The New Building Estimator A Practical Guide to Estimating the Cost of Labor and Material in Building Construction, from Exca- vation to Finish; with Various Practical Examples of Work Pre- sented in Detail, and with Labor Figured Chiefly in Hours and Quantities. A Handbook for Architects, Builders, Contrac- tors, Appraisers, Engineers, Superintendents and Draftsmen. Eleventh Edition, Revised and Enlarged BY WILLIAM ARTHUR NEW YORK DAVID WILLIAMS COMPANY 231-241 WEST 39th STREET 1914 COPYRIGHTED 1909 By DAVID WILLIAMS CO. COPYRIGHTED 1910 By DAVID WILLIAMS CO. COPYRIGHT, 1913. 3y DAVID WILLIAMS CO, dP. PREFACE TO THE TENTH EDITION "The Building Estimator," of which the present book is an outgrowth, had only 150 pages, and an Index of two; this edition contains 732 pages and an Index of seventeen. In such a large work as this now is, a good Index is of great value, and it is suggested that it be frequently consulted. The belief is that the increase in value has more than kept pace with the bulk. An endeavor to keep down the thick- ness has been made by using a thinner paper than in for- mer editions. The field of building is always expanding, and the author and publishers try to keep the "New Building Estimator" abreast of every progressive development. Therefore, in addition to the main part of the book dealing with the stand- ard construction, there are detailed figures on reinforced concrete, and many chapters on Square, Cubic Foot, and Comparative Costs, on Physical Valuation, and Depreciation that serve alike for architects, contractors, insurance and other appraisers, and railroad engineers. Many states have already valued their railroads, and the same work has been recommended by high authority for the nation at large, while all the buildings of great cities like Philadelphia, Cleveland, St. Paul, Denver, etc., have been assessed on a square foot basis. The figures are here put in compact form for the use of all. The ordinary tabulated matter is given, but there are also special tables for quick calculation, including a series for es- timating plaster. An hourly Wage Table has been prepared for this edition in order to save weekly calculations. The ordinary wage table is of no use to builders who pay by the hour only. The book has from the first been received with favor by the trade press, by architects, railroad engineers, contrac- tors, appraisers, assessors, students, and others. It is not without faults, and some errors are naturally to be found in such a large work; yet it is gratifying to know that it serves as a useful tool over all the North American continent and beyond. Faults can sometimes be cured, and errors cor- rected, when they are pointed out, and the publishers invite criticisms and suggestions. The thanks of the author and the publishers are given to those who have helped to make the book better than it would have been without such assistance. We live in an age when men and not man alone do the best work. Both author and publishers hope to keep "The New Building Estimator" up to date in such a way as will make it universally recognized as not only the standard book on builders' cost data, but as an indispensable companion of all who make appraisements and physical valuations on farms, in cities, on railroads, or elsewhere. November, 1912. PREFACE TO THE TWELTH EDITION The rapid sale of the Tenth and Eleventh editions shows that "The New Building Estimator" in its enlarged form serves the needs of all connected with building in a more satisfactory manner than ever. Since the preface to the Tenth edition 'was written, a national law has been passed providing for the physical valuation of all the railroads of the United States. The book is specially adapted for this work with illustrations of values that apply to all kinds of railroad structures, and methods of estimating them. The expectation was that such a law would be passed by Congress, and in this field, as in others, the endeavor is to keep "The New Building Estimator" abreast of the times. August, 1913 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part One APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING PAGE Excavating, Wood Piling, Concrete, Rubble, Cut Stone, Brick- work 11 Brickwork, Steel and Iron, Carpentry 12 Carpentry 13 Tin and Galv. Iron, Plaster, Mill work '. 31 Millwork 31 Paint, Percentages 33 Percentages of Various Kinds of Buildings 33 Relative Cost of Brick and Glass 39 Relative Cost of Brick and Frame Buildings 39 Part Two CHAPTEE DETAILED ESTIMATING I Excavation and Filling 40 II Piling 43 III Concrete 45 IV Stonework 61 V Brickwork 74 VI Municipal Work 97 VII Fireproofing: Tile: Reinforced Concrete 112 VIII Cement Stone 129 IX Plaster 134 X Carpenter and Joiner Work 150 XI Millwork and Glass 180 XII Glass . 205 XIII Structural Steel and Iron 210 XIV Hardware 223 XV Sheet metal Work 235 XVI Roofing 245 XVII Painting 259 XVIII Plumbing and Gas Fitting 278 CHAPTER PAGE XIX Heating and Lighting 287 XX Tiling 295 XXI Cost of Buildings per Sq and Cu Ft 300 XXII Eailroad Buildings per Sq and Cu Ft 314 XXIII Standard Engine Houses 338 XXIV Standard Sizes and Grades 345 XXV Odds and Ends 354 XXVI Hints on House Building 360 XXVII Cottages in Spain 384 XXVIII Weights and Measures 393 XXIX Counting the Cost 413 XXX Actual Cost of Reinforced Concrete . . 436 XXXI Measurement of Building Work 485 XXXII Comparative Costs 510 XXXIII Cornices and Canvas Roofs 522 XXXIV Sprinkler System 528 XXXV Silos 535 XXXVI Depreciation 556 XXXVII Physical Valuation General Principles 571 XXXVIII Physical Valuation Details ! 583 XXXIX Railroad Figures 600 XL Grain Elevators 625 XLI Square Foot Costs 629 XLH Approximate Cost of Wood Trusses 648 XLIII Short Cuts 653 XLIV Equipment of Buildings 659 XLV Apartment Houses 667 XLVI Wage Table 673 XLVII Ornamental Iron Work 685 ABBREVIATIONS. aver average bldg building bm board measure c i cast iron col column c p candle power cu ft, cf cubic foot or feet cu in, ci cubic inch or inches cu yd, cy, cubic yard or yards diam diameter dbl double d s double strength d and m dressed and matched d m and b dressed, matched and beaded est, estg estimate, estimating ex met expanded metal fob free on board, i, e, freight paid galv i galvanized iron h p horse power lab labor lin ft, if lineal foot or feet matl material M 1,000 'm measure mult multiply or plied N P Norway pine o c on center O F Oregon fir O G style of door moulding P G style of door moulding pcs pieces q s quarter sawed r c red cedar r o red oak r w red wood s s single strength (glass) sq square, squares, 100 sq ft sq ft, s f square foot or feet s g straight grained surf surface T and G tongued and grooved v g vertical grained wt weight w o white oak w p white pine win window wrot wrought yd yard y p yellow pine " foot or feet; inch or inches INTRODUCTORY. (Reprinted from Earlier Editions.) " For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have suf- ficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the founda- tion, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin 'to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish." " The house is never built for less than the builder counted on." " The Cloister and the Hearth." This is an age of machinery, and " The Building Estimator " is put forth as another labor-saving machine. A book of this kind is necessary for estimators and con- tractors as much as special books are for men in other callings. It is impossible to remember everything hard to keep many figures in the mind without an occasional reference to tabu- lated results gained from experience. It would be better to say average experience, for I once asked three brick con- tractors how much lime was required for a thousand brick, and the first said half a barrel, the next a barrel and a half, and the last a barrel. They did their work close to the supply yards, and probably had never taken the pains to get accurate figures, or they perhaps believed in different proportions of sand. About two years ago I wanted more precise information than I possessed on certain points, but I did not want to compile it myself. Willing to profit by the labor of others I looked into the estimating parts -of several standard books, such as Traut- wine's and Kidder's, only to find that they had too little space devoted to this branch for my particular purpose, and too much to what did not concern me. Then I procured half a dozen other books, and after examining them concluded that with patience I could, for my own requirements, at least, do better than had yet been done. 2 THE ^ NE W ' BUIDING ESTIMATOR too 'i&uch experience to be satisfied with what was presented by several writers who have worked in this field. Before then $7,000,000 of estimates and bids had passed through my hands, and $500,000 worth of completed buildings, and since then I have made estimates amounting to $3,000,000 or $4,000,000. Only on one a $40,000 building- had there been any loss, and that of not more than two or three hundred dollars. On all others the profit was always at least a little more than was estimated. Of what use, then, is such a book as this to an estimator who has certainly had a fair amount of experience in working without one? Much in every way. It saves time, it saves the memory, it gives certainty instead of guesswork, for what has been once done can be done again, it preserves the old and gathers the new. There are many new things under the sun for each succeeding generation. It is better to keep a record than to lose the old that is useful or the new that we continually meet and welcome. Doctors and bricklayers are not the only ones who disagree. Some years ago I was estimating a large warehouse in Omaha. There was a floor of a special kind used. I met a few experienced contractors who were not estimating on the work, and asked them how much it was worth per square. The first figure was $1.50, the second $3, and the third $4. I felt safe at $3, and have since found that the half would have been sufficient. I feel sure that the labor figures will be of value to the old contractor as well as to the beginner; and something will be found that the wisest does not know, for no man knows everything. "When a friend asked Dr. Johnson how he came to define "pastern" in a wrong way, he bravely answered: "Sheer ignorance, sir." I am convinced that many low bids arise as much from sheer ignorance as from any desire to prove in the face of common experience that two and two equal five. There are likely to be some mistakes in "The Building Estimator," and he who seeks shall find. I have estimated and corrected all by myself, and one misses what two see. I had no idea when I began to hunt through estimate books and labor reports years old that there would be so much work INTRODUCTORY 3 connected with the task I had laid down, or it is likely that I should have let it pass to a more earnest brother. " The Building Estimator " will be of value in several ways: 1: It will give weights and measures we understand. We live in a new century, and we have new names; the West is not the East, and some of the measures we use are different from those adhered to in other sections of the country. I do not know what a " toise " is, and neither do nine-tenths of our builders. We do not buy or measure sand by the " cask," but by the car or yard; and we have finally and forevermore taken leave of the cord and the perch. The perch may be 16$, 22, 24 or 25 cf. If one takes the wrong choice he is apt to lose his money. I have heard of a contractor who was not any too well pleased when he found that the perch he thought he bought for a large contract and the one he received were not quite the same. We use the cubic foot or yard. Some day when we become really progressive we shall turn to the metric system. 2: Only a few years ago there were no stone molders. A straight molded sill cost from four to fifteen times as much as a plain one. Now with the aid of the machine the difference is largely done away with. Then the estimator had to be cautious about taking work by the cubic foot; now, if it is straight, that is the most reasonable way to estimate it. The books of the last century still have the old figures and rules. 3: In the 19th century lime plaster was fashionable; now cement takes the place of lime. I met a plasterer the other day, and he told me that for the first time in nine years he was plastering a small building with the old brand. The tables for allowances in the standard books have not a word to say about the quantities for cement plaster, and the allow- ances in this book deal chiefly with the new kind. The astonishing developments in metal lath, expanding metal and concrete, have turned our old figures and ideas upside down. The walls of immense manufacturing buildings are now put up only two or three inches thick. It is time to recognize this new method of construction in a new book. When the walls are up they are covered with cold-water paint, put on with compressed air with either steam or hand 4 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR power behind it. Our grandfathers never heard of this paint and this brush. 4: After all the inevitable corrections are made "The Building Estimator " may serve as a kind of a standard. Those who refer to it will not, of course, bring in bids vary- ing only one or two per cent, but the present differences ought to be done away with. They are sometimes large enough to make one wonder if all contractors use the same multiplication table. Occasionally, however, there are factors that enter into a complete bid and make a larger difference than seems warranted by the price of material and labor. There are often cases where B is sure that C, the successful contractor, is going to lose money, while C has a subbid or a favorable price of material that keeps him safe. Or, again, C may know a better way of doing the work. With experienced contractors, one would think, bids ought to come within five per cent of difference, but they sometimes stretch to thirty, and on new kinds of work even to fifty. I recently saw something akin to what every contractor sees many times in the course of a year: On some plain mill work that I had estimated at $3,400, the bids from men who did nothing else than supply this material ranged from $3,100 to $4,800. The highest wanted half as much again as the lowest. One mill might have plenty of work and put in a high figure; another might be short of work and cut prices. When this happens with millmen who spend their lives at one specialty what can be expected from general contractors who sometimes estimate a complete building themselves? On a U. S. contract let for South Dakota the lowest bid was $376,000, and the highest $490,000, and both bidders were experienced con- tractors. And while we desire to see greater uniformity, it is well to remember that it is not only actual cost which affects the result, but the percentage added for risk and profit. Three per cent on $100,000 makes a total of $103,000; ten, $110,000; and twenty-five, which I have seen recommended by a kind- hearted parlor estimator, $125,000. Another recommends three per cent for office expenses, and ten per cent for the pocket. Would that it could be so INTRODUCTORY 5 arranged! But there are difficulties in the way. The "Cost Plus a Fixed Sum " system is a good one. But, again, the two lowest bids sometimes come surprisingly near each other. On No. 3 the contractor whose bid was next to our accepted one, came within $400 of $125,000; on the Omaha Public Library running about $80,000, I think we came next to him, but about $350 higher. And as a final word on uniform bids, unreliable estimates, and so forth, it is often necessary to look at the date when they were made. Prices sometimes soar or fall in a month or even less. An architect or contractor can not control markets, monopolies, or unions. Perhaps I should say a few words as to how estimating is done and trouble avoided. It might be as well to pass on without doing so, as experience is the best teacher, but some counsel may be ventured: A: In the first place there is no such thing as time in proportion to cost in estimating. On some buildings an estimator might spend three or four days in figuring millwork alone, and on others a few hours might be sufficient; while $1,000 of hardware might take as long as ten times that amount of plain brickwork. Examine a plan before you promise an architect to take it back with your bid in a few hours. B: In making up an estimate it is better and safer to keep each factor of a complete bid separate, to finish and double- line it, and to make a summary of all the items at the end. By this method any error or change in plan, in brickwork, suppose, can be added under its proper heading without affecting plaster or hardware; while if the total is carried from page to page it is impossible to change a figure without making a risky change necessary clear through. And the same system should be followed under all sub- headings. Suppose, for example, that there are twenty to forty different items of concrete in a foundation: If the whole amount is set down as so many cy there is no way of making 6 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR a separation in case of a change. If a change is made the whole laborious work has to be gone over again; while if set down in detail probably three-fourths of the figures have only to be copied. C: Get the exact cost and add whatever profits you think possible. You will not get anything extra in these latter days. Some contractors add the profit on each article as they go along and can never tell exactly what they have apart from the cost. It is not a good practice. D: " Order is heaven's first law." As far as possible make out an estimate in its natural order. Some specifications put on the finals before the rafters are in place. Excavation usually comes first and painting or shelf hardware last. E: Make out your estimates in a book and keep it, and correct " The Building Estimator " or any other estimator by your own experience. " Keep a thing seven years and you are sure to find a use for it." It may be that the building burns and the owner needs your help, or that you want to buy it with your surplus profits, or that you are even elected assessor. Keep a record of time on each building and make com- parisons. Why should the labor on one building take ten to forty per cent more time than that of another? F: It is, of course, a matter of choice, but I never like to hear a bid read out for $40,000.11. I always think that for mere good luck the few cents ought to be given the owner. Estimating is not an exact science like mathematics. In general I prefer to add or deduct either two or three cents if necessary so that the cent column will end in or 5. By the time the end is reached a fair average is made, and this method makes the adding easier. G: In making an approximate estimate for an owner or architect be liberal. There are many different ways of in- creasing the cost of a building by the addition of a few words to the specifications. Brick properly shoved means at least fifty cents a thousand extra. It is seldom properly shoved although specified. A change to a better pressed brick may be worth $10 or $20 a thousand. Cement Is more expensive than lime, and Portland cement is more expensive than INTRODUCTORY 7 natural. Hardwood finish cost more than cypress, and oil finish rubbed down costs more than two coats of cheap paint. H: Do not be afraid of an extra. It has its advantages. Architects do not, as a rule, like extras, and owners who order them groan when the bill is presented, but why should they? The proper way is to settle for an extra before a tool is lifted, but whether this is done or another method followed, the matter ought to be cleared up at the end of each month. " Short accounts make long friends." Any architect who is worth houseroom will give a written* order for an extra so that the contractor may have authority to go ahead. If an architect asserts that the work belongs to the original contract, the time to settle the matter is when both parties are familiar with the conditions. It is rather a risky thing to sign a contract which gives one party the sole right to settle all disputes. If possible, use the " Uniform Contract." It may be safely signed without examination. For many years it has been under the eyes of builders, architects and lawyers in all sec- tions of the country, and the general conclusion is that for contractors and owners alike it is the best contract ever devised. Of course, if an owner has the power he will use another and more one-sided instrument. That is human nature. I: Get subbids made out "according to plans and specifi- cations," and do not accept a list. Material men and sub- contractors are sometimes a little unreasonable. A general contractor has to take chances of all mistakes, while a sub- contractor in following the list method refuses to take chances on even his small proportion. J: If you are so fortunate as to proceed from estimating to construction, insure against fire, lightning, tornadoes, and accident to person or building. " Then," you say, " the insur- ance men would get all the profits." It is a sad state of affairs, but can you risk losing all you have? Suppose two or three men are killed? Suppose a fire gets the upper hand? Most Omaha contractors remember a firm that finished a schoolhouse ready to turn over. Their insurance lapsed, and the building was destroyed by fire before it was accepted. 8 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR That ended their career in the building line. Another Omaha contractor with lapsed insurance had to pay $1,300 for a fatal accident. On No. 5 one partition was burned out, and the building might easily have followed. On No. 3 a man was killed. It is far too dangerous to risk fire loss and damage suits without insurance. Allow building permits according to local rate, which ought to be about ten cents per $100. K: Do not accept any contract where the reserve is more than fifteen per cent, unless you have plenty of money, and if you have why be a contractor? Do not give a bond for more than one-third of the contract, and fight for one-fourth, which is enough. If the owner is afraid of a ten per cent reserve and a bond for even one-fifth, he ought to hunt up another contractor, for he is clearly dealing with the wrong man. It is but right that a contractor should be paid for material delivered on the ground. Many states do this, and so does the United States. But a contractor, no matter what his financial standing, should be obliged to show receipts for material em- braced under his previous payment before another is given, or else show a waiver from his material men. Wages in cities are paid on the building, and the owner or his repre- sentative may see to this for himself, so that there will not be any danger of liens. Personally, I never lost even a single dollar through an owner, and no material man or subcontractor ever lost one through work done for me, but trouble of that kind sometimes comes like lightning. A certain amount of capital is necessary. Do not attempt to bite off more than you can chew. L: Finally, my brethren, if you really put your foot in it, back out. It is rather an unpleasant thing to do, and I have had to do it only once when the carpenter labor was carefully estimated and not put in the total. But it is sometimes better to sacrifice pride than dollars. Most blunders are caught in time, but some are not caught until too late a time. The best will make a mistake but do not get scared into the baclfcing-out habit. INTRODUCTORY 9 "We have all heard tales of woe without number, cornices forgotten, roofs left off, cut stone omitted, and so on to the end of the dismal chapter. Add a percentage. It is unsafe to be without it. A percentage is an excellent thing to have around a finished house, or one that merely shines on paper. They all say so, but the trouble is that when the percentage is added in its proper place, some one who forgot it gets the contract. Two of the parlor estimators' books which I sighed over, say that it should never be less than five per cent and never more than twenty-five or thirty per cent: ten is said to be fair. Well, rather. Fair to middlin', most contractors would say. On a general contract six per cent is very ac- ceptable, while more is very desirable. This book is chiefly designed for estimating, and need not be examined for much else. An estimator needs a book of his own. When one considers the variety of buildings, rang- ing from three-roomed cottages to five and ten-story fire- proof structures, to say nothing of forty-story ones, and that a general contractor has to have a fair acquaintance with each branch, there seems to be quite enough in this field to engage the attention of any one man. " How much will it cost?" is an important question that has to be decided before the final word is given to go ahead. And herein lies the responsibility of the estimator. He must do his work care- fully enough to keep his employer out of the bankruptcy; court. An owner is sometimes swamped with a heavy bill of extras. I thought it a good idea to give pictures of some of the buildings from which my figures have been drawn. In a book of this kind an illustration is worth many pages of writing, and yet, curiously enough, I never saw one of the right kind in the books I looked through. When actual results are given on typical buildings a raw estimator can proceed with confidence. Figures are used in all cases. In technical works this is a better system than spelling out words which remain half buried in the page instead of standing out clear. No allowance is made for profit: actual cost is given straight through, unless otherwise stated. In measurement, 10 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR actual quantities only are taken: trade rules for doubling corners, including openings, taking attic plaster on the square, etc., are not recognized in this book; but brickwork is allowed in " wall measure," or 22 bricks to the cf. PART ONE APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING EXCAVATION Excavation may cost all the way from 15c to $1 per cy, according to the wages paid, the thermometer, the character of the soil, length of the haul and other local conditions. But in cities 40c may be taken as an average price, while half of that is often enough in small towns. WOOD PILING From 30c to 50c per If, driven and cut. See Chap. II. CONCRETE Ordinary concrete with natural cement, such as Milwaukee or Louisville, at $1.00 a bbl, $4.95 per cy. With American Portland at $1.60, $5.75. If there are forms add 75c. RUBBLE From $5 to $6.50 per cy depending upon the character and amount of the work. CUT STONE Bedford is a standard. For a building with a fair allowance of straight moldings, $1.60 per cf all through. If carving is used each piece must be priced separately. For water- table, sills and plain work, $1.50. On a large bill add 10 to 15% for setting. BRICKWORK As this first part of the book may be used by those who are not accustomed to the trade method of estimating, the following rule is given, but it must be remembered that although walls are marked 13" they count as 12": Find the cf after deducting all openings, and then mult by 22$ for 11 12 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR the number of brick, and mult the product by the price of the brick per 1,000 laid down on the ground, plus $4 for labor and mortar. Thus brick delivered at $6.50 would be estimated at $10.50. Hard brick for work below ground are a trifle smaller and cost from 50c to $1 per 1,000 extra. If work is laid in cement, add $1 per 1,000 wall measure. The foregoing rule applies to common work. On buildings with pilasters, offsets, cornices, etc, an extra allowance must be made according to judgment. On a building on South 13th Street, Omaha, a bricklayer paid $1,800 for a lesson in laying a " gingerbread " front, and a few more thousands for another lesson in a mud-hole 20 feet below grade. If pressed brick are used get the exact number of sq ft and mult by 7. Mult the result thus obtained by the price per 1,000 delivered, and add to former estimate without deducting any common brick. The price of the pressed brick is thus added to make up for the extra time spent in laying. On some fine fronts another extra allowance of from $10 to $20 per 1,000 is made. STEEL AND IRON Put steel beams at $80 to $90 a ton set, and plain cast iron at $45 to $60. CARPENTRY FLOORS, CEILINGS, AND ROOFS As a basis of calculation a space 22'xlOO' in the clear has been taken, and quantities made out for 22 sq. Different classes of buildings require bills of material that vary ac- cording to the number of partitions, stairs, chimneys, ele- vators, etc, and it is, of course, impossible to give one rule for all, but as an average 7 extra joists have been allowed. By dividing the quantity by the number of pieces, the cost of material and labor for one joist can be readily found and additions or deductions made to suit. The shorter lengths required for the tail-joists at, stair make up for the double- header. All joists are estimated 22' long, not 24; but number of feet is given in bm so that price can be easily changed for shorter or longer lengths, and thus also for increase or de- APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 13 crease of the unit used as a basis. The labor can be regu- lated in the same way according to the local standard. Thus 2x14 joists, 12" centers, require 5,544'. At a decrease of $3 per 1,000 the cost is reduced $16.63 on 22 sq, or 75c for a square. So with sheeting or flooring according to price. If labor is 30c instead of 40c, the cost of that item apart from lumber will be as 4 to 3 on the number of feet; if 50, increase in proportion of 4 to 5. Thus, to illustrate, the joists are put at $8 per 1,000 for labor on a 40c basis. If labor is only 30c the rate will be $6; if 50c, $10. There being in 22 sqs, 5544' for the 2x14 joists at centers given, the decreased cost per sq Will be 50c for the $6 rate; and the increased cost on the $10 basis 50c also. For an 8-hour day the amounts of sheeting, lap, flooring, etc., are stated under " Labor." Leave the quantities as they are, and change to suit local rate. In the 4th column of the following tables the cost per sq of joists and bridging only is given no sheeting, paper or flooring being allowed. The estimator is thus enabled to cover the bare joists of floors, ceilings or flat roofs to suit any specifications by using the prices given. The usual number of anchors are allowed at sides and ends. As they are figured for a 22' span the number required for a building of, say, 3 spans would be a trifle less, as strap- anchor at joint would take the place of 2 tees, but this does not materially affect the cost. The allowance is from 80c to $1.25 for material per sq the labor goes in with the lumber. BRIDGING: The number of If for 2 rows has been given. The gain on the bevel makes up for the waste, especially on the narrow spaces. On the different sizes and centers of joists the number of If runs from 430 to 620. A price per sq is taken of 70c on the wide and shallow spaces to $1 on the narrow and deep for 2x4; less will do for 1x4. See table this chapter for proportionate cost of unnailed material. NAILS: Sufficient nails at $2.60 a keg have been allowed. Nails and labor are, of course, more for bridging, sheeting and flooring on narrow spaces, but only an average can be given. 14 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LABOR: The standard taken is 8 hours at 40c an hour, and the estimate is safe enough anywhere if freight, hauling, etc, are watched. On heavy joists an average of 800' bm, or $8 per 1,000 has been used for 2 men in a day. They will do much more on lower floors of a building, but this is for approximate estimating, and is safe from cellar to roof of a building of 4 to 5 stories. Less is allowed on 2x4 and 2x6; sheeting is put at 1,000 ft; shiplap at 1,000; 6" flooring at 4* sq; 4", usually for the top floor, at 3 sq. Sometimes about twice as much might be laid, depending on the building. Plain maple and oak flooring, 2 face, at 1 sq. Does it all mean for a large warehouse or for a dwelling divided into small rooms? A little judgment must be exercised and changes made to suit the building. Some oak floors, for example, cost from $10 to $16 per sq for laying alone, on a 40c basis, in a fine house built in 1904. For special work of this kind reference must be made to " De- tailed Estimating " in Part Two. In the 5th column of the following table, the difference in cost for each dollar of difference in the price of joist and bridging lumber alone is given in cents. The highest quantity of bridging is 620 If, and allowing 2x4 the differ- ence per sq for each dollar may be taken as 3c on a basis of $24 lumber. NUMBER OF PIECES REQUIRED 108 at 12 centers 75 at 18 centers 63 at 22 centers 94 at 14 centers 68 at 20 centers 58 at 24 centers 83 at 16 centers QUANTITIES REQUIRED Sheeting 8" 2550' bm Flooring 4" 2850' bm Shiplap 8" 2650' bm Flooring 2x6 5200' bm Flooring 6" 2650' bm Flooring maple, 2| 2950' bra PRICE PER SQ OF JOISTS LAID (Deduct bridging if not required. Deduct anchors on a frame building.) , ,, 2x4 list: Lumber, $24 T Li.r . J-i.r . Centers Quantity Bridg Price Diff Centers Quantity Bridg Price Diff 12" 1584 $2.90 8c 20" 998 $1.85 5c 14" 1379 .... 2.50 7c 22" 924 1.70 5c 16" 1217 2.15 6c 24" 851 1.60 4c 18" 1100 .... 2.00 5c APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 15 Price pet* Sq of Joists Laid Continued 2x6 list: Lumber, $24 12" 2376 430 5.30 13c 20" 1496 430 3 .75 9c 14" 2068 430 4.75 12c 22" 1386 ' 430 3 .50 9c 16" 1826 430 4.35 lie 24" 1276 430 3 .30 8c 18" 1650 430 4.00 lOc 2x8 list: Lumber, $26 12" 3168 450 6.70 17c 20" 1995 430 4.75 lie 14" 2757 450 6.05 15c 22" 1848 430 4 .45 lie 16" 2435 450 5.50 13c 24" 1701 430 4 .20 lOc 18" 2200 450 5.10 12c 2x10 list: Lumber, $28 12" 3960 490 8.40 20c 20" 2494 440 5 .85 14e 14" 3446 490 7.50 18c 22" 2310 440 5 .50 13c 16" 3044 490 6.80 16c 24" 2126 440 5 .15 12c 18" 2750 490 6.30 15c 2x12 list: Lumber, $29 12" 4752 560 10.10 24c 20" 2992 470 6 .95 16c 14" 4136 560 9.00 21c 22" 2772 470 6 .50 15c 16" 3652 560 8.15 19c 24" 2552 470 6 .10 13c 18" 3300 560 7.50 17c 2x14 list: Lumber, $30 12" 5544 620 11.75 28c 20" 3491 500 8 .00 18c 14" 4825 620 10.50 24c 22" 3234 500 7 .50 17c 16" 4261 620 9.55 22c 24" 2977 500 7 .05 16c 18" 3850 620 8.70 20c 3x10 list: Lumber, $30 12" 5940 470 12.50 30c 20" 3740 14" 5170 470 11.10 26c 22" 3465 16" 4565 470 10.00 23c 24" 3190 18" 4125 470 9.20 21c 3x12 list: Lumber, $30 7128 550 14.55 35c 20" 4488 6204 550 12.90 31c 22" 4158 5478 550 11.60 27c 24" 3828 4950 550 10.65 25c 3x14 list: Lumber, $30 8316 590 16.65 41c 20" 5236 7238 590 14.75 36c 22" 4851 6391 590 13.20 32c 24" 4466 5775 590 12.10 29c 12" 14" 16" 18" 12* 14" 16" 18" 420 420 420 8.50 19c '7.95 18c 7.45 17c 500 9.80 23c 500 9.15 21c 500 8.55 20c 530 11.10 26e 530 10.40 24c 530 9.65 23c NOTE: The price of lumber as grven is too low in some parts, and too higfr for Oregon, Washington, and the South. Add or deduct as necessary. The tables remain " constants," and the rate varies to suit the local price. Thus, 16 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 2x10 at 20* and lumber at $18, would be only $4.15; 3x14, 18*, with $36 lum- ber would be $13.34, at the same rate for labor, anchors, etc. As noted, the joists on the assumed space, 22'xlOO', are taken only 22' long, for in large warehouses with several spans the length from girder to girder is all a part of floor; but on outside walls, depending on distance, there is a loss of from 1 to 2 If of lumber, unless, as often happens now, wall hangers are used. If end goes in wall, and 2 If of lumber is lost on each joist, add to that span of joists, per sq, with price of lumber as listed: For 2x 8 16 centers $0.33 , 20 centers .27 73 56 87 67 centers . . . 1.30 For 2x 8 ... For . 2x12 12 centers . For 2x12 16 centers , For 2x14 12 centers. For 2x14 16 centers , For 3x14 12 For 3x14 16 centers 1.00 For 3x14 , 20 centers 83 THE ROTHROCK METAL BRIDGING A new bridging that may be used in place of wood is made of galv iron. The lengths as given in the manufacturer's table are too short for wood which is put clear to edge of joists. SPACING OF TIMBER 12 in Centers 14 in Centers 16 in Centers 20 in Centers Length of Bridging 124" 144' Size of Timber 2"x 6" 2"x 8" 2"xlO" 2"xl2" 3"x 6" 3"x 8" 3"x 9" 3"xlO" 3"xl2" 3"xl4" 3"xl6" 4"x 8* 4"xio" 4"xl2" 4"xl4" 4"xl6" 104" 114" 124" 134" 94" 104" 10" 14" 15" IP 14" 154" 94" 104" 14" 154* 17" 114" 124" 134" 144 154" 15" 154 17" 14" 144" 15" 154" 17" 13" 14" 15" 154" 17" 18f 194" 20i" 17" 18 18; 20}" 214" 17" 17" 18}" 194" 20i" APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 17 PRICE LIST AT MILES, OHIO DISCOUNT, FIFTY AND TEN PER CENT No. 5 length 9J inches, per thousand pieces $27.00 No. 10 length 10 inches, per thousand pieces 27.00 No. 15 length 11| inches, per thousand pieces. 27.00 No. 20 length 13 inches, per thousand pieces 28.00 No. 25 length 13^ inches, per thousand pieces 29.00 No. 30 length 14 inches, per thousand pieces 29.00 No. 35 length 14* inches, per thousand pieces 30.00 No. 40 length 15 inches, per thousand pieces 31.00 No. 45 length 151 inches, per thousand pieces 32.00 No. 50 length 17 inches, per thousand pieces 34.00 No. 55 length 18 J inches, per thousand pieces 35.00 The above price is for the light bridging; the heavy costs about 50% more. The standard length is No. 45. The weight of 1,000 pcs is 400 Ibs gross. The bridging is satisfactory, and only the question of comparative cost has to be considered. 1000 pcs No. 45, metal $14.40 1000 pcs wood, 1x3 11 .50 1000 pcs wood, 1x4 or 2x2 14 . 50 1000 pcs wood, 2x4 26. 75 The mills cut 1x3 and 4 for 30c per 100 pcs; and 2x4 for 40c. For 1x4, 17" long, 1,000 pcs require 473' bm, at $24, equals $11.35, and cutting $3, a total of $14.35. The 2x4 requires 947' bm, which, at $24, comes to $22.73, and cutting $4, a total of $26.73. Nailing is same for both metal and wood, and is not included. Freight is not allowed on metal. The metal is cheaper than the 2x4's, and the same as the 1x4. With high-priced hand labor and no mill, the metal is to be preferred. BASEMENT SLEEPERS: The joists or sleepers referred to here are those that are laid on the earth, on cinders or on concrete, and staked down or nailed with cleats. The number of ft in a day is given in each size. Stakes are included. In some cases, as when concrete is used, they may not be necessary at all except to hold sleepers in place until it hardens, and 1x2 strips are often sufficient; while in other cases 2x4 's driven several ft into the ground would be re- quired. 18 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR THE STAKE ALLOWANCE BM IS AS FOLLOWS 16" centers.. ..300' 36" centers .. ..160' 20" centers 250' 48" centers 120' 24" centers 220' Stakes may be deducted, if not required, at rate given in table for lumber and labor. There are 5 extra sleepers allowed in the 22 sqs. Covering is not included. Only a few nails are required, say, 3c per NUMBER OF PIECES 81 at 16" centers 40 at 36" centers 66 at 20" centers 31 at 48" centers 56 at 24" centers PRICE PER SQ OF BASEMENT SLEEPERS Price Cts for each $1 Price Cts for each $1 Centers Quan'y Per sq diff in lumber Centers Quan'y Per sq diff in lumber 2x4 list: $24: 400 bm per day or $16 per M 16" 1500 $2.75 7c 24" 1050 $1.95 5 20" 1220 2.25 6c 4x4 list: $26, 700', or $9.15 per M. 16" 2676 4.30 12c 24" 1860 3.00 9 20" 2186 3.55 lOc 4x6 list: $26, 800', or $8 per M. 24" 2684 4.20 12c 48" 1484 2.35 7 36" 1920 3.00 9c 4x8 list: $27, 900', or $7. 12 per M. 24" 3506 5.50 16c 48" 1820 2.85 9 36" 2507 3.95 12c 6x6 list: $27, 900', or $7.12 per M. 24" 3916 6.10 18c 48" 2170 3.40 10 36" 2800 4.40 13c 6x8 list: $27, 1000', or $6.40 per M. 24" 5148 7.85 24c 48" 2848 4.40 13 36" 3680 5.65 17c LABOR: On the lists of joists already given 800' is the quantity taken all through, while on this basement list the allowances run from 400' to l',000'. Hoisting is not required in the basement, and it is easier to handle lumber with a APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 19 solid floor to walk on. A 2x4 takes more time than a 6x8 in proportion to its size, for each joist or sleeper, large or small, has to be leveled. SLEEPERS: The floor of No. 7 is laid on 6x8, 48" centers, and 2 men handled from 1,500 to 1,600', instead of 1,000 as in the table, but there were nearly 600 sq, while the table might be used for 20. Some sizes not given may be found by taking multiples of those listed. Thus 8x8 would be twice as much as. 4x8, although there is some little difference on account of the number of ft per day. WAREHOUSE, STORE, AND MILL CONSTRUCTION: Posts and girders are not included in the following lists: allow them at $30 for lumber and $12 for labor, which add to joists. Joist lumber, $28; labor, $8, or 800' per day. It is worth while to remember that the cost of a floor at 6' centers is not exactly twice that of one at 3', for the extra joists come in both, and the wider the space the higher the proportion. Joists only are given; allow stirrups, anchors, cast-iron caps and shoes as may be required. For this heavy anchoring allow about $2.50 per sq, labor being included in lumber. Only a few nails are re- quired. Common wrought iron stirrups, f"x3", 5$c per Ib. Double ones are used on beams; single are often used, as at stair wells, etc. For an approximate price, differing according to size of beam and length of iron, $2 for dbl, and $1.10 for single. For V'x3", $2.60 dbl, and $1.60 single. For "x4", for 8x16, $2.25 single. As a 22' span is more than the average for this heavy work, the stirrups are estimated on a basis of 14' span, so as to allow enough. Duplex, and other hangers, are often used at wall as well as at girders. See Chap. XIII. See pages 20, 21, for Post Caps and Bases. NOTE : So much lumber is used in this form of construction that it is well to remember the addition or deduction of cents for each dollar of difference ID local price as compared with that listed. For the beams, $28 is the assumed price. On the Pacific coast, $16 is enough, in some sections; but to Omaha, 20 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR for example, the freight is $16. Add or deduct, therefore, according to price of lumber. Lest anyone should think that a 6xl2s set 24" centers, is a waste of lumber, I may remark here that I know of several buildings where 8x1 6s are so placed. MILL CONSTRUCTION TABLE Amt f9t Price Stirrups Diff in Amt for Price Stirrups Diff in Centers 22 sq in per per sq lumber Centers 22 sq in per per sq lumber 2 3 4 2 3 4 For 8x14 and 8x16, stirrups are allowed at i"x4". Labor is allowed as usual 40c per hour. An hour more or less for 2 men means 16c a day. On the 8x16 list, at 800' bm per day, for example, at 2' centers this equals $2.49, or about lie per sq; at 8', 75c, or about 3c. But if such exact figures are necessary it is better to refer to Part Two. Only 2 extras are allowed in the 22 squares. DUPLEX POST CAPS For 3 way, add 25%; 4 way, 50% 6x 6 two ways $2.00 8x 8 two ways 2.75 10x10 two ways 3.50 12x12 two ways 4.00 14x14 two ways 5.50 16x16 two ways 6.75 bm. sq; |x3 of $1 6x12 list bm. sq I . 1x3 of $1 6996 $11 .60 $7 .60 32c 5 3036 $5. 15 $3. 15 14c 4752 7 .90 5. 10 22c 6 2640 4. 50 2.60 12c 3696 6. 20 3. 90 17c 8 2112 3. 75 2.00 lOc 6x14 list 8162 13 .50 8 .00 37c 5 3542 6. 00 3.30 16c 5544 9 .25 5 .40 25c 6 3080 5. 20 2.75 14c 4312 7 .20 4 .10 20c 8 2464 4. 20 2.20 12c 6x16 and 8x12 list 9328 15 .40 8 .75 43c 5 4048 6. 80 3.60 19c 6336 10 .55 6. 00 29c 6 3520 5. 90 3.00 16c 4928 8 .25 4. 50 23c 8 2816 4. 75 2.40 13c 8x14 list 10893 18 .00 15. 00 50c 5 4554 7. 60 6.15 22c 7392 12 25 10. 10 34c 6 4107 6. 85 5.15 19c 5750 9 .55 7. 60 26c 8 3286 5. 55 4.00 15c 8x16 list 12438 20 .50 16 .40 57c 5 5398 9. 00 6.75 25c 8448 14 .00 11 10 39c 6 4694 , 7. 85 5.65 21c 6571 10 .75 8, 35 30c 8 3755 6. 30 4.35 17c APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 21 These prices are for girders same depth as size of posts: thus a 10x10 post cap is priced for a 10" girder: for each 2" of extra depth of girder add 10% to price, making a 10x10 cap for a 14" deep girder, $4.20. Duplex post bases are about the same price. Cast Iron Caps, Size 8x 8 inches 50 Ibs at 3c. Cast Iron Caps, Size 10x10 inches 60 Ibs at 3c. Cast Iron Caps, Size 12x12 inches 80 Ibs at 3c. Weight depends upon load, so that these figures are only approximate. Mr. Tyrrell in "Architects and Builders Magazine," New York, gives weights of heavy iron col bases for high build- ings: 22x22 600 Ibs 32x32 1340 Ibs 24x24 750 Ibs 34x34 1450 Ibs 26x26 880 Ibs 36x36 1600 Ibs 28x28 1020 Ibs 38x38 1720 Ibs 30x30 ...1180 Ibs 40x40 1850 Ibs COVERING: The cost of the various kinds of covering for joists, above and below, is now to be considered, and also cents per sq for difference of $1 in price of lumber. COST PER SQ Grade Description Price per Quantity laid Cost per Cts 1000 per day sq No. 1 YP Sheeting $27 1000' bm $3.93 12 No. 2 YP Sheeting 25 950' bm 3.74 12 No. 1 YP Shiplap 27 1000' bm 4.05 12 No. 2 YP Shiplap 25 950' bm 3.83 12 No. 1 YP Shiplap on angle 27 850' bm 4.43 13 No. 2 YP Shiplap on angle 25 800' bm 4.25 13 No. 1 YP Sheeting on angle 27 850' bm 4.34 12 No. 2 YP Sheeting on angle 25 800' bm 4.15 12 No. 1 WP Sheeting 40 1100' bm 5.35 12 No. 2 WP Sheeting 35 1100' bm 4.78 12 No. 3 WP Sheeting 29 1000' bm 4.16 12 No. 1 WP Shiplap 40 1100' bm 5.48 12 No. 2 WP Shiplap 35 1100' bm 4.90 12 No. 3 WP Shiplap 29 1000' bm 4.28 12 WP on angle add extra 30 to 50c 13 No. 1 YP plank, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, S.IS.2E 26 1200' bm 7. 15 22 No. 1 YP plank, 3x6, 3x8, 3x10, S.IS.2E 30 1400' bm 12.00 33 No. 1 YP flooring, 2x6, T and G 26 1000' bm 7.85 24 22 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Cost per Sq Continued Grade Description Price per Quantity laid Cost per Cts 1000 per day sq No. 1 YP flooring, 2x6, on angle 26 875' bm 8.63 25 No. 1 YP plank, 2x6, to 10 on an. 26 1100' bm 7.64 24 No. 1 YP plank, 3x6, to 10 on an. 30 1300' bm 13 . 00 36 y FLOORING: A B C A A B C A B C B C D No. 1 No. 1 4" Edge grain, YP, 3| face. . 4" Edge grain, YP, 3 face. . 4" Edge grain, YP, 3 face. . 3" Edge grain, YP, 2J face . . 4" Flat grain, YP, 3J face. . 4" Flat grain, YP, 3 face. . 4" Flat grain, YP, 3 face. . 6" Flat grain, YP, 5| face. . 6" Flat grain. YP, 5| face. . 6" Flat grain, YP, 5 J face . . (But for 6" floors WP, "x4" 3 face 46 3 sqs 42 3 sqs 38 3 sqs 47 2J sqs 35 3 sqs 33 3 sqs 30 3 sqs 35 5 sqs 33 5 sqs 30 5 sqs , see Chap. X.) 65 3^ sqs 60 3i sqs 50 3i sqs 40 4 sqs 55 2 sqs 30 1\ sqs 38 2 sqs 39 2J sqs 39 2 sqs $8.30 7.80 7.27 9.57 6.88 6.62 6.23 5.70 5.46 5.10 10.48 9.83 8.53 7.00 11.75 6.71 7.75 7.88 8.70 . 2.00 13 13 13 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 17 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 WP, "x4", 3i face WP, "x4", 3| face WP, $"x4" fencing O F (porch) 1^x4. Ceiling YP f x3 face f x3 face fx3|^ corrugated f x3J 2J face For ordinary paint or oil, add For nil finish nn floors a.HH . 3.30 HARDWOOD FLOORING $x2 Clear Maole ^' $50 62 44 62 48 100 110 75 170 40 1 sq \ sq 1 sq 1 sq 1 sq i sq i sq | sq \ sq 4 sqs $13.20 21.00 12.27 14.60 12.80 26.00 27.25 18.43 23.00 35.05 4.40 6.70 No. 1 No. 1 Strictly Clear Maple, (best work) Select Maple Clear plain Red or White Oak Select Red or White Oak . . Clear q s Red Oak (best work) Clear q s W Oak (best work) Select q s Red or White Oak Thin Oak Floors, varnished . Cherrv (best work) For Oiling, etc., add Square edged 4" Maple for plain factory work, un- smoothed . . APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 23 Cost per Sq Continued Grade Description Price per Quantity laid Cost per Cts 1000 per day sq T and G 4" Maple, in long rooms, smoothed 50 2^ sqs 9.25 13 Tiling, see Chapter XX. Composition Floors, see Chapter XX. Rubber Floors, see Chapter XX. See "Shop Floors," Chapter XXII. Building paper, tar felt, etc 25 to 50c Plaster with wood lath $3 . 85 Plaster with metal lath 6. 82 Metal ceiling, wood furring, and painting 13.00 Gravel Roof 4.50 See also "Roof Covering." Painting 2 . 00 A FEW COMBINATIONS The tables are arranged so that each one may make his own combinations. Here are a few only: 2x10 joists, 16 centers, brick bldg $6.80 Loss of 2 If to go in walls, average between 2x8 and 2x12 4,5 No. 1 Shiplap under floor, yp 4.05 Paper 50 Clear q s W O, f top floor best 27.25 Varnishing t 4.40 ACTUAL COST $43.45 It is best not to add profit on each item, but at end of complete estimate. 3x14 joists, girder to girder, 24" o c $9.15 2x6 yp flooring on angle 8.63 Paper 50 Sq edge factory Maple 4" floor 6.70 $24.98 BASEMENT OR GROUND FLOOR 6x8 Sleepers, 48" o c . $4.40 3" Plank, laid straight 12.00 $16.40 24 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR MILL CONSTRUCTION 8x14, 4' o c on girders $9.55 Stirrups 7.60 Anchors 2.50 3" plank floor on angle 13.00 Paper 50 Factory Maple floor 6.70 $39.85 8x12, 6' o c, girder and wall $5.90 Loss of 2 If, one end (get 2x12, 12 o c 73c x 4 times for thickness 2.92 divided by 6, as the 8x12 is 6 cen- ters instead of 12") = 49 Stirrups 3.00 Anchors 2.50 3" plank, straight 12.00 Asbestos, i, (fireproofing chap), and labor 4.30 Factory Maple Floor 6.70 $34.89 OUTSIDE WALLS, GABLES AND PARTITIONS: A space 22x100 has been taken as a basis of calculation. Allowance of studs: At 12" centers 1 to 10". At 20" centers 1 to 16" At 16" centers 1 to 12". At 24" centers 1 to 20" At 18" centers 1 to 14" If work is properly done this is not too much material; on some buildings with angles and projections it might not be enough; on others again it would be too much. Bare studs are given. A day's labor for 2 men is taken at 640' bm, which at 40c an hour is $10 per 1,000. For difficult gables add from 25 to 50% to regular price. For each dollar above or below $24 in price of lumber, add or deduct the cents in the last col per sq. Thus, 2x8 with lumber at $26 would be at 16" centers, $5.52. BRIDGING: For single 2x4 bridging, if used, allow per sq: Centers Level Angle Centers Level Angle 12" 40c 50c 20" 28c 35c 16" 35c 45c 24" 26c 33c 18" 32c 37c APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 25 2x4 list: Lumber, $24 Centers Quantity Cost per sq Cents Centers Quantity Cost per sq Cents 12" 1961 $3.00 9 20" 1300- $2.00 6 16" 1667 2.60 8 24" 1080 1.70 5 18" 1450 2.25 7 Bridging is not included in the table. For 2x6 add 50% to the 2x4 list. For 2x8 dble the 2x4 list, and add the increased rate of about $2 per M for lumber. CEILED PARTITIONS: For partitions ceiled both sides with yp on a 2x4 framework and painted, allow 19c per sq ft With oak ceiling, 34c. For partitions as above, but ceiled up with yp to a height Of about 4' only with glass door, and plain sash above, allow 25c per sq ft. For yp ceiling partitions without framework, allow 18c per sq ft, painted on both sides. Allow 25% more for bath room partitions with short runs, etc. ROLLING PARTITIONS: For yp horizontal rolling parti- tions delivered at building, 58c per sq ft; after oiling both sides, 62c; in place with hardware, 75c. For some kinds $1 would be too low. For larger horizontals, yp, 50c fob Mass. For larger horizontals, plain oak, 60c fob Mass. For larger horizontals, white q s oak, 65c fob Mass, PLEXIFOLD PARTITIONS: For Flexifold apright parti- tions: In yp, 65c fob Mass. In plain oak, ash, 75c fob Mass. In q s w oak, 80c fob Mass. These Massachusetts partitions include all hardware and are oil finished. Labor erecting from $15 to $25 per opening. Add freight, hauling, etc. COVERING OF STUDS: Nails are included. If sheeting, shiplap or flooring is put on at an angle from sill to wall- plate instead of level, add as noted per sq. For figures on other material, metal lath, flooring, shingles, etc, see Part Two. 26 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Grade Description Per 1000 Quantity laid per day Cost per sq Cents No. 1 WP Sheeting.. . = $40 1000 .$5.45 12 No. 2 WP Sheeting 35 1000 4.85 12 No. 3 WP Sheeting 29 1000 4.17 12 No. 1 WPShiplap.. 40 1000 5.63 12 No. 2 WPShiplap 35 1000 5.03 12 No. 3 WPShiplap 29 1000 4.32 12 No. 1 YP Sheeting 27 950 4.00 12 No. 2 YP Sheeting 25 900 3.80 12 No. 1 YP Shiplap 27 900 4.10 12 No. 2 YP Shiplap 25 900 3.87 12 For WP on angle add 600 1.20 YP on angle add 550 1.30 A YP 1x6", 51 face, T and G . . 35 3 sqs 6.53 12 B C YP fx6", 51 face, T and G. . YP x6", face, T and G .... 33 30 3 sqs 3 sqs 6.29 5.93 12 12 For I"x6" YP on angle add . 2 sqs 1.50 12 C Flat grain YP "x4" T and G 30 2^ sqs 6.65 13 No. 1 WP siding 6"... 36 4 sqs 6.50 14 No. 2 WP siding 6" 34 4 sqs 6.22 14 No. 1 WP siding 4" 36 2 sqs 8.80 15 No. 2 WP siding 4" 34 2 sqs 8.50 15 A YP Siding 4" 22 2 sqs 6.60 15 No. RCsiding 4" 32 2 sqs 8.10 15 No. RW siding 4" 32 2 sqs 8.10 15 No. OF siding 28 2 sqs 7.50 15 No. NP4" 26 2 sqs 7.50 15 No. Drop siding YP, 51 face. . 32 900 4.86 12 Shingles, 6 to 2" (900 to sq) 3.75 2 sqs 6.77 90 Shingles, 5 to 2" (900 to sq) 4.25 2 sqs 7.22 90 Shingles, fancy cut (900 to sq) 5.00 2 sqs 7.90 90 Shingles Dipped, add extra 3.00 Ceiling (one side) YP f x4". . 38 3 sqs 7.15 13 Paper 25 to 50 Plaster on wood lath, 1 side . 35 3.85 Plaster on wood lath, 2 sides 35 7.70 Plaster on metal lath, 1 side 62 6.85 Plaster on metal lath,2 sides 62 13.70 Back Plaster, on wood lath . . . 2.65 Ordinary 3-coat paint, one side 2.00 Ordinary 2-coat paint, one side 1.65 For each 1 cent of difference in price of plaster or paint, per yd, one side, add. . . . 0.11 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 27 See Plaster Chapter for Portland Cement Covering. Combi- nations can be made from these wall and partition tables as with the other. PITCHED ROOFS: We now come to trouble, and plenty of it. This is the region of " turrets, towers and minarets." It is all well enough to draw them and write about them, but the question that confronts the estimator is not how well or how ill do they look, but how much do they cost. Let us take a plain roof for a standard and leave the com- plicated ones for discussion further on. A roof 22x100' has been taken as a basis for the following figures. A day's work is 500' bm. The figures are for rafters only. If ties and braces are used add $1.25 for light roofs per sq. The allowance at 12" centers is 1 to each 10"; 16, 1 to 12; 18, 1 to 14; 20, 1 to 16; 24, 1 to 20. A liberal allowance is made for lumber. A roof- does not require as much as a partition although the figures used are the same or equal centers. CEILING JOISTS are not included. COST OF ROOFS PER SQ 2x4 list: Lumber, $24 Amount Cost Amount Cost Centers Quantity per day persq Cents Centers Quantity per day persq/Cent 12" 1775 500 S3. 00 9 20" 1115 500 $1.90 5 16" 1482 500 2.51 7 24" 895 500 1.52 4 18" 1276 500 2.16 6 For 2x6, add 50% to the price of 2x4; for 2x8, dble 2x4, and add at rate of about $2 extra on the lumber price; for 2x10 take 2^ times the cost of a 2x4, and add cents in last col for difference in lumber. Thus, a 2x4, 16" centers, is $2.51; a 2x6, $3.77; a 2x8, at $26 lumber $2.51 plus 14cx2=$5.30; a 2x10 with lumber at $28 =, for 16" centers, $2.51 plus 4 (for the $4 difference in price) x7cx2i^$6.98. If list is used on a brick building add wall plate at $2 per sq. I recently made out some bills of material for small pas- senger-stations with the usual hips and valleys. At the same rate for labor, and material at $20, No. 1 was 3.70; 2, $4; 3, $4.56; while the plain list on same size and distance 2x6, 28 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 16" centers is $3.77. Another at 2x4, 16", was $2.63; the plain list is $2.51. This is an illustration of the difference between a plain roof and one with hips and valleys, although by no means complicated. One of the worst roofs I have ever seen No. 11 ran to $6 for 2x6, 16" centers. No covering included. As to the " gingerbread " kind, there is only one exact, theoretical way to estimate them, and that is to take off each piece of lumber in a building where no two pieces are the same length, and make a liberal allowance for waste, labor, and mistakes. I have done it in this manner so often that it is a familiar process, and a rather discouraging way of working. There is something wrong with the whole system of contracting when such a method is necessary. The square method ought to be sufficient, and the profit should be large enough to cover any errors that are not serious. Another way is described in Chapter X. Using the quantities given in the 2x4 list we have to each sq in bm as follows: A 2X4 LIST FOR BM TO SQ OF ROOF 12 centers 81 bm 20 centers '.51 bm 16 centers 68 bm 24 centers 41 bm 18 centers 58 bm The above table includes rafters only, at such an allowance of extras as is sufficient for all but the worst roofs, for hips, valleys, etc. But no ties are allowed. For 2x6 mult by 1|; for 2x8, by 2, etc. Note that No. 11 ran to $6. COVERING OF AVERAGE ROOFS PER SQ Sheeting and Shiplap, $27 . $4 . 30 Slate, Peach Bottom , Pa . $12 . 50 2" plank S.IS. IE, $26 7 . 85 Slate, Black Bangor, Pa. . 1 1 . 00 2" YP flooring, $26 8.40 Slate, Sea Green 9.50 |x6" Y.P flooring, $35 .... 6 . 08 Slate, Unfading Green. . . 10 . 50 f x6" YP flooring, $30 5 . 50 Slate, Slatington, Pa 9.00 Shingles 6 to 2, $3.75 5.65 Slate, Purple 11.00 Shingles 5 to 2, $4.25 6.11 Slate, Red 16.00 Shingles, dipping, extra ... 3 . 00 Interlocking Tile 22 . 00 Shingles, Asbestos, plain . . 1 1 . 00 Shingle Tile 17 . 00 Slate, Brownville, Me 14 . 50 Copper 30 to 35 .00 Slate, Monson, Me 14 . 50 I. C. Old Style Tin 10 .00 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 29 Covering of Average Roofs per Sq Continued I X Old Style Tin $12.00 Gravel Roof $4.50 I C Common Tin 8.00 Ready Roofing 3.75 I X Common Tin 9.00 Carey Roofing. 4.00 No. 26 Galv. Iron 9 . 00 Elaterite Roofing 4 . 00 Ruberoid Rooting 3 . 50 PROFIT: Slate, tile, tin, and gravel include profit. Slate and tile include paper; tile includes strips. INCREASE. On small cut up roofs the price of slate or tile may be increased 10 to 20%. FOR SHOP ROOFS, as on No. 7, etc., 6"xl4" purlins about 5'-0" centers, 2" T and G yp flooring, 16c per sq ft complete, but no steel trusses or gravel roof. SHOP LANTERNS, steel construction, glass roofs, sash on sides, as shown on Nos. 7, 8, 13, 14, $20 per If extra as com- pared with flat roofs. TRUSSES The Howe Truss described in Chap. X, 60' long by 6' or 7' high, cost $275, set in place. Another dbl slope, pitched roof, 80' span, 24' rise, wood, $350, set. -^ A dbl slope, pitched roof, 50' span, 16' high, extra heavy steel to support floor and roof, $550, not set; setting, $60. For 53' span, steel, shop, 4 to 7' deep, $300 set. For 175' span, steel, shop, 4 to T deep, $875 set. For 80' span, steel, shop, 4 to 7' deep, $550 set. For 105' span, steel, shop, 4 to 7' deep, $765 set. For 125' span, steel, high pitch, heavy load, $1,870 set. DORMERS: For dbl dormer window, without balcony, with single slope shingle roof, $100 extra. With pitched roof and gable, $125. For a common single dormer, shingle roof, $75. FURRING PER SQ Centers Size Place Price Centers Size Place Price 16" 1x2 Walls $2.00 12" 1x2 Walls $2.60 16" 1x2 Ceilings .90 12" 1x2 Ceilings 1.10 13" 1x2 Interlocking tile 1.00 16" 2x2 Ceilings 1.30 12' ; 2x2 Ceilings 1.70 16" 2x2 Walls 2.70 12" 2x2 Walls 3.40 30 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR PLATFORMS: Warehouses of all kinds and depots usually have platforms about 4'-6" above grade. For plank footings, 12"xl2" uprights and girders, braces, nails and bolts, allow $18.50 per sq. For 3x12 joists, 12" centers, $8 per sq; for 3" plank on top and 2" to enclose front, $11. per sq. With lumber at $20 make the complete figure at 39c per sq ft, the extra allowance being for bridging, inclines, stairs, etc. For each dollar extra on the price of lumber, allow lc per sq ft. Thus, at $24, the complete cost would be 45c for the heaviest style of platform. But sufficiently strong platform of lighter construction can be built for 25c say 3x10 joists 24" centers, and 2" top: and for cedar pile heads, 6' centers, 8x10 sills 8' c to c 3x10 joists 16" c 3x10 covering with lumber at $19, a western engineer gives me his cost at 26c. On ground at $23 with 6x8 sleepers 4' centers, 3" covering, 14c; 2" covering, lOc. For other sizes, spacing of joists and covering, see under " Basement Sleepers and Covering." Platform may require more labor than basement floors, owing to frost, grade, etc, and extra allowance must be made if required. The foregoing figures cover average work. ROOF: A plain roof covered with gravel may be put over platforms for 30c per sq ft. Long, plain umbrella-sheds with wood posts, wood framework, gravel roof, gutters, but no paving, 48c per sq ft. WOOD FENCES: In most cities they are limited to 8' high, for in the old days " spite fences " sometimes soared higher than the shingles. With 8" cedar posts, 10' long, about 6c per If, 4 rails in height, close-sheeted, without paint or gates they are worth 45 to 50c per If. Mineral paint at 5c to 6c per sq yd per coat Is close enough. With 1 coat of paint 55 to 60c. Large dbl wagon gates for such fences run from $30 to $40 hung. The cost of boring post holes for lower fences is the same. For a 4' fence, unpainted, 25 to 30c per If. It is well to remember that paint sometimes goes on 1 side, sometimes on both. PICKET FENCES: There are so many different kinds that we must be content with the fair average of 65c per If, painted, for a reasonable number of ft; a short fence might cost twice as much., APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 31 TIN AND GALVANIZED IRON Cornices of average design, 2c per in of width per ft, and dentils, brackets, etc, extra. Gutters, 15 to 35c; downspouts, 20 to 30c; 7" flashing, 8c; 14", 16c; 14" valleys, 12c; 20", 15c. Tin roofing, IX, $10 per sq; skylights, 60c per sq ft; large skylights like those on No. 7, of many styles, 50c per sq ft if copper caps; if all galv. iron, 32c, unpainted. PLASTER Allow for metal lath and 3-coat, white finish 62c; for wood lath and same finish 35c; sand finish is worth from 3 to 5c more than white coat. MILLWORK After the walls are up, the roof on and the building plastered, we come to millwork. Only a general idea can be given here of this; and for an approximate figure it is better to give openings complete than millwork alone. Labor, paint, hardware, glass, stone sill and lintel, are therefore in- cluded. DOORS: Outside common glass door, 3x7xlf for brick, $25; for frame, $19. Inside door, 2-8x7xlf, $13. Add $6 if a tran- som is used in any of these doors. The price of an outside door may run up to $100, and beyond. A w p door at $8 with hardware at $3 is allowed. An ordinary sliding door painted, $35; hardwood, $50 to $100. A better way to get the cost of a door is to turn to the Chicago list in chapter on " Millwork," pick out such a door as you think fitted for your purpose front or inside, hard- wood or pine and then add jambs as listed, according to style and kind of wood, allow hardware at $1.50 for an in- side door, and $5 for an outside, and $10 is too little on some kinds labor, $3 inside, $6 outside, paint, $2 and $4, and add transom if any. WINDOWS: There is no deduction made for brick or plaster, as these are attended to in the mason's part. Sash are If thick with D S glass; 3 coats of paint; stone sills; a fair quantity of hardware. 