MEDICAL FROM THE LIBRARY OF FRANK BRANSON PETRIE, M.D. ZENTMAYER'S AMERICAN CENTENNIAL STAND THE MICROSCOPIST; A COMPENDIUM OF MICROSCOPIC SCIENCE INCLUDING THE USE OF THE MICROSCOPE; MOUNTING AND PRESERVING MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS; THE MICROSCOPE IN CHEM- ISTRY, BIOLOGY, HISTOLOGY, BOTANY, GEOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, ETC. WITH TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY ILLUSTRATIONS. FOURTH ENLARGED EDITION. J. H. WYTHE, A.M., M.D., PROFESSOR OF MICROSCOPY AND HISTOLOGY IN THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE PACIFIC, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. PHILADELPHIA: P. B LA K 1ST ON, SON & CO., 1012 WALNUT STREET. 1883. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1880, By LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington D. C. KESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE SAN FRANCISCO MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, AS A TESTIMONY TO THE ZEAL AND INDUSTRY OF ITS MEMBERS IN THE PROSECUTION OP MICROSCOPIC SCIENCE. PREFACE. THE first and second editions of this work, in 1851 and 1853, were intended to furnish a manual on the use of the microscope for physicians and naturalists. The third and present editions aim to be also a compendium of the micro- scopic sciences, but as microscopy reaches its climax in prac- tical medicine this branch of study receives the largest attention. Matters of mere curiosity have been but briefly referred to, while every necessary fact or principle relating to the microscope has been carefully stated and classified. By the liberality of the publishers, the chapters on the use of the microscope in Pathology, Diagnosis, and Etiology, which have been added to this edition, have been largely illus- trated with woodcuts from Bindfleisch. The Index and Glossary have been combined in this edition so as to be a source of valuable information, and notices of recent additions to the microscope, together with the genera of microscopic plants, have been given in an Appendix. No pains have been spared to render this manual a useful companion to the student of Nature, and an aid to the progress of real science. July, 1880. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. HISTORY AND IMPORTANCE OF MICROSCOPY. Application of the Microscope to Science and Art Progress of Micros- copy, 17-21 CHAPTER II. THE MICROSCOPE. The Simple Microscope Chromatic and Spherical Aberration Compound Microscope Achromatic Object-glasses Eye-pieces Mechanical Ar- rangements Binocular Microscope, 21-32 CHAPTER III. MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. Diaphragms Condensers Oblique Illuminators Dark-ground ditto Il- lumination of Opaque Objects Measuring and Drawing Objects Standards of Measurement Moist Chamber Gas Chamber Warm Stage Polariscope Microspectroscope Nose-piece Object-finders Micro-photography, 32-48 CHAPTER IV. USE OF THE MICROSCOPE. Care of the Instrument Care of the Eyes Table Light Adjustments Errors of Interpretation Testing the Microscope, . . . 48-58 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. MODERN METHODS OF EXAMINATION. Preliminary Preparation of Objects Minute Dissection Preparation of Loose Textures Preparation by Teasing Preparation by Section Staining Tissues Injecting Tissues Preparation in Viscid Media Fluid Media Indifferent Fluids Chemical Reagents Staining Fluids Injecting Fluids Preservative Fluids Cements, . . 58-76 CHAPTER VI. MOUNTING AND PRESERVING MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. Opaque Objects Cells Dry Objects Mounting in Balsam or Dammar Mounting in Fluid Cabinets Collecting Objects Aquaria, 76-83 CHAPTER VII. THE MICROSCOPE IN MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. Preparation of Specimens Examination of Specimens Crystalline Forms Crystals within Crystals Cavities in Crystals Use of Polarized Light Origin of Rock Specimens Materials of Organic Origin Microscopic Palaeontology, 84-98 CHAPTER VIII. THE MICROSCOPE IN CHEMISTRY. Apparatus and Modes of Investigation Preparation of Crystals for the Polariscope Use of the Microspectroscope Inverted Microscope General Micro-chemical Tests Determination of Substances Al- kalies Acids Metallic Oxides Alkaloids Crystalline Forms of Salts, 98-115 CHAPTER IX. THE MICROSCOPE IN BIOLOGY. Theories of Life Elementary Unit or Cell Cell-structure and Formation Phenomena of Bioplasm Movements of Cells Microscopic Dem- onstration of Bioplasm Chemistry of Cells and their Products Va- rieties of Bioplasm Cell-genesis Reproduction in Higher Organisms Alternation of Generations Parthenogenesis Transformation and Metamorphosis Discrimination of Living Forms, . . 116-127 CONTEXTS. XI CHAPTER X. THE MICROSCOPE IN VEGETABLE HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. Molecular Coalescence Cell-substance in Vegetables Cell-wall or Mem- brane Ligneous Tissue Spiral Vessels Laticiferous Vessels Sili- ceous Structures Formed Material in Cells Forms of Vegetable Cells Botanical Arrangement of Plants Fungi Protophytes Desmids Diatoms Nostoc Oscillatoria Examination of the Higher Crypto- gamia Examination of Higher Plants, .... 128-157 CHAPTER XL THE MICROSCOPE IN ZOOLOGY. Monera Rhizopods Infusoria Rotatoria Polyps Hydroids Acalephs Echinoderms Bryozoa Tunicata Conchifera Gasteropoda Cephalopoda Entozoa Annulata Crustacea Insects Arachnida Classification of the Invertebrata, 158-182 CHAPTER XII. THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. Histo-chemistry Histological Structure Simple Tissues Blood Lymph and Chyle Mucus Epithelium Hair and Nails Enamel Connec- tive Tissues Compound Tissues Muscle Nerve Glandular and Vascular Tissue Development of the Tissues Digestive and Circu- latory Organs Secretive Organs Respiratory Organs Generative Organs Locomotive Organs Sensory Organs Organs of Special Sense Suggestions for Practice, 182-226 CHAPTER XIII. THE MICROSCOPE IN PATHOLOGY. Preparation of Specimens The Appearance of Tissues after Death De- generation of Tissues The Metamorphoses The Infiltrations In- flammation Resolution and Organization Pathological New Forma- tions New Formation of Pathological Cells Pathological Growths of Higher Animal Tissues Pathological Growths of Connective Tissue Origin Pathological Growths of Epithelial Origin, . . 226-295 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIV. THE MICROSCOPE IN DIAGNOSIS. The Blood in Disease Examination of Urine Urea Chlorides Bile Albumen Sugar Urinary Deposits Epithelium Mucus and Pus Blood Spermatozoa Bacteria, Fungi, etc. Tube-casts Crystalline and Amorphous Deposits Pus and Mucus in Diagnosis Examination of Milk Saliva and Sputum Vomited Matters Intestinal Discharges Vaginal Discharges, 295-320 CHAPTEE XV. THE MICROSCOPE IN ^ETIOLOGY. Examination of the Air Examination of Soil and Water Examination of Food, etc. Parasites Vegetable Parasites or Epiphytes Fungi Dust or Germ Fungi, Conio or Gymnomycetes Filamentous Fungi, Hyphomycetes Cleft Fungi, Schizomycetes Mould Diseases Fungi of True Parasitic Diseases of the Skin and Mucous Membranes Fungi as Exciters of Fermentation and Putrefaction and Causes of Disease Animal Parasites Protozoa Vermes Arthropoda Dis- ease Germs, 321-344 APPENDIX Improvements in Microscopes and in Preparations Genera of Cryptogamia, . . . 345-399 INDEX AND GLOSSARY, 401-434 THE MICROSCOPIST. CHAPTER L HISTORY AND IMPORTANCE OF MICROSCOPY. THE term microscopy, meaning the use of the micro- scope, is also applied to the knowledge obtained by this instrument, and in this sense is commensurate with a knowledge of the minute structure of the universe, so far as it may come under human observation. Physics and astronomy treat of the general arrangement and motions of masses of matter, chemistry investigates their constitu- tion, and microscopy determines their minute structure. The science of histology, so important to anatomy and physiology, is wholly the product of microscopy, while this latter subject lends its aid to almost every other branch of natural science. To the student of physical phenomena this subject un- folds an amazing variety developed from most simple beginnings, while to the Christian philosopher it gives the clearest evidence of that Creative Power and Wisdom before whom great and small are terms without meaning. In the arts, as well as in scientific investigations, the microscope is used for the examination and preparation of delicate work. The jeweller, the engraver, and the miner find a simple microscope almost essential to their employ- ments. This application of the magnifying power of lenses was known to the ancients, as is shown by the glass lens 2 18 THE MICROSCOPIST. found at Mneveh, and by the numerous gems and tablets so finely engraved as to need a magnifying glass to detect their details. In commerce, the microscope has been used to detect adulterations in articles of food, drugs, and manufactures. In a single year $60,000 worth of adulterated drugs was condemned by the Kew York inspector, and, so long as selfishness is an attribute of degraded humanity, so long will the microscope be needed in this department. In agriculture and horticulture microscopy affords valu- able assistance. It has shown us that mildew and rust in wheat and other food-grains, the " potato disease," and the " vine disease," are dependent on the growth of minute parasitic fungi. It has also revealed many of the minute insects which prey upon our grain-bearing plants and fruit trees. The damage wrought by these insects in the United States alone has been estimated by competent observers as not less than three hundred millions of dollars in each year. The muscardine, which destroys such large num- bers of silk-worms in France and other places, is caused by a microscopic fungus, the Botrytis bassiana. The mineralogist determines the character of minute specimens or of thin sections of rock, and the geologist finds the nature of many fossil remains by their magnified image in the microscope. The chemist recognizes with this instrument excessively minute quantities and reactions which would otherwise- escape observation. Dr. Wormley shows that micro- chemical analysis detects the reaction of the 10,000th to the 100,000th part of a grain of hydrocyanic acid, mer- cury, or arsenic, and very minute quantities of the vege- table alkaloids may be known by a magnified view of their sublimates. The micro-spectroscope promises still more wonderful powers of analysis by the investigation of the absorption bands in the spectra of different substances. In biology the wonderful powers of the microscope find HISTORY AND IMPORTANCE OF MICROSCOPY. 19 their widest range. If we see not life itself, we see its first beginnings, and the process of its development or manifestation. If we see not Mature in her undress, we trace the elementary warp and woof of her mystic drapery. In vegetable and animal physiology we see, by its means, not only the elementary unit the foundation-stone of the building but also chambers and laboratories in the animated temple, which we should never have sus- pected tissues and structures not otherwise discoverable not to speak of species innumerable which are invisible to the naked eye. In medical science and jurisprudence the contributions of microscopy have been so numerous that constant study in this department is needed by the ph} 7 sician who would excel or even keep pace with the progress of his profes- sion. Microscopy may be truly called the guiding genius of medical science. Even theology has its contribution from microscopy. The teleological view of nature, which traces design, re- ceives from it a multitude of illustrations. In this de- partment the war between skeptical philosophy and theol- ogy has waged most fiercely; and it' the difference between living and non-living matter may be demonstrated by the microscope, as argued by Dr. Beale and others, theology sends forth a paean of victory from the battlements of this science. The attempts made by early microscopists to determine ultimate structure were of but little value from the im- perfections of the instruments employed, the natural mis- takes made in judging the novel appearances presented, and the treatment to which preparations were subjected. In late years the optical and mechanical improvements in microscopes have removed one source of error, but other sources still remain, rendering careful attention to details and accurate judgment of phenomena quite essential. Care- ful manipulation and minute dissection require a knowledge 20 THE MICROSCOPIST. of the effects of various physical and chemical agencies, a steady hand, and a quick-discerning eye. Above all, microscopy requires a cultured mind, capable of readily detecting sources of fallacy, and such a love of truth as enables a man to free himself from all preconceived no- tions of structure and from all bias in favor of particular theories and analogies. What result is it possible to draw from the observations of those who boil, roast, macerate, putrefy, triturate, and otherwise injure delicate tissues, except for the purpose of isolating special structures or learning the effects of such agencies ? Yet many of the phenomena resulting from such measures have been de- scribed as primary, and theories of development have been proposed on the basis of such imperfect knowledge. Borelli (1608-1656) is considered to be the tirst who applied the microscope to the examination of animal structure. Malpighi (1661) first witnessed the actual cir- culation of the blood, which demonstrated the truth of Harvey's reasoning. He also made many accurate obser- vations in minute anatomy. Lewenhoeck, Swammerdam, Lyonet, Lieberkuhn, Hewson, and others, labored also in this department. When we remember that these early laborers used only simple microscopes, generally of their own construction, we must admire their patient industry, skilful manipulation, and accurate judgment. In these respects they are models to all microscopists. Within the last quarter of a century microscopic ob- servers may be numbered by thousands, and some have attained an eminent reputation. At the present day, in Germany, England, France, and the United States, the most careful and elaborate investigations are being made, older observations are repeated and corrected, new discov- eries are rapidly announced, and the most hidden recesses of nature are being explored. It is proposed in this treatise to give such a resume of microscopy as shall enable the student in any department THE MICROSCOPE. 21 to pursue original investigations with a general knowl- edge of what has been accomplished by others. To this end a comprehensive view of the necessary instruments and details of the art, or what the Germans call technol- ogy, is first given, and then a brief account of the appli- cation of the microscope to various branches of science, especially considering the needs of physicians and stu- dents of medicine. CHAPTER II. THE MICROSCOPE. The Simple Microscope. The magnifying power of a glass lens (from lens, a lentil ; because made in the shape of its seeds) was doubtless known to the ancients, but only in modern times has it been applied in scientific research. The forms of lenses generally used are the double convex, with two convex faces ; piano convex, with one face flat and the other convex; double concave, with two concave faces ; plano-concave, with one flat and one concave face ; and the meniscus, with a concave and a convex face. In the early part of the seventeenth century very mi- nute lenses were used, and even small spherules of glass. Many of the great discoveries of that period were made by these means. A narrow strip of glass was softened in the flame of a spirit-lamp and drawn to a thread, on the end of which a globule was melted and placed in a thin folded plate of brass, perforated so as to admit the light. Some of these globules were so small as to magnify sev- eral hundred diameters. Of course, they were inconve- nient to use, and larger lenses, ground on a proper tool, were more common. The magnifying power of lenses depends on a few simple 22 THE MICROSCOPIST. optical laws, concerning refraction of light, allowing the eye to see an object under a larger visual angle ; so that the power of a simple microscope is in proportion to the shortness of its focal length, or the distance from the lens to the point where a distinct image of the object is seen. This distance may be measured by directly magnifying an object with the lens, if it be a small one, or by casting an image of a distant window, candle, etc., upon a paper or wall. The focus of the lens is the point where the image is most distinct. Different persons see objects naturally at different distances, but ten inches is consid- ered the average distance for the minimum of distinct vision. A lens, therefore, of two inches focal length, magnifies five diameters ; of one inch focus, ten diameters ; of one-half inch, twenty diameters ; of one-eighth inch, eighty diameters ; etc. Simple microscopes are now seldom used, except as hand magnifiers, or for the minute dissection and prepa- ration of objects. They are used for the latter purpose, when suitably mounted with a convenient arm, mirror, etc., because of the inconvenience of larger and otherwise more perfect instruments. Single lenses, of large size, are also used for concentra- ting the light of a lamp on an object during dissection, or on an opaque object on the stage of a compound micro- scope. There are imperfections of vision attending the use of all common lenses, arising from the spherical shape of the surface of .the lens, or from the separation of the colored rays of light when passing through such a medium. These imperfections are called respectively spherical and chromatic aberration. To lessen or destroy these aberra- tions, various plans have been proposed by opticians. For reducing spherical aberration, Sir John Herschel pro- posed a doublet of two plano-convex lenses, whose focal lengths are as 2.3 to 1, with their convex sides together; THE MICROSCOPE. 23 and Mr. Codclington invented a lens in the form of a sphere, cut away round the centre so as to assume the shape of an hour-glass. This latter, in a convenient set- ting, is one of the best pocket microscopes. Dr. \Vollas- ton's doublet consists of two plano-convex lenses, whose focal lengths are as 1 to 3, with the plane sides of each and the smallest lens next the object. They should be FIG. 1. Holland's Triplet. about the difference of their focal lengths apart, and a diaphragm or stop an opaque screen with a hole in it placed just behind the anterior lens. This performs ad- mirably, yet has been further improved by Mr. Holland by making a triplet of plano-convex lenses (Fig. 1), with the stop between the upper lenses. The Compound Microscope consists essentially of two convex lenses, placed some distance apart, so that the image made by one may be magnified by the other. These are called the object-glass and the eye-glass. In Fig. 2, A is the object-glass, which forms a magnified image at c, which is further enlarged by the eye-glass B. An additional lens, D, is usually added, to enlarge the field of view. This is called the field-glass. Its office, as in the figure, is to collect more of the rays from the object-glass and form an image at F, which is viewed by the eye-glass. Owing to chromatic aberration, an instrument ot this kind is still imperfect, presenting rings of color round the edge of the field of view as well as at the edge of the magnified image of an object, together with dimness and THE MICROSCOPIST. confusion of vision. This may be partly remedied by a small hole or stop behind the object-glass, which reduces the aperture to the central rays alone, yet it is still un- FIG. 2. Compound Microscope. satisfactory. Some considerable improvement may result from using Wollaston's doublet as an object-glass, but the THE MICROSCOPE. 25 achromatic object-glasses now supplied by good opticians leave nothing to be desired. Object-glasses. A general view of an achromatic object- glass is given in Fig. 3. It is a system of three pairs of lenses, 1, 2, 3, each composed of a double convex of crown glass and a plano-concave of flint, a, 6, c, represents the angle of aperture, or the cone of rays admitted. It is unnecessary to consider the optical principles which un- derlie this construction. Different opticians have different formulae and propose various arrangements of lenses, and there is room for choice among the multitude of micro- scopes presented for sale. For high powers, the German Flu. 3. FIG. 4. Achromatic Object-glass. Huygenian Eye-piece. and French opticians have lately proposed a princip'e of construction which is known as the immersion system. It consists in the interposition of a drop of water between the front lens of the objective and the covering glass over the object. This form of object-glass is corning into gen- eral use. For the more perfect performance of an objec- tive, it is necessary that it should be arranged for correct- ing the effect of different thicknesses of covering glass. This is accomplished by a fine screw movement, which brings the front pair of lenses (1, Fig. 3) nearer or further from the object. In this way the most distinct and accu- rate view of an object may be obtained. 26 THE MICROSCOPIST. Eyepieces. The eye-piece usually employed is the Huy- genian, or negative eye-piece (Fig. 4). This is composed of two plano-convex lenses, with their plane sides next the eye. Their focal lengths are as 1 to 3, and their distance apart half the sum of their focal distances. Several of these, having different magnifying powers, are supplied with good microscopes. It is best to use a weak eye-piece, increasing the power of the instrument by stronger objectives when necessary. Kellner's eye-piece has the lens next the eye made achromatic. The peri- scopic eye-piece of some of the German opticians has both lenses double convex. This gives a larger field of view with some loss of accurate definition. For high powers, I have used a strong meniscus in place of the lower lens in the Huygenian eye-piece. Dr. Koyston Pigott has suggested improvements in eye-pieces by using an inter- mediate Huygenian combination, reversed, between the objective and ordinary eye-piece. This gains power, but somewhat sacrifices definition. Still better, he has pro- posed an aplanatic combination, consisting of a pair of slightly overcorrected achromatic lenses, mounted mid- way between a low eye-piece and the objective. This has a separating adjustment so as to traverse two or three inches. The focal length of the combination varies from one and a half to three-fourths of an inch. The future improvement of the microscope must be looked for in this direction, since opticians seem to have approached the limit of perfection in high power objectives, some of which have been made equivalent to g^th or T Q th of an inch focal length. As an amplifier, I have used a double concave lens of an inch in diameter and a virtual focus of one and a half inches between the object-glass and the eye-piece. If the object-glass be a good one, this will permit the use of a very strong eye-piece with little loss of defining power, and greatly increase the apparent size of the object. THE MICROSCOPE. 27 l Arrangements. The German and French opticians devote their attention chiefly to the excellence of their glasses, while the mechanical part of their instru- ments is quite simple, not to say clumsy. They seem to proceed 011 the principle that as little as possible should be done by mechanism, which may be performed by the hand. It is different with English and American makers, some of whose instruments are the very perfection of mechan- ical skill. The disparity in cost, however, for instruments of equal optical power is quite considerable. Certain mechanical contrivances are essential to every good instrument. The German and French stands are usually vertical, but it is an advantage to have one which can be inclined in any position from vertical to horizontal. There should be steady and accurate, coarse and fine ad- justments for focussing ; a large and firm stage with ledge, etc., and with traversing motions, so as to follow an object quickly, or readily bring it into the field of view ; also a concave and plane mirror with universal joints, capable of being brought nearer or farther from the stage, or of being turned aside for oblique illumination. Steadiness, or freedom from vibration, is of the utmost importance in the construction, since every unequal vibration will be magnified by the optical power of the instrument. Among so many excellent opticians it would be impos- sible to give a complete list of names whose workmanship is wholly reliable, yet among the foremost may be men- tioned Tolles, of Boston ; Wales, of Fort Lee, ^. J. ; Gru- now, of Xew York ; and Zentmayer, of Philadelphia ; Powell & Leland, Ross and Smith, Beck & Beck, of London ; Hartnack and Xachet, of Paris ; Merz, of Munich ; and Gund lach, of Berlin. The optical performance of lenses from these establishments is first class, and the mechanical work of their various models good. The finest instru- ments from these makers, with complete appliances, are quite costly, except the Germans and French, whose ar- 2-$ THE MICROSCOPIST. rangements, as we have said, are more simple. Cheaper instruments, however, are made by English and American opticians, some of which are very fine. Opticians divide microscopes into various classes, ac- cording to the perfection of their workmanship or the accessories supplied. The best first-class instruments have FIG. 5. Wenbam's Prism for the Binocular Microscope. a great variety of objectives and eye-glasses, mechanical stage with rack-work ; a sub-stage with rack for carrying various illuminators: a stand of most solid construction; and every variety of apparatus to suit the want or wish of the observer. They are great luxuries, although not essential to perfect microscopic work. The second class, or students' microscopes, have less expensive stands, but equal optical powers, with first-class instruments. The FIG. 6. Colli os's Harley Binocular Microscope. 30 THE MICEOSCOPIST. third or fourth classes of instruments are intended for popular and educational use, and are fitted not only with stands of more simple workmanship, but with cheaper lenses, although often very good. Some French achro- matic objectives, adapted to this class, are suitable for all but the very finest work. Binocular Microscopes. The principle of the stereoscope has been applied to the microscope, so as to permit the use of both eyes. The use of such an instrument with low or medium powers is very satisfactory, but is less available with objectives stronger than one-half inch focus. There are two ways of accomplishing a stereoscopic effect in the microscope. The first and most common is by means of Wenham's prism (Fig. 5), placed above the ob- jective, and made to slide so as to transform the binocular into a monocular microscope. The second mode is to place an arrangement of prisms in the eye-piece, so as to refract one-half the image to the right and the other half to the left, which are viewed by the corresponding eyes. In either construction there is a provision made for the variable distance between the eyes of different observers. In the frontispiece is a representa- tion of Zentmayer's grand American microscope, which will afford a good idea of the external appearance of a first-class binocular microscope. Students' and third-class microscopes, as before said, are less complicated and of more moderate cost. The mechanical and optical per- formance of Zentmayer's large instrument leaves scarcely anything to be desired. Instead of the more expensive rack-work stage, a simple form, originally invented by Dr. Keen, of Philadelphia, and copied by Xachet and others, is often employed. It consists of a rotating glass disk, to which is attached a spring, or a V-shaped pair of springs, armed with ivory knobs, which press upon a glass plate in the object-carrier. The motion is exceedingly smooth and effective. FIG. 7. FIG. 8. Beck s Large Compound Microscope. FIG. 9. Hartnack's Small Model Microscope. Nachet's Inverted Microscope. 32 THE MICROSCOPIST. Fig. 6 shows Collins's Harley binocular microscope, a good second class instrument. Fig. 7 represents Beck's large compound miscroscope (monocular) ; and Fig. 8, Hartnack's small model micro- scope, with the body made to incline. - Fig. 9, Cachet's inverted microscope, invented by Dr. Lawrence Smith for chemical investigations. CHAPTER III. MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. IN addition to the object-glasses, eye-glasses, mirror, and mechanical arrangement of the microscope, to which reference was made in the last chapter, several accessory instruments will be useful and even necessary for certain investigations. The Diaphragm, for cutting off extraneous light when viewing transparent objects, is generally needed. In some German instruments it consists of a cylinder or tube, whose upper' end is fitted with a series of disks having central openings of different sizes. The disk can be adjusted to variable distances from the object on the stage so as to vary its effects. English and American opticians prefer the rotary diaphragm, which is of circular form, perforated with holes of different sizes, and made to revolve under the stage. The gradual reduction of light can be accom- plished by the cylinder diaphragm, since when it is pushed up so as to be near the stage it cuts off only a small part of the cone of rays sent upwards by the concave mirror, but, when drawn downwards, it cuts off more. Collins's Graduating Diaphragm, which is made with four shutters, moving simultaneously by acting on a lever MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. 33 handle, so as to narrow the aperture, accomplishes the end most perfectly. (Fig 10.) FIG. 10. Collins's Now Gr duating Diaphragm. Beck's Iris Diaphragm is a further improvement of this sort. Condensers. The loss of light resulting from the em- ployment of high powers has led to several plans for con- densing light upon the object. Sometimes a plano-convex lens, or combination of lenses, is made to slide up and down under the stage. A Kellner's eyepiece, or some Kio. 11. Smith and Beck's Achromatic Condenser. similar arrangement, especially if fitted with a special diaphragm, containing slits and holes, some of the latter having central stops, is of very great use. First-class in- struments are fitted up with achromatic condensers (Fig. 11), carrying revolving diaphragms, some of whose aper- 3 34 THE MICROSCOPIST. tures are more or less occupied by stops, or solid disks, so as to leave but a ring of space for light to pass through. The effect of these annular diaphragms is similar to an apparatus for oblique illumination. The Webster condenser is similar in its optical parts to the Kellner eye-piece, and is provided with a diaphragm plate, with stops for oblique illumination, as well as a Fir,. 12 Webster's Condenser, with Graduating Diaphragms. graduating diaphragm for the regulation of the central aperture. This is a most useful accessory. (Fig. 12.) Oblique Illuminators Certain fine markings on trans- parent objects can scarcely be made out by central illumi- nation, but require the i^ys to come from one side, so as to throw a shadow. Sometimes this is well accomplished by turning the mirror aside from the axis of the micro- scope, and sometimes by the use of one of the condensers referred to above. Amici's prism, w r hich has both plane and lenticular surfaces, is sometimes used on one side and under the stage, in lieu of the mirror. For obtaining very oblique pencils of light the double hemispherical con- denser of Mr. Reade has been invented. It is a hemi- spherical lens of about one and a half inch diameter, with its flat side next the object, surmounted by a smaller lens of the same form, the flat side of which is covered with a thin diaphragm, having an aperture or apertures close to MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. 35 its margin. These apertures may be Y-shaped, extending to about a quarter of an inch from the centre. If the microscope has a mechanical stage, with rack- work, or is otherwise too thick to permit the mirror to be turned aside for very oblique illumination, Cachet's ' will prove of service. I have also contrived a useful oblique illuminator for this purpose, by cementing with Dammar varnish a plano-convex lens on one face of a to- tally-reflecting prism, and near the, upper edge of the other side at 90) an achromatic lens from a French trip- let. The prism is made to turn on a hinge, so that an accurate pencil of light may fall on the object at any angle desired. Dark-ground II I >< ruinators. Some beautiful effects are produced, and the demonstration of some structures aided, bv preventing the light condensed upon the object from entering the object-glass. In this way the object appears FIG. 13. FIG. 14. Robert's Illuminator. Parabolic Illuminator. self-luminous on a black ground. For low powers this can be easily done by turning aside the concave mirror as in oblique illumination, or by employing Noberfs illumi- nator, which is a thick plano-convex lens, in the convex 36 THE MICROSCOPIST. surface of which a deep concavity is made. The plane side is next the object. This throws an oblique light all round the object. A substitute for this, called a spot lens, is often used, and differs only from Robert's in having a central black stop on the plane side instead of a concavity (Fig. 13). A still greater degree of obliquity suitable for high powers must be sought by the use of the parabolic illuminator (Fig. 14). This is usually a paraboloid of glass, which reflects to a focus the rays which fall upon its inter- nal surface, while the central rays are stopped. Illuminators for Opaque Objects. Ordinary daylight is hardly sufficient for the illumination of opaque objects, FIG. 15. Bull's-eye Condenser. so that microscopists resort to concentrated lamplight, etc. Gas, paraffine, and camphene lamps, have been variously modified for this purpose, but few are better than the Ger- MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. 37 man student's Argand lamp for petroleum or kerosene oil, as it is called. To concentrate the light from such a source a condensing lens is used, either attached to the microscope or mounted on a separate stand. Sometimes a bull's-eye condenser is used for more effective illumination (Fig. 15). This is a large plano-convex lens of short focus, mounted on a stand. For such a lens the position of least spherical aberration is when its convex side is towards parallel rays ; hence, in daylight, the plane side should be next the object. But, if it is desired to render the diverg- FIG. 16. Parabolic Speculum. ing rays of a lamp parallel, the plane side should be next the lamp, and rather close to it. The use of this con- denser will also commend itself, when used as last referred to, in microscopic dissection. It will throw a bright light from the lamp directly on the trough, watch-glass, etc., in which the specimen is being prepared. The Lieberkuhn^ or a concave speculum attached to the object-glass, and reflecting the light from the mirror directly upon the object, is one of the oldest contrivances for the illumina- tion of opaque objects ; but the most convenient instru- ment is the parabolic speculum (Fig. 16), a side mirror with 38 THE MICROSCOPIST. a parabolic surface attached to the objective. For high powers, a lateral aperture above the objective has been made to throw the light down through the object-glass itself by means of a small reflector, as devised by Prof. Smith, or a disk of thin glass, as in Beck's vertical illumi- nator. This latter is attached to an adapter interposed between the objective and the body of the microscope. Instruments for Measuring and Drawing Objects. Screw micrometers are sometimes used with the microscope, as with the telescope, for the measurement of objects ; but the less expensive and simpler glass micrometers have generally superseded them. The latter are of two sorts, the stage and the ocular micrometer. The stage micrometer is simply a glass slide, containing fine subdivisions of the inch, line, etc., engraved by means of a diamond point. Jn case the rulings are T Jo tns anc ^ iVoot ns of an inch, it is evident that an object may be measured by comparison with the divisions ; yet, in practice, it is found incon- venient to use an object with the stage micrometer in this way, and it will be found better to combine its use with that of the drawing apparatus, as hereafter described. The ocular, or eye-piece micrometer, is a ruled slip of glass in the eye-piece. Its value is a relative one, depending on the power of the objective and the length of the micro- scope tube. By comparing the divisions with those of the stage micrometer their value can be readily ascertained. Thus, if five spaces of the eye-piece micrometer cover one space of the stage micrometer, measuring y^^th of an inch, their value will be ^oo^ f an i nc h each. Different standards of measurement are used in different countries. English and American microscopists use the inch. In France, and generally in Germany, the Paris line or the millimetre is used. The millimetre is 0.4433 of a Paris line and 0.4724 of an English line ( / of an inch). In the French system the fundamental unit is the metre, MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. 39 which is the ten-millionth part of the quadrant of the meridian of Paris. The multiples are made by prefixing Greek names of numbers, and the subdivisions by prefix- ing Latin names Thus, for decimal multiples, we have deco, hecto, kilo, and myrio ; and, for decimal subdivisions, deci, centi, and milli. The following may serve for con- verting subdivisions of the metre into English equiva- lents : A millimetre equals 0.03937 English inches. A centimetre " 0.39371 " A decimetre " 3.93708 " One inch = 2.539954 centimetres, or 25.39954 millimetres. For drawing microscopic objects the camera lucida will be found useful. This is a small glass prism attached to the eye-piece. The microscope is inclined horizontally, 17. Oberhauser's Drawing Apparatus. and the observer, looking into the prism, sees the object directly under his eye, so that its outlines may be drawn on a piece of paper placed on the table. Some practice, however, is needed for satisfactory results. For the up- right stands of German and French microscopes, the camera lucida of Chevalier & Oberhauser is available. This is a prism in a rectangular tube, in front of which is the eye- piece, carrying a small glass prism (c, Fig. 17), surrounded 40 THE MICROSCOPIST. by a black metal ring. A paper placed beneath is visible through the opening in the ring, and the image reflected by the prism upon it can be traced by a pencil. It is neces- sary to regulate the light so that the point of the pencil may be seen. Dr. Beale has recommended, in lieu of the camera lucida, a piece of slightly tinted plate glass (Fig. 18), placed in a short tube over the eye-piece at an angle of 45. This is a cheap and effective plan. A similar purpose is served FIG. 18.. Fir,. 19. Beale's Tint-glass Camera. Scemin.-ring's Steel Disk. by a little steel disk, smaller than the pupil of the eye, placed at the same angle (Fig. 19). The most simple method of measuring objects is to employ one of the above drawing instruments, placing first on the microscope stage an ordinary micrometer, and tracing its lines on the paper. Then the outline of the object can be traced and compared with the lines. The magnifying power of an object-glass can also be readily found by throwing the image of the lines in a stage micrometer upon a rule held ten inches below the eye- piece, looking at the magnified image with one eye and at the rule with the other. Dr Beale strongly urges observers to delineate their own work on wood or stone, since they can do it more exactly and truthfully than the MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. 41 | most skilled artists who are unfamiliar with microscopic manipulation. Other accessory apparatus, such as a frog-plate, for more readily observing the circulation in a frog's foot ; an animalcule cage, or live box ; a compressor ium, for apply- ing pressure to an object ; fishing tubes ; watch-glasses ; growing-slides, etc., will commend themselves on personal inspection. For preventing the evaporation of fluids during obser- vation, Recklinghausen invented the moist chamber (Fig. 20), consisting of a glass ring on a slide,. to which is fas- tened a tube of thin rubber, the upper end of which is fastened round the microscope tube with a rubber band. FIG. 20. Keckliugliausei.'s i liambor. A simpler form of moist, chamber may be made by a glass ring cemented on a slide. A few drops of water cautiously put on the inner edge of the ring with a brush, or a little moist blotting-paper may be placed inside. The object (as a drop of frog's blood, etc.) may then be put on a circular thin cover, which is placed inverted on the ring. A small drop of oil round the edge of the cover keeps it air and water-tight. Somewhat similar to the above is Strieker ' gas chamber (Fig. 21). On the object-slide is a ring of glass, or putty, with its thin cover. Through this ring two glass tubes are cemented, one of which is connected with a rubber 42 THE MICROSCOPIST. tube for the entrance of gas, while the other serves for its exit. For the study of phenomena in the fluids y etc.,of warm- blooded animals, we need, in addition to the moist cham- ber, some way of keeping the object w r arm. This may be roughly done by a perforated tin or brass plate on the stage, one end of which is warmed by a spirit-lamp. A piece of cocoa butter or wax will show by its melting when the heat is sufficient. Schultze's warm stage is a 7 more satisfactory and scientific instrument. It is a brass plate to fit on the stage, perforated for illumination, and connected with a spirit-lamp and thermometer, so that FIG. 21. Strieker's Gas Chamber. the amount of heat may be exactly regulated. Other arrangements have been proposed to admit a current of warm water, or for the passage of electricity through an object while under observation, which are scarcely neces- sary to describe. The Polariscope. The nature and properties of polarized light belong rather to a treatise on optics or natural phi- losophy than to a work like the present, yet a very brief account may not be out of place. We premise, then, that every ray or beam of common light is supposed to have at least two sets of vibrations, vertical and horizontal. As these vibrations have different properties, the ray when MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. 43 divided is said to be polarized, from a fancied resemblance to the poles of a magnet. The division of the vibrations may be effected (i. Woo 1 * 1 - Band 17 > DUOO^- Band 19, T oioT) tb - It is said that Hartnack's immersion system No. 10 and oblique light has resolved the lines in the 15th band, in which the distance of lines is about ^ T ooo^ n f an mcn - The surface markings of minute diatoms are also ex- cessively fine. Those of Pleiirosigma formosum. being from 20 to 32 in y^^th of an inch ; of P. hippocampus and P. attenuation about 40 ; P. angulatum 46 to 52 ; Navicula rhomboides 60 to 111 ; and Amphipleura pellucida 120 to 130. This latter has been variously estimated at 100,000 PLATE I. FIG. 28. FIG. 27. Scale of Hipparchia Janirn. Scales of Podura plumbea:&, large strongly marked scale; B, small scale more faintly marked; c, portion of an injured scale, showing the nature of the markings. FIG. 29. n^r ^r ^ * w&w Plevrosigma angiilatum : A, entire frustule, as seen under a power of 500 diam. ; B, hexagonal aerolation, as seen under a power of 1300 diam.; c, the same, as seen under a power of 15,000 diam. USE OF THE MICROSCOPE. 57 to 130,000 in an inch. It has been resolved by Dr. Wood- ward with the y'gth immersion of Powell and Lealand, using oblique sunlight through a solution of ammonio- sulphate of copper. The longitudinal lines (between the transverse) of the FIG. 30. Valve of Surirella Gemma, a. Transverse ridges. 6. Longitudinal lines, c. The same, resolved into areolations. Surirella gemma are estimated at 30 to 32 in T J drops of creasote in J ounce of alcohol; filter through flannel. To be used warm. Carbolic Acid. 1 : 100 of water is a good preservative. Thwaite's Fluid. To 16 parts of distilled water, add 1 part of rectified spirit and a few drops of creasote ; stir in a little prepared chalk, and filter. Mix an equal measure of camphor-water, and strain before using. For preserva- tion of algae. Solution of Naphtha and Creasote. Mix 3 drachms of creasote with 6 ounces of wood naphtha ; make a thick, smooth paste with prepared chalk, and add gradually, rubbing in a mortar, 64 ounces of water. Add a few lumps of camphor, and let it stand several weeks before MODERN METHODS OF EXAMINATION. 75 pouring off or filtering the clear fluid. Dr. Beale recom- mends this highly for the preservation of dissections of nerves and morbid specimens. Ealfs Fluid. As a substitute for Thwaite's fluid in the preservation of algse. 1 grain of alum and 1 of bay salt to 1 ounce of distilled water. Goadby's Solution. Bay salt, 4 ounces ; alum, 2 ounces ; corrosive sublimate, 4 grains; boiling water, 4 pints. This is the strength most generally useful, although it may be made stronger or more dilute. It is a useful fluid. If the specimen contain carbonate of lime, the alum must be left out, and the quantity of salt may be quadrupled. Dr. Beale discards all solutions containing salts for microscopic purposes, as they render the textures opaque and granular. Soluble Glass, or a solution of silicate of soda or potash, or of both, has been proposed, but it is apt to render specimens opaque. Chloride of Calcium in saturated aqueous solution has been much recommended, especially by botanists. Acetate of Potash, a nearly saturated solution, is useful for vegetable preparations and for specimens of animal tissue which have been stained with osmic acid. The latter do not bear glycerin. Pacinian Fluid. This is variously modified, but may consist of corrosive sublimate, 1 part ; chloride of sodium, 2 parts; glycerin, 13 parts; distilled water, 113 parts. Sometimes acetic acid is substituted for chloride of so- dium. 6. CEMENTS. Gold Size is recommended by Dr. Carpenter as most generally useful for thin covers. It is made by boiling 25 parts of linseed oil for three hours with 1 part of red lead and J of as much umber. The fluid part is then mixed with yellow ochre and white lead in equal parts, 76 THE MICROSCOPIST. so as to thicken it, the whole boiled again, and the fluid poured off for use. Bell's Cement is said to be best for gtycerin specimens. It appears to be shellac dissolved in strong alcohol. Brunswick Black is asphaltura dissolved in turpentine. A little india-rubber dissolved in mineral naphtha is some- times added. Canada Balsam in chloroform or Dammar varnish (page 74) is often used as a cement. Marine Glue. This is most useful in building glass cells, etc. It consists of equal parts of shellac and india- rubber dissolved in mineral naphtha by means of heat. Electrical Cement is made by melting together 5 parts of 'rosin, 1 of beeswax, and 1 of red ochre. 2 parts of Canada balsam added make it more adhesive to glass. White, hard Varnish, or gum sandarac, dissolved in alcohol and mixed with turpentine varnish, is sometimes colored by lampblack, sealing-wax, etc. White Zinc Cement. Oxide of zinc rubbed up with equal parts of oil of turpentine and 8 parts of solution of gum Dammar in turpentine of a syrupy consistence, or Canada balsam, chloroform, and oxide of zinc. CHAPTER VI. MOUNTING AND PRESERVING OBJECTS FOR THE MICROSCOPE. FOR the permanent preservation of specimens, various means are employed, according to the nature of the object and the particular line of investigation desired. Few, if any, objects show all their peculiarities of structure or adaptation to function, and for scientific work it is often MOUNTING AND PRESERVING OBJECTS. 77 necessary to have the same structure prepared in different ways. Opaque Objects have sometimes been attached by thick gum to small disks of paper, etc , or to the bottom and sides of small pill-boxes, or in cavities in slides of bone or wood, but they are better preserved on glass slides, as hereafter described. The most convenient form of slide for microscopic pur- poses is made of flattened crown or flint glass, cut into slips of three inches by one inch, and ground at the edges. Some preparations are mounted on smaller slips, but they are less convenient than the above, which is regarded as the standard size. On such slides objects are fixed, and covered by a square or round piece of thin glass, varying from o'oth to oio tn of an inch in thickness. Both slides and thin glass can be procured at opticians' stores. Laminae of mica or talc are sometimes used for lack of better material, but are too soft. For object-glasses of the shortest focal length, how- ever, it is necessary at times to resort to this sort of cov- ering. Great care should be taken to have both slide and cover clean. With thin glass this is difficult, owing to its brit- tleness. Practice will teach much, but for the thinnest glass two flat pieces of wood covered with chamois leather, between which the cover may lie flat as it is rubbed, will be serviceable. Very thin specimens may be mounted in balsam, glyc- erin, etc., covered with the thin glass cover, and then secured by a careful application of cement to the edges of the cover. If, however, the pressure of the thin glass be objectionable, or the object be of moderate thickness, some sort of cell should be constructed on the slide. The thinnest cells are made with cement, as gold size, Brunswick black, etc., painted on with a camel's-hair pen- cil. For preparing these with elegance, Shadbolt's turn- 78 THE MICROSCOPIST. table has been contrived (Fig. 36). The slide is placed between the springs, and while rotated, a ring of varnish of suitable breadth is made on the glass. A piece of thin glass (or even of thick glass) may be perforated and cemented to the slide with marine glue by FIG. 36. Shadbolt's Turntable for making Cement-Cells. the aid of heat; or vulcanite, lead, tin, gutta percha, etc., may be made into a cell in a similar way as seen in Fig. 37. The perforation of thin glass may be easily performed by cementing it over a hole in a brass plate, etc., with marine glue, and punching it through with the end of a FIG. 37. Cell of Glass, Vulcanite, etc. file. The edges may then be filed to the size of the hole, and the glass removed by heating the brass. Thicker glass may be bored with a file by moistening it with turpentine. Dry objects, especially if they are transparent, as dia- toms, thin sections of bone, crystals, etc., may be attached to the slide with Canada balsam, etc., covered with thin MOUNTING AND PRESERVING OBJECTS. 79 glass, which should be cemented at the edges, and gummed over all a strip of colored or lithographed paper, in which an aperture has been made with a punch. Mounting in Balsam or Dammar Varnish is suitable for a very large proportion of objects. It increases the trans- parency of many structures, tilling up interstices and cavi- ties, and giving them a smooth, beautiful appearance. Very delicate tissues, as fine nerves, etc., are rendered in- visible by it, and require other fluids, as glycerin. Before mounting in balsam, the object should be thor- oughly dry, otherwise a milky appearance will result. It should then be placed in oil of cloves or of turpentine to remove greasiuess and increase the transparency. A clean slide, warmed over a spirit-lamp or on a hot plate, should then have a little balsam placed on its centre, and the object carefully lifted from the turpentine is put into the balsam and covered with another drop. The slide should then be gently warmed, and any air-bubbles pricked with a needle-point or drawn aside. The thin glass cover should be warmed and put on gently, in such a way as to lean first on one edge and fall gradually to a horizontal posi- tion. The slide may be warmed again, and the superflu- ous balsam pressed from under the cover by the pressure of a clean point upon it. If the object is full of large air-spaces and is not likely to be injured by heat, the air may be expelled by gently boiling it in the balsam on the slide. If the object be one which will curl up, or is otherwise injured by heat, the air-pump must be resorted to. A cheap substitute for the air-pump may be made by fitting a piston into a tolerably wide glass tube closed at one end. The piston should have a valve opening outwards. The preparation in bal- sam may be placed at the bottom of the tube, and a few strokes of the piston will exhaust the air. To fill a deep cell with Canada balsam, it may be well to fill it first with turpentine and place the specimen in 80 THE MICROSCOPIST. it. Then pour in the halsam at one end, the slide being inclined so that the turpentine may run out at the other. Lay the cover on one edge of the cell and gradually lower it till it lies flat. In this way air may be excluded. The solution of balsam in chloroform needs no heat, and has little liability of air-bubbles. The excess of balsam round the edge of the glass cover may be removed with a knife and cleaned with turpentine or benzine, etc. For animal tissues, the oil of cloves is sometimes used instead of turpentine to increase the transparency, and a wet preparation, as a stained or injected specimen, may be mounted in balsam or Dammar by first placing it in absolute alcohol to extract the water, then transferring to oil of cloves or turpentine, and lastly, to the balsam. In a reverse order, a specimen from balsam may be cleaned and mounted in fluid. Mounting in Fluid is necessary for the preservation of the most delicate tissues and such as may be injured by Spring Clip. drying. Glycerin is perhaps the most generally useful fluid. (See Preservative Fluids, page 73.) For mounting in fluid, it is safer to have a thin cell of varnish prepared first than to risk the running in of the cement under the cover, as will be likely to occur other- wise. The air-pump is sometimes needed in mounting in fluid to get rid of air-bubbles, A spring clip (Fig. 38) is also MOUNTING AND PRESERVING OBJECTS. 