lilil > . ^A i m . ... f:::: d-PAKV: - HADE AND GUARANTEED IMPRECISION MACHINE (O.TNC. 317 East 34th St- NewTforic The PROJECTOR Regulation Simplex Projector Unanimously Endorsed by the Leading PRODUCERS DIRECTORS EXHIBITORS MANAGERS EDUCATORS MANUFACTURERS MADE AND GUARANTEED BY IMPRECISION MACHINE fetE 317 East 34th St- NewTfork USE The Equipment Department OF Motion Picture News to supplement the information contained in this book. Data on Theatre Planning, con- struction and equipment supplied without charge. Read the Equipment Department to get the latest facts about new devices, inventions and "short cuts." MOTION PICTURE NEWS, Inc. 729 SEVENTH AVE. :-: NEW YORK, N. Y. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION ISAAC GOLDMANN COMPANY NEW YORK CITY .^S^SSt* 2 O MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION An Elementary Text-Book I BY JAMES R. CAMERON Technical Editor Exhibitors' Trade Review International Cinema Review Educational Film Magazine SECOND EDITION 1921 Published by THE THEATRE SUPPLY Co. 124 West 45th Street New York City MOTION PICTURE " PROJECTION GLOSSARY OF ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL TERMS ACETATE. A salt formed by the action of acetic acid upon a base. ACTUAL HORSE POWER. The exact useful power given out by an engine: found by subtracting the power used by the machine itself from the indicated horse power. ACHROMATIC LENSES. The color effect caused by the chromatic aberration of a simple lens greatly impairs its usefulness. This may be overcome by combining into one lens a concave lens of flint glass and a convex lens of crown glass. ALIGN. To place or form in line. ALLOY. A mixture of two or more metals. ALTERNATING CURRENT. A current that changes its flow of directign so many .times a second according to the construction of the alternator. Written A. C. AMMETER. An instrument used to measure the flow of amperes. AMPERE. The unit of current strength. AMPERE HOUR. The quantity of electricity passed by a current of one ampere in one hour. One ampere flowing for one hour. Two amperes flowing for one-half hour. One-half ampere flowing for two hours: all equal one ampere hour. ANCHOR BOLTS. Bolts used for fastening machines to their foundation. ANTI-FRICTION METAL. A tin-lead alloy like Babbitt metal. APERTURE. An opening of any description in a partition. ARC. The arc between two carbon electrodes slightly sepa- rated. ARC RECTIFIER. An apparatus used to change A. C. to D. C. ARMATURE. A collection of pieces of iron designed to be acted on by a magnet. ASBESTOS. A fibrous variety of ferro-magnesium silicate; is a non-conductor of heat and fireproof. ASBESTOS COVERED WIRE. A cable containing very fine strands of copper wire all twisted together and covered with an asbestos covering. Used wherever heat is generated. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION On motion picture circuits used between the table switch and arc lamp. AUTOMATIC. Self acting. AUTOMATIC SHUTTER. The shutter covering the film aperture in gate of machine and controlled by the centrifugal or governor movement, is so arranged that the shutter will remain up so long as the machine is in motion, but should the machine stop for any reason then the shutter falls and cuts off the rays of light from the film in gate. (A fire pre- vention device.) AUTO TRANSFORMER. A transformer provided with only one coil instead of two. Part of the coil being traversed by the primary circuit and part being traversed by the sec- ondary circuit. B. & S. W. G. Abbreviation for Brown & Sharpe. Wire Gauge. B. W. G. Abbreviation for Birmingham Wire Gauge. B. X. Metal tubing containing two conductors, each conductor insulated from the other by a rubber covering, and both wires wrapped with a composition covering so as to com- pletely fill the tubing. BABBITT METAL. An anti-friction metal. BACK FOCUS. Properly called working distance. BACK FOCAL LENGTH OF LENS. The distance from the back of the lens to the film in the gate, while the film image is in focus on the screen. BALANCE WHEEL. A fly wheel. A wheel added to ma- chinery for the purpose of preventing too sudden variations in speed. BALL & SOCKET JOINT. A joint in which a spherical object is placed within a socket made to fit it. BALL BEARING. A bearing whose journal works upon a number of metal balls. Used to reduce friction to a mini- mum. BED PIECE. The frame carrying the dynamo or motor. BORE. The interior diameter of a cylinder. BRUSH. A rod of carbon held in a holder and pressed against the commutator. BUSINESS. Action by the player; e. g., business of shutting door. BUST. A small, magnified part of a large scene. CABLE. An insulated electric conductor. CAM FRICTION. The friction existing between the cam and the member connected to it. CAMERA. An expression used to command the photographer to begin taking the scene. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION CANADA BALSAM. A gum obtained from the Balsam Fir of Canada. Used for cementing lenses. CARBON. One of the elements, exists in three forms, char- coal, graphite and diamond. It is used as electric conductor for arc lamps and incandescent lamp filaments. The car- bons used for arc lamps generally have a central core of soft carbon. CARRYING CAPACITY. The capacity of an electrical con- ductor to carry current without overheating. CENTIMETER. Unit of length, 0.3937 inch. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. The force which draws a body constrained to move in a circular path, away from the center of rotation. CHANGE OVER. The stopping of one projecting machine and the simultaneous starting of a second machine in order to maintain an uninterrupted picture on the screen when showing a multiple-reel story. CHECK NUT, generally called lock-nut. A nut placed over another nut on same bolt to lock the main nut in place. CHROMATIC. Relating to color. CHROMATIC ABERRATION. When white light is passed through a spherical lens, both refraction and dispersion (the decomposition of white light into several kinds of light) occur. This causes a separation of the white light into the various colors and causes images to have colored edges. This effect which is most observable in condenser lenses is due to the unequal refrangibility of the simple colors. CINE. A prefix used in description of the motion-picture art or apparatus. CIRCUIT. The path through which the electric current flows. CIRCUIT BREAKER. Any apparatus for opening or clos- ing a circuit. CIRCUIT-CLOSED. A circuit closed so as to give the cur- rent a continuous path. CIRCUIT, OPEN. A circuit with its continuity broken, as by the opening of a switch. CLOSE-UP. Scene or action taken with the character close to the camera. COLLODION. A solution of pyroxylin (soluble gun cotton) in ether. Used in film cement. COMMUTATOR. That part of a dynamo that changes the direction of the currents. 10 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION COOLING PLATE. The plate around the film aperture on gate which protects the gate itself from getting overheated from the rays of light from arc lamp. CONDUCTOR. Anything that will permit the passage of electricity. A wire. CONDENSERS. A lens or set of lenses used to gather the rays of light from the arc lamp and bring them to a fixed point of focus on aperture in gate. The lens combination which deflects the diverging rays of the luminant into the objective. Collector Lens. The lens next to the source of light. Converging Lens. The lens nearest the objective. Middle Lens. Of a three-lens combination, the lens lying between the collector lens and the converging lens. CONDUIT. A metal pipe through which electrical conductors are run. CONTACT, ELECTRIC. A contact between two conductors giving a continuous path for the current. CONSTANT LOAD. A load whose pressure is steady and in- variable. CONTINUOUS. Uninterrupted without break, or interrup- tion. CONVERTER. An electric machine or apparatus for chang- ing the potential difference of an electrical circuit. CORROSION. Chemical action which causes destruction of a metal, usually by oxidation or rusting. CORRUGATED. Formed with a surface consisting of alter- nate valleys and ridges. COULOMB. The practical unit of quantity of electricity. It is the quantity passed by a current of one ampere intensity in one second. CRATER. The depression that forms in the positive carbon of a voltaic arc. CURRENT FREQUENCY. The number of times alternating current changes its flow of direction a second. The changes are called cycles. CUT-BACK. Scenes which are returns to previous action. CUT-IN. Anything inserted in a scene which breaks its con- tinuity. CUTTING. Editing a picture by elimination of useless or unacceptable film. DEVELOPING. Making visible the latent image in an ex- posed film. DIRECT CURRENT. A current that flows in the one direc- tion- Written D. C. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 11 DIMMER. An adjustable choking coil used to regulate the intensity of electric incandescent lamps. DIRECTOR. The person who directs the actual production of the photoplay. DISSOLVE. The gradual transition of one scene into another. DOUBLE EXPOSURE. The exposure of a negative film in a camera twice before development. DOUBLE PRINTING. The exposure of a sensitive film under two negatives prior to development. DOUSER. The manually operated door in the projecting machine which intercepts the light before it reaches the film. DUPE. A negative made from a positive. DUPLEX. Double; working in two ways at once. DYNAMOS. A machine driven by power used to convert me- chanical energy into electrical energy. E. M. F. Abbreviation for electric-motive force. ECONOMIZER. A step-down transformer. EFFECTIVE APERTURE. The largest diameter of a lens available under the conditions considered. ELECTRICITY. An unknown power; a powerful physical agent which manifests itself mainly by attraction and repul- sions, also by luminous and heating effects, by violent com- motions, by chemical decompositions and many other phe- nomena. ELECTRODE. The terminal of an open electric circuit. EQUIVALENT FOCUS. The distance from a point half way between the back and front combination of lenses to the film in the gate while picture is in focus on screen. Can be obtained by measuring the distance between the front and back combination then dividing by two and adding the result to the back focal length. (Written E. F.) The equivalent focus of a plurality of lenses in combina- tion is the focal length of a simple thin lens which will under all conditions form an image having the same magnification as will the given lens combination. EXHAUST FAN. An air propeller used to create a vacuum. EXTERIOR. A scene supposed to be taken out of doors. FADE-IN. The gradual appearance of the picture from dark- ness to full screen brilliancy. FADE-OUT. The gradual disappearance of the screen- picture into blackness. (The reverse of fade-in.) FEATURE. A pictured story, a plurality of reels in length. FIRE TRAP. An arrangement of rollers on the upper and lower magazines through which the film is fed, used to pre- vent the flame, in case of fire, from entering the magazines. FIXING. Making permanent the developed image in a film. 12 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION FLAT. A bit of painted canvas, or the like. FLASH. A short scene, usually not more than three to five feet of film. FLASH-BACK. A very short cut-back. FOCAL. Pertaining or belonging to a focus. FOCUS. The point of concentration. When rays reflected from all points meet or concur. FOOTAGE. Film length measured in feet. FLICKER SHUTTER. A revolving shutter on head of ma- chine just in front of the projection lens, its use being to cut off the rays of light from screen while the film is in mo- tion in gate. FRAME (verb). To bring a frame into register with the aperture during the period of rest. FRAME (noun). A single picture of the series on a motion- picture film. FRAME LINE. The dividing line between two frames. FRAMING DEVICE. An attachment on the machine which allows the operator to frame the picture on screen. FUSE. A short length of wire of a given fusable point in- troduced into the electrical circuit. FUSING POINT. The temperature at which metals melt and become liquid. GENERATOR. An apparatus for maintaining an electrical current. GOVERNOR MOVEMENT. The movement that works the automatic shutter, works by centrifugal force. GRAPHITE. A soft form of carbon, used as a lubricant. GROUND. The contact of an electrical conductor with the earth, or with some other conductor not in the circuit. HORSE POWER. A unit of rate of work. Equal to the rais- ing of 33,000 pounds, one foot in one minute; equal to 746 watts. INDUCTION. The property of a charged body on A. C. to charge a neighboring body running parallel to it without any tangible form of connection. INDUCTOR. A step-down transformer. IMPEDANCE. Is to an A. C. circuit what resistance is to a D. C. circuit. INSULATING TAPE. A prepared tape to cover the ends of bared wire. INTERMITTENT MOVEMENT. The movement that drives the intermittent sprocket, generally a four-to-one movement. INTERMITTENT SPROCKET- The sprocket which engages the film to give it intermittent movement at the picture aperture. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 13 INSERT. Any photographic matter, without action, in the film. INTERIOR. Any scene supposed to be taken inside a build- ing. IRIS. An adjustable lens diaphragm. IRISING. Gradually narrowing the field of vision by a me- chanical device on the camera. JOINING. Splicing into a continuous strip (usually 1,000 feet) the separate scenes, titles, etc., of a picture. KILOWATT. Equal to 1,000 watts. LAMINATED. Made up of a number of thin sheets. LANTERN PICTURE. A still picture projected on a screen by means of an optical lantern or stereopticon. LANTERN SLIDE (see slide). The transparent picture from which a lantern picture is projected. LEADERS. That piece of blank film attached to the begin- ning of the picture series. LENS. A lens may be defined as a piece of glass or other transparent substance with one or both sides curved. Both sides may be curved, or one curved and other flat. The object of the lens is to change the direction of rays of light and thus magnify objects or otherwise modify vision. Lenses may be classed as: Double convex Double concave Piano convex Piano concave Concavo convex Convexo concave The focus of a lens is the point where the refracted rays meet. LIGHT BEAM. A bundle of light rays. LIGHT RAY. A thin line of light. LOCATION. Any place selected for the action of an outdoor scene. LOST MOTION. Motion in a part of machine that produces no useful results. LUBRICANT. An oil used to diminish friction in the work- ing parts of machinery. LUG. A wire terminal. MAGAZINE VALVE. The film opening in the magazine of a motion-picture projector. MAN POWER. Equal to one-tenth of a horse power. MASKS. Opaque plates of various sizes and shapes used in the camera to protect parts of the negative from exposure. MICA. A mineral more or less transparent and used for in- sulating. MIL. Unit of length. MIL, CIRCULAR. Unit of area. 14 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MOTION-PICTURE. The synthesis of a series of related picture elements, usually of an object in motion. MOTION-PICTURE FILM. The ribbon upon which the series of related picture elements is recorded. MOTION-PICTURE PROJECTOR. An optical lantern equipped with mechanisms for suitably moving motion-picture film across the projected light. MOTOR GENERATOR. A motor connected to a generator. MOTOR REGULATOR. An adjustable rheostat used to reg- ulate the speed of the motor. MOVIES. Motion pictures. MULTIPLE. Multiple connection is when each lamp draws its supply direct from the main and is not depending on any other lamp or set of lamps for supply. MULTIPLE-REEL. A photoplay of more than a thousand feet of film in length. NEGATIVE. The opposite to positive; the pole to which the current is supposed to flow. NEGATIVE. The developed film, after being exposed in a camera. NEGATIVE STOCK. Light sensitive film intended for motion-picture camera use. NON CONDUCTOR. Any material that does not conduct electricity. OBJECTIVE. The picture-forming member (lens) of the optical system. The objective lens of a moving picture machine generally consists of four lenses, two in the front combination and two in the rear. The two lenses in the front are cemented together with Canada Balsam and called the compound lens. The back combination consists of two lenses separated by a metal ring, called the duplex lens. The convex or greatest convex side of a lens always faces the screen. OHM. The unit of electrical resistance. OSCILLATION. A moving backward and forward; swinging like a pendulum. OPTIENCE. A collection of persons assembled to see motion pictures. PAM. Contraction for panorama. PANORAM. The act of, or device for, turning a motion- picture camera horizontally, to photograph a moving object, or to embrace a wide angle of view. PHOTOPLAY. A story in motion pictures. POLARITY. Pertaining to the two opposite poles of a cir- cuit; the positive and negative. POLYPHASE. More than one phase, multiphase. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 15 POSITIVE. The developed film, after being printed through a negative. POSITIVE STOCK. The light-sensitive film intended to be printed upon through a negative. PRE-RELEASE. A picture not yet released for public showing. PRESSURE, ELECTRIC. Electric motive force, voltage. PRIMARY COIL. The coil of a transformer, connected to the source of electrical supply. PRIMARY COLORS. Red, yellow, blue. PRIMARY POWERS. Water power, wind power, tide power, power of combustion, power of vital action. PRINT. Same as "positive." PRODUCER. The maker of photoplays. PROGRAM. The complete show for a single optience. PROJECTION DISTANCE. The distance between the screen and the objective of a stereopticon lantern or motion- picture projecting machine. PROJECTING LENS. Properly called projection objective. PROJECTION OBJECTIVE. The objective which forms an image of the lantern slide or film, upon the screen. PROPS. Contraction of properties. Objects used as acces- sories in a play. RACING OF MOTORS. The rapid acceleration of speed of a motor when the load upon it is removed. REEL. An arbitrary unit of linear measure for film approx- imately a thousand feet. REEL. The metal spool upon which the film is wound. REFLECTION. The change of direction experienced by a ray of light when it strikes a surface and is thrown back or reflected,. Light is reflected according to two laws. (a) The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of inci- dence. (b) The incident and the reflected rays are both in the same plane which is perpendicular to the reflecting surface. REFRACTION. The change of direction which a ray of light undergoes upon entering obliquely a medium of differ- ent density from that through which it has been passing. In this case the following laws obtain: (a) Light is refracted whenever it passes obliquely from one medium to another of different optical density. (b) The index of refraction 'for a given substance is a con- stant quantity whatever be the angle of incidence. 16 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION (c) The refracted ray lies in the plane of the incident ray and the normal. (d) Light rays are bent toward the normal when they enter a more refracted medium and from the normal when they enter a less refracted medium. REGISTER. A term denoting facial expression of emotions. RELEASE. The publication of a photoplay. RETAKE. Rephotographing a scene. REWIND. The process of reversing the winding of a film, usually so that the end to be first projected shall lie on the outside of the roll. RE WINDER. The mechanism Vy which rewinding is accom- plished. RESISTANCE BOX. A box filled with resistance coils con- nected in series. RHEOSTAT. 'An instrument used to offer resistance to the flow of current. Made of a number of metal coils connected in series and mounted on a frame. RUBBER COVERED WIRE. A cable either solid or strand- ed with a rubber covering and an outer protective covering of cotton braid. Used for mains for motion picture work. SCENE. The action taken at a single camera setting. SCENARIO. A general description of the action of a pro- posed photoplay. SCREEN. The surface upon which a picture is optically pro- jected. SECONDARY COIL. The coil of a transformer in which the current is induced, connected to the lamp. SERIES. An electrical connection where lamps are connected so that they depend on each other for supply, the current passing through each lamp successively. SHOOTING A SCENE. Photographing the scene. SHORT CIRCUIT. Two wires of opposite polarity coming in contact with each other without any controlling device. SHUTTER. The obscuring device, usually a revolving seg- mental disc, employed to intercept the light during the move- ment of the film in motion-picture apparatus. Shutter Working Blade (also variously known as the cut- ting blade, obscuring blade, main blade, master blade or travel blade). That segment which intercepts the light during the movement of the film at the picture aperture. Shutter Intercepting Blade (also known as the flicker blade). That segment which intercepts the light one or more times during the rest or projection period of the film to eliminate flicker. SIXTY CYCLE A. C. This is when every part of the circuit MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 17 is 60 times positive and 60 times negative every second. The current changes its flow of direction 60 times a second. SINGLE PHASE. Using only two wires and one E. M. F. sometimes called monophase or uniphase. SINGLE PICTURE CRANK (sometimes referred to as trick spindle). That spindle and crank on a motion-picture camera which makes one exposure at each complete revo- lution. SLIDE (Stereo Slide). The transparent picture from which a screen still is projected. SLIDING FRICTION. The friction existing between two bodies in sliding contact with each other. SPEED REGULATOR. An attachment on machine (gen- erally a friction disc arrangement) used to regulate the speed of machine (not the speed of motor). SPHERICAL ABERRATION. The reflected rays of con- cave spherical mirrors do not meet exactly at the same point. This is called spherical aberration. SPLICING. Joining the ends of film by cementing. SPLIT REEL. A reel having two or more picture subjects thereon. SPOT. The illuminated area on the aperture plate of a motion-picture projector. SPROCKET. The revolvable toothed member which engages the perforations in the film. STAGE CABLE. A cable containing twin conductors each insulated from the other and the whole thing covered with a composition covering. Used for temporary purposes. STEP-DOWN TRANSFORMER. A transformer that steps down the voltage and raises the amperage. STEP-UP TRANSFORMER. A transformer that steps up the voltage and lowers the amperage. STEREOPTICON. A lantern for projecting transparent pic- tures, i. e., lantern slides, often a double lantern for dis- solving. STILL. A picture from a single negative. STRIKING THE ARC. The act of bringing the carbons of an arc lamp together, and immediately separating them, thus establishing the arc. SWITCH BOARD. A board to which wires are led connecting with cross bars or switches. SWITCH, DOUBLE POLE. A heavy switch which connects and disconnects two leads simultaneously. SWITCH, KNIFE. A switch with knife-like blades used on circuits carrying high amperage. 18 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION SWITCH, SNAP. A small switch made to give a sharp break used on home lighting circuits. SWITCH, THREE WAY. A switch so constructed that by turning its handle, connection can be made from one lead to either of two other leads, and also so that connection can be completely cut off. TAKE-UP (noun). The mechanism which receives and winds the film after it passes the picture aperature. Generally consists of a split pulley and tension spring, its use is to drive and control the speed and tension of the reel taking up the film in lower magazine. TAKE-UP (verb). Winding up the film after it passes the picture aperture. TENSION SPRINGS. On gate of machine, used to give the proper tension to film while passing aperture. THREE WIRE SYSTEM. A system of distribution of elec- tric current where three wires instead of two sets of two wires are used. The middle or neutral wire acts as positive wire for the negative, and as negative wire for the positive. The advantage of the system is the saving of copper. THREE PHASE. A system of electrical distribution making use of three separate currents. These currents may be super- imposed and generally only three wires are used in this trans- mission. THROW. Projection distance. Distance from front com- bination of lens to screen. TILT. The act of, or device for, moving a camera vertically while in use. TINTING. Coloring a film by dyeing the gelatine side of it. TONING. Coloring a film by chemical action on the silver image. TRAILER. That piece of blank film attached to the end of a picture series. TRANSFORMER. An apparatus used on alternating cur- rent systems to raise or lower the voltage. TRANSVERTER. A motor generator set, an A. C. motor connected to a D. C. generator. TRICK CRANK. A camera crank giving a single exposure for each turn. TRICK-PICTURE. -A picture in which unnatural action ap- pears. TWO PHASE. An A. C. system of electrical distribution making use of two currents of different phase. Can be ar- ranged with either 8 or 4 wires. VISION. A new subject introduced into the main picture, MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 19 by the gradual fading-in and fading-out of the new subject, as, for example, to visualize a thought. VOLTAGE. Electric motive force or pressure. VOLTMETER. An instrument used to measure the electric pressure. WATT. The practical unit of electrical power. Equal to amperes times volts. WATT HOUR. Amount of watts times length of hours. WORKING DISTANCE. The distance from the principal focus of a lens to its nearest face; e. g., the distance from the slide or film to the nearest lens of the objective. 20 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MOTION PICTURE STANDARDS The following have been adopted as standards by the Society of Motion-Picture Engineers, and are promulgated to encourage uniformity and standard practice throughout the Industry as a whole. Their early universal adoption will save the industry a great deal of present annoyance and monetary loss. FILM SPEED. A film movement of sixty feet per minute through motion-picture mechanisms shall be considered as standard speed. FRAME LINE. The dividing line between pictures on motion-picture film shall lie exactly midway between the marginal perforations. INTERMITTENT GEAR RATIO. The movement of the in- termittent gear shall be expressed in degrees of rotation during which the pin of the driver is in contact with the slot of the driven gear. For example, a gear in which the pin is engaged with the slot for one-quarter of a revolution of the driver shall be called a 90-degree movement; that in which the pin is engaged with the slot for one-sixth of a revolution shall be called a 60-degree movement, etc. LANTERN SLIDE MAT OPENING. A standard opening in mats of lantern slides for use in conjunction with motion pictures shall be 3 inches wide by 2*4 inches high. THUMB MARK. The thumb mark spot on a lantern slide shall be located in the lower left-hand corner next the reader when the slide is held so as to be read against a light. LANTERN STRIP. A red binding strip to be used on the lower edge of the lantern slide. PICTURE APERTURE. The standard film picture aperture in a projecting machine shall be 0.906 inch wide and 0.6795 inch high, namely, 29/32" and 87/128". PROJECTION ANGLE. The maximum permissible angle in picture projection shall not exceed twelve degrees (12) from a perpendicular to the screen surface. PROJECTION LENS FOCI. The focus of motion-picture projection lenses shall increase in ^4" steps to 8 inches and from 8 to 9 in ^-inch steps. PROJECTION LENS MOUNTING. Picture projecting lenses shall be so mounted that the light from the film MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 21 picture aperture shall have an uninterrupted full path to the rear component of the lens. PROJECTING LENS HEIGHT. The standard height from the floor to the center of the projecting lens of a motion- picture machine shall be 48 inches. PROJECTION LENS OPENING. The diameter of unit opening for projecting lens holder shall be 1 15/16 inch. PROJECTION OBJECTIVES. Shall have the equivalent focal length marked thereon in inches and quarters and halves of an inch, in decimals, with a plus (-f) or minus ( ) tolerance not to exceed 1 per cent, of the designated equiv- alent focal length also marked by the proper sign following the figure. REEL. The approved standard reel shall be 10 inches in diameter; iy 2 inches inside width; with 5/16-inch center hole, with a key-way %" by %" extending all the way through; a 2-inch hub; and a permissible flange wabble of not more than 1/16-inch. STANDARD PICTURE FILM. Shall be one and one-third inches wide, and carry a picture for each four perforations- the vertical position of the picture being longitudinal of the film. STANDARD REEL FILM. Shall have black film leaders, with tinted (red, green or blue) trailers; should have mark- ing thereon embossed rather than punched in the film; and each reel of a multiple-reel story should end with a title, and the next reel begin with the same title. TAKE-UP PULL. The take-up pull on film shall not exceed 15 ounces at the periphery of a 10-inch reel or 16 ounces on a (11-inch) reel. 22 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 'A Pocket Reference Book FOR Managers and Projectionists' By JAMES R. CAMERON Price One Dollar THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY 124 WEST 45xn STREET NEW YORK CITY MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 23 ELECTRICITY No one knows exactly what electricity is, we do not even know what it consists of, we do know that electricity and magnetism are one and the same. Electricity is not matter nor yet is it energy, al- though it is a means of transmitting energy, and we know how to handle this force for this purpose. It is an undeniable fact that energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed, but we can convert one kind of energy into energy of another kind. For example, should we light a fire under a vessel con- taining water we will convert the heat energy from the coals to steam energy in the vessel containing the water, and we could again change this steam energy into mechanical energy, as is done with the locomotive. It is also possible to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, so by connecting the mechani- cal energy created by the steam to a dynamo we would produce electrical energy. It is also possible to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. A motor is used for this purpose. The word dynamo is used to designate a machine which produces direct current as distinguished from the alternator or generator which produces alternat- ing current. A dynamo does not create electricity but produces an induced electric-motive force which causes a current of electricity to flow through a circuit of conductors in much the same manner as a pump causes water to flow through a pipe. The point to be settled in the minds of those taking up 24 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION electricity is that the dynamo merely sets into mo- tion something already existing, by generating suf- ficient pressure to overcome the resistance to its movement. Although we speak of alternating and direct cur- rent, it should be clearly understood that it is im- possible to get a continuous current with a dynamo. The current is really a pulsating one, but the pulsa- tions are so small and follow each other so quickly that the current is practically continuous. Electromotive Force. When a difference of elec- trical potential exists between two points, there is said to exist an electromotive force, or tendency to cause a current to flow from one point to the other. This electromotive force is analogous to the pressure, caused by a difference in level of two bodies of water connected by a pipe. The pressure tends to force the water through the pipe, and the electromotive force tends to cause an electric current to flow. Electromotive force is commonly designated by the letters E. M. F. or simply E. It is also referred to as pressure or voltage. Current. A current of electricity flows when two points, at a difference of potential, are connected by a wire, or when the circuit is otherwise completed. Similarly, water flows from a high level to a lower one, when a path is provided. In either case the flow can take place only when the path exists. Hence to produce a current it is necessary to have an elec- tromotive force and a closed circuit. The current continues to flow only as long as the electromotive force and closed circuit exists. The strength of a current in a conductor is defined MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 25 as the quantity of electricity which passes any point in the circuit in a unit of time. Current is desig- nated by the letter C or /. Resistance. Resistance is that property of mat- ter, in virtue of which bodies oppose or resist the free flow of electricity. Water passes with difficulty through a small pipe of great length or through a pipe filled with stones or sand, but very readily through a large, clear pipe of short length. Like- wise, a small wire of considerable length and made of poor conducting material offers great resistance to the passage of electricity, but a good conductor of short length and large cross-section offers very little resistance. Resistance is designated by the letter R. Volt, Ampere and Ohm. The volt is the practical unit of electromotive force. The ampere is the practical unit of current. The ohm is the practical unit of electrical resist- ance. The microhm is one millionth of an ohm, and the megohm is one million ohms. The International ohm, as nearly as known, is the resistance of a uniform column of mercury 106.3 centimeters in length by one square milimeter in cross-section at a temperature of zero centigrade. The ampere is the strength of current which, when pased through a solution of silver nitrate, under suit- able conditions, deposits silver at the rate of .001118 gram per second. The volt is equal to the E. M. F. which, when applied to a conductor having a resistance of one ohm, will produce in it a current of one ampere. All substances resist the passage of electricity, but 26 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION the resistance offered by some is very much greater than that offered by others. Metals have by far the least resistance, and of these, silver possesses the least of any. In other words, silver is the best con- ductor. If the temperature remains the same, the resistance of a conductor is not affected by the cur- rent passing through it. A current of ten, twenty or any number of amperes may pass through a cir- cuit, but its resistance will be unchanged with con- stant temperature. Resistance is affected by the temperature and also by the degree of hardness. Annealing decreases the resistance of a metal. Conductance is the inverse of resistance; that is, if a conductor has a resistance of R ohms, its con- 1 ductance is equal to . R Resistance Proportional to Length. The resis- tance of a conductor is directly proportional to its length. Hence, if the length of a conductor is doubled, the resistance is doubled, or if the length is divided, say into three equal parts, then the resis- tance of each part is one-third the total resistance. Resistance Inversely Proportional to Cross-Sec- tion. The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area. Hence the greater the cross-section of a wire the less is its resistance. Therefore, if two wires have the same length, but one has a cross-section three times that of the other, the resistance of the former is one-third that of the latter. As the area of a circle is proportional to the square of its diameter, it follows that the resistances MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 27 of round conductors are inversely proportional to the squares of their diameters. Specific Resistance. The specific resistance of a substance is the resistance of a portion of that sub- stance of unit length and unit cross-section at a standard temperature. The units commonly used are the centimeter or the inch, and the temperature that of melting ice. The specific resistance may there- fore be said to be the resistance (usually stated in microhms) of a centimeter cube or of an inch cube at the temperature of melting ice. If the specific resistances of two substances are known, then their related resistance is given by the ratio of the specific resistance. Calculation of Resistance. It is evident that re- sistance varies directly as the length, inversely as the cross-sectional area, and depends upon the spe- cific resistance of the material. If a circuit is made up of several different mate- rials joined in series with each other, the resistance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the resistances of its several parts. In calculating the resistance of such a circuit, the resistance of each part should first be calculated, and the sum of these resistances will be the total resistance of the circuit. Resistance Affected by Heating. The resistance of metals depends upon the temperature, and the resistance is increased by heating. The heating of some substances, among which is carbon, causes a decrease in their resistance. The resistance of the filament of an incandescent lamp when lighted is only about half as great as when cold. All metals, how- ever, have their resistance increased by a rise in tern- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION perature. The percentage increase in resistance with rise of temperature varies with the different metals, and varies slightly for the same metal at different temperatures. The increase is practically uniform for most metals throughout a considerable range of temperature. The resistance of copper increases about A per cent, per degree Centigrade. The per- centage increase in resistance for alloys is much less than for the simple metals. Standard resistance coils are therefore made of alloys, as it is desirable that their resistance should be as nearly constant as possible. QUANTITY, ENERGY AND POWER. Quantity. The strength of a current is deter- mined by the amount of electricity which passes any cross-section of the conductor in a second; that is, current strength expresses the rate at which electricity is conducted. The quantity of electric- ity conveyed evidently depends upon the current strength and the time the current continues. The Coulomb. The coulomb is the unit of quan- tity and is equal to the amount of electricity which passes any cross-section of the conductor in one second when the current strength is one ampere. If a current of one ampere flows for two seconds, the quantity of electricity delivered is two coulombs, and if two amperes flow for one second the quantity is also two coulombs. With a current of four amperes flowing for three seconds, the quantity delivered is 12 coulombs. The quantity of electricity in coulombs is therefore equal to the current strength in amperes multiplied by the time in seconds. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 29 Energy. Whenever a current flows, a certain amount of energy is expended, and this may be transformed into heat, or mechanical work, or may produce chemical changes. The unit of mechanical energy is the amount of work performed in raising a mass of one pound through a distance of one foot, and is called the foot-pound. The work done in raising any mass through any height is found by multiplying the number of pounds in that mass by the number of feet through which it is lifted. Elec- trical work may be determined in a corresponding manner by the amount of electricity transferred through a difference of potential. The Joule. The joule is the unit of electrical energy, and is the work performed in transferring one coulomb through a difference of potential of one volt. That is, the unit of electrical energy is equal to the work performed in transferring a unit quantity of electricity through a unit difference of potential. It is evident that if 2 coulombs pass in a circuit and the difference of potential is one volt, the energy ex- pended is 2 joules. Likewise, if 1 coulomb passes and the potential difference is 2 volts, then the energy expended is also 2 joules. Therefore, to find the number of joules expended in a circuit, multiply the quantity of electricity by the potential difference through which it is transferred. Power. Power is the rate of doing work, and expresses the amount of work done in a certain time. The horse-power is the unit of mechanical energy, and is equal to 33,000 foot-pounds per minute, or 550 foot-pounds per second. A certain amount of work may be done in one hour or two hours, and in 30 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION stating the work done to be so many foot-pounds or so many joules, the rate at which the work is done is not expressed. Power, on the other hand, includes the rate of working. It is evident that if it is known that a certain amount of work is done in a certain time, the rate at which the work is done, or the power, may be obtained by dividing the work by the time, giving the work done per unit of time. The Watt. The electrical unit of power is the watt, and is equal to one joule per second; that is, when one joule of work is expended in one second, the power is one watt. If the number of joules ex- pended in a certain time is known, then the power in watts is obtained by dividing the number of joules by the time in seconds. The power is obtained by multiplying the current by the voltage, or by multiplying the square of the current by the resistance. The watt is sometimes called the volt-ampere. For large units the kilowatt is used, and this is equal to 1,000 watts. The common abbreviation for kilowatt is K. W. The kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy, and is the energy expended in one hour when the power is one kilowatt. Equivalent of Electrical Energy in Mechanical Units. The common unit of mechanical energy is the foot-pound, and from experiment it has been found that one joule is equivalent to .7373 foot- pound; that is, the same amount of heat will be developed by one joule as by .7373 foot-pound of work. As one horse-power is equal to 550 foot-pounds MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 31 per second, it follows that this rate of working is equivalent to 550 = 746 joules per second (approx.). .7373 Hence one horse-power is equivalent to 746 watts. Therefore, to find the equivalent of mechanical power in electrical power, multiply the horse-power by 746; and to find the equivalent of electrical power in mechanical power, divide the number of watts by 746. Ohms Law. Ohms law is merely the fundamental principle on which most of electrical mathematics are worked. A series of formulas used by electricians in figur- ing voltage, amperage and resistance : FORMULA 1 To find the amount of current flowing in a circuit divide the voltage by the resistance, or Electric Motive Force Current = Resistance For instance, if we have a line voltage of 100 and our circuit has a resistance of 5 ohms, then by dividing 100 by 5, we would get our amperage. 5 ) 100 ( 20 100 so we would have 20 amperes. FORMULA 2 To find the amount of resistance in a circuit, divide the voltage by the amount of amperage drawn, or MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Electric Motive Force Resistance = Current For Instance, suppose we have a line voltage of 100 and are using 20 amperes at arc lamp, then by dividing the 100 by 20 we would get the amount of resistance we have In our circuit 20 ) 100 (5 100 to we would have 5 ohms resistance in our circuit FOEMULA 8 To find the voltage of a circuit, multiply the amount of am- peres drawn by the amount of resistance, or Electric Motive Force = Amperes Times Resistance For example: If we had 20 amperes at arc and our circuit was offering 5 ohms resistance, then by multiplying 20 by 6 we would get our voltage. 20 amperes ohms 100 volts To find Volt*. Multiply number of Amperes by amount of Resistance. To find Rffiftance. Divide Voltage by Amperage. To find Amperage. Divide Voltage by Resistance. To find Watt*. Multiply Voltage by Amperage. To find Amp*. Divide Watts by Volts. To find Volt*. Divide Watts by Amperage. PICTURE PROJECTION GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Everyone is acquainted with the horseshoe mag- ajMJ the small pocket compass, and these two articles will serve as an illustration. - if one of the legs of the horseshoe magnet be brought mar tl pu.s*, it will be found thai one ?h.- needle will be attracted to it, whilst if Uie other leg be present. ito Fie . 78 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 110 volt y 2 ampere lamps are connected across a 110 volt circuit, each dynamo supplying 2^ am- peres at a pressure of 110 volts; which means a total wattage of 550 W. for the ten lamps. Fig. 2 shows us the same two dynamos, now connected to- gether in series, and the same ten lamps, this time connected in series of pairs across a potential of 220 volts (on account of the dynamos being connected in series). As the voltage in this case is just double each lamp now draws 14 ampere instead of % am- pere as in Fig. 1 which makes the wattage in this case 220 X 2% = 550 watts, thus the wattage in each case is the same, but in Fig. 2 we have made a saving of 100 per cent, in copper, as we used two wires only, against four in Fig. 1. i o 1 O I o FIQ. 5. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 79 The arrangement in Fig. 2 is open to objection, however, as should one of the lamps burn out or be turned off, its companion will also go out. This is overcome in the three wire system by introducing a third wire into the circuit (Fig. 3) thus providing a supply or return wire to any of the lamps and permitting any of the lamps to be cut out of the circuit without affecting any of the others. The three wire system is generally obtained by connecting two dynamos of a like capacity in series and connecting a third or neutral wire to a point common to both dynamos. The dynamos being con- nected in series, we get the added voltage of the dynamos when connected between the two outside V- 05 O O O \ o FIG $. 80 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION wires, and the voltage of one dynamo only when con- nected between either of the outside wires and the neutral (Fig. 3). No current will flow over the neutral wire, if the system is kept balanced (the same amount of amperage is drawn off either side of the system) and the flow of current in the neutral wire at any time is the difference between the amperage drawn from either side. Fig. 4 shows a three wire system, A and B, being two 110 volt dynamos connected in series, C is the positive wire, D the neutral wire and E the nega- tive wire. The ten circles on either side of the neu- tral wire represent lamps, each taking one ampere, as we have the same amount of current (10 amperes) r MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 81 drawn off either side, the system is balanced and there is no flow of current in the neutral wire. The ten amperes being drawn from dynamo A over posi- tive wire C and after passing through the lamps re- turning to dynamo B by way of negative wire E. An unbalanced three wire system is shown in Fig. 5, taking it for granted that each of the lamps is taking one ampere, we have four amperes on one side and six on the other, 6 4 = 2, so our system is unbalanced to the extent of two amperes, and this represents the flow of current in the neutral wire. Four amperes being drawn from dynamo A over positive line C then after passing through the four lamps on the upper side, the four amperes goes to feed four of the lamps on the lower side, but as there I j T \ t o i FIG. b. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION are six lamps to feed on the lower side, the two extra amperes are drawn from dynamo B over neutral wire D (which under the circumstances acts as a positive). So in Fig. 5, we have four amperes flowing from dynamo A over positive line C, two amperes flowing from dynamo B over neutral wire D, and six amperes flowing to dynamo B over negative line E. In Fig. 6 we have another unbalanced system, in this case six amperes are drawn from dynamo A over positive line C and after feeding the six lamps on the upper side, four amperes are used to feed the four lamps on the lower side, the two extra amperes going back to dynamo A over the neutral wire D (which now acts as a negative) and four amperes going to dynamo B over negative line E. With a three wire system, the idea is to keep the system as near balanced as possible. For motion picture work it is advisable to connect the machines between the neutral wire and the outside, one ma- chine on each side of the system. When using the positive and neutral wires, the positive goes to the top jaw of arc lamp and the neutral to the lower, if you use the neutral and negative wires then the neutral wire goes to top jaw of arc lamp and the negative to the lower. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 83 FUSES A safety device used on your line to protect the circuit. A short length of fusable wire introduced in a cir- cuit so that if the temperature of circuit should rise above the rated capacity of fuse the wire will melt and thereby open the circuit. Fuses are made in different shapes and sizes, the moving picture operator, however, will only be called upon to handle the under-mentioned. Copper-Tipped Fuse Link Link Fuse. The link fuse is the fuse always used in the booth, being of the open type it cannot be readily boosted without same being plainly seen. Enclosed or "Cartridge" Fuse Section of Enclosed Fuse 84 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Link fuses have no protective covering, so should always be installed in a metal cabinet. Cartridge Fuse. Made by connecting two metal cap terminals with a short paper tubing. The two metal caps are connected by a thin wire which runs through the paper tubing, the tubing is filled with some non-conducting powder. Plug Fuses. Plug fuses are used for protecting the house wiring and circuits carrying small amper- age. In fusing upon any circuit you must take into con- sideration the size of the wire used and the amount of amperage to be drawn. The fuse should be rated under the carrying capacity of the wire with a suf- ficient margin to allow the required number of am- peres to pass over without overheating. The rating of all fuses is marked on them. Never use a fuse not marked. Edison Fuse-Plug MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 85 TESTING FOR GROUNDS Always remember that like poles repel each other while unlike poles attract each other, in other words the negative polarity is attracted by the positive polarity, and vice versa, while the negative has no attraction for negative nor the positive for positive. The positive wire of one system will have no at- traction for the negative wire of any other system 4 except its own, nor will the negative of one system find any attraction in the positive of any other sys- tem. A ground is merely the current from one polarity being attracted by the opposite polarity, through the ground or some conducting medium other than that in the circuit. Supposing that we are working on a three wire system and our neutral wire is grounded, and that we take and connect one of the outside wires to the upper jaw of arc lamp, and we connect the neutral wire to the lower jaw (the neutral wire now acts as negative to the -upper or positive wire). We now ground the machine by connecting the metal framework of machine to the conduit coming in booth. Our machine now becomes grounded on the neutral because we have made contact between the frame of machine and the already grounded conduit. Should we now connect our test lamp between the upper jaw of arc lamp and frame of machine or lamp house we will naturally get a light as we are con- nected between the two polarities of the system. 86 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Now should the arc lamp become grounded ( caused we will say by the mica insulation coming out of jaw connection) on the lower jaw it would mean that the system is grounded on the negative polarity and the arc itself is grounded on the negative polarity, and this may or may not blow the fuse. But should it be the upper jaw of lamp that becomes grounded then our arc would be grounded on the opposite po- larity to that of the machine, and thus cause a short circuit. To test for a ground in the lamp house, first dis- connect the ground wire and connect the terminals of test lamp between the upper and lower carbons. We should now get a light, as we are connected be- tween both polarities, this test merely shows that we have current in our lamp. Connect the test lamp between the upper car- bon and the frame of lamp house, if we get a light then our lower jaw is grounded, if we do not get light then take it for granted that lower is free from grounds. Next test to see if the upper is grounded by con- necting the test lamp between the lower jaw of arc lamp and the frame of lamp house, if we get a light then upper jaw is grounded. Always find the cause of ground and remove same at earliest opportunity. Before using the test lamp see that lamp is alright and that it makes good contact in socket. To test for a ground in the rheostat, use a bell set. First connect the terminals of bell set between the two binding posts of rheostat, and if rheostat is free MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 87 from open circuits you should get a ring, next con- nect the terminals of bell set between one of the coils or plates in rheostat and the iron frame, if you get a ring it signifies that the rheostat is grounded, but this test will not tell you which coil or plate is caus- ing the ground. To find exactly where ground is, proceed as follows : connect bell set between the first coil and frame, if you get a ring, disconnect the first coil, now connect between the second coil and frame, if you get a ring disconnect the second coil, and do the same to third and fourth coil, keep testing in this manner till bell stops ringing, then the coil you removed last was the coil that was grounded, so if you have removed six coils and the bell stops ringing when connected between the seventh coil and frame, it was coil number six that was grounded. If the rheostat is made of more than one section, test each section separately and find which section the ground is in, then proceed as above. This is to save time. 88 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 89 THE PROJECTION ROOM The room should contain everything necessary for perfect projection, but nothing that can be done without. Nothing but the projection of films should be done in the room, an ante-room should be provided with work bench and rewinder. The room should be large enough to permit the free movements of the operator or operators and should contain the neces- sary closets and shelves for the operators' clothes, tools, supplies, etc. The operator should see that he has sufficient sup- plies, such as fuses, lugs, film cement, asbestos cable, condensers, various lubricants, carbons, mica, brushes for motor, belting and a few of the necessary parts for machine to replace those parts that are liable to need replacing owing to wear, etc. The operator should carry a kit of tools that will permit him to do any repair work that he may be called upon to do, the manager of today has very little use for the would-be operator who shows up on the job with a ten cent pair of pliers and a piece of string. If using rheostats then same should be installed outside the projection room, but the control handles should be placed so that they are within easy reach of the projectionist, without his having to leave the machine. The operator will thus find working con- ditions a whole lot more comfortable. All openings such as projection holes and port holes must be so equipped with shutters that they will all close automatically in case of fire. 90 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 91 A lot could be said about the position of booth and the construction of same, but the trouble is that the operator is generally the last man a manager or ex- hibitor will consult in this matter when planning the theatre, so the operator has to work under conditions as he finds them. One thing we would advise and that is, that the walls of the booth should be painted a flat black (if same has not been done). The size of all openings should be reduced as much as possible, shade all lights so that none of the light finds its way into the auditorium of the theatre. Each operator naturally has his own idea as to just what constitutes an ideal projection room, however, we are submitting in the following pages a detailed description of the furnishings and fittings of two well known and much discussed projection rooms in New York City. 92 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION PLAN vitw OF lUwmo, PKOJCCTICN AND Moron GENERATOR ROOM jfTt AU. r c /tfcx AMMr(/rco.. Booth Plan, Reo Theatre, New York City MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MCTKIW-X .. BEVELED E06 Plan for Single Machine Booth 94 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION i!s ill U! I it 93 L -(.'-' '* K MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 95 O "- 8 96 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 97 AN IDEAL PROJECTION ROOM "The largest theatre in the world," the New York Capitol, has a projection room in keeping with the rest of its luxurious appointments. The projection room proper is 41 feet long and 19 feet deep and as will be seen by the accompanying photographs, it is furnished with everything necessary for perfect pro- jection. Four of the latest Type S Simplex ma- chines are responsible for the projection, each ma- chine is equipped with an automatic arc control and a metal cabinet for receiving hot carbon stubs. There is also a special spotlight and a Simplex Stereopticon, the spotlight is fitted with an 8-inch iris diaphragm so constructed and arranged that any sized spot can be immediately obtained, it is also fitted with a curtain dissolve which allows the oper- ator to gradually flood or dim the stage for special lighting effects, and dispenses with the troublesome masks. Current supply is D. C. through 50-125 multiple unit rheostats. The rheostats are placed in a special room adjoining the projection room, the rheostat controls being on the front wall near each projector within easy reach of the operator. Each machine draws 125 amperes at an approximate pressure of 68 volts. 98 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 99 The firing for the projectors is brought under the floor up through the machine pedestals and then to machine switch. Cool and comfortable working conditions are assured at all times, the room having 4 windows opening directly into the street besides two 24-foot exhaust fans ; a vent pipe runs from the lamp house of each projector to the open air. At the far end of the projection room is the re- wind room, here are found a specially built film vault for the storage of film, an enclosed motor rewind equipped with an automatic stopping device in case the film should break in the course of rewinding. The comfort of the projectionists has not been over- looked. An up-to-date washroom and lavatory to- gether with a rest room for their special use adjoins the projection room. The throw is 197 feet and the picture is projected on one of Robins' special white screens. The projec- tion of the pictures and the musical score are syn- chronized through the medium of the Robins speed indicators. 100 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION PROJECTION ROOM INTERNATIONAL CINEMA QUIPMENT CENTER The projection room is 20 feet long by 10 feet deep by 11 feet in height. It is built of 6-inch hol- low tile, plastered on both sides. Floor is arched reinforced cement with 2-inch covering of red on the top, which renders the booth neat in appearance and easily kept clean. Placed in the bottom of the booth are four 11 by 16-inch openings covered with fine mesh screen providing fresh air intake. An 18 by 24-inch vent flue leading to the outside carries away the warm air. This flue has a double opening in the booth, one which is covered by a grill, and in the other open- ing is placed an electric ventilating fan, which is controlled through the switchboard. By arranging the exhibits in this manner it does not impede the free passage of air. There are eight openings in the booth. Each is protected by the International Fire Shutter System, which consists of kalomein frames built into the wall with channel iron slideways attached into which are fitted l/^-inch asbestos fire shutters. The shutters are suspended by chains with fuseable links from a pipe which runs along the front wall of the booth, and is controlled by gravity when a fuse melts and releases a string, the weight turns the pipe and drops all shutters. The fire shutter is very nea"t in appearance and extremely effective. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 101 There are two indirect fixtures in the booth which are controlled by push button placed adjacent to the entrance of the booth. About 12 inches from the front wall of the booth, and directly in front of each machine, is a drop light with a Crescent lamp guard and porcelain socket. The lighting of the booth is all on direct current. Fig. 1 There is a signal telegraph controlled from the review desk in the interior of the theatre and a return call system ; also an extension Bell telephone con- necting with the main switchboard of the Interna- tional Cinema Quipment Centre. For the storage of 102 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION film during the course of projection the two 15-inch 5-section Safe-T-First cabinets are used. Directly in the rear of the booth is a large kalo- mein bench 6 feet long by 18 feet wide, which is used as a rewinding table, and the lower portion, which is divided into drawers, is used for accessories and supplies. Fig. 2 There is also provided an automatic sprinkler system in the booth, fire extinguishers and pails. The electric service consists of 110/220 volt Edi- son D. C., 110/220 volt single phase 60 cycle A. C. and 220 volt two phase A. C. This power is supplied direct from the lighting company on a special service MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 103 run from the basement. Directly behind the ma- chines in the rear wall of the operating room is a special control board designed by J. E. Robin. This board is 6 feet square of a dead face type. All meters and switches operate from the front and are back connected. The board is built of blue Vermont marble 2 inches in thickness. Fig. 3 shows the appearance of the front and Fig. 4 the rear. On the face of the board are mounted two Weston D. C. ammeters, two Weston A. C. am- meters and one Weston D. C. and one Weston A. C. volt meters. The six hand wheels directly under- neath the meters control volt and ammeter switches, rendering it possible to read the amperage or voltage on either side of the line, or the arc, and on any control device being tested. Each D. C. ammeter is provided with five interchangeable shunts, and each A. C. ammeter with three current transformers, which are shown to the left of the photograph Fig. 4. The A. C. ammeter has a push button underneath in the circuit which is connected with a multiplier to permit reading on the low voltage of transformer. The two other hand wheels shown on the left are on the right side of the booth control field rheostat, and the upper row of switches machine motor circuits and lighting, vent fans and Mazda lamp A. C. trans- formers. The lower row are the four main line switches two provided for the generator switch- board and two for the engines. As shown on photograph Fig. 4 12-200 ampere Kleigl plugging pockets. These are underneath the front of the board and underneath the booth directly from each projecting machine is run in conduit, con- 104 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION cealed in the floor two No. wires, which come out through a furrel in the bottom of the board, of which there are four, and terminate in five-foot long generator cable with a Kleigl plug attached. Directly underneath the projecting machine in the booth is a ventilator, where are located A. C. arc transformers, A. C. Mazda transformer, D. C. and A. C. rheostat and D. C. Mazda lamp rheostat. All Fig. 3 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 105 connections from these devices run direct from the main switchboard and terminate in the box of main switchboard. It is possible, therefore, by plugging in one of the four machines into the pockets to oper- ate on the different kinds of apparatus either A. C. or D. C., running one or four machines simulta- neously. All wiring of conduits are concealed in the floor and walls of the booth, and the wires leading to the machines, meters and arc switch come up directly in the centre of pedestal. Set flush in the wall directly underneath the lookout hole in front of each pro- jector is a special control panel board of blue Ver- mont marble with a volt meter and ammeter mounted on the face of the same, and Robin Cinema electric speed indicator. There is also provided a radial rheostat switch connected to the multiple unit rheo- stat. This switch is used to control the amperage at the arc which may be run from 5 to 100 amperes. This marble cover on panel board is arranged with hinges to open down into the booth, thus rendering it accessible. In addition to the general booth equipment there is shown to the rear of the booth in photograph the motor generator testing department. In this space are five different types of motor generators, both single and two phase, with special panel board in front of each one with control switches and instru- ments. Each generator is mounted on an iron pan, which is attached to frame and rests on cork and rubber to prevent noise when in operation. The top of the platform is covered with a battleship linoleum bound 106 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION with brass. The switchboard shown in the centre controls the motor generator sets, and is intercon- nected with the main switchboard in the booth. This board is also dead type with the front of the blue Vermont marble of 2-inch thickness, with all switches back connected and enclosed with a steel cabinet with two doors making it accessible from the rear. On the upper row are instruments consisting of two two- Fig. 4 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 10T phase Weston indicating watt meters, one Weston single indicating watt meter. This serves to show the wattage used in running the various machines. The two lower machines are without meters, which are connected across the two, coming out of the bot- tom of the board, which indicate in watts the power being taken in any of the generators. In this man- ner the current being used can easily be determined. The voltage and amperage may be obtaind from the meters on the individual panel or from the interior of the instruments in the booth. There are 10 plugging pockets on the board, two being connected with each machine. The two cables shown coming out of the board connect with the main switchboard in the booth. It is possible, there- fore, to plug one or two arcs on any of the genera- tors or for comparative test to run two generators simultaneously with one arc on each. This switchboard contains both current trans- formers, voltmeter multipliers and resistances and other necessary switches, cutouts and accessories. The machines consist of two Type "S" Simplex one Simplex Mazda equipment with A. C. and D. C. regulator and one Simplex with 1J^ to 1 shutter 5 to 1 movement and Argus sheck adapter. This machine is also equipped with Feaster non-rewind. All projectors are enameled battleship gray with fit- tings in nickel. Each machine is equipped with volt and ampere meters on front panel, also Robin Cinema electric speed indicators, lamp house with Simplex arc periscope, which throws the image of the arc on the walls or ceiling. The Mazda lamp, A. C. trans- formers and D. C. rheostats are located in the floor 108 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION of the booth, and are controlled from the interior by hand wheels somewhat similar to those used in the pilot house aboard ship. Figs. 5 and 6 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 109 110 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION lit I MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 111 Floor Plan Orchestra and Balcony Visual Screens and Projection Angles. Modern Theatre Pro- jection Layout to Determine Size and Position of Screen and Height Above Stage. 112 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION LONGITUDINAL SECTION t Floor Plan, Single Floor Theatre MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 113 WORKING PRINCIPLE OF ELEMENTARY PROJECTION MACHINE By turning the operating crank A, counter clock- wise, the main shaft B, is driven through the 4 to 1 reduction chain drive Z>, a steady turning motion being caused by the fly wheel C, this in turn operates the upper steady feed sprocket E, through the 4 to 1 reduction gear F, thus the teeth of E sprocket which mesh with the perforations in the film, feed the film at a constant rate, the film being held against E by pressure roller G. A film loop or length of loose film is thus maintained between E and the steady drum H. The film is fed past the film gate inter- mittently by the intermittent sprocket /, operated by the Geneva movement K, the latter producing a quick quarter turn of 7, followed by a relatively long rest during which the main shaft B makes one revo- lution. The barrel shutter L, by a 2 to 1 gear with the main shaft and proper timing, operates to cut off the light rays from the screen during each move- ment of the intermittent sprocket /, and to admit the light during the intervals that / remains sta- tionary. The synchronous operation of the inter- mittent sprocket and the shutter is very clearly shown in the diagram. A lower steady feed sprocket My which operates at the same speed as the upper sprocket E, maintains a lower feed film loop N, and 114 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION ING GEAR WHEELS 4 TO I REDUCTION MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 115 feeds the film to the lower reel 0. Because of the increasing diameter of the roll of film due to wind- ing the film on reel 0, the velocity of rotation of must be allowed to vary; this is accomplished by means of the belt drive P, the belt permitting slip- page below the maximum speed. It should be care- fully noted that the total revolutions made by each of the three sprockets E, I, and M, is the same, the only difference being that the motion of E and M is constant while that of I is intermittent. 116 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Books by the Same Author Pocket Reference Book for Managers and Projectionists Price One Dollar Elementary Text Book on Motion Picture Projection Price Two Dollars Electricity for Motion Picture Operators Price Two Dollars Motion Picture Optics (In Preparation) THEATRE SUPPLY Co, 124 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK CITY MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 117 LIGHT That light travels with a speed, which is much greater than the speed of sound is shown by the fact that the flash of a distant gun is always seen long before the sound of the report is heard and that lightning always precedes thunder. For most purposes it is sufficiently accurate to take the velocity of light as 186,000 miles per second. Light always travels out from a source in straight lines. Up till the year 1800, the Corpuscular theory of light was the one most generally accepted, that light consists of streams of very minute particles, or cor- puscles projected with the enormous velocity of 186,- 000 miles per second from all luminous bodies. The facts of straight line propagation and reflection are exactly as we should expect them to be if this were the nature of light. A usual hypothesis which was first completely for- mulated by the great Dutch physicist Huygens (1629-1695), regarded light like sound, as a form of wave motion. This hypothesis met at the first with two very serious difficulties; in the first place light, unlike sound, not only travels with perfect readiness through the best vacuum which can be obtained with an air pump, but it travels without any apparent difficulty through the great interstellar spaces which are probably infinitely better vacua than can be ob- tained by artificial means. If, therefore, light is a wave motion, it must be a wave motion of some me- dium which fills all space and yet which does not 118 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION hinder the motion of the stars and planets. Huygens assumed such a medium to exist, and called it ether. The second difficulty in the way of the wave theory of light, was that it seemed to fail to account for the fact of straight line propagation. Sound waves, water waves and all other forms of waves with which we are familiar bend readily around corners, while light apparently does not. It was this difficulty chiefly which led many of the famous philosophers, including the great Sir Isaac Newton, to reject the wave theory and to support the projected particle theory. Within the last hundred years, however, this diffi- culty has been completely removed and in addition other properties of light have been discovered, for which the wave theory offers the only satisfactory explanation. If the wave theory is to be accepted, we must conceive with Huygens, that all space is filled with a medium, called the ether, in which the waves can travel. This medium cannot be like any of the ordinary forms of matter ; for if any of these forms existed in interplanetary space, the planets and the other heavenly bodies would certainly be retarded in their motion. As a matter of fact, in all the hun- dreds of years during which astronomers have been making accurate observation of the motion of hea- venly bodies no such retardation has ever been ob- served. The medium which transmits light waves, must therefore have a density which is infinitely smaller even in comparison with that of our lightest gases. The existence of such a medium is now uni- versally assumed by physicists. Just as sound waves are disturbances set up in the MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 119 air by the vibrations of bodies of ordinary dimen- sions, so light waves are disturbances set up in the ether probably by the vibrations of the minute cor- puscles or electrons, of which the atoms of ordinary matter are supposed to be built up. Since these cor- puscles are extremely small in comparison with ordi- nary bodies it is not surprising that their rates of vibration are enormously larger than the vibration rates of tuning forks, or other bodies which send out sound waves. Just how these corpuscles are set into vibration and in just what manner they vibrate, we cannot say as yet with certainty, but since we do know that an increase in the temperature of all bodies means an increase in the agitation of the mole- cules and atoms of which these bodies are composed. It is not surprising that the vibrations which com- municate light waves to the ether take place in general in bodies which have a high temperature and that the hotter the body becomes the more intense becomes the light waves which it emits. i Snaplite Lens 120 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION PRINCIPLES OF OPTICAL PROJECTION The process is almost the reverse of ordinary photography. For instance, in photography a scene by means of the photographic objective or lens is photographed and a reduced image is obtained on ground glass. This glass is replaced by a sensitized plate and by the use of chemicals the image is fixed thereon. In projection the process is reversed, that is, a transparent slide is made from the picture, or the roll of film taken with the motion picture camera is developed and used in the motion picture machine (the projector). By means of a condensed light they are strongly illuminated and with an objective lens an enlarged image is projected upon the screen, this screen image corresponding to the real objects photographed. The principles of optical projection for motion picture machine will readily be understood from the diagram below. Showing the Optical System of a Moving Picture Circuit and How Kays of Light Travel from Arc E to Screen S MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 121 At E is an electric arc or other suitable illuminant, the light from which is caught up by the condenser C. This condenser is an arrangement of lenses so con- structed as to gather up the greatest volume of light possible and to concentrate the light which it gathers at the center or diaphragm plane of the objective when the objective is located at the proper distance from the film, which distance is determined by the focal length of objective lens. The film should be placed at such a point that the entire area of the aperture in gate is fully illu- minated, and it should also be placed so that the greatest number of light rays possible should pass through it. Proceeding from the slide D or film F the light passes through the objective 0, where the rays cross, and the object is therefore reversed, by means of the objective, the object is also imaged or delineated upon the screen S, the degree of sharpness or flatness of the image depends upon the optical connection of the lens. Great care should be taken to line up properly the arc, condensers and the objective lens, as under the best of conditions less than 5% of the light from arc reaches the screen. 