The Science of Burning Liquid Fuel WILLIAM NEWTON BEST. AS THE YOUNGEST OF A LARGE FAMILY IT WAS MY CUSTOM IN CHILDHOOD TO BRING MY EXAM- PLES AND COMPOSITIONS TO MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS FOR THEIR CORRECTION AND APPROVAL. SO NOW I BRING TO THEM THESE PAGES, WHICH REPRESENT THE LABOR OF MANY YEARS SPENT IN MAKING EX- HAUSTIVE TESTS, LESS CONFIDENT OF THEIR APPROVAL, BUT MORE FUL- LY APPRECIATING THEIR LOVE. TO THESE DEAR ONES, WHO EACH IN THEIR OWN WAY, AIDED AND ENCOURAGED ME IN MY CHOSEN CALLING, I AFFECTIONATELY DEDI- CATE THIS BOOK. IWlifii? The ' ; : _ Science of Burning Liquid Fuel A Practical Book for Practical Men BY WILLIAM NEWTON BEST Engineer in Caloric, Member American Railway Master Mechanics' Assn., American Society Mechanical Engineers, and American Institute Mining Engineers. The burners, furnaces and various installations described in this book are fully protected by Letters Patents, and all are in successful operation. COPYRIGHT, 1913, BY WILLIAM NEWTON BEST. Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1. Liquid Fuel, Its Origin, Production and Analysis 15 Chaper II. Atomization 21 Chapter III. Oil Systems 30 Chapter IV. Refractory Material 42 Chapter V. Locomotive Equipment 46 Chapter VI. Stationary and Marine Boilers 55 apter VII. Ovens 75 Chapter VIII. Furnaces 83 Index . , 154 333753 The Science of Burning Liquid Fuel, The Science of Burning Liquid Fuel. Introduction. The author of this book began the study of liquid fuel while Master Mechanic and Superin- tendent of the Los Angeles Electric Railway in the year 1887. We used the Daft system of elec- tricity. This system had previously operated an electric railway in Boston, Mass. They, however, did not have the overhead wire, but used the third rail system. Ours was the first overhead system of electric railroad in the United States, if not in the world. A view of the electric motor car then used on this road is here given. You can also see the first electric locomotive with two trailers at- tached. It may be of interest to here state that after building the Myrtle Avenue branch of this road (which was a branch of the main line to Pico Heights), I reported to the Board of Direc- tors that we should purchase motor cars for the branch line and not use the electric locomotive and trailers, because the latter was more costly to operate, but I also made the statement that in a few years electric locomotives would be used instead of steam locomotives in certain branches X o cfl *e3 CO on 5-1 OO l /4 Bbls. Oil (42 gals, per bbl.) 5000 Ibs. Hickory. 3% Bbls. Oil (42 gals, per bbl.) = 4550 Ibs. White Oak. CHAPTER II. ATOMIZATION. Thousands of patents have been issued by our government to inventors covering oil or tar atomi- zers or burners. Many of these inventions involve the same principle and all may be grouped in three distinct classes, viz.: mechanical, internal mixing and external atomizing. Many people have sup- posed that by simply mashing down a piece of pipe and coupling it to a steam or air and oil supply line, they have evolved a cheap burner; a burner which in 99 cases out of 100, they have seen work- ing in some other shop. They very seldom state just where they have seen it in operation and often claim that it is their own invention and that it only cost about fifteen or twenty cents to make. But there is another side to be considered. The first cost of an article may be a trifle but that is no sign that the article is really cheap. One must consider what the device will have cost in time, labor and fuel at the expiration of a year or more. One of the greatest abuses of liquid fuel is the endeavor to use it with burners that do not thoroughly atom- ize the oil and evenly distribute the heat through- out the entire fire-box or the charging space of 22 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL the furnace. A burner should be of such construc- tion that it can be filed or fitted to make a long narrow flame or a broad fan shaped blaze fitting the entire length and width of a fire-box or fur- nace as evenly as a blanket covers a bed. A burn- er, wherein the base of the fuel carbonizes over the fuel passage, is absolutely worthless for it should be capable of atomizing any gravity of fuel procurable in the open market without either clogging or carbonizing, no matter whether it be fuel oil of very light gravity or crude oil, oil tar or coal tar. A burner is not worthy of considera- tion unless it enables the operator to burn any gravity of liquid fuel, for no manufacturer should be limited to the purchase of one particular kind of fuel. There should be no internal tubes, needle points or other mechanism which will clog, wear away, or get out of order readily. Each burner should be thoroughly tested, so that when it leaves the shop where it is made, the manufacturer knows that it will fill the requirements for which it is being furnished. With high pressure air or steam as atomizer a burner, having the oil orifice below the atomizer orifice and independent of same, is preferable because there can be then no liability of the fuel solidifying or carbonizing over the atomizer slot at the nose of the burner. ATOMIZATION 23 AIR OR DRY STEAM OIL OR TAR Fig. i. High Pressure Oil Burner. As the fuel passes out perpendicularly, it is struck by the atomizer coming out horizontally and atomized so thoroughly that each drop of fuel is dashed into 10,000 molecules and looks like a spray or fine mist. The first time a burner is operated there is usually some difficulty because of red lead, sand, scale or small particles of solid matter being in the pipes. As the fuel orifice is large, any- thing in that line of pipe is readily expelled but as the atomizer orifice is very small (ordinarily only 1-32 of an inch in height), a hinged lip is provided so that by slackening a set screw and turning on the atomizer, the lip is raised and the foreign sub- stance blown out. This burner can be filed to throw either a long narrow flame, or a fan shaped blaze 9 ft. wide. 24 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Considering that air contains 20.7 parts oxy- gen and 79.3 parts nitrogen, at 62 deg. Fahr. 1 Ib. of air occupies 13.141 cu. ft. At 100 deg. Fahr. this air occupies 14.096 cu. ft. Theoretically it requires 13y 2 to 14y 2 Ibs. of air to effect the per- fect combustion of 1 Ib. of oil. Allowing 14 Ibs. at 62 deg. Fahr. it would require 183.97 cu. ft. of air to effect perfect combustion of 1 Ib. of oil or at 100 deg. Fahr. it would require 197.34 cu. ft. of air. Practically it requires from 17y 2 to 19y 2 Ibs. of air to effect perfect combustion of 1 Ib. of oil. Allowing 19 Ibs. at 62 deg. Fahr. this air occupies 249.68 cu. ft. or at 100 deg. Fahr. it oc- cupies 267.82 cu. ft. Allowing 1 gal. of oil to weight 7y 2 Ibs., practically it requires 142y 2 Ibs. of air to effect the perfect combustion of 1 gal. of oil or 1872 6 / 7 cu. ft. of air at 62 deg. Fahr. or at 100 deg. Fahr. it will require 2009y 4 cu. ft. It is therefore essential that liquid fuel be thoroughly atomized so that the oxygen of the air can freely unite with it. Except where mechanical burners are used, the fuel is atomized by means of high or low pres- sure air or steam. Compressed air or steam is preferable to low pressure air because it requires power to thoroughly atomize liquid fuel. With low pressure or volume air, you are limited to the use of light oils, whereas with compressed air or steam as atomizer, you can use any gravity of ATOMIZATION Fig. 2. Low Pressure or Volume Air Burner with Oil Regulating Cock. The construction of this burner is such that the air supply is regu- lated at the mouth of the burner; thus you get the benefit of the full impact of the air against the fuel at the mouth of the burner. The oil flows downwardly through the sheet of air. Low oil pressure can be used and is preferable. There are no internal tubes, needle points or other mechanism to wear out, clog, carbonize or get out of order. Used only with light crude oil or fuel oil. 26 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL crude oil, fuel oil, kerosene or tar which will flow through a i/ 2 " P J pe. For stationary boilers, steam at boiler pressure is ordinarily used to atomize the fuel. In furnaces the most economical method of operation is the use of a small quantity of com- pressed air or dry steam through the burner to atomize the fuel, while the balance of the air nec- essary for perfect combustion is supplied inde- pendently through a volume air nozzle at from 3 to 5 oz. pressure. Every particle of moisture which enters a furnace must be counteracted by the fuel and it is therefore essential, if steam is used as atomizer, that it be as dry as possible. It is folly to attempt to use steam as atomizer on a small furnace especially if the equipment is loca- ted some distance from the boiler room, for oil and hot water do not mix advantageously. Nu- merous tests have proven that with steam at 80 Ibs. pressure and air at 80 Ibs. pressure, by using air there is a saving of 12% in fuel over steam, but of this 12% it costs 8% to compress the air (this includes interest on money invested in the neces- sary apparatus to compress the air, repairs, etc.), so there is therefore a total net saving of 4% in favor of compressed air. As the use of steam means a waste of fresh water (which is a very scarce article on sea-going ATOMIZATION 27 vessels), mechanical burners are attractive for marine service and many vessels have recently been equipped with them. With many of these burners you are, however, limited to very light crude or fuel oil and there has been considerable difficulty experienced in preventing the parafine or asphaltum base of the fuel from clogging the delicate mechanism of the burner. The grade of oil required for the average mechanical burner can not be obtained in every country and as that capable of being refined, is being so largely dis- tilled in order to obtain the more volatile and valuable oils, the supply of this light oil is very limited. A centrifugal air compressor operated by a modern type of turbine engine (fig. 4, page 40), has been developed, which, in the opinion of the writer, will attract a great deal of attention from marine engineers because with this system any gravity of liquid fuel procurable in any sec- tion of the world is thoroughly atomized, perfect combustion is effected, and as the system is pro- vided with condensers, there is no appreciable waste of fresh water. This apparatus is light, com- pact, durable, and efficient, and furthermore, high pressure is not required on the fuel. 20 Ibs. air pressure is carried with this system to atomize the fuel. 28 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. 