32 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR For an opening about 3x7-6, brick, $16.50; frame, $12.50; opening, 2-6x6-6, brick, $14.50; frame, $10.50. No allowance is made for blinds. This price might have to be raised 50% for some kinds of windows, and that without going into fine work. See "Mill- work " for price by sq ft, etc. BASE: For yp, 20c per If with grounds and paint; for hard- wood, 30c. WAINSCOTING: Paneled and painted yp with grounds, 35c per sq ft; f m and b, 14c; pan and hard oil finished oak with grounds, 50c; m and b, 17c. CHAIR RAIL: Oak, 15c; pine, 9c per If. PICTURE MOLD: Oak, 7; pine, 5c. STAIRS: Pine, set complete, $3.50 per step; oak, $6. For special work these prices might be doubled. Basement plank, with risers, $2. STORE FRONTS: On ordinary fronts filled with plate glass, with dbl doors and transoms, sash below window for cellar, counter-shelf, paint, hardware, and labor complete, $1.50 per sq ft. No iron or steel included. From this price we might easily go to $5. CASES: An approximate figure may sometimes be of value: For a case divided into holes 18" sq allow 20c per sq ft at 12" deep; and 33c at 24" deep. With holes 3 ft sq, 15c for 12", and 22c for 24". A back of f ceiling is allowed in both cases; if left off, deduct 7c per sq ft. Lumber is put at $40, labor, $50. Less than this may often be sufficient, but 25% more might be wasted on labor. Face measure, not shelf measure, is taken. Thus, a case to fill the end of a room 10'x20', or 200 sq ft, would cost, at 18" holes 12" deep, $40. Add profit or percentage required. No paint. The above figures may be supplemented by the following from actual work done: A case 18'xl3'-6" high, 33" deep below counter shelf, and 16" above was set in building, but not oiled for $165, or 68c per sq ft of frontage. All the front was covered with sliding doors, one below countershelf, two in hight above. On a 1" basis there were APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 33 about 1,400 of lumber including back. Below counter were shelves about 12" apart; above were pigeon holes 6"xll". Another 9'-8"x9'-6"x3'-2" deep, divided into 420 pigeon holes, was set in place for $197, 47c per hole, or $2.15 per sq ft. The smallness of the holes and the extra depth account for high price, even although doors were not used. SLIDING LADDERS for such high cases cost about $15 with track. CASES of material from 12 to 16" deep with doors, 60c per sq ft of face surface; of | stuff with pigeon holes about 4x8", as in ticket-cases, etc, 25c per opening. A case 2'-9" by 7-9x18-0, filled with drawers, cost $300,, or $2.15 per sq ft. REVOLVING DOORS: Front doors from $300 up; pantry windows, $85 up; both fob New York. CORNICE ON FRAME BUILDINGS: A plain cornice with- out brackets, painted, and finished, runs to 50c per If. From that we might go to $1.50, and still not be so very extrava- gant. For 30" projection, $1.20 or 4c per inch. Brackets cost from 15c to $2. Cornice boards, ridges and plain lumber may at this writ- ing be put in, if of pine, at $100 per M B. M. in place. PAINT For plain 2-coat work, allow 15c; 3-coat, 20c; for pine, plain oil finish, 25c; rubbed down, 35c; hardwood, 35c; rubbed down, 50c. Sometimes $1 is not enough for hardwood per yd. PERCENTAGES I have taken 22 frame buildings of all sizes and styles, and from actual bids put in or work done, have made out the following average percentages. I meant to take more as a basis, but found that the result would have been practically the same with 44 as with 22. Some of the buildings were let when prices were high, and some when they were low, so that a fair average is obtained. Of course, a little judg- ment is required to get good results from the tables for an approximate estimate, on a church, for example, the brick- 34 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR work is 23 and the millwork 16; on certain flats with hard- wood finish, the figures are reversed. Coal-sheds, fences, side- walks, furnaces, mantels, and such extra items are not in- cluded. The average in the brick buildings have been taken from a list of 36. They range in price from $5,000 to $50,000. All kinds are listed private residences, stores, flats, warehouses, schools, hospitals, railway stations and stables. Heating is not included. It is not always easy for architects, engineers, and others, who have to figure carpenter work to get at the labor. The lumber and plain millwork are often estimated fairly well, and then anywhere from 25 to 60% of the total taken for labor. The following lists of different classes of buildings will give a better idea of what the figures should be. Class of Work Excavation, brick and cut stone Plaster Frame Buildings 15.8 8 3 Brick Buildings 41.0 5 6 Lumber 19 3 11 Millwork and Glass . ... 20 6 12 Carpenter Labor 17 9 9 Hardware 3 5 2 5 Tin and Galvanized Iron .... 23 3 Plumbing and Gas-fitting . . 6 8 4 3 Paint 5 5 3 4 Iron and Steel 5 6 Roofing . 2.6 100.0 100.0 It will be observed that some of the items under "brick** are lower than the same items under " frame." Of course, the high percentage of mason work necessarily reduces the other figures, but part of the difference is due to the fact that warehouses are listed, and the inside finish is thus reduced. The other lists will give a better percentage, but it is well to take a general average of all kinds of buildings, and let the architect or contractor make an allowance for any departure from a normal type. The tables may be used to estimate the cost of enclosing a building. By leaving out part of the millwork, paint, labor, hardware, etc, a fair idea may be obtained; and a certain item being known the value of the complete building may be APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 35 found. Hardware at $350 means a $10,000 frame house, al- though this is figuring the wrong way from the small to the large. 'j, '. UNIFORMITY: In the brick list there are 17 buildings, or about half, with iron and steel for columns, beams, etc. The percentage varies more in this item than in any other: 2, 7, 12, 3, 6.5, 5, 9, 7, 7, 4, 2.5, 1.5, 8, 4, 2, 7, 8. Brick and stone run steadily from 38 to 50 with most buildings about 44; but one house is only 25, as the inside finish, plumbing, etc, is of a superior quality. The millwork on the same building is 25. Carpenter labor, paint, hardware, plumbing, plaster, and tin, do not vary much, and when they do take a bound the reason is generally clear, so that in making an approximate estimate variations from what may be taken as a standard can easily be noted. There is even less variation on frame than on brick build- ings. Lumber, millwork, and brick, keep remarkably steady in the same class. A PLAIN BUILDING: When selecting the frame buildings I ran across one that could not be listed as there was no foundation or inside finish except that the walls and ceilings were sheeted and a floor laid. It may be taken as a type of plain construction. It is 30'-6" by 150', 2 stories high, with 2x6 studs and rafters covered respectively with drop siding, sheeting and shingles. The percentages are: Lumber, 56; millwork, 10.5; iron and hardware, 4.5; carpenter labor, 21; tin, 3.5; paint, 4.5. ON No. 3: Another building not listed owing to partial fire- proofing is No. 3. The 2 fronts are built of a hard Wyo. pink stone. The stone is backed with brick, and the rear walls are of brick. Joists 3x14 rest on 2 lines of iron cols and steel I beams. The walls and ceilings are lined with fire- proofing, and the partitions are built of hollow tile. Half the finish is oak, and the other half yp. Without marble, ele- vators, heating, plumbing, electric work, and architect's per- centage, the cost was $125,000. The bids were read in the presence of the contractors so that the cost is well enough known, as indeed that of most buildings is among the elect. The building was publicly sold and the daily newspapers. 36 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR gave the price but not the percentages, tract, and here are the figures: We got the con- Excavation and Brick. . 28 . 15 Stone 18.34 Steel and Iron 14 . 56 Lumber 4.22 Carpenter Labor 4 . 55 Mill work and Glass ... 1 1 . 63 Fire-Proofing 9 . 02 Plaster 3.36 Tin and Copper 1 .65 Gas-fitting Gravel Roof Hardware .... .60 .20 1.52 Painting 2 . 20 100.00 BRICK BUILDINGS The following list is taken from 5 good brick houses. 4 has gas but not plumbing: No. a 3 I *8 i 2 d fl 03 H- 1 r^ a 1 >*} gj* 8 u 1 ^ d & |o 1 e > 1 K ^"rt 3 a 9 "^ ^"d s J 2 WPQ PH S 03 h5 O>-3 PH W HM S cS o GCM RESIDENCES $38,000 51.8 8.3 13.0 7.1 8.3 3 3 5 5 18,600 36.5 6 21.8 13 10 4 7 3 5 19,500 35.2 5 ?, 19.1 12 11.3 P 2 3 5 4 5 8,200 25 5 25 14 10 6 2.5 2.5 5 24400 34.4 5 4 19.5 12 7 10 5 3 ^ 5 'i 1 s Average 36.58 5.98 19.68 11.76 9.92 5.58 3.1 4.6 WAREHOUSES $34,000 14,000 17,000 26,000 12,000 Average $15,000 without i 53.3 50 44.9 51.5 50 50 nason ry 4.1 5 12.5 6.5 8 7.2 19.5 21.9 21.1 17.5 17 14.5 18.4 22.4 9.2 10 10 9 8.5 9.3 19 1 2.5 2.3 2.5 3 2.3 2.4 2 2 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.4 3.7 .3 3 1.2 2 2.5 1.8 3.6 7.2 2 6 8 1 4.4 2 1 1 1.9 1.5 3 16.4 6.5 7 5.9 19 STORES AND FLATS $36,000 36.9 6 15 13.8 10.2 3.5 2.8 5.8 . . 4 2 34,000 40.1 6.5 18.8 1 .2 9.7 5.9 2.2 2.3 . . . . . 1.3 1 44,500 32.2 6.6 20 14.1 12 6 3 5.1 . . . . . . 1 29,000 36 8 20 7.5 9 3.5 3 5.5 4.5 3 . . . 11,000 25 6 20 12.5 9 4 2 3 4.5 12 2 12,500 J38 7 12 10 9 6.5 2.5 4 4 7 . . . 12,000 |40 5 13 10 10 3 2 8 4 5 Average 135.4 6.4 17 11.4 9.8 4.6 2.5 4.8 4.2 '.'. 5.4 1.5 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 37 BRICK BUILDINGS Continued j Excavation 1 Br'k& Stone I Millwork and Glass Lumber Carpenter Labor 43 d '3 OH Hardware Tin and Slate to s.s ^ 11 d 2 H- 1 1 1 "oJ -22 00 H? iGravelRoof II I 3 SCHOOLS Cost ran from 15,000 to 45,000; most from 22,000 to 45,000 8 and 16 rooms Average 46 48 41 45 49 45 45 42 49 50.4 54.6 46.8 6 6 7 6 6.5 6 6 6 5 5.8 4.8 5.9 12 9 11 11 11.6 10 10 12 9.5 12 9.2 10.7 10.5 10 15 10.5 11.6 11 11 12 11 10.3 12.4 11.4 9 9.5 13 10 9.7 10 10 11 8 9.6 11 10.1 4.5 3.5 5 4 4.6 3 3 5 3 4.3 3.8 4 2.5 2.5 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2.2 2.1 2.5 4.5 3 2 4.5 5 3 3 2 5 5.4 2.1 3.6 5 3.5 3 4 Slate 5 4 4 7 2.5 5 5 + 2 3 4.1 REMARKS: In No. 3 of the "Warehouse" list a large plate- glass front raises the millwork and reduces the masonry; in No. 2 the gravel roof has a high percentage, hut the building is low, and the cost of a roof one story from the ground is, for our purpose, the same as for ten. In one building the percentage is given without masonry. VARIATION: Under "Stores and Flats" it will be observed that the average line foots up 103 instead of 100. This is owing to dividing steel and iron, gravel roof, and plumbing by the number of buildings instead of by 7. It is interesting to notice how closely the percentages run. A reasonable profit being allowed, one might almost be safe in estimating the hardware in a building and signing a contract based upon the proportions in a table. Judging from bids I have heard of and read, there be those who do not build upon SO sure a foundation. MANUFACTURING BUILDINGS We live in an age of machinery; and the house that held the old anvil under that spreading chestnut tree is far too small for our requirements. A class of buildings has arisen 38 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR tnat belong, like the skyscraper, to the American style of architecture.. Like the skyscraper also they belong rather to the engineer than to the architect. The latter is merely called to hang a curtain over the framework to keep the cold and rain out and the curtain in some of them is of ex metal and concrete only 2" thick. In 1901-2 I had the pleasure of making the estimates for three of the latest and best specimens, Nos. 7, 8, and 14. Since then I have made estimates on many others. These buildings are now to be found all over the country for electric-light works, locomotive-shops, machine-shops, foundries, steel works, and rolling-mills, tin-plate works, boiler-shops, bridge-building, and ship-building establishments, pipe-foundries, and manufacturing plants of all kinds, which are equipped with electric traveling-cranes that lift anything from 120 Ibs to 120 tons. PERCENTAGES: The following percentages are from the under side of the water-table. Floors are included. It is seldom that two foundations are alike, and the only safe criterion is from the floor line up. Skylights cover from to $ of the roof surf. No. 8 is 150x500; No. 7, 150x400, No. 14, 150x310. Machine foundations, tracks, heating, and light- ing are not included. Extra cross walls account for the high rate of the brickwork in No. 8, and the cheap lumber and less of it in proportion, on account of leaving out gallery, etc, makes the difference in that item. No. 8 No. 7 No. 14 Brick 16.4 10.2 13.3 Cut Stone 1.2 1.1 1.5 Lumber 6.2 10.0 6.4 Millwork and Glass 5.5 6.0 6.0 Carpenter Labor 4.1 5.3 4.0 Gravel Roof 1.7 1.4 1.7 Skylights and Glass 8.0 9.5 10.6 Tin, Copper. Gal. Iron 1.1 1.1 1.5 Steel Lintels for Doors and Windows, and Hardware. 5.2 5.0 7.0 Painting 2.4 2.3 1.9 Steam, Water, and Power Piping 3.2 3.1 2.0 Structural Steel 45.0 45.0 44.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATING 39 COLD-WATER PAINTING is not included: see Chap. XVII. RELATIVE COST OF BRICK AND GLASS In general glass costs twice as much as brick. In the pre- liminary study of a building it is often desirable to know how the total cost is affected by putting in or leaving out windows or doors. In large manufacturing buildings with unplastered walls, where dbl and trpl windows or wide doors take up from to | the space, such as No. 7, common brick is to glass as 6 to 15 in 13" walls; and as 1 to 2 in 17". In the one case we have only the brick to consider; in the other, frames, sash, glass, labor, paint, hardware, stone sills, and steel lintels. For the average single window with sills and lintels in a 13" wall, 11 to 25; in 17", 3 to 5. In ordinary buildings with openings about 3x7, glass costs twice as much, and not only so, but the mason often forgets to deduct the brick and both prices go in. Here, in addition to the other items, we have jamb linings and inside finish. Allow 11 to 28 in 13", and 1 to 2 in 17". Sash are estimated If, glass, D. S., paint 20c which allows 3 coats, brick at $11 wall measure, steel lintels in place, $85 a ton, which is enough in ordinary times. In frame buildings there is practically no deduction made for studs, sheeting, and siding, so that glass is an extra. RELATIVE COST OF BRICK AND FRAME On one small office building, 30x70, two stories, brick was 19% more than frame. On a house 24x30, brick to top of second story but gables of frame, 8% extra. This figure might be easily increased to 15 by using a fine pressed brick, and ornamental work. There is bound to be an increase in the price of lumber in the future, so that the difference between the two will be lowered. See Chap. XXVI. The Bureau of Buildings, Borough of the Bronx, New York, estimates the difference in ordinary sized buildings at 18 per cent. PAET TWO DETAILED ESTIMATING CHAPTEE I EXCAVATION AND FILLING The clearing of the site comes first. In a prairie country this is an item that does not, as a rule, confront the estimator. Trees are seldom seen, and if there are any, they are so small as to be negligible. But for a tree of, say, 16" diam, allow 2 men 1 days to cut down, trim, and take out the root. One day often suffices for the ordinary tree. In Wash, and Ore. with trees 300' high the problem is different. Another day for a couple of men should ordinarily be enough to clean off underwood on a lot. MEASUREMENT: Excavation is measured by amount of material displaced in cy. COST: The approx allowance was from 15c to $1 per cy with an average of 40 and 20c. It is not easy to add more without knowing the local surroundings. Actual figures on a few buildings may be given, however, to illustrate the different conditions. On a store, erected in 1901 in the center of Omaha, with good, hard soil, the cost of excavating 4,000 cy was 25c, the haul was about \ mile. The 1913 price was 70c. On another, near the first, the bids in 1906 were 45 to 55c for 30,000 cy, with teams at $4 per day. On a building where 12,000 yards were excavated and loaded on cars the cost was 41c. On a large amount of building excavation in Idaho six bids ran from 30c to $1 without hauling, so that even experts differ. In another western state witb. hard soil the cost of excavation in winter was $2.75 per yd. On No. 2 bids were received for 15c, but there was no haul and wages were lower. This figure will often cover work done outside of cities. 40 EXCAVATION AND FILLING 41 WINTER: On No. 7 the average for many thousands of yds was 77c, but water was struck a little below the surf and the work was done in winter. The difference between winter and summer was shown near the same building when more than 1,500 cy were excavated for 45c. A contractor has to watch the thermometer and he is sometimes justified when he refuses to stand by his summer estimate. MACHINE FOUNDATIONS: On a large number the average cost was $1 per cy. WATER: On one Omaha building where the contractor struck water, the cost of excavation was $1.50. This is 10 times as much as on No. 2, and shows how impossible it is to give figures without examining the ground. There is danger below ground. On an Omaha hotel, built in the nineties, the contractor had to pay a ruinous price for his excavation in wet ground. ROCK: For average rock, $1 per cy; on large work with steam drills, 75c. We have not the same soil here as in New York, where the foundations for whole streets of houses are blasted out of the solid. But in cities the work is sometimes more expensive on account of the cost of necessary pre- cautions, etc. For 400 cy rock excavated above grade in Boston in 1903, the average of 11 bids was $3.60 per yd, the lowest $3, the highest $4.50. LABOR: With ordinary soil two men will shovel and wheel 12 cy to a distance of 200 ft in a day of nine hours. Sand is easily moved by a pick; loam is more difficult; stiff clay Is worse. Put them in the proportion of one, two, and three. AVERAGE COST: For an average, approximate estimate of the price per yd of ordinary work with earth spread near the building, divide the total of a laborer's wage per day by five, and a man and team's cost by twelve. Thus, $1.75 divided would be 35c; and $4.50 would give 37c. But with other work, in deep excavations, and a long haul, $2 per yd might be required. See chapter on " Municipal Work " for description of ex- cavating machine. LOAD: A load for a two horse wagon is from 1| to 1$ cy e 42 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR EXCAVATING TABLE PER CY Ordinary Trenches $0.35 For each 4' deep beyond the first 4' add. . . .15 Backfilling 15 Spreading on lot 06 Wheeling about 25 yds .15 Carting away old bldg material 1.50 SEWER DITCH For a large one about 20' wide, $8 per If, or $1.25 per yd. FILLING For filling and tamping several thousand yds of sand in- side of No. 7 the labor alone was 27c. Sometimes filling is done at a very reasonable price if a contractor wants to get rid of excavated material. He will rather take 5c per yd for it than dump it elsewhere for nothing. DREDGE: To fill a large area the best method is that adopted at Galveston behind the sea-wall; and by a man who is filling up a N. J. swamp for the location of a city i. e. the dredge. In a day of twenty-four hours one will remove from 2,500 to 3,000 cy at a cost of about 16c per yd. SLOPE: In case an embankment or slope has to be made, allow what a stair-builder would call 18 run to 12 rise, and the earth will stand. Sometimes 1 to 1 is enough. SHEET PILING Sheet-piling is hard to estimate without seeing the ground. A fair allowance is 20c per cy for shoring pieces put in about 4' centers in reasonably good ground to a depth of, say, 8'; with continuous planking in bad ground, $1; for the worst soil to a depth of 12', $3 ought to be enough. These figures are to be added to the regular cost of excavation. CHAPTER II PILING COST OP AVERAGE: In the softest ground, with wages from 17c to 20c an hour, it costs 5c per if to drive ordinary piles in the ordinary way. The highest figure, where the conditions are not so favorable, should not be more than lOc at the same rate of wages. Pointing and cutting off the top included. No. 7 and other buildings of the plant are set upon pile foundations, and 5c to 6c covered all work, except one lot which cost 8c. There are more than 250,000 If. But these prices would not apply in all places, or in any place with few piles. Piles for abutments cost about 20c for labor; for pile bridges, from 7 to 12c, depending upon interruptions from trains, etc. On an Omaha building, erected in 1903, the con- tract price for labor was $1 per pile. The piles averaged about 20' long. On another, in 1907, with 12,000 If, 12c. One of the blocks shown in No. 6 is piled, but comparatively few buildings are in Omaha or Lincoln. Nevertheless there are quite a number which have cracked and sunk so much that a few piles, in the right place would have been of wonder- ful value, or at least wider footings. PRICE: Oak piles with a 10" head are worth from 16 to 21c per If, according to length; white cedar (which outlast oak if above ground) are about the same price. In yp creosoted, 35c; cedar 30', 41c. DRIVING: On a New York contract the average cost of driving 750 piles, 70' long, was $2 each, or about 3c per If. The piles on No. 7 were from 25 to 30' long. With a pile nearly three times as long, a better record can be made, for the driver does not need to be changed. In New York 1800 piles were driven 24' into gravel for 80c each. " The American Architect " gives a record of piles driven in Chicago for about a cent and a quarter a foot. Records like there are, however, dangerous to bid by. From 5 to lOc is a fair price for an approximate estimate, until soil is examined. 43 44 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CUTTING: Cutting off the head is included in the prices given for the 250,000'. It is worth about 25c, or Ic per If on a 25' pile, and l-2c on a 50'. PRICE: In Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1898, 100,000 If cost in place 28c. CONCRETE PILES. Corrugated or "fluted" concrete piles, are made above ground and dried before being jetted and driven.. They are built up with steel rods and concrete, and run from 60c to $1 per If in the ground. Raymond concrete piles cost from $1 to $1.50 per If. A sheet iron mould is driven and filled with concrete. The mould is not withdrawn. "Often concrete pile foundation will be found cheaper than wooden ones, where the permanent water level is very deep. Concrete pile foundations may also be cheaper than mass concrete ones where the top layer of soil is poor. Sometimes however, under such circumstances large footings of poor grade concrete may be more economical, or largely spread reinforced footings." In "Carpentry and Building," Mar., '09, there is an interesting ar- ticle on Concrete Piles. The cost is given in the table : COST OF CONCRETE PILES. The cost of driving piles on the Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Company job was as follows: Cost per Platform and forms : lin. ft. Material $.051 Labor 092 Making and placing concrete : Material 150 Labor .088 Reinforcement, pipes, &c. : Material 372 Labor 096 Pile driving : Miscellaneous costs 088 Labor 28,5 Teaming and getting ready 068 $1.290 Add 30 per cent, for pumping, miscellaneous items and contingencies 360 Total per linear foot of pile $1.650 The total cost per linear foot of pile, as shown above, was about $1.65 ; but this amount will vary with the number and length of piles made. By making a study of the detail times taken, various items will be suggested where the costs on other jobs may be altered. The total cost of labor on the concrete on this job per linear foot of pile was $0.088, which amount appears large, and on another sim- ilar job might be reduced to $0.058. This assumption is based on the fact that while on the average only six piles per day were made, toward the latter part of the making nine piles were made one day and 10 piles on another, so that an average of eight piles should be possible with a given gang. This is especially probable because the cost of making and placing the concrete was $2.25 per cubic yard, whereas the writer's data on hand mixing indicate that the cost should not have exceeded $1.50 per yard. The writer of the article estimates that under other conditions, and with more than 48 piles as above, the total cost would not ex- /y CHAPTER III CONCRETE* Per Yd With Portland Cement @ $1.60 $5.75 With Portland Cement and Forms 6.50 With Natural Cement, 4.95 With Natural Cement and Forms 5.70 Forms 50c to 1.75 LABOR: On No. 2 the price by piece-work was 50c per cy The work was really worth 75c. The rate of v/ages in the neighborhood was $1.50 for 9 hours. By taking 65% of the wages paid to 1 laborer for 10 hours, a safe figure or mixing average concrete may be found. A recent engineering table gives 90%, but that is too much unless some special reasons exist which make the work diffi- cult. LABOR AND FORMS: On No. 7 the average cost of several thousand yards was 95c, but this was for concrete only. The average labor on forms was 28c per yd additional. Of course, small foundations cost more than large ones. Forms are necessary when ground is wet, when piers have a special shape, or rise above the level. The engineering table referred to above sets the cost of forms at 35c to 85c. MACHINE FOUNDATIONS: But while 95c was the average on the main buildings, on the machine foundations where special and complicated forms had to be made, the cost of concrete mixing ran from $1.50 to more than $3, with an average for several hundred yards of $2.05. In addition to this the labor on forms per cy was $1.42. The quantities are small on such work, the angles are many, bolts are to set, and the work has to be carefully leveled and smoothed on top. The excavation for the same foundations ran to $1. UNLOADING: The unloading of sand and stone from cars to ground only for the work on No. 7 ran to 12c per cy of concrete in wall. This figure has to be added to mixing if material is not delivered with teams. *Chap. 30. Actual Cost of Reinforced Concrete covers the latest types of connstruction. 4o 4G THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LUMBER: The average cost of lumber and nails for forms was lOc per cy of material in wall. Of course the same forms and lumber can be used several times. If instead of piers there is a continuous foundation, the forms cost only about half as much for labor, and there is less lumber used. With piers, No. 7 required 7,000' bm and 3 kegs of spikes to each 1,000 yds. For continuous basement walls allow studs, shores and planking full height around about of building and change when work is dry. Put labor at $10 per 1,000. Of course, the walls are at once put all around to a certain height, and the planking raised, but allowance may be figured as stated. "COST OF FORMS FOR CONCRETE: For estimating the cost of forms for retaining walls and piers, " Engineering- Contracting" gives the following rule: Mult the number of sq ft of surface area of the sides and ends of the wall or piers by 2.8, and the product will be the number of ft bm required for sheet plank and studs for the forms. If the form lumber can be used more than once, divide the number of ft bm by the number of times that it can be used, to ascertain the amount to be charged to each pier. The foregoing rule is based on the assumption that the sheeting plank will be 2" thick, and that the upright studs will be 4x6", spaced 2' center to center, or 3x6" studs spaced 2' center to center. No allowance is included for timber to brace the studs, since it is customary to hold the forms to- gether either with bolts or with ordinary No. 9 telegraph wire which weighs 0.06 Ib per ft. Where carpenters' wages are $3.00 a day, forms can be erected and taken down for about $8.00 per 1,000' bm. Since there are 2.8' bm of forms per sq ft of surface area of con- crete to be sheeted, it costs $8.00 x 2.8, or 2i cents per sq ft for the labor of carpenters erecting and taking down the forms. If lumber is worth $24.00 per 1,000' bm, then the lumber itself cost $24.00 x 28. or 6fc per sq ft of concrete surface; but if the lumber can be used 3 times, we have J of 6f, or 2i cents per sq ft of concrete as the cost of the lumber, to which must be added the 2i cents per sq ft for CONCRETE 47 the carpenters' labor, making a total of 4c per sq ft of concrete surface. By dividing the total number of cy of concrete into the total number of sq ft to be sheeted with forms, the number of sq ft per cy is obtained. Mult this number of sq ft by 4c> and the product is the cost per cy for material and labor i the forms, assuming the material to be used three times. To illustrate: Suppose wo have a concrete pier averaging 18' high, 6' thick and 12' long, what will the forms cost per cy, assuming that the lumber in the forms can be used over 3 times? The surface area of the two ends of the pier is 6x18. or 108 sq ft for each end, or 216 sq ft for the two ends. The surface area of the two sides is 2xl2xl8,or 432 sq ft. Hence the total area to be sheeted with forms is 216 -f 432, or 648 sq ft. Now, the total number of cy is 6x12x18 -4- 27, or 48 cy. Hence there are 648 -r- 48, or 13 sq ft of form per cy of con- crete. Since the forms will cost 4^x131, or 60f cents, prac- tically 60c per cy of concrete to be paid for the labor and material in the forms. Each job should be figured in this manner, for it is evident that if a wall is thin, the cost of the forms per cy of wall will be high. If the wall is thick, it will be low. It is often possible to make the forms in panels, or sections, which are not knocked to pieces each time they are moved, but are moved bodily. Then they may be used again and again, not only affecting a saving in lumber but in labor. But in calculating the number of panels that will be needed, and the number of times that they can be used* it must be remembered that it is not safe to strip the forms from the concrete inside 24 hours even of retaining walls, and that where the con- crete must act as an arch or beam, as in bridges and floors, the forms must usually be left in place at least 2 weeks to give the concrete time to gain enough strength to carry its own weight and any construction loads that may come upon it. On the other hand, centers and forms for small con- crete sewers, up to 5 or 6' diam, are usually moved with safety within 24 to 36 hours, provided the work Is not done in freezing weather. In cold weather concrete takes longer to set or harden, and in very cold weather it will not set at all" unless protected from the cold." 48 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR HEATING AND HOISTING: If material for concrete has to be heated, allow $1 per yd extra. If it has to be hoisted, allow 50c per cy extra for the first story for an ordinary amount, but less for a large job; and 30c for each additional story. EXAMPLE: On another building with about 700 yds, the complete cost of unloading, making forms and finishing con- crete was $2. A day's work for 2 men may be averaged at 3 to 4 cy. This does not mean 50' below the surf of the ground. The average foundation is seldom more than 10 to 15' below the street level. MACHINE MIXING AND FORMS: All the heavy founda- tions for No. 8 were mixed with machines at a cost of 75c: forms about 50c extra. No. 7 was hand-mixed. While writing this part a Chicago contractor, who allows $1 to $1.35 per cy, informed me that on a certain contract for 4,000 yds in Louisiana, a gang of 30 men with a concrete- mixer put in 105 cy per day. The difference is not so great as one might expect, but with a machine there is a better assurance of good mixing if work is done by contract; and even the best cement is wasted unless the mixing is well done. This was in New Orleans where the negroes do not work so hard or effectively as whites do elsewhere. On another large contract in Chicago 20 men with a mixer put in 100 yds a day. In both cases the engine man is included. One maker's machines cost from $450 to $800 without engine; others are in the market complete with 3 h.p. gas engine, for $450; for horse, $150. Engines, gasoline, 6 h.p. $400; 8, $450; 10, $500. MACHINES: Different sizes of another, and a popular ma- chine run in price from $300 with nothing but the skids and pulley, to $1,600 mounted on a truck with steam-engine and. hotter. The reports from more than a score of users give results ranging from 60 to 350 cy in a day according to the size of the machine. The cost is set down by some as half that of hand labor. An allowance of from 5 to 8 yds per day, per man is given. LABOR: A correspondent in the "Engineering News" of New York, N. Y., describes his experience in mixing 20,000 yds in the north of England. Part was mixed with machine, CONCRETE 4i) part with hand labor. With the machine 13 men averaged 60 cy per day; with hand labor, 11 men, 30. HAND AND MACHINE: On railway shops with walls and roof of concrete, erected in New Jersey, a power mixer was found to be economical when the concrete was 18" thick. Below that hand mixing was cheaper. The concrete was mixed with the machine and put in place for 50c per cy. COSTS: On a government breakwater at Buffalo the labor on concrete was $2.41 per cy. On the New York storage reservoir, .574 days for 1 man was time required per cy for work from 27 to 10' below the surf; and .485 days from 10 to 6' below. In both cases the concrete was wheeled into place. A St. Louis engineer mixes concrete for street paving at 30 to 40c with machine, and common labor at $1.75, teams $4, engine at $5 for a 10-hour day. But street work is easier reached than a deep foundation, and the surface is larger. MEASUREMENT: Only actual measurement is allowed in this book corners are not doubled, openings, etc, not included. PRICE: Crushed Stone, $1.50 ton, 2250 Ibs $1.69 Portland Cement, $1.60 bbl, 1 T V 1.76 San'd, $1 per yd, T % 60 Labor 1.50 Water 15 $5.70 On a large warehouse foundation work, near Omaha, the contractor put in the concrete for a trifle less than $6, and this included his profit, but the cars ran to the ground, so that there was no hauling, which may cost 30c or $1, according to distance, and wages and material were lower than now. NATURAL CEMENT: If natural cement is used, a deduction of 80c a, yd may be made; if imported Portland, at $3.50, the price must be raised to suit. If there is no hauling to be done, deduct that item. Sand at river is 15c; on cars Omaha, 55 to 60c; at building, 70c to $1.25. QUANTITIES OP MATERIAL: The Engineering Dep't of the B. & M. R. R. allows for average concrete as follows: 50 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 2,300 Ibs of crushed stone; \ cy of sand; 1 bbl of cement; $1 to mix. From 2,300 to 2,350 Ibs of stone is a fair allowance. From a number of cars weighed by the U. P. R. R. for the viaducts at 16th and 24th Sts., Omaha, it was found that 2,260 Ibs were sufficient for a yd of concrete; but on small work on the line where there is more chance of waste, 2,.500 are allowed and the excess used for filling. For the foundations of No. 7, 2,300 were allowed and 2,200 used, along with 6-10 of a yd of sand. MEASURE OR WEIGHT: Stone and sand would be bought by the cy if contractors had their way; but the dealers prefer to sell by weight on account of freight charges. If they come wet it does not take so much to make a ton as when dry; and granite weighs more than lava although a cy of the one does not fill any more space than a cy of the other. Of course, concrete can be made more expensive by increasing the quantity of cement. Two barrels are given to the cy in a rule before me; 1J to \\ is a quantity often used. On No. 7, lik of Am. Portland was the unit. But there is a certain point beyond which more cement means waste, and it is the province of the architect or engineer to discover it and stop. The contractor is apt to make the discovery ahead of either. But as the business of an estimator or contractor is largely to follow the specifications and ask no questions, it is well to give a rule for quantities based upon different proportions. Take four for an illustration: Cement, 1; sand, 2; stone, 4 to 5 is considered the best, but an excellent concrete can be made with more stone. No. 11, 2, 6; No. 21, 2, 4; 31, 2, 2; 41, 4, 10. (The large mill of an eastern cement factory is built to the roof on this last proportion though it seems rather weak.) 1: 2: 6 Let us consider No. 1: There are 27 cf in a cy. On a 1, 2, 6 basis this means 3 cf of cement, 6 of sand, and 18 of solid stone. But it has been found by experience and experiment that about * more material is needed to fill the spaces between the crushed stone, and again 35-100 of ma- CONCRETE 51 terial to fill the voids between the grains of sand, so that using 4 for sand voids gives a large enough extra cement allowance. Stone then being 18 gives 9 cf of space, and the sand being 6, gives 2.4 cf of space, or altogether 11.4 cf we are short owing to the voids. Adding 1, 2, 6 we have 9 parts; dividing the 11.4 cf by 9 we have 1,267 cf for a unit To keep the materials in the same proportion add 1.267 tc 3, making 4.267 cf of cement; 2.534 to 6, making 8.534 of sand; and 7.6, or 6 times 1.267, to 18, making 25.6 cf of crushed stone, a total of 38.4 cf. VOIDS: Trautwine gives us the exact proportion between uniform crushed stone and voids as .53 stone and .47 space, but the half is exact enough for practical purposes: sand runs about .65 solid to .35 void, U. S. experiments .349. " It is advisable that the voids be filled or more than filled," and this puts a stop to using too much stone, but leaves room for sand. For 1 cy in place the foregoing figures allow 1.43 of loose material; at the Mississippi jetties where blocks of 25 to 72 tons were used, the allowance was 1.66, as the con- crete below water stood only 60% of the loose material. There the proportions were: Portland cement, 0.16; sand, 0.45; clean gravel, 0.24; broken stone, 0.81, a total of 1.66. Con- crete at 1, 2, 6 stands: .16, .32, and .95, a total of 1.43. 1: 2: 4 So much for 1, 2, 6 ; let us now try 1, -2, 4. ' There are 7 parts in this proportion, and 27 divided by 7 gives 3.857. This makes 3.857, 7.714, 15.428. Taking the half of stone and 4-10 of sand for voids, we are short 10.8 cf. The 7th part is 1.543. This added in the proportion of 1, 2, 4, gives 5.4 cement, 10.8 sand, 21.6 crushed stone, a total of 37.8 cf. Here sand is half of stone, and the voids will not only be filled but the stone will not touch; and this is consequently a better concrete than 1, 2, 6. 1: 2: 2 But take 1, 2, 2: Worked out in the same way this is 7.34 cement and 14.69 for both sand and stone, a total of 36.72. There is less waste through voids in this proportion, 52 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR and consequently the total is smaller. It is too rich, but is introduced to show that by this method the quantities regu- late themselves. Theoretically sand should be half of stone, for with .47 void .5 insures enough material to keep stone from touching, but if the quantity of stone is fixed by the proportion chosen, enough sand and cement have to be added to make up the yard. It is often said that a cy of concrete requires a cy of crushed stone, a bbl of cement, and half a yd of sand, but that depends upon the proportion. Here we require nearly 2 bbls of cement and only a little more than half a yd of stone. Having found the cf it is necessary to mult stone and sand by weight if tons are desired; and divide the cf of cement by 4.4 to get loose bbls, or 3.8 to get packed. 1: 4: 10 No. 4 is 1, 4, 10: 27-f-15 1.8x1=1.8; x4, 7.2; xlO, 18. The voids=11.88-f-15=.793, which added in the proportion of 1, 4, 10 equals 2.59, 10.37, 25.93, a total of 38.89. So may any proportion be worked out. ST. JOHN In the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the proportions are: 1 Portland cement, 2 sand, 3 quartz gravel; and 11,000 cy took 17,000 bbls. The rule comes close enough to actual figures to be satis- factory. The quantities are 6.225, 12.45, 18.675, a total of 37.35. At the cathedral a cy took 1.545 bbls of cement. At 3.8 cf of packed Portland cement to a bbl our rule gives 1.68; at 4 of Western Rosendale, 1,556. " A bbl of Rosendale is so packed at the factory that loose it will measure 1.25 to 1.40; Western Rosendale 1.1; Portland 1.2." MAINTENANCE OF WAY After I had worked out the foregoing method, I read the following one from the report of The American Railway, Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association made by its committee. They give the stone voids at .47 and the sand voids at 32.3. On this basis "we have theoretically cement 1; sand, 3.1; broken stone, 6.5. Adding 5% of cement and re- CONCRETE 53 ducing to the basis of cement 1, we have cement, 1; sand, 2.96; stone, 6.2, or nearly 1, 3, 6." Although they do not give the method of working out the proportion, which is not seen at first glance, we can get it by setting 100 of stone as the unit instead of 1 of cement: 100 of stone gives 47 of voids; 32.3% of 47 equals 15.181, and these figures stand in the proportion of 6.5, 3.1, 1. Their recommendation is to add 5% of cement, making 1.05. Turning this 1.05 into 1 for a unit of cement, sand is 2.96 and stone 6.2. VOIDS: "Various writers place broken stone and gravel voids at from 41 to 50 %. Experiments show that with ordinary sand, voids will vary from 31 to 38%." In the example they gave 5% extra of cement is used, and they go from that to 10%. With the sand voids averaging .35 the method I worked out allowing .4 gives enough cement. LIMESTONE: This committee also made some interesting experiments with blue limestone and found the following results : Weight % of per cf voids Crushed Rock with dust screened out 89.22 45.16 Stone passed through 2" ring and retained in 1" 86.74 47,70 Stone passed through 2" and retained in .. 77.70 50.66 Pea size 75.44 49.63 WEIGHTS: For western natural cement they set 1 bbl at 265 Ibs, with 3 paper sacks as the equivalent, or 2 jute sacks with 133 Ibs each; Eastern cement runs to 300 Ibs. "Port- land cement shall not contain less than 376 Ibs, and 4 sacks shall equal 1 bbl." A bbl of Portland weighs about 400 Ibs gross, 380 net. APPROXIMATE: An approximate way of finding the bbls of cement for any proportion is to divide 11 by the sum of all the parts: No. 1 by 9; 2 by 7; 3 by 5; and 4 by 15, giving 1.23, 1.57, 2.2 and .74 bbls of cement then mult by the parts of sand and stone to get bbls, which mult by 3.8 for cf. No. 1, for example, would have 2.46 bbls of sand, and 7.38 of stone. The following tables save the trouble of calculation. They are supplied by the CONTRACTORS PLANT CO., BOSTON 54 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CONCRETE WITH 2 INCH STONE. CONCRETE WITH GRAVEL INCH AND UNDER Proportions of Mixture Req'd for 1 cy Proportions of Mixture Req'd for 1 cy a 1 T3 1 V d 5 m J2 jl 13 J>> a> !& 03 1 I 1 o c3 j Ife c* o cc "Q> g& a 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.72 2.41 2.16 0.41 0.37 0.33 0.83 0.92 0.98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 7.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 2.10 1.89 1.71 1.55 1.71 1.57 1.46 .34 .24 .44 .34 .26 .17 1 .03 .24 .16 .10 .03 0.98 0.88 1.03 0.97 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.88 0.83 0.80 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.77 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.65 0.63 0.61 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.39 0.36 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.44 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.31 0.47 0.44 0.42 0.39 0.37 0.33 0.47 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.35 0.46 0.44 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.36 0.47 0.44 0.43 0.42 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.80 0.86 0.91 0.94 0.78 0.83 0.88 0.91 0.94 0.77 0.81 0.86 0.89 0.94 0.75 0.80 0.83 0.86 0.89 0.93 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.87 0.89 0.91 0.93 0.80 0.82 0.85 0.87 0.89 0.91 0.92 0.81 0.83 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.91 0.93 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 2.16 1.96 1.79 1.64 0.49 0.45 0.41 0.38 0.82 0.89 0.96 1.00 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 1.78 1.66 1.53 1.43 0.54 0.50 0.47 0.43 0.81 0.88 0.93 0.98 1 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 .51 .42 .33 .26 .18 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.44 0.81 0.87 0.91 0.96 0.99 1 1 1 1 1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 .32 .24 .17 .11 1.06 0.60 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.80 0.85 0.89 0.93 0.97 1 1 1 1 1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 1.11 1.06 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.59 0.56 0.53 0.51 0.49 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.98 i i i i i 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.58 0.55 0.53 0.51 0.49 0.87 0.90 0.93 0.96 0.98 CONCRETE 55 CONCRETE WITH STONE 1 INCH AND UNDER CONCRETE WITH STONE 2J INCH AND UNDER Proportions of Mixture Req'd for 1 cy Proportions of Mixture Req'd for 1 cy a oc <0 1 P ci w 0> !& 02 -^ d T3 s 1 P I&fJfe 02 02 1 2.0 2.57 0.39 0.78 1 2.0 2.63 0.40 0.80 1 2.5 2.29 0.35 0.70 1 2.5 2.34 0.36 0.89 1 3.0 2.06 0.31 0.94 1 3.0 2.10 0.32 0.96 3.5 1.84 0.28 0.98 1 3.5 1.88 0.29 1.00 : .5 2.5 2.05 0.47 0.78 1 .5 2.5 2.09 0.48 0.80 .5 3.0 1.85 0.42 0.84 1 .5 3.0 1.90 0.43 0.87 .5 3.5 1.72 0.39 0.91 1 .5 3.5 1.74 0.40 0.93 .5 4.0 1.57 0.36 0.96 1 .5 4.0 1.61 0.37 0.98 .5 4.5, 1.43 0.33 0.98 1 1.5 4.5 1.46 0.33 1.00 2.0 3.0 1.70 0.52 0.77 1 2.0 3.0 1.73 0.53 0.79 2.0 3.5 1.57 0.48 0.83 1 2.0 3.5 1.61 0.49 0.85 2.0 4.0 1.46 0.44 0.89 1 2.0 4.0 .48 0.45 0.90 2.0 4.5 1.36 0.42 0.93 1 2.0 4.5 .38 0.42 0.95 2.0 5.0 1.27 0.39 0.97 1 2.0 5.0 .29 0.39 0.98 2.5 3.5 1.45 0.55 0.77 1 2.5 3.5 .48 0.56 0.79 2.5 4.0 1.35 0.52 0.82 1 2.5 4.0 .38 0.53 0.84 2.5 4.5 1.27 0.48 0.87 1 2.5 4.5 .29 0.49 0.88 2.5 5.0 1.19 0.46 0.91 1 2.5 5.0 .21 0.46 0.92 2.5 5.5 1.13 0.43 0.94 1 2.5 5.5 .15 0.44 0.96 2.5 6.0 1.07 0.41 0.97 1 2.5 6.0 .07 0.41 0.98 1 3.0 4.0 1.26 0.58 0.77 1 3.0 4.0 .28 0.58 0.78 1 3.0 4.5 1.18 0.54 0.81 1 3.0 4.5 .20 0.55 0.82 1 3.0 5.0 1.11 0.51 0.85 1 3.0 5.0 .14 0.52 0.87 1 3.0 5.5 1.06 0.48 0.89 1 3.0 5.5 .07 0.49 0.90 1 3.0 6.0 1.01 0.46 0.92 1 3.0 6.0 .02 0.47 0.93 1 3.0 6.5 0.96 0.44 0.95 1 3.0 6.5 0.98 0.44 0.96 1 3.0 7.0 0.91 0.42 0.97 3.0 7.0 0.92 0.42 0.98 3.0 5.0 1.05 0.56 0.80 3.5 5.0 1.07 0.57 0.82 3.5 5.5 1.00 0.53 0.84 3.5 5.5 1.02 0.54 0.85 3.5 6.0 0.95 0.50 0.87 3.5 6.0 0.97 0.51 0.89 3.5 6.5 0.92 0.49 0.91 3.5 6.5 0.93 0.49 0.92 3.5 7.0 0.87 0.47 0.93 3.5 7.0 0.89 0.47 0.95 3.5 7.5 0.84 0.45 0.96 3.5 7.5 0.85 0.45 0.98 1 3.5 8.0 0.80 0.42 0.97 1 4.0 6.0 0.90 0.55 0.82 4.0 6.0 0.92 0.56 0.84 1 4.0 6.5 0.87 0.53 0.85 4.0 6.5 0.88 0.53 0.87 1 4.0 7.0 0.83 0.51 0.89 4.0 7.0 0.84 0.51 0.90 1 4.0 7.5 0.80 0.49 0.91 4.0 7.5 0.81 0.50 0.93 1 4.0 8.0 0.77 0.47 0.93 4.0 8.0 0.78 0.48 0.95 1 4.0 8.5 0.74 0.43 0.95 1 4.0 8.5 0.76 0.46 0.98 1 4.0 | 9.0 0.71 0.43 0.97 56 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CONCRETE WITH STONE DUST FOR ARTIFICIAL, STONE Proportions of Mixture Req'd for 1 cy Proportions of Mixture Req'd for 1 cy g 1 02 OQ II 02 0> 02 +3 1 1 0> . fl 02 a w o> ~ 02 0) 02 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.51 2.27 2.00 1.83 1.65 0.38 0.35 0.46 0.42 0.50 0.76 0.86 0.76 0.84 0.75 1 1 1 1 1 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 1.44 .33 .18 .23 1.10 0.44 0.50 0.45 0.56 0.50 0.88 0.81 0.90 0.75 .084 WEIGHT: The weight of dry concrete is from 130 to 160 Ibs to cf. A fair average is 140. CRUSHER AND CAR LOAD: A stone crusher costs from $700 to $2,000 and crushes 6 to 7 cy per hour with 10 to 12 men, and an engine of 8 to 10 hp. A carload of cement runs about 170 bbls. EXPERIMENTS The results of some interesting experiments were published In "The Railroad Gazette" for engineers, etc. They may be of use to those who want accurate figures for the propor- tions and weight of concrete: Sand, 25; gravel, 32; stone,44. sand, 102; gravel, 98; crushed DATA: Per cent of voids: Weight of material per cf: stone, 84; cement, 88. PACKED OR LOOSE: In these experiments 4 sacks of cement measured loose 4.42, or practically 4.5 cf. The packed bbl does not have so many cf from 3.5 to 3.8 as the loose, and herein lies a basis of dispute between the men of theory and the contractors. The theorists want the proportions to be taken from the measurement of the packed bbl, and the contractors naturally want the cement to be measured loose like sand and stone. Good cement is saved by this method; why waste it? The U. S. Courts have sometimes had to decide the matter. Sand, we are told, shrinks from 7 to 10% when wet, but we hear no cry for packed sand. If one why not another? The committee already quoted was content with at most, but some authorities tell us that owing to this CONCRETE 57 shrinkage the cement paste should be about 50% in excess of the voids of the sand, and that the mortar of cement and sand should be about 50% in excess of the void? of the stone. If the " Gazette's " figure of 25% void is correct, the allowance of .4 which is given in the examples worked out is sufficient, and the rest may be filled with pure sand until the theorists give us a figure upon which they all agree, PROPORTIONS: Another part of the same number dealing with proportions says that cement 1, sand 1, and stone 2 make as good a concrete as can be made with natural cement; while 1, 2, 4 to 4 is as poor as good practice will permit. Portland at 1, 3, 6 " is sufficiently good for ordinary con- struction;" 1, 4, 8 for plain work. CINDER CONCRETE is sometimes used for basements; and reinforced floors are made of it on account of lightness, but nowhere is it as good as stone. PRODUCTION: The cement mills could not turn out enough material to supply the demands of 1902, and the future is likely to witness even a more extensive use of concrete. In the U. S. the production of natural cement was from 8,000,000 to 9,000,000 bbls, in 1902, about 9,600,000. In 1906, 4,055,797. The Portland is rapidly displacing it. The following figures showing the production of Am. Portland only are worthy of note: Year Bbl Year Bbls Year Bbls 1882 85,000 1892 547,440 1901 12,711,225 1884 100,090 1894 798,757 1902 20,864,078 1886 150,000 1896 1,543,023 1905 35,246,812 1888 250,000 1898 3,692,284 1906 46,463,424 1890 335,000 1900 8,482,020 1912 82,000,000 DRILLING HOLES: A large number of \\" holes were drilled in the hardened concrete of No. 7 to hold steel cols. They are 29" deep, and 2 men with a hand drill cut 7 in a day. Some at 23" were cut at the rate of 10 per day. COST OP TABLE: The water-table of No. 7 and the other buildings of the plant is made of concrete cast in a form. It costs about 40c per cf. Stone costs $1.25 and upwards. The concrete runs clear through the wall and takes the place of the brick, while stone is usually only 8" wide. The setting cost 58 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR about 13c per cf, but stone also requires to be set. Labor was .20, sand .01, stone .05, cement .10, or a total of 36c, but a leeway of a few cents is desirable. Of course, a small quantity would cost more, as the same forms are required for 100 ft as for 1,000; and angles require more labor than long straight walls. The water-table was a complete success, hard as a rock and as smooth as the boards on the inside of the forms. AULD LANG SYNE: We have republican and democratic waves, conservative successes and liberal triumphs in the political field; and it sometimes seems that waves come in building as well as in other spheres. One of the first jobs I got as an apprentice was to put up 2 long lines of studs covered on the inside with boards about a foot apart. Then the concrete was poured in and the finished wall appeared after the boarding was taken away. About the same time, in the same place, a stone contractor became tired of stone and took to concrete for everything, door and window sills, ,mouldings, and the walls of his buildings clear to the roof. But stone still survives. Now we are in the midst of another revival. Stone, in spite 'of machinery, nas risen to a high price, and builders begin to look around for a substitute. They find in concrete and terra-cotta. and if properly used both serve as a check on the stone mason. The danger is that concrete will be put to unwarranted uses. REINFORCED CONCRETE buildings are now so common as to attract little attention. CONCRETE FLOORS On No. 2 there were 1,150 sq yds of floor with a 2" concrete base and a \" top-dressing. The base was 1, 2, 5. Without the top-dressing there were 64 cy. A 6" bed of cinders was first laid down, watered and tamped. MATERIAL: 100 bbls American and Imported Portland. I did not keep an exact account of the stone, but the ordinary rules for concrete will give the quantity closely enough, say, 75 tons. Sand about 32 cy. Labor was 35c an hour for 1 mai\ and ordinary wages of $1.50 to $1.75 for laborers. The labor CONCRETE 59 ran to $300: cement, $345; stone, $82.50; sand, $22, a total of $748.50, or close to 66c per sq yd. There is nothing allowed for tools, hose, etc, in this or the other concrete figures. PRICE: By the sq yd, sand and stone were lOc; cement, 30c; labor 26c. This price is too close to figure on with safety, as accidents sometimes happen. Of course, 2" thick does not take so much material as 4. For a floor of this kind 5" thick, the usual allowance is $1 to $1.25, depending upon wages, price of cement, etc. All the cement walks around No. 9 were laid for $1.35, and the price was low as cement was $2.75 per bbl. In spite of the high price of the imported cement the floors of No. 2 went down reasonably cheap. The labor included the wheeling of rubbish and the tamping of cinders. One bbl of cement laid 100 sq ft; but that was for only 2" thick. A trade publica- tion at hand gives 1 bbl to 75 sq ft. GUTTERS: But again I know of a small building erected for a cow-stable where 6" floors cost about $1.70 per sq. yd. Gutters had to be formed in several places, and special work of that kind soon runs into extra time. Allow from 15 to 20c per If for these. BASEMENTS with a large surface are easier to put down than sidewalks, say, about 25c less per sq yd for them. QUANTITY: It is easy enough to estimate floors, sidewalks, etc, for a special thickness, as we have only to get the number of cy and add the top-dressing. The dressing is sometimes 1 of cement to 1 of sand in the specification, but seldom in the floor. It is easy enough to get at the number of cy in the dressing, and the quantity of cement can be found at 3.8 cf in a bbl. The labor on dressing will run to about 14c per sq yd at the rate of wages given for No. 2. Of course, the labor on a thin floor of 2", for example, is more in proportion than for 4 or 6. The same leveling and top-dressing have to be done in both cases. THICKNESS: For each additional 1" in thickness add 18c per sq yd to a concrete floor. FOR HOISTING to an upper floor or roof, take the figure given on page 48, divide by 36, for inches in a cy, then mult 60 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR the quotient by the thickness of floor in inches. Thus, a floor on the fourth story 4" thick, put at $1.35 on the ground would be $1.51: A cu yd on first floor 50c extra On the next 3 floors 90c extra $1.40 Dividing by 36 to get the cost per inch of a sq yd we have 4c, or a total of 16c extra per sq yd for a 4" floor. SURFACING OF FLOORS, ETC Allow concrete material as per list, and add for top of floor. Sqyds 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 No contractor would exceed the quantities of cement given, but the exact sand allowance given should be increased about 5 for waste, etc. Packed bbl.=4 bags Portland, allowed. CEMENT BASE: A cement base about fxlO" was formed all through the basement of No. 2. The price ran to about 12c per If, I think, although no record of the time was kept. But a contractor would not take such a base for less than 18c, including his profit, and on small rooms 20c would not be too much. SPREADING STONE : For spreading stone or gravel allow 6 to 8c. by hand and 2c by machine per cu yd with labor at ;. per hour. Proportion Thickness Cement bbls Sand yds 1 to 1 J v 6.6 .9 1 to 1J r 5.5 1.2 to 2 I" 4.6 1.3 : to 2j r 4.0 1.4 to 1 10.0 1.4 to 1 8.1 1.7 to 2 7.0 2.0 to2J .6.0 2.1 to 1 ] 13.0 1.8 to 1^ I" 10.8 2.3 to 2 ] 9.2 2.6 to 2$ L" 8.0 2.8 CHAPTEE IV STONEWORK RUBBLE MEASUREMENT: Measurement is taken only by the cf or cy. Perches and cords are out of date. Beware of perches. Some of them contain 164 and others 25 cf. Rubble is often measured by counting the corners twice, and making no deduction for openings, just as with brick- work. Here we shall abide by net measurement so that an accurate bill of material can be taken directly from the original estimate, no matter how many or varied the openings or corners may be. It naturally takes a little more raw ma- terial for angles than for straight work, but this does not count enough to justify the old style of measurement. Even when a wall is less than 16" thick it is best to take the actual contents and allow extra for labor. QUANTITY: Allow 2,900 Ibs of stone to the cy of masonry in the wall. The owner of a Nebraska quarry writes me that his railroad customers say that it takes from 3,000 to 3,200 Ibs. An Omaha mason gives the same figure. Some- thing depends upon the stone. Thin stone with more joints make up in mortar for less weight required. " On small stones about one-third of the mass will be mortar; large stones one-fifth to one-fourth." The C. & N. W. R. R. finds 2,700 Ibs enough for a yd in the wall, but the stone is of good quality. The ordinary Chicago allowance is 13,000 Ibs to 128 cf, or 2,742 Ibs to the cy of finished wall. Good work requires what is colloquially known as " two- man rubble," that is, stone too heavy for one man to lift " one-man rubble " is fit only for cheap work. It would not be accepted on government buildings. The raw material is worth about 50c per cy less than the other. WEIGHT: As with sand and crushed stone it is almost obligatory for a contractor to take rubble by weight instead of measurement on account of freight and hauling charges; 61 62 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR and it is therefore worth remembering in case a specification calls for granite or some specially heavy stone that an extra allowance would be necessary. Granite or limestone runs at least 20 Ibs heavier to the cf than sandstone, but granite is seldom used for rubble, at least in prairie states. MORTAR: The proportion of mortar given by one writer is to coarse rubble not dressed, 33 to 40%; roughly dressed, 25 to 30%; well dressed and coursed, 15 to 20%. With stone at 150 Ibs to the cf, allow 2,700 Ibs in the first case, 3,040 in the second, and 3,440 in the third. QUANTITY: For ordinary work Trautwine allows 6 at the quarry to 5 in the wall. The proportion of 128 in the quarry to 100 in the wall is often used, and on 400 or 500 cy was recently tested in Omaha with satisfactory results. In case stone is not bought by weight this will serve as a measure of quantities. According to the same authority 1 cy of stone when broken occupies 1.9 cy when perfectly loose, or 1.75 when piled up. PRICE: From $5 to $6.50 per cy. Midway is a fair price for ordinary work in Am. Portland with wages at 55c to 60c. The heavy wall that runs around the west side of the Omaha post-office was let to the contractor at a rate of $6, but this included his profit. It is laid in cement and is an excellent piece of work. There are no angles to speak of, and no openings, but a straight wall about 2' thick. BEST WORK: The higher price, listed at $6.50, is for first class work laid in Portland cement. A thick wall does not cost quite so much as a thin one, as the face work is the same for both. Allow a difference of 50c per cy. If wall has two faces add 50c per cy. ENGINEERING WORK of a certain class costs more. Em- bankment and abutment walls faced with squared limestone filled in behind with dimension stone undressed, run here, hauling included, from $10 to $12 per cy all through. But the face stone, if taken alone, is worth per cf close to 75c. Small piers squared all around run to 80c per cf. Some local work of both classes has recently been done at these figures with Nebraska stone which costs 25c on cars, but profit included. If Bedford or Kasota stone is used the price STONEWORK 63 is increased, as the raw material is worth 50c. " A cheaper Bedford stone can be used for this work than for buildings. Heavy limestone caps and bases roughly squared up with a hammer, 65c per cf in place with profit. BRIDGE: The limestone masonry in the piers of the bridge across the Missouri River at Plattsmouth, Nebr. 1879-80 cost the R. R. Co. $18.60 per cy exclusive of freight, engineer- ing expenses and tools. The small piers ran from $12 to $14. Work of this kind would be better classed under cut stone than rubble. PRICE: "One-man" rubble fob Omaha or Lincoln about $1.10; "two-man," $1.20 per ton. PRAIRIE WORK: There is little rubble used in this terri- tory. It is safe to say that for one foundation of stone there are ninety-nine of brick, usually with a concrete footing. Thus it is that our surroundings change. During a long apprenticeship of five years and for one year afterwards as a journeyman I worked on and saw all kinds of buildings and never, so far as I remember, lifted a hammer on a brick one. Everything, except inside partitions and a few factories, is of stone in the town of Kirkcaldy, with a population of 20,000 people, and there are no anchors on the joists. The walls are built thick enough to stand. The walls of the one-story cottage I lived in near that place are 30" thick for an 8' ceiling. SLOPES: It is seldom that a building contractor has to line a slope with stone, but the following figures from " The Engineering News," New York, N. Y., will be of interest. They are taken from actual records. The maximum thickness of this kind of work is 10" to 12"; minimum, 3" to 4". Stones must be 12" long. Average joints are 1"; if ", the labor costs twice as much. Mortar is not used. With U" joints, 750 cy of 12" were laid, each laborer laying 2 cy per day at the beginning, and 3 later on. Skilled men were then employed and laid 5 cy with 1 laborer to 4 tradesmen. Part of the work was then sublet at 50c per cy to men who had been laying 5 cy; from that time on they laid 7. On rougher work skilled men sometimes lay 10 to 12. 