THEORY OF STRUCTURES AND STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. WITH DIAGRAMS, ILLUSTRATIONS, AND EXAMPLES. BY HENRY T. BOVEY, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S.C., PROFESSOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MECHANICS, M*GILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL. MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS; MEMBER OF THE INSTITU- TION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS; LATE FELLOW OP QUEENS' COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE (ENG.). FIRST THOUSAND. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, 53 EAST TENTH STREET. 1893. COPYRIGH^, 1893, BV HENRY T. BOVEY. ROBERT DRTJMMOND, 886 Pearl Street, New York. 444 & 446 Pearl Street, New York. DEDICATED WHOSE BENEFACTIONS TO M*GILL UNIVERSITY HAVE DONE SO MUCH TO ADVANCE THE CAUSE OF SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION. PREFACE. THE present work treats of that portion of Applied Mechanics which has to do with the Design of Structures. Free reference has been made to the works of other authors, yet a considerable amount of new matter has been introduced, as, for example, the Articles on " Surface Loading" by Carus-Wilson, " The Flexure of Columns " by Findlay, and " The Efficiency of Riveted Joints " by Nicolson ; also my own Articles on " Maximum Shearing Forces and Bending Moments," " The Flexure of Long Columns," " The Theorem of Three Moments," etc. I am much indebted to Messrs. C. F. Findlay and W. B. Dawson for valuable information respecting the treatment of Cantilever Bridges, Arched Ribs, and the Live Loads on Bridges. To Messrs. J. M. Wilson, P. A. Peterson, C. Macdonald, and others, many thanks are due for data respecting the Dead Weights of Bridges. I am under deep obligation to my friend Prof. Chandler, who has kindly revised the proof-sheets, and who has made many important suggestions. I have endeavored so to arrange the matter that the student may omit the advanced portions and obtain a com- plete elementary course in natural sequence. At the end of each chapter, a number of Examples, VI PREFACE. selected for the most part from my own experience, are arranged with a view to illustrating the subject-matter an important feature, as it is admitted that the student who care- fully works out examples obtains a mastery of the subject which is otherwise impossible. The various Tables in the volume have been prepared from the most recent and reliable results. A few years ago I published a work on " Applied Me- chanics," consisting mainly of a collection of notes intended for the use of my own students. The present volume may be considered as a second edition of that work, but the subject- matter has been so much added to and rearranged as to make it almost a new book. I venture to hope that this volume may prove acceptable not only to students, but to the profes- sion at large. HENRY T. BOVEY. McGiLL COLLEGE, MONTREAL, November, 1892. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. FRAMED STRUCTURES. PAGE Definitions I Frames of Two or More Members 2 Funicular Polygon 3 Polygon of Forces 4 Line of Loads 5 Mansard Roof 6 Non-closing Polygons ... 7 Funicular Curve 10 Centre of Gravity 1 1 Moment of Inertia 12 Cranes, Jib 13 " Derrick 16 " Composite 31 Shear Legs ^ \~f Bridge Trusses 17 Roof Trusses i > King-post Truss 21 Incomplete Frames 27 Queen-post Truss 31 Composite Frames 32 Roof-weights 37 Wind-pressure 38 Distribution of Loads 39 Examples of Roof Trusses 41 Examples of Bridge Trusses (Fink, Bollman, Howe, Bowstring, Single- intersection, etc) 52 Method of Sections 62 Piers 65 vii VI il CONTENTS. Tables of Roof -weights and Wind-pressures ............................ 67 Examples ............................................................. 7 CHAPTER II. SHEARING FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS. Equilibrium of Beams ................................................ 93 Shearing Force .................................. ...................... 95 Bending Moment ................... ................................ 96 Examples of Shearing Force and Bending Moment ...................... 97 Relation between Shearing Force and Bending Moment .................. 108 Effect of Live (or Rolling) Load ........................................ in Graphical Representation of Moment of Forces with Respect to a Point.. . 116 Relation between Bending Moments and Funicular Polygon .............. 118 Maximum Shear and Maximum Bending Moment at any Point of an Arbi- trarily Loaded Girder ............................................. 121 Hinged Girders ....................................................... 126 Examples ........... ' ................................................ 131 CHAPTER III. GENERAL PRINCIPLES, ETC. Definitions. . . ....................................... ................ 140 Stress, Simple ........................................................ 140 " Compound .................................................... 140 Hooke's Law ........................................................ 141 Coefficient of Elasticity ................................... ............ 141 Poisson's Ratio ........................ . .............................. 142 Effect of Temperature ................................................. 142 Specific Weight ....................................................... 143 Limit of Elasticity ................................................... 143 Breaking Stress ....... ............................................... 147 Dead and Live Loads ................................................. 143 Repeated Stress Effect ................................................ 145 Wohler's Experiments ................................................ 145 Testing of Metals .................................................... 147 Launhardt's Formula .................................................. 159 Wey ranch's Formula ............... ................................... 153 Unwin's Formula ......................................... . ......... 159 Flow of Solids ....................................................... 162 Work, Internal and External ........................................... 168 Energy, Kinetic and Potential ......................................... 167 Oblique Resistance .................................................. 169 Values of k .......................................................... 174 Momentum. Impulse .................. . ............................ 176 Angular Momentum .................................................. 177 CONTENTS. . IX PAGE Useful Work. Waste Work 178 Centrifugal Force 181 I m pact 1 84 Extension of a Prismatic Bar 189 Oscillatory Motion of a Weight at the End of a Vertical Elastic Rod 190 Inertia 198 Balancing 198 Curves of Piston Velocity 205 Linear Diagrams of Velocity 206 Curves of Crank-effort. . . 207 Curves of Energy 207 Fluctuation of Energy 207 Tables of Strengths, Elasticities, and Weights of Materials 210 Tables of the Breaking Weights and Coefficients of Bending Strengths of Beams 213 Table of the Weights and Crushing Weights of Rocks, etc 214 Table of Expansions of Solids 215 Examples 216 CHAPTER IV. STRESSES, STRAINS, EARTHWORK, AND RETAINING WALLS. Internal Stresses 235 Simple Strain 235 Compound Strain 236 Principal Stresses 240 Curves of Maximum Shear and Normal Intensity 240 Combined Bending and Twisting Stresses 244 Combined Longitudinal and Twisting Stresses 247 Conjugate Stresses 247 Relation between Principal and Conjugate Stresses 247 Ratio of Conjugate Stresses 250 Relation between Stress and Strain 251 Rankine's Earthwork Theory 255 Pressure against a Vertical Plane 257 Earth Foundations 258 Retaining Walls 260 Retaining Walls. Conditions of Equilibrium 260 Rankine's Earthwork Theory applied to Retaining Wall? 264 Line of Rupture 265 Practical Rules respecting Retaining Walls 267 Reservoir Walls 271 General Case of Reservoir Walls 275 General Equations of Stress 276 Ellipsoid of Stress 281 Stress-strain Equations 281 X CONTENTS. PAGE Isotropic Bodies 283 Relation between A , A, and G 285 Traction 287 Torsion 288 Work done in the Small Strain of a Body (Clapeyron) 292 Examples 294 CHAPTER V. FRICTION. Friction 300 Laws of Friction 300 Inclined Plane 301 Wedge , 302 Screws . 306 Endless Screw 309 Rolling Friction 310 Journal Friction 312 Pivot 316 Cylindrical Pivot 316 Wear 318 Conical Pivot 319 Schiele's Pivot {anti-friction) 320 Belts and Ropes 321 Brakes 323 Effective Tension of a Belt 324 Effect of High Speed 325 Slip of Belts 326 Prony's Dynamometer 327 Stiffness of Belts and Ropes 327 Wheel and Axle 329 Toothed Gearing 331 Bevel- wheels 335 Efficiency of Mechanisms 335 Table of Coefficients of Journal Friction 336 Examples 337 CHAPTER VI. t TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. Elastic Moment 340 Moment of Resistance 340 Neutral Axis 340 Transverse Deformation 344 Coefficient of Bending Strength 344 CONTENTS. XI PAGE Equalization of Stress 349 Surface Loading 350 Effect of Bending Moment in a Plane which is not a Principal Plane 354 Springs 355 Beams of Uniform Strength 358 Flanged Girders 365 Classification of Flanged Girders 365 Equilibrium of Flanged Girders , 366 Moments of Inertia of I and other Sections 371 Design of a Girder of I-section 381 Deflection of Girders 384 Camber 387 Stiffness 389 Distribution of Shearing Stress 391 Beam acted upon by Forces Oblique to its Direction 396 Similar Girders 401 Allowance to be made for Weight of Beam 405 Examples 407 CHAPTER VII. TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF BEAMS {Continued.} General Equations 428 Interpretation of the General Equations 432 Examples Cantilever 435 Girder upon Two Supports 439 " fixed at One End and resting upon Support at the Other 442 " " fixed at Both Ends 445 " " upon Two Supports not in the same Horizontal Plane. 446 " Neutral Axis of Arbitrarily Loaded Girders 448 " Cantilever with Varying Section 455 " Girder Encastre at the Ends 458 Springs 456 Work done in bending a Beam 460 Transverse Vibrations of a Beam supported at Both Ends , 461 Imperfect Fixture 461 Continuous Girders 463 Theorem of Three Moments 463 Swing-bridges 470 Maximum Bending Moment at the Points of Support of a Continuous Girder of n Spans 475 General Theorem of Three Moments 484 Comparative Merits of Continuous Girders 486 Examples 490 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. PILLARS. PAGE Classification of Pillars 513 Form " " 514 Failure " " 515 Uniform Stress 516 Uniformly Varying Stress 517 Hodgkinson's Formulae 520 Gordon's Formula 522 Values of the Coefficients (a and f) in Gordon's Formula 523 Graphical Representation of Strength of Pillars 524 Rankine's Modification of Gordon's Formula 526 Formula for Safe Working Stress 526 Value of " Radius of Gyration " for Different Sections 526 American Iron Columns 532 Long Thin Pillars 534 Long Columns of Uniform Section (Euler's Theory) 538 Resistance of Columns to Buckling (Weyrauch's Theory) 550 Baker's Formulae .... 549 Flexure of Columns , 554, 557 Examples 563 CHAPTER IX. TORSION. Definition 568 Coulomb's Laws 568 Torsional Strength of Shafting 569 St. Venant's Results 572 Torsional Rupture 572 Resilience of Shafting 574 Effect of Combined Bending and Twisting 574 Distance between Bearings for Shafting 575 Efficiency of Shafting 577 Spiral Springs 577 Figures illustrating the Distortion produced by twisting Round, Square, and Rectangular Iron Bars 5850, 585^ Examples 580 CHAPTER X. CYLINDRICAL AND SPHERICAL BOILERS. Cylinders 586 Efficiency of Riveted Joints in Boilers 587 CONTENTS. X1U PAGE Thick Hollow Cylinder 588 Spherical Shells 591 Practical Formulae 592 Examples 594 CHAPTER XL BRIDGES. Classification 597 Curved and Horizontal Flanges 597 Depth of Girders (or Trusses) 597 Position of Platform 598 Comparative Advantages of Two, Three, and Four Main Girders 600 Dead Load 600 Live Load 600 Trellis (or Lattice) Girder 600 Warren Girder 603 Howe Truss 61 1 Single-intersection Truss 616 Double-intersection Truss 616 Whipple Truss 618 Linvillc Truss 618 Post Truss 618 Quadrangular Truss 618 Bowstring Truss 618 Bowstring Truss with Isosceles Bracing 624 Bowstring Suspension-bridge (Lenticular Truss) 626 Cantilever Trusses 627 Curve of Cantilever Boom 634 Deflection of Cantilevers 638 Rollers 639 Wind-pressure 651 Regulations respecting Wind-pressure 653 Lateral Bracing 654 Chords 655 Stringers 656 Maximum Allowable Working Stresses 657 Camber 659 Rivet Connections between Flange and Web 660 Eye-bars, Pins, and Rivets 661 Steel Eyebars . 665 Rivets 666 Dimensions of Rivets 667 Strength of Punched and Drilled Plates 668 Riveted Joints 668 Theory of Riveted Joints 671 XIV CONTENTS. Covers 675 Efficiency of Riveted Joints 676 Tables of Weights of Actual Bridges 682-687 Table of Loads for Highway Bridges 688 Examples 689-702 CHAPTER XII. SUSPENSION-BRIDGES. Cables 703 Anchorage 704 Suspenders . . 706 Curve of Cable (catenary) 706 Link " Cable" 709 Length of Cable 712 Weight of Cable 713 Deflection due to Change of Length 714 Pressure upon Piers 718 Stiffening Truss 719 Stiffening Truss hinged at the Centre 725 Suspension-bridge Loads 730 Modifications of the Suspension-bridge proper 731 Examples 734~739 CHAPTER XIII. ARCHED RIBS. Definitions 740 Equilibrated Polygon (Line of Resistance) 741 Polygon of Pressures 743 Linear Arch 743 Conditions of Equilibrium 745 Joint of Rupture 747 Minimum Thickness of Abutment 749 Empirical Formulae 750 Linear Arch in Form of a Parabola 750 " " " " " Transformed Catenary 750 " " " " " Circular Arc 753 " " " " " Elliptic Arc 753 Hydrostatic Arch 757 Geostatic Arch , 759 General Arch Theory 760 Arched Ribs 762 Bending Moment and Thrust at any Point of an Arched Rib 763 Rib with Hinged Ends 764 CONTENTS. XV PAGE Semicircular Rib with Hinged Ends ' 765 Graphical Determination of the Thrust at any Point of an Arched Rib 767 Rib in Form of a Circular Arc 769 Rib with Fixed Ends * 771 " " " " in Form of a Circular Arc 773 " " " " " ' " Semicircle 775 " " " " " " " Parabola 775 Effect of a Change of Temperature 777, 786 Deflection of an Arched Rib 780, 802 Elementary Deformation of an Arched Rib 781 Rib of Uniform Stiffness 788 Parabolic Rib of Uniform Depth and Stiffness 789, 795, 800 Arched Rib of Uniform Stiffness with Fixed Ends 804 Stresses in Spandril Posts and Diagonals 804 Maxwell's Method of Determining the Stresses in a Framed Arch 806 Examples 809-812 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. CHAPTER I. FRAMES LOADED AT THE JOINTS. I. Definitions. Frames are rigid structures composed oi straight struts and ties, jointed together by means of bolts, straps, mortises and tenons, etc. Struts are members in com- pression, ties members in tension, and the term brace is applied; to either. The external forces upon a frame are the loads and the reactions at the points of support, from which may be found the resultant forces at the joints. The greatest care should be exercised in the design of the joints. The resultant forces should severally coincide in direction with the axes of the members upon which they act, and should intersect the joints in their centres of gravity. Owing to a want of homogeneity in the material, errors of workmanship, etc., this coincidence is not always practicable, but it should be remembered that the smallest deviation introduces a bending action. Such an action will also be caused by joint friction when the frame is insufficiently braced. The points in which the lines of action of the resultants intersect the joints are also called the centres of resistance, and the figure formed by joining the centres of resistance in order is usually a polygon, which is designated the line of resistance of the frame. The position of the centres should on no account be allowed to vary. It is assumed, and is practically true, that the joints of a frame are flexible, and that the frame under a given load 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. i does not sensibly change in form. Thus an individual mem. her is merely stretched or compressed in the direction of its length, i.e., along its line of resistance, while the frame as a whole may be subjected to a bending action. The term truss is often applied to a frame supporting a weight, 2. Frame of Two Members. OA, OB are two bars jointed at O and supported at the ends A, B. The frame in FIG. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. Fig. I consists of two ties, in Fig. 3 of two struts, and in Fig. 2 of a strut and a tie. Let P be the resultant force at the joint, and let it act in the direction OC. Take OC equal to P in magnitude, and draw CD parallel to OB. OD is the stress along OA, and CD is that along OB. Let the angle AOB a, and the angle COD = /3. Let S, , 5 2 be the stresses along OA, O, respectively. S, _ OD _ sin(..../>, are represented by the sides s,s^ s y s 3 , . . . v*> which are in one straight line closed by s^ t and s & s t , representing the remaining forces P l and P t , and the triangles Os t s tt Os^ 3 , . . . are the reciprocals of the points A t , A,. . . . Draw OH per- pendicular to s t s t . The projection of each of the lines Os lt Oft, Os 3 , . . . perpendicular to s^ is the same and equal to OH, which therefore represents in magnitude and direction the stress which is the same for each member of the frame. Let a lf # 2 , a 3 , . . . be the inclinations of the members A,A^ t A^AS, . . . respectively, to the line of loads. Then OH Hs l tan a l = Hs & tan a b ; .-. Off (cot a ; -f cot a 6 ) = ffs 1 + ffs, s.s, and OH, in direction and magnitude, is equal to the stress common to each member. Also, the stress in any member, e.g., A^AS Os, Offcosec , P t , . . . P 6 are generally vertical, while P lt P 6 are the vertical re- actions of the two supports. Suppose, e.g., that A t A t . . . A 6 is a rope or chain suspended from the points A lt A 6 , in a horizontal plane and loaded at A^A S . . . with weights P 9 , P tt . . . The chain will hang in a form dependent upon the magnitude of these weights. The points H and S 6 will coincide, and Off will represent the horizontal riG. 8. tension of the chain. Let the polygon A^A^ . . . A t be inverted, and let the rope be replaced by rigid" bars, A.A^ A^A Z . . . The diagram of O THEORY OF STRUCTURES. forces will remain the same, and the frame will be in equilibrium under fat given loads. The equilibrium, however, is unstable as the chain, and consequently the inverted frame will change form if the weights vary. Braces must then be introduced to prevent distortion. -H FIG. 9. FIG. 10. Tal^e the case of a frame DCBA . . . symmetrical with respect to a vertical through A, and let the weights at A, B, C, . . . be W lt W^ W z , . . . , respectively. Drawing the stress diagram in the usual manner, OH rep- resents the horizontal thrust of the frame. The portions s^^, s^s 3 , ... of the line of loads give a definite relation between the weights for which the truss will be stable. The result may be expressed analytically, as follows : Let arj, or a , of,, . . . be the inclinations of AB, BC, CD, . . . , respectively, to the horizontal. Let the horizontal thrust OH = H. Then It ^ = IV,= IV 3 = . .. cot af 1 = 3 cot or 2 = 5 cot of a = . . . If there are two bars only, viz., AB, BC, on each side of the vertical centre line, the frame will have a double slope, and in this form is employed to support a Mansard roof. FRAMES LOADED A T THE JOINTS. ? 4. Non-closing Polygons. Let a number of forces P 19 P 9 , P 3 , . . . act upon a structure, and let these forces, taken in order, be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of the unclosed figure MNPQ . . . This figure is the unclosed polygon of forces, and its closing line TM represents in direction and magnitude the resultant of the forces P l , P 2 , P 3 , . . . For PM is the resultant of P^ and P^ and may replace them ; QM may replace PM and P 3 , i.e., P lt .P 9 , and />,; and so on. Take any point O and join OM, ON, OP, . . . Draw a line AB parallel to OM and intersecting the line of action of P l in any point B. Through B draw BC parallel to ON and cutting the line of action of P^ in C. Similarly, draw CD parallel to OP, DE to OQ, EF to OR, . . . The figure ABCD ... is called the funicular polygon of the given forces with respect to the pole O. The position of the pole O is arbi- trary, and therefore an infinite number of funicular polygons may be drawn with different poles. Also the position of the point B in the line of action of P l is arbitrary, and hence an infinite number of funicular polygons with their corresponding sides parallel, i.e., an infinite number of similar funicular polygons, may be drawn with the same pole. 8 THEORY OF STRUCJ^URES. 5. To show that the Intersection of the First and Last Sides of the Funicular Polygon (i.e., the Point G) is a Point on the Actual Resultant of the System of Forces P t , P,, P 3 , . . . First consider two points P t , P 3 , MNP being the force and ABCD the funicular polygon. Let AB, DC, the first and last sides of the latter, be pro- FIG. 12. duced to meet in g l \ also let DC produced meet the line of action of P l in H. Produce OP and MN to meet in K. Let the lines of action of P t and P a meet in L. By similar triangles, KP _HC KN _ HB_ KO KN ~ Hi ; KO ~~~~ HC ; KM ~ HB KPKNKO __ HC HB Hg, Hence or KP KM^~ HL> and therefore, since the angle H is equal to the angle K, the line PM \s parallel to the line Lg^. FRAMES LOADED A T THE JOINTS. But PM represents in magnitude the resultant of the forces P lt Py, and is parallel to it in direction. Therefore Lg^ is also parallel to the direction of the re- sultant. But L is evidently a point on the actual resultant of P l , P^ . Hence ^ must be a point on this resultant. Next, let there be three forces, P, , P t , P a . Replace P l , P a by their resultant X acting in the direction Lg r The force and funicular polygons for the forces X and PI are evidently MPQ and AgfiE, respectively; ana^, the point of intersection of Ag l and ED produced, is, as already proved, a point on the actual resultant of X and P 9 , i.e., of P lt P 9 , and P 3 . Hence the first and last sides, AB, ED, of the funicular polygon ABODE of the forces P^, P^, PI, with respect to the pole O, intersect in a point which is on the actual resultant of the given forces. The proof may be similarly extended to four, five, and any number of forces. If the forces are all parallel, the force polygon of the two forces P l , P 9 becomes a straight line, MNQ. Draw the funicular M ? FIG. 13. polygon ABCD as before, and through g v , the intersection of the first and last sides, draw^-, Y parallel to MQ, and cutting BC in Y. By similar triangles, ON MN ON BY and P, QN ON ON : CY ' ' ' P. CY BY' 10 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence Yg lt which is parallel to the direction of the forces P t9 P y , divides the distance between their lines of action into seg- ments which are inversely proportional to the forces, and must therefore be the line of action of their resultant. The proof may be extended to any number of forces, as in the preceding. Funicular Curve. Let the weights upon a beam AB become infinite in number, and let the distances between the weights diminish indefinitely. The load then becomes continuous, and the funicular poly- gon is a curve, called the funicular curve. The equation to this curve may be found as follows : Let the tangents at two consecutive points Pand Q meet in R. This point is on the vertical through the centre of gravity of the load upon the portion MN of the beam. FIG. 14. FIG. 15. Let in be the line of loads, and let OS, OT be the radial lines from O, the pole, parallel to the tangents at P and Q. Take A as the origin. Let 6 be the inclination of the tangent at P to the beam, and let the polar distance OV = p. wdx = the load upon the portion MN. Then wdx = ST= SV TV p tan p tan (0 -f dff) = pdti, approximately. d since u = Integrating twice, :, and a being constants of integration. CENTRES OF GRAVITY. II If the intensity, w, of the load is constant, wx and the curve is a parabola. 6. Centres of Gravity. Let it be required to determine the centre of gravity of any plane area symmetrical with re- spect to an axis XX. Divide the area into suitable elementary areas A lt A 9t A t , . . . having known centres of gravity. T FIG. 16. FIG. 17. Draw the force (the line in) and funicular polygons corre- sponding to these areas, and let g be the point in which the first and last sides of the funicular polygon meet. The line drawn through g parallel to in must pass through the centre of gravity of all the elementary areas and, therefore, of the whole area. Hence it is the point G in which this line intersects the axis XX. Rail and similar sections may be divided into elementary areas by drawing a number of parallel lines at right angles to the axis of symmetry, and at such distances apart that each elementary figure may, with- out sensible error, be considered a rectangle of an area equal to the product of its breadth by its mean height. In the case of a very irregular section, an accurate template of the section may be cut out of cardboard or thin metal. If the tem- plate is then suspended from a pin through a point near the FIG. 1 8. 12 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. edge, the centre of gravity of the section will lie in the vertical through the pin. By changing the point of suspension, a new line in which the centre of gravity lies may be found. The intersection of the two lines must, therefore, be the centre of gravity required. Another method of finding the centre of gravity is to carefully balance the template upon a needle-point. The area of such a section may be determined either by means of a planimeter or by balancing the template against a rectangle cut out of the same material, the area of the rectangle being evidently the same as that of the section. 7. Moment of Inertia of a Plane Area. Let any two consecutive sides, C^ , C 3 67 4 , of the funicular polygon meet line gG in the points m 3 , n s . Let ^ , .r a , ;r 3 , . . . be the lengths of the perpendiculars from the centres of gravity of A v , A t , A z , . . . , respectively, upon gG. Draw the line OH perpendicular to the line of loads, and let OH=p. By the similar triangles C 9 m z n z and 6^34, 34 --,-. -, or ,,=;-; <7 3 X* X^ .-. = wj = area of triangle Cjnji, . But the total area A bounded by the funicular polygon i . . . and the lines gC lt gk is the sum of all the triangular areas C l gm l1 C 9 mji 9 , C 4 mji t , . . ., described in the same manner as C 3 m 9 n 3 . 5*' *,*' ~~ p 2 " H 7T" The sum 2(ax*) is the moment of inertia, 7, of the plane area with respect to gG. Hence, MOMENT OF INERTIA. 13 The moment of inertia I y of the area, with respect to a parallel axis at distance ^ from gG, is given by the equation where S=A 1 + A 9 + ... Let the new axis intersect C^g and kg in the points q and r. The triangles qgr and Oin are similar. qr in S '^ = 7~ = / ; and, therefore, the area A' of the triangle qgr 2 l 2p Hence T 72 y4 Note. If p be made = = , f=A* and and The angle lOn is also evidently a right angle. 8. Cranes. (a). Jib-crane. Fig. 19 is a skeleton diagram of an ordinary jib-crane. OA is the post fixed in the ground at O ; OB is the jib ; AB is the tie. The jib, tie, and gearing are suspended from the top of the post by a cross-head, which admits of a free rotation round the axis of the post. Let the crane lift a weight W. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Three forces in equilibrium meet at B ; viz., W, the tension T in the tie, and the thrust C along the jib. m FIG. 3o. Draw the reciprocal figure SS& of B, 5,5 2 representing W. T SS n AB and C_ SS, _ BO AO' The load is not suspended directly from B, but is carried by a chain passing over pulleys to a chain-barrel usually fixed to the crane-post. The stress 5 in the chain depends upon the w system of pulleys, and is, e.g., , if n is the number of falls of chain from B and if friction is neglected. In order to obtain the true values of T and C this tension 5 must be compounded with W. Draw S^k parallel to the direction in which the chain passes from B to the chain-barrel, and take S^k to represent 5 in CRANES. 1 5 magnitude. The line Sfi evidently represents the resultant force at B due to W and 5. Draw kt parallel to AB. The tension in the tie and the thrust in the jib are now evidently represented by tk, tS^ , respectively. Generally the effect of chain-tension is to diminish the ten- sion of the tie and to increase the thrust on the jib. The vertical component of T, viz., T-^-g W-^Q, is trans- mitted through the post. The total resultant pressure along the post at O -- = W. The pull upon the tie tends to upset the crane, and its moment with respect to O is = WAD = WOF y OF being the horizontal projection of AB. OF is often called the radius or throw of the crane. If the post revolves about its axis (as in ///-cranes), the jib and gearing are bolted to it, and the whole turns on a pivot at the toe G. In this case, the frame, as a whole, is kept in equilibrium by the weight W, the horizontal reaction H of the web-plate at O, and the reaction R at G. The first two forces meet in F and, therefore, the reaction at G must also pass through F. Hence, since OFG may be taken to represent the triangle of forces, and R= In a portable crane the tendency to upset is counteracted by means of a weight Q placed upon a horizontal platform OL attached to the post and supported by the tie AL. The horizontal projection tm of tk represents the horizontal i6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. FIG. 21. pull at A, and if tn be drawn parallel to AL, the intercept ww cut off on the vertical through m by the lines tm and tn repre- sents the counter-weight required at L. (U) Derrick- crane. The figure shows a combination of a der- B rick and crane, called a derrick- crane. It is distinguished from the jib-crane by having two back-stays, AD, AE. One end of the jib is hinged at or near the foot of the post, and the other is held by a chain which passes over pulleys to a winch on the post, so that the jib may be raised or lowered as required. The derrick-crane is gener- ally of wood, is simple in con- struction, is easily erected, has a vertical as well as a lateral motion, and a range equal to a circle of from 10 to 60 feet radius. It is therefore useful for temporary works, setting masonry, etc. The stresses in the jib and tie are calculated as in the jib- crane, and those in the back-stays and post maybe obtained as follows : Let the plane of the tie and jib intersect the plane DAE of the two back-stays in the line AF, and suppose the back-stays replaced by a single tie AF. Take OF to represent the hori- zontal pull at A. -The pull on the " imaginary" stay AF is then represented by AF and is evidently the resultant pull on the two back-stays. Completing the parallelogram FGAH, AH will represent the pull on the back-stay AF, and AG that upon AD, their horizontal components being OK, OL, respectively. The figure OKFL is also a parallelogram. If the back-stays lie in planes at right angles to each other, OL = OF cos 8 = T sin a cos 6, and is a max. when 6 = o, and OK = OF sin = T sin a sin 6, and is a max. when 6 = 90, BRIDGE AND ROOF TRUSSES. I/ 6 being the angle FOL, and a the inclination of the tie to the vertical. Hence the stress in a back-stay is a maximum when the" plane of the back-stay and post coincides with that of the jib and tie. Again, let ft be the inclination of the back-stays to the ver- tical. The vertical components of the back-stay stresses are Ts'm a cos cot ft and T sin a sin 6 cot ft; and, therefore, the corresponding stress along the post is T sin a cot ft (cos -\- sin 0), which is a maximum when = 45. 9. Shear Legs (or Shears) and Tripods (or Gins) are FIG. 22. often employed when heavy weights are to be lifted. The former consists of two struts, AD, AE, united at A and sup- ported by a tie A C, which may be made adjustable so as to admit of being lengthened or shortened. The weight is sus- pended from A, and the legs are capable of revolving around DE as an axis. Let the plane of the tie and weight intersect the plane of the legs in AF, and suppose the two legs replaced by a single strut AF. The thrust along AF. can now be easily obtained, and hence its components along the two legs. In tripods one of the three legs is usually longer than the others. They are united at the top, to which point the tackle is also attached. 10. Bridge and Roof Trusses of Small Span. A single girder is the simplest kind of bridge, but is only suitable for IS THEORY OF STRUCTURES. very short spans. When the spans are wider, the centre of the girder may be supported 'by struts OC, OD, through which a portion of the weight is transmitted to the abutments. FIG. 23. FIG. 24. Take the vertical line 5,5,, to represent P, the weight at O. Draw 55 t parallel to OC, and SS^ to OD. Draw the horizontal SH, and let the angle AOC '= a. The thrust along OC = S^ = S^ff cosec a = cosec a. The tension along OA = SH = S^H cot a = cot of. The horizontal and vertical thrusts upon the masonry at C P P (or D) are cot a and , respectively. If the girder is uniformly loaded, P is one half of the whole load. II. In the figure a straining rill, EF, is introduced, and the girder is supported at two intermediate points. A B FIG. a$. FIG. 26. Let Pbe the weight at each of the points E and F. Draw the reciprocal SS^oi the point E, ^//representing P. BRIDGE AND ROOF TRUSSES. = P. and the The thrust in EC (or FD) = 55, = horizontal thrust in the straining piece = SH = P = P S,H 'AC If a load is uniformly distributed over AB, it may be assumed that each strut carries one half of the load upon AF (or BE), and that each abutment carries one half of the load upon AE (or BF). By means of straining cills the girders may be supported at several points, I, 2, . . . , and the weight concentrated at each may be assumed to be one half of the load between the two adjacent points of support. The calcula- tions for the stresses in the struts, etc., are made precisely as above. If the struts are very long they are liable to bend, and counterbraces, AM, BN, are added to counteract this tendency. 12. The triangle is the only geometrical figure of which the form cannot be changed without varying the lengths of the sides. For this reason, all compound trusses for bridges, roofs, etc., are made up of triangular frames. Fig. 28 represents the simplest form of roof-truss. AC, BC are rafters of equal length inclined to the horizontal at an angle a> and each carries a uniformly distributed load W. FIG. 27. Y W FIG. 28. The rafters react horizontally upon each other at C, and their feet are kept in position by the tie-beam AB. Consider the rafter A C. The resultant of the load upon AC, i.e., W, acts through the middle point D. 2O THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let it meet the horizontal thrust // of BC upon AC in F. For equilibrium, the resultant thrust at A must also act through F. The sides of the triangle AFE evidently represent the three forces. Hence AE WAE W - = - = cot a\ 2 DE 2 f = w^J-. The thrust R produces a tension H in the tie-beam, and a vertical pressure W upon the support. Also, if y 1S tne an gl e FAE, EF DE If the rafters AC, BC are unequal, let <*,, <* a be their in- clinations to A, B, respectively. Let W, be the uniformly distributed load upon AC, W 9 that upon BC. Let the direction of the mutual thrust P at C make an angle ft with the vertical, so that if CO is drawn perpendicular ROOF TRUSSES. 21 to FC, the angle COB = ft\ the angle ACF=yo AGO = 90 - (ft - aj. Draw AM perpendicular to the direction of P, and consider the rafter A C. As before, the thrust R v at A, the resultant weight W^ at the middle point of AC, and the thrust P at C meet in the point F. Take moments about A. Then But and P.AM= sin ACM = AC cos (/? tf x ), - cos a l . W 7 ! cos or, 2 cos(/? or,)' Similarly, by considering the rafter BC y ^ P cos cos Hence W l cos ar, _ W^ cos tf 2 2 cos(/? or,) " 2 cos(/J + 2 ) ' and therefore **/= W l tan a'., ^ 9 tan a l ' The horizontal thrust of each rafter = P sin /?. The vertical thrust upon the support A = W l P cos ft. The vertical thrust .upon the support B = W t + P cos /?. 13. King-post Truss. The simple triangular truss may be modified by introducing a king-post CO, which carries a portion of the weight of the beam AB, and transfers it through the rafters so as to act ^ upon the tie in the form of a tensile stress. FIG. 30. 22 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let P be the weight borne by the king-post ; represent it by CO. Draw OD parallel to BC, and DE parallel to AB. CE P DC = -cosec a is the thrust in CA due to P. ana sin a 2 is of course equal to DO, i.e., the thrust along CB. P DE = CE cot a = cot <* is the horizontal thrust on each rafter, and is also the tension in the tie due to P. Let Wbe the uniformly distributed load upon each rafter. The total horizontal thrust upon each rafter = ( W-\- P) . p The total vertical pressure upon each support = W -\ . If the apex C is not vertically over the centre of the tie- beam take CO, as before, to represent the weight /'borne by r the king-post ; draw OD parallel to BC, and DE parallel to AB. The weight P produces a thrust CD along CA, DO along CB, and a horizontal thrust DE upon each rafter. FIG. 31. CE is the portion of P supported at A, and EO that sup- ported at B. DE, and therefore the tension in the tie AB, diminishes with AO, being zero when AC is vertical. Sometimes it is expedient to support the centre of the tie- beam upon a column or wall, the king-post being a pillar against which the heads of the rafters rest. Consider the rafter AC. The normal reaction R' of CO upon AC, the resultant FIG. 32. weight W at the middle point D, and the thrust R at A meet in the point K ROOF TRUSSES. Take moments about A. Then W R'AC = W. AE, or R' = cos Thus the total thrust transmitted through CO to the sup- W port at O is 2 cos a . cos or Fcos 2 #. The horizontal thrust upon each rafter W = cos 2 W sin a = sin 2ct. 4 14. If the rafters are inconveniently long, or if they are in danger of bending or breaking transversely, the centres may be supported by struts OD t OE. A portion of the weight upon FIG. 33- FIG. the rafters is then transmitted through the struts to the vertical tie (king-post or rod) CO, which again transmits it through the rafters to act partly as a vertical pressure upon the supports, and partly as a tension on the tie-beam. The main duty, indeed, of struts and ties is to transform transverse into longitudinal stresses. This king-post truss is the simplest and most economical frame for spans of less than thirty feet. In larger spans two or more suspenders may be introduced, or the truss otherwise modified. 24 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let there be a load 2W uniformly distributed over the rafters AC, BC> and assume it to be concentrated at the joints W W W W W A, D, C, E, B, in the proportion , , , , - . 42224 Also, let the load (including a portion of the weight upon the tie-beam AB, and the weights of the members OD, OE, OC) borne directly at O be P. p The total reaction at each support is W-\- -, and acts in W an opposite direction to the weight there concentrated. 4 Hence the resultant reaction at a support is Thus, the weights at the points of support A and B are taken up by the abutments, and need not be considered in de- termining the stresses in the several members of the frame. Draw the reciprocal SflS^ of A. Then ^W P = 1 ; ^5., = tension in AO\ 4 2 5 a 5 1 = compression in AD. Draw the reciprocal 5,5,535, of D. Then 5,5, = compression in OD\ 5 3 5 4 = compression in DC; ., \ - 5 4 5, = = weight at D. Draw the reciprocal 5 4 5 3 5 5 5 8 5 4 of C. Then W = tension in CO = + />; 55 8 = compression in CE ; 2 W 5 8 5 4 = = weight at C. ROOF TRUSSES. Draw the reciprocal 5 8 S 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 of E. Then ,5 6 = compression in OE ; S 6 S 7 = compression in BE ; " 7 5 8 = = weight at E. Draw S 6 K horizontally. Then ,S 6 is evidently the reciprocal of B ; KS, = being uie reaction at B, and 5 6 ATthe tension in the tie BO. The reciprocal of O is also the figure S^HKS^S^S^ , and HK = P. 15. Collar-beams (DE), queen-posts (DF, G), braces, etc., may be employed to prevent the deflection of the rafters. The complexity of the truss necessarily increases with the span and with the weight to be borne. FIG. 35, FIG. 36. With a single collar-beam and a uniformly distributed load, StffSs is the reciprocal of A, and S l S^S 3 S t S l the reciprocal of D ; S^H being the reaction at A, and 6^5, the weight at D. FIG. 37. With a collar-beam DE, two king-posts DF, EG, and a uniformly distributed load, the stresses at the joints D and E 26 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. become indeterminate. To render them determinate it is sometimes assumed that the components of the weights at D and E, normal to the rafters, are taken up by the collar-beam and corresponding king-post. Thus S^HS^ is the reciprocal of A, and S 1 S^S 3 S 4 S & the reciprocal of D, Sfl being the reaction at A, SlS t the weight at D\ S 4 S 2 is the normal component of the weight, and the components of S 4 S 2 , viz., S t S 3 horizontal and S 3 >S 2 vertical, represent the stresses borne by DE and DF, re- spectively. This frame belongs to the incomplete (Art. 1 8) class, and if it has to support an unequally distributed load, braces must be introduced from D to G and from E to F. 16. The truss ABC, Fig. 40, having the rafters supported at two intermediate points, may be employed for spans of from 30 to 50 feet. Suppose that these intermediate points of sup- port trisect the rafters, and let each rafter carry a uniformly dis- tributed load W. FIG. 39. FIG. 40. Then a weight may be considered as concentrated at each of the joints H, D, C, E, K. This weight = . Let P be the weight directly supported at each of the joints F, G. The resultant reaction at A = *W-}-P. ^ is the reciprocal of A, 6V/ representing %W + P. , is the reciprocal of H. ,S Z is the reciprocal of F, HK representing P, the weight directly borne at F. S 3 S 6 5 6 S 7 S 4 S 3 is the reciprocal of D, 5 7 5 4 representing the weight at D, S 4^9 w5 65 J ^1 ? C C " >4 > n o 12 o 7 A} c <* /c c e c c c O 9 |J 4 W - > 13 V - > 109 C C C O 4 O 14 13 " , " C. S,S t is the horizontal projection of 5,5, + S,S, + 5,5,., , i.e., of the total normal wind-pressure, and therefore the vertical through 5 la must pass through 5, . ROOF TRUSSES. 45 The dotted lines show the altered stresses if rollers are under B. The resultant reaction at B is represented in direction and magnitude by S z S t . Ex. 3. Method (x) applied to the truss represented by Fig. 86. FIG. 86. Data. Pitch = 30 ; AD = BD AE CE = 23 ft. ; trusses 13 ft., centre to centre ; dead weight = 8 Ibs. per square foot of roof-surface ; wind-pressure on one side of roof (say AB] normal to roof-surface = 28 Ibs. per square foot; DF-=-DH = EG = EK\ DF and EG are vertical ; rollers under one end, say C\ span = 79 ft. ; AF=BH 21 ft, nearly ; FH = 3$ ft., nearly. Total live load = 4459 Ibs. ^ = - 13.28] at each of the points F, H, and = 3822 lbs.( = . 13 . 28] at each of the points A, B. Total dead load = 1274 lbs.( = ~ . 13 . 8J at each of the points F, H, K, G, and = 2184 Ibs. ( = 21 . 13 . 8) at the point A. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. ROOF TRUSSES. 47 Resultant vertical reaction at B = (4 X 1274 + 2184) + |TT^ = 13201.8 Ibs. Horizontal reaction at B 16562 sin 30 = 8281 Ibs. Let i inch represent 16,000 Ibs., and on this scale draw S^S^ = 3822 Ibs., the normal wind-pressure at B ; 5 2 5 3 = 13201.8 Ibs., the vertical reaction at B ; 5 3 5 4 = 8281 Ibs., the horizontal reaction at B \ S 4 S 6 parallel to BD, and v & parallel to BA. The figure S^S.S.S.S, is the reciprocal of JB. The stress diagram can now be easily completed, the recip rocals of the points H, F, D, A, G, K, , and C being 5 16 5 14 5 13 5 17 5 16 , S 17 S 18 S 19 S 16 S 17 , and S 19 S J8 S 4 S 17 , respectively. S t , as before, is in the vertical line S 19 S 16 produced. On the assumed scale, S 4 S 5 = the tension at BD ; S,S b = thrust in BH; 5 M 5 W = " " " AD-, 5 6 5 8 = " " HF\ = " " " BE', S 9 S n = " " AF; S 6 S = " DH-, These are the maximum stresses to which the members of one half of the truss can be subjected, and for which they should be designed. It is also usual, except in special cases, to make the two halves symmetrical. 5 2 5 4 is the resultant reaction at B. If the end C is fixed and rollers placed under B, the reduced stresses may be shown by dotted lines as in Exs. i and 2. 4 8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Exs. 4 and 5. Method (x) applied to the trusses repre- sented by Figs. 88 and 90. It is assumed, as before, that there is a normal wind-press- ure upon AB, and that rollers are under C. Figs. 89 and 91 are the maximum stress diagrams corre- sponding to Figs. 88 and 90, respectively, and are drawn in pre- cisely the same manner as described in the preceding examples. Remark on Fig. 88. The stresses at the joints F and D are indeterminate, and it is assumed that the stress in FL Si FIG. 89. is equal to that in FH. The reciprocal of F thus becomes ^io^ii^6^8^9^n^i3^io> Si*Si( = ^8^9) being the stress in FD. This truss is an example of a frame with redundant bars, in which the stresses can only be determined when the relative yield of the bars is known. ROOF TRUSSES. 49 Remark on Fig. 90. The stress-diagram, Fig. 91, for each of the joints in the horizontal BC (Fig. 90) is closed by the return of one side upon another. Thus at D the stress diagram is , the closing line 5 4 5 9 (the tension in DE) returning FIG. 91. upon 5 5 vS 4 (the tension in DB). The total stress in AE is evidently represented by 5 12 5 13 , the reciprocal of A being c c c c c c 14 15 10 12 1314' Ex. 6. A truss with curved upper and lower chords, the portions, however, between consecutive joints being assumed straight. Under a uniformly distributed load the truss (Fig. 92) is evidently incomplete, and the stress diagrams at the joints in the lower chord will not close, so that equilibrium is impossible. The frame is made complete and the stresses determinate by introducing ties as in Fig. 93, the corresponding stress diagram for one half the truss being shown by Fig. 94. Next, let there be a wind-pressure on the side AB of the truss. In order to prevent a reversal of stress in the diagonal ties on the side AC (Fig. 93), additional ties DE, FG, called counter -braces, are introduced as in Fig. 95. Fig. 96 gives the. THEORY OF STRUCTURES, stress diagram due to wind-pressure only, it being assumed that the end C rests upon rollers and that B is fixed. FIG. 92. FIG. 93. FIG. 94. Note. 21 wind-press, at B = 23 = " "M = 34= "M = 45 = 56 = 67 " " A = " O = 11 O = FIG. 95. wind-press, upon BM, " BM, " MO, " " MO, " OA, " " OA. \K vertical reaction, at B, HK =. horizontal reaction at B. Ex. 7. A single example will serve to illustrate method (y). Take the truss represented by Fig. 97. Fig. 98 is the stress diagram due to the vertical load upon the roof, viz., the dead weight -{- vertical component of wind- pressure. pq is the vertical reaction at B and is ff 2AH)d. ROOF- TR USSES. qm is the weight at F and is = weigh t at H = Fig. 99 is the stress-diagram due to horizontal component of wind-pressure, rollers being placed under B and the end C being fixed. p'o' = downward reaction at B = p n ld sin 2 a 4 cos OL o'q' =. horizontal force of wind at B = ^ BF\ q'm' = m'n'= horizontal force of wind at ForH= -&ff. 2 Total resultant stresses in the members BF, FH, HA, DF, DH, DB, JDA, DE are represented by qr q'r' , ms m's' y nt n't', sr s'r', st st', pr p'r', tv /V, pv p V, respectively. Note. The stress diagrams for trusses with both of the lower ends of the principal rafters fixed, are drawn in precisely the same manner as described in the preceding examples. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Thus, in Fig. 100, S^S^S^ is the reciprocal of A, representing the portion of the horizontal wind-pressure borne FIG. 100. at A. Again, HS 6 S,S,H is the reciprocal of B, HS^ represent- ing the portion of the horizontal wind-pressure borne at C. HS Z = HS t + S 4 S 3 = total horizontal wind-pressure, 5 2 5 3 repre- senting the vertical reaction at B, and HS^ that at C. 25. Bridge-trusses. A bridge-truss proper consists of an upper chord (or flange), a lower chord (or flange], and an in- termediate portion, called the web, connecting the two chords. Its depth is made as small as possible consistent with economy, strength, and stiffness. Its purpose is to carry a distributed load, which, as in the case of roof-trusses, is assumed to be concentrated at the joints, or panel-points, of the upper and lower chord. Trussed beams are also employed for the same object, and examples of simple frames of this class have already been given. The following are bridge-trusses of a more complex char- acter. Ex. I. The beam BC (Fig. 101) is supported at three points by the vertical struts DF, AK, EG, which are tied at the feet by the rods DB, DK, AB,AC, and EK, EC. Let W,, W,, W, be the loads concentrated at the joints F, K, G, respectively. Draw the line of loads S,S, , S,S t being W, , S 2 S 3 = W^ , and C C _ TX7 3 4 VV i . Describe the funicular polygon with any pole O, and draw OH parallel to the closing line MN of this polygon. Then BRIDGE TRUSSES. 53 } is the reaction at B and HS^ the reaction at 7 (Art. 3). is the reciprocal of B, S^S & being the thrust along FB, and ^/^ the tension along BD. 5 is the reciprocal of F t 5,5 2 being W 19 the weight at F t 5 2 S 6 the thrust along KF, S e S 6 the thrust along DF. H is the reciprocal of D, 5 6 S 7 being the tension along DK, and S,H the tension along Z^^. is the reciprocal of A, S,S e being the thrust along KA, and S^H the tension along AE. So, S 2 S 3 S 9 S 8 S 7 S 6 S 2 , S 3 S 4 S 10 S 9 S 3 , S 9 S ]0 HS,S 9 , and S 4 //5 IO are the reciprocals of K, G, E, and C, respectively, the closing line 5 10 5 4 being necessarily horizontal and representing the stress in GC. FIG. 101. FIG. 102. This truss inverted is often used for bridge purposes in dis- tricts where timber is plentiful, as it may be constructed entirely of wood. The stresses in the several members of the inverted truss are of course reversed in kind but unchanged in magnitude, and are given by the same stress diagram. Note. The reactions ffS lt HS^ may be obtained at once by the method of moments. Thus, by taking moments about C, the reaction R, at B is and by taking moments about B, the reaction R^ at C is 54 THEORY OP STRUCTURES. Ex. 2. In the truss represented in the accompanying figure, the length of the beam AB is so great that the single triangu- lar truss ACB with a single central strut CO is an insufficient support. The two halves are therefore strengthened by the simple triangular trusses AGO with a central strut GF and BPO with a central strut PN. Again, each quarter-length, viz., AF, FO, ON, NB, is simi- larly trussed. The subdivisions may, if necessary, be carried still farther. This truss in four, 'eight, sixteen, . . . divisions or D F.SH L N Q B panels is known as the Fink truss, and has been widely em- ployed in America, the number of panels usually being eight or sixteen. The members shown by the dotted lines may be introduced for stiffness, and the platform may be either at the top or bottom. The weight directly borne by a strut is usually de- termined from the loads upon the two adjacent panels by assuming the corresponding portions of the beam to be inde- pendent beams supported at the ends. Thus if there be a weight PFat the point 5 in the panel FH, the portion of W borne by the strut GF at F is Sff W FH' and the portion borne by the strut KH at H is FS W FH Let W lt W,, W,, W., W b , W 6 , W, be the weights upon the struts (or posts) DE, FG, HK, OC, LM, NP, QR, respect- ively. Let P lt P tt P t9 P 4t P bf P tt P, be the compressions to which these posts are severally subjected. FINK TRUSS. 55 Let a, /?, y be the inclinations to the vertical of AE, AG, AC, respectively. Let T lt T^ T 3 , . . . be the tensions in the ties, as in Fig. 103. The tensions in the ties meeting at the foot of a post are evidently equal. Each triangular truss may be considered separately. From the truss AEF, 2T, cos a = P 1 W, ; from the truss A GO, 2 T, cos /?=/>,= W,+( T,+ T,) cos a ; from the truss FKO, 2 T 3 cos a = P 3 = W 3 \ from the truss ACB, from the truss OMN, 2 T, cos a = P, = W^', from the truss OPB, 2T 6 cos/3=P 6 = W 6 +(T b +T,) cos a ; from the truss NRB, 2 T, cos a = P,= W, . Hence W l Jw -1- W *+ W * I ^ 4 " t " GCC y, = -- sec and the values of P, , P 2 , P,, . . . can be at once found. 56 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Again, the thrust along AF= 7", sin a-\-T t sin /? +" jT 4 sin 7 ; at ,F = T, sin )3 + T. sin 7 ; along FO= T, sin /? + T t sin y +7; sin a -, " at 6> = r 4 sin p ; etc., etc. If the truss carries a uniformly distributed load W, W , = - sec a, ; = T; = sec /?, T; = sec o 4 If the above diagram is inverted, it will represent another type of truss in which the obliques are struts and the verticals ties. Note. The stresses in the several members of each of the trusses due to the weight it is designed to carry, may of course be easily determined graphically in the manner already de- scribed in previous articles. Ex. 3. Fig. 104 represents a beam trussed by a number of independent triangular trusses, the vertical posts being FIG. 104. equidistant. The weight concentrated at the head of each post may be found by the method described in Ex. 2, which in fact is generally applicable to all bridge and roof trusses. Let 7*,, 7* a be the tensions in AE, BE, respectively. Let W l be the weight at D. WARREN TRUSS. 57 Let of l , # 2 be the inclinations of AE, BE, respectively, to the vertical. sin 1 sin (or, + or,) ' T = D F FIG. 105. Similarly, the stress in any other tie may be obtained. The compression in the top chord is the algebraic sum of the horizontal components of all the stresses in the ties which meet at one end. The verticals are always struts and the obliques ties. This truss has been used for bridges of considerable span, but the ties may prove inconveniently long. Ex. 4. The figure SANT represents an ordinary triangular truss of the Warren type, supported at the ends 5 and T. Draw the line of loads 16, 12 A c E .G L N being the weight at B and 23, 34, AAAAAA 45, 56 the weights at D, F, K, M y \ respectively. With any pole O describe the funicular polygon and draw OP par- allel to its closing line QR. .'. [Pis the reaction at 5, and 6P that at T. The reciprocal of S is the triangle Pi S l ; 15, being the tension in SB, and 5,/^the compression in AS. The reciprocal of A is the triangle Q PS } S^ ; 5,5 2 being the tension in AB, and S^Pthc compression in CA. The reciprocal of B is the figure 5,i25 8 5 a 5, ; 25 3 being the tension in BD, 5 3 5 2 the compression in CB, and 12 the weight at B. FIG. 107. The reciprocal of C is the figure PS, 2 S 3 S 4 P', 5 3 5 4 being the tension in CD, and Sf the compression in EC. The reciprocal of D is the figure 5 3 235 5 5 4 5 3 ; 35 5 being the tension in DF, 5 5 5 4 the compression in ED, and 23 the weight at D. / \ \ / V S Q FIG. 106. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The reciprocal of E is the figure PS t S b S 6 P- S 6 S 6 being the tension in EF, and S 6 P the compression in GE. The reciprocal of F is the figure S^S, t S<.S. ; 48, being the tension in FK, 5,5 6 the tension in FG, and 34 the weight at F. And so on, the closing line PS n for the reciprocal of T being necessarily parallel to NT. The arrow-heads show the character of the stresses in the several members of the truss. Note. The reactions may also be at once determined by the method of moments. Thus and iP = |(I2) + 4(23) + 1(34) + 1(45) + 6P = 4(12) + f(2 3 ) + f (34) + (45) + f (56). (12) (23) (34), (45) (56) (CV) (78) FIG. 108. Ex. 5. In the truss represented by the accompanying figure, the joints in the upper as well as those in the lower chord are loaded, the weights being transmitted to the former by means of vertical sus- penders. Fig. 109 is evidently the corre- sponding stress diagram. Note. In the trusses repre- sented by Figs. 1 06 and 109, the floor is carried upon the lower chords. If the trusses are inverted, the floor * may be carried on the upper chords. The stresses in the several members are evidently the same in magnitude and are only reversed in kind. FlG - I0 9- Ex. 6. The Howe truss repre- sented by Fig. no is very widely used and maybe constructed of timber, of iron, or of timber and iron combined. A C E G L N R ciXAA* /V/6 Qlp B D 'F H K M Q HOWE TRUSS. 59 Let there be a uniformly distributed load upon the truss consisting of a weight W at each of the joints B, D, ... in the lower chord. The reaction at each support = 3^ W. Fig. in is the stress diagram, and the several members of the truss are indicated on the lines representing the stresses to BS i % W W w. AC ~CE W w MQ W QT DF #/ 8 FH KM FIG. in. which they are subjected. The directions of these stresses at the joints, and hence also their character, are easily determined by following in order the sides of the reciprocals. The verti- cals are evidently all ties and the diagonals all struts. If the load is unevenly distributed, the stresses in different members may be reversed. For example, BD T DF FIG. ii2. -s 1 - FIG. 113. Let the truss carry a single weight P at any point D. The reciprocal of D is S l S. t S^S t S^S l (Fig. 112), 5,5 2 represent- 6c THEORY OF STRUCTURES. ing P t and the arrow-heads showing the directions of the forces now acting at D. Thus the force in DE at I), represented by ,S' 3 S 4 , acts from D towards E, and is, therefore, a tension. Hence, in order that DE may not be subjected to a tensile force, counterbraces CF, EH are introduced so that the por- tion of P borne on the support at T may be transmitted through the system CFEH to H and from H to T through the rcgiilar system HGKLMNQRT. The reciprocal of D is now 5 1 5 2 5 8 5 6 (Fig. 1 1 3), and the reciprocal of Cthe figure HS,S,S,Sfl, the arrow-heads showing the directions of the forces at C. It will be at once observed that FC must be a strut. In order to make provision for a varying load, as when a train passes over a bridge, counterbraces are introduced in the panels on both sides of the centre, and although they may not be necessary in every panel, they will give increased stiffness to the truss. Note. Generally speaking, a panel is that portion of the bridge-truss between two consecutive verticals, and the ends of the verticals are called panel-points. Ex. 7. Fig. 114 represents a Pratt truss, and is merely an inverted Howe truss. The diagonals become ties and the FIG. 114. verticals struts. Counterbraces are introduced to resist th^ action of a varying load, precisely as described in Ex. 6. Ex. 8. The bowstring truss in its simplest form is repre- M Q FIG. 115. sented by Fig. 115. Assuming that the portions of the upper chord between consecutive joints are straight, the stress dia- BOWSTRING TRUSS. 61 gram for a uniformly distributed load and for one half the truss is Fig. 116. The panels, however, are incomplete frames, and if the truss 8. S. 1 J S 8 FIG. 116. FIG. 117. has to carry an unequally distributed load, ties similar to that shown by the dotted line MNmust be introduced in the several panels in order to prevent distortion. For example, let there be a single load P at the joint N, and let there be no brace NM. The stress in the first vertical is evidently nil. The reciprocal of ^V is S 1 S^S 3 S^S 5 S 1 , Fig. 117, S 2 S 3 representing P. The reciprocal of L is HS^S^S^H, and the arrow-heads show the directions of the forces at H. Thus the force in OL, which is represented by S 4 S 6 , acts from O towards L, and is, therefore, a compression. But, under a uniformly distributed load, the diagonals are all ties, and NM is introduced to take up that portion of P which would be otherwise transmitted through LO in the form of a compression. In this case the reciprocal of L is HS^S^H, since the stress in LO due to P is assumed to be nil. Also the reciprocal of N is S l S^S^S^S^S^S l . The stress in NM, represented by S 8 S 7 , acts from N to M and is a tension. Hence the diagonals NM are also ties, and the portion of the weight P borne at L is carried to Q through the system NMOQ. Ex. 9. Fig. 118 is a bowstring truss with isosceles bracing. Under an arbitrary load Fig. 119 is the stress diagram, the loads at a, b, c, d, e, f, g being 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, respect- ively. As in the Warren girder, the diagonals may, under the action of a varying load, be subjected to both tensile and com- 62 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. pressi-ve stresses. They must, therefore, be designed to bear such reversal of stress. a .b c d e f g FIG. 118. FIG. It is assumed, as before, that the portions of the upper chord between consecutive joints are straight. Note. The design of bridge-trusses will be further con- sidered in a subsequent chapter. 26. Method of Sections. It often happens that the stresses in the members of a frame may be easily obtained by the method of sections. This method depends upon the following principle : If a frame is divided by a plane section into two parts, and if each part is considered separately, the stresses in the bars (or members) intersected by the secant plane must balance the external forces upon the part in question. Hence the algebraic sums of the horizontal components, 2(X), of the vertical components, 2(Y\ and of the moments of the forces with respect to any point, 2(M), are severally zero ; i.e., analytically, = o, S(Y) = o, and 2(M) = o. These equations are solvable, and the stresses therefore determinate, if the secant plane does not cut more than three members. EXAMPLES. 63 Ex. I. ABC is a roof-truss of 60 ft. span and 30 pitch. The strut DF = GH = 5 ft.; the angle FDA =90. Also AF=F = AG = GC. The vertical reaction at .# = 5 tons. The weight concen- trated at D 4f tons. Let the angle ABF '= a. AB = 30 sec 30 = 20 VI ; cot a = ? = 2 1/J, .*. sm a = . _ ; cos a = . 4/13 If the portion of the truss on the right of a secant plane MNbe removed, the forces C, T^ , 7^ in the members AD,AF, FG must balance the external forces 5 tons and 4^ tons in order that the equilibrium of the remainder of the truss may be pre- served. Hence, revolving horizontally and vertically, 7;+ T, cos (a + 30) - ^sin6o =o; T, sin (a + 30) C cos 60 + 5 - 4^ = 0. Taking moments about F t C.$- $BF cos (30 - ) + 4kDF sin 30 = o. But cos (+ 3 o) = sin (0300)=:, C os (30 )= 64 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. BF = BD sec a 5 VT$, and DF = 5 tt. T.. Hence 7= 15^ tons, 7^ = 9.89 tons, and 7", = 6.35 tons. Ex. 2. The figure represents a portion of a bridge-truss cut , off by a plane MN and supported at 409,400 Ibs FiG. the abutment at A. The vertical reaction at A = 409,400 Ibs. T F The weight at B = 49,500 Ibs. " C = 38,700 Ibs. = BC= 24 ft. ; BD=24 ft.; CE = 29% ft. The forces C', D' , T in the members met by MN must balance the external forces at A, B, C. Revolving horizontally and vertically, T+D' cos a C cos/5 = o; D' sin a + C sin ft 409400 + 495 +38/00 = o ; a and /3 being the inclinations to the horizon of EF, DE, respectively. Taking moments about E y T x 291 + 409400 x 48 49500 x 24 = o. PIERS. But .-. sin a Hence = = and tan ft = = -. 24 9 24 9 II 9 2 , __ , cos a ^, sin p = -, cos p 202 4/202 1/85 T = 629,427^ Ibs. ; 981^00 a ^= V8S 27. Piers. To determine the stresses in the members of the braced piers (Fig. 122) supporting a deck bridge. 40 tons FIG. 122. FIG, 123, Data. Height of pier = 50 ft. ; of truss = 30 ft. Width of pier at top 17 ft. ; at bottom = 33! ft. OO THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The bridge when most heavily loaded throws a weight of IPO tons on each of the points A and B. Weight of half-pier = 30 tons. The increased weight at each of the points C, D and E, F, jfrom the portions AD and CF of the pier = 5 tons. Resultant horizontal wind-pressure on train = 40 tons at iS/j- feet above base. Resultant horizontal wind-pressure on truss = 20 tons at 65 feet above base. Resultant horizontal wind-pressure on pier = 2^ tons at each of the points C and E. With the wind-pressure acting as in the figure, the diagonals CB, ED, and GF are required. When the wind blows on the other side, the diagonals D to A, F to C, and H to E are brought into play. The moment of the couple tending to overturn the pier = 40 X 8;J + 20 X 65 + 4 X 25 = 4900 ton-feet. 22.2. The moment of stability = (200 -f 30) X ~- = 3871! ft.-tons. Thus the difference, = 4900 3871! = IO28| ft.-tons, must be provided for in the anchorage. The pull on a vertical anchorage-tie at G == -jf 3r 5 oT tons - 33s Again, if H be the horizontal force upon the pier at A due to wind-pressure, H X 50 = 40 x 8;J + 20 x 65 = 4800 ; H = 96 tons. The stress diagram can now be easily drawn. The reciprocals of the points A, B, C, D, E, F are 4321, 2561, 11-10-4169, 65789, 13-12-11-98-14, and 87-15-16-14, respec- tively. In the stress diagram 43 = 96 tons, 32 = 25 = 100 tons, 57 7-15=4-1011-12 6 tons, and 10-1 1 = 12-13 = 2 i tons. The stress in EG is of an opposite kind to the stresses in AC, CE. WEIGHT OF ROOF-COVERINGS. 6 7 . In computing the stresses in the leeward posts of a braced pier, it is usual in American practice to assume that the maximum load is upon the bridge and that the wind exerts a pressure of 30 Ibs. per sq. ft. upon the surfaces of the train and structure, or a pressure of 50 Ibs. per sq. ft. upon the surface of the structure alone. The negative stresses in the windward posts of the pier are determined when the minimum load is on the bridge, the wind-pressure remaining the same. TABLE OF WEIGHTS OF ROOF-COVERINGS. Description of Covering. Weight of Covering in Ibs. per sq. ft. of Covered Area. Dead Weight of Roof in Ibs. per sq. ft. of Covered Area. Boarding ($~inch) 2c to "\ Boarding and sheet-iron 6 5 JC 8 to -1.25 Corrugated iron and laths 5e Felt asphalted . . ^ tO 4. Felt and gravel 8 to 10 Galvanized iron I to 3 Laths and plaster ... Pantiles 9 to 10 6 to 10 <; to 8 Sheet-zinc . I 25 to 2 Sheet-iron (corrugated). .. 3 A 8 without boards and 11 with boards K (i 3X for spans up to 75 ft. 12 without boards and 15 with boards Sheet-iron (16 W.G.) and laths. Shingles (i6-inch) . . 5 2 for spans from 75 to 150 ft. 10 on laths for spans up to 75 ft " (lone') 14 on laths for spans from 75 to Sheathing (i-inch pine). ..?... a 150 ft. " (chestnut and maple) (ash, hickory, oak),. Slates (ordinary) 4 5 e to Q 13 without boards or on laths and 16 Slates (large) . Q to 1 1 on i^-in. boards for spans up to .75ft- Slates and iron laths IO on i-in. boards for spans from 75 to 150 ft. Thatch 6 S Tiles 7 to 2O Tiles and mortar oe fO ^O Timbering of tiled and slate roofs (additional) 5c Jo 6 5 68 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS ROOF-FRAMINGS. Description of Roof. Location. Cover- ing. Span. Width of Bays. Weight in Ibs. per sq. ft. of Covered Area. Pitch. Fram- ing. Cover- ing. Pent ft. in 15 37 o 40 o 50 o 53 3 54 o 55 o 72 o 62 o 76 o 79 o 80 8 90 2 84 o 100 130 o 50 o 154 211 97 o 153 41 o 81 6 I2O O 72 o 240 o 45 o ft. in. 5 o 12 IO O II 14 o 6 6 20 12 25 o 13 c ii 8 20 o 9 o 14 o 26 o II O 26 o 24 o 13 o 26 o 16 o 24 o 29 4 14 6 3-5 4.6 5-5 3-0 2.085 9-5 ii. 6 7.0 3-013 2.6 3. 86 4.72 5.00 5.66 7.72 5.42 12. I 30 30 30 30 26 34' j Liverpool \ 1 Docks f Felt it J Timber ") ^y\ rafters and 1 ^^^^ | struts, iron f ties < < < Common Truss . . . . j Liverpool ) 1 Docks 1 ii ii Zinc Zinc Zinc Slates 13.6 3-5 7-0 6.4 9.6 4-9 II. O 12. O 15-0 10.7 16.8 ii. 8 ii. 3 24-5 11-5 > < i< Bowstring . . . Manchester Lime Street Birmingham Strasburg Paris Dublin Derby Sydenham St. Pancras Cremorne 1,1 K Arched ii WIND PRESSURES. 6 9 TABLE OF THE VALUES OF Pn, Pv , Ph, IN LBS. PER SQ. FT, OF SURFACE, WHEN P - 40, AS DETERMINED BY THE FORMULA P n = P . sin a'- 8 4 cosa-i. Pitch of Roof. Pn Pv Ph 5 5-0 4.9 4 10 9-7 9.6 i-7 20 18.1 17.0 6.2 30 26.4 22.8 13-2 40 33-3 25-5 21.4 50 38.1 24-5 29.2 60 40.0 20.0 34-0 70 41.0 I4.O 38.5 80 40.4 7.0 39-8 90 40.0 0.0 40.0 TABLE PREPARED FROM THE FORMULA -(=) Velocities in feet per second. Velocities in miles per hour. Pressure in Ibs. per sq. ft. 10 6.8 25 20 13-6 1. 00 40 27.2 4.00 60 40.8 g.OO 70 47.6 12.25 80 54-4 16.00 90 61.2 20.25 100 68.0 25.00 no 74.8 30-25 1 20 81.6 36.00 130 88.4 42.25 150 102.0 56.25 JO THEORY OF STRUCTURES. EXAMPLES. 1. Show that .the locus of the poles of the funicular polygons of which the first and last sides pass through two fixed points on the clos- ing line, is a straight line parallel to the closing line. 2. The first and last sides of a funicular polygon of a system of forces intersect the closing line in two fixed points. Show that for any position of the pole each side of the polygon will pass through a fixed point on the closing line. 3. Four bars of equal weight and length, freely articulated at the extremities, form a square ABCD, The system rests in a vertical plane, the joint A being fixed, and the form of the square is preserved by means of a horizontal string connecting the joints B and D. If W be the weight of'each bar, show (a) that the stress at C is horizontal and = , (b) that the stress on EC at B is WjL^L and makes with the ver- 2 2 tical an angle tan - J -J, ( Compression Chord : Stress in ist bay = 41/3 ; 2d = 6f 4 / 3 ; 3d = 7-^3 ; 4th = 5^-4/3. Diagonals : Stress in ist and 2d. =44/3; 3d and 4th = 2$ 4/3 ; 5th and 6th = f 4 / 3 : 7th and 8th =24/3; 9th and loth = 5i 4/3- 15. In a quadrilateral truss ABCD, AD is horizontal, AB and BC are inclined at angles of 60 and 30 respectively to the horizontal, and CD is inclined at 45 to the horizontal. What weight must be concentrated at Cto maintain the equilibrium of the frame under a weight JV at J If a weight W is placed at Cas well as at D, what member must be introduced to prevent distortion? What will be the stress in that member ? Ans. First: Second: Introduce braced/? and let BDA = a. Then stress in ^=Jg 2 -/" 3) . 2 sin (60 + (x) EXAMPLES. 73 1 6. The boom AB of the accompanying truss is supported at five intermediate points dividing the length into six segments each 10 ft. long. The depth of the truss = 10 ft. Draw stress ^ ^\//^ h diagrams for the following cases : FlG - I2 4- (a) A weight of 100 Ibs. at each intermediate point of support. (&) Weights of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 Ibs. in order at these points. Ans. (a) Stress in a = 375 ; b = 325 ; c = 375 ; // = 450 ; m = 125 1/?3 ; n = 50 1/5 ; o - 504/5 ; p = 25 4/73 Ibs. () Stress in = 875 ; b 825; ^ = 925; k 1350; d= 1325, *? = 1125; 7 = 1375; m = $oy$; w = 1004/5; = 141! 1/?3 ; ^ = 8|/?3 ; r = 200^5 ; s = 250 1/5 ; / = 458^ 4/?3 Ibs. 17. The rafters AB, AC of a factory roof are 18 and 24 ft. in length respectively. The tie BC is horizontal and 30 ft. long. The middle points of the rafters are supported by struts DE, DF from the middle point D of the tie BC\ the point D is supported by the tie-rod AD. The truss carries a load of 500 Ibs. at each of the points E, A, and F. Find the stresses in all the members. Secondly, find the stresses in the members when the rafter AB is subjected to a normal pressure of 300 Ibs. per lineal ft., rollers being at C. Ans. Stress in BE = 1 1 12^ ; EA = 800 ; CF= ioi6f ; FA = 600 ; BD = 667i ; CD = 813* ; DE = 312* ; DF = 416!; AD = 502 Ibs. Stresses due to 300 Ibs. in BE 1012^ ; EA 1800 ; DE = 2812^ ; BD = 3847^ ; AD = 2250 ; DC = 2160 ; v4C = 2700 ; Z>.F = o. 1 8. If it be assumed in the first part of the last, question that the whole of the weight is concentrated at the points E and F, draw the stress diagram. 19. A triangular truss consists of two equal rafters AB, AC and a tie- beam BC, all of white pine ; the centre D of the tie-beam is supported from A by a wrought-iron rod AD; the uniformly distributed load upon each rafter is 8400 Ibs., and upon the tie-beam is 36000 Ibs. ; determine (a) the stresses in the different members, BC being 40 ft. and AD 20 ft. What (b) will be the effect upon the several members if the centre of the tie-beam be supported upon a wall, and if for the rod a post be substi- tuted against which the heads of the rafters can rest? Assume that the pressure between the rafter and post acts at right angles to the rafter. Ans. (a) Stresses in BD = 13200; AD = 18000; AB = 13200 |/2 Ibs. (0) " " = 4200; " = 8400; " = 6300 |/2~lbs. 74 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 20. A triangular truss of white pine consists of a rafter AC, a vertical post AB, and a horizontal tie-beam BC\ the load upon the rafter is 300 Ibs. per lineal foot ; AC = 30 ft., AB = 6 ft. Find the resultant pressure at C. Ans. 4409 Ibs. Find the stresses in the several members when the centre D of the rafter is also supported by a strut from B. Ans. Stress in BC = 4500 |/6; CD = 22500; DB 11250; DA 1 1 250 ; AB = 2250 Ibs. 21. The rafters AB, AC of a. roof-truss are 20 ft. long, and are sup- ported at the centres by the struts DE, DF; the centre D of the tie- beam BC is supported by a tie-rod AD, 10 ft. long; the uniformly dis- tributed load upon AB is 8000 Ibs., and upon AC is 2400 Ibs. Determine the stresses in all the members. What will be the effect upon the several members if AB be subjected to a horizontal pressure of 156 Ibs. per lineal foot? Ans. (a) Stress in BD = 4600 1/3 ; BE = 9200 ; EA = 5200 ; ED = 4000 ; AD 2600 ; DF = 1 200 ; AF = 5200 ; CF = 6400 ; CD = 3200 1/3. () Tens, in BE = 520 4/3 ; AD = 260 1/3 ; compres. in ED 520 1/3"; AC = 520 j/J; DC= 780. No stresses in BD, AE. 22. Determine the stresses in all the members of the truss in the preceding question, assuming the tie-beam to be also loaded with a weight of 600 Ibs. per lineal foot. Ans. Stress in AB increased by 6000 4/3 Ibs. ; in BC by 9000 Ibs.; in AD by 6000 4/3 Ibs. 23. A horizontal beam is trussed and supported by a vertical strut at its middle point. If a loaded wheel roll across the beam, show that the stress in each member increases proportionately with the distance of the wheel from the end. W Wx Ans. Stress in tie-beam (hor.) = rx cot 0; on tie = -, ; / /sin W % on strut = fix. 24. A frame is composed of a horizontal top-beam 40 ft. long, two vertical struts 3 ft. long, and three tie-rods of which the middle one is horizontal and 15 ft. long. Find the stresses produced in the several members when a single load of 6000 Ibs. is concentrated at the head of each strut. Ans. Stress in horizontal members = 50000 Ibs. " " sloping " = 51420 " " " struts = 12000 " EXAMPLES, 75 25. If a wheel loaded with 12000 Ibs. travel over the top-beam in the last question, what members must be introduced to prevent distortion ? What are the, maximum stresses to which these members will be sub- jected ? Ans. 19122 Ibs. 26. A beam of 30 ft. span is supported by an inverted queen-truss, the queens being each 3 ft. long and the bottom horizontal member 10 ft. long. Find the stresses in the several members due to a weight W at the head of a queen, introducing the diagonal required to prevent distortion. Also find the stresses due to a weight W at centre of beam. 20 ^o Ans. i. Stress \nAB = W\ AE=2.^2lV\ EF=~W; BE=-W\ BF = i.i6W\ BC = W\ = \.\6W. W 2. Stress \*AB = -W. 27. A roof-truss of 20 ft. span and 8 ft. rise is composed of two rafters and a horizontal tie-rod between the feet. The load upon the truss = 500 Ibs. per foot of span. Find the pull on the tie. What would the pull be if the rod were raised 4 ft.? Ans. 3125 Ibs. ; 6250 Ibs. 28, The rafters AB, AC of a roof are unequal in length and are in- clined at angles a, ft to the vertical ; the uniformly distributed load upon AB = W\ , upon AC ' = Wi . Find the tension on the tie-beam. + Wi sin a sin ft Ans. sin (a + ft}' 29. In the last question, if the span = 10 ft., a = 60 and ft 45, find the tension on the tie, the rafters being spaced 2^ ft. centre to centre, and the roof-load being 20 Ibs. per square foot. Ans. 198 Ibs. 30. The equal rafters AB, AC for a roof of 10 ft. span and 2\ ft. rise are spaced 2\ ft. centre to centre ; the weight of the roof-covering, etc. = 20 Ibs. per square foot. Find the vertical pressure and outward thrust at the foot of a rafter. Ans. Total vertical pressure = 125 4/5 Ibs. = horizontal thrust. 31. The lengths of the tie-beam and two rafters of a roof-truss are in the ratios of 5 : 4 : 3. Find the stresses in the several members when the load upon each rafter is uniformly distributed and equal to 100 Ibs. Ans. Stress in tie = 48 Ibs. ; in one rafter = 60 Ibs.; in other = 80 Ibs. / THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 32. In a triangular truss the rafters each slope at 30 ; the load upon the apex = 100 Ibs. Find the thrust of the roof and the stress in each rafter. Ans. 100 Ibs.; 86.6 Ibs. 33. A roof-truss is composed of two equal rafters and a tie-beam, and the span = 4 times the rise; the load at the apex = 4000 Ibs. Find the stresses in the several members. Secondly, if a man of 150 Ibs. stands at the middle of a rafter, by how much will the stress in the tie-beam be increased ? Ans. i. Stress in tie = 4000 Ibs. ; in each rafter = 2000 1/5 Ibs. 2. 75 Ibs. 34. A king-post truss for a roof of 30 ft. span and 7^ ft. rise is com- posed of two equal rafters AB, AC, the horizontal tie-beam BC, the vertical tie AD, and the struts DE, DF from the middle point D of the tie-beam to the middle points of the rafters ; the roof-load = 20 Ibs. per square foot of roof-surface, and the rafters are spaced 10 ft. centre to centre. Find the stresses in the several members. Second, find the altered stresses when a man of 150 Ibs. weight stands on the ridge. Third, find the altered stresses when the tie-beam supports a celling weighing 12 Ibs. per square foot. Ans. i. Stress in BE = 56250 Ibs. ; BD = 2250 4/5 Ibs.; AE 46875 Ibs. ; DE = 9375 Ibs.; AD= 7500 4/5" Ibs. 2. Stresses in BD, BE, AE increased by 150 Ibs., 75 1/5 Ibs., and 75 \' '5 Ibs., respectively ; other stresses un- changed. 3. Stresses in AD, tie-beam, and rafters increased by 1800, 1800. and 900 1/5 Ibs., respectively ; other stresses unchanged. 35. The platform of a bridge for a clear span of 60 ft. is carried by two queen-trusses 15 ft. deep; the upper horizontal member of the truss is 20 ft. long; the load upon the bridge = 50 Ibs. per square foot of plat- form, which is 12 ft. wide. Find the stresses in the several members. Ans. Stress in vertical ^= 6000 Ibs.; in each sloping member = loooo Ibs. ; in each horizontal member = 8000 Ibs. 36. If a single load of 6000 Ibs. pass over the bridge in the last ques- tion, and if its effect is equally divided between the trusses, find (a) the greatest stress in the members of the truss, and also (lij in the members which must be introduced to prevent distortion. Also find (c) the stresses when one half the bridge carries an additional load of 50 Ibs. per square foot of platform. EXAMPLES. 77 Ans. (a) In sloping end strut = 3333* Ibs.; horizontal tie = 2666f Ibs.; horizontal strut = 1333* Ibs. (<:) In sloping end strut = 6250 Ibs.; horizontal tie = 5000 Ibs.; horizontal strut = 3000 Ibs. (b) In case (a) = i666f Ibs.; in case (c) = 2500 Ibs. 37. A roof-truss consists of two equal rafters AB, AC inclined at 60 to the vertical, of a horizontal tie-beam BC of length /, of a collar-beam DE of length , and of queen-posts DF, EG at each end of the collar-beam ; the truss is loaded with a weight of 2600 Ibs. at the vertex, a weight of 4000 Ibs. at one collar-beam joint, a weight of 1200 Ibs. at the other, and a weight of 1500 Ibs. at the foot of each queen; the diagonal DG is inserted to provide for the unequal distribution of load. Find the stresses in all members. Ans. Stress in BD= 11733*; BF = 5866f 4/3 ; DF = 1 500 ; DA = 2600 ; DE = 3633* 4/3 ; DG = i866f ; GC = 4933i 1/3 ; GE = 2433* ; CE = 9 866f ; AE 2600 Ibs. 38. The rafters AB, AC are supported at the centres by the struts DE, DF; the centre of the tie-beam is supported by the tie AD\ BC = 30 ft., AD = 7i ft. ; the load upon AB is 4000 Ibs., that upon AC 1600 Ibs. Find the stresses in all the members. By an accident the strut DE was torn away; how were the stresses in the other members affected ? Ans. Case i : Stress in BE 2400 4/5"; BD = 4800 ; DE = icoo 4/5"; AE = 1400 4/5 ; AF = 1400 4/5"; DF = 400 V5 ; FC = 1800 i/J"; DC 3600 Ibs. Case 2: Stress in BA = 1400 4/5"; BD = 2800 ; AD = 400 ; AF = 1400 4/5 ; FC = 1800 4/5"; DF = 400 4/5"; DC = 3600. 39. The platform of a bridge for a clear span of 60 ft. is carried by two trusses 15 ft. deep, of the type shown by the p n accompanying diagram ; the load upon the bridge is 50 Ibs. per square foot of platform, which is 12 ft. wide. Find the stresses in the several members. Ans. Stress in BE = 13500; ^ = 67504/5"; EG = 4000 ED = 1 3500 ; CD = 2250 \/~^\ GA = 4500 AD = 9000 Ibs. 78 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 40. If a single weight of 2000 Ibs. pass over a truss similar to that shown in the preceding question, find the stresses in the several members when the load is (i) at E, (2) at D. Ans.Case i: Stress in BG = 1500 1/5 ; BE = 3000 ; EG = 2000 ; ED 3000 ; GD = looo 4/5 ; AG = 500 1/5 ; AH 500^/5"; DH=o; FH-o\ DF 1000 ; FC = 1000 ; 77=5004/5" Ibs. Case 2 : Stress in BA and CA = 1000 1/5 ; BD and DC = 2000 ; AD = 2000 Ibs., and in other members = o. 41. A white-pine triangular truss consists of two rafters AB, -AC, of unequal length, and a tie-beam BC. A vertical wrought-iron rod from A, 10 ft. long, supports the tie-beam at a point D, dividing its length into the segments BD = ioit. and CD = 20 ft. The load upon each rafter is 300 Ibs. per lineal ft. ; the load upon the tie-beam is 18,000 Ibs., uniformly distributed. Determine the stresses in the several members. Ans. In AB = 9650 V 2" Ibs. ; AC= 4825 4/5 Ibs. ; BD = CD = 9650 Ibs. 42. The post of a jib-crane is 10 ft. ; the weight lifted = W\ the jib is inclined at 30, and the tie at 60, to the vertical. Find (a) the stresses in the jib and tie, and also the B. M. at the foot of the post. How (b} will these stresses be modified if the chain has four falls, and if it passes to the chain-barrel in a direction bisecting the angle between the jib and tie ? Ans. (a) Stress in tie = W\ in jib = JFy J. B. M. = 5 4/3" ft. tons. 43. An ordinary jib-crane is required to lift a weight of 10 tons at a horizontal distance of 9 ft. from the axis of the post. The hanging part of the chain is in four falls; the jib is 15 ft. long, and the top of the post is 16^ ft. above ground. Find the stresses in the jib and tie when the chain passes (i) along the jib, (2) along the tie. The post turns round a vertical axis. Find the direction and magni- tude of the pressure at the toe, which is 3 ft. below ground. Ans. (i) Stress in tie = 3_1_5 tons; in jib = iif tons. ii (2) = [3 ^5 __ 2^) tons ; in jib = 9 T a T tons. . \ ii / Pressure on toe = 10 \/io tons, and is inclined to vertical at an angle tan ~ l i. EXAMPLES. 79 44. In the crane represented by the figure AB = AC = A 35ft.; 2?C=2oft.; D=2oi\..\ the weight lifted = 25 tons; y4C slopes at 45 ; the chain hangs in four falls and passes from A to D. Find the stresses in all the members and the upward pull at D. Ans. Stress in C=26; AC = 47.6 ; AB = 28.4 ; CD = 32.8 tons. Vertical pull at D = 31.3 tons. 45. The figure represents the framing of an hydraulic crane. AB.BD = DF = FG=^ HK = 5 ft.; KG = BC = 2*- ft. Find the H f\~7^\ ^L stresses in the members of the crane when the weight KG FOB" A (i ton) lifted is (a) at A\(&)a.\.B\ (c) at D. Also (d) find FIG. 127. the stresses when there is an additional weight of ton at each of the points B, D, F, and G. Ans (a) Stress in tons in AB = BD 2 ; DF = FG = ; 9009 Iy Stress in tons in ^^ = o = ^C; ^C= i ; CE = |/ 2 ; =FG = ; GK = 13 II 2 M3 Stress in AB = o = *-< = 7^317; 80 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (d) Stress in tons in AB = o = AC; EC = - = EF ; 46. The inclined bars of the trape- zoidal truss represented by the figure make angles of 45 with the vertical ; a load of 10 tons is applied at the top joint of the left rafter in a direction of ^ 45 with the vertical. Assuming the W "P reaction at the right to be vertical, find FlG> I28> the stresses in all the pieces of the frame. Ans. Vert, reaction at D - yT; stress in DE= |/2~; j 3 ,. 20 /- 10 , 3 3 AC = I0 ; CE = - 1/2" tonr. 47. The post of a derrick-crane is 30 ft. high ; the horizontal traces of the two back-stays are at right angles to each other, and are 15 ft. and 25 ft. in length. Show that the angle between the shorter trace and the plane of the jib and tie, when the stress in the post is a maximum, is 30 58'. Also find the greatest stresses in the different members of the crane when the jib, which is 50 ft. long and is hinged at the foot of the post, is inclined at 45 to the vertical, the weight lifted being 4000 Ibs. Ans. Stress in jib = 6666f Ibs.; in tie =4768. 4 Ibs.; max. thrust along post = 10991.5 Ibs. ; max. stress on long back-stay = 7362.7 Ibs.; on short back-stay = 10539 Ibs. 48. A queen-truss for a roof consists of two horizontal members, the lower 48 ft. long, the upper 16 ft. long; two inclined members AB, DC, and two queens BE, CF, each 8 ft. long; the points E, ^divide AD into three equal segments ; the load upon the members AB, BC, CD is 120 Ibs. per lineal foot. Find (a) the stresses in the several members. How (b) will these stresses be modified if struts are introduced from the EXAMPLES. Si feet of the queens to the middle points G, H of the inclined members ? In this latter case also, determine (c) the stresses due to a wind-pressure of 120 Ibs. per lineal ft. normal to AB, assuming that the horizontal re- action is equally divided between the two supports at A and D. Ans.(a) Stress in Ibs. in AE 4066.56 = EF-DF = BC\ AB = 4546. $6 = CD; BE = 2033. 28 = CF. () Stress in Ibs. in AE 5139.84 = DF\ BC = 4066.56 = AF; AG = 5746.56 - DH\ BG = 4546.56 = CH\ EG = 1200 = FH\ BE^ 536.64 = CF. (c) Additional stress in AG = 1040.4/5"; BG 680 4/5"; GE- 600 4/5"; ^=2320 ; BE = 600 ; BC= 400 4/5"; BE= 400 4/5"; CF = 400 ; CB = 400 4/5"; EF = 1 120 ; (In case (<:) the brace BF is introduced to prevent distortion.) 49. A pair of shear-legs, each 25 ft. long, with the point of suspension 20 ft. vertically above the ground surface, is supported by a tie 100 ft. long ; distance between feet of legs = 10 4/5 ft. Find the thrusts along the legs and the tension in the tie when a weight of 2 tons is being lifted. Ans. Tension in tie = 1.137 tons; compn. in each leg = 1.87 tons. 50. In the crane ABC, the vertical post AB = 15', the jib AC '= 23', and the angle BAC '= 30. Find (a) the stresses in the jib and tie, and also the bending moment at the foot of the post when the crane lifts a weight, of 4 tons. The throw is increased by adding two horizontal members CE, BD and an inclined member DE, the figure BE being a parallelogram and the diagonal CD coincident in direction with CA. Find (b) the stresses in the several members of the crane as thus modified, the weight lifted being the same. In the latter case show (c) how the stresses in the members are affected when the chain, which is in four falls, passes from E to B and then down the post. Ans. (a) Tension in tie = 3^ tons; thrust in jib = 6 T 2 7 tons; (b) Stress in CE = 9.34 ; in ED = 10.16; in CB = 13.49; in CD = 6.15; in DA = 10.7 ; in BD = 7 tons. (c) Stress in CE = 8.9; in ED = 10.7; in CB = 12.9; in CD = 5.8 ; in DA 10.7 ; in BD = 7.4 tons. 51. The horizontal traces of the two back-stays of a derrick-crane are x and y feet in length, and the angle between them is fi. Show that cos (ft 6) x the stress in the post is a maximum when - - =0 beine the cos 6 y angle between the trace x and the plane of the jib and tie. 82 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 52. The two back-stays of a derrick-crane are each 38' long, and the angle between their horizontal traces 2 tan -I T 5 ^; height of the crane- post = 32'; the length of the jib = 40' ; the throw of the crane = 20' ; the weight lifted = 4 tons. Determine the stresses in the several mem- .bers and the upward pull at the foot of each back-stay when the plane of the jib and post (a) bisects the angle between the horizontal traces of xhe back-stays, (b) passes through a back-stay. Ans. In jib = 5 ; in tie = 2.52 tons ; in back-stay in (a) = 2.56, in (b) 4.7 tons. 53. Find the stresses in the members of the crane represented E 35' B by the figure; also find balance-weight atC Ans. Stress in BE = 25 ; DE = 26.9; DB = 21.08; DA = 26.08; BA = .24; BC = 1 8. 12 tons. Counterweight at C= 15.14 tons. 54. Draw the stress diagram for the truss represented by the figure, the load at each of the points and C being 500 Ibs. FIG. 130. Also, if the rafter AB is subjected to a nominal wind-pressure of 100 Ibs. per lineal ft., introduce the additional member required to prevent deformation, and state in Ibs. the stress it should be designed to bear. Draw the stress diagram of the modified truss, assuming that the foot A is fixed, and that there are rollers at D. (AB = AE =15'; BC = 10' ; angle BAD = 45 ; angle EAD 30.) 55. The post AB of a jib-crane is 20 ft. ; the jib AC is inclined at 30 and the tie BC at 45 to the vertical ; the weight lifted is 5 tons. Find the stresses in the jib and tie when the chain passes (a) along the jib, (b} along the tie, (c) horizontally from C to the post. The chain has two falls. 56. In a mansard roof of 12 ft. rise, the upper triangular portion (of 4 ft. rise) has its rafters inclined at 60 to the vertical. The rafters of the FIG. 131. EXAMPLES. 83 lower portion are inclined at 30 to the vertical. If there is a load of 1000 Ibs. at the ridge, find the load at each intermediate joint necessary for equilibrium, and the thrust of the roof. A load of 2000 Ibs. is concentrated at each of the intermediate joints and a brace is inserted between these points. Find the stress in the orace. Ans. 1000 Ibs. ; thrust = 500 4/3" Ibs.; 333!- |/J Ibs. 57. The horizontal boom CD is divided into eight segments, each 8 ft. long, by seven intermediate supports ; the depth of the truss at each end = 16 ft.; a weight of i ton is concentrated at C and at D, and a weight of 2 tons at each of the points of division. Determine the stresses in the several members. 58. The figure is a skeleton diagram of a roof-truss of 72 ft. span and 12 ft. deep ; G, K, L, O, H are respectively the middle points of AE, EL, EF, LF, FB ; AE = EL = LF= FB = 20 ft.; the trusses are 12 ft. centre to centre ; the dead .. weight of the roof = 12 Ibs. per sq. ft.; the ^ s normal wind-pressure upon AE may be taken FIG. 133. _ 30 j bg> per S q f t . t h e enc j ^ j s fj xe( j an( j B is on rollers. Draw a stress diagram. Show by dotted lines how the stress diagram is modified with rollers under A, B being fixed. 59. The platform of a bridge of 84 ft. span B c D E and 9 ft. deep is carried by a pair of trusses of A^^Tn P^P 55 ^ the type shown in the figure. If the load borne ^ by each truss is 300 Ibs. per lineal ft., find the FIG. 134. stresses in all the members. Ans. Stress in AB = 6000 ; AC = 1200 4/73 ; AD = 3600 1/17 ; BC 4800 ; CD = 14400 ; DE = 28800. Stress in horiz. chord = 288000 ; in each vertical = 3600 Ibs. 60. The figure represents the shore portion of one of the trusses for a cantilever highway bridge. The depth of t t B truss over pier = 51 ft.; the length of each panel = 17 ft.; the load at A (from weight of is.sooibs. c ><^j/p centre span) 16800 Ibs.; the width of road- way = 15 ft.; the load per sq. ft. of roadway FIG. 135. _ go Ibs. Find the stresses in all the mem- bers, assuming the reaction at the pier F to be vertical. Ans. ti ti 28000 ; / 3 = 36500 ; / 4 = 45000 ; / 5 = 53500 ; / 6 = 55200 ; ti = 48400 ; / 8 = 41600 = / ; Ci = 5600 1/34"; <: 2 = 7300 V 34 ; vi = 10200 ; v t = 15300; z/ 8 = 20400 ; 8 4 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. V* = 25500 ; 7/5 = 45900 J s/e = 20400 ; V-, 1 5300 ; 1/6 = 10200 ; ; the rise = 2S ft-; the trusses are 25 ft. centre to centre. Find the FlG - 14<5t stresses in the several members when rollers are (a) at C, (ff) at B. Ans. (a) Reaction (vertical) at C= 12291$ Ibs.; vertical reaction at ^ = 23958^ Ibs.; horizontal reaction at B = 18750 Ibs. Tension in BD 48625 ; DL 34475 ; LE = 21675 ' EC= 22125; Z?//=786i; y2 = 15888! ; A^ = 250 Ibs. Compression in BF=^666^ 4/106 ; 7\ 6th = || ^J. -v/J"; 2d = % 3 - 4/3"; 4/3 4th = S Vy, 92 THEORY OF STRUCTURES Ans. A i LMNOPQRS' Stress in BA, BM, DM, DO, FO, FQ, HQ, H$, same and = C D E F G H FIG. 150. 6 4 in w w _ in EA, ES same and = -=- |/c ; in AK = y 17 ; i 5 4 W^ W DN, FP, HR, same and = r ; in O/, (7(9 same and = -5- ; 10 o W W mEO = ; in KS = ; in AM, MO, OQ, QS same and 64 82. Determine the stresses in the members of a Bollman truss 100 ft. long and 12^ ft. deep, under a uniformly distributed load of 200 tons, to- gether with a single load of 10 tons concentrated at 25 ft. from one end. Ans. Stress in AB = ^ ^2 ; BL = if* 4; ^Z? = y 4/5 ; ,DZ = - 2 / 4/37 ; AF = H 1 I/To; FL = y 1/26; ^^ ^ 3^ ^jy =///:; in ^C = 25 = /re = HK = etc.; DE = 50 tons; compression along ^4 = 193! tons. Note. Questions 53, 54, 57-59, 61, 66, 67, 70, 71, 73, and 74 can be easily solved graphically. 83. Determine the stresses in the several members when the throw of the crane in Question 55 is increased by the introduction of the new members, shown by the dotted lines. CHAPTER II. SHEARING FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS. Note. In this chapter it is assumed that all forces act in one and the same plane, and that the deformations are so small as to make no sensible alteration either in the forces or in their relative positions. I. Equilibrium of Beams. A beam is a bar of somewhat considerable scantling, supported at two points and acted upon by forces perpendicular or oblique to the direction of its length. CASE I. AB is a beam resting upon two supports in the same horizontal plane. The reactions Ro R l and R^ at the points of support are vertical, and the resultant P of the remaining external forces must also act vertically in an opposite direction at some point C. IA FIG. 152. According to the principle of the lever, P AC = P -r-f* , and CASE II. AB is a beam supported or fixed at one end. Such a support tends to prevent any deviation from the straight in that portion of the beam, and the less the deviation the more 'B perfect is the fixture. The ends may be fixed by means of two props (Fig. 153), or by allowing it , B to rest upon one prop and preventing upward motion by a ledge (Fig. 154), or by building it into a wall (Fig. 155). In any case it may be assumed that the effect of the fixture, whether perfect or imperfect, is to develop two unequal forces, Q and R, acting in opposite di- FIG. 155. rections at points M and N. These two forces are equivalent 93 94 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. to a left-handed couple (Q, Q), the moment of which is Q.MN, and to a single force R Q at N. Hence R Q must = P. CASE III. ^4/? is an inclined beam supported at A and resting upon a smooth vertical surface at B. The vertical weight P, acting at the point C, is the resultant load upon AB. Let the direction of P meet the hori- zontal line of reaction at B in the point D. The beam is kept in equilibrium by the weight P, the reaction R^ at A, and the reaction 7v? 2 at B. Now the two forces R^ and P meet at /), so that the force R^ must also pass through D. Hence cos and ^ = P tan . The same principles hold if the beam in Cases I and II is inclined, and also whatever may be the directions of the forces P and R^ in Case III. CASE IV. hi general, let the beam AB be in equilibrium under the action of any number of forces P lt P 2 , P 9 , . . . , Q\ * Qi > Qs > > f which the magnitudes and points of appli- ? & f M ?' r 1 ! 1^ FIG. 157- v v Q 3 Q 2 cation are given, and which act at right angles to the length of the beam. Suppose the beam to be divided into two segments by an imaginary plane MN. Since the whole beam is in equi- librium, each of the segments must also be in equilibrium. Consider the segment AMN. EQUILIBRIUM OF BEAMS. 95 It is kept in equilibrium by the forces P lt P 9 , P 9 , . . . and by the reaction of the segment BMN upon the segment AMN at the plane MN; call this reaction^. The forces P, , P, , P 3 , . . . are equivalent to a single resultant R 1 acting at a point distant r l from MN. Also, without affecting the equilibrium, two forces, each equal and parallel to R t , but opposite to one another in direction, may be applied to the segment AMN at the plane MN, and the three equal forces are then equivalent to a single force R, at MN, and a couple (R l , R,) of which the moment is R l r l . i * ! r R ' A. I !11 ' FIG. 158. Thus the external forces upon AMN are reducible to a single force R 1 at MN, and a couple (R lt RJ. These must be balanced by E^ , and therefore l is equivalent to a single force R t at MN and a couple ( R^ , R^. In the same manner the external forces upon the segment BMN are reducible to a single force R^ at MN, and a couple (/?,, ^2) of which the moment is R^. These again must be balanced by 3 , the reaction of the segment ^4 J/V upon the segment BMN. Now E l and 2 evidently neutralize each other, so that the force R^ and the couple (R 1 , R } ) must neutralize the force ^ 2 and the couple (R 9 , R^). Hence the forced, and the couple (R t , R^ are respectively equal but opposite in effect to the force ^ 2 and the couple (R t , R 9 ) ; i.e., R l == RZ and R 1 r l = R^ ; /. r l = r. t . The force R, tends to make the segment AMN slide over the segment BMN at the plane MN, and is called the Shearing THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Force with respect to that plane. It is equal to the algebraic sum of the forces on the left of MN, So ^ 2 = 0, Q, Q 3 + . . . = 2(Q) is the algebraic sum of the forces on the right of MN, and is the force which tends to make the segment BMN slide over the segment AMN at the plane MN. R^ is therefore the Shearing Force with respect to MN, and is equal to R l in magnitude, but acts in an opposite direction. Again, let/, , / 2 , / 3 , . . . , ^ , q z , q z , . . . , be respectively the distances of the points of application of P l , P t , P 3 , . . . , Q l , <2 2 <2, , . . . from MN. Then R 1 r 1 , = the algebraic sum of the moments about MN of all the forces on the left of MN, is the moment of the couple (R lt R^). This couple tends to bend the beam at the plane MN, and its moment is called the Bending Moment with respect to MN of all the forces on the left of MN. So R 9 r 9 , = the algebraic sum of the moments about MN of all the forces on the right of is the Bending Moment, with respect to MN, of all the forces on the rig/it of MN, and is equal but opposite in effect to R l r 1 . It is seen that the Shearing Force and Bending Moment change sign on passing from one side of MN to the other, so that to define them absolutely it is necessary to specify the seg- ment under consideration. Remark. The reaction E l has been shown to be equivalent to the force R l and the couple ( R l , R^. The Moment of this couple may be called the Elastic Moment, the Moment of Resistance, or the Moment of Inflexibility, and is equal in magnitude, but opposite in effect, to the corresponding Bend- ing Moment due to the external forces. SHEARING FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS. 97 FIG. 159. 2. Examples of Shearing Forces and Bending Mo- ments. In each of the following examples the beam is horizontal and of length /. . Ex. i. The beam OA, Fig. 159, is fixed at A and carries a weight Pat O. The Shearing Force (S) at every point of the beam is evidently con- stant and equal to P. Upon the verticals through A and take AB and OC each equal or proportional to P; join BC. The vertical distance between any point of the beam and the line BC represents the shearing force at that point. Again, the Bending Moment (M) at any point of the beam, distant x from O is Px ; it is nil at <9, and PI at A. Upon the vertical through A take AD equal or propor- tional to PI; join DO. The vertical distance between any point of the beam and the line DO represents the bending moment at that point. Ex. 2. The beam OA, Fig. 160, is fixed at A, and carries a uniformly distributed load, of in- tensity w per unit of length. The resultant force on the right of a vertical plane MN distant x from O is wx and acts half-way between ) O and MN. The Shearing Force (S) at MN is therefore wx ; it is nil at (9, and wl at A. Upon the vertical through A take AB equal or proportional to wl\ join BO. The vertical distance between any point of the beam and the line BO rep- resents the shearing force at that point. FIG. 160. Again, the Bending Moment (M) at MN is ivx = wx it is nil at O, and at A. Upon the vertical through A take AC equal or proportional to . 9 8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The bending moment at any point of the beam is repre- sented by the vertical distance between that point and a pa- rabola CO having its vertex at O and its axis vertical. Ex. 3. The beam OA, Fig. 161, is fixed at A and carries wx FIG. 161. a single weight P at O, together with a uniformly distributed load of intensity w per unit of length. The Shearing Force (S) at a plane MN distant x from O is evidently P ' + wx \ it is P at (9, and P-\- wl at A. Upon the verticals through O and A take OC equal or pro- portional to P, and AB equal or proportional to wl -\- P\ join BC. The vertical distance between any point of the beam and the line BC represents the shearing force at that point. Again, the Bending Moment (M) at MN is evidently it is nil at O, and ---- \- PI at A. Upon the vertical through A take AD equal or propor- tional to -- 1- PL The bending moment at any point of the beam is represented by the vertical distance between that point and a parabola DOE having its axis EF vertical and its SHEARING FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS. 99 p vertex at a point E, where OF = and EF is equal or pro- portional to . 2w Note. The ordinates of the line BC in Ex. 3, are equal to he algebraic sum of the corresponding ordinates of the straight lines BC and BO in Exs. I and 2. Also, the ordinates of the curve DO in Ex. 3, are equal to the algebraic sum of the cor- responding ordinates of the line DO in Ex. I, and the curve CO in Ex. 2. Hence the same conclusions as in Ex. 3 are arrived at by treating the weight P and the load wl inde- pendently, and then superposing the respective results. Ex. 4. The beam OA, Fig. 162, rests upon two supports at O and A, and carries a weight P at a point B, dividing the beam into the two segments OB, J3A, of which the lengths are a and b re- spectively. The reactions R l , R z at O and A are vertical, and according to the principle of the lever, 'F IG . R, P~ t and R, = P*. The Shearing Force (S) at every point between O and B is constant and equal to R l = P-,. On passing B the shearing force (S) changes sign, and its value at every point between B -ind A is constant and equal to R^ P = P-, R^ . Upon the verticals through O, B, and A take OC\ BE, each equal or proportional to -y, and BF, AD, each equal or proportional to -y ; join CE and DF. The shearing force at any point of the beam is represented by the vertical distance between that point and the broken line CEFD. 100 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Again, the Bending Moment (M) at any point between O and B distant x from O is R l x=^P-.x- J it is nil at O, and P^j at B. The Bending Moment (M) at any point between B and A distant x from O is R^x /%*; a) = P-.(l x) ; it is ab P-j at B, and nil at A. Upon the vertical through B take BG equal or proportional ab to P~r\ join 06- and y^^. The bending moment at any point of the beam is represented by the vertical distance be- tween that point and the line OGA. p Cor. If Pbe at the centre of the beam, S = , and M PI at the centre = . 4 Ex. 5. The beam OA, Fig. 163, rests upon two supports at O and A, and carries a uni- formly distributed load of inten- sity w per unit of length. The reactions at O and A are each equal to . The resultant force between O and a plane MN distant x from O FlG - 1<5 3- is wx y and acts half-way between O and MN. The Shearing Force (S) at MN is theiefoie wl wl wx ; it is at O, nil at the middle point B, and 2 2 - at A. Upon the verticals through O and A take OC and ADj each equal or proportional to -- ; join CD. The shearing force at any point of the beam is represented by the vertical distance between that point and the line CD. SHEARING FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS. Again, the Bending Moment (M) at MN is 101 wl wl wx" ., it is nil at O and at A ; it is a maximum and equal to - at b the middle point B. Upon the vertical through B take BE equal or proportional to - . The bending moment at any o point of the beam is represented by the vertical distance be- tween that point and a parabola OEA having its vertex at E and its axis vertical. Cor. i. The shearing force is a minimum and zero at the Wl centre, a maximum and at the ends, and increases uni- formly with the distance from the centre. Cor. 2. The bending moment is a minimum and zero at w/ 2 the ends, a maximum and -=- at the centre, and diminishes o as the distance from the centre increases. Ex. 6. The beam OA, Fig. 164, rests upon two supports at O and A, and carries a weight P at a point B, together with a uniformly distributed load of intensity w per unit of length. Let the lengths of the segments OB, BA be a and b, respectively. The reactions R^ at O, and R^ at A, are vertical, and according to the principle of the lever, b wl and FIG. 164. IO2 . THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The Shearing Force (S) at any vertical plane between O and B distant x from O is b wl R l vox = P-j -\ wx ; / 2 Pb wl Pb , w/ it is -T- -| -at (9, and j- -| w# at /?. / 2 / 2 The Shearing Force (S) at any plane between ^ and ^4 distant ;r from 6> is R^-P-wx^P-f + ^-P-wx^^-P-j-wx-, wl Pa Pa wl it is j wa at B, and = at A . 