122 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION LENSES The optical system of a moving picture circuit comprises : (a) The arc lamp or mazda lamp. (6) The condensers. (c) The lens, or objective. The optical system is a very important one and one that has long been neglected by the majority of operators. A number of men who have been operat- ing machines for years have never taken the lenses apart and have no idea of the different combinations making up the objective lens. There is no motion picture book published that we know of which goes far enough into this matter, and we would advise anyone desirous of getting all the information possible on lenses to study the books dealing with this subject that may be found in the various libraries. The following is an outline of what an operator should know, and has been gathered from several books dealing with optical systems and lenses. Reflection. The change of direction experienced by a ray of light when it strikes a surface and is thrown back or reflected. Light is reflected accord- ing to two laws : (a) The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. (6) The incident and the reflected rays are both in the same plane which is perpendicular to the reflecting surface. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 123 Refraction. The change of direction which a ray of light undergoes upon entering obliquely .a medium of different density from that through which it has been passing. In this case the following laws obtain : (a) Light is refracted whenever it passes obliquely from one medium to another of different optical density. (6) The index of refraction for a given sub- stance is a constant quantity whatever be the angle of incidence. (c) The refracted ray lies in the plane of the incident ray and the normal. (d) Light rays are .bent toward the normal when they enter a more refracted medium and from the normal when they enter a less refracted medium. A lense may be defined as a piece of glass or other transparent substance with one or both sides curved. Both sides may be curved, or one curved and the other flat. The object of the lens is to change the direction of rays of light and thus magnify objects or otherwise modify vision. Lenses may be classed as : Double convex Double concave Piano convex Piano concave Concavo convex Convexo concave The focus of a lens is the point where the refracted rays meet. Spherical Aberration. The reflected rays of con- cave spherical mirrors do not meet exactly the same point. This is called spherical aberration. 124 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Effect of Spherical Aberration. It produces a lack of sharpness and definition of an image. If a ground glass screen be placed exactly in the focus of a lens the image of an object will be sharply de- fined in the center but indistinct at the edges, and if sharp at the edges it will be indistinct at the center. To avoid this a disc with a hole in the center is placed concentric with the principal axis of the lens, thus only the center part of the lens is used. Chromatic Aberration. When white light is passed through a spherical lens, both refraction and disper- sion (the decomposition of white light into several kinds of light) occur. This causes a separation of the white light into the various colors and causes images to have colored edges. This effect which is most observable in condenser lenses is due to the un- equal refrangibility of the simple colors. Achromatic Lenses. The color effect caused by the chromatic aberration of a simple lens greatly im- pairs its usefulness. This may be overcome by com- bining into one lens, a convex lens of crown glass and a concave lens of flint glass. Back Focal Length. The distance from the back of the lens to the film in the gate of machine while the film is in focus on the screen. (Written B. F.) Equivalent Focus. The distance from a point half way between the back and front combination of lenses to the film in the gate while picture is in focus on screen. Can be obtained by measuring the distance between the front and back combination then dividing by two and adding the result to the back focal length. ( Written E. F.) MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 125 Objective Lens. The objective lens of a moving picture machine generally consists of four lenses, two in the front combination and two in the rear. The two lenses in the front are cemented together with Canada Balsam and called the compound lens. The back combination consists of two lenses separated by a metal ring, called the duplex lens. The convex or greatest convex side of a lens al- ways faces the screen. It is absolutely necessary to keep the lenses clean, it will be impossible to get good definition or sharp focus on the screen if the objective lens is not scrupu- lously clean. Never place the fingers on the glass Fig.l Fig.2 Fig.4 Figures 1 and 2 the crater of arc needs adjusting laterally to right or left Figures 3 and 4 the crater too high or too low Figures 5, 6 and 7 the crater is too near or too far away from condenser Figure 8 shows arc in correct position 126 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION surface of lens, as though it may not show when looking through the lens it will undoubtedly affect the definition of picture on screen. Condenser lenses should be cleaned every day, and the objective lens once or twice a week. It will not be found necessary to take the lens apart to do this, as it will only be the exposed glass surfaces that will need attention. Use a clean soft handkerchief for this purpose. The lens can be taken apart every three or four months and all surfaces thoroughly cleaned, great care should be taken when taking the lens apart so that you get the lenses back in the same position and order. Successful results in projection depend largely upon the correct adjustment of the lamp, which must throw a brilliantly illuminated clear circle on the screen. After the objective is focused as will be evidenced by a sharp, clear image on the creen, examine the illuminated circle. If the light be cen- tered and the lamp correctly adjusted, the circle will be entirely free from coloration or shadows. In Figures 1 and 2 the crater of arc needs to be proper- ly adjusted laterally, it being as shown too far to the right or left. Figures 3 and 4 show the crater too high or too low. In Figures 5, 6 and 7 the crater is too near or too far away from condensers. Figure 8 shows it in right position, the screen being free from all shadows or ghosts. Fig. 9 shows the various lenses: (a) double convex; (6) piano convex; (c) concavo convex; (d) double concave; (e) piano concave; (/) convexo concave. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 127 The first three are thicker at the center than at the border, and are called converging; the second three which are thinner at the center are called di- verging. B Fig. 9 The Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Co., makers of the Gundlach Projection Lens, issue the following data regarding Lenses. The Manufacture of lenses presents many difficult problems for the optician to contend with because of the peculiar characteristics of optical glass as well as the fact that it is not a material easily worked owing to its hard, brittle nature. To produce lenses that are well corrected in the optical sense and maintain a uniform standard of' quality requires not only scientific knowledge of optics and mathematics of a high order to compute the formula but also the ut- most skill and precision must be used during the mechanical operations to obtain the desired result. Even then it depends upon a master optician for the final adjusting and testing before the lens is ready for market because a good lens may be spoiled by improper mounting. In this respect lenses are dif- ferent from articles made of other materials which 128 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION can readily be made to conform to dies, patterns or blue-print specifications with certainty that when these are followed, the finished article will be perfect. Each lens goes through several operations of grinding and polishing and a stray bit of grit may scratch a finished surface at the last moment, or lenses will crack or chip in handling, adding spoilage to the cost of manufacture. A Projection Lens contains three distinct kinds of glass, each lot of glass has slightly different proper- ties and as one melt never includes more than a few hundred pounds this necessitates a constant modifi- cation of formulae with a corresponding changing of tools which involves a big expense. All this, of course, applies to a maintainance of a standard of quality and explains why ordinary pro- jection lenses made with no special care and taken as they come naturally cost a great deal less than Gundlach Projection Lenses which must all pass the same tests and reach a fixed standard of quality be- fore leaving the factory. Further, lenses of large aperture require more care in grinding and polishing than lenses of less curvature and their adjustment is more sensitive. Besides, the larger lenses must be made separately while those of smaller diameter with flatter surfaces can be made two or more at a time reducing the cost of manufacture proportionately. It is an axiom of optics that the best lens is never too good for the purpose and this is particularly true as regards projection, it being obvious that a poor lens makes a picture which is unsatisfactory to a large number of people and the theatre owner or producer suffers in consequence by criticism of the MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 129 show and loss of business. Now, a poor lens not only will not focus sharply but the image is flattened and lacks contrast because what should be black becomes gray and light and shade gradations of the film im- age are not reproduced in their proper values. Gundlach Projection Lenses on the contrary give uniformly sharp definition with the utmost illumina- tion and the picture is brilliant because all the con- trast of the film is preserved while the shadows show more detail due to the additional light obtained by their large working aperture. The Screen Picture The size of the film image is 24x1" and the opening in the aperture plate has been standardized by the principal machine manufactures at our suggestion and is now 29/32" wide with the height *A of the width. The picture is magnified in the same propor- tions, therefore, the screen must be 9 inches high for each foot in width. For example, 9'xl2', 10'6"xl4" or 12'xl6'. A picture 16 ft. wide requires a magnifi- cation of the film image of about 212 diameters or nearly 44,944 times the size of the original. The importance of standardization of the opening in the aperture plate may be realized from the fact that the two sizes formerly used 15/16!' wide and 29/32" wide with a difference of only 1/32" would result in a difference of about 6 inches between the width of pictures made with matched lenses for a picture 16 ft. wide so that pictures of the same size could be obtained only by using lenses of different focal lengths, an inconvenient and difficult method of securing this result. 130 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION It is our opinion that the quality of the picture is more important than its size, or, in other words, we must have perfect projection as the first consider- ation. Owing to the unavoidable loss in definition and illumination incidental to an increase in magnifi- cation it is advisable to keep the size of the picture within a reasonable limit which we think is about 12x16. Above this size the surface area increases very rapidly with each additional foot in width. The distance the picture is projected is not so important unless it necessiates the use of lenses of abnormally short or long focus. Theoretically, there is a loss of light in inverse ratio to the square of the distance, but in practice a picture of a given size can be projected within a reasonable distance without any noticable change in luminosity. Obviously this imposes a limitation to the size of theatres, therefore it is not advisable to make a theatre so large that good projection cannot be secured. The best results are obtained with lenses ranging between 4" and 7^" focal length and any deviation from these is not advisable. The picture is projected from the same film whether it is thrown 25 ft. or 150 ft. while an en- largement of the picture is secured only by magnifi- cation of the film image with a consequent depreci- ation of the light by spreading it over a greater surface. The definition is impaired as the natural result of magnifying a film image which is not ab- solutely sharp to begin with. On the contrary, a difference in the distance does not bring these factors into consideration although other difficulties arise if an effort is made to produce too large a picture with MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 131 a very short focus lens or a comparatively small pic- ture with a relatively long focus lens. The thing to avoid is extreme or abnormal conditions because the best result can be obtained only by being careful that each factor having an influence upon the quality of the picture is normal and efficient. Most important of these is Gundlach Projection Lenses which insure uniform definition with a brilliant image and the ut- most luminosity. We differentiate between brilliancy of the image and the working aperture of the lens or the amount of light it collects and transmits because the former is determined by its color correction which if good, will preserve the contrast of the film and if poor, will flatten the image while luminosity is merely the inevitable result of making the diameter large in proportion to the focal length. Three principal factors govern the illumination of the picture, first the light source including its ad- justment, current consumption and condenser system by which the film is illuminated. Next is the working aperture of the projection lens or the ratio between its diameter and focal length. The third is the size of the picture or its surface area. The working aperture of the lens is the only one in which we are directly interested. This ratio in Gundlach Projection Lenses is car- ried out to the highest degree with resulting aper- tures of F.2. to F.3.5. according to the focal length is not being practical for many reasons to maintain a uniform aperture of F.2. That the size of the picture is an important con- sideration is evident as it must be clear that the 132 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION same amount of light spread over a larger surface will be weaker. For comparison we give the following examples: Size of Picture Surface Area Magnification 9x12 108 sq. ft. 158.88 diameters 12x16 192 sq. ft. 211.84 diameters 15x20 300 sq. ft. 264.80 diameters The Projection Lens This we have already mentioned as being the ratio between the diameter and focal length and this deter- mines the amount of light transmitted by lenses of all kinds. Obviously there must be a physical limi- tation to this and in practical optics this is 1 2, so the diameter cannot be more than half the focal length. Even to attain this result is an achievement, it involves making lenses with strong curves, each made separately with the utmost care and great pre- cision in mounting and the adjustment of the com- ponents of the complete lens in relation to each other. This means the distance from the optical center of the lens to the point where it defines a sharp image when focused for infinity and this measurement can be made accurately only by optical means. Com- mercially we grade the focal lengths in quarter inches in engraving the cells but we mark the exact focal length in hundredths of an inch on the wrapper and use this measurement in filling orders. To cite an instance a 16 ft. picture at 99 ft. re- quires a lens of 5.60 focus. A lens of exactly 5^2 inch (5.50) focus would make the picture oversize and 534 focus would be too long. To meet this con- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 183 dition, we would make a selection from 5%" lenses in stock of those the nearest to 5.60" focus but longer rather than shorter. . Of course there is a possibility in every case that an error in measuring the distance will be a disturbing factor and some allowance should be made by the customer for some difference between the size of the picture and screen which is unavoidable and easily painted out. Lenses are matched by selection as the focal length cannot be modified after they are finished. In manu- facturing they deviate to some extent from the focal length prescribed by the optical formula running both under and over for which reason they are not necessarily the exact focal length engraved upon the mounts. For example, a 4" lens may vary within the quarter inch from 3.95" to 4.20", it being our practice to mark the mounts within 5/100" under to 20/100" over of the actual focal length and it will be per- ceived that two lenses marked with the same focal length may at the most have a difference of %" and matching for pictures of the same size necessitates that both lenses shall be exactly the same focal length. This being the case the lenses must be match- ed when they leave our factory unless a lens to be duplicated is sent to us so we can measure it or if it was purchased from us we will have a record of its focal length which we can locate if given the order number or date of invoice. The exact focus in hun- dredths of an inch is shown by our invoices in par- enthesis, for example, (4.36), and purchasers should make a note of this to faciliate placing repeat orders for duplicates when they wish to match a lens or replace one which has been damaged. 134 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION This system has proven a great convenience to many of our customers and constitutes a real service which adds greatly to our detail in making and sup- plying lenses. Sometimes we are called upon to match or duplicate a lens we sold several months or years ago, and it is quite an advantage to the custom- er to get a new lens that will make the picture the same size it was before without any loss of time. It should be noted by every user of a projection lens that the components are not interchangeable and no liberty whatever should be taken with the arrange- ment or adjustment of a lens. A broken element can- not be replaced unless the complete lens is returned for repairs and the broken parts should be preserved as they may be useful in determining the exact origin- al focal length, otherwise this may be changed by replacing the broken lens. Odd combinations or lens- es are absolutely of no value and we cannot under- take to utilize them to make up complete lenses or for repairs. The condition of many lenses sent in to us in- dicates great carelessness in handling them and Pro- jectionists should be cautioned to handle them more gently. There is positively no excuse for so many scratched surfaces, broken lenses and ruined mounts after allowing for reasonable accidents. The terms quarter and half size have no real place in optical nomenclature although commonly used. No doubt they originated in the early days of photog- raphy when applied to portrait lenses used for quart- er size (3/4x4%) and half size (4)4x6^) cameras. These were the first lenses used for projection and eventually each size was made in a number of different MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 135 focal lengths. The Projection Lenses of to-day are made by a modification of the formula of the original Petzvel Portrait Lens which we have brought to per- fection with the improved optical glass at our com- mand. The sizes of Gundlach Projection Lenses are numbered to prevent them from being unfairly com- pared or confused with so-called quarter and half size lenses of smaller diameter and less light efficiency. We wish to make it clear that there is no optical difference between our No. 1 and No. 2 size Projec- tion Lenses. The No. 2 size is merely a continuation of the No. 1 size, providing longer focal lengths with the same relative working aperture to maintain the illuminating power but it is evident that in cor- responding focal lengths the No. 2 size will transmit more light than the smaller size, therefore, it is a decided advantage to use the No. 2 lenses in any focal length in which they are made from 5^4" up. If the increased illumination is not needed on the screen it can be saved in current so the lens of large aperture is an economy to this extent. To answer a question frequently put to us, we state that the keystone effect incidental to projecting the picture from an angle can not be corrected by the Projection Lens, this being the natural result of a difference in the length of the light rays from the lens to the top and bottom or sides of the screen as the case may be, causing a greater magnification of the image at one point than at the other. Theatre architects should be informed that the location of the operating room should be planned to bring the machines in a horizontal line with the center of the screen. 136 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION In event that lenses we supply do not make the picture close enough to the desired size, on account of an error in measuring the distance, report at once the exact width of the picture they produce and we can then allow for the error and determine what the distance actually is and the focal length required. If you want Gundlach lenses to make a picture the same size as it is made by some other lens send the lens to us to be measured because you cannot depend upon the focal length engraved on the mount. Computing the Focal Length The focal length required is ascertained by a computation based upon the size of the opening in the aperture plate, the size of the picture wanted and the distance it is to be projected. The distance is somewhat uncertain owing to er- rors made in measuring it which we have known to amount to as much as fifteen feet but in case a mistake has been made by which lenses of the wrong focus have been secured it is easily rectified. We should then be informed the exact width of the picture made by the lenses the customer has received and as we have a record of their exact focus, we can calcu- late from these two factors what the correct distance is and determine the proper focal length of the lenses to send in exchange. The distance of projection can be obtained by referring to the architect's plans of the theatre if these are available. Measure the distance accurately, and you can de- pend upon us to supply lenses of the correct focal length. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 187 Cleaning and Assembling First note whether the extension tube is attached to the front or rear end so you will replace it cor- rectly. Clean both sides of the front combination but do not remove it from the cell. To remove the re- taining ring from the rear cell, press lightly on op- posite sides of the ring with two fingers and unscrew it. Too much pressure will make it bind so it will not turn. Clean inside surfaces of the two lenses of the rear combination and replace in the cell. Be careful they are seated evenly, then screw up the retaining ring just tight enough to prevent them from moving, then clean the outside surface. The rear lens is convex on both sides and the flatter side is the outside rear surface. The retaining rings should face towards the centre; reversing the cells will disturb the correction. To remove grease or oil from the surface of the lens use a soft rag free from grit, moistened with a little gasoline. Be careful when screwing the parts together to avoid skipping a thread and do not screw up any joints very tight. Do not use a hard sharp tool to remove the retain- ing rings or it may slip and scratch the lenses. 138 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION LENS TABLE OF FILM PROJECTION DISTANCE FROM FILM TO SCREEN Stero. M.P. 15 20 25 30 | 35 40 45 8 2 5.04 6.74 8.44 10.14 11.84 13.54 15.24 6.72 8.99 11.25 13.52 15.78 18.05 20.31 9 2J4 4.48 5.99 7.50 9.01 10.52 12.03 13.54 5.97 7.98 10.00 12.01 14.03 16.04 18.05 10 2 1 A 4.02 5.38 6.74 8.10 9.46 10.82 12.18 5.36 7.17 8.99 10.80 12.61 14.42 16.24 11 2# 3.65 4.89 6.12 7.36 8.59 9.83 11.06 4.87 6.52 8.17 9.18 11.46 13.11 14.76 12 3 3.34 4.47 5.61 6.74 7.87 9.00 10.14 4.46 5.97 7.48 8.99 10.50 12.01 13.52 13 3J4 3.08 4.13 5.17 6.22 7.26 8.31 9.35 4.11 5.50 6.90 8.19 9.69 11.08 12.48 14 sy. 2.86 3.83 4.80 5.77 6.74 7.72 8.69 3.81 5.10 6.40 7.69 8.99 10.28 11.58 15 3*4 2.66 3.57 4.47 5.38 6.28 7.19 8.10 3.55 4.76 5.97 7.17 8.38 9.59 10.80 16 4 2.49 3.34 4.19 5.04 5.98 6.74 7.59 3.32 4.45 5.59 6.72 7.85 8.98 10.12 17 4# 2.34 3.14 3.94 4.74 5.54 6.34 7.14 3.12 4.19 5.25 6.32 7.38 8.45 9.52 18 4# 2.21 2.97 3.72 4.48 5.23 5.99 6.74 2.95 3.96 4.96 5.97 6.98 7.98 8.99 19 4*4 2.09 2.81 3.52 4.24 4.95 5.67 6.38 2.79 3.74 4.70 5.65 6.61 7.56 8.51 20 5 1.98 2.66 3.34 4.02 4.70 5.38 6.06 2.64 3.55 4.45 5.36 6.27 7.17 8.08 21 5*4 1.89 2.54 3.18 3.8* 4.48 5.13 5.77 2.51 3.37 4.24 5.10 5.96 6.83 7.69 22 5*4 1.80 2.42 3.04 3.65 4.27 4.89 5.51 2.40 3.22 4.05 4.87 5.70 6.52 7.34 23 6# 1.72 2.31 2.90 3.49 4.08 4.67 5.27 2.29 3.08 3.87 4.65 5.44 6.23 7.02 24 6 1.64 2.21 2.77 3.34 3.91 4.47 5.04 2.19 2.95 3.70 4.46 5.21 5.97 6.72 25 654 1.57 2.11 2.66 3.20 3.75 4.29 4.83 2.10 2.82 3.55 4.27 5.00 5.72 6.45 26 6# 1.51 2.03 2.56 3.08 3.60 4.12 4.65 2.02 2.72 3.41 4.11 4.81 5.51 6.20 27 634 1.45 1.95 2.46 2.96 3.46 3.97 4.47 1.94 2.61 3.28 3.95 4.63 5.30 5.97 28 7 1.40 1.89 2.37 2.86 3.34 3.83 4.31 1.87 2.52 3.16 3.81 4.46 5.11 5.75 29 7*4 1.35 1.82 2.29 2.76 3.23 3.69 4.16 1.80 2.42 3.05 3.67 4.30 4.92 5.69 30 7'/4 1.30 1.75 2.21 2.66 3.11 3.57 4.02 1.74 2.34 2.95 3.55 4.16 4.76 5.37 81 7*4 1.26 1.70 2.14 2.58 3.01 3.45 3.89 1.68 2.26 2.85 3.43 4.02 4.60 5.19 82 8 1.22 1.64 2.07 2.49 2.92 3.34 3.77 1.62 2.19 2.75 3.32 3.89 4.45 5.02 83 8J4 1.18 1.59 2.00 2.42 2.83 3.24 3.65 1.57 2.12 2.67 3.22 3.77 4.32 4.87 34 8*4 1.14 1.54 1.94 2.34 2.74 3.14 3.54 1.52 2.05 2.59 3.12 3.65 4.19 4.72 85 8*4 1.11 1.50 1.88 2.27 2.66 3.05 3.43 1.48 2.00 2.51 3.03 3.55 4.06 4.58 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 139 LENS TABLE OF FILM PROJECTION Continued DISTANCE FROM FILM TO SCREEN Stero. M.P. 60 56 60 64 70 76 80 1 8 2 16.93 18.97 20.33 21.69 23.73 25.77 27.13 22.58 25.30 27.11 28.92 31.64 34.46 36.17 9 254 15.05 ' 16.87 18.07 19.28 21.09 22.91 24.12 20.07 22.48 24.10 25.71 28.12 30.54 32.15 10 2y* 13.54 15.17 16.26 17.34 18.98 20.61 21.70 18.05 20.22 21.67 23.12 25.30 27.47 28.1)2 11 2# 12.30 13.78 14.77 15.76 17.24 18.73 19.72 16.40 18.38 19.70 21.01 22.99 24.97 26.2!) 12 3 11.27 12.63 13.54 14.44 15.80 17.16 18.07 15.03 16.85 18.05 19.26 21.07 22.89 24.10 13 354 10.40 11.65 12.49 13.33 14.58 15.84 16.67 13.87 15.54 16.66 17.77 19.45 21.12 22.23 14 354 9.66 10.82 11.60 12.38 13.54 14.71 15.48 12.87 14.43 15.46 16.50 18.05 19.60 20.64 15 sy 4 9.00 10.09 10.82 11.54 12.63 13.72 14.44 12.00 13.46 14.42 15.39 16.84 18.29 19.26 16 4 8.44 9.46 10.14 10.82 11.84 12.86 13.54 11.25 12.61 13.52 14.42 15.78 17.14 18.05 17 454 7.94 8.90 9.54 10.1? i 11.14 12.10 12.74 10.58 11.86 12.72 13.57 14.85 16.13 16.98 18 454 7.50 8.40 9.01 9.61 10.52 11.42 12.0:{ 9.10 11.21 12.01 12.82 1 14.03 15.23 16.04 19 4& 7.10 7.96 8.53 9.10 9.96 10.82 11.39 9.47 10.61 11.38 12.14 13.28 14.43 15.1!) 20 5 6.74 7.55 8.10 8.64 9.46 10.27 10.82 8.98 10.07 10.80 11.52 12.62 13.70 14.42 21 654 6.42 7.20 7.72 8.23 9.01 9.79 10.30 8.55 9.59 10.28 10.97 12.00 13.04 13.73 22 554 6.13 6.87 , 7.36 7.86 8.60 9.34 9.83 8.17 9.16 9.82 10.47 11.46 12.45 13.11 23 5*4 5.86 6.57 7.04 7.51 8.22 8.93 9.40 7.81 8.75 9.38 10.01 10.96 11.90 12.53 24 6 5.60 6.28 6.74 7.19 7.87 8.55 9.00 7.48 8.38 8.99 9.59 10.50 11.40 12.01 25 654 5.38 6.03 6.46 6.90 7.55 8.20 8.64 7.17 8.04 8.62 9.20 10.07 10.94 11.52 26 654 5.17 5.80 6.22 6.63 7.26 7.89 8.JH 6.90 7.74 8.39 , 8.85 9.69 10.53 11.08 27 6tf 4.98 5.58 5.98 6.38 6.99 7.59 8.00 6.64 7.44 7.98 8.52 9.32 10.13 10.67 28 7 4.80 5.38 5.77 6.16 6.74 7.32 7.71 6.40 7.18 7.70 8.21 8.99 9.77 10.28 29 7^4 4.63 5.19 5.57 5.94 6.51 7.07 7.44 6.17 6.92 7.42 7.92 8.67 9.43 9.!K{ 30 754 4.47 5.02 5.38 5.74 6.28 6.83 , 7.1!) 5.97 6.69 7.18 7.66 8.39 9.11 9.5!) 31 734 4.33 4.86 5.21 5.56 6.08 6.61 6. SMI 5.77 6.48 6.95 7.42 8.12 8.82 9.2!) 32 8 4.19 4.70 5.04 5.38 5.89 6.40 6.74 5.58 6.26 6.72 7.17 7.85 8.53 8.98 33 854 4.06 4.56 4.89 5.22 5.71 6.21 6.54 5.41 6.07 6.51 6.95 7.61 8.27 8.7t 34 8}4 4.42 4.74 5.06 5.54 6.02 , 6.34 5 25 5.89 6.32 , 6.74" 7.38 8.02 8.44 35 8*4 3^82 4.29 4.60 4.91 5.38 5.84 6.15 5.10 5.72 6.13 5.65 7.17 7.79 8.20 140 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION LENS TABLE OF FILM PROJECTION Continued DISTANCE FROM FILM TO SCREEN Stero. M.P. 84 90 96 100 104 110 116 8 2 28.49 30.53 32.57 33.93 35.29 37.33 39.36 37.99 40.71 43.42 45.24 47.05 49.77 52.49 9 2J4 25.32 27.14 28.95 30.16 31.37 23.18 34.99 33.76 36.18 38.60 40.21 41.82 44.24 46.55 10 2X 22.78 24.42 26.05 27.14 28.22 29.86 31.49 30.37 32.55 34.72 36.17 37.62 39.80 41.97 11 2Y 4 20.70 22.19 23.67 24.66 25.65 27.13 28.61 27.61 29.59 31.56 32.88 34.20 36.18 38.15 12 3 18.97 20.33 21.69 22.60 23.50 24.86 26.22 25.30 27.12 28.93 30.14 31.35 33.16 34.97 13 3J4 17.51 18.77 20.02 20.86 21.69 22.95 24.20 23.35 25.02 26.70 27.81 28.93 30.60 32.27 14 3J4 16.26 17.43 18.59 19.37 20.14 21.31 22.47 21.68 23.23 24.78 25.82 26.86 28.41 29.96 15 8# 15.17 16.25 17.34 18.07 18.79 19.88 20.97 20.22 21.67 23.12 24.09 25.06 26.51 27.96 10 4 14.22 15.24 16.25 16.93 17.61 18.63 19.65 18.95 20.31 21.67 22.58 23.48 24.84 26.20 17 4'4 13.38 14.34 15.30 15.94 16.57 16.52 18.48 17.83 19.11 20.39 21.25 22.10 23.38 24.66 18 4J4 12.63 13.54 14.44 15.05 15.65 16.56 17.47 16.85 18.05 19.26 20.07 20.87 22.08 23.29 19 , 4^ 11.96 12.82 13.68 14.25 14.83 15.86 16.54 15.96 17.10 18.24 19.10 19.77 20.92 22.06 20 6 11.36 12.28 12.99 13.54 14.08 14.89 15.71 15.15 16.23 17.32 18.05 18.77 19.86 20.95 21 5*4 10.82 11.60 12.38 12.89 13.41 14.19 14.96 14.42 15.46 16.49 17.18 17.87 18.91 19.94 22 6# 10.33 11.07 11.81 12.31 12.80 13.54 14.28 13.77 14.76 15.73 16.40 17.07 18.06 19.04 23 5H 9.88 10.59 11.29 11.77 12.24 12.95 13.66 13.16 14.11 15.06 15.69 16.32 17.26 18.21 24 6 9.46 10.14 10.82 11.27 11.72 12.40 13.08 12.61 13.52 14.42 15.03 15.63 16.54 17.45 25 654 9.07 9.73 10.38 10.81 11.25 11.90 12.55 2.10 12.97 13.84 14.42 15.00 15.87 16.74 26 &/, 8.72 9.35 9.98 10.40 10.82 11.44 12.07 11.64 12.48 13.31 13.87 14.43 15.27 16.10 27 6*4 8.40 9.00 9.60 10.01 10.41 11.02 11.62 11.20 12.01 12.81 13.35 13.89 14.69 15.50 28 , 7 8.10 8.68 9.27 9.65 10.04 10.62 11.21 10.80 11.58 12.36 12.87 13.39 14.17 14.94 29 7J4 7.82 8.38 8.94 9.32 9.69 10.26 10.82 10.42 11.17 11.93 12.43 12.93 13.68 14.43 80 7*4 7.55 8.10 8.64 9.00 9.37 9.91 10.45 10.08 10.80 11.53 12.01 12.50 13.22 13.95 81 7*4 7.31 7.84 8.36 8.71 9.07 9.59 10.12 9.76 10.46 11.16 11.63 12.10 12.80 13.50 32 8 7.08 7.59 8.10 8.44 8.78 9.29 9.80 9.44 10.12 10.80 11.25 11.70 12.38 13.06 33 854 6.86 7.36 7.85 8.18 8.51 9.01 9.50 9.15 9.81 10.47 10.91 11.35 12.01 12.66 34 8J4 6.66 7.14 7.62 7.94 8.26 8.74 9.22 8.88 9.52 10.16 10.58 11.01 11.65 12.29 85 8*4 6.46 6.93 7.40 7.71 8.02 8.48 8.95 8.62 9.24 9.86 10.27 10.6 11.31 11.93 i 1 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 141 THREE COMBINATION LENS There is now on the market a three combination lens, known as the Keen-o-lite three combination lens ; it is so constructed that the rear objective lens is never more than two inches from the aperture plate, thus giving an increased light illumination on the screen, after allowing for the additional reflection and absor'tion loss due to the extra third combina- tion. Below is the report of Professor Weinrich of Columbia University who lately made some compar- ative tests with the lens. Report of Professor Weinrich of Columbia University. I herewith submit report oh my comparative test of a KEEN-O-LITE and a lens of another make, both of six and three quarters inch -focal length. The primary object of the test was to compare the illumina- tion produced upon the screen by the Keen-o-lite Lens and another projection lens of high standing and the same focal length, the same light flux passing through the frame-plate in both cases. As the design of the "Keen-o-lite" lens is based upon the actual conditions as they exist in the modern projection ma- chine it may be well to first consider these conditions from a somewhat theoretical point of view. The most practical way of adjusting the arc, condensers and frame-plate of a projection machine is such as to produce an enlarged image of the positive crater, a little larger than the aperture, upon the frame-plate. In order that the picture be as uniformly illuminated and spotless as possible, Jt is best to have the most concentrated part of the beam and the sharpest image of the crater a short distance from the frame-plate, on the condenser side; i. e., have a slightly extra focal image thrown upon the aperture. This adjustment naturally pro- duces a diverging beam through the aperture of the frame- plate. In order to utilize as much as possible of this diverging beam we either have to allow the light to fall upon a compara- tively small lens placed near the aperture or a comparatively large one a" greater distance away. In the design of the Keen- 142 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION o-lite lens the former of these two methods was adopted and skilfully executed. The "back focus" of the ordinary type of 6% -inch lens is about 6 inches while in the case of the Keen- o-lite it is only a little more than one-third as much, and the clear aperture of the back lens is only slightly smaller than that of the other. The entering beam in the case of the "Keen- o-lite" is therefore very considerably larger, and with it the total brightness of the picture as was verified by test. There are, however, two further advantages of the Keen-o- Hte lens which are even more important than the foregoing. They are: a more uniformly illuminated picture, from center to edge or corner, and better definition. The rays which the ordinary lens does not utilize are to a much greater exTent from the edges and corners of the film than from the central part and therefore would increase the illumination of these parts of the picture relatively to the center, thereby producing a more uniform illumination over the entire surface of the screen. The definition given by a lens can in general be made more perfect by the addition of more elements and curved surfaces. The addition of the extra element of the Keen-o-lite has pro- duced a lens of very decidedly better definition than any other. The figures hereinafter given were obtained with a set-up like that of the average machines using 6^ -in., 7^-in. con- densers. The source was brightly illuminated opal glass bounded by a ^-in. circular aperture in imitation of the posi- tive crater. The position of source condensers and frame- plate were absolutely the same during all tests and the bright- ness of the source invariable. The conditions were hence the same as in the projection machine itself but their invariability made the test much more dependable than if an arc had been used. The results of the test were as follows: Keen-o-lite gave 12.5% more light at center of screen. Keen-o-lite gave 82.5% more light half way out to corner. Keen-o-lite gave 63.0% more light at corners. Integrating these results we find that the total illumination of the screen is about 32.8% greater in the case of the Keen- o-lite lens over the lens of another make. The definition given by the Keen-o-lite ' is also decidedly superior. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 148 ROBIN CINEMA ELECTRIC TIME SYSTEM This system, invented by J. E. Robin in 1914, is what the name implies, a system to provide an ac- curate and predetermined running schedule for mo- tion picture and synchronizing the music with same. It is an electrical speed indicating device, con- sisting of a small extremely accurate direct current generator attached to the projection machines and connected to a very sensitive meter by cable. The meter is calibrated with the generator and shows in feet per minute and the rate of time per thousand feet at which the film is being operated. In operation the voltage generated varies with the speed of the machine causing a corresponding increase or decrease of the connected meters. Plate No. 1 shows a single unit consisting of a generator, meter and cable for a single machine. PLATE 1 Generator and Meter, Single Unit 144 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION PLATE 4 Robin Speed Indicator Attached to Simplex Projector MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 14-5 Plate No. 2 shows an equipment for two projection machines with switchboard and two meters. PLATE 2 Robin Indicator for Two Machines with Two Indicators Plate No. 4 shows Robin speed indicators with switchboard as attached to a Simplex machine. 146 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Plate No. 3 as attached to Powers projector. PLATE 3 Robin Speed Indicator Attached on Powers Machine MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 147 The meters and generators are made of the best materials throughout and are carefully tested prior to leaving the factory and the operator should ex- perience no trouble whatsoever in maintaining the same. The generators are ballbearing and contain suf- ficient grease to last for a year and therefore re- quire practically no attention whatsoever. In ordering speed indicators it is necessary to specify the make and type of the projection ma- Robin Signal Telegraph With Eight Synchronized Meters as Installed in New York Capitol 148 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION chines, the diameter of the shutter shaft and the dis- tance for the cable required. Where it is desired to use a meter in the orchestra pit, the distance be- tween the two projection machines and the orchestra pit, measured on one side of the circuit, should be given. In the majority of the larger theatres it is custom- ary for the director to be present in the reviewing room at the time the rehearsal is made. Then the proper length of the performance is predetermined and the running speed noted, and the musical direc- tor arranges his music accordingly. With the operating speed predetermined the oper- ator starts his machine and regulates the speed of the projection machines in the regular way by the motor attachment until the indicator shows the cor- rect speed in feet per minute, and in this manner the music and the projection speed is synchronized and the duration of the performance will be the same at each showing. In use in the majority of leading theatres through- out the country where it has proved the value and necessity of projecting pictures at the relative speed as taken, with music synchronized to support the action of the photoplay. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 149 Plate No. 5, illustrates switchboard and connec- tion for equipment of two projection machines, two meters in the booth and one for the orchestra pit. ROBIN ELECTRIC TIME SYSTEM PLATE 5 RI6HT MACH INOOTOR 1-niitr SWITCH StflTCH BCMRD //Die }0 HOT CMfHtt CAtLC LCN KfBIHS ClMfMA [UCTItlC TIME DICATORS Wff^ftO GENERATORS ATf Sc* i rrre \ C4SLC JOKTH l*rt fit CAC/ftlWC* Two Machines, Three Meters and Switchboard 150 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Plate No. 6 illustrates correct position for instru- ments with meter underneath the lookout holes and which gives the measurements of both and drilling template. PLATE 6 PPOJICTICN FUr 0PCMIN* LOCATION or Mere* 'jK. N T T e i!Ytt L #/ 5llt tlMTH HIP y?H HOLLOW TILE TOGGLE ^" J" CEMENT EXPANSION BRICK " XSBESTOSj HtX HMD (V %a SHEET IRON - 5L-4TE.WNEUS HEX CAP 2" OS SPRING WASHERS BETWfCNMfTCI B*ACKET AND NUTS J E.ROBIN Robin Speed Indicator MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 151 'A Pocket Reference Book FOR Managers and Projectionists 1 By JAMES R. CAMERON Price One Dollar THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY 124 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK CITY 152 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION PORTABLE PROJECTORS The portable projector has made a permanent place for itself in the motion-picture industry, several hundreds of this class of machine are in daily use in studios, cutting-rooms and viewing rooms, salesmen are using them to help sell their wares. Motion pic- tures are becoming a part of the curriculum in churches and schools through the medium of the port- able projector. This type of machine has been brought to a high stage of perfection, it is now pos- sible to get a complete motor-driven motion-picture machine enclosed in a carrying case measuring ap- proximately 18"xl7"x8" and weighing about 25 Ibs, and this compactness has not been obtained by sacri- ficing accuracy. Portable projectors are built along various lines, each manufacturer having his own ideas toose LOOP o HOTHAve am TOUCH MAHAIIHf MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 153 No. 1 Focusing button No. 2 Framing button No. 3 Lamp switch No. 4^ P. Projector R. Rewind No. 6 Cord connection. No. 7 P. Projector. R. Rewind. N. Neutral No. 5 Motor speed control 154 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION on this subject, and to attempt to describe each type in a work of this kind would prove to be a hopeless task, we will however devote a little space to the handy suitcase model. THE ACME PORTABLE PROJECTOR To those who are at all familiar with Moving- Picture Projectors, a glance at the accompanying The Safety Shutter (B) drops and covers the aperture plate opening, cutting off the light rays, whenever the Acme is not being operated. While the machine is being operated the Shutter is held by centrifugal force in position shown by dotted lines "A." In threading the film, the "pull-out" (D) is opened into position C, thus allowing the greatest accessibility in getting the film in place. But as soon as the film is threaded this "pun-out" slips back into place and is held there by a coil spring, preventing any of the film from ever getting in the path of the light. MOTION" PICTURE PROJECTION 155 diagrams will be all the instruction required. To the uninitiated, however, a word or two of explanation may be of advantage. Upon examining the film you will find that one side has a very dull finish. This is called the emulsion side. The other side, which has a glossy surface, is known as the celluloid side. The film, when properly rewound, must have the emulsion side upward. When threading the projector, the film, when placed in the aperture plate, must be inverted that is, show the image "upside down" and with the dull or emulsion side toward the lamp house. To thread the Acme pull out the round film guard between the gate marked No. 4 and the lens, push down the three guide rollers numbered 3,6 and 7 in diagram Inside (in roller. Inside or Takeup 156 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION "B" these are shown in diagram "C" in open position. Next open aperture gate by lifting spring catch on gate number 4 towards you, this is done through the small round hole in the division plate between the lamp house and projector. Next open the magazine by pushing down on the catch, swinging the outer half outwards so that the magazine when open hangs at right angles from the projector, then place the full reel of film on the shaft of the outer magazine, turn clip on this shaft down to keep reel in place. Next draw the film through the rollers and pull tow- ards you. The emulsion or dull side must be face upward, and three feet of film should be drawn from the outer magazine in order to thread the Acme, then partly close the outside magazine, place the film over the top of stationery guide roller No. 1, under film sprocket marked No. 2 making sure that the per- forations are over the teeth of this sprocket, then push up guide roller No. 3 into place; the film is in correct position when it is between sprocket No. 2 and roller No. 3 as shown in diagram "B." Now make a loose loop that is also shown in diagram "B" placing the film in the aperture plate marked No. 4, close aperture gate and see that the spring catch on it is securely fastened. When the film is placed in the aperture plate correctly the picture must be upside down with the emulsion or dull side towards the lamp house. The film must now pass in front of sprocket No. 5 as shown in diagram "B." The perfo- rations must be engaged on the teeth of the sprock- et. When this is done push guide roller No. 6 into position as shown in diagram "B." This same dia- gram shows a loose loop between sprocket No. 5 and MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 157 If desired you can change the lamp in the Acme in a few seconds merely slide it out of its housing, as shown in the illustration. Both up-and-down and horizontal adjustments are made by simply loosening the screws, getting the adjust- ment you want, then tightening them again. The Condenser, in case it needs cleaning, is easily removable by merely loosen- ing the two thumb-screws. 158 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION sprocket No. 8 ; this is imperative. This loop must be as large as it can be made without touching the round magazine underneath it. Place the film underneath the guide roller No. 7 and over the top of sprocket No. 8. When this is done close guide roller No. 7; now you have the projector mechanism threaded open the outer magazine, which can be done while the film is in it. Place film from sprocket No. 8 through the slot of the inner magazine between the magazine rollers. Take the end of film ; place it underneath the spring clip on the center of the empty reel hub, give it one turn to securely fasten the film, place this reel on the inner magazine shaft, be sure that the slot in this reel slides over the key on this shaft. When in position turn down clip on the end of shaft to hold this reel in place. The direction of travel on this inner reel is always towards the right. Then close outer magazine, machine is now ready for operation. To operate, insert connection plug in opening No. 6 at back of case. See that indicator on bottom No. 4 points to "P," (Picture) ; also that lever No. 7 is at "P." Push in the button on switch No. 3. This lights the lamp. Then turn button No. 5 slowly to right. This operates the motor and any speed desired may be obtained by merely turning it. To stop machine turn back to left. Button No. 1, on top of the projector, operates the focusing device, and if you cannot get the image sharp by turning this button, open the case door and adjust the lens tube in the lens jacket by moving it forward or backward with your hand until the right effect is obtained. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 159 The simple button (on outside of case) moves the rheostat up and down, as shown by the dotted line in the illustration, thus giving practically any speed required. 160 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Button No. 2 operates the framing device, and by turning in either direction it enables you to frame the picture instantly. If you do not see the full pic- ture on the screen, simply operate button No. 2 to locate correctly. To rewind after using, be sure light is turned off; take off the full reel from inner magazine shaft. Re- move empty reel from outer magazine. Stand full reel on rim, with end of film toward the right. Now wind end on hub of empty reel, dull side outward, securing end firmly with a few turns. Now place empty reel on inner magazine shaft, slipping film through magazine rollers. Loop film over the two wooden rollers in top of case as shown in Fig. "C." Turn down clip on inner shaft holding the reel in MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 161 When the reel has been run through the Projector (and must be re-wound to be run again), you merely transfer the reels on the feed and takeoff shafts, run the film over the two wooden rollers, and turn the button releasing the motor. None of the projecting mechanism is used for this purpose, but re- mains at a standstill during the rewinding operation. 162 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION place. Bring outer magazine around to closing posi- tion, threading film through magazine rollers, placing reel on shaft, again turning down clip on shaft to hold reel in place. Close and lock outer magazine. At back of case, turn indicator on button No. 4* to "R." - Rewind. Turn also lever No. 7 to "R."- Rewind. Then turn button No. 5 to right slowly to operate motor for rewinding. The lens barrel is easily taken out through the front opening without having to remove shutter or any other part. This lens barrel merely slides into the lens jacket (A), and this jacket is moved forward or backward (in B) by the button on top of case. Correct focus for any distance may be obtained by sliding the lens either way within this jacket. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 163 Focusing Button Framing Button Oil Tube , Cover Clutch Rear View of Acme Showing Adjustments and Controls 164 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Caution When through rewinding, always turn the indicat- ors on buttons No. 4 and No. 7 to the letter "P" Picture before making ready for the next pro- jection. OPERATING BY HAND To operate the Acme Projector by hand, all that is necessary is to move the lever No. 7 to the center groove which releases the motor. OILING THE PROJECTOR On the top" of the machine case you will notice a small oblong opening that has a metal slide door, push back this slide and you will find four oil tubes directly underneath it. These four tubes lubricate the bearings in the back of the mechanism. The motor has an oil tube coming through the perforated guard that leads to its inner bearing. The top of the fan has a drilled screw this is for oiling. On the end of the fan bracket you will notice two fibre pulleys. Between these two you will find an oil hole which lubricates them. There is an oil well on the outer end of the motor which is very accessable. The inside of the two shafts in the magazine must have oil you will find oil holes there for same. On the mechanism you will find on the shutter shaft two nickel plated brackets with holes for lubricating. You will find oil holes on Shaft bearings of feed and take-up sprockets the intermittent sprocket has a bronze bushing with oil hole in same, to get at this, slide the mechanism forward as far as it will go. On side of case opposite door in about the center close to the bottom is a round hard rubber bushing, you MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 165 SLIDING COVER" On top of the case is a sliding cover, just beneath which are five oil-tubes, each leading directly to an oil-hole at some bear- ing. The motor shaft and belt pulleys are also provided with similar oil-tubes. The intermittent mechanism is of the Geneva type and runs in an oil bath. The Acme intermittent move- ment can be adjusted without having to remove the mechanism from the case. 1G6 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION will find the shaft for double idler pulley right inside this hole; this must have oil very often, in fact all bearings should have a drop of oil each day before operating machine. , Merely turning the button on top of the case in either direction frames the picture instantly. The illustration shows that, in framing, the aperture plate and lens remain absolutely sta- tionary the movement, forward or backward, of the mechan- ism adjusts the relative position of the picture until it "frames" correctly. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 167 THE VENTILATING, HEATING AND COOL- ING OF THEATRES Rapid as has been the development of the motion- picture theatre, in one department there has been but little visible progress ventilation. We therefor approached the Monsoon Cooling System of New York City who are experts on this subject, and they were pleased to have their chief engineer Mr. E. L. Garfield co-operate with us in the preparation of a technical article on the subject of theatre ventilation. Some blame attaches to the exhibitor because of the scant attention he has given to this important subject. But the underlying cause, to my mind, is the general lack of specialized knowledge on theatre ventilation. Winter ventilation, for instance, is almost univer- sally treated with absolute disregard for its effect on the heating. The natural result is a house warm enough, but ill-smelling and stuffy; or a house with a pure atmosphere, but a bit too chilly for comfort. The usual treatment of summer ventilation and cooling leaves out of consideration the high percent- age of moisture, humidity, to be found in the at- mosphere in hot weather. And yet this humidity causes more discomfort in a warm theatre than the high temperature itself. Let us first consider the proper method of venti- lating a theatre in cold weather. It must be recog- nized from the outset that this is impossible without 168 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION the loss of some heat. How great this heat loss is depends on : 1. The frequency of air change. 2. The degree of scientific skill applied to the problem. The two generally accepted methods of heating and ventilating a theatre may be classified as follows : 1. All direct radiation for heat, with exhaust fans for ventilation. 2. Indirect radiation or warmed air supply for both heating and ventilation, combined with a small amount of direct radiation. Direct radiation comprises the use of the ordinary steam or water radiators, the heat being applied directly to the air in the immediate vicinity of each radiator. Indirect radiation (or tempered air supply) con- sists of warming fresh air and forcing it into the auditorium at one or more points. Monsoon Cooling Apparatus. The Arrows Show How the Air Currents Reach Every Point of the Auditorium MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 169 Mainly for reasons of economy, I would use the first method outlined above for the smaller theatre say, one up to 800 seats. It is simple and practical. With sufficient radiation, properly distributed, there can be no great difficulty in maintaining a fairly even temperature. Successfully to combine this method of heating with good ventilation demands careful study so as to effect the proper air change with minimum heat loss, and without objectionable drafts. I have little regard for exhausting at the ceiling line because it assumes that the warm air at the ceiling is necessari- ly foul air. This is wrong: foul air is heavy. It has been breathed and become laden with moisture, carbon dioxide and organic impurities thrown off by the lungs. Naturally, being heavy, it lies close to the floor line; and because it lies near the floor line, it is at this point that we must exhaust if we would remove';tfe*foul, ill-smelling air. Furthermore, this heavy air does not readily ab- sorb heat. It is therefore the coldest air in the house; and if we exhaust it we pass out with it the smallest possible amount of heat. Consequently, from the standpoint of heat economy, it costs least to remove this air, while it costs most to remove air at the ceiling line. With these facts established, it is obvious that the air should be exhausted at the floor line near the stage, or at the end opposite from the entrance doors. The fan apparatus should effect a complete air change within a certain limited period, to be decided on by a competent ventilating engineer. Such an 170 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION air change, calculated on ordinary winter temper- atures, might prove too frequent during a few un- usually cold periods. The thing to do then is to cut down the air change slightly, in the interests of heat economy by reducing the speed of the fan. The only possible objection to this method of heating and ventilating is the possible slight tendency to drafts through the doors, but this can be compen- sated for by placing extra radiation at the entrances. Heating and ventilating in this manner will pro- duce fairly satisfactory results, and its cost is not out of proportion to the cost of the average house of 800 seats. It could not be improved upon except by the use of indirect heating, usually too expensive for the small theatre. In the larger house the cost of indirect heating does not loom up so large in proportion to the cost of the complete building. In fact, the cost may prove in most cases to be less that that of diroct heating. And, certainly, in view of the splendid results, the indirect method is far more desirable. In laying out an indirect heating aiid ventilating system for the larger house, warm air supply units are located at the stage end (opposite from the en- trance doors). These supply the required amount of fresh air at a temperature of 70 or over. It is imperative that large fans be used, so that the apparatus can be run at low speed, handling the air at low velocity, thus insuring absence of drafts, of noise and of vibration. The fresh air supply is taken at least 20 feet above ground level, so that it is pure and free from dust. In this way, we eliminate the necessity for an air- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 171 washer, which is expensive, requires constant atten- tion and is objectionable for other reasons. The roof or the attic is usually the best location for the heating and ventilating equipments. The air blown into the theatre finds its way out through openings at the floor line but, to insure positive circulation, exhaust fans are sometimes ad- visable. A large part of the air supplied naturally passes out through the entrance doors and also through openings in the rear of the balcony, if there is one. The fundamental principle is to keep re- moving the air from the floor line or breathing zone, and to allow the warm, fresh air blown in to settle like a blanket of warmth evenly over the entire audi- torium. Two desirable advantages that appeal instantly to the theatre manager are these: 1. No inrush of cold air from outdoors when the entrance doors are open. On the contrary, an outward motion of warmed air, due to slight pressure maintained by heating fans. 2. House heated very rapidly before opening, as theatre air can be passed and re-passed several times through heaters (re-circulated). Such a system is all that is required during the time that the auditorium is occupied by the audience. However, it would be well to provide some direct radiation to allow for heat losses through exposed walls, although the heat radiated by persons in the audience will, in a large measure, compensate for this particular heat loss. This small amount of direct radiation is also of good use at times overnight, particularly when 172 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION the temperature falls below freezing point, with dan- ger to water pipes, etc. For this we need just enough direct radiation to keep the temperature at 35 F, as it is not economical to run the fans for heating when the theatre is not occupied and ventilation is not required. The dressing-rooms, toilets, rest- rooms, etc., have the usual direct radiation. Extremely cold weather that falls below normal is unusual and generally of short duration. For this reason, it is not a great hardship to sacrifice a small part of our fresh air supply for fuel economy, par- ticularly as the system is designed for maximum fresh air supply and therefore permits of some reduction. During these periods some of the warm air already blown into the theatre is brought back to the heating units and mixed with fresh, outdoor air. By the use of an arrangement of dampers, it is possible to ob- tain a mixture of fresh air and re-circulated air in proportion to meet any unusual drop in temperature. This feature is utilized only during the few short periods of extreme cold. Monsoon Cooling Apparatus Installed in Large Theatre MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 173 When absolutely perfect results are desired and finances permit a profitable investment is a system of thermostatic control of mixing dampers, a thermo- static control of steam valves, or a combination of both. With this system the lower the temperature, the greater the quantity of theatre air re-circulated and mixed with fresh air. On the other hand, a rise in temperature is accompanied by an automatic shut- ting off of steam in part of the indirect heaters, so reducing the temperature of the fresh air supply.* And now summer ventilation and cooling. At this season of the year an enormous quantity of moisture is thrown off by the human body, and the problem then becomes one of removing the air in such volume as to remove with it this moisture as rapidly as it is formed. Actually, there is no binding necessity to lower the temperature. The point at issue is to make the human body comfortable, and this can easily be done by creating a breeze, passing it over and around every person in the audience and carrying away the bodily heat and, especially, evaporating the moisture constantly forming on the skin. It is simply taking advantage of an old principle, the practical working efficiency of which is convincingly demonstrated every time a perspiring person takes a trolley or auto- mobile ride on a hot day. It's the breeze that cools. It can be nothing else, since the temperature is no lower. The cost of cooling by the breeze method is very small in comparison with the lower temperature method. All that is necessary is sufficient fan capac- ity to effect a very rapid air change from ten to 174 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION fifteen times that required for winter ventilation. It will be found that this is sufficient to create a perceptible movement of air that will prove entirely satisfactory. It may be honestly advertised as a "cooling system" and can be depended upon to keep the house comfortable in the hottest summer weather. As with the winter ventilation, best results can be expected only if the "cooling system" is laid out by a competent engineer who has had practical experi- ence in this line of work. Unless this precaution is taken, there can be no safe assurance that the air currents are evenly distributed over the house that the breezes can be felt throughout, that they are not too strong in some quarters as to be ob- jectionable. It is equally important that a fan apparatus be specified designed specially for moving tremendous volumes of air at low velocity and operating slowly enough to be silent. An economical arrangement, for a theatre under construction is to arrange the fan apparatus so that part of the cooling and ventilating fans are used with the indirect heaters to form the heating and ventilating units for winter operation. Or, stated the other way, the fans used in the heating and venti- lating units may also be used for cooling in summer, in combination with auxiliary cooling equipment to give the additional air volume required in hot weather. The cooling and ventilating system alone, without heating, can be installed in any theatre, no matter how old, at any time. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 175 Ventilation of theatres is now receiving more atten- tion than ever. And the time is coming soon, too- when the problem of ventilating will receive fully as much attention as any other connected with the de- signing and building of theatres. Hot weather cooling, too, will receive more con- sideration. And why not? If it is profitable to heat a theatre in winter to attract or keep business, why not cool the house in summer for the same reason? As the importance of these subjects is better ap- preciated, it will be realized more and more that they, should be handled, not by hit-or-miss guesswork, but by competent engineers who know by scientific train- ing and experience what is needed and how to pro- vide it. 176 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Accessories and Profits Inter-Ocean Film Corporation is the oldest film accessory company in the world. What does this mean? It means protec- tion for the buyer inasmuch as no accessory organization could stay in business which was not supplying its vast army of customers with the right accessories at the right price. Inter-Ocean's whole success has been founded on its ability to deliver a quality product at a reasonable price. Inter-Ocean Film Corporation has been prospering be- cause it has been serving. Let Inter-Ocean serve you. A complete line of high quality accessory products are available at the Inter-Ocean offices. ACCESSORY DEPARTMENT INTER-OCEAN FILM CORPORATION 218 West 42nd Street New York City MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION ITT Accessories and Profits There are no projector carbons like Speer Carbons. Nor is there a better projector than the Master Projector. The Fulco line of over three hundred standard articles is unparalleled. Wohl Studio Equipment fur- nishes a striking example of economical and practical studio accessories. In addition to the above-named accessory products, Inter- Ocean's list of products includes the well- known Hawk Spotlight, Argus products and Westinghouse incandescent lamps. Inter-Ocean invites correspondence from prospective buyers of motion picture acces- sory products. ACCESSORY DEPARTMENT INTER-OCEAN FILM CORPORATION 218 West 42nd Street New York City 178 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION AUTOMATIC ARC CONTROLS The hand-fed arc is fast losing favor, most thea- tres are now equipping their projectors with arc con- trols. There are various makes of arc controls on the market, but as it has been the lot of the writer to have seen the Peerless automatic controller under various stages of manufacture and to have been in close touch with them under actual working con- ditions in various Broadway theatres we shall take the liberty of discussing this special type in these pages. This Control is made for use on all makes of pro- jectors having Direct Current at the arc, and will operate equally well with current supplied by a Motor Generator, Converter, Mercury Arc Rectifier or 110 volt D.C. from the power companies. The instrument is designed to stand on the floor at the rear of the projector, the power being trans- Peerless Automatic Arc Control Before Assembling MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 179 mitted from the motor mounted on the Control to the feed handle of the arc lamp by means of a tele- scoping tube and shaft that automatically adjusts itself- for the various height projectors. A complete feed handle assembly shown in the accompanying line drawing, consisting of the parts M, J, N, F, P with a worm gear and worm mounted thereon is supplied as a part of the Peerless Control, and replacing the regular feed rod and handle on the projector. The actuating element is completely enclosed and the entire device is approved by the Underwriters Laboratories Inc., their approval number E-4988. The operation of the Control is governed by changes in the arc voltage there being two highly sensitive magnets in series with each other connected directly across the line in multiple with the arc and their strength varies directly proportionate to the variation in the arc voltage. These magnets influence an armature carrying contact points having a gap of approximately ".006", and to the armature is connected a spring which in turn is attached to the adjusting screw marked "A" on the accompanying line cut. The various length arcs may be obtained by screwing in or out this adjusting screw. These contacts open and close a circuit to the special wound series type motor. It will be readily seen that when the attraction of the magnet exceeds the opposite pull on the spring attached at the end of the screw "A" that the armature will move toward the magnet and the circuit close with the result that the motor rotates and feeds the carbons together un- til the arc voltage has decreased and in turn the 180 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION magnetic strength of the magnets decreased to a point where the spring is the stronger, with the result that the circuit is opened. Due to the type of construction employed in the manufacture of this element, a degree of sensitiveness of less than 1/5 of one volt is obtained, that is to say, that an increase in the arc voltage of less than 1/5 of one volt above the point for which the ad- justment is set will close the circuit. Thus securing a delicacy and fineness of operation that is truly re- markable. Showing the Arc Controls Connected to Projector Arc Lamp MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 181 A gear reduction through two sets of worm gears one on the Control itself and the other on the feed handle provides a gear ratio of 6400 to one, with the result that the movement of the carbons can scarcely be detected with the naked eye, and insures against any disturbances on the arc crater, as would be the case where they moved rapidly such as is so often the practice with the hand-fed arc. A high resistance unit is connected in series with the motor, permitting some current to enter the motor at all times when the knife switch of the pro- jector is closed. This resistance serves the purpose of reducing to a minimum the load which the circuit breaker has to break and acts as a discharge coil as well, thus eliminating any destructive spark. The automatic arc controls have been on the market long enough to have their general merit well proven and taken altogether are highly recommended for use in theatres desiring high grade screen results. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING AND OPERATING THE PEERLESS AUTO- MATIC ARC FEED This control is made for use on projectors using Direct Current at the arc only. Carefully unpack the control from the box con- taining it, and remove all parts. Place the instru- ment on the floor directly beneath the arc feed handle. Attach the nickle-plated tube (shown as "B" on the blue print) to the gear shaft universal joint by means of the screw and nut furnished, and insert the shaft "G" into the tube. 182 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION If the arc control is to be used on a Powers, Motio- graph or Type "S" Simplex arc lamp, remove the arc feed handle and rod and replace with the comp- lete assembly furnished with the control same as it is received. If the control is to be used with the "regular" type Simplex arc lamp, having the feed rod rigidly attached to the arc lamp, it is only necessary to remove the Simplex fibre handle and in its place as- semble the parts shown as "N", "J", "M" and the gears, collars, etc. onto the Simplex rod. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 183 Drill a small hole in the rear of the lamp house, about five inches below the opening for the arc feed rod and insert the anchor "F", or attach anchor to one of the adjusting rods by means of clips furnished. Attach the universal joint at the end of the rod "G" to the shaft "H" on the feed handle. The control is then ready for the electrical con- nections. Bear in mind that the Peerless control is a voltage-governed device and is actuated by changes in voltage at the arc, caused by the increase in the arc gap due to the consuming of the carbons. It is necessary, therefore, that the device be connected in multiple with the arc, and at a place in the lamp circuit where it will receive current after it has pas- sed through the rheostat or motor-generator, as shown on the blue print. Attach a snap switch and a fuse block, shown as "K" and "L" on the print, at a convenient place at the rear of the projector, a good place being at the side of the arc lamp knife switch box, as illustrated. Encase the wires "C" and "D" in flexible Greenfield conduit "O" and run to the switch and make con- nections. From the switch "K" run wires to inside of knife switch "R" cabinet and connect to each of the arc feed wires as shown, being sure that the current which will enter the control at this point, has al- ready passed through the rheostat or motor-gener- ator. See that the snap switch "K" is "off" and strike the arc and allow it to burn until the crater has properly formed on the carbons. Bring the carbons together to the arc gap which you wish maintained, turn on the switch and loosen knurled clamping screw 184 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION "J" on the feed handle. If the motor runs when the carbons are at the gap desired, slowly screw out the arc gap adjusting screw "A" until the motor stops. Any arc gap desired may then be obtained by screw- ing in or out the screw "A", in, to shorten the gap and out, to lengthen it. The control will automatic- ally maintain the arc gap for which screw "A" is set, and further adjustment of it is not needed and its position should not be changed. When putting a new trim of carbons in the lamp, allow them to burn in before turning on the snap switch "K", as the voltage at the arc is much lower than normally until craters have formed, which would result in the control failing to feed until the craters had formed and the voltage raised to normal at the desired gap. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 185 POWER'S TYP"E LAMPHOUSE AND LAMP The Nicholas Power Company have incorporated many new features in the new typ"E" lamp and lamphouse. The proportions of the lamphouse are imposing, the extra large area facilitates an opera- tor in being able to get inside the lamphouse to get at any adjustment of the arc lamp. Two openings in the front of lamphouse allows it to be easily and readily cleaned. Of paramount importance is the ventilation of the lamphouse, hundreds of dollars are wasted annually in condenser breakage solely on account of poor ven- tilation in lamphouses. The typ"E" lamphouse is so constructed to make the ventilation scientifically correct. Type "E" Lamphouse and Lamp showing Inside Dowser 186 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 6B. Equipment with Typ"E" Lamphouse complete with Lamp Assembled MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 187 The condenser mount is mounted on a heavy grey iron frame hinged to the lamphouse to open forward, this allows the operator to bring the whole con- densing set easily into full view for cleaning,' etc. The condenser holders are made of an extra heavy type of grey iron so constructed that the expansion and contraction of the holders are fairly even and Close-Up of Condenser Mount and Holder, and Adjustment for Inside Dowser that the heating and cooling off of the condensers is accomplished gradually and evenly, this is a very important point and helps in a great way to over- come condenser breakage. To assure the condenser proper alignment and hold them securely in place, they are machined with a "V" on two sides, fitting into a "V" groove on the 188 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION mount. Placed directly under the condenser mount is an adjustment which controls the back condenser (one nearest the arc) allowing the operator to space his condensers to the exact local distance. The lamphouse is equipped with an inside dowser to protect the condensers from the heat of the arc while the operator is "forming a crater," etc., the dowser handle is placed on front of the lamphouse directly above the condenser mount locking adjust- ment. Radical changes have been made in the arc lamp, it is built heavy enough to take care of any amount of current up to 150 amperes ; the features of the lamp are as follows : 1 Upper carbon holder designed to take from % to 1%-inch carbon. Lower carbon holder 5/16- inch to %-inch carbons, manufactured with the "V Condenser Holder, Ring and Key MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 189 type, assuring a rigid hold on the carbons without breaking them. Upper and Lower Carbon Holder showing "V"-shaped inserts and inter-locking corrugations for clamping wires 2 Both upper and lower carbon holders are equipped with a clamp which is to take the place of lugs for the wires. These clamps have been so manu- factured of a series of interlocking corrugations on both top and bottom of clamp so that when wires have been clamped between them, they will have a positive hold. To take care of any possible arcing, the clamp and the carbon holder have been manufac- tured of one piece. 3 Another feature of the lamp is the fact that the lateral and backward and forward adjustments are made on the lower part of the lamp so that on Cross Section of Carbon Holder showing Position of Wire in Inter-Locking Corrugations 190 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION adjusting the carbons, it will not change the posi- tion of the crater of the upper carbon. 4 The fact that the raising and lowering of the lamp is done by means of a worm wheel and gear, gives the lamp additional rigidity. 