NOSTBAEFD'S SCIENCE TC Cents, BAUL1C TABLES CALCULATION OF THE DISCHARGE PIPES AND COplTS; BA8EC Olv. KUTTER 3 FC ! '.ULA. A7;\r ^ 9n 7 Engineer. ' '- -' ^ MAGAZINE. i\V YORK : ND COMPANY, AND 27 WABREN STREETS, 1883. THE VAN NOSTRAND SCIENCE SERIES. IGmo. Boards. Price .50 Cents Each. Amply Illustrated when tfie Subject Demands. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIRT OR I & (^La^dJ^ Received , IQO Accession No. ft j $ 3 9> Class No. No. & A TREATISE ON THE COMPOUND ENGINE. By John TurEbull, jun. Second edition, revised by Prof. S. W. Robinson. No. $<-& TREATISE ON FUEL. By Arthur V. Abbott, C.E. Founded on the original treatise of C. Will- iam Siemens, D.C.L. No. 10* COMPOUND ENGINES. Translated . from the French of A. Mallet. Second edition, revised, with results of American Practice by Richard H. Buel, C,E. No. 11. THEORY OF ARCHES. By Prof. W. Allan. No. J2. THEORY OF VOUSSOIR ARCHES. By Prof. W. ? Cain. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 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THE ACTUAL LATERAL PRESSURE OF EARTH- WORK. By Benjamin Baker, M. Inst. C.E. Ne- 57. INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC LIGHTING. A Practical Description of the Edison System. By L. H. Latimer, to which is added the Design and Operation of Incandescent Stations. By C. J. Field, and the Maximum Efficiency of Incandes- cent Lamps, by John W. Howell. No. 58. THE VENTILATION OF COAL-MINES. By W. Fairley, M.E., F.S.S., and Geo. J. AndrS, No. 59. RAILROAD ECONOMICS ; OR, NOTES, WITH COMMENTS. By S. W. Robinson. C.E. ' HYDfjAULIC TABLES FOR THE CALCULATION OF THE DISCHARGE THROUGH SEWERS, PIPES AND CONDUITS; BASED ON KUTTER'S FORMULA. By P. J*FL YNN, Civil Engineer. REPRINTED FROM VAN NOSTRAND'S MAGAZINE. i $8^ NEW YORK : D. VAN NOSTKAND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREETS. 1883. 339- PREFACE. THE usefulness of such tables as are presented in the following pages requires no demonstration in a preface. A glance at the explanatory text and tabular ar- rangement of the values will be sufficient to convince the practical engineer, who has ever had occasion to apply Kutter's formula, that the present collection is in an eminent degree of the labor saving kind. EDITOR OF MAGAZINE. Hydraulic Tables Based on Kntter's Formula. THE tables given below are intended to facilitate the calculation of velocities, discharges, slopes and dimensions of sewers and other conduits, and their use will effect a great saving of time ; as, for instance, instead of calculating the ve- locity and discharge by the use of a troublesome formula, the same result, practically, will be arrived at by taking the product of two factors given in the tables. Kutter's formula is a complicateu equa- tion, and in its general form is : v= c*/r~s in which In this and the following formulae, 6 v=mean velocity in feet per second. c= coefficient of mean velocity. s~ fall of water surface (h) in any dis- tance (/) divided by that distance = h . -y = sme oi slope. I/ r= hydraulic mean depth=area of cross section of water divided by wetted a perimeter= . P d= diameter of circular channel. a = area of cross section of water. p= wetted perimeter. Q= discharge in cubic feet per second. n=ihe natural coefficient depending on the nature of the bed, that is, the lining of the channel over which the water flows, which throughout this article, and in the preparation of the tables, has been taken at .015. Mr. J. C. Trautwine, in his Engineers Pocket Book, states that, " In considera- tion of the rough character of sewer brickwork generally," he has taken n = .015 in Kutter's formula when he calcu- lated the velocities in sewers. Mr. R. Hering, in a paper read before the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1878 on the velocity and discharge of sewers, gave : "^ = .015 " for "foul and slightly tuber- culated iron ; cement and terra cotta pipes with imperfect joints, and in bad order ; well dressed stonework and sec- ond-class brickwork." The tables do not apply to channels with smooth or plas- tered surfaces. They are intended to apply only to sewers, conduits and other -channels whose surfaces exposed to the flow of water are of second-class brick- work, or have surfaces of other material equally rough, such, for instance, as those given above from Mr. Hering's paper. The general form of Kutter's formula is : v c^/^s.c^X^/T . . . (1). from which " (3). 