7) O CO O z ptaSi_ UC-NRLF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID ST OF BRITISH LEPIDOPTER AND THEIR NAMED VARIETIES B9^H JOHN E. ROBS ON AND JOHN GARDNER. Sctricatcb (BY SPEC I TO THE MAGGERSTON ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIE PART l.-MACRO-LEPIDOPTERA. PRICE SIXPENCE. TY, Messrs, JOHN KEMPSTER & Co., Bolt Court, Fleet \ Or Post Free from JOHN E. ROBSON, Northgate, Hartlepool. ERNEST ANDERSON, 16, Devonsl A LIST OF BRITISH LEPIDOPTERA AND THEIR NAMED VARIETIES. BY JOHN E. ROBSON AND JOHN GARDNER. gctriafttr (BY SPECIAL PERMISSION) To THE MEMBERS OF THE WAGGERSTON ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, L o .V D o N t JOHN KEMPSTER & Co., BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET, fr- & PREFACE. THE objects that should be kept in view in preparing a Catalogue of Lepidoptera are two in number, both of the greatest possible import- ance. The first is that each species should have a distinctive name by which it can be recognised now, and by which all that has been written about it can be rightly attributed to it. The second object should be to arrange these names in such order, that as far as possible, each species will be surrounded by those to which it is most closely allied. Briefly, the objects should be Correct Nomenclature and Natural Arrangement. It has, unfortunately, happened that many species have been described by more than one writer, and different names given by each. It has also happened that the same name has been given by different writers to distinct species. It has thus become necessary for Entomologists to know what species have been described by various writers, and what names have been bestowed upon them, before their past history can be correctly followed. Hence the importance of what are called Synonymic lists or catalogues, in which all the names that have ever been given to the species are placed in chronological order, with the references to the works in which such names are used. In such a list or catalogue the oldest name stands first, and there is a well understood rule among naturalists, called " The Law of Priority," that such oldest name shall be that by which the species is known. Before it can be decided which is the oldest name, it is necessary to ascertain that the dif- ferent authors really meant that particular species, and therefore their figure or description must be examined. To do this is not only a work of very great labour, and requiring great knowledge of different languages, but it also needs an amount of discrimination and judgment that are not the lot of many, and that few possess in equal degree. There has thus arisen a wide diversity of opinion as to the authority that should be given to the works of different authors, and a consequent diversity as to the names by which the IV. various species should be known. While each admitted that " The Law of Priority " was always binding, they denied its application in particular cases for various reasons. Insufficient descriptions, bad figures, or other like objections are enough for the rejection of any name; but when one rejects what another accepts, we are landed at once in a maze of doubt and difficulty, that is troublesome enough even to those that understand it, while to begin- ners it is so perplexing that it is more likely to deter than to encourage. Even this is not the worst, for those who have prepared the various synony- mic catalogues have modified their views very considerably between the diff- erent editions of their works. Doubleday's second edition of his Synonymic List of British Lepidoptera is widely different from the first, both in nomen- clature and arrangement. Staudingers Catalogue published in 1871 differs very much from that of the first edition. Guenee, in the introduction to his " Noctuelites," gave a list of the authors whose nomenclature he rejected and his reasons for doing so. Others have accepted some of the nomenclature thus rejected, and in turn have rejected others. All this has been done with a view to the perfection of our lists, but it has only helped to increase the confusion. From all this only one deliverance can be looked for. It is no use an individual, particularly one unknown in the entomological world, attempting to produce a catalogue that will be satisfactory to every one. The leading Societies of the various countries where Entomology is largely fol- lowed, must arrange for the preparation of one, which shall be finally binding on every one, and whose nomenclature shall be subject to no further altera- tion. For this we must wait and hope. In the meantime, the following list of British species is submitted as an attempt to unravel the tangle and assist beginners in this country. It contains 1. The name of each species in ordinary use in Britain and the authority for it. 2. The name or names that have been preferred by different writers, and the authority. 3. The date at which each name was given, when there are more than one. 4. The names given to varieties and the authority for them. 5. A brief description of the difference between such variety and the type. No synonymy is given further than the above. The degree of authority to be attached to each catalogue is open to diversity of opinion just as in all else connected with nomenclature. The greater part of the changes recently made by the German authors, are owing to the acceptance by them of Hufna- gel's names, which are rejected by all other writers. They are to be found in the second, third, and fourth volumes of the " Berlinisches Magazin, &c," V. published in 1766-7 and 9. If these names were still rejected, comparatively few alterations would be made. Doubleday's list having had almost universal acceptance in this country, we have not hitherto felt the difficulties of nomen- clature much. Now that the more scientific of the two leading magazines adopts one nomenclature, and the other another, we are worse than any one, for the capture of the same species would, in numberless cases, be an- nounced under different names in these two journals, and only experts would know what was meant. It is hoped the following list will serve as a key to the mystery. The authorities quoted are, for Butterflies only, Kirb/s Synonymic Catalogue of Rhopalocera; and