse, and had the rank of Colonel. Having been educated at Oxford he became a preacher, and was put into the living of Cadoxton juxta Neath, from which he was ejected in 1660. (, 42 THE DIARY OF 30, I payd by sone Tho: at Chepstowe 20s. for a muskett & payd not for the .... till december 6s. Sept' I, liueten't Rogers 1 preached at lantilio & the smyht of Malpas expoundinge. 6, the plaster aplied to my navell. 12, leeches aplied p' do'r Brees to me. 20, received the key of the house of Walt' tylers wief at lloyvos. 29, Jenkin Jones preached at lantilio. 25, Captaine Honney wth me enquiring for the 3 castles & Hadnocke. Octob' 5, loope and Kemble at my house. 11, Answers at Johan Prichard ad s's d'd Powell of lanvetherin. 1650. MSS. p. 64. Nouemb', quaere whether Tho: Taunt or bradford was wth me. 12, at ty sawyn,2 end w'th Wm Jo: Rich: 18, moneys received from lanvetherin. decemb' 5, loope and Kemble at my house last. 13, Bond & marke Davies at my house. 14, sent my sone Tho: towards london to the lord Herbert. 23, John Powell the Atturney died. 25, at the Dyffryn w'th mr. Cecill. 1650. January 2, Walter Morgan at my house. 6, Docter Middleton at my house a night. 14, Quarter Sessions at Vsk. 17, for Penrose Contribuc'on tax. ffebruary 3, possession deliuered to Loop my lease being ended. 1 This is probably Colonel Wroth Rogers, originally a tailor at Llanvaches, who after distinguishing himself as a soldier on the side of the Parliament was in 1646 appointed Governor of Hereford. In 1653 he became ]\I.P. for CO. Hereford. His son Nathan Rogers was M.P. for Hereford in 1659 when only 19 years of age, and was the author of Memoirs of Monmouthshire, 1708, an attack on the Duke of Beaufort for enclosing Wentwood. 2 Ty Sawen is a cottage on the left bank of the river Usk where the ancient ford crosses the river from Llanfair Cilgedin to Cl>i:ha. WALTER POWELL 43 10, At Lanthewy rithergh, stewardship refused. 13, At Lanvair with Kemble. 15, possession & release from Cradock & vx'. 20 Ja: de Comei this night taken by my house. March 3, The taylor of Grossmont came to work my best suite and clocks. 5, Mr. Henry Baker at Joan Prichard I2d. ; pence weekly ordered to Alse rosser in Lantilio. The same day the hare taken away from George my man. MSS. p. 63. 11, Suites at Monmoth by Wild and Wild at Knit [?] but I could not be there. 1651. Aprill 7, leet at Tregare coram Catclimay^, 14, I take phisick of middleton. 15, Leet at Monmouth per Catchmay. 17, Sitting at Ragland for ye poore. 23, Leete at Joan Prichards p' Catchmay. 27, Court of Survey at Joan Ja: by .... I fell sick ye night of ye stone & Collick. May I, Do'r middleton wth me 3 days. 3, Court of Survegh at Monmoth. 6, & at Rockfield the Court. 12, ffrancis bradford ran away towards Ireland. 15, At the maindiffe for Penrose tax. 16, my sonns Richard & Charles came to see me. 22 John Morgan and Robinson p'echc* damnac'on to Lantiho people. 24, Richard & Charles went towards Bristoll. June 2, Phi: Wm of Monmoth preached. 4, Corenell Herbert ■"> died & Edward Mason dead. 6, at treleck for tiethes. ^ James de Come, evidently a nickname. - Cloak. ^ Several of the family of Catchmay were attorneys at Monmouth. * Preach. Morgan and Robinson were Puritan ministers. 