64 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR SLOPES: On another contract four masons and four laborers averaged 60 cy in 10 hours. With material delivered at $1.25 to $1.50 the finished work is worth $1.75 to $2. The time at quarry for 280 yds was 1,000 hours to quarry and load; this made 220 cy in the wall. The teamsters hauled four to five loads in a day, a distance of 2 miles. Team traveled at rate of 2 miles per hour. On another contract with 750 cy six trips were made a distance of If miles. CEMENT MORTAR: The quantity of mortar required de- pends upon the quality of the work and the size of the stone. Thin stone naturally require more than large blocks Taking the figures already given, 33, 25, 15% of mortar, we may easily arrive at the quantities for the various propor- tions. Taking cement packed we have in Am. Portland about 7 bbls to the cy. For a cy of cement mortar allow as follows, the figures for cement being in bbls, and for sand in yds: 1 to 1, 4.2 cement to .6 sand; 1 to 2, 2.7, .8; 1 to 3, 2, .9; 1 to 4, 1.7, .95; 1 to 5, 1.3. .97; 1 to 6. 1.2, .98. But it must be remembered that when cement reaches a certain point of weakness it will not work, and what is gained in material is more than lost in wages. But again, a mortar of 1 to 3 is about as strong as we ever made, no matter what is specified; 1 to 1 is rather too strong, and except for coping of walls and such work it is not really necessary. Let us chose for illustration a coarse undressed rubble with 33% of mortar and if filling is not properly done with small stones a careless mason can easily throw in one-third of the mass in mortar. Taking 30 cy we require 10 cy of mortar. At the proportion of 1 to 3 this means 20 bbls of cement and 9 yds of sand to 30 cy of masonry. At 1 to 5 for the same quantity of masonry 13 bbls and 9.7, or practically 10 cy of sand. AVERAGE ALLOWANCE: Or taking the second class of masonry which is better than the average, we have 25% or one-fourth of the total in mortar. For 4 yds of wall we there- fore require 1 yd of mortar. At the proportion of 1 to 4, which is of fair quality, 1.7 bbls of cement require close to 1 yd of sand. In 4 cy we have 108 cf, so that for aver STONEWORK 65 work allow If bbls and 1 yd to every 100 cf of finished wall. A yd of sand to 3| cy is an Omaha allowance; and one-half bbl of cement to i yd of rubble. LIME MORTAR: Lime makes one-fourth to one-fifth more mortar than cement as it swells when slacked; for this reason the cement quantities require to be cut down. Some allow one-fourth bbl to cy, one-third is safer. Trautwine gives 2 bbls to 100 cf, but this is too much unless the stone is thin and small. But again, we run across lime that does not seem to make more than three-fourths of the mortar produced from the best brands. On several buildings a careful account of mortar was kept, and at our prices cement was 65c and lime 55c per cy of wall. MORTAR FOR AVERAGE RUBBLE One and three-quarter bbls Portland and 1 yd sand to 100 cf of finished wall. One and one-half bbls good lime and 1 yd sand to 100 cf of finished wall. WATER: For making rubble mortar the Omaha Water- Works charges 8c per cy for water; for tempering only, 3c. The m'eter rate is 35c per 1,000 gall which is far cheaper, say one-third the price. The Chicago rate is 6c for 128 cf. LABOR: A mason and laborer will lay 3 cy of ordinary rubble in an 8-hour day; and on some kinds of walls below ground, 5 to 6. One laborer can attend 2 masons if every- thing is handy, but if wheeling is required it takes about man to man. In the stone-cutting yard 2 men can attend 10 cutters. EXAMPLE: On a building recently erected 500 cy of rubble cost about $1,000 for labor. Most of the stones had to be handled with a derrick, and although the walls were thick and straight this cost probably 25c extra. On another build- ing with 120 yds the walls were short and the cost ran to $2.50, but extra time was required on the angles. Good time can be made with a derrick if all the stones are large, but if work is so far away from ground that large and small have 66 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR to be handled this way it costs more. A fair price for 18 to 20" ordinary work is $1.50. Thick, straight walls can be done for less. The labor is not exactly in proportion to the number of cy, as a 16" wall requires 2 faces just as a 24" does; and the filling goes in faster than the outside work. Scaffolding has sometimes to be allowed if walls are high. CUTTING: In 8 hours one man will cut and square about 40 cf of large limestone blocks for bridge and pier work, and 25 of small blocks. Sandstone costs more to cut than lime- stone, as it wears out the tools sooner. Unless very soft it is worth 10% more to square up. There is no sandstone in Bedford, Ind.; "Bedford" is a limestone. GRANITE: Granite rubble would cost about three or four times as much as limestone here, and is consequently seldom seen. The following figures are culled from the appendix of Baker's work on Masonry and he culled them from the official reports. In case of emergency they will give a fair idea cf the labor on granite. For trimmings, about 25% of the cost of cut stone is enough to set in wall. QUARRYING: In quarrying rough stone allow for one man eight-tenths of a day per cy; stone to be cut for facework, 2.6 days. CUTTING: On more than 2,000 cy near New York it was found that the average time of a cutter for one cy was 36 hours. The work was all cut into headers and stretchers 2'x3', and 2'x6' with a rise of from 20" to 26". Round coping required more work; the average per cy was 50 hours for one man. Keystones, springers, etc, 56 hours. But these figures include moving stone, sharpening tools, superintend- ence, etc. Superintendence was 5%; sharpening tools, 15; interest on sheds, derricks, etc, 1%; new tools and timber, 1%; handling stone,, 30% or 52% in all, which added to the total wages gives the complete cost. It is thus seen that half the cost is outside of cutting proper. CUTTING: On another contract a minimum day's work was set at 12 superficial ft on a total of 118,383 cf ; but the average for beds and joints reached 13.6' per man per day. The average ran as follows: STONEWORK 67 Super ft Beds and joints 13.6 Pointed work with margins : . 8.5 Peen-hammered 6.15 6-cut patent-hammered 5.22 8-cut patent-hammered 4.24 On the Croton reservoir a minimum day's work of joints was fixed at 15 sq ft for one man, but with draft around the edges this is equal to 17.7 sq ft. The average day's work in cutting beds to lay a f " joint was 18.7 sq ft. In these last 2 items add for superintendence, 8%; sheds and tools, 7%; sharpening tools, 11%; labor moving stone, 10%; drilling off rough face, 4%; making a total of 40% to be added to cutting. POST OFFICE: The finished work of the new Omaha post- office, mouldings included, is said to cost $3 per cf fob, cars. A RED MONUMENT GRANITE is sold at $1.25, and a pink, $1.35, Clayton, N. Y., is sizes up to 20 cf. From these prices for building blocks allow up to $2 for blocks from 20 cf to 75. SETTING : Add 20 to 25 to cost or cut granite. MARBLE: A good grade of building white stock is $1.50, Phila. The finished work is from $3 to $5, unset, per cf. Hauling and setting about 50c extra. Mausoleum work, $4.50 to $8.00 per cf. ASHLAR AND CUT STONE MEASUREMENT: Take the exact cubic contents of a wall and order the stone from the quarry on this basis. The quarryman allows for waste in cutting. If 100 cf are ordered the block is sent large enough to be squared to this size. With such a stone as Bedford there is little chance of waste if sizes cut to advantage. The ordinary method of measurement allows openings under a certain size, doubles angles and so forth, but " The Building Estimator " in general is not based upon this old system. In rock-faced work allow 2" fextra for projections beyond the face of the wall; if the stone rests 8" on the wall this means 10" material. Projections are usually about 1", but a margin has to be allowed for safety. PRICE: Bedford is delivered fob Omaha for 68 to 70c per cf. Blue and buff are commonly used. Blue is better than 68 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR buff. There is a hard Royal Blue which costs the same, or a trifle extra, but is about 20% more expensive to cut. It is used for long lintels, steps, etc, as the common Bedford is too soft. The cut stone over an average building may be taken as $1.50 per cf, but something depends upon the state of the yards. In busy times $1.60 is asked. These figures include the contractor's profit, but not setting, which is worth about 25c extra, and 5c for pointing, or 30c per cf. On an Omaha house finished complete, with about 16,000 cf of broken ashlar from Silverdale, Kan., including mouldings, battlements, turrets, and all stonecutting, 3 contractors allowed from $1.45 to $1.50 per cf set, but another got the contract, so that his price was lower. The raw material fob Omaha cost about 50c per cf. LIBRARY: On a library built in an eastern Iowa town, there were 16,000 cf of Bedford stone estimated by the suc- cessful contractor at $25,000 set in the wall. After deduct- ing about $4,000 for carving, the complete job was only $1.31 per cf which is too low. Freight is, of course, lower at that point than here. Another library in South Omaha was estimated at about $1.90 per cf. The Bedford stone Commercial Nat'l Bank, Omaha, was estimated set at $2.25 by an unsuccessful bidder; it was prob- ably done for about $2, in place. But better prices were ob- tained when it was built. As it is polished, the rate would now be lower on account of saws. But rubbed work is worth about 20c per sq ft extra if straight; and 35c if circular. If more than one side is finished the cost is naturally increased. If coursed or range work is used instead of broken or random ashlar, 20c per cf may be deducted. The setting is much easier. MEASUREMENT: But ashlar is usually taken by the sq ft instead* of by the cf. The price depends upon the number of openings and the size of the reveals. If they are 8" the stone must be much thicker than if 4; and if openings are close together a thinner stone can not be much used between. Rock- faced of average thickness is worth $1 to $1.25 broken in STONEWORK 69 "Crazy Quilt" fashion; 90c broken but squared; and 80c coursed from 8 to 12" high in 4 and 8". All of the foregoing figures are based on Bedford stone. The setting and pointing are not included. The setting of broken ashlar costs about 15c per sq ft. On a large, straight job without delay lOc is enough, but residences with waiting on bricklayers, etc, are worth about 20c. SETTING: For heavy fine fronts allow 18% of cost of stone for setting. LOCAL STONE: For local stone the Bedford figures may be cut from 25 to 30% according to the hammerwork, but the setting remains the same. CUT STONE For Bedford water-table, door and window sills, courses, bands, and in general the whole of the cut-stone bill on an average brick building, allow as per table, delivered either on the cars or at the building in cities like Omaha and Lincoln. But when there is an excess of mouldings, pediments, carving, and so forth, care must be taken to make a due allowance. Setting is about 10% of the cost of the stone cut and delivered. COLUMNS: For circular cols up to 20" diam, or so, find the cubical contents at the widest part, square before turning is done, and mult by $1.50 per cf, not set. Setting about 75c per cf. Thus a col 18"xl8"xlO', square, would con- tain 22 cf at $1.50, or $33.75 turned. Add freight. PAVING: The large 4" flagstones around No. 3 were laid complete for 37c per sq ft; 4" is now worth 35c laid; 6", 60c. Saws now reduce the price although wages are higher. If laid on I beams allow 8 to lOc extra per sq ft, as laying is more difficult. No. 2 stone is used. BEDFORD STONE LF PRICES Description Size Rate cu ft CostTwith profit Window Sills 5"x 7" $1 .75 $0.43 Window Sills 5"xll" .70 .65 Window Sills 7"x 1" .70 .58 Window Sills 7"xll" .65 .89 Window Sills 8"x 8" .60 .72 Door Sills.. 8"xll" .50 .92 70 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Bedford Stone LF Prices Continued Description Size Rate cu ft Cost with profit Door Sills 8"xl5" $1.45 $1.21 ' Door Sills 8"xl9" 1.40 1.48 Lintels 4"xlO" 1 .65 .46 Lintels 8"xl2" 1.50 1.00 Water Table 6"xlO" 1.55 .65 Water Table 8"xl2" 1 . 50 1 .00 Coping 4"xll" 1 . 70 .52 Coping 4"xl5" 1 . 55 .65 Coping 4"xl9" 1 .50 .80 Coping 8"xl5" 1.45 1.21 Coping 8"xl9" 1.40 1.48 Steps 7"xl4" 1.50 1.02 Curbing (See Chap. VI). MORTAR: The backing of ashlar, whether brick or rubble, requires the common allowance of material given under these headings. With courses 8" high less mortar is necessary than with common brick; and when the courses are 18" and of a proportionate length it is clear that the quantity of mortar is decreased. In such a case make a reasonable deduction from the allowance. " With f to *" joints," says Baker, " and 12" to 20" courses there will be about 2 cf per cy; with larger blocks and closer joints 1 cf of mortar to 1 cy of masonry. Laid in 1 to 2 mortar ordinary ashlar requires to of a bbl of cement per cy of masonry." A given number of cf of mortar being determined for a yd of finished work it is easy by referring to the rubble table to allow cement, lime, and sand, according to the proportion desired; and lime, it will be remembered, makes more mortar than cement. Another authority says that ashlar in courses of 20 to 32", and joints of 1 to f, will have from 5 to 6% of mortar. With ordinary rubble running from 25 to 33% of mortar it is -evident that the outside facing of the wall requires less than the backing, and deductions should be made where nicety is required. Nicety is not usually required, but the advantage of remembering the decreased quantity for the facework is that when the general bill of material is made out the usual .allowance is cut. LABOR: Since the introduction of saws rock-faced work costs about 10% more than plain-faced. With hand labor it STONEWORK 71 it cheaper to make rock-faced sills, water-tables, etc. But be- fore a tool is lifted rock-faced work requires 2" more in thickness, and stone has to be paid for. Other things being equal, in the neighborhood of saws use plain work; in the country make it rock-faced. With saws and moulders labor is reduced to one-half, and in some classes of work to one-fifth, of its former price. By hand a mason will cut about 20 sq ft of broken ashlar in 8 hours, and 25 of coursed; but when saws are used it is cut to thickness and then merely pitched by hand, so that 100' can be done. Polished stone is even cheaper, and a man can joint and prepare 125 sq ft. For plain cut stone allow 25 to 35c per cf for labor. Finials, capitals, carving and such work must be allowed separately in addition to the regular price. There is no set rule for estimating special work, as no two pieces are alike. The amount of labor must be judged and added to price of stone. And accidents happen: I once saw a splendid finial cut for a Gothic church. It was about 6' long, and the foreman did all the work himself as he could not trust the best of his men. After the carving was done he mounted a trestle and started to drill a hole for an iron rod. When he got down about 2' the drill came out at the side. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN: That is one danger of estimators and all calculators. A great man designed a fine yacht for Queen Victoria. He made out his elaborate calculations, and then in a moment of absent-mindedness added the year 184S, or whatever it was. The yacht was built, but it rolled like a tub in a storm. TRACERY has to be estimated from details. LETTERS AND HOLES: Sunk letters from 4 to 6" high are worth from 50c to 70c each; raised 75c to 85c. Holes for iron railings, 10c: leaded, 5c to 6c per Ib for lead. HAULING: Hauling from cars, say 1 mile, 50c per ton. As a full load is 2 tons this means $1 per load, which is the al- lowance under ordinary circumstances. But loading and un- loading are the same for any given haul. WASHING AND POINTING all the smooth surf of No. 3, laid in a hard Wyoming stone, cost 1.6c per sq ft, but the 72 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR blocks were large. This is too low a figure to use for work now, especially with broken ashlar and short runs. Bids were recently made to wash and point a building for 24c, and an- other building was figured at 3c. The joints have to be raked out, pointed, and then the whole surf washed. A fair price is 3c after openings are deducted. The openings of No. 3 are included in the surf. FOR DIAMOND SAND BLASTING to clean the brownstone, granite, marble, limestone fronts of old bldgs, allow 6 to 7c per sq ft. LA FARGE CEMENT is often specified for stone-setting as it does not stain the stone. It costs about $5 a bbl. The following useful figures are taken from "-Engineering Contracting," DATA ON CUT STONE WORK " The walls for the building of the Government Printing Office at Washington, D. C., standard U. S. work, were built of red bricks trimmed with red sandstone from a quarry near Longmeadow, Mass. The cost of this stone, ready to set, was as follows: Per cu ft Plain Ashlar $1.80-$2.00 Moulded courses 2.00- 2.40 Sills 2.00- 2.40 Lintels 1.95- 2.15 Cols 3.00 In computing these prices, all molded and curved or ir- regular pieces were squared out to the minimum containing rectangular sides. The cost of setting etc., aver for all classes, was as follows: p er cu ^ Handling $0.133 Setting 179 Cutting (corrections, etc) 018 Pointing 041 Mortar 012 Miscellaneous materials . 026 Total $0.409 STONEWORK 73 The rather high cost is due to the care with which the joints were caulked, and to the fact that there was not enough stone to be placed to justify the purchase of a special plant to handle it. Some of the wages paid for 8 hour day on this job were as follows. Laborers, $1.50; stone masons, $4; stone cutters, $4." Figuring up the contents of stone either by the decimal or duodecimal system is rather tedious work. David Wil- liams Co. sells for $2.00 " The Expeditious Measurer," with all sizes given in cubic feet. COST OF BEDFORD STONE. At Indiana quarries the cost of the blocks is about 30 cents per cu ft. Add freight to point desired. The rate to Omaha, for example, is 40 cents per cu ft. For the plainest work add 20 to 25 cents for sawing to get cost price. In general, plain work set in building should be figured at $1.75 where the freight amounts to 40 cents; and molded work $2.00 including profit. This is for the ordinary stone. For the hardest Bedford add an extra allowance of 25 per cent. GRANITE COLUMNS. On page 425 there is a note about some unpolished gran- ite cols. To estimate them square at the widest part, mul- tiply by the height to get the cu ft, and allow $4.00 per cu it unset. In the case noted the cols, were 3 x 3 x 20=180 cu ft x $4.00=$720 each, plus $100 for taking off the cars and setting where the derrick is close to the tracks. Over a score of columns at $820 each made up a total that was not hard to figure; yet half that amount in separate, detailed pieces of ornamental iron might easily have taken a_week. CHAPTER Y BRICKWORK MEASUREMENT: Some years ago the Omaha masons issued their rules of measurement which are practically the same as those of St, Louis and Chicago. They are excellent rules in their way, but I should not like to be an owner and let my work to a contractor by the 1,000 at a high price, especially if it consisted of angles, pilasters, ledgings and so forth. "When estimating a building few brick-masons pay any atten- tion to printed rules. They are kept for railroad engineers and other innocents. It would merely fill up space to print them over again. The system followed in this book is the same as for stonework, take the exact cubical contents, but allow " wall measure," or 22* bricks to the cf. EXPLANATION: In the Chicago building code there is an explanation of the rules to reassure the public. Cornices, pilasters, projections, and so forth cost much more than plain work, and instead of charging a higher price for each piece separately the charge is simply made in the measurement. It is easier to estimate a building on this basis and it is just as fair, for the rate per 1,000 would be greater if openings were deducted and cornices measured as plain work. But while this is true in theory most contractors now cut out openings and take actual contents. Competition is toe keen to do otherwise. I prefer this method because the bill of material can be taken directly from the original figures with- out a new calculation to see how many feet, windows, corners, cornices, etc, make up. Buildings differ so much in their openings and other features that it is best to take only the actual contents of the wall and allow so much more per 1,000 lor difficult work. TRADE RULE If there are many belts of cut stone, terra-cotta, etc, they should be deducted, or too many actual brick may be sent to building. 74 BRICKWORK 75 But there is a trade way of estimating the brick in a wall that all contractors use, and it requires a word of explana- tion: The method does not give the number of actual brick required, but the number in "wall measure," which is differ- ent from actual or " kiln count." It Is merely a trade rule, a short cut, a labor-saving device. The Omaha rule is the same as that of Chicago: Every superficial ft of \ brick thick or 4J" shall count 1\ brick Every superficial ft of 1 brick thick or 9" shall count 15 brick Every superficial ft of 1$ brick thick or 13" shall count 22 brick Every superficial ft of 2 brick thick or 17" shall count 30 brick Every superficial ft of 1\ brick thick or 21" shall count 37$ brick Every superficial ft of 3 brick thick or 25" shall count 45 brick It all depends upon the size of the brick. It is possible to make them to fit the foregoing table, but it is not done, and thus the rule is a rule of thumb and not a rule of science. But it works, and it is hardly worth while trying to change it. RULE FOR GETTING NUMBER OF BRICK Find the number of actual sq ft in a wall, and mult by the number in table for a wall of that thickness. THICKNESS: The building ordinances now get the thick- ness of a brick wall mixed up. Sometimes it is even and sometimes odd 8, 12, 16, 30, 24, and so on, adding 4" at each advance. Again it is 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, adding as before but starting on another basis, which, after all, is nearer the exact thickness. A 9" wall is one brick thick, has two brick in width, and 15 to the sq ft in wall measure. ACTUAL QUANTITY: According to the table, 22 brick are required for a cf. As a matter of fact 17, with large joints, are enough of the national size, which is becoming the standard, 2^x4x8 J. The contractor is not paid for the larger number, for competition is keen enough to prevent this. When mak- ing up his bid he does not estimate the full labor and mortar separate from the brick, and the difference between wall measure and kiln count goes for these items, along with a certain allowance of money. In some localities the advance is made by 7 instead of 7*, but what is the advantage? A cf of wall does not require 21, 76 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR so that kiln count is not found. Even 6 are usually too many, and besides, a new calculation would have to be made for mortar which would mean extra labor. An estimator never troubles about mortar until the contract is signed. And if the method of the outsider were followed, if the exact number had to be obtained, how would he proceed when the brick were 2f" thick instead of 2"? He would have to obtain the number to the cf. The trade rule is safe with any size. A convenient multiple is also found in 7$, because with 15 and 30 and the ease with which the intermediate figures are turned to decimals, it is better than either 7 or 6. "WALLS OF 9": Most of the short cuts in arithmetic we learned at school are forgotten because we never use them, one I remember because I always use it in estimating brick- work. Take a 9" wall, or 1 brick thick, 100' long, 12 high. This means 1,200 sq ft, which at 15 brick equals 18,000 in wall measure. Instead of multiplying by 15 it is easier to add a cipher to the 1,200, or any number of sq ft, put the half below and add the two together. It is easier to mult by 30 than by either 24 or 28, multiples of 6 and 7. EXAMPLES: A few examples may give a little more con- fidence to those who have never figured brickwork: A wall 200'x20 high, 2 brick or 17" thick, contains 120,000 brick wall measure; 130x13x9", 25,350; 40x18x3 brick, or 25", 32,400. ESTIMATING BRICK IN A BASEMENT Or taking the accompanying symmetrical basement plan for an illustration, we have around the walls 110' in even figures. The footings are 15" high two bottom courses 29", the next course 25", the next 21", and the top course 17". The two bottom courses contain 110x6"x29", or 55 sq ft of a wall 29" thick. In this thickness there are 52 to the sq ft, which gives 2,888; the average of the three upper courses is 110'x9"x21", or 82 sq ft of 21" wall which at 37 brick equals 3,094. The cross wall with two courses at 21", one at 17", and the top course at 13" equals, for the lower two, 22'x6"x37i, or 413: for the 17", 22'x3"x30, or 165; for the 13", 22"x3"x22, or 128 a total for all footings of 6688. A bricklayer, not figuring so closely, might call it an even 7,000. BRICKWORK 77 = 22-0 Above the footings, 110, x 9'-6" equals 1,045 sq ft of 13" wall. Assuming windows to be 3' high, and the seven of them 18' wide, we have a deduction of 54 sq ft, leaving 991x 22$, equals 22,297 brick. The inside wall above the footing is 22'x9'-6", less a door- way 3'x7', or 188 sq ft at 15 brick which gives 2,820. 78 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR The total number in wall measure is 31,805, or 22,250 actual brick required on a basis of 17 to the cf. A MACHINE SHOP From 1901 to 1908 I made complete estimates on a score or more of such buildings at Nos. 7, 8, and 14. The brickwork is easily got at. Suppose a building 150'x500'. The length around the walls, not counting corners, is 1,000' for the two sides, and deducting twice 21" for each gable, 293' for the ends, a total of 1,293' at 40' high from top of concrete water- table to wall plate, we have 51,720 sq ft. Allowing 10 doors for ends, 12'xl8', 60 windows, 16'xl6', on the two sides, both lower and upper, 3 doors, 5'xl8', 12 gable windows, 12'xl6', the deductions make 20,100 sq ft, leaving only 31,622. This illus- tration, where 40% of a building is openings, shows the folly of some trade rules. For both gables there are 150'x6'-3", or 938 sq ft, a total of 32,560 of 17" wall x30 gives 976,800 brick in wall measure. At each division of 20' or 22' there is a steel col built in the wall to hold the truss. Nothing is deducted for these- cols. Outside of each, and at all corners, is a pilaster, 2'x37'-6"x4i"x 32 times for sides; and on gables, 2x40 ( average )x4x!4 times, giving 3,520 sq ft at 7* or 26,400 in wall measure. Parapet wall above roof, 304'xl8"xl3" at 22$, 10,260. Under cornice on sides, flush with pilasters, 600'x2'-6"x4$"; upper, 600'xl'-6"x 4$"; gable cornice below roof line, 304x2x 4$", or 3,008 sq ft at 7$, 22,560 in wall measure. Main Walls 976,800 Pilasters 26,400 Parapets 10,260 Cornices 22,560 1,036,020 in wall measure Or, on the basis of 16$ to 22$, 760,000 actual brick, no cross walls or inside work included. Actual contents only are taken, and all openings deducted, no matter what size. ACTUAL COST On several large buildings of the same style as the Machine Shop just estimated, but about 20' lower, erected in 1907, BRICKWORK 79 the contract price for any extra brickwork was $6 per 1,000, wall measure. This figure did not, of course, include any brick, but only labor, mortar, scaffolding and profit. With mortar allowed at $1.30, wall measure, that leaves a balance of $4.70, or $6.41 in kiln, or actual count, per M, for labor, high scaffolding (25'), and profit, with wages at 62c per hour for masons. PILASTERS, CORNICES, OFFSETS: Straight walls are easy enough to estimate, but pilasters, cornices, chimneys, and such work require more care. A pilaster with 4J" of projection is really a wall with 1\ brick to the sq ft; and all other projections are taken in the same way. A cornice is often as simple, and when there are many offsets, a fair average section can be taken. No contractor would think of deducting the hole of a small chimney, even if he followed the system of taking only the actual contents of a building. Special work of this kind is like fitting the last board of a floor to the wall: it takes ten times longer than a board in the middle of the room, but the general average must be made high enough to provide for it. THEORY: Of course, it is necessary to remember that too- much nicety is out of place when estimating a large building. A cornice or footing is not to be taken by little 2" offsets and the exact contents found; a fair average is all that can be expected. It is often easier to estimate a footing by standing it on edge, as it were, and treating it as a wall of a certain thickness. If this will not work take the number of cf and mult by 22.5. But it may be worth while observing here that a wall marked 13" on the plan counts only as a ft. Some architects mark their walls 12, others 13. It is, of course, only odd work that we need to reduce to cf, because the number is given for all standard thicknesses in the regular table. BRICK IN No. 2: Following the illustrative method of this book we shall now take a glance at No. 2. The actual wall measurement with openings deducted, corners and half inter- sections not counted, pilasters taken on face only, and so forth, was exactly 1,000,000 brick. The actual quantity re- quired was 750,000. The brick were of the national size. The 80 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR proportion stands at 4 to 3, so that a cf at 22.5 wall measure all through that building required practically 17 brick. This is a better guide than any theoretical tabulation. With a larger brick 16 would be enough; and a building recently put up with 76,000 kiln count, at 2" thick, required only this number. In engineering work with large brick and heavy joints, 15i are sometimes sufficient, but this is at the danger limit. On No. 8, and other buildings of the plant, there were 2,300,000 in wall measure, and the contractor used 1,650,000, or a trifle less than 161. This included waste. The number of brick on my original estimate of No. 2 with half the openings deducted was 1,099,000. If estimated ac- cording to the standard rules of Omaha and Chicago, with large chimneys solid, the number would be about 1,190,000. HEAVY PIERS, ETC. By the cy for massive work, on a basis of 16, allow 432 actual brick; of 17, 459; of 18, 486. The exact number can not be estimated on account of size, waste, etc, but we can get close to it. SIZE: The size of the brick has to ,be watched both on account of quantity and labor. Small brick are not much loved by contractors. The national size is making its way, but some manufacturers still adhere to the old large sizes in spite of building ordinances, which forbid under penalty of fine, anything larger than 2ix4x8^. The size listed in the Chicago ordinance is 2x4x8, requiring 18 to the cf. WASTE: The question of waste requires to be noted. It is placed from 2 to 5% by the authorities. With fair brick, 2 is sufficient; only the poorest material should run to 5. But the waste in Nos. 2 and 8 is included in the number used, so that the proportion stands. HOLLOW WALLS: Estimate hollow walls the same as solid walls of equal thickness, and allow $1.50 per 1,000 extra when both walls are 9"; $1, when both are 13. BACKING: Deduct the thickness of ashlar and figure brick backing by the ordinary rules. Sometimes a little fitting has to be done against the stone, but there is no exposed work or BRICKWORK 81 plumbing of corners. Brick nogging in between partition studs takes about one-half more time than straight work. SHOVED WORK: Nos. 2, 7, 8, and 14 are laid in shoved work, with a selected common face-brick and a | joint, which occasionally stretches to f without any harm being done. Work of this kind, if well laid, is worth $1 per 1,000 more than the usual quality. CHEAP BRICK: It may be well to point out here a trap that snared at least one contractor. Cheap brick have to be watched. Times were dull and he got his brick for $5 per 1,000, but he forgot something. Take as an illustration a building with 1,000,000 brick, wall measure. Allow 750,000 kiln count and put the price for laying and mortar, say $3. per 1,000 wall measure extra. No matter what the price of brick, this cost is a fixed quantity. If you got brick for nothing the laying and the mortar would cost the same as if they were $20 per 1,000. With brick at $5 the contract runs to $8,000; at $7, $10,000. In both cases 750,000 kiln count are required, leaving a balance of 250,000. This quantity in wall measure is not required, and the allow- ance goes for mortar, laying and profit, coupled with the $3 extra on the 750,000. After buying brick at $5 the balance is $4.250; at $7, $6,250, or on the basis of the 250,000 at $7 we get $1,750, while at $5 the amount is only $1,250, leaving a shortage of $500 for laying, mortar, and profit, which are the same regardless of the price of the brick. With dear brick and wall measure there is a sure margin if the same $3 is added. PRICE: A common figure for ordinary brickwork is $11 to $12 per 1,000, wall measure, when brick cost $7 laid down; but a good deal depends upon the size of the building and the character of the work. A small Omaha building laid in' Portland cement cost $12.50 per 1,000, wall measure, with hour wages of 55c. Even large ones have been known to run to $16. UNDERPINNING : Underpinning and such work costs a good deal more than plain walls. On one building the cost of labor 82 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR on 180,000 brick, kiln count, was $9. All the work went under a raised roof and in openings and required extra labor outside and inside. But work at that price is worth watching. Some small basements have run as high as $25. PATCHING: Patching takes twice as long as new work; and some kinds even longer. HOLLOW BUILDING TILE: This material is rapidly becom- ing more popular. It is used on the inside' of walls to keep out dampness, and also for partitions. It is of various sizes. On the cars here the rate is $6.50 for as many as will displace 1,000 brick, so that the cost is about the same. One advantage is that when the large blocks are used the laying goes on faster than with brick. Blocks 4x8x16 and 8x8x16 are the common sizes. Partition blocks are made from 1 thick up. THICKNESS: Brick walls 4" thick are seldom built here; in Scotland I saw them in almost every house. They are used for partitions on the first floor, and if properly built and plastered they last for a lifetime and beyond. But the labor costs at least 10% more than if the walls were thicker. If built here by the average bricklayer I should be afraid to lean against them. The Arabian proverb says that hurry is the devil, but again, what can be more leisurely than $9 to $25 per 1,000 for labor? Two new brick schools have been torn down in Omaha in recent years; several more are fall- ing to pieces. There is plenty of brickwork in Europe hun- dreds of years old, but it was laid by men who understood their business, just as the old-style American carpenter under- stood his a century ago and built frame houses that still endure. SEWERS: See Chap 6. CISTERNS: Cisterns are often taken by the bbl at about 90c. This includes excavation, 4" brick lining on bottom and around arch only, a finish coat of Portland cement, and an iron cover. Or the work may be estimated in the ordinary way; mult the internal diam by 3f, the product by the height, and the number of sq ft by 7* for wall measure. Add floor, arch BRICKWORK 83 and ring. If walls are thicker than half a brick proceed as explained under sewers. The labor of laying brick against earth is about same as on an ordinary wall for there is no plumbing. The turning of the arch takes some extra time. For an 8' span, half a brick thick, allow one man 5 hours at most; for 10', 6 to 7. For a 3,000 gall cistern, 8'x8', 9" walls, $100, 3c per gall, or $1.06 per bbl. Walls are 9"; 4" walls are heavy enough. For 100,000 gall 24' diam, 30' deep, 12" concrete bottom, 9" walls, $1,131, 1.131c per gall, or 43c per bbl of 3U gals. CESSPOOLS: Cesspools cost more for labor as they are deeper, and both excavation and scaffolding are more expen- sive. Cisterns are usually about 10' deep, cesspools may be 20. Add 25% for labor. Cost price of cesspools lined with 4" of brick in cement, and plastered with Portland may be approximated as follows: 4' inside diam $3.25 per ft deep down to 12'; to 20', $3.75; 5' diam, $4 and $4.75 for 12 and 20'; 6', $5 and $6. Or roughly, $1 per ft of internal diam per ft deep 4'-6" diam, $4.50 per ft deep. When deeper than 20' allow $1.50 and soil may be such as to make $2 necessary. One 8' diam rubble cost $1.10, or $105.60 for 12'. CHIMNEY-STACKS: Get the cubical contents of walls, then actual number of brick required, and estimate $12 per 1,000, at 55c per hour basis, for labor. Above 100', $14 up to 125. Allow sand and cement or lime in ordinary way. If core is too small for men add scaffold. Allow extra for fire-brick if used. When bricklayers get 75' above the ground they usually demand higher wages, and often reach $1 per hour when 100' high. But on a basis of 55c I know of a square stack 150' high which cost less than $7 per 1,000, kiln count for labor at 50c per hour for masons. It contained 250,000 actual brick. SMALL CHIMNEYS: When the walls are 9" and 13" thick they may be estimated in the ordinary way, but it takes two or three times as long to lay work as on straight walls. For small flues with 4" and 8" walls the following table will be useful to get the number of brick required to the If. The national size is figured with 4 courses to 11". 84 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CHIMNEY TABLE No. of Cost per ft with flue No. of flues Size of flues Size of chimney bricks to ft linings and profit 1 8Jx8i 17x17 29 $1.15 2 8ix8^ 17x29 49 1.60 3 8x8i 17x37 66 2.00 1 8^x13 17x21 34 1.40 2 8x8i and 8xl3 17x33 54 1.85 2 8^x13 17x37 59 2.05 3 8^x13 17x54 86 2.75 1 8^x16 17x25 38 1.70 1 13x13 21x21 38 1.60 2 13x13, 8" and 4" 29x37 108 2.50 1 13x16 21x25 44 1.85 1 16x16, 8" wall 33x33 115 2.70 LABOR on 8"x8i" flue chimneys, 35 to 40c; 8" double, 50c. CHIMNEY-BREASTS wide enough for mantels may be esti- mated by the ordinary rules. They are occasionally taken at $3 per ft of height, but this depends upon size, and is for common brick. With ornamental pressed brick, twice that figure is sometimes too low. FLUE LININGS: In most cities they must be used. The smallest size for an ordinary flue should not be less than Discount the table 60%. FLUE LININGS Round Corners. In 2 feet lengths. Outside measure. Inches Per ft Inches Per ft 4x 8$ ....ISO 30 12 x!6 $1.00 4xl3 45 13 x!3 85 4^x18 1.00 13 x!8 1.20 6 x!2 50 14 x!6 1.10 7x7 35 16 x!6 1 . 60 8Jx 8J 45 16 x20 2.00 8^x13 65 '18 x!8 2.00 8ixl8 . .90 For Round and Register openings add 50%. CHIMNEY TOP: To rebuild one on a pitched roof, $10 for 8x8 to 12x12 flue; $12 for a double flue, profit not included. They should always be built in Portland cement, and never with any projections. A straight line chimney lasts longest, and looks well. BRICKWORK 85 MEASUREMENTS AND BRICK REQUIRED FOR SETTING TUBULAR BOILERS WITH FULL FRONTS Diameter Inches F 11 ;SS M 3 Fire Wall Inches 111 tH^ |l ^02 Side Walls at Front Inches Width over all Ft -In Length over all Ft -In Common Brick Firebrick 30 8 124 ~80 18 "13" 16 5- 2 n-74 5200 320 30 10 12J 80 18 13 16 5- 2 13-74 5800 320 36 s 124 80 18 13 16 5- 8 11-74 6200 480 36 10 12J 80 18 13 16 5- 8 13-74 7000 480 40 10 14; 92 21 18 21 6-10 14-2J 7700 600 40 12 14? 92 21 18 21 6-10 16-2| 8800 600 42 10 14; 92 21 18 21 7- 14-4| 10000 720 42 12 14? 92 21 18 21 7- 16-4f 10800 720 42 14 14i 92 21 18 21 7- 18-4| 11600 720 48 12 14> 100 24 18 21 7- 6 16-4| 13200 980 48 14 14> 100 24 18 21 7- 6 18-4| 14200 980 48 16 14> 100 24 18 21 7- 6 20-4| 15200 980 54 14 16J 110 24 22 25 8- 8 19-24 14900 1154 54 16 16J 110 24 22 25 8- 8 21-24 16000 1154 60 14 16^ 118 24 22 25 9- 2 19-24 16100 1280 60 16 16^ 118 24 22 25 9- 2 21-24 17400 1280 60 18 104 118 24 22 25 9- 2 23-24 18700 1280 66 16 17J 118 24 22 25 9- 8 21-34 19700 1400 66 18 174 118 24 22 25 9- 8 23-34 21000 1400 72 16 194 133 30 22 25 10- 2 21-94 20800 1550 72 18 194 133 30 22 25 10- 2 23-94 22000 1550 NOTE: To get length over all, add 2nd and 3rd cols. BOILERS: There are so many kinds that it is hard to set a price for setting. Get the number of cf, mult by $12 per 1,000, in wall measure, and allow from 25 to 50% for extra labor. But if set upon large foundations without other masonry the unit price need not be greater than for ordinary work. Cost may run from $150 to $600. BRICK ARCHES: Measure brick arches for sidewalks, fire- proofing, etc, in the ordinary way and allowed the centering extra. In both walks and firepoofing it is usually possible to hang centers to the steel beams. Brick are very seldom used for fireproofing now, and the centering for terra cotta is of plank which does not require any labor except the preliminary bolting of hangers which are changed from span 86 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR to span. For sidewalk centering allow 8c per sq ft. Usually only a couple of centers are required, as they are moved. CENTERS: For nearly two months of my apprenticeship I worked on a large Gothic church making, setting and remov- ing centers, but unfortunately I kept no time as the most interesting time then was the time to quit. I have never since kept time on centers. Like tool-houses, temporary fences, engineer to set stakes, etc, they are a necessary evil which runs away with honest money. (See Chap X) STACKING: Here is something most contractors have read before: " 1,000 brick closely stacked occupy about 56 cf ; 1,000 old brick cleaned and closely stacked occupy about 72 cf." In the first case the actual room required for the solid mass would be about 45 cf at national size, and the 11 cf are needed for voids. CLEANING: Many thousands of old brick were lately cleaned for $2 per 1,000, which is a high price. Cleaning is sometimes done by piece-work for $1. (See Index.) PRESSED BRICK: Get the exact number of sq ft and mult by 6 to 7 for the number of brick. More brick are required than for common work because the joints are smaller, and 4 courses make only 10" instead of 11 or even 12 with good sized common brick. Reveals if more than 4" deep have to be figured. The size of pressed brick varies, as well as the size of the joint, but 6 of the average brick with neat joint will cover a space 10"xl3". With some brick and a large joint 6 are sufficient to the sq ft. It is possible to make the joints too small. Sometimes brick are laid in a bond that shows many headers, and thus a brick covers but half the surface it does when used as a stretcher. This means an extra allowance of material if architect does not permit headers to be cut. Moulded brick running around doors, windows, arches, pro- jections, etc, take up much of an estimator's time when pre- paring a bid. They are often of a dozen different kinds with as many different prices. With brick at 3c to 15 one can not afford to be careless. Deduct the number from the plain brick -if the whole surf has been included. Do not order too BRICKWORK 87 many as they will not be taken back; Do not estimate too few as each brick may cost 20c. There ought not to be much waste if brick are good* but there are architects who expect a $30 front for $14, and some- times steal from a contractor by rejecting brick which are up to the specification. To get at the number of Roman or any other special brick find the number of sq in. in a sample, allowing $" on 1 side and 1 end for mortar. Five courses fo the average Roman make 9" in height; their length is 11| to llf, so that 7 are required to the sq ft. ENAMELED 'BRICK: Enameled brick may be estimated in the same way as pressed brick. They run from $90 to $100 per 1,000 kiln count in the wall. There are so many kinds of pressed brick that one descrip- tive catalog and price-list has 130 pages. Why attempt to give prices here? A fair brick may be had for $15, a better one for $25, and a beauty for $40 per 1,000. All colors are now at our service, and color cuts some figure in the price. The standard is red, and the prices on the various colors run from 30 to 50% more. The packing on a small order costs $7 per 1,000. Moulded brick are sold only with straight brick unless in exceptional cases. A car-load is 8,000. SIZE: "Owing to different shrinkage of the various clays required to produce different colors, exact sizes can not be given. The following are approximate:" Standard size 8x2x4 Roman size llxl}Jx4 Impervious white or gray face: Standard 8^x21x4 Roman Ilxlfx4 Enameled sizes are about the same. Roman tile is enameled size set on edge. English enameled is 9x3. Care must be taken when estimating headers as end only is enameled. Enamels may be had in white, buff, brown, blue, and green. In the East a white standard sized enameled brick costs $75 per 1,000, and a gray porcelain faced, $45. ARCHES: It is necessary to watch arches. If brick have to be ground to fit the radius they cost from 5c to 25c each. Sometimes they can be laid without grinding, and there are contractors who prefer to chip them, which seems to show 88 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR that the manufacturers charge too high a price for grinding. To chip and lay a jack-arch 17" high, 13" reveal, allow $10. There are 300 different kinds of moulded brick, and about as many different prices. PRESSED BRICK LIST: The Omaha list seldom changes. For the ordinary face brick the 1913 prices are as follows: STANDARD SIZE PerM Shade Nos. 1 to 8, red; 1st grade (any shade) $16.00 Second grade red (any shade) 14.00 Shade Nos. 551 to 559, inclusive, Buff 21.00 Shade No. 550, Iron Spot, Light, Medium and Dark. . 21.00 Shade No. 580, Buff Spotted (kiln run, fire marked) . 21.00 Shade Nos. 582 to 589, inclusive, Buff Spotted 25.00 Shade No. 570 Gray (kiln run, fire marked) 21.00 Shade Nos. 572 to 579, inclusive, Gray 25.00 Shade No. 540 Bronze mixed. . 19.00 ROMAN SIZE Buff 22.00 Iron Spot : 25.00 Buff Spotted 29.00 Gray 29.00 CORNICES: Standard brick cornices are also supplied, cost- ing from $1.50 to $3.50 per If on cars. They are from 2'-6" to 5' 0" high. Allow extra for labor and mortar from $1 to $2 per If. Prices are for red; other colors are 50% higher. WALL COPING: Salt-glazed, terra-cotta wall-coping is made in 24 and 18" lengths, and for 9, 13, and 17" walls. Angles, starters and tee branches are made: Straight, 15, 20, 35c per ft. Corners, angles, returns, ends, starters, etc, cost four times the price of one ft of straight coping. TERRA-COTTA is of special design and has to be priced ac- cordingly. BRICK PAVING: See Chap VI. MORTAR: Before we plunge into a discussion of quantities we may profitably look back at No. 2. In that building there BRICKWORK 89 were 750,000 brick, kiln count, and it took 720 bbls of lime and cement to lay them. This is close to a bbl per 1,000. But at least 200,000 were laid in cement at 11 bbl to the 1,000. This leaves 470 bbls of lime tempered with cement to 650,000 brick, or practically .85 of a bbl to the 1,000. This is 17-20, and with good lime it is sufficient. But some kinds of lime require more. It is impossible to get mathematical figures on all work. Lime may be spoiled, and more required, or it may be of an inferior quality. There was something said about this in the introductory part. One contractor wanted a bbl, another bbl, or at most |, and the largest allowance was 1 bbls. " From time immemorial 1 bbl of lime and f yd of sand to 1,000 brick." It is a safe allowance. Something de- pends upon the thickness of joints, richness of mortar, and so forth. A good proportion is 1 of lime to 3 of sand. Ex- periments by U. S. engineers soows that the best mortar is composed of 1 part lime paste to 2 parts of sand. Some bricklayers make a bbl of goo 3 lime lay 1,600 brick, but this draws a little heavy on the sai^.d pile. A fair average is bbl. Ordinary mortar is worth about $1.75 kiln count; with pressed brick, $1.90. Lime goes much further than cement. In the basement of an Omaha warehouse built solidly, 1,000 brick, wall measure, took 1.25 bbls of cement. As there are only about 750 actual brick, this means 1.66 bbls to the 1,000. It does not pay to make mortar too short, as it is harder to handle than if made in the proper proportions, and what is gained in cement is lost in labor, which at 62|c an hour soon counts. On another Omaha basement built solidly, and containing about 250,000 brick, kiln count, 400 bbls of cement were used, or 1.6 to the 1,000. A publication at hand advertising an excellent brand of Am. Portland cement says that 1 bbl should be sufficient to make enough mortar to lay 2,000 brick with i" joints. That is only $ bbl to the 1,000 actual count. Joints of this size do not require as much mortar as ordinary ones, but they can not be made with common brick in cement, and if they could the extra cost of labor would run away with the saving in cement ten times over. Besides, the allowance is far too small. 90 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR For ordinary masonry I read in an excellent publication that 1,000 brick require H bbls of cement and the same quantity of lime at a proportion of 1 to 3. In another work I find that a bbl of lime will lay 1,000 brick, and that is near enough the mark for good lime, although No. 2 took less. In still another book f of a bbl is the allowance. One authority says 1 bbl of cement, another 11 bbls, or three times as much, and the actual quantity on the basement of 3 large buildings takes li to 11 bbls to the 1,000, kiln count; and 17-20 of lime. There is the choice between actual work and theory. For pressed brick 1 bbl is sufficient, so that a building with pressed brick fronts and thin walls lowers the average. "With joints 1 to f and brick 2|, allow for ready mixed mortar .8 cy per 1,000; i to f joints, .45 cy." ALLOWANCES FOR MORTAR PER M ACTUAL BRICK Portland Cement, H to U bbls. Good Lime, | bbl. x Mortar Color, Red, f to 1 joints, 1 bbl to 6,000 (See under "M. Color"). Mortar Color, Red, 1 joints, 1 bbl to 8,000. Fire Clay, 1 ton to 7,000 or 8,000. For Pressed Brick, 1 bbl lime. SAND: This material is so cheap that an accurate account is seldom kept of how much goes to concrete, how much to brick, plaster, filling and so forth. In general, 1 to f cy of sand is allowed to the 1,000 brick, kiln count. As nearly as I can separate the total amount under the various headings on No. 2, 640 tons were used for 750,000 brick. At 3,000 lbs to the cy this makes 420 cy, or .56 to the 1,000, kiln count. An allowance of f yd is often made; on this building it runs to 11-25 or a trifle less. Again you will find men who use too much sand as it mixes well with lime. Pressed brick does not take half of the foregoing allowance. Sand for paving, filling, etc, can be easily estimated in cy. WATER: Water has to be paid for in most cases. The Omaha rate is 7c per 1,000, kiln count, for tempering mortar and wetting brick; tempering mortar only, 2c; making mortar, 7c. In the first case mortar might be delivered from a mix- BRICKWORK 91 ing yard and require to be tempered only at building and in hot weather brick might have to be wet. For making mortar and wetting brick the rate is therefore 14c, which is too much. Contractors prefer a meter, which keeps the cost down to 4c. The Chicago rate is 5c per 1,000. PER CENT: Per cent of mortar in a cy of masonry: " Coarse brickwork, joints i to f, 35 to 40; ordinary, i to f, 25 to 30; pressed brick, , 10 to 15." As there are about 4.4 cf in a loose bbl of cement, and 27 cf in a cy of sand, it is easy to get the amount required for any given proportion of mortar. Thus 1 to 3 means 1 bbl of cement and 13 cf of sand. CARLOAD: A carload of lime in bulk may run from 130 to 230 bbls. MORTAR COLOR: On No. 2 with joints not less than f" 22 bbls were used for a surf of about 20,000 sq ft, openings being deducted. As face mortar is required only on the out- side course this means 1 bbl to 5,000 brick. With smaller joints a bbl will easily lay 6,000. This rate was recently used on 30,000 pressed brick. On a building recently erected 5,100' Ibs of red color was the quantity required for 80,000 brick, laid in the same size of joint at No. 2. This is on basis of 8,000 tc-Jbbl. For fine joints, the allowance to 5,000 is too large. For red, brown, and buff, one maker allows in his catalog 50 Ibs to the 1,000 for spread joints; for buttered joints, 45 Ibs. For black, 40 to 45 Ibs; and 25 to 35 buttered. A bbl of red contains 500 Ibs; brown, 450; buff, 425; black, 300 to 500. Red is about l^c per Ib; brown and buff, 2c; black, 3c. The weights are those of only one manufacturer. His allow- ances are too close ; but a good deal depends upon the shade. Half the proper quantity may be made to serve. Some con- tractors find that 1 bbl is sufficient for 8,000 brick. A good deal depends upon the mixer. A raw hand wastes material without improving the mortar. LABOR: The cost of laying the brick in No. 2 was too much,. but a common brick front was made to look as if it were pressed brick. In wall measure, openings deducted, and only actual contents taken, the cost throughout with laborers' wages included, waa "02 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR $4.20 per 1,000; in kiln count, $5.60. Wages wer? 45c and 17 to 18c per hour. This was at the rate of 1,150 brick far 1 man in a 9-hour day after laborers' wages were deducted. TRADESMEN AND LABORERS: Different buildings give different proportions of time for bricklayers and laborers, as some require much more scaffolding and hoisting than others; on this one, as far as figured, 5,350 hours of bricklayers took 8,280 hours of laborers, or about 2 of the one to 3 of the other. Sometimes 4 to 5 is the proportion. On a 1-story building with many angles, a recent proportion was 1,450 brick- layers' to 1,650 laborers' hours. DETAILS: There were special reasons for the high price of No. 2. All arches were of chipped brick, the soffits as well as the face, a good deal of fitting was necessary, and brick had often to be rechipped. Deep flat arches around the base- ment openings took up a good deal of time; rowlock arches over all other openings kept the men a long while, for it is far easier to lay brick upon a stone or steel lintel than to turn an arch and chip to suit; a large triple-arched, four-faced corridor not shown on the illustration took long enough to build a house; and the dentil cornice and tower ran the average much lower than it would have been on a plain build- ing. Extra time was taken in using two colors of mortar throughout. NUMBER LAID: But I once knew of buildings having alto- gether about 1,000,000 actual brick where the No. 2 average was not nearly reached. They were plain, with thick walls, without arches, towers, or heavy cornice, and with only one color of mortar, and yet on one the average for 8 hours was 50; on another, 750; on the best, 825. It ought to have been at least half as much more, for the buildings were low. It is as well to speak of one risk in an estimate that which comes from lazy bricklayers. There is a happy medium be- tween slave-driving and loafing. At the rate of even 800 brick per day this is only 100 per hour, or close to I T T TT per minute with a laborer and a quarter to assist. It seems that a trained bricklayer ought to be able to double this on plain work. PRICE: While at this part I asked a contractor who had done a great deal of warehouse work, " How much is it worth BRICKWORK 93 to lay 1,000 brick, kiln count, on warehouses at the 55c per hour rate?" "About $3.75." I asked another with large ex- perience and he allowed $4. On 1 building referred to, if put on a 55c basis, the rate was $7.90; on the other, $8.80; on the worst, $10.50. PRESSED AND COMMON BRICK: Although the price of lay- ing pressed brick is given further on it is next to impossible to get the two kinds separated. A better way is to lump all brick together and get the average. I know of several large build- ings with $ to \ of pressed brick; and the average of the first flats was 1,200; the second, heavy walls practically on ground level, was 1,450, the third, with 4 fronts, 4 stories, of pressed brick, 1,240. This means from $4.75 to $5.75 per 1,000, kiln count, and $2.90 to $3.90 wall measure. With- out pressed brick $4 would have been sufficient. PRICE: It was said in another part of this book that $3 per 1,000, wall measure, was a reasonable amount to allow on plain work in addition to the cost of the brick laid down. This seems small after the 800 rate is thought of; but a good deal of extra cement work on the basement of No. 9 was done at this figure. But $3.50 to $5 extra is not unreasonable after openings and corners are deducted. On No. 2 there are 750,000 brick. At $6.50 for brick, and, at the 45c rate, $2.50 for laying we have $9,000, there being 1,000,000 kiln count. Brick, $4,775, lime, say, 700 bbls at 90c, $6.30; sand, 400 yds at 70c, $2.80; leaving for labor $3,315, or $4.42 per 1,000, kiln count. The work was figured at a higher rate for arches, cornices, etc, and for laying the basement in natural cement which is worth at least 50c per 1,000 extra. ON FLATS AND SHOPS: On flats, stores, dwellings, halls, etc, the price must be set to suit the class of work with an average basis of 750. There are the extremes of $3.75 and $10.50 on common brick. Before establishing your price in all cases consult the bricklayers. The average on No. 7 was not more than 1,000. On some days 600 was nearer the mark. QUICK WORK: But if we have looked at them while they were playing do not let us forget that they can also work. On the heavy footings and basement walls of a warehouse 94 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR built in the best way, each bricklayer laid 3,200 brick in an 8-hour day; and on another basement this figure was exceeded. No one expects this rate clear to the roof, for above the heavy footings it means poor workmanship, but play at 62c per hour is unbecoming. WAREHOUSES: In heavy warehouse work with common brick fronts 1,800 ought to be laid; and, if not too far from ground, 2,000 need not be considered miraculous. With 9" walls 1,000 is enough. About 1,200 for ordinary plain work is a fair allowance. The higher the building the more ex- pensive do scaffolding, hoisting and tending become. ENGINEERING: In engineering with heavy piers and walls, 1,800 ought to be laid in cement and shoved. Work properly shoved is worth not only 50c per 1,000 extra, but a good deal more to the owner. A brick is laid down in a full bed of mortar a few inches from the last one in place and shoved close. The joint is necessarily full nearly to the top and the small space is filled with the next bed if not before. Al- though specified the work is sometimes not done.. PASSENGER STATIONS: A passenger station with 76,500 extra large brick was recently laid at the rate of 56 per hour per man throughout. This included a fairly good pressed front of the same brick selected. With short, thin walls, angles, corners, arches, etc, this was a fair rate, which might have been better. But there is a difference between a building of this kind and a warehouse. I know of 2 other passenger stations where each man in 10 tours laid 250 to 270 pressed brick as an average, and also backed up with a 9" wall. With short runs, jambs, and arches, this was a fair day's work, for it averaged about 650 brick. With long, straight, thick walls the number would have been increased 50%. I know of a small freight depot, however, which cost for labor alone, $29 per 1,000, kiln count, where the small cement shed cost $375, and the " engineering," $350. MACHINES: Bricklaying machines are on the market, but the perfect one is not yet so far west as Nebraska, and there are no figures at hand. BRICKWORK 95 SIZE: In Scotland brick contain about 50% more ci than here. In making comparisons as to number laid per day this is sometimes forgotten. But few brick are used there. In the north of England brick buildings are the rule. PRESSED BRICK FRONTS: A common way to estimate this work for a fair quantity of material is to get the price of the common brick in the regular way without making any deduction for the outside course, and then to add the cost of the pressed brick laid down at the building. It may be said that to lay brick worth $15 does not require more work than at $25, and that therefore the rule is not fair; but in general the higher price of the pressed brick the finer the quality of the work has to be to suit the architect, who puts on ornament enough to correspond with the value of the material. FINE FRONTS: Fine residences with ornamental pressed brick fronts should be allowed at the full thickness of common brick, then the price of the pressed brick added, and finally $20 per 1,000 extra on the pressed brick for labor. It is well for those who estimate on ornamental work to understand that it is worth this price, which seems excessive, but which has been proved by results to be reasonable and sometimes risky. Sunk panels, projecting brick, corbels, etc, are very costly. With jambs, corners, moulded arches, buttresses with bases and caps to dream about, with' chimney-caps when they are reached after a long delay and trouble without end there is no money in this kind of work unless it is done on a per- centage, which is about the only proper way to do it, and then the chief sufferer is the owner who deserves to be punished for his folly. Between the extremes of $12 for " culls," and $50 extra for the brick on a house where a dreary architect constructs decoration instead of decorating construc- tion you have your choice. Between lazy bricklayers and artistic architects the lot of a contractor is not a happy one. FIRE-BRICK: Fire-brick and enameled brick are estimated in the same way. Enameled brick take a little more time than pressed brick. DOUBLE FACE WORK: When a wall has fine face-brick on both sides allow 10% extra after the other allowances are 96 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR made. On one of the heaviest buildings in Omaha the Burlington station the contractor paid a proportionate price for work of this kind. Do not look for mercy after a contract is signed. " Business is business." NUMBER LAID: A bricklayer ought to lay from 400 to 500 common pressed brick in an 8-hour day but if he sometimes lays only 650 ordinary brick in a long, thick wall, why expect too much when he goes to the front? The best system is to include pressed brick with common and take the average. Some figures on large work have already been given. FLEMISH BOND: It is worth from $3 to $4 per 1,000 extra to lay brick in Flemish bond. VENEERING: Allow 400 for one man in a day. The 1st story of No. 10 is veneered. WASHING: To properly wash a building and point the joints is worth 3c per sq ft. Allow 1 gall of muriatic acid to 500 sq ft, and dilute with rain water. CHIPPED BRICK: In some parts there is a liking for chipped brick. It looks well on a basement, on arches, bands, etc, but not all over the face of a building. The cost of chipping is $2 for a reasonable quantity. Sometimes the price is $2.50; it was once $3. All reveals, corners, soffits of arches, etc, have to be returned, and it is necessary, to have this under- standing with the chipper if the work is done by the piece. The basement and other parts of No. 2 are covered with the triumph. It takes about as much time to lay it as it does for a cheap pressed brick. NUMBER OF ACTUAL BRICK LAID PER HOUR BY (1) BRICKLAYER AND (1%) LABORER : Plain heaviest work in cement 400 Engineering work (heavy piers)" 300 Warehouse, above grade, lime and cement .. ..220 to 160 Railroad shops and m'f'g b'ld'gs (high walls) 120 Stores and flats, common pressed brick 130 Stores and flats, common brick only 190 Heavy walls, pressed brick, 1 story 160 Small passenger stations, fair pressed brick 60 Veneering 40 Best pressed brick panel work, etc 40 CHAPTER VI MUNICIPAL WORK A building contractor is sometimes obliged to put in a bid on a class of work that does not properly belong to bis de- partment. The following figures will be of some use as a check on his own estimate. They are mostly prices paid by the city of Omaha at various periods. Of course a mile of paving can be done at a cheaper rate than 100 sq yds. In this city awards were made as follows: PAVING TABLE Sheet asphaltum, 5 yrs guarantee $1.59 sq yd Vitrified brick, 1 yr guarantee, (concrete base) . . 