81 a useful instrument for making moderate pressure on the glass cover until the cement on its edge is dry. A drop- ping-tube with a bulbous funnel, covered with thin india- rubber, for taking up and dropping small quantities of fluid, will also be of service. Superfluous fluid may be removed from the edge of the cover by a piece of blotting-paper, care being used not to draw away the fluid beneath the cover. As soon as objects are mounted, the slides should be labelled before cementing is finished, otherwise time will be lost in searching for a particular object among others, or the name may be forgotten. Boxes of wood or of pasteboard, with grooved racks at the sides, are occasionally used for preserving a collection of specimens. It is better, however, to have a cabinet with drawers or trays so that the specimens may lie flat, with their ends towards the front of the drawer. A piece of porcelain on the end of the drawer is convenient for the name of the class of objects contained, to be written on with lead-pencil. Collecting Objects. The methods pursued by naturalists generally will suffice for a large proportion of the objects which are matters of microscopic inquiry, but there are others which, from their minuteness, require special search. Many fresh-water species of microscopic organisms inhabit pools, ditches, and streams. Some attach themselves to the stems and leaves of aquatic plants, or to floating and decaying sticks, etc. Others live in the muddy sediment at the bottom of the water. A pond stick has been con- trived for the collection of such organisms, consisting of two lengths, sliding one within the other, so that it may be used as a walking-cane. In a screw socket at one end may be placed a curved knife for cutting portions of plants which contain microscopic parasites; or a screw collar for carrying a screw-topped bottle, which serves to bring up a sample of liquid ; or it may have a ring for a muslin net. 6 82 THE MICROSCOPIST. The net should be confined by an india-rubber band in a groove, so as to be slipped off readily and emptied into a bottle. The collector should have enough bottles to keep organisms from each locality separate, and when animal- cules are secured enough, air should be left to insure their safety. Marine organisms may be obtained in a similar way if they inhabit the neighborhood of the shore, but others can only be secured by means of the dredge or tow-net. The latter may be of fine muslin sewn to a wire ring of twelve inches diameter. It may be fastened with strings to the stern of a boat, or held by a stick so as to project from the side. For the more delicate organisms, the boat should be rowed slowly, so that the net may move gently through the water. Firmer structures may be obtained by attaching a wide-mouthed bottle to the end of a net made conical, and double, so that the inner cone may act as a valve. The bottle may be kept from sinking by a piece of cork. Such a net may be fixed to the stern of a vessel, and drawn up from time to time for examination. Minute organisms may be examined on the spot by fishing them out of the bottle with a pipette, or small glass tube, and placing them on a slide. A Coddington or other pocket lens will suffice to show which are desir- able for preservation. Many of the lower animals and plants may be kept alive in glass jars for some time. Frogs, etc., may be kept under wire covers with a large piece of moist sponge. Aquaria of various sorts may be procured and stocked at small expense, and will afford a constant source of in- struction. For fresh- water aquaria the bottom of the jar, etc , should be covered with rich black earth, made into a paste, and this should be surmounted with a layer of fine washed sand. Roots of Valisneria, Anacharis, or Cham may then be planted in the earth and the vessel filled with water. As soon as the water is clear, put a MOUNTING AND PRESERVING OBJECTS. 8S few fresh-water molluscs in to keep down the growth of confervae, especially such as feed on decayed vegetable matter, as Planorbis carinatus, Paludina vivipara, or Am- phibia glutinosa. When bubbles of oxygen gas appear, fish, water insects, etc., may be introduced. Marine aquaria require more skill than those for fresh water, but for temporary purposes, the plan described by Mr. Highley, in Dr. Beale's How to Work with the Micro- scope, is excellent. He fills a number of German beaker glasses with fresh sea-water, and places them in a sunny window. He then drops in each one or two limpet shells from which the animals have been removed, and upon which small plants of Enteromorpha and Ulva are growing. In a short time the sides of the jars next the light become coated with spores. He keeps the other sides clean with a piece of wood or sponge, so as to observe the small marine animals which may now be placed in the beakers. In this way a collection will keep healthy for months. After the sides are covered with spores, the sea-weeds may be removed, and the jars placed on a table at such a distance from the window that the light impinges only on the coated half, taking care that there is sufficient light to stimulate the spores to throw off bubbles of oxygen daily. Prawns, fish, actiniae, etc., may be fed on shreds of beef which has been pounded and dried, and then macerated in sea-water for a few minutes. All dead animals, slime, or effete matter should be removed by wooden forceps, etc , as soon as noticed. 84 THE MICROSCOPIST. CHAPTER VII. THE MICROSCOPE IN MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. MICROSCOPIC examination of minute fossil organisms, as Diatoms, Foraminifera, spicules of sponge, etc., has long been a subject of interest. Latterly, however, the micro- scope has been found to be essential to the study of phys- ical geology and petrology. How many crude and verbose theories respecting cosmogony will disappear by this means of investigation time must reveal, but the animal nature of the Eozoon Canadense found in the Serpentine Lime- stone of the Lauren tian formation of Canada, parallel with the Fundamental Gneiss of Europe, and the discovery by Mr. Sorby* of minute cavities filled with fluid in quartz and volcanic rocks, are indications that speculations based upon a merely external or even chemical examination of rock structures are immature and inadequate. The systematic study of microscopic mineralogy and geology will require a large outlay of time and patience, and the field is one which is scarcely trodden. The plan of this work will only permit a brief outline, sufficient to aid a beginner, and indicating the value and the methods of minute investigation. Preparation of Specimens. Examination of the outer surface of a mineral specimen, viewed as an opaque body with a low power and by condensed light, is sometimes useful. The metals and their alloys, with most of their combinations with sulphur, etc , admit of no other method. Occasionally, as in iron and steel, the microscopic structure is best seen by polishing the surface, and then allowing the action of very dilute nitric acid. Mr. Forbesf states * See Beale's How to Work with the Microscope. f The Microscope in Geology, Popular Science Keview, No. 25. THE MICROSCOPE IN MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. 85 that many vitreous specimens (quite transparent) show no trace of structure until the surface has been carefully acted on by hydrofluoric acid. It is generally necessary to have the specimens flat and smooth, and thin enough to transmit light. Sometimes fragments may be thin enough to show structure when mounted in balsam, as in the case of quartz, obsidian, pitch- stone, etc., but usually thin sections must be ground and polished. Chip off a fragment of the rock as flat and thin as pos- sible, or cut with a lapidary's wheel, or a toothless saw of sheet-iron with emery. Grind down the specimen on an iron or pewter plate in a lathe until perfectly flat. Then grind with finer emery on a slab of fine-grained marble or slate, and finish with water on a fine hone, avoiding all polishing powders or oil. When perfectly smooth, cement the specimen on a square of glass with Canada balsam, and grind the other side until as thin as necessary, finish as before, remove it from the glass, and mount on a glass slide in balsam. In this way, most silicates, chlorides, fluorides, carbo- nates, sulphates, borates, many oxides, sulphides, etc., may be prepared for examination by transmitted light. Very soft rocks may be soaked in turpentine, then in soft balsam, and afterwards heated until quite hard. The deep scratches on hard minerals, like quartz, left by the use of coarse emery, may be removed by using fine emery paper held flat on a piece of plate glass, and finally polished with rouge on parchment. Perhaps oxide of chromium from its hardness will be found the best polishing material. Crystals of soluble salts may be ground on emery paper and polished with rouge. Sometimes much may be learned by acting on one side only of a specimen with dilute acid. Examination of Specimens. The object of microscopic examination of minerals is to determine not only the nature of the material of which they are composed, but also, and 86 THE MICROSCOPIST. chiefly, their structure, whether homogeneous, derived from the debris of previous rocks, or from the agency of the organic world. Ordinary mineralogical characteristics, as to hardness, specific gravity, color, lustre, form, cleavage, and fusibility, and above all, chemical composition, may suffice to show the material, but the microscope will give valuable assistance to this end, and is essential to a knowl- edge of structure. Crystalline Forms. The laws of crystallography teach that each chemical combination corresponds to a distinct relation of all the angles which can possibly arise from the primary form, so that the angular inclination of the facets of a crystal is a question of importance. This can be ascertained by a microscope having a revolving stage, properly graduated, or by the use of a goniometer, which is a thread stretched across the focus of the eye-lens, and attached to a movable graduated circle and vernier. The eye-piece attached to the polariscope of Hartnack is thus arranged, so as to act also as a goniometer. Crystals are assumed to possess certain axes, and the form is determined by the relation of the plane surface to these axes. . Although the forms of crystals are almost infinitely varied, they may be classified into seven crystal- lographic systems. 1. The Regular Cubic or Monometric System (Fig. 39) These crystals are symmetrical, about three rectangular axes. The simplest forms are the cube and octahedron. Examples, diamond, most metals, chloride of sodium, fluor spar, alum. 2. The Quadratic or Dimetric System (Fig. 40). Crystals symmetrical, about three rectangular axes, but only two axes of equal length. Examples, sulphate of nickel, tung- state of lead, and double chloride of potassium and cop- per. 3. Hexagonal or Rhombohedral System (Fig. 41). Crys- tals with four axes ; three equal in length, in one plane, FIG. 39. Principal or Vertical Axes. Secondary or Lateral Axes. FIG. 41. Principal Axes. Secondary Axes. FIG. 42. Principal Axes, Secondary Axes. FIG. 43. Principal Axes. Secondary Axes. FIG. 44. Principal Axes. Secondary Axes. 88 THE MICROSCOPIST. and inclined 60 to each other, and a principal axis at right angles to the plane of the others. Examples, quartz, beryl, and calc-spar. 4. Rhombic or Trimetric System (Fig. 42). Three rec- tangular axes, all of different lengths. Examples, sulphate of potassium, nitrate of potassium, sulphate of barium, and sulphate of magnesium. 5. Oblique Prismatic or Monoclinic (Fig. 43). Two axes obliquely inclined, and a third at right angles to the plane of these two ; all three being unequal. Examples, ferrous sulphate, sugar, gypsum, and tartaric acid. 6. Didinic System. Two axes at right angles, and a third oblique to the plane of these ; the primary form being a symmetrical eight sided pyramid. 7. Doubly Oblique Prismatic or Triclinic (Fig. 44). Three axes all inclined obliquely and of equal length. Example, sulphate of copper. Crystalline structure being inherent in the nature of the mineral, becomes perceptible by the manner of divi- sion. A slight blow on a piece of calc-spar will separate it into small rhombohedrons or parallelopipeds, or produce internal fissures along the planes of cleavage, which will suffice to determine their angles. Crystals are often found in groups, with various modes of arrangement. Cubes are sometimes aggregated so as to form octahedra, and prismatic crystals are often united together at one extremity. But the most singular groups are those called hemitropes, because they resemble a crys- tal cut in two, with one part turned half round and re- united to the other. In all the numerous forms, however, we find in the same species the same angles or inclination of planes, although the unequal size of the faces may lead to great apparent irregularity, as in distorted crystals of quartz, where one face of the pyramid is enlarged at the expense of the rest. THE MICROSCOPE IN MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. 89 An apparent distortion may also be produced by an oblique section. The following examples may be of service, as showing the value of angular measurement in minerals: Quartz. Rhombohedral system. Inclination of two adjoining faces 94 15'. Felspar. Monoclinic. Cleavage planes at right angles. Albite or soda felspar. Triclinic. Angle 93 36'. Mica. Oblique prisms. Maguesian mica. Right, rhombic, or hexagonal prisms. Garnet. Dodecahedrons or trapezohedrons. Idocrase. Square prisms. Epidote. Oblique prisms. Scapolite. Square and octagonal prisms. Andalusite. Prisms of 90 44'. Staurotide. Rhombic prisms of 129 20'. Tourmaline. Three, six, nine, or twelve-sided prisms. Topaz. Rhombic prisms of 124 19'. Beryl. Six-sided prisms. Hornblende. Monoclinic. 124 30'. Augite or pyroxene. Monoclinic. 87 5'. Calcite or carbonate of lime. Forms various, but 105 5' between the cleavage faces. Magnesite. Angle 107 29'. Dolomite. 106 15'. Gypsum. Monoclinic. Crystals within Crystals. Many specimens which appear perfectly homogeneous to the naked eye are shown by the microscope to be very complex. The minerals of erupted lavas are often full of minute crystals, leading to very anomalous results of chemical analysis. Some care is needed at times to distinguish such included minerals from cavities filled with fluid. The use of polarized light will sometimes determine this point. Cavities in Crystals. Mr. Sorby has shown that the various cavities in minerals containing air, water, glass, 90 THE MICROSCOPIST. or stone will often indicate under what conditions the rock was formed. Thus crystals with water cavities were formed from solution ; those with stone or glass cavities from igneous fusion ; those with both kinds by the com- bined influence of highly heated water and melted rock under great pressure; while those that contain no cavi- ties were formed very slowly, or from the fusion of homo- geneous substance. Use of Polarized Light. Mr. Sorby states that the action of crystals on polarized light is due to their double refraction, which depolarizes the polarized beam, and gives rise to colors b} 7 interference if the crystal be not too thick in proportion to the intensity of its power of double refraction. This varies much, according to the position in which the costal is cut, yet we may form a general opinion, since it is the intensity and not the char- acter of the depolarized light which varies according to the position of the crystal. There are two axes at right angles to each other, and when either of them is parallel to the plane of polarization, the crystal has no depolariz- ing action, and if the polarizing and analyzing prisms are crossed, it looks black. On rotating the crystal or the plane of polarization, the intensity of depolarizing action increases until the axes are at 45, and then diminishes till the other axis is in the plane. If, therefore, this takes place uniformly over a specimen, we know that it has one .simple crystalline structure, but if it breaks up into de- tached parts, we know it is made up of a number of sepa- rate crystalline portions. The definite order that may occur in the arrangement of a number of crystals may indicate important differences. Some round bodies, for example, like oolitic grains, have been formed by crystals radiating from a common nu- cleus ; whilst others, as in meteorites, have the structure of round bodies which crystallized afterwards. Sir .D. Brewster discovered that many crystals have THE MICROSCOPE IN MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. 91 two axes of double refraction, or rather axes around which double refraction occurs. Thus nitre crystallizes in six- sided prisms, with angles of about 120. It has two axes of double refraction inclined about 2J to the axes of the prism, and 5 to each other, so that a piece cut from such a crystal perpendicular to the axes, shows a double system of rings when a ray of polarized light is transmitted. When the line connecting the axes is inclined 45 to the plane of polarization, a cross is seen, which gradually assumes the form of two hyperbolic curves on rotating the specimen If the analyzer be revolved, the black cross will be replaced by white, the red rings by green, the yel- low by indigo, etc. These rings have the same colors as thin plates, or a system of rings round one axis. Mica has two sets of rings, with the angle between the axes of 60 to 75. Magnesian mica gives an angle of 5 to 20. Determination of the Origin of Rock Specimens. Mr. Forbes has shown that the primary or eruptive rocks, consisting chiefly of crystallized silicates, with small quantities of other minerals, are developed as more or less perfect crystals at all angles to one another, indicat- ing the fluid state of the mass at some previous time. The secondary or sedimentary rocks consist of rocks formed by the immediate products of the breaking up of eruptive rocks, or are built of the debris of previous erup- tive or sedimentary rocks, or composed of extracts from aqueous solution by crystallization, precipitation, or the action of organic life. The accompanying figures, selected from Mr. Forbes's article in the Popular Science Review, well illustrate this method of investigation. Plate II, Fig. 45, is a section of lava from Vesuvius, magnified twelve diameters, showing crystals of augite in a hard gray rock. Plate II, Fig. 46, is a volcanic rock from Tahiti, consisting of felspar, with oliviue and magnetic oxide of iron, and numerous crystals of a pyroxenic min- eral. Plate II, Fig. 47, is pitchstone from a dyke in new 92 THE MICROSCOPIST. red sandstone, magnified seventy-five diameters. Exter- nally it resembles dirty green bottle-glass, but shows in the microscope an arborescent crystallization of a green pyroxenic mineral in a colorless felspar base. Plate II, Fig. 48, shows auriferous diorite from Chili, consisting of felspar, with hornblende and crystals of iron pyrites, mag- nified thirty diameters. Plate II, Fig. 49, is a section of granite from Cornwall, with crystals of orthoclase, hexag- onal crystals of brown mica, and colorless quartz, which a higher power shows to contain fluid cavities, magnified twenty-five diameters. Plate II, Fig. 50, a volcanic rock from Peru, composed of felspar, dark crystals of augite, hexagonal crystals of dark mica, and a little magnetic oxide of iron, magnified six diameters. Plate II, Fig. 5 1 , lower silurian roofing-slate, cut at right angles to the cleavage, showing that the latter is not due to crystalline but to mechanical arrangement, magnified two hundred O O diameters. Plate II, Fig. 52, is an oolitic specimen from Peru, regarded as an eruptive rock by D'Orbigny, but shown in the microscope to be a mere aggregation of sand, etc., without the crystalline character of eruptive rocks. Materials of Organic Origin. Rocks and strata derived from plants or animals may be arranged in four groups : 1. The calcareous, or those of which limestones have been formed, as corals, corallines, shells, crinoids, etc. 2. The siliceous, which have contributed to the silica, and may have originated flints, as the microscopic shields of dia- toms and siliceous spiculae of sponges. 3. The phosphatic, as bones, excrement, etc. Fossil excrements are called coprolites, and those of birds in large accumulations, guano. 4. The carbonaceous, or those which have afforded coal and resin, as plants. To examine the structure of coal, it is necessary to have very thin sections. From its friability, this is a process of great difficulty. The Micrographic Dictionary recom- PI ATE 71. Tig. 51x200 Tig. 52 * 30 THE MICROSCOPE IN MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. 93 mends the maceration of the coal for about a week in a solution of carbonate of potassium, when thin slices may be cut with a razor. These should be gently heated in nitric acid, and when they turn yellow, washed in cold water and mounted in glycerin, as spirit and balsam ren- der them opaque. Sometimes, as in anthracite, casts of vegetable fibres may be obtained in the ash after burning and mounted in balsam. The lignites of the tertiary period show a vegetable structure similar to the woods of the present period, but the older coal of the palaeozoic series is a mass of decom- posed vegetable matter chiefly derived from the decay of coniferous wood, analogous to the araucarise, as is seen from the peculiar arrangement of the glandular dots on the woody fibres. Traces of ferns, sigillarise, calarnites, etc., such as are preserved in the shales and sandstones of the coal period, are also met with, but their structure has not been preserved. Professor Heer, of Zurich, has described and classified several hundred species of fossil plants from the rniocene beds of Switzerland by the outlines, nervation, and micro- scopic structure of the leaves and character of sections of the wood. Several hundred kinds of insects also have been found in the same strata. It is remarkable that a great part of this fossil flora is such as is now common to America, as evergreen oaks, maples, poplars, ternate- leaved pines, and the representatives of the gigantic sequoise of California. The researches of palaeontologists have brought to light nearly two thousand species of fossil plants, of which about one-half belong to the carboniferous and one-fourth to the tertiary formations. The rapid multiplication of the minute microscopic organisms called diatoms, is such that Professor Ehren- berg affirms it to have an important influence in blocking up harbors and diminishing the depth of channels. These 94 THE MICROSCOPIST. organisms, now generally regarded as plants, are exceed- ingly small, and are usually covered by loricse or shields of pure silica, beautifully marked, as if engraved. These loricre or shells having accumulated in great quantities, have given rise to very extensive siliceous strata. Thus the "infusorial earth" of Virginia, on which Richmond and Petersburg are built, is such a deposit eighteen feet in thickness. The polishing material called Tripoli, and FIG. 53. Fossil Diatomacese, etc., from Mourne Mountain, Ireland: a, a, a, Gaillom lla (Mclo- seira) procera, and G. granulata, Eh "IG. G2. p G HI r ' ^i. "!";] \ll ^\ ' II' '" 1 IK ll _J 111 i;i ,1 Juice of (Joipora Lutea with Sulphuric Acid. purple color, and shows in the spectroscope one band in the green (Fig. 62). Its chloroform solution, examined with lime-light, shows two bands in blue (Fig. 63). An alcoholic or ethereal solution gives a third one in the violet. THE MICROSCOPE IN CHEMISTRY. 105 Cysto lutein, or the yellow fluid of an ovarian cyst, shows with the lime-light three bands in blue, in the n IT Chloroform Suluiiou of Corpora Lutea. same position as the chloroform solution of lutein (Fig. 61). The serum of blood, etc., shows the bands of hsemato- A n B Cysto-Luteiu 1'ioui an Ovariau Cyst. crystalline and one or two doubtful bands, as in the figure (Fig. 65). Dr. Richardson, of Philadelphia, gives the following directions for examining blood-stains: Procure a glass slide with a circular excavation, and moisten the edges of the cavity with a small drop of diluted glycerin. Lay A n B C H TT Sero-Lutein. a clean glass cover, a little larger than the excavation, on white paper, and put on it the smallest visible fragment of blood-clot. With a needle, put on the centre of the cover a speck of glycerin, not larger than a full stop (.), 106 THE MICROSCOPIST. and with a dry needle push the blood to the edge that it may be just moistened with the glycerin. Place the slide on the cover so that the glycerin edges of the cavity may adhere, and turning it over, transfer it to the stage of the microscope. Thus a minute quantity of a strong solution of hsemoglobulin is obtained, the point of greatest density of which may be found by a one-fourth objective, and tested by the spectroscopic eye-piece and witlrhigh powers. The tiny drop may be afterwards wiped off with moist blotting-paper, and a little fresh tincture of guaiacum added, showing the blue color of the guaiacum blood-test. Inverted Microscope of Dr. Lawrence Smith. In ordinary chemical investigations there is some risk of injuring the polish of the lenses, as well as the brass work of the mi- croscope, without very great care. This is particularly the case in observing the effects of heat or of strong acids. To obviate this difficulty, Dr. Lawrence Smith contrived a plan for an inverted microscope, w r hich has been con- structed by Cachet of Paris. The optical part of the in- strument is below the stage, and is furnished with a pecu- liar prism, by which the rays from the'objective are bent into a conveniently inclined body. The illuminating ap- paratus is above the stage. This, construction renders the instrument well adapted to chemical investigations. GENERAL MICROCHEMICAL TESTS. Dr. Worm ley has directed attention to some necessary cautions. He shows that many substances which may readily be detected in a pure state, even in very minute quantities by the microscope, are difficult to detect when mixed \vith complex organic materials. This is especially applicable to the alkaloids, which should be separated from such mixtures by the use of the dialyzer a hoop with a bottom of parchment-paper, etc. or extracted with ether or chloroform. THE MICROSCOPE IN CHEMISTRY. 107 The purity of all reagents should be carefully estab- lished, and they should be kept in hard German glass bottles, and only distilled water used in all our researches. The true nature of a reaction that is common to several substances may often be determined with the microscope. Thus 'a solution of nitrate of silver becomes covered with a white film when exposed to several different vapors, but hydrocyanic acid is the 'only one which is crystalline. This will detect 100,000th of a grain of the acid. A slip of clean copper boiled in a hydrochloric acid solution of arsenic, mercury, antimony, etc., becomes coated with the metal, but when heated in a reduction-tube, arsenic only yields a sublimate of octahedral crystals, and mercury only will furnish metallic globules. A solution of iodine produces distinct reaction with 100,000th of a grain of strychnine in solution in 1 grain of water, but as this is common to other alkaloids, other tests are needed. Yet the absence of such a reaction shows the -absence of the alkaloid. The degree of dilution is important. Thus bromine with atropin yieldsHa crystalline deposit from 1 grain of a 20,000th or stronger dilution, but not with diluter solu- tions. A limited quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen throws down from corrosive sublimate a white deposit, while excess produces a black precipitate. Blue and Reddened Litmus Paper are used as tests for acids and alkalies. It is a bibulous paper dyed in infu- sion of litmus. The red is made by adding a little acetic acid to the infusion. Dry substances and vapors require the paper to be moistened with distilled water. If the acid reaction depends on carbonic acid, warming the paper on a slide over a lamp will restore the color. So if a volatile alkali, ammonia or carbonate of ammonia, have made the red paper blue, its color will be restored by a gentle heat. Sometimes the infusion of litmus is more convenient than the paper. 108 THE MICROSCOPIST. Alcohol coagulates albuminous matter. Ether dissolves fat. Acetic Acid will dissolve phosphate or carbonate of lime, but not the oxalate. Nitrate of Barytes in cold saturated solution is a test for sulphuric and phosphoric acids. The precipitated sulphate of baryta is insoluble in acids and alkalies. The phosphate is soluble in acids and insoluble in ammonia. Nitrate of Silver. A solution of 60 grains to the ounce of water is a convenient test for chlorides and phosphates. Chloride of silver is white, soluble in ammonia and insolu- ble in nitric acid. The tribasic phosphate of silver is yel- low, and soluble in excess of ammonia or of nitric acid. Oxalate of Ammonia is a test for salts of lime. Dissolve the material in nitric acid, and add excess of ammonia. Dissolve the flocculent precipitate in excess of acetic acid, and add the oxalate of ammonia. Oxalate of lime is in- soluble in alkalies and acetic acid, but soluble in strong mineral acids. Iodine is a test for starch, coloring it blue. Albuminous tissues are colored yellow, and vegetable cellulose a brown- ish-yellow. The addition of sulphuric acid turns cellulose blue. DETERMINATION OP SUBSTANCES. ALKALIES. Bichloride of platinum precipitates from salts of potash or ammonia a yellow double chloride, which crystallizes in beautiful octahedra. It has no precipitating effect on solutions of soda. Polarized light will distinguish the 800,000th of a grain of double chloride of sodium and platinum by its beautiful colors from the chloride of potassium and platinum, or of platinum alone. The double chloride of platinum and potassium may be dis- tinguished from that of ammonia by heating to redness, treating with hot water, and acting on with nitrate of THE MICROSCOPE IN CHEMISTRY. 109 silver. The ammonium compound after ignition leaves only the platinum, which gives no precipitate with nitrate of silver, while the potassium chloride yields a white pre- cipitate of chloride of silver. Antimoniate of potash throws down from solutions of soda and its neutral salts a white crystalline antimoniate of soda, the forms of which vary according to the strength of the solution ; generally they are rectangular plates and octahedra. ACIDS. Sulphuric. In solutions acidulated with hydrochloric or nitric acid, the chloride or nitrate of baryta produces a white precipitate. Veratrin added to a drop of concen- trated sulphuric acid produces a crimson solution, or de- posit if evaporated. Citric. Heated with excess of hydrochloric acid elimi- nates chlorine, which will dissolve gold leaf. A blood- red color is produced when nitric acid or a nitrate is mixed with a sulphuric acid solution of brucin. Hydrochloric. Xitrate of silver precipitates amorphous chloride of silver; soluble in ammonia, but insoluble in nitric and sulphuric acid. Oxalic. Xitrate of silver precipitates amorphous oxa- late of silver ; soluble in nitric acid and also in solution of ammonia. Hydrocyanic. Put a drop of acid solution in a watch- glass, invert another over it containing a drop of solution of nitrate of silver, and a crystalline film will form. A solution of hydrocyanic acid treated with caustic potash or soda and then with persulphate of iron yields Prussian blue. Phosphoric. A mixture of sulphate of magnesia, chlo- ride of ammonium, and free ammonia produces in solu- tions of free phosphoric acid and alkaline phosphates white feathery or stellate crystalline precipitate of ammo- 110 THE MICROSCOPIST. nio-phosphate of magnesia. A slower crystallization gives prisms. METALLIC OXIDES. These may usually be determined by treating a small portion of solution, acidulated with hydrochloric acid, by sulphuretted hydrogen ; another, and neutral portion with sulphuret of ammonium ; and a third with carbonate of soda. Antim.ony. Sulphuretted hydrogen throws down or- ange-red precipitate from tartar-emetic solutions, etc. Arsenic yields white octahedral crystals of arsenious acid when sublimed. Arsenious acid may be reduced to metallic arsenic by heating to redness in a tube with charcoal and carbonate of soda. A solution of arsenious acid yields octahedral crystals by evaporation, so as to determine with the microscope 1000th to 10,000th of a grain. Ammonio-nitrate of silver throws down from an aque- ous solution of arsenious acid a bright yellow precipitate, arnmonio-sulphate of copper a green precipitate, and sul- phuretted hydrogen a bright yellow. Mercury. Bichloride of mercury, moistened with a drop of solution of iodide of potassium, assumes the bright scarlet color of biniodide of mercury. A strong solution of caustic potash or soda turns bichloride of mercury yel- low from the formation of protoxide ; but calomel or chlo- ride of mercury is blackened from formation of suboxide. Heated in a reduction-tube with dry carbonate of soda, the sublimate shows under the microscope small, opaque, spherical globules of mercury. Dr. Wormley states that a globule of mercury or "artificial star" may be discrim- inated by the one-eighth objective if it be but the 25,000th of an inch in diameter, weighing about the 9,000,000,000th of a grain ; globules of 5 ^th of an inch diameter weigh about 70,000,000th of a grain. THE MICROSCOPE IN CHEMISTRY. Ill Lead. Sulphuretted hydrogen gives a black amor- phous deposit. Sulphuric and hydrochloric acids yield a white precipitate. Chloride of lead crystallizes in needles. Iodide of potassium gives a bright yellow precipitate, sol- uble in boiling water, and crystallizing in. six-sided plates. Bichromate of potassium yields a bright yellow amor- phous deposit. Copper. Sulphuretted hydrogen gives a brown or black- ish deposit ; ammonia a blue or greenish-blue amorphous precipitate, or in dilute solutions a blue color to the liquid ; caustic alkali, a similar precipitate, which on boiling in excess of reagent becomes black, but if grape-sugar, or some other organic agents, be present, a yellow or red precipitate of suboxide of copper occurs. Arsenite of potassium produces a bright green. Zinc. Sulphuretted hydrogen gives a white amorphous deposit the only white sulphuret. Alkalies produce a white hydrated oxide of zinc. ALKALOIDS. The editors of the Micrographic Dictionary refer to a paper of Dr. T. Anderson, in the Edinburgh Monthly Journal, where he shows that the microscope readily distinguishes the more common alkaloids from each other by the form of their crystals and of their sulphocyanides. The alka- loids are first dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, then precipitated on a glass plate with a solution of ammonia, or if the sulphocyanide is required, with a strong solution of sulphocyanide of potassium. It may then be placed under the microscope. The solution should not be too con- centrated. This branch of investigation has been greatly promoted by the elegant work of Dr. Wormley, already referred to, on the Microchemistry of Poisons. Atropin. Ammonia throws down an amorphous pre- cipitate. One grain of a T tJoth grain solution yields to 112 THE MICROSCOPIST. caustic potash or soda a precipitate which, when stirred with a glass rod, becomes a mass of crystals, as in Plate Til, Fig. 66. The sulphocyanide of potassium gives no precipitate. Aconitin. ~No characteristic test, except the physiologi- cal one; ^oo^ 1 of a grain produces on the end of the tongue a peculiar tingling and numbness, lasting for an hour; T -J- th grain in alcohol, rubbed on the skin, pro- duces temporary loss of feeling. Bruein or Bruda. Potash or ammonia produces stellar crystals. Sulphocyanide of potassium, feathery, or sheaf- like. (Plate III, Fig. 67.) Nitric acid produces a blood- red color, changing to yellow by heat. On cooling the latter and adding protochloride of tin, it becomes a beau- tiful purple. Ferri cyanide of potassium, with T -J D th grain of brucin yields the most brilliant polariscope crystals. (Plate III, Fig. 68). Cinchonine. Ammonia produces granular radiating crystals. (Plate III, Fig. 69.) Sulphocyanide of potas- sium six-sided plates, some irregular. (Plate III, Fig. 70.) Conine. This alkaloid and nicotin are distinguished from other alkaloids by being liquid at ordinary tempera- tures, and by their peculiar odor. Conine may be known from nicotin by its odor and sparing solubility in water, by yielding crystalline needles to the vapor or solution of hydrochloric acid, a white precipitate with corrosive sub- limate, and a dark-brown precipitate with nitrate of silver. Codein. Ammonia or alkalies give a white amorphous deposit. Sulphocyanide of potassium, crystalline needles. A solution of iodine in iodide of potassium, a reddish- brown precipitate, which becomes crystalline. This is soluble in alcohol, from which it separates in plates (Plate III, Fig. 71), which appear beautiful in the polariscope. Dalurin. According to Dr. Wormley, this is identical with atropin. Narcotin. In its pure state crystallizes in rhombic PLATE III. FIG. 66. * FIG. 71. FIG. 67. FIG. 72. ^ -^ -v d^ /wt T f FIG. 73. FIG. 68. FIG. i FIG. 74. FIG. 70. o . O O FIG. 75. THE MICROSCOPE IN CHEMISTRY. 113 prisms, or oblong plates. Ammonia, the alkalies, and their carbonates produce tufts of crystals (Plate III, Fig. 72). A drop of aqueous solution of a salt of narcotin, exposed to vapor of ammonia, is covered with a crystalline film if it only contains g^^th of its weight of alkaloid. Morphine. When pure crystallizes in short rectangular prisms. Sulphuric acid dissolves them, and if bichromate of potash be added, green oxide of chromium results. Con^ centrated nitric acid turns it orange-red, and dissolves it_ A strong solution treated with a strong solution of nitrate of silver and gently heated, decomposes the latter and pro- duces a shining crystalline precipitate of metallic silver. In dilute solutions, alkalies precipitate a crystalline form ( 'Plate III, Fig. 73). Xo precipitate with sulphocyanide of potassium unless highly concentrated. Quinine. Amorphous precipitate with ammonia. Sul- phoc} T anide of potassium gives irregular groups of acicu- lar crystals, like those produced by strychnine, but longer and more irregular (Plate III, Fig 74 . The solution should be dilute, and twenty-four hours allowed for the crystals to form. The iodo-disulphate, or Herapathite, gives crystals of a pale olive-green color, which possess a more intense polar- izing power than any other known substance. Dr. Hera- path proposed this as a delicate test for quinine. A drop of test-liquid made with 3 drachms of acetic acid, 1 drachm of rectified spirits, and 6 drops of dilute sulphuric acid is placed on a slide and the alkaloid added. When dissolved a little tincture of iodine is added, and after a time the salt separates in little rosettes. By careful manip- ulation crystals of this salt may be formed large enough to replace Xicol's prisms or tourmaline plates in the polar- izing apparatus. When the crystals of Herapathite cross each other at a right-angle, complete blackness results. Intermediate positions give a beautiful play of colors. Strychnine. Ammonia gives small prismatic crystals, 8 114 THE MICROSCOPIST. some crossed at 60 (Plate III, Fig. 75). Sulphocyanide of potassium produces flat needles, often in groups. Iodine in iodide of potassium gives a reddish-brown amorphous precipitate, crystalline in dilute solutions. When pure, strychnine appears in colorless octahedra, lengthened prisms or granules. To a solution of the alkaloid or its salts in a drop of pure sulphuric acid, which produces no color, add a small crystal of bichromate of potash, and stir slowly with a pointed glass rod. A blue color will appear, passing into purple, violet, and red. The bright yellow crystals of chromate of strychnia, if dried and touched with sulphuric acid, will also show the color test. This is said to be delicate enough to show T0 ^ Tjth of a grain of strychnine. The tetanic convulsions of frogs im- mersed in a solution of strychnine, or after injections of the solution in lungs or stomach, etc , is also a very deli- cate test. Veratrin and its salts treated in the dry state with con- centrated sulphuric acid, slowly dissolve to a reddish-yel- low, or pink solution, which becomes crimson-red. The process is accelerated by heat. Narcein, touched with the cold acid, becomes brown, brownish-yellow, and greenish-yellow, and if heated, a dark purple-red. Solanin turns orange-brown, and later purplish-brown. Piperin turns orange-red to brown. Salicin gives to the acid a crimson pink, changing to black. Papaverin gives a fading purple. CRYSTALLINE FORMS OF VARIOUS SALTS. Our limits forbid extended description, yet a few forms of frequent recurrence will be useful to the student. For crystals in plants or from animal secretions reference may be made also to succeeding chapters. Salts of Lim.e. The carbonate sometimes occurs in ani- PLATE IV. FIG. 76. FIG. 80. FIG. 77. FIG. 81. FIG. 78. FIG. 82. FIG. 79. FIG. 83. FIG. 84. v/ THE MICROSCOPE IN CHEMISTRY. 115 mal secretions in the form of little spheres or disks, con- sisting of groups of radiating needles. In otoliths it is often in minute hexagonal prisms with trilateral summits. It is deposited from water in irregular forms, all of which are grouped needles. Sometimes it assumes the rhombo- hedral form, as in the oyster shell (Plate IV, Fig. 76). In any doubtful case, test as described at pages 99 and 108. Lactate of Lime gives microscopic crystals, consisting of delicate radiating needles (Plate IV, Fig. 77). Oxalate of Lime occurs as square flattened octahedra, as square prisms with quadrilateral pyramids, as fine needles, and as ellipsoidal flattened forms, sometimes constricted so as to resemble dumb-bells (Plate IV, Fig. 78). Phosphate of Lime is usually in the form of thin rhombic plates (Plate IV, Fig. 79). Sulphate of Lime rapidly formed, as in chemical testing, gives minute needles or prisms (Plate IV, Fig. 80). When more slowly formed, these are larger and mixed with rhombic plates. Soda Salts. Chloride of Sodium or common salt gener- ally forms a cube, terminated by quadrangular pyramids or depressions (Plate IV, Fig. 81). The crystals do not polarize light. Plate IV, Fig. 82, represents crystals of oxalate of soda, and Plate IV, Fig. 83, those of nitrate. Magnesia Salts. Ammonia-phosphate^ or triple phosphate, is often found in animal secretions. The most common form is prismatic, but sometimes it is feathery or stellate (Plate IV, Fig. 84). Sulphate of Magnesia forms an interesting polarizing object. A most instructive series of salts may be made by rapidly crystallizing some on glass slides, and allowing others to deposit more slowly. In this way a set of speci- mens may be prepared for comparison. 116 THE MICBOSCOPIST. CHAPTER IX. THE MICROSCOPE IN BIOLOGY. THE science of biology (from /?wvw) to the animating principle. Paracelsus and the chemical philosophers, from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century, maintained that all the phenomena of vitality may be explained by chemical laws. To these succeeded the mathematical school under Bellini (A.D. 1645), who taught that all vital functions may be explained by gravity and mechanical impulse. These theories were supplanted by those of the physiolo- gists. Van Helmont revived the Hippocratian idea of a specific agent, which he called archeus. This was more fully elaborated by Stahl, who taught that by the opera- THE MICROSCOPE IN BIOLOGY. 117 tion of an immaterial animating principle or soul (ammo], all vital functions are produced. The vis medicatrix na- turce of Cullen was an attempt to compromise between the rival theories of a superadded principle and a special activity in organized matter itself.* Harvey, Hunter, Miiller, and Prout proposed hypotheses similar to those of Aristotle and Hippocrates, and many modern scientific men accept similar views. The recent doctrine of the correlation of physical forces has, however, revived the mechanical and chemical theories, and the industry with which these view^s have been propagated has gained many adherents. It is to be regretted that philosophy should assume the name of science and dogmatize under that appellation. The object of science is to state facts, and not to dream, yet such is the nature of man's intellect that it will seek to account for facts, and is thus drawn into metaphysical speculation. If the age-long controversy between the physicists and the vitalists is ever to cease, it will prob- ably be through the microscopic demonstration of the absolute difference between living and non-living matter. In the present chapter it is designed to set forth briefly the principal facts of elementary biology as they have been brought to light by microscopy. For further illus- trations in vegetable and animal histology, reference may be made to following chapters. 1. All biologists agree that the elementary unit in living bodies is the cell. This, according to the most recent in- vestigations, is a soft, transparent, colorless, jelly-like par- ticle of matter, which may be large enough to be just dis- cernible to the naked eye, or so small as to be invisible with our best instruments. The simplest or most elemen- tary forms of vegetable or animal life consist of single cells, while the more complex organisms are built up of * Compare Bostock's History of Medicine. 118 THE MICROSCOPIST. great numbers of these cells with the materials which they have produced and deposited. Haller, who has been called the father of modern physi- ology, seems first to have conceived, though vaguely (A. I). 1766), the idea of the essential unity of vital struc- ture. In 1838, Schleiden and Schwann wrote on the elemen- tary cell, the former treating of the vegetable, and the latter of the animal cell. From this time may be dated the origin of the cell doctrine. Much importance was assigned to the distinction between cell-wall, cell-con tents, nuclei, and nucleoli. In 1835, Dujardin discovered in the lower animals a contractile substance capable of movement, to which he gave the name of sarcode. In 1861, Max Schultze showed that sarcode is analo- gous to the body or contents of animal cells, and that on this account the infusorial animalcules possessed of inde- pendent life were simple or compound. Examinations of this structure were made by numerous observers, and the identity of many of its properties in animals and vegetables established. To this structure the name of protoplasm, rather than sarcode, has been assigned. As this term has been somewhat loosely used, so as to refer to it either in the dead or living state, Dr. Beale has proposed the term bioplasm for elementary struc- ture while living, and has given a generalization from observed facts which has attracted much attention. He distinguishes in all organic forms three states of matter : First. Germinal matter or bioplasm, or matter which is living. Second. Matter which was living, or formed mate- rial. Third. Matter about to become living, or pabulum. Schleiden and Schwann considered the cell as a growth from a nucleus, and to consist of a cell-wall and cavity. In vegetable cells there seemed to be an external wall of cellulose, within which was another, the primordial utri- THE MICROSCOPE IN BIOLOGY. 119 cle. But it has since been shown that the appearance of the primordial utricle is caused by the protoplasm or bio- plasm lying in apposition with the inner surface of the cell-wall. In the cryptogamia, cells are known to occur in which no nucleus is visible. Max Schultze and Hackel have also discovered non-nucleated forms of animal life. The idea of nucleus and cell-wall as essential to a cell is therefore abandoned. Nuclei are regarded as new centres of living matter, or minute particles of such matter capa- ble of independent existence. Some of these masses are so small as to be barely visible with the one-fiftieth objec- tive under a magnifying power of five thousand diameters. 2. The structure and formation of a simple cell may be illustrated by Plate V, Figs. 85 to 89, after Beale.* The earliest condition of such a living particle is shown in Plate V, Fig. 85. If the external membrane of a fully developed spore or any of the growing branches (Plate V, Figs. 86 to 89) be ruptured, such particles would be set free in vast numbers. The surface of such a particle becomes altered by con- tact with external agencies. A thin layer of the external surface is changed into a soft membrane or cell-wall, through which pabulum passes and undergoes conversion into living matter, which thus increases. The increase of size is not owing to the addition of new matter upon the external surface, but to the access of new matter in- teriorly. The thickness of the formed material depends on external circumstances, as temperature, moisture, etc. If these be unfavorable to the access of pabulum, layer after layer of living matter will die or be deposited, as in Plate Y, Figs. 87 and 88. If such a cell be exposed to circumstances favorable to growth, the accession of fresh pabulum will cause portions of living matter to make * Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man, by Drs. Todd, Bow- man, and Beale. New edition. 120 THE MICROSCOPIST. their way through natural pores or chance fissures and protrude, as in the figures. 3. The peculiar phenomena of living cells or bioplasms may be classified as follows: Active or spontaneous move- ment, nutrition and growth, and the power of reproduc- tion. These vital actions, according to Dr. Beale, occur in the bioplasm only, while the formed material, or non- living matter, is the seat of physical and chemical changes exclusively. Physical processes, as diffusion and osmose, occur in bioplasmic particles, but the peculiar phenomena referred to, and which are properly termed vital, do not occur in non-living matter. Movements of Cells. Granules imbedded in the bioplasm, either formed material or accidental products, enable our microscopes to observe internal movement, while change of form and of place exhibit the movement of the entire cell. The granular movement is either vibratory or continu- ous. The vibrations of the granules appear similar to the molecular movement described by Dr. Robert Brown in 1827, and which is common to all small masses of matter, organic or inorganic. Minute cells may thus dance in fluid as well as fine powders, etc. Such movements occur, however, in the interior of living cells, and may possibly be connected with vitality. In the salivary corpuscles, the dancing motion ceases on the addition of a solution of one-half to one per cent, of common salt, while such addition has no influence of the kind on fresh pus or lymph. The continuous granular motion is either a relatively slow progression, corresponding to the change of form in the cell, or a swifter flowing movement. Max Schultze thus describes this motion in the threads of sarcode pro- jected from the apertures of a Foramiuiferal shell: "As the passengers in a broad street swarm together, so do the granules in one of the broader threads make their PLATE V. FIG. 85. Minute particlesof Bioplasm. From Mildew. ^othin.Obj. FIG. 88. Passage of Germinal-matter through pores in the formed material. X 1800. FIG. 86. FIG. 89. Production of formed-material on surface of Bioplasm. X 1800. Production and accumulation of Formed-material on Bioplasm. Epi- thelium of cuticle. X 700. FIG. 87. FIG. 90. Further production of formed- material. At a is the budding Bioplasm, passing through pores in the formed-material. X 1800. Amoeboe from organic infusion. THE MICROSCOPE IN BIOLOGY. 121 way by one another, oftentimes stopping and hesitating, yet always pursuing a determinate direction correspond- ing to the long axis of the thread. They frequently be- come stationary in the middle of their course, and then turn round, but the greater number pass to the extreme end of the thread, and then reverse the direction of their movement." Xo physical or chemical action with which we are acquainted will account for such motions, which have no analogy in unorganized bodies. Changes of form are most strongly marked in the lower forms of animal life, although occurring also in the sim- pler vegetables, as the volvox. The Amoeba or Proteus is typical of such changes, w T hich have hence been termed Amoeboid (Plate V, Fig. 90). When an Amoeba meets another animal which is too slow to escape, it sends out projections which encircle its prey; these coalesce, and invest the whole mass with its bioplasm. It maintains its grasp till it has abstracted all the portions \vhich are soluble, and then relaxes its hold. Amoeboid cells in higher animals rarely move so rapidly as the Amoeba itself. Their motions are limited to a gradual change of form or to the protrusion of processes in the form of threads, or tuberosities, or tufts, which either drag the rest of the body after them or are again withdrawn. Cells of bioplasm may not only change their form, but may wander from place to place by protruding a portion of their mass, which drags the rest after it. The discov- ery of wandering cells in the higher organisms, as man, has opened quite a new and important field of physiologi- cal and pathological research. The movements of bioplasm may be changed, acceler- ated, retarded, or stopped by a variety of stimuli, mechani- cal, electrical, chemical, and nervous. Gentle warmth and moisture are necessary to their perfection.* * See Strieker's Manual of Histology. 122 THE MICROSCOPIST. The nutrition and growth of the living cell has already been described as the conversion of pabulum into bioplasm or living matter. The subject of reproduction will be ex- amined below under the head of cell-genesis. 4. The microscopic demonstration of bioplasm may be effected by the use of an alkaline solution of coloring matter, as carmine. (See Chapter V.) As bioplasm pos- sesses an acid reaction, the alkali is neutralized and the color retained. This process, however, is rather a dem- onstration of the protoplasm which was recently alive. For living cells or bioplasm, we must depend on supplying them artificially with colored food. Thus indigo, carmine, etc., 111 fine particles, added to the pabulum of cells or liquid media in which they float, will be taken into the interior of the bioplasm by the nutritive process. In this way Recklinghausen showed the migration of pus-corpus- cles. Welcker and Osborne w r ere the first to use a solution of carmine in order to stain the nuclei of tissues. They were followed by Gerlach and Beale, the latter of whom has greatly improved the process and shown its signifi- cance. 5. The chemistry of cells and their products is an essential part of biolog}', but would lead us too far from our subject to discuss, yet a few points may not be irrelevant. The chemical composition of bioplasm consists essen- tially of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon. Other elements are often present and important, but not essen- tial. Of the relation of these elements we know nothing, save that they are in a state of constant vibration or change. Dr. Beale considers it doubtful if ordinary chemi- cal combination is possible while the matter lives. Analy- sis in the laboratory is only possible with the compounds resulting from the death of the cell. When living or germinal matter is converted into formed material, a combination of its elements takes place, often THE MICROSCOPE IN BIOLOGY. 123 with very complex results, the nature of which has hitherto baffled the efforts of chemists to determine. When the life of germinal matter, however, is suddenly destroyed, or rather when the matter is first transformed, the com- pounds resulting from various species have similar chemi- cal composition and properties, and an acid reaction is developed. Fibrin, albumen, water, and certain salts may thus be obtained from every kind of germinal matter. Fatty matters also result, which continue to increase in quantity for some time after death. In slow molecular death, a certain amount of oxygen is taken into combina- tion, which gives rise to different results from those which occur when life is suddenly destroyed. Still other com- binations are due to vital actions which are not yet under- stood.. Thus some bioplasm produces muscle; other par- ticles originate nerve structure, cartilage, bone, connective tissue, etc. Many chemical changes occur also in formed material after its production. It may become dry or fluid, or split up into gaseous or soluble substances as soon as produced. Imperfect oxidation may lead to the formation of fatty matters, uric acid, oxalates, sugar, etc. At the earliest period of development, the formed material con- sists principally of albuminous and fatty matters, with chlorides, alkaline and earthy phosphates. At a later period gelatin, with amyloid or starchy matter, is pro- duced.* 6. Varieties in the Form and Function of Bioplasm. Mutability of shape is characteristic of amoeboid cells, and no conclusions can be drawn from their appearance after death. Where numbers of them are accumulated, they are flattened by mutual pressure so as to appear polyhedral, laminated, or prismatic. The upper layers of laminated epithelium are usually flattened. Where cells line the interior of cavities in a single layer, they form * See Physiological Anatomy, by Todd, Bowman, and Beale. 