VK his CO UC-NRLF *C 13 .[.U "■ TABLES SHOWING THE APPROXIMATE MAGNETIC DIRECTION AND ORDINARY RATE (AT SPRINGS & NEAPS) OF THE TIDAL STREAMS IN THE DOVER STRAITS, AND FROM AN OFFING OF FROM 3' TO 20' OFF 27 POSITIONS ON THI-: SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND, FOR EVERY HALF-HOUR OF THE TIDE AT DOVER; ALSO A TABLE TO BE USED FOR CORRECTION, TO BE APPLIED TO SOUNDINGS. COMPILED BY S^riiutit ^ouse |,]iIot, ^ouboit. London : PUBLISHED BY J. D. POTTER, 5oIe Agent for the Sale of the Admiralty Charts, 31, POULTRY, E.G., AND 11. KING STREET, TOWER HILL, E. 1894. I'laiCE! OIsTE SHILXiIIsra-. Gift of C. A. Kofoid TABLES SHOWJNG THE APPROXIMATE - MAGNETIC DIRECTION AND ORDINARY RATE (AT SPRINGS & NEAPS) OF THE TIDAL STREAMS IN THE DOVER STRAITS, AND FROM AN OFFING OF FROM 3' TO 20' OFF 27 POSITIONS ON THE SOUTH COAST OF ENGLAND, , FOR EVERY HALF-HOUR OF THE TIDE AT DOVER; ALSO A TABLE TO BE USED FOR CORRECTION, TO BE APPLIED TO SOUNDINGS. COMPILED BY S. HI. BK.O"V7"Isr, S^rinitg |^oust ^Uot, ^onbon. London : PUBLISHED BY J. D. POTTER, Sole Agent for the Sale of the Admiralty Charts, .31, POULTRY, E.G., AND 11, KING STREET, TOWER HILL, E. 1894. Til. (o37 73 REMARKS AND GENERAL DIRECTIONS. From Beachy Head to Land's End the general direction is given, and the rate marked in the columns is the rate at Springs and Neaps as a rule ; but this rule is subject to alteration by several disturbing causes — such as winds, barometrical i)ressure, etc. The velocity is worked out by placing the greatest strength at from 2 to 4 hours after High Water, and also from 2 to 4 hours before High Water, and then graduated down to Slack Water. At page II will be found Table B, for finding the Height of the Tide at any intermediate hour between High and Low Water, which correction is to be applied to Soundings. Anywhere between the Lizard and Portland the time of High Water (full and change) is from 5 to 6 o'clock. Whilst East of St. Catherine's it is everywhere High Water between 11 and 12 o'clock, yet in the fairway of the Channel from Start Point to Beachy Head the Tidal Stream turns everywhere almost simultaneously with the time of High and Low Water at Dover; i.e., at about 11 hours it turns W^esterly, and at 5 hours it turns Easterly. Anywhere South of the Shambles, 2' outside of St. AJban's Head, 2' South of St. Catherine's Point, or 4' to 5' South of Owers Lightship, a vessel is not materially affected by indraught on either tide. There is generally an indraught to all Bays and Bights, and in them the stream turns earlier than in the offing, sometimes as much as two hours earlier. Each end of Dover Strait (W. of Beachy Head and N. of North Fore- land) the stream sets uniformly towards the Strait whilst the water is rising at Dover, and away from it when it is falling. Strong winds accelerate and prolong the stream running in the same direction, retard the opposing stream, and also affect the height of tides. The atmospheric pressure also aflfects the tides, especially the rising and falling. i3 AFTER HIGH WATER at DOVER. ^Auirc rkjr "Pt APW*? ^ Hour. 1 Hour. Is Hcuts 2 Hours. I^AMAo \JP JT 1^A\^J3<3. DIRECTION. RATE IN KNOTS. DIRECTION. RATE IN KNOTS. Rate direction. in ! KNOTS DIRECTION. RATE IN KNOTS. Tongue Lt. V. MWbyW TO i-2i NW TO TO NW o-i:. i N TO o-ii E. Margate Buoy MWbyN o-i N Slack Ebb Begins NE i-I No. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. ... N NE i-2 N NE -1-3 N NE 1—3 N NE 1—3 Elbow Buoy N NE i-2 N NE f-3 N NE 1—3 N NE 1—3 E. Goodwin Lt. V. NE i-3 NE i-4 NE 1-4^ NE i-5i GuU Lt. V. NEiN f-2i NEiN I— 2| NE^N li— 2i NE^N ii-3 So. Sd.Hd. Lt.V. NE ii-3 NE i*-3 NE if-3 NE If-2i Oflf S. Foreland, 1' S SE siEbyE H-3 NEbyE if-3 NEbyE if-3 NEbyE If— 2* Varne Lt. V. ENE I 2 ENE ii-3 ENE ii-3 ENE a— 2i Dungeness to 15' offing ENE 2-3 ENE 2—3 ENE li-2^. E NE I — 2 Hastings to 15' offing. • E i-I E i-i Slack o — O Separate O O Royal Sovereign Lt. V. Slack O — O W i-i W i-i W f-li Beachey Hd. to 15' offing W o-i W i-^i W I-n' W I — 2 Brighton 3' to 15' offing W o~i .W i-i:l W i-i^; W I — 2 OwersLt.V.5'tol5'offg. WbyS o-i WbyS i-ii WbyS I — 2 WbyS H-2i St.Catli.bear.NWbyW8' WbyN I — 2 W^byN 2—3 WbyN 2— ^ WbyN 2-4 St Cath. bear. E by N 5' NWbyW i-I NWbyW I — 2 NWbyW 1 2 NWbyW 2—3 St. Catherine's 5' to 15'off. WNW o-i WNW i-lj W NW I — 2 WNW li-2^ Anvil Pt. 2' to 15' offing W NW o-i W^ NW i-U W NW I 2 W NW ri— 2i Portland 2' to 15' offing W NW o-i WNW i— I^ W NW ) — 2 W NW Ii-2i Start Pt.bear.WNW 20' W O — I W O— 1 W i-1 w I-I^ Start Pt. 4' oflf shore .