UC-NRLF $B 571 431 ^iV X J ,\^ .ur W ' i Lj n iMDbUM B E R K e I C T GENERAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA m- ^^^^ w^ KjA^K^ ^^^lii^^^S^^^^ ■ ^^^^^> '^m^^S^^^^ x^^^ ^^^^^^ ^:7C&n^r-y^ rj^ z^^^e^-^^^^^-y- The Sporting Gallery AND Bookshop, inc. I No. 38, Easf 52nd St., New York 11 pof* lloriBT \TE LIBRARY. A. Sherwin. DAYS IN THULE BOOKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR, A BANISHED BEAUTY : A NOVEL. THE BOOK OF THE ALL-ROUND ANGLER. THE CURIOSITIES OF ALE AND BEER. ANGLING IN SALT WATER. WITH THE BEST INTENTIONS. AN IRISH MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. THAMES RIGHTS AND THAMES WRONGS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/daysinthulewithrOObickrich DAYS IN THULE WITH ROD, GUN, AND CAMERA JOHN BICKERDYKE^^KW•*<^^. AUTHOR OF *A BANISHED BEAUTY,' ' THE BOOK OF THE ALL-ROUND ANGLER,* ' THAMES RIGHTS AND THAMES WRONGS,' ' THE CURIOSITIES OF ALE AND BEER,' ETC. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS ARCH. CONSTABLE AND CO. 14 PARLIAMENT ST. S.W. MDCCCXCIV Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty DEDICATO ALLA MIA GRAZIOSISSIMA E GENTILISSIMA OSPITE CLOTILDE IN MEMORIA DEI FELICISSIMI GIORNI PASSAT! NELLE CONTRADE DESERTE DEL NORD W;844.848 PREFACE I HE foundations of this book were laid in the columns of the Field and Graphic^ and I have much pleasure in gratefully acknowledging the courtesy shown- me by the editors of these admirable journals. I have added several stories to the little edifice, have remodelled and planned, deco- rated inside and out, roofed in, and now offer the result to the critical gaze of the reading public. This is a simple record of life in a Hebridean shooting-lodge. If any one who has done me the honour to read the adventures of A Banished ix DAYS IN TH ULE Beauty in a somewhat similar locality should find here and there points of slight resemblance in some description of scenery or sporting inci- dent, I beg him remember that in the writing of novels, as in the spinning of anglers^ yarns, an occasional lapse into truth is desirable to give the effect of realism. At the same time let me hasten with all possible speed to say, that it was not at Gheira Lodge I made the acquaintance of those three remarkable Cockney sportsmen who figure in the work of fiction. What we really did, and how we did it, is herein more or less truthfully described, with some slight change of names, which was obviously desirable. I may, perhaps, be taken to task for not giving more information concerning the habits of the people of Lewis and the management of the island. That portion of the subject has been so PREFACE fully dealt with by Mr. Anderson Smith, in Lewsiana^ a book to be read by every one who visits the island, that there was little or nothing for me to add. JOHN BICKERDYKE. South Stoke^ Oxon^ June 1894. Amateur photographers may, perhaps, be interested to know that the illustrations, with the exception of those on pages % 92, 125, 149, and 177, are due to the more or less judicious manipulation of a ^-plate Kodak. XI • CONTENTS CHAP. I. GHEIRA LODGE^ II. THE HADDIES OF THULE, III. WILD DOGS AND TAME GROUSE^ IV. CONJURING SALMON, V. DUCK^ PLOVER, AND SNIPE, VI. A SULKY SALMON AND A GREEDY COD, VII. AN ASSAULT ON THE BLUE ROCK STRONG- HOLDS ...... VIII. THREE LOCHS AND A PUDDLE, . IX. ' SALMO IRRITANS ' AND HIS VANQUISHMENT, X. THE RABBITS OF THE CLIFFS, . . XI. OUR SEA-TROUT DITCH, ..... XII. FAREWELL TO THULE, .... PAGE I 15 28 43 59 69 82 100 115 141 157 168 Xlll ILLUSTRATIONS FRONTISPIECE. ' A BUILDING KNOWN ALL OVER THE KINGDOM AS ^^ THE castle/*' ....... 2 ^ IT IS PITIFUL, IS IT NOT }' , . . . . J '^ A ferry-boat CRAMMED WITH people/ . . IJ ^ BOATS NEED BE WEATHERLY there/ . . . 1 8 ' WE PAY AN EARLY VISIT TO THE KENNELS_,' . . 2() ' A PIOUS OLD woman/ ''*».' 2)2> ' DID I EFFER POACH A SAUMON I* — OH^ AY ! ' . . 53 ^ BLACK^ UNFERTILE^ DESOLATE-LOOKING PLACEs/ . 64 ^ HE SAT ON THE BANK COMPLACENTLY SMOKINg/ . 75 ^ THE SHELTERED NOOK WHERE SOME HERRING-BOATS LAY AT anchor/ . . . . . . 86 ^ I WAS ABLE TO OPEN THE LENS AT THE VERY MOMENT ONE OF THOSE WHO WERE ON BOARD FIREd/ . 92 *^the one occasion on which i made him laugh outright/ ....... 103 XV DAYS IN THULE PAGE ' THEY DO LOOK AS IF THEY WERE DANCING A WILD JIG, don't THEY ?' . . . . . .122 *^ SOMETHING SPECIALLY DIABOLICAL^' . . . 1 25 ^ A LITTLE MATTER OF TWENTY-TWO MILES THERE AND HOME again!' ...... 144 '^ A PICTURESQUE group/ ..... I45 *^SURF BREAKING ON THE SAND^ BUT NO SEAL^' . . 1 49 *^ SHE 'S JOOST A FINE mare/ HE WAS SAYING^ . . 161 ^ FRITH TOOK A PHOTO OF ONE LITTLE ROADSIDE SCENE_,' . . . . , . . .177 SKYE^ . . . . . . . .179 ^ BOUND FOR OBAN AND civilisation/ . . . 181 ^--^.=^^