DEE ELECmO-TECiiHICAL SERIES BY THE SAME AUTHORS Elementary Electro - Technical Series COMPRISING Alternating Electric Currents. Electric Heating. Electro-magnetism. Electricity in Electro-Therapeutics. Electric Arc Lighting. Electric Incandescent Lighting. Electric Motors. Electric Street Railways. Electric Telephony. Electric Telegraphy. Cloth, Price per Volume, $1.00. Electro-Dynamic Machinery. Cloth, $2.50. THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY 253 BROADWAY, NEW YORK ELEMENTARY ELECTRO-TECHNICAL SERIES THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND THE TRANSMISSION OF POER BY EDWIN J. HOUSTON, PH. D. AND A. E. KENNELLY, Sc. D. NEW YORK THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY 253 BROADWAY 1896 COPYRIGHT, 1896, BY THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY. PREFACE. THERE is probably no subject, con- nected with the application of electricity, that has come into greater prominence during the last decade, than the electric transmission of power. The electric motor is now to be found everywhere driving machinery of all sizes. It permits a single, large, economical* engine to oper- ate a number of small motors over a large area. This little volume of the Electro- Tech- nical Series has been prepared with the object of rendering the principles of elec- tric motors clear to those who are not specially trained in electro-technics. For M289307 IV PREFACE. this reason, in this, as in all other books of the series, vexed questions as regards the priority of invention have been carefully avoided, and facts, rather than names, have been presented to the reader. Only such portions of the history of the subject as are necessary^to a logical comprehension of its development are given, and no mathe- matical treatment other than simple arith- metic has been employed. The authors are indebted to the editors of Cassie^s Magazine for cuts in the book relating to the Niagara power transmission. Notwithstanding the apparent complex- ity of the electric motor, the authors believe that the student will be in pos- session of all its essential elementary principles after reading this book. AUGUST, 1896. CONTENTS. I. INTRODUCTORY, . . . . 1 II. SOURCES OF ENERGY, . . .19 III. ELEMENTARY ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES, 29 IV. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ELECTROMAG- NETIC MOTOR, .... 73 V. ELEMENTARY THEORY OF THE MOTOR, 119 VI. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF MOTORS, 162 VII. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF MOTORS, 200 VIII. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION OF POWER, . 217 IX. ALTERNATING-CURRENT MOTORS, . 241 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE X. ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELDS, . .;; 284 XL ALTERNATING-CURRENT TRANSMIS- SIONS, .. :j ,;*,.. '.. .., ' ,. , . 302 XII. MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRIC MOTORS, . . . . 335 INDEX, . . . . . -? 359 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. CHAPTER I. INTKODUCTOKY. THE nineteenth century owes its promi- nence in physical science, largely to the discovery that energy is indestructible, and that the universe possesses a certain stock or store of energy which it is impossible either to increase or to decrease. All natural phenomena are attended by transformations of energy. When 2 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND energy disappears in one form, the nine- teen tli century doctrine of the conservation of energy, bids us look for some other form in which we know it must reappear. The fact that phenomena occur at one point of space where the energy necessary for this causation did not previously exist, proves that energy must have been taken from some store or stock and transmitted to that point. Consequently, the doctrine of the conservation of energy necessitates the doctrine of the transference or trans- mission of energy, in contradistinction to its creation. In other words, the discov- ery of the indestructibility of energy was also the discovery of the possibility of its transmission. The discovery of the doctrine of the in- destructibility and increatability of energy followed upon the discovery of the in- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. destructibility and increatability of matter. Our belief in these doctrines is the result of our universal experience, and any ex- planation of natural phenomena, that neces- sitates the creation, either of energy or of matter, may be unhesitatingly rejected. Energy is the capability of doing work. In other words, when work is done energy is expended. But it must not be supposed because the energy is expended, that it is thereby destroyed. The energy has only changed its form or its position. For example, when a charge of gunpowder is placed in a gun and fired, the energy which previously existed in the gun- powder is liberated, by the act of firing, and is principally expended in moving the ball from the gun, some being acci- dentally expended in heating the gun. Although the energy is thus properly 4 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND spoken of as being expended by the gun- powder in doing this work, yet it must be remembered that the energy is not there- by annihilated, but is merely transformed. The moving ball expends some of its energy of motion in moving aside the air ; a part is expended in producing sound, and the remainder, usually the greater part, is given up in the concussion against the body it strikes. All this energy finally takes the form of heat in the gun, in the air, and in the body struck, in which form it usually permanently remains. Conse- quently, after- the gun has been fired, there is less chemical, but more heat energy in that part of the universe. As another example take the case of a reservoir filled by a pump with water. The filled reservoir represents a stock or store of energy derived from the work expended THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 5 in pumping. So long as no water is allowed to leave the reservoir, no work is done, and the store of energy remains un- changed. If, however, the water be per- mitted to escape through a water-wheel, the energy in the reservoir is expended in turning the wheel ; that is to say, the energy of the moving water is transferred to the moving wheel, which in its turn, may transfer it to machinery connected therewith. Here each moving part ex- pends its energy ; but such energy is not annihilated; it is merely transferred. If the water-wheel were employed to drive another pump which filled a similar reser- voir to the same level, and no loss of energy occurred in its transference, the escape of water from the first reservoir would result in the filling of the second reservoir with the same quantity of water and to the same depth. In practice, this 6 THE ELECTEIG MOTOR AND never occurs; losses always take place in the machinery. Such losses, however, are not annihilations of energy. The energy which disappears, takes some other form, generally as heat produced by frictions. The water of a river flowing through its channel, represents a stock of energy that is being expended at a certain rate. The amount of energy present in the moving stream depends both upon the quantity of water, and on the speed with which it moves. A certain proportion of this energy is capable of being transferred from the stream to a moving water-wheel, or water motor, and the water, which has passed through the wheel or motor, loses some of its motion in consequence. The source of energy in the moving water of a river is to be found in the sun's heat, wlvd* conv 1L\ /O into vapor^^^arried this land, where i^>^^ecj[j^ii3^ -boadeil sed and fell as rain. The energy in the moving water, however, is only a portion of that which it acquired in falling from the higher to the lower level. In each of the preceding cases the mov- ing machinery ceased its motion, when energy ceased to be transferred to it ; and, in each case, we have been able readily to trace the source of the driving energy. The case of a man, who expends muscular or nervous energy, in doing work, forms no exception to this rule. In order to permit the man to continue expending energy in such work, it is necessary that his stock of energy be replenished from time to time ; in other words, that energy be transferred to him from some other source. This is 8 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND accomplished by his assimilating food, which contains chemical energy imparted to it from the sun. Strange as it may seem, the transference of energy from assimilated food to the organism of the man, is similar to the transference of energy from a lump of coal to a steam engine. The chemical potential energy of the coal, liberated by burning under a boiler, is transferred to the steam ; and the energy of the steam, is transferred to the working parts of the steam engine. In man, it is the chemical potential energy of the food assimilated, which enables him to perform his varied functions. In the steam engine it is the chemical potential energy of the coal which enables it to work. Before leaving the subject of energy it THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 9 will be advisable to obtain definite ideas concerning its measurement. The amount of energy required to be expended in order to raise one pound against the earth's gravitational force, through a vertical dis- tance of one foot, is called a foot-pound. Thus, to raise a steel fire-proof safe, weighing 5,000 pounds, from the street to a room, 100 feet above the street level, requires the expenditure of energy equal to 100 x 5,000 = 500,000 foot-pounds. Energy is measurable in units of work, and the foot-pound is the unit frequently employed in English-speaking countries for this purpose. The international unit of work is called the joule. A joule is approximately 0.738 foot-pound, and is, therefore, roughly, equal to the amount of energy required to be expended in order to raise a pound 10 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND through a distance of 9", against gravita- tional force. A foot-pound, is, therefore, greater than a joule, being, approximately, equal to 1.355 joules. If we could compute the total energy of the universe, it would, of course, be capable of being expressed either in foot-pounds or in joules. As we have already stated this total is believed to be constant, all so- called expenditures of energy merely altering the character of the stock, and not its amount. It is necessary carefully to distinguish between the expenditure of energy and the rate at which it is expended. Thus if a man weighing 150 pounds ascends a flight of stairs 100 feet high, he must necessarily expend energy amounting to 150X100 = 15,000 foot-pounds. So far THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 11 as the result is concerned, namely his reaching the top of the stairs, the same amount of work must be done whether he does this in five minutes, or in one minute ; but the rate at which he requires to expend energy in the two cases in order to mount the stairs, would be very differ- ent ; for, in the first case he would expend 15,000 foot-pounds of work in five minutes, or at an average rate of 3,000 foot-pounds per minute, while in the second case he would expend 15,000 foot- pounds of work in one minute, or at an average rate of 15,000 foot-pounds per minute ; that is to say, his activity, or rate- of-expending-energy, would be five times greater in the latter case than in the former. A unit of activity or rate-of-expending- energy, frequently adopted in English- 12 THE ELECTEIC MOTOR .AND speaking countries, is the foot-pound-per- second. A similar unit employed in deal- ing with machinery is called the Jiorse- power and is equal to 550 foot-pounds-per- second. The international unit of activity is the joule-per -second / or, as it is more fre- quently called, the watt. Expressed in foot-pounds-per-second, the watt is 0.738 foot-pound-per-second, so that 746 watts are equal to one horse-power. As the watt is usually too small a unit for con- veniently dealing with machinery, the kilowatt or 1,000 watts, is generally em- ployed. One kilowatt (KW), is, approxi- mately, 1 1/3 horse-power (1.34 HP), i. e. 746 watts = 1 HP. As we have seen, natural phenomena require an expenditure of energy to pro- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 13 duce them. It is convenient to regard such phenomena either from the stand- point of the energy they consume, or of the activity they require to have sus- tained. We can regard these phenomena as capable of being reproduced by the expen- diture of the proper amount of energy. Since the chemical potential energy in a pound of coal is a definite quantity, we know that by the liberation of this energy we can produce a certain phenomenon, such, for example, as raising a weight to a given height, or in overcoming certain resistances, as in sawing a log of wood. If the same phenomenon is to be produced at some point where this energy does not exist, it is evident that this amount of energy must be transmitted from some other point. 14 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND In mills and manufactories, where dif- ferent machines are to be driven, it is pos- sible to determine the exact amount of energy required to drive them. We can, therefore, calculate the amount of steam power or water-power required to be sup- plied to such establishments. In actual practice, the problem presented is the determination of the most effectual and economical means whereby this amount of power may be transmitted from the point of supply to the point of delivery, where the machine has to be driven. Various means have been adopted for the transmission of power to considerable distances. The principal of these are : (1) Rope transmission. (2) Pneumatic transmission. (3) Hydraulic transmission. (4) Electric transmission. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 15 Rope transmission finds its most exten- sive use in the operation of cable cars, where it is sometimes employed for dis- tances of several miles in a single section. Pneumatic transmission is employed ex- tensively in Paris, where there are about 35 miles of pneumatic mains. It is also used extensively in mining operations, and to some extent, in systems of railway signalling. When used in mining, it possesses the advantage of aiding the ventilation. Hydraulic transmission is in fairly extensive use for distributing power in European cities where the distribution distances are not excessive. There can be no doubt that any of the preceding systems is capable, when prop- 16 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND erly installed, of transmitting power with fair economy over considerable distances. A transmission system consists of gener- ators at the transmitting end, which trans- form the energy supplied into a form in which it can be transmitted ; motors, or devices at the receiving end, for transform- ing the energy so transmitted into the form available for use; and connecting systems joining the generators and motors. In considering the relative advantages of any transmission system, it is evident that account must be taken of the cost of instal-" lation of the entire system, and of the rela- tive efficiencies of the generators and motors ; or, combining these things, of the cost of delivering power. In addition to this we must consider the readiness with which the transmitted power can be transformed, and the safety with which it can be both transmitted and employed. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 17 111 contrasting the relative advantages of rope, pneumatic, and hydraulic transmis- sion, rope transmission is often advanta- geous where the power has to be transmitted in the open country in bulk, but, where power has to be transmitted to a number of consumers in a city, pneu- matic or hydraulic transmission possess advantages over rope transmission, espe- cially in cases where the exigencies of the work require the direction of the motion to be frequently and abruptly changed. While pneumatic and hydraulic trans- mission systems possess marked advantages in certain directions, yet electric transmis- sion is so convenient, the efficiency of the generators and motors so high, the cost of transmission over considerable distances so comparatively low, and the flexibility with 18 ME ELECTRIC MOTOK. which electricity lends itself to the purposes of general distribution so marked, that electricity is already in extensive use in the United States for the transmission of power. PROPERTY CF' SOURCES OF ENERGY. THE known sources of energy may be classified as follows : viz., (1) Chemical energy, as of coal and other combustibles. (2) Water power. (3) The earth's internal heat. (4) The earth's motion. (5) Solar heat. Tracing these various sources of energy to their origin, it soon becomes evident that they are all derived from the sun as the prime source. A lump of coal, when burned, gives out, in its radiant light 19 20 THE ELECTRIC MOTOK AND and heat, the solar activity of a past geo- logical age. So also the energy of food, which when assimilated, is the source of energy in the muscles of animals, has been derived from the sun in more recent times. Wind power and water power also manifestly derive their energy from the sun. * The earth's heat is properly to be re- garded as a source of power. Since the entire interior of the earth is believed to be highly heated, we evidently .have in it a great storehouse of natural power, which although never yet practically employed, yet is capable of doing an enormous amount of work. Since it is generally believed, in accordance with Laplace's nebular hypo- thesis, that the earth and all members of the solar system once formed a part of the sun, and were disengaged from the sun's THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 21 mass while in an incandescent condition, this source of heat also owes its origin to the sun. The rotary motion of the earth may be regarded as a source of power. With- out stopping to discuss the various methods which have been proposed to obtain motion from the rotation of the earth, we would point out that the only practical means for doing this is by the employment of machines driven by the tides. It is evident, from a consideration of the above, that all the natural sources of power available to man on the earth either have been, or are being, derived from the sun, and are divisible into three great classes ; namely, (1) Solar energy imparted to the earth at the beginning of its career. 