21 I 2 Upon the verticals through O, B, and A take OC equal or proportional to -, | , BD equal or proportional to I 2 Pb wl wl Pa j--\- wa, BE equal or proportional to -. wa, wl Pa and AF equal or proportional to -=- ; join CD and 2 / EF. The shearing force at any point of the beam is rep- resented by the vertical distance between that point and the broken line CDEF. wl Pa If > -7- + wa, BE is positive, and therefore E is ver- 2 / tically above B. Again, the Bending Moment (M) at any point between O and B is it is nil at 0, and SHEARING FORCES AND BENDING MOMEN7^S. 103 The bending moment (M) at any point between B and A distant x from O is / b wl\ wx* I _a , wl\ wx* (P-I + -J)*- -*\* -*) = (- p -i + -?)*T+ pa > / b wl\ wa* it is \P-j + In -- at , and nil at A. , Upon the vertical through j take BG equal or propor- (^ wl\ we? P-j-\ -- Jtf -- . The bending moment at any point of the beam between O and B is represented by the vertical distance between that point and a parabola OGH having its axis HT vertical and its vertex at a point //, where and HT is equal or proportional to \P-. -| -- ) . 2,1.U S / 2 ' The bending moment at any point between B and A is represented by the vertical distance between that point and a parabola AGK having its axis KV vertical and its vertex at a point K, where and a wlY KV is equal or proportional to 1 P-. -| j -|~ Cor, If the weight Pis at the centre, P PI wl* S = , and M at the centre = 1- -5-. 2 4 o Note. The ordinates of the lines CD and EF in Ex. 6 are equal to the algebraic sum of the corresponding ordinates of the 104 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. lines CE, FD in Ex. 4, and the line CD in Ex. 5. Also, the ordinates of the curves OG y AG are equal to the algebraic sum of the corresponding ordinates of the lines OG, AG in Ex. 4, and the curve OEA in Ex. 5. Hence the same conclusions as in Ex, 6 are arrived at by treating the weight P and the load wl independently, and then superposing the respective results. Ex. 7. In fine, a beam, however loaded, may be similarly treated, remembering that if the load changes abruptly at dif- ferent points, the portions of the beam between the points of discontinuity are to be dealt with separately. For example, the beam OA, Fig. 165, rests upon two supports at and A, and carries three weights P, , P 9 , P 3 at points C, D, E, of which the distances from O are p^ / 3 ,-/ 3 , respectively. A point B divides OA into segments OB = a and BA = #, which are FIG 165. uniformly loaded with weights of intensities w v and w^ per unit of length, respectively. The reactions R } and R^ at O and A are vertical, and according to the principle of the lever, RJ = />,(/ - A) + Ptf - A} + />,(/ - A) a and + X4 + 4 SHEARING FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS. 10$ To represent graphically the Shearing Force at different points of the beam : Upon the verticals through <9, C, B, D,E, A, take OF, CG, CH, BK, DL, DM, EN, EV, and A T, respectively equal or proportional to R,, R, wj,, R - wj, - />,, R, - w,a -r- P lt R, - w,a P, ?e> 2 (/ 2 - a\ R, - w,a, - P l - w 2 (A - a) - P R, - w,a P l - wjp t - a) - P 9 , R v - ^v l a - P l - u>,(p, a) - P, - P 9 , and R, - w,a - P, - w,b - P, - P, = R,. Join FG, HK, KL, MN, and VT. The shearing force at any point of the beam is represented by the vertical distance between that point and the broken line FGHKLMNVT. To represent graphically the Bending Moment (M) at dif- ferent points of the beam : Mat = 0', Mat C=Rj> l - ; Mat D = R. t p, - ?ey?( 2 - 106 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. - ^ ( A_^T _ PI(A _ A) _ /> i(A _ A) . and MatA=0. Upon the verticals through C, B, D, and take Ci, B2, Z>3, and 4, respectively equal or proportional to the bending moments at these points. The bending moment at any point of the beam is repre- sented by the vertical distance between that point and the parabolic arcs Oi, 12, 23, 34, and 4.A. The axes of these pa- rabolas are vertical, and the positions of the vertices may be easily found from the several equations. Ex. 8. A beam OA, Fig. 166, of which the weight may be neglected, is 15 ft. long, is fixed at (9, and carries a weight of 80 Ibs. at A. Determine the bend- ing moment at a point distant 10 ft. from the free end. Also illus- trate the shearing force and bend- ing moment at different points of the beam graphically. The re- quired bending moment is 80 X 10 800 Ib.-ft. The shearing force is the same at every point of the beam, and equal to 80 Ibs. Choose a vertical scale of measurement so that half an inch represents 160 Ibs. Upon OA describe a rectangle OABC, in which OC = AB = y. The ordinate from every point of BC to AO is J", or 80 Ibs., and is therefore the shearing force at the foot of such ordinate. Again, the bending moment at O is 80 X 15 = 1200 Ib.-ft. Choose a vertical scale of measurement so that I inch repre- sents 1 200 Ib.-ft. Upon the vertical through O take OD = FIG. 166. SHEARING FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS. 107 I inch ; join DA. The ordinate from any point of DA to OA is the bending moment at its foot. For example, at ii ft. from O the ordinate is J", or 300 lb.-ft., and this is equal to 80 X 3i', i.e., the bending moment. Ex. 9. A beam OA, Fig. 167, of which the weight may be neglected, rests upon two supports at and A, 30 ft. apart, and carries a uniformly distributed load of 200 Ibs. per lineal foot, together with a single weight of 600 Ibs. at a point B dividing the beam into segments OB, BA, of which the lengths are 10 and 20 ft. respectively. Determine the shearing force and bending mo- ment at the points C and D, distant 5 ft. from the nearest end. Also, illustrate graphically the shearing force and bending moment at differ- ent points of the beam. Let R l , R^ be the reactions at O and A, respectively. Then R, . 30 600 . 20 + 200 . 30 . 1 5 = 102000 ; .-. R l = 3400 Ibs., and R^ 200 . 30 + 600 R l = 3200 Ibs. The Shearing Force at C = 3400 200 . 5 2400 Ibs. " >=3400-200. 25-600= 2200 Ibs. The Bending Moment at C = 3400 . 5 200 . 5 . - = 14,500 lb.-ft. The Bending Moment at D = 3400. 25 200 . 25 . 600. 1 5 = 13,500 lb.-ft. Next, considering the segment OB, the shearing force at O is 3400 Ibs., and at B 1400 Ibs. Considering the segment BA, the shearing force at A is 3200 Ibs., and at B 800 Ibs. Choose a vertical scale of measurement so that i inch repre- sents 3000 Ibs. Upon the verticals through O, B, A take OE - -fa" , and AH = i y y ; join EF and FIG. 167. IOS THEORY OF STRUCTURES. GH. The ordinate from any point of the broken line EFGH to OA is the Shearing Force at its foot. For example, the ordinate at D is ||", or 2200 Ibs. Again, the bending moment at B is 3400. 10 200. 10. 5 = 24,000 Ib.-ft. Choose a vertical scale of measurement so that I inch represents 24,000 Ib.-ft. Upon the vertical through B take BK = i inch. Draw the parabolas OK, AK, with their vertices at points determined as in Example (6). The ordi- nate from any point of the curves OK, AK is the bending moment at its foot. For example, at a point 14 ft. from O the curve ordinate is i-jJy", or 25,600 Ib.-ft., and this is the Bending Moment at the same point, being also the greatest for the segment BA. The vertex of AK is, therefore, vertically above the point of which the horizontal distance from O is 14 ft. 3. Relation between Shearing Force and Bending Moment. Let a beam AB be arbitrarily loaded with weights w l , w 2 , w z , . . . concentrated at the points I, 2, 3, ... A 1, 2, 3 r r l r r-+l n__ B FIG. 168. Let , , # 2 , # 3 , . . . be the lengths of the segments Ai, 12, 23, . . . , respectively. Let M A , MB be the moments at A and B. These moments are of course nil if the beam merely rests upon supports at its ends. The reaction R at A is given by the equation Rl = /,(/-*,) + wJJ -a 1 -a,)+...+M B + M A) I being the length of the beam. The shearing force S, between A and i = R ; 3 O 12' S n " -i " n = R 2(w)\ 2(w) denoting the sum of the first ( i) weights. SHEARING FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT. 1 09 The bending moment M A -atA=M A ; = M , , A A , " 2 = ^ x, and in either case is greatest when a x, i.e., when the weight is at B. Cor. 2. In addition to the rolling load, let the girder carry a permanent weight W at the centre. Consider one half of the girder only, and, for convenience, trace the shearing-force and bending-moment diagrams for W below OA. The compound diagram for maximum shearing forces is W DTLFD (Fig. 171), where KT is equal or proportional to , W and KL OF is equal or proportional to . The maximum shearing force at a point distant x from the centre is represented by XY '== -r-(- -f- x\ -| . / \2 / 2 F Y FIG. 171. Again, the compound diagram for maximum bending mo- ments is OEFO (Fig. 172), where DF is equal or proportional W'l to , and OF is a straight line. EFFECT OF A ROLLING LOAD. 113 The maximum bending moment at a point distant x from the centre is represented by X Y=m-*\+*L\> / \4 / 2 \2 Or. 3. Theoretically, the total volume of material required in the web of the girder in Cor. 2 is equal or proportional to 2 X ^^DTLF 3 Wl . i W'l yj being the web unit stress. So, if x) of the girder, the shearing force . wo* at B is -j -- w(a x). But this is < r , the shearing force at B when OB is . c? x* f a + x covered, if . < a x, i.e., if - -. < I, which is evi- 2/ 2/ dently the case. Cor. 2. In designing the flanges of a girder, the rolling load is supposed to cover the whole girder, and may be treated as a uniformly distributed load. Cor. 3. In addition to the roll- ing load, let the girder carry a uni- formly distributed load of w' per unit of length. r G As before, consider one half of the girder only. Trace the shear- ing-force diagram for the perma- FlG - I74 ' nent load below OA. The com- pound diagram is DHGK, where GH and AK are equal or wl w'l proportional to -~- and , respectively. EFFECT OF A ROLLING LOAD. 115 The maximum shearing force at a point distant x from the centre is represented by XY and is equal to wfl_ 27V 2 Again, the maximum flange-stresses are obtained by assum- ing the total load upon the girder to be w -f- w' per unit of length. Ex. The two main girders of a single-track bridge are 80 ft. in the clear and 10 ft. deep. The dead load upon the bridge is 2500 Ibs. per lineal foot. If the bridge is traversed by a uniformly distributed live load of 3000 Ibs. per lineal foot, determine the maximum bending moment and shearing force at a point of the girder distant 10 ft. from one end. The bending moment at any point is a maximum when the train covers the whole of the bridge, in which case the total distributed load is 5500 Ibs. per lineal foot, of which each girder carries one half. Thus the reaction at each support = . 80. ~ = 1 10,000 Ibs., and the bending moment at the given point = nooooX IO 10 X 2750 X 5 = 962,500 Ib.-ft. The shearing force at the given point due to the dead load = noooo 10x2750 82,500 Ibs. The shearing force due to the live load is a maximum when the live load covers the 70 ft. segment, and its value is then 1 500x70" lbs - Hence the total maximum shearing force = 82,500 + 45,937* = 128,437^ THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 5. Moments of Forces with respect to a given Point Q. First, consider a single force /*,. Describe the force and fu- . .... nicular polygons, i.e., the line S,S 9 and the lines AB, BC. Through the point Q draw a line parallel to S,S 6 , cutting the lines AB and CB produced in x and y. Drop the perpendiculars BM and ON upon yx and 5,5 6 produced. Then .'. P,BM = xy . ON. But .#lf is equal to the length of the perpendicular from Q to the line of action of P lf and the product xy . ON is, there- fore, equal to the moment of P l with respect to Q. Hence, if a scale is so chosen that ON = unity, this moment becomes equal to xy ; i.e., it is the intercept cut off by the two sides of the funicular polygon on a line drawn through the given point parallel to the given force. Next, let there be two forces, P P *ii * Describe the force and fu- nicular polygons vS^vSe and ABCD. Let the first and last sides (AB and DC] be produced to meet in G, and let a line through the given point Q parallel to the line 5 a S 6 intersect these lines in x and y. Draw GM perpendicular to xy, and ON perpendicular to S.S.. Then xy _ S,S, _ resultant of P, and P a ~GM = ON = "ON MOMENTS OF FORCES. and hence (the resultant of P, and P 2 ) X GM = xy . ON. But GMis equal to the length of the perpendicular from Q upon the resultant of P l and P^, which is parallel to S^S 6 and must necessarily pass through G. Hence, if a scale is so chosen that ON = unity, xy is equal to the moment of the forces with respect to Q ; i.e., it is the intercept cut off by the first and last sides of the funicular polygon on a line drawn through the given point parallel to the resultant force. A third force P 3 may be compounded with P l and P 9 , and the proof may be extended to three, four, or any number of forces. The result is precisely trfe same if the forces are parallel. The force polygon of the n parallel forces P l , P 9 , . . . P H / FIG. 177. becomes the straight line 5 6 5,5 2 . . . S n . Let the first and last sides of the funicular polygon meet in G. Drop the perpen- diculars GM, ON upon xy and S 6 S n , xy, as before, being the intercept cut off on a line through the given point Q parallel to S C S H . Then xy.ON = GM. S 6 S n . Hence, etc. Thus the moment of any number of forces in one and the same plane with respect to a given point may be represented by the intercept cut off by the first and last sides of the funicu- Il8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. lar polygon on a line drawn through the given point parallel to the resultant of the given forces. 6. Bending Moments. Stationary Loads. Let a hori- zontal beam AB, supported at A and B, carry a number of weights P lt />, P. . . at the points N 19 N,, N 3 , . . . I NX No N 3 L N 4 N 5 M FIG. 178. The force polygon is a vertical line 1234 . . . n, where 12 =/>, 23 = />, etc. Take any pole (9 and describe the funicular polygon A t A % A^ . . . Let the first and last sides of this polygon be produced to meet in G and to cut the verticals through A and B in the points C and D. Join Z>. Let the vertical through G cut AB in Z, and CD in ."; is the line of action of the resultant. Draw OH parallel to CD. From the similar triangles OiH and GCK, \H GK ~OH ~ CK ' BENDING MOMENTS. From the similar triangles OnH and GDK, nH_ GK OH ~ DK ' iH DK BL R R } , /? 2 being the reactions at A and B, respectively. But iH+ nH = in = P, + P, + . . . = R, + R, . Hence iH = R, and nH = R,. Thus the line drawn through the pole parallel to the closing- line CD divides the line of loads into two segments, of which the one is equal to the reaction at A and the other to that at B. Let it now be required to find the bending moment at any point M of the beam, i.e., the moment of all the forces on one side of J/with respect to M. In the figure these forces are R t , P l , /> a , P s , P 4 , P 6 , and the corresponding force polygon is Hi 23456. The first and last sides of the funicular polygon of the forces are CD parallel to OH, and A^A^ parallel to O6. If the vertical through M meet these sides in x and y, then, as shown in Art. 5, the moment of the forces R^ , P l , P 9 , P z , P t , P 6 with respect to M, i.e., the bending moment at M, = ON .xy, ON being the perpendicular from O upon iH produced. Hence, if a scale is chosen so that the polar distance ON is unity, the bending moment at any point of the beam is the inter- cept on the vertical through that point cut off by the closing line CD and the opposite bounding line of the funicular polygon. 7. Moving 1 Loads. Beams are often subjected to the action of moving loads, as, e.g., in the case of the main girders of a railway bridge, and it becomes a matter of importance to determine the bending moments for different positions of the loads. It may be assumed that the loads are concentrated on wheels which travel across the bridge at invariable distances apart. At any given moment, let the figure represent a beam 1 1 120 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. under the loads P lt P 9 , P 3 . . . Describe the corresponding funicular polygon CC'C" . . . D, the closing line being CD. Let the loads now travel from right to left. The result will be precisely the same if the loads remain stationary and if the supports 1 1 are made to travel from left to right. Thus, if the loads successively move through the distances C' FIG. 179. 12, 23, 34, ... to the left, the result will be the same if the loads are kept stationary and if the supports are successively moved to the right into the positions 22, 33, 44, . . . The new funicular polygons are evidently C' C" ...>', C"C" , . . D", C'"C"" . . . D'", ... the new closing lines being CD', C"D", C"D'", . . . The bending moment at any point M is measured by xy for the first distribution, xy' for the second, x"y" for the third, etc., the position of M for the successive distributions being de- fined by MM' = 12, M'M" = 23, M"M'" = 34, . ... Similarly, if the loads move from left to right, the result will be the same if the loads are kept stationary and if the sup- ports are made to move from right to left. It is evident that the envelope for the closing line CD for all distributions of the loads is a certain curve, called the enve- lope of moments. The intercept on the vertical through any point of the beam cut off by this curve and the opposite bound- MAXIMUM SHEAR AND BENDING MOMENT. 121 ary of the funicular polygon is the greatest possible bending moment at that point to which the girder can be subjected. EXAMPLE. Loads of 12 and 9 tons are concentrated upon a horizontal beam of 12 ft. span at distances of 3 and 9 ft. from the right-hand support. Find (a) the B. M. at the middle point 12' 3' T J9 tor !12 tons-'' FIG. 180. of the beam, and also (ft) the max, B. M. produced at the same point when the loads travel over the beam at the fixed dis- tances of 6 ft. apart. Scales for lengths, -J in. = I ft. ; for forces, -^ in. I ton. Take polar distance = in. 10 tons. Case a. B.M. = xy X 10 = 3.15 X lOtons = 31 J ton-ft. Case b. B. ^l.x'y' X 10 = 3.6 X 10 tons = 36 ton-ft. 8. Analytical Method of Determining the Maximum Shear and Bending Moment at any Point of an Arbitrarily Loaded Girder AB. At any given moment let the load con- sist of a number of weights ;,,;,... w n , concentrated at points distant a l , a^ , . . . a n , respectively, from B. The corresponding reaction R^ at a is given by RJ, it> l a l wa /being the length of the girder. Let W n = w } + w 2 + + W M , the sum of the n weights. " W r = ^v l + w 2 + . . . + w r , the sum of the first r w'ts. The shear at a point P between the rth and the (r -\- i)th weights is 5, = R, - w, - w, . . . - w r = R, W r . 122 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let all the weights now move towards A through a distance x, and let p of the weights move off the girder, q of the weights be transferred from one side of P to the other, and s new weights, viz., w n+1 , w n+ ^ , . . . w n+s , advance upon the girder, their distances from B being a n+l , a n+y , . . . a n+s , respectively. Let L = w^ -f- w z + . . . + w p , the total weight leaving the girder. Let T = w r+l -f- w r+t + . . . + w r+q , the total weight trans- ferred from one side of P to the other. Let R P l = w l a l -f- w a ^ 2 + " Rl = w r a r Wr 2 ar q Thus R p , R q , R s are the reactions at A due, respectively, to the weight which leaves the girder, the weight which is trans- ferred, and the new weight which advances upon the girder. The reaction R^ at A with the new distribution of the loads is given by RJ = w p+l (a p ^ + x) + Wp+ 2 (ap+ 2 + x) + . . . + w r (a r + x) + iVr+^a^ + x) + . . . + w n (a n + x) + zv n+1 a n+1 + .. . + ow^, - Rj - R P l +x(W n -L) + RJ, and hence Also, the corresponding j^^r at P is w p ^ + . . . + w r + Hence the shear at P with the first distribution of weights is greater or less than the shear at the same point with the second distribution according as > 1 < or ^ rt - or T - L > R, - MAXIMUM SHEAR AND BENDING MOMENT. 12$ Note. When no weights leave or advance upon the girder, R s , R P , and L are severally nil, and hence .S > 5" according as - ^ - ; i.e., according as the weight transferred divided by the distance through which it is transferred is greater or less than the total weight on the girder divided by the span. Again, let z be the distance of P from B, and let T) 7 I I I J\. r l- '= W l & l | W^a^ f . . . j Wf/Zf. . The bending moment at P with the first distribution of weights is J/j = R^(l z) ^(X z) w 2 (tf 3 z) ... w r (a r z) The bending moment at the same point with the second dis- tribution is , = R % (1 z) w p+l (a^ + x z)~ w p+2 (a p + 2 + x z) . . . w r (a r + x z) . . . w r+q (a r+q + x z) = RJJL -z)- (R r l - R P l + R q l) -(x-z}(W r -L+ T). Hence the bending moment at P with the first distribution of weights is greater or less than the bending moment at the same point with the second distribution according as or ,(l -z)- (R r -X f + R q )l -( x - z )(W r -L+T), 124 THEORY Of STRUCTURES. or *W r - (R f - R,y+ (x - *X W, - L + T) > (R, - *,)(/- *) or (B) . If no weights leave or advance upon the girder R s , and L are severally nil, and according as If also the point P coincide with the rth weight, and the distance of transfer, x l = a r a r+l , then R q l tv r+l a r+I , T w r+l , and z = a r . Hence J/i ^ J/ 2 , according as or i.e., according as the sum of the first r weights divided by the length of the corresponding segment is greater or less than the total weight upon the girder divided by the span, If the weights are concentrated at the panel points of a truss, the last relation may be expressed in the form first (r) weights > total weight r panels < total number of panels' EXAMPLE. A series of loads of 3000, 23,600, 20,100, 21,700, MAXIMUM SHEAR AND BENDING MOMENT. 125 22,900, 18,550, 18,000, 18,000, and 18,000 Ibs. travel, in order, over a truss of 240 ft. span and ten panels. Let ^AA . . . B be the truss, A A A being the panel points. Let the loads travel from B towards A, and compare the shear in the panel AA when the weight of 3000 Ibs. has reached A with the shear in the same panel when the weights have advanced another 24 ft. R ' = lo * I855 = l855 lbs " R > = ' 7 = To W n 91300 lbs., L o, T = 3000 lbs. Hence S^S^ according as (see A) 3000 - 0^1855 + -(91300 - 0)> 10985, and Let the weights again advance 24 ft. R s = -- . 18000 = 1800 Ibs., R p = 9 X -j --, 10 / IO W n 109,300 Ibs., L o, T ~ 23,600 Ibs. Hence S t ^J S 2 , according as (see A) 23600 o^ 1800 o + -^(109300 o), or 23600^ 12730, and .-. s,>s,. Hence the shear in the panel A A ' ls a maximum when the weight of 3000 Ibs. is at A Again, let the 3000 Ibs be at A> an d compare the bending moment at A w ^h t ^ ie Den cling moment at the same point when the weights have advanced first 24 ft. and then 48 ft. towards A. First, z 120 ft., L=o, T= 22,900 Ibs., AV 18000X24, 126 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. R P = o, R q l = 22900 X 9 6 > x 24 ft., W r = 68,400 Ibs., W n 145,850 Ibs. Hence M^M^ according as (see B) 120(0 22900 + JSoo o) + 22900 X 96 18000 X 24 + 24(68400 - o + 22900) $ -(240 - 120X145850 - o), 240 or 1425600^1750200, and Second, z 120 ft., L = 3000 Ibs., T 18550) R s = o, R p l = 3000 X 216, R q l= 18550X96, # = 24 ft., ^ = 91,300 Ibs., W n = 163,850 Ibs. Hence M t ^ J/ Q , according as (see B) 120(3000 18550 + 3000. -} +240(18550. -^ -- o) V 2407 \ 240 ' + 24(91300 3000+ 18550)^ -(240- 120X163850 3000), 240 or 2155200^1930200, and Hence the bending moment at / 6 is a maximum when the weight of 3000 Ibs. is at/ 1? i.e., when all the panel points are loaded. 9. Hinged Girders. Any point of a girder at which the bending moment is nil is termed a point of contrary flexure, and on passing such a point the bending moment must neces- sarily change sign. Consider a horizontal girder resting upon supports at A, B, C, D, and hinged at the points E and F in the side spans. In order that there may be no distortion by the turning of the hinges, the latter must not be subject to any bending action ; i.e., they must be points of contrary flexure. HINGED GIRDERS. 127 Let AE = a, EB = b, BC = c, CF = e, DF = d. Let W^ W^ W z , W^ W, be the loads upon AE, EB, BC, DF, FC, respectively, and let x l , x^ , x z , x^ , x b be the several distances of the corresponding centres of gravity from the points E, B, C, F, C. Mt FIG. 181. The two portions AE and DF are evidently in precisely the same condition as two independent girders of the same lengths, carrying the same loads and supported at the ends. EF may also be treated as an independent girder supported at B and C, carrying the weights J/F 2 , W z , W & , and loaded at the cantilever ends E and F with weights equal to the reactions at E and F for the portions AE, DF assumed to be independent girders. Let R^R^R^ R, be the reactions at A, B, C, A respec- tively. Then and Hence, since R^ and R^ are always positive, there can be no upward pull either at A or D, and no anchorage will be needed at these points. Next, taking EF as an independent girder, the load at E = IV, - R, = F= W,-R,= 128 THEORY OF STRUCTURES Take moments about C and B. Then - ( W, - *,X* + - Wfo + ) + ^ - >. + and -(IV,- Rtf - W^ + W 3 (c - x) - R,c two equations giving R^ and R a , since R l and R 4 have been already determined. The pier moments P l at B and P t at C are and P = , 'r values depending splely upon the loads on the spans contain- ing the hinges. The bending moment at any point in BC distant x from B R,)(b + x] - W&, + x)-M M being the bending moment due to the load upon the length x. The shearing-force and bending-moment diagrams for the whole girder can now be easily drawn. For any given loads upon the side spans, let AEH and DFL be the bending-moment curves for the portions AB, CD ; BH and CL representing the pier moments at B and C, respec- tively. The bending moments for the least and greatest loads upon BC will be represented by two curves HKL, HK'L, and the distances TT' t VV through which the points of contrary flexure must move, indicate those portions of the girder which are to be designed to resist bending actions of opposite signs. HINGED GIRDERS. I2 9 Again, let the two hinges be in the intermediate span. Let AB = a, BE = b, EF = c, FC = e, CD = d. Let W,, W,, W,, W,, W, be the loads upon AB, BE, EF, CD, CF, respectively, and let x l , # , x a , x^, x & be the several distances of the corresponding centres of gravity from the points B, B, F, C, C. // f FIG. 182. EF evidently may be treated as an independent girder sup- ported at the two ends and carrying a load W 3 . AE and DF may be treated as independent girders carry- ing the loads W l , W^ and W^ , W^, respectively, and also loaded at the cantilever ends E and F with weights equal to the reac- tions at E and F due to the load W a upon girder EF, which is assumed to be independent. Thus the load at E = W,- ; The pier moments P l at B and P 9 at C are and their values depending solely upon the loads on the span contain- ing the hinges. 13 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let R,, R,, R a , R t be the reactions at A, B, C, D, respec tively, and take moments about the points B, A, D, C. Then R - R,d~ W,i - (, + d)- W.(x t + d) - W t (d - x t ) = O - R t d - W,i - $ e - W tXi + W t x. = o R n and ^ 8 are always positive; R^ is positive or negative according as W^x, ^ P l ; and t> t( tt tt " W r > P A VV 1 X *tf). If the prism is so stiff as to bear at its ends only, show that the bending action on the beam is less than if the bearing were con- tinuous from end to end of the prism. Ans. ist. Max. B.M. = W(- - 2d. = w( l -- a \ \2 &) 9. A railway girder, 50 ft. in the clear and 6 ft. deep, carries a uni- formly distributed load of 50 tons. Find the maximum shearing stress at 20 ft. from one end, when a train weighing \\ tons per lineal foot crosses the girder. Also find the minimum theoretic thickness of the web at a support 4 tons being the safe shearing inch-stress of the metal. Ans. i6Jtons; .195 in. 10. A beam is supported at one end and at a second point dividing its length into the segments / and n. Find the two reactions. Also find the ratio of * to n which will make the maximum positive moment equal to the maximum negative moment. Ans, (w 2 - 2 ), (ni + ri)* ; m : n : : i + 4/3 : \/T>. 27/2 2in 11. One of the supports of a horizontal uniformly loaded beam is at the end. Find the position of the other support so that the straining of the beam may be a minimum. length Ans. Distance from end support = =b-. 4/2 12 A rolled joist 17 ft. long is supported at one end and at a point 13 ft. distant from that end. Two wagon-wheels 5 ft. apart and each carrying a load of 1300 Ibs. pass over the joist. Find the maximum positive and negative moments due to these weights, and also the corre- sponding reactions. Ans. Max. positive B. M. = 5512^ Ib.-ft. ; reactions = 1550 and 1050 Ibs. Max. negative B. M. = 5200 Ib.-ft. ; reactions = 1700 Ibs. and 400 Ibs. or = 2900 Ibs. and 300 Ibs. EXAMPLES. 133 Denoting the distance from a support by x, the max. positive B. M. diagram for each half of the 13-ft. span is given by M x = 100(21 2.x)x. 13. A uniformly loaded beam rests upon two supports. Place the supports so that the straining of the beam may be a minimum. Ans. Distance of each support from centre = /( i - 1. 14. Two bars AC, CB in the same horizontal line are jointed at C and supported upon two props, the one at A, the other at some point in CB distant x from C. The joint C will safely bear n Ib.-ft. ; the bars are each /ft. in length and w Ibs. in weight. Find the limits within which x must lie. ivl 2 Ans. I . yvl T 2 15. A uniform load PQ moves along a horizontal beam resting upon supports at its ends A and B. Prove that the bending moment at a given point O is a maximum when PQ occupies such a position that OP : OQ : : OA : OB. Draw curves of maximum shearing force and bending moment for all points of the beam. 16. A beam is supported at the ends and loaded with two weights m W and n W at points distant a, b, respectively, from the consecutive supports. Show that the bending action is greatest at m W or n W m > b according as - ^ . n "^ a 17. A wheel supporting 10 tons rolls over a beam of 20 ft. span. Place the wheel in such a position as to give the maximum bending moment, and find its value. Ans. At the centre ; 50 ton-ft. 1 8. Two wheels a ft. apart support, the one m W tons, the other n futons, m being > n, and roll over a beam of / ft. span. Show that the bending moment is an absolute maximum at the centre or at a point whose distance from the nearest support is according as 2 2(m + n) ^ a\ i + |/ ), and find its value in each > \ ' m + nj case. mWl m Wl . m + n rir ( na ) 2 Ans. ton-ft. ; -- W \ I I ton-ft. 4 4/ ( m + n j 19. Find the max. B. M. on a horizontal beam of length / supported at the two ends and carrying a load which varies in intensity from w at one end to w + px at the other. 134 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 20. Four wheels each carrying 5 tons travel over a girder of 24 ft. clear span at equal distances 4 ft. apart. Determine, graphically, the max. B. M. at 8 ft. from a support, and also the absolute max. B. M. on the girder. Ans. 5p ton-ft. ; 80 ton-ft. 21. Two wheels each supporting 7 tons roll over a beam of 7$ ft. span. Find the maximum bending moment for the whole span, and also the curve of the maximum bending moment at each point when the wheels are 4 ft. apart. Ans. Abs. max. B. M. = -^V- ton-ft. at wheel at 2f ft. from one end. Denoting the distance from support by x, the max. B. M. curve for the first 3^ ft. is given by M x = 1fi(ll -2X)X, and for the remaining 4 ft. by 22. Two wheels supporting, the one 1 1 tons, the other 7 tons, travel over a beam of 12^ ft. span. Find the maximum bending moment for the whole span, and also the curves of the max. shearing force (both positive and negative) and maximum bending moment at each point when the wheels are 6 ft. apart. Ans. Abs. max. B. M. = 37.2 ton-ft. The max. positive shearing force at each point is given by the equations 183-18^- 7(121-5) s *= and s *= - The max. negative shearing force at each point is given by the equations ix 45i- 1 8* ~ 42 + i%x iix "' "' ~' The max. B. M. curve is given by the equations 183-18* M x = ---* and M x = N.B. In the above cases x is measured from the support to the nearest load. 23. In the preceding question show that the maximum negative shear at 4^ ft. from a support, when the 7-ton wheel only is on the beam, is the same as the maximum negative shear at the same point when both of EXAMPLES. 135 the wheels are on the beam, and find its value. Also show that the maximum negative shear at 9f ft. from a support is the same when only the 1 1- ton wheel is on the beam as when the two wheels are on the beam, and find its value. Ans. ff- tons ; ffl- tons. 24. Solve question 22 when the beam carries an additional load of 1250 Ibs. (= % ton) per lineal foot. Ans. Abs. max. B. M. is at 5.284 ft. f = ft.) from support. Max. positive shearing- force diagram is given by S x = 18.54625 2.065.*- from x=o\,ox=6%it., and 6^=14.90625 1.505-*- from x = 6$ to x 12^ ft. The max. negative shearing-force diagram is given by S x = .56^: from x = o to x = 4/^ ft-; = 3.64 1.44^1: from x = 4^- to x = 6% ft. ; = 7.54625 2.065.*- from x 6i to x = 6% ft. ; = 3.90625 1.505.* from x = 6%\.ox = 9f ft.; = 9.18625 2.065.*: from x = 9f to x = I2 ft. Max. B. M. curve is given by M x (18.54625 1.7525.*-)^, and M x = (14.90625 1.1925.*-).*-. 25. Three wheels, each loaded with a weight Wand spaced 5 ft. apart, roll over a beam of 12 ft. span. Place the wheels in such a position as to give the maximum bending moment, and find its value. Ans. Middle weight at centre of beam ; 4 W. 26. Place (a) the wheels in the preceding question so that B.M. at any point between the two hindmost wheels may be constant, and find its value. Also (8) determine all the positions of the wheels which will give the same bending moment at 6 and 12 ft. from one end, and find its value. das. (a) ist wheel at i ft. from support; B. M. = 7 W. (b) When distance between end wheel and sup- port is ^ 2 ft. and ^ 5 ft.; B. M. = 7 W. 27. Four wheels each loaded with a weight Wand spaced 5 ft. apart roll over a beam of i8ft. span. Place the wheels in such a position as to give the maximum bending moment, and find its value. Ans. One wheel off the beam and middle wheel of remaining three at the centre ; max. B. M. = 8 W. If all wheels are on beam, max. B. M. = 8 W. 28. All the wheels in the preceding question being on the beam, the B. M. at the centre for a certain range of travel is constant and equal to that for a particular distribution of the wheels when only three are on the beam. Find the range, the B. M., and the position of the three wheels. 136 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Ans. While the end wheel travels 3 ft. from the support ; 8 W\ first wheel 5 ft. from the support. 29. A span of / ft. is crossed by two cantilevers fixed at the ends and hinged at the centre. Draw diagrams of shearing force and bending moment (i) for a single weight W at the hinge, (2) for a uniformly dis- tributed load of intensity w. Ans. Taking hinge for origin, the shearing-force and bending- moment diagrams are given by 12) 30. A beam for a span of 100 ft. is fixed at the ends. Hinges are in- troduced at points 30 ft. from each end. Draw curves of shearing force and bending moment (i) when a weight of 5 tons is concentrated on each hinge ; (2) when a uniformly distributed load of -J- ton per lineal foot covers (a) the centre length, (fr) the two side lengths, (c} the whole span. Ans. Take a hinge as origin ; the diagrams are given by (i) For each side span S x = 5, M x = $x\ for centre span S x o, M x = o. (2) (a) For each side span S x = , M x = x ; '' . 5 x 5 x* for centre span S x = ~ , M x = -x > . X 1C X*^ (b) For each side span S x ^-, M x = x + -, ; o A. I O for centre span S x = o, M x o. C Jf 2 C 3r^ (c} For each side span S x = + 5- , M x x + ; 2 o 4 IO 5 x 5 jr 2 for centre span S x = ^- , M x = x 7 , 28 2 16 31. If the load on each of the wheels in question 27 is 5 tons, and if the beam also carries a uniformly distributed load of 20 tons, and two loads of 2 and 3 tons concentrated at points distant 5 and 9 ft., respec- tively, from one end, find the maximum shearing force (both positive and negative) and the maximum bending moment for the whole span ; also find the loci for the maximum shearing force and bending moment at each point. EXAMPLES. 137 Ans. Denoting the distance from support by x, the max. positive shearing-force diagram is given by S x = $/- g-x from x = o to x = 3 ; S x = -*-/- %x from x = 3 to x = 8 ; S* = &- %x from x = 8 to ;r = 13 ; S* = 5 ~ from x = 13 to x = 18 ft. The max. negative shear ing- force diagram is given by Sx T Vr from x = o to x = 5 ; S* f f f ^r from ;r = 5 to x 10 ; S r = V I-*" from x = 10 to .r = 1 5 ; 50 2O;r 5^ = -T- TT from .r = 15 to-r= 18. Max. positive shear = - 3 /- tons ; max. negative shear = $/- tons ; max. bending -moment curve is given by M x = ^/-x ^-x* from x = o to x 3 ; M x = ^%x f f x" 1 from x = 3 to x = 5 ; M x = %-^x Zf-x* 1 5 from x 5 to x = 8 ; ^T/r = s f y-.r 4| jf 2 + 12 from x = 8 to x 9 ; abs. max. B. M. = 142 ton. -ft. 32. A rolled joist weighing 150 Ibs. per lineal foot and 20 ft. long carries a uniformly distributed load of 6000 Ibs., and two wheels 5 ft. apart, the one bearing 5000 Ibs. and the other 3000 Ibs., roll over the joist. Find the maximum shears at the supports, at the centre, and at 5 ft. from each end. Ans. 10,250 Ibs. ; 9750 Ibs. ; 3250 Ibs. ; 6750 Ibs.; 6250 Ibs. 33. A beam /ft. long and weighing w Ibs. per lineal foot has a load of m W Ibs. at a ft. from the left end and a load of n W Ibs. at b ft. from the right end. Find the shearing forces and bending moments at the weights and at the middle of the beam, a and b being each < . How will the result be affected if b > ? 34. A rolled joist weighing 450 Ibs. per lineal foot and 20 ft. long carries the four wheels of a locomotive at 3, 8, 13, and 18 ft. from one end. Find the maximum bending moment and the maximum shears, both positive and negative, the load on each wheel being 10,000 Ibs. Ans. Max. B. M. = 102,000 Ib.-ft. ; max. shears 19,000 Ibs. and 21,000 Ibs. 35. Solve the preceding question when a live load of 2| tons per lineal foot is substituted for the four concentrated weights on the wheels. 36. The loads on the wheels of a locomotive and tender passing over a beam of 60 ft. span are 14,180, 14,180, 21,260, 21,260, 21,260, 21,260, 16,900, 16,900, 16,900, 16,900 Ibs., counting in order from the front, the IS THEORY OF STRUCTURES. intervals being 5, 5!, 5, 5, 5, Sf, 5, 4, 5 ft. Place the wheels in such a position as to give the maximum bending moment, and find its value. Also find the maximum bending moments for spans of 30, 20, and 16 feet. Ans. For 6o-ft. span, max. B. M. is at 5th wheel and = 1,559,925.4 Ib.-ft. when ist wheel is 7.95 ft. from support. For 3o-ft. span, max. B. M. at 5th wheel when 2d wheel is .596 ft. from support and = 436,761.4 Ib.-ft. For 2o-ft. span, max. B. M. at centre when 3d wheel is 2 ft. from support and = 212,600 Ib.-ft. = max. B.M. at same point when 4th wheel is 5 ft. from support. For i6-ft. span, max. B. M. is at 5th wheel and = 132,875 Ib.-ft. when 4th wheel is 5 ft. from sup- port. 37. If the 6o-ft. beam in the preceding question also carries a uni- formly distributed load of 60,000 Ibs., find the curves of maximum shearing force and bending moment at each point. 38. If a beam is supported at the ends and arbitrarily loaded, show that the ordinate at the point of maximum moment divides the area of the curve of loads into two parts which are equal to the supporting forces. If a and b are the distances of the centres of gravity of the parts from the ends of the beam, and if W is the total weight on the beam, show that the maximum bending moment is W -s- I -f -r- 39. A span of / ft. is crossed by a beam in two half-lengths, sup- ported at the centre by a pier whose width may be neglected. The suc- cessive weightson the wheels of a locomotive and tender passing overthe beam are 14,000, 22,000, 22,000, 22,000, 22,000, 14,000, 14,000, 14,000, 14,000 Ibs., the intervals being 7^, 4$, 4^, 4i, loj, 5, 5, 5 ft. Place the wheels in such a position as to throw the greatest possible weight upon the centre pier, and find the magnitude of this weight for spans of (i) 50 ft.; (2) 25 ft.; (3) 20 ft.; (4) 18 ft. 40. Loads of 3!, 6, 6, 6, and 6 tons follow each other in order over a ten-panel truss at distances of 8, 5f, 4^, and 4| ft. apart. Apply the results of Art. 8 to determine the position of the loads which will give the maximum diagonal and flange stresses in the third and fourth panels. 41. A truss of 240 ft. span and ten panels, has loads of 12^, 10, 12, u, 9, 9, 9, 9, and 9 tons concentrated at the panel points. Find, by scale measurement, the bending moments at the four panel points which are the most heavily loaded, and determine by Art. 8 whether these are the EXAMPLES. 139 greatest bending moments to which the truss is subjected as the weights travel over the truss at the panel distances apart. 42. Loads of 7i, 12,12,12,12. tons are concentrated upon a horizontal beam of 25 ft. span at distances of 18, 108, 164, 216, and 272 in., respectively, from the left support. Find, graphically, the bending moment at the centre of the span. If the loads travel over the truss at the given distances apart, find the maximum B. M. at the same section. 43. A beam ABCD is supported at four points A, B, C, and D, and the intermediate span BC is hinged at the two points E and F. The load upon the beam consists of 15 tons uniformly distributed over AB, 10 tons uniformly distributed over BE, 5 tons uniformly distributed over FC, 30 tons uniformly distributed over CD, and a single weight of 5 tons at the middle point of EF. AB = 15 ft.; BE =5 ft.; EF = 15 ft., FC = 10 ft. ; CD = 25 ft. Draw curves of B. M. and S. F., and find points of inflexion. 44. Four wheels loaded with 4, 4, 8, and 8 tons are placed upon a girder of 24 ft. span at distances of 3 in., 6 ft., 8f ft., and 9 ft. from the left support. Find by scale measurement the bending moment at the centre of the girder. If the wheels travel over the girder at the given distances apart, find the maximum B. M. to which the girder is sub- jected. 45. Three wheels loaded with 8. 9, and 10 tons and spaced 5 ft. apart, are placed upon a beam of 15 ft. span, the 8-ton wheel being 3 ft. from the left abutment. Determine graphically the B. M. at 6 ft. from the left abutment. Also find the greatest B. M. at the same point when the weights travel over the beam, and the abs. max. bending moment to which the beam is subjected. Am. 47f ton-ft.; 53^ ton-ft.; abs. max. B. M. = 56||^ ton-ft. at 2d wheel when ist is 2--- ft. from support. CHAPTER III. DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES. I. Definitions. The science relating to the strength of materials is partly theoretical, partly practical. Its primary object is to investigate the forces developed within a body, and to determine the most economical dimensions and form, con- sistent with stability, of that body. Certain hypotheses have to be made, but they are of such a nature as always to be in accord with the results of direct observation. The materials' in ordinary use for structural purposes may be termed, generally, solid bodies, i.e., bodies which offer an ap- preciable resistance to a change of form. A body acted upon by external forces is said to be strained or deformed, and the straining or deformation induces stress amongst the particles of the body. The state of strain is simple when the stress acts in one direction only, and the strain itself is measured by the ratio of the deformation to the original length. The state of strain is compound when two (or more) stresses act simultaneously in different directions. A strained body tends to assume its natural state when the straining forces are removed : this tendency is called its elas- ticity. A thorough knowledge of the laws of elasticity, i.e., of the laws which connect the external forces with the internal stresses, is absolutely necessary for the proper comprehension of the strength of materials. This property of elasticity is not possessed to the same degree by all bodies. It may be almost absolute, or almost zero, but in the majority of cases it has a mean value. Hence it naturally follows that solid bodies may be classified between two extreme, though ideal, states, viz., 140 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF ELASTICITY. 14! a perfectly elastic state and a perfectly soft state. Perfectly elastic bodies which have been strained resume their original forms exactly when the straining forces are removed. Per- fectly soft bodies are wholly devoid of elasticity and offer no resistance to a change of form. Bodies capable of undergoing an indefinitely large deforma- tion under stress are said to be plastic. 2. Stresses and Strains. Every body may be sub- jected to five distinct kinds of stresses, viz. : (a) A longitudinal pull, or tension. (b) A longitudinal thrust, or compression. (c) A shear, or tangential stress, which may be defined as a stress tending to make one surface slide over another with which it is in contact. (d) A transverse stress. (e) A twist or torsion. Under any one of these stresses a body may suffer either an elastic deformation, of a temporary character, or a plastic de- formation, of a permanent character. 3. Resistance of Bars to Tension and Compression. Let a straight bar of homogeneous material and length L be stretched or compressed longitudinally by a force P uniformly distributed over the constant cross-section A of the bar ; let the line of action of P coincide with the axis of the bar, and let / be the consequent extension or compression, i.e., the de- formation. If the transverse dimensions of the bar are small as com- pared with the length, experiment shows that, within certain limits, the force Pis directly proportional to the deformation / and to the area A, and inversely proportional to the length L, these quantities being connected by the relation , where E is a constant dependent upon the material of the bar and is called the coefficient or modulus of elasticity. It is evi- dently the force which will double the length of a perfectly i p\ elastic bar of unit section. Denoting the unit stress LrJ by/, \Ar 142 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and the strain per unit of length ( J by A,, the above equation may be written or the unit stress = E times the unit strain. Thus the equation is the analytical expression of Hooke's law, that for a body in a state of simple strain the strain is pro- portional to the stress. The longitudinal strain is accompanied by an alteration in the transverse dimensions, the lateral unit strain being , m where m is a coefficient which usually varies from 3 to 4 for solid bodies and is approximately 4 for the metals of construc- tion. In the case of india-rubber, if the deformation is small, m is about 2. Generally the deformation may be calculated per unit of original length without sensible error, but for india-rubber it is more accurate to make the calculation per unit of stretched length {= I lateral strain The ratio = : : -.- : is called Poisson's ratio. m longitudinal strain If the transverse dimensions of a bar under compression are small as compared with the length L, a slight disturbing force will cause the bar to bend sideways, and the bar will be subjected to a bending action in addition to the compression. If the bar is to be capable of resisting a direct thrust only, the ratio of L to its least transverse dimension should not exceed a certain limit depending upon the nature of the ma- terial. For example, experiment indicates that this limit should be about 5 for cast-iron, 10 for wrought-iron, 7 for steel, and 20 for dry timber. If the temperature of the bar is raised t, the consequent strain is at, a being the coefficient of linear dilatation ; and a stress Eaf will be developed if a change of length is pre- vented. SPECIFIC WEIGHT. COEFFICIENT OF ELASTICITY. 143 4. Specific Weight ; Coefficient of Elasticity ; Limit of Elasticity ; Breaking Stress. Before the strength of a body can be fully known, certain physical constants, whose values depend upon the material, must be determined. (a) Specific Weight. The specific weight is the weight of a unit of volume. The specific weights of most of the materials of construction have been carefully found and tabulated. If the specific weight of any new material is required, a conven- ient approximate method is to prepare from it a number of regular solids of determinate volume and weigh them in an ordinary pair of scales. The ratio of the total weight of these solids to their total volume is the specific weight. It must be remembered that the weight may vary considerably with time, etc. ; thus a sample of greenheart weighed 69.75 Ibs. per cubic foot when first cut out of the log, and only 57 Ibs. per cubic foot at the end of six months. When the strength of a timber is being determined, it is important to note the amount of water present in the test-piece, since this appears to have a great influence upon the results. The straining of a structure is generally largely due to its own weight. The total load upon a structure includes all the external forces applied to it, and in practice is designated dead {perma- nent} or live (rolling), according as the forces are gradually ap- plied and steady, or suddenly applied and accompanied with vibrations. For example, the weight of a bridge is a dead load, while a train passing over it is a live load ; the weight of a roof, together with the weight of any snow which may have accumulated upon it, is a dead load ; wind causes at times excessive vibrations in the members of a structure, and al- though often treated as a dead load, should in reality be con- sidered a live load. The dead loads of many structures '(as masonry walls, etc.) are so great that extra or accidental loads may be safely disre- garded. In cold climates, great masses of snow and the pene- trating effect of the frost necessitate very deep foundations, which proportionately increase the dead weight. (b) Coefficient of Elasticity. Generally speaking, a knowl- edge of the external forces acting upon a structure, discloses 144 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. the manner of their distribution amongst its various members, but the deformation of these members can only be estimated by means of the coefficient of elasticity, which expresses the relation between a stress and the corresponding strain. In practice it is usually sufficient to assume that a material is elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic, and its deformation under stress may be found, if the coefficients of elasticity, of form, and of volume are known. In a homogeneous solid there may be twenty-one distinct coefficients of elasticity, which are usually classified under the following heads : (1) Direct, expressing the relation between longitudinal strains and normal stresses in the same direction. (2) Transverse, expressing the relation between tangential stresses and strains in the same direction. (3) Lateral, expressing the relation between longitudinal strains and normal stresses at right angles to the strains; i.e., a lateral resistance to deformation. (4) Oblique, expressing other relations of stress and strain. If a body is isotropic, i.e., equally elastic in all directions, the twenty-one coefficients reduce to two, viz., the coefficients of direct elasticity and of lateral elasticity. Such bodies, how- ever, are almost wholly ideal. In a perfectly elastic body E would be the same both for tension and compression. In the ordinary materials of construction it is slightly less for compression than for tension ; but if the stresses do not exceed a certain limit ( (e\ page 145), the difference is so slight that it may be disregarded. The equation f E\ may be represented graphically by the straight line MON, the ordinate at any point representing the unit stress required to produce the unit strain respresented by the corresponding abscissa. The angle MOY = tan ~*E = tan -'^V Coefficients of elasticity must be determined by experiment. FlG - l8 3- LIMIT OF ELASTICITY. H5 The coefficients of direct elasticity for the different metals and timbers are sometimes obtained by subjecting bars of the material to forces of extension or compression, or by observing the deflections of beams loaded transversely. The coefficients for blocks of stone and masonry might also be found by trans- verse loading ; they are of little, if any, practical use, as, on account of the inherent stiffness of masonry structures, their deformations, or settlings, are due rather to defective work- manship than to the natural play of elastic forces. The torsional coefficient of elasticity, i.e., the coefficient of elastic resistance to torsion, has been shown by experiment to vary from two fifths to three eighths of the coefficient of direct elasticity. (e) Limit of Elasticity. When the forces which strain a body fall below a certain limit, the body, on the removal of the forces, will resume its original form and dimensions without sensible change (disregarding any effects due to the develop- ment of heat) and may be treated as perfectly elastic. But if the forces exceed this limit, the body will receive a permanent deformation, or, as it is termed, a set. Such a limit is called a limit of elasticity, and is the greatest stress that can be applied to a body without producing in it an appreciable and permanent deformation. This is an unsatisfactory definition, as a body passes from the elastic to the non-elastic state by such imperceptible degrees that it is impossible to fix any exact line of demarca- tion 'between the two states. Fairbairn defines the limit mo're correctly, as the stress below which the deformation is approxi- mately proportional to the load which produces it, and beyond which the deformation increases much more rapidly than the load. In fact, both the elastic and ultimate strengths of a ma- terial depend upon the nature of the stresses to which they are subjected and upon \k& frequency of their application. For ex- ample, in experimenting upon bars of iron having an ultimate tenacity of 46,794 Ibs. per sq. in. and a ductility of 20 %> Wohler found that with repeated stresses of equal intensity, but alternately tensile and compressive, a bar failed aft(br 56,430 repetitions when the intensity was 33,000 Ibs. per sq. in. ; a 146 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. -second bar failed only after 19,187,000 repetitions when the intensity was 18,700 Ibs. per sq. in. ; while a third bar remained intact after more than 132,000,000 repetitions when the. inten- sity was 16,690 Ibs. per sq. in. These experiments therefore indicated that the limit of elasticity for the iron in question, under repeated stresses of equal intensity, but alternately 'tensile and compressive, lay between 16,000 and 17,000 Ibs. per sq. in., which is much less than the limit under a steadily ap- plied stress. Similar results have been shown to follow when the stresses fluctuate from a maximum stress to a minimum stress of the same kind. Generally speaking, then, the limit of elasticity of a ma- terial subjected to repeated stresses, is a certain maximum stress below which the condition of the body remains unim- paired, Bauschinger's experiments indicate that the application to a body of any stress, however small, produces a plastic or permanent deformation. This, perhaps, is sometimes due to a want of uniformity in the material, or to the bar being not quite straight initially. In any case, the deformations under loads which are less than the elastic limit, are so slight as to be of no practical account and may be safely disregarded. The main object, then, of the theory of the strength of materials, is to determine whether the stresses developed in any particular member of a structure exceed the limit of elasticity. As soon as they do so, that member is permanently deformed, its strength is impaired, it becomes predisposed to rupture, and the safety of the whole structure is threatened. Still, it must be borne in mind that it is not absolutely true that a material is always weakened by being subjected to forces superior to this limit. In the manufacture of iron bars, for instance, each of the processes through which the metal passes changes its elasticity and increases its strength. Such a material is to be treated as being in a new state and as possessing new properties. The strength of a material is governed by its tenacity and rigidity, and the essential requirement of practice is a tough material with a high elastic limit. This is especially necessary for bridges and all structures BREAKING STRESS. 147 liable to constantly repeated loads, for it is found that these repetitions lower the elastic limit and diminish the strength. In the majority of cases, experience has fixed a practical limit for the stresses, much below the limit of elasticity. This insures greater safety and provides against unforeseen and accidental loads, which may exceed the practical limit, but which do no harm unless they pass beyond the clastic limit. Certain operations have the effect of raising the limit of elasticity: a wrought-iron bar steadily strained almost to the point of its ultimate strength and then released from strain and allowed to rest, experiences an elevation both of tenacity and of the elastic limit. If the bar is stretched until it breaks, the tensile strength of the broken pieces is greater than that of the bar. A similar result follows in the various processes employed in the manu- facture of iron and steel bars and wires : the wire has a greater ultimate strength than the bar from which it was drawn. Again, iron and steel bars, subjected to long- continued com- pression or extension, have their resistance increased, mainly because time is allowed for the molecules of the metal to as- sume such positions as will enable them to offer the maximum resistance ; the increase is not attended by any ap- preciable change of density. / Under an increasing stress a brittle material will / be fractured without any great deformation, while a / tough material will become plastic and undergo a J/ large deformation. ^P (d) Breaking Stress. When the load upon a / material increases indefinitely, the material may / merely suffer an increasing deformation, but generally / a limit is reached at which fracture suddenly takes / place. / Cast-iron is perhaps the most doubtful of all / materials, and the greatest care should be observed/ in its employment. It possesses little tenacity or elasticity, is very hard and brittle, and may fail sud- FlG< l84 ' denly under a shock or an extreme variation of temperature. Unequal cooling may predispose the metal to rupture, and its 148 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. strength may be still further diminished by the presence of air-holes. Cast-iron and similar materials receive a sensible set even under a small load, and the set increases with the load. Thus at no point will the stress-strain curve be absolutely straight, and the point of fracture will be reached without any great change in the slope of the curve and without the development of much plasticity. Wrought-iron and steel are far more uniform in their be- havior, and obey with tolerable regularity certain theoretical laws. They are tenacious, ductile, have great compressive strength, and are most reliable for structural purposes. Their strength and elasticity may be considerably reduced by high temperatures or severe cold. When a bar of such material is tested, the stress-strain jpurve (/= Ety, as has already been pointed out, is almost absolutely straight within the elastic limit, e.g., from O to A in tension and from O to B in com- pression. As the load increases beyond the elastic limit, the in- creasing deformation becomes plastic and permanent, and the stress-strain diagram takes an ap- preciable curvature between the limits A and B and the points D and E corresponding to the maxi- mum loads. In tension, as soon as the point D is reached, the bar rapidly elongates and is no longer able to sustain the maximum load, its sectional area rapidly dimin- ishes, and fracture ultimately takes place under a load much less than the maximum load. The point of fracture is represented in the figure by the point F the ordinate of F being the actual ultimate final load on the bar intensity of stress = section FIG. 185. BREAKING STRESS. 149 The exact form of the stress-strain curve between D and F is unknown, as no definite relation has been found to exist be- tween the stress and strain during the elongation from D to F. Ordinarily, the breaking tensile stress has been defined to be the maximum load applied divided by the initial sectional area of the bar ; but this, although convenient, is manifestly in- correct. It is important to note that, as the deformation gradually increases under the increasing load, the molecules of the ma- terial require greater or less time to adjust themselves to the new condition. During the tensile test of a ductile material there is, at some point beyond the elastic limit, an abrupt break GH in the continuity of the stress-strain curve, the curve again becom- ing continuous from H to D. The point G has been called the Yield Point or the Breaking-down Point, and the deformation from H onward is almost wholly plastic or permanent. In compression there is no local stretch as in tension, and there is consequently no considerable change in the curvature of FIG. iS6. the compression stress-strain curve up to the point of fracture. Timber is usually tested by being subjected to the action of tensile, compressive, or transverse loads. Other character- istics, however, must be known before a full conception of the strength of the wood can be obtained. Thus the specific weight must be found ; the amount of water present, the loss in drying, and the corresponding shrinkage should be deter- mined ; the structural differences of the several specimens, the rate of growth, etc., should be observed. The chief object of experiments upon masonry and brick- work is to discover their resistance to compression, i.e., their crushing strength. In fact, their stiffness is so great that they may be compressed up to the point of fracture without sensible change of form, and it is therefore very difficult, if not impos- sible, to observe the limit of elasticity. 1 50 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The cement or mortar uniting the stones and bricks is most irregular in quality. In every important work it should be an invariable rule to prepare specimens for testing. The crushing strength of cement and of mortar is much greater than the ten- sile strength, the latter being often exceedingly small. Hence it is advisable to avoid tensile stresses within a mass of masonry, as they tend to open the joints and separate the stones from one another. Attempts are frequently made to strengthen masonry and brickwork walls by inserting in the joints tarred and sanded strips of hoop-iron. Their utility is doubtful, for, unless well protected from the atmosphere, they oxidize, to the detriment of the surrounding material, and, besides this, they prevent an equable distribution of pressure. They are, how- ever, far preferable to bond-timbers. The working load (or stress, or strength) is the maximum stress which a material can safely bear in ordinary practice, and depends both upon the character (see Art. 5, .below) of the stress and upon the ultimate strength of the material, the ratio of the ultimate or breaking stress to the working stress being usually called a factor of safety. For example, the factor is about 3 for long-span iron bridges, or bridges having great weight as compared with the live load (a moving train). 4 for ordinary iron bridges. 5 for ordinary metal shafting. 8, 10, and even more for long struts and members subjected to repeated stresses of varying magnitude. 10 is also generally taken to be the factor of safety for timber. Under a steady, or a merely statical load, even as great as J- of the breaking stress, a member of a structure may prob- ably not be unsafe. 5. Wohler's Law. It is now generally admitted that variable forces, constantly repeated loads, and continued vibra- tions diminish the strength of a material, whether they pro- duce stresses approximating to the elastic limit, or exceedingly small stresses occurring with great rapidity. Indeed many engineers design structures in such a manner, that the several WOHLER'S LAW. !$! members are strained in one way only, so convinced are they of the evil effect of alternating tensile and compressive stresses. Although the fact of a variable ultimate strength had thus been tacitly acknowledged and often allowed for, Wohler was the first to give formal expression to it, and, as a result of obser- vation and experiment, enunciated the following law: " That if a stress t, due to a static load, cause the fracture of a bar, the bar may also be fractured by a series of often-re- peated stresses, each of which is less than t\ and that, as the differences of stress increase, the cohesion of the material is affected in such a manner that the minimum stress required to produce fracture is diminished." This law is manifestly incomplete. In Wohler's experi- ments the applications of the load followed each other with great rapidity, yet a certain length of time was required for the resulting stresses to attain their full intensity ; the influence due to the rapidity of application, to the rate of increase of the stress, -and to the duration of individual strains still remains a subject for investigation. The experiments, however, show that the rate of increase of repetitions of stress required to produce fracture, is much more rapid than the rate of decrease of the stresses themselves, and depends both upon the maximum stress and upon the differ- ence or fluctuation of stress. The effect of repeated stresses of equal intensity, but alter- nately tensile and compressive, has been already pointed out in Art. 4. Bars of the same material repeatedly bent in one direction, bore 31,132 Ibs. per square inch when the load was wholly re- moved between each bending, and 45,734 Ibs. per square inch when the stress fluctuated between 45,733 Ibs. and 24,941 Ibs. The table on page 152 gives the results of similar experi- ments on steel. The axle-steel was found to bear 22,830 Ibs. per square inch, when subjected to repeated shears of equal intensity but oppo- site in kind, and 29,440 Ibs. per square inch, when the shears were of the same kind. It would therefore appear that the shearing strengths of the metal in the two cases are about 152 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. of the strengths of the same metal under alternate bending and under bending in one direction, respectively. Character of Fluctuation. Maximum Resistance to Repeated Stresses in Ibs. per square inch. Axle-steel. Spring-steel (un- hardened). Alternating stresses of equal intensity .... Complete relief from stress between each 29,000, 29,000 49,890, O 83,110, 36,380 52,000, o 93,500, 62,240 Partial relief from stress between each From torsion experiments with various qualities of steel, the important result was deduced, that the maximum resistance of the steel to alternate twisting was |- of the maximum resist- ance of the same steel to alternate bending. Wohler proposed 2 as a factor of safety, and considered that the maximum permissible working stresses should be in the ratios of 1:2:3, according as members are subjected to alternate tensions and compressions (alternate bending), to tensions alternating with entire relief, or to a steady load. The weakening of metal by repeated stresses has been called fatigue, and is much more injurious to iron and steel under tension than under compression. Egleston's investiga- tions have shown that a fatigued metal may sometimes be restored by rest or by annealing. From the law, however, as it stands formulae may be de- duced which, it is claimed, are more in accordance with the results of experiment, give smaller errors, and insure greater safety than the false assumption of a constant ultimate strength. The formulae necessarily depend upon certain experimental results, but in applying them to any particular case, it must be remembered that only such results should be employed, as have been obtained for material of the same kind and under the same conditions as the material under consideration. The effects due to faulty material, rust, etc., are altogther indeter- minate, so that no formula can be perfectly universal in its application. Hence the necessity for factors of safety, with values depending upon the class of structure, still exists. LAUNHARDT'S FORMULA. I 53 A brief description of the principal of these formulae will now be given, and in the discussion /, the statical breaking strength, is the resistance to fracture under a static or under a very gradually applied load. ?/, the primitive strength, is the resistance to fracture under a given number of repeated stresses, the stress in each repeti- tion remaining unchanged in kind, i.e., being due either to a tension, a compression, or a shear. s, the vibration strength, is the resistance to fracture under alternating stresses of equal intensities, but different in kind, due to a vibratory motion about the unstrained state of equi- librium. b is the admissible stress per unit of sectional area /MS the effective sectional area and is numericallv absolute maximum load 6. Launhardt's Formula. A bar of unit sectional area is subjected to stresses (B) which are either wholly tensile, wholly compressive, or wholly shearing, and which vary from a maxi- mum #, ( = max. B) to a minimum # 2 (= min. If). Let <7, * 7. Weyrauch's Formula. Let a bar of a unit sectional area be subjected to stresses which are alternately different in kind, and which vary from an absolute numerical maximum a' (= max. B) of the one kind to a maximum a" (= max. B') of the other kind. L e t a' -\- a" = d = the maximum numerical difference of stress. a" max. B' Let If a" =0, a' = d = u. T f f / ^ __ By Wohler's Law, a 1 a ), ...... (17} v and m being certain coefficients which depend upon the nature of the material and also upon the manner of the loading. Consider three cases, the material in each case being wrought- iron : (a) Let the stresses vary between a maximum tension and an equal maximum compression ; then 0=1, and .. b = 700(1 i) 350* per cent. 2 . (b) Let the material be subjected to stresses which are either tensile or compressive, and let it always return to the original unstrained condition ; then min. B o, or max. B' = o, and .*. = o. .-. b = 700(1 o) = 700* per cent. 2 . (c) Let the material be continually subjected to the same dead load ; then min. B max. B 1 62 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and ..-. b =. 700(1 -|- J) = 1050* per cent.' = 14,934 Ibs. per sq. in., -which is one third of the ultimate breaking strength, viz., 1050' per cent. 2 . Thus in these three cases the admissible stresses are in the -.ratios of 1:2:3, ratios which have been already adopted in ma- chine construction as the result of experience. Wohler, from his experiments upon untempered cast-steel (Krupp), concluded that for alternations between an unloaded condition and either a tension or a compression, b = iioo, and for alternations between equal compressive and tensile stresses, b = 580. In America it has often been the practice to take max. B + max. B' a' + a" _~* " " 700 700 for stresses alternately tensile and compressive, it being as- sumed that if the stresses are tensile only, their admissible values may vary from o* to 700* per cent. 8 . a ?ooF a' 700 Smce0 =r,.'.* ==>' and '* = = >- ( l8 ) Comparing this with (12), for 0' = o, i, J, j, I, (18) gives^ = 700, 560, 467, 400, 350, and (12) gives b 700, 612, 525, 437, 350. 10. Flow of Solids. When a ductile body is strained beyond the elastic limit, it approaches a purely plastic con- dition in which a sufficiently great force will deform the body indefinitely. Under such a force, the elasticity disappears and the material is said to be in a fluid state, behaving precisely like a fluid. For example, it flows through orifices and shows a contracted section. The stress developed in the material is called the fluid pressure or coefficient of fluidity. The general principle of the flow of solids, deduced by Tresca, may be enunciated as follows: FLO W OF SOLIDS. 163 A pressure upon a solid body creates a tendency to the relative motion of the particles, in the direction of least resistance. This gives an explanation of the various effects produced in materials by the operations of wire-drawing, punching, shear- ing, rolling, etc., and in the manufacture of lead pipes. Prob- ably it also explains the anomalous behavior of solids under certain extreme conditions. Rails which have been in use for some time are found to have acquired an elongated lip at the edge. This is doubtless due to the flow of the metal under the great pressures to which the rails are continually subjected. Other examples of the flow of solids are to be observed in the contraction of stretched bars and in the swelling of blocks under compression. The period of fluidity is greater for the more ductile materials, and may- disappear altogether for certain vitreous and brittle substances. In punching a piece of wrought-iron or steel, the metal is at first compressed and flows inwards, while the shearing only commences when the opposite surface begins to open. A case brought under the notice of the author may be mentioned in illustration of this. The thickness of a cold-punched nut was 1.75 inches, the nut-hole was .3125 inch in diameter, and the length of the piece punched out was only .75 inch. Thus the flow must have taken place through a depth of I inch, and the shearing through a depth of .75 inch. Hence the surface really shorn was TT x .3125 X 75 = -73^ sq. in. in area, and a measure of the shearing action is the product of this surface area and the fluid pressure. The nature of the flow may be observed by splitting a cold punched nut in half and treating the fractured surfaces with acid, after having planed them and given them a bright polish. The metal bordering the core will be found curved downwards, the curvature increasing from the bottom to the top, and well-defined curves will mark the sepa- rating planes of the plates which were originally used in piling and rolling the iron. Jn experimenting upon lead, Tresca placed a number of plates, one above the other, in a strong cylinder, Fig. 188, page 165, with a hole in the bottom. Upon applying pressure the lead was always found to flow when the coefficient of fluidity 164 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. was about 2844 Ibs. per sq. in., the difference of stress being double this amount. The separating planes assumed curved forms analogous to the corresponding surfaces of flow when water is substituted in the cylinder for the lead. The flow of ductile metals, e.g., copper, lead, wrought-iron, and soft steel, commences as soon as the elastic limit is ex- ceeded, and in order that the flow may be continuous the dis- torting stress must constantly increase. On the other hand, in the case of truly plastic bodies, flow commences and con- tinues under the same constant stress. It evidently depends upon the hardness of the material, and has been called the co- efficient of hardness. The longer the stress acts the greater is the deformation, which gradually increases indefinitely or at a diminishing rate. Experiment shows that there is very little alteration in the density of a ductile body during its plastic deformation, and Tresca's analytical investigations are based on the assumption that the body is deformed without sensible change of volume. Consider a prismatic bar undergoing plastic deformation. Let L be the length and A the section of the bar at com- mencement of deformation. Let L -f- x be the length and a the section of the bar at a subsequent period. Let/ be the intensity of the fluid pressure. Since the volume remains unchanged, LA = (L x}a, ...... . (i) the positive or negative sign being taken according as the ba*- is in tension or compression. Let P l be initial force on bar. Let P be force on bar when its length is L x. Then P a L = = Hence P(L x) = P,L = a constant, .... (3) FLOW OF SOLIDS. I6 5 FIG. 187. and the force diminishes as the bar stretches and increases ^s the bar contracts under pressure. If equation (3) be referred to rect- angular axes, the ordinates repre- senting different values of P and the abscissae the corresponding values of x, the stress-strain dia- grams, tt in tension and cc in com- pression, are hyperbolic curves, having as asymptotes the axis of x, XOX, and a line parallel to the axis of y at a distance from it equal to the length L of the bar. Next consider a metallic mass (e.g., lead) resting upon the end CD of a cylinder of radius R, and filling up a space of depth D. A hole of radius r is made at the centre of the face CD, through which the mass flows under the pressure of fluidity exerted by a piston. When the mass has been com- pressed to the thickness DO x, let y be the corresponding length KE of the "jet." First, assume that the specific weight of the mass remains constant. If dx be the diminution in the thickness DO corresponding to an increase dy in the length of the jet, then TtR'dx -f- rtfdy O. . . (i) Integrating eq. I, and remembering that y o when x D, R\D -x]- ry = o (2) Second, assume that the cylindrical portion EFGH is gradu- ally transformed into NMPLKQN, of which the part PMNQ is cylindrical, while the diameter of the part PLKQ gradually 1 66 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. increases from the face of the cylinder to KL ( = EF\ at the end of the jet. Then r*)dx= amount of metal which flows into the central cylinder = znrdrx, (3) dr being the depth to which the metal penetrates. Third, assume that the diminution of the diameter of the cylindrical portion PMNQ is directly proportional to the said diameter. Then, if 2 be the radius of the cylinder PQNM, dr dz 7 = 7 By eqs. (3) and (4), Integrating, C 2 - r 2 ) log, x = 2r 2 log, g + c, c being constant of integration. When x = D, z r, /. (^ 2 - r 2 ) log, -^ = 2r 3 log, |, or WORK. 167 By eqs. (2) and (5), which is the equation to the profile PL or QK. Note. If R- 3r 2 , eq. (6) represents a straight line. " R* = 2r\ 4< " " parabola. II. Work. Work must be done to overcome a resistance. Thus bodies, or systems of bodies, which have their parts suit- ably arranged to overcome resistances are capable of doing- work and are said to possess energy. This energy is termed kinetic or potential according as it is due to motion or to posi- tion. A pile-driver falling from a height upon the head of a pile drives the pile into the soil, doing work in virtue of its motion. Examples of potential energy, or energy at rest, are afforded by a bent spring, which does work when allowed to resume its natural form ; a raised weight, which can do work by falling to a lower level ; gunpowder and dynamite, which do work by exploding ; a Leydenjar charged with electricity, which does work by being discharged ; coal, storage batteries, a head of water, etc. It is also evident that this potential energy must be converted into kinetic energy before work can be done. A familiar example of this transformation may be seen in the action of a common* pendulum. At the end of the swing it is at rest for a moment and all its energy is potential. When, under the action of gravity, it has reached the lowest point, it can do no more work in virtue of its position. It has acquired, however, a certain velocity, and in virtue of this velocity it does work which enables it to rise on the other side of the swing. At intermediate points its energy is partly kinetic and partly potential. A measure of energy, or of the capacity for doing work, is the work done. The energy is exactly equivalent to the actual work done in the following cases: (a) If the effort exerted and the resistance have a common point of application. 1 68 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (b) If the points of application are different but are rigidly connected. (c) If the energy is transmitted from member to member, provided the members do not change form under stress, and that no energy is absorbed by frictional resistance or restraint at the connections. Generally speaking, work is of two kinds, viz., internal work, or work done against the mutual forces exerted between the molecules of a body or system of bodies, and external work, or work done by or against the external forces to which the body or bodies are subjected. In cases (a), (b), (c) above, the inter- nal work is necessarily nil. As a matter of fact, every body yields to some extent under stress, and work must be done to produce the deformation. Frictional resistances tend to oppose the relative motions of members and must also absorb energy. If, however, the work of deformation and the work absorbed by frictional resistance are included in the term work done, the relation still holds that Energy = work done. A measure of work done is the product of the resistance by the distance through which it is overcome. When a man raises a weight of one pound one foot against the action of gravity he does a certain amount of work. To raise it two feet he must do twice as much work, arid ten times as much to raise it ten feet. The amount of work must therefore be propor- tional to the number of feet through which the weight is raised. Again, to raise two pounds one foot requires twice a.* much work as to raise one pound through the same distance ; while five times as much work would be required to raise five pounds, and ten times as much to raise ten pounds. Thus the amount of work must also be proportional to the weight raised. Hence a measure of the work done is the product of the number of pounds by the number of feet through which they are raised, the resulting number being designated foot-pounds. Any other units, e.g., a pound and an inch, a ton and an inch, a kilogramme and a metre, etc., may be chosen, and the work done represented in inch-pounds, inch-tons, kilogram- OBLIQUE RESISTANCE. 169 metres, etc. This standard of measurement is applicable to all classes of machinery, since every machine might be worked by means of a pulley driven by a falling weight. 12. Oblique Resistance. Let a body move against a resistance R inclined at an angle to the direction of motion (Fig. 189). No work is done against the normal component R sin 0, as there is no movement of the point of applica- tion at right angles to the direction of motion. This component is, there- fore. merely a pressure. The work done against the tangential component R . cos 6 between two consecutive points M and N of the path of the body is R cos 6 . MN. Hence the total work done between any two points A and B of the path = 2(R cos . MN) = S R cos 6ds, FIG. i s being the length of AB. If AB is a straight line (Fig. 190), and if R is constant in direction and magnitude, the total work = R cos B .AB R.AC, AC being the projection of the displacement upon the line of action of the resistance. Let the path be the arc of a circle Rsintf FIG. 190. FIG. 191. (Fig. 191) subtending an angle a at the centre. If R and 6 re- main constant, the work done from A to B = R cos arc AB = R cos . OA . a = R . OM cos 6 . a I7O THEORY OF STRUCTURES. p being the perpendicular from upon the direction of R, and M = Rp being the moment of resistance to rotation. If there are more resistances than one, they may be treated separately and their several effects superposed. In such case, Mwi\\ be the total moment of resistance and will be equal to the algebraic sum of the separate moments. The normal component R sin 8 produces a pressure. 13. Graphical Method. Let a body describe a path AB B (Fig. I92)against a variable resistance of such a character that its magnitude in the direction of motion may be repre- sented at any point M by an ordinate 'D MNto the curve CD. Let the path AB be subdivided into a number of parts, each part MP being so small that the resistance from M to P may be considered uniform. The mean value of this resistance - , and the work done in MN-\-PQ overcoming it = . MP = the area MNQP in the limit. Hence the total work done from A to B = the area bounded by the curves AB, CD and the ordinates AC, BD. 14. Kinetic Energy. The velocity v acquired by a body of weight w and mass m in falling freely from rest through the vertical distance h is v = \/2gh ; w v v* /. wh = = m . g2 2 Thus an amount of work wh is done, and the body possesses v* the kinetic energy m . Again, let v' be the velocity of the body after falling through a further distance x, measured vertically. Then w(/i -j- x) KINETIC ENERGY. and Thus the work done in falling through the vertical distance x is wx, and is equal to the corresponding change of kinetic energy. 15. EXAMPLE I. Let it be required to determine the work done in stretching or compressing a bar of length L and sec- tional area A by an amount /. Suppose that the force applied to the bar gradually in- creases from o until it attains the value P\ its mean value is P P , and the work done is therefore /. 2' 2 But P = EA- ; E being the coefficient of elasticity. E /" i IP\ /. the work done = A-? = 55-1-3"] 2 L E\Ai AL_ 2 /a This formula is only true for small values of the ratio j. In the case of a compressive force it is assumed that the bar does not bend. P A suddenly applied force, , will do as much work as a steady force which increases uniformly from o to P, and hence it follows that a bar requires twice the strength to resist with safety the sudden application of a given load than is necessary when the same load is gradually applied. If /is the proof stress or elastic limit per unit of sectional area, 7^ is the corresponding proof strain, and the work done in L producing the latter is called the resilience of the bar. Accord- f* AL f* ing to the above, its value is ~ ; ~- is called the Modulus of Resilience. 172 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Ex. 2. A wrought-iron tie-rod, 30 ft. in length and 4 sq. in. in sectional area, is subjected to a longitudinal pull of 40,000 Ibs. Determine the unit stress, the strain, and the elon- gation, the coefficient of elasticity being 30,000,000 Ibs. 40000 The unit stress is = 10,000 Ibs. per sq. in. 4 Also, from the elastic law, 10000 30000000 X strain. .-. the strain = ~ and the elongation = ~ ^ ft. Ex. 3. A steel rod is 15 ft. long and 2\ sq. in. in sec- tional area. The proof strain of the steel is ^, and its coeffi- cient of elasticity is 36,000,000 Ibs. Find the greatest weight that can be safely allowed to fall upon the end of the rod from a height of 27 ft?. The proof stress = Ex proof strain = 36,000 Ibs. persq. in. The compression of the rod under the proof-stress is Jl _JL ft 1000 200 ** The resilience of the rod _f*AL _ (36000)' 2J- X 15 X 12 ~ E 2 36000000 2 = 8100 inch-lbs. = 675 ft.-lbs. Again, let P^be the required weight in pounds. The total distance through which it falls 27 ft. -f- com- pression = (27 -f- TO) ^ eet > anc * the corresponding work is W(2J + 4) ft.-lbs. This must of course be exactly equivalent to the resilience of the rod, and * W(2 7 + ) = 675, and W 24.9 Ibs. KIXETIC ENERGY. 173 Tht resilience of the rod may also be at once found from the fact that it is the product of one half of the total stress by the compression, i.e., -J- . 2|- . 36000 X ^ = 675 ft.-lbs. Ex. 4. Let w 1 , w 2 , w 3 , . . . w n be the weights of a system of particles rigidly connected together and at distances ^ , jr a , JT S , . . . x n , respectively, from a given axis. Let the system revolve around the axis with a uniform angular velocity A. The kinetic energies of the several particles are w xA* w x*A* w x*A* and therefore the total kinetic energy of the system r, A* ( = - w.^i f m^ , m^ , . . . m n being the masses of the particles. The sum between the brackets is called the moment of in- ertia of the system of particles about the axis and is usually denoted by /. A* I .'. the total kinetic energy - . Again, it appears from the definition that every moment of inertia is the product of a mass and the square of a length. This length is called the radius of gyration and is usually designated by the symbol k. If M be the total mass of the system, and W the total weight, W M) 2 W (Ak? and the total kinetic energy = M - - = - - , the re- 174 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. suit being the same as if the particles were collected in a ring of radius k, sometimes called the equivalent ring or fly-wheel. Let I g be the moment of inertia of the system with respect to a parallel axis through the centre of gravity, and let h be the distance between the two axes. Then IK = >,(/< - *,)' + mjji - O 2 + . . . + m n (h - x n f Since the new axis passes through the centre of gravity, 2mx = Mh. Also, 2(m) = M and 2(m^) = 7; .'. I=I g +Mh\ So, if /' is the moment of inertia about another parallel axis at the distance h' from the centre of gravity, I' =I e +Mh'\ .-. I- Mh* = I' Mh'\ Hence, if the positions of two parallel axes relatively to the centre of gravity are known, and if the moment of inertia about one is given, the moment of inertia about the other can be obtained by means of the last formula. Note. Nothing has been said as to the number of the par- ticles. They may be infinite in number and infinitely near each other, forming in fact a solid body. The summation 2(mx*) is then best effected by integration. 16. Values of w. 1. For a rectangular plate of depth d with re- spect to an axis through the centre , 2 perpendicular to the side d. .......... k* = . 2. For a circular plate of radius r with re- a spect to a diameter .................. k* = -. 4 VALUES OF k\ 175 3. For an annulus of external radius r l and internal radius r^ with respect to a diameter .......................... . If r 1 r^ = t, and the breadth / of the annulus is small as compared with the radius r l , then approx., 4 ^ and the area approx. 4. For the plates in (2) and (3) with respect to an axis through the centre perpen- dicular to the plates, the numerators remain the same but the denominator is in each case 2. 5. For a sphere of radius r with respect to a diameter k* = r*. 6. For a solid cylinder of radius r with re- 3 spect to its axis k* = . 2 7. For an elliptic plate of which the major and minor axes are 2b and 2d respec- tively : With respect to the major axis k* = . 4 ia With respect to the minor axis J? = . 4 8. For a triangular plate of height h with re- spect to an axis coinciding with the , a base . .' k* = -. 6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 17. Momentum Impulse. A moving body of weight w and mass m acted upon in the direction of motion for a time / by a force F will acquire a velocity v which is directly propor- tional to F and to /, and inversely proportional to w. Hence Ft v = n n being some coefficient. If F = w, the velocity generated in one second '. g = n, and Ft Ft ''" = ^=-m> or mv = Ft. This is the analytical statement of Newton's Second Law of Motion, which has been expressed by Clerk Maxwell in the following form : " The change of momentum (i.e., the product of the mass and velocity) is numerically equal to the impulse (i.e., the product of the force and the time during which it acts) which produces it, and is in the same direction" Again, let / be the perpendicular from a fixed axis O upon the direction of motion of the body, and let r be the radius OP to the body. Then mvp = Ftp = Fpt = Mt, where M = Fp ; or the change of the moment of momentum, i.e., of the angular momentum, is equal to the moment of impulse. The above results are also true for two or more bodies or systems of bodies severally acted upon by extraneous forces, and the equations may be written In words, the total change of momentum in any assigned direction is equal to the algebraic sum of the impulses in the same direction, MOMENTUM IMPULSE. 1/7 and the total change of angular momentum is equal to the alge- braic sum of the moments of the impulses. Hence it follows that if two or more bodies or systems of bodies mutually attract or repel each other, and if there are no extraneous forces, the total momentum in ^ w *^- fc * any assigned direction is constant (the ~"7^^ \ principle of the conservation of linear / * s ***^p momentum), and the angular momentum j /'' about a given axis is constant (the prin- / : r /' ciple of the conservation of angular / /' momentum). ,//' f 2 / a Suppose that the velocity of the body 3^-- -^ y of weight w and mass ;// changes from X^ / v l to v z in the time / under the action of 2 ^X v/ / a couple of moment M, and let/,,/, be FlG - ^s- the corresponding values of/, and r lf r a those of r, Fig. 193. or if w lt w^ are the components of v l , v^ in directions perpen- dicular to r lt 7* a , respectively, m(w 1 r l wj-^ Mt. For example, a weight W of water passing through a turbine of external radius r^ and internal radius r^ has its angular mo- W W mentum changed from w l r l to ^ a r a> w i-> w * being o o the tangential components of the velocity with which the water enters and leaves the wheel. The water, therefore, exerts W upon the wheel a couple of moment ( l w l r l w 2 ^ 2 ), and if o the wheel rotates with an angular velocity A, the work done upon the wheel by the water w w = ~A(wj-i wyj = (ze/.a, w,u,), be regarded as constant and of the average value - L - ; But Ft = (mv t mVt). m , 2^ * or Fs = (,' - ,). Thus Fs, the work done, is equal to the change of kinetic energy in the given interval. If the body is a material particle of a connected system, a similar relation holds for every other particle of the system, and the total work done = %(2mv* 2mv?). A part of this work may be expended in doing what is called effective work, i.e., in overcoming (i) an external resist- ance, or in doing useful work, and (2) frictional resistance, or in doing wasted work. Denoting the total effective work by T e and the total motive work by T m , the last equation may be written and the difference between the total motive work and the total effective work is equal to the total change of kinetic energy. In the case of a machine working at a normal speed the velocities of the different parts are periodic, being the same at the beginning and end of any period or number of periods. For any such interval, therefore, v t = v y , and /. T m T e , so GENERAL CASE. 1 79 that there is an equality between the motive work and the effective work. 19. General Case. Let x l , y lt z^ be the co-ordinates of the C. of G. of a moving body of mass M with respect to three rectangular axes at any given instant. Let x t , y t , 2 be the co-ordinates of the same point after a unit of time. Let x, , y l , z, be the co-ordinates of any particle of mass m at the given instant. Let x^,y^, 2 be the co-ordinates of the same particle after a unit of time. , - y,} = 2m(y* - y, or M u = 2mu, Mv 2mv, Mw = u, v, w being the component velocities of the C. of G. at the given instant with respect to the three axes, and u, v, w the component velocities of the particle m at the same instant. From these last equations, Mu = ^muu, Mv 2mvv, Mw = .'. M(u -}-v'-\-w) = 2m(uu -\- vv which may be written in the form ., 2 . 2 M(u + O I 1 /> Thus the energy of the total mass collected at the centre of gravity, together with the energy relatively to the centre of gravity, is equal to the total energy of motion. If the body revolves around an axis through its C. of G. with an angular velocity A, the second term of the last equa- tion becomes r being the distance of the particle m from the axis, and / the moment of inertia of the body with respect to the axis. 20. EXAMPLE I. The charge of powder for a 27-ton breech- loader with a Q-ton carriage is 300 Ibs. ; the weight of the pro- jectile is 500 Ibs., its diam. is 10 in., and its radius of gyration 3.535 in. ; the muzzle velocity is 2020 ft. per sec. ; the velocity of recoil, i6J ft. per sec. ; the gun is rifled so that the projectile makes one turn in 40 calibres. Total energy of explosion = energy of shot -|- energy of recoil : Energy of shot = energy of translation + energy of rotation _ 5Q (2020)' 500 j. /V.-j-f 2020 y /3-535\ a 32.2'' 2 t "32.2'2*\ T 8 2- "4Q.|jy \ 12 I = 31680124.2 +97758.6 = 31777882.8 ft.-lbs. ; of recoil * . . 330652, ft,.b, CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. l8l Hence, if C be the energy of I Ib. of powder, C . 300 = 31777882.8 + 330652.1 = 32108534.9 ft.-lbs., and hence C 107028.45 ft.-lbs = 47.7 ft.-tons. Ex. 2. Let Wbe the weight of a fly-wheel in Ibs,, and let its max. and min. angular velocities be A lt A 9 , respectively. The motion being one of rotation only, the energy stored up when the velocity rises from A^ to A lt or given out when it falls from A l to A^ is I W W - (A: - A:) = -k\A? - A:) = w - *.), v l , v^ being the linear velocities corresponding to A lt A 2 , and k being taken equal to the mean radius of the wheel. It is usual to specify that the variation of velocity is not to exceed a certain fractional part of the mean velocity. Let V be the mean velocity, and the fraction. Then V Vi v* = '> also v l + v t W F a Hence the work stored or given out = . * g P 21. Centrifugal Force. A body constrained to move in a plane curve exerts upon the body which constrains it, a force 1 82 THEORY OF STRUCTURES, called centrifugal force, which is equal and opposite to the de- viating (or centripetal} force exerted by the constraining body upon the revolving body. Let a particle of mass m move from a \ point P to a consecutive point Q (Fig. 194) \ of its path during an interval of time / \ o under the action of a normal deviating FIG. i 94 . force. Let the normals at P and Q meet in O ; PQ may be con- sidered as the indefinitely small arc of a circle with its centre at O. If there were no constraining force, the body would move along the tangent at P to a point T such that PT = vt, v being 1 the linear velocity at P. Under the deviating force the body is pulled towards O through a distance PN = %ff, f being the normal accelera- tion, and QN being drawn perpendicular to OP. Also, in the limit, PQ = PT = QN = vt. But being the radius OP; and hence A being the angular velocity. Hence the deviating force of the mass m = mf = m -= = mA*r y and is equal and opposite to the centrifugal force. Again, if a solid body of mass M revolve with an angular velocity A about an axis passing through its C. of G., the total CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. 183 centrifugal force will be nil, provided the axis of rotation is an axis of symmetry, or is one of the principal axes of inertia at the C. of G. If the axis of rotation is parallel to one of these axes, but at a distance R from the C. of G., the centrifu- , , gal force W g r being the distance of a particle of mass m from the axis, and f'Fthe weight of the body. Thus the centrifugal force is the same as if the whole mass were concentrated at the C. of G. If the axis of rotation is inclined at an angle to the prin- cipal axis, the body will be con- stantly subjected to the action of a couple of moment 2E tan 6, E being the actual energy of the body. EXAMPLE. A ring of radius r rotates with angular velocity A about its centre O. Let p be the weight of the ring per unit of length of periph- ery. Consider any half-ring AFB. The centrifugal force of any element FlG - I9S> The component of this force parallel to AB, is balanced by an equal and opposite force at C" , the angle C" OB being the angle CO A. Thus the total centrifugal force parallel to A OB is nil. The component of the force at C, perpendicular to AB, g sn COD= P -A"r cos C'CE _fCC C^_ A'r Ar cc ,-p--DD. 184 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence, the total centrifugal force perpendicular to AB = ?2(DD f ) = 2^4 V. g g If T is the force developed in the material at each of the points A and B, g since the direction of T is evidently perpendicular to AB. ~~g ' F ' v being the circumferential velocity. Let f be the intensity of stress at A and B, and w the specific weight of the material. Assuming that T is distributed uniformly over the sectional areas at A and B, Thus, the stress is independent of the radius .for a given value of v, and the result is applicable to every point of a flex- ible element, whatever may be the form of the surfaces over which it is stretched. 22. Impact. When a body strikes a structure, or member of a structure, the energy of the blow is expended in (1) overcoming the resistance to motion of the body struck ; (2) deforming the body struck ; (3) the kinetic energy of either or of both of the bodies after impact, if the motion is sensible ; (4) deforming the striking body ; (5) producing vibrations. IMPACT. 185 Generally speaking, the energy represented by (5) is very small and may be disregarded. Also, if the striking body is very hard, the energy (4), absorbed in its deformation, is inap- preciable and may be neglected. First, let a body of weight P fall through a vertical dis- tance h and strike a second body, the point of application moving in the direction of the blow through a distance x against a mean resistance R. Then P(k -f- x) = work done = R'x. Let Fbe the velocity of the striking body at the moment of impact. Then P V energy of blow = - - = R'x = P(1i -\- x). The actual resistance is directly proportional to the dis- tance through which the point of application moves, so long as tJie limit of elasticity is not exceeded. Its initial value is nil, r> and if R is its max. value, the mean value is R' = . P V Rx .'. - - = - - = P(h + x). g 2 2 ' If h = o, R = 2P, or the sudden application of a load P from rest, produces a pressure equal to twice the load, pro- vided the limit of elasticity is not exceeded. EXAMPLE. A i-oz. bullet moving with a velocity of 800 ft. per sec. strikes a target and is stopped dead in the space of ,ft. inch (g = 32), Then 1 86 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. .-. R ', the mean resistance overcome by the bullet, = 5000 Ibs. The time in which the bullet is brought to rest momentum y 1 -^ . % . 800 I force 5000 ~ 3200 SeC * Next, let a body of weight W^ moving in a given direction with a velocity z\ strike a body of weight W^ moving in the same direction with a velocity v^ . After impact let the bodies continue to move in the same direction with a common ve- locity v. W, W, P, + v+ = momentum before impact = momentum after impact or , , ^ Energy before impact = + . after " =1 ^ -) . g Energy lost by impact % IMPACT. 187 If either of the bodies is subjected to any constraint, energy must be expended to overcome such constraint, and the loss of energy by impact will be less. EXAMPLE i. Let a weight of W^ tons fall h ft. upon the head of a pile weighing W^ tons and drive it a ft. into the ground against a mean resistance of R tons, the head of the pile being crushed for an appreciable length x ft. Let v be the velocity of the weight when it strikes the pile ; n p n mean force of the blow; " y " " distance through which pile moves during ac- tion of blow ; " / " " duration of the blow in seconds ; " V " " common velocity of the pile and weight during action of blow ; " z " " distance through which pile moves after the blow. Px -\- Ry = work done in crushing the pile -f- work done in overcoming ground-resistance in time t = energy dissipated by blow Also, considering the change of momentum first of weight and then of pile, Again, W I W I 7 * Rz = work done after blow = 1- - . (*\ g 2 Finally, y + 2 = a, . (4) and (5) 1 88 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Thus, if W lt W if h, a, and x are known, eqs. (i) to (5) will give P, /, R, y, V, and z. Ex. 2. Let a hammer weighing W l Ibs. moving with a ve- locity of v ft. per sec., strike a nail weighing W^ Ibs. and drive it x ft. into a piece of timber, of weight W 3J against a mean resistance of R Ibs. First, assume the timber to be fixed in position. Let F, be the common velocity acquired by the hammer and nail. \ ~f" ^a) L ener gy expended in overcoming R (i) W W 4- W But -v change of momentum = - - ? F 1 . . (2) o o 3 x Wv and the time of the penetration = JT>~ = -jr- sec. ... (4) Second, let the timber be free to move, and let F 2 be the common velocity acquired by the hammer, nail, anld timber. F 2 (W\~\~ W^) = energy expended in overcoming R plus the energy expended in producing the velocity F 2 . ... (5) W w _i_ w W 4- W -4- W But ^^^TJ^F^-^^J --^ ^F 2 . . . (6) g g g V ; ON THE EXTENSION OF A PRISMATIC BAR. 189 Hence, substituting these values of F, and F 3 in eq. (5), J?v . f>7\ = Kx\ . . . (7) also, the time of the penetration V_ . . * and the distance through which the timber moves W ? W * jLft U 23. On the Extension of a Prismatic Bar. The ele- mentary law of extension is sometimes enunciated as follows: A prismatic bar of length L and sectional area A is stretched, and its length is L -\- x when the force of extension isP- if dP is the increment of force corresponding to an in- crement dx of length, dP=EA d *. L + x Hence, the force producing an extension / is equal to j = EA log.