124 . THE MICROSCOPIST. plates of different shape (endothelial cells), or cells in which the long axis predominates (cylindrical epithelium), or forms which are intermediate between plates and cylin- ders. Some cells appear ramified or stellate, as in the cells from the pith of a rush, bone-cells, and corpuscles of the cornea. Others may become extraordinarily elongated, as in the formation of fibre, muscle, etc. Some cells are provided with cilia, which are limited to one portion of the surface, and project their free extremities into the cavity which they line. Dr. Beale considers the cilia to be formed material, and their movements not vital, but a result of changes consequent on vital phenomena. Every living organism, plant, animal, or man, begins its existence as a minute particle of bioplasm. Every organic form, leaves, flowers, shells, and all varieties of animals; and every tissue, cellular, vesicular, hair, bone, skin, muscle, and nerve, originates by subdivision and multiplication and change of bioplasm, and the trans- formation or metamorphosis of bioplasm into formed ma- terial. It is evident, therefore, that there are different kinds of bioplasm indistinguishable by physics and chem- istry, but endowed with different powers.* 7. Cell-Genesis. Schleiden first showed that the em- bryo of a flowering plant originates in a nucleated cell, and that from such cells all vegetable tissues are devel- oped. The original cells were formed in a plasma or blas- tema, commonly found in pre-existing cells, the nuclei first appearing and then the cell-membrane. These views were applied by Schwann to animal structure. The latter be- lieved that the extra-cellular formation of cells, or their origin in a free blastema, was most frequent in animals. The researches of succeeding physiologists have, however, led to a general belief that all cells originate from other cells. * Beale's Bioplasm. THE MICROSCOPE IN BIOLOGY. 125 The doctrine of spontaneous generation or abiogenesis has been the object of considerable research, but the bril- liant experiments of Pasteur have shown that when all access of living organisms into fluids is prevented, no de- velopment of such organisms can be proved in any case to occur. If the access of air, for instance, to a liquid which has been boiled, is filtered through a plug of cotton- wool, no living forms will appear in the liquid, but on examination, such forms will be found in considerable numbers in the cotton-wool, proving the presence of these forms or their germs in the external air. Recent experi- ments also render it probable that some cell-germs are indestructible by a heat far exceeding that of boiling water. There are three forms of cell-multiplication, by fission, by germination or budding, and by internal division. The latter mode is termed endogenous. In it new cells are produced within a parent-cell by the separation of the bioplasm into a number of distinct masses, each of which may become a new cell, as in the fecundated ovum. Fission, or the division by cleavage of a parent-cell into two or four parts, may be regarded as a modification of endogenous cell-multiplication. A good example of it may be seen in cartilage. Budding or germination consists in the projection of a little process or bud from the mass of bioplasm, which is separated by the constriction of its base, and becomes an independent cell. 8. Reproduction in the higher organisms consists essen- tially of the production of two distinct elements, a germ- cell or ovum, and a sperm-cell or spermatozoid, by the contact of which the ovum is enabled to develop a new individual. Sometimes these elements are produced by different parts of the same organism, in which case the sexes are said to be united, and the individual is called hermaphrodite, androgynous, or monoecious. In other in- 126 THE MICROSCOPIST. stances the sexes are distinct, and the species are called dioecious. 9. The alternation of generations is a term given in bi- ology to express a form of multiplication which occurs in some of the more simple forms of life. It consists really of the alternation of a true sexual generation with the phenomenon of budding. Thus a fern spore gives rise, by budding and cell-division, to a prothallium ; this produces archegonia and antheridia, as the sexual elements are called, and the embryo which results from sexual union produces not a prothallium but a fern. This phenomenon is better seen in the Hydrozoa. In these the egg produces a minute, ciliated, free-swimming body, which attaches itself, becomes tapering, develops a mouth and tentacles, and is known as the Hydra tuba,. This multiplies itself, and produces extensive colonies by germination, but under certain circumstances divides by fission and produces Medusce, which develop ova. 10. Parthenogenesis designates the production of new individuals by virgin females without the intervention of a male. It has also been applied to germination and fission in sexless beings. In the Aphides, ova are hatched in spring, but ten or more generations are produced vi- viparously and without sexual union throughout the sum- mer. In autumn, however, the final brood are winged males arid wingless females, from whose union ova are produced in the ordinary manner. 11. Transformation and metamorphosis relate to certain changes or variations of development in the structure and life history of an individual. Thus an insect is an egg or ovum, a caterpillar or larva, a pupa or chrysalis, and an imago or perfect insect, and these changes of condition and structure constitute its development. Much difficulty is caused by the phenomena of metamorphosis in assign- ing the place of different species, transformations being often mistaken for specific differences. It was formerly THE MICROSCOPE IN BIOLOGY. 127 supposed that every animal passed through, in its devel- opment, a series of stages in which it resembled the infe- rior members of the animal scale, and systems of zoology were proposed to be founded on this dream of embryology. Careful research, however, has shown that larval changes present many variations. In some the young exhibit the conditions of adults of lower animals. Thus the Eolis, a univalve shell fish, in its young state has all the charac- teristics of a Pteropod, a free-swimming mollusk. Some- times development is retrograde, and the adult is a de- graded form as compared with the larva, thus setting at nought all our theories, and teaching us that it is better to observe than to imagine. 12. Discrimination of Living Forms. We have seen, section 6, that there are different kinds of living matter endowed with different powers. We have also seen, sec- tion 7, how varied are the forms of multiplication. Yet when we come to discriminate between animal and vege- table life, we find it exceedingly difficult, especially in their more simple forms. Neither form, nor chemical composition, nor structure, nor motive power, affords suf- ficient grounds for discrimination. Yet when we consider the functions of bioplasm in its varied forms, we may con- veniently group all living beings in three great divisions, viz.,/*m^', plants, and animals. The bioplasm of the plant finds its pabulum in merely inorganic compounds, while that of the animal is prepared for it, directly or indirectly, by the vegetable. The func- tion of fungi appears to be the decomposition of the formed material of plants and animals by the means of fermenta- tion or putrefaction, since these latter processes are depen- dent on the presence of fungi. Thus by bioplasm are the structures of plants and animals reared from inorganic materials, and by bioplasm are they broken down and restored to the inanimate world. 128 THE MICROSCOPIST. CHAPTER X. THE MICROSCOPE IN VEGETABLE HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. HISTOLOGY (from WTOS, a tissue) treats of formed mate- rial, or the microscopic structure resulting from the trans- formation of germinal or living matter. The nature of this transformation is partly physical and partly vital, and, as already stated, is often so complex as to baffle all chemical analysis. Some light, however, has been thrown on this subject by the modification of ordinary crystalline forms when inorganic particles aggregate in the presence of certain kinds of organic matter. To this mode of form- ation the name of molecular coalescence has been given. Mr. Rainey and Professor Harting contemporaneously experimented with solutions of organic colloids, and found that the crystallization of certain lime salts, as the car- bonate, was so modified by such solutions as to resemble many of the calcareous deposits found in nature. These researches leave little doubt but that a majority of calca- reous and silicious organic forms may be thus accounted for. Such changes are rather physical than vital. Cell-substance in Vegetables. The protoplasm or bio- plasm in vegetable-cells cannot be distinguished from ani- mal "sarcode" or protoplasm except by the nature of the pabulum or aliment necessary to its nutrition. The vege- table, under the stimulus of light, decomposes carbonic acid, and acquires a red or green color from the compounds which it forms, while the animal requires nutriment from pre-existing organisms. Yet this definition fails to apply to fungi, which resemble primitive animals even in this respect. So difficult is it to discriminate that the simpler forms of vegetables have often been classed by naturalists among animals, and vice versa. Amoeboid movements have been observed in the bioplasm of vegetable-cells, THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 129 especially in the Volvox, and some have considered it probable that an organism may live a truly vegetable life at one period and a truly animal life at another. Analogous to amoeboid movements, is the motion of bioplasmic fluid in the interior of undoubtedly vegetable cells. This movement is called cydosis, and may be de- tected under the microscope by the granules or particles, which the current carries with it in the transparent cells of Chara,VaUisneria, etc., and in the epidermic hairs of many plants, as Tradescantia, Plantago, etc. (Plate VI r Pig. 91). The bioplasm of plants may be stained with carmine solution without affecting the cell- wall or other formed, material. Cell-wall or Membrane. Plants, whether simple or complicated in structure, are but cells or aggregations of cells. In the simplest vegetables or Protophytes, each cell lives as it were an independent life, performing every function; while in the higher plants, as the palm or oak, the cells undergo special modifications, and serve various functions subsidiary to the life of the plant as a whole. Cell-membrane, or the envelope of formed material, was formerly thought to be composed of two layers, to the inner one of which the name of primordial utricle was given, but this is now considered to be but the external surface of the bioplasm or germinal matter. The chemical nature of cell-membrane is nearly identi- cal with starch, being composed of cellulose. The presence of cellulose may be shown by the blue color which is produced by applying iodine and sulphuric acid, or the iodized solution of chloride of zinc. Endosmose will take place in cell-membrane, allowing solutions to pass through, as pabulum, and the manner of this passage may in some instances determine the subse- quent deposit of formed material. Sometimes actual pores are left in the membrane, as in Sphagnum (Plate YI, Fig. 9 130 THE MICROSCOPIST. 92). The walls of vegetable-cells are often thickened by deposit. If this is in isolated patches, the cells are called dotted (Plate VI, Fig. 93), and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish them from porous cells. Many cells have a spiral fibre (Plate VI, Fig. 94), which appears to have Been detached from the outer membrane. In the seeds of Collomia, etc., the cell- wall is less consolidated than the deposit, so that on softening the cells by water, the spiral fibres suddenly spring out, making a beautiful object for a half-inch object-glass (Plate VI, Fig. 95). The tendency of formed material to arrange itself in a spiral is seen in the endochrome of many of the simpler plants, as Zygnema,&u(\. the cell-wall sometimes tears most readily in a spiral direction. If the spiral deposit is broken and coalesces at some of its turns, it forms an annulus or ring. Some cells show both rings and spirals. For the production of a spiral movement or growth, another force is needed in addition to the centripetal and centrifugal forces which are necessary for curvilinear mo- tion. The centripetal point must be carried forward in space by a progressive force. When we consider that a spiral form is so frequently seen in morphology, that the secondary planets move in spirals round their primaries, and that even in distant nebulae the same law prevails, we are struck with the unity of plan which is exhibited throughout the universe, and can scarcely fail to observe that even a microscopic cell shows the tracings of the same divine handiwork which swings the stars in their courses. Sclerogen Ligneous Tissue. Sometimes the deposit within the cell-wall is of considerable thickness, and often in concentric rings, through which a series of passages is left so that the outer membrane is the only obstacle to the access of pabulum, as in the stones of fruit, gritty tis- sue of the pear, etc. (Plate VII, Fig. 96). The nature of this deposit is similar to cellulose, although often contain- PLATE VI. FIG. 91. FIG. 93.. Dotted cells pith of Elder. FIG. 94. Circulation of fluid in hairs of Tradescanlia Virginiea. Spiral cells : A, Balsam ; B, c, Pleurothallis. FIG. 92. FIG. 95. Portion of the leaf of Sphagnum. Spiral fibres of seed-coat of Collomin. THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 131 ing resinous and other matters. Woody fibre or ligneous tissue is quite similar, save that the cells have become elongated or fusiform, and when completely filled up with internal deposit, fulfil no other purpose than that of me- chanical support (Plate VII, Fig. 97). The woody fibres of the Comferce exhibit peculiar markings, which have been called glandular (Plate VII, Fig. 98). In these the inner circle represents a deficiency of deposit as in other porous cells, while the outer circle is the boundary of a lenticular cavity between the adjacent cells. This ar- rangement is so characteristic as to enable us to determine the tribe to which a minute fragment, even of fossil wood, belonged. Spiral Vessels. If spiral cells are elongated, or coalesce at their ends, they become vessels, some of which convey air and some fluid (Plate VII, Fig. 99). As in cells, the want of continuity in the spiral fibre sometimes produces rings, when the duct is called annular. In other instances the spires are still more broken up by the process of growth, so as to form an irregular network in the duct, which is then said to be reticulated. A still greater variation in the deposit produces dotted ducts. Xot infrequently we find all forms in the same bundle of vessels. Latidferous Vessels (Plate VII, Fig, 100). These con- vey the milky juice or latex of such plants as possess it, as the Euphorbiacese, india-rubber plant, etc., and differ from the ducts above described by their branching, so as to form a network, while ducts are straight and parallel with each other. The laticiferous vessels resemble the capillary vessels of animals, while the spiral ducts remind us of the trachea of insects. Siliceous Structures. The structures of many plants, especially the epidermis, often become so permeated with a deposit of silica, that a complete skeleton is left after the soft vegetable matter is destroyed. The frustules of 132 THE MICROSCOPIST. Diatoms have in this way been preserved in vast numbers in the rocky strata of the earth. The markings on these siliceous shells are so delicate as to be employed as a test of microscopic power and definition. In a species of Equisetum or Dutch rush, silica exists in such abundance that the stems are sometimes employed by artisans as a substitute for sand-paper. If such a stem is boiled and macerated in nitric acid until all the softer parts are de- stroyed, a cast of pure silica will exhibit not only the forms of the epidermic cells, but details of the stomata or pores. The same also is true of the husk of a grain of wheat, etc., in which even the fibres of the spiral vessels are silicified. The stellate hairs of the siliceous cuticle from the leaf of Deutzia scabra forms a beautiful polari- scope object. FORMED MATERIAL WITHIN VEGETABLE CELLS. 1. Raphides. These are crystalline mineral substances, principally oxalate, citrate, and phosphate of lime. They occur in all parts of the plant, sometimes in the form of bundles of delicate needles, sometimes in larger crystals, and sometimes in stellate or conglomerate form. Mr. E. Quekett produced such forms artificially by filling the cells of rice-paper with lime water under an air-pump, and then placing the paper in weak solutions of phosphoric or oxalic acid. 2. Starch. This performs in plants a similar function to that of fat in animals, and is a most important ingre- dient in human food, since two-thirds of mankind subsist almost exclusively upon it. It is found in the cells of plants in the form of granules or secondary cells. Each granule under the microscope shows at one extremity a circular spot or hilum, around which are a number of curved lines, supposed to be wrinkles in the cell-membrane. When starch is boiled in water, this membrane bursts and PLATE VII. Gritty tissue Pear. Spiral vessels : A, reticulated ; B, old vessel, with perforations; c, D, spiral vessels, becoming annular. FIG. 100. Wood-fibre flax. Lactiferous vessels. FIG. 98. FIG. 101. Section of Coniferous Wood in the direction of the fibres. m. Cubical parenchyma, with stellate cells, from petiole of Nuphar lutea. THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 133 the amylaceous matter is dissolved. Iodine stains starch blue. Starch shows in the polariscope a black cross in each grain, changing to white as the prism is revolved. 3. Chlorophyll is the green coloring matter of plants. It is usually seen in the form of granules of bioplasm in the interior of cells. These green granules yield their chlorophyll to alcohol and ether. It seems to be neces- sary to nutrition, since green plants under the stimulus of light break up carbonic acid into oxygen and carbon, the latter of which is absorbed. The red and yellow color of autumn leaves is owing to the chemical metamorphosis of chlorophyll, as also is the red color of many of the lower Algae, etc. In the latter it seems to be in some way connected with the vital pro- cesses. 4. The coloring matter of flowers is various, and ordinarily depends on the colored fluid contained in cells subjacent to the epidermis, although sometimes it is in the form of solid corpuscles. White patches on leaves, etc., arise from absence of chlorophyll. 5. Milky juices are true secretions contained in the lati- ciferous ducts. The juice of the dandelion, caoutchouc or india-rubber, which is the concrete juice of the Ficus elastica, and gutta-percha, from Isonandra gutla, are exam- ples. 6. Fixed oils are found in the cells of active tissues, and notably in seeds, w r here they serve to nourish the embryo. Cocoauut, palm, castor, poppy, and linseed oils are exam- ples. 7. Volatile oil, sometimes called essential oil, is chiefly found in glandular cells and hairs of the epidermis. Many of them yield a resinous substance by evaporation. 8. Camphor is analogous to volatile oil, although solid at ordinary temperatures. It abounds in the Lauracese. 9. Resin, wax, and tallow are also found in plants. The bloom of the plum and grape is due to wax. 134: THE MICROSCOPIST. 10. Gum is a viscid secretion. What is called gum tragacanth, is said to be partially decomposed cell-mem- brane, and is allied to amyloid matter. Forms of Vegetable Cells. From the account given in the chapter on biology, page 123, it is evident that the form of cells is quite varied, and often depends on the amount of pressure from aggregation, yet function also has much to do in the determination of shape. Thus while most elongated cells are lengthened in the direction of plant-growth, in which is least resistance, the medul- lary rays of Exogenous stems are elongated in a horizon- tal direction. Some cells are cubical, as in the leaves of the yellow water-lily, Nuphar lutea (Plate VII, Fig. 101). Others are stellate, as in the rush (Plate VIII, Fig. 102). In many tissues are large cavities or air-chambers alto- gether void of cells, and in leaves such cavities communi- cate with the external air by means of stomata or pores (Plate VIII, Fig. 103), which are usually provided with peculiar cells for contracting or widening the orifice. The Botanical Arrangement of Plants. Considered with reference to their general structure, plants are divided by botanists into cellular and vascular. The first of these classes is of greatest interest to the microscopist, as em- bracing the minuter forms of vegetable life. The classification and natural grouping of plants is yet far from being perfect, although microscopic examinations have largely contributed to an orderly arrangement of the multitudinous varieties in this field of research. In the present work w r e propose only a brief outline of typical subjects of interest, with the methods of microscopic ex- amination. Fungi. At page 127 it was stated that all living beings may be grouped in three divisions, fungi, plants, and animals. Botanists generally class fungi among cellular flowerless plants. They cannot assimilate inorganic food as other plants, but live upon the substance of animal or PLATE VIII. FIG. 102. Section of cellular parenchyma of Rush. Portion of the cuticle of the leaf of the Irix Germanica, torn from its surface. FIG. 104. Cells from the petal of the Geranium (Pelargonium). :-, - < Cuticle of leaf of Indian Corn (Zea mats). THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 135 vegetable tissue. They also differ from ordinary vegeta- bles by the total absence of chlorophyll or its red modifi- cation. A large number of this strange class are micro- scopic, and require high powers for their observation. Eecent investigations show that individual fungi are de- veloped in very dissimilar modes, and are subject to a great variety of form, rendering it probable that those which seem most simple are but imperfectly developed forms. Amoeboid motions also in the cell-substance of certain kinds of fungi, and the projection of threads of bioplasm, show a great resemblance to some of the lower forms of animal life, as the Rhizopods. All fungi exhibit two well-defined structures, a myce- liuin or vegetative structure, which is a mass of delicate filaments or elongated cells; and a, fruit or reproductive structure, which varies in different tribes. In Tonda, one or more globular cells are produced at the ends of fila- ments composed of elongated cells ; these globules drop off and become new mycelia. The " yeast plant," or Torula cerevisia (Plate IX, Fig. 107), receives its name from its habitat. Fermentation depends upon its presence, as pu- trefaction does upon the minute analogous bodies called Bacteria and Vibriones. Bacteria are minute, moving, rod-like bodies, sometimes jointed ; and vibriones are moniliform filaments, having a vibratile or wriggling: mo- O SO O tion across the field of view in the microscope. The re- searches of Madame Luders render it probable that the germs of fungi develop themselves into these bodies when sown in water containing animal matter, and into yeast in a saccharine solution. The universal diffusion of spor- ules of fungi in the atmosphere readily accounts for their appearance in such fluids, and Pasteur's experiments are quite conclusive. The minute molecules called microzymes, present in va- rious products of disease, as the vaccine vesicle, fluid of glanders, etc. ; the minute corpuscles which cause the dis- 136 THE MICROSCOPIST. ease among silkworms called "pebrine;" etc.; have a strong analogy in their rapid multiplication to the yeast- cells. * The sporules of any of the ordinary moulds, as Penicil- lium, Mucor, or Aspergillus, will develop into yeast-cells in a moderately warm solution of cane-sugar, showing how differently the same type of bioplasm may develop under different conditions. The term polymorphism has been given to this phenomenon. Very many species, and even genera, so called, may after all be only varieties of the same kind of organism. In many morbid conditions of the skin and mucous membranes, there is not only an alteration or morbid growth of the part, but a vegetation of fungi. Thrown- off scales of epithelium from the mouth and fauces exhibit fibres of leptothrix, and the false membrane of diphtheria, as well as the white patches of aphtha or thrush, show the mycelia and spores of fungi. The disease in silkworms called muscardiue is due to a fungus, the Botrytis bassiana (Plate VIII, Fig. 104), whose spores enter and develop in the air-tubes. The filamentous tufts seen about dead flies on window-panes, etc., arise from a similar growth of Achyla. In certain Chinese or Australian caterpillars, this sort of growth becomes so dense as to give them the appearance of dried twigs. Even shells and other hard tissues may become penetrated by fungi. The dry rot in timber is a form of fungus. The mildew which attacks the straw T of wheat, etc., arises from the Puccinia graminis, whose spores find their way through the stomata or breathing pores of the epi- dermis. Rust, and smut, and bunt, originate in varieties of Uredo. The "vine disease" and the "potato disease," as they are called, have similar origin. Various methods have been proposed to destroy fungi in growing plants, but it must be remembered that the function of these organisms is chiefly to remove formed PLATE IX. FIG. 107. o Q Torula Cerevisice, or Yeast-Plant. FIG. 108. FIG. 109. Germ and Sperm-cells in Acbyla. Eevelopmcnt of fungi: A, myceliiim; B, hypha; c, conidiophores ; D, a magnified branch. FIG. 110. B I * , f ; , Various phases of development of Palmoglcea macrococca. THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 137 material in a state of decay, which is more or less com- plete. The prevalence of atmospheric changes, variations in light, heat, moisture, and electricity, etc., have much to do in predisposing vegetable as well as animal tissues to disease and producing epidemics. The agriculturist, there- fore, as well as the physician, must discriminate between those diseased conditions which provide a habitat for fungi, and the effects produced by the fungi themselves. Impregnating wood with corrosive sublimate or chlo- ride of zinc has been used to prevent dry rot in wood, and soaking seeds in alkaline solutions or sulphate of copper is said to remove smut and similar fungus spores. The development of fungi is from spores or conidia. Plate IX, Fig. 107, represents the Torula vegetating by the budding of its spores. These buds rapidly fall off and become independent cells. In other varieties self-division gives rise to the myceliam, a mass of fibres often inter- laced so as to form a sort of felt. Some branches of this mycelium (hyphce] hang down, while others rise above the surface (conidiophores) and bear conidia, which fall off and develop into new hyphse (Plate IX, Fig. 108). In the "blight" of the potato the mycelium is loose, and the hyph?e ramify in the intercellular spaces and give off pro- jections into the cells of the plant. The conidia germinate by bursting the sac which contains them, putting forth cilia, moving awhile, then. resting and enveloping thera- selveS with membrane and growing into hyphse. In the autumn, parts of the hyphae assume special functions. One part develops a spherical mass called oogonium, while another becomes a smaller mass or antheridium. When the first is ripe, it is penetrated by the latter, and the bioplasms of each are fused together. The antheridium then decays, while the oogonium grows and becomes au oospore, in which the bioplasm divides and subdivides. Xext season each segment escapes ciliated, and moves about till it finds a place to germinate. In Achyla two 138 THE MICROSCOPIST. sacs are formed, one of which contains "germ-cells," and the other anther ozoids or "sperm-cells." When both are ripe the sac opens, and the ciliated antherozoids pass into the neighboring sac and fertilize its contents (Plate IX, Fig. 109). In other fungi the reproductive cells are undistinguish- able from the rest, and the coalescence takes place in a new cell formed by the union of the other two. Mr. Berkeley divides fungi into six orders, as follows : 1. Hymenomycetes or AgaricoidecB (Mushrooms, etc.). Mycelium flocuose, inconspicuous, bearing fleshy fruits which expand so as to expose the hymenium or sporifer- ous membrane to the air. Spores generally in fours on short pedicles. 2. Gasteromycetes or Lycoperdoidece (Puff balls, etc.). Fruit globular or oval, with convolutions covered by the hymenium, which bears the spores in fours on distinct pedicles. The convolutions break up into a pulverulent or gelatinous mass. 3. Coniomycetes or Uredoidece (Smuts, etc.). Mycelium filamentous, parasitic. Microscopic fructification of ses- sile or stalked spores in groups, sometimes septate. 4. Hyphomycetes or BotrytoideaR (Mildews, etc.). Micro- scopic. Mycelium filamentous, epiphytic, with erect fila- ments bearing terminal, free, single, simple, or septate spores. 5. Ascomycetes or Selvelloidece (Truffles, etc.). Myce- lium inconspicuous. Fruit fleshy, leathery, horny, or ge- latinous, lobed, or warty, with groups of elongated sacs (asci or theece) in which the spores (generally eight) are developed. 6. Physomycetes or Mucoroidece (Moulds). Mycelium (microscopic) filamentous, bearing stalked sacs containing numerous minute sporules. Protophytes, or primitive plants, afford many forms and groups of great interest to the microscopist as well as to THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 139 the biologist. "The plan of the present work permits us only to indicate a few particulars, the details of which would form a volume of considerable size. The Algae are divided into three orders: I. Rhodosper- meoe or Florida (Red-spared Algce). Marine plants, with a leaf-like or filamentous rose-red or purple thallus. II. Melanosporece or Fucoidece (Dark-spored Algae). Marine. Thallus leaf-like, shrubby, cord-like, or filamentous, of olive-green or brown color. III. Chlorosporece or Confer- voidece (Green-spored Algce). Plants marine or fresh water, or growing on damp surfaces. Thallus filamentous, rarely leaf-like, pulverulent, or gelatinous. These have been subdivided into families, viz. : I. Rhodospermeoe. 1. Rhodomelaceae. 2. Laurenciaceae. 3. Corallinaceae. 4. Delesseriaceae. 5. Rhodymeniaceae. 6. Cryptonemiaceae. 7. Ceramiaceae. 8. Porphyraceae. II. Melanosporece. 1. Fucaceae. 2. Dictyotaceae. 3. Cutleriaceae. 4. Laminariaeeae. 5. Dictyosiphonaceae. 6. Punctariacese. 7. Sporochnacese. 8. Chordariacese. 9. Myrionemace83. 10. Ectocarpaceae. III. Chlorosporece. 1. Lemaneese. 2. Batrachospermeea. 3. Cho3tophorace8e. 4. Confervace^e. 5. Zygnemaceae. 6. (Edogoniacese. 7. Siphonaceee. 8. Oscillatoriaceae. 9. Xostochacese. 10. Ulvaceae. 11. Palmellaceea. 12. Des- midiaceae. 13. Diatomacese. 14. Yolvocineea. For fuller information, we refer to the Micrographic Dictionary by Griffith and Henfrey. In the family of Palmellacece we find the simplest forms of vegetation in the form of a powdery layer of cells, or a slimy film, or a membranous frond. The green mould on damp walls and the red snow of alpine regions are exam- ples. In the green slime on damp stones, etc., is found the Pcdmoglcea macrococca. The microscope shows it to con- sist of cells containing chlorophyll, surrounded by a ge- latinous envelope. These cells multiply by self-division. 140 THE MICROSCOPIST. Sometimes a conjugation or fusion of cells occurs, and the product is a spore or primordial cell of a new generation (Plate IX, Fig. 110). During conjugation oil is produced in the cells, and the chlorophyll disappears or becomes brown, and when the spore vegetates, the oil disappears and green granular matter takes its place. This is analo- gous to the transformation of starch into oil in the seeds of the higher plants. Most of the lower forms of vegetable life pass through what is called the motile condition, which depends on the extension of the bioplasm into thread-like filaments, whose contractions serve to move the cell through the water. Many of these forms were formerly mistaken for animal- cules, and the transformation of a portion of green chlo- rophyll into the red form was represented as an eye. The multiplication of the "still" cells is by self-division, as in Palmoglcea, but after this has been repeated about four times, the new cells become furnished with cilia and pass into the "motile" condition, and their multiplication goes on in different ways, as by binary or quaternary segmen- tation, or the formation of a compound, mulberry-like mass, the ciliated individual cells of which, becoming free, rank as zoospores (Plate X, Fig. 111). The Volvox is a beautiful example of the composite motile form of elementary vegetation. It is found in fresh water, and consists of a hollow pellucid sphere, studded with green spots, connected together often by green threads. Each of these spots has two cilia, whose motions produce a rolling movement of the entire mass. Within the sphere there are usually from two to twenty smaller globes, which are set free by the bursting of the original envelope. Sometimes one of the masses of endo- chrome enlarges, but instead of undergoing subdivision becomes a moving mass of bioplasm, which cannot be dis- tinguished from a true Amoeba or primitive animal cell. The Desmidiacece are a family of minute green plants PLATE X. FIG. 111. Various phases of development of Protococcus pluvialis. FIG. 112. <=/ ^ <* f Formation of Zoospores in Phycoseris gfgantea(Ulva latissima). THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 141 of great interest. Generally the cells are independent, but a filament is sometimes formed by binary subdivision. Their symmetrical shape, and frequently spinous projec- tions and peculiar movements, render them beautiful ob- jects. By conjugation a spore-cell or sporangium is pro- duced, which in some species is spinous, and resembles certain fossil remains in flint, which have been described as animalcules under the name of Xanthidia. The family of Diatomacece affords more occupation to microscopists than other protophytes. Like the Desmids, they are simple cells with a firm external coating, but in Diatoms this coating is so penetrated with silex, that a cast of the frustule is left after the removal of the organic matter. Reference has already been made to the number of these organisms in a fossil state, as well as to their utility as tests of the defining power of microscopic object- glasses. Some species inhabit the s*ea, and others fresh water. They are so numerous that scarcely a ditch or cistern is free from specimens, and they multiply so rapidly as to actually diminish the depth of channels and block up harbors. They may be sought for in the slimy masses attached to rocks and plants in water, in the scum of the surface, in mud or sand, in guano, in the stomachs of molluscs, etc., and on sea-weeds. To separate the shields or siliceous frustules from foreign matter, either fresh or fossil, they should be washed sev- eral times in water, and the sediment allowed to subside. The deposit should then be treated in a test-tube with hydrochloric acid, sometimes aided by heat. This should be repeated as often as any effect is produced, and then the sediment should be boiled in strong nitric acid, and washed several times in water. They may be mounted dry or in balsam. The classification of Diatoms is not yet perfected, but Mailer's type slides, containing from one hundred to five 142 THE MICROSCOPIST. hundred characteristic forms, is a valuable assistance. The following table, from the Micrographic Dictionary, gives an analysis of tribes and genera : Fr. denotes the frustules in front view; v. the valves; granular striae means striae resolvable into dots ; and continuous striae signify costae or canaliculae. A. Frustules not contained in a Gelatinous Mass or Tube. TRIBE I. STRIAT.E. Frustules usually transversely stri- ate, but neither vittate nor areolate. t Valves without a Median Nodule. COHORT 1. EUNOTIEJE. Fr. arcuate, single, or united into a straight filament. 1. Epithemia. Fr. single or binate, with transverse or slightly radiant striae, some continuous ; no terminal nod- ules; aquatic and marine. 2. Eanotia. Fr. single or binate; v. with slightly ra- diant granular striae and terminal nodules; aquatic. 3. Himantidium,. Fr. as in Eanotia, but united into a filament; striae parallel, transverse; aquatic. COHORT 2. MERIDE.E. Fr. cuneate, single, or united into a curved or spinal band; v. with continuous or gran- ular striae. 4. Meridian. Fr. cuneate, united into a spiral band; striae continuous ; aquatic. 5. Eueampia. Fr. united into an arched band; v. punc- tate; marine. 6. Oncosphenia. Fr. single, cuneate, uncinate at the narrow end; striae granular; aquatic. COHORT 3. FRAGILLARIE^:. Fr. quadrilateral, single, or united into a filament or chain ; v. with continuous or granular striae. 7. Diatoma. Fr. linear or rectangular, united by the THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 143 angles so as to form a zigzag chain; striae continuous; aquatic and marine. 8. Asterionella. Fr. adherent by adjacent angles into a star-like filament; v. inflated at one or both ends; aquatic. 9. Fragillaria. Fr. linear, united into a straight, close filament ; striae granular, faint ; aquatic and marine. 10. Denticula. Fr. linear, simple, or binate, rarely more united; striae continuous; aquatic. 11. Odontidium. As Denticula, but fr. forming a close filament ; aquatic and marine. COHORT 4. MELOSIRE^:. Fr. cylindrical, disk-shaped or globose; v. punctate, or often with radiate continuous or granular striae. 12. Cydotdla. Fr. disk-shaped, mostly solitary; v. with radiate marginal striae ; aquatic. 13. Melosira. Fr. cylindrical or spherical, united into a filament; v. punctate, or with marginal radiate granu- lar striae ; aquatic and marine. 14. Podosim. Fr. united in small numbers, cylindrical or spherical, fixed by a terminal stalk; v. hemispherical, punctate; marine. 15. Mastogonia. Fr. single; v. unequal, angular, mam- miform, circular at base, without umbilical processes ; angles radiating; fossil. 16. Pododiscus. Fr. single or united, with a marginal stalk ; v. circular, convex. 17. Pyxidicula. Fr. single or binate, free or sessile ; v. convex ; aquatic and marine. 18. Stephanodiscus. Fr. single, disk-shaped; v. circu- lar, equal, punctate, or striate, with a fringe of minute marginal teeth ; aquatic. 19. Stephanogonia. Fr. as in Mastogonia, but ends of valves truncate, angular, and spinous; fossil. 20. Hercotheca. Fr. single, turgid laterally ; v. with marginal free setae. 144 THE MICROSCOPIST. 21. Goniothecium. JBY. single, constricted in the middle, suddenly attenuate and truncate at the ends (hence appear- ing angular). COHORT 5. SURIRELLE.E. Fr. single or binate, quadri- lateral, oval, or saddle-shaped, sometimes constricted in the middle; v. with transverse or radiating continuous or granular striae, interrupted in the middle, or with one or more longitudinal rows of puncta; often keeled. 22. Bacillaria. Fr. prismatic, straight, at first forming a filament; v. with a median longitudinal row of puncta; marine. 23. Campylodisciis. Fr. single, free, disk-shaped; v. curved or twisted (saddle-shaped); aquatic and marine. 24. Doryphora. Fr. single, stalked; v. .lanceolate or elliptical, with transverse granular striae. 25. Podocystis. Fr. attached, sessile; v. with a median line, transverse continuous, and intermediate granular striae. 26. Nitzschia. Fr. free, single, compressed, usually elon- gate, straight, curved, or sigmoid, with a not-median keel, and one or more longitudinal rows of puncta ; aquatic and marine. 27. Sphinctocystis (Cymato pleura). Fr. free, single, linear, with undulate margins; v. oblong or elliptical, sometimes constricted in the middle; aquatic. 28. Surirella. Fr. free, single, ovate, elliptical, oblong, cuneate, or broadly linear; v. with a longitudinal median line or clear space, margins winged, and with transverse or slightly radiating continuous striae ; aquatic and marine. 29. Synedra. Fr. prismatic, rectangular, or curved ; at first attached to a gelatinous-lobed cushion, often becom- ing free; v. linear or lanceolate, usually with a median pseudo-nodule and longitudinal line ; aquatic and marine. 30. Tryblionella. Fr. free, linear, or elliptical ; v. plane, with a median line, transverse striae, and submarginal or obsolete alae ; aquatic and marine. THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 145 31. Raphoneis. Doryphora without a stalk. COHORT 6. AMPHIPLEURE.E. Fr. free, single, straight, or slightly sigrnoid ; v. lanceolate, or linear-lanceolate, with a median longitudinal line. 32. Amphipleura. Characters as above. ft Valves with a Median Nodule. COHORT 7. COCCONEIDJI;. Fr. straight or hent, attached by the end or side ; v. elliptical, equilateral. 33. Cocconeis. Fr. single, compressed, adnate; v. ellip- tical, one of them with a median line. COHORT 8. ACHXANTHE^:. Fr. compressed, single, or rarely united into a straight filament, curved, attached by a stalk at one angle; uppermost v. with a longitudinal median line, lower v. the same, and a stauros or transverse line; marine. 35. Achnanthidium. Fr. those of Achnanthes, but free ; aquatic. 36. Cymbosira. Fr. as Achnanthes, solitary or binate, stipitate, and attached end to end ; marine. COHORT 9. CYMBELLE^E. Fr. straight or curved, free or stalked at the end ; v. inequilateral, not sigmoid. 37. Cymbella. Fr. free, solitary; v. navicular, with. a subcentral and two terminal nodules, and a submedian longitudinal line; aquatic. 38. Cocconema. Fr. as Cymbella, but stalked; aquatic. COHORT 10. GOMPHOXEMEJE.' Fr. wedge-shaped, straight, free, or stalked ; v. equilateral. 39. Gomphonema. Fr. single or binate, wedge-shaped, attached by their ends to a stalk ; v. with a median line, and a median and terminal nodules; aquatic. 40. Sphenella. Fr. free, solitary, wedge-shaped, invo- lute; aquatic. 10 146 THE MICROSCOPIST. 41. Sphenosira. Fr. united into a straight filament; v. wedge-shaped, at one end rounded, suddenly contracted and produced ; aquatic. COHORT 11. NAVICULE^;. Fr. free, straight; v. equilat- eral, or sometimes sigmoid. 42. Navicula. Fr. single, free, straight ; v. oblong, lan- ceolate, or elliptical, with a median line, a central and two terminal nodules, and transversely or slightly radiant lines resolvable into dots ; aquatic, marine, and fossil. 43. Gyrosigma (Pleurosigma). Fr. as Navicula, but v. .sigmoid ; aquatic and marine. 44. Pinnularia. Fr. as Navicula, but transverse lines continuous ; aquatic and marine. 45. tStauroneis. Fr. a8 Navicula, but the median line replaced by a stauros; aquatic and marine. 46. Diadesmis. Fr. as Navicula, united into a straight filament; aquatic. 47. Amphiprora. Fr. free, solitary, or in pairs, con- stricted in the middle; v. with a median keel, and a median and terminal nodules, often twisted ; marine. 48. Amphora. Fr. plano-convex, elliptical, oval or ob- long, solitary, free or adnate, with a marginal line, and a nodule or stauros on the flat Bide ; aquatic and marine. TRIBE II. VITTATJE. Fr. with vittse. f Valves without a Median Nodule. COHORT 12. LICMOPHORE^:. Fr. cuneate; vittae arched. 49. Licmophora. Fr. cuneate, rounded at the broad end, radiating from a branched stalk ; vittse curved (by inflection of upper margins of valves) ; marine. 50. Podosphenia. Fr. as Licmophora, but single or in pairs, sessile on a thick but little branched pedicle; ma- rine. THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 147 51. Rhipidophora. Fr. as Licmophora, single or in pairs, on a branched stipes ; marine. 52. Climacosphenia. Fr. cuneate, rounded at broad end, divided into loculi by transverse septae or vittae ; marine. COHORT 13. STRIATELLE.E. Fr. tabular or filamentous; vittae straight (not arched). 53. Striatella.'Fr. compound, stalked at one angle; vittae longitudinal and continuous ; v. elliptic-lanceolate, not striated ; marine. 54. jRhabdonema. Fr. as Striatdla, but vittae inter- rupted ; v. with transverse granular striae ; marine. 55. Tetraeydus. Fr. compound, filamentous ; vittae al- ternate, interrupted ; v. inflated at the middle ; striae trans- verse, continuous ; aquatic. 56. Tabellaria. Fr. united into a filament, subsequently breaking up into a zigzag chain ; vittae interrupted, alter- nate ; v. inflated at middle and ends ; aquatic. 57. Pleurodesmium.FT. tabular, united into a filament, and with a transverse median hyaline band; marine. 58. Hyalosira. Fr. tabular, fixed by a stalk at one angle ; vittae alternate, interrupted, bifurcate at the end ; marine. 59. Anaulus. Fr. rectangular, single, compressed, with lateral inflections, giving the valves a ladder-like appear- ance ; marine. 60. Biblarium. Fr. as Tetmcydiis, but single ; fossil. 61. Terpsinoe. Fr. tabular, obsoletely stalked, subse- quently connected by isthmi ; vittae transverse, short, in- terrupted, and capitate ; aquatic and marine. 62. Stylolihlium. Fr. compound ; v. circular, sculptured with continuous striae ; fossil. ft With a Median apparent (pseudo) Nodule. 63. Orammatophora. Fr. at first adnate, afterwards 148 THE MICROSCOPIST. forming a zigzag chain ; vittse two, longitudinal, inter- rupted, and more or less figured ; marine. TKIBE III. AREOLATJE. Yalves circular, with cell-like (areolar) markings, visible by ordinary illumination. SUB-TRIBE 1. DISCIFORMES. Yalves alike, without ap- pendages or processes. COHORT 14. COSCINODISCE^I. Valves circular. 64. Actinocychis. Fr. solitary; v. circular, undulate, the raised portions like rays or bands radiating from the centre, which is free from markings ; marine and fossil. 65. Actinoptychus. Fr. as Actinocydus, but radiating internal septee, as well as rays. 66. Cosdnodiscus. Fr. single ; v. circular, areolar all over ; marine and fossil. 67. Arachnoidiscus. Fr. single ; v. circular, not undu- late, with concentric and radiating lines, and intermediate areola absent from the centre (pseudo-nodule) ; marine and fossil. 68. Asterolampra. Fr. single ; v. circular, finely areolar, except in the centre and at equidistant clear marginal rays radiating from the centre, which is traversed by radiating dark lines (septa), alternating with the marginal rays ; fossil. 69. Aster omphalos. As Asterolampra, but two of the central dark lines parallel, and the corresponding mar- ginal ray obliterated ; fossil. 70. Halionyx. Fr. single ; v. circular, without septa, with rays not reaching the centre, and with intermediate shorter rays ; between the rays transverse areolar lines ; fossil. 71. Odontodiscus. Fr. single, lenticular ; v. covered with puncta (areolae), arranged in radiating rows on ex- centrically curved lines, and with erect marginal teeth ; fossil. 72. Omphalopelta. As Actinoptychus, but upper part of margin of valves with a few erect spines ; fossil. THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 149 73. Symbolophora. Fr. single, disk-shaped ; v. with in- complete septa radiating from the solid angular umbili- cus, and intermediate bundles of radiating lines ; marine and fossil. 74. Systephania. Fr. single ; v. circular, areolar, with- out rays or septa, with a crown of spines or an erect membrane on the outer surface of each valve ; fossil. COHORT 15. ANGULIFERA. Valves angular. 75. Amphitetras. Fr. at first united, afterwards sepa- rating into a zigzag chain, rectangular; v. rectangular, the angles often produced ; marine. 76. Amphipentras. Fr. solitary ; v. pentangular ; fossil. 77. Lithodesmium. Fr. united into a straight filament ; v. triangular, one side plane, the others undulate ; marine. TRIBE IY. APPENDICULAT.E. Valves with processes or appendages, or with the angles produced or inflated. COHORT 16. EUPODISCE^:. Fr. disk-shaped; v. circular. 78. JEupodiscus. Fr. single, disk-shaped ; v. circular, with tubular or horn-like processes on the surface ; aquatic and marine. 79. Auliscus. As Eupodiscus, but processes obtuse and more solid ; fossil. 80. Insilella. Fr. single, fusiform ; v. equal, with a median turgid ring between them ; marine. COHORT 17. BIDDULPHIE^:. Fr. flattened; v. elliptical or suborbicular. 81. Biddulphia. Fr. rectangular, more or less united into a continuous or zigzag filament; the angles inflated or produced into horns ; v. convex, centre usually spinous ; marine. 82. Isthmia. Fr. rhomboidal or trapezoidal, cohering by one angle ; angles produced ; marine. 83. Chcetoceros. Fr. compressed ; v. equal, with a long spine or filament on each side ; marine. 150 THE MICROSCOPIST. 84. Ehizoselenia. Fr. elongate, subcylindrical, marked with transverse or spiral lines, ends oblique or conical, and with one or more terminal bristles ; marine. 85. Hemiaulus. Fr. single, compressed, rectangular; angles produced into tubular direct processes, those on one valve longer than on the other ; fossil. 86. Syringidium. Fr. single, terete, acuminate at one end, two-horned at the other ; marine. 87. Periptera. Fr. single, compressed ; v. unequal, one simply turgid, the other with marginal wings or spines ; fossil. 88. Dicladia. Fr. single; v. unequal, one turgid and simple, the other two-horned ; fossil. COHORT 18. ANGULAT^. Valves angular. 89. Triceratium. Fr. free ; y. triangular, each angle with a minute tooth or horn ; marine. 90. Syndendrium. Fr. single, subquadrangular ; v. un- equal, slightly turgid, one smooth, the other with numer- ous median spines, or little horns branched at the ends. B, Frustules enveloped in a mass of Gelatin, or contained in Gelatinous Tubes, forming a Frond. 91. Mastogloia. Frond mammilate ; fr. like Navicula, but hoops with loculi ; aquatic and marine. 92. Dickieia. Frond leaf-like ; fr. like Navicula or Stamoneis ; marine. 93. Berkeleya. Frond rounded at base, filamentous at circumference ; fr. navicular ; marine. 94. Homoeodadia. Frond sparingly divided, filiform ; fr. like Nitzschia ; marine. 95. Colletonema. Frond filamentous, filaments not branched ; fr. like Navicula or Gyrosigma ; aquatic. 96. Schizonema. Frond filamentous, branched ; fr. like Navicula; marine. THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 151 97. Encyonenia. Frond filamentous, but little branched ; fr. like Cymbella ; aquatic. 98. Syncyclia. Fr. those of Cymbella, united in circular bands, immersed in an amorphous gelatinous frond ; ma- rine. 99. Frustulia. Fr. as Navicula, irregularly scattered through an amorphous gelatinous mass ; aquatic. 100. Mir-romega. Fr. as Navicula, arranged in rows in gelatinous tubes, or surrounded by fibres, these being in- closed in a filiform branched frond ; marine. The family of Nostochince is allied to the PalmellacecK. It consists of beaded filaments suspended in a gelatinous frond. The gelatinous masses of Nostoc often appear quite suddenly in damp places, and have been called "fallen stars." They attracted the notice of the alchemists, and enter into many of their recipes for the transmutation of metals. What have been termed showers of flesh or of blood, originated in all probability in the rapid develop- ment of similar masses. Many botanists regard them as the " gonidia " of Collema and other lichens. The Ostillatoria, so called from the singular oscillatory motion of their filaments, consist also of cells which mul- tiply in a longitudinal direction by self-division. The Ulvacece, to which the grass-green sea-weeds belong, in- crease in breadth as well as length by the subdivision of cells, so as to produce a leaf-like expansion (Plate X, Fig. 112). An illustration of the simpler forms of reproduction in Protophytes is seen in Zygnema, so called from the sin- gular manner in which the filaments are yoked together in pairs. In an early stage of growth, while multiplica- tion of cells proceeds by subdivision, the endochrome is generally diffused, but about the time of conjugation it arranges itself usually into a spiral. Adjacent cells put forth protuberances, which unite and form a free passage between them, and the endochrome of one cell passes over 152 THE MICROSCOPIST. into the other and forms the spore. In Sphoeroplea the endochrome of the " oospore " breaks up into segments, which escape as " microgonidia." Each of these have two vibratile filaments, which elongate so as to become fusiform, and at the same time change from red to green. Losing their motile power they become filaments, in which the endochrome, by the multiplication of vacuoles, be- comes frothy. After a time the particles of endochrome assume a globular or ovoid shape, and openings occur in the cell- wall. In other filaments the endochrome is con- verted into antherozoids, each of which is furnished with two filaments, by means of which they swim about and enter the openings of- the spore-cells, in which they seem to dissolve away. The contents of the spore-cell then becomes invested with a membranous envelope ; the color changes from green to red ; a second investment is formed within the first, which extends itself into stellate projec- tions. "When set free the mass is a true oospore, and ready to repeat the process above described. In (Edogo- nium the antherozoids are developed in a body called an " androspore," which is set free from a germ-cell, and which being furnished with cilia resembles an ordinary zoospore. This androspore attaches itself to the outer surface of a germ-cell, a sort of lid drops from its free extremity, which sets free its contained antherozoids. These enter an aperture formed in the cell-wall of the oospore, and fertilize the contained mass by blending with it. Examination of the Higher Cryptogamia. It would en- large this volume far beyond its proposed limits to refer to the particular instances of form or function which the microscope reveals to the systematic botanist or physiolo- gist, nor is this necessary, since well-written treatises on structural botany are quite available. We content our- selves, therefore, in the remainder of this chapter, with pointing out the methods of examination by w r hich the THE MICROSCOPE IN HISTOLOGY AND BOTANY. 153 views of other observers may be verified, or additions made to our knowledge of vegetable life. The lower forms of algse and fungi, to which we have already referred, need scarcely any preparation, save the disentanglement of twisted threads under the simple mi- croscope, or a gentle teasing with needles, or rinsing with water. The solution of iodine, and of iodine and sulphuric acid, will suffice to exhibit the nature of the cell-wall and cell-contents. In more highly developed plants it will be necessary to take thin sections from different parts, and in different but definite directions. These sections may be made by hand, or between pieces of pith or cork by means of a section cutter. In some instances some of the methods of staining will also be useful. Dr. Hunt, of Philadelphia, has proposed a plan of staining which is well adapted to all vegetable tissues. He first soaks the part or section in strong alcohol to dissolve the chloro- phyll, then bleaches it in a solution of chlorinated soda. It is then placed in a solution of alum, and afterwards in one of extract of logwood. By transferring it to weak alcohol and afterwards to stronger, it is deprived of its water, and after being made transparent with oil of cloves, it is ready for mounting in balsam or dammar varnish. Care must be taken to wash it well after each of the preliminary steps before staining. In the higher algse, the layers of cells assume various sizes and shapes, and the nature of their fructification is of great interest. Sections may be made of the " recep- tacles " at the extremities of the fronds, which contain filaments, whose contents become antherozoids. The pear- shaped sporangia in the receptacles subdivide into clusters of eight cells, called octospores, which are liberated from their envelopes before fertilization. The red sea-weeds, or Rhodospenfiece, afford many beau- tiful forms for the microscope. The " tetraspores " are imbedded in the fronds. 