8 2 ac^/r r X<\/7 . . . (5). from which =- ....... (6). V ac^/r The values of c^/7 and ac^/7 for 173 diameters are given in Table 1, and the values of /^/~for 1072 slopes are given in Table 2. It will then be seen that a large range of channels numbering 185456 are included in these tables. The velocity is found by the product of two factors c^/r* and /y/7 and in a similar way the dis- charge is found by the product of the two factors ac^/r~and ^/sT In Kutter's formula given above the value of c is found from an equation in- 9 volving the value of r y n and s, so that any change in the value of s would cause a change in the value of c, but as the influence of s on the value of c is not very marked in such slopes as are usually adopted for sewers and conduits, the value of the coefficient has been calculated for one slope, that of 1 in 1000 or s .001. This value of the coefficient is practically constant for all values of s with a steeper slope than 1 in 1000, and as sewers are generally designed with steeper slopes than 1 in 1000, the tables are well adapted to facilitate the calculations. For flatter slopes than 1 in 1000 up to even 2 feet per mile, or 1 in 2640, the tables give results showing a maximum error in the case of a sewer 2 feet in diameter of less than 2 per cent., and in the case of a sewer 8 feet in diameter less than per cent. ; therefore, for all practical purposes, the tables are sufficiently accurate. The hydraulic mean depth of a cylin- drical conduit flowing full is equal to one- fourth of the diameter. The mean velocity in circular sewers 10 and conduits is the same when running half full as when running full. APPLICATION AND USE OF THE TABLES. To find the mean velocity in feet per second and the discharge in cubic feet per second. Example 1. A circular brick sewer has a diameter of 3 feet and a fall of 1 in 500. What is its mean velocity in feet per second and also its discharge in cubic feet per second ? By formula (l) v~c^/r' X ^/'s7 In column 4 of table 1 and opposite 3 feet diameter the value of c^/r~ is found equal to 80.77, and in table 2 opposite 1 in 500 the value of ^/s~ is found equal to .044721 ; substituting these values in equa- tion, we have : = 3.61 feet per second the mean ve- locity. By formula (5) Q,=av=a X 3.61, but by table 2 the area of a sewer 3 feet in diam- eter =7.06 8 ; substitute this value in equa- tion and OTf T II Q=7.068X3.61 = 25.52, the discharge in cubic feet per second. Again, as a check, By formula (5) Q=ac^F X ^/7. In column 4 of table 1, and opposite 3 feet diameter the value of ac^/f is given as 570.9, substituting this value and also the value of ^/^ as found above, in equa- tion we have Q=570.9X.044721 = 25.53 . cubic feet per second the discharge, which is the same as already found above. Example 2. To find the diameter. (d). The grade (s) of a sewer is to be 1 in 480, and its mean velocity (v) 4 feet per second. What is the required diam- eter ? By formula (2). G V r 7= 7 V* In column 3 of table 2 we find for a slope of 1 in 480 that yj" is equal to .045644. Substitute this in equation, and also the value of v already given, and 12 Now look in column 4 of table 1 for the nearest value of c^/7 to this which we find to be 87.15, opposite 3 feet 4 inches in diameter, which is the diameter required. Example 3. To find the grade of Sewer. A sewer 2 feet 6 inches diameter is to have a velocity when running full or half full of not more than 3^ feet a sec- ond. What should its grade be ? v By formula (3) v~ - In column 4 of table 1 find opposite the diameter 2 