(i +~)=^, s suppose. But / A / i/A a i//\ 3 / a PP rox ' / A / i/A a i//\ 3 / + IJ = L ~ 2 (ll + jlzJ - = Z ' I QO THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Corollary. From the last equation, ^ = , and -y- is consequently a measure of the longitudinal stiffness of a bar, so that for the same material, the stiffness varies directly as the sectional area and inversely as the length, while for different materials it also varies directly as the coefficient of elasticity. Work of Extension. The force producing the increment dx has for its least value P(=A^j, for its greatest value P-\-dP, and for its mean value P-\ -- , so that the work done is fP-\ -- \dx = Pdx, approximately. Hence the work done in stretching the bar until its length is L + /is equal to 24. On the Oscillatory Motion of a Weight at the End o of a Vertical Elastic Rod. An elastic rod of natu- * ral length L(OA) and sectional area A is suspended from O, and carries a weight P at its lower end, which elongates the rod until its length is OB = L -f- /. Assume that the mass of the rod as compared with P is sufficiently small to be disregarded, then P=EA l - L . A If the weight is made to descend to a point C, and | is then left free to return to its state of equilibrium, it !Q must necessarily describe a series of vertical oscilla- tions about B as centre. FIG. 196. Take g as the or j gin) and at any time t i et t | ie weight be at M distant x from B ; also let BC c. Two cases may be considered. First, suppose the end of the rod to be gradiially forced down to C and then suddenly released. OSCILLA TOR Y MO TION. i According to the principle of the conservation of energy, ( -7- ) = the work done between C and M 2 \dtl g _EA or Pi (dxV Pi and hence z>, the velocity of the weight at M, = \ (? x*\\ V / Now v is zero when x = c, so that the weight will rise above B to a point C, where BC l ,==.; = .#7. Again, from the last equation, . / __^_ V 7 ~(V-^)* and integrating between the limits o and x, and the oscillations are therefore isochronous. When .* = c, x and the time of a complete oscillation is g IQ 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Next, suppose the oscillatory motion to be caused by a weight P falling without friction from a point D, and being suddenly checked and held by a catch at the lower end of the rod. Take the same origin and data as before, and let AD = h. The elastic resistance of the rod at the time t is L and the equation of motion of the weight is Pcfx ~ g or = - Integrating, !dx\? g ! j = jx* -f- c l , c l being a constant of integration. dx P~ But -7- is zero when x = c, and c. =^c*. at I Hence This is precisely the same equation as was obtained in the first case, and between the limits o and x rg . ,* yf : sm 7- OSCILLATORY MOTION. 1 93 so that the motion is isochronous, and the time of a complete oscillation is x4 Cor. i. When x = I, and hence f (<>-/<) = or Cor. 2. If h = o, i.e., if the weight is merely placed upon the rod at the end A, c = /, and the amplitude of the oscillation is twice the statical elongation due to P. Cor. 3. The rod may be safely stretched until its length is L + /, while a further elongation c might prove most injurious to its elasticity, which shows the detrimental effect of vibratory motion. If a small downward force Q is applied to Pwhen it has reached the end of its vibration, it will produce a corre- sponding descent, and the weight P will then ascend an equal distance above its neutral position. At the end of the interval corresponding to P's natural period of vibration, apply the force again, and P will descend still further. This process may be continued indefinitely, until at last rupture takes place, however small Pand Q may be. If Q is applied at irregular intervals, the amplitude of the oscillations will still be increased, but the increase will be followed by a decrease, and so on con- tinually. In practice the problem becomes much more com- plex on account of local conditions, but experience shows that a fluctuation of stress is always more injurious to a structure than the stress due to the maximum load, and that the injury 194 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. is aggravated as the periods of fluctuation and of vibration of the structure become more nearly synchronous. An example of a fluctuating load is a procession marching in time across a suspension-bridge, which may strain it far more severely than a much greater dead load, and may set up a synchronous vibration which may prove absolutely dangerous. In fact, a bridge has been known to fail from this cause. Cor. 4. The coefficient of elasticity of the rod may be ap- proximately found by means of the formula / y g T being the time of a complete oscillation. For suppose that the rod emits a musical note of n vibrations per second, then g is the time of travel from C to C l ; n- and hence Cor. 5. Suppose that the weight is perfectly free to slide along the rod. When it returns to A, it will leave the end of the rod and rise with a certain initial velocity. This velocity is evidently V2gK t and the weight accordingly ascends to D, then falls again, repeats the former operation, and so on. The equations of motion are in this case only true for values of x between x + c and x = /. 25. On the Oscillatory Motion of a Weight at the End of a Vertical Elastic Rod of Appreciable Mass. Suppose the mass of the rod to be taken into account, and assume : (a) That all the particles of the rod move in directions par- allel to the axis of the rod, OSCILLATORY MOTION. 1 95 (b) That all the particles, which at any instant are in a plane perpendicular to the axis, remain in that plane at all times. As before, the rod OA of natural length L and sectional area A is fixed at O and carries a weight P l at A. Take O as the origin, and let OX be the axis of the rod. Let ,-)- d, and x, x -j- dx, be respectively the actual and natural distances from O of the two consecutive sections MM, M'M'. o Let p be the natural density of the rod, and p the density of the section MM, distant from O. The forces which act upon the rod are : (a) The upward and constant force P at 0. M > (b) The weight P l at A. (c) The weight of the rod. (d) A force X per unit of mass through the slice bounded by the planes MM, M' M', distant % and B> -\- d>, respectively, from O. Suppose the rod, after equilibrium has been es- tablished, to be cut at the plane M'M'. In order to maintain the equilibrium of the portion OM ' M' it will be necessary to apply to the surface of this plane a certain force P, and the equation of equilibrium becomes = o. But if the thickness d$ of the slice MM' is indefinitely diminished, P is evidently the elastic reaction, and its value is Hence = o. IQ THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Differentiating with respect to x, ~Kvt pdS ft^dx, ~ + p,gA = o, or - Also, p n AXdx is the resistance to acceleration arising from the inertia of the slice, and is therefore equal to so that df Hence To solve this equation. In the state of equilibrium, '*-') is the tension in the section of which the distance from OSCILLATORY MOTION. 197 is x, and counterbalances the weight P l and the weight p Q A(l x)g of the portion AMN of the rod. .\EA ~ - or Integrating, + *- ---- c> There is no constant of integration, as x and % vanish together. This value of ^ is a particular solution of (i), and is inde- pendent of /. Put 5 = * z being a new function of x and t. Then _ _ p. z *'' ~ g+ *' and Hence, from eq. (i), d*z Ed*z d*z E 75 = ~ T~^ = v \ 3~T > where v? = , d? p.dx* l dx* p The integral of this equation is of the form IQ8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. = A / ) being the velocity of propagation of the vibrations. The full solution of (i) is therefore of the form p, 26. Inertia Balancing. Newton's First Law of Motion, called also the Law of Inertia, states that" a body will continue in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is made to change that state by external forces." This property of resisting a change of state is termed inertia, and in dynamics is always employed to measure the quantity of matter contained in a body, i.e., its mass, to which the inertia must be necessarily proportional. Thus, to induce motion in a body, energy must be expended, and must again be absorbed before it can be brought to rest. The inertia of the reciprocating parts of a machine may therefore heavily strain the framework, which should be bolted to a firm foun- dation, or must be sufficiently massive to counteract by its weight the otherwise unbalanced forces. EXAMPLE I. Consider the case of a direct-acting horizontal steam-engine, Fig. 198. At any given instant let the crank OP and the connecting-rod CP make angles and 0, respectively, with the line of stroke AB. Let v be the velocity of the FIG. 198. crank-pin centre P, and let u be the corresponding piston velocity, which must evidently be the same as that of the end C of the connecting-rod. Let OP produced meet the vertical through C in /. At the moment under consideration, the points C and Pare turning about / as an instantaneous centre. 1C sin IP ~ COS INpR TIA BA LA NCING. Let W be the weight of the reciprocating parts, i.e., the piston-head, piston-rod, cross-head (or motion-block), and a por- tion of the connecting-rod. Assume (i) that the motion of the crank-pin centre is uni- form ; (2) that the obliquity of the connecting-rod may be disregarded without sensible error, and /. o. Draw PN perpendicular to AB, and let ON=.x\ ON is equal to the distance of the piston from the centre of the stroke, corresponding to the position OP of the crank. The kinetic energy of the reciprocating parts W 21* W v* sin 8 W V* i x^ g 2 "" g 2 " g 2 \ J " r* r being the radius OP. .'. the change of kinetic energy, or work done, corresponding to the values x l , x^ of x, W^' and Hence, in the limit, when the interval is indefinitely small, #, = x^ = x, and the pressure corresponding to x becomes wv R = -r-ar. ' 200 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. This is the pressure due to inertia, and may be written in the form R- C - 6 7> / W v*\ C [= 1 being the centrifugal force of W assumed con- centrated at the crank-pin centre. R is a maximum and equal to C when x = r, i.e., at the points A, B, and its value at intermediate points may be represented by the vertical ordi- nates to AB from the straight line EOF drawn so that AE = BF = C. In low-speed engines, C may be so small that the effect of inertia may be disregarded, but in quick-running engines, C may become very large and the inertia of the recip- rocating parts may give rise to excessive strains. Another force acting upon the crank-shaft is the centrifu- gal force of the crank, crank-pin, and of that portion of the con- necting-rod which may be supposed to rotate with the crank- pin. Let w be the weight of the mass concentrated at the crank- pin centre which will produce the same centrifugal force as these rotating pieces (i.e., wr sum of products of the weights of the several pieces into the distances of their centres of gravity from O). TU -r i r e W V* The centrifugal force of w = . g * Thus the total maximum pressure on the crank-shaft A being the uniform angular velocity of the crank-pin. This pressure may be counteracted by placing a suitable balance-weight (or weights) in such a position as to develop in the opposite direction a centrifugal force of equal magnitude. INER TIA BA LA NCING. 20 1 Let W l be such a weight and R its distance from O. Then or from which, if R is given, W l may be obtained. During the first half of the stroke an amount of energy represented by the triangle AEO is absorbed in accelerating the reciprocating parts, and the same amount, represented by the triangle EOF, is given out during the second half of the stroke when the reciprocating parts are being retarded. During the up-stroke of a vertical engine the weights of the reciprocating parts act in a direction opposite to the motion of the piston, while during the down-stroke they act in the same direction. lr\AE produced (Fig. 199) take EE' to represent the weight of the reciprocating parts on the same scale as AE represents the pressure due to inertia. E Draw E'O'F' parallel to EOF. A I During the up-stroke the ordinates of E'O' represent the pressures required to ac- celerate the reciprocating parts, the pressures while they are retarded being represented by the ordinates of O' F' . The case is exactly reversed in the down-stroke. N.B. The formula R = C may be easily deduced as follows : du dd v* & = ^ sin 6; the acceleration = -77 = v cos ft -y- -;# ; at at r W du .*. -- -j- = accelerating force = force due to inertia g at W v* * = -- TX = C~. g r* r 202 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Ex. 2. Consider a double-cylinder engine with two cranks at right angles, and let d be the distance between the centre lines of the cylinders (Fig. 2OO). of Cylr. Centre line C.sin d FIG. 200. The pressures due to inertia transmitted to the crank-pins when one of the cranks makes an angle 6 with the line of stroke are P,= C cos and P, = C sin V. These are equivalent to a single alternating force P = C(cos 6 sin 0) acting half-way between the lines of stroke, together with a couple of moment M = P- = C-(cos sin 0). 2 2^ The force and couple are twice reversed in each revolution, and their maximum values are Cd P,na X . = CV2 and M max , = Y2. In order to avoid the evils that might result from the action of the force and couple at high speeds, suitable weights are introduced in such positions that the centrifugal forces due to INER TIA BA LA NCING. 203 their rotation tend to balance both the force and the couple. For example, the weights may be placed upon the fly-wheels, or again, upon the driv- ing-wheels of a locomotive. Let a balance-weight Q be placed nearly diametrically opposite to the centre of each crank-pin (Fig. 201), and let R be the distance from the axis to the centre of gravity of Q. Let e be the horizontal distance between FlG> 20I> the balance-weights. The centrifugal force /^due to the rotation of Q g (velocity of Q}" Q I R*_ , _ QR a R ~ g ~Rr* V ~ gr* V > and this force F is equivalent to a single force F acting half-way between the weights and to a couple of moment ^ F . Let be the angle between the radius to a balance-weight, and the common bisector of the angle between the two cranks (Fig. 202). Since there are two weights Q, there will FIG. 202. be two couples each of moment F , and two forces each equal to F acting half-way between the weights, the angle between the axes of the couples being 180 20, and that between the forces being 20. The moment of the result- ant couple is Fe sin 0, and its axis bisects the angle between the axes of the separate couples; the resultant force parallel to the line of stroke 2.F cos 0. Q and may now be chosen so that 2/ r cos = maximum alternating force = C ^2, and Fe sin = maximum alternating couple = 1/2. d .'. tan - , 204 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and or _ A / ? a + *r a g~?" ~ g r and W Ex. 3. Again, the pressure C at a dead point may be balanced by a weight Q diametrically opposite. If R is the radius of the weight-circle, then Wv* QR a and R e -\- d The weight Q may be replaced by a weight Q on the near and a weight Q on the far wheel. Thus, since the cranks are at right angles, there will be two weights 90 apart on each wheel, viz., Q - in line with the crank and Q . These two weights, again, may be replaced by a single weight B whose centrifugal force is the resultant of the centrifugal forces of the two weights. Thus er-c* -c/^ ^ B crank-effort, and the speed must there- fore continually diminish. From 2 to 3, R < crank-effort, and the speed must contin- ually increase. Thus 2 is a point of min. velocity, and therefore also of min. kinetic energy. From 3 to E, R > crank-effort, and the speed must contin- ually diminish. CURVES OF ENERGY FLUCTUATION OF ENERGY. 2OQ Thus 3 is a point of max. velocity, and therefore also of max. kinetic energy. Similarly, in the return stroke, 5 and 6 are points of min. and max. velocity, respectively. The change or fluctuation of kinetic energy from 2 to 3 area 283, bounded by the curve and by 23. The fluctuation from 3 to 5 = area 3^5, bounded by 35 and by the curve. F Fr Again, since -, the ordinates of the curves may be taken to represent the moments of crank-effort, and the abscissae are then the corresponding values of 0. The work done between A and any other position P of the crank-pin = Pr(i cos + n \'n* si If there are two or more cranks, the ordinates of the crank- effort curve will be equal to the algebraic sums of the several crank-efforts. For example, if the two cranks are at right angles, and if F lt F 2 are the crank-efforts when one of the cranks (F^ makes an angle 6 with the line of stroke, sn and .-. F t -{-F 9 = P(sin + cos 0) = combined crank-effort, P being supposed constant. Note. In the case of the polar curves of crank-effort, if a circle is described with O as centre and a radius = mean crank- 2 p effort = - , it will intersect the curves in four points, which are necessarily points of max. and min. velocity. 210 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. U3 ffl IN .,! o' c a 3-0 o o o o - O -< a 000300000300 ro-i-b C CCCCCCCCC 888 o_ q q_ q_ Com- pressio 8 8 VO is vo~ vo" (xo rn cT -4- 10 to <> -r"--.> ^ lig 4 li I CQ cq 1 TABLES. 211 THE STRENGTHS, ELASTICITIES, AND WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS ALLOYS, ETC. Material. Max. Load on Original Area in Ibs. per sq. in. Young's Modulus, (in Ibs.). Coef- ficient of Rigidity, G (in Ibs.). Weight in Ibs. per cu. ft. Tension. Com- pression. Shear- ing. A iuminum 28,800 17,600 52,000 30,000 60,000 36,000 1,850 3,100 57,000 4,980 7,5oo 4,000 10,380 58,000 7,100 9,600.000 9,100,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 15,000.000 15,000,000 17,000,000 9,900,000 710,000 996,000 14,000,000 5,690,000 13,500,000 25,000 3,600,000 3.400,000 5,600,000 5,700,000 5,700,000 5,250,000 2,140,000 160 to 166 487 to 524.4 $ 555 529 712 456 to 468 424 to 449 1 ' (hammered) Brass wire Copper-plate, hammered annealed Gun-metal Lead . . Phosphor-bronze Tin Zinc Leather THE STRENGTHS, ELASTICITIES, AND WEIGHTS OF TIMBERS. This table contains the results of the most recent and most reliable experiments, but, generally speaking, only small specimens of the material have been tested. It is found that the strength, elasticity, and weight of a timber are affected by the soil, age, seasoning, per cent of moisture, position in the log, etc., and hence it is not surprising that specimens even when cut out of the same log show results which often differ very widely from the mean. Additional experiments on large timbers are needed, and in each case should be accompanied by a complete history of the specimen from the time of felling. Description of Timber. Tensile Strength in tons per sq. in. Com- pressive Strength in tons per sq. in. along Fibres. Shearing Strength in tons per sq. in. along Fibres. Young's Modulus, E (in tons). Coef- ficient of Rigid- *% Coefficient of Bending Strength in tons per sq. in. Weight in Ibs. per cu. ft. Acacia Alder 4.5 to 6.3 3- J Apple 88 Ash, Canadian.. Ash, English . .. Beech 2-45 5.35107.58 4 9 to 9 8 2-5 3 4 6 7 .2 tO .312 620 723 607 47 43 to 53 Birch 6 60 Box " 4.6 807 Blue gum... 2. 7 3.078 509 c 86 Cedar Chestnut Ebony Elm, Canadian.. 2.23104.9 4-3 2.56 8.48 2.9 .308 217 509 IIOO 35 to 47 35 to 41 47 212 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. THE STRENGTHS, ELASTICITIES, AND WEIGHTS OF TIMBERS (Continued.} Description of Timber. Tensile Strength in tons per sq. in. Com- pressive Strength in tons per sq. in. along Fibres. Shearing Strength in tons per sq. in. along Fibres. Young's Mod-lus, E (in tons). Coef- ficient of Rigid- Coefficient of Bending Strength in tons per sq. in. Weight in Ibs. per cu. ft. Elm, Eng 5-89 4.6 * 34 to 3; Green heart ... 2.7 to 4.1 4.4610 6.5 759 58 to 72 Hawthorn 4.68 Hazel 8.48 Hornbeam 9.1 2.6 47* Iron bark 7.12 4-54 8.15 Ironwood 4-3 1 5-21 Jarrah 3-2 4- J 3 Lancewood 3.6 to 6.7 42 to 63 Larch 3.92 to 4.55 1.42 to 2.45 32 to 38 Lignum vitae. . .. 5-26 4.46 446 7.18 41 to 83 Locust 4-5to6. 7 i-33 535 Mahogany, Span.. i. 7 to 7. 3 3-3 3-3 560 to 1339 53 '' Hond 1.3 to 3.6 712 to 879 35 Maple 4.7 to 7 . 7 2 23 N J 49 Mora 4-i 4-4 830 II 57 to 68 *0ak. Am 577 N- 2 712 Oak, Am red. .. 4-46 1.89 to 2.6 .324 to .446 .* 61 " white 8.8 2.84 335 to .431 tt 4 55 61 " Eng 5-4 4-4 664 * 49 to 58 Pine, Dantzic. .. 3-5 1025 3 36 " Memel 4-5 ij 34 " pitch 4.6 3-5 | 41 to 58 * " red 670 <*_ 2 -93 34 " red 1.7 to 6.67 2. 4 to 3 962 5, 34 * " yellow 779 7* 3-255 41 yellow. . .. 2.2 tO 6.87 2.4 to 3.6 .227 900 4-Si 32 * " white 484 2.146 " white . . 1.3 to 5.1 2.24 . 119 to . 164 3-03 3 Plane 5 4 604 40 Poplar 2 -94 i 8 34 23 to 26 * Spvuce 594 2.18 2.99 to 5.97 438 to 737 1.63 to 2.86 n . 113 to . 167 700 29 to 32 Sycamore Teak .. 5-8 4.7 to 6.7 3-16 5-35 464 IOOO 36 to 43 41 to 52 Walnut 3-5 2-7 38 to 57 Willow 4.6 to 6.25 629 24 to 35 *The results for these timbers are deduced from experiments carried out by Bauschinger Lanza, and others, on comparatively large specimens. THE BREAKING WEIGHTS AND COEFFICIENTS OF BENDING STRENGTH IN TOMS (OF 2240 LBS.) OF VARIOUS RECT- ANGULAR BEAMS, THE WEIGHTS HAVING BEEN UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED. Material. Clear Span between Supports in inches. Breadth in inches. Depth in inches. Mean Breaking Weight of each Joist or Beam. Coef- ficient of Bending Strength. g 5.66 .48 142 3* II 7.89. .08 " * '* 2 beams 126 14 15 60.97 .83 126 46 6 .6 142 3i II 8.29 .08 g 5.7 49 Pine (Baltic), 2 beams Baltic redwood deal (Wyberg), 2 joists ... Spruce deals (St. John), 3 pairs with bridg- ing oieces. . . 126 142 142 'Si 3 3 *3* 9 9 58-43 5-75 6.81 .24 52 2.98 TABLES. 213 THE BREAKING WEIGHTS AND COEFFICIENTS OF BENDING STRENGTH IN TONS (OF 2240 LBS.) OF VARIOUS RECT- ANGULAR BEAMS LOADED AT THE CENTRE. Material. Clear Span between Supports in inches. Breadth in inches. Depth in inches. Breaking Weight in tons. Coef- ficient of Bending Strength. Remarks. Yellow tine ...... 120 14 15 38.15 2.34 V I2q 14 15 34 2.09 >i < AC c 7 c .q 1.62 I 4.: 5 7 5.7 I .57 Old timber .( < 4? 5 5 3. 1 1.6; i AC c 5 a.O^ 1.64 *i < 1C a| 3i .025 2.O4 (3ld timber .1 i AC 2i oi I -07^ 2. i7 Pitch pine . . 120 J 4 IE CQ.2=; 3.64 < I2Q 14. 1C 60.2^ 3.7 ,, 4; 5 7 7.8 2. 14 , AS. c 7 Q.7C 2.68 4D 4C e 7 jo.Ct; 2. 02 46 5 7 ii 3.O3 (, 4e 2* U i 6 q c2 |, AC. 2* ^i i . 35 2.Q7 AS. C 7 7 I . QI AS. c 7 8.; 2 71 ,, AS. 2i u I 125 2.48 .< (f AS. 2^ ol I 2 o 6 i American elm . . AS. 7 MQ j. i Old timber AS. e 7 IS 6 i 2Q K tt AC ol 1 25c . e 8.1 < t < AS. 2i 7! 2 6 57 } X Greenheart AS. C 7 56 AS. 2A 7 1 1 .4.5 6.^1 , AS. i 8^ 952C , AS. 24 ^4 400 8 Si .4 R j iJ pine . . . 45 139 147 i 9 6 3i 8 12 3-55 24-5 7 5 7.82 8.87 I OI 147 6 12 8.45 2 15 A^.5. The results contained in the last two tables are mainly deduced from experi- ments carried out under the supervision of W. Le Mesurier, M.Inst.C.E., Dock Yard, Liver- pool. 214 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. THE WEIGHTS AND CRUSHING WEIGHTS OF ROCKS, ETC. Material. Weight per cu. ft. in Ibs. Crushing- Weight in Ibs. per sq. in. Asphalt 6 S 300 184 17 2OO " Greenstone* ... 181 1 6 SOO " Welsh 172 800 to 1,400 Brick common ...... . 550 to 800 2 2^O " Sydney N S 2 2OO " yellow-faced (Eng ) ...... . ioo to 135 I 44O " Staffordshire blue 7 2OO fire I,7OO " pressed (best) . jen IO 2OO 112 Cement Portland . .... 86 to 04 i 700 to 6 ooo " Roman ........ IOO Clav I IQ IIQ 460 to 775 " in cement ... . . . > . . . I "\1 Earth 77 to 12^ 112 19,600 Freestone 3 ooo to 3 500 Glass flint IQ2 27 5OO ic,7 31,000 " common green . . 1*8 31 ooo 172 16-3 10 800 ' " red 16* ' Cornish , . . 1 66 14 ooo ' Sorrel 167 12 8OO Irish 10 450 U S (Quincy) 1 5 ooo ' Argyll 10 900 06 to 175 19,600 Limestone . . . 154 to 162 7 500 to 9 ooo Lime quick. ... c a 86 to 119 1 20 to 240 " (average) 1 06 Masonry common brick . . . ) 500 to 800 Il6 to 14.4 760 " rubble ) _4_. of cut stone Marble statuary ... .. I7O 3 200 168 to 170 8,000 to 9 700 Oolite Portland stone . . . . . T C T 4 ioo " Bath stone I2 1 ? 177 " river . . 117 " pit IOO QS, Sandstone red (Eng ) T O-J 57OO ICQ 3 ioo jc6 to 157 5 , 700 to 6 ooo " Scotch TC q to 155 5 300 to 7 800 U. S Sqoo Shingle .... 83 Slate Anglesea 1 7Q } IO OOO IC7 I to " Welsh 180 1 24 OOO Trao . I7O TABLES. 21$ ACTORS OF SAFETY. GOOD ORDINARY WORK. Timber 4 to 5 for dead load, 8 to 10 for live load. Metals 3 " 6 " " " Masonry 4 " " " 8 " " " EXPANSIONS OF SOLIDS. Materials. Linear Expansion per Unit of Length. Expansion in Bulk. From 32 F. to 212 F. From 32 F. to 572 F. From 32 F. to 212 F. Brass .001868 = ^ s .00182 ^ T .001075 = *>h .001718 = ifa .00352 = ^VT .00861 = TT V r .001466 = ifo .00181 = T i, .00144 = ^ T .0002848= sk .000746 = ^Vtf .000884 = TT-VT .001909 = 3 fo .001079 = ^ 7 .00124 = B^T .002173 = -flv .001235 = gl 7 .001182 = g-^ .002941 = ^ .003108 = si 3 .001883 = ^ .001468 = ^ T .0065 .0054 .0033 .0055 .0027 .0057 .0036 .0066 .0036 .0058 Bronze . Fir Glass . . Gold I ron wire Lead Oak . .... Silver Steel, unhardened " hardened . . . Tin . . \Vrought-iron (bar) . " (tor smith-work).. Zinc, cast " hammered 2l6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. EXAMPLES. 1. How many square inches are there in the cross-section of an iron rail weighing 30 Ibs. per lineal yard? How many in a yellow-pin.e beam of the same lineal weight? Ans. 3 sq. in.; 45 sq. in. 2. A vertical wrought-iron bar 60 ft. long and I in. in diameter is fixed at the upper end and carries a weight of 2000 Ibs. at the lower end. Find the factors of safety for both ends, the ultimate strength of the iron being 50,000 Ibs. per sq. in. Ans. i9 T 9 f ; i8 T 3 7 2 T . 3. A vertical rod fixed at both ends is weighted with a load w at an intermediate point. How is the load distributed in the tension of the upper and compression of the lower portion of the rod? Ans. Inversely as the lengths. 4. 'Find the length of a steel bar of sp. gr. 7.8 which, when suspended vertically, would break by its own weight, the ultimate strength of the metal being 60,000 Ibs. per sq. in. Ans. 17,723 ft. 5. The iron composing the links of a chain is % in. in diameter; the chain is broken under a pull of 10,000 Ibs. What is the corresponding tenacity per sq. in. ? Ans. 57,272^ Ibs. 6. A vertical iron suspension-rod 90 ft. long carries a load of 20,000 Ibs. at its lower end ; the rod is made up of three equal lengths square in section. Find the sectional area of each length, the ultimate tenacity of the iron being 50,000 Ibs. per sq. in., and 5 a factor of safety. 7. If the rod in the previous question is of a conical form, what should be the area of the upper end ? Also find the intensities of the tension at 30 and 60 ft. from the lower end. Ans. 2.0407 sq. in.; 9999.612 Ibs., 9999.605 Ibs. per sq. in. 8. The dead load of a bridge is 5 tons and the live load 10 tons per panel, the corresponding factors of safety being 3 and 6. If the two loads are taken together, making 9 tons per panel, what factor of safety would you use ? Ans. 5. 9. The end of a beam 10 in. broad rests on a wall of masonry. If it be loaded with 10 tons, what length of bearing surface is necessary, the safe crushing stress for stone being 150 Ibs. per sq. in. ? Ans. 13^- in. 10. Find diameter of bearing surface at the base of a column loaded with 20 tons, the same stress being allowed as in the preceding question. Ans. \ '380. 1 2. EXAMPLES. 217 1 1 . In the chain of a suspension-bridge five flat links dovetail with four alternately, and a cylindrical pin passes through the eyes. The pull on the chain is 200 tons. Find the area of the pin, the bearing strength of the metal being 6 tons per sq. in. Ans. if sq. in. 12. An iron bar of uniform section and 10 ft. in length stretches .12 in. under a unit stress of 25,000 Ibs. Find E. Ans. 25,000,000 Ibs. 13. A ship at the end of a 6oo-ft. cable and one at the end of a 5oo-ft. cable stretch the cables 3 in. and 2$ in., respectively. What are the cor- responding strains? Ans. y^ff. 14. A rectangular timber tie is 12 in. deep and 40 ft. long. If E = 1,200,000 Ibs., find the proper thickness of the tie so that its elongation under a pull of 270,000 Ibs. may not exceed 1.2 in. Ans. J\ in. 15. A wrought-iron bar 60 ft. long is stretched 5 in. by a pull of 5000 Ibs. Find its diameter, E being 25,000,000 Ibs. Ans. .59 in. 1 6. A wrought-iron rod 984 ft. long alternately exerts a thrust and a pull of 52,910 Ibs. ; its cross-section is 9.3 sq. in. Find the loss of stroke, E being 29,000,000 Ibs. Ans. 4.632 in. 17. A wrought-iron bar 2 sq. in. in sectional area has its ends fixed between two immovable blocks when the temperature is at 32 F. If E = 29,000,000 Ibs., what pressure will be exerted upon the blocks when the temperature is 100 F. ? Ans. 27388! Ibs. 1 8. What should be the diameter of the stays of a boiler in which the pressure is 30 Ibs. per sq. in., allowing one stay to each i sq. ft. of surface and a stress of 3500 Ibs. per sq. in. of section of iron ? Ans. 1 1 in. 19. A force of 10 Ibs. stretches a spiral spring 2 in. Find the work done in stretching it successively i in., 2 in., 3 in., up to 6 in. Ans. f, -V-, -V-, - 8 /-> -!*, ip- in. -Ibs. 20. A roof tie-rod 142 ft. in length and 4 sq. in. in sectional area is subjected to a stress of 80,000 Ibs. If E = 30,000,000 Ibs., find the elongation of the rod and the corresponding work. Ans. 1. 136 in.; 3786! ft.-lbs. 21. An iron wire i in. in diameter and 250 ft. in length is subjected to a tension of 600 Ibs., the consequent strain being ^^. Find E, and show by a diagram the amount of work done in stretching the wire within the limits of elasticity. Ans. 14,661,818^ Ibs. 22. A timber pillar 30 ft. in length has to support a beam at a point 30 ft. from the ground. If the greatest safe strain of the timber is 3-^, what thickness of wedge should be driven between the head of the pillar and the beam? Ans. T ^ ft. 2l8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 23. An hydraulic hoist-rod 50 ft. in length and i in. in diameter is attached to a plunger 4 in. in diameter, upon which the pressure is 800 Ibs. per sq. in. Determine the altered length of the rod, E being 30,000,000 Ibs. Ans. .0213 ft. 24. A short cast-iron post is to sustain a thrust of icoo Ibs., the ul- timate crushing strength of the iron being 80,000 Ibs. per sq. in. and 10 a factor of safety. Find the dimensions of the post, which is rectangular in section with the sides in the ratio of 2 to i. Ans. 4 in.; 2 in. 25. The length of a cast-iron pillar is diminished from 20 ft. to 19.97 ft. under a given load. Find the strain and the compressive unit stress, E being 17,000,000 Ibs. Ans. .0015 ; 25,500 Ibs. per sq. in. 26. A rectangular timber strut 24 sq. in. in sectional area and 6 ft. in length is subjected to a compression of 14,400 Ibs. Determine the diminution of the length, E being 1,200,000 Ibs. Ans. .003 ft. 27. Find the height from which a weight of 200 Ibs. may be dropped so that the maximum admissible stress produced in a bar of i sq. in. section and 5 ft. long may not exceed 20,000 Ibs. per sq. in., the co- efficient of elasticity being 27,000,000 Ibs. Ans. -fa ft., or, more accurately, -/-fa ft. 28. Find the H. P. required to raise a weight of 10 tons up a grade of i in 12 at a speed of 6 miles per hour against a resistance of 9 Ibs. per ton. Ans. 31.3. 29. A square steel bar 10 ft. long has one end fixed ; a sudden pull of 40,000 Ibs. is exerted at the other end. Find the sectional area of the bar consistent with the condition that the strain is not to exceed yl^. E = 30,000,000 Ibs. Find the resilience of the bar. Ans. 2 sq. in. ; 533^ ft.-lbs. 30. How much work is done in subjecting a cube of 125 cu. in. of iron to a tensile stress of 3000 Ibs. per sq. in. ? Ans. 1 1^ ft.-lbs. 31. A signal-wire 2000 ft. in length and -J- in. in diameter is subjected to a steady stress of 300 Ibs. The lever is suddenly pulled back, and the corresponding end of the wire moves through a distance of 4 in. De- termine the instantaneous increase of stress. Ans. 51 Iff Ibs. 32. If the total back-weight is 350 Ibs., what is the range of the sig- nal end of the wire ? Ans. T ^f^ ft. 33. A steel rod of length L and sectional area A has its upper end fixed and hangs vertically. The rod is tested by means of a ring weigh- ing 60 Ibs. which slides along the rod and is checked by a collar screwed to the lower end. A scale is marked upon the rod with the zero at the fixed end. If the strain in the steel is not to exceed T ^- Gt what is the reading from which the weight is to be dropped ? What should be the reading of the collar? E = 35,000,000 Ibs. Ans. Distance from point of suspension = (fJ \\A)L ; y EXAMPLES. 219 34. A load of looolbs. falls i in. before commencing to stretch a sus- pending rod by which it is carried. If the sectional area of the rod is 2 sq. in., length 100 in., and E = 30,000,000 Ibs., find the stress pro- duced. Ans. 17,828 Ibs. per sq. in. 35. If the rod carries a load of 5000 Ibs., and an additional load of 2000 Ibs. is suddenly applied, what is the stress produced ? Ans. 4500 Ibs. per sq. in. 36. Steam at a pressure of 50 Ibs. per sq. in. is suddenly admitted upon a piston 32 in. in diameter. The steel piston-rod is 48 in. in length and 2 in. in diameter, E being 35,000,000 Ibs. Find the work done upon the rod. Ans. 117.69 ft. -Ibs. 37. What should be the pressure of admission to strain the rod to a proof of .001 ? Ans. 68ff Ibs. per sq. in. 38. A boulder-grappler is raised and lowered by a wire rope i in. in diameter hanging in double sheaves. On one occasion a length of 150 ft. of rope was in operation, the distance from the winch to the upper block being 30 ft. The grappler laid hold of a boulder weighing 20,000 Ibs. What was the extension of the rope, E being 15,000,000 Ibs. ? Ans. T jo ft. 39. The boulder suddenly slipped and fell a distance of 6 in. before it was again held. Find the maximum stress upon the rope. Ans. 50,452-^ Ibs. per sq. in. 40. What weight of boulder may be lifted if the proof-stress in the rope is not to exceed 25,000 Ibs. per sq. in. of gross sectional area? Ans. 78.571! Ibs. 41. The steady thrust or pull upon a prismatic bar is suddenly re- versed. Show that its effect is trebled. 42. A weight W is suspended by a spring, which it stretches. The weight is further depressed i ft., when it is suddenly released and allowed to oscillate. Find its velocity at a distance x from the position of equilibrium. / ~ Ans. y 10(1 - icur 2 )-^. 43. If a spring deflects .001 ft. under a load of i lb., what will be the period of oscillation of a weight of 14 Ibs. upon the spring? 44. Show that the change of a unit of volume of a solid body under a longitudinal stress is Af i 1, which becomes if m = 4, as in metals, and nil when m = 2, as in india-rubber (page 142). 45. A steel bar stretches YgVffth of its original length under a stress of 20,oco Ibs. per sq. in. Find the change of volume and the work done per cubic inch. Ans. ^V^th ; f ft.-lb. per cu. in. 220 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 46. During the plastic deformation of a prismatic bar, show that the change in sectional area is proportional to the deformation calculated on the altered length of the bar. 47. A prismatic bar of volume V changes in length from L to L x .inder the " fluid pressure"/. Find the corresponding work. Ans. / Flog.CZ .r). 48. Show that the total work done in raising a number of weights through to a given level is the product of the sum of the weights and the vertical displacement of their centre of gravity. 49. An engine has to raise 4000 Ibs. icooft. in 5 minutes. What is its H. P. ? How long will the engine take to raise 10,000 Ibs. 100 ft. ? Ans. 24/3- H. P. ; i^ min. 50. How many men will do the same work as the engine in the pre- ceding question, assuming that a man can do 900,000 ft. -Ibs. of work in a day of 9 hours ? Ans. 480 men. 51. Determine the H. P. which will be required to drag a heavy rock weighing 10 tons at the rate of 10 miles an hour on a level road, the coefficient of friction being 0.8. What will be the speed up a gradient of i in 50, the same power being exerted ? Ans. 477|f ; 9f| miles per hour. 52. Two horses draw a load of 4000 Ibs. up an incline of i in 25 and 1000 ft. long. Determine the work done. Ans. 160,000 ft.-lbs. 53. At what speed do the horses walk if each horse' does 16,000 ft.- lbs. of work per minute ? Ans. 2 T 3 T miles per hour. 54. A wrought-iron rod 25 ft. in length and i sq. in. in sectional area is subjected to a steady stress of 5000 Ibs. What amount of live load will instantaneously elongate the rod by i in., E being 30,000,000 Ibs. ? Ans. 6250 Ibs. 55. Determine the shortest length of a metal bar a sq. in. in sec- tional area that will safely resist the shock of a weight of W Ibs. falling n. distance of h ft. Apply the result to the case of a steel bar i sq. in. in sectional area, the weight being 50 Ibs., the distance 16 ft., the proof- strain Tj-^-g-, and E = 35,000,000 Ibs. lEWah Ans. ^^ ---- ,/ being the safe unit stress ; ^H^ ft. , 56. A shock of N ft.-lbs. is safely borne by a bar / ft. in length and a sq. in. in sectional area. Determine the increased shock which the bar will bear when the sectional area of the last wth of its length is increased to ra. f i i \ Ans. N(i --- 1 -- . \ m rm] 57. The bar in Example 12 is i sq. in. in section. Determine the work stored up in the rod in foot-pounds and compare it with the work which EXAMPLES. 221 would be stored up if for half its length the rod has its section increased to 4 in. Ans. 125 ft.-lbs.; f of 125 ft.-lbs. 58. If 25,000 Ibs. per sq. in. is the proof-stress, find the modulus of resilience for the i-in. rod. Ans. 25 in in.-lb. units. 59. A steel rod 100 ft. in length has to bear a weight of 4000 Ibs. If E 35,000,000 Ibs., and if the safe strain is .0005, determine the sectional area of the rod (i) when the weight of the rod is neglected ; (2) when the weight of the rod is taken into account. Also in the former case, determine the work done in stretching the rod -fa in., -$ in., y 3 ^ in., . . . T 6 in., successively. Ans. & sq. in. ; -fflfo sq. in. ; 33$, 133^, 300, ... 1200 in. -Ibs. 60 A line of rails is 10 miles in length when the temperature is at. 32 F. Determine the length when the temperature is at 100 F.. and the work stored up in the rails, E being 30,000,000 Ibs. Ans. 10.008 miles ; 10.24 H. P. 61. A wrought- iron bar 25 ft. in length and i sq. in. in sectional area stretches .0001745 ft. for each increase of i F. in the temperature. If E = 29,000,000 Ibs., determine the work done by an increase of 20 F. How may this property of extension under heat be utilized in straight- ening walls that have fallen out of plumb ? Ans. 7.064 ft.-lbs. 62. Find the work done in raising a Venetian blind, w being the weight of a slat, a the distance between consecutive slats, and n the number of slats. n(n + i) Ans. wa ---- . 2 63. How many |-in. rivets must be used to join two wrought-iron plates, each 36 in. wide and in. thick, so that the rivets may be as strong as the riveted plates, the tensile and shearing strength of wrought-iron being in the ratio of 10 to 9? Ans. 17 rivets (16.3). 64. A horizontal string, without weight, of length 20, and sectional area S, has its two ends fixed in the same horizontal plane. A weight W suspended from its centre draws the string slightly out of the hori- zontal. Show that, approximately, t being the intensity of the tension, d the depression, and E the coef- ficient of elasticity. 65. A heavy wire of length 2a, sectional area S, and weight IV has its ends fixed in a horizontal plane and is allowed to deflect under its own weight. Find the deflection d and the tenacity / (assumed uniform throughout). 222 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 66. A length 270 ft. of wire i sq. in. in section and of sp. gr. 7.8 is subjected to the above conditions. Find the tenacity of the wire and the deflection, the coefficient of elasticity, E, being 25.300,000 Ibs. 67. A brick wall 2 ft. thick, 12 ft. high, and weighing 112 Ibs. per cu. ft. is supported upon solid pitch-pine columns 9 in. in diameter, 10 ft. in length, and spaced 12 ft. centre to centre. Find the compress- ive unit stress in the columns (i) at the head; (2) at the base. The tim- ber weighs 50 Ibs. per cu. ft. Ans. 507.03 Ibs. ; 510.5 Ibs. 68. If the crushing stress of pitch-pine is 5300 Ibs. per sq. in. and the factor of safety 10, find the height to which the wall may be built. Ans. 12.46 ft. 69. Determine the diameter of the wrought-iron columns which might be substituted for the timber columns in question 67, allowing a working stress in the metal of 7500 Ibs. per sq. in. Ans. 2.36 in. 70. Find the greatest length of an iron suspension-rod which will carry its own weight, the stress being limited to 4 tons per sq. in. What will be the extension under this load, E being 12,500 tons? Ans. 2700 ft. ; .864 ft. 71. A horizontal cast-iron bar i ft. long exactly fits between two verti- cal plates of iron. How much should its temperature be raised so that it might remain supported between the plates by the friction, the coef- ficient of friction being -\ ? Ans, ^ F. 72 The fly-wheel of a 40 H. P. engine, making 50 revolutions per minute, is 20 ft. in diameter and weighs 12,000 Ibs. What is its kinetic energy? If the wheel gives out work equivalent to that done in raising 5000 Ibs. through a height of 4 ft., how much velocity does it lose? The axle of the fly-wheel is 12 in. in diameter. What proportion of the H. P. is required to turn the wheel, the coefficient of friction being .08? If the fly-wheel is disconnected from the engine when it is making 50 revolutions per minute, how many revolutions will it make before it comes to rest ? Ans. 511,260.4 ft. -Ibs. ; 1.04 ft. per sec. ; |ths ; 169.4. 73. The velocity of flow of water in service-pipe 48 ft. long is 64 ft. per sec. If the stop-valve is closed in -^ of a sec., find the increase of pressure near the valve. Ans. 375 Ibs. per sq. in. 74. Work equivalent to 50 ft.-lbs. is done upon a bar of constant sectional area, and produces in it a uniform tensile stress of 10,000 Ibs. per 'sq. in. Find the cubic content of the bar, E being 30,000,000. Ans. 360 cu. in. 75. A fly-wheel weighs 20 tons and its radius of gyration is 5 ft. How EXAMPLES. . 223 much work is given out while the speed falls from 60 to 50 revolutions per minute ? Ans. 94TT 3 6T ft.-tons, 76. The resilience of an iron bar i sq. in. in section and 20 ft. long is 30,000 ft.-lbs. What would be the resilience if for 19 ft. of its length it was composed of iron 2 sq. in. in section, the remaining foot being the same size as before? Ans. 8625 ft.-lbs. 77. A particle under the action of a number of forces moves with a uniform velocity in a straight line. What condition must the forces fulfil ? Ans. Equilibrium. 78. Determine the constant effort exerted by a horse which does 1,650,000 ft.-lbs. of work in one hour when walking at the rate of 2$ miles per hour. Ans. 125 Ibs. 79. A train is drawn by a locomotive of 160 H. P. at the rate of 60 miles an hour against a resistance of 20 Ibs. per ton. What is the gross weight of the train ? Ans. 50 tons. 80. A train of 292! tons is drawn up an incline of I in 75, 5^ miles long, against a resistance of 10 Ibs. per ton, in ten minutes. Find the H. P. of the engine. The speed on the level, the engine exerting 769.42 H. P., is 43.4 miles per hour. What is the resistance in pounds per ton ? Ans. 1027 H. P. ; 22.7 Ibs. per ton. 81. The dead load upon a short hollow cast-iron pillar with a sec- tional area of 20 sq. in. is 50 tons (of 2000 Ibs.). If the strain in the metal is not to exceed .0015, find the greatest live load to which the pillar might be subjected, E being 17,000,000 Ibs. Ans. 255,000 Ibs. 82. A steel suspension-rod 30 ft. in length and \ sq. in. in sectional area carries 3500 Ibs. of the roadway and 3000 Ibs. of the live load. De- termine the gross load and also the extension of the rod, E being 35,000.000 Ibs. Ans. yf^ ft. 83. A steel rod 10 ft. in length and \ sq. in. in sectional area is strained to the proof by a tension of 25,000 Ibs. Find the resilience of the rod, E being 35,000,000 Ibs. Ans. 178* ft.-lbs, 84. What form does the useful work done by a hammer take when a nail is driven into any material ? What becomes of the rest of the energy of the mass of the hammer after striking the blow? 85. A hammer weighing 2 Ibs. strikes a steel plate with a velocity of 10 ft. per sec., and is brought to rest in .0001 sec. What is the average force on the steel ? Ans. 6250 Ibs. 86. A hammer weighing lolbs. strikes a blow of 10 ft.-lbs. and drives a nail 5 in. into a piece of timber. Find the velocity of the hammer at the moment of contact, and" the mean resistance to entry. Also find the steady pressure that will produce the same effect as the hammer. Ans. 8 ft. per sec. ; 240 Ibs. ; 480 Ibs. 224 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 87. When a nail is driven into wood, why do the blows seem to have little if any effect unless the wood is backed up by a piece of metal or stone ? 88. In Question 86, taking the weight of the nail to be 4 oz. and the weight of the piece of timber to be 100 Ibs., find the depth and time of the penetration (a) when the timber is fixed ; (b) when the timber is free to move. Also in case (b) find the distance through which the timber moves. Ans. (a) ff in. ; -fa sec. (b) .44245 in.; .0009448 sec. ; .04113 in. \ 89. Show that the greater part of the energy of impact is expended in local damage at high velocities, and in straining the impinging bodies as a whole at low velocities. 90. A pile-driver of 300 Ibs. falls 20 ft., and is stopped in -fa sec. What is the average force exerted on the pile ? Ans. 3344 Ibs. 91. A weight falls 16 ft. and does 2560 ft.-lbs. of work upon a pile which it drives 4 in. against a uniform resistance. Find the weight of the ram, and the resistance. Ans. 160 Ibs. ; 7680 Ibs. 92. A pitch-pine pile 14 in. square is 20 ft. above ground, and is being driven by a falling weight of 112 Ibs. It E = 1,500,000 Ibs., find the fall so that the inch-stress at the head of the pile may be less than 800 Ibs. Supposing that the pile sinks 2 in. into the ground, by how much would it be safe to increase the fall? Ans. 7.456 ft. ; 116.5 ft- 93. A weight of W\ tons falls h ft., and by n successive instantaneous blows drives an inelastic pile weighing W* tons a ft. into the ground. Assuming the pile and weight to be inelastic, find (a) the mean effective resistance of the ground. If the ground-resistance increases directly as the depth of penetration, find (b) how far the pile will sink nnder the rth blow. If the head of the pile is crushed for a length of x ft., x being very small as compared with CL the depth of penetration, find (i) the mean thrust, during the blow, n between the weight and hammer ; (2) the time of penetrating the ground ; (3) the time during which the blow acts. W^ nh a l^/ r 1 -|. w^ a > n (0 ~j*7~T~iT7 T-- ( 2 ) TTr 94. An inelastic pile weighing 788 Ibs. is driven 3^ feet into tile ground by 120 blows from a weight of 112 Ibs. falling 30 ft. Find the EXAMPLES. 22$ steady load upon the pile which will produce the same effect, assuming the ground-resistance to be (a) uniform ; (b) proportional to the depth of penetration. If the resistance is uniform, how long (c) does each move- ment of the pile last ? How many blows (d) are required to drive the pile the first half of the depth, viz., if ft., the ground-resistance being 7168 Ibs. ? How far (e) does the pile sink under the last blow? Ans. (a) 14,336 Ibs. ; (b) 28,672 Ibs. ; (c) .0107 sec. ; (d} 30 ; (e) .016 in. 95. A steamer of 8000 tons displacement sailing due east at 16 knots an hour collides with a steamer of 5000 tons displacement sailing at 10 knots an hour. Find the energy of collision if the latter at the moment of collision is going (i) due west ; (2) north-west ; (3) north-east. 96. A hammer weighing 2 Ibs. strikes a nail with a velocity of 15 ft. per sec., driving it in in. What is the mean pressure overcome by the. nail ? Ans. 673 Ibs. 97. A beam will safely carry i ton with a deflection of i in. From what height may a weight of 100 Ibs. drop without injuring it, neglecting the effect of inertia? Ans. 11.2 in. 98. A rifle-bullet 45 in. in diameter weighs i oz. ; the charge of pow- der weighs 85 grains; the muzzle-velocity is 1350 ft. per sec. ; the weight. of the rifle is 9 Ibs. Neglecting the twist determine the energy of i Ib. of powder. If the bullet loses \ of its velocity in its passage through the air, find the average force of the blow on the target into which the bullet: sinks i in. If there is a twist of i in 20 in., find the charge to give the same muzzle- velocity, the length of the barrel being 33 in. 99. A leather belt runs at 2400 ft. per minute. Find how much its tension is increased by centrifugal action, the weight of leather being taken at 60 Ibs. per cubic foot. Ans. 2of Ibs. 100. Find the centrifugal force arising from a cylindrical crank- pin 6 in. long and 3^ in. in diameter, the axis of the pin being 12 in. from the axis of the engine-shaft, which makes 200 revolutions per minute. How would you balance such a pin ? Ans. 55.02 Ibs. 101. The pull on one of the tension-bars of a lattice girder fluctuates from 12.8 tons to 4 tons. If 24 tons is the statical breaking strength of the metal, 15 tons the primitive strength, determine the sectional area, of the bar, 3 being a factor of safety. Ans. 2.15 sq. in. (Launhardt) ; 1.87 sq. in. (Unwin). 102. The stress in a diagonal of a steel bowstring girder fluctuates from a tension of 15.15 tons to a compression of 7.65 tons. If the primitive strength of the metal is 24 tons and the vibration strength 12: 226 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. ions, find the proper sectional area of the diagonal, 3 being a factor of safety. Ans. 2.53 sq. in. (Weyrauch) ; 1.7 sq. in. (Unvvin), 40 tons per sq. in. being statical strength. 103. A wrought-iron screw-shaft is driven by a pair of cranks set at ^ight angles. Neglecting the obliquity of the connecting-rods, and assuming that the pull on the crank-pin is constant, compare the coef- rficients of strength (a' and /) to be used in calculating the diameter of a. he shaft. How is the result affected by the stopping of the engine ? Ans. a' .82*; a' /. 104. Taking/ = EA. as the ordinary analytical expression of Hooke's Law, find the value of the modulus of elasticity when calculated (i) from the actual stress and the elongation per unit of initial length ; (2) from the actual stress and the elongation per unit of stretched length. Ans. (i) E+f; (2) E+f(i + A) 2 = +/(! + 2A), if A is small. 105. In a fly-wheel weighing 12,000 Ibs. and making 50 revolutions per minute, the centre of gravity is one seventeenth of an inch out of the centre. Find the centrifugal force. Ans. 50.4 Ibs. 106. In the preceding question, if the axis of rotation is inclined to the plane of the wheel at an angle cot-'.ooi, find the centrifugal couple, the radius of gyration being 10 ft. Ans. 1028.9 ft.-lbs. 107. A cylinder and a ball each of radius R start from rest and roll down an inclined plane without slipping. If V is the velocity of trans- lation after descending through a vertical distance N. show that F 2 = $(2g-/i) in the case of the cylinder, and J7 2 = %(2gh) in the case of the ball. 108. A wheel having an initial velocity of 10 ft. per sec. ascends an incline of i in 100. How far will the wheel run along the incline, neg- lecting friction ? Ans. 232.9 ft. 109. A wrought-iron fly-wheel 10 ft. in diameter makes 63 revolutions per minute. Find the intensity of stress on a transverse section of the rim, disregarding the influence of the arms. If the wheel, which weighs W Ibs., gives out work equivalent to that done in raising W through a height of 5i ft. in i sec., what velocity will it lose ? If the axle of the wheel is 10 in. in diameter and if .08 is the coefficient of friction, show that it W will take H. P. to turn the wheel. 2500 Ans. 16,335 Ibs. ; 3.6 ft. per sec. 1 10. If the earth be assumed to be spherical, how much heat would be developed if its axial rotation were suddenly stopped, a unit of heat corresponding to 778 ft.-lbs. ? EXAMPLES: 227 Weight of mass of earth = io 21 x 6.029 tons; diameter of earth = 8000 miles. in. A body weighing 50 Ibs. is projected along a rough horizontal plane, the velocity of projection being 100 ft. per sec. What amount of \vork will have been expended when the body comes to rest ? If the coefficient of friction is i, how much work is done against fric i ion in 4 sees., and in what time will the body come to rest ? Ans. 7763.9 ft. -Ibs. ; 2298! ft.-lbs ; 24115- sees. 112. A chain / ft. in length and a sq. in. in sectional area has one end securely anchored, and suddenly checks a weight of W Ibs. attached to the other end, and moving with a velocity of V ft. per sec. away from the anchorage. Find the greatest pull upon the chain. f aEW Ans. Pull = V\ o 113. Apply this result to the case of a wagon weighing 4 tons and worked from a stationary engine by a rope 3 sq. in. in sectional area. The wagon is running down an incline at the rate of 4 miles an hour, and, after 600 ft. of rope have been paid out, is suddenly checked by the stoppage or reversal of the engine (E = 15,000,000 Ibs.). Ans. 26,884 Ibs. 1 14. A chain / ft. in length and a sq. in. in sectional area has one end attached to a weight of W Ibs. at rest, and at the other end is a weight of n W Ibs. moving with a velocity of V ft. per second and away from the first. Find the greatest pull on the chain. Ans. Pull = Vi/ aEWn . Y lg(n + i) 115. A dead weight of io tons is to act as a drag upon a ship to which it is attached by a wire rope 150 ft. in length and having an effec- tive sectional area of 8 sq. in. If the velocity of the floating ship is 20 ft. per second, and if its inertia is equivalent to a mass of 390 tons, find the greatest pull on the chain (E = 15,000,000 Ibs.). Ans. 208 tons. 116. (a) A train weighing 160 tons (of 2240 Ibs.) travels at 30 miles an hour against a resistance of io Ibs. per ton. What H. P. is exerted ? (b) With the same H. P. what will be the speed up a gradient of i in loo? (c) If the steam is shut off, how far will the train run before stopping (i) on the incline; (2) on the level? (d) If the draw-bar suddenly breaks, in what distance would the carriages (100 tons in weight) be stopped if the brakes are applied im- mediately the fracture occur?, the weight of the brake-van being 20 tons and the coefficient of friction .2? 228 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (e) If the engine (weight = 60 tons) continued to exert the same power after the fracture, what would be its ultimate speed ? (/) What resistance would be required to stop the whole train after steam is shut off, in 1000 yards on the level ? Ans. (a) 128; (b) 9^ miles per hour; (c) (i) 199.2 ft., (2) 6776 ft. ; (d) 680.3 ft. on the level, 52.9 ft. on the incline ; (e) 80 miles an hour on the level, 24.6 miles on the incline ; (/) 22.58 Ibs. per ton. 117. A 4-in. X 3-in. diameter crank-pin is to be balanced by two weights on the same side of the crank ; the length of the crank is 12 in. ; the engine makes 100 revolutions per minute; the distance of the C. of G. of each weight from the axis of the shaft is 6 in. Find the weights. 118. A shaft is worked with cranks at 120. Assuming the pressure on the crank-pin to be horizontal and constant in amount, compare the coefficients of actual and ultimate strength to be used in calculating the diameter of the shaft. Ans. a' = .507^. 119. In a horizontal marine engine with two* cranks at right angles distant 8 ft. from one another, weight of reciprocating parts attached to each crank is 10 tons, revolutions 75 per minute, stroke 4 ft. Find the alternating force and couple due to inertia. Ans. 54.2 tons; 216.8 ft.-tons. 120. An inside-cylinder locomotive is running at 50 miles an hour; the driving-wheels are 6 ft. in diameter; the distance between the centre- lines of the cylinders is 30 in., the stroke 24 in., the weight of one piston and rod 300 Ibs., and the horizontal distance between the balance- weights 4! ft. ; the diameter of the weight-circle is 4i ft. Find the alternating force and couple, and also the magnitude and position of suitable balance- weights. Ans. 7871 Ibs; 9839 ft.-lbs. ; 106.5 Ibs. 5 2 7f* 121. The pressure equivalent to the weight of the reciprocating parts of an engine is 3 Ibs. per sq. in. ; the stroke is 36 in. ; the number of revolutions per minute is 45 ; the back-pressure is 2 Ibs. per sq. in.; the absolute initial steam- pressure is 60 Ibs. per sq. in.; the rate of expansion is 3. Find the pressure necessary to start the piston, and also the effec- tive pressure at each -J- of the stroke. 122. An engine with a 24-in. cylinder and a connecting-rod = six cranks = 6 ft., makes 60 revolutions per minute. Show that the pressure re- quired to start and stop the engine at the dead-points = ^ of the weight of reciprocating parts. 123. Find the ratio of thrust at cross-head to tangential effort on crank-pin when the crank is 45 from the line of stroke, the connecting- rod being = four cranks. EXAMPLES, 229 124. Draw the linear diagram of crank-effort in the case of single crank, the connecting-rod being = four cranks. Assume the resistance uniform and a constant pressure of 9000 Ibs. on the piston, the stroke oeing 4 ft. and the number of revolutions per minute 55. Also find the ductuation of energy in ft.-lbs. for one revolution. 125. An engine with a connecting-rod = six cranks = 6 ft. receives steam at 70 Ibs. pressure per sq. in., and cuts off at one-quarter stroke. Find the crank-effort when the piston has travelled one third of its for- ward stroke. Diameter of piston = 2 ft. Also find the position of the piston where its velocity is a maximum. 126. Data: Stroke = 3 ft. ; number of revolutions per minute = 60; cut-off at one-half stroke; jnitial pressure = 56 Ibs. per sq. in. absolute; diameter of piston = 10 in. ; weight of reciprocating parts = 550 Ibs. ; back-pressure = i\ Ibs. per sq. in. absolute. Find the effective pressure at each fourth of the stroke, taking account of the inertia of the piston. Also find the pressure equivalent to inertia at commencement of stroke. 127. A pair of 250 H. P. engines, with cranks at 90, and working against a uniform resistance and under a uniform steam-pressure, are running at 60 revolutions per minute. Assuming an indefinitely long connecting-rod, find the maximum and minimum moments of crank- effort, the fluctuation of energy, and the coefficient of energy. 128. An inside-cylinder locomotive runs at 25 miles per hour; its drivers are 60 in. in diameter; the stroke is 24 in. ; the distance between tne centre-lines of the cylinders = 30 in. ; weight of reciprocating parts = 500 Ibs. ; horizontal distance between balance-weights = 59 in. ; diameter of weight-circle = 42 in. Find the alternating force, alternat- ing couple, and the magnitude and position of suitable balance-weights. Ans. 226.8 Ibs.; 4113.8 ft.-lbs. ; = 26. 129. Draw a diagram of crank-effort for a single crank, the connect- ing-rod being equal to four cranks, the stroke 4 ft., and the number of Devolutions per minute 55. Assume a uniform resistance and a constant ressure of 9000 Ibs. on the piston. 130. A vertical prismatic bar of weight Fi , sectional area A, and length L has its upper end fixed, and carries a weight W* at the lower end. Find the amount and work of the elongation. Ans. Ext. = J^(-Y + W*\ ; work = *g( + ^ ^ + 131. A right cone of weight W and height h rests upon its base of radius r. Find the amount and work of the compression. . _ Wh i W* Ans. Comp. = ; work = ~ =-.. 2itEr* 8 Tthr* 132. A tower of height h, in the form of a solid of revolution about a vertical axis, carries a given stir charge. If the specific weight cf the 230 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. material of the tower is w, and the radius of the base a, determine the curve of the generating line so that the stress at every point of the tower may be/. If the surcharge is zero and the height of the tower becomes infinite, show that its volume remains finite. _-wx f Ans. y = ae *f ; vol. of tower of infinite height = fta*. w 133. Determine the generating curve when the tower in the last question is hollow, the hollow part being in the form of a right cylinder upon a circular base of given radius R. Ans. y* - K* = (a? - K')e ~ T. 134. A heavy vertical bar of length / and specific weight w is fixed at its upper end and carries a given weight Wat the lower end. Deter- mine the form of the bar so that the horizontal sections may be pro- portionate to the stress/ to Which they are subjected. (Note. Such a bar is a bar of uniform strength.) W, J (l ~ x] Ans. Sectional area at distance x from origin = e 135. Find the upper and lower sectional areas of a steel shaft of uni- form strength, 200 ft. in length, which will safely sustain its own weight and 100 tons, 7 tons per sq. in. being the working stress. Ans. 14.3 sq. in. ; 17.8 sq. in. 136. A vertical elastic rod of natural length L and of which the mass may be neglected, is fixed at its upper end and carries a weight W\ at the lower end. A weight W 2 falls from a height k upon W\ . Find the velocity and extension of the rod at any time /, ")-()' x being measured from mean position of ( W\ + W a ). 137. Determine the functions /''and/ in Art. 24 when P\ is zero, and also when the rod is perfectly free ; i.e., when Po = o and Pi = o. 138. An elastic trapezoidal lamina ABCD, of natural length / and thickness unity, has its upper edge AB (20) fixed and hangs verti- cally. If a weight Wis suspended from the lower edge CD (2$), show that, neglecting the weight of the lamina, the consequent elongation = --TT ^7~llgT- If an additional weight is placed upon W and then suddenly removed, show that the oscillation set up is isochronous and that the time of a complete oscillation = n\ -=r 7- f . Examine the case when a = b. Ans. Ext. = ; time of oscillation = 7r,4/____ 2<* Y EXAMPLES. 231 139. If the specific weight of the lamina in the preceding question is w, find how much it will stretch under its own weight, and also the work of extension. Determine the result when a b. i wbT b wra + d wl* AnS ' 2~E ^7 10g ~a + iff ^ ; 2^' ivl z ( 4 b* 2, a } "dFal* = ^r^Jr \ - + f (a ~ d> - b !og < ? \ '' -W- 140. An elastic lamina in the form of an isosceles triangle ABC has its base AB (= 20) fixed and hangs vertically. If its weight is W, find its elongation. Take coefficient of elasticity = , thickness of lamina = unity, and L the distance of C from AB. WL Ans. -- 141. A metal rod sq. in. in area and 5 ft. long hangs vertically with its upper end fixed and carries a weight of 18 Ibs. at the lower end. On striking the rod it emitted a musical note of 264 vibrations per second (middle C of piano-forte). Find the coefficient of elasticity, the weight of the rod being neglected. Am. 30,979,160 Ibs. 142. Diameter of a pipe is 18 in. ; at one point it is curved to an arc of 6 ft. radius. Water flows round the curve with a velocity of 6 ft. per second. Determine the centrifugal force per foot of length of elbow- measured along the axis. Ans. 124.3 Ibs. 143. A disk of weight Fand area A sq. ft. makes n revolutions per second about an axis through its centre, inclined at an angle to the normal to the plane of the disk. Find the centrifugal couple. WAn* Ans. -- tan 6 ft. -Ibs. 5.12 144. In a circular pipe of internal radius r and thickness /, a column of water of length /, flowing with a velocity due to the head h, is sud- denly checked. Show that E being the coefficient of elasticity of the material of the pipe, E\ the coefficient of compressibility of the water, and A the extension of the pipe circumference corresponding to E. 145. A heavy ball attached by a string to a fixed point O revolves in a horizontal circle with a given uniform angular velocity GO. Find the vertical depth of the centre of the ball below the point of attachment. If a uniform rod be substituted for the ball and string, find its position. Also find the position when the ball is attached to the fixed point by 232 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. a uniform rod ; r being the ratio of the weight of the rod to the weight of the ball. n i + GO"* ' i c3 2 ' Gfl 2 n i + 3 146. The deflection of a truss of / ft. span is / x .001 under a station- ary load W. What will be the increased pressure due to centrifugal force when W 7 crosses the bridge at the rate of 60 miles an hour? ..-, , 242 W Ans. - - r-. 125 / 147. A fly-wheel 20 ft. in diameter revolves at 30 revolutions per minute. Assuming weight of iron 450 Ibs. per cu. ft., find the intensity of the stress on the transverse section of the rim, assuming it unaffected by the arms. Ans. 96 Ibs. per sq. in. 148. Assuming 15,000 Ibs. per sq. in. as the tensile strength of cast- iron, and taking 5 as a factor of safety, find the maximum working speed and the bursting speed for a cast-iron fly-wheel of 20 ft. mean diameter and weighing 24,000 Ibs., the section of the rim being 160 sq. in. 149. A 6o-in. driving-wheel weighs 3^ tons, and its C. of G. is i in. out of centre. Find the greatest and the least pressure on the rails. 150. A wheel of weight W, radius of gyration k, and making n revolutions per second on an axle of radius/?, comes to rest after having made N revolutions. Find the coefficient of friction. Ans. sin = , and coeff. of fric. = tan 0. Ng 151. A train starts from a station at^f and runs on a level to a station at B, I ft. away. If the speed is not to exceed v ft. per sec., show that the time between the two stations is l_ Wv P + B "r v g 2 (P-R)(B + R)' W being the gross weight of the train, P the mean uniform pull exerted by the engine, R the road resistance, and B the retarding effect of the brakes. Also, if the speed is not limited, show that the least time in which the train can run between the specified points is ^ W_ P + B ' ~i (P R)(B+R) and that the maximum speed attained is w ?, s --*-v~* EXAMPLES. 233 152. A locomotive capable of exerting a uniform pull of 2 tons, with a 24-in. stroke, 2o-in. cylinder, and 6o-in. driving-wheels, hauls a train between two stations 3 miles apart. The gross weight of the train and locomotive = 200 tons; the road resistance = 12 Ibs. per ton (of 2000 Ibs.) ; the brakes, when applied, press with two thirds of the weight on the wheels of the engine and brake-van, viz., 90 tons, the coefficient of friction being .18. Find (a) the least time between the stations; (b) the distance in which the train is brought to rest; (c) the maximum speed attained ; (d) the pressure of the steam ; (e) the weight upon the driving- wheels. Ans. 0) 513.8 sec. ; (6) 990 ft.; (c) 42 miles per hour; (d) 25 Ibs. per sq. in. ; (, and 2/> 2 ) lying in the planes of principal stress. This ellipse is called the ellipse of stress, and the stress on any plane AB at O is the semi-diameter of the ellipse drawn in a di- rection making an angle ip with the axis OC, fy being given by tan i/j = cot y. (Eq. (8).) . . . . (n) 6. Constant Components of p r . Take the planes of principal stress as planes of reference (Fig. 214). F A FIG. 242 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Draw ON perpendicular to AB, and take ON -^ Let the obliquity of OR = = RON = 90 - - y. Join NR. Then NR = OR" + ON 2 - 2OR . ON cos = Pr + (^~} - A(A + A) sin (0 + 7 But A 8 = A 2 sin2 r +A 2 cos ' x> and sin (^ + y) = sin ^'cos y + cos ^ sin y = ^ cos a y + -- sin" y. (See eqs. (8).) .-. NR* = A a sin 8 y + A' cos 2 r + ( 2 -(A+A)(Asin 8 y+Acos 8 (A+AV . . fA-AV = V T ) -AA- I 2 |- (12) Hence, /^^ intensity of stress OR at any point O of the plane A OB is the resultant of two constant intensities and the former being perpendicular to the plane. THE ANGLE ONR. 243 7. The Angle ONK = 2y. sin ONR OR p r sin ~ NR ~~ p l A' 2 But sin = cos (& + y) = cos ^ cos y sin ^ sin y = ^~ sin r cos = sih 2 * sn 2A 2 .-. sin OA 7 ^? = sin 2y, or (7^7? 2y. . . (13) Let NR (Fig. 214) produced in both directions meet OA in F and O in (7. The angle OFN = 180 - ONR - NOF = 180 - 2y - (90 - Y) = 90 - y = FON. .'. NF = NO ; so, NG = NO = .'. A 7 " is the middle point of F. Also RF=FN- NR = ON- NR = and RG = RN+NG = RN+ ON = N. B. The shear at O A -A cos (2x - 90) = (A -A) sin Y cos X - 244 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 8. Maximum Shear. ON has no component along AB. Hence, the shear on AB is NR cos (angle between NR and AB), and is evidently a maximum when the angle is nil. Its value is then NR, or Pl ~ P \ 9. Application to Shafting. At any point in a plane sec- tion of a strained solid, let r be the intensity of stress, and 6 its obliquity. At the same point in a second plane let s be the intensity of stress, and 0' its obliquity. By Art. 6, r and s are the resultants of two constant stresses and + /-/, + A) cos*'. Subtracting one equation from the other, First. Consider the case of combined torsion and bending, as when a length of shafting bears a heavy pulley at some point between the bearings. Let p be the intensity of stress (compression or tension) due to the bending moment M b . APPLICATION TO SHAFTING. 245 Let q be the intensity of shear due to the twisting mo- ment M t . p and q act in planes at right angles to each other. .-. r cos 6 = p y r sin 6 = q s, and 6' = 90. /. r a =/ a + * and s = q. Hence, by eq. (16), and by eq. (15), and The max. shear = __ A - -V? +2*;. also (17) (19) (20) (21) = (Chap. VI.) and f = r (Chap. IX.) for a shaft of radius r. t '\; . . . (22) 246 and THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (23) &==(- Perhaps the most important example of the application of the above principle is the case of a shaft acted upon by a crank (Fig. 215). A force P applied to the centre C of the crank-pin is resisted by an equal and opposite force at the bearing JB, forming a couple of moment P. CB = M. This couple may be resolved into a FIG. 215. bending couple of moment M b = P. AB = P. BC cos d = J/cos tf, and a twisting couple of moment M t = P . AC = P . BC sin d = M sin d ; tf being the angle ABC. ', . . (24) 2M and the max. shear = , nr (25) If the working tensile or compressive stress (/>,) and the working shear stress ( ? ) are given, the corresponding values of r may be obtained from eqs. (22) and (23) or eqs. (24) and (25) ; the greater value being adopted for the radius of the shaft. Second. Consider the case of combined torsion and tension or compression. Let the tensile or compressive force be P. P p, the intensity of the tension or compression, = - t ; <7, " " " shear = -5-4 . PRINCIPAL AND CONJUGATE STRESSES. 247 and 10. Conjugate Stresses. Consider the equilibrium of an indefinitely small parallelepiped abed (Fig. 216) of a strained body, the faces ab, cd being parallel to the plane XOX, and the faces ad, be to the plane YOY. Let the stresses on ab, cd act parallel to the plane YOY. The total stresses on ab and cd are equal in amount, act at the centres of the faces, are parallel to YOY, and therefore neutralize one another. Hence the total stresses on ad and be must also neutralize one another. But they are equal in amount, and act at the middle points of ad, be; they must therefore be parallel to XOX. Hence, if two planes traverse a point in a strained body, and if the stress on one of the planes is parallel to the other plane, then the stress on the latter is parallel to the first plane. Such planes are called planes of conjugate stress, and the stresses themselves are called conjugate stresses. Principal stresses are of course conjugate stresses as well. Conjugate stresses have equal obliquities, each obliquity being the complement of the same angle. n. Relations between Principal and Conjugate Stresses (Fig. 217). Take any line ON = 248 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. P P With N as centre and a radius = , describe a semi- circle. Let be the common obliquity of a pair of conjugate stresses. FIG. 217. Draw ORS, making an angle with ON, and cutting the semicircle in the points R and 5. Join NR, NS. OR and OS are evidently a pair of conjugate stresses. Draw NV perpendicular to RS and bisecting it in V. Draw the tangent OT\ join NT. Let OR = r, OS = s. Then rs = OR. OS = OT* = and =(A+A)c os 0. (29) The maximum value of the obliquity, i.e., of 0, is the angle TON. Call this angle 0. Then NT A -A / x ' ' ' ' ' (30) PRINCIPAL AND CONJUGATE STRESSES. 249 Let OR, OR' be a pair of con- jugate stresses (Fig. 218). Let OG, OH be the axes of R ; greatest and least principal stress, respectively. Draw ON normal to OR. Let the angle GOR = #, RON = 6, HON = GOR' = 7, as before. Then FIG. 218. and by eqs. (8), ~ cot y = tan f/> =cot cot ,*_ /i ~A _ cot x cot (y + ^) sin 6 ~ ~ ~ : sin 2 or Hence, angle GON 90 y = ^ and angle HOR = y + & = {0 + (32) . . . (33) 250 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 12. Ratio of r to s. r_OR_ OV-RV _ OV-)/NR* -NV* s ~" OS * OV+RV~ OV+VNR*-NV n - ONcos 6 - VNR* ON* sin 3 ON cos e + VNR* - ON* sin 2 e But NR A - A NT = sin TON = sin 0. r cos 8 1/sin 3

i - sin A =i+sin0'* as in eq. (38). Pressure against a Vertical Plane. Let ACB (Fig. 222), the ground-surface of a mass of earthwork, be inclined to the horizon at an angle 6. Consider a particle at a vertical depth CD = x below C. Let s be the vertical intensity of pressure on the particle at D. Let r be the conjugate intensity of pressure on the particle at D. This conjugate pressure acts in the direction ED parallel ta the ground-surface, and its obliquity is B. Take DE so that _r_ cos 1/cos' 8 cos* DC '~ s " cos e _|_ |/ cos * e cos 2 0* Then ze/ . ."/? represents in direction and magnitude the intensity of pressure on the vertical plane DC at the point D, w being the weight of a unit of volume of the earthwork. Join CE. The intensity of pressure at any other point m is evi- dently w . mn, mn being drawn parallel to DE. Hence, the total pressure on the plane DC = weight of prism DCE w.DC.DE w.DC*r cos 6 = cos 2 2 S _ wx* cos 6 I/cos 2 6 cos 3 ~2~ cos 6 + Vcos 2 - cos 2 ' ' * (43 ' Again, s is the pressure due to the weight of the vertical column CD. .-. s = wx cos 0, p ...... (44) THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and cos 6 t/cos' 6 cos 2 r =. wx cos u . (45) cos 6 + Vcos* V - cos 2 "By means of this last equation the total pressure on CD imay be easily deduced as follows : The pressure on an element dx at a depth x ^cos I/cos' cos' 7 = 77MT = wx cos - dx. cos + l/cos' J cos 2 .'. total pressure = jrdx = etc. The total resultant pressure is parallel in direction to the ground-surface, and its point of application is evidently at two thirds of the total depth CD. 15. Earth Foundations. CASE I. Let the weight of the superstructure be uniformly distributed over the base, and let p Q be the intensity of the pressure produced by it. If p h is the maximum horizontal intensity of pressure cor- responding to/ , /_ < I +sin p h i sin ' In the natural ground, let p v be the maximum vertical in- tensity of pressure corresponding to the horizontal intensity ph Then p^ < i + sin p v -i sin ' Hence +sin0\ 2 pi = VI sin If ^ is the depth of the foundation, and w the weight of a cubic foot of the earth, p v = wx ; A (46) wx = \i sin EA R TH FO UNDA TIONS. 259 Let h + x be the height of the superstructure, and let a cubic foot of it weigh w r . Then Hence, a minimum value of x is given by x) _ /i_+j| " -~~ V7-si = p, suppose; wx ' \i sin 0/ ~ /&*' ';!# *=^_^7F 2 (47) CASE II. Let the superstructure produce on the base a uniformly varying pressure of maximum intensity / : and mini- mum intensity/.,. By Case I, W x =i- sn ( . In the natural ground the minimum horizontal intensity of pressure is I sin p h wx ; - - . I + sin When the foundation-trench is excavated, this pressure tends to raise the bottom and push in the sides. The weight of the superstructure should therefore be at least equal to the weight of the material excavated in order to develop a hori- zontal pressure of an intensity equal A < * sin ' / 2 = I + sin ' Combining this with the last equation, Combining (48) and (49), (Rankine's Civil Engineering, Arts. 237, 239.) 200 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 16. Retaining-walls. Consider a portion ABMN of a wall (Fig. 223). Let Wbe its weight, and let the di- rection of W cut MN in C. Let Pbe the resultant of the forces externally applied to ABNM and tend- ing to overthrow it. Let D be its point of application, and let its di- rection meet that of W in E. Let F be the centre of pressure (or resistance) at the bed MN. FIG. 223. Let O be the middle point of MN. Let MN t, OF qt, OC rt, q and r being each less than unity. Let x' and y', respectively, be the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates of D with respect to F. Let the inclination to the horizon of MN = a, of P's direction = ft. Conditions of Equilibrium. (a) The moment of P with respect to F ^ the moment of W with respect to F, or P(y' cos ft x' sin ft) < W(qt =F rt) cos a ; (51) the upper or lower sign being taken according as C falls on the left or right of O. In ordinary practice q varies from J to f . EXAMPLE. A masonry wall (Fig. 224) of rectangular section, x ft. high, 4 ft. wide, weighing 125 Ibs. per cubic foot, is built upon a horizontal base and retains water (weighing 62^ Ibs. per cubic foot) on one side level with the top of the wall. FIG. 224. = 125 X = 4 ft. RE TA IN ING- WALLS. 261 or *? < 192? (52) If 0=J, * 2 <48 and x < 6.928 ft. If = f, *' < 72 and * < 8.485 ft. () The maximum intensity of pressure at the bed MN must not exceed the safe working resistance of the material to crushing. The load upon the bed is rarely if ever uniformly distributed. It is practically sufficient to assume that the in- tensity of the pressure diminishes at a uniform rate from the most compressed edge inwards. Let / be the maximum intensity of pressure, and R the total pressure on the bed. Three cases^may be considered. CASE I. Let the intensity of the pressure diminish uniformly from / at M to o at N (Fig. 225). Take MG perpendicular to MN and =f', join GN. The pressure upon the bed Gp^ is represented by the triangle ^^ MGN. "\^ ^- MFC The brdinate through the FlG - 22 s- centre of gravity of the triangle, parallel to GM, cuts MN in the centre of pressure F. *- - - = g*. CASE II. Let the maximum intensity /> MG in Case I. Take MH =. f, and the triangle MHK = R (Fig - 226 )- The pressure on the bed is ^ now represented by the triangle MHK. R = MH. MK = . MK. M F O K N FlG - 22fi - The ordinate through the 262 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. centre of gravity of the triangle MHK parallel to HM cuts MN in the centre of pressure F. .-. q t = OF = OM- MF=-- . But t 2 R /. qt = --- - ; and hence T O C' T 9 = ~ ~ -ft and is evidently > g. . Y (53) CASE III. Let the maximum intensity/ < MG in Case I. Take ML =f, and the trapezoid MLSN = R (Fig. 227). The pressure on the bed is now represented by the trape- zoid MLSN. G .-. R = XML + NS)MN r^. and MFC N 2R FIG. 7 . ^V5 = - /. The ordinate through the centre of gravity of the trapezoid parallel to LM cuts MN in the centre of pressure F. Draw ST parallel to NM. The moment of MLSN with respect to O = moment of MTSN with respect to O + moment of ZSiTwith respect to (9, or TS* \(ML + NS)MN. OF = Hence, q = ( t), and is evidently <%.... (54) RE TAINING- WALLS. 263 Now W must be a function of x, the vertical depth of N below B ; P also may be a function of x. Hence if /is given, and the corresponding value of q from (53) or (54) substituted in (52), x may be found. When (53) is employed, the value of x found must make ?>> When (54) is employed, the value of x found must make r<> EXAMPLE. The rectangular wall in (), the safe crushing strength of the material being 10,000 Ibs. per square foot (=/). R= W= 500*. By (53), ~ 2 I2O Substituting in (52), Hence, x < 9-03 ft. Again, q > -- 2j > .4248, and is a fortiori > g. If (54) is employed, 1/80 \ * = 5b V- Hence, by (52), By trial ;tr is found to lie between 12 and 13 ; each of these values makes q > -J-, which is contrary to (54). The first is therefore the correct substitution. (c\ The angle between the directions of the resultant pres- sure and a normal to the bed must be less than the angle of friction. 264 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let be the angle of friction, R the mutual normal pressure. Resolving along the bed and perpendicular to it, and Pcos a 4- ft Wsm a < R tan Psin a + J3+ Wcosa = R', Pcos a-\- ft IV sin a Psin which reduces to Wcosa < tan 0, P(cos ft-\-a cos sin /?-)- sin 0)> W^sin cos a-j-cos sin <*), or P cos /? -f or + < JFsin a + 0, or or P(cos ft cos a -(- - sin ft sin or + 0) < a -f- 0, tan Pcos Psin/* + . (55) 17. Rankine's Theory of Earthwork applied to Retain- c ing-walls. Fig. 228 represents a vertical section of a wall retaining earthwork. AB is a vertical plane cutting the ground-surface AC in the point A. Consider the equilibrium of the whole mass of masonry and earth- work in front of AB. Let the depth AB x. The total pressure on AB is, by (43), _ wx* cos 6 1/cos 2 6 cos 2 P = cos - . 2 cos + I/cos 3 cos 2 LINE OF RUPTURE. 265 Its point of application is D, and BD = . Let W be the weight of the whole mass under considera- tion, and let its direction cut the base of the wall in the point G. Let F be the centre of pressure in the wall-base. Taking moments of jPand W 7 about F, p - cos 6 j[jf , , . . (4) and (5) Corresponding points on the profiles, e.g., P and <2, have a common subtangent of the constant value , for = ..... (6) dy) w Area PNOA = ydx = f . - = ( F, - ,,), (7) where /W= F,. Area QNOB = f'yd = -( Y, - t,), (8) where QN = Y,. .: Area QPAB = -( K,+ F, - , + ^) = (T' - 7"), . (9) where PQ=Y,+ Y,= T'. RESERVOIR WALLS. Thus the area of the portion under consideration is equal to the product of the subtangent and the difference of thick- ness at top and bottom. Lines of resistance with reservoir empty. Let g l be the point in which the vertical through the C. of G. of the portion OAPN intersects PN. Then Ng l X area OAPN = f* X ydx y - ; I/O So if gi be the point in which the vertical through the C. of G. of the portion OBQN intersects QN, Let G be the point in which the vertical through the C. of G. of the whole mass ABQP intersects PQ. Then NG X area ABQP = Ng, X area A ONP- Ng, X area BONQ, or IV A. W l A. W * 274 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The horizontal distance between G and a vertical through the middle point of AB =NG-\(f ^jy-'x-w-wjy-^-w*-** =. one half of the horizontal distance between the verticals through the middle points of AB and CD. The locus of G can therefore be easily plotted. Lines of Resistance with Reservoir Full. Let R be the centre of resistance in PQ (Fig. 232). Draw the vertical QS, and consider the equilibrium of the mass QSAPQ. Let w' = weight of a cubic foot of water. w'x* x = moment of water-pressure against QS about R = moment of weight of QBS about R -f- moment of weight of QPAB about R t or W X moment of QBS about R+ ~(T' - T)w.GR. The first term on the right-hand side of this equation is generally very small and may be 'disregarded, the error being on the safe side. In such case i w' x* GR -6jT'-T' Also the mean intensity of the vertical pressure w X area APQB A = or> RESERVOIR WALLS. and the maximum intensity of the vertical pressure 275 2R = */ I -2q or = -Jv(l + 6?) = /(! + 6?)(l - y,). General Case. Let the profile be of any form, and consider any portion ABQP, Fig. 233. Take the vertical through Q as T the axis of x, and the horizontal line coincident with top of wall as the axis of y. The horizontal distance (y) be- tween the axis of x and the vertical through the C. of G. of the portion under consideration is given by the equation / being the width, dx the thickness, and y the horizontal distance from OQ of the C. of G. of any layer MN at a depth x from the top. When the reservoir is empty, the deviation of the centre of resistance from the centre of base When the reservoir is full, let q'T be the deviation of the centre of resistance from the centre of the base, and disregard the moment of the weight of the water between OQ and the profile BQ. Then 276 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. moment of water pr. moment of wt. of ABQP weight of ABQP w I tdx t/o Hence w'x* w I tdx t/o 21. General Equations of Stress. Let x, y, z be the co-ordinates with respect to three rectangular axes of any point O in a strained body. Consider the equilibrium of an element of the body in the form of an indefinitely small parallele- piped with its edges OA (= dx\ OB( dy), OC( dz] parallel to the axes of x, y, z. It is assumed that the faces of the element are sufficiently small to allow of the distribution of stress over them being regarded as uniform. The FlG - 234 ' resultant force on each face will therefore be a single force acting at its middle point. Let X l , Y l , Z^ be the components parallel to the axes x, y, z of the resultant force per unit area, on the face EC. " X^ , Y 9 , Z 9 be the corresponding components for the taceAC. " -Yg , Y 3 , Z 3 be the corresponding components for the face AB. These components are functions of x, y, z, and therefore become for the adjacent face AD ; GENERAL EQUATIONS OF STRESS. for the adjacent face BD ; for the adjacent face DC. Hence, the total stress parallel to the axis of x = X.dydz - (x, + d -^dx]dydz + X,dzdx - (x, + ^ IdX, . dX, = ~(-&+W Similarly, the total stress parallel to the axis of y and the total stress parallel to the axis of z t dZ t dZ Let p be the density of the mass at O, and let P x ,P y , P g be the components parallel to the axes of x, y, z of the external force, per unit mass, at O. pdxdydzP x is the component parallel to the axis of x of the external force on the element ; pdxdydzPy is the component parallel to the axis of y of the external force on the element ; pdxdydzP z is the component parallel to the axis of z of the external force on the element. 278 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The element is in equilibrium. dx l dy dz dY, , dY, , dY, dZ \ ,dZ^ >dZ* dx" dy" dz~ These are the general equations of stress. Again, take moments about axes through the centre of the element parallel to the axes of co-ordinates, and neglect terms involving (dxjdydz, dx(dyfdz, dxdy(dz}*. and X= (2) Adopting Lamp's notation, i.e., taking N l , N t , N 3 as the normal intensities of stress at O on planes perpendicular to the axes of x, y, z ; 7", as the tangential intensity of stress at O on a plane perpendicular to the axis of x if due to a stress parallel to the axis of j/, or on a plane perpen- dicular to the axis of y if due to a stress parallel to the axis of x ; and 7^ , T a similarly, equa- tions (i) become ^ + ~^'~ Jr ~^ 1 rf'+tL+W dx dy dz (3) GENERAL EQUATIONS OF STRESS. 279 Next consider the equilibrium of a tetrahedral element having three of its faces parallel to the co-ordinate planes. Let /, m, n be the direction-cosines of the normal to the fourth face. Also, let X, V, Z be the compo- nents parallel to the axes of x, y, z of the intensity of stress R on the fourth face. X = IN, + mT, + n T t + \pP x ldx. But the last term disappears in FlG - 2 35- the limit when the tetrahedron is indefinitely small, and hence (4) These three equations define R in direction and magnitude when the stresses on the three rectangular planes are known. Let it be required to determine the planes upon which the stress is wholly normal. We have Y=mR, ZnR.. (5) Substituting these values of X, Y, Z in eqs. (4) and eliminat ing /, m, n, we obtain - T?- T?- T? 1 T,T S ) = o ; (6) R* - a cubic equation giving three real values for R, and therefore three sets of values for /, m, and n, showing that there are three planes at O on each of which the intensity of stress is wholly normal. These planes are at right angles to each other and are called principal planes, the corresponding stresses being prin- cipal stresses. They are the principal planes of the quadric, = c. (7) 280 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. For, the equation to the tangent plane at the extremity of a radius r whose direction-cosines are /, m, n is Xrx + Yry + Zrz = c, ....'. (8) and the equation of the parallel diametral plane is Xx + Yy + Zz = o (9) The direction-cosines of the perpendicular to this plane are X - Y - Z - so that the resultant stress R must act in the direction of this perpendicular. Hence the intensities of stress on the planes perpendicular to the axes of the quadric (7) are wholly normal. Refer the quadfic to its principal planes as planes of refer-* ence. All the 7"s vanish and its equation becomes (10) Also, the general equations (3) become %-* Again, RELATION BETWEEN STRESS AND STRAIN. 28 1 Consider X 9 Y, Z as the co-ordinates of the extremity of the straight line representing R in direction and magnitude. Equation (12) is then the equation to an ellipsoid whose semi- axes are N lt N 91 N t . As a plane at O turns round O as a fixed centre, the extremity of a line representing the intensity of stress R on the plane will trace out an ellipsoid. This ellipsoid is called the ellipsoid of stress. Note I. The coefficients in the cubic equation (6) are in- variants. Thus, NI -f N 9 + N, is constant, or the sum of three normal intensities of stress on three planes placed at right angles at any point of a strained body is the same for all positions of the three planes. Note 2. The perpendicular/ from O on the tangent plane, equation (8), Note 3. Let the stress be the same for all positions of the plane at 0. Then N, = N^ = N z , and the ellipsoid (12) be- comes a sphere. The stress is therefore everywhere normal, and the body must be a perfect fluid. Conversely, if the stress is everywhere normal, the body must be a perfect fluid, the ellipsoid becomes a sphere, and therefore N l = N 9 = N a . 22. Relation between Stress and Strain. In Art. 13 it was shown that when the size and figure of a body are altered in two dimensions, there is an ellipse of strain analogous to the ellipse of stress. If the alteration takes place in three dimen- sions, it may be similarly shown that every state of strain may be represented by an ellipsoid of strain analogous to the ellip- soid of stress. The axes of the ellipsoid are the principal axes of strain, and every strain may be resolved into three simple strains parallel to these axes. 282 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. It is assumed that the strains remain very small, that the stresses developed are proportional to the corresponding strains, and that their effects may be superposed. Consider an element of the un- strained body in the form of a rect- x angular parallelepiped, having its edges PQ (= A), PR (= k}, PS (= I) parallel to the axes of co-ordinates. When the body is strained, the element becomes distorted, the new edges being P'Q', P'R', P'S'. Let x, y, z be the co-ordinates of P. Let x -f- u, y -f- v, z -\- w be the co-ordinates of P'. By Taylor's Theorem the co-ordinates with respect to P' of FlG> 236 ' du dx dv ,dw *-, h dx dx r> , i.du J , dv \ ,dw R are k, k( i +-=-) k ; a \ a i a du .dv . . dw\ r , , . S'are/-, /- , dz dz ay i ay dw\ . dz j Hence, strain parallel to axis of x = dv\ I 7Z~ i "717 / * . dy ISOTROPIC BODIES. 28 5 where A, = mE , is the coefficient of dilatation, and A = mm ~ l ~ (m+i)(m-2J Again, the straining changes the angle RPS by an amount -| - , producing two tangential stresses, each equal to dy dz G\ -| - I, parallel to the axes of y and z. \dv dz> dw dv Similarly, T -G( 2 " \dz du s- (21) G is called the coefficient of rigidity or transverse elasticity, and is designated n in Thomson and Tait's notation, and >w in Lamp's notation. Relation between A, A, and G. Equations (20) and (21) pre- serve the same forms whatever rectangular axes may be chosen. Keep the axis of z fixed and turn the axes of x and y through an angle a. Let Nf be the normal stress parallel to the new axis of x. .*. N{ N^ cos 2 a -|- N^ sin 2 a + 2 7" 3 sin a cos a. (22) Let x 1 ', y' and z/, v' be the new co-ordinates and displace- ments. , T . A du' . ^Idv' . dw'\ ,. ..du' . ' N > = A ^' + A (^ + w) = (A ~ ^ + K6 - _ du . dv . dw du' . dv' . dw' . For -- + -- + -:-, = = y-, + + - - , is an invariant. dx dy dz dx dy dz .286 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The values of N{ given by eqs. (22) and (23) must be identical. Now, x = x' cos a y' sin a, y = x' sin a -)- y' cos a ; } z/' = & cos a -f- ^ sin a', t;' = & sin a -\- v cos a . ) du du . dv .'. _ = cos a + sin a ^,r dx dx du 2 . dv . a /^ . ^/z/\ . = -j- cos 2 a + - sin a + !_--[-__ jsm a cos a ^r dy \dy dxl du . dv T. - cos 2 a -f- - sin 3 a + ? sin a cos a ; tfJtr y 6- and by eq. (23), AV = (A -*)(^ cos 8 a+^ sin 3 a+5 sin a cos a] + A0. (25) >^r ay G- ' Also by eqs. (20) and (22), = (A\)- cos 2 +- sin +r sin a cos a+A0. (26) \d>x dy A ~~ A / Eqs. (25) and (26) must be identical. ^ _ A' IT = 5(^+1) = " = n - |iK * (27) Adding together equations (20), / , flfe , d ^"dy^ ~dz' It may be easily shown that the normal stresses can each be separated into a fluid pressure p and a distorting stress. AP PLICA TIONS. 287 Hence, putting AT AT AT__^_ m & (d 11 I dV . 6 9 - 3 P -- ^ m __ ^ [^ -r j- -r - t> mE the cubic elasticity -. =- = . r = K. (28) au dv aw ^(m 2) dx dy dz 24. Applications. i. Traction. One end of a cylindrical bar of isotropic material is fixed and the bar is stretched in the direction of its length. The axis of the bar is the only line not moved laterally by contraction. Take this line as the axis of x. The displacements u, v, w of any point x, y, z may be ex- pressed in the form u = ax, v = Py t w = PZ. . . , (29) By eqs. (20) and (29), .- 1 (30) By eqs. (21) and (29), all the tangential stresses vanish. Hence, since N lt N 9 , N 3 are constant, and since the equa- tions of internal equilibrium contain only differential coeffi- cients of the stresses, the hypothesis, eq. (29), satisfies these equations. First. Let N^ = o = N 3 ; i.e., let no external force act upon the curved surface. .-. - ft A + \(ft + ) = o, or P _ A _ I a ~ T+Ji ~ m Thus, the coefficient of contraction is less than the coefficient of expansion. 288 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Again, by eqs. (30) and (32), Z = A-2* = A-* = . (33) a. am Second. If the bar, instead of being free to move laterally, has its surface acted upon by a uniform pressure P, then N, = N 3 = P. By eqs. (3 1) and (32), ft APXN, a ~ \(N, + 2/>) - AN, ' - * . (35) For example, let P be sufficient to prevent lateral contrac- tion. Then ft = o and, by eqs. (31) and (35), aA = N, = -y = (m - i)P. 2. Torsion. (a) Let a circular cylinder (hollow or solid) of length / undergo torsion around its axis (the axis of x), and let t be the angle through which one end is twisted relatively to the other. A point in a transverse section distant x from the latter will be twisted through an angle x . The displacements u, v, w of the point x,y, z in this section may be expressed in the form u = o, v = zx-y w = -\-yx- . By eqs. (20) and (21), and APPLICA TIONS. 289 The algebraic sum of the moments of 7!, , J", with respect to the axis r being the distance of the point (x, y, z) from the axis. Hence, the moment M, = Pp (Chap. IX), of the couple producing torsion _ ^ * / i J c* __ /~* T /~*f}T ~lJ ' 1 dS being an element of the area at (x,y, z\ I the polar moment of inertia, and the torsion per unit of length of the cylinder, or the rate of twist. The torsional rigidity of a solid cylinder = = GI = -nR* 6 2 R being the radius of the cylinder. (b] Torsion of a bar of elliptic section. The displacements u, v, w may now be expressed in the form u = F(y, z), v = 6x2, w = Qxy. du _ dv _ dw^ ' dx dy dz' 7-0, T.= G+ Hence, by the general eqs. (3), * ....... (36) 2QO THEORY OF STRUCTURES. .Also, the surface stresses are zero ; -and hence, by eqs. '(3$), ~dy = Q(zdz -\-ydy) (38) This equation must hold true at the surface. Let the equation to the elliptic section be dz fy = - .^v,,, (40) and by eq. (38), 2 dll . dlt _ _ / 72 _ 2X u dyz satisfies this last equation and also eq. (36), if Again, the algebraic sum of the moments 71, , T 3 with re- spect to the axis of x, 2G6 T(*4*q^ < 5I > For the further treatment of this subject, the student is re- ferred to St. Venant's edition of Clebsch, and to Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy. 3. Work done in the small strain of a body (Clapeyron's Theorem) M ultiply eqs. (3) \yyudxdy dz, v dx dy dz, wdxdydz, and find the triple integral of their sum throughout the whole of the solid. The terms involving the components P x t P y , P 2 may be dis- regarded, as the deformations due to their action are generally inappreciable. Also, ///s-*** ; =ff(N x 'u x - N x "u x "}dydz -fffNSj-dxdydz\ N x ', N x " being the values of N l at the two points in which the line parallel to the axis of x cuts the surface of the body, and u x i u x" the corresponding values of u. Let dS, dS' be the elementary areas of the surface at these points, and /', I" the cosines of the angles between the normals to these elements and the axis of x. The double integral on the right-hand side of the last equa- tion then becomes ff(N x 'l'u x 'dS - NJ'l"H x "dS) = APPLfCA TfOlfS 293 Treating the other terms similarly, O = 2{(N l l+ T,m + 7a +(T,l+ N,m Hence, the work done = $2(Xu + Yv + Zw)dS - ^W, + N,N, + NJt t - T? - 77 - T.*) } I M + Njf t + ffjr t - T: - T; - T,' E being the ordinary modulus of elasticity. 294 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. EXAMPLES. 1. At a point within a strained solid there are two conjugate stresses, viz., a tension of 200 Ibs. and a thrust of 150 Ibs. per square inch, the common obliquity being 30. Find (a) the principal stresses ; (b) the maximum shear and the direction and magnitude of the corresponding resultant stress; (c) the resultant stress upon a plane inclined at 30 to the axis of greatest principal stress. Ans. (a) A tension of 204.65 Ibs. and a thrust of 146.95 Ibs. per sq. in. (b) 175.8 Ibs. per sq. in.; 173.2 Ibs. in a direction making an angle of 40 13' with the axis of greatest principal stress. ( < > wet 22 " .26 Metal on metal dry .15 " .2 wet . . .3 Metal and wood c .15 on each other 1 or each on itself ' occasionally lubricated as usual. . . . constantly lubricated .07 to .08 .OS The apparatus employed in carrying out these experiments consisted of a box which could be loaded at pleasure, and which was made to slide along a horizontal bed by means of a cord passing over a pulley and carrying a weight at the end. The contact-surfaces of the bed and box were formed of the materials to be experimented upon. The pull was meas- ured and recorded by a spring dynamometer. More recent experiments, however, have shown that Coulomb's laws cannot be regarded as universally applicable, but that / depends upon the velocity, the pressure, and the temperature. At very low velocities Morin's results have been verified (Fleeming Jenkin). At high velocities f rap- idly diminishes as the velocity increases. Franke, having carefully examined the results of various series of experi- ments, especially those of Poire"e, Bochet, and Galton, has suggested the formula v being the velocity and/ , a, coefficients depending upon the nature and condition of the rubbing surfaces. For example, f n = .29 and a = .04 for cast-iron on steel with dry sur- faces. / .29 and a = .02 for wrought-iron on wrought-iron with dry surfaces. / = .24 and a .0285 for wrought-iron on wrought-iron with slightly damp surfaces. Ball has shown that at very low pressures f increases as 3C2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. the pressure diminishes, while Rennie's experiments indicate that at very high pressures/ rapidly increases with the press- ure, and this is perhaps partly due to a depression, or to an abrasion of the rubbing surfaces. 2. Inclined Plane. Let a body of weight P slide uni- formly up an inclined plane under a force Q inclined at an angle ft to the plane. Let F be the friction resisting the mo- tion, R the pressure on the plane, and a the plane's inclination. The two equations of equilibrium are F = Q cos j3 P sin a and R = Q sin ft + P cos ex. F Qcos/3 Psma /. -=r = 7=5 : 77-: n = coefficient of friction = /. R Q sin /) -f- P cos a J Let the resultant of F and R make an angle with the normal to the plane. Then _F_ Q cos ft P sin a Q _ sin (a + 0) ~R~ - Qsin P + Pcosa' P ~ cos (ft - $)' is called the angle of friction. It has also been called the angle of repose, since a body will remain at rest on an inclined plane so long as its inclination does not exceed the angle of friction. If a = o = ft, then ^ = tan = /. The work done in traversing a distance x = Q cos ft . x. If Q is variable, the work done / Q cos ft . dx 3. Wedge. The wedge, or key, is often employed to con- nect members of a structure, and is generally driven into posi- WEDGE. 303 tion by the blow of a hammer. It is also employed to force out moisture from materials by induc- ing a pressure thereon. The figure represents a wedge de- scending vertically under a continuous pressure P, thus producing a lateral motion in the horizontal member C, \yhich must therefore exert a pressure Q upon the vertical face AB. The member H is fixed, and it is assumed that the motion of the machine is uniform, so that the wedge and 7 are in a state of relative equilibrium. Let R l , R^ be the reactions at the faces DE, DF, respec- tively, their directions making an angle 0, equal to the angle of friction, with the normals to the corresponding faces. Let a be the angle between DE and the vertical, a' the angle between DF and the vertical. Consider the wedge, and neglect its weight, which is usually inappreciable as compared with P. Resolving vertically, R l cos (90 a + 0) + RS cos (90 a' = P=R 1 sin (a + 0) + R, sin (a f -\- 0). Resolving horizontally, or R, sin (90 a + 0) R^ sin (90 a' + 0) = o, R l cos (or + 0) = ^ 2 cos (a' + 0) (2) Consider the member C, and neglect its weight. Resolving horizontally, R, cos (a + 0) = Q = R, cos (a f + 0). . (3) Assuming the wedge isosceles, as is usually the case, a = a', and hence, by eq. (2), R l = R tt and by eq. (i), 2R, sin (a + 0) = P. (4) 3O4 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence, by eqs. (3) and (4), Q _ cot (OL + 0) __ external resistance overcome P~ 2 effort exerted " ' 5 ' (N.B. This ratio of resistance to effort is termed the mechan- ical advantage, or put chase, of a machine.) Suppose the motion of the machine reversed, so that Q be- comes the effort and P the resistance. The reactions R, , R^ now fall below the normals, and the equations of relative equilibrium are the same as the above, with substituted for 0. Thus, = cot (a 0) (6) The two cases may be included in the expression -p =*cot(0) (7) For a given value of P, Q increases with a. If there were no friction, would be zero, and eq. (7) would become Q cot a Thus, the effect of friction may be allowed for, by assuming the wedge frictionless, but with an angle increased by 20 in the first case, and diminished by 20 in the second case. Again, when P is the effort and Q the resistance, eq. (5) shows that if a -\- > 90, the ratio -y is negative, which is impossible, while if a -\- = 90, -~ is zero, and in order to WEDGE. 305 overcome Q, however small it might be, P would require to be infinitely great. Hence, a + must be < 90, Q and below this limit -p diminishes as increases. Similarly, it may be shown from eq. (7) that when Q is the effort and P the resistance, must be < a, and that below this limit 5- increases with 0. Efficiency. During the uniform motion of the machine, let any point a descend vertically to the point b. The correspond- ing horizontal displacement is evidently 2bc. The motive work = P . ab ; " useful work =Q.2bc. Hence, the efficiency = ~ 7- = -7,- . 2 tan a = tan a cot (a -f- 0), by eq. (5). This is a maximum for a given value of when and the max. efficiency = tan ^45 j cot ^45 + -J For the reverse motion, the efficiency P.ab 3 o6 THEORY OF STRUCTUKES. This is a maximum when a =. 45 -{- . Thus the imax. efficiency = cot ^45 -f- -j tan 145 -) = - sin -{- sin 0' 4. Screws. A screw is usually designed to produce a linear motion or to overcome a resistance in the direction of its length. It is set in motion by means of a couple acting in a plane perpendicular to its axis. A reaction is produced be- tween the screw and nut which must necessarily be equivalent to the couple and resistance, the motion being steady. Take the case of a square * -threaded screw. It may be assumed that the reaction is concentrated along a helical line, whose diameter, d, is a mean between the external and internal diameters of the thread, and that its distribution along this line is uniform. It will also be supposed that the axes of the couple and screw are coincident, so that there will be no lateral pressure on the nut. Let M be the driving couple. " Q " " axial resistance to be over- come. " r " " reaction at any point a of the helical line, and let be angle between its direction and the normal at a ; is the angle of friction. " a " " angle between the tangent at a and the horizontal ; a is called the pitch-angle. Since the reaction between the screw and nut must be equivalent to M and Q, then * Square-threaded screws work more accurately than those with a V-thread, but the efficiency of the latter has been shown to be very little less than that of the former (Poncelet). On the other hand, the V-thread is the stronger, much less metal being removed in cutting it than is the case with a square thread. Again, with a V-thread there is a tendency to burst the nut, which does not obtain in a screw with a square thread. FIG. 240. SCRE W 'S. SO/ Q algebraic sum of vertical components of the reac- tions at all points of the line of contact, = 2\r cos (a + 0)] = cos (a + )S(r), .... (i) and M = algebraic sum of the moments with respect to the axis of the horizontal components of the reactions at all points of the line of contact, . . . (2) Let the couple consist of two equal and opposite forces, P, acting at the ends of a lever of length/, so that M = Pp. Hence, by eqs. (i) and (2), and the mechanical advantage Q ip If = o, -p = cot of, and the effect of friction may be allowed for, by assuming the screw frictionless, but with a pitch-angle equal to a -\- 0. Again, let the figure represent one complete turn of the thread developed in the plane of the paper. CD is the corresponding length of the thread ; DE the circumference it d; CE, parallel to the axis, the pitch 5" h ; and CDE the pitch-angle a. FG. 241. The motive work in one revolution = M . 