5 Square steel bars held with a spring cover have been used in the manufacture of the rack rods, to take care of any expansion and giving same a greater wearing surface. Typ"E" Lamp. Note that the top carbon is stationary. The lateral and back and forward adjustments are made on lower carbon MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 191 Power's Cameragraph No. 6B 192 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION THE INTERMITTENT MOVEMENT PRELIMINARY REMARKS The moving picture is accomplished by flashing a great number of stationary photographic views be- fore the eye in such rapid succession that the eye is deceived into the belief of having beheld actual mo- tion. The photographic views, which are usually taken at the rate of sixteen per second, are printed in direct succession upon a ribbon of transparent film one and three-eighths inch in width and between one and two thousand feet in length. Each view is con- densed into a rectangular space approximately one inch wide and three-fourths inch high. When the film is run through the projector at nor- mal speed, sixteen of these views are shown each second. It would appear from this that each view is shown for one-sixteenth of a second. Such is not the case, however. Each view is held stationary before the lens for only a part of this minute period of time, and the remainder of the period is consumed while the film is being moved down a distance of three-fourths of an inch, so as to bring the succeed- ing view in line with the lens. During every such movement of the film, the main , blade (or wing) of a revolving shutter, passes in front of the lens, thus preventing any trace of the movements from reaching the screen. If this were not done, the picture would be greatly marred by streaks of light known as "travel ghost." An addi- tional wing (and sometimes two) is inserted in the MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 193 shutter wheel for the purpose of doing what is tech- nically known as "equalizing the light." We will not discuss this matter of light equalization, as it has no direct bearing upon the point that we wish to bring out. It is the necessary passage of these wings in front of the lens that prevents an attainment equalling theoretical perfection wherein each view would ap- pear on the screen for its entire allotment of one- sixteenth of a second without interruption of any kind. 194 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION It would probably be possible to devise a way to move the film so rapidly that the eye could not per- ceive any trace of the movement, and thus the neces- sity of using the revolving shutter would be eliminat- ed, but we are prevented from doing this by the very important fact that wear and tear on the film must be taken into consideration. The movement of the Fig. a film must not be made so rapidly nor in such a jerky manner as to cause the film to rip or pull apart. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERMITTENT MOVEMENT The term "intermittent movement" is used to des- ignate that part of the mechanism of a moving pic- ture projector, which performs the important func- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 195 tion of stopping the film at regular intervals, so that the photographic views may be successively held in line with the lens. This movement consists primarily of four elements, namely: a diamond shaped cam, a locking ring, a pin cross and a sprocket. Photographic views of these parts will be found on page 193. The cam and locking ring are formed together on the face of a solid steel disc. The four pins of the pin cross are formed from the end of a solid cylinder of steel. The remainder of this cylinder is turned down to the proper diameter to act as a spindle upon which the sprocket is securely fastened. The sprocket has two rows of teeth to mesh with the holes that are perforated on each side of the film. Figures a, 6, c, and d, show these elements in ac- tion. A portion of the back of the cam-ring disc Fig. b 196 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION has been cut away so as to expose the workings of the movement during one revolution of the disc. The curved arrows indicate the direction in which the parts are revolving. The sprocket is in mesh with a short strip of film. Portion e of this film, which lies between the heavy black cross lines, represents one of the photographic views to be projected upon the screen. Fig. c In Figure o, the four pins of the pin cross are shown in engagement with the locking ring. Pins 1 and 2 are at the outer circumference and pins 3 and 4 are at the inner circumference of the ring. Although the ring is revolving, it cannot impart motion to the pin cross, as the pins are securely locked by contact with the inner and outer surfaces of the ring ; conse- quently the pin cross, the sprocket and the film are MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 197 at rest. It is during this period of rest that the photographic view is being projected on the screen. In Figure 6, the* pins are disengaging from the locking ring. The cam is just starting to engage with pin 1. As the engagement takes place the pin is pushed forward and upward, thus imparting a rotary motion to the pin cross spindle. The sprocket, being fastened to this spindle rotates with it, thus pulling the film downward. In Figure c, pin 1 has almost reached the apex of the cam. Pin 2 is traveling into slot f, pin 3 is describing an arc in the space between the ends of the locking ring, and pin 4 is traveling out of slot g. As piir-l slides over the apex of the cam, pin 4 en- gages with the curved surface h at the end of the locking ring, and the pin is thrown forward and upward until it slides on to the outer surface of the locking ring. Fig. d 198 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION In Figure d, pin 4 has just reached the outer sur- face of the ring. The four pins are immediately locked as the locking ring travels into the space between them. In contrast to the pin position in Figure a, pins 1 and 4 are now at the outer circum- ference and pins 2 and 3 are at the inner circum- ference of the locking ring. It can readily be seen that the pin cross spindle has made a quarter revolu- tion, and that view e has been drawn downward a corresponding distance. Bear in mind that these pins can only move in the path of a circle. As pins 2 and 4 travel through their respective slots it would appear to the unini- tiated mind as though the pins must travel in a straight line. This is not the case, however. The fact that the cam-ring disc is revolving, constantly changes the position of these slots so that their MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 199 straight lines intersect the circular path of the pins at successively different points. One great advantage that this particular move- ment has to offer, may be demonstrated by making the following simple experiment: Tie a one foot length of ordinary cotton thread to a piece of metal weighing slightly over one pound. Take the untied end of the thread between the fingers and by an upward pull, endeavor to lift the piece of metal a distance of one foot in the shortest possible time. A sudden jerk will snap the thread. A slow upward pull will allow the thread to stand the strain of the weight, but considerable time is consumed in lifting the metal. If the slow pull is exerted until the metal has started to move, the pull may then be steadily increased, and consequently the metal can be lifted much more quickly. This analogy may be applied to the star and Intermittent Movement with Oil-Tight Casing 200 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION cam intermittent movement, which has been care- fully designed, to move the film downward, by start- ing the motion with a scarcely perceptible pull that steadily increases to a maximum as pin 1 (Figure c) slides over the apex of the cam, after which it de- creases in the same steady manner until the pins are locked by the ring, and the film is again at rest. Not A magnified view of the pin cross of the Power's Machine, with and without roller bearings in place a moment of time is lost, and yet the film is moved so easily that the wear and tear is reduced to a minimum. The elements of the intermittent movement are made from carefully selected tungsten-chromium steel, which is very tough and durable. The most delicate instruments are used in measuring the dimen- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 201 sions of the elements, one ten-thousandth of an inch plus or minus being the limit of permissible variation. The cam and pin cross are enclosed in an oil-tight casing. An oil cup is fastened to this casing, and by keeping the parts plentifully supplied with a high grade machine oil, a practically noiseless operation of the movement without perceptible wear on the parts, is insured. Detailed views of the new movement, showing the cam with the disc which holds the roller bearings in place, and the pin cross with bearings removed 202 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Power's Cameragraph No. 6A Showing film threaded through machine MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 203 WORKING OPERATION OF POWER'S LOOP-SETTER The illustration shows a strip of film forming the lower loop around roller (A). When the loop is lost (drawn taut), the roller is necessarily elevated, thus causing a slight rotary motion in cylinder (B). A diagonal slot in this cylinder, in contact with a pin fastened to arm (E), causes the arm to move out- ward; but as arm (C) operates as a lever, with its fulcrum at point (D), the other end of the arm at Automatic Loop-Setter (E) moves inward, thus disengaging pin (F) from the driving pulley (G). This breaks the connection whereby motion is transmitted to take-up sprocket (H), and the sprocket stops revolving. The loop re- 204 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION forms instantly, and roller (A) is forced back into its original position by coil spring (I). Pin (F) immediately re-engages with driving pulley (G), and the take-up sprocket (H) starts to revolve again as a natural consequence. The whole train of opera- tion is automatic its results instantaneous. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 205 6B WITH TYPE "E" LAMPHOUSE 206 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION POWERS TAKE-UP MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 207 POWER'S 6B TAKE-UP The 6B Take-up is simplicity itself. It consists primarily of two friction discs, which are held in contact by means of a spring. One of these discs is faced with fibre, which assures an excellent frictional contact. The driving disc (a) is left free to revolve around Take-up spindle (b), as an axis. The driven disc (c) is fastened to spindle (b). By frictional contact, motion is transmitted from disc (a) to disc (c) and thus spindle (b) is caused to revolve also. The take-up reel fastens to spindle (b) at (d). The reel is held firmly on the spindle by means of catch (e). When the catch is in a horizontal posi- tion, it is in exact line with spindle (b), thus mak- ing it very easy to put the reel on, or take it off the spindle. Spindle (b) runs in ball bearings (f), which eliminate all unnecessary friction in operation. As the film winds on the reel, the steadily increas- ing load gradually retards the speed at which disc (c) revolves, and this automatically regulates the revolutions of the Take-up reel, so that at every moment the proper tension on the film is assured. The friction between discs (a) and (c) may be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the tension on spring (g). This may be accomplished by simply giving a few turns in either direction, to collar (h), which is threaded on the end of spindle (b). When the desired tension has been secured, the collar may be locked in place by means of set screw (i). 208 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION AUTOMATIC SHUTTER The shutter covering the aperture in gate of ma- chine and controlled by the centrifugal movement. It is so arranged that the shutter will be held up by centrifugal force as long as the machine is in motion, but should the machine stop for any reason then the shutter falls and cuts off the light from film. It is 625 741 The Centrifugal Movement with Cover Removed a fire prevention device. Should the automatic shutter refuse to work and same cannot be remedied by oiling, it will then be necessary to take the cover off the centrifugal movement Figure 624, then exam- ine springs and shoes Figure 741, and see if the shoe track Y is not scratched. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 209 MOTOR TROUBLES & REMEDIES Sparking may be due to overload, wrong position of brushes, broken coil, weak field, and to any of the causes named for dynamos. Sparking Symptom. Intermittent Sparking. On a varying load, in which the work comes on, at the beginning or end of each cycle, and then falls off during the remainder of the cycle, a motor often sparks just as the peak load comes on. The cause is the heavy current taken at the in- stant of maximum load, which distorts and weakens the effective field and shifts the neutral point. This weakening of the field results in a still larger current in the armature, aggravating the evil. Remedy. Add a compounding coil on the motor to assist the shunt, or exchange the motor for a com- pound-wound one, or one with interpoles. Failure to Start (1) Symptoms. Motor does not start. Little or no current passes on closing the D.P. switch and pushing starting handle over. Probable Causes. Brushes not down. Switch not making contact in the jaws. Starting switch not touching the contacts. Fuse broken. Controller fingers not touching contact plates. Break in series coil (if a series motor). Terminal loose. No cur- rent on mains. 210 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION If the no-volt release coil excites, or if a long arc is observed on breaking circuit, it indicates that the shunt field gets its current and the probable cause of the failure to start is that the shunt is connected in series with the armature owing to two of the leads from the starter being reserved. Remedy. Trace out the connections or use test- ing set. Failure to start (2) Symptom. Motor does not start, but takes excessive current. Fuse or overload cut-out acts. Cause. It is assumed the motor is not overloaded ; this can be tested by taking load off and trying to start motor light. If a shunt motor there may be a short circuit in connecting cables or in field coil; or in armature ; or a break in field coil. Remedy for broken field. If field excites when brushes are up, but not when they are down, the symptoms point to a short circuit in or across arma- ture, or brushes. Examine brushes for short circuit to frame, for copper dust, oil, or broken down insulation. Then disconnect armature and excite field. Move armature round quickly by hand. A drag will be felt as the short circuited coils pass the poles. If the armature can be driven at a fair speed by belt, with the field excited, the short-circuited coils will warm up and can probably be located in this way. If the above symptoms occur with a series-wound motor, the cause may be a short in the field or arm- ature, but not a break. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 211 A fairly common cause is incorrect connecting up. Another cause, particularly with machines that have been dismantled, is incorrect polarity of the field coils. Thus if the coils are connected up so that they are all of the same polarity, the effect is the same as with a broken field wire as the field is com- pletely neutralized. If only one of the field coils is reversed in a four-pole motor, the motor would prob- ably not start and would in any case take an exces- sive current. Remedy. Test the coils for polarity. Incorrect Speed A certain amount of speed adjustment may be ob- tained by altering the position of the brushes. Mov- ing the brushes backwards from the neutral point has the effect of increasing the speed, whilst moving them forward reduces the speed. Excessive Speed Symptom. Motor starts, then speed gradually in- creases till motor runs at very excessive speed. This only occurs when a motor starts light or on a very light load such as a loose pulley. Cause. If shunt or compound motor. Shunt coil connected in series with armature instead of in parallel. On first switching on, the magnets excite, as the armature is stationary and allows the full shunt current to pass the coils. As the armature speeds up it puts a back E.M.F. in the circuit, gradually reducing the current passing and thus weakening the 212 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION field. The faster the armature goes the weaker the field becomes. A short circuit in the shunt might produce same result if motor starts absolutely light. Remedy. Connect up the shunt. Fuse Blows Symptom. Motor starts and runs up to its proper speed, but fuse or overload acts on putting load on. Cause. This is a sign of overload. Probably belts too tight, bearings tight or dry. If the fuse blows whilst starting up there may be a ground on the motor. This should be tested. If the starter is provided with shunt sector the fuse may blow whilst starting up, owing to a bad contact to this sector, due either to dirt or to a hollow place in the metal. In the case of a compound-wound motor a cross connection or leakage between the series and shunt windings will cause the fuse to blow if the cross is in a position that the shunt is practically short cir- cuited by the series. Starter Overheats Symptom. Motor starting against load takes ex- cessive current. Last few coils of resistance overheat (probably smoke or get red hot). Fuse or overload acts, or motor sparks. Cause. Overload ; or starter too small. When a motor starts against a load having con- siderable inertia, such as heavy line shaft with several large pulleys and tight belts, or against a heavily fly-wheeled machine, time must be given for it to get MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 213 up speed. If the starter is moved over the contacts more quickly than the motor can accelerate, an ex- cessive current will pass, causing the motor to spark. The starter must be put on more slowly and this will cause it to heat up unless it has been liberally rated. Remedy. Exchange starter for one having more margin, that is one which permits of starting up slower. This does not mean a starter for a larger H.P. Starts Suddenly Symptom. Motor does not start nor take current till most of resistance is cut out, then takes rush of current and starts suddenly. Cause. A break in the starting resistance. Temporary Remedy. Connect the contacts where break occurs, until resistance can be repaired. Wrong Direction Symptom. Motor runs in wrong direction. Remedy. Reverse armature or field connections, whichever is the easier, but not both. In a compound-wound machine both the shunt and series coil must be reversed if the field be reversed; but if the machine be provided with interpoles these must be treated as part of the armature and must therefore not be reversed when the field is reversed. Motor Reverses Symptom. Motor starts up and runs correctly on light load. On an overload, or reduced voltage, motor reverses and runs backwards. Cause. This applies to a compound-wound motor, with the series or compound coil connected up in opposition to the shunt coil. 214 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Remedy. Reverse the series coil. Flashing Symptom. Severe sparking or flashing apparently all round the commutator ; over-heating of the arma- ture and burning of the insulation between a couple of the segments. Cause. The cause of the above is a broken wire in the armature winding. Remedy. If the broken end cannot be located and repaired easily, the armature must be stripped until the break is found and the section re-wound. A temporary repair can sometimes be made sufficiently to enable the motor to continue working, by joining across the two segments on each side of the burnt mica with a short piece of copper wire, the wire being laid on the ears of the commutator and sweated in with a soldering iron. This practically converts two segments into one, and the motor will run in this way quite satisfactorily. If the commutator lugs are not readily accessible, a copper pin may be driven hard down between the two segments in a part not under the brushes. Flashing Over Symptom. On an overload and sometimes on a normal load a motor will flash from the brushes to a part of the commutator or to the rocker, and blow the fuses. This is more liable to happen with a weak field. Cause and Remedy. The cause is that the motor has too much forward lead, and the brushes should be moved back a little. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 215 ROBIN SIGNAL TELEGRAPH SYSTEM The Robin Signal Telegraph system is an audible and visual signal system which provides a positive means of transmitting co-ordinated signals between the operating room, stage, and orchestra pit with certainty and dispatch. The system consists of a master station which is placed on the stage director's stand or on the orchestra leader's desk, and is connected with the orchestra pit and meters in the booth. The signal dispatch station consists of a panel board and a radial switch with several contacts. In operation the switch can be set at any point desired as far in advance as desired and when the button is pushed, will call the operator's attention to the signal. Robin Signal Telegraph With Eight Synchronized Meters as Installed in New York Capitol 216 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION At the master station is provided an instrument similar to those installed in the booth, and which serves the purpose of a master meter and conveys to the director or leader sending the signal, means of ascertaining the correct working of the system and also as a telltale of whether the instruments in the booth are registering the correct signals. If the master meter does not function, none of the others will operate. The meters in the booth are generally placed one under each look-out hole, that the operator, no mat- Robin Signal Telegraph Despatch Station MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 217 ter where located, receives the same signal. Each meter has a plate provided with a scale on which is engraved, "ready, go, stop, slower, faster, see programe, light, focus, and frame." This instrument supersedes the use of the tele- phone and the ordinary and troublesome return call buzzer system. In actual operation instead of the leader or stage director telephoning to the operator and calling him away from his projection machines he throws the switch over on the signal and presses the button and the operator, without leaving his position receives both an audible and visual signal. At the rear of the control board on the master station is mounted a capirating rheostat with re- sistance to correspond with the various points on the scale. There is also provided an adjusting rheostat to compensate any drop in voltage or differences be- tween the points of the scale Wire required from the booth to the orchester pit is five No. 16 B & S gauge wires, two for the signal and three for the return call. The source of energy is dry batteries and one set of cells, this being sufficient for an entire year. 218 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION CARBONS There are two classes of carbons generally used in arc lamps, solid and cored; they are composed of coke, tar, or the graphite deposited in the inside of retorts used for manufacturing illuminating gas. With solid carbons the crater travels around the ends of the carbons, the current always tending to take the path of least resistance ; with cored carbons, which are solid except for an inner core of softer carbon, the travel of the crater is reduced and the distribution of light more steady. The effect of the core is to confine the current to the center of the rod, and consequently the arc, due to the core hav- ing a higher conductivity than the surrounding ma- terial. With cored carbons the voltage across the arc is reduced. -JSL \J t ( / // / / / - f\ Right and wrong way to set D. C. arc. I. Lower carbon not far enough forward. II. Correct setting. III. Lower carbon too far advanced MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 219 In an alternating current arc the crater alter- nates from one carbon to the other with each reversal of current, so that both carbons are consumed equal- ly when the rods are horizontal. When vertical, the upper carbon will be consumed about 8 per cent, faster, owing to the action of the ascending currents of heated air. The Projection Arc Since the experience of some operators has been limited to projection with the alternating-current arc, the following suggestions are offered on projec- tion with the direct-current arc : The direct-current arc should be approxi- mately 5/16 to % inch long or about twice the length of the alternating-current arc. Too short an. arc will not give a satisfactory light, the trouble being not in the machine but in the carbon setting. Use only the best projection carbons. Pro- jection 'carbons vary greatly in quality and good results cannot be obtained from poor carbons. In- ferior carbons are particularly liable to give trouble on arc currents of 50 amperes and above. Good carbons will be uniform in diameter, straight, free from cracks running around the circumference, and uniform in density throughout. The core will be true to the center of the carbon and will not drop out while burning. A hard spot in the carbons will cause the arc to jump and sputter, while a soft spot will cause it to flame or needle and burn away very rapidly. The main point in setting the carbons is to get a crater to form good size and facing the center of the condenser lens as nearly as possible. 220 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Take care to have the carbons in perfect alignment sidewise and a long enough arc that the lower carbon does not "mushroom." Pull the upper carbon back slightly which will face the crater forward toward the condenser. If the upper carbon is not back far enough the crater will point down- ward and not toward the condenser. If too far back, a long "skirt" will form on the back edge of the upper carbon which will give an unsteady light and may break off in feeding, giving a very poor light until a new crater can be formed. Do not try to decide upon the merits of carbons by burning just one carbon of a kind in just one "Columbia." UPPER CARBON Correct Setting FRONT MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 221 way; try out a carbon setting at least one whole day to see if results cannot be improved. There has come into use recently a small diameter metal coated hard core negative carbon which has been found in many cases to improve the operation of the arc by holding it quiet and steady. CARBON COMBINATIONS FOR NATIONAL CARBONS DIRECT CURRENT Current Size Carbons For 25 to 60 Amps. ( 5/8 x 12 inch Cored Upper D. C. use ( 5/16 x 6 inch Metal Coated Solid Lower For 50 to 65 Amps, f 3/4 x 12 inch Cored Upper D. C. use { 11/32x6 inch Metal Coated Solid Lower For 65 to 70 Amps. C 7/8 x 1C inch Cored Upper D. C. use I 11/32x6 inch Metal Coated Solid Lower For 70 to 85 Amps. C 7/8 x 12 inch Cored Upper D. C. use | 3/8 x 6 inch Metal Coated Solid Lower For 85 to 100 Amps, f 1 x 12 inch Cored Upper D. C. use (7/16x6 inch Metal Coated Cored Lower ALTERNATING CURRENT Amperes Carbon Diameter 40 or less than 60 5/8 inch Combination 60 or less than 75 3/4 inch Combination 75 or less than 100 7/8 inch Combination Projector Carbon Manufacturing Process In the manufacture of high-grade projector car- bons it is necessary to use an especially prepared carbon flour. The flour is carefully mixed with the necessary binding material and forced by hydraulic presses under high pressure into the desired shape. 220 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Take care to have the carbons in perfect alignment sidewise and a long enough arc that the lower carbon does not "mushroom." Pull the upper carbon back slightly which will face the crater forward toward the condenser. If the upper carbon is not back far enough the crater will point down- ward and not toward the condenser. If too far back, a long "skirt" will form on the back edge of the upper carbon which will give an unsteady light and may break off in feeding, giving a very poor light until a new crater can be formed. Do not try to decide upon the merits of carbons by burning just one carbon of a kind in just one > J ColuYnbx a." UPPtP CARBON Correct Setting MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 221 way; try out a carbon setting at least one whole day to see if results cannot be improved. There has come into use recently a small diameter metal coated hard core negative carbon which has been found in many cases to improve the operation of the arc by holding it quiet and steady. CARBON COMBINATIONS FOR NATIONAL CARBONS DIRECT CURRENT Current Size Carbons For 25 to 60 Amps. J 5/8 x 12 inch Cored Upper D. C. use [5/16x6 inch Metal Coated Solid Lower For 50 to 65 Amps. C 3/4 x 12 inch Cored Upper D. C. use ( 11/32 x 6 inch Metal Coated Solid Lower For 65 to 70 Amps, f 7/8 x 10 inch Cored Upper D. C. use I 11/32 x 6 inch Metal Coated Solid Lower For 70 to 85 Amps, f 7/8 x 12 inch Cored Upper D. C. use (3/8x6 inch Metal Coated Solid Lower For 85 to 100 Amps, ( 1 x 12 inch Cored Upper D. C. use I 7/16 x 6 inch Metal Coated Cored Lower ALTERNATING CURRENT Amperes Carbon Diameter 40 or less than 60 5/8 inch Combination 60 or less than 75 3/4 inch Combination 75 or less than 100 7/8 inch Combination Projector Carbon Manufacturing Process In the manufacture of high-grade projector car- bons it is necessary to use an especially prepared carbon flour. The flour is carefully mixed with the necessary binding material and forced by hydraulic presses under high pressure into the desired shape. 222 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION If a cored carbon is wanted, a steel needle is suspend- ed in the center of the die. The forced carbons are then placed on racks to cool and when sufficiently cool they are cut in the proper length for baking. To insure absolute straightness, correct size and per- fect stock before baking, the cooled carbons are thoroughly inspected before being turned over to the baking department. In the furnaces, the carbons are subjected to the temperature necessary to produce a uniform carbon of certain definite prescribed qualities. After the bake is completed, the furnace is sampled and the carbons examined by the testing department before being sent along for finishing. These tests are even more severe than those to which a projector carbon is subjected by the user. Upon receiving the testing department's O.K., the carbons are sorted for straightness and examined for imperfections, and if they are hollow shells, made ready for coring. Every precaution is taken in the coring department, where the hollow shells are filled to see that the core material fills the entire length of the carbon. The composition of the coring ma- terial is of considerable importance as it determines largely the burning quality and color of the arc. After coring, the carbons are dried, finished, pointed, inspected and placed in the shipping stock. The Carbon Arc In the direct current arc, the crater of the positive carbon forms the principal light source. The posi- tive crater is of relatively large area, while the nega- tive spot is small and is not usually considered as a MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 223 light source. While 95% of the light emitted by the arc comes from the positive crater, the character- istics of the negative carbon are of vital importance in securing steadiness of operation. In operation, 1 Fig. 1 p ig< 2 the positive crater is set so as to face the axis of the optical system. In setting the carbons in this position, care must be taken to reduce to a minimum the shading of the crater by the negative carbon. In this respect, the direct current arc is superior to the alternating current arc. A direct current arc is longer and therefore gives less shading of the crater. The greatest advantage of the direct cur- rent arc is the fact that the current travels only in one direction and therefore the positive crater re- ceives electrical energy continously and consequently maintains a higher temperature. As was stated above the characteristics of the lower carbon on direct current are of greatest im- portance in securing steadiness of operation. The size of the upper carbon is determined by the power 224 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION imputed to the arc. If the positive is too small the current will overlap the end of the carbon and the arc will be noisy and unsteady. If too large, the crater covers the end of the carbon and the arc again will be unsteady, because the average temper- ature at the tip is lower. With the negative car- bon, the carrying capacity is the important factor since the size of the negative carbon required by the negative spot is small. A small carbon keeps the arc steady and also eliminates the shadow due to the shading of the crater by the negative carbon itself. This problem has been solved by plating the solid negative over its entire length with a series of metal- lic coats forming a shell of metal of low electrical resistance around the carbon. This metallic coating volatizes in the heat of the arc and thus prevents the spattering of the rear condenser lens with the heavy metal beads formed with the old style metal coat. The coating carries the major part of the current and makes possible the use of a small nega- tive with the high currents required by long throws and dense films. The direct current arc is inherently stable and the range of arc voltage can be made whatever the pro- jectionists desire, but there is one fact to be borne in mind that, for each given current value there is a definite arc voltage at which the arc operates at maximum efficiency. With a constant current value, gradually shortening the arc length, will finally pro- duce an unstable arc; just previous to that point is the limiting voltage for the current chosen. Or, otherwise, a given current requires a certain arc length of voltage. To increase the current and not change the arc length, is equivalent to shortening the MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 5225 arc in the first case and the arc becomes noisy. For this reason increasing voltages are required for in- creasing currents. When using small diameter solid metal coated negatives on direct current we start at 52 volts for 30 amperes and increasing by 2 volts for each in- crease of 10 amperes, reaching 62 for the arc voltage at 100 amperes, a saving of 0.7 kw. or 10 percent, in arc wattage, than in case where the old style large diameter cored negatives are used, starting at 55 arc Bevkd tpd COttDfcftdERS volts for 30 amperes direct current, and increasing voltage and current in same proportion as recom- mended in former case. In the past when using cored negative carbons the basis for choice of the negative was a ratio of 1 for the negative diameter, to 1.65 for the positive dia- meter, or a cross-sectional ratio of 1.2. 226 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Under the table of Carbon Combinations for direct current projection, the new developed solid small diameter metal coated negative calls for a cross-sec- tional ratio of 1.4, the negative having y\ area of the positive. What determines the size of a carbon for given service is the ability to stand up under it but the limiting factor differs in A. C. and in D. C. On direct current the limiting factor is the crater. Since the temperature of a carbon arc is constant just as is the temperature of boiling water be there a teaspoonful or a barrel full so, by putting into the carbon more current, we merely increase the num- ber of the hot, light-giving areas until finally the tip of the carbon or crater can no longer accommodate an increase and then no further increase of light is possible for that carbon. The body of the carbon is as yet unaffected by the current but the crater can no longer take care of further increases. This is the limiting factor and so we take the next larger sizes. On alternating current the crater is but half the size of the crater formation on direct current, owing to the fact that the energy' is divided equally between the upper and lower carbon; therefore, we can go still higher in current density on A. C. without reach- ing a crater limit but we now find that the carbon body cannot carry an unlimited amount of current without glowing and oxidizing away sharply, so we are limited on A. C. to the physical characteristics of the carbon. Using the old style alternating cur- rent carbon, a short air gap gives a hissing and sput- tering arc which is very unstable. By using cored carbons, the cores of which are impregnated with MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 227 carefully prepared chemicals, an absolutely silent and steady alternating current arc can be obtained. By using the proper chemicals a light source of high intensity is obtained which is far above that of the old cored carbons. This change in the construction of carbons for use with alternating current projection is one that has come to the front in the last year and has met with A Mushroom Arc marvelous success. It has brought the alternating current arc in close competition with the direct cur- rent arc and it has allowed many houses who had seriously considered adopting other sources of illu- mination to continue with the alternating current arc without necessitating a single change in or about the lamp house or in the wiring. The mere substi- tution of these new carbons for the old style alter- nating current carbons makes the alternating current arc a very desirable and economical light source for projection. 