i!*>»^^^ ^" GIFT OF ^•\ [Eighty-six folios.] [egstetlve Reference Scctwn GENERAL — ALL COUNTIES. LAWS OF NEW YORK.— By Authority. _^^ ^ Chap. 444. .N ACT to authorize a city of the second or third class to adopt a simplified form of government. Jecame a law April 16, 1914, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented- in Senate md Assembly^ do enact as folloivs: rticle I. Short title; definitions; application; general pro- visions (§§ 1-11). II. Adoption of simplified form of government (§§ 15- 26). III. General powers (§§ 35-51). IV. Government by means of limited council. Title I. Government by limited council, with division of administrative duties (§§ 70-77). II. Government by limited council, with collective supervision (§§ 78-84). V. Government by limited council, with appointive city manager (§§ 85-93). yi. Government by means of separate legislative and executive departments. Title I. Legislative department consisting of three or five councilmen (§§ 100- 108). II. Legislative department consisting of nine councilmen (§ 110). III. Legislative department consisting of councilmen elected by districts (§115). VII. Adoption by third class city of second class cities law (§ 120). ^ yill. Saving clause; mis^^eilanepus ^provisions (§§ 125- 126). • • *" ' *' ^' ^ 337079 c.-Z^ ARTICLE I. Shoet Title ; Definitions ; Application ; General Pso visions. Section 1. Short title. 2. Definitions. 3. Application of chapter. 4. Continuance of existing legislative powers of city. 5. Other powers of city. 6. Duties and liabilities of city. 7. Existing ordinances continued. 8.. Existing laws continued. 9. Supervisors. 10. Determination of questions by popular vote. 11. Number of inhabitants of a city, how determined. Section 1. Short title. This act may be known and cited as " the optional city government law." § 2. Definitions. 1. The term " city," as used in this act, in- cludes any city of the second or third class as classified in the con- stitution. 2. The term " general city election " means an election at which the final selection is made of a city ofiicer. 3. The term " commissioner of elections " includes those of- ficers who have similar powers and duties in counties where no commissioners of election are appointed. 4. The term " charter " includes all provisions of local or special law applicable to the city. § 3. Application of chapter. Any city which shall adopt, in the manner hereinafter prescribed, one of the methods of govern- ment provided in this chapter, shall thereafter be governed by the provisions hereof. § 4. Continuance of existing legislative powers of city. None of the legislative powers of a city shall be abridged or impaired by the provisions of this act, but all such legislative powers are hereby devolved upon and shall be possessed and exercised by such body as shall be the legislative body of the city under the provisions hereof. § 5. Other powers of city. The existing corporate powers of a city shall not be construed to have been abridged or impaired by the provisions; of this 2ict,rbut^he same shall be exercised as herein provided. ' ' * . § 6. Duties and liabilities of city. ISTothing in this act shall be construed to in any way impair or affect any duty or liability now imposed by law upon a city. § 7. Existing ordinances, continued. All ordinances, resolu- tions, orders or other regulations of a city, or any authorized body or official thereof, existing at the time the provisions of this act shall become applicable to the city, and not inconsistent with the provisions hereof, shall continue in full force and effect until re- pealed, modified or otherwise superseded. § 8. Existing laws continued. Except insofar as any of its pro- visions shall be inconsistent with this act, the charter of the city, and all special or general laws applicable thereto, shall continue in full force and effect, until and unless superseded by the passing of ordinances regulating the matters therein provided for; but to the extent that any provisions thereof shall be inconsistent with this act, the same are hereby superseded. § 9. Supervisors. Nothing in this act contained shall affect the powers, duties, manner of election or appointment of super- visors. § 10. Determination of questions by popular vote. Nothing in this act shall be construed as superseding or repealing any pro- vision of law requiring any matter to be submitted to the vote of the electors or taxpayers, or permitting the city council to so sub- mit any matter or question. § 11. Number of inhabitants of a city, how determined. For the purposes of this act the number of inhabitants of a city shall be deemed to be the number as ascertained by the latest state census or United States census, whichever shall be later. AETICLE 11. Adoption of Si:mplified Form of Government. Section 15. Preparation and presentation of petition. 16. Form of petition. 17. Summary proceedings to review sufficiency of peti- tion. 18. Submission of question at general city election. 19. Submission of question at special election. 20. Publication of notice and conduct of election. 21. Form of ballot; voting machines. 22. Submission of but one plan at an election. 23. Effect of adoption of plan. 24. Effect of rejection of plan. 25. Continuance of plan when adopted. 26. Duty of city clerk on adoption of plan. § 15. Preparation and presentation of petition. When thirty days shall have elapsed since the taking effect of this act, a peti- tion may be presented at any time to the common council of the city, in the form, and signed and certified as provided in the next section. The petition shall be presented by filing the same with the city clerk. It shall be signed by qualified electors of the city to a number at least equal to ten per centum of the number of votes cast therein at the general election preceding the presentation of the petition in a city where less than twenty thousand votes were so cast, and in any other city by qualified electors of the city to the number of not less than two thousand. § 16. Form of petition. The petition shall be in substantially the following form: To the common council of the city of : We, the undersigned, qualified electors of this city, respectfully petition your honorable body to cause to be submitted to a vote the