- W Ii-2i W H-^ W lk-2i w I — 2 Start Pt. 6' to 15' offing W O — I W O— I W i— ' w 1-li Eddystone bear. E by N 7' WNW i-i WNW i-i W NW i-l W NW i-i Eddygtone to 15 offing W i-i W i-i W i— i W i-i Lizard to 20' SE offing W i-I W i-i w i-' W NW i-I Lands End to 20' offing W k-i WbyN i-i W NW SlacK Turning o — o AFTER HIGH WATER at DOVER. Names ok Pl•ACE^ 2^ Hours. Tongue Lt. V. ■ • E. Margate Buoy No. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. Elbow Buoy E. Goodwin Lt. V. Gull Lt. V. So. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. Off S. Foreland, 1' S BE VarneLt. V Dungeness to 15 oflfing Hastings to 15' offing- •• Royal Sovereign Lt. V. Beachey Hd. to 15' offing Brighton 3' to 15' offing OwersLt.V.5'tol5'offg. St. Cath. bear. N W by W 8 ' St Cath. bear. E by N 5' St. Catherine's 5' to 15 'off. Anvil Pt. 2' to 15' offing Portland 2' to 15' offing Start Pt.bear.WNW 20' Start Pt. 4' off shore •• Start Pt. 5' to 15' offing Eddystone bear. E by N 7' Eddy stone to 15' offing Lizard to 20' SE offing Lands End to 20' offing UIRBCTION NEbyE ENE N NE N NE NE NE^N NE N'EbyE ENE E NE RATE IN KNOTS. 3 Houre. DIRECTION. TO o— i^ E NE i-M —3 —3 -4i —3 — 2 — 2 1 — I Slack o — o W W w WbyS WbyN NWbyW W NW WNW W NW W W W WNW W W NW I — 2 I — 2 li— 2^ 3-5 2—4 li— 2i 1^—2^ I-Ii I — 2 Weak i-i Slack E N NE N NE NE NE^N NE NEbyE ENE ENE W W W^ W WbyS WbyN NWbyW W NW W NW W NW W W W ESE WbyS W N R^TK IN KNOTS. TO DIRBCTIONv i~2 I — 2^ I — 2$ i-4i| Ii-2il I — 2 1 — 2 Slack I — 2 I — 2 li-2i 3—5 2—4 ri--2| li— 2.J /-li I — 2 I — li begins i-i i-i 1-i EbyN ESE N NE N NE NE NE^N E NE NEbyE ENE W SW W W W W WbyS WbyN NWbyW WNW WNW W^ NW W W W ESE SW W NE RATE IN KNOTS TO ; — 2 - -2 -3! i-H begins I — 2 I— I^ 2—4 2—4 —li — I-i — 2 Weak Weak Weak i-i 4 Hour*. OIRBCTION EbyN SE by E N NE N NE NE NE iN ENE W SW E NE W SW W W W W W by S WbyN NWbyW WNW W NW W NW W W W ESE Slack Slack E RATE IN K NOTS. TO I-2i 1-2* 1-31 Turning O — I i~I I — 2 I-Ii 1—3 2—3 i-ii I— li i-ii i— I i-i O — o o — o AFTER HIGH WATER at DOVER- Names of Places Tongue Lt,V. ••• E. Marg^ate Buoy No. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. Elbow Buoy E. Goodwin Lt. V. Gull Lt. V. So. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. Off S. Foreland, 1' S SB Varne Lt. V. Dungeness to 15 of&ng Hastings to 15' offing- Royal Sovereign Lt. V. Beachey Hd. to 15' offing Brighton 3' to 15' offing OwersLt.V.5'tol5'ofifg. St. CatlL bear. N W by W 8 St Cath. bear. E by N 5 St. Catherine's 5' to 15'off. AnvilPt. 2'tol5'offing Portland 2' to 15' offing Start Pt.bear.WNW 20' StartJPt. 4'off shore •• Start Pt. 5' to 15' offing Eddystone bear. E by N 7' Eddystone to 15' offing Lizard to 20' SE offing : Lands End to 20 offing. 4i Hours. DIRECTipN E SE N NE N NE NE NE^N Slack W SW Turning WSW W \V W W by S \V by N NWbyW W NW W NW W NW W W w ESE RATE IN KNOTS. TO 1—3 I 2 i-3 i— 1 o — o o — o I — 2 -I I — 2 I 2 O Slac Turning ' o — o E jWeak E j^i S Hours. DIRECTION E SE N NE N NE NE Turning SSW WSW W SW W SW W W W W VVby S Slack NWbyW W NW W NW W NW W E W ESE SE E E RATE IN KNOTS. TO I— 2i f-2 i—l i— I O — 2 O O i—i I — 2 I — 2 i— U O — o i— I i-I Weak Making Weak i— i Weak Sa Hours. DIRECTION E by S S SE Slack Slack Slack SW SW W SW WSW WSW W W W W Wby S W Slack Slack Slack Slack Slack E Slack E SE I - I ESE i i E E RATE IN KNOTS. TO f— 2i i— i^ O O O O O — O li 2i: i-l Slack finishe O — O O — O O — O O — o O— o J --2 O O 6 Hours. DIRECTION. RATE IN KNOTS. EbyS TO f-2 SSE f-I SSW k—H SSW i— li SW O— li SW i-li SW I— I* WSW I-If WSW h-H WSW 2—3 w i— > w o-i E begins W Slack E begins E begins SEbyE begins E begins E begins E begins E begins E I — 2 E begins ESE i-i ESE \-h E i-i E i-i BEFORE HIGH WATER at DOVER. NaMPQ CiK T*t ACV^ Sa Hours. & Hours. 4^ Hours. 