2?r = Pp . 2n. The useful work done in one revolution = Qh. Hence, the efficiency = ~^ = 22- co t (a + 0) j^ = cot ( a + 0) = tan a cot ( a + 0)- (4) 3O8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. This is a maximum when a = 45 -, its value then being In practice, however, a is generally much smaller, efficiency being sacrificed to secure a large mechanical advantage, which, according to eq. (3), increases as a diminishes. If a -\- = 90, = o, so that to overcome Q, however small it may be, would require an infinite effort P. Suppose the pitch-angle sufficiently coarse to allow of the screw being reversed. Q now becomes the effort and P the resistance. The direction of r falls on the other side of the normal, and the relation between P and Q is the same as above, being substituted for 0. Thus, and therefore the mechanical advantage P If a = 0, = o, and to overcome P, however small it may be, Q would require to be infinite. .-. a > 0. If a < 0, reversal of motion is impossible, and the screw then possesses the property, so important in practice, of serv- ing to fasten securely together different structural parts, or of locking machines. ENDLESS SCREWS. 309 Again, it may be necessary to take into account the friction between the nut and its seat, as well as the friction at the end of the screw. The corresponding moments of friction with respect to the axis are (Art. 8) f 7 3 4 - and / ( / being the coefficient of friction, d, , d^ the external and inter- nal diameters of the seat, and d' the diameter of the end of the screw. 5. Endless Screws (Fig. 242). A screw is often made to work with a toothed wheel, as, for ex- ample, in raising sluice-gates, when the screw is also made sufficiently fine to prevent, by friction alone, the gates from falling back under their own weight. The theory is very similar to the preceding. Let the screw drive. ( A tooth rises on the thread, and the wheel turns against a tangential resistance Q, which is approximately parallel to the axis of the screw. FIG. 242. Let Fig. 243 represent one complete turn of the thread developed in the plane of the paper, a being the pitch-angle as before. Consider a tooth. It is acted upon by Q in a direction parallel to the axis, and by the reaction R between the thread and tooth, making an angle (the angle of friction) with the normal to the thread CD. FIG. 243. .-. Q = R cos (a + 0). Again, the horizontal component of R, viz., R sin (a -|- 0), has a moment R sin (a -f- 0) with respect to the axis of the 3IO THEORY OF STRUCTURES. screw, and this must be equivalent to the moment of the driv- ing-couple, viz., Pp (Art. 4). = * sin (a Thus the relation between P and Q is the same as in the pre ceding article. Similarly if the wheel acts as the driver, 6. Rolling Friction. The friction between a rolling body and the surface over which it rolls is called rolling friction. Prof. Osborne Reynolds has given the true explanation of the resistance to rolling in the case of elastic bodies. The roller produces a deformation of the surfaces in contact, so that the distance rolled over is greater than the actual distance between the terminal points. This he verified by experiment, and con- cluded that the resistance to rolling was due to the sliding of one surface over the other, and that it would naturally increase or diminish with the deformation. In proof of this he found, for example, that the resistance to an iron roller on india- rubber is ten times as great as the resistance when the roller is on an iron surface. Hence the harder and smoother the sur- faces, the less is the rolling friction. The resistance is not sensibly affected by the use of lubricants, as the advantage of a smaller coefficient of friction is largely counteracted by the increased tendency to slip. Other experiments are yet re- quired to show how far the resistance is modified by the speed. Generally, as in the case of ordinary roadways, the resist- ance is chiefly governed by the amount of the deformation of the surface and by the extent to which its material is crushed. Let a roller of weight W (Y\g. 244) be on the point of motion under the action of a horizontal pull R. ROLLING FRICTION. 31 1 The resultant reaction between the surfaces in contact must pass through the point of intersection of R and IV. Let it also cut the surface in the point B. Let d be the horizontal distance between B and W. 11 p " vertical " " B " R. Taking moments about B y Rp = Wd, or R< R = the resistance = W-. P Coulomb and Morin inferred, j w as the results of a series of ex- FIG. 2 44 . periments, that d is independent of the load upon the roller as well as of its diameter,* but is dependent upon the nature of the surfaces in contact. * Dupuit's experiments led him to the conclusion that d is proportional to the square root of the diameter, but this requires further verification. Let n be the coefficient of sliding friction. The resistance of the roller to sliding is /j, W, and " rolling " will be insured d if R < fj. W, i.e., if - < tan 0, which is generally the case so long as the direc- / tion of R does not fall below the centre of the roller. Assume that R is applied at the centre. The radius r may be substituted for/, since (/is very small, and hence R = W-. r An equation of the same form applies to a wheel rolling on a hard roadway over obstacles of small height, and also when rolling on soft ground. In the latter case, the resistance is proportional to the product of the weight upon the wheel into the depth of the rut, and the depth for a small arc is inversely pro- portional to the radius. Experiments on the tractional resistance to vehicles on ordinary roads are few in number and incomplete, so that it is impossible to draw therefrom any general conclusion. From the experiments carried out by Easton and Anderson, it would appear that the value of d in inches varies from 1.6 to 2.6 for wagons on soft ground, and that the resistance is not sensibly affected by the use of springs. Upon a hard road, in fair condition, the resistance was found to be irom to \ of that on the soft ground, the average value of d being \ inch, and was very sensibly diminished by the use of springs. 312 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 7. Journal-friction. Experiments indicate that f is not the same for curved as for plane surfaces, and in the ordinary cases of journals turning in well- lubricated bearings the value of /is probably governed by a combina- tion of the laws of fluid friction and of the sliding friction of solids. The bearing part of the journal is generally truly cylindrical and is terminated by shoulders resting against the ends of the step in which the journal turns. Consider a journal in a semicircular bearing with the cap removed. When the cap is screwed on, the load upon the journal will be increased by an amount approximately equal to the tension of the bolts. Let -Pbe the load. Assume that the line of action of the load is vertical and that it intersects the axis of the shaft. This load is balanced by the reaction at the surface of contact, but much uncertainty exists as to the manner in which this reaction is distributed. There are two extremes, the one corresponding to a normal pressure of constant intensity at every point of contact, the other to a normal pressure of an intensity varying from a maximum at the lowest point A to a minimum at the edge of the bearing B. Let / be the length of the bearing, and consider a small element AS at any point C, the radius OC (= r) making an angle 6 with the vertical OA. First. Let / be the constant normal intensity of pressure. p = e. i) 2pir. Frictional resistance = = fpl^(AS}=fplnrfP- . The frictional resistance probably approximates to this limit when the journal is new. JO URN A L- FRICTION. 3 1 3 Second. Let / = p Q cos 0, so that the intensity is now proportional to the depth CD and varies from a maximum / at A to nil at B. This, perhaps, represents more accurately the pressure at different points when the journal is worn. 2/ /r, A cos a . dO = / /r- t/o 2 and the frictional resistance = 2(fj>4Sl) 2fpjr = fP-. Hence, the frictional resistance lies between fP- and fP . 2 7t It may be represented by j*P t IJL being a coefficient of friction to be determined in each case by experiment. The total moment of frictional resistance must necessarily be equal and opposite to the moment M of the couple twisting the shaft ; i.e., M = Thus, the total reaction at the surface of contact is equiva- lent to a single force P tangential to a circle of radius /*r having its centre at O and called the friction-circle. The work absorbed by axle-friction per revolution = M.27t =. 2 The work absorbed by axle-friction per minute N being the number of revolutions and v the velocity per minute. 314 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The work absorbed by frictional resistance produces an equivalent amount of heat, which should be dissipated at once in order to prevent the journal from becoming too hot. This may be done by giving the journal sufficient bearing surface (an area equal to the product of the diameter and the length of the bearing), and by the employment of a suitable unguent. Suppose that h units of heat per square inch of bearing surface (Id) are dissipated per minute. Let / inches be the length and d inches the diameter of the journal. hdl = heat-units dissipated = heat-units equivalent to frictional resistance J being Joule's equivalent, or 778 ft.-lbs. 12/ft PN \2jJl Pv .*. - = r- and -- = . fJLTt I ^ Id p Let 7-7 =p = pressure per square inch of bearing surface. Id \2jh = a constant. In Morin's experiments af varied from 2 to 4 in., P from 330 Ibs. to 2 tons, and v did not exceed 30 ft. per minute; so that/z/ was < 5000, and the coefficient of friction for the given limits was found to be the same as for sliding friction. Much greater values of pv occur in modern practice. Rankine gives p(v + 20) = 44800 as applicable to locomo- tives. Thurston gives pv = 60000 as applicable to marine engines and to stationary steam-engines. Frictional wear prevents the diminution of /below a certain JOURNAL FRICTION. 31$ limit at which the pressure per unit of bearing surf ace exceeds a value/ given by the formula. where - In practice k = % for slow-moving journals (e.g., joint-pins), and varies from I-J to 3 for journals in continuous motion. The best practice makes the length of the journal equal to four diameters (i.e., k = 4) for mill-shafting. Again, 'if the journal is considered a beam supported at the ends, q being the maximum permissible stress per square inch, and C a coefficient depending upon the method of support and upon the manner of the loading. k /. # oc . i For a given value of P, d diminishes as q increases. Also, it has been shown that the work absorbed by friction is directly proportional to d. Hence, for both reasons, d should be a minimum and the shaft should be made of the strongest and most durable material. In practice the pressure per square inch of bearing surface may be taken at about 2 tons per square inch for cast- iron, 3! tons per square inch for wrought-iron, and 6J tons per square inch for cast-steel. It would appear, however, from the recent experiments of Tower and others, that the nature of the material might become of minor importance, while that of a suitable lubricant would be of paramount importance. They show that the friction of properly lubricated journals follows the laws of fluid friction much more closely than those of solid friction, and that the 3l6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. lubrication might be made so perfect as to prevent any ab- solute contact between the journal and its bearing. The journal would therefore float in the lubricant, so that there would be no metallic friction. The loss of power due to fric- tional resistance, as well as the consequent wear and tear, would be very considerably diminished, while the load upon the journal might be increased to almost any extent. Tower's experiments also indicate that the friction dimin- ishes as the temperature rises, a result which had already been experimentally determined by Him. It was also inferred by Hirn that, if the temperature were kept uniform, the friction would be approximately proportional to Vv, and Thurston has enunciated the law that, with a cool bearing, the friction is approximately proportional to Vv for all speeds exceeding 100 ft. per minute. With a speed of 150 ft. per minute and with pressures vary- ing from 100 to 750 Ibs. per square inch, Thurston found ex- perimentally that /"varied inversely as the square root of the intensity of the pressure. The same law, but without any limitations as to speed or pressure, had been previously stated by Hirn. 8. Pivots. Pivots are usually cylindrical, with the circular edge of the base removed and sometimes with the whole of the base rounded. Conical pivots are employed in special machines in which, e.g., it is important to keep the axis of the shaft in an invariable position. Spherical pivots are often used for shafts subject to sudden shocks or to a lateral move- ment. (a) Cylindrical Pivots. If the shafts are to run slowly, the intensity of pressure (/) on the step should not be so great as to squeeze out the lubricant. Reuleaux gives the following rules : The maximum value of / in Ibs. per square inch should be 700 for wrought-iron on gun-metal, 470 for cast-iron on gun- metal, and 1400 for wrought-iron on lignum-vitae. For rapidly-moving shafts, d=c PIVOTS. 317 n being the number of revolutions per minute, c a coefficient to be determined by experiment (=.0045), and Pthe load upon the pivot. Suppose the surface of the step to be divided into rings, and let one of these rings be bounded by the radii x, x -J- dx. In one revolution the work absorbed by the friction of this ring = ji . 2nx . dx . 2nx. Hence the total work absorbed in one revolution where FIG. 246. 1? - d* and d l , d^ are the external and internal diameters of the sur- face in contact. If the whole of the surface is in contact, d^ = o, and the work absorbed = \^,nPd r Again, the moment of friction for the ring .dx.x = and the total moment 12 If d^ o, the moment = d l . Thus, in both cases, the work absorbed by friction = 27t times the moment of friction. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let D be the mean diameter of the surface in contact Let 2y be the width of the surface in contact = d^ d^ . Then work absorbed = fj.nP \D -\- J. Sometimes shafts have to run at high speeds and to bear heavy pressures, as, e.g., in screw-propellers and turbines. In order that there may be as little vibration as possible, p must be as small as practicable, and this is to some extent insured by using a collar-journal. Let N be the number of collars, and let d^ , d^ be the exter- nal and internal diameters of a collar. Then work absorbed by friction per revolution per collar L 2n X moment of friction. o According to Reuleaux, the mean diameter of a collar n ~- n being the number of revolutions per minute. Also, the width of surface in contact = d l d^ = .48 and the maximum allowable pressure per square inch (b) Wear. The wear at any point of the elementary ring must necessarily be proportional to the friction ///>, and also to the amount of rubbing surface which passes over the point in a unit of time, i.e., the velocity Ax ; A being the angular ve- locity of the shaft. PIVOTS. 319 Hence, the wear at any point is proportional to (c) Conical Pivots. As before, suppose the surface of the step to be divided into a number of elementary rings. Two cases will be discussed : First. Assume that the normal intensity of pressure p at the surface of contact is constant. Let x,x-\-dx be the distances of D and E, respectively, from the axis. IGZ The total moment of friction sin a 3 sin a x^ , x^ being the radii of the top and bottom sections of the step. Also, P, the total load on the pivot, = / pDE sin a . 2nx = 2np I xdx U JC r* 1 = I t/.r a /*, I dx IX * f Also, P = I pDE sin a . inx t/.r a = 2npx Hence total moment of friction = : - (x. + #,). 2 sm a v * Schieles Pivots. The object aimed at in these pivots is to give the step such a form that the wear and the pressure are the same at all points. Let be the angle made by the tangent at -V--/D any point of the step with the axis. Let y be the distance of the point from the axis. Then py a sin 0; and hence if/ is constant, y a sin 6 or y cosec = a const. is the equation of the generating line of the step. This line is known as the tractrix and also as the anti-friction curve. If the tangent at D intersects the axis in T, DT = y cosec 6 = a const. The curve may be traced by passing from one point to an- other and keeping the tangent DT of constant length. The above equation may be written ds yr- = a const. = a, ' dy BELTS AND ROPES. 321 or ds a dy I fdy \ ~d~x = ~~ ~y ~dx = V l + w ' which may be easily integrated, the result being the analytical equation to the curve, viz., -f- Va* y + a const. Schiele or anti-friction pivots are suitable for high speeds, but have not been very generally adopted. 9. Belts and Ropes. Let the figure represent a pulley movable about a journal at O, and let a belt (or rope), acted upon by forces 7, , 7 2 at the ends, embrace a portion ABC of the circumference subtending an angle a at the centre. In order that there may be motion in the direction of the arrow, 7, must exceed 7 2 by an amount sufficient to overcome the frictional resistance along the arc of contact and the resist- ance to bending due to the stiffness of the belt. Consider first the frictional resist- ance, and suppose the belt to be on the point of slipping. Any small element BB' ( ds) of the belt js acted upon by a pull T tan- gential to the pulley at B, a pull T dT tangential to the pulley at B' , and by a reaction equivalent to a normal torceRds at the middle point of BB' , and a tan- gential force, or frictional resistance, j&ds. Let the angle COB = 0, and the an- gle BOB' = dB. , Resolving normally, FIG. 249. 7/n (T+ T-dT)sm Rds - o. .322 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Resolving tangentially, 2 ^ ' -jj. being the coefficient of friction. Now dti being very small, sin is approximately , dB cos is approximately unity, and small quantities of the second order may be disregarded. Hence, eqs. (i) and (2) may be written TdO Rds o, ...... (3) = (4) dT , or Integrating, C being a constant of integration. When 6 = 0, T = T 9 , and hence log.T; = C. or = ^ ........ (6) 7 2 When = a, T = T l , and hence ^ being the number 2.71828, i.e., the base of the Naperian system of logarithms. BELTS AND ROPES. 323 If a is increased by /?, the new ratio of tensions will be && times the old ratio ; so that if OL increases in arithmetical progression, the ratio of tensions will increase in geometrical progression. This rapid increase in the ratio of the tensions, corresponding to a comparatively small increase in the arc of contact, is utilized in " brakes" for the purpose of absorbing surplus energy. For example : A flexible brake consisting of an iron or steel strap, or, again, of a chain, or of a series of iron bars faced with wood and jointed together, embraces about three-fourths of the cir- cumference of an iron or wooden drum. One end of the brake FlG - 25 ' is secured to a fixed point and the other to the end B of a lever AOB turning about a fulcrum at O. A force applied at A will cause the brake to clasp the drum and so produce fric- tion which will gradually bring the drum to rest. Let &9 be the angular velocity of the drum before the brake is applied. Let / be the moment of inertia of the drum with respect to its axis. The kinetic energy of the drum = . When the brake is applied, the motion being in the direc- tion of the arrow, let the greater and less tensions at its ends be T lt T^ t respectively. Let n be the number of revolutions in which the drum is brought to rest. Then i/fi? a = (7;- T^ndn, (8) d being the diameter of the drum. Also, if Pis the force applied at A, and if / and q are the perpendicular distances of O from the directions of P and T 9 , respectively, Pp=T# (9) 3 24 THEOR Y OF S 7^R UCTURES. Again, T* = TS*, ......... (10) u for dry belts on iron pulleys is .28, and for wire ropes .24; if the belts are wet, >u is about .38. Formulae (6) and (7) are also true for non-circular pulleys. 10. Effective Tension. The pull.available for the trans- mission of power = T l 7!, = 5. Let HP be the horse- power transmitted, v the speed of transmission in feet per sec- ond, a the sectional area of the rope or belt, and s the stress per square inch in the advancing portion of the belt. Then, if T l and T t are in pounds, = ., and ' , 550 550' The working tensile stress per square inch usually adopted for leather belts varies from 285 Ibs. (Morin) to 35 5 Ibs. (Claudel), EFFECT OF HIGH SPEED. 325 an average value being 300 Ibs. In wire ropes, 8500 Ibs. per square inch may be considered an average working tension. Hempen ropes for the transmission of power generally vary from 4^ to 6J- in. in circumference. II. Effect of High Speed. When the speed of trans- mission is great, the effect of centrifugal force must be taken into account. wads if The centrifugal force or the element ds = ---- , w being the specific weight of the belt or rope, and r the radius of the pulley. Eq. (3) above now becomes wads v* Tdd Rds ---- = o, g r or and hence, by eq. (4), Integrating, -r Wa T since T = T^ when 6 = o. Also, T = T, when 6 = a, and therefore g or _ V- i). o 326 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The work transmitted per second = (T, - 7> = T,v - *>(<- - i), which is a maximum and equal to |7' 8 (^ a i) when , and the two tensions are then in the ratio of 2 ^ _(_ i to 3. The speed for which no work is transmitted, i.e., the limit- ing speed, is given by wa , i /* \v v = o, or v = \f 12. Slip of Belts. A length / of the belt (or rope) becomes /( i -j-^jon the advancing side and l[\ + -jj on the slack side, T T where p l = - and / = - , E being the coefficient of elasticity. Thus, the advancing pulley draws on a greater length than is given off to the driven pulley, and its speed must therefore exceed that of the latter by an amount given by the equation ifi] _ reduction of speed, or slip _ ~ El \ r E' _ p l speed of driving pulley / p The slip or creep of the belt measures the loss of work. In ordinary practice the loss with leather belting does not ex- ceed 2 per cent, while with wire ropes it is so small that it may be disregarded. PA N Y ' S D YNA MO ME TER. 327 13. Prony's Dynamometer. This dynamometer is one of the commonest forms of friction-brake. The motor whose power is to be measured turns a wheel E which revolves be- tween the wood block B and a band of wood blocks A. To /INP FIG. 251. the lower block is attached a lever of radius / carrying a weight P at the free end. By means of the screws C, D the blocks may be tightened around the circumference until the unknown moment of frictional resistance FR is equal to the known moment Pp. The weight P, which rests upon the ground when the screws are slack, is now just balanced. The work absorbed by friction per minute = 2nRFn = 2nPpn v n being the number of revolutions per minute. 14. Stiffness of Belts and Ropes. The belt on reaching the pulley is bent to the curvature of the periphery, and is straightened again when it leaves the pulley. Thus, an amount of work, increasing with the stiffness of the belt, must be ex- pended to overcome the resistance to bending. As the result of experiment, this resistance has been expressed in the form T-B, T being the tension of the belt, a its sectional area, R the radius of the pulley, and b a coefficient to be determined. According to Redtenbacher, b = 2.36 in. for hempen ropes. " " " b = 1.67 " " " " " " Reuleaux, b = 3.4 " " leather belts. 328 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let the figure represent a sheave in a pulley-block turning in the direction of the arrow about a journal of radius r. Let T t be the effort, T 9 the re- sistance. The resistance due to the stiff- ness of the belt may be allowed for *T* qTs by adding -j- to the force 7", . The ftR OK FIG. 252. frictional resistance at the journal- surface is P sin orfP, P being the resultant of T lt 7 1 , . The motion being steady, taking moments about the centre, or If T; and T 9 are parallel, P = T> + T>, and the last equa tion becomes Let the pulley turn through a small angle 6. The counter-efficiency of the sheave motive work Tfl _ T^ useful work z= = 2fr , a ~^~ R - fr~~ b R - fr' In the case of an endless belt connecting a pair of pulleys of radius R 19 R^ the resistance due to stiffness may be taken equal to ^-\jf "f"j>"/* ^ Dem g tne mean tension [= ~~ L ~~^ The resistance due to journal-friction = frP\- +^~J- The useful resistance = T, T^ = S. WHEEL AND AXLE. Hence, the counter-efficiency 329 In wire ropes the stress due to bending may be calculated as follows: Let x be the radius of a wire. The radius of its axis is sensibly the same as the radius R of the pulley. The outer layers of the wire will be stretched, and the inner shortened, while the axis will remain unchanged in length. Hence, x change of length of outer or inner strands unit stress R ~ length of axis E x and the unit stress due to bending = ~ . 15. Wheel and Axle. Let the figure represent a wheel of radius / turning on an axle of radius r, under the action of the two tangential forces P and Q, in- clined to each other at an angle 6. The resultant R of P and Q must equilibrate the resultant reaction be- tween the wheel and axle at the sur- face of contact. Let the directions of P and Q meet in T. If there were no friction, the re- sultant reaction and the resultant R would necessarily pass through O and T. Taking friction into account, the direction of R will be inclined to TO. Let its direction intersect the circumference of the axle in the point A. The angle between TA and the normal AO at A, the motion being steady, is equal to the angle of friction ; call it 0. FIG. 253. 330 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Taking moments about O, Pp Qp Rr sin = o Also, . . (I) R* = P* + Q + 2 PQ cos e (2) Let/= sin = =, fjL being the coefficient of friction. Eq. (i) may now be written Pp- Qp-fRr = 0. . , ' If P and Q are parallel in direction, 8 = and R = P -4- Q. Let the figure represent a wheel and axle. (3) 254. Let P be the effort and Q the weight lifted, the directions of Pand Q being parallel. Let IV be the weight of the " wheel and axle." Let R 1 and R^ be the vertical reactions at the bearings. Let/ be the radius of the wheel. Let q " " " axle. Let r " " " bearings. Take moments about the axis. Then Pp Qq RS sl ' n ~ RS sin = 0. . . (4) TOOTHED GEARING. 331 But ...... (5) Hence, or P(p-fr) = Q(q+fr)+fWr. ........ (6) Efficiency. In turning through an angle 0, motive work = PpQ, useful work == QqQ, effirier - " e -~ = ' and the ratio -p is given by eq. (6). 16. Toothed Gearing. In toothed gearing the friction is partly rolling and partly sliding, but the former will be disre- garded, as it is small as compared with the latter. Let the pitch-circles of a pair of teeth in contact at the point B touch at the point A ; and consider the action before reaching the line of centres a a , i.e., along the arc of approach. 332 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The line AB is normal to the surfaces in contact at the point B. Let R be the resultant reaction at B. Its direction, the motion being steady, makes an angle 0, equal to the angle of friction, with AB. Let B be the angle between O,O t and AB. Let the motive force and force of resistance be respectively equivalent to a force P tangential to the pitch-circle O l , arid to a force Q tangential to the pitch-circle O, . Let r l , r a be the radii of the two wheels. The work absorbed by friction in turning through the small arc ds . (i) Consider the wheel O v , and take moments about the centre, Pr 1 = ^|r 1 sin(6/-0) + ^sm0f, ... (2) where AB = x. Similarly, from the wheel <9 3 0r a = tf K sin (0 - 0) - * sin 0}. ... (3) Hence, jtr n sin (0 - 0) - sin 4> = - -- - ...... (4) sin (0 0) -f- - sin f i and therefore 'i i \ (r + rl* sin 'i + * sn (5) sin (0 0) -- sin Hence, the work absorbed by friction in the arc ds = Q- sin (6 0) sin 7*0 TOOTHED GEARING. 333 In precisely the same manner it can be shown that, after leaving the line of centres, i.e., in the arc of recess, ft sin (0 -|- 0) sin p - x sin (0+0) + - sin and the work absorbed by friction in the arc ds = Q -- . .... (8) sin (0+0) -- sin ^2 The ratio -p and the loss of work given by eqs. (4) and (6) are respectively greater than the ratio ^~ and the loss of work given by eqs. (7) and (8), and therefore it is advisable to make the arc of approach as small as possible. Again, by eq. (4), motion will be impossible if sin (6 0) + - sin = o ; **i i.e., if cot = cot r 1 sin and this can only be true if the direction of R passes through (9 3 . Simple approximate expressions for the lost work and efficiency may be obtained as follows: 6 differs very little from 90, and x is small as compared with r 2 and differs little from the corresponding arc s meas- ured from A. Hence the work absorbed by friction in the arc ds = Q tan - *& = 334 .THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and the work lost in arc of approach s 1 The useful work done in the same interval = Qs l . The counter-efficiency (reciprocal of efficiency) Similarly for the arc of recess s^ , the lost work = g/J- + - , - (i i) *7*j T'j/ 2 and the counter-efficiency = i -}-/*( -J-- ). . (12) \r, /y 2 If ^ = ,y a = pitch = / = - - 1 = - ? , n^ , 2 being the num- ^1 ?^ 3 her of teeth in the driver and the follower, respectively, the ex- pressions for the lost work given by eqs. (9) and (11) are iden- tical, and those for the counter-efficiency given by eqs. (10) and (12) are also identical. Thus, the whole work lost during the action of a pair of teeth ....... (13) and the counter-efficiency < This last equation shows that the efficiency increases with the number of teeth. EFFICIENCY OF MECHANISMS. 335 If the follower is an annular wheel, - - must be substi- tuted for -+- in the above equations. Thus, with an an- nular wheel the counter-efficiency is diminished and the efficiency, therefore, increased. It has been assumed that R and Q are constant, as their variation from a constant value is probably small. It has also been assumed that only one pair of teeth are in contact. The theory, however, holds good when more than one pair are in contact, an effort and resistance, corresponding to P and Q, being supposed to act for each pair. 17. Bevel-wheels. Let I A, IB represent the develop- ments of the axes of the pitch- circles 77, , 77 3 of a pair of bevel- wheels when the pitch-cones are spread out fiat, O l , O z being the corresponding centres. The preceding formulae will ap- ply to bevel-wheels, the radii being 6^7, <9 2 7, and the pitch being meas- ,!,'''' ured on the circumferences I A, IB. 18. Efficiency of Mechanisms. Generally speaking, the ratio of the effort P to the resistance Q in a. mechanism may be expressed as a function of the coefficient of fric- tion yu. Thus, t If, now, the mechanism is moved so that the points of application of P and Q traverse small distances Ax, Ay in the directions of the forces, .1. ^ . the efficiency = j~- = PAx I Ay 336 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Ay But the ratio -r- depends only upon the geometrical rela- tions between the different parts of the mechanism, and will therefore remain the same if it is assumed that /* is zero. In such a case the efficiency would be perfect, or the motive work (PAx) would be equal to the useful work (QAy\ and therefore I = I Ay Hence, the efficiency TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS OF AXLE-FRICTION. >, Q Greasy and Wet. Ordinary Lubrication. Continuous Lubrication. Pure Carriage- grease. Lard and Plumbago. O Bell-metal on bell-metal Brass on brass . Brass on cast-iron Cast-iron on bell-metal 161 o6<; .16 Cast-iron on brass , Cast-iron on cast-iron 14 Cast-iron on lignum-vitae. xSe Lignum-vitae on cast-iron Lignum-vitae on lignum-vitae Wrought-iron on bell-metal Wrought-iron on cast-iron .251 .189 .n6 075 J 7 .07 054 .09 .11 15 Wrought-iron on lignum-vitae. . . .187 125 EXAMPLES. 337 EXAMPLES. i. In a pair of four-sheaved blocks, it is found that it requires a force P to raise a weight $P', and a force $P to raise a weight i $P'. Show that the general relation between the force P and the weight W to be raised is given by Find the efficiency when raising the weights 5/" and 2. Find the mechanical advantage when an inch bolt is screwed up by a i5-in. spanner, the effective diameter of the nut being if in., the diameter at the base of the thread .84 in., and .15 being the coefficient of friction. 3. A belt, embracing one-half the circumference of a pulley, transmits 10 H. P. ; the pulley makes 30 revolutions per minute and is 7 ft. in diameter. Neglecting slip, find TV and Ti ; /a being .125. 4. A -in. rope passes over a 6-in. pulley, the diameter of the axis being; % in. ; the load upon the axis == 2 x the rope tension. Find the efficiency of the pulley, the coefficient of axle-friction being .08 and the coefficient for stiffness .47. Hence also deduce the efficiency of a pair of three-sheaved blocks. 5. If the pulleys are 50 ft. c. to c. and if the tight is three times the slack tension, find the length of the belt, the coefficient of friction being and the diameter of one of the pulleys 12 in. 6. Show that the work transmitted by a belt passing over a pulley /~T will be a maximum when it travels at the rate of A/ __ 2 ft. per sec., T* yn being the slack tension and m the mass of a unit of length of the belt. The tight tension on a 2o-in. belt, embracing one-half the circum- ference of the pulley, is 1200 Ibs. Find the maximum work the belt will transmit, the thickness of the belt being .2 in. and its weight .0325 Ib. per cubic inch. (Coefficient of friction = .28.) 7. In an endless belt passing over two pulleys, the least tension is 150 Ibs., the coefficient of friction .28, and the angle subtended by the arc of contact 148. Find the greatest tension. The diameter of the larger wheel is 78 in., of the smaller 10 in., of the bearings 3 in. Find the efficiency. A tightening-pulley is made to press on the slack side of the belt. Assuming that the working tension is to the coefficient of elasticity in the ratio of i to 80, find the increment of the arc of contact THEORY OF STRUCTURES. on the belt-pulley, the tension of the slack side, and the force of the tightening-pulley. 8. A belt weighing Ib. per lineal foot, connects two 42-in. pulleys, one making 240 revolutions per minute. Find the limiting tension for which work will be transmitted. Also find the tight and slack tensions and the efficiency when the belt transmits 5 horse-power. Diameter of axle 2 in.; coefficient of friction = .28. 9. A circular saw makes 1000 revolutions per minute and is driven "by a belt 3 in. wide and \ in. thick, itsweight per cubic inch being .0325 Ib. The belt passes over a lo-in. pulley, embracing one-half the cir- cumference, and transmits 6 H. P. Find the light and slack tensions, the coefficient of friction being .28. 10. A flexible band, embracing three-fourths of the circumference of a brake-pulley keyed on a revolving shaft, has one extremity attached to the end A of the lever AOB, and the other to \\\t fixed point O (between A and J3) about which the lever oscillates. The pressure between the band and pulley is effected by a force applied at right angles to the lever at the end B. Show that the time in which the axle is brought to rest is about i\ times as great when revolving in one direction as in the opposite (/ = .2). 11. In a Prony-brake test of a Westinghouse engine, the blocks were fixed to a 24-in. fly-wheel with a 6-in. face, and the balance-reading was 48 Ibs.; the distance from centre of shaft to centre of balance, measured horizontally, was 30 in., and the number of revolutions per minute was 624. Find the H. P. Ans. 14.3. 12. An engine makes 150 revolutions per minute. If the diameter of the brake-pulley is 45 in. and the pull on the brake is 50 Ibs., find the B. H. P. Ans. 2.67. 13. A small water-motor is tested by a tail dynamometer. The pul- ley is 18 in. in diameter; the weight is 60 Ibs.; the spring registers a pull of 50 Ibs.; the number of revolutions per minute = 500. Find the B. H. P. Ans. f 14. The power of an engine making n revolutions per minute is tested by a Prony brake having its arm of length r connected with a spring-balance which registers a force P. The arm is vertical and the weight W of the brake is supported by a stiff spring fixed vertically below the centre of the wheel. What error in B. H. P. would be intro- duced by placing the spring x ft. away from the central position ? Ans. Bl ^* , B being the B. H. P. 15. Find work absorbed by friction per revolution by a pivot 3 in. long and carrying 6 tons, its upper face being 6 in. in diameter, coeffi- cient of friction .04, and 2 a being 90. EXAMPLES. 339 1 6. The diameter of a solid cylindrical cast-steel pivot is 2% in. Find the diameter of an equally efficient conical pivot. 17. The pressure upon a 4-in. journal making 50 revolutions per min- ute is 6 tons, the coefficient of friction being .05. Find the number of units of heat generated per second; Joule's mechanical equivalent of heat being 778 ft.-lbs. 1 8. A water-wheel of 20 ft. diameter and weighing 20,000 Ibs. makes 10 revolutions per minute; the gudgeons are 6 in. in diameter and the coefficient of friction is .1. Find the loss of mechanical effect due to friction. If the motive power is suddenly cut off, how many revolutions will the wheel make before coming to rest ? Ans. f H. P. ; 10.9. 19. A fly-wheel weighing 8000 Ibs. and having a radius of gyration of 10 ft. is disconnected from the engine at the moment it is making 27 revolutions per minute ; it stops after making 17 revolutions. Find the coefficient of friction, the axle being 12 in. in diameter. Ans. .2325. 20. A railway truck weighing 12 tons is carried on wheels 3 ft. in diameter ; the journals are 4 in. in diameter, the coefficient of friction jjV Find the resistance of the truck so far as it arises from the friction of the journals. Ans. 37^ Ibs. 21. A tramcar wheel is 30 in. in diameter, the axle 2$- in.; the coeffi- cient of axle-friction .08, of rolling friction .09. Find the resistance pet ton. Ans. 28.37 Ibs. 22. A bearing 16 in. in diameter is acted upon by a horizontal force of 50 tons and a vertical force of 10 tons ; the coefficient of friction is -fa. Find the H. P. absorbed by friction per revolution. Ans. .906 H. P. 23. A steel pivot 3 in. in diameter and under a pressure of 5 tons makes 60 revolutions per minute in a cast-iron step well lubricated with oil. How much work is absorbed by friction, the coefficient of friction being .08 ? 24. A pair of spur-wheels are 4 in. and 2 in. in diameter ; the flanks of the teeth are radial ; the larger wheel has 16 teeth ; the arc of ap- proach = arc of recess = | of the pitch. Show how to form the teeth, and find their efficiency. (Coefficient of friction = .n.) 25. Find the work lost by the friction of a pair of teeth, the number of teeth in the wheels being 32 and 16, and the diameter of the larger wheel, which transmits 3 horse-power at 50 revolutions per minute, 3 ft. 26. The driver of a pair of wheels has 120 teeth, and each wheel has an addendum equal to .28 times the pitch ; the arcs of approach and recess are each equal to the pitch ; the tooth-flanks are radial. (Coeffi- cient of friction = .106.) Find the efficiency. CHAPTER VI. ON THE TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. FIG. 257. I. To determine the Elastic Moment. Let the plane of -- |h the paper be a plane of symmetry _ | c with respect to the beam PQRS. If the beam is subjected to the action of external forces in this plane, PQRS is bent and as- sumes a curved form P'Q'R'S'. FIG. 258. The upper layer of fibres, Q'R', is extended, the lower layer, P'S', is compressed, while of the layers within the beam, those nearer P'S' are compressed and those nearer Q'R' are extended. Hence, there must be a layer M'N' between P'S' and Q'R' which is neither compressed nor extended. It is called the neutral surface (or cylinder), and its axis is perpendicular to the plane of flexure. In the present treatise it is proposed to deal with flexure in one plane only, and, in general, it will be found more convenient to refer to M'N' as the neutral line (or axis), a term only used in refer- ence to a transverse section. If a force act upon the beam in the direction of its length, the lower layer P'S', instead of being compressed, may be stretched. In such a case there is no neutral surface within the beam, but theoretically it still exists some- where without the beam. Let ABCD be an indefinitely small rect- angular element of the unstrained beam, and let its length be s. Let A'B'C'D', Fig. 260, be the element after deformation by the external forces. 340 FIG. 259. THE ELASTIC MOMENT. 34* P'Q', the neutral line, being neither com- , pressed nor extended, is unchanged in length and equal to PQ s. Let the normals at P r and Q' to the neutral line meet in the point O ; O is the centre of curvature of P'Q'* Also, as the flexure of the element is very small, the normal planes through OP' and OQ' may be assumed to be perpendicular to all the layers which traverse the corresponding sec- tions of the beam, so that they must coincide with the planes A ' D' and B ' C' ', respectively. The assumptions made in the above are : (a) That the beam is symmetrical with respect to a certain plane. (b) That the material of the beam is homo- geneous. FIG. 260. (c) That sections which are plane before bending remain plane after bending. (d) That the ratio of longitudinal stress to the correspond- ing strain is the ordinary (i.e., Young's) modulus of elasticity notwithstanding the lateral connection of the elementary layers. (e) That these elementary layers expand and contract freely under tensile and compressive forces. Consider an elementary layer p'q', of length s', sectional area a l , and distant y l from the neutral surface. Let OP' = R = OQ'. From the similar figures OP'Q and Op'q', Op' p'q' R+y, s' y v s'-s Also, if t l is the stress along the layer p'q' , 34 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. E being the coefficient of elasticity of the material of^ the beam. So, if / 2 , # 2 , 7 2 , / 3 , a 3 , jj/ 3 , . . . are respectively the stress, sectional area, and distance from the neutral surface, of the several layers of the element, The total stress along the beam is the algebraic sum of all these elementary stresses, Again, the moment of /, about P' = t^ = ^7^ ; and so on. Thus, the Elastic Moment for the section A ' D' = the alge- braic sum of the moments of all the elementary stresses in the different layers about P' 9 THE ELASTIC MOMENT. 343 Now, 2 (ay*) is the moment of inertia of the section of the beam through A 'D ', with respect to a straight line passing through the neutral line and perpendicular to the plane of flexure, i.e., the plane of the paper. It is usually denoted by / or AJ?, A being the sectional area, and k the radius of gyration. Thus, E E the elastic moment = -7,- / = -^Ak*. K. K. But the elastic moment is equal and opposite to the bending moment (M) due to the external forces, at the same section. Hence Note.\\. is necessary in the above to use the term alge- braic, as the elementary stresses change in character, and therefore in sign, on passing from one side of the neutral sur- face to the other. Cor. I. Bearing in mind assumption (e), the figure represents on an exaggerated scale the transverse section of the beam at A'D ', the upper and lower breadths of the beam, A' A" and H D" , being re- spectively contracted and stretched, and being also arcs of circles having a common centre at O'. Let R' be the radius of the arc P' P" , whose length remains unchanged. Let mE be the lateral coefficient of FlG - 2fii - elasticity, m being a numerical coefficient. As before, for any layer at a distance y from P'P", /. R' = mR. 344 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Thus, within the limits of elasticity, the curvature of the breadth is that of the length, and does not sensibly affect the re- sistance of the beam to bending. The influence, however, upon the bending may become sensible if the breadth is very large as compared with the depth, as, e.g., in the case of iron or steel plates. Cor. 2. If the resolved part of the external forces in the direction of the length of the beam is nil, E the total longitudinal stress = -^(ay) = o, or ^(ay) = o, showing that P f must be the centre of gravity of the section through A' D' . Hence, when the external forces produce no longitudinal stress in the beam, the neutral line is the locus of the centres of gravity of all the sections perpendicular to the length of the beam. Cor. 3. If /, a, y be, respectively, the stress, sectional area, and distance of a fibre from the neutral line, then F E t --ay = /, or -=,-y = - = intensity of stress =f y , suppose, J\. rL a EXAMPLE i. A timber beam, 6 in. square and 20 ft. long, rests upon two supports, and is uniformly loaded with a weight of 1000 Ibs. per lineal foot. Determine the stress at the centre at a point distant 2 in. from the neutral line. Also find the central curvature, E being 1,200,000 Ibs. /T /^ /=- = 108, M = 1000 X io 1000 X 5 = 5000 ft.-lbs. = 60,000 inch -Ibs., and y = 2 in. INTERNAL STRESSES. 345 Hence from the above equations, 1200000 f y x 108 = 60000 = Thus R = 2160 in. = 180 ft., and f y nii-fr Ibs. per sq. in. Ex. 2. A standpipe section, 33 ft. in length and weighing 5720 Ibs., is placed upon two supports in the same horizontal plane, 30 ft. apart. The internal diameter of the pipe is 30 in., and its thickness j- inch. Determine the additional uniformly distributed load which the pipe can carry between the bearings, so that the stress in the metal may nowhere ex- ceed 2 tons per square inch. Let J^be the required load in pounds. 3 The weight of the pipe between the bearings = . 5720 = 5200 Ibs. Thus, the total distributed weight between the bearings = (^+5200 Ibs.) Now M = f and the stress in the metal is necessarily greatest at the central section. W+ 5200 M, at the centre, = .30. 12 inch-lbs. ; f e = 2 X 2240 Ibs., and - = nr*t = . 1 5' .. -. W-\- 52OO 22 , I ^ . 30. 12 = 2.2240.--. 15 - = 72000 X 22, 8 .72 and hence W 30,000 Ibs. 34-6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Cor. 4. The beam is strained to the limit of safety when either of the extreme layers A'B', D ' C is strained to the limit of elasticity. In such a case, the least of the values of for y the extreme layers A'B', D' C is the greatest consistent with the strength of the beam ; and if f c and c are the corresponding intensity of stress, and distance from the neutral axis, EXAMPLE. Compare the strengths of two similarly loaded beams of the same material, of equal lengths and equal sectional areas, the one being round and the other square. Let r be the radius of the round beam ; f r9 the intensity of the skin stress. Let a be a side of the square beam ; f a9 the intensity of the skin stress. Then <2 2 ; /, for round bar, = , and for square bar = . Also, since the beams are similarly loaded, the bending moments at corresponding points are equal. r 4 #12 2 so that Thus, under the same load, the round beam is strained to a greater extent than the square beam, and the latter is the stronger in the ratio of \^SS to BREAKING WEIGHTS. 347 Cor. 5. The neutral surface is neither stretched nor com- pressed, so that it is not subjected to any longitudinal stress. But it by no means follows that this surface is wholly free from stress, and it will be subsequently seen that the effect of a shearing force, when it exists, is to stretch and compress the different particles in diagonal directions making angles of 45 with the surface. bd* d Cor. 6. For a rectangular beam// = , and c = . ,.*=// =/**=/.. c d 12 6 If the beam is fixed at one end and loaded at the other with a weight W, the maximum bending moment = Wl. If the beam is fixed at one end and loaded uniformly with a weight wl = W, the maximum bending moment wP Wl If the beam rests upon two supports and carries a weight W Wl at the centre, the maximum bending moment , If the beam rests upon two supports and carries a uniformly distributed load of wl = W, the maximum bending moment Wl Hence, in the first case, IV = =-\ " " second- W=2 " third W=^ " " fourth " W=^- THEORY OF STRUCTURES. In general, - W = g- q-j- ; t/ being some coefficient depending upon the manner of the loading. Now, if the laws of elasticity held true up to the point of rupture, these equations w^ould give the breaking weights (W 7 ), corresponding to different ultimate unit stresses (/), but the values thus derived differ widely from the results of experi- ment. It is usual to determine the breaking weight (W) of a rectangular beam from the formula W = C -T-, where C is a constant which depends both upon the manner of the loading and the nature of the material, and is called the coefficient of rupture. The modulus of rupture is the value of/ in the ordinary bending-moment formula (M = /) when the load on the beam is its breaking load. The preceding equations, however, may be evidently em- ployed to determine the breaking weights in the several cases by making J -^-q = C. In this case /"is no longer the real stress, but may be called the coefficient of bending strength. The values of C for iron, steel, and timber beams, supported at the two ends and loaded in the centre, are given. in the Tables at the end of Chapter III. The corresponding value of f is obtained from the equation or EXAMPLE. Determine the central breaking weight of a EQUALIZATION OF STRESS. 349 red-pine beam, 10 in. deep, 6 in. wide, and resting upon two supports 20 ft. apart. The value of C for red pine is about 5700. Hence, the breaking weight = W 5700 ll?_ = 14,250 Ibs. 2O X 12 2. Equalization of Stress. The stress at any point of a beam under a transverse load is proportional to its distance from the neutral plane so long as the elastic limit is not ex- ceeded. At this limit materials which have no ductility give way. In materials possessing ductility, the stress may go on increasing for some distance beyond the elastic limit without producing rupture, but the stress is no longer proportional to the distance from the neutral plane, its variation being much slower. This is due to the fact that the portion in compres- sion acquires increased rigidity and so exerts a continually increasing resistance (Chap. Ill) almost if not quite up to the point of rupture, while in the stretched portion a flow of metal occurs and an approximately constant resistance to the stress is developed. Thus, there will be a more or less perfect equalization of stress throughout the section, accompanied by an increase of the elastic limit and of the apparent strength, the increase depending both upon the form of section and the ductility. For example, if the tensile elastic limit is the same as the compressive. the shaded portion of Fig. 262 gives a graphical __ ^'- J== FIG. 262. FIG. 263. FIG. 264. representation of the total stress in a beam of rectangular section when the straining is within the elastic limit. Beyond this limit, it may be represented as in Fig. 263, and will be 350 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. intermediate between Fig. 262 and the shaded rectangle of Fig. 264 which corresponds to a state of perfect equaliza- tion. 3. Surface Loading.* It may be well to draw attention to another important assumption upon which is based the mathe- matical treatment of the problem of Beam Flexure. It has been assumed that the external forces acting on a beam can be so applied that they may be considered as dis- tributed uniformly over the whole section. Thus when a beam encastre" is loaded at the free end, Fig. 265, the load P is as- FIG. 265. sumed to be uniformly distributed over the section ab, i.e., each element in the section is supposed to experience the same amount of strain due to the load, and the reaction of the wall is also supposed to be uniformly distributed over each element in the section cd. It is clear that such suppositions must be far from the truth. In practice, the load P must be hung by some means from the beam, say by a stirrup passing over the top. The whole load is then concentrated at the line of contact of the stirrup with the beam, and it is obviously untrue to say that every * This article was kindly written by Professor Carus-Wilson and is an abstract of a Paper presented by him to the Physical Society. SURFACE LOADING. 35 1 element in the section ab is equally strained. But more than this. It has been assumed that, taking the effect of the load as distributed uniformly over the section ab, and a certain deflection thereby produced, the effect of P on each element of the section ab may be disregarded in com- parison with the strains involved in the deflection which P produces. It will probably be difficult at first to grasp the fact that certain measurable effects have been actually neglected, but that this is so may be seen by supposing the beam in question to be a pine beam, and the stirrup of iron. Experience proves that with a very moderate load the beam will be indented at a. But the theory shows that the longitudinal tension at a is zero and increases to a maximum at d. Thus, so far from the squeezing effect of the load being distributed uniformly over the section ab, it is concentrated at a, and hence it is impossible to neglect it. Engineers have always recognized the existence of this " surface-loading" effect in practice, and where possible, have provided a good " bearing" in order to avoid such local strains ; but this cannot always be done as, for instance, in the case of rollers under bridge ends. The theory of flex- ure is therefore manifestly incomplete if it cannot take into account the actual manner in which the loads are and must be applied. FIG. 266. It can be shown that the effect of placing a pressure of p tons per inch run, say in the form of a loaded roller, on a beam resting upon a flat surface, as in Fig. 266, to prevent it from 352 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. bending, is to compress every element say along ab with an intensity given approximately by the equation where f is the pressure at a distance x from a, the point of con- tact, and h = ab. This is the equation to a curve be which is approximately an hyperbola. When a beam is bent by the application of external forces, a very close approximation to the true condition may be obtained by superposing this surface-loading effect on that found for bending. Take the case of a beam supported at the ends and loaded at the centre, and let it be required to find the condition along ab, Fig. 267. FIG. 267. The effect of the bending is to produce compression above and tension below the point c, and these effects may be repre- sented by a right line de passing through c. The surface-loading effect may be represented by an hyper- bola giving the compression at any point along ab due to the load. The hyperbola and straight line will intersect in two SURFACE LOADING. 353 points h and/, which shows that at two points k ',/' along ab the vertical squeeze produced by the load is of equal intensity to the horizontal squeeze produced by the bending ; hence an element at each of these points is subject to cubical compres- sion only. From a to/' the beam is squeezed vertically, from /' to h' it is squeezed horizontally, and from^' to b it is stretched horizontally. The intensities are given at every point by the difference between the ordinates of the line of bending de and the curve of loading. It will appear that one effect of surface- loading is to make the neutral axis rise up under the load and pass through the point h f , for there is neither compression nor tension at that point. This can be verified by examining the condition of a bent glass beam by polarized light. The neutral axis is pushed up under the load and there is a black ring passing through the point /'. If the span is diminished and the load kept constant, it is clear that ae will become less, while the curve of loading remains the same, until the line dee ceases to cut the curve ; every element along ab will then be subjected to horizontal stretch, and the stretch is greatest at a ; the result obtained by neglect- ing the surface loading is that only elements from c to b are stretched, the greatest stretch being at b. The position of the " neutral points " is given by the equation T6~m where y is the distance from the top edge, h equals the depth ab, m -^-y 4, and a = one-half of the span. For all elements in ab to be stretched, the ratio of span to depth, viz., -= , must be equal to or less than 4.25. In other words, for any beam, and any load, if the span is less than 4^ times the depth, every element in the normal under the load is stretched horizontally. 354 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 4. Beam acted upon by a Bending Moment in a Plane which is not a Principal Plane. Let*XOX, YOYbe the principal axes of the plane section ^of the beam. \y FIG. 268. Let the axis MOM of the bending moment M make an angle ot with OX. M may be resolved into two components, viz., M cos a X and M sin a =. Y. These components may be dealt with separately and the results superposed. Thus, the total stress, /, at any point (x y y) stress due to X + stress due to Y = ~- + =/, 1* -fy I* , I y being the moments of inertia with respect to the axes XOX, YOY, respectively. If the point (xy) is on the neutral axis, then or being the angle between the neutral axis and XOX. SPRINGS. 355 Also see Art. 6, Chap. VIII. In this article 6 is the angle between the neutral axis and the axis of the couple, i.e., 6 = ft - a. 5. Springs. (a) Flat Springs. If two forces, each equal to P but acting in opposite directions in the same straight line, are applied to the ends of a straight uniform strip of flat steel spring, the spring will assume one of the forms shown below, known as the elastic curve. This curve is also the form of the linear arch best suited to withstand a fluid pressure, Chap. XIII. FIG. 274. FIG. 275. Consider a point B of the spring distant y from the line of action of P. Then Py bending moment at B = -=- , THEORY OF STRUCTURES. R being the radius of curvature at B, and / the moment of inertia of the section. If E and /are both constant, Ry = a constant is the equation to the elastic curve. (b) Spiral Springs (as, e.g., in a watch). Let the figure rep- resent a spiral spring fixed at C and to an arbor at A, and subjected at every point of its length to a bending action only. Consider the equilibrium of any portion AB of the spring. The forces at A are equivalent to a couple of moment M, and to a force P acting in some direction AD. This couple and force must balance the elastic moment at B. .'. M-\- Py = El X change of curvature at B, y being the distance of B from the line of action of P, or R being the radius of curvature at B before winding, and R that after winding. Let ds be an elementary length of the spring at B. Then, for the whole spring, 2(M + Py]ds = 12 - - - 12(40 - or M2ds -f- P^yds El X total change of curvature between A and C ; .-. Ms -\- Psy = EI(B - ), SP KINGS. 357 s being the length of the spring, y the distance of its C. of G. from AD, 6 the angle through which the spring is wound up, and 6 the " unwinding" due to the fixture at C. With a large number of coils the distance between the C. of G. and A may be assumed to be nil and then y = o. Also, if the spring is so secured that there is no change of direction relatively to the barrel, = o, and Ms = Eld. Let the winding-up be effected by a couple of moment Qq = M, Q being a tangential force at the circumference of a circle of radius q. The distance through which Q moves (or deflection of Q) = g# = s, since M = f, /being the skin stress, and c the distance of the neutral axis of the spring from the skin. Thus, if b is the width of a spring of circular or rectangular b section, c = , and hence the deflection = -j~s. The work done = -Q x deflection.= -~q6 = 2 2 q 2 /' si y 2 E^ '2 EC* ' 2E a ! k* being the square of the radius of gyration, A the sectional area of the spring, and Fits volume. In case of spring of rectangular section - r = - . c i rcu i ar 4 = - * 4 358 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Again, the spiral spring in Fig. 277 is wholly subjected to a bending action by means of a twisting couple of moment M = Qq in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the spring. Any torsion in the spring itself is now due to the coils not being perfectly flat. FIG. 277. Let R = radius of a coil before the couple is applied. " R = " " " " after " " u " 6 being the angle of twist ; or El ~ El ~ R~~ ^ ~ v N being the number of coils before the couple is applied, and ^y " after " " " u The distance through which g acts, i.e., the " deflection," and the work done fV V _ 8 E for spring of rectangular section, " u " circular 6. Beams of Uniform Strength. A beam having the same maximum unit stress (/") at every section is said to be a beam of uniform strength. BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 359 At any section of a beam AB ( /) denote the bending moment by M, the depth of the beam by y, and its breadth by b. Then being the distance of the skin from the neutral axis, and A the area of the section. Evidently c and k are each proportional to y, and A to by. or .-. fbf cc J/, nfbf = M t n being a coefficient whose value depends upon the form of section. Four cases will be considered. CASE a. Assume that the breadth b is constant, and let nfb = j. Then or y = Thus AB may be either the lower edge of the beam, the ordinates of the upper edge being the different values of y, or it may be a line of symmetry with respect to the profile, in which case the ordinates are the different values of -. EXAMPLE I. A cantilever AB loaded at the free end with a weight W^. At a distance x from A t y = pM p w,x. Theoretically, therefore, the beam, in elevation, is the area ACD, the curve CAD being a B FIG. 278. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. parabola with its vertex at A and having a parameter The max. depth = 2CB CD = Vp WJ. The form of this beam is very similar to that adopted for cranks and for the cast-iron beams of engines. In the latter, the material is usually concentrated in the flanges, a rib being reserved along the neutral axis for purposes of connection. Again, geometrical conditions of transmission require the teeth of wheels to be of approximately uniform strength. A cantilever of approximately uniform strength may be ob- tained by taking the tangents C, DF as the upper and lower edges of the beam instead of the curves CA, DA. The depth of the beam at A is then EF \CD = j- VpW~L Although, theoretically, the depth at A is nil, practically the beam must have sufficient sectional area at A to bear the shear due to W l , and the depth VpWJ will be found ample for this purpose. Note. The dotted lines show the beams of uniform strength, when the lower edge is the horizontal line AB. Ex. 2. A cantilever AB carrying a uniformly distributed load W,. At a distance x from A, or FIG. 279. The beam, in elevation, is there- fore the area A CD, AC, AD being two straight lines, and the maximum depth being The sectional area at A is nil, as both the bending moment and shear at that point are zero. BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 361 Note. The dotted lines show the cantilever of uniform strength when AB is the lower edge. Ex. 3. A cantilever AB carrying a weight W l at the free end A and also a uniformly distributed load W^, FIG. 280. At the distance x from A, This equation may be written in the form ( ^/V r + w l ) y = i. Theoretically, therefore, the beam, in elevation, is the area ACD, the curve CAD being an hyperbola having its centre at I W \ H ^where AH = -yn-l), and semi-axes equal to U and v IML V w The maximum depth CD = A. p\WJ-\- W~\ = 2BC. 362 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. A cantilever of approximately uniform strength may be ob- tained by taking the tangents CE, DF as the upper and lower edges of the beam instead of the curves CA, DA. It may be W easily shown that the depth of this beam at A is and this will give sufficient sectional area at A to bear the shear due to W r Note. The dotted lines show the cantilever of uniform strength, when the lower edge is the line AB. Ex. 4. A beam AB supported at A and B, and carrying a load W^ at the middle point O. \ At a distance x from 0, G /^^ 1 JX E Theoretically, therefore, the beam, in elevation, is the area ACBD, the curves CAD, CBD being two equal parabolas, having their vertices at A and B, respectively, and having parameters equal to \p W^ . The maximum depth = CD ~ 2CO = % \ f ~pWJ . A beam of approximately uniform strength may be ob- tained by taking the tangents CE, CG as the upper edges instead of the curves CA, CB, and the tangents DF t DH as the lower edges instead of the curves DA, DB. The depth of the beam at A and B is now EF = GH 2 ' and this depth will give a sectional area at the ends of the beam sufficient to bear the shears at these point, viz., - . Note. The dotted lines show the beam of uniform strength when the line AB is the lower edge. Ex. 5. A beam AB supported at A and B, and carrying a uniformly distributed load W^ BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 363 At a distance x from the middle point O, This equation may be writ- D ^, c FIG. 282. ten in the form *4 _/_ 1 pwj 4 8 Theoretically, therefore, the beam, in elevation, is an ellipse ACBD, having its centre at O and axes AB = / and CD IpWJ =v~ The maximum depth is of course the axis CD = 2 CO. Practically, the beam must have a certain depth at A and B in order to bear the shears due to the reactions at these W points, viz., -. If the horizontal tangents at C and at D are substituted for the curves, the volume of the new beam is to the volume of the elliptic beam in the ratio of 4 to n. Note. The dotted line shows the beam of uniform strength when its lower edge is the line AB. Ex. 6. A beam AB supported at A and B, and carrying a load W } at the middle point O and also a uniformly distributed load W,. At a distance x from (9, This equation may be written in the form . i WJ^ -;#*. pi = I w- THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Theoretically, therefore, the beam, in elevation, is the area ACBD, the curves CAD and CBD being the arcs of ellipses having the centres at the points K and L, respectively, where ( w/ W l\ * The maximum depth CD = 20C = J>* ] '- + -~ \ . (2 o ) A beam of approximately uniform strength may be obtained by taking as the upper edge the tangents to the curves at C, and as the lower edge the tangents to the curves at D. It may be easily shown that the depth at the ends^4 and B W A- W is now CD ' ' ' and this depth will make allowance for 2 W \ -\- KK a W _L w the shear - a at these points. Note. The dotted lines show the beam of uniform strength when the lower edge is the line AB. CASE b. Assume that the ratio of the breadth (b) to the depth (y) is constant, i.e., that transverse sections are similar. y oc b a ty M, or the ordinates of the profile of the beam both in plan and elevation are proportional to the cube roots of the ordinates of the curve of bending moments. For concentrated loads the bounding curves are evidently cubical parabolas. CASE c. Assume that the depth y is constant. Then b a M t so that the ordinates of the beam in plan are directly propor- tional to the ordinates of the curve of bending moments. CASE d. Assume that the sectional area yb is constant. Then y a 'M, FLANGED GIRDERS, ETC, 365 and the ordinates in elevation are directly proportional to the ordinates of the curve of bending moments. In this beam, the distribution of the material is very de- fective, as the breadth b ( = - J -) must be infinite when^ = o, i.e., at the points at which the bending moment is nil. Timber beams of uniform strength are uncommon, as there is no economy in their use, the portions removed to bring the beam to the necessary form being of no practical value. 6. Flanged Girders, etc. Beams subjected to forces, of which the lines of action are at right angles to the direction of their length, are usually termed Girders; a Semi-girder, or Cantilever, is a girder with one end fixed and the other free. It has been shown that the stress in the different layers of a beam increases with the distance from the neutral surface, so that the most effective distribution of the material is made by withdrawing it from the neighborhood of the neutral surface and concentrating it in those parts which are liable to be more severely strained. This consideration has led to the introduction of Flanged Girders, i.e., girders consisting of one or two flanges (or tables), united to one or two webs, and designated Single- webbed or Double-webbed ( Tubular] accordingly. 7 ( FIG. 284. FIG. 285. T j IT T i JL FIG. 286. FIG. 287. FIG. 288. FIG. 289. FIG. 290. The web may be open like lattice-work (Fig. 284), or closed and continuous (Fig. 285). The principal sections adopted for flanged girders are : The Tee (Figs. 286 and 287), the I or Double-tee (Figs. 288 and 289), the Tubular or Box (Fig. 290). Classification of Flanged Girders. Generally speaking, flanged girders may be divided into two classes, viz.: 366 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. I. Girders witJi Horizontal Flanges. In these the flanges can only convey horizontal stresses, and the shearing force, which is vertical, must be wholly transmitted to the flanges through the medium of the web. If the web is open, or lattice-work, the flange stresses are transmitted through the lattices. If the web is continuous, the distribution of stress, arising from the transmission of the shearing force, is indeterminate, and may lie in certain curves ; but the stress at every point is resolvable into vertical and horizontal components. Thus, the portion of the web adjoining the flanges bears a part of the horizontal stresses, and aids the flanges to an extent depend- ent upon its thickness. With a thin web this aid is so trifling in amount that it may be disregarded without serious error. II. Girders with one or both Flanges Curved. In these the shearing stress is borne in part by the flanges, so that the web has less duty to perform and requires a proportionately less sectional area. Equilibrium of Flanged Girders. AB is a girder in equi- o librium under the action of external forces, and has its upper flange com- pressed and its lower flange ex- tended. Suppose the girder to be FlG - 8 9 X - divided into two segments by an imaginary vertical plane MN. Consider the segment AMN. It is kept in equilibrium by the external forces on the left of MN, by the compressive flange stress at N ( = C), by the tensile flange stress at M ( T), and by the vertical and horizontal web stresses along MN. The horizontal web stresses may be neglected if the web is thin, while the vertical web stresses pass through M and N, and consequently have no moments about these points. Let d be the effective depth of the girder, i.e., the distance between the points of application of the resultant flange stresses in the plane MN. Take moments about Jfand //successively. Then Cd = the algebraic sum of the moments about M of FLANGED GIRDERS, ETC. 367 the external forces upon AMN =. the bending moment at MN=M. So, Td = M\ .'. Cd=M= Td, and C = T. Hence, the flange stresses at any vertical section of a girder are equal in magnitude but opposite in kind. The flange stress, whether compressive or tensile, will be denoted by F. EXAMPLE. A flanged girder, of which the effective depth is 10 ft., rests upon two supports 80 ft. apart, and carries a uni- formly distributed load of 2500 Ibs. per lineal foot. Determine the flange stress at 10 ft. from the end, and find the area of the flange at this point, so that the unit stress in the metal may not exceed 10,000 Ibs. per square inch. The vertical reaction at each support 80 X 2500 = -- - = 100,000 Ibs. /. F. 10 = M looooo X 10 2500 X 10 X 5 = 875,000 ft.-lbs. ,:F = 87,500 Ibs. 87500 The required area = --- = 8.75 sq. in. i oooo Cor. i. Fd=M=^I = ^L R y Cor. 2. At any vertical section of a girder, let #,,#, be the sectional areas of the lower and upper flanges, respectively ; fuft, be the unit stresses in the lower and upper flanges, respectively. Then and the sectional areas are inversely proportional to the unit stresses. This assumes that F is uniformly distributed over the areas a lt a 9 , so that the effective depth is the vertical distance between centres of gravity of these areas. Thus, the flange stresses at the centres of gravity are taken to be equal to the 3^8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. maximum stresses, and the resistance offered by the web to bending is disregarded. The error due to the former may become of importance, and it may be found advisable to make the effective depth a geometric mean between the depths from outside to outside and from inside to inside of the flanges. Thus, if these latter depths are h^ , /^ , the effective depth = Vk& (Art. 7). EXAMPLE I. At a given vertical section of a flanged girder the sectional area of the top flange is 10 sq. in., and the cor- responding unit stress is 8000 Ibs. per square inch. Find the sectional area of the lower flange, so that the unit stress in it may not exceed 10,000 Ibs. per square inch. a t . 10000 ='F= 10 . 8000 ; /. a l = 8 sq. in. and F = 80,000 Ibs. Ex. 2. A wrought-iron girder weighing w Ibs. per lineal ft., of / ft. span and d ft. depth, has horizontal flanges and a uniform cross-section. The weight of the web is equal to the weight of the flanges. Show that if the coefficient of strength is 9000 Ibs. per square inch, the limiting value of / is 5400^ ft., k being the ratio of depth to span. wr Maximum flange stress --,- ; Area of each flange = -- 5-1 in. ; 9000 . Sa and 4wT Total sectional area = ^ in., total volume of girder in feet = ' 5--;' 9000. 8^. 144 Hence, 4wr .480 wl = total W e I ght = - 95 ^- w: , and d I = 5400^- = 5400^. FLANGED GIRDERS, ETC. 369 Note. The compressive strength of cast-iron is almost six times as great as the tensile strength, and therefore the area of the tension flange of a girder of this material should be about six times that of the compression flange. Considering, however, the difficulty there is in obtaining sound castings, and also the necessity to provide sufficient lateral strength, it by no means follows, nor is it even probable, that the ratio of ultimate strengths is the best for the working strengths. Some authorities are of the opinion that girders should be designed with a view to their elastic strength, and that therefore the working unit stresses in the case of wrought-iron and steel should be equal, if this will insure sufficient lateral stability, and in the ratio of 2 to I or 3 to I for cast-iron, which will give sufficient lateral stability and make allowance for defective castings. The formula W = Cr is often employed to determine the strength of a cast- or wrought-iron girder which rests upon two x supports / inches apart, d being its depth in inches, and a the net sectional area of the bottom flange in square inches. C is a constant to be determined by experiment. Its average value for cast-iron is 24 or 26, according as the girder is cast on its side or with its bottom flange upwards. An average value of C for wr -ought-iron is 80. Cor. 3. A girder with horizontal flanges, of length / and depth d, rests upon two supports, and is uniformly loaded with a weight w per unit of length. The bending moment at a vertical plane distant x from the centre is . will \ I \i// \ wl Also, M Fd afd, a being the sectional area of either flange at the plane under consideration, and f the correspond- ing unit stress. wrt AX*\ = (i--). 3/O THEORY OF STRUCTURES, Let A be the flange sectional area at the centre. Then Hence an expression from which the flange sectional area at any point of the girder may be obtained when the area at the centre is known. Cor. 4. F represents indifferently the sum of the horizontal elastic forces either above or below the neutral axis, and is therefore proportional to A, the sectional area of the girder ; d is the distance between the centres of resultant stress and is proportional to D, the depth of the girder. /. Mat AD = CAD, a form frequently adopted for solid rectangular or round gird- ers, but also applicable to other forms. Remark. The effective length of a girder may be taken to be the distance from centre to centre of bearings. The effective depth depends in part upon the character of the web, but in the calculation of flange stresses the following approximate rules are sufficiently accurate for practical pur- poses : If the web is continuous and very thin, the effective depth is the full depth of the girder. If the web is continuous and too thick to be neglected, the effective depth is the distance between the inner surfaces of the flanges. If the web is open or lattice-work, the effective depth is the vertical distance between the points of attachment of the lattices. If the flanges are cellular, the effective depth is the distance between the centres of the upper and lower cells. EXAMPLES OF MOMENTS OF INERTIA. $Jl 7. Examples of Moments of Inertia. (a) Double-tee Sec- tion. First, suppose the web to be so thin that it may be disregarded without sensible error. ""T"^ K2' Let the neutral axis pass through G, the cen- -k tre of gravity of the section. J 1 Let a^ , a^ be the sectional areas of the lower A and upper flanges, respectively, and assume that FlG ' 2Q2 ' each flange is concentrated at its centre line. Let h l , h z be the distances of these centre lines from G. Let //, + h, = d. Approximately, / = aji* -\- aji*. Also, (a l + a f h i = and h^ --- , defining the position of G. Again, 192 i 96 144 i 72 a = - . = sq. in. and a. = -- . - = sq. in. 727 7 2 7 4 Also, M = 250 ft.-tons = 3000 inch-tons. .-. /, = 2-g- 9 ^- tons per sq. in. and f t = i||-f tons per sq. in. Third. It is often convenient to calculate the moment of inertia of a built beam symmetrical with respect to the neutral axis, as follows : Let Fig. 293 represent the section of such a beam, com- posed of equal flanges connected with the web by four equal angle-irons. Let the width AF oi the flange = a. u the side BC(= DE) of an angle-iron = b. " thickness GH(= KL) of an angle-iron =f. EF _ , be the outside depth of the section. , " " depth between flanges. FIG. 293. h^ " Let ^ 3 be the depth between the faces MN, M'N'. " h, " " " " " " ATZ, A' 7 /: 7 . EXAMPLES OF MOMENTS OF INERTIA. 375 In this value of /, the weakening effect due to the rivet- holes in the tension flange has been disregarded.* If it is to be taken into account, let/ be the diameter of the rivets. The centre of gravity of the section is now moved towards the compression flange from its original position through a distance and the moment of inertia of the net section with respect to the axis through the new C. of G. is A' being the net area of the section, and / having the value given above. Fourth. The value of 7 for a double-tee section may be more accurately determined as follows : Let the area of the top flange be A 1 , and its depth h r Let the area of the bottom flange be A^ , and its depth // 8 . Let the area of the web flange be A^ , and its depth /z 2 . Let A,-\- Af{- A 3 = A, and /z,+ //+ h z =k. FIG. 294 . Let G be the centre of gravity of the section. " G l " " " " top flange. m " web. " bottom of flange. Let y v be the distance of G from the upper edge of the section. Let y t be the distance of G from the lower edge of the section. Take moments about G s . Then THEORY OF STRUCTURES. or GG = *,(*, + 2*. + *J + *.(*, + *. 2,A So, rr -A^+ ^ ~ and Hence, h k h 2A 2A + kj - Afa + ^ 3 ) - A^ - h 2 So, = GG, + ~= etc. Again, /, with respect to G, G,ff+A,. G,ff + A S . G,G', A&* + A,&,* + A,A* /, being equal to ' ' - ' ' ~ . Hence, 7 = 7 ' + ^' + \A^ + 2A, + A.) + A,(A, + /,,)'. EXAMPLES OF MOMENTS OF INERTIA. ^77 A 1 A^ 1 +^+2A l A t A,(/l 1 +/l^ 1 +2^+^ + A,A,'(A t + ky - 2A l A^i,(A, + A,)(A, + A,) + A,A,'(A, + A,)' + A,A'(A, + 2A, + A,)' + 2A 1 A,A,(A 1 + 2*. + h,)(h, + A,) 1+ 2A 1 A,A 3 (/i 1 + 2/1, + h^(h, + h, + h, + h,) A.A^ + k$A + A,A,(/i, + k$A 1 + (4& + AfAJfa + 2h, + h$ W* + WA - A.A^/^ + 2// a + h$A Hence, finally, 12 Cor. I. If 7/ t and h t are small compared with ^,, put Then y = 2A h , = -- , nearly, THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and A A' + A. (h' - k -^^] + AM 12 ,,^A, , A,A,+A,A, tttT" ~4A 4A Note. If At is also very small, as in the case of an open web, then A A A i/ 2 = h' j- and / = h' 2 j- 2 , approximately. si. si. Cor. 2. Let y a , y b be the distances of G from the upper and lower edges, respectively ; let f a , f b be the corresponding maximum working unit stresses. From the preceding corollary, y b = y^ = - - - -, 2 2/i or A. + A. + A, __ y a +y b 2A. + A, 2y b 3 l yb * 2% 1 f b Hence, EXAMPLES OF MOMENTS OF INERTIA. 379 and ,,, 1 , ~ lt 12 + 4A 12A A + A: + 4 (A, + + A, 6 /. +/. r&, Fifth. T-section. Let the area of the flange be A, , and its depth h,. Let the area of the web be A 9 , and its depth h^. LetAi + A, = A, and h, + h^ = h. Let G be the centre of gravity of the sec- tion, G^ of the flange, and G 9 of the web. FIG. 295- Let y l be the distance of G from foot of the web. Then . l - 2 2 3^0 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and _ ^i + * I A A - A A = *i A A - AA 2 2(A l +A,) 2 ' 2A Again, ,. ^ ^ ^ii/ AJi . ~ ~ h. AJi G lG = ^ + k,- yt =^ and G.G =*;- = .. Hence /, with respect to a horizontal line through G, = A^+A,. G>G'+A/ + A..G.G; '' which reduces to . 12 4A Cor. I. If h^ is very small as compared with ^ a , put = AJf + A.(?- -) = (A, + ) k>, nearly, then or and 1 = or 12 ' 4A r Cor. 2. Let y a be the distance of the compressed, or upper, side from the neutral axis. 12 4A TO DESIGN A GIRDER OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 381 Let y b be the distance of the stretched, or lower, side from the neutral axis. Let/ a be the crushing unit stress, f b the tensile unit stress. h' 2.A I A. From the preceding, y a - '- ^- - ; but h' = y a -\-y b ; m >, ^ = > = 2 A,+A t 2y b 2f b Hence, /becomes 2 ~7 i 7"' 7 fa+fb fa Note. Although the preceding approximate methods are often useful, they can only be regarded as tentative and should always be checked by an accurate determination of the moment of inertia and of the position of the neutral axis. 8. To design a Girder of Uniform Strength, of an I-section with equal Flange Areas, to carry a Given Load. Let y be the depth of the girder at a distance x from its middle point. Let A be the sectional area of each flange at a distance x from its middle point. Let A' be the sectional area of the web at a distance x from its middle point. Let M be the bending moment at a distance x from its mid- dle point. Let 5 be the shearing force at a distance x from its middle point. Then * /being the safe unit stress in tension or compression. 382 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Web. Assume that the web transmits the whole of the shearing force. This is not strictly correct if the flange is curved, as the flange then bears a portion of the shearing force. The error, however, is on the safe side. Theoretically, the web should contain no more material than is absolutely necessary. Let f s be the safe unit stress in shear. Then A'- S ~ and the sectional area is, therefore, independent of the depth. A.' S The thickness of the web = = -7, but this is often too small to be of any practical use. Experience indicates that the minimum thickness of a plate which has to stand ordinary wear and tear is about J or T 5 ^- in., while if subjected to saline influence its thickness should be f or |- in. Thus, the weight of the web rapidly increases with the depth, and the greatest economy will be realized for a cer- tain definite ratio of the depth to the span. The thickness of the web in a cast-iron girder usually varies from I to 2 in. In the case of riveted girders with plate webs of medium size, all practical requirements are effectively met by specifying that the shearing stress is not to exceed one-half of the flange tensile stress, and that stiffeners are to be introduced at inter- vals not exceeding twice the depth of the girder when the thickness of the web is less than one-eightieth of the depth. Again, it is a common practical rule to stiffen the web of a plate girder at intervals approximately equal to the depth of the girder, whenever the shearing stress in pounds per square Crra \ I -\ ' j, H being the ratio of the depth of the web to its thickness. Flanges. First. Assume that the flanges have the same sectional area from end to end of girder. TO DESIGN A GIRDER OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 383 If the effect of the web is neglected, M and the depth of the beam at any point is proportional to the ordinate of the bending-moment curve at the same point. For example, let the load be uniformly distributed and of intensity w ; and let / be the span. Then FIG. 296. and the beam in elevation is the parabola ACJ3, having its vertex at C and a central depth CO = TTT"> The depths thus determined are a little greater than the depths more correctly given by the equation M y = Second. Assume that the depth y of the girder is constant. Then A 1 M and, neglecting the effect of the web, the area of the flange at any point is proportional to the ordinate of the curve of bend- ing moments at the same point. Let the load be uniformly distributed and of intensity w ; also, let the flange be of the same uniform width b throughout. A 1 2 3 5 6 7 B FIG. 297, The flange, in elevation, is then the parabola ACB, having its vertex at C and its central thickness CO ^7-7. Such Zfyb THEORY OF STRUCTURES. beams are usually of wrought-iron or steel, and are built up by means of plates. It is impracticable to cut these plates in such a manner as to make the curved boundary of the flange a true parabola (or any other curve). Hence, the flange is generally constructed as follows : Draw the curve of bending moments to any given scale. By altering the scale, the ordinates of the same curve will represent the flange thicknesses. Divide the span into seg- ments of suitable lengths. From A to I and B to 7 the thickness of the flange is \a 7/; from I to 2 and 7 to 6 the thickness is 2b = 6e ; from 2 to 3 and 6 to 5 the thickness is $c = ^d\ and from 3 to 5 the thickness is CO. The more correct value of A( = -p-1 is somewhat V fy 67 less than that now determined, but the error is on the safe side. Again, at any section, E 2f - , and hence R oc y, the depth. Thus the curvature diminishes as the depth increases, so that a girder with horizontal flanges is superior in point of stiffness to one of the parabolic form. The amount of metal in the web of the latter is much less than in that of the former. If great flexibility is required, as in certain dyna- mometers, the parabolic form is of course the best. 9. Deflection of Girders. The principles of economy and strength require a girder to be designed in such a manner that every part of it is proportioned to the greatest stress to which it may be subjected. When such a girder is acted upon by external forces, it is uniformly strained throughout, and in bending, the neutral axis must necessarily assume the form of an arc of a circle, provided the limit of elasticity is not ex- ceeded. It might be supposed that the curve of deflection is dependent upon the character of the web, and this is doubtless the case, but experiments indicate that so long as the flange DEFLECTION OF GIRDERS. 385 unit stresses are unaltered in amount, the influence of the web may be disregarded without sensible error. Let f be the unit stress in the beam at a distance y from the neutral axis ; let d be the depth of the beam. Then / M E - = - T = -=. = a constant, y 1 K assuming that the neutral axis is an arc of a circle of radius R. But y oc d, and 7 = Ak* a Ad\ Hence f a y a d\ and if the depth is constant, /is also con- stant and the beam is of uniform strength. If the area A is constant, EXAMPLE I. A cantilever bent under the action of exter- nal forces, so that its neutral axis AB assumes the form of an arc of a circle having its centre * O. Draw the verticals OA, BF, and the horizon- The vertical deviation of B from the hori- zontal, viz., BF y is the maximum deflection. ,'/' Denote it by D. 6 Let radius of circle = R. Since the deflection is very small, BE is approximately equal to AB ( = /), the length of the cantilever. /. r = BE" = AE(2R - AE) = 2RD - D* = 2 RD, as D 1 may be disregarded without much error. Also, the deflection at any point distant x from A is evi- dently ^. If /is the stress in the material at a distance y from the neutral axis, f__E L _^DE 2DEy ~y ~ R ~ ' S ~' f ~~ ~lf~ ' 386 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Ex. 2. A girder resting upon two supports at A and B is bent under the action of external forces so that its neutral axis ACB assumes the form of an arc of a circle having its centre at O. Draw the vertical OC, meeting the horizontal AB in F. CF is the maximum deflection ; denote it by D. Since D is very small, its square may be disregarded and the horizontal AB may be supposed equal to the length ACB ( = /) of the girder, without much error. Then FIG. 299. - = AF* = FC(zR - FC) = 2RD - D 1 = 2RD. Hence, / & Also, since = -5, y R f ~ WEy x The deflection at a distance x from F = D . Ex. 3. A timber beam of 20 ft. span, is 12 in. deep and 6 in. wide : what uniformly distributed load ( W) will deflect the beam I in., E being 1,200,000 Ibs. ? By Ex. 2, (2 4 0) 2 .'. R 7200 in. _E T _ 1200000 8 ' 12 "J^~' 7200 12 I20OOOO 6 . I2 9 720O 12 .-. W= 4800 Ibs. DEFLECTION OF GIRDERS. 387 Ex. 4. Let s l , f l , d lt and j a , / 2 , 4 , respectively, be the length, unit stress, and distance from the neutral axis of the stretched and compressed outside fibres in Examples (i) and (2). Let d l -f- d^ = d the total depth of the girder. Hence, from similar figures, d, s, R-d, - and 7- - / 2P "" Z? * A'- ' A Also, . /i+/ IL '""* _ ^ + ^ Ex. 5. A truss of span 120 ft. and 15 ft. deep is strained so that the flange tensile and compressive unit stresses are 10,000 and 8000 Ibs., respectively. Find the deflection, and difference of length between the extreme fibres. 30000000 i 20 .'. s 1 J 3 = .864 in., and R = 25,000 ft. Hence also D = = -864 in. 10. Camber. Owing to the play at the joints, a bridge- truss, when first erected, will deflect to a much greater extent 388 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. than is indicated by theory, and the material of the truss will receive a permanent set, which, however, will not prove detri- mental to the stability of the structure, unless it is increased by subsequent loads. If the chords were made straight, they would curve down- wards, and, although it does not necessarily follow that the strength of the truss would be sensibly impaired, the appear- ance would not be pleasing. In practice it is usual to specify that the truss is to have such a camber, or upward convexity, that under ordinary loads the grade line will be true and straight. The camber may be given to the truss by lengthening the upper or shortening the lower chord, and the difference of length should be equally divided amongst all the panels. The lengths of the web members in a cambered truss are not the same as if the chords were horizontal, and must be carefully calculated, otherwise the several parts will not fit accurately together. To find an approximate value for the camber, etc. : Let d be the depth of the truss. Let s l , ^ 2 be the lengths of the upper and lower chords, respectively. Let /! , / 2 be the unit stresses in the upper and lower chords, respectively. Let d l , d^ be the distances of the neutral axis from the upper and lower chords, respectively. Let R be the radius of curvature of the neutral axis. Let / be the span of the truss. d, *. //i d i l ~ ** / 3 - = j- = - and - = = - , approximately, the chords being assumed to be circular arcs. Hence, the excess in length, of the upper over the lower chord, STIFFNESS. 389 Let x l , x^ be the cambers of the upper and lower chords, respectively. R-\- d l and R d^ are the radii of the upper and lower chords, respectively. By similar figures, the horizontal distance between the ends r> 1 of the upper chord = -= V, and the horizontal distance be- tween the ends of the lower chord = - 5~~V. Hence, R and ( j = x, . 2(R + O, approximately, ^) approximately. i i * \ A I i 8^* R ' oR\ Ri r iy Hence, approximately, the camber = . Note. The deflection of a well-designed and well-built truss is often much less than, and should never exceed, I inch per 100 ft. of span under the maximum load. II. Stiffness. If D is the maximum deflection of a girder W D of span / under a load W, then -, or more usually , is a measure of the stiffness of the girder. In practice, the deflection of an iron or a steel girder, under the working load, should lie between and ^ , i.e., it is limited to i or 2 in. per 100 ft. of span, and rarely exceeds , or 1.2 in. per 100 ft. of span. 1000 A timber beam should not deflect more than -^-, or i in. 360 per 30 ft. of span. 390 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let M l be the bending moment at the most deflected point. Then Also, f being a numerical coefficient (in Art. 9, Ex. \,p = i ; in Ex. 2,/ = i). Thus I gives the bending moment M^ to which the girder of a speci- fied stiffness y may be subjected. Again, if the material is to bear a certain specified unit stress y, the maximum bending moment M^ to which the girder may be subjected is given by the equation , = = -, c qd * q being a numerical coefficient less than unity, depending upon the form of the section. Cczteris paribus, the ratio of depth to span may be fixed by making the stiffness and strength of equal importance. Then M M and therefore *-* I ~ ] J r ~pl\l)~~ qd ' or d~\l DISTRIBUTION OF SHEARING STRESS. 391 In practice the proper stiffness of a girder is sometimes secured by requiring the central depth to lie between and , its value depending upon the material of which the girder is composed, its sectional form, and the work to be done. EXAMPLE. A cast-iron beam of rectangular section and of 20 ft. span carries a uniformly distributed load of 20 tons ; the coefficient of working strength is 2 tons per sq. in. ; the stiff- ness is .001 ; E is 8000 tons. Find the dimensions of the beam viz., b the breadth and d the depth. 20.20 _f r _ bd* _bd* jyj. !^ .12 j. ^^ 2 ., ^^ ! 8 c 63 Also, .-. bd* = 1800. 20 . 20 EIiD\ 8 . 8000 . bd* --.12 = M= 7 (-.-) = .(.ooi); Pl\l I 12 . 20. 12 V .-. bd* = 27000. 8 Hence, 2700O -f= 1800 = 15 in. and b = 8 in. 12. Distribution of Shearing Stress. Let Figs. 300 and 301 represent a slice of a beam bounded by two consecutive sec- A PX~ j > Q -^ 4-2 * 0/~ *d i B- B ' FIG. 300. tions AB, A'B' , transverse to the horizontal neutral axis O O f . Let the abscissae of these sections with respect to an origin 39 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. in the neutral axis be x and x -f- dx, so that the thickness of the slice is dx. In the limit, since dx is indefinitely small, corresponding linear dimensions in the two sections are the same. Let / be the moment of inertia of the section AB (or A ' B' in the limit) with respect to the neutral axis. Let c be the distance of A (or A' in the limit) from the neutral axis. Let/j , f t be the unit stresses at A and A , respectively. Consider the portion A CCA' of the slice, CC ' being parallel to and at a distance Y from the neutral axis. Since it is in equilibrium, the algebraic sum of the horizontal forces acting upon it must be nil. These forces are: The total horizontal force upon ACC, 11 A'C'C', and shear along the surface CC'. The horizontal force upon an element PQ of thickness dy and at a olistance y from the neutral axis 2 being the width PQ. Thus the total horizontal force upon "ACC = (* yzdy = ^Ay, c j Y c A being the area of ACC, and y the distance of the centre of gravity of this area from O0 r . Similarly, "the total horizontal force upon A'C'C' / J J ~ ' ., J' DISTRIBUTION OF SHEARING STRESS. 393 // f\ - Hence, f -\Ay = difference of the horizontal forces upon A CC and A'C'C', =. horizontal shear along CC' , = qwdx ; q being the intensity of this shear, and w the width of the section at-CC. Let M and M dM be the bending moments at the two consecutive sections AB, A ' B '. Then M=--I and M-dM=--I, c c and therefore Hence, dM dM - = (---)' \C c I J = qwdx, or dM Ay S A - qw = ~dx T = 7 A *> since = shearing force at the section AB = 5. dx EXAMPLE I. Solid rectangular section of width b. 12 or FIG. 302. and the intensity of the shear at any point of AB may be rep- resented by the horizontal distance of the point from the parabola A VB, having its vertex at F, where OV ' - . be 394 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The maximum intensity of shear is at O and its value is sin a), is the unit stress in the material of the beam at a distance y from the neutral axis due to the bending action at MN of the external forces on the segment AMN. Hence, also, the total um\. stress in the material in the plane MN at a distance y from the neutral axis is 2(P cos a) 2(P cos a) -~- 2 f y =~ -- 2 the signs depending upon the kind of stress. It will be observed that this formula is composed of two intensities, the one due to a direct pull or thrust, the other due to a bending action. The latter is proportional to the distance of the unit area under consideration from the neutral axis. It is sometimes assumed that the same law of variation of stress holds true over the real or imaginary joints of masonry and brickwork structures, e.g., in piers, chimney-stacks, walls, arches, etc. In such cases the loci of the centres of pressure correspond to the neutral axis of a beam, and the maximum THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and minimum values of the intensity occur at the edges of the joint. EXAMPLE I. A horizontal beam of length /, depth d, and sectional area A is supported at the ends, and carries a weight W at its middle point. It is also subjected to the action of a force H acting in the direction of its length. First. Let the line of action of // coincide with the axis of the beam. The intensity of the stress in the skin at the centre = 7". But c oc d, and 7 = Ak* oc Ad\ I . , Ad .-. - a Ad , c n n being a coefficient depending upon the form of the section. If the section is a circle, n = 8 ; if a rectangle, n = 6. Hence, HI , n W A the skin stress = db ~2 I * 4~ ~ ~ZF 3) si \ 4 " d/ Wl since M = . 4 Wl If the load W 7 is uniformly distributed, M = -5-. o Thus, a very small load on the beam may considerably in- crease the intensity of stress, and this intensity will be still further increased by the deflection of the beam under its load, so that, in order to prevent excessive straining, it is often necessary to introduce more supports than are actually required to make the beam sufficiently stiff. Second. If the line of action of H is at a distance h from the neutral axis, an additional bending moment Hh will be in- troduced. BEAM ACTED UPON BY OBLIQUE FORCES. 399 Ex. 2. The inclined beam OA, carrying a uniformly dis- tributed load of w per unit of length, is supported at A and rests against a smooth vertical surface at O. The resultant weight wl is vertical and acts through the centre C of OA ; the reaction R^ at O is horizontal. Let the directions of wl and R^ meet in B. For equilibrium, the reaction ^ 3 at A must also pass through B. Let the vertical through C meet the horizontal through A in D. The triangle ABD is a triangle of forces for the three forces which meet at B. FlG< 3 5 ' R - / wl AD AD n T\ T* BD 2. DC Of, being the angle OAD. Hence wl R, cot a. Consider a section MN, perpendicular to the beam, at a dis- tance x from O. The only forces on the left of MN are R 1 and the weight upon OM. This last is wx, and its resultant acts at the centre x of OM, i.e., at a distance - from MN. The component of R t along the beam wl cos 2 a = R^ cos a = -- : - . 2 sin a The component of R^ perpendicular to the beam D wl = R l sm a = cos a. 40O THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The component of wx along the beam = wx sin a. The component of wx perpendicular to the beam = wxcos a. Hence, wl cos a a the total compression at NM = : -4- wx sin a = C- ; 2 sin or the shearing force at MN = cos a wx cos a = S x the bending moment at MN= x cos a wx cos a = M x \ and These expressions may be interpreted graphically as already described, C x , S x being represented by the ordinates of straight lines, and M x , f y by the ordinates of parabolas. f y , for example, consists of two parts which may be treated independently. Draw OE and AF perpendicular to OA,a.nd respectively equal or proportional to wl cos 3 a wl cos 2 a wl -7 . and - : + r sin a. 2A sin a 2A sin a ' A Join EF. The unit stress at any FlG - 36- point of the beam due to direct com- pression is represented by the ordinate (drawn parallel to OE or AF) from that point to EF. Upon the line GG' drawn through the middle point B per- pendicular to OA, take .BG = BG ', equal or proportional to y wl* y-r- cos a. According as the stress due to the bending action 1 o at any point of the beam is compressive or tensile, it is repre- sented by the ordinate (drawn parallel to OE and AF) from that point to the parabola OGA or OG'A ; G and ', respec- tively, being the vertices, and GG' a common axis. SIMILAR GIRDERS PRINCIPAL PROPERTIES. 4OI By superposing these results, the parabolas EHF, EH'F are obtained, the ordinates of which are respectively proportional to the values of f y for the compressed and stretched parts of the beam, i.e., for the parts above and below the neutral! surface. 14. Similar Girders. Two girders are said to be similar when the linear dimensions of the one bear the same constant proportion to the corresponding linear dimensions of the other. Thus, if ft, ft', d, $', A, X' are corresponding breadths, depths, and lengths of two similar girders, ft 6 X ~8' = e of Aj /, Q, . . . by means of certain constant multipliers. 404 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Cor. I. If the two girders are similar and of the same material, p = g = r = ju, E = J5', and p=i. Hence, from (y), Q = <2/A and the weights vary directly as the cubes of the linear dimensions ; " (e), M' = MJJ?, and the bending moments vary directly as the fourth powers of the linear di- mensions; /' s/ " (C) and (;?), -j P = , and the flange unit stresses vary / s directly as the web unit stresses; " ( z )> "A = ^ 8 > an d t ^ ie deflections vary directly as the squares of the linear dimensions ; W r " W ^M7 == ^ ' an< ^ ^ e breaking weights vary directly as the squares of the linear dimensions. Cor. 2. Let the girders be of the same material, of equal length, of equal rectangular sectional areas, and equally loaded. Let b, b lt and d, d,, respectively, be the breadths and depths of the girders. Then b l = qb and d l = rd. Hence, b^d^ = qrbd. But b,d } = bd\ / qr i. Also, p i. ALLOWANCE FOR THE WEIGHT OF A BEAM. 405 f i Thus from C, y = - = q ; R' A 0andi, -- = r' = ; ,- --- r ~~ W ~ ~ f ' b If d l = b, then b l ^/, and r = -,. _ Hence, -- - ?> and ^ == = = 17. To make Allowance for the Weight of a Beam. A beam is sometimes of such length that its weight becomes of importance as compared with the load it has to carry, and must be taken into account in determining the dimensions of the beam. The necessary provision may be made by increasing the width of the beam designed to carry the external load alone, the width being a dimension of the first order in the expression for the elastic moment. Assume that the weight of the beam and the external load are reduced to equivalent uniformly distributed loads. Let W t be the external load. " b e " " breadth of a beam designed to support this load only. } " B e " " weight of the beam. " W " " total load, the weight of the beam being taken into account. " b " " corresponding breadth of the beam. g weight " " " Then W-B=W e , b B W W- B W e and b e ~ B~ w, " W.-B. ~ w e - B; 4O6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. wj>. wjs. w; Hence, 6,-.-^-, B -- -^^ and W -- W^J; EXAMPLE. Apply the preceding results to a cast-iron girder of rectangular section resting upon two supports 30 ft. apart. The girder is 12 in. deep and carries a uniformly dis- tributed load of 30,000 Ibs. Take 4 as a factor of safety ; b e is given by I2OOOO bd* where C 30,000 Ibs., d = 12 in., and / = 360 in. ; /. b e 5 in. Hence, B e = -^7 -^ X 30 X 450 = 5625 Ibs. ; 144 W e B e 30000 5625 = 24,375 Ibs. ; 30000,5 24375 lbs> ; W= ^ ^ EXAMPLES. 