154 THE MICROSCOPIST. In lichens, the apothecia form projections from the thal- lus, or general expansion produced by cell-division. A vertical section shows them to contain asci or spore-cases amid straight filaments, or elongated cells called para- physes. The fronds of Hepaticce or liverworts bear stalks with shield-like disks, which carry antheridia, and others with radiating bodies bearing archegonia, which afterwards give place to the sporangia or spore-cases. The spores are associated with elaters, or elastic spiral fibres, which suddenly extend themselves and disperse the spores. The Characece. are often incrusted with carbonate of lime, which may be removed with dilute sulphuric acid. The motion of the bioplasm in the cells of the stem is often well seen. The cells in which the spiral filaments or antheridia are developed, are strung together like a row of pearls. The position and construction of the spores also should be examined, as well as the mode of growth in the plant by division of the terminal cell (Plate XI, Fig. 113). Stems of mosses and liverworts should be examined by means of transverse and longitudinal sections. Similar sections through the half-ripe fruit of a moss will show the construction of the fruit, the peristome, the calyptra, etc. The ripe spores may be variously examined dry, in water, in oil of lemons, and in strong sulphuric acid. The capsules or urns of mosses are not now regarded as their fructification, but its product. The true antheridia and pistillidia are found among the bases of the leaves, close to the axis. The fertilized " em- bryo-cell " becomes gradually developed by cell-division into a conical body or spore-capsule, elevated on a stalk. The peristome, or toothed fringe, seen around the mouth of the urn when the calyptra or hood, and operculum or lid, are removed, furnishes a beautiful object for the bi- nocular microscope. PLATE XL FIG. 113. Antheridia of Chara fragilis: A, antheridium or "globule" developed at the base of pislillidium or "nucule;" B, nucule enlarged, globule laid open by the separation of its valves; c, one of the valves. with its group of antheridial lilameuts, each composed of a linear series of cills, within every oii!> of which an antherozoid is formed : in D, E, and F, the successive stages of this formation are seeii ; and at G is shown the escape of the mature antherozoids, 11. (From Carpenter.) Development of Prothalium of Pterls terrulia:A, natural size; B, portion magnified. THE MICROSCOPE IN ZOOLOGY. 169 corals, either membranous or calcareous, made up of minute cabin-like cells, which are either thin crusts on sea-weeds, rocks, etc., or slender moss-like tufts, or groups of thin curving plates, or net-like fronds, and sometimes thread- like lines or open reticulations. The cells of a group have no connection with a common tube, as the Hydroids, but the alimentary system of each little Bryozoon is indepen- dent. Many of the Polyzoa have curious appendages to their cells, of two kinds ; the first are called birds'-head pro- cesses or avicularia. They consist of a body, a hinge or lower jaw-like process, and a stalk. The lower portion is moved by an elevator and depressor muscle, and during life the motion is constant. The second kind, or vibracula, is a hollow process from which vibratile filaments project (Plate XV, Figs. 127,128). X. TUNIC AT A. These molluscs are so named from the leathery or cartilaginous tunic which envelops them, and which often contains calcareous spicula. Like the Bryo- zoa they tend to produce composite structures by gemma- tion, but they have no ciliated tentacles. They are of most interest to the microscopist from the peculiar actions of their respiratory and circulatory organs, which may be seen through the transparent walls of small specimens. The branchial or respiratory sac has a beautiful network of bloodvessels, and is studded with vibratile cilia for dif- fusing water over the membrane. The circulation is re- markable from the alternation of its direction. The smaller Tunicata are usually found aggregate, in- vesting rocks, stones and shells, or sea-weeds ; a few are free. Synopsis of the Families. A. Attached ; mantle and test united only at the ori- fices. 1. Botryllidce. Bodies united into systems. 170 THE MICROSCOPIST. 2. Clavelinidce. Bodies distinct, but connected by a common root thread. 3. AscidiadcB. Bodies unconnected. B. Free ; mantle and test united throughout. 4. Pelonceadce. Orifices near together. 5. Salpadce. Orifices at opposite ends. XI. CONCHIFERA. This class consists of bivalve mol- luscs, and is chiefly interesting to the microscopist from the ciliary motion on their gills and the structure of the shell. The ciliary motion may be observed in the oyster or mussel, by detaching a small piece of one of the bands which run parallel with the edge of the open shell, placing it on a glass slide in a drop of the liquid from the shell, separating the bars with needles, and covering it with thin glass : or the fragment may be placed in the live box and submitted to pressure. The peculiar movement of each cilium requires a high magnifying power. It appears to serve the double purpose of aeration of the blood and the production of a current for the supply of aliment. Dr. Carpenter has shown that the shells of molluscs possess definite structure. In the Margaritacece the exter- nal layer is prismatic, and the internal nacreous. The nacreous or iridescent lustre depends on a series of grooved lines produced by laminae more or less oblique to the plane of the surface. The shells of Terebratulce are marked by perforations, which pass from one surface to another. The rudimentary shell of the cuttle-fish (of the class Cephalopoda], or " cuttle-fish bone," is a beautiful object either opaque or in the polariscope. Sections may be made in various directions with a sharp knife, and mounted as opaque objects or in balsam. XII. G-ASTEROPODA. These molluscs are either naked, as the slug, or have univalve shells, as the snail, the lim- pet, or the whelk. As in the other classes referred to, the details of anatomical structure are full of interest ; PLATE XVI. FIG. 130. FIG. 129. A, female of Cyclops quadricornis; a, body ; 6, tail ; c, antenna; d, antennule; e, feet; /, plumose setae of tail ; B, tail, with external egg-sacs ; c, D, E, F, G, successive stages of development of young. FIG. 131. Metamorphosis of Carcinus mamas: A, first stage ; B, second stage ; c, third stage, in which it begins to assume the adult form ; D, perfect form. THE MICROSCOPE IN ZOOLOGY. 171 but to the microscopist the palate, or tongue as it is called a tube which passes beneath the mouth, opening ob- liquely in front, and which is covered with transverse rows of minute teeth set upon plates presents characters of great value in classification. These palates require careful dissection, and when mounted in balsam become beautiful polariscope objects (Plate XYI, Fig. 129). XIII. CEPHALOPODA. The crystalline lens in the eye of the cuttle-fish is said to be of the same form as the well- known " Coddington lens." The skin of this class con- tains a curious provision for changing its hue, consisting of large pigment-cells containing coloring matter of vari- ous tints. The suckers, or prehensile disks, on the arms of cephal- opods often make interesting opaque objects when dried. XIV. ENTOZOA. These are parasitic animals belonging to the class of worms. They are characterized by the absence or low development of the nutritive system, and the extraordinary development of their reproductive or- gans. Thus the Tcenia or tapeworm has neither mouth nor stomach, the so-called " head" being merely an organ for attachment, while each segment of the "body" con- tains repetitions of a complex generative apparatus. Among the Xematoid or round worms, the Anguillulce, or little eel-like worms, found in sour paste, vinegar, etc., as well as the Trichina spiralis, inhabiting the voluntary muscles, are generally classified. ORDER I. STERELMIXTHA. Alimentary canal absent or indistinct. FAMILY 1. Cestoidea. Tapeworms; body strap-shaped, divided into transverse joints ; alimentary canal indistinct. The cystic Entozoa (Echinococcus, etc.) are nurse or larval forms of Cestoidea. FAMILY 2. Trematoda. Body mostly flattened ; alimen- tary canal distinct ; branched. 172 THE MICROSCOPIST. FAMILY 3. Acanthocephala. Body flattened, transversely wrinkled ; sexual organs in separate individuals. FAMILY 4. Gordiaeea (Hairworms). Body filamentous, cylindrical ; alimentary canal present ; sexes distinct. FAMILY 5. Protozoidea or Gregarinida. Probably larval forms. ORDER II. CJELELMINTHA. Alimentary canal distinct. FAMILY 1. Nematoidea (Round worms). Body cylindri- cal, hollow ; sexes separate. The Enoplidce tribe is distinguished by an armature of hooks or styles round the mouth. Most of them are microscopic. XY. ANNUL AT A (Red-blooded. Worms). Some of these, as the Serpula, etc., are inclosed in tubes formed of a shelly secretion, or built up of grains of sand, etc., agglutinated together. Many have special respiratory appendages to their heads, in which the microscope will exhibit the cir- culation. The worms of the Nais tribe, also, are so trans- parent as to be peculiarly fitted for microscopic study of structure. The dental apparatus of the leech consists of a triangular aperture in a sucking disk, furnished with three semicircular horny plates, each bordered with a row of eighty to ninety teeth, which act like a saw. ORDER 1. TURBELLARIA. Body bilateral, soft, covered with vibratile cilia, not segmented ; eyes distinct ; sexless or hermaphrodite. ORDER 2. SUCTORIA (Apoda). Body elongate, ringed, without bristles or foot-like tubercles ; locomotion by sucking-disks ; no external branchiae. ORDER 3. SETIGRADA (Chcetopoda). Body ringed, elon- gate, with feet or setigerous rudiments of them ; external branchiae usually present. XVI. CRUSTACEA. In the family of Isopoda the micros- copist will find the Ascellus vulgaris, or water wood-louse, of great interest, as readily exhibiting the dorsal vessel and circulating fluids. THE MICROSCOPE IN ZOOLOGY. 173 The family of Entomostraca contains a number of gen- era, nearly all of which are but just visible to the naked eye. They are distinguished by the inclosure of the body in a horny or shelly case, often resembling a bivalve shell, though sometimes of a single piece. The tribe of Lophy- ropoda (bristly -footed), or " water-fleas," is divided into two orders, the first of which, Ostracoda, is characterized by a bivalve shell, a small number of legs, and the absence of an external ovary. A familiar member of this order, the little Cypris, is common in pools and streams, and may be recognized by its two pairs of antennse, the first of which is jointed and tufted, while the second is directed downwards like legs. It has two pairs of legs, the poste- rior of which do not appear outside the shell. The order Copepoda has a jointed shell, like a buckler, almost inclosing the head and thorax. To this belongs the genus Cyclops (named from its single eye), the female of which carries on either side of the abdomen an egg capsule, or external ovarium, in which the ova undergo their earlier stages of development (Plate XVI, Fig. 130). The Daphnia pulex, or arborescent water-flea, belongs to the order Cladocera and tribe Branchiopoda. The other order of this tribe, the Phyllopoda, has the body divided into segments, furnished with leaf-like members or " fin feet." When first hatched, the larval Entomostraca differ greatly from the adult. The larval forms of higher Crustacea resemble adult Entomostraca. The suctorial Crustacea, order Siphonostoma, are gener- ally parasitic, mostly affixed to the gills of fishes by means of hooks, arms, or suckers, arising from or consisting of modified foot-jaws. The transformations in this order, as in the Lerncea, seem to be a process of degradation. The young comes from the egg as active as the young of Cyclops, which they resemble, and pass through a series of metamorphoses in which they cast off their locomotive 174 THE MICROSCOPIST. members and their eyes. The males and females do not resemble each other. The order Cirrhipeda consists of the barnacles and their allies. In their early state they resemble the Entomos- traca, are unattached, and have eyes. After a series of metamorphoses they become covered with a bivalve shell, which is thrown off; the animal then attaches itself by its head, which in the barnacle becomes an elongated pedicle, and in Balanus expands into a disk. The first thoracic segment produces the "multivalve" shell, while the other segments evolve the six pairs of cirrhi, which are slender, tendril-like appendages, fringed with ciliated filaments. In the order Amphipoda, the Gammarus pulex, or fresh- water shrimp, and the Talitrus saltator, or sandhopper, may be interesting to the microscopist. The order Decapoda, to which belong the crab, lobster, shrimp, etc., is of interest, from the structure of the shell and the phenomena of metamorphosis. The shell usually consists of a horny structureless layer exteriorly, an areo- lated stratum, and a laminated tubular substance. The difference between the adult and larval forms in this order is so great that the young crab was formerly considered a distinct genus, Zoea (Plate XYI, Fig. 131). For the preservation of specimens of Crustacea, Dr. Carpenter recommends glycerin jelly as the best medium. XVII. INSECTS. Many insects may be mounted dry, as opaque objects. They may be arranged in position by the use of hot water or steam. Those which are trans- parent enough may be mounted in balsam, and very deli- cate ones in fluid. To display the external chitinous cov- ering of an entire insect, it may be soaked in strong liquor potassse, and the internal parts squeezed out in a saucer of w^ater by gently rolling over it a camel's-hair brush. It may be put on a slide, and the cover fastened by tying with a thread. It should then be soaked in turpentine ^ THE MICROSCOPE IN ZOOLOGY. 175 until quite transparent, when it may be removed, the tur- pentine partially drained off, and a solution of balsam in chloroform allowed to insinuate itself by capillary attrac- tion. Gentle heat from a spirit-lamp will be useful at this stage of the mounting. Small insects hardly need soaking in caustic potash, as turpentine or oil of cloves will render them after awhile quite transparent, and their internal organs are beautifully seen in the binocular microscope. Thin sections of insects are instructive, and may be made with a section-cutter by first saturating the body with thick gum mucilage, and then incasing in melted paraffin. Many insects and insect preparations are well preserved in glycerin. The eggs of insects are often interesting objects, and should be mounted in fluid. Wing cases of beetles are often very brilliant opaque objects. Some are covered with iridescent scales, and others have branching hairs. Many are improved by balsam, and this may be determined by touching with turpentine before mounting. Scales of Lepidoptera, etc., may be exhibited in their natural arrangement by mounting a small piece of wing dry. If desired as test objects, a slide or thin cover, after having been breathed on, may be slightly pressed on the wing or body of the insect. The scales are really flattened cells, analogous to the epidermic cells of higher animals. Some have their walls strengthened by longitudinal ribs, while others, as the Podurce, show a beaded appearance under high powers from corrugation. Dr. Carpenter be- lieves the exclamation marks in the scales of the latter to be the most valuable test of the excellence of an objective. Hairs of insects are often branched or tufted. The hair of the bee shows prismatic colors if the chromatic aberra- tion of the object-glass is not exactly neutralized. Antennae vary greatly in form, and are often useful in 176 THE MICROSCOPIST. classification (Plate XVII, Fig. 132). Thus in the Cole- optera we have the Serricornes, or serrated antennae; the Clavicornes^or clubbed ; the Palpicornes, with antennae no larger than palpi ; the Lamellicornes, with leaf-like appen- dages to the antennae; and the Longicornes, with antennae as long or longer than the body. Nerve : fibres, ending in minute cavities in the antennae, have been traced, which are supposed to be organs of hearing. The antennae should be bleached to exhibit them. The bleaching process is also useful for other parts of insects. The bleaching fluid consists of a drachm of chlorate of potass in about two drachms of water, to which is added about a drachm of hydrochloric acid. Compound eyes of insects are always interesting. They are quite conspicuous, and often contain thousands of facets, or minute eyes, called ocelli (Plate XVII, A B, Fig. 133). Besides these, insects possess rudimentary single eyes, like those of tke Arachnidce. These are at the top of the head, and are termed stemmata (Plate XVII, a, Fig. 133). To display the " corneules," or exterior layer of the compound eye, the pigment must be carefully brushed away after maceration. A number of notches may then be made around the edge, the membrane flat- tened on a slide, and mounted in balsam. Vertical sec- tions may be made while fresh, so as to trace the relations of the optic nerve, etc. The dissecting microscope and needles will be found useful (Plate XVII, Fig. 132). Mouths of insects present great varieties. In the beetles the mouth consists of a pair of mandibles, opening later- ally ; a second pair, called maxillae ; a labrum or upper lip; an under lip or labium; one or two pairs of jointed appendages to the maxillae, termed maxillary palpi ; and a pair of labial palpi. The labium is often composed of distinct parts, the first of which is called the mentum or chin, and the anterior part the ligula or tongue. This latter part is greatly developed in the fly, and presents PLATE XVII. FIG. 132. Various Antennae of Insects. FIG. 134. Tongue of common Fly. Foot of Fly. FIG. 136. Tracheal system of Nepa (Water-scorpion). THE MICROSCOPE IN ZOOLOGY. 177 a curious modification of tracheal structure, which is thought to serve the function of suction (Plate XVII, Fig. 134). The tongue of the bee is also an interesting object. In the Diptera the labrum, maxillse, mandibles, etc., are converted into delicate lancets, termed setse, and are used to puncture the epidermis of animals or plants, from which the juices may be drawn by the proboscis. In the Lepidoptera the labrum and mandibles are reduced to minute plates, while the maxillae are greatly elongated, and are united to form the haustellum, or true proboscis, which contains a tube for suction. Feet. Tbese organs vary with the habits of life in dif- ferent species. The limb consists of five divisions : the coxa or hip, the trochanter, the femur or thigh, the tibia or shank, and the tarsus or foot. This last has usually five joints, but sometimes less. The Cdeoytera are subdi- vided into groups, according as the tarsus consists of five, four, or three segments. The last joint is furnished with hooks or claws, and in the fly, etc., the foot is also furnished with membranous expansions, called pulvilli. These latter have numerous hairs, each of which has a minute disk at its extremity. By these, probably by the secretion of a viscid material, the insect is enabled to walk on glass, etc., in opposition to gravity (Plate XVII, Fig. 135). In the Dytiscus, tne inner side of the leg is furnished with disks or suckers of considerable size. They may be mounted as opaque objects. Stings and Oi'i positors also present a great variety of structure, and may be best mounted in balsam. The alimentary canal in insects presents many diversi- ties. As in higher animals, it is shorter in flesh-eaters than in feeders on vegetables. It consists of: 1. The oesophagus, which is sometimes dilated to form a crop. 2. The muscular stomach, or gizzard, whose lining mem- brane is covered with plates, or teeth, for trituration. 3. A cylindrical true stomach, in which digestion takes 12 178 THE MICROSCOPIST. place. 4. The small intestine, terminating in 5, the large intestine or colon. The colon of most insects in the imago or perfect state, never in larvae or pupae, contains from four to six organs of doubtful nature arranged in pairs. They are transparent, round, or oval tubercles projecting inside the colon, traversed by tufts of tracheae, and sometimes with a horny ring at the base. The salivary glands are sacs or tubes of variable form and length, terminating near the mouth. A distinct liver is absent, its function being performed by glandular cells in the walls of the stomach. Many insects, however, have caecal appendages to the stomach which secrete bile. Some have tubular caeca appended to the small intestine, probably representing a pancreas. In the interspaces of the various abdominal organs, is found a curious organ called the fatty body, which attains its development at the close of the larval period, and appears to form a res- ervoir of nourishment for the pupa. It consists of fat- cells imbedded in a reticular tissue, and is traversed by slender tracheae. The Malpighian vessels are slender, mostly tubular glands, caecal or uniting with each other, which open into the pyloric end of the stomach, and as uric acid has been found in them, are thought to serve the functions of a kidney. Some consider the renal organ to be represented by certain Jong vessels convoluted on the colon, and open- ing near the anus. Other glandular organs occur in insects, as cysts in the integument, called glandulae odoriferae ; poison glands, attached to the sting in many females; and silk-secreting glands, coiled in the sides of the bod} 7 and opening out- side the mouth. The heart is a long contractile vessel situated in the back. It is constricted at intervals. The posterior part acts as a heart, and the anterior represents an aorta, and conveys blood to the body. From the anterior end the THE MICROSCOPE IN ZOOLOGY. 179 olood passes in currents in all directions, without vascular walls, running into the antennae, wings, extremities, etc., and returning as a venous current, forming two lateral currents towards the end of the ahdomen, it is brought by the diastole of the heart through lateral fissures ex- isting in it. O The respiration is effected by means of tracheae, two or more large vessels running longitudinally, giving off branches in all directions, and opening to the air by short tubes, connected at the sides of the body with orifices called spiracles. Aquatic larvae often have branchiae in the form of plates, leaves, or hairs, through which the tracheae ramify (Plate XVII, Fig. 136). The nervous system consists of a series of ganglia ar- ranged in pairs, one for each segment of the body. They are situated between the alimentary canal and the under surface of the body, and are usually connected by longi- tudinal nervous cords. From the ganglia nerves are dis- tributed to all parts. The muscular system of insects is quite extensive. Ly- onet dissected arid described more than four thousand in the caterpillar of the goat-moth (Cossus ligniperda). XVIII. ARACHNID A. This class of animals includes mites, ticks, spiders, and scorpions. They are destitute of antennae ; the head and thorax are united ; they have simple eyes (ocelli), and eight jointed legs. The cheese-mite, the u ticks," the itch-insect (Sarcoptes scabies), and the Demodex folliculorum, which is parasitic in the sebaceous follicles of the skin of the face, are com- mon examples of Acari. They are best mounted in fluid. The respiratory apparatus in spiders differs from that of insects, the spiracles opening into respiratory sacs, which contain leaf-like folds for aeration of blood. The spinning apparatus is also interesting. The minute anatomy of vertebrated animals affords the 180 THE MICROSCOPIST. microscopist numerous specimens, but the details will be best understood from the following chapter. As the classification of the Invertebrata is subject to great variation, the following table, after Nicholson, is added for the sake of comparison : INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS. SUB-KINGDOM I. PROTOZOA. CLASS I. GREGARINID^E. Parasitic Protozoa, destitute of a mouth, and destitute of pseudopodia. Ex., Gregarina. CLASS II. RHIZOPODA. Simple or compound ; destitute of a mouth ; capable of putting forth pseudopodia. CLASS III. INFUSORIA. Generally with a mouth ; no pseudopodia ; with vibratile cilia or contractile filaments. SUB-KINGDOM II. CCELENTERATA. CLASS I. HYDROZOA. Walls of the digestive sac not separated from those of the body cavity ; reproductive organs external. Sub-class 1. Hydroida. Ex., Hydra. Tubularia (pipe- coralline). Sertularia (sea-fir). Sub-class 2. Siphonophora. Ex., Diphyes. Physalia '(Portuguese man-of-war). Sub-class 3. Discophom. Ex., Naked-eyed Medusae, or Jelly-fish. Sub-class 4. Lucernarida. Ex., Sea-nettles, or " Hidden- eyed " Medusae. CLASS II. ACTINOZOA. Digestive sac distinct from the general cavity, but opening into it ; reproductive organs internal. Order 1. Zoantharia. Ex., Sea- Anemones (Actinia). Reef-building corals. Order 2. Alcyonaria. Ex., Sea-pen. Red coral. Order 3. Ctenophora. Ex., Cestum (Yenus's girdle). THE MICROSCOPE IN ZOOLOGY. 181 SUB-KINGDOM III. ANNULOIDA. CLASS I. ECHINODERM AT A. Integument calcareous or leathery ; adult radiate. Order 1. Crinoidea. Ex., Comatula. Order 2. Blastoidea. (Extinct.) Order 3. Cystoidea. (Extinct.) Order 4. Ophiuroidea. Ex., Brittle-star. Order 5. Asteroidea. Ex., Star-fish. Order 6. Echinoidea. Ex., Sea-urchins. Order 7. Holothuroidea. Ex., Sea-cucumbers. CLASS II. SCOLECIDA. Soft-bodied, cylindrical, or flat ; nervous system not radiate ; of one or two ganglia. Order 1. Tceniada. Ex., Tapeworms. Order 2. Trematoda. Ex., Flukes. Order 3. Turbellaria Ex., Planarians. Order 4. Acanthocephala. Ex., Echinorynchus. Order 5. Gordiacea. Ex., Hairworms. Order 6. Nematoda. Ex., Round worms. Order 7. Eotifera. Ex., "Wheel animalcules. SUB-KINGDOM IV. ANNULOSA. DIVISION A. ANARTHROPODA. Locomotive appendages not distinctly jointed or articulated to the body. CLASS I. GEPHYREA. Ex., Spoon-worms. CLASS II. ANNELIDA. Ex., Leeches (Hirundinidse). Earth-worms (Oligochreta). Tube-worms (Tubicola). Sand-worms and Sea-worms (Errantia). CLASS III. CH.ETOGNATHA. Ex., Sagitta. DIVISION B. ARTHROPODA Locomotive appendages jointed to the body. CLASS I. CRUSTACEA. Ex., Decapoda. Isopoda. Xi- phosura. Cirri pedia. CLASS II. ARACHNIDA. Ex., Podosomata (sea-spiders). Acarina (mites). Pedipalpi (scorpions). Araneida (spi- ders). 182 THE MICROSCOPIST. CLASS III. MYRIAPODA. Ex., Centipedes. CLASS IV. INSECTA.- Ex., Anoplura (lice). Mallophaga (bird lice). Thysanura (spring-tails). Hemiptera. Or- thoptera. Neuroptera. Diptera. Lepidoptera. Hyme- noptera. Coleoptera. SUB-KINGDOM V. MOLLUSCA. DIVISION A. MOLLUSCOIDA. A single ganglion, or pair of ganglia ; heart imperfect, or none. CLASS I. POLYZOA. Ex., Sea-mats (Flustra). CLASS II. TUNICATA. Ex., Ascidia (Sea-squirts). CLASS III. BRACHIOPODA. Ex., Terebratula. DIVISION B. MOLLUSCA PROPER. Three pairs of gan- glia ; heart of at least two chambers. CLASS I. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Ex., Oyster. Mussel. CLASS II. GASTEROPODA. Ex., Buccinium. Helix. Doris. CLASS III. PTEROPODA. Ex., Cleodora. CLASS IY. CEPHALOPODA. Order 1. Dibranchiata. Ex., Poulp. Paper Nautilus. Order 2. Tetrabranchiata. Ex., Pearly Nautilus. CHAPTER XII. THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. IN Chapter IX we described the elementary living substance, or bioplasm, from which all organized struc- tures proceed, with an outline of its morphology, chemis- try, and physiology. In Chapter X we treated of Vege- table Histology, or the elementary tissues and organs which pertain to vegetable life. We now consider the THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 183 structure of formed material in animals, with special reference to the minute anatomy of the human body. Following the generalization of Dr. Beale, page 118, we may classify histological structures as follows : A. INORGANIC AND ORGANIC ELEMENTS OR PABULUM. Eesultiug in B. BIOPLASM ; or, 0. H. C. and N\, with other chemical elements, plus. The cause of life. From this results : C. FORMED MATERIAL, consisting of, I. CHEMICAL PRODUCTS ; Organic Compounds, etc. II. MORPHOLOGICAL PRODUCTS. 1. Granules; 2. Globules; 3. Fibres ; 4. Membrane. Forming Tissues. 1. Simple ; 2. Compound. Arranged in Organs. 1. Vegetative ; 2. Animal. I. THE CHEMICAL PRODUCTS of Bioplasm are very nu- merous, and belong to the science of Histo-Chemistry. Our plan allows us to do little more than to enumerate the principal groups. It has already been stated that the true chemical structure of bioplasm, or living sarcode, (protoplasm in a living state) is unknown, since it is only possible to analyze the dead cell substance. Of the rela- tion of the oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, etc., which constitute its "physical basis," we can only specu- late, or imagine. See Chemistry of Cells and their Products, page l'2'2. The chemical transformations of cell-substance into " formed material " consist chiefly, with water and min- eral matter, of certain groups of organic principles, some- times called albuminous or " protein " substances, and their nearer derivatives, as glut in-yielding and elastic matter, with fat and pigments. These materials are sub- ject to constant secondary changes or transformations, 184 THE MICROSCOPIST. since they are not laid down in the living body once for all. They are also subject to constant decay, or ultimate decomposition. Histo-Ckemistrynwat, therefore, be always a difficult study, since we can rarely isolate the tissues for examination, nor always tell when a substance is super- fluous aliment, formative or retrogressive material. From a limited number of formative or histogenic materials, we have a host of changed or decomposition products. Frey's Histology and Histo-Chemistry, Strieker's Hand- Book of Histology, and Beale's Bioplasm, are among the most useful books to the student in this department. Frey subdivides the groups of organic principles as fol- lows : I. Albuminous or Protein Compounds. Albumen. Fi- brin. Myosin. Casein. Globulin. Peptones. Ferments ? II. Hcemoglobulin. III. Formative (Histogenic) Derivatives from Albuminous Substances. Keratin. Mucin. Colloid. Glutin-yielding substances. Collagin and Glutin. Chondrigen and Chon- drin. Elastin. IY. Fatty Acids and Fats. Glycerin. Formic acid. Acetic acid. Butyric acid. Capronic acid. Palmitic acid. Stearic acid. Oleic acid. Cerebrin. Cholesterin. V. Carbohydrates. The Grape-sugar group, Cane-sugar group, and Cellulose group; or Glycogen. Dextrin. Grape-sugar. Muscle-sugar. Sugar of milk. YI. Non-Nitrogenous Acids. Lactic. Oxalic. Succinic. Carbolic. Taurylic. VII. Nitrogenous Acids. Inosinic. Uric. Hippuric. Glycocholic. Taurocholic. VIII. Amides, Amido Acids, and Organic Bases. Urea. Guanin. Xanthin. Allantoin. Kreatin. Leucin. Ty- rosin. Glycin. Cholin (JS"eurin). Taurin. Cystin. IX. Animal Coloring Matters. Hsematin. ILemin. Hrematoidin. Urohsematin. Melalin. Biliary pigments. X. Cyanogen Compounds. Sulpho-cyanogen. ^ THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 185 XL Mineral Constituents. Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbonic acid. Water. Hydrochloric acid. Silicic acid. Calcium compounds (Phosphate, Carbonate, Chloride, and Fluor- ide). Magnesium compounds (Phosphate. Carbonate. Chloride). Sodium compounds (Chloride. Carbonate. Phosphate. Sulphate). Potassium compounds (Chloride. Carbonate. Phosphate. Sulphate). Salts of Ammonium (Chloride. Carbonate). Iron and its Salts (Protochloride. Phosphate). Manganese. Copper. The subject of Histology relates properly to cell-struc- ture (already described, Chapter IX), and its morpho- logical products, yet its close connection with Histo-chem- istry renders the foregoing list of substances valuable to the student. II. HISTOLOGICAL STRUCTURE is due to the formative power of bioplasm, or living cell-substance, and is not mere selection and separation from pabulum, or aliment, since from the same pabulum, and, so far as we can see, under the same circumstances, result tissues having different physical and chemical properties. In our classification we have arranged the microscopic, or histological, elements of the tissues as Granules, Glob- ules, Fibre, and Membrane. Granules are minute particles of formed material. Globules are small, homogeneous, round, or oval bodies. If composed of albuminous matter they are rendered trans- parent by acetic acid, and are dissolved by potash and soda. If consisting of fat they are soluble in ether and unaltered by acetic acid. If they are earthy matters they are dissolved by acids and unchanged by alkalies. Fibres appear as fine lines, cylindrical threads, or flat- tened bands, parallel, or at various angles. Membrane is an expansion of material. It may be trans- parent and homogeneous, and may be recognized by plaits or folds, which sometimes simulate fibres, or it may be granular, or bear earthy particles. 186 THE MICROSCOPIST. From these elements result the simple and compound tissues. The Simple Tissues may be divided into 1. Cells with intermediate fluid, as Blood, Lymph, Chyle, Mucus, and Pus. 2. Epithelium and its appendages. 3. Connective Substances. Cartilage. Fat. Connec- tive tissue. Bone. Dentine. The Compound Tissues are Muscle, Nerve, Gland, and Vascular tissues. These are formed into Organs. 1. Vegetative. The Circulatory, Respiratory, Diges- tive, Urinary, and Generative organs. 2. Animal. The Bony, Muscular, Nervous, and Sensory apparatus. We shall attempt a brief description of these tissues and organs, as illustrated by the microscope and modern methods of research. I. SIMPLE TISSUES. 1. CELLS WITH INTERMEDIATE FLUID. ( I. The Blood. The microscope shows blood to consist, especially in man and the higher animals, of red corpuscles, colorless corpuscles, and the fluid in which they are suspended. 1. Blood Plasm.a, or Liquor Sanguinis. This is a color- less and apparently structureless fluid, but when removed from the body, fibrin separates from it in solid form. In small quantities of blood this is seen in delicate fibres crossing each other at various angles. 2. Red-blood Corpuscles. These were first discovered by Swammerdam, in 1658, in frog's blood, and in that of man by Lewenhoek, in 1673. Malpighi is said to have first seen the actual circulation of blood in the web of a frog's THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 187 foot. The circulation may be readily observed by ether- izing a frog, and expanding its foot by means of pins or thread, upon -the stage of the microscope (Plate XVIII, Fig. 137). The circulation may also be seen in the lung, mesentery, or extended tongue, of the frog. The red corpuscles of blood are flattened disks, which are circular in Mammals, except the camel and lama, which have elliptic disks. In birds, amphibia, and most fishes, the disks are elliptic. In a few fishes (the cyclos- tomata) they are circular. Their color depends on haemo- globulin, which plays an important part in the exchange of respiratory gases. In man the disks are usually double- concave, with rounded edges. Out of the body they have a tendency to adhere, or run together, in chains, like rolls of coin (Plate XVIII, Fig. 138). In the elliptic disks of birds, etc , there is a distinct nucleus. The size of the disks varies. In man they are from 0.0045 to 0.0097 mil- limetre. The smallest disks are in the Moschus Javanicus, and the largest in Siren lacertina. In the latter they are from y'g to ^ millimetre. It is estimated that in a cubic millimetre (about ^th of an inch) of human blood there are 5,000,000 red cor- puscles, having a surface of 643 millimetres. After a variable time from their removal from the ves- sels they suffer contraction, and assume a stellate, or mulberry form (Plate XVIII, Fig. 139). This occurs more rapidly in feverish states of the system. On the warm stage they suffer still greater alterations. Inden- tations appear, which cause bead-like projections, some of which become fragments, having molecular motion (Plate XVIII, Fig. 139). The substance of red corpuscles is elastic and extensible, and may be seen in the vessels to elongate and curve so as to adapt themselves to the calibre of the vessels. Electric discharges through the red corpuscles produce various changes of form. Alkalies dissolve, and acids 188 THE M1CROSCOPIST. cause a precipitate in them. They are tinged by neutral solutions of carminate of ammonia. One-half to 1 per cent, of salt added to the staining fluid causes the nuclei only of Amphibian corpuscles to be stained. Chloroform, tannin, and other reagents, produce various changes, which suggest a wide field of research connected with Therapeutics. The old opinion of the structure of red corpuscles rep- resented them as vesicles consisting of a membrane and its contents, but Max Schultze, in 1861, showed that a mem- brane was not constant. This may be verified by break- ing them under pressure. Brucke's experiment on the astringent action of boracic acid on the blood of Triton, repeated by Strieker and Lan- kester, shows the red corpuscles to possess a double struc- ture. There is a body, called (Ecoid ; a porous, non-con- tractile, soft, transparent mass ; and a retractile substance, or Zooid, containing the hyemoglobulin, which fills the in- terspaces of the (Ecoid. The Zooid seems identical with simple cell-substance, or bioplasm. 3. Colorless, or White Corpuscles. These appear to be simply masses of bioplasm of various sizes. Some are quite small, and many are larger than the red corpuscles. Their number is much smaller than the red disks, being about 1 to 350, or even less. In leucaemia and other dis- eases their relative number is much greater. In the blood of cold-blooded animals, and in that of vertebrata, if the normal temperature is continued by means of a warm stage, the amoeboid motions are quite perceptible with a high magnifying power (Plate XVIII, Fig. 139). They may also be seen to take up small particles of matter into their interior, such as cinnabar, carmine, milk-globules, and even portions of the red globules. Both red and white cells are forced through the unin- jured walls of small vessels by impeded circulation, but the white cells thus migrate, by virtue of their vital con- PLATE XVIII. FIG. 137. Capillary circulation in a portion of the FIG. 138. of a Frog's foot. FIG. 139 1 "*- 2 ^y u 1^* Alterations in form in blood-discs : 1, Stellate or mul- berry form; 2, On warm stage; 3, Amoeboid white-cell forms. FIG. 140. Blood-discs : 1, Eliptic Discs of Amphibia : 2, Human red-corpuscles ; 3,White or lymph- corpuscle ; 4, Rouleaux of red-discs. FIG. 141. Pus-corpuscles : a, with acetic acid. FIG. 142. Mucous corpuscles and epithelium. Varieties of Epithelium : , Tessalated ; 6, Squamous; c, Glandular; d, Columnar; e. Ciliated. THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 189 tractility, in the healthy body, and in greater numbers in diseased states ; in some cases re-entering the lymphatic circulation, and in others penetrating into various tissues. The pus-corpuscles appearing in the vicinity of inflamed parts are shown by this discovery, made by Waller and Cohnheim, to be nothing but migratory lymphoid or white cells of the blood. The change of form and place of these amoeboid cells is readily seen by placing a drop of frog's blood on a glass cover, and inverting it over a moist cell. As it coagulates, a zone of serum extends round the clot, in which the migrated cells will be found. The colorless cells originate in the chyle and lymph- systems, although some may come from the spleen and the medulla of bones, multiplying in the blood itself, and they pass into red corpuscles. Transitional forms have been found in the general mass of blood, in the spleen, and in the marrow of bones. The white or colorless cells of blood are identical with the cells of chyle, lymph, pus, mucus, and saliva. They are often described under the term leucocytes (white cells.) The leucocytes of saliva (salivary corpuscles) and of pus contain granules or globules of formed material, which exhibit for some time a peculiar dancing movement (see page 120). When at rest, or in a lifeless condition, the white cells are of spheroidal form, and generally exhibit granules and globules of fat. Acetic acid develops a nucleus, and some- times splits it into several (Plate XVIII, Fig. 140). II. Lymph and Chyle. The vessels of the lymphatic or absorbent system re- ceive the liquid part of the blood which has passed from the capillaries, together with the products of decomposi- tion in the tissues, and return them to the circulation. The lymphatics of the intestinal canal receive during 190 THE MICROSCOPIST. digestion a mixture of albuminous and fatty matters, which is known as chyle, and these vessels have obtained the name of lacteals. The cells in this fluid are leucocytes, identical with white cells in blood. They originate in the lymphatic glands and "Peyer's patches" of the intestine, and are the corpuscles of these organs which have been carried off by the fluid stream. III. Mucus. Is a tenacious semifluid substance which covers the surface of mucous membranes. It contains cast-oft' epi- thelial and gland-cells, and the mucus corpuscle, which, as we have before said, is identical with other leucocytes. Synovial fluid is of similar nature. It is now regarded as a transformation product of the epithelial cells, and not to originate as a secretion from special glands (Plate XVIII, Fig. 141). 2. EPITHELIUM AND ITS APPENDAGES. Epithelium (from e/n, upon, and Oattw, to sprout) is so called since it was formerly supposed to sprout from mem- brane. It is a tissue formed of cells more or less closely associated, which is found in layers upon external and internal surfaces. The cells are generally transparent, with vesicular, homogeneous, or granular nuclei, the lat- ter being the remains of the original leucocyte or bio- plast. In the older cells the nucleus is absent, the entire mass having been transformed. The forms of epithelial cells vary according to situation or function. The original form is spheroidal, but changes by compression, etc. 1. Tessellated or pavement epithelium (Plate XVIII, a, Fig. 142). These are cells whose formed material is flattened, and which are united at their edges. They are sometimes hexagonal, and often polyhedral, in form. Examples : Serous and synovial membranes ; the pos- THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 191 terior layer of the cornea ; the peritoneal surface ; the interior of bloodvessels, and shut sacs generally. 2. Squamous or scaly epithelium. The cells are flat, and overlap each other at the edges (Plate XVIII, 6, Fig. 142). Examples : Epidermis ; many parts of mucous mem- branes, as the mouth, fundus of bladder, vagina, etc. 3. Glandular epithelium (Plate XVIII, c, Fig. 142). The cells are round or oval bioplasts, often polyhedral from pressure, and the formed material is often soft. Examples : Liver cells, convoluted tubes of kidney, and interior of glands generally. 4. Columnar epithelium (Plate XVIII, d, Fig. 142). Cells cylindrical or oblong, arranged side by side. A bird's-eye view shows them similar to the tessellated form, hence they should be seen from the side. Examples : Villi and follicles of intestine, ducts of glands, urethra, etc. Some of the columnar or cylinder-cells have a thickened border or lid perforated with minute pores (Plate XVIII, /, Fig. 142). They are found in the small intestine, gall- bladder, and biliary ducts. 5. Ciliated epithelium (Plate XVIII, e, Fig. 142). These are cylindrical cells having vibratile cilia, whose motions produce a current in the surrounding fluid. Examples: The upper and back nasal passages, the pharynx; bronchi, Fallopian tubes, etc. The Hair. Hairs are filiform appendages, composed of a modified epithelial tissue of rather complex structure. They originate in a follicle, which is a folding in of the skin. The shaft of the hair is the portion projecting above the skin, and the root is concealed in the hair-fol- licle. The bulb of the root is the rounded terminal part, which is hollow below, and rests on a papilla which rises from the floor of the follicle (Plate XIX, Fig. 143). Be- tween the follicle and hair is a sheath, which is divided 192 THE MICROSCOPIST. into an external and internal portion. The cells of the hair may be isolated by sulphuric acid or solution of soda. They overlap each other like tiles, so as to present undu- lating or jagged lines across the surface of a fresh hair. The felting property of wool depends on the looseness of this overlapping. Air-bubbles are often found in hair, especially in the medullary or axial portion, and give a silvery appearance to white hair. The granules of pig- ment are generally found in the cortical portion. Nails are nothing more than modified cuticle, depen- dent for their growth -on the vessels of the matrix or bed of the nail. Their epithelial cells may be demonstrated by soaking in caustic soda or potash. Corns, icarts, and horn have similar origin. Enamel of the Teeth. The minute structure of dental tissue will be described hereafter, but as the enamel is generally considered to be of epithelial origin, some ac- count of it belongs here. O The edge of the jaw is first marked by a slight groove, known as the dental groove, and is covered with a thick ridge of epithelium, called the dental ridge (Plate XIX, Fig. 144, 1 a, 2 a). The epithelium grows down in a process ' which has been called the enamel germ (1 d). This becomes doubled by the upward growth of the dental germ (2, 3,/), which originates from connective tissue. The epithelial cells become transformed into enamel columns or prisms. 3. CONNECTIVE SUBSTANCES OR TISSUES. The term connective tissue has been given to a variety of structures which probably start from the same rudi- ments, and have a near connection with each other. It is unfortunate that a name descriptive of function should be applied to structure, yet the present state of histology requires an account of substances thus called. Connective tissues are all those which may be regarded PLATE XIX. FIG. 143.* FIG. 144. a. Connective-tissue dement*. From the Frog's Thigh : a, contracted cell; 6, ramified; c, d, motionless gran- ular cells: /, fibrillse; g, connective-tissue bundle; h, elastic fibre net-work. Development of the enamel: a, dental ridg b, young layer of epithelium; c, deep layer; enamel germ ; e, enamel organ ; /, dental germ. FIG. 146. White Fibrous Tissue, from Ligament. FIG. 147. Yellow Fibrous Tissue, from Ligament um Nuchse of Call. FIG. 148. Fatty Tissue. THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 193 as basement-membranes, supporting layers or investments for epithelial structures, blood, lymph, muscle, and nerves. It includes ordinary connective tissue (white and yellow fibrous tissues), cartilage, bone, corneal tissue, dentine,, and fatty tissue. Most of the difficulty found in the consideration of these tissues arises from discussions relative to the inter- cellular substance. Max Schultze and Beale agree in re- garding it to originate from the protoplasm or bioplasm of cells. The cells are, according to Frey, originally spheroidal y with vesicular nuclei, and between them is an albuminous intercellular substance a product of the cells, or trans- formed cells which usually undergoes fibrillation, while the cells become stunted, or develop into spindle-shaped or stellate elements. Calcification of the intercellular sub- stance occurs in some of these tissues, as bone and dentine. The cells of connective tissue present many varieties. Recklinghausen first observed migrating lymphoid cells or bioplasts in the cornea of the eye, the tail of the tad- pole, the peritoneum, and in various other places. The exit of white corpuscles from the vascular walls renders it probable that these amoeboid cells originate in the blood. Granular cells, of various forms rounded, fusiform, and stellate are also observed. Some of the stellate cells give oft* anastomosing branches. Pigment cells, filled with granular pigment, are also met with (Plate XIX, Fig. 145). In its earliest stages, connective tissue consists of closely- compressed cells, but in the adult two principal forms have been distinguished ; first, those networks and trabec- ul*e, developed from cells, which do not yield gelatin on boiling, and, secondly, fibrillar connective tissue composed of a gelatin-yielding substance. Of the first kind we notice the following varieties : 1. Independent masses of gelatinous or mucous tissue, 13 194 THE MICROSCOPIST. , consisting of nucleated cells, giving off smooth anasto- mosing trabeculae, as in the early stage of the vitreous humor of the eye and of the gelatinous tissue of the um- bilical cord, etc. 2. Very delicate reticular tissue found in the eye and in the interior of nerve-centres. 3. A network filled with lymphoid cells (adenoid or cytogenous tissue) in the glands of the lymphatic system, and around the fasciculi of fibrillar connective tissue. 4. A coarser network in the ligamentum pectinatum of the human eye. 5. A tissue formed of fusiform and stellate cells, as in the interior of the kidneys The second form referred to, or the fibrillar connective tissue, was the only form to which the term connective tissue was formerly applied. It is composed of gelatin- yielding fibrillae, which may be split into skein-like por- tions of various breadth. (Plate XIX, Fig. 146.) Per- manganate of potash stains it brown. Acetic and dilute mineral acids cause the tissue to swell so that the appear- ance of fibrillation is lost through compression, and the cells, or nuclei, are made manifest. Chloride of gold staining exhibits both fibrillae and cells. Mastic fibres (yellow elastic) (Plate XIX, Fig. 147) are apparent in all forms of connective tissue which have been made transparent by boiling, or acetic acid. They are non-gelatinizing, cylindric, slightly branched, or forming plexuses. In some fasciculi of fibrillar connective tissue, as seen after the action of acetic acid, elastic fibres appear in, hoops, or spirals, around them. In the ligamentum nu- clese of the giraffe the elastic fibres are marked by trans- verse striae, or cracks. Elastic fibres often form flattened trabeculae, or are fused into elastic plates, or membranes, with foraminae. as in arterial tunics. The ligaments of the skeleton, the periosteum, peri- chondrium, aponeuroses, fasciae, tendons, and generally all THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 195 the tunics of the body, afford examples of the fibrillar connective tissue. Fatty Tissue. The loose connective tissue contains in various parts great numbers of cells filled with fat. Their form is round, or oval, and are often divided into groups, or lobules, by trabeculse. (Plate XIX, Fig. 148.) Each lobule has its own system of bloodvessels, which divide into such numerous capillaries that the smaller groups, and even individual fat-cells, are surrounded by vascular loops. Sometimes the contents of the cells appear in needle-shaped crystals, often collected in a brush-like form. Fat-cells seem to be chiefly receptacles for the deposit of superabundant oleaginous nutriment, and are analogous to the starch-cells in vegetables. Cartilage. This is formed of cells in an originally homo- geneous intercellular substance. The only difference be- tween what was formerly distinguished as cartilage and fibro-cartilas:e is that the matrix or intercellular substance O of the latter is fibrous. The cells, or cartilage-corpuscles, are nucleated, and lie in cavities of various sizes and form in the matrix (Plate XX, Fig. 149). Two nuclei often appear in one cell. It is yet a question whether the capsule and matrix are the secretion of the cells which has become solid, or a part of the body of the cell which has undergone metamorphosis. The multiplication of cartilage-cells is endogenous. By segmentation, two, four, or a whole generation of daughter- cells, so called, may lie in the interior of a capsule. In this way growing cartilage may acquire a great number of elements. In the ear of the mouse, etc., we observe a form of car- tilage which is wholly cellular, and possesses no matrix (Plate XX, Fig. 150). Bone, or osseous tissue, is formed secondarily from meta- morphosed descendants of cartilage or connective-tissue cells, and is the most complex structure of this group. It 196 THE MICROSCOPIST. consists essentially of stellate ramifying spaces containing cells, and a hard, solid, intermediate substance. The latter is composed of glutinous material rendered hard by a mix- ture of inorganic salts, chiefly of calcium. As all bones are moulded first in cartilage it was natural to conceive that they were developed by a transformation of cartilage. Much variety of opinion still exists respect- ing the process, but it is generally conceded that although cartilage may undergo calcification, true bone is not formed until the cartilage is dissolved, New generations of stel- late cells appear in a matrix, which is first soft and then calcified. New bone may also grow from the periosteum by means of a stratum of cells called osteoblasts. The de- tails of the process are too extensive for a treatise like the present. If sections of growing bone are decalcified with chromic acid and treated with carmine, the osteoblastic layers and adjacent youngest bony layer acquire an in- tensely red color, while the rest of the tissue, except the bone-corpuscles, remains uncolored. Fine sections cut from a long bone longitudinally and transversely will show the microscopic structure, consist- ing of the' Haver sian canals (Plate XX, Fig. 151, a) sur- rounded with concentric lamella? of compact structure (6, b). There are also intermediate and periosteal lamellae (y a peculiar folding over the axis this plate also produces the elements of the brain and spinal cord, and the internal parts of the organs of special sense. The physiological significance of this layer is, therefore, very great. The lower stratum of the blastoderm supplies the epi- thelium of the digestive tract, and the cellular constituents of its various glands, together with the liver, lungs, and pancreas. The middle layer supplies the material for many struc- tures. The whole group of connective substances, or tissues of support; muscular tissue; blood and lymph, with their containing vessels ; lymph-glands, including the spleen, etc., all arise from this. The epithelial cells of such tubes and cavities as originate in this layer are regarded as different from those of true glands, and are more permeable to fluids. They have been termed false epithelium, or endothelium. The following description, by Professor Huxley, will enable the student to form an idea of the general process of development. A linear depression, the primitive groove, makes its appearance on the surface of the blastoderm, arid the substance of the mesoblast along each side of this groove grows up, carrying with it the superjacent epiblast. Thus are produced the two dorsal lamince, the free edges of which arch over toward one another, and eventually unite, so as to convert the primitive groove into the cere- bro-spinal canal. The portion of the epiblast which lines THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 203 this, cut off from the rest, becomes thickened, and takes on the structure of the brain, or encephalon, in the region of the head ; and of the spinal cord, or myelon, in the region of the spine. The rest of the epiblast is converted into the epidermis. The part of the blastoderm which lies external to the dorsal laminse forms the ventral lamince; and these bend downward and inward, at a short distance on either side of the dorsal tube, to become the walls of a ventral or visceral tube. The ventral laminae carry the epiblast on their outer surfaces, and the hypoblast on their inner sur- faces, and thus, in most cases, tend to constrict off the central from the peripheral portions of the blastoderm. The latter, extending over the yelk, incloses it in a kind of bag. This bag is the first formed and the most con- stant of the temporary, or foetal appendages of the young vertebrate, the umbilical vesicle. AYhile these changes are occurring, the mesoblast splits, throughout the regions of the thorax and abdomen, from its ventral margin, nearly up to the notochord (which has been developed, in the meanwhile, by histological differen- tiation of the axial indifferent tissue, immediately under the floor of the primitive groove) into two lamella?. One of these, the visceral lamella, remains closely adherent to the hypoblast, forming with it the splanchnopleure, and eventually becomes the proper wall of the enteric canal ; while the other, the parietal lamella, follows the epiblast, forming with it the somatopleure, which is converted into the parietes of the thorax and abdomen. The point of the middle line of the abdomen at which the somato- pleures eventually unite, is the umbilicus. The walls of the cavity formed by the splitting of the ventral laminae acquire an epithelial lining, and become the great pleuro peritoneal serous membranes (Huxley's Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals). In addition to the umbilical vesicle, above described as 204 THE MICROSCOPIST. a temporary appendage, the foetus has other special struc- tures, derived from the blastoderm. Thus the somato- pleure grows up over the embryo and forms a sac filled with clear fluid, the amnion. The outer layer of the sac coalesces with the vitelline membrane to form the chorion. The atlantois begins as an outgrowth from the mesoblast. It becomes a vesicle, and receives the ducts of the primor- dial kidneys or Wolffian bodies, and is supplied with blood from the two hypogastric arteries which spring from the aorta. The allantois is afterwards cast off by the contrac- tion of its pedicle, but a part of its root is usually re- tained, and becomes the permanent urinary bladder. In the Mammalia the allantois conveys the embryonic ves- sels to the internal surface of the chorion, whence they draw supplies from the vascular lining of the uterus. Foster and Balfour recommend that the study of em- bryonic development should commence with the egg of a fowl taken at different times from a brooding hen, or an artificial incubator. The egg should be placed on a hol- low mould of lead in a basin, and covered with a warm solution of salt (7.5 per cent.). It should be opened with a blow, or by filing the shell. With the naked eye or simple lens, lying across the long axis of the egg, may be seen the pellucid area, in which the embryo appears as a white streak. The mottled vascular area, with the blood- vessels, and the opaque area spreading over the yelk, may be observed. The blastoderm may be cut out with a sharp pair of fine scissors, floated into a watch-glass, freed from vitelline membrane and yelk, and removed (under the salt solution) to a glass slide. A thin ring of putty may then be placed round the blastoderm, which is covered with salt solution, and the thin glass cover put on. With a low-power objective many of the details of structure may be seen in an embryo of thirty-six to forty-eight hours incubation, as the heart, the neural tube, the first cere- THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 205 bral vesicles, the folds of the somatopleure and splanch- nopieure, the provertebrre, etc. To prepare sections of the embryo, it must be first hard- ened by placing the slide containing it in a solution of 1 per cent, chromic acid for twenty-four hours. From this it should be removed to one of 3 per cent, for twenty-four hours more ; then for a similar time in alcohol of 70 per cent., then in alcohol of 90 per cent., and lastly in abso- lute alcohol, where it may remain till required for section. Sometimes picric or osmic acid is used for hardening. The embryo may be stained by placing it in Beale's car- mine fluid for twenty-four hours, and then replacing it in absolute alcohol for a day before it is cut. It may also be stained with hsematoxylin if preferred. The specimen may be imbedded in paraffin, wax, and oil, or a mixture of four parts of spermaceti to one part of cocoa butter or castor oil. If there are cavities in the object, it is best to saturate it first with oil of bergamot. A little melted spermaceti mixture is poured on the bottom of a small paper box, and when solid the embryo is placed flat on it, the superfluous oil removed as far as possible, and the warm mixture poured on. Bubbles can be removed with a hot needle. A mark should be made of the exact posi- tion of the embryo. (Sections may be cat with the sec- tion-cutter or a sharp razor, and if the spermaceti mix- ture is used, the razor should be moistened w r ith olive oil. The sections should be floated from the razor to the slide, and treated with a mixture of four parts turpentine and one of creasote. They may then be mounted in balsam or dammar varnish. The most instructive transverse sections of an early embryo will be through the optic vesicles, the hind brain, the middle of the heart, the point of divergence of the splanchnopleure folds, the dorsal region, and a point where the medullary canal is still open. For the unincubated blastoderm only one section, through the centre, is re- 206 THE MICROSCOPIST. quired to show the formative layers. In the later stages dissection is required, and is best performed with embryo preserved in spirit. If living embryos are placed in spirit, a natural injection of the vessels may be obtained. III. OEGA^S OF THE BODY. Anatomists usually group the organs into systems, as the osseous, muscular, nervous, vascular systems, etc., but for histological study a classification based on physiologi- cal considerations may be more convenient for the student. I. VEGETATIVE ORGANS. 