3. Mechanical Burner. This type of burner is particularly adapted for marine service to prevent waste of water or in works where steam or compressed air are not available. It is necessary to use from 80 to 400 Ibs. pressure on the 'oil supply line to the burners, this varying, of course, with the gravity of fuel. The oil used through this burner should be heated to just below the vaporizing point. The internal construction is such that the fuel is atomized while passing through the body of the burner and out of the nose. ATOMIZATION 29 Fig. 4. Burner for natural or commercial gas. Can be made to produce a long narrow flame or a fan shaped blaze according to requirements. Operated with either volume or compressed air. Fig. 5. A flat flame pulverized coal burner. The flame can be supplied to any width of furnace desired. The apparatus is simple to operate and has no intricate working parts. CHAPTER III. OIL SYSTEMS. The method or manner whereby liquid fuel is supplied to the burners is commonly called the "oil system." Requirements vary according to the type of the installation and the fuel burned, but any one who has burned oil for a short time appreciates that the designing of an oil system is quite an engineering feat for so much of the suc- cess of the equipment depends upon the oil sys- tem. Perfect combustion is C0 2 , imperfect is CO. If you have one moment carbon dioxide and the next moment carbon monoxide, you can readily see the fuel is not scientifically consumed and this results in irreparable loss in time and fuel. The air pressure should be constant and the fuel should flow to the burner under a constant steady pressure, no matter whether that pressure be 1 lb., 20 Ibs. or more to the square inch. Light oils, which vaporize at about 130 deg. Fahr., need not be heated but heavy oil or tar must be heated sufficiently to reduce the viscosity so that it will flow readily. This is ordinarily done by means of steam coils. Care, however, must be taken not OIL SYSTEMS Of THK*OM&rR SUPPLY /*lf *^ F#OM f9 TC Z60 O/i. SUPPLY A/f//V OH A7/9//V Fig. i. Above cut illustrates manner of placing thermometers on main oil supply lines or on oil supply pipe to burner. It is highly important to never guess at the temperature when heating heavy oils or tars. These fuels must be heated to just below the vaporizing point, and no one can intelligently guess at this temper- ature. Thermometers should be placed at various points throughout the works, and one should be conveniently placed for the man who is responsible for keeping the proper temperature upon the fuel. 32 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL to get the fuel too hot, for if it vaporizes you can not pump it. The vaporizing point of the various fuels has already been given in this volume, and as steam at 100 Ibs. pressure is 338 deg. Fahr. you can readily see that it is possible to heat the fuel above the vaporizing point. In laying the piping care must be taken to keep the oil supply pipes below the level of the burner in order to prevent the formation of vapor pockets, which are liable to entirely shut off the flow of fuel. All pipe fit- tings should be malleable iron. All unions on pipe lines must be either ground joint or flange unions with lead gaskets. Rubber gaskets can not be used because liquid fuel soon disintegrates the rubber. The use of a paste of litharge and glycerine on all pipe joints will prevent their leak- ing. It is essential to place a strainer made of wire netting in the tank to prevent lamp black or other foreign substances from getting into the pipes and valves and clogging them. No sane person to-day would venture near a storage tank with a lighted pipe, cigar, torch or any light, other than electricity, but in or- der to prevent conflagration and serious loss of property through a steel storage tank being struck by lightning, or getting on fire through some accident, it is wise to run a large steam OIL SYSTEMS 33 pipe line from the boiler room into the top of the tank. There should be a large number of holes in the pipe in the tank so that when the steam valve in or near the boiler room is opened, the steam will be widely diffused over the fuel in the tank. Of course, the most simple system is that of- ten used in gas works, mines and other places, where there are no insurance regulations or city ordinances to prevent one from placing the tank so that the fuel will flow by gravity, the supply being controlled by the necessary valves. The bottom of the oil tank is ordinarily placed from four to six feet above the level of the burners but in gas houses often the tank is placed on top of the boiler so that the heat in the boiler room will heat the fuel sufficiently to reduce its vis- cosity. Fig. 2 shows an oil supply system which con- forms with the Underwriters' requirements and which is used in hundreds of plants. The storage tank, placed at some distance from any building, is covered with two feet of earth. As the average oil tank car contains about 6000 gal. I always rec- ommend oil storage capacity of 10,000 gals, if the plant is on a railroad siding. Either one large tank or small ones coupled together as shown OIL SYSTEMS 35 may be used. A reciprocating pump is preferable. I never advocate a rotary pump except when nothing but light oils will be used and even then a rotary pump has a tendency to churn the fuel into a foam, thereby causing slight but noticeable explosions in the fire-box or furnace. By means of the pump, pulsometer and a pressure release valve (set at 12 Ibs. pressure), with this system 12 Ibs. pressure is constantly maintained on the main oil supply line whether one or a dozen burn- ers are in operation. While light oil which vapor- izes at about 130 deg. Fahr. does not need to be heated, oil of 16 gravity Baume is first heated by means of a steam coil in the storage tank and then by the exhaust from the pump so that after pass- ing through this heater, it is fed to the burner at just below the vaporizing point. As the base and residium of very heavy oil, oil tar or coal tar has a tendency to clog the pres- sure valve used in the above system and render it worthless, it is sometimes advisable to install a "valveless system" similar to that shown in Fig. 3. In this case that portion of the oil pumped which is not used by the burners, flows into a column or stand-pipe of sufficient height to give six or eight Ibs. pressure on the oil line, and then back again to the storage tank. With this arrange- OIL -SYSTEMS 37 ment there can be no fluctuation in the oil pres- sure. Should the fuel be accidentally heated at any time above the vaporizing point, you will note that this vapor can readily pass out of the top of the standpipe through a vent pipe extend- ing above the roof of the building and ten feet from any smoke stack. In Fig. 4 is shown oil system used for heating hotels, office buildings, etc. An electric motor operates an air compressor which supplies air to force the fuel from the storage tank to burner and also the air required through the burner to atom- ize the fuel. This system is absolutely reliable for should a fuse burn out, the oil and air supply to burner are stopped simultaneously. Or an oil or gas engine may be used and the compressor operated by a counter-shaft. In this case should the engine stop or belt break, the compressor will at once cease to force the fuel to the burner. Both these systems are simple, safe and sane. For marine service, where the prevention of the waste of fresh water requires careful consider- ation, a turbine engine with condenser may be used to operate the oil pump and a compressor of adequate size to furnish air at sufficient pres- sure to atomize the gravity of oil obtainable in any port and to distribute the heat in the fire-box, also the additional air required in the boiler room. THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. 4. Compressed Air System. Adequate for light crude oil or fuel oil only. OIL SYSTEMS 39 This system as shown in Fig. 5 is very compact, efficient and economical. While oil used exclu- sively as fuel cannot compete with the price of coal in many localities, it is very necessary to use it to aid the coal fire while carrying peak loads. To effect the strictest economy, crude oil or tar must always be heated to just below the vapor- izing point. With the heavy oil, such as is pro- duced in Mexico, it is sometimes advantageous to use an oil superheater so that, as for instance on a locomotive, if the oil is not heated sufficient- ly in the storage tank of tender or if the tank has just been refilled at the end of a division, by pass- ing through a superheater just before it reaches the oil regulating cock, it will be fed to the burn- er at just below the vaporizing point. (See Fig. 6, page 53). When burning heavy oil in furnaces, if the fuel must come considerable distance, it is often essential to preheat it near the burner even if there is a steam heater pipe immediately under the oil supply line from the storage tank. A su- perheater is also valuable for heating tar between the storage tank and the burner so that it will be of such consistency that it can be readily atom- ized. When an ordinary globe valve is used to reg- ulate the fuel supply, and the valve is partly OIL SYSTEMS 41 closed, the small opening between the valve pro- per and the seat acts as a strainer and any resi- duum or foreign substances in the oil finally closes the opening and cuts off the supply. We have here shown an oil regulating cock provided with a V-shaped, knife-edged, opening in the plug, which not only has a shearing action on heavy liquid fuels, but enables the operator to secure the finest possible adjustment. It is unne- cessary to make comparison between this cock and an ordinary globe valve or plug cock to any intelligent man who has had experience in hand- ling liquid fuel. When a furnace is working con- tinuously on one class of work, this cock can be set by the adjusting screw so that when the burn- er is stopped for noon hour, or at night, it can be returned to the same adjustment when again started. Fig. 6. Oil Regulating Cock. CHAPTER IV. REFRACTORY MATERIAL. Poor fire-brick should never be used as it is most disappointing both to the builder and owner of the furnace. It takes as much time and labor to construct a furnace of poor fire-brick as of good brick. Poor brick is dear at any price, no matter what may be the fuel used. The excessive heat which can be obtained from liquid fuel, makes it necessary in many in- stances to use a very superior grade of fire-brick. For example, in welding furnaces the lining should be capable of withstanding 3,000 deg. Fahr. without dripping or melting away, while in crucible melting furnaces the fire-brick must be capable of withstanding the high temperature required to melt fourteen pots of crucible steel at one heat. These bricks must be non-expanding for if they were to expand in the same proportion as silica brick, the furnace lining would become six inches too long; which amount of expansion would ruin the construction of the furnace. The analysis of brick for crucible furnaces is as follows: Silica 56.15 % Alumina . . 