1. An iron bar is bent into the arc of a circle of 500 ft. diameter; the coefficient of elasticity is 30,000,000 Ibs. Find the moment of resist- ance of a section of the bar and the maximum intensity of stress in the metal, (a) when the bar is round and i in. in diameter, (<) when the bar is square having a side of r inch. If the metal is not to be strained above 10,000 Ibs. per sq. in., find (c} the diameter of the smallest circle into which the bar can be bent. Ans.(a) ^Tt in. -Ibs.; 5000 Ibs. (b) 833^ in. -Ibs.; 5000 Ibs. (c) 250 ft. 2. A piece of timber 10 ft. long, 12 in. deep, 8 in. wide, and having a working strength of 1000 Ibs. per sq. in., carries a load, including its own weight, of w Ibs. per lineal foot. Find the value of w, (a) when the timber acts as a cantilever ; (b) when it acts as a beam supported at the ends. Find (c) stress in material 3 in. from neutral axis at fixed end of cantilever and at middle of beam. Am, (a) 320 Ibs.; (b) 1280 Ibs.; (c] 500 Ibs. per sq. in. 3. Is it safe for a man weighing 160 Ibs. to stand at the centre of a spruce plank loft, long, 2 in. wide, and 2 in. thick, supported by vertical ropes at the ends ? The safe working strength of the timber is 1200 Ibs. per sq. in. Ans. No ; the maximum safe weight at the centre is 53^ Ibs. 4. Compare the uniformly distributed loads which can be borne by two beams of rectangular section, the several linear dimensions of the one being n times the corresponding dimensions of the other. Also compare the moments of resistance of corresponding sections. Ans. n* ; n*. 5. A cast-iron beam of rectangular section, 12 in. deep, 6 in. wide, and 16 ft. long, carries, in addition to its own weight, a single load P\ the coefficient of working strength is 2000 Ibs. per sq. in. Find the value of P when it is placed (a) at the middle point; (b) at 2$- ft. from one end. Ans. (a) 8475 Ibs. ; (b) 11,300 Ibs. 6. A round and a square beam of equal length and equally loaded are to be of equal strength. Find the ratio of the diameter to the side of the square. Ans. \/~$6 : 407 408 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 7. Compare the relative strengths of two beams of the same length and material (a) when the sections are similar and have areas in the ratio of i to 4; (b} when one section is a circle and the other a square, aside of the latter being equal to the diameter of the former. Ans. (a) i to 8 ; (b) 56 to 33. 8. Compare the strength of a cylindrical beam with the strength of the strongest (a) rectangular and (b) square beam that can be cut from it. Ans. (a) 112 : 99 |/^~; (b) 33 : 14 fa 9. A boiler-plate tube 36 ft. long, 30 in. inside diameter, weighs 4200 IDS. and rests upon supports 33 ft. apart. Find the maximum intensity of stress in the metal. What additional weight may be suspended from the centre, assuming that the stress is nowhere to exceed 8000 Ibs. per sq. in. ? Ans. 741 i- Ibs. per sq. in.; 1 8,854 -|f| Ibs. 10. Compare the relative strengths of two rectangular beams of equal length, the breadth (ft) and depth (d) of one being the depth (b) and breadth (d) of the other. Ans. d* : P. 11. A yellow-pine beam 14 in. wide, 15 in. deep, and resting upon sup- ports 129 in. apart, was just able to bear a weight of 34 tons at the cen- tre. What weight will a beam of the same material, of 45 in. span and 5 in. square, bear ? Ans. \\\ tons. 12. A cast-iron rectangular girder rests upon supports 12 ft. apart and carries a weight of 2000 Ibs. at the centre. If the breadth is one- half the depth, find the sectional area of the girder so that the intensity of stress may nowhere exceed 4000 Ibs. per sq. in. Ans. 1 8 sq. in.; if weight of girder is to be taken into account, the depth d is given by d s i.oi2$d* 216 = o. 13. Find the depth of a wrought-iron girder 6 in. wide which might be substituted for the cast-iron girder in the preceding question, the coeffi- cient of strength for the wrought-iron being 8000 Ibs. per sq. in. Ans. 4.762 in.; if weight of girder is to be included, the depth d is given by d* .54 the specific weight of the material. Ans. ^ - > n being a coefficient depending upon the form of the section. 56. If the beam in the preceding question is to be supported at its two ends, what will its limiting length be ? Ans. , . 57. Find the limiting length,of a cedar cantilever of rectangular sec- tion, k being 40, w = 36 Ibs. per cu. ft., and/ = 1800 Ibs. per sq. in. Ans. 60 ft. 58. A steel cantilever 2 in. square has an elastic strength of 15 tons per sq. in. What must its limiting length be so that there may be no set f Ans. 23.4 ft. 59. Find the limiting length of a wrought-iron beam of circular sec- tion, k being 64 and the elastic strength 8 tons per sq. in. What will this length be if a beam of I-section, having equal flange areas and a web area equal to the joint area of the flanges, is substituted for the circular section ? Ans. 84 ft. ; 224 ft. 60. A rectangular cast-iron beam having its length, depth, and breadth in the ratio of 60 to 4 to i, rests upon supports at the two ends. Find the dimensions of the beam so that the intensity of stress under its own weight may nowhere exceed 4500 Ibs. per sq. in. Ans. I = 128 ft. ; d = 8-jV ft. ; b = 2 T ^ ft. 61. A beam supported at the ends can just bear its own weight W\.o- W gether with a single weight at the centre. What load may be placed at the centre of a beam whose transverse section is similar but m* as great, its length being n times as great ? If the beam could support only its own weight, what would be the relation between m and n ? (m* m^ n Ans. W ; m = -. \n 2 ) 2 62. The flanges of a rolled joist are each 4 in. wide by \ in. thick ; the web is 8 in. deep by inch thick. Find the position of the neutral axis, the maximum intensities of stress per square inch being 10,000 Ibs. in tension and 8000 Ibs. in compression. Ans. k\. = 3$ ; hi ~ 4$. EXAMPLES. 415 63. A continuous lattice-girder is supported at four points, each of the side spans being 140 ft. n in. in length, 22 ft. 3 in. in depth, and weigh- ing .68 ton per lineal foot. On one occasion an excessive load lifted the end of one of the side spans off the abutment. Find the consequent in- tensity of stress in the bottom flange at the pier, where its sectional area is 127 sq. in. Ans. 2.3893 tons per sq. in. 64. A railway girder is 101.2 ft. long, 22.25 ft- deep, and weighs 3764 Ibs. per lineal foot. Find the maximum shearing force and flange stresses at 25 ft. from one end when a live load of 2500 Ibs. per lineal foot crosses the girder. 65. A floor with superimposed load weighs 160 Ibs. per sq. ft. and is carried by tubular girders 17 ft. c. to c. and 42 ft. between bearings. Find the depth of the girders (neglecting effect of web), the safe inch- stress in the metal being 9000 Ibs., and the sectional area of the tension flange at the centre 32 sq. in. Ans. 24.99 in - 66. Design a timber cantilever of approximately uniform strength from the following data: length = 12 ft.; square section; load at free end = i ton ; coefficient of working strength = | ton per sq. in. What must be the dimensions at the fixed and free ends so that the cantilever might carry an additional uniformly distributed load of 2 tons ? Ans. Side = 15.1 in. at fixed end and = 10 in. at free end; side = 19.1 in. at fixed end and = (19.1 in.) at free end. 67. Show that the curved profile of a cantilever of uniform strength designed to carry a load W at the free end, is theoretically a cubical parabola. Also show that by taking the tangents to the profile at the fixed end as the boundaries of the cantilever, a cantilever of approxi- mately uniform strength is obtained having a depth at the free end equal to two-thirds of the depth at the fixed 6nd. 68. Design a wheel-spoke 33 in. in length to be of approximately uni- form strength, the intensity of stress being 4000 Ibs. per sq. in. ; the load at the end of the spoke is a force of 1000 Ibs. applied tangentially to the wheel's periphery, and the section of the spoke is to be (a) circular, (b) elliptical, the ratio of the depth to the breadth being 2|. Ans. (a) Depth at hub = 6.982 in., at periphery = 4.634 in. (b) " = 9.435 " " = 9-35 in. Breadth " " = 3.7/4 " " = 3-74 in. 69. A beam of 17 ft. span is loaded with 7, 7, 11, and n tons at points 1,6, ii, and 15 ft. from one end. Determine the depths at these points, the beam being of uniform breadth and of approximately uni- form strength ; the coefficient of working strength = 2 tons per sq. in.; the depth of the section of maximum resistance to bending = 16 in. 16065 277 x i6 s 1087 x i6 a Ans ' * = i 7 8 5 670 x i6 2 and d + (S r - S,)r Also, when x = r -{- s, M = S s s -\- S r r. Between CandA, S is constant = S t suppose, = and hence c" being the constant of integration. But M = SsS -\- S r r when x = r + s. .-. c" = Sj + S r r - Sjr + s), and M= Ss + 5> + S r r - S t (r -f s). Hence, at A t o = S t t + 5> + 5>. 6^r. 4. The equation - - = 5 indicates that the shearing force at a vertical section of a girder is the increment of the bending moment at that section per unit of length, and is an important relation in calculating the number of rivets required for flange and web connections. 2. On the Interpretation of the General Equations. The bending moment M at any transverse section of a girder El may be obtained from the equation M= ,R being the .A. DEFLECTION OF BEAMS. 433 radius of curvature of the neutral axis at the section under consideration. \ Let OA, in Figs. 313 and 314, represent a portion of the neutral axis of a bent girder. --^ Jy FIG. 313. FIG. 314. Take O as the origin, the horizontal line OX as the axis of x, and the line O Y drawn vertically downwards as the axis of y. Let x, y be the co-ordinates of any point P in the neutral axis. If R is the radius of curvature at P, then dx* a d& " the sign being -f- or according as the girder is bent as in Fig. 313 or as in Fig. 314, and being the angle between the tangent at P and OX. dy Now, jk is the tangent of the angle which the tangent line at P to the neutral axis makes with OX, and the angle is always very small. Thus, -j- is also very small, and squares and dy higher powers of -7 may be disregarded without serious error. Hence, I ~ , = -jTT approximately, and the bending-moment equation becomes M = EI-jj. 434 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The integration of this equation introduces two arbitrary constants, of which the values are to be determined from given conditions. At the point or points of support, for example, the neutral axis may be horizontal or may slope at a given angle. Let 6 be the slope at P. Since 6 is generally very small, 6 tan 6, approximately, and hence or dB M From this last equation A" 0= and the change of slope between any given limits is represented by the corresponding area of the bending-moment curve. dy r Also, since = 0, y = J 6dx, d>& and the deflection is measured by the area of a curve repre- senting the slope at each point. Again, by Art. i, Comparing eqs. (A) and (B), it will be observed that M y, Oj and -^-,, i.e., the deflection, slope, and bending moment, are connected with one another in precisely the same manner NEUTRAL AXIS OF A LOADED BEAM. 435 as M, S, and p, i.e., the bending moment, shearing force, and load. Thus, the mutual relations between curves drawn to represent the deflection, slope, and bending moment must be the same, mutatis mutandis, as those between the curves of bending moment, shearing force, and load. For example, divide the effective bending-moment area into a number of elementary areas by drawing vertical lines at con- venient distances apart, and suppose these elementary areas to represent weights. Two reciprocal figures connecting y, 0, and M may now be drawn exactly as described in Chap. I, and it at once follows that (a) Any two sides of the funicular polygon, or, in the limit (when the widths of the elementary areas are indefinitely diminished), any two tangents to the funicular or deflection curve, meet in a point which is vertically below the centre of gravity of the corresponding effective moment area. (b) The segments iH, nH into which the line of weights is divided by drawing OH parallel to the closing line CD, give the slopes (= ~2Mdx) at the supports. N.B. In the case of a semi-girder, the last side of a polygon is the closing line, and in gives the total change of slope. (c) If the polar distance is made equal to El, the intercept between the closing line and the funicular or deflection curve measures the deflection. 3. Examples of the Form assumed by the Neutral Axis of a Loaded Beam. EXAMPLE I. A semi-girder fixed at one end O so that the neutral axis at that point is horizontal carries a weight W at the other end A. At any point (x, y) of the neutral axis x). . . (A) Integrating, l being a constant of integration. But FlG - 3*s- the girder is fixed at O, so that the inclination of the neutral THEORY OF STRUCTURES. axis to the horizon at this point is zero, and thus, when x = o, dy -j- is o, and therefore c t = o. Hence, % : ^4-D ..... . . (B Integrating, 2 being a constant of integration. But y = o when x = o, and therefore a = o. Hence, dy Equation (B) gives the value of , i.e., the slope, at any point of which the abscissa is x. Equation (C) defines the curve assumed by the neutral axis, and gives the value of y, i.e., the deflection, corresponding to any abscissa x. Let <*! be the slope, and d l the deflection at A. From (B), w and from (C), i w r d , ^~ T- NEUTRAL AXIS OF A LOADED BEAM. 437 Ex. 2. A semi-girder fixed at one end O carries a uniformly distributed load of intensity w. At any point P (x, y) of the neutral axis, . . (A) Y FIG. 316. Integrating, ='* -<*+$+>.. l being a constant of integration. dy But -j- = o when x = o, and therefore ^ = O. Hence, dx (B) Integrating, a being a constant of integration. But j = o when x = o, and therefore 2 = O. Hence, 2 2 (Q Let a be the slope and d^ the deflection at A. Hence, from (B), and from (C), i wr 43$ THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Ex. 3. A semi-girder fixed at one end carries a uniformly distributed load of intensity w, and also a single weight Wat the free end. This is merely a combination of Examples I and 2, and the resulting equations are : x) + (l-xf (A) Also, if A is the slope and D the deflection at the free end, from (B), i iwr wi\ tan A = -g^ 1- -^- ] = tan or, -j- tan <* a ; and from (C), . The slope (a) and deflection ( 3I7 ' P (x, y) between O and C, EI -=rjr ; and from (C), ^ = -5 -py . ID &i 48 /j/ a. B A EX * 5 ' The irder OA rests -^Jj, | ^' x upon supports at <9, ^4, and carries P~~~C" a uniformly distributed load of in- tensity w. At any point P (x, y) of the FlG - 318. neutral axis, Integrating, P T dy __wl a wx* ~fcc''^~4~ X ~~6~ T~ C I> \ being a constant of integration. But -j- = o when x = -, and therefore c. . dx 24 Hence, dx " 4 6 24 ' Integrating, wl , wx* wl* Ely = x" x 4- c mt 12 24 24 :, being a constant of integration. But 7 = when x = o, and therefore c^ = o. Hence 7? = ^r 3 - ^- x. . (C) 12 24 24 V ' NEUTRAL AXIS OF A LOADED BEAM. 441 Let or a be the slope at O, and d^ the deflection at the centre. Then, from (B), tan a, = ^ ; and from (C), < = ^ ~. Ex. 6. A girder rests upon two supports and carries a uni- formly distributed load of intensity w, together with a single weight W at the centre. This is merely a combination of Examples 4 and 5, and the resulting equations are : dx ' ~ 4 16 4 6 and (B) 12 ID 12 24 24 Also, if A is the slope at the origin, and D the central deflection, we have, from (B), i fwr wr\ tan A = j(-rf- + J = tan ,+ tan a ; and from (C), *= +- -<+< The slope and deflection of an arbitrarily loaded girder resting upon two supports may be determined in the manner described in Art. 2. Let C be the lowest point of the deflection curve. The tangents at C and O will intersect in a point T which is ver- tically below the centre of gravity of the bending-moment area corresponding to OC. Denote this area by Fand the horizontal distance of centre 44 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. of gravity from OY by x. Let OL be the angle between OT and CT produced. Then F d d being the maximum deflection. In Ex. 6, e.g., the girder being symmetrically loaded, i wi i 2 wr i wr 2 i wr 5 / F= sr- and Fx = ^ 4- ~- EId 242^382 1632 24 82 Ex. 7. Suppose that the end O of the girder in Ex. 5 R R ^ is fixed. The fixture introduces \j(^\\ a left-handed couple at ; let its K---.,_ a l ~~~^k * moment be M,. P Let the reactions at O and A y be R t , R^ , respectively. At any point P (x, y] of the neutral axis, But M, i.e., 7-r4, is zero when x = /. -^ ...... (2) Integrating eq. (i), There is no constant of integration, as -,- = o when x = o. dx Integrating eq. (3), - Ely = R?*^ - M?- . (4) 1 6 24 J 2 There is no constant of integration, as x and y vanish to- gether. NEUTRAL AXIS OF A LOADED BEAM. But y also vanishes when x = /, so that 443 Hence, by eqs. (2) and (5), and so tf, = //. . (6) Thus, the b ending-moment, slope, and deflection equations are, respectively, (*> =<"* -- . I. The bending moment is nil at points given by 5 w , wl* ^f= o = -golx x* -- g-, F i.e., when x = or /. Take OF= . 4 4 Since -^-7 = o, .F is a point of inflexion. If the girder is cut through at this point, and a hinge introduced sufficiently strong to transmit the shear (= %wl), FIG. 320. the stability of the girder will not be impaired. Hence, the girder may be considered as made up of two independent portions, viz. : (a) A cantilever OF-oi length , carrying a uniformly dis- tributed load of intensity w, together with a weight wl at F. 444 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The maximum bending moment on OF is at O, and is 3 f / , wl I wr = 8 W/ 4 + 78 =: l~' (b) A girder FA of length , carrying a uniformly distrib- uted load of intensity w. The maximum, bending moment on FA is at the middle This result may also be obtained from eq. (7) by putting -- o. Whence dx O = %wl wx, or x = f/, .and therefore The shearing force and bending moment at different points of the girder may be represented graphically as follows : The shearing force at any point of which the abscissa is x is S = f wl wx. Take OB and A C, respectively equal or proportional to wl and fw/; join BC. The line BC cuts OA in /?, where OP = f/. The shearing force at any point is represented by the ordinate between that point and the line BC. The bending moment at the point (x, y) is Take OG, DE, and OF, respectively equal or proportional wr g I to -5, --^w/ 2 , and -. The bending moment at any point is o I2o 4 represented by the ordinate between that point and the parab- ola passing through G, F, and A, having its vertex at E and its axis vertical. NEUTRAL AXIS OF A LOADED BEAM. 445 dy Cor. 2. The deflection is a maximum when = o, i.e., when or at the point given by x = -g05 1/33). Substituting this value of x in eq. (9), the corresponding value of jj/ may be obtained. Ex. 8. If both ends of the girder in eq. (7) are fixed, the wl reaction at each support is evidently , and the equation of moments becomes T^jd^y _ wl wx* Integrating, dy wl w El-f- = x* ** M.x (2) dx \ 6 dy No constant of integration is required, as -r- = o when x = o. -j- is also zero when x = I (also when x = ). dx V 21 and hence ^' = 1? (3) Integrating eq. (2), 12 24 24 There is no constant of integration, as x and y vanish together. The central deflection I i.e., when # = )=* ~^~~cj' 44-6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. If the load, instead of being uniformly distributed, is a weight ^concentrated at the centre, then, for one half oi the girder, Integrating, dv W /-/- = x* - M,x ...... (6) dx 4 dy There is no constant of integration, as -j- = o when x = o. dy I -j- is also evidently zero when x = , and hence W I Wl = _/>_^-, or M$~-g-. V . (7) Integrating eq. (6), W x* W Wl -Efy=x*-M l - = x*-~x\ ... (8) 12 '2 12 l6 There is no constant of integration, as x and y vanish together. I Wl The central deflection = --- p-=-. 192 El 4. Supports not in same Horizontal Plane. In the preceding examples it has been assumed that the ends of the girder are in the same horizontal plane. Suppose that one end, e.g., A, falls below O by an amount jj>, , y l being small as com- pared with /. The abscissae of points in the neutral axis are not sensibly changed, but the conditions of integration are altered. Con- sider Ex. 4. Between O and C, W NEUTRAL AXIS OF A LOADED BEAM. 447 Integrating, c l being a constant of integration. Integrating again, W - Ely = *> + c>* ...... (3) There is no constant due to the last integration, as x and y vanish together. Between C and A, W f A W "*- Integrating twice, -EI d j- x = -~(l-xf + c,, ...... (5) and W -Efy=(l-*r + cs + c.. ..... (6) c^ , <:, being constants of integration. The tangent at C is no longer horizontal, but makes a defi- dy nite angle 6 with the horizon, so that -j- is now tan 6 when x . Also, the values of -=- and y at C, viz., tan and d, as given by eqs. (2) and (3), must be identical with those given by eqs. (5) and (6), while the value y, at A, as given by eq. (6) when x = /, is equal to y l . Therefore W W ? + ^ = - EI tan = - ^t' + c,, r? + Ci = _ EId = p + C + c 90 '2 96 3 2 and 44^ THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence, v W v W W ' fully defining both halves of the neutral axis. dy Again, in Ex. 6 it is no longer true that -^- = o when x = , but the conditions of integration are y = o when x = o, dy and y = y l when x = /. These, together with -y- = o when dx x = o, are also the conditions in Ex. 7. Other cases may be similarly treated. 5. To Discuss the Form assumed by the Neutral Axis of a Girder OA which rests upon Supports at O and A, and carries a Weight JP at a Point B, distant r from O. Let OBA be the neutral axis of the deflected girder. The reactions at O and A are c . , , x / - r P -j and P-j, respectively. 1 / / Let BC, the deflection at C t Let a be the slope of the neutral axis at B. The portions OB, BA must be treated separately, as the weight at B causes discontinuity in the equation of moments. First, at any point (x, y) of OB, Integrating, c l being a constant of integration. NEUTRAL AXIS OF A LOADED BEAM. 449 dy But -r- = tan a when x = r, and therefore / rr* -El tan a = P j + *, . Hence, Integrating, Ti-T-'v- (3) There is no constant of integration, as x and y vanish to- gether. Also, y = d when x = r. - r tan a) = - P--. ... (4) In the same manner, if A is taken as the origin, and AB treated as above, equations similar to (i), (2), (3), and (4) will be obtained, and may be at once written down by sub- stituting in these equations n a for a, P T - for P^^-, lr I I for r, and r for / r. Thus, the equation corresponding to (4) is - El { d - (I - r) tan (* - a) } = - P '- iLU^ u ( 5) o Subtracting (5) from (4), p na==-r-r-2r); .... (6) and from (4), 450 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Thus, eqs. (2) and (3) become and -Ely = ?'-*>-?(l-r)(2l-r)*,. . (9) the latter being the equation to the portion OB of the neutral axis, and the former giving its slope at any point. Next, at any point (x,y) of BA, z P j-x - P(x - r) (10) Integrating, c a being a constant of integration. dy But -j- = tan a when x = r. dx pl r ? + ' = ~ EI tan " = ~ f 7 (/ ~ r)(/ ~ 2r and Pl-r , , N c 9 =---r(2t-r). Hence, - / = T-r 1 *' - ? ( ^ - r)i - S (/ - r)(2/ - r) - Integrating, - Ely = g 1 -^^' ~ g(* - ^ - /(' - 4 being a constant of integration. But y d when x = r. NEUTRAL AXIS OF A LOADED BEAM. 45 1 and 4 = o. Hence, - Ely = > - (* - r)' - Pr (l-r)(2/-r)x, (12) which is the equation to the portion BA of the neutral axis, eq. (11) giving its slope at any point. In the figure r < , and the maximum deflection of the girder will evidently lie between B and A, at a point given by dy putting =o in eq. (12), which easily reduces to and therefore X = I is the abscissa of the most deflected point. The corresponding deflection is found by substituting this value of x in eq. (12). If r > , the maximum deflection lies between O and B, at dy a point determined by putting -^- = o in eq. (8), which then easily reduces to from which fr(2l - r) "V" .< 452 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Substituting this value of x in eq. (9), the maximum deflection = gj j I ) . EXAMPLE. P = 15,000 Ibs., / = 100 ft., r = go ft. The distance of most deflected point from O /go X 1 10 , = y - = 57-44 ft., and the maximum deflection _ 15000 10 too X iioy 500000 ~ W X I5o V 3 / = ~~^T~ (33) * 6. To Discuss the Form of the Neutral Axis of a Girder OA which rests upon Supports at O and A and carries several Weights JP, , J* a , 1% , . . . , at points i, 2, 3, . . . , of which the Distances from O are r r a , r, , . . . , respectively. A-X FIG. 322. It may be assumed that the total effect of all the weights is the sum of the effects of the separate weights, and thus each may be treated independently, as in the preceding article. Let a l , ar a , or 3 , . . . be the slopes at the points i, 2, 3, . . . of the neutral axis. Considering P t , the equation to Oi is - Ely = '-V - '(/ - NEUTRAL AXIS OF A GIRDER OA. 453 and to lA, - Ely = ^V - (* - r,)' - T -j(l- r^(2l- r>. Considering P, , the equation to O2 is - Ely = ~V - ^/ - and to 2A, l -6 T ~ - - / - and so on for P z , P 4 , etc. The total deflection F at any point (x, F) is the sum of the deflections due to the several loads. Take, e.g., a point between 3 and 4, and let d l , d^ , d^ , . . . be the deflections of this point, due to P lt P 9 , P a , . . . , respec- tively. Then -Eld, = -EU = and so on. Hence, - (A) 454 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Again, the position of the most deflected point is found by making -7- = o in the equation to that portion of the neutral axis between two of the weights in which the said point lies. The result is a quadratic equation, and the value of x derived therefrom may be substituted in eq. (A), which then gives the maximum deflection. EXAMPLE. A girder of 100 ft. span supports two weights of 20,000 Ibs. and 30,000 Ibs. at points distant respectively 20 ft. and 60 ft. from one end. The most deflected point must evidently lie between the two weights, and the equation to the corresponding portion of the neutral axis is x* 2OOOO EIY = ^(20000 X 80 + 30000 X 40) g (* 2 ) 3 - -^-(20000 X 20 X 80 X 1 80 + 30000 X 60 X 40 X 140) 14000 , i oooo. = - x - (x 20) 26400000^. Kis a maximum when dY - o 14000^ ioooo(^ 20) 26400000, or X* + lOO^r -7600 = O, or x = 50.497 ft. Remark. Instead of assuming -jr = ^cEI-j-^ , it would be 77 T JA more accurate to take -jz- = El cos 6 (Art. 2), and the first integration would make the left-hand side of the slope equation El sin instead of El tan 6. MOMENT OF INERTIA VARIABLE. 455 7. Moment of Inertia variable. In the preceding exam- ples the moment of inertia / has been assumed to be constant. From the general equations, -->. j 2 - , dx c c being proportional to the depth of the girder at a transverse section distant x from the origin. Hence, for beams of uniform strength, the value of c in terms of x may be substituted in the last equation, which may then be integrated. Again, let Fig. 323 represent a cantilever of length /, spe- cific weight w, circular section, and with a parabolic profile, the vertex of the parabola being at A. Let 2b be the depth of the cantilever at the fixed end. Let the cantilever also carry a uniformly distributed load of in- tensity/. Consider a transverse section of radius z at a distance x from the fixed end. Let x, y be the co-ordinates of the neutral axis at the same section. Then But *' = -/_ FIG. 323. or Integrating, 4~ r wnV ~6~7~ -7 + *T- - (0 45 6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. dy There is no constant of integration, as - = o when x = o. Integrating again, px* There is no constant of integration, as x and jj/ vanish to- gether. Thus, equation (i) gives the slope at any point, and equation (2) defines the neutral axis. The slope at the free end (* = /) = -m + The deflection ~& 8. Springs Fixed at One End and Loaded at the other with a Weight W. Data. Length = /; breadth = b, and depth = d at fixed support ; V= volume of spring; f= maximum coefficient of strength ; A = maximum deflection. CASE a. Simple rectangular spring. By Ex. i, Art. 39, _ -"' since Wl _M _2f _ 1207 ' Also, y 2// 61 ' Hence, The work done = = (3) SPXJNGS. 457 CASE b. Spring of constant depth but triangular in plan. Let b x be the breadth at a distance x from the fixed end. Then b I - x and / at the same point l-X 12 12 bd\ FIG. 325. 1207 EbcT' Integrating twice, and Also, dy _ dx~ 12WI (A\ 6WI , V y A E$3r* ' 6wr /r T/T7 A Ebd* "Ed bd*ffP f*bdl f*V (5) Hence, /. V The work done = 61 Ed 6E ' $' r WA f*V (6) N.B. The results I to 6 are the same if the springs are compound ; i.e., if the rectangular spring is composed of n simple rectangular springs laid one above the other, and if the triangular spring is composed of n triangular springs laid one above the other. 458 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. CASE c. Spring of constant width but parabolic in elevation. Let d x be the depth at a distance x from the fixed end. Then dl - / and /at the same point = FIG. 326. bd: wti-*\i 12 ' 12 I / /' d *y W (J \ l2Wl * f , x ,.^ r = _(/_*)=__.(/_,) Integrating twice, ^ = T ^ ^ * (/ ~ * }l ~ 2/t(/ and hence *KJL. 4// a E bd*~ ->K<1 v) Also, The work done = =-2 2 ~6 ' 9. Girder Encastre at the Ends. The girder BCDEFG rests upon supports at the ends, is held in position by blocks forced between the ends and the abutments, and carries a uni- formly distributed load of intensity w. GIRDER ENCASTRE AT THE ENDS. 459 It is required to determine the pressure that must be devel- oped between the blocks and the girder so that the straight portion between vertical sections at points O and A of the W.I FIG. 327. neutral axis may be in the same condition as if the girder were fixed at these sections. Let / be the length of OA. Let R be the reaction at the surface BC> and r its distance from O. Let /fbe the reaction between the block and the end CD, and h its distance from O. Let P be the weight of the segment on the left of the ver- tical section O, and / its distance from O. Then for the equilibrium of the segment on the left of the section at O, 2 * 12 /? P .\K-:*>*~ 2 , and I wl\ wl* (P \r-Pp-- \ 21 ' 12 the required pressure. Again, take O as the origin, OA as the axis of x, and a vertical through O as the axis of _y. At any point (x, ^/) of the neutral axis, _ E = x _ _ . ( s ee Ex. 8.) dx* 2 2 12 ^ 460 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 10. On the Work done in bending a Beam. Let A'B'C'D' be an originally rectangular ele- \q' ment of a beam strained under the action of jfg. external forces. Let the surfaces AD', B'C' meet in G>; O is the centre of curvature of the arc P Q of the neutral axis. Let OP = R = OQ f . Let the length of the arc P Q' = dx. Consider any elementary fibre/'/, of length dx'y of sectional area a, and distant y from the neutral axis. Let t be the stress in p'q' . The work done in stretching/'/ But --- and -jr--4 dx 9 -dx y The work done in stretching/'/ = - and the work done in deforming the prism A'B'C'D' iE Hence, the total work between two sections of abscissae -^a> C'-'iEI , El r'"dx = .T.*- I?" I J/ But - \ therefore the work between the given limits TRANSVERSE VIBRATIONS. 461 This expression is necessarily equal to the work of the ex- ternal forces between the same limits, and is also the semi vis- viva acquired by the beam in changing from its natural state of equilibrium. Cor. If the proof load P is concentrated at one point of a p beam, and if d is the proof deflection, the resilience = d. If a proof load of intensity w is uniformly distributed over the beam, and if y is the deflection at any point, the resili- ence = / wydx, the integration extending throughout the whole length of the beam. The case of the single weight, however, is the most useful in practice. ii. On the Transverse Vibrations of a Beam resting upon Two Supports in the same Horizontal Plane. It is assumed (a) That the beam is homogeneous and of uniform sectional area. (b) That the axis (neutral) remains unaltered in length. (c) That the vibrations are small. (d) That the particles of the beam vibrate in the vertical planes in which they are primarily situated. In reality, these particles have a slight angular motion about the horizontal axis through the centre of gravity of the section, but for the sake of simplicity the effect of this motion is disregarded. Jif M44M /I A dx A-X Y Ci Y C' i S+dS w dx FIG. 329. Let OA be the beam. Take O as the origin, the neutral line OA as the axis of x, and the vertical O Fas the axis of y. Consider an element of the beam, bounded by the vertical 4^2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. planes BC, B ' C ', of which the abscissae are x and x -f- dx, respectively. Let w be the intensity of the load per unit of length ; hence wdx is the load upon the given element, and acts vertically through its centre. Let 5 be the shearing force at B ; 5 -f- dS the shearing force at B'. Let M be the bending moment at B] M -\- dM the bend- ing moment at B'. iv d* v Also, the resistance of the element to acceleration = -. g at Hence, at any time t, w d y dx -j-f + 5 (S -f- dS) wdx = o, or _ d? w dx -r% + Jfr.S + C, (5) c being a constant of integration. dy When x l ry -j- = tan a. .-. - El tan a = R r _, |- - v|r + ^.^ + c, . . (6) Integrating (5), - Ely = Rr-^ - v>r ~ + M r _t ~ + ex. . (7) There is no constant of integration, as x and y vanish together. Also, y = o when x l r . or c = R r 1 4- -\- v>r M r , -. (8) r izr r 4 ^ r 1 / .. \/ THE THEOREM OF THREE MOMENTS. 4 6 5 Substituting this value of c in eq. (6), - EI tan a = R r ., ^ - w r + Jf r . t j ..... ( 9 ) Similarly, the segment XV gives Adding eqs. (9) and (10), transposing, and simplifying, R r -Jr + Rr + fr + i = WS + fV + ,/',+ . - \M r _J r - PV r+I . (ii) Finally, combining eqs. (4) and (u), + w r+I r r+l ). (12) If the girder is supported at points, there are w 2 equa- tions connecting the corresponding bending moments, and two additional equations result from the conditions of support at the ends. For example, if the ends merely rest upon the sup- dy ports M l o and M n = o ; if an end is fixed, -=- = o at that point. The point of maximum bending moment, the points of inflexion, and the point of maximum deflection in any span are dM dv found by making =- = o, M o, and -j- o, respectively. Thus, for the span OX, dM o = R r ^ WyX ; /. x = f , and maximum B.M. = -- -f- M r . t \ "Wr 2 W r a quadratic giving x ; 466 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. c, a cubic from which x may be found by trial. The maximum deflection is obtained by substituting the value of x in eq. (7) ; c being given by eq. (8). CASE B. Let the loads upon OX, XV, respectively, consist oi a number of weights P l , P 9 , P 3 , . . . , distant p l , / 2 ,/ 3 , . . . from O, and Q l , <2 3 , <2, , . . . , distant #,,,,&,... from F. Refer the neutral axis OA X to the rectangular axes Ox, Oy. It may be assumed that the total effect of all the weights is the algebraic sum of the effects of the weights taken sepa- rately. Consider the effect of P t at A. The equation of moments at any point (x, y) of the neutral axis between O and A is Integrating, c l being a constant of integration. Integrating again, -Efy^Rr-^+Mr-^ + cs. . . (3) There is no constant of integration, as* and y vanish together. The equation of moments at any point (x, y) between A and (4) THE THEOREM OF THREE MOMENTS. Integrating, -El4jL = R r .-^(x-p l )'+M r -* + c t . ... (5) Integrating again, - Ely = R r .~ - (* - A) 3 + M r _ + v + ,, . (6) dy Now, at the point A, the values of -7- and jj/, as given by m& eqs. (5) and (6), are identical with those given by eqs. (2) and (3) ; also, in equation (6), y = o when x = l r . Hence, and o = R^ - (/ r - A) 3 + ^r-~ + cj r + c 9 ; so that 3 = 0, and , = *.= -^-, + J(/,-/ 1 ) t -^-,j. (7) Let a be the slope at X\ then, by eqs. (5) and (7), - EI tan a = R_ - (/, - py(2l r +/,) + Jf r _. (8) Similarly, the segment XV gives -EI^(n- a } = Rj + M r+ ...... (9) 468 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Adding eqs. (8) and (9), and transposing, *,_,/,' + JWV* = & - A)'(2/ r +A) -f^.^-fJf^/^. (10) Again, taking moments about Jf, Rr j r _ />('r-A) + -^-i = ^ = ^WH-X + ^H-:> 00 whence R r _,/; + ^H-x'V+x and finally, by eqs. (10) and (12), M r j r + 2M r (l r + /, +1 ) + M r+1 t r+I = - Pfa - A 2 )- (13) The effect of each weight may be discussed in the same manner, and hence the relation between M r _ iy M r , and M r+l may be expressed in the form r _ j r + 2 M r (l r + / r+1 ) + M r+l t r+l = - 2fa - p , Cor. I. The relation between M r _ T , M r , M r + l for a uni- formly distributed load maybe easily deduced from eq. (14). For example, let a uniformly distributed load of intensity w r cover a length 2a( ~ *~ "- 2 "/- 8/^ i ^- r - 2 For an arbitrarily distributed load, K ^(A~/) , M _ P(l t -p) I ^ = ~ R = 2^_Zl} +~= ^ Q(/ * ~ q) - - A+B If w l = O, or if P and hence ^4 o, then R l is negative. So if w a = o, or if Q and hence B o, then ^? 3 is nega- tive. Hence, if either of the spans is unloaded, the reaction at the abutment end of the unloaded span is negative and that end is subjected to a hammering action. This evil may be obviated : (a) By loading the spans sufficiently to make R^ and R^ zero or positive. This result is attained for R, if 3Wl /,' + 4W/.Y, > a/4 1 , or and for ^ 3 if 4 vW + 3 ^/, 3 > ^y, 8 , or if 47 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (b) By using a latching apparatus to keep the ends from rising. (c) By employing suitable machinery to exert an upward pressure, at least equal to the corresponding negative reaction upon each end, which is thus wholly prevented from leaving its seat. Cor. i. When the load is uniformly distributed, the dis- tance x of the point of inflection in OX from O is given by M = o = R,x -- , and therefore x - . 2 W 1 Similarly, the distance of the point of inflection in XV from K= 2 A U\ If / t = /, = /, then M=-^ l+ w, R t = 7 -^^ * = = And if w l = 2/ a = w, then In the latter case - = / = - 3 , and thus a hinge may w 1 w 2 be introduced in each span at a distance from the centre pier equal to one fourth of the span, without impairing the stability of the girder. Hence, also, the continuous girder of two equal spans may be considered as consisting of two independent girders, each of length |/, resting upon end supports, and of two cantilevers each of length . Ex. 2. Swing-bridges with two points of support at the ' t' f h {> I* FIG. 333. pivot pier, as, e.g., when they are carried upon rollers running in a circular path. A P PLICA TIONS. 47 3 This is a case of a continuous girder of three spans. Let I, , / 2 , / be the lengths of the spaces, w, , /, , ze/ 3 the corresponding intensities of the loads, which are assumed to be uniformly distributed. Let R lt R^j R 3 , R t be the reactions at the supports ; M l , M t , M a , M t the corresponding bending moments. Then -$(w 1 t: + wj;)', . (i) -}(>X + wA). . (2) Let the ends of the girders rest upon the supports, and assume, as is usually the case in practice, that the centre span is unloaded, i.e., that w^ = o. Then M l = o and M^ = o. From (i) and (2), A = -*/,', ". (3) and M,l, + 2 !&,(!, + /,)=-&,!: ..... (4) Hence, /./.V, ' 34" and _ ^/. 3 4 - W,V, + 4) - 4(444 + 34' + 444 + 444)' Taking moments about the second support, 6/,V > + 6/ 1 V J ' + 8/ 1 '4/ 1 ) + Wj 4V,_ _ (7) 4(444 + 34' + 444 + 444) Taking moments about the third support, 6/.V, + 6/.V.' + 8/,V,Q + w,n (K . () 4(444 + 34' + 444 + 444) 474 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Thus R t and jR t are both positive for all uniform distribu- tions of load over the side spans, and no hammering action can take place at the ends. Again, if the span on the left is unloaded, i.e., if w 1 = o, M 9 is positive and M 3 negative ; and if the span on the right is unloaded, i.e., if w 3 = o, M, is negative and M 3 positive. Thus, at the piers, the flanges of the girder will be sub- jected to stresses which are alternately tensile and compressive, and must be designed accordingly. The same result is also true for arbitrarily distributed loads. Ex. 3. The weights on the wheels of a locomotive passing over a continuous girder of two spans, each of 50 ft., taken in order, are as follows : 15,000 Ibs., 24,000 Ibs., 24,000 Ibs., 24,000 Ibs., 24,000 Ibs. The distances of the wheels, centre to centre, taken in the same order, are 90 in., 56 in., 52 in., 56 in. Let it be required to place the wheels in such a position as to give the maximum bending moment at the centre pier. The pier must evidently lie between the third and fourth wheels. Let x be the distance, in inches, of the weight of 15,000 Ibs. from the nearest abutment. The remaining two weights on the span are respectively x -f- 90 and x -(- 146 in. from the same abutment. The two weights on the other span are 142^ and 198 ;r in 1 ., respectively, from the nearest abutment. Hence, by Case B, Art. 13, if M is the bending moment at the centre pier, ' - (x + 90)' APPL1CA TIONS. 475 Making o for maximum value of M t and simplifying, dx and therefore + 27648* = 2518848, x = 87.39 in. = 7.28 + ft. Thus, the B. M. at the centre pier is a maximum when the first wheel is 7.28 ft. from the nearest abutment. The maximum B. M. in inch-pounds is obtained by substi- tuting x = 87.39 in. in the above equation. 15. Maximum Bending Moments at the Points of Sup- port of Continuous Girders of n equal Spans. Let the figure represent a continuous girder of n spans, I, 2, 3, ... I being the n I intermediate supports. o 123 r I r r-\-i I n "A A A A A A A A A A A~ CASE I. Assume all the spans to be of the same length /, and let w l , w t , . . . w n _ l , w n be the intensities of loads uni- formly distributed over the 1st, 2d, ...( i)th and nth spans, respectively. By the Theorem of Three Moments, -( 4 l _ _/_' 4 2 _/_' 4 / 2 ? 8 + 4^ 4 + ^ 6 = -(w. + w 6 ) ; (O (2) (3) (4) (5) 4/6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. r m n _ 3 + 4m n _ 2 + /_, = - -(w n _ 2 + w n . r ) ; (n 2) r m n . 2 + 4w_ T = -<>-i + Wn)- (n i) 4 ?# and ;# are both zero, as the girder is supposed to be rest- ing upon the abutments at o and n. From these (n i) equations, the bending moments m l , m^ , . . . m n _i may be found in terms of the distributed loads. Eliminating m^ from 2 and 3, r mi _ x 5 ^ 3 _ 4 ^ 4 = _ - j ( Wf + ^3) - 4K + ^4)}- (*0 Eliminating w g from 4 and x^ , Eliminating MI from 5 and m . Finally, by successively eliminating w 6 , m 6 -! -X / a --U w + w 3)-4K + the upper or lower sign being taken for the terms within the brackets according as n is odd or even, and the coefficients ^-i , #*- 2 , tf- 3 , bein'g given by the law, APPLICATIONS. 477 a, = 4a t a, = 209 ; # a = 4*1 = 4 ; , = I. Commencing with equations n 3 and n 2, and proceed- ing as before, 0_x*i *-i /i = - \ a n - 9 (u>i + /,) rf_ 3 (w a + ze; 3 ) + d_ 4 (w s + ;) . . . 1 5O_ 4 + w_ 3 ) =F 4(w-3 + >_,) (^- 2 + V_ f ) } , (^) the upper or lower sign being taken for the terms within the brackets according as n is odd or even. Solving the two equations y and 2, r ,(* f -xi)= - -|^-i^- 2 (<* n -i + a-3a n -*Wn-i =F and ^-i(tfVi - i) = / a ( - 1 a n _ 2 w, 4 Hence, since w 19 w tt ...w n are positive integers, the value of m H will be greatest when ;, , / a , w 4 , w e , o; 8 , . . . are greatest and w a , w 5 , w n , . . . are least ; and the value of m n _ v will be greatest when w w , w n ^ , w_ 3 , w M _ 4 , . . . are greatest, and w n _ 2 , w M - 4 , W M _, . . . are least. In other words, the bending moments at the 1st and (n i)th intermediate supports have their maxi- 47 8 THEORY OF ^STRUCTURES. mum values when the two spans adjacent to the support in question, and then every alternate span, are loaded, and the re- maining spans unloaded. #?,,#?,,... m n -i ma y now be easily determined. Thus, by eq. (i), r m * = 7^ + w ^ ~ 4w i 4 r ( 4 = - -7 J K + wj - -i - -a 4 l " a + . . . I- But a n _, = 4a n _ 2 a n _ y and is greatest when w 9 , w 3 , w t , w 1f . . . are greatest and w 4 , w, , w s , . . . are least. Similarly, by eqs. (i) and (2), CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 479 and is greatest when w l , w a , w^ , w t , w 6 , . . . are greatest and w a , w 6 , w 7 , w 9 , . . . are least. Thus, the general principle may be enunciated, that " in a horizontal continuous girder of n equal spans, with its ends resting upon two abutments, the bending moment at an inter- mediate support is greatest when the two spans adjacent to such support, and the alternate spans counting in both direc- tions, carry uniforrnly distributed loads, the remainder of the spans being unloaded." CASE II. The principle deduced in Case I also holds true when the loads are distributed in any arbitrary manner. Consider the effect of a weight w in the rth span concen- trated at a point distant/ from the (r i)th support. By the Theorem of Three Moments, 4^+^ = 0; (i) m 1 + 4m, + m 3 = 0' t (2) w* + 4^3 + ^4 = o ; . , , , . . (3) m r . a + 4m r ., + m r = w -* /) = A, suppose ; (r i) r + m r+l = -w = w (I p)(2l /)=: B, suppose ; (r) m r + 4m r+1 + m r+2 = o ; . . . . (r + i) _i = O ; ....( 2) = o (n i) 4^0 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. By equations (i), (2), (3), ... (r - 2), ill I - the upper or lower sign being taken according as r is even or odd. By equations (n i), (n 2), (n 3), . . . (r + i), . m r+2 m r+l m r = -f - - = - a n-r-i The coefficients a are given by the same law as for the co- efficients a in Case I. Thus, a r ... a n _ r m r _ 2 = -- m r _ t and m r+l = - m r . Substituting these values of m r _ 2 and m r+l in the (r i)th and rth equations, and rtr-i + M r \A - ^A = B = m r ., a n-r+2 ' where <*r- 2 and c = ~ Hence, solving the last two equations, Ac - B Bb-A * r _ I ^-. _ and ^=_ 7 - . The ratios - - and ^- are each less than unity, and &r-i &n-r+i hence b and c are each < 4 and > 3. CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 481 It may now easily be shown that Ac B and Bb A are each positive. Hence, m r _^ and m r are both of the same sign* The bending moment m q at any intermediate support on the left of r i is given by m q = -| -- m r -i if 9 an d r are the one even and the other odd, or = -- --m r -i if 9 an< 3 r are both even or both odd. Thus the bending moment at the q\.\\ support is increased in the former case and diminished in the latter. If q is on the right of r, m q = -\ *~ q+l m r if q and r are both even or both odd, a n-r+i or m q -=. -- ^^~m r if q and r are the one even and the other odd, and the bending moment on the ^th support is increased in the former case and diminished in the latter. Thus, the general principle may be enunciated, that, "in a horizontal continuous girder of n equal spans, with its ends resting upon two abutments, the bending moment at an inter- mediate support is greatest when the two spans adjacent to such support, and the alternate spans counting in both direc- tions, are loaded, the remainder of the spans being unloaded." CASE III. The same general principle still holds true when the two end spans are of different lengths. E.g., let the length of the first span be kl, k being a numerical coefficient, and let 2(1 -\- k) = x. Eq. (i) now becomes m^x -^m^ Q. 482 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Proceeding as before, .m^ _ m^ _ _m* _ _ m, _ }>'* ~ V' " ^3 : " b, ~~ the coefficients b lt b^, b^, . . . being given by the same law as before, viz., =..*; , = 4 3 - ^ = 4* i ; 4 = 4A ^= 1 5* -4J 5 = 4^ 3 b % = 56^ 15; The two sets of coefficients (a) and (b) are identical when x = 4; and when x > 4, all the coefficients b except the first (b l i) are numerically increased. Hence, the same general results will follow. N.B. The equations giving m q are simple and easily ap- plicable in practice. They may be written a q B Ac . m a = - -j if q is on the left of r, a r _i DC I and m q = "Ir + i ~L - if ^ is on the right of r. If there are several weights on the rth span, ') and B EXAMPLE. The viaduct over the Osse consists of two end spans, each of 94 ft., and five intermediate spans, each of 126 ft. The platform is carried by two main girders which are con- MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENTS. 483 tinuous from end to end. The total dead load upon the girders may be taken at one ton (of 2000 Ibs.) per lineal foot. Denote the supports, taken in order, by the letters a, b, c, d, e,f,g, h, and let it be required to find the maximum bending moment at d when the bridge is subjected to an additional proof load of ij tons per lineal foot. The spans ab, cd, de, fgol each girder carry ij tons per lineal foot. The spans be, ef, gh of each girder carry \ ton per lineal foot. Denoting the bending moments at a, b, c, d, e, f t g, h, re- spectively, by m l ,;//,... m s , the intermediate spans by /, the end spans by /, and remembering that m l = o = m 6 , we have a = -~ 4 r , + 4m 3 + m< = - - r , + 4m t + m,= - -(i J- + i J) ; / a 5 + 4^6 + ^ = - -(4 + But k = T 9 ^- = f , very nearly. /a 2^ .-. 7m, + 2m, = - - . ^ ; ..... (i) 4 5 -.- ..... (2) THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 2m t + 7m, From eqs. (i), (2), (3), From eqs. (4), (5), (6), l l L. (V) 4 2 ' /^ *7 CA> 4 2' 7. CO 4 2' (6} Hence, ; 4 , the maximum required, 16. General Theorem of Three Moments. The most general form of theorem of three moments may be deduced as follows : Oi 2 3 FIG. 334. Let O, X, V, the (r i)th, rth, and (r -\- i)th supports of a continuous girder of several spans, be depressed the vertical distances d, (= O,O\ d, (=O,X), and d, (= 6> 3 F), respectively, below the proper level Ofl^O^ of the girder. GENERAL THEOREM OF THREE MOMENTS. 48$ d^ , d^, d z are necessarily very small quantities. Let OCXDVbe the deflection curve, and let the tangent at X meet the verticals through O and V in E and F, and the tangents at O and V in T t and 7", . Let #, be the change of curvature from O to X (= OTf). " ^ " " " " " " Fto X(= FT^V). Let A lf A i be the effective moment areas for the spans OX, XV, respectively. Let .TJ be the distance (measured horizontally) of the centre of gravity of A l from O. Let x^ be the distance (measured horizontally) of the centre of gravity of A^ from F. Let 0,E =?>, Of = y % . By Art. 2, , _ r +I h /, + J~^/ 1 4 "4 +I / But 7i - < _ < - J 8 Z. I _L A-^ . ^ 7 7 > r 7* "t" 7 ~~ / IT / r / r+I / r / r+I / r /r+x d^ d^d^ di i (A,x A^\ -JT / r+I -^A / r -/ ; Again, by Art. 13, Cor. 2, ^ and ^4 r , y4 r+I being the areas of the bending-moment curves for the spans OX, XV, respectively, on the assumption that they are independent girders, or cut at O, X, and V, and z rj z r ^ 486 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. being the horizontal distances of the centres of gravity of these areas from O and V. Hence, M r _J r + 2M r (l r + / r+I ) + M r+l l r+l KA* r 6 A * r+l -U . = bA r j -- vSl r+l -j -- 1- *r tr+i Note. If O, X, or V is above O,O^ then d, , af a , or d^ is negative. Cor. The forms of the Theorem of Three Moments given in Cases A and B, Art. 13, may be, immediately deduced from the last equation. CASE A. A --- ^r- ' r+I CASE B. 17. Advantages and Disadvantages of Continuous Girders. The advantages claimed for continuous girders are facility of erection, a saving in the flange material, and the re- moval of a portion of the weight from the centre of a span to- PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 487 wards the piers. Circumstances, however, may modify these advantages, and even render them completely valueless. The flange stresses are governed by the position of the points of in- flexion, which, under a moving load, will fluctuate through a distance dependent upon the number of intermediate supports and upon the nature of the loading. In bridges in which the ratio of the dead load to the live load is small the fluctuation is considerable, so that for a sensible length of the main girders, a passing train will subject local members to stresses which are alternately positive and negative. This necessitates a local increase of material, as. each member must be designed to bear a much higher stress than if it were strained in one way only. Again, the web of a continuous girder, even under a uni- formly distributed dead load, is theoretically heavier than if each span were independent, and its weight is still further in- creased when it has to resist the complex stresses induced by a moving load. Hence, in such bridges the slight saving, if there be any, cannot be said to counterbalance the extra labor of calculation and workmanship. In girders subjected to a dead load only, and in bridges in which the ratio of the dead load to the live load is large, the saving becomes more marked, and increases with the number of intermediate supports, being theoretically a maximum when the number is infinite. This maximum economy may be ap- proximated to in practice by making the end spans about four- fifths the intermediate spans. In the calculations relating to the Theorem of Three Mo- ments, it has been assumed that the quantity El is constant, while in reality E, even for mild steel, may vary 10 or 15 per cent from a mean value, and / may vary still more. It does not appear, however, that this variation has any appreciable effect if the depth of the girder or truss changes gradually, but the effect may become very marked with a rapid change of depth, as, e.g., in the case of swing-bridges of the triangular The graphical method of treatment may still be employed by substituting, for the actual curve of moments, a reduced 488 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. curve, formed by changing the lengths of the ordinates in the ratio of the value of El at a datum section to EL It is often found economical to increase the depth of the girder over the piers, which introduces a local stiffness and moves the points of inflexion farther from the supports. A point of inflexion may be made to travel a short distance by raising or depressing one of the supports. In order to insure the full advantage of continuity the ut- most care and skill are required both in design and workman- ship. Allowance has to be made for the excessive expansion and contraction due to changes of temperature, and the piers and abutments must be of the strongest and best description so that there shall be no settlement. Indeed, the difficulties and uncertainties to be dealt with in the construction of con- tinuous girders are of such a serious if not insurmountable character that American engineers have almost entirely dis- carded their use except for draw-spans. Much, in fact, is mere guesswork, and it is usual in prac- tice to be guided by experience, which confines the points of inflexion within certain safe limits. Under these circumstances it may prove desirable to fix the points of inflexion absolutely, and the advantages of doing so are (a) that the calculation of the web stresses becomes easy and definite^ instead of being complicated and even in- determinate ; (b) that reversed stresses (for which pin-trusses are less adapted than riveted trusses) are almost entirely avoided ; (c) that the stresses are not sensibly affected by slight inequalities in the levels of the supports ; (d) that the straining due to a change of temperature takes place under more favorable conditions. The fixing may be thus effected : (a) A hinge may be introduced at the selected point. The benefit of doing so is very obvious when circumstances require a wide centre span and two short side spans. (b) If the web is open, i.e., lattice-work, the point of inflex- ion in the upper flange may be fixed by cutting the flange at the selected point and lowering one of the supports so as to produce a slight opening between the severed parts. The ADVANTAGES OF CONTINUOUS GIRDERS. 489 position of the point of inflexion in the lower flange is then defined by the condition that the algebraic sum of the hori- zontal components of the stresses in the diagonals intersected by a line joining the two points of inflexion is zero. It must be remembered, however, that this fixing of the points of inflexion, or the cutting of the chords, destroys the property of continuity, and, indeed, is the essential distinction between a continuous girder and a cantilever. Four methods may be followed in the erection of a contin- uous girder, viz.: 1. It may be built on the ground and lifted into place. 2. It may be built on the ground and rolled endwise over the piers. As the bridge is pushed forward, the forward end acts as a cantilever for the whole length of a span, until the next pier is reached. This method of erection is common in France. 3. It may be built in position on a scaffold. 4. Each span may be erected separately, and continuity pro- duced by securely jointing consecutive ends, having drawn to- gether the upper flanges. A more effective distribution of the material is often made by leaving a little space between the flanges and forming a wedge-shaped joint. 49 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. EXAMPLES. 1. Two angle-irons, each 2 in. x 2 in. x in., were placed upon sup- ports 12 ft. 9 in. apart, the transverse outside distance between the bars being 9^ in., and were prevented from turning inwards by a thin plate upon the upper faces. The bars were tested under uniformly distributed loads, and each was found to have deflected 2 T 5 ^ in. when the load over the two was 1008 Ibs. Find E and the position of the neutral axis. Ans. /= J/\ ; E= 17,226,139 Ibs.; neutral axis $ in. from* upper face. 2. Both bars in the preceding question failed together when the total load consisted of ioi cwts. (cwt. = 112 Ibs.) uniformly distributed, and 3 cwts. at the centre. Find the maximum stress in the metal. Ans. Compressive unit stress = 20,323 Ibs. ; Tensile unit stress = 39,577 Ibs. 3. Show that the moments of resistance of an elliptic section and of the strongest rectangular section that can be cut out of the same are in the ratio of 99 ^3 to 112, and that the areas of the sections are in the ratio of 33 to 14 |/2. 4. Show that the moments of resistance of an isosceles triangular section and of the strongest rectangular section that can be cut out of the same are in the ratio of 27 to 16, and that the areas of the two sections are in the ratio of 9 to 4. 5. An angle-iron, 3 in. x 3 in. x ^ in., was placed upon supports 12 ft. 9 in. apart, and deflected i- in. under a load of 8 cwts. uniformly distributed and 2 cwts. at the centre. Find E and the position of the neutral axis. Ans. E = 16,079,611 Ibs.; neutral axis iff in. from upper face. 6. The effective length and central depth of a cast-iron girder resting upon two supports were respectively n ft. 7 in. and 10 in. ; the bottom flange was 10 in. wide and i J in. thick ; the top flange was 2^ in. wide and in. thick; the thickness of the web was f in. The girder was tested by being loaded at points 3f ft. from each end, and failed when the load at each point was 17^ tons. What were the total central flange stresses at the moment of rupture? What was the central deflection when the load at each point was 7| tons? (E = 18,000,000 Ibs., and the weight of the girder = 3368 Ibs.) Ans. 164,747.4 Ibs.; .368 in. EXAMPLES. 491 7. A tubular girder rests upon supports 36 ft. apart. At 6 ft. from one end the flanges are each 27 in. wide and 2f in. thick, the net area of the tension flange being 60 in., while the web consists of two fa-in. plates, 36 in. deep and 18 in. apart. Neglecting the effect of the angle- irons uniting the web plates to the flanges, determine the moment of resistance. The girder has to carry a uniformly distributed dead load of 56 tons, a uniformly distributed live load of 54 tons, and a local load at the given section of 100 tons. What are the corresponding flange stresses per square inch? How many |--in. rivets are required at the given section to unite the angle-irons to the flanges? Ans. 238.13 x coeff. of strength ; 3.3186 tons ; 3.896 tons. 8. A yellow-pine beam, 14 in. wide and 15 in. deep, was placed upon- supports 10 ft. 9 in. apart, and deflected f in. under a load of 20 tons at the centre. Find E, neglecting the weight of the beam. Ans. E = 1,272,112 Ibs. 9. What were the intensities of the normal and tangential stresses at 2 ft. from a support and 2\ in. from neutral plane, upon a plane inclined at 30 to the axis of the beam in the preceding question? Ans. 132.83 and 218.91 Ibs. 10. A beam is supported at the ends and bends under its own weight. Show that the upward force at the centre which will exactly neutralize the bending action is equal to f or \ of the weight of the beam (w) r according as the ends are free or fixed. Find the neutralizing forces at the quarter spans. Ans. Ends free ^-gw at each or faw at one of the points of division. * Ends fixed ^w at each or %w at one of the points of division. 11. A beam 8 in. wide and weighing 50 Ibs. per cubic foot rests upon supports 30 ft. apart. Find its depth so that it may deflect f in. under its own weight. (E i ,200,000 Ibs.) Ans. 9.185 in. 12. A rectangular girder of given length (/) and breadth (&) rests upon two supports and carries a weight P at the centre. Find its depth so that the elongation of the lowest fibres may be l Vff of the original length. Ans 13. A yellow-pine beam, 14 in. wide, 15 in. deep, and weighing 32 Ibs. per cubic foot, was placed upon supports 10 ft. 6 in. apart. Under uniformly distributed loads of 59,734 Ibs. and of 127,606 Ibs. the central 49 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. deflections were respectively .18 in. and .29 in. Find the mean value of E. Also determine the additional weight at the centre which will increase the first deflection by ^ of an inch. Ans. 2,552,980 Ibs.; 24,121 Ibs. 14. In the preceding question find for the load of 59,734 Ibs. the maximum intensities of thrust, tension, and shear at a point half-way between the neutral axis and the outside skin in a transverse section at one of the points of trisection of the beam. Also find the inclinations of the planes of principal stress at the point. Ans. 1609.255, 169.562, 119.364 Ibs. ; = 3 48!'. 15. A pitch pine beam, 14 in. wide, 15 in. deep, and weighing 45 Ibs. per cubic foot, is placed upon supports 10 ft. 9 in. apart, and carries a load of 20 tons at the centre. Find the deflection and curvature, E being 1,270,000 Ibs. What stiffness does this give ? What amount of uniformly distributed load will produce the same deflection? Ans. ^J T ; 32 tons. 16. In the preceding question find the maximum intensities of thrust, tension, and shear at points (a) half-way between the neutral axis and the outside skin, (b) at one third of the depth of the beam, in a trans- verse section at one of the quarter spans. Also find the inclinations of the planes of principal stress at these points. Ans. (a) 95 I - 8 53> 292.969, 329.442 Ibs.; 6=9 34$'. (b) 658.774, 171.108, 243.833 Ibs.; 6 = 15 5of. 17. A piece of greenheart, 142 in. between supports, 9 in. deep, and 5 in. wide, was tested by being loaded at two points, distant 23 in. from the centre, with equal weights. Under weights at each point of 4480 Ibs., 11,200 Ibs., and 17,920 Ibs. the central deflections were .13 in., .37 in., .67 in., respectively. Find the mean coefficient of elasticity. The beam broke under a load of 32,368 Ibs. at each point. Find the coefficient of bending strength. 1 8. A sample cast-iron girder for the Waterloo Corn Warehouses, Liverpool, 20 ft. 7-J- in. in length and 21 in. in depth (total) at the centre, was placed upon supports 18 ft. i in. apart, and tested under a uniformly distributed load. The top flange was 5 in. x i in., the bottom flange was 18 in. x 2 in., and the web was ij in. thick. The girder deflected .15 in., .2 in., .25 in., and .28 in. under loads (including weight of girder) of 63,763 Ibs., 88,571 Ibs., 107,468 Ibs., and 119,746 Ibs., respectively, and broke during a sharp frost under a load of 390,282 Ibs. Find the mean coefficient of elasticity and the central flange stresses at the moment of rupture. Ans. 7 = 3309.122; E= 17,427,327 Ibs.; 20,121 Ibs., 47,168 Ibs. 19. A steel rectangular girder, 2 in. wide, 4 in. deep, is placed upon EXAMPLES. 493 supports 20 ft. apart. If E is 35,000,000 Ibs., find the weight which, if placed at the centre, will cause the beam to deflect i in. Ans. 1296^7 Ibs. 20. A timber joist weighing 48 Ibs per cubic foot, 2 in. wide x 12 in. deep x 14 ft. long, deflected .825 in. under a load of 887 Ibs. at the centre. Find E. Ans. 397,880 Ibs. 21. A beam of span / is uniformly loaded. Compare its strength and stiffness (a) when merely resting upon supports at the ends ; (b) when fixed at one end and resting upon a support at the other ; (c) when fixed at both ends. In case (c) two hinges are introduced at points distant y from the centre ; show that the strength of the beam is economized to the best effect when y = , and that the stiffness is a maximum when y = very nearly. 4 Ans. Cases (a) and (). mi :m*m:i Cases (a) and (c). mi : m a :: 3 : 2 Case (c). Max. economy, mi : m* Max. stiffness, mi : m* : D* :: i : .416. : Da :: 10 : 3. 2 : i 5:24/2. 4:3; 15 : 4 (approx.). 22. A beam AB of span /, carrying a uniformly distributed load of intensity TV, rests upon a support at B and is imperfectly fixed at A, so i iif/ a that the neutral axis at A has a slope of g -j=j . The end B is lower than A by an amount jzj . Find the reactions. How much must B be lowered so that the whole of the weight may be borne at A ? Find the work done in bending the beam. 21 ii 7 wl* Ans. wl, ivl ; -~ -==. 32 32 48 1 23. A round wrought-iron bar / ft. long and d in. in diameter can just carry its own weight. Find / in terms of d, (a) the allowable de- flection being i in. per 100 ft. of span, E being 30,000,000 Ibs. ; (ff) the allowable stress being 8960 Ibs. per square inch; (V) the stiffness given by (a) and the strength given by (b) being of equal importance. Ans. (d) /= |/2 50^? 2 ; (b) I = 4/224^; (c) /= \\d. 24. A square steel bar i ft. long and having a side of length d in. can just carry its own weight; its stiffness is y^r and the maximum allow- able working stress is 7 tons per square inch. Find / in terms of d, E being 13,000 tons. /(in ft.) 13 Ans. -77: : \ == / N centre span,^> = -f -2 f 100 2o;r 2 -f jr 8 j. (b) First. Loaded span between support and weight, Loaded span between weight and hinge, l2 5 ar ~ 703125. Unloaded side span horizontal ; centre span straight between hinges. Second. Side span.jK = - -f %x ' ) ; El \ 6 / x2\ 5000000 centre span,, = -5- -j + EXAMPLES. 495 30. A uniformly loaded beam, with both ends absolutely fixed, is hinged at a point dividing the span into segments a and b. Draw curves of shearing force and bending moment, and compare the strength and stiffness of the beam when the hinge is (a) at the middle point ; (b) at a point of trisection ; (c) at a quarter-span. Also, determine the slope of the segments of these points. w $a* + 8at>* + 3^ 4 w 3# 4 4- %a*b + 5^ 4 Ans ' * 1= ~ ~ : * 2= - ^ _ 3^ */ _ wa $a* + ^a*b + 4 " 8 " a 3 + P ' 8 s + 8 J/' : J/" : M'" :: 14 : 14 : ii ; >' : >'' : >'":: 6.25 : 3.29 : 2.66. Slopes in (#) = - ; in (b) = - for segment a, c 6 E c 81 and = - for segment ; in (c) = f for segment a, and E c 176 / / 9 2 r = for segment b. EC 891 31. A horizontal beam rests upon two supports and is loaded with a weight W at a point dividing the span into segments a and b. Find the deflection at this point and the work done in bending the beam. W Ans - a*t>* IV* a*P I W \ ; = x deflection . EI(a + b) 6EI a + * + 8a*6 - 2a* ) ' ; rfv=*f \ T^a iog 'b + " ~6F~ : \ wl* i wl* 2wl* ' 43. Deduce the slope and deflection at the free end (d) When the depth 2a in (a) of the preceding question is nil, i.e., when the profile is an isosceles triangle. (e) Due to a uniformly distributed load of intensity p over the cantilever (a). Hence, also, deduce the slope and deflection when the depth 2a is nil. (/) Due to a weight W at the free end of (a). (g) Due to a uniformly distributed load of intensity p upon the cantilever (<:). Wl* Wl* a (2? + $ a b - a*)(b - a) ) I 90 ' 3 pl* ~4~EtP' ^' g 3*- b-a 2 EPt* 10 44. A cantilever of fength /, specific weight -w, and square in section, a side of the section being 2b at the fixed and 2a at the free end, bends under its own weight. Find the slope and deflection of the neutral axis at the free end. Hence, also, deduce corresponding results when the cantilever is a regular pyramid. (b 45. If the section of the cantilever in the preceding question, instead of being square, is a regular figure with any number of equal sides, show that the neutral axis is a parabola with its vertex at the point of fixture. 46. The section of a cantilever of length / is an ellipse, the major axis (vertical} being twice the minor axis. Find the deflection at the end 49^ THEORY OF STRUCTURES. under a single weight W,f being the coefficient of working strength and E the coefficient of elasticity. / 297 /V 5 \ J Ans. --- m?7T \7ooo h 3 W I 47. A cast-iron beam of an inverted T-section rests upon supports 22 ft. apart; the web is I in. thick and 20 in. deep; the flange is 1.2 in. thick and 12 in. wide; the beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 99,000 Ibs. Find the maximum deflection, E being 17,920,000 Ibs. Ans. .822. in. (/ = 1608.65). 48. Find the maximum deflection of a cast-iron cantilever 2 in. wide x 3 in. deep x 120 in. long under its own weight, E being 17,920,000 Ibs. Ans. H in. 49. A girder of uniform, strength, of length /, breadth b, and depth d, rests upon two supports and carries a uniformly distributed load of w Ibs. per unit of length, which produces an inch-stress of / Ibs. at every point n 2 f\t b \\ of the material. Show that the central deflection is -- (~ / t 2 E \ 3y when b is constant and ^variable. Find the deflection when d is con- stant and b variable. fr Ans. +. 4,Ed 50. A semi-girder of uniform strength, of length /, breadth b, and depth d, carries a weight W at the free end which produces an inch- stress of/ Ibs. at every point of the material. Prove that the maximum deflection is - [ -) when b is constant and d variable, and that 3 E \6 W) it is twice as great as it would be if the section were uniform throughout and equal to that at the support. What would be the maximum deflection if the semi-girder were subjected to a uniformly distributed load of w Ibs. per unit of length ? Ans. . E J $w 51. The neutral axis of a symmetrically loaded girder, whose moment of inertia is constant, assumes the form of an elliptic or circular arc. Show that the bending moment at any point of the deflected girder is inversely proportional to the cube of the vertical distance between the point and the centre of the ellipse or circle. 52. A vertical row of water-tight sheet piling, 12 ft. high, is supported by a series of uprights placed 6 ft. centre to centre and securely fixed at the base. Find the greatest deviation of an upright from the vertical when the water rises to the top of the piling. What will the maximum deviation be when the water is 6 ft. from the top ? wblf 3110400 wb wbc 218720 Ans. - = ~ : =r. (h - cY + =-,(* - cY = -~- . 3o7 El y>EI 24 El hi EXAMPLES. 499 53. A vertical row of water-tight sheet piling, 30 ft. high, is supported by a series of uprights placed 8 ft. centre to centre and securely fixed at the base, while the upper ends are kept in the vertical by struts sloping at 45. If the water rises to the top of the piling, find (a) the thrust on a strut ; (d) the maximum intensity of stress in an upright ; (c) the amount and position of the maximum deviation of an upright from the vertical. iuh* Ans. 45000 |/2 Ibs. ; max. B. M. = -- , and max. intensity of stress = . 1 - - -7- -- - ; deflection is a max. when A ( 10 / I5| / 5 j h 30 7vh* 32 x = = =, and its amount = ^j ---- - . V5 VS ^ 7SV5 54. The piling in the preceding example is strengthened by a second series of struts sloping at 45 from the points of maximum deviation. Find the normal reactions upon an upright and the bending moment at its foot. What will be the reactions and bending moment if the second row of struts starts from the middle of the uprights? Ans. .00754W/* 2 ; .lyjwk* ; .^2O27 i w/t 3 ; -^wk* ; If^rf* ; fH^// 9 . 55. A continuous girder of three spans, the outside spans being equal, is uniformly loaded. What must be the ratio of the lengths of the centre and a side span so that the neutral axis may be horizontal over the intermediate supports? Ans. 4/T : y'T. 56. What should the ratio be if the centre span is hinged (a) at the centre; (ff) at the points of trisection ? Ans. (a) 4/2" : i ; () 3 : 2 \/~ 2 . 57. Four weights, each of 6 tons, follow each other at fixed distances of 5 ft. over a continuous girder of two spans, each equal to 50 ft. If the second and third supports are i in. and i in., respectively, vertically below the first support, find the maximum B. M. at the intermediate support. / El \ , Ans. .9855 -- 1 ft. -tons. \ 40000,1 58. A continuous girder of two equal 5o-ft. spans is fixed at one of the end supports. The girder carries a uniformly distributed load of loco Ibs. per lineal foot. Find the reactions and bending moments at the points of support. How much must the intermediate support be lowered so that it may bear none of the load ? How much should the free end be then lowered to bring upon the supports the same loads as at the first ? Ans. Reactions = 23,214^, 57,142^, 19,642! Ibs. ; Bending moments = 178,571^, 267,8574 ft. -Ibs; 500 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 59. Four loads, each of 12 tons and spaced 5,4, and 5 ft. apart, travel in order over a continuous girder of two spans, the one of 30 and the other of 20 ft. Place the wheels so as to throw a maximum B. M. upon the centre support, and find the corresponding reactions. Draw a diagram of B. M., and find the maximum deflection of each span. 60. The loads upon the wheels of a truck, locomotive, and tender, counting in order from the front, are 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8 tons, the intervals being 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 5, 4, 5 ft. The loads travel over a continuous girder of two 5o-ft. spans AB, BC. Place the locomotive, etc., (a) on the span AB so as to give a maximum B. M. at B\ (8) so as to give an absolute maximum B. M. at B. 61. A continuous girder of two spans AB, BC has its two ends A and C fixed to the abutments. The load upon AB is a weight P distant / from A, and that upon BC a weight Q distant g from C. The length of AB = l\ , of BC /a . The bending moments at A, B, C are Mi , M* , Ms, respectively. The areas of the bending-moment curves for the spans AB, BC assumed to be independent girders are^i, At, respect- ively. Show that Mill + M t (li + / a ) + M*h = - 2(Ai + A*), and M*(li + /,) = If /, = / 3 = /, show that Mi is a maximum if 2l(Pp - Qg) = 62. A continuous girder of two spans AB, BC rests upon supports at A, B. A uniformly distributed load EF travels over the girder. G\ is the centre of gravity of the portion BE upon AB, and G* that of the portion./?/'' upon BC. If the bending moment at B is a maximum, show that AE.EB _ Ad CF . FB ~ CG*' 63. An eight-wheel locomotive travels over a continuous girder of two loo-ft. spans ; the truck-wheels are 6 ft. centre to centre, the load upon each pair being 8000 Ibs. ; the driving-wheels are 8 ft. centre to centre, the load upon each pair being 16,000 Ibs. ; the distance centre to centre between the front drivers and the nearest truck-wheels is also 8 ft. Place the locomotive so as to throw a maximum B. M. upon the centre support, and find the corresponding reactions. 64. If an end of a continuous girder of any number of spans is fixed, show that the relation between the moment of fixture (Mi) and the W/ 2 bending moment (M*) at the consecutive support, is 2Mi + M? = , 4 or 2J/i + M* = ~^S[Pp(l p)(2l /)], according as the load upon EXAMPLES. 5OI the span (/) between the fixed end and the consecutive support is of uniform intensity or consists of a number of weights Pi, P*, Pa, . . . concentrated at points distant A, /, /s, . . . from the fixed end. 65. A continuous girder of two spans AB, BC, carrying a load of uniform intensity, has one end A fixed, and the other end rests upon the support at C. If the bending moments at A and B are equal, show that the spans are in the ratio of 1/3 to f/2, and find the reactions at the supports, Wi being the load upon AB, and W* that upon BC. Ans. At A reaction = B " = C " =tJF.. 66. A viaduct over the Garonne at Bordeaux consists of seven spans, viz., two end spans, each of 57.375 m., and five intermediate spans, each of 77.06 m. ; the mam girders are continuous from end to end, and are each subjected to a dead load of 3050 k. per lineal metre. Determine the absolute maximum bending moment at the third support from one end. Also find the corresponding reactions, the points of inflexion, and the maximum deflection in the first and second spans. 67. A continuous girder consists of two spans, each 50 ft. in length; the effective depth of the girder is 8 ft. If one of the end bearings settles to the extent of i in., find the maximum increase in the flange and shearing stress caused thereby, and show by a diagram the change in the distribution of the stresses throughout the girder. (Assume the section of the girder to be uniform, and take E = 25,000,000 Ibs.) Ans. Increase of maximum B. M. = s -Af[ ~ f i I, \2i6rf / " shearing force = ff/, w being weight per unit of length, and /the moment of inertia. 68. A girder carrying a uniformly distributed load is continuous over four supports, and consists of a centre span (/ 2 ) and two equal side spans (/i). Find the ratio of l\ to / 2 , so that the neutral axis at the intermediate supports may be horizontal. Also find the value of the ratio when a hinge is introduced (a) at the middle point of the centre span ; (fr) at the points of trisection of the centre span ; (c) at the middle points of the half lengths of the centre span. A I_i ^-! !_! A '-3 ' /,- 3 ' / 2 2 ~2'/ 2 '- 9 ; ^~4' 69. In a certain Howe truss bridge of eight panels, the timber cross- ties are directly supported by the lower chords, and are placed suffi- ciently close to distribute the load in an approximately uniform manner over the whole length of these chords, thus producing an additional stress due to flexure. Assuming that the chords may be regarded as girders supported at the ends and continuous over seven intermediate 5O2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. supports coincident with the panel points, and that these panel points are in a truly horizontal line, determine (a) the bending moments and reactions at the panel points ; (b) the maximum intermediate bending moments; and (c) the points of inflection, corresponding to a load of w per unit of length, / being the length of a panel. Ans. (a) At i st support ; 2d support; 3d support; B. M. = o ; - VW 2 ; Reaction = R, = a// ; R* = ivl ; R z = At 4th support ; 5th support. B. M. = -^W 2 : -H^l\ Reaction = Ri= fffw/; Rs> f ffw/. Maximum intermediate B. M. = - '- in istspan ; 6208. 5 = W" / 4 (<:) Points of inflexion in the four spans are given by * = = ^/; *i(/ + *) W 388 x) x) -*0 2 = o ; xf = o. 70. A. continuous girder of two equal spans \&fixefl $& one of the end supports. The girder carries a uniformly distributed load of intensity w. If the length of each span is /. find the reactions and moment of fixture. How much must the intermediate support be lowered so that it may bear none of the load ? How much should the free-end support then be lowered to bring upon the supports the same loads as before ? ii 16 13 w/ 2 c wl* 5 //* wl tvl - Ans. wl, wl, tvl\ 28 14 28 14 24 71. Each of the main girders of the Torksey Bridge is continuous and consists of two equal spans, each 130 ft. long. The girders are double-webbed ; the thickness of each web plate is i in. at the centre and f in. at the abutments and centre pier ; the total depth of the gir- ders is 10 ft., and the depth from centre to centre of the flanges is 9 ft. 4 in.---FTtidX/?) the reactions at the supports, and also (b) the points of inflexion, when 2oc\tpns of live load cover one span, the total dead load upon each span being. 180 tons uniformly distributed. The top flange is EXAMPLES. 503 cellular ; its gross sectional area at the centre of each span is 51 sq in , and the corresponding net sectional area of the bottom flange is 55 sq. in. Determine (6-) the flange stresses and (d} the position of the neutral axis. (7=372,500.) Also (e) determine the reactions when, first, B and, second, Care lowered i in. (E '= 16,900 tons.) Ans. (a) 155, 350, 55 tons. () io6 r ^ and 79! ft. from end support. (c) 6 7 and 7.3 tons per sq. in. in loaded span; 1.13 and 1.22 tons per sq. in. in unloaded span. (d) 58.3 in. from centre line of top flange. (e) First. R, = i EI Second. Ri = 1 55 ~ ^TT lEI = 350- sTTi I 7 - S ? + ;T- lEI = 350+--^-; 4 * i EI '=55-o Where }./ 18625 11232 72. Two tracks, 6 ft. apart, cross the Torksey Bridge, and are sup- ported by single-webbed plate cross-girders 25 ft. long and 14 in. deep. If the whole of the weight upon a pair of drivers, viz., 10 tons, be directly transmitted to one of these cross-girders, draw the corresponding shear- ing-force and bending-moment diagrams (i) if the ends of the cross- girder are fixed to the bottom flanges of the main girders ; (2) if they merely rest on the said flanges. Find the maximum deflection of the cross-girder and the work done in bending it, in each case. Ans. (i) - at 13.208 ft. from one end. EI Total work of flexure = .-- ft -tons. 73. A swing-bridge consists of the tail end AB, and of a span ffC, of length i ft., the pivot being at B. The ballast-box of weight ?Fextends over a length AD (= 2c ft.), and the weight of the bridge from D to B is w tons per lineal foot. If DB = x, if p is the cost per ton of the bridge, and if q is the cost per ton of the ballast, show that the total cost is a minimum when x + c = (- ), and that the corresponding weight of the ballast is wx( - i J 504 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 74 Compare, graphically, the shearing forces and bending moments along the span BC of the bridge in the preceding question when the bridge is closed, with their values when the bridge is open. What pro- vision should be made to meet the change in the kind of stress ? 75. Each of the main girders of a railway bridge resting upon two end supports and five intermediate supports is fixed at the centre sup- port, is 3 ft. deep throughout, and is designed to carry a uniformly dis- tributed dead load of t ton and a live load of | ton per lineal foot. The end spans are each 51 ft. 8 in. and the intermediate spans each 50 ft. in the clear. Find the reactions at the supports. The girders are single- webbed and double-flanged ; the flanges are 12 in. wide and equal in sectional area, the areas for the intermediate spans being 13 sq. in. and 17 sq. in. at the centre and piers respectively. Find the corresponding moments of resistance and flange stresses, the web being in. thick. Ans. Reaction at istand 7th supports = I5HMM at 2C ^ an ^ 5th supports = 43fff til; at 3d and 5th supports = 35|ffl ; at 4th support = 3%'?/4\ 8 s tons. At piers = 693 and flange stresses are 3.59 tons per sq. in. at 2d support, 2.45 at 3d, and 2.83 at 4th. At centre == 549 and flange stresses in istspan = 3.2 tons per sq. in., in 2d = 1.3, and in 3d = 1.78. 76. A continuous beam of four equal spans carries a uniformly dis- tributed load of w intensity per unit of length. The second support is depressed a certain distance d below the horizontal, and the reaction at the 2d support is twice that at the ist. Show that the reactions at the ist, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th supports are in the ratio of the numbers 15, 30, 36, 34, and 1 3 ; find d. With this same value of d find the reactions when one end infixed. i wP Ri = 77. A continuous girder of two equal spans (/) is uniformly loaded. Show that the ends will just touch their supports if the centre support w/ 4 is raised 78. If ^i , di , d 3 , di are respectively the deflections of the ist, 2d, 3d, and 4th panel points in question 69, show that the bending moment at the middle panel point (J/ 4 ) is given by EXAMPLES. 505 79. A girder supported at the ends is 30 ft. in the clear and carries two stationary loads, viz., 7 tons concentrated at 6 ft. and 12 tons at 18 ft. from the left support. Find the position and amount of the maxi- mum deflection, and also the work of flexure. The girder is built up of plates and angle-irons and is 24 in. deep. If the moment of resistance due to the web is neglected, and if the intensity of the longitudinal stress is not to exceed 5 tons per sq. in., _ what should be the flange sectional area corresponding to the maximum bending moment. Ans. Max. deflection = f fr 8 %(x 6) 3 ^g&x, where x = 1 5.34 ft. 67161.6 , Work = ----;,_ ft.-tons. J^LJ. Sect, area = 10.32 sq. in. 80. Determine the work of flexure and the necessary flange sectional area at the centre if the girder in the preceding question is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 40 tons, instead of the isolated loads. 1540000, Ans. Work = - - ft. -tons; sect, area = 15 sq. in, 81. (a) The bridge over the Garonne at Langon carries a double track, is about 695 ft. in length, and consists of three spans, AB, BC, CD. The two main girders are continuous and rest upon the abutments at A and D and upon piers at B and C. The effective length of each of the spans AB, CD is 208 ft. 6 in., and of the centre span J3C 24.3 ft. The permanent load upon a main girder is 1277 Ibs. per lineal foot, and the proof load is 2688 Ibs. per lineal foot. Find the reactions at the sup- ports (i) when the proof load covers the span AB ; (2) when the proof load covers the span BC '; (3) when the proof load cover the spans AB and BC '; (4) when the proof load covers the whole girder. Draw shearing-force and bending-moment diagrams for each case. (b) At the piers the web is in. thick and 18 ft. in depth, and each flange is made up of four plates in. thick and 3 ft. wide. Determine the flange stresses for cases (i) and (3). (c) The angle-irons connecting the flanges with the web at the pier are riveted to the former with i^-in. rivets and to the latter with i-in. rivets. How many of each kind are required in one line per lineal foot on both sides of the pier at B, 8000 Ibs. per square inch being safe shearing stress ? (d) The effective height of the pier at B is 41 ft., its mean thickness is 14 ft. 9 in., its width is 42 ft. 9 in., and it weighs 125 Ibs. per cubic foot. If there is no surcharge on the bridge, and if the coefficient of friction between the sliding surfaces at the top of the pier is taken at .15, show that the overturning moment due to the dilatation of the girders is about -fa of the amount of stability of the pier. 506 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (e) Find the points of inflexion and also the maximum deflections in Case 3. What practical advantage is derived from the calculation of the deflection ? Ans.(a) Case i. R\ = 353469.95; R? = 656955.7; Rs = 280612.55 ; Ri = 109608.77 Ibs. ; Mi= 12247115.3; M 3 = 4823424.5 ft.-lbs. Case 2. R, = 68185 2 = R, Ibs. ; A> 2 = 6791783 = ^? 3 Ibs.; M*= 13439537.7 ft.-lbs. = Aft. Case 3. RI = 312982.65 ; 7? 2 = 1024035 ; Rs = 647691 ; R t = 69121.47 Ibs. ; Mi= 1565031.2 ; Aft = 8226621.2 ft.-lbs. Case 4. .#1=422591.42 =y? 4 lbs.; 7? 2 = 1304647. 55 = R 3 Ibs. ; J/ 2 = 15455566 = J/a ft.-lbs. (0) /= 2130816; in case i,/ 2 = 7448.9 Ibs. per sq. in. / = 2 933-6 " " " " in case 3,/ 2 = 9400.3 " " " " 73 = 5003.5 " " " " (Weakening effect of rivet-holes in tension flange is neglected.) (?) 9.1 per lineal foot; 11.5 pe^r lineal foot. (d) Moment of stability = 23833291^11 ft.-lbs. ; overturning moment = 1919408.8 ft.-lbs.; ratio = 12.4. (e) Points of inflexion: in AB, 157.8 ft. from A', in BC, at a distance x from B given by x* 2581^+10426^ = o; in CD, at 54.1 ft. from D. Max. deflections: In AB, (165/5 jr 4 5 2l6 3-7* 8 + 227693091.6*), where* is given by 66o|* 2 156491. 3* + 227693091. 6=0 ; In BC, 7(1 65.2** 853829*" + 9977485. 9* 2 10327286968), xS/ where * is given by * 2 3876* + 30196^ = o. 82. A beam AB of span / carrying a uniformly distributed load of intensity w is fixed at A and merely supported at B. The end B is w/ 4 lowered by an amount -r-=- r . Find the reactions. How much must B ioA/ be lowered so that the whole of the weight may be borne at A? i w/ 4 Ans. f|w/ at A, -&wl at. ^ ; - . 8 L1 EXAMPLES. 83. Solve the preceding question supposing the fixture at A to be imperfect, the neutral axis making with the horizontal an angle whose tangent is -7^7. Ans. %wl, \wl\ -~ -777. 40 L1 4 '* 84. A wrought-iron girder of I-section, 2 ft. deep, with flanges of equal area and having their joint area equal to that of the web, viz., 48 sq. in., carries ^ ton per lineal foot, is 100 ft. long, consists of five equal spans, and is continuous over six supports. Find the reactions when the third support is lowered |- in. How much must this support be lowered so that the reaction may be nil at (a) the ist support ; (b) the 3d ; (c) the 5th ? How much must the support be raised so that the reaction may be nil at (d} the 2d ; (e) the 4th ; and (/) the 6th support ? E = 16,500 tons. Ans. R^ = 2 If ; 7? 2 = 1 5f > ^ 8 = STF j? 4 = Hff ; Rs = 9 T *V ; -#6 = 4 T 5 tons. () if in.; mff in.; (c) 2ft in. ; (d) ijft in. ; 00 2^ in. ; (/) 6* in. 85. If the three supports of any two equal consecutive spans of a continuous girder of any number of spans are depressed below the horizontal, show that the relation between the three bending moments at the supports will be unaffected if the depression of the centre support is a mean between the depressions of the other two supports. 86. A girder consists of two spans AB, BC, each of length /, and is continuous over a centre pier B. A uniform load of length 2a (< /) and of intensity W travels over AB. Find the reactions at the supports for any given position of the load, and show that the bending moment at aivl f a"* \ i the centre pier is a maximum and equal to --.[-I -s] when the 3 1/3 V rj centre of the load is at a distance I j from A. 87. A continuous girder rests upon three supports and consists of two unequal spans AB (= /,), BC (= / a ). A uniform load of intensity iv travels over AB, and at a given instant covers a length AD (= r) of the span. If R lt R 3 are the reactions at A and C, respectively, show that 2 _ / 2 3 T r * Draw a diagram showing the shearing force in front of the moving load as it crosses the girder. 88. If the live load in the preceding question may cover both spans, show that the shearing force at any point D is a maximum when AD and BC SLVQ loaded and BD unloaded. Illustrate this force graphically, taking into account the dead load upon the girder. 508 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 89. A continuous-girder bridge has a centre span of 300 ft. and two side spans, each of 200 ft. The dead load upon each of the main girders is 1250 Ibs. per lineal foot. In one of the side spans there is also an additional load of 2500 Ibs. per lineal foot upon each girder. Find the reactions and points of inflexion. How much must the third support from the loaded end be lowered so that the pressure upon it may be just zero ? Ans. Let W = weight on loaded span = 750,000 Ibs. R, = -ftfc W Ibs. ; Ri = |ff I W Ibs.; R, = -/WV ^ Ibs. ; Rt = tffr W Ibs. M, = \V/- W ft.-lbs.; M*= ViV- ^ ft. -Ibs. Distance of point of inflexion in loaded span from nearest end support = i62ff ft. Distance of point of inflexion in unloaded end span from nearest end support = I45ff ft. Distance of point of inflexion in intermediate span from end support in unloaded span is the value of x in the equation x* f p,r + AJU^QJUL _ o 56350000 W 3d support must be lowered a distance = - ^ -- . 87 El 90. A continuous girder AC consists of two equal spans AB, BC, each of length /, and carries a uniformly distributed load of intensity w\ upon AB, and of intensity / 2 upon BC. Determine the bending moments at the supports, the maximum intermediate bending moments, and the re- actions (a) when both ends of the girder are fixed ; (b) when one end A is fixed and the other free. Ans. Denoting the reactions and bending moments at A, B, C by Ri , Mi , y? 2 , Mi , R s , M 3 , respectively : r / 2 (a) Mi = ( 50/1 + w a ) ; M 9 = -- (wi + /a); 48 24 r RS M 3 = (wi 5^2); M max . in AB -- 1- Mi , in BC 48 2Wi * r> = 4- 2W 2 ID R* = (o/i + 90/2). ID / 2 / a (b) Mi = -- 3(3^1 o/O; Mi = ^-(o/i + 20/2); 28 28 /? a /? 2 M 3 = o ; M max . mAB = + M lt in BC = 22/i 20/ I20/a). EXAMPLES. 509 91. In the preceding question, if Wi = iv* = w, find the points of in- flexion and the maximum deflection in each case and for each span. Ans. (a) Points of inflexion for AB or BC are given by 6.r>-6;r/ + / 2 = o. Max. deflection for AB or BC is given by Ely- (2tx-x*-r), in which the value of x is found from (b) Points of inflexion in AB are given by I4.r 2 i3.r/ + 2/ 2 = o, and in BC by x = Max. deflection for AB is given by - Ely = -==- I DO and 28.T 2 39/JT + I2/ 2 =0. Max. deflection for BC is given by and 28* 3 33.^ + 4/ 3 = o. 92. A continuous girder ^4C consists of two equal spans AB, BC of 15 m. each. Determine the bending moments at the supports, the maxi- mum intermediate bending moments, and the reactions (a) when the load upon each span is 3000 k. per metre ; (&) when the load per metre is 3000 k. upon AB and 1000 k. upon BC. Call M\ , M*, M* the bending moments and R\ , Ri , R 3 the reactions at A, B, C, respectively, and con- sider three cases, viz., when both ends of the girder are free, when both ends are fixed, and when one end is free and the other fixed. Ans. Case I : (a) M! = o = M 9 ; M* = 84375 km. ; M max . in AB or BC 47460.9375 km. fii = R 3 = I6875/& ; 7? 2 = 56250^. (&) Mi = o = M 3 ; M* = 56250 km. ; M ma x. in AB = 5 8 593-75 km - in BC 7031.25 km. R l = 18750 k. ; y? 2 = 37500 k.; 7? 8 = 3750 k. Case II: (a) Mi = M-! = M = 56250 km.; M max . in AB or BC = 28125 km. r> 7?i = - = 7? 3 = 22500 k. 510 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (b) Mi 65625 km. ; M* = 37500 km. ; M 3 = 9375 km. M max . in AB = 33398.4375 km., in BC = 6445.3125 km.; /?! = 24375 k.; R* = 30000 k.; R 3 = 5625 k. Case III : (a) Mi = 48214!- km.; M 9 = 72321$ km.; M s = o. M ma . v . in AB= 24537111 km., in BC = 52o88-j-f| km.; R, = 20892^ k.; 7? 2 = 51428^ k.; R 3 = 482 if k. (b} Mi = 64285! km.; Mi = 401 78$ km.; M, = o. Mmax. in AB = 32573-^5- km., in BC = 11623-^ km. ; A'i = 24107! k.; Ri = 3 107 1 } k., R 3 = 4821! k. 93. Show that a uniformly loaded and continuous girder of two equal spans, with both ends fixed, is 2.08 times as stiff as if the ends were free and merely rested on the supports. 94. A single weight travels over the span AB of a girder of two equal spans, AB, BC, continuous over a centre pier B. Show that the reaction at C is a maximum when the distance of the weight from A is -~ if the ends A and C rest upon their supports, and when the distance is \AB if the two ends are fixed. Find the corresponding bending moments at the central pier. PJ "> Ans. --- -PL 95. A girder with both ends fixed carries two equal loads W at points dividing the girder into segments a, b, c. Determine the reactions and bending moments at the supports. + babe + 3#V + 2 (= o) the bending moments. (a) XT. = 20.72 m. ; x* is given by I7oojr 2 2 424017^2 + 395089! = o; x z by I7oo.r 3 2 47767^3 + 238839! =o ; jr 4 = 19.38 m. l?i = 38348 T V k.; R* = 81 i6of k. ; y? 3 = 341071 k.; R, = 499 I0 f k. ; ^ = 16473^ k. M-i 197544^ km. ; M 3 = 5357if km. ; km. $12 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (b) x l = 19.556 m. ; 37ocxr 2 2 103000^3 + 50357^ = o; I700.T3 2 41071^3 + 205357^ = o ; XL = 20. 168 m. 7?! = 361787 k. ; ^ 2 = 107821^ k.; fi s = 62964! k.; /? 4 = 45892^ k. ; ^ 5 = i7H2f k. M* = 258928^ km. ; Ms = 120535!- km.; M t = 102678^ km. (e) xi = 19.64 m. ; -r 2 and jr a are given by i4^ 2 -375.r-f 1875 = 0. Mt Mi = 247767% km. ; M a = 165178^ km. Abs. max. B. M. at 2d support (= max. B. M. at 4th sup- port) occurs when ist, 2d, and 4th spans are loaded, and = 264508^1 km. Abs. max. B. M. at 3d support occurs when 2d and 3d spans are loaded and = 209821^ km. 100. In the preceding question find the absolute maximum flange unit stress at the piers, / being .093929232444. Ans. 4.5 k. per sq. mm. 101. The Osse iron viaduct consists of seven spans, viz., two end spans of 28.8 m. and five intermediate spans of 38 m. ; each main girder is continuous and carries a dead load of 1450 k. per lineal metre. Find the bending moments at the supports when a proof load of 2250 k. per lineal metre for each girder covers all the spans; and also find the absolute maximum bending moment at the fourth support. Is the following section of sufficient strength ? two equal flanges, each com- posed of a 6oo-mm. x 8-mm. plate riveted by means of two loo-mm. x ico-mm. x i2-mm. angles to a 6oo-mm. x lo-mm. vertical web plate and two 8o-mm. x 8o-mm. x ii-mm. angles riveted to each horizontal plate with the ends of the horizontal arms 15 mm. from the edges of the plates; the whole depth of the section being 4.016 m., and the dis- tance between the web plates, which is open, being 2.8 m. If insuf- ficient, how would you strengthen it? Ans. My = 416,518 km.; Ms = 452,790 km.; M^ = 443,722 km. Max. B. M. = 542,199 km. /= .14074440467. .-. = .07009183, cM* and max. flange stress = = 7.73 k. per sq. mm. This is much too large. The section may be strengthened by adding two 6oo-mm. x 8-mm. plates to each flange. / is thus increased by .0783425536, and the flange unit stress becomes 5 k. per sq. mm. CHAPTER VIII. PILLARS. 1. Classification. The manner in which a material fails under pressure depends not merely upon its nature but also upon its dimensions and form. A short pillar, e.g., a cubical block, will bear a weight that will almost crush it into powder, while a thin plank or a metal coin subjected to enormous com- pression will be only condensed thereby. In designing struts or posts for bridges and other structures, it must be borne in mind that such members have to resist buckling and bending in addition to a direct pressure, and that the tendency to buckle or bend increases with the ratio of the length of a pillar to its least transverse dimension. Hodgkinson, guided by the results of his experiments, divided all pillars with truly flat and firmly bedded ends into three classes, viz. : (A) Short Pillars, of which the ratio of the length to the diameter is less than 4 or 5 ; these fail under a direct pressure. (B) Medium Pillars, of which the ratio of the length to the diameter exceeds 5, and is less than 30 if of cast-iron or tim- ber, and less than 60 if of wrought-iron ; these fail partly by crushing and partly by flexure. (C) Long Pillars, of which the ratio of the length to the diameter exceeds 30 if of cast-iron or timber, and 60 if of wrought-iron ; these fail wholly by flexure. 2. Further Deductions from Hodgkinson's Experi- ments. A pillar with both ends rough from the foundry so that a load can be applied only at a few isolated points, and a pillar with a rounded end so that the load can be applied only 513 514 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. along the axis, are each one-tJiird of the strength of a pillar of class B, and from one-third to two-thirds of the strength of a pillar of class C, the pillars being of the same dimensions. The strength of a pillar with one end flat and the other round is an arithmetical mean between the strengths of two pillars of the same dimensions, the one having both ends flat and the other both ends round. Disks at the ends of pillars only slightly increase their strength, but facilitate the formation of connections. An enlargement of the middle section of a pillar sometimes increases its strength in a small degree, as in the case of solid cast-iron pillars with rounded ends which are made stronger by about one-seventh ; hollow cast-iron pillars are not affected. The strength of a disk-ended pillar is increased by about one- eighth or one-ninth when the middle diameter is lengthened by 50 per cent., but for slight enlargements the increase is imper- ceptible. The strength of hollow cast-iron pillars is not affected by a slight variation in the thickness of the metal, as a thin shell is much harder than a thick one. The excess above or deficiency below the average thickness should not exceed 25 per cent. 3. Form. According to Hodgkinson, the relative strengths of long cast-iron pillars of equal weight and length may be tabulated as follows : (a) Pillars with flat ends. The strength of a solid round pillar being 100, " " square " is 93 ; " " triangular " is 1 10. (#) Pillars with round ends, i.e., ends for hinging or pin connections. The strength of a hollow cylindrical pillar being 100, " " an H-shaped . " is 74.6; " " a +-shaped " is 44.2. The strengths of a long solid round pillar with flat ends, and a long hollow cylindrical pillar with round ends, are ap- proximately in the ratio of 2.3 to I. The stiff cst kind of wrought-iron strut is a built tube, the THE FAILURE OF PILLARS. 515 section consisting of a cell or of cells, which may be circular, rectangular, triangular, or of any convenient form. In experimenting upon hollow tubes, Hodgkinson found that, other conditions remaining the same, the circular was the strongest, and was followed in order of strength by the square in four compartments j+j ; the rectangle in two compartments, FT! ; the rectangle, a ; and the square. The addition of a diaphragm across the middle of the rect- angle doubled its resistance to crippling. 4. Modes of Failure. The manner in which the crush- ing of short pillars takes place depends upon the material, and the failure may be due to splitting, bulging, or buckling. (a) Splitting into fragments is characteristic of such crys- talline, fibrous, or granular substances as glass, timber, stone, brick, and cast-iron. The 'compressive strength of these substances is much greater than their tensile strength, and when they fail they do so suddenly. A hard vitreous material, e.g., glass or vitrified brick, splits into a number of prisms (Fig. 335). A fibrous material, e.g., timber, and granular materials, e.g., cast-iron and many kinds of stone and brick, shear or slide along planes oblique to the direction of the thrust, and form one or more wedges or pyramids (Figs. 336, 337, 238)- Sometimes a granular or a crystalline substance will sud- denly give way and be reduced to powder. (b) Bulging, i.e., a lateral spreading out, is characteristic of blocks of fibrous materials, e.g., wrought-iron, copper, lead, and timber, and fracture occurs in the form of longitudinal cracks. All substances, however, even the most crystalline, will bulge slightly before they fail, if they possess some degree of toughness. (c) Buckling is characteristic of fibrous materials, and the resistance of a pillar to buckling is always less than its resist- ance to direct crushing, and is independent of length. Thin malleable plates usually fail by the bending, pucker- THEORY OF STRUCTURES. ing, wrinkling, or crumpling up of the fibres, and the same phenomena may be observed in the case of timber and of long bars. Long plate tubes, when compressed longitudinally, first bend and eventually fail by the buckling of a short length on the concave side. The ultimate resistance to buckling of a well-made and well-shaped tube is about 27,000 Ibs. per square inch section of metal, which may be increased to 33,000 or 36,000 Ibs. per square inch by dividing the tube into two or more compart- ments. A rectangular wrought-iron or steel tube offers the greatest resistance to buckling when the mass of the material is con- centrated at the angles, while the sides consist of thin plates or lattice-work sufficiently strong to prevent the bending of the angles. Timber offers about twice the resistance to crushing when dry that it does when wet, as the presence of moisture dimin- ishes the lateral adhesion of the fibres. 5. Uniform Stress. Let a short pillar be subjected to a w | pressure of W Ibs. uniformly distributed over its end and acting in the direction of its axis. Let 5 be the transverse sectional area of the pil- lar. W Let / = be the intensity of stress per unit O of area of any transverse section AB. TIG. 339. J Let A'B' be any other section of area S', in- clined to the axis at an angle 0. The intensity of stress per W W unit of area of A'B' = = sin 6 = p sin 0, which may be o o resolved into a component/ sin 2 normal to A'B', and a com- ponent/ sin 6 cos 6, i.e.,/ - , parallel to A'B'. The last intensity is evidently a maximum when 6 = 45, so that the plane along which the resistance to shearing is least, and there- fore along which the fracture of a homogeneous material would tend to take place, makes an angle of 45 with the axis. UNIFORM L Y'VAR YING STRESS. 517 None of the materials of construction are truly homo- geneous, and in the case of cast-iron the irregularity of the texture and the hardness of the skin cause the angle between the plane of shear and the direction of the thrust to vary from 32 to 42. Brick chimneys sometimes fail by the shear- ing of the mortar, the upper portion sliding over an oblique plane. Hodgkinson's experiments upon blocks of different mate- rials led him to infer that the true crushing strength of a ma- terial is obtained when the ratio of length to diameter is at least i-J-; for a less ratio the resistance to compression is un- duly increased by the friction at the surfaces between which the block is crushed. 