1. Nutritive, or organs pertaining to the absorption and distribution of pabulum, including the digestive and cir- culatory organs. The mucous membrane of the intestinal canal contains many follicles and glands, whose secretions serve impor- tant offices in the preparation of the food. These will be referred to in the next section. The epithelium of the intestinal canal is columnar, except in the oesophagus, where it is laminated. Beneath the glandular lajw of the stomach is a stratum of fibrous connective tissue and muscle fibres in two layers, an internal with transverse, and an external with longitudinal fibres. The tissue of the small intestine beneath the epithelium is reticular connective, entangling lymphoid cells. The structure of the large intestine is similar to that of the stomach. The villi of the small intestine begins at the pylorus, flat and low at first, but becoming conical, and finally finger-like in shape. The epithelium of the villi are columnar, with a thickened and perforated edge (Plate XXII, Fig. 161). Between the epithelial cells of the villi, peculiar " goblet- cells" are often found, which Frey supposes to be decay- ing cells. The reticular connective tissue of each villus is traversed by a vascular network, a lymphatic canal or lacteal, and delicate longitudinal muscular fibres. If the THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 207 villas is unusually broad, there may be more tbau one lacteal. The lacteals absorb the fluid known as chyle. They are blind ducts, and nitrate of silver injections show them to have the same structure as other lymphatics. The lymphatic radicles are widely disseminated through all the tissues and organs of the body. They take up nu- tritive fluids, either from the alimentary canal,, or such as have transuded from the capillaries into the interstices of the body, mingled with the products of decomposition, and. convey them into the general circulation. Hyrtl's method of demonstrating these radicles is by passing a fine canula into the tissue containing lymphatics and forc- ing the injection by gentle pressure. They are either net- works, analogous to capillaries, or blind passages which unite in reticulations. The structure of the vessels has already been described, page 201. Lymphatics and capil- laries do not communicate directly. A lymph-canal may be surrounded by capillaries, or run alongside of a capil- lary, or a lymphatic sheath may envelop a bloodvessel. This latter plan is seen in the nervous centres, and has been called by His the perivascidar canal system. The larger lymphatic trunks are interrupted by nodular and very vascular organs, the lymphatic glands. These consist of the reticular connective tissue already described, surrounded by an envelope of ordinary fibrous tissue. One or more afferent lymphatic vessels penetrate the capsule, or envelope, and similar efferent vessels make their exit from the other side. Frey describes these glands as con- sisting of a cortical portion, follicles, and a medullary portion composed of the tubes and reticular prolongations of the follicles (Plate XXII, Fig. 162). There is a com- plicate system of communication between the follicles. The afferent vessel opens into the investing spaces of the follicle. These lead into the lymph-passages of the med- ullary portion, from the confluence of which the radicles of the efferent vessels are formed. The lingual follicular 208 THE MICROSCOPIST. glands and tonsils, the solitary and agmiuated glands of the intestine (Peyer's patches), the thymus, and the spleen have a similar structure, and are called lymphoid organs. In the thoracic duct the epithelium is inclosed in several layers of fibrous membrane. The latter contains trans- verse muscular fibres. The heart, although an involuntary muscular organ, has striated muscular fibres. These fibres are not, like other striped muscles, collected into bundles, but are reticular. The heart, like other organs, is supplied with lymphatics and bloodvessels. The cardiac plexus- of nerves consists of branches from the vagus and sympa- thetic. Numerous microscopic nervous ganglia also occur, especially near the transverse groove and septum of the ventricles. It is thought that these are the chief centres of energy, so that the heart pulsates after its removal from the body. It has also been shown recently that the sym pathetic and vagus filaments are in antagonism, so that stimulation of the vagus interrupts the motor influence of the sympathetic, and may bring the heart to a standstill in a condition of diastole. The structure of bloodvessels has been described under the head of vascular tissue. No special boundary exists between capillaries and the arteries and veins. The ar- rangement of the capillaries, however, is various, and often so characteristic that a practiced eye can generally recognize an organ or tissue from its injected capillaries. (Plate XXII, Figs. 163 to 168.) For methods of inject- ing, see page 64. Capillaries form either longitudinal or rounded meshes. The muscular network, etc. , is extended, while fat-cells, the alveoli of the lungs, lobules of liver, capillary loops of papillae in skin and mucous membranes, outlets of follicles, etc., present a more or less circular in- terlacement. The capillary tube lies external to the ele- mentary structure, and never penetrates its interior. 2. Secretive Organs. True secretions serve important offices in the organism : as the materials of reproduction ; PLATE XXII, FIG. 162. FIG. 161. Intestinal Villas. FIG. 163. Lymphatic Gland. FIG. 164. Capillary net-work around Fat-cells. FIG. 165. Capillary uet-work of Alusdt. FIG. 166. Distribution of Capillaries in Mucous Membrane. FIG. 167. Distribution of Capillary bloodvessels, in Sfci no/ Finger. FIG. 168. Villi of Small Intestine of Monkey. Arrangement of the Capillaries of the air-cells of the Human Lung. THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 209 milk from the mammary gland; saliva, gastric juice and pancreatic fluid for digestion ; mucus, sebaceous matter, tears, etc. Excretions result from waste or decomposi- tion, and are incapable of further use; as carbonic acid, separated by the lungs ; urea, uric acid, etc., by the kid- neys ; saline matters, from kidneys and skin ; lactic acid, portions of bile, and some of the components of faeces. The sweat glands in the skin are simply convoluted tubes lined with glandular epithelium and surrounded by a basket-like plexus of capillaries. The sebaceous glands are racemose, and often open into the hair-follicles. The salivary glands are complex mucous glands, and the saliva secreted by them is a complex mixture. The terminal nerves of the submaxillary gland have been traced to the nuclei of the gland-cells. The lingual glands, and parotid, partake of the nature of lymphoid organs. The glands of the oesophagus are racemose. In the stomach there are two kinds, the peptic, and gastric mucous glands. The peptic glands are blind tubes closely crowded together over the mucous mem- brane, lined with columnar epithelium near their open- ings, and gland-cells below. The mucous glands are nu- merous near the pylorus, and are usually branching tubes. The capillaries are arranged in long meshes about the peptic glands, and form a delicate network in the submu- cous tissue. Xumerous lymphatic radicles communicate with lymph-vessels below the peptic glands. The small intestine contains the racemose glands of Brunner and the tubular follicles of Lieberkuhn, together with the lymphoid follicles known as the solitary and agminated glands of Peyer. The glands of Brunner are confined to the duodenum, and their excretory duct and gland vesicle are lined by columnar epithelium. Lieber- kuhn's follicles are found in great numbers all over the small intestine. Peyer's patches are most numerous in the ileum. They are accumulations of solitary glands, 14 210 THE MICROSCOPIST. and their structure is similar to the follicles of a lymphatic gland. The gland vesicles of the pancreas are roundish, and like other salivary glands it is invested with a vascu- lar network with rounded meshes. The liver is the largest gland connected with nutrition. Few animals are without a liver or its structural equiva- lent. In polyps the liver is represented by colored cells in the walls of the stomach cavity. In annelids the biliary cells cluster round csecal prolongations of the digestive cavity. In Crustacea the liver consists of follicles, and in insects of tubes, opening into the intestine. In all cases the essential elements are glandular cells containing col- oring matter, oil, etc. In vertebrates some parts of the structure have not been decided upon without controversy. In man the liver is a large, solid, reddish-brown gland, about twelve inches across, and six or seven inches from anterior to posterior edge, and weighing three or four pounds, situated in the right hypochondrium, and reach- ing over to the left. It is divisible into right and left lobes by the broad peritoneal ligament above, and the longitudinal fissure beneath. From the latter a groove passes transversely on the right side, lodging the biliary ducts, sinus of the portal vein, hepatic artery, lymphatics, and nerves, which are enveloped in areolar tissue, called the capsule of Glisson. From this groove ramifications of the portal canal extend through the liver, so numerous that no part of the hepatic substance is further than one- thirtieth of an inch from them. These ramifications carry the branches of the portal vein from which the capillary plexus surrounding the lobules begin, together with the bile-ducts, hepatic artery, etc. The hepatic lobules are readily distinguished by the naked eye in many mammals, as the hog, but less easily in human liver. They consist essentially of innumerable gland-cells, and a complex network of vessels which tend towards the centre of the lobule, where their confluence PLATE XXIII. FIG. 169. FIG. 170. Lobule of Liver. Uriniferous Tubes of Kidney. FIG. 173. Tactile Papillae. Blood-vessels of Kidney. FIG. 174. FIG. 172. Alveoli of Lung. THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 211 forms the radicle of the hepatic vein ; while externally the lobules are bounded by branches of the portal vein and biliary canals (Plate XXIII, Fig. 169). The hepatic artery nourishes the proper connective tissue of the organ, and its venous radicles return the blood to the portal vein. The liver or bile-cells lie between the meshes of the capillaries, and are irregularly polyhedral from pres- sure, soft, granular, and nucleated. Brown pigment-gran- ules and fatty globules are also found in the cells, and in disease in increased quantity. These bile-cells are inclosed in a delicate reticulated membrane, and Hering considers them to have a plexus of fine bile-ducts around them. Tl>e kidneys are two large bean-shaped organs, each covered with a thin but strong fibrous envelope or tunic, which is continuous round the organ to the hilus, where the ureter leaves the gland and the bloodvessels enter. Even with the naked eye we may distinguish in a section of kidney the external granular cortex and the fibrous or striped medullary portion. The lines of the latter con- verge towards the hilus, and generally in a single conoid mass ; but in man and some other animals this is divided into sections, called the pyramids, and between them the cortical substance is prolonged in the form of septae, while both portions contain interstitial connective tissue. Both the cortical and medullary portions contain long branch- ing glandular tubes, called the uriniferous tubes. In the medullary part these tubes are straight and divide at acute angles, while in the cortex they are greatly convo- luted and terminate in blind dilatations, the capsules of Bowman. Staining with nitrate of silver shows the cap- sules to be lined with delicate pavement-epithelium. The convoluted tubes proceeding from the capsules, containing thick granular gland-cells, after numerous windings in the cortex, arrive at the medullary portion, where each pur- sues a straight course, and is lined with flat pavement- epithelium similar to the endothelium of vascular tissue. 212 THE MICROSCOPIST. Tear the base of the pyramids these tubes curve upwards, forming the looped tubes of Henle. The recurrent tubes enlarge, and exhibit the ordinary cubical gland-cell. These tubes also become more tortuous, and empty into others of larger calibre, called collecting tubes. These are lined with low columnar epithelium, and uniting with similar tubes at acute angles, give exit to the urine at the apex of the papillae in the pyramids (Plate XXIII, Fig. 170). The bloodvessels of the kidney are as complex as the glandular tissue. Both vein and artery enter at the hilus of the kidney, and after giving twigs to the external tunic, proceed between the pyramids as far as their bases. Here they give off curving branches, forming imperfect arches among the arteries, and complete anastomosing rings on the veins. From the arterial arches spring the branches which bear the glomeruli of the cortical sub- stance or Malpighian tufts (Plate XXIII, a, Fig. 171). The afferent vessel of the glomerulus subdivides, and after coiling and twisting within the capsule of Bowman, gives origin to the efferent vessel, by the union of the small branches thus formed. This efferent vessel breaks up into a network of fine capillaries, with elongated meshes sur- rounding the straight uriniferous canals. From the periph- ery of this network somewhat wider tubes are given off, which surround with rounded meshes the convoluted tubes of the cortex. The long bundles of vessels between the uriniferous tubes of the medulla, communicating in loops or forming a deli- cate network round the mouths of the canals at the apex of the papillae are called the vasa recta. The ureters, like the pelvis of the kidney, consist of an external fibrous tunic, a middle layer of smooth muscular fibres, and an internal mucous membrane with a layer of epithelium. The bladder is covered externally with a serous membrane, the peritoneum. The female urethra is THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 213 lined by mucous membrane, with vascular walls full of folds, and containing, near the bladder, a number of mu- cous glands. 3. Respiratory Organs. The lungs receive air by the trachea and venous blood from the right side of the heart to transmit to the left side. They may be compared, as to form and development, to racemose glands. The ex- cretory ducts are represented by the bronchial ramifica- tions, and the acini by the air-vesicles. The ciliated mucous membrane of the bronchial twigs gradually loses its laminated structure until only a single layer remains. Tbeir muscular layer also ceases before arriving at the air-cells. At the end of the last bronchial tubules we find thin-walled canals called alveolar passages. These are again subdivided and end in peculiar dilatations called primary pulmonary lobules, or infandibula (Plate XXIII, Fig. 172). The air-cells, vesicles, or alveoli, are saccular dilatations in the walls of the primary lobules, opening directly into a common cavity. Their walls con- sist of delicate membrane of connective tissue, often con- taining black pigment, probably from inhalation of car- bonaceous matter, or a deposit of melanin. The pulmonary artery subdivides, and follows the rami- fications of the bronchi to the pulmonary vesicles. Here a multitude of capillary tubes form a network over the alveoli, only separated from the air by the most delicate membrane (Plate XXII, Fig. 168). In the frog we find the whole respiratory portion lined with a continuous layer of flattened epithelia. A similar lining is found in the mammalian foetus, but in the adult the number and character of the epithelial scales is greatly changed. Large non-nucleated plates are seen with occasional traces of the original bioplasm. In inflammatory affections, however, these may multiply, giving rise to catarrhal desquarnation. 4. Generative Organs. The histology of the organs of reproduction is quite elaborate, and the plan of this work 214 THE MICROSCOPIST. only permits us to glance at the essential structures, which are the seminiferous tubules for the secretion of spermatozoa, in the male, and the ovary for the production of the germ, or ovum, in the female. The tubuli seminiferi are a multitude of fine and tortuous tubules contained in the testis, with its accessory epididy- mis. They lie in the interstices of sustentacular connec- tive tissue, and consist of membranous tubes filled with cells, which are said to possess amoeboid motion. During the virile period these glandular tubes generate the sper- matozoa, or microscopic seminal filaments. The shape of these spermatozoa is filiform in all animals, but vary in different species. In man they consist of an anterior oval portion, or head, and a posterior flexible filament, or tail. Different observers have taken different views as to the origin of these structures. Some suppose them the product of special cells, others trace them to the nuclei of the glandular epithelium, while others regard them as ciliated elements formed by the metamorphosis of entire cells. Their motions baffle all attempts at explanation, although quite similar to those of ciliated epithelium. The sperma- tozoa penetrate by their movements into the interior of the ovum, in order to impregnate it, and in the mammalia in considerable numbers. The ovary may be divided into two portions : a medul- lary substance, which is a non-glandular and very vascular connective tissue, and a glandular parenchyma enveloping the latter. The surface of the ovary uncovered by peri- toneum is coated with a layer of low columnar cells, called the germinal epithelium. Immediately under this is a stratum called the zone of the primordial follicles, or cor- tical zone. Here the young ova lie crowded in layers. They consist of granular bioplasm, containing fatty mol- ecules and a spherical nucleus. They are probably de- veloped by a folding in of the germinal epithelium. To- ward the internal portion of the ovary the follicles become THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 215 more highly developed, and the ovum contained in them is also increased in size and enveloped in a distinct mem- brane. There are from twelve to twenty mature follicles in the ovariura, named, from their discoverer, Graafian follicles. Each has an epithelial lining, in which the ovum is imbedded. The capsule of the ovum is known as the zona pellucida, or chorion, and the albuminous cell-body is the vitdlus. The nucleus is situated^excentrically, and is called the vesicula germinativa, or germinal vesicle of Pur- kinje. Within it is a round and highly refractive nucle- olus, the macula germinativa, or germinal spot of Wagner. A Graafian vesicle bursts and an ovum is liberated at every menstrual period. During the progress of the latter down the Fallopian tube to the uterus, impregnation may take place by the penetration of spermatozoa into its yelk. Then the inherent vital energies of the cell are aroused, and the process of segmentation begins. TJiiiinpregnated ova are destroyed by solution. The ruptured and emptied Graafian vesicle becomes filled up with cicatricial connec- tive tissue, which constitutes what is called the corpus luteum, after which it gradually disappears. II. ORGANS OF ANIMAL LIFE. 1 . Locomotive. The microscopic structure of bone and muscle has been described in connection with elementary tissues. Tendons and fascias belong to the connective tissues. 2. Sensory. The nervous apparatus of the body, whose histological elements were treated of on a previous page, has been classified physiologically into: 1. The sympathetic system, consisting of a chain of gan- glia on each side of the vertebral column, with commu- nicating cords or extensions of ganglia, visceral nerves, arterial nerves, and nerves of communication with the cerebral and spinal nerves. The chief structural differ- 21(3 THE MIGROSCOPIST. ence between this and the cerebro-spinal system is that in the latter the nerve-cells form large masses, and the union of its parts is effected by means of central fibres, while in the sympathetic the cells are more widely separated, and union between them and with the cerebro-spinal axis is by means of peripheral fibres. The sympathetic is con- sidered a motor and sensitive nerve to internal viscera, and to govern the actions of bloodvessels and glands. 2. The cerebro-spinal system, divided into : (1.) A system of ganglia subservient -to reflex actions, the most important of which is the spinal cord, where the gray or vesicular nervous matter forms a continuous tract internally. (2.) A ganglionic centre for respiration, mastication, deglutition, etc., with a series of ganglia in connection with the organs of special sense: the medulla oblongata, with its neighboring structures; the mesocephalon, cor- pora striata, and optic thalami. (3.) The cerebellum, a sort of offshoot from the upper extremity of the medulla, for adjusting and combining voluntary motions. (4.) The cerebrum, cerebral hemispheres, or ganglia, which are regarded as the principal organs of voluntary movements. In the lower vertebrates the hemispheres are comparatively small, so as not to overlap the other divisions of the brain ; but in the higher Mammalia they extend over the olfactory lobes and backward over the optic lobes and cerebellum, so as to cover these parts, while they also extend downward toward the base of the brain. In the lower vertebrates, also, the surface of the hemispheres is smooth, while in the higher it is compli- cated by ridges and furrows. (5.) The cerebral and spinal nerves. The spinal nerves arise in pairs, generally corresponding with the vertebrae. Each has two roots, one from the dorsal, and one from the ventral region of its half of the cord. The former THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 217 root has a ganglionic enlargement, and contains only sen- sory fibres ; the latter has no ganglion, and contains only motor fibres. The cerebral nerves are those given off from the base of the brain. Some of these minister to special sensation, as the olfactory, optic, auditory, part of the glosso-pha- ryngeal, and the lingual branch of the trifacial nerves. Some are nerves of motion, as the motor oculi, patheti- cus, part of the third branch of the fifth pair, the abdu- cens, the facial and the hypoglossal nerves. Others are nerves of common sensation, as the fifth, and part of the glosso-pharyngeal nerves. Others, again, are mixed, as the pneumogastric and spinal accessory nerves. The minute structure of the central organs of the ner- vous system is excessively complicate and full of details. Hardening with chromic acid and bichromate of potash is generally advisable before examination. This should be done with small pieces in a large quantity of the fluid. One-eighth to one-half grain of bichromate, or 0.033 to 0.1 grain of chromic acid, to the ounce of water should be used; the strength gradually increased from day to day. After such maceration for several days, a drop of a 28 per cent, solution of caustic potash may be added to one ounce of water, and the specimen soaked in it for an hour, to macerate the connective tissue. After again soak- ing in graduated solutions of the bichromate, up to two grains to the ounce, the tissue may be carefully picked apart under the dissecting microscope. In such manner Deiters discovered the two kinds of processes in the multi- polar ganglion-cells. Gerlach placed thin sections for two or three days in 0.01 to 0.02 per cent, solutions of bichro- mate of ammonia, and picked them apart after staining with carmine. Lockhart Clarke placed parts of the spinal cord in equal parts of alcohol and water for a day, then for several days in pure alcohol, till thin sections could be made. These 218 THE MICROSCOPIST. were immersed for an hour or two in a mixture of one part acetic acid and three parts alcohol, to render the gray matter transparent and the fibrous elements prominent. Sections may be stained with carmine and mounted in glycerin or balsam (see Chapter Y). (6.) Organs of special sense: a. Organs of Touch. The tactile papillae of the skin and Pacinian corpuscles may be studied in thin sections of fresh or dried skin. Treatment with dilute acetic acid, or acetic acid and alcohol, and staining with car- mine, or chloride of gold, is recommended. The papillae are made up of connective tissue, into which nervous fila- ments enter, and end in peculiar tactile corpuscles (Plate XXIII, Fig. 173). The structure of the skin itself, with its various layers and sudoriparous glands, may be seen in such sections. b. Organs of Taste. The terminations of the gustatory nerves of the tongue are yet imperfectly known. In the circumvallate papillae, on the side walls, certain structures are found, called gustatory buds or taste-cups (Plate XXIII, Fig. 174). They consist of flattened lanceolate-cells, ar- ranged like the leaves of a flower-bud, and containing within them fusiform gustatory cells, which end in rods, and filaments projecting from the rods above the buds are seen in some animals. Underneath is a plexus of pale and medullated nerve-fibres. The mode of nervous ter- mination in the fungiform papillae is not known. For pri- mary examination, sections of the dried tongue may . be softened in dilute acetic acid and glycerin, or hardened in osmic acid. For the finer structure, maceration in iodine serum, and immersion in one-half per cent, chromic acid, with an equal quantity of glycerin, is recommended. Careful picking under the simple microscope is necessary. Sections may also be stained with chloride of gold. c. Organs of Smell. In the olfactory regions, which are patches of yellowish or brownish color on the upper and THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 219 deeper part of the nasal cavity, we find nucleated cylin- drical cells taking the place of ordinary ciliated epithe- lium, and sending processes downward, which communi- cate with each other, forming a delicate network (Plate XXI V, Fig. 175). Between these cells we find the olfac- tory cells, spindle-shaped nucleated bodies, extending up- ward into a fine rod and downward into a varicose fila- ment. In birds and amphibia these rods are terminated by delicate hairs, some of which have ciliary motion. Beneath these structures are peculiar glands, consisting of pigmeuted gland-cells. They are called Bowman's glands. The branches of the olfactory nerve proceed be- tween these glands and branch out into fine varicose fila- ments, which are supposed to communicate with the olfactory cells. Hardening in chromic acid, or Muller's fluid, or a concentrated solution of oxalic acid, or one- half to one per cent, solution of sulphuric acid, is neces- sary for the preservation of these delicate structures. d. Organs of Sight. As in the sense of touch certain tactile papillae detect deviations from the general surface ; and in that of taste special rod-like end organs and their covering bulbs distinguish the solutions of different sapid substances ; and as in smelling, not the whole organ but olfactory regions, with peculiar cells and nervous rods, discriminate mechanical or chemical odors, so in vision a special apparatus is provided to perceive the wonderful variety of colors and forms. The minute structure of organs becomes more complex in proportion as they serve the higher functions of mind. The various tunics and accessory structures of the eye are described in most text-books ; we here limit ourselves to a brief reference to those refracting and receptive struc- tures w^hose office it is to translate the phenomena of light into those of nervous conduction. Externally, we have in front of the eye the transparent cornea. This is made of connective tissue with cells, bun- 220 THE MICROSCOPIST. dies of fibres, and cavities containing cells. Its tissues are in layers, as follows : 1. External epithelium, flat and laminated. 2. Anterior basement-membrane or lamina. 3. True corneal tissue. 4. Membrane of Descemet or Demours. 5. Endotbeliurn with flat cells (Plate XXIY, Fig. 176). The cells of corneal tissue are of two forms. The first are wandering or amoeboid cells, and may be seen in a freshly extirpated frog's cornea placed underside up, with aqueous humor in a moist chamber, on the stage of the microscope. If a small incision be made at the margin of the cornea of a living frog a few hours before its extraction, and vermilion, carmine, or anilin blue is rubbed in, the cells which have absorbed the coloring matter will be found at some distance afterwards, having wandered like leucocytes or pus-cells elsewhere. Their origin may be from blood or true corneal corpuscles, or both. The second form, or corneal corpuscles, are im- movable, flat, with branching or stellate processes. They may be demonstrated by staining with chloride of gold or nitrate of silver. The bundles of fibrillar substance in the cornea pass in various directions, and the natural cavities in it contain the corneal cells. As stated, the nerves of the cornea have been traced to the external epithelium, which sometimes contains serrated (rift' or stachell) cells. The aqueous humor is structureless, but the vitreous humor is supposed to have delicate membranous septa. The crystalline lens consists of a capsule inclosing a tissue of fine transparent fibres or tubules, which are of epithe- lial origin. These fibres are flat, and often have serrated borders, especially in fishes. The retina, or nervous portion of the eye, is the most important, as its delicacy and liability to decomposition render it the most difficult object of microscopic exami- nation. We must dismiss the popular notion of minute images THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 221 produced on the retina by the lens to be viewed by the mind. The lens does, indeed, form an image on the mem- brane, so it would on glass or paper, but the real action of the vibrations of light upon the nervous conductors is not thus to be explained. The complex structure of the retina is only recently known, and it may be that many laws of light yet un- known are to be exhibited by its means, as well as much that relates to the connection of the perceiving thinking mind and the external world. Muller's fluid, concentrated solution of oxalic acid, 0.6 per cent, solution of sulphuric acid, and 0.1 to 2 per cent, solutions of osmic acid, may be used for hardening, but very delicate dissection is required for demonstration. Rutherford recommends chromic acid and spirit solution, 1 gramme of chromic acid in 20 c.c. of water, and 180 c.c. of methylated spirit added slowly. The retina consists of the following layers : 1. The columnar layer, or layer of rods and cones. 2. Membraua limitans externa. 3. External granular layer. 4. Inter- granular layer. 5. Internal granular layer. 6. Molecular layer. 7. Ganglionic cell layer. 8. Expansion of optic nerve. 9. Membrana limitans interim. To these may be added : 10. The pigment layer, often described as the pigmented epithelium of the choroid, into which the rods and cones project. These layers are composed of two different elements, mutually blended, a connective-tissue framework of varying structure in the different layers, and a complex nervous tissue of fibres, ganglia, rods, and cones. Plate XXIY, Fig. 177, is a diagram of these separate structures, after M. Shultze, in Strieker's Man- ual of Histology. The structure of the rods and cones is complex, and varies in different animals. The rods readily decompose, becoming bent and separated into disks, but examination of well-preserved specimens shows them to have a fibril- 222 THE MICROSCOPIST. lated outer covering. In addition, certain globular or lenticular refractive bodies, of different shape and color in different animals, are found in these structures (Plate XXIV, Fig. 178), which doubtless are designed to give the rays of light such a direction for final elaboration in the outer segment as they could not receive from the coarser refractive apparatus in the front of the eye. e. Organs of Hearing. These are most intimately con- nected with mental functions, because of language, which is the highest sensual expression of mind. Hence the structure of these organs is most delicate and complex. The labyrinth is the essential part of the organ, con- sisting in man of the vestibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea. Sonorous undulations are propagated to the fluid in the labyrinth through the tympanum and chain of otic bones. The auditory nerves are distributed to the ampullae and sacculi of the vestibule, and to the spiral plate of the cochlea. At the terminal filaments in the sac of the vestibule, crystals, called otoliths, of shapes -differing in various animals, are inclosed in membrane. Hasse con- siders them to be vibrating organs, but Waldeyer regards their function to be that of dampening sound. As we distinguish in sounds the various qualities of pitch, intensity, quality, and direction, it is probable that there is a special apparatus for each, but histology has not yet established this fully. Kolliker thinks the gan- glionic termination of the cochlear nerve renders it proba- ble that it only receives sonorous undulations. The ex- periments of Floureris seem to show that the semicircular canals influence the impression of direction of sound. In the sacs of the vestibule and ampullne, the ner^e- fibres are confined to a projection of the walls called the septum nerveum. Here are found cylinder- and fibre-cells, with rods, basal-cells, and nerves. But it is in the lamina spiralis of the cochlea that the most elaborate organ, PLATE XXIV. FIG. 175. FIG. 176. Olfactory cells. Section of Cornea. FIG. 177. FIG. 179. Connective-tissue and nerve-elements of Retina. Showing rods and cones. Refractive bodies in the rods and cones. Section of Cochlea: v, scala vestibuli; T, scala tympani; c, canal of Cochlea; R, Reissner's mem- brane, attached at a to the habenula sulcata; b, connective-tissue layer ; c, organ of Corti. FJG. 180. Corti's organ, from above. FIG. 181. Section of Corti's organ. THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 223 called from its discoverer the organ of Corti, is found. Kolliker considers the free position of the expanded por- tion of the nerve, and the extent of surface over which its terminal fibres are spread, to constitute it an organ of great delicacy, enabling us to distinguish several sounds at once and to determine their pitch. There is a striking analogy between the visual and auditor} 7 apparatus in the gauglionic structure of the nerve-structure. Plate XXIY, Fig. 179, represents a vertical section through the tube of the cochlea; and Plate XXIY, Figs. 180 and 181, the vestibular aspect and a vertical section of Corti's organ. Waldeyer recommends examination of the cochlea in a fresh state and in aqueous humor. Preparations in osmic acid and chloride of gold are also useful. For sections he removes much of the bony substance of large cochleae with cutting pliers, opens the membrane in several places, and places the specimen in 0.001 per cent, of chloride of palla- dium, or 0.2 to 1 per cent, osmic acid solution for twenty- four hours, then for the same time in absolute alcohol. It is then treated with a fluid composed of 0.001 per cent, chloride of palladium with one-tenth part of J to 1 per cent, muriatic or chromic acid, to deprive it of earthy salts. It is then washed in absolute alcohol, and inclosed in a piece of marrow or liver, and placed to harden in alcohol again. The hollows of the cochlea may be filled with equal parts of gelatin and glycerin before they are inclosed. Sections must be cut with a sharp knife. Rutherford advises the softening of the bone and hard- ening of other tissues by maceration in chromic acid and spirit (1 gramme of chromic acid in 20 c.c. of water, and 180 c.c. of methylated spirit slowly added). For sections he commends Strieker's mode of imbedding in gum. Place the cochlea in a small cone of bibulous paper, containing a strong solution of gum arabic, for four or five hours ; then immerse the cone in methylated spirit for forty-eight 224 THE MICROSCOPIST. hours, or until the gum is hard enough. The sections may be stained with carmine, logwood, silver, or gold. The following suggestions from Rutherford's Outlines of Practical Histology, will be of service to the student in this department : Most of the tissues required may be obtained from the cat or guinea-pig. Feed the cat, and an hour or so after place it in a bag; drop chloroform over its nose until it is insensible. Open the chest by a linear incision through the sternum, and allow the animal to bleed to death from a cut in the right ventricle. Divide the trachea below the cricoid cartilage and in- ject it with J per cent, chromic acid fluid ; tie it to prevent the escape of fluid, and place the distended lungs in the same fluid, and cover them with cotton-wool. Change the fluid at the end of eighteen hours. Allow them to remain in this fluid for a month, then transfer to methy- lated spirit till needed for mounting. Open by a linear incision the oesophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, and wash them with salt solution (} per cent.). Place a portion of small intestine in chromic and bichromate fluid (1 gramme chromic acid and 2 grammes potassium bichromate in 1200 c.c. water) for two weeks (change the fluid at the end of eighteen hours), and then in methylated spirit till required. Act similarly with parts of oesophagus, stomach and large intestine, in J per cent, chromic acid for three or four weeks. A por- tion of stomach may be placed in Muller's fluid till re- quired for preparation of non-striped muscle, and of the gastric follicles. The bladder may be treated as the small intestine. Divide one kidney longitudinally, and the other trans- versely, and place in Muller's fluid. Change the fluid in eighteen hours, and after four weeks transfer to methy- lated spirits. They will be ready for use in two weeks after. THE MICROSCOPE IN ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. 225 Cut one-half of the liver into small pieces and prepare as the kidneys. The tongue, divided transversely into five or six pieces, the spleen, uterus, and thin muscles from limbs or abdomen, in J per cent, chromic acid. Change as before, and in a month to methylated spirit. Testis of dog, freely incised, and ovaries of cat or dog, in Muller'ja fluid, and after three weeks to methylated spirits. Divide the eyes transversely behind the lens. Remove the vitreous. Place posterior halves in chromic and spirit solution. Change in eighteen hours. Transfer to methy- lated spirit in ten days. Place the lens in Miiller's fluid for five weeks, and then in methylated spirits. The cor- nea may remain in J per cent, chromic acid for a month, and then in methylated spirit. Cautiously open the cranial and spinal cavities. Re- move brain and cord, and strip oft' arachnoid. Partially divide the cord into pieces a half inch long. Partially divide the brain transversely into a. number of pieces. Place in a cool place in methylated spirits for eighteen hours. Transfer cord to J per cent, chromic acid for six or seven weeks. Change in eighteen hours. Prepare the sciatic nerve in the same manner. Place the brain in chromic and bichromate fluid. Change in eighteen hours, and then once a week, until the brain is hard. If not leathery in six weeks place in J per cent, chromic acid for two weeks, and then in methylated spirits. Support the brain and cord on cotton-wool in the hardening fluid. Remove muscles, but not periosteum from bones of limbs, and both from the lower jaw. Divide the bones transversely in two or three places, and put them in chro- mic and nitric fluid (chromic acid, 1 gram ; water, 200 cc. ; then add 2 cc. nitric acic]). Change the fluid often until the bone is soft enough, and transfer to methylated spirits. If not complete in a month, double the quantity of nitric acid in the fluid. 15 226 THE MICROSCOPIST. Place a piece of human scalp, skin from palmar surface of finger, and skin of dog (for muscles of hair-follicles) in chromic and spirit fluid. In a month transfer to methy- lated spirit. Remove the petrous portion of temporal bone, open the tympanum, pull the stapes from the oval fenestra, and place the cochlea in chromic and spirit fluid. Change in eighteen hours, and at the end of seven days, if a brown precipitate falls, change fluid every third day. On the tenth or twelfth day transfer to chromic and nitric fluid. Change frequently till the bone is soft. Then place it in methylated spirit. The cochlea of the guinea pig pro- jects into the tympanum, and is, therefore, convenient for enabling the student to see how the cone is to be sliced when sections are made. Too long exposure to chromic acid renders tissues fria- ble, and prevents staining with carmine. Methylated spirit is ordinary alcohol containing 10 per cent, of wood-naphtha, and is used in England as a sub- stitute for alcohol, since it is free of duty for manufactur- ing purposes. CHAPTER XIII. THE MICROSCOPE IN PATHOLOGY. PATHOLOGICAL histology treats of the minute anatomy of the tissues and organs in disease, and is essential to a knowledge of structural changes in the body. Since the old method of judging solely by symptoms has given place to the more rational observation of the actual changes produced, the microscope has become an indispensable aid to practical medicine. As anatomy would be coarse and imperfect without histology, so pathological histology THE MICROSCOPE IN PATHOLOGY. 227 perfects pathology, and guides to right conclusions the seeker after positive truth in medicine. Our plan forbids an extensive outline of the facts of morbid anatomy. We propose merely such a classifica- tion of the microscopic appearances of diseased structures as may serve to guide the student and busy practitioner in actual observation. PREPARATION OF SPECIMENS. Much may be learned by the examination of a patho- logical specimen without any preparation whatever, or with the use of indifferent fluids (see Chapter Y). A thin section may be made under water with a Valentin's knife, or a small portion may be snipped off with curved scis- sors and teased with fine needles. The freshly-cut sur- face of tumors may be gently scraped with a knife and the separated elements examined in glycerin and water. For a thorough examination it will be necesSary to harden, stain, and make thin sections, as described in Chapter V and at page 224. Miiller's fluid, page 68, will be found most generally useful for morbid specimens. After small pieces have lain some time in this they can be still further hardened by absolute alcohol. Before cut- ting thin sections, either by hand or with a section-cutter, the specimen will require to be imbedded so as to be readily held and cut without tearing. A mixture of wax or paraffin and olive oil is generally used of such consist- ence as will indent readily with the thumb-nail when cold. For very delicate tissues, saturation in a mixture of glycerin and gum arabic, made perfectly clear and vis- cid, so as to be easily drawn out into threads, is useful. After saturation the specimen is thrown into alcohol, which hardens the gum and fixes the tissues so as to be readily cut. The thin section can be thrown into water, or carmine solution, to dissolve the gum, and the stained 228 THE MICROSCOPIST. preparation can be mounted in glycerin, balsam, or dam- mar (Chapter YI). In fixing the cover to specimens mounted in glycerin it may be useful to apply liquid glue or strong gelatin solution to the edges, using the turn- table or otherwise, and after it is dry to cover it with some other cement. Any glycerin which may accident- ally be on the cover had better be left until the glue has dried, when it can be removed by a camel's hair brush and water. Dr. Beale recommends that nitrate of silver, chloride of gold, osmic acid, etc., when used for staining fine tis- sues, should be dissolved in glycerin. Less than J per cent, solution of gold, etc , will thus bring out details which are scarcely attained otherwise. The time of soak- ing and strength of the solution varies according to the tissue and effect desired. The most delicate sections are made by freezing speci- mens after they have been well saturated with a strong solution of gum arabic. For this purpose Professor Rutherford's freezing microtome has been invented, in which the cylinder of the ordinary section-cutter, page 63, is surrounded by a reservoir for powdered ice and salt, so as to freeze the tissue. Dr. Beale recommends freez- ing by the use of nitrous oxide gas, and Dr. Pritchard has suggested a metallic cylinder with a wooden handle, which can be cooled below the freezing-point by salt and ice. A small piece of tissue will immediately freeze on the metal so as to be cut into thin sections by hand. If thawing sets in it may be covered with thin gutta-percha and plunged into the ice and salt. Dr. S. Marsh, in an excellent little treatise on section- cutting, recommends that the knife should not be ground flat on one side, but be slightly concave on each side. In cutting it is necessary to keep the blade well flooded with spirit, except in using the freezing microtome. The sec- tions are best transferred to a basin of water, and lifted THE MICROSCOPE IN PATHOLOGY. 229 to the staining fluid, etc., not with a camel's hair brush, but with a little slip of tin, copper, etc., with a bent and perforated end, making a sort of lifter or flat spoon. In making sections, either by hand pr with the section-cut- ter, the razor or knife must be kept always sharp, and drawn from heel to point so as to cut with a single stroke the thinnest possible slice. THE APPEARANCE OF TISSUES AFTER DEATH. Formation and decomposition, or progression and retro- gression, coexist in most morbid structures, so that it is necessary for the student not only to be familiar with normal histology, but also with the products of decay and death and the varied appearances in disease. The death of the individual parts of the organism is called necrosi*, mortification, or gangrene. Various changes follow it, depending chiefly on moisture, producing dry or moist gangrene. Xecrosis depends on the cessation of the nutritive pro cess from abolition of the normal supply of blood, or from mechanical or chemical violence. Living tissues bathed in suitable fluids dissolve albumi- nates and their derivatives, but when life departs they no longer withstand solution themselves. 1. Protoplasm. It has been shown, page 118, that the term bioplasm has been appropriated to elementary or germinal structure during life, and at page 188 we re- garded the leucocytes, or white corpuscles of the blood, chyle, etc., as simply bioplasts. After death, or in order to designate their physical constitution, the most suitable term for them is protoplasm. In necrosis this colorless protoplasm dissolves after slightly swelling, and entirely disappears. 2. Blood. Decomposes very rapidly. The coloring matter leaves the red corpuscles and is diffused through 230 THE MICROSCOPIST. FIG. 182. the tissues (hence the dark color of a scab), then the cor- puscle disintegrates and breaks up into granules. Some- times there is found an aggregation of brownish-colored blood-corpuscles undergoing disintegration at the edges as in Fig. 1 82. 3. Nucleated Cells. In these the protoplasm coagulates, forming a solid albuminate, which becomes cloudy and breaks up into gran- ules. 4. Cell membrane resists de- composition in proportion as it has become horny. Hence the outer layers of epithelium last longer than the inner ones. The gangrenous disintegration of 5 ' Smooth MliSCldar ^ Fibre. tissues, a. Aggregation of blood-cor- Minute dusty granulations first puscles. 6. Smooth muscular fibres. . , . , c. striated muscular fibres. 4 grains; solution of caustic soda (of specific gravity 1.12), 4 fluid ounces; add water to make up 6 fluid ounces. (Or 40 grams of sulphate of copper in crystals, 160 grams neutral tartrate of potash, 750 grams caustic soda, specific gravity 1.12; add water up to 1154.5 cubic centimeters. Each 10 cubic centimeters correspond to 0.05 gram of grape-sugar.) A little of the test fluid is first boiled in a test-tube to see if it remains unchanged in color, since it is apt to alter by age. If unaffected, add a drop or two of the suspected urine. If sugar be present in quantity the color changes, and a yellowish or reddish precipitate falls. If no reac- tion occurs, add a little more urine, but less than the 20 306 THE MICROSCOPIST. volume of test fluid, bojl it and cool; if no yellow or red suboxide falls, it is free from sugar. Prolonged boiling must be avoided, as well as boiling the urine before add- ing the test. To determine the quantity of sugar by the copper test Fehling's solution is made of such strength that 200 grains (by measure) are completely reduced by one grain of dia- betic sugar. The test fluid is boiled in a flask, etc., and a quantity of pure water equal to one or two volumes of test fluid poured in also. The saccharine urine, diluted with one volume urine to nine of water if suo;ar is abun- O dant, is placed in a burette, graduated to grains, and is gradually added to the boiling copper solution till the blue color is quite discharged. The number of grains of urine consumed representing one grain of sugar is read off, and it is then a matter of calculation how many grains are contained in the ounce of urine, making allow- ance for the degree of dilution. O .Fermentation Test. This is sometimes more convenient or preferred from uncertain results of the copper -test. A small tube is filled with suspected urine, a little fluid or solid (German) yeast is added, and the tube is inverted over a saucer containing urine and placed in a warm situ- ation for twenty-four hours. If sugar is present it under- goes fermentation, yielding alcohol and carbonic acid. The latter rises in the tube and displaces the liquid. The quantitative test by fermentation consists in determining the specific gravity of the urine before and after complete fermentation. It has been found, empirically, that one degree of specific gravity lost by fermentation corre- sponds with one grain of sugar per fluid ounce of urine. Bismuth Test. Mix an equal volume of suspected urine with a solution of carbonate of soda one part of the crystals to three parts water (or with half as much liquor potasspe). Put in a little basic nitrate, or subnitrate of bismuth, and boil. If sugar be present the bismuth be- THE MICROSCOPE IN DIAGNOSIS. 