following question: Shall the city of adopt the simplified form of government defined as plan (insert A, B, C, D, E, F, or G, as desired by petitioners), and consisting of (describe particular plan briefly, as " government by limited council with division of administrative duties," or " government by limited council, with city manager," or " government by sep- arate legislative and executive departments with five councilmen elected at large," et cetera) according to the provisions of chapter of the laws of (insert chapter number and year of passage of this act), known as " the optional city government law." (In a city of less than twenty-five thousand inhabitants, if the plan specified in the foregoing question is plan A, plan B or plan D, such petition shall also contain the following additional ques- tions:) 2. Shall the council under said plan be composed of five mem- bers, including the mayor? (The words " including the mayor " shall be omitted in the case of plan D.) 3. Shall the council under said plan be composed of three mem- bers, including the major? (The words " including the mayor " shall be omitted in the ease of plan D.) (Signature of elector.) (Eesidence, by street and number.) The execution of the petition by an elector shall be acknowl- edged by him, or it may be proved by the oath of a witness who shall swear that he knows the elector and that the petition was signed by the elector in the presence of the witness. The petition may be in the form of separate sheets, each sheet containing at the top thereof the petition as above set forth, and when bound to- gether and offered for filing these shall be deemed to constitute one petition. § 17. Summary proceeding to review sufficiency of petition. Such a petition, which complies with the requirements of this article both as to form and number of signers and manner of exe- cution, shall be accepted as prima facie sufficient. The supreme court, or any justice thereof within the judicial district, or the county judge of the county wherein the city is located, shall have summary jurisdiction upon complaint of an elector, to determine the sufficiency of the petition, and the genuineness of the signa- tures thereon and the qualifications of the electors signing the same, and may mal^e such order in the premises as justice may require; but such summary proceeding shall be instituted within ten days after presentation of the petition. § 18. Submission of questions at general city election. Within five days after the petition shall have been filed with him, the city clerk shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the commis- sioner of elections (except that the signatures upon the petition, and the acknowledgment or proof thereof need not be copied, but in place thereof the city clerk shall state the number of signa- tures of electors thereon). If the petition shall have been filed with the city clerk (or, in case a summary proceeding has been instituted, a final order thereon has been made in favor of the sufiiciency of the petition) not more than three months and not less than one month prior to a general city election the commis- sioner of elections shall oause the question or questions proposed by the petition to be duly submitted to a vote of the electors of the city at such general city election. 6 § 19. Submission of questions at special election. If a petition is not filed (or a final order made) so as to permit the questions to be submitted at a general city election, within the provisions of the preceding section, the common council shall at its next regular meeting succeeding the presentation of the petition desig- nate a day for the holding of a special election to ascertain the will of the electors regarding the questions, which day shall not be less than one month nor more than two months thereafter; except that no such special election shall be held in either the months of July or August, and the common council shall instead thereof name a day in September. The provisions of the election law, governing the registration of voters, equipment of polling places, furnishing of supplies, voting, and canvass of return of votes, at an election other than a general election, shall apply to such special election. The common council is hereby authorized to appropriate and ex- pend from monies raised by taxation, the necessary expense of such special election ; and if monies shall not be available for that purpose, to borrow on temporary loan, the amount necessary there- for; and to raise the amount of the principal and interest there- of by tax in the same manner as other city expenses. § 20. Publication of notice and conduct of election. The city clerk shall give notice of the submission of the questions by forth- with posting in at least four public places in the city notice of the filing of the petition and the character of the questions to be sub- mitted, and the commissioner of elections shall during the four weeks next preceding the election publish notice of the submission of the questions in the same manner as is required in the case of the submission of a special question to the electors of the city. Whenever the questions shall be submitted at a special election, the election ofiicers who shall have been appointed to serve at the general city election next succeeding, or if none shall have been appointed then those election ofiicers who were 'appointed to serve at the last election held in the city, shall serve within their districts at such special election, and shall receive the same compensation. The polling places shall be the same as were designated for the holding of the preceding general city election, and the commis- sioner of elections shall furnish for use therein the same equipment as at a general city election, so far as the same may be necessary. § 21. Form of ballot; voting machines. The general form of ballot shall conform as nearly as may be to the requirements of section three hundred and thirty-two of the election law. In a citv of less than twenty-five thousand inhabitants, if the plan to be submitted is plan A, plan B or plan D, there shall be printed at the left of questions two and three only one voting square for each of said questions, and at the left of each of said voting squares shall be