22 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND (2) Solar energy imparted to coal dur- ing past geological epochs ; and, (3) Solar energy imparted to the earth at the present time by direct radiation. Although, as we have already seen, the total amount of energy existing in the uni- verse is believed to be constant, yet the amount residing in the sun and in the earth, is believed to be steadily diminish- ing, being lost by radiation into interstellar space at a comparatively rapid rate. A motor which receives power and transmits it to the machinery it drives is a device for transforming or trans- ferring energy. A certain amount of energy must be expended in driving it ; that is a certain amount of activity must be delivered to the machine. This activity is generally known as the intake of the THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 23 machine. The machine, in operating, de- livers to the machinery it drives a certain amount of activity which is called its out- put. The output can never exceed the in- take. In point of fact, since certain losses occur in the operation of the best designed machines, the output can never even equal the intake, and, in many machines, is con- siderably less than the intake. The ratio of the output to the intake is called the efficiency of the machine. In order to illustrate the preceding principles we may consider the following example. A line of shafting in a machine shop, is a machine for transferring energy from a source, say a steam engine, to one or more driven machines, such as lathes, saws, etc. The amount of activity de- livered to the shafting by the engine may be, say 10 horse-power, or 746 x 10 = 7,460 24 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND watts = 7,460 joules-per-second, or 5,500 foot-pounds per second. A certain amount of this activity is expended in overcoming the friction of the shafting; i. e., in heat- ing the journals, in churning the neigh- boring air, in shaking the building, and in stretching the belts. The remainder of the activity is delivered to the lathes. If this total delivery or output, be 8 HP = 746 X 8 = 5,968 watts, the efficiency of the shafting will be = 80 per cent. Again if an electric motor receives an intake of 50 horse-power, and has an out- put of 45 horse-power; i. e., delivers 45 horse-power at its pulley, then its efficiency will be = 0.9 = 90 per cent. In considering the amount of power THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 25 required to be drawn from any natural source in order to perform a given amount of work, allowance must, therefore, be made for the loss in transformation. For ex- ample, it can be shown that a pound of good coal, if thoroughly burned in air, is capable of yielding a total amount of energy equal to 15,500,000 joules, or, 11,440,000 foot-pounds. Consequently, if the energy so liberated were applied to drive a steam engine, this steam engine, if burning one pound of coal per hour, would be able to raise a weight .of one pound 11,440,000 feet in that time, and would, therefore, be exerting an activity of 5.778 horse-power, or 4,310 watts. In point of fact, however, the best steam engines and boilers are only capable of delivering about y^ths of one horse-power-hour, with one pound of coal, so that the efficiency of 26 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND such an engine and boiler would only be 8 ' = 0.1385, or 13.85 per cent., and, in o.77o fact, with the types of engine ordinarily employed, the efficiency is commonly only about 8 per cent. This comparatively low efficiency of a steam engine and boiler is due to the com- bination of two very different causes. One of these lies in the working tempera- ture, or the difference in temperature between the steam admitted to the engine and the steam leaving the engine. It is a law of nature that the amount of heat which can be mechanically realized from the liberation, during combustion, of a given quantity of chemical energy, depends upon the working temperatures. With the working temperatures which are imposed by practical considerations in the THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 27 best steam engines, the efficiency due to this cause is restricted to about 25 per cent., so that if the steam engine and boiler were perfect machines, losing none of the power which was capable of being delivered to them, they could not under these circumstances have an efficiency, taken in conjunction, of more than 25 per cent. The balance of the work is uselessly expended in heating the air and water. The second source of loss lies in the necessary imperfections of engine and boiler as machines. The above losses are due to frictions and loss of heat by con- duction, convection, radiation and conden- sation. Retaining the same working temperature, these losses are reduced by all improvements in the engine and boiler, considered as machines for effecting trans- o 28 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR. formation of energy. The efficiency of an engine and boiler, considered as receiving only the energy which is rendered available by the range of working temperature, is at the best about 56 per cent., so that the nett efficiency, reckoned from the total chemical energy of coal, in the best engines and boilers is only about 0.25 X 0.56= 0.14, or 14 per cent. CHAPTER III. ELEMENTARY ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES. THE grave mistake is not infrequently made that because we are still ignorant of the real nature of electricity, we are neces- sarily equally ignorant of the principles controlling its action. In point of fact the engineer has to-day a more intimate knowledge of the laws of electricity, than of the laws which govern the application of steam. Since, in the study of the electric motor, a knowledge of the more important laws of electricity is neces- sary, it will be advisable to discuss them briefly, before proceeding further with the subject. 30 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND All electric current, or electric flow, re- quires for its existence a complete conduct- ing path as represented in Fig. 1. Here 6 VOLTS 3 OHMS L 3ROP1 VOLT 2 AMPERES 2 AMPERES 2 AMPERES 2 AMPERES DROPS VOLTS 2 AMPERES 1 OHM s DROP1 VOLT E.M.F. 10 VOLTS FIG. 1. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT, INCLUDING SOURCE, LAMP AND CONDUCTING LEADS. a voltaic battery, or other electric source, supplies an electric current through the completed circuit, A B C D. Unless a completed path be provided for the passage THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 31 of the electricity, both through the source and the external circuit, an electric current cannot be sustained. All practical elec- tric circuits of this character consist of three separate parts ; namely, (1) The electric source. (2) Conducting wires or leads. (3) An electro-receptive device tra- versed by the current. In all electric circuits of this type, it is convenient, for purposes of description, to regard the electricity as leaving the source at a point called its positive pole, and returning to the source, after it has passed through the circuit of the receptive de- vices placed therein, to a point called its negative pole. The current, after entering the source, flows through it and again emerges at its positive pole. It will be seen that the path thus traversed by the 32 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND current is circuital, in so far as it again reaches the point from which it started. The conducting path forms what is called an electric circuit. It must not be sup- posed, however, that circuits are neces- sarily circular in outline, since a circuit will be established no matter what the shape of the conducting path, provided only that the electric flow reaches the point from which it is assumed to have started. An electric circuit is said to be made, completed, or closed, when a complete con- ducting path is provided for it. It is said to be broken, or opened, when this conduct- ing path is interrupted at any point. When an electric source, such as shown in Fig. 1, is open or broken, the current ceases to flow, and, consequently, the THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 33 source ceases to furnish electricity. It does not, however, cease to furnish a variety of force called electromotive force. As long as the circuit remains open the electromotive force produced by the bat- tery does no work; i. e., expends no energy. It is only when a conducting cir- cuit is provided for it, that it can produce a motion of electricity and thus do work. In point of fact all electric sources are to be regarded as sources of electromotive force, usually abbreviated E. M. F., rather than sources of current, since they produce E. M. F. whether their circuit is opened or closed. Morever, the conditions of their working remaining the same, the value of their E. M. F. remains un- changed ; whereas, as we shall see, the value of the current they produce, de- pends entirely upon certain conditions of the circuit with which they are connected. "34 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND Regarding Fig. 1, as a typical instance of a working electric circuit, provided, as already mentioned, with a voltaic battery, conducting leads, and an electro-receptive device or devices, let us inquire liow we can ascertain the amount of electricity that will flow through the circuit in a given time. In this, as in any similar electric circuit, the strength of current which flows, that is, the quantity of electricity which passes through the circuit per second, is dependent on two quantities ; namely, on the value of the E. M. F., which may, for convenience, be regarded as an electric, pressure causing, or tending to cause, the electric flow, and on a quantity called the resistance of the circuit, which acts so as to limit the quantity of electricity passing through the circuit in a given time. The current strength passing is related to these quantities in a manner discovered by Dr. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 35 Ohm, and expressed by him in a law, generally known as Ohm's law, as fol- lows: The current strength in any circuit is equal to the E. M. F., acting on that circuit, divided by the resistance of the circuit. In order to assign definite values to the above quantities, certain units are em- ployed. The units in international use are as follows: the unit of E. M. F., called the volt; the unit of resistance, called the ohm, and the unit of current strength or flow, called the ampere. Ohm's law, expressed in terms of these units, is as follows ; namely, volts amperes = , ohms Suppose, for example, in the case of the simple electric circuit shown in Fig. 1, 36. THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND that the E. M. F. of the voltaic battery is 10 volts, and the resistance of the entire circuit, including the resistance of the source, the conducting wires and the lamp, is 5 ohms ; then, in accordance with Ohm's law, the current strength , , , 10 volts would be ; = 2 amperes. D ohms The volt is, roughly, equal to the E. M. F. of a blue-stone voltaic cell, such as is commonly used in telegraphy. The ohm is the resistance of about two miles of ordinary trolley wire, and the ampere is about twice as strong a current as is ordinarily used in a 16 candle-power, 110- volt, incandescent lamp. The dynamo-electric machine is the practical source of the powerful electric currents that are in common use. ^* pw ^f% fl^ PPr^r-^. fy ' vtjFiiRTv & THE TliANSl^I^ION OF POWER: I 37 .^ ^ /r-> Dynamos can be extracted to give an E. M. F., varying fronT^fe^Mi^ t<> 10,000 volts. The E. M. F. employed for street railroad systems is about 500 volts. The E. M. F. employed for continuous-cur- rent incandescent electric lighting is about 115 volts. There are a great variety of voltaic cells. The value of the E. M. F. varies in each, but in general, is comprised be- tween 2/3rds volt and 2 1/2 volts. As this pressure, or, as it is frequently called, voltage, is insufficient to operate most receptive devices, it is necessary to in- crease it by connecting a number of sepa- rate cells together so as to permit them to act as a single cell or battery. Such con- nection may be effected in various ways, but the readiest is connection in series, which consists essentially in connecting the 38 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND positive pole of one cell to the negative of the next, and the positive of this, to the negative of the next, and so on through the entire number of cells, as FIG. 2. VOLTAIC BATTERY OF THREE CELLS IN SERIES. shown in Fig. 2, where three separate, Daniell gravity cells are connected in series. If the E. M. F. of each cell is, say 1.1 volts, the E. M. F. of the battery will be 3.3 volts. Dynamos may also be con- nected in series, but since it is easy to construct a dynamo for the full E. M. F. required, the expedient is rarely resorted to. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 39 The resistance offered by a pipe to the flow of water through it increases with the length of the pipe and also with the narrowness of its bore. A long, narrow pipe has a higher resistance, and permits less water to flow through it in a given time, and under a given pressure, than a short pipe of large diameter. In the same way, the resistance of an electric wire increases with its length and with its narrowness. A long, fine wire has a high resistance, as compared with a short, thick wire. Thus, one foot of very fine copper wire, No. 40 A. W. G. (American Wire Gauge), having a diameter of 0.003145 inch, has a resistance of, approximately, one ohm. If, therefore, the length of a wire be fixed, we can make its resistance almost anything we please by altering its area of cross-section. If we double the cross-section, we halve the resistance, 40 THE ELECTUIC MOTOR AND the resistance increasing directly with the length, and inversely with the cross- sectional area of the wire. There is another way of varying the re- sistance of wires of the same dimensions ; i. e.j by employing different materials. In other words, the resistance of a wire depends not only upon its length and cross-section, but also upon the nature of its su bstance. The specific resistance of iron is about 61/2 times as great as that of copper, so that a wire of iron would have 6 1/2 times as much resistance as a wire of copper having the same length and cross-section. In order to compare readily the specific resistances of different materials, reference is had to a quantity called the resistivity. The resistivity of a material is the resist- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 41 ance offered by a wire having unit length and unit cross-sectional area. These unit values are generally taken as one centi- metre for the length, and one square centi- metre for the area of cross-section, so that, when we speak of the resistivity of copper as being 1.6 microhms, we mean that a wire 1 centimetre in length and having a cross-section of 1 square centimetre, has a resistance of 1.6 microhms; i. e., 1.6 mil- Months of an ohm -J. The resist- ance of one metre of this wire would be 1.6 x 100 =160 microhms, and the resist- ance of one metre of a wire having a cross- sectional area of 2 square centimetres in , 1.6 x 100 would be - - = 80 microhms. Con- 2i sequeritly, if the resistivity of a material is known, it is easy to determine what the 42 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND resistance of any uniform wire will be of given length and cross-sectional area. In English-speaking countries, where lengths are generally measured in feet, and the diameters of wires in inches, it is con- venient to employ as an area of cross-sec- tion the circular mil. A mil is a unit of length of the value of one thousandth of an inch, and a wire, one inch in diame- ter, is said to have a diameter of 1,000 mils. If we square the diameter of a wire in mils, we obtain its area in circular mils, so that a circular wire, one inch in diame- ter, has an area of one million circular mils, A circular mil-foot is a unit of cross-sec- tion and length possessed by a wire one foot long and having a diameter of one mil, and, consequently, an area of one cir- cular mil. A circular mil-foot of copper has a resistance of 10.35 ohms, at 20 C. ; THE TRANSMISSION OK lo\VI-:iI. 43 so that if a wire be one mile long, and have a diameter of 0.2 i noli, its, : cross-sec* tion will be 200 X 200 = 40,000 circular mils, and its length will be 5,280 feet, so 5,280 X 10.35 that its resistance will be - 1.366 ohms at 20 C. The resistivity of all metals is increased by an increase in temperature. In most metals this increase is about 0.4 per cent, per degree Centigrade, reckoned from the resistivity at zero Centigrade, so that, at the temperature of boiling water, the resistivity of copper is about 40 per cent, greater than its resistivity at the freezing point of water. In computing the resist- ance of a wire, therefore, its temperature must be taken into account. AVhen a current of water flows through a pipe, the quantity of water which passes 44 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND depends both on the flow, and on the time during which the flow takes place. In the same way the quantity of electricity which passes through a wire depends both on the rate of flow, or the number of amperes, and on the time during which the flow takes place. In determining the quantity of water which passes through a pipe, the gallon is frequently employed as a unit of quantity. Similarly, in determining the quantity of electricity which passes through a wire, a unit of electric quantity called the coulomb is employed. As in water currents, the gallon-per-second might be employed as the unit of current, so in the electric cur- rent, the unit-rate-of-flow is taken as a coulomb-per-second, a rate of flow the same as the ampere already referred to. The coulomb is, therefore, the quantity of electricity which passes through a circuit THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 45 during one second, when the current strength is one ampere. Thus, again referring to the simple electric circuit shown in Fig. 1, the value of the current flowing through which was calculated as two amperes, the quantity of electricity would be two coulombs in each second, or 120 coulombs per minute. A reservoir filled with water may be regarded as a store of energy and can be caused to expend that energy in doing work, by permitting the water to escape so as to drive a water motor. The amount of energy, which can be trans- ferred from the reservoir to the motor, will depend both on the quantity of water in the reservoir, and on the vertical height through which the water is permitted to fall. Thus, if the reservoir contain 1,000,- 000 pounds of water, and this drives a 48 ME ELECTKIC MOTOR AND E. M. F. of 10 volts is active. This pres- sure corresponds to the total difference of level between the water in the reservoir and the motor which it drives. Every coulomb of electricity which flows through this circuit requires an expenditure of work equal to 10 volts X 1 coulomb = 10 volt-coulombs = 10 joules = 7.38 foot- pounds. Since, as we have seen, the current strength iu this circuit is 2 amperes ; i. e., 2 coulombs-per-second, the work done will be 2 X 10 = 20 joules in each second. A joule-per-second is called a watt ; consequently, the activity in this circuit will be 20 watts. In any electric circuit the rate at which work is being expended ; i. e., the activity of the circuit, expressed in watts, is equal to the product of the total pressure in volts multiplied by the current strength in amperes. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 49 This activity has to be supplied to the circuit by the electric source. In the case of a dynamo, the activity is supplied by the engine or turbine driving the dynamo. In the case of a battery, the activity is supplied by the chemical energy of the cell, in other words, by the burning of the zinc in the battery solution. The activity so expended in an electric circuit appears in one of three ways : (1) Heat. (2) Mechanical work. (3) Electro-chemical work. The relative expenditure of activity in these three different ways is determined by the distribution of what is called the counter E. M. F. y abbreviated C. E. M. F. For example, in Fig. 1, an E. M. F. of 10 volts acting in the circuit is opposed by 48 THE ELECTRIC MOTOK ANT) E. M. F. of 10 volts is active. This pres- sure corresponds to the total difference of level between the water in the reservoir and the motor which it drives. Every coulomb of electricity which flows through this circuit requires an expenditure of work equal to 10 volts X 1 coulomb = 10 volt-coulombs = 10 joules = 7.38 foot- pounds. Since, as we have seen, the current strength in this circuit is 2 amperes ; i. e., 2 coulombs-per-second, the work clone will be 2 x 10 = 20 joules in each second. A joule-per-second is called a watt; consequently, the activity in this circuit will be 20 watts. In any electric circuit the rate at which work is being expended ; i. e., the activity of the circuit, expressed in watts, is equal to the product of the total pressure in volts multiplied by the current strength in amperes. >THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 49 This activity has to be supplied to the circuit by the electric source. lu the case of a dynamo, the activity is supplied by the engine or turbine driving the dynamo. In the case of a battery, the activity is supplied by the chemical energy of the cell, in other words, by the burning of the zinc in the battery solution. The activity so expended in an electric circuit appears in one of three ways : (1) Heat. (2) Mechanical work. (3) Electro-chemical work. The relative expenditure of activity in these three different ways is determined by the distribution of what is called the counter E. M. F., abbreviated C. E. M. F. For example, in Fig. 1, an E. M. F. of 10 volts acting in the circuit is opposed by 50 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND a C. E. M. F. ; i. e., a back pressure, or oppositely directed E. M. F. opposing the flow of the current. The passage of water through a pipe is always attended by a back pressure. For example, if a powerful stream of water be forced through a long hose, there will be a difference of pressure between the two ends of the hose, owing to the resistance encountered by the water during the pas- sage. If the water escapes freely from the distant end into the air, the pressure in the hose, at a distance of say two hundred feet from the end, may be, perhaps, five pounds per square inch above the pressure of the air. This is the back pressure due to the flow of water. It increases with the rapidity of the discharge. In an electric conductor or circuit, the THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 51 product of the current strength in amperes and the resistance in ohms, gives the back pressure, or C. E. M. F. in volts. Thus in the circuit of Fig. 1, where the resistance of the entire circuit is 5 ohms, and the current 2 amperes, the C. E. M. F. is 2x5= 10 volts, which is equal to the driving E. M. F . This, in fact, follows from a consideration of Ohm's law; namely, that the E. M. F. divided by the resistance gives the current strength, so that the current strength multiplied by the resistance, is equal to the E. M. F. Since the resistance of the circuit, shown in Fig. 1, is made up of the resistance of the voltaic battery, the conducting wires and the lamp, the C. E. M. F. or fall of pressure of 10 volts, is distributed in these portions according to their respective re- sistances. If the resistance of the battery 52 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND be 1 ohm, that is, if the battery con- sidered as an electric conductor composed of liquids and metals, offered a resistance of 1 ohm to the passage of the current it generates, the C. E. M. F. set up in the battery by the current strength of 2 amperes will be 2 amperes X 1 ohm = 2 volts. Or, regarded from the standpoint of Ohm's law, 2 volts will be the E. M. F. necessary to force 2 amperes through the resistance of the battery. As it is usually expressed, the " drop" or fall of pressure in the resistance of the battery will be 2 volts. Again, if the resistance of the conducting wires leading to the lamp ; i. e., the leads, be 1 ohm, or 1/2 an ohm in each conductor, the drop in each will be 2 amperes X 1/2 ohm = 1 volt. Since the resistance of the lamp is 3 ohms, the C. E. M. F., or drop in its resis- tance, will also be 2 amperes x 3 ohms = THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 53 6 volts. The total drop, or C. E. M. F. due to resistance, will, therefore, be 6 volts in the lamp, 2 volts in the conducting wires, and 2 volts in the battery, making the total C. E. M. F. equal and opposite to the driving E. M. F. ; namely 10 volts. As we have seen, the activity expended by a source is the product of the driving pressure or E. M. F. in that source, and the current strength in the circuit expressed in coulombs-per-secoud, or amperes. Simi- larly, the activity in watts, expended on a source of C. E. M. F., is the product of that C. E. M. F. in volts, and the cur- rent strength passing through the circuit. Thus, the activity expended in the lamp of Fig. 1, will be 6 volts x 2 amperes = 12 watts, or 8.856 foot-pounds-per-second, expended in the lamp as heat. Again, the activity expended in the two conductors is 54 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND 2 volts x 2 amperes = 4 watts, or 2.952 foot-poimds-per-second. The activity ex- pended in the internal resistance of the battery will be also 2 volts x 2 amperes = 4 watts 2.952 foot-pounds-per-second, while the activity expended in the entire circuit of the battery will be 10 volts x 2 amperes = 20 watts = 15.76 foot-pounds- per-second. Summing up the various activities in the circuit, we have, as follows; viz., The activity expended on the circuit by the source is 10 volts X 2 amperes = 20 watts = 20 joules-per-second. Of this the activity expended in the circuit by the lamp is 6 volts X 2 amperes =12 watts; the activity expended in the two leads, is 2 volts x 2 amperes = 4 watts; the activity expended in the battery, is 2 volts X 2 am- peres = 4 watts ; total activity = 20 watts. THE DIESEL fl OF POWER. In the pended by the c^ji^cal energy in the bat- tery, and is liberale^efitii'ely in the form of heat ; that is to say, the battery is warmed, the wires are warmed, and the lamp is warmed. The lamp becomes much hotter than either the battery or the wires, because the heat is liberated in a very small volume of material, and can escape only from a very contracted sur- face. All activity expended against the C. E. M. F. of drop is thermal activity and is usually to be considered as wasted activity, except in the case of electric heaters or electric lamps, where this C. E. M. F. and activity are designedly employed for warming the surrounding air or other bodies. When an electric motor is so placed in any circuit, that a current passes through it, 56 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND there will be produced in it a drop or C. E. M. F. due to resistance only ; provided that the motor be prevented from moving. If, however, the motor be driven by the FIG. 3. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT CONTAINING SOURCE, LEADS AND MOTOR. current, then there is produced an addi- tional C. E. M. F. which is generated by the rotation of the motor. Thus, if the motor M, in Fig. 3, has a resistance of 1 THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 57 ohm,- and the leads to the motor have each a resistance of 1 ohm, while the internal resistance of the battery or electric source is also 1 ohm, then the total resistance of the circuit will be 4 ohms, and, as long as the motor is prevented from running, the current strength in the circuit will be 10 volts divided by 4 ohms = 2.5 amperes. The activity expended by the source will, therefore, be 10 volts x 2.5 amperes = 25 watts, and this activity will be entirely expended in heating the circuit. 6 1/4 watts will be expended in warming the battery, 6 1/4 watts in warming each wire, and 61/4 watts in warming the wire wound upon the motor. If, however, the motor be permitted to run, and, therefore, to do work, it must expend energy ; and this expenditure must be supplied from the circuit as the pro- 58 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND duct of a C. E. M. F. and the current strength which it opposes. Thus, if the motor by its rotation generates a C. E. M. F. of 2 volts, in addition to its C. E. M. F. of drop, the E. M. F. acting on the circuit will be 10 volts in the bat- tery, less 2 volts C. E. M. F. of rotation produced by the motor, or 8 volts, as the resultant driving E. M. F., capable of be- ing expended in forcing current through the circuit against resistance. The current strength will, therefore, be 8 volts -r- 4 ohms = 2 amperes, and the activity of the source will be 10 volts x 2 amperes = 20 watts = 14.76 foot-pounds. The drop in the battery will be 2 amperes X 1 ohm = 2 volts ; that in each of the leads 2 volts ; and that in the winding of the motor 2 volts. The total pressure at motor termi- nals is, therefore, 4 volts. The activity expended as heat will, therefore, be 2 volts THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 59 X 2 amperes = 4 watts in the battery, 4 in each of the wires, and 4 in the motor winding = 16 watts in all. The activity in the motor available for mechanical work, is, however, the C. E. M. F. of rota- tion, or 2 volts x 2 amperes = 4 watts, so that the total amount of work which the motor can perform mechanically is 4 watts, or 2.952 foot-pounds-per-second. It is to be observed, therefore, that while 20 watts are expended by the source, only 4 watts can in this instance be utilized for mechanical purposes, the balance being expended in heating the circuit. Analyzing the activity in the circuit we have : Total activity of battery 10 volts x 2 amperes = 20 watts = 14.76 foot- pounds-per-second. This must be ex- pended in the circuit as a whole. The drop, or C. E. M. F. due to resistance in 60 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND the two leads, is 4 volts, so that the activity in wanning the leads is 4 volts x 2 amperes 8 watts. The drop in the battery is 2 volts, so that the activity in warming the battery is 2 volts x 2 amperes 4 watts. The drop in the motor is 2 volts; the C. E. M. F. of rotation is 2 volts; the total C. E. M. F. is 4 volts. The activity in the motor is, therefore, 4 volts X 2 amperes = 8 watts ; total, 20 watts. Of the 8 watts total activity in motor, 4 watts will be expended in heating its wire, and 4 watts in producing rota- tion. We have already referred to the fact that when water escapes from a reservoir through a pipe a back pressure, or a coun- ter watermotive force is produced in the pipe, tending to check the flow. Fig. 4, represents a reservoir 7?, maintained at a THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 61 practically constant level. Suppose a horizontal pipe B O, be provided with an outlet at O. If the outlet at O, be temporarily closed, then the pressure from the water in j5, will cause the water to 01 23456 789 10 t ^ . rt* ^ f* ~~~ *-- g f R "" -~ jj . . L 1 1 3 C 1 ) i : 1 , B, or the fall of pressure in the reservoir. At 1, the back pressure is represented by the column c C, and the drop of pressure in the length B C, is represented by the column of water c c. Similarly, the back pressure at 2, is represented by the column d I), and the drop in the length CD, bjr the column dd'. Similarly, the drop in the whole length B O, is b B, or A' O. In other words, the pressure b B, is that which is required to produce, through the resistance of the pipe, the actual flow which takes place through it. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 63 If we consider a pound of water in the pipe after leaving the reservoir, then when this pound of water has reached the point 1, it has virtually fallen through the height c c', and, therefore, the amount of work expended by the reservoir in forc- ing the water through the pipe against this back pressure c c', will be this pound multiplied by the number of feet in c c'. Again, if the flow from the reservoir be say 50 pounds-per-second, then the ex- penditure of activity in foot-pounds-per- second, will be 50 pounds x height O A'. If this be 10 feet, the activity of the reser- voir will be 50 X 10 = 500 foot- pounds-per- second = 678 watts. The preceding principles are those, which as we have seen, apply to the elec- tric circuit. If we represent the number of pounds of water by the coulombs, the 64 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND difference of level in feet, by the volts, and the pounds-per-second, by the amperes, the analogy is complete : for, if we multiply the current flow in amperes, by the drop of pressure caused by the resistance in volts, we have the joules-per-second, or the watts of activity, expended by the electric source in order to drive the electricity through the circuit against its resistance, or against the C. E. M. F. which this resist- ance produces. It must be remembered, however, that electricity is not a gross liquid like water and that these are merely analogies. Fig. 5 represents a reservoir with an out- let pipe as before, but coupled to a small water motor M, inserted in the pipe. This water motor absorbs activity by reason of the back pressure it is capable of develop- ing when in rotation. It will be observed THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 65 that the driving pressure in the reservoir is now equal to the sum of the drops of pres- sure in the pipe, and the back pressure of the motor M. Thus d ly is the drop of pres- sure in the first section of the pipe, d^ the B FIG. 5. DISTRIBUTION OF PRESSURES IN MOTOR AND PIPE. drop of pressure in the second section of the pipe, and I>, is the back pressure due to the action of the motor, so that d ly B, and dfy are together equal to P. The activity expended by the reservoir in forcing the water through the pipe and motor together, is equal to the flow, say 50 pound s-per-second, multiplied by the 66 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND total driving head JP, say 10 feet = 50 x 10 = 500 foot-pounds-per-second. Of this activity that which is expended in forcing the water through the pipe, against the drop of pressure due to its resistance, is ex- pended in warming both the pipe and the water, while the activity expended against the back pressure J3J of the motor, may be entirely employed in producing mechanical work, and would be so expended if the motor J/, were a perfect machine. Thus if c/ l7 be 2 feet and d%, 2 feet, while B, is 6 feet, the activity expended in heating the pipe and its contents is 4 feet X 50 pounds-per-second = 200 foot-pounds-per- second ; while the activity expended in the motor is 6 feet x 50 pounds-per-second = 300 foot-pounds-per-second. Moreover, the larger the pipe, and the shorter its length, the less will be the drop for a given flow, and the greater the proportion of activity THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 67 which may be expended in driving the motor. The electric analogue is shown in Fig. 6, where the source is represented as a ;d> [3 FIG. 6. ELECTRIC ANALOGUE SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF PRESSURE IN MOTOR AND WIRES. battery or dynamo producing the E. M. F. or difference of electric level E. The cir- cuit A. I), extends from one pole of the battery to the other, although not so shown in the drawing. The motor M, produces a back pressure B, which we may assume to be entirely due to its rotation, the resist- ance of the motor being negligible ; the re- 68 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND sistance of the conducting wires is 2 ohms each, the drop in the conducting wires is represented by d^ and d%, as before, but expressed in volts instead of in feet. If the E. M. F. at generator terminals be 10 volts, d and d 2 , each 2 volts, and the back pressure of the motor 6 volts, then the current through the circuit will be 10 - 6 = 4 volts divided by 4 ohms = 1 ampere. The activity expended by the source will be 10 volts x 1 ampere =10 watts = 7.38 foot- pounds-per-second. The activity expended in each of the leads will be 2 volts X 1 ampere = 2 watts, or 4 watts in all, and the balance, or 6 watts, must be equal to the activity expended in the motor ; namely, 6 volts x 1 ampere. If the motor could be made perfect, it would supply 6 watts mechanically at its shaft, or 4.428 foot- pounds-per-second, available for driving purposes, and the proportion of the avail- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. t>9 able activity in the circuit to the total activ- r* ity expended would be = 60 per cent. In practice, owing to the existence of vari- ous f rictional forces in the motor, its output would be less than 6 watts, say 4, making E( m FIG. 7. DISTKIBUTION OP ELECTRIC PKESSUKE IN A CIRCUIT. its efficiency = 66 2/3 per cent., and the 4 efficiency of the circuit = 40 per cent. Fig. 7 represents a more nearly com- plete analysis of the distribution of drop and expenditure of energy in a circuit 70 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND consisting of a source, a motor and conduct- ing wires. The E. M. F. of the battery or source is represented by JK. The resistance of the battery by the length O A, the resist- ance of conducting wires by the lengths A B and CD, arid the resistance of the motor by the length B C. Then, if e /, represents the back pressure of the motor due to its rotation, the pressure in the cir- cuit will follow the line o a b f e c D. If o, represents 10 volts, A, 1 ohm, A B and C D 2 ohms each, B C, I ohm, then the total resistance of the circuit will be 6 ohms. Also, if the back pressure e /, be 4 volts, the total E. M. F. in the circuit available for producing current through resistance will be 10 4 = 6 volts, so that by Ohm's law the current strength will be 6 volts divided by 6 ohms = 1 ampere. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 71 The activity expended in the source will be 1 watt; that in the conducting wires 4 watts ; and that in the resistance of the motor 1 watt, making a total thermal ac- tivity of 6 watts, and leaving an activity of 4 watts to be expended in the motor available for purpose of producing rota- tion. As a matter of fact, however, the back pressure in the motor is not devel- oped at any one spot, say halfway through its resistance, but will probably be developed uniformly through all parts of the resistance, and the combined effect of C. E. M. F. due to rotation and drop in resistance will be indicated by the dotted line b c, having a different gradient to the line o b, or c D. It will be observed that the drop in the battery is the difference in pressure be- tween E, and A a, or o. The drop in 72 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR. the leads will be the difference in pressure between A a and JB , and between Co and i>, respectively. The total drop in the motor will be b g, or the difference between B b and C c. This drop is com- posed of two parts ; namely, e f, due to rotation which would disappear when the motor came to rest, and which represents the C. E. M. F. available for useful work, and the difference between e f and b g, which is the drop in the resistance of the motor with a current of one ampere. CHAPTER IV. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC MOTOE. PROBABLY one of the most valuable gifts of electromagnetic science to the industrial world is that of the electromagnetic motor. The history of this subject is not only interesting on its own account, but also affords, perhaps, the best line that can be followed in the discussion of its theory. The electric motor, as it exists to-day, is a marvel of ingenuity. As a means for converting electrical into mechanical en- ergy it cannot but be regarded as an ex- ceptionally efficient piece of apparatus. 73' 74 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND Like other great achievements, the electric motor has not been the product of any single man or nation, but is rather the embodiment of the life work of many able workers, from many countries, through many years. As Emerson has aptly ex- pressed it : " Not in a week, or a month, or a year, but by the lives of many souls, a beautiful thing must be done." Since the electromagnetic motor con- sists essentially of means whereby a con- tinuous rotary motion is produced, by the combined agency of an electric current and a magnet, we must regard the first electric motor as being due to Faraday, who, in 1821, produced the apparatus shown in Fig. 8. Here a permanent steel bar magnet S N, is fixed in a cork, which wholly closes the lower end of a glass tube. Enough mercury is poured in to THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 75 partly cover the magnet. An electric cur- rent is caused to flow in the neighborhood of the magnet, through a movable wire a b y so suspended as to be capable of rotat- FIG. 8. THE FIRST ELECTROMAGNETIC MOTOR. ing its lower extremity about the axis of the tube. Under the combined action of the current and the magnet, a continu- ous rotary motion is produced. The 76 THE ELECTRIC MOTOE AND direction of this motion depends upon the direction of the current, as well as on the polarity of the magnet ; that is to say, if the motion be right-handed, or clock- wise, when the current is in one direction through the wire, it will be left-handed, or counter -clockwise, if the direction of current be reversed. Similarly, a re- versal of the polarity of the magnet, will reverse the direction of the motion. The current passes through the conductor in the upper cork to the hook a, thence through the movable wire a b, and out, by means of the mercury and the lower conductor. Let us inquire into the cause which pro- duces the electromagnetic rotation in the case of the simple apparatus shown in Fig. 8. To do this, a brief examination into the elementary principles of magnetism will be necessary. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 77 We have experimental knowledge of the fact that magnets possess the power of mutual attraction and repulsion, at sensible distances from one another. It would seem at first sight, that magnets possess the power of producing action at a dis- tance, without the presence of any inter- vening mechanism, or connecting medium, but this doctrine is now totally discredited. Indeed, it can be shown that a certain influence emanates from the magnet, so that a magnet is a piece of visible matter accompanied and surrounded by an in- visible influence, which must be regarded as a part of the magnet itself. More- over, the invisible part is much larger than the visible part. This invisible part, or magnetic field, may be described as a region traversed by an emanation called magnetic flux. The existence of this flux is shown either by the action 78 TI1K ELECTRIC MOTOR AND exerted upon a movable compass needle, when brought into or out of the field, or by the power it possesses to cause iron filings to align themselves in definite directions. In Fig. 9, the direction of the flux paths is shown by means of the group- ings of iron filings which have been sprinkled on a glass plate placed over a bar magnet. Regarding the grouping of filings as indicating the paths of magnetic flux, in the plane of the glass plate, it will be seen that curved chains of filings connect the two ends JV, and $, of the magnet, although in the outlying portions of the figure the interconnection of these lines is not shown. We know, however, that if the figure were large enough, all the lines would be found to form complete closed paths. Moreover, it can be shown that 80 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND this flux not only occupies the space out- side the magnet, but also penetrates its substance, and that, in fact, each flux path forms an endless chain, passing through both the substance of the magnet and the region outside the magnet. The question naturally arises whether the magnetic flux, or at least that part of it which lies out- side the magnet, is not due to the presence of the air or other gross medium occupying this space. This, however, is not the case, since the same phenomena occur if a vacuum exists outside the magnet, that is to say, if the magnet be enclosed in a chamber exhausted by an air-pump. There is, however, a medium called the universal ether, which, as can be shown, does fill this, as well as all other space. The air-pump is unable to remove this me- dium, since it can readily pass through the THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 81 substance of glass or of any other known material. Although the exact nature of magnetic flux is unknown, yet it is con- venient, for purposes of explanation, to assume that it consists of a streaming motion of the ether ; the curved lines, occupied by the iron filings, corresponding to the stream-lines or lines in which the ether is flowing. Since a flow necessitates a motion in a definite direction, it is conventionally as- sumed that the ether streams; i. e., the magnetic flux, issue from the magnet at its north pole ; namely, the pole which would point northwards, if the magnets were freely suspended, and after having passed through the region outside, returns into the substance of the magnet at its south pole, then passing through the substance of the magnet and reissuing at its north pole. 82 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND In other words, a magnet may be regarded as a means for producing a streaming mo- tion of the ether. That is to say, an ether streaming, called magnetic flux, moves in closed paths or circuits around the mag- net. According to this view, a bar magnet acts relatively to the ether whicli per- meates and surrounds it, in the same way as a tube placed in water and furnished with a pump in its interior, which causes a steady stream of water to emerge from the tube at one end, and to re-enter at the other end, after passing through the sur- rounding liquid. What we call the magnetic properties of a magnet only continue to exist while the magnet is producing these streaming ^ther motions ; that is, while it is producing magnetic flux. Anything which causes this motion to cease, causes the magnet to THK TRANSMISSION OF POWEK. 