307 comes grayish or blackish from the formation of the sub- oxide or of metallic bismuth. URINARY DEPOSITS. Deposits from urine are either organic or precipitates from solution. The urine should be put in a conical glass of four or five ounces capacity, and kept free from dust for about twelve hours. A small portion of the sediment should then be taken up with a clean pipette and ex- amined under the microscope on a glass slide covered in the usual way (page 77). A quarter of an inch objective will be found most generally useful. To facilitate microscopical examination and diagnosis we add the following table from Richardson's Medical Jli'-roscopy : I. A distinct deposit is seen in the urine. A. This deposit is light and flocculent. a. It occurs in albuminous urine, one yielding a coagu- lum with heat and nitric acid. a. The microscope shows casts of the uriniferous tubules (transparent or granular cylinders s'^th to y^-^th of an inch in diameter), either granular, epithelial, or hyaline, Bright's disease of the kidney. ,?. The microscope shows red blood-corpuscles (non-nu- cleated disks gsVoth of an inch in diameter), mixed with mucus, hcematuria. Y. Leucocytes only are seen (nucleated corpuscles, pus- corpuscles, o^o^th of an inch in diameter), nephritis, cystitis, etc. b. The urine is not albuminous. a. Leucocytes, epithelial cells from the bladder, and per- haps mucous casts of the tubules appear, irritation of urinary tract. ,''. Spermatozoa, if numerous, spermatorrhoea. r- Fungous growths (cellular bodies j^th to 308 THE MICROSCOriST. of an inch in diameter, often arranged in chains, still, or vibratile), pathological significance uncertain. d. Hyaline and pale tube-casts (rare in non-albuminous urine), Bright' 's disease. B. Deposit dense, opaque, bulky. a. Urine non-albuminous. a. Microscopic deposit, granular simply, urates or phos- phate of lime. The former dissolve on heating. /?. Microscopic crystals, triangular prisms and their de- rivatives, triple phosphates. b. Urine albuminous. . Leucocytes only, nephritis, cystitis, etc. ft. Crystals of triple phosphates, with leucocytes, chronic cystitis, perhaps calculus. C. Deposit granular or crystalline; small. a. Urine albuminous. a. Red blood-disks, hcematuria. /?. Cancer-cells (irregular, caudate, and oval, with large nuclei), carcinoma. Mistake not epithelial for cancer cells. Y. Tubercle corpuscles (non-nucleated, granular, oval bodies, about ^^th of an inch in diameter), tuberculosis . b. Urine not albuminous. a. Oxalate of lime crystals (brilliant octohedra. show- ing as squares marked with diagonal crosses, or more rarely as dumb-bells), oxaluria. p. Uric acid crystals (yellowish, lozenge-shaped, oval, barrel-shaped, etc.),lithuria. r Microscopic spherules and dumb-bells, soluble in acetic acid with effervescence, carbonate of lime. d Hexagonal crystals of cystin, cystinuria. e. Sediment resembling uric acid, but soluble in hot water and mineral acids, xanthin. C. Sheaflike bundles or globular masses of acicular crys- tals, tyrosin and leucin, acute atrophy of liver? 7). Hydatids, etc., entozoa. THE MICROSCOPE IN DIAGNOSIS. 309 II. Urine turbid, without distinct deposit. A. Turbidity disappears on warming, amorphous urates. B. Cloudiness remains while heating. . Vibriones and bacteria present, putrefactive fermen- tation. ft Numerous minute molecules, chylous urine. III. A film on surface of urine. A. Prisms of triple phosphates, usually with granular phosphates and spherules of urate of soda, phosphuria. B. Numerous small oil-globules, with triple phosphates, kiestin. EPITHELIUM. The character of the epithelial scales will often show the locality of disease in the urinary tract (Fig. 142). Penal epithelium, lying loose in the deposit is somewhat globular, and may sometimes be compared with that in the tube-casts in the same specimen Jt bears quite a re- semblance to pus-cells. It occurs in desquamative nephri- tis, and undergoes various changes, appearing atrophied, granular, or fatty. Sometimes large granular corpuscles occur with fatty epithelium, being altered cells them- selves. Cells from the bladder occur often as groups of tessellated cells of circular form sometimes pyramidal. Caudate epithelium is found in the ureter and pelvis of the kidney, and may be caused by calculous pyelitis. Large scaly epithelium comes from the vagina. MUCUS AND PUS. Mucus is deposited as a flocculent cloud, entangling a few round or oval delicately granular cells, a little larger than a red blood-globule. In disease this increases and contains numerous ill-defined cells. A very thick glairy 310 THE MICROSCOPIST. deposit in disease of the bladder may be mistaken for mucus when it is pus altered by the action of carbonate of ammonia. Pus is formed often from the germinal matter of epi- thelium, so that a small quantity in urine is not neces- sarily a sign of serious disease. In large quantities pus forms an opaque cream-colored deposit, which becomes glairy and tenacious by the addition of liquor potassse. The addition of the latter will dissolve white urates, and serves to distinguish pus from them as well as from phos- phates, which are little affected by it. The microscope, however, is the best test. Purulent urine is usually acid if of renal origin (if tested immediately), and is alkaline and ammoniacal in suppura- tion from the bladder. Coexisting epithelium, etc., is often of value in determining the origin of pus. Pus- globules under the microscope, if long removed from the body, are granular and show from one to four nuclei when treated with acetic acid. In fresh pus-corpuscles, espe- cially in warm weather, amoeboid motion is often seen. In a late period of catarrh of the bladder but little epi- thelium may accompany the discharge, but crystals of triple phosphates occur generally in pus derived from the bladder. The clinical significance of pus in the urine is quite varied. It may follow renal inflammation, and often ap- pears in albuminuria following fevers and in renal em- bolism. Abscesses opening into the urinary tract, cysti- tis, cancer of the bladder, suppuration of the prostate, gonorrhoea, and gleet may all give rise to purulent urine. Accidental mixture from lochial or leucorrhoeal discharges is also possible. BLOOD. Blood may sometimes be recognized by the eye in urine from its smoky or dingy tint, especially in blood from the THE MICROSCOPE IN DIAGNOSIS. 311 kidney. Blood-disks usually form a reddish-brown de- posit. The microscope will generally exhibit the disks, unless they are greatly disintegrated, when we must be guided by the quantity of albumen and other tests. Blood in urine may proceed from some general disease af- fecting the bloodvessels generally, or from some poisonous agent acting on the kidneys, as cantharides, turpentine, creasote, and alcohol, or from some local affection of the urinary organs and passages. Of course the general symp- toms of the patient must be considered, but sometimes the kind of epithelium present may be a guide to the source of the haemorrhage. SPEKMATOZOA. Spermatozoa, resembling tadpoles with elongated tails, are not uncommon in perfect health, but nervous patients are often deluded by quacks on account of them. Of course, when present habitually and in large numbers they may afford evidence of spermatorrhoea. BACTERIA, FUNGI, ETC. Bacteria and vibriones often appear in alkaline and decaying urine. The sugar fungus (Torula), or yeast plant, is developed when there are even minute traces of sugar. Other fungi with branching growths are also frequent. Some of these' may resemble tube-casts. Spores of globular shape may be mistaken for blood-corpuscles. Sarcinse, or minute cubic organisms, dividing into groups of four and its multiples, are sometimes found in the urine of dyspep- sia. TUBE-CASTS. In many cases of congestion and inflammation a coagu- lable material is effused into the tubes of the kidney, forming a cast or mould of the tube. This may be ejected, bringing with it pus, blood, epithelium, or other material 312 THE MICROSCOPIST. with which it is associated. In Bright 's disease these casts, in addition to albuminous urine, assume consider- able clinical importance. In the acute form of the disease the cylinders or casts are fibrinous, with blood, mucus, or pus cells, and epithelium. Towards the close the casts become homogeneous or hyaline. In chronic desquama- tive nephritis the cylinders are without blood, arid to- wards the end waxy or fatty, often containing many oil- globules (Plate XXVI, Fig. 241). The specimen of urine examined for casts should have settled for several hours, and the drop of sediment examined should be carefully focussed and illuminated. The casts are of various sizes, those of very large diameter indicating dilation of the renal tubules. In bloody or purulent urine tube-casts point out a renal element in the case. They do not always indicate Bright's disease, as they may be associated with the irritation of a calculus, and are sometimes found in jaundice without serious renal trouble or albuminuria. CRYSTALLINE AND AMORPHOUS DEPOSITS. Uric Add. Crystals of uric acid may often be recog- nized as a red sand, lying at the bottom or on the sides of the vessel, or entangled in mucus. They may be yel- low, red, or brown, from coloration by urinary pigment. Their microscopic forms are various, but are usually some modification of the rhomb. Thus they may be rhomboid tablets with obtuse angles, or the shape of a whetstone (Plate XXVI, Fig. 242). When slowly precipitated, uric acid may form druses of four-sided prisms (Plate XXVI, Fig. 243). When precipitated from fresh urine by the addition of muriatic acid, the crystals are large and often of various shapes. They may be tested by dissolving in potassa and reprecipitating by muriatic acid, when they assume the shape of Fig. 244, Plate XXVI. Crystals of uric acid may occur as a film as well as a deposit. They originate from tissue-waste, excess of nitrogenous food, THE MICROSCOPE IN DIAGNOSIS. 313 defective assimilation, congestion of the kidney, or chronic disease of the respiratory organs. Urates or lithates are salts of uric acid combined with soda, potash, or ammonia, the exact composition being difficult to determine. Such sediments are very common. They are generally amorphous, but sometimes crystalline (Kate XXVI, Fig. 245). The urate of soda presents the form of globules with projecting spiculae. The color is various, from a light pink to brickdust color. It is de- posited in all concentrated urine, and is often a "critical discharge " in fevers, etc. It is found in gouty concretions, and dissolves with heat and acids. Phosphates appear in two forms, crystalline and amor- phous. The crystalline are the crystallized phosphate of lime, and the ammonio-magnesian (or " triple") phosphate. The latter is most common, and may appear in any de- composing urine. It may be precipitated from fresh urine in stellate crystals (Plate XXVII, Fig. 246) by adding ammonia. More slowly deposited from alkaline urine, or in disease, the crystals are prismatic, generally triangular, with truncated ends. Sometimes the truncated ends are bevelled, and the various lengths of the prisms give rise to a variety of forms (Plate XXVII, Fig. 247). Triple phosphates are generally thought to proceed from disintegrated albuminous, and chiefly nervous mat- ter, but their clinica limportance is not fully settled. They are found in cases of nervous depression, various forms of dyspepsia, shock of the spinal cord, irritation of the bladder, etc. In highly alkaline urine the triple phosphates are often accompanied with pus and phosphate of lime. The latter occurs as minute granules or dumb-bells, or in groups of crystals (Plate XXVII, Fig. 248). They are dissolved by acetic acid, which distinguishes them from uric acid. Oxalate of lime is deposited in small octohedra, gener- ally appearing under the microscope as minute squares with crossed lines proceeding from the angles, the upper 314 THE MICROSCOPIST. angle being next the eye (Plate XXVII, Fig. 249). Dumb-bell forms and circular or oval crystalline masses are sometimes seen. Oxalate of lime is found as a urinary deposit in various conditions, as in pulmonary and dyspeptic affections. It is usual ly associated with hypochondriasis, and in cases of overfatigue, particularly from mental work, it is com- mon. The train of nervous and dyspeptic symptoms with which it is associated have been supposed to indicate an "oxalic acid diathesis," and have been named "oxaluria." Its association with calculi renders it interesting to the surgeon. Chloride of sodium never crystallizes from fluid urine. On evaporation it occurs in stellar form or in cubes (Plate XXVII, Fig. 250). The presence of urea sometimes dis- poses it to assume the form of a regular octahedron. The amount of this excretion in typhoid fever and in inflam- mations of the respiratory organs is greatly diminished. It is absent in commencing hepatization of the lung, but returns on resolution of the inflammation (see Chlorides, page 302). Cystin crystallizes in characteristic six-sided plates (Plate XXVII, Fig. 251). It contains twenty six per cent, of sulphur, and is considered a product of decompo- sition. It is often associated with calculus. Some regard it as indicating a strumous and ill-nourished system. Carbonate of lime occurs rarely in human urine, but is common in that of the horse. Its form is that of a spherule made up of acicular crystals. It effervesces in acetic acid. Tyrosin, in sheaflike or globular masses, sometimes occurs in typhus and in atrophy of the liver. III. PUS AND MUCUS IN .DIAGNOSIS. We have already considered the bioplasts of pus and mucus as identical in character w r ith other leucocytes, as PLATE XXVH. FIG. 198. FIG. 199. - ses9l -- Ammonio-phosphate of Magnesia. FIG. 200. Phosphate of Lime. FIG. 202. P D Ammonio-phosphate of Magnesia. FIG. 201. Chloride of Sodium. Oxalate of Lime. FIG. 203. )lDo 00 Cystine. FIG. 204. * Salivary corpuscles, epithelial scales and granules. THE MICROSCOPE IN DIAGNOSIS. 315 the white blood-cells (see pages 189 and 309). They are easily seen by the microscope in a drop of purulent matter placed on a slide and covered by thin glass. Pus- corpuscles shrink in size on being placed in liquid of greater specific gravity than serum, and are destroyed by the action of caustic alkalies so as to be changed into a tenacious glairy mass. Dilute acetic acid causes them to swell and become transparent, exhibiting from one to four nuclei. Bacteria and their germs (microzymes) are often seen with pus, and indicate commencing decomposition. According to Dr. Beale, the figures and descriptions generally given of pus represent dead, not living pus. He recommends a little pus to be taken from suppurating skin or mucous membrane and examined at once, in order to see the projections from the bioplasts, by the detach- ment of which they multiply. He considers the " mucous corpuscle" to be nothing more than an imperfect epithe- lial cell surrounded by the viscid mucus formed by, it. This may grow rapidly, and the resulting particles become true pus- corpuscles. Richardson regards the difference between pus and mucus to be that "the liquor muci is a secretion, which, having been acted upon by the germinal matter of the epithelial cells covering the basement mucous membrane, is not albuminous, while the liquor puris is an exudation, which contains albumen, that may be recognized by ap- propriate tests." IV. EXAMINATION OF MILK. Examination of human milk may sometimes aid in diagnosis, as in contusions of the breast, incipient mastitis, and in the diarrhoea and innutrition of infants. The origin of milk may be elucidated by the remarks on lactification on page 233. A thin stratum of milk should be examined with a power of from 200 to 400 diameters, and an estimate 316 THE MICROSCOPIST. made of the milk-globules, as in the case of the blood- eorpuscles ipage LtH> ; or the sample may be compared with a specimen known to be healthy. Impoverished milk is known by the small number and Johules. Colostrum or "exudation " corpus- cles are numerous shortly after childbirth. In engorge- ment of the breast the globules aggregate in masses, and sometimes from inflammation, blows, etc., blood and pus may be found. Starchy adulteration may be detected by the addition of iodine. Richardson speaks of tibrinous casts of the lacteal ducts occurring after puerperal masti- tis, and Peale of minute particles of contagious bioplasm in the milk of a cow su tiering from cattle-plague, and considers it possible that typhoid fever, etc., may be thus propagated. V, SA1 IV A ANP SIT TV M. Besides the epithelium of the mouth, saliva holds in suspension certain oval or spherical bodies, probably de- rived from the glandular follicles, called salivary cor- pus^ j.-e 1SOX IV. Richardson considers them identical with leuco- S, 1'eale supposes them to be concerned with the con- version of starch into sugar, which occurs from the action of the saliva. The peculiar dancing movement of the granules of these corpuscles needs a ,',th if an inch object- ii'lass. or one even higher, to see them well. In examining sputum a small piece should be placed on a slide and teased out with needles, if necessary, in glyc- erin and water, or some indifferent fluid. AVe may ex- pect to find mucus entangling air-bubbles and pavement epithelium from the mouth (Plate X X V 11. Fig. 252), The observer should, however, be familiar with the appear- ance of fragments of food, starch, epithelium from the various parts of the air-passages, fungi, etc. In catarrhal affections ciliated epithelium from the THE MICROSCOPE IN DIAGNOSIS. 317 nasal or respiratory passages may be seen, and perhaps molecules of fat, pus-globules, blood, arid u inflammatory ::scles." In phthisis the decaying lung may be early >y the fibres of elastic tissue from the walls of the pulmonary vesicles. The sputa should be first liquefied oiling a little while in an equal bulk of caustic soda, then allowed to settle in a conical glass, when a small quantity may be removed to a glass slide, covered with thin glass, and placed under the microscope. The occurrence of fungi in sputum is to be expected whenever there is decay. The Leptothrix bwai;.*, one form of , //i, is common on old epithelial seal the mouth, and in the latter stages of phthisis the sputa will often show fungi in various forms of development. In catarrhal pneumonia we may find fibrinous casts of the alveoli of the lungs and epithelial elements, chloride of sodium, etc. Hydatids are sometimes expectorated in sputum, the appearance of the booklets of the echinococci being quite characteristic. Scales of cholesterin and blood-crystals may also occur, as well as calcareous con- cretions and dark melanotic masses. Richardson states that associated matters may indicate the source of blood in sputum. Thus associated salivary corpuscles might show haemorrhage within the mouth, ameboid leucocytes, haemorrhage in the fauces or trachea, starch-granules and particles of food, haematemesis, and coagulated casts, pulmonary haemorrhage. VI. VOMITED MATTERS. Microscopic examination of vomited matters reveals muscular fibres, starch -granules, oil-globules, and shreds of vegetable tissue, according to the diet of the patient. 'air- of margarin, etc., are often seen. Blood, pus, etc., may be recognized if their structure be not destroyed by the digestive fluids. ated specimens should be picked out with forceps 318 THE MICROSCOPIST. and scissors, or the vomit should stand some time in a conical glass and a little of the deposit removed with a pipette. Torula and other forms of fungi are often seen in vom- ited matters. The vomit containing the sarcina ventriculi generally ferments like yeast. The color of the " coffee-grounds vomit" is due to dark- brown pigment, probably the altered coloring matter of blood. Some specimens of cholera vomit showed numerous flocculi, consisting of epithelium. The clear fluid of py- rosis contains only a little epithelium and a few small oil- globules. The green voniit depending on bile contains cylindrical epithelium from the gall-ducts, scaly epithe- lium, flakes and masses of biliary coloring matter, and fat- globules. Dr. Beale records a case of the detachment of flakes of stomach epithelium in a case of scarlet fever. Biliary matters, as cholesterin, etc., and even small gall- stones, have been rejected by vomiting. VII. INTESTINAL DISCHARGES. i Microscopists are not unfrequently called upon to ex- amine dubious matters passed from the bowels. Dr. Ben- net describes one case of yellowish pulpy masses passed with the stools as consisting of undigested potato skins, and another made up of a network of confervoid growths developed in the intestinal canal. In one case, seen by the author, tormina, etc., were produced by skins of grapes ; another case exhibited the skin or testa of a large seed, as the tamarind. These instances show the necessity of the observer being familiar with various botanical and histological appearances. Blood-globules in feces retain their natural appearance in inverse proportion to the distance of the hsemorrhagic point from the anus, so that quite fresh blood will indicate THE MICROSCOPE IN DIAGNOSIS. 319 hemorrhoids, fistula, etc., while more disintegrated disks indicate effusion further up the intestinal tube. Mucous casts or coagula of albuminous matters are not very uncommon, either in flakes or tubular casts. The mucus entangles epithelial cells, usually from the large intestine. In typhoid fever crystals of triple phosphates, altered blood, bacteria, and various fungi may be found in tbe fcces, and the stools of cholera patients contain large quantities of cylindrical epithelium, so that the white flocculi are almost entirely composed of it. Elastic fibres, exhibiting transverse stride like those of the ligamentum nuchse of the giraffe, are sometimes found arising, in all probability, from incipient decomposition of ingesta. Larvae of insects may sometimes be passed alive from the bowels, as well as be ejected from the stomach. The various forms of intestinal worms in their various stages of development may also be met with. In some instances the microscope is needed to distinguish between suspected worms, or portions of worms, and accidental products. Fatty matter in the stools, sometimes semisolid, is usually attributed to derangement of the pancreas. VIII. VAGINAL DISCHARGES. The diagnostic value of discharges from the vagina, either uterine or vaginal in their origin, has been yet but little studied, and presents a field of special interest in gynaecology. The discharge should be examined while fresh and without the addition of water or other fluids if possible. Should fluid menstrua be really necessary, in- different fluids only should be used. The menstrual discharge will be likely to contain young and old epithelial scales and blood-globules. In dysrnenor- rhoea considerable patches of the epithelial membrane desquamate, and even entire casts of the uterus or vagina 320 THE MICROSCOPIST. have been separated. The diagnosis between dysmenor- rhoea and abortion may be determined by a microscopic examination of such fragments, since the villi of the chorion can be thus recognized if present. In leucorrhcea old epithelial cells, loaded with fat, will be seen, with imperfectly formed epithelium and pus globules. Beale states that the development of pus-cor- puscles from the bioplasts of epithelium may be success- fully studied in leucorrhoeal discharges. Sometimes blood- globules will be seen altered by exosmosis, etc. The white gelatinous discharge from the os uteri, often seen in uterine catarrh, consists of mucus with epithelial elements. Fibrous, epithelial, and cancerous tumors or ulcers may sometimes be recognized by their microscopic elements, yet it must be remembered that altered epithelium may be readily mistaken for the elements of cancer, etc. The Trichomonas vaginalis (Donne) is common in the yellow acrid mucus of vaginal blennorrhoea. It is a round- ish ciliated animalcule, and may be distinguished from ciliated epithelium by the elongation of the anterior end, which is sometimes drawn out into a long filament or flagellum. The epithelium from the Fallopian tubes and uterus is columnar and ciliated, while that of the vagina is squa- mous, with large cells. Accidental products may also be discharged from the vagina, as well as from other cavities. In one case I found a number of living Crustacea (Gammara-pulex], which oc- casioned great pruritus, but were dislodged by injections of sweet oil. Dr. Sims has shown how the microscope may aid in the cure of sterility, since the uterine cervical mucus needs to be slightly alkaline. If habitually acid it destroys the spermatozoa. THE MICROSCOPE IN .ETIOLOGY. 321 CHAPTER XV. THE MICROSCOPE IN ETIOLOGY. THE study of aetiology, or the knowledge of the causes of disease, although so important a branch of practical medicine, needs the careful and united efforts of many observers to be classified and recorded before approaching perfection. Here, also, the microscope will be found an important aid. The numerous external causes of disease, such as physical or organic impurities in the atmosphere, soil, water, and food, vegetable or animal parasites, and "disease germs," with their relation to epidemic or en- demic disorders, all require skilful use of the microscope. I. EXAMINATION OF THE AIR. The pressure, temperature, moisture, and electricity of the air, all of which are important in considering causes of disease, require other modes of investigation, but the microscope may be reasonably expected to aid in inquiries concerning mechanical, chemical, or organic impurities. Many methods have been proposed for collecting mat- ters suspended in the atmosphere. A shallow dish con- taining distilled water, or a clean glass vessel containing ice, so as to condense the atmospheric moisture with its impurities on the outside, and allow it to trickle into a conical receiver, have been used. Glass plates moistened with glycerin and exposed to the air are still better. The aeroscope of Dr. Maddox is a funnel-shaped tube turned to the wind by a vane. The narrow end of the tube is opposite a slide moistened with glycerin. Many absurd " discoveries " have been paraded respect- ing matters in air and water, yet careful observation will 21 322 THE MICROSCOPIST. reveal valuable facts. Solid fragments of carbon or silex, etc.. starch grains, filaments of cotton, flax, wool, silk, etc., spores of fungi, animal and vegetable debris, etc., all require considerable familiarity with microscopic objects in general, without which no one should undertake such investigations. Minute living particles of bioplasm, either ordinary pus or what Dr. Beale calls "disease germs," should be dili- gently sought for under high objectives. Pollen-grains are often found in the air. In Schuylkill County, Pa., in the summer of 1858, after a rain-shower, a yellow scum of pollen covered all the pools, and was traced over a tract of fifty by twelve miles. Showers of "flesh" or "blood" have been described in newspapers, which were probably varieties of Nostoc (page 151), or pig- ment bacteria (page 326). The subject of bacteria germs in the air has lately ac- quired great interest from the success of the antiseptic method now generally pursued in large surgical opera- tions, and first introduced by Mr. Lister. This will be considered under the head of disease germs. The examination of the breath of men or animals may be made by means of glycerin on glass slides, or by breath- ing through a glass tube containing cotton-wool, which may afterwards be washed with dilute glycerin. Epithe- lial cells, oil-globules, fragments of food, soot, fungi, etc., may thus be detected, or the expired air may be tested for ammonia with hydrochloric acid. II. EXAMINATION OF SOIL AND WATER. The soil may be examined both chemically and micro- scopically according to the methods given on former pages of this work. The importance of such examination will be plain in many cases of local diseases. It is stated that the mortality caused by murderous epidemics in England THE MICROSCOPE IN AETIOLOGY. 323 has been greatly diminished since the systematic building of sewers and the prohibition of pitlike privies in towns. Dr. Salisbury's observations on the growth of certain fungi as the cause of malarious fevers, although requiring further confirmation, suggest a very pertinent line of in- quiry. Drinking-water may be vitiated by organic matter and its chemical products, as ammonia, chlorine, and the ni- tra'tes. Wagner states that to be drinkable it must not contain in 100,000 parts more than 0.4 parts of nitric acid, 0.8 parts of chlorine, and 5 parts of organic matter. Boil- ing does not improve such water. It is generally made impure by sewage, and produces gastric and intestinal diseases, and perhaps typhoid fever. III. EXAMINATION OF FOOD, ETC. The adulteration of food has long been a question of interest, and has been investigated by a host of observers. Dr. Hassall's voluminous researches, however, leave little to be desired. He states that u in nearly all articles, whether food, drink, or drugs, my opinion is that adul- teration prevails. And many of the substances employed in the adulterating process were not only injurious to health, but even poisonous." Dr. Hassall's work, Food and its Adulterations, should be used by all who inquire into this subject, which is too voluminous to be considered here in detail. Familiarity, however, with the subjects already discussed in this work will qualify the observer for such examinations. Wheat-flour may be examined by adding a little water, and then a few drops of a solu- tion of potash (one part liquor potassse to three of water). Granules of potato-starch swell by this means to three or four times their natural size, while those of wheat-starch are scarcely affected by it. Comparisons of different kinds of starch under the microscope will guide in many other 324 THE MICROSCOPIST. investigations. Adulteration of flour with alum, etc., may be detected by dissolving the. alum and recrystalliz- ing under the microscope. Coffee 'is adulterated with chiccory, wheat, corn, etc.; tea with foreign leaves, Prussian blue, clay, etc.; choco- late with brickdust, peroxide of iron, animal fat, etc. IY. PARASITES. Parasites are animal or vegetable organisms which live temporarily or permanently upon or within another or- ganism for their nourishment and development. Casual visitors for the sake of moisture, warmth, or products of decomposition (as many fungi and infusoria) are called pseudo-parasites. Van Beneden distinguishes between messmates which are nourished in common, mutualists which live on and serve each other, and parasites which live at others' expense. In this department of science the student will do well to consult Cobbold's magnificent work on Entozoa, and two of the recently published international scientific series of books, viz., Fungi, by Cooke and Berkely, and Animal Messmates and Parasites, by Van Beneden. The plan of Wagner, in his Manual of General Pathol- ogy, is followed in the present outline, so far as classifica- tion is concerned. I. VEGETABLE PARASITES OR EPIPHYTES. I. FUNGI. The general character and development of fungi have been described at page 136. The subject of polymor- phism also has been referred to as indicating the uncer- tainty of distinguishing genera and species. Cooke re- minds us, however, that polymorphism can only be based upon actual organic continuity, the observance of which in such minute organisms is necessarily difficult. THE MICROSCOPE IN AETIOLOGY. 325 A. DUST OR GERM FUNGI, CONIO OR GYMNOMYCETES. 1. Mycoderma (Cryptococcus). The beer-yeast (Micro- coccus, or Torula cerevisice) consists of round or oval color- less cells containing one, and sometimes two bright nuclei resembling oil-globules. New cells arise from these by budding. No proper filament or mycelium is formed. The milk-yeast (Oidium ladis) can grow fungus-like if submerged, while on the surface is a mycelium of articu- lated filaments from which shoots grow up, whose cells separate easily. Schwann, Pasteur, etc., consider the, yeast-fungi as or- ganisms produced by specific germs, w^hile others regard them as spores, which in the atmosphere fructify in other forms. B. FILAMENTOUS FUNGI, HYPHOMYCETES. The mycelia of these are lengthened tubular cells, often branching. The spores originate within or at the end of filaments. Here belong the fungus of the musoardine of the silkworm (Botrytis bassiana), the potato disease (Fusi- porium solani), the grape disease (Oidium tuckerii), mould, and the fungi occurring in diseases of skin and mucous membranes. 1. Penicillium glaucum, common mould or pencil mould, forms most of the mould occurring upon vegetable de- composing substances. The fruit-bearers rise from a branched colorless mycelium. The points are tufted and bear spherical conidia. 2. Aspergillus glaucus, or green mould, is often found with the foregoing. The fruit-filaments expand into club- shaped basidia. The spores are greenish. 3. Mucor mucedo and Mucor racemosus are found on excrement and old articles of food. The bladder-like swollen fruit-hyphen (columella) rises from a branched 326 THE MICROSCOPIST. filamentous mycelium, which becomes septate with age. The spores are set free by breaking of the wall of the sporangium. C. CLEFT FUNGI, SCHIZOMYCETES (bacterium, micrococcus). The term schizomycetes is given from the great fra- gility of the formation. They are cells without chloro- phyll, of various forms, which increase exclusively by transverse division. The cell-membrane is not destroyed by potassa, nor by acids, and resists decomposition for a lono; time. O 1st Group. Spherobacteria. Globular bacteria (Pas- teur's Monas or Mycoderma. Ehrenberg's Monas corpus- culum and prodigiosa. Hallier's Micrococcus}. Spherical or oval cells, without granular contents, pos- sessing a double contour, and becoming moniliform by division. Often difficult to distinguish from granular detritus. 1st Genus. Micrococcus (Cohn). Bells colorless or nearly so, very small, united into short moniliform filaments of two or more members (mycrothrix, torida-forms], or into many-celled families, balls, or colonies, or into mucous masses (zoogloa-forms, m.ycoderma-forms). No movement. (1.) Pigment bacteria. Appearing in colored jellylike masses. a. Coloring matter, insoluble, red and yellow. 1. Micrococcus Prodigiosus (Palmdla prod.). Cause of the seeming blood-spots which sometimes appear during moisture on wafers, bread, potatoes, etc. 2. M. luteus. b. Coloring matter, soluble. M. aurantiaceus, chlorinus, etc. (2.) Zymogenic globular bacteria. 3. Microccocus Urea. Ferment of urine. THE MICROSCOPE IN ETIOLOGY. 327 (3.) Pathogenic globular bacteria. " Ferments of con- tagion." 4. M. vaccince. 5. M. diphthericus 6. M. Septicus. Some deem it the cause of pyaemia. 7. M. Bombycis. A destructive epidemic among silk- worms of Southern France, but different from muscardine and gattine. 2d Group. Microbacteria. Rodlike bacteria, resemble globular bacteria in the small size of cells and their tem- porary union into mucous masses, but are distinguished by their short cylindrical forms and spontaneous move- ments. 2d Genus. Bacterium. 1. Bacterium Termo. Cells short, cylindrical, oblong. They turn on their axis and swim forward, then return a little or travel in curved lines as if trembling, or spring- ing forward and then becoming quiet. 2. B. Lineola. Cells cylindrical, broad, straight, with refractive soft contents, and fatlike granules. Single or in pairs. 3d Group. Desmobacteria Filamentous B. Filaments not constricted at the joints, but throughout cylindrical (leptothrix filaments). May form swarms but not zoogloa- form masses. 1st Genus. Bacillus. Filaments straight. 1. B. Subtilis. Butyric acid ferment. 2. B. Anthracis. Bacteridia of gangrene of the spleen. 3. B. Ulna. 2d Genus. Vibrio. Filaments wavy, thick, with single curve ( V. rugla\ or thin, with many curves ( V. serpens). 4th Group. Spirohacteria. Screw bacteria. Distin- guished from vibrio by the closer regular permanent spiral of the lilarnent. 1st Genus. Spirochazta. 1. S. Plicatilis. In tartar from the teeth. 328 THE MICROSCOPTST. 2d Genus. Spirillum. Shorter and more distant spiral. 5th Group. 1st Genus. Leptothrix. 1 L. BuccaHs. Long, brittle, slender filaments, divided by partition-walls. Occurs on products of decomposition within the mouth ; papillae of tongue, tartar, etc. Also in the intestine, vagina, etc. It is thought by some to produce caries of the teeth. 2d Genus. Sarcina. 1. S. Ventriculi. Four-fold flat cubical cells, generally with nuclei. Occurs in vomited fluid, urine, etc. In addition to the above (provisional) arrangement, "Wagner classifies vegetable parasites with respect to their pathological relations as follows : I. MOULD DISEASES. These are conditional upon the above-mentioned mould fungi. They occur chiefly upon parts affected with ne- crosis or other lesions, particularly ulcers of the skin and mucous membranes. On free surfaces they present an appearance resembling mould. Perhaps in this connec- tion belongs the foot-fungus, or Mycetoma Carterii, which is endemic in India. II. FUNGI OF TRUE PARASITIC DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES. 1. Tricophyton Tonsurans. This consists of round trans- parent spores, or spore-rows. They develop in the roots of the hair and pass into the shaft, so that the latter is destroyed and breaks off. It occurs also in the sheaths of the hair-roots and surrounding epidermis, seldom in the nails. It causes several diseases, especially of the scalp and beard, as herpes tonsurans, porrigo scutellate, men- THE MICROSCOPE IN AETIOLOGY. 329 tagra (sycosis), eczema marginatum, etc. It is thought by some to proceed from aspergillus. In examining hair, skin, etc., for fungi, the specimens should be soaked in liquor potassse long enough to become transparent. 2. Achorion Schonleinii Favus Fungus. Mycelia com- posed of small, simple, or branching tubes divided by par- titions. Spores round or oval, sometimes grouped in masses. The cause of tinea favosa of the scalp. 3. Microsporon Audouinii. Undulating forked filaments on which spores are directly placed. Found round the shaft of the hair after its exit from the follicle, so thick that the hair breaks off and causes baldness. Porrigo de- ealvans. 4. Microsporon Furfur. Masses of large, round, mostly nucleated spores, and long or branched cells. Sometimes with numerous broad filaments. Developed in the horny layer of the epidermis, commonly round the opening of hair follicles of the breast and back, producing yellowish discoloration and branlike scales, with itching, Pityria- ' sis versicolor. 5. Oidium Albicans Thrush Fungus Tubular fila- ments, branching stems, and minute spores. Ends of fila- ments lost in masses of spores, with a large, often divided spore-cell. Found in aphthae of the mouth, tongue, throat, vagina, etc. III. FUNGI AS EXCITORS OF FERMENTATION AND PUTRE- FACTION AND CAUSES OF DISEASE. At page 137 the distinction between diseased conditions which invite fungi and the effects produced by fungi themselves was stated. That fungi are the cause of spe- cific fermentations (acetic, alcoholic, lactic, butyric, etc.), is rendered very probable by modern researches, especially those of Pasteur. In decay, or oxidation, and in putre- 330 THE MICROSCOPIST. faction of organic bodies, fungi are important agents. In the former vibrios are found, and in the latter monads and bacteria. Decay is arrested if access of fungus germs is prevented. Putrefaction is as dependent on bacteria as the fermentation of non-nitrogenous bodies upon yeast- fungi. Many acute infectious diseases are considered to pro- ceed from fungi, although the reasons for such an opinion are chiefly theoretical, arising from the presence of fungi in those diseases. Such are diphtheria, pyaemia, puer- peral fever, small-pox, etc. Many experiments have been made, by inoculation, etc., but thus far with little results. Observers differ greatly concerning the same disease, the specific fungus of one being disavowed by another. Still, much light may be expected respecting aetiology from ob- servations of this kind. II. ANIMAL PARASITES. These inhabit either the external surface (epizoa) or internal organs (entozoa). I. PROTOZOA. GREGARINIM. See page 180. Gregarinidce are para- sitic animals, generally regarded as the lowest of the pro- tozoa, although this opinion is doubtful. They usually consist of a single cell, with an illy-defined membrane filled with granular and fatty sarcode, with nucleus and nucleolus. They are developed much like protophytes, page 140. The gregarina becomes motionless, globular, and enc3'Sted. The nucleus then disappears and the sar- code breaks up into little masses which become pointed at each end (pseudo-navicellse). These masses escape as amoeba, page 121, and develop new gregarince. Globular psorospermice, as they are called, have been THE MICROSCOPE IN ETIOLOGY. 331 found in the liver and intestines of rabbits and of man, and are regarded as the resting stage of gregarince. INFUSORIA. Family, Heterotricha. Body covered with cilia, often in longitudinal rows. Stronger cilia about the mouth. Balantidium Boli. A common parasite in the rectum of hogs. Found sometimes in human intestine. FLAGELLATE. Infusorial organisms with lashlike cilia. Family, Monadina. Round or oval. Transparent. A single or few whiplike hairs on anterior extremity. Cercomonas. With caudal filament and generally a single thin and long lash. C. Intestinal is. Found in the stools of cholera and typhoid fever, and on catarrhal mucous membrane of children. C. Urinarius. Urine of cholera and in alkaline albu- minous urine. C. Saltans. On the dirty surface of ulcers. Trichomonas. With two or three short cilia near the anterior lash. T. Vaginalis. In the yellow acrid mucus of vaginal blennorrhoaa. II. YERMES (Worms). 1st Class. Platodes Platyelmia. Flat worms. Bodies flat, appendages, when present, of suckers and hooks. Generally hermaphrodite. Many without mouth or in- testine, nourished by absorption. 1st Order. Cestodes. Tapeworms. Long, articulated, flat, without mouth or alimentary canal. Prehensile or- gans anterior. The anterior part or head is small and somewhat globular. The neck is thinner. The joints lengthen and broaden in continuous succession until they reach their greatest circumference at the posterior ex- tremity, where they may separate and live independently 332 THE MICROSCOPIST. as proglottides. The cellular connective parenchyma in- closes in its peripher} T . especially on the head, small chalky concretions, in all parts the ramifications of a water-vas- cular system, and in the central parts the sexual organs. Each segment has its special male and female organs of generation. Human tapeworms exhibit a complicated metamorpho- sis connected with alternate generation. Generally the ova with the proglottides pass from the intestines and are conveyed with food into the stomach of an animal. The embryos become free in the stomach, and by their movable booklets bore their way into the bloodvessels and are deposited in various organs, as the liver, muscles, brain, etc. Here they become encapsulated and grow into larger vesicles, each of which is a cystworm. From its covering one (cysticercus) or several (echinococcus) nodu- lar depressions grow into the interior, on the bottom of which is the armament of the tapeworm's head, in form of suckers and hooks. The transportation into the human stomach is effected by means of food, especially measled meat. The cyst is digested and the head of the tapeworm set free as a Scolex. This enters the small intestine, be- comes fixed, and develops by gradual formation of seg- ments the tapeworm body. Family. Tceniadce. Head pear-shaped or conoidal, with four round suckers. A rostellum or wreath of hooks be- tween the suckers or anterior part of head. Proglottides distinctly separate and generally longer than broad. A. Vesicular tapeworms, Cysticcz. Head rarely un- armed (T. mediocanellata\ generally w r ith rostellum and hooks. Middle stern of uterus gives off ramifying side- branches. Openings of sexual apparatus on the border, alternate on each side. a. Vesicular tapeworms, whose heads are formed in the embryonal state. 1. Tcenia Solium. Single, or several together in small THE MICROSCOPE IN .ETIOLOGY. 333 intestine. Develops to from two to three meters long, and its proglottides ten mm. long and six mm. broad. Head the size of a pin, globular, with tolerably prominent suck- ers. Filamentous neck, almost an inch long The cyst worm (Cysticercus cellulosce) of this species has a preference for the muscles of the hog, but is found in other animals and in man. 2. Tcenia Mediocanellata. Larger than the T. solium. Head without a circle of hooks and rostellum, but with powerful suckers. The cystworm inhabits the muscles of cattle, but has not been found in man. 3. T. Acanthotrias. The vesicle only is known. Found in muscles, subcutaneous tissue, and brain of man. Hook apparatus a triple circle of slender claws. 4. T. Marginata. Mature tsenise are like T. solium, but found in the dog and wolf. The larva abides in the omentum or liver of ruminants and swine, and sometimes of man. One extremity of the vesicle is drawn out in a necklike process, which contains the tapeworm. b. Cyst tapeworms, whose heads bud from the embry- onic capsules of the inner surface of the vesicle. 5. Tcenia echinococcus consists of only three or four seg- ments, the last of which exceeds in bulk all the others. It is three to four mm. long, and its thirty or forty hook- lets are on a prominent rostellum. It lives in the intes- tine of the dog. The young state of this Tsenia (echino- coccus) is an almost motionless vesicle on the inner sur- face, of which numerous little heads bud in vesicles the size of a millet-seed. These are sometimes compound (daughter, granddaughter vesicles\ inclosed one within the other. In this form they are found in man and cattle (especially in the liver). Other animals harbor generally single vesicles. B. Common tapeworms, Cystoidece. They represent no peculiar larv?e. Their larvae occur only in cold-blooded animals or invertebrates. Thus the cysticercoid of T. 334 THE MICROSCOPIST. elliptica or cucumerina of the dog live in the lice which infest dogs, and the dogs are infected by eating these lice. Clinically, they are less important than cyst tapeworms. Head small and hook apparatus imperfect. a. Head prominence with a single circle of small hooks. 6. Tcenia Nana. Small. Anteriorly filamentous, but larger near the middle. Once found in the duodenum of a boy. 7. T. Flaw Punctata. 33 cent. long. The anterior half of immature joints 0.2 to 0.5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, which show behind the middle a large yellow spot. The receptaculum filled with sperm. Head unknown. b. Papilla with multiple circle of hooks. 8. T. Elliptica. Usually in dogs and cats. Family Bothriocephalidce. Head flattened. Two deep fissure-like suckers. Articulations imperfectly marked. 9. Bothriocephalus Latus. The largest human tape- worm. Sometimes 5 to 8 meters long and from 3000 to 4000 short and broad joints, seldom more than 3.5 mm. long, but 10 or 12 mm. broad. The last joints are nearly square. Anterior end threadlike. Proglottides pass away in lengths (from 2 to 4 feet). Ova oval, with transparent shells, and a lid at one end through which the embryo slips into the water. The six-hooked embryo is developed several months after the ova are passed. 10. B. Cordatus. Smaller than B. latus. Head short and broad, heart-shaped. 2d Order. Trematodes. Suckerworms. Parasitic solitary flat worms, with inarticulate leaf-shaped bodies ; with mouth and bifurcated intestinal canal, without anus, with abdominal prehensile apparatus. Male and female organs mostly in the same individual. The distomata go through a complicated alternate generation and metamorphosis. The embryos escape from the ova into water and seek a new animal habitat, mostly snails. Here they develop into cyst-germs, which are the parents of the Cercarice, which have a rudder-like tail and THE MICROSCOPE IN AETIOLOGY. 335 move freely in the water. These enter a new aquatic animal, snail, worm, crab, or fish, pierce into the tissues and form a cyst. Thus the young, encysted, sexless disto- mata arise from the Cercarise, the former received with the flesh of their supporters into the stomach, and thence freed from their cyst they enter other organs of another animal, where they become sexually mature. Gen. Distomum. Two suckers on the anterior part. Genital pores near the abdominal sucker. a. Body broad and leaf-shaped. 11. Distomum Hepaticum. Liver-fluke. The Cercarise are probably encapsuled in fresh-water snails, and eaten by sheep infect them. The perfect D. hepaticum inhabits numerous herbivorous mammals and occurs in man. b. Body more regular in form, without branched in- testinal canal. 12. D. crassum. 13. D. Lanceolatum. Both extremities pointed. Asso- ciated with D. hepaticum in the bile-ducts. 14. D. Ophthalmobium. Once found in the crystalline lens. 15. D. heterophyes. c. "\Vith separate sexual apparatus. Body long and slender. Female almost cylindrical. 16. D. Hcematobium. Oral and abdominal suckers equal in size. Color white. Is frequent in Egypt, in the veins as well as intestinal canal and bladder. Feeds on the blood. Gen. Monostomum. Has no abdominal sucker. 17. Monostomum Cutis. Found once in the lens. 2d Class. Rematelmia. Round\vorms. Bodies rounded, pouched, or filamentous, without rings or segments. Sometimes with papillae or hooks on anterior pole Sexes distinct. 1st Order. Acanthocephali Vertex bearing hooks. No mouth or intestine. 336 THE MICROSCOPIST. 18. Echinorrhynchus. Inhabits the intestine of several vertebrates. One found in a leucaemic child. 2d Order. Nematode*. Threadworms. Bodies round, threadlike, with mouth and intestine. Armament, when present, of papillae or spikelets and hooks within the mouth. Development by single metamorphosis, yet many young forms have an abode altogether different from that of their parents, and often the young and sexually mature inhabit different organs or different animals. Some live parasitically in plants. 1st Sub- order. Strong yloidce. Nernatodes with anus. 1st Family. Ascarides. Mouth with three lips or pa- pillae. Sometimes teeth in the throat. Most lay hard- shelled eggs. 19. Ascaris Lumbricoides. Roundworm. Cylindrical body. Male 250 mrn. by 3 mm. Female 400 mm. by 5.5 mm. Tail of male conical and hooked. 20. A. Mysto.x. Smaller than the preceding. Identical with the common round worm of cats. 21. Oxyuris Vermicidaris. Threadworm. Body fila- mentous, white. Three lips on the head. Inhabit chiefly the rectum and large intestine, but may wander to vagina. 2d Family. Strong yloidce. Mouth generally armed with a horny surface or hooks. 22. Strongylus Gigas. Long red worm. Viviparous. In the pelvis of the human kidney. 23. S. Longevaginatus. Filamentous, white. 24. 8. Armatus. Cause of the so-called colic of the horse, which is really aneurism of the intestinal arteries. 25. S. Duodenalis. Body cylindrical. Mouth wide, with two claw-shaped hooks. In Italy and Egypt found in the intestines by thousands. Gives rise to anaemia, etc. 3d Family. Trichotrachelidce. Moderately large, longi- tudinally striated worms. 26. Trichocephalas Dispar. Long threadworm. Body short, 2 cent, long by 1 mm. thick, with filiform neck, THE MICROSCOPE IN .ETIOLOGY. 337 20 to 25 mm. long, and head; in the male spiral, in the female straight. Generally found in the colon of children or adults. 27. Trichina Spiralis.^On the second day after eating raw flesh containing trichinae, and after digestion of the inclosing capsule, the worm is sexually mature Copula- tion occurs, and on the sixth day after the females bring forth each about 1000 filamentous embryos. These pierce the intestinal wall and wander through the tissues to the voluntary muscles, where they coil up spirally and be- come encysted. The cysts may become hard and even calcify. In this state they may remain for years capable of development. The hog is considered the original bearer of trichinae, whence they have infected other ani- mals. 4. Family. Filaridce. Long filamentous body. 28. Filaria Medicensis. Threadworm. Guinea worm. Inhabits the subcutaneous tissue of the foot. Found only in tropical countries. 3d Class. Annelida. Ringed worms. Cylindrical or flattened. Segmented body with brain, cesophageal ring, chain of abdominal ganglia and bloodvessels. Order Hirudinis. Leech. Body with narrow rings and terminal disk. Xo feet. Hermaphrodite. Sub-order G?iathobdellce. Gill-leach. Throat with three often clentated gills. A sort of oval sucker disk in front of the mouth. Blood mostly red. 29. Hirudo Medicmalis.zQ to 90 fine teeth on the free border of the gills. Is three years in arriving to sexual maturity. III. ARTHROPODA. Animals laterally symmetrical. Bodies segmented. Limbs articulate. Brain and abdominal ganglia present. Propagation generally sexual. 22 338 THE MICROSCOPIST. Class Arachnids. Air-breathing. Head and thorax blended. No feelers. Two pairs of jaws and legs. Ab- domen without members. Sexes distinct. Order Linguatulidce (Pentastomidse). Worm-shaped, ringed. Mouth rounded, with horny border. Four legs, hooklike and sheathed. Surface hard and pierced by stigmata. Metamorphosis complete. 30. Pentastomum Tcenioides. Inhabits the nasal cavities of the dog and wolf. The larva have been found in man. 31. Pentastomum Denticulatum. Encapsuled, curved, calcified. On the surface of the liver, etc. Order Acarince. Mites. Body compact, inarticulate. Mouth for biting, sucking, or stinging. Respiration by tracheae. Family Dermatophili. Hair-follicle mite. Elongated. Worm-shaped, fringed abdomen. Suckers and stiletto- shaped jaws. Four pairs of short bipartite feet. 32. Acarus Folliculorum (Dermodex Folliculorum). Found often in ear-wax and sebaceous glands of face. Family Acaridce. Mites. Microscopic, soft-skinned. Legs short, with disks for prehension. 33. Acarus, or Sarcoptes Scabiei.- Itch-mite. Body round, arched, with transverse strise covered w T ith spines and bristles. Young have but one pair of feet. Family Ixodce. Ticks. Larger, blood-sucking mites, with firm back- shield and dentated mandibles. Live on plants, and occasionally on man. The female inserts its proboscis, and fills itself w T ith blood, causing pain and suppuration. There are several species. Family Trombididce. Running mites. Body brightly colored, covered with hair. They live on plants, etc., but sometimes on man. The Leptus autumnalis, gooseberry or harvest mite, is often troublesome in summer. Class Hexapoda. Insects. Order Rhynchota. Sub-order Aptera. Wingless insects, with short, turned- THE MICROSCOPE IN .ETIOLOGY. 