5 I am not sure who Colonel Herbert was. It may be Wm. Herbert of Cold - brook, whose will is dated 8 March, 1650-1, proved 12 June, 1651. His eldest son Henry was a colonel in the Parliamentary army, while his 2nd son William was a major in the Royalist army. 44 THE DIARY OF 7, Coronell Herbert buried. 9, Roger Evans at my house this night. 28, Court at Crickhowell a recovery of Judgment against Dasse Dauid of 7U. MSS. p. 66. July 8, quarter sises at Vsk. 9, my Sonne John removed his goods & weif to John Evans. 19, serued my sonne John wth a suppena after he had formerly removed himself out of my house he was to appear in Chauncery 28 November following. 22, Assises at Monmoth. August 2, Captaine Phillip Nicholas of Skenthrift at my house all night. 4, Humpherey Philhpps buried. 18, Walter Morgans wief buried. 25, Horses leauid & the county troup to Monmoth. September 3, the fight at Worcester, bought 11 sheep of Black John for 2li 2s. 6d. October 3, at Carlion with Mr. Wms 10, Leet at Lantilio & surveyors of my lords lands. 14, Jury at Moningtons Survey of Penrose and Clitha for the parliament. 20, Jury of Survey met at Monintons November 2, At Bergevenny wth ye Sheriff Rosser. 7, verdict at Monington, but I was not there. 10, At Monmoth with the reternor. 19, Charles Price at my house. 22, sent ye limbricki to Docter midd'2. 18, John my sone . . . appeare at my suit. MSS. p. 67. Decem_ber i, my right eye began to faile & I fell sick shortly after and was hke to dye at Christmas. January, I was sick all the while, ffebruary, I was sick. March, Still sick. 1 Linibrick is a word, now disused, for a carriage. - Doctor Middletou WALTER POWELL 45 1652. Aprill, the catamct in my eye appeared ripe. May, the same. June, nothing, John died before I had the cataract. July, nothing. August, nothing. September, I was sick. December, I was sick. January and ffebruary, my great scouring cover fell. March, nothing. 1653- Aprill 8, I took Phisick of D'or Bold. 13, my eye was cooched by Middleton but failed to spread, my Sonne Charles was here then. MSS. p. 6S. May 21, my eye was cooched by Anthony Atwood very fairly but yet failed to be a cure because it was spoiled before & then appeared a new cateract to begin to grow in my left eye. June, nothing. July, nothing. August, nothing. September 14, for my lord Herbert for the goods against my lady mountague wherein was a commissioner from y' prerogative. October 14, Morgan Kinvin sowed corne in my close. 28, the leet at . . . when Water Jenkin gave me the lye. November i, Priuie sessions at Raglan the mill tax staid the tanker [?] being distrayned vpon. I ordered at uske for the 5 H los. & for to free the mill. 7, Tender p' loope at Lantrothy. 8, A finall end with pointes. 1 28, tere y Couargh^ bridge put vp tins December the 9, Rowland Points ^ died and was buried this next Sunday. 1 Vide note p. S3- 2 Tir-y-cywarch (the flax ground) in the parish of Llanvapley. Walter Powell claimed a right of way which was the subject of a lawsuit {vide p. 26). 46 THE DIARY OF MSS. p. 69. Phillip the pottars wief died 9 ffebruary. II, Bargained with for 6 yeares in Loiuos. 