QO-0<>H[><>O<>OOO<^ LOCOMOTIVES LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING, BEING A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE GROWTH OF THE RAILROAD SYSTEM AND OF THE VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS IN LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING IN AMERICA TOGETHER WITH A HISTORY OF THE ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE Rogers Locomotive ** Machine Works, PATERSON, NEW JERSEY, FROM 1831 TO 1886. J. S. ROGERS, Preset. \ R. S. HUGHES, Trcas'r. R. S. HUGHES, Sec'y. > PATERSON, N. J. 44 Exchange Place, JOHN Tfffi>nnoTJ, ,gtf/'& ) NEW YORK. NEW YORK : WM. S. GOTTSBERGER, I'RINTER, II MURRAY STREET, 1886. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1886, BY THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE & MACHINE WORKS, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE The last catalogue of the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works with a sketch of the origin and growth of that establishment, was published in 1876. Since then many changes have been made in the equipment of these Works and in the character, design, and dimensions of the locomotives turned out. To describe these adequately it was necessary to rewrite nearly the whole of the former volume. This work was entrusted to my hands by the officers of the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works. As it was commenced during the fiftieth year that the establishment had been engaged in the manufacture of locomotives, it seemed a suitable time to give a somewhat full account of the origin and history of the Works, and of the evolution of the locomotives built in them during that period. Such an account has been carefully prepared, and consists very largely of what may be called a mechanical history of the work which has been done ; which, it is thought, will be interesting to many readers, as it shows the successive steps which have led to the wonderful development of the locomotive in this country. It also indicates the extent to which the perfection of the modern American type of locomotive is due to the ingenuity, mechanical skill, and sound judgment of the founder of this establishment Mr. Thomas Rogers, and to his successor Mr. William S. Hudson. Both of them have left a record of their genius and ability in their designs, which are imitated to-day, and which promise to survive until locomotives are superceded. Very complete data concerning the dimensions and performance of the locomotives which this establishment is now prepared to furnish are given by illustrations and tables in the latter part of the book, and as there is still considerable difference of opinion and practice in calculating the capacity of locomotives, an explanatory chapter is given showing just how the calculations were made. M. N. FORNEY. NEW YORK, October i, 1886. ^46018 479 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE ORIGIN OF THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS, - i CHAPTER II. THE EARLY HISTORY OF RAILROADS IN THIS COUNTRY, 3 CHAPTER III. THE EARLY HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVES IN THIS COUNTRY, - 6 CHAPTER IV. HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING AT THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS, n CHAPTER V. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE: THE BOILER: THE ENGINES : THE RUNNING GEAR, - 23 CHAPTER VI. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS IN 1886, 76 CHAPTER VII. A REMARKABLE RUN OF 426.6 MILES BY ROGERS' LOCOMOTIVES ON THE NEW YORK, WEST SHORE AND BUFFALO RAILWAY, 80 CHAPTER VIII. THE TRACTIVE POWER OF LOCOMOTIVES, 93 CHAPTER IX. PLATES AND TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITY OF LOCOMOTIVES OF 4 FT., 8^2 IN. GAUGE OR WIDER, - - 101 CHAPTER X. PLATES AND TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITY OF NARROW GAUGE LOCOMOTIVES, 173 INDEX, 195 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. CHAPTER I. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS were founded by Thomas Rogers, who was born March i6th, 1792, in the town of Groton in New London County, Connecticut. He died in New York City, April igth, 1856. He served in the war of 1812, and was a lineal descendant of Thomas Rogers, one of the Pilgrim Fathers, who came over to this country from England in the Mayflower. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a house carpenter, and in the summer of 1812 he removed to Paterson, N. J., then a small village which at that time was very prosperous on account of the demand for American manufactures brought about by the war with Great Britain. Many of the manufacturers were reduced to bankruptcy on conclusion of peace, in 1815. At this time he was employed as a journeyman carpenter, and was noted for his constant application to business, good judgment, and force of character. A few years afterward, Captain Ward, who had been travelling in Europe, where he had seen the power-loom in operation, came to Paterson for the purpose of introducing the manufacture of cotton duck. Mr. Rogers was employed to make the patterns for these looms. He very soon understood their construction and recognized their value and bought from Captain Ward the patent right for making them. In 1819, he associated himself with John Clark, Jr., under the firm name of Clark & Rogers. They commenced work in the basement story of the Beaver Mill, a building which at an early day had been put up by Mr. Clark's father. Shortly after- wards, Mr. Rogers visited Mexico, where he received large orders for looms, etc. In 1820 the firm moved into the little Beaver Mill, and in the following year took into partnership Abraham Godwin, Jr., and the firm name was then changed to Godwin, Rogers & Co. They then commenced spinning cotton and building machinery for that and other purposes. In 1822, finding their accommodations too limited, they leased Collett's Mill and moved into it. Their business continued to increase, the number of persons employed being sometimes as high as 200. The establishment continued to prosper until the sum- mer of 1831. In the latter part of June of that year Mr. Rogers withdrew, and took with him $38,000 as his share of the profits of the firm. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. He then took a mill-site on the upper raceway in Paterson, and immediately commenced the erection of the " Jefferson Works," which were ^finished and put in operation before the close of the following year. The location and building of the " Jefferson Works " was literally an encroachment on the forest. On the upper race no factories had been put up, except two little cotton mills and a small machine shop, the latter owned by Messrs. Paul & Beggs. Between Spruce and Mill streets, all was swamp covered with pines. It was the intention of Mr. Rogers to devote the lower stories of the "Jefferson Works " to building machinery, and the upper stories to spinning cotton. The latter was, however, never commenced, as the demand for machinery increased so fast that the whole of the new building was devoted to that branch of the business. In the early part of 1832, he associated with himself Messrs. Morris Ketchum and Jasper Grosvenor, of New York, the name of the firm being Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor. In that year the railroad from Jersey City to Paterson was approaching completion, and the iron work for the bridges over the Passaic and Hackensack rivers had been made by Mr. Rogers. An order was also executed for one hundred sets of wheels and axles for the South Carolina railroad, of which Mr. Horatio Allen was then chief engineer. A short time before Mr. Allen had visited England to get information about the use of locomotives on railroads, and at the time he ordered the work for the South Carolina Railroad he recommended Mr. Rogers to undertake the construction of locomotives. In the following letter, written more than fifty years after the event, Mr. Allen describes his interview with Mr. Rogers : SOUTH ORANGE, N. J., Dec. 31, 1884. Dear Sir : "The earliest railroad work in this country was done by the West Point Foundry Association to which was entrusted the order for railroad wheels for the South Carolina Company, and other work for that Company. " Knowing that the Era that had opened would require works specially appropriate to the construction of the rolling stock up to the locomotives, I obtained authority in the spring of 1830 from the South Carolina Railroad Company to seek the works which in position, instrumentalities, and preparedness, were in condition to undertake and were willing to undertake what was wanted. "The result of inquiries to the end in view led me to call on Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, a firm then engaged in the manufacture of machinery for cotton and woolen mills, whose works were at Paterson, N. J. "At these works I called and asked an interview with Mr. Rogers, the partner having charge of all the mechanical operations of the firm. It was without any letter of introduction or any personal knowledge of each other. My subject was my introduction, and Mr. Rogers very soon led me to know that I had come to the right place and to the right man. " At the close of an hour's conversation Mr. Rogers expressed his readiness to enter the new field, and to undertake any orders that were entrusted to their firm. The future of ' The Rogers Locomotive Works ' was determined at that hour's conversation. "The personal and business relations which followed this interview, continued for many years, and were to me of the most satisfactory character." Yours truly, HORATIO AI.I.K.N. s i \ THE EARLY HISTORY OF RAILROADS IN THIS COUNTRY. 3 One of the accompanying engravings represent the works of Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, as they were in 1832, and the other shows them as they are in 1886. The following advertisement, which first appeared in the American Railroad Journal of June 8, 1833, will give an idea of the character of the business of the firm at that time KAILKOAD CAtt WHEELS ANI> BOXES, AND OTHEB, KAILROAD CASTINGS. 9Sf Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels complete, at the Jefferson Cotton and Wool Machine Factory and Foun- dry, Paterson, N. J. All orders addressed to the subscribers at Piiterson.or 60 Wall street, New- York, will be promptly at- tended to, Also, CAR SPRINGS. Js ROGERS, KET CHUM & GROSVENOR. This advertisement was continued regularly until December 24, 1836. CHAPTER II. THE EARLY HISTORY OF RAILROADS IN THIS COUN'TRY. IN 1833 railroads were already attracting a great deal of attention in this country. The opening of the Erie Canal for commercial purposes in 1826, and the consequent diversion of traffic from other seaboard cities to New York, led the people of Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Boston and Charleston to seek for means by which their lost trade could be recovered. Investigation and accurate surveys soon showed the impracticability of constructing canals from Baltimore to the Ohio River, or from Boston to the Hudson. In the meanwhile information concerning the successful use of steam power on the Stockton & Darlington Railroad in England, which was opened in 1825, had reached this country, and the public had received the reports of the celebrated experiments with locomotives which were made on the Liverpool & Manchester Railway in 1829. As Mr. Charles Francis Adams, Jr. has expressed it : * "America suffered from too few roads; England from too much traffic. Both were restlessly casting about for some form of relief. Accordingly all through the time during which Stephenson was fighting the battle of the Locomotive, America, as if in anticipation of his victory, was building rail- roads. . . . " The country, therefore, was not only ripe to accept the results of the Rainhill contest, but it was anticipating them with eager hope." After the experiments referred to had been made, full reports giving in detail their results, were published in this country, Committees of inquiry were sent to England * See Railroads : their Origin and Problems. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \VORKS. to get information and report on the railroads of that country, and a railroad mania began to pervade the land. The first railroad which was built in the United States was a short line of about three miles from the Quincy granite quarries to the Neponset river, * for the transporta- tion of granite for the Bunker Hill Monument. This was merely a tram road and was operated by horse power and stationary engines, and was built in 1826. As Mr. Adams says : ' Properly speaking, however, this was never or at least, never until the year 1871, a railroad at all. It was nothing but a specimen of what had been almost from time immemorial in common use in England, under the name of ' tramways. ' " A similar work was constructed at about the same time for the transportation of coal from the pits mouth to the Lehigh Valley Canal near Mauch Chunk, Pa. In the latter part of 1827 the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company put the Carbondale railroad under construction. This road extends from the head of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal at Honesdale, Pa., to the coal mines belonging to the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company at Carbondale, a distance of about sixteen miles. This line was opened, probably, in 1829, and was operated partly by stationary engines, and partly by horses. The line is noted chiefly for being the one on which a locomotive was first used in this country. This was the Stoiirbridge Lion (Fig. 2,) which was built in England under the direction of Mr. Fig. 2. Horatio Allen, who had been an assistant engineer on this line. "STOUKBRIDGE LlON," 1820. Ti . , . IT . It was tried at Honesdale, Pa., in August 1829. According to Poor's Railroad Manual for 1876 and 1877: "It was not until 1828, that the construction of a railroad was undertaken for the transportation both of freight and passengers on anything like a comprehensive scale. The construction of the Erie Canal had cut off the trade which Philadelphia and Baltimore had hitherto received from the West; anil as the project of a canal from the city of Baltimore to the Ohio was regarded by many as impracticable, the merchants of that city, in 1827, procured the charter of the present Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. On the 4th of July, 1828, the construction of the railroad was begun, the first act being performed by the venerable Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, the only then surviving signer of the Declara- tion of Independence. At the close of the ceremony of breaking ground, Mr. Carroll said : " I consider this among the most important acts of my life, second only to that of signing the Declaration of Independence, if even second to that." * It has recently been stated that as early as 1809 an experimental railroad track, 180 feet in length, was laid in Delaware County, Pa., and that in the same year a road about a mile long was constructed from stone quarries on Crum Creek to a " landing" on Ridley Creek in the same county and state. The evidence upon which this statement is based has not been made public. THE EARLY HISTORY OF RAILROADS IN THIS COUNTRY. 5 " In the fall of 1829, the laying of the rails within the City of Baltimore was begun. On the 22(1 of May, 1830, the first section of fifteen miles, to Ellicott's Mills, was opened. "The next important railroad was the South Carolina,* begun in 1830, and opened for traffic in 1833 for its whole length (135 miles). At that time, it was the longest continuous line of railroad in the world. The construction of the Mohawk &: Hudson Railroad, now a part of the New York Central, was begun in 1830. It was opened (17 miles) in 1831. The Saratoga & Schenectady Railroad (21^4 miles), was opened in the following year; the Paterson & Hudson River Railroad was chartered in January, 1831, construction on it was commenced in 1832, and it was opened in 1834; the Cayuga & Susquehanna (34 miles), connecting the " Susquehanna River with the Cayuga Lake, was opened in 1834 ; and the Rensselaer & Saratoga (25 miles) in 1835. In New Jersey, that portion of the Camden & Amboy, extending from Bordentown to Hightstown, (14 miles) was opened on the 22d of December, 1830; and between Hightstown and South Amboy (47^2 miles) in 1834. In Pennsylvania a considerable extent of line for the transportation of coal had been constructed previous to 1835. In 1834 the Philadelphia & Columbia (82 miles) and the Portage Railroad (36 miles), both forming a part of the system of public works undertaken by the State of Pennsylvania, were opened. The completion of these gave that State a continuous line, made up of canal and railroad, from Philadelphia to the Ohio River at Pittsburgh. The total mileage of railroad constructed in the State of New York up to, and including, 1835, was 265 miles, or more than one-quarter of the whole extent of line then in use in the United States. In 1833 the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was extended as far west as Harper's Ferry (81 miles). In the same year the Washington branch (30 miles) was also completed. In Massachusetts, in 1835, the Boston & Worcester Railroad (44 miles); the Boston & Providence (41 miles), and the Boston & Lowell (26 miles) were all opened for business. The total mileage in operation in all the States at the close of that year was 1,098 miles." The preceding sketch of the early history of railroads, in this country, is given to show the extent of railroad construction at the time that Mr. Rogers determined to undertake the manufacture of locomotives. * The original charter of the South Carolina Railroad was granted Dec. 19, 1827. This was not satis- factory to some of the citizens of Charleston, and a new bill was reported to the legislature on Ihe 22d of January, 1828 and passed on the 291!) of the same month. The stockholders organized as a company on the I2th of May, 1828. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. CHAPTER III. THE EARLY HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVES IN THIS COUNTRY. IN the latter part of the year 1827, the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company decided to have built in England three locomotives, for their line of railroad from Honesdale to Carbondale. This action was taken on the report of the Chief Engineer of the road, Mr. John B. Jervis, and Mr. Horatio Allen, who had been an engineer on the line, went to England and was authorized to have the engines built on plans to be decided by him while there. He arrived in England in 1828, and ordered one engine from Foster Rastrick & Co., of Stourbridge. This was the Stourbridge Lion, (Fig. 2.). Two other engines were ordered from Stephenson & Co., of Newcastle. In a pamphlet with the title "The Railroad Era," written by Mr. Allen in 1884, he says : " The two locomotives from Stephenson that were in New York early in the year 1829, and therefore prior to the trial of the locomotive " Rocket " in October of that year, were identical in boiler, engines, plan and appurtenances with the " Rocket" (Fig. 3.); and if one of the two engines in hand ready to be sent had been the one used on August 9th 1829, the performance of the " Rocket " in England would have been anticipated in this country." " The three locomotives were received in New York in the winter of 1828 and 1829. One of each kind was set up, with the wheels not in contact with the ground, and steam being raised, every opera- tion of the locomotive was fully presented except that of onward motion." Fig. 3. None of these engines were sent to the road for which they were intended, until the following spring. The Stourbridge Lion, so far as is known, was the only one which was ever placed on the road. It was not tried until August gth 1829, and was then run by Horatio Allen, who has the honor of being the first person who ever ran a locomotive in America. This engine, it was said, was too heavy for the road, and was used only a short time. It is a singular fact that it is not now (1886) known what became of the two engines, built by Stephenson & Co., and which were in every essential similar to the celebrated " Rocket." THE EARLY HISTORY OF RAILROADS IN THIS COUNTRY. 7 In August 1830, Peter Cooper tried his "model of experimental locomotive engine," (represented by Fig. 4.) on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. This engine had but one working cylinder of 3^ in. diameter, and 14^ in. stroke of piston. The engine was tried on August 28th, 1830. In the same year the South Carolina Railroad Company contracted with Mr. E. L. Miller, to build a locomotive, which was named the Best Friend, for the South Carolina Railroad Company. This engine, (shown by n Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 5.), was put into service in November 1830, and was the first locomotive ever built in America for actual service upon a railroad. A locomotive called " The South Carolina," (Fig. 6.), designed by Horatio Allen, was built for the South Carolina Railroad by the West Point Foundry Association, in the year 1831. The boiler had its fire-box in the middle, with a pair of barrels (four in all) extending each way, with a chimney at each end. The engine had eight wheels, Fig. e. arranged in two trucks, one pair of driving wheels, and one pair of leading wheels forming a truck. Each truck had one cylinder which was in the middle of the engine and attached to the smoke-box. The driving axle had a crank in the middle to which the connecting rod was attached by a ball-joint. The trucks were connected to the engine by king-bolts in the usual way. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \\ORKS. The " De Witt Clinton," (Fig. 7.) was the third locomotive built by the West Point Foundry Association. It was made for the Mohawk & Hudson Railroad, and was ordered by John B. Jervis, Esq. The first excursion trip with passengers, drawn by the De Witt Clinton, was made from Albany to Schenectady, August gth, 1831. On January 4th 1831, the Baltimore Ohio Railroad offered the sum of $4,000 "for the most approved Engine which shall be delivered for trial upon the road on or before the ist of June 1831 and $3,500 for the Engine which shall be adjudged the next best." Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Three or four locomotives, amongst them one with a rotary engine, built by Mr. Childs of Philadelphia, entered into the competition during the summer of 1831. The only one of them, named the "York," which proved equal to the moderate performance required of them, was the one built by Messrs. Davis & Gartner, two machinists of York, Pa. The engine had a vertical boiler and vertical cylinder; with four coupled wheels 30 inches in diameter. It was altered considerably after being placed on the road. The Atlantic was afterwards built by the same firm, and was the first of what were afterwards known as the grasshopper engines, (Fig. 8,) which were used for many years on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Fig. 9. In August 1831, the locomotive, John Bull, (Fig. 9.) built by George & Robert Stephenson & Co., of Newcastle upon Tyne, was received in Philadelphia for the Camden & Amboy Railroad &: Transportation Company. This is the old engine which was exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876. In the winter of 1831 or 1832, three locomotives built by the same firm in England were received and were put to work on the Newcastle & Frcnchtown Railroad in Delaware. THE EARLY HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVES IN THIS COUNTRY. The third edition of Wood's Treatise on Railways, published in 1838, contains a tabular statement which gives the names and dimensions of engines built by R. Stephen- son & Co., Newcastle upon Tyne, and the names of the railways for which they were built. This table contains the names of the following locomotives for American roads : Delaware, for Newcastle & Frenchtown Railroad. Maryland, " " Pennsylvania, " " No. 42, for Saratoga & Schenectady Railroad. H. and Mohawk, for Mohawk & Hudson Railroad. Stevens, for New York. No. 52, for United States. Edgefield, for Charleston & Columbia Railroad. Brother Jonathan, for Mohawk &: Hudson Railroad. No. 61, for Saratoga & Schenectady Railroad. Charleston & Columbia " No. 75, Win. Aikin, No. 99, No. 104, No. 105, No. 106, Pennsylvania Columbia No dates are given in the table, but all of these sixteen engines must have been built before 1838. Most of them were probably of what was known as the " Planet" class shown by Fig. 10., which is the form of engine, that succeeded the " Rocket," and the only one which the Stephensons built for some years after its adoption. These locomotives which were im- ported from England, doubtless, to a very con- siderable extent, furnished the types and patterns from which the engines which were afterwards built here, were fashioned. But American designs very soon began to depart from their British proto- types and a process of adaptation to the existing conditions of the railroads in this country followed, which afterwards " differentiated " the American locomotives more and more from those built in Great Britain. Until recently a marked feature of difference between American and English locomotives has been the use of the truck, under the former. Its use was proposed by Mr. Horatio Allen, in a report dated May 16, 1831, which he made to the South Carolina Canal & Railroad Company, of which he was then the chief engineer. The locomotive with two trucks, shown by Fig. 6., was built from his design in the latter part of 1831, and was put into operation on the South Carolina Railroad in the early part of 1832. In the latter part of the year 1831 the late John B. Jervis invented what he called " a new plan of frame, with a bearing carriage, for a locomotive engine, for the use of the Mohawk & Hudson Railroad, Fig. 10. IO THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. represented by Fig. n, which was constructed and put on the road in the season of 1832." A truck was also devised by Ross Winans and applied to a locomotive on the Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad (now the Northern Central) in the latter part of 1832. In a letter published in the American Railroad Journal -of July 27, 1833, Mr. Jervis describes the objects aimed at in the use of the truck as follows : " The leading objects I had in view, in the general arrangement of the plan of the engine, did not contemplate any improvement in the power over those heretofore constructed by Stephenson & Co.;* but to make an engine that would be better adapted to railroads of less strength than are common in England; that would travel with more ease to itself and to the rail on curved roads; that would be less effected by inequalities of the rail, than is attained by the arrangement in the most approved engines." Fig. I I. The effectiveness of the truck in accomplishing what it was intended for was sit once recognized, and its almost general adoption on American locomotives followed. In the year 1833, Judge Dickerson, then President of the Paterson & Hudson River Railroad, ordered a locomotive, which was called the " McNeill," from George Stephenson, which was to be as good as possible without regard to cost. It arrived, and was put in operation in the year 1834. The cylinders were 9 inches diameter by 18 inches stroke, and the engine had one pair of driving wheels five feet in diameter, which were behind the fire-box. The axle was cranked, and the cranks were close to the wheels ; there was room for the connecting rods to pass by the outside of the furnace. The front end was supported by a four-wheeled truck ; the fire-box and tubes were of copper. The engine continued in use many years, and was said to be very fast and \v;is finally sold to a western railroad, the business of the Paterson & Hudson River Rail- road, having grown beyond the engine's capacity. There may have been other English engines, of which there is no record, imported into this country about this time, but, as already stated, there is no doubt that to a very considerable extent the English engines were the models from which American designers received many suggestions ; but, as will be shown, they very soon began to depart from the original types, and the development of the locomotive here was quite distinct from that which it had in Europe. * The truck was applied by Mr. Jervis to an engine built by Stephenson & Co., of England, HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING. CHAPTER IV. HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING AT THE ROGERS LOCOMO- TIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. j~)REPARATION for locomotive building in Paterson had been made as early as [ 1833 by Messrs. Paul & Beggs, in their shop near that of Mr. Rogers. They had a small engine nearly completed when their building took fire and was consumed, and the locomotive destroyed. In 1835 some buildings were begun by Messrs. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, with a view to the manufacture of locomotives. The following notice and advertise- ment, which appeared in the American Railroad Journal of Dec. 24, 1836, will give an idea of- the character of the business of the firm at that time : AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVES. " By the following advertisement we learn and it affords us pleasure to call to it the attention of our readers interested in railroads that Messrs. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor, of Paterson, New Jersey, have added to their extensive machine shops one for Locomotive Engines. " We have more than once enjoyed the pleasure of a visit to their works, where we found ample evidence of the truth of a remark often made by us, that ' to whatever branch of manufacture our countrymen turn their attention they are sure to excel,' and so, we doubt not, it will be in this new branch of business undertaken by this enterprising house, and we hope soon to learn that their skill in this branch has been as successful as in others. " In a few years we shall not see an imported Locomotive on an American Railroad." The following is the advertisement referred to : MACHINE WORKS OP KOGERS, KETCHUM AND GROSVENOR, Paterson, New- Jersey. The undersigned receive orders for the fol- lowing articles, mamilactured by them, of the most superior description in every particular. Their works being extensive, and the number of handg employed being large, they are enabled to execute both large and small orders with promptness and despatch. RAILROAD WORK. Locomotive Steam-Engines and Tenders ; Driv- ing and other Locomotive Wheels, Axles, Springs and Flange Tiros ; Car Wheels of cast iron, from a va- riety of patterns, and Chills ; Car Wheels of cast iron, with wrought Tires; Axles of best American refined iron ; Springs ; Boxes and Bolts for Cars. COTTON WOOL AND FLAX MACHINERY, Of all descriptions and of the most improved Pat- terns, Style and Workmanship. Mill Geering and Millwright work generally; Hy- draulic and other Presses; Press Screws; Callen- ders; Lathrs and Tools of all kinds, Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions. ROGERS, KETCHUM & GROSVENOR Paterson, New-Jersey, or 60 Wall street, N. Y. 51 tf 12 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. The first locomotive, the Sandusky, Fig. 12, which the firm built, was not completed until 1837. It was intended for the New Jersey Railroad & Transportation Company. The engine was 4 ft. 10 in. gauge, the same as that of the line for which it was built. It had cylinders n in. diameter by 16 in. stroke, with one pair of driving wheels of 4 ft. 6 in. diameter, which were placed in front of the fire-box. The engine had a truck in front with four 30 in. wheels. The cylinders were inside the frames and were connected to a crank axle of the form shown in Fig. 13. The eccentrics were out side of the frame, and the eccentric rods extended back to rocking shafts which were located under the foot- board. The smoke pipe was of the g ' I2< bonnet kind, and had a deflecting cone in its centre. The edges of the cone were curled over so as to deflect the sparks downward, and thus prevent their passing through the wire bonnet, as well as preventing the bonnets from wearing out too fast. The driving wheels of the engine were made of cast iron, with hollow spokes and rim, which at the time was a re- markable novelty. The section of the spokes was of an oval form and 1 P^l I tne r ' m ^ ver y much the same shape as that which is in common use at the present time. This kind of driving wheel has since come into g> almost universal use in this country. Another important improvement adopted by Mr. Rogers in the construction of this engine, was the counterbalancing the weight of the crank, connecting rods and piston. For this he filed a specification in the Patent Office, dated July 12, 1837. It is described as follows in the specification : "The nature of my improvement consists in providing the section of the wheel opposite to the crank with sufficient weight to counterbalance the crank and connecting-rods, making the resistance of the engine less in Stirling, and in running; also, preventing the irregularity of motion caused hy that side of the wheels when the cranks are placed in the usual mode of fitting them up. The irregular motion which arises from not having the cranks and connecting-rods balanced, is attended with much injury to the engine, and to the road, and with much loss of power.'* In order to counterbalance the weight of the parts referred to, the rim of the wheel opposite the crank was cast solid, while the other part of it was made hollow. The importance of counterbalancing was not recognized until several years after it had been introduced by Mr. Rogers, and, when attention was drawn to it, many doubted the necessity of balancing anything more than the cranks. THE HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING. 13 The trial trip of the Sandusky was made from Paterson to Jersey City and New Brunswick and back on the 6th of October, 1837, Mr. Timothy Smith acting as engi- neer. The performance of the engine was entirely satisfactory; the gauge of the road was 4 ft. 10 in., the same as that of the New Jersey Railroad & Transportation Com- pany, for which road the engine was intended. It was, however, bought for the Mad River & Lake Erie Railroad by its President, Mr. J. H. James, of Urbana, Ohio, and on the 1 4th, it was shipped via Canal and Lake, in charge of Mr. Thomas Hogg, in the* schooner " Sandusky." Mr. Hogg had worked upon it from the commencement. It arrived at Sandusky, Nov. 17, 1837, at which time not a foot of track had been laid. The road was built to suit the gauge of the engine, and the Legislature of Ohio passed an Act requiring all roads built in that State to be of 4 ft. 10 in. gauge, the same as the engine Sandusky. The engine was used in the construction of the road until the nth of April, 1838, when regular trips for the conveyance of passengers commenced between Belleview and Sandusky, a distance of 16 miles. The engineer was Thomas Hogg, who ran the engine for three years, keeping it in repair. It continued in service many years, until engines of larger size were required to do the work. The second locomotive built by Mr. Rogers was called the " Arresseoh No. 2." It was completed in February 1838 for the New Jersey Railroad & Transportation Company. It was similar in design to the " Sandusky." The third engine was named the " Clinton " and was built for the Lockport & Niagara Falls Railroad Company, and was delivered to it in April 1838. It differed from the first engines in having cylinders which were 10 in. in diameter and 18 in. stroke and the gauge was 4 ft. 8^4 i"- Both the driving and the truck wheels of this engine had hollow oval spokes and hollow rims with wrought iron tires. This engine \vas run by Wm. E. Cooper until November 1843, when it was sold to the Toledo & Adrian Railroad for $6,500, the original cost. It was said by Mr. Cooper that when the engine was sold it was considered to be one of the best working engines in existence. An engine called the "Experiment," was the next, or the fourth locomotive turned out. It was made for the South Carolina Railroad, and was delivered in June 1838. This engine differed from those previously built at these works, in having a smaller cylinder and longer stroke than usual. The Sandusky was the type of the first four locomotives built by Messrs. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor. In many respects they all resembled the Stephenson engines. They had inside cylinders and a crank-axle but differed from English locomotives chiefly in having a truck instead of a pair of leading wheels. The driving axles were in front of the fire-boxes, with the result that the overhang of the latter behind the axle brought an undue proportion of the weight of the engine on these axles. To remedy the evil of an excessive amount of weight on the driving axle the THE ROC.KKS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Fig. 14. latter was placed behind the fire-box in the fifth engine, called the " Batavia," Fig. 14, built at these works. When this was done, however, there was too little load on the driving wheels, and an arrangement was provided for transferring part of the weight of the tender to them. The Batavia was built for the Tonawancla Railroad, and was completed in 1838. The shape of the furnace, in plan, was semi-circular at the rear part, and it had a hemispherical top sur- mounted with a dome. This form of fire-box was used as late as 1857. In his early engines, besides using inside cylinders Mr. Rogers also followed the plan which is still used in England, viz : putting the cranks for parallel or coupling rods opposite to the main cranks. He soon found that this arrangement, while it had some advantages, such as requiring less counterbalance, caused the journals of the driving axles to wear oval ; he therefore adopted the plan of putting the cranks for both main and outside rods on the same side of the centre of the axle. The "state of the art" of locomotive building in this country in its infancy is graphically described in the following articles, which appeared in the American Railroad Journal and Mechanic's Magazine of Dec. 15, 1839. In one of these the editor said : " A few days ago, in company with one of the proprietors, we had the pleasure of a visit to, and inspection of the very extensive works of Messrs. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvcnor, at Paterson, New Jersey, for the construction of various kinds of machinery. Our attention was, of course, principally directed to the shops for the construction of locomotives, the main building of which is 200 feet long and three stories high, and another of equal length containing near 50 forges, most of which were in operation, notwithstanding the pressure of the times. " We saw a number of engines in different states of forwardness, and though the general forms are those of 6-wheeled American Engines in general, we were not a little gratified with several minor arrangements, new to us at least, which have been introduced by Mr. Rogers, and to which we shall briefly refer. " The wire gauze of the smoke pipe is protected by an inverted cone, placed in the axis of the pipe, a few inches below the wire gauze. The base of the cone is curled over so as to scatter the sparks over a large portion of the surface of the wire cloth, and to prevent the top of the spark-catcher from being burnt out before the rest of the wire cloth is materially injured; it also tends to throw the larger sparks down between the pipe and the casing, and will do something towards diminishing this standing reproach. " The truck frames, whether of wood or iron, were admirably stiffened by diagonal braces, and where the crank axle is used, the large frame is very strongly plated in the manner of Stephenson's engines, the neglect of which till very lately has been, we are informed, a constant objection to the Philadelphia engines on the Long Island and Troy railroads. " The wheels are of cast iron, with wrought iron tires ; the spokes are round, and they, as well as the rims, are hollow, except where the crank axle is used, when the rims are cast solid on one side so as to counterbalance the cranks. "Our readers will probably remember an article on this subject in the Journal, Nos. 7 and S, page 244 of the present volume, on " side motion or rocking,' 1 by G. Heaton, where its success on the Birmingham railroad has been complete. THE HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING. 15 " Mr. Rogers balanced his first engine wheels two and a half years since, and entered a specifi- cation, not with the intention of taking out a patent, but to prevent anyone else from doing so ; and thus deprive the community of the benefit which Mr. Rogers was desirious of conferring, and which we understand other makers are now availing themselves of. Tha advantages are fully explained in the article referred to. " When the crank axle is used, the eccentric rods and the cranks of the rockshafts are placed on the outside, where they are easily got at, and where they are not crowded into the smallest possible space, as with the ordinary arrangement. For this, also, a specification was entered with the same object as in the preceding case. " But we were most pleased with the arrangement of levers to which the eccentric rods are fastened, and thus the reversing depends on no contingency, for the rods are forced in and out of gear; a single handle only is required to manage the engine much more rapidly and efficiently than by the ordinary mode. The boilers are 8 ft. long for an 8-ton engine, and with 120 flues, the usual length of the former being, we believe, 7 ft., and the number of the latter about 80 or 90; by this deviation the area of heating surface is increased, and the heat remains longer in contact with the flues, while the addition to the weight is very trifling compared with the advantages derived from the saving of fuel. ' Mr. Baldwin, of Philadelphia, took out a patent some time since for a very ingenious mode of saving half the crank, by inserting the wrists into one of the spokes of the driving wheels, and this has been very closely imitated by making one complete crank, and by letting one-half of it into a spoke which is cast larger than the others, with a receptacle for the purpose. This latter plan has been adopted by Mr. Rogers and others in this neighborhood, whilst the Boston machinists aim at bringing the two cranks as near together as possible. The relative merits of straight and cranked axles are so well pointed out in Mr. Wood's papers on locomotives in these numbers, that we shall merely beg leave to state that the plan of Mr. Baldwin and its imitation, appear to us to combine the liability to fracture of the crank axle with the loss of heat, the exposure to accident, and the racking of frame and road ascribed to the straight axle ; for the only difference is the thickness of the spoke, the loss of heat is the same in both, the protection Against any serious accident is too trifling to be considered, whilst, with the cranks as close together as possible, the cylinders are completely protected. "We offer these remarks as our views merely, and with all due deference to the superior skill of Messrs. Baldwin and Rogers. Mr. Rogers, in common with all other experienced machinists with whom we have conversed, is decidedly opposed to any increase of width of track beyond 5 ft., with the present weight of engine. " As regards the power of the engines, they are able to slip the wheels when the rails are in the best state : this they do in common with all good American or English engines, consequently any accounts of extraordinary performance would be worse than superfluous, when we know that they will do all that any other engine whatever, with the same weight on the driving wheels, possibly can do. " As a last remark, we would observe, that there is more finish on the engines of Messrs. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor than we are in the habit of seeing; some parts usually painted black being highly polished. On the whole we consider their new establishment eminently calculated to add to the reputa- tion of American Locomotives, as it has for many years largely contributed to the character of American machinery for the manufacture of cotton and other objects." AN EXTRAORDINARY FP^AT. In the same number of the same journal, is the following letter which still further elucidated the subject : "GENTLEMEN ; As you seem to take a deep interest in the success of American locomotives, I will give you a statement for your gratification, in relation to a performance on the New Jersey Rail- road a few days since. "Owing to some circumstanoes, of which I am not informed, it became necessary for a locomotive on the way from Jersey City to New Brunswick, to take, in addition to its own load, the cars attached to another engine, which made the number equal to 24 loaded four-wheeled cars, and with as much apparent ease as could be desired, notwithstanding the grade for four miles is equal to 26 ft. per mile, stopping on the grade to take in passengers, and starting again with the greatest ease. The average 16 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \\ORKS. speed on the grade was 24^ miles per hour. This may not be in your estimation anything extra- ordinary, yet I consider it a performance worth recording, by way of contrast with the greatest and most extraordinary performance of a locomotive ever heard of in these days, which occurred on the Liverpool & Manchester Railroad in 1829, only ten years ago. Twenty tons on a level road at the rale of ten miles per hour, was then considered wonderful! Astonishing! Even in a country famed for its extraordinary discoveries; yet here, only ten years after, we see an engine built in this country too, taking a load probably equal, cars and tender included, to 120 or iSo tons at the rate of 24^2 miles per hour, up a grade of 26 ft. per mile. This engine was built, I understand, at 1'aterson, New Jersey, by Messrs. Rogers, Ketchum it drosvenor, a concern not yet so well known to this railroad community as manufacturers of locomotives as they ought to be, or as they soon will be, if they continue to turn out such machines as the one above alluded to. ''If such have been the improvements in the past, what may they not be, permit me to ask, in the next ten years ? " Pardon me for thus troubling you, but my aim is rather to call attention to the rapid march ot improvement in this mode of communication, than to direct attention to any individual or company, although those gentlemen, in my opinion, deserve as manutacturers, much more than I have said of them. " Yours truly, NEWARK, N. J., December 14, 1839. "JKKSKV IJi.rii." Soon after he commenced building locomotives Mr. Rogers became convinced that inside connected engines, with crank axles, were inferior in many respects to outside connected ones, besides being more expensive to build and to keep in repair; he also became satisfied that in the matter of steadiness, the inside-connected had no advantage over the outside-connected engine, and that, with proper counter-balancing, the latter could be run as fast as required without any injurious oscillation; and also, that it required more skill to properly counterbalance inside connected engines than outside ones. Therefore, he was an earnest advocate of this style of engine, and recommended outside-connected engines as better than inside-connected ones. Fig. 15 represents the " Stock bridge," built in 1842, with outside cylinders. In this engine the driving axle was placed in front of the fire-box and a pair of trailing wheels behind to carry the overhanging weight. The load on the driving wheels was ol course reduced by an amount equal to that carried by the trailing wheels, so that this type of engine was also deficient in adhesion and power. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. The next step which was made was to substitute a pair of driving wheels for the trailing wheels, and couple them with the main driving wheels. This form of engine, shown by Fig. 16, was patented in 1836 by Henry R. Campbell, of Philadelphia, and THE HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING. was adopted by Mr. Rogers in 1844. This plan has since been so generally adopted in this country that it is now known as the " American" type. Fig. 17 represents an engine of this kind built at the Rogers Works in 1844. It had four coupled driving wheels and outside cylinders, the eccentrics were on the back axle, the pumps were full stroke, worked from the cross-heads. It had springs over the back axle bearings, and also in the centre of the levers which extended from the driving axle to the centre of the truck on each side of the engine. The truck was pivoted and turned upon a centre pin fixed to Fig. 17. Fig. 18. the boiler; the arrangement did not give satisfaction, and was altered after a short trial. This engine was remarkable from the fact that it is the first example of the use of an equalizing beam between the driving wheels and truck. The engine shown by Fig. 18 was built in 1845, and had equalizing levers between the driving wheel springs; the truck had side bearings and springs over the sides of truck ; the pumps had short stroke and were worked from the cross-head as shown. Fig. 19. Fig. 19 shows an engine built in 1846 with the driving wheels spread well apart. It had V hooks and independent cut-off on the back of the main valves; this was a favorite kind of engine for many years. In 1848 Mr. Rogers was requested to furnish some engines with six coupled wheels for the Savanilla Railroad in Cuba. He then designed and built the first ten wheeled engines ever made at the Rogers Works. There is no drawing of these engines extant. They had, however, outside cylinders 15^ in. diameter by 20 in. stroke. The 1 8' THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. ten-wheeled engines, which had been built previous to this time, had inside cylinders and crank axles. The connecting rods of the engines for the Savanilla Railroad were made to take hold of the outside journal of the main crank pin, which at that time was a new departure. Fig. 20 represents a plan of ten-wheeled engine, with half-crank keyed on the driving wheel, same as Baldwin's plan. This pattern of engine was built in 1848 after those for the Savanilla Railroad. The engine had 6utside bearings and equalizing lev- ers between the spring's ; it also had cranks on the axles outside the frames to which the coupling rods Fig. 2O. were attached. A number of engines on this plan, with cylinders 17X22, was built for the New York & Erie Railroad. They all had independent cut-off valves. Fig. 21 represents an inside cylinder engine with full crank; the steam chests were inclined sidewise, so that the valves could be readily got at. This was one of the improvements introduced by Thomas Rogers. The engine had V hooks and independent cut-off valves, and was built for the Paterson & Hud- son River Railroad. On the style of engine shown by Fig. 22, the shifting link motion was intro- duced. Thomas Rogers was one of Fig. 21. its earliest advocates, and did more towards its successful introduction on American locomotives than any other person. He was not only an early, but an earnest advocate of it, at a time when it was condemned by some of the most promi- nent engineers in the coun- try. Time has amply proved all that he claimed for it, which was that it is the Fig. 22. most simple and efficient form of valve gear that has ever been devised. THE HISTORY OF LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING. Fig. 23 represents a style of passenger engine which was first built in 1852. It had 15X22 in. cylinder driving wheels 5 ft. in diameter. It had what may be called Fig. 23. supplementary outside frames, which carried the running board, cab, &c. It had shifting links, hung from below, and the truck axles had both inside and outside bearings. The form of engine represented by Fig. 24, was first built in 1853, and was for a Fig. 24. long time very popular. Many railroads in the country were equipped with them. The cylinders were 16x22 in. and the driving wheels 5 ft. diameter, although the size of the latter was varied somewhat in different engines. Fig. 25. Fig. 25 represents a six-wheeled coupled engine built in 1854. The following report of its performance was published in the American Railway Times in 1859 : 20 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. "The engine ' Vulcan,' of the Buffalo , B, shown in Fig. 69, has the two projections/, c 1 ', attached to it, and that the projections , b 1 . It is obvious then, that when the shafts S, S', are rocked, that the arms a, a 1 will rise, and b, b 1 will fall simulta- neously, and vice versa, and that the grate bars connected to these arms will have a Fig. 71. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 35 corresponding movement. As the alternate bars which compose the grate are connected to the arms on the right side of the shafts, S, S, and the bars between them are connected to the arms on the left side of the shafts, it is plain that the working of these shafts has the effect of giving a limited upward and downward movement to the bars in which each bar ascends as the next one on either side of it descends, and vice versa. This movement has / the effect of breaking up the clinkers or other foreign or residuary matter that may collect upon the grate and which tends to choke the draft between the bars, and to cause such matter to work down between the bars into the ash pan, and also serves to evenly dis- tribute the fuel over the grate. The working of the shafts S, S', is effected by means of the lever L which is connected by a bar F, to vertical arms /, f, attached to the under side of the shafts. The grate is also provided with a drop door. Fig. 72. Fig. 73. Figs. 72 and 73 represent what is called a " finger" grate, which consists of cast iron shafts, with projections or fingers on each side. These shafts rest in journals /, /, /, and are rocked by a lever (not shown in the engraving) and bar B, the latter connected to vertical arms K, K, K, attached to the shafts. It is obvious that as the shafts are rocked the fingers on one side rise, and those on the opposite side fall, and that the effect will be to THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Fig. 74. Fig. 75. thoroughly shake up the fire. Figs. 74 and 75 represent another form of finger grate. Both the forms illustrated were first used in 1860. Figs. 76 to 89 represent various forms of "rocking" grates as they are called. These have transverse grate bars with journal bearings at each end, similar to those of -f-H Q Q f B 1 f P \ \~l ] T" B 1 f 1) \ I B \ j f- O _ O _ . O Fig. 76. Fig. 77. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 37 Fig. 78. r n n n n n n ri rfn D o o_ o o_ _ o o o o o o o o ,^c o O O ri o o j O o o o o o c ~c o~ o o o o o o O C o o o o o u o o o o" u o P 0% II r o o o o 00 11 a 00 1 So 11 o o 00 00 ! - 1Q TT TT TT _[_ 13 ' Mr TT,J Fig. 79. the finger grates. The bars are rocked on these journals, which has an effect similar to that of the finger grate in stirring up the fire. The construction and action of these grates will be obvious from the engravings. Fig. 80. Fig. 81. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Fig. 82. oo o oo ooooo ooo oo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooo ooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooo o o ooooo Fig. 83. For burning anthracite coal the water tube grate is almost universally used. The form used on the Philadelphia &: Reading railroad is shown in Figs. 30 and 31. The Fig. 84. Fig. 85. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 39 Fig. 87. tubes are put in as shown in Fig. 31. Solid bars B, B, are substituted for every fourth tube. These bars pass through thimbles T, Fig. 30, in the back end of the fire-box, and can be drawn out through this thimble to clean or remove the fire. GL mm Fig. 88. -^ j~ =ri t^ 1 h- p |-^_ (^ 3 h= TT^ 2^ i!S T~ O O O o o o o o o o o o r Tr o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o **, Fig. 89 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Figs. 90, 91, and 92 represent a water grate recently introduced to burn bituminous coal. a* o o o o EjQ O O O asru o o o o o Eu! sat O O O O OOOOOC )OOOOO O O O O BEL o o o o o ~~ _ >"l .>i oocooooooooo oooooooooooo 'J : T F L_ o 5 O S O O O o o o A* t Fig. 91. Fig. 90. Fig. 92. SMOKE POXES. As early as 1859 some engines were built at the Rogers AVorks for the New Jersey Railroad & Transportation Company with a form of extended smoke-box, shown in Figs. 93 and 94. A deflecting plate A was used in front of the top rows of tubes. In the same year the form of plate shown in Figs. 95 and 96, which had an adjustable piece B on its lower edge, was used on engines, both with and without the extended smoke-box. In 1862 the telescopic or adjustable petticoat pipe shown in Fig. 97 was applied to engines for the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad. Figs. 98 and 99 show the extended smoke-box ns recently applied to passenger engines. A, B, is a deflecting plate in front of the tubes, and C, C, C, is wire netting of number 13 wire, and 2-i meshes to an inch. The exhaust nozzels F, F, it will be seen, are carried up above the horizontal centre line of the boiler. A receptacle D, for sparks, is attached to the under side of the smoke-box and has a sliding door E, for emptying the sparks and cinders which accumulate in the front end. The extended smoke-box, when it was first introduced, met with little favor, but in recent years it has been extensively used. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Fig. 93- Fig. 94. Fig, 95. Fig. 96. Fig. 97. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Fig. 99. FEED WATER HEATER. In 1859 Mr. Hudson designed a feed water heater, which is represented by Fig. 100, which he applied to a number of engines for the Southern Railroad of Chili, S. A. It consisted of a cylinder C, filled with small tubes F. At the end of the cylinder there was a chamber A and another B at the opposite end, which was connected together by THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 43 100. the small tubes. The exhaust steam was admitted to A from the exhaust pipes by a pipe D, and passed through the small tubes to B. The condensed water ran out through the pipe Z, or it was conveyed to the ash pan. If not condensed, the steam passed through the pipe G to the chimney. The water from the pump entered the heater at JS, and escaped by the pipe F to the check valve. This heater was used for some time, but as has occurred in numberless experiments with feed water heaters, it was finally abandoned under the impression that its cost was greater than the saving it effected. Fig. 101. 44 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. INJECTORS. Injectors were first applied to locomotives at the Rogers Works in 1861. Fig. 101 shows the arrangement then used. Since that time they have been much improved and are almost universally used for feeding locomotive boilers. SAFETY VALVES. Figs. 102 to 108 represent different kinds of safety valves which have been used at various times, the construction of which is made sufficiently clear by the engravings, without other explanation. The dates when they were first used is given below each figure. Fig. I O2. 1869. Fig. IO7. Steam Chest Safety Valve, 1882. Fig. 104. 1872. Fig. IO5. 1875- Fig. 106. 1882. Fig. 108. 1883. SMOKE STACKS AND SPARK ARRESTERS. There is probably no part of a locomotive, unless it to be the valve gear, on which so much ingenuity has been exercised as on spark arresters. The very first engines built at the Rogers Works had some kind of bonnet or wire netting on the top of the chimney to "catch the sparks," and in the article on page 14 reprinted from the THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 45 American Railroad Journal, of December, 1839, it will be seen that at that time an inverted cone was placed on the " axis of the smoke-pipe to protect the wire gauze." Unfortunately there are no drawings extant of any of these early spark arresters. Figs. 109 to 137, however, give examples of later practice, and show different devices demanded by those who ordered locomotives of the Rogers Works. The date when they were first made and the fuel used is given under each of the figures. Fig. 109. Fig. I 10. Fig. III. 1854. Wood. 1854. Wood. 1854. Wood. Fig. 109 is what is called a bonnet stack, on account of the bonnet or hood of wire netting over the top. It was used for burning both wood and coal. Fig. no had a deflecting cone and netting in the form of a cylinder over it. Fig. 1 1 1 had a large deflecting cone with wire netting in conical form attached to the lower edge of the deflector. Fig. 112 had a cone with flat horizontal netting of annular form around it. Fig. I 1 2. 1856. Wood. Fig. I 13. 3. Wood and Coal. Ficr. I 14. 1860. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 113 is known as the diamond stack, from the form of the outline of its top. It had a deflecting cone, but no netting. Fig. 114 had a curious shaped deflecting cone and a cast iron guard at A, A, to protect the sheet iron of the outside casing from the action of the cinders. It also had an annular opening B B around the top, the supposition being that the air coming in 4 6 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. contact with the inclined surface C, C, would be deflected upwards through the opening 23, B, and thus create an induced upward current out of the chimney. Fig. 115 had a deflector with conical netting over it, which was open at the top. Fig. 116 was the same as Fig. 115, but of different form. Fig. 1 1 7 is a straight chimney with a cast iron grate at the top and a sliding damper at the base. Fig. I 15. 1862. Bituminous Coal. Fig. I 16. 1863. Wood. Fig. I 17. Fig. I 18. 1864. Anthracite Coal. 1866. Bitum, Coal. Fig. 118 had a deflector with netting over it, which was open in the middle. The opening was surrounded by a cylindrical shaped netting as shown. Fig. 119 was the same as Fig. no, but of different shape and proportions. Fie. 1 19. 1867. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 1 2O. 1869. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 121. 1869. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 122. 1870. Wood. Fig. 1 20 had a deflector with a very large casing or receptacle for sparks. In Fig. 121 the netting was placed horizontally over the deflector. Fig. 122 represents the celebrated Radley & Hunter stack, which was at one time very generally used for wood burning locomotives. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 47 Fig. 123 has a conical shaped netting over the deflector, with an opening in the centre surrounded by another netting of cylindrical shape. Fig. 124 has a deflector with a wire netting bonnet over it. Fig. 125 is similar to Fig. 124. Fig. 123. 1872. Wood and Coal. Fig. 124. 1872. Wood. Fig, 126. 1873. Coal. Fig. 126 has a deflector with a circular opening above it, and cylindrical guard around the edge made of perforated sheet iron or copper. Fig. 127 shows what is called a "straight" stack, and has no spark arresting attachments. Fig. 127. Fig. 128. 1879. Bitum. Coal. 1879. Bitum. Coal. Fig. 129. 1879. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 130 1881. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 128 represents the Fontaine stack. This has a deflector D, to which a shield S, S, is attached. Between the shield and the outer casing there is space for the passage of the products of combustion, which escape in the direction indicated by the darts. Fig. 129 has an outside case or receptacle for sparks which was unusually large. It had a deflector surmounted with an inverted cone of wire netting. This forms a guard for the opening at the top so that all the smoke must pass through the netting to escape into the open air. Fig. 130 shows a stack with a spark arrester patented by Wm. S. Hudson in 1877. 4 8 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. The reflector is formed of what Mr. Hudson described as " peculiarly curved screw blades," which are shown on plan in the engraving. " The gaseous products of combustion," the inventor says in his specification, " mingled with more or less small masses of coal in various conditions, are thrown violently upward through the cylindrical chimney, and, striking in the hollow interior of the dome-like set of wings, are thrown into a spiral motion without completely interrupting their upward motion. The solid matter is projected against the wire netting. A portion of the gaseous matter follows the same course, and another portion moves inward, and, passing freely upwards through the open space in the centre." (31. 1881. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 132. 1881. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 133. 1882. Bituminous Coal. Fig. 134. 1882. Bituminous Coal. 1882. Fig. 135. -Bitumin'sCoal. <\ 7 Fig. 131 is provided with a casting A, which forms what was called a stricture for some purpose not clearly understood. The usual deflector was suspended from a casting 2), B, with radial arms meeting in the centre. Fig. 132. This stack had a large receptacle for sparks, with a deflector placed at the top. The latter had a sheet iron guard around the edge, as shown in the engraving. The top of the stack was open ; no netting was used. Fig. 133 had a deflector with wire netting over it as shown. Fig. 134 was similar to Fig. 133, but of somewhat different proportions. It also had what was called a " stricture " or contraction of the opening at S. The effect of this was to concentrate the escaping current and cause the sparks to impinge directly against the deflector. Fig- J 35 represents what is called a "straight" N Fig. 136. 1882. Bitumin- uos Coal. stack without spark arrester of any kind. Fig. 137. 1882. Anthracite Coal. 479 THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 49 Fig. 136 illustrates a straight stack with a long inverted cone inside of it. This was made of perforated sheet iron, and was connected at the bottom to the exhaust pipe, so that they discharged inside of the cone and the smoke had to pass through the perforations in the inverted cone. The perforations were i X/ 2 - in. Fig. 137 shows a straight stack for anthracite coal. Fig. 138. Fig. 139. CHIMNEY DAMPERS. Figs. 138 and 139 represent a form of damper recently devised and patented in 1885 by Mr. H. A. Luttgens, who has been the chief draftsman in the Rogers Works for 28 years past. It is intended for the chimneys of coal burning engines. Its object is to diminish the effect of the exhaust by admitting air at the base of the chimney, and thus obviating the necessity for opening the fire door and admitting cold air into the fire-box. In constructing the damper the base of the chimney is made of the form shown in half section on the left side of Fig. 138, from which it will be seen that there are cavities A, through which air is admitted, as indicated by the darts. The outer openings of these cavities are shown by the dark shading and dotted lines in the plan, Fig. 139. On top of these openings is a circular valve or cover with openings corresponding to those in the base of the chimney. This valve by being turned a part of a revolution by means of the links , E, and lever C, C, which is connected with the cab by a rod Z>, will cover or uncover the openings leading to the cavities in the base of the chimneys, and thus air may be admitted to or shut off from the chimney at pleasure. 4 T. c o THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ENGINES. CYLINDERS. The first method of fastening outside cylinders was to bolt them to the smoke- box, which was made of sheet or plate iron. When the cylinders were steeply inclined, as shown in Fig. 17, page 17. This could be done without difficulty, but when they were placed lower down it was necessary to extend the smoke-box downward. The lower part was usually made rectangular in shape, as shown in Fig. 140, with a heavy wrought iron bar , J3, , riveted around the inside at the front end. The cylinders were Fig. 140. then bolted to the outside of the smoke-box and to the frames F, F, as shown in the engraving. This method of fastening was first used in 1844. Inside cylinders were attached to the smoke-box and frames as shown in Fig. 141. Fig. 141. The next step, which was taken in 1853, was to make the bottom B. B, Fig. 142, of the smoke-box of a heavy wrought-iron plate. This extended outward so as to rest on top of the frames F, F. The cylinders were then placed on top of the plate and bolted to it, and to the smoke-box and frames, as shown. A bar C, C, with T ends was also placed crosswise between the bar B, B, to keep it apart and stiffen the whole attachment. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Fig. 142. In 1865 the arrangement shown in Fig. 143 was adopted. The smoke-box in this case was substantially like that shown in Fig. 142, but a cast-iron bed E, E, was I 3 E ("Til rTT[ B r r 1 "7l (TTl Fig. 143. placed between the two frames F, F, and bolted to them by flanges. The smoke-box Fig. 144. was then placed on top of the bed plate and bolted to it. The cylinders were bolted to the bed plate frame and smoke box as shown. About the same time the plan represented in Fig. 144 was put in use. In this the smoke-box was made cylindrical and a heavy bed casting E, , with steam and exhaust THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. pipes cast in it, was bolted to it by suitable flanges. The cylinders were then attached to the frames and to this casting as shown. Fig. 145. In 1871, the plan shown in Fig. 145 was adopted. The smoke-box was cylindrical, and one-half the bed casting was cast with each cylinder. They are bolted together in the centre as shown. This plan is now almost universally used in this country and makes a very neat, strong, and satisfactory job. VALVES AND VALVE GEARING. The main valves which were first built by Mr. Rogers were of the ordi- nary I) pattern and the valve-gearing was a form of hook motion. In some cases as shown in Fig. 14, the eccentrics were outside of the journals and wheels. Unfortunately, there are no authentic Fig. 146. drawings in existence of the various forms of valve gearing which were at first used. At an early date Mr. Rogers was im- pressed with the importance of using steam expansively, and in 1843 and 1846 he Fig. 147. designed and used the valve gearing shown in Fig. 146. It serves to show the thought he was giving at that date to the subject of working steam expansively. Fig. 147 shows another plan which he introduced in 1847. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 53 When the link-motion was introduced into this country its use was violently opposed by many locomotive builders and master mechanics. Mr. Rogers was one of Fig. 148 the first American engineers to recognize its merits. In 1849' he used the suspended link-motion, shown in Fig. 148, for some engines for the Hudson River Railroad, and in Fig. 149. 1850 he applied the shifting link motion, shown in Fig. 149, to some engines which he built. It will be noticed that in this case the lifting-shaft was below the link. In the Fig. 150. same year he designed the form of link-motion shown by Fig. 150 for some ten-wheel engines, the front wheels and axles of which came in the way of the rocking shaft. In this case the lifting shaft was above the link. Fig. 151 represents a combination of link motion with an independent graduated 54 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. cut-off valve. It was used on several locomotives built at the Rogers Works in 1854, and it is said was found to be beneficial in economizing fuel. Fig. 151. For many years the form of valve-gear, shown in Fig. 149, was used by Mr. Rogers, and after his death it was applied to many engines; but in 1862 Mr. Hudson Fig. 152. designed the form of link-motion shown by Fig. 152, in which the lifting shaft was placed above the link. This is the form which is now most commonly used. The link motion Fig. 153. shown by Fig. 153 was also designed the same year by Mr. Hudson and applied to some ten-wheel engines, in which the front wheels and axle came in the way of the rocking shaft. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 55 In 1866 the valve gearing shown in Fig. 154, which was designed and patented by Messrs. Uhry &: Luttgens, was applied to an engine for the Central Railroad of New Jersey. In this there is an ordinary shifting link worked by two eccentrics and connected with a pin attached the lower arm of a rocking shaft in the usual way. What may be called a supplementary rocking- j. a shaft R, R 1 , was pivoted to the top pin of the main rocking-shaft. The lower arm R 1 of the supple- mentary rocking-shaft is bent into a half circle, as shown, in order to clear the main rocking-shaft M, The supplementary rocker is work- ed by a cam, O', which was con- nected to a pin P. The effect of the action of the cam is to accelerate Fig. 154. the movement of .the valve at the time that it opens the ports for admission and exhaust. Its adjustment is the same as that of the link-motion, and at the higher grades of expan- sion it gives about 50 per cent, greater opening of steam port. The point of exhaust is retarded from 5 to 6 inches beyond the link-motion, while the point of compression Fig. 155. Fig. 156. remains the same. The size of opening of the exhaust port is somewhat larger than with the link-motion, and it is opened in less time, thereby producing a strong and clear exhaust. Its objectionable feature is the cam as a mechanical device for locomotives. Whether this objection would be as great if used with a balanced valve as it is with an ordinary slide-valve remains yet to be proved. Figs. 155 and 156 shows the methods which was adopted in 1873, in applying the Allen link-motion to some narrow gauge engines for the Patillas Railway, S. A., in which THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \VORKS. the front axle was in the way. Ordinarily the Allen link is made straight, but in this case Mr Hudson found that it would not give a satisfactory movement to the valve without curving the link slightly. Fig. 157 shows another method of applying a link-motion to engines in which the front axle was in the way. This was used in 1881. Fig. 157. COUNTERWEIGHTS FOR LINKS. When shifting links were introduced it became important to counterbalance their weight so as to lessen the 'effort required to move them. The arrangement shown in Fig. 158 was adopted in 1858. In this the counterweight Fwas attached to an arm or bell crank forged on the reversing lever. Fig. 158. The unwieldy character of a counterweight led to the substitution of springs of various forms. The plan shown in Fig. 159 was adopted in 1859. In this a half elliptic spring S,' which was attached by its ends, A, A, to fixed parts of the engine, was connected by a rod R to a short arm B which was keyed on the lifting-shaft by a strap S, as shown. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 57 Another plan of applying a semi-elliptic spring is shown in plan in Fig. 160. In this case the spring S was connected to a short arm B forged on the middle of the lifting shaft. In 1860 a spiral spring, Fig. 161 and 162, was used. The inner end of this spring was attached to the lifting-shaft S and the other end was fastened to a case in which it was enclosed. The case was prevented from turning by a bolt B. The required amount of tension was brought on the spring by turning the case, and the bolt was adjusted in any one of the holes, which were arranged in a circle as shown in the engraving. Fig. 161. Fig. 162. Fig. (60. Fig. 163. In 1873 a pair of volute springs was substituted for the semi-elliptic spring. These volute springs are shown in Fig. 163. They were inclosed in a case and fastened by a bolt B to one of the cross beams, and were connected by a rod R to a short arm on the lifting-shaft, like that shown in Fig. 160. In this instance the rod R was subjected to a compressive strain by the tension of the two volute springs. Fig. 164 shows a helical spring which was applied in 1875 for the same purpose. This was also enclosed in a cylindrical case, which was fastened to a fixed part of the engine. A chain C, C, was fastened at one end to the shaft, and wound around it as shown. The other end was attached to a rod y? which was screwed into a collar K. When the shaft was turned the spring was corn- Fig. 164. pressed. Its tension could be adjusted by means of the screw end on the rod so as to balance the weight of the link. SLIDE VALVES. The first slide valves used at the Rogers Works were the ordinary D pattern. In 1853 Mr. Rogers adopted the Hackworth valve, Fig. 165, with double exhaust ports. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. This valve had about -^ in. lap at a, a', and only ^ at b. Consequently the steam was not released at a, a', as shown in Fig. 166, until the steam port^ was opened nearly fe in. wide at b. Then the two ports a and a 1 each commence to open. The exhaust was thus delayed, but when it did begin the steam escaped through both of the openings at a, a 1 . The area of the exhaust opening was therefore doubled when the release occurred. This Fig. 165. Fig. 166. form of valve was used up to 1872 and applied to more than 250 engines, but its advantages did not seem to compensate for the increase in its area, which was due to the double ports. Fig. 167. In 1864 Mr. John Gleason patented a valve which Mr. Hudson afterwards modified and introduced in the form shown by Figs. 167 and 168. This had a saddle S Fig. 168. on top, the position of which was regulated by set screws, as shown. The saddle had steam openings B, , and an exhaust opening A on its under side. The valve had THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 59 double exhaust ports the same as are shown in Figs. 165 and 166. In addition it had two supplementary steam passages C, C. In the position shown in Fig. 169, not only was the steam port B open at b, but there was another opening at a through which steam passed to the supplementary port c, as shown by the dart, and thence to the cylinder. The opening of the steam ports was thus doubled during the early portion of the period of admission. A similar action occurred on the exhaust side. This valve was tried, but with rather doubtful resulting advantages. Fig. 169. In 1868 the Bristol roller slide valve, shown by Figs. 170 and 171, was applied to a number of engines. This valve rested on a series of rollers R, R, placed in each side of the valve. They were connected to a frame J?, F> their axles or spindles having a little play in their journals. Steel plates were attached to the valve on each side, and others to the valve-seat, so that the rollers rested on the latter below, and the valve was Fig. I7O. Fig. 171. carried by the upper plates, which in turn rested on the rollers. With careful workman- ship, the pressure of the valve could be carried on the rollers, and as it wore, of course, there was little or no contact between its face and seat. These valves were quite extensively introduced, but their use has been gradually abandoned. In 1882 two forms of the Allen valve were introduced. Figs. 172 and 173 shows an Allen valve with Richardson's " balanced " or equilibrium device applied to it, and Fig. 172 shows an Allen valve with extensions to increase its length, and with steam- ports to admit live steam from below into the supplementary port S, S. The Allen valve although an American invention, was not used on locomotives in this country to any extent until after the expiration of the patent on it. It is now extensively used and its advantages are generally recognized. 6o THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Fig. 172. Fig. 173. Fig. 174. THE RUNNING GEAR. FRAMES. The frames used on the first locomotives built by Mr. Rogers (see Figs. 1 2 and 14), were made of two plates, with wood filling between them. The journal bearings were outside the wheels, as shown in the Figs, referred to. Bury, who first introduced the hemispherical topped furnace in England also used bar frames on some of his engines. It seems probable that his form of fire-box and method of constructing frames were simultaneously introduced here. There are no THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 61 drawings extant of the early frames made at the Rogers Works, but in 1844 the form of frame shown in Fig. 175 was used. It consisted, as will be seen, of a straight bar on 62 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. top, with cast-iron pedestals bolted to it and braced at the bottom very much after the manner in use at present. In 1850, wrought-iron pedestals were substituted for those of cast-iron, as shown in Fig. 176. In 1854, the whole frame was forged in one piece, as shown in Fig. 177. With this form of construction some difficulty was encountered in cases of collision, and other accidents to locomotives, in which either the front or the back ends ot the frames were injured. It then became necessary to take down the whole frame to repair one end. This led to making the front and back ends in separate pieces and bolting them together, as shown in Fig. 178. With this plan, if either end was taken down it was necessary to remove one pair of driving wheels. As the front part of the frame is usually injured in accidents, it was desirable to be able to take it down without removing any of the driving wheels. The plan shown in Fig. 179 was therefore adopted in 1868. In this the front end is bolted to the back end, ahead of the front pedestals, so that the front part can be removed without disturbing the driving wheels, if it is desirable to do so. This form of construction is the one which is still used and has been very generally adopted on American locomotives. \rr~ ~f~ Fig. ISO. One of the difficulties in the construction of narrow guage engines is that there is not room enough between the frames for the fire-box, and it must therefore be made very narrow. To obviate this Mr. Hudson in 1873 designed the frames shown in Figs. 180 and 181. In this plan the main frames A, A, are placed in the usual position inside of Fig. 181. the wheels. A cross plate , , which projected outside of the wheels, was bolted to the back ends of the frames. Two flat bars C, C, were then bolted to the cross-plate, and placed far enough apart so as to give sufficient room between them, for a fire-box of the width required. The tank locomotive represented by plate XXIII has a frame of a similar plan. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. SPRINGS AND EQUALIZING LEVERS. Ordinary equalizing levers were used between the driving-wheels on the engine Fig. 182. 1837. Fig. (83. 1850. represented by Fig. 18, which was built in 1845. Mr. Rogers appreciated their value, and very few if any engines were afterwards built without using them in some form. Fig. 184. 1860. SL Fig 185. 1867. Figs. 182 to 1 86 show the forms of spring and equalizing lever arrangement that were successively used for eight-wheeled American engines. 6 4 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Fig. 186. 1880. Figs. 187 and 188 represent a plan adopted for narrow guage engines in 1878. The purpose was to allow a wider fire-box to be used than is possible when the springs are placed alongside of it. Fig. 187. Fig. 188. Fig. 189 shows the arrangement of springs used in 1880 for consolidation engines. The springs for the front axle are not shown in the engraving. Their connection with Fig. 189. the leading truck and other applications of equalizing levers will be described farther on under the head of trucks. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. DRIVING WHEELS. A method of constructing driving-wheels for 5 ft. gauge roads, which it is expected will have their guage changed and which will therefore require to have their tires brought nearer together to conform to the altered guage, is shown in Figs. 190 and 191. A projection P, P, is cast on the inside of the wheel centre. The tires are then set to conform to the wide guage. When the time comes to narrow it the tires are simply moved farther in. The projection of the wheel centre which is left on the outside is then turned off, which leaves the wheel in proper condition for the narrow guage. The first engine with wheels constructed in this way was for the Alabama cSc Great Southern Rail- road in 1 88 1. Since then all engines built for 5 ft. guage roads, which it is expected will be changed to the standard guage are made in this way. Fig. I9O. Fig. (91. In addition to the extra depth of the rim of the wheel centre the spokes are extended on the outside so as to form a brace or support to the projecting rim. These braces as well as the projection are turned off when the guage of the wheels is narrowed. This expedient for changing the guage was suggested by Mr. James Cullen, Master Mechanic of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railroad, to Mr. R. S. Hughes, Secretary and Treasurer of the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works. The plan was at once adopted for engines for the 5 ft. gauge. CONNECTING RODS. Figs. 192 to 203 represent various forms of connecting rods which have been made at the Rogers Works at various times. The dates when they were first used are appended to the engravings, which show the construction so clearly that further description is not needed. 66 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Fig. 192. 1837. Fig. 193. 1845. Fig. 194. 1854-,. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Fig. 195. 1861. Fig. 196. 1870. D y_j> IJi _ m Fig. 197. 1870. 68 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \\ORKS. ULJ Fig. 198. 1880. a Fig. 199. 1880. Fig. 200. 1880. 1 I ; |i i i ' 1 1 Fig . 2 [83: 02. m m Fig. 201. 1880. Fig. 203. 1885. THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 6 9 TRUCKS. When trucks were first used in this country, it was considered very essential that their axles should be as near together as possible, and from Figs. 12 to 22 it will be seen that the trucks of all the early engines built at the Rogers Works had their wheels as close to each other as they could be placed. With outside cylinders this could be done without difficulty so long as the cylinders were inclined, but owing to the rolling motion which was produced by cylinders with a steep inclination, and also other inconveniences, the tendency was to lower the cylinders, and, excepting with large driving wheels, this made it necessary to spread the truck wheels farther apart. Finally the cylinders were brought down horizontal, and it was then found that there was really no disadvantage in placing the wheels the required distance apart, but rather the reverse. Excepting as they are shown in the small engravings of the engines, no drawings of the early trucks which were made at the Rogers Works have survived to the present time. Fig. 204. 1850. O 00 O 00 J Fig. 205. Fig. 2O6. In 1850 Mr. Rogers designed the truck shown by Figs. 204, 205, and 206. This had a rectangular wrought-iron frame with either cast or wrought-iron pedestals bolted THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. to it, and with a pair of bent equalizing levers on each side and a spring between the wheels, as shown. The centre plate was carried on a system of bracing, clearly shown in the engravings. This form of truck has been built continuously ever since it was first introduced, with very little change, and has been adopted by other locomotive builders substantially as it was designed by Mr. Rogers, and probably is more extensively used, and has given greater satisfaction than any other form of locomotive truck that has ever been made. It is still the standard locomotive truck on many railroads. Fig. 207. Fig. 209. Figs. 207, 208, and 209 represent a truck introduced in 1852. This had journal bearings both inside and outside of the wheels. It was used for fast passenger engines, THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Jl and is shown in Fig. 23. It was first made with a centre bearing, but later the Bissell arrangement, which is shown in the engravings, was combined with it. In 1857 Mr. Bissell patented the truck, which ever since has been known by his name. His first patent was for a four-wheeled truck, shown by Figs. 210, 211, and 212. The frame of this truck was extended backward, and instead of turning around a centre- pin between the two axles, the pin C, was placed some distance behind the rear axle, and the truck turned or vibrated around it. The engine rested on a pair of V-shaped inclined planes, midway between the two axles. One of these inclined planes is shown in section at D, in Fig. 212. Fig. 2IO. Fig. 211. Fig. 212. The inventor claimed that a truck of his plan adjusts itself to the curvature of the track better than one of the ordinary plan. Mr. Hudson was one of the first to recognize the value of Bissell's invention, and applied it to a locomotive in 1858. In the same year Bissell patented the single axle or "pony" truck, as it is often called. This was constructed on substantially the same principle as his four-wheeled truck, and is represented in Figs. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 213, 214, and 215. In the engraving, Fig. 214, to save room, the extension of the frame, which is attached to the centre-pin, is represented as being broken. This truck was applied to some Mogul engines at the Rogers Works in 1863. Fig. 213. Pig. 215. Fig. 214. In 1862 Mr. Alba F. Smith patented " the employment in a locomotive engine of a truck or pilot fitted with pendent links to allow of lateral motion to the engine." Fig. 216. IMS fife ,c Fig. 217. Fig. 218. Smith's invention consisted in the substitution of swing links for the inclined planes in Bissell's truck. Smith's truck is shown in Figs. 216, 217, and 218. The engine rested THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 73 on a bolster B, which was suspended from the truck by swing-links Z, Z, Figs. 217 and 218. From these it received the name of the swing-motion truck. It was first applied to a locomotive at the Rogers Works in 1865. In 1864 Mr. Hudson took out another patent for an improvement in lateral moving trucks, which is shown in Figs. 219, 220, and 221. Instead of pivoting the truck to a fixed point behind the axles at A, as Bissell did, Mr. Hudson used a long link or " radius bar " J3, B, which was pivoted at its front end C, to a pair of lugs attached to the centre pin plate of the engine. The back end of the radius bar was allowed some lateral motion, but was confined within certain limits by a sort of guide shown at D. This arrangement, Mr. Hudson claimed, permitted the truck to adjust itself more perfectly to curves of different radii than was possible without the use of the radius bar. The arrangement was used with both BisselPs and Smith's lateral motion mechanism. Fig. 220. Fig. 221. The most important results accomplished by Bissell's invention were due to the adoption of his lateral moving single axle or " pony truck," as it is called, which was pivoted behind the axle. The first engine of the " Mogul " type, Fig. 26, which was built at the Rogers Works, had a two-wheeled Bissell truck with the inclined planes for pro- ducing the lateral motion. It was completed in 1863. Afterwards the swing-links patented by Mr. Smith were used. In the description of the engine illustrated by Fig. 17, it was pointed out that it had equalizing levers, which extended from the driving axle to the centre of the truck on each side of the engine, with springs in the centre of the levers. Although this 74 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. arrangement did not give satisfaction at that time, it had the germ of an invention which Mr. Hudson afterwards applied very extensively. In 1864 he patented the arrangement, shown by Figs. 222, 223, and 224, of an equalizing lever between the two-wheeled truck and the front driving wheels, whereby both the truck and driving wheels maintain their proper portion of weight and accommodate themselves to the vertical, as well as to the lateral motion, required to enable the engine to pass over uneven tracks and around curves with ease as well as with safety. In the arrangement referred to the driving wheels E and ^each have the usual springs e and/, connected together by an equalizing lever /, with a fulcrum at i. The front driving wheels G, have springs g. The front strap or hangers n, of these springs are connected to a cross-beam J, (shown clearly in Fig. 223). A central equalizing lever K Fig. 222. Fig. 224. Fig. 223. bears on the middle of the cross-beam J. It has a fulcrum at k, and its front end rests on the bolster or swing-beam N of the truck. The effect of this arrangement is that any weight borne by the driving wheels is transmitted to the truck and vice versa. In his patent specification Mr. Hudson said : " If tracks could be made perfectly uniform and regular and be maintained in that condition, my invention would be of little importance ; but in practice irregularities more or less serious occur at nearly every joint or junction of the ends of the rails, and at certain points in the track, as in passing switches and across tracks, and especially in passing over small obstacles or defects in the road, the inequality in the load which is thrown upon the several wheels becomes immense ; unless, in addition to the use of the springs, provision is made by introducing equalizing levers in some manner, to induce a unity of action between each pair of wheels and some other pair. The three pairs of drivers E, F, and G, Fig. 222, have been connected together by equalizing levers ; but I have never known the two pairs E, F, to be connected together into one system, and the forward drivers G, to be connected to the truck wheels, so as to form another and independent system, previous to my invention. " My invention practically supports the forward portion of the structure at the point k, and the rear portion of the structure on the two points i, i, opposite the sides of the fire-box ; thus making a triangle on which the structure is carried with a certainty of holding each wheel with sufficient force upon the track, and yielding easily and safely to every ordinary inequality." THE ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Figs. 222, 223, and 224 are copied from the drawing of the patent specification. In these drawings a truck with Bissell's inclined planes c, c, is represented. Figs. 225, 226, and 227 show the arrangement used by Mr. Hudson in 1865 for Mogul locomotives. In this truck Smith's swing-links were substituted instead of Bissell's inclined planes. In 1867 Mr. Hudson patented his double-end truck locomotive, to which Fig. 225. Fig. 227. Fig. 230. Fig. 23 1 . Fig. 229. reference was made in a previous chapter. Figs. 227, 228, 229, and 230, are copied from his patent specification. In this engine the Bissell truck at each end was connected with the springs of the driving wheels adjoining. The truck of what is ordinarily the THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. front end of the engine was connected to the driving wheel springs by a single equalizing lever in the manner already described. At the opposite end of the engine there were two equalizing levers, one on each side of the fire-box, as shown in the engraving. In 1872 Mr. Hudson patented another form of double end truck locomotive, represented in Plate XVIII. This had a four-wheeled swing-motion truck behind the fire-box, and a pony truck in front of the cylinders. Fig. 232 shows the arrange- ment of the driving wheel springs and the way that they were connected with the pony truck by the equalizing levers E. The driving wheel springs were not connected with the four-wheeled truck. Fig. 232. As was stated in a previous chapter, in 1872 Mr. Hudson took out a number of patents covering different forms of truck locomotives to which his method of equalizing the truck with the driving wheels was applied. Plates XIX, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, and XXVIII represent engines built in accordance with some of these plans. CHAPTER VI. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS IN 1886. IN 1835 Messrs. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor began some buildings with a view to the manufacture of locomotives. The Locomotive Works therefore, are over fifty years old ; although Mr. Rogers and his partners were engaged in machine business some years before. During this period not only has the development of the locomotive, con- sidered from an engineering point of view, been very remarkable, but the growth of the business of their manufacture has been equally so. The accompanying table shows the number of locomotives built each year at the Rogers Works up to 1885. The figures in the top horizontal line are the diameters of the cylinders of the engines, and the figures in the vertical columns, under these dimensions, give the number of engines built each TABLE OF DELIVERY OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES FROM 1837 TO 1885 INCLUSIVE, Giving Number of Engines and Size of Cylinders of Engines. w DIAMETER OF CYLINDERS. _ V ^. 5 'Sb'3 H c x> W ro "<* u-> ^ vO X ^ ^ ^ 00 oo" o 1837 i i 1838 I 7 1839 ii 1840 7 1841 I 9 1842 I 2 6 1843 9 1844 2 4 2 2 12 1845 I 2 7 2 i 14 1846 2 4 2 4 3 I I 17 1847 I I 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 22 1848 I 2 i 2 I 18 5 2 I 3 39 1849 I i 3 4 I 5 5 3 2 5 4 8 3 45 1850 3 i 5 4 I 8 5 I 3 7 5 43 1851 i i I 8 2 4 ii 2 4 H 3 53 1852 i i 2 8 3 7 3 '3 4 18 4 4 2 68 1853 2 i 12 4 7 21 18 4 3 3 12 89 1854 i I 7 i 6 4 IO 36 1 6 4 12 4 102 1855 2 i 3 2 9 2 5 8 37 i II i 82 1856 i 7 4 8 2 20 45 8 95 1857 7 8 5 3 7 2 8 4i 3 84 1858 i 3 i 4 I 4 8 2 24 1859 4 6 4 10 3 26 5 58 1860 2 3 2 4 '3 4 7 2 30 2 '7 2 88 1861 I I I 3 3 2 7 6 3 I 28 1862 2 6 3 5 I 7 2 7 3 2 4 42 1863 2 I 5 5 16 36 5 4 74 1864 3 13 I 3 10 45 2 I0| 1865 i 5 i 9 20 24 10 6 19 95 1 866 2 4 15 I 19 I 31 ii 8 ii 103 1867 I i 5 2 H 22 6 i 52 1868 2 i .7 12 I 31 i i '4 7 1869 I 2 I IO 3 H '9 50 i 1 1 5 117 1870 I I I 9 3 26 44 56 I 7 4 145 1871 4 3 I 2 2 5 17 38 59 3 19 12 165 1872 i I i i 12 21 70 41 2 4 172 1873 I I i 10 2 17 I 72 i 55 32 193 1874 I 5 ii 2 19 1875 I I I 3 3 I 7 12 '3 42 1876 * I 2 5 3 5 17 1877 I 2 2 4 3 2 14 1878 2 6 1 i 2 4 19 3 8 46 1879 i I 2 i 3 I 3 6 I 31 3 3 56 1880 1881 2 2 I 2 I 5 10 32 42 34 37 9 63 24 ZA 7 125 221 1882 2 18 29 81 85 T- 2O 25 26o 1883 I 2 s 35 21 84 77 53 J I 279 1884 I 2 3 2 6 36 20 7 7 80 1885 12 i 3 I 2 34 20 J / 73 /S THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. year, with cylinders of the size indicated above. Although the diameter of the cylinder is not a very exact measure of the capacity of locomotives, nevertheless, in the table it gives a tolerably correct idea of their increase in size since the time Mr. Rogers first started in the business. The Sandusky, the first locomotive built by him, weighed probably less than ten tons. Since then locomotives have been built at the Rogers Works weighing 57 tons. The figures in the lower right hand corner of the table show that most of the locomotives built in late years had very large cylinders and the engines themselves were of corresponding size. The engraving of the Works opposite page 3 shows them as they were in 1832, and the frontispiece in 1886. The plan map in Fig. 233 on page 79 will perhaps give a better idea of their magnitude than the perspective view. The last catalogue of the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works was issued in 1876. Since then the facilities for doing work has been more than doubled. A large number of tools have been added, some of them specially designed for locomotive building. The shops are all thoroughly equipped with the most approved modern tools for doing accurate work, and with a complete system of templates and gauges, by the use of which the same parts of locomotives are furnished with a degree of precision which insures their being interchangeable. This makes it practicable to supply duplicate parts of locomotives manufactured by the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works at the shortest notice, which facilitates repairs and reduces very materially the cost of the maintainance of motive power. About 2,000 men can be advantageously employed, and thirty-three full-sized locomotives can be turned out per month. The late Superintendent, Mr. AVilliam S. Hudson, who did so much for the reputation of these Works, has been succeeded by Mr. John Headden, who was formerly with the New Jersey Railroad & Transportation Company before that line was leased to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The Works have, in fact, every facility which long experience, thorough organiz- ation and abundant capital can provide for conducting the business of manufacturing locomotives. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE' AND MACHINE WORKS IN 1886. 79 OLIVER STRE Fig. 233. 80 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. CHAPTER VII. A REMARKABLE RUN OF 426.6 MILES BY ROGERS' LOCOMOTIVES ON THE NEW YORK, WEST SHORE & BUFFALO RAILWAY. THE following letters to the Editors of the Railroad Gazette, which was published in that paper of July 17, 1885, will explain itself: NEWARK, N. Y., July 10, 1885. To THE EDITOR OK THE RAILROAD GAZETTE: Herewith I send you a copy of train sheet, showing run made by special train of three cars from East Buffalo to Frankfort yesterday, over the New York West Shore & Buffalo Railway. I wish to call your attention to some of the ieatures of this extraordinary run, to show the perfection of our road-bed and rolling-stock, and the high standard of service which renders it possible to maintain such a high rate of speed without an accident or without delay to other trains. No preparation was made for the train, as we did not know of its coming until a few hours before it left Niagara Falls. Prominent officials of the Baltimore & Ohio, Wabash, Grand Trunk and West Shore Railroads were on board, en route for New York. Some of these gentlemen kept an accurate record of the running time and report that several miles were made in 43 seconds, while the greater part of the run was made at a speed averaging 45 to 48 seconds per mile. This is at the rate of 70 to 83 miles per hour. If you will analyze the run you will be surprised to find that their assertions must be true, and that the speed was maintained throughout the whole of the run. Please note the run from East Buffalo to Genesee Junction, 61 miles. Starting from a dead stop at East Buffalo, they came to a stop at Genesee Junction within exactly 56 minutes. The run from Alabama to Genesee Junction, 36.3 miles, was made in precisely 30 minutes. The run from East Buffalo to Newark, 93.4 miles, was made in 97 minutes. There are two stoppages to be deducted from this : one of 7 minutes at Genesee Junction for water and oiling engine, and a full stop at Red Creek for the New York, Lake Erie & Western Grade crossing, for which we deduct two minutes making actual running time 88 minutes. At Newark the train stopped 9 minutes to change engines. The conditions are not so favorable for fast running east of Newark as west; but the distance from Newark to Frankfort was covered in 134 minutes ; distance, 108.3 miles. There were six stoppages in this distance, aggregating a delay of 17 minutes, which makes the actual running time 117 minutes. The whole run from East Buffalo to Frankfort, 202 miles, was made in four hours, or 240 minutes. Deducting total detentions of 35 minutes, the actual running time was 205 minutes. Between Syracuse and Buffalo we have double track only at intervals, the greater portion being single track. In going in and out of the double-track sections, the train was compelled to run slowly over the Wharton switches. These delays, although not computed, will add something to this very remarkable run. I submit this as the fastest run ever made in the United States or Canada, and I doubt if it ever has been equalled in the world. W. II. WHEATI.Y, Chief Train Dispatcher. In order to preserve a permanent and correct record of the remarkable run described by Mr. Wheatly, Mr. Layng, the General Manager of the New York, West Shore & Buffalo line caused elaborate tables to be made out embodying every important fact connected with the performance of their engines, with diagramatic drawings Figs. REMARKABLE RUN OF A ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE. Si 234 and 235, showing the principal features of the engines and the table which follows them gives their principal dimensions. A transcript was also made from the schedule CLASS A (ANTHRACITE) f\f ! 5-/>i' JL.. ; f ,\. - f-'j' r t'-f 1 -j-g-^ *-/. 4-. | if-ty . -4. /?-}' 4 . /'-/ -. 4 > |^_. ZJ'-ft' H Fig. 234. CLASS B (B i T u M i M o u s) Fig. 235. board, of which Fig. 236 is a copy, which shows graphically the movement of the train. In this diagram the vertical lines represent time as indicated by the figures in the horizontal line above, and the horizontal lines represent the stations or distance. Their names are given in the column on the right side of the diagram and their distance from Buffalo is given in the column of figures on the left side. The diagonal line through the diagram shows the progress of the train. The inclination of this line indicates its speed. All the facts relating to this run were given in a large tracing from which blue prints were made and from these the diagrams and the tables which follow Fig. 236 have been reproduced. 82 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. O H W in H X O O (-H in 2 W M \o ~>- V- *- rt-'ii-r^oo~N O PO Tt oo N o o i_o w | rj- r^. ro IH OC M 00 C) p-i O o o o o o o CO CO < J Co X - 1 O l-l M l-O ^2 s; o LO M rO l-O o o u b M . 5 i 5 5 * -I-' ^ix ^ "* LOi-cCNOOCsOTJ-OONOfOTt-OONO >-O MJTj-Ti-rt-rooO HI OO P) *- O o o o o O o o CO CO J "b X O ;. J ' c <* o 5 O H OH CO | ^ x 'I ^ ! | 1 * 1 '1 3 s lc c::r i^.223t-O O 00 "iT o o CO M ~^* o CO X 2" to J oo M j rh \b M ro i-o M rO OO O >n O 00 "10 o o o CO O M *^ o o CO X Tf l-O 1*5 <: M HH tJ u 00 ^-> H s o c _^^ (/: OJ rt ^* '~ rf T' n QJ SPECIFICATIONS. - ^J O 3 - cf -? I if J '-%! 1 i 1 1 -s 1 s ii ! d bc^- JH.S bc-c6bbL? rt aj |j8,i||f,fl.3|j5Al I3fll2a- a ' 8< 5*S"g > 1 1 1 1- 1 a 7 4 4 { , ^ * ^^"^^^ii^p- - i -5 , B < * ' S ^ S . " (U - H B" V t/J " smallest internal d a, ai C U n u C 3 G 3 o 13 o u U c u "o be LI OJ M X3 ^ 3 L. V _ , * nj iy^ c ^ 'u 1 2 - **" ^ ^ - ii <-; ~ O . y 'So c Oi u" > x S a " W M co c G H u o in H O & O O o REMARKABLE RUN OF A ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE. TRANSCRIPT FROM SCHEDULE BOARD. 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c i < i i I i 1 "M . ... -GENESEC JUNCl HENRIETTA. \ AVANNAH MONTE2UMA PORT BYRON 123. 126.1 \ 2 P.M. 140.8 -- -_t__. AMBOY YRACUSC J , _ EAST UTICA > 805.1 . . . . C 813.1 - - - '.'.[ -2169 -4- JACK80NBURGH 235 7 - - . CANAJOHARIC J38.9 1 ' '- -8PRAKER9 264.7 -- . i _ . _ . _ PATTERSONVILLE 278.8 FULLERS 283.5 289.8 \ FEURA BUSH ] 326. 9 - - - - - SAUGERTIES 937.8 - - .- - __ \ MARION \ NEWBURGH \ WEST POINT t HAVERSTRAW CONGERS 406.9 - - - - ACK TUR PIKE ERGEN IELDS 421 .6 Fig. 236. 8 4 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \\ORKS. I r S s^ I kj ^ O uo > t > i i Q O tt S d ** j! ^ c5 sd, 2 S -a ^ M M a; af | ffi Q S X -Q C W Q a s .S c w 3 .S c y, '& P^ !/> C n o e ' * P o o ** O Q u ^ N <1J p, T; 'S 2 c TJ O rt rt " J 52 O O N CJ O vONVOO'fOuoO rfOO N CTv t^ N H H Tj- O rh w fcd LO O O 2 NNNNMNMMpj, ^MW^WWWHM >-i CS N H w U ^ ^ J 3 ^ ?, H 3 c/} ^ *Z ** W O - c/5 z o ||| eg- g (J M Z, < < * j < H (J) (< H o: S <; r- 1 CA3 i C p H | \ | g | S d < g" ^ g5E|g| a " c S u%z H < ^ OOChrONCXJOMOOMOO I- . ^ ^. fOvO w * N O >H c- 1 VO ^ ^ ^OOO fO^O O ^ O *^ . w>oO fi OO ^ ON CO Th M UO ~ O\OO>-it- 5 cj a QJ u. O O > 2 to u*^-i^p^Occ'**<;oo^ t " j S Q H o; u a2 * > I "C u ? 4- *} * Tt-uSioirii-OiouS "So \cnovcvo^O*6 v o v O i^r^r~-t^.t^txtxt>. il - a-1 en Q Q W C/3 w REMARK "8 o- ~ .S 5. J} Q. ^ o w O . of -1 s S J S o OO 00 -rj-OO -vO fOOOO fOO^Or-~ O r^ t^QO 00 00 O\ O\ 86 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. if S & kJ O ^ g ? s * & w to e H^ fc I i O c O 55 K O O fe W CM o fe u <1 o z (-H H U & Q W Q z w H en q z w ONX> ONX> OO " ~ - ~ ~ aiiow^ 14 SB ,J "1 r*VsO mOO O r^-o ^O O - niii>"v 3J ' U3 3 '({BUUBABg 'suoXq | ! 1 i I I M I I | I | I I I I I | | | | 1 i I 'nocnir-. Tin T UOSqif) JJOJ ^ -'-O t O\ ON O\00 OO OO MD "< ON v i iiirl itu T "O vO l^OO 4aouare i , 10 vo so -O "O vO l^OO O ON O ON ON ON ^o , REMARKABLE RUN OF A ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE. HUDSON RIVER DIVISION. ! Q 2 W H CO < w 'U35JA\Bl(a3 J \\ NMOOOOONONLO LOO r--OO N O O OO O ON ro LO LO LO VO LO LO LO ^ ^ ""> I'". LT> VT1 UT>\O ^O ^O VO O U~> LT> "^" 'uiBqanQ A\3^ 04 n M OOC^OM^"^-O t~~00 rooo OO <-> O TfOO 1 LO LO w^ to u"> 10 TJ- -^- i^> \f) 10 u^ tr^o vO ^O ^* l^vO ^/^ ' of X.U3J 3[jjr i c-t c< o O ^ O OOO "Oioo r^oo rf o O *t*O O i U^ LTl iy> LO T}- LTl T^- T}- U~l Wl LO LTl L/I^O \C t^ t~>> 1^ f^ ':>pT3SU3:>pU]-[ O O ON CNOO t^ T ^f "^O 1^- r^ O\ O "^ (S If) LO LT> IO Tj- T}- ^- T^- LO LO LO LO LO C O t^- t IX sppyuaSjan ON O^CrO OO I^O ro ro ro ri- LO i ^O r^ i- i LO LO *^* T}- rf -^ rj- Tj- LO LO LO LO LOxO ^O VO f^ 1 'UBcldc [ OOOCX)^OOLOroOOt^OvO''Oi-i | LO LO ^t" Tf ^" Tl- ^ Tt~ LO LO ^" LO LO LO^O VO a^idiunj^ jpB.^vj ^CM^'^LOLO'1-N C'OO oo f^oo ^r LO i 'saaSucx} O\ o- t^-,C * * ro o t^vO LO ro "5 1~- 1 ^-^^^^^'l-^-'^'^-'i-'^-^Tr i 'A\B.US.13ABI-I O\ O OO O ^f ^ N C^ l~-vC LO " 'juio,j sauof 5 1 ^:q:^5g.^,^:^i 'pUTJJSJ BUOJ O O t^t->-LOLON ^ O O LO LO Tj- TJ- TJ- Tf ^" f , LO LO LO 'juioj JS3.\Y O C f^vO f <~^ O vO ** ON | LOLO^t-^-TJ-Tj-Ti-fOLOrJ- i 'IIBMIUCQ O O t^\o ro N ON N ro 1 LOL/i-a-Tj-Tt-Tj-ror*"!""! ' 'q3jnqMaj\j ON ONvO vO N " ^O t^. 