33.295% REFRACTORY MATERIAL 43 Peroxide Iron 0.59 % Lime 0.17 % Magnesia 0.115% Water and inorganic matter 9.68 % In open hearth furnaces a silica brick is es- sential because it will withstand the required high temperature and as these furnaces are operated continually, the expansion and contraction of this brick has not the detrimental effect in this class of service which it has in a furnace which is only operated eight or ten hours daily. In annealing furnaces owing to the lower temperature required for the heat-treatment of metals, it is not neces- sary to use such good quality of brick. It is, how- ever, essential that these bricks do not expand nor contract. It is also very necessary that the furnace be carefully constructed by a competent furnace builder for the bricks should not be laid in layers of fire clay the way ordinary red bricks are laid with mortar but should simply be dipped in very liquid fire clay solution, and then laid in place. It is advisable to use special shaped bricks for lining small furnaces, owing to the fact that it does not require a skilled mason to place these blocks in position. For example, two blacksmith helpers can reline a furnace, having charging space 18-in. wide, 22-in. deep, by 16-in. high, with 44 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Furnace with front casting removed to show special shaped brick lining. REFRACTORY MATERIAL 45 13 large accurately shaped blocks in forty min- utes. As these shapes are interlocking and as the number of the joints is greatly reduced, this lin- ing lasts about three times as long as a furnace lined with ordinary standard size fire-brick. This fully demonstrates the theory that every fire- brick joint in the furnace shortens the life of the construction. As magnesite brick has no affinity for iron, it is often used for furnace bottom in welding fur- naces, etc. For air furnace bottoms a special grade of sand is necessary, the analysis of which is as follows: Silica 89.94 Oxide of Iron 2.64 Oxide of Aluminum 3.26 Magnesia trace Lime trace Total Alkali 2.62 Loss on ignition 1.50 CHAPTER V. LOCOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT. Hundreds of locomotive firemen are to-day rejoicing because of the discovery of liquid fuel for instead of their runs being a continuous ardu- ous task of shoveling coal, they are riding like a prince on their seat in the cab, gazing out of the window at the track ahead, safe-guarding their own lives as well as those of the traveling public in the train. One hand rests upon the lever of an oil regulating quadrant by means of which they can instantly increase or decrease the flow of fuel Fig. i. Oil Burner. Only one required for the largest locomotive. passing into the fire-box. When a locomotive is changed from coal to oil, its tonnage is increased 15%, for you can at all times maintain the full boiler pressure of steam. Even while going up the highest grade or mountain, the steam pressure in boiler is not lowered and there is absolutely no smoke. As there are no smoke or sparks emitted, LOCOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT 47 the danger of setting fire to forests, bridges, build- ings, etc., is eliminated, and because of this fact, oil burning locomotives are used in coal mines, on divisions passing through timber lands, etc. Before oil was introduced, timber of inestimable value was destroyed by sparks in Louisiana, the Adirondack Mountains, etc. Great advances have been made in the equip- ment of locomotives but the types are so numer- ous, it is difficult to specifically describe these changes. Formerly it was customary to bolt the burner to the mud ring below the fire-box door, directing the flame toward the flue sheet under an arch made of A-l fire brick. This arch was a source of great difficulty as it often fell or wasted away, thus deflecting the heat against the crown sheet. Again too, often if the flues began to leak, the water dripping down upon the arch, penetra- ted the fire-brick, thus generating steam which caused the structure to crumble and fall. The most modern practise is to eliminate the arch en- tirely, the burner being placed at the flue sheet end of the fire-box substantially as shown in Fig. 2. This insures a reverberatory movement of the flame and heat for the burner directs the flame against the fire-brick cross wall at the rear of the fire-box where it is deflected and drawn forward 48 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. 2. Most modern type of locomotive equipment. LOCOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT 49 by the exhaust to the flue sheet end of the fire- box. The grates, of course, are always omitted. By means of the inverted arch with dampered air opening, the quantity of air necessary for perfect combustion is regulated according to require- ments. When the locomotive is going forward, the rear damper is open, and while the locomotive is going backward the front damper is open. I show but one type of inverted arch, but will say that these vary in construction. Some have damper controlling devices by which the fireman can accurately control the admission of air pass- ing into the fire-box, while others admit the air through openings in the burner end of the inver- ted arch. A fireman who uses judgment in the operation of the damper type, secures the highest economy in fuel by admitting just sufficient air while at the same time allowing no smoke to pass from smokestack in other words, he effects per- fect combustion. Careless firemen who do not use good judgment in controlling the damper, make a better record in fuel economy by the use of the type of inverted arch with air openings at the burner end. Care should always be taken not to admit a superfluous amount of air into the fire- box, as it requires additional fuel to heat excess quantity air to the temperature of the fire-box. 50 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL The fireman's regulating quadrant takes the place of the coal shovel on an oil burning engine. The early history of liquid fuel equipment shows that many locomotive fire-boxes were ruined be- cause the fireman inadvertently shut off the fuel supply while drifting down a long grade or com- ing into a station. He thought he had a light fire, but there being none, the cold air, rushing in, damaged the fire-box and started the flues to Fig. 3. Fireman's Regulating Quadrant. Fig. 4. Locomotive Oil Regulating Cock. leaking. This difficulty is now entirely obviated by the use of a quadrant attached by means of a rod to an oil regulating cock (Fig. 4), having a V-shape knife-edge orifice in the plug, through which the fuel enters and passing out through a much larger orifice. With this apparatus you can LOCOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT Fig- 5- Oil tank placed in former coal space of locomotive tender. 52 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL have the pops operate going up the steepest grade on any mountain if so desired, or you can hold the steam at any pressure without varying 5 Ibs. over the division of any railroad. While drifting, the lug of the lever or handle of the quadrant en- gages with a set screw in the hinged latch, which insures a constant light fire sufficient to maintain steam pressure and operate the air pump. When speed or maximum power is required, the lever is moved towards the left, which increases the flow of oil. When the engine is placed in the round house, the hinged latch is thrown back, and the lever is moved to the right as far as possible and the top thumb screw tightened. In this position the lever is stationary and the fuel supply to burner entirely shut off. An oil tank, such as can be placed in the for- mer coal space of the locomotive tender to supply fuel over a division, is shown in Fig. 5. This tank can readily be filled. Means are provided for heat- ing the oil in this tank substantially as shown; also splash plates in order that the oil may be carried in this tank the same way as water is carried in the tender tank. The bottom of the tank is ordin- arily only one foot above the burner, but with the form of atomizer shown in Fig. 1, which has a sy- LOCOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT 53 Fig. 6 Oil Superheater 54 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL phoning action, this pressure is sufficient so that air is not required to force the fuel to burner. When heavy oil is cold and viscous, the loco- motive can not pull her tonnage, and carbon will lodge on the fire-brick lining of the inverted arch. Although heated by steam coils in the storage tank of tender, it is often wise to have heavy vis- cous fuel pass through a superheater just before reaches the regulating cock so that it will get to the burner heated to just below the vaporizing point. The superheater shown in Fig. 6 is both simple and durable, and is operated by a globe valve conveniently placed for the fireman, which allows the steam to surround the oil pipe, all con- densation passing out of the drain cock at the bot- tom of the superheater. Such a device is really a necessity when the oil tank has been filled at the end of a division for it takes some time for the cold heavy oil to become sufficiently heated by the steam pipe in the tank. CHAPTER VI. STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS. In some sections of the country where oil is cheap, it is extensively used in stationary and ma- rine boilers. For this purpose it is most excellent, for it insures perfect combustion and a constant even fire, whereas, in the burning of coal it is im- possible to keep up an even heat because of its being necessary to so frequently replenish the fuel supply. There is no expense for the handling of fuel and ashes. One man can fire and water- tend a battery of twelve oil-fired boilers. In traction power houses where, for about three hours in the morning and three hours in the evening, it is necessary to develop twice as much power as during the rest of the day, the engineers with oil have no difficulty in developing double the normal rated horse-power of each boiler with- out injury to the elements, thus entirely obviating the necessity of keeping extra boilers with banked fires. In some plants where coal is ordinarily used as fuel the boilers carry the peak loads by using a combination of oil and coal; the burners being placed in side of fire-box as shown in Fig. 2. Oil is used in some power plants where they have sto- 56 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL High Pressure Oil Buiner iviuunted for Marine or Stationary Boilers burning oil or tar exclusively as fuel. The burner is connected to piping of sufficient length to go through the front setting of boiler. By means of the by-pass valve any foreign substances that may enter the oil pipes can be blown out. The atomizer lip is hinged and held tight against the body of the burner but means are provided for raising the lip to blow out the atomizer pipe in case any foreign substance such as scale, red lead, etc., should lodge therein. This can be quickly accomplished without removing burner from boiler. STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS 57 Fig. 2. Boiler equipped for the use of oil or tar to aid coal or breeze fire in carrying peak loads. 