1.97 Disintegrated granite, 3 yrs 1.20 Bedford limestone, curbing 65 If Colorado sandstone, curbing 70 Berea sandstone, curbing 61 Asphaltic curbing 60 Artificial stone curbing 45 Artificial stone combined curb and gutter 57 In this city, as the result of a fight, some low bids were received. The specifications were as follows: Asphalt, class B, 5" concrete, 1* binder, 1J asphalt; class E, repaying with 1$" of binder and 1^ of asphalt on broken stone. VITRIFIED BRICK: Class C, repaving on broken stone. STONE: Class A, blocks 8 to 12" long, 3 to 5 wide, 6 to 6* deep, laid on 6" of concrete; class C, repaving. Disintegrated granite, 6" deep. The lowest bids were: Asphalt, class B, 5 yrs, $1.59; class E, 5 yrs, $1.47 to $1.55. One company asked 20c per yd extra for a 10 yr guarantee. But in Aug., 1902, new bids were received for No. 1 asphalt, $2.25; No. 2, $1.99; and for vit brick, $1.98, or with cement grouting, $2.08. BRICK: Class C, 1 yr, $1.16 to $1.24 vit block Purington or Galesburg class C, 1 yr, $1.24 to $1.50. STONE: Class A, 1 yr, $2.20 to $2.35; class C, 1 yr $1.70. 97 98 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR DISINTEGRATED GRANITE: $1.43 to $1.46 for 1 yr. The following table is compiled from an " Abstract of Pav- ing," for city. Labor might be higher or lower in other cities than Omaha. The " District " price is taken, as the " Inter- section " is practically the same. The quantities run from 3,000 to 17,000 yds. PAVING TABLE Material Deptl Vit paving block 4" i Foundation old Depth Price peryd $1.36 Guar Yrs 1 Vit paving block 4" Vit paving block 4" sand and concrete . . old 1 and 6 1.86 1.65 1 1 Vit paving block 4" Sheet- asphaltum. 1J sand and concrete . . old 1 and 6 2.08 1.50 5 5 Sheet asphaltum. 2 concrete 6 1.60 5 Sheet asphaltum li concrete 5 1.67 5 Sheet asphaltum 2 concrete 6 2.05 5 Sheet asphaltum. 1J Sheet asohaltum. 2 binder and concrete concrete.. li and 6 6 1.59 1.95 5 5 AVERAGE A fair average is found by taking in a period of several years, and the following figures from contracts may be compared with those already given: PAVING AND CURBING TABLE Asphalt on 5" concrete, $1.85 to $1.91. Purington Block on 5" concrete, li" sand, $2.12 to $2.17. Grouting. All bids lOc per sq yd. 365 Cy concrete base, $5 to $6. Artificial Curb, 120 sq inches of section, 48 to 60c If. Artificial Curb, 90 sq inches of section, 40 to 55c If. Gutter and Artificial Curb, 138 sq inches of section, 65 to 75c If. Bedford Curb, 75 to SOc If. Resetting of Curb, 15 to 25c If. Artificial Curved Curb, $1.05 to $1.35 If. Grading, per cy, 25 to 40c. New Gutter, $2.20 to $2.60. New Gutter, relaying, $1.25 to $2.00. MUNICIPAL WORK 99 BRICK PAVING Brick paving is becoming more popular every year; and contractors often lay it themselves instead of subletting it, as they are likely to do with asphalt and stone. It is there- fore worth while to set down a few figures for use in making out bills of material. SIZE: The No. of brick varies according to size. Out of 14 specimens received in an Eastern city from different yards, took 59 to sq yd; 2, 55; and the others, 46, 48, 51, 58, 60,. 65, 68, 69, and 75. The average is 59; but of course an average is useless with such variation in. size. No. TO YDS: As there are so manv sizes it is necessary to get the number to the sq yd for each size separately. Perhaps the best way is to take a large space, say, 100 brick long and 50 wide and by dividing by the No. of sq yds, obtain the average. The disadvantage of taking an exact sq yd is that even figures may not cover the space. Allow \" for sand or other joint filler in 1 side and end before estimating. The joints are likely to be as much larger than as to make up for waste which is small with good material. Paving brick are laid on edge on most streets. For brick of the national size allow on edge; 62; on flat, 36. The -Purington Block Galesburg brick used for street paving takes 45. The price is about $22; the size, 3 to 3J thick, 8 to 8| long, and 4" deep. Good sidewalk brick may be bought for $13, or even $10 in some localities. PAVING PRICES: In "The Engineering News," of New York, N. Y., some interesting figures are given for 38,504 yc 5 of brick paving in Champaign, 111. Concrete base was 6" in the proportion of 1, 3, 3 with H" of sand on top and then brick paving blocks, 1,000 of which laid 25 yds. The contract price was $1.29. The actual cost for 1 sq yd was:- grading, .10; concrete base, .3985; brick, .7587, a total of $1.2572, or about $1.26. The labor on base was 5.8c; on brick 8.87c. Concrete curbing and gutter contract was 46c; actual cost of labor and material, 39c; labor, 26.17c. PLATFORMS: The following figures have been tested on large platforms by the Northwestern Railroad Company: 100 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR The size of brick varies from 2i" to 2f " thick, 4" to 4i" wide and 8" to 8|" long. No. to yd, 38$ to 39 on flat; 55$ and 60 to 73 on edge. COST: Cost is from $7.50 to $10 per 1,000 without freight. LABOR: The cost of laying on flat was less than 8c per yd; on edge, from lie to 15c. But this is merely the laying, no filling being allowed, as the depth varies. From 20c to 30c per cy ought to do the filling. PILLING: Approx for grading and filling 20c per sq yd. LABOR: On a surf of 742 sq 'yds laid with Purington the labor ran to IOC per yd for unloading from cars, and 25c for laying. On street paving the allowance for Purington is 3,000 per day for 1 man. CELLARS: Cellars run to about 5c per sq yd for labor on flat. On cinder base 6", and sand 1", brick floors are often averaged at 10 to 14c per sq ft. OROUTING: If brick are grouted with cement add lOc per yd; bids are received at this figure. SIDEWALKS: The lowest bids ever received by the city for permanent sidewalks ran to 10. 4c for hard brick, but not such material as is used on roadway; and 14.75c for cement per sq ft. This was in competition; but by referring to concrete floors, end of Chap. Ill, it will be seen that cement walks were laid at practically the same figure, although cement has risen $1 a bbl. Ordinary walks were 14c for cement, and 10. 7c for brick. Minneapolis had a Purington bid for pressed brick paving at $1 per yd. On sidewalk work one man and a helper should lay about 3,000 brick; but a good deal depends upon the state of the ground, as preparation is often half the battle. NEW YORK PRICES: Of course prices vary in different sections of the country. A technical journal of New York states that in a fair competition bids were received in that city for $250,000 worth of asphalt paving. They ran from $1.08 to $1.12 per sq yd. In former years the figure was $1.76 under Tammany, $3.80 to $5.86. Possibly the writer was paint- ing Tammany too black. The above prices were said to be MUNICIP/U, /$r(RK ; J 101 the lowest ever received in New York perhaps in the whole country. A New York average for granite block, tar and gravel joints, and also for sandstone, cement joints, was $2.80; 3" wood block, $1.75; 4", $2.20. Granite block sometimes runs to $3.25. CEDAR BLOCK: In the boom days Omaha laid 25 miles of cedar block paving on a plank or concrete base It served for about 5 years and then went to wreck. Repaving not with cedar block has been done on 19 miles, and the other 6 are in a state of noxious desuetude. The original price was $1.7u per yd. Asphalt at that time was about $3. Cedar block on plank and. gravel is now worth about $1 per yd. On gravel alone 75c. BRICK SEWERS: The material can be easily estimated if they are circular. Mult the average diam by 3.1416 or 3f, and treat the result as a straight brick wall of 9, 13, 17", or what- ever thickness it may be. To get the number of brick the inside diam of each ring should be taken, for the brick joint is of the average size there, while on the outer margin of the 4$" ring it has to be increased owing to the radial line. Suppose a sewer 300' long, 3' inside diam, with 3 rings or 13" thick. The average diam is 3'-9", for this is the inside diam of the middle ring. Mult by 3.1416 we have a wall fully ll'-9" high, which contains in wall measure, 79,515 brick. By the separate ring process the 3' diam at 4$" thick equals 7 brick or 21,206; the inside diam of next ring is 3'-9" or 26,507; inside diam of outside ring is 4'-6" or 31,807; a total of 79,520 in wall measure. See Chap V for actual number re- quired. Better brick are used for sewer than for ordinary building work. They are usually $1 per 1,000 more. For about half of the height on the inside ring where the water flows the brick should be extra hard. More cement is needed for sewers than for a straight wall. The joints are wider on the outer diam, and the inside has to be plastered. Whatever section is used, circular or elliptical, it is only necessary to get the distance around the inside and then pro- ceed as for a common brick wall. Bricklayers' wages are $1 per hour for work of this kind. They often have to work in water. A man will lay on an average 2,500 brick in a day. 102 I c/c V tTTIE ' JNEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR SEWER PRICES An Omaha price for city sewers, 2 ring, 15' deep was: 36", per If, $3.55; 42, $4.35; 54, $4.60; 66, $5.60. The manholes are extra at same price at those for pipe sewers. The brick bids from 6 contractors ran as follows and, as with all bids for city work, profit is included: 2-ring, 4'-8" diam, 900', natural cement, from $4.80 to $6.20 per If, average, $5.39; Port, from $5.20 to $6.65, aver, $5.83. 2-ring, 5'-10", 620', nat, $5.95 to $7, average, $6.56; Port, $6.30 to $8.40, aver, $7.23. 2-ring, 6', 480', nat, $6.05 to $7.25, aver, $6.59; Port, $6.60 to $8.40, aver, $7.29. 2-ring, 6'-2", 381', nat, $6.25 to $7.43, aver, $6.82; Port, $6.95 to $9, aver, $7.73. 3-ring, 6'-4", 330', nat, $8.20 to $11, aver, $9.37; Port, $9 to $11.50, aver, $10.11. 3-ring, 6'-6", 480', nat, $8.50 to $11.25, aver, $9.56; Port, $9.58 to $12, aver, $10.42. Manholes to 10' high ran in nat from $1.80 per If to $3.50, aver, $2.89; Port, $2 to $3.70, aver, $3.20. MACHINE EXCAVATION: Excavation for large sewers is worth from 50 to 60c per cy in dry soil. But the most progress- ive people now do such excavating with a machine. " The Scientific American " recently gave some illustrations of one at work in Moorestown, N. J., trenching for a sewer system. With the new machine 5 men can dig a ditch 4' deep and 60' long every hour. It is not necessary to cut the trench as wide as with hand labor it is cut to suit the size of the pipe; and it can cut 6" deep to 12'. The earth has not to be handled several times over. One illustration shows the pipe in place ready for backfilling; another shows a man in uniform standing on the bridge like the captain of an Atlantic liner. Some machines do work for 5c per cu yd, in trenches, base- ments, etc. Now the United States Government is using an excavating machine in the reclamation of swamp lands. It digs ditches at the rate of 1400 cy per day with only two men in charge. MUNICIPAL WORK 103 SEWER PIPE: The following table gives the "Abstract." prices on sewer pipe laid. The various contracts ran from 300 to about 4,000 ft. The totals were 1,486' of 10" inlet pipe, which is in general a trifle lower in price than the straight work; 8,500' of 8"; 11,493 of 10"; 5,332, 12; 2,238, 15; 291, 18; 963, 20; 1,071, 21. Two contracts were let for 15" 70c per ft for 7.55' deep, and 91c for 7.5. One contract for 18" was $1.21 at 7.5' deep. One contract for 20", $1.44 at 13.75' deep. One for 21", $1.52 at 10' deep. For 24", $1.96; 30", $3.17. The tile bids for 15" ran from $1.04 to $1.38 in nat; and $1.12 to $1.40 in Port for 1,554'; for 18", 165', nat, $1,78 to $2.50; Port, $1.84 to $2.53; 21", 825', $1.98 to $2.25; and $2.05 to $2.30. 8-in Price in cents Average depth in ft 10-in Price in cents Average depth in ft 12-in Price in cents Average depth in ft 51 11.5 60 12 70 12 53 12.5 69 16 99 14.75 89 12.25 60 11.25 65 *7 52 11.55 60 10.2 69 12.9 51 9.37 59 8.85 54 8.25 55 13.3 63 13.5 66 10.4 67 12 57 12.4 62 11 47 11 61 12.5 52 9.7 63 13.2 46 11 49 12 The average is not reliable owing to variations in depth, but it is interesting. On the 8" the aver on 11 contracts was 55.46c for a depth of 11.47'; on 10, 61.33c for 12.21 deep; on 12, 69.3c for 10.9 deep. MANHOLES: In connection with the sewers there were 503 vertical ft of manholes. The lowest price per ft was $3.15; the aver, $3.38; the highest, $3.81. FLUSH TANK: There were also 226 vert ft of flush tank with an average price of $5.43; the highest price was $9; the lowest, $4.35. On one contract for 12.7 ft the price was $9; eliminating this the general aver was $5.21. LEAD AND IRON: From 75 to 80c was charged for 463 ft of lead pipe; 43,619 Ibs of cast iron ran from 3 to 4c. 104 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CONCRETE SEWER: On a 13'-6" concrete sewer, built in Cleveland, Ohio, it was found that a gang of eight men put 13 cy in place per day. LARGE BRICK SEWERS: In Omaha, Neb., some large 4-ring brick sewers were let: lO'-O" diam, per foot $21. ll'-3" diam, per foot $26.70. 12'-0" diam, per foot $26.43. 7'-6"xl6' (I bins and masonry), $58 to $76. Concrete per cy, $7 to $8. REINFORCED SEWERS, ETC. So much reinforced and brick sewer work is now done that the following prices will be very serviceable for approximate estimating. They are from " The Engineering News." BIDS RECEIVED AT DENVER, COLO., FOR VARIOUS SEWERS 325 If 4'x6' reinforced concrete sewer, per ft $6.50 702 If 4'x5' reinforced concrete sewer, per ft 6.00 11 If 4'x5' reinforced concrete sewer, under tracks, per ft. . 15.50 20 If 4' 6" brick in concrete sewer under tracks, per ft 14.00 12 If 4' c-i pipe in concrete sewer under tracks, per ft 21.00 25 If 24" vit pipe in concrete sewer under tracks, per ft. ... 6.00 10 If 21" vit pipe in concrete sewer under tracks, per ft. ... 5.80 1,139 If 4' 6" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft. 4.80 985 If 4' 4" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 4.70 863 If 4' 2" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 4.60 566 If 4' 0" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 4.35 3,827 If 3' 8" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft . . . 3.80 1,213 If 3' 6" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 3.65 1,768 If 3' 4" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 3.50 3,482 If 3' 2" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 3.40 3,557 If 3' 0" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 3.35 773 If 2' 10" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 2.90 3,470 If 2' 8" circular 2-ring brick sewer, per ft 2.80 2,670 If 30" vit pipe sewer, per ft 2.90 4,362 If 27" vit pipe sewer, per ft 2.30 24" vit pipe sewer 1.75 10,109 If 21" vit pipe sewer, per ft 1.50 18,944 If 18" vit pipe sewer, per ft 1.10 23,057 If 15" vit pipe sewer, per ft 83 130 If 12" vit pipe sewer, per ft .65 15,655 If 10" vit pipe sewer, per ft 60 1,165 If 8" vit pipe sewer, per ft 51 MUNICIPAL WORK 105 378 brick manholes, each $32.50 112 sq yd sandstone block pavement (relay), per yd 2.00 270 sq yd macadam pavement, per yd 1.50 2,334 sq yd disintegrated granite pavement, per yd .60 TOTALS $220,596 SHEETING AND BRACING: A sewer 4,000' long was built in soft soil at Gary, Ind., in 1908. Depth ran from 18' to 30'. An interesting and useful item is the cost of sheeting and bracing the trench. This was 63c per If. The total cost per If of sewer was as follows: Excavation by machine, $0.58; excavation by hand, $3.15; sheeting, $0.63; pumping, $1.84; hauling materials, $0.87; laying, $2.61; back- filling by hand, $0.18; backfilling by machine, $0.44; materials, $3.53; organization and general, $0.68; depreciation, repairs, cost of setting up machines, etc (estimated), $1.50; cost of making 3 railroad crossing, $2,500 (estimated), $0.58; total, $16.59. Aver size 7'-0" circular, 2 ring, and 6'-9"x9'-0' oval. Price of sewer-pipe: 3-inch 6c 10-inch 25c 20-inch $1.00 4-inch 8c 12-inch 32c 24-inch 1 . 35 6-inch 12c 15-inch 50c 30-inch 2.40 8-inch 18c 18-inch 70c Ells and bands run about 3 to 4 times more than straight pipe. CURBING: More than 3 miles of curbing were laid in 8 contracts. Colorado sandstone ran from 65 to 70c; Bedford limestone, 67c; artificial stone curb, 75c; art stone curb and gutter, 47c, 50, 57. STEEL CORNER BARS: More than a million feet of galv steel corner bars have been used for protecting the edges of concrete curbs. The cost of the bar, and the necessary ties to hold it in place, is about 20c per If. CREOSOTED BLOCK PAVING: Minneapolis has recently laid a good deal of creosoted block paving. The price on a 6" concrete base is from $2.50 to $2.90. This paving has been much used in some European cities. It is made of tamarack, 106 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Norway or Southern pine, and is far superior to the cedar block paving. A NEBRASKA VIADUCT was paved with this material but the base was not included. Material, $1.46 Labor, .44 $1.90 Contractor's profit included. CULVERTS: At Pittsburg a culvert of 26' span was built as below. The exact cost was published in the "Engineering Record," of New York, N. Y. The cost of 1,439 yds was $7,- 243.24, or $5.04 per yd. The detailed figures are a trifle less. MATERIAL Coarse gravel, 19c per ton, 1 .03 tons $0.19$ Fine era vel, 21c per ton, 0.40 tons .08$ Sand, 36c per ton, . 32 tons 11$ Cement, $1.60 per bbl 1.53$ Lumber 43 Tools and expenses 07| LABOR 2 - 43 * Preparing site and cleaning up $0.21 Porms 28 Platforms and bldgs 05 Changing trestle work, train, and derrick 08$ Excavation 31 .Handling material 03| .Mixing and laying concrete 1.44 2.41J $4.85 Laborers, 15$c per hour; carpenters, 22$ to 25c; foreman mason, 40c. Hand mixing, 1 to 8 and 1 to 10. The cost of some Ohio city work in detail is given for use .as follows: MUNICIPAL WORK 107 No. 1: AN ABUTMENT and 6 piers for a bridge. Coffer dams, sand, and stone close to site. Concrete, 1,542 yds, cost $6.45 at the following rates: Cement ($2.10) $1.58 Sand 35 Stone 75 Lumber 64 Tools 20 Pumping .15 Labor ($1.75) 2.78 $6.45 No. 2: TWO ABUTMENTS, 434 YDS, $6.08. Cement ($1.70) $1.48 Sand 64 Stone 1.00 Lumber 40 Tools 06 Mixing and placing 1.13 Forms 25 $4.96 Excavating in rock or shale, not really to be charged to concrete 1.12 $6.08 No. 3: VIADUCT PEDESTALS 8' to 20' HIGH, 570 YDS, $7.16. Cement ($1.60) $1.40 Sand 53 Stone 1.84 Lumber 38 Tools 05 Labor 2.96 $7.16 No. 4: PIER 56' HIGH, ABUTMENTS AND PEDESTALS, 2,111 YDS, $7.23. Cement ($1.60) $1.44 Sand 60 Stone 1.03 Lumber 54 Tools .25 Water 03 Labor 3.44 $7.23 The following tables are taken from "Reinforced Concrete Construction," by Carver, David Williams Co., 50c. 108 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR ITEMIZED COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE ARCHES TO CARRY 55-TON INTERURBAN CARS Cost of 50' Span 28' Wide, Reinforced Concrete Arch Steel, 27,700 Ibs at 2c $692.50 Steel Placing, 27,700 at Ic 277.00 Formwork at $1.00 per cy of concrete.. 370.00 Cement, 481 bbls at $2.00 962.00 Sand, 185 cy at $1.00 185.00 Stone, 370 cy at $2.00 740.00 Mixing and placing 370 cy at $1.50 555.00 $3,781.50 Incidentals add 15% 567.22 $4,348.72 Profits add 10% 434.87 $4,783.59 Cost of Reinforced Concrete Arch, 75' Span 28' Wide Steel, 38,800 Ibs at 2c 970.00 Placing Steel, 38,800 at Ic 388.00 Formwork at $1.00 per cy of concrete.. 740.00 Cement, 962 bbls at $2.00 1,924.00 Sand, 370 cy at $1.00 370.00 Stone, 740 cy at $2.00 1,480.00 Mixing and placing 740 cy at $1.50 1,110.00 $6,982.00 Incidentals add 15% 1,047.30 $8,029.30 Profit add 10% 802.93 "$8,832.23 Cost of Reinforced Arch, 100' Span 28' Wide Steel, 55,650 Ibs at 2c $1,391.25 Placing Steel, 55,650 Ibs at Ic 556.50 Formwork at $1.00 per cy 1,008.00 Cement, 1,310 bbls at $2.00 2,620.00 Sand, 504 cy at $1.00 504.00 Stone, 1,008 cy at $2.00 2,016.00 Mixing and placing 1,008 cy at $1.50 1,512.00 $9,607.75 Incidentals add 15% , 1,441.16 $11,048.91 Profit add 10% 1,104.89 $12,153.80 MUNICIPAL WORK 109 CO 00 00 CO O OS q O * CO -H H c^ I-H TJH O ^ co o o *o o O C5 Tf *O wtf^^aa $ g 5SSP 110 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR i- IO rH rH rH rH O O CO rH C^ TjH CO 1C O *O CC CO rH CO i-l rH CO C^ O O rH rH CS rH O rH ^ U ^ CO 00 CO Tj p 8 Si I S* OC ^ o _c I 1 rH rH (M M O O ~ O N Kj O O N I X . W 5 o "O ^"5 ^5 Jo^o^o w of i-ToTco 1 o"rH (Q rHOq rH ^ :s : : : : : 3 3.5.S.S.S.5.5 crjSJiiJS o" cr cr cr cr cr cr 3.S.S.S.S.S.S.S H a o o^ E S1 : : W)QQ "O ~ bfi |bg :.|g)g |^ V ! ! '. '. rH Ol * 1C CO I> ^* 2 : : :%%%%%% 2 Ilb111g||||i||mlli' CQ HWQ^fflO^OO^^O^^HW<1oSOi * O S ^ Q} : pt ^ P* & ' Q'C-'C'G'C'G'CJS MUNICIPAL WORK 111 CO O I-H en c 5 c hJ U O *- T3 0) o go ^03 03^ = .S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S.S SsSSe.S^flegS a ws s ^ a a 3 ^ a s & 4s ^ a. 5 a a * ja a 2 o < 2 CQ CHAPTEE VII FIREPROOFING: TILE: REINFORCED CONCRETE " Few probably realize that during the first quarter of 1908 the value of buildings destroyed by fire practically equaled the contemplated new construction during these three months, and these figures do not, of course, include the Chelsea fire in Boston on April 12. A careful compilation of fire losses published month by month estimates the total losses for the first three months of 1908 at $64,795,600. During the same time the estimated cost of new buildings, according to plans filed in the larger cities of this country, which represents prob- ably between 80 and 90% of the total construction, aggregated $64,796,850." We shall have to leave the experts to quarrel over what is and what is not fireproofing. We have tile men who declare that a wall or floor of ex-metal and concrete is a delusion and a snare; and they furnish photographs of building wrecks to support their theory; and on the side of systems other than terra-cotta, porous tile, etc, there are those who tell us that the days of the hollow tile arch are gone and point to many fine modern buildings put up with ex metal construction. One thing is certain; we ought to build more fireproof buildings. While No. 2, which is fireproofed, was under con- struction a large portion of the state penitentiary was destroyed by fire: and shortly after that a state building at Norfolk went up in flames and came down in ashes. Both were of wood construction; and the loss on these two alone would have nearly fireproofed all the non-fireproof buildings belonging to the state of Nebraska. In a great fire at Council Bluffs, Iowa, a large school for the deaf and dumb was burnt to the ground. About the satne time another expensive Iowa building was destroyed. In another $300,000 damage was done to the state capitol. These are only a few instances taken from this one neighborhood in a short period, but they show the folly and danger of erecting certain classes of buildings in the old style. The Irpquois theater horror may easily be duplicated any day. 112 FIREPROOFING : TILE I REINFORCED CONCRETE 113 One of the most reckless ways of investing money now is to put it into an office building of wood construction; one of the most risky things from the business point of view is to fill such a building with valuable records. FIRE LOSS: The annual property losses in the U. S. run to $180,000,000. Albany, N. Y., with less than 100,000 popu- lation burns more than Berlin with 1,800,000 but Berlin does her own fire insurance and has strict building laws. Baltimore burned up $100,000,000 in a day and night. San Francisco lost far more by fire than by earthquake. In 1905 the loss in the U. S. was about $185,000,000; in 1906, $459,710, 000, but San Francisco lost $280,000,000 of this. This is a per capita loss of $5 for the U. S. and Canada; Germany is 49c; Switzerland, 30c; France, 30c; Austria, 29c; Denmark, 26c; Italy. 12c. CF COST: No. 2, which is only a $40,000 shell, cost with tile fireproofing about 14c per cf. COMPARATIVE COST: It may be said that approximately fireproofing costs from 10 to 25% more than the regular con- struction. It is worth 50% more in safety, durability, and lower insurance rates. The cost of ex metal fireproofing as compared with wood construction is given by the official pub- lication of the companies as from 8 to 20% more. In 1905 "Fireproof Magazine," Chicago, published some valuable statistics comparing the two systems, which I include here by courtesy. The Keeley Company had put up some buildings at Dwight, 111. They cost $150,000, and were de- stroyed by a great fire. The architect (Mr. Fitzpatrick) suggested strictly fireproof structures. The hotel was to be 137x138, three stories and basement. The detailed estimates are as follows: ORDINARY CONSTRUCTION Excavating 3,000 yds at 25c per yd $750.00 Concrete Foundations and Walls, 21,000' at 20c per cf 4,200.00 Concrete Porch Cols, 18, at $100 each 1,800.00 Concrete Floors in Basement, 10,000' at 15c per ft.. 1,500.00 Concrete Floor Deadening, 26,000' at 3c per ft 780.00 Common Brick, 500,000 at $12.00 per M 6,000.00 Pressed Brick, 15.000 at $50.00 per M 750.00 Paving Brick, 125,000 at $23.00 per M 2,875.00 Terra Cotta Work 4,800.00 114 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Ordinary Construction Continued Cleaning Brick and Terra Gotta Work 500.00 Iron Cols, Interior Building 3,500.00 ut Stone 2,700.00 Rough Carpentry, 250,000' of Framing at $30.00 per M 7,500.00 Mill Work Complete, Including Trim, Stairs, and Finished Floors, Glazing, Painting, and Oiling, Complete 24,200.00 Hardware 1,800.00 Roofing and Flashing 1,185.00 Sheet Metal Work 2,100.00 Plastering on Lath, 17,500 yds at 30c per yd 5,250.00 Mosaic Floors, 8,333' at 60c per ft 5,000.00 Marble Work 1,335.40 Scagliola 1,950.00 Steam Cooking Apparatus 1,250.00 Refrigeration 785.00 Steam Heating (Exclusive of Boilers) 5,700.00 Electric Wiring and Telephones 3,450.00 Plumbing 7,500.00 Window and Door Screens 1,200.00 Electric Light Fixtures 2,500.00 Total $102,860.40 Architect's Fees and Superintendence 10,286.04 Grand Total $113,146.44 This is about 12c per cf, or $6 per sq ft of ground area. FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION Excavating 3,000 yds at 25c per yd $750.00 Concrete Foundations and Walls, 21,000' at 20c per ft 4,200.00 Concrete Porch Cols, 18, at $100 each 1,800.00 Concrete Floors in Basement, 10,000' at 15c per ft. . 1,500.00 Concrete Filling over Floor Arches, 26,000' at 5c per ft 1,300.00 Common Brick, 500,000 at $12.00 per M 6,000.00 Pressed Brick, 15,000 at $50.00 per M 750.00 Paving Brick, 125,000 at $23.00 per M 2,875.00 Terra Cotta Work 4,800.00 Cleaning Brick and Terra Cotta Work 500.00 Structural Steel and Iron Work 19,721.51 Iron Stairs and Ornamental Work 8,900.00 Rough Carpentry 2,500.00 Mill Work Complete, Including Trim, Glazing, and Painting, all Complete, (Exclusive of Finished Floors and Base) 16,500.00 Hardware 1,800.00 Roofing and Flashing 1,180.00 Sheet Metal Work 2,100.00 FIREPROOFING : TILE: REINFORCED CONCRETE 115 Plastering, 17,500 yds on tile at 22c per yd 3,850.00 Cut Stone 2,705.00 Mosaic Floors, 8,333' at 60c per ft 5,000.00 Marble Work 1,335.40 Scagliola 1,950.00 Steam Cooking Apparatus 1,250.00 Refrigeration 785.00 Fireproof Floor Arches, Partitions, Etc 16,500.00 Steam Heating (Exclusive of Boilers) 5,700.00 Electric Wiring and Telephones 3,450.00 Plumbing 7,500.00 Window and Door Screens 1,200.00 Electric Light Fixures 2,500.00 Monolith Floors, 29,000' at 18c per ft 5,220.00 Monolith Base, 8,524' at 25c per ft 2,131.00 Total $138,252.91 Architect's Fees and Superintendence 13,825.29 Grand Total $152,078.20 This is about 16c per cf, or $8.05 per sq ft of ground area. The architect says : " This shows an apparent difference be- tween the cost of the different modes of construction of $38,931.76, but it must be borne in mind that the building con- structed after the ordinary methods should carry insurance for an amount equal to 75% of its cost, while if constructed from fireproof materials, being an isolated building, it will not be necessary to have it insured at all, except as to its contents, as there are absolutely no combustible materials in its makeup, except the doors and trim, all of its structural parts, including all of the floors, being absolutely non-com- "bustible. The rate of insurance upon this building , if erected with ordinary construciton, will be $1.50 per $100 insurance per annum; 75% of $113,146.44 is $84,859.83; 1*% of this amount, the annual premium, is $1,272.90. To produce this premium at the present value of money it would be neces- sary to invest $25,458 at 5% per annum. This amount added to $113,146.44 equals $138,604.44, so that the real difference of .the cost of the building, if constructed of fireproof materials, over the cost of construction by ordinary methods is only $13,473.76, or in other words, 9.72%." The fireproof system was wisely chosen. Another table for a good second class building in a big city is this one with percentages: 116 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR I fe FIREPROOFING : TILE: REINFORCED CONCRETE 117 OTHER INSTANCES CITED ARE: Fireproof Ordinary 2 Apartment Houses 23ic 21|c Fine Residence 26c 28c Warehouse, Slow Burning, 13c; 16c ll^c Theater 33c 30 T 3 T c Church 23|c 22c Car Barn .' lOc 9c Apartment house, 16% difference. Warehouse, slow burning, $81,600; concrete fireproofing, $83,810; tile fireproofing, $85,400; ordinary, $78,340. Colorado court-house, fireproof, $90,500; ordinary, $84,6.30. Boston factory, fireproof, $35,000; ordinary, $33,000. Apartment house, Washington, D. C.: fireproof, $20,864; ordinary, $18,800. Warehouse, fireproof, $166,000; slow burning, $158,000; ordinary, $150,000. Retail store, Los Angeles, fireproof, $47,500; ordinary, $43,680. Store and office, Boston, fireproof, $30,320; ordinary, $26,170. Quite a number more of instances of the difference in cost are given. The highest is 16%. COMPARATIVE COST: "So much has been said about the relative cost of frame, brick, and hollow block houses, that a builder in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., recently decided to practically determine the question, and to that end he erected in the same locality three houses of the same size and arrangement. One house was built entirely of wood, the second was of con- crete with wooden floors, and the third was of hollow tile blocks and concrete. When the experiment had been com- pleted it was found that the cost of the wooden structure was $6,000, the one of tile and concrete was $6,500, and the one of concrete $8,900. The builder regarded the tile and concrete house as the cheapest, so far as durability was concerned. He also regarded it as likely to be warmer in winter and cooler in summer by reason of the air spaces in the hollow blocks being poor conductors of heat and cold." "Carpentry and Building." COMPARATIVE COST: A concrete specialist says, ("Sweet's Index," page 136) "Reinforced concrete construction costs 118 . THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR from 10 to 15% more than wood, and from 20 to 25% less than structural steel fireproofing with terra cotta." Setting ordinary construction at 100, reinforced at 113, this would put the steel and terra cotta system, allowing 22% at 145, which is far too high. COST: Reinforced fireproofing has been greatly reduced in cost since the end of the century. Such improvements have been made in the machinery for manufacturing Port cement, and the methods of handling the work, that systems are better built and also cheaper. HOLLOW TILE Prices 8, 9, 10" Floor or RoofArches set 24c per sqft 12, 14" 24 to 28c 16, 18" 25 to 35c 4" Partitions 14c per sq f 6" 17c per sq ft 8" 21c per sqft 3" Roof Tile, 13c; 3" Book Tile, 12x17 7c per sqft 2" Furring Tile 7c per sqft i" Ceiling Tile 6c per sqft Girder Covering 15 to 25c per If Col Covering 30 to $1.00 perlf These prices are for work set in place. Of course they are for straight work. Floor tile might run to 50c instead of 28; and wages instead of being 45 to 55c per hour might be 60 to 65c for bricklayers who have, as a rule, to be broken into the work. Roof tile is usually thinner than floor tile and easier laid, but the hoisting costs more, so that for an ordinary job it is not worth while to make any deduction. The raw material fob Omaha runs about as follows: 8, 9, 10" Arch Tile 15c per sq ft 16 to 18" 17c per sq ft 4" Partition, 8c; 6, lie; 8 14c per sq ft 3" Roof Tile 9c per sq ft 2" furring Tile 4c per sq ft Ceiling Tile 5c per sq ft Girder Covering 10 to 20c per If Col Covering 25 to 50c per If But of course better prices are given on a lump job, especially if the mackolite, monolith, concrete men are in \ FIREPROOFING I TILE: REINFORCED CONCRETE 110 attendance. Competition is the death of prices. When near the factory a cut can be made. The freight on No. 2 for ex- ample, was $1,500, or about J of the total cost. The Floor and Roof Tile about $0.15 per sq ft Lumber on No. 2 cost nearly 01 per sq ft Lime Mortar 025 Labor. , 05 Incidentals .005 $0.24 But this is on the basis of 45c per hour, the rate at which the work was done. For 62c the total should be 26c; for rise in lumber allowance to 1913; and using cement in place of lime the cost should be 28c. BID IN PLACE: It is in general safer for a contractor to get a bid from the tile company for the work set in place not delivered on the cars. There is sometimes a good deal of breakage. If bid is taken for material it is better to have it understood that enough is to be furnished to complete the job, and not a certain number of sq ft. The manufacturer does not like this as it throws the breakage on him, but while a contractor is careful and conscientious he does not like to- run against a shortage. A sufficient guarantee for the manu- facturer is that the contractor, if he hauls and sets the tile, does not care to pay for handling it any oftener than possible, and thus guards against breakage. STEEL: Steel is not estimated in any of the systems. Some- times a company puts in a bid on the basis of its own steel plans, using lighter construction than the architect. In put- ting in a bid on a complete building with a certified check it is necessary to mention any departure from the weights, or else the contractor may be held to the cheap fireproofing coupled with the heavy beams. MEASUREMENT: Except for beams, cols, etc, which are taken by the If, all work is measured by the sq ft. Floor and roof tile are of various shapes to suit the part of the arch to which they belong. QUANTITY: Waste ought to be within 3%, but sometimes tile are smashed in cars. Mortar, which has to be much richer than for ordinary brickwork, may be estimated on 120 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR basis of 175 bbls for the fireproofing on No. 2, as noted under " Labor." The necessary lumber for hanging centering below I beams cost $140. Half a yd of sand to a bbl of lime is more than ought to be used. LABOR: On No. 2 16,500 sq ft of 12" floor tile; 5,,500 of 10" roof tile; 5,500 of ceiling tile; 4,200 of 4" partition; 15 cols; 351 If of I beams took for labor and hoisting $1,700, with bricklayers' wages at 45c. But the subcontractor who did the work had unfavorable conditions to contend with. Haul- ing is not included. A haul of a mile costs about 50c per ton. A fair price for labor on the tile fireproofing per sq ft is about as follows: Floor and roof arches, 4J to 5c; ceilings, 1 to lie; partitions, 3 to 4c; beams and cols, 4c. If every- thing goes well this will cover the cost at 45c per hour. These prices would have run No. 2 to about $1,400. No. 3 is fireproofed throughout on wood for ceilings, but with tile partitions and wall linings. The prices are practi- cally the same as for No. 2. Bricklayers' wages in several cities are now 62*c, and an extra allowance has to be made from the 45c basis. DAY'S WORK: A mason with 2 laborers should lay about 250 sq ft of floor tile in a 9-hour day, with a boy and a horse for hoisting. On No. 2 this meant at 45c and 20c, $4.05 and twice $1.80, with $3.50 for horse and boy, $11.15 per day, or about 4c per ft. About as much, or a larger amount of partitions, if straight work, should be done with the same gang. REINFORCED CONCRETE FIREPROOFING Readers of the hollow tile and stone journals know that they seldom miss a chance to score against fireproofing with metal and concrete, and to publish photographs of any wrecks. It is the fight of the ancient and the accepted against the newcomer. One wreck hurts a system that is, in the main, successful. The trouble is often due to the removal of forms too soon, to poor concrete, or design. A tunnel 260 ft long on No t 2 is roofed with expanded metal and concrete. Nos. 7 and 14 have large lavatories FIREPROOFING : TILE! REINFORCED CONCRETE 121 on the same kind of base. The weight of 3" mesh is from 0.2 to 1.36 Ibs. to thesq. ft. PRICE: Their prices vary according to load and span. A span of 8 ft with 3" of concrete from 17 to 20c per sq ft, depending upon locality and cost of material. From 8 to 20' spans, 25 to 28c. " These prices are for wood floors, 5c per sq ft to be added for finished concrete floors, taking the piece of wood." There is also an addition of 5c per sq ft for heavy warehouse floors, up to 600 and 800 Ibs per sq ft; or for top dressing and warehouse floors 90c a sq yd, which added to the base touches $3 per sq yd. The actual cost of the work on No. 2 was $1.50 per sq. yd. at 3" thick, and it was strong enough to carry loaded wagons. But there was no profit at this figure, and wages were lower than in large cities. If well built the system is an undoubted success. WALLS: For walls of ex metal and concrete 2" thick, not too far from ground, allow $2 to $3 per sq yd. MEASUREMENT: Unless of a special nature all work is measured by the sq ft. PROGRESS: The developments in ex metal and concrete are astonishing. Sewers, culverts, tanks, bridges, and a hundred other structures are now built of the combined materials; and if we include ex metal lath there is no end to the decorative possibilities of our latest triumph. The work already done speaks for itself. There is room for both tile and concrete construction. In the United States alone, thousands of build- ings, costing from several millions of dollars down to a few hundreds, have been erected according to this modern style. As may be noted on page 470 one company alone had put up 22,000 before 1913. Some of the more enthusiastic believers in the system assert that reinforced work will ultimately displace stone and brickwork, but these have lasted too long in the history of the world to be now set aside. Besides, they have qualities that the newer combination lacks. QUANTITY: The metal costs from 5c to 6c per sq ft. The concrete may be estimated from the quantities given in Chap III. Temporary boards or planks have to be used under the complete space to be covered. They should be smooth on the 122 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR finished side. So closely does the cement take on the face of the board that one sees a clearly photographed inverted re- production of the most delicate grain of the wood. SPAN: Panels are made as large as 20x20' without a support and a New Orleans drainage canal is 13' wide in the clear by hundreds of ft long. A span of 4 to 8' is usual. The material comes 8' long, and in 3', 3'-6", 4', and 5' widths. Ends of metal should be lapped 2" but not laced or nailed even if wood joists are used, for the concrete slab ties the whole together. SIZES: "We usually use in our concrete work No. 16 gage, 2" mesh, and would recommend that for floors of 5' or 6' spans, or even up to 8' spans. For metal lath, we use C 16", "We never fasten the sheets of our floor material, excepting to take some of the straight ends of the sheets and turn them up over the diamonds of the other sheets." FORMS: For a wall a plank lining has to be put on both sides the required thickness apart, say 2", and then the metal being fastened in position the concrete is poured in to the top. More plank is then put on top and shored plumb; and so on to the roof. For a low building the system works well, but it is rather expensive. But lighter foundations can be used than for ordinary masonry. CINDER CONCRETE: Cinders are often used for stone, as the floor is lighter, and they have had a preliminary burning to prepare them for the test. Cinder concrete averages 95.1bs to cf, while stone runs to 140. PRONG STUD PARTITIONS: Partitions are made of | or fxf iron studs set same as wood, and secured to floor and ceiling. Each sheet of lath is tied about 4 times to studs, and a lap is made. For ordinary work the lath goes on only one side, and the 1 or 2" thickness of plaster covers all iron. Where room for pipes, etc, is required, wider studs are used and lath is put on both sides. Studs with prongs to hook on lath are also used. (See "Structural Steel.") LABOR: The metal is easily laid if there are no obstructions, and if the ordinary system is followed. Sometimes beams are to be surrounded. See " Cost Data " in this Chap. FIREPROOFING : TILE: REINFORCED CONCRETE 123 VARIOUS SYSTEMS AND COST Ex metal came first, but there are now (1913) so many systems of concrete fireproofing, and such differences in loads, spans, etc, that a detailed plan is necessary before an estimate can be made; even approximate figures are of much service, however. COST: The cost of cols per cf varies a good deal. One col might be so constructed as to cary a given load at 16x16"; while another plan might call for a 20x20" col for the same load and span. The stronger steel reinforcement necessary in the smaller col would make the cf cost far higher than in the other. The only method of making an estimate is to get the weight of the reinforcement, and allow the concrete sep- arately. COSTS: The following prices are taken from the work of Buel & Hill: "A building of the factory type of reinforced concrete throughout, includings footings, outside and inside cols, walls, girders, beams, and floor plates, roofs and stairs, will cost the contractor seldom less than $20 per cy of concrete in place,, and of this cost from 25 to 35% will be for forms, including materials, erection and removal." (This figure is far too* high.) But there is much difference in buildings. " For example, the cost of the Ingalls Building at Cincinnati, including foundations, cols, walls, floors, stairs, etc, was $5.85 per cy of concrete in place, whereas in constructing a 4 story shoe factory in the same city, including only footings, beams, and floor plates, the forms cost the same contractor $6.25 per cy of concrete in place. " For floor slabs of ex metal construction, forms may bo as low as $2.20 per cy on a 16' span with a 400 Ib load, and as high as $3.25 on a 16' span with a 100 Ib load. "For beam and plate construction forms run from $5.50 on a 16' span and 500 Ib load, to $10.50 on the same span and 100' Ib load. " The forms for concrete steel floors will cost from 4 to 6c per sq ft including everything. 124 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR "The forms for a concrete wall 4" thick will cost from 8 to lie per sq ft, measured on one side only. " The forms for cols cost about 22c per If. " For floor work forms range from 10 to 20c per sq ft. "Experience on about 30 buildings shows that it is rarely possible to furnish centering and remove it for much less than $4 per cy. The cost should never exceed $6." CONDUITS: On a number of large conduits, forms, ex metal, and concrete, but no excavation, cost was $10.50 per cy. In another part of the book conduit work is priced at $6.20. On the $10.50 work the labor is given as follows: " On the 6' sewer the forms were made 8' long; and two sections, or 16 If were built in from 8 to 9 hours, including setting of forms, by one foreman, one carpenter and fifteen laborers. The total was 13 cy of concrete." This 6' sewer was not reinforced. The same gang built 14 If of 8'-6" sewer in 10 hours. The 9' conduit contained 20 cy of concrete, 1,200 sq ft ex metal, 125 bags of cement for section 13'-6" long. The forms were covered with No. 27 galv iron on the outside to leave a smooth surf on the finished work. ^CLEANING: Cleaning bridges of concrete cost 60c per sq yd. On a plain part, not including mouldings, balusters, etc, the cost was only 20c. COST: For cols and floors taken together, the owner of one system allows, as an approximate estimate, 60c per sq ft; but under the best conditions this is sometimes cut down to 40c. KAHN SYSTEM FORMS: For forms for the Kahn system, take the area of floor concrete only and allow 15c per sq ft. Of course the first floor costs a great deal more, possibly two to three times as much, but the lumber used there serves also for the upper floors. WASTE: The waste of lumber is from 12 to 15% per floor. COST OF CONCRETE: Allow for concrete $6.50 to $8.50 per cy, including profit. FIREPROOFING : TILE: REINFORCED CONCRETE 125 STAIRS: For stairs allow $1.50 per If of steps; i. e., for a 6' step complete, $9. TILE: Tile is used between the concrete to lighten the load. For 6", 8c each; 10", lOc. STEEL: Steel in place, $75 per ton. Allow steel extra. COST: The cost of the system runs from 35 to 40c per sq ft of floors, but the difference of spans, load allowances, etc, is so great that the best way is to figure tile, steel, and con- crete separately. A roof, several hundred ft long, with a span of 150', was estimated on the Kahn system for 30c per sq ft in place. The steel trusses were not included. Some approximate figures from the Kahn Co. Eng'r Dep't, are as follows: COST OF FLOORS PER SQ FT Small Slab and Roof Work, not including any Beams 20 to 30c Floor Slabs and Beams, supported by Walls, fair size Rooms 35 to 45c Complete Reinforced Concrete Skeleton Construction across Floor Slab, Girders, Cols and their Foot- ings, with Cols and Beams in the outside Walls, but no Walls included 50 to 65c No finished floors included. All form work included in above. COST OF FORMS PER SQ FT Simple Slabs, no Beams 5 to 7c For Beams and Cols, all Surf taken 8 to lOc No profit included in forms as given. COST OF CONCRETE LABOR mixing and placing, from $1 to $1.50 per cy. The cost of a yd, therefore, is about $5.75 without any profit or forms. " Two contractors doing the same kind of a job are apt to vary 100% in the cost of form work." Steel is not priced, but $75 per ton in the building is safe. 126 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR " M " SYSTEM COST: For another Eastern system the following figures are supplied: " Steel in New York, 2c per Ib, not set." Concrete, 20c per cf. Forms (in which the saving is made) 4c to 5c a sq ft for floors, girders, and beams. This amounts to 10 to 12c of surf measure, as girders are then included. Concrete for cols about the same as for floors. Forms for cols, when used several times, about 4c per sq ft.'' Standard Concrete Steel Co., New York. RANSOME bars cost about 3c per Ib, New York. PROPORTIONS The proportions vary. One authority gives I, i*, 3 for light cols, thin roof beams, and ornamental work. For beams, floor slabs, and cols, 1, 2, 4 or 1, 2, 5 ifa about right. For non-bearing walls, reinforced piers and footings, 1, 3, 5. For heavy concrete, 1, 3, 6 to 1, 4, 8. For finishing floors, 1 to 2, to 1 to 3 cement and sand. STEEL: "Floors require from 2 to 6 Ibs of reinforcement per sq ft according to load, including slabs, beams, girders, cols, lintels, and footings." FORMS: "Forms may cost from 50c to $2 per cy of con- crete placed. On a small building the unit cost is larger, because the forms can not be so often used." FERRO INCLAVE SIZE OF SHEETS: The sheets are made from 10' long down, and 20" wide. COST: The cost in 1913 is about as follows, fob Cleveland: Less than car-load lots, $8.25 to $10.60, depending upon length. In car-load lots $7.75 to $10. If sheets are curved allow about 50c extra. These prices include clips and crossties. CAR-LOAD: A rnimimum car-load is 190 sq. WEIGHT: A sq (100 sq ft) with clips, etc, weighs abou*. 163 Ibs. FIREPROOFING : TILE! REINFORCED CONCRETE 127 COST: Work in place with concrete costs according to span and load. An average roof with waterproof covering is worth from $20 to $23 per sq. If plastered on the underside add plastering at 35c per sq yd. A floor averages about $31, plastered. Partitions and walls, both sides, from $2 to $4 more than roofs. ASBESTOS COST OF ROLLS: For & thick, 4 Ibs to sq yd, and 4c per Ib delivered. For , 7 Ibs and 5c. For plain work, 14" blocks, 19c. ASBESTOS LUMBER is made of asbestos fibre and Port cement. " Perfectly fireproof, and not affected by moisture or frost." The following price list is subject to a discount of 20% at the factory, Ambler, Pa.; and 10% at Omaha: Standard Size of Sheets, 42x48" and 42x96" Color, Newport Gray Thickness Price per sq ft per sq ft Prices to Approximate weight 3 works Thickness per sq ft Price per sq ft Approximate weight i" .10 if nil W .32* 4Jlbs A; .12* If Ibs A* .35 4lbs .15 2 Ibs M" .37* 5 Ibs 1 .17* .20 2Jlbs 2| Ibs 1 .40 .42* 5Jlbs 5f Ibs $2 .22* 3 Ibs 9 n .45 6 Ibs A .25 3Jlbs w 47i 6|lbs $ .27* 3| Ibs f" .50 6* Ibs I .30" 4 Ibs // .00 00 Ibs REINFORCED ASBESTOS CORRUGATED SHEATHING Employed for roofing, siding, awnings, elevators, train sheds, rolling mills, etc, on structures of medium cost. Corrugated Asbestos Sheathing is reinforced with |" mesh woven wire netting, thus insuring the greatest strength, both lineal and transverse. It is made 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10' long. Price per sq ft with 2J corrugations, 18c. Price per sq ft with 1 corrugations, 21c, Discounts as on lumber. 128 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR ASBESTOS SHINGLES: These are of a great variety of sizes, styles, and prices. They are usually laid on the roof in the French, or diagonal fashion. The common size is 12 x!2", 160 to the sq, | thick, $9.10 unlaid, Omaha; and $7.25 at Ambler, Pa. Laying, from two-thirds to one-half the time on wood shingles. No paint required. Hip and ridge rolls, lOc per ft. Starter course, 7c If extra. ASPHALT SHINGLES, $5.50 per square fob, Chicago. OCTAGON ASBESTOS SHINGLES, $12. FIRE DOORS: Ordinary flooring doors covered with tin, 18c per sq ft, 2-ply; 27c, 3-ply without tin on both sides: with tin, 38c for 2-ply; and 47c for 3-ply. This does not include hanging. Allow $3 for hardware, $3 for labor on an ordinary size, and $1.50 for paint. Add wood jamb, $3, if any. CHAPTER VIII CEMENT STONE. Under various names this artificial stone is becoming very popular. There are some thousands of plants all over the country. Most of the stuff is hollow, some smooth, some " tooled," some rock faced. In various parts of Nebraska this really fine building mate- rial is sold for as low a price as 14c per cf, and laid for 4 to 5c extra. Stone often costs ten times as much. In Kansas City the material is laid in the wall complete at 32c per cf. As an average for various states an Indiana manufacturer quotes 12 to 20c per block, not laid. A block contains about 1 cf. PRICES: An Omaha price for door sills, 8x15, is 40c per If; window, 30c; wall coping, 25c for 10x4|" through center; 35c for 14x4; blocks, 8x16x8, 15c. Window caps, 1 to 2$' proportion, 4^x12", 35c. Set in wall complete the blocks are 30c for a two story, and 25c for a one story building. The face of the blocks is made of 1 to 2 or so, and the back, 1 to 4, cement and sand. A Wisconsin contractor gives me the following prices: "I manufacture stone 9x32x10" thick, or 2 sq ft, for 9c per sq ft of wall. I pay 2c each block for delivery. I retail blocks at 35c each, or 17c per sq ft. I put up wall complete, blocks, mortar, labor, and finishing joints above grade for 25c per sq ft." FACE WORK: When I was an apprentice I was once nailing a board with the worst side out, and the foreman made me change it. " Always put the best side to London," he said. The cement block men follow this excellent rule. By keeping this in mind the following table and instructions from one of them will be more valuable; for a margin will then be allowed that is probably forgotten. 129 130 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CONCRETE. BLOCK TABLE. " Giving size and weight of blocks, the number one bbl of cement will make, the number to one cy of material, and the number per sq of 100 superficial ft. 1 & g Q | I 3 SOLID BLOCKS HOLLOW BLOCKS cr< 10 o 1 JK Weight of Block No, per Bbl of Cement at 1 to 5 No. per cy Weight of Block No. per Bbl of Cement at 1 to 5 No. per cy 8x 8x16 8x10x16 8x12x16 4x8 x!6 4x10x16 4x12x16 8x 4x16 8x 8x24 8x10x24 8x12x24 4x 8x24 4x10x24 4x12x24 8x 4x24 73 92 109 35 44 53 37 112 140 166 54 67 79 55 34 27 22 68 54 44 68 22 18 15 46 36 30 44 48 38 32 99 79 66 95 31 25 21 65 52 44 63 50 67 80 24 32 39 49 37 31 100 76 63 71 53 44 144 109 91 112 112 112 224 224 224 112 75 75 75 150 150 150 75 77 92 112 37 46 55 32 25 21 66 52 44 45 38 31 94 76 63 EXPLANATION: To find the number of blocks for a build- ing, get the surf ft of the building by mult the length around the building by the height of the wall. Add to this the surf of gables, then deduct the surf ft of all the openings. Thus giving the actual surf to cover. RULE: Mult the number of sq to cover by the number in the last col for the size block you are to use, which will give the number of blocks for any building. HOW TO FIGURE THE COST OF BLOCKS One bbl contains 3f cf. One cy contains 7i bbls. One yd of sand and 3| bbls of cement equals 2 to 1 mix- ture. One yd of sand and gravel and 1 bbls of cement equals 5 to 1 mixture. I * CEMENT STONE " 131 In making blocks, we recommend a mixture for the facing of 1 part cement, 2 parts coarse, sharp, clean sand, and the body of the block 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts gravel or broken stone, the gravel or broken stone to range in size from i to f" in diam. For manufacturing 100 blocks 8x8x16" there are needed 2.24 bbls of cement, 0.68 cy of sand, and 1.06 cy of gravel or broken stone, which at the following estimated cost of materials will amount to Example 2.24 bbls of best Port cement at $2 per bbl $4.48" 0.68 cy of sand at $1 per cy 68 1.06 cy of gravel or broken stone at $1.50 per cy 1.59 Cost for labor for 100 blocks 1.75 Incidentals for safe margin per 100 blocks 50 Total cost for 100 blocks 8x8x16" $9.00 The above are approximate and conservative prices for materials and labor. These may vary, however, to a less or higher degree governed by locality. The cost of concrete blocks in any locality will be found to be much less than common brick and are a better and more lasting material." FACTORY PLANT A plant built in Michigan of " Ideal " blocks has a four story factory, warehouses, dry kilns, power house, office, oil house, etc. On the ground floors the area covered is 93,000 sq ft. In all 183,000 blocks were used. They cost 7c each, and, with masons at $3.50 per day, 2c to lay. This does not include mortar. Sand and gravel 7, to 1 of cement. Gravel 65c per cy, cement $1.60. Each ordinary laborer made 300 blocks in a ten hour day. The owners estimated a saving of one-third in cost as compared with brick at $6.50. Each mason laid 250 blocks 8x8x16" on a plain wall, and 125 on pilasters; aver all over, 175. Each block 8x8x16" dis- placed 14 brick. 132 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR QUANTITIES The " displacement of brick " is usually given too high. An 8" block corresponds to a brick wall of the same thickness. For illustration, allow a wall 100'xlO'xS". Even at 17 to the cf (See Chap V) the actual number required is 11,400, mortar joints, waste, etc, all being attended to. Each block with joint, one side, and edge, equals 8ixl6i or 134 sq inch. Without waste 1,075 blocks are required, and each block displaces fewer than 11 brick. As noted under " Brickwork," a cf of wall does not contain 22 brick, but from 16 to 17. A plain wall like this, with masons' wages 62c per hour, can be laid up for $11 per 1,000, wall measure, or a total cost of $165. In the table the cost of blocks is given at 9c; sand and stone cost more here, at least, than in the table, and lOc is the best figure that could be allowed, without profit to dealer. This would be for wall listed, $107.50 for blocks, and, at a 62c basis instead of 40c per hour, 4c for labor would be $43. The mortar for brick would be about $20; for blocks, say, $10, a total of $160.50, and this with brick at $7 instead of $6.50. The cost seems to be about the same; here in Omaha the cement stone costs more than brick. A block 8x8x16" costs 14 to 15c. FACE WORK: But if the wall were faced with a $20 pressed brick the difference would be in favor of the cement stone. About $75 extra would be required for labor, making the total $310. It then comes to be a question of looks and taste, unless we estimate the work on the Omaha basis already given of 30 and 25c for blocks in the wall, in which case we have $300 and $250, and once more balance. COMPARATIVE COSTS: In general it may be said that the cost of a fair pressed brick wall and a rock faced block one is about the same. A common brick wall is cheaper than a common block one in most parts of the country. But a hundred miles from a brickyard gives the blocks the advantage in every way. A supply of cheap sand and gravel also turns the scale. In some localities, especially in the country, the cement block is clearly ahead. (See index.) CEMENT STONE 133 GRANITE FACING: A great deal of cement block and brick work is now faced with crushed granite sprinkled in the mold before the mixture is pounded in. In the vicinity of New York City the cost of the raw material is 40 cents per 100 Ibs. in less than ton lots; less than car lots in bags, $4.75 per ton; in bulk, $3.50 per ton. The cost is given by one manufacturer at a cent per square foot extra above the ordinary block. It is worth much more in appearance. Cement brick cost about $10. FANCY WORK Lawn vases, $18 to $20 each. Porch cols, including sq base, shaft, and cap complete, $1 per If. Spindles or balusters, $1 each. POSTS: Concrete posts 9' long, reinforced with 4. V John- son bars, 65c each on a lot of 1,000 made. CHAPTER IX PLASTER (See " Structural Steel " for cost of prong studs.) Plaster is often included in the mason work and is there- fore considered here, although the joists are not yet in place. MEASUREMENT: The ordinary rules do not deduct open- ings unless they are larger than the standard size; attics are measured sq without deduction for slope of roof, and so forth. But by following this method it is as with brickwork we can not make out a bill of material from original figures with any degree of certainty, for the openings in one building may be only half of what they are in another, and with such variations too much or too little is billed. It is better to change the method and charge the difference in the price. Here, then, we take only actual surf. But contractors and owners have to be careful in letting work by the yard. In the first cottage I built I paid for my attic lesson. The U. S. Gypsum Co., Minneapolis, distributes free a copyrighted booklet with the plaster all figured out for walls and ceilings of several thousand different sized rooms. It is printed at the end of this " Estimator." DESCRIPTION: What is known as two coat drawn work is a first coat with fibre or hair applied to the lath; a second, or brown coat, is then put on top of the first without leaving the work to let it dry; and after these two coats are dry the finish is put on top, making really three coats. On brick or tile the brown coat is put on usually without scratch coat, and then the white, or sand coat, making only two coats. With three coat dry work, each coat is allowed to dry be- fore the next is put on. The first coat is usually scratched so as to leave a rough surf for the brown coat. If a white or sand finish is to be put on, metal lath must have three dry coats, for the first coat has to be thin in order to stick and form a surface; then comes the brown coat, and last of all the finish. 