4 Hours. A^AMca yjr jl. i-ziv-iii*. DIRECTION. RATE IN KNOTS. DIRECTION. RATE IN KNOTS. DIRECTION. KAii: IN KNOTS. niKECTION. KATB IN KNOTS. Tongue Lt. V. ESE TO i-2 ESE TO SE TO o-ii s TO O-i E. Margate Buoy SbyE h-l SbyE f-I S Slack SbyW i-I No. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. ... SSW ^-I SSW f— 24 SSW 1-2^ SSW 1—3 Elbow Buoy SSW i-I SSW f-2* SSW 1-2^ SSW 1—3 E. Goodwin Lt. V. SW i-I SW l—2i SW 1—4 SW ii-5i GuU Lt. V. SW ^-2 SW^W^ 1—23 SW iw 1—4 SWiW ii-3 So. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. ... SW 1^2 SW li-2 SW li— 2i SW li— 2i Off S. Foreland, 1' S SE WSW 1^2 W SW li— 2 WSW li— 21 W SW Ii-2i Varne Lt. V. WSW f-li WSW i-2i WSW f-2i WSW i— 2 Dungeness to 15' offing WSW 2—3 WSW 2—3 WSW li-2^ WSW I — 2 Hastings to 15' offing-.. w i— I W i-I SW Easy s Meeting Royal Sovereign Lt. V. Slack o — o E i-f E i— li E I-2i Beachey Hd. to 15' offing E o-h E f-l* E i-i| E I — 2 Brighton 3' to 15' offing EbyS o-i EbyS ^-Ii EbyS i-if EbyS I — 2 OwersLt.V.5'tol5'offg. EbyN o-i EbyN ^-i^ EbyN ^H EbyN Ii-2i St. Cath. bear. NWby W 8' E I — 2 E 2—4 E 3—5 E 3—5 St Cath. bear. E by N 5' SEby E i-I SEbyE I — 2 SEbyE 1—3 SE by E 2—4 St. Catherine's 5' to 15'off. E SE (^i ESE i-ii ESE i-ii ESE ii-2i Anvil Pt. 2' to 15' offing ESE o-i ESE i-ii ESE i-H ESE If- 2i Portland 2' to 15' offing E SE o-i ESE i-ii ESE i-ii ESE I^2i Start Pt.bear.WNW 20' E o-i E i-i E i-i E 4—1 Start Pt. 4' off shore •■• E I 2 E I — 2 E I-2i E l-2i Start Pt. 5' to 15' offing E O-i E o-i E f- 1 E i-1 Eddystone bear. E by N 7' ESE *— * ESE i-i ESE i-i ESE i-4 Eddystone to 15' offing E i— t E i-i E i-i E i-i Lizard to 20' SE offing E i— I E i— I E i-i EbyS i~i Lands End to 20' offing EbyS i-i EbyS i-i EbyS ^-i Slack — BEFORE HIGH WATER at DOVER. 3^ Hours. 3 Hours. 2| Hours. 2 Hours. Names of Places. RATE RATE RATE RATE DIRECTION. IN KNOTS. DIRECTION. IN KNOTS. DIRECTION. IN KNOTS. DIRECTION. IN KNOTS. TO TO TO TO Tongue Lt. V. w sw o— U WSW i-I^ WbyS i-2 WbyS f-2 E. Margate Buoy- ssw ^ — I^ sw f-2 W SW I — 2 W I-2i No. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. ... ssw 1—3 ssw 1—2^ SSW i-2 SSW i— 2 Elbow Buoy s sw 1—3 s sw I-2i SSW i-2 SSW i-2 E. Goodwin Lt. V. sw li— 5i sw li— 4 SW ii-4 sw i-3i Gull Lt. V SWiW U-3 sw^w li-2-5 SW|W 1-2^ sw iW i-2i So. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. sw I — 2 SWbyW 1 — 2 WbyS i-H WbyN i-li Oflf S. Foreland, 1' S SE wsw I — 2 WSW I — 2 W SW^ i-li WSW i-a Varne Lt. V wsw h-H WSW h-i Turning O — O E NE i—i Dungeness to 15 offing wsw I — 2 WSW i-i WSW i-I ENE begins Hastings to 15' offing- SE Easy ESE i— li E I-li E I — 2 Royal Sovereign Lt. V. E I-2i E 1—3 E 1—3 E 1—2^ Beachey Hd. to 15' offing E I — 2 E I — 2 E I — 2 E I — 2 Brighton 3' to 15' offing Eby S I — 2 EbyS I — 2 EbyS I — 2 EbyS I — 2 OwersLt.V.5'tol5'offg. EbyN Ii-2i EbyN li— 2i EbyN i-li EbyN i-li St. Cath. bear. N W by W 8 E 3—5 E 3—5 E 2—4 E 1—3 St Cath. bear. E by N 5' SEbyE 2—4 SE by E 2—4 SEbyE 2—4 SEbyE 2—3 St. Catherine's 5' to 15'off, ESE If-2i E SE Ii-2i ESE i-Ii ESE i— li Anvil Pt. 2' to 15' offing ESE li-2* ESE li-2^ ESE i-I* E SE i—H Portland 2' to 15' offing ESE li— 2-i E SE li-2^ ESE i-^i E SE i-ii Start Pt.bear.WNW 20' E I-Ii E I — I* E I-Il E i-ii Start Pt. 4' off shore -• E I-2i E I — 2 E Weak W makes Start Pt. 5' to 15' offing E i~I E i-I E i-i E i— I Eddystone bear. E by N 7 E SE Weak Slack O— O W NW Weak W NW i-i Eddystone to 15' offing E Weak Slack O — Slack o — O W begins Lizard to 20 SE offing Eby S Weak Slack o — o Slack o— o W weak Lttnds End to 20' offing Slack o — o Turning — o W by N Weak W by N l-^ BEFORE HIGH WATER at DOVER. ^AUirc nv Pf A^p*i 1^ Hour*. 1 Hour. ^ Hour. At Higrh Water DOVER. iNAMAo Up a i«ACl-2>. DIRECTION. RATE IN KNOTS. DIRECTION. RATE IN KNOTS. DIRECTION. RATE • IN KNOTS , HATlT DIRECTION. IN ; KNOTS. Ton^e Lt. V. w TO 1—2 w TO I-2i W NW TO 1—3 TO WNW f— 2i E. Margate Buoy WbyN 1 — 2 W NW J-2 NWbyW i-H NW i-I No. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. .