58 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. 3. Oil or Tar Burner mounted with swivel joints. STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS 59 kers and where a boiler is called into service quickly. In this case the oil burner is mounted with swivel points (see Fig. 3), and when called into use, it is simply swung from its position at the side of the boiler and plays its fire over the bed of coal until the green coal fire has been properly ignited, after which it is swung out of position and the burner opening in the side of fire-box is closed by fire-brick of the exact size and form required to fill the burner opening. Another service of great importance and of growing demand is in large electric light plants which formerly had a long battery of boilers car- rying banked coal fires, for during a storm or threatening weather, many lights are turned on simultaneously throughout a city, thus necessita- ting the immediate replenishing of electrical energy. A number of plants have been changed to oil by placing the burner in the front end set- ting of boiler, the grates being covered with a checker-work of fire-brick, the opening in the checker-work being of such proportions as to ad- mit sufficient oxygen for the consuming fuel. A gas pilot light is constantly kept burning and when the boilers are suddenly called into service, the oil burner is started in five seconds by simply opening the two operating valves and in ten min- 60 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL utes, 150 Ibs. of steam is on the boiler. Of course, when not under fire, hot water is constantly pass- ing through these boilers, this being the same practice as is used in fire-engine houses. With the average fluctuating load in station- ary boilers, it requires approximately 147 gallons of oil having calorific value of 19,000 B. T. U. per Ib. and weighing 7.5 Ibs. per gal. to equal one long ton of bituminous coal (2240 Ibs.) having calorific value of 14,200 B. T. U. per Ib. The analysis of one of the best coals is as fol- lows: Carbon 82.26% Hydrogen , 3.89% Oxygen 4.12% Nitrogen 64% Sulphur 49% Ash 8.60% Total 100 % Calorific value per Ib. 15,391 B. T. U. However, the average of good coals has a cal- orific value of 14,200 B. T. U. per Ib. There are many types of stationary boilers, ail of which play their particular part in the manu- facturing world. Along the lines of railroads old locomotive boilers, discarded from railway ser- STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS 61 Fig. 4. Locomotive Boiler equipped for Stationary Service. 62 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL vice, are often used in water pumping stations. Oil is an excellent fuel for this work, for the fire- man can adjust the burjier and have plenty of time to care for the pumping plant, as he does not have to regulate the burner for three or four hours at a time, but of course, he must give attention to the water supply for the boiler. In Fig. 4 is shown the manner of equipping such a boiler. Fig. 5 shows the most modern method of using oil in marine boilers. Note the combustion chamber and its construction. This refractory material aids combustion and insures an even dis- tribution of heat. The end lap seam of the cor- rugated fire-box should be protected by fire-brick and also the shell and staybolt heads should be protected by a 4 l / 2 inch cross wall as shown. With this equipment, by simply raising the cast iron manhole door, the inspector can readily examine the boiler. In a Stirling boiler (Fig. 6), the grates should be lowered and the burner placed between the two ash-pit doors. Unless the width of the fire-box exceeds 7y 2 ft., only one burner giving a fan-shaped flame, is required. Never remove the arch or arches over the grates for these are necessary to deflect the heat to and through the elements of the boiler. STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS Fig. 5. Scotch Marine Boiler Equipment. 64 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. 6. Stirling Boiler Equipment. STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS 65 There are two methods of equipping a Heine boiler. One is known as the Low Setting and the other the High Setting. The latter is simply plac- ing a burner through the firing door as shown- in Fig. 7, and covering the grates with a checker- work of fire-brick, leaving a space of % inch be- tween the bricks, so that the air required for com- bustion can readily pass up there through. Care must be taken to have the proper distance be- tween the flame and the refractory material cov- ering the grates. I have experimented a great deal in order to ascertain this distance, and have found that with a burner giving a fan-shaped flame there should be 8 in. between the nose of burner or the Line of Blaze from the burner and the top of the fire-brick checker-work. In the "Low Setting" (Fig. 8) the grates are removed and rows of support brick laid in the ash-pit. On these the checker-work is placed, leaving % in. space between bricks if the stack is high or a greater distance if there is only a short stack. The "Low Setting" is always preferable because by removing the grates, you increase the size of the fire-box thus correspondingly increasing the effi- ciency of the boiler. With the "Low Setting" you get practically iy 2 Ibs. greater evaporation per Ib. of fuel than with the "High Setting" and there 66 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. 7. Equipment of Heine Boiler High Setting. 68 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL is no liability of the elements being injured, even when forcing boiler far beyond its normal rated horse power. With either the High or Low Set- ting, the bridge wall is cut down level with the top of the checker-work so that the heat may be even throughout the entire length of the fire-box. In our early attempts to equip a Babcock & Wilcox boiler, we covered the grates with a check- er-work of fire-brick, placing the burner in the front end setting and directing the heat rearward- ly. Our chief difficulties were the inadequate size of the chamber in which combustion took place, a concentration of the heat at the rearward end of the first pass and an insufficient amount of heat at the header-end of the boiler. Finally we removed the grates, placing the fire-brick checker-work on rows of support brick laid in ash- pit, and constructed a deflection arch or ledge to deflect the heat forward, as shown in Fig. 9. Fur- ther experimenting revealed the fact that the very best results are obtained by having a distance of 3 ft. between the base line of the setting and the floor line, and constructing the deflection cross wall as shown in Fig. 10. It may seem costly to make the setting so low but this cost is soon offset by the economy in fuel and efficiency effected because of your getting the benefit of an even STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS 69 Fig. 9. Equipment of Babcock & Wilcox or Altman-Taylor Boiler. THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. 10. Most modern and efficient manner of equipping a Babcock & Wilcox or an Altman-Taylor Boiler. STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS 71 distribution of heat throughout the first pass of the boiler. A return tubular boiler may be equipped by simply placing checker-work on the grates and cutting the bridgewall down level therewith as shown in Fig. 11 but personally I recommend the "Low Setting," similar to that described under Heine boiler, see Fig. 8. Admirable results are obtained from Vertical Boilers by placing the burner so that the flame enters the fire-box tangentially, for this causes a reverberatory movement of the flame and heat and prevents impingement upon any of the ele- ments of the boiler. To start the boiler shown in Fig. 12, when cold in a pumping station or when used as an auxiliary boiler, we simply break up a few boxes and pass them in through the fire- door and in a few moments ten or twelve Ibs. of steam is raised on this small boiler, which is suffi- cient to operate the oil burner on this boiler, and this boiler in turn furnishes steam to operate the burners of a large battery of boilers. The Steam Engineering Department of the United States Navy in 1904 conducted a series of tests upon a water-tube boiler using oil as fuel. The Bureau at that time was under the charge of 72 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. ii. Return Tubular Boiler Equipment. "High Setting. STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS 7J Fig. 12. Tangential Flame Equipment as applied to Vertical Boiler, 74 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL the late Rear-Admiral George W. Melville, and the tests were conducted by a competent board of efficient naval engineers, viz.: John R. Edwards, Commander (now Rear- Admiral), U. S. Navy; W. M. Parks, Lieutenant-Commander, U. S. Navy; F. H. Bailey, Lieutenant-Commander, U.S. Navy; and Mr. Harvey D. Williams and Mr. Frank Van Vleck, two oil experts who served the Board as secretaries. These gentlemen faithfully dis- charged their duties and gave to the United States and, in fact to the whole world, a most accurate and exhaustive report on the burning of oil in boilers which still remains the highest authority on boiler equipment and has done much toward the introduction of oil in the manufacturing world as well as in the navies and merchant ma- rine. We owe this Board a debt of gratitude for their untiring efforts in our behalf. CHAPTER VII. OVENS. In steel foundries oil is especially attractive for large mould drying ovens because of the fact that, if desired, the moulds can be dried 50% quicker and more thoroughly than by the use of coal, coke or gas. I can almost hear my reader, who is the superintendent of a steel foun- dry and who has never used oil as fuel on his mould drying ovens say, "I ,do not care to use a fuel that will heat so quickly for it would simply ruin the moulds," but my friend, coal or coke gives a localized heat whereas by the use of the method of burning oil shown in Fig. 1 an absolutely even distribution of heat is obtained throughout the entire oven which in this case is 44 ft. long, 20 ft. wide and 12 ft. high in the clear. This oven is operated with only one burner. In the combustion chamber, which runs through the center of the entire length of the oven, a temperature of 2000 deg. Fahr. is maintained which insures your