134 PLASTER 135 BRICK: The cost of plastering on brick is usually lower than on lath, if the walls are reasonably straight, but in some cases a contractor would prefer to lath crooked walls rather than straighten them with tons of mortar put on at 62^c per hour. COST OF 100 SOLID YDS 2-COAT PLASTER. NO PROFIT 1450 Lath, 48" at $4.70 $6.82 Labor on Lath . 3.25 Nails 30 1050 Ibs Hard Wall Plaster and White Finish 3.68 Sand, 2 yds 1.80 Labor on Plaster 13.00 $28.85 COST OF 100 YDS OF 3-COAT DRY WORK 1450 Lath, 48", at $4.70 $6.82 Labor on Lath 3.25 Nails 30 1600 Ibs Plaster and White Finish 5.60 Sand 2.00 Labor 15.00 $32.97 COST OF 100 YDS ON METAL LATH 105 yds of Lath at 20c $21.00 Labor on Lath. . 5.00 Staples 63 2200 Ibs Plaster and Finish 7.70 Sand ! 3.00 Labor 20.00 $57.33 These are cost prices, but contractors buy cheaper than the lists above, and handle the work to avoid loss. The cost, including profit, as shown in the following prices current in our cities, is just about the same as in the tables. But after allowing fire and liability insurance, scaffolding, tele- phone, water and some other little incidentals it seems a rather close margin, even if heating is not required. Some- times the innocent sand pile suffers. Competition, under present conditions, is the death of profits. 136 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR PRICES AT 62ic PER HOUR, WITH PROFIT Per Yd Two-Coat Work (white finish) on Wood Lath $0.32 Three-Coat Dry (white finish) on Wood Lath 36 Three-Coat Dry (white finish) on Metal Lath 62 Keene's Cemant (white finish) on Wood Lath 35 Keene's Cement (white finish) on Metal Lath 67 For Sand Finish add 03 For Work on Brick or Tile deduct from Wood Lath Price .06 to .07 Without Finish Coat deduct 07 For Back Plaster on Wood Lath 24 Sackett Board, brown and white Coats 37 to .40 Pure or " Neat " Portland Cement Work, Metal Lath, on Gables (reasonable quantities) 1 .50 Neat Portland on Plain Walls, Metal Lath 1.00 Blocking to Represent Tile in Bath Rooms 1 .50 Keene's Cement Base, 10" 15 Portland Cement Base, 10" 18 Plain Plaster of Paris Molds per in of girt. 06 Metal Lath on Steel Prong Studs, Plaster If thick measured on one Side Only (No Studs) 1.80 For Heating allow 03 Rough Coat Behind Wainscot on Wood Lath 15 Compo-Board .41 Above prices are based on solid work, that is, openings deducted, but contractors' profit is included. ACTUAL: A large contract was finished in Omaha in 1907 for 56c on metal lath, with lath at 18c, ^,nd 24c on brick walls. KEENE'S CEMENT: The cost of Keene's cement material is more than twice as much as that of the other hard plasters, but less of it is used, as common lime is merely gaged with the cement. BACK PLASTER does not seem to be so much used as formerly. It is worth about 22 to 24c per yd. The lathers charge double price for lathing in between studs. Heavy rough plastering behind wainscoting, 10 to 12c per yd, on brick; on wood lath, 14c. LATH: Wood lath is &xli". From 1,450 to 1,500 lath are sufficient for 100 yds. Some buildings require more than others, as angles, brackets, coves, etc, take more material; but 1,500 ought to cover the worst. It is necessary to re- member now, however, that a new lath is in the market. PLASTER 137 It is only 32" long instead of the standard 48". An order for so many lath might bring the number, but not enough to cover the surf. About 2,200 are required. Taken on a 48" basis the price is from $1.75 to $"2 less per 1,000, so that this kind is gradually working in, although it costs about lie more per yd for labor and nails. Wood lath, with labor and nails, runs to about 12c per yd; metal lath etc, 23 to 26c. Take the actual No. of yds for metal lath and add 4 to 1% if there are many angles. There is little waste as it bends around all corners. There is 1 yd to a sheet, and sometimes a trifle more. Ex metal is the common kind; but many plasterers prefer sheet metal as it takes less mortar. Wire lath is also used, but the ex metal seems to be gaining the day. METAL CORNERS, 5c per ft delivered, 6c put on wood, 7c on brick. NAILS & STAPLES: Allow 9 to 10 Ibs of 3d fine nails for 100 yds of wood lath at 16" centers; with 12", from 12 to 13. Short lath require an extra nail for each joint. Allow 9 Ibs of staples to 100 yds of metal lath. Somewhat less than this was sufficient on No. 9. The sheets do not require much fastening. Staples are about 7c per Ib. LABOR: The 48" wood lath is nailed on at 3Jc per yd, but this includes the openings under the old style of measure- ment. I read a short time ago that the Chicago lathers had set a day's work for 1 man at 25 bundles, but each man has to nail on the 1,250 lath which they contain. If he comes short of his number it is made up by the others of the gang. With about $ allowed for openings this is 100 yds in a day. Metal lath was formerly put on for 3c, but now lathers will not work on it except by the hour at 50c. The cost of 6,800 yds on No. 9 was 4c per yd. It is now, in 1908, about 5c. On plain work a man ought to put on 100 yds; some can put on 150 to 200, but the average is less. With many angles, 50 is enough. I know of nearly 300 yds which cost 8c. Elliptical work, groins, etc, should be allowed at two to three times the price of plain work. The figures given for lath Include scaffolding. 138 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Lathing on prong studs, and steel studs in general, costs more. Sometimes it has to be tied to the studs with wire. Allow 8 to lOc for lathing. SAND: Ex metal lath takes a good deal of material, cement plaster as well as sand. No. 9 took 2.6 to 2.75 yds to the 100, but this included openings. But 1 to 2 yds are usually cnough for a building with wood lath, or brick walls without lath. If wood lath are used all through If yds are enough. On No. 2 with all work on brick or flreproofing 2 yds were required. But it is different with crooked brick walls and ex metal lath. One allowance by weight for metal lath is 4 tons. SAND FINISH: A finer sand is sometimes used for sand finish. On some government work a ground rock is specified. On the Omaha post office the cost of this material was $7.50 per cy. The quantity used for the last coat was about 1 yd to 150. Ordinarily a clean common sand is run through a :No. 18 sieve. QUANTITIES CEMENT PLASTER: On No. 2 with 6,600 yds actual surf the quantities were as follows: 600 sacks of hard plaster; 191 of stucco; and 110 bbls of lime. The walls were straight and did not require as much as is sometimes used. The work was 2-coat white finish. The quantity of stucco is unusually large, but there were 2,500 If of fxlO" base, and 500 of 6" chair rail plastered on the face of the wall, besides small cornices, capital, bases, etc. WHITE FINISH: For plain work about 65 bbls of lime and 85 sacks of stucco are required for white finish on 6,600 yds. Some kinds of cement plaster can be used for a finish coat, but not the kind specified for No. 2. But by allowing 1 bbl of lime to 4 sacks of plaster we can get at the total quantity which would have been necessary if cement only had been used. We have then, 600 sacks of cement plaster, 90 of stucco, and 65 bbls of lime, or equal to 260 sacks of plaster, a total of 950 sacks for 6,600 actual yds, or 7,000 with openings. This is 14.4 sacks for the first, and 13.6 for the second measure- PLASTER 139 'the 100 yds. For cement plaster alone 9 sacks were used on the 6,600 basis, and 8.6 on the 7,000. The difference is thus seen if cement is to be used for all work, or if required for first coat only. For ordinary finish allow 1 bushels of lime to 100 Ibs of plaster. Lime is about 90c per bbl in bulk, and $1.25 in bbls. On about 525 actual yds, or 600 with openings included, the quantities were 15.4 and 13.3; and there was no lime used for finishing coat. This was on the building whose roof is shown in No. 11. BEHIND WAINSCOT: Care must be taken to see just what surf is to be plastered. Some architects specify that all walls behind wainscoting shall be covered with a heavy coat of rough plaster. On certain buildings this might mean of the surf. Both for price and quantities it is necessary to know; and it is best to be sure before contract is signed. ON METAL LATH: The two buildings given are on basis of brick or wood lath; wire or metal lath requires more. I know one building that took close to 20 sacks, but it was all metal lath, and nothing was used except cement for all coats. At least 18 ought to be allowed on work of this kind, and that is often too close a figure, especially if plasterers are unacquainted with the material. Nowhere do good trades- men work so clearly for their wages as plasterers on metal lath. A new hand puts half the material on the floor; with him it will not stick to the wall and still less to the ceiling. ACTUAL: On No. 9 with more than 8,000 yds of 3-coat work on metal lath 18 sacks was the average, but openings are included. Cement only was used. CATALOG DANGERS: These actual results from large buildings show the danger of estimating work from manu- facturers' catalogs. I find from one that 8 sacks of white and 10 of dark cement are sufficient for 100 yds of 2-coat work. With lime and stucco for a finish coat, this is about the same rate as was used on No. 2; but No. 11 without lime tells an- other story. Only the thinnest kind of work can be done with that quantity, and the walls have to be straight. It is not nearly enough for metal lath which, unlike other surfaces, 140 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR requires a thin first coat before the heavy brown coat will stick. This accounts to some extent for the increase in the Quantity. White plaster does not require so many sacks as it takes more sand than dark. QUANTITIES USED BY ONE PLASTERER Two-coat drawn work on wood lath, 10 to 10 sacks* Three-coat on metal lath, 20 to 24 sacks. Three-coat on wood lath, 15 to 16 sacks. Brick, 3-coat, 14 to 15 sacks. In above the white finish of about 2 sacks is included. Dark plaster, wood lath, extra allowance, 1 to 2 sacks. Dark plaster, metal lath, extra allowance, 2 to 3 sacks. Openings deducted. Above quantities are for 100 yds. KEENE'S CEMENT Keene's cement, as already stated, is a lime plaster guaged with cement. On Keene's cement there is practically no waste. When the ordinary cement plasters get the initial set, the waste can not be remixed, so that any stuff left too long on the board or in the box is lost. With Keene's, remixing can be done. For ordinary plastering Keene's cement and lime putty are mixed together in equal parts and sanded. Sand, lath, nails, labor, etc, being about the same for all systems we may allow for Keene's per 100 yds. APPROXIMATE COST At St. Louis At Your City 400 Ibs Best Bros. Keene's Cement at 80c $3.20 4 bushels of Lime at 27c per bushel 1 .08 2 bushels Hair tor Scratch Coat at 20c 40 Cost per 100 sq yds $4.68 Often more lime, putty, and less of the cement, is used for ordinary work. This is on the basis of wood lath; for metal lath, one-third to a half more material is a fair allowance. But for finishing coat lime should not be mixed with the cement. For wainscoting, a larger proportion than one-half PLASTER 141 of Keene's is mixed with the lime for a base and second coat two to one is about right. APPROXIMATE COVERING CAPACITY PER 100 SQ YDS OF BEST BROS. KEENE'S CEMENT PLAIN PLASTERING BASE COAT on wood lath, terra-cotta, or brick. About 400 Ibs, four bushels of lime, two bushels of hair for scratch coat, and the usual quanity of sand to mate a good mortar, provided lath keys are not made more than ", and brick walls are level. BASE COAT on metal lath. About 550 Ibs, five and one- half bushels of lime, two bushels of hair for scratch coat, and enough sand to make a good rich mortar. SMOOTH FINISH: About 300 Ibs. SMOOTH SAND FINISH: About 200 Ibs, and half as much sand in bulk. FLOAT FINISH: About 100 Ibs, and twice as much sand in bulk. WAINSCOTING BASE COAT on wood lath, terra-cotta, or brick. About 600 Ibs, three bushels of lime, two bushels of hair for scratch coat, and the usual quantity of sand to make a good mortar, provided lath keys are not more than f " and brick walls are level. SMOOTH FINISH: About 300 Ibs of pure cement. One cement plaster manufacturer allows as follows for 100 yds: "Estimate 800 Ibs of plaster for browning out lath work. " 100 Ibs of plaster of Paris, mixed with lime putty, will furnish ' hard finish ' for the same. " For sand finish, apply the finishing coat while the brown coat is green. " For hard finish, apply after brown coat is dry." Compare with actual quantities used, as already given. But it is hard to give exact quantities for different kinds of plasters, buildings, and work. No rule can be found for 142 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR crooked walls. Reasonable quantities are based on ther theory that walls are to be straight. KINDS OF PLASTER: Sanded plasters are never used here. Some of the unsanded are: Flint, Ivory, Imperial; O. K., Laramie, Baker, Eureka, Mineral City, and KalTolTte. The last two are from Fort Dodge, Iowa. No. 2 is plastered with Kallolite. The B. & M. headquarters building, Omaha, with. O. K. from Okarche, Okla. Baker is white; O. K., Eureka, Peerless, Agatite are dark. WHITE FINISH PUTTY: No. 2 took If bbls: of lime to 100 yds, but this was owing to the amount required for base, chair-rail, etc. No. 9 took less than a bbl. Three sacks of stucco were used to 100 yds on No. 2 on account of base, etc, while 100 yds required only 2 sacks of cement plaster on No. 9. If lime is used allow A bbl to 100 yds. PLASTER OF PARIS: Plaster of Paris is sometimes sub- stituted for stucco as it sets slower. On common work 1 to* 1| sacks to 100; on good work, 1*. Both p of p and stucco> are mixed with the lime which is run off to a pure white. HAIR: Hard plasters are supposed to be mixed with enough, hair to make the mortar stick; but metal lath sometimes requires a little more fibre than the manufacturers' allow- ance. At most allow 1 bushel to 100 yds, which is the old allowance for lime plaster, although there are those who call for twice as much lime. LIME PLASTER It is hardly worth while saying anything on the subject. Lime plaster is scarcely ever used now. Lathing, sand, and various finishes are same as for cement. For 2-coat work allow 3 bbls to 100 yds; for 3-coat, 3|. LIME PLASTER QUANTITIES For 100 yds of old style plaster on wood lath, this would be the allowance for 3-coat work: 3$ bbls lime, 1 to 2 yds of sand, 2 bushels hair, 100 Ibs plaster of Paris. PLASTER 143 If finish is not wanted, deduct the plaster of Paris and half a bbl of lime. See under " Sand " for sand finish. On brick walls, for 2 coats allow only 3 bbls lime, if they are fairly straight. PATCHING: As we are dealing with old plaster, we might consider patching. Sometimes the easiest way to patch a ceiling is to put on a new one. On a number of rooms the cost of removing old plaster ceilings, furring, nailing on metal lath, and replastering was about $1 per yd. Leaving the old plaster on, by far the best way if it can be done, as it saves labor, dust, and handling, the cost was 75c. Some of the rooms were of ordinary size; some 100' long. A small patch might cost $1 to $2 per yd; a single yard patch might cost far more, as time is taken going to and from the work. PRICES: Cement plaster runs from $7 to $8 per ton, but sometimes it is as low as $5. Laramie fibered, for first coat, $10; unfibered, $6.50. , Keene's Cement, $17 to $18. There are usually 20 sacks to the ton of cement plaster. Metal lath from 16 to 22c per yd. Wood lath, 48", from $4.50 to $5.50 per M. WATER: The Omaha rate is 15c per 100 yds by meter the cost is only 8 to 9c. The Chicago rate is $1.50 per 1,000 yds. LABOR: On No. 2 the labor on 2-coat work ran to 15c throughout, but 14c if openings are included. This does not include base, chair-rail, cols, and the rounding of window jambs. Rounding jambs takes from f of an hour on small square windows to 2 hours on high segment openings. If white coat, they have to be run with a mould; if sand finish, they can be rounded with a trowel at a cheaper rate. On the metal lath of No. 9 the cost ran about 4, 7, 4c or loc in all for the 3 coats, but wages were 55c; now they are 62c here, and 15% more is required. Some say that 20 to 25c is right. The first coat is thin, the second takes far more material and labor, and the last, or white coat, is about the same as the first. All through the time runs about 9 hours of 144 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR plasterer to 5 of laborer, but this depends a good deal upon the character of the work. The brown coat takes more laborers than the finish. Sometimes the proportion is man to man. Three men and two helpers put on 400 yds of 2-coat work, and 250 yds of finish. The labor on 2-coat work is taken as low as 12c, but not in cities where wages are high. HEATING AND SCREENS: If work is done in winter the question of heating has to be considered. In dwellings it is worth 3 to 4c per yd; on large buildings with steam heat, 2 to 3c. If in summer, muslin screens may have to be put on all openings. Muslin is worth about 17c a yd. OLD BRICK WALL: For raking out the joints of an old brick wall before plastering, allow 15c if in lime, and 25c per yd if in cement. With compressed air, the work can be done for one-half as much. These rates at 60c per hour can be adjusted to suit the wages of any locality; but country tradesmen do not always cover as much ground as city ones, especially if metal lath is used. WEIGHT: A partition of 2x4 or 2x6, plastered both sides, weighs about 20 Ibs to the sq ft; lath and plaster alone 9 Ibs on one side. CORNICES AND ORNAMENTAL WORK: Almost every house I worked on in my apprenticeship had at least 1 room with a plaster cornice and centerpiece; houses costing $5,000 had them in every room, and more expensive houses had plaster ornamentation in keeping with other features. It was the fashion, and in architecture as well as clothes that settles everything. The fashion is reversed in the west. Few houses have cornices, and they are better without them, although a smai; moulding looks well. A plasterer might write a book on the subject of cornices alone; for our purpose a few lines will do. Allow for straight cornices of 6" girt, 20c; 9, 30c; 12, 35c per If; 16, 50c; 24, 75c. Allow the price of 3' extra for each miter. For cast stuff such as egg and dart moulding, 30c. For circular cornices mult by 4; for elliptical, by 6. PLASTER 145 Bases and capitals of cols can usually be bought cast if there are many of them, or the plasterer can cast them himself. For 12" cols they are worth about $8 a pair. Pilaster caps and bases are about the same. To finish a 12" round col with base and cap by hand allow 2 men 1* days for all work plain and ornamental. CENTERS: For plaster center flowers, 20" diam, $4; 30", $7. But with certain enrichments these prices might be doubled. Material for ornamental work may be calculated by taking the section and dividing in the proper proportion, if so much accuracy is desired. BLACKBOARDS: There are several expensive blackboard preparations, but a good cheap blackboard that will last 20 yrs if well kept can be made as follows: $ lime, fine white sand from crushed stone gauged with J of plaster of Paris and sufficient lamp black to color. Put 1 package to 3 buckets of finished material. Apply the same as white coat. Black- boards of this kind are worth from 10 to 15c per yd extra above regular price. STAFF: Used on exposition buildings. This material is worth, for plain work, from $2.50 to $3 per sq yd. SACKETT PLASTEH BOARD is used for a good deal of work. It is made in sheets 32"x36", and is nailed directly to the studs by large headed li"xlO$" wire nails. " One keg of nails to 8,000 sq ft of board," says the catalog. The nails are set from 4 to 6" apart. Then on face of boards a J or | brown coat is put on, and the regular finish on top. The board is retailed from 11 to l|c per sq ft. COST OF 100 YDS OF SACKETT BOARD Board $14.00 Nailing on Board 4.50 Nails 50 Plaster, Brown Coat and Finish 16.00 $35.00 But the ceiling should be furred at 12" centers, and this increases the cost. See Index for price of furring. 146 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR COMPO-BOARD This is another substitute for plaster. Ceilings do not require to be furred when it is used. It runs on ceilings or walls without any end joints. All boards are 4' wide and 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18' long. ESTIMATE FOR 100 YDS Board. $34.20 Labor Nailing on 4.00 Nails 60 $38.80 Actual cost, 39c per yd. The raw material, Omaha, is $38 per M sq ft. Unlike Sackett board this Compo does not require any plaster, but after covering joints with a strip of cheese cloth the wall paper may be put on. ELASTIC PULP PLASTER This is another wall covering. It is made in Napoleon, Ohio. The cost there is $7.50 per ton. The manufacturer's quanti- ties are as follows, openings presumably included: " On wood lath Elastic Pulp Plaster will cover from 160 to 180 yds per ton. On brick, terra-cotta, or concrete wall, from 125 to 150 yds per ton. On metal lath from 140 to 160 yds per ton. Its covering capacity depends grfeatly on the con- dition of the lath, lathing, walls, and especially the plasterers' economy." The grounds used are only f, which leaves the rather thin -coat of ". A skim coat may be put on as usual, but is not needed. No sand is used. Sacks of paper contain 80 Ibs. COST OF 100 YDS ON WOOD LATH 1450 Lath at $5 per M $7.25 Labor on 1450 Lath, 4c 4.00 Nails .30 1250 Ibs Pulp Plaster 4.70 Labor on Plaster (1 coat Required) 10.00 Actual Cost, without Freight $26.25 PLASTER 147 ON METAL LATH, 100 YDS 105 yds Lath at 20c $21.00 9 Ibs Staples 63 Labor on Lath 5.00 2500 Ibs Pulp Plaster 9.37 Labor on Pulp Plaster. 20.00 Actual Cost Without Freight $56.00 WATERPROOFING Wall and floors are now successfully treated with several kinds of materials to prevent leakage. "ANTI-HYDRO " is a liquid that is mixed with the cement, and the mixture is plastered on in the usual way. The inside of the wall is pre- ferreJ to t:.e outside, as any break can be repaired in the future. One gall should cover 100 sq ft of " cement plaster. The price is $1.50 to $2.00 per gall. It must be extra well troweled on. After the walls are cleaned, roughened and dampened, put on the first coat of pure cement mixed with 1 Anti-Hydro to 10 water. Then comes the scratch coat, I" to |", 1 cement to 2 sand, with mixture as before. Then the last \" coat, 1 to 1 with Anti Hydro as on other coats. The cost per yd varies under changing conditions. When fighting against leaking walls and floors it naturally runs high. Under the best conditions, with 3 coats, the actual cost will be for 100 yds: Labor $20.00 Anti-Hydro 18.00 Cement 18.00 Sand . . 3.00 $59.00 " HYDROLITHIC COATINGS " is another preparation of the same nature as Anti-Hydro. Four sacks of 110 Ibs are used with 8 gall of water for 20 sq ft, $" thick. Both of these prepara- tions are warranted to resist a strong force of water when well mixed, and carefully troweled on. Observe that Anti-Hydro is a liquid to be mixed with Port cement, while Hydrolithic is a substance to be mixed with water. 148 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR ARTIFICIAL MARBLE: The cost varies so much according to special details that it is hard to give a unit price. Plain cols run about $1 per sq ft, with about 500'. In larger quanti- ties a smaller price can be given. Wainscoting, about 70c per sq ft. OUTSIDE PLASTER WORK One sometimes sees parts of a house covered with ex metal lath, plastered with cement, which is occasionally pebble- dashed. This work is worth $1.25 to $1.75 per yd, depending upon quantity and style, with scaffold already in place. It is usually in panels, and the plasterer does not get a chance of covering so much surf as on a plain wall. If complete, plain, half timbered house is plastered outside with Port cement on ex metal lath allow 85c to $1 per yd. Both north and south the old style is coming back, with ex metal for a new and better base. Profit is included in these prices. COST: A detailed estimate shows the cost better. A car- penter's scaffold is supposed to be in place. The first 2 coats are of the usual fibered and plain cement plaster, and the finish coat of 1 Port cement and 2 sand. The brown coat is better gauged with Port. FOR 100 YDS WOOD LATH 1450 Lath $7.25 10 Ibs Nails 35 3 yds Sand 3.75 500 Ibs. Fibered Plaster 2.50 1100 Ibs Common Plaster 3.85 2 bbls Portland Cement 4.00 , Labor on Lath 5.00 Labor on Plaster. . 25.00 ACTUAL COST $51.70 All through No. 9 the plaster labor on wire lath took 4c for lath and 15c for plaster; but outside work is more difficult. Furring is not included. See first part of book for cost at 16" centers for wood lath. PLASTER 149 FOR METAL LATH 105 yds at 20c $21.00 18 Ibs Staples 1.25 3 yds Sand 3.75 600 Ibs Fibered Plaster 3.00 1200 Ibs Common Plaster 4.20 2 bbls Portland Cement 4.00 Labor on Lath 8.00 Labor on Plaster 30.00 ACTUAL COST $75.20 Furring is not allowed. It ought to be nailed on at not more than 10" centers, and staples and lathers' labor are so figured. PORTLAND CEMENT ONLY But some architects will not allow the use of anything but Portland cement. For such work, a detailed cost would be for 1 to 2. 105 yds Metal Lath, 20c $21.00 18 Ibs Staples 1.25 3 yds Sand 3.75 8 bbls Portland Cement (with fiber) 16.00 Labor on Lath 8.00 Labor on Plaster. . 30.00 $80.00 The price of cement is now (1913) about $1.60, and from there to $2 is the aver, although $2.25 is often paid. Sand may be bought for much less than is allowed. Railroads, for example, sometimes charge it out at 15c per ton, but such varieties in price can easily be adjusted to suit any locality. ROUGH COAT: For a rough J" coat of 1 to 2$ Port cement, on the face of brick, allow 23c per yd lOc material, and 13c labor. If floated allow 30c. Material for 100 yds, 3 bbls of cement, and 1J yds of sand. For a f" coat, 1 to 3, as on the sloping sides of hard earth cellars, 12c material, and 25c labor, floated. Material for 100 yds, 4 bis, and 2J yds of sand. QUOINS: Corners, or quoins, 20"xl2"xl" with 12" return, beveled at edges, 55c each for labor, and 7c for material. SPECIAL WORK: For narrow plain work with many cor- ners iri Port, allow from $3 to $4 per yd. CHAPTER X CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK SECTION ONE LABOR DIMENSION LUMBER: I have sometimes asked contrac- tors what system they followed when estimating the labor on dimension lumber, and their reply has been in line with my own experience: "Take off every piece of lumber and figure the labor at so much per 1,000' bm." It is a very simple rule, and most contractors abide by it, except that they may sometimes take work by the sq on a safe basis. The differ ehce between this rule and 10 different rules for lumber in as many positions is that the memory can easily carry 1 while it gets 10 mixed, and is sure of none. LABOR: The amounts are always given in bm or sq for 2 men in an 8 hour day. SQ AND BM SYSTEMS: It ought to be safe enough to esti- mate any ordinary frame or brick building by the sq, for the profit should be large enough to cover slight omissions or changes in the price of material, but the percentage must be put so low that every stick has to be priced. It is a ridiculous system, in a way, to take off a lumber bill of a roof on a frame house, for example, as it is a kind of slavery, but the margin is so small that it is usually done. To follow another system, and imagine all joists, studs, rafters, etc, spread out to 1" thick, and reduce or increase in proportion to width, is but the old sq system after all. Suppose a room 20'x40' with joists 2"xlO" set 16 o c. Each joist spread out equals I"x20". The room has 800 sq ft. As 16", then, is to 20, so is 800 to 1,000, the number of ft bm required. Allowing for double joists, etc, a fair idea can be had. But 22' joists would usually be necessary, and this would give 1,100. So with partition studs, walls, roofs, etc. A wall 20'x40', with 2"x4", set 16", would give 1x8, or exactly half the area 150 CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 151 in bm. One to the foot is allowed in this book further on for doubling, waste, etc, and this would come to f of the area, in bm, without plates. The system has the advantage of keeping material and labor separate, which is best,, but otherwise, if squaring is to be done at all, it is best to finish the job with labor, material and nails as given in the tables of the " Estimator," and add: a good profit. But for cut-up roofs the bm system is a good one, as it saves drudgery. It takes much longer to cut a rafter to a double bevel on 2 ends than merely to lay a joist on a wall, or nail on a sheeting board; a tower and a dormer window devour time, and a plank floor goes down fast enough to suit even a con- tractor; but while as a matter of theory each class of work should be figured separately, as a practical affair the whole bill of framing lumber, and usually sheeting also, is averaged with results sufficiently close to serve for 9 buildings out of 10. BM OR LF: Take the lumber by the 1,000' bm, and not by the If. I ran across an estimate book which put all dimension lumber from 2x4 to 2x14 on the same basis of so many If in a day. The writer had evidently never hoisted or laid timbers of the various sizes. I have sometimes heard it said that a 2x6 can be handled as easily as a 2x4. Upon that theory a 2x8 can be put in place as cheaply as a 2x6, and a 2x4 is- practically equal to 2x14. It will not work. The progression is made only 2" at a time, but if you try to hoist or lay a 2x12 you will find it is about 3 times as heavy as a 2x4. On a ground floor the difference is not observed so much as on one 40' in the air; but the whole lumber bill is estimated, and there is only one fair way to do it. But on the different classes of buildings how shall we determine the number of ft? By observation and experience. If a building has 10 towers, and a dozen dormer windows, it does not require a sage to know that more time is required than if there is only a plain surf to cover. TIME ON No. 10: On some buildings I kept an exact account of time; on most I did not, as the one simply repeated th 152 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR story of the other. No. 10 was kept. It is a block of 6 flats in Omaha. The first story is frame veneered with brick; all the rest of the building is frame covered with slate. The rear and alley walls are as plain as possible; floors, flat roof, and partitions, were easily handled; but the time taken on the towers and fronts ran into money. When built, 9 hours was a standard day, and the aver over the complete building was 550' bm for 2 men. Now wages are higher by lOc an hour, and the time is reduced to 8 hours, so that the advan- tage of keeping measure instead of money is seen. Such a building mijht now be estimated at 550' for 8 hours. With fewer hours a man can work harder, and with 45c an hour he has to. As with bricklayers so with carpenters higher pay has to gi^e more work. But if 600' were allowed I should want to be on the building myself, and the figure would have to be set subject to the thermometer, which can not safely be ignored. With a plain front, 750' is not an unreason- able figure. An illustration of such a building with the aver- age quantity given is worth a dozen pages of writing. TIME ON No. 4: On No. 4 we have a building of another class. One story has been removed since it was built. The 3x12 joists all through averaged 800' for 9 hours. They were laid on walls and girders with little framing necessary. The oak posts and yp bolted girders dressed and set in place ran to only 270'. It was then customary to do such work by car- penters, but now, since their wages are 40c to 45c, common laborers are used, so that 1,000' of joists alone can safely be estimated on the carpenter wage basis for an 8 hour day, if the hoisting arrangements are favorable. TRUSSES: One occasionally has to estimate trusses, and it is not always easy to say what they are worth. This is the " 10th case " where the aver of the framing lumber is not reliable. On this building there were 6 Howe trusses, 6' high with a 60' span. The timbers were 10x12 for the lower chord in 4 pieces; 8x12 f r the top chord solid; 4x12, 3x10, and 2x6, for cross braces. The chords were bolted together with dbl rods fron 1" to 2" in diam. The story was 18' in the clear. Each truss contained 2,100' bm, and took 342 hours for 1 CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 153 man to make and set in place. All material came surfaced. No 2 trusses are alike, but this will serve for a guess at another. At 40c per hour that is close to $80 per 1,000' bin. This work was all done by carpenters, but the rules of the union now allow laborers to do the heaviest part of the work, and the figure may be reduced. But the style of the truss and the kind of wood have to be considered. This one was of the hardest yp, and the braces were all crossed X fashion, and notched. In " Carpentry and Building," December, 1908, A. W. Joslin, Boston, gives his experience with trusses. About a score of types are illustrated in Kidder's " Architect's and Builder's Pocket Book," Chapter XXV, 1905 edition. Carpenters' wages 44c; Laborers' 30c per hour. For light trusses the amount per M ft, bm, is $18 to $24 for trusses from Figure 1 to 21, not including Figure 12. For heavy trusses of the same type, $22 to $25, with plenty of rigging, etc. These figures are for unsmoothed work; if dressed, cham- fered, and all marks smoothed off, the allowance would be $30 for light, to $40 for heavy trusses. For scissor trusses, Figures 32, 33, 36, a figure of $50 is quoted per M ft, bm. Actual figures are given for four trusses, 63' span, with 9,000', bm. The cost was $22 per M. The hoisting was done piece by piece with a steam derrick which is easier than pulling on a rope. These Boston figures are lower than could be used if the work was done by men not accustomed to it. A gang of railroad bridge builders handle such work better than carpenters. PHOTOS: On Nos. 4 and 10 the owners did part of the work and managed to fall behind on time and block the way. No. 4 was built in winter and the government reports were taken as to the quality of the sunshine and so forth, so that the penalty might be levied if the work was not completed on time. It is not pleasant to sign contracts of that kind, but one has to eat. A photograph was at once taken to guard against all danger of pains, penalties, and high displeasure 154 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR that are so easily laid down in a contract, and there was no more trouble. Sometimes a little care is beneficial in other fields than estimating. ALL LUMBER: On No. 9 the framing, sheeting, shiplap, and the whole bill of plain lumber, except flooring, cost $8 per M which was a little too much. It is only 800' per day of 8 hours. Delays accounted for some of it. SLEEPERS AND PLANK: On No. 7, at 40c per hour, the sleepers, 6x8 bedded in sand, cost $4.25 per M. The 3x6 floor on top cost $3, but some of it went down for $2.75. PURLINS AND 2" FLOORING: The purlins were put in place for $6, and they had to be hoisted about 60'; but some- times purlins cost 40% more. On No. 8, 150'x486', the 2" flooring on roof cost about $7 for labor, but nailings were about 6' apart. FRAMING: On No. 3 the girders were of steel, so that only joists and sheeting have to be considered. On basement and 1st floor there were 22,350' of 3x14x22 joists, and 8,300' of sheeting. Taking both together, 2 men put 1,100' in place in 9 hours. On 2d and 3d floors, 44,850' of joists and sheeting ran to 1,100' also, but this, like the material for the higher stories* was hoisted by a steam derrick at $2 per M extra. On 4th and 5th floors, 44,850' went down at the rate of only 800, as there was much more framing to do; and as height makes no difference with a derrick, this shows that even on the same building it is necessary to look well over the plans before setting an average figure. All joists came sized, and there is no bridging allowed. DERRICKS: To rent a derrick for one's own use for car- pentry alone is apt to be expensive. With engineer, a fair rate is about $40 per week. Then coal has to be bought, say $15. But for a high building, it is the only proper system, and pays, especially when the cost is divided with mason. SIZING JOISTS: The sizing of joists is included in all the foregoing buildings except the last. On No. 9, 25,000' were sized, with an aver of 3,176' in 8 hours; but a good many joists needed to be done on 1 side only. On heavy joists, CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 15* 2$" to 3$", well sized, 1,500 is a good aver. On a hot day It is too much. In some cities joists are sized at mill on both edges for $1.50 to $2.50 per M. WAREHOUSES: A good deal can sometimes be said in a paragraph; the largest buildings do not need so much space- as a cottage. On several of the largest Omaha warehouses recently built, the aver, without the top, finish floor, runs from 1,000 to 1,100'. The joists are merely dropped into stirrups, and they can be placed at 1,100 if taken alone. The heavy planking soon goes down if it has not to be hoisted too- far. But posts, girders, and joists, taken together, without plank floor, run from 800 to 900'. On one building, 200,000' framing cost $8 per M at 40c. POSTS themselves run from $12 to $15. The oak posts cm No. 4 dressed and chamfered, cost $22 per M bm. PLATFORMS: From figures already given, it may be- thought that the heavy platforms around such buildin-s; should go down at 1,400 to 1,500'; but I know of more than. 100,000' which averaged only 700. I know of another with, nearly twice that amount of lumber that averaged 1,030'. This is after allowing enough for leveling ground. STOREHOUSE: On a plain 2 story building with heavy timbers, 2" flooring roof, plank under floors, ordinary upper floor, the complete aver on 244,000' was 770'. Upper floors, are included and reduce the aver somewhat, as they are worth more than dimension lumber. A good deal of the work was done by laborers. TRESTLE: Trestle work under 10' high should not run to more than $10 per 1,000'. Coal hoisting stations, towers of a reasonable height, and heavy timber work in general, should not cost more than $14 at 30c per hour. But there are so- many special designs of this kind of work that it is hard to set a figure without seeing the plan, and sometimes harder when the plan is seen, and a guess made at the quality of the- man behind the saw. Bridge falsework, $16. GRAIN ELEVATORS: On 2 large ones the timbers and heavy framing amounted to nearly 1,875,000' bm; the cribbing, of 2x6 to 2x12, to more than 4,000,000' bm. 156 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LABOR: For the timbers, allow $13 per M; and the cribbing, $6, on a 35c basis. There is a good deal of hoisting required. MATERIAL: There is no trouble taking off material, as all work is plain. So with concrete, excavation, piling, corru- gated iron, plain windows, and roofing on elevators. SHEETING: Sheeting may be averaged at 1,000' on a frame building if taken alone, although 1,200 may be done on some. Shiplap about less. Much depends upon the style of the walls and roof. If sheeting and shiplap are nailed diagonally instead of level on side walls, allow $ more time. For floors, sheeting may be safely allowed at 1,500 to 1,800', unless more than 3 stories above the street level. On the roof of a 6 story building 1,000' is a good day's work. FENCE: I lately received the time on 1,750 If of close board fence, 8' high, strung with barbed wire for a top guard in the usual way. It took 420 hours, but posts were already set. Allow 15 minutes for 1 man to dig hole and set each post; but twice as long might be taken. Common 8" post holes, 5 to 10 minutes to dig, and half as long to set. The foregoing buildings may be taken as typical, and esti- mates securely based upon the figures given. A small cottage will not require as much time in proportion as No. 10; and some large frame houses will not aver 550' as that did. An allowance must be made for a plainer or more ornate style. The figures can not be far astray at worst if the men work, for 550 is the aver of a large building, and not a matter of theory. So with the other buildings. Joists and sheeting cost practically the same on schools, flats, and all kinds of brick buildings. If extra framing is required, an allowance must be made. LAW OF AVERAGES: With plain joists] studs, and sheeting, it is as with brick in a basement wall, so much is done in a day with reasonable mechanics that one begins to blush over the prospective profits, but by the time the chimneys are capped, the saddles put in place, and the corners attended to, it is quite another story. Do not base any estimates on CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 157 this kind of work, but take an aver all through. No. 11, for example, came to only 350' for 2 men in 8 hours, but few roofs are so complicated. This includes both rafters and shiplap. STATION LABOirt: The complete cost of carpenter labor on a passenger station, similar to No. 11, was $1,100. About 24x140', slate roof, hardwood finish, and maple floors. Wages, 35c. It is too much for such a building. AVERAGES: As a fair summary, allow as follows on an 8 hour basis, but it is well to keep in mind slow saws and modern instances already given. On Average Frame Houses 600 ft On Wood Stores and Flats, Plain 1,000 ft On Brick Stores and Flats 800 ft On 3- or 4-Story Business Buildings... .900 to 1,000 ft On Heavy Warehouses, Mill Construction 1,100 ft BRIDGING: If taken separately, a close enough price may be found in Part One. If lumber is put in the regular bill, allow for labor 125 If of 2x4 nailed in place, and 170 of 1x3, 1x4, or 2x2, for a day's work. In the first case, that is about 250' bm. Of course joists at 12" centers require more cutting and nailing than at 20". It is often cheaper to buy bridging already cut from the mills. CORNICE: For a very plain cornice of 5 members I have always used 60' for a 9 hour day. This does not include lookouts or anything properly belonging to framing lumber. A cottage of 6 to 8 rooms has about 150 If. This gives 2 men 2.5 days to finish it. At 40c an hour, and an 8 hour day, that is less than lie per If. There is no time for play. Extra members may be averaged at 2c. For wide ornamental cornices it is hard to set a basis, as no 2 are alike. With brackets, capitals, dormers, miters, etc, an estimate must be made in detail. If the soffit is ceiled, the ceiling may be taken at 1 sq for 2 men on plain work, and that part eliminated. A miter may be taken at 2 hours for 1 man. Some brackets can be nailed on in 10 minutes ; others, with mouldings carried around them, may take from 5 to 10 times as long. Scaffold is not put in, as the one in place serves. If all joints have to be laid in white lead and 158 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR oil, allow a little extra time. For a good cornice, 30' in a day is enough. PURRING: 1x2, 16" centers, 4 to 5 sq, making plugs Included. Openings are not deducted unless many and large. For 2x2, 16", 3$ to 4 sq; 1x2 on ceilings, 16", 15 sq; 2x2 on ceilings, 12", 12 sq. No. 9 was furred with 2x4. Put in at regular framing time, as it is easier to set than a partition. The amount given for 2x2 on ceilings is from the actual results all over No. 12. For different spacing, allow in pro- portion on the basis given. There is a patented " plug " now on the market. It is built in the joint of the brick, and the strip nailed in without any cutting. Possibly 1 sq more a day ought to be allowed when it is used. SHINGLES: I had seen and worked among slate, tile, lead and thatch, but the first shingle I ever handled was in Ver- mont. It seemed a curious thing to put on a roof, and I felt sure that it would not hold water. It must have been about 3' long. The farmer cut his own timber, the carpenter squared it, pinned it, built a huge barn, and covered the roof with the strange, new wooden slate. We do not use that kind in the west; ours are 16" long, and sawed. When starting out as a contractor I kept a book, and entered the time on different classes of work. Under shingles is found: "On plain roofs, from 4 to 6 sq; on fancy roofs, from 3$ to 4; on plain side walls, about 3." This allowance can not be much improved. Then the standard day was 9 hours; now it is 8, but we do more in an hour. (For number of shingles to sq, see Section Two.) On a plain roof, a couple of good carpenters may put on 8 to 10 sq, but we stand by an aver day's carpenter work not butcher work as well as by an aver exposure of 4$" to the weather. It naturally takes more time to lay shingles at 4" than at 5". They should never be laid at more than 5". On some kinds of walls and roofs 2 sq make a day's work. The cutting around valleys, chimneys, dormers, bay windows, etc, takes a good deal of time. (See Chapter on "Painting" for dipping of shingles.) CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 159 GUTTERS: Allow 100 If for aver standing gutters, with all finish got out at mill. With many hips and valleys, this figure is too high, 75 is enough. For wide cornice gutters, 60 If may be used as a basis, and the dimension lumber allowed in the regular bill. Water-Table and Base 160 If Bands and Belts 200 If Double Corner-Boards 150 If SIDING: On plain 6" work, 5 sq is the law for 2 men. On some buildings, with long blank walls, 8 may be done. On some particular corners, again, 2 is a big day's work. A fair aver is 4 sq. Possibly 6 may be done; possibly only 3 not more than 3 if mitered. On narrow siding, mitered at corners, allow as a basis 2 sq, and go up or down according to the angles, dormers, sides, pilasters, hoods, gargoyles, pediments, or walls, as plain as a prairie. Unmitered, 3 sq. Scaffolding and tar paper are included; openings are" not counted, but exact surf taken. FLOORS: The usual flooring is 4" which finishes a trifle less than 31. On a 4-story block, where I was foreman, I kept the time on floors. Paper was laid on sheeting, and yp floor on top, with rough joints smoothed. The whole building everaged 4 sq for 9 hours, hoisting included. The rooms are of the usual office size, and stores are on the ground floor. On No. 3, which is also divided into offices, the aver for yp was 3i sq for 9 hours; but this work was carefully smoothed and sandpapered. It was done by the piece, and the men worked hard on it. They offered to do it at 80c, and ended at $1.25 a sq. Wages were then 30c. There is a wonderful difference between a long hall and a score of small offices. Once more we may take time to consider that an illustration of this kind is worth a dozen pages of theorizing. On joists, without an under floor, allow 6 sq of 4" flooring. The next sentence I find in my MS is: " On wp allow about a sq more." It might about as well be left out here, for the ruinous policy of the forest owners has at last practically cleared the northern part of the continent of what is by far the best wood for outside work and fine interior finish. In 160 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR New York, to-day, (1913) the best wp is $97 to $114, and select, $80 to $100, wholesale. FLOORING 2": Flooring, 2" thick, tongued and grooved, may be averaged at 1,000'. On No. 4, 2 men laid 5 sq in 9 hours, or nearly 1,200', but that was close to street level. Still, the figure is not unreasonable if conditions are favor- able. Is the thermometer not to be reckoned with? This flooring is usually 5i" finished width. I once knew, however, of 74,000' which averaged only 700; and about as much on another building which ran to 1,600, but this was for mill construction, with joists far apart. No. 8, 2" roof, 900. SQ EDGED MAPLE AND YP: On warehouses, 5 sq are enough, if hoisting is included, as it is in all figures given in this section. A common way of finishing warehouse floors now is with |x4" sq edged maple. Allow 4 to 5 sq unsmoothed. It has to be dbl nailed, and takes more labor than yp. The finished size is 3". Narrower boards take more time, which is about equal to saying that 2 and 2 are more than 2 and 1; but some of the hasty put 2" and 4" on the same basis. But an aver of 6 sq is sometimes reached for tongued material, which is nailed on only 1 edge. And now for the proof: On a 6-story building, one of the largest and newest warehouses in Omaha, the yp, sq edged floors averaged throughout 5 sq. On 2 others, also new and large, 1 the gallery of No. 7 the sq edged 4" maple ran on the first to 4, on the second to 5J. The same men laid both, but they had experience on the second. YP FLOORS: No. 9 is an interesting building, so far as the floors go, for it can be compared with No. 3. Both floors were smoothed and sandpapered, but this one was cut in between the base, and that takes a good deal of extra time, as both ends have to be carefully jointed. While aware that some of the best eastern business buildings and residences are so finished, 1 do not like the style. In course of time the joint opens, and the floor is in a worse condition than if a quarter round had been used, although that is not by any means an ideal finish. In my. apprenticeship, we tongued the board into a groove in the floor. The knees of the men CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 161 were reddened before the floors of a house were smoothed and the grooves run. Now, machines are used. BENCH SMOOTHING: In the largest rooms of No. 9, on the ground floor, where there was no hoisting, 3.2 sq was the amount laid and smoothed. In large rooms the jointing is a simple matter, but not in small ones. In . small rooms above, the amount was 2.3 sq, and the general aver did not reach 2.5. On the first 8 sq, the aver was only 1.6 for 2 men in 8 hours. They were first class mechanics, and they worked hard. Much depends upon how a floor is finished. On most of one floor the experiment was tried of smoothing the boards before they were laid, and then merely smoothing the joints, but the work was largely thrown away, for although the flooring was good, and well matched, it was necessary to smooth nearly the whole surf again. The quantity smoothed on the bench was 1,000 in a day. With small rooms, cut in between, and properly smoothed, 2.25 is a large enough allow- ance, although it seems a low one for 2 men. MAPLE: D and m maple is harder to smooth than yp, which was used on No. 9. If unsmoothed, allow 4 sq of 2 face. Of course, more can be laid if on a warehouse, as it is all straight work. On a large surf 3J sq were recently laid and smoothed; and 6, without smoothing, on upper stories, 8 on ground level. In houses and offices, if well smoothed, 2 sq are a good day's work. With If face, 1.5 sq may have to pass if the smoothing is well done. I once helped to smooth an old maple floor, 18x9.0, and with hard work it averaged 2 sq for 2 men in 9 hours. OAK: In a dining room, with angle bay window, and border all around, the aver in 9 hours was only 50', or half a sq, but this was a fine, oak parquet floor. It was glued strip by strip, smoothed, scraped, and sandpapered, and there was no time wasted. In another finished the same way in oak, except for glue, If face, the cost was $9 per sq at 40c per hour. On still another house $15 was the figure for oak with a border, and this was over several rooms. A contractor recently told me that on a fine house, where all the floors were of hardwood, his aver was $12; and on 162 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR some floors, $15. He watched the men closely, and there was no time lost. The larger the quantity, the higher the price, for the men became tired out with smoothing. The common carpenter touches such floors only to spoil them; they require the best tradesmen. MACHINE SMOOTHING: But floors are smoothed now by machines at a far lower cost than by hand. There are 2 main classes of machines motor driven sandpapering, and hand scraping or planing. The small planing machines cost about $50, and surface " from 6 to 10 sq each, per day, per man." The large sandpapering machines have done 35 sq in a long hall. They are run by a motor of 1 to 4 h p, and one make costs, without motor, about $550. Another machine costs, with motor, as follows, fob Chicago: Type "D" li H.P. Direct Current. . . $250.00 Type " D " 2 H.P. Alternating Current 275.00 Type " B" 2 H.P. Direct Current 300.00 Type " B " 3 H.P. Alternating Current 325.00 Edge Roller 20.00 The edge roller runs close to the base. The motor machines run at 600 r p m. Smoothing Co.'s charge $2.25 to $3.00 per sq. One manufacturer claims that his machine cleans more than 15 to 20 men. " The cost of sandpaper and electric power is from $1 to $2 per day." They require, of course, electric power, and thus could not be used in some country districts, or in many parts of a city. Still another is fitted up with a small gasoline engine. The operator sits on top, just as on a bicycle, and guides the machine. " A room, 16x16, has been done in one hour and a half." The cost is $200, fob Springfield, 111. THIN FLOORS, PARQUET FLOORS: There is a thin oak floor that many are now using to make the old house look new. At first sight it seems to be much easier to lay than the |, but the difference is not so very great if stuff is grooved. The under floor should be carefully smoothed to a level surf, and there is more nailinar through the fact. With varnishing and profit included with carpenter labor these floors are worth about 23c per sq ft in this latitude. A f " floor of good design, 45c in place and oiled. Thin borders, 30c. Borders CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 163 may run to $1. Eastern prices on ^ to f are 25 to 40c; on . 