•• SSW i-I Turning O— O N NE i-I N NE *-Ii Elbow Buoy ssw i-I Turning o — o N NE i-I N NE i-If E. Goodwin Lt. V. sw i-2i SW O— 2i Turning o — o NE O— 2f Gull Lt. V. Turning o-o NE^N i-2 NE^N i-2 NE^N i-2' So. Sd. Hd. Lt. V. Turning o — o N NE i-1 NEbyN 1—2 NE Ii-2i Off S. Foreland, 1' S SE E Begins o— o E l-I E I — 2 NEbyE 1^-2 J Varne Lt. V. ENE i— I ENE f-U ENE I-M E NE I-U Dungeness to 15 offing pNE i-I ENE I — 2 ENE 1^-2* ENE 2—3 Hastings to 15' offing • E I — 2 E I-Ii E i-M E f-li Royal Sovereign Lt. V. E I — 2 E l-u E ^-i E i-f Beachey Hd. to 15' offing E I-I| E f-Ii E o-l W begins Brighton 3' to 15' offing EbyS l-li EbyS l-I^ E Slack Slack o — o OwersLt.V.5'tol6'offg. EbyN i-I EbyN i-I Slack o — o W begins St. Cath. bear. NWby W 8' E I — 2 E Weak Slack o — o WbyN i— I St Cath. bear. E by N 5' SEbyE I — 2 SEbyE i-i Slack o — o NWbyW begins St. Catherine's 5' to 15'off. ESE i-I ESE i-i Slack o — o W begins Anvil Pt. 2' to 15' offing ESE i— I ESE i-i Slack o — o W begins Portland 2' to 15' offing ESE i-I ESE i-i Slack o — o W begins Start Pt.bear.WNW 20' E i-I E i— I Slack o — o W begins Start Pt, 4' off shore ••• W I — 2 W 1—2 W I — 2 W H-2k Start Pt. 5' to 15' offing E i-1 E o-J Slack o — o W begins Eddystone bear. E by N 7' W NW J-i WNW i-i WNW i-i W NW i-i Eddy stone to 15' offing W i-i W i-i W i-i W i-i Lizard to 20' SE offing W k-^ W i-i W i-i W i— I Lards End to 20' offing WbyS i-i W by S i-I W i-I w i-i lO CORRECTION FOR SOUNDINGS- To DOVER Tides. RISE OF TIDE— FULL & CHANGE. Names of Nearest Place. SPRINGS. NEAPS. Tongue Lt. V + H. M. 38 Margate FEET. 15 FEET. 13 E. Margate By + 38 Margate 15 13 No. Sd. Hd. Lt + 32 Ramsgate 15 12 Elbow By + 32 Ramsgate 15 12 E. Goodwin Lt + 32 Ramsgate 15 12 Gull Lt + 32 Ramsgate 15 12 So. Sd. Hd — Dover 19 15 So. Foreland — Dover 19 15 Varne Lt — 5 Folkestone 20 16 Dungeness — 27 Dungeness 22 19 Hastings — 19 Hastings 24 17 Royl. Sov. Lt Hastings 24 17 Beachy Hd + 8 Beachy Hd. ■ 20 15 Brighton 4- 3 Newhaven 20 15 Owers Lt., V Littlehampton i6 12 St. Catherines — 52 Atherfield Pt. 8 7 St. Catherines — 52 Atherfield Pt. 8 7 St. Catherines — 52 Atherfield 8 7 Anvil Pt — 3 Needles 7 5 Portland — 4 37 Portland ^ 6 Start Pt. WNW 20' ... — 5 4 Start Pt 15 II Start Pt. 4' off — 5 32 Start Pt 15 II Start Pt. 5' to 15' — 5 32 Start Pt 15 11 Eddystone W by N 7' ... — 6 Bigbury Bay 16 II Eddystone 5' to 15' — 6 Eddystone 16 12 Lizard — 6 12 Lizard 14 ID Land's End — 6 42 Penzance 16 — II Table B.—For finding the Height of the Tide at any intermediate hour between High and Low Water. - ■ 1>, TIBLB FROM HIOH WATEB. >~4 Feet. IH." ~M. 1 H. u. pi." M. 1 ■. ii. H. M. H. M. T H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. 1 H. M. O DO O 3?_ I o| I 30 a 2 30 3 3 30! 4 o'4 30 '5 RACT in.; ft.' 5 30 6 ADD. SU BT ft. ft m. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in.l ft. in. ft. in.] ft. in. ft. in. in. ft in.l ft. in. 3 3 o 2 II 2 7 2 I I 61 9 9 I 6, 2 I 2 7 2 "j 3 4 4 o 3 lO 3 6 2 10 i 0' I o| I 2 2 10 3 6 3 loj 4 5 5 o 4 lO 4 4 3 6 2 6i I 3 I 3 2 6 3 6 4 4 4 io| 5 6 6 o 5 lO 5 2 4 3 3 I 7 I 7 3 4 3 5 2 5 101 6 7 7 o 6 9 6 I 4 II 3 6 1 10 I 10 3 6, 4 II 6 I 6 970 8 « o 7 9 b II 5 8 4 2 I 2 I 4 ol 5 8 6 " 7 980 9 9 o 8 8 7 9 6 4 4 6 2 4 2 4 4 61 6 4 7 9 8 890 lO lO o 9 8 8 8 7 I 5 2 7 2 7 5 7 I 8 8 9 8 10 II 11 o lO 8 9 6 7 9 5 6 2 10 o|2 10 .5 6 7 9 9 6 10 8ii 12 12 o II 7 ro 5 8 6 6 3 I o'3 I 6 8 6 10 5 11 712 13 13 O 12 7 II 3 9 2 6 6 3 4 3 4 6 6 9 2 II 3 12 713 '^ H o|i3 ^ 12 ' 9 II 7 3 7 Oi 3 7 7 0: 9 '' 12 I 13 6140 RULE. — Find the time of High Water at the Ship by applying the corrections of the nearest place according to the sign, making Dover the standard Port of reference and using Greenwich mean time. From the height of the rise of tide at the nearest place to the Ship (deciding whether it be Spring Tide or Neap, or something between the two), subtract half the height of the Spring Tide at the place. The remamder will be the Height above Half-tide, with which enter Table B, rst column, and under Time from High Water take out the corresponding correction, and, as directed, add it to or subtract it from half the height of Spring Tide at the place. The result will be the approximate Height of the Tide, at tl)at time, above ordinary Low Water Spring Tide soundings marked on the Channel Charts, and to which sounding the correction must be added. EXZ^nS^I^XjES. Required— The Correction oflF the Eddystone at 2 o'clock Greenwich mean time. H.W. at Dover (say) Correction for Eddystone Time of H.W. at Ship .. HRS. MIN. 6 O — 6 o Mean time at Ship Time of H.W. at Ship .. HKS. MIN, 2 O O O Time from H.W. RISE OF TIDE AT THE NEAREST PLACE (p. 10) NEAPS 12 ft. FT. IN. Height of Rise of Tide at nearest place .. .. 