generally, Doubleda/s Synonymic List (2nd edition) and the supplement to it ; Staudinger's " Catalog der Lepidopteren des Europseischen Faunengebiets," edition 1871 ; " Catalogue methodique des Lepidopteres d'Europe," by M. Berce, 1861. The names of Stainton's Manual are also occasionally quoted. In the very few cases where Mr. South has not used the German nomenclature of Staudinger, his name is also added. There can thus be seen at one glance what names are used in each country. The arrangement adopted is mainly that of Dr. Boisduval and M. Guenee, which seems more natural than that of Doubleday ; and is certainly superior to the German method, where sometimes a dozen or more incongruous genera are mixed in one heterogeneous mass. JOHN E. ROBSON. JOHN GARDNEK. ABBREVIATIONS. m. Male. /. Female. v. Variety. Gi. First Brood. Gz. Second Brood. u.s. Underside. h.w. Hind wing. When these are not used, the upper side or the fore wing is understood. * Prefixed to species, the type of which does not occur in Britain, but only the varieties which follow. 1 RHOPALOCERA. Papilionidse, Bdv. PAP1LIO, L. Machaon, L. Pieridae, Bdv. APORIA, Hb. Crataegi, L. PJEKIS, Schr. Brassicae, L. Rapae, L. Napi, L. Daplidice, L. ANTHOCARIS, Bdv. Cardamines, L. LEUCOPHASIA, Steph. Sinapis, L. v. (G. 1.) Lathyri) Hb. (Markings on u.s.h.w. greener, and covering more of the wing.) v. (G. 2.) Diniensis, Bdv. (Tip blotch not reaching margin, u.s.h.w. less distinctly marked.) v./. Erysimiy Bork. (Tip blotch indistinct, u.s.h.w. nearly white.) Rhodoceridse, Bdv, GOIVEPTERYX, Leach. Rhamni, L. COLIAS, Bdv. Edusa, Fab. 1787. Croccus, Fourcroy 1785. ("Ent. Paris II. p. 250,") Kirby. v./ Helice, Hb. (Sulphur yellow). Hyale, L. \.f.Pallida. (Whitish yellow). Lycsenidae, Bdv. ZEPHYRUS, Dalm. Kirby. Betulse, L. Quercus, L. THECLA, Fab. Rubi, L. W-album, L, Pruni, L. POLYOMMATTJS, Ltr. rDispar, Haw. 1803. ~| Kirby, LHippot/tce, Esp. 1778. (Non Linn). J Phlseas, L. v. Schmidtii, Gerh. (Silvery white). LYOENA, Tr. Arion, L. v. A Icon, Steph. (Black spot at disc only.) Staudinger. Doubleday. Acis, W.Y. 1776. Semiargus, Rott. 1775. Berce. Alsus, W.V. 1776. Minima, Euesl. 1775. Argiolus, L. Cory don, Poda. Adonis, W.V. 1776. Thetis, Rott. 1775. Bellargus, Rott. 1775. Alexis, W.V. 1776. (Scop. 1763, var. 2.) Icarus, Rott. 1775. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Kirby. Doubleday. Kirby. Staudinger. Berce. Kirby. Doubleday. Kirby. Staudinger. Doubleday. Staudinger. v. Icarinus, Scriba. (No spots on u.s. between base & disc.) Agestis, W.V. 1776. Alexis, Scop. 1763. Medon, Hufn. 1766. Astrarche, Bgstr. 1779. v. ^Estiva. Std-Cat. (u.s. brown.) v. Salmacis, Steph. (Spots on u.s. without black centres.) v. Artaxerxes, Fab. (White spot at disc; u.s. as Salmacis.) Berce. Doubleday. Kirby. Staudinger. ^Bgon, W.V. 1776. Argus, L. 1758. Argyrotoxus, Bgstr. 1779. Doubleday. Berce. Kirby. Staudinger. Lemoniidae, Kirby- NEMEOBIUS, Steph. Lucina, L. Nymphalidse, Bdv. APATURA, Och. Iris, L. v, Me, IV. V, (No white band.] 3 LIMENITIS, Bdv. Sibylla, L. v. Oblitera. (White band more or less obliterated.) PYRAMEIS, Hub. Atalanta, L. Cardui, L. VANESSA, Och. To. L. Antiopa, L. v. Hygi Hdrch. (Border white.) Polychloros, L. Urticse, L. v. Polaris, Std. Cat (Central costal blotch joined to inner blotch, forming a dark band, zigzag across the wing.) C-album, L. v. (G. 1.) Hutchinsoni. (Paler, both upper and under sides.) MELIT^A, Fab. Artemis, W.Y. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Aurinia, Rott, 1775. Kirby. Staudinger. v. Hibernica, BircJiall. (Colours much brighter.) v. Scotica,) White. (Duller, less densely scaled.) Cinxia, L. Athalia, Rott. ARGYNNI3, Och. Selene, L. Euphrosyne, L. Lathonia, L. Adippe, L. v. Cleodoxa, Och. (No silver spots on u.s.) v. C/ilorodippe, H.S. (U.s. yellowish green above the cen- tral spot.) Aglaia, L. Paphia, L. v. f. Valezina> Esp. (Greenish fuscous.) Satyridae, Bdv. MELANARGIA, Meig. Galathea, L. v. Leucomelas y Hb. (u.s. nearly unicolourous.) EREBIA, Dalm. Epiphron, Knock. (The Scotch form.) v. Cassiope, Fab. (The Cumberland form. Smaller, paler, spots with centres less distinct.) Medea, W.V. 1776. Kirby. Doubleday Sup. jEthiops, Esp. 1777. Staudinger. Blandina, Fab. 1793. Berce. Doubleday. SATYRUS, Fab. jEgeria, L. v. Egerides, Std. Cat. (The type has the spots deep orange, the var. pale ochreous. The type very rarely occurs in Britain.) Megsera, L. EPINEPHELE, Hub. Janira, L. v. Hispiilla, Esp. (?) (Larger, brighter.) Tithonus, L. Hyperanthus, L. v. Arete, Mull. (U.s. with or without white spots, entirely without yellow rings.) HIPPARCHIA, Fab. Semele, L. v. A ristceus, Bon. ( Bright red ochre.) CCENONYMPHA, Hub. Typhon, Rott. 1775. (All the British forms are included in the Davus, Fab. 1777. named vars.) v. Laidion, Bork, 1788. (Dark, band and eyes on u.s. very Typhon, Haw, 1829. distinct.) v. Philoxenus, Esp. 1777. (Paler, band on u.s. broken, eyes Rothliebii, Std. Cat. 1861. ' indistinct.) v. I sis, Thunb. (Smaller, still paler, band and eyes very in- distinct or wanting.) v. Or cades. (Pale fawn, lighter margins, no band on u.s. small centra] patch.) Pamphilus, L. v. Lyllus, Esp. (Dark border to all wings.) v. Albescens, (Whitish yellow.) Hesperidae, Leach. SYR1CTHUS, Bdv. Malvse, L. 1761. Berce. Kirbj. Alveolus, Hub. 1798. v. Fritillum, W.V. 1776. (Spots confluent.) 7*w,Meig. 1829. NISONIADES, Hub. Tages, L. HESPERIA, Fab. Linea, W.V. 1776. Berce. Thaumas, Hufn. 1766. Kirby. Actseon, Rott. Sylvanus, Esp. Comma, L. STEROPES, Bdv. Paniscus, Fab. 1775. Berce. Palamon, Pall. 1771. Kirby. Staudii Double Kirby. Staudinger. Doubleday. Staudinger. Doubleday. Staudinger. H ETEROCERA. SPHINGES, L. Sesiidae, H.S. TROCHILIUM, Scop. Apiformis, L. Bembeciformis, Hb. 1803. Crabroniformis, Lewin, 1797. SESIA, Fab. Asiliformis, W.V. 1776. TabaniformiS) Rott. 1775. Vespiformis^zsi. 1841. Spheciformis, W.V. 1776. Sphegiformis, Fab. 1793. Scoliiformis, Bkh. Andreuiformis, Lasp. 1801. Allantiformis, Wood. 1839. Musciformis, View. Berce. PhilanthiformiS) Lasp. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Stainton. Doubleday. Berce. Staudinger. Berce. Staudinger. Doubleday. Doubleday Sup. Staudinger. " Intelligencer/' viii. 147. "Annual/' 1861, 83. 