228 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION In addition to fulfilling the general requirements, the carbon arc has other characteristics which make it adaptable for motion-picture work. These char- acteristics are: Color of light; Reliability; Flexi- bility ; Steadiness. Color of Light: Until recently, the color of the light used for the projection of the high-class film was a source of much annoyance. It is obvious that where the picture is taken in the open and in bright daylight, the effect upon the screen would be inferior unless the projection light source approached that of daylight in color value. The light of the direct current arc is the nearest approach in color value to daylight of any of the known illuminants that could be used for motion-picture projection. The light is a pure white of high intensity. The light of the al- ternating current arc using the modern high-grade projector carbon approaches that of the direct cur- rent arc both in color value and intensity. A pure white light is beyond doubt the proper kind of light to use for projection since it brings out the high lights and shadows and will project upon the screen a picture that will please the most critical audience. Reliability: The arc in the hands of an efficient projectionist, is a very reliable light source. It is not easily affected by fluctuations in line voltage and therefore will give an even screen illumination where other illuminants will fail. Carbons have a definite length of life and therefore the projectionist can guard against the failure of light in the middle of a reel of film. Flexibility : The carbon arc gives a steady, flexible light, variable at the will of the operator according to the density of the film. No two films are alike and MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 229 no two parts of the same film are of the same density and consequently to give a true artistic presentation of any picture you must have a flexible light source. Steadiness : Both the direct and alternating cur- rent arcs are giving absolutely steady illumination. The traveling of the arc and negative shadows have been eliminated in arc projection. In conclusion, emphasis should be placed upon the use of proper carbon combinations. The carbon manufacturer specifies a definite diameter of carbon for a definite current requirement and any deviation from this will result in poor projection. If the projectionist is without positive knowledge of the amount of power he is using he can obtain this by means of a voltmeter and ammeter. Standard in- struments for this purpose can generally be obtained from the local power plants. Showing effect of arc being connected upside down 23d MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION THE SPEER CARBON Speer Projector Carbons have a texture designed to withstand high current densities and insure long life, but soft enough to give a pleasing, steady, white light of great intensity. In order to meet the de- mand for service of the highest class, three types are offered the trade. The Directo Carbon is made es- pecially for D. C. positives, but may be used as D. C. negatives. It is of the soft cored type and is dis- tinguished by .the perfect flush crater developed. The Hold-Ark Carbon, of the hard cored type, is made for D. C. negative work only, is double electro- plated and is extensively used by projectionists who desire a noiseless, steady, white light. The Alterno combination sets are the highest development of car- bons for A. C. service and produce a noiseless white arc. They are furnished in packages containing 25 12" carbons and 50 6" carbons. The 12" carbon marked with a yellow line must be used only as the upper and the 6" carbon marked with a white line must be used only as a lower. The best screen results are obtained with the fol- lowing sizes: For D. C. Service: 25 to 50 amperes 5/8x12" Directo and 5/16" Hold-Ark 50 to 70 " 3/4 x 12" " " 11/32" 70 to 85 " 7/8 x 12" " " 3/8" 85 to 100 " 1 x 12" " " 7/16" For A. C. Service: 85 to 55 amperes 5/8" Alterno Combination 55 to 70 " 3/4" 70 to 85 " 7/8" MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 231 Speer Projector Carbons DIREGTO Positives for Direct Current HOLD-ARK Negatives for Direct Current ALT ERNO White Light -Noiseless Sets for Alternating Current Cored, Solid and Metal-Coated Carbons, Searchlight Carbons,White Flame Carbons for Studio Work, Photo Engraving and Spotlight Carbons. Manufactured By SPEER CARBON COMPANY ST. MARYS, PA., U.S.A. 232 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION THE ELECTRIC ARC When a current, under a pressure, is passed through two carbon rods, with their ends first in contact and afterward gradually separated a short distance, a brilliant arc of flame called the electric arc, is established between them. This arc is composed of carbon vapor, that is, the high tem- perature caused by the passage of the current through the resistance of the contact surfaces causes the carbon to practically boil and the vapor thus arising, being a much better conductor than the air, conducts the current across the gap from one carbon tip to the other. This volatilization occurs chiefly at the end of the positive carbon terminal where the current enters the arc, and this point is also the seat of the highest temperature and maximum light- emitting power. As the arc is maintained across the gap, disintegration of the carbon takes place, the carbons waste away, and a cup-shaped depression, termed the crater, is formed in the positive carbon, while the tip of the negative carbon has a conical form. The negative carbon being at a lower tem- perature than the positive, the vapor of the boiling carbon condenses upon its surface as pure graphite. Both carbons waste away, but the consumption of the positive carbon is about twice as rapid as that of the negative, since it is this carbon from which most of the vapor comes and part of which is re-deposited as graphite on the negative cone-tipped carbon. The light emitted by any heated body increases with its temperature. The temperature of the car- bon in the crater, when in a state of ebullition, is about 3500 C., this being the hottest portion of MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 233 the arc, and consequently the point from which the most light is emitted. About 12 per cent of the energy supplied to an electric arc appears as light, the balance being represented by the heat evolved. About 85 per cent of the light emitted from an arc lamp is reflected from the crater, the maximum il- lumination being in a zone surrounding the lamp at an angle of about 40 to the horizontal. When the arc is "struck" by bringing the carbon electrodes together, and the.n, separating them for a short distance, the arc possesses peculiar character- istics depending upon the length of the gap between the ends of the carbons. When this distance is too small the arc emits a peculiar hissing noise, and is called a hissing arc. It is caused by a too rapid volatilization of the carbon, due to the excessive cur- rent that would flow through the lamp with a short gap between the carbons. Spluttering sounds pro- duced by the arc are due to impurities in the carbon, or loose-grained carbons. By adjusting the distance between the carbons, a point wih 1 be found where the arc burns quietly and steady, and is then termed a normal or silent arc ; if this 'distance be exceeded the arc flames. Impure carbons, or carbons not prop- erly baked, will produce a flaming arc, which is ac- companied by a loss of light and rapid increase in carbon consumption. 234 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION FILM Motion picture film is a strip of flexible, supple, transparent celluloid l^g" wide. One side of the film is given an emulsion coating much the same as on an ordinary photographic film pack. The margin of the film is perforated, there being 64 perforations to the foot of film or four on either side of each pic- ture (16 pictures to one foot of film) these perfora- tions are for the purpose of feeding the film through the camera or projector. The film comes to the pro- jectionist on metal reels, each reel containing ap- proximatly 1,000 feet of film, generally five or six reels making one feature picture. The projectionist should always examine his film before running it through the projector; this he does by running the film from one reel on to another, by using a re- winding machine and letting the film pass between the first finger and thumb of the left hand; care should be taken to see that all patches are se- cure, that the film is free from "frame-ups" and that the perforations are in such a condition that the film will pass readily through the pro- jector without jumping off the sprockets. The reels should then be placed in a fireproof film cabinet in chronological order, care being taken to see that the film is wound on reels emulsion side out and that the beginning of the film subject comes off first, in other words that the film does not go through the projector tail-end first. Remember that the film passes through the projector upside down and emul- sion side to source of light. As soon as the film has passed through the projector it should be rewound MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 235 and placed back into the safety cabinet ready for the next show. The majority of film exchanges re- quest that the film be returned to them unrewound just as it is taken off the projector after it has been run, it being the rule in exchanges that the film be examined starting at the end and working back to the beginning of. the subject; this is to eliminate the risk of their sending the picture on to the next theatre, tail-end first. Care should be taken to see that all pieces of film are kept off the floor of the operating and rewinding room ; a special can fitted with a self-closing door or lid should be a part of the necessary equipment of the operating room. Film should at all times be handled with great care, as owing to the ingredients from which it is made, mtro-cellulose and camphor, it is highly inflammable. Never under any circumstances expose film near a naked light; do not smoke while handling film or in a room where film is stored ; film should not be stored in a warm dry atmosphere unless it is kept in a humidor. Do not attempt to run a show if using inflammable film without having the projector en- closed in an approved fireproof booth; perhaps an editorial we prepared for the Educational Film Magazine on this subject will be appropiate here. In New York State and, in fact, every state of the Union certain very stringent rules and regula- tions have been drawn up and must be complied with before it is possible to obtain a permit for the pur- pose of showing motion pictures. We advise all those in any way interested in the showing of motion pictures to get a copy of the law and read it care- fully over. 236 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION The code distinctly states that no motion-picture machine shall be used unless same has been approved by the Board of Fire Underwriters. This board demands that all motion-picture machine manufac- turers shall make the machines as fireproof as pos- sible; the machine must be so constructed that only a short length of film can be exposed while the machine is in operation. The machine must be equip- ped with an automatic fire shutter, so arranged that the shutter will immediately drop in case of trouble and thus cut off the heat of the arc lamp from the film. The law then goes on to state that even this ma- chine equipped as it is with all these fire prevention devices shall not be used unless the said machine is installed in a fireproof booth. They are as par- ticular regarding the booth as they are with the ma- chine; the booth must be constructed of asbestos, concrete, brick, or some other approved fireproof material. Certain minimum dimensions are given as the size of the booth and it must have a door that is automatically self-closing. The projector and observation ports in the booth must be equipped with metal or asbestos shutters, so arranged that they will automatically close in case of fire in the booth. There must be a flue or vent running from the booth to the open air to carry off the smoke in case of fire. The booth must also contain fire bucket, pails of sand, and fire extinguishers. Now that we have a fireproof projecting machine installed in a fireproof booth, the authorities go one better and state that with all these precautions there is still a great danger of fire unless a duly qualified MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 23T licensed man is placed in charge of the handling of film and the operating of the projection machine. They demand that theater managers shall take all these necessary precautions against fire on account of the highly inflammable nature of the film. Both the theater manager and the professional operator lay themselves open to severe penalties should they not live up to the letter of the law. These rules are not laid down to throw obstacles in the way of those desirous of showing motion pictures; they were drawn up after due and careful consideration for the public safety. When we stop to consider that a film is run to-day in a theatre where all these very necessary precautions are taken, and the following day the same film is sent to some class-room or church, there to be run by some amateur operator (whose knowl- edge of projection is limited to the threading up of the machine and the switching on of the cur- rent) who is using a projecting machine set up on the top of some table minus the booth, minus the various safety devices called for by the authorities, with probably hundreds of youngsters crowded around the machine we come to the conclusion that either too much precaution is taken in the case of the theatres or not enough in the church and class- room. We come out here and state that it is the latter. There are hundreds of churches, schools, and educational bodies throughout the country which are using inflammable film without taking the neces- sary precaution against the ever-present fire risk. When inflammable film is used, it matters not what make of projector you are using, you must install 238 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION the machine in a fireproof booth that has been ap- proved by the proper authorities, and an experienced man should be placed in charge. The law is very clear and definite on this point. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION SCREENS The screen has in the past been one of the most neglected features of the average picture theatre. He who states that this or that particular screen is the best in all cases is in the same class with the country fair medicine vendor who calmly proclaims that his pill has the virtue of curing all ills from mange to matrimony. The sole duty of a screen is to reflect light. We see the picture on the screen not by the light that strikes the screen, but by the light which the screen reflects to the eye. We would not be able to see a picture projected onto a black screen, for the simple reason that there would be no light reflected. Then again, the screen that reflects the most light need not necessarily be the ideal screen, the manner in which the light is reflected must be taken into consideration. There are so many things to consider when choos- ing a screen for any particular installation that it is almost impossible to give general information that can be applied without qualification. The following are a few of the points that should be considered : Size and shape of theatre. Is there a balcony? Location of the projection room in relation to the screen. Layout of seats as regards the viewing angle. Is the screen to be fixed or movable, and is there to be light behind it at times? Distance from screen to nearest row of seats. Kind and quantity of light to be used in projector and its source. 240 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Some further points to be borne in mind are these : No screen reflects all of the light that reaches it be- cause all materials are more or less absorbent. No screen can be an efficient direct reflector and at the same time a satisfactory diffuser of light, as these two qualities are in direct opposition. In referring to the two classes of screens, it would probably be better to speak of one as a direct reflector and the other as an indirect reflector. With a given source of light projected at normal, i. e., from directly in front and viewed from the same position, the direct reflecting screen will be much The Largest Motion-Picture Screen Ever Constructed. It Measured 165 by 135 Feet. A Simplex Type "S" Projector Using 170 Amperes, With a Throw of 350 Feet Projected a Picture 100 by 75 Feet MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 241 brighter than the indirect reflecting one, but when viewed from angles the indirect reflector is the brighter, the difference increasing as the angle in- creases. To the observers seated rather close to the screen of average size the picture will be more satis- factory if an indirect reflector is used, because the Partially Finished Screen viewing angle varies considerably for different points on the screen, and consequently the picture would not be of uniform brightness if a direct reflector were used. Generally, the direct reflecting screens are metallic surfaced (there are a few exceptions), while the in- direct reflectors have a non-metallic (mineral or fab- ric) surface. Metallic surface screens generally show very contrasty pictures, the high lights being very 242 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION bright and glary, and the shadows very deep. There is a lack of graduation in the toning, however, so that the picture is deficient in fine detail. The in- direct reflectors on the other hand are generally not contrasting because their high lights are subdued, i. e., not glary, and the shadows are not so deep or black but the picture is full of half tones, the fine- ness of which depends largely upon the grain or weave of the material used and its uniformity. The maximum in screen value may be summed up as follows : Most light from given current consumption or high reflection and slight absorption of the incident light. Uniform distribution of the reflected light over a wide angle without loss of brightness. Detail and half tones without diminishing contrast clear, Rear View of World's Largest Screen Showing Tremendous Amount of Lumber Used MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 243 bright "high lights" without glare, absolute opaque- ness, great durability and ease of transportation and installation, adaptability to different light sources, such as arc or incandescent lamps, direct or alter- nating current. Since all of these features cannot be incorporated in anv one screen, it becomes necessary to decide The Projected Picture Could be Easily Seen Six Blocks Away. The Screen Was Used at the Methodist Centenary, Colum- bus, Ohio which one has the best combination of the above men- tioned points in accordance with the requirements of the auditorium being equipped. While the writer has never made a thorough test of the matter, he is of the opinion that it is unwise to attempt to decide the amount of current necessary for a given installa- tion by considering only the seating capacity of the house and the size of the screen. The shape of the 244 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION auditorium and the arrangement of the seats in rela- tion to the screen are matters of the utmost impor- tance when considering not only the amount of illumi- nation necessary but also the kind of screen upon which the light is to be projected, because if the room be wide in proportion to the depth or there is a deep balcony with the projection room at a con- siderable elevation, so that there are some seats from which the viewing angle is greater than 20 or 25 de- grees of either the axis of projection or of the per- pendicular face of the screen, or both, it will be neces- sary to install a screen of the indirect reflecting type so that the illumination will be distributed over these wide angles, and since distributing a given amount of light over a greater area proportionately reduces the amount of light available per degree, it will be necesi- sary, if a given screen brightness is to be maintained, to use more current in a house having rather large angles than would be used if the angles were not so great. This does not necessarily mean that as gen- erally used one class of screen is more costly in the matter of current than the other. It all depends upon whether or not the screen is suited to the house. If, for instance, an indirect reflecting screen is in- stalled in a long, narrow house, a large proportion of the light will be reflected toward the side walls and ceiling and wasted. On the other hand, if a direct reflector screen be installed in a house that is rather .wide or where the picture is projected at an angle, there will be a pronounced "fade-out" or loss of light from all seats that are not in the direct reflective angle of the screen. Now, in order to overcome the fade-out and increase the light to seats outside of MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 245 this direct reflective angle, the projectionist usually increases the incident illumination to a degree far beyond the amount needed for proper screen bright- ness, a practice that is not only wasteful as regards electric current, but produces the glare in the "high lights" that is extremely unpleasant to the observer as well as injurious to the eyes. The screen should be outlined with a dull black border, and should be placed so that no light save the light from the projector reaches it. The location of the screen must be governed by local conditions, but it is well to see that it is placed high enough so that the lower part of the picture can be comfortably seen in all parts of the house, and yet not so high that those sitting down front have to strain their neck looking up to the picture. Wherever possible the screen should be placed so that the center beam of light strikes the center of the screen at right angles. By doing this distortion and "keystone effect" will be overcome. 246 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PROJECT- ING MOTION PICTURES WITH COLOR EFFECTS David Wark Griffith has received from the Com- missioner of Patents at Washington the exclusive right to "make, use and vend certain methods and apparatus for the projection of motion and other pictures with color effects." The Griffith patent, granting protection for a term of seventeen years, was secured by Albert L. Grey, Mr. Griffith's general manager, through At- torney O. Ellery Edwards, and will give the producer ample protection against the copying or appropri- ating of his lighting effects in color, first introduced by Mr. Griffith in connection with the showing of "Broken Blossoms" at the George M. Cohan Theatre, New York City. The Griffith patent covers a wide range of light- ing, including the process and apparatus by means of which either moving or other pictures may be pro- jected onto an illuminated screen which has colored lights blending with the pictures shown. These and other inventions are covered by the patent, the em- bodiment of which are as follows: "The process of producing colored pictures on an opaque screen, which consists of throwing pictures by a projector onto one surface of said screen and simultaneously illuminating the screen with diffused colored lights thrown onto the same surface of the screen in a direction oblique to the stream of light from the projector. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 247 D. W. GRIFFITrf. ETMOO AND APPARATUS FOR PROJECTING MOVING AND OTHER PICTURES WITH C010B EFFECTS. 1,334,853. Patented Mar, 23, 1920. 2 SNEETS-tHEIT I. *, ft 7 7 // INVENTOR CQ< \BY 248 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION "In an apparatus of the class described, the fol- lowing equipment: An opaque screen, a projector, a bank of colored lights out of the path of light from said projector and for the purpose of throwing diffused colored light onto the same, surf ace of said screen, so that a colored picture is shown when the apparatus is in use." Those who saw Mr. Griffith's production of "Broken Blossoms" during the Griffith repertory season in New York, will recall the illusive curious tinted lights that came and went across the surface of the picture during the unfolding of the story. The scenes seemed bathed in a vibrant mauve, while the inner core of the picture itself shimmered with sal- mon pink. The symbolic blue of the Orient lighted the Chinese scenes, and gave atmosphere to the por- tions of the story wherein the Chinaman figured. Words cannot do justice to the photographic effects, MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 249 many of which were like beautiful moving canvasses colored by an impressionistic touch. Figure 1 A perspective diagrammatic view of the preferred embodiment of the Griffith invention. Figure 2 A sectional view through the bank of colored lights for throwing direct and diffused col- ored lights on the screen. Figure 3 A front elevation of this bank of light. DESCRIPTION Figure 2 When the trough (6) is bent, it forms a suitable reflector, and has suitable glow lamps (8) mounted therein, one in each compartment, and sup- plied with electricity from any suitable source by wires (9). Figure 3 A long trough (6) has a number of partitions (7) which divide the space in the trough into several distinct compartments, so arranged that light cannot leak from one to another. The front of the trough is closed by a perforated plate (10) and each perforation is closed by means of a colored diaphragm or screen (11). Figure 4 A diagram of the wires and lights used with the Griffith invention. DESCRIPTION The glow lights (8) have their wires (9) run to the ordinary main wires, which are designated 12 and 13 for the blue lights, 14 and 15 for the red lights, and 16 and 17 for the yellow lights. The blue lights are controlled by a rheostat or dimmer (18), the red lights by a corresponding in- strument (19) and the yellow lights by another (20). The wires (12, 14, 16) run to the bus bar (21) 250 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION and the rheostat (18, 19, 20) are connected to the other bus bar (22). Wires 23 and 24 connect these bus bars through the projector (4) and its regulator or rheostat (25). If electricity be shut off the red and yellow lights, and turned on the blue lights, the entire screen will appear blue, and the images from the projector will be correspondingly colored. Also, by the regulators or dimmers (18 and 25) the intensity of illumination of the screen may be varied so that an infinite num- ber of color effects may be produced with one set of colored lights. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 251 SIMPLEX-BOYLAN EVEN TENSION REEL That long neglected yet very important device, the film reel has at last claimed the attention of the machine manufacturers. Just how many thousands of dollars are wasted yearly in film damage due to defective reels, will be hard to say, but the amount must be enormous. The pecular part being that the film exchanges are the worst offenders, sending out features worth hundreds of dollars on reels that are in such a condition that the film has to materially suffer in passing through the projector, or in trans- portation. The Simplex Machine Co. were quick to recognize the merits of the reel designed by Grove S. Boylan, and after incorporating several improve- ments are now placing the reel on the market as the Simplex-Boylan Even Tension Reel. The reel is 252 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION light in construction yet very strongly made, the sides are made of cold rolled steel wire, which elimi- nates all rough sharp edges, saving both the film and the operators fingers. The hub is of die cast com- position specially designed to prevent the slightest chance of inefficiency. Parts Making Up the Hub of Reel The weakest part of every reel is naturally the hub; often a reel has to be discarded after a few weeks of service owing to the keyway in the hub of reel having become badly worn, caused generally by the strain it is called on to bear while the film is being rewound. It will be seen that with the Sim- plex-Boylan reel all parts liable to wear are inter- changeable making it unnecessary to discard the whole reel should the hub or any part of it become worn; then again it will be seen by referring to the diagram that the tension while rewinding is on the key that engages across the hub, rather than on the hub itself, thus greatly increasing the life of the reel. The premier advantage is that the projector take- up can be screwed up tight and thus put out of com- mission, the Simplex-Boylan reel being so constructed that it will take care of the film tension automatic- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 253 ally ; this it does owing to the friction caused by the weight of the reel and the film which gives the tension. The friction between the reel and the hub, automatic- ally increases as the film is wound on to the hub, thus giving uniform tension from start to finish of picture. Simplex-Boylan Even Tension Reel 254 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Simplex Type "S" MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 255 INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING THE SIMPLEX PROJECTOR Unpacking Upon arrival of the machine use utmost care in unpacking. Use nail puller in opening case and removing all nails used in securing cleats supporting different part. Never use a hammer to knock out cleats. Cleats removed ; parts can be lifted out one by one. Pay special attention when removing Mechanism from case. Don't take hold of shutter shaft to lift it out. Take hold of bottom with right and top with left hand thus lifting it out of case. Unusual strain will bend shutter shaft. Simplex Machines while simple and strong in con- struction, are a carefully adjusted piece of mechan- ism and cannot be handled roughly beyond a certain limit. Setting Up Simplex Projector A. Assemble pedestal column to base. Have two feet of base face screen. B. Fasten lower magazine and take-up to base. Use two screws furnished for the purpose. C. Fasten mechanism to pedestal top by means of two wing screws. D. Attach upper magazine to top of mechanism. E. Assemble Lamphouse to carriage just back of Mechanism. 256 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Connecting Up Asbestos Leads D. C. Attach three (3) ft. wire to Lamphouse and lower switch box terminal. Attach four (4) ft. wire to opposite lower switch box terminal and to one side of rheostat. Attach six (6) ft. length to other side of rheostat and connect other end to upper carbon holder. A. C. In connecting transformers or current savers, con- nect wires from main line switch or wall switch to upper terminals on pedestal switch. Now connect two wires from lower terminals on above switch to primary winding of whatever transforming device is used, which will be found marked "line." Then con- nect two wires from terminals marked "lamp" on the transforming device, after which connect other two ends of these two wires to the upper and lower carbon holders inside of lamphouse. Condenser Place 61/2 in- condenser toward arc and 7% i* 1 - toward screen. Lens Assembly The flat surface of the moving picture lens should face the arc; the bevel side the screen. This also applies to achromatic lenses. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 257 Shutter, Stereo Lens Holder and Framing Device Shutter should be placed on shutter shaft in front of mechanism in accordance with instructions in fol- lowing pages. The framing handle should be inserted in framing device on lower part of mechanism facing lamphouse. Take lens holder, insert lens between adapters, tighten with holder ring and fasten to upper part of mechanism away from operator with stereo rod in- serted in stereo arm. Attaching Motor For the attaching of the Motor Table a slot will be found on the left of the pedestal column, nuts and washers for fastening same are furnished. Two sets of holes will be found on Motor Table, either set of which may be used according to drive. When using old style drive in conjunction with pedestal pulley, use inner set of holes. If motor is to be used in connection with new speed control, use the outer set. Two 5/16 in. wing screws are fur- nished for fastening motor to table. After attaching motor to table, fasten snap switch to slide over arm for which three holes are provided. The canvasite cord attached to the snap switch should then be connected to the line intended to furnish power for the motor by means of an attachment plug or other device. On AC when using constant speed induction motor furnished with the new friction speed con- troller, a 10 ampere fuse is recommended, as this 258 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION motor requires about three times the normal running current for starting under full load. On DC Motors a three ampere fuse is of sufficient capacity and is recommended for the protection of the motor. Lower magazine has a reversible take-up pulley with two grooves. The large grooves should be used with the long take-up belt for large reels, 5 in. hub, taking 1,000 ft. of film or over. The small groove should be used with the small take-up belt with reels having small hub. If take-up does not work properly, reverse pulley, you may have it on wrong. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 259 Simplex Mazda Equipment 262 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION against going back on him it must be designed right in the first place. Now, there are two ways of designing a Take-up Shaft. One way is to design it wrong, to have the belt pull sideways on the shaft, cramping it in its bear- ings, and then to try to overcome the difficulty by introducing ball bearings. The other way is to design it correct in principle, like the Simplex Take-up Shaft here illustrated. When you read the explanations you will quickly see that the belt-pull doesn't come on the shaft at all; so there's no cramping or friction to try to reduce by "anti-friction" bearings. And, as you know, the probability of any piece of mechanism going wrong increases directly as the The Heart of the Simplex MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 263 number of parts it contains. So being extremely simple as well as free from blunders in design, the Simplex Take-up Shaft is dependable in the highest decree. The Intermittent Movement The Simplex embodies the "star and geneva" movement, this principle being as highly refined as is possible to do with the best procurable material and precision workmanship. No other intermittent movement has yet been evolved which compares with the geneva movement for accuracy, length of wear and yet allows for per- fect adjustment to compensate for any amount of wear. Movement lies in oil chamber, the lubrication for which is conveyed through .oil tubes easily accessible. Shafts and sleeve bearings are ground fit, insuring long service and perfect fit and alignment. Adjustment of star and cam is made by means of eccentric bushing and by use of fork wrench without removing any portion of the mechanism. Diagram showing progressively the operation of the Geneva intermittent movement 264 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Complete intermittent unit may be removed en- tirely and replaced in two minutes, only tools re- quired for so doing being screw driver and pliers. Casing is absolutely dust-proof, insuring against abnormal wear. All mechansm adjustments that are most generally used are located within easy reach of the user's left hand. 1, 2, 3 Are used for making all stereopticon ad- justments. 4 Focuses the projector lens which is contained within the mechanism, this method of focusing doing away with the common practice of reaching in front of the mechanism to focus lens and the attending danger while so doing of knocking against revolving shutter. 5 Indicates knob which locks door cover lower loop. Accessibility of Adjustments on Simplex Projector MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 265 6 Enables the user to adjust shutter while ma- chine is in operation, this being an exclusive Simplex feature. 7 Indicates frame lever so arranged to give per- fectly balanced leverage with the least possible exertion. 266 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Simplex Type "B' MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 267 VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL Installation and Operation When it is desired to change from hand driven machines to motor driven, simply loosen up the set screw (three turns) which holds the motor drive pulley shaft in the lug on the base of the mechanism frame. The driving shaft on the speed control, S-575-X (page 314), which has a small gear on it, is then inserted into the hole in the lug on the base of the mechanism frame. In attaching the device, it is very important that care should be taken to mesh the gear on the shaft of the speed control S-575-X with the main driving gear on the mechanism. The set screw should then be tightened. At the same time, the idler pulley shaft on the pedestal fits into the opening on the right of the speed control, and is tightened with the knurled head or wing screw from underneath, but the set screw to hold the driving shaft should be fastened first. Fasten the right end of the speed control at whatever position it takes on the idler pulley shaft on the pedestal. Do not force it into position, as it may cause the gear on the speed control and the main driving gear, to bind, and eventually ruin them by wearing unevenly. The important thin is to see that the two gears mesh properly and the remainder of the speed control will take the position which will give best results. To install the device on motor driven machines you have to remove the motor drive pulley on the main driving shaft also the idler pulley on the pedes- 268 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION tal shaft. Place the speed control on the machine in the same manner as described above for changing from hand driven machines to motor driven. The present D. C. Motors can be used by making a slight alteration in them, but in the case of alter- nating current, a new constant speed induction type of motor is provided. This abolishes the commutator type of motor and means lower maintenance costs and longer life of motors. The arrangement of the belt for the speed control is shown in the accompanying illustration Fig. C better than could be described in a few words. The illustration amplifies the description for placing the speed control on the machine. Fig. C MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 269 It may be advisable, however, to give a few details in connection with the operation of the device. The variable speed control is operated or con- trolled by Handle S-438-M (page 314). By turning this handle either to the left or right, the movement of it either tightens or releases the Tension Spring F-119-X and moves the friction disc S-218-L. This . friction disc S-218-L operates between the two other discs X-7 and D-118-X. At any time, it is only the rim of the friction disc S-218-L that comes in contact with the other discs X-7 and D-118-X. When the handle, is turned so that the contact of the friction disc is near the center of the other discs, the speed is low because the contact is almost at the center of the circle of the two discs and revolves on a small circumference. As the friction disc S-218-L is mov- ed out near the edge of X-7 and D-118-X the cir- cumference of the circle increases, and the speed is correspondingly increased. It is absolutely necessary, if the friction disc S-218-L is to drive the control and the mechanism, that it have a friction contact. No oil of any description can be used on the fric- tion discs or the other discs. And further, as oil may accumulate on these discs from time to time from the shaft, the discs must be wiped off occasion- ally. As soon as the oil accumulates, friction is eliminated, the speed reduced and the device may stop entirely. A small amount of vaseline may be applied to the fibre disc occasionally ; it should, how- ever, be wiped clean after applying. It also must be borne in mind that the nuts N-136-X holding the spring on the shaft S-470-X 270 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION must not be tightened too much; just enough to catch the thread sufficiently to hold the spring, as a very little pressure on the discs is required to run the control. PLATE 1 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 271 In changing the speed, the idler pulley moves with the tension spring F-119-X, and adjusts the belt so that no matter what speed is required, the belt ad- justs itself to requirements. THREADING SIMPLEX To thread the film through the Simplex head, open up film rollers A and D, Plate 1, open gate by press- ing plunger B; now draw out of upper magazine through magazine valve about three feet of film, pass film under top feed sprocket and close film roller A, thread through gate, making sure that the film is riding on runners; engage film on teeth of intermit- tent sprocket, then close gate by tripping catch C ; next pass film over lower feed sprocket and close film rollers D, thread through the lower magazine valve and engage on clip on lower reel. Care must be taken to see that a loop of film is formed between the upper sprocket and gate, and between the inter- mittent and lower sprocket. BEFORE STARTING YOUR SHOW See that Carbons are long enough to last through the pic- ture. Lamphouse is free from grounds. All electrical c'onnections are tight. Arc is not burning upside down. The light spot is focused on aperture in gate. Projector is oiled, intermittent bath is full, grease cups are filled and are feeding. Magazines are lined up with mechanism, so that film travels in a straight path from top to lower magazine. 