12 o Half the height of Spring Tide (16 ft.) .. .. — 8 o 1st column of Table B and under 2 hours from H.W. Half the height of Spring Tide (iS) gives Correction _4 _o height above Half-tide. + 2 o _1J 10 o Correction to be added to the sounding marked on the Chart. Jtequired— The Correction oflE" Beachy Head at 1 o'clock Greenwich mean time, HKS. MIN. HRS. MIN H.W. at Dover (say) .. .. 11 o Correction for Beachy (p. 10) . . +0 8 Time of H.W. at Ship .. .. n 8 Mean time at Ship Time of H.W. at Ship Time from H.W. 8 52 RISE OF TIDE AT THE NEAREST PLACE (p. 10) SPRINGS 20 FT. FT. IN. Height of Rise of Tide at nearest place .. 20 o Half the height of Spring Tide (20 ft.) .. —10 o ist column of Table B and under ., .. 10 o height above Half-tide. 2 hours from H W. .. gives Correction +5 o 15 o This being the Correction to add to the sounding marked on the Chart. ADMIRALTY CHARTS. THE LATEST EDITIONS OF CHARTS, PLANS, AND SAILING DIIIECTIONS PUBUSHBD BY THE ADMIRALTY CAN BE OBTAINED FROM ^J. D. POTTEK, SOLE AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THE ADMIRALTY CHARTS, BY APPOINTMENT OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, 31, POUILim^^y', E.G., — IND — 11, KING STREET, TOWER HILL, E., Official Catalogue (corrected annaallj to 31st December) of Admiralty Charts, Plans, and Sailing Directions, price 1/- Following the publication of the Catalogue, a Bi-monthly List is printed of additional Charts and Sailing Directions issued from the Hydrographic Department, price 3d. NOTICE. — For the early information and convenience of Shipowners, Captains, and others, all NEW ADMIRALTY CHARTS that may be published from time to time are noted every Monday in the " Shipping (ia/.ettc and Lloyd's List," on page 7 ; in the '• Shipping Gazette and Lloyd's List Weekly Summary," every Friday, on page 1 ; and in the " Lloyd's Weekly Shipping Index," every Friday, on page 3 of cover. TBE NEW AND CORRECTED ADMIRALTY CHARTS ABE ALSO NOTED IN THE FOLLOWINQ MONTHLY JOURNALS:— TYiei Nautical Magazine The Oeographical Journal The Shipping VTorld (publithed in London.) The Steamship (Xntblithtil in Leith.) Copies of the Charts can be obtained by applying to J. D. POTTER. LIST OF NAUTICAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY J. D. POTTER. Crnise Round the World of The Flying Squadron, 1869-70, under the command of Rear-Admiral G. T. Phipps Hornby, and Chart shewing the Track of The Flying Squadron ; with illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chart of the Sulina Branch of the Danube (European Commission of the Danube), surveyed by Robert Hansford, Surveyor of the Commission, under the Direction of C. A. Hartley, Engineer in Chief (shewing 45 Nautical Miles of theRiver from Sulina), size 10 ft. X 2 ft. Sin. (1860) . . 20 The Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, by Lieut. Raper, R.N. . . 16 Light as a Motive Power, a Series of Meteorological Essays (1875), by Lieut. R. H. Armit,R.N 15 The Wind in his Circuits : with the explanation of the Origin and Cause of Circular Storms and Equinoctial Gales; illustrated with numerous Diagrams and a Chait of the Prevailing Winds of the World for Spring and Summer {1870), by Lieut. R. H.Armit, R.N 7 6 Tracii Chart of the World, large scale, mounted on cloth . . . • . . . . 12 Practical Notes on Marine Surveying and Nautical Astronomy, by Capt. Richard C. Maijne, R.N., C.B 10 6 Azimuth Tables (30° N. to 30° S.), by Capt. Davis, R.N. 10 6 Physical Geography in its relation to the prevailing Winds and Currents, by John Knox Laughton, M.A, {Mathematical and Naval Inttructor at the Royal Naval ColUge) 10 6 Elementary Manual for the Deviations of the Compass in Imn Ships, by Capt. F. J.Evanii,R.N 6 6 LIST OF NAUTICAL WORKS Admiralty Procedure against Merchant Ships and Cargoes, &c., in the High Court of Justice and in County Courts, showing the various matters as to which proceedings in Admiralty can be taken, and