13, sent little Matbew to schoole to Lanarth. 14, Charles brought Prudence home from Bristoll & my sonne Walter went to the Arethmetique Schoole in Bergevenny 21, Let hewle y foiled to the widdow Thomas John Watkin for 3 yeares. March 24, Webb broak the hedge in Canons Close 2 times, & the like the morrow after on munday. 1654. Aprill 14, ditch made in Cae evan Geily poole. 16, Webb's wief sowed barley .... in Canons. 19, Lete at Joan Prichards & Web indited for not hedging by ye brigi in Ca vaur isha.2 22, Walter Jenkins s the iustice in ye churchyard in LantiHo, Web then promised my corne in Cae Euan ap Ely & Canons close to have the corne. MSS. p. 70. May 12, The gout began now to greue me in my handes & the 13 cramp in my feete which was the forerunner of the gout, June 3, The carpenters began to worke ouer my parlour but they never finished it all after they had Rowlands helpe. July 2, Doctor Brees buried, the cataract in my left eye was cut by Mr. fayrfax but not cured. August 2, I fell sick vpon the .... 5, My sones Richard & Charles came to see me. 12, Mr. Jones returned againe. 15, My gout began in ye ioynt of my great toe. 21, Hughe William James buried. September, nothing. October, I fell to be bedridden. ^ Bridge. 2 Cae-mawr-isaf (the lowey ^reat field). ^ Walter Jenkins was a Quaker, and lived at the Pant in Llanfihangel Ystern Llewern. He was son of Thomas Jenkins, rector of that parish, mentioned above as parson Jenkins. WALTER POWELL 47 Novembor, I fell sick of an ague. 12, I had the yelow Janndise. December 26, Rees Jones the phisitian came to me. My son Charles & his father in law came hither & they brought my daughter Catherine with them about the last day I made my will. MSS. p. Ti. January, I continued sick nigh all this month. 18, Webb & Will' Phe' Prichard left notice at my house to plead to a triall to Eiectment to cannons close. 1654. January 31, When my daughter Mary went to BristoU {sic) 32, my son came to Bristoll. ffeb. 19, James Hughes Oliver died. 21, Daniell Price has madd prosecution against James Evans for witchcraft. March 5, Dauid of the Pantyvun^ died. 7, John Rawlines died drowned. 8, Rogers 2 deprived of the benefice. 13, the ffoolish insurrection at Sahsbury. 13, Assises at Monmoth. 13, my son Charles his messenger came to tell us that my son Richard was like to dye. 14, My daughter went to Bristoll. 26, Catherine came to me from Bristoll againe. Alice Harries .... promise to pay, teste Martha and Will' Lewis. Anno D'ni 1655. MSS. p. 72. iMarch 16 Alice Harris .... promise to pay ye due debt & charge, teste Will' Lewis, Martha Salomon & Samuell Daniell. 1 Pant-dwfn [the deep hollow), a small farm in Llantilio on the Tal-y-coed brook 2 Owen Rogers, vicar of Llantilio, was deprived by the Puritans for alleged drunkenness and malignity. He lived to be restored, and died 1 1 Dec, 1660, a flat stone curiously carved covering his body in the chancel. 48 THE DIARY OF WALTER POWELL April 30 The court at Hendre obeth 1 coram Roger Sheldon May 3, I made vse of my ancient way ouer widdow Parryes land to tere y couarghe, teste my sone Walter, Sampson William, and my man Ros' J a:. t6, aboute that time mrs Poyntes and Christian j\Iilbome hanged a lock vpon my gate of the way to tere y cowarghe, teste Richard Bevan & Jonas Heynes. 