printed the word "Yes" and there shall be printed on the stub at the top of the ballot above the directions to the voters prescribed in section three hundred and thirty-two of the election law, the following direction: " Vote on question one, and on question two OR question three." "Do NOT vote on BOTH question two AISFD question three." In case voting machines are in use in the city, they shall be used at the special election. § 22. Submission of but one plan at an election. The ques- tion of the adoption of not more than one plan may be submitted at an election. If pending the determination of the question or ques- tions proposed by a petition already filed, another petition pre- senting the question of the adoption of a different plan shall be presented, no action whatever shall be taken upon the later pe- tition until after the submission to a vote of the question or ques- tions proposed by the earlier petition. Should the result of such vote be adverse thereto, proceedings shall then be had upon the later petition as though the same had been presented upon the day such vote was cast. § 23. Effect of adoption of plan. If a majority of the total number of votes cast for and against its adoption, at a special or general city election upon the adoption of one of the plans of government provided for in this act, shall be in favor of its adop- tion, the provisions of this act, so far as applicable to the form of government under the plan adopted by the city, shall supersede the provisions of the charter and of the general and special laws relating thereto and inconsistent herewith, but not, however, until officers provided for under such plan shall have been duly elected and their terms of office shall have commenced. The officers provided for under the plan so adopted shall be elected in accordance ^\ath the provisions of this chapter relating to such plan, at the general city election next succeeding the adoption of such plan, and their terms of office shall commence on the first day of the second calendar month next succeeding their election, and thereupon the term of office of each elected officer of the city then in office, excepting the officers provided for in sections forty- five and forty-six of this chapter, shall expire. In a city of less 8 than twenty-five thousand inhabitants, if the plan so adopted is plan A, plan B or plan D, if the number of voters voting " Yes " on question number two is greater than or equal to the number of voters voting " Yes " on question number three, the council shall be composed of five members. If the number of voters voting " Yes " on question number three is greater than the number of voters voting " Yes " on question number two, the council shall be composed of three members. If a voter shall vote " Yes " on both questions two and three, his ballot shall not thereby be invalidated, but his vote shall not be counted as a vote on either of said ques- tions two and three. § 24. Effect of rejection of plan. Should a majority of the votes so cast be against the adoption of the plan proposed no peti- tion proposing the same plan shall be presented within one year thereafter; but a petition proposing the adoption of one of the other plans provided for in this act may be presented at any time thereafter, and proceedings thereon shall be had as though no prior petition under this act had been presented. § 25. Continuance of plan when adopted. Should any one of the plans of government provided for in this act be adopted, the same shall continue in force and effect for the period of at least four years after the commencement of the terms of office of the officials elected thereunder, and no petition proposing a different plan shall be presented during a period of three years and six months after such adoption. In a city of less than twenty-five thousand inhabitants, which has adopted plan A, plan B or plan D, the question, Avhether the council of said city under said plan shall be changed from a council composed of five members to a council composed of three members or vice versa, may, at any time after the expiration of the said period of four years, be presented and voted upon in like manner, as herein prescribed for presenting and voting upon the question of the adoption of a different plan. § 26. Duty of city clerk on adoption of plan. It shall be the duty of the city clerk of any city adopting any one of the plans herein provided for, within thirty days after the election at which such plan is adopted, to prepare a complete record of all the pro- ceedings had in regard thereto, which shall include the original affidavits of the publication of the notice of the election, with copies of the notice as published, attached, a specimen of tlu- ballots used at the election, and a certified copy of the canvass 9 of the votes cast at such election, and to transmit such record to the office of the secretary of state, where it shall be kept as a public record. It shall be the duty of the secretary of state to cause to be published separately under an appropriate heading, in the appendix of the session laws of each year, the names of the cities wdiich have accepted any of the plans of government provided for in this act, with a statement of the plan adopted and the date of adoption, and such statement so published shall be conclusive evidence of such adoption. AETICLE III. Genekal Peovisions Applicable to Each Method of Govern- ment. Section 35. Application of sections of this article. 36. Exercise of legislative powers by council. 37. Effect upon provisions of existing law of adoption ol ordinance regulating subject-matter thereof. 38. Terms of office. 39. Vacancies. 40. Penalties for misconduct. 41. Qualifications and disabilities. 42. Power to issue subpoenas. 43. Assessment of property for purpose of general taxa- tion or for local improvements. 44. Judicial officers. 45. Boards of education. 46. Civil service. 47. Civil service commissioners. 48. Administration of pension and other special funds. 49. Temporary appointment in case of disability. 50. Access to records of city officers. 