the mode of commencing action, &c., by R. G. M. Browne, the Admiralty Marshal 10 The Statute Law of Merchant Shipping, comprised in an alphabetical analysis, and a summary of the unrepealed Merchant Shipping Acts, from 1821 to 1888, by R. G. 31. Browne, the Admiralty Marshal 6 The Landfall of Columbus on his first voyage to America, with a Translation of The Baron Bonnefoux's History of his previous life, also a Chart showing his Track from the Landfall to Cuba and an outline of his subsequent voyages, hy Capt. A. B. Becker, R.N., F.R.A.S 12 Navigation of the Indian Ocean, China and Australian Seas ; with an account of the Winds, Weather, and Currents found therein throughout the year (with Ch&rts),hy A. B. Becker, Capt. R.N 5 Navigation of the Atlantic Ocean ; with an account of the Winds, Weather, and Currents found therein throughout the year (with Charts), hy A. B. Becker, Capt. R.N 5 Winds and Currents of the Mediterranean, with remarks on its Navigation at different Seasons of the year, compiled from various authorities, chiefly Sip&n\sh,hy A. B. Becker, Capt. R.N 3 The Binnacle Compass Corrected by itself, or the Deviation found with one Compass by both methods, and the Corrections applied, by A. B. Becker, Capt. R.N 10 Tables of Mast Head Angles, for five feet intervals from 30 to 280 feet and varying distances from a cable's length to four miles, with their application to Nautical Surveying ; also the determination of distance by sound, with an eji&mTi^le, by A. B. Becker, Capt. R.N 2 The Storm Compass, or Seaman's Hurricane Companion, containing a familiar explanation of the Hurricane Theory, illustrated with Diagrams and Accounts of Hurric&nee,hy A. B. Becker, Capt. R.N. .. .. .. .. ..16 Description of an Artificial Horizon, invented by A. B. Becker, Capt. R.N., with examples of its application, afloat and ashore (1857) . . . . ..10 Naval Dictionary, English, Dutch, French, and German, for the use of Captains and Shipowners, by D. J. Boom, Lieut. Dutch Royal Navy . . . . . . 10 An Essay on Hydrographical Engineering, as applicable to Floating Sea Barriers, Harbours, Batteries, Coast Defences, and JTaval Fortifications, by Cavt, Adderley Sleigh, K.T.S., F.R.S.L. {with IWu&tT&tions), 1859 .. .. '. . 10 Concise Navigating Directions for the Eiver Thames, including all the Pools, Reaches and Channels, from London Bridge to the South Foreland and Orfordness, and for the English Channel to Beachy Head, also for the Port of Dunkerque and the Approaches to the Scheldt, by Stephen Penney, Trinity Pilot, Gravesend (Illustrated by Twenty-four Charts) . , . , . . ..76 Pilot's Handbook for the English Channel, by Capt. King, R.N. (with Twenty-one Charts) 7 6 Foreign Measures and their English Values, compiled from Official Sources, by R. C. Carrington, F.R.G.S 7 6 Tables showing the Length in Feet of a Degree, Minute, and Second of Latitude and Longitude, with the corresponding number of Statute Miles in each Degree of Latitude ; and the number of Minutes of Latitude or Nautic Miles con- tained in a Degree of Longitude, under each Parallel of Latitude, by R. C. Carrington, F.R.G.S 10 The A.B.C. of Sumner's Method of Ascertaining a Ship's Position by Projection, by Digby Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..50 Scales of Latitude from 5° to 60° proportional to a scale of Longitude, where iin. = one mile, arranged to facilitate the finding of position from two Sumner lines, by R. E. Peake, A.M.I.C.E. .. . . . . per set 5 Charts to accompany above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each 1 6 Tide Charts of the English and Bristol Channels and Entrance of the Thames, compiled from the Admiralty Tide Tables, by Algernon Heber Percy, late Lieut. Eoyal Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..50 19 Charts of the Isle of Wight and Solent Tides, from Portland Bill to The Owers, by T. B. G. West and F. Hmvard Collins 7 6 Notes on the Management of Chronometers and the Measurement of Meridian Distances, by Rear-Admiral Charles Shadwell, C.B., F.R.S. , . . . ..46 Notes on the Reduction of Lunar Observations, Mathematical and Practical, by Rear-Admiral Charles Shadwell, C.B., F.R.S. .. .. .. . ..46 Formulae of Navigation, Nautical Astronomy, &c., intended to serve as an " Aide- Memoire " for the use of Naval Officers, and Students of Nautical Astronomy, hy Rear-Admiral Charles Shadwell, C.B., F.R.S. .. .. ..2 6 Tables for Facilitating the Determination of the Latitude and Time at Sea by Ohservsitions oi the Stars, hy Rear-Admiral Shadwell, C.B., F.R.S. .. .. 