21, the second court at Hendre obeth where I demanded coppy but co'ld .... 31, I brought my kine from Lanvaple through the widdow Parryes land, teste Rich' Bevan and his wief and Rosser Dauid. June I I sent 26 breeding lambes & 6 breeding caulfes to Lanvapley ye caulfes wee led by the head and the lambes were bound and drawne vpon .... carre over poyntes landes for feare of a stragling trespas against Christian Milbome the new ten't, teste Richard Bevan, Samp: Will' Rosser . . . . , my son Walter, and my daughters Ca: & Ma:, teste also mr Will' Morgan of Lanvayre & Giles Hughes. 12, Third court at Hendre obeth. MSS. p. 73. June 9, sent the yonge Bullockes to Lanvapley which they lead by their heades over Poyntes his land, teste my Sonne Walter, Jo: Powell of Whitecastle, and my sone Mathew, Richard Bevan, Tho' William, Rosser Dauid. June 18, my 2 great rames were led through Po3mtes his landes by ye head, teste Rich: Bevan, Rosser Dauid. June 19, my wief went to the bath, ye same day Sommerset buried. June 22, ... . timbren cut downe. July 2, sent 3 sacks of oates to Alice his house [?] & broke the way by Mr. p'son Walter's & Rosser & Richard Bevan was not nere. ^ Hendre-obaith [the old horns of hope) is the ancient name of the house or the site of which stands Llanarth Court. The manor of Hendre-obaith was a distinct one from that of Llanarth. Arms— Quart (BRI-DWAR ami gu., 3 cit AUTHOR OF TPIE DIARY. vid Gouj^h IS ramp, or, ell, cik. vicar of IJantilio T and rector of Llangynidr, I ock, ob. Nov. 1610 ' ^ Bridget, dau. to vSheldon, mar. 13 Feb. 1017 Catherine, mar. John Kvans of Llwyn-y-gaer, gent. 2 William Po\brn born iS Oct. tii, bur. 24 ]\Iar. Jan. .hn I s. r20 oor I Q Margaret, born 18 Nov. 1623 Sheldon Powells Anne, dau. to William Powell Mary of Whitecastle, gent, born Nov. 1617 Edward Mor- gan of Ivlan- gattock, Lin- goed, gent., mar. sett. 19 A.pr. 1 64 1 of Llantilio, barber-surgeon I Walter Po I'enrlios, gent I 5 ^lary 1 1 Walter 1 Ann, Powell died =: unmar. i w 1 Martha, bap. 18 Feb. 1728-29 William Powell Charles Powell, surgeon Thomas Matthew Powell, Powell, painter. coach - in 1695 builder, s.p. Arms— Ouarterlv : I and 4, Or, ;; lions couchant pi. (BRI'DWARDEN); 2 and ,, Per chevron embattled 01 and gu., 3 cinquefoils pierced counterchanged (liRITT). Sheet I. PEDIGREE SHEWING THE DESCENDANTS OF WALTER POWELL, THE AUTHOR OF THE DIARY. to Sir John Britt, ki!t. Bredwardeu - t 1 the Conqueror I From them I desce ded Howel ap David Rawling of Peny-yclawdd in Llantili( Pertholey = Catlierine, dau. to Morgan David Gough I of Trevethin. Arms— Az, 3 lions ramp, or, a chief arg. : Anne, dau. to William ap Rosser David Hugh Powell, elk. vicar of Llantilic ofTregaer. Arms— HERBERT, a mullet for Crossenny, and rector of Llangj-nidr difference, ob. 20 Jan. 1630-1, aged 88. co. Brecknock, ob. Nov. 1610 Margaret, dau. to William ap John Evans of Lhvyn-y.gaer, geut., born May, I'sS:, mar. 20 Feb. 1601-4, ob. 19 Aug. 1632. ist mfe Walter Powell, gent., AUTHOR ^ OF THE DIARY, of Llantilio 1611-45, of Penrhos 1645 till his death. Born 25 March, 1581, bur. 14 Feb., 1655-6. Abel Russell , CO. Hereford, . May, 1635, William Powell, elk., M.A., vicar of Llantilio Crossenny, andin 1617 rector ofLlanbedr, CO. Brecknock, ob. 1654, £et. Catherine, mar. John Ev of Uwyn-y.gaer, gent. Vide A Sheet II. 3 John Powell, 5 William Powell, 6 Tliomas Powell, born 13 Feb. born 14 March, born 21 Aug. 1615, 1608-9 1612-3, bound ap- bound apprentice, prentice at Bristol 8 May, 1632 5 July, 1630 I I 7 Richard Powell, 8 Charles Powell, born lojan. 1617- born 6 April 1620, 8, ob. coel. Left bound appren- ;^io for the poor tice to of Llantilio Edmunds, at Bristol, an apo- thecary there in 1647, ob. s. p. 1 Blanche, born 4 Anne born at Cefn- 23 May garw, bap. at mar. 1 1 Jan Tregaer 9 June, 1621-2, Joht 160=;, married W a t k i n s John Williams She left ^2C of Llangoven, to the pool afterwards of of Llautilio Llanvaenor born Margaret, Sheldon Powell = Anne, dau. to William Powell Edward Mor- of Llantilio, gan of Llan- barber-surgeon gattock, Lin- goed, gent, mar. sett. 19 Apr. 1641 3 William Powell = of Abergavenny, cllirurgeou Mary Winifred 1 Thomas - Mary 'mar Elizaieth, Sarah' mar 1 Martha, 1 Ann, Powell, mar. in 1747, mar. died of Tudor Street, Underbill, Elizabeth Abergavenny, Powell, jergavenny, of Bristol, Powell, gardener of Gwen- glazier. a widow alias in 1729 m 1747 Daniel, of Brecknock Abergavenny Charles Powell, surgeon Thomas Matthew Powell, Powell, painter, in .695 coach- builder, William Powell, Shershaw Powell, Abergavenny, 19 Oct 17M Matthew Powell t Abergavenny, 16 Dec. 17:5' Martha, bap. 18 Feb. 1728 29 I lorii 13 Mary, born iS Nov. 8 1639, mar. Philip Morgan of Abergavenny, mercer, son of Tur])erville INIorgan of Llanfair Cilgoed, esq. 2 Willir will (lat AUTHOR OF THIC DIARY. ^ mar. feffreys s, gent. y, 1713 of her brother- John Lewis of Llwyn-y-ffortnn, ij June, lyf^o. CO. Carmarthen, and of Lincoln's Inn, esq., sheriff 1757, ob. 3 Oct. 177S, bur. at Llantilio. Arms — I Az., a wolf salient arg., (Tudwal G1.OFF) Martha, dau. to Morgan Davies of Carmarthen, wido\v of David Kdwards of Rhyd- y-gors. s. p. 2nd wife It, = Eliza - IMaria, eventual heir d. I through whom Llantilio came Barbara Dorothea, bap. 1 1 May, 1747, ob. unm.ir. 1823 of to her grandson, Henrj' Mor- gan Clifford, bap. 19 Nov. 1743 Williar Counse ; of Ch esq., b Hopkii jet. 72, lifford of the Ar- = Sophia. dau. to Jonathan ystone, co. Plere- Willington of Rapla, co. sept. 1S14, iet. 34. Tipperary, esq. herine Harriet, dau. oseph Yorke of Forth - )ton, CO. Glouc, esq., Feb. 1898. William Morgan-Clifford of Perrystone, esq., ob. coel, 1850. Fanny Elizabeth Mary, mar. James Wallace Richard Hall of Ross, solicitor Family, mar. Philip James Yorke, esq.. Col. Scots I-'usilier Guards, s. p. alter Butler, 24th Lord Dunboyne ;e of Ireland, assumed by Royal i 13 Nov. i860, the surname of r. Arms— Quarterly : i and 4, Or, edaz., 3 escallops in bendcounter- tler) ; 2 and 3, Clifford. Marian, only dau. and sole heir, 12 June, i860 >en William Henry Brooke Peters The hon. Rosalinda Catherine Sophii larefield, co. Devon, born 1843 I only