6. Uniformly Varying Stress. The load upon a pillar is rarely, if ever, uniformly distrib- uted, but it is practically sufficient to assume that the pressure in any transverse section varies uni- formly. Any variable external force ap- plied normally to a plane surface AA of area 5 may be graphically represented by a cylinder AABB, the end BB being the locus of the extremities of ordinates erected upon A A, each ordinate being pro- portional to the intensity of press- ure at the point on which it is erected. Let P be the total force upon *AA, and let the line of its resultant intersect A A in C\ C is the centre of pressure of A A, and the ordinate CC necessarily passes through the centre of gravity of the cylinder. Again, the resultant internal stress developed in AA is P, and may of course be graphically represented by the same cylinder AABB. Assume that the pressure upon AA varies uniformly; the surface BB is then a plane inclined at a certain ano-le to AA. FIG. 340. 5 i8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Take 0, the centre of figure of AA, as the origin, and AA as the plane of x, y. Let O y, the axis of y, be parallel to that line EE of the plane BB which is parallel to the plane AA. Through EE draw a plane DD par- allel to AA, and form the cylinder A ADD. The two cylinders A ABB and A ADD are evidently equal in volume, and OF, the average ordinate, represents the mean pressure over AA ; let it be denoted by A- At any point R of the plane AA, erect the ordinate RQP, intersecting the planes DD, BB, in Q and P, respect- Y/ ively. FlG - 341- Let x, y be the co-ordinates of R. The pressure at R a being a constant depending upon the variation. Note. The sign of x is negative for points on the left of O,. and the pressure at a point corresponding to R\sp Q ax. Let x n , y be the co-ordinates of the centre of pressure C. Let AS be an elementary area at any point R. Then pAS is the pressure upon AS, and 2(J>4S) is the total pressure upon the surface AA, 2 being the symbol of summation. Hence, and But / = / + ax. and axy)AS\ UNIFORMLY VARYING STRESS. 519 Now is the centre of figure of AA, and therefore 2 and ~2(ydS} are each zero. Also, 2(4 S) = S, 2(x*4S) is the moment of inertia (/) of A A with respect to OY, and 2Z(xydS) is the product of inertia (K) about the axis OZ. .'. x p S = al x P and (l) (2) Cor. I. Ip any symmetrical section y Q is zero, and X Q is the deviation of the centre of pres- sure C from the centre of fig- ure a Let x l be the distance from O of the extreme points A of the section. The greatest stress in A A is/ + ax l = /\, suppose. FlG " 342 ' A-! or ^> A It is generally advisable, especially in masonry structures, to limit x by the condition that the stress shall be nowhere negative, i.e., a tension. Now the minimum stress is/ ax^ , so that to fulfil this condition, p f > or = ax l , But p l = ax, < or = 2/.. 520 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence, by eq. (3), A, i and therefore I < or = I ; i.e., x, < or = -. Cor. 2. The uniformly varying stress is equivalent to a single force P along the axis, and a couple of moment = a Vr + K\ Cor. 3. The line CO is said to be conjugate to OY. If the angle COX = 0, then cotV = = ~. 7. Hodgkinson's Formulae for the Ultimate Strength of Long and Medium Pillars. When a Jong pillar is subjected to a crushing force it first yields sideways, and eventually breaks in a manner apparently similar to the fracture of a beam under a transverse load. This similarity, however, is modified by the fact that an initial longitudinal compression is induced in the pillar by the superimposed load. Hodgkinson deduced, experimentally, that the strength of long solid round iron and square timber pillars, with flat and firmly bedded ends, is given by an expression of the form W being the breaking weight in tons of 2240 Ibs. ; d " " diameter or side of the pillar in inches ; I " " length of the pillar in feet; n and m being numerical indices ; FORMULAE FOR ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF PILLARS. $21 A being a constant varying with the material and with the sectional form of the pillar. . For iron pillars ............... n = 3.6 and m = 1.7 " timber pillars ............ n = 4 and m = 2 " cast-iron ............................ A = 44.16 " wrought-iron ........................ A = 133.75 " dry Dantzic oak ..................... A 10.95 " dry red deal ......................... A 7.81 " dry French oak ...................... A 6*9 The strength of long hollow round cast-iron pillars was found to be given by - d w -44.34 -r- d being the external and d l the internal diameter, both in inches. Thus, the strength of a hollow cast-iron pillar is approxi- mately equal to the difference between the strengths of two solid cast-iron pillars whose diameters are equal to the external and internal diameters of the hollow pillar. The strength of medium pillars may be obtained by the formula w Wfs - W being the breaking weight in tons of 2240 Ibs. ; W " " " " " " " " " as derived from the formula for long pillars ; /being the ultimate crushing strength in tons per square inch ; S being the sectional area of the pillar in square inches. Again, if the ends of a cast-iron pillar are rounded, the above formulae may be still employed to determine its strength, A being 14.9 for a solid and 13 for a hollow pillar. 522 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 8. Gordon's Formula for the Ultimate Strength of a Pillar. The method discussed in the preceding articles, being practically very inconvenient, is not generally used, and the present article will treat of Professor Gordon's formula, which has a better theoretical basis and is easier of application. The effect of a weight W upon a pillar of length / ;2/ n and sectional area 5 may be divided into two parts : (a) A direct thrust, which produces a uniform com- W pression of intensity -= = p l . (b) A bending moment, which causes the pillar to FIG. 343. yield in the direction of its least dimension (k). Letjy be the greatest deviation of the pillar from the vertical. The bending moment M at the point of maximum stress may be represented by Wy. Let / 2 be the stress in the extreme layers due to this bend- ing moment. Now c being the distance of the layer under consideration from the neutral axis, ju. a constant depending upon the sectional form, and b the dimension perpendicular to the plane of flexure. Wv and Butj/cc. (Art. 9, Chap. VI.)! wr wr / a ' and VALUES OF a AND / GORDON'S FORMULA. $2$ a being some constant to be determined by experiment. Hence, the total stress in the most strained fibre is or which is Gordon's formula. Cor. If the weight- upon the pillar causes the stress in any transverse section to vary uniformly, the direct thrust in the W\ *2' S ] W extreme layers is -~r\i -| * / instead of -~, (Cor. i, Art. J 1 O 6,) ;F O being the greatest deviation of the line of resultant thrust from the axis of the pillar. Let k be the radius of gyration of the cross-section. Then and the expression for the direct thrust may be written W Hence, Gordon's formula becomes / - 5 A 9. Values of a and /. The following table, giving the values of the constants a and/* in Gordon's formula, has been 524 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. prepared by taking an average of the best known results, and is applicable to round and square pillars with square ends. f in Ibs. per sq. in. a For cast-iron solid rectangular pillars 80 ooo -r\r* " " " round " 80 ooo ff T JU " " hollow rectangular " 80 ooo TOU *4 " " " round " 80 ooo ,ri* For wrought-iron solid rectangular pillars . . TTO -JU. " " " round " 36 ooo ^(TTJT JL* " " thick hollow round " 36 ooo *^M 6? 2OO ^FffT _JL- " round " ', 67 2OO ^OtTTT *JU. 67 2OO TTTTTT , 1,^. For strong-steel solid rectangular pillars 1 14 ooo ^?oiy d& " " " round " 1 14 ooo 1400 JL- " " hollow round " 114 ooo ^DTT i . 5 ooo T^ffTJ _1I " " round " 5 ooo ^^^ _1_ 7 2OO 2s ff _i ^0 If Gordon's formula is applied to pillars with pin ends, 4*2 takes the place of a ; and if to pillars with one pin end and one square end, |^z takes the place of a. 10. Graphical Comparison of the Crushing Unit Strength of Solid Round Cast-iron, Wrought-iron, and Mild-steel Pillars. The crushing unit stress is given by/ = Take the different values of j as abscissae, and the corre- sponding values of / as ordinates ; the resulting curves are shown in Fig. 344. Hence, the strength of a mild-steel pillar always exceeds that of a wrought-iron pillar but is less than that of a cast-iron pillar when j < 10.7 ; a wrought-iron pillar is stronger or weaker than a cast-iron pillar according as r > or < 28.5. APPLICATIONS OF GORDON'S FORMULA. 80,000 Ibs. 28,486.4 Ibs. in 40 50 60 FIG. 344. ii. Application of Gordon's Formula to Pillars of other Sectional Forms. In any section whatever, the least transverse dimension for calculation (i.e., ti) is to be measured in the plane of greatest flexure. Thus, it may be taken as the least diameter of the rectangle circumscribing tee (Fig. 345), channel (Fig. 346), and cruciform (Fig. 347) sections, and as the perpendicular from the angle to the opposite side of a triangle circumscribing angle(F\g. 348) sections. FIG. 345 . FIG. 34 6. FIG. 347. FIG. 348. From a series of experiments upon wrought-iron pillars of these sections, f was found to be 42,500 Ibs., and a, . QOO In cast-iron struts of a cruciform section /= 80,000 Ibs. and a -. 400 526 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. These results are only approximately true, and apply to pillars fixed at both ends. 12. Rankine's Modification of Gordon's Formula. The factor a in Gordon's formula is by no means constant, and not only varies with the nature of the material, with the length of the pillar, with the condition of its ends, etc., but also with the sectional form of the pillar. The variation due to this latter cause may be eliminated, and the formula rendered somewhat more exact, by introducing the least radius of gyration instead of the least transverse dimension. If k is the least radius of gyration, / mbh* __ m r* * - / T mass non n m and n being constants which depend upon the sectional form. Thus, Gordon's formula for pillars with square ends may be written .+:, j in which , is independent of the sectional form, all variations of the latter being included in k*. This modified form of Gordon's formula was first suggested by Rankine. 4a l is substituted for a l if the pillar has two pin ends, and Q -a t or 2#, is substituted for a l if the pillar has one pin end and one square end. Rankine gives for wrought iron, f =. 36000 Ibs., - = 36000; for cast-iron, /= 80000 Ibs., - = 6400 ; for dry timber, /= 7200 Ibs., - == 3000; a, KANKINE'S MODIFICATION OF GORDON'S FORMULA. $2? In good American practice the safe working unit stress in bridge compression members is determined by the formula Safe working unit stress = f being 8000 Ibs. for wrought-iron and 10,000 Ibs. for steel, and being 40,000 for two square ends, 30,000 for one square and one pin end, and 20,000 for two pin ends. Another formula often employed is, H\ . /' / Tf\ Working stress in Ibs. persq. in. X (4 + ) == H being the ratio of length to least breadth, where, in the case of wrought-iron, f = 38,500 Ibs. and = 5820 for two square ends; f 38,500 " " - = 3000 " one square and one pin end. /' = 37,800 " " - = 1900 " two pin ends. r_r ^\\e factor of safety, viz., 4 -| , increases with H, and par- tially provides for the corresponding decrease in the strength to resist side blows. EXAMPLES. According to Rankine the ultimate compres- sive strength of wrought-iron struts, in pounds per square inch, is W 36000 36000 * 528 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. If the section is a solid rectangle, k? = , and hence 36000 r 1 3000 h* If the section is a solid circle, / 2 = -^, and hence 36000 A= 7-.- 1 2250 tf If the section is a thin annulus, k* = -^ nearly, and hence 36000 1 +4500^ _If - is small, W=fS. If is large, ^. ,. Comparing the last result with eq. (5), Case 4, Art. 16, which gives a theoretical value of a t , the actual value being somewhat different. 13. Values of fc a for Different Sections. (a) Solid rectangle : k* = -~ = , h being the least dimen- O 1 2 sion. tx\ if n i v 7 I ( bh * - b ' h '*\ (b) Hollow rectangle: k = -^ = 7^ bh b'h'r ' g the greatest and least outside dimensions, and b', h' the great- est and least inside dimensions, respectively. VALUES OF &* FOR DIFFERENT SECTIONS. $2$ Let / be the thickness of the metal. Then b' = b 2t and h' = h 2t, and hence I bh*-(b-2i)(h-2t}* V ~ 12 bh (b 2t)(h 2t)' 12 b + h> approximately, when t is small compared with h, i.e., for a thin hollow rectangle. For a square cell, J? = -g-. (c) Solid triangle : ft* = -~- = =, h being the height. (d] Hollow triangle : 1? = -^- = - , . ^ , 7 . , , ^, ^ being the base and height of the outside triangle, and ', h' the base and height of the inside triangle, respectively. Also, T> = 77. _ ^ P - V* i__tf IP + b f *\ - k ^i$F -&'*?- is\ y r Hence, for a thin triangular cell, &* = . r ;r2 (e) Solid cylinder : * = = ;, k being the diameter. (/) Hollow cylinder: ff = ^ = ~^( A ' + h '^ h and h ' bein g the external and internal diameters, respectively. Hence, for a thin cylindrical cell, & = , approximately. EXAMPLE. Gordon's formula for hollow cylindrical cast- iron pillars is w__ _L _ _ _ /_ ~ " a> . h 3 500 / 3 4000 530 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The relation /, = -- - may be assumed to hold for hollow square struts and also for struts of a cruciform section. Ex. i. For a hollow square having its diagonal equal to the internal diameter of the hollow cylinder, i.e., k ', =' and ' = Ex. 2. If the side of the square is equal to the external diameter, i.e., h, then k* = -z- , and /, = 6 ' ^ ~ 3 /' ' (g) Cruciform section, the arms being equal: _ / = h ; S zbk ^ . 12 ' 12 12 ~ = ' nearly - FIG. 349. Hence, the formula for a cast-iron pillar of cruciform section may be written (/z) Angle-iron of unequal ribs, the greater being and the less A : VALUES OF &* FOR DIFFERENT SECTIONS. 53 1 ra Hence, if b = h, i.e., if the ribs are equal, ft? . (i) Channel-iron, the dimensions being as in Fig. 350 : 2bht\h + tY T 12 ~ 4(2At + 6t) 2ht . 2bhf ( 2t = h \ 71 + 4 Also, 5 = bt + 2ht. =] IF ' nearly ' _ _ ___ 1 2(2 At + bt) 4(2 At + bt}* ) ' Let the area of the two flanges A = 2ht, and let the area of the web =. B bt. Then _ - 12(A (fc) \\-iron, breadth of flanges being b, length of web h, and thickness of metal / : 73j 1 .3 73. / = 2~ + = 2--, nearly ; 5= At. *' /P ~ I22bt 2bt I2A+B' A being the area of the flanges, and .5 the area of the web. (/) Circular segment, of radius r and length rO : Hence, for a semicircle, since = ?r, 532 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (m) Barlow rail: tf = -- , nearly. (n) Two Barlow rails, riveted base to base: a = .393;-*, nearly. 14. American Iron Columns. In 1880 Mr. G. Bouscaren read before the American Society of Civil Engineers a paper containing the results of a series of experiments made for the Cincinnati Southern Railroad upon Keystone, square, Phoenix, and American Bridge Co.'s columns. EYSTONE SQUARE PHOENIX ' AM. BRIDGE CO. FIG. 351. FIG. 352. FIG. 353. FIG. 354. These experiments show, as those of Hodgkinson and others have also shown, that the strength of iron and steel columns is not only dependent on the ratio of length to diam- eter, and on the forfh of the cross-section, but also on the proportions of parts, details of design and workmanship, and on the quality of the material of which the columns are con- structed. Further, they seem to lead to the conclusions that Gordon's formula is more correct as modified by Rankine, and that, in the case of columns hinged at both ends, Rankine's formula, with tfj assumed at double the value it has when the formula is applied to columns with flat ends, is practically correct. The subjoined table gives the values of the constants #, and / as deduced from Bouscaren's experiments by Prof. W. H. Burr. In 1 88 1 Messrs. Clarke, Reeves & Co. presented to the American Society of Civil Engineers a paper containing the results of experiments upon twenty Phcenix columns, which appeared to show that neither Gordon's nor Rankine's formula expressed the true strength of a column of the Phcenix type. In the discussion that followed the reading of this paper, how- ever, it was demonstrated that, within the range of the experi- ments, the strength of intermediate lengths and sections of AMERICAN IRON COLUMNS. 533 / in Ibs. For keystone columns with flat ends swelled " " " " " " straight (open or closed) " " " " " " open (swelled straight) " pin ends swelled For square columns with flat ends " " " " pin ends For Phoenix columns with flat ends " " '* " round ends " " " " pin ends For American Bridge Co.'s columns with flat ends " " " " " " round ends " " 4< " " " pin ends 36,000 39>500 38,300 38,300 39,000 39.000 42,000 42,000 42,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 18300 1 18300 1 12000 1 35000 1 17000 1 50000 1 12500 1 22700 1 46000 1 11500 1 21500 Phoenix columns can be obtained either from Rankine's for- mula by slightly changing the constants, or from very simple new formulae. Mr. W. G. Bouscaren showed that by making a. = i ooooo W and/= 38000, the calculated values of -^- agree very nearly o with the actual experimental results. Mr. D. J. Whittemore gave the following (only applicable for lengths varying from 5 to 45 diameters) as expressing the probable ultimate strength of these columns : Wlbs. = (1200 /T)3 H being the ratio of length to diameter. Mr. C. E. Emery stated that the ultimate strength in each case is approximately represented by the formula M/1K 355Q63 + 3095Q# H+6.i 7 $ -' H being the ratio of length to diameter. 534 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Taking the different values of H as abscissae, and of W as ordinates, this is the equation of an hyperbola. It agrees very accurately with the experimental results from 20 diameters upwards; at 15 diameters the calculated values of W arc greater than those given by the experiments ; for a less num- ber of diameters the experimental results are the higher, but the variations are slight, and are provided for in the factor of safety. The following very simple formulae, due to Prof. W. H. Burr, give results agreeing closely with those obtained in the experiments : For values of j < 30, the ultimate strength in pounds per square inch = 64700 4600. IJL V k ' For values of T between 30 and 140, the ultimate strength in pounds per square inch = 39640 46 j, k being the radius of gyration. 15. Long Thin Pillar. Let ACB be the bent axis of a thin pillar of length /, having two pin ends and carry- ing a load W at B. Let d be the greatest deviation of the axis from the vertical. Then E Wd bending moment = ^,-7, . . (i) being the curvature of the pillar and 7 the moment K v of inertia of the most strained transverse section. FJG. 355 . This equation is only true on the assumptions that (1) initially, the pillar is perfectly straight ; (2) initially, the line of action of the load coincides with the axis of the pillar ; LONG THIN PILLAR. 535 (3) the material of the pillar is homogeneous. These assumptions cannot be fulfilled in practice, and varia- tions from theoretical accuracy may, perhaps, be provided for by supposing that the line of action of the load is at a small distance x from the axis of the pillar. The bending-moment equation then becomes f^ being the skin stress due to bending at a distance c from the neutral axis. Again, assuming that the bent axis is in the form of an arc of a circle, f ='/!, ... . . (4) and consequently Wx d =-pI^W> ' (5) where ' "'^ ' " ''' ''^" P =^f- (Q If the line of action of the load W coincided with the axis of the pillar, then x would be nil. Hence, by eq. (5), so long as the load is less than P, d o, and the failure of the pillar would be due to direct crush- ing. If the load is equal to P, d would become indeterminate I ) and the pillar would remain in a state of neutral equi- librium at any inclination to the vertical. It is impossible that W should exceed P, as d would then be negative ; and therefore a load greater than P would cause the pillar to bend over laterally until it broke. 536 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Thus, P ~ JT- must be the theoretical maximum compres- sive strength of the pillar. Again, let A be the area of the section under consideration ; " p be the total intensity of the skin stress at the section ; " f be the intensity of the direct stress due to W W_ ~~ A ; " /", be the intensity of the stress due to P P Then the sign of f^ being positive for the compressed side of the pillar and negative for the side in tension. (8) k being the radius of gyration. Let h be the least transverse dimension of the section in the plane of flexure. Then c oc h and k also a h. c _n *' fi = ~h ' n being a coefficient depending upon the form of the section. For a rectangle, n = 6 ; for a circle, n = 8 ; also, Px LONG THIN PILLAR. 537 Thus, however small x may be,/ continually increases as the difference between f l and f diminishes. The pillar will therefore fail for some value of / less than the theoretical maximum. This is in accordance with experience, as it is found that a small load causes a moderate flexure in a long pillar, and that this flexure gradually increases with the load until fracture takes place. In no case should / exceed the elastic limit, as in such case a set would be produced and the deviation x would be increased. If the tensile strength of the material of the pillar is small, as in the case of cast-iron, failure may arise from the tearing of the stretched layers. Cor. i. The above also applies to the case of a pillar with one end fixed and the other free, but the value of P is 2EI then -^- . Cor. 2. According to Euler (see following article), the 7T 2 more correct value of P is pEIjt, ^ being I, 2, J, or 4, accord- ing as the pillar has two pin ends, one fixed end and one end guided in the direction of the thrust, one fixed and one free end, or two fixed ends. El & fh^ P evidently a ^ a EAj$ a -A\j Hence, (a) the strength of a long pillar is proportional to the coefficient of elasticity ; (b) the strengths of similar pillars are as the sectional areas. Again, f t oc -^ oc d. But Wd = --/ a / 2 a d. Hence W is approximately constant, and the weight which produces moderate flexure is approximately equal to the break- ing weight. EXAMPLE. Find the crushing load of a solid mild-steel pillar 3 in. in diameter and 10 ft. long, with two pin ends. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Also find the deviation (x) of the line of action of a load of 20,000 Ibs. from the axis of the pillar, so that the maximum intensity of stress may not exceed 10,000 Ibs. per square inch. By Gordon's formula and the table, page 524, the crushing load = --r- Viiw = 85292.3 Ibs. ~T TTTFTV -3 y Again, the theoretical maximum compressive strength P 8 X 28000000 n(tf ~5T 6l875lbs - /, 61875 99 * P- w /,-/ 41875 67* Hence 20000 / 10000 = -3-3- or x = .65 in. 16. Long Columns of Uniform Section. (Ruler's Theory.) CASE I. Columns with both ends hinged. f The column OA of length / is bent [k , under a thrust P and takes the curved form OMA. Take O as the origin, the vertical through O as the axis of x, and the hori- zontal through O as the axis of y. Consider a section at any point M (x,y). If there is equilibrium and if the line of action of P coincides with the TT~" axis of the column, the equation of mo- FIG. 35 6. ments at M is ; :; : ; . : - EI & = M =**> ::.::.,'_, or d'y P LONG COLUMNS OF UNIFORM SECTION. 539 dy Multiplying each side of the equation by - and integrating, (2) b being a constant of integration. dy adx Integrating, sm-'.l-J = or y = b sin (ax + c), . . . . (3) c being a constant of integration. When x = o, y is also o, and hence b = o or c = o. If b = o, y is always o, and lateral flexure is impossible. Take c = o. Then jj/ = sin ax (4) Also, when x OA = OMA, nearly, = /, y = o. .*. o = b sin al, or and hence P=n*El"t (5) Now the /ft&rf value of P evidently corresponds to n = i r and hence the minimum thrust which will bend the column laterally is 540 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Cor. I. If the column is made to pass through N points dividing the vertical OA into N + I equal divisions, then y = o when x = and therefore, by eq. (4), al or al and hence i) 3 . FIG. 357. As before, the least value of P corresponds to n = I, and is the least force which will bend the column laterally. Hence, the strength of the column is increased in the ratio of 4, 9, 16, etc., by causing it to pass through points which divide its length into 2, 3, 4, etc., equal parts, respectively. Cor. 2. The value of b may be approximately determined as follows : \ Let ds = length of element at M. Let = inclination to vertical of tangent at M. Then pressure upon ds P cos 6 = P-r- and the . ., S , , compression of ds = ds = -=r-;dx, A being the sectional area of the column. Hence, the total diminution of the length of the column !' . 7 /> : / rf*__ /. LONG COLUMNS OF UNIFORM SECTION. 541 Again, the length of the column = f'( l + ^^) dx = f (l + a ' 6 ' cos ' ax} ' dx ' = / ( l H -- cos2 ax\dx, approximately, Hence, if L is the initial length of the column, i.e., the length before compression, and consequently EIL-l\ I b = 2 ~ CASE 2. Columns with one end fixed and the other constrained to lie in the same vertical. Assume that the lateral deviation is prevented ^ by means of a horizontal force H at the top of a column. Then TO ! \ M -*).. . . (I) MW A particular solution of this is I ,, - FIG. 358. ^ y d u 54 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and eq. (i) becomes or d*u -&=-* *, *VV (2) The solution of the last equation is y / = u = b sin (ax + c), . . : , ' " v" . (3) b and c being constants of integration. TT (4) dy But - = o when x = o, and j = o when ^r = o and when x /. rr .* 0= , -\-abcosc\ TT O = sn Hence <2/-|- ^ = o and al = tan c = tan at, and therefore = 4-493 = / V /' which may be written in the form L / (5) LONG COLUMNS OF UNIFORM SECTION. It is sufficiently approximate to write El 543 P= 27T 5 CASE 3. Columns with one end fixed and the other free. A rigid arm AB is connected with the free end A of a column, and a vertical B force P applied at B bends the column laterally, until its axis assumes the curved form OMA. Let AB q, A C = p, and let / be the length of the column, OC, nearly. The inclination of AB to the horizon is so small that the difference in length between AB and its horizontal projection may be disregarded. The moment equa- tion at any point M (x, y) is or (i) dy Multiplying each side by 2 and integrating, b being a constant of integration. dy But -T- = o when y = o, and hence b = o. (2) or 544 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Integrating, c being a constant of integration, or 4) 4- a y But y = o when x = o, and hence c = o. .*. p = cos^. .<,;..... . . (4) Also, y ~ p when ^- = /. .*. -: cos a/. (5) If q is very small or nil, the term ~rq~ may be disregarded, and then o cos al. being a whole odd number. The least value of P corresponds to n = i, and the minimum pressure which will cause the column to bend laterally is Cor. I. By eq. (5) the deviation of the top of the column from the vertical is i cos al LONG COLUMNS OF UNIFORM SECTION. 54$ Cor. 2. Let the force applied at B be oblique and let its. vertical and horizontal components be P and //, respectively. The moment equation now becomes A particular solution of this is *) ..... (10) Let y = y 1 -f- u. Substituting in eq. (9), or The solution of this equation is u = b sin (ax -f- c) y y' t b and c being constants of integration. TT (12) When x = o, / and ^ are each = o ; and when x = /, y = q+ TT Hence, o =/ + ?+ /-(- ^ sin ^; rr O = ^ -\- al> cos c ; 546 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. three equations giving b, c, and p, and therefore fully deter- mining y. CASE 4. Column with both ends fixed. Let IJL be the end moment of fixture. Then or -*> + * = (*- JO, . . (l) , where b = -p. FW. 360. Multiplying each side of the equation by 2^ and integrating, d being a constant of integration. But -- = o when ^ o, and hence d y*) ...... (2) or I Integrating, or -^ = cos (** + <:), (3) c being a constant of integration. LONG COLUMNS OF UNIFORM SECTION. 547 But jj/ = o when x o and when x I. Hence i = cos c and I = cos (al-\- c). and therefore c = o and al = n being a whole number. Hence, or The least value of P corresponds to n = I, and the mini- mum thrust which will cause the column to bend laterally is 17. Remarks. From the preceding it appears that the maximum theoretical compressive strength of a column per unit of area may be expressed in the form k being the radius of gyration, and A a coefficient whose value is i, 2, J, or 4, according as the column has two hinged ends, one end fixed and the other guided in the direction of thrust, one end fixed and the other free, or two fixed ends. This formula is easy of application, but Hodgkinson's experiments show that the value of P as derived therefrom is too large. This may be partly due to the assumption that the elasticity of the material is perfect. The factors of safety to be used with this formula vary from 4 to 8 for iron and steel and from 4 to 15 for timber. The objection to the use of flat bars as compression mem- bers has sometimes been overestimated. Consider, e.g., the case of a flat bar hinged at both ends. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let the coefficient of elasticity of the material be 25,000,- ooo Ibs. Let the working stress per square inch be 8000 Ibs. The bar will not bend laterally under pressure so long as 7T the unit stress < Etft, and jrV / 8000 < 25000000- 7 f , or -7 < 50.7. Hence, the length of a flat bar in compression seems to be comparatively limited. If, however, both ends are securely fixed, the strength is quadrupled and the admissible length of bar is doubled, while it may be still further increased by fixing the bar at intermediate points as indicated in Corollary i, page 540. This shows the marked advantage to be gained by rivet- ing together the diagonals of lattice-girders at the points where they cross each other. p The value of f . . r (Art. 15) must not exceed the elastic ./i limit. It is difficult to define with any degree of accuracy the elastic limit of cast-iron and timber. It is claimed, indeed, that the latter has no elastic limit, properly so called, but that a permanent set is produced by every elastic change of form. It may be assumed, however, that the elasticity of these materials is practically unaffected so long as they are not loaded to more than one half of the ultimate crushing load. Hence, taking E = 29,000,000 Ibs. and f = 20,000 Ibs. for wrought-iron r " = 29,000,000 " " /= 33,600" " soft steel, E 29,000,000 " " / = 56,000 " " hard steel, =17,000,000 " " / = 40,000 " " cast-iron, = 1,500,000 " " /= 3,600 " " dry timber, the pillars will not bend laterally unless the ratio of -> or a 2r LONG COLUMNS OF UNIFORM SECTION. 549 (d being the shortest side of a rectangular section and r the radius of a circular section) exceeds the values given in the following table : Material. Value of -4- Value of . Formula. a 27" Wrought-iron 34.5 29.9 Soft steel 26.6 24.3 Hard steel 20.3 17.9 } f = ' = Cast-iron 18.7 16.2 Dry timber 18.5 16 Wrought-iron 48.8 42.3 Soft steel 37-7 34-4 Hard steel 28.8 25.3 V ^ _ _ Cast-iron 26.4 22.9 Dry timber 26. i 22. 7 Wrought-iron 17.2 14.9 Soft steel 13.3 12. i Hard steel 10.1 8.9 Cast-iron 9.3 8.1 Dry timber 9.2 8 Wrought-iron 69 59.9 Soft steel 53.3 48.7 Hard steel 40.7 35.7 \ f ^. Cast-iron 374 32.4 Dry timber 37 32 Baker has deduced by experiment the following formulae for the strength of wrought-iron and steel pillars of from 10 to 30 diameters in length and with fixed ends, the tensile strength of the metals ranging from 20 to 60 tons (2240 Ibs.) per square inch : Let t be the tensile strength of the iron or steel, and H the ratio of length to diameter. Then the ultimate compressive resistance, in pounds per square inch, for solid round pillars = (.4 .oo6Ii)(t + 18) ; for thin tubes = (.44 .OO4//X/ + 18) ; for tubes with stiffening ribs = (.44 .OO2//)(V 4- 18) ; for girder sections = (.4 - .oO4//)'/-f- 18). 55O THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 18. Weyrauch's Theory of the Resistance to Buckling. In order to make allowance for buckling, Weyrauch pro- poses the two following methods : METHOD I. Let F l be the necessary sectional area, and . the admissible unit stress for a strut subjected to loads vary- ing from a maximum compression B l to a minimum com- pression By Let/ 7 ' be the necessary sectional area, and b' the admissible unit stress for a strut subjected to loads which vary between a given maximum tension and a given maximum compression, B' being the numerically absolute maximum load, and B" the maximum load of the opposite kind. According to Art. 7, Chap. Ill, if there is no tendency to buckling, * = !=T-^IH ..... c> 1 4+-.f) - ,. . and " If there is a tendency to buckling, let / be the length of the strut, F its required sectional area, and T the mean unit .stress at the moment of buckling. Then, according to the theory of long struts, (3) d being a coefficient depending upon the method adopted for securing the ends, E the coefficient of elasticity, and / the least moment of inertia of the section. Also, let t be the statical compressive strength of the ma- terial of the strut, and take t = j*T. Then RESISTANCE TO BUCKLING WE YRA UCH'S THEORY. 55 1 where 552 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and n/ D/ F ,, = - ~~\> if B " is a compression. (9) If /* < I, equations (i) and (2) give larger sectional areas than equations (7), (8), and (9), so that the latter are to be ap- plied only when /* > I. METHOD II. General formulae applicable to all values of /* may be obtained by following the same line of reasoning as that adopted in the proof of Gordon's formula. It is there assumed that the total unit stress in the most strained fibre is 72\ A ( l +*!/ A Dem g tne stress due to direct compression, and r p^a-j^ that due to the bending action. So, instead of employing equations (i) and (2) when ju < i, and equations (7), (8), and (9) when ^ > i, formulae including all cases may be obtained by substituting for the compressive forces in equations (i) and (2) their values multiplied by I Thus, equation (i) becomes and equation (2) becomes F= 7 g?7 {, if B' is a compression, (n) V '(,_ m ' or B' com P ress i n - Equations (7), (8), (9), respectively, give larger values of F than the corresponding equations (10), (u), and (12). RESISTANCE 7V BUCKLING IVEYRAUCH' S THEORY. 553 Note. For wrought-iron bars it may be assumed, as in Arts. 5, 6, Chap. Ill, tha't z/, = z/ == 700 k. per sq. cm., and m^ = m =1. The value of i, and by eq. (7) the required sectional area is /^ X 1.188 = AGO. x IsI 88 _ 5 7<9 sq> cm< Second. F, = Af& = ^(r t f r 2 2 ), r, being the external and r 2 the internal radius of the section. 554 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let r l 9 cm. and r, = 7.92 cm. Then *(r? ~ O - 5743 sq. cm. Also, ' I r' + rf" 143-7264 Hence, by eq. (4), _ 360X360 4 . 24000 143,7264 Thus, in the latter case, since ft < I, there is no tendency to buckling. If the area is determined by equation (10), its value becomes 1.15 X $JL = 65 sq. cm. 19. Flexure of Columns. In Art. 16 the moment equa- tion has been expressed in the form and this is sufficiently accurate if the deviation of the axis of the strut from the vertical is so small that [-T-] may be neglected without sensible error. The more correct equation is p being the radius of curvature. Consider, e.g., the strut in Art. 16, Case I. Then P i dO dO -j^- T y = - = = -j- sin 6, Er p ds dy FLEXURE OF COLUMNS. 555 being the inclination of the tangent at M to the axis of *, and ds an element of the bent strut at M. ... _ tfydy sin Odd. Integrating, , ..... (i) being the value of at a strut end. a Let sin = p and sin - = p sin 0. Then or y = cos ( 2 ) ^ Let Y be the maximum deviation of the axis of the strut from the vertical, i.e., the value of y when = o or = o. Then 2 sin ~ -- 2 - ......... (3) a Again, i dB a Vi // sin 2 Hence, if /be the length of the strut, d 2 , (4) .F M (0) being an elliptic integral of the first kind. Let P be the least thrust which will make the strut bend. As shown in Art. 16, 556 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and, by eq. (4), the corresponding value of the modulus yu is given by F^}=- 2 (5) * Let the actual thrust on the strut be P=n'P', .-..- . (6) H* being a coefficient > unity. The corresponding value of the modulus is given by By reference to Legendre's Tables it is found that a large n increase in the value of //, i.e., of sin or # , is necessary in order to produce even a small increase in the value of and therefore of n{ A / f I. Hence, as soon as the thrust (-V?) P exceeds the least thrust which will bend the column, viz., P', rapidly increases. The total maximum intensity of stress in the skin of the strut at the most deflected point P MB P PYz z being the distance of the skin from the neutral axis, and / p being equal to r. A The last term of this equation includes the product fE, n which is very large, and also the factor sin , which increases with # so that the ultimate strength of the material is rapidly approached, and, in fact, rupture usually takes place before the column has assumed the position of equilibrium defined by the slope # at the ends. FLEXURE OF COLUMNS. 557 If there were no limit to the flexure, the column would take its position of equilibrium only after a number of oscilla- tions about this position, and the maximum stress in the material would be necessarily greater than that given by eq. (8). Again, I (i 2;*' sin 2 0X0 dx = ds cos 6 = . a V I p sin a Let X be the vertical distance between the strut ends. Then 0) being an elliptic integral of the second kind. Hence, the diminution in the length of the strut 20. Flexure of Columns (Findlay). In a paper on the flexure of columns read before the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (Vol. IV, Part I), Findlay expresses the moment equation in the form p and being the values of p and when M = o. 558 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hinged Ends. It is assumed that the line of action of the thrust P is at a distance d from the axis of the strut. Then '. - w or where a* = -~j, p = total stress at the distance z from the neutral axis, and /= stress due to direct thrust f -jj, so that .the stress due to bending = p f. It is also assumed that the form of the axis of the column before it is acted upon by the thrust P, is a curve of sines defined by the equation nx .y. = Jcos T ,........ (4) the'origin being half-way between the ends of the strut, and A being the maximum initial deviation of the axis from the ver- tical, i.e., the value of y^ when x = o. d*y An* nx .*. r-^ = j$- cos -y, and hence, by eq. (3), ^2.- V 4-d\- A- A solution of this equation is nx , cos ax . f COS T~ cos- FLEXURE OF COLUMNS. $59 Now - - is always small for such values of f as would con- stitute a safe working load, and therefore al aT cos - i --, approximately, so that eq. (6) becomes COS or -f 5 i G8x*dA z , . . . Hence, the total moment of resist- ance of the section = G6I, I being the moment of inertia with respect to the axis. But this moment of resistance (M) is equal and opposite to the moment of the couple (P,P). Hence, M=GOI=Pp. The twisting moment will of course vary with a variable resistance, and the last equation gives its mean value. The shaft, however, must be designed (see Cor. 4) for the maximum couple to whi<*h it may be subjected, and the moment of this couple (= J/,) may be expressed in terms of the mean by the equation ju. being a coefficient to be determined in each case. In a series of experiments with different engines, Milton found that // varied from 1.3 to 2.1, but doubtless the variation is often be- tween still wider limits. Cor. i. Let /be the stress at the point farthest from the axis. For a solid round shaft, of diameter D, and = G9 . 3 2 Let T be the total torsion in degrees. Then i nT , z J^OR SIGNAL STRENGTH OF SHAFTS. and hence D " L 1 80 2' or _ D~ fi.60 Taking the following mean values of G Material. G f Cast-iron .............. 6,300,000 5,6oo Wrought-iron .......... 10,500,000 7,200 Steel .................. 12,000,000 1 1,200 2j = 9.8T for cast iron, = 12.7^ for wrought-iron, = 9.3^ for steel. Thus, the twist is i each 9.8 diameters in length for cast- iron, each 12.7 diameters in length for wrought-iron, and each 9.3 diameters in length for steel. This is often much too small, and in practice the twist is usually limited to T ^- per lineal foot of length. For a hollow round shaft, D being the external and D l the internal diameter, If the thickness (7") of the hollow shaft is small compared with D, & - Z> 3 4 = D' - (D - 2Ty = SD*T, approximately, \ and 5/2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The use of compressed steel admits of shafts being made hollow. For a solid square shaft, H being the side of the square, IT and/, the stress at the end of a diagonal, = G6-=- H 6 and GI GH* In these results it is assumed that G0[ or = =r~ I \ D H / is constant at different points of the cross-section, which, how- ever, is only true for circular sections. In non-circular sections the stress is more generally greatest at points in the bounding surface which are nearest to the axis and least at those points which are farthest from the axis. St. Venant, who first called attention to this fact, gave the fol- lowing, amongst others, as the results of his investigations. Designating by unity the torsional rigidity \^= j-j of a shaft with circular section, the torsional rigidity of a shaft of equal / 271 /~fr sectional area is .8863, .8863 X \ / n * . l , .7255, or \ / -, ac- cording as the section is a square, a rectangle with sides in the ratio n to I, an equilateral triangle, or an ellipse whose major and minor axes are 2a and 2b, respectively. Cor. 2. The torsional stress per unit of area- at a distance x from the axis is GOx. Hence, if 9 i and x = i, G is the force that will twist a TORSIONAL STRENGTH OF SHAFTS. 573 unit of area at a unit of distance from the axis through an angle unity. Cauchy found analytically that in an isotropic body G is two-fifths of the coefficient of direct elasticity. Experiments indicate that G is about three-eighths or one- third of the coefficient of direct elasticity. f -f (1 r>4 Cor. 3. For a solid cylinder, Pp = - , R being the radius, and therefore R* oc -^T> If the shaft is to have a certain speci- Gv fied stiffness, i.e., if is fixed, R* oc -?r, and for a given twisting moment R* oc . Now G is nearly the same for wrought-iron G and steel, so that there is little if any advantage to be gained by the use of the latter. After passing the elastic limit, the stress varies much more slowly than as the distance from the axis, and there will be a partial equalization of stress, the apparent torsional strength being increased. Cor. 4. In any transverse section of a solid cylindrical shaft, the maximum unit stress M l being the moment of the maximum twisting couple. This relation is true so long as the stress does not exceed the elastic limit, and agrees with the practical rule that the diameter of a cylindrical shaft subjected to torsional forces is proportional to the cube root of the twisting couple. The rule is usually expressed in the form M, = KD\ so that K = ^. Wohler's experiments show that the value of f depends, to some extent, upon its fluctuation under the variable twist- 574 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. ing moment. Ordinarily it should not exceed 7200 Ibs. per square inch for wrought-iron, in which case K i\ J^ X --f- = I4H- (Note. If P l is the torsional breaking weight, _ " D* ~~ I} 3 is the coefficient of torsional rupture?) Cor. 5. Let* Wbe the work transmitted to a shaft of D in. diameter, in foot-pounds per minute, N being the correspond in- number of revolutions. Then M 12 W = inch-pounds transmitted = 2nMN 2it TV KD M l since M = mean twisting moment = -. Hence, w Let HP be the horse-power transmitted per minute. Then W = 33000 HP. Also for wrought-iron K i| x - ? f. Hence p -- -^- = D\ and if p = 1.43, HP N -i formula agreeing with the best practice in the case of wrought-iron shafts subjected to torsional forces only. Such shafts should, therefore, carry no pulleys. Cor. 6. The resilience of a cylindrical axle is the product of one half of the greatest moment of torsion into the correspond- ing angle of torsion. Cor. 7. It often happens in practice that a shaft (or beam) is subjected to a bending as well as to a torsional action. DISTANCE BETWEEN THE BEARINGS OF SHAFTING. $?$ The combined bending and twisting moments are equiv- alent (Art. 8, Chap. IV) to the moment where M b = nM t , M b being the bending and M t the twisting moment at the given section. Hence, remembering that the maximum twisting moment J/, is equal to pM tJ we have for a wrought-iron shaft, If n = .36 -f- , this becomes HP a formula agreeing with the best practice in the case of trans- mission with bending, as, e.g., in the crank-shafts of marine engines. It often happens that n has a still larger value, as, e.g., in the case of head shafts properly supported against springing. The usual formula is then D 3 I HP = 5V W' corresponding to n = .72 -{- . 4. Distance between Bearings. The distance between the bearings of a line of shafting is limited by the considera- tion that the stiffness of the shaft must be such as will enable it to resist excessive bending under its own weight and under any other loads (e.g., pulleys, wheels, etc.) applied to it. For this reason, the ratio of the maximum deviation of the axis of the shaft from the straight to the corresponding dis- tance between bearings should not exceed a certain fraction whose value has been variously estimated by different writers. Let / be the distance in feet between bearings, a the diameter of the shaft in inches, w the weight of the ma- 576 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. terial of the shaft per cubic foot, and let the applied load be equivalent to a load per lineal unit of length m times that of the shaft. Assume a stiffness of T ^Vir an ^ tna t the axis of the shaft is truly in line at the bearings. The maximum de- flection of the shaft is given by the formula (Art. 3, Ex. 8. Chap. VII) _ I (m + i)(weight of shaft)/ 3 . 1728 - ~ I nd* i 64 / 3 . 1728 -s-UH + l) -- tt>/-~r - ~ - . 384 v 4 144 ar*/ 4 ^ / " IOO 2E or _ s / Ed* ~ V 5 ow ( m + EXAMPLE. For wrought-iron, E = 3o,ocxD,ooo Ibs. and w 480 Ibs. If the applied load, instead of being uniformly distributed is concentrated at the centre, the maximum deflection i (m + j)( weight of shaft)/ 3 . 1728 ~ 192 El ~~' and hence ~, Ed' [QOw(m -f- i EXAMPLE. For wrought-iron /= 8.5 CYLINDRICAL SPIRAL SPRINGS. 577 5. Efficiency of Shafting. Let it require the whole of the driving moment to overcome the friction in the case of a shaft of diameter d and length L. The efficiency of a shaft of the same diameter and length / = I -= . But ,. = (Pp) = moment of friction = /* L w being the specific weight of the material of the shaft, and the coefficient of friction. Hence, w wl and the efficiency = I 2yw--. Hence, S= 2nyn, approx. Wy = fnr* GQnr* 2 2 r being the radius of the spring. 6. Cylindrical Spiral Spring. Let the figure represent a cylindrical spiral spring of length s, supporting a weight W. Consider a section of the spring at any point B. At this point there is a shear W^and a torque Wy, y being the distance of B from the axis of the spring, i.e., the radius of the coil. The effect of W may generally be neglected as compared with the effect of the moment Wy, and it may be therefore assumed that the spring is under torsion at every point. Let there be n coils. Then FIG. 363. 578 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The elongation of the spring Syf 2nfny* __ : ~~ Wy a Wy'S fnr'S The work done OS = - A weight hung at the lower end tends to turn as well as lengthen the spring, and this is due to a slight bending action. According to Hartnell, f =. 60,000 Ibs. per square inch for f-in. steel, f = 50,000 Ibs. per square inch for -J-in. steel, and G varies from 13,000,000 Ibs. for J-in. steel to 11,000,000 Ibs. for f-in. steel. Also for wire less than f in. in diameter, Wny* and the deflection EXAMPLE. A wrought-iron shaft in a rolling-mHl makes 50 revolutions per minute and transmits 120 H. P., which is sup- plied from a waterfall by means of a turbine. Determine the diameter of the shaft (i) if the maximum stress in the metal is not to exceed 9000 Ibs. per square inch ; (2) if the angle of torsion is not to exceed ^ per lineal foot. As a matter of fact, the diameter of the shaft is 3 j in. at the bearings and 4 in. in the intermediate lengths. What are the corresponding maximum inch-stresses in the metal? Let the twisting couple be represented by force P at the end of an arm /. Then P X 27tp x 95 = 120 X 33,ooo ft.-lbs. 120 X 33000 126000 , 126000 .% Pp = ll4-_ _ _ _ ft.-lbs. = X 12 in.-lbs. 27r X 95 19 J 9 126000 X 12 First, - - and hence EXAMPLE. 579 , 126000 Second, -- X 12 = Pp = But 6 -- ~ X y- X ~ ; take G = io,5OO,cxx). Then 126000 X 12 10500000 22 I I I 22 ~ T 9 -- = 2 x 7 X 785 x n X 77 x 7^- Hence, Z^ 4 =689.45, and D= 5.12 in. Third, the maximum stresses in the real shaft at the bear- ings and in the intermediate lengths are respectively given by 126000 stress 22 _ XI2 = __ X _ and 126000 stress 22 ^- X 12, -^- Xy X(4). From the former, the maximum stress = 7682 Ibs. persq. inch. " latter, " " =6330 " " " " 580 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. EXAMPLES. 1. A steel shaft 4 in. in diameter is subjected to a twisting couple which produces a circumferential stress of 15,000 Ibs. What is the stress (shear) at a point I in. from the centre of the shaft ? Determine the twisting couple. Ans. 7500 Ibs.; 23,57 if Ibs. 2. A weight of 2| tons at the end of a i-ft. lever twists asunder a steel shaft if in. in diameter. Find the breaking weight at the end of a 2-ft. lever, and also the modulus of rupture. Ans. 1 1 tons ; 23, 510 Ibs. 3. A couple of A^ft.-tons twists asunder a shaft of diameter d. Find the couple which will twist asunder a shaft of the same material and diameter 2.d. Ans. &N. 4. Compare the couples required to twist two shafts of the same material through the same angle, the one shaft being / ft. long and d in. in diameter, the other 2/ ft. long and id in. in diameter. Compare the couples, the diameter of the latter shaft being . Ans. i to 8 ; 32 to I. 5. A shaft 1 5 ft. long and 4^ in. in diameter is twisted through an angle of 2 under a couple of 2000 ft.-lbs. Find the couple which will twist a shaft of the same material 20 ft. long and i\ in. in diameter through an angle of 2^. Ans. 12,288 ft. Ibs. 6. A round cast-iron shaft 15 ft. in length is acted upon by a weight of 2000 Ibs. applied at the circumference of a wheel on the shaft ; the diameter of the wheel is 2 ft. Find the diameter of the shaft so that the total angle of torsion may not exceed 2. Ans. 3.53 in. 7. A wrought-iron shaft is subjected to a twisting couple of 12,000 ft.- lbs. ; the length of the shaft between the sections at which the power is received and given off is 30 ft.; the total admissible twist is 4. Find the diameter of the shaft, ju (page 570) being f , and m 10,000,000 Ibs. Ans. 7.74. in. 8. A wrought-iron shaft 20 ft. long and 5 in. in diameter is twisted through an angle of 2. Find ihe maximum stress in the material, m being 10,500,000 ft.-lbs. Ans. 3819.2 ibs. per sq. in. EXAMPLES. 58l 9. A crane chain exerts a pull of 6000 Ibs. tangentially to the drum upon which it is wrapped. Find the diameter of a wrought-iron axle which will transmit the resulting couple, the effective radius of the drum being 7^ in. ; the safe working stress per square inch being 7200 Ibs. Ans. 3.17 in. 10. Find the diameter and the total angle of torsion of a 12-ft. wrought-iron shaft driven by a water-wheel of 20 H. P., making 25 revolutions per minute, m being 10,000,000 Ibs., and the working stress 7200 Ibs. per square inch. Ans. 5.6 in.; 2. 2. n. A turbine makes 1 14 revolutions per minute, and transmits 92 H. P. through the medium of a shaft 8 ft. 6 in. in length. What must be the diameter of the shaft so that the total angle of torsion may not ex- 2 ceed , m being 10,500,000 Ibs. ? Ans. 4.7 in. Determine the side of a square .pine shaft that might be substituted for the iron shaft. 12. A steel shaft 20 ft. in length and 3 in. in diameter makes 200 revolutions per minute and transmits 50 H. P. Through what angle is the -shaft twisted ? A wrought-iron shaft of the same length is to do the same work at the same speed. Find its diameter so that the stress at the circumference may not exceed f of that at the circumference of the steel shaft. Ans. 2. 6; 3.556 in. 13. A vertical cast-iron axle in the Saltaire works makes 92 revolu- tions per minute and transmits 300 H. P.; its diameter is 10 in. Find the angle of torsion. Ans. .0144 per lineal foot. 14. In a spinning-mill a cast-iron shaft 8J in. in diameter makes 27 revolutions per minute; the angle of torsion is not to exceed per lineal foot. Find the work transmitted. Ans. 62.19 H. P. 15. A square wooden shaft 8 ft. in length is acted upon by a force of 200 Ibs., applied at the circumference of an 8 ft. -wheel on the shaft. Find the length of the side of the shaft, so that the total torsion may not exceed 2 (in = 400000). What should be the diameter of a round shaft of equal strength and of the same material ? Ans. 4.96 in.; 5.09 in. 16. A shaft transmits a given H. P. at ^revolutions per minute with- out bending. Find the weight of the shaft in pounds'per lineal foot. /H.P.M Ans. 2.- . 582 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 17. The working stress in a steel shaft subjected to a twisting couple of looo in.-tons is limited to 11,200 Ibs. per square inch. Find its diam- eter; also find the diameter of the steel shaft which will transmit 5000 H. P. at 66 revolutions per minute,// being f. Ans. 10 in. ; 6.88 in. 1 8. A wrought-iron shaft is twisted by a couple of 10 ft. -tons. Find its diameter (a) if the torsion is not to exceed i per lineal foot, (ft) if the safe working stress is 7200 Ibs. per square inch, m = 10,000,000 Ibs. Ans. (a) 3.7 in.; (&) 5.7 in. 19. A steel shaft 2 in. in diameter makes 100 revolutions per minute and transmits 25 H. P. Find the maximum working stress and the tor- sion per lineal foot, m being 10,000,000 Ibs. Also find the diameter of a shaft of the same material which will transmit 100 H. P. with the same maximum working stress. Ans. io,o22 T \ Ibs. ; .0478 ; 3.17 in. 20. The crank of a horizontal engine is 3 ft. 6 in. and the connecting- rod 9 ft. long. At half-stroke the pressure in the connecting-rod is 500 Ibs. What is the corresponding twisting moment on the crank-shaft ? Ans. 1716^ ft.-lbs. 21. If the horizontal pressure upon the piston end of the connecting rod in the previous question is constant, find the maximum twisting mo- ment on the crank-shaft. / . sin 0cos0 \ Ans. Pi sin + _ -- j , being given by n* cos 2 + 4 (sin 2 cos 2 i) + 2 sin 4 0(i + sin 2 0) sin < = o where n = */- = \ 8 -. N.B. If sin 2 is neglected as compared with 2 , the maximum moment = P sin 0(1+ V n being very nearly 72. 22. Show that a hollow shaft is both stiffer and stronger than a solid shaft of the same weight and length. 23. Find the percentage of weight saved by using a hollow instead of a solid shaft. Ans. If of equal stiffness = . m* + i If of equal strength = 100 \ i /J m \ m * ~ ! 1 (" + O a ) m being the ratio of the external to the internal diameter of hollow shaft. 24. A hollow cast-iron shaft of 12 in. external diameter is twisted by a couple of 27,000 ft.-lbs. Find the proper thickness of the metal so that the stress may not exceed 5000 Ibs. per square inch. Ans. .619 in. EXAMPLES. 25. The external diameter of a hollow shaft is/ times the internal. Compare its torsional strength with that of a solid shaft of the same ma- terial and weight. Ans. - / J + i 26. If the solid shaft is 10 in. in diameter, and the internal diameter of the hollow shaft is 5 inches, find the external diameter and compare the torsional strengths. AnSt 5 j/g i n< . ^ to 3. 27. A hollow steel shaft has an external diameter d and an internal d diameter . Compare its torsional strength with that of (a) a solid steel shaft of diameter d\ (b) a solid wrought-iron shaft of diameter d\ the safe working stresses of steel and iron being 5 tons and 3! tons re- spectively. Ans (a) -fa ; () |-|. 28. What twisting moment can be transmitted by a hollow steel shaft of 8 in. internal and 10 in. external diameter, the working stress being $ tons per square inch ? Ans. 184^ in.-tons. 29. If/i is the safe torsional working stress of a shaft, and / a is the safe working stress when the shaft acts as a beam, show that the tor- sional resistance of the shaft is to its bending resistance in the ratio of 2/ a tO/,. 30. The wrought-iron screw shaft of a steamship is driven by a pair of cranks set at right angles and 21.7 in. in length; the horizontal pull upon each crank-pin is 176,400 IDS., and the effective length of the shaft is 866 in. Find the diameter of the shaft so that (i) the circumferential stress may not exceed 9000 Ibs. per square inch ; (2) the angle of torsion r d may not exceed per lineal foot ; m being 10,000,000 Ibs. The actual diameter of the shaft is 14.9 in. What is the actual torsion ? Ans. (i) 14.53 m 'J ( 2 ) H-89 in.; (3) total torsion = 5. 545. 31. The ultimate tensile strength of the iron being 60,000 Ibs. per square inch, find the actual ultimate strength under unlimited repetitions of stress. Ans. 54,899 Ibs. (Unwin's formula). 32. What is the torsion in the preceding question when one of the cranks passes a dead point ? 33. A steel shaft 300 feet in length makes 200 revolutions per minute and transmits 10 H. P. Determine its diameter so that the greatest stress in the material may be the same as the stress at the circumference of an iron shaft i in. in diameter and transmitting 500 ft. -Ibs. Ans. .807 in. (= in.) 34. Determine the coefficient of torsional rupture for the shaft in Question 33, 10 being the factor of safety. 35. A wrought-iron shaft in a rolling-mill is 220 feet in length, makes 95 revolutions per minute, and transmits 1 20 H. P. to the rolls; the main body of the shaft is 4 in. in diameter, and it revolves in gudgeons 3f in. 584 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. in diameter. Find the greatest shear stress in the shaft proper and in the portion of the shaft at the gudgeons. Ans. 6330.2 Ibs.; 7508 Ibs. 36. Power is taken from a shaft by means of a pulley 24 inches in diameter which is keyed on to the shaft at a point dividing the distance between two consecutive supports into segments of 20 and 80 in. ; the tangential force at the circumference of the pulley is 5500 Ibs. If the shaft is of cast-iron, determine its diameter, taking into account the bending action to which it is subjected. Ans. 4.7 in. 37. Show that the resilience of a twisted shaft is proportional to its weight. / 2 Volume Ans. Resilience = . in 4 38. If a round bar of any material is subjected to a twisting couple, show that its maximum resilience is two-thirds the maximum resilience of the material. 39. Determine the diameter of a wrought-iron shaft for a screw steamer, and the torsion per lineal foot; the indicated H. P. = 1000, the number of revolutions per minute = 150, the length of the shaft from thrust bearing to screw = 75 ft., and the safe working stress = 7200 Ibs. per square inch. Ans. 6.67 in. ; io.5. 40. In a spinning-mill a cast-iron shaft 84 ft. long makes 50 revolu- tions per minute and transmits 270 H. P. Find its diameter (i) if the stress in the metal is not to exceed 5000 Ibs. per square inch ; (2) if the , o angle of torsion per lineal foot is not to exceed . Also (3) in the first case find the total torsion. Ans. (i) 7.02 in. ; (2) 10.23 in. ; (3) 28. 8. 41. A circular shaft is twisted beyond the limit of elasticity. If the equalization of stress is perfect, show that for a given maximum stress the twisting couple is greater than it would be if the elasticity were perfect, in the ratio of 4 to 3. 42. Determine (a) the profile of a shaft of length / which at every point is so proportioned as to be just able to bear the power it has to transmit plus the power required to overcome the friction beyond the point under consideration. Find (ft) the efficiency of such a shaft, and (c) the efficiency of a shaft made up of a series of n divisions, each of uniform diameter. Ans. (a) The radius/ of any section distant x from the driving end X is y = re ?> L , r being the radius of the driving end and L the length of a shaft of uniform diameter, such that the whole driving moment is required to overcome its own friction. EXAMPLES. 585 43. A steel shaft carries a 5~ft. pulley midway between the supports and makes 6 revolutions per minute, the tangential force on the pulley being 500 Ibs. Taking the coefficient of working strength at 11,200 Ibs. per square inch, find the diameter of the shaft and the proper distance between the bearings. 44. A steel shaft 4 inches in diameter and weighing 490 Ibs. per cubic foot makes 100 revolutions per minute. If the working stress in the metal is 11,200 Ibs. per square inch, find the twisting couple and the dis- tance to which the work can be transmitted ; the coefficient of friction being .05, and the efficiency of the shaft f. Ans. 140,800 in. -Ibs. ; 8228^ ft. 45. If the shaft is of steel, and if the loss due to friction is 20 per cent, find the distance to which work may be transmitted, ju being .05. Ans. 6582! ft. 46. A wrought-iron shaft 220 ft. between bearings and 4 in. in diam- eter can safely transmit 120 H. P. at the rate of 95 revolutions per minute. What is the efficiency of the shaft? (jit = fa.) Ans. .976. 47. The efficiency of a wrought-iron shaft is ; the working stress in the metal is 7200 Ibs. per square inch ; the coefficient of friction is .125. How far can the work be transmitted ? Ans. 4320 ft. 48. A spring is formed of steel wire ; the mean diameter of the coils is i inch ; the working stress of the wire is 50,000 Ibs. per square inch ; the elongation under a weight of 19/3- Ibs. is 2 inches; the coefficient of transverse elasticity is 12,000,000 Ibs. Find the diameter of the wire and the number of coils. 49. Find the weight of a helical spring which is to bear a safe load of 6 tons with a deflection of I inch, G being 12,000,000 Ibs., and f 60.000 Ibs. 50. Find the time of oscillation of a spring, the normal displacement under a given load being A. AJ Ans. TI\ ~. 5 1 . Find the deflection under the weight W of a conical helical spring (a) of circular section ; (<) of rectangular section, the radii of the extreme coils being ji and j a , and the radial distance from the axis to a point of the spring at an angular distance from the commencement of the spiral r 2 R

8000 to oooo Double-riveted 7 H Treble-riveted 8 to 85 ,, Steel Single-riveted . ^^ I2OOO to I3OOO 14 Double-riveted 7 (, Treble-riveted 8 to 85 tt For cast-iron cylinders the working value of /may be taken at about 2000 Ibs. per square inch. The total pressure upon each of the flat ends of the cylinder The longitudinal tension in a thin hollow cylinder K^P P^ " , " 2nrt ~ 2t' ^ } and is one half of the circumferential stress/. Cor. i. Let the cylinder be subjected to an external pressure p' as well as to an internal pressure p. Then fl=pr-p'r>, (3) r' being the radius of the outside surface of the cylinder, /is a tension or a pressure according as pr 588 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Generally, r r' is very small, and the relation (3) may be written ft = r(p-p'). 2. Thick Hollow Cylinder. If / is large, the stress is no longer uniformly distributed over the thickness. Suppose that the assumptions (i) and (3) of Art. I still hold, also that the cylinder ends are free, and that the annulus forming the section of the cylinder is composed of an infinite number of concentric rings. Under these conditions the straining of the cylinder cannot affect its cylindrical form. Hence, right sections of the cylinder in the unstrained state remain planes after the strain- ing, so that the longitudinal strain at every point must be the same. Two methods will be discussed. FIRST METHOD. Let dx be the thickness of one of the rings of radius x, and let dq be the intensity of the circum- ferential stress. pr p'r' = difference between the total pressures from within and without = total circumferential stress = / *" dq. If it be assumed that the thickness (= r' r) remains un- changed under the pressure, then the circumferential extension of each of the concentric rings must be equal to the same con- stant quantity A, and therefore dq = Edx - , * E being the coefficient of elasticity. Hence, . , E\ C r 'dx 1 r' prp'r'=- I = log,-. 27t J r X 27t *' r en /= E 2 elastic limit is not exceeded, and therefore Let / be the tensile unit stress. Then /= E - if the 2nr THICK HOLLOW CYLINDER. 589 or r' pr-p'r' i(pr ,. -= x + _- + -( - f - , approx., (4) if p is small as compared with/; and hence, t r ' pr-p'r' ilr = ~ ~~ h r In most cases which occur in practice/' is so small as com- pared with/ that it may be disregarded. Hence, making/' zero in equation (5), Formulae (5) and (6) may be employed even if the elastic limit is exceeded, if f is considered a coefficient of strength to be determined by experience. Cor. Rankine, in his Applied Mechanics, obtains by another method, //_P '-~\ f-P' if/' be neglected. Hence, , *3 == i +y + 2 7^ ' a PP roximatel y' if p is small as compared with /, and therefore 59O THEORY OF STRUCTURES. an equation identical with (6). SECOND METHOD. Consider a ring bounded by the radii x, x + dx, at any point. Let q be the normal (i.e., radial) intensity of stress. Let /be the intensity of stress tangential to the ring. " s " " " " " perpendicular to the plane of the ring. Let a-, /?, y be the corresponding strains. Let E and mE be respectively the coefficients of direct and lateral elasticity. Then, since E, f, s are principal stresses (Chap. IV), _ _ ~ f %* r' r' ' x' r r' 3. Spherical Shells. Let the data be the same as before. The section made by any diametral plane must develop a total resistance of 2nrtf. Then 2nrtf 7tr*p, or *f = pr - (0 Hence, a spherical shell is twice as strong as a cylindrical shell of the same diameter and thickness of metal, so that the strongest parts of egg-ended boilers are the ends. Cor. I. Let the shell be subjected to an external pressure p' as well as to an internal pressure p. Then 2n -tf= nrp* nr' *#'. /"is a tension or a pressure according as r*p ^ r'*p'. Generally, r' r is very small, and the relation (2) may be written ft = r -(.P-p'} (3) 592 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Cor. 2. For a thick hollow sphere, Rankine obtains P == 2 Sr" + 2r" a PP roximatelv - (4) 4. Practical Remarks. A common rule requires that the working pressure in fresh-water boilers should not exceed one- sixth of the bursting pressure, and in the case of marine boilers that it should not exceed one-seventh. An English Board of Trade rule is that the tensile working stress in the boiler-plate is not to exceed 6000 Ibs. per square inch of gross section, and French law fixes this limit at 4250 Ibs. per square inch. The thickness to be given to the wrought-iron plates of a cylindrical boiler is, According to French law, / = .0036/2;- + .1 in.; according to Prussian law, / (^3 _ i) r + i in. .oo$nr + .1 in., approximately, r being the radius in inches, and n the excess of the internal above the external pressure in atmospheres. The thickness given to cast-iron cylindrical boiler-tubes is, according to French law, five times the thickness of equivalent wrought-iron tubes ; according to Prussian law, t _ ^.om _ i)r + -J in. = .01 nr + i in., approximately. Steam-boilers before being used should be subjected to a hydrostatic test varying from \\ to 3 times the pressure at which they are to be worked. Fairbairn conducted an extensive series of experiments upon the collapsing strength of riveted plate-iron flues, by enclosing the flues in larger cylinders and subjecting them to hydraulic pressure. From these experiments he deduced the following formula for a ivrought-iron cylindrical flue or tube : Collapsing pressure I = ^ =403 1 50 ^ in pounds per square inch of surface i " PRACTICAL RULES FOR BOILERS AND FLUES. 593 t "being the thickness and r the radius in inches, and / the length in feet. This formula cannot be relied upon in extreme cases and when the thickness of the tube is less than f in. Note. In practice, t 2 may be generally used instead of t 2 - 19 . The experiments also showed that the strength of an elliptical tube is almost the same as that of a circular tube of which the radius is the radius of curvature at the ends of the minor axis. Hence, if a and b are the major and minor axes of the ellipse^ the above formula becomes b / 2 ' 19 p = 403150 - a -j-. By riveting angle- or T-irons around a tube, its length is virtually diminished and its strength is therefore increased, as it varies inversely as the length. The thickness of tubes subjected to external pressure is, according to French law, twice the thickness of tubes subjected to interior pressure, but under otherwise similar conditions ; according to Prussian law the thickness of heating pipes is / = .0067^ Vn -f- .05 in., if of sheet-iron, and t .Old Vn + .07 in., if of brass. According to Reuleaux, the thickness (f) of a round flat plate of radius r, subjected to a normal pressure, uniformly dis- tributed and of intensity/, is given by the formula 7 t _ A7 according as the plate is merely supported around the rim or is rigidly fixed around the rim, as, e.g., the end plates of a cylindrical boiler ; /", as before, is the coefficient of strength. The corresponding deflections of the plate are -(-V 6\t> and -, - M=. 594 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. EXAMPLES. 1. What should be the thickness of the plates of a cylindrical boHer 6 ft. in diameter and worked to a pressure of 50 Ibs. per square inch, in order that the working tensile stress may not exceed 1.67 tons per square inch of gross section ? Ans. .42 in. 2. A cylindrical boiler with hemispherical ends is 4 ft. in diameter and 22 ft. in length. Determine the thickness of the plates for a steam- pressure of 4 atmospheres. 3. What is the collapsing pressure of a flue 10 ft. long, 36 in. in diameter, and composed of i-in. plates? Also of a flue 30 ft. long, 48 in. in diameter, and T \ in. thick? Ans. 490.84 Ibs.; 91.59 Ibs. 4. Determine the thickness of a 2-in. locomotive fire-tube to support an external pressure of 5 atmospheres. 5. A copper steam-pipe is 4 in. in diameter and \ in. thick. Find the working pressure, the safe coefficient of strength for copper being 1000 Ibs. per square inch. Ans. 125 Ibs. per square inch. 6. A /-ft. boiler of ^-in. plates was burst at a longitudinal double- riveted joint by a pressure of 310 Ibs. per square inch. Find the coef- ficient of ultimate strength. Ans. 29,760 Ibs. 7. A 50- in. cylindrical boiler of -^ in. plates is made of wrought- iron whose safe coefficient of strength is 4000 Ibs. per square inch. Find the working pressure. Ans. 50 Ibs. per square inch. 8. A lo-in. cast-iron water-pipe is subjected to a pressure of 250 Ibs. per square inch. Find its thickness, the coefficient of working strength being 2000 Ibs. per square inch. Ans. i in. 9. A steel spherical shell 36 in. in diameter and f in. thick is sub- jected to an internal fluid pressure of 300 Ibs. per square inch. Find its coefficient of strength. Ans. 7200 Ibs. 10. A thin, hollow, spherical, elastic envelope, whose internal radius is R, was subjected to a fluid pressure which caused it to expand gradually until its radius became R\ . Determine the work done. 11. The plates of a cylindrical boiler 5 ft. in diameter are \ in. thick. Find to what pressure the boiler may be worked so that the tensile stress in the plates may not exceed i| tons per square inch of gross section. EXAMPLES, 595 12. Show that the assumption of a uniform distribution of stress in the thickness of a cylindrical or spherical boiler is only admissible when the thickness is very small. 13. A metal cylinder of internal radius r and external radius nr is subjected to an internal pressure of p tons per square inch. Show that the total work done in stretching the cylinder circumferentially is -~~ -j - ft. -tons per square foot of surface, E being the metal's co- efficient of elasticity. 14. The cast-iron cylinder of an hydraulic press has an external diameter twice the internal, and is subjected to an internal pressure of /tons per square inch. Find the pHncipal stresses at the outer and inner circumferences. Also, if the pressure is 3 tons per square inch, and if the internal diameter is 10 in., find the work done in stretching the cylinder circumferentially, E being 8000 Ibs. Ans. At inner circumference, q =p, a thrust, and/= ^p, a tension. At outer circumference, q = o, and/ = f /, a tension. Woik = 126 ft.-lbs. per square foot of surface. 15. The chamber of a 2/-ton breech-loader has an external diameter of 40 in. and an internal diameter of 14 in. Under a powder pressure of 1 8 tons per square inch, find the principal stresses at the outer and inner circumferences, and also the work done ; E being 13,000 Ibs. Ans. At inner, q = 18 tons, compression ; at outer, q = o. At inner,/ = 23^ tons, tension ; at outer,/ = 5^ tons, tension. Work = \\ ft.-tons per sq. ft. of surface. 16. What should be the thickness of a o-in. cylinder (a) which has to withstand a pressure of 800 Ibs. per square inch, the maximum allow- able tensile stress being 24,000 Ibs. per square inch ; (ff) which has to withstand a pressure of 6000 Ibs. per square inch ; the maximum allow- able tensile stress being 10,000 Ibs. per square inch? Ans. (a) 1.86 in. ; (b) 4^ in. 17. Show that the radial (or) and hoop (fl) strains in thick hollow cylinders and spheres are connected by the relation a - . 1 8. Prove that the relation in Ex. 1.7 is satisfied by the values ob- tained for/ and q in the Second Method of Art. 2, Chap. X. 19. A thick hollow sphere of internal radius r and external radius nr is subjected to an internal pressure p and an external pressure p . Determine the principal stresses at a distance x from the centre. _P'n*-p p_-Jf V . p*?_-_p _ p_-_ n*S_ ~ - " 3 ' J ~ " - THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 20. Assuming that the annulus forming the section of a cylindrical boiler is composed of a number of infinitely thin rings, show that the JL pressure at the circumference of a ring of radius r is per unit of surface, and that the circumferential stress is h , A and B de- r mr m + I noting arbitrary constants, and m being the coefficient of lateral con- traction. Find the values of A and B, p* and pi being respectively the internal and external pressures. 21. Show that in the case of a spherical boiler the pressure and cir- cumferential stress are respectively and + . Find ' r i+m r i (0 l)f** ~ 3 A and B. 22. Solve Questions i, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, and n on the supposition that / is not small as compared with r. 23. Taking/ = 4000 Ibs. per square inch and E = 30,000,000 Ibs., Find the thickness and deflection of the end plates of the boiler in Ques- tion 7. CHAPTER XL BRIDGES. 1. Classification. Bridges may be divided into four gen- eral classes, viz. : (A) Bridges with horizontal girders ; (B) Can- tilever bridges (Art. 15) ; (C) Suspension bridges (Chap. XII); (D) Arched bridges (Chap. XIII). The present chapter treats of bridges in Classes A and B only. 2. Comparative Advantages of Curved and Horizontal Flanges in Girders for Bridges of Class A. The depth is sometimes varied for the sake of appearance, and it is also claimed that, an economy of material is effected by giving the chord a slope, as, e.g., in the case of the Sault Bridge (Art. 19). Such a truss is intermediate between a truss with horizontal flanges and one of the parabolic form. The curved or para- bolic form is not well suited to plate construction, and a dimi- nution in depth lessens the resistance of the girder to distor- tion. Again, if the bottom flange is curved, the bracing for the lower part of the girder is restricted within narrow limits, and the girder itself must be independent, so that in a bridge of several spans any advantage which might be derivable from continuity is necessarily lost. Generally speaking, the best and most economical form of girder is that in which the depth is uniform throughout, and in which the necessary thickness of flange at any point is obtained by increasing the number of plates. 3. Depth of Girder or Truss (Class A). The depth usu- ally varies from one-fifteenth to one-seventh (and even more) of the span. It is generally found advisable to give large girders 597 598 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. an increased depth, and they should, therefore, be designed to have a specified strength. If the span is more than twelve times the depth, the deflection becomes a serious consideration, and the girder should be designed to have a specified stiffness. The depth should not be more than about i^ times the width of the bridge, and is therefore limited to 24 ft. for a single and to 40 ft. for a double-track bridge. 4. Position of Platform. The platform may be supported either at .ike-'top^r bottom flanges, or in some intermediate positidfu In favor/ oiVthe last it is claimed that the main girders may be braced together below the platform (Fig. 365), while the upper portions s'tfrve as parapets or guards, and also that ,-the vibration communicated by a passing train is diminished. J.The position, however, is not conducive to rigidity, and a large amount of metal is required to form the connections. pi A FIG. 365. FIG. 366. The method of supporting the platform on the top flanges (Fig. 366) renders the whole depth of the girder available for bracing, and is best adapted to girders of shallow depth. Heavy cross-girders may be entirely dispensed with in the case of a single-track bridge, and the load most effectively distrib- uted, by laying the rails directly upon the flanges and vertically above the neutral line. Provision may be made for side spaces by employing sufficiently long cross-girders, or by means of short cantilevers fixed to the flanges, the advantage of the POSITION OF PLATFORM. 599 former arrangement being that it increases the resistance to lateral flexure, and gives the platform more elasticity. Figs. 367, 368, 369 show the cross-girders attached to the bottom flanges, and the desirability of this mode of support increases with the depth of the main girders, of which the cen- tres of gravity should be as low as possible. If the cross-girders are suspended by hangers or bolts below the flanges (Fig. 369), the depth, and therefore the resistance to flexure, is increased. FIG. 368. FIG. 369. In order to stiffen the main girders, braces and verticals, consisting of angle- or tee iron, are introduced and connected with the cross-girders by gusset pieces, etc. ; also, for the same purpose, the cross-girders may be prolonged on each side, and the end joined to the top flanges by suitable bars. When the depth of the main girders is more than about 5 ft., the top flanges should be braced together. But the minimum clear headway over the rails is 16 ft., so that some other method should be adopted for the support of the plat- form when the depth of the main girders is more than 5 ft. and less than 16 ft. Assume that the depth of the platform below the flanges is 2 ft., and that the depth of the transverse bracing at the top is i ft. ; the total limiting depths are 7 ft. and 19 ft., and if I to 8 is taken as a mean ratio of the depth to the span, the corre- sponding limiting spans are 56 ft. and 152 ft. 600 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 5. Comparative Advantages of Two, Three, and Four Main Girders. A bridge is generally constructed with two main girders, but if it is crossed by a double track a third is occasionally added, and sometimes each track is carried by two independent girders. The employment of four independent girders possesses the one great advantage of facilitating the maintenance of the bridge, as one-half may be closed for repairs without interrupt- ing the traffic. On the other hand, the rails at the approaches must deviate from the main lines in order to enter the bridge, so that the width of the bridge is much increased, and far more material is required in its construction. Few, if any, reasons can be urged in favor of the introduc- tion of a third intermediate girder, since it presents all the objectionable features of the last system without any corre- sponding recommendation. The two-girder system is to be preferred, as the rails, by such an arrangement, may be continued over the bridge with- out deviation at the approaches, and a large amount of ma- terial is economized, even taking into consideration the in- creased weight of long cross-girders. 6. Bridge Loads. In order to determine the stresses in the different members of a bridge truss, or main girder, it is necessary to ascertain the amount and character of the load to which the bridge may be subjected. The load is partly dead, partly live, and depends upon the type of truss, the span, the number of tracks, and a variety of other conditions. The dead load increases with the span, and embraces the weight of the main girders (or trusses), cross-girders, platform, rails, ballast, and accumulations of snow. As to the live load see Art. 19. 7. Trellis or Lattice Girders. The ordinary trellis or lattice girder consists of a pair of horizontal chords and two series of diagonals inclined in opposite directions (Fig. 370). The system of trellis is said to be single, double, or treble, ac- cording to the number of diagonals met by the same vertical section. TRELLIS OR LATTICE GIRDERS. 60 1 Vertical stiffeners, united to the chords and diagonals, may be introduced at regular intervals. FIG. 370. 371, 372, 373, 374 show appropriate sections for the top chord ; the bottom chord may be formed of fished and riveted plates, or of links and pins. -ii ir FIG. 371. FIG. 372. FIG. 373. FIG. 374. The verticals and diagonals may be of an L, T, I, H, LJ , or other suitable section, but the diagonals, except in the case of a single system of trellis, are usually flat bars, riveted together at the points of intersection. An objection to this class of girder is the number of the joints. The stresses in the diagonals are determined on the assump- tion that the shearing force at any vertical section is equally distributed between the diagonals met by that section, which is equivalent to the substitution of a mean stress for the differ- ent stresses in the several bars. E.g., let w be the permanent load concentrated at each apex in Fig. 370. Let 9 be the inclination of the diagonals to the vertical. The reaction at A fyw, and the shearing force at the section MN = y^w ^.w = 2>2 W - This shearing force must be transmitted through the diag- onals. Hence, the stress in ab due to the permanent load sec -w sec 602 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Again, let w' be the live load concentrated at an apex. The greatest shear at mn due to the live load occurs when every apex between a and 7 is loaded. This shear = corresponding reaction at I = -f-J-w', and the stress in ab due to the live load = i X -f- f ' sec f f w' sec 8. Hence, the total maximum stress in ab = (|w -f- J J ze/) sec 0. The greatest stress of a kind opposite to that due to the dead load is produced in ab when the live load w' is concen- trated at every apex between I and b. The shear to be transmitted is then 2\w due to the dead load, and -j-fw' due to the live load, and the resultant stress in ab sec 6 = (f w l%w') sec 6. This stress may be negative, and must be provided for by introducing a counter-brace or by proportioning the bar to bear both the greatest tensile and the greatest compressive stress to which it may be subjected. The stress in any other bar may be obtained as above. The chord stresses are greatest when the live load covers the whole of the girder, and may be obtained by the method of moments, or in the manner described in the succeeding articles. In the above it is assumed that the members of the girder are riveted together. If they are connected by pins, each of the diagonal systems may be treated as being independent. Thus, the system I 2^^34567 transmits to the supports the stresses due to loads at a, 3, and 5. The shear due to the dead load, transmitted through ab, 3 w = reaction at I load at a = w w . 2 2 W Hence, the stress in ab due to the dead load = - sec 6. The stress in ab due to the live load is greatest when w' is concentrated at each of the points 3 and 5, WARREN GIRDER. 603 The maximum shear due to live load transmitted through ab = ^w f = fee/, and the corresponding stress in ab = / sec 9. Hence, the total maximum stress in ab as compared with (fcw + |- f /) sec obtained on the first as- sumption. 8. Warren Girder. The Warren girder consists of two horizontal chords and a series of diagonal braces forming a single triangulation, or zigzag. Fig. 375. N-1 024 n N-2 FIG. 375. The principles which regulate the construction of trellis girders are equally applicable to those of the Warren type. The cross-girders (floor-beams) are spaced so as to occur at the apex of each triangle. When the platform is supported at the top chords, the re- sistance of the structure to lateral flexure may be increased by horizontal bracing between the cross-girders and by diagonal bracing between the main girders. When the platform is supported on the bottom chords, additional cross-girders may be suspended from the apices in the upper chords, which also have the effect of adding to the rigidity of the main girders. Let w be the dead load concentrated at an apex or joint. .' u live tt u " " *' " ** " / " " span of the girder. " k " " depth ". " " s " " length of each diagonal brace. " 6 " " inclination of each diagonal brace to the ver- tical. " N -\- i be the number of joints. 604 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Then Two cases will be considered. CASE I. All t he joints loaded. Chord Stresses. These stresses are greatest when the live load covers the whole of the girder. Let S n be the shearing force at a vertical section between the joints n and n -f- i. Let H n be the horizontal chord stress between the joints n I and n -f- I- The total load due to both dead and live loads = (w-\-w')(N - i). The reaction at each abutment due to this total load The shearing forces in the different bays are UU _!_ it)' w A- w' -~- Tfl -J 7/ (N i), between o and i ; 3), ! .< 2 . 2 x - 5), 2 3 ; and The corresponding diagonal stresses are 5 sec 0, .V, sec 0, S M sec 0. WARREN GIRDER. 605 The last stresses multiplied by sin 6 give the increments of the chord stresses at each joint. Thus, H l = tension in o 2 = 5 tan + 1 j i / / r IV / IV f W l> 1\ I ff t = compression in i 3 = ,S tan 0-|- .S, tan w + w' IN i w -\- w' I N 3 _ W + tt/ / 2(7V ~ 2) -fiT 3 = tension in 2 4 = //, + 5", tan 0-\- S 9 tan -3) _ _ 2 k N compression in 3 5 = //!, + ^a tan ^ + $* tan 4) and H n = horizontal stress in chord, between the joints w -\- w' / n(Nn) n i and n + i ! -- T - X7 ' being a tension for a 2t K J.\ bay in the bottom chord, and a compression for a bay in the top chord. Note. The same results may be obtained by the method of moments ; e.g., find the chord stress between the joints n r and n -|- i. Let a vertical plane divide the girder a little on the tight of n. The portion of the girder on the left of the secant plane is kept in equilibrium by the reaction at the left abutment, the horizontal stresses in the chords, and the stress in the diagonal from ;/ to n -\- i. Take moments about the joint n. Then 606 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. n _ - _ _ w-\- w' N n ~ 2 N /. H n = etc. Diagonal Stresses due to Dead Load. Let d n be the stress in the diagonal n, n -\- I, due to the dead load. The shearing forces in the different bays due to the dead load are w w -(N i), between o and I ; -(N 3), between I and 2 ; 2 2 W W -(^-5), " 2 " 4; -(N-j), 3 " 4; and (N 2n i), between n and n -j- I. The corresponding diagonal stresses are : w w s a compression -(N i) sec 6 = -(N i)-, = d^ inoi ; 2 A? a tension (TV 3) sec 6 = (N $)-r = d l in 1 2 2 2 A? a compression (A 7 " 5) sec -(N 5)7- ^ 2 in 23 ; 2 2 rt and the stress in the nth diagonal between n and n + i is WARREN GIRDER. 607 being a tension or a compression according as the brace slopes down or up towards the centre. = compression in o i when all the joints are loaded sw'N(N- i) ~~k^~ N~ D l = tension in I 2 when all the joints except one are loaded SW '(N- ~ 7~ N ~ ^ = compression in 2 3 when all the joints except I and 2 are D^ = tension in 34 when all the joints except I, 2, and 3 are In^H ^'(^-3)(^-4) loaded = J -- - Jr -. D n = stress in n, n -f- i when all the joints except i, 2, 3, . . . sw f (N-n)(N-n-i) and n are loaded = - - ~v~~ DI stress in o I before the load comes upon the girder = 9. 608 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. s w' J}/= compression in I 2 when the joint I is loaded = -7 i. K IN /Y = tension in 2 3 when the joints I and 2 are loaded = - 3. >,'= compression in 34 when the joints I, 2, and 3 are loaded sw' = kN 6 ' JD n '= stress inn,n-{-i, when the joints I, 2, . . . and ware loaded s w' n(n-\- i) = 'k~N~~~2~* The total maximum stress in the th diagonal of the same kind as that due to the dead load = d n + D n . The resultant stress in the nth diagonal when the load covers the shorter segment = d n D n '. This resultant stress is of the same kind as that due to the dead load so long as d n > D n ', and need not be considered since d n + D n is the maximum stress of that kind. If D n ' > d M1 it is necessary to provide for a stress in the given diagonal of a kind opposite to that due to d n -\- D H , and equal in amount to D n ' d n . This is effected by counterbracing or by proportioning the bar to bear both the stresses d H -)- D H and D n ' d n . CASE II. Only joints denoted by even numbers loaded. 2 ' 4 N~ 2 N vvvvvv 1 3 N-1 FlG - 376- 2 ^ N-2 N 3 N-T FIG. 377- Chord Stresses. The stresses are greatest when the live load covers the whole of the girder. WARREN GIRDER. The total load due to both dead and live loads 609 The reaction at each abutment due to this total load To find //i, take moments about I. Then w I w' / To find H % , take moments about 2. To find //g, take moments about 3. u k = _?L( N _ 2 ) 3 __ _ (w To find HI, take moments about 4. w 4- w' / -(7^- 2)4^ - To find H n , take moments about n, an Then let ^^ be even. and _ ~ (A 7 ' 2)^ ( 2} 4~ 4 |- w' / (#" ~ *) 6 10 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Next, let n be odd. Then - (w + w')x\(n - 2) + ( - 4) + + 5 + 3 + ' L \ ^ N ~ 2 ) n _ (* ~ I )' ')~N\ 4 4 and w J rW ' I ny 2)n (n i) s N N Note. If is even, ryy _!_ / I HN_, the stress in the middle bay, = - g -rtf. N . If is odd, w + w' I N* 4 HN_, the stress in the middle bay, = g T ^7 Diagonal Stresses due to the Dead Load. The shearing forces w in the different bays due to the dead load are (N ' 2) between 4 w "W o and 2, -(N 6) between 2 and 4, -(TV 10) between 4 and 4 4 ^, etc. The corresponding diagonal stresses are s w d in o i = T -W 2) = d l in I 2 ; 4 v i,m 23 =( N ~ 4) =4 in 34; / 4 in 4 5 = j ^- 10) n= d b in 56; * 4 etc., etc., etc. HOWE TRUSS. 611 Thus the stresses in the diagonals which meet at an unloaded joint are equal in magnitude but opposite in kind. Diagonal Stresses due to the Live Load. These are found as in Case I, and -A, N If is odd, there is a single stress at the foot of each of these columns. The maximum resultant stress due to both dead and live loads is obtained as before. E.g., the maximum resultant stress in 3 4 when the longer segment is loaded and the maximum resultant stress in 3 4 when the shorter seg- ment is loaded = 4- D; = A - A'- Note. 6 is generally 60, in which case s 2 ^.. 9. Howe Truss. Fig. 378 is a skeleton diagram of a Howe truss. FIG. 378. The truss may be of timber, of iron, or of timber and iron combined. The chords of a timber truss usually consist of three or more parallel members, placed a little distance apart so as to allow iron suspenders with screwed ends to pass between them (Figs. 379 and 380). 6l2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Each member is made up of a number of lengths scarfed or fished together (Figs. 381 and 382). The main braces, shown by the full diagonal lines in Fig. 378, are composed of two or more members. The counter-braces, which are introduced to withstand the effect of a live load, and are shown by the dotted diagonal lines in Fig. 378, are either single or are composed of two or more members. They are set between the main braces, and are bolted to the latter at the points of intersection. The main braces and counters abut against solid hard-wood or hollow cast-iron angle-blocks (Fig. 380). They are designed to withstand compressive forces only, and are kept in place by tightening up the nuts at the heads of the suspenders. At FIG. 380. FIG. 381. FIG. 382. FIG. 383. FIG. 384. The angle-blocks extend over the whole width of the chords ; if they are made of iron, they may be strengthened by ribs. If the bottom chord is of iron, it may be constructed on the same principles as those employed for other iron girders. It often consists of a number of links, set on edge, and connected by pins (Figs. 383 and 384). In such a case the lower angle- blocks should have grooves to receive the bars, so as to prevent lateral flexure. If the truss is made entirely of iron, the top chord may be formed of lengths of cast-iron provided with suitable flanges by which they can be bolted together. Angle-blocks may also be cast in the same piece with the chord. To determine the stresses in the different members, the HOWE TRUSS. 613 same data are assumed as for the Warren girder, except that N is now the number of panels. Chord Stresses. These stresses are greatest when the live load covers the whole of the girder. Let H n be the chord stress in the nth panel. The total load due to both dead and live loads = (w + w'}(N i). The reaction at each abutment due to this total load Let a plane MM' divide the truss as in Fig. 378. The por- tion of the truss on the left of the secant plane is kept in equilibrium by the load upon that portion, the reaction at the left abutment, the chord stresses in the nth panels, and the tension in the nth suspender. First, let the load be on the top chord and take moments about the foot of the nth suspender. Then or w -f- w' n(N n) _ w + w' I n(N ri) ff - ~~~~' Next, let the load be on the bottom chord and take moments about the head of the nth suspender. Then w + w' n(N n) H n k - L / -- -, as before. Thus, H n is the same for corresponding panels, whether the load is on the top or bottom chord. Diagonal Stresses due to the Dead Load. Let V M f be the 6l4 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. shearing force in the nth panel, or the tension on the nth sus- pender due to the dead load. First, let the load be on the top chord. Then w (N i \ V H ' = (N i) nw = w\ - n\. Next, let the load be on the bottom chord. Then lit //V-U I \ V m ' = --(N _,)_(_ i) w = w(t- - n]. The corresponding diagonal stresses are and N+i Diagonal Stresses due to the Live Load. Let V n " be the shearing force in the nth panel, or tension on the nth suspen- der, when the live load covers the longer segment. First, let the load be on the top chord. The greatest stress in the nth brace, of the same kind as that produced by the dead load, occurs when all the panel points on the right of MM' are loaded. With such load, V n ", the shearing force on the left of MM ', = the reaction at o /' N-n --(7VT _ n i) TT , 2^ N and the corresponding diagonal stress, D n , ___ - k 2 (1V I} N Hence, the resultant tension on the nth suspender due to both dead and live loads = V n = V n r + V n " . N- \ \ w ' - - n + ~(N- n - HOWE TRUSS. 615 and the resultant maximum compression on the nth brace due to both dead and live loads V N-n The live load tends to produce the greatest stress in the nth counter when it covers the shorter segment up to and in- cluding the nth panel point. Even then there will be no stress in the counter unless the effect of the live load exceeds that of the dead load in the (n + i)th brace. The shearing force on the right of MM' = the reaction at N _ w' n(n -\- i) Hence, ZV tne corresponding diagonal stress, = - - 7T , w 2 M V and the resultant stress in the counter = D n f d n+t s ( w' n(n + i) JV- Next, let the load be on the bottom chord. Then and D = SW -( N ri N - n + l k 2 ^ N Hence, and Also, the stress in the ^th counter is N i 6i6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. .K common value of is 45, when sec 6 = = 1.414, and tan 6 = -rr/, l - NK The end panels and posts, shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 378, may be omitted when the platform is suspended from the lower chords. 10. Single and Double Intersection Trusses. Fig. 385 represents the simplest form of single-intersection (or FIG. 385. Pratt) truss ; i.e., a truss in which a diagonal crosses one panel only. It may be constructed entirely of iron or steel, or may have the chords and verticals of wood. The verticals are in compression and the diagonals in tension. The angle-blocks are therefore placed above the top and below the bottom chord. Counter-braces, shown by the dotted diagonals, are in- troduced to withstand the effect of a live load. If the truss is inverted it becomes one of the Howe type, and the stresses in the several members of both trusses may be found in precisely the same manner. Fig. 386 represents a double-intersection (or Whipple) XXXXXXX / 7 FIG. 386. truss, i.e., a truss in which a diagonal crosses two panels. It may be constructed entirely of iron or steel. It is of the pin- connected type, and the two diagonal systems may be treated independently. Let 0' be the inclination of AB to the vertical. " * " " " Ai, CD, . .. to the vertical. Chord Stresses. These stresses are greatest when the live load covers the whole of the girder. The reaction at A from the system A BCD . . . = 4(w j r w') ; " " A " - 4*23... = (H-*'l SINGLE AND DOUBLE INTERSECTION TRUSSES. 6l/ Wj w' being the dead and live loads concentrated at the panel points C, 2, E, 4, . . . The shearing forces in the different bays are : 4(w + w') in AC, from the system ABCD . . . (w + w') in AC, " " " ^123... 3w w n <2, |( w _|_ w ') in 2E, " " " ^4 I 2 3 2 ( w + /') in 4, " " " K W + w ') in 46, " " " i(w + z/ r ) in G6, " " c< j(, _j. ,') in 67, " " " ^123... The corresponding diagonal stresses are : 4(w + w'} sec 6^ in ^.5 ; $%(w + w') sec 6 in ^4 I ; 3(0; -f w/ ) sec ^ in ^^ J 2 i( w + w ') sec ^ in 2 3 J etc - Hence, the / -f- J /ze/) sec ft The live load tends to produce the greatest stress in any counter 5 8 when it is concentrated at all the panel points of the system A I 2 3 ... on the left of 8. The reaction at the right abutment is then /, and the corresponding stress in the counter = ze/ sec 0. Thus, the resultant stress in the counter = (f w' %w) sec 0, \w sec 6 being the stress in 6 7 due to the dead load. Similarly, the stresses in any other diagonal and counter may be found. The Pratt truss composed entirely of iron and with some of the details of the Whipple truss is sometimes called a Murphy-Whipple truss. The Linville truss is a Whipple truss made of wrought-iron, the verticals being tubular columns. II. Post and Quadrangular Trusses. The peculiarity of the Post truss (Fig. 387) is that the struts are inclined at an angle of about 22 30' to the vertical, with a FlG 387- view to an economy of material. The ties cross two panels at an angle of 45 with the vertical. In the quadrangular truss (Fig. 388) the bottom chord has additional points of support half- FIG. 3 88. way between the panel points. The Bollman, Fink, and other bridge-trusses have been referred to in a previous chapter. 12. Bowstring Girder or Truss. The bowstring girder in its simplest form is represented by Fig. 389, and is an excel- lent structure in point of strength and economy. The top chord is curved, and either springs from shoes (sockets) which are held together by a horizontal tie, or has its ends riveted to those of the tie. The strongest bow is one composed of iron or steel cylin- BOWSTRING TRUSS. 619 drical tubes, but any suitable section may be adopted, and the inverted trough offers special facilities for the attachment of verticals and diagonals. The tie is constructed on the same principles as those em- ployed for other iron girders, but in its best form it consists of flat bars set on edge and connected with the shoes by gibs and cotters. The platform is suspended from the bow by means of ver- tical bars which are usually of an I section, and are set with the greatest breadth transverse, so as to increase the resistance to lateral flexure. In large bridges the webs of verticals and diagonals may be lattice-work. If the load upon the girder is uniformly distributed and stationary, verticals only are required for its suspension, and the neutral axis of the bow should be a parabola. An irregu- larly distributed load, such as that due to a passing train, tends to change the shape of the bow, and diagonals are introduced to resist this tendency. A circular arc is often used instead of a parabola. To determine the stresses in the different members, assum- ing that the axis ABC of the top chord is a parabola : Let w be the dead load per lineal foot. " w' " " live " " / " " span of the girder. " k " " greatest depth BD of the girder. Chord Stresses. These stresses are greatest when the live load covers the whole of the girder. The total load due to both dead and live loads (w -j- w')l. The reaction at each abutment due to this total load /. 620 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let H be the horizontal thrust at the crown. T " " " tension in the tie. Imagine the girder to be cut by a vertical plane a little on the right of BD. The portion ABD is kept in equilibrium by the reaction at A, the weight upon AD, and the forces H and T. Take moments about B and D. Then Tk = and = Hk, Let H' be the thrust along the chord at any point P. Let x be the horizontal distance of P from B. The portion PB is kept in equilibrium by the thrust H at B, the thrust H' at P, and the weight (w + w')x between P and B. Hence, H* sec' i = H'* = H* + (w + ^v}*x\ i being the inclination of the tangent at P to the horizontal, and tw + w'\t r the thrust at A = + Diagonal Stresses due to Live Load. Assume that the load is concentrated at the panel points, and let it move from A towards C. If the diagonals slope as in Fig. 390, they are all ties, and the live load produces the greatest stress in any one of them, as QS, when all the panel points from A up to and including Q are loaded. BOWSTRING TRUSS. 621 Let ;r, y be the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates, respec- tively, of any point on the parabola with respect to B as origin. The equation of the parabola is Let the tangent at the apex P meet DB produced in L, and DC produced in E. Draw the horizontal line PM. From the properties of the parabola, LM = 2BM. Let PM x and BM = y. From the similar triangles LMP and LDE, .- ~'~~ x+QE' A,,, . &L _ l ~ 2x '' QE~ 1+2X' Draw EF perpendicular to QS produced, and imagine the girder to be cut by a vertical plane a little on the right of PQ. The portion of the girder between PQ and C is kept in equilibrium by the reaction R at C> the thrust in the bow at P, the tension in the tie at Q, and the stress in the diagonal QS. Denote the stress by D n , and let the panel OQ be the nth. Let be the inclination of QS to the horizontal. Take moments about E. Then RX CE, or D n = R* cosec B ....... (3) 622 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let N be the total nuntber of panels. Then is a panel length, and w'-r= is a panel weight. Also, x = njj -, and hence l-2x _CE___ Nn 7+ 2x ~ QE ~~ ~~^~* R, the reaction at C when the n panel points preceding T are loaded, n(n Thus, equation (3) becomes A-y/(+i)^^cosecft .... (4) Again, by equation (i), _ " 2 ^ 2 N* and ST' ST Hence, finally, / H -\TI \ (* # I )(^ ~T~ I ) I M AT 2 < v /\ - (5) This formula evidently applies to all the diagonals between D and C. BOWSTRING TRUSS. 