6 Tipuliformis, L. Cynipiformis, Esp. 1782. Berce. Doubleday. Asiliformis, Rott. 1775. Staudinger. Ichneumoniformis, W.V. Chrysidiformis, Esp. Formiciformis, Esp. Culiciformis, L. Myopiformis, Bork. Sphingidse, Bdv- MACROGLOSSA, Och. Fuciformis, L. (Non Esp.) Bombyliformis, Och. (Noil Esp.) Stellatarum, L. CH^ROCAMPA, Dup. Celerio, L. Porcellus, L. Elpenor, L. Nerii, L. DEILEPHILA, Och. Euphorbia, L. (Doubtful if British.) Galii, W.V. Livornica, Esp. 1779. Staudinger. Stainton. Lineata, Fab. 1787. Berce. Doubleday. SPHINX, L. Ligustri, L. Convolvuli, L. ACHERONTIA, Och. Atropos, L. SMERINTHUS, Lat. Ocellatus, L. HybriduS) Std. Cat. non West. (The hybrid between Ocellatus and Populiy partaking of the characters of both.) Populi, L. L. Zygaenidse, Bdv. ZYG^ENA, Fab. ANTHROCERA, Steph. Filipen dulse, L. v. Chrysanthemi, Esp. (Spots obscured.) v. Ochsenheimeri) Zell. (Spot nearest tip small and divided by nervure. Border to /i.w. broader.) v. Cytisi, Hb. (Spots confluent in three pairs.) v. Cerinus. (Spots and h.w. pale yellow.) Lonicerse, Esp. Trifolii, Esp. v. Confluens, Std. Cat. (All spots confluent.) Meliloti, Esp. *Exulans, Hoch. v. Vanadis, Dalm. (Thinly scaled, no white scales) *Minos, W.Y. v. Nubigena, Ld. (Abd. hairy; wings semi-transparent.) PROCKIS, fab. Geryon, Hb. Statices, L. Globularise, Hb. Lithosidse, Bdv. LITHOSIA, Fab. Rubricollis, L. Quadra, L. Complana, L. Sericea, Gregson, 1860. Staudinger. Molybdeola, Gn. 1861. Doubleday Sup. Lurideola, Zinc. 1817. Doubleday Sup. Staudinger. Complanula, Bdv. 1834. Berce. Doubleday. Caniola, Hb. Pygmeeola, Dbl. Deplana, Esp. 1787. Doubleday Sup. Staudinger. Helveola, Och. 1810. Berce. Aureola, Hb. 1793. Doubleday. Sororcula, Hufu. 1767. Staudinger. Griseola, Hb. v. Stramineola, Dbl. (Straw colour.) Muscerda, Hb. Mesomella, L. CALL1GENIA, Dup. Miniata, Forst. SETINA, Steph. Irrorella, L. NUDARIA, Haw. Senex, Hb. Mundana, L. NOLA, Leach. Centonalis, Hb. Albulalis, Hb. Strigula, W.Y. Cristulalis, Dup. 1826-38, non. Hb. 1827-41. Berce. Double- [day. Stainton. ConfusaltSy H.S. 1860. Doubleday Sup. Staudinger. Cucullatella, L. EMYDIA, Bdv. Grammica, L. Extinct. Cribrum, L. DEFOPE1A, Curt. PulcheUa, L. Chelonidaa, Bdv. EUCHELIA, Bdv. Jacobsese, L. CALLIMOHPHA, Lat. Dominula, L. NEMEOPHILA, Steph. Russula, L. Plantaginis, L. v. Hospita, W.V. (Markings paler on both wings.) CHELONTA, Lat. Caja, L. Villica, L. ARCTIA, Bdv. Fuliginosa, L. 9 v. BorealiS) Std. (Without red on k.w.} Lubricipeda, L. v. Zatima, Cr. (With long black streaks onf.w.) Menthastri, Esp. v. Walkeriy Curt. (Spots confluent, forming stripes.) Urticae, Esp. Mendica, L. Liparidae, Bdv- LIPARIS, Och. Monacha, L. Dispar, L. Salicis, L. Auriflua, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Similis, Fuesl. 1775. Staudinger. Chrysorrhosa, L. L^BLIA, Steph. Ccenosa, Hb. DASYCHIRA, Steph. Pudibunda, L. Fascelina, L. OEGTIA, Och. Gonostigma, L. Antiqua, L. DEMAS, Steph. Coryli, L. Bombycidse, H-S- TR1CHIURA, Steph. Cratsegi, L. P^CILOCAMPA, Steph. Populi, L. ERIOGASTER, Gn. Lanestris, L. BOMBYX, L. Neustria, L. v. Bilineatus, Haw. Castrensis, L. 10 Berce. Doubleday. South. Staudinger. Rubi, L. Quercus, L. v. Callunce, Palmer. (The dark moorland form.) v. Roboris, Schr. (The pale form.) Trifolii, W.V. ODONESTIS, Germ. Potatoria, L. LASIOCAMPA, Lat. Quercifolia, L. Ilicifolia, L. ENDROMIS, Och. Versicolora, L. SATURNIA, Bdv. Carpini, L. Cossidse, H.S. COSSUS, Fab. Ligniperda, Fab. 1793. Cossus, L. 1758. ZEUZKRA, Latr. ^Esculi, L. 1767. Pyrina, L. 1746. MACROGASTER, Dup. Arundinis, Hb. 1803. Castanea, Hb. 1790. Hepialidae, H S. HEPIALUS, Fab. Hectus, L. Lupulinus, L. Sylvinus, L. Yelleda, Hb. v. Carnus, Steph. (Unicolorous.) Gallicus, Ld. 1852. Flumuli, L. v. Hethlandica, Std. Cat. (Darker, males more or less like the females.) Cochliopidse, Gn. L1MACODES, Lat. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Doubleday. Staudinger. 11 Testudo, W.V. 1776. Limacodes, Hufn. 1767 Drepanulidse, H.S. PLATYPTERYX, Lasp. Lacertinaria, L. 1767. Lacertula,^^. 1776. Sicula, W.V. 1776. Harpagula, Esp. 1786. Falcataria, L. 1767. Falcula, W.V. 1776. v. Pallida, White. (Paler.) Hamula, W.V. 1776. Binaria, Hufn. 1767. Unguicula, Hb. post. 1797. Cultraria, Fb. 1795. CILIX, Leach. Spinula, W.V. 1776. Glaucata, Scop. 1763. Notodontidse, Bdv. DICRAXURA, Lat. Bicuspis, Bkh. Furcula, L. Bifida, Hub. Vinula, L. STAUROPUS, Germ. Fagi, L. PETASiA, Steph. Cassinea, W.V. 1776. Sphinx, Hufn. 1767. Nubeculosa, Esp. PTILODONTIS, Steph. Palpina, L. LOPHOPTERYX, Steph. Camelina, L. Cucullina, W.V. 1776. Cuculla, Esp. 1786. Carmelita, L. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Staudinger. Verce. Doubleday. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. 12 LEIOCAMPA, Steph. Dictsea, L. 1767. Berce. Doubleday. South. Tremula, Cl. 1759. ^taudinger. Dictseoides, Esp. NOTODONTA, Och. Dromedarius, L. Trilophus, W.V. Ziczac, L. PER1DEA, Steph. Trepida, Esp. Bicolora, W.V. DRYMONIA, H.S. Chaonia, W.V. Dodonaea, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Trimacula, Esp. 1785. Staudinger. PTILOPHORA, Steph. Plumigera, W.V. GLUPHISIA, Bdv. Crenata, Esp. DILOBA, Bdv. Cseruleocephala, L. PYG^RA, Bdv. Bucephala, L. CLOSTERA, Hoffm. ? Steph. Curtula, L. Anachoreta, Fab. Reclusa, W.V. 1776, Berce. Doubleday. Pigra, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. NOCTTLE, Bdv. Noctuo-Bombycidae, Bdv- TH5TATIRA, Och. Batis, L. Derasa, L. CYMATOPHORA, Tr. Duplaris, L. Fluctuosa, Hub. 13 , W.V. v. Nubilata. (Three or four dark bands.) Or, W.Y. Ocularis, L. 1767. Berce. Doubleday. Octogesima, Hub. 1786. Staudinger. Flavicornis, L. Ridens, Fab. Bryophilidae, Gn- BRYOPHILA, Tr. Glandifera, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Muralis, Forst. 1771. Staudinger. v. Par., Hub. (Less marked, lines on/.w. wanting.) Impar, Warren. Perla, W.Y. Algae, Fab. Two specimens only in 1859. Bombycoidae, Bdv. DIPHTHERA, Och. Orion, Esp. v. Runica, Haw. (Fewer black marks. Scarcely distinguish- able from type.) ACRONYCTA, Och. Tridens, W.V. Psi, L. Leporina, L. v. Bradyporina, Tr. (Greyer than the type.) Aceris, L. v. Candelisequa, Esp. (Indistinctly marked). Berce. Staud- Inftiscata, Haw. Doubleday. [inger. Megacephala, W.V. Strigosa, Fab. Alni, L. Ligustri, W.Y. v. Coronula, Haw. Rumicis, L. v. Salicis, Curt. (Darker.) Auricoma, W.Y. Menyanthidis, Esp. Myricse, Gn. 14 . SIMTRA, Och. Venosa, Bkh. 1792. Berce. Doubleday. Albovenosa, Goetz. 