51. General powers of the mayor. § 35. Application of sections of this article. Unless otherwise especially provided, the sections contained in this article shall apply to the plans of government defined in this act as plan A, B, C, D, E, F and G. § 36. Exercise of legislative powers by council. Except as in this section especially regulated, the legislative powers of the coun- cil of the city may be exercised as provided by ordinance or rule adopted by it. 1. Each member of the council shall have the right 10 to vote on any question coming before it; a majority of the coun- cil shall constitute a quorum, and the affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the coimcil shall be necessary to adopt any motion, resolution or ordinance. 2. Eegular meetings of the council shall be held weekly at a time and place fixed by ordinance ; special meetings may be called by any member on three days' notice, specifying the object of the meeting. All legislative sessions shall be open to the public, and every matter coming before the council for disposition shall be put to a vote whereon the ayes and nays shall be called and re- corded. A full and accurate journal of the proceedings of the council shall be kept, and shall be open to the inspection of any elector of the city. 3. The council shall appoint a city clerk, who shall have such powers and perform such duties as the council may from time to time prescribe, in addition to such duties as may be prescribe(il)y law; the city clerk shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the- council. p § 37. Effect upon provisions of existing law of adoption of ordinance regulating subject-matter thereof. Until superseded as herein provided, all provisions of law regulating the exercise of the powers and the performance of the duties of officers and em- ployees of any city shall continue in full force and effect. The council under any one of the plans of government defined in this act as plan A, B, C, D, E or F shall have power, subject to the provisions of this act, to confer by ordinance upon any officer or employee .of the city any powers, or to impose upon any such officer or employee any duties, theretofore conferred or imposed upon any officer or employee by provision of law, and such powers or duties shall thereupon devolve upon or be discharged by such officer or employee upon whom the same shall have been so con- f errciQ or imposed ; but the provisions of law regulating the exer- cise of such powers or the performance of such duties shall, subject to being superseded as herein provided, continue in force and apply to the exercise or performance thereof by the officer or employee upon whom such powers or duties are conferred or imposed, and whenever by any such ordinance all the powers and duties of any appointive officer or employee of the city are con- ferred or imposed upon one or more other officers or employees, such ordinance may abolish the office or employment held by the officer or employee whose powers and duties shall have ceased, 11 and thereupon the term of office or employment of such officer or employee shall expire. The council under any one of the plans of government defined in this act as plan A, B, C, D, E or F shall, subject to the provisions of this act, have power to regulate by ordinance the exercise of any power and the performance of any duty by any officer or employee of the city ; and upon the passing of any such ordinance every provision of the charter or of the second class cities law, applicable to such city, regulating the matters, or any of them, provided for in such ordinance, shall cease to have any force or effect in such city. But nothing herein contained shall be deemed to authorize the repeal or superseding of any provisions of law regulating the manner in which, or the conditions subject to which, franchises may be granted, or city real estate leased or sold, or municipal indebtedness incurred in any city, except to the extent of transferring powers or duties relating thereto to officers or employees of the city; and nothing herein contained shall be deemed to authorize the repeal or super- seding of any provision of law requiring any matter to be sub- mitted to the vote of the electors or taxpayers. § 38. Terms of office. The terms of office of the mayor and members of the council under plan A, B, C, D, E or F, shall be four years; provided, however, that the terms of the members, other than the mayor, composing the council first to be elected hereunder shall be as follows: If the number of the council be a number equally divisible by two (excluding the mayor where he is a member of the council), the terms of the one-half receiving the highest number of votes shall be four years, and the terms of the remaining one-half shall be two years ; should the number of the councilmen be a number not equally divisible by two then the terms of the one-half receiv- ing the lowest number of votes plus the councilman receiving the next highest number of votes shall be two years, and the terms of the remaining councilmen shall be four years. The salary of a mayor or of a councilman shall not be increased during his term of office. § 39. Vacancies.. If under plan A, B, C, D, E or F, a vacancy exist or occur in the office of mayor or councilman, the council shall appoint a qualified person to fill such vacancy until the first day of January following the next general city election, at which a successor shall be elected for the full unexpired term. 12 § 40. Penalties for misconduct. The members of the council shall be subject to all the penalties for nonperformance or malfeas- ance in office imposed upon common councils, aldermen or council- men, under the charter or the general laws of the state. § 41. Qualifications and disabilities of mayor and councilmen. No person shall be eligible to the office of mayor or councihnan who shall not at the time of his nomination be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the city. The acceptance by the mayor or any member of the council of any other civil office shall operate to vacate his office as mayor or councilman. Neither the mayor, nor any councilman, shall be or become in any way directly or indirectly interested in any contract to which the city is a party ; a violation hereof shall render any such contract absolutely void. § 42. Power of investigation. The council, or the mayor, shall have the power to inquire into any matter relating to the