83 lose its magnetic properties, and anything which enables the magnet to again pro- duce this flux, will enable it to regain its magnetic properties. Since a magnetized bar of hardened steel retains its magnet- ism for an indefinite time, we assume that it possesses the power of indefinitely pro- ducing the ether motion. This could ex- ist without loss of energy if we assume, as we believe to be true, that ether is a fric- tionless fluid. But there are other ways of setting up streaming ether motion ; i. fo0WKR. 137 dry wood, rubber, glass materials except the magnetic nietals7cor duct magnetic flux with equal facility ; i. e., have practically the same reluctivity. Con- sequently, some of the magnetic flux pro- duced in the circuit by the M. M. F. of the field coils, will pass uselessly through the surrounding air. The useful magnetic flux is that which passes through the armature. The leakage can be reduced by diminishing the reluctance in the armature circuit relatively to the reluctance of the leakage paths surrounding the cores. If the cross-section of the armature A., be known in square inches, the total useful flux passing through it may be readily estimated ; for, it is usual to employ in the armature core a flux density of, approxi- mately, ten kilogausses. This is a density well below saturation, and, since there are, 138 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND 6.4516 square centimetres in a square inch, there will be, approximately, 64,500 webers of useful flux passing through each square inch of armature section, at right angles to the course of the magnetic flux through it. If, for example, the armature core be 39" long, and 20" in effective width, the cross- sectional area will be 780 square inches, and the probable amount of useful flux carried by the armature will be 780 X 64,500 = 5,030,000 webers. The torque exerted by a motor armature depends upon three things ; viz., (1) The useful flux passing through the armature in webers. (2) The current strength passing through the armature in amperes. (3) The number of turns of wire ; i. e. the number of wires counted once around the surface of the armature. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWEK. 139 If we multiply these three quantities together and divide by 85,155,000, we obtain the torque of the motor in pounds- feet. If the motor shown in Fig. 21 has a cur- rent strength passing through its armature by the brushes B, B, of 20 amperes, a total number of wires counted once completely around the surface of the armature, amounting to 160, and a total flux passing through the field magnets amounting to 5,000,000 webers, then the torque exerted by the armature will be 20X160X5,000,000 85^^00^- - 187 ' 9 Pounds-feet. If the pulley of this motor has a radius of one foot, then, neglecting frictions, the motor should be just able to start when a weight of 187.9 pounds is suspended from the periphery of its pulley. 140 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND It will be seen, from the foregoing, that the torque exerted by a motor depends upon the current strength passing through its armature. If we cut off the current from the armature, there will be no torque exerted by the motor, even though the field magnets be fully excited and their maximum magnetic flux produced. This must evidently be the case, since the cause of the electro-dynamic force is the mutual interaction of the field flux with the flux produced by the current through its arma- ture wires, and the latter ceases on the cessation of the current. We may now inquire into the causes which determine the speed of a motor. Let us suppose, for example, that the motor shown in Fig. 21, has its field mag- nets excited from some independent source, so that the amount of flux which passes THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 141 through the armature may be regarded as constant, and equal to, say, 5,000,000 webers. If the armature be connected through its brushes, B, B, with a constant electric pressure, say, for example, with a pair of mains having a constant pressure of 10 volts, then the current strength, which will tend to pass through the armature, will be controlled by Ohm's law. Thus, if the resistance of the armature were -r^th of an ohm, the current strength, which would tend to pass through the armature at rest, would be 10 volts divided by th ohm = 100 amperes. If the number of wires upon the surface of the armature be 100, counted once around, we have seen that the torque exerted by the armature, with this current strength, will be 100 amperes X 5,000,000 webers X 100 wires _ ,. ____,,- fppt "- 8 ' >3 P unds - feet - 142 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND Supposing the belt to have been thrown oft* the pulley of the motor; then under this powerful torque the motor will be started in rapid rotation. As soon as the armature commences to revolve through o the flux produced by the field magnets, it generates in the armature winding an E. M. F. which is counter or opposite to the current supplied to the armature. In other words, the revolving motor armature com- mences to act as a dynamo armature, oppos- ing the current strength received from the mains. The effect of this C. E. M. F. is to reduce the amount of current received by the motor. If, for example, the arma- ture revolves at such a rate as to generate a C. E. M. F. of 5 volts, the effective E. M. F. acting in its circuit will be 10 5 = 5 volts, and the current will be reduced to 5 volts divided by TTth of an ohm, or to 50 THE TRANSMISSION OF POWEK. 143 amperes. Similarly, if the speed at which the armature runs is sufficiently increased to develop a C. E. M. F. of 9 volts, the effect- ive E. M. F. in this circuit will be 10 9 = 1 volt, and the current will be reduced to 1 volt divided by -y-th ohm = 10 amperes. The armature, therefore, accel- erates until such a speed is reached as will limit the current passing through it to just the value which is necessary in order to overcome the torque imposed on the motor ; i. e., the resisting torque. The resisting torque will be very small if the motor be disconnected from its belt, being made up only of the frictions of bearings, brushes, etc.; while, if the belt be thrown on the motor, and it be con- nected with a heavy load, the resisting torque may be very considerable. The 144 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND current strength required to overcome this torque is determined, as we have seen, by the flux through the motor, and by the number of turns of wire lying upon its arm- ature. Consequently, the speed of an arm- ature will automatically assume that value at which the effective E. M. F.; namely, the difference between the driving and C. E. M. Fs., just enables this current strength to be supplied through the armature resistance. A ten HP motor, separately excited, may be capable of developing an E. M. F. in its armature of 13 volts, for every revolu- tion that it makes per second ; that is to say, if the armature be set in rotation, in any manner, at the speed of one revolution per second, or 60 revolutions per minute, it \vill generate as a dynamo an E. M. F. of 13 volts. If its speed be altered to 3 revolutions per second, its E. M. F. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 145 will be 39 volts. If now this motor, dis- connected from its load, be connected with a pair of mains having a constant pressure between them of 208 volts, the armature will run at a speed of, approximately, 16 revolutions per second, or 960 revolutions per minute, and thereby generate an E. M. F. counter or opposed to the E. M. F. of the mains, equal to 16 X 13 = 208 volts; for, the resisting torque, made up of fric- tion in the armature, will be very small, and if the speed of the motor falls below 16 revolutions per second, or 960 revolu- tions per minute, the current strength, which will pass through the armature, will be so rapidly increased that a powerful electro-dynamic torque will be exerted upon the armature causing it to accelerate, and so regain its full speed. If there were no friction whatever in the 146 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND armature, which of course is impossible, there would, of course, be no current and no energy required to drive the armature, and if the pressure at its terminals from the mains were 208 volts, the motor would have to generate a C. E. M. F. of ex- actly 208 volts, so that by Ohm's law no current would pass through it and its speed would be steady at exactly 16 revo- lutions per second. If, however, a heavy Joad be thrown on the motor producing a powerful resisting torque of, say 100 pounds-feet, then the current strength, which will be necessary to pass through the armature in order to produce this torque, may be, say 20 amperes, and if the resistance of the armature be 1 ohm, the C. E. M. F. must drop to 188 volts in order that the driving E. M. F. shall per- mit 20 amperes to pass through this resist- ance ; namely, 208 -- 188 = 20 -*- 1 = 20 PROPERTY OF THE TRANSMISSION^ POWER. 147 amperes. The speed on loaded will, therefore, drop to - = 14.46 1 o revolutions per second, or 867.6 revolu- tions per minute. Summing up, therefore, if a motor be separately excited, and be connected with a pair of constant-potential mains ; i. e., a pair of mains maintained at an electrically constant difference of pressure or voltage, the speed at which it will run, will de- pend upon the number of wires lying upon its armature. If the armature have a large number of fine wires, its speed will be comparatively slow, since its dynamo action and C. E. M. F. for a given speed, will be great ; or, in other words, the speed required to produce a given C. E. M. F. will be small. But if the number of wires on the armature be small, the 148 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND speed at which it will have to run to develop a given C. E. M. F. will be great. As the torque imposed on the motor, or its load is increased, its speed will diminish in order to allow the necessary increase of current to pass through the motor to over- come this torque, and the amount of drop in speed will depend upon the resistance of the armature. If the resistance of the armature be comparatively great, the drop of pressure in the armature will be great, and the speed must fall off considerably ; while, if the resistance of the armature be small, a comparatively small diminution in speed will, by Ohm's law, permit a com- paratively large increase of current strength and torque. Again, if the pressure on the mains with which an armature is connected be in- creased, the motor speed must increase in THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 149 order to develop a correspondingly greater C. E. M. F. Thus, if a motor runs, light- loaded, at a speed of 500 revolutions per minute, when connected with a pair of 110- volt mains, it will run with the same excitation at, approximately, 1,000 revolu- tions per minute, when connected with a pair of 220-Volt mains. This is evident, since, approximately, the same small cur- rent strength will have passed through it in each case, and the C. E. M. F. devel- oped by the motor armature, must be 'nearly 110 volts in the first case, and nearly 220 volts in the second. We have hitherto assumed that the amount of flux passing through the ar- mature was constant, owing to separate excitation of the field magnets. It is evi- dent, however, that if the flux passing through the armature be varied, the speed 150 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND will also vary. Thus, if the machine already considered, which had a flux of 5,000,000 webers, and 100 wires on its armature, when connected with a pressure of 10 volts, made a speed of 10 revolu- tions per second, or 600 revolutions per minute ; then, if we reduce the flux passing through the armature by one half, or to 2,500,000 webers, the speed will be practi- cally doubled, or increased to 20 revolu- tions per second, or 1,200 revolutions per minute. This is for the reason that the armature must run faster through the weaker flux in order to generate a given C. E. M. F. If one revolution per second produced one volt in a stronger flux, two revolutions per second would be required, per volt, in the weaker flux. Consequently, we may always increase the speed of a motor by weakening its field flux ; i. e.j by diminishing the current THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 151 strength circulating in the field coils, and their M. M. F. There will, of course, be a limit to the degree at which this acceler- ation can be produced, since, if the flux is very much weakened, the flux produced by the current in the armature winding will overpower that of the field, and may actually reverse it, thus tending to destroy the C. E. M. F. of the armature, diminish- ing its torque indefinitely, and requiring an indefinitely high speed to check the cur- rent strength, and the machine will there- fore stop. On the other hand, if we increase the current strength passing through the field magnet coils, and so increase their M. M. F., they will develop a greater magnetic current or flux in the magnetic circuit of the machine, including the armature, and this increased flux will produce the C. E. M. F. required from the motor at a correspondingly reduced speed. 152 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND In practice, motors are not usually sepa- rately excited, but are excited by a cur- rent obtained from the mains supplying the armature. The field winding may be connected either in series with the arma- ture, producing what is called a series- FIG. 26. DIAGRAM OF SHUNT WINDING. wound motor, or in shunt with the armature, producing what is called a shunt-wound motor. Fig. 26, represents dia- grammatically the connections of a shunt- wound motor. Here the ends b and c, of the magnetic coils M, are connected in shunt with the ends d and of the ar- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 153 mature A. a and f, are the constant- potential mains. If the resistance of the magnet M, be assumed constant, by Ohm's law the current strength through it must be constant, and the effect is the same as though the motor were separately excited. The strength of current, which the armature can carry continuously, de- pends upon its size, winding and construc- tion. The drop of pressure, which its full-load current will produce, usually varies between 2 per cent, and 10 per cent, of the terminal pressure ; that is to say, if the pressure between the mains a and/, be 500 volts, then the full-load drop in the armature will usually vary between 50 volts in a small motor, and 10 volts in a large motor, the C. E. M. F. at full load being respectively 450 and 490 volts. The drop in speed of such a motor will, therefore, usually vary between 10 per 154 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND cent, and 2 per cent., according to the size of the machine, and, within these limits, the machine automatically regulates its speed according to the load. The connections of a series-wound motor are shown in Fig. 27. Here the magnet FIG. 27. DIAGRAM OF SERIES WINDING. coil M, is in series with the armature A, between the mains a and/; that is to say the current from the mains passes succes- sively through the magnet M, and arma- ture A. When such a machine is on light load, with a small torque, the current &J!Bc'WRTY CF THE TRANSMISSION strength passing through tB be comparatively small, and of this current in the field coils will T)e small, producing thereby a small magnetic flux through the armature. The speed of the armature will, therefore, be compara- tively great. If, however, the torque on the motor ; i. 'e., its load, be increased, the current passing through the motor will automatically increase, increasing thereby the M. M. F. and flux through the armature, thus reducing the speed. On this account, as well as owing to the drop of pressure in the resistance of the arma- ture, a series-wound motor is much more variable in its speed than is a shunt- wound motor, but a series-wound motor, espe- cially in small sizes, is simpler to construct ; for, its field- winding consists of but com- paratively few turns of coarse wire, while a shunt motor field-winding consists of 156 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND many turns of fine wire, in order to reduce as far as possible the current strength employed in magnetizing them. A compound-wound motor is a motor whose field magnets are partly series- FIG. 28. DIAGRAM OF COMPOUND WINDING. wound and partly shunt- wound. Such a winding is diagrammatically represented in Fig. 28. Here the armature A, is in series with the coarse wire coils m, and these two are connected in shunt with the fine wire coil .Af. When no current passes through the armature, the field magnet M, is excited, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 157 while the series coil m, is un magnetized. When the full-load current passes through the armature, the excitation of the series coil m, reaches its maximum. The M. M. F. of ra, is counter or opposed to the M. M. F. of J/J so that the magnetic flux is slightly weakened at full load, thereby necessitat- ing a slight acceleration of the armature in order to develop its C. E. M. F. This ac- celeration may be adjusted so as to almost completely counterbalance the drop in speed, which would otherwise take place by virtue of the drop of pressure in the re- sistance of the armature, considered as a separately-excited machine. A compound - wound motor may, therefore, be adjusted so as to have a practically constant speed under all loads. Tlie activity absorbed by a motor is usu- ally measured as the product of the termi- 158 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND nal pressure in volts and the current strength in amperes. Thus, if the motor be connected with a pair of 220-volt mains, and be observed to take a total current of 10 amperes, then the activity absorbed by the motor will be 220 volts X 10 amperes = 2,200 watts = 1,622 foot-pounds-per-second = 2.2 kilowatts = 2.949 horse-power. If the motor were a perfect machine, expend- ing no internal activity, under these condi- tions, it would do mechanical work at a rate of 2,200 watts, or 1,622 foot-pounds- per-second, but its actual efficiency would, probably, be about 82 per cent, in this size. of machine, and the mechanical activity it 09 would exert, would be 2,200 X = 1,804 watts = 1,330 foot-pounds-per-second. The motor could, therefore, lift 1 pound 1,330 feet per second, or 133 pounds 10 feet per second, at this load. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 159 The efficiency of motors varies with their size. A very small motor, such as that employed for driving a desk fan, has an efficiency of, probably, only 30 per cent., while a 1 horse-power motor will, prob- ably, have an efficiency of 60 per cent., and a 100 horse-power motor an efficiency of, probably, 90 per cent. The efficiency may be even still greater in larger sizes, al- though, of course, it can never reach 100 per cent., since some activity is sure to be lost within the motor. It should be clearly borne in mind that all improvements, which have yet to be made in electro-dynamic motors, must be almost entirely confined to the directions of reduced speed or reduced cost, because the efficiency is already so comparatively high. If a 100 horse-power motor only wastes about 10 horse-power at full load, in its 160 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND mechanical and electrical frictions, the best possible motor of this size could only save 10 horse-power under the same condi- tions. The direction, in which we may look forward to improvements in motors, lies, therefore, almost wholly in reducing their cost of construction and the speed at which they run. The work absorbed by an electric motor from the circuit supplying it is conveniently measured in units called Idlowatt-liours, a kilowatt-hour being an amount of work equal to that performed by an activity of one kilowatt maintained steadily for one hour. A kilowatt-hour is equal to 1.34 (roughly 1 1/3) horse -power- hours, or to 3,600,000 joules, or 2,663,000 foot-pounds. In Great Britain the kilo- watt-hour is called the " Board of Trade Unit." THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 161 The work consumed by an electric motor is usually measured by a meter placed in its circuit. The meter may be a watt- meter, in which case its dial will show the total amount of work received by the motor in kilowatt-hours; or it may be an ampere-hour meter, whose indications, multiplied by the pressure of the circuit, assumed as uniform, will give the total amount of work consumed. Thus, if a motor connected with a 220-volt, constant- potential circuit, is shown to have received 5,000 ampere-hours in a month, by the record of an amperediour meter, the total work it has received will be 5,000 X 220 = 1,100,000 watt-hours = 1,100 kilowatt- hours. CHAPTER VI. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF MOTORS. TURNING uow to the practical construc- tion of motors, let us look at the motor shown in Fig. 29, and in order to under- stand its construction, let us take it apart and study it in detail as shown in Fig. 30. In these figures, corresponding numerals represent corresponding parts. 1, is the completed armature, mounted on its shaft, with a commutator at one end, and with the insulated winding wrapped round and round the iron core or body, and suitably connected with the commutator. The shaft rests in journals 15 and 18, sup- ported on pedestals 13 and 16. These 162 THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 163 bearings are self -oiling ; that is to say, they contain oil which is continually poured upon the surface of the revolving shaft by 17 FIG. 29. FORM OP ELECTRIC MOTOR. the action of the rings 19, as will be later explained. On the end of the shaft opposite to the commutator is secured the pulley 5. The 164 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR. pedestals themselves rest upon the cast- iron base plate 8, to which they are firmly secured by bolts. This base plate forms part of the magnetic circuit of the machine. Upon its smooth surface are bolted the field cores, 3, 3, on the heads of which stand the pole pieces 2, 2. The pole pieces are set in place after the magnets coils 4, 4, are set in position. The rocker arm 21, carries the two brush holders 22, 22, in insulated sockets at each extremity, and the brush holders, in their turn, clamp the metallic brushes 23, 23, which rest upon the surface of the com- mutator at diametrically opposite points. By moving the handle of the rocker arm, the diameter upon which the brushes bear on the commutator, called the diameter of commutation, can be varied within suitable limits; 24, are the cables connecting the brushes with the terminals 6 and 7, mounted I PROPERTY Cf 166 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR. on a board above the pole-pieces, and to which the main leading wires are attached. The rods 12, 12, securely bolt the cores FIG. 31. FORM OP CONTINUOUS-CURRENT MOTOR. and pole-pieces to the base plate, and also leave eye-bolts by which the machine can be readily slung. 168 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND The motor shown in Fig. 31, differs from that in Fig. 29, in the fact that the armature and pole-pieces are supported close to the base, so that the field magnets are inverted. In other respects, however, the parts are similar in each motor. This motor is shown dissected in Fig. 32, where, as before, corresponding parts are marked with corresponding numerals. It is im- portant to notice that in order to prevent the magnetic flux produced by the M. M. F. of the coils 12, from passing entirely through the cast iron base, the pole-pieces are supported on slabs of zinc 5, which introduces a greater reluc- tance into this path and enables almost all of the magnetic flux to pass through 'the armature core. In order to obtain a better conception of the construction, we may now consider THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 169 FIG. 33. MOTOR WITH RING ARMATURE. the separate parts of the motor in fur- ther detail, beginning with the armature. Broadly speaking, armatures may be divided into three classes; namely, (1) Drum armatures. (2) Ring armatures. (3) Disc armatures. 170 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND Figs. 22, 29, 30, 31, and 32 represent drum armatures; that is to say, armatures which are simply drum-shaped or cylin- drical in their appearance. FIG. 34. MOTOR WITH GRAMME RING ARMATURE. Fig. 33, represents a motor furnished with a ring armature A A A. Here the field magnets are placed inside the arma- ture, as is sometimes the case, though more frequently the armature is placed inside the field, as is shown in Fig. 34, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 171 FIG. 35. Disc ARMATURE. 172 THE EL EOT HIC MOTOR AND where the armature A, is placed between the poles N and 8, of the magnet M. An example of a disc armature is shown in Fig:. 35. Here a number of insulated O radial conductors C, C, are held like spokes in a wheel, and are connected together by conducting strips #, $, s, at the centre and edge of the wheel. In this arma- ture the conducting bars &, &, &, on the periphery of the wheel, form the commu- tator upon which the collecting brushes are intended to rest. Fig. 36 represents the complete machine employing this armature. The magnets are here enclosed^ in a field frame, and present their polar surfaces to each other across the disc armature. Disc armatures are very seldom used in the United States. A drum or ring armature consists esseri- tially-of three parts ; namely, THE TRANSMISSION FIG. 36. Disc ARMATURE MOTOR. (1) The 00r0 or body, which is always of soft iron. (2) The exciting coils, of insulated cop- per wire, which are wound upon the core, and in which the E. M. F. is generated by revolution through the flux. (3) The commutator, by means of 174 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND which the E. M. F.'s induced in the coils are united and co-directed so as to pro- duce a continuous E..M. F. in the circuit ; or, regarded from a different standpoint, the commutator distributes the cur- rent received from the external circuit through the armature winding, in such a manner as to produce a continuously act- ing torque; Armature cores may be divided, from another standpoint into two classes ; viz., the smooth-core and the toothed-core. Smooth-core armatures present a continu- ously smooth, cylindrical surface before the wire is wound upon them. Such a core is shown in Fig. 37. Here /?, 8, is a steel shaft, which carries two phosphor-bronze spiders, one of which only is seen at B. These spiders are clamped to the shaft and support between them the hollow core THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 175 (7, <7, which consists of a number of thin, soft iron plates, or annular discs, which after being assembled, are pressed together FIG. 37. SMOOTH-CORE ARMATURE BODY. and then clamped by a spider between the end plates P. In the early history of the art, armature cores were constructed of solid masses of soft iron ; but it was soon found that such cores became intensely heated when re- 176 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND volved through the field flux, even though no insulated wire was wound upon their surfaces. This heating was owing to the fact that E. M. F.'s were induced in the conducting iron mass, which set up pow- erful electric currents, called eddy currents, through its substance. These eddy cur- rents did no useful work, and expended power prejudicially in heating the core. By using laminated cores j i. e., by divid- ing the core into a number of separate discs, with their planes at right angles to its axis, while the passage of the magnetic flux is not impeded, since it passes directly through each disc, in its own plane, the eddy currents, which tend to develop in a direc- tion at right angles to the plane of the discs, are very greatly checked and impeded on account of the resistance offered to their passage through the pile of discs. Conse- quently, the loss of power from eddy cur- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 177 rents is very greatly reduced by this expedient of laminating the core, or build- ing it of separate discs, and the process is invariably adopted except in the very smallest motors. FIG. 38. TOOTHED-CORE ARMATURE IN VARIOUS STAGES OP CONSTRUCTION. Toothed-core armatures are those which possess corrugated surfaces, like a cog wheel. Such a toothed-core armature is shown in Fig. 38 at A. It will be observed that the surface of this core is indented with grooves, running parallel to 178 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND the axis of the shaft. In these grooves the conducting wires, protected by suit- able insulating material, are subsequently laid. At J3, the armature is shown with FIG. 39. ASSEMBLAGE OP LAMINATED ARMATUKE CORE Discs. its winding in place, following the grooves. At 6 Y the complete and covered armature is shown. Fig. 39, shows a method of assembling toothed-core armatures upon a shaft, so as to form, when completed, a THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 179 drum armature. Here A y , >SJ is the shaft, 6', the assembled discs, and r, <, the discs ready to be assembled. It will be observed that when com- pleted, and wound with wire, both the toothed-core and the smooth-core arma- tures are alike, in that they both present FIG. 40. COMPLETED SMOOTH-CORE ARMATURE. a continuous cylindrical surface, but in the smooth-core armature this surface is formed entirely of insulated wire w r hich completely covers and hides the iron core. In the toothed-core armature, however, the iron teeth or projections extend to the sur- face, and remain uncovered by wire, which only fills the grooves between adjacent 180 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND teeth. Tli us Fig. 40, shows a completed smooth-core, drum-armature, with the in- sulated conducting wire lying over its sur- face, parallel to the axis. In this arma- ture it is necessary to hold the wire securely in place by binding the brass FIG. 41. COMPLETED TOOTHED-CORE ARMATURE. wire b, />, />, tightly over mica strips and soldering it in position. The ends of the armature are covered - by canvas supported on circular heads A, k. Fig. 41, shows a completed toothed- core drum armature. Here, as will be THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 181 seen, the external surface of the armature consists of iron, between the bands b, 1). Fig. 42 represents a portion of one of the discs of a toothed-core armature. The FIG. 42. PORTION OP Disc OF LAMINATED TOOTHED- CORE ARMATURE. circular holes are for the clamping bolts, while the grooves are intended for the reception of the insulated wires. It will thus be seen that a toothed-core armature is much more solid and secure, when completed, than the smooth-core 182 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR. armature, arid, partly for this reason, the toothed-core .aiunatures have come into general, use. It is evident that the toothed-core armature does not require bauds on its surface to keep the wires in place. Moreover, the length of the air- gap or entrefer ; that is to say, the dis tance between the iron in the armature and the polar faces of the field magnets, is greatly reduced, thereby reducing the reluctance of the magnetic circuit, and re- quiring much less M. M. F. in the field magnet coils to produce a given amount of flux through the armature. Fig. 43 represents the winding of a toothed-core armature B. Here, as will be seen, the cotton covered wires are passed through the grooves. A, shows a complete armature with the wire con- nected to the commutator (7. PROFE FYCF 184 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND A simple form of commutator, called a two-part commutator is shown in Fig. 44. Such a commutator would be suitable for commuting the current produced in a single loop of wire on an armature rotated in a FIG. 44. DIAGRAM OP TWO-PART COMMUTATOR. bipolar field. In this commutator the wire W 2 , is connected to the segment 6' 2 , and the wire W 1 , to the segment 6 Y1 . Under these conditions, if the E. M. F. generated in the loop whose terminals are W 1 and W 2 , be in such a direction that W 1 , is THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 185 positive and W 2 , negative, the current will flow from W 1 , to (7 1 , and out from the brush JS\ through the external circuit connecting the brushes, and return through the brush 7? 2 , the segment <7 2 , and the wire W 2 . After a quarter of a revolution has bsen effected from the position shown, and in the direction indicated by the arrows, the brush .Z? 1 , will rest on the seg- ment C 2 y and the brush B 2 , on the seg- ment (7 1 . At the same moment, however, if the commutator is properly placed, the E. M. F. which is being generated in the loop will be reversed by its passage before the magnet poles. TP 2 , will therefore be the positive pole under the new conditions. The current will consequently flow from W 2 , to C 2 , and brush J3\ and return after traversing the external circuit through jE> 2 , segment 6 n , and wire W l . Conse- quently, although the E. M. F. in the 186 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND armature has been reversed, the brush J3 l j is still positive, and the current in the external circuit preserves its direction. No matter how many bars a commutator may possess, and no matter how many wires or loops are undergoing cornmuta- v v b 1 FIG. 45 ARRANGEMENT OP BRUSHES ON A COMMUTATOR. tion, the effect will be essentially the same as that here described. The arrangement of brushes resting in contact with a commutator, for such a motor as is shown in Fig. 31, is represented in Fig. 45. Here b, b, I 1 , b l , are two pairs of brushes, each pair being connected electric- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 187 ally together and resting upon the commu- tator bars. The brushes consist of metallic strips or bundles of wire, usually of copper, but sometimes consisting of carbon blocks. They are held in place by devices called brush-holders, a form of which is shown in Fig. 46. Springs placed in these brush- FIG. 46. BnusH-HoLDERS. holders maintain a uniform electric pressure between the brush and the commutator. After the brushes have been so set as to press upon opposite segments of the com- mutator, they can be rotated together into any suitable position by the rocker arm, 188 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND which is represented at 21, in Fig. 30, and at 44, in Fig. 32. We have seen that in all motors a certain amount of energy is uselessly expended in the friction between the revolving shaft and its supports. In order to lessen this as much as possible the bearings are kept well lubricated. In practice this is almost invariably secured by means of automatic oilers, that is, by bearings which automa- tically keep the rubbing surfaces lubri- cated. Such an automatic, self -oiling bearing is shown in Fig. 47. Here the shaft is supported in the sleeve 8, of a special alloy, called Babbitt metal, having grooves cut in its interior, so as to dis- tribute the oil freely over the revolving surface of the shaft by the action of rota- tion. This action is facilitated by the action of two rings H, R, which rest THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 189 upon the shaft in grooves cut into the Babbitt metal sleeve. These rings dip beneath the surface of the oil in the FIG. 47. AUTOMATIC SELF-OILING BEARING. reservoir O. As the shaft revolves it sets the ring into rotation, although the rota- tion may be many times less rapid than 190 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND that of the shaft. The rings cany oil on their surfaces up into the grooves and dis- tribute this over the shaft. The oil, after passing through the bearing, drips again into the reservoir O. The level of the oil in the reservoir can be observed by means of the gauge glass G. The sleeve /SJ and FIG. 48. DETAILS OF SELF-OILING BEARING. its brass rings, are shown in greater detail in Fig. 48. The field magnets, the function of which is to produce the flux passing through the armature, consist essentially of coils of in- sulated wire, provided with cores and pole THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 191 pieces, shaped so as to produce an annular or cylindrical space for the rotation of the armature. In Fig. 30, the field magnet cores, with their pole pieces, are shown FIG. 49. SKELETON OF MOTOR PARTS. at 3 and 2, respectively. The coils of insulated wire which surround them are in practice wound on spools so that the entire coil can be readily removed from the core. Such a coil is shown at 4, in Fig. 30. The 192 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND cast-iron base of the machine forms part of the magnetic circuit, as already mentioned. FIG. 50. COMPLETE MOTOR OF TYPE SHOWN IN FIG. 49. In Fig. 49, a skeleton representation of the different parts of a particular form of motor, is shown in place. Here the arma- ture, with its commutator and pulley, is mounted between the pole pieces of the electromagnet as shown. In this machine, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 193 > the field cores (7, C, are clamped by bolts in recesses prepared for their reception in the cast-iron bed plate. A complete ma- chine of the same type is shown in per- spective in Fig. 50. Since the torque of a motor depends upon the amount of flux passing through the armature, upon the current strength it carries, and upon the number of wires lying on the surface of the armature, it is evident that a powerful torque necessitates a powerful flux, a powerful current, and a great number of wires. As we increase these, we must increase the size of the machine. Consequently, powerful motors, are necessarily large, heavy motors. It may be interesting to note the weight and dimensions generally given to motors of various sizes. A half-horse-power motor of good type, weighs about 100 pounds, 194 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND or about 200 pounds per horse-power, and occupies a floor space of 18" x 10." A 5-borse-power motor, of good type, weighs about 600 pounds, or 120 pounds per horse-power, and occupies a floor space of 28" x 20". A 15-horse-power motor of good type, weighs about 1,500 pounds, or 100 pounds per horse-power, and occupies a floor space of 4' 6" x 3'. A 60-horse- power motor weighs about 6,000 pounds, or about 100 pounds per horse-power, and occupies a floor space of about 7' x 5', while a 250-horse-power motor would have a weight of about 25,000 pounds, or 100 pounds per horse-power, and a floor space of 11' x 6'. It will be seen, therefore, that small motors weigh about 200 pounds per horse-power or 746 watts (roughly 750 watts) of full-load me- chanical output, and large motors about 100 pounds per horse-power. The slower THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 195 the speed at which a motor is designed to run, the greater will be its weight, other things being equal. It is convenient to remember that for motors up to 10-horse-power, the number of horse-power delivered is roughly equal to the number of kilowatts absorbed at the motor terminals. For example, a 6- horse-power motor, delivering, therefore, 4,476 watts mechanically, absorbs roughly 6 kilowatts, or 6,000 watts, at its terminals, whether the machine be built for circuits of 100 volts, 200 volts or 500 volts. This rule presupposes a commercial efficiency of 74.6 per cent. In large sizes the efficiency increases and the rule cannot, therefore, be relied upon. Thus a machine which has a full-load output of 120 horse-power, or about 90 KW, has an intake of, approxi- mately, 100 KW. 196 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND The speed of motors depends upon their size and construction. If two motors have the same weight, floor space, efficiency, and cost, the one which has the slower speed of revolution is the better machine of the two, because, by rewinding it for the higher speed it could be made to have a greater output, that is to be the equiva- lent of a heavier machine. The speed of a 1/2-horse-power motor of good type is about 1,300 revolutions per minute at full- load ; that of a 1-horse-power motor, about 1,000 revolutions per minute ; of a 5- horse-power motor, 900 revolutions per minute; a 15-horse-power motor, 750 revo- lutions ; a 120-horse-power motor, about 550 revolutions and a 250-horse-power motor, about 425 revolutions per minute. Small motors are usually constructed with two field magnet poles, or belong to ^ ' THE TRANSMISSION! PO* :'> C the bipolar type. Beyono^a^fepr^ain size, however, say 20-horse-power, n>is u&tialljr more convenient and economical to con- FlG. 51. QUADRIPOLAR MOTOR. struct motors with four or more poles, <|iiadripolar motors being common be- tween 20-HP and 500-HR 198 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND A form of quadripolar motor is shown in Fig. 51. Here there are four magnets, M, M, M, M, and, consequently, four rnag- FIG. 52. QuADiuroLAii MOTOK. netic circuits through the armature. There are also four sets of brushes, instead of two, as in bipolar machines, but oppo- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 199 site sets of brushes are connected together electrically, thus making a single pair of main terminals. Another type of quadripolar motor is shown in Fig. 52. Here only two sets of brushes are employed, the winding and connection of the armature coils being such as to permit the use of two, instead of four brushes. CHAPTER VII. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF MOTORS. THE installation of a small motor does not require any particular preparation. It is only necessary to bolt the base frame of the motor to the floor, and set the machine upon it. With heavy motors, however, suitable foundations are neces- sary in order to support them securely. In most cases a belt tightener is employed, whereby the tension of the belt can be adjusted by sliding the motor along its bed plate. This is represented in Figs. 51 and 52, where the handle H, enables this adjustment to be made readily. Belts should not be tightened so far as to add 200 THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 201 considerably to the friction of the shaft in its bearings, nor be left so loose as to slip or flap. Where steady driving under all varia- tions of load is a matter of importance, the shunt- wound motor ; or, in some cases, the compound-wound motor, is employed, and, in fact, series- wound stationary motors are usually only employed in small sizes such as in fan motors. By reference to the connections of the shunt-wound motor shown in Fig. 26, it will be seen that the armature is connected directly across the mains. If we assume that this connection is made with the armature at rest, and after the field circuit has been closed, so as to excite the field and produce the magnetic flux through the armature ; then, since the resistance 202 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND of the armature is necessarily small, a very powerful current will tend to flow through the armature, owing to the absence of any C. E. M. F. due to rota- FIG. 53. STARTING RHEOSTAT. tion. This first inrush of current and violent resulting torque, are apt to be injurious to the motor. When, therefore, a shunt- wound motor is started from rest, it is necessary to insert a resistance in the THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 203 armature circuit, so as to limit the amount of current which shall pass through the armature until it has been brought up to speed and enabled to produce a suffi- FIG. 54. STARTING RHEOSTAT. ciently powerful C. E. M. F. Such adjust- able resistances are called starting rheo- stats. They consist essentially of coils of wire, usually of iron, mounted in a suit- 204 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND able frame, and connected with contact strips in such a manner as to permit their ready insertion or removal from the circuit by the movement of a handle. FIG. 55. STARTING RHEOSTAT. A form of starting rheostat is shown in Fig. 53. Here coils of iron wire are mounted on a suitable frame and con- nected in series. By turning the switch S, over the contact points, a greater or smaller number of these coils may be THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 205 FIG. 56. INSTALLATION OF SHUNT-WOUND MOTOR. &06 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR ANJD included in the circuit. When the switch is on the extreme left contact point, no coils are in circuit, and when on the extreme right, all are in circuit. Fig. 54 shows a different type of starting rheostat intended for use with small motors. Here the resistance wire is imbedded in a suit- able enamel on the lower surface of the cast-iron plate shown, and the switch serves, as before, to include more or less of this wire between the terminals. Fig. 55, shows a similar apparatus of larger sizes intended for use with more power- ful motors. Fig. 56 shows, in perspective, the ordi- nary method of installing a shunt-wound motor, and Fig. 57, the diagrammatic con- nections of the same. Similar letters refer to similar parts in both figures. It will be observed that a pair of mains MM, and THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 207 M' M ', being connected with a constant pressure of, say 110, 220, or 500 volts, ac- cording to the circuit, and the winding M* P.P. CUTOUT BOX d FIG. 57. CONNECTIONS OF SHUNT- WOUND MOTOB. of the motor, are connected with the motor tli rough the switch S, and the cut-out box T. The switch S, consists of a handle at- 208 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND tached to a pair of copper knife Wades, in such a manner, that on depressing the handle, electrical connection is secured be- tween the branch mains m, m, and the wires a and &, leading to the motor, while if the handle be raised, connection is instantly broken. The switch is called a double- pole switch, because it breaks contact both on the positive and negative sides of the circuit ; i. and this being the resistance of 10 miles of conductor, the resistance per mile should be .. - 460.4 ohm. If we assume the resistance of a trolley wire, as before, to be exactly half THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 229 an ohm, the size of the conductor rieces- 460 4 sary would be equal to - = 230.2 2 trolley wires iu cross-sectiou or weight. By increasing the pressure of trans- mission ten times ; namely, from 10 volts to 100 volts, we have reduced by 100 times the size of wire, which is necessary in order to transmit a given activity of 50 horse-power with a fixed percentage of loss, because we have reduced the current strength ten times, and we have increased the permissible drop in the circuit from 1 volt to 10 volts, so that the resistance has been increased 100 times. In the same way, if the generator be wound for 1,000 volts, and the motor for 900 volts, allowing 10 per cent, drop in transmission lines, as before, the current 230 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND strength necessary to deliver 46,040 watts at the generator terminals will be -y-^ - = 46.04 amperes, and the resistance which will have to exist in the two trans- mission lines, in order to produce with this current a drop of 100 volts, will be 9 i >TO 2.173 ohms; or, t T7T~ ~ 0.217 ohm per mile. If we assume that the trolley wire has just 0.5 ohm per mile, then the size of the wire necessary to employ between the generator and motor will be -- 0.2173 2.302 times that of trolley wire. Roughly speaking, therefore, the size of the wire would only be twice that of the trolley wire. That is, for a loss of 10 per cent, or 4.604 KW. in transmission the size of wire for THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 231 10 volts at generator terminals, and 9 at motor terminals, would have to be 23,020 times trolley wire. 100 volts at generator terminals and 90 at motor terminals, 230.2 times trolley wire. 1,000 volts at generator terminals and 900 at motor terminals, 2.302 times trolley wire. 10,000 volts at generator terminals and 9,000 at motor terminals, 0.02303 times trolley wire. In other words, the cost of copper required for a given distance and given loss in transmission varies inversely as the square of the electric pressure. We have hitherto assumed that the dis- tance between the generator and the motor was 5 miles. Let us now suppose that 232 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND this distance is doubled, or changed to 10 miles, and that the length of the circuit is, consequently, changed to 20 miles. If, as before, 10 per cent, of the electric ac- tivity has to be expended in the resistance of the circuit, then the same number of volts drop will have to be developed in 20 miles, which previously were developed in 10, so that the resistance per mile of the conductor must be halved for any given pressure at generator and motor. Thus, if the generator be wound for 1,000 volts and the motor for 900 volts, the drop in the transmission lines will be 100 volts, as before. The current will be 46.04 amperes, and the resistance of the circuit as before = 2.302 ohms, and the resistance per mile, th of this, or THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 238 0.1151 ohm. requiring a wire _1^_1 0.1151 4.604 times that of trolley wire, or twice as big a wire as when the circuit was only 10 miles in length. Moreover, since we have to provide 20 miles of this double wire, instead of 10 miles, it is evident that the total weight of copper conductor will have increased four times. Similarly, it will readily be found that if we trebled the distance between gener- ator and motor we should have to use a wire three times as large for 30 miles as for 10 miles, and would, therefore, require 9 times the total weight of the copper needed in the first instance. In other words, the total weight of con- ductor required in a transmission system varies with the square of the distance be- tween generator and motor for a given 234 THE ELECTRIC MOTOK AND pressure of transmission, and for a given percentage of loss of activity. In order, therefore, to transmit power economically over considerable distance, it is essential to employ high electric pressures, since otherwise the cost of copper becomes pro- hibitive. In building and winding continuous- current dynamo machines, whether for motors or generators, the limit of pressure which can be safely employed, depends upon the character of the insulation em- ployed in the winding, and upon the nature of the commutator. The commuta- tor is obviously a weak point in such machines, since the full electric pressure has to be maintained between the brushes which are only a few inches apart, and are separated by only a few strips of mica on a revolving cylinder. The highest electric THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 235 pressures which are employed in dynamo machines are 10,000 volts. These pres- sures, however, are only employed in a few generators for series arc-light circuits and are not employed in motors. The highest pressures for which motors have been built, are practically 2,000 volts, while ordinarily 1,000 volts is the limit of pres- sure in motor construction. Consequently, under the conditions imposed by the art of motor building, as it exists to-day, the limitations of distance to which power can be transmitted by the continuous current are those which are prescribed either by the cost of conductor, or by the cost of power wasted in conductors at this limit- ing pressure of 1,000 volts. Moreover, at pressures exceeding this amount, the motors become dangerous to handle without pre- cautions, since the shock from a thousand volt circuit is a serious one. 236 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND Assuming that the amount of money which must be expended in conductors to transmit' a given number of horse- power over any actual distance, at, say 1,000 volts pressure, is not excessive ; or, in other words, that it will pay to employ continuous-current electric transmission under these conditions, the question next arises, What should be the percentage of drop allowed in the line ? If we employ a large percentage of drop we reduce the size and cost of the copper con- ductors, but at the same time we waste more activity in the conductors, which wasted activity has a money value. At what point then should the drop be fixed so as to secure the maximum economy ? In practice the solution to this problem can only be determined by making actual estimates with different percentages of THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 237 drop. For example, if the distance be- tween generator and motor be 1 mile, and the pressure at the generator terminals 1,000 volts, then the problem is to deter- mine what shall be the most economical drop to employ in the line conductors. It is evident that the amount of power to be transmitted does not enter directly into this question, because, if we double the power transmitted, we marely double the whole transmission system, including gener- ator, wires and motors, so that we may, for convenience, simply consider the transmis- sion of one horse-power. Let us suppose that 1 KW capacity in motors costs say $40 when installed, so that 1,000 KW maxi- mum mechanical delivery at the motor shaft costs $40,000 in motor machinery. Then, if the efficiency of the motor be taken, at say 90 per cent., which would be a fair value for moderately large sizes 238 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND of motors, the electric activity at motor terminals, per KW delivery at belt, would be 1.111 KW. If now, a size of wire which would expend in resistance at the working pressure 10 per cent, of the maximum pressure employed, the total activity at the generator terminals would be 1.235 KW and the power delivered to the generator shaft assuming 90 per cent, efficiency would be KW = 0.9 1.372 KW. Consequently, we have, under these conditions, to supply 1.372 KW to the generator shaft in order to obtain 1 KW from the motor shaft. The total annual charge of the system will be the interest and depreciation on the invest- ment, added to the cost of superintendence and repairs and the cost of the power supplied at the generator shaft. If the power be obtained from a waterfall, which THE T&ANSMISSION OF POWER. 239 is not limited in supply, then a little extra loss of power in the line will not be a matter of serious consequence, since it will only involve the use of a correspondingly larger generator and turbine, so that the cost will only be increased by the fixed charges on the extra investment. If, how- ever, the power to be transmitted is from a steam plant, not only will the engines and boilers and generators at the transmitting end have to be larger, by reason of a greater waste of power in the line, but also the coal consumed at the generating end will be increased. We, have, therefore, to find by trial and estimate such a size of wire as will make the total annual cost of the power delivered a minimum. If we make the wire too small and its resistance too great, its first cost will be reduced and the annual interest on the wire will be reduced. There will practically be no depreciation 240 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR. on copper wire, although there will be some depreciation on the poles, supports or insulation which must be maintained about the wire. On the other hand, the engines, boilers and generators will cost more, and the coal per horse-power hour, or per KW hour, delivered will cost more. If we make the wire too large, we reduce the cost of coal in the generating station, and also the fixed annual charges of interest, depreciation, superintendence and repairs on generating plant which is now smaller, but we have an increase in the fixed charges upon the greater investment in the line conductors. Economy requires that the total charges or total annual expense shall be as small as possible, and, con- sequently, the size of the wire must be so chosen that under the estimated conditions of load the total cost of wire, power and generating apparatus shall be a minimum. PROPERTY OF CHAPTER IX. ALTERNATING -CURRENT MOTORS. CONSIDERABLE attention has been paid of recent years to the development of alternating-current machinery, owing to the facilities which such machinery pos- sesses for the long-distance transmission of power. While it will be necessary to refer briefly to the differences between the alternating and continuous current, space will not permit the discussion of the peculiarities of alternating currents to any great length, and the reader is therefore referred to the authors' volume on "Alter- nating Electric Currents," in the Ele- mentary Electro-Technical Series, for more complete particulars in that direction. 241 242 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND A continuous E. M. F., that is ati E. M. F. which always acts in the same direction, establishes, or tends to establish, a continuous electric current in its circuit. An alternating E. M. F. y that is an E. M. F. which at regular successive in- intervals reverses its direction, establishes, or tends to establish, an alternating current in its circuit. A continuous-current cir- cuit has its analogue in a reservoir, which discharges through a pipe or hydraulic conductor. An alternating-current circuit has its analogue in a hydraulic circuit in which a pump drives water alternately backwards and forwards at regular inter- vals. The tidal flow in a river is another example of alternating water currents. A complete to-and-fro motion or double alternation constitutes a cycle. The num- ber of cycles per second, or per minute, con- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 243 stittites what is called the frequency. In commercial practice the frequency varies between 25 cycles per second, or 50 rever- sals of E. M. F. and current per second, (1,500 cycles per minute, or 3,000 re- versals or alternations per minute) and 140 cycles, or 280 alternations per second, (8,400 cycles, or 16,800 alternations per minute). The current strength in an alternating- current circuit, unlike that in a continu- ous-current circuit, does not depend only upon the E. M. F. and the resistance as related by Ohm's law. To determine the current strength in alternating-current cir- cuits, it is necessary to take into account a new quantity called reactance. Reactance is a quantity similar to resistance, and like it, is capable of being expressed in ohms. Its value increases directly with the fre- 244 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND quency. A coil of wire, for example, either with 01* without an iron core, having a resistance of 3 ohms, will permit a cur- rent of 3 1/3 amperes to flow through it under a continuous pressure of 10 volts; but, if the E. M. F. applied to its termi- nals, instead of being continuous, alter- nates with a frequency of say 50 cycles per second, the coil will possess not only a resistance of 3 ohms, but a reactance which might be, at this frequency, say 4 ohms. This reactance has to be consid- ered as to its effect of reducing the current strength. If the frequency were doubled ; that is, increased to 100 cycles per second, or 200 reversals of E. M. F. and current per second, the reactance would be doubled, or increased to 8 ohms, and if the frequency were made 150 cycles per second, the reactance would be increased to 12 ohms. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 245 The amount of the reactance depends not only upon the number of turns in the coil but also on their ability to produce magnetic flux through the coil. The greater amount of magnetic flux which will be produced by the current in passing through the coil, the greater will be the reactance of the coil for a given frequency. The reactance is sometimes described as the choking effect of the current, since it tends to check or choke the current which flows ; but the amount of this choking, that is the total effective resistance, cannot be determined by simply adding together the resistance and reactance. Thus, in the case of the above coil, having 3 ohms resistance and 4 ohms reactance, at a frequency of 50 cycles per second, gener- ally represented thus, 50~, the effective re- sistance of the coil will not be 7 ohms, but can be obtained by drawing the resistance 246 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND as the base, and the reactauce as the per- pendicular of a right-angled triangle as in Fig. 60. The combined influence of re- actance and resistance will then be repre- B A f IS IS V RESISTANCE 3 OHMS A FIG. 60. DIAGRAMS INDICATING RELATION OP IMPED- ANCE TO RESISTANCE AND REACTANCE. sented by the length of the hypothenuse OB, which in this case will be 5 ohms, so that the current strength passing through the circuit will be 10 volts, divided by 5 ohms = 2 amperes. THE TKANSMISSION OF POWER. 247 Ohm's law, as modified for alternating current circuits, is, therefore, Volts E. M. F. ~ Ohms Impedance. If the frequency of alternation be doubled, so that the reactance is doubled, or be- comes 8 ohms, the impedance, as shown in Fig. 61, will be increased to 8.544 ohms, and the current strength in the coil will, therefore, be reduced to 5-^7, = 1.17 am- 0.544 peres. If the frequency of alternation were made indefinitely small, so that the current became continuous, the impedance would become the simple resistance. Reactance plays a prominent part in all alternating-current circuits. It is usefully employed in apparatus called alternating- current transformers, which consist essen- tially of coils of wire wound upon a 248 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND common core. One of these coils is con- nected with the driving or primary circuit, O RESISTANCE $ OHMS A FIG. 61. DIAGRAM INDICATING RELATION OF IMPED- ANCE TO REACTANCE. while the other coil is connected with the driven or secondary circuit ; i. e., the circuit THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 249 to which the activity has to be transferred. When the secondary circuit is opened and is, therefore, devoid of activity, the react- ance of the coil in the primary circuit has a maximum value depending upon the fre- quency, the number of turns, and their arrangement upon the iron core, so that the impedence of the primary coil has a definite and usually a large value in ohms. Consequently, the primary coil takes a very small current when supplied at a given pressure. When, however, the secondary circuit is closed through incandescent lamps, motors, or other devices, the effect of the activity, which is thus transferred from the primary to the secondary coil is to lower the reactance of the primary coil, and thus reduce its impedance, permitting a greater current strength and activity to enter the primary coil from its supply mains. 