1781. Staudinger. Leucanidae, Gn. SYNIA, Dup. Musculosa, Hub. LEUCANIA, Och. Conigera, W.V. Yitellina, Hub. Turca, L. Lithargyria, Esp. Albipuncta, W.V. Extranea, Gn. (?) Loreyi, Dup. (?) Obsoleta, Hub. Putrescens, Hub. Littoralis, Curt. Pudorina, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Impudens, Hub. 1793. Staudinger. Comma, L. Straminea, Tr. Impura, Hub. Pallens, L. Phragmitidis, Hub. MELIANA, Curt. Flammea, Curt. SENTA, Steph. Ulvse, Hub. v. Wismariensis, Sch. (A central black dash.) v. Nigrostriata^ Std. Cat. (Veined with black, principally towards the costa.) v. Bipunctana % Haw. (Two distinct black spots.) TAPINOSTOLA, Led. Bondii, Knaggs. NONAGRIA, Och. Despecta, Tr. 1825. Berce. Doubleday. Rufa, Haw. ? 1810. Staudinger Jfulva, Hub. 15 Concolor, Gn. Helmanni, Ev. Elymi, Tr. INeurica, Hub. Hessti, Bdv. v. Arundineta, Schmidt. (Paler.) Brevilinea, Fenn. v. Alinea, Farn. (Without the basal streak.) Geminipuncta, Hatch. Cannae, Och. Sparganii, Esp. Typha*, Esp. 1789. Berce. Anmdinis, Fab. 1787. Lutosa, Hub. Ante 1804. Berce. Doubleday. Crassicornis, Haw. 1810. Doubleday. South. Staudinger. Doubleday. Staudinger. Staudinger. Stainton. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Apamidae, Gn. GORTYNA, W.V. Flavago, W.V. 1776. Ochracea, Hub. 1786. HYDRJECIA, Gn. Isictitans, L. v. Ery thro stigma > Haw. (Stigmata orange.) Petasitis, Dbld. Micacea, Esp. AXYLIA, Hb. Putris, L. XYLOPHASIA, Steph. Rurea, Fab. v. Alopecurus, Esp. 1777-94. (Unicolorous, or nearly so.) Combusta, Dup., 1826-38. Lithoxylea, W.V. Sublustris, Esp. Polyodon, L. 1761. Berce. Doubleday. Monoglypha, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. v. Infuscata, White. (Black or nearly so.) Hepatica, L. Scolopacina, Esp. 16 DIPTERYGIA, Steph. Pinastri, L. 1761. Berce. Doubleday. Scabriuscula, Z. 1758. Staudinger. XYLOMYGES, Gn. Conspicillaris, L. v. Melaleuca, View. (Costal and hind margins pale coloured.) APOROPHYLA, Gn. Australis, Bdv. LAPHYGMA, Gn. Exigua, Hb. 1NEURIA, Gn. Saponarise, De Geer. 1771-8. Berce. Doubleday. Reticulata, Till. 1789. Staudinger. HELIOPHOBUS, Bd. Popularis, Fab. Hispida, Hb. CHAILEAS, Steph. Graminis, L. v. Tricuspis, Esp. (Pale markings wanting, except a trifid spot at stigmata.) PACHETRA, Gn. Leucophcea, W.V. CERIGO, Steph. Cytherea, Pab. 1794. Berce. Doubleday. Matura, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. LUPERINA, Bdv. * Luteago, W.V. v. Barrettii, Dbld. (Darker, and more blotched and marbled.) Testacea, W.V. Gueneei. Dbd. ? (Only three known.) Dumerili, Dup. Cespitis, W.V. CRYMODES, Gn. Exulis, Lef. MAMESTRA, Och. Abjecta, Hb. 17 Anceps, Hb. 1804. (Guenee says the synonymy of this species Sordida, Boik, 1792. is rather confused, but after examining Infesta, Och. 1807. all the claims he gives precedence to Anceps^] Albicolon, Hb. Furva, W.V. Brassicse, L. Persicarise, L. APAMEA, Och. Basilinea, Fab. Connexa, Bork. Gemina, Hb. (The type is nearly unicolorous, the var. more v. Remissa, Tr. varied.) Unanimis, Tr. Ophiogramma, Esp. Fibrosa, Hb. v. Le^lcost^gma^ Hb. (Unicolorous dark, with distinct white stigmata.) Oculea, L. 1761. Berce. Doubleday. Didyma, Esp. 1788. Staudinger. v. Furca, Haw. (Brown at costa, inner half of wing paler.) v. Rava, Haw. (Brown across centre, base and hind margin paler. v. I-niger, Haw. (A distinct - like mark below the stigmata.) v. Lugens y Haw. (Black, with distinct white stigmata.) Leucostigmci) Esp. MIANA, Steph. Strigilis, L. v. Prceduncula, Haw. (Broadly white at hind margin.) v. Latruncula, W.V. (Much marbled.) v. AZthiops, Haw. (Black.) Fasciuncula, Haw. v. Cana, Std. Cat. (Clay coloured.) Literosa, Haw. Furuncula, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Bicoloria, Vill. 1789. Staudinger. v. Numerates , Haw. (Dark central band.) v. Termina&s t Haw. v. Rufuncula, Haw. (Pale unicolorous.) Captiuncula, Tr. Expolita, Stainton. 18 Arcuosa, Haw. CEL^ENA, Steph. Haworthii, Curt. Caradrinidae, Bdv- GRAMMESIA, Steph. Trilinea, W.Y. 1776. Berce, Doubleday. Trigrammicci) Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. v. Bilinea, Hb. (Only two lines, often indistinct.) HYDRILLA, Bdv. Palustris, Kob. ACOSMETIA, Steph. Caliginosa, Hb. CARADRINA, Och. Morpheus, Rott. Alsines, Brahm. Blanda, W.Y. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Taraxaci, Hub. 1793-27. Staudinger. Ambigua, Fab. Cubicularis, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Quadripunctata, Fab. 1775. Staudinger. Noctuidae, Gn. RUSINA, Steph. Tenebrosa, Hub. AGROTLS, Och. Yalligera, W.Y. 1776. Berce. Doubleday Vestigialis, Rott. 1776. Staudinger. Puta, Hb. Suffusa, W.Y. Saucia, Hub. Segetum, W.Y. Lunigera, Steph. Exclamationis, L. Corticea, W.Y. Cinerea, W.Y. Ripas, Hb. Cursoria, Hufn. Nigricans, L. 19 Tritici, L. Aquilina, W.V. Obelisca, W.V. Agathina, Dup. Porphyrea, W.V. Prsecox, L. Eavida, W.V. Pyrophila, W.V. Helvetina, Bdv. (?) Lucernea, L. Ashworthii, Dbld. TEIPH.ENA, Och. Janthina, W.V. Fimbria, L. (The pale form is the type, the dark the variety.) v. So!am, Fab. Interjecta, Hb. Subsequa, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubieday. Orbona, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. Orbona, Fab. 1787. (Unicolorous reddish brown.) Berce. Comes, Hb. 1793-1827 Staudinger. [Doubleday. v. Connuba, Hub. (Ochreous, markings not well defined.) Adsequa, Tr. v. Proseqtia, Och. (Deep brown, markings well defined.) v. Subsequa, Curt. (Stigmata united, nervures distinct.) v. Curtisii, Newman. (Eich chocolate brown, outlines of markings pale and distinct.) Pronuba, L. v. Innuba, Tr. (The unicolorous forms.) NOCTUA, L. Glareosa, Esp. Depuncta, L. Augur, Fab. Plecta, L. Flammatra, Fb. (?) C-Nigrum, L. v. Nun-atrum, Esp. Ditrapezium, Hub. Triangulum, Och. 20 Rhomboidea, Tr. 1825. (This is usually quoted as Rhomboidea> Stigmatica, Hb. 1793-1827. Esp., but Guenee and Staudinger agree that Espers* insect is 7W- angulum. Brunnea, W.V. Festiva, W.V. v. Subrufa, Haw. (Reddish, no black dash between the stigmata.) v. Congener, Hub. (Warmer red, lines indistinct.) Conflua, Tr. (? Northern moorland form of Festival) Dahlii, Hub. Subrosea, Steph. Rubi, View. 1790. Doubleday. Staudinger. Bella, Bork. 1792. fierce. Umbrosa, Hb. Baja, W.V. Sobrina, Bdv. Castanea, Esp. v. Neglecta, Hb. Xanthographa, Fab. (The type is reddish, the var. grey.) Orthosidae, Gn. TRACHEA, Och. Piniperda, Kob. PACHNOBIA, Gn. Hyperborea, Zett. 1840. Alpina, West. 1841-4. v. Carnica, Bering, 1846. (Reddish, not grey. This form was named before the variation of the species was well known.) TJBNIOCAMPA, Gn, Gothica, L. v. Gothicina> H.S. Leucographa, W.V. Rubricosa, W.V. v. Mista, Hub. ? (Without the black stigmata.) mark between the (Guenee considers the type those in which grey predominates. The varieties are v. Rufa, Haw. redder, Rufa has a rosy fringe to the h.w. as in the type.) Instabilis, Ro3s. 1746-61. (Brownish red, nearly unicolorous.) Incerta, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. [fierce. Doubleday. 