feet 6 inches that c^/'r is equal to 70.74. Substitute this value and also the value of v already given in equation, and ^/^~= - =.049477. Now look out the nearest the value of ^/s~ to this in column 3 of table 2, which we find to be .04C507, opposite a slope of 1 in 408, which is the required grade. To find the grade of sewer when the grade is not given in Table 2. Example 4. A sewer having a diam- eter of 8 feet is to have a velocity of 13 3i feet per second. What is its required grade? v By formula (3) *JT 7=1. Look out cyr thp value of c^/7 for 8 feet diam- eter in Table 1, and it will be found to be 158.7. Substitute this value and also the value of v already given in equation and On looking for this value of yTin Table 2 it is not to be found, therefore square each side of equation yT=.022054 and we get =.000486379 =2056 ' therefore the is 1 in 2056. To find the diameter (d). Example 5. A sewer is to discharge 9 cubic feet of water per second and its grade is to be 1 in 200. What is its diameter to be ? 14 By formula (7) ac~/r'= -. In the V s third column of Table 2 and opposite 1 in 200 the value of ^/g~ is found to be .070710. Substitute this value and the discharge already given in equation, and Q we have ac^/7 -- 127.28. In column 5 of Table 1, the value of acy9~ nearest to this we find to be 130.58, op- posite to which is the diameter of 1 foot 9 inches, which is the diameter required. To find the grade or slope of sewer, (s). Example. 6. A sewer 6 feet in diam- eter is required to discharge 180 cubic feet of water per second. What should be its slope? By formula (8) v / ~= ~^- In col- aeyr umn 5 of table 1 and opposite 6 feet in diameter the value of ac\/r~is found equal to 3702.3. Substitute this and also the value of Q in equation, and we have 1 80 ' 15 column 4 of Table 2 look out the number- nearest to this, which will be found to be .045621 opposite a slope 1 in 423, there- fore the required grade is 1 in 423. To find diameters in a series of sewers with increasing discharge. Example 7. A circular sewer has for 500 feet in length to discharge 10 cubic feet per second, then for 600 feet more has to discharge 12 cubic feet per second, and again for 700 feet, farther on 15 cubic feet per second. The total fall available is 5 feet. What is the required diameter and fall of each section ? The total length is 1800 feet and 5 /i8oo = -002777 s and By formula (7), ac^r~= In this equation substitute values of Q and s for each section and find the correspond- ing diameters, which will be the diameter required. 16 89 - 7 1 ( diam.2'-0" Now 5=-- /. A=s/, therefore the 6 Fall of first section sl=. 002 777 X500 ............................. = 1.89 ft. Fall of second section=s=.002777 X600 .............................. =1.67 ' Fall of third section=:^=.002777 X700 .......... ,.. = 1.95 " Total fall 5.00ft. We have, therefore, 1st section, diameter 2' 0", fall 1.39 ft. 2d " " 22" " 1.67 " 3d " " 2' 4" " 1.94 " To find velocity and discharge of tra- pezoidal channel. Example 8. A trapezoidal channel lined with brickwork, 6 feet wide at bot- tom and with side slopes of 1 to 1, has 2 17 feet in depth of water and a grade of 1 in 160. What is its velocity and discharge per second ? Area (#)= X2 16 square feet. Wetted primeter ( +6 = 11. 66 feet. /. Hydraulic mean depth In column 3 of Table 1 look out the nearest value of r to this which we find to be 1.375, and corresponding to this we find c^/r equal to 123.5. In Table 2 for a slope of 1 in 160 the value of <\/H is found to be = .079057. Now by formula (l) v = c^/r X ^/7 and " " " (5) Q,=av substitut- ing the values above found of the factors, then v = 123.5 x. 079057 =9.76 feet per second and Q=16+9.76 = 156.2 cubic feet per second, therefore the mean velocity is equal to 9.76 feet per second and the discharge equal to 156.2 cubic feet per second. 