272 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Take-up tension is all right, if using Simplex-Boylan reels, see that take-up on machine is out of commission. Sprockets are free from dirt ; remember that dirt on the intermittant sprocket may cause jumping of the picture on the screen. Tension springs on gate of projector are adjusted properly. There is no deposit of emulsion on the tension springs and shoes. Light or revolving shutter is synchronised with in- termittent sprocket. Reels on which films are wound are in such a condi- tion that the film runs off same unhampered. Lenses and condensers are clean. Picture is in focus, and in frame. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 273 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETTING UP SIM- PLEX MAZDA EQUIPMENT The Condensers Condensers (J fig. 1) will be found wrapped with paper covering. Note that sizes of condensers (6% and 7%) are plainly marked on wrappings. Unscrew condenser rings (M fig. 1) and drop condensers into same carefully. Screw condenser holder ring back in to place se- curely enough to hold condenser. Great care must be taken against tightening this ring too firmly, as by so doing will bind condenser and prevent expan- sion when same becomes heated, resulting in possible breakage. When this has been done condenser holders con- taining condensers are then dropped into containers (N fig. 1) with rounded or convex surfaces facing one another. Note that the 6% condenser sets in container nearest the lamp and the 7% condenser sets in con- tainer nearest the film. 274 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Now swing condenser mount back into position, locking the same by engaging handle (I fig. 1) with lock (K fig. 1). Placing Lamphouse on Machine. Lamphouse is now placed on swinging table, mak- ing sure that sliding base (P fig. 1) sets accurately into base groove (Q fig. 1), then fasten lamphouse to base with wing screw (R fig. 1). Setting Lamp in Holder. Loosen knob (H fig. 1), turning same out to its fullest extent, then screw lamp (O fig. 1) into its socket, as far as possible. Adjust lamp so that filament (T fig. 2) is paralr lei with knob (F fig. 2). This lining up of filament is imperative and absolutely necessary in procuring correct focus, as will be later described. When proper alignment has been made, tighten knob ( H fig. 1 ) firmly ; this operating rigidly se- cures lamp into required position (see illustration, fig. 4). MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 275 Inserting Lamp and Holder into Mechanism. Lamp and holder are now ready for inserting into lamphouse. Hold knob (F fig. 4) and thumb piece (S fig. 4) securely between thumb and forefinger of the right hand. Insert lamp slowly into position, making sure that collar (U fig. 4) engages with rod (U-l fig. 6), and also note that contact strip (V fig. 5) engages between slot and contact holder (W fig. 5), push- ing in as far as it will go. Inserting Mirror. We have now reached that stage where the mirror plays an important part in our system. Clean and polish mirror carefully with clean soft tissue paper. Now loosen thumb screws (X fig. 2) and insert mirror (L fig. 1) carefully into holder (Y fig. 2), tightening thumb screws (X fig. 2) only sufficiently to hold mirror in place without undue pressure. ' Focusing Mirror. The distance from the center or back of convex surface of mirror and the filament (T-2) of the lamp should be approximately five inches, as shown in Optical Diagram (page 276). This distance is obtained by operating knob (A-l) either to the right or left as occasion may require. Now unlock mirror holder by turning knob (D-l) to the left. Now swing mirror to one side as far as possible by means of knob (C-l) and lock same into position MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION by turning knob ( D-l ) to right. This throwing mirror to one side is done in order to prevent mir image from being confused with lamp filament, as ' be described later. PLATE 4 Focal Distances. Attention is now called to the Optical Diagr (page 276), which shows the approximate distan to be used as a basis of operation between the miri the condensers and the cooling plate of the machi 278 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION ~n MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 279 Should a quarter size (!%" diameter) projector lens be used it is now necessary to place ruler against the surface of the 7^2 i nc ^ (front) condenser and move lamphouse slowly forward or backward until a distance of nine inches separates the front con- denser surface from the film position or aperture plate on mechanism. Should the half size (2%" diameter) projector lens be used, this distance should be increased to eleven inches. Adjusting Lamp. Turn knob (B fig. 1), which is used to carry lamp carriage forward and backward, until lamp filament (T fig. 2) is 3% inches away from flat surface of 6^/2 (rear) condenser. Connecting Up Apparatus. (For alternating current) We are now ready to connect the apparatus with regulator, as designated in diagram marked "A. C. Wiring Diagram" (page 278). Note that this diagram is based on voltages rang- ing from 95 to 120 inclusive. It will be noted that the ammeter for registering lamp amperage will be found packed separately in carton which comes in lamphouse shipping case. This ammeter is to be attached to bracket on rear of lamphouse, as designated in A. C. Wiring diagram, by means of screws located in bracket. Warning In no case should ammeter be placed onto regulator, as it will not register properly in this location, owing to electrical disturbances. 280 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION wJu><.J*.J> MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 297 SIMPLEX PARTS (HEAD) Name S-436-A Focusing Knob Set Screw. R-178-A Focusing Knob Rod. K-119-A Focusing Pinion Rod Knob. S-125-A Eccentric Bushing Screw. W-145-D Upper Feed Sprocket. S-134-E Film Trap Door Stud Screw. S-106-E Right Back Cover Latch Plate Screws. L-116-B Intermittent Case Cover Lock. S-157-B Intermittent Case Cover Lock Screw. A-117-A Picture Framing Arm. L-114-G Picture Framing Connecting Link. K-120- A Shutter Adjusting Screw Knob. S-125- A Shutter Adjusting Screw Knob Set Screw. C-ll Framing Handle Complete. S-252-A Shutter Adjusting Screw. L-107-G Picture Framing Lever. A-118-G Picture Framing Handle Arm. N-119-GPicture Framing Lever Pivot Screw Nut. W-146-D Lower Feed Sprocket. S-429-G Lower Sprocket Shaft. S-125-D Eccentric Bushing Screw. S-189-W Magazine Bracket Screw. S-573-D Upper & Lower Stripper Studs. S-572-D Upper & Lower Stripper. S-445-G Upper Sprocket Shaft. S-165-A Pad Roller Arm Washer Screw. A-4 Projecting Lens Holder & Slide. S-574-G Shutter Shaft. S-192-D Shutter Spider Screws. B-122-G Shutter Gear ' Bracket. S-570-C Upper Pad Roller Arm Spring. S-342-C Projecting Lens Holder Slide Rod Spring. C-192-G Intermediate Shaft Retaining Collar. S-223-G Framing Slide Lever Stud Set Screw. S-323-A Shutter Adjusting Slide. S-253-A Shutter Adjusting Slide Set Screw. S-569-C Lower Pad Roller Arm Spring. S-572-D Upper and Lower Stripper. D-l Driving Handle Compete. S-573-D Upper & Lower Stripper Stud. 298 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION W-I26-D R-5 OIL S-5I2-B C-IOO-A S-34K3 N-II9-G S-II5 A B-I98-A PLATE 4 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 299 SIMPLEX PARTS (HEAD) Name S-264-D Stereo Lens Adjusting Screw. S-155-R Stereo Universal Clamp Wing Screw. S-106-D Stereo Slide Stop Screw. A-122-D Stereo Arm. S-155-R Stereo Universal Clamp Wing Screw. R-127-R Stereo Lens Adjusting Rod. R-6 Stereo Lens Holder Universal Clamp. S-432-E Film Trap Shoe Screw. W-126-D Governor Weight. R-5 Stereo Lens Holder. S-512-B Fly Wheel Set Screw. C-100-A Framing Cam. S-341-G Picture Framing Handle Friction Spring. N-119-G Picture Framing Lever Pivot Screw Nut. S-115-A Centre Frame Screw. B-198-A Mechanism Base. K-102-A Focusing Pinion Knob. S-324-D Stereo Slide. S-l 92-D Film Shutter Screw. S-337-E Lateral Guide Roller Spring. S-292-E Lateral Guide Roller Shaft. R-130-E Lateral Guide Roller. S-161-E Auto. Fire Shutter Stop Screw. E-l Film Trap Complete. S-l 02-E Auto. Fire Shutter Link- Retain Screw. E-7 Auto. Fire Shutter Lift Lever. L-109-E Auto. Fire Shutter Lift Link. S-100-E Auto. Fire Shutter Lever Screw. E-5 Film Heat Shield Complete. S-138-E Film Trap Heat Shield Retain Screw. S-316-E Auto. Fire Shutter. P-263-E Right Back Over Latch Plate. W-131-B Intermittent Sprocket. P-153-B Intermittent Sprocket Taper Pin. S-125-B Eccentric Bushing Screw. S-124-D Driving Arm Retain Screw. P-209-D Driving Arm Retaining Plug. S-287-A Handle Shaft. R-133-A Framing Cam Adjusting Ring. C-189-A Handle Shaft Driving Collar. F-100-A Centre Frame. 302 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION a a 9 ? 9 ? V 9 V y V O MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 303 SIMPLEX PARTS (HEAD) Name D-ll Left Door and Knob Complete. P-144-D Left Door Lock Pin. S-178-D Left Door Knob Screw. C-151-D Left Back Cover. D-19 Lower Left Door Hinge. D-12 Lojver Left Door Complete. D-8 Right Back Cover Latch Knob Complete. S-361-D Intermittent Sprocket Stripper. S-185-D Lock Stop Screw. D-9 Right Back Cover Complete. D-7 Right Back Cover Hinge Complete. E-101-D Medium Size Escutcheon. B-198-A Mechanism Base. p_207-D Top Plate. C-8 Upper Magazine Roller Holder Complete. S-181-D Left Door Stop Link Screw. L-113-D Left Door Stop Link. C-152-D Left Front Cover. C-118-D Bevel Glass Clamp. S-l 92-D Right and Left Door Hinge Screw. D-18 Upper Left Door Hinge. G-124-D Right Door Glass. D-17 Right Door Hinge. C-159-C Right Front Cover. D-5 Right Door and Knob Complete. C-118-D Bevel Glass Clamp. D-6 Right Door Lock Spring and Button. S-l 65-C Cover Screw. C-157-C Right Cover. R-161-C Large Magazine Roller. R-160-u Small Magazine Roller. S-485-C Magazine Roller Screw. 304 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION a d. 6 6 or & oro .2 * J2 "T &ov MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 311 SIMPLEX PARTS (MAGAZINE) Name P-235-U Magazine Hinge Pin. P-236-U Magazine Wire Glass Retaining Plate. G-131-U Lower Magazine Door Wire Glass. S-427-U Magazine Wire Glass Retaining Plate Screw. N-135-U Magazine Wire Glass Retainer Plate Nut. K-106-D Lower Magazine Door Knob. C-184-W Lower Magazine Cover 16". H-143-U Magazine Hinge. S-138-E Magazine Latch Spring Retain Screw. P-237-U Magazine Latch Spring Protector. U-l Magazine Latch. R-4 Take-Up Belt for Reels with Small Hubs. H-132-R Belt Hook. W-l Lower Magazine Roller , Holder. S-189-W Magazine Arm Screw. C-182-W Lower Magazine 16". A-135-W Lower Magazine Arm 16". N-132-U Magazine Latch Spring Retaining Nut. P-234-U Magazine Latch Spring Distance Piece. R-10 Take-Up Friction Belt for Reels with Large Hubs. S-187-W Lower Magazine Hinge Screw. 312 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 313 SIMPLEX PARTS (MOTOR) Name C-162-S Outlet Box Cover with Switch Bridge. S-389-S Snap Switch. B-136-S y 2 " T. & B. Bushing. B-123-S Snap Switch Bracket. S-108-S Binding Post Cover Fastening Screw. C-210-S Canvasite Cord. S-238-G Switch Box Bracket Fastening Screw. H-127-S Snap Switch Holder. S-148-G Motor Pulley Screw. N-117-S Motor Table Attachment Bolt Nut. W-116-S Motor Table Attachment Bolt Washer. B-110-S Motor Table Attachment Bolt. T-118-L Motor Table. P-294-X Motor Pulley. C-209-S Armored Cable. C-140-S %" Squeeze Connectors. S-170-R Motor Fastening Screw. 314 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION C-2II-X S-437-G S-438-M K-H7-X R-I66-X PLATE 12 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION' 315 SIMPLEX PARTS (SPEED REGULATOR) Name S-178-X Friction Disc Carrier Stop Screw. G-141-X Speed Adjusting Gear. S-487-G Collar Set Screw. W-103-D Starting Rod Friction Spring Retaining Washer. S-524-X Starting Rod Friction Spring. C-204-X Starting Mechanism Friction Disc Carrier. R-168-X Square Rod for Horizontal Handle. N-186-X Friction Spring Nut. S-470-X Friction Spring. S-463-X Internal Friction Disc Driving Flange Set Screw. S-218-L Set Screw. F-119-X Speed Control Main Frame. G-141-X Speed Adjusting Gear. S-437-G Gear Set Screw. S-218-I^-Carrier Set Screw. C-211-X Starting Knob Rod Collar. S-437-G Gear Set Screw. S-438-M Starting Knob Set Screw. K-117-X Speed Control Knob. R-166-X Starting Knob Rod. X-7 External Friction Disc Complete. D-118-X Internal Friction Disc. X-ll Speed Control Main Pulley and Oil Cup. S-575-X Speed Control Motor Pinion Stud. X-5 Tension Pulley Carrier Complete. S-438-M Speed Control Knob Set Screw. X-8 Idler Pulley Carrier Complete. 316 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION B-207-: D-II4-X PLATE 13 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 317 SIMPLEX PARTS (SPEED REGULATOR) Name B-207-X Speed Control Belt. S-469-X Tension Pulley Carrier Roller Screw. R-153-X Tension Pulley Carrier Roller. S-472-X Square Rod Friction Spring. S-173-X Friction Spring Screw. S-467-X Main Frame Clamp Screw. S-145-G Pulley Carrier Screw. D-114-X Starting Mechanism Friction Disc. X-ll Speed Control Main Pulley and Oil Cup. X-8 Speed Control Friction Disc. S-218-L Set Screw. S-471-X Belt Tension Spring. K-117-X Speed Control Knob. R-165-X Speed Adjusting Knob Rod. W-107-G Pulley Washer. P-293-X Deflecting Pulley. 31- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION' MOTION' PICTURE PROJECTION SIMPLEX PARTS (PEDESTAL) ffi S-270-L Switch Box Screw. C-105-L Lampboose Carriage. S-103-F Lamphouse Carriage Handle Fastening Screw. S-3ST-L Knife Switch 60 Amperes. 5-52 -L Auxiliary Arm Pivot Screw. H-148-L Lamphouse Carriage Handle. W-iia-L Lamphouse Carriage Washer. S-37-5-L Lampbouse Carriage Pivot Stud. L-3 Switch, Box and COTCT Complete for 60 Amperes. L-o Switch, Box and Cover Complete for 100 Amperes. A-120-L Slide Over Arm. Q-100-L Quadrant. S-172-L Lamphouse Carriage Retain Screw. P-197-L Slide Over Arm Pivot A-116-L Pedestal Arm. P-256-L Pedestal Arm Pivot. S-218-L Pedestal Arm Pivot Set Screw. S-520-L Auxiliary Arm Pivot Screw. A-107-L Auxiliary Arm. S-229-L Quadrant Lock Retaining Screw. C-137-L Pedestal Column. L-117-L Quadrant Lock. S-230-L Quadrant Stand Screw. L-2 Quadrant Lock Clamp Handle and Set Screw. L-l Pedestal Stand Handle and Set Screw Complete. S-355-L Pedestal Stand. PflM 322 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION S-3I5-M P-3 PLATE 16 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 323 SIMPLEX PARTS (REWINDER) Name "M" Rewinder Bracket Complete. S-438-M Rewinder Set Screw. G-114-M Rewinder Spur Gear. M-3 Rewinder Handle. N-108-M Internal Gear Shaft Nut. M-l Internal Gear & Shaft (Includes C-128-M, S-438-M.) M-6 Rewinder Reel Shaft and Locks. C-128-M Internal Gear Shaft Collar. B-120-M Rewinder Bracket. S-315-M Rewinder Fastening Screw Shoe. P-3 Rewinder Fastening Screw Complete. 324 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION R-142 F-I09-Q S-522-Q *-i4i-Q PLATE 17 Name C-1T5-Q Collar for %" Shaft. G-128-Q Spiral Gear for %" Shaft. S-398-Q Contact Piece Connection Screw. P-224-Q Contact Piece for Top Carbon. R-143-Q Upper Carbon Secondary Guide Rod. C-173-Q Upper Carbon Clamp. J-101-Q Upper Carbon Jaw. F-113-Q Upper Carbon Secondary Sliding Frame. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 325 F-112-Q Upper Carbon Main Sliding Frame. S-218-L Set Screw. R-144-Q Upper and Lower Carbon Frame Guide Rod. W-139-Q Insulating Washer. N-130-Q Upper Carbon Contact Piece Retain Nut. P-223-Q Contact Piece for Lower Carbon. C-172-Q Lower Carbon Clamp. J-100-Q Lower Carbon Jaw. F-108-Q Lower Carbon Secondary Sliding Frame. R-174-Q Lower Carbon Cross Feed Sliding Rod. F-104-Q Burner Cross Feed Sliding Frame. S-394-Q Carbon Feed Screw. B-139-Q Burner Base. S-218-Q Headless Set Screw. R-142-Q Main Sliding Frame Guide Rod. PM09-Q Lower Frame Casting of 3rd Sliding Frame. S-522-Q Screw for Vertical Adjustment of Arc. S-414-Q Driving Shaft in Top Frame. P-261-Q Universal Joint Cotter Pin. J-102-Q Universal Joint. R-171-Q Universal Joint Rivot. R-138-Q Handle Rod 10". R-144t-Q Upper and Lower Carbon Frame Guide Rod. F-114-Q Top Frame Casting of 3rd Sliding Frame. S-523-Q Screw for Top Carbon Longitudinal Adjustment. C-175-Q Screw for Top Carbon Longitudinal Adjustment. C-175-Q Collar for %" Shaft. J-102-Q Universal Joint. G-128-Q Spiral Gear for %" Shaft. R-137-Q Handle Rod 9". S-411-Q Driving Shaft in Lower Carbon Frame. R-138-Q -Handle Rod 10". S-218-L Set Screw. R-136-Q Handle Rod 8". R-174-Q Lower Carbon Cross Feed Sliding Rod. R-139-Q Handle Rod 10M>". S-412-Q Driving Shaft in Lower Carbon Frame. C-175-Q Collar for %" Shaft. Q-16 Horizontal Longitudinal Adjustment of Arc Screw. C-176-Q Collar for %" Shaft. S-521-Q Screw for Crosswise Adjustment of Arc. F-110-Q Main Sliding Frame. R-141-Q Main Cross Feed Sliding Rod. 326 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION COJL n u, 2$8*? a $2 S!C: Z O) CO O CD O O.Z Q. U MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 327 SIMPLEX PARTS (ARC LAMP) Name R-144-Q Upper and Lower Carbon Frame Guide Rod. H-138-Q Large Fibre Handle. H-139-Q Small Fibre Handle. G-129-Q Spiral Gear for %" Shaft. G-128-Q Spiral Gear for %" Shaft. F-103-Q Handle Flange. S-398-Q Contact Piece Connection Screw. N-130-Q Upper Carbon Contact Piece Retain Nut. N-131-Q Upper Carbon Clamp Nut. S-394-Q Carbon Feed Screw. S-522-Q Vertical Adjustment of Arc Screw. G-128-Q Spiral Gear for %" Shaft. B-196-Q Carbon Jaw Bolt. G-129-Q Spiral Gear for y 2 " Shaft. P-228-Q Lower Carbon Stop Pin. N-141-Q Lower Carbon Clamp Nut. P-123-B Taper Pin. C-175-Q Collar for %" Shaft. 328 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION N-II8-F S-I86-F L-I02-F PLATE 19 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 329 : SIMPLEX PARTS (ARC LAMP) Name N-118-F Carbon Feed Bracket Support Screw Nut. L-102-F Carbon Jaw Tilt Screw Lever. S-186-F Lower Carbon Holder Wing Screw. 330 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION C-I97-F W-I53-F R-I72-F C-227-F B-I70-F S-555-F W-III-F B-M5-F PLATE 20 S-113-F Carbon Holder Clamp Screw. W-101-F Carbon Holder Washer. S-148-F Set Screw. B-114-F Carbon Holder Bracket. P-245-F Upper Carbon Tilt Screw Cotter Pin. B-152-F Upper Carbon Feed Rack (Sub-Bracket). F-9 Upper Carbon Feed Rack Support. F-4 Upper Carbon Feed Rack Bracket Adjusting Screw. J-103-F Upper Carbon Tilt Screw Universal Joint. N-4 Feed Knob. S-164-A Tension Spring Screw. S-335-F Lamp Adjusting Gear Friction Spring. S-452-F Upper Carbon Tilt Screw Adjusting Shaft. N-4 Feed Knob. - S-127-N Feed Knob Hub Screw. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 331 N-2 Carbon Feed Bracket Tilt Screw Knob. F-5 Carbon Feed Bracket Tilt Screw. F-7 Carbon Feed Bracket Support. N-3 Feed Knob. N-l Feed Knob. F-l Carbon Feed Gear and Shaft. S-556-F Lamp Lateral Screw Shaft. N-l Feed Knob. N-3 Feed Knob. S-516-F Lamp Carriage Screw. S-290-F Lamp Adjusting Gear Shaft. S-113-F Carbon Holder Clamp Screw. F-2 Lamp Adjusting Bracket Plate and Pins. S-164-A Lamp Adjusting Friction Spring Screw. P-lll-F Carbon Holder Pin. F-10 Upper Carbon Holder. L-128-F Carbon Jaw Tilt Screw Lever. S-439-F Upper Carbon Jaw Tilt Screw. P-245-F Upper Carbon Tilt Screw Cotter Pin. B-113-F Carbon Feed Bracket. P-199-F Carbon Feed Bracket Plate. S-103-F Carbon Feed Bracket Plate Screw. S-110-F Carbon Feed Bracket Support Screw. H-100-F Carbon Jaw Tilt Screw Handle. S-148-F Set Screw. S-H4-F Carbon Jaw Tilt Screw. S-186-F Lower Carbon Holder Wing Screw. F-12 Carbon Holder Bracket. W-102-F Carbon Holder Mica Washer. W-123-F Upper Carbon Feed Rack Sub-Bracket Washer. S-112-F Carbon Holder Bracket Screw. F-l 1 Lower Carbon Holder. WM01-F Carbon Holder Washer. S-113-F Carbon Holder Clamp Screw. M-100-F Carbon Holder Sheet Mica. F-8 Lower Carbon Feed Rack Bracket. S-438-M Set Screw. C-197-F Lamp Carriage Screw Collar. W-153-F Lamp Carriage Screw Washer. R-172-F Lamp Carriage Guide Rod. C-227-F Lamp Carriage. B-170-F Burner Support Bracket. S-555-F -Lamp Adjusting Plate Tension Spring. W-lll-F Lamp Adjusting Plate Washer. B-115-F Lamp Adjusting Bracket. 332 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION DYNAMOS A dynamo electric machine is a device for convert- ing mechanical energy into electric energy. The word dynamo is generally understood to mean a machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical en- ergy, and the word motor means a machine for con- verting electric energy into mechanical energy, the essential parts of a dynamo and motor are the same, namely the armature and field magnet. Dynamos are divided into two general classes, ac- cording to the character of the current they deliver. A direct current dynamo delivering a current that always flows in one direction, that is, the current never reverses, though it may change in value or pulsate. Alternating current dynamos or alternators, de- 100 K.W. Engine-Type Generator and Automatic High- Speed Engine MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION liver a current that periodically reverses its direction of flow, the number of reversals per second depending on the number of poles in the dynamo and on the speed of rotation. A direct current dynamo usually consists of a se- ries of conductors arranged on the surface of a cylindrical iron core or in slots near the surface, the conductors in most cases being parallel with the axis of the core. The core is mounted on a shaft that is supported on bearings so that the armature can be rotated near the pole faces of a field magnet. This magnet is excited by one or more field coils. Any even number of poles may be used according to the size and type of machine. The principal parts of a dynamo are: armature core, bands on armature core, commutator, shaft, field coils, pole faces, brushes, rear end bearing, front end bearing, rear end journal, front end journal, ter- minal block and bedplate. LINE PUSES ISAM PS. TOR 1 10 VOLTS 10 220 - 5 - - 550 CURRENT AT ARC IS ADJUSTABLE FROM 2O TO 334 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION FORT WAYNE A. C. TO D. C. COMPENSARCS The A. C. to the D. C. Compensarcs is what is commonly known as a motor generator set, that is, two machines, a generator and a motor coupled together and mounted on a common base. The sets are shipped -completely assembled and require only proper installation, filling of the bear- ings with oil and proper connections to the supply and lamp circuits before putting into service. It should be understood that these compensarcs are special machines for use only on picture projection arcs and cannot be used for ordinary constant volt- age purposes. The complete equipment consists of the A. C. to D. C. compensarc proper, two short-circuiting switches, one for each picture machine, and the panel on which is mounted the instrument and field control rheostat. All single-phase outfits are equipped with proper starter; for the larger multi- phase outfits a starting compensator is furnished. The A. C. to D. C. Compensarc should be installed in a clean, dry, well ventilated location, and, if pos- sible, near to the lamps which it is to operate. Often- times a small room adjoining the projection room is provided for the Compensarc ; but in some cases where such arrangements cannot be made the machine is installed in the basement of the theatre. Inacces- sible locations should be avoided, as such locations will result in the machines being neglected, allowed to become dirty and perhaps damaged. It is not necessary to provide foundations for these MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION compensarcs, but the floor on which they are placed should be firm and free from vibration. The machines are clamped to a pair of wooden skids, which form a foundation for the boxing. A. C. TO D. C. COMPENSARC .LINE. 3 PHASE BACK OF BOQRD. Fig. 1 Connection Diagram for 35-Ampere Lamp Outfit MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION The machine should if possible be left attached to these skids until it has been conveyed to the loca- tion which it is finally to occupy. It is preferable that all wiring should be done before the boxing is removed from the machine, as the boxing will be effective in keeping the machine clean. As soon as the machine is unboxed, the name plate should be inspected to see that the volts, cycles and phases marked on the name plate of the motor agree with those of the circuit on which the machine is to be used. The name of the generator marking also indicates the volts and amperes which the generator is designed to deliver, and the rating should agree with that specified on the order. It should be re- membered that the direct-current arc for motion picture projection requires less current than the alternating-current arc, 25 to 35 amperes at 55 volts being usual for the D. C. arc, corresponding to 40 to 60 amperes at 35 volts for the alternating-current arc. The A. C. to D. C. Compensarc should be run only on circuits where the variation of either fre- quency or voltage from normal does not exceed five per cent. Where both frequency and voltage vary, the sum of the variation must not exceed eight per cent. If for any reason the generator or motor must be taken from the base in order to install the com- pensarc, great care should be exercised that the machines are properly lined to give a uniform air gap when the compensarc is reassembled. If this is not done, trouble will occur due to the set being out of line. Dowell pins are provided on the gen- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 337 erator end. To remove these hold the squared head of the pin with a wrench and tighten up the nut which will pull out the pin. Be careful that any liners found under the feet are carefully replaced LINE 3 PHASE A. C. TO D. C. COMPENSARCS VIE *V FROM BACK OF BOARD Fig. 2 Connection Diagram for the 50 and the 70-Ampere Lamp Outfit 338 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION in their proper place. Should the coupling be taken apart, it must be assembled carefully, making sure that the halves fit properly. Diagram Fig. 1 shows the external connections for the 35 amperes two-lamp series outfit. Fig. 2 shows the external connections for the 50 and 70- ampere two-lamp series outfit, using only a switch between the line and the motor end of the machine on the two-phase and three-phase circuits. The use of a double throw switch having one side fused for running and the other unfused for starting is gen- erally acceptable to the power companies for motors of five horse-power and smaller. If the power com- panies or the local conditions require a starting compensarc, the motor end of the two and three- phase compensarc should be connected to the line in accordance with the diagrams Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 respectively. The wiring should be of sufficient size so that the line drop from the machine to the lamp will not exceed one volt, or two per cent of the voltage when the machine is delivering full-load current to the lamp. If too small a wire is used the lamp will be robbed of some of its voltage and give poor light. The lamp side of these machines does not require fuses, as the generators are so constructed that they will protect themselves against overload current when the arcs are short circuited. The motor side of the various machines should be fused as follows: MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 339 Two Two Two 35-ampere Lamps 50-ampere Lamps 70-ampere Lamps Alternately Alternately Alternately Fuses Fuses Fuses Single-phase 110- volt. . . Single-phase 220- volt . . . Two-phase 110- volt. . . Two-phase 220- volt . . . Three-phase 110- volt. . . Three-phase 220-volt.. . 80-ampere 40-ampere 40-ampere 20-ampere 50-ampere 25-ampere 100- ampere 50-ampere 60-ampere 30-ampere 75-ampere 35-ampere 120-ampere 60-ampere 70-ampere 35-ampere 80-ampere 40-ampere A. C. TO D. C. COMPENSARCS Fig. 3 Connections of Motor End of A. C. to D. C. Compensarc When Compensator Is Used on Three-phase Circuits 340 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Before starting the set see that it is perfectly clean and that the brushes move freely in their holders and make good contact with the commutator. Be sure that the oil wells are clean and filled. These ma- chines have overflow gauges with hinged caps. The oil wells should be filled through the overflow gauges rather than through the hinged covers in the bear- ings. This method will prevent waste and annoyance from overflowing of the oil reservoirs. Pour in enough oil to show in the gauges, the thin oil fur- nished for the moving picture machine, sewing ma- chine oil and similar light oils are not heavy enough. It is better to purchase a can of "light dynamo oil" and keep it for the compensarc. See that the armature turns freely in the bearings and that the machine is level. Make sure that all the connections are tight and correspond with the diagram of connections for the outfit supplied. When starting up see that the armature starts to rotate in the direction marked on the coupling. The direction of rotation of two-phase motors can be reversed by interchanging two line leads of the same phase. In the case of single and three-phase motors it is only necessary to interchange any two line leads of the motor. Immediately after starting, see that the oil rings revolve and carry the oil up to the shaft. Always keep the oil at the proper level in the well, that is, nearly to the lip of the overflow gauge. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 341 STARTING THE COMPENSARC In starting up the A. C. to D. C. Compensarc, have the switches at the lamps open. If a single- phase outfit, close the main switch and move the starting arm on the starting box from the "off" position to the split segment which will introduce the necessary starting coils to cause the armature to start to rotate. When the armature has attained nearly full speed, the starting arm should be moved quicldy over to the' last segment where it is held by a latch controlled by a relay magnet. If the voltage fails, the relay magnet will release the latch, allow- A. C. TO D. C. COMPENSARCS Fig. 4 Connections of Motor End of A. C. to D. C. Compensarc When Compensator Is used on Two-phase Circuits 342 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION ing the starting arm to automatically return to the "off" position stopping the motor. The arm of the starting box should never be left in starting position longer than one minute, usually much less time will suffice. When the power com- panies do not require the use of starting compensa- tors in connection with the two and three-phase out- fits they should be equipped with double-throw start- ing switches which have only one side fused. When starting up, the switch should be closed to the unfused side. When the speed of the arma- ture is up to normal the switch should be quickly changed to the running side (fused side). To start up an A. C. to D. C. Compensarc where a starting compensator is used, see that compensator arm is in the "off" position and close the main switch. The compensator should be thrown into the starting position with a quick, firm thrust and held there until the machine comes up to speed (about 20 or 30 seconds), and then with one quick firm movement the arm should be pulled over into the running position, where it is held by a lever engaging with the low- voltage release mechanism. Never, in any case, should the motor be started by "touching," that is, by throwing the starting arm into the starting position and quickly pulling it out a number of times. Such a plan of "touching" does not make the rush of current at starting less, but, on the contrary, it produces a number of successive rushes in place of the one which it has been attempted to avoid, and, what is often a more serious matter, causes the contact fingers to be so badly burned that it is necessary to replace them. To stop the ma- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 343 chine open the main switch. The compensator arm should automatically return to the "off" position on the opening of the main switch; if it does not, throw it over to the "off" position by hand. STARTING FIRST LAMP When the speed of the machine is up to normal and the starting box or switch is in running position and the rheostat handle set as marked by the white arrow, short-circuit the one lamp by means of its short-circuiting switch. Then close the lamp switch and bring the carbons together so that they barely touch; then separate them about 1-16 of an inch, gradually increasing the separation as carbons heat up until the proper length of arc is reached. The D. C. arc should be from 5-16 to 3-8 of an inch long or about twice as long as an A. C. arc. Adjust the generator field rheostat until the proper amount of current is flowing. If the carbons are held to- gether too long the machine voltage will be auto- matically reduced to zero, so that the arc will not have sufficient voltage, and will therefor break when the carbons are separated. Should this occur, keep the carbons apart about 10 seconds until the machine voltage can automatically build up again, then strike the arc as directed above. The switchboard panel, having instruments mount- ed on it along with the field rheostat, is very useful, and the proper current can at all times be accurately maintained. As the machine warms up, the handle of the rheostat may have to be moved one or two but- tons from the mark to maintain the desired voltage and current. If the circuits are all connected as 344 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION shown in the diagram, the polarity should be as in- dicated, the upper carbon being positive. Should the upper carbon be negative and the instrument on the panel board read backward, the trouble must be corrected. See that all connections are made as indicated on the diagram. The polarity must come correct if the connections are made in accordance with the diagram of connections, and the armature of the set rotates in the direction marked on the coupling. STARTING THE SECOND LAMP To start the second lamp, bring the carbons to- gether to close the circuits ; close the lamp switch and open the short-circuiting switch. This puts the two lamps in series, the current from the first lamp flowing through the second lamp. The arc at the second lamp is adjusted in the regular manner while both lamps are burning. When ready to change over from one lamp to the other, bring the carbons of the first lamp together and close its short-circuit- ing switch, continuing the projection on the second lamp. It has been found in practice that the following scheme gives the most satisfactory results. A minute or two before the end of a reel of film is reached bring the carbons of the second lamp together, close its line switch and open its short-circuiting switch. The current for the first lamp flowing through the carbons of the second lamp causes the tips of the carbons of the second lamp to heat up to a white heat without actually drawing an arc. Since the tips of the carbons are heated up by this method a MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 345 normal arc is easily and quickly secured when it is time to change over to the second lamp. Care must be taken that the two lamps are not both burning any longer than is necessary, as the Compensarc is not intended to carry both lamps continuously. The ammeter on the panel will show the current flowing through the arc when either one Fig. 5 A. C. to D. C. Compensarc or both lamps are burning. The voltage is auto- matically increased by the machine to compensate for the increased drop due to the second lamp and the current is held practically constant. It is important that all parts of the machine be kept clean. Oil should not be allowed to collect either on the machine or on the floor about it, and the machine should as far as possible be kept free *46 MOTION' PICTURE PROJECTION from dust. When the coils of a machine are allowed to become dirty and oil-soaked, it reduces their in- sulation strength and eventually causes them to burn out. A small hand bellows will be found convenient for removing the dust from the armature windings. BEAiLS The oil-wells should occasionally be cleaned and new oil supplied. They should be filled through the side filling hole, and not through the top of the bearing, for if filled through the top the oil is likely to flow out through the ends of the bearings into the windings. Only good grades of oil free from dust and sediment should be used for poor oil or oil containing sediment wfll greatly shorten the life of the bear- ings. Immediately after starting see that the oil rings revolve freely and carry the oil to the top of the shaft. Keep the oil at the proper level in the well, that is, nearly to the lip of the overflow gauge. As soon as the bearing linings become so worn that the rotor is in danger of rubbing against the stator, a new set of linings should be inserted. To remove the bearings, take out- the set screws in the bearing housings, lift the oil rings and drive out the bearings with a wooden block of the same diameter as the bearings. The bearings are a light driving fit in the housing and must be handled carefully. When re- pair bearings are supplied for the alternating cur- rent motors the set screw depression is already in the bearing, but the direct current bearings, which regu- late the end play, are supplied without being pre- viously spotted. They must be spotted before being put in place, using a 3-16 inch drill and spot- MOTION" PICTURE PROJECTION drilling for the tip of the set screw the same dis- tance from the end of the bearing as is the bearing being replaced. COMMUTATOR AND BEUSHES It is very important that the brashes make perfect contact with the commutator, and to secure good contact it is important that both brashes and corn- Fig. 6 Special Cabinet Panel with Ammeter and Fldd Rheostat mutator be kept clean and free from carbon dost and dirt. To secure proper commutation and proper opera- tion, the brushes must occupy the correct position on the commutator. This proper position of the brush yoke has been determined at the factory while the machine was on test, and is indicated by corre- sponding chisel marks on brush yoke and frame. It is Terr important that these marks indicated by 348 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION white lead should be in line to secure satisfactory operation of the machine. If the brush holders should become loosened or moved in any way, they must be carefully reset so that they make the proper angle with the commuta- tor as shown in Fig. 7. They must also be so spaced around the commutator that the distance from tip to tip of the brushes are exactly the same. Care should be taken that the brush-holders are securely fastened at an even height 1-16 inch above the commutator. When replacing worn down brushes the new ones should be fitted to the commutator by means of fine sandpaper, carefully pulled under, the brush in the direction of rotation, being held tightly to the con- tour of the commutator. If the brushes are inspected once a week and all gum cleaned away from the brushes so that they move freely in the brush-holders, Commutator Direction of Rotat/on Fig. 7 Showing Correct Method of Setting the Brushes MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 349 much longer life of brushes and commutator will result. If the pressure is too heavy the wear of both brushes and commutator will be excessive, while if the pressure is too light the contact will not be properly made between brushes and commutator and sparking may result; the proper pressure of the springs on the brushes is just sufficient to insure good contact between brushes and commutator. A dirty commutator can be best cleaned by rubbing with a clean cloth saturated with kerosene or machine oil. To keep the commutator in good condition, wipe it from time to time with a piece of canvas lightly coated with sperm or machine oil. Lubricant of any kind should be used sparingly. If the commutator begins to cause trouble at any time, due to roughness, it should be given immediate attention. Any delay will aggravate the case and may result in undue sparking, heating and consequent troubles. The roughness may be removed by polish- ing the commutator with a piece of very fine sand- paper by pressing it against the surface of the com- mutator with a block of wood shaped to the curva- ture of the commutator face. In using the sandpaper (emery cloth should never be used) it should be moved back and forth along the surface parallel to the shaft to prevent grooving the face of the commutator. When sanding is finished, the commutator surface and brush faces must be wiped carefully to remove any copper dust and grit which may have adhered to them. If the commutator has been allowed to become very rough it may be necessary to grind it down to a true surface, using a small piece of fine sandstone. In using this it should be steadied 350 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION against the brush holders (properly protected) or other steady-rest. Brushes should be lifted from the commutator while grinding it. After grinding polish with fine sandpaper. If the above treatment does not remedy the trouble it will be necessary to tighten the commutator seg- ments and turn down the commutator. The com- mutator should be trued by taking off the lightest cut possible, using a sharp tool and high cutting speed. Following the operation of turning down the commutator, the mica between the bars should be carefully cut down below the surface of the bars. Next remove the tool marks from the surface of the commutator with very fine sandpaper, and blow all the copper dust and chips from in and around the commutator bars, making a final inspection to see that at no place does the copper dust or chips bridge over the mica from one bar to another. The truing of the commutator should be required only after a long period of service, if the machine has been prop- erly cared for, and should be done only by someone familiar with such work. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 351 D. C. TO D. C. MOTOR-GENERATOR SET For Projection Arc Control For 2 Arcs in Series Used Alternately GENERAL The D. C. to D. C. motor-generator set consists of two machines, a generator and a motor, coupled together and mounted on a common base. The sets are shipped completely assembled and require only proper installation, filling of the bear- ings with oil and proper connection to the supply and lamp circuits before putting in service. Under- stand that these sets are special machines for use only on picture projection arcs and cannot be used for ordinary constant voltage purposes. The complete equipment consists of the D. C. to D. C. motor-generator set, proper starting box, two short-circuiting switches (one for each picture ma- chine) and the panel on which is mounted the am- meter and field control rheostat. INSTALLATION Install the D. C. to D. C. motor-generator in a clean, dry, well ventilated location and, if possible, near to the lamps which it is to operate. Oftentimes a small room adjoining the projection room is pro- vided for the set, but in some cases where such ar- rangement cannot be made the machine is installed in the basement of the theatre. Avoid inaccessible locations, as such locations will result in the ma- chines being neglected, allowed to become dirty and perhaps damaged. 352 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION It is not necessary to provide foundations for these machines, but the floor on which they are placed must be firm and free from vibration. Fig. 2 D. C. to D. C. Motor-Generator Set The machines are shipped clamped to a pair of wooden skids which form a foundation for the box- ing. If possible, leave the machine attached to these skids until it has been conveyed to the location which it is to finally occupy. It is preferable that all wir- ing should be done before the boxing is removed from the machine, as the boxing will be effective in keeping the machine clean. As soon as the machine is unboxed, inspect the name plate to see that the volts marked on the name plate of the motor agree with those of the circuit on which the machine is to be used. The marking of the generator name plate indicates the volts and am- MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 353 peres which the generator is designed to deliver and this rating should agree with that specified in the order. CONNECTIONS Wiring Diagrams Diagram Fig. 8 shows the external connections for the 35-ampere two-lamp series outfit and Fig. 9 shows the external connections for the 50, 70 and 100-ampere two-lamp series outfit. D. C. TO D. C. MOTOR-GENERATOR SETS V/ewFrom Bock of Board Dtrect Current L/ne To Uoper Carbon) Lamp Shor Circuiting Switches Fig. 8 Connection Diagram for 35-Ampfere Lamp Outfit 354 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Wiring Be sure that the wiring is of sufficient size so that tKe line drop from the machine to the lamp will not exceed one volt, or two per cent of the voltage when the machine is delivering full load current to the lamp. If too small a wire is used the lamp will be robbed of some of its voltage and give poor light. D. C. TO D. C. MOTOR-GENERATOR SETS Direct Current Line To UpperCarboi Lamp Fig. 9 Connection Diagram for the 50, 70 and 100-Ampere Lamp Outfit MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 355 Fuses The lamp side of these machines does not require fuses, as the generators are so constructed that they will protect themselves against overload current when the arcs are short circuited. The motor side of the various machines should be fused as follows : Tw 0> 35- ampere Lamps Alternately Two^ 50-ampere Lamps Alternately Two^ TO-ampere Lamps Alternately Two 100-ampere Lamps Alternately 115 volts 230 volts 550 volts Fuses 60- ampere 30-ampere 15-ampere Fuses 80-ampere 40-ampere 20-ampere Fuses 120- ampere 60-ampere 30-ampere Fuses 160-ampere 80-ampere 40-ampere INITIAL STARTING Before starting the set see that it is perfectly clean, and that the brushes move freely in their holders and make good contact with the commutator. Be sure that the oil wells are clean and filled. These machines have overflow gauges with hinged caps. Fill the oil wells through the overflow gauges rather than through the hinged covers in the bear- ings. This method will prevent waste and annoy- ance from overfilling of the oil reservoirs. Pour in enough oil to show in these gauges. The thin oil furnished for the moving picture machines, sewing machine oil, and similar light oils are not heavy enough; it is better to purchase a can of "light dynamo oil" and keep it for the motor-gen- erator. See that the armature turns freely in the bear- ings, and that the machine is level. 356 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Make sure that all connections are tight and agree with the diagram of connections for the outfit supplied, so that when starting up the armature will start to rotate in the direction marked on the coup- ling. Immediately after starting, see that the oil rings revolve freely and carry the oil up to the shaft. Always keep the oil at the proper level in the well, that is, nearly to the lip of the overflow gauge. OPERATION Starting the Motor-Generator In starting up the D. C. to D. C. set have the switches at the lamps open. Close the main line switch and move the lever of the starting box to the first contact point holding it there for two or three seconds to allow the armature to start to rotate. Then move the lever slowly over the remaining con- tact points until it reaches the running position where it will be held in place by the retaining mag- net. If the voltage fails the retaining magnet will release the latch allowing the starting arm to auto- matically return to the "off" position stopping the motor. To stop the machine open the main switch. The arm of the starting box should then automatically return to the "off" position. If it does not, throw it over to the "off" position by hand. Starting First Lamp When the speed of the machines is up to normal and the arm of the starting box is in running posi- tion and the rheostat handle set as marked by the MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 357 white arrow, short circuit the one lamp by means of its short-circuiting switch. Then close the lamp switch of the other lamp and bring the carbons to- gether so that they barely touch; then separate them about 1/16 of an inch, gradually increasing the separation as carbons heat up until proper length of arc is reached. The D. C. arc should be from 5/16 to % of an inch long, or about twice as long as an A. C. arc. Adjust the generator field rheostat until the proper amount of current is flow- ing. If carbons are held together too long, the machine voltage will be automatically reduced to zero, so that the arc will not have sufficient voltage and will, therefore, break when carbons are separated. Should this occur, keep carbons apart about 10 seconds until machine voltage can automatically build up again ; then strike the arc as directed above. The switchboard panel has an ammeter mounted on it along with the field rheostat and is very useful as the proper current can at all times be accurately maintained. As the machine warms up, the handle of the rheostat may have to be moved one or two buttons from the mark to maintain the desired volt- age and current. If the circuits are all connected as shown in the diagram the polarity should be as indicated. The upper carbon must be positive. Should the upper carbon be negative and the instrument on the panel read backward, the trouble must be corrected. See that all connections are made as indicated on the diagram. The polarity must come correct if the connections 358 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION are made in accordance with the diagram of con- nections and the armature of the set rotates in the direction marked on the coupling. Starting the Second Lamp To start the second lamp bring the carbons to- gether to close the circuit, close the lamp switch and open the short-circuiting switch. This puts the two lamps in series, the current from the first lamp flowing through the second lamp. The arc at the second lamp is adjusted in the regular manner while both lamps are burning. When ready to change over from one lamp to the other bring the carbons of the first lamp together and close its short-circuiting switch, continuing the projection on the second lamp. It has been found in practice that the following scheme gives the most satisfactory results. A minute or two before the end of a reel of film is reached bring the carbons of the second lamp together, close its line switch and open its short-circuiting switch. The current for the first lamp flowing through the carbons of the second lamp causes the tips of the carbons of the second lamp tc heat up to a white heat at the tips without actually drawing an arc. Since the tips of the carbons are heated up by this scheme a normal arc is easily and quickly secured when it is time to change over to this second lamp. Take care that the two lamps are not both burn- ing any longer than is necessary, as the motor- generator is not intended to carry both lamps con- tinuously. The ammeter on the panel will show the current flowing through the arc when either one or MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 359 both lamps are burning ; the voltage is automatically increased by the machine to compensate for the in- creased drop due to the second lamp and the cur- rent is held practically constant. 360 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION THE TRANSVERTER The Transverter is a vertical machine, self-con- tained and occupies a floor space of less than two feet square. The panel carrying the switches and meters can be located at any point convenient to the operator, while the machine is best placed near a wall anywhere on a floor not subject to vibration, and in a location which is not damp and which af- fords ready inspection. A pair of steel lugs will be found on the sides of the generator frame. After the machine is taken out MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 361 of the crate, it can be very conveniently handled by these lugs, should it be necessary to lift it any dis- tance to its permanent location. When located, it should be placed upon the four pieces of cork com- position which are sent with the machine, and which serve to minimize vibration and at the same time in- sulate the frame from ground. It is not necessarv to bolt it down. Installation Instructions Wiring Make connection from the A. C. line ser- vice to the starting switch and from the starting switch to motor terminals, 1, 2 and 3; then close the switch and make sure that the armature rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow on the top bear- ing housing. If the armature rotates in the wrong direction, it must be reversed by interchanging any two of the A. C. motor terminals. Caution Do not change connections inside of Transverter unit to correct direction of rotation or polarity. The machines are all checked up complete with their equipment when tested. The motor must be connected to proper side of the line and connec- tions to panels must be made correctly to bring po- larity of the instruments and lamp carbons correct. Fuses Fuse the A. C. motor side of these ma- chines only. The D. C. Generator circuit does not require fuses or switches other than shown on the wiring print. The A. C. fuses at the A. C. motor starting switch must be of large enough capacity to carry the maximum load of the machine. Wiring to Lamps Use wire of sufficient size to carry rated current of Transverter to connect from 362 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION L and A on the Transverter to panelboard and lamps. No. 14 or No. 12 size wire may also be used to connect F on Transverter to the F on the Field Regulator in panel board. The Transverter is a motor generator with the motor below and the generator above, the two being built into one unit. The shaft of the generator is supported at its upper end in a radical ball bearing, its lower end taking half of a coupling, the other half of which is located at the top of the motor shaft. The shaft of the motor is supported by two radical ball bear- ings, top and bottom, and a ball thrust, which takes the combined weight of both rotor and armature. The coupling is so constructed as to carry a cen- trifugal fan which provides ventilation from above and below, discharging the air out of openings in the side of the unit. Grease cups are provided for each of the bearings, the latter being enclosed in dust-proof housings. The driving unit is a simple, two or three phase induction motor of ample capacity, running very close to constant speed regardless of load. The generator is of the constant current type. The design is bipolar, which lends itself most readily to constant current characteristics as shown in the curve. The field winding is shunt with interpole windings for commutation. The brushes and interpoles are so positioned relative to the main poles as to get a prac- tically constant current over a wide range of voltage, which, in the double arc machine, reaches from 50 to approximately 115 volts. The position of the MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 363 Parts Making Up the Transverter brushes on the commutator should never be shifted by rocking them, as this will change the entire char- acterization of the machine. If any sparking de- 364 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION WIR1/46 DIAeRA/^ of- ARC CorKTMt velops, it is due rather to imperfect brush contact than brush position. Operating Instructions Have lamp carbons separated and lamp switches open. Close motor starting switch. Close that switch which controls lamp that you do not wish to use. Permit the generator voltage to build up before attempting to strike the arc, then strike the car- bons together quickly and lightly, separating them immediately to about 1-16 of an inch, gradually in- creasing the separation as the carbons heat up until a proper length of arc is reached. ( Note : 55 volts MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 365 will then show on the Voltmeter, provided proper size carbons are used and they are set at correct angle.) Adjust for amperes desired by means of the Field Regulator in panel. (Note: The Regulator pro- vides means of obtaining more amperage from the Transverter than its rated capacity. This greater amperage should not be used continuously. It is in- tended only in order to provide for very dense films or colored pictures. Regulator also provides means of obtaining less amperage than the rated capacity of the machine, thus providing for films that do not require so much light. If the operator will take ad- vantage of the provisions that have been made for obtaining the high and low amperage, he will im- prove the projection and at the same time effect a considerable saving in the projection light bills.) For Obtaining Two Arcs Simultaneously Assum- ing that one arc is alreay in operation : Adjust that arc to about a 55 volt length; . Bring the carbons of the second arc lamp to- gether and while in that position open the switch controlling that lamp, then slowly separate the car- bons to about 1-16 of an inch, gradually increasing the separation as the carbons heat up until this second lamp also has a 55 volt arc length. (Note: The Voltmeter on the panel board will then be in- dicating combined voltage of the two arcs.) To discontinue the use of either arc, merely close switch controlling that lamp. Note: If operator will follow the above instruc- tions carefully, he can heat up the carbons in the second lamp or burn in a new trim of carbons with- out disturbing the arc of the other lamp. The two MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION arcs can be used simultaneously for dissolving the pictures. Phanton View of Transverter General Care Keep the machine clean. Keep the commutator clean (but do not use sand or emery paper on it). If it becomes dirtyi hold a pad of coarse canvas or cheese cloth against its sur- face while running, and when free of dirt wipe the MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 367 surface with a clean cloth pad that is slightly moist- ened with pure vaseline. Do not permit the carbon brushes to become too short, as disastrous sparking will result. A new set of carbon brushes should be put in before the old ones are completely worn out. When putting in new brushes it is well to first put in two, one in each hold- er at opposite ends of the commutator, then as soon as they are worn into a perfect fit to the surface of the commutator, replace the remaining old brushes with new ones. The machine has ball bearings and they require a very small amount of lubrication. The three grease cups on the machine should each be given one turn twice each week. If this is done these grease cups will require refilling once each thirty to forty days. Note: Refill the grease cups with Transverter grease only, as other kinds of grease will be likely to injure the highly polished steel balls and surfaces of the bearings. Troubles and Remedies If the brushes are not replaced as explained above, the commutator may become blackened and require attention either by the application of a stone, or, in severe cases, it may require the removal of the ar- mature so as to turn the commutator in a lathe. Should the bearings become dry or an improper lubricant be used, it may cause the destruction of a bearing and require its replacement. In case it is necessary to have any repair parts or supplies, order these direct from the factory, giving the serial number on the name plate of the machine. 368 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Connections of a Double-Arc Transverter, with Emergency Inductor System MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION t-MOTO* HINCMTOK fUHCi. FOR 3 AH C LAMPS Wiring Diagram For Two Motor Generators and Control Switchboard, Two Projectors and One Spotlight, Permitting Single or Dual Operation of Motor Generators. J. E. Robin. 370 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Se. 1 hat beo>iwge filled wtU 9cd. heavy M/ Scc^Kat x/n-es a cenn*c)eL to rn roT.r: in clacKwo'<(iret-ic/ Sv4/itcUs*iA2.If olo. ftp A Ofc"' dawn t\ >9h Sii>9 It oj3 into l/f KanA tk IK v^kieh fs>fia^ U.)ii/*r/4 C f, /re Vasolme applied, sparingly , . 1 ubriccnt to re^VC* htKe insilt ocrtt/n W Hr fWWlH' h mv1 ^ K~ ^3 Jgg O Pl| tf g Q 8 0-8 S3 tt < -C316 Connection for Westinghouse Motor Generator 427 Connection for Type A. R. Motor 426 Connection for a Double Arc Transverter with Emergency System 868 Connection of Motor End of A. C. to D. C, Compensarc . . 339 540 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION "A Better Summer Business" This is what we call a book- let we have issued. It will prove mighty interesting to any exhibitor. It shows him how easily he can make his house pay big profits in hot weather. If you want to increase your business during the summer, you need this booklet. We'll gladly send you a copy free. Just drop us a postcard. And if you are building a new theatre, asfy m also for our Circular C-1 . Monsoon Cooling System, Inc. ROOM 201 70 W. 45th ST., NEW YORK MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 641 Construction of A. C. Transformer 509 Control Switches for Motor Generator 424 Controlling Resistance Device 53 Conversion Tables 457 Convex Lenses 126 Cooling and Heating *of Theatres 167 Coulomb 10-28 Current 24 Curent Frequency 10-38 Current Required by Motors 454 Cycle of Operation in a Four-Cycle Gas Engine 412 D D. C. to D. C. Generator 352 D. C. to D. C. Motor Generator Sets 351 Device for Controlling Resistance 63 Diagram of Connection for A. C. Compensarcs 70 Diagram of Elementary Transformer 58 Diagram of Generator 410 Diffuse Lighting Screens ; . 244 Direct Current 10 Discharging and Recharging Batteries 391 Distance to Which Full Load May be Carried 464 Double Arc Transverter Wiring Diagram 864 Dynamos 7 .... 332 E Economizer Connection 64 Economizer, Hallberg 61 Effect of Rheostats in Series and Multiple 505 Electric Arc 232 Electric Time System 143 Electric Time System, Connections for 148 Electrical Apparatus for Studios and Theatres 414 Electrical Energy in Mechanical Units 30 Electrical Resistance 41 Electrical Terms 7 Electricity 11-23 Electro-Motive-Force 24 Electrolyte 397 Elementary Projection Machine 114 Elementary Rheostat 42 Elementary Transformer 58 542 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION "Acme" Model 14 A Semi-portable MOVING PICTURE PROJECTOR WITH STEREOPTICON ATTACHMENT Here is the universal machine a semi-portable Moving Picture Projector superior to any other similar machine ever made, and with Stereopticon Attachment that makes an unbeatable combination. You can run moving pic- tures alone, or lantern slides alone. But its greatest feature is its instant adaptability from one to the other. The only machine with which you can show SLIDES while changing reels. Think of the advantage of being able to show a few slides (as next week's announcements, or advertising slides) and thereby hold the attention of your audience while you are changing reels. The weight is only 50 pounds. The dimensions are 19% inches high, 8% inches deep and 21^ inches wide. Send for Catalog of this and other "Acme" Models ACME M. P. PROJECTOR CO., 1134 W. Austin An, Chicago MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 543 Energy ' 29 Emergency Service M. P. Generator 429 Equivalent Focus 11-124 Equivalent of Units of Lengths 463 Equivalent of Electrical Energy in Mechanical Units 80 Even Tension Reel 251 Examination Questions 527 Excessive Speed of Motor 211 Extra Lamp for Mazda Work 277 F Failure of Motor to Start 202 Few Facts Concerning the Simplex 260 Film 234 Film Speed 20 Fire Trap 11 Flashing of Motor 214 Flexibility of Carbon Arc. 228 Flexible Armored Cable 71 Floor Plan, Single Floor Theatre 112 Focusing Mirror, Mazda Equipment 275 Fort Wayne A. C. to D. C. Compensarc 334 Foundation for Motor Generator 421 Freezing Point of Electrolyte 396 Fuses 83 Fusing of Motor Generator 855 G General Care of Transverter 365 General Points on Generator 439 General Storage Battery Data 396 Generation of Electricity 33 Generator, Motor 334 Generator Troubles, Causes and Remedies _ 371 Geneva Intermittent Movement 263 Grounds, Testing for 85 Gundlach Lenses . 127 H Hallberg 4-in-l Mazda Transformer 66 Hallberg Economizer 61 544 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION BETTER LIGHT BETTER DEFINITION With the "KEENOLITE" Three Combination Lense FOR A BRIGHT, STEADY ARC "General Electric Generators" Can't Be Beat, We Carry a Stock For Immediate Delivery INDEPENDENT LIGHTING PLANTS FOR MOVIE THEATRES "IMSCO" Engine and Generating Sets These Are But a Few of the IMSCO Products. We Also Carry a Full Line of Movie Supplies Independent Movie Supply Co., Inc. W. H. RABELL, President 729 SEVENTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 545 Head of Powers 6 A 202 Heart of the Simplex 262 Heating and Ventilating of Theatres 167 Hertner Transverter 364 Horse Power 12 Horse Power to Watts 457 How to Locate Break in Armature 371 How to Measure Copper Wire 448 I Ideal Projection Room 96 Impedance 37 Imsco 32- Volt Generating Plant 379 Inches to Millimeters 459 Incorrect Speed of Motor 211 Induction 12-58 Inductor, Power's 60 Installation of D. C. to D. C. Motor Generator 351 Installing Westinghouse Generator 423 Instructions for Installing Compensarc G7 Instructions for Installing Peerless Arc Controllers 181 Instructions for Installing the Simplex Projector 255 Instructions for Operating the Acme Projector 154 Instructions for Setting Up Simplex Mazda Equipment. 273 Intermittent Gear Ratio 20 Intermittent Movement . 192 Intermittent Movement with Oil-Tight Casing 199 International Cinema Center Projection Room 100 International Ohm 25 Joule, The 29 Keen-o-lite Lens 141 Keystone Effect 499 Kilowatt 18 548 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION The Automatic Arc Control For use on all makes of Projectors A Complete Automatic carbon feeding device that has established a new high standard of excellence in screen illumination impossible to obtain with the hand-fed arc. Will completely free the operator from the feed handle of the projector. Always maintains the same volume of light on the screen. Write for circular THE J. E. McAULEY MFG. 30-34 N. Jefferson St. Chicago, 111. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 549 N National Carbon Combinations.. 221 O Objective 14-125 Ohm 31 Ohm's Law 81 Oiling System 432 Oiling the Projector 164 Operating the Transverter 364 Operation of Speed Control I 26T Optical Projection 121 Overheating of Armature 374 Overheating of Generator Bearings 376 Overheating of Motor Starter 212 P Parts Making Up the Transverter 363 Parts on Head of Simplex 295 Pedestal, Simplex 319 Peerless Arc Controller 178 Penal Laws New York 477 Phantom View of Transverter 865 Picture Aperture 20 Plan of Projection Room, Capitol Theatre 95 Plan of Single Machine Booth 93 Plug Fuses 88 Points to Remember 450 Points to Remember About Transformers 61 Portable Projectors 152 Position of Screen 248 Power 29 Power Required for Driving Fans 458 Power's 6B Cameragraph 191 Power's Intermittent Movement 192 Power's 6B Take-up 206 Power's Inductor 60-62 Power's Loop Setter 203 Power's Rheostat 45 Power's Type "E" Lamphouse and Lamp ] . 185 550 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION A Permanent Feature For Your Theatre No theatre is complete in its equipment without an up-to-date Cooling and Ventilating System. No up-to-date theatre is com- plete without the Typhoon Cooling and Ventilating System. More than a thousand theatres are already equipped with the permanent feature. TYPHOONS TYPHOON FAN COMPANY 345 W. 39th ST. :-: NEW YORK 1044 Camp Street 800 South Olive Street New Orleans Los Angeles, Calif. 64 West Randolph Street Chicago, 111. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 551 Precaution Against Fire 523 Pressure, Electric 23 Principles of Optical Projection 120 Projection Angle 20 Projection Arc 219 Projection Distance 15 Projection Layout Ill Projection Lens 132 Projection Lens Foci 20 Projection Lens Table 138 Projection Objectives 21 Projection Room 89 Projection Room International Cinema Center 100 Projector Carbon Manufacturing Process 221 Q Quantity, Energy and Power 28 Questions and Answers 494 R Rate of Battery Discharge 392 Reactance 41 Rear View of Acme 163 Recapitulation 466 Rectifiers 73 Reel 21 Reflecting Power of Walls, etc 461 Reflection 15-122 Refraction 15-123 Regulating Engine to Procure Proper Amperage 394 Regulations Governing the Transportation of Inflammable Film , 493 Reo Theatre Booth Plan 92 Repairing Break in Armature 371 Resistance 25-41 Resitance Box 41 Resistance, Calculation of 27 Resistance Affected by Heating 27 Resistance Inversely Proportional to Cross-Section 26 Resistance Proportional to Length 26 552 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION For New and Used PROJECTION MACHINES PORTABLE PROJECTOR MOTOR GENERATORS THEATRE SEATS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT BOOTHS, SCREENS ETC. ETC. THEATRE SUPPLY Co. 124 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK Established 1910 BRYANT 9375 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 553 Restoring Weakened Cells 401 Reversing Motor Generator 433 Rewinder, Simplex 321 Rewinding Table 91 Rheostats 41 Rheostats in Multiple 48 Rheostats in Series 46 Right and Wrong Way to Set D. C. Arc 218 Robin Cinema Time System 143 Robin Multiple Unit Rheostats 50 Robin Signal Telegraph System 229 Rotary Converter 370 Rules Governing the Granting of Operator's License 467 S Screens 239 Section of Carbon Holders 189 Series Connection Rheostats 46 Setting for National Carbons 225 Setting Mazda Lamp in Holder 274 Setting Up Simplex Projector. ' 255 Self Induction 612 Short-Circuit 16 Showing Effect of Arc Burning Upside Down 229 Showing Correct Method of Setting Brushes 348 Shutter, Light 16 Signal Telegraph System 229 Simplex Adjustments 264 Simplex Arc Lamp 327 Simplex-Boylan Even Tension Reel 251 Simplex Mazda Equipment 259 Simplex Parts, Head 295 Simplex Parts, Lamphouse 305 Simplex Speed Regulator 315 Simplex Take-up 247-307 Simplex Type "B" 266 Simplex Type "S" Projector 254 Sixty-Cycle A. C. Current 89 Size'of Wires for Motors 456 Spark Plug 408 Sparking Distances in Air 458 Sparking of Motor 202 Specific Gravity, Test of 398 Specific Resistance 27 554 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION S. M. P. E. To Keep Abreast of the Times Read the Instructive Technical Articles in The Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers Issued Twice a Year Can Be Obtained From L. E. BRAGDON or WILL C. SMITH Motion Picture News 90 GOLD STREET 729 7th AVENUE NEW YORK CITY MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 555 Speed Indicator Attached to Powers 146 Speed Indicator Attached to Simplex 144 Speed Regulator 317 Speer Carbons 230 Spherical Aberration 123 Spread Lighting Screens 244 Standard Rheostat Dimensions 52 Standard Rheostat Shelf 94 Starting a Motor Generator 430 Starting an Imsco Engine 384 Starting the Compensarc 341-355 Starting the Second Lamp of Compensarc 344 Step-Down Transformer 57 Stereopticon 17 Storage Battery, Preparing for Service 379 Striking the Arc 221 Sulphating . 403 Switchboards ..102-104-106 T Table of Brightness per Candlepower 453 Table of Electrical Units 460 Table of Resistivities and Conductivities 453 Take-up 207 Take-up Pull 21 Take-up Powers 206 Take-up Simplex 247 Technical Description of Intermittent Movement 194 Test of Specific Gravity 398 Test Lamp 19 Testing for Grounds 85 Testing Lamphouse for Grounds 87 Testing Rheostats for Grounds 87 Theory of the Engine 404 Thirty-two- Volt Generating Plant 379 Threading the Simplex 271 Three Combination Lens 141 Three hase 18 Three Phase 18 Three Unit Motor Generator 416 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION Howells Cine Equipment Co. LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS Everything From The WE CAN FILL THEM JOSEPH C. HORNSTEIN General Manager Phone BRYANT 7206 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 557 Three Wire System 76 To Set Light Shutter 452 To Start a Motor 431 Transformer 57 Transformer Connections 59 Transverter 360 1 ransverter, Troubles and Remedies 367 Troubles and Remedies of Transverter 367 Two 150-Kil. Generators, 50-Cycle Induction Motors 416 Two Arcs to a Three-Wire System 49 Two Light Generator 435 Two Phase 18 Two Phase Compensarc Connection 341 Type "E" Lamp 190 Type S. K. D. C. Motor 427 Type S. K. Generator 428 U Useful Equivalents for Electric Heating 465 Units of Length 463 Units of Electrical Measurement . 25 V Variable Speed Control 267 Ventilating and Heating of Theatres 167 View of Capitol Theatre Projection Room ' 96-98 View of Pin Cross 200 View of Switchboard for Imsco Engine 881 Voltmeter 19 Voltmeter Connections 75 Volts Lost on Copper Wire 455 W Watt .- , . ; 30 Watts Consumed per Hour for Given Candle Power 462 Watts to Horsepower 457 Westinghouse Generator 421 Westinghouse Generator for M. P. Projector 415 Westinghouse Motor Generator, General Information.. 421 Wire Table 449 558 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION HAFT ONE" THE SCREEN OF A THOUSAND ANGLES IT HAS NO "FADE-OUT" Shows Uniform Distribution of Light over its Entire Surface Regardless of Angles Produces Brilliant Pictures Without Glare or Eye Strain and Shadows that are Rich in Detail. Its "Half-Tones" are Remarkable Folding and Rough Handling Cause no Injury It is Absolutely Opaque and May be Washed If You are Interested in High-Grade Pro- jection Write for Sample RAVEN SCREEN COMPANY 257 SOUTH SECOND AVENUE MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 559 Wiring for Mercury Arc Rectifier 73 Wiring for Peerless Arc Control 182 Wiring Diagram for Westinghouse Generator 425 " Two Lamp Equipment 282 " Single Lamp Equipment 284 " 35 Ampere Outfit 858 " 50 Ampere Outfit 854 " Arc Controller 182 " Double Arc Transverter 364 Wiring for Rotary Converter 370 Wiring for Single Lamp on A. C 278 Wiring for Single Lamp on D. C 280 Wiring for Two Generator Control Switchboard 369 Wiring Instructions for Transverter 861 Working Distance 19 Working Operations of Loop Setter 208 Working Principle of Elementary Projection Machine... 113 560 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Acme Portable Machine Co 542 B. F. Porter 562 Haftone Screen 558 HowelPs Cine Equipment 556 Independent Movie Supply Co 544 Inter-Ocean Film Corp 176, 177 J. E. Robin 562 James R. Cameron 546 Monsoon Cooling System 540 Motion Picture News in Nicholas Power Co 538 Peerless Arc Control 548 Screen Magazine 561 Simplex Machine Co < !# Society of Motion Picture Engineers 554 Speer Carbon Co 231 Theatre Supply Co 536, 552 Typhoon Fan Co 550 /or Business ^W. 561 $10,000.00 REWARD Will be paid to any person who can prove that B. F. PORTER did not sell and install the Simplex Projectors in the CAPITOL THEATRE Broadway at 51st St. New York City Read the Capitol Program B. F. PORTER Exclusive Equipment 729 SEVENTH AVE. :-: NEW YORK CITY Consult an Engineer of Reputation To plan the Projection System, Electrical Work and Booth Layout before building or making alterations. Save hundreds to thousands of dol- lars. Avoid constant costly Reconstruction. References any architect or Broadway theatre of importance "Robin Cinema Electric Speed Indicator." The original and only accurate device to run a per- ->^re on schedule and to allow perfect syn- ci**~. ~* * l * ""'sic with the picture. Special Rheostats, Switchboards, j.viiui.V-- '^**" Control Panels Stock Devices of Merit Only "Highest award Panama-Pacific Int'l Exposition" J. E. ROBIN 729 SEVENTH AVE. :: NEW YORK CITY 562 The Finest Theatres in the Principal Cities Use SIMPLEX "The Cheapest in the Long Ruh" JP*^*^ ^^^^it w UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Mazda Simplex Projector MADE AND GUARANTEED BY 317 East 34th St~ NewTforic 563