securing the high- est possible efficiency from the fuel. You will note also that the combustion chamber has heat ports of graduated size and such location as to in- 76 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL MINIM MM MM MM II I r-H+H-H hH I H -\\\ 3- r ^ tcr,,* ra-f Fig. i. Oven 44 ft. long, 20 ft. wide and 12 ft. high in the clear operated with one burner. w +G c *o' g m ** td / : ' '' 78 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL iff The above cut illustrates manner of equipping an ordinary Core or Mold Drying oven in which coke or coal has heretofore been used. One burner is placed in the former ashpit of each fire box, and the combustion of the fuel is so perfect that no soot ever settles on the cores. The Controlling Valves and Oil Regulat- ing Cock, you will note, are placed in positions convenient for the operator. As the operator has the fire under perfect control, he can dry the material as quickly or as slowly as is desired. Liquid fuel gives a more penetrating heat than coal or coke, and it has been found, that, if desired, as many cores can be dried in twenty- five minutes as in three hours while using coal as fuel. OVENS 79 sure an even distribution of heat. The heat ports at the farther end of the combustion chamber are smaller than those at the burner end. These open- ings must be carefully figured out for the success or failure of the installation depends largely upon these ports. The vents for the escape of moisture, also the consumed and inert gases, should always be located in the oven roof or arch. Never use the old stack method. Give the money ordinarily spent for the construction of a stack to the poor of the city or to some hospital where it will be of some service to humanity. The same form of construction as shown in Fig. 1 may be used under long battery of Millet ovens, the heat ports being provided with dampers so that the supply of heat for each individual oven may be controlled according to requirements. Core ovens and ovens for black japanning are equipped in like manner, but for all light colored japanning the muffle type of oven is necessary in order to prevent products of combustion from dis- coloring the charge. Enameling ovens are of various types. Us- ually the muffle oven is used, but if not of this form, the oil burner is operated before the charge is put in the furnace. That is, the vessels are 80 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Muffle Furnace for Baking Enamel, Annealing, etc. OVENS Si charged into the oven after it has been brought to the required temperature and the burner shut off. After this charge has been baked the required length of time, it is removed and the burner light- ed so as to heat the oven for the next charge. Guessing at the temperature of a core or mold drying oven is simply a waste of time, fuel and material. If a recording pyrometer is a neces- sity on a heat-treatment furnace, certainly it is equally as essential to use a recording heat guage on the ovens so that the actual temperature may be a matter of daily record. 82 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Oil Burning Equipment as Applied to Bread Baking Oven. The bread, etc. is evenly baked for the baker can always regulate the temperature just as he wishes. No smoke or odor when the oil is properly handled. CHAPTER VIII. FURNACES. It has been said that we are on the eve of a new industrial day in shop practice. Experts have found that many presumably scientifically equipped modern shops have not reached 70% efficiency while many, many plants are not ope- rated above 30% efficiency. The dividends are, of course, no larger than the production efficien- cy and yet, to the astonishment of the efficiency engineers, the proprietors or officials all seem quite satisfied with the equipment and methods employed as well as the quantity and quality of output. I regret to have to further add that my conclusion after examining the apparatus and methods employed by numerous plants in the burning of liquid fuel is that the average plant does not reach 30% efficiency. Strange as it may seem, the men in charge will point with pride to a furnace modelled after that used by Tubal-cain, who according to the Bible, was this world's first artificer in iron and brass. One can but smile as he listens to them orate about an equipment, which they consider the fruit of their ingenious minds, but which you know has been used for 84 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL ages and is costing that firm their reputation in the manufacturing world. It is similar to com- paring a lathe or drill press made thirty years ago with our modern apparatus. Modern furnace construction is an asset which spells out efficien- cy and profit while an antiquated type of furnace, constructed by "rule of thumb" is a disappoint- ment and a constant source of expense. This is the day of specialists. If your eye has been injured, you consult an oculist. If an opera- tion is necessary, the most skilled surgeon is called in and not the old-time family doctor. A square box has its place in the world but even when lined with A-l fire-brick it does not make a mod- ern oil furnace. Each and every furnace should be carefully designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the shop in which it is placed. As liquid fuel always contains more or less water, there should always be refractory material near the burner, heated above the igniting tempera- ture of the fuel so that after there has been a pock- et of water, the heat from the brick will at once ignite the fuel again as soon as it leaves the bur- ner. Again, too, the heat from the refractory material aids combustion. As the products of combustion occupy more space than the fuel and atomizer did, this refractory material or combus- FURNACES 85 Furnace serving two Bolt Headers. (Note absence of flame from charging openings). A furnace of this type is often placed between a bolt header and a rivet making machine. In either case, it will serve both machines to the limit of the physical endurance of the operators. If desired for rivet heating in larger quantities, various sizes can be heated at one time. 8 6 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL tion chamber should flare, and be proportionate to the size of the furnace; or in other words, of such form and proportions that the consuming fuel can unite with the air necessary for combus- tion before it reaches the charging space of the furnace. This prevents oxidization of the metal while being heated. Wherever possible only one burner should be used but the flame from this burner must fit the combustion chamber and tho- roughly fill it with heat. Oil gives a rolling flame and therefore the arch must be of such form that the flame and heat will reverberate perfectly upon the charging space of the furnace. In many plants the arch unfortunately is the hottest portion of the furnace, but in a scientifically designed weld- ing or melting furnace where the flame and heat reverberate perfectly, you can remove an arch brick, lay it in the charging space and it will be melted down like soap, while the remaining bricks in the arch will not even be dripping. I never rec- ommend the use of a stack except where absolute- ly necessary as that means you are limited by cli- matic conditions for we all know a furnace cou- pled to a stack will not operate as well on a stor- my or hazy day as when the sky is clear. It re- quires 2009 cu. ft. free air at 100 deg. Fahr. to effect perfect combustion of one gallon of the FURNACES 87 A large coal-fired forging furnace changed to oil fuel by simply building a combustion chamber of proper form and proportions in the former fire-box and placing a burner at the end of this combustion chamber. With this slight change the operator has now an oil furnace wherein the fire is under perfect control and from which he obtains a maximum quantity of output of superior quality. When a furnace of this type is changed from coal to oil, the operator almost invariably wishes to operate the furnace just the same as when burning coal. That is, by having an abundance of flame (about 2 ft. high) passing out of the door opening. You might thus run an oil-fired furnace for days without getting a welding heat, but when the oil fire is regulated so that only a greenish haze about 6 in. long passes out of the door, CO2 is effected and in a few moments in the interior of the furnace can be seen a glow which insures a welding heat, thereby giving not only the highest efficiency from the fuel but also the greatest output from the furnace. 88 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL average liquid fuel, but only approximately 20% of this amount is oxygen, while the balance is inert gases which unfortunately must be heated to the temperature of the furnace and expelled as quickly as possible. In a scientifically designed furnace, this is readily done by the aid of the bur- ner. If allowed to pocket or remain stationary in any portion of the furnace, the inert gases cause uneven temperature. If these essential features are all carefully considered, the operator has a fur- nace in which he can at all times attain and main- tain the temperature required, the heat is evenly distributed throughout the entire charging space, and the fuel consumption reduced to the mini- mum for the full calorific value of each heat unit is utilized. In the heat-treatment of steel we must re- member that the value of the steel depends wholly upon the heat-treatment which it receives. Steel is not like copper, but is a very complex artificial product. In its annealed state a piece of .90 car- bon tool steel is composed of ferrite and pearlite, but these minerals are decomposed when heated to certain temperatures and others formed. For example, in heat-treating this tool steel, there is no perceptible change until 1360 Fahr. is reached: but if the temperature is increased to 1460, ferrite FURNACES Indirect-fired Furnace. The fire chamber is below the charging chamber and there are heat ports of graduated size through which the heat is evenly dis- tributed and as the currents of heat are constantly revolving, this insures the expulsion of all consumed and inert gases. This type of furnace is particularly adapted for annealing, case-hardening and tempering for by optical pyrometer test the temperature does not vary over ten degrees Fahr. in any portion of the charging space. 90 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL View showing how the heat m an indirect-fired furnace passes from the heat chamber through graduated heat ports of such size and location that the temperature is absolutely even throughout the entire charging space. As long as the fuel and atomizer supply remains constant, the burner, without any adjustment, will operate for hours without the slightest variation in the temperature of the charging space. This type of furnace is used for all classes of anneal- ing, case-hardening and tempering where the metal must be kept away from direct flame. FURNACES 91 Double Shell Annealing Furnace. The two ovens are heated from below, and the perforated cast iron drums are revolved by power. The drums are rolled out on the brackets in front to charge or empty the shells. 