18 To find the dimensions of a circular sewer to replace a rectangular brick chan- nel. Example 9. An open brick channel 5 feet wide at bottom, with vertical sides, has a depth of water in floods of 3 feet and a slope of 1 in 520. It is intended to substitute for it a circular sewer whose mean velocity flowing full shall be about ft. per second. What should be the diameter and grade of the new circular sewer flowing full ? In Table 2 the /y/~ for a grade of 1 in 520 = .043853. Area of rectangular channel (a) 5-J-3 = 15 sq. ft. Wetted perimeter (/>) 3+ 5-f-3 = li feet. /. Hydraulic mean depth (r)-^- 1.364. In Table 1 find corres- ponding to this hydraulic mean depth the nearest c^/r^ which is 123.5. By formula (5) Q= a+c \/7+ \/7 'sub- stitute the values found above, of the factors in right hand side of equation, and Q=15X123.5+.043853:=:81.24 cubic feet 19 per second, the discharge from the rec- tangular channel. We have now to find the diameter and grade of a circular sewer to convey this quantity of water with a velocity not greater than 5 feet per second. By formula (6) a substitute values = - =16.248 square feet=area of circular sewer. In column 2 of Table 1 we find the area nearest in value to this =16.499, and the corresponding diameter equal to 4 feet 7 inches, and at the same time find the value of the corresponding ac^/r which is 1796.5. By formula (8) A /*~= - 7= substitute ac^/r values of Q and ac^/r found above and In Table 2 we find the grade corresponding to this equal to 1 in 489, therefore the diameter of circular sewer is 4 feet 7 inches, and the grade 1 in 489. 21 CIRCULAR SEWERS AND CON- DUITS FLOWING FULL. TABLE 1. GIVING VALUES OF a AND r AND ALSO THE FACTORS C^/f AND ALSO ac^/rl These factors are to be used only where the value of n, that is the coefficient of roughness of lining of channel =.015, as in second class or rough-faced brickwork, well-dressed stone work, foul and slightly tuberculated iron, cement and terra cotta pipes with imperfect joints and in bad order. 7 *- Q,=av=ac \/r X \A- d=di- ameter in ft. in. a = area in square ft. r= hy- draulic mean depth. For velocity. c\/r For discharge ac^/r~ 5 0.136 0.104 17.36 2.3615 6 0.196 0.125 20.21 3.9604 1 0.267 0.146 22.95 6.1268 8 0.349 0.167 25.56 8.9194 22 (^di- ameter in ft. in. a = area in square ft. r= hy- draulic mean depth. For velocity. c^/r~ For discharge ac^/r 9 0.442 0.187 28.10 12.421 10 0.545 0.208 30.52 16.633 11 0.660 0.229 33.03 21 . 798 1 0.785 0.250 35.40 27.803 1 1 0.922 0.271 37.60 34.664 1 2 1.069 0.292 39.85 42.602 1 3 1.227 0.312 42.05 51.600 1 4 1.396 0.333 44.19 61 . 685- 1 5 1.576 0.354 46.36 73.066 1 6 1.767 0.375 48.38 85.496 1 7 1.969 0.396 50.40 99.242 1 8 2.182 0.417 52.45 114.46 1 9 2.405 0.437 54.29 130.58 23 d=di- ameter in ft. in. i a = area in square ft. r= hy- draulic mean depth. For velocity. c^/r For discharge ac^r 1 10 2.640 0.458 56.29 148.61 1 11 2.885 0.479 58.20 167.90 2 3.142 0.500 60.08. 188.77 2 1 3.409 0.521 61.95 211.20 2 2 3.687 0.542 63.72 234.94 2 3 3.976 0.562 65.51 260.47 2 4 4.276 0.583 67.32 287.87 2 5 4.587 0.604 69.02 316.59 2 6 4.909 0.625 70.74 347.28 2 7 5.241 0.646 72.59 380.46 2 8 5.585 0.667 74.27 414.81 2 9 5.939 0.687 75.98 451.23 2 10 6.305 0.708 77.56 488.99 24 ^di- ameter in ft. in. a = area in square ft. r= hy- draulic mean depth. For velocity. -= trans- verse diam. ft. in. a = area lr square ft. ^hy- draulic mean depth in feet. For velocity. c\/r For discharge ac\/r 5 4 21.498 1.684 141.7 3045.5 5 6 22.863 1 . 736 144.6 3305.3 5 8 24.270 1.789 147.5 3578.9 5 10 25.718 1.842 150.3 3864.8 6 27:210 1.894 153 . 1 4165.3 6 2 28.743 1.947 155.9 4481 . 