2 6 Notes on Interpolation, Mathematical and Practical, do. . . . . . . . 2 Chart of the Navy of Great Britain, from the Earliett Period of History, compiled from historical publications, old records. Parliamentary returns, and other aothonties, by Frederick Perigal (of the Admiralty), 1860 3 6 Published by J. D. POTTER. An Introduction to the Practice of Navigation and Nuutical ABtronomy, by li. E, Jlooppell, M.A., F.Ii.A.S 3 6 Time- Altitudes for Expediting the Calculation of Aijparont-Tinie, by A. C. Johnton, R.N 4 Hour Angles of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, for Latitude and Declination 0°-80°, and Altitude 5°-64°, together with Short Methods of finding the Longitude by Chronometer ; and the latitude and Longitude by Two "Chronometers," hy A. C. Johnson, R.N 3 6 Short Tables and Rules for Finding Latitude and Longitude, by Single and Double Altitudes, Pole Star, Lunars, Ac, by A. C, Johnton, R.N. .. , . 'A How to find the Time at Sea in less thnn a Minute, being a New and Accurate Method, with specially adapted Tables, by ^. C. Johnton, R.N. .. ..26 Combined Time and Altitude Azimuth Tables, for all Latitudes and Declinations, hj A. C.Johnson, R.N 2 6 Finding the Latitude and Longitude in Cloudy Weather, by ^. C. Johnton, R.N. 1 Practical Information on the Deviation of the Compass, for the use of Masters and Mates of Iron Ships, by J. r. Toipson, ii'./J.G.S 4 Tables for the Reduction of Ex-meridian Altitudes, by J. T. Toicson, F.R.O.S. . . 10 An Elementary Treatise on the Tides, based upon that of the late Sir J. W. Lubbock, Bart., F.R.S., to which is added a newly-devised method of compu- lation of the heights of high water at Liverpool, with factors for other ports, and Tables adopted by the Admiralty, by James Pearson, M.A., F.R.A.S. .. 3 6 The True Principle of the Law of Storms, practically arranged for both Hemi- spheres, by James Sedgtciek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..30 A Chart of South Latitudes, beyond 20 degrees, to Facilitate the Practice of Great Circle Sailing ; with an accompanying Diagram for the Determination of the Courses and Distances, by HupA God/ray, A/.^. .. .. .. .. ..3 Time Azimuth Diagram, by Hugh God/ray, M.A. . . . . . . . . ..30 Captain Weir's Azimuth Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16 Captains' and Officers' Bridge or Poop Companion. Tables for finding the distance of an object at sea by inspectioH (without the use of pencil or paper), at the same time giving the distance the ship will go wide of the object before getting to it, and the course to steer to obtain a required distance, by A. Hiitteroth 2 6 Practical Nautical Surveying (a Lecture delivered at the Royal United Service Institution, 1872), by Staf Commander Thomas A. Hull, R.N 2 Observations on the Rule of the Road at Sea, prepared for and dedicated to Officers and Seamen of the Mercantile Marine, by Thomas Gray . . . . 2 Remarks on Rigging Ships with Flat Surface Sails, by Lieut. William Congalton, R.N.R 2 On the Stability of Ships and Floating Bodies, by Alf. J. Cooper (Master Mariner) 1 6 Seamanship and Navigation, Required for the Ordinary Examination, by Capt. R.Maxwell Is., and Cloth 1 6 Seamanship and Navigation, Required for the Extra Master's Examination, by Capt. R. Maxirell .. .. .. .. .. .. Is., and Cloth 1 6 A Review of the New Methods of Lowering and Disconnecting Boats at Sea, with a proposed Amendment (1857), by Capt. Kynaston, R.N., C.B., dc. . . ..16 Speed Tables, for finding the Distance run in a given time at a given speed, between the limits of 10 to 18 Knots, by J. D. Macpherson (Pacific Steam Navigation Co.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10 Pole-Star Latitude : a Method of finding the Latitude from an Altitude of the Pole-Star, by Damton Hutton (Master Mariner), B,A., M.Inst.C.E. .. .. 