aifairs of the city, to compel by subpoena the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers material to any such in- quiry, to administer oaths to witnesses and to examine them and such books and papers. § 43. Assessment of property for purposes of general taxation and local improvements. The council under plans A, B and C, shall succeed to all the powers and shall perform all the duties with the like result in law of the board of assessors, or other official or officials of the city performing like functions; but the council may, in its discretion, provide by ordinance for the appointment of an assessor or assessors, and in such event such assessor or assessors shall succeed to such powers and perform such duties in place of the council. Under plans D, E and F, the mayor, with the advice and consent of the council, shall appoint an as- sessor or assessors. § 44. Judicial officers. The city judge or judges, and justices of the peace and other judicial officers if any within the city, shall continue to be elected as heretofore, but if by the charter or by general law such judge or judges are appointive they shall con- tinue to be appointed, by the council elected under plans A, B and C, or by the mayor elected under plans D, E and F, and for such terms as are now fixed. § 45. Board of education. Nothing in this act shall be con- strued as affecting the provisions of the charter, or tlie general law, relating to boards of education, their powers and duties, and the control of the schools and the funds pertaining thereto. 13 Boards of education shall continue to be elected or appointed within the city as provided by law. § 46. Civil service. All appointments, promotions, removals and changes in status in the civil service of the city shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the civil service law. The legislative employees of the city shall be the city clerk and sergeant-at-arms of the council. § 47. Civil service commissioners. Subject to the provisions of the civil service law, the council under plans A, B and C, and the mayor under plans D, E ancf F, shall appoint three persons as civil service commissioners to serve for two, four and six years respectively. Each alternate year thereafter there shall be ap- pointed one person as the successor of the commissioner whose term expires, to serve for six years. Any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original ap- pointment. Xot more than two members of the commission shall be adherents of the same political party, and no member shall hold any other public office to which a salary is attached. A com- missioner may be removed 'during his term of office by the unan- imous vote of the council, and upon stating in writing the reasons for removal, and after allowing him opportunity of making an explanation. § 48. Administration of pension and other special funds. Where the administration of pension, or other special funds, not essential to the ordinary functions of city government, is en- trusted by the charter to a definitely constituted body, such funds shall continue to be so administered. Where the administration is committed to city officers, they shall continue to be administered by officers performing like functions, if they exist, or if not by the council. The council shall have power to create special funds and to fix rules for their administration. § 49. Temporary appointment in case of disability of city offi- cer. Whenever, under plan A, B, C, D, E or F, the mayor, or any councilman, shall be temporarily unable for any cause to perform the duties of his office, the council may appoint one of its members to exercise his powers and perform his duties during such dis- ability. Should an appointive officer of the city, under plan A, B, C, D, E or F, be temporarily unable for any cause to perform his duties, the council or the mayor, having the power of original appointment, may make a temporary appointment of some per- son to act until such official shall resume his duties. 14 § 50. Access to records of city offices. The mayor, and any councilman, shall have access to all records, books, documents and other papers in any city department or office, at any time. § 51. General powers of the mayor. In addition to the powers conferred upon the mayor under either plan A, B, C, D, E or F, the mayor shall have the custody of the seal of the city, and shall authenticate the acts of the council and all instruments and papers authorized so to he authenticated; in cases where the mayor is authorized by law to sit with the supervisors as a commissioner of charities, he shall continue so to act. In addition the mayor shall possess and exercise such other powers and perform such duties as are now conferred or imposed by law upon the mayor of the city, if not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. The mayor shall have charge of all civic functions, celebrations, receptions and courtesies, shall sign all contracts of every kind and nature to which the city is a party, and shall perform such other ministerial functions as the council may from time to time direct. ARTICLE IV. Government by Limited Counciu TITLE I. Government by Limited Council, with Division of Ad- ministrative Duties. Section TO. Definitions. 71. Application of title. 72. Legislative, executive and administrative powers of city vested in council. 73. Salaries. 74. Exercise of executive and administrative powers by council. 75. Division of administrative duties. 76. Appointive officers. 