6 6 4 30.317 1.999 158.7 4811.9 6 6 31.933 2.052 161.5 5158.5 6 8 33.592 2.095 164.2 5516.6 6 10 35.292 2.157 166.9 5891.0 7 37.035 2.210 169.6 6283.5 7 4 40.646 2.315 174.8 7106.8 7 8 44.426 2.420 179.9 7993.0 110 v= trans- verse diam. ft. in. #=area in square ft. T hy- draulic mean depth in feet. For velocity. c\/r For discharge ac^/r 8 -0 48.373 2.526 184.9 8944.0 8 4 52.487 2.631 189.8 9964.1 8 8 56.771 2.736 194.6 11050 9 61.222 2.841 199.5 12213 9 4 65.840 2.947 204.2 13444 9 8 70.628 3.052 208.7 14743 10 75.583 3.157 213.3 16125 10 6 83.330 3.315 220.1 18342 11 91.445 3.473 226.8 20738 12 108.839 3.788 239.4 26060 Ill TABLE 5. GIVING VALUES OF a AND r AND ALSO THE FACTORS C^/f AND ac^/rl FOR CORRESPONDING DIAME- TERS OF EGG-SHAPED SEWERS, FLOW- ING one-third full depth, GIVEN IN FIRST COLUMN. These factors are to be used only where the value of n, that is the coefficient of roughness of lining of channel=.015, as in second class or rough-faced brickwork, well-dressed stone work, foul and slightly tuberculated iron, cement and terra cotta pipes with imperfect joints and in bad order. Area of section of egg-shaped sewers flowing one- third full depth D 2 X 0.284. Perimeter of section of egg-shaped sewer flowing one-third full depth = D X 1.3747. Hydraulic i^ean depth of section of egg-shaped sewers flowing one-third full depth = D X 0.2066. V*- Q,=av= n: D= trans- verse diam. ft. in. a = area in square ft. ^hy- draulic mean depth in feet. For velocity. c\/r For discharge ac^/r 1 0.284 0.207 30.41 8.637 1 2 0.387 0.241 34.38 13.303 1 4 0.505 0.276 38.16 19.269 1 6 0.639 0.310 42.23 26.986 1 8 0.789 0.344 45.39 35.815 1 10 0.955 0.379 48.74 46.546 2 1.136 0.413 52.09 59.173 2 2 1.333 0.448 55.29 73.696 2 4 1.546 0.482 58.58 90.568 2 6 1.776 0.517 61.58 109.37 2 8 2.020 0.551 64.49 130.26 2 10 2.280 0.585 67.46 153.80 3 2.556 0.620 70.48 180.14 113 D= trans- verse diain. ft. in. a=area in square ft. r= hy- draulic mean depth in feet. For velocity. c^/r For discharge ac\/r 3 2 2.848 0.654 73.24 208.58 3 4 3.156 0.689 75.98 239.79 3 6 3.479 0.723 78.63 273.54 3 8 3.818 0.758 81.31 310.44 3 10 4.173 0.792 84.03 350.67 4 4.544 0.826 86.61 393.55 4 2 4.931 0.861 88.98 438.75 4 4 5.333 0.895 91.60 488.50 4 6 5.751 0.930 94.08 541.04 4 8 6.185 0.964 96.57 597.29 4 10 6.635 0.999 99.10 657.53 5 7.100 1.033 101.3 719.27 5 2 7.581 1.068 103.7 785.86 114 D= trans- verse diam. ft. in. =area in square ft. r= hy- draulic mean depth in feet. For velocity. cyV For discharge ac^/r~ 5 4 8.078 1.102 106.1 856.67 5 6 8.591 1.136 108.3 930.54 5 8 9.120 1.161 110.6 1008.7 5 10 9.664 1.205 112.9 1091.0 6 10.224 1.240 115.0 1175.8 6 2 10.800 1.274 117.3 1266.4 6 4 11.391 1.309 119.4 1359.8 6 6 11.999 1.343 121.5 1458.1 6 8 12.622 1.377 123.7 1561.0 6 10 13.261 1.412 125.8 1668.8 7 13.916 1.446 127.9 1779.4 7 4 15.273 1.515 131.9 2014.1 7 8 16.693 1.584 135.8 2266.7 115 D = trans- verse d am. ft. in. a = area in square ft. r = hy- draulic mean depth in feet. For velocity. c<\/r For discharge ac^/r~ 8 18.176 1.653 139.9 2542.7 8 4 19 . 722 1 . 722 143.7 2833.8 8 8 21.332 1.791 147.5 3146.2 9 23.004 1.859 151.3 3480.7 9 4 24.739 1.928 155.0 3834.7 9 8 26.538 1.997 158.6 4208.4 10 28.400 2.066 162.1 4604.7 10 6 31.311 2.169 167.5 5245.3 11 34.364 2.273 172.6 5932.1 12 40.892 2.479 183.1 7489.0 CATALOGUE OF THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS OF D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, 23 MURRAY STREET AND 27 WARREN STREET, N. Y. A. B. C. CODE. (See Clausen-Thue.) ABBOTT (A. T.). The Electrical Transmission of Energy. A Manual for thn Design of Electrical Circuits. Second edition, revised. Fully illustrated. 8vo, cloth ...... ^ ..... ............................. $450 ABBOT (Gen'l HENRY I,/). The Defence of the Seacoast of the United States. Lectures delivered before the U. S. Naval War college, bvo, red cloth. 2 00 ADAMS (J. TV.). Sewers and Drains for Populous Districts. Embracing Rules and Formulas for the dimensions and construction of works of Sanitary Engineers. Fifth edition. 8vo, cloth. ........ 2 50 A 1 . CODE. (See Clausen-Thue.) AIRMAN (C. M., Prof.). Manures and the Princi- ples of Manuring. 8vo, cloth ............ ........... 2 50 ALEXANDER (J. H.V Universal Dictionary of Weights and Measures, Ancien' and Modern, reduced to the Standards of the United States of America. New edition, enlarged. 8vo, cloth ................. 3 50 AXEXAXDER (S. A.). Broke Down: What Should I Do? 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