21 v. Fuscatus, Haw. (Darker brown.) v. NebulosuS) Haw. (Distinct central shade, broken in middle.) v. Collinita, Esp. (Grey, with a reddish tinge.) Sulcetaceus, Haw. Opima, Hub. Stabilis, Albin. v. Juncta, Haw. (The stigmata close together.) Gracilis, W.V. v. Pallida, Steph. (Without scattered black scales.) Mimosa, W.V. Munda, W.Y. v. Immaculata^ Std. Cat. (Without black spots near hind margin. Cruda, W.Y. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Pulverulenta, Esp. 1787. Staudinger. ORTHOSIA, Esp. 1787. Suspecta, Hub. v. Congener, Gey. (Greyer, and more unicolorous.) fners, Tr. Ypsilon, W.V. Lota, L. Macilenta, Hb. ANCHOCEL1S, Gn. Rufina, L. Pistacina, W.V. v. LychnideSy W.V. (Ferruginous, nervures distinctly paler.) Lineola, Don. v. Canaria, Esp. (Greyish-black, nervures distinctly paler.) v. Rubetra, Esp. (Reddish, nearly unicolorous.) Ferrea y Haw. v. Serina, Esp. (Pale yellow-ochreous, nearly unicolorous.) Lunosa, Haw. Litura, L. v. Polhita, Esp. (Larger, costal spots large and distinct.) CERASTIS, Och. Vaccinii, L. v. Polita, W.V. (Unicolorous, ferruginous red.) Spadicea, W.V. v. Ligula^ Esp. Subnigra, Haw. Erythrocephala, W.V. v. Glabra, W.V. SCOPELOSOMA, Curt. Satellitia, L. DASYCAMPA, Gn. Rubiginea, W.V. HOPORINA, Bdv. Croceago, Albin. XANTHIA, Och. Citrago, L. Cerago, W.V. v. Flavescens, Esp. Haw. Silago, Hub. 1800. (Yellow, without darker markings.) Berce, Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger, Flavago, Fab. 1787. Aurago, W.V. v. Fucata, Esp. (Centre of wing reddish orange. Rutilago, Bork. Gilvago, Esp. Eerruginea, W.V. 1776. Circellaris, Hufn. 1767. CIRRHCEDIA, Gn. Xerampelina, Hb. v. Unicolor, Std. Cat. (The entire wings reddish orange.) Cosmidse, Gn. TETHEA, Och. Subtusa, W.V. Retusa, L. EUPERIA, Gn. Eulvago, W.V. DICYCLA, Gn. Oo, L. v. Renago, Haw. (Wings deeply suffused.) COSMIA, Och. Trapezina, L. Pyralina, W.V. Diffinis, L. Affinis, L. 23 Hadenidse, Gn. EKEMOBIA, Steph. Ochroleuca, W.V. DIANTHJECIA, Irregularis, Hufn. Carpophaga, Bork. v. OcJiraceci) Haw. (Paler, and with few or no dark blotches.) Capsophila, Dup. ? Prsec. var. Capsincola, W.Y. Cucubali, W.V. Albimacula, Bork. Conspersa, W.V. v. Oblitercs. (The entire wing suffused with the darker colour.) *CEesia, W.V. v. Manani, Gregson. (Nearly unicolorous.) HECATERA, Gn. Dysodea, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Chrysozona, Bork. 1792. Staudinger. Serena, W.V. POLIA, Och. Chi, L. v. Olivacea, Steph. (Dark olive green). * Nigrocincta, Och. 1807-16. Berce. Xanthomista, Hb. 1818. (?) Doubleday. Staudinger. v. Statices, Gregson. 1869. (Darker, ground colour and hind wings.) Flavocincta, L. DASYPOLIA, Gn. Templi, Thunb. EPUNDA, Dup. Lutulenta, W.V. v. Lumber gensis, Frr. (Central band edged with white.) v. Sedi, Bdv. Nigra, Haw. Viminalis, Fab. v. Obscura, Std. Cat. (Much darker, often nearly black.) Lichenea, Hb. VALERIA, Germ. Oleagina, W.V. ? (One specimen in July, 1800.) 24 MISELIA, Och. Oxyacanthse, Albin. v. Capucina, Mill. (Brown, nearly unicolorous.) Bimaculosa, L. ? (One in 1815, near Bristol.) AGRIOPIS, Bdv. Aprilina, L. PHLOGOPHORA, Och. Meticulosa, L. Empyrea, Hb. 1799. Berce. Doubleday. Flammea, Esp. 1785. Staudinger. EUPLEXIA, Steph. Lucipara, L. APLECTA, Gn. Herbida, W.V. Occulta, L. v. ALthiops. (Black, lines and margin of stigmata greyish.) Nebulosa, Hufn. Tincta, Brahm. Advena, W.V. HADENA, Och. Satura, W. ? (A few specimens only have been taken.) Adusta, Esp. Protea, W.V. Glauca, Kleem. v. Lappa, Dup. (Smaller, more ash-coloured.) Dentina, W.V. v. Latenai, Pier. (Markings obscured.) Peregrina, Tr. ? (Two specimens in the Isle of Wight ; one in the fens.) Chenopodii, Albin, 1720. Berce. Doubleday. Trifolii, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. Atriplicis, L. Suasa, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Dissimilis, Knock. 1781. Staudinger. Oleracea, L. Pisi, L. Thalassina, Naturf. Contigua, W.V. Genistse, Bork. 1792. W-Latinum, Hufn. ? 1767, Rectilinea, Esp. Xylinidae, Gn. XYLOCAMPA, Gn. Lithoriza, Bork. CLOANTHA, Bdv. Perspicillaris, L. 1761. Polyodon, Clerk, 1759. Solidaginis, Hb. CALOCAMPA, Steph. Vetusta, Hb. Exoleta, L. XYLINA, Och. Conformis, W.V. 1776. Furcifera, Hufn. 1767. Lambda, Fab. v. Zinckenii) Tr. Rhizolitha, Fab. 1787. Ornithopus, Hufn. 1767. Semibrunnea, Haw. Petrificata, W.V. CUCULLIA, Och. Yerbasci, L. Scrophularise, W.V. Lychnitis, Kamb. Asteris, W.V. Gnaphalii, Hb. Absinthii, L. Chamomill^, W.V. Umbratica, L. Heliothidse, Gn. HELIOTH1S, Och. Marginata, Kleem. 1761. Umbra, Hufn. 1767. Peltigera, W.V. Armigera, Hb. Dipsacea, L. Scutosa, W.V. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Stainton. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday Sup. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. 26 A1NARTA, Och. Melanopa, Thunb. Cordigera, Thunb. Myrtilli, L. HELIODES, Gn. Arbuti, Tab. 1775. Tenebrata, Scop, 1763. Acontidae, Bdv. AGROPHILA, Bdv. Sulphuralis, L. 1766. Trabealis, Scop. 1763. ACONT1A, Och. Luctuosa, W.V. Solaris, W.V. ? Erastridse, Gn. ERA STRIA, Och. Venustula, Hb. Fuscula, W.V. ]776. Fasciana^ L. 1761. BANKIA, Gn. Argentula, Esp. 1787. Banktana, Eab. 1793. Anthophilidae, Dup. H YD KELT A, Gn. Unca, L. MICRA, Gn. Paula, Hb. ? Parva, Hb. Ostrina, Hb. Phalsenoidse, Gn. BREPHOS, Och. Parthenias, L. Notha, Hb. Plusidse, Gn. ABROSTOLA, Och. Urticae, Hb. post. 1804. Tripartite Hufn. 1767. Triplasia, L. Berce Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Stainton. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. 