child, mar. 30 April, 1883 Sheet II. PEDIGREE SHEWING THE DESCENDANTS OK WAETER POWEEL, THE AUTHOR OF THE DIARY. Vide A S/ieet I. Walter rowell = Sibyl, dau, to Abel Russell I 2 lid wife Mary, dau. to William Jones of Coity in Llanfei;^an, CO. Itrecknock. gent. ^14 Matthew Powell = Elizabeth, of Llantilio, esq., born 21 Sept. 1043, will dated i May, 1695, prov. I June, '95 one of these married John Drew of Llan- tilio, gent. 12 Mary, born iS Nov. 1639, mar. Philip Morgan of Abergavenny, mercer, son of Turberville Morgan of Llanfair Cilgoed, esq. Penelope, dau. to Wmiaui Evans of Llwyn.y-gaer, gent, mar. sett dated 30 Sept. 1697. .st \nle ^Elizabeth, dau. to Thomas Smith of Huntleys, co. Here- ford, geut., by Eliza- beth, dau. to John Bourne of Newent, CO. Glouc, gent, mar. 7 May, 171 1. esq., :^Abigail, dau. to Lockey Winifred Elizabeth Thomas Jeffreys of Penrhos, gent, mar. 9 May, 17 13 brother^John Lewis of Llwyn-y-ffortun,= Martha, dau. to Mor.i^an le, 1760, I CO. Carmarthen, and of Lincoln's Davies of Carmartheu. widow Inn, esq., sheriff 1757, ob. 3 Oct of David Edwards of Rhyd- I 177S, bur. at Llantilio. Arms — y-gors. s. p. 2nd wife Richard l^ewis of Llantilio = Frances, dau. to Wm, Owen John - ' Liwyn-y.ffortun, esq., | Brigstocke of Blaen-pant. co. Cardigan, esq., ob. S Feb, 1823 WiUiam Morgan-Clifford of the Argoed in Penallt, = Eliza - Maria, eventual he esq. assumed the additional surname of Clifford. | through whom Llantilio can " ' ' grandson, Henry Mo Son of Richard Jtorgan, son of Richard William, 3rd son of Sir William Morgan of Tredegar knt. Arms— Quarterly : i and 4 , Chequy or and az. onafessegu, 3 cinquefoilsarg. (CLIFFORD) ; 2 and 3. Or, a gryphon segreant sa. (Morgan). gan CHfFord, bap. 19 No William Taddy, esq., Queen's = Frances Elizabeth, born Counsel and Serjeant-at-Law, son 30 March, 17S3, ob. 24 of Christopher Taddy of London, Aug. 1846, s. p. e.sq., by Anne, dau. to Sir John Hopkins, knt, ob. 13 Mar. 1S45, a-t. 72, bur. at Llantilio Sir John Bernard Bosanquet, : Morgan Morgan-Cliffoi goed, and of Periystoi ford, esq., ob. 14 Sept. Sophia, dau. to Jonathan WilHngtou of Rapla, co. Tipperary, esq. William Morgan-Clifford of Perrystone, esq., ob. coel, 1S50. Lewis Bernard B only child, born young Clifford of Llantilio, = Catherine Harriet, dau. to Joseph Yorke of Forth- ampton, co. Glouc, esq., ob. Feb. 1S98. Henry Morg Perrystone, and the Argoed, esq Col.-Comdng. Roy. Monmouthshire Mihtia. M.P. Hereford 1847-65. ob. 12 Feb. 1884, lEt. 77 Fanny Elizabeth Mary, mar. James Wallace Richard Hall of Ross, solicitor Emily, mar. Philip James Yorke, esq., Col. Scots Fusilier Guards, s. p. enry Somers Morgan -Clifford, only n. died at Merton College, Oxford, , Sept, 1S56, iet. 20 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. ,%l S 1?'73S P^ hM=^- -n «3-41. ^ iW OEV*^ £1 uo^'^ 4^ ^ ^ \Sr %^' ^ -^' LD 21A-60»n-2,'67 (H241slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley POWELL FAMILY.- -Diary of Walter P<.well. ,,1 LlantiUo Crossenny, co. Mon.. 1603- 54. translated, with Notes by J"^'^Ph A" Bradney. F.S.A., With Pedigree and por- trait, Svo.. cloth, pp. XI.. 48. (Pnvatel> Printed), 1907. 30s. ■ . •