623 Similarly, it may be easily shown that the stress in any diagonal between D and A is given by an expression of pre- cisely the same form. Hence, the value of D n in equation (5) is general for the whole girder. A load moving from C towards A requires diagonals in- clined in an opposite direction to those shown in Fig. 390. Stresses in the Verticals due to the Live Load. Let V H be the stress in the ?zth vertical PQ due to the live load. This stress is evidently a compression, and is a maximum when all the panel points from A up to and including O are loaded. Imagine the girder to be cut by a plane S' S" very near PO, Fig. 390. The portion of the girder between S'S" and C is kept in equilibrium by the reaction R' at C, the thrust in the bow at P, the tension in the tie at O, and the compression V n in the vertical. Take moments about E. Then V n QE = X'X CE, or V n = R'^^-- , and R', the reaction at C when the (n i) panel points from A to and i Hence, up to and including O are loaded, = / - Vn = l- 2 a general formula for all the verticals. Let v n be the tension in the nth vertical due to the dead load. The resultant stress in it when the live load covers AO is v^r- V H , and if negative, this is the maximum compression to which PQ is subjected. \iv n V n is positive, the vertical PQ is never in compression. The maximum tension in a vertical occurs when the live load covers the whole of the girder and = w'--*j + the tension due to the dead load. Note. The same results are obtained when N is odd. 624 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 13. Bowstring Girder with Isosceles Bracing. Diagonal Stresses due to the Dead Load. Under a dead load the bow is equilibrated and the tie is subjected to a uniform tensile stress equal in amount to the horizontal thrust at the crown. The braces merely serve to transmit the load to the bow and are all ties. Let T l , 7", be the tensile stresses in the two diagonals meeting at any panel point Q. Let 0, , # 2 be the inclinations of the diagonals to the horizontal. Let W be the panel weight suspended from Q. The stress in the tie on each side of Q is the same, and therefore T l , 7^, and Ware necessarily in equilibrium. Hence, T* 1X7 I J T* 117 T t W - -TT. ; 77-7, and T z = W- Sin \y j -J- c/ 2 ) Sin ^i/j p t/ 2 y Diagonal Stresses due to the Live Load. Let TV be the num- ber of half panels. 2l The length of a panel = -ry ; the weight at a panel point Let the load move from A towards C. All the braces in- clined like OP are ties, and all those inclined like QP are struts. The live load produces the greatest stress in OP when it covers the girder between A and O. Denote this stress by D n ; OG is the th half-panel. As before, RX CE (i) BOWSTRING GIRDER WITH ISOSCELES BRACING. 62$ I w'nl(n-\-2] The load upon AO = nw -j-=, and hence R = -j~r' - TT . The ratio of CE to EF is denoted by the same expression as in the preceding article. Thus, _i- _w'ln-\-2N n[. N " == ~8~;&+i AT N-n- I ~'.' ' The live load produces the greatest stress in OM when it covers the girder up to and including D. Denote the stress by D n f ; DG is now the nth half panel. Let R f be the reaction at C. As before, CE cosec 6, ...... (3) being tjae angle MOD. The weight upon AD = (n i)ze/-r~ and hence 2 A"' ' It may be easily shown, as in the preceding article, that CE N-n-, A . TvS - i - y an d cosec = N - TT^TT - - OE n+i 4nk(Nn) 7"") ^ "^ f \ n ~~~~~%k n N N-n ~ Hence, when the load moves from A towards C, eq. (2) gives the diagonal stress when n is even, and eq. (4) gives the stress when n is odd. If the load moves from C towards A, the stresses are re- versed in kind, so that the braces have to be designed to act both as struts and ties. 626 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. . By inverting Fig. 391, a bowstring girder is obtained with the horizontal chord in compression and the bow in tension. 14. Bowstring Suspension Bridge (Lenticular Truss}. This bridge is a combination of the ordinary and inverted bowstrings. The most important example is that erected at Saltash, Cornwall, which has a clear span of 445 feet. The bow is a wrought-iron tube of an elliptical section stiffened at intervals by diaphragms, and the tie is a pair of chains. A girder of this class may be made to resist the action of a passing load either by the stiffness of the bow or by diagonal bracing. B Q In Fig. 392, let BD = k, B'D = k'. Let //be the horizontal thrust at B, and T the horizontal pull at B' ', when the live load covers the whole of the girder. Then fjei _] not' 7 2 rr 1 L i z./ * 8 First, iet k = k' . Then TT y f 1 6 which is one half of the corresponding stress in a bowstring girder of span / and depth k. One half of the total load is supported by the bow and one half is transmitted through the verticals to the tie. Hence, the stress in each vertical -(w' -\- w"\ w" being the portion of the dead weight per lineal foot borne by the verticals, and A^the number of panels. CANTILEVER TRUSSES. 627 The diagonals are strained only under a passing load. Let PP' be a vertical through , the point of intersection of any two diagonals in the same panel, and let the load move from A towards O. By drawing the tangent at P and proceeding as in. Art. 13, the expression for the diagonal stress in QS becomes, as before, Similarly, the stress in the vertical QQ is / w'n(n i)l - Next, let k and k' be unequal. Let Wbe the weight of the bow, W the weight of the tie. Then, under these loads, ~%"k = H ^ H ' : ~8~' r W'~~k'* ' ' ^ The verticals are not strained unless the platform is attached to them along the common chord ADO. In such a case, the weight of the platform is to be included in W' The tangents at P and P' evidently meet AO produced in the same point O ', for EO' is independent of k or k'. Hence, the stresses in the verticals and diagonals due to the passing load may be obtained as before. 15. Cantilever Trusses. A cantilever is a structure sup- ported at one end only, and a bridge of which such a structure forms part may be called a cantilever bridge. Two cantilevers BEUD.GE.OVER ST. LAWRENCE AT NIAGARA. FIG. 393. may project from the supports so as to meet, or a gap may be left between them which may be bridged by an independent 628 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. girder resting upon or hinged to the ends of the cantilevers. The form of the cantilever is subject to considerable variation. SUKKUR BRIDGE FIG. 394. \ / \ /^T*"^^*^_ FORTH BRIDGE. FIG. 395- Figs. 396 to 401 represent the simplest forms of a cantilever frame. If the member AB has to support a uniformly dis- FIG. 396. A J, i 4, -IB FIG. 398. FIG. 397. FIG. 400. FIG. 401. FIG. 403. tributed load as well as a concentrated load at B, intermediate stays may be introduced as shown by the full or by the dotted CANTILEVER TRUSSES. 629 lines in Figs. 398 and 399. Should a live load travel over AB, each stay must be designed to bear with safety the maximum stress to which it may be subjected. Figs. 400 and 401 show cantilever trusses with parallel chords. If the truss is of the double-intersection type, Fig. 401, the stresses in the members terminating in B become in- determinate. They may be made determinate by introducing a short link BD, Fig. 402. Thus, if, in DB produced, BG be taken to represent the resultant stress along the link, and if the parallelogram HK be completed, BK will represent the stress along BE, and BH that along BF. This link device has been employed to equalize the pressure on the turn-table TT of a swing-bridge (Fig. 403). An " equal- izer" or " rocker-link" BD, Fig. 404, conveys the stresses trans- mitted through the members of the truss terminating in D to the centre posts BT. Theoretically, therefore, the pressure over TT will be evenly distributed, whatever the loading may be, if the direction of BD bisects the angle TB T and if friction is neglected. The joint between the central span and the cantilever re- quires the most careful consideration and should fulfil the following conditions: (a) The two cantilevers should be free to expand and con- tract under changes of temperature. (b) The central span should have a longitudinal support which will enable it to withstand the effect of the braking of a train or the pressure of a wind blowing longitudinally. (c) The wind-pressure on the central span should bear equally on the two cantilevers. (d) The connections at both ends should have sufficient lateral rigidity to check undue lateral vibration. Conditions (a) and (c) would be fulfilled by supporting the central span like an ordinary bridge-truss upon a rocker bolted down at one end and upon a rocker resting on expansion rollers at the other. This, however, would not satisfy condition (b). It is preferable to support the span by means of rollers or links at both ends, and to secure it to one cantilever only on the central line of the bridge with a large vertical pin, adapted to 630 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. transmit all the lateral shearing force. A similar pin at the other end, free to move in an elongated hole, or some equiva- lent arrangement, as, e.g., a sleeve-joint bearing laterally and with rollers in the seat, is a satisfactory method of transmitting the shearing force at that end also. (If there is an end post, it may be made to act like a hinge so as to allow for expansion, etc.) The points of contrary flexure of the whole bridge under wind-pressure are thus fixed, and all uncertainty as to wind- stresses removed. Where other spans have to be built adjacent to a large can- tilever span, it should not be hastily assumed that it is neces- sarily best to counterbalance the cantilever by a contiguous cantilever in the opposite direction. If it is possible to obtain good foundations arid if piers are not expensive, it might be cheaper to build a number of short independent side spans and to secure the cantilever to an independent anchorage. If this is done, care must be taken to give the abutment sufficient sta- bility to take up the unbalanced thrust along the lower boom of the cantilever. Suppose that the cantilever is anchored back by means of a single back-stay. Let W = weight necessary to resist the pull of the back- stay ; h = depth of end post of cantilever ; z = horizontal distance between foot of post and anchorage ; M bending moment at abutment = Wz. If it is now assumed that the sectional areas of the post and back-stay are proportioned to the stresses they have to bear (which is never the case in practice), the quantity of material in these members must be proportional to !?* Wh = W** = which is a minimum when z If a horizontal member is introduced between the feet of CANTILEVER TRUSSES. 631 the back-stay and the post, the quantity of material becomes proportional to h h which is a minimum when z h, i.e., when the back-stay slopes at an angle of 45. By making the angle between the back- stay and the horizontal a little less than 45, a certain amount of material may be saved in the joints of the back-stays and also in the anchors, which more than compensates for the in- creased weight of the anchors themselves. (Note. In these calculations it is also assumed that the top chord is horizontal, and that the feet of the post and back stay are in the same horizontal plane. This is rarely the case in practice.) According to the above the weight of material necessary for the back-stay is directly proportional to the bending moment a the abutment and inversely proportional to the depth of the cantilever, other things being equal. A double cantilever has, in general, no anchorage of any great importance. If the span is very great, a cantilever bridge usually re- quires less material than any other rigid structure of equal strength, even though anchorage may have to be provided. If two large spans are to be built, a. double cantilever, requir- ing no anchorage, may effect a very considerable saving in material, although a double pier, of sufficient width for stability under all conditions of loading, will be necessary. Again, where false-works are costly or impossible, the property of the cantilever, that it can be made to support itself during erection, gives it an immense advantage. If the design of the cantilever is such that it can be built out rapidly and cheaply, it will often be the most economical frame in the end, even if the total quantity of material is not so small as that required for some other type of bridge. In all engineering' work, quantity of material is only one of the elements of cost, and this should be carefully borne in mind when designing a cantilever bridge, because a want of regard to the method of 632 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. erection may easily add to its cost an amount much greater than can be saved by economizing material. In ordinary bridge-trusses the amount of the web metal is greatest at the ends and least at the centre, while the amount of the chord metal is least at the ends and greatest at the centre. Thus, the assumption of a uniformly distributed dead load for such bridges is, generally speaking, sufficiently ac- curate for practical purposes. In the case of cantilever bridges, however, the circumstances are entirely different. In these the amount of the metal both in the web and in the chords is greatest at the support and least* at the end. For example, the weight of the cantilevers (exclusive of the weight of platform, viz., -J ton per lineal foot) for the Indus Bridge, per lineal foot, varies from 6J tons at the supports to I ton at the outer ends. Hence, the hypothesis of a uniformly dis- tributed dead load for such structures cannot hold good. The weight of a cantilever for a given span may be approxi- mately calculated in the following manner : Determine the stresses in the several members, panel by panel (A) For a load consisting of (1) a given unit weight, say 100 tons, at the outer end ; (2) the corresponding dead weight. (B) For a load consisting of (1) the specified live load ; (2) the corresponding panel dead weight. Thus, the whole weight of a panel will be the sum of the weights deduced in (A) and (B), and the total weight of the cantilever will be the sum of the several panel weights. This process evidently gives at the same time the weights of cantilevers of one, two, three, etc., panel lengths, the loads remaining the same. The panel dead weights referred to in (A) and (B) must, in the first place, be assumed. This can be done with a large de- gree of accuracy, as the dead weight must necessarily gradiially increase towards the support, and any error in a particular panel may be easily rectified by subsequent calculations. CAN TILE VER TR USSES. 633 Again, the preceding remarks indicate a method of finding the most economical cantilever length in any given case. Take, e.g., an opening spanned by two equal cantilevers and an intermediate girder. Having selected the type of bridge to be employed for the intermediate span, estimate, either from existing bridges or otherwise, the weights of independent bridges of the same type and of different spans. Sketch a skeleton diagram of the cantilever, extending over one-half of the whole span, and apply to it the processes referred to in (A) and (B). If L is the length of the cantilever and P that of a panel, the following table, in which the intermediate span increases by two panel lengths at a time, may be prepared : c 1 1 1) S-, j P-a ||6 c rt u rt2 li:ll Jf2.|4 .11 0.23 ||| '"Id llll *o C ss || ill? JltJl Is o c 3"' aT" 5 ^ , a &" &"" f* H C L 2P L-2P 6P L - 6P SP L - SP etc. etc. Weight in col. 3 = one-half vi the weight of the intermediate girder + one-half of the live load it carries if uni- formly distributed. (The proportion will be greater than one-half for arbitrarily distributed loads, and may be easily de- termined in the usual manner.) Col. 5 gives the weights obtained as in A. weight on end of cantilever Col. 6 = col. 5 X -. Col. 7 gives the weights obtained as in B. Col. 8 = col. 2 -f- col. 6 -f col. 7. It is important to bear in mind that an increase in the weight of the central span necessitates a corresponding increase in the 634 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. weights of the cantilevers. Hence, in order that the weight of the structure may be a minimum, the best material with the highest practicable working unit stress should be employed for the centre span. The table must of course be modified to meet the require- ments of different sites. Thus, if anchorage is needed, a column may be added for the weights of the back-stays, etc. 16. Curve of Cantilever Boom. Consider a cantilever with one horizontal boom OA, and let x, y be the co-ordinates of any point P in the other boom, O being the origin of co-or- -a J \y FIG. 405. FIG. 406. dinates and A the abutment end of the cantilever. Let Wbe the portion of the weight of an independent span supported at O. Let w be the intensity of the load at the vertical section through P. Assume (i) that there are no diagonal strains, and, hence, that the web consists of vertical members only ; (2) that the stress H in the horizontal boom is constant, and therefore the bending moment at P = Hy ; (3) that the whole load is transmitted through the vertical members of the web. Let k be such a factor that kTl is the weight of a member of length /, subjected to a stress T. (Note. If / is in feet and T in tons, then k for steel is about .0003, allowance being made for loss of section or increase of weight at connections.) w consists of two parts, viz., a constant part p, due to the weight of the platform, wind-bracing, etc., which is assumed to CURVE OF CANTILEVER BOOM. 635 be uniformly distributed ; and a variable part, due to the weight of the cantilever, which may be obtained as follows: Weight of element dx of horizontal boom = kHdx. " " web corresponding to dx = kwydx. " " element of curved boom corresponding to dx -). Hence the variable intensity of weight and w = Again, if M is the bending moment and 5 the shearing force at the vertical section through P, then d'M ttS d*y kH Integrating twice, A and B being constants of integration. dv When x = o, y = o, and ffg- = W. Thus, A=o and B = W. 636 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence, is the equation to the curve of the boom, and represents an ellipse with its major axis vertical, and with the lengths of the (p + 2kH\* two axes in a ratio equal to ^ -777 -- J . The depth of the longest cantilever is determined by the vertical tangent at the end of the minor axis, and corresponds to the value of y given by making = o in the preceding equation, which gives y = . For a given value of H the curve of the boom is independ- ent of the span. Again, for a given length of cantilever with a boom of this elliptic form, a value of H may be found which will make the total weight a minimum, and which will there- fore give the most economical depth. Such an investigation, however, can only be of interest to mathematicians, as the hypotheses are far from being even approximately true in practice, and the resulting depth would be obviously too great. Assumption (i) on page 634 no longer holds when a live load has to be considered. Diagonal bracings must then be introduced, which become heavier as the depth increases, in consequence of their increased length. The diagonal bracings are also largely affected by the length of the panels. If the panels are short, and if a great depth of cantilever, diminishing rapidly away from the abutment, is used, the angles of the diagonal bracing, near the abutment, will be unfavorable to economy. This difficulty may be avoided by adopting a double system of triangulation over the deeper part of the cantilever only, or even a treble system for some distance in a large span. The objections justly urged against multiple systems of triangulation in trusses lose most of their force in large cantilevers. In the first place, the method of erection by building out insures that each diagonal shall take its proper share of the dead load ; and in the second place, it should be CURVE OF CANTILEVER BOOM. 637 remembered that only in large spans could a double system have anything to recommend it, and then only near the abut- ment where the stresses are greatest : in such cases the moving load only produces a small portion of the entire stress in the web. In practice, a compromise has to be made between dif- ferent requirements, and the depth must be kept within such limits as will admit of reasonable proportions in other respects, while the diagonal ties or struts may be allowed to vary in in- clination, to some extent, from one panel to another. Again, in fixing the panel length, care must be taken that there is no undue excess of platform weight, as this will pro- duce ?, corresponding increase in the weight of the cantilever. An excessive depth of cantilever generally causes an in- crease in the cost of erection. Both theory and practice, however, indicate that it will be more advantageous to choose a greater depth for a cantilever than for an ordinary girder bridge. An ordinary proportion for a large girder bridge would be one-ninth to one seventh of the span, and if for the girder were substituted two cantilevers meeting in the middle of the span, the depth might with advantage be considerably increased beyond this proportion at the abutment, if it be reduced to nil where the cantilevers meet. When a central span is introduced, resting upon the ends of the two cantilevers, the concentrated load on the end gives an additional reason for still further in- creasing the depth at the abutment proportionally to the hngth of the cantilever. The greatest economical depth has probably been reached in the Indus bridge, in which the depth at the abutment = .54 X length of cantilever. Probably the propor- tion of one-third of the length of the cantilever would be ample, except where the anchorage causes a considerable part of the whole weight, but each case must be considered on its own merits. The reduction of deflection obtained by increas- ing the depth is also an appreciable consideration. If a depth be chosen not widely different from that which makes the quantity of material a minimum, the weight will be only slightly increased, while it is possible that great structural advantages may be gained in other directions. In recommend- 638 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. ing a great depth for a cantilever at its abutment, it is assumed that the depth will be continuously reduced from the abutment outwards. If the load were continuously distributed, it is by no means certain that a cantilever of uniform depth would re- quire more material than one of varying depth, but it has already been pointed out to what extent the weight of the structure itself necessarily varies, and if the concentrated load at the end were separately considered, the economical truss would be a simple triangular frame of very great depth. From economic considerations, it would be well to reduce the depth of the cantilever at the outer end to nil, but in many cases it is thought advisable to maintain a depth at this point equal to that at the end of the central span, so that the latter may be built out without false-works, under the same system of erection as is pursued in the case of the cantilever. The post at the ends of the central span and cantilever is sometimes hinged to allow for expansion. 17. Deflection. A serious objection urged against can- tilever bridges is the excessive and irregular deflection to which they are sometimes subject. They usually deflect more than ordinary truss-bridges, and the deflection is proportionately increased under suddenly applied loads. In the endeavor to recover its normal position, the cantilever springs back with increased force and, owing to the small resistance offered by the weight and stiffness at the outer end, there may result, especially in light bridges, a kicking movement. It must, how- ever, be borne in mind that the deflection, of which the impor- tance in connection with iron bridges has always been recog- nized, is not in itself necessarily an evil, except in so far as it is an indication or a cause of over-strain. 18. The Statical Deflection, due to a quiescent load, must be distinguished from what might be called the dynamical deflection, i.e., the additional deflection due to a load in motion. The former should not exceed the deflection corresponding to the statical stresses for which the bridge is designed. The amount of the dynamical deflection depends both upon the nature of the lo^ds and upon the manner in which they are applied, nor are there sufficient data to determine its value LIVE LOAD. 639 even approximately. It certainly largely increases the statical stresses and produces other ill effects of which little is known. Hitherto, the question as to the deflection of framed struc- tures has received but meagre attention, and formulae deduced for solid girders have been employed with misleading results. It would seem to be more scientific and correct to treat each member separately and to consider its individual deformation. 19. Rollers. One end of a bridge usually rests upon nests of turned wrought-iron or steel friction rollers running between planed surfaces. The diameter of a roller should not be less than 2 inches, and the pressure upon it in pounds per lineal inch should not exceed 500 Vd if made of wrought-iron, or 600 tfa if made of steel, d being the diameter in inches. 20. Live Load. It is a common practice with many en- gineers to specify the live load for a bridge as consisting 01 a number of arbitrary concentrated weights which are more or less equivalent to the loads thrown upon the locomotive and car axles. Figs. 407, 408, and 409 are examples of such practice. 90' FIG. 407. FIG. 408. f FIG. 409. With such a live load, the determination of the position of the locomotive and cars which will give a maximum shear and a maximum bending moment at any section is much facilitated by the principles enunciated in Art. 8, Chap. II. 640 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. If the chords* are parallel, and if 5 is the maximum shear transmitted through a diagonal inclined at an angle 6 to the vertical, the maximum stress in that diagonal = vSsec 0, and the corresponding stress transmitted to a chord through the diagonal = Ssec#sin# = 5 tan 6. A modification is necessary when the chords are not paral- lel. Consider, e.g., a truss with a horizontal bottom chord and a top chord composed of inclined members. Retain the same notation as in the article referred to, and let />, , D 9 be the stresses corresponding to \hefirst and second distributions, respectively, in a diagonal met by a vertical section between the rth and (r -\- i)th weights. Also, let the member of the upper chord cut by the same section be produced to meet the horizontal chord produced in the point C. FIG. 410. Let AC = h, and let / be the perpendicular from C upon the diagonal in question. Taking moments about C, D,p RJi w, and w r (h + / a r x) w r+l (h + / a r ^ x) . . . - w r+q (A + I a r+q x). It. is assumed, for simplicity, that no weights leave or ad- vance upon the bridge. /. A A , LIVE LOAD. 641 according as a,) . . . w r (k + la r ) = RJt w,(h + I a, x) w^(h + / a, x) . . . - w r (h -\-l-a r x) tv r+l (h + I a r+I x) . . . - w r+q (h + I - a r+q -f x\ or = where R q '(l -\- h) = algebraic sum of the moments, with respect to C f of the weights transferred, and Hence, = according as Take, e.g., the truss represented by the accompanying dia- gram (Sault Ste. Marie Bridge), the live load being that shown by Fig. 411, i.e., the loading from a Standard Consolidation engine with four drivers and one leading wheel. FIG. 411. Span 239 ft. Length of centre verticals 40 ft.; of end verticals 27 ft, THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Applying the principles referred to in the preceding it is found that the distributions of live load, concentrated at the panel points, which will give the maximum stresses in the several members, may be tabulated as below : End Distribu- Reac- Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load tions. tion at A- at/ 2 . at/ 8 . at/> 4 . at A- at/ 6 . at/ 7 . at/e- at/,. at A. Case i 2 187990 162920 495< 38700 495oo 459 2 5 38700 43750 45925 36225 43750 36000 36225 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 3 124230 6400 47209 40200 43400 45800 37100 36000 36000 6400 47200 40200 43400 45800 37100 69410 6400 47200 40200 4^400 45800 37100 6 47400 6400 47200 40200 43400 45800 7 29100 6400 47200 40200 43400 " 8 15380 6400 47200 40200 Dead weight 121500 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 ,27000 N.B. These numbers are convenient whole numbers within about one-half of one per cent of the calculated results. The panel length is also assumed to be 24 ft. In Cases I arid 2 the third driver is at a panel point ; in the remaining cases the second driver is at a panel point. The dead weight includes the weight of the ironwork and flooring. The panel loads may be easily calculated, either analytically or graphically. For example, let A, B, C, D be four consecutive panel points, and let the third driver be at B. Panel load at A , = 7500 g + 12000 Panel load at B /io8 2\ J = 11823, say 11,900 Ibs. 8o+236+288+232 > sa y 49*500 Ibs. Panel load at C 87+21 288 = 38445, say 38,700 Ibs. LIVE LOAD. 643 Or, graphically, upon the vertical through B (Fig. 412) take BM to represent 7500 Ibs., and join AM. Let the vertical through #, meet AM in , , and the horizontal through AM in c t . Then a^ represents the portion of 7500 Ibs. borne at B, and b l c l the portion borne at A. Also, take BN to represent 12,000 Ibs. ; join ^4 N, CN. Let the verticals through a^, a 9 , #A FIG. 412. represent the portions of each 12,000 Ibs. borne at B, while AA> ^3 represent the portions borne at A, and 4 4 the portion borne at C. Finally, take BO to represent 10,625 Ibs., and join CO. Let the verticals through a 6 , a 6 meet CO in < 6 , ^ 6 , and the horizon- tal through O in 6 , c % . Then # B ^ 5 , ajb^ are the portions of each 10,625 Ibs. borne at B, while b^c^, b 6 c 6 are the portions borne at C. Thus the total weight at B = <* A + "A + "A A A It is open to grave question whether the extremely nice calculations required by the assumption of arbitrary weight calculations are not unnecessary except for floor systems. The constantly increasing locomotive and car weights and the variety in type of locomotive would seem to render such cal- culations, based as they are upon one particular distribution of load, of no effect. On the other hand, if it is assumed that the standard live load consists of a uniform load of, say, 3000 Ibs. to 3600 Ibs. per lineal foot, with a single weight of, say, 25,000 Ibs. to 35,000 Ibs. for each truss, at the head or at any other specified 644 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. point, i.e., rolling on the uniform load, the calculations would be much simplified and the resulting stresses would be at least as approximately accurate. Let E be the single concentrated load, T the panel train load, and D the panel dead load. Consider a truss of N panels with a single diagonal system, Fig. 413, and let E be at the rth panel point. N-t N FIG. 413. The shear immediately in front of due to the shear at same point due to T ~ N 2 the shear at same point due to D D N(N 2r + I) -W~ ~^ ~* Diagonal Stresses. The maximum diagonal stresses may now be easily tabulated as follows : TABLE T. 2 O S-o o " ' J5 % ^ % V 3 Q ^ o o 6 o T 1 > flj % Z 5 2 . | Q o Diagonal. Multiplier (N - Max. Vertical S E transmitted (1) Multiplier (N-r-i M !p Total Maximut Shear due to transmitted. Secant 6. Max. Diagonal S Live Load. Multiplier N(N - 2r Vertical Shear d Load transmit D N Diag. Stress due t j fj t A N.N-T N-I.N--L T JV i^ N.Ni N.N-i D a 1 *w 2 2 N 1 JV 2 2 N N-a.N-i T ~~l N LIVE LOAD. 645 Col. I designates the several diagonals. Col. 2 gives the multiplier N r for different values of r. Gol. 3 gives the maximum vertical shears due to E trans- mitted through the several diagonals. This shear for any given diagonal is the product of the corresponding multiplier in col. 2 and -r^r. Cols. 4 and 5, 9 and 10 give similar quantities for the live and dead loads. Col. 6 gives the sums of the shears in cols. 3 and 5, i.e., it gives the total maximum vertical shears due to live load. Col. 8 gives the maximum diagonal stresses due to live load. For any specified diagonal it is the product of the cor- responding shear in col. 7 and the secant of the angle between the vertical and the diagonal in question. Col. 1 1 in like manner gives the maximum diagonal stress due to dead load. Col. 12 gives the total maximum diagonal stresses due to both live and dead loads. Another column might be added giving the sectional areas of the diagonals. In the above table the diagonal stresses due to the live and dead loads are separately determined, as different coefficients of strength are sometimes specified for the two kinds of load. With a suitable compound coefficient of strength, cols. 6, 8, and ii may be replaced by a column giving the sums of the corresponding shears in cols. 3, 5, and 10. These sums, multi- plied by secant #, give the maximum diagonal stresses. Stresses in the Verticals. The maximum stress in any ver- tical, say at the rth panel point, is evidently the vertical com- ponent of the maximum diagonal stress in the rth panel, i.e., it is the maximum vertical shear in the rth panel. To be more accurate, this amount should be diminished by the portion of the weight of the lower chord borne at the foot of the vertical in question. Chord Stresses. Take the load at each panel point = ~ 646 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. TABLE II. (COMPRESSION CHORD.) - T3X! p / N C 1 I + o sl+ ll* 1 rtC H ^ - 11 - 5*21 ^1 PH I- a * fl gs^s a rt ^6^ SsS -1 2 > H C/5 H Col. i designates the chord panel length. Col. 3 gives the several vertical shears transmitted to the chords through the diagonals. They are the product of W\W ~^~ ^ ~^~ i Col. 5 gives the chord stresses due to these shears, i.e., the product of the shears in col. 3 and the corresponding values of tan in col. 4. Col. 6 gives the total chord stresses in the several panels. In any given panel the total chord stress is equal to the chord stress due to the shear in that panel plus the total chord stress in the preceding panel. Another column for the sectional areas of the several lengths of chord may be added if required, each length being designed as a strut, hinged or fixed at the ends, according to the method of construction. A precisely similar table may be prepared for the tension chord. EXAMPLE i. An 7V^/-panelled deck-truss of 108 ft. span and 18 ft. deep, with a single diagonal system. Concentrated load E for each truss = 25,000 Ibs. Train load T for each truss = 1600 Ibs. per lineal ft. = 21,600 Ibs. per panel. Bridge (dead) load D for each truss = 800 Ibs. per lineal ft. = 10,800 Ibs. per panel. sec 8 = , tan 6 = f . c 4 a LIVE LOAD. 647 TABLE OF MAXIMUM DIAGONAL STRESSES. (See TABLE I.) uS T 1 8 fx 2 .2 g-o i 8? II i (I co II u "t3 i 00 o i k Q k 8! 3?* c C x^> . * J 'd 2 * * rt 1 & 00 1 v8 oo OWJiJ 5^3 0> 00 00 OQ Q 00 N Y 1 r 1 C/) S^ * M Q" H 4 7 21875 21 56700 78575 li 982,8} 28 37800 4725 145468} da 10 . 8 ^ OJ-O nf^-d 1 L il v m _ N S 3 g . S 3 fc 1 ^ c^Q si a II 71 II u 1 -^ _ *^i-3 'a I \ o . C/5 a V H O 1 8 00 "5 O 1 Jloo "5J.I i K^> rt's'l 2.2 1 i X &l X 51 H^^ in |c^HJ i C" ^ H 5 ! 7 6 5 4 21875 18750 15625 12500 21 6* ^} 56700 17550 9450 6750 78575 36300 25075 19250 I 982I8J 45375 45135 34650 28 "i 4i 37800 16875 "475 6075 47250 21093!- 20655 10935 i 454 68f 66465* 65790 45585 *4 3 9375 J- 1350 10725 1 r J 935 1. )j C 1215 20520 ? 2 i 6250 1562* 1562* J 3S 7600 1562* 15624 ii 13680 28124 1953* - 34 ~ll* - 4725 10125 -'5525 - 8505 -18225 2 7945 5'75 The counterbrace cf is required to take up the resultant shear of 6250 4725 = 1525 Ibs., which is opposite in kind to that due to the dead load. The first line in the table gives the maximum thrust along the end post (/). It is made up of the stresses transmitted LIVE LOAD. 649 through the two systems of diagonals when the 25,000 Ibs. is at the first panel point. TABLE OF MAXIMUM STRESSES IN VERTICALS. The maximum stress in an end vertical evidently occurs when the 25,000 Ibs. is concentrated at its foot. z/j = 25000 + 10800 = 35800 Ibs. (tension); ^19250+ 6075 = 25325 " (compression); v 3 = 10725 + 675 = 11400 " v 4 = 6250 4725= 1525 " " Chord Stresses. Load at each panel point = ~+T+D = 35525. TABLE OF MAXIMUM STRESSES IN COMPRESSION CHORD. Total Member Multiplier. 25|5 = 444 of . Tan 0. Chord Stress due to Shear. Maximum Chord Stress. ( 28 I24337& 93253* j Cl j +12* 55507^1 37745* I 4163011 566171* | T 9i50i$i 191501$! c? 4* 19982^ .* 29974-^ 221476^5 Cl * j 3330*| 224806^ Note. c l is made up of the thrusts transmitted through TABLE OF MAXIMUM STRESSES IN TENSION CHORD. Member. Multi- plier. 35525 Tang. Chord Stress due to Shear. Total Maximum Chord Stress. 8 /I = /S 28 124337* i 93253* 93253^ / 3 19} i '' 37745 T 5 ir i 56617!* 191501!* Ex. 3. A through-bridge of the Warren type (Fig. 415) having the same span and loading as in Exs. i and 2. FIG. 415. 650 THEORY Of STRUCTURES. TABLE OF MAXIMUM STRESSES IN DIAGONALS. $ 8 . 1 iii 1 0. II if. t^ M II .a 13. II -"1 c. 11. g eg i u 1 8 OO "3 as 00 "3 00 OO III 1 |II d\ ~=-di 7 21875 21 56700 28 37800 116375 1.155 I344I4 dsdt 6 18750 15 40500 20 27000 86250 99619 df, = d* 5 15625 10 27OOO 12 16200 58825 67943 dT=d* 4 12500 6 16200 4 5400 34100 39386 dg=div 3 9375 3 8100 4 - 5400 12075 13947 dn=d^ 2 6250 i 27OO 12 16200 d\$~=-d\i I 3125 20 27000 The resultant stresses, d 9 = d l9 , are of an opposite kind to the corresponding stresses due to the dead load. Thus, the diagonals upon which they act must be designed so as to bear both tensile and compressive stresses. The stresses d lt d s , d t , . . . are compressions, and d 9 , d^ , \S and {5, where 5 is the total area within the out- line of the girder. The assumed factor of safety is to be 4. American Specifications. (a) The lateral bracing in the plane of the roadway is to be designed so as to bear a pressure of 30 Ibs. per square foot upon the vertical surface of one truss and upon the surface of a train averaging 12 sq. ft. per lineal foot, i.e., 360 Ibs. per lineal foot ; this latter is to be re- garded as a live load. The lateral bracing in the plane of the other chord is to be designed so as to bear a pressure of 50 Ibs. per square foot upon twice the vertical surface of one truss. (&) The portal, vertical, and horizontal bracing is to be 654 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. proportioned for a pressure of 30 Ibs. per square foot upon twice the vertical surface of one truss and upon the surface of a train averaging 10 sq. ft. per lineal foot, i.e., 300 Ibs. per lineal foot, the latter being treated as a live load. (c) Live load in plane of roadway due to wind-pressure = 300 Ibs. per lineal foot. Fixed load in plane of roadway due to wind-pressure = 150 Ibs. per lineal foot. Fixed load in plane of other chord due to wind-pressure = 150 Ibs. per lineal foot. Lateral Bracing. Consider a truss-bridge with parallel chords and panels of length/. Let A be the area of the ver- tical surface of one truss. According to (a), the lateral bracing in the plane of the roadway is subjected to (i) a panel live load of 360^ Ibs. and (2) a panel fixed load of $oA Ibs., while in the plane of the other chord it is subjected to a panel fixed load of 50 X 2A 100^4 Ibs. Thus, if the figure represent the bracing in the plane of the roadway of a ten-panel truss, and if the wind blow upon the 30|A 30 A 80JA 36CJjP 3o|A S6 P FlG. 416. 36g P 360 P 360 P 36/ + 30^) tan 8 = 8(360^ + 30^) tan V Ibs. ; C 4 C 3 + 2|(36o/ + $oA) tan B = \o%($6op + 30^) tan Ibs. ; tan = \26o 0^ tan fl Ibs. 90 8 being the angle between a diagonal and a chord. Again, the wind-pressure tends to capsize a train and throws y an additional pressure of P-=. Ibs. per lineal foot upon the lee- ward rail, P being the pressure in pounds per lineal foot on the train surface, y the vertical distance between the line of action of P and the top of the rails, and G the gauge of the rails. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Thus, the total pressure on leeward rail ( w v\ 2 +P G) lbS> Pei " Hneal f 0t > and the total pressure on windward rail (w y\ - P ~j Ibs. per lineal foot, w being the weight of the train in pounds per lineal foot. Hence, the total vertical pressure at a panel point of the leeward truss S being the distance between the trusses. 24. Stringers. Each length of stringer between consecu- tive floor-beams may be regarded as an independent girder resting upon supports at the ends, and should be designed to bear with safety the absolute maximum bending moment to which it may be subjected by the live load. If the beams are not too far apart, the absolute maximum bending moment will be at the centre when a driver is at that point. Again, in the case of the Sault Ste. Marie Bridge, it may be easily shown that the maximum bending moment is produced when the four pairs of drivers are between the floor-beams. Let/ distance of first driver from nearest point of support. The reaction at this support = 4tr(824 - 47) = 4^(206 -y). The bending moment is evidently a maximum at the second or third driver, and at the second driver o.o.( 2 o6 y)($6 +7) 12000 X 56 ; MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS. at the third driver = 104(206 7X108 +7) 12000(52 + 108). In the first case it is an absolute maximum when y = 75" ; " " second " " " " " " y 49" ; its value in each case being 2,i88,i66| in.-lbs. Hence, the bending moment is an absolute maximum and equal to 2,i88,i66f in.-lbs., at two points distant 75 in. from each point of support. Also, if /! is the moment of inertia of the section of the stringer at these points, , the distance of the neutral axis from the outside skin, and/ t the coefficient of strength, then -(2i88i66f) /i for the inner stringer, and -(2i88i66f) = /,- for the outer stringer. 3 c \ The continuity of the stringers adds considerably to their strength. 25. Maximum Allowable Stress. Denoting by A and B, respectively, the numerically greatest and least stresses to which a member is to be subjected, the following rules will give results which are in accordance with the best practice : I. Members subjected to Tensile Stresses only. For ivr ought-iron, maximum stress per square inch = 10000 Ibs. 8000^1 + -jj Ibs. = ^3.81 + 1.9 -jj tons. For steel, maximum stress per square inch = 12000 Ibs. = 10000(^1 -f- -rj Ibs. = [,5.08 -f- 2.54 J tons. 658 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. II. Members subjected both to Tensile and Comprcssivc Stresses. For wr ought-iron, maximum stress per square inch = 8000(1 - -jj Ibs. = (3 8l -- 1.9^) tons. For steel, maximum stress per square inch = 10000(1 - j) Ibs. = (5.08 - 2.54-) tons. III. Members subjected to Compressive Stresses only. Denote the ratio of the length (/) to the least radius of gyration (k) by r. The maximum stress per square inch = 2 Ibs., /being 8000 Ibs. for wrought-iron and 10,000 Ibs. for steel, and being 40,000, 30,000, or 20,000, according as the member has a two square (fixed) ends, one square and one pin end, or two pin ends. Again, the maximum stress per square inch for steel struts (/? \ 1 + A! ft>s.; A I " " square ends (10000 4Or) I + -j Ibs.; \ A' " pin ends = (5 - ^)(i + ~) tons ; " " square ends = ( 5 ^Jl 1 4~ ~/r] tons. In the last two expressions r < 40. These expressions may be also employed in the case of alternating stresses, but the (T) I -| CAMBER. 659 26. Camber. Owing to the play at the joints, a girder or truss will deflect to a much greater extent than is indicated by theory, and the material will receive a permanent set, which, however, will not prove detrimental to the stability of the structure unless it is increased by subsequent loads. If the chords were initially made straight, they would curve down- wards ; and although it does not necessarily follow that the strength of the truss would be sensibly impaired, the appear- ance would not be pleasing. In practice it is often specified that the girder or truss is to have such a camber or upward convexity that under ordinary loads the grade line will be true and straight ; or, again, that a camber shall be given to the span by making the panel lengths of the top chord greater than those of the bottom chord by .125 in. for every 10 ft. The lengths of the web members in a cambered truss are not the same as if the chords were horizontal, and must be care- fully calculated so as to insure that the several parts will fit together. To find an Approximate Value for the Camber, etc. Let d be the depth of the truss. Let s 1 , s y be the lengths of the upper and lower chords, re- spectively. Let /"j , yj be the unit stresses in upper and lower chords, respectively. Let d l , d^ be the distances of the neutral axis from the upper and lower chords, respectively. Let R be the radius of curvature of the neutral axis. Let / be the span of the truss, Then 4 -/ /I 4 /-*. /, = - = and = - = the chords being assumed to be circular arcs. Hence, the excess in length of the upper over the lower chord 660 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let ;r, , x^ be the cambers of the upper and lower chords, respectively ; R -f- d^ and R d^ are the radii of the upper and lower chords, respectively. By similar triangles, the horizontal distance between ) R-\- d the ends of the upper chord j " R I ._ K-a \-^ L the horizontal distance between i R the ends of the lower chord Hence, \1 " and j = x, . 2(R + d,\ approximately, (- ^ -/) = x^ . 2(R d^), approximately. , and ** = SR I --R]- 27. Rivet-connection between Flanges and Web. The web is generally riveted to angle-irons forming part of the flanges. The increment of the flange stress transmitted through the web from point to point tends to make the angle-irons slide over the flange surfaces. Denote the increment by F, and let h be the effective depth of the girder or truss. Then, if 5 be the shearing force at any point, Fh = the increment of the bending moment per unit of length ldM\ = l = = o in the case ot a close web, \dx I and Fh the increment of the bending moment = (4M) = Sa in the case of an open web ; a being the distance between the two consecutive apices or panel points within which ^ lies. EYE-BARS AND PINS. 66 1 Hence, if TV be the number of rivets per unit of length for the close web, or the number between the two consecutive apices for the open web, N f s = F = Y for the close web, and = T- for the open web, d being the diameter, of a rivet, and f s the safe coefficient of shearing strength. 28. Eye-bars and Pins. Eye-bars connected with pins have been commonly employed in the construction of suspen- sion cables, the tension chords of ordinary trusses and canti- levers, and the diagonals of web systems. The requisite sec- tional area is obtained by placing a number of bars side by side on the same pin, and, if necessary, by setting two or more tiers of bars one above another. FIG. 417. rFh rf=h FIG. 418. FIG. 419. The figures represent groups of eye-bars as they often occur in practice. If two sets of 2n bars pull upon the pin in opposite direc- tions, as in Figs, 418 and 419, the bending moment on the pin will be nPp, P being the pull upon each bar, and / the distance between the centre lines of two consecutive bars. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence, f being the stress in the material of the pin at a distance c from the neutral axis, and / the moment of inertia. In general, the bending action upon a pin connecting a number of vertical, horizontal, and inclined bars may be de- termined as follows : Consider one-half of the pin only. Let F, Fig. 420^ be the resultant stress in the vertical bars. It is necessarily equal in magnitude but opposite in direc- tion to the vertical component of the resultant of the stresses h-*- FIG. 420. in the inclined bars. Let v be the distance between the lines of action of these two resultants. The corresponding bending action upon the pin is that due to a couple of which the mo- ment is Vv. Let h be the distance between the lines of action of the equal resultants H of the horizontal stresses upon each side of the pin. The corresponding bending action upon the pin is that due to a couple of which the moment is Hh. Hence, the maximum bending action is that due to a couple of which the moment is the resultant of the two momenjts Vv and Hh. viz., Eye-bars. In England it has been the practice to roll bars having enlarged ends, and to forge the eyes under hydraulic EYE-BARS AND PINS. 663 pressure with suitably shaped dies. In America both hammer- forged and hydraulic-forged eye-bars are made, the latter being called weldless eye-bars. Careful mathematical and experimen- tal investigations have been carried out to determine the proper dimensions of the link-head and pin, but owing to the very complex character of the stresses developed in the metal around the eye, an accurate mathematical solution is impossible. Let d be the width and / the thickness of the shank of the eye-bar represented in Fig. 421. Let 5 be the width of the metal at the sides of the eye, and H the width at the end. Let D be the diameter of the pin. The proportions of the head are governed by the general condition that each and every part should be at least as strong as the shank. When the bar is subjected to a tensile stress the pin is tightly embraced, and failure may arise from any one -of the following causes : (a) The pin may be shorn through. Hence, if the pin is in double shear, its sectional area should be at least one-half that of the shank. It may happen that the pin is bent, but that fracture is pre- vented by the closing up of the pieces between the pin-head and nut ; the efficiency, however,of the connection is destroyed, as the bars are no longer free to turn on the pin. In practice, D for flat bars varies from f^to %d, but usually lies between %d and ^d. The diameter of the pin for the end of a round bar is gen- erally made equal to \\ times the diameter of the bar. The pin should be turned so as to fit the eye accurately, but the best practice allows a difference of from -fa to ^4^ f an inch in the diameters of the pin and eye. (&) The link may tear across MN. On account of the perforation of the head, the direct pull on the shank is bent out of the straight and distributed aver 664 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. the sections S. There is no reason for the assumption that the distribution is uniform, and it is obviously probable that the intensity of stress is greatest in the metal next the hole. Hence, the sectional area of the metal across MN must be at least equal to that of the shank, and in practice is always greater. 5 usually varies from .55^ to .625^. The sectional area through the sides of the eye in the head of a round bar varies from i-J times to twice that of the bar. (c) The pin may be torn through the head. Theoretically, the sectional area of the metal across PQ should be one-half that of the shank. The metal in front of the pin, however, may be likened to a uniformly loaded girder with both ends fixed, and is subjected to a bending as well as to a shearing action. Hence, the minimum value of H has been fixed at \d, and if H is made equal to d, both kinds of action will be amply provided for. (d) The bearing surface may be insufficient. If such be the case, the intensity of the pressure upon the bearing surface is excessive, the eye becomes oval, the metal is upset, and a fracture takes place. Or again, as the hole elon- gates, the metal in the sections 5 next the hole will be drawn out, and a crack will commence, extending outwards until frac- ture is produced. In practice, adequate bearing surface may be obtained by thickening the head so as to confine the maximum intensity of the pressure within a given limit. (e) The head may be torn through the shoulder at XY. Hence, ^TFis made equal to d. The radius of curvature R of the shoulder varies from I \d to J.6d. Note. The thickness of the shank should be , or d at 4 7 least. The following table gives the eye-bar proportions common in American practice : STEEL EYE-BARS. 66 5 Value of 6". of d. of D. Weldless Hammered Bars. Bars. .00 67 1-5 33 .00 75 1-5 33 .00 1. 00 1-5 50 .00 1.25 1.6 50 .00 1-33 1-7 .00 1.50 1.8 5 .67 .00 i-75 2.OO 67 .00 2.OO 2.25 75 Also, in weldless bars, //= S\ in hammered bars, H ' = d. 29. Steel Eye-bars. Hydraulic-forged steel eye-bars are now being largely made. The steel has an ultimate tenacity of from 60,000 to 68,000 Ibs. per square inch, an elastic limit of not less than 50 per cent, and an elongation of from 17 to 20 per cent in a length equal to ten times the least transverse dimension. The Phcenix Bridge Co. and the Edge Moor Iron Co. give the following tables of steel eye-bar proportions : Phoenix Bridge Co. Edge Moor Iron Co. Mini- i Excess of Width of bar*/. Diameter of Pin-hole. Diam- eter of Head. Width of baroT. Diameter of Pin-hole. Diameter of Head. mum Thick- ness Sectional Area of Head along PP over Sec- of Bar. 1 tion of Bar. 3 2&. 2 lf 7 2 Ii *4 I 33# 3 3iV 3lf 8 2 2| si I 33* 4 3 T V 9 2i 2i 5+ I 33# 4 311, 4rV 4tt 10 2i 3i 6i i 33# 5 5 5 3 tf ' 4 4H 5 T V sl-5, V* ii 12 13 3 3 4 2i 4 4f 6* 8 f 9* f 33# 33# 33 6 4H- 4lt 13 4 3 ioi f 33^ 6 5f, 5iV 5lf 14 5 41 i f 37^ 6 6ft, 6tt. 6 Tf 15 5 5| I2i f 37^ 7 5 A 15 6 5i I3i | 37 7 5lf, 6ft. 6H 16 6 6i J4i 37^ 8 6'if, 7ft, 7U 6f* 17 17 7 7 5* 7i 1 51 17 i 40^ 40^ 8 6ft, 6tf, 7 A 18 8 5f 17 i 40^ 8 7li 8f 19 8 6f 18 i 4<$ 8 ai,9t 20 9 9 7 T \- 7H 8|, 8| 2O 21 10 8| 22 10 8J,9f 23 10 10, 10^ 24 In both the Phoenix and Edge Moor bars the thickness of the head is the same as that of the body of the bar, or does not exceed it by more than -fa in. O66 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 30. Rivets. A rivet is an iron or steel shank, slightly tapered at one end (the tail), and surmounted at the other by a cup or pan-shaped head (Fig. 422). It is used to join steel or iron plates, bars, etc. For this purpose the rivet is generally heated to a cherry-red, the shank or spindle is passed through D FIG. 422. FIG. 423. FIG. 424. FIG. 425. FIG. 426. the hole prepared for it, and the tail is made into a button, or point. The hollow cup-tool gives to the point a nearly hemi- spherical shape, and forms what is called a snap-rivet (Fig. 423). Snap-rivets, partly for the sake of appearance, are com- monly used in girder-work, but they are not so tight as conical- pointed rivets (staff-rivets), which are hammered into shape until almost cold (Fig. 424). When a smooth surface is required, the rivets are counter-sunk (Fig. 425). The counter-sinking is drilled and may extend through the plate, or a shoulder may be left at the inner edge. Cold-riveting is adopted for the small rivets in boiler work and also wherever heating is impracticable, but tightly-driven turned bolts are sometimes substituted for the rivets. In all such cases the material of the rivets or bolts should be of su- perior quality. Loose rivets are easily discovered by tapping, and, if very loose, should be at once replaced. It must be borne in mind, however, that expansions and contractions of a complicated character invariably accompany hot-riveting, and it cannot be supposed that the rivets will be perfectly tight. Indeed, it is doubtful whether a rivet has any hold in a straight drilled hole, except at the ends. Riveting is accomplished either by hand or machine, the latter being far the more effective. A machine will squeeze a rivet, at almost any temperature, into a most irregular hole, but the exigencies of practical conditions often prevent its use, except for ordinary work, and its advantages can rarely be obtained STRENGTH OF PUNCHED AND DRILLED PLATES. 667 where they would be most appreciated, as, e.g., in the riveting up of connections. 31. Dimensions of Rivets. The diameter (d) of a rivet in ordinary girder-work varies from f in. to I inch, and rarely exceeds i in. The thickness (/) of a plate in ordinary girder-work should never be less than J in., and a thickness of f in., or even -^ in., is preferable. Let T be the total thickness through which a rivet passes. According to Fairbairn, When / < % in., d should be about 2t. When / > -J in., d should be about \\t. According to Unwin, When / varies from J in. to I in. and passes through two thicknesses of plate, d lies between f t -f- jV and When the rivets join several plates, d -- (- . 8 8 According to French practice, Diameter of head if d. Length of rivet from head = T -f- \\d. According to Rankine, Length of rivet from head = T -f- 2\d. The rise of the head = \d. The- diameter of the rivet-hole is made larger than that of the shank by from ^ to -J in., so as to allow for the expansion of the latter when hot. There seems to be no objection to the use of long rivets, provided they are properly heated and secured. 32. Strength of Punched and Drilled Plates. Experi- ment shows that the tenacity of iron and steel plates is con- siderably diminished by punching. This deterioration in tenacity seems to be due to a molecular change in a narrow annulus of the metal around the hole. The removal of the annulus largely neutralizes the effect of the punching, and, hence, the holes are sometimes punched -J in. less in diameter than the rivets and are subsequently rimered or drilled out to the full size. The original strength may also be almost 668 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. entirely restored by annealing, and, generally, in steel work, either this process is adopted or the annulus referred to above is removed. Punching does not sensibly affect the strength of Landore- Siemens unannealed plates, and only slightly diminishes the strength of thin steel plates, but causes a considerable loss of tenacity in thick steel plates ; the loss, however, is less than for iron plates. The harder the material the greater is the loss of tenacity. Iron seems to suffer more from punching when the holes are near the edge than when removed to some distance from it, while mild steel suffers less when the hole is one diameter from the edge than when it is so far that there is no bulging at the edge. The injury caused by punching may be avoided by drilling the holes. In important girder-work and whenever great accuracy of workmanship is required, a uniform pitch may be insured and the full strength of the metal retained by the use of multiple drills. Drilling is a necessity for first-class work when the diameter of the holes is less than the thickness of the plate, and also when several plates are piled. It is impos- sible to punch plates, bars, angles, etc., in spite of all ex- pedients, in such a manner that the holes in any two exactly correspond, and the irregularity becomes intensified in a pile, the passage of the rivet often being completely blocked. A drift, or rimer, is then driven through the hole by main force, cracking and bending the plates in its passage, and separating them one from another. The holes may be punched for ordinary work, and in plates sf which the thickness is less than the diameter of the rivets. \Vhenever the metal is of an inferior quality, the holes should be drilled. 33. Riveted Joints. In lap joints (Figs. 427 and 430) the plates overlap and are riveted together by one or more rows of rivets which are said to be in single shear, as each rivet has to be sheared through one section only. In fish (or btitf) joints (Figs. 428 and 429) the rivets are in double shear, i.e., must be each sheared through two sections. RIVETED JOINTS. 669 Thus they are not subjected to the one-sided pull to which rivets in single shear are liable. FIG. 427 In fish joints the ends of the plates meet, and the plates are riveted to a single cover (Fig. 428), or to two covers (Fig. 429), by means of one or more rows of rivets on each side of the joint. A fish joint is properly termed a butt joint when the plates are in compression. The plates should butt evenly against one another, although they seldom do so in practice. Indeed, the mere process of riveting draws the plates slightly apart, leav- ing a gap which is often concealed by caulking. A much better method is to fill up the space with some such hard sub- stance as cast-zinc, but the best method, if the work will allow of the increased cost, is to form a jump joint, i.e., to plane the eyes of the plates carefully, and then bring them into close contact, when a short cover with one or two rows of rivets will suffice to hold them in position. The riveting is said to be single, double, triple, etc., according as the joint is secured by one, two, three, or more rows of rivets. o o o o o o O O o o o o o o o o o ^o 00 00 00 oo ZIGZAG FIG. 432. CHAIN FIG. 431. Double, triple, etc., riveting may be chain (Fig. 431) or zig- zag (Fig. 432). In the former case the rivets form straight lines longitudinally and transversely, while in the latter the rivets in each row divide the space between the rivets in adja- cent rows. Experiments indicate that chain is somewhat stronger than zigzag riveting. 670 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Figs. 433 to 435 show forms of joint usually adopted for bridge-work. In boiler-work the rivets are necessarily very close together, and if the strength of the solid plate be assumed to be IOO, the strength of a single-riveted joint hardly exceeds 50, while double-riveting will only increase it to 60 or 70. Fair- o o o o o o o o o o FIG. 433. FIG. 434. FIG. 435- bairn proposed to make the joint and unpunched plate equally strong by increasing the thickness of the punched portion of the plate, but this is somewhat difficult in practice. The stresses developed in a riveted joint are of a most com- plex character and can hardly be subjected to exact mathe- matical analysis. For example, the distribution of stress will be necessarily irregular (a) if the pull upon the joint is one- sided ; (b) when local action exists, or the plates stretch, or in- ternal strains are in the metal before punching ; (c) if there is a lack of symmetry in the arrangement of the rivets, so that one rivet is more severely strained than another; (d) when the workmanship is defective. The joint may fail in any one of the following ways : (1) The rivets may shear. (2) The rivets may be forced into and crush the plate. (3) The rivets may be torn out of the plate. (4) The plate may tear in a direction transverse to that of the stress. The resistance to rupture should be the same in each of the four cases, and always as great as possible. The shearing and tensile strengths of plate-iron are very nearly equal. Thus, iron with a tenacity of 20 tons per square inch has a shearing strength of 18 to 20 tons per square inch. Rivet-iron is usually somewhat stronger than plate-iron. Again, the shearing strength of steel per square inch varies THE ORE TIC A L DED UC TIONS. 67 1 from about 24 tons for steel, with a tenacity of about 30 tons, to about 33 tons for steel, with a tenacity of about 50 tons ; an average value for rivet-steel with a tenacity of 30 tons being 24 tons. Hence, if 4 be a factor of safety, the working coefficient? become For wrought-iron \ * tons P er SC * uare inch in shear ' and ( 5 " " " ' ; tension. _ . (6 tons per square inch in shear, and F rSteel \n " " "tension Allowance, however, must be made for irregularity in the dis- tribution of stress and for defective workmanship, and in riveting wrought-iron plates together it is a common practice to make the aggregate section of the rivets at least equal to and sometimes 20 per cent greater than the net section f the plate through the rivet-holes. Hence, the working coefficients are reduced to 4 or 4^ tons per square inch for wrought-iron, and 5 or 5J " " " " " steel, according to the character of the joint. There is very little reliable information respecting the in- dentation of plates by rivets and bolts, and it is most uncertain to what extent the tenacity of the plates is affected by such indentation. Further experiments are required to show the effect of the crushing pressure upon the bearing area (i.e., the diameter of the rivet multiplied by the thickness of the plate], although a few indicate that the shearing strength of the rivet diminishes after the intensity of the bearing pressure exceeds a certain maximum limit. 34. Theoretical Deductions. Let 5 be the total stress at a riveted joint ; /i>/2> / a >/4> De the safe tensile, shearing, compressive, and bearing unit stresses, respectively ; / be the thickness of a plate, and w its width , ?2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES, N\*t the total number of rivets on one side of a joint; it be the total number of rivets in one row ; p be the pitch of the rivets, i.e., the distance centre to centre ; d be the diameter of the rivets ; x be the distance between the centre line of the nearest row of rivets and the edge of the plate. Value of x. It has been found that the minimum safe value of x is d, and this in most cases gives a sufficient overlap ( 2x\ while x = \d is a maximum limit which amply pro- vides for the bending and shearing to which the joint may be subjected. Thus the overlap will vary from 2d to ^d. x may be supposed to consist of a length x^ to resist the shearing action, and a length x^ to resist the bending action. It is impossible to determine theoretically the exact value of JF,, as the straining at the joint is very complex, but the metal in front of each rivet (the rivets at the ends of the joint ex- cepted) may be likened to a uniformly loaded beam of length d, depth x^ -- , and breadth /, with both ends fixed. Its moment of resistance is therefore -?t Lr, j , / being the maximum unit stress due to the bending. Also, if P is the load upon the rivet, the mean of the bending moments at the P end and centre is ^d. o Hence, approximately, * '-- It will be assumed that the shearing strength of the rivet is equal to the strength of a beam to resist cross-breaking. Single-riveted lap and single-cover joints (Figs. 427 and 428). ~~A = (p-d)tf^dtf^ ..... (I) THEORETICAL DEDUCTIONS. 6/3 *xjj[i = -f % . d , i / d'f, . . -* = 2+ 4\/**-J7 ' ' (3) As already pointed out, these joints are weakened by the bending action developed, and possibly also by the concentra- tion of the stress towards the inner faces of the plates. Single-riveted double-cover joints (Fig. 429). (4) tf t = 2 /.. 4 (5) 3 rfr 21 - 2 4 These joints are much stronger than joints with single covers. Also, equation (4) shows that the bearing unit stress in a double-cover joint is twice as great (theoretically] as in a single-cover joint (eq. i), so that rivets of a larger diameter may be employed in the latter than is possible in the former, d for corresponding values of -. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Chain-riveted joints (Fig. 431). 5 = N -- / 9 when there is one cover only ; . . (8) 5 = N - / 2 when there are two covers. . . . (9) This class of joint is employed for the flanges of bridge girders, the plates being piled as in Figs. 436, 437, 438, and n being usually 3, 4, or 5. In Fig. 437 the plates are grouped so as to break joint, and opinions differ as to whether this arrangement is superior to the full butt shown in Fig. 438. The advantages of the latter FIG. 436. FIG. 437. FIG. 438. are that the plates may be cut in uniform lengths, and the flanges built up with a degree of accuracy which cannot be otherwise attained, while the short and awkward pieces accom- panying broken joints are dispensed with. A good practical rule, and one saving much labor and ex- pense, is to make the lengths of the plates, bars, etc., multiples of the pitch, and to design the covers, connections, etc., so as to interfere with the pitch as little as possible. The distance between two consecutive joints of a group (Fig. 437) is generally made equal to twice the pitch. An excellent plan for lap and single-cover joints is to arrange the rivets as shown in Figs. 431 to 435. The strength of the plate at the joint is only weakened by one rivet-hole, for the plate cannot tear a^t its weakest section, COVERS. 675 i.e., along the central row of rivets (##), until the rivets be- tween it and the edge are shorn in two. Let there be m rows of rivets, i 1,22, 3 3, ... (Fig. 439)- The total number of rivets is evi- (_ dently m\ O^O^O^O Let /i i & > ? 3 , , , ... be the unit ten- O,XO I ! sile stresses in the plate along the lines I I, 2 2 > 3 3 respectively. Then i + U FIG. 439. 5 = (w d}tf^ = nfft , for the line i i ; n ~J- I la. m rj \ 4 mft^t From this is finally deduced eNnkf The plate thickness may now be found by equation (9) ; the diameter of rivet from d = kt, and the pitch from md p = - . In the above investigations no account has been taken of the effect of the bearing pressure on the rivets or plate. If f c be the allowable bearing pressure per projected square inch of rivet surface, the following relation must obtain : . . . . . (14) This may be written fc ~ Nd Then if f e be estimated by this equation, and if it should 1 greater than 43 tons per square inch in a lap joint, or 45 fr tons in a butt joint, such joint will fail by the rivets shec before the full strength of the plate is exerted, as Kent experiments show that with these values of f c the rive not attain their natural ultimate shearing strength (viz.,/ 5 ,, fail at shearing stresses much below this. EFFICIENCY OF RIVETED JOINTS. 68 1 Ar;ain, the maximum allowable ratio of (i.e., k] as the preliminary datum for the design of a joint, may be fixed by using the expression <-> deduced from the obvious relation similar to (14) eN-d*f s = Ndtf c . 4 win suggests the relation o o 6 o UUCJUU ^ c* min J'8i^ ^j O O Q O Q * Q O O ro O MD - ro J -O < -a t-< Q, U & o i W 5 J S P.V" ... <3 t-N IAVO -o oo - TABLE OF ACTUAL WEIGHTS OF MODERN BRIDGES. 683 il II .rts CO Single intersec Single intersec K cH 6*6 sO Wen be ta_bfl S S w t* ~ OQ U ._ o^- 13 - s s MMMrO,-O Svg'S qq s So v oV V. *io "b " ^5 So Soj U * ^^O %o"b 'Vo'V'w "M V> V* * "N ^ ^o "V ^ ^- in 10 io\o t^t^t^. oooovocS o^ 8^85? ^2 684 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 1 J 5- ? 1) n II ,c C G o 2 E T3 .. C 1 m j ^ BRIDGES YEATMAN, < 1 3 1 i 2 I 5 ~&~ :i \ | II a U a o M o *" do - SaSSc i *" 2 w 2 PEN-TRUSS ,D, PETERSON, 1 2 S f ^ ^23 is 1 I 1 ^11 s ' " ^> 'S * c 1 2 c 1 ^2 N. S 2 2 c^ H c/5 c/oH HH Q O O *J j U | O & ,. o ' c c c ^ffi ' c"^ o O O : ^ ^ W Q s |s fi fc ^ -a 1 x 0^ PM" W W 1 llljf c/3 H r^-sl K ^ ^ ^K oo oooo ^ * ~ ~ T W ^ ^ .^ o ' * * l-M p^ O " O ""o ^"^H s ^ 1 0u VrtVsSi fe SSaV^ miffi&S I " O O ft c ^ c a W M M M N Wf^fO wj TABLE OF ACTUAL WEIGHTS OF MODERN BRIDGES. 68$ X X X X X I o o . o . j' O. 5 s 6 w C 1-1' U HH U U N4 **8*^J a g- |~g ~ 5 s ^1? s W 1 gs? I .g,! S ! 686 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. fan S o ^ H w c . . 111 If *- g&l 1 8 n^ls| 10 ='Ou 00 'Stt 1 fiklU xj fftr^sS . . laa a 2 a sjss" Iff* fffiS - .S 5 05 O O O Q Q O "TO O 2> c^oo^ o O O O t^. M II sis L. * i < 0, * -^-00 00 O O\ t^ N O CO oo N mop f" rooo 4) W t) i) O OJO 11 V Id c 5 r-82 t^l s 2 .e: JCJo rj : '.-a rt O ^'^3 l|t't- e-'c-c-cs aisdaajjqSnoj TABLE OF ACTUAL WEIGHTS OF MODERN BRIDGES. 68? Ss So o.t: c a J unity. Show that the amount of ma- terial in the struts and ties is a minimum when tan a = k tan ft. 7. A lattice-girder of 40 ft. span, 5 ft. depth, and with horizontal chords has a web composed of two systems of right-angled triangles and is designed to support a dead and a live load, each of -J- ton per lineal foot. Determine the maximum stresses in the members of the third bay from one end met by a vertical plane. Ans. \iriveted: Diagonal stress = V// 2 tons J Chord stress = 27 tons. If pin-connected : Diagonal stress = ff 1/2 and f ^2 tons ; Chord stress = 26 tons. 8. A lattice-truss of 100 ft. span and 10 ft. depth has a web composed of four systems of right-angled triangles. The maximum stress in the EXAMPLES. 691 diagonal joining the sixth apex in the upper chord to the fourth apex in the lower is 16 tons. Find the dead load, the live load being i ton per lineal foot, assuming the truss to be (a) riveted, (b) pin-connected. Ans. (a) .554 ton ; (b) 1.062 tons. 9. A lattice-girder of 40 ft. span has a web composed of two systems of triangles (base = 10 ft.) and is designed to carry a live load of 1600 Ibs. per lineal foot and a dead load of 1200 Ibs. per lineal foot. Defin- ing the stress-length of a member to be the product of its length into the stress to which it is subjected find the depth of the truss so that its total stress-length may be a minimum. Ans. 10.19 ft- 10. Determine the maximum stresses in the members of a lattice- truss of 40 ft. span and 4 ft. depth, with two systems of triangles (base = 8 ft.), (a) when riveted together; (b) when pin-connected. Dead load = J ton per lineal foot, live load = $ ton per lineal foot. Ans. Bays ist; 2d ; 3d; 4th; 5th. (a) Diags. 6f 4/2~; 5.534/2"; 4.054/2"; 2.854/2"; if 4/2~tons ; Tens.chd. 6| ; i8f; 2;f; 33!; 36$. Comp. chd. Same. ( 7.5^2 p.rVS 4.7^2 j 2.34/1 v\ 2.34/2^ Tens.chd. 6; 18; 27; 33; 36 " Comp. chd. Same. ii. The platform of a single-track bridge is supported upon the top chords of two Warren girders ; each girder is 100 ft. long, and its brac- ing is formed of ten equilateral tfiangles (base 10 ft.); the dead weight of the bridge is 900 Ibs. per lineal foot. ; the greatest total stress in the seventh sloping member from one end when a train crosses the bridge is 41,394.8 Ibs. Determine the weight of the live load per lineal foot. Prepare a table showing the greatest stress in each bar and bay when a single load of 1 5,000 Ibs. crosses the girder. Ans. t\ t z >t 3 h ft WWWXAAA/ 277H Ibs. per lin. ft. FIG. 440. Stresses in diagonals : 4/3 ; 2d = 10 4/3 ; 3d 5 / -^3 tons. Cornp. chord : stress in ist bay = 2 F 4/3 ; 2d = 4 ? 4/3 ; 3d = 20 ^3 tons. Weight at each joint = 5{f tons. 694 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 1 8. The accompanying truss of 240 ft. span and 30 ft. deep is to be de- signed for a panel engine load of 24,000 Ibs., a panel train load of 18,000 i Ibs., and a panel bridge load of 12,000 Ibs, Determine graphically the maximum // stresses in the members met by the ver- tical MN. Also, draw a stress diagram for the whole truss when it is covered FIG. 443. with a uniformly distributed live load of 180,000 Ibs. 19. Loads of 3f , 6, 6, 6, and 6 tons follow each other in order over a ten- panel truss at distances of 8, 5f, 4^, and 4! ft. apart. Determine the posi- tion of the loads which will give the maximum diagonal and chord stresses in the third and fourth panels. Span = 120 ft. 20. Determine the moment of resistance of a floor-beam for the Sault Ste. Marie Bridge from the following data : Floor-beams, 16' 6" long and 23' lof" apart ; the dead weight of the flooring, stringers, etc. = 800 Ibs. per lineal foot of floor-beam; the live load as given in Fig.- 407, Art. 20, page 639 ; the load is transmitted to the floor-beam by four lines of stringers so spaced as to throw two-thirds of the load upon the inner pair, which are 3 ft. C. to C. 21. In a truss-bridge the panels are 17 ft. and the floor-beams 13 ft. in length. Loads of 8, 12, 12, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10, and 10 tons follow each other in order over the bridge at the distances of 7^, 4^, 4^, 4!, 7^, 5^, 6, and 5^ ft. apart. Determine the moment of resistance of the beam, taking the load due to the platform, etc., to be 500 Ibs. per lineal foot. 22. If the bridge in the preceding question is of the riveted type with a single diagonal system, and with verticals at the panel points, the num- ber of the panels being ten, find how many i-in. rivets are required in the third panel from one end to connect the web with the chords, assum- ing the panel live load to be 30,000 Ibs. and the panel dead load to be 10,000 Ibs. 23. With the loading given by Fig. 409, Art. 20, page 639, design a floor-beam for a single-track bridge with panels 22 ft. long, the weight of the platform being 450 Ibs. per square yard, and of each longitudinal 200 Ibs. per lineal yard. 24. Prepare a table giving the stresses of the several members of a double-intersection through-truss of 154 ft. span, 20 ft. depth, and with eleven panels. The panel engine, live, and bridge loads are 56,000, 35,000, and 16,800 Ibs., respectively. 25. Prepare a table giving the stresses in the several members of a double-intersection deck-truss of 342 ft. span, 33 ft. depth, and with eighteen panels. (Double-track bridge.) The panel engine, train (or live), and dead loads are 96,000, 54,000, and 36,200 Ibs., respectively. 26. Prepare a table giving the stresses in the several members of a .EXAMPLES. .695 through-truss for a double-track bridge of 342 ft. span, 40 ft. depth, and with nineteen panels. The panel engine, live, and dead loads are 96,000, 53,000, and 43,200 Ibs., respectively (double-intersection). Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 Ans. FIG. 444. Chord Panel. Mult. 7326 Mult. 5063 Total Shear transmitted to Panel. Tan- gent. Panel Stress from Shear. Total Panel Stress. t = t. 18 131868 i53 774639 906507 45 407929 407929 t^ - 7326 8oi 407571* 400245^ 45 180110.475 588039 t^ 72* 9 * 6 6ij- 9 53* 9 2 42* 9 t 6 - 7326 34* 1 74673* 167347* 9 150612$ tg 23* 9 '10 j -. 9 ( jeo 45 1 c \ i 1 < 80* 45 V 921696 1 72* 9 | Cn _ 61* 9 c a 53* 9 C 4 42* 9 f| 34* 9 C 6 23* 9 C-r _ 15* 9 c 4* 9 '* - 3* 9 1 Shear Diag. Mult. 553 Mult. 2790 due to Live Mult. 2274 Total Shear. Secant Max. Stress. Load. p 18 153 171 .0965 4t J 7 63* .0965 ^2 16 56* 72* 345 \ i5 75795 70742 48* 42* 118575 2III IO 189317 53* 139851 121659 350961 310976 345 345 12 65689 60636 35* 30* 99045 85095 164734 42* 34* 96645 78453 261379 224184 345 345 301528 di II 24* 23* 345 dg 10 20^ 15* 345 dg 9 4* 345 ^10 8 40424 I 2 * 34875 75299 - 3* - 7959 345 90572 a'll 7 35371 8* -14* - 32973 345 35122 /1 = 139200 Ibs. >2 = 350961 " /3 = 310976 " ' 4 = 261379 Ibs. Z' 5 = 224184 " "6 = 177377 " = 142972 Ibs. = 98955 " = 67340 " 27. Prepare a table showing the stresses in the several members' (including counters) of a ten-panel double-track through railway bridge of 184^ ft. span and 34 ft. depth, the live and dead loads being respect- ively 2250 Ibs. and 1100 Ibs. per lineal foot. (Thamesville Bridge.) 28. Determine the minimum stress-length (stress in a member multi- plied by its length) for a double-intersection Pratt truss of 154 ft. span and with eleven panels. The panel loads for engine = 44,000 Ibs., for train = 696 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 27,500 Ibs., for bridge = 13,200 Ibs. ; coefficient of working strength = 8000 Ibs. per square inch for both compression and tension. 29. A six-panel single-intersection Pratt truss is uniformly loaded. Assuming the same coefficient of strength both for compression and tension, show that the economy of material will be greatest when the diagonals are inclined at 32 25' to the vertical. 30. A double-intersection truss for a single-track through-bridge of 204 ft. span is 29 ft. deep, 20 ft. wide, and has twelve panels. Find the stresses produced in the members of the leeward truss by a panel wind- pressure of 5000 Ibs. acting 8 ft. above base of rails (5-ft. gauge). Ans. Sloping members : ist = 27500 sec oc ; 2d = 12708$ sec a ; 3d = 10208$ sec ft ; 4th = 7708$ sec ft\ 5th = 5208$ sec a ; 6th = 2708$ sec ; 7th = 208$ sec ft. Tension chord : ist panel = 27500 tan a = 2d ; 3d = 40208$ tan a; 4th = 40208$ tan a + 10208$ tan ft; 5th = 40208$ tan a + 17916! tan ft ; 6th = 40208$ tan a + 23125 tan ft. Compression chord : ist = 40208$ tan a + 10208$ tan ft ; 2d = 40208$ tan a + 17916$ tan ft ; 3d = 40208$ tan n + 23125 tan ft ; 4th = 40208$ tan a + 25833$ tan ft ; 5th = 40208$ tan a + 26041! tan ft. Verticals : ist = 5000 ; 2d = 7708$ ; 3d = 5208$; 4th = 2708$ ; 5th = 208$ Ibs. tan a = $| ; tan ft = ff . 31. In the preceding question find the maximum stresses in the members of the fourth panel met by a vertical plane ; engine panel load = 85,000 Ibs., train panel load = 40,800 Ibs., bridge panel load 22,500 Ibs. Ans. Stresses in tension chord = 456^430.45 Ibs. ; in compression chord 645,311.77 Ibs. ; in sloping members = 206,242.5 Ibs.; and 139,705.62 Ibs. 32. Each of the two Pratt single-intersection five-panel trusses for a single-track bridge is 55 ft. centre to centre of end pins and 1 1 ft. 6 in. deep. Timber floor-beams are laid upon the upper chords 2f ft. centre to centre ; the width between the chords = 10 ft. Find the proper scant- ling of the floor-beams for the loading given in Fig. 407, page 639. Also determine the maximum chord and diagonal stresses in the centre panel due to the same live load. 33. Prepare a table giving the stresses in the several members of a double-intersection deck-truss of 342 ft. span, 40 ft. depth, and with EXAMPLES. 697 nineteen panels. (Double-track bridge.) The panel engine, train (or live), and dead loads are 96,000, 53,000, and 43,200 Ibs., respectively. 34. Prepare a table giving the stresses in the several members of a deck-truss for a double-track bridge of 342 ft. span, 33 ft. depth, and with eighteen panels. The panel engine, live, arid dead loads are 96,000, 54,000, and 36,000 Ibs., respectively. 35. The two trusses for a 16 ft. roadway are each 100 ft. in the clear, 17 ft. 3 in. deep, and of the, type repre- sented in the figure ; under a live load of 1 1 20 Ibs. per lineal foot the greatest total stress in AB is 35,400 Ibs. Determine the permanent load. FIG. 445. The diagonals and verticals are riveted to angle-irons forming part of the flanges. How many f-in. rivets are required for the con- nection of AB and BC at B ? Also, how many are required between A and C to resist the tendency of the angle-irons to slip longitudinally ? Working-shear stress = 10,000 Ibs. per square inch. Ans. 708.9 Ibs. ; 8; 4; n. 36. The compression chord of a bowstring truss is a circular arc of 80 ft. span and 10 ft. rise ; the bracing is of the isosceles type, the bases of the isosceles triangles dividing the tension chord into eight equal lengths. Determine the maximum stresses in the members met by a vertical plane 28 ft. from one end. The live and dead loads are each i ton per lineal foot. 37. Design a parabolic bowstring truss of 80 ft. span and 10 ft. rise for a dead load of ton and a live load of i ton per lineal foot. The joints between the web and the tension chord are to divide the latter into eight equal divisions. 38. The compression chord of a bowstring truss is a circular arc. The depth of the truss is 14 ft. at the centre and 5 ft. at each end ; the span = 100 ft. ; the load upon the truss = 840 Ibs. per lineal foot. Find the stresses in all the members. Determine also the maximum stresses in the members met by a vertical 25 ft. from one end when a live load of looo Ibs. per lineal foot crosses the girder. What counter-braces are required ? 39. A Pratt truss with sloping end posts has a length of 150 ft. centre to centre, and a height of 30 ft. centre to centre, with panels 15 ft. long ; the dead load is 3000 Ibs. per lineal foot, and the live load 1200 Ibs. Determine the maximum stresses in the end posts, in the third post from one end, in the middle of the bottom chord, and in the members of the third panel met by a vertical plane. 40. Design a cross-tie for a double-track open-web bridge, the ties 698 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. being 18 ft. 5 in. centre to centre, and the live load for the floor system being 8000 Ibs. per lineal foot. 41. A bowstring roof-truss of 50 ft. span, 15 ft. rise, and five panels is to be designed to resist a wind blowing horizontally with a pressure of 40 Ibs. per square foot* The depth of the truss at the centre is 10 ft. Determine, graphically, the stresses in the several members of the truss, assuming that the roof rests on rollers at the windward support. 42. A bowstring truss of 120 ft. span and 15 ft. rise is of the isosceles braced type, the bases of the isosceles triangles dividing the tension chord into twelve equal divisions ; the dead and live loads are ton and i ton per lineal foot, respectively. Find the maximum stresses in the members met by vertical planes immediately on the right of the second and fourth joints in the tension chord. 43. The figure is a skeleton diagram of the Sault Ste. Marie Bridge (C P. R.). Span = 239 ft. ; there are ten panels, each of 23.9 ft.,, say 24 493000499,000 275,000 275,000 416,000 478,000 484,000 FIG. 446. ft. ; the length of the end verticals = 27 ft., of the centre verticals = 40 ft.; width on truss centres = 17^ ft. The bridge is designed to bear the loading given by Fig. 407, page 639. Show that (a) The stresses in every panel length of each chord are greatest when third driver is at a panel point ; and find the value of the several stresses. : (b} The stresses in the verticals a and the diagonals b are greatest when the third driver is at a panel point ; and find their values. / (f) The stresses in the remaining members of the truss are greatest when the second driver is at a panel point ; and find their values. (d) The maximum stresses in the verticals a! vary from a tension of 64,000 Ibs. to a compression of 11,000 Ibs. (e) The stress in the counter-brace c is nil. Am. The values of thestresses in the several members are marked on the diagram. They are deduced from the distributions given in the table on page 642, and are correct within a very small percentage. 44. The figure represents a counterbalanced swing-bridge, 16 ft. deep and wholly supported upon the turn-table at A and B '; the dead weight is 650 Ibs. per lineal foot of bridge ; the counterpoise is hung from C and D. FIG. 447? Find its weight, assuming (a) that the whole of it is transmitted to B ; (b) that a portion of it is transmitted to A through EXAMPLES. 699 a member BE, sufficient to make the reactions at A and B equal. determine the stresses in the several members of the truss. Also, Ans. Counterpoise in case (a) = 26,162$ Ibs. ; in case (b) = 22,186$% Ibs. Stress transmitted through BE in case ()= 24,012 Ibs. 45. The figure represents a counterbalanced swing-bridge ; the dead load upon the bridge is 650 Ibs. per lineal foot ; the counterpoise is suspended from CD. Find its value, the joint at E being so designed that the whole of the load upon the bridge is always transmitted FIG. 44 b. through the main posts EA, EB, and is evenly distributed between the points of support at A and B. Ans. 20,694.3 Ibs. 46. Find the stresses in the several members of the truss in the pre- ceding question (a) when the bridge is open ; (b) when the bridge is closed and is subjected to a live load of 3000 Ibs. per lineal foot. Height of truss at E = 16 ft., at F = 8 ft. 47. Prepare a table giving the stresses in the several members of a a cs c 3 C4 C6 . single-intersection through-truss of y\ \ 2 N 3 J\ 4 JX 5 X 6 \ \ \ \ J 54 ft - span> 20 ft - de P th ' and with / fi\ff2\f3\ffAfo\j \J \j \J \J \ eleven panels. The panel engine, IQ U& 3 14 tfl 1C FIG. 449. live, and dead (or bridge) loads 27,500, 17,600, and 8470 Ibs., respectively. Ans. Diag. Mult. 2500 Mult. 1600 Sum. Mult. 770 Sum. sec. Total M% Stress. Y p IO 25000 45 72000 97000 55 42350 139350 22 170007 d l 9 22500 36 57600 80100 44 3380 113980 22 139056 dn g 200 oo 28 44800 64800 33 25410 90210 22 110057 <^3 7 17500 21 33600 51100 22 16940 68040 22 83009 6 15000 15 24000 39000 11 8470 47470 22 579 J 4 4 = 47,470 ; ^ 5 = 28,500 Ibs. 48. Compare the relative amounts of iron required in the webs of a single- and a double-intersection Pratt deck-truss of zoo ft. span and having eight panels. Panel live load = L, panel dead load = D. 49. The figure represents a pier, square in plan, supporting the ends of two deck -trusses, each 200 ft. long and 30 ft. deep. The height of the pier is 50 ft. and is made up of three panels, the upper and lower being each 17 ft. deep. Ten square feet of bridge surface and ten square feet of train surface per lineal foot are subjected to a wind-pressure of 40 Ibs. per square foot. The centre of pressure for the bridge is 68 ft., and for the train 86 ft., above the pier's base. The wind also produces a horizontal pressure of 4000 Fia. 450. Ibs. at each of the intermediate panel points on the windward side of the pier. Width of pier = 17 ft. at top and 33! ft. at bottom. The bridge load = 1600 Ibs. per lineal foot, live load = 3000 Ibs. per lineal foot. Determine (a) The overturning moment (3180 ft.-tons). (b) The horizontal force due to the wind at the top of the pier. (61.6 tons.) (c) The tension in the vertical anchorage ties at 5 and T. (Nil.} (d) The vertical and horizontal reactions at T. (275 and 65.6 tons.) Draw a diagram giving the wind-stresses in all the members, and in- dicate which are in tension and which in compression. Ascertain whether the wind-pressure of 40 Ibs. per square foot upon a train of empty cars weighing 900 Ibs. per lineal foot will produce a tension anywhere in the inclined posts. What will be the tension in the anchorage ties ? (20.75 tons.) Find the stresses in the traction bracing (i) when a loaded train trav- elling at 30 miles an hour is braked just as the engine is over the pier and brought to rest in a length of 300 ft. ; (2) when a loaded train with the engine over the pier is started by a sudden admission into the cylin- ders of steam at 100 Ibs. per square inch. Stroke of cylinder = 16 in., diameter of drivers = 5 ft. EXAMPLES. 701 50. The figure represents one half of one of the piers of the Bouble Viaduct. The spans are crossed by two lattice-gir- ders, 14' 9" deep and having a deck platform. The height of the pier is 183' 9" and is made up of eleven panels of equal depth. Width of pier at top = 13' ii", at bottom = 67' 7". With wind-pressure at 55.3 Ibs. per square foot, the total pressure on the girder, train, and pier have been calculated to be 20, 16.2, and 20 tons, acting at points 196.2, 210.3, and 92.85 ft., respectively, above the base. The dead weight upon each half pier is 222^ tons, of which 60 tons is weight of half span, 120 tons the weight of the half pier, and 42^ tons the weight of the train. Assuming that the wind-pressure on the pier is a iiorizontal force of 2 tons at each panel point on the windward side, and that the weight of the pier may be considered as a weight of 6 tons at each panel point, determine (a) The overturning moment. FIG. 451. (b) The total horizontal force at the top of the pier due to the wind. (c) The tension in each of the vertical anchorage ties at 5 and T due to the wind-pressure. (d) The vertical and horizontal reactions at T. Show that the greatest compressive stress occurs in the member RT, and that it amounts to 422 tons. Draw a stress diagram giving the stresses in all the members, indi- cating which are in tension and which in compression. Width of pier at A = 20 ft., at = 23$ ft., at C = 36^ ft. What will be the effect of braking the train when running at 30 miles an hour, so as to bring it to rest within a distance of 220 ft. ? Width of pier in direction of bridge = 9! ft. at top and = 20 ft. at bottom. Ans. (a) 9188 ft.-tons; (ti) 39.9 tons; (c} 24! tons, (d) Hori- zontal reaction = 59.9 tons ; vertical reaction = 247 tons. The accompanying figure represents a portion of a cantilever truss, the horizontal distances of the points A, B t C from the free end being A , / a , I* , respectively. The boom ABC is inclined at an angle a, and the boom XYZ at an angle ft, to the horizon. Find the deflections at the end of the cantilever due to X Y z (a) an increase kAB in the length of AB\ (2) an FIG. 452. increase kiB Y in the length of B Y ; (3) a decrease k*XY in the length of XY\ (4) a decrease kBX in the length of BX. w Ans. (i) BX sin ABX 702 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (3) BX (4)* BX cos a sin - / 9 (cot BXY - cot In the preceding question, if k l = k* = k* = ki = k, and if A W is parallel to ^Jf, and AX to ^ F, show that the angle between WX and xY F after deformation = 2>&(cot ABX + cot B YX). Hence also, if the truss is of uniform depth d, show that the " deviation " 2k of the boom per unit of length is constant and equal to d 52. Six bars have to be arranged upon a steel pin ; each bar is I in. wide and is subjected to a stress of 64,000 Ibs. Should the bars be ar- 64,000 Ibs. FIG. 454. Method 2. ranged according to method i or method 2 ? Why ? Determine the di- ameter of the pin. 53. The accompanying sketch represents one of the pin connections in a certain bridge which was recently overthrown. The two innermost bars are web members inclined to the horizon at an angle whose cosine "^^^ -[42,100 Ib8. FIG. 455. is .815. The thickness of the bars and the maximum stresses to which they are severally subjected are shown on the diagram. Is the 3-in. wrought-iron pin sufficiently strong? CHAPTER XII. SUSPENSION-BRIDGES. I. Cables. The modern suspension-bridge consists of two or more cables from which the platform is suspended by iron or steel rods. The cables pass over lofty supports (piers), and are secured to anchorages upon which they exert a direct pull. Chain or link cables are the most common in England and Europe, and consist of iron or steel links set on edge and pinned together. Formerly the links were made by welding the heads to a flat bar, but they are now invariably rolled in one piece, and the proportional dimensions of the head, which in the old bridges are very imperfect, have been much im- proved. Hoop-iron cables have been used in a few cases, but the practice is now abandoned, on account of the difficulty attend- ing the manufacture of endless hoop-iron. Wire-rope cables are the most common in America, and form the strongest ties in proportion to their weight. They consist of a number of parallel wire ropes or strands, compactly bound together in a cylindrical bundle by a wire wound round the outside. There are usually seven strands, one forming a core round which are placed the remaining six. It was found impossible to employ a seven-strand cable in the construction of the East River Bridge, New York, as the individual strands would have been far too bulky to manipulate. The same ob- jection held against a thirteen-strand cable (thirteen is the next number giving an approximately cylindrical shape), and it was finally decided to make the cable with nineteen strands. Seven of these are pressed together so as to form a centre core, around which are placed the remaining twelve, the whole being con- tinuously wrapped with wire. 703 704 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. In laying up a cable great care is required to distribute the tension uniformly amongst the wires. This may be effected either by giving each wire the same deflection or by using straight wire, i.e., wire which when unrolled upon the floor from a coil remains straight and shows no tendency to spring back. The distribution of stress is practically uniform in un- twisted wire ropes. Such ropes are spun from the wires and strands without giving any twist to individual wires. The back-stay is the portion of the cable extending from an anchorage to the nearest pier. The elevation of the cables should be sufficient to allow for settling, which chiefly arises from the deflection due to the load and from changes of temperature. The cables may be protected from atmospheric influence by giving them a thorough coating of paint, oil, or varnish, but wherever they are subject to saline influence, zinc seems to be the only certain safeguard. 2. Anchorage, Anchorage Chains, Saddles. The an- chorage, or abutment, is a heavy mass of masonry or natural rock to which the end of a cable is made fast, and which re- sists by its dead weight the pull upon the cable. FIG. 456. FIG. 457. FIG. 458. The cable traverses the anchorage as in Figs. 456 to 458, and passes through a strong, heavy cast-iron anchor-plate, and, if made of wire rope, has its end effectively secured by turning it round a dead-eye and splicing it to itself. Much care, how- ever, is required to prevent a wire-rope cable from rusting on account of the great extent of its surface, and it is considered advisable that the wire portion of the cable should always ter- minate at the entrance to the anchorage and there be attached to a massive chain of bars, which is continued to the anchor- plate or plates and secured by bolts, wedges, or keys. ANCHORAGE, ANCHORAGE CHAINS, SADDLES. In order to reduce as much as possible the depth to which it is necessary to sink the anchor-plates, the anchor-chains are frequently curved as in Fig. 458. This gives rise to an oblique force, and the masonry in the part of the abutment subjected to such force should be laid with its beds perpendicular to the line of thrust. The anchor-chains are made of compound links consisting alternately of an odd and an even number of bars. The friction of the link-heads on the knuckle-plates considerably lessens the stress in a chain, and it is therefore usual to diminish its sectional area gradually from the entrance E to the anchor. This is effected in the Niagara Suspension Bridge by varying the section of the bars, and in the East River Bridge by vary- ing both the section and the number of the bars. The necessity of preserving the anchor-chains from rust is of such importance that many engineers consider it most essential that the passages and channels containing the chains and fastenings should be accessible for periodical examination, painting, and repairs. This is unnecessary if the chains are first chemically cleaned and then embedded in good hydraulic cement, as they will thus be perfectly protected from all at- mospheric influence. The direction of an anchor-chain is changed by means of a saddle or knuckle-plate, which should be capable of sliding to an extent sufficient to allow for the expansion and contraction of the chain. This may be accomplished without the aid of rollers by bedding the saddle upon a four- or five-inch thickness of asphalted felt. The chain, where it passes over the piers, rests on saddles, the object of which is to furnish bearings with easy vertical curves. Either the saddle may be constructed as in Fig. 459, so as to allow the cable to slip over it with compara- tively little friction, or the chain may be secured to the saddle, and the saddle supported upon rollers which work over a per- fectly true and horizontal bed formed by a saddle-plate fixed to the pier. 7 o6 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 3. Suspenders. The suspenders are the vertical or in- clined rods which carry the platform. FIG. 460. FIG. 461. FIG. 462. FIG. 463. In Fig. 460 the suspender rests in the groove of a cast- iron yoke which straddles the cable. Fig. 461 shows the suspender bolted to a wrought-iron or steel ring which em- braces the cable. When there are more than two cables in the same vertical plane, various methods are adopted to insure the uniform distribution of the load amongst the set. In Fig. 462, for example, the suspender is fastened to the centre of a small wrougnt-iron lever PQ, and the ends of the lever are connected with the cables by the equally strained rods PR and QS. In the Chelsea bridge the distribution is made by means of an irregularly shaped plate (Fig. 463), one angle of which is supported by a joint-pin, while a pin also passes through another angle and rests upon one of the chains. The suspenders carry the ends of the cross-girders (floor- beams), and are spaced from 5 to 20 ft. apart. They should be provided with wrought-iron screw-boxes for purposes of adjustment. 4. Curve of Cable. CASE A. An arbitrarily loaded flexible cable takes the shape of one of the catenaries, but the true catenary is the curve in which a cable of uniform section and material hangs under its own weight only. Let A be the lowest point of the cable, and take the ver- tical through A as the axis of y. Take the horizontal through O as the axis of x, the origin O being chosen so that Hmp, ...... (i) / being the weight of a unit of length of the cable, and H the horizontal pull at A. CURVE OF CABLE. 707 m or AO is the parameter, or modulus, of the catenary, and OG is the directrix. Let x, y be the co-ordinates of any point P, the length of the arc AP being s. Draw the tangent PT and the ordinate PN. The triangle PNT is evidently a triangle of forces for the portion AP, PN representing the weight of AP (viz., ps), PT \ O N FIG. 464. \ the tangential pull T at P, and NT the horizontal pull H at A. dy n ~ AT PN PS s * -7-= tan PTN= -=jr =-=-, ... (2) dx TN H m which gives the differential equation to the catenary. It may be easily integrated as follows : ds or dy^ l~ ~~? i v I + * = * f. (s) ds dx . ? tog(* in c being a constant of integration. When x = o, s = o, and therefore log m = c. Hence, log M^+^ = 708 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. or or m - \ / \ -e -). ...... (4) Again, ^ ji dy s i* * -y- = - = -(e e ); V dx m 2 and hence, tn - (5) The constant of integration is zero, since y = m when x o. The last equation is the equation to the catenary, while eq. (4) gives the length of the arc A P. By equations (4) and (5), (6) Draw NM perpendicular to PT, and let the angle PTN = PNM=e. Then PM = PN sin = y = s , . . . (7) /* x m* * =y 7, = 2 A- and tan 3 = 2 Ai, )&, = >&, = , and hence tan ft-as= = tan ^,. 6. Length of Arc of Cable. Let OP = s, Fig. 465, wx Since tan = -==, 2 or sec a OdB = -^^r = ~ approximately. Integrating between O and P, . * / 7. Weight of Cable. The ultimate tenacity of iron wire is 90,000 Ibs. per square inch, while that of steel rises to 200,000 Ibs., and even more. The strength and gauge of cable wire may be insured by specifying that the wire is to have a certain ultimate tenacity and elastic limit, and that a given number of lineal feet of wire is to weigh one pound. Each of the wires for the cables of the East River Bridge was to have an ultimate tenacity of 3400 Ibs., an elastic limit of 1600 Ibs., and 14 lineal feet of the wire were to weigh one pound. A very uniform wire, having a coefficient of elasticity of 29,000,000 Ibs., has been the result, and the process of straightening has raised the ultimate tenacity and elastic limit nearly 8 per cent. Let W, be the weight of a length a, (= OD) of a cable of sufficient sectional area to bear safely the horizontal tension H. Let W^ be the weight of the length s,( = OA) of the cable of a sectional area sufficient to bear safely the tension 7\ at A. Let /be the safe inch-stress. Let q be the specific weight of the cable material. Then and 7 1 4 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. '. --.| -<-*+!<- +.4 or + V), nearly. A saving may be effected by proportioning any given section to the pull across that section. At any point (x, y) the pull = H sec 0, and the correspond- ing sectional area j . The weight per unit of length = -7. g, and the total weight of the length s l (= OA) is r sec ds Hq f Hence, and also The weight of a cubic inch of steel averages .283 Ib. The weight of a cubic inch of wrought-iron averages .278 Ib. IT The volume in inches of the cable of weight W 1 = \2a l p . DEFLECTION OF CABLE. 715 W, -- = .283 lb. or .278 lb., according as the cable is made of steel or iron. Let the safe inch-stress of steel wire be taken at 33,960 Ibs., of the best cable-iron at 14,958 Ibs., and of the best chain-links at 9972 Ibs. Then W, = Ha, X .283 X = for steel cables ; W t = Ha, X .278 X -~- g = for iron cables ; t = Ha, X .278 X ~ = for link cables. Note. About one-eighth may be added to the net weight of a chain-cable for eyes and fastenings. 8. Deflection of a Cable due to an Elementary Change in its Length. By the corollary of Art. 6 the total length (S) of the cable A OB is Now a, and #, are constant ; h^ h 9 is also constant, and therefore dh^ = dh v Hence, If the alteration in length is due to a change of / in the temperature, dS = etS, e being the coefficient of linear expansion and = ^ ^~ per degree Fahr. for wrought-iron. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. In England the effective range of temperature is about 60 Fahr., while in other countries it is usual to provide for a range of from 100 to 150 F. If the alteration is due. to a pull of intensity /per unit of area, dS = gS, E being the coefficient of elasticity of the cable material. If h, = h, = h, a 16 h # , = a t = , and dS = dh. 9. Curve of Cable from which the load is suspended by a series of sloping rods. r o E N FIG. 466. Let O be the lowest point of such a cable. Let the tangent at O, and a line through O parallel to the suspenders, be the axes of x and y, respectively. Let w' be the intensity of the oblique load. Consider a portion OP of the cable, and let the co-ordinates of P with respect to OX, OY be x and y. Draw the ordinate PN, and let the tangent at P meet ON in E. As before, PNE is a triangle of forces, and E is the middle point of ON. Then PN 2 _ _ ^ 2 _ ~~' ~~ ~ y ' the equation to a parabola with its axis parallel to OY and its focus at a point S, where ^SO ,- . CURVE OF CABLE WITH OBLIQUE SUSPENDERS. Cor. i. Let the axis meet the tangent at O in T f , and let its inclination to OX be i. Let A be the vertex, and ON' a perpendicular to the axis. Then SO = ST' = SA + A T f = SA + AN'. But AS .AN' = ON" = N f T'*tan*i .-. AS = AN' tan 2 i, and SO = AS(i + cot 2 *) =' -.. sm a z Hence, the parameter 4^45 = ^SO sin 2 /. Cor. 2. Let P be the oblique load upon the cable between O and P. Let Q be the total thrust upon the platform at E. 11 w " " load per horizontal unit of length. " q " " rate of increase of thrust along platform. " / " " length of PE. Then w w . , and q = w cot z ; sm i sin i p = ff ^ x y x* t* y + + *y cos i. 4 Cor. 3. Let s be the length of OP, and let 6 be the inclina- tion of PE to OY. Then s = AP- AO tan (9 - ^ sec(9 - ^ + log,jtan (90 &) + sec (90 - 0)} - tan (90- *) sec (go *) - log, { tan (90 - 1 ) + sec (90 - i) } j //"sin* ( ;-. cot # + cosec <5 ) --- : -J cot cosec 6 cot / cosec i 4- log, - r^ 2W ( cot z -f~ cosec z ) 7i8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. It may be easily shown, as in the Note to Art. 6, that ap- proximately . . s = x 4- y cos t -4- sin 2 * t . . X -j-J/COSZ 10. Pressure upon Piers, etc. Let 7 1 , be the tension in the main cable at A. " T; " " " " " back-stay at A " ?, /? be the inclinations to the horizontal of the tangents at A to the main cable and back-stay, respectively. The total vertical pressure upon the pier at A 7 1 , sin a -j- 7", sin y# /?. The total resultant horizontal force at ^4 = 7i cos f ~ T z cos fi = Q. If the cable is secured to a saddle which is free to move horizontally on the top of the pier (Fig. 467), Q the frictional resistance to the tendency to motion, or Q = ^R t fa being the corresponding coefficient of friction. FIG. 467. Let A Fig. 468, be the total height of the pier, and let W its weight. Let FG be the base o of the centre of pressure. 