339 in, fleshy beak, and piercing bristles, or with rudimentary biting mouth. Body has usually nine articulations. Pediculus Capitis. Head-louse. P. Pubis or Phthirius Inguinalis. Crabs. P. Vestimenti. Clothes-louse. Sub-order Hemiptera. Cimex Lectularius. Bed-bugs. Order Diptera. Insects witli mouths for piercing or sucking. Inarticulate thorax, with cuticular anterior wings. Swing-bats for posterior wings. Complete meta- morphosis. Palex Irritans. Flea. Pulex or Dermatopkilus Penetrans. Sand-flea. Native of South America. Breeds under the cutis, and the ova develop in the sand. (Estrus Homini. Gad-fly. May deposit ova in skin of man, producing boils. Musca Vomitoria. Large, blue-bottle fly. 31. Sarcophaga. Common flesh-fly. M. Domestica. House-fly. All may deposit ova or fully formed larva in cavities and wounds. Y. DISEASE GERMS. The germ-theory of disease ascribes disease, particularly infectious disease, to the introduction of minute parasitic organisms into the tissues of the body, and their subse- quent multiplication there. Many of the early natural- ists entertained substantially this view, as Yallisneri, Reaumur, and Linnaeus. It was considered, however, but a mere hypothesis, until recent microscopic observations have revived an interest in this direction. Liebermeister, in his recent monograph on typhoid fever, says, " Within the last ten years a great revolution has taken place with regard to the popular signification of a contagiinn vivum. Xew investigations on the appearance, mode of propaga- 340 THE MICROSCOPIST. tion, and the significance of the low organisms, new facts in regard to the extension of national diseases, and also a number of quite positive discoveries by numerous investi- gators, have removed the old opposition to the theory, or even been the means of furnishing definite proof of its correctness." This quotation expresses the most san- guine views of the adherents of this theory. We have already referred to the connection of mould and yeast fungi with the process of fermentation, and it is quite possible that the introduction of such germs into the body may produce slight irritations and even inflam- mations from the increase and multiplication of the fungi, and the chemical changes induced by them. We have also seen that fungi are causes of putrefaction as well as of fermentation in organic bodies. Yet the diseases of the human body, in which fungi have been proved to be real causes, are but few. Among vegetable diseases caused by fungi are the rust, smut, etc., of our grains, the " vine disease," " potato disease," etc. Among animal diseases of this kind are some affections of caterpillars, flies, etc., and gangrene of the spleen in mammals. In splenic gangrene, however, as well as in mycosis intesti- nalis, pyaemia, diphtheria, etc., in which fungi occur, the bacteria may be merely the carriers of the disease, or may develop because of special pabulum furnished by the dis- eased structure which is not present in the normal state. Another theory of disease-germs has been published by Dr. Beale, which regards them as minute masses of de- praved bioplasm, originated probably in man's own body, or in the bodies of some of the animals domesticated by man. Both theories may be true in reference to the cases to which they are applicable. They do not even necessarily exclude each other. Each kind of disease-germ, bioplastic or fungoid, may have a range of action peculiarly its own. Dr. Beale's views seem to apply to a much wider field THE MICROSCOPE IN ETIOLOGY. 341 of research than the other, and are therefore given here in abridged form. Dr. Beale objects to calling disease-germs parasites, since parasites are organisms themselves, and not mere particles of living matter. He freely admits the great variety and rapid growth of microscopic fungi and algse, and the readiness with which they may enter and traverse the textures of the body, but considers them to be but seldom the cause of disease. He says, " In every part of the body of man and the higher animals, and probably from the earliest age, and in all states of health, vegetable germs do exist. These germs are in a dormant or quies- cent state, but may become active and undergo develop- ment during life should the conditions favorable to their , increase be manifested. There is not a tissue in which these germs do not exist, nor is the blood of man free from them. They are found not only in the interstices of tissues but they invade the elementary parts themselves. Multitudes infest the old epithelial cells of many of the internal surfaces, and grow and flourish in the very sub- stance of the formed material of the cell itself. In many very different forms of disease these germs of bacteria, and probably of many fungi, are to be discovered in the fluids of the body, but the evidence yet adduced does not establish any connection between the germs and the mor- bid process. The diseases known to depend upon the growth and development of vegetable organisms are local affections, and the structure of the organism can be made out without difficulty, but contagions are general affec- tions, and no such success attends our efforts to prove that vegetable organisms are the active agents. In fact, the fungi which commonly grow on the surface and in other parts of the body do not produce disease. The germs of fungi may remain perfectly passive in healthy textures, growing and multiplying only in those which have already deteriorated in consequence of disease or old age." 342 THE MICROSCOPIST. We have already considered Dr. Beale's views respect- ing bioplasm page 118 as the forming material of the tissues. At page 246 we have also referred to his doctrine of inflammation, etc. These views will prepare us to understand the theory of " disease-germs," considered as degraded particles of bioplasm. " Degradation in power is commonly associated with increased rate of growth, and with remarkable vitality. The actively living degraded bioplasm may retain its vitality although removed from the living body, and it may grow and at length destroy other living organisms to which it gains access." Animal fluids and secretions, normal as well as those known to have contagious properties, contain minute particles of bioplasm, which are sometimes so small as to require the highest microscopic powers to render them visible, yet they are capable of growth and multiplication to a vast extent, so that a minute particle of vaccine or other lymph may originate important changes in a large number of persons. The virulent poison of dissection-wounds cannot be as- cribed to vegetable germs, since it is most virulent shortly after death of the subject of dissection, and when putre- factive decomposition has taken place, and bacteria swarm, the real contagious virus is dead. Such is the vitality, however, of some forms of degraded bioplasm, that they will not only multiply on mucous surfaces, but live long after their removal, as in purulent ophthalmia, gonor- rhceal pus, etc., so that they may be transported in vari- ous ways from one place to another and still retain their multiplying power. A very small portion of blood, serum, or of the tissues of an affected animal is sufficient to propagate cattle-plague. Even the breath of the diseased organism contains numerous virulent particles. There is reason, also, for thinking that a single epithelial cell may contain multitudes of active particles in the case of syphi- litic poison which may remain dormant, perhaps for years, THE MICROSCOPE IN J5TIOLOGY. 343 or may from time to time give rise to changes peculiar to it. Particles of living tubercle may be so minute as to be carried in the atmosphere, although tubercle is not emi- nently contagious. As to cancer germs, many circum- stances render it improbable that they can be transmitted, so that living disease germs differ remarkably in vital power as well as forms of activity. Yet they resemble each other in general appearance. Neither by its form, chemical composition, or other demonstrable properties, can the vaccine germ be distinguished from the small-pox germ, or the pus germ from either. All are like the minute particles of bioplasm of the blood, from which they differ so remarkably in power. Of the conditions under which these germs are produced, and of the manner in which the rapidly multiplying matter acquires its new and marvellous specific powers, we have very much yet to learn. For the manner of detecting these germs in the air, etc., see the former part of the present chapter. Mr. Lister's excellent plan for the antiseptic treatment of wounds, and especially the results of carbolic acid spray in surgical operations, together with many posititive ex- periments, show that carbolic acid has a powerful action in arresting vital phenomena or destroying bioplasm. In its presence embryonic life is impossible ; under its power- ful influence all minute forms of life perish. Dr. Beale, also, refers to the effects of carbolic acid, and sulpho-car- bolates administered internally, in checking the too rapid growth of bioplasm in the blood and tissues, as well as to the importance of disinfectants, or the destruction of dis- ease germs in the air, sewage, etc. Among the strongest objections to the theory of fungoid disease germs are those given by Dr. Bastian (a strong supporter of spontaneous generation), that the theory de- mands a belief in the existence of organisms never known in their mature state, and whose existence is not demon- strated but merely presumed ; that such germs have been 344 THE MICROSCOPIST. experimentally shown to be incapable of producing the diseases they are assumed to cause; and that feeding on putrid flesh, swarming with bacteria, as the Kalmucks do habitually, produces no injurious consequences. These objections do not apply to the theory of disease germs advanced by Dr. Beale, while it will be found to accord with the most careful and thorough investigations in biology and pathology. Yet Beale's views have received less attention than they deserve, perhaps because of his pronounced antagonism to the evolutional philosophy, which is so commonly taught under the guise of natural science. APPENDIX. 845 APPENDIX. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE MICROSCOPE AND MICROSCOPIC TECHNOLOGY. OPTICIANS and microscopists strive continually after absolute perfection in their instrumental means of re- search, so that every little while some new piece of ap- paratus or new method is announced. The most impor- tant recent additions are named here. IMPROVEMENTS IN MECHANISM. Some notable improvements have been added to first- class instruments. Zentmayer's "Centennial" model has a peculiarly swinging mirror and sub-stage. The mirror- bar is pivoted in the plane of the object on the stage, so that illuminating appliances in the sub-stage may be effected at every angle of inclination, and may even be brought above the stage as a condenser for opaque objects. Mr. Bullock, of Chicago, has also adopted a similar plan in his first-class instruments, and the Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, of Rochester, New York, place a swing- ing-bar below the glass stage of their "Professional" stand, which instrument has many excellent qualities, although it does not reach the idea proposed by Zent- mayer. The latter optician has also adopted this mechanism in a cheaper form for students in his "Histological Micro- scope." The "Physician's Microscopes," of the Bausch & Lomb Company, are also models of cheapness and ex- cellence. Beck's "National" microscopes are among the best educational stands. 346 THE MICROSCOPIST. IMPROVEMENTS IN OBJECTIVES. A laudable desire to place really good objectives in the hands of students at a reasonable price has led to great emulation among opticians. Spencer, Tolles, Wales. Gund- lach, and the Bausch & Lomb Company, in addition to their most perfect objectives, both dry and immersion, which must necessarily demand a high price, have pre- pared others at less cost for professional and students' use, which are worthy of all praise. Some of them fall but little below the performance of the very best glasses. Test-objects, such as those referred to at page 56, and which formerly required objectives of best workmanship and highest power, are now resolved by a large number of objectives. The J-inch of Spencer or Tolles, the ith of Gundlach, and even a T 4 D th of Bausch & Lomb, with proper eye-pieces and illumination, will exhibit nearly all which can be desired, yet powers of from Jth to j'gth are still better. For refined histological work ^gth or -^th, or even ^ g th inch (Tolles), will be found most useful. The desire to obtain the largest angle of aperture possi- ble has, however, led to a reduction of the working dis- tance, or the distance between the object and front of the objective, so that only the thinnest covers can be used. For immersion objectives, also, a variety of fluid media have been proposed, as glycerin, castor oil, oil of cedar, and kerosene. IMPROVEMENTS IN EYE-PIECES AND AMPLIFIERS. Periscopic eye-pieces, consisting of a piano or double convex field lens and an achromatic meniscus, have been brought to great perfection by E. Gundlach and the Bausch & Lomb Company. Solid eye-pieces by Tolles have also found favor. I have made some improvement in field of view and definition by substituting a meniscus for the APPENDIX. 347 field-glass of the periscopic eye-piece. The amplifier re- ferred to at page 26, or an achromatic concave meniscus, is added to this form of eye-piece about three inches from the field-glass. I find this to give better definition than the amplifiers of Zentmayer and Tolles, which are placed at the end of the draw-tube. IMPROVEMENTS IN ILLUMINATORS. Most of the improvements suggested in illuminators have been connected with oblique light. In Amici's prism, Xachet's prism, Reade's condenser, etc., the purpose is to utilize oblique light and exclude central. In the illumi- nator proposed at page 35 I have combined a condenser with an illuminating prism. Mr. Edmunds (after Mr. "\Venham) has contrived a paraboloid lens with the front cut off flat and polished. This is in fluid contact with the under side of the slide. Mr. Wenbam's reflex con- denser, although difficult to use, is capable of excellent effects. A small lens (plano-convex) placed in immersion contact with the under side of the slide is also used. Dr. Woodward's prism, however, for effectiveness and cheap- ness, bids fair to surpass them all. This is a small right- angled prism, with its base in immersion contact with the slide, receiving the light from the mirror or condenser at right angles to the facet. The hemispherical condenser and oblique illuminator of Mr. Gundlach, attached to the "Professional' 7 microscope of the Bausch & Lomb Company, are also well adapted for the purpose. DOUBLE-STAINED PREPARATIONS. Sections of vegetable tissues present a beautiful appear- ance under the microscope when doubly stained. They should first be soaked in alcohol, if green, to deprive them of chlorophyll, then subjected to a solution of chloride of 348 THE MICROSCOPIST. lime ( J- ounce to 1 pint of water) until thoroughly bleached. Soak then in a solution of hyposulphite of soda (1 drachm to 4 ounces water) for an hour, and after thoroughly wash- ing in several changes of water transfer them to alcohol. Prepare some red staining fluid by dissolving J a grain of magenta crystals in 1 ounce of alcohol. Soak the speci- men in this for thirty minutes, then rapidly rinse it in alcohol and place in a blue fluid made by dissolving J grain of anilin blue in 1 drachm of distilled water, adding 10 minims of dilute nitric acid and alcohol enough to make 2 ounces. Let the specimen remain only two or three minutes in this, rapidly rinse in alcohol, put in oil of cajeput, thence into turpentine, and mount in balsam. The principle of double staining depends on the affinity which certain dyes have for certain cells. Thus, if sec- tions stained in red or green anilin be soaked in alcohol, and those stained by logw r ood in alum-water, the color will leave the loose parenchyma and be retained by the denser cells, while specimens stained in blue anilin if left in alcohol, and those stained in carmine if left in water, lose color more slowly in the parenchyma than in other parts. Eosin-staining . Dilute solutions of eosin, an anilin preparation, 1 part to 1000 of water, has been proposed for animal tissues, since the different parts are differenti- ated by different tints. Sections are stained in a minute to a minute and a half, then washed in water acidulated slightly with acetic acid, and examined in glycerin; or they can be mounted in balsam after the water is removed (see page 80). CLASSIFICATION OF CBYPTOGAMIA. In addition to the classification given in previous chap- ters, the following, chiefly compiled from the Micrographic Dictionary, may be useful: APPENDIX. 349 FERNS. Order 1. POLYPODIACEJE. Sporangea on lower sur- face in groups, but never blended. Annulus present, but variable. Family I. POLYPODIODIDE.E. Numerous sporanges in sessile sori, divided equally by a vertical annulus. A. No indusium. Tribe 1. Polypodies. Sori at apices of veins. * Veins pinnate. f Margins of fertile fronds not re volute. Gen. 1. Pdypodium. Sori globose on apex or back of veins or venules. Gen. 2. Marginaria. Sori globose immersed deeply in backs of veins or venules. Gen. 3. Pleopeltis. Sori globose on backs of veins or venules, with peltate paraphyses concealing the sporanges. f f Margin of fertile fronds revolute. Gen. 4. Struthiopteris. Sori globose on backs of veins or venules. * * Veins anastomosing. ~No free veins in the areolse. Gen. 5. Dictyopteris. Sori globose on anastomosing venules. Venules anastomosing in irregular hexagonal spots. * * Veins anastomosing. Free veins in areolae. Gen. 6. Niphobdus. Sori globose on apex of venules. Venules branched, forming transverse rhomboid spots. Tribe 2. Acrostichece. Sporangia scattered over the whole surface. Gen. 1. Acrostichum. Sori on all the veins and paren- chyma. Veins branched and anastomosing. Gen. 2. Campium. Veins branched, with free venules. 350 THE MICROSCOPIST. Gen. 3. Polybotrya. Veins pinnate, scarcely anastomos- Tribe 3. Tcenitidece. Sori linear, extending to the areolse of the leaves. Gen. 1. Pleurogramma. Sori contiguous on each side of the rib, parallel, linear, and continuous. Veins simple. Gen. 2. Tcenitis. Sori submarginal in middle of disk of leaf, linear, elongated, and continuous. Veins anasto- mosing into meshes. Gen. 3. Notholcena. Sori marginal, linear, continuous. Veins pinnate. Tribe 4. Grammitidece. Sori linear, confined to the veins or veinlets. Gen. 1. Grammitis. Sori linear or roundish, seated on certain arms of the veins. Veins simple or forked, scarcely anastomosing. Gen. 2. Sellignaza. Sori linear or roundish, on certain arms of veins. Veins much branched and anastomosing without free veins. Gen. 3. Synamnia. Sori oblong, on back of lowest venule. Veins branched, anastomosing, with free venules. Gen. 4. Menisdum. Sori reniform, on back of trans- verse venules. Veins pinnate, anastomosing. Gen. 5. Antrophyum. Sori imbedded on the back of all the veins and venules. Veins branched, anastomos- ing. Gen. 6. Hemionitis. Sori on back of veins. Veins branched, anastomosing in regular meshes. Gen. 7. Gymnogramma. Sori on back of veins. Veins pinnate or forked, scarcely anastomosing. Tribe 5. Vittariece. Sori in the grooved margin, which simulates an indusium. APPENDIX. 351 Gen. 1. Vittaria. Sori solitary. Fronds ribbonlike or grassy. B. With an indusiura. Tribe 6. Adiantece. Sori linear, marginal, at apices of veins. Indusium spurious, formed by revolute margin. * Sori on the notches of the fronds. Gen. 1. Lonchitis. Veins anastomosing. Sori linear, semilunate. Indusium marginal, semilunar. Gen. 2. Hypokpis. Veins primate. Sori sub-globose, on inferior border of teeth of frond. Indusium margi- nal, semilunar. * * Sori on margin of the frond. Gen. 3. Lomaria. Veins primate, forked ; fertile fronds narrower. Sorus linear, continuous. Gen. 4. Pte.ris. Veins primate. Sorus continuous. Gen. 5. Amphiblestra. Primary veins strong. Venules anastomosing in hexagonal spots. Sorus linear. Gen. 6. Litobrochia. Veins anastomosing hexagonally. Sorus linear. Gen. 7. Allosorus. Veins primate. Sori at first roundish, then confluent and linear, covered by the reflected margin. Gen. 8. Cassebeera. Veins primate. Sori two under each notched tooth of the leaf. Gen. 9. Adiantum. Veins fan-primate. Sori linear or semilunar, free within. Gen. 10. Hewardia. Veins reticulated. Sori linear. Indusium linear or semilunar. Gen. 11. Cheilanthes. Veins primate. Sori sub-globose, minute, covered by reflexed apex of tooth and the indu- sium. Tribe 7. Dicksoniece. Sori globose, apical. Indusium lateral, two-valved. Gen. 1. Dicksonia. Valves of indusium unequal. Gen. 2. Cibotium. Valves nearly equal. 352 THE MICROSCOPIST. Gen. 3. Cystodium. True indusium plane, false one hoodlike. Gen. 4. Thrysopteris. Sori semiglobose. Indusium cup- like. Sori on a thryse (leaf without parenchyma). Gen. 5. Deparia. Sori as in 4. Parenchyma of leaf developed. Tribe 8. Davalliece. Sori apical, inframargiual. Indu- sium one-valved. Gen. 1. Davallia. Sori globose. Indusium cup-shaped, the mouth truncated. Veins primate. Gen. 2. Lindscea. Sorus linear, continuous. Indusium parallel with leaf margin, free outside. Veins dichoto- mous. Gen. 3. Dictyoxyphium. Sorus and indusium as in 2. Veins anastomosing with free venules. Gen. 4. Schizoloma. Sorus and indusium as in 2. Veins anastomosing in hexagonoid meshes. Tribe 9. Aspleniece. Sori on veins. Indusium persist- ent, lateral, the margin free. Gen. 1. Scolopendrium. Veins primate. Sori linear, in pairs on adjacent sides of two parallel veinlets. Gen. 2. Antigramma. Veins primate, veinlets anasto- mosing. Sori linear, in pairs facing together. Gen. 3. Campto&orKS. Veins as 2. Sori elongated, di- verging. Gen. 4. Diplazium. Veins primate, veinlets free. Sori linear, in pairs back to back. Gen. 5. Oxygonium. Veins primate, veinlets anasto- mosing at the ends. Sori as 4. Gen. 6. Asplenium. Veinlets free. Sori linear, single on back of vein or veinlet. Gen. 7. Ceterach. Indusium replaced by scales. Sori linear on back of veins. Gen. 8. Neottopteris. Veinlets anastomosing at ends. Sori linear, single. APPENDIX. 353 Gen. S.Athyrium. Veins primate. Sori straight, curved, or reniform, but attached by a linear edge. Gen. 10. Blechuum. Sori marginal, somewhat conflu- ent. Indusium opening inwards. Gen. 11. Doodia. Veins parallel, anastomosing slightly. Sori lunate or linear, in one or two rows parallel with midrib. Indusium flat. Gen. 12. \Yoodwardia. Veinlets form hexagonal meshes. O Sori lunate or linear, parallel with midrib in one row. Indusium convex, immersed. Gen. 13. Cystopteus. Indusium suborbicular, fixed by a lateral inferior point. Gen. 14. Onoclea. Fertile pinnae contracted into glob- ules. Indusium lunate, attached on a short horizontal veinlet. Tribe 10. Aspidiece. Sori subglobose. Indusium with central or eccentric point of attachment, free all round. Gen. 1. Lastrcea. Indusium reniform. Veinlets free at ends. Gen. 2. Nephrolepis. Indusium reniform. Sori on tips of upper veinlets. Petioles articulated with the rachis. Gen. 3. Nephr odium. Indusium reniform, veinlets in- osculating. Gen. 4. Aspidium. Indusium orbicular, peltate. Veins branched, anastomosing hexagonally, with free veinlets. Gen. 5. Polystichum. Indusium orbicular, peltate. Sori on middle of veins below the bifurcations. Gen. 6. Sagenia. Indusium orbicular, peltate. Vein- lets anastomosing hexagonally without free ringlets. Gen. 7. Fadyenia. Indusium cordate. Sori apical, bi- seriate. Vein4ets reticulate. Gen. 8. Didymochlcena. Indusium oblong-elliptic, fixed in the middle by a longitudinal crest. Gen. 9. Matonia Indusium orbiculate, peltate, umbo- nate, the margins deflexed, covering about six sporanges. 23 354 THE MICROSCOPIST. Tribe 11. Peranemece. Indusium inferior, ultimately lobed or ciliated. Gen. 1. Peranema. Sori pedunculate. Indusium cup- shaped, splitting into 2-4 lobes. Sporanges on punctiform receptacle. Veins pinnate. Gen. 2. Diacalpe. Sori regular. Indusium sessile, spherical, at first closed. Sori on a punctiform receptacle, then bursting irregularty at the summit. Gen. 3. Woodsia. Sporanges pedicellate, inserted at bottom of indusium which is cup-shaped and hairy at margin. Veins pinnate. Gen. 4. Hypoderris. Sporanges on almost obsolete axis- Indusium cup-shaped, fringed at margin. Veins anasto- mosing. Family II. CYATH^EEJS. Numerous sporanges, united in sori on a salient axis, with a somewhat oblique annulus. A. Sori without indusia. Gen. 1. Alsophila. Sori globose, regularly arranged. Sporanges on globose axis and imbricated. Gen. "2. Tricfiopteris. Sori globose, regularly arranged, laterally confluent. Sporanges on globose axis, areolate and crinite with long hairs. Gen. 3. Metaxya. Sori globose, each fertile vein bear- ing several, irregularly scattered. Sporangia on globose axis, beset with long articulated hairs. B. Sori indusiate. Gen. 4. Hemitelia. Sori globose, each solitary on a pinnule. Indusium an ovate, concave, torn scale, at lower side of the base. Gen. 5. Cnemidaria. Sori globose, regularly arranged. Indusium forming an involucre, at length irregularly torn or partite. Gen. 6. Cyathea. Sori hemispherical, regular. Indu- sium first closed, then bursting and cup-shaped. APPENDIX. 355 Gen. 7. Schizoccena. Sori regular. Indusium of six lobes surrounding the globose receptacle. Family III. GLEICHEXIE^I. Sporanges united in fours into sori, and surrounded by an oblique annulus, like a turban. Gen. 1. Gleichemia. Sporangia in roundish sori. Indu- sium absent. Leaves forking. Gen. 2. Platyzoma. Sporanges in pointlike sori. In- dusium spurious, formed by re volute margin of leaf, leaves undivided. Family IV. PARKERiE^:.--Sporanges ununited into sori, and divided equally by a vertical annulus. Gen. 1. Ceratopteris. Sporanges surrounded by a broad, complete, articulated annulus, placed on longitudinal veins. Spores globose, trifariously streaked. Gen. 2. Parkeria. Sporanges with almost obsolete basilar annulus, or longitudinal veins. Spores three-sided, concentrically streaked. Family V. OSMUNDE^I. Sporanges united in sori, and covered on the back by a broad and imperfect annulus. Gen. 1. Osmunda. Sporangia on metamorphosed pin- nules. Gen. 2. Todea. Sporangia on unchanged pinnules. Family VI. SCHIZ.EEJE. Sporanges united in sori, and annulus like a skull-cap with radiating streaks. Gen. 1. Aneimia. Sporangia twin, sessile in two rows, on lateral lobes of leaf, contracted into a panniculate irn- marginate rachis, naked, splitting longitudinally outside. Xo indusium. Gen. 2. Schizcea. Sporanges sessile in two or four rows in linear membranous-margined lobes, pectinately oppo- 356 THE MICROSCOPIST. site or digitate at apex of leaf, set among hairs, splitting longitudinally on the outside. No indusium. Gen. 3. Lygodium. Sporangia sessile, alternately bi- seriate on marginal lobes of leaf, splitting longitudinally, each veiled by a scalelike, hood-shaped indusium adhering transversely to the nerves. Gen. 4. Mohria. Sporangia sessile in one row, close to margin of leaf, splitting longitudinally on the outside. A spurious indusium formed by revolute margin of leaf. Order 2. MARATTIACE^E. Sporanges on lower sur- face, usually blended together, or very closely approxi- mated. No annulus. Gen. 1. Angiopetris. Sporangia in two rows near apex of transverse veins, distinct, forming linear sori, opening by a slit on outer side. No indusium. , Gen. 2. Kaulfiissia. Sporangia on anastompses of veins, radiately connate, forming roundish sori, opening by a slit at apex. Gen. 3. Marattia. Sporangia in two rows near apex of transverse veins, connate, forming oblong sori, gaping transversely by a vertical slit. Indusia connate with sori. Gen. 4. Eupvtium. Sporangia as 3, but pedicellate. Gen. 5. Dancea. Sporangia in two rows, near trans- verse veins, connate into linear sori, opening by a pore. Indusia superficial, encircling the sori. Order 3. OPHIOGLOSSE^E. Sporanges on lower sur- face of leaf (reduced to mere ribs), never blended. No annulus. Gen. 1. Ophioglossum. Sporanges dehiscing transversely, connate on an undivided distichous spike. Gen. 2. Botrychium. Sporanges as last, on a distichous, secund, bi-tri-pinnate spike. Gen. 3. Helminthostachys. Sporanges dehiscing exter- APPENDIX. 357 nally, vertically, from base to middle, collected in whorls, with crestlike appendages, and stalked, arranged distich- ously on an elongated spike. Order 4. HYMEXOPHYLLE^E. Sporanges attached to a common stalk, prolonged from end of vein of leaf, and contained in a kind of cup formed by a lobe of leaf above and indusial lobe from lower surface of leaf. Obliquely transverse annulus. Gen. 1. Trichomanes. Sporanges sessile around base of an exserted filiform column projecting from margin of leaf, surrounded by a cup shaped indusium continuous with leaf. Gen. 2. Hymen&phyUum. Sporanges sessile up to sum- mit of a column projecting from the margin of the leaf, sub-elevated, but not exserted beyond the iudusium, which is two-valved. Gen. 3. Loxsoma. Sporanges stalked, inserted up to summit of a sub-elevated exserted column in margin of leaf, surrounded by an indusium, with truncated mouth, entire. MICROSCOPIC FUNGI. Order COXIOMYCETES. The mycelium may be short filaments converted into spores, or a flocculeut patch in decaying matter or under the epiderm of plants, or more completely organized into hollow conceptacles containing spore-bearing filaments. Family I. SPH^EROXEMEI. Couceptacles rising from mi- croscopic mycelia growing beneath the epidermis of leaves, stems, etc., containing a chamber lined by a perithecium bearing single, often septate spores, and bursting by a pore at the summit. Gen. 1. Coniothyrium. Conceptacle free, membranous, opening by an irregular pore at the summit. Spores globular. 358 THE MICROSCOPIST. 2. Leptostroma. Conceptacle innate, subumbonate in tbe centre, dimidiate, at length falling off, leaving a thin disk. 3. Phoma. Conceptacle ostiolate, very thin, innate, immersed, rounded, with a simple pore. Spores oblong, simple. 4. Leptothyrium. Conceptacle operculate, innate, shield- shaped, not radiate-fibrous. Spores spindle-shaped, simple. 5. Actinothyrium. Conceptacle operculate, innate, etc., as 4. 6. Microthedum. Conceptacle indehiscent, membranous, immersed, endophytic. Spores simple. 7. Cryptosporium. Conceptacle membranous, opening irregularly at summit. Spores spindle-shaped, simple. 8. Sphceronema. Conceptacle horny, innate-superficial, produced into a neck, ostiole simple. Spores oblong, simple. 9. Acrospermum. Conceptacle leathery externally, fleshy within, elongate-clavate, ostiole simple. Spores stick-shaped, simple. 10. Diplodia. Conceptacle horny, innate-superficial or immersed, perforated by a pore or irregularly opened or ostiolate, ostiole more or less produced. Spores ovoid or. ellipsoid, double, then halved into compressed-ternate semi-ellipsoid sporules. 11. Hendersonia. Conceptacle fleshy, innate superfi- cially or immersed, perforated by a pore, opening irregu- larly or ostiolate, ostiole produced. Spores globose, cylin- drical or discoid. 12. Septoria. Conceptacle horny, innate-immersed, rounded, ostiole simple. Spores cylindrical, septate. 13. Vermicularia. Conceptacle bristly, depressed, bursting irregularly. Spores minute, linear. 14. Neottiospora. Conceptacle immersed. Spores ap- pendaged at one end with sbort hyaline threads. 15. Asteroma. Conceptacle very small, slightly promi- APPENDIX. 359 neut, close, subconfluent, seated on more or less radiating fibrils. 16. Discosia. Conceptacles innate, somewhat carbona- ceous, at length collapsed and plicate, ostiole perforated. Spores fusiform, produced at both ends into a threadlike point. 17. Prosthemium. Conceptacles horny, immersed, os- tiole simple. Spores transversely septate, verticulate at the apex of thin filaments. 18. Angiopoma. Conceptacles free, membranous, some- what horny, cup-shaped, dehiscing by a circular mouth, provided with a fugarious epiphragtn. Spores affixed at base, stalked, septate. 19. Piggotia. Conceptacles irregular, thin, obsolete be- neath, confluent, bursting by irregular crack; spores on short stalks, largish, obovate, somewhat constricted at base. 20. Phlyctcena. Conceptacle spurious, formed by the blackened epidermis ; spores fusiform, cuspidate, septate, accompanied by a gelatinous mass. 21. Glceosporium. Conceptacle absent ; spores covered by cuticle which separates ; spores stalked, elliptical, sim- ple, exuding a gelatinous tendril. 22. Dilophosphora. Conceptacle immersed in a spurious stroma, covered, perforated by a pore ; spores cylindrical, continuous, crowned at both ends with radiating filiform appendages. 23. Sphceropsis. Conceptacle spherical, immersed, sub- innate, astomous, bursting by separation of epidermis or irregularly. Spores simple. Family II. MELANCONIEI. Conceptacles as in the pre- ceding, but without a proper perithecium ; spores elon- gated. Gen. 1. Sporidia globose, simple, adhering to form a nucleus, at length breaking out free. Color black. 360 THE MICROSCOPIST. 2. Papularia. Sporidia quite simple, collected in groups under epiderm of dead plants, set free in a pulverulent patch by the decay of the epidermis. 3. Stilbospora. Sporidia septate (septa evanescent), full of sporidiola, adhering in a 'nucleus, at length breaking out. 4. Didymosporium.-^-As the last, but the sporidia didy- rnous (septate in middle). Color black or fuscous. 5. Cytispora. Sporidia simple, stick-shaped, minute, in a multilocular nucleus, at length opening by a common apical pore and emerging as a gelatinous tendril. 6. Mdasmia. Sporidia minute, stick-shaped, in a flat, thin nucleus, which bursts at apex and extrudes the spores in a gelatinous globule. 7. Micropera. Sporidia linear, curved, formed in nu- clei, bursting by distinct pores, and discharged mixed with jelly. 8. Ceuthospora. Sporidia simple, ovate, contained in several globose nuclei in a common stroma, escaping by a simple lancinate pore. 9. Nemaspora. Sporidia simple, spindle-shaped, in nu- clei in a common grumous stroma and opening by a com- mon pore. 10. Discella. Sporidia elongated, simple or uniseptate, stalked, in a nucleus with perithecium. 11. Cylindrosporium (Glceosporium). Sporidia simple, elliptical, stalked, in nucleus covered only by cuticle of leaf, finally extruded in a gelatinous tendril. 12. Coryneum. Sporidia spindle-shaped, multiseptate, stalked, crowded, breaking out on surface as a pulvinate disk. 13. JBactridium. Sporidia spindle-shaped, multiseptate, transparent at ends, tufted on a superficial creeping my- celium. 14. Eriospora. Sporidia filiform, originally attached in APPENDIX. 361 fours upon sporophores, in groups of globose nuclei open- ing by a common pore. 15. Ckeirospora. Sporidia simple, crowded in tufts at apex of a filiform sporophore, in moniliform rows. Family III. PHRAGMOTRICHACE^;. Conceptacles horny, breaking through epidermis of leaves, etc., at first closed, then bursting longitudinally ; spores septate, and in chain- like series, with paraphyses on internal walls of concep- tacles. Gen. 1. Endotrichinn. Conceptacle innate or immersed, bursting by a longitudinal slit ; spores globular, simple. 2. Schizothccium. Conceptacle superficial, bursting laterally ; spores globular, simple. 3. Pilidium. Conceptacles simple, sessile, rounded, bursting by stellate fission ; spores spindle-shaped, simple. 4. Exdpula. Conceptacle cup-shaped, membranous, sessile, naked ; spores spindle-shaped. 5. Dinemasporium, Conceptacle cup-shaped, membra- nous, sessile, closed by villi, and at length open ; sporige- nous layer discoid, dissolving, with cylindric, elongate, filiform spores. 6. Myxormia. Conceptacle thin, cup-shaped, open, formed of elongated cells. Pedicels of spores delicate. Spores oblong, chained together, at length free, involved in mucus. 7. Cystatricha. Conceptacle bursting by a longitudinal slit ; pedicels of spores branched, articulate, somewhat beaded. 8. Bloxamia. Conceptacle delicate, hyaline, upper part evanescent and forming a rim. Spores quadrate in crowded tubules. 9. Phragmotrichum. Conceptacle horny, carbonaceous, at first closed, then splitting by longitudinal fissure ; fertile filaments mixed with inarticulate paraphyses; spores compound and chained in series. 362 THE MICROSCOPIST. Family IV. TORULACEI. Mycelium filamentous, grow- ing on the surface of decayed vegetables, bearing erect filaments, terminating in rows of simple or compound spores. Gen. 1. Torula. Spores in beaded chains, simple, readily separating, placed on short continuous or septate pedicel. 2. Bispora. Spores uniseptate. 3. Septonema. Several transverse septa in the spores. 4. Alternaria. Cellular spores connected by filiform isthmus. 5. Sporidesmium. Spores in tufts, straight, subclavate or fusiform, shortly stalked or sessile, transversely sep- tate or cellular. 6. Sporochisma. Filaments erect, simple, external mem- brane inarticulate. Spores articulate in fours. 7. Tetraploa. Spores sessile, quadriseptate, in bundles of four, each crowned with a bristle. 8. Coniothedum. Spores without septa, in heaps, finally separating into a powder. 9. Echinobotryum. Spores rounded apiculate, in fasci- cles, or erect annulated filaments. 10. Sporendonema. Erect filaments with single rows of spores in the interior. 11. Spiloccea. Spores globose, adhering together and to the matrix, forming spots laid bare by separation of epi- dermis. 12. Achorion. Mycelium ramose, articulated, joints terminating in round, oval, or irregular spores (conidia?). 13. Speira. Spores connate in concentric filaments, forming horseshoe-like lamina, finally separating. 14. Trimmatostroma. Spores curved, multiseptate, in beaded rows, separating. 15. Gyrocerus. Spores connate in spirally coiled fila- ments, separating. 16. Dictyosporium. Spores tongue-shaped, reticularly cellular. APPENDIX. 363 Family V. UREDINEI. Mycelium a filamentous mass growing in the interior of living vegetable structures, finally breaking out on the surface in patches, margined or naked, and bearing simple or compound spores, single or in beaded series. The following is Tulasne's synopsis of the family : I. Albuginei (white or pale-yellow, heterosporous). Gen. I. Cystopus. II. JEcidinei (with a peridium, homcesporous). 2. Cseoma. 3. ^Ecidium. 4. Raestelia. 5. Peridermium. III. Melampsorei (solid, pulvinate, biform). 6. Melampsora. 7. Coleosporium. IY. Phragmidiacei (pulverulent, biform, infuscate). 8. Phragmidium. 9. Triphragmidium. 10. Pucciuia. 11. Uromyces. 12. Pileolaria. V. Pucdniei (fleshy, ligulate or tremelliform, naked, and uniform in the fruits). 13. Podisoma. 14. Gymnosporangium. VI. Cronartiei (peridiate, biform, ligulate). 15. Cronartium. Family VI. USTILAGINEI. Similar to the last, but grow in the interior of organs, especially ovaries and anthers, of plants. Spores break up without bursting through to surface, so as to leave a cavity full of dust-like spores. I. Ustilaginei Veri. Stroma at first mucilaginous, en- tire, or soon broken up into variously conglomerated 364 THE MICROSCOPIST. masses, then into unappendaged spores ; few or no fila- ments persistent. 1. Ustilago. Spores simple. 2. Thecaphora. Spores compound. II. Tilletiei. Stroma of interwoven fragile filaments ; spores acrogenous on their ramules, often appendaged when free. 3. Tilletia. Order HYPHOMYCETES. Mycelium filamentous, growing as moulds over dead or living organic substances. The erect filaments bear terminal, free, single, simple, or septate spores. Family I. ISARIACEI. Receptacle clavately branched, of filaments attached in their whole length. Spores sim- ple, attached to simple pedicels. Gen. 1. Isaria. Receptacle of interwoven filaments, or cellularly fleshy. Spores on simple sporophores arising on all sides. 2. Anthina. Receptacle of parallel filaments, feathery or villous at the summit where they form the sporo- phores. 8. Ceratium. Receptacle horn-shaped, mucilaginous, with filaments which collapse into granules (conidia), and free sporidia. Family II. STILBACEI. Receptacle wartlike or clavate above, stalked below, of filaments packed, coherent, ter- minating singly in free spores. Gen. 1. Stilbum. Receptacle clavate or capitate at sum- mit. Spores simple. 2. Pachnocybe. Receptacle stipitate, clavate, floccose, filaments twisted, head finally pruinose, with simple spores. 3. Periconia. Receptacle of coalescent crowded, paral- APPENDIX. 365 lei filaments, or cell ularly fleshy ; spores simple, crowded, on simple sporophores arising at summit and on the stalk. 4. Tuhercularia. Receptacle fleshy, of continuous sterile and threadlike beaded fertile filaments. Finally indurated, floccose, with spores scattered over it, or falling into powder. 5. Periola. Receptacle cellular, sessile, fertile filaments abbreviated, torulose, mixed with septate lax sterile fila- ments. 6. Volutella. Receptacle cellular, compact, with long rigid bristles ; spores spindle-shaped, septate, on continu- ous short filaments, all over the receptacle. 7. Fusarium. Receptacle cellular, gelatinous ; spores spindle-shaped, simple, somewhat curved, on simple fila- ments forming a discoid stratum. 8. Illosporium. Receptacle sub-gelatinous, diffluent ; spores simple, pellucid, generally with hyaline envelope on short filaments. 9. Epicoccum. Receptacle cellular, on effused patch ; spores four-sided, cellular, singly to short filaments. Family III. DEMATIEI. Mycelium filamentous, spores compound or simple, rising from apices of erect, solid, cor- ticate, subopaque filaments, or produced from solution of the plants. Gen. 1. Cephalotrichum. Fertile filaments stalklike, erect, septate, terminating in a globose capitule formed by radiating forked or ternate branches bearing globular spores at the tips. 2. Sporocybe. Filaments fibrous, subulate, capitate, with simple spores conglobated into a terminal head. 3. (Edemium. Filaments rigid, erect, almost continu- ous, or annulated, bearing at the sides globular masses of spores. 4. Myxotrichum. Filaments erect, scarcely septate ; 366 THE MICROSCOPIST. fertile branches crowned by globules of heterogeneous con- glutinated spores. 5. Bolacotricha. Filaments simple, uniformly articulate at apex ; spores conglomerate, large, globular, shortly stalked, contents granular. 6. Hdminthosporium. Filaments erect, simple, septate ; spores transversely septate. 7. Triposporium. Filaments erect, septate, sterile branches solitary, more or less spreading ; fertile branches shorter, at tips solitary, stellate, shortly stalked spores. 8. Helicosporium. Filaments subulate, closely septate, diaphanous at summit ; spores threadlike, septate, spirally coiled, then expanding elastically. 9. Cladotrichum. Filaments septate, branched, branches and branchlets with septate spores at tips. 10. Dematium. Filaments septate, with verticillate branchlets below, simple and whiplike above ; spores crowded on apices of ramules. 11. Cladosporium. Filaments septate above, bearing spores in rows forming short moniliform branchlets. 12. Macrosporium. Filaments suberect, septate, deli- cate, evanescent, with erect stipitate spores, with many transverse and usually some longitudinal septa. 13. Arthrineum. Filaments tufted, suberect, annulate with opaque septa ; spores fusiform, septate, large. 14. Camptoum. Filaments as preceding ; spores ovate, curved, small. Family IV. MUCIDINES. Mycelium filamentous, spores solitary, or crowded on articulated or branched tubular and pellucid filaments, soon separating and mingling with the mycelium or adherent in chained rows (moulds, mil- dews, etc.). A. Fertile filaments (pedicels) simple or branched, ter- minating in single spores, or a short row. * Spores simple. APPENDIX. 367 1. Botrytis. Pedicels erect, septate, branched ; branches and branchlets septate ; spores solitary, on tips of branch- lets, which are racemose, umbellate, cymose, etc. 2. Peronosj)ora. Like 1, but pedicels without septa. 3. Verticillium. Pedicels erect, septate, with whorled branches terminating in a solitary spore or a short row of spores. 4. Acremomum. Pedicels short, subulate, branches from a horizontal filament, bearing single smooth spores. 5. Zygodesmus. Like 4, but with echinulate spores. 6. Oidium. Pedicels simple, short, erect, clavate, sep- tate, with one, sometimes two, oval spores. 7. Fasidium. Spores elongate, fusiform. 8. Menispora. Pedicels erect, septate, with fusiform or cylindric spores, at first joined in bundles. 9. Sceptromyces. Pedicels erect, geniculate, verticil- lately branched ; branches short, racemose ; spores in grapelike bunches. * * Spores septate. 10. Brachydadium. Pedicels branched above, septate, moniliform ; branches and branchlets forming a sporifer- ous capitulum ; spores transversely septate. 11. Trichothecium. Pedicels in tufts, the central erect, fertile ; spores acrogeuous, didymous, free, commonly loosely heaped. 12. Cephalothecium. Pedicels simple, continuous, with terminal head of didymous spores. B. Erect filaments (pedicels) terminating in strings of spores. * Spores simple. 13. Penicillium. Pedicels erect, septate, penicillately branched above ; branches and branchlets septate ; strings of spores at tips of branches. 14. Sporotrichum. Pedicels simple or slightly branched, septate and articulate, articulations remote, inflated ; spores simple, usually in heaps among the filaments. \ 368 THE MICROSCOPIST. 15. Briarea. Pedicels septate, with terminal monili- form chains of spores, crowded into a head, 16. Gonatorrhodum. Pedicels septate, with chains of spores in a terminal head, and in whorls at the joints. * * Spores septate. 17. Dendryphium. Pedicels septate, nnbranched; strings of spores in a bunch at apex ; spores septate. 18. Dadylium. Pedicels septate, branched above; strings of septate spores singly or in pairs, at apices of branches. C. Fertile filaments (pedicels) inflated at the tips or at various points in their length, with projecting points or warts, on the inflations bearing ' O * Simple spores. 19. Aspergillus. Pedicels continuous, erect, simple fila- ments, inflated into a little head at the summit, bearing moniliform chains of spores, crowded into a capitulum. 20. Rhinotrichum. Pedicels erect, septate, sometimes sparingly branched, the apices clavate, cellular, bearing scattered points supporting simple spores. 21. Papuloespora. Pedicels short lateral branches from a creeping filament, terminating in cellular heads beset with spores on the areolse. 22. Rhopalomyces. Pedicels erect, not septate, termi- nating in cellular heads, with simple spores on the areolee. 23. Stachylidium. Pedicels articulate, whorled-branched above ; branches geniculate and articulate ; spores sub- pedicilate, in little heads inserted at tips of branches. 24. Gonatobotrys. Pedicels septate, with joints swollen at intervals, the swollen joints bearing globular heaps of spores on short spines spirally arranged. 25. Acmosporium. Pedicels septate, branched above ; branches and branchlets forming a cyme, thickened at the apex, and furnished with globular capitules covered with points ; spores attached on the points of capitules. APPENDIX. 369 26. Haplotrichum. Pedicles septate, terminating in con- tinuous, solitary, sporiferous head. 27. Actinodadium. Pedicles septate, umbellately branched at summit; spores accumulated at tips of branches. 28. Botryiosporium. Pedicles septate, with short spine- like branchlets above, spirally arranged, and terminating in four or five short points which support globular heads of spores. * * Spores septate. 29. Arthrobotrys. Pedicles simple, septate, with joints swollen at intervals and clothed with spines bearing didy- mous spores in globular heaps. 5. Family Sepedoniei. Mycelium filamentous, spores usually heaped together on the mycelium, and apparently springing out of it, without erect pedicles. 1. Artotrogus. Filaments creeping, persistent; spores from middle of filaments, simple, at length free, spinous. 2. Sepedonium. Filaments woolly, septate, evanescent; spores globose, connate, scabrous, stipitate, solitary, at length heaped together. 3. Fussisporium. Spores fusiform or cylindrical, glued in heaps on the gelatinous matrix. 4. Epochnium,. Spores heaped, oblong, apiculate, sep- tate, adnate to the matrix, interwoven with effused, tangled, slender filaments of mycelium. 5. Psilonia. Spores simple, pellucid, not glued together, at first covered with conveying filaments of mycelium. 6. Monotospora Eutophyte. Filaments creeping, evan- escent ; spores globose, solitary, terminal, at length free. 7. Asterophora. Filaments creeping (over larger fungi) ; spores on short ramules, vesicular, stellate. 8. Acrospeira. Filaments creeping, ramuli branched, the fertile terminating in a spiral coil of about three joints, one of which swells into a rough-coated spore. 24 370 THE MICROSCOPIST. 9. Zygodesmus. Filaments creeping, branched, with short rarnuli bearing echinate spores, the pedicles with a lateral indentation looking like a joint. Order PHYSOMYCETES, or Mucoroidece (Moulds). Mycelium (microscopic) filamentous, bearing stalked sacs (peridiola) containing numerous minute sporules. family I. ANTENNARIEI (doubtful). Mycelium radiate or erect, bearing sessile globular peridioles, filled with ovate spores, discharged by rupture of sac at apex. Form flocculent or byssoid patches on leaves or bark, and appear to be merely states of other genera. Family II. MUCORINI. Mycelium filamentous, vague, giving off erect simple or branched filaments terminating in vesicular cells (peridioles) full of minute spores ; often with central column in the interior. Form flocks and clouds on decaying matters- 1. Phycomyces. Peridiole pear-shaped, separated from apex of pedicle by an even joint; opening by an umbili- cus. Spores oblong, large. Filaments tubular, continu- ous, shining. 2. Hydrophora. Peridiole subglobose, membranous, de- hiscent, at first crystalline, aqueous, then turbid, and at length indurated; bolumella absent; spores simple, con- globated. 3. Mucor. Peridiole subglobose, separating like a cap (an annular fragment attached), from the erect, simple pedicle, or bursting irregularly; columella cylindric or ovate, spores simple. 4. Acrostalagmus (?). Peridioles globose, with a colu- mella ; at the points of doubly- verticillate branches from an erect pedicle. 5. JEgerita. Peridiole spherical, very fugacious ; spori- dia scattered like meal over the grumous receptacle. APPENDIX. 371 6. Pilobolus. Peridiole globular, separating like a cap from the short stalk of a single cell, attached on a uni- cellular ramified mycelium ; columella conical ; spores numerous, free in the peridiole. 7. Filaments erect, simple, branched above, branches and branchlets di- or tri-chotomous, fertile branches forcipate, bearing pairs of opposite internal cla- vate branches which subsequently coalesce. 8. Eurotium. Peridiole cellular, membranous, sessile, at length bursting irregularly ; spores produced by a cen- tral cellular nucleus, which breaks up into numerous pa- rent cells (asci), in which four to eight minute spores are formed, and finally set free ; filaments of mycelium ra- diating from the base of the peridiole. ALG2E SEAWEEDS, ETC. Order I. RHODOSPERME^E or FLORIDF^E Thal- lus leaflike or filamentous, rose-red or purple. Fructifi- cation consisting of: 1. Spores, mostly inclosed in concep- tacles (ceramidia, coccidia, favellidia, etc.). 2. Tetraspores, red or purple (a membranous sac containing, when ripe, four spores). 3. Antheridia (pellucid sacs filled with yellow corpuscles or spermatozoids). Families I. RHODOMELACE^;. Frond cellular, areolated or articulated. Ceramidia external. Tetrapores in rows, immersed in ramuli or contained in proper receptacles (stichidia). 1. Odonthalia. Frond flattened, linear, with obsolete midrib, pinnatifid, alternately inciso-dentate. 0. dentata. Color, wine-red. 2. Rhodomela. Frond cylindric, inarticulate, opaque. Tetraspores in podlike receptacles (stichidia). R. lycopodioides. Purplish-brown. R. subfusca. Brownish or reddish. 3. Bostrychia. Frond cylindric, inarticulate, dotted. The surface-cells quadrate. Tetraspores in terminal pods. 372 THE MICROSCOPIST. 4. JRytiphlcea. Frond cylindric, inarticulate, trans- versely striate. Tetraspores in podlike receptacles. 5. Polysiphonia. Frond cylindric, articulate in whole or in part, the branches longitudinally striate. Tetraspores in distorted ramuli. 6. Dasya. Frond cylindric, the stem inarticulate, ra- muli articulate, composed of a single string of cells. Te- traspores in podlike receptacles (stichidia) borne by the ramuli. 2. LAURENCIACEJE. Frond cellular, continuous. Cera- midia external. Tetraspores scattered, immersed in the branches and ramuli. 1. Bonnemaisonia. Frond solid, filiform, rose-red. Much branched ; branches margined with subulate dis- tichous cilia. 2. Laurenda. Frond solid, cylindric, or compressed (purple or yellowish), pinnatifid. The ramuli blunt. 3. Chrysim,enia. Frond hollow, filled with mucus, neither constricted nor chambered. 4. Chylodadia. Branches hollow, filled with mucus, constricted at intervals and chambered. 3. CORALLINACE^E. Frond calcareous or crustaceous, rigid. Ceramidia external, containing the tetraspores. * Frond filiform, articulate. 1. Corallina. Frond pinnated. Ceramidia terminal, simple. 2. Jania. Frond dichotomous. Ceramidia tipped with two hornlike ramuli. * * Frond crustaceous or foliaceous, opaque, not articu- late. 3. Melobesia. Frond stony, forming a crustaceous ex- pansion, or a foliaceous or shrublike body. 4. Hildebrandtia. Frond cartilaginous, not stony. APPENDIX. 373 * * * Frond plain, hyaline, composed of cells radiat- ing from a centre. Fructification unknown. 5. Lithocystis (a minute parasite). L. allmanni forms minute white dots on Chrysimenia clavelosa, consisting of fanshaped fronds composed of square cells. 4. DELESSERICE^E. Frond cellular, continuous, areolated. Coccidia external. Tctraspores collected into definite clusters (sori). 1. Delesseria. Frond leafy, of definite form, with per- current midrib. 2. Nitophyllum. Frond leafy, of indefinite form. No midrib (sometimes vague nerves). 3. Plocamium. Frond linear or filiform, compressed. Much branched, distichous, ramuli pectinate, secund. 5. EHODYMENIACEJE. Frond cellular, continuous ; the superficial cells minute. Coccidia external. Tetraspores scattered through the frond or forming undefined, cloud- like patches. * Frond flat, expanded, leaflike, dichotomous or pal- mate. 1. Stenogramme. Conceptades linear, riblike. 2. Rhodymenia. Conceptades hemispherical, scattered. * * Frond compressed or terete, linear or filiform, much branched. 3. Sphcerococcus. Frond linear, compressed, two-edged, distichously branched, with obscure midrib. 4. Gradlaria. Frond filiform, compressed or flat, ir- regularly branched ; the central cells very large. 5. Hypnea. Frond filiform, irregularly branched, traversed by a fibro-cellular axis. 6. CRYPTONEMIACEJE. Frond fibro-cellular, composed of articulated fibres connected by gelatin. Favellidia im- mersed in the frond or sub-external. letraspores immersed in the frond. 374 THE MICROSCOPIST. 1. Sub-tribe COCCOARPEJE. Frond solid, dense, cartilagi- nous, or horny. Favellidia in semi-external tubercles or swellings of frond. 1. Grateloupia. Frond pinnate, flat, narrow, dense, membrano-cartilaginous. Favellidia immersed in the branches, communicating with the surface by a pore. Tetraspores scattered. 2. Gelidium. Frond pinnate, compressed, narrow, horny. Favellidia immersed in swollen ramuli. Tetra- spores forming subdefined sori in the ramuli. 3. Gigartina. Frond cartilaginous, cylindric, or com- pressed, its flesh composed of anastomosing filaments lying apart in firm gelatin. Favellidia in external tuber- cles. Tetraspores in dense sori sunk in the frond. 2. Sub-tribe SPONGIOCARPE^I. 4. Chondrus. Frond fan-shaped, dichotomously cleft, cartilaginous, dense- Tetraspores in sori immersed in sub- stance of frond. 5. Phyllophora. Frond stalked, rigid, membranaceous, proliferous from the disk, dense. Tetraspores in distinct superficial sori or in special leafletlike lobes. 6. Peyssonelia. Frond depressed, expanded, rooting by the under surface, concentrically zoned, membranous or leathery. Tetraspores in superficial warts. 7. Gymnogongrus. Frond filiform, dichotomous, horny, of dense structure. Tetraspores strung together, contained in superficial wartlike sori. 8. Polyides. Root scutate. Frond cylindric, dichoto- mous, cartilaginous. Favellaz in spongy external warts. Tetraspores scattered in peripheric stratum of frond, cru- ciate. 9. Furcellaria. Root branching. Frond cylindric, di- chotomous, cartilaginous. Favellce. unknown. Tetraspores imbedded among filaments of periphery, in swollen pod- like upper branches of frond, transversely zoned. 