45 to 55c. For & material, 10 to 15c; for |, 20 to 40c. Quarter sawed white oak is used. A f " carpet " floor might be laid for half that amount in a sq room. In all floors the expense comes with angles and borders. Material of various woods, 1" to 1$ wide, $28 to $85 per M, f" being counted as 1", and | as 1" wide before dress- ing, 1$ as 2, 2 as 2*. Fine floors cost money, and they are usually spoiled by being laid in a damp building. The best time to lay them is a year after the building is occupied. The impatient owner can not wait for style all that time any more than her children can wait for a new toy. In Europe you see floors generations old looking like a picture. In France especially the public buildings shine. Why spoil a lasting picture for the sake of a year? COST: Hardwood floors will never be cheaper than now. Since 1900 the wholesale price of hardwood has advanced from 25 to 65%. The cut of oak has fallen off 36%. The best forests of Indiana are about exhausted. THEORY: One eastern authority allows $1 per sq for labor on the best hardwood floors; and another, as an extreme figure, 83c. There was once a young man who told his pro- fessor that Solomon's proverbs were far behind this enlight- ened age, and that anybody could now make them. The pro- fessor instead of reasoning with him merely said, " Make a few." FLOORS, 6": So much for narrow flooring. Our next stock size is 6", or 5i face. For Pitched Roof Without too Many Angles. .3 to 4 sq For Side Walls on Level 3$ to 4 sq On Bare Joists 6 to 8 sq On Top of Under Floor 5 to 6 sq For wp allow 1 sq more. Of co-arse, on porch floors, the figures given for bare joists may have to be cut in 2. Much depends upon the matching of all kinds of flooring. It is sometimes so bad that men working hard do only J of 164 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR a day's work. And again, how high has it to be hoisted? The New York method is to set men one above another at the window of each story, and make them hoist it board by board, hand over hand, for 20 stories in the air. It naturally costs more on the 20th than on the 2d. But average buildings seldom run above 6 stories. Some estimate floors by the sq, and some by the M. More from habit than from any merit in the system when applied to common floors, at all events I have always taken the sq as the unit. The usual allowance for waste and milling is about | extra for 4" flooring; a sq, therefore, means 125' bm, and thus, 8 times the price of a sq gives tnat of a 1,000'. As the sq system is almost obligatory on fine floors, it seems best to keep it for common as well. PORCHES: The best way appears to be to put framing lumber, sheeting, floors and ceilings in at the usual rate, and estimate the rest in a body. There is such a variation in style and finish, and usually such a short time given to make an estimate, that this is the easiest way out of the labor. Of course, the roof framing takes longer, but that does not count so much on a complete bill. As a kind of basis, a porch, 6x22, with plain sq posts and flooring roof, hand grooved to run off water, without rail, with aver cornice, took 2 men 5 days of 9 hours to make posts, joint cornice stuff and finish complete, the floor being already laid. Several were done at the same time. On another porch, 6x30, of far better style, to make all stuff 6 paneled posts, cornice, rail above roof, ceiled below, sheeted above, 7 days. With all millwork made ready, framing, flooring, etc, allowed in their place, 5 days extra work is a fair estimate for a good porch without shingles, which go with their own kind. But again, 2 men may work several times as long. How decide without a plan? GROUNDS: For wainscoting from 3 to 4 SQ. There is usually no scaffolding required, but they have to be straighter than furring. More can be done on wood partitions and on furring than on brick about 5 sq altogether. A rough way of estimating grounds is Ic per ft, but with labor at 40c, that CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 165 is too low. On wood, 2c; on brick, 2 to 3c is a fair price. A brick opening, 1 side, will take a man 1 hour if he has to plug; on wood, half an hour is enough. STORE FRONTS: For fronts about the standard width of 21', like those in Nos. 5 and 6, allow 5 days to finish com- plete with sash below, casings, and window shelf inside. With everything moving h&rmoniously, and a half dozen to do at a time, 4 days are enough, but if only 1 is to be done, more time is required in proportion. Hardware, transoms, swinging sash below, etc, are all to be considered. These plain fronts may be used as a standard. It sometimes hap- pens that a specially good one takes twice as long; and there are others that require only 2 days. But as with floors, there are great differences in fronts. It is possible to design one of standard width that would keep 2 men busy for a month. On such fronts, take all plain work on the regular basis, and estimate the rest in detail. WINDOWS: The time is given for 1 man. To put aver frames together, if stuff comes in the knock- down, 1| to 1$ hours. Planing mill price is only 20 to 40c. An ordinary pine window in a frame building, setting frame included, 5 hours. Hardwood, 6 to 7, If paneled below, 1 extra. In brick buildings with jamb linings, setting frames included, 6 to 7. Hardwood, 8 to 10. If circle top inside, 1 hour more on pine, 2 hours on hardwood. The 50 and 60 It windows in No. 7 were fitted at the rate of 2 in an 8 hour day for 1 man; but half of the work had to be done on a high scaffold. This is a little less than an hour to each sash. The glass was not set, and the work was therefore easier than if it had been. On more than 100 windows, 30 It, 10x14 like the fore- going the labor ran to 7 hours each. There was no inside finish except a quarter-round. Labor included setting frame, fitting and hanging sash, putting on stops and hardware. In high windows, i to $ of the time ought to be added; some require twice as long. For a fixed transom, 1 hour extra; if hung, to f of an hour more. Of course it is with windows as with other parts of a building a detail can be 166 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR drawn that will put twice as much work on them as is made to serve for the ordinary structure. For windows hung on sash balances, allow about 1 hour less. One seldom sees balances in modern buildings. CEILINGS: The best building codes now forbid wood ceil- ings in stores and such places, on account of danger from fire, which is held back longer by metal, or plaster on ex metal lath. For plain store ceilings, allow 3 sq a day of 9 hours. This figure was taken from work done on F.everal stores, among others, those shown in Nos. 5 and 6. k^uietimes more might be done, but it is not safe to put an estimate up to the limit. A warehouse with a long stretch is easier to ceil than a store; and a small room takes more time. As to paneled ceilings it is hard to set a figure. Some have plain beams, 8" wide, and others, moulded and dbl moulded to a stretch of 3'; and panels may be only 1' sq, or they may be 6. How can we even guess without a plan and detail? And now that we are finally under roof, is it wp, cypress, or hardwood finish? The plain work of ceiling need not be hard to estimate from the base of 3 sq a day, for if it is cut in between beams, an allowance can be made for extra labor, which is likely to be twice as much, and for furring, etc, outside of the regular joist amount. A pine beam, a ft wide and deep, made of 5 boards 2 about 6" wide on ceiling, 2 at 12" on sides, and 1 at 12" on soffit, 2 bed moulds, and 2 moulds at lower edges, may be set at 35c per If, with scaffold- ing included, so far as labor on it is concerned. The wall beam needs to be fitted, and may be counted as the others. But if the panels are small, that means many miters. An extra allowance of 40c per miter, or $1.60 for the 4, ought to do this plain work. If of hardwood, add 5"0% to all figures, none of which includes framework. From this figure of 25c per If we may go to $10 on some houses. If we go from wood to mosaic we have the price set for the ceiling of the U. S. mint building, at Philadelphia, at $15 per sq ft. Plain lumber in pine beams larger than a sq ft of section may be allowed for labor at 4c per sq ft bm; and mouldings CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 167 at l^c per sq inch of section; with extra allowance for miters. Hardwood, 50% more. CEILING: For plain ceiling on walls allow 3 sq without furring. If of hardwood, 2J. CORNICES: For cornices and overhangs, 1 to 1J sq. The wide overhang of No. 11 was done at the rate of 1 sq. WAINSCOTING: On No. 12, in 8 schoolrooms, through all halls, wardrobes, etc, two men in a 9 hour day cut, put up and finished with cap and quarter round 3 sq of yp, ranging in height from 2' 6" to 6'. On ordinary dwellings and tene- ments allow about 2* sq. All material was prepared, and furring is not included. If smoothing has to be done, allow 6 hours per 1,000' for 2 men. They will not be idle but that aver was kept over a large ceiling. This is only 3 minutes to a 16' board, 3^ wide. Under " Floors," we have seen that the time on 1,000' of the same width was 8 hours. For plain hardwood allow about more time; if there are many angles, 1* sq for 8 hours. PANELING: For paneled work about 4' in height, with cap and base, allow 501f ; on hardwood, 35. Sometimes plain work of this kind is easier nailed up than tongued and grooved material, but generally the base and cap are of richer design. It is hard to give a figure on this work, as there is a great difference between a plain wall 30' long, and another broken into 6 to 8 pilasters, each with 4 miters for base and cap. An internal miter, if coped, as it ought to be, should not take more than 1 hour on pine, and 1 on hardwood; an external one should not take more than half as long; but much de- pends upon the design, and more upon the joiner. Furring is not allowed; doors are not counted. BASE: With opportunity enough, I never happened to keep the time on pine or hardwood wainscoting; but I watched base through 2 buildings. The first was a 4-story block, with an unusual number of pilasters, and they devoured time, as 4 miters in a 3-membered base do. Yet all through 2 men put down 100 If in 9 hours. On No. 3 with plain rooms, 2 membered base, scribed to floor, 170 If. Second floor and basement had oak base, which 168 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR is included in figure. Main floor base on oak, paneled wainscot not included. Doors were not included in either building. On No. 9, 200 If of a narrow birch base were laid, but fitting to floor was not necessary. For plain, quarter round base, and quarter round at floor, 200 to 250 If. For hardwod, 3-membered, aver number of miters, 100 If; but it is well to remember that some of our friends from Poduc\ Creek, even with good intentions and an earnest heart, are practically helpless at hardwood work of all kinds. Nowhere are cheap carpenters so expensive or so exasperating. The old style Yankee carpenter was trained to the tips of his fingers; his successor is not, and manual training schools, excellent as they are, do not supply the want of slow, painstaking teaching and practice. DOORS: On sliding doors allow framing in regular bill, and 2 days extra to finish complete with lining, jambs, casings, hardware, etc. This will serve for a good pine door well hung; on hardwood, about 3 days. I have known nearly 4 days to be occupied on a pair of heavy hardwood doors. As the number of hours does not always divide prpoerly, the time on the following doors is taken for 1 man instead of 2: For a pair of outside doors, about 6'x8', door frame, casings, hardware, complete, 10 hours; if hardwood, 14. Vestibule doors about the same. Both sides have to be cased, while front doors have only 1 side, but the jambs, and often the doors are heavier, and sometimes a little more elaborate. If with sidelights, give 14 for pine, and 20 for hardwood; if transomed, 2 to 3 hours extra. Sometimes a good deal of trouble is caused by boring for flush bolts. For common pine doors complete, 4 to 5 hours, if If; 5 to 6, for If. There are those who consume a day to a door, and think they do well. If 3 hinges are used, a little more time is necessary. Light closet doors reduce the aver, and make up for the heavy ones. Some men will hang and put locks on 12 doors in a day; I have often cased 20 sides, but we have to deal with averages. CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 169 For hardwood, 7 to 10. Of course a casing of such design might be made as to give several hours extra work; but we are not writing about palaces, city halls, or court houses with high doors and paneled jambs. I could take any hardwood opening of aver size, set jambs, case, hang and finish door in 10 hours, including transom. It is a reasonable allowance- On No. 9, the birch doors took about 7 hours. For aver pine swinging doors, 5 hours. There is no hard- wood after the hinges are on. PANELED JAMBS: But here we come to another kind of openings. For pine doors and finish of wide, paneled jambs, and transoms, 10 hours. On specially high doors, 15 to 16 hours. For hardwood, about to $ more. The hard pine doors with paneled jambs, on No. 12, took about 11 hours. For an opening about 12x16, double swinging doors com- plete, 2 days for 2 men. They are sometimes used in churches, etc. For outside double doors, about 12'xl8', in manufacturing buildings like No. 7, 1 day for 4 men. For a sliding barn, door, about the same size, with iron track, 1 days for 2 men. Special doors may be estimated from the foregoing figures, which would be considered very liberal by a New York " lumper." While living in New York, I was told of some who steadily fitted 36 doors, and left the hanging of them to some brother in misfortune. On cheap buildings they certainly do far more work than western carpenters, but their work has 2 drawbacks it is worthless in quality, requiring repairing almost from the time it is finished; and it is making white slaves. A good carpenter goes to lumping only as the last resort. Grounds are not included on either doors or windows. STAIRS: Setting only is allowed not millwork. But which style shall be selected? I have known 2 men to set a stair in a forenoon, and again, work on another for about 2 weeks. On No. 12, with regular school stair, double flight, ceiling rail, about 6' wide, 3 to 4 days for 2 men. On No. 2 it took 233 hours for 1 man to set and finish 3 flights of oak stairs about 5' wide, with continuous rail. 170 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR On No. 9, with oak stairs, of a better design, it took 300 hours for 1 man to set 3 flights. Platforms allowed in fram- ing lumber. For a long box stair, without landing, 1 to 1* days for 2 men. Box stair for cellar or attic, about the same if winders are used. For a plain 6 to 8 room house, 2 to 3 days. For a fine stair to a house of 8 to 10 rooms 6 days. Guess the rest; and remember that although the estimate may not be mathematically correct, you may add to or deduct from a reasonable percentage on complete bid enough to build the stair complete. While admitting that an estimate should be as nearly correct as possible, why insist on abso- lute accuracy on one small item, and then make a wild guess at the profit? Of course there are stairs that would keep 2 men working for a couple of months, or even a year. The Glasgow people have a fine stair in their new municipal buildings one of the best I have ever looked upon. But the best, the stair that once seen is never forgotten, is the " Stairway of Honor " in the Grand Opera House, Paris. It is wide enough for teams to drive up abreast. " The steps are of white marble, the balustrades of alabaster, the hand rail of African onyx. 24 colored marble columns rise to the height of the 3d floor." And so on they describe the marvel in the $7,000,000 Opera House and that price too where wages are low. I did not even try to estimate the time required to build it. The house itself took 14 years and probably will last for centuries. The ornamental iron stair in Wanamaker's new store cost about $36,000. SIDEBOARDS: We have some that fill the end of a large room, and others not so great in size or style. One of ash, I remember, 8x8' with drawers, doors, brackets, shelves, mirrors, and hardware to match: 2 men took 8 days to com- plete it. Another of oak about the same size 6 days. The difference was a matter of detail. Millwork for both came in knockdown and here it may be worth while to say that there is a good deal of difference in the way millwork comes. The cheapest mill bid on stairs, sideboards, window frames, CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 171 drawer cases, etc, may mean 10% more work when the stuff is delivered. A fairly good sideboard may be set in 4 days; none in Omaha, I judge, would require more than 10 to 12. CHINA CLOSETS: Allow from 2 to 6 days for 2 men. PANTRIES: From 1 to 4 days. CHINA CLOSETS: A china closet might come put together, leaving only the labor of pushing it into place and nailing a casing around the opening, all of which might be comfortably done in a day; but most of them come in the knockdown. There is a difference between one pantry with only half a dozen plain shelves and another with shelving all around, meal bins, drawers, etc; one may have only 20 sq ft while the other has 3 or 4 times as many. 1 to 3 days for a man. STOREROOMS: Put in shelving at 24 sq ft per hour for 2 men. On No. 2 I kept time on 3,000' all dadoed by hand into compartments about 18" sq, and the aver was higher than this which seems safe. But I know of nearly 60,000' that did not aver 16' with far less dadoing. Pantries, closets, etc, may be figured by this method and an allowance made for extra labor, but 40 to 50' seems fair as there is no dadoing. BLINDS: Outside, for either brick or frame buildings if fitted before frames are set, 20 pr aver size; if after frames are set 14. Inside 4 to 5 sets a day for plain work; hard- wood, 3 sets. BORING: Large posts for warehouses, etc, are often bored from end to end with an 1" auger. One millman quotes a price of 6 to 7c per If; on a large building the work cost $2.50 per 1,000' bm at the mill. Sometimes it is quoted at 15c per If. SECTION TWO MATERIAL. GIRDERS: It is not necessary to say anything about girders, for they can not well be missed unless through care- lessness. By reference to the chapter on " Standard Sizes " It will be seen that all dimension lumber must be ordered of even lengths; although a girder or joist is billed at 11', 12 have to be paid for, so that there is no economy in putting down odd sizes. But it sometimes happens that 2 odd sizes 172 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR are required of such lengths as may be taken out of an even size, and thus 2 If are saved. An 18', for example, will make 11 and 7. JOISTS: It is of some importance to watch the spacing of joists and the ordering of lengths of flooring, etc, to suit. Many architects space to a partition, put in the dbl joists and then space from them. If this is repeated several times there is apt to be a good deal of trouble with lengths of sheet- ing, flooring, ceiling, lath, etc, for the joists might be so placed as to waste the even lengths of lumber clear across the room. It is best to space from 1 end of a building and stick to the regular spacing unless for some special reason. Allow extra joists for doubling where they are required on this basis. The dbl joist may come so near the regular spac- ing that a little variation will not be of much consequence. To get the number of joists required count them and add 1 extra for main rooms and doubles wherever necessary. A carpenter does not often use an architect's scale for taking off quantities, although it is the best article for the purpose. If the joists are set 1 to the ft, and the plan drawn to J or J, by laying on the scale the number can be seen at once with- out any mental calculation. If centers are 14" or 16" a slip of paper can be laid off from the scale and moved from room to room adding the extra joist. Still for 16" centers a carpenter's rule is as good as a scale, for the even figures multiplied by 3, and 1 added, give the number. Suppose a room is 32' long at scale; the rule would show 8, which multiplied by 3 gives 24, and 1 at wall, 25. A trifle over the even figure means an extra joist, for at 16" centers 20" needs 2 just as much as 32. As there are 3 to the inch the exact number can easily be seen although the even figure is not on the line. Each room divided in such shape that the floor stops, as at a brick wall, requires an extra joist. An extra ceiling joist is often needed where there is a partition sometimes 2 are insisted on; but there are architects who are satisfied with a strip to hold the end of the lath. STUDS: For walls and partitions allow 1 stud to the ft for 16" centers. This seems too much; but after allowing plates CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 173 in addition I have sometimes run short. A 2x4 can be used for a score of purposes apart altogether from partitions and walls; but if doors, windows, arches, etc, are all properly doubled and corners made solid so that lath can not pass through, and if proper base-blocks are nailed in, the allow- ance is not too much unless on very plain work. Of course a stable or shed does not require such doubling. The nature of the building must be considered. When ex metal lath is used doubling is not necessary as it bends to the shape of the corner and when plastered becomes as hard as a rock, but base-block are still needed. Much depends upon the times: one can miss a few pcs when prices are high, but not when they are cut to the bone. I remember accidentally leaving out a whole floor of parti- tions in a block of 3 flats one of No. 6. Had the stuff gone in, another contractor would have got what proved to be a nice little prize of more than $2,000, for the difference in the bids was only $60. This experience is introduced not to encourage such omissions on the chance of getting rich, but rather to emphasize the fact that several buildings or floors on the same plan are dangerous. One floor is estimated and the intention is to n ult by the number, but we switch off and forget. See bm system page 150. CREOSOTING: From $15 to $20 per m. BRIDGING: Joists are almost always bridged, and studs are occasionally. If bridging is taken separately a close enough price may be found in Part One. The lengths may be found there also. As a rough and ready way out of this small item which, however, can not be overlooked, I allow 3' to every If, and seldom find much left. Windows have to be braced, ladders made, and other matters attended to. See Metal Bridging. RAFTERS: On a plain roof it is simply a matter of count- ing them the same as joists and adding 1 extra. There is more trouble on a roof like No. 11 with angles, hips, valleys, and dormers. For such roofs see page 28, where cost is given at $6, or follow bm system. It is of some importance to get the right lengths of hips and valleys. They are better billed 3' too long than 6" too short, 174 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR for the strength of a roof depends upon them. Before setting down the lengths it is safer to lay the plan of the rafter on a piece of paper if not sure of the ground. If there is a plan of the roof it is only necessary to sq up from the line of the hip or valley, set off the same height as the common rafter at any point desired, whether at the ridge or below it, if the hip or valley does not extend clear through, and then measure the distance between the 2 points. To use 3 common figures, well known to carpenters who square houses by them, if the line of the h. or v. on the plan measures 8, and the height or rise is 6, then the h. or v. is 10' long. This is the secret of taking off the lengths of lumber for any roof: Get the distance in from the wall-plate and the rise from the level, and measure the length between the 2 points. The same rule holds for jacks and cripples. A liberal allowance must be made for complicated roofs. For every 12" of common rafters on the plan a hip or valley at an angle of 45 has 17". SQUARE ROOT: A good method of testing the length of any rafter is to get the run and the rise, and extract the sq root. Lumber bills in thousands, and roofs by the acre, have been finished by those who never heard of a such a thing, who do not know that the useful 8, 6, 10; and 12, 12, 17, are hinged on the same principle. ROOF PITCH: The pitch of a roof is taken from the level of the walls to the ridge. A common way of building roofs is to use a standard pitch. A i pitch is i of the span over the walls; ^ is i of span, and so on. Thus a 24' span would on i pitch give a rise of 6'. I ran across one rule in a book which seems good enough to copy: "To get the length of rafter for i pitch, mult span by A; $ by ; f by f; by &\ f by f." The pitch rule would be 2" short on a 24' span; but in all cases the projections of rafters for cornice has to be allowed extra, and that would take care of this shortage. EXTRAS: Ties, wall-plates, ridges, lookouts, moulded rafters and other subordinate parts of a roof have to be attended to! It is not hard to overlook them. TRUSSES: Nothing need be said about the lumber on roof trusses, for it is easy to take off. Rods and bolts are as easily seen as lumber. CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 175 SHEETING: Get exact surface to be covered after deduct- ing openings and allow $ more for floors, | for side walls, & to 1 for roofs. Sheeting like 2x4's covers a multitude of holes and corners. Sheeting and shiplap are sometimes nailed on an angle on side walls and floors: add 1% to previous figures for the waste, as each board has to be cut at both ends. Sheeting is sometimes left. 2" open on cheap roofs, and a deduction should be made accordingly. On plain roofs the quantity may not be more than for floors. SHIPLAP: Get exact surface and allow & for floors, for walls, i for roofs. Some roofs need more. See under " Floors " an illustration of how to get quantities. On pur- lins, and joists in mill construction, lengths must be watched owing to wide spacing. A roof with only a 40' slope might require 46' of lumber, or a waste of nearly 2' on the end of each board. CORNICE: With the detail that ought to accompany the main plans, but usually does not, there should not be any trouble taking off the cornice lumber. If it is wp be sure to get the price before estimating. The cornice for a com- mon frame building generally has a sectional area of about 3'; some are less. Allowance must be made for miters at all corners. On cheap buildings the frieze is only I thick; on good buildings it is 1J, the same as the corner-bds. Base, corner-bds, bands and such trimmings are easily seen. SHINGLES: I recently estimated dimension shingles for 61.6 sq of surf without a break, or even a chimney. At 4J exposure the actual number used was 53,500, or 868 per sq. This will serve as a basis. On another plain building with the same exposure, 860 were used. On some roofs, gables, and walls, 900 are necessary. At 4" allow 990; at 4, 880; at 5, 792, for the plainest surfaces. At 4" allow 1012; at 4$, 900; at 5, 810, for cut-up roofs. If 6 to 2" shingles are used about 3% more than 5 to 2 are required. The 6 to 2" are not only thinner but narrower, and the waste is greater. We have many authorities on shingles. I have more than half a dozen at hand, and except one they are all the same 176 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR with quantities. "To 5" exposure, 720; 4, 800; 4, 900." They have been copying one another. Now it is far better to copy what is right than to be original with what is wrong, but the quantities they give will not hold out. They make no allowance for narrow shingles, and the saw can not cut without waste here any more than with other lumber the bunch which should measure 20" is now only 19J and 19; and sometimes a shingle is lost or broken. The figures are mathematically correct, for at 4 exposure a shingle covers 18 sq inches, 8 to the sq ft, 800 to the sq. But what about cutting for an angle What about the width of the saw-cut on each piece? What about the double course at the eave? With varying widths and qualities the exact quantity may not always be struck, but the mathematical process will not do. GUTTERS: The plain finish lumber Is easily seen in sec- tion, and the bottom is usually of sheeting. The millman attends to brackets and mouldings. SIDING: Deduct all openings and add $ to the surf in sq ft for 6" siding at 4 to 4f to the weather. If all boards were kept at 4$ and there were many gables with the usual waste this quantity would be a trifle short. For 4" siding allow i more than surf after deducting openings. By following the method explained under " Floors " we can arrive at the quantity for any exposure. Take for illustra- tion a space 100' long and 9' 9" high. For 6" siding at 4 we have 26 bds in height and each bd is 100' long. This is 2,600 If, or 1,300 bm, no waste being allowed for cutting on end. The space lost is exactly of the space exposed; but gains are made at corner bds, casing around openings, etc, sufficient to make up for cutting, although the quantity is a trifle close. Of course the exposure is sometimes stretched i". Take for narrow siding the same length with 9' 7", to allow for even spacing at 2. Forty bds are required 100' long, or 4,000 If, but each bd is only $ of a ft wide and the quantity is 1,334' bm, or the actual surf mult by 1.39, or a little less than 1$. At 2| exposure we have to use 1.46; at 2|, 1.53; at 2i, 1.6. CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 177 DROP SIDING: For drop siding allow as for flooring of same width, or proceed as explained. PAPER: See Index for weight of tar paper, etc. I always remember one rule that is safe, and close enough for aver tar paper: Allow 1% Ibs to the sq yd. But this is too much for some papers. FURRING: Allow 1 to the ft when spaced at 16". Less may do, but a fire-stop is now obligatory in most cities, and there is sometimes a good deal of waste by breakage. Where 2x2's are used the chance of breakage is reduced, and 1 to 14" is enough for ordinary work. As with joists an extra piece is required for each room, for only on cheap houses is lath run through. The figures given in Part One are safe if taken by the sq. GROUNDS: It is easy enough to find the number of ft for doors, windows, wainscoting, etc. Grounds are so easily broken and there is so much waste that 7 to 10% extra should be added. It is well to remember that for wood lath they should be of stuff; for brick or fireproofing only f; and in both cases they must be surfaced 1 side. The thinner the ground the better will the plasterer like it. The hard wall plaster companies give the following: INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING GROUNDS They should be " on wood lath; f" on Sackett plaster board; \" on brick or tile; |" over face on wire lath. FLOORS: On the floor of No. 7, 3" thick, I was a little curious to know how nxuch an old contractor, for whom I had worked several years, had allowed, and I asked him, "190,000"." My figure was 189,000. Owing to lengths of plank which did not suit the spacing of joists the quantity required was 190,000. PLANK FLOORS: It is a fairly easy matter to get at a plank floor. Unmatched lumber measures about \" less than the standard size; therefore, if the plank is 6" it is clear that T^ of it is lost, no matter what thickness; and this without making any allowance for waste the long way, owing to spac- ing of joists, bad ends, etc. An allowance of \ extra covers 6" stuff. 178 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CHECKING: There is an excellent way to check plark. flooring, ceiling and material of this kind if the exact width is known. Take for illustration a floor 100x200, and suppose that joists are spaced to obviate any loss on end. There are 219 planks required if 5J is the exact width. Each plank is 200' long. This makes 43,800 If at 2" thick, and as each ft in length makes a ft in bm, this is the quantity, nothing being allowed for waste on end. No extra measure has to be allowed as the waste in width is made up by the number of planks, for at exactly 6", only 200 are required. At extra, 44,500 is the amount. A 12" plank measures about 11$, so that in proportion there is less waste than on 2 at 6, but the sidewalk, floor, or wall, is not so good. On a large surf with a thick floor I" less in width means a larger lumber bill. It would be more than 4,000' in No. 7. Thus we can not in all cases expect to get exact results. But one point should be remembered here. Take the exact surf of a room, say, 30x56, or 1,680 sq ft. Let flooring be 3" at the mill, finishing 2i face. An allowance of i seems to be enough, for the used in sawing and milling is only of the 3" rough lumber. But is required, even with no waste on end, because the f wasted is $ of the finished surface of 2i, and there is that much loss. The quantity is 2,240 with- out loss on end. SQ-EDGED MAPLE: For 235 sq of sq-edged maple 29,000' of flooring were used. This is a trifle more than extra. As the boards were exactly 3, there was only \ of loss, but the end cutting and other waste makes up the difference. So much for plank and sq-edged material; what follows is for d and m stuff. YP: On No. 3 there were 262 sq of 4" flooring. The amount used was 31,616', or \ more. But there was a gain of 8" at each cross partition, and this counts in such a building, for in this case the area includes them. If there is any pros- pect of waste through bad spacing of joists, etc, a fair allow- ance is between \ and i, or /^. When there is a good under floor the waste is not so great, as the floor is sometimes nailed down regardless of the joist bearing, and this saves material. CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK 179 On No, 2, where there was no gain on partitions and some waste on end, as there was no under floor, the amount for 3 floors, 157.2 sq was 20850 ft, or a little more than /,. ALLOWANCES: For 6" flooring, J extra; 2J, fully ; If, &. There is always a floor below narrow stuff, and if it is of good quality the waste need not be much in excess of the milling allowance. If narrow matched stuff is used on an angle of 45 allow more. CEILING AND WAINSCOTING: Make same allowance as for flooring. Take off plain lumber in the usual way, always remembering that 2" more than 12', 14' 16', and even figures means a board 2' longer. LENGTHS: Some attention must be paid to the length of ceiling as it may cut to a good deal of waste. Occasionally one finds an architect who has never heard of standard sizes, and for the sake of 2" in height he wastes 2' of lumber. MOULDINGS, etc., go in millwork. PORCHES: The framing lumber, sheeting, shingles, floor- ing, ceiling, and plain finishing boards, are taken off as on other parts of a building. FINISH LUMBER: Shelving for storerooms, pantries, etc; steps and risers for stairs; door-jambs, jamb-linings, etc, if not included in millwork can be easily taken off. Millmen seldom take off plain lumber. CENTERS: It is hard to set a price, for one might be easily set and removed on the ground, and another high in the air and difficult to handle. As an approximate figure allow for a 13" brick wall: Cost set Cost set Span Height Per ft and removed Span Height Per ft and removed 4' 2' $1.00 $4.00 8' 4' $1.25 $10.00 6' 3' 1.00 6.00 12' & 1.60 19.20 Or $1 per ft wide to $1.50. SCAFFOLDS: Allow $7 per m on all lumber for labor and nails. Lumber to be used again, and not included. If it can not be used, add to the $7. CHAPTER XI MILLWORK AND GLASS The following prices do not include putting work in place. Any one in the west engaged in building, may have for the asking a millbook. It is not necessary to reprint one here. All that will be attempted is to give a price on a few selected sizes, so that in case the millbook is not at hand a fair idea may be obtained of any size in proportion to that listed. Of course prices change from yr to yr, and at different sea- sons of the yr; but stock stuff remains close enough for our purpose, and a reasonable margin should be allowed on odd work as no 2 mills figure it at the same price any more than 2 contractors. The new " Universal Price List " of millwork took effect on February 10, 1908. There are two discounts, the first for regular stock work, and the second for " Other sizes and patterns." In August, 1913, the discounts were: Special Other sizes Stock List and Patterns Doors, A and B 70% 60% Doors, YP Panels 69% 59% Doors, Painted 70% 60% Doors, Fir. All sizes 60% Doors, YP. All sizes 60% Doors, Cypress 59% Sash, Glazed 80% 75% Sash, Open. All sizes 65% Blinds, Outside. All sizes 51% Blinds, Inside 50% Mouldings, WP 55% 45% Mouldings, YP If" and under 65% 55% Mouldings, YP over If" 60% 50% Blocks, YP 50% 40% While these discounts vary the relative proportion remain* about the same; and the variation is not so great as to seri- ously affect an estimate. 180 MILLWORK AND GLASS 181 Freight has to be watched on country work. Glass is included in lists, as it is usually supplied by the mills.. SASH: (See "Mouldings" for price of stiles and rails.) 12 Lights: Check-rail, 8x12, glazed single strength, $1.20 per window; 9x16, $1.75; 10x20, $2.40; 12x20, $2.8~0. 8 Lights: 9x12, $1; 10x18, $1.65; 12x20, $2; 14x24, $2.85; ss. 4 Lights: 10x30, $1.35; 12x40, $2.10; 14x32, $1.80; ss, $2.50 dbl strength; 14x48, ss $3.30; ds, $4.40; 15x48, ds, $4.80. 2 Lights: 16x32, ss, $1.30; ds, $1.85; 20x40, ss, $1.90; ds, $2.50; 24x48, ss, $3.50; ds, $4.40'; 28x40, ss, $2.30; ds, $3; 30x50, ds, $4.90. The foregoing prices are for If thick; for If on the last and largest size given, add 50c; and from that down to 25c on the smaller sizes. Add 20c per window for oil finish. Glass is marked AA, A, and B; AA is selected from; A and is seldom used. A is common, and good enough for most purposes. B is often used in place of A. A 30 light window, 10xl4xlf, ss, is worth for sash, $5.25; for frame $3.50. When frames are bought it is necessary to see whether they are in the knockdown or nailed together. For sash veneered with oak allow 50% more than the prices given after deducting glass which is the same in both kinds. There is a list with nearly 100 sash extras in the millbook. FOR FANCY TRANSOM lights add Sc each if sq and 15c if on angle. STORM SASH: Storm sash 1J thick cost the same as If windows, they go with in size. SQ FT PRICES: For those who want a close approximate figure the following sq ft prices will be useful. Take the inside size of window frame, or glass size including sash. Sash If, primed, not for oil finish. For 12 light windows, ss, 12c per sq ft. For 8 lights, ss, 11 to 12c. For 4 lights, ss, 12 to 14c; ds, 16 to 18c. For 2 lights, ss, 13 to 15c; ds, 18 to 19c. These prices are taken at present discounts, but Ic a ft on a window of fair size amount to only 21c, so that a little 182 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR may be added by those who rely upon this sq ft base. Of course the list figure is cut on a large order. On the the 30- light window already given, for example, the cost of If sash was only 15c per sq ft. On several large factory orders of 50 and 60-light windows, 10x14x2, ss, including box frame complete, but no finish, the cost was 22c per sq ft but a margin is desirable as conditions are not always the same. WEIGHT OP SPECIAL SASH: It is unnecessary to set down here the weight of standard sash, as the mill books have complete lists; but it is* sometimes difficult to ascertain the weight of odd sizes, and the following figures will serve as a guide: From a general aver taken over the mill lists of If wp stock, I find that a fair -allowance for the weight of wood is 1 Ib to the sq ft of glass. Sometimes the small sizes are a trifle more, the large ones a trifle less, say 1-10 of a Ib either way, but the variations in the wood or glass make 1 Ib a safe allowance. If If sash are used allow extra in the proportion of 11 to 14; if hardwood inside, allow weight as compared with wp. The glass varies a good deal; the average of the mill lists is li Ib for ss, and 1$ for ds to the sq ft; but on some sizes ss runs from 1 to 1.6 Ib, and ds as high as 2 Ibs. The proper method is to weigh all sash, but sometimes this is not done. Averages for the foregoing figures were taken over 1,500 sq ft of glass. The following weights were obtained from a large number of sash put in place, the small sizes on No. 7; the large on No. 1: 60-lt windows 10x14x2" ss 150 Ib 2-lt windows 28x50x1 ds 48 Ib 50-lt windows 10x14x2" ss 134 Ib 2-lt windows 24x60x1 ds 52 Ib 40-lt windows 10x14x2" ss 106 Ib 2-lt windows 28x60x1 f ds 64 Ib 30-lt windows 10x14x2" ss 76 Ib 2-lt windows 30x60x1 f ds 76 Ib 2-lt windows 28x40x1 f" ds 40 Ib 2-lt windows 40x60x1 f ds 80 Ib As in the regular lists the total has to be divided by 4 to get the sash weight. DOORS CUPBOARD DOORS: 16 to 20c per sq ft in yp; in oak, J more. MILLWORK AND GLASS 183 OG 4-PANEL DOORS: A quality: B doors are about 10% less. For oil finish add 50c. The millbook has a list of 40 "extras" in doors. Sq ft prices: OG, 4-pan, If, 17 to 18c; 20c for the largest sizes. OG, If, 26 to 28; largest sizes, 30 to 35c. OG, 5-pan, If, 16 to 18; largest sizes, 20 to 22c. OG, 5-pan, If, 26 to 27; largest sizes, 30 to 35c. Raised-moulded doors, 4-pan, If, 1 side, 35c; 2 sides, 40c. There are a hundred varieties of these common doors, and also of front doors which run from 50c to $1 per sq ft, de-. pending upon style. For front doors the glass has to be added extra. It may be made to any style or price. Best q s white oak and ash doors for inside run fromi 38c to 40c per sq ft from If to 2" thick. For each \" in thick- ness over 2" add 2c per sq ft. If more than 5-pan, add 15c for each pan extra. Unselected birch doors from 30 to 35c; if only If" thick, 25c. Unselected birch, $40 and even less; selected $50 to $60 per M. STORE FRONTS: Plain store fronts, 25c per sq ft taken over entire surf but no glass included. They should prop- erly be priced in detail. Stock store doors alone are worth from 30 to 40c per sq ft unglazed. FACTORY DOORS: Heavy sq doors for such buildings as No. 7 are worth from 28 to 30c per sq ft. Each half is 6' 4"xl8'. At this price they are lined on one side on a frame- work of 3" material, and a large sash is put in each half. If circular top add 1-7 to price. Of course a single door would cost more than a large order. WAREHOUSE DOORS: For large warehouses doors cut horizontally in the center and hinged so that all door rises clear up to the lintel, 12"xl2' about, $100 with hardware. Installation, $18. BATTEN DOORS: 7 to lOc per sq ft, wp ceiling, 1 side. FRAMES: For windows about 3'x7', $3.25 to $3.5D, box. On frame buildings, 2x4" studding, put together, $2-,25. The price may run as high as $4, depending upon the style and size; and this without goirig into hardwood, which is 30% higher. Aver pulleys are included. 184 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR OUTSIDE DOOR FRAMES are about the same price; with transom $3.50. From 25 to 40c is charged for nailing frames together in the mill; on the building they cost twice as much. If oak sills are used, add from 40c to 50c. Wp is by far the best wood for outside frames, but it can scarcely be obtained now, and the price is high. INSIDE DOOR JAMBS: Studs 2x4, door 3x7, wp, YOc; cypress, 80c; yp, 60c; oak and ash, $1; add from 30 to 50c for transom. These prices are for f jambs. For 1, add 15% For 6", add 25%. Add door and window stops to figures as they are not included. OAK THRESHOLDS, 6c each up to 3 ft. JAMB LININGS: Take door jambs as a basis, as labor and lumber are about the same for material. BLINDS: Outside, rolling slat, 1|, 9 to lOc per sq ft. In- side: (Pine) 2' wide, 45c; 3', 3-fold, 55c; 3', 4-fold, 70c; from 3 to 4', 4-fold, 75c; 3 to 4', 6-fold, $1. The sizes on inside blinds are for height and not by the sq ft. For hard- wood: 30% extra for oak, ash, birch, and maple; 50% for cherry and walnut. VENETIAN BLINDS: From 15 to 20c up per sq ft accord- ing to style and finish. BLOCKS: The varieties of base and corner blcoks are so many that a price can not be given. In yp 3 to 5c buys a fair corner block; in hardwood, 6 to 7c, but the cost may be 5 times as much according to the pattern. Base blocks, yp, 4 to 5c; and 6 to 8c for hardwood of common pattern. CORNER BEADS: Round corner beads for plaster, 10 to 15c each in pine; 25 to 30c in common hardwood. Metal corners, 5c per ft, MOULDINGS: The millbook has about 400 different styles and each of these may be run in 20 different kinds of wood. However, we can give a few hints for an emergency: CASINGS: For all door and window casing allow in yp fc per inch of finished width; in birch, fc; in oak or ash, Ic This is on the basis of lumber thick. If casings are MILLWORK AND GLASS 185 thicker, reduce to bin and estimate as before. In large quan- tities c is enough for yp and cypress, and | for oak. BASE: The same prices will cover base but this is a good place to remind all interested that these prices may be justly doubled and quadrupled if stock patterns are not used. If each room in a house has its own pattern special knives have to be made for its 50 ft just as for 5,000 of stock. Unsmoothed yp casing to 6" wide is listed at 2c per If; 8" base at 3c; 10", 3i, so that the foregoing prices are safe for smoothed work. New mill-run casing 5 and 6", $33 per M ft bm; 8 and 10" base, $35. WINDOW STOOLS: These are usually 1| thick. At that thickness allow in wp Ic per inch of finished width; in w oak, 1J, Jx3" pine, 2c per If. WINDOW STILES AND RAILS: 1| wp, 4c per If; If, 5c. Checkrail is less, bottom more, but average holds. STOPS: Door and window stops run from % to- lie, depend- ing on width which is from f to 2. NOSINGS FOR STEPS: Prom 2c to 4c in pine. BOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS: 8c per sq ft; door, 8 to 12c, with plain black wire, in pine, but not Michigan pine. The best wire costs about 2^c per sq ft extra. This is for 1 thick, common work, unpainted, and not put up. Oak doors, :3'x7'xl, $4 to $5. For the aver house of 20 to 25 screens allow $1.50 per "window, and add $10 for two doors. This will supply a half screen f thick, 4-coat finish with ordinary black wire, Michi- gan pine, put in place. But there are large factories which make nothing else than screens and the variety is without end. For a real bronze grille for a front door, for example, one specimen costs $26, or $1.25 sq ft, if put all over door. All screens may be in- creased in price by using the higher qualities of materials, and extras. :LABOR: 2 oak front doors, 4 pines ones, and 30 window full screens, half of them hinged at top were put in place in about 60 hours on a 2-story building. BATTENS: x3 flat, 40c per 100 If; G, 2", 55c; 2, 65c. 186 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LATTICE WORK: Below porches per sq ft, 13 to 15c. MEDICINE CABINETS: In pine, $3.50 to $4; in oak, $5 to $6. See " Odds and Ends " Chap for Brass Cabinets, See " Mirrors" to add to price of pine and oak cabinets. WOOD BRACKETS 12x14, 1| 20 to 24c 12x16, If 23 to 27c 12x18, If 28 to33c 10x12, If i to 18c 10x16, If 18 to 22c Of 3-Ply if Material 9x14 35 to 40c 10x14 38 to 44c 12x14 41 to 47c 12x20 50 to 55c GABLE ENDS AS ON RAILROAD DEPOTS: Prom $4.50 to $6.50. Gable Brackets as on Depot $3.50 Side Brackets as on Depot 4.00 FREIGHT DEPOT: The complete millwork on a building 40x100, with heavy doors, and such work runs to about $800. No flooring included. PASSENGER STATIONS: Hardwood millwork complete, about $1,200 for a 26x140 ordinary brick building. MOULDINGS: With the exception of a few of deep cut all mouldings may be estimated at the prices given for cas- ings and base. PANELING: For yp, 20c per sq ft; birch, 30c; oak, 30c for plain red to 40c for q s white. However, the size of the panels and the style of the moulding have to be considered. Unselected birch is 10% cheaper than oak; cherry and walnut are 50% more expensive than plain oak. Paneled door jambs may be put in at the same rate if there are several sets. Add cap, base, shoe bands, etc, for wainscoting. MAHOGANY WAINSCOTING about 3' 6" high, of aver design, and good Tabasco material, $4.50 per If without oil finish, for which allow at least 75c per sq yd. Mahogany paneled partition, set and oiled, $12 per If. MILLWORK AND GLASS 187 OFFICE PARTITIONS: For yp office partitions 7' to T 6" high with chipped or maze-glass panels above allow per If $3 to $3.50; in plain oak, $5 to $6; in mahogany, $8 and up. QUARTETTE TELEGRAPH desk, set up, $35. WAINSCOTING: Plain matched and b red oak wainscot- ing is worth $60 per M ft bm ; machine sandpapered, $5 extra. For plain oak finish allow $90 per M machine run and cleaned. The paneled oak wainscoting in No. 3 was put in at a trifle less than 50c per sq ft. It was 8' high. STAIRS: Box, average width, pine, housed, per step, $1.40; plain oak, $2.10. Open stair, pine, per step, $1.60; oak, $2.20; oak with paneled string, $2.85. And rail in yp, 15c; oak, 25c. Each crook in rail, $3.50. Paneling at regular price for sq work, and 20% more for work on rake. Winders in pine, 40c extra; in oak, 60c. For large, circle starting-step, $5. Newels and balusters to be added. These prices are for plain stairs; others have to be figured in detail. Cellar and plank stairs may be estimated by tak- ing off the plain lumber and allowing labor at $30 per M in addition. NEWELS AND BALUSTERS: Allow on If yp balusters, from 10 to 12c; oak, 12 to 14c. This is for stock and plain turning; spiral wok costs about twice as much. Stock newels run from $3.50 to $5; red oak is about 10% more than pine. HAND RAILS: In yp 12c for 2^x4; in red oak r 15c. The price of circular stairs may be put at 3 times that of plain ones; and there are stairs which easily cost 10 times more than what would be accepted as a reasonable standard. It all depends upon the detail. GRILLES: These run in yp from 75c to $2 per sq ft. For special patterns and work $5 may be required. As there is little material required the difference between pine and hard- wood is not so great as in other mill products. Allow 10% more for oak. PORCH POSTS: The lengths run from 9 to 10' with a slight difference in price for extra lumber: 4x4, 90c to $1,25, 5x5, 188 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR $1.25 to $1.75; 6x6, $1.50 to $2.75. A fluted post, 75c extra. A colonial post, 10" diam, $4 to $5; fluted, $1 extra. HEAVY POSTS: A recent bid on 6 built-up fluted cols, 22" at bottom, 18" diam at top x 12' 6", no base, plain composition cap was $246, or $41 each. The Chicago price, given further on, is but a little more than half as much. PORCH NEWELS: 60c to $1 each. PORCH BALUSTERS: Allow from 6 to lOc apiece for ordinary turned stock. SPINDLES: In stock patterns, from 3 to 4c eacti. PORCH RAILS: From 4 to lOc per If in stock. BRACKETS: In stock, 10"xl2", 12 to 20c each at 1 thick; 2f, 50c; 3i, $1.50. CRESTING, all kinds of fretwork, gable ornaments, gutter- ends, flnials, etc, are neither worth pricing nor putting on a building even if furnished for nothing. The heat and rain wreck them in a few years at longest. COUNTERS: Take off all material and estimate labor in detail. Ceiling, shelving, etc, come under ordinary rules. For all circular millwork in general allow 3 times the price of straight. Money drawers, $1.50 each. Common drawers, average size, $1.50 to $2. Plain pine counters with drawers, $2 to $3 per If at 30" wide, not set. Common oak counters for ticket offices, $5 per If; good q s, $10 and up. Mahogany, $10 to $20, set in place. Lunch counters, oak, circle ends, $3.50 per If. With brass ft rail $1.25 more, set in place. ODDS AND ENDS: In general, millmen are like other tradesmen when estimating on special work they take off each item separately. It is a slow process to take off each piece of lumber, but it often has to be done as it is the on T v sure way with special work. The labor is a matter of judg- ment. SQUARE PICKETS are worth 2c each; flat, a trifle less. SURFACING: For timbers, $1.25 each side; boards, $1.50, and $2.50 for 2 sides. Hardwood, 60% more. These prices are per M ft bm. MILLWORK AND GLASS 189 CROWNING JOISTS: $2.50 per M for two edges. CUTTING BRIDGING: $5 to $6 per M bm. OAK-FLOORING: Red, $60; white, $65; best q s, white, $100; quartered red, $95; all |x3; f q s white, $55. In some parts fxli plain red oak is sold for 80c per 100 If. MAPLE, |, $30 to $45; , $40. PARQUET FLOORS AND BORDERS : There are many pat- terns, and the prices differ. In my apprenticeship I worked so long among these floors that the look of them wearied me. They are made up of small pieces in an endless array. Then the only thickness was 1; but now a popular thickness is tfc. This thin floor can be laid without cutting doors in old houses, and this accounts in part for its popularity. Par- quet borders are often used and rugs placed in the center of the room. It is a better way of finishing a house than car- peting all over. All oak is white, quartered, in the following lists: Price per If for strip borders, 5-16. Oak Under 2" ', Ic Cherry li, 1.2c; 2, 1.8c Mahogany 1, 2.4c; 2, 4.2 Walnut li, 1.2c; 2, 1.8c Oak and Mahogany l|, 3 c; 2, 4.8c Oak and Walnut 4, 3.6c; 6, 5.4c ;> Oak, Walnut, and Cherry 6, 7.2c; 8, 10 c Strip borders are not listed wider than 8", although they may be made of any width or of any combination of woods. Parquet bordes, 5-16, per If, not sq ft. In oak alone, 5" wide, lOc with 2 or 3 other woods, 12 to 15c. At a width of 8", oak only, 15c; with other woods, 15 to 25c. At 12" wide, 2 to 4 woods, 20 to 30c. At 16 to 18", 25 to 38c, but some woods of same width, 40 to 50c. Some woods at 20" may be had as low as 30c and as high as $1. At 24 to 30, 75c to $1.25. 190 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Corners for borders are about 50% more than straight material. Borders are made in 12' lengths; fields, 4'. Sizes are paid for before cutting, and waste has to be in- cluded in price. PARQUET FIELDS: The price of the field or "body" is given in sq ft: There is not so much difference between prices of fields as with those of borders. They are hidden by the rug and may be plainer. They run from 15 to 20c, but some are as high as 35c. These thin floors sometimes come rolled on a canvas back, carpet fashion, or grooved the same as the |" material, instead of being sq edged as above. QUANTITIES: One manufacturer gives an estimate of material for 100 sq ft as follows: 2J Ibs 1J" finishing brads; 3 Ibs wood filler; 3 pts shellac % Ib floor wax. " If filled with varnish (instead of filler) 1 qt to 100 ft." For maple the filler is not required. The weight of f" flg is 1,000 Ibs to 1,000 ft; of I, 2,500. WAINSCOTING: Oak wainscoting, 36" high above base, is also standard. It runs from 45 to 75c per If, and is thus much cheaper than regular work. CHICAGO MILLWORK The millmen and dealers of Chicago sell about $10,000,000 of millwork in a year. This city is a penter for the millwork of the States on the north and west, and for the glass fac- tories of Indiana. It has low freight rates and railroads to all sections. A few prices fob there will be of much value. FRONT DOORS: Size 3x7xlf, with beveled plate, 22x52, piano veneered, q s, white oak, $15.50. Same door with oval plate glass, $21. ;Same, 3x7xl|, 24x44, beveled plate, $15. :Same, 3x7xlf, 24x36, beveled plate, $14. Same, 3x7xl, 24x36, 16-oz glass, $10.50. For several varieties of front doors, 3x7xlf, red oak, or Trirch, $10 to $14, in beveled plate; $8 to $10 in com D S glass. About $1 less on plate, and 30c on com glass for next size, 2-10x6-10. MILLWORK AND GLASS 191 For red oak or birch veneer, 3x7xl|, leaded with com. glass, 22x58, $11.50; beveled plate leaded, $21.75. For leaded panel, 26x26, $8.75 and $14.50. GRAINED DOORS: These are inferior doors, but good enough for some purposes: For 3x7xlf, four or five panel, $1.65 to $1.85. For 2-6x6-6, $1.30 to $1.45. For sash doors, 3x7xl|, grained, $2.85 to $3.50; 2-8x6-8, $2.35 to $2.90. For sash doors with flowered panels, inferior quality, grained 3x7xl|, $3.75 to $4.10. For same, better quality, not grained, If thick, $5.50 to $7.00; for If, plain glass, $4 to $5. INSIDE DOORS: Korelock veneered, two panel: 2-Ox6-Oxlf Plain Red Oak $4.05 Birch $3.25 :2-6x6-6xlf 4.05 3.25 2-8x6-8x1 f 4 20 3.40 2-6x7 -Ox If ' 485 3.90 2-6x7-0x1 1 5.35 4.40 3-0x7-0x1 f.. 5.70 4.65 3-Ox7-6xH. . 7.00 5.30 SIX CROSS PANEL KORELOCK 2-Ox6-Oxlf Plain Red Oak $3.45 Birch $2.70 2.80 3.30 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.70 2-8x6-8x1 { 2-6x7-0x1 \ 2-6x7-0x1 : 2-10x7-0x1 3-Ox7-Oxl| 3-0x7-6x13 3.60 4.25 . . . 4.75 ! 5.05 5 15 5.90 Best quality for oil finish in 39 sizes, 5 yp panels, western wp frame for If sizes on aver 20c per sq ft; for If, up to 7-0 high 24c; for T 6", from 27 to 34, the 5x7-6 being 31c, and the 2-6x8, 34c. EXTRAS: For cypress doors allow from 40c to 50c extra s on a door; for yp 5-panel doors deduct from 15c to 25c per door, all from above list, 192 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CUPBOARD DOORS: 20c per sq ft in yp. CHINA CLOSET DOORS: Glazed with common glass, 25c per sq ft in yp. FACTORY WINDOWS Sq ft cost of 60 light windows on Nos. 7 and 8 has already been given, but these were from If to 2" thick and cost more on this account. So many buildings have been put up of late years with this class of windows that the mills now give a list on the common sizes: For 15 light windows, ss, If open, check rail, 5c per sq ft; glazed lie. For 18 light, as above, same price. For 20 light, as above, same price. For 24 light, as above, same price. For 30 light, as above, 5c and 12c. For 32 light, 5c and 13c. For windows If thick add to above, of the price of win- dows without glass to price of window wanted thus a win- dow with 32 sq ft at 5c would be $1.60 open, and of this being $1.20, the figure for If would be $2.80 open, $5.04 glazed. These prices are fob Chicago, and do not include frames. COTTAGE WINDOWS: From 3-8 to 5-2 wide and 5-2 to 6-2 long. With bottom light plate glass, 70c per sq ft; 33c in plain ds glass. For If" thick add to window 75c to $1 net. GABLE OPENING: For a triple frame about 8 ft wide by 3-9 high over all, but center margin light sash semi-circular and running up above this height, side sash divided 1& pop lar, frame $8.50, 3 sash, $8.50. SASH AND WINDOW PRICES FOR COMMON WORK A Chicago price is given on some standard size windows herewith. The list is not complete, but sufficiently so for most who will use it. For If" thick see rule page 196. MILLWORK AND GLASS 193 TRANSOM SASH 1^ THICK ONE LIGHT Two LIGHT Size of Sash Ft In In Price per Sash Open Price Two Light Glazed Price One Light Glazed Price One Light Dbl Strength Size of Sash Ft In In Price per Sash Open Price Two Light Glazed |J 2 6x10 $0.23 $0.39 4 0x14 $0.50 $0.94 $1.23 2 6x16 .24 .51 4 0x20 .57 1.22 1.66 2 6x20 .36 .80 4 0x24 .60 1.48 2.05 2 8x10 .24 .47 4 4x14 .57 1.05 1.37 2 8x16 .25 .53 4 4x20 .59 1.40 1.91 2 8x20 .30 .67 4 4x24 .64 1.59 2.13 2 8x24 .43 .97 4 6x14 .59 .14 1.57 2 10x14 .25 .50 4 6x20 .60 .45 1.91 2 10x20 .30 .70 4 6x24 .66 .65 2.47 2 10x24 .43 1.01 5 0x14 .64 .23 1.77 3 0x14 .28 .57 5 0x20 .66 .57 2.35 3 0x20 .33 .... .77 5 0x24 .70 .79 2.84 3 0x24 .40 .95 5 0x26 .74 .90 2.88 3 6x14 .37 $0.77 .78 $0.97 5 6x18 .74 1.68 2.53 3 6x20 .45 1.04 1.07 1.35 5 6x24 .78 2.08 2.95 3 6x24 .49 1.25 1.25 1.57 5 6x30 .86 2.49 3.61 3 8x14 .40 .82 .85 1.04 6 0x20 .82 1.9.4 2.82 3 8x20 .51 1.13 1.23 1.52 6 0x26 .89 2.41 3.62 3 8x24 .57 1.37 1.42 1.80 6 0x34 1.06 3.35 5.04 CELLAR SASH: For cellar sash, attic sash, etc, the above prices are close enough if the outside measurement is the same, and at 1|. If", 1 LT SASH WITH PLAIN GLASS & jj M 3 GO -C M fl-,"^ ^0 -..^3 HI ^ bo -,-C M -. *"C3 - "fl P" GJ TO "3.9 |j| g o a ||| E'fi 'n!s-^j PM.2 fl figO 1-* IP "Sow ji^J j^O ^y 5 II 3 oS O 02 00 * 0$ 00 rj $0.40 $0.75 $0.95 $0.96 28x40 $0.67 $1.98 $2.56 $2.10 .42 .93 1.23 1.07 . 28x44 .80 2.65 3.36 2.33 .47 .98 1.38 1.11 28x48 1.10 3.75 4.75 2.50 .65 1.44 1.94 1.42 30x24 .57 1.40 1.95 1.46 .40 .80 1.04 1.10 30x32 .58 1.90 2.49 1.76, .44 .99 1.42 1.40 30x40 .70 2.32 3.04 2.16 .59 1.28 1.83 1.56 30x44 .98 3.20 4.05 2.57 .65 1,57 2.17 1.76 30x50 1.21 3.82 4.86 2.94 .73 1.88 2.42 1.94 32x24 .71 1.60 2.03 1.69 .40 .88 1.18 1.10 32x30 .73 2.22 2.88 1.90 .40 .93 .22 1.26 32x36 .77 3.28 2.26 .44 1.04 .36 1.40 32x40 1.00 4.56 2.49 .49 1.22 .61 1.56 32x44 1.15 5.36 2.96 .55 1.38 .79 1.76 32x50 1.40 5.64 3.28 .73 1.91 2.48 1.94 34x24 .88 2.18 2.68 1.69 .41 .94 .23 1.10 34x28 .89 2.48 3.16 1.73. .44 1.03 1.36 1.34 34x32 .89 .... 3.50 2.04 .49 1.20 .55 1.50 34x36 .96 .... 4.25 2 26- .54 1.45 .88 1.66 34x40 1.04 4.59 2.5 .75 2.22 2.88 1.94 34x44 1.26 .... 7.25 3.46- .89 2.66 3.45 2.32 34x50 1.46 6.75 3.45 1.04 2.80 3.58 2.48 36x24 .84 1.96 2.46 1.82' .43 .93 1.24 1.10 36x30 .85 2.41 3.06 2.12 .43 1.07 1.42 1.26 36x34 .90 3.67 2.46 .48 1.19 1.58 1.40 36x38 .95 4.52 2.68 .52 1.37 1.77 1.56 36x44 1.33 .... 5.60 3.04 .59 1.50 1.95 1.76 36x50 1.60 7.52 3.46 .65 .91 1.06 1.86 2.68 3.42 2.41 3.46 4.30 1.94 2.32 2.48 40x24 ! 40x34 ! 40x38 .94 1.00 1.05 .... 2.86 3.76 4.62 2.03 2.7& 2.99> .47 1.05 1.45 1.26 ! 40x44 1.45 6.81 3.38; .47 1.24 1.67 1.46 44x30 1.05 4.07 2.62: .52 1.45 1.90 1.64 44x34 1.10 4.65 3.0* .58 1.74 2.24 1.90 44x38 1.40 6.75 3.30 .64 1.94 2.53 2.06 44x42 1.49 7.72 3.58 .70 1.08 2.19 3.43 2.84 4.33 2.24 2.50 48x30 48x36 1.17 1.23 4.71 5.70 2.87 3.40) .51 1.28 1.77 1.40 48x40 1.55 7.22 3.68; .51 1.45 1.90 1.50 48x44 1.71 10.06 .56 1.72 2.23 1.69 .62 1.93 2.52 1.94 196 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR NET PRICES OF 2 LT PANTRY WINDOWS 1|! Ill 111 1! XZ g g3 (8 12x20 $0.35 $0.72 $0.84 12x28 .40 .91 .94 12x32 .54 1.22 1.06 12x36 .60 1.41 1.24 Per dow n 1 s ll g s g l-2 ffi ^ ;cgo g3 Pric Wi Outside Blinds 14x20 $0.36 $0.74 $0.94 14x26 .38 .91 .96 14x30 .44 .96 1.10 14x36 .62 1.42 1.26 RULE FOR 1f" ODD WINDOWS For odd size windows If" thick, open or glazed, add to price of next larger listed size, 25% of the open price. If glazed, add to total 10%. RULE FOR If" SASH AND WINDOWS For price of If" open window add to price of If" open window 75%. Example: A 2 light 12x28 If" window would take the If" open price of 40c as given above plus 75%, which is 30c, making the price of the If" open window 70c net. For price of If" glazed window add to 1|" glazed window price, single or dbl strength, 75% of the open window price, plus an extra 10% to the total. Example: Follow example above adding the 30c to the glazed price of 91c, which makes $1.21 then add 10% to this, making the price of the glazed window $1.33. For 2" or 2 sash the price is dbl that already given. HOT BED SASH Size of Sash Ft In Ft In 3 0x6 0. 3 4x6 Price Per Price Per Thickness Sash Sash Inches Without Glass Glazed If $1.05 $1.95 If 1.09 2.15 SASH EXTRAS TO BE ADDED TO PRICE For half circle head inside and outside, $1.15. For half circle inside and outside, If, $1.65. For half circle head inside and outside, but between 3' 4" and 5' wide, $2.70. For Half Circle Outside, sq inside, If, between 3'-4" and 5' wide $2.55 For Same, If 3.75 For Segment Head, If" 50 MILLWORK AND GLASS 197 For Segment Head, If" $0.75 For Segment Head, If" from 3-4 to 5 90 For Segment Head, If" from 3-4 to 5 1.40 In addition to these figures add 20% to the total when they are combined with the window chosen. These prices are for the window or 2 sash, and do not include frame. OIL FINISH: For really good oil finish work add 20% to price. NET PRICES ON WINDOW FRAMES This table of prices can be used for 2 light, 4 light, 8 light, or 12 light windows, simply taking the exact size or the next largest window size. Open ing Siz< for If Size of Window Sash Plain Drip Moulded Window Box Window Cap No Pulleys Knock Down 2-4x5-8 and under $1 . 40 2-4|x6-8 and under 1 . 57 2-4|x7-8 and under 1 . 73 2-4f x8-8 and under 1 . 89 2-8|x5-8 and under 1 . 40 2-8^x6-8 and under 1 . 57 2-8|x7-8 and under 1 . 73 2-8|x8-8 and under 1 . 89 3-0|x5~8 and under 1 . 57 3-Ojx6-8 and under 1 . 73 3-Ojx7-8 and under 1 . 89 3-0|x8-8 and under 2 . 00 3-6|x5-8 and under 1 . 57 3-6|x6-8 and under 1 . 73 3-6jx7-8 and under 1 . 89 3-6|x8-8 and under 2 . 00 4-2jx5-8 and under 1 . 73 4-2|x6-8 and under 1 . 89 4-2|x7-8 and under 2 . 00 4-2jx8-8 and under 2 . 15 4-8|x5-8 and under 1 . 80 4-8|x6-8 and under 1 . 95 4-8|x7-8 and under 2 . 10 4-8|x8-8 and under 2 . 25 5-0x5-8 and under 1 . 80 5-0|x6-8 and under 1 . 95 5-0|x7-8 and under 2 . 10 5-0^x8-8 and under 2 . 25 6-0|x5-8 and under 1 . 95 6-0^x6-8 and under 2 . 10 7.-0 x7-8 and under 2 . 25 o-Oifcx8-8 and under 2 . 40 Frame No Pulleys Knock Down $1.60 1.89 2.10 2.25 1.60 1.89 2.10 2.25 1.80 2.10 2.25 2.42 1.89 2.10 2.25 2.42 2.10 2.25 2.42 2.63 2.15 2.34 2.52 2.70 2.15 2.34 2.52 2.70 2.34 2.52 2.70 2.89 Frame No Pulleys Knock Down $2.10 2.31 2.52 2.75 2.10 2.31 2.52 2.75 2.21 2.42 2.63 2.84 2.21 2.42 2.63 2.84 2.52 2.75 3.00 3.21 2.63 2.84 3.10 3.30 2.63 2.84 3.10 3.30 2.84 3.10 3.30 3.52 198 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR PULLEYS: Aftove prices do not include pulleys, pulley holes' or pockets. If plain pulleys are wanted with pulley holes - gg oS Jlo O O-u ||l Clear QWOak 2- 6x6-8 and smaller $0.60 $0.95 $0.84 $0.70 $0.50 $1.63 2- 6x7-8 and smaller .63 1.05 .94 .75 .55 1.83 2-10x6-8 and smaller .60 .95 .84 .70 .50 1.63 2-10x7-8 and smaller .63 1.05 .94 .75 .55 1.83 2-10x8-8 and smaller .70 1.15 1.05 .80 .58 1.93 3-10x6-8 and smaller .60 1.10 .90 .75 .52 1.70 3-10x7-8 and smaller .70 1.15 1.05 .80 .58 1.93 3-10x8-8 and smaller .73 1.25 1.15 .84 .63 2.11 4-10x6-8 and smaller .63 1.05 .94 .75 .55 1.83 4-10x7-8 and smaller .73 1.15 1.10 .80 .60 2.00 4-10x8-8 and smaller .77 1.26 1.20 .90 .65 2.21 5-10x6-8 and smaller .70 1.15 1.05 .80 .58 1.93 5-10x7-8 and smaller .73 1.26 1.15 .84 .63 2.11 5-10x8-8 and smaller. . . . .80 1.36 1.30 .90 .69 2.31 6-10x6-8 and smaller. . . . .73 1.15 1.10 .80 .60 2.00 6-10x7-8 and smaller. . . . .77 1.26 1.20 .90 .65 2.21 6-10x8-8 and smaller .84 1.40 1.36 1.00 .70 2.42 7-10x6-8 and smaller .73 1.26 .15 .84 .63 2.11 7-10x7-8 and smaller. . . . .80 1.36 .30 .90 .67 2.31 7-10x8-8 and smaller .90 1.47 .40 1.05 .73 2.52 8-10x7-8 and smaller .84 1.40 .36 1.00 .70 2.42 8-10x8-8 and smaller .94 1.50 .47 1.10 .75 2.57 8-10x9-8 and smaller .96 1.60 1.57 1.15 .80 2.75 MILLWORK AND GLASS 199 For plain white oak jambs add to plain red oak prices 10%. For quartered red oak jambs deduct for quartered white oak prices 25%, For jambs made IV' wide add to above prices 33%. For jambs made 1" thick add to above prices 66%. For jambs made If" thick add to above prices 100%. Stock is only yp and plain red oak jambs x5 wide. All other jambs are special. For transom head jambs add for bar 40c. Take price of jamb required to make opening height plus 2" for bar. Example: Door 3-0x7-0 Transom 3-0x1-2 2 84 Take price inside door jamb size, 3-10x8-8 and add 40c for bar CASING, HOOK STRIP, BASE AND MOULDINGS STANDARD PATTERNS NET PRICES PER 100 LF Size AH fe! h a 'S^j 3 r 2 | u 4 111 *&& |ls |o O^ a Size - $x? J $1 05 $206 $1.78 $1.59 $1 05 $4 10 Size ' -2r7 J 320 600 5.26 4.35 300 11 99 Size - HH5 J 240 475 3.78 3.15 230 900 Size + Y 1 30 73 .63 .57 40 1 50 Size j Size $a. y jj 3.20 30 6.00 73 5.26 .63 4 .35 .57 3.00 40 11.90 1.50 Size Jylj 80 1 50 1.40 1.10 .80 3.00 Size rV7J k. 3 20 600 5.26 4.35 300 11.90 Size - -jjx4 J k.. 1 84 355 3.00 2.63 1.80 7.10 Size i ^Y4> f 200 395 3.36 294 2.00 7.90 Size i rjfa-fi 273 530 4.63 3 90 2.60 9.75 Size fx33 1.60 3.00 2.80 2.40 1.60 6.00 Stock is only yp and plain red oak. All other woods are special and take longer to ship. For plain white oak add to plain red oak prices 10%. For quartered red oak deduct from quartered white oak prices 25%. Cut lengths or specified lengths add 10% extra. 