92 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL and pearlite have been decomposed and marten- site is formed. Quenching at this point preserves the martensitic condition and the metal is hard and brittle. In carbon steel, martensite is very sen- sitive to heat and decomposes readily, i. e., if the steel is heated sufficiently, martensite disappears and ferrite and pearlite are again formed. For every variation of heat, there is a variation in- the grain of the metal. This steel anneals between 1300 and 1350 deg. Fahr. How important it is therefore to have a fur- nace of such construction that the temperature in any portion of the charging space does not vary more than 10 deg. Fahr. For the average size indirect-fired furnace, only one burner should be used, but for a furnace approximately 18 ft. wide, 22 ft. long x 7 ft. high, two burners are required. More than two burners should not be used for it is impossible to regulate a larger number of burners so as to have the heat as evenly distributed throughout the entire length and width of the furnace as it should be in order to perfectly heat-treat the metal. If this is important in the annealing or tempering of steel, it is equally as essential in the case-hardening of metals. FURNACES 93 <$e<:r/ert frr f-f-e-c Csise H/tRaenifis & tffifif#iM?e fi/A Indirect-fired Car Annealing Furnace (18 ft. x 22 ft. x 7 ft.) The end walls of furnace being carried on the cars, it is a very simple matter to pull them in or out of the furnace. While two cars are being heat-treated, others are being charged. 94 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Overhead Oil-fired Car Annealing Furnace operated with only one burner. FURNACES 95 An indirect-fired furnace is not suitable for the heat-treatment of high speed alloy steel for this requires a much higher temperature than car- bon steel. As the temperature should be above 2000 Fahr., I recommend a direct-fired furnace having combustion chamber of such form and pro- portions as to insure the ignition of the oxygen necessary for perfect combustion with the atom- ized fuel before it reaches the furnace proper, thereby reducing the oxidization of the metal to the minimum. 96 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL A Oil burner, B Oil regulating cock. C Air pipe. D Oil pipe. E Deflection blast pipe. F Auxiliary blast. Furnace often used for dressing drills and other high speed steel tools. It is also valuable for a wide range of forging in smith shops, etc. Placed between two bolt heaters, a furnace of this type with charging opening on each side, will serve both machines to the limit of the men's ability to handle the blanks. A furnace with two charging openings will produce double the output of the same size furnace with only one opening, with increase in oil consumption of less than 30%. FURNACES 97 A Oil burner. B Oil regulating cock. C Oil pipe D Air pipe. E Deflection blast. Furnace designed for dressing and tempering high speed tools, (60 carbon upwards), such as lathe, planer, shaper, slotters, chisels, flats, capes, etc. Instead of the blacksmith heating but one chisel at a time as is the case while using a coal forge, with this furnace seven chisels can be heated at once without injury to the metal. The heat being held at the required temperature constantly, a much superior tool is produced than could possibly be made by the use of coal or coke. A forging heat can be obtained eight minutes after starting the cold furnace and it is not necessary to speak of the output as that is up to the endurance of the man operating the furnace. There is no waste of fuel while the furnace is not in use. 98 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL 7'x?' ANHEAUNG T EM PEKING AND WITH RtTARY TABLE 7 ft. x 7 ft. Annealing Furnace with Rotary Table. By means of differential gears the speed of the table is regulated according to the size of the stock being heat-treated, so that when the table has made one revolution, the charge is ready to be re- moved from the furnace. cr 2. C P CL *o P 3 <- . en d H FURNACES 101 Fig. i. Semi-pit Furnace for Annealing, Case-hardening or Heat-treating, with bung arch which can be removed with a crane or by air hoist. This furnace, operated with one burner, has charging space 12 ft. long, 5 ft. wide x 4 ft. high. 102 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL For the annealing or heat-treatment of sheet copper or brass in rolling mills, it is essential that the furnace be accurately and evenly heated, and for this purpose, oil, scientifically applied, is a fuel which connot be surpassed. In a furnace, about 8 ft. 6 in. wide by 30 ft. long, two burners should be installed, while for a smaller furnace only one burner is required. I know some firms have equipped these furnaces by installing a large battery of burners, but the results have always been unsatisfactory as the complicated operation of all these burners is simply a source of worry to the operator. FURNACES 103 PLATE HEATING FURNACE SPACE 4* wee X9'o* Plate Heating Furnace, charging space 8 ft. x 9 ft. io 4 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Plate Heating Furnace, charging space 18 ft. x 30 ft. This furnace, equipped with only one burner, shows the size of furnace which can be successfully operated with a burner which distributes a blanket of flame evenly throughout the entire length and width of the furnace. In some places it is advantageous to have a plate heating furnace in which plates of various lengths can be heated. In the furnace shown above there are two bag-walls. That is, when only short heats are required, the first burner is used. For longer heats the first bag-wall is removed and two burners are used. For full length heats both bag-walls are removed and all three oil burners are operated. FURNACES 105 Lead, Oil or Solution Bath Furnace. For small deep pots the best results are obtained by placing the burner tangentially so that the flame and heat will encircle the pot and not impinge upon any portion of it. For larger or more shal- low baths, it is a very simple matter to construct a combustion chamber proportionate to the size of the bath, but care must be taken to have the. neat ports and combustion chamber such that the temperature in any portion of the bath will not vary over twenty-five deg. Fahr. Oil is ideal for this class of service for after the burner has once been adjusted, the bath can be constantly kept at the required temperature. 106 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL A modern flue welding furnace, the capacity of which is 60 welds of safe ends on 2-in. or 2%-in. locomotive boiler tubes per hour, while with a coal forge 16 flues per hour is considered good prac- tice. With either fuel the blacksmith requires two helpers, the dif- ference being that with coal a blacksmith has to work much harder than his two helpers do, for he must keep turning the flue or he will burn a hole in it and he must constantly be putting on borax and sand or other welding compounds, whereas in this modern oil furnace his helpers can charge and remove the flues, no welding compounds being necessary. Three flues (instead of only one) are charged at a time. Oil welded flues are not water-tested as the welds are all perfect, there being no corrosion or oxidation of the metal. No time lost while waiting to renew or coke the fire. 58 gallons of oil are equivalent to a ton of good bituminous coal in this class of service. When a smith, who all his life has been using coal for this class of work, discovers these facts, he concludes that oil is the mar- vel of the 20th century. A shop still using coal for this class of work is hopelessly behind the times and cannot expect to compete with its more modern neighbors. Flue welding furnaces are usually supplied with extra slide plates so that for welding larger size flues, the plates with the small open- ings can be removed, the plates for larger size flues put on and the openings in the brickwork cut to the required size. In handling 6-in. superheater flues ordinarily only tivo flues are welded at a time. FURNACES 107 ^ e;/ we * S'M fa Fig. 2. A Pipe Welding Furnace operated with one burner and used for welding a flange on 20 in. pipe, for van-stoning, etc. 108 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL A small furnace which is used for a wide range of work in small shops. For instance, in many plants one of these little furnaces is used for forging, rivet heating, annealing, hardening dies, dress- ing high speed steel tools, and by placing a muffle in the charging space it is used as a muffle annealing and tempering furnace. It heats rivets uniformly and on 2^/2 gallons of oil per hour is equal to four coal forges, the maximum capacity being eight thousand 34-in. x 3-in. rivets per day (ten hours). Either compressed air or dry steam can be used to atomize the fuel. The burners on about 60% of these furnaces are operated with steam. 109 FURNACES A self-contained portable outfit with 20 gallon oil tank, which can readily be moved around from place to place and which is used for heating 8,000 ^-in. x 3-in. rivets in ten hours, as well as for forging, tool dressing, etc. Very convenient for small work in shops not equipped with the regular oil system as well as for work where portable outfit is necessary. Compressed air at pneumatic tool pressure is used to operate this outfit. That is, the full pressure is used through the burner to atomize the fuel and distribute the heat, and through the deflection blast in front of the charging opening to deflect the heat from the operator and to retain it in the furnace, but the air used on the tank to force the oil to the burner is reduced from pneumatic tool pressure to 12 Ibs. as it passes through a pressure reducing valve. This device is most essential to prevent excessive pressure on the oil tank and safe-guard human life. 110 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Drop Forging Furnace. The man or firm who intends to continue in business and com- pete with modern methods must of necessity use liquid fuel for the manufacture of drop forgings as with this can be produced the maximum quantity of output of superior quality in minimum time. Anyone who has used oil as fuel quickly notices the softness of the heat. That is, oil produces a penetrating heat so that the metal is thoroughly heated throughout its entirety, while that heated with coal, coke or gas is subjected to an abrasive heat so that the out- side of the blank or forging is heated much hotter than the center. Because of the penetrating heat produced by liquid fuel, oil heated blanks and forgings are forged quicker, with less power, and there is also a saving on the dies. Furnaces for this purpose should be of such design that the heat will be evenly distributed throughout the charging zone and a proper size combustion chamber used to reduce the oxidization of the metal to the minimum. FURNACES 111 D Oil pipe E Deflection blast pipe F Auxiliary blast A i2-in. billet (charged into this furnace after it has been shut down over night) can be brought to a forging heat in 45 minutes. A lo-in. square ingot or billet can then be brought to a forging heat in 32 minutes. This furnace is used for annealing, tempering, heating, forging and welding large billets, shafts, etc. As there are two charging openings opposite one another, heats can be taken on any portion of long shafts or billets. In many plants this furnace is operated with compressed air as long as that is available. When the air is needed for pneumatic tools, etc., by simply opening a by-pass valve, steam at boiler pressure is used to atomize the fuel. Either steam or volume air (at from 3 to 5 oz. pressure) is used through the deflection blast in front of the charging opening to deflect the heat from the operator and retain it in the furnace. o o GJ ^ i r"j Q ^ T 4U a ^ o 'E 8 - & > a -5 P 0> 'Sn s l nS >^ J 3 O S > 10 bJO bo ' 00 OH I-' C 2 p < ^ S m V-, Ctf nf OPCJ N 3 S. 5" 2. si s !' rt 3 . 