'qSncuoqjjB^ LO\O ro ^t" fO LO i^ i LO LO LO LO LO LO LO 1 'piiB^jH LO\O ^O * * Tt- LO LO LO LO LO LO 'sndosjj LO t^ CM T}- 1^ LO LO LO LO Tj- 'uojs2ui}{ t^ O t ON 1 LO*O LO LO ' 'saipaSnBg O i LOO LO 'IIP[S}BD LO \O t^ *3l>pESXO;3 ON T 'SUEUlXaCQ 1 V r " - J3 &. . '~' g ^ Q 2 w S i in W 'suBuiXao^ tr^ ONOO OOOO t^r^t^r^O O O ONOO 30OOO t -i'*OOLOO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOVO ^O NO LO LO LO LO *C NO \O ^O t^^O \O uiaqaiqjafl -05 O t^- 1^- ** t^^O 1-^.vO >O ONOO OO I^^O vO vO t^OO O LO\O OO "5 LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOVO LOO LO ^~ 'qsnft B.inaj t^oo t^oo OO J^t^r-r^O O O ONOO OOOOO'-vOONtNi , LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO^O ^O ^O LO LO LO LOVO VO \D VO OO *^* 1 'SfliAsgaqjooA O I~-O t~- l^vO O O LO ON ONOO r^\O O \O t--00 N O i LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOO LO 1 1 j}3 puBjaapiinf) TJ- LO LOO LO Tf -3- Tj- ro I^O O^rONNPJ*-, i LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO"~LOLOLOLOIOLOLOIOLO 1 1 saannj O ^ t^oo r^O t^ r^vo OOOONt^t^t^otM'" I LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOO O O LO LO LO LOO O OO 1 'ApBpatwqog -og LOO O r--o TJ- LO LO TJ-OO OO i~ LO r<-> f~> N N N LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO ounf urepjajjoy to r^o r-o lOLOLO'tf-Q ONONt^^}-^-M i- i LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO ' 'ajjiAuosjanuj LO t^o t^O LO LO LO ^"QQO*^^l'^}'- ( i LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOO O O LO LO LO LO 1 'UOSJpBf }JO,J O I-- t^OO I^-O O O LO ro rn -^- N I^OO LO LO LO. LO LO LO LO LO LOO O O O LO LO 'uajuriH j-ioj LO l^ t--. ON t LOO O LO LOO OO O 'J- 1 LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOO O O O LO ' 'ajliAsauny LO t^ t^ ON t~- LOO O> LO 1^00 CNl Tj- IO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOO O !"* t^ 'ajIiAuoiinjj LOO OOOOfi'l-'J- loio i LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LOO O f~* 1 'SlllUMOfJ fOLOTj-sO Tf N. 1-1 O O M O LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO ^"O O 'SJ35JBjdg N * 'I- LO CO ON ONOO O O 1 LO LO LO LO LO T}- ^- Tj- ^-O 1 'auBqofBUB3 wr'JN^'KvOT^O 1 LO LO LO LO LO ^~ *f *f" ro 'uiBia i-ioj OOO'i- r^-N LOO O ^O O LO^O \O 'aniAsuqof -jg LO ONOO Tj- >-i N 1^ LO LO LOO VO LO LO 'ailiAtiapuij^ LO ON ONVO N O 1 LO LO LONO NO LO 1 '3HSB3 UBIpUJ O N N LO ^~ LOO O f^ 1"^ 'SIR* 3 i"n 1-1 X) O O LO LO LO t-* 'qS-inquosJpBf * O rr> 1 rr 10 ^- 1 '}JAVBqOJ^ TfVO 4o uoin ro fO '1-iopiuB.ij 1 # ^ ? v "" 2 u *"" S??jj5| ..a 4 r a r5 f 57 -o?^^ . a S ^ > e C .^i " ti "> * P ? B > "> w ui iiaMMilMiMMI^IIs^ 88 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. + + o o o o o 6 to o o 6 o d 6 10 fv; O O **5 O fO r* to oo o M <* vo to O O fO O f*5 to OO O N ^t vo to ON W ^- w vo M O o" ts3 T}- n vo <- vo L_| ON vo ^ vo ^t" o" ^ ' i |D , 1 ffi ' i i ' . ft! , CJ 1 O , ^ - i S OJ ' 1 n 52 w g 3 , S O rt ' o .S & 1 p .S ^ i ^ " , Q u a -a ' - 2 I ON M 1 P P r*- o 5 12 cj i *^ o , W u - 15 Q H . S^_ 12 ^ r- c/r Q a< - Z co W .-^r R ^ - s ^ CO TRAIN. w W v_, g S 1 1 5 o C OH H H H C Z, r- 1 W O | ^ .9" *""" is ID -^ Z ^ 1 g - ffi ^ ~l CO ^ O . ^ to 6 i . o v-- - ^ P Z O PH H J J < < H H O O H H k, g z O z Z > ^ oT ^ CO % oT o 2 < ~ ~ w << ^ s CJ ^ h 1 in i i Z - w -> 11 w ^ O "^ 5 o ^ a J Z a o < W S Q ^ C - "^ W O *M v3 <^ W o ^ o fa Z fa kj & Z W < fa W E- 1 O w z a < fa W H W O S + > 4- ... 6 o o o o O O f> O PO o *^ 5 O O O O f5 O fO d vo vo to O\ i ~~j LO OO O N Tj- Q^ M M O OO O M * -4- -" ^^ ^^ rv^ _i. p.] vO *""i VO W VO M VO i-l VO *VJ^ ^^ ^ ON VO ~t" VO "1" O f ^ ON vo rf vo TJ- ^^ W Jjj ^.4 H-l JT^ ^ D J ' O CO ffi Q CQ ^ ' ' 1 Q CO ' ' k * ' D 05 i P --^ i i ^_ t- 1 , r" ^ uT i l | CJ ^ fy\ Cj 3 S ^ ^v flj ^sj DO*-- ' 1 Q OJ 4-> ' i i \J Q = rt j2 -* i oj ^S Z 'S S ' ' 1 o u i? 1 2 Q O >r^ U 3 S J^ o ' Q Urt >- "C -C C *~- O "- 1 ^ W - S- J! *^ *"" o W ffi 5 r- *" *^ Q r f^T O O v. ^ - o o , , 1-w L^ P^ O ^^ ** ^* i ^ H ^X ^ (J \7 ^ i 1 ^H to W 3 S 'o .2 W S 12 -I C ^ ^ 6 ^ JT o J hH ^ ctf ^ H 5 s t < a - BUFFALO. fa s PQ H < W GENESEE J NEWARK. SYRACUSE. 4 o H 13 FRANKFOR CANAJOHA ROTTERDA COEYMANS KINGSTON. CORNWALI HAVERSTR WEEHAWK BUFFALO, EAST BUFFALO 68 67 64 62 62 60 60 60 58 58 57 57 GENESEE JUN. 65 61 59 60 58 58 59 56 56 55 56 NEWARK, 59 57 59 57 57 58 55 55 54 55 SYRACUSE, 56 58 56 57 57 55 5* 54 55 UTICA, 73 55 57 58 54 54 53 54 FRANKFORT, 5i 55 57 53 53 5 2 54 CANAJOHARIE, 60 60 54 54 53 54 ROTTERDAM, J. 61 5 2 5 1 5 1 53 COEYMANS, 46 5 49 5 2 KINGSTON, 54 5* 55 CORNWALL, 46 55 HAVERSTRAW, 62 WEEHAWKEN, REMARKABLE RUN OF A ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ROAD. ELEMENTS. BUFF. DIV. HUD. RIV. DIV. ENTIRE LINE. W. END. E. END. W. END. E. END. PROFILE. Level, 16.93 27.03 29.94 42.18 30.18 TT / 4.\ ! Percent- Up grade (going east) \ tageg _ 45-59 37-5 2 9'59 30.41 35- 62 Down " " " J 37-48 35-47 40.47 27.41 34.20 Up grade " " } Average > feet 16.25 15.88 16.36 16.96 16.32 Down grade " " ) per mile. 18.75 18.49 17.66 22.77 ^S 1 ALIGNMENT. Tangents. ) -r, 1 Percent- 82.52 83-44 73-85 84.26 82.06 n V tages. Curves, ) 17.48 16.56 26.15 15-74 17.94 Curvature : average : degrees : i'-2o'- 57 " i-46'-n" 2- 4 '- 4 o" r-48'-i7" i- 4 6'-34' / 9 2 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \\ORKS. Four different locomotives were used : One of these, number 45, ran from Buffalo to Newark, 96.8 miles; another, number 50, took the train from Newark to Frankfort, 108.3 miles; the third, engine number 27, was used from Frankfort to Coeymans, 9.27, and the last part of the journey from Coeymans to Weehawken, 128.2 miles was made with engine number 36. Engine number 27 was an anthracite coal burner, Fig. 234 with a long fire-box of the type known as Class A, on the West Shore road. Nos. 45, 50, and 36 were bituminous coal burners, Fig. 235 desig- nated Class B engines. They were all built at the Rogers Locomotive Works in Paterson, N. J., from the design of the late Howard Fry. Another remarkable run was made by a Rogers engine on the New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railway on the 8th of October, 1885, the particulars of which are given in the following table from which it will be seen that this train at times attained the remarkable speed of 80 miles per hour. The table was prepared for Mr. J. D. Layng, the general manager of the line : Memorandum of speed made on Special, consisting of Engine No. 43, John Davis, Engineer, with Car No. 100, October 8, 1885, on run between Genesee Junction and East Buffalo. Miles. Seconds. Miles per H. Miles. Seconds. Miles per H. I 52 69 i 52 69 i 55 62 i 51 7i I 50 72 i 49 73 i 5> 71 i 47 77 I 53 68 i 50 72 I 49 73 i 45 80 I 50 72 i 45 80 I 50 72 i 45 80 I 49 73 i 50 72 I 53 68 i 48 75 i 52 69 IO 512 70 1 1 534 74 THE TRACTIVE POWER OF LOCOMOTIVES. 93 CHAPTER VIII. THE TRACTIVE POWER OF LOCOMOTIVES* IT may be stated, generally, that a locomotive exerts its power in drawing trains by means of the friction or adhesion of the driving wheels on the rails. Or, to quote from Pambour's old "Treatise on Locomotive Engines:" "Two conditions are necessary in order that an engine may draw a given load : First, that the dimensions and propor- tions of the engine and its boiler enable it to produce on the piston, by means of the steam, the necessary pressure, which constitutes what is properly termed the power of the engine; and second, that the weight of the engine be such as to give a sufficient adhesion to the wheel on the rail. These two conditions of power and weight must be in concordance with each other; for, if there is a great power of steam and little adhesion, the latter will limit the effect of the engine, and there will be steam lost; if, on the other hand, there is too much weight for the steam, that weight will be a useless burden, the limit of the load being in that case marked by the steam." There is a good deal of difference in the figures given by various authorities to indicate the proportion which the friction or adhesion of the wheels on the rails bears to the weight on them. The figures which are perhaps used most in practice are those published in Molesworth's " Poc.ket-Book of Engineering Formulae." These are as follows : ADHESION PER TON OF 2,240 LHS. ON THE DRIVING-WHEELS. When the rails are very dry, 600 Ibs. per ton When the rails are very wet, 550 " " ' ' In ordinary English weather, 450 " " " In misty -weather, if the rails are greasy, 300 " " " In frosty or snowy weather, 200 ' ' " ' ' In D. K. Clark's " Manual for Mechanical Engineers, page 724, he gives a report of experiments made by M. Poiree on the Paris & Lyons Railroad with a wagon by skidding the wheels. Of these experiments Clark says : " At speeds under 20 miles per hour it appears from the table that, when the rails are dry, the co-efficient of friction, or the adhesion, is one-fifth of the weight, and that on very dry rails it is one-fourth. As the speed is increased, the adhesion is reduced. These data are corroborative of the results of the author's experiments on the ultimate tractive force of locomotives on dry rails, from which he obtained a co-efficient of friction equal to one-fifth of the weight, at speeds of about 10 miles per hour." In the paper " On the Effect of Brakes upon Railway Trains " read by Captain Galton before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, t the following determination of * A considerable portion of this chapter is reprinted from the Railroad Gazette of June 6, 1879. t See Engineering of May 2, 1879, Page 371. 94 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. the adhesion of wheels is given. It must be kept in mind, too, that he makes the distinction between "adhesive" and sliding friction. By "adhesive" is meant the friction between rolling wheels and the track : " On dry rails it was found that the co-efficient of adhesion of the wheels was generally over 0.20. In some cases it rose to 0.25 or even higher. On wet or greasy rails without sand, it fell as low as 0.15 in an experiment, but averaged about o. 18. With the use of sand on wet rails it was above 0.20 at all times ; and when the sand was applied at the moment of starting, so that the wind of the rotating wheels did not blow it away, it rose up to 0.35, and even above 0.40." This is probably the most correct determination of the adhesion of wheels that has ever been made, and shows that the ordinary rule of taking the adhesion at one-fifth of the weight in the driving wheels is quite within the limits of ordinary practice. Even on a wet or greasy rail, with the use of sand, it was above 0.20 at all times. In fact, if we want to calculate the maximum power which a locomotive will exert if the rails are sanded, we might take the adhesion at one-third, and under favorable conditions without sand would be quite safe at one-fourth. In order to put these figures in a form in which they can easily be remembered and conveniently used, they may be given as follows : ADHESION OF LOCOMOTIVES. Under the n ordinary conditions without using sand on \ ,-. cr ,v t] > .. .> j i , ., s , , , \ One-fifth the weight on the driving-wheels. ails, or on wet sanded rails \ Under favorable conditions without sand, > One-fourth the weight on the driving-wheels. On a dry, sanded mil, | One-third the weight on the driving-wheels. These may be taken as working data, but before the tractive power of a locomo- tive can be determined it must be known how much power is required to draw a given load over a road with known grades and curves. If the authorities be consulted with reference to this point a wider difference even than that relating to the adhesion of driving-wheels will be found to exist. Without comparing these, it may be stated that the most recent experiments have shown that the resistance of good American cars does not exceed 6 Ibs. per ton of 2,000 Ibs. at very slow speeds on a straight and level track, and when in the best condition and good weather it is probably not over 4 Ibs. The wind, however, has an important influence, and as this is very variable it is hardly safe to take the resistance, under the conditions named above, at less than 6 Ibs. per ton. With reference to the influence of speed on the resistance, it must be admitted that our knowledge is very inexact, and probably the law or laws which govern it are not understood. The following rule, though, will give results which do not differ materially from those given by the most reliable experiments which have thus far been made. THE TRACTIVE POWER OF LOCOMOTIVES. 95 To get the resistance per ton (of 2,000 Ibs.) of a train on a straight and level track at any given speed : Square the speed in miles per hour and divide by 171 and add 6. To get the resistance per ton due to any grade : Multiply the rise in feet per mile by 0.3788 and add the quotient to the resistance due to the speed on a straight and level track. Our knowledge of the resistance due to curves, like that due to speed, is in a very unsatisfactory condition, but the most reliable information we have indicates that the resistance is equal to about half a pound per ton per degree of curvature. We may then tabulate these calculations as follows : RESISTANCE OF TRAINS: On straight and level track at veiy low speeds, 6 Ibs. per ton ot 2,000 Ibs. For resistance due to speed : Square the speed in miles per hour and divide by 1 71, - " " < For resistance due to grade: Multiply the rise in feet per mile by 0.3788, " " " For resistance due to curves : Add ^ Ib. per degree of curvature, " " " Total If the radius of the curve is given, the "degree" may be found approximately by dividing the radius into 5730. This rule is correct enough for ordinary curves of over 500 feet radius. Having these data, suppose we want to calculate how much, say, a Consolidation engine will pull up a grade of 70 feet per mile, with 9 curves and at a speed of 20 miles per hour. The first question to determine will be whether we want to know the maximum load which such an engine will draw, or what it will do in good weather, or what it will do at all times, excepting in snow storms. In the first case we would take the adhesion at 1/3 the weight on the driving-wheels; in the second at %", and in the last case at . We will assume that the second represents our hypothetical case, and that the locomotive has a weight of n,ooo Ibs. on each driving-wheel, or a total of 88,000 Ibs. The adhesion would therefore be one-fourth of 88,000 lbs.= 22,000 Ibs. The train resistance per ton would be as follows : Resistance on straight and level track = 6.0 Ibs. 20 X 20 " due to speed = = 2.3 " 171 " " " grade = 70X0.3788 = 26.5 " " " " curve = 9 X > = 4-5" Total 39.3 Ibs. Therefore, as each ton will have a resistance of 39.3 Ibs., and as our engine is capable of exerting a tractive force of 22,000 Ibs., the total load which it can pull would be represented by 22,000 = 559.8 tons. 393 96 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. As the engine and tender weigh about 72 tons, the train which our engine will pull will be represented by 559.8 72 = 487.8. Of course, to do this work the cylinders must be large enough to turn the wheels, and the boiler have the requisite capacity to supply steam. It is very rare that a locomotive has not cylinder capacity sufficient to turn the wheels. It happens much oftener that the cylinders of Locomotives are too large instead of too small. This is due to the fact that the boiler pressure has of late years been much increased while the size of the cylinders has not been diminished in the same proportion. The table on the following page, which gives the resistance in Ibs. per ton (of 2,000 Ibs.) is taken from Forney's Catechism of the Locomotive, and was calculated by the rules given above. The various speeds are indicated in the headings at the tops of the columns, and the rate of gradients, that is the rise in feet per mile is given in the first column on the left. The resistance on a grade of say 50 feet per mile, and a speed of 20 miles per hour can be found on the horizontal line opposite the figure 50 in the first column and in the column under the heading of that speed, and is 27.2 Ibs. per ton. The simplest way to calculate how heavy a train a locomotive will pull under ordinary conditions of weather is to divide the weight on all the driving wheels by 4, which will give their adhesion to the rails. Then divide this by the resistance for the required grade and speed, taken from the table. If curves and grades occur simultaneously, add to the resistance given in the table y 2 Ib. for each degree of the curve. The quotient will be the weight of the train including that of the tender and locomotive, which the latter will pull on the grade and at the speed given. The capacity of the Rogers engines, in the tables on the following pages, is calculated for an adhesion equal to one-fourth of the weight on the driving wheels. The maximum capacity of these engines, under very favorable conditions, will be some- what greater than that given in the tables. THE TRACTIVE POWER OF LOCOMOTIVES. 97 TABLE OF RESISTANCES OF RAILROAD TRAINS, ON A STRAIGHT TRACK, WITH DIFFERENT GRADES AND SPEEDS. w II ill "I- : * k c o.^> C O 3 I '-s D 3 O O o 3 O 3 o o 2 i 3*0 C *-* .C fj ? .c "f. "I ? _c Js A 8 8,-r '33 rt ul & 0. o. a, 0. a a 0. 0. a a. "o ^ u I-Sfi V - 3 ; "> 58* - 1 V V 11 i/i in V V 1 OJ S V a won fb'S E E E E E E E E o O r- 1 D.O. 2 H 8 c? o CO 8 \T) ft p^ \ ! 6.1; 6.6 7-3 8-3 9.6 II. 2 I3-I 15-3 I 7 .8 20.6 27.0 34.6 5 1.8 7-9 8.4 9.1 IO. I 11.4 13.0 14.9 17.1 19.6 22.4 28.8 3 6 -4 10 3-7 9.8 to. 3 II. O 12. 13-4 14.9 16.8 19.0 21-5 243 3-7 38.3 15 56 II-7 12.2 12.9 13-9 15.2 16.8 18.7 21.9 24.4 27-2 33.6 41.2 20 7-5 13.6 14.1 14.8 I 5 .8 17.1 18.7 20.6 22.8 25.3 281 34-5 42.1 25 9-4 15.5 16.0 16.7 17.7 19 o 20. 6 22.5 24.7 27-2 3 1 - 374 45- 3 1J -3 17.4 17.9 18.6 19.6 21.9 22.5 24.4 26.6 29.1 31.9 38.3 45-9 35 13.2 19.3 198 20.5 21.5 22.8 24.4 26.3 28.5 31.0 33.8 40.2 47-8 40 I5- 1 21.2 21.7 22 4 23-4 24.7 26.3 28.21 30.4 32-9 35-7J 42.i 49-7 45 17.0 23.1 236 24-3 2 53 26.6 28.2 30.1 323 34.8 37.6 44.0 51.6 5 189 2 5-; 25.5 26.2 27.2 28.5 30.1 32.01 34.2 3 6 -7 39-5 459 535 60 22.7 28.8 2 93 30.0 31.0 32-3 33-9 1 35-8i 38-0 40.5 43-5 49-9 57-5 70 26.5 32-6 33 i 33-8 34-8 36-1 37-7 39- 6 | 41-8 44-3 47- 1 53 5 61.1 80 3-3 3 6 -4 3 6 9 37-6 38.6 399 40.5 42.4 44.6 47.1 49.9 56.3 6 39 90 340 41 o 40 6 41-3 42.3 436 45-2 47.1 49-3 51.8 54.6! 6i.o| 68.6 100 37-8 439 444 45- 1 46.1 47-4 49-0 5 J -9 54.1 56.6 59.4 65.8 73-4 I 10 41.6 47-7 48.2 48.9 49-9 51.2 52-8! 54-7 5 6 -9 59-4 62.2 68.6 76.2 120 454 5 : -5 52.0 S 2 -? 53-7 55-o 566 58.5 60.7 63.2 66. o 72.4 80.0 I 3 49 2 55-3 558 56.5 57-5 588 60.4 62.3 64.5 67.0 69.8 76.2 83.8 140 530 59- 1 59- 6 60.3 6i-3 62.6 642 66.il 683 70.8 73 6 80.0 87.6 150 56.8 62.9 63.4 64.1 65-1 66.4 68.0 69 9 72.1 746 77-4: 83.8 91.4 1 60 60.6 66.7 67.2 67.9 68.9 70.2 7 1 - 8 73-7! 75-9 78.4 81.2 87.6 95-2 170 64-3 70.4 70.9 71.6 72.6 739 75-5 77.41 79- 6 82.1 84.9 91.3 98.9 1 80 68.1 74-2 74-7 75-4 76.4 77-7 79.3 81.2 83.4 85-9 88.7 95.1102.7 190 i 71.9 78.0 78.5 79-2 80.2 81.5 83.1 85.0 87.2 89.7 92.5 98.9 106.5 200 75-7 81.8; 82.3 83.0 840: 85.3 86.9 88.8 91.0 93-5 9 6 -3 102.7 110.3 2IO 79-5 85.6 86 i 86.8 87.8 89.1 90.7 92.6 94-8 97.3 100.1 106.5 114.1 22O 83-3 89.4 899 90.6 91.6 92.9 94-5 96.4 98.6 IOI.I 103.9 110.3 117.6 230 87.1 93 2 93 7 94-4 95-4 9 6 -7 98.3 IOO.2 IO2.4 104.9 107.7 1 14.1 121.7 240 90.8 96.9 97.4 98.1 99.1 100.4 102.01103.9 106. i 108.611 1 1.4 117.8 125-4 250 94.6 100.7 IOI.2 101.9 102.9 103.2 105.8 107.71109.9 II2.4JII5-2 121. 6 129.2 260 98.4 104.5 105.0 105.7 106.7 107.0 108.6 110.5 112.7 115.2 118.0 124.4 132.0 270 IO2.2 108.3 108.8 i9-5 110.5 in. 8 113.4 115.3 "7-5 I2O.O 122.8 129.2 136.8 280 106.0 112. 1 112. 6 113.3 114.3)115.6 117.2 119.1 121.3 123.8 126.6 133.0 140.6 290 109.8 II5.9 116.4 117.1 118.1 119.4 121. 122.9 125.1 127.6 I3 -4 136.8 144.4 3 II3.6 II9.7 120.2 120.9 121.9 123.2 124.8 126.7 128.9 I3I-4 134.2 140.6 148.2 PLATES AND TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITY OF LOCOMOTIVES. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. CHAPTER IX. PLATES AND TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITY OF LOCOMOTIVES OF 4 FT., 8y IN. GAUGE OR WIDER. IN the following tables the principal dimensions, weight, etc., and the calculated capacity for hauling loads is given for the different classes of locomotives manufactured by the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works. In making the calculations the adhesion of the engines as mentioned in the preceding chapter, was taken at one-fourth the weight on the driving wheels. Experience has shown that the adhesion of the driving wheels is fully equal to that proportion of the weight on them, in good weather and under favorable conditions. The calculations are made for straight lines and for the grades and speeds specified in each table. An allowance, which has been explained in the previous chapter, must be made for curves. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 103 Eight Wheel Standard Locomotives FOR PASSENGERS. Gauge 4 ft, 8>^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shozvn by Plate I. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 15 X 22 66 7 ft. 9 in. 21 ft. 4 in. 41200 23200 64400 I8OO 15X24 66 7 ft. 9 in. 21 ft. 8 in. 42200 23400 65600 2OOO 16X22 66 7 ft. 9 in. 21 ft. 7 in. 43200 23400 66600 2OOO 16X24 66 8ft. 22 ft. 44200 24400 68600 22OO I/X 22 66 8 ft. 21 ft. 9^ in. 45200 24400 69600 22OO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 30 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. lOOft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 869 640 5OO 34i 253 203 159 125 IOO 888 654 510 347 257 206 161 126 IOI 910 671 523 357 264 213 1 66 130 105 940 685 534 363 269 216 1 68 131 105 950 700 546 372 275 221 173 135 1 08 IO4 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. ^ si THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 105 Eight Wheel Standard Locomotives FOR PASSENGERS. Gauge, 4 ft, 8>2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate II. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 17X24 66 8 ft. 6 in. 22ft. 8^ in. 48700 270OO 75700 2300 18X22 66 8 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 6y 2 in. 49200 272OO 76400 2300 18X24 66 8 ft. 6 in. 22 f. i \]/ 2 in 52400 27600 8OOOO 2600 19X22 66 8 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 7^ in. 53000 28OOO 8IOOO 2600 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 30 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1024 754 588 400 296 237 185 145 116 1035 762 595 405 300 241 188 47 118 IIOI 8n 632 430 3i8 256 199 155 125 1114 820 640 435 322 258 20 1 157 126 io6 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. lO/ Eight Wheel Standard Locomotives FOR PASSENGERS OR FREIGHT. Gauge 4 ft, &*/2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate III. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. I 15X24 56 7 ft. 9 in. 2 1 ft. 7 in. 41000 23000 64000 2OOO 2 16X22 56 7 ft. 9 in. 2 1 ft. 6 in. 42000 23000 65000 2000 3 16X24 56 8 ft. 2 1 ft. ii in. 43000 24000 67000 22OO 4 17X22 56 8 ft. 21 ft. 91^ in. 44000 24000 68OOO 22OO 5 17X24 56 8 ft. 3 in. 22 ft. 4^ in. 47500 26500 74000 2300 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 1 00 ft. 125 ft. I 50 ft. 1184 803 598 387 280 214 171 133 I O6 1212 822 611 396 286 219 175 135 1 08 1239 840 624 403 291 222 177 137 IO9 1268 861 639 413 298 228 182 140 I 12 1368 927 689 445 32i 246 195 151 I2O io8 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \\ORKS. Eight Wheel Standard Locomotives FOR PASSENGERS OR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, 8>2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design slioivn by Plate III. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 15X22 62 7 ft. 9 in. 21 ft. 3 in. 40700 23000 63700 I800 15x24 62 7 ft. 9 in. 21 ft. 7 in. 41700 23200 64900 2000 16X22 62 7 ft. 9 in. 21 ft 6 in. 42700 23200 65900 2000 16X24 62 8ft 2 1 ft. 1 1 in. 43700 24200 67900 22OO 17X22 62 8ft 21 ft. 9% in. 44700 24200 68900 22OO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 rniles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft 1 00 ft. 125 ft. I 50 ft. 1175 797 593 384 277 213 170 I 3 2 105 1203 816 607 392 283 217 173 134 107 1232 835 622 402 290 222 177 138 I IO 1259 853 634 410 295 226 I 80 139 II I 1289 873 649 420 302 231 184 143 114 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Eight Wheel Standard Locomotives FOR PASSENGERS OR FREIGHT. Gauge 4 ft, 8^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate III. Cylinders. Dia'eter f Wheel Base. Diameter . Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. Of Driving inches. Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 17X24 62 8 ft. 3 in. 22 ft. 4^ in. 48200 26800 75000 2300 18X22 62 8 ft. 3 in. 22ft. 3>^in. 48500 27000 75500 2300 I Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. looft. 125 ft. I 50 ft. 1389 942 701 453 327 249 199 154 123 2 1397 947 704 455 328 251 2OO 155 123 3 4 5 110 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Ill Eight Wheel Standard Locomotives FOR PASSENGERS. Gauge, 4 ft, 8>2 in. or wider. Fuel, Anthracite Coal. General Design shown by Plate IV. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 17X22 66 8ft. 21 ft. ii in. 59500 23500 83000 22OO 17X24 66 8ft. 22 ft. i y 2 in. 63OOO 25000 88000 23OO 18X22 66 8ft. 21 ft. ii in. 63OOO 25000 88000 2300 18X24 66 8 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 9^ in. 64OOO 32500 96500 26OO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 30 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1264 934 731 502 375 303 239 190 155 1337 988 773 530 396 320 252 200 163 1337 988 773 530 396 320 252 200 163 1352 997 780 532 396 3i9 250 197 159 I 12 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Eight Wheel Standard Locomotives FOR PASSENGERS OR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, S)4 in. or wider. Fuel, Anthracite Coal. General Design shown by Plate V. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. On Truck. 11)S. Total. Ihs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 16x24 62 8ft. 22 ft. I y> in. 59500 23500 83000 2 2OO I Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 30 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. i oft. 20 ft. 731 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 1 25 ft. 1 50 ft. 1264 934 501 375 303 239 190 155 2 3 4 5 114 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Mogul Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge 4 ft, 8j^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shoivn by Plate VI. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 16X24 48 I4ft. loin 22ft. 4 in. 57000 13000 70000 2 200 17X24 48 15 ft. 22 ft. 6 in. 60500 13500 74OOO 2300 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. TOO ft 125 ft. I 50 ft. 1659 1 129 844 549 401 3ii 251 197 1 6O 1760 1198 895 584 426 330 266 2IO 170 n6 TIIK ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Mogul Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, 8 l /2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design sJioivn by Plate VI. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weigiit, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. On Truck. 11)S. Total. Ihs. Capacity of Tank. Cals. 18x24 50 15 ft. 2 in. 22 ft. 8 in. 66500 14500 SiOOO 2600 1 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 1 00 ft. 1 2 5 ft. 1 50 ft. 1935 1317 984 642 468 363 293 230 187 2 3 4 5 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \VORKS. 117 Mogul Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft., &}4 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate VI. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 18X24 54 15 ft. 2 in. 22 ft. 9 in. 67800 I420O 82OOO 2600 19X22 54 12 ft. I O in 20 ft. 5 y 2 in. 68000 I440O 82400 2600 19X24 54 15 ft. 4 in. 23ft. 70000 16000 86OOO 3000 20X24 54 1 5 ft. 6 in. 23 ft. 2 in. 78400 19950 98350 3000 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 rniles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1973 1343 1003 655 478 370 299 235 191 1979 1347 1006 657 480 371 300 236 192 2034 1384 1033 674 490 379 306 240 195 2281 1553 I I 6O 758 552 428 345 272 221 nS THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 119 Mogul Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, & l / 2 in. or wider. Fuel, Anthracite Coal. General Design shown by Plate VII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 18X24 48 13 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. IO in. 73000 I20OO 85000 26OO 19X24 48 1 3 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. loin. 78000 13000 91000 26OO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. looft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 2127 1449 1084 709 518 402 325 257 209 2275 i55i I 1 60 759 555 431 349 276 226 I2O THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft., S l /2 in. or wider. Fuel, Anthracite Coal. General Design sJiown by Plate VII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 19X24 54 13 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. loin. 79500 13500 93000 3000 20X24 54 14 ft 21 ft. 6 l / 2 in. 85500 14500 I OOOOO 3000 Load in tons of 2OOO pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 rniles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 2316 1578 1179 771 563 437 353 279 227 2494 1696 1268 832 608 473 383 303 247 122 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. I 8 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. I2 3 Ten Wheel Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, 8>^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate VIII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 16X24 50 1 2 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 9 in. 54000 18500 72500 22OO 17X22 50 1 2 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 8 in. 54000 19000 73000 22OO 17X24 50 1 3 ft. 3 in. 23 ft. 5 in. 56500 2IOOO 77500 2300 18X22 50 1 3 ft. 3 in. 23 ft. 4 in. 57OOO 2IOOO 78000 2300 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1567 1066 795 518 376 291 234 183 148 1582 1076 803 523 380 294 .236 1 86 150 1637 1113 830 540 393 302 242 189 153 1652 1123 838 543 396 305 245 192 155 124 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Ten Wheel Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, 8^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate VIII. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 16X24 54 1 2 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 9 in. 55000 18500 73500 22OO I/X 22 54 12 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 8 in. 54800 19200 74000 22OO 17X24 54 1 3 ft. 3 in. 23 ft. 5 in. 57000 2I50O 78500 2300 18X22 54 1 3 ft. 3 in. 23ft. 4 in. 57500 2I5OO 7900O 2300 18X24 54 1 3 ft. 4 in. 23 ft. 6 in. 61500 23500 85000 2600 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. 1 00 ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1596 1085 810 528 383 296 238 187 151 1590 1081 807 525 382 295 237 1 86 150 1652 1123 838 545 396 305 245 192 155 1667 H33 846 550. 400 308 248 194 157 1782 121 I 903 587 426 328 263 206 1 66 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 125 FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft., 8>-2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate VIII. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 19X24 54 13 ft. 6 in. 23 ft. 8 in. 65000 25OOO 90000 3000 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. lOOft. 1 2 5 ft. 1 50 ft. 1881 1278 952 618 448 345 276 216 174 126 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 127 Ten Wheel Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, S}4 in. or wider. Fuel, Wood. General Design shown by Plate IX. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 16X24 56 12 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 9 in. 55500 18500 74OOO 2200 17x22 56 1 2 ft. 6 in. 22 ft. 8 in. 55700 19300 75OOO 22OO 17x24 56 1 3 ft. 3 in. 23 ft. 5 in. 58000 21500 79500 23OO 18X22 56 1 3 ft. 3 in. 23 ft. 4 in. 58500 21500 8OOOO 23OO 18X24 56 13 ft. 4 in. 23ft. 6 in. 62500 23500 86000 26OO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 161 1 1096 818 533 387 299 241 189 153 1616 1099 820 534 388 300 241 189 153 1682 1143 853 555 403 3ii 249 195 159 1697 1153 861 560 407 3H 252 197 1 60 1811 1231 922 597 433 333 268 209 169 128 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Ten Wheel Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, 8}4 in. or wider. Fuel, Wood. General Design shown by Plate IX. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. Of Driving inches. Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ihs. Total. Ihs. Capacity of Tank. GaK 19X22 56 : 13 ft. 4 in. 23 ft. 6 in. 63500 245OO 88000 2600 19X24 56 13 ft. 6 in. 23 ft. Sin. 68800 252OO 94OOO 3000 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. lOOft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1840 1250 932 606 440 339 272 213 171 1994 1355 IOIO 657 477 367 295 231 1 86 130 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. a! THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Ten Wheel Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, 8>2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate X. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. IQX 24 50 15 ft. I in. 26ft. 76000 I6OOO 92OOO 2600 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft IOO ft 125 ft 1 50 ft. 2215 1509 1128 738 539 418 338 267 218 132 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Ten Wheel Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, 8 l /2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate X. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. On Truck. Ihs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 20X24 54 15 ft. 5 in. 26ft. 3 y 2 in. 800OO I8OOO 98000 3000 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. i oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 1 00 ft. 125 ft. i 50 ft. 2329 1586 1185 775 565 438 354 279 227 134 THE .ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. s THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. '35 Consolidation Locomotive FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft., 8}^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XL Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 20X24 50 1 4 ft. 9 in. 22 ft. loin. 86500 13500 I OOOOO 3000 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 15 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. IOO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 2881 1884 1380 884 640 494 398 314 256 136 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 137 Consolidation Locomotive FOR FREIGHT. Gauge, 4 ft, 8}4 in. or wider. Fuel, Anthracite Coal. General Design shown by Plate XII. I Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 20X24 50 1 4 ft. 9 in. 22 ft. loin. 92800 13600 106400 3OOO 2 3 4 5 I Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 15 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 3094 2025 1483 951 689 533 430 340 278 2 3 4 5 138 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. I s ^ SI THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 139 FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., 8^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XIII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 12X20 46 7 ft. 7 ft. 41500 41500 1200 12X22 46 7 ft. 7 ft. 43500 43500 1200 13X22 46 7 ft. 7ft 45500 45500 I20O Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft I OO ft. 125 ft I 50 ft 1554 983 709 448 322 248 201 159 130 1629 1031 743 470 338 261 21 I 167 136 1704 1078 778 492 354 274 221 175 143 140 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Four Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., 8>^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XIII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. I 12X20 50 7 ft. 7ft. 43000 43000 I2OO 2 12X22 50 7 ft. 7ft. 44000 44000 I2OO 3 13X22 50 7 ft. 7 ft. 46000 46000 I2OO 4 14X22 50 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 48000 48000 1500 5 15X22 50 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 51000 51000 1500 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 1 00 ft. 125 ft. I 50 ft. I59i 1006 725 458 330 254 205 l62 133 1629 1030 743 470 338 261 211 I6 7 136 1704 1078 778 492 354 274 221 175 143 1777 i 124 810 512 368 284 229 182 148 1888 1194 861 545 392 303 244 194 150 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 141 Four Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., 8>2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XIII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 15x24 50 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 54OOO 54OOO 1800 16X22 50 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 54OOO 54OOO 1800 16X24 50 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 55500 55500 1800 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1999 1264 911 576 415 320 258 204 167 1999 1264 911 576 415 320 258 204 167 2074 1312 946 598 431 332 268 213 174 142 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Four Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., 8>^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XIII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 15x24 54 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 54500 54500 1800 16X22 54 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 54500 54500 1800 16X24 54 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 560OO 56000 2OOO I Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. 1 00 ft. 1 25 ft. 1 50 ft. 2036 1287 928 587 422 326 263 208 170 2 2036 1287 928 587 422 326 263 208 170 3 2072 1310 944 596 429 330 266 21 I 172 4 5 144 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. S! THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Six Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft, &J/2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XIV. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. I I X 16 31 I oft. 3 in. 10 ft. 3 in. 39000 39OOO I2OO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. lOOft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. H43 913 657 415 299 230 185 147 119 146 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Six Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., S}4 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design skozvn by Plate XIV. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. IIX 16 44 i oft. 3 in. 10 ft. 3 in. 4OOOO 40000 I2OO 14X22 44 I oft. 3 in. IO ft. 3 in. 61500 61500 I5OO 15X22 44 i oft. 3 in. I oft. 3 in. 64500 64500 I5OO 16X20 1 44 i oft. 3 in. 10 ft. 3 in. 65000 65000 I5OO I Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. i oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 1 00 ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1480 936 6/4 426 306 236 191 151 123 2 2300 1460 1052 666 481 372 301 236 196 3 2375 1504 1085 688 497 383 311 248 205 4 2412 1528 IIO2 699 505 390 316 251 207 5 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Six Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft, % l / 2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XIV. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 14X22 46 I oft. 3 in. 10 ft. 3 in. 63000 63000 1500 15X22 46 i oft. 3 in. i oft. 3 in. 65500 65500 1500 16X20 46 i oft. 3 in. i oft. 3 in. 66OOO 66OOO 1500 16X22 46 loft. 3 in. i oft. 3 in. 68OOO 68OOO 1800 16X24 46 i oft. 7 in. I oft. 7 in. 72000 72000 1800 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft 1 50 ft. 2338 1481 IO69 678 489 379 307 244 200 2450 i55i I I 2O 7IO 513 397 322 256 210 2450 i55i I I 2O 7IO 5U 397. 322 256 2IO 2523 1597 H53 730 527 408 330 262 215 2672 1692 1222 774 559 433 350 279 229 148 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Six Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., 8}4 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design sJiown by Plate XIV. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. Total. Ihs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 17X22 ; 46 IO ft. 3 in. 10 ft. 3 in. 72500 72500 I8OO 17x24 46 loft. 7 in. IO ft. 7 in. 78000 78000 1800 18X22 ' 46 IO ft. 3 in. 10 ft. 3 in. 78800 78800 2OOO 18X24 46 i oft. 7 in. 10 ft. 7 in. 84000 84000 2OOO 19X22 46 I Oft. 3 in. i oft. 3 in. 85000 85000 2300 Load in tons of 2OOO pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at IO miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. i oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 2672 1692 1222 774 559 433 350 279 229 2896 1835 '324 841 607 470 381 304 249 2932 1856 1339 849 613 474 384 305 261 3118 1975 1426 905 654 506 411 326 268 3152 1996 1440 912 658 509 412 327 268 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 149 Six Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., Sj/2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design s/iozvn by Plate XIV. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 14X22 50 i oft. 3 in. 10 ft. 3 in. 64000 64000 1500 15 X 22 50 I oft. 3 in 10 ft. 3 in. 66500 66500 1500 16x20 50 10 ft. 3 in. i oft. 3 in. 67000 67000 1500 16X22 50 i oft. 3 in. I oft. 3 in. 69000 69000 1800 16X24 50 10 ft. 7 in. i oft. 7 in. 73000 73000 1800 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 rniles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 2375 1504 1085 688 497 383 3ii 248 205 2450 1551 I 120 710 5U 397 322 256 2IO 2486 1575 1137 721 521 403 326 260 213 2559 1620 I 169 741 535 4U 335 266 218 2709 1716 1238 785 567 439 355 283 232 150 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Six Wheel Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft, 8>2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XI}'. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels, inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. (lals. 17X22 50 I oft. 7 in. 10 ft. 7 in. 7400O 74000 I8OO 17x24 50 10 ft. / in. 10 ft. 7 in. 79000 79000 1800 18X22 50 10 ft. 7 in. 10 ft. 7 in. 80OOO 8OOOO 20OO 18X24 50 i oft. 7 in. 10 ft. 7 in. 85000 85000 2000 19X22 50 i oft. 7 in. I oft. 7 in. 86500 86500 2300 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 100 ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. i 2747 1740 1256 796 575 445 36i 287 236 2933 1858 1341 8 5 I 615 476 386 307 253 2969 1880 1357 861 622 481 389 310 254 3155 1999 H43 915 66 1 512 415 330 271 3189 2019 H56 923 666 5'5. 416 33i 271 152 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Four Wheel Tank Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft, S}4 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design sJunvn by Plate XV. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. lO^X 18 34 6 ft. 6 in. 6ft. 6 in. 43000 43000 5OO IIX 18 46 6ft. 6 in. 6ft. 6 in. 46000 46000 5OO 14X22 46 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 54000 54000 550 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of 1 b ! On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1606 1 02 1 740 473 345 269 220 177 148 1719 1093 793 507 369 289 236 190 158 2018 1283 930 595 434 339 277 223 1 86 '54 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Four Wheel Tank Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., %yl in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. (lateral Design sliown by Plate XV. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. liX 18 50 6 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 6 in. 46800 46800 500 14X22 50 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 54800 54800 550 15X22 50 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 58500 58500 600 16X22 50 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 62000 62000 650 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 150 ft. 1756 1 1 16 809 517 377 294 241 194 162 2055 1306 929 606 441 345 282 227 189 2204 1402 1016 650 473 370 302 244 203 2317 1473 1069 683 498 339 3i8 256 213 i S 6 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. ^ aj THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 157 Six Wheel Tank Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft., 8^2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design sJioivn by Plate XVI. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. IIX 18 46 I Oft. I oft. 50000 50000 5OO 14X22 46 I oft. I Oft. ; /OOOO 70000 5OO 15X22 46 I oft. I oft. 73000 73000 6OO 16X22 46 I Oft. I Oft. 76000 76000 650 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. .1868 1188 86 3 551 4O2 3i6 257 207 172 2616 1664 1206 770 563 439 359 290 242 2728 1734 1257 804 586 453 374 302 252 2840 1806 1309 837 611 477 390 3H 262 158 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Six Wheel Tank Locomotives FOR SWITCHING. Gauge, 4 ft, S l /4 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XVI. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Total. Capacity of Tank. Ihs. Ibs. Gals. II X 18 50 I oft. 7 in. loft. 7 in. 52OOO 52000 5OO 14X22 50 i oft. 7 in. i oft. 7 in. 7I6OO 7I60O 5OO 15X22 50 10 ft. 7 in. 10 ft. 7 in. 746OO 7460O 6OO 16X22 50 i oft. 7 in. i oft. 7 in. 780OO 78OOO 650 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. '943 1236 896 573 418 326 267 215 179 2691 171 1 1240 793 578 452 369 298 248 2802 1782 1291 826 602 470 384 310 258 2915 1854 1344 860 626 489 400 323 269 i6o THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. si THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Eight Wheel Double- Ender TANK LOCOMOTIVE. Gauge, 4 ft, % l / 2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shozvn by Plate XVII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Front and RearTruck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 13^X22 46 6 ft. 6 in. 2O ft 9 in. 42200 ^ 9800 64000 70O 15X22 46 6 ft. 8 in. 21 ft. 43500 C 14000 ( IO5OO 68OOO 7OO 16X22 46 7ft. 21 ft 6 in. 46500 ( 14500 ( I IOOO 72OOO 750 Load in tons of 2OOO pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 rniles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft 1239 847 6 3 6 419 308 241 197 157 130 1276 872 654 432 317 248 202 161 133 1364 933 7OO 461 339 265 215 173 142 162 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE \YOKKS. Eight Wheel Double -Ender TANK LOCOMOTIVE. Gauge, 4 ft., 8>2 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design skozvn by Plate ,V/77. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Front and Rear Truck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 1 13^X22 50 6 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. 9 in. 43200 C I2OOO ( 98OO 65OOO 70O 15x22 50 6 ft. 8 in. 20 ft. 44500 ( I4OOO ( I050O 69OOO 7OO 16X22 50 7 ft. 21 ft. 6 in. 47000 ^ 14800 1 I I 2OO 73000 " 750 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 1 00 ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1268 867 6 5 I 429 315 247 20 1 161 133 1305 892 669 440 324 253 206 165 136 1381 942 707 465 342 267 218 174 H3 - THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 163 Eight Wheel Double -Ender TANK LOCOMOTIVE. Gauge, 4 ft, 8>^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design sltiivn by Plate XVII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Front and Rear Truck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. (Jals. 15X22 56 6 ft. 9 in. 21 ft. 6 in. 45500 ( I4OOO ( 10500 7OOOO 7OO 16X22 56 7 ft. 2 1 ft. 6 in. 48000 ( 14800 \ I I 2OO 74OOO 750 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. I 50 ft. 1335 915 685 45i 332 260 212 169 I4O 1408 963 722 476 350 274 223 I 7 8 H7 1 64 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. I THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. I6s Ten Wheel Double-Ender Locomotives WITH TANK OVER REAR TRUCK. Gauge, 4 ft., S}4 in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XVIII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Kngine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Front and Rear Truck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 15X22 50 7 ft. 29 ft. 8 in. ' 60000 P 0000 ( 25000 95OOO IOOO 16X22 50 7 ft. 29 ft. 8 in. 62000 ( IO5OO \ 250OO 97500 IOOO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 1 00 ft. 1 25 ft. 1 50 ft. 1759 1 202 901 593 436 34i 277 ' 221 182 1818 1242 932 613 45i 35 2 287 229 189 1 66 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Ten Wheel Double-Ender Locomotives WITH TANK OVER REAR TRUCK. Gauge, 4 ft, &y in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XVI II. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Front and RearTruck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 15X22 56 7 ft. 29 ft 8 in. 61000 C IOOOO \ 25OOO 96000 IOOO 16X22 56 7 ft. 29 ft. 8 in. 63000 ( IO5OO { 25OOO 98500 IOOO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. too ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1789 1222 917 604 444 347 283 226 1 86 1847 1262 947 623 458 358 292 233 192 1 68 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 8 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 169 Ten Wheel Double-Ender Tank Locomotive WITH SIX DRIVERS. Gauge, 4 ft., 8>^ in. or wider. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XIX. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ihs. On Front and Rear Truck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. I5X2O 42 : 1 2 ft. 24 ft. 67400 C 9000 (7500 83900 1400 15X20 49 1 2 ft. 6 in. 2 5 ft. 68000 (9300 \ 7700 85000 1600 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1988 1362 IO24 678 502 394 323 261 217 2005 1373 1032 684 SOS 397 326 262 218 170 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 8 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Eight Wheel Forney Engine WITH TANK OVER TRUCK. Gauge, 4 ft, 8y in. or wider. Fuel, Anthracite Coal. General Design shown by Plate XX. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. II X 16 42 5 ft. 1 6 ft. i in. 29000 14000 43000 500 I2X 18 42 5 ft- 3 in- 1 6 ft. /in. 34000 18000 52000 650 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. iSoft 851 582 437 288 217 1 66 US 1 08 89 998 682 512 337 248 194 158 127 104 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 1/3 CHAPTER X. PLATES AND TABLES OF DIMENSIONS AND CAPACITY OF NARROW GAUGE LOCOMOTIVES. THE following are some of the styles of locomotives adapted to gauges of less than 4 feet 8^ inches: In the construction of Narrow Guage Engines here shown, and more especially in the illustration of parts of Locomotives, it will be seen that to secure sufficient water space, steam room, and firebox room, special designs were made, which make these engines as efficient in service as those of wider gauge. 174 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. s THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 175 Eight Wheel Standard Locomotives FOR PASSENGERS OR FREIGHT. Narrow Gau^e Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design sJlo^vn by Plate XXL Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. I2X l6 41 7ft. 4 in. 19 ft. 26000 I500O 4IOOO I2OO 13x20 55 7 ft. 9 in. 20 ft. 5 in. 29600 I82OO 47800 1300 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 1 2 5 ft. 1 50 ft. 748 507 376 243 175 134 1 06 81 65 851 577 428 2 7 8 199 152 121 93 74 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 177 Mogul Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Narrow Gauge Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design slioivn by Plate XXII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. I4X 18 37 12 ft. 4 in. 1 8 ft. 4 in. 43600 8700 52300 1400 15* 18 37 12 ft I O in 1 8 ft. loin. 45500 9OOO 54500 1500 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. IOO ft. 125 ft. iSoft. 1271 866 648 425 310 240 194 154 125 1326 94 676 442 323 251 203 1 60 131 12 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Mogul Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Narrow Gau^e Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XXII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs: Capacity of Tank. Gals. I4X 18 41 13 ft. 1 9 ft. 3 in. 44500 8700 53200 I4OO I5X 18 41 1 3 ft. 4 in. 1 9 ft. 7 in. 47000 9000 56000 I50O I Load in tons of 2OOO pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. i oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I OO ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1297 884 66 1 432 3i6 245 193 157 128 2 1373 936 699 457 334 259 2IO 1 66 136 3 4 5 i So THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 181 Mogul Locomotives FOR FREIGHT. Narrow Gauge Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design slioivn by Plate XXIII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On FrontTruck On~Each TenderTr'k Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 13* 18 30 7 ft. 6 in. 33 ft. 3 in. 38000 C 9500 ( I2OOO 75000 1000 13X18 37 7 ft. 6 in. 33ft. 9 in. 39500 \ 9500 \ I2OOO 77000 IOOO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. 1 00 ft. 125 ft. I 50 ft. I IOO 748 557 362 262 202 162 126 I O2 1144 7/8 580 377 273 21 I 170 132 IO7 In this style of Engine the rear end of the Engine is connected to and supported by the front end of the Tender. The forward tender truck is provided with swing motion. These Engines are specially adapted to sharp curves. 182 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 183 Four Wheel Tank Locomotive FOR SWITCHING. Narrow Gauge Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Piate XXIV. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 8X 12 26 5 ft. 5 ft. 18000 I8OOO 175 8X 12 30 5 ft. 5 ft. 18500 18500 175 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. lOOft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 1 673 428 310 198 144 H3 92 74 62 2 692 440 319 2O4 149 116 95 77 64 3 4 5 1 84 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Four Wheel Tank Locomotive FOR SWITCHING. Narrow Gauge Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XXIV. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. (Jals. 9X 16 30 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft- 3 n. 2800O 28OOO 275 9X 16 37 5 ft- 3 in- 5. ft. 3 in. 29OOO 29000 275 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 10 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. iSoft. 1046 666 482 308 225 176 144 116 96 1083 689 499 319 232 181 148 1 20 99 1 86 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Mogul Tank Locomotive FOR FREIGHT. Narrow Gauge Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XXV. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Truck. Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 13x18 30 9 ft. 13 ft. loin. 4IOOO 8000 49000 740 I Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. I 00 ft. 1 2 5 ft. 1 50 ft. 1209 829 624 413 306 241 197 159 132 2 3 4 5 188 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. s THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 189 Eight Wheel Double-Ender Locomotive FOR FREIGHT OR PASSENGERS Narrow Gauge Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XXVI. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Separate Tender. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Front and Rear Truck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. ^ I I OOO 12X20 44 6ft. 22 ft. I in. 3IOOO 5 1 ooo I5OO ( 9OOO C i i ooo I2X2O 49 6ft. 22 it. I in. 32OOO { 9000 52000 I5OO Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft. 100 ft. 125 ft. 1 50 ft. 908 620 465 305 224 i?5 142 H3 93 938 641 480 3i6 232 181 H7 118 97 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. a ^ 5! THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. Ten Wheel Double-Ender Locomotive WITH TANK OVER REAR TRUCK. Narrow Gauge Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design shown by Plate XX VI I. Cylinders. Diameter and Stroke. inches. Dia'eter of Driving Wheels. inches. Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Front and RearTruck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank. Gals. 9X 12 30 6ft. 24ft. 2OOOO C 5000 ( I400O 39000 6OO QX 12 36 6ft. 26ft. 21500 C 5000 ( I4OOO 40500 60O Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. I Oft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. Soft I OO ft. 125 ft. ' 150 ft. 582 397 296 194 I 4 I 109 88 70 56 624 425 318 2O9 152 119 96 76 62 192 THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS. 193 Fourteen Wheel Double-Ender Locomotive WITH SIX DRIVERS AND TANK OVER REAR TRUCK. Narrow Gauge Track. Fuel, Bituminous Coal. General Design sliown by Plate XXVIII. Cylinders. Diameter Dia'eter of Wheel Base. Weight, in running order. POUNDS. Tank on Engine. and Stroke. inches. Driving Wheels. inches. Of Driving Wheels. Total. On Driving Wheels. Ibs. On Front and Rear Truck Ibs. Total. Ibs. Capacity of Tank, (jals. I2X 16 34 9 ft. 3 in. 31 ft. ~\y 2 in. 39000 ^ 80OO \ 250OO 72OOO 1200 13^X16 34 9 ft. 3 in. 3 i ft. I 1 4 in. 4OOOO C 8200 ( 26OOO 74200 1300 Load in tons of 2000 pounds in addition to Engine and Tender, at 20 miles an hour, on a grade per mile of On a Level. 10 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. I OO ft. 125 ft. I 50 ft. 1138 7/6 5 8l 380 278 216 175 139 113 i 167 796 595 390 285 222 179 142 116 INDEX. A. Adams, Charles Francis, 3, 4. Adhesion of Locomotives, 93, 94. Advertisement in American Railroad Journal, 3, 1 1 "Aiken, William," the, 9. Alabama & Great Southern R. R., 65. Albany, 8. Allen & Hudson's grate, 34. Allen, Horatio, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 ; letter from, 2. Allen link-motion, 55, 56. Allen valve, 59. American cars, 94. American locomotives, u, 15. American Railroad Journal, 3, 10. advertisement in, 3, II. article from, II, 14, 15. American Railway Times, report in, 19, 20. " American " type of locomotive, 17. Anthracite coal burners, 92. " " fire-box, 25. " " grate for, 38. " Arresseoh No. 2," 13. " Atlantic " the, 8. Attica & Buffalo R. R., 29. B. Baldwin, Mr., patent by, 15. Baltimore, 3, 4, 5. Baltimore & Ohio R. R , 4, 7, 8, 23. Baltimore & Susquehanna R. R.. 10. Bar frames, 61. " Batavia " the, 14. Battle of the Locomotive, 3. Beaver Mill, I. Bed plate, 51. Belleview, 13. Belpaire fire-box, 26. " Best Friend," the, 7. Bissell's truck, 20, 21, 71, 72, 73. " inclined planes, 75. Bituminous coal, 33. '' burners, 92. Bonnet, 44. " stack, 45. Boiler, the, 23-27. capacity of, 96. plates, 31. seams, 32. shells, 31, 32. Bordentown, 5. Boston, 3. Boston & Lowell R. R., 5. Boston & Providence R. R., 5. Boston & Worcester R. R., 5. Brandt, John, 29. Brass tubes, 27. Brick- arch, 26, 27. Bridge, water, 25. Bristol roller slide-valve, 59. " Brother Jonathan " the, 9. Buchanan fire-box, 26. Buffalo & State Line R. R. , 20. Bury's frame, 60. Bury, Mr., 23, c. Cam, 55. Camden & Amboy, 5, 8. Campbell's locomotive, 16. Capacity of locomotives, tables of, 99-193. Carbondale, 6. Carbondale R. R., 4. Cars, American, 94. Catalogue, last, 78. Catechism of the Locomotive, 96. Caulking edges, 32. Caulking tool, 28. Cayuga Lake, 5. Cayuga & Susquehanna R. R., 5. Centennial exhibition, 8. Central R. R. of New Jersey, 55. Channelling, 32. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, 4. Charleston, 3. Charleston & Columbia R. R., 9. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R., 25. Childs, Mr., 8. Chimney, 46. Chimney damper, 49. Cinders. 40. 196 I N D K X . Clark's, D. K., Manual, 93. Clark, John, Jr., I. Clark & Rogers, I. Clinker, 53. "Clinton," the, 13. Coal, for fuel, 24. Collision, 62. Combustion chambers, 25. Compound locomotive, Hudson's, 22. Compression, 55- Cone, deflecting, 12, 45; inverted, 14, 44, 47, Connecting-rods, 65-68. Consolidation locomotives, 20. springs for, 64. tables and plates of, 134-137. Cooper, Peter, 7 ; locomotive by, 7. Cooper, William K., 13 Copper thimble, 29. Copper tubes, 27. Corrosion, 32. Cotton duck, manufacture of, i. Cotton, spinning of, I, 2. Counterbalancing of wheels, 15, 16 ; of cranks, Counterweights for links, 56, 57- Covering strips, 32. Crank-axle, 13, 14, 15, 16. Crank, half, 15. Cranks, location of, 14. Crown -bars, 24. Crown-sheets, staying of, 24. Crum Creek, 4. Cullen, James, 65. Cumberland Valley R. R., 26. Curves, effect of, 95 ; radius of, 95. Cut-off valve, 54. Cylinders, 50-52. capacity of, 96. insitle, 13. position of, 69. Cylindrical top of furnace, 24. D. Damper, chimney, 49. Davis & Gartner, 8. Declaration of Independence, 4. Deflecting cone, 45. " plate, 40.. Deflector, 46, 47, 48; for furnace doors, 31. " Delaware," the, 9. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., 4, 6. Delaware County, Pa., 4. Development of the locomotive, 10, 23, 76. " De Witt Clinton," the, 8. Diagram from schedule board, 83. Diamond stack, 45. Dickerson, Judge, 10. Dimensions of Locomotives, 82 ; tables of, 99-193 Dome, hemispherical, 14. Domes, 32. Double-ender locomotive, 75. Hudson's, 21. plates and tables of, 160-169, 188-193. Driving-wheels, 65 ; first form of, 12. Driving-wheel springs, 76. Drop-door for grates, 33. Dudgeon's expander, 30. 49. Duplicate parts, 78. D-valves, 52. E. Early history of railroads, 3-5. Eccentrics, outside, 52. "Edgefield," the, 9. Eight-wheel double-ender locomotive, plates and tables of, 160-163. Eight-wheel Forney locomotives, plates and table of, 1 88, 189. Eight-wheel (n.g. ) double-ender tank locomotive, plate and table of, 188, 189. Eight-wheel standard locomotives, plates and table of, 102-1 13. Eight-wheel standard (n. g. ) locomotives, plates and table of, 174, 175. Ellicott's Mills, 5 Engines, 50. English engines, 9, 10. Equalizing levers, 17, 63, 64. Hudson's, 22, 74. for truck, 76. from front driving axle to truck, first use of, 17. Erie Canal, 3, 4. Erie R. R., 29. Exhaust ports, 57, 58 ; double, 59. Expander, Dudgeon's, 30 ; Prossers, 30. Expansion and contraction of tubes, 28. Expansion of steam, 52. " Experiment," the, 13. Extended smoke-box, 40. Extraordinary feat, 15. F. Feed water heater, 42. Finger grate, 35, 36, 37. Finish of engines, 15. Fire-box, Belpaire's, 26. " Buchanan's, 26. " for anthracite coal, 25. " overhang of, 13, " semi-circular, 14. Fire-brick, 27. INDEX. 197 Fontaine stack, 47. Forney's Catechism of the Locomotive, 96. ' ' locomotive, 21. plate and table of, 170, 171. Foster, Rastrick & Co., 6. Four-wheel locomotives, 23. plates and tables of, 152-154. Four-wheel (n. g) double-ender tank locomotive, plate and table of, 192, 193. Four-wheel tank (n. g.) locomotive, plate and table of, 182-184. Four-wheel tank locomotives, plates and tables of, 152-154. Frames, 60-64 ; Bury's, 60 ; Hudson's, 62. Friction, co-efficient of, 93. Fry, Howard, 92. Furnace door deflector, 31. " semi-circular, 14. G. Gallon, Capt, paper on brakes, 93. Gauge, five feet, 65 ; of roads in Ohio, 13. Gauges, 78- Gleason's valve, 58. Godwin, Abraham, Jr., I. Godwin, Rogers & Co., I. Grate, Allen &. Hudson's, 34. " finger, 35-37. " for anthracite coal, 38. " "plain, "33. " rocking, 36, 37. " water, 25 40. Grate-bars, 33. Grates, 33-40 ; shaking, 33. Grooving, 32. Grosvenor, Jasper, 2. H. Hack worth valve, 57, 58. Half crank, 18. Harper's Ferry, 5. Headden, John, 78. Helical spring, 57. Hemispherical dome, 14. Hemispherical furnace, 23, 24. Hightstown, 5. History of locomotive building, II. " locomotives, 6-10. " railroads, 3-5. Hogg, Thomas, 13. Honesdale, Pa., 4, 6. Hood, 45. Horizontal cylinders, 69. Hudson, William S., 31, 75, 76, 78. " appointment of, 20. '' death of, 22. " obituary notice of, 22. Hudson's compound locomotive, 22. " design of link motion, 54. '' double-ender locomotive, 21. " experiments with tubes, 29. " feed water heater, 42. " frames, 62. " patents, 22. " patent for double-ender locomotive, 21. " patent grate, 34. " patent on equalizing levers, 74. " patent on trucks, 73. " spark arrester, 47. Hudson river, 3. Hudson River R. R., 53. Hughes, R. S., 65. I. Independent cut-off valves, 17, 18, 54. Injectors, 44. Inside connected engines, 16. Inside cylinders, 13, 18, 50. Intel-changeability, 78. Iron boiler plates, 31. Iron tubes, 27. J- James, J. H., 13. Jefferson Works, 2. "Jersey Blue," letter of, 15, 16. Jervis, John B., 6, 8, 9, 10. "John Bull" the, 8. Journal bearings, outside, 60. Ketchum, Morris, 2. K. L. Lateral moving trucks, 73. Layng. J. D., 80, 92. Leaky tubes, 27, 28, 29. Lifting-shaft, 53, 54. Lehigh Valley Canal, 4. Link-motion, 53-56. Allen's, 55, 56. first use of, 18. Links, counterweighting of, 56, 57. Liverpool & Manchester Railway, 3, 16, 23. Load an_ engine will draw, 95, 96. Lockport & Niagara Falls R. R., 13. 198 INDEX Locomotive, battle of, 3. development of, 76. double-ender, 75. Hudson's patent, 76. Locomotives, adhesion of, 94. consolidation, plates, and tables of, 134-I37. dimensions of, 82. " eight-wheel double-ender, plates and tables of, 160-163. eight-wheel " Forney," plate and table of, 170-171. " four-wheel (n. g.) tank, plates and tables of, 182-184. '" eight-wheel standard, plates and tables of, 102-113. ' eight- wheel standard (n. g. ), plates and tables of, 174, 175. four-wheel, plates and tables of, 138- 142. " four-wheel tank, plates and tables of, 152-154. " mogul, plates and tables of, 114-120 n. g., plates and tables of, 173-195. " n. g., eight-wheel double-ender tank, plate and table of, 188, 189. " n. g., fourteen-wheel double-ender tank, plate and table of, 192, 193. " n. g., mogul, plates and tables of, 176-181. " n. g. mogul, tank, plates and tables of, 186, 187. " n. g. tank, plates and tables of, 182- 193- " n. g. ten-wheel double ender tank, plate and table of, 190, 191. " number built by Roger's Works, 76, 77- six-wheel, plates and tables of, 144- 150. " six-wheel tank, plates and tables of, 156-158. " tables of dimensions and capacity of, 94-193- " ten-wheel double-ender, plates and tables of, 164-169. " ten- wheel, plates and tables of, 122- 132. tractive power of, 93. M. Mad River & Lake Erie R. R., 13. Mandril, for expanding tubes, 28, 30. Map of Roger's Works, 78, 79. " Maryland " the, 9. Massachusetts, 5. Matanzas R. R., 26. Mauch Chunk, 4. " McNeill" the, 10. Men, number employed, 78. Mexico, I. Milholland's fire-box, 25. Miller, E. L., 7. Mogul locomotive, 73. " first, 20. " plates and tables of, 114-120. " n. g. plates and tables of, 176-181. " n. g. tank, plates and tables of, 186, 187. " truck for, 75. Mohawk & Hudson R. R., 5, 8, 9. Molesworth's Pocket-Book, 93. N. Narrow gauge locomotive, 64. plates and tables of, 173-193. Nashville & Chattanooga R. R., 40. Nashville, Chatanooga 7^- " with inside and outside bearings, 7- Trucks, 69 ; Hudson's patent, 73. Tubes, 27-30. expansion and contraction of, 28. fastening of, 28. u. Uhry & Lutgen's valve-gearing, 55. V. Valve, Allen's, 59. Bristol's, 59. Hackworth's, 58. Gleason's, 58. Richardson's, 59- Valves and valve-gearing, 52, 57) 60. V-hooks, 17, 1 8. Volute spring, 57. " Vulcan," the, 20. w. Wagon top boiler, 24, Ward, Captain, I. Washington Branch, 5. Water-bridge, 25. Water-grate, 25, 40. Water-leg, 25. Water-tubes, 27. Weight of train, table of, 88. Welt, 32. W r est Point" Foundry Association, 2, 7, Wheatly, W. H., letter from, 80. Winans, Ross, 10. Wind, effect of, 94. Wire netting, 45, 48. Wood fuel, 33. Wood's papers on locomotives, 15. treatise on railroads, 9. Wrought-iron grate bars. 33. Y. York, Pa. , 8. "York," the, 8. 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