250 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND An alternating-current transformer is, therefore, an apparatus, which, without revolving parts, automatically transfers energy from its primary to its secondary circuit. At the same time, it possesses a very valuable property of transforming the energy, in regard to pressure and current, in a manner depending upon the winding of the primary and secondary coils. If the primary and secondary coils have the same size and the same number of turns, the primary and secondary E. M. F.'s will be practically the same, but if the primary winding has, say 10 times the number of turns as in the secondary winding, the E. M. F. acting in the secondary circuit will be TTjth of that in the primary circuit. Such a transformer is called a step-down t/rans- former, because the pressure is reduced in the secondary circuit. If, however, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 251 the secondary winding has, say 10 times the number of turns as in the primary wind- ing, the secondary E. M. F. will be 10 times as great as the primary E. M. F. and the current strength will be, approximately, rth of the primary current strength. Such a transformer is called a step-up transformer, because it effects an increase in pressure in its driving circuit. It is obvious, that if no activity were absorbed in a transformer, the activity in the secondary circuit would be equal to the activity received by the transformer at its primary terminals. As a matter of fact, the loss in a transformer, although com- paratively small, is nevertheless quite appreciable. A large transformer will deliver, at its secondary terminals, about 98 per cent, of the activity it receives at its 252 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND primary terminals, or will absorb as heat, about 2 per cent, of its maximum received activity. This loss of 2 per cent, will be only slightly reduced at no load, or on open secondary circuit, so that, if a 10 KW transformer ; i. , represents the condition at the next quarter cycle, when the current flows through 2 and 4, producing a north pole at 2, and a south pole at 4. The needle will now be pointing to 4, and will have rotated through 270. Finally, after a complete cycle has elapsed the condition at A, will be reproduced, when the needle will have completed a revolution. It is evident that the effect of the diphase cur- rents in the field frame has been to pro- duce a rotation of the magnetism of the field, in obedience to which the compass needle rotates once to each complete cycle. If the frequency in the circuits be, say 50 cycles per second, the compass needle may be expected to make 50 complete revolutions per second, and would consti- 288 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND tute a diminutive moving part or rotor. We have explained the successive steps of this rotating field that occur in Fig. 76, on the supposition that they take place in positions 90 apart. In practice, however, motors are frequently so constructed that the magnetic field rotates almost uniformly around the frame, instead of by jumps. The motor constituted by the field frame and the rotating compass needle would ob- viously be very feeble. Magnetic action, however, may be intensified in various ways, either by employing a larger or more powerful compass needle, such, for ex- ample, as a suitably pivoted electromagnet, or, by employing a mass of iron for the rotating part, wound with coils of wire forming closed circuits, so that the moving or rotating magnetic field may induce in these coils powerful currents, whose mag- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 289 netic flux will be attracted by the rotating field, thus turning the armature around. There are thus two classes of multiphase motors, both of which employ a rotating field. In one class the rotating field acts upon a magnetized armature, which, after being set in rotation, keeps in step or in synchronism with the rotating field. In the other class, the rotating field acts so as to induce currents in the armature by the difference of speed between the rotating field and the rotating armature, so that the armature never quite attains the speed of the field, and lags behind it by an amount sometimes called the slip, which depends upon the torque or load. The first class embraces what are called synchronous mul- tiphase motors ; the second class, are called induction multiphase motors, or simply induction motors. 290 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND There is a marked difference between synchronous multiphase motors and syn- chronous Uniphase motors. The latter are incapable of starting under ordinary practi- cal conditions, since the magnetic field pro- duced by a Uniphase current does not rotate, but merely oscillates to-and-fro. The former are so designed as to be capa- ble of self-starting, owing to the influence of the rotating magnetic field, which pulls the armature around with it. If one of the diphase circuits of the field frame be re- versed it will be found that the effect is to reverse the direction of rotation of the field and, therefore, the direction of rotation of the armature. Fig. 77 represents diagram rnatically the action of a triphase rotating field. Here six poles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, are represented, with their coils so arranged that 1 and 4, are THE TRANSMISSION in series in one circuit, and u 2 and 5, i$fsoO, ^ series in the second circuit, and 3 and 6, in series in the third circuit. Six conditions & DIESEL /,'; PROPERTY ( 291 FIG. 77. DIAGRAM OP TRIPHASE ROTATING FIELD. are represented at A, B, C, D, E, and F, during successive sixths of one complete cycle. At A, the compass needle is shown 292 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND pointing to pole 1, the current being a maximum in coils 1 and 4. At B, the needle is shifted to pole 6, the current being now a maximum in coils 3 and 6. Similarly, at each successive sixth of a period, the needle will have shifted around one-sixth of the revolution as the current successively rises and falls in different cir- cuits. It will be seen that the difference between a diphase field frame, and a triphase field frame, consists in the number and arrangement of the coils, but that the effect is otherwise the same, the result of combining the effects of successive current waves being to produce a rotary magnet- ism. The armature, as before, may be of the synchronous, or of the induction type. It will be readily understood that Fig. 7V is diagrammatic only. The actual rotation of the field being usually obtained by a somewhat different winding. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 293 A synchronous multiphase motor has the same speed at all loads. If overloaded it will come to rest, but will start again from rest when the load is removed. An induction motor will very nearly reach the full rotary speed of the field at light load, but will be retarded, or will slip, as already mentioned, at full load. The amount of slip is comparatively small, being only about 3 per cent, in large motors, and about 5 per cent, in small motors. Induc- tion motors may be designed which will start from rest under a very powerful torque. It is usually necessary, especially with large motors, to insert resistances into the armature circuit at starting, in order to check the very powerful currents which tend to be developed in them when started from rest ; for, since the E. M. Fs. induced in the armature are proportional to the difference in speed between the armature 294 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND and the rotary field, it is evident that when just starting this difference of speed will be a maximum, and the current will be very powerful, producing reactionary effects that are disadvantageous. The effect of inserting resistance in the arma- ture circuit is to check the strength of these currents and so improve the starting torque of the motor. A form of tri phase motor, of 15-horse- power capacity, is represented in Fig. 78. The three main terminals are seen at A, B, and C. The field frame F, is of laminated iron. W, is a portion of the field winding. The lever Z, is provided for the purpose of starting the motor effectively. When the lever is in the position shown, resistances are left in the armature circuit as above described, so as to obtain, when starting, a more powerful and less wasteful torque, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 295 and a reduced current in the armature coils, which are hidden from view. As soon as the armature has come up to speed, FIG. 78. MULTIPHASE INDUCTION MOTOR. the lever Z, is pushed in toward the arma- ture, thereby bringing a metal collar into contact with the strips S, thus short-circuit- ing the resistance, and improving the action of the motor for full speed. In order to 296 THE ELECT RfC MOTOR AND reverse the direction of motion of the armature, it is sufficient to reverse any pair FIG. 79. HOIST, WITH 10 KILOWATT MULTIPHASE MOTOR. of wires on the terminals A, B and G. This has the effect of reversing the direc- tion of the rotating field. By examining THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 297 the figure, it will be seen that the dimen- sions of this motor are relatively very small as indicated by the foot rule that lies extended at its base. In Fig. 79, a 10 KW triphase motor M, is shown, connected to a hoist. Here F, is the field winding, and A, the winding on the rotating armature. A marked advantage possessed by mul- tiphase motors, either of the diphase or triphase type, lies in their simplicity. They require no commutator, and their winding is of a very simple descrip- tion. They are compact and require the minimum amount of attention. These facts, taken in connection with the facility of transforming alternating-current pres- sures, have given a great impetus to the manufacture and use of multiphase motors. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWEK. 299 Fig. 80 shows a form of tripliase motor suitable for driving line shafting. It is secured in an inverted position to a ceiling or elevated beam. The multiphase motor is sometimes used as a starter for a large Uniphase syn- chronous motor. Fig. 81 represents such an arrangement. Here the diphase motor M, is capable of being moved forward on its base by the wheel H, so that its pulley , engages by friction with the pulley R, of the large synchronous motor S. This is done in order to bring the large synchronous motor up to, or slightly in excess of, its syn- chronizing speed. As soon as this speed has been attained, the circuit of the uni- phase motor is closed, enabling it to be operated from that circuit and to absorb energy from the generator at the transmit- ting end of the line. The friction clutch (7, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWEK. 301 is then operated to connect the pulley P, and its load with the synchronous motor, which torque can now be taken by the motor without its falling out of synchron- ism. The diphase motor M, is then with- drawn and stopped. CHAPTER XL ALTERNATING-CURRENT TRANSMISSIONS. As we have already pointed out, economy in electric transmission necessi- tates the use of high pressure in the line when the distance between generating and receiving station is great, and that con- siderable practical difficulty exists in obtaining continuous-current translating devices which may be operated by it. The use of alternating currents for the transmission of power obviates the diffi- culty as regards high-pressure translating devices, since by means of the alternat- ing-current transformer, the high pressure THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 303 on the line can readily be transformed at the generator and motor to any desired low pressure. Alternating-current systems of transmis- sion may be classified as Uniphase or multi- phase. The use of any uniphase power system is open, however, to the objection that, as yet, no electric motor of any con- siderable size has been designed, which will start from rest when directly con- nected with such circuit. For this reason the tendency of recent engineering prac- tice has been towards multiphase trans- mission systems. In order to compare the relative advan- tages of economy between uniphase and multiphase systems, so far as relates to the weight of the conductors employed, some common criterion must be adopted as 304 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND a basis of comparison. It is obvious, if a given weight of copper be employed in a Uniphase system of transmission, at a pres- sure of say 4,000 volts, that it would be possible to reduce this weight of copper either on a uniphase or a multiphase system by employing a higher pressure. Conse- quently, the basis of comparison must be a given maximum effective pressure. This maximum permissible pressure might be measured between any wire in the system and the ground, or, between any pair of conductors independently of the ground. The latter is usually the basis of compari- son, since, when circuit wires are buried side by side in a conduit, or are suspended side by side from poles, it is the insulation between these wires which determines the electric security of the system and this in- sulation is not from a practical standpoint to be regarded as the mere number of ohms, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 305 or megohms, existing between the con- ductors, but in their latent capability of maintaining this degree of insulation under all normal circumstances. Let us suppose that the maximum per- missible pressure between any pair of wires FIG. 82. UNIPHASE CIRCUIT. is fixed at 10,000 volts effective, as indicated by a voltmeter connected between them; then the uniphase system would have 10,000 volts between its single pair of wires, as shown in Fig. 82, where G, is the generator, M y the motor and 1 1 and 2 2, the wires. A four-wire diphase system would have 10,000 volts between the wires of each circuit, as shown in Fig. 83. The three- 306 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND wire diphase system would have 10,000 volts between the outside wires and 7,070 5 f 1 < A i Q,| 1 4 2 V 2l 4 4 FIG. 83. FOUR- WIRE DIPHASE CIRCUIT. volts between neighboring wires, as shown in Fig. 84, and a triphase system would 3 3 FIG. 84. THREE-WIRE DIPHASE SYSTEM. have 10,000 volts between any two of the three wires, as shown in Fig. 85. Under THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 307 these conditions the Uniphase, and the in- dependent-circuit dipkase or, the four-wire dipkase, possess the same relative economy in conductors. The triphase system, how- ever, requires 25 per cent, less copper, altogether, than either the uniphase, or the FIG. 85. TRIPHASE SYSTEM. independent-circuit diphase, while the inter- linked, or three-wire dipliase, requires 45 per cent, more copper than the uniphase, on the basis of Fig. 84, since when the maxi- mum effective pressure is reached between wires 1 and 3, the working pressure is only 7,070 volts. If the pressure between out- side conductors could be neglected, and 308 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND 10,000 volts retained between working wires, then the three-wire diphase would save 27 per cent, in copper over either the uniphase, or the four-wire diphase, and FIG. 86. STAR CONNECTION. thus slightly exceed the triphase system in economy. There are two methods of connecting the circuits of a triphase system; namely, the star method, and the triangle method. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 309 These are illustrated in Figs. 86 and 87, respectively. Both methods have been used. The E. M. Fs. in each branch differ in phase by l/3rd cycle, in each case. D E FIG. 87. TRIANGLE OR DELTA CONNECTION. The connections employed for step-up and step-down transformers, at each end of a transmission line, are outlined in Figs. 88 and 89, where Fig. 88 indicates a uniphase and Fig. 89 the triphase system. Here the pressure generated by the alternator and 310 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND motor may be, say 1,000 volts, while tliat on the line may be 10,000 volts. Ob- FIG. 88. STEP-UP AND STEP-DOWN TRANSFORMERS WITH UNIPHASE SYSTEM. viously, however, the pressure between the line terminals, at the step-up transformer, FIG. 89. STEP-UP AND STEP-DOWN TRANSFORMERS OF TRIPHASE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM. will be greater than the pressure at the line terminals at the receiving end, owing to the drop in the line. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 311 No better illustration can be given of methods of alternating-current power trans- mission than that afforded by the system now in operation at Niagara Falls. Here energy, taken by turbines from water fall- ing through a vertical shaft, is delivered to alternating-current circuits for transmis- sion. In the case of a powerful stream like Niagara, since it would be impossible to set a wheel at the foot of the falls, tur- bines are placed at the bottom of a pit 178 feet deep, situated a mile and a half up the river. The water that falls through the penstocks is discharged through a tunnel at the foot of the falls. The total available capacity of the tunnel is about 100,000 horse-power. The capacity of each turbine is 5,000 QQ rfl a SI THE TRANSMISSION horse-power at the Consequently, it would be necessary to install 20 turbines in all in order to utilize the full capacity of the tunnel. Fig. 90 gives a bird's-eye view of the arrangement with the wheel pit and tunnel in section. Fig. 91, shows the short canal leading in from the river, and feeding the various wheels through their separate penstocks. P P P, is the penstock, or vertical iron feed water pipe through which the water falls on to the turbine. T, is the turbine, R R, the tail race, that is a large exit pipe through which the water passes to the tunnel after leaving the turbine. The tunnel is 7,250 feet long, 14 to 18 feet wide, and 21 feet in height, its gradient being about 1 in 150. Since a part of the tunnel passes under the city of Niagara it was necessary to prevent all possibility of eroding the walls. In order to effect this, 314 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND the entire tunnel was lined with vit- rified brick, and about 13 millions of bricks were used for this purpose. 8, S, is the turbine shaft, which drives the generator 6r, in the power house above. An inspection of Fig. 92 will show in greater detail K FIG. 91. WHEEL PIT. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 315 the manner in which the lower end of the penstock delivers its \vater to the turbine wheel. After falling through FIG. 92. ONE OF THE NIAGARA POWER COMPANY'S 5,000 HP TURBINES DESIGNED BY FAESCH *~* 5 0! $ ^ ^ L i ^ S 3 H P > s ^ ^3 a w 3 33 * 2? 13 ^ 3 hi aj o a 330 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND step-up transformers, and is transmitted through the three long-distance wires to the receiving station, where it is reduced FIG. 103. A TYPICAL ALTERNATING-CURRENT INDUCTION MOTOR OF 125 HP. through step-down transformers to a pres- sure of 310 volts, in a circuit intended for street railway power transmission, and to 2,000 volts, in another circuit intended for THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 331 city distribution. The 3 10- volt triphase- circuit is led to a rotary converter / i. e., a triphase motor carrying a commutator upon which brushes rest in such a manner that as the motor armature revolves, the alter- nating current received at the collector rings on one side is redistributed through the commutator as a continuous current of 500 volts pressure on the other, which pressure is conveyed to the street railway mains. The 2,000-volt secondary circuits are carried through the city, and are either employed to drive triphase motors of the synchronous or non-synchronous type, or through local transformers to distribute light and power in 110-volt triphase or Uniphase circuits. A form of triphase motor of 125 horse- power, or about 94 KW, is represented in Fig. 103. Here the current is supplied 332 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND through three terminals at the top of the field frame. The armature carries a collar which is so arranged that when disengaged FIG. 104. A 250-HP THREE-PHASE ALTERNATING- CURRENT MOTOR. from its receptacle, a certain resistance is inserted in the armature circuit, but when the motor has attained full speed, the collar THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 333 is thrown into its receptacle by the use of the projecting handle at the side, when this resistance is cut out of the armature circuit. Fig. 104, represents a form of more powerful tri phase motor, being adapted to supply 250 HP, or about 188 KW. Here the current is supplied through the three collector rings of the rotat- ing portion or rotor. This produces a rotating field in the armature, under the action of which the armature attracts the field frame and is set in rotation. After the armature has reached full speed the machine acts as a synchronous motor in step with the triphase impulses received on the line. If the motor were a uniphase machine, it would not be able to start itself from a 334 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR. state of rest, but once brought to full speed it would also be able to run in synchronism, although it would, probably, be more easily thrown out of step by a sadden variation of load. The torque which a multiphase ; that is, of a diphase or triphase induction motor, can exert at starting; i. e., its starting torque, is often considerably greater than the torque which it will have to exert when running at full speed under full load. The starting torque of a multiphase syn- chronous motor is usually much less than its full load torque, but its power factor at full load is greater than that of an induction motor. This is often an advan- tage to the alternating-current distributing system. CHAPTER XII. MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRIC MOTORS. ONE of the principal advantages of the electric motor is the ease with which it can be directly applied to machinery. It has been customary, in large machine shops, to employ long lines of shafting, receiving power from an engine or other prime mover, and transmitting this power to the driving pulleys of machines, either directly, or through the intervention of counter-shafts. The use of the electric motor enables each machine to be operated independently of all the others, thus avoiding the continuous expenditure of 330 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND power in overcoming the friction of line shafts. Moreover, the requirements of each machine as to speed and regulation may be more readily dealt with by this means. In some cases, where machinery lias to stand at an angle with the line shafting, the difficulty which would be experienced in belting to the same are entirely overcome. In other cases groups of machines may be operated each from a single motor, by the use of short lengths of counter-shaft. This is known as the group system. , The number of machines to which elec- tric motive power has been applied is so great that space will prevent more than a cursory description of them. We will, therefore, select some of the more promi- nent of these applications, although many others will occur to the reader. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 337 The application of the electric motor to the driving of a screw machine is shown FIG. 105. ELECTRIC MONITOR OR SCREW MACHINE. in Fig. 105. Here the armature of the electric motor, mounted on the lathe head, is shown at A. A switch is pro- 338 THE ELECTRIC MOTOll AND vided at S, for starting the motor, which, is an ordinary continuous-current machine. Fig 106, shows the application of a con- tinuous-current electric motor directly FIG. 106. ELECTRIC PIPE CUTTING MACHINE. coupled to a pipe cutting machine. Fig. 107, shows the application of a continuous- current electric motor, to a punch press. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER, 339 Here the motor is geared to the shaft of the machine. The electric motor is particularly adapted for driving such machinery as is used at irregular intervals, and where but little power is required. Of course, under these circumstances, it would not be economical to install a steam engine and boiler. An instance of this kind is found in the driving of the bellows of church organs. Water motors, formerly employed for this purpose, have been largely superseded by electric motors. An electric motor attached to a house or church organ is represented in Fig. 108. M, is a small continuous-current motor, belted to the pulley of the bellows mechanism. A regulator 7?, is so ar- ranged, that if the rate of pumping is not sufficient to maintain the full wind pres- 340 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND sure, a resistance will be cut out of the circuit and the motor will be accelerated. The starting box S, is placed by the side I 1*1 I ,v~ 1 FKL 107. ELECTRIC PUNCH PRESS WITH DIVIDING HEAD OR INDEX. of the keyboard, so as to permit the organ- ist readily to start and stop the motor at will. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 341 FIG. 108. ELECTRIC MOTOR APPLIED TO ORGAN BELLOWS. The application of the electric motor to the pumping of water is shown in Fig. 109, Here a continuous-current motor M 342 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND < 109. ELECTRIC MOTOR APPLIED TO PUMPING IN DWELLING HOUSE. THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 343 operated from incandescent electric light mains, is belted to the pump pulley. The supply wires to the motor are led through a fuse block F, to the double-pole snap switch S, from which they proceed to an automatic switch. This latter is provided for the stopping and starting of the motor, under the control of a ball float in a water tank. When the water in the tank reaches a certain height, the rising of the ball lowers the weight and suddenly opens the armature circuit. On the contrary, when the water in the tank falls too low, the descent of the float raises the weight, and starts the motor slowly. In all such cases, where motors are installed under conditions where they are likely to run for weeks without attention, it is advisable to employ motors of as slow a speed and substantial a construction as possible, so as to diminish the wear and tear, and hence 344 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND the attention required. It is, for this reason, even advisable to employ a motor of more than sufficient size to do the work required, since under these circumstances it will run with very little effort. The motors, above illustrated, have been all of the continuous-current type. It is needless to say, however, that alter- nating-current motors could be employed in their stead, provided that they are of the multiphase type, so as to permit them to start from rest. Fig. 110 shows a Gatling gun, in which an electric motor is employed for the pur- pose of operating the breech mechanism. The certainty and precision with which the motor will introduce and release the cartridges, renders this application of the electric motor very advantageous. THE TRANSMISSION The applications of the for prospecting in mining districts known. The electric motor provides an FIG. 110. GATLING GUN. OPERATED BY ELECTRIC MOTOR. exceedingly convenient means for driving such drills, when electric power is avail- able. Their use in mining districts has 346 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND come into favor, owing to the fact that the solid core of the rock mined is brought out by this drill. Fig. Ill, shows a form FIG. 111. ELECTRIC DIAMOND PROSPECTING DRILL. of this machine with a continuous-current electric motor applied to drive it. Electric motors are often applied both THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 347 to elevators in buildings, and to hoists in mines. In the latter case, the ease with FIG. 112. THOMSON-HOUSTON PORTABLE ELECTKIC HOIST. BAND CLUTCH TYPE. which the power can be carried to different parts of the mine renders the electric driv- ing of such hoists very advantageous. An 348 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND illustration of a continuous-current motor, connected with a portable electric hoist, is FIG. 113. AN ALTERNATING-CURRENT INDUCTION MOTOR GEARED TO A HOIST. shown in Fig. 112. A similar form of hoist driven by an alternating-current induction motor is shown in Fig. 113, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 349 In the commercial sale of electric power, whether for lighting or for motive pur- poses, a necessity exists for carefully FIG. 114 1/8 HP ELECTRIC FAN. WITH WIRE GUARD AND SWITCH FOR RUNNING FAST OR SLOW. measuring the amount of supply to each consumer. For this purpose a variety of electric meters are employed. The electric meters commonly in use employ a small 350 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND motor driven by the electric power, at a speed proportionate to the rate of supply. Probably there is no purpose for which small powers are more required during FIG. 115. FAN MOTOR. certain seasons of the year, than for driving rotary fans. A great variety of forms have been devised, varying not only with the character of the fan, but also with the posi- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 351 tion in which it is located. Fan motors are made to operate, both on continuous and on alternating-current circuits. For FIG. 116. FAN MOTOR BRUSHES IN DETAIL. such small alternating-current motors mul- tiphase circuits are not required. A fan motor always starts with no load, be- 352 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND yond the friction of its own bearings, but the load increases rapidly as the speed increases, the activity developed being, approximately, as the cube of the FIG. 117. No. 3 FAN MOTOR. velocity. The fan is generally attached directly to the motor shaft. Fig. 114 is an illustration of a continuous-current fan motor, arranged for various speeds. Here, THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 353 as is usual where the motor is in a position in which it may be touched, it is provided with a wire guard. FIG. 118. No. 1 FAN OUTFIT FOR ARC CIRCUITS (CONSTANT CURRENTS). The motor described in Fig. 114 is ex- posed to view. Frequently, however, the motor is inclosed in a cast-iron case, as shown in Fig. 115. In such cases special attention has to be paid to the brushes and 354 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND commutator, since they run out of view. Fig. 116, shows the details of a form of FIG. 119. CEILING FAN AND MOTOR. brush employed in the motor of Fig. 115. Here, it will be seen that carbon cylindri- cal brushes are employed which are main- THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 355 tained in pressure upou the commutator by the action of a spiral spring. Fig. 117, shows an alternating-current FIG. 120. No. 2 (1/4 HP) FAN OUTFIT, SET UP AS AN EXHAUST. fan motor, also enclosed. Fig. 118, shows a form of fan motor intended to be oper- ated on a series-arc circuit. Since the pressure employed on such a circuit is 356 THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND generally high, this motor requires to be carefully insulated. For the cooling of rooms, the fans are FIG. 121. DIRECT-CONNECTED EXHAUST FANS AND LUNDELL MOTORS. sometimes suspended from the ceilings. In this case the fan blades are driven in a horizontal plane by a suitably supported motor. Fior. 119, shows a form of ceiling THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER. 357 FIG. 122. ELECTRIC CAPSTANS. 358 THE ELECTRIC MOTOli. fan motor, adapted for continuous-cunvnt circuits. Here the motor is placed below the fau blades. The electric motor is frequently used for ventilating purposes. In Fig. 120 a motor, is shown in position for driving an exhaust fan. Another form of such motor is shown in Fig. 121. Fig. 122 shows the application of the electric motor for driving a capstan on board ship. In this particular case the motor is operated on a 110-volt continuous- current circuit, and has a capacity of about 5KW. INDEX. Active Conductor, Circular Flux of, 84, 85. Activity, 11. of Electric Circuit, 53, 54, 55. of Motor, 157, 158. , Thermal, 55. , Unit of, 11, 12. , Wasted, 55. Alternating-Current Dynamo, 257, 258. Current Motors, 241 to 283. Current Transformers, 247. Current Transmission, 302 to 334. E. M. F., 242. Alternator, 257, 258. , Collector Rings of, 258. . Monocyclic, 275, 276. Ampere, 35. 359 360 INDEX. Ampere Turns, 131. Analogue of Electric Flow, 67 to 70. Armature Core of Motor, 162. , Monocyclic, 273. of Motor, 110. , Smooth-Core, 174, 175. , Smooth -Core, Completed, 179, 180. , Toothed-Core, 174, 175. , Toothed-Core, Completed, 180. Armatures, Disc, 171, 172, 173. , Drum, 170. , 5,000 Horse-Power, 318. , Ring, 170. Automatic Self-Oiling Bearings, 189, 190. B Babbitt Metal, 188. Back Pressure, Electric, 49. Barlow, 94. Wheel Motor, 95. Bar-Magnet, Flux of, 79. Battery, Voltaic, 37. , Voltaic, Series-Connected, 38. Bearings, Automatic Self-Oiling, 189, 190. , Self-Oiling, 163. INDEX. 361 Belt Tightener, 200. Bluestone Voltaic Cell, 36. Board of Trade Unit, 160. Boiler and Steam Engine, Low Efficiency of, 26 to 28. Box, Cut-Out, 208. Broken Circuit, 32. Brushes, Adjustment of, 211. , Arrangement of, 186. Brush Holders, 187. c C. E. M. F., 49. Cell, Bluestone Voltaic, 36. Choking Effect, 245. Circuit, Broken, 32. , Closed, 32. , Completed, 32. , Driven, 248. , Driving, 248. , Electric, 31, 32. , Electric, Activity of, 53, 54, 55. , Made, 32. , Open, 32. , Primary, 248. 362 INDEX. Circuit, Resistance of, 34. , Secondary, 248. -, Uniphase, 305. Circular Flux of Active Conductor, 84, 85. Mil, 42. Mil-Foot, 42. Closed Circuit, 32. Commutation, Diameter of, 164. , Sparkless, 212. Commutator, Two-Part, 184. Completed Circuit, 32. Compound-Wound Motor, 156, 157. Connections of Shunt-Wound Motor, 207, 208. Conservation of Energy, Doctrine of, 2. Constant-Potential Mains, 147. Continuous-Current Motor, Forms of, 164 to 169. - E. M. F-, 242. Converter, Rotary, 331. Core of Motor Armature, 162. Cores, Laminated, of Motors, 176. Coulomb, 44. per-Second, 44. Counter Electromotive Force, 49, 59, 60. Current, Alternating, 242. , Electric, 30. Strength, 34. Strength or Flow, Unit of, 35. INDEX. 363 Currents, Eddy, 175, 176, 215, 216. , Stray, 215, 216. Cut-Out Box, 208. Cycle, 242. D Davenport, 104. Density, Magnetic, Unit of, 134. Diagrams of Torque, 123, 124. Diameter of Commutation, 164. Diphase Field, 292. Field-Frame, 292. , Four-Conductor, Diagram of System, 264, 265. Four-Wire Circuit, 306. , Independent Circuit, 307. Motor, 283. , Three-Conductor System, 266, 267. Three- Wire System, 306. System, 263. System, Connections of, 282. Disc Armatures, 171, 172, 173. Dynamo, Faraday's, 98 to 101. Double-Pole Switch, 208. Driven Circuit, 248. Driving Circuit, 248. 364 INDEX. Drop or Fall, 52. Drum Armatures, 170. Dynamo, Alternating-Current, 257, 258. Electric Machine, 36, 37. E E. M. F., 33. , Continuous, 242. , Effective, 144. Early Faraday Motor, 88, 89. Eddy Currents, 175, 176, 215, 216. Effect, Choking, 245. Effective E. M. F., 144. Resistance, 245. Efficiencies of Motors, 159, 213. Efficiency of Machine, 24, 25. Electric and Hydraulic Resistance, Analogy Be- tween, 39, 40. Back Pressure, 49. Circuit, 31, 32. Current, 30. Flow, 30. Motor, Advantages of, 217, 218. Motors, Miscellaneous Applications of, 335 to 358. INDEX. 3*35 Electric Pressure, 34. Sources, 30. Transmission, Commercial and Electric Conditions of Problem, 223 to 240. Transmission of Power, 217 to 241. Electro-Dynamic Force, 97, 120, 121, 122. Electromagnetic Rotation, 76. Electromotive Force, 33. Force, Counter, 49. Force, Unit of, 35. Elias' Motor, 108, 109. Energy, Definition of, 3. , Doctrine of Conservation of, 2. , Hysteretic Loss of, 214. , Indestructibility of, 2. of Food, Transference of, 8. , Rate-of-Expending, 11. , Sources of, 19 to 28. Entrefer, 182. Ether Streams, 81. , Universal, 80, 81. F Factor, Power, 254. Fan Motors, 349 to 356. 366 INDEX. Faraday, 74. Motor, Early, 88, 89. Faraday's Disc, 98 to 101. Field, Magnetic, 77. Magnetic, of Motor, 110. Rheostat, of Motor, 210. , Triphase Rotating, 290, 291. Fields, Diphase, 292. Five-Thousand Horse-Power Armature, 318. Flow, Electric, 30. , Electric, Analogue of, 67 to 70. Flux, Leakage, 136. , Magnetic, 77. , Magnetic, Unit of, 131. , Stray, of Motor, 136. Food, Transference of Energy of, 8. Foot-Pound, 9. Foot-Pound-per-Second, 12. Force, Electro-Dynamic, 97, 120, 121, 122. , Electromotive, 33. , Magnetomotive, 130. Forward Lead of Motor Brushes, 212. Four- Wire Diphase Circuit, 306, 307. Frequency, 243. Froment's Motor, 114, 115. Fuse, Safety, 208. Gauss, 134. Gilbert, 131. INDEX. 367 G H Holders, Brush, 187. Horse-Power, 12. Hydraulic Flow, Gradient of Water Pressure During, 61, 62. Transmission, 15. Hysteresis, 214. , Magnetic, 214. Impedance, 247. Independent Circuit, Diphase, 307. Indestructibility of Energy, 2. Induction Motor, 279. Motors, 289. Multiphase Motors, 289. Installation and Operation of Motors, 200 to 216. of Shunt- Wound Motor, 205, 206. Intake of Machine, 22. Inter-Linked Diphase, 307. International Unit of Work, 9. 368 INDEX. J Jacoby's Electric Motor, 101 to 104, Joule, Definition of, 9, 10. Joule-per-Second, 12, 48. Laminated Cores of Motors, 176. Law, Ohm's, 35. Lead, Forward, of Motor Brushes, 212. Leads, 52. Leakage Flux, 136. , Magnetic, 136. M M. M. F., 131. Machine, Dynamo-Electric, 36, 3V. , Efficiency of, 24. , In-Take of, 22. ' , Multipolar, 113. , Output of, 23. , Sextipolar, 113. Made Circuit, 2. INDEX. 369 Magnetic Circuit of Motor, 28 to 130. - Field, 77. Flux, 77. Hysteresis, 214. Leakage, 136. Resistance, Unit of, 132. Saturation, 134. Magnetism, Rotary, 292. Magnetomotive Force, 130. Force, Units of, 131. Mains, Constant-Potential, 147. Microhms, 41. Mil, 42. Miscellaneous Applications of the Electric Motor, 335 to 358. Monocyclic Alternator, 275, 276. Armature, 273. Armature Winding, 273. System, 270 to 279. System, Diagram of Distribution by, 277, 278. Motor, Activity of, 157, 158. Armature, Core of, 162. , Armature of, 110. Brushes, Adjustment of, 211. , Circumstances Affecting Speed of, 140 to 143. 370 INDEX. Motor, Circumstances Affecting Torque of, 138, 139. , Classification of Losses of Energy in, 213. , Compound-Wound, 156, 157. , Electric, Advantages of, 217, 218. , Elementary Theory of, 119 to 161. , Froment's, 114', 115. , Induction, 279. , Magnetic Circuit of, 128. , Magnetic Field of, 110. -, Multiphase Induction, 294, 295. , Quadripolar, 197. , Separately-Excited, 111. , Series- Wound, 154, 155. , Shunt-Wound, 152, 153. Motors, Alternating-Current, 242. , Efficiency of, 159, 160, 213. , Fan, 349 to 356. , Induction, 289. , Installation and Operation of, 200 to 216. , Synchronous Multiphase, 289. Multiphase Alternating-Current System, 263. Induction Motors, 289, 294, 295. Synchronous Motors, 289. Multipolar Machine, 113. INDEX. 371 N Negative Pole of Source, 31. Niagara Transmission, 311 to 334. o Oersted, 90, 91, 132. Oersted's Magnetic Experiments, 90 to 93. Ohm, 35. Ohm's Law, 35. Oil-Cooled Transformer, 328. Open Circuit, 32. Operation and Installation of Motors, 200 to 216. Output of Machine, 23. Pacinotti, 115. Pacinotti's Motor, 116 to 118. Phase, Displacement of, 256. Pneumatic Transmission, 15. Pole, Negative, of Source, 31. , Positive, of Source, 31. Positive Pole of Source, 31. Power, Electric Transmission of, 217, 241. 372 INDEX. Power Factor, 254. Houses, 220. Pressure, Back, Electric, 49. , Drop or Fall of, 52. , Electric, 34. Primary Circuit, 248. Q Quadripolar Motors, 197, 198, 199. Quantity, Electric, Unit of, 44. K Reactance, 243. Reluctance, 132. , Specific, 135. Reluctivity, 135. Resistance, Electric, Unit of, 35. of Circuit, 34. , Specific, 40. , Total Effective, 245. , Unit of, 35. Resisting Torque, 143. Resistivity, 40. , Effect of Temperature on, 43. INDEX. 373 Rheostat, Field, of Motor, 210. , Starting, 202, 203, 204. Ring Armatures, 170. Ritchie, 105. Ritchie's Motor, 106, 107. River, Energy of, 6. Rope Transmission, 15. Rotary Converter, 331. Magnetism, 292. Rotating Field, Triphase, 290, 291. Magnetic Field, 284 to 301. Magnetic Field, Diagram of, 285. Rotation, Electromagnetic, 76. Rotor, Definition of, 110. s Safety Fuse, 208. Saturation, Magnetic, 134. Secondary Circuit, 248. Separately-Excited Motor, 111. Series-Connected Voltaic Battery, 38. Series Connection, 37, 38. Series- Wound Motor, 154, 155. Sextipolar Machine, 113. Shunt- Wound Motor, 152, 153. 374 INDEX. Shunt- Wound Motor, Connections of, 207, 208. , Installation of, 205, 206. Smooth-Core Armature, 174, 175. Solar Energy, Varieties of, 21, 22. Sources, Electric, 30. of Energy, 19 to 28. of Energy, Classification of, 19. Sparkless Commutation, 212. Specific Reluctance, 135. Resistance, 40. Speed of Motor, Circumstances Affecting, 140 to 143. Star Connection of Triphaser, 308. Starting Rheostat, 202, 203, 204. Stator, Definition of, 110. Steam Engine and Boiler, Efficiency of, 26 to 28. Step-Down Transformers, 250. Step-Up Transformers, 251. Stray Currents, 215, 216. Flux of Motor, 136. Stream Lines, 81. Strength of Current, 34. Structure and Classification of Motors, 162 to 199. Sturgeon, 96. Switch, Double-Pole, 208. Synchronous Multiphase Motors, 289. INDEX. 375 System, Diphase, 263. , Monocyclic, 270 to 279. , Multiphase Alternating-Current, 263. , Triphase, 263, 264. Temperature, Effect of, on Resistivity of Metals, 43. Theory, Elementary, of Motor, 119, 120. Thermal Activity, 55. Three- Wire Diphase, 307. Toothed-Core Armature, 174, 175. Torque, Definition of, 122. , Diagrams of, 123, 124. of Motor, Circumstances Affecting, 138, 139. , Resisting, 143. Total Effective Resistance, 245. Transformer, Alternating-Current, 247. , Oil-Cooled, 228. Transformers, 247. , Step-Down, 250. , Step-Up, 251. Transmission, Alternating-Current, 302 to 334. , Hydraulic, 15. 376 INDEX. Transmission of Power, Electric, 217, 241. , Pneumatic, 15. , Rope, 15. , Systems of, 14. Triangle Connection of Triphaser, 308. Triphase Alternator, 269, 270. Motor, 297 to 299. , Three-Wire System, 268. , Six-Wire System, 267. System, 263, 264, 306. System, Connections of, 281. Triphaser, 267. Two-Part Commutator, 184. Typical Electric Transmission System, 219, 220. u Uniphase Circuit, 305. Unit, International, of Work, 9. of Activity, 11, 12. of Current Strength or Flow, 35. of Electric Activity, 48. of Electric Quantity, 44. of Electric Work, 247. of Electromotive Force, 35. of Magnetic Density, 134. of Magnetic Resistance, 132. INDEX. 377 Unit of Resistance, 35. Units of Magnetic Flux, 131. of Magnetomotive Force, 131. of Work, 9. Universal Ether, 80, 81. V Varieties of Solar Energy, 21, 22. Vertical Section of 5,000 Horse-Power Generator, 322. Voltage, 37. Volt, 35. Voltaic Battery, 37. Volt-Coulomb, 47. w Wasted Activity, 35. Watermotive Force, 60, 61. Watt, 12, 48. Weber, 131. Winding, Teaser, of Monocycler, 272. Work, International Unit of, 9. , Rate-of-Doing, 11. , Units of, 9, Elementa Electro - Technical B? EDWIN J, HOUSTON, Ph.D, and A, E. KENNELLY, D.Sc. Alternating Electric Currents, Electric Incandescent Light- Electric Heating, ing, Electromagnetism, Electric Motors, Electricity in Electro-Thera- Electric Street Railways, peutics, Electric Telephony, Electric Arc Lighting, Electric Telegraphy. Cloth, profusely illustrated. Price, $1.0O per volume. The above volumes have been prepared to satisfy a demand which exists on the part of the general public for reliable in- formation relating to the various branches of electro-technics. 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