77. Powers and duties of mayor. § 70. Definitions. The method of city government provided for in this title is defined in this act as plan A. § 71. Application of title. Upon the adoption of plan A by a city in the method prescribed by this act, such plan shall be- come operative as provided in section twenty-three hereof, and its 15 powers of government shall be exercised as in this article pre- scribed. § 72. Legislative, executive and administrative powers vested in conncil. All the legislative, executive and administrative powers of the city howsoever conferred upon or possessed by it, are hereby vested in and to be exercised by a board to be known and styled as " the council of the city of ," save as may be hereafter especially excepted. Such council shall be composed of a mayor and four councilmen elected at large, except that in cities of less than twenty-five thousand inha^bitants it shall be composed of a mayor and four councilmen, or of a mayor and two councilmen, as determined by the vote thereon as provided in section twenty-three hereof. It shall be for all pur- poses the common council of the city. § 73. Salaries of members of the council. The councilmen shall receive the following compensation, payable monthly, in equal monthly installments : In every city having less than eight thousand inhabitants, four hundred dollars; eight thousand or more and less than ten thousand, five hundred dollars; ten thou- sand or more and less than fifteen thousand, one thousand two hun- dred dollars ; fifteen thousand or more and less than twenty thou- sand, one thousand seven hundred dollars; twenty thousand or more and less than thirty thousand, two thousand dollars; thirty thousand or more and less than forty thousand, two thousand five hundred dollars ; forty thousand- or more and less than seventy-five thousand, three thousand five hundred dollars; seventy-five thou- sand or more and less than one hundred thousand, four thousand dollars; one hundred thousand or more, four thousand five hun- dred dollars. The salary of the mayor shall be one-fourth greater than the salary of the councilman, and payable in like manner. § 74. Exercise of executive and administrative powers. The council shall have and possess all the powers of and shall either perform or shall supervise and provide for the performance of all the duties heretofore imposed upon the mayor, the various city de- partments, city boards and commissions, the heads of city depart- ments, and all other ofiicers of the city whether elective or appointive, except as in this act otherwise provided. The council shall divide the administration of the city into departments, and determine and prescribe the jurisdiction and duties of each de- partment, and the powers and duties of the officers and employees therein, and make such rules and regulations for the conduct of 16 each department as it may deem desirable for the purpose of securing efficiency and economy in administration. § 75. Division of administrative duties. The council shall, except as in this act otherwise provided, from time to time desig- nate and assign the particular administrative duties of each of its members, and each member of the council shall be designated for particular service as the head of one or more departments, over which he shall have special oversight and direction, subject to the provisions of this act and the ordinances of the council. Such designations and assignments may be changed whenever desired by the council, and during any temporary disability or absence of a councilman the council may designate another member to act until the disabled or absent councilman shall resume his duties. § 76. Appointive oiRcers. The council first elected shall at its first meeting, or as soon thereafter as practicable, determine what appointive officers are necessary for the proper and efficient ad- ministration of the city, and shall prescribe the qualifications, powers and duties of such officers, and fix their compensation ; the council shall forthwith, or as soon as desirable, make appointments to fill such offices. All other employees of the city shall be em- ployed by the council, or under its authority. Any officer, or em- ployee, whether appointed by the council, or under its authority, may be removed by the council. § 77. Powers and duties of the mayor. The mayor shall attend the meetings of the council and preside thereat ; he shall have the same power as a councilman to vote upon all matters coming before the council, but shall have no veto power. It shall be the duty of the mayor to acquaint himself with the conduct of each of the city departments, and from time to time to report to the council thereon, with such recommendations as he shall deem desirable. TITLE II. Government by Limited Council, with Collective Super- vision. Section 78. Definitions. 79. Application of title. 80. Legislative, executive and administrative powers of city vested in council. 81. Salaries. 17 82. Exercise of executive and administrative powers by council. 83. Appointive officers. 84. Powers and duties of major. § 78. Definitions. The method of city government provided for in this title is defined as plan B. § 79. Application of title. Upon the adoption of plan B by a city in the method prescribed by this act, such plan shall become operative as provided in section twenty-three hereof, and its powders of government shall be exercised as in this article pre- scribed. § 80. Legislative, executive and administrative powers vested in council. All the legislative, executive and administrative powers of the city, howsoever conferred upon or possessed by it, are hereby vested in and to be exercised by a board to be known and styled as " the council of the city of ," save as may be hereafter especially excepted. Such council shall be composed of a mayor and four councilmen elected at large, except that in cities of less than twenty-five thousand inhabitants it shall be composed of a mayor and four councilmen, or of a mayor and two councilmen, as determined by the vote thereon as provided in sec- tion twenty-three hereof. It shall be for all purposes the com- mon council of the city. § 81. Salaries of members of the council. The members of the council shall receive the following compensation, payable monthly, in equal monthly instalments : In every city having less than ten thousand inhabitants, three hundred dollars ; ten thousand or more and less than twenty-five thousand, five hundred dollars ; twenty-five thousand or more and less than fifty thousand, seven hundred and fifty dollars ; fifty thousand or more and less than one hundred thousand, one thousand dollars ; one hundred thousand or more, twelve hundred dollars. § 82. Exercise of executive and administrative powers. The council shall have and possess all the powers of and shall either perform or shall supervise and provide for the performance of all the duties heretofore imposed upon the mayor, the various city departments, city board's and commissions, the heads of city departments, and all other officers of the city w^hether elective or appointive except as in this act otherwise provided. The council 18 shall divide the administration of the city into departments, and determine and prescribe the jurisdiction and duties of each depart- ment, and the powers and duties of the officers and employees therein, and make such rules and regulations for the conduct of each department as it may deem desirable for the purpose of securing efficiency and economy in administration. § 83. Appointive officers. The council first elected shall at its first meeting, or as soon thereafter as practicable, determine what appointive officers are necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the city, and shall prescribe the qualifications, powers and duties of such officers, and fix their compensation; the council shall forthwith, or as soon as desirable, make ap- pointments to fill such offices. All other employees of the city shall be employed by the council, or under its authority. Any officer, or employee, whether appointed by the council, or under its authority, may be removed by the council. § 84. Powers and duties of the mayor. The mayor shall attend the meetings of the council and preside thereat ; he shall have the same power as a councilman to vote upon all matters coming be- fore the council, but shall have no veto power. It shall be the duty of the mayor to acquaint himself with the conduct of each of the city departments, and from time to time to report to the council thereon, with such recommendations as he shall deem desirable. ARTICLE V. Government by Limited Council, with Appointive City Manaqek. Section 85. Definitions. 86. Application of article. 87. Legislative powers vested in council. 88. Salaries. 89. Powers and duties of mayor. 90. Administrative and executive powers. 91. General duties of city manager. 92. Appointment of city officers and employees. 93. Powers and duties of other city officers. § 85. Definitions. The method of city government provided for in this article is defined in this act as plan C. § 86. Application of article. Upon the adoption of plan C by a city in the method prescribed by this act, such plan shall 19 become operative as provided in section twenty-three hereof, and its powers of government shall be exercised a^ in this act provided. § 87. Legislative powers vested in council. All the legislative powers of the city, however conferred upon or possessed by it, are hereby vested in a board to be known as the ^' Council of the city of ." 8uch council shall be composed of a mayor and four oouncilmen in third class cities, and of a mayor and six councilmen in second class cities all of whom shall be elected at large. It shall be for all purposes the conamon council of the city. § 88. Salaries of members of the council. The members of the council shall receive the following compensation, payable monthly, in equal monthly instalments: In every city having less than ten thousand inhabitants, three hundred dollars ; ten thousand or more and less than twenty-five thousand, five hundred dollars; twenty- five thousand or more and less than fifty thousand, seven hundred and fifty dollars ; fifty thousand or more and less than one hundred thousand, one thousand dollars; one hundred thousand or more, twelve hundred dollars. § 89. Powers and duties of mayor. The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the council. He shall be the official head of the city for service of civil process, and under the military law^, and for all ceremonial purposes. He shall have no power of veto, but shall have the same power as a councilman to vote upon all matters coming before the council. § 90. Administrative and executive powers. The administra- tive and executive powers of the city, including the power of ap- pointment of officers and employees, are vested in an official to be known as the city manager, who shall be appointed by the council, and hold office during the pleasure of the council; he shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the council by ordinance. § 91. General duties of city manager. The city manager shall (1) be the administrative head of the city government; (2) see that within the city the laws of the state and the ordinances, resolutions and by-laws of the council are faithfully exe- cuted; (3) attend all meetings of the council, and recommend for adoption such measures as he shall deem expedient; (4) make reports to the council from time to time upon the affairs of the city, keep the council fully advised of the city's financial con- dition, and its future financial needs; (5) prepare and submit to the council a tentative budget for the next fiscal year. 20 § 92. Appointment of city officers and employees. Such city officers and employees as the council shall determine are neces- sary for the proper administration of the city shall be appointed by the city manager, and any such officer or employee may be re- moved by the city manager; but the city manager shall report each such appointment and removal to the council at the next meeting thereof following any such appointment or removal. § 93. Powers and duties of other city officers. The officers and employees of the city shall perform such duties as may be required of them by the city manager, imder general regulations of the council. ARTICLE VI. Government by Means of Separate Executive and Legisla- tive Departments. TITLE L Legislative Department Consisting of Five Councilmen. Section 100. Definitions. 101. Application of title. *102. Legislative powers of the city. *103. Approval by mayor. *104. Executive and administrative powers. *105. The mayor. 10'6. Salaries of mayor and councilmen. 107. Appointive officers of the city. 108. Acting mayor. § 100. Definitions. The method of city government provided for in this title defined as plan D. § 101. Application of title. Upon the adoption by a city of plan D in the method prescribed by this act, such plan shall be- come operative as provided in section twenty-three hereof, and its powers of government shall be exercised as in this title provided. § 102. The mayor. There shall be a mayor elected at large, who shall be the chief executive officer of the city ; he shall main- tain peace and good order, and enforce the laws and ordinances therein ; he shall see that the duties of the various city officers are faithfully performed. He may appoint all officers of the city who are required by law or by the ordinances to be appointed. * So in original. 21 § 103. Legislative powers of the city. The legislative powers of the city shall be vested in a council which shall consist of five persons, elected at large except that in a city of less than twenty- five thousand inhabitants it shall consist of five persons or of three persons as determined by the vote thereon as prescribed in section twenty-three hereof. One of its members shall be elected by the council as its president, to preside over its meetings for one year. § 104. Approval by mayor. Every ordinance or resolution of the council shall be presented to the mayor before it shall be of any force or effect. If he approves it, he shall sign it, but if he disapproves he shall return it with his objections to the city clerk who shall lay it before the council at its next meeting. The council shall enter the objections upon its journal, and proceed to re- consider the ordinance or resolution so disapproved. If upon such reconsideration four of the members of the council composed of five,. or all of the members of a council composed of three, shall vote in favor of such ordinance or resolution, the same shall become of force. If any ordinance or resolution is not returned by the mayor disapproved by him within ten days after its presentation to him, it shall be of force. § 105. Executive and administrative powers. The executive and administrative powers of the city shall be vested in the mayor and such other officers as shall be elected or appointed pursuant to this act. § 106. Salaries of mayor and councilmen. The members of tho council shall receive a salary of one-half the amount provided in section seventy-three of this act. The mayor shall receive a salary three times as large as that of a member of the council. § 107. Appointive officers of the city. The council shall by ordinance designate the officers and employees deemed by it neces- sary for the proper and efficient administration of the city affairs ; such ordinance shall also fix their general duties and the salary or compensation to be paid. § 108. Acting mayor. If the mayor shall be unable to perform the duties of his office, in consequence of sickness or temporary absence, he may designate a member of the council to act in his place, and the councilman so designated shall perform the duties of the mayor until the mayor shall resume them. While performing such duties, the councilman shall not act as a member of the council. 22 TITLE 11. Legislative Department Consisthstg of Nine Councilmen. Section 110. Definition and character of plan. § 110. Definition and character of plan. The method of city government provided for in this title is defined as plan E, and upon the adoption by a city of plan E in the method prescribed by this act, such plan shall become operative as provided in section twenty- three hereof, and its powers of government shall be exercised as in this article provided. The provisions of sections one hundred and two to one hundred and eight, inclusive, of title one of this article, shall apply to plan E, and the plan shall be similar in all respects to plan D except that the council shall consist of nine persons elected at large. TITLE III. Legislative Department Consisting of Councilmen Elected BY District. Section 115. Definition and character of plan. § 115. Definition and character of plan. The method of city government provided for in this title is defined as plan F, and upon the adoption by a city of plan F in the method prescribed bj this act such "plan shall become operative as provided in section twenty-three hereof, and its powers of government shall be exercised as in this article provided. The provisions of sections one hundred and two to one hundred and eight, inclusive, of title one of this article, shall apply to plan F, and the plan shall be similar in all respects to plan D, except that the council shall consist of as many members as there are wards in the city, and one councilman shall be elected from each ward. AKTICLE VII. Adoption by Third Class City of the Second Class Cities Law. Section 120. Definition and character of plan. § 120. Definition and character of plan. Any city of the third class may adopt, in the method prescribed by this act, the pro- visions of the second class cities law, constituting chapter fifty- three of the consolidated laws, and designated in this act as plan G. Upon the adoption of plan G, such plan shall become operative as provided in section twenty-three hereof, and the powers of gov- ernment of the city shall be exercised as in said second class cities law provided, and the provisions of said law shall apply to such city. The elective officers of the city shall be elected at the next succeeding general city election. The salaries of the officials of the city holding offices, the salaries of which are specifically fixed by the second class cities law, shall be two-thirds of the respective amounts fixed for such offices by said law as in force when this act takes effect for a city having a population of less than seventy-five thousand. ARTICLE VIII. Saving Clause; Miscellaneous Pkovisionsu Section 125. Saving clause. 126. When act to take effect. § 125. Saving clause. The adoption by a city of a plan of gov- ernment under the provisions of this act shall not affect the validity of any proceeding or matter pending at the time of such adoption, which shall have been duly taken or begun by the city or its proper department or officer, but the same may be continued and completed as though originally begun under any prior pro- ceedings taken in conformity with the provisions of this act. The adoption by a city of any plan of government under this act shall not affect any action or proceeding duly begun by or against the city, and pending at the time of the adoption of such plan. § 126. When act to take effect. This act shall take effect on July fifteenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen. I ss: State of New York, Office of the Secretary of State. I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of ^d original law. MITCHELL MAY, Secretary of State