10 Practical Observations on Surveying (on Determining the Position of a Vessel when Sounding), hy Commander P. F. Shortland, R.N. .. .. .. ..10 General Guide to Marine Insurance, by J. P. Godfrey . . . . . . ..10 Handbook on the Law and Practice relating to Apprentices to the Mercantile Marine Service, by F. fV. Gardner (of the Middle Temple) . . . . ..10 A Voice from the Quarter-Deck on the State of our Mercantile Marine, by Joseph Mayne (Master Mariner) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10 How Ships are Lost, and How to Save Life and Property at Sea (Illustrated), by W. P. B. Manter 10 A Method for finding the Latitude by the Simultaneous Altitudes of Two Stars, by Capt. Burdwood, R.N 10 Ship's Cook and Steward's Guide, containing Hints for Management, and Two Hundred and Fifty Recipes, by James B. Wilson . . . . . . . . ..10 Historical Notes on Shipping, by F. L. Isaac (Member of the Institution of Naval Architects) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10 Lights in Lyrics, or a Glance at the^Channel Lights as Piloting Marks, on a run from Scilly to the Nore, accompanied by a parting precept on Compass Deviation, addressed to all younger Mariners. (With a View of the Caskets), Notes and Charts, (1859) 10 Notes on Cherbourg (Geographical and Historical description of, Ac.) and Chart, {1858) hy Bedford Pirn, Commander R.N., F.R.G.S 10 Navigation, intended for Self-Instruction up to the Second Mate's Examination, by William Roy 6 Swinging Ship for Deviation (Board of Trade, 1859), compiled by Rear-Admiral Fitzroy,l\R.S. ' 10 A Review of the Proceedings of the Arctic Searching Expeditions, under the command of Captain H. T. Austin, C.B., and Capt. Wm. Penny (with a Chart), 1851 10 Ditto ditto Arctic Papers, No. 2 (1851) 6 Ditto ditto ditto No. 3 (1852) 6 The Arctic Dispatches, containing an Account of the Discovery of the North-West Passage by Capt. Eobert Maclure (commanding H.M.S. "Investigator") with, a Map of the Discoveries in the Arctic Regions, (1852-3) 2 The True Direction and Velocity of Wind, observed from Ships while Sailing, by James N. Miller (Member of the Liverpool Polytechnic Society), with Table for Indicating the True Direction of the Winds at Sea, (1870) 6 An Address delivered to the Boys of The Training Ships " Chichester " and the " Arethusa," by 6. M. Coxhead (1885) 4 Dock Pass Book 10 ADMIRALTY INDEX CHARTS. Price 6d. each. The Admiralty Chart Index Sheets icill be found very useful to Captains in their selection of Charts. A — The World. B — England, Ireland, and Channel Islands. C — Scotland. D — North, Baltic, and WTiite Seas. E — France, Spain, Portugal, and the Mediterranean Sea, F — Africa and adjacent Islands. G — Indian Ocean. H — Western Australia and Eastern Archipelago. I — East Australia and Now Zealand. J— China Sea, Siam, and Philij^pine Islands to Japan. K — Japan Islands, Korea, and Manchiuia. L — Islands in the I'acific Ocean. M — West Coast of North America. N — South America. O — West Indies and Central America. P — East Coast of North America. 171. Index Chart of Admiralty Sailing Directions, 1/- Signs and Abbreviations adopted in the Admiralty Charts, 6d. Official Catalogue of Charts, Plans, and Sailing Directions, 1/- Prices for Mounting (on Linen) the Admiralty Charts : — 8. d. SmaU Sheet, 20 x 27 in 10 Large Sheet, 40 x 27 in. 1 G Larger Sheets than above . . . . 2/- and 2 Leather Portfolios (size 27i x 21i x 4 in.) with straps and buckles, for the Admiralty Charts (and Printed Sheet for Indexing Chai'ts), 20/- each. POTTEE'S NAUTICAL ACADEMY, 11, KING STREET, TOWER HILL, LONDON. Conducted by CAPTAIN R. MAXWELL Captains and Oificers of the Merchant Service prepared to pass the Local Marine Board Examinations, both in NAVIGATION and SEAMANSHIP. Also a complete course of Navigation, Trigonometry, &c., taught on moderate terms. CAPT. R. MAXWELL has passed his Examinations (Ordinary and Extra) at the London Local Marine Boabd, and has conducted the above Academy since the j'ear 1867. GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHUET BINDER Manu/ocluttd kti GAYLORD BROS. Im. Syricui*, N. Y. Skocliton, C»lif. YD 15689 iM315174