3. Sub-tribe GASTROCARPE^E. Frond gelatinously mem- APPENDIX. 375 branous or fleshy, often of lax structure internally. Favel- *lidia immersed in central substance of frond, very numerous. 10. Dumontia. Frond cylindric, tubular, membranous. Tufts of spores attached to wall of tube inside. 11. Halyme.nia. Frond compressed or flat, gelatino- membranaceous, surfaces separated by a few slender anas- tomosing filaments. Masses of spores attached to inner face of membranous wall. 12. Ginannia. Frond cylindric, dichotomous, traversed by a fibrous axis, walls membranous. Masses of spores on inner face of wall. 13. Kallymenia. Frond expanded, leaflike, fleshy-mem- branous, solid, dense. Favellidia like pimples, half im- mersed and scattered. 14. Iridea. Frond expanded, leaflike, thick, fleshy- leathery, solid, dense. Favellidia wholly immersed, densely crowded. 15. Catanella. Frond filiform, branched, constricted at intervals into oblong articulations ; the tube filled with lax filaments. 4. Sub-tribe GLOIOCLADIE^:. Frond loosely gelatinous, the filaments lying apart, surrounded by a copious gela- tin. Favellidia immersed among filaments of periphery. 16. Cruoria. Frond crustaceous, skinlike. 17. Naccaria. Frond filiform, solid, cellular; ramuli only composed of radiating free filaments. 18. Gloiosiphonia. Frond tubular, hollow, walls com- posed of radiating filaments. 19. Nemaleon. Frond filiform, solid, elastic, filament- ous, axis of a network of anastomosing filaments ; periph- ery of moniliform free filaments. 20. Dudresnaia. Frond filiform, solid, gelatinous, fila- mentous, axis and periphery like the last. 21. Cronania. Frond filiform, of a jointed filament, whorled at the joints, with minute multifid, gelatinous ramuli. 376 THE MICROSCOPIST. 7. CERAMIACE^E. Frond filiform, of an articulated fila- ment, simple, or coated with stratum of small cells. Fa- vellce naked, berrjlike masses. Tetraspores external or partially immersed. 1. Ptilota. Frond compressed, inarticulate, distichous, pectinato-pinnate. Favellce pedunculate, involucrate. 2. Microdadia. Frond filiform, inarticulate, dichoto- mous. Favellce sessile, involucrate. 3. Ceramium. Frond filiform, articulate, dichotomous ; the joints opaque. Favellce sessile, mostly involucrate. Tetraspores mostly immersed. 4. Spyridia. Frond filiform, inarticulate ; the branches clothed with minute, setiform, articulate ramelli. Favellce pedunculate, involucrate. Tetraspores sessile on the ra- melli. 5. Griffithsia. Frond articulated, dichotomous, or clothed with whorled, dichotomous ramelli, rose-red. Favellce involucrate, sessile, or pedunculate. Tetraspores sessile, or whorled ramelli. 6. Wrangelia. Frond articulated, pinnate. Favellce, terminal, involucrate with tufts of pear-shaped spores. Tetraspores sessile, scattered on the ramelli. 7. Seirospora. Frond articulated. Tetraspores arranged in terminal moniliform strings. o 8. Callithamnion. Frond, at least the branches and ra- muli, articulate, mostly pinnated. Favellce terminal or lateral, sessile without involucre (except in C. turneri). Tetraspores sessile or pedicellate, scattered. 9. Trentepohlia. Frond articulate, branched, cells in single series. Favellce f in terminal corymbs. 8. PORPHYRACE^E. Frond plain- and very thin, or tubu- lar and filiform, purplish, with oval spores in sori and tetraspores scattered over the frond. 1. Porphyra. Frond plain, membranous, very thin, APPENDIX. 377 purple ; oval spores in sori, and tetraspores (square) scat- tered over frond. 2. Bangia. Frond filiform, tubular, composed of radiat- ing cells in transverse rows, in continuous hyaline sheath. Order II. MELANOSPORE^E or FUCOIDE^E. Ma- rine. Thallus leaflike, or cordlike, or filamentous. Olive- green or brown. Fructification varied. 1. In Fucacese, mo- ncecious or dioecious conceptacles containing sporanges and antheridia ; the spores being fertilized by spermatozoids after discharge of both from the parent. 2. In Lamina- riacese, etc.. of collections of clavate or filiform sporanges producing zoospores, with antheridia-like Fucacese. 3. In Cutleriacese similar. 4. In Dictyotacese three forms re- sembling Floridese ; tetraspores, sporanges containing sim- ple spores, and antheridia. Family L FUCACE.E. Frond leathery or membranous, cellular. Spores and antheridia together or separate in spherical cavities imbedded in the frond. * Air-vessels stalked. 1. Sarpassum. Branches bearing ribbed leaves; air- vessels simple. 2. Halidrys. Frond linear, pinnate, leafless ; air-ves- sels divided by transverse partitions. * * Air-vessels immersed in substance of frond, or absent. 3. Cytoseira. Root scutate. Frond much branched, bushy. Receptacles cellular. 4. Pycnophycus. Root branching. Frond cylindric. Re- ceptacles cellular. 5. Fucus. Root scutate. Frond dichotomous. Recep- tacles filled with mucus, traversed by jointed threads. 6. Himanthalia. Root scutate. Frond cup-shaped. Re- ceptacles (frondlike) long, strap- shaped, dichomotously branched. 378 THE MICROSCOPIST. 3. DICTYOTACE^;. -FVowd cellular, flat, compact. Spores, antheridia (and tetraspores ?) in spots or lines (sori) on sur- face. 1. Haliseris. Frond dichotomous with midrib. 2. Padina. Frond ribless, fan-shaped, concentrically streaked. Son linear, concentric, bursting through the epiderm. 3. Zonaria. Frond ribless, lobed, concentrically striate. Sori roundish, with spores and jointed threads. 4. Taonia. Frond ribless. cleft irregularly, somewhat fan-shaped. Sori linear, concentric, superficial, alternating with scattered spores. 5. Dietyota. Frond ribless, dichotomous. Sori round- ish, scattered, bursting through epiderm, or (on distinct individuals) scattered spores. 3. CUTLERIACE^. Frond cellular, compact, ribless. Dotlike collections of sporanges divided into eight com- partments, and antheridia (?) consisting of chambered fila- ments in groups of curved jointed hairs. . 1. Cutler ia. 4. LAMINARIACEJE. Frond leathery or gelatinous, cellu- lar. Unilocular sporanges in cloudlike patches, or cover- ing the whole surface of frond ; or multilocular sporanges clothing the whole surface of the frond like an epidermis. * Frond stalked, the stalk ending in an expanded leaf- like portion. 1. Alaria. Leaf membranous, with cartilaginous per- current midrib. V. Laminaria. Leaf (simple or cleft) without any midrib. * * Frond simple, leafless. 3. Chorda. Frond cylindric, hollow, the cavity having transverse partitions. APPENDIX. 379 5. DICHTYOSIPHONACE^;. Frond cyliiidric, branched, filamentous in structure. Ovoid sporanges imbedded lengthwise in substance of frond, opening by a pore on the surface. 1. Dictyosiphon. JRoot a minute naked disk. Frond cylindric, branched. Oosporanges irregularly scattered, solitary or in dotlike sori. 2. Striaria Oosporanges in transverse lines on surface of frond. 6. PUNCTARIACE.E. Frond cylindric or flat, unbranched, cellular. Ovate sporanges in groups on the surface, inter- mixed with clavate filaments (paraphyses}. 1. Punctaria. Frond flat and leaflike. Sporanges scat- tered or iii sori. 2. Asperococcus. Frond membranous, tubular, cylin- dric, or compressed. Sporanges in dotlike sori. 3. Litosiphon. Frond cartilaginous, filiform, subsolid. Sporanges scattered, almost solitary. 7. SPOROCHNACE.E. Frond leathery or membranous, cellular, branched. Unilocular or multilocur sporanges at- tached to external jointed filaments, free or collected in knoblike masses. * Sporanges on pencilled filaments issuing from the branches (Arthrocladiese). 1. Demarestia. Frond solid or flat, dichotomously branched. 2. Arthrodadia. Frond traversed by a jointed tube, filiform, nodose. 3. Stilophora. Frond filiform, tubular or solid, branched. Sporanges from necklace-shaped filaments in wartlike groups on the frond. * * Sporanges in knoblike receptacles composed of whorled filaments (Sporochnese). 4. Sporochnus. Receptacles lateral on short peduncles. 380 THE MICROSCOPIST. 5. Carpomitra. Receptacles terminal, at tips of the branches. 8. CHORDARIACE.E. Frond cartilaginous or gelatinous, of horizontal and vertical filaments (jointed) interlaced. Unilocular sporanges from the base of the vertical fila- ments forming the epiderm of the frond, and multilocular sporanges developed later from filaments surrounding the former. 1. Chordaria. Axis cartilaginous, dense, filaments of circumference unbranched. 2. Mesogloia. Axis gelatinous, loose, filaments of cir- cumference branching. 9. MYRIONEMACE^E. Frond tubelike, crustaceous or spreading as a crust, of filamentous structure. Unilocu- lar and multilocular sporanges attached to the superficial filaments and concealed among them. 1. Leathesia. Frond tuber- shaped. 2. Ralfsia. Frond crustaceous. 3. Elachistea. Frond parasitic, of a tubular base, bear- ing pencilled erect filaments. 4. Myrionema. Frond parasitic, forming a flat base, bearing cushionlike tufts of decumbent filaments. 10. ECTOCARPACE^I. Frond filiform, jointed. Unilocu- lar sporanges, ovate sacs at ends or intermediate joints of the filaments and multilocular sporanges of minute jointed filaments in similar situations. Antheridia with spermato- zoids in Sphacelaria. * Frond rigid, each articulation of numerous cells (Sphacelariew). 1. Cladostephus. Ramuli whorled. 2. Sphacelaria. Ramuli distichous, primated. * * Frond flaccid, each articulation of a single cell. 3. Ectocarpus. Frond branching, ramuli scattered. APPENDIX. 381 4. Myriotrichia. Frond unbranched, ramuli whorl ed, tipped with pellucid fibres. Order III. CHLOROSPORE^E or CO^FERVOIDE^E. In sea or fresh water, or on damp surfaces, with fila- mentous, or more rarely a leaflike thallus; microscopic forms, sometimes pulverulent or gelatinous, consisting fre- quently of definitely arranged groups of distinct cells, with an ordinary structure, or with their membrane silici- fied (Diatomacese). Fructification varied. 1. Resting spores produced from cell-contents after fer- tilization either by conjugation or impregnation. 2. Spermatozoids produced from the contents of other cells. 3. Zoospores. Two, four or multiciliated active gonidia, discharged from the vegetative cells without impregna- tion and germinating directly. The simple vegetative increase of unicellular forms is analogous to cell division of filamentous forms. The Volvocinese pass the vegetative stage of existence as ciliated zoospores collected within a gelatinous com- mon envelope. Family I. LEMANE^;. Frond cartilaginous, leathery, inarticulate, filamentous, hollow, with whorls of wans at irregular distances, or necklace-shaped. Fructification tufted, simple, or branched ; necklace-shaped filaments, at- tached to inner surface of tubular frond, and breaking up into elliptic spores. G row in fresh water. 1. Lemania. Two species, L. torulosa and L.flumatttis, in clear running streams. 2. BATBACHOSPERM&B. Plants filamentous, articulated, invested with gelatin. Frond of aggregated, articulate, longitudinal cells, whorled at intervals, with short, hori- zontal, cylindric, or beaded, jointed ramuli. Fructification 382 THE MICROSCOPIST. ovate spores, and tufts of antheridial cells (?) attached to the lateral ramuli, which consist of minute, radiating, dichotomous, beaded filaments. Fresh-water plants. 1. Batrachospermum. Lateral whorled ramuli, beaded spores in globular knobs in the whorls. 1. B. moniliform. Color various, vaguely branched. 2. B. giganteum. Large, purple when dry, long, bifur- cated branches. 3. B. affine. 4. B. cosrulescens. ^Eruginous, slender, branched. Upper and lower whorls confluent. 5. B. vagwn. Dichotomously branched, equally thick throughout ; whorls all confluent. 2. T/wrea. Stems continuous, whorled, articulated, sometimes branched, ramuli cylindric, the spores at their 3. CH^ITOPHORACEJE. In the sea or fresh water, coated by gelatinous substance, either filiform or (connected fila- ments) gelatinous, definitely formed or shapeless fronds or masses. Filaments jointed, bearing bristlelike pro- cesses. Fructification, zoospores from cell-contents of fila- ments, resting spores from particular cells after impregna- tion by ciliated spermatozoids produced in antheridial cells. 1. Draparnaldia. Filaments free, primar}^ nearly color- less, with tufts of colored ramuli at the joints ; zoospores formed singly in the joints of the ramuli. 2. Chtftophora. Filaments dichotomously branched, aggregated into shapeless, incrusted or branched, gelati- nous fronds, the joints bearing bristlelike branches. Zoospores (four cilia) solitary in the articulations, mem- branes of filaments very fugacious. (Little green protu- berances on sticks, etc., in fresh water.) C. endivicefolia. C. tuberculosa. C. elegans. C..pisiformis. C. dilatata. C. long&va. 3. Coleochcete. Frond disk-shaped or irregularly ex- APPENDIX. 383 panded, adherent to leaves, etc., of aquatic plants, formed of jointed dichotornous filaments radiating from a centre, more or less conjoin ted laterally, joints producing from the back a slender truncate open tube from which a long bristle is exserted. Spores and zoospores formed in the joints. 4. Ochlochcete. Frond discoid, appressed, filaments cyl- indric, radiating, irregularly branched, of a single series of cells, each of which is prolonged above into an inar- ticulate bristle. 0. kystrix. 4. COXFERVACE^E. In sea or fresh water, filamentous, jointed, without evident gelatin. Filaments variable, sim- ple or branched, cells more or less tilled with green, or rarely brown or purple, granular matter, sometimes ar- ranged in peculiar patterns on the walls, and convertible into spores or zoospores. Not conjugating. 1. Cladophora. Filaments tufted, much branched. Sea and fresh water. Zoospores minute, many in a cell. C. cepagropila. Dense balls in lakes, etc. C. crispata. Yellowish or dull-green strata. 2. Rhizoclonium. Filaments decumbent, with small rootlike branches. Zoospores minute, numerous. Sea, brackish, and fresh water. R. rivulare. Filaments simple. Bright-green bundles, two to three feet long, in streams. R. tortuosum. In salt-water pools. R. arenosum. Dirty-green strata, on sandy seashores. R. obtusangulum. Sandy, seashores. R. riparium. R. implexum. On mountain rocks. R. arenicolum (ditto). 3. Conferva. Filaments unbranched. Zoospores minute, numerous in the cells. Sea, brackish, and fresh water. C. bombydna. Yellow-green cloudy stratum in stagnant water. 384 THE MICROSCOPIST. C.floccosa. More robust, articulations once or twice longer than broad. C. cerea. Yellow-green tufted filaments, thick as hog's bristles. C. melagonium. Erect tufted filaments. C. linum. Long, tangled filaments. 4. Ulothrix (?). Filaments simple, often fasciculated, joints short. Zoospores four ciliated ; two, four, or more in a cell. Fresh water. 5. Stigeodonium (?). Filaments branched, ramules run- ning out into slender points, cell-walls often dissolving to emit zoospores. Zoospores four ciliated, one in a cell. 5. ZYGNEMACE^:. Fresh-water filaments, no evident gelatin, of a series of cylindric cells, straight or curved. Cell-contents often arranged in elegant patterns on the walls. Reproduction from conjugation followed by a true spore, in some genera dividing into four sporules. 1. Zygnema. Filaments simple, green contents ar- ranged in two globular or stellate masses in each cell. Conjugate by transverse processes. Spores in a parent cell on cross branch. * Spores in one of paren.t cells. Z. crudata. Spores globose. Z. stagnalis. Z. insignis. Z. bicornis. * * Spores in cross branches. Z. iminersa. Z. conspicua. Z. decussata. Z. Ealfsii. Z. pectinata. 2. Spirogyra. Filaments simple, green contents in one or more spiral bands on cell-wall. Conjugate by trans- APPENDIX. 385 verse processes. Spores in one of parent- cells (or occa- sionally in both). * Spiral band single. S. tenuissima. S. longata. S. inflata. S. communis. S. quinina. * * Spirals two. S. decemina. S. elongata. * * * Spirals numerous. S. nitida. S. maxima. S. bellis. S. pellucida. S. rivu- laris. S. curvaia. 3. Zygogonium. Filaments simple or slightly branched ; contents diffused or in two transverse bands. Conjugate by transverse processes. Spores globose, in cross branches, or in blind lateral pouches without conjugation. Z. ericetorum. 4. Mesocarpus. Filaments simple, with contents dif- fused. Conjugate by transverse processes, from which the filaments become recurved. Spores in cross branches. J/. scalaris. M. depress us. 5. Staurocarpus. Filaments simple, contents diffused (rarely in moniliform lines). Conjugate by transverse pro- cesses, from which the filaments become recurved. Spores (or sporanges) square or cruciate in dilated cross branches. 5. glutinosus. S. cczrulescens. S. quadratus. S. virescens. S. gradllimus. S. gracilis. 6. Mougeotia. Filaments simple, soon bent at intervals ; contents mostly diffused, sometimes in several serpentine lines. Conjugate by the inosculation of filaments at the convexity of the angles. Spores not known. M. genuflexa. 6. (EDOGONIACEJE. Simple or branched, fresh-water filamentous plants, attached, without gelatin. Cell-con- tents uniform, dense. Cell-division accompanied by cir- cumcissile dehiscence of parent-cell, producing rings on the filaments. Reproduction by zoospores from contents of a cell, with a crown of cilia ; resting spores in sporan- 25 386 THE MICROSCOPIST. gial cells after fecundation by ciliated spermatozoids formed in antheridial cells. 1. (Edogonium. Filaments unbranched. * Spores globular. f Sporanges with valvular lid. (E. rostellatum. Monoecious, f f Spo ranges with lateral orifice. Monoecious. (E. curvun. (E. tumidulum. ;f Gynandrosporous. (E. Rothii. (E. depressum. (E. Braunil (E. echino- spermum. * * Spores oval. f Spo ranges with valvular lid. Gynandrosporous. (E. dliatum. f f Sporanges with lateral orifice. J Gynandrosporous. (E. apophysatum. $ % Dioecious. (E. gemelliparum. 2. Bidbochceta. Filaments branched and bearing bristle- cells with a bulbous base. 7. SIPHONACE.E. Sea, fresh water, or on damp ground. Membranous or horny hyaline substance, filled with green (in Saprolegniese colorless) granular matter. Fronds con- tinuous tubular filaments, free, or in spongy masses of various shapes, crustaceous, globular, cylindric, or flat. Zoospores single or numerous. Resting spores in spor- angial cells after impregnation by contents of antheridial cells of different form. 1. Codium. Filaments green, branched, interwoven into spongiform frond, producing biciliated zoospores in spor- angial cells borne on the sides of the erect clavate branches. Marine. APPENDIX. 387 2. B-yopsis. Filamentsgreen, free,primately branched ; two or four ciliated zoospores in extremities of branches. Marine. B. plumosa. B. hypnoides. 3. Vaucheria. Filaments green, more or less branched, continuous, producing in apices large solitary zoospores covered with cilia, also bearing lateral, globose, sporangial cells and hooklike antheridial cells (" horns "). Marine or aquatic or on damp ground. 4. Botrydium. Frond a spherical green vesicle on a ramified filamentous base, the cavity of the whole con- tinuous, the ramified base producing new vesicles (spor- anges) by stoloniferous growth. Multiplied by granular contents of vesicle discharged by rupture at the summit. Damp grounds. 5. Hydrodictyon. Frond a green baglike net, with usually pentagonal open meshes, formed of cylindric cells connected by their ends. Ciliated zoospores formed in the " link "-cells, uniting and forming a miniature net be- fore escaping from parent-cell. 6. Achyla. Filaments colorless or light brownish (like mycelia of fungi; ; free, slightly branched. Numerous zoospores in apices of filaments, and spores in globose lateral sporangial cells. On dead flies, fishes, or sometimes on decaying vegetable matter in water. A. prolifera. 8. OSCILLATORIACE.E. Sea, fresh water, or damp ground. Gelatinous and filamentous. Filaments slender, tubular, continuous, filled with colored, granular, transversely striate substance, seldom branched, though often coher- ing so as to appear branched ; usually massed in broad floating or sessile strata ; very gelatinous ; occasionally erect and tufted. More rarely in radiating series bound by firm gelatin, and then forming globose, lobed, or flat crustaceous fronds. Contents separate into roundish or lenticular gonidia. * In fresh water or damp earth. 388 THE MICROSCOPIST. a. Stratum ceruginous or blue-green. 0. limosa. 0. tenius. 0. musconim. 0. turfosa. 0. decor ticans. b. Stratum dull green inclining to purple, black, or brown. 0. nigra. 0. autumnalis. 0. cortexta. 0. ochracea. * * Marine or in brackish water. 0. littoralis. The above are species of Oscillatoria. A. OSCILLATORIE^:. Filaments transversely striate or moniliform, sometimes spirally curled, sheathed, or in the minute forms without evident sheaths. Spontaneous oscillating, creeping, or serpentine motion. Increase by transverse division. 1. Bacterium. Filaments colorless, very small, short, wand-shaped, or longish-oval, with two ' to four cross striae, exhibiting vibratory motion. 2. Vibrio. Filaments colorless, very slender, monili- form. Active serpentine motion. 3. Spirulina. Filaments green, very slender, continu- ous or moniliform, curled into a long helical or screw form ; oscillating. 4. Didymohdix. Filaments brown, very slender, con- tinuous, curled spirally and twisted in pairs. 5. Oscillatoria. Filaments colored, continuous, trans- versely striated, readily breaking across ; a proper cellu- lar sheath ; oscillating ; in strata imbedded in gelatin. 6. Microcoleus. Filaments as in 5, but in bundles in a common gelatinous sheath, tubular and dichotomously branched. Filaments oscillating. 7. C&nocoleus. Filaments branched, contained in a tough, more or less permanent sheath, which bursts ir- regularly. Filaments annulated. 8. Symploca. Filaments as in 5, but erect and tufted, coherent at base, bristling above. APPENDIX. 389 B. LYNGBYE.E. Filaments motionless (?), oscillarioid, inclosed in distinct sheath, tufted or forming strata, with or without enveloping jelly. 9. Dasyglwa. Filaments unbranched. Older sheaths broad, coalescent outside in amorphous gelatinous stratum. 10. Lyngbya. Filaments elongated, articulated, un- branched ; distinct convoluted cellulose tube ; no gelatin- ous matrix ; articulations close. 11. Leibleinia. Filaments short, erect, tufted, un- branched ; distinct cellulose coat ; free ; no jelly. C. S07TONEME2B. Filaments articulated, simple, or branched, motionless; distinct articulations and large in- terstitial (propagative?) cells; sheaths soften and swell, but no gelatinous matrix. 12. Scytonema. Filaments caespitose, or, more rarely, fasciculate; a double (lamellar) gelatinous sheath, mostly closed at apex; branches continuous by lateral growing out of primary filaments, with kueelike base. 13. Desmonema. Filaments branched, more or less co- herent ; primary branches with connecting cell at base ; secondary branches without cell, annulated. 14. Arthronema. Filaments articulated, simple, in short lengths, overlapping at their ends in gelatinous sheath. 15. Petalonema. Filaments branched ; outer sheaths of joints expanded upwards and outwards into funnel-shaped bodies, each partly overlapping its successor, forming a common obliquely lamellated and transversely barred gelatinous cylinder. 16. Calothrix. Filaments closely articulated, tufted, with branches in apposition for some distance, here and there cohering laterally; sheaths firm, often dark-colored. 17. Tolypothrix. Filaments free, radiantly or fastigi- ately branched, distinctly articulated at bases of branches, which are continuous by ex-current, not in apposition ; sheaths thin, hyaline. 390 THE MICROSCOPIST. 18. Sirosiphon. Filaments single, double, or triple, in distinct common sheath, articulated, branched by lateral budding ; branches divergent. 19. Schizothrix. Filaments branched by division ; sheaths lamellated, thick, rigid, curled, thickened below, finally longitudinally divided. 20. Symphyosiphon. Filaments erect or ascending, in- closed in lamellated hard sheaths, concreted laterally at their bases, involved in jelly. 21. Rhizonema. Sheath cellular, with branched and anastomosing rootlets (?) ; filaments annulated, inter- rupted here and there by a connecting cell ; branches in pairs from protrusion of filament. D. RIVULARIEJS. Filaments articulated ; enlarged basal cell, attenuated above, connected into definite or indefinite fronds ; motionless. 22. Schizosiphon. Basal cells globose; filaments simple, sheathed; sheaths in groups, dark-colored, hard, open, and expanded above, and overlapping so as to form a succession of ochrere, which have the free borders slit up into filaments or fringes ; also displaying a spiral struc- ture in dissolution. 23. Physactis. Filaments whip-shaped, torulose at base ; sheaths simple, gelatinous, in a globose and solid, or sub- sequently a bullose, vesicular frond ; in globose fronds filaments radiate from centre, in vesicular from internal (lower) surface of gelatinous matrix. 24. Ainactis. Filaments branched, articulate ; thin sheaths in solid pulvinate frond, which is concentrically zoned by the dichotomous branching of filaments ; sheaths more or less solidified by carbonate of lime ; sometimes a spiral structure in dissolution. 25. Rivularia. Filaments witli an oval basal cell, suc- ceeded by a cvlindric manubrium, the remainder short, attenuated upwards (whip-shaped) ; sheaths sometimes APPENDIX. 391 saccate below, open (not fringed) above, forming a slippery gelatinous frond. 26. E metis. Filaments whip- shaped, with repeated ochreate sheaths, forming fronds in which they radiate, and by superposition of successive generations form con- centric layers ; the ochreate sheaths are cartilaginous, lamellated, united laterally, funnel-shaped, fringed at open edge. 27. Inomeria. Filaments whip-shaped, vertical, paral- lel ; obscure sheaths decomposed into slender filaments, forming crustaceous fronds, becoming stony. 28. Petronema. Densely csespitose, erect, somewhat regularly branched ; branches free, with obtuse rounded apices, and each with connecting cell at base ; filaments annulated and growing thicker upwards. E. LEPTOTHRICE^:. Doubtful Oscillatoriaceae. 29. Leptothrix. Filaments very slender, neither articu- lated, branched, concreted, nor sheathed. 30. Hypheothrix. Filaments unbranched, inarticulate, sheathed, interwoven in more or less compact stratum. 31. Kymploca. Filaments unbranched, sheathed, inar- ticulate, concreted into branches, conjoined at their bases; sheath a simple hyaline membrane. 9. NOSTOCHACE.E. Gelatinous Fresh water, or in damp mosses, etc. ; soft, or almost leathery, of variously curled or twisted necklace-shaped filaments, colorless or green, composed of simple (or double) rows of cells, contained in a gelatinous matrix of definite form, or heaped without order in a gelatinous mass. Some cells enlarge and form vesicular empty cells or sporangial cells ; reproduce by breaking up the filaments, and, by resting spores formed singly in the sporanges. 1. Nostoc. Phycoma, or general mass of plant in a film formed by condensation of the surface ; globose, or spread 392 THE MICROSCOPIST. out ; form variable, gelatinous or mucous, coriaceous, soft or hard, elastic, slimy, containing simple, curved, and en- tangled moniliform colorless or greenish filaments, com- posed of cells, which seem solid, imbedded in amorphous gelatinous matrix ; heterocysts globose, interstitial, larger than ordinary joints of filaments. N. commune. N. cceruleum. N. verruconum. N. minat- issimum. N. lichenoides. N. vesicarium. N. sphcericum. N. pruniforme. N.foUacum. 2. Monormia. Frond or phycoma definite, gelatinous, elongated, linear ; spirally curled and convoluted sheath, inclosing a single moniliform filament ; heterocysts inter- stitial ; sporanges from joints most distant from vesicular cells. M. intricata. 3. Anabaina. Filaments moniliform or cylindric, often curled, in formless mucous matrix, often forming a float- ing film, with vesicular cells (heterocysts) and sporangial cells. * Without a membranous sheath. a. Trichormus. Heterocysts interstitial and terminal ; sporanges first from cells most distant from heterocysts. b. Sphwrozyga. Heterocysts interstitial ; sporanges from nearest cells. c. Cylindrospermum. Heterocysts terminal ; sporanges as last. d. Dolichosperm um. Heterocysts interstitial ; sporanges indefinite and unequal. * * Filaments not included in membranous sheath. e. Aphanizomenon. Heterocysts none (?) ; sporanges usually simple and unequal. f. Sperm.osim. Heterocysts interstitial, single or in pairs ; sporanges as in Trichormus. 10. ULVACE^;. Marine or fresh-water Algae, membra- nous, flat, and expanded ; tubular or saccate fronds, com- posed of polygonal cells firmly conjoined by their sides ; APPENDIX. 393 zoospores formed from cell-contents and breaking out from the surface, or motionless spores from the whole contents of a cell. 1. Ulva. Frond plane, simple, or lobed, of double layer of cells, closely packed, producing zoospores. U. lactuca. (latissima) U. Linza. 2. Enter omorphi. Frond hollow, simple, or branched, of a single layer of cells, closely packed, forming a sac or tube, with zoospores. E. intestinalis. 3. Monostroma. Frond flat or saccate, simple or lacer- ate-lobed, forming a single layer of cells, which are scat- tered in a homogeneous membrane, with zoospores. M. bullosum. 4. Prasiola. Frond membranous, lacerate-lobed, of sin- gle layer of cells in simple or compound lines, or groups multiple of four ; spores from whole contents of cells, mo- tionless. P. callophylla, crispa,furfuracea^ and stipitata. 5. Schizogonium. Frond filiform, dilated here and there into flat ribands, with two or four rows of cells ; spores from whole contents, motionless. S. percursum. S. l&te- vireus. S. murale. 11. PALMELLACE^;. Plants forming gelatinous or pul- verulent crusts on damp surfaces of stone, wood, etc. Masses of gelatinous substance, or pseudo-membranous expansions or fronds, of flat, globular, or tubular form, of one or numerous cells, with green, red, or yellowish con- tents ; spherical or elliptical form, the simplest being iso- lated cells (in groups of two, four, eight, etc.) ; others formed of some multiple of four, the highest of compact, numerous, more or less closely conjoined cells. Reproduce by cell-division, by conversion of cell-contents into zoo- spores, and, by resting spores formed sometimes after conjugation, in other cases probably after fecundation by spermatozoids. 394 THE MICROSCOPIST. * Plants with a frond of colorless gelatinous substance, f Frond amorphous. 1. Palmella. Frond a slimy stratum, crowded with large globular cells, multiplying by division ; green and red. P. cruenta. 2. Microhaloa. Frond mucoid, floating in water, crowded with minute cells, multiplying by division ; oreen and red. O f f Frond definite. 3. Glceocarpus. Frond of cells in wade gelatinous coats, inclosed in similar coats of parent-cells for several genera- tions. 4. Botrydina. Frond globose, the periphery of cells co- hering into a sort of cellular epiderm, the inner cells free. 5. Clathrocystis. Frond gelatinous, first globose, then hollow, then broken by irregular expansion into a coarse net, finally breaking up; frond crowded with minute cells, multiplied by division. 6. Coccochloris. Frond globose, gelatinous, containing numerous distinct cells, all free. 7. Merismop&dia. Frond very minute, flat, square, ge- latinous ; cells in families of four, sixteen, and sixty-four. 8. Urococcus. Frond of streaked gelatinous tubes, formed of ensheathing parent-cell membrane in a single row, with cells solitary or binary (from division) in ends of the tubes. 9. Hormospora. Frond a wide, gelatinous, simple, or branched sheath, with single row of cells in twos or fours. 10. Tetraspora. Frond gelatinous, more or less foliace- ous ; cells in fours, ultimately becoming free as zoospores. 11. Hydrurus. Frond toughly gelatinous, filiform, with imbedded longitudinal rows of cells. 12. Palmodictyon. Frond gelatinous, filiform, branched ; branches dividing and anastomosing into a net, consisting of large vesicular cells with colored contents, which escape as zoospores. APPENDIX. 395 * * Plants of single cells, solitary, or united in small numbers into families. (Unicellular Algse.) f Solitary cells. 13. Schizochlamys. Cells free, globular, aggregated in jelly, each dividing into two or four, set free by parent- cell breaking into two or four segments ; green. 14. Chlorosphwra. Unicellular, free ; a large globose cell with green contents, dividing into two, in each of which is formed a new cell like the parent, set free by lateral rupture of parent-cell membranes. 15. Charaeium. Unicellular ; a minute, attached, pyri- form, fusiform, or subglobose sac, shortly stipitate, con- taining green protoplasm, which by oft-repeated binary division forms a swarm of active two-ciliated zoospores, escaping by a lateral or terminal slit. 16. Apiocystis. Simple attached sac with stout mem- brane ; green contents ; at first groups of four still go- nidia, which subdivide repeatedly, and as the parent-sac grows become active zoospores, which move in parent-sac, and then break out in a swarm. 17. Codiolum,. Attached, small, long, clavate sac, at- tenuated below into a solid stipe, tilled with granular green contents and starch granules, ultimately converted at once into many gonidia, escaping by rupture of apex ; gonidia globose. 18. Hydrocytium. Attached minute oblong sac ; short hyaline stalk ; green contents ; parietal starch-corpuscle ; contents divided at once into many two-ciliated zoospores, lying on the wall, then moving actively and breaking out into a swarm. 19. Ophiocytium. Minute, elongated, cylindric, curved sac ; short stipe ; free or attached ; green contents scat- tered ; finally eight gonidia in a single row, set free by circumcissile rupture of end of sac. 20. Sciadium. First a minute, solitary, attached, elon- gate, tubular, stipitate sac, with eight gonidia in single 396 THE MICROSCOPIST. row ; apex of sac opens by circumcision, and the gonidia grow out into tubes like the parent in an umbel, their stipes remaining inserted ; each new tube repeats this to fourth or more generation, the last generation from the compound umbel emitting its gonidia as two-ciliated zoo- spores. 21. Ckytridium. Parasitic; minute globular pyriform or urceolate sac, attached by a foot which penetrates into the supporting body (mostly a Confervoid) ; cell-contents colorless, becoming two-ciliated zoospores, escaping by dehiscence of a valvelike lid, or by simple rupture of sac. 22. Pythium. Parasitic ; a globular sac in the interior of cell of diseased Confervoids, often in groups ; contents colorless ; sac grows to flasklike form, the neck perforat- ing the wall of the nurse-plant and bursting to emit ac- tive gonidia (?). 12. VOLVOCINE.E. Microscopic, cellular; fresh-water groups of bodies, like zoospores, connected into four by enveloping membranes ; either assemblages of coated zoo- spores by cohering membranes, or of naked zoospores in a common membrane; the zoospore-like two-ciliated bodies perforate the coat, and by conjoined action move the entire group; reproduce by division (Gonium}, or by single cells becoming families (Pandorina^ Volvox), and, by resting spores, formed after impregnation of some cells by sperma- tozoids formed from contents of other cells. Solitary : No cilia, Gyges. A pair of cilia, PROTOCOCCUS. Grouped : Square layer, gonidia of 2 cilia, GONIUM. APPENDIX. 397 Forming a spherical body : Cilium solitary. With a tail, Uroglena. Without a tail. Without eye-spot. With special coats, Syncrypta. With eye-spot. Goniclia dividing into clusters, Spharosira. Cilia 2. No eye-spot, Synura. With eye-spot. Common envelope spherical. Gonidia numerous, all over periphery, VOL vox. Gonidia 8, in a circle at the equator, STEPHANOSPH.ERA. Envelope ellipsoidal, gonidia 16 or 32, perhaps stages of Yolvox or Pandorina. 13. DESMIDIACE^E. Microscopic, gelatinous, green; cells without siliceous coat; forms varied, as oval, crescentic, cylindric, etc., with a more or less stellate appearance, having a bilateral symmetry, the junction being marked by a division of the green contents ; individual cells free or grouped. Reproduction by division and by resting spores produced in sporangia formed after conjugation of two cells and union of their contents, and by zoospores formed in the vegetative cells or in the germinating rest- ing spores. I. CLOSTERIE^. Cells single, elongated, never spinous, often not constricted in the middle ; sporangia smooth. 1. Closterium. Cell crescent-shaped, or much attenu- ated at the ends, not constricted in the middle. 2. Penium Cell straight, not, or very little constricted in the middle, rounded at both ends. 3. Tetmemorus. Cell straight, constricted, notched at ends. 398 THE MICROSCOPIST. \ 4. Docidium. Cell straight, constricted, truncate at ends. 5. Spirotcenia. Cell straight, not constricted ; endo- chrome spiral. IT. COSMARIE^:. Cells single, distinctly constricted in the middle ; segments seldom longer than broad; sporan- gia spinous or tuberculated. 6. Micrasterias. Lobes of the segments incised or bi- dentate. 7. Euastrwn. Segments sinuated, generally notched at ends, and with inflated protuberances. 8. Cosmarium, Segments neither notched nor sinuated, end view elliptic, circular, or cruciform. 9. Xanthidiam. Segments compressed, entire, spinous. 10. Arthrodesmus. Segments compressed, each with only two spines. 11. Staurastrum. End view angular, radiate, or with elongated processes which are never in pairs. 12. Didymodadon. End view angular, each angle with two processes, one inferior and parallel with that of other segment, the other superior and divergent. III. DESMIDIE.E. Cells united into an elongated jointed filament ; sporangia spherical, smooth. 13. Hyalotheca. Filament cylindric. 14. Didymoprium. Filament cylindric or subcylindric ; cells with two opposite bidentate projections. 15. Desmidium. Filament triangular or quadrangular ; cells with two opposite bidentate projections. 16. Aptogonum. Filament triangular or plane, with foramina between the joints. 17. Spk&rozosma. Filament plane; margins incised or sinuate ; joints with junction glands. APPENDIX. 399 IV. ANKISTRODESMIJE. ^- Cells elongate, entire, small, grouped in fagot-like bundles. 18. Ankistrodesmus. V. PEDIASTRE.E.- Cells grouped in the form of a disk or star, or placed side by side in one or two short rows. 19. Pediastrum. Cells forming a disk or star, marginal cells bidentate. 20. Monactinus. Cells as in 19, but marginal cells uni- dentate. 21. Scenedesmus. Cells placed side by side in one or two rows. 14. DIATOMACE^:. For genera, see page 142. INDEX AND GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN THE MICROSCOPIC SCIENCES. The figures refer to the page. Aberration, 22 (Lat. ab, from, and erro, to wander). Errors resulting from imperfection of lenses. Aberrant. Differing from customary structure. Abnormal (Lat. ab, and norma, a rule). Contrary to usual structure. Abiogenesis, 125 (Gr. a, privative ; bios, life; and gennao, to produce). Spontaneous generation, or production without pre- existing life. Absorption Bands, 18, 45, 101. Lines, more or less distinct, produced in the spectrum by certain transparent substances. Abranchiate (Gr. a, without ; bragchia, gills). Acalephs, 166 (Gr. akalephe, a nettle). Sea nettles, or jelly- fish. Their power of stinging is caused by microscopic thread- cells in the integument. Acanthocephali, 335 (Gr. akantha, a spine, and kephale, a head). An order of parasitic worms. Acanthaceae. A natural order of plants. The seeds of many genera have hygroscopic hairs with spiral fibres, which make them interesting microscopic objects. Acarinse, 179, 338 (Gr. akari, a mite). An order of the Arachnidae, of which the cheese-mite is the type. Acephalocyst (Gr. a, kephale, kustis, a headless bladder). Simple sacs filled with transparent liquid, usually known as hydatids. They are the cysts of Echinococci, in which the animals have disappeared or have been overlooked. 26 402 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Acetic acid, 67, Acetate of potass, 75. Achyla, 136. Microscopic plants, either Algae or fungi, found parasitically on the bodies of dead flies in water, also on fish, etc. Achorion Schcenleinii, 329. A microscopic vegetation oc- curring infavus (a skin disease). Achromatic (Gr. a, and chroma, color). Without chromatic aberration. Achromatic object-glasses, 25. u condenser, 33. Acinetse, 162 (Gr. akinete, fixed). Infusorial animals, for- merly supposed to be intermediate stages in the development of Torticellse. Accessories, microscopic, 32. Actinia, 165 (Gr. aktin, a sun ray). Sea anemones, or Ac- tinoid polyps. Formerly called animal flowers. Acids, tests for, 109. Adenoma, 272, 287 (Gr. aden, a gland). A glandular tu- mor. Adenoid Tissue, 194. Glandular tissue. Adulteration of food, 323. Adjustment, 51. JEcidium, 363 (Gr. wheel-like). Minute parasitic fungi (Order, Coniomycetes or Uredoideae], like little cups with red- dish or brownish spores when mature. Earlier they are mi- nute spots on the plants they infest. Known as " blight," " brand," etc. ^Etiology, 321 (Gr. treatise on causes'). The doctrine of the causes of disease. JEroscope, 321. Agriculture, microscope in, 18. Air-pump, 79. Albuminous infiltration, 244. " compounds, 184. Albuminuria, 303. Alcohol, 68, 108, 252. " and acetic acid, 68. " and soda, 68. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 403 Alkalies, tests for, 108. A Ikaloids, tests for, 18, 111. Allanlois, 204 (Gr. sausage-like). An oblong sac developed in the embiyonic life of animals near the end of the intestine, and serving for temporary respiration. Alcyonium, 165. A genus of Coralline polyps. Algae, 139 (Lat. sea weeds}. The great variety in form and organization shown by this class of plants render it an inter- esting field of microscopic research. The families of Desmids and Diatoms have been particular favorites. Alternation of Generations, 126. This term denotes a form of reproduction in which the young do not resemble the parent of the animal but the grandparent. Alimentary canal in insects, 177. Amides, 184. A term used in chemistry to express a com- pound ammonia, in which one, two, or three of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by an acid radical. Ammonia. Volatile alkali. Used in preparing carmine fluids, 69, 72. Test for ammonia, 107. Used as a test, 108, 111. 112. The crystals of ammoniacal salts are often beautiful microscopic objects. The hydrochlorate forms cubes, octahe- dra, and trapezohedra, but if crystallized rapidly makes pecu- liar featheiy crystals. It does not polarize. Crystals of oxa- late. oxalurate, and purpurate of ammonia are beautiful objects for the polariscope. Ambulacra (Lat. ambulacrum, a place for walking). Holes or avenues in the shell through which the tube feet of Echino- derms are protruded. Amnion, 204 (Gr. amnos, a lamb). One of the fetal mem- branes of the higher vertebrates. Amo3ba, 121 (Gr. amoibos, changing). Animals of simplest form, composed of a glutinous living substance or bioplasm. Amoeboid Cells, 121, 128. Cells with movements similar to Amoeba have been found in vegetables as well as animals. See Bioplasm. Amplifier, 26, 346. Amphipleura Pellucida, 56. A test diatom for high powers. The valves are linear lanceolate, with a median longitudinal line. No median nodule. The striae are exceedingly fine. 404 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Amyhim, 132 (Gr. amuloa, starch). Starch. Amyloid. A vegetable substance analogous to starch, but turning yellow in water after having been colored blue by iodine. Amyloid Cell and Infiltration, 239. A waxy or lardaceous albuminate infiltrated among the tissues. Analogy. Resemblance in form but not in function, or in function but not in form. Analysis of urine, 300. Analytic Crystals, 90, 113. Crystals which analyze polarized light, as tourmaline, nitrate of potass, boracic acid, uric acid, iododisulphate of quinia. Anatomy of insects, 177. Angioma, 269 (Gr. angion, a vessel). Blood tumor. Anguillula, 171 (Lat. anguis, a snake). A genus of minute animals, formerly classed among Infusoria, but now regarded as nematoid Eutozoa. The " eels " in sour paste and vinegar belong here. Angular Aperture, 25. The angle measured by the arc of a circle, the centre of which is formed by the focal point of the objective, the radii being formed by the most extreme lateral rays which the object-glass admits. Anilin Staining- fluids, 69. Anilin Carmine, 69. Anilin colors are of great interest in chemistry and microscopy. Anilin is a base, forming salts with various acids, as hydro- chlorate, nitrate, and oxalate of anilin. The substitution deri- vatives of anilin are very complex and their colors various. Mauvine forms a purple solution ; rosanilin, known also as fuchsin, magenta, etc., a deep red; Hoffman's violet a rich violet; anilin blues are numerous. There are also several ani- lin greens, and chrysanilin dyes a golden yellow. Animal parasites, 330. Animalcule, 160. (A little animal.) Usually applied to In- fusoria, Rotatoria, etc., but formerly given also to many of the lower Algae. Animalcule cage, 41. Animal histology, 182. Annelidse, 337. A gallicized form of Annulata. Annulata, 172. Ringed worms. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 405 Annual Rings, 156. Concentric rings seen in sections of Dicotyledonous stems. They probably indicate periods of foli- age, and more than one may be produced in a year. Androspore, 152 (Gr. a male seed). A peculiar body set free from a germ-cell during the development of (Edogonium, and probably some other Confervaceae. Annulus of Ferns, 155. The ring surrounding the capsule which contains the spores. Anomalous. Irregular, contrary to rule. Antennse, 175 (Lat. antenna, a yard-arm). The jointed horns or feelers of most Articulata. Anther, 157 (Gr. anthos, a flower). The case which contains the pollen of a plant. Antheridia, 154. The so-called male organs of urn mosses and similar plants. Anther ozoids, 152. The fertilizing cells of some of the Con- fervaceae. Used also synonymously \yith Spermatozoids. Aphides, 126. Plant lice. Order, Herniptera. Their pro- duction is an example of the alternation of generation as well as parthenogenesis, Aphtha, 329 (Gr. to fasten upon). Thrush, or muguet, a disease of the mouth, etc., in children, or in adults towards the fatal termination of chronic disease. Supposed to be the pro- duct of Oidium albicans, or thrush fungus. Aplanatic, 26 (Gr. without deviation). Refers generally .to spherical aberration in lenses. Apothecia, 154. The shields of Lichens ; firm horny disks arising from the thallus, etc., containing spores. Aqueous humor, 220. Arachnida, 338 (Gr. arachne, the spider). The class of animals containing spiders, scorpions, mites, etc. Arachnoid Membrane, 225. A delicate cobweb-like mem- brane between the pia mater and dura mater of the brain. Arachnoidiscus, 148. A beautiful circular Diatom. The markings vary. A. Ehrenbergii is common on the Pacific coast. Arcella, 159 (Lat. area, a chest). A genus of Rhizopods. The test of the common species, A. vulgaris, has delicate markings like the valves of Diatoms. 406 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Archeus, 116. In the theory of Tan Helmont, the specific agent presiding over vital functions. Archegonium, 155 (Gr. arche, beginning; gone, seed). The early condition of the spore-case in mosses, ferns, etc. Also called Pistillidium. Arteries, 201. Tubes conveying blood from the heart to the capillaries. They have three coats, an outer, middle, and in- ner coat. The inner is epithelial, the middle of unstriped muscle, and the outer of fibrous connective tissue. They are all supplied with nutrient bloodvessels, the vasa vasorum, and have nerves from the ganglionic and spinal systems. Arsenic, Tests for, 110. Arsenious acid. The most com- mon form of crystal is octohedral or tetrahedral, but a right rhombic form may be obtained by sublimation. Protoxide of antimony will also yield by sublimation similar crystals, re- quiring discrimination in cases of poisoning. Arthritic deposits, 241 (Gr. arthron, a joint). Areolar fibroma, 268. Ascaris, 336 (Gr. askeris, a round worm). Asci, 154 (Gr. askos, a bottle). A long or roundish spore- case of fungi, containing spores. Called also thecse. Ascomycetes, 138. An order of fungi characterized by asci. Asellus, 172. A. vulgaris, or water woodlouse, an Isopod crustacean, is interesting to the microscopist since its trans- parency permits a view of the circulation. Aspergillus, 136, 325. A genus of Mucedines, forming moulds, as the blue mould on cheese, etc. Asterias, 168 (Gr. aster, a star). Star-fish. Atheroma, 234 (Gr. porridge of meal). A disease of the ar- teries characterized by a pulpy deposit. Atrophy of heart, 242 (Gr. a trophe, not nourishing). Avanturine. A mineral sometimes seen in cabinets consist- ing of silex and scales of mica. Artificial avanturine is of glass with crystals of metallic copper scattered through it. Avicularia, 169 (Lat. avicula, a little bird). The bird's- head processes of the Polyzoa. Bacillaria, 144 (Lat. bacillum, a little staff). A genus of Diatomacese. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 407 Bacillus, 297, 327. A genus of Schizomycetous Fungi. Bacterium, 135, 161, 315, 327 (Gr. bacterion, a staff). A genus of Schizon^cetous Fungi. These rodlike, moving filaments have been referred to the Algae as well as to the animal kingdom. Their nature is very obscure. See p. 135. Balsam (Canada), Liquid resin of Pinus balsamea, 73. Balsam cement, 76. Balsam mounting, 79. Balanus, 174 (Gr. balanos, an acorn). The acorn-shell, a family of Cirrhipeda. Bathybius, 96, 158. Gelatinous matter from the bed of the Atlantic Ocean, supposed by Huxley to be of the family of Rhizopods. Its animal nature is disputed. Beale's generalization in biology, 118. Beale on Inflammation, 248. Beale's carmine fluid, 69. " injecting fluids, 72. " tint-glass camera, 40. Beck's microscope, 32. " economic microscope, etc., 345. " iris diaphragm, 33. " illuminator, 38. Bedbug, 339. Cimex Lectularius. BelVs cement, 76. Beroe, 167. Formerly classed among the cilograde Acalephs, now generally in the class (Ctenophora) of the sub-kingdom Coelenterata. Bergmehl, 94. Mountain flour. A powdery mineral, con- sisting largely of the silicious valves of Diatoms. In times of scarcity in some countries it is mixed with food. Bile in urine, 303. Binocular Microscope, 30 (Lat. binus, two ; oculus, eye). " Eye-piece, 30. Bichromate of Potash, 68. Bipinnaria, 168. The larval form of the star-fish, named from the symmetry of its swimming organs. The star-fish is developed around the stomach of the larva. Biology, The Microscope in, 18, 116 (Gr. bios, life, and logos, discourse). 408 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Bioplasm living matter, 118, 122, 183. " as germs of disease, 339. Bismuth test, 306. Blastema, 124 (Gr. blastos, a bud). A term given by the early histologists to the fluid from which it was supposed cells sprouted spontaneously. Blastoderm, 201. The membrane of the ovum from which all the tissues sprout or originate. Blight, 136. A term loosely applied to a variety of diseases in plants, as well as to the causes of such diseases, as insects (animal blights) and parasitic fungi. Bladder, 212. Blood, 186. Bloodvessels, 208. Blood in disease, 295. Blood-tests, 102, 105, 299. Bone, 97, 195. Boracic acid, 68, Borax and carmine fluid, 69. Botrytis, 18, 136. Bowman's glands, 219. Brain softening, 235. Branchia (Gr. bragchia, the gill of a fish). A respiratory organ adapted to breathe air dissolved in water. Brunswick black, 76. Bread, 323. Adulteration of flour is readily determined, but the baking of bread affects the form of the starch-grains. Various parasitic fungi and their spores may sometimes be found on bread, Brunonian movement, 53, 120. Molecular motion of parti- cles suspended in fluid. Bryozoa, 168 (Gr. bruon, moss j zoon, animal). Buds, sections of, 157. Bullseye condenser, 36. Bunt, 136. Cabinet, 81. Calcium, chloride of, 75. Calyptra, 154. The hood of an urn-moss. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 409 Cambium. The viscid fluid between the bark and wood of Exogens, when new wood is forming. Camera lucida, 39. Used in microscopy for drawing the optical image produced by it. Calcification, 234, 241. Infiltration of animal tissues with salts of lime. Camphor, 133. Canada balsam, 73. Cancer, 288 (Lat. cancer, a crab). A malignant new for- mation. Canaliculi of bone, 196. Capillaries, 201. Minute vessels between the terminal ar- teries and veins. Carbolic acid, 74. Carbo-hydrates, 184. Carmine fluids, 69. Carmine is a pigment made from cochi- neal. Cartilage, 195. Catarrh, 254 (Gr. kata, down, and rheo, to flow). Caseation, 233, 253. Transformation of a fatty into a cheesy substance. Carbuncle, 298. Carbonate of lime, 99, 314. Co.ustic potash, 67. Cauliflower excrescence, 295. Cavernous tumor, 270. Cavities in crystals, 89. Cells, 77 (Lat. cellar, a little chamber). Cell, 117, 118. The elementary unit of organic structure. " structure, 119. " genesis, 124. " wall, in plants, 129. Cellulose, 67, 129. The proximate principle of cell-mem- brane in plants, and of the mantle of Tunicata. Cellular plants, 134. Cements, 75. Cercomonas, 331 (Gr. kerkos, the tail; monas, unity. A tailed infusorial monad. 410 INDEX AND GLOSSARY. Cerebellum, 216. Cerebral nerves, 216. Cestum veneris, 167. Cephalopoda, 171 (Gr. kephale, head ; poda, feet). Characese, 154. Chalk strata, 95. Chemical reagents, 67. " teste, 106. " products of decay, 231. Chloride of sodium, 68. " " gold, 70. Chlorophyll, 133 (Gr. chloros, green ; phyllos, leaf). The green coloring-matter of plants. Cholesterin, 233 (Gr. c/io/e, bile, and sfear, suet). Chlorides in urine, 302, 314. Chromic acid, 66, 67. Chloride of calcium, 75. Chorion, 204 (Gr. chorion, skin). 0%fe, 190 (Gr. chulos, juice). Cicatricial tissue, 262. Ot'fa'a, 124, 191 (Lat. cilium, an eyelash). Minute, hairlike bodies, on cells. Ciliograda, 167 (Lat. cilium, and gradior, I walk). Ciliated epithelium, 191. Cirrigrada, 167 (Lat. cirrus, a curl or tendril). Cirrhipeds, 174 (Lat. cirrus, and pes, a foot). Cirrhosis of Liver (252). Shrinking of the liver. Circulation, 187. Classes of microscopes, 28. Ciliary motion, 161, 170. Cleaning covers, 77. Cleavage of yelk, 201. Cloudy swelling, 244. (7oaZ, 92. Coccoliths, 96 (Gr. kokkos, a berry ; fa7ftos, a stone). Cochlea, 222 (Gr. kochlos, a spiral shell). Coddington lens, 23, 82. Colors of flowers, 133. Coloring matter, 184. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 411 Collomia seeds, 130. Colloid degeneration, 236 (Gr. holla, glue). " tumors, 238. " " of ovary, 239. " cancer, 293. Compressorium, 41. Collins* s Harley microscope, 32. " graduating diaphragm, 32. Compound microscope, 23. " crystals, 89. " tissues, 197. " eyes, 176. Condensers, Achromatic, 33. " JPe&s/er's, 34. " Readers, 34. Condensing lens, 37. Conifer se, 131. Conidia, 137. Reproductive granules of fungi and lichens. Conjugation of cells, 140. " in infusoria, 162. Connective tissues, 67, 192. Conchifera, 170 (Gr. concha, a shell ; /e-ro, I carry). Contagium vivum, 339. Condensing prism, 35, 347. Correlation of force, 117. Cornea, 220 (Lat. cornu, a horn). Cora/, 164. Corpus luteum, 215. Cossus ligniperda, 179. Core's or Phillips. Vegetable, Organic and Animal. New Ed. 7.50 Potter's Compend of. 4th Ed. i.oo Handbook of. - 3.00 Roberts' Compend of. - 2.00 CLASSIFIED LIST OF P. BLAKISTON, SON 6- CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Abercrombie's Handbook, 2.50 Reese's Text-book of. 3.00; Sh. 3.50 Woodman and Tidy's Treat- ise, including Toxicology. 7.50 MICROSCOPE. Beale. How to Work with. 7.50 - In Medicine. - 7.50 Carpenter. The Microscope. 5.50 Lee. Vade Mecum of. - 3.00 MacDonald. Examination of Water by. 2.75 Martin. 'Mounting. - $2.75 Wythe. The Microscopist. 3.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Allen. The Soft Palate. Beale. Life Theories, etc. - Slight Ailments. - Bioplasm. .50 2.00 1.25 2.25 Life and Vital Action. 2.00 Black. Micro-Organisms. Cobbold. Parasites, etc. Edwards. 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