27 PLUSIA, Och. Orichalcea, Fab. 1775. Berce. Doubleday. Chryson, Esp. 1789. Staudinger. Chrysitis, L. Bractea, W.V. Festuca3, L. Iota, L. Y-Aureum, Erg. 1779-92. Berce. Doubleday. Pulchrina, Haw. ? 1810. Staudinger. Gamma, L. Ni, Hb. ? ( Only once recorded.) Verticillata, Gn. ? (Only once recorded.) Interrogationis, L. Gonopteridse, Gn. GONOPTERA, Lat. Libatrix, L. Amphipyridse, Gn. AMPHIPYRA, Och. Pyramidea, L. Tragopogonis, L. MANIA, Tr. Typica, L. Maura, L. Toxocampidae, Gn. TOXOCAMPA, Gn. Craccse, W.V. Pastinum, Tr. Stilbidse, Gn. STILBIA, Step. Anomala, Haw. 1812. Doubleday. Staudinger. Hybridata, Hb. ? 1814. Berce. Catephidae, Gn. CATEPHIA. Alchymista, Geoiff. ? ( Only once recorded.) Catocalidae, Gn CATOCALA, Och. Fraxini, L. 28 Nupta, L. Promissa, W.V. Sponsa, L. Aventidse, Gn. AVENTIA, Dup. Flexula, Fab. Ophiusidse, Gn. OPHIODES, Gn Lunaris, W.V. ? ( Two or three specimens only.) EUCLIDIA. Mi, L. Glyphica, L. Poaphilidse, Gn. PHYTOMETRA, Haw. JEnea, W.V. DELTOIDES, Latr- Hypenidse, H-S. MADOPA, Steph. Salicalis, W.V. HYPENA, Schr. Proboscidalis, L. Rostralis, L. v. VittatuS) Haw. v. Palpalis, Fab. Crassalis, Fab. 1794. Berce. Doubleday. Fontis, Thunb. 1788. Staudinger. Obsitalis, Hb. ? (One in Dorsetshire in 1884.) HYPENODES, Gn. Albistrigalis, Haw. Costsestrigalis, Steph. SCHRANKIA, H.S. Turfosalis, Wocke. 1850. Humidalis, Dbld. 1850. Herminidse, Dup. RIVULA, Gn. Sericealis, W.V. 29 SOPHRONIA, Gn. Emortualis, W.V. HEBMINIA, Lat. Derivalis, Hb. Barbalis, L. Tarsipennalis, Tr. Grisealis, W.V. Cribralis, Hub. PYRALIDES. Odontidae, Gn. ODONTIA, Dup. Dentalis, W.V. Pyralidse, Gn- PYRALIS, L. Eimbrialis, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Costalis, Fab. 1775. Staudiuger. Farinalis, L. Lienigialis, H.S. ? (Only once taken.) Glaucinalis, L. AGLOSSA, Lat. Pinguinalis, L. Cuprealis, Hb. Cledeobidae, Dup. CLEDEOB1A, Steph. Angustalis, W.V. Ennychidae, Gn. PYRAUSTA, Schr. PuniceaHs, W.V. 1776. fierce. Doubleday. Aurata, Scop. 1763. Staudinger. Purpuralis, L. Ostrinalis, Hb. RHODARIA, Gn. Sanguinalis, L. HEEBULA, Gn. Cespitalis, W.V. ENTs'YCHIA, Tr. 30 Cingulalis, L. Anguinalis, Geoff. 1764. Berce. Doubleday. Nigrata, Scop. 1763. Octomaculalis, L. Asopidae, Gn. AGROTERA, Schr. Nemoralis, Scop. ENDOTRICHA, Zell. riammealis, W.Y. Stenidse, Gn. DIASEMIA, Steph. Literalis, Scop. Ramburialis, Dup. NASCIA, Curt. Cilialis, Hub. ? 1827-41. Doubleday. Acutalis, Evers. 1842. Berce. Staudmger. STENIA, Gn. Punctalis, W.V. Hydrocampidse, Gn. CATACLYSTA, H.S. Lemnalis, L. PARAPONYX, Steph. Stratiotalis, L. HYDROCAMPA, Lat. Nymph8eali|, L. Stagnalis, Don. Acentropidse, Stdr. ACENTROPUS, Curt. Wiveus, Oliv. Margarodidse, Gn- MARGARODES, Gn. Union alls, Hb. Botydae* Gn. BOTYS, Lat. Lupulinalis, Cl. 1764. Berce. Doubleday. Nubilalis, Hub. 1793-1827. Staudinger. Pandalis, Hub. 31 Lupulirialis, Cl. 1759. Berce. Doubleday. Nubilalis, Hub. 1793-1827. btaudinger. Pandalis, Hub. Flavalis, W.V. Hyalinalis, Hub. Verticalis, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Ruralis, Scop. 1763. Staudinger. Lancealis, W.V. Fuscalis, W.V. Terrealis, Tr. Asinalis, Hub. Urticalis, L. EBULEA, Gn. Crocealis, Tr. Catalaunalis, Dup. ( ? One only.) Verbascalis, W.V. Stachydalis, Zinck. Sambucalis, W.V. PIONEA, Gn. Forficalis, L. Margaritalis, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Extimalis, Scop. 1763. Staudinger. Stramentalis, Hub. SPILODES, Gn. Sticticalis, L. Palealis, W.V. Cinctalis, Tr. SCOPULA, Schr. Alpinalis, W.V. Lutealis, Haw. Decrepitalis, H.S. OHvalis, W.V. Prunalis, W.V. Ferrugalis, Hub. LEMIODES, Gn. Pulveralis, Hb. MECYNA, Gn. Polygonalis, Hub. 32 Scoparidse, Gn. STENOPTERYX, Gn. Hybridalis, Hub. SCOPARIA, Haw. EUDOREA, Curt, Basistrigalis, Knaggs. Ambigualis, Tr. Atomalis, Dbl. (? prsec. var.) Cembrse, Haw. v. Scotica, White. Zelleri, Wocke. (? prsec. var.) Ulmella, Dale. Conspicualis, Hodg. (? identical with Ulmella.) Pyralalis, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Dubitalis, Hub. 1793-1827. Wocke. Ingratella, Zell. (? prsec. var.) Truncicolella, Sta. Mercuralis, L. Portlandica, Dale. Cratsegalis, Hub. Besinea, Haw. Muralis, Curt. Gracilalis, Dbl. Lineola, Curt. Angustea, Steph. Wocke. Coarctalis, Zell. Berce. Doubleday. Alpina, Dale. Wocke. Paralis, Zell. Berce. Doubleday. Pallida, Steph. GEOMETRY. Urapterydse, Gn- URAPTERYX, Leach. Sambucata, L. Ennomidae, Gn. EPIONE, Dup. Vespertaria, L. Apiciaria, W.V. Advenaria, Hub. 33 EUMIA, Dup. Crateegata, L. (Ed. XII. 1761.) fierce. Doubleday. Luteolata, L. (Ed. X. 1758.) Staudinger. VEIN ILIA, Dup. Maculata, L. v. Quadrimaculata, Hatchett. (All yellow, except four costal spots.) v. Fuscaria, Std. Cat. (Fuscous.) ANGKRONA, Dup. Prunaria, L. v. Sordidata, Fuesl. (Dark borders to wings.) METROCAMPA, Latr. Margaritata, L. ELLOPIA, Fasciaria, L. (Ed. XII. 1761.) Berce. Doubleday. Prosapiaria, L. (Ed. X. 1758.) Staudinger. v. Prasinaria, W.Y. (Green.) EURYMENE, Dup. Dolabraria, L. PERICALL1A, Steph. Syringaria, L. v. Helvolaria. (Smaller, paler. The summer brood.) SELENIA, Hb. Illunaria, Albin, 1720. Bilunaria, Esp., 1794. v. Juliaria, Haw. (Smaller, paler. The summer brood.) Lunaria, Albin. v. Delunaria, Hub. (Smaller, paler. The summer brood.) Illustraria, Albin, 1720. Tetralunaria, Hufn., 1767. v. ^Estiva, Std. Cat. (Smaller, paler. The summer brood.) ODONTOPERA, Steph. Bidentata, L. CROCALLIS, Tr. Elinguaria, Albin. v. Prosapiaria, Boisd. (Smaller, paler, central fascia indistinct.) ENNOMOS, Tr. Autumnaria, Wernb., 1859. Alniaria, Esp. (Non. L.) Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Alniaria, L. Tiliaria, Bork. Fuscantaria, Haw. Erosaria, W.V. Angularia, W.V. 1776. Quercinaria, Hufn. 1767. HIMERA, Dup. Pennaria, Albin. Amphydasydae, Gn. PHIGALIA, Dup. Pilosaria, Albin. NY8SIA, Dup. Zonaria, W.V. Hispidaria, W.V. Lapponaria, Bdv. ? (One specimen only.) BISTON, Leach. Hirtaria, L. AMPHYDASIS, Tr. Prodromaria, W.V. 1776. Strataria, Hufn. 1767. Betularia, L. v. Doubledayaria, Mill. (All black.) Boarmidse, Gn. HEMEROPH1LA, Steph. Abruptaria, Thun. CLEORA, Curt. Viduaria, W.V. 1776. Angular ia, Thun. 1792. Glabraria, Hb. Lichenaria, Hufn. BO ARM 1 A, Tr. Repandaia, L. v. Conversaria, Hb. (Broad dark band across wings.) v. Destrigarici) Haw. (Nearly unicolorous.) v. Sodorensmm, Weir. (Leaden grey.) Rhomboidaria, W.V. Gemmaria, Brahm. v. Perfumaria, Newm, (Darker, more unicolorous.) Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. 35 Abietaria, W.V. v. Sericearia, Curt. (More suffused.) Cinctaria, W.V. Roboraria, W.V. Consortaria, Fab. TEPHROSIA, 13dv. Consonaria, Hub. Crepuscularia, W.V. 1776. Laricaria, Dbld. 1848. Stainton's Manual. Biundularia, Bkh. 1794. Crepuscularia, Haw. Stainton's Manual. Extersaria, Hub. 1797. Berce. Doubleday. Luridata, Bork, 1794. Staudinger. Punctulata, W.V. GNOPHOS, Tr. Obscurata, W.V. v. Serotinaria, W.V. (From chalk districts. Very pale.) v. Calceata, Std. Cat. (From peat districts. Nearly black.) v. Dilucidaria, Steph. (From clay or sand districts. Brown.) Argillacearia, Std. Cat. Staudinger. Pullata, Hub. Stainton's Manual. DASYDIA, Gn. Obfuscata, W.V. PSODOS, Tr. Trepidaria, Hb. Coracina, Esp. 1796. Boletobidae, Gn. BOLETOBIA, Bdv. -Fuliginaria, L. Geometridae, Gn. PSEUDOPTERPNA, Hb. Cytisaria, Roes, 1749-61. Pruinata, Hufn, 1767. GEOMETRA, L. Papilionaria, L. Smaragdaria, Hub. NEMORIA, Hub. Viridata, L. 36 IODIS, Hub. Vernaria, Hub. Lactearia, L. PHORODESMA, Bdv. Bajularia, W.Y. 1776. Pustulata, Hufn. 1767. HEMITHEA, Dup. Thymiaria, Albin. 1720. Strigata, Muell. 1764. Ephyridse, Gn. EPHYRA, Dup. Porata, L. Punctaria, L. Trilinearia, Bkh. 1794. Linearia, Hb., 1793-1824. Omicronaria, W.V. 1776. Annulata, Schulze, 1779. Orbicularia, Hub. Pendularia, L. 1746. (01. 1759.) Acidalidse, Gn- HYRIA, Steph. Auroraria, W.V. 1776. Muricata, Hufn. ]769. ASTHENA, Hub. Luteata, W.V. Candidata, W.V. Sylvata, W.V. Blomeri, Curt. EUPISTEEIA, Bdv. Heparata, W.V. 1776. Obliterate Hufn. 1767. VENUSIA, Curt. Cambrica, Curt. 1839. Erutaria, Bdv. 1840. AC1DALIA, Tr. Perochraria, Fisch. Ochrata, Scop. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. 37 Rubricata, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Rubiginata, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. Scutulata, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Dimidiata, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. Bisetata, Hufn. Trigeminata, Haw. Contiguaria, Hub. Rusticata, W.V. Holosericiata, Dup. Dilutaria, Hub. Interjectaria, Dbl. Cat. (non. Bdv.) Incanaria, Hub. Berce. Doubleday. Virgulatria, Hub. Staudinger. Circellata, Gn. 1852. Obsoletaria, Wood. 1854. Wood's Index. Ornata, Scop. Promutata, Gn. 1857. Doubleday. Marginepunctata, Goze. 1781. Staudinger. Straminata, Tr. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Marginepunctata^ Steph. Stainton's Manual, Subsericeata, Haw. Mancuniato) Knaggs. ? var. ? Immutata, L. Strigaria, Hub. (Very doubtfully British.) Remutata, Hub. Fumata, Steph. Strigilata, W.V. Iraitaria, Hub. Emutaria, Hub. Aversata, L. v. Spoliata, Std. Cat. (The type has a dark band which is wanting in the var.) Inoruata, Haw. Degeneraria, Hub. Emarginata, L. TIMANDRA, Dup. Amataria, Dup. Caberidae, Gn. CABER A, Tr. Pusarh, L. 38 Rotundaria, Haw. Exanthemaria, Scop. CORYCIA, Dup. Temerata, W.V. Taminata, W.V. 1776. Bimaculata, Fab. 1775. ALEUCIS, On. Pictaria, Curt. Macaridae, Gn. MACARIA, Curt. Alternate, W.V. Notata, L. Liturata, L. HALIA, Dup. Wavaria, L. Fidonidae, Gn. STRENIA, Dup. Clathrata, L. PANAGRA, Gn. Petraria, Hub. NUMERIA, Dup. Pulveraria, L. SCODIONA, Bdv. Belgiaria, Hub. SELIDOSEMA, Bdv. Plumaria, W.V. 1776. Ericetaria, Vill. 1789. FIDONIA, Tr. Carbonaria, L. Atomaria, L. Piniaria, L. v. Flavescens, White. Brunneata, Thunb. 1794. Pinetaria, Hub. Limbaria, Fab. 1775. Conspicuata, W.V. 1776. MINOA, r lr. 89 Euphorbiata, W.V. 1776. Mtirinata, St. 1763. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Doubleday. Staudinger. SCOEIA, Steph. Dealbata, L. 1767. Berce. Lineata, Scop. 1763. APLASTA, Hb. Ononaria, Eues. (A very doubtful British species.) STERRHA, Hb. Sacraria, L. LYTHRIA, Hub. Purpuraria, L. (A very doubtful British species.) ASPILATES, Tr. Strigillaria, Hub. Citraria, Hub. post. 1797. Berce. Doubleday. Ochrearea, Koes. 1794. Staudinger. Gilvaria, W.V. Lorenidae, Gn- ABRAXAS, Leach. Grossulariata, L. v. Varleyata, Porritt. (Almost entirely black.) Ulmata, Sepp. Berce! Doubleday. Sylvata, Scop. 1763. Staudinger. LIGDIA, Gn. Adustata, W.V. LOMASPILIS, Hub. Marginata, L. Ligidae, Gn- PACHYCNEMIA, Steph. Hippocastanaria, Hb. Hybernidae, Gn. HYBEENIA, Lat. Rupicaprariaj W.V. Leucophearia, W.V. v. Marmorinaria, Esp. 1795 ? (Base and hind margin black) Nigricaria, Haw. 1800. ? Progemmaria, Albin, 1720. Berce. Doubleday. Marginaria, Bkh. 1794. Staudinger. v. fuscata, Mosley. (Dark, unicolorous.) 40 Defoliaria, L. ANISOPTERYX, Steph. ^Bscularia, W.V. Larentidae On- CHEIMATOBIA, Steph. Brumata, L. Boreata, OPORABIA, Steph. Dilutata, W.V. v. Obscurata, Std. Cat. (Dark, unicolorous.) Filigrammaria, H.S. Autumnaria, Gn. A pproximaria, Weaver. (Gregson, MS.) LAEENTIA, Tr. Didymata, L. Multistrigaria, Haw. Csesiata, W.V. Elavicinctata, Hub. Ruficinctata, Gn. Salicata, Hub. Olivata, W.V. Pectinitaria, Knoch. 1781. Berce. Doubleday. Miaria, Bork. 1794. Stainton. Viridaria, Fab. 1775. Staudinger. EMMELESIA, Steph. Affinitata, Steph. v. Turbaria, Steph. (Broader white streak "rivulet.") Alchemillata, L. Albulata, W.V. v. Griseata, Std. Cat. (Greyish.) All more or less with- v. Thules, Weir. (Lead-coloured.) out markings. v. Hebrideum, Weir. (White.) Decolorata, Hub. Tseniata, Steph. Unifasciata, Haw. Ericetata, Curt. (Steph. 1831.) Berce. Doubleday. Minorata, Tr. 1828. Staudinger. Blandiata, W.V., 1776. EUPITHECIA, Curt. 41 Yenosata, Fab. v. Ochracce, Gregson. (Ochreous.) Hoy, Orkney, v. Fumosa, Gregson. (Smoky.) Unst, Shetland. Consignata, Bork, 1794. Berce. Doubleday. Insigniata, Hub. 1792. Staudinger. Linariata, W.Y. Pulchellata, Steph. Centaureata, W.Y. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Oblongata, Thub. 1784. Staudinger. Succenturiata, L. v. Disparata, Hub. (Darker in central portion of wing.) Subfulvata, Haw. v. Oxydata, Tr. 1828. (Without the red patch in centre of Cognata, Steph, 1831. , wing.) Subumbrata, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Scabiceata, Bkh. 1794. Staudinger. Plumbeolata, Haw. Isogramrnata, H.S. 1850. Doubleday. Staudinger. Haworthiata, Dbl. Stainton. Pygmseata, Hb. Helveticaria, Bdv. Arceuthata, Fr. ? prsec. var. Satyrata, Hub. v. Fagicoloria, Crewe. (Brown.) v. Callunaria, Staud. (Ashy white.) Curzoni, Gregson. Castigata, Hb. Jasioneata, Crewe. Trisignaria, H.S. Yirgaureata, Dbl. Pimpinellata, Gn. (Non. Hub.) 1857. Fraxinata, Crewe. Extensaria, Fr. Pimpinellata, Hub. 1793-1827. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Denotata, Gn. (Non. Hub.) 1857. Stainton. Yalerianata, Hub., ante 1827. Doubleday sup. Staudinger. Viminata, Dbl. Entomofyists Annual, 1863. Pusillata, W.V. Irriguata, Hub. 42 Denotata, Hb. Ante 1827. Berce. Stainton. Campanulata, H.S. 1850. Doubleday. Staudinger. Innotata, Hufn. Egenaria, H.S. ? or var. of Helveticaria (only one specimen.) Indigata, Hub. Constrictata, Gn. Nanata, Hub. Subnotata, Hub. Vulgata, Haw. Albipunctata, Haw. v. Angelicata^ Crewe. (Dark, unicolorous.) Expallidata, Gn. Pernotata, Gn. Absynthiata, L. Minutata, Hub. Knautiata, Gregson/ Assimilata, Dbl, Subciliata, Dbl. Tenuiata, Hub. Lariciata, Filey. Dodoneata, Gn. Abbreviata, Stepli. Exiguata, Hub. Sobrinata, Hub. Togata, Hub. Pumilata, Hub. Coronata, Hub. Rectangulata, L. v. Nigrosericeata> Haw. (Black) Debiliata, Hub. COLLIX, Sparsata, Hub. LOBOPHORA, Sexalata, Hub. Hexapterata, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. H alter ata, Hufn. 1769. Staudinger. Viretata, Hub. Lobulata, Hub. 1803. Berce. Doubleday. Carpinata, Bork. 1794. Staudinger. Polycommata, Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Stainton. THERA, Steph. Juniperata, L. v. Scotica, White. (Darker/ Simulata, Hub. Coniferata, Curt. Yariata, W.Y. v. Obeliscata, Hub. (The type is grey, this var. reddish-brown.) v. Obliterate*, White. (Ground colour dark, obliterating the the markings.) Firmata, Hub. YPSIPETE8, Steph. Ruberata, Frey. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. (Reddish-yellow, with black fascia.) (Fuscous black.) Impluviata, W.Y. 1776. Trifasciata, Bhk. 1794. Elutata, Albin. 1720. Sordidata, Fab. 1794. v. Fusco-undata, Don. v. Infuscatci) Std. Cat. MELANTHIA, Dup. Rubiginata, W.Y. 1776. Bicolorata, Hufn. 1767. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. v. Plumbata, Curt. (Ground colour grey.) Ocellata, L. Albicillata, L. MELANIPPE, Dup. Hastata, L. v. Hastulata, Hub. (Smaller, but with larger black markings.) Tristata, L. Procellata, W.Y. Unangulata, Haw. Sociata, Bork. 1794. Doubleday Sup. Staudinger. Subtristata, Haw. Birivata y Hub. Rivata, Montanata, W.Y. v. Sketlandica, Weir. (The central band broken.) Galiata, W.Y. Fluctuate, L. ANTICLEA, Steph. Sinuata, W.Y. 1776. Cucullata, Hufn. 1767. . Doubleday. Stainton. 44 Doubleday. Staudinger. Doubleday. Staudinger. Rubidata, W.V. Badiata, W.V. Derivata, Albin. 1720. Berce. Nigrofasciaria, Goze. 1779-81. Berberata, W.V. COREMIA, Gn. Munitata, Hub. Propugnata, W.V. 1776. Berce. Designata, Hufn. 1767. Ferrugata, L. v. Spadicearia, Bkh. (Band of lines.) Unidentaria, Haw. Quadrifasciaria, L. CAMPTOGRAMMA, Steph. Bilineata, L. v. Testaceolatdy Std. Cat. (Brownish, rather than yellow.) Fluviata, Hub. Gemmaria, Hub. (The female has a black spot in a white ring, and was formerly described as a distinct species. Stainton II, 106.) PHIBALAPTERYX, Steph. Tersata, W.V. Lapidata, Hub. Lignata, Hub. 1799. Berce. Vittata, Bork. 1794. Polygrammata, Bork, v. Conjunctaria, Ld, (Central band less distinct or wanting.) Vitalbata, W.V. SCOTOSIA, Steph. Dubitata, L. v. Cinerata, Steph. Doubleday. Staudinger. Vetulata, W.V. Rhamnata, W.V. Certata, Hub. Undulata, L. CIDARIA, Tr. Psittacata, W.V. 1776. Siterata, Hufn. 1767. (Smaller, paler, and without the reddish tinge of the type.) Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. Miata, L. Picata, Hub. Corylata, Thunb. v. Albo-crenata, Curt. (Band entirely wanting.) Sagittata, Fab. Kussata, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Truncata, Hufn. 1767. Staudinger. v. Centum-notatum, Fab. (Central portion white.) v. Comma-notatum. Haw. (Central portion orange-red.) v. Boreata, Curt. (Brown, with distinct white lines.) v. Perfuscata, Haw. (Smoky-brown.) Immanata, Haw. v. Thingvallatci) Std. Cat. (White, with base and central fascia black or fuscous.) v. Marmorata, Haw. (More marbled.) v. Unicoloratciy Std. Cat. (Nearly unicolorous, white, grey, fuscous or black.) Suffumata, Hub. v. Piceata, Steph. (The whole wing the colour of the band.) v. Porrittii. (Wing white, except basal patch and central band.) Reticulata, W.V. Silaceata, Hub. v. Insulata, Haw. Prunata, L. Testata, L. Populata, L. v. Musauaria, Fr. Fulvata, Forst. Pyraliata, Albin, 1720. Dotata, Std. Cat. Dotata, L. 1758. Associata, Bkh. 1794. PELURGA, Hub. Comitata, L. Eubolidae, Gn. EUBOLIA, Dup. Cervinata, W.V. Mensuraria, W.V. 1776. Limitata, Scop. 1763. (The type has the band unbroken, the var. has it divided into three portions.) (Darker, nearly unicolorous.) Berce. Berce. Doubleday. South. Doubleday. Staudinger. South. Berce. Doubleday. Staudinger. 46 Palumbaria, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Plumbaria, Fab. Staudinger. Bipunctaria, W.V. v. Gachtaria, Err. (An obscurely marked form.) Lineolata, W.Y. 1776. Berce. Doubleday. Virgata, Kott. 1777. Staudinger. CARSIA, Hub. *Paludata, Thunb. (The type is paler and less distinctly marked than the form occurring here.) v. Imbutata,) Hub. A^AITIS, Dup. Plagiata, L. LITHOSTEGE, Hub. Griseata, W.V. Berce. Doubleday Sup. Staudinger. Nivearia, Doub. Cat. non. W.V. Doubleday. Stainton. CHESIAS, Tr. Spartiata, Fues. Obliquaria, W.V. 1776. Berce. Doubeday. Rufata, Fab. 1775. Staudinger. Sionidse, Gn TANAGRA, Dup. Chserophyllata, L. 1767. Berce. Doubleday. Atrata, L. 1758. Staudinger. OMISSA ET ADDENDA. Page 8, at bottom. After Arctia fuliginosci) add v. Fervida, Std. Cat. (F.W. brighter brown. H.W. bright car- mine, with only a few spots of black.) Page 9. After Mendica, L., add v. Rusticate, Hub. (Male white or cream coloured. Female with fewer black spots.) Page 10. After LIMACODES, Lat., add Asellus, W.V. Page 20, at bottom, add Populeti, Fab. i TH Y08HG HAT0SAUST A MAGAZINE OF NATUKAL HISTOKY, CONDUCTED BY JOHJ1 E. (ROQSOJf, Hartlepool, WITH THE ASSISTANCE IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF G, C. BIGNELL, F.E.S., PLYMOUTH; JOHN GARDNER, HARTLEPOOI G. COVERDALE, LOUISIANA, U.S. ; C. S. GREGSON, LIVERPOOL ; GEO. ELISHA, LONDON ; JOHN SANG, DARLINGTON; Dr. ELLIS, F.E.S., LIVERPOOL; j. I\ SGUTTER, Ui.siior AUCKI SYDNEY WEBB, DOVER. \ WITH SUPPLEMENT. JOHN KEMPSTER & Co., BOLT COURT, 151, FLEET STREET. E.C