5. A s ! Cu p 3 H j"*" "^ o * p 3 OQ OQ P O 5* 5" 2 c 3 2 O 3 crq 3 5 s 2 | 8.0 co D* D* ' ^ -t P <- cn cr w o 1 1 E5 126 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL A copper refining furnace must be so equip- ped that the operator has the fire under perfect control at all times. That is, at times a reducing flame is necessary, while at other times an oxidiz- ing flame is required. Only one burner should be used in a 125 ton furnace as shown in accom- panying cut, but this must spread a blanket of flame over the entire surface of the bath or char- ging space, which in this case is 14 ft. wide by 26 ft. long. I am aware that attempts have been made to use a large number of burners, installed along the sides of the furnace, with operating valves for each burner, but the operation of the furnace under these conditions was so complica- ted, the operator could not accurately regulate the flame and if during the refining process, the metal is oxidized, it becomes porous and when rolled into copper wire, the porousness ruins the conductivity of the wire. With the one burner a small quantity of superheated steam or com- pressed air is used to atomize the fuel and distri- bute the heat in the furnace but by far the greater portion of the air necessary for combustion is admitted through the volume air nozzle under the burner. At the end of the furnace you will note the FURNACES 127 o n 3' P CTQ (T> n - 3' OQ :j s ? 5-8 2 P I 3 n ,g - S r* CO ET ro 128 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL door used during the refining process for poleing the charge (agitating the molten metal with a long wooden pole). In this door is a peep-hole through which the burner can be plainly seen at the opposite end of the furnace and all the oper- ating valves are so placed that the operator, while viewing the burner, can quickly and accurately adjust the air and oil supply according to the re- quirements for the proper treatment of the metal. FURNACES 129 Fig. i. Crucible melting furnace for melting brass, copper and other alloys. The capacity of this furnace is either a No. 60, No- 70 or No. 80 crucible. This furnace has a combustion chamber of such form and proportions that the tangential flame and heat en- circles the crucible and is evenly distributed without any cutting effect upon the crucible. The air necessary for perfect combustion unites with the consuming fuel in the combustion chamber before it reaches the crucible; thus the life of the crucible is prolonged because of oxidization being reduced to the minimum. 130 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL For a number of years oil has been used for the melting of brass and kindred alloys but unfor- tunately direct-fired oil furnaces were recom- mended for this purpose which resulted in the alloys, which melt at a lower temperature than copper, being sacrificed, thus causing an irrepara- ble loss in metal, to say nothing of the attendant change in the composition of the metal. It was indeed a sad day when crucible furnaces were discarded for the direct-fired oil furnace, but now, thanks to the ability and fighting qualities of young metallurgists in (or who should be in) every brass foundry, we are again returning to crucible melting furnaces. In Fig. 2 is shown a modern crucible brass melting furnace, six pot capacity. You will note that the furnace is rever- sible. That is, one burner is in operation until the metal in the three crucibles in the first cham- ber is ready to pour, and during this time the waste gases passing in through the second cham- ber on their way to the stack have preheated the metal in the second chamber, thus using the waste gases as much as possible. After the metal in the first chamber has been poured and the crucibles refilled, the dampers to stack are reversed, the plates over burner openings reversed and the second burner is started. The first chamber then becomes the preheating chamber. The heat in FURNACES 131 Fig. 2. A Modern six pot brass melting furnace. 132 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL the flue to stack is utilized to preheat the incom- ing air. Note the combination of the damper or air opening in flue with the flue damper. The apparatus is so arranged that when the flue dam- per is closed, a lug automatically raises the air damper on top of the flue so that the air is pre- heated while passing through the flue to burner end of furnace then in operation. By this means the air necessary for perfect combustion is pre- heated by heat which would simply have been wasted in the ordinary type of furnace construc- tion. Convenient means are provided for operat- ing both dampers and covers. This furnace is constructed for various sizes and numbers of crucibles and besides being efficient and econ- omical, it reduces the loss in metal to the minimum. 3 ? P r-h ^ P <3. 3 < Cu fl> O 5 (B O P *O rt It p cr w 2- 3 2 o "* rt> f i-T n d S So pj 3 3 s * s- cu p rf > 2 ^ 1 en 3- en rt 3 *- n fo i!T rn 0- -6 P p n ^. cr 3 r- * - 3 C/q 3 . p CX if n> ~ rt . O ^- ^ 3^ S. -. o 3 co 3- rs* re -> ^ Jl | "':'| cr g. c/q rf g S* ^' 5' ?> S S. 3 3 O P OQ ^ p 3- ~ c m re i ____ i FURNACES 135 Fig. i. A portable furnace, resting in fire door opening, firing up a locomotive boiler. 136 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Until quite recently wood was used for firing up boilers in boiler shops for testing purposes, or in locomotive works for raising steam to set pops when the locomotive is completed. By using oil instead of wood for this purpose there is 50% saving in time and cost. With an apparatus such as shown in operation in Fig. 1 the operator has the fire under perfect control, and one man can look after 5 or 6 furnaces at a time. For the lar- gest Mogul engine we use either one furnace such as shown in Fig. 2 which gives a fan-shaped in- candescent flame 18" to 10 ft. in length, at a point 6 ft. from the furnace the flame being 4 ft. wide; or two of the smaller portable furnaces shown in Fig. 3, which gives a round incandescent flame 1 ft. long, 3" in diameter to 6 ft. long and about 10" in diameter. For a smaller size locomotive ordi- narily one of the furnaces shown in Fig. 3 is used. These furnaces are also used for a multitude of other purposes such as setting up corners of fire-box sheets to mud-rings; flanging, laying on patches, heating crown sheets, heating and weld- ing band rings; bending pipe up to 16" diameter without sand filling; (straight pipe is laid on bending table with a shaper arranged to suit curve; one end of pipe is clamped, and pipe bent after heat is applied to outside of bend, thus FURNACES 137 Fig. 2. A portable furnace such as is shown in operation in Fig. i. A Oil burner C Compressed air connection D Air reducing valve. E Oil hose. F Air hose. Fig. 3. Portable Furnace with hose and tank on a truck. 138 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL stretching metal on the outside, without buck- ling inside of bend) ; straightening bent frames after a wreck, etc., etc. Referring to Fig. 3, you will note that com- pressed air (pneumatic tool pressure) is used to operate this equipment. The full pressure is used through the burner to atomize the fuel and dis- tribute the heat, but the air used to force the fuel from the tank to burner passes through a reducing valve which reduces it from pneumatic tool pres- sure to 10 Ibs. on the tank. To safeguard human life this pressure reducer is most essential. FURNACES 139 S* ,-. O en 3 t> o o $ S S I- S 8 o o D* 3 H * frl 5 " < P p ~' cT |S S ?> > <"D en Cu > rt 5- 5 S 3 3 ^ r^ P. en O c /} en ^ 3' o OCj i-h rf 2. S P J 3 O. s < 2 P S. o. P Cu ' 3 P s-g: ASM n> c i 2. ? 81 ffi orq r* 8.0 P ' O p H. 3 rrt n> ^ s ^ td Is S" 140 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUFT A the insert (or Dutchman) 2. Furnace in operation. 3- Note the constancy of heat and perfect combustion. 4- A The perfect weld. 5- The little giant which did the trick. FURNACES 141 There are three ways of welding locomotive frames. Thermit and Oxy-acetylene are efficient but very costly, while with oil in about 40 min- utes with a few gallons of oil, a perfect weld is made. Of course the expense entailed for labor in making the weld is the same in either case. Complete story of a perfect weld with oil is shown in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The oil furnace shown in Fig. 5 is operated with a small quantity of compressed air and may be used for various other purposes, such as flang- ing, laying on patches and laps, heating crown sheets, firing up and testing boilers in boiler shops; brazing and filling castings, ladle heating, melting or keeping metals hot in foundries; braz- ing, annealing and heating of all kinds in copper shops; removing propeller wheels, straightening and bending on board vessel rudder frames, stern posts, keel, etc., pipe bending, etc.; melting metals in small quantities for laboratory tests, etc., heat- ing rails for bending, etc. 142 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Portable furnace brazing exhaust pipe of automobile engine. This furnace is mounted on a 5 ft. standard so that the apparatus can be adjusted to any height or angle needed for all kinds of heat- ing purposes where it is desired to heat a small portion of the metal. The furnace may be removed from the stand and used as a blow pipe for straightening or setting up work difficult of access. The tiny furnace is lined with refractory material. This be- comes heated lily-white and insures a constant steady flame even when the oil supply is cut very low. With apparatus having a metal combustion chamber not lined with refractory material there is al- ways more or less difficulty with the fire not burning steadily. The (refractory material also aids combustion and prevents oil being thrown out with the flame. FURNACES 143 Hand Torches, made in various sizes, are very economical and efficient for all classes of light heating purposes, such as skin-dry- ing moulds, lighting cupolas, heating tires, light brazing, burning paint off steel cars, etc. 144 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Portable Asphalt Mixer equipped with oil burner. For rotary dryers in either portable or sta- tionary asphalt plants, it is most essential that the burner be capable of atomizing any gravity of liquid fuel for in some localities you can get fuel oil, other places heavy crude oil, while in other localities nothing but oil tar from a gas works may be obtainable. Burning liquid fuel in the vertical or other type of boiler used to operate a portable asphalt plant is a great convenience and it eliminates the smoke nuisance. FURNACES 145 Equipment of Ore or Sand Roaster and Dryer. Oil is particularly adapted for all kinds of ore roasters and is especially valuable for desulphurizing iron ores for it enables the operator to attain and maintain the temperature required at all times. Rotary Cement Kiln Equipment. 