4 be its weight. Let FG be the base of the pier, and K the limiting position , * f AUXILIARY OR STIFFENING TRUSS. Let /, q be the distance of P and W, respectively, from Then pp _L Wq for stability of position Q = -- />"" and for stability of friction, when the pier is of masonry, . the coefficient of friction of the masonry. If /^ is sufficiently small to be disregarded, Q is approxi- mately nil, and 7, cos a = 7", cos fi = H. The pressure upon the pier is now wholly vertical and is //"(tan a -j- tan /?). When the cable slides over smooth rounded saddles (Fig. 459), the tensions 7, and 7, are approximately the same. Thus, R = T, (sin a + sin ft) and g = T t (cos a cos ft). It a = fi, Q = o, and the pressure upon the pier is wholly vertical, its amount being 27, sin a. The piers are made of timber, iron, steel, or masonry, and allow of great scope in architectural design. The cable should in no case be rigidly attached to the pier, unless the lower end of the latter is free to revolve through a small angle about a horizontal axis. II. Auxiliary or Stiffening Truss. The object of a stiff- ening truss (Fig. 469) is to distribute a passing load over the cable in such a manner that it cannot be distorted. The pull 1 upon each suspender must therefore be the same, and this vir- tually assumes that the effect of the extensibility of the cable and suspenders upon the figure of the stiffening truss may be disregarded. 7 20 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The ends O and A must be anchored, or held down by pins, but should be free to move horizontally. Let there be n suspenders dividing the span into (n -\- i) equal segments of length a. Let P be the total weight transmitted to the cable, and z the distance of its centre of gravity from the vertical through O. Let T be the pull upon each suspender. Taking moments about O, / being the length of OA. Also, if t is the intensity of pull per unit of span, r tl = nT, and hence Pz t . Let there be a central suspender of length s. There will, therefore, be - suspenders on each side of the centre. r The parameter of the parabola = =- . Hence, the total length of all the suspenders If there is no central suspender, i.e., if n is even, the total length = (n i)(s + -" -jJ. Denote the total length of suspenders by L. Then the stress-length = TL = ~PL. AUXILIARY OR STIFFENING TRUSS. ? '21 Let w be the uniform intensity of the dead load. CASE I. The bridge partially loaded. Let w' be the maximum uniform intensity of the live load, and let this load advance from A and cover a length AB. Let OB x, and let R l , R^ be the pressures at O and A, respectively. For equilibrium, R^R^ + tl-wl- /(/ - *) = o ; (i) J_z/-^(/-*) =0. ... (2) Also, since the whole of the weight is to be transmitted through the suspenders, >(l x) ....... (3) From eqs. (i), (2), and (3), (4) which shows that the reactions at O and A are equal in mag- nitude but opposite in kind. They are evidently greatest when x = -, i.e., when the live load covers half the bridge, and the w'l common value is then r- . O The shearing force at any point between O and B distant x' from O which becomes j(l x) R l = R^ when x' equal x. Thus the shear at the head of the live load is equal in magni- tude to the reaction at each end, and is an absolute maximum 722 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. when the live load covers half the bridge. The web of the rf 8 truss must therefore be designed to bear a shear of ^- at the centre and ends. Again, the bending moment at any point between O and B distant x' from O = R l x' + t x" = ~ l -=(x-xx'), . . (6) which is greatest when *' =-, i.e., at the centre of OB, its VOJ / _ JK value then being f~ x *- Thus, the bending moment is O / d * 2 an absolute maximum when ~j~(tx* **) = o, i.e., when x =. -/,. w' and its value is then --- /*. 54 The bending moment at any point between B and A dis- tant x' from O " - - x? = j(x> - x)(l- x'\ (7) d which is greatest when ~r~ t {(^' ~~ *Yt ~ x '}\ = i- e -> when 14-x x' = , or at the centre of AB, its value then being w' x (I x}*. Thus, the bending moment is an absolute niaxi- / 3 mum when -j-\x(l x)*\ = o, i.e., when x = , and its value is then + /'. 54 Hence, the maximum bending moments of the unloaded and loaded divisions of the truss are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, and occur at the points of triscction (D, C) of OA AUXILIARY OR STIFFENING TRUSS. 723 when the live load covers one-third (AC) and two-thirds (AD) of the bridge, respectively. Each chord must evidently be designed to resist both tension and compression, and in order to avoid unnecessary nicety of calculation, the section of the truss may be kept uni- form throughout the middle half of its length. CASE II. A single concentrated load W at any point B of the truss. W now takes the place of the live load of intensity . The bending moment is then negative va^ is a maximum when x' = x -, its value then being Wi The bending moment at any point between B and A dis tant x' from O = R,x' + (t- w )-- W( X ' -x) = -j(x' - /)- - which is a maximum when I W I l\ i.e., when x' = x -4- -, and its value is then -Ax } . 1 2 2/\ 21 Note. The stiffening truss is most effective in its action, but adds considerably to the weight and cost of the whole struc- ture. Provision has to be made both for the extra truss and for the extra material required in the cable to carry this extra load. AUXILIARY OR STIFFENING TRUSS. 725 Stiffening Truss hinged at the Centre. Provision may be made for counteracting the straining due to changes of tem- perature by hinging the truss at the centre E. Let a live load of intensity w advance from A. First, let the live load cover a length AB = x f > ). Let R^ , R^ be the pressures at O, A, respectively. The equations of equilibrium are l + R t + (t-iv)/-iv'x = ; .... (I) --*-'=" W (3) Eqs. (2) and (3) being obtained by taking moments about E. Hence, w' t-w=- -(/ 3 - 4** + 2*') ; ... (4) ; (5) Next, iet the live load cover the length BO ( < -) Let AB = x as before, and let JR/ t RJ, t' be the new values of R lt R^ t, respectively. The equations of equilibrium are now 'X-'V-~*)=o; . . (7) 726 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. *,'- + (;'-Hg=o; (9) and hence, /'- W = 2-(/- *)'[=-(/-, -a-')]' (10) I W \i -*)>(= -R) (12) Diagram of Maximum Shearing Force. The shear at any point distant z from A in the unloaded portion BO when the live load covers AB ^R^(t-w)(l-z) ......... (13) >-, _/)(/_*)} ' - /)(/- z) - w\l- z) = minus the shear at the same point when AB is unloaded and the live load covers BO. For a given value of z the maximum shear, positive or negative, at any point of OB, is found by making (see eq. (13) ) or 3*) - (/-*K- 4/+ 4*) = O, or 7 4# 2/ jr=z/ T- (H) AUXILIARY OR STIFFENING TRUSS. Hence, by eqs. (4), (5), (13), (14), 727 I 2X the maximum shear = %w'x , . . (15) /-* and may be represented by the ordinate m {positive or negative) of the curve mnpq. For example, at the points defined by *= /, v, */, the shears are greatest when *= K |/, i/, and their values are, respectively, o. o VI n I FIG. 470. Again, the shear at any point distant z from A in the loaded portion BE when the live load covers AB = ^ + (/ _ ,)(/- ^) - W '(^ - ^) .... (16) - w - w\l x) = minus the shear at the same point when AB is unloaded and the live load covers BO. Hence, by eqs. (4), (5), (16), \w' the shear = q= - -^(l - ^z](l - x)\ . (17) increasing for a given value of z with / x, and, therefore, a maximum when x = z. Thus, the maximum shear = =f ~r(^ "~ 4 Jtr )(^~- ^t ( J 8) and occurs immediately / front of the load when it covers AB, and immediately behind the load when it covers BO. It 7 28 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. may be represented by the ordinate (positive or negative] of the curve orsq. For example, at the points defined by the maximum shears given by eq. (18) are, respectively, o, yfrw7, T Ve>'/, AV*//, \w'l. Diagram of Maximum Bending Moment. The bending moment at any point in BO distant z from A when the live load covers AB (19) *} = minus the bending moment at the same point when the live load covers BO. Hence, by eqs. (4), (5), (19), the bending moment I w' I w' = - 2 -j(f - At* + 3**X/ -*) =F - -f(l* - Al* + z**)(l -*) 1 . For a given value of z this is a maximum and equal to W ! zl zl 2.Z 2lz T (1-2,) when * = Thus, the maximum bending moment may be represented by the ordinate (positive or negative] of a curve. For example, at the points defined by * = /, v, */, t/, '-, AUXILIARY OR STIFFENING TRUSS. the bending moments are greatest when ^ v, T y, v, v, V-, their values being, respectively, The absolute maximum bending moment may be found as follows : For a given value of x the bending moment (see eq. (19)) is a maximum when or / ze; Hence, the maximum bending moment h " - 2 * w " - 8 /' 4/*r -f 2* 2 ' It will be an absolute maximum for a value of x found by put- ting its differential with respect to x equal to nil. This differential easily reduces to x = f/ is an approximate solution of this equation, and the cor- responding maximum bending moment = -^-^w'T. The preceding calculations show that at every point in its length the truss may be subjected to equal maximum shears and equal maximum bending moments of opposite signs. Again, it may be easily shown, in a similar manner, that 73 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. when a single weight W travels over the truss, the maximum positive shear at a distance z from A W = 7 r(2/' -5/2 the maximum negative shear W either = -(/ 2 - 5 /*+ 42*) I W or = - -j and the maximum bending moment W = T*(/ -*)(/- 2,). 12. Suspension-bridge Loads. The heaviest distributed load to which a highway bridge may be subjected is that due to a dense crowd of people, and is fixed by modern French practice at 82 Ibs. per square foot. Probably, however, it is unsafe to estimate. the load at less than from 100 to 140 Ibs. per square foot, while allowance has also to be made for the con- centration upon a single wheel of as much as 36,000 Ibs., and perhaps more. A moderate force repeatedly applied will, if the interval between the blows corresponds to the vibration interval of the chain, rapidly produce an excessive oscillation (Chap. Ill, Cor. 2, Art. 24). Thus, a procession marching in step across a suspension-bridge may strain it far more intensely than a dead load, and will set up a synchronous vibration which may prove absolutely dangerous. For a like reason the wind usually sets up a wave-motion from end to end of a bridge. The factor of safety for the dead load of a suspension-bridge should not be less than 2^ or 3, and for the live load it is advisable to make it 6. With respect to this point it may be remarked that the efficiency of a cable does not depend so much upon its ultimate strength as upon its limit of elasticity, MODIFICATIONS OF THE SIMPLE SUSPENSION-BRIDGE. 731 and so long as the latter is not exceeded the cable remains un- injured. For example, the breaking weight of one of the 1 5-inch cables of the East River Bridge is estimated to be 12,000 tons, its limit of elasticity being 81 18 tons ; so that with i only as a factor of safety, the stress would still fall below the elastic limit and have no injurious effect. The continual application of such a load would doubtless ultimately lead to the destruc- tion of the bridge. The dip of the cable of a suspension-bridge usually varies from ^ to Y 1 ^ of the span, and is rarely as much as y 1 ^, except for small spans. Although a greater ratio of dip to span would give increased economy and an increased limiting span, the passage of a live load would be accompanied by a greater dis- tortion of the chains and a larger oscillatory movement. Steadiness is therefore secured at the cost of economy by adopting a comparatively flat curve for the chains. 13. Modifications of the Simple Suspension-bridge. The disadvantages connected with suspension-bridges are very great. The position of the platform is restricted, massive anchorages and piers are generally required, and any change in the distribution of the load produces a sensible deformation in the structure. Owing to the want of rigidity, a considerable vertical and horizontal oscillatory motion may be caused, and many efforts have been made to modify the bridge in such a manner as to neutralize the tendency to oscillation. (a) The simplest improvement is that shown in Fig. 472, where the point of the cable most liable to deformation is attached to the piers by short straight chains AB. FIG. 472. (b) A series of inclined stays, or iron ropes, radiating from the pier-saddles, may be made to support the platform at a number of equidistant points (Fig. 473). Such ropes were used in the Niagara Bridge, and still more recently in the East River 73 2 THEORY OF Sl^RUCTURES. Bridge. The lower ends of the ropes are generally made fast to the top or bottom chord of the bridge-truss, so that the cor- responding chord stress is increased and the neutral axis pro- portionately displaced. To remedy this, it has been proposed to connect the ropes with a horizontal tie coincident in position with the neutral axis. Again, the cables of the Niagara and FIG. 473 . East River bridges do not hang in vertical planes, but are in- clined inwards, the distance between them being greatest at the piers and least at the centre of the span. This drawing in adds greatly to the lateral stability, which may be still further increased by a series of horizontal ties. (c) In Fig. 474 two cables in the same vertical plane are diagonally braced together. In principle this method is similar FIG. 474. to that adopted in the stiff ening truss (discussed in Art. 1 1), but is probably less efficient on account of the flexible character of the cables, although a slight economy of material might doubt- less be realized. The braces act both as struts and ties, and the stresses to which they are subjected may be easily calcu- lated. (d) In Fig. 475 a single chain is diagonally braced to the platform. The weight of the bridge must be sufficient to insure FIG. 475. that no suspender will be subjected to a thrust, or the efficiency of the arrangement is destroyed. An objection to this as well MODIFICATIONS OF THE SIMPLE SUSPENSION-BRIDGE. 733 as to the preceding method is that the variation in the curva- ture of the chain under changes of temperature tends to loosen and strain the joints. The principle has been adopted (Fig. 476) with greater per- fection in the construction of a foot-bridge at Frankfort. The FIG. 476. girder is cut at the centre, the chain is hinged, and the rigidity is obtained by means of vertical and inclined braces which act both as struts and ties. (e) In Fig. 477 the girder is supported at several points by FIG. 477. straight chains running directly to the pier-saddles, and the chains are kept in place by being hung from a curved chain by vertical rods. (/) It has been proposed to employ a stiff inverted arched rib of wrought-iron instead of the flexible cable. All straining action may be eliminated by hinging the rib at the centre and piers, and the theory of the stresses developed in this tension rib is precisely similar to that of the arched rib, except that the stresses are reversed in kind. (g) The platform of every suspension-bridge should be braced horizontally. The floor-beams are sometimes laid on the skew in order that the two ends of a beam may be sus- pended from points which do not oscillate concordantly, and also to distribute the load over a greater length of cable. 734 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. EXAMPLES. 1. The span of a suspension-bridge is 200 ft., the dip of the chains is 80 ft., and the weight of the roadway is i ton per foot run. Find the ten- sions at the middle and ends of each chain. Ans. 31 \ tons ; 58.94 tons. 2. Assuming that a steel rope (or a single wire) will bear a tension of 15 tons per square inch, show that it will safely bear its own weight over a span of about one mile, the dip being one-fourteenth of the span. Ans. Max. tension = 33,074 Ibs. 3. Show that a steel rope of the best quality, with a dip of one-seventh of the span, will not break until the span exceeds 7 miles, the ultimate strength of the rope being 60 tons per square inch. Ans. Max. tension = 59.545 tons per square inch. 4. The river span of a suspension-bridge is 930 ft. and weighs 5976 tons, of which 1439 tons are borne by stays radiating from the summit of each pier, while the remaining weight is distributed between four I5~in. steel-wire cables, producing in each at the piers a tension of 2064 tons. Find the dip of the cables. Ans. 66.44 ft. The estimated maximum traffic upon the river span is 1311 tons uniformly distributed. Determine the increased stress in the cables. Ans. 596.4 tons. To what extent might the traffic be safely increased, the limit of elasticity of a cable being 8116 tons, and its breaking stress 12,300 tons ? Ans. To 13,303 tons uniformly distributed. 5. If the span = /, the total uniform load = W, and the dip = , show that the maximum tension = 1.58 W, the minimum tension = 1.5 IV, the length of the chain = i.oiS/, and find the increase of dir> corresponding to an elongation of i in. in the chain. 6. A cable weighing p Ibs. per lineal foot of lengthjs stretched be- tween supports in the same horizontal line and 20 ft. apart. If the max- imum deflection is ft., determine the greatest and least tensions. Ans. Parameter m = 100 ft.; max. tension = ioo/; min. ten- sion = ioo^. 7. A light suspension-bridge carries a foot-path 8 ft. wide over a river 90 ft. wide by means of eight equidistant suspending rods, the dip being 10 ft. Each cable consists of nine straight links. Find their several lengths. If the load upon the platform is 120 Ibs. per square foot, and EXAMPLES. 735 if one-fourth of the load is borne by the piers, find the sectional areas of the several links, allowing 10,000 Ibs. per square inch. Ans. Lengths in ft., 10 ; 10.049; 10.198; 10.44; 10.77. Tensions in Ibs., 45000; 45004/101 ; 45004/104; 4500^109; 4500 4/1 1 6. Areas in sq. in., 4.5 ; 4.522 ; 4.59 ; 4.698 ; 4.847. 8. A suspension-bridge of 200 ft. span and 20 ft. dip has 4^ sus- penders on each side ; the dead weight = 3000 Ibs. per lineal foot ; the live load = 2000 Ibs. per lineal foot. Find the maximum pull on a sus- pender, the maximum bending moment and the maximum shear on the stiffening truss. Also, findthe elongation in the chain due to the live load. Ans. Max. pull = 12,500 Ibs. ; max. shear = 30,000 Ibs.; max. B.M. = 1,066,666$ ft. -Ibs. ; elongation = 89,600,000 -f- EA, A being sectional area of a cable, and E the coefficient of elas- ticity. 9. A foot-path 8 ft. wide is to be carried over a river 100 ft. wide by two cables of uniform sectional area and having a dip of 10 ft. Assum- ing the load on the platform to be 112 Ibs. per square foot, find the greatest pull on the cables, their sectional area, length, and weight. (Safe stress = 8960 Ibs. per square inch ; specific weight of cable = 480 Ibs. per cubic foot.) Ans. H = -=T= 56,000 Ibs.; area =6.73 sq. in.; 4/29 length = io2f ft.; weight = 2302.65 Ibs. 10. Find the depression in the cables in the last question due to an increment of length under a change of 60 F. from the mean temperature. (Coefficient of expansion =i -f- 144000.) Ans. .0802 ft. n. Each side of the platform of a suspension-bridge for a span of 100 ft. is carried by nine equidistant suspenders. Design a stiffening truss for a live load of 1000 Ibs. per lineal foot, and determine the pull upon the suspenders due to the live load when the load produces (i) an absolute maximum shear ; (2) an absolute maximum bending moment. Ans. Max. shear = 6250 Ibs.; max. B.M. = 92,592^ ft.-lbs.; pull on suspender = (i) 2777! Ibs., (2) = 185 iff Ibs. or 3703-1 rf Ibs. 12. In a suspension-bridge (recently blown down) each cable was de- signed to carry a total load of 84 tons (including its own weight). The distance between the piers = 1270 ft.; the deflection of the cable = 91 ft. Find (a) the length of the cable ; (b) the pull on the cable at the piers and at the lowest point ; (c) the amounts by which these pulls are changed by a variation of 40 F. from the mean temperature ; ( anc * 9843! Ibs. at ends of the half truss and at the points dividing the half span into four equal seg- ments. Max. B. M. due to 78,750 Ibs. is at centre of half truss and = 184,570^- ft. -Ibs. Max. B. M. due to 1050 Ibs. per lineal foot =176, 1 80 ff|, 221,484!, and 153,808-^1 ft.-lbs. at points dividing the half truss into four equal segments. 1 8. Show that the total extension of a cable of uniform sectional area A under a uniformly distributed load of intensity iu is wl 3 / 16 since tne triangle AGO is evidently a triangle of forces for the forces acting upon the mass under consideration. Also, W = / wzdx . sin 0. .'. Cwzxdx . sin = WX - W~Y= X ffvz sin Odx - PY. t/o W t/o This is the equation to the line of resistance. Taking the differential of this equation, wz'X sin BdX = Xwz' sin BdX + WdX - PdY 9 z' being the depth corresponding to the abscissa X. dY W AO Thus the tangents to the curve of pressures and to the curve of centres of pressure at any given point coincide, and the curves must therefore also coincide. CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM. 745 3. Conditions of Equilibrium. Let the figure represent a portion of an arch of thickness unity, between any two bed- joints (real or imaginary] MN, PQ. Let W be its weight together with that of the superincum- bent load. Let the direction of the reaction R' at the joint MN intersect MN in m and the direc- tion of J^in n. For equilibrium, the reaction R" at the joint PQQ. must also pass through n. Let its direction intersect PQ in O. In O +W order that the equilibrium may be stable, three conditions must be HIG ' 48z< fulfilled, viz. : First. The point O must lie between P and Q, so that there may be no tendency to turn about the edges Pand Q. Second. There must be no sliding along PQ, and therefore the angle between the direction of R" and the normal to PQ must not exceed the angle of friction of the material of which the arch is composed. N.B. The angle of friction for stone upon stone is about 30. Third. The maximum intensity of stress at any point in PQ must not exceed the safe resistance of the material. Further, the stress should not change in character, in the case of masonry and brick arches, but should be a compression at every point, as these materials are not suited to withstand tensile forces. The best position for O would be the middle point of PQ, as the pressure would then be uniformly distributed over the area PQ. It is, however, impracticable to insure such a dis- tribution, and it has been sometimes assumed that the stress varies uniformly, With this assumption, let ^Vbe the normal component of R". Let /be the maximum compressive stress, i.e., the stress at the most compressed edge, e.g., P. Let OS q . PQ, S being the middle point of PQ, and q a coefficient whose value is to be determined. 746 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. PO Then if PO < , N- f ' PQ and in the limit when PO = , i.e., when the intensity of stress varies uniformly from /at Pto nil at Q, ?=* and &** (See Art. 16, Chap. IV.) Similarly, if Q is the most compressed edge, the limiting position of O, the centre of resistance or pressure, is at a point PQ O' denned by QO' - ~. Hence, as there should be no tendency on the part of the joints to open at either edge, it is inferred that PO or QO' PQ should be > , i.e., that the point O should lie within the middle third of the joint. Experience, however, shows that the " middle-third " theory cannot be accepted as a solution of the problem of arch stability, and that its chief use is to indicate the proper dimensions of the abutments. Joint cracks are to be found in more than 90$ of the arches actually constructed, and cases may be instanced in which the joints have opened so widely that the whole of the thrust is transmitted through the edges. In Telford's masonry arch over the Severn, of 150 ft. span, Baker discovered that there had been a settlement (15 in.) sufficient to induce a slight reverse curvature at the crown of the soffit. Again, the position of the centre of pressure at a joint is indeterminate, and it is therefore impossible as well as useless to make any calculations as to the maximum intensity of stress due to the pressure at the joint. What seems to JOINT OF RUPTURE. 747 happen in practice is, that the straining at the joints generally exceeds the limit of elasticity, and that the pressure is uni- formly distributed for a certain distance on each side of the curve of pressures. Thus, the proper dimensions of a stable arch are usually determined by empirical rules which have been deduced as the results of experience. For example, Baker makes the following statement : Let T be the thrust in tons or pounds per lineal foot of width of arch. Let f be the safe working stress in tons or pounds per square foot. An arch will be stable if an ideal arch, with its bounding i T surfaces at a minimum distance of from the curve of pres- sures, can be traced so as to lie within the actual arch. An advance would be made towards a more correct theory if it were possible to introduce into the question, the elasticity and compressibility of the materials of construction. These ele- ments, however, vary between such wide limits that no reliance can be placed upon the stresses derivable from their values. 4. Joint of Rupture. Let I 2, 3 4 be the bounding surfaces between which the curve of pressures must lie, and let 4 be 2 FIG. 483. the centre of pressure at the crown. A series of curves of pressure may be drawn for the same given load, but with different values of the horizontal thrust h. Let AfXy be that particular curve which for a value //of the horizontal thrust is tangent to the surface I 2 at x ; the joint at x is called the joint of rupture. The angle which the joint of rupture makes with the 748 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. horizontal is about 30 in semicircular and 45 in elliptic arches. The position of the joint in any given arch may be tenta- tively found as follows : Lety be any joint in the surface I 2. Let Wbe the weight upon the arch between /"and I. Let X be the horizontal distance between J and the centre of gravity of W. Let Y be the vertical distance between J and 4. It will also be assumed that the thrust at 4 is horizontal. If the curve of pressure be now supposed to pass through J, the corresponding value of the horizontal thrust h is given by kY= WX. By means of this equation, values of h may be calculated for a number of joints in the neighborhood of the haunch, and the greatest of these values will be the horizontal thrust H for the joint x. This is evident, as the curve of pressure for a smaller value of h must necessarily fall below ^xy. When this happens, the joints will tend to open at the lower edge of the joint I 4 and at the upper edges of the joints at x and at 2 3, so that the arch may sink at the crown and spread, unless the abutments and the lower portions of the arch are massive enough to counteract this tendency. If the curve of pressure fall above A^xy, an amount of back- ing sufficient to transmit the thrust to the abutments must be provided. The same result may be attained by a uniform in- crease in the thickness of the arch ring, or by a gradual increase from the crown to the abutments. For example, the upper sur- face (extrados) of the ring for an arch with a semicircular soffit A KB, having its centre at O, may be delineated in the following manner: ^ Let x define the joint of rup- ture in the soffit ; then AOx 30. \ MINIMUM THICKNESS OF ABUTMENT. 749 be Y the In Ox produced take xx r = 2 X KD, KD being the thick- ness at the crown. The arc Dx' of a circle struck from a centre in DO pro- duced may be taken as a part of the upper boundary of the ring, and the remainder may be completed by the tangent at x l to the arc Dx' . 5. Minimum Thickness of Abutment. Let resultant thrust at the horizontal joint BC of a rectangular abutment ABCD. Let y be the distance of its point of applica- C tion from B. Let // and V be the horizontal and vertical components of T. Let w be the specific weight of the material in the abutment. Let h be the height AB of the abutment. Let t be the width AD of the abutment. FIG. 485. In order that there may be no tendency to turn about the toe D, the moment of the weight of the abutment with respect to D plus the moment of V with respect to D must be greater than the moment of H with respect to D. Or, or - + V(t-y)> Hh, H \ I 2 4- 2V 4- V * h > V W~* Wk- ufk* This relation must hold good whatever the height of the abutment may be ; and if h is made equal to oo , which defines a minimum limit for the thickness of the abut- ment. 750 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 6. Empirical Formulae. In practice the thickness /at the crown is often found in terms of s, the span, or in terms of p, the radius of curvature at the crown, from the formulae t = c Vs, or t = Vcp, t, s, and p being all in feet, and c being a constant. According to Dupuit, / = .36 Vs for a full arch ; / = .27 Vs for a segmental arch. According to Rankine, = l/.i 2p for a single arch ; / = V.ijp for an arch of a series. 7. Examples of Linear Arches, or Curves of Pressure. \(a) Linear Arch in the Form of a Parabola. Suppose that the cable in Art. 4, Chap. XII, Case B, is exactly inverted, and that it is stiffened in such a manner as to resist distortion. Suppose also that the load still remains a uniformly distributed weight of intensity w per horizontal unit of length. A thrust will now be developed at every point of the inverted cable equal to the tension at the corresponding point of the original cable. Thus the inverted parabola is a linear arch suitable for a real arch which has to support a load of intensity w per horizontal unit of length. The horizontal thrust at the crown = H = wp, p being the radius of curvature at the crown. (fr) Linear Arch in the Form of a Catenary. Transformed Catenary. If the cable in Art. 4, Chap. XIT, Case A, is in- N T o N verted and stiffened as before, a linear arch is obtained suitable for" a real arch which has to support a load dis- tributed in such a manner that the weight upon any portion AP is pro- p , portional to the length of AP, and is in fact =ps. The area OAPN ' ms. Thus, a lamina of thickness unity and specific weight w, bounded by the curve AP, the directrix ON, and the verticals AO, PN, weighs wms, and may be taken EXAMPLES OF LINEAR ARCHES. 75 r to represent the load upon the arch if wms ps, i.e., if wm = J>, i.e., if the weight of m units of the lamina is w. The horizontal thrust at the crown H wm = wp, the radius of curvature (p) at the crown being equal to m. A disadvantage attached to a linear arch in the form of a catenary lies in the fact that only one catenary can pass through two given points, while, in practice, it is often neces- sary that an arch shall pass through three ^points in order to meet the requirements of a given rise and span. This difficulty may be obviated by the use of the transformed catenary. Upon the lamina PAPNN as base, erect a solid, with its horizontal sections all the same, and, for simplicity, with its generating line perpendicular to the base. Cut this solid by a plane through NN inclined at any re- quired angle to the base. The intersection of the plane and solid will define a transformed catenary P'A'P', or a new linear arch, and the shape of a new lamina P'A'P'NN, under which the arch will be balanced. This is evident, as the new arch and lamina are merely parallel projections of the original. The projections of horizontal lines will remain the same in length. The projections of vertical lines will be c times the lengths of the lines from which they are projected, c being the secant of the angle made by the cutting plane with the base. Let .*, Y be the co-ordinates of any point P' of the trans- formed catenary. Let x, y be the co-ordinates of the corresponding point P in the catenary proper. Then YPW A'Q M _ _ = ~ y ~ PN ~ AO The equation to the catenary proper is (2) 75 ^ THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Substituting in the last equation the value of y given by eq. (i), which is the equation to the transformed catenary. With this form of Linear arch the depths M over the crown and Y over the springings, for a span 2x, may be assumed, and the corresponding value of m determined from eq. (3). It is convenient, in calculating m, to write eq. (3) in the form -'- ... (4) The slope i' at P' is given by dY Ml*- -c\ Ms tarn = y = I* e 1 = , dx 2m\ I m s being the length AP of the catenary proper, corresponding to the length A'P' of the transformed catenary. 'P'N= C . 754 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Thus, at any point of the arch, the horizontal intensity of pressure = vertical intensity = normal intensity =/. Again, the total horizontal pressure on one-half of the arch = 2(p. CE) = p2(CE) = pr = H, and the total vertical pressure on one-half of the arch = 2(p . DE) = Hence, at any point of the arch the tangential thrust = pr. Next, upon the semicircle as base, erect a semi-cylinder. Cut the latter by an inclined plane drawn through a line in the plane of the base parallel to OA. The intersection of the cut- ting plane and the semi-cylinder is the semi-ellipse B'AB', in which the vertical lines are unchanged in length, while the lengths of the horizontal lines are c times the lengths of the corresponding lines in the semicircle, c being the secant of the angle made by the cutting plane with the base. A semi- elliptic arch is thus obtained, and the forces to which it is sub- jected are parallel projections of the forces acting upon the semicircular arch. These new forces are in equilibrium (see Corollary). Let P' = the total vertical pressure upon one-half of the arch ; H' the total horizontal pressure upon one-half of the arch ; EXAMPLES OF LINEAR ARCHES, 755 P py = vertical intensity of pressure = ^-57 ; tft p x ' = horizontal intensity of pressure = ~7=rr Then P f = P=H = pr; ........ (i) P P y '- OB'~ c.OB~~ cr "" H f = cH = cP = cP'-, ....... (3) H' Hence, by eq. (3), /_ ___ px ~- OA' ~ OA ~~ : r ~ *L OB ' ~P~~ ~OA' or, the total horizontal and vertical thrusts are in the ratio of the axes to which they are respectively parallel, and, by eqs. (2) and (4), A.' -I OA " p x '~S~ OB'* ; or, the vertical and horizontal intensities of pressure are in the ratio of the squares of the axes to which they are respectively parallel. Any two rectangular axes OG, OK in the circle will project into a pair of conjugate radii OG' , OK' in the ellipse. Let OG' = r lt OK' = r 2 ; Q = total thrust along elliptic arch at K\ E> a /" Then H r H r THEORY OF STRUCTURES. or, the total thrusts along an elliptic arch at the extremities of a pair of conjugate radii are in the ratio of the radii to which they are respectively parallel. The preceding results show that an elliptic linear arch is suitable for a load distributed in such a manner that the vertical and horizontal intensities (eqs. (2) and (4) ) at any point of the arch are unequal, but are uniform in direction and magnitude. Corollary. It can be easily shown that the projected forces acting upon the elliptic arch are in equilibrium. The equations of equilibrium for the forces acting upon the circular arch may be written T being the thrust along the arch at the point xy, and X, Y the forces acting upon the arch parallel to the axes of x and y, respectively. If T', X', V be the corresponding projected forces, ~ = ~, Xds = cX'ds', Yds = Y'ds*. Hence, the above equations may be written d j^p cdx^ + cX'ds' = o, and or and d\ ( Tid ] + *'*** Hence, the forces T 1 ', X', and Y' are also in equilibrium. EXAMPLES OF LINEAR ARCHES. (d) Hydrostatic Arch. Let the figure represent a portion of a linear arch suited to support a load which will induce in it a normal pressure at every point. The pressure being normal has no tangential component, and the thrust (7") along the arch must therefore be everywhere the same. Consider any indefinitely small element CD. It is kept in equilibrium by the equal -FIG ' 489 ' thrusts (7") at the extremities C and D, and by the pressure / . CD. The intensity of pressure / being assumed uniform for the element CD, the line of action of the pressure/. CD bisects CD at right angles. Let the normals at C and D meet in O l , the centre of curvature. Take Of O,D = p, and the angle CO,D = 2 AS. Resolving along the bisector of the angle 6 =p. CD pp or 2TA& = pp. 2 AS \ and hence, T = pp = a constant. . . . (i) Thus, a series of curves may be obtained in which p varies inversely as/, and the hydrostatic arch is that curve for which \\\e pressure p at any point is directly proportional to the depth of the point below a given horizontal plane. Denote the depth by y, and let w be the specific weight of the substance to which the pressure/ is due. Then P = wy, .......... . . (2) and T pp wyp = a constant. . . . (3) The curve may be delineated by means of the equation yp = const ........... (4) 75 8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. It may be shown, precisely as in Case (c), that the horizontal intensity of pressure (p^) =: the vertical intensity (p y ) =fl (5) Take as the origin of co-ordinates the point O vertically above the crown of the arch, in the given horizontal plane. Let the horizontal line through O be the axis of x. " " vertical " " " " " " " y. Any portion AM of the arch is kept in equilibrium by the O equal thrusts (T) at A and M, j and by the resultant load P upon AM, which must necessarily act in a direction bisecting the angle ANM. FIG. 490. Complete the parallelogram AM, and take SN NM to represent T. The diagonal NL will therefore represent P. Let be the inclination of the tangent at M to the hori- zontal. The vertical load upon AM vertical component of P = LK T sin 6 = pp sin = wyp sin = wy p sin 0, . (6) y ot p being the values of y, p, respectively, at A. The horizontal load upon AM= horizontal component of P = NK=SN-KS = T- = 2pp (sin -) = 2wyp sin = 2wy p (sin -) . . (7) \ 2i' ' Again, the vertical load upon AM / "* pdx w / ydx = wy p sin ; (8) e/o vo the horizontal load upon AM f*y f*y iv / \ = J pdy = wj^ ydy = -(/ - y*) = 2wy p (s'm -j . (9) EXAMPLES OF LINEAR ARCHES. 759 Equation (8) also shows that the area bounded by the curve AM, the verticals through M and A, and the horizontal through is equal to y p a sin #, and is therefore proportional to sin 0. At the points defined by d = 90 the tangents to the arch are vertical, and the portion of the arch between these tangents is alone available for supporting a load. The vertical and horizontal loads upon one-half the arch are each equal to WJW Corollary. The relation given in eq. (i) holds true in any arch for elements upon which the pressure is wholly normal. This has been already proved for the parabola and catenary, in cases (a) and (b). At the point A' of the elliptic arch, _ OB'* _ c*r* _ = '-~ r ~~ ~ Hence, the horizontal thrust at A' = PyP = ~P = P Cr = H - (e) Geostatic Arch. The geostatic is a parallel projection of the hydrostatic arch. The vertical forces and the lengths of vertical lines are unchanged. The horizontal forces and lengths of hori- zontal lines are changed in a given ratio c to I. Let B' A be the half-geostatic curve de- FIG. 491. rived from the half-hydrostatic curve BA. The vertical load on AB' P f = P= thrust along arch at B'. ... (i) The horizontal load on AB' = H' = cH thrust along arch at A. . . . (2) The new vertical intensity -^'- -*-A2 , f > OB' THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The new horizontal intensity H 1 cH ~ =C ^ = ^ .... (4) Thus, the geostatic arch is suited to support a load so dis- tributed as to produce at any point a pair of conjugate press- ures ; pressures, in fact, similar to those developed according to the theory of earthwork. Let R l , R^ be the radii of curvature of the geostatic arch at the points A, B' , respectively, and let r lt r y be the radii of curvature at the corresponding points A, B of the hydrostatic arch. The load is wholly normal at A and B ' . Thus, H' =p y f R l =^R l =:cH=cpr l . ... (5) ' R* = ^ ....... ..... (6) Also, cR, = r,. . ..... '. . . . . . (8) (/) General Case. Let the figure represent any linear p arch suited to support a load which is sym- metrically distributed with respect to the crown A, and which produces at every point of the arch a pair of conjugate pressures, the one horizontal and the other vertical. Take as the axis of y the vertical through the crown, and as the axis of x the hori- FIG. 492. zontal through an origin O at a given dis- tance from A. Any portion A M of the arch is kept in equilibrium by the horizontal thrust H at A, the tangential thrust T at M, and the resultant load upon AM, which must necessarily act through the point of intersection N of the lines of action of //and T. Since the load at A is wholly vertical, H is given by X.=P,P., - ...... (i) EXAMPLES OF LINEAR ARCHES. jl p and p being, respectively, the vertical intensity of pressure and the radius of curvature at A. Let MN = T, and take NS = H . Complete the parallelogram SM\ the diagonal NL is the resultant load upon AM "in direction and magnitude. The vertical (KL) and the horizontal (KN) projections of NL are, therefore, respectively, the vertical and horizontal loads upon AM. Denote the vertical load by V, the horizontal by//. Then (2), and H=KN=SN-SK=H ~ Fcot 0, . . (3) being the angle between MN and the horizon. dV p yy the vertical intensity of pressure, -j . ..... (4) p x , the horizontal intensity of pressure "> ..... (?) EXAMPLE. A semicircular arch of radius r, with a hori- zontal extrados at a vertical distance R from the centre. The angle between the radius to J/and the vertical = 6. .'. x r sin #, y = R r cos 0. . . . (i) dx=r cos Ode, dy = r sin OdO ..... (2) p y wy = w(R r cos 0), ...... (3) w being the specific weight of the load. Hence, V = wf\R - r cos 0)r cos BdB I rtt r sin 2#\ = wr(R sine-- - ]. ... (4) 7^2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Equations (3) and (4) give H '; for p. = w(R-r), (5) ind hence HQ == wr(R -r) (6) p x , the horizontal intensity of pressure, d . ( n r B - sin cos 6 _\ , , = -7- (Fcotff) = w\R . -a rcosfl). (7) dy^ \ 2 sin 9 / Rankine gives the following method of determining whether a linear arch may be adopted as the intrados of a real arch. At the crown a of a linear arch ab measure on the normal a length aCj so that c may fall within the limits required for stability (e.g., within the middle third). At c two equal and opposite forces, of the same magnitude as the horizontal thrust H at a, and acting at right angles to ac, may be introduced without altering the equilibrium. Thus the thrust at a is replaced by an equal thrust at c, and a right-handed couple of moment H . ac. Similarly, the tangential thrust T at any point d of ab may be replaced by an equal and parallel thrust at e, and a couple of moment T . de. The arch will be stable if the length of de, which is normal to ab at dj is fixed by the condition T . de = H . ac, and if the line which is the locus of e falls within a certain area (e.g., within the middle third of the arch ring. 8. Arched Ribs in Iron, Steel, or Timber. In the fol- lowing articles, the term arched rib is applied to arches con- structed of iron, steel, or timber. The coefficients of elasticity are known quantities which are severally found to lie between certain not very wide limits, and their values maybe introduced into the calculations with the result of giving to them greater accuracy. There are other considerations, however, involved in the problem of the stability of arched ribs which still render its solution more or less indeterminate. It has been shown that the curve of pressure, or linear arch, ARCHED RIB UNDER A VERTICAL LOAD. 763 is a funicular polygon of the extraneous forces which act upon the real arch. It is, therefore, also the b ending-moment curve, drawn to a definite scale, for a similarly loaded horizontal girder of the same span, whose axis is the springing line. When the arched rib carries a given symmetrically dis- tributed load, it will be assumed that the linear arch coincides with the axis of the rib, and that the thrust at any normal cross-section is axial and uniformly distributed. The total stress at any point is made up of a number of subsidiary stresses, of which the most important are : (i) a direct thrust ; (2) a stress due to flexure ; (3) a stress due to a change of temperature. Each of these may be investigated separately, and the results superposed. 9. Bending Moment (M) and Thrust (T) at any Point of an Arched Rib under a Vertical Load. Let ABC be the axis of the rib. Let D and E be points on the same vertical line, E being D-D FIG. 493. on the axis of the rib and D on the linear arch for any given distribution of load. Resolve the reaction at A into its vertical and horizontal components, and denote the latter by H. Since all the forces, excepting H, are vertical, the difference between the moments at D and E = H . DE. But moment at D o. Hence, moment at E = M= H . DE. Let the normal at E meet the linear arch in D'. Then, if T is the thrust along the axis at E, n r E Tcos DED' = ff= 7 > approximately, or H .DE = T.D'E = M. 764 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 10. Rib with Hinged Ends ; Invariability of Span. Let ABC be the axis of a rib supported at the ends on pins or FIG. 494. on cylindrical bearings. The resultant thrusts at A and C must necessarily pass through the centres of rotation. The vertical components of the thrusts are equal to the corre- sponding reactions at the ends of a girder of the same span and similarly loaded, and H is given by the last equation in the preceding article when DE has been found. Let ADC be the linear arch for any arbitrary distribution of the load, and let it intersect the axis of the rib at S. The curvature of the more heavily loaded portion AES will be flattened, while that of the remainder will be sharpened. The bending moment at any point E of the axis tends to change the inclination of the rib at that point. Let the vertical through E intersect the linear arch in D and the horizontal through A in F. Let 8 be the inclination of the tangent at E to the hori- zontal. Let /be the moment of inertia of the section of the rib at . Let ds be an element of the axis at E. _, Mds H.DE.ds Change of inclination at E dv = ^ = - -=j -- . If this change of curvature were effected by causing the whole curve on the left of E to turn about E through an angle dO, the horizontal displacement of A would be ARCHED RIB WITH HINGED ENDS. This is evidently equal to the horizontal displacement of , and the algebraic sum of the horizontal displacements of all points along the axis is H.DE. EF. ds rH. DE . EF. ds 2- m - -=J- - - = Q, . . (i) since the length AC is assumed to be invariable. Thus, the actual linear arch must fulfil the condition ex- pressed by eq. (i), which may be written rDE.EF.ds J- - -=0, (2) since H and E are constant. If the rib is of uniform section, /is also constant, and eq. (2) becomes CDE.EF.ds=o (3) Also, since DE is the difference between DF and EF, f(DF ~ EF)EF. ds=o =f^F. EF. ds-J*EF*ds (4) Remark. Eq. i expresses the fact that the span remains invariable when a series of bending moments, H . DE, act at points along the rib. These, however, are accompanied by a thrust along the arch, and the axis of the rib varies in length with the variation of thrust. Let H be the horizontal thrust for that symmetrical loading which makes the linear arch coincide with the axis of the rib. Let T be the corresponding thrust along the rib at E. The shortening of the element ds at E of unit section T ~ T E EXAMPLE I. Let the axis of a rib of uniform section and hinged at both ends be a semicircle of radius r. Let a single weight W be placed at a point upon the rib whose horizontal distance from (9, the centre of the span, is a. 7 66 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The " linear arch " (or bending-moment curve) consists of two straight lines DA, DC. FIG. 495. Draw any vertical line intersecting the axis, the linear arch, and the springing line AC in E' , D', F', respectively. Let OF' = x, and let dx be the horizontal projection upon AC of the element ds at E'. Then -^ = cosec E'OF' = -== , dx E'F ' or (i) Applying condition (4), f D'F'rdx + f D'F 'rdx = f E'F'rdx, or f D'F'dx + f D'F'dx = f E'F'dx, or area of triangle ADC area of semicircle. And if z be the vertical distance of D from AC, zr = ARCHED RIB WITH HINGED ENDS. 767 or nr z = = one-half of length of rib. (2) nr (3) Hence, if h be the horizontal thrust on the arch due to W, = M = W r* a' 2r (4) Similarly, if there are a number of weights W^ W^ PF 3 , . . , upon the rib, and if h^ h^, h^, . . . are the corresponding hori- zontal thrusts, the total horizontal thrust //will be the sum of these separate thrusts, i.e., (5) It will be observed that the apices (D lt D^, D s , . . .) of the several linear arches (triangles) lie in a horizontal line at the nr vertical distance from the springing line. Ex. 2. An arched rib hinged at the ends and loaded with weights W,, W^ W^ . . . -. L__ _J i._.J__ \ FIG. 497. Let i 2 3 4 ... be the line of loads, W^ being represented by i 2, JF 2 by 2 3, W 3 by 3 4, etc., and let the segments \x, THEORY. OF STRUCTURES. iix, respectively, represent the vertical reactions at A and C. Take the horizontal length xP to represent H, and draw the radial lines Pi, P2, P$ t . . . The equilibrium polygon Ag^g^ . . . must be the funicu- lar polygon of the forces with respect to the pole P, and there- fore the directions of the resultant thrusts from A to lt E l to v , 9 to E 3 , . . . are respectively parallel to Pi, P2, ^3, ... The tangential (axial) thrust and shear at any point p of the rib, e.g., between E t and E s , may be easily found by draw- ing Pt parallel to the tangent at/, and 3^ perpendicular to PL The direct tangential thrust is evidently represented by Pt, and the normal shear at the same point by 3/. The latter is home by the web. If/ is a point at which a weight is concentrated, e.g., t , draw Pt't" parallel to the tangent at , and 5/', 6t" perpen- dicular to Pt't". Pt' represents the axial thrust immediately on the left of E+ , and 5/' the corresponding normal shear, while Pt" repre- sents the axial thrust immediately on the right of E t , and 6t" the corresponding normal shear. A vertical line through P can only meet the line of loads at infinity. Thus, it would require the loads at A and C to be infinitely great in order that the thrusts at these points might be vertical. Practically, no linear arch will even approximately coincide with the axis of a rib rising vertically at the springings, and lience neither a semicircular nor a semi-elliptical axis is to be recommended. Ex. 3. Let the axis of the rib be a circular arc of span 21 and radius r, subtending an angle 2ot at the centre N. Let the angles between the radii NE, NE' and the vertical be ft and 0, respectively. The element ds at E' = rd6. Also, E'F' = r(cos 6 cos a) ; AF = / r sin 6 ; D'F' = (l ~ r sin ARCHED RIB WITH HINGED ENDS. 769 Applying condition (5), / r (cos 8 - cos 'a)*rdO I rr~(t r sin 6>)r(cos 6 cos a)rdB + f j^ (lr sin 6>)r(cos 6 cos a)rdO, Jt l ~- a which easily reduces to r\a(cos 20. -f- 2) f sin 2#J T -j / a ( s i n ^ ^ cos ) -| (cos 2 or z as in Ex. I. Ex. 4. Let the axis be a parabola of span 2/ and rise (Fig. 498, Ex. 3). From the properties of the parabola, la ' and ds* = d or, approximately, ds dx\\ 2X ' Applying condition (5), which easily reduces to an equation giving z or DF. Note. If the arch is very flat, so that ds may be considered ARCHED RIB WITH ENDS ABSOLUTELY FIXED. 771 as approximately equal to dx, the term 2j-,^ 2 in the above equation may be disregarded, and it may be easily shown that 16 or 2 = 32 k II. Rib with Ends absolutely Fixed. Let ABC be the axis of the rib. The fixture of the ends introduces two un- 'K L' FIG. 499. known moments at these points, and since H is also unknown, three conditions must be satisfied before the strength of the rib can be calculated. Represent the linear arch by the dotted lines KL ; the points K, L may fall above or below the points A, C. Let a vertical line DEF intersect the linear arch in D, the axis pf the rib in E, and the horizontal through A in F. As in Art. 10, change of inclination at E, or dO, = ^- r . \ El But the total change of inclination of the rib between A and C must be nil, as the ends are fixed. *Mds Mas -7 = = H.DE.ds which may be written (I) (2) since H and E are constant. 77 2 THE OR Y OF STRUCTURES. If the section of the rib is uniform, / is constant and eq. (2) becomes Again, the total horizontal displacement between A and C will be nil if the abutments are immovable. If they yield, the amount of the yielding must be determined in each case, and may be denoted by an expression of the form yw//, yu being some coefficient. As in Art. 10, the total horizontal displacement p ~ J H.DE.EF.ds H.DE.EF.ds ~ET But H and E are constant. *DE . EF. ds (5) If the section of the rib is uniform, / is also constant, and hence fDE.EF.ds = o or =;... (6) and since DE is the difference between DF and EF, this last may be written ds = o or = . ... (7) Again, the total vertical displacement between A and C must be nil. The vertical displacement of E (see Art. 10) ARCHED RIB WITH ENDS ABSOLUTELY FIXED. Hence, the total vertical displacement *H.DE.AF , = r which may be written .AF /JJtL . Sif , , . -f" *= fe> since H and are constant. If the section of the rib is also constant, .AF.ds. (10) Eqs. (2), (5), and (9) are the three equations of condition. In eq. (9) AF must be measured from same abutment throughout the summation. The integration extends from A to C. EXAMPLE I. Let the axis of the rib be a circular arc of span 2/, subtending an angle 2a at the centre N. Let a weight W be concentrated on the rib at a point E whose horizontal distance from the middle point of the span is a. Let the radius NE make an angle /3 with the vertical. The " linear arch " consists of two straight lines DA', DC' . Let A A = r,, DF = z,CC' = y, . 774 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Draw any ordinate E'F' intersecting the linear arch in D f . Let the radius NE' make an angle with the vertical. Then E'F' r(cos 6 cos ). AF' = l rsintf, and D'F'=(lrs\n if F f is on the left of F\ and D'F' = (l-rsm if /*"' is on the right of F. Also, ^y = rdO. Applying condition (i), os 6> cos *)<# ...... (i) Applying condition (3), and assuming ^ = o, / B (cos ^ - cos ) | (/ - r sin ^q^' +^ 1 ^ 3 + Acos - cos a) I (/ r sin ^)y^ +7, I os 6> - cos r)V0 ..... (2) ARCHED RIB WITH ENDS ABSOLUTELY FIXED. Applying condition (5), + A/+r sin 0) j (/- rsin tff^+f = rC a (cos # cos )(/ r sin 0) (i + 2 + r j^ + (/ - ^-yf~ }(/+*)(>+ 2 y r *(i - ^) (/ - *) (i + 2^)^ /-a // / r s 4* - r . EFFECT OF A CHANGE OF' TEMPERA TURE. 777 These equations may be at once integrated, and the result- ing equations will give the values of y lt jj> 2 , z. If the arch is very flat, so that ds may be taken to be ap- proximately the same as dx, it may be easily shown that 2 /+ 50 2 I 5# 6 12. Effect of a Change of Temperature. The variation in the span 2/ of an arch for a change of t from the mean temperature is approximately = 2etl, e being the coefficient of expansion. Hence, if H t is the horizontal force induced by a change of temperature, the condition that the length AC is invariable is expressed by the equation DE.EF.ds __ 2et i _ a If the rib is of uniform section, 7 is constant; and since E is also constant, the equation may be written . EF. ds 2etl = o. EXAMPLE I. Let the axis AEC of a rib of uniform section FIG. be the arc of a circle of radius r subtending an angle 2a at the centre. First, let the rib be hinged at both ends. 7/8 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. It is evident that the straight line AC is the "linear arch.'* Then, J*DE . EF. ds ^j^EF^ds = r* J*\cos B - cos afdB r*{a(2 -f- cos 201) | sin 2a\. Also, / r sin a. H / 3 Note. If the axis is a semicircle, a = 90, and !L?L EI 2 2etl = o. Second, let the rib \>z fixed zk both ends. The " linear arch" is now a straight line A'C' at a distance = Z?/*') from ^4 C given by the equation CDE.ds^O. .-. CDF. ds =fF. ds y or z Cds = r* /"(cos ^ cos a)dO, or a.3- = r(sin a a cos a). Also, . EF. ds =f(DF . EF^EF^ds = zj*EFds ~ C EF *ds = 2.3T 2 (sin a a cos <*)~ r*{a(2-\- cos 2) f sin 2a\. TT f -^ .'. -JT\ 2Jsr\sin a a cos a) r*{a(2 + cos 2a) f sin 2a\ ( 2etl = o, and / = r sin a. Ex. 2. Let the axis ^7 of a rib of uniform section be a parabola of span 2/ and rise k. (See Fig. 501 in Ex. I.) EFFEC7" OF A CHANGE OF l^EMPERATURE. 779 First, let the rib be hinged at both ends. The straight line AC is the linear arch. Then CDE .EF.ds = f l F 2 and hence, Second, let the rib be fixed at both ends. The linear arch is the line A'C' at a distance z (= DF) from A C given by the equation or E .ds = o = C(DF ~ EF)ds, DFfds = fEF. ds. *T(i + 7^)^ = A(i - f!)(i + 2^>)^. or 2 2 Also, .EF.ds =&F .EF.ds-^ (* 7^0 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence, = o. Remark. The coefficient of expansion per degree of Fah- renheit is .0000062 and .0000067 for cast- and wrought-iron beams, respectively. Hence, the corresponding total expansion or contraction in a length of 100 ft., for a range of 60 F. from the mean temperature, is .0372 ft. (= ^/') and .0402 ft. (= "). In practice the actual variation of length rarely exceeds one- half Q( these amounts, which is chiefly owing to structural con- straint. 13. Deflection of an Arched Rib. FIG. 502. Let the abutments be immovable. Let ABC be the axis of the rib in its normal position. Let ADC represent the position of the axis when the rib is loaded. Let BDF be the ordinate at the centre of the span ; join AB, AD. Then * = AD* - AF* = AB- AF\ arc AB But arc AB arc AD / ~~ ~ ~E ' /being the intensity of stress due to the change in the length of the axis. /. DF* = AB*i - - AF* = ELEMENTARY DEFORMATION OF AN ARCHED RIB. /8l AB* 2 - f\* = BF*- DF* = (BF- DF)(BF + DF) = 2BF(BD\ approximately. ^rj is also sufficiently small to be disregarded. Hence, h I AB* f V + I* f BD, the deflection, = -jr= -^ 7 -g , approximately. 14. Elementary Deformation of an Arched Rib. FIG. 503. The arched rib represented by Fig. 503 springs from two abutments and is under a vertical load. The neutral axis PQ is the locus of the centres of gravity of all the cross-sections, of the rib, and may be regarded as a linear arch, to which the conditions governing the equilibrium of the rib are equally ap- plicable. Let A A ' be any cross-section of the rib. The segment AA'P is kept in equilibrium by the external forces which act upon it, and by the molecular action at A A'. The external forces are reducible to a single force at C and to a couple of which the moment M is the algebraic sum of the moments with respect to C of all the. forces on the right of C. The single force at C may be resolved into a component T along the neutral axis, and a component Sin the plane A A'. THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The latter has very little effect upon the curvature of the neu- tral axis, and may be disregarded as compared with M. Before deformation let the consecutive cross-sections BE 1 and AA meet in R ; R is the centre of curvature of the arc CC' of the neutral axis. After deformation it may be assumed that the plane A A' remains unchanged, but that the plane BB' takes the position B"B'". Let AA' and B"B"' meet in R' ; R is the centre of curvature of the arc CC' after deformation. Let abc be any layer at a distance z from C. Let CC = As, CR = R, CR' = R' y and let Aa be the sec- tional area of the layer abc. By similar figures, ac __ R' + z ab _ R+z ~~A r>/ and ~ ~ As R As R i i i\ The tensile stress in abc - A be As.z = E . Aa; = E . Aa -r ab ab z? A I I l \ i = jfi . Aa . x\~pT jrjji very nearly. The moment of this stress with respect to C Hence, the moment of resistance at A A ' the integral extending over the whole of the section. ELEMENTARY DEFORMATION OF AN ARCHED RIB. 783 Again, the effect of the force T is to lengthen or shorten the element CC', so that the plane BB' will receive a motion of translation, but the position of -R' is practically unaltered. Corollary i. Let A be the area of the section AA r . The total unit stress in the layer abc T Ms the sign being plus or minus according as M acts towards or from the edge of the rib under consideration. From this expression may be deduced (i) the position of the point at which the intensity of the stress is a maximum for any given distribution of the load; (2) the distribution of the load that makes the intensity an absolute maximum ; (3) the value of the intensity. Cor. 2. Let w be the total intensity of the vertical load per horizontal unit of length. Let w, be the portion of w which produces only a. direct compression. Let //be the horizontal thrust of the arch. Let P be the total load between the crown and AA' which produces compression. Refer the rib to the horizontal OX and the vertical OPY as the axes of x and y, respectively. Let x, y be the co-ordinates of C. Then " P=ff~-' t but dP = w,dx. dx ....... (3) MW also, : 784 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 15. General Equations. Let / be the span of the arch. Let x, y be the co-ordinates of the point C before deforma- tion. Let x\ y' be the co-ordinates of the point C after deforma- tion. Let be the angle between tangent at C and OX before deformation. Let 0' be the angle between tangent at C and OX after deformation. Let ds be the length of the element CC' before deforma- tion. Let ds be the length of the element CC' after deformation. d(T i dO i Effect of flexure. ~jp ~g> and ~fa ~ R' Mi i dO' de dO' - dO Let i be the change of slope at C. Then Mds Mds dt = dO dB' = C -0' = f.+ / El ~ Eldx **M ds t being the change of slope at P, and a quantity whose value has yet to be determined. Again, the general equations of equilibrium at the plane A A' are d for the portion w l , Cor. 2, Art. 14, produces compression only and no shear. GENERAL EQUATIONS. 785 S 9 being the still undetermined vertical component of the shear dv at P, and ~ the slope at P. Also, y, ; - *, (8) J/ being the still undetermined bending moment at P. Equations (5), (6), (7), and (8) contain the four undeter- mined constants //, 5 , M , / . Let M l , 5 t , and z, be the values of M, 5, and z, respectively, at Q. Equations of Condition. In practice the ends of the rib are either j&ritf? or free. If they are fixed, z' = o ; if they are free, M = o. In either case the number of undetermined constants reduces to three. If the abutments are immovable, x l / = o. If the abut- ments yield, x^ / must be found by experiment. Let ;r, / = /w being some coefficient. T\\t first equation of condi- tion is x l l=o 1 or x,~l=^H. .... (9) Again, Q is immovable in a vertical direction, and the second equation of condition is (10) Again, if the end Q is fixed, i l = o ; and if free, M l = o ; and the third equation of condition is * t = o, or M l =o ...... (il) Substituting in equations (7) and (8) the values of the three constants as determined by these conditions, the shearing force and bending moment may be found at any section of the rib. Again, cos Q' = cos (0 i) cos + i s ^ n ^ J sin 0' = sin (0 i) sin 6 i cos 6. 786 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. dx' dx ,dy dy' dy dx " ~j~r ~r + * j and jr = j l ~r- ( I2 ds' ds ds ds ds ds v Hence, approximately, d . , .dy d .dx jrt* x) t -j- and -j( y' y\ i . ds^ ds ds^ ds Thus, if JTand Fare respectively the horizontal and verti- cal displacements, dX .dy dY .dx -j- = tr- and r =. tr, as as ds ds or dX . dY 16. Effect of T and of a Change of t in the Temperature. Also, if there is a change from the mean of t in the tem- perature, the length ds\i T^J must be multiplied by (i e/), e being the coefficient of linear expansion. -p-j et), approximately. (14) By equations (i 2), <& = (dx + i . dyy^ = (dx + i . dy)(i -jj &) and dy' = (dy - i.dx)^ = (dy - i.dx](i - ~ et). GENERAL EQUATIONS. 787 .-. dX = d(x' - x )^idy-- and = d(y f y) = idx - ^ etdy, approximately, Hence, and Note. A nearer approximation than is given by the pre- ceding results may be obtained as follows: Let x + dx, y -\- dy be the co-ordinates of a point very near C before deformation. Let x' + dx' , y' -f- dy' be the co-ordinates of a point very near C after deformation. Then ds* = dx* + dy* and ds'* = dx'* + dy'\ .-. ds'* - ds* = dx'* - dx* + dy'* - dy'*, or (ds'-ds)(ds f + ds) = (dx'-dx)(dx f + dx) + (dy'-dy)(dy : + dy). . (ds' ds)ds = (dx' dx)dx + (dy' dy)dy y approximately. . , , .ds dy .'. dx dx = (ds ds)-j- (dy dy)-~ ax 'ax and ds dx dy' -dy = (ds' Hence, by equations (12) and (14), .dy J T(ds dx' dx t-^j-dx -=r-.( I dx eti-- dx dx EA\dx' ^dx 788 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and T (ds\dx J lds\dx , dy > -dy=~ ^^-dz - /. ay / 1 i ds\ r x tds\ i -j-dx I -rr-Ti j 1 ax et I I -j- 1 dx dx / hA\dx I J \dxl ' and r IdsVdx , r*tds\*dx These equations are to be used instead of equations (15) and (16), the remainder of the calculations being computed precisely as before. The following problems are, in the main, the same as those given in Art. 180 of Rankine's Civil Engineering, I3th edition- 17. Rib of Uniform Stiffness. Let \hzdepth and sectional form of the rib be uniform, and let its breadth at each point vary as the secant of the inclination of the tangent at the point to the horizontal. Let A), /j be the sectional area and moment of inertia at the crown. Let A, I be the sectional area and moment of inertia at any point C, Fig. 503. Then (17) Also, since the moments of inertia of similar figures vary as the breadth and as the cube of the depth, and since the depth in the present case is constant, (18) T HsecO H Again, -j- = - - = -j-, and the intensity of the thrust is constant throughout. ARCHED RIB OF UNIFORM DEPTH. 789 Hence, equations (5), (15), and (16), respectively, become /* -*=J* dy H (21) Equation (19) shows that the deflection at each point of the rib is the same as that at corresponding points of a straight horizontal beam of a uniform section equal to that of the rib at the crown, and acted upon by the same bending moments. Ribs of uniform stiffness are not usual in practice, but the formulae deduced in the present article may be applied without sensible error to flat segmental ribs of uniform section. 18. Parabolic Rib of Uniform Depth and Stiffness, with Rolling Load; the Ends fixed in Direction; the Abut- ments immovable. D E O FIG. 504- Let the axis of x be a tangent to the neutral curve at its summit. Let k be the rise of the curve. Let x, y be the co-ordinates at any point C with respect to O. Then and d~x-~ -T\~2-*>' 79 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Let -w be the .dead load per horizontal unit of length. 2/ " " live " " " " " " Let the live load cover a, length DE, = r/, of the span. 'Denote by (A) formulae relating to the unloaded division OEj and by (B) formulae relating to the loaded division DE. .Equations (7) and (8), respectively, become (o Z, JLT \ -)*; ......... (24) (B) S=S,+ ^f - w} X - w'\ x - (i - r)l\. . . (25) ;. ...... (26) (B) M = M, + S.x+--w-\x-(i-r)l\>. (27) Since the ends are fixed, *'. =0 = *; ...... . . (28) Hence, by equations (19) and (26), I ' (UH I ( x } (A) ,= --^ ^Ms + S. +(-jr -w)^ J; . (29) and;hy equations (19) and (27), i . IZkH . (30) i= - When x = /, i = *', = o, and therefore, by the last equation, \- - / ) 9 -H-\/ 2 W )A & r l *- (30 ARCHED RIB OF UNIFORM DEPTH. 791 dv Again, let i = -- . Then /"' .dy J C l dv dy , .dy C l d*y , I ?*"= / Txix dx = l ^x- / v ^ dx ' */ o y o */ o But i, = o, and - = --. r i dy , s& r i u r i r* mj ' / V 1 *^ ~ ~T / vdx =-~r \ 7 ^ ty o t/o t/o */o By the conditions of the problem, x' x and j/ 7 are each zero at Q. Hence, equations (20) and (21), respectively, become (33) =-J MX. .......... (34) Substitute in eqs. (33) and (34) the value of i given by eq. (30), and integrate between the limits o and /. Then i* r tun \ r r o -- h " ' c o o -- --- --- EI l ( 6 ' "24 ' \ I* J 120 120 and ss.tuff i IMS -17.1 which may be written 79 2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. and Hence, by eqs. (31), (35), (36), 4 ' ' 3 When x = l,M=M lt and 5=5,. Hence, by eqs. (25) and (27), and \/ a wW a w \ . /2 2 -AjH; (37) : ('-Z')+f^ (38) 15 , H=- --- _-^_ *J. . . . (39) Substituting in these equations the values of S , M , given above, we have , . . . (40) A I l> and r = - - M//VI- - -r + -) + -kH. . (41) 12 \2 3 4/3 To find the greatest intensity of stress, etc. The intensity of T f-f the stress due to direct compression *=-*- ARCHED RIB OF UNIFORM DEPTH. 793 The intensity of the stress in the outside layers of the rib due to bending is the same as that in the outside layers of a horizontal beam of uniform section A 1 acted upon by the same moments as act on the rib, for the deflections of the beam and rib are equal at every point (eq. (19) ). Also, since the rib is fixed at both ends, the bending moment due to that portion of the load which produces flexure is a maximum at the loaded end, i.e., at Q. Hence, the maximum intensity of stress (/,) occurs at Q, and/, = r- -A/, 7, z l being the distance of the AI /, layers from the neutral axis. H and M l are both functions of r, and therefore /j is an ab- solute maximum when But and dp, o i dH 8. \- ' dM, dr dH 150 ~A // a dr - L A dr r}* dr 4 k i-t- 15. 7, ' dM. V44) Hence, /, is an absolute maximum when The roots of this equation are r = i and 2 4 r = 7 53 A 1 I (45) 794 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 11 . r I makes -j-r- zero, so that the maximum value of p. dr* corresponds to one of the remaining roots. Thus, thewwwr. thrust ' and (4 6 ) the max. tension = - H+ -jMj = //', (47) the values of H and M l being found by substituting in eqs. (39) and (40 i+^^- 2 4 Aft or . , 45 _2_ ' 4 (48) according as the stress is a thrust or a tension. If eq. (47) gives a negative result, there is no tension at any point of the rib. Note. The moment of inertia may be expressed in the form q being a coefficient depending upon the form of the section. Hence, the maximum intensity of stress = ( H '-|- l ) . . ( : tg) Corollary I. If the depth of the rib is small as compared with k, the fraction j will be a small quantity, and the maxi- mum intensity of stress will approximately correspond to r = -J-. ARCHED RIB OF UNIFORM STIFFNESS. 795 The denominator in eq. (39) may be taken to be k, and it may be easily shown that the values of //,//' are : - (50) ,_ i (,// i i S *,\ 5 rf/ 54 v/r\ ' - T, I TV + 7^*4^1 + 3125^: 5' (5I) . 2. If the numerator in eqs. (48) is greater than the denominator, then r must be unity. Hence, by eq. (39) and and by eqs. (38) and (41), Thus, //,/," can be found by substituting these values of H and M l in eqs. (46) and (47). 19. Parabolic Rib of Uniform Stiffness, hinged at the Ends. Let the rib be similar to that of the preceding article. Since the ends are hinged, M 9 = o = M l , while i is an un- determined constant. The following equations apply : (A) S=S.+f=_- W J:r; (54) (B) S=S.+ K- w )*- v /\x-(i-rW; (55) 79^ THEORY OF STRUCTURES. (A) M =Ss + ? -;. ....... (56) (B) M =S,x + -w-{x-( l -r- } l\\ (57) %kH (58) !-* - + -- - i*-(-^ (59) Assume that the horizontal and vertical displacements of the loaded end are nil. Substitute in eqs. (20) and (21) the value of i given by eq. (59). Integrate and reduce, neglecting the term involving the temperature. Then _//.J.l _^ JL. : (6o ) S6ff V s ,. - From (57), since M, = o, \/ , 7 r 3 -^- -wj--ze;7-. . . . (62) Equations (60), (61), and (62) are the equations of condi- tion. Subtract (61) from (60). Then UH \r lr* r*\ H "/ r - which may be written ARCHED RIB OF UNIFORM STIFFNESS. 797 Subtract (63) from (62). Then Hence, /'U + V-5r ; +2o} L " (6S) Eliminating 5 between (61) and (62), UH \/ 3 Also, by (55), r - / - ^V/ = - /> suppose. (67) Eliminating 5 between (62) and (67), _ / , =5i= (^_^_<4_. . . . (68) Eqs. (62), (65), (66), and (68) give the values of H y S ,S lt and i . Again, the maximum bending moment M' occurs at a dM point given by j- = o in (57), i.e., -w'\x-(i-r)l\. .(69) Subtract (69) from (67). Then _/>, = 5, = (^?- ;)(/- *) - /(/-*). 79$ THEORY OF STRUCTURES. Hence, the distance from the loaded end of the point at which the bending moment is greatest is w -- Substitute this value of x in (57), and, for convenience, put w --w pr m> Then p M , = / - m '-m)l- W 'rl\ P'/w' - m a m"\ 2~ ' But by (62), o = S. Hence, M' ', the maximum bending moment, \ (71) As before, the greatest stress (a thrust) = -H+M= P ;, .... ( 72 ) and the value of r which makes // an absolute maximum is given by ~- = o. But by (71), M' involves r 10 in the numera- ARCHED RIB OF UNIFORM STIFFNESS. 799 dpi tor and r 5 in the denominator, so that -~ = o will be an ar equation involving r 14 . One of its roots is r = i, which generally gives a minimum value of //. Dividing by r i, the equation reduces to one of the thirteenth order, but is still far too complex for use. It is found, however, that r =. % gives a close approximation to the absolute maximum thrust. With this value of r, and, for convenience, putting 15 I, i " "' By (65), By (62), By (68), By (66), By (70), n i w' (74) - I W' (75) (77) r^TJ-^-+y By (70. . If the rib is merely supported at the ends but not fixed, the. horizontal displacement of the loaded end may be 800 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. represented by ^H (Art. 1 1). Thus the term ^H must be added to the right-hand side of eq. (15). 20. Parabolic Rib of Uniform Stiffness, hinged at the Crown and also at the Ends. In this case M=o at the crown, which introduces a fourth equation of condition. By (57). L ( UH _ ^_^Tf_l V ~~ s 2 ~r" \~r~ ' w ls ~ 2 \ 2 "" r l ' which may be written >r-r \ J f i\ '-r + -). (79) Eliminating S between (79) and (62), UH w = w ( 2r -\- ^r i). Hence, H = -7}^ w'(2r* 4r+ i)}. . . . (80) 8 ( By (79) S =*^-(3r* -4/-+I) (81) By (68), By (66), By (70) and (82), l-z=J =L. . (84) By (71), PARABOLIC RIB OF UNIFORM STIFFNESS. 8oi When r = j, w'r w f r \ ' (86) t = - -77-7-, and M' = -?. 384 hi, 64 J These results agree with those of (73) to (78), if n = i. In general, when n I, / w-\- (5r a 5r 4 -f- 2r 6 ) =. w w\2r* ^r -f- i), by (65) and (80). Hence, and the roots are r j-, r = i, r = 4/2. Hence, w = I only renders the expressions in (86) identical with the corresponding expressions of the preceding article when n = J or i. Again, the intensity of thrust is greatest at the outer flange of the loaded and the inner flange of the unloaded half of the rib, and is r uw a . w 1 The intensity of tension is greatest at the inner flange of the loaded and the outer flange of the unloaded half of the rib, and is w' if w' The greatest total horizontal thrust occurs when r = I, and its value is 8O2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 21. Maximum Deflection of an Arched Rib. The deflec- tion must necessarily be a maximum at a point given by i = o. Solve for x and substitute in (16) to find the deflection y' y; the deflection is an absolute maximum when -j\y' y) = o. The resulting equation involves r to a high power, and is too intricate to be of use. It has been found by trial, however, that in all ordinary cases the absolute maximum deflection occurs at the middle of the rib, when the live load covers its v/hole length, i.e., when x -, and r = I. CASE I. Rib of Art. 18. For convenience, put I + ~^ = s. Then, by (39), By (38) and (41), -M.= ^ + < V 'f-^^^^ = -M,.. (88) By (36) and (38), S.= -6 ............. (89) By (30), (38), (89), i=-jTJ \ M X ~ 3 M J + 2M *J\ (9> Hence, the maximum deflection C" ., M, f*l x* , x \ MJ' ~ J ( ldx = ~ Tit (* ~ i-T + 2 r) dx = ~ F/32 r w + w' * i 5 e t r =: - n: 7* T d. , suppose. . . (01 ) 384 hi, s ~ 128 s k MAXIMUM DEFLECTION OF AN ARCHED RIB. 803 The central deflection d^ of a uniform straight horizontal beam of the same span, of the same section as the rib at the crown, and with its ends fixed, is Hence, neglecting the term involving the temperature, 4 = ^4 ......... (93) CASE II. Rib of Art. 19. By (65), By (66) and (62), By (30), (94), and (95), Hence, the maximum deflection n ^. (97) If the ends of the beam in Case I are free, its central de- flection 5 *l El _ (98) Thus, the deflection of the arched rib in both cases is less than that of the beam. 804 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 22. Arched Rib of Uniform Stiffness fixed at the Ends and connected at the Crown with a Horizontal Distribut- ing Girder. The load is transmitted to the rib by vertical struts so that the vertical displacements of corresponding points of the rib and girder are the same. The horizontal thrust in the loaded is not necessarily equal to that in the un- loaded division of the rib, but the excess of the thrust in the loaded division will be borne by the distributing girder, if the rib and girder are connected in such a manner that the hori- zontal displacement of each at the crown is the same. The formulae of Art. 18 are applicable in the present case with the modification that /, is to include the moment of inertia of the girder. The maximum thrust and tension in the rib are given by equations (64) and (65). Let z' be the depth of the girder, A' its sectional area. The greatest thrust in the girder = ; -] --- ~. (99) MJ_ ~2EL The greatest tension in the girder = 2EL h~- ( I0 ) H and M l being given by equations (66) and (67), respectively. The girder must have its ends so supported as to be capable of transmitting a thrust. 23. Stresses in Spandril Posts and Diagonals. Fig. 505 represents an arch in which the spandril consists of a series of vertical posts and diagonal braces. 1 n n+l FIG. 505. Let the axis of the curved rib be a parabola. The arch is then equilibrated under a uniformly distributed load, and the diagonals will be only called into play under a passing load. STRESSES IN SPANDRIL POSTS AND DIAGONALS. 805 Let x, y be the co-ordinates of any point F of the parabola with respect to the vertex C. Then 4& y = TT* Let the tangent at Fmeet CB in Z, and the horizontal BE in G. Let BC = k'. Then BL^BC- CL = BC- CN=k' -y. Let Nbe the total number of panels. Consider any diagonal ED between the nth and (n -f- i)th posts. Let w be the greatest panel live load. The greatest compression in ED occurs when the passing load is concentrated at the first n I panel points. Imagine a vertical section a little on the left of EF. The portion of the frame on the right of this section is kept in equilibrium by the reaction R at P, and by the stresses in the three members met by the secant plane. Taking moments about G, D.GE cos B = R.AG, D being the stress in DE, and the angle DEP. Now, w'n(n i) ~2 7v^' Also, " k' - y ' 2y and hence, ^ z? r* D i k'x -\- xy A r A I > k'x x GE GB -4- x = - --, and GA = --- 2J 22^ Hence, 2 A^ IT j: + xy The stresses in the counter-braces (shown by dotted lines in the figure) may be obtained in the same manner. 806 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. The greatest thrust in EF ~ w' -|- w. The greatest tension in EF = ZJcos w, w being the dead load upon EF. If the last expression is negative, EF is never in tension. 24. Clerk Maxwell's Method of determining the Re- sultant Thrusts at the Supports of a Framed Arch. Let As be the change in the length s of any member of the frame under the action of a force P, and let a be the sectional area of the member. Then . Ea the sign depending upon the character of the stress. Assume that all the members except the one under con- sideration are perfectly rigid, and let Al be the alteration in the span / corresponding to As. The ratio is equal to a constant m, which depends only upon the geometrical form of the frame. .. Al = m . As mP-^- . Ea Again, P may be supposed to consist of two parts, viz.,/, due to a horizontal force H between the springings, and / 2 due to a vertical force V applied at one springing, while the other is firmly secured to keep the frame from turning. By the principle of virtual velocities, /, M Similarly, - is equal to some constant n, which depends only upon the form of the frame. =- (m*H+- mnV\~. CLERK MAXWELL'S METHOD. Hence, the total change in / for all the members is If the abutments yield, let ^Al = }*H, ^ being some co- efficient to be determined by experiment. Then If the abutments are immovable, 241 is zero, and (D) 2 (m*~ the same as the corresponding reaction at the end of a girder of the same span and similarly loaded. The required thrust is the resultant of H and F, and the stress in each member may be computed graphically or by the method of moments. In any particular case proceed as follows : (1) Prepare tables of the values of m and n for each member. (2) Assume a cross-section for each member, based on a probable assumed value for the resultant of V and H. (3) Prepare a table of the value of w?-- for each member, and form the sum '2{m' i ^~ \ Ea (4) Determine, separately, the horizontal thrust between the springings due to the loads at the different joints. Thus, let v l , v^ be the vertical reactions at the right and left supports due to any one of these loads. Form the sum using v l for all the members on the right of the load and v^ for all those on its left. The corresponding thrust may then be 808 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. found by eq. (C) or eq. (D), and the total thrust H is the sum of the thrusts due to all the weights taken separately. (5) Repeat the process for each combination of live and dead load so as to find the maximum stresses to which any member may be subjected. (6) If the assumed cross-sections are not suited to thes^ maximum stresses, make fresh assumptions and repeat the whole calculation. The same method may be applied to determine the result- ant tensions at the supports of a framed suspension-bridge. Note. The formulae for a parabolic rib may be applied without material error to a rib in the form of a segment of a circle. More exact formulae may be obtained for the latter in a manner precisely similar to that described in Arts. 18-22, but the integrations will be much simplified by using polar co- ordinates, the centre of the circle being the pole. EXAMPLES. 809 EXAMPLES. 1. Assuming that an arch may be divided into elementary portions by imaginary joint planes parallel to the direction of the load upon the arch, find the limiting span of an arch with a horizontal upper surface and a parabolic soffit (latus rectum = 40 ft.), the depth over the crown being 6 ft. and the specific weight of the load 120 Ibs. per cubic foot; the thrust at the crown is horizontal (= P) and 4 ft. above the soffit. 2. A masonry arch of 90 ft. span and 30 ft. rise, with a parabolic in- trados and a horizontal extrados, springs from abutments with vertical faces and 10 ft. thick, the outside faces being carried up to meet the extrados. The depth of the keystone is 3 ft. The centre of resistance at the springing is the middle of the joint, and at the crown 12 in. below the extrados. The specific weight of the masonry may be taken at 150 Ibs. per cubic foot. Determine (a) the resultant pressure in the vertical joint at the crown ; (&} the resultant pressure in the horizontal joint at the springing ; (c) the maximum stress in the vertical joint aligning with the inside of an abutment. 3. The intrados of an arch of 100 ft, span and 20 ft. rise is the segment of a circle. The arch ring has a uniform thickness of 3 ft. and weighs 140 Ibs. per cubic foot ; the superincumbent load may be taken at 480 Ibs. per lineal foot of the ring. Determine the mutual pressures at the key and springing, their points of application being 2 ft. and i ft., re- spectively, from the intrados. Also find the curve of the centres of pres- sure. 4. The soffit of an arch of 30 ft. span and 10 ft. rise is a transformed catenary. The masonry rises 10 ft. over the crown, and the specific weight of the load upon the arch may be taken at 120 Ibs. per cubic foot. Determine the direction and amount of the thrust at the springing. 5. A concrete arch has a clear spring of 75 ft. and a rise of 7^ ft. ; the height of masonry over crown = 5 ft. ; the weight of the concrete = 144 Ibs. per cubic foot. Determine the transformed catenary, the amount and direction of the thrust at the springing, and the curvatures at the crown and springing. Ans. m 23.9 ; thrust = 91,354 Ibs. ; slope at springing = 25! ; radius of curvature = 114.2 ft. at crown and =248.7 ft. at springing. 6. Determine the transformed catenary for an arch of 60 ft. span and 15 ft. rise, the masonry rising 6 ft. over the crown and weighing 120 Ibs. per cubic foot. Also find the amount and direction of the thrust at the abutments. 8 10 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. 7. Determine the transformed catenary for an arch of 30 ft. span and 7^ ft. rise, the height of masonry over the crown being 4^ ft. ; weight of the masonry = 125 Ibs. per cubic foot. Also find the thrust at the spring- ing and the curvature at the crown and the springing. 8. In a parabolic arch of 50 ft. span and 10 ft. rise, hinged at both ends, a weight of i ton is concentrated at a point whose horizontal dis- tance from the crown is 10 ft. Find the total thrust along the axis oi tUe rib on each side of the given point, allowing for a change of 60 from the mean temperature (e = .0000694). 9. A parabolic arched rib of 100 ft. span and 20 ft. rise is fixed at the springings. The uniformly distributed load upon one-half of the arch is loo tons, and upon the other 200 tons. Find the bending moment and shearing force at 25 ft. from each end. 10. An arched rib with parabolic axis, of 100 ft. span and 12^ ft. rise, is loaded with I ton at the centre and i ton at 20 ft. from the centre, measured horizontally. Determine the thrusts and shears along the rib at the latter point, and show how they will be affected by a change of 100 F. from the mean ; the coefficient of linear expansion being .00125 for 1 80 F. u. A parabolic arched rib hinged at the ends, of 64 ft. span and 16 ft. rise, is loaded with i ton at each of the points of division of eight equal horizontal divisions. Find the horizontal thrust on the rib, allowing for a change of 60 F. from the mean temperature. Also find the maxi- mum flange stresses, the rib being of double-tee section and 12 in. deep throughout. (Coefficient of linear expansion per i F. / -f- 144000.) 12. The axis of an arched rib of 50 ft. span, 10 ft. rise, and ninged at both ends is a parabola. Draw the linear arch when the rib is loaded with two weights each equal to 2 tons concentrated at two points 10 ft. from the centre of the span. If the rib is of double-tee section and 24 in. deep, find the maximum flange stresses. If the arch is loaded so as to produce a stress of 10,000 Ibs. per square inch in the metal, show that the rib will deflect .029 ft., E being 25,000,000 Ibs. 13. A steel parabolic arched rib of 50 ft. span and 10 ft. rise is hinged at both ends and loaded at the centre with a weight of 12 tons. Find the horizontal thrust on the rib when the temperature varies 60 F. from the mean, and also find the maximum flange stresses, the rib being of double-tee section and 12 in. deep. 14. A semicircular rib, pivoted at the crown and springings, is loaded uniformly per horizontal unit of length. Determine the position and magnitude of the maximum bending moments, and show that the hori- zontal thrust on the rib is one-fourth of the total load. 15. Draw the linear arch for a semicircular rib of uniform section EXAMPLES. 8ll under a load uniformly distributed per horizontal unit of length (a) when hinged at both ends ; (b) when hinged at both ends and at the centre; (c) when fixed at both ends. 16. A semi-elliptic rib (axes ia and 2b) is pivoted at the springing. Find the position and magnitude of the maximum bending moment, the load being uniformly distributed per horizontal unit of length. How will the result be affected if the rib is also pivoted at the crown ? 17. Draw the equilibrium polygon for a parabolic arch of 100 ft. span and 20 ft. rise when loaded with weights of 3, 2, 4, and 2 tons, re- spectively, at the end of the third, sixth, eighth, and ninth division from the left support, of ten equal horizontal divisions. (Neglect the weight of the rib.) If the rib consist of a web and of two flanges 2^ ft. from centre to centre, determine the maximum flange stress. 18. Find the flange stresses at the ends of the rib, in the preceding question, and also at the points at which the weights are concentrated, when both ends are absolutely fixed. 19. A semicircular rib of 28 ft. span carries a weight of ton at 4 ft. (measured horizontally) from the centre. Find the thrust and shear at the centre of the rib and at the point at which the weight is concen- trated. 20. The axis of an arched rib hinged at both ends, for a span of 50 ft. and a rise of 10 ft., is a parabola. Draw the equilibrium polygon when the arch is loaded with two equal weights of 2 tons concentrated at two points 10 ft. from the centre of the span. Also determine the maximum flange stress in the rib, which is a double-tee section 2 ft. deep. 21. The load upon a parabolic rib of 50 ft. span and 15 ft. rise, hinged at both ends, consists of weights of I, 2, and 3 tons at points 15, 25, and 40 ft., respectively, from one end. Find the axial thrusts and the shears at these points. Ans. Horizontal thrust = 9.6 tons. Axial thrusts : above i ton = 9.3 tons ; below i " =97 " above 3 tons = 8.3 " below 3 " = io.r " Shears : above i ton = 3. i tons ; below i " = 2.2 " above 3 tons = 5 " below 3 " = 2.6 " 22. Draw the linear arch and determine the maximum flange stresses for an arched rib of 80 ft. span, 16 ft. rise, and loaded with five weights each of 2 tons at the end of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth division, of eight equal horizontal divisions. The rib is of double-tee 8l2 THEORY OF STRUCTURES. section and 30 in. deep. Also find the shears and the axial thrusts at the fifth point of division. 23. A wrought-iron parabolic lib of 96 ft. span and 16 ft. rise is hinged at the two abutments; it is of a double-tee section uniform throughout, and 24 in. deep from centre to centre of the flanges. Deter- mine the compression at the centre, and also the position and amount of the maximum bending moment (a) when a load of 48 tons is concen- trated at the centre ; (b) when a load of 96 tons is uniformly distributed per horizontal unit of length. Determine the deflection of the rib in each case. 24. Design a parabolic arched rib of 100 ft. span and 20 It. rise, hinged at both ends and at the middle joint ; dead load =40 tons uniformly distributed per horizontal unit of length, and live load = i ton per hori- zontal foot. 25. Show how the calculations in the preceding question are affected when both ends are absolutely fixed. 26. In the framed arch represented by the figure, the span is 120 ft., t * ie r ' Se I2 * L> l ^ e c ^ e P t ^ 1 ^ tne truss at the crown 5 ft., the fixed load at each top joint FIG. 5 o6. 10 tons, and the moving load 10 tons. De- termine the maximum stress in each member with any distribution of load. Show that, approximately, the amount of metal required for the arch : the amount required for a bowstring lattice-girder of the same span and 17 ft. deep at the centre : the amount required for a girder of the same span and 12 ft. deep :: 100 : 155 : 175. 27. The steel parabolic ribs for one of the Harlem River bridges has a clear opening of 510 ft., a rise of 90 ft., a depth of 13 ft., and are spaced 14 ft. centre to centre. The dead weight per lineal foot is estimated at 33,000 Ibs. and the live load at 8000 Ibs. ; a variation in temperature of 75 F. from the mean is also to be allowed for. Determine the maxi- mum bending moment (assuming /constant), and the maximum deflec- tion. R = 26,000,000 Ibs. Show how to deduce the play at the hinges. 28. A cast-iron arch (see figure) whose cross-sections are rectangular O'g'o' and uniformly 3 in. wide, has a straight horizon- tal extrados, and is hinged at the centre and at the abutments. Calculate the normal intensity of stress at the top 'and bottom edges D, of the FIG. 507. vertical section, distant 5 ft. from the centre of the span, due to a vertical load of 20 tons concentrated at a point dis- tant 5 ft. 4 in. horizontally from B. Also find the maximum intensity of the shearing stress on the same section, and state the point at which it occurs. (AB 21 ft. 4 in.). INDEX. Allowance for the weight of a beam, 403. Alternating stresses, 152. American iron columns, 532. Anchorage, 704. Angle of repose, 237. " torsion, 568. Angular momentum, 177. Anti-friction curve, 320. " pivots, 320. Arch, 470. Arch abutment, maximum thickness of, 649. Arch, conditions of equilibrium of, 745. " formulae for thickness of, 750. 11 linear, 743, 750, 760. Arched ribs, 740, 762. " " deflection of, 780, 802. Arched ribs, effect of change of tem- perature on, 770, 786. Arched ribs, elementary deformation of, 781. Arched ribs, general equations of equi- librium of, 784. Arched ribs, graphical determination of stresses in, 677. Arched rib of uniform stiffness, 788, 789, 795, 800, 804. Arched ribs with fixed ends, 771. '* " with hinged ends, 764. Arched ribs with axis in form of circu- lar arc, 769, 773. Arched ribs with parabolic axis, 760, 775- Arched ribs with semicircular axis, 765, 775- Arches, middle-third theory of, 746. Auxiliary truss, 719. Back-stays, 16, 704. Baker's formulae for strength of pillars, 549- Balancing, 198. Beam acted upon by oblique forces, 396. Beam, transverse strength of, 340, 429. Beam, transverse vibration of loaded, 461. Beams, equilibrium of, 93. " of uniform strength, 358-365. Bearing surface, 314, 315. Belts, 321. " effect of high speed in, 325. " effective tension of, 324. " slip of, 326. " stiffness of, 327. Bending moment, 96, 118, 434. Bending moment in plane which is not a principal plane, 354. Bending moment, relation between, and shearing stress, 108. Bevel-wheels, 335. Boilers, 586. Bollman truss, 56, 618. Bowstring truss, 61, 618. Brace, i, 25. Brakes, 323. Breaking-down point, 149. Breaking stress, 147. weights, 348, 399. Breaking weights of iron girders, 369, 370.. Breaking weights, tables of, 212. Brickwork, 1.49. Bridge, bowsinng suspension, 626. " loads, 600. " trusses, 17, 52. chords of, 625. " depth of, 597. Bridge trusses, maximum allowable stress in, 657. Bridge trusses, stiffness of, 598. " stringers of, 656. Bridges, 597. position of platform of, 598. Buckling of pillars, 513, 515. 813 8i4 INDEX. Cable with sloping suspenders, 717. Cables, 703. ' curves of, 706. ' deflection of, 714. ' length of arc of, 712. ' parameter of, 711. weight of, 713. Camber, 388, 659. Cantilever, 365. " curve of boom of, 634. deflection of, 638. " depth of, 637. " weight of, 632. Cast-iron, 147. Catenary, 34, 706, 750. Cement, 150. Centres of gravity, n. Centre of resistance, I, 743. Centrifugal force, 181. Centripetal force, 182. Clapeyron's theorem, 292. Coefficient of cubic elasticity, 255. elasticity, 141, 143. fluidity, 162. hardness, 164. lateral elasticity, 144. rigidity, 254, 285. rupture, 248. torsional rupture, 574. transverse elasticity, 285. Collar-beams, 25. Columns, see Pillars, 513, 538. flexure of, 554, 5*57. Compound strain, 236. Compression, 141. Conjugate stresses, 247. Continuous girders, 463. Continuous girders, advantages and dis- advantages of, 486. Continuous girders, maximum bending moment in, 465. Coulomb's laws, 568. Counterbrace, 60. Counter-efficiency, 328. Counterforts, 270. Covers of riveted joints, 665. Cranes, 13. bent, 31. " derrick, 16. jib, 13- pit, IS- Crank effort, 207. Cubic elasticity, 255. " strain, 283. D<.ad load, 143, 600. Deflection, curve of, 434. of girders, 384-386, 638. Deformation, 140, 251, 254. Dock walls, 270. Dynamometer, Prony's, 327. Earth foundations, 258. Earthwork, 255. pressure of, 257. Earthwork, Rankine's theory applied to retaining walls, 264. Efficiency of mechanisms, 335. " of riveted joints, 666. Elastic curve, 355. " moment, 96, 340. Elasticity, 140. coefficient of, 141, 143. " cubic, 255. " lateral, 144. " transverse, 285, limit of, 145. Ellipse of stress, 241. Ellipsoid of stress, 281. Empirical rules for wind-pressure, 663. Encastr6 girders, 458. Energy, 207. " curves of, 207. " fluctuation of, 207. " kinetic, 167, 169, 170. " potential, 167. Envelope of moments, 121. Equalization of stress, 349. Equalizer, 629. Equilibrated polygon, 740. Equilibrium of beams, 428. Equilibrium of beams, general equations of, 428. Equilibrium of flanged girders, 366. Euler's theory of the strength of pillars, 537- Examples, 69-92, 132-139, 216-234, 294-298, 337-339* 407-427, 490-512, 563-567, 580-585, 594~59 6 > 689-702, 734-739, 809-812. Expansion of solids, 215. Extension of prismatic bar, 289. Extrados, 740. Eyebars, 661. steel, 665. Factor of safety, 150. Fatigue, 152. Fink truss, 54. Flanged girders, 365. " " equilibrium of, 366. " stiffness of, 384. Flanges, 365, 597. " curved, 366. " horizontal. 366. Flexure of columns, see Pillars, 554, 557- Flow of solids, 162. INDEX. 815 Fluctuation of stress, 151. Fluid pressure, 162. Force polygon, 3, 7, 119. Foundations, earth, 258. limiting depth of, 258. of walls, 270. Fracture, 141. Framed arch, stresses in, 804. Framed arch, Clerk Maxwell's method of determining stresses in a, 806. Frames, i, 2. incomplete, 27, 61. Friction, 300. angle of, 237. coefficient of, 300, 313. journal, 310. rolling, 310. Funicular curve, 10. polygon, 3, 7, 117, II9 . Gins, 17. Girder of uniform strength, 381. Gordon's formulae for pillars, 522. Hinged girders, 127-131. Hodgkinson's formulae for the strength of pillars, 513. 517-521. Hooke's law, 142. Howe truss, 58, 611. Impact, 184. Impulse, 176. Incomplete frames, 27. Inertia, 198. moment of, 12, 342. pressure due to, 200. Inflection, point of, 453-463. Internal stress, 235. Isotropic bodies, 283. Joint of rupture, 747. Keystone, 741. Lateral bracing, 654. Lattice girder, 600. Launhardt's formula, 153. Lenticular truss, 626. Limit of elasticity, 145. Line of loads. 5. resistance, 273-276, 741, 750. " rupture, 265. Linear arch, 743, 753-760. Loads, live, in, 115, IIQ> 600,639,641, Loads, stationary (dead), 118, 600. Long pillars, 535. Mansard roof, 6. Masonry, 149. Mechanical advantage, 294. Middle third theory of arches, 746, Modulus of elasticity, 141. " rupture, 348. " transverse elasticity, 254 Moment of forces, 116. " inertia, 12, 342. " examples of, 371-81. Moment of inertia, variable section of 455- Moment of inflexibility, 96. " resistance, 96. Momentum, 176. Mortar, 150. Neutral axis, 340. of a loaded beam, 435-454. surface, 340. Oblique resistance, 169. OsciLatory motion, 190, 195. Panel points, 52. r^anels, 54. D iers, 65. 513. Euler's formulas for, 527. failure of, 515. flexure of, 515. formulae for American, 527-532. Gordon's formulae for, 522 Pillars, Hodgkinson's formulae for '517- 521. Pillars, Rankine's formula for, 526. Pillars with stress uniformly distributed 516. Pillars with uniformly varying stress, Pins, 661. Piston velocity, curves of, 205 Pivots, 316. conical, 319 cylindrica., 316. Schiele's (anti-friction), 320 Plasticity, 141. Poisson's ratio, 142 Pole, 7. Polygon of forces, 3, 7. " pressure, 743. Pratt truss, 60. Primitive strength, 153. Principals, 33, 34. Prony's dynamometer, 327. Proof strain, 171. stress. 171. Purchase 304. Purlins, 33, 34. Radius of gyration, 174, 528-531 p "' of twist, 289. 8i6 INDEX. Redundant bars, 48. Reservoir walls, 271. Resilience, 171. Retaining walls, 260. Retaining walls, conditions of equiib- rium of. 260. Retaining walls, Rankine's theory ap- plied to, 264. Rivet connection between flange and web, 660. Riveted joints, 668. covers of, 675. design of, 678. efficiency of, 679. failure of, 670. stresses in, 670. theory of, 671-675. Riveting, 666. Rivets, 666. " dimensions of, 667. Rocker-link, 629. Rollers, 35, 639. Roof trusses, 17. " distribution of loads on, 39. types of, 33. weights of, 37. Ropes, 321. Saddles, 704. Schiele's pivots, 320. Screws, 306. " endless, 309. Sections, method of, 62 Set, 145. -,. ' *~~**v Shafting, distance. EetvySfen bearings of, 575- ' /'* * 1 Shafting, efficiency of, 577. intprrfal-streiB&iii, 237. stiffness of, 573. " ' torsional strength of, 288-291. Shear, 141. " maximum, 121, 237. Shearing force, 95. " '. ^ et examples of, 97, 108. Shearing force and bending moment, relation between, 108. Shearing stress, 198. . " distribution of, 391. Shear-legs, 17. Similar girders, 401-404. Skew-backs, 34, 74- Soffit, 740. Spandril, 740. Specific weight, 143. Spherical shells, 591. Spritigings, 740. Springs, 355, 456-458. " simple rectangular, 456. Springs, spiral, 477. Springs of constant depth, but triangu- lar in plan, 4.57. Springs of constant width, but parabolic in elevation, 457. Statical breaking strength, 153. Steel, 148. Stiffening truss, 719. " hinged at centre, 725. Stiffness, 190, 387, 389. Strain, 140, 251. Straining cill, 18. Stress, 141, 251 " and strain, relation between, 281. " general equations of, 277. principal, 241. planes of, 237. Stresses, conjugate, 248, 250. Stress-strain curves, 147-149. line, 144. Strut, i. St. Venant's torsion results, 572. Surface loading, 350. Suspenders, 706. Suspension-bridges, 703. " loads on, 730. Suspension-bridges, modifications of, 73i. Suspension-bridges, pressure upon piers of, 718. Swing-bridges, 470-472. Tables of breaking weights and coeffi- cients of bending strength of timber, 212, 213. Table of coefficients of axle friction, 336. Table of coefficients in Gordon's for- mula, 524. Table of coefficients in Rankine's mod- ification of Gordon's formula, 526. Tables of diagonal and chord stresses, 644-650. Tables of efficiencies, 587. " " elliptic integrals, 562. " " expansion of solids, 215. " " eyebar dimensions, 665. " " factors of safety, 214. Tables of loads for highway bridges, 687. Tables of strengths, elasticities, and weights of iron and steel, 210. Table of strengths, elasticities, and weights of various alloys, 211. Tables of weights of modern bridges, 682-687. Table of weights and crushing strength of rocks, 214 Table of weights of roof coverings, 67. INDEX. 8I 7 Table of weights of roof frames, 67. Tension, 141. Theorem of three moments, 463-470. Thick hollow cylinder, 588. Timber, 149. Torsion, 141, 568. " St. Venant's results, 572. Torsional coefficient of elasticity, 145. resilience, 574. Torsional strength of shafts, 288, 289, 571, 572. Transverse strength, 141. Transverse vibration of a loaded beam, 461. Trellis girder, 600. Tresca's theory of flow of solids, 162. Tripods, 17. Truss, 2. ' composite, 31. king-post, 21. ' queen-post, 25. ' roof, 32. ' triangular, 19. Trussed beams, 53. Twist, 141. Unwin's formula, 159. Values of k*, 174, 528-531. Vibration strength, 153. Voussoir, 741. Warren truss, 57. Web thickness, 382. Wedge, 303 Weights of roof coverings, 67. " frames, 67. Weyrauch's formula, 153. Weyrauch's theory of buckling of pillars, 550. Wheel and axle, 329. Whipple truss, 618. Wind pressure, 38, 67, 629, 651, 653. Wind-pressure, American specifications of, 652. Wind-Pressure Commission rules, 653. Wind-pressure, empirical regulations, 653. Wohler's law, 150. Work, 167. effective, 178. external, 168. internal, 168. useful, 178. waste, 178. Work done in bending a beam, 460. Work done in small deformation of a body, 292. Work of journal friction, 314. Working load, 150. " strength, 150. " stress, 150. Wrought-iron, 148. Yield-point, 149. ERRATA. Page 12, 1 5th line from top, for A\ , A*, As, read a\ , a*, a*. 23, Fig. 34, for BO read AO, and for AO read BO. 16562 16562 47, 2d line, for , read -=-. 52, 3d line from bottom, for W* read W*. 55, 8th line from top, for 2 7i read 2 7\. 63, 7th line from bottom, for "revolving" read " resolving." 3 V 13 3 V's 64, 3d line from top, for - read 2V 13 127, Fig. 181, line x* should lie between W* and B instead of between E and W*. 215, i st line, for ACTORS read FACTORS. 219, 4th line from top, for 17,828 Ibs. read 17,328 Ibs. 223, 6th line from top, for 8625 ft.-lbs. read 15,750 ft.-lbs. 239, nth line from top, in 2d equation, for = I read = i. 274, 5th line from top, for CD read QP. 276, ist line (numerator), for ABQP read OBQ. 294, 2d line from bottom, for "thrust" read "tension," and for "tension" read "thrust." 295, I2th line from bottom, for 11 38' read 3 29'; nth line from bottom, for 3 26' read 63 26'. 297, loth line from top, for 9.8 ft. read 12.2 ft.; I3th line from bottom, for 13.19 ft. read y - ft. 298, 7th line from bottom, for 20,720 Ibs. read i4,o49 T Jt Ibs. 326, 3d line from top, for $T*(. 530, ist line under (-), for S = 26/1 I? read S = &* ; and in denominator of next equation, for // 2 read ^. 555, 7th line from bottom, equation, for dQ read d(f>. 565, 3d line of Example 27, for "maximum" read "minimum." 571, bottom line, for i.57/) 2 Tread 1.57 D*Tf. 578, ist line of Example, for 50 read 95. . " 580, Examples 7 and 8, for m read G. 581, Examples 10, u, and 15, for m read G. 582, Examples 18 and 19, for m read G. 583, Example 30, for m read G. 647, Table of Maximum Stresses in the Verticals, change 3d and 4th lines to read 7/3 = 42625 + 16200 = 58,825 Ibs. 7/4 = 28700 + 5400 = 34,100 " 649, 9th line from top, for 6250 read 7600, and for 1525 read 2875. 650, ist line of Compression Chord Table, for di read d\. 707, Equation (2), for PS read ps. 711, 6th line from bottom, after Art. 4 add " Case B." 714, 9th line from top, for H\ sec 6 read H sec 6. 715, 9th line from bottom, equation, for ^ read . 724, 4th line from top, for iv read x. 758, Equation 7, for 2iuyp sin read 2wyp\s\t\ ) . u I* I 772, Equation (5), for read juE; Equations (6) and (7), for ^ read nEI, // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JUN 2 LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 S9297 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY