THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^'^' ■««^*»a^'. b\: / 6.iau ^^- Ad ^ 1 POEMS. LONDON : PRINTED BT SPOTTiaWOODE AND CO., NEW-STBKET 8QUABH AND PAKLIAMBST BTEKBT DELHI AND OTHER POEMS BT CHARLES ARTHUR KELLY, M.A. BENGAL CIVIL SERVICE. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. PATERNOSTER ROW. 1872. AH rights reserved. fB7£. PREFACE. In submitting this little volume of collected Poems to the judgment of those who may care to honour them by a glance, I may perhaps be allowed to mention that they were for the most part written in India, in an atmosphere and under conditions by no means congenial to effort in the field of imagination. I am at the same time well aware that I have no right to claim or to expect any indulgence either from the critic or the reader on that account. The present edition comprises, in addition to VI PEEFACE. ' Delhi and other Poems ' and ' The World's Martyrs ' (originally published separately in India), some pieces hitherto unpublished, and some which have previously appeared in the ' Calcutta Eeview ' and ' Englishman.' *&' C. A. KELLY. CONTENTS Prelude Delhi — Canto I. The Empire Canto II. The Mutiny The World^s Martyrs Marathon Dante . Modern Italy . A Polish Lament Aspirations Farewell Stanzas Thoughts on Life An Italian Serenade 'La Madone de Sai7it-Sixte ' Ad On an Italian Portrait PAGE 1 7 26 39 76 90 103 109 114 116 119 122 124 126 128 vill CONTENTS. PAGE Sappho . . . . . .130 Antiyone . 133 Song .... . 135 Constance . 136 On the Death of Count Cavour . 138 Clive .... . 140 Benares . 141 Caw7ipore . 142 Henry Lawrence . 143 In Memoriam . 144 On the Wreck of the ' Cheduba ' . 145 On the Hooghly Epidemic . 146 The Chapter of the Star of India . 148 In Memory of John Paxton Normar . 149 Galle Harbour 150 Sedan .... 151 A Church in Sedan after the Battle 152 Macmahon 153 'Ave, Cccsar Imperator!' 154 Napoleon at Wilhehnshohe 155 Paris, December 1870 . 156 The Captain .... 157 The Victory .... 158 The Neophyte . ' . . 159 CONTENTS. ix PAGE Darhoy . 160 The Poets . 162 A Prayer FulJilJed . 163 Pindar . 164 Raphael . 165 On a Portrait of Beatrice Cend . 166 In Memoriam E. B. B. . 167 Turner . 168 Montroae 169 Dundee 170 Garibaldi at Spezzia . 171 Serenade 172 Montmorency Falls 173 In Memory of Sir James Outram 174 In BIcmory of Sir Henry Ditrand . 173 Nature's Warning 180 The Old Love and the New . 186 Errata Page 114, line 1, stanza 2, for never read ever ,, 148 ,, 5, >r illumines rea