146 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Fig. i. An ordinary brick kiln, having 40 eyes, the capacity being 500,000 brick. Oil is the ideal fuel for this class of work, if you use burners capable of giving a very light fire until the water smoke has been removed from the brick, after which the burners should be forced to their maximum capacity. FURNACES 147 Fig. 2. A bee-hive brick kiln or terracotta kiln, changed from coal to oil, by simply covering over the grates with a checker- work of fire-brick, and bricking up the firing door as shown. 148 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL FIRE BOX EQUIPTMENT WHICH I RECOMMEND OF POTTERY KU1X Two ways of equipping a pottery kiln, the type of construction shown in the upper views being the most modern. FURNACE' 149 Glass Melting Furnace. (Fig. i) 150 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL (Fig. 2) In the melting, bending and annealing of glass, oil, if properly installed, is a fuel which in- sures success. There are many types of glass melting furnaces; regenerative, recuperative, and the ordinary tank type. The equipment of the latter is illustrated in Fig. 1, while Fig. 2 shows lehrs 80 ft. long equipped with only one burner. THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL 151 CONCLUSION. The author has endeavored to the best of his ability to give as much information to the reader as is possible without his knowing in detail the exact service of the boiler or the furnace, or the size of the metal which is to be heated or heat- treated in the furnace, and has endeavored to treat each subject from a practical rather than a technical standpoint. As the light fuel oils heretofore used in this country are now being refined and redistilled by new processes by which a higher percentage of the more volatile components, such as kerosene and gasoline, etc., are obtained, the price of this oil has materially raised. It is therefore necessary to utilize the heavy crude oil being shipped in large quantities from California and Mexico, but the use of this fuel necessitates many changes in the oil systems heretofore used. Many people have attempted to burn this fuel and failed be- cause they tried to use it under the same condi- tions as they did fuel oil of about the same con- sistency as water. Investigation of these failures has shown that often a rotary pump has been used, 34" or 1" oil mains arid no means employed for heating the fuel. Under such conditions, heavy ] 52 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL oil can not be successfully burned, and in many- cases, in fact, the heavy oil is so viscous that it could not be pumped out of the storage tank. Some firms when they could not successfully burn, this heavy fuel with their present equipment, sim- ply condemned the fuel, while others of a more- persevering and ingenious turn of mind delved deeper into the subject or profited by their neigh- bors' experiences, and eventually have been able to successfully utilize the heavy oil. I have heard so many complaints about liquid fuel and have seen it condemned so often under conditions when the supply system or method of atomizing the fuel was at fault that I have compiled a list which may awaken a deeper interest in this: subject. THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL 153 Don't Blame Oil If YOU haven't INCREASED YOUR DAILY OUTPUT; If you can't get 50 per cent. OVERLOAD FROM YOUR BROILER; If the SMOKE ROLLS OUT OF THE STACK; If you BURN out tfce TUBES or SHELL of your BOILER; If you have to USE COAL or COKE TO KEEP THE OIL or TAR BURNING; If you have to use more than ONE BURNER IN A BOILER having fire-box less "than 7 ft. wide; If you are using MANY BURNERS GIVING FUNNEL-SHAPED FLAMES instead of ONE BURNER with a FAN-SHAPED BLAZE; If your LOCOMOTIVE DOESN'T INCREASE ITS TONNAGE or steam well; If you INJURE the LOCOMOTIVE FIRE-BOX; If you CAN'T ATOMIZE HEAVY OIL or TAR AS WELL AS LIGHT OILS; If your PURNER CLOGS or CARBONIZES; If the MOUTH of the burner WEARS AWAY; If you ARE NOT GETTING PERFECT COMBUSTION; If you have NO SMOKE but a LOSS OF FUEL because of an EXCESS OF OXYGEN; If you cannot CONTROL THE HEAT IN THE FURNACE; If you don't get REVERBERATORY MOVEMENT of the HEAT; If the HEAT IS NOT EVENLY DISTRIBUTED; If you have DIFFICULTY in getting a WELDING HEAT; If your MEN have to WAIT ON the METAL; If you can't ATTAIN and MAINTAIN the REQUIRED TEMPERA- TURE; if you OXIDIZE or SCALE THE METAL; If you can't get BETTER RESULTS WITH OIL than with coal, coke or gas; If you can't keep the BURNER LIT WITH A LIGHT FIRE; If you use the old style PAN SYSTEM in your CRUCIBLE MELT- ING FURNACES; If you are troubled with SMOKE PASSING OUT OF FURNACE; If your CORE or MOLD DRYING OVENS are TOO HOT ON ONE END and TOO COLD AT THE OTHER; If your JAPANNING OVEN SMOKES; If you CAN'T BRAZE. If you have any of these conditions IN YOUR PLANT, why blame the fuel? It is because you are BURNING AT OIL, instead of really burning it in such a manner as to effect PERFECT COMBUSTION .and UTILIZE ITS FULL CALORIFIC VALUE. INDEX. Page Air Furnaces 1 14 Air, Quantity required for combustion 24 Analysis : Air Furnace Bottom Sand 45 Beaumont (Texas) Crude Oil 16 Brick for Crucible Furnaces 42 California Crude Oil 17 Coal 60 Fuel or Residuum Oil 16 Mexican Crude Oil (Tampico Fields) 17 Tar London and from Dominion Coal .... 19 Annealing and Tempering Furnaces: Indirect-fired 89, 90 Indirect-fired Car 93 Overhead Oil-fired Car 94 Muffle 80 Rotary Cold Punched Nuts, etc 100 Rotary Table 98 Semi-pit IOI Shell 91 Sheet Copper and Brass 102 Asphalt Mixer (Portable) 144 Axe Head Tempering Furnace 99 Billet Heating Furnaces in, 112, 113 Boilers : Apparatus for Firing Up and Testing. ... 136, 141 Babcock & Wilcox (Altman-Taylor) 68 Coal and Oil or Tar Combination Equipment 57 Heine 65 Locomotive Type Stationary Service 61 156 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Page Return Tubular 71 Scotch Marine 63 Stirling 62 Vertical 73 Bolt Making 85, 96 Brass Melting 125, 129, 131 Brazing 142 Bread Oven 82 Brick Kilns 146, 147 British Thermal Unit 17 Bull Ladle Heating 122 Burners : Gas Natural or Commercial 29 High Pressure 23, 56, 58 Locomotive 46 Low Pressure or Volume Air 25 Manner of Lighting 119 Mechanical 28 Pulverized Coal . , 29 Car-type Annealers 93, 94 Case Hardening Furnaces 89. 90, 93, 101 Cement Kiln (Rotary) 145 Centrifugal Air Compressor 27, 40 Coal Analysis 60 Combustion Chambers 85 Comparison Various Kinds of Fuels . . . . : 20 Compressed Air Oil System 38 Compressed Air versus Steam 26 Continuous Billet Heating 113 Copper and Brass Annealing 102 Copper Refining 126 Core Ovens 76, 78 Crucible Brass Melting 129, 131 Crucible Steel Melting 133, 134 Crucible Steel Furnace Brick 42 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL 157 Page Die Hardening 108 Drop Forging no Dryer and Roaster (Sand and Ore) 145 Electric Locomotive (first) 2 Enameling ... * 79 Ferrite 88 Fireman's Regulating Quadrant 50 Firing up and Testing Boilers 136, 141 Flanging Furnace . . . . 87 Flue Welding Furnace 106 Forging Furnaces 87, 108, in Frame Welding (Locomotive) 141 Glass Melting, Bending and Annealing. . . . 149, 150 Gravity Feed Oil System 33 Hand Torches 143 Heat-Treatment : 88 Inverted Arches (Locomotive) 49 Japanning Oven 79 Kilns : Brick 146, 147 Ore Roaster 145 Pottery . . 148 Rotary Cement 145 Laboratory Furnace 141 Ladle Heating 122, 123, 124 Lead Bath Furnace 105 Lehrs 150 Locomotive : Burner 46 Fireman's Regulating Quadrant 50 First Electric 2 Frame Welding 141 Inverted Arches 49 158 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL Page Oil Regulating Cock 50 Oil Superheater 53 Oil Tank 51 Stationary Boiler 61 Testing Apparatus 136 Low Pressure Oil Burner 25 Martinsite 92 Mechanical Burners 2& Melting Furnaces 125 Millet Ovens 77 Mould Drying 75, 78 Mounted Burner 56, 58 Muffle Furnace, annealing, baking, enamel, etc. . . 80 Multiple Ladle Heating Furnace 123, 124 Oil : Analysis 16 Bath Furnace 105, Discovery 15 Production 15 Pumps 35 Regulating Cock 41 Superheater 53 Tank 33, 51 Open Hearth Furnace 120 Overhead Oil-fired Furnace 94 Pearlite 88: Pipe Bending 136 Pipe Flange Welding 107 Plate Heating Furnaces 103, 104 Portable Furnaces 109 Pottery Kiln 148 Pulverized Coal Burner 29 Pumps - 35 Pumping Systems 34, 36 Pyrometers 81 THE SCIENCE OF BURNING LIQUID FUEL 159- Page Regulating Cocks 41 Return Tubular Boiler 71 Rivet Heating 108, 109^ Roasters 145 Rotary Furnaces 98, 100 Rotary Kilns 145 Rudder Welding 139 Sand Dryer . . 145, Scotch Marine Boiler 63 Scrap Iron Welding 7 Semi-pit, Bung Arch Annealing Furnace 101 Shaft Heating Furnace in Shell Annealing Furnace 91 Shingling Furnace 87" Soaking Pits 121 Solution Bath Furnace 105. Steel Heat-Treatment 88, 95 Superheater (Oil) 53: Tangential Flame 73, Tanks 33, 51 Tar 19 Thermometers 31 Tool Dressing 96, 97- Valveless Oil System 36- Vanstoning 107 Vertical Boiler 73 Welding: Locomotive Frame 141 Rudder 139. Scrap Iron 7, 1 12- THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DA STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETU THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENAL WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOUR DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH D OVERDUE. MAY Z\ T<3b JAN 20 1944 MAR 2 IHflO WIHl\ ff I3OU ceo ft ii toon AM*, win. f EB 2 U 13oU LD 21-100r r~- M 333753 m UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY