UC-NRLF *i civics* * *1W * c c JHlSTpRICAL BV* rMr M \JK./L Y c , ^c>4C^ . . $ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF MRS. MARY WOLFSOHN IN MEMORY OF HENRY WOLFSOHN I 2.0 V I j)ix years ourhero Wdlt ?d -hoped dm j dred) | 5eeK in 3 fte junction f the (purt of 5pain; / Then fumed -bffanc^witii hw^taartand brain, . But,weary, as Kis destined port he neared , he_5topped foribod at LaRabida j gate-. /The kindly Prior listened to hi5 tale, jiJped to the courr,dnd,pleadin$did prevail To win the Queen;an<J change fa wanderer s f^- .ifvn^W i(W tiv-l. Rvir|tHiJVjsto.ll^A pui at the curi net all approved His :w>r:> , , jealousy protested loud Against this be^ar, penniless and proud, A foreigner and dreampr of wiU drfam5 j ; y Others, more eloquent, porfrayedtKp^ain ir\. i Jlwress would brin^the^hurdi and 5j^nish throne: \ fltt |UH"Ir\e Queen jnspird to make Ki5 cause her own, W \ Pffl . Proffrrfd Kerjewels d5 the pledge of 3pai n * K-^\ / rv ^" ^ _^. PLEDGING HEB.JEWEL} I JVf1,dejtfed, from the royal C urt ? j [ In friar s frock, deep-brooJin^o erhij woes, I 1 A jound of hoofcout of the Jilence ^rowj, AjteeddpprodcheSj wHatcantKiS import? _ "THe Ti^Qtt beneatK^ f fria 6 robe 5tan35 5till,_ He Keansthe message ofthe Queen s ^oo- And turns h 5 rein : with jeal Kls joub i .he blessing of the Holy v And favor, full and free, of royalty, The tittle fleet from Paloj put to 5fa; Ibr larid and g>ld , ftr power ana 1 fame to -5ean[f : . Three fragile barl^s, full-freighted and well-manned, \VKat freight of burning hope5, of purpose bold And lofty courage, never can betold,_ overall "OorAdmiral"in I II ==j& ^ " J^indled as Witti a fire from on hi^H" "Asc n tf ^ e(3Ven f ra rand design" Our brave commander noted every 3^0 Betraying tKat trie longed-for shore Was ni?h}_ The bi rdf , the floating weeds, a fitful 1 i^nt, And then, OjoY, at lact the land, the land ! At that dear word lired hfartj with hope expand, Tired eyej a retrained tocatch^bli^fulji^ht. <^jt >L, U V ^ L THE SIGHT \ \ tappy 4wn ! (heriskd dream come irue, ourdiscciverer, kneeling on % jtand, upita roya! standard^wonj in id daimslbr .Spain the island n^mfd W^ n Salvador ;the while wi% fn endiy &?S . DIVERSITY or > V ki J " **** *v *>i ^ f/Jr t-vjx^ ^ painj endured and perils past, i r^ to nefum with joy % naildl o the Court, in 5rand array, \ TO a royal progress made, j | While, to behold iheda^Ii^cavalcadf, V P< K/^faL :>^^%^ r^ V ^th$dlJe Wa y-K vtfs*- -* V^ iM wh ; P : JSp.ffr, " , I i- f - ; -- ?^a s ^ oP r " / . ~i ^* r*M I ks T r \ \ N"^ irt,wffh pomp a| d State |TheKin^Qy W tvAlmir~ I And ro yal knees in $ram With ^praise fegrana Telkun rang in* -, ,3" *// r^ c Q V /^ n J B v I L\\ \ A N > .. A * N I! 111! - V r \ -\ w, - ^ i x 0-^*^ / " " J v J ~~ ~~ if *\ *$& ^J-g*fc+ ^u jfej TheQuee/ij ndi^nantJeams of his yad plight; i -> I x* | And orders him at once to be 3et free, ""KS A ! ( Invites him to the OTrtand hears his plea Njunshineof hope breaks in upon his nfehlv>]| v " i^l 1% t ^y /KesferedlDBi;Kp mocfin ^" i ffomCadipowthf Admiral 5eJ5 sail , On his W Asfciled ty (puntless ilb on sea and land . : : $ J" r v ^" r 1 J .V.^-.V..^! ~ . L ^ foTferffcs^ ^ v v/ r v , Kesrts upon iting his .summons fo a higher court, t v,5ions Jwfeptrf)ppTiistMjhqiB J llpnnrtp* IVHT Ij-ji^J-^J^^l..^!. L.I^R ieS, with isles of told Waving palms , fayf^e gf pardiyp! At last fa Krffataut isfad fan P To unknown regions of perpetual <%, 5ea^5 "to traverjeaiJ new wo>W5 to ^a r-fehim, who toKinyelf was true Who dwmfti "rfrf ftf.vajlhfBof ^fe Nor K^f^rand^urof his Conquest l<new i VHERE @iVMB v S THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. OCT 191936 MAR i n 1992 GOT 1 1930 , A - // / tfs? ! 0*24 Nv REC O LD ftPT oo ?~. \ trtrt tFu 1900 - rcT^^ D 1 OC I 11 63-1 - - j AM a WAR 2 OVP LD 21-100m-8, 34 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3flblfl?fll