200 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR WINDOW STOOLS, PER 100' a ~ j So I ert ^ ~ a * 3 KM 03 Ji o I O Of Hx3 $2 36 $4 95 $4 21 $3 68 $2 52 q on lfx4f 2 66 5 68 4 70 4 10 2 84 11 25 PLATE RAIL: 3 membered, 3$" level, 4 upright pcs, 5c in yp; 8c in red oak per ft. QUARTER ROUND: Size f, yp, 40c per 100; red oak, 80c; i, 42c and 85c. PICTURE MOULD: In yp Ic; red oak, 2c per ft. DOOR AND WINDOW STOPS PER 100' 1 Is* o oSCL( PMO sSfQ c3 * oj| rt^ ~K* P-i JJ ft O "*" i -2S o <3 *x2 $060 $1 60 $1 20 $1 10 $080 $3 00 *xl.. .48 1.20 1.12 88 64 2 40 Axlg .36 .90 .84 66 48 1 80 .30 .80 .70 .55 .40 1.50 CAP TRIM PER 100' .a , a Las c3 PH PMO c3cq c iu O ^i *:IB Jp* Size s^ i* ^ .S a 8Ss 1 o 1 " o* x2A $2.11 $4 10 $3.80 $300 $200 $821 x4A 2.00 3 75 3.50 2.75 1 90 750 xl .35 84 .80 .33 .44 1 72 X2 1 1.68 3 15 2.90 2.27 1.57 625 | X 2| 1 78 4 00 3 36 2 63 1 83 7 20 ^x5J 2 26 5 00 4 20 3 30 2 26 9 00 x J.. 1 20 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 50 2.10 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.00 MILLWORK AND GLASS 201 PLAIN BASE AND CORNER BLOCKS Carried 4J and 5 wide FM >* a *3O pjw pq I Quartered WO l*xlO l|xlO $0.04 .04* $0.08 08 $0.10 10 $0.06 06 $0.15 15 1| thick .02? .05 06 04 07$ li thick .02^ .05 .06 .04 .07* PLAIN COLONIAL PORCH COLS: Built up plain cap and base cols, 6" diam, 30 to 40c per If; 8", 6', 33 to 56; 8", 10', 27 to 42c; 10", 10', 36 to 51c. With carved wood caps add about $1.40 each. WITH COMPOSITION CAPS add from $1.50 to $3.00 for aver work. Some styles and sizes run to $6 and $12. LARGE SPECIAL PORCH COLUMNS Ha 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 22 22 22 _T5 fl - 3 J CQ l|| cs cvtsPQ J ||| .9 <~H aal 8 $5.32 $6.82 $7.97 $6.47 $7.82 $9.32 9 5.95 7.45 8.60 7.10 8.45 9.95 10 6.78 8.28 9.38 7.93 9.28 10.78 12 8.48 10.48 11.63 9.63 10.98 12.98 14 11.45 13.95 15.10 12.60 13.95 16.45 8 13.70 14.80 17.80 16.70 17.70 18.80 10 14.55 15.80 18.80 17.55 18.55 19.80 12 16.25 17.65 20.65 19.25 20.25 21.65 14 18.45 20.00 23.00 21.45 22.45 24.00 16 20.90 22.65 25.65 23.90 24.90 26.65 18 23.60 25.60 28.60 26.60 27.60 29.60 20 26.50 28.80 31.80 29.50 30.00 32.80 12 22.00 24.00 28.00 26.00 27.50 29.50 14 24.00 26.25 29.25 28.00 30.00 31.75 16 26.50 28.10 32.10 30.50 32.00 34.60 18 29.25 32.25 36.25 33.25 34.75 37.75 20 32.25 35.75 39.75 36.25 37.75 41.25 16 33.00 36.50 41.50 38.00 40.00 43.50 18 35.20 39.20 44.20 41.20 42.20 46.20 20 38.00 42.50 47.50 43.00 45.00 49.50 16 41.50 46.00 52.50 46.50 50.70 55.20 18 44.10 49.10 55.60 48.10 53.30 58.30 20 47.60 53.10 59.60 52.60 56.80 62.33 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Large Special Porch Columns Continued *+* ^ *^N ^ ^ d ^ fl ^ ^ C^ ^ If na% ll fi V Iff Jlf Jl 1 llf 24 18 47. 75 53. 25 59. 75 53 25 59.25 64.75 24 20 51. 50 57 50 64. 00 58 .00 63.00 69.00 24 22 55. 50 62, 00 68. 50 62 .00 67.00 73.50 24 24 60. 10 67 .10 73 60 66 .60 71.60 78.60 26 20 57. 50 64 50 73. 50 66 .50 72.00 79.00 26 22 61. 60 69 ,10 78, 10 70 .60 76.10 83.60 26 24 66. 50 74 ,50 83. 50 75 .50 81.00 89.00 28 24 74. 50 82, ,50 92 50 84 .50 93.50 101.50 28 26 80. 15 .88 ,65 98, 65 89 .15 99.15 107.65 28 28 86.50 95 50 105. 50 95 ,50 105.50 115.00 30 26 90. 50 95 .50 110 ,50 101 .50 115.00 124.00 30 30 101. 60 111 ,60 122, 60 112 .60 126.10 136.10 :PEDESTAL COLONIALS: From 50c to 85c per If, plain. :SOLID BORED COLONIALS AND NEWELS: 25c to 41c, plain. :PORCH RAIL: T-op :2ix3$, 9c; bottom, Ifx3$, 4c. Smaller top, IfxSi, 4c. PORCH BALUSTERS: Size, 2J sq x 24, 9c turned; If sq, 5c. ,Sq Ifxl|x24, 3c. PANTRY DRAWER CASES: In yp, not oiled, 40c per sq ft, ,and 55c in red oak. 'CHINA CLOSETS: Drawers below, glazed doors above, no 'hardware or oiling, 75c in yp and $1 in red oak per sq ft. STAIRS NOT SET Plain oak or birch, no paneling under, 3 to 4' wide, no rough carriages, $70. In q s Red>Oak $80.00 In q s White Oak 90.00 In yp 60.00 For a fairly ^ood stair that figure is enough. If soffits or walls are paneled, rails with crooks and newels of better than ordinary design an extra allowance must be made. A stair with newels, walls, soffits, etc, paneled, runs in yp 'to $210; and in q s white oak .to $260. T4*e .above figures do mot include ^w.ork Of -painter. MILLWORK AND GLASS 203 PARLOR COLS: In red oak, from $7 to $8 each. Fluted $1 extra. About T 6" high. HARDWOOD FLOORING LENGTHS 2 FT 16 FT 3! x a * i'i 1 EN $1 |a 32 Clear Maple Flooring. . . . -Select No. 1 Maple Floor- ing $30.00 $37.50 31.00 48.00 34.00 65.00 67.00 $46.25 39.00 60.00 93.50 $47.50 41.00 65.00 95.00 100.00 $50.00 44.00 62.00 48.00 95.00 100.00 70.00 160.00 $50.00 44.00 62.00 48.00 95.00 100.00 70.00 160.00 'Clear Plain Red or White Oak Flooring 45.50 32.00 63.00 65.00 Select No. 1 Red or White Oak Flooring Clear Quarter Sawed Red Oak Flooring Clear Quarter Sawed. . . . White Oak Flooring. . . ^Select Quarter Sawed Red or White Oak Flooring Cherry ioo.66 ios.oo Strictly clear maple $12 extra.. The supply of hardwood is being rapidly diminished. On these and all hardwood prices a gradual rise will take place. HARDWOOD LUMBER Priced Rough or Surfaced Pi H !o * .s-g <3 t S3 1 I s "d P OP 1 x 4 8'to 16' $48.00 $72.00 $46.00 $61.00 $42.00 $94.00 x 6 8 to 16' 52.00 76.00 57.00 72.00 45.00 117.00 x 8 8 to 16' 52.00 79.00 60.00 75.00 57.00 132.00 xlO 8 to 16' 55.20 87.00 72.00 79.00 61.00 169.00 x!2 8 to 16' 57.60 94.00 76.00 82.00 64.00 229.00 x!4 8 to 16' 60.80 97.00 87.00 87.00 72.00 229.00 lx 4 8 to 16' 56.00 75.00 49.00 64.00 49.00 94.00 x 6 8 to 16' 56.00 82.00 62.00 76.00 62.00 120.00 x 8 8 to 16' 56.00 87.00 64.00 79.00 67.00 136.00 xlO 8 to 16 f 56,00 102.00 72.00 87.00 72.00 229.00 x!2 8 to 16' 59.20 102.00 72.00 87.00 76.00 229.00 lx 4 8 to 16' 57.60 82.00 62.00 76.00 62.00 120.00 x 6 8 to 16' 57.60 87.00 64.00 79.00 67.00 136.00 x 8 8 to 16' 57.60 102.00 72.00 87.00 72.00 229.00 xlO 8 to 16' 57.60 102.00 72.00 87.00 76.00 229.00 If less than 500 ft and more than 250 ft add $5.00 per M. If less than 250 ft add $10.00 per M. 204 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR MAHOGANY: This wood is too expensive to be much used in ordinary buildings. At New York, fob, cars, or ship, the aver cost per 1,000' bm, is: $120 for Cuba. $150 for Mexican. $200 for San Domingo. $250 for East Indian. This is for rough lumber. GRADING OF OAK FLOORING. In 1911 the manufacturers concluded to change the names of the grades on account of misunderstanding among con- tractors. The names were, Clear, Sappy Clear, Select, No. 1 Common and Factory. Select and Clear were often con- fused. The new names are: Quarter Sawed A Grade. Sap Clear. Plain Sawed A Grade. B Grade. Common. Factory. Under the rules each bundle is stamped with the grade. CHAPTER XII GLASS About a dozen yrs ago all glass in good buildings was put in by the painter; now the planing mills have monopolized most of the business. They usually do 'it cheaper, for they buy their glass by the car-load, and they have boys who do their work so fast that the ordinary painter has to stand aside and watch. But about 20,000 lights of 10x14 for No. 7 and other buildings were put in by a local glazier at lc each and the millmen put in about as many more on the same plant. It is the less necessary to give prices here as they are in- cluded in millwork. Only a few selected sizes are priced as a basis of estimating when not within reach of the lists which are furnished by the dealers. Here it is well to caution the estimator about the discounts. A discount of 50, 10 and 5, for example, does not equal 65, but only 57|. First deduct 50%, then 10% of the result, and finally 5% of the last figure. Thus if the list price is $100 a discount of 50% leave $50; 10% of that is $5 to be deducted, leaving $45; 5% of that is $2.25 which deducted leaves the real price $42.75. It is not only in glass where this holds, but in every kind of material with more than 1 discount. A large Chicago house recently had to warn its customers against this wrong idea which seems to be prevalent. DISCOUNTS: The glass discounts now (1913) are on com- mon glass 88 unset; on plate glass, all sizes, 89, also unset. Get latest list from local dealer. The quality estimated is usually A not AA or B. (See "Sash" in Chap XI.) For fewer than 3 lights of plate boxing is charged at 6c per sq ft. PRICES: The price of a large order is naturally cut for ordinary purposes the following prices are unset at 90% dis- count from list for common; and plate 80: 75 and- 10. 205 206 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Size S S 10x14 6.5c 12x18 10.9 12x48 43.8 16x36 40.7 16x60 20x72 D S Size D S 9.8c 24x48 $1.42 16.1 30x36 1.17 55.8 36x36 1.42 54.5 42x72 5.52 1.09 48x80 7.59 Plate 6x 6 $ .07 lOx 24 .48 lOx 72 2.70 8x120 4.88 24x 24 1.35 Plate 36x170 $30.40 48x 48 10.40 48x144 34.60 48x218 80.00 60x 96 32.60 1.88 60x70 7.59 24x 84 9.10 72x138 49.60 28x168 22.20 84x138 190.60 36x 72 11.70 120x218 454.20 Leaded ds glass, no color; price from 40 to 80c per sq ft. Leaded beveled plate: from $1.50 to $3 per sq ft. If set in copper instead of lead add 45c per sq ft. Sand-blast : 20 to 70c Wheel-cut: 75c. Chipped: single-process, 15c; dbl, 17c. Maze: |, 13c; 3-16, 18c. Enameled: clear, 15c; obscure, 17c. Ground: 14c. Venetian: , 15c; 3-16, 17c Cathedral: 12c. Opalescent: 20c. Ribbed for skylights: 9 to 12c " Wire: 20 to 23c; polished wire, $1 to $1.50. Sidewalk: 20c and up. MIRRORS: The cost of a few sizes is given. Beveled plate, no frame: 20x24 $2.75 18x30 3 .00 24x36 6.15 36x36 8 . 55 24x48.. .8.80 PUTTY AND SETTING: The 10x14 lights in No. 7 were bedded and set for l^c each, but no material was furnished. Allow about Ifc per sq ft as an aver for a reasonable number of lights. Allow 1-25 Ib of putty per If around edge of glass. The 20,000 lights of No. 7 took 2,800 Ibs. With 80,000 If, this is 1-28 Ib. A smaller lot only 345 If took 1-23 Ib. Amount varies with depth of rabbet, bedding, etc. Thus on 1,900 lights 10x14, 565 Ibs were used, or nearly twice as much. The putty might not be properly pressed; the rabbet was a. trifle deeper. Large lights require more glaziers' points than small allow 1 to every 6 to 9 inch. GLASS 207 On 10,000 sq ft of galv iron skylight 2,400 Ibs of putty were used. Plate glass costs about 10% of price for setting. Skylight, glass, 8c per sq ft. Floor and sidewalk, 5c per sq ft. WEIGHT: Common glass, ss, 1.25 Ibs to sq ft; ds, 1.6; plate,, 3 Ibs, but weight of all glass varies. Some lights of plate 011 No. 9 were only half as heavy as others. To get weight of plate glass box mult sq ft of surf by 10 and the result is in Ibs. The complete work, including steel framework of sky- light in place on No. 7, weighs 8 Ibs. - The following weights are listed for roof glass the thick- ness is given in fractions of an inch, and the weight in Ibs: 4, 2; &, 2i; i, 34; f, 5; 4, 7; f, 8*; f, 10; 1 inch, 12. TRANSLUCENT FABRIC: A substitute for skylight glass* 15c sq ft. SALVAGE: For plate glass 90 and 20 from list. PRISM GLASS The following table is an approximate retail price list of 3-way sheet prisms and vault-light construction, set complete: Per sq ft 3 Way Sheet Prisms $0.30 3 Way Sheet Prisms, Wired 50 3 Way 4" or 5" Tiles Glazed, in Hard Metal 80 3 Way 4" or 5" Tiles Glazed, in Hard Metal, Copper Plated. . .85 3 Way 4" or 5" Tiles Glazed, in Hard Metal, Solid Copper. ... 1.00 Vault Light Construction, Galvanized, 3 Way Lens (plain).. . 1.50 Vault Light Construction, Galvanized, 3 Way Prism 1.60 Vault Light Construction, Galvanized, 3 Way Lens (plain) Wired 1.90 Vault-Light Construction, Galvanized Prism Wired. . . 2.00 LUXFER PRISM: Sheet 30c sq ft; 3-way, 3,5,0; 4x4 sidewalk, unset, $1. Set complete, from $1.75 to $3.75, depending upgn kind. ACTUAL: For 40"x40" lights, unset, $4; 12 lights 20"x22\ 30c each. The following table of Chicago prices saves the time of figuring, if one remembers that freight has to be allowed, and{ that dealers ask for larger prices, especially on small orders;- 208 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR NET PRICES OF COMMON WINDOW GLASS SIZES X o i-fl 03 l| Price per Box Single Str'ngth |f I Price per Light Single Str'ngth It ^g G02 8-s 3 SIZES *& $* If * &$ 'r- t* ftM <*> .2 Hi " a ^ If Kg M o^ n,o *Q Price per Light Single Str'ngth It si O.02 Is 7x 9 115 $2.30 S .02* 18x30 14 82.85 $4.45 $ .26 $ .42 8x10 90 2.30 . . . . .03} . . 18x32 13 2.85 4.45 .28 .44 8x12 75 2.30 . . . .04 . 18x48 8 5.10 .81 8x14 64 2.30 . .04$ .'. 18x56 7 5.65 1.03 9x12 67 2.30 . .04* ! '. .'. 20x20 18 2^85 4.45 !20 .32 9x14 57 2.30 _ .05$ 20x22 16 2.85 4.45 .23 .36 10x12 60 2.30 .05 20x24 15 2.85 4.45 .24 .38 10x14 52 2.30 .05f 20x26 14 2.85 4.45 .26 .41 10x16 45 2.40 .07 '.'. .'. 20x28 13 2.85 4.45 .28 .44 10x18 40 2.40 . .08 20x30 12 2.85 4.45 .30 .48 10x20 36 2.40 08 20x32 11 2.94 4.55 .34 .53 10x22 33 2.40 .09* 20x36 10 3.12 4.70 .40 .54 10x24 30 2.40 .10 22x22 15 2.85 4.45 .24 .38 10x26 28 2.52 . ... .Hi 22x24 14 2.85 4.45 .26 .41 10x28 26 2.52 . .12$ .'. '. . 22x26 A3 2.85 4.45 .28 .44 10x30 24 2.52 . . . .13* . . '. ! 22x28 12 2.85 4.45 .30 .48 12x14 43 2.40 . .07* 22x30 11 2.94 4.55 .34 .53 12x16 38 2.40 . . . .08 '. '. 22x32 10 2.94 4.55 .38 .58 12x18 34 2.40 . .09 . 22x36 9 3.12 4.70 .44 .67 12x20 30 2.40 .10* 24x24 12 2.85 4.45 .30 .48 12x24 25 2.52 '. '.'. . .13 . ! '. '. 24x26 12 2.85 4.45 .31 .49 12x26 23 2.52 . . . . .14 24x28 11 2.94 4.55 .34 .53 12x28 22 2.52 . .15 24x30 10 2.94 4.55 .38 .58 12x30 20 2.65 .17 24x32 10 3.12 4.70 .40 .60 12x32 19 2.65 ' ] ' ' .18 .'. .'. 24x36 9 3.12 4.70 .44 .67 12x34 18 2.65 .19 24x40 8 3.35 5.05 .55 .81 12x36 17 2.65 * .20 26x26 11 2.94 4.55 .34 .53 12x40 15 2.70 .23 26x28 10 2.94 4.55 .40 .60 14x16 32 2.40 . .10 . 26x30 9 3.12 4.70 .44 .67 14x18 29 2.40 .11 26x32 9 3.12 4.70 .45 .68 14x20 26 2.40 '. '.'.'. .12 .'. .'. 26x34 8 3.12 4.70 .55 .80 14x22 14x24 24 22 2.52 2.52 .13* .14* 26x36 26x38 8 7 3.35 3.35 5.05 5.05 .56 .63 .81 .92 14x26 20 2.52 .16 26x40 7 3.35 5.05 .64 .93 14x28 19 2.65 .18 28x28 9 3.12 4.70 .44 .66 14x30 17 2.65 .20 28x30 9 3.12 4.70 .45 .67 14x32 16 2.65 .21 28x32 8 3.12 4.70 .55 .80 14x34 15 2.65 .23 28x34 8 3.35 5.05 .56 .81 14x36 14 2.65 .24 28x36 7 3.35 5.05 .63 .92 14x40 13 2.70 .27 28x38 7 3.35 5.05 .64 .93 16x20 23 2.70 $i!io .14 $ 23 28x40 7 3.35 5.05 .65 .94 16x24 19 2.70 4.10 .17 28 30x30 8 3.35 5.05 .55 .81 16x26 17 2.86 4.45 .20 34 30x32 7 3.35 5.05 .63 .92 16x28 16 2.86 4.45 .21 36 30x34 7 3.35 5.05 .64 .93 16x30 15 2.85 4.45 .24 38 30x36 7 3.35 5.05 .65 .94 16x40 11 4.70 54 30x40 6 5.05 .65 1.07 16x44 10 4.70 60 30x44 6 5.52 1.18 18x20 20 2!70 4.10 '.22 26 30x48 5 ! ! ! 5.52 1.42 18x22 18 2.85 4.45 .20 32 32x32 7 5.04 .92 18x24 17 2.85 4.45 .22 34 32x34 7 5.04 .93 18x26 16 2.85 4.45 .23 36 32x36 6 5.04 1.07 18x28 14 2.85 4.45 .26 41 32x40 6 ... 5.52 1.18 GLASS 20<> Net Prices of Common Window Glass Continued _ o g J! ita || S 8 81, P If iS rM J3 w a j. fl w JF^ w a 3 $ i3 SIZES Number Lights in .H"5b Price per '. Single Str 23 SIZES Numbei Lights in ft2 a Price per ' Single Str .23 32x44 5 $5.52 $1.42 40x46 4 $6.00 $1.92 32x48 5 5.52 1.43 40x48 4 6.00 1.93 34x40 6 5.52 1.18 40x50 4 6.00 1.94 34x44 5 5.52 1.42 44x44 4 6.60 2,12 34x48 5 5.64 1.45 44x46 4 6.60 2.13 36x36 6 5.52 1.18 44x48 3 6.75 2.87 36x40 5 5.52 1.42 44x50 3 6.75 2.88 36x44 5 5.52 1.43 46x48 3 6.75 2.87 36x48 4 5.64 1.81 48x48 3 7.90 3.38 40x40 5 5.52 1.42 48x50 3 7.90 3.39 40x44 4 5.64 1.81 50x56 3 9.60 4.11 CHAPTER XIII STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON MEASUREMENT: The rule for estimating this work is very simple: It is, "Get the exact weight and mult by the exact price." The trouble is in getting both. CAST IRON: If the pattern is made an approx figure may be had by mult the weight of new wp of 16; of old wood by 17; the quotient will be in Ibs. Or another and better way is to varnish the pattern, put in a tank of water, get the displacement in ci and mult by .26 for the weight in Ibs. Unfortunately architects have not yet been educated to the point of furnishing patterns with their specifications, and we have to follow the old rules of measurement which are not so sure as the dipping process. The bases and capitals of cast iron cols, lugs, straps, horns, bands, swells, and all odd work have to be measured or guessed as carefully as possible. we have only a few cols a slight error does not count so much, but with 100 it is different. And this brings us to an important point that has to be considered. Are there 100 cols or only 2? If they are not of stock patterns it means a good deal of difference in the price. In the first case the cost of the special pattern is di- vided among 100; in the last, between 2. Here, as elsewhere, it pays to use stock patterns. (See Chap XXIV on Standard Sizes.) Stock shafts are carried in foundries, and, if pos- sible, special caps and bases made to suit design. PATTERN: The only way for an estimator to get the value of a pattern is to take off the lumber wp at $80 per M in 'Our day and then judge the amount of labor that is neces- sary to uaake it. Where there are many castings this is hardly necessary as the cost is divided. WEIGHTS: The weight of cast-iron is usually put at 450 Ibs to the cf, or a trifle more ,26 per ci. This is I Ib added 210 STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON 211 to 1-100 lb for those who are so lazy as not to understand decimals. At a distance from tables the rule is easily re- membered: Get the ci and mult by .26 lb. A plate 44x68x|" weighs 583.44 Ibs. By using .26 the loss is only a little more than f Ibs to 450, and this is close enough for estimating. A column 12' long, 10" in diam outside, with 1" metal, weighs 1,059 Ibs without any base or cap. As the metal is 1" thick the inside size is 8"; find the ci in a col of 10" diam and in one of 8"; subtract the difference and mult by .26. An easily remembered rule for all circles is that they are to each other as the sq of their diam. Thus 2 cisterns 8 and 9' diam hold water in the proportion of 64 and 81; a pipe 4' diam has 4 times as much sectional area as one 2'. To get the. area of a circle mult the sq of the diam by .7854. The sq of a 10" col is 100, which mult by .785478.54; mult by 144" the length gives 11,309.76 ci. The sq of the diam of 8 is 64, mult by .7854=50,2656, which mult by 144 gives 7238,246 ci, a difference of 4071.51 ci, which mult by .26=1,059 Ibs. The foregoing illustration will serve for odd work: the fol- lowing table will save the trouble of figuring regular sizes. Cap and base are not included. Outside diam and thickness of metal are given in inches: weight per ft in Ibs: WEIGHT OF COLUMNS Diam Thickness Weight Diam Thickness Weight Diam Thickness Weight 6 \ 26.95 8 li 82.71 11 1 98.03 6 | 38.59 9 | 60.65 11 H 119.46 6 I 43.96 9 1 78.40 11 1J 139.68 6 1 49.01 9 H 94.94 11 If 158.68 6 1J 53.76 9 l\ 110.26 11 2 176.44 7 I 45.96 9 If 124.36 12 1 107.51 7 1 58.90 10 1 88.23 12 1J 131.41 7 li 64.77 10 U 107.23 12 1J 154.10 8 | 53.29 10 l\ 124.99 12 1| 175.53 8 1 68.64 10 1| 141.65 12 2 195.75 212 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR WEIGHT OF SQUARE CAST IRON COLS IN LBS PER LF (Birkmire) 9 2a + 2b Thickness of Metal in In H H Vs 1 IX IK m 1M 2 *12 18.6 21.1 23.3 25.0 26 A 27.3 28.1 14 22.5 25.8 28.7 31.3 33.4 35.1 37.5 16 26.4 30.5 34.2 37.5 40.4 43.0 46.9 49.2 50.0 18 30.3 35.2 39.7 43.8 47.4 50.8 56.3 60.2 62.5 20 34.2 39.8 45.1 50.0 54.5 58.6 65.6 71.1 75.0 22 38.1 44.5 50.6 56.3 61.5 66.4 75.0 82.0 87.5 24 42.0 49.2 56.1 62.5 68.5 74.2 84.4 93.0 100.0 26 45.9 53.9 61.5 68.8 75.6 82.0 93.8 103.9 112.5 28 49.8 58.6 67.0 75.0 82.6 89.8 103.1 114.8 125.0 30 53.7 63.3 72.5 81.3 89.6 97.7 112.5 125.8 137.5 32 57.6 68.0 77.9 87.5 96.7 105.5 121.9 136.7 150.0 34 61.5 72.7 83.4 93.8 103.7 113.3 131.3 147.7 ! 162.5 36 65.4 77.3 88.9 100.0 110.7 121.1 140.6 158.6 j 175.0 38 69.3 82.0 94.3 106.3 117.8 128.9 150.0 169.5 187.5 40 73.2 86.7 99.8 112.5 124.8 136.7 159.4 180.5 200.0 42 77.1 91.4 105.3 118.8 131.8 144.5 168.8 191.4 212.5 44 81.0 96.1 110.8 125.0 138.8 152.3 178.1 202.3 ! 225.0 46 84.9 100.8 116.2 131.3 145.9 160.2 187.5 213.3 237.5 48 88.8 105.5 121.7 137.5 152.9 168.0 196.9 224.2 250.0 50 92.8 110.2 127.2 143.8 159.9 175.8 206.3 235.2 262.5 52 96.7 114.8 132.6 150.0 167.0 183.6 215.6 246.1 275.0 54 100.6 118.5 138.1 156.3 174.0 191.4 225.0 257.0 287.5 56 104.5 124.2 143.6 162.5 181.0 199.2 234.4 268.0 300.0 58 108.4 128.9 149.0 166.8 188.1 207.0 243.8 278.9 1 312.5 60 112.3 133.6 154.5 175.0 195.1 214.9 253.2 289.8 1 325.0 62 116.2 138.3 160.0 181.3 202.1 222.7 262.5 300.8 337.5 64 120.1 143.0 165.4 187.5 209.2 230.5 271.9 311.7 350.0 66 124.0 147.7 170.9 193.8 216.2 238.3 281.3 322.7 362.5 68 127.9 152.3 176.4 200.0 223.2 246.1 290.6 333.6 375.0 70 131.8 157.0 181.8 206.3 230.3 253.9 300.0 344.5 387.5 72 135.7 161.7 187.3 212.5 237.3 261.7 309.4 355.5 400.0 74 139.6 166.4 192.8 218.8 244.3 269.5 318.8 366.4 412.5 76 143.5 171.1 198.3 225.0 251.3 277.3 328.1 377.3 425.0 78 147.4 175.8 203.7 231.3 258.4 285.2 337.5 388.3 437.5 80 151.3 180.5 207.2 237.5 265.4 293.0 346.9 399.2 1 450.0 * A and b = either side (outside measurement). 2a + 2b = number, ance has been made in above table for corners counted twice. Allow- EXAMPLE: What is the weight per If of a 12"xl6"xl" thick col? STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON 213 ANS : 2a + 2b = 24 -f 32 = 56. Opposite this number, under 1 inch thick metal, we find 162.5, which is weight per If in Ibs for a col of this size. WRT IRON: The weight of all structural iron and steel is marked on plans, so that there is no difficulty in getting the total. The weight of cast-iron separators, bolts, rosettes, etc, has to be allowed extra for I beams. Some sepa- rators have 2 bolts; others only 1. Beams under 5" have sepa- rators f thick; 6 to 15, ; 20 to 24, f. Weight is, of course, regulated by depth and spread of beams. Get ci and mult by .26 Ib if tables are not convenient. RIVETS: After getting the weights of the structural frame add the rivets, according to the number, and weight as given in the tables of the steel mill books. A shorter way is to allow 2% of aver work for rivets, when exactness is not necessary. Diam of rivet for plates less than \" thick = twice the thickness of the plate. Diam of rivets for plates \" thick and upwards = once and a half the thickness of the plate. Length of rivet measured before clinching = the thick ness of the plate -j- 2 times the diam of the rivet. WEIGHTS, BRASS, COPPER, LEAD: The weight of wrought iron is 480 Ibs to cf, or practically .28; while steel is 490 Ibs. Jones & Laughlin give .263 for cast iron; .281 for wrt; .283 for cast steel. Wrt iron and steel do not have to be reduced to ci so often as cast iron, because table of sheet, flat, round, sq and all shapes are ready at hand. Some find it convenient to re- member that a bar of iron 1" sq, 3' long weighs 10 Ibs. The weight of wrt iron mult by 1.082 gives brass; 1.444 copper; 1.47 lead. THE TWO TONS: It is a hard matter for a building con- tractor to remember that the weight of steel rails is given by the yd not the ft and that the gross ton of 2,240 Ibs is used instead of the short ton of 2,000. 214 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LABOR SETTING IRON AND STEEL Contractors usually allow $5 per ton of 2,000 Ibs to set aver work. Sometimes it can be set for $3.50. On plain work close to ground $2.75 has been found to be enough on 100 tons. It depends upon the size of the material, height, etc. For store fronts $5 is a fair figure. The fronts of Nos. 5 and 6 were set for about this price. On No. 2 with 70 tons the cost was $4.50, but the material was set all over the fireproof build- ing and clear to roof. Wages were $1.50 for common laborers who set it all. Hand derricks were used in both illustrations. With a steam derrick such work can be done for about $3.50. Both cast iron and steel are included in figures. But work done in a basement for alterations, or in the upper story of an occupied building at night, with extra pay, might run up to $50 per ton. Each case of this kind differs. All of the foregoing work was set with common labor and the rules of the union do not permit any laborer to handle steel. Of course the aver job does not require structural iron workers, but where they are used, the cost runs higher, although they handle more in proportion to their number than laborers. The wage is now 40c per hour for men and 47|c for foremen. On all large steel work they are cheaper in the long run than laborers; but it seems that they ought to have their due proportion of them as other trades do. Work like that shown on No. 13 would cost more if set by laborers only than by tradesmen. SHOP BUILDINGS: A fair figure for No. 13 which shows the framework of No. 7 is $8 per ton of 2,000 Ibs to set and do field riveting. It was done for $7. DRILLING CONCRETE: This does not include drilling holes in the concrete to hold rag-bolts. Drilling 7 holes U"x29" takes 2 laborers 1 day of 9 hours by hand, but the state of the concrete, soft or hard, has to be considered. Allow 10 holes at 23" deep. Some contractors build in wood and with- draw it afterwards for bolts, and although this is not such an accurate method for centering it is so much cheaper that most prefer it. Or a bolt may be set in pipe with room to STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON 215 move far enough to catch the holes. If a template is used there is not much danger of missing connections. Merely for a rough approximate idea the following figures are useful: WEIGHT OF STEEL ON HIGH BUILDINGS On buildings up to 11 stories high, an approximate weight of steel is as follows, per sq ft of floor area, not ground area: Apartment Houses and Hotels with Outside Frames 14 Ibs Office Buildings as above 23 Ibs Warehouses as above 28 Ibs Apartment Houses and Houses without Outside Frames 9 Ibs Office Buildings as above. e 15 Ibs Warehouses as above 18 Ibs WEIGHT OF STEEL PER SQ FT OF GROUND AREA Machine and Erecting Shop, 25 Ibs Car Shops 10 lb& Blacksmith Shop 10 Ibs Paint Shops 10 Ibs Foundries 20 Ibs WEIGHT OF STEEL TRUSSES For 53' span 3. 5 tons For 105' span 9.0 tons For 175' span 10.3 tons For 125' span 22.0 tons For 80' span 6.5 tons Steel for roof trusses, I beams, plate girders, etc, is not bought by detailed parts, but in a lump for each class at the works. Trusses in the east or Chicago, about 3.3c per Ib; in Omaha about 3.8c; I beams, 2.7 and 3c. RIVETS: Approximately there are 10 field rivets to the ton. A safe figure is lOc each. An air riveter on straight work rivets about 400 to 500 in a day of 8 hours. This includes moving of scaffolds. The Omaha Auditorium, however, with 500 tons of steel, had 11,000 field rivets, or 22 to the ton. HEAVY GIRDERS: Something has to be allowed for dif- ferent classes of work. On No. 13 there are 36 girders 3' 6" wide x 22' long. The setting of them soon counts in tonnage. With these were other heavy girders, in all about 2,100 If. But with train-sheds where light sections are used and where there are more changes of scaffolding the $8 price would run 216 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR to at least $10. The lightest steel on No. 13 was the truss which was 5 tons. The Omaha Auditorium trusses are 10 tons each. But the steel on this huilding took at least $12, as angle work of gallery, height of trusses, extra riveting, etc, made work more difficult. * x On No. 13 the steel was set and riveted for $6.50 but wages were lower than on No. 14, as laborers were used on former. Building is also lower. About i of total was required for riveting. The time on both buildings includes setting der- ricks, scaffolding, and unloading from cars. HIGH COSTS: Before leaving the erection of steel it is bet- ter to look at the other view, for, as with the laying of brick, there is another. No. 13 cost, with contractor's profit, $7; No. 14, actual, $6.50; No. 8, the largest building, for about 800 tons, $7.90; at the outside $10 should be enough. In ''Carpentry and Building," now "Building Age," there is an article on the erection of structural steel on high buildings. The article complains of the high cost of building in New York as compared with other cities, and says that with the same number of hours per day and the same rate of wages steel erection costs from 2^ to 3 times as much as elsewhere. "It is no wonder that structural erection costs $15 to $18 a ton in this city as compared with $6.50 to $8 in other cen- ters of building activity. A hand riveter who could easily aver from 250 to 300 rivets a day contents himself in this city with 80. In other cities on straight work a good man fin- ishes up 80 an hour. The pneumatic riveter in almost any other city will drive 1,500 to 2,000 rivets in a day against 250 to 300 in New York." AVERAGES: "All extremes are wrong." Between 80 in a day and 80 in an hour, or 640 in a day, there are quite a few laps. On the one side we have the loafer who is a pest, on the other hand the theorist who makes us yawn. An aver day's work at shingling may be found elsewhere in this book there are men who do several times as much, but I would not allow them to lay a shingle on a house I meant to keep. RIVETING: I asked a man who has passed his life among steel put up in all sorts of places and fashions, " Could a STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON 217 pneumatic riveter finish 1,500 rivets in a day on a building?" "No, it could not," he answered; "and more than that, it could not be done even on a shop floor where there is no climbing among scaffolding. I have one in the shop and I know what it can do. A good aver is 500 on a building." RIVETING: After getting local authority I was handed a report of Mr. A. B. Manning of the M. K. & T. R. R. to the Annual Convention of the Railway Superintendents of Bridges and Buildings, in which he discussed riveting: "With pneu- matic riveting hammers I find that 2 men and 1 heater can aver in 10 hours 500 rivets, whereas by hand 250 rivets more often less was a good day's work for 3 men and 1 heater. One day we drove 700 rivets by using an additional man to take out firing up bolts, etc. This was the work of one air hammer only." He gives the cost of hand riveting at 3.68c per rivet, and air riveting at 1.62c. MACHINE RIVETING: On 93,480 rivets in the Chicago ship- yards the machine rate ran from 1 to 2c, depending upon size, etc; the hand rate, from 2$ to 4J. The machine aver was 1.5c each; hand, 3.19. In Cramp's shipyard on 1,300,000 rivets the hand price for 1" was 7c; machine, 3c; for f by hand, 5.5c; by air, 3c. Cramp sets machine riveting 40% cheaper than hand; the Chicago yard, 47%. Small work can not be done at anything like the same rate; and of course latitude counts for some- thing: the London & Northwestern Railway, for example, re- ports 120 rivets per hour per riveter. LARGE WORK: The importance of reliable labor time is seen when we consider the size of such buildings as Nos. 7, 8, and 14 all 150' wide, and from 310 to 486' long. The main building of the Rock Island plant at East Moline, 111., is 276'-8"x860'. In "The Engineering News," New York, N. Y., there is a description of the plant and a summary of the amount of building material. Steel is 2,400 tons; and cast- iron, 150. The U. P. and O. S. L. plants, as far as built, have together somewhat less than this tonnage. It is important to know if it can be set for $7 or whether $12 is required as the difference amount to $12,000. Other items in the R. L 218 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR total are 22,000 bbls Port cement; 6,000,000 brick; 5,000,000 ft lumber; 64,000 sq ft factory ribbed glass; 4,200 sqs roofing. A labor difference of $1 per M in the brick makes a nice little sum. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe locomotive shop is 154'x852'; the "Reading", 204'x750'. SKYSCRAPER RIVETING: On an 18-story building in St. Louis f" rivets cost 20 to 25c, and f", 13 to 17c, on col and beam work, with foremen's wages from 60 to 75c per hour. CRANES: For erecting large electric cranes allow $3 per ton. If they are not put directly in place from the cars but have to be unloaded, $1.50 extra. Much, however, depends upon facilities; 4 cranes of 143 tons have been recently set for $300. SHEET STEEL: To lay sheet steel over large surf, 2c per sq ft; on doors, 4c. TANKS: A common way of estimating the complete labor on tanks round or sq is to allow 4c per rivet, but this is on the basis of compressed air. A tank 9' diam x 12 high is worth about $200; 15' diam x 12, $375.00 complete. A 10,000 gall galv tank, $800; 2,500 galv, $270, with equipment. PRICE: At present the price of steel is high; a few years from now it may be low. On cars, Omaha, it is $65 to $70 per ton but a good deal depends upon quantity. Cast iron is now worth 2 1 /& to 3%c per Ib. Lintels and columns 2c per Ib. and up; sill and base plates, 3c and up. MISCELLANEOUS PRISM LIGHTS, COAL HOLE COVERS: Hyatt or Prismatic lights are worth about $1.50 per sq ft; Luxfer prisms com- plete, $1.75 to $3.75. Sidewalk or concrete lights in frame with glass, $1.75 to $2.50. Coal hole covers, prismatic, from $5 to $10 each, 20" to 24"; solid $1.50 to $4. With a coal hole cover the depth and weight are regulated by sidewalk; some- times it may be only 4", and again with a heavy brick arch it may be 13. (See also "Vault Lights," Chap XIIJ WICKETS: For ticket windows, from $5.60 to $25, of 30 designs examined. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON 219 WRT IRON GRATINGS: 75c per q ft; cast iron, 3c per lb, or 45 to 50c per sq ft. GAS PIPE RAIL: In place, dbl, 75c per ft; single 50c. Main 3x3 posts, $3.50 to $5 each. " Spike " or " Loafers Rail," 12 to 15c per ft. For ordinary 36" standards allow: For one rail, l\ $1.50 For one rail, 2 2.00 Corner one rail, 1$ 1 . 75 Corner one rail, 2 2 . 25 Tee, 2 2.50 2-rail, 1 1.75 2-rail corner, 2 3 . 00 Rail, li, per ft 17 Rail, 2, per ft 22 FENCES AND SMALL WRT IRON GATES: Gates, lOc per lb. Wrt iron fence 5 to 6c. A long railing, about 4' high, f sq uprights, 6" centers, was recently set in place for $1.50.' per running ft. The iron work of 1,000 ft of fence, with several gates, unset,, ran to $3.20 per If; set $3.65. About 8' high, f sq pickets, 6" centers. Concrete bases every 8'. RAILROAD FENCE: A hogtight fence costs about $300 per mile of track, both sides, or $150 for one side. Material, 67%; labor 33. WRT IRON SHUTTERS: Hinged, 45c. Sliding, 60c per sq ft in place, Omaha. Allow freight at 8 Ibs per sq ft if required. ROLLING STEEL SHUTTERS: These are 50c per sq ft in place. VAULT DOOR LININGS: From $65 up; 620 to 830 Ibs for aver. HOME SAFES: Many brick buildings are now equipped with small safes built in wall. They are put in when the wall is built. To cut old walls and put them in allow $8 to $5 extra. 220 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR SIZE AND COST OF SAFES Size Door Inside Dimensions No. Diam Wide Deep High Weight Price 40 4i" 5" 4f" 10i" 351bs. $17,00 41 4i" 6" 1\" 6" 401bs. 18.00 43 4|" 10" 7" 6" 521bs. 20.00 68 6 " 11 * 7" 8 " 75lbs. 25.00 66 6" 14" 10" 9" 160 Ibs. 30.00 MOVING A SAFE: In New York for twenty years a Corliss safe has been on exhibition. The twin came to Omaha. The weight is 17 tons. It was moved from one story above street level in 1908 to make way for a battery of 8 safes with more space. It took 20 men 7 days to cut it out, shore up floors, and take down to street. PRICE OF ANCHORS PER LF AT 6c PER LB. Take extreme length, add head, if a T-anchor, and mult toy price per ft. T-anchor heads are figured same size as shank. Size of Iron Price Per Ft Size of Iron Price Per Ft lixl ...... ............. 7.7c 3 xi .................... 30. 6c 2 xi .................... 10. 2c IJxf ..................... 11. 6c 2ix} .................... 12. 8c 2 xf .................... 15. 3c 2 JL\ .................... 20. 4c 2Jx| .................... 19. 2c 25. 5c Thus, an anchor with shank 3' long, a head 1', made of 2xi, would cost 82c. The 6c rate includes profit, and in some sections 5c is enough. WRT IRON: Special prices are given on patented hangers, etc, but in general for all anchors, stirrups, heavy hinges, and such work, get weight and mult x 5c per Ib. For rods 4c. The labor on aver wrt iron work is lc per Ib; a safe price for bar iron is 2c per Ib fob Omaha. DUPLEX JOIST-HANGERS: For 2x6 to 2x10, 14c each. 2x12 to 2x16 .................................. 20c 3 and 4x6 to 3 and 4x10 ........................ 28c 6x14 to 6x16 .................................. 65c 8x8 to 8x12 ................................... 65c STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON 221 DUPLEX WALL-HANGERS: Are about 50% more. See page 20 for Duplex Post Caps and Bases. IRON LADDERS: 2"x sides, f sq rungs, set for 90c to $1 per ft high. FIRE ESCAPES: U gas-pipe rail for sides, $1 per ft high set; platforms of ordinary width and length, $2.50 per If; 21" stairs for fire escapes, $4 per ft long on rake; platforms, $4; or about $125 per story. STAIR: A large iron stair 3' wide for fire escape on No. 2 cost $502 for 3 stories. For 2'-6" fire stairs with long plat- forms, outside pipe supports and railings on both sides, allow $18 to $20 per ft set in place and painted, the price being taken on the plumb and not on the rake. When taking bids on No. 2 I was offered a spiral chute that had been installed and approved at Louisville, Ky., and is now as far north as Boston where school children are shot through it. Of course there are many varieties of fire escapes at dif- ferent prices. STAIRS: 3' to 4' wide, with iron rail, set complete $8 to $10 per step. One ornamental iron stair in the east cost $36,000. COAL CHUTES: These chutes run from $10 to $15. They may be had with protected glass fronts. PORCH COL BASES: These are to keep large cols up from the floor and allow water to run through. For 6"x6" 50c each For 8"x8" 55c each For 10"xlO" 70c each For 12"xl2" 90c each SAFETY TREADS: One make with steel base plate and lead filling, $1.25 per sq ft, Chicago; with brass base plate, $2.25. MASON safety treads $l.bU per sq ft on wood not laid, $1.40. The cost on iron or stone is about $1.75, laid. STEEL STUDS: Wire lath is otten attached to prong studs, ceiling, and wall furring. The lath is laid on and the prong 222 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR clinched over it with the tap of a hammer. A solid or hol- low wall is then plastered on. A tee stud is used for a solid wall, and a channel for a hollow. The solid walls are If" to 2" thick. Separate or continuous sockets can be used for fastenings at top and bottom. The cost of the material is as follows: For f" tee studs, Ifc per ft to 10'. For 2" channel studs, 2fc per ft to 10'. For 3" channel studs, 3c per ft to 10'. Tee stud socket strip f", 2c. Channel socket strip, 2", 3c. Channel socket strip, 3", 4c. Ceiling and wall furring, ", 2c. Allow same time for setting studs as for wood. STEEL STACK: The cost of taking down a corroded stack is given in Ryerson's Journal. Size, 6'xlOO'. Owing to surrounding buildings it had to be erected in sections. The top 56' was taken down. The scaffold took 1,400 ft bm of chestnut for corners at $20, and 1,600 ft hemlock at $19. Only 5% of this lumber was destroyed, and the rest was used elsewhere. The tower of scaffolding was Il'-6"x23' at base, and Il'-6"xl5' at top. An I beam with trolley was put across the top, and cable and windlass with air motor. The sections were cut off with a cold chisel and lowered. It required 3 minutes to lower or raise a section. To put up derrick, adjust tackle, arrange I beam and trol- ley, and connect motor, 26 hours. Removal and cleaning up, 19 hours. The total work of replacement was done for $110. Wages from $2 to $2.75 per man per day. The sec- tions were bolted together. See also Chap XXII. STEEL AND IRON COSTS PER LB: Cover plates, 4c; con- nections, 4c; face plates, |"xl8", 6c; stairs, 6 to 7c; wrought beams, plain, 2| to 2|c; trusses, 3-Jc; Dale lights, $2 per sq ft; cast iron, plain, 2^c; separators, 4c; large cols., 2|c; all unset, 1913. CHAPTER XIV HARDWARE CATALOG WEALTH: Simmons' old catalog has 367 pages 7^x11, devoted to builders' hardware and they have given us a new one; Spencer & Bartlett's 118 pages, 6x8; and Lee- Glass-Andreesen's new book, which is a credit to Omaha and Nebraska, has 240 pages 7Jxll. These are only 3 out of many. They are all packed full of information about hard- ware, and more is to be found at the retail stores. And we are not only burdened with a hundred different kinds of hinges, but each has from a dozen to a score of different fin- ishes, and it is seldom that 1 price covers more than 1 article. The very hardware men, who are specialists, are wearied of the endless variety. It is with a sense of relief that a con- tractor reads in a model specification that shelf hardware is to be covered by a certain sum, or else supplied by the owner. QUANTITIES OF NAILS Wire nails are now used almost everywhere. I have heard, however, that the engineering department of the B. & M. R. R. still clings to the old kind which, according to the tests, take a firmer bite. I kept an account of nails on only 1 building No. 10. There it took 1 keg to 2,600 ft of lumber of all kinds. Prob- ably the proportion would run on such work of spikes and f of 8D and 10D. The whole building is frame, although the lower story is veneered with brick; with less spiking a brick building would require a larger proportion of nails. If any one desires a close estimate of nails he may easily find it as the following table gives the number per pound, but different tables give different numbers. There are so many joists or studs; each board requires so many nails; 5% allowed for extras and waste will give the number of kegs at 100 Ibs to keg. To illustrate by the floor of No. 7: There are 320, 5i" planks in width, and 101 sleepers to which they are nailed; but 223 224 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR plans run from 12 to 16' long, and it Is therefore safe to allow 29 extra nailings clear across the space, because each joint requires twice the number of spikes. Each plank has 2 spikes, or 640 to a sleeper, a total of 83,200, with 5% addi- tional, 87,360. The table gives for 60D spikes, 12 to Ib, mak- ing a total of 73 kegs. Or, having the If of flooring, allow 1 nail, or 2 nails, as the case may be, to every bearing. Matched flooring and ceiling, unless wider than 5 or thicker than have only 1 nail to each bearing. NAIL TABLE Of course the number of nails to Ib varies; 106, 74, 10, are given in another list instead of 132, 87, 12, as below. The price of nails changes as the days go by. At present the " base " is $2.50. From 60D to 20D is base. Add accord- ing to table for other kinds. WIRE NAILS: Size, length, number to pound, and rate: Size Kind Length In No. to Lb Advance on Rate Base 60 Common 6 12 50 Common 5J 15 40 Common 5 21 30 Common 4$ 27 20 Common 4 35 16 Common 3 51 $ .05 12 Common 3 66 .05 10 Common 3 87 .05 8 Common 2$ 132 .10 6 Common 2 252 .20 .4 Common \\ 432 .30 3 Common \\ 720 .45 3 Fine ij 1140 .50 10 Casing 3 121 .15 8 Casing 2\ 170 .25 6 Casing 2 310 .35 4 Casing 1$ 584 .50 10 Finish 3 137 .25 8 Finish 1\ 190 .35 6 Finish 2 350 .45 4 Finish 1$ 760 .65 GALV NAILS cost about $1.25 extra per keg. HARDWARE 225 NAIL ALLOWANCES Quantity Description Kind Quantity in Lbs Centers 12" 16" 20" 36" 48" 60* 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000 pcs 1000 pcs 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' lin. 1000' lin 1000 If 1000 If 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000 pcs 1000 pcs 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 1000' bm 100 sq ft 1000' bm 1000' bm 100 If 1 1 100 yds 100 yds 100 yds 100 cy 100 cy 1 fin mr 3"x6" Plank, 2 nailings .... 3"x8" Plank, 2 nailings 3"xlO" Plank, 2 nailings. . . 3"xl2" Plank, 3 nailings. . . 2"x6" Plank, 2 nailings. . . . 2"x8" Plank, 2 nailings 2"xlO" Plank, 2 nailings... (Use same allowance for Oak Plank, Bridges, Boat Spikes, allow 100 Ibs Joists on Frame Bldg 60d 60 60d 60d 20d 20d 20d ; floorin |"x8" 20d 20d 8d 8d lOd 20d lOd 8d 8d 8d 20d 20d 6d 6d 4d 3d 8d lOd 8d lOd 8d ... ... 51 39 31 39 27 20 16 40 30 24 30 21 16 13 34 26 20 26 18 13 11 g)' 51 39 30 42 31 25 20 12 16 10 14 8 Joists on Brick Bldg For Bracing,add 2 Ibs perM Bridging l // x4" 35 Ibs Bridging 2"x4" 50 Ibs Studs, Walls and Partitions Studs, Walls and Partitions Sheeting or Shiplap, 8" Furring, I"x2", Wall 15 e 26 6 8 12 4 20 6 7 17 6 6 Furring, l // x2". Ceilings Furring, 2"x2", Wall . . . Furring, 2 // x2" Ceilings Siding 6" 33 I 26 26 40 36 2i 15 25 18 25 (any 13 20 22 32 26 Ibs 11 ?0 20 Siding 4" Shingles cen 11 17 ter) Shingles Flooring "x6" Flooring "x6" Flooring "x4" Flooring ^"x4 // Flooring "x3" Thin Oak Flooring li finis hug brda f "x4" Ceiling 6d 8d 8&6d 8&6d 8&6d J" sta 3d fine 3d fine 20d lOd OJ Finishing Base 1 Door, all kinds I Window, all kinds Metal Lath pie 12 104 30 ^ s 9 to to (ofc Wood Lath 48" 13 Hi one 9 to 10 Wood Lath 32" Concrete Forms Concrete Forms rete inw all) concrete r orms OU 3 Slate: See Chap. XVI. 226 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR If it is necessary to change from one size of nail to another see how many Ibs are listed in above table; mult by number in a Ib, and divide by number in a Ib of the kind desired. Thus 3"x6", 48" centers, requires 40 Ib of 60d. At 12 to the Ib this equals 480 nails. If 40d are chosen, with 21 to the Ib, the quantity would be 23 Ibs, for the same number of nails are necessary. CEMENT COATED WIRE NAILS, CHICAGO PRICE Size No. Coated Nails in Keg Price per Keg 40 Cement Coated, 1,800 $1.95 30 Cement Coated, 2,400 1.95 20 Cement Coated, 3,100 1.95 16 Cement Coated, 4,900 2.00 10 Cement Coated, 6,600 2.00 9 Cement Coated, 8,900 2.05 8 Cement Coated, 10,100 2.05 7 Cement Coated. 15,300 2.15 6 Cement Coated, 17,900 2.15 5 Cement Coated, 25,500 2.25 4 Cement Coated, 29,800 2.25 3 Cement Coated, 54,300 2.40 2 Cement Coated, 85,700 2.65 Cement coated nails are sold by count and not by weight. Kegs vary in weight according to size of nails, but each keg of coated nails contains as many as there are in a 100 pounds of common nails. They are about & inch shorter than the regular wire nail. MACHINE BOLTS: See Chap XXVII. BOLTS: Bolts are not measured between nut and head for length, but from under head to extreme end. Countersunk bolts are measured over the head. Rods threaded both ends are measured from point to point. Machine bolts, 2 .to 3c per Ib. Drift bolts, 2c Ib; boat spikes, 3c per Ib. LAG SCREWS: 2 to 5c per Ib. See tables for weight of round iron. EXPANSION BOLTS: |"x2" to 5", 8c each; x2 to 5, lie each; fx2 to 5, 15c each; both bolt and sheath included. HARDWARE 227 CAST WASHERS Price: H to 2c per Ib. J inch Ib each 1| inch 6 Ibs each | inch f Ib each If inch 9J Ibs each I inch lj Ib each 2 inch V7\ Ibs each | inch l\ Ib each 2 inch 20 Ibs each 1 inch 2i Ibs each 2| inch 11\ Ibs each li inch 3 Ibs each 2| inch 36 Ibs each l| inch 5f Ibs each 3 inch 46 Ibs each Weights are different: These are Jones & Laughlin's; the Union Pacific 3" washer, for example, is only Ib and so on in proportion to size. Manufacturers' Standard List of Wrt Washers. Price. 4 to 5c per Ib. Weight Weight \ 13,900 to 100 Ibs 1 625 to 100 Ibs | 6,800 to 100 Ibs \\ 520 to 100 Ibs \ 2,600 to 100 Ibs \\ 400 to 100 Ibs | 1,300 to 100 Ibs \\ 260 to 100 Ibs J 1,010 to 100 Ibs 2 175 to 100 Ibs 1 860 to 100 Ibs Small washers cost from 30 to 50% more than large. SHOP DOORS: Hardware for large doors of No. 7 etc., from $30 to $36; for windows, $3. SASH WEIGHTS: The weights of cast iron carried in stock run from 3 to 24 Ibs. Price about lie. Standard weight is round. Sq" weights are special and cost about 1.75c per Ib, and round weights over 22 Ibs are same price. If few, allow 2c. To get size of square weights find half the weight of sash and the extreme possible length of sash weight in inches. Divide an assumed weight of 48 Ibs by .26 and we have the number in ci necessary to balance 1 side of a 96 Ib sash. This is divided by 24, the assumed length, and the sectional area is found to be nearly 7f inches. We must now find a num- ber which mult by itself will produce 7.70 for a sq weight;, or if it has to be 2'' thick, it will be 3| wide. A sq weight, would be 2.78 inches or a trifle more than 2|. A knowledge; of sq root is useful for more than rafter lengths, for we can- not always carry a load of books around. The main windows 228 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR of No. 3 weighed from 350 to 400 Ibs; and doors on No. 4 weighed more. LEAD WEIGHTS Where boxes are small lead weights have sometimes to be used, but the price is 7c per Ib. Lead weighs about 50% more than wrt iron. The following table for lead will save the trouble of calcu- lating weights. Size in inches; weight in Ibs per If: Size Round Square Size Round Square 1 3| 4.93 2 23 30.82 It 6 7.68 2| 28.93 37.27 li 8t 10.27 3 34.81 44.38 1J 11| 15.08 3i 40.52 52.07 2 15| 19.02 3i 47.26 60.82 2t 18i 24 3| 54 69.33 SECTIONAL SASH WEIGHTS link to each other till enough balance the sash or door. They give any weight from 14 Ibs up. They can be delivered without weighing sash. Cost, $33 per ton at New York. SASH CORD: There are many kinds, and each manufacturer says his is the best. The usual hank contains 100 ft, and weighs from 2 up to 3 Ibs. A & cord weighs 1^ Ibs to the 100 ft; and a |, 5 Ibs. Aver price, 25 to 30c per Ib. Sash chain costs per ft 8c in genuine copper, for weight up to 125 Ibs. Sash chain, copper steeled, 3c. Steel retinned chain, 5c. Steel ribbon, 5c up to 125 Ibs. DUMBWAITERS: Without rope or car, to carry weights up to 100 Ibs, $15 to $20. Cars, $15 to $40. This is for a good, strong, ordinary installation, but $200 could be invested in some kinds. WALL PLUGS: $16 per M. INSIDE SLIDING DOOR HANGERS: An aver hanger is worth $4.50 with track and bolts complete; with some hangers HARDWARE 229 a wide opening runs to $5.50. A Coburn, $2.60 for single door 4-6; $4.20 for 6' dbl door. COBURN BARN DOOR HANGERS are worth $2.25 without track; track, lOc per ft. A Wilcox, aver size, $2 pair; track 18c; brackets, 18c each. JAMB GUARDS: For 8' long, 3i" wide, with anchors, $1.50 each. BARBED WIRE: For 4-point cattle, painted, H Ibs to 16* ft; galv, li Ibs. Hog, li to 14. For 2-point cattle, painted, 1 Ib; galv, l^s. Hog, 1& to 1$. Price 3 to 4c per Ib. Staples of aver size 100 to Ib, 4c. POST HOLE DIGGERS: $1 each. COMMON WIRE: Price, $2.90 per 100 Ibs. WIRE PANELS^ For No. 10 x U" mesh, 22c sq ft. For No. 9, 1" mesh 22c For No. 8, 2" mesh 22c For No. 12, \Y mesh 20c Heavy Wire Window Guards 50c SHELF HARDWARE: "In making out bills of hardware take each room separately and indicate each door or window where special stuff is required, and the hardware will be packed to suit." " A door is left-handed if when viewed from the outside its hinges are on the left. The outside of a door is that side which is approached on entering a building or room. The outside of door between rooms is the side opposite to that from which the knuckles of the butt are visible. All doors opening out should be designated as reversed doors." A front door does not usually open out, but if it did it would be a reversed door. In ordering certain classes of hardware it is necessary to specify right or left. AVER PRICES: Since we can not read several thousand pages of descriptive matter, or explore as many sq ft of shelving, is there no way of getting some fair idea on the price of shelf hardware? The following figures embrace pretty much all that the con- tractor is apt to meet in a specification. For several years 230 THE NEW BUILDING FSTIMATOR I used just such a list as is presented here, and found it to work satisfactorily. Changes can be noted on it as the days go by and prices rise or fall. With some the danger is to put bronze finish in place of real bronze. There is not so much difference between the various finishes of iron. Tak- ing bronze plated goods as a standard polished old copper runs about 5% more; sand old copper, 15 to 20, while Boston- finish and steel finish, are about the same as bronze plated. Real bronze goods belong to another class. Some have had to pay for this information, HINGES OR BUTTS 4x 4 Jap'd, 20c per pr; 30c in Bronze Finish; $2.00 in Real Bronze 4x4$ Jap'd, 25c per pr; 35c in Bronze Finish; 2.25 in Real Bronze 5 x5 Jap'd, 35c per pr; 50c in Bronze Finish; 2.50 in Real Bronze Dbl-acting Chicago butts, jap, per pr, 1 door, $1.20; If to 2", $3; bronze plated, etc, $3 for U; $5.75 for If to 2; old copper finish, unpolished, $2 and $4.30; antique finish, sand- blast, $3 and $5.60 for same thicknesses. But a blank is often used with a butt as 1 is strong enough for the door, and this reduces the price. Blanks are about half the price of butts. Real bronze butts of this kind are seldom used. The Chicago floor hinge is used with spring at bottom and plate at top. For thin doors, $1.40 for each door; for 2" doors, $1.75 japanned; in plated, antique copper, $1.75 and $2.10. These hinges must not be confused with screen door goods which are sold from $1 to $2 per dozen pairs. Sometimes smaller butts than 4x4 are used. On 4 lists running from 3^x3 \ to 5x5, the bronze plated goods are in cents; 13, 14, 15, 20, 24, 30c per pair; old copper finish, 13, 15, 19, 23, 28, and 30c; polished and bronzed with ball tips, 19, 23, 24, 28, 31, and 43c; old copper, sand finish, ball tips, 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, and 34c. For wrt steel loose pin butts, used on ceiling doors, etc, the price is low; 2x2, 5c per pair; 4x4, 12c. In small quanti- ties a higher price may be charged. SURF BUTT: A new article is the Reversible Surf Door Butt. One side goes on the jamb in the ordinary way, and HARDWARE 231 the other on the face of the door. It is easier to put on than the common butt. A LOOSE PIN BALL TIP REVERSIBLE BUTT Per Pair 3" 3i" 4" Wrt Iron, Japanned Butts $0.15 $0.17 $0.22 Steel, Old Copper, Finished Butts.. .S 21 .23 .28 Steel, Sand Blast, Old Copper, Finish Butts . . .22 .24 ' .30 Steel, Antique Brass, Finish Butts 21 .23 .28 Steel, Sand Blast, Antique Brass, Finish Butts .23 .25 .31 Above butts are carried in the following sizes, 3, 3$, and 4 inches, packed with screws. LARGE SIZE: A price on some large common hinges may be of service. Steel, antique brass, sand finish,. 7"xlO", extra heavy, ball-bearing, $5.25 per pair. For 8"x8" real bronze, $28. -WRT BRASS BUTTS: Open hinge, get exact number of sq inches and mult by lie for price of each hinge not pair. These hinges are narrow, middle, broad and desk. Narrow, 1" long, 2c per pr; 2" long, 3c; 3" long, 8c. Middle, 2" long, 3c pr; 3", IGc. Broad, 2", 4c; 3", 12c. LOCKS: A GOOD RIM LOCK with knobs and plain, jap trim, 20c. Inside good door lock, fit for any door, $1 with real bronze trim complete; a larger size, $1.50. Front door lock, $3.50; but a good one may be had for half that figure if real bronze is not desired. There are others that cost $5, and with- "out much searching of shelves $20 could be spent on a front .door. SLIDING DOOR: $1.50 to $3 and upwards. Sliding door latches are a trifle cheaper, just as they are for ordinary doors. It is not necessary to pay even $1 for a mortise lock. With jet knobs and bronze plated trimmings a lock good enough for cottages may be bought for 30 to 40c. UNIT: The Corbin "Unit" lock is something new. It is in 1 piece, and is merely cut in the edge of the door and the long escutcheons screwed in place. It looks well, but a carpenter objects to weakening the framework of the door. The lock costs about $6 or $7. With complete trim, $8.50 to $10.50. 232 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR A STORE DOOR LOCK with trimmings complete may be bought for $5 in bronze; but $8 is the least that should be estimated for a good building. From this price we may run to $11, $15, and as high as we choose. A bronzed lock com- plete may be bought for $1. Dead locks for stores, without trimmings, 85c each. THE MASTER KEYED LOCKS on No. 2 were $2.75 each witlr out trimmings. Common bronze face, $1.25. DRAWER LOCKS: A really good article is worth 60c; from that they are sold down to lOc. A good cupboard lock is worth 30c. Sometimes a combination of various goods is made; the following prices will be a help: ESCUTCHEONS: Real bronze for key only, 35c to 45c per doz; imitation, 25c; jap, 12c. For key and knob, real, 5 to 6", $1.25 to $2; in various sizes with imitation finishes, 65 to 75c per doz. PUSH PLATES: 3^x10, $7.20 to $8.40 per doz, real; imita- tion, $5. Persian bronzed, $2. Larger sizes run from 35c each in imitation to $1.75 in bronze metal. DOOR KNOBS: Mineral, porcelain, and jet knobs, with jap mountings, run from 75c to $1 a doz; wrt bronze metal, $4.25 to $5.50; jet knobs with bronze mountings, $1.75; bronzed wrt iron knobs, $3. Better qualities of standard bronze metal knobs run to $8 per doz. DOOR SPRINGS AND CHECKS: Blount, $4 to $6.40, accord- ing to thickness of door. Corbin combined, $2.10 to $5.60; Eclipse check, $1.25 to $2.50; Eclipse springs 75c to $1.60. Eclipse spring and check go together. TRANSOM LIFTS: Bronze iron, 1x3' and 4', 20c each; 5-16x4, 30c; x5, 50c each. With copper finish, add from 5 to lOc each. FLUSH BOLTS: 50 to 75c each in imitation; $1 to $1.50 in real. There are smaller and cheaper flush bolts. CHAIN BOLTS: 30% cheaper than flush bolts. BARREL BOLTS: From 5 to 12c each. SASH LIFTS: Flush, imitation, 75c per doz; real, 75c to $3. HARDWARE 233 BAR LIFTS: Imitation, $1.50 to $2.10; real, $3 to $4. Persian bronzed, $1.20 per doz. HOOK LIFTS: Imitation, Ic to 3c each; real, 5c to lOc each. SASH LOCKS: Imitation 60c to $1.50 per doz; real, $1.75 to $3.25. PULL DOWNS: 2c each. AXLE PULLEYS: $1.25 per dozen down to 25c. Large sizes should be used. SASH BALANCES: They rise according to weight of sash. For ordinary 20-lb sash, $1.25 to $1.75 per set for 1 window complete. They run as high as $12 for large sizes. SASH CENTERS: 15c per pair. DRAWER PULLS: Imitation, 50c doz; real, $1.25. But there are many kinds and prices. WARDROBE HOOKS: Wire, 15c per doz; cast iron, 40c. BRASS TRACK: 6c per ft; sheaves, lOc each. SCREWS: From \" to \\, 20c per gross; 11 to 3", 40c. These prices are for bright iron screws of aver weight the price of extra heavy screws may run up several times as much. Brass screws cost about twice as much as iron. HEAVY STRAP HINGES: Allow 4 to 5c per inch of length per pair for an approximate figure; light, 25% less. HEAVY TEE HINGES: 4 to 5c per inch of length. Take extreme length folded in each case. MORTAR HOES: 60 to 75c each. MORTAR WHEELBARROWS: $2.75; common brick, $2.50. PAILS: 35c to 75c. SHOVELS: 90c, upwards and downwards. BRICK HODS: 80c; mortar, 95c. ROPE: Manila, 15c per Ib; sisal, 13c. The relative strength of Manila and sisal is 7 to 5. Approximate weight of 1,200 ft a full coil: 3-16 i | * | | 1 1" U 11 II 2" 18 Ib 25 45 100 160 200 300 360 570 800 1.200 1,500 STEEL WIRE ROPE: For f, 8c per ft. 234 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR HOSE: The cost is from 7c to 13c per ft according to quality. ASH PIT OR FLUE DOORS: For cast iron, japanned. 8"x 8" ................. $ .55 10"xl4" ................. $1.05 8"xlO" .................. 60 12 // xl5 // ................. 1 .35 85 SHELF BRACKETS: Light and heavy. Per Pair Doz Pairs Per Pair Doz Pairs 4"x 5" .......... $ .05 $ .45 5"x 6" ......... $ .12 $1.25 5"x 6" ........... 06 .56 5"x 7" ........... 15 1.50 5"x 1" ........... 07 .60 6"x 8" .......... 22 2.10 6"x 8" ........... 08 .75 7 // x9 // .... ...... 23 2.20 7"x 9" ........... 09 .90 8"xlO" .......... 25 2.30 8"xlO" ........... 10 1.00 10 // xl2 // .......... 30 3.00 10"xl2" ........... 14 1.45 12 // xl4 // .......... 35 3.35 12 // xl4 // ........... 23 2.15 WALL VENTILATING GRATES: 6"x 8" .................... lOc 10"xl2" .................... 25c 8"xlO" .................... 15c STOVE PIPE PARTITION THIMBLE: For fire guard through partitions, 6", 40c. STOVE PIPE REGISTER: To go through floor, $1; includ- ing ceiling plate. CHAPTER XV SHEET METAL WORK Per Box 20x28 1C Roofing Tin $10.00 20x28 IX Roofing Tin 13.00 20x28 1C Old Style Roofing Tin 14.00 20x28 IX Old Style Roofing Tin 17.00 Per 100 5x 7 Shingle Tins $0.85 7x10 Shingle Tins 1.50 Tinners' Solder, per Ib 26 No. 28, 1" Galv Corrugated Pipe 4c No. 28, 3" Galv Corrugated Pipe 5 c No. 28, 4" Galv Corrugated Pipe 6 c No. 28, 5" Galv Corrugated Pipe 8 c No. 28, 6" Galv Corrugated Pipe 9 c No. 28, 2" Galv Corrugated Elbows 7 c No. 28, 3" Galv Corrugated Elbows 8 c No. 28, 4" Galv Corrugated Elbows 10 c No. 28, 5" Galv Corrugated Elbows 18 c No. 28, 6* Galv Corrugated Elbows 22 c No. 28. 2" Galv Corrugated Cut-offs 22 c No. 28, 3" Galv Corrugated Cut-offs 24 c No. 28, 4" Galv Corrugated Cut-offs 35 c No. 28, 5" Galv Corrugated Cut-offs 60 c No. 28, 6* Galv Corrugated Cut-offs 75 c Rosin 7 to 8c per Ib ITEMIZED ACTUAL COST OF A SQUARE OF TIN ROOFING 1C IX 1C IX Common Common Old Style Old Style 29 Sheets, 20x28... $2.59 $3.37 $3.63 $4.41 SlbsSolder 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 Charcoal and Rosin 25 .25 .25 .25 Nails 07 .07 .07 .07 Labor 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 Paint on under side, one coat 40 .40 .40 .40 Drayage 15 .15 .15 .15 Actual Cost $6.36 $7.14 $7.40 $8.18 With Contractor's Profit, Shop Rent, Tools, Etc., 20 per cent.S7.C5 $8.57 $8.88 $9.82 235 236 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Itemized Actual Cost of a Sq of Tin Roofing Continued 1C IX 1C IX Common Common Old Style Old Style 63 Sheets, 14x20 2.77 3.60 3.87 4.70 7lbsSolder 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 Charcoal and Rosin 40 .40 .40 .40 Nails , 10 .10 .10 .10 Labor 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 Paint One Side 40 .40 .40 .40 Drayage 15 .15 .15 .15 Actual Cost $8.07 $8.90 $9.17 10.00 With Contractor's Profit 9 . 68 10 . 68 1 1 . 00 12 . 00 STANDING SEAM: Sheets 20x28. These standing seams do not require soldering, but more tin is used to make the lap. Deduct about 55c per sq from the 20x28 list. Quantity, 297 sheets with seams on narrow edge, and 307 on long edge. TERNE PLATES No. of Shts Wt per Box No. of Shts Wt per Box Size In Mark in Box Lbs Size In Mark in Box Lbs 10x20 1C 112 80 14x20 IX 112 140 10x20 IX 112 100 20x28 1C 112 224 14x20 1C 112 112 20x28 IX 112 280 GALV IRON WEIGHT AND PRICE: See "Table," Chap. XXVII for weight of galv. sheets. Regulate the price according to the list below multiplied by the weight per sq. LABOR: The sheets are about 96" long, and less soldering is required than for tin. For No. 26 allow $1 per sq, or a little more than 1 cent per Ib. Allow from 1 to lc per Ib, as the weight of sheet increases. COST: The cost as far west as Omaha is $3.90 to $4.70 per 100 Ibs; in Ohio it is naturally cheaper. As a good comparison of the cost of sheets of various num- bers the following from " The Iron Age " of July 23, 1908, will be of service: "Black Sheets from store: Blue Annealed, No. 10, 2.15c.; No. 12, 2.20c.; No. 14, 2.25c.; No. 16, 2.35c; Box Annealed, Nos. SHEET METAL WORK 237 18 to 21, 2.60c.; Nos. 22 to 24, 2.65c.; No. 26, 2.70c.; No. 27, 2.75c.; No. 28, 2.85c.; No. 30, 3.25c.; Galvanized from store: Nos. 10 to 16, 3c.; Nos. 18 to 20, 3.15c.; Nos. 22 to 24, 3.30c.; No. 26, 3.50c.; No. 27, 3.70c.; No. 28, 3.90c.; No. 30, 4.40c. to 4.45c." FOR ONE SQUARE OF No. 26 Galv Iron (Including Waste) .$4.00 Solder 80 Charcoal and Rosin 15 Nails 05 Paint on Under Side One Coat 40 Drayage 15 Labor 1.00 ACTUAL COST $6.55 With Profit, 20% 1.30 $7.85 On several hundred sq with paper below, laid in 1906, the contract price was $8.60, but board for men was included. No 22 is worth $1 per sq more than No. 26. No. 18 comes to about $15. FOR CORRUGATED galv. iron allow about same price, rather less than more. FOR BLACK SHEETS the cost is about $1 per 100 Ibs less than for galv. COST TABLE INCLUDING PROFIT WORK SET IN PLACE Flashing, gutters, downspouts, are now usually made of galv iron instead of tin, but in most cases the following prices will serve for both: FLASHING: For No. 26 galv iron 14" wide, 14c per If; 20", 20c; 28", 25c; No. 24 same widths, 15c; 22, 27c. For counter- flashing 9" and 9" 25c. For wide long flashing of No. 26, lOc per sq ft; for No. 24, 12c. Copper flashing costs per sq ft 238 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR about 25c to 30c, but copper often changes in price. No. 22 galv iron costs about 5c; 24, 4c; 26, which is the kind usually specified, is about 4c per sq ft. Zinc, which is occasionally used, runs to 6c per sq ft. Copper, 17c. GUTTERS: Allow 2c per inch of girt per ft for gutters hung in place. For lined gutters, 10 to 12c per sq ft of material used. DOWNSPOUTS: For 2", lOc per ft; 3, 15c; 4, 20c; 5, 25c; 6 30c; all corrugated. FINIALS: They may be had at $2 or $20, and even beyond. A plain one about 3 or 4 ft high costs $4. CRESTING: From 15 to 40c per If. VENTILATORS: 4", $1; 6, $2; 9, $3; 12, $4; 16, $10; 24, $20; 54, $100. The price of ventilators depends upon the kind selected. Another list, for example, is the following: VENTILATOR LIST Size Price Size Price 6" $1.35 20" $9.50 9" 1.75 30" 18.00 VI" 2.50 36" 28.00 15" 5.00 60" 80.00 LARGE SKYLIGHTS: For large skylights like those on No. 7, steel channels and copper caps, in different styles of differ- ent makers, 50c is a safe figure in place. In the east the freight is less; in the west, more. The weight is 8 Ibs to the sq ft; setting 8c. On No. 7 and other buildings there were 67,000 sq ft; and about the same amount for later bldgs of the plant of an inferior make of No. 26 galv iron, 30c, set but not painted. With copper caps as on No. 7 the continual expense of paint- ing is avoided. No. 8 has about 23,000 sq ft with copper caps. The best skylights have no putty. On one with 10,000 sq ft, designed for putty, ribs 18" centers, 2400 Ibs were used. SHEET METAL WORK 23 c> i" GLAZED ORDINARY SKYLIHTS OF NO. 26 GALV IRON SET Size of Ceiling Hole in Ft Gable Style Single Slope Hip or 4-Slope 2x 4 $7.50 $5.60 $13.50 2x 6 10.00 7.80 17.00 3x 4 10.00 7.80 17.00 4x 6 16.50 13.50 26.00 5x 8 26.00 20.00 38.00 6x 8 30.00 22.00 43.00 8x10 45.00 35.40 70.00 8x14 64.00 45.00 85.00 10x12 67.00 48.00 105.00 10x16 96.00 70.00 135.00 For a copper skylight of aver size dbl pitch roof, $1.40 per sq ft of area of roof curb; for single pitch, $1.10. SPEAKING TUBES are put in for about lOc per ft, including; mouthpieces. The raw material is worth about 3c, The contractors' profit is included in foregoing prices. MEASUREMENT: The size of tin sheets is 14x20 and 20x28, The large size is commonly used. A box contains 112 sheets. The wt of I C is about 8 oz per sq ft; I X, 10; but the sheets- vary a little. A box of 20x28 I. C. weighs 225 Ibs; of I. X., 285. No allowance is made by manufacturers for any lap of tin, galv iron, corrugated iron or copper. Lap on a 26J sheet takes 2, leaving 24. There are many light-weight tins. The galv iron sheet varies from 24 to 30" wide x 96 long. QUANTITY: For a tin roof allow per sq 29 sheets of 20x28 ; for solder, 5 Ibs; charcoal, lOc per sq; rosin, 1 Ib to sq; roofing nails, 1 to li Ibs to sq. This number of sheets allows for a lap of 1 inch at joint. For 14x20 sheets, 62 to 63 to sq; allow about 50% more solder, etc. Tin roofing should be measured by the sq. As with plaster, etc, the trade rules do not deduct openings below a certain size, and they also provide for other exceptions which might trap the unwary if work were taken on a sq ft basis; but here these rules are not set down nor considered. To the sq of galv iron allow 3 Ibs of solder and other items as for tin. Standing seam tin takes 3" off 20 wide, instead of only 1 for lap and this loses 2; but as no solder is required the cost is about the same. 240 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LABOR: For plain roofing allow 4 sq in a day for 2 men. If painted on under side, allow 1 hour extra for 1 man per sq. Two men will put 200 ft of ordinary hanging gutter in a day; and will line 150 sq ft of box gutter. Two men lay about 400 sq ft of valleys in a day; and finish 400 If of ordinary flashing, or 150 sq ft of flashing and counter- flashing; will put 200 to 400 ft of down spout in place; and 100 to 200 ft of ordinary ridge. But some judgment has to be used as to allowances, for one building might be near the ground and easily handled, while another might be high and broken into many angles. CORNICES A plain cornice 24" deep on the plumb and 15" projection, with complete girt of 72", including part under slate, cost $1.25 per If, set, in 1906. This is exactly Ifc per inch of girt of No. 26 galv iron for 450'. PRICE: For a general rule take the girt of a galv iron cornice and allow If to 2c per inch per ft long. Thus if the front measured 36" following the curve of all mouldings, and the distance back to the wall was 14" with an allowance of 6" into wall for top and bottom, the price would be 98c to $1.12 per If. This includes the straight work only. Add end-trusses, dentils, brackets, and all extra work. There is an endless variety of ornamental work which has to be priced according to detail. The foregoing price includes setting. No. 26 iron is standard. The price of several sizes is here given without setting. The plumb height is taken, not the width of ihv metal. Height Projection Price per Ft Height Projection Price per Ft 26 12 $ .40 24 10 $ .30 24 12 .40 24 12 .35 26 12 .75 28 14 .80 28 15 .40 30 15 1.00 36 15 .85 36 20 .75 48 24 1.85 32 14 .60 44 20 1.50 48 24 2.20 40 24 1.35 48 26 1.85 36 24 1.30 45 24 1.50 60 30 3.25 60 26 2.35 64 36 3.50 SHEET METAL WORK 241 These prices include brackets, dentils, etc, but no end trusses. Ends run from $2 to $7. Miters are extra, ranging from $1 to $3; a miter is usually put on same price as 12" of straight cornice. Pediments are extra and may run from $5 to $20. Ordinary letters are extra at 25c to 50c each. If the girt system is taken and dentils, etc, added,the price has to be set for each item. A dentil may cost from 15 to 30c; egg and dart moulding, 15 to 30c per ft. A bracket according to size and detail, from 30c to $1; balusters 4x4x24, 85c; medallions, 50c per ft. Urns cost from $3 to $10. Crown and belt mouldings- run from 8 to 15c without setting, but it is possible to make them cost several times as much. In all cornice makers' work detail is of vital importance. LABOUR: Setting of cornices 15c to $1 per If. WINDOW AND DOOR CAPS: Of ordinary lengths, $2.50 to $4; with pediments, etc, $4 to $6. GABLE ORNAMENTS: $1 to $5. COPPER EAGLES: 5-ft spread, $75; 3-ft, $55; zinc eagles, 30% less. HIP ROLLS: 10 to 12c per If. METAL CEILINGS. PRICE: Taking a general aver allow 8 to 12c per sq ft put in place but not painted, except with 1 light factory coat. There are more expensive patterns, but 9 out of 10 ceilings can be put on within these prices. The raw material for the plates or body costs from $4 to $4.50 per sq laid down in Omaha. Panels run from 25 to 40c per sq more. Centers are from 25 to 40c each. Corners, borders, and fillers, run to about the same price as the plates, but sometimes a special corner costs twice as much as the aver of the ceiling. Small mouldings are from 2 to 6c per If. Tees, crosses and ells to match, 5 to lOc each. Cornices, coves, and friezes, from 3 to 15c per If according to size and pattern. Miters, 5 to 20c each. A word of caution has to be added: Plates are priced at $4 to $4.50, they can be bought of stock patterns for $7. Centers 242 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR instead of being 25 to 40c each may be $5 and so on through the list. MEASUREMENT: The foregoing prices include an aver cornice around the wall, so that for this estimate the surf be- tween the walls is close enough. For an order the level part has to be taken, and cornices, coves, beams, corners, centers, etc, attended to by If measurement or separately. Furring is also included in the price from 80c to $1 per sq is enough. Strips are not furnished by manufacturers, but cornice brack- ets and ceiling nails are. Plates and panels are usually about 24x24, but on cheap grades are also sent 96" long. LABOR: Allow from $1 to $1.50 per sq. A ceiling recently put up ran to $1.50 according to the time kept, and there was nothing very fine about it. The room was not large, and where there is a large space there is more progress made. On good ceilings a man and helper will not put on more than 3 or 4 sqs with cornice, centers, etc, included. On large rooms with the plainest kind of work they may do from 6 to 8 sqs. On a roof a man and helper will lay from 12 to 15 sqs of corrugated iron but even the cheapest ceilings do not go on as fast as this. Wages of tradesmen are 40c per hour. WAINSCOTING: This stamped material is made from 24 to 28" high, and is worth about the same as ceilings. It is made to follow rake of stair if necessary. Cap and base are not in- cluded and have to be allowed extra at the price of small mouldings. Generally a wood base is preferable. For setting allow 8 sqs of ordinary work per day for 2 men. ORNAMENTAL SHINGLES PRICE: The raw material runs from $4 to $9 per sq. There are so many varieties that the price can not be set to suit all. Another style of manufacture gives the shingles in a pressed sheet 8' long and another size is 20x28, so that there is no standard of price. MEASUREMENT: Some manufacturers send enough to lay a sq, just as the slate quarrymen do; others instruct the con- tractor to allow from 4 to 6 sq ft extra to the 100 for laps. Different sizes of shingles are made, so that the following figures will not always apply: SHEET METAL WORK 243 14x20, 68 shingles to sq. 10x14, 148 shingles to sq. 7x10, 319 shingles to sq. Common tin shingles, used over wood, 5x7, $1.50 per 100. " 5x9, 2.00 per 100. LABOR: For separate shingles give same allowance as for wood in Chap X; for sheets, 8 to 12 sqs per day for 2 men. SIDING, ROOFING: Pressed steel brick siding and rock- faced siding, $3.25 for material; standing seam roofing and crimp roofing, $2.90 to $3.50. Such material comes in different sizes and prices. The labor runs on an aver from 9 to 12 sqs per day for 2 men. HEAVY PIPES: For heavy galv iron, about 16 to 18, 12" to 4' diam, allow from 8 to lOc per Ib in place, profit included. Labor is about 3c per Ib. In 1906, 60,000 Ibs were put in place for lOc, including profit. CHARCOAL IRON is a little better than the ordinary brand. FIRE-PROOF WINDOWS: At the end of Chap XIII the price of iron shutters is given. They are used with wood frames, sash, and common glass. The newest style of fireproofing is metal frames, sash, and wireglass, either ribbed for ware- houses or plate for business buildings. In one year in New York City alone 700,000 sq ft were put in place. Iron shutters are not required. The wireglass is of the usual thickness of or ". See Chap XII for price. The cost of frame and sash differs according to size, and can not well be given on sq ft basis, for the labor of riveting is the same for the 12 corners on all ordinary sizes. A frame and sash complete with pulleys costs about $18 for the aver size of 2' 6"x7'. The cost of a few standard sizes is given in galv iron un- painted: Double Hung Pivoted 3x6 $18.00 $13.50 each 3' 6"x6' 6" 22.75 17.00 each 4x8 30.40 22.40 each 2' 6''x6' 0" 15.00 11.25 each 2' 6"x5' 0" 13.00 10.00 each All of the above prices include necessary hardware such as locks, lifts, weights, chains, etc, also sufficient i inch rough or ribbed wireglass for glazing. 244 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR A New York price is $1.25 per sq ft, in quantities, for windows without glass or hardware, and also ordinary doors with jambs and casings on one side. These fireproof doors are finished to look like hardwood, and are seamless with panels pressed under 250 ton machine. Bronze, copper, grille, and special designs, are much more expensive. COPPER WINDOWS cost about 80c per sq ft more than galv iron. Polished wire glass is also $1 extra. COPPER The electrical demands of our time are so great that the copper market is never at rest. The high price of the one year is outshone by that of the next. But there was a drop in 1907 that surprised some. Copper work is expensive, but it lasts. The cornices of Nos. 3, 5, and 6, are of copper, and the towers are covered with the same material; all the skylights of No. 7 are flashed with it. Store fronts are now made of oxidized copper. This adds about 40c to the sq ft of the raw material. Allow for copper flashing from 22 to 26c per sq ft. The material runs about as follows: 16 oz soft, 16c per sq ft. 14 oz soft, 17c per sq ft. 16 oz cold-rolled, 17c per sq ft. 14 oz cold-rolled, 18c per sq ft. For 20 oz copper on sinks, etc, 40c is a fair price. CORNICES: For copper cornices complete in place allow about 35c per sq ft of actual material on straight work, and 60 to 65c on curved. Labor on straight work, about 14c per sq ft. Take actual surf as if mouldings, dentils, etc, were spread out flat. GUTTERS: For gutters allow 35c per sq ft in place on straight work. CONDUCTORS: For 4x6 sq, 60c per If in place. GOOSENECKS: Price at $4.25 each. CONDUCTOR HEADS: From $4.50 to $8. In November, 1907, copper was about 15c per Ib; at that price it is worth about 25c laid per sq ft. CHAPTER XVI ROOFING Benjamin Franklin said that a good roof is as important as a good foundation. Lead roofs which I have often helped to put on, are never used here and need not be considered. Shingle roofs are taken care of in Chap X. GRAVEL: So far as quality goes there are many kinds of gravel roofs. For a permanent building it pays to put on the best. The standard price for a first class roof used to be $5, but $4 is now looked upon as a good price, and some large 5-ply roofs (4 solid mopped sheets, 1 dry sheet) are put on for even less than $4. The danger line comes at $3.50, for such work is apt to be slighted at that price. These figures do not include the flashing of walls, which the tinner attends to. Of course gravel can be put on flat roofs only. Roofers prefer a pitch of not more than \" to the ft; it should never exceed 1", although gravel lies on 2" if well laid. Several years ago a roofer gave me \" as his ideal pitch. The price of screened gravel is from $2 to $2.25 per cy. Gravel per sq without labor therefore costs about 35c. Labor runs from 50c on low buildings with fairly large surf, to 70c, 75 and 80c, when higher. On some buildings $1 is neces- sary, but this price is unusual and due to special requirements. A gang of 7 men lay on an aver 40 to 50 sqs in an 8 hour day. Wages for roofers, 35c; laborers, 20 to 25c. WEIGHT: The ordinary weight of gravel on a sq is 400 Ibs; on a better class of work 450. The finished roof with compo- sition and paper runs from 550 to 650 Ibs. A cy of gravel covers about 6 sq and weighs 2,700 Ibs. A good roof would run about as follows: 450, gravel; 80, composition; 75 felt, or a total of 605 Ibs for 4-ply and dry sheet. But 20 Ibs of compo- sition to the ply is used on better roofs, and if sheets are mopped all over instead of at joints only the wt runs to 125 Ibs. Ordinary composition is tar and pitch. Sometimes i tar is all that can be used. 245 246 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR COST: Tar costs about $5 per bbl and pitch $22 per ton. COVERING: One gall of tar with 1 Ib of pitch applied hot will cover about 12 sq yds the first coat, and 17 the second. (See end of Chap XXII.) CALKING: For flooring joints allow 2 to 3c per ft. PITCH: A rough coat of pitch on brick is worth about 90c per sq. ASPHALT COATING: For two coats on brick allow $2.20 per sq. FLOORS: Sicilian Rock asphalt floors are worth about 18c per sq ft laid, but this does not include a concrete base under them, for cost of which see Chap III. TAR FELT: A dry sheet is often put down first, especially above finished ceilings to keep tar from running through. It weighs 7 Ibs to sq. A roof should not have less than 4 ply solid or 3 ply and dry sheet, and it is better to have 4. PAPER: Roofing paper runs from 12 to 15 Ibs to sq; building paper weighs about 15 Ibs but it is necessary to remember that red rosin and strawboard are sometimes used for build- ing paper. These two brands are not used on roofs, but are put here for convenience among other papers. Packers' in- sulated paper for refrigerator work, $1 per sq. A roll of strawboard contains from 250 to 300 sq ft, weighs approxi- mately 50 Ibs, and costs about $1.25. Red rosin costs $37 per ton; roofing paper, same price. Various kinds of red rosin run from 20 to 40 Ibs. The National brand of R. R., 40 Ibs to 500 ft; Arctic, 35; Buckskin, 30; Columbia, 25 to 500. Nothing below 25 is worth using. The last brands 'are used as dry sheets. PATENT ROOFS: There are so many kinds of patent roof- ing materials that one does not know where to begin. They are as common as patent medicines, and except for temporary purposes, most of them are as worthless. There are some good ones among them, but the good have to bear the sins of the bad. The price of a few is given. They are cheaper than slate or even shingles, and they can be put on roofs with a pitch that forbids gravel. On steep roofs they are safer than on flat. ROOFING 247 Elaterite $4 for 6 X per sq Actinolite $5 per sq Carey $3.75 to $4 Ruberoid $3.25 CAREY: Comes in rolls 29" wide. Sufficient is put in a roll to cover 1 sq. With each roll is sent 2 gall magnesia roof paint, gall lap cement, 2 Ibs nails. The manufacturers follow the old rule of measurement. Do not deduct openings unless- they are more than 50 sq ft; if more than 50 and not more than 100, deduct half; if more than 100, deduct full size. Sheets are lapped li" and nailed every 2". " One man can apply 10 sq of cement roofing in the same time It will take him to apply 2 sq of shingles. The standard weight is about 90 Ibs to the sq; extra heavy, 115. This includes all mate- rials." Raw material costs $3 per sq fob Omaha. A carload con- tains 300 sq. Labor is about 50c per sq. ELATERITE: Comes in rolls 32" wide x 40' long, for 3X, 4X, 5X, and 6X. Each roll contains 107', or sufficient to lay a sq after allowing a 2" lap. The weights differ : 3X, 33 Ibs per sq; 4X, 45; 5X, 60, and 6X, 65. Each sq requires 5 Ibs of cement^ 11 oz of I" tin caps, and 9 oz of 1" barbed roofing nails, which are sent with order. " On small buildings with 15 or 20 sq 1 man will lay about 8 sq in a day; on ordinary buildings from 25 to 50 sq, flashing included, 10 sq per day; on large jobs of 100 sq or more, 20' sq." These quantities are too high if nailing is properly done. On such material as elaterite, rubberoid, etc, labor is worth about 35c per sq. This price was taken from actual work over large surfaces. If the higher figures are reached, so much the better, but the law of averages needs to be remembered. For shipping weight, add 6 Ibs per sq for the fastenings. Elaterite, fob Denver, Colo., costs $4.25 for 6X; $3.50 for 5X; $3 for 4X, and $2.50 for 3X. RUBEROID : This roofing comes in rolls 36" wide. Each roll contains 216 sq ft, or enough to cover 2 sq. The regular lap of 2" is allowed, and the nails are at 2" centers. The weights are as follows: \ ply, 27 Ibs to sq; 1 ply, 35; 2 ply, 248 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 45; 3 ply, 56. Each sq requires % gall of ruberine; % Ib caps; 1 Ib nails, all of which material is sent with ruberoid. The following prices are fob Omaha: In lot of less than In lots of 20 In lots of 50 In lots of 100 20 sqs to 49 sqs to 99 sqs sqs and up | ply $1.79 per sq $1.71 $1.63 $1.54 1 ply 2.29persq 2.18 2.07 1.96 2 ply 3. 29 per sq 3.13 2.97 2.81 3 ply 4.04persq 3.84 3.64 3.44 Above prices are for complete roofing. Extra Ruberine Roof Coating $1.35 per gal Extra Nails 05 per Ib Extra Tin Caps 10 per Ib With patent roofs it is in general sufficient to order the number of sq and the necessary cement, nails, caps, etc, are sent but contractors should have a clear understanding with supply men that enough cement is to be sent to finish the work, as the listed quantities are usually too low. Theory and practice are different. BARRETT ROOF: " The Barrett Specification roof is simply a coal tar pitch, felt, and gravel roof , laid 5 plies of tarred felt, weighing not less than 14 Ibs each to the 100 sq ft, and not less than 120 Ibs of pitch. The cost is about same as a first class gravel roof $4.50 over boards, and $5 over con- crete." SLATE PRICES: The following prices fob quarry may be taken for a guide, although they sometimes change. They vary according to size of slate: Genuine No. 1 Bangor with certificate $4 . 50 to $6 .00 No. 1 Bangor Ribbon, with certificate 4 . 00 No. 2 Bangor Ribbon, without certificate 3 . 25 No. 1 Pen-Argyle, Albion, Jackson 4 . 25 to 5 . 00 No. 1 Lehigh and Pa. Black 4. 15 to 4.90 No. 1 Chapman 4 . 25 to 5 .00 No. 2 Chapman 3.25 Chapman Boys 4 . 00 No. 1 Peach Bottom 5.25 to 6.75 No. 1 Peach Bottom, 3-16 thick, 25c per sq extra. No. 1 Peach Bottom, % thick, $7.50 per sq, all sizes. No. 1 Unfading Green 5 to 5.75 For 3-16 add 75c per sq; for \, add $3 per sq; f , add $10. ROOFING 249 No. 1 Purple $5.00 to $5.75 Variegated purple 3 . 15 to 3 . 90 No. 1 Sea green 3 . 00 to 3 . 90 No. 1 Red 8.50 to 10.50 For same 3-16, add $1; i, $5; f , $11. No. 1 Brownville or Monson, Maine 4 . 80 to 7 . 20 No. 2 Brownville or Monson, Maine 5 .00 to 5 . 50 For the 3 best sizes, 8x16, 10x16, 9x18, the following prices will be useful: No. 1 Gen. Bangor $5.00 to $5.25 No. 1 Pen-Argyle, Albion, Jackson 4 . 75 to 5 . 00 No. 1 Lehigh or Pa. Black 4.65 to 4.90 No. 1 Chapman 5. 00 to 5.25 No. 1 Peach Bottom 6 . 75 No. 1 Unfading Green 5 . 75 No. 1 Purple 5.75 Variegated 3.60 to 3.90 No. 1 Sea Green 3.60 to 3.90 No. 1 Red 10.50 Brownville or Monson 7. 10 to 7. 20 FREIGHT ON SLATE: The freight from Pennsylvania to Omaha is $2.64 per sq; from Vermont, $2.55 to $2.75; this and hauling from cars to building must be added to material and labor for cost price. CEMENT: The price of roofing cement is 4c per Ib. The quantity required up hips, rakes, and finishing course at ridge, as per U. S. specifications, is about 1 Ib per sq of whole surf. Large valley slate are better not cemented; but small pcs ought to be. " Use Elastic Roof Cement up rake, under top courses, and wherever small pcs are used, and you will have no trouble with slates coming out." PRICE OF SLATE LAID: The price per sq, laid, is given under "Roof Covering," page 28. Large slates are cheaper both for material and labor than small; an 8x16, for example, is worth laid about $1.50 more than a 12x22. Bangor, Green and Red slate weigh about 650 Ibs to the sq; Peach Bottom, 750; Monson, 800. LABOR: The wages of slaters are 40 to 45c per hour. Their transportation and board have to be paid for work in country. A 50 Ib roll of No. 3 paper will cover 400 sq ft. The cost of laying it runs from 15 to 20c per sq. The lap should be about 250 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 3'*. When each slate is laid in elastic cement the labor costs from 40 to 50% more but although this is sometimes recom- mended, even government work calls for only hips, ridges, and other exposed parts in cement. In such case the usual labor figure is sufficient. , On the roof of No. 9 containing 82 sq 2 men put on the 10x16 slate in 91 hours each. The punching took 26 hours ad- ditional for each. The punching took 2 laborers to attend the slaters; the 182 hours of slaters' labor took 102 of laborers'; total for slaters, 208; for laborers, 128 hours. This is at the rate of 6& sq per 8 hour day for 2 men with laborers in at- tendance on a plain roof. Patching afterwards took 12 hours. On some roofs, with many hips and valleys, a day's work of this size of slate is 4 sq. Five is passable on a roof with an aver amount of angles and shorter stretches than No. 9. This includes the laying of the paper. Sometimes the complete roof is covered with paper nailed down with laths to keep out rain before slate are laid. More time is required to do this than if it is put down with slate. Allow 1|. to 1 hours per sq. On plain straight work with gables a fair aver is 8 sq, and some- times 10. On No. 11, which is a type of the worst kind of roofs, 2 men in 8 hours laid paper and averaged 3.6 sq of 8x10 slate on a surf of 65 sqs. But laborers' time 100 hours has to be added to slaters' for the complete cost. A good illustration of the difference between a plain and a complicated roof is given in Nos. 9 and 11. On some towers 1 sq is enough for 1 man. The rear and side walls of No. 10 were slated allow $1 per sq extra for labor on plumb. PUNCHING: One manufacturers' listed price for punching at the quarry runs as follows: 22 and 24" slate, 10c per sq; 18 and 20, 15c; 16" slate and under, 20c; slate are drilled and countersunk at dbl the foregoing prices. Government work is always D and C. When slate are full & thick the price is 50c; when full i, $1. Another list gives 30c as the lowest price, and for small and aver slate this price is regularly charged. Quarry punching is cheaper than punching by hand; the 82 sq ROOFING 25L of No. 9 cost about 45c and that was with. 1&" slate. But slaters often punch by hand for the following reasons : (1) Ordinary slate come in 3 thicknesses, and if the roof" is properly laid, each thickness is put by itself so that the slate in the next course will lie flat and not leave a space for wind and rain. They have thus to be selected in any case, and the punching is done at the same time. (2) If slate come punched there is no chance of reversing, them if the corner is broken off. The nail hole can not well be exposed. QUANTITY: Roofs are measured for slate in the same way as for shingles, but the projection of the slate over the eave ought to be allowed extra, and also the doubling of courses there which adds 1 exposure. But this under eave course, with, the 3" standard lap, need be only 1" longer than half the- length of the slate used. If work is done by the sq some trade- rules will be applied as with brick, plaster, painting, etc. Hips and valleys, for example, are allowed 6" on each side extra for waste; in contract work slaters usually omit this ft and depend upon stretching the course 4" to make up the loss, just as is often done with shingles. With both slate and: shingles courses have to be spaced to show the last course at ridge of about the same width as the rest of the roof, and a strict adherence to the letter of the specification; would spoil the spirit of the work. The actual surf and eave course give the quantity to be- ordered, but 1% extra is needed for waste unless the roof is very plain. Slate are ordered in sqs and a sq lays 100 sq ft at the stand- ard lap of 3". The smallest carload is 50 sq, and the largest. 90. In less than carload lots the cost for freight is about dbl. It takes about 12 hours to unload a small ear on the ground. On some slate certificates are given, so that the owner may be- sure of what he is getting. Bangor slate must be loaded separately to secure certificate. Sea Green, Unfading Green, Red or Purple, can be loaded in. the same car. There are many grades of Bangor. 252 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR DESCRIPTION. "Peach Bottom": A hard black slate of glossy appear- ance, strong, and of uniform color. " Brownville," Maine: A black slate of uniform color, smooth, glossy surf, and strong. " Monson, Maine: A slate of a dead black color, and strong. "Black Bangor," Pennsylvania: A strong, good slate. "Unfading Green": A gray-green slate of unfading color. "Sea Green": Does not fade equally. "Variegated": A slate composed of purple and green. Strong quality but will not hold its color. "Red": Excellent slate, but high priced. "Purple": A slate of that color. The present production is small. " Slatington or Lehigh": A blue slate produced along the Lehigh River in the vicinity of Slatington, Pennsylvania. Generally, a low-priced slate. All slates fade but good slates fade evenly. TABLE SHOWING THE SIZE OF SLATE Jcr PJS s g c o, pig s? = M &5^ a"? M - Scc 8-5^ .a "3 o w^~ '30 8 d w-a-eo '30 fc ^g ^^ 12 ^ ^a ^^ Lbs Ozs 2 3 2 7 2 12 2 9 3 3 3 11 3 15 4 8 5 4 For heavy slate allow 20% more of 4d nails. " To determine the number of pcs to a sq of any size slate not given, first deduct 3' from the length; divide this by 2; mult by the width of slate and divide the result into 14,400. Lbs Ozs 24x14 98 10i" 1 16x10 222 24x12 115 ior 1 2 16x 9 247 22x12 127 9i /r 1 4 16x 8 277 22x11 138 9 // 1 6 14x10 262 20x12 142 8|* 1 6 14x 8 328 20x10 170 8|* 1 11 14x 7 374 18x12 160 ry 1 9 12x 8 400 18x10 192 i\" 1 14 12x 7 457 18x 9 214 i\" 2 1 12x 6 534 16x12 185 6$" 1 13 ROOFING 25^ An example 20x10 would be calculated thus: 20 3=17 divided by 2=S, 8xlO=85. 85 divided into 14,400169 41-100 pcs." LAP: The standard lap is 3", but 2 is enough on towers, steep roofs, etc. This of course changes the number of slate required. More than 3" lap is seldom used, but where it is the slate must be watched at butt, as they may not lie close to lower course. The best sizes are 8x16, 10x16, 9x18, on ordinary roofs; smaller sizes are used on towers. NAILS: If copper nails are used allow 60c per sq extra. They run from 20 to 25c per Ib. Small slate, of course, require more nails than large. For some tile $1 is not too much. Ordinary tinned or galv slate nails cost from $4 to $5.50 per keg. HAULING: Hauling of slate and tile sometimes amounts to a sum worth watching. The distance from a railroad has to be considered; 50c per ton in the city might run to $2 in the country. FLASHING: Flashing is not included in the figures for slate and tile. SNOW GUARDS. The following prices are for Baird's patent. Pipe is not in- cluded. Use f " galv. (See price in Chap XVIII.) Three pipes are used in height. Standards for guards are placed about 5' apart. Allow Ic per ft for putting pipe in place. PRICE LIST The iron plate is made the size of roofing slate and of suit- able thickness to lie properly with regulation thickness (&"). Price of each GUARD Price of each GUARD Size of Slate complete Size of Slate complete 14x 7 $1.55 20x10 $2.10 14x 8 1.60 20x12 2.40 16x 8 1.70 22x11 2.40 16x 9 1.80 22x12 2.50 16x10 1.85 24x12 2.65 18x 9 1.85 24x14 3.10 18x10 2.00 254 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR BLACKBOARDS. The standard widths of slate blackboards are 3', 3' 6", 4', IT. The thickness is i to \" . The price runs from 15c per sq ft on the narrowest to 18c on the widest. Add freight, 40c per cwt. Setting is worth 3c per sq ft. TILE. PRICE: Interlocking tile run to about $16 per sq laid. On smaller buildings allow about $19 to $20. Shingle tile, which does not interlock, $16 on large surfaces; $18 on small build- ings. Spanish tile run about $20. Something, of course, de- pends upon the style of the roof. With many angles and dormers, tke cost runs higher, and towers reach as high in the dollar col as they do in the air. For towers and domer windows allow approximately $30. Some will cost more, but the aver of the roof will bury the sorrow. These figures do not include strips to hold tile on roof. (See Part I, page 29 for a fair price.) " Prices of tile vary from $6 to $30 at factory, and of ridge and hip rolls, from 15 to 50c per ft." Spanish tile cost about $50 per 1,000, Shingle tile about $10 per sq fob factory, St. Louis. Some interlocking tile can be bought at factory for $9 per sq; hips, 25c per ft; ridging, 50c; finials for the standard of 2 hips, $3.50 each add 50c for each additional hip, as on octagons, dormers, etc, with more than 2 way terminals. Green tile cost $5 per sq extra. MATERIAL: For Ludowici tile, 1x2 strips are usually laid 13g" centers. For Spanish tile 1x2 are also used. Shingle tile do not require strips, except a lath at eave the same as for slate. Some tiles are laid without strips, some are spaced at 10}; the style selected must be examined before the bill of material is made out. If roof is without sheathing, heavier strips are necessary. Shingle tiles are made 6x12, 6}xl2, etc, the exact size de- pending upon the maker. A tile weighs from 900 to 1,000 Ibs per sq; , 1,350. The first course is doubled like shingles and slate. Shorter tile are used for starters about 6Jx9. The ROOFING 255 finishers, or ridge tile, are about the same size. Half tile are required at gables, chimneys, etc, to break courses. These are about 3x12, and must be rights and lefts if not of plain pattern. In general it is far better to send roof plan to factory and have order made out there. QUANTITY: About 440 shingle tile are required to the sq at an exposure of 5i with tile 12" long; at 5" with 12" tile, 480. Each tile requires 2 4d, or 1 galv wire nails, but sometimes copper nails are used. Roofing felt should be put on. Elastic slaters' cement is required for valleys. Connor's, Heltzell's or Pecora brands are recommended. Finials, crestings and hip rolls should be laid in Puzzolan Portland cement colored to match the tile. This cement does not saltpeter most roofers have never heard of it, and use the common brand. Shingle tile are made in a variety of colors and patterns. There is an endless variety of ridge rolls, hip rolls, starters, finials, etc. The prices are as various as the patterns. A mini- mum carload runs from 24,000 to 30,000 Ibs. Freight rates are more than dbl on less than carloads. Ludowici glass tile, 9x13, 60c each. Interlocking tiles are of so many different sizes that the catalog must be consulted for number and weight. The aver weight is about 750 Ibs, but some run to 850. The number varies from 135 to 290. Tower tiles require from 400 to 600. Spanish tiles run to about 220, although catalog gives only 200. FELT: Roofing felt weighing 40 Ibs to sq is necessary. It should be nailed to roof with permanent laths spaced 24". Above lath 1x2 wood strips are nailed to suit spacing. Dbl at eave; run up valley, and also perpendicular walls. LABOR: Some interlocking tiles are not nailed down like slate or shingle tiles: "Every tile in the eave course, and every other tile in each course above, to be fastened to the sheathing with No. 20 copper wire through a staple nailed to sheathing and through a hole in the tile." This is not always done. If it is, a day's work for 2 men should not be set at more than 5 sq. On a roof of Spanish or interlocking tile 2 men can lay from 8 to 10 sqs in an 8 hour day. With a complicated roof like 256 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR No. 11, half of this is enough. This allowance is taken from a recent large contract. On shingle tile allow 6 to 8 sqs for 2 men with laborers, as for slate. If like No. 11, 4 sq. For towers, dormers, etc, 2 sqs. On a long plain roof of Ludowici an allowance of $4.40 was made by experts for labor. The smaller the tile, as a rule, the longer time, as each piece has to be handled separately; and the greater the number of nails. (For tin, galv iron, and copper roofing, see Chap XV.) A WESTERN PRICE LIST OF PAPERS SHEATHING Per Roll X Red Rosin, 20 Ibs per Roll, 500 sq ft $0.38 XX Red Rosin, 25 Ibs per Roll, 500 sq ft 48 XXX Red Rosin, 30 Ibs per Roll, 500 sq ft 57 XXXX Red Rosin, 35 Ibs per Roll, 500 sq ft 66 XXXXX Red Rosin. 40 Ibs per Roll, 500 sq ft 76 Black Waterproof, 3 ply, 500 sq ft . 95 Cracker Jack, (white fibre sheet) 500 sq ft SO Blue Plaster Board, 500 sq ft 2.00 Blue Plaster Board 250 sq ft 1.25 Thread Felt, 500 sq ft 1.00 Thread Felt, 250 sq ft 60 No. 4 Manilla, 500 sq ft 1.00 Perfection Waterproof fibre. 32" rolls, 500 sq ft 1.10 Perfection Waterproof fibre, 32" rolls, 250 sq ft 60 INSULATING Per Roll No. 1 Red Rope, 500 sq ft, 30 to 32 Ibs per roll $1.90 XXX Red Rope, 500 sq ft, 40 to 42 Ibs per roll 2.50 ASBESTOS (100 Lb Rolls) Per 100 Lbs 10 Ibs per 100 sq ft $4.50 12 Ibs per 100 sq ft 4.50 14 Ibs per 100 sq ft 4.50 20 Ibs per 100 sq ft 4.50 DEADENING FELT Per 100 Lb s Square Brand, 1 Ib to sq yd, 450 sq ft to roll $2.60 Square Brand, 1$ Ibs to sq yd, 450 sq ft to roll, 2.60 Extra Heavy, 2 Ibs to sq yd, 450 sq ft to roll 2.60 ROOFING 257 CARPET LINING Per Roll 15 to 50 Rolls Plain Cedar, 50 yds to roll $0.55 $0.50 Corrugated Cedar, 50 yds to roll 60 .55 3 Ply Folded, 50 yds to roll 2.50 2.25 ROOFING PAPERS Per Roll 2 Ply Prepared, 108 sq ft fabric $0.90 3 Ply Prepared, 108 sq ft fabric 1.25 TARRED FELT Per 100 Lbs No. 1 Tarred Felt, 21 Ibs to sq $1.65 No. 2 Tarred Felt, 16 Ibs to sq 1.65 No. 3 Tarred Felt, 12 Ibs to sq 1.65 OZOKERITE RUBBER ROOFING 32 inches wide, 40' long, 108 sq ft. Fabric, nails, caps and cement for laps, and directions for applying packed inside each roll. Per Roll 1 Ply, 34 Ibs to roll $1.30 2 Ply, 44 Ibs to roll 1.65 3 Ply, 54 Ibs to roll 2.00 ROOFING MATERIAL Per Lb Roofing Tins 7c Roofing Nails 7c EASTERN NEPONSET PAPERS, ETC. Price Weight Neponset Red Waterproof $1.20 12 Ibs Neponset Black Waterproof 45 9 Ibs Florian Sound-Deadening Felt 70 9 Ibs Paroid Roofing, 1 Ply 2.50 35 Ibs Paroid Roofing, 2 Ply 3.25 45 Ibs Paroid Roofing, 3 Ply 4.00 55 Ibs Price and weight are per sq (unlaid). Neponset Red is sometimes used for a cheap roofing, and for this purpose is packed with nails, tin caps, etc. There are 258 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR three sizes of rolls-500, 250, and 100 sq ft. It is also used for the best work on walls. The black is a cheaper paper to go under floors, siding etc 500, and 250 sq ft. Both papers are made in 36" widths only. CHAPTEE XVII PAINTING. MEASUREMENT: Somewhere, years ago, I saw a rule to the following effect: "Painting is measured wherever the brush touches." That is the rule we follow. Glass, except small sizes is now deducted by the leading painters and the price raised accordingly. Actual surf only is taken so that quantities can be made out from first estimate. So far as taking off quantities is concerned, a carpenter can usually do this much easier and quicker than a regular painter, because he already has the number of sq ft of ceiling, wainscoting, and floors; the number of openings, the If of base, and a dozen other factors of the complete bill at his service, while the painter would have to go over the plan anew, and probably get mixed on the carpenter's specifica- tion. Windows and doors are easily measured. Deduct the glass from the wood surf, and do not be too exact. The aver door has about 6 yds for both sides; window, 2 to a side, as the 1 may be oiled and the other painted. If glass is not deducted 1 painters allow from 3 to 4 yds to each side of a window. Our method allows half and doubles the price. For porch cornices, rails, balusters, lattices, and such orna- mental work, it is hard to give a rule that will fit all cases. Get the surf roughly and raise the price to suit the work. The material does not cost much, but the time is anywhere from 2 to 10 times longer than on plain work. The aver building does not have so very much ornamental work in proportion to the complete number of yds, and .a slight mistake on the front porch does not seriously affect the total. Of course, no one ever thinks of measuring each baluster or spindle separately exactness is not possible on grilles and such work; and a painter who stands by actual surf measure- ment will yet run his rule across a row of spindles and for- 259 260 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR get to make any deduction. It is on such work that time is consumed. SPHERES: A painter has sometimes to gild large balls with gold leaf, and it is important to get the exact surf. For the surf of a sphere mult the sq of the diam by 3.1416. Thus a sphere 10' in diam has 314 sq ft, for 10 mult by 10=100, which mult by 3.1416 gives 314.16 sq ft. Another 5' diam has 78.54 sq ft. GOLD LEAF: A pack of gold leaf contains 20 books, and each book has 24 leaves. A leaf is 3" sq. Allow 50% for waste. A pack costs $8. Allow $20 a pack for putting on leaf, Nos. 3 and 4 were not sublet, and I had exact figures for surf material, and labor, but do not now have all of them at hand. I have some data from No. 2. QUANTITY: There are 2,000 yds of 3 coat white paint out- side and inside on No. 2. Glass is not included, but only actual surf. Wages were 30c. The actual cost was 22c per yd. Labor was 13c; material, 9c per yd. The work should not have cost more than 20c, but country painters are slow. The proportions were: Labor, $260; lead, $100; oil, $29.25; turpentine, $10.45; tools, etc, $15; pigments, $5. PAINT QUANTITY TABLE FOR 100 ACTUAL YDS Kind of Work Lbs or Gall Lead and oil priming (own mixing) ;. 40 2 J Lead and oil prim ing, and 1 coat (own mixing) 56 to 80 3J to 5 Lead and oil priming average 1 coat (own mix- ing) 72 4} Lead and oil priming, and 2 coats (own mixing) 100 6 Allow 7 to 10% more for common brick work Size on plaster 1 glue 1 Lead and oil on plaster, 2 coats 56 3$ Enamel on plaster, 1 coat 3 J Mineral on rough wood, 1 coat 21 Mineral on smooth wood, 1 coat 15 . 7 1$ Mineral on tin, 1 coat 13 1| (For compressed air quantities, see page 275) Graphite 1J to 2$ Shingles (See page 269) Putty, 2 Ibs per house room, for new frame... Putty, 1 Ib per house room, for old frame... . PAINTING 261 Kind of Work Lbs or Gall Putty, 1 lb per house room, brick, new Putty, \ Ib per house room, brick, old Putty, average from 1 to 2 Ibs to 100 yds new brick .... Putty, average from 2 to 3 Ibs to 100 yds, new frame .... .... Putty, see figure for 2200 yds, page 265. Steel painting (See page 265). INSIDE WORK Liquid filler 2 Paste filler (reduced for last col.) 20 to 25 3 Water stain, open wood .... 1 Water stain, close hardwood .... 1 Water stain, soft wood .... 2 Spirit stain, as above 3 Spirit stain, as above 2f Spirit stain, as above .... 4J Oil stain, all woods .... 1 Varnish, etc, 1 coat 2 to 2$ Varnish, etc, 2 coats 4 Varnish, etc, 3 coats 5 J Shellac, 1 coat 1 to ll Wax. . 7 .... Graining (color in oil) 4 .... Calsomine .... 6 Varnish remover .... 6 COLD WATER PAINT See allowances on page 275. WALL AND WATERPROOF PREPARATIONS See pages 110, 147, 276. Further on it will be noted that on No. 7 the amount of paint required was 100 Ibs to 100 yds for 2 coat work, instead of for 3 coat . This allowance is large enough for 3 ordinary coats, but special cases change the quantities. MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR 10 GALLS OF PAINT Mineral Lead Oil Turpentifcr Priming 33 Ibs 10 gall Priming 110 Ibs 7 gall Other coats (each) 120 Ibs 5 gall gall Pigments (colors) 3 to 5 Ibs , Do not use turpentine for outside work. 262 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR ROOFING AND METAL WORK Dry red lead 128 Pure boiled linseed oil 1.4 gall Pure raw linseed oil .... 2.8 gall Pure lampblack in oil 17 oz COST PER GALLON Mineral Lead and Oil 33 Ibs mineral 3c $1.00 100 lead (priming) $7.70 10 gall oil, 50c 5.00 7 gall oil 3.50 Mixing .60 Mixing .60 $6.60 $11.80 Cost, 66c per gall, or 6c per Ib. Cost per gall, $1.18, or 7Jc per Ib. Mineral may sometimes be had for a cent per Ib. SECOND COAT LEAD AND OIL 120 Ibs lead $8.40 5 gall oil 2.50 $ gall turpentine .35 Mixing .60 Pigments (if used), 3J Ibs at 20c .70 $12.55 Cost per gall, $1.26, or 8c per Ib. PRIMING: "The Painters' Magazine" says: By far the best priming is pure white lead and oil 100 Ibs of lead to 6 galls of pure raw linseed oil and one quart of pure oil and turpentine. Japan in addition. This is for soft wood. For yp the oil should be reduced to about 5$ galls, and turpentine used for the deficiency. Some say, again, that boiled oil should be used without turpentine. The boiled is generally used. ILLUSTRATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS If you ask a score of different painters how much material is required for a certain surf you will have a score of differ- ent answers. It is the same with all figures given in trade publications. So much depends upon the lumber covered that it is hard to be exact. If it is undressed it takes about twice as much as when it is smooth; inside painting takes less than upon a cornice where it may be applied with a large brush. PAINTING 263 LEAD PAINT: Two local agents allow 1 gall to 300 sq ft, 2 coats. It is too little on rough wood. A painter who has dealt in unusually large quantities informs me that 1 Ib of lead covers 33 sq ft, and that each gall weighs 15 Ibs, thus allowing 1 gall to 495' for one coat, or practically the same as the agents for 2 coats, because the material goes further on the second. MINERAL PAINT: For mineral paint he estimates 675 sq ft on wood, and 900 on iron, 1 coat. These surfaces are at least 10% too large unless on very smooth wood or tin. Min- eral weighs about 10 Ibs. For varnish his allowance is 700 sq ft, 1 coat. For varnish 500' at most is enough, although 5 galls recently covered 350 yds. MIXED PAINT: A firm of mixed paint manufacturers sends me the following data: " A gall of our paint weighs from 12 to 16 Ibs white being the heaviest and dark shades the light- est. A gall will cover about 375 sq ft, 1 coat; 225, 2 coats; and 150, 3 coats, varying according to surf. Our roof and barn paints weigh about 12 to 13 Ibs to gall, varying but slightly on account of shade. A bbl of mixed paint contains from 50 to 53 galls. A gall of our shingle stain is sufficient to dip about 400 shingles, or if used with a brush will cover 150 sq ft, 1 coat, or 100, 2 coats." Their list contains more than 250 different colors. About % gall of oil for thinning is required for each 10 Ibs of ready- mixed paint. ROOFING PAINTS: Roofing paints are often adulterated. They should run about as high in price as linseed oil, which is usually from 50 to 55c per gall. AN EXPERT: An old painter makes the following contribu- tion to the sum of our knowledge : " Two coats require from 6 to 9 Ibs to the 100 sq ft, 7 Ibs being about the aver. Add 3 Ibs if 3d coat is put on. The weight is given for paint al- ready mixed. The first coat on new wood should have from 6 to 7 galls of oil to 100 Ibs of lead; second coat about 5. A gall of linseed oil weighs about 7i Ibs, and estimating that the work will take 6 gall of oil to 100 Ibs of lead, every 100 Ibs of 264 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR lead will make 145 Ibs of mixed paint, the ground pigments for tinting perhaps making it 150 Ibs, or about 10 galls. The labor for 1 man runs from 200' to 1,800, with an aver of 1,000 in 10 hours." EXPERTS: That is from a printed article. The following is from one of the best firms in Omaha: " Allow 1 gall of paint to 45 yds, 1 coat; the other coats do not take so much. For an 8 hour day aver 35 yds for 1 man, but on certain classes of work he can do 100. On plaster with plain work he should do 150" "Allow 1 Ib of glue at 20c for 100 yds of size; 2 galls of boileC linseed oil for 100 yds of maple floor, 2 coats ; 2 galls of varnish for 50 yds of inside finish, 2 coats; 1 gall of paste filler to 36 yds. Berry Bros, luxbery in bbls, $2 to $2.25 per gall; common wood alcohol shellac, $1.75 in bbls; grain alcohol, white shellac, $2.90. Radiator enamel is $2.25 per gall, so that if this work is included the price of the raw material must be taken into account. Shellac covers more surf than varnish allow J gall of the 1 to 1 gall of the other. It is put on in about half the time." COLORS: Allow from 3 to 5 Ibs of pigments for mixing 100 Ibs of lead. The shade decides the quantity. FILLERS: A gall of liquid filler is enough for 50 yds; and in general 10 Ibs of paste filler will cover the same surf, al- though 1,500 yds of hardwood on No. 3 took 500 Ibs, but the glass was not deducted. Paste filler costs lOc per Ib. Do not use a liquid filler on oak, ash, or any wood with open grain. VARNISH for outside work costs $4.50 per gall. Aver varnish weighs about 8 per gall. HARDWOOD STAINS: From $1 to $2 per gall. VARIETY: One painter gives 1 gall to 45 yds, 1 coat; the other, who handles large quantities of lead paint, gives his al- lowance at 55 yds. The weight is 15 to 16 Ibs to gall, I find 3 different authorities who publish the following allowance, which the one has probably copied from the other : " 1 Ib to 4 sq yds for 1st coat; and 1 Ib to 6 sq yds for each additional coat." PAINTING 265 PUTTY: All the authorities agree on putty 5 Ibs to 100 yds. This is too much. On No. 22 with 2,200 yds, without glass being included, only 10 Ibs were used, but that is a brick building. A house of 6 to 8 rooms takes about 2 Ibs when new, and half that amount when repainted. Cost of putty is about 3c per Ib in small lots. RUBBING DOWN HARDWOOD: For rubbing down 100 yds: 5 Ibs Petroleum Stock 3 Ibs powdered Pumice 1 gall Kerosene 8 to 10 Ibs Waste See also "Steel Wool," page 272. PAINT* ON BRICK: New brickwork requires a little more than wood. The first coat takes more, but the second less than wood. Mineral paint is sometimes used on brick. As- phalt paint used on pipes, brick, etc, costs about 85c per gall. PAINT ON STEEL: For iron and steel allow per gall as follows, according to a popular work: SqFt 1 Coat 2 Coats Pure Linseed Oil 875 White Lead, Ground in Oil 500 300 Graphite, Ground in Oil 360 215 Black Asphalt 515 310 Iron Oxide, Ground in Oil 630 375 Red Lead, Powdered 630 375 Approximately \ gall of paint per ton of metal for 1st coat and gall for 2d. For 1 galls of graphite paint allow 5 Ibs of paste and 1 gall of oil. Paste costs about 13c per Ib. Steel mills charge about $1.50 per ton for 1 coat of paint. After erection, $2 to $4. For cleaning old steel and iron bridges, etc, allow 3c per sq ft of surf or approx from $1 to $1.75 per ton of metal. STEEL MILL DATA: A large eastern steel mill gives the following data: 266 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Sq Ft Volume of Lbs of Vol and Wt of Paint 1 2 Paint Oil, Gall Pigment Gall Lbs Coat Coats Iron oxide powdered 1 8.00 1.2 = 16.00 600 350 Iron oxide, ground in oil.. 1 24.75 2.6 = 32.75 630 375 Red lead, powdered 1 22 . 40 1 . 4 = 30 . 40 630 375 White lead , ground in oil . 1 25 . 00 1 . 7 = 33 . 00 500 300 Graphite, ground in oil.. . 1 12.50 2.0 = 20.50 360 215 Black asphalt 1 turp 17.25 4.0 = 30.00 515 310 Linseed oil (no pigment).. 875 PER TON of metal, light structural work averages 250 sq ft, and heavy, 150 sq ft, of surf. Light work costs about 50 per cent, more to paint than heavy. PLASTER: Paint goes much further on plaster than on wood, especially when the latter is rough. On 700 yds only 20 galls were used for 3 coats, but with a coat of size it is like painting on glass. This figure would not always hold out. QUANTITIES: With different surfaces it is impossible to .give certainty. It took 100 Ibs to 100 yds on the rough sur- faces of No. 7 for 2-coat painting owing to rough steel, waste on high trusses, etc. Wood should never have less than 3 coats, although cottages are sometimes finished with 2. OCHRE: Yellow ochre, sometimes used for priming, costs 3% to 4c per Ib. It is not so good as white lead. CALSOMINING: For 1 coat size and 1 calsomine, allow from 60 to 80c per sq. To 150 sq ft, allow 1 gall calsomine. LABORONE MAN EIGHT HOURS MINERAL: With large plain surfaces and no scaffolding, 150 yds. On small surfaces, angles, etc, 80 to 100 yds. On work hard to reach, and scaffolding required, 50 yds. LEAD AND OIL: On plain walls and surfaces, 80 yds; floors, 135. For angle work, corners, porches, dormers, etc, 30 to 40. On plaster, 130 yds. PLASTER: On 400 actual yds 74 hours were recently taken to size and give 3 coats of paint. Putting the 4 coats on the same basis that means 173 yds in 8 hours for 1 man. But again I saw 400 actual yds of plaster cleaned once and well painted 4 times and it took 176 hours, or at the rate of only * PAINTING 267 73 yds instead of 173. About 14 galls of enamel were used for the last coat. TIME ON COATS: The priming coat is easier to put on than the following ones. Put the time about more for finish- ing coats. CLEANING: To carefully clean old work before repainting, 40 to 50 yds on plain designs. See " Varnish Removing " under " Inside Work." INSIDE WORK FOR ONE MAN 8 HOURS Paste filling 20 yds fancy work Paste filling 60 yds plain work Liquid filling 100 to 125 yds plain work Liquid filling 40 to 50 yds fancy work Graining 20 to 30 yds Varnish 50 yds plain Varnish 30 yds balusters, etc Varnish 80 yds floor Varnish removing 8 yds on old oak Weather oak staining 28 yds on old oak Shellac 100 yds on old oak Varnish 37 yds on old oak Rubbing down 32 yds on old oak Staining sash 30 sash See also COLD WATER PAINT for LABOR with brush and compressed air. SASH: 190 windows, or 380 sash on No. 3 were stained in 100 hours. Stain is worth practically the same as linseed oil. VARNISH REMOVING: The work done on the 8-yd basis ran to 40c per yd; a large hardwood floor firm allows to clean off old varnish from floors and refinishing 72c at most. ITEMIZED ACTUAL COST OF 100 YDS PAINTING PRIMING: 2J gall at $1.18 $2.95 Labor (100 yds) 3.20 $6.15 SECOND COAT: 4 gall at $1.26 5.04 Labor (85 yds) 3.76 8.80 THIRD COAT 8.80 For 3 coat lead and oil work $23.75 268 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR That amounts to 24c per yd, which is a high price, but all glass is deducted, and actual surf taken. Then, painters, by buying large quantities, get cheaper rates on lead and oil, and can cut the figures. If they add a good profit the amount is still higher. As a rule it is not on new work that painters make profits. MINERAL ON TIN li gall at 66c . $0.83 Labor (150) 2.13 $3.96 Actual cost on plain work, 4c per yd, 45c per sq. On rough wood and a basis of 80 yds per day the figure would be 5 and 60c per sq. PRICES COMPLETE Cost price of ordinary painting is 8, 15, 22c, for 1, 2, 3 coat work, with wages at 40c. Plaster, 20% less. Sanding, 1 coat, 15c. Painting in more than 2 colors is worth 15% more. Sizing, 2c per yd. Stippling is worth about 2c, but if there is a fair number of yds there is no extra charge made as the paint does not have to be so carefully spread. Plain painting is sometimes roughly figured at 8c per yd per coat. QUALITY: But there are many kinds of painting: In white color it can be easily made to cost as much as $1 per yd, but painting of this kind lasts for a generation. Painting is still a trade among the best mechanics, but it is merely a daub among others. There are so many worthless compounds that if an owner has a reasonably sized pocket book the best thing he can do is to go to a good painter and tell him to paint his building by day labor. LABOR AND MATERIAL: On aver brush work with mate- rial at 2, labor runs to 3 and 4. MINERAL: Mineral paint is cheaper than lead, but it is generally used only for the first coat on metal, or on large surfaces of undressed lumber. For 1 coat ,allow 5c; for 2 coats, 9c. A good mixture is Prince's or Rawlins mineral PAINTING 269 and boiled linseed oil. The mineral costs about 2 to 3c per Ib. Allow 3 to 3i Ibs to the gall. Another good mixture is Sherman-William's mineral paste 1 gall to 1 galls oil. READY MIXED: Ready-mixed lead paint from the factories costs about $1.10 per gall in reasonable quantities, but small orders are sold as high as $1.50. Mineral runs from 70 to 75c, but the price is increased to the small dealer. Railways charge out their mixed paints at about 5c per Ib. COLOR: Colored paint can be made of stock that goes further than white lead, jus't as mineral does. A fair extra allowance would be 15% more surf. White lead 7c per Ib. Graphite, Slate, Black or Red $1.00 per gall Graphite, Green 1.10 per gall Graphite, in Single Cans 1.25 Red Lead 1.50 GRAPHITE: Manufacturers say that graphite covers from 600 to 800 sq ft per gall, 1 coat. Steel firm, quoted gives 360. SHINGLE STAINS: All the shingles on the roof of No. 12 were dipped. It was a slow process, but I neglected to keep the time and can not say exactly how slow. It is not only the dipping, but the shingles are much harder to handle after they have been dipped. Instead of being carried to the roof in a bunch they are taken by the armful. Allow 8,000 in 8 hours for 1 laborer. By bunch, loosened, 20,000, stain, not oil. One leading manufacturer asserts that his stain is 50% cheaper than paint. His quantities are as follows: 1 brush coat, 1 gall to 150 sq ft of surf. 2 brush coats, 1 gall to 100 sq ft. Dipping and applying 1 brush coat after shingles are laid, 3 galls to 1,000 shingles. Dipping alone, 2 to 2| galls to 1,000 shingles. Only f of shingle is dipped. If applied with brush, 2 coats should be used. This manufacturer writes me : " These figures are as nearly accurate as it is possible to obtain. They have been proved by thousands of trials, and while, of course, the covering varies slightly owing to the variation in the roughness and 270 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR porosity of the wood, the difference is not great." Still it is better to allow 10 to 15% extra on quantities. PRICES: Prices per gall run from 65 to 90c. Green is the dearest. The manufacturer's time is half the allowance given for paint on same surf. The kegs or bbls contain 11 galls or more. PER M: It is safe to allow $3 per M, depending upon price of stain, etc. This runs covering of roof to $7 or $7.50. A good slate is $11, but rafters have to be heavier. BRUSH COAT: Allow for this coat on shingles lOc per coat, per yd. BLINDS: Per pair outside, $1 to $1.25; inside, $3. INSIDE WORK INSIDE WORK: The figures already given are for a general aver. If inside painting is taken alone it is worth 10 to 15% more, for better work is necessary. The paint figures are for 3 coats only; on inside work in white, 6 and 7 are not too many. Allow lOc extra for each coat. BARBERS' POLES: Striped work costs more than plain, but fortunately it is not nearly so popular as it used to be except on barbers' poles, where it still seems to hold its own. In this section of the country it is worth $12 to properly paint one, but a dozen can be done at half that figure. Before we set any prices it is well to remember that here, as elsewhere, unless otherwise stated, cost price is given, no profit being considered. Painters' wages are now (1913) 50c in Omaha. STANDARD FINISH: The standard inside finish for hard- wood is 1 coat filler; 1 shellac; 2 of varnish; rubbing down. If properly done it is worth 55c all through. It is often done for less, but neither material nor labor is first class. HIGH PRICE: The banking room of No. 3 ran to nearly a dollar per yd. It was finished with 1 coat water stain; 1 filler; 3 white shellac; 2 rubbing varnish; rubbing down and re-touching afterwards. This is extra fine work with more coats than is usually put on. PAINTING 271 But even when wages were lOc per hour lower than they are now $1.25 per yd which included a good profit has been charged all over interior work. First class work is expensive but it pays in the long run. All that glitters is not gold or even varnish. Some work may be made to cost $5 and up- wards. It all depends. FILLING AND RUBBING: On pine without filler the stand- ard inside finish as above is worth 35c. The allowance for filling hardwood is thus set at 20c, which is exactly what all hardwood on No. 3 cost; but 15c ought to be enough if every- thing goes well. If rubbing down is omitted deduct 8c. PRICES PER YD WITH PROFIT For 1 coat white shellao and 2 of Murphy varnish, 35c, with- out rubbing. For 3 coats, white shellac, which can not be rubbed, 35c. For rubbing to egg shell gloss, 10 to 20c; for slightly rub- bing, 6c. For 1 coat filler and 2 of varnish, 30 to 35c. For 3 coats varnish, 30 to 35c. For varnishing paint, 9c per coat. For 2 coats, floor finish, 20c. For graining, 25c to 30c. For enamel, 20c for 1st coat; 15c for 2d. For gold letters, 50c; silver, 50c; black, 20c, all per running ft. Thus, a window 3 ft wide, lettered clear across, would cost $1.50 for gold and 60c for plain lettering. Floors, ceiling, and such plain work can naturally be done cheaper than sash, grilles, etc. Rubbing down ornamental work costs 3 or 4 times as much as plain work. The fore- going prices are based on white shellac; common shellac is about half the price. WAX: I have applied wax to parquet floors in my time, but the rubbing is rather tiresome. We did not fill the wood, but used wax only. It is usually filled here. The price is about 60c per Ib; filler, 15c. From my recollections of the work, muscle is of more use than brains. 272 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR As the prices given are based upon 40c per hour they can be regulated to suit any locality; or the number of yds can easily be found. CLEANING: Steel wool is sometimes used to rub down work by those who have little conscience or a low contract. It does not merely rub it down it grinds it down. But steel wool is not any too strong for some kinds of work. I recently saw 350 actual yds of oak cleaned down to the natural surf with a varnish remover. It works well unless thereMs shellac below the varnish, but it is a rather difficult matter to clean the wood. Each yd took an hour for 1 man. The work was done by contract and no time was wasted. Weather-oak stain after cleaning, 100 hours; giving 1 coat of shellac, 28; 1 of varnish, 76; rubbing down to a fairly smooth surf, 86. The design was reasonably plain. If there had been balusters, grilles, and such work, twice the time would not have been sufficient. 20 galls of varnish remover were used, 3 galls shellac, with $ gall alcohol to thin it ,and 5 galls of varnish. WALL PAPER: For plain wall paper lapped, allow for labor 12 to 22c per roll; and for material, lOc and upwards. To get the number of single rolls required find the sq ft and divide by 30. Deduct openings. BURLAP: Burlap, often supplied by painters for inside finish, costs about 32c per yd colored; plain, 23c. This is for 36" width. BRUSHES: Each painter is supposed to own a putty-knife and duster; the rest of his outfit is supplied by the em- ployer. Allow for each man for outside work: 2 8 O round brushes. For inside work : 2 flat, 4 to 4". ISO chisel varnish brush. 1 No. 10 sash tool. 1 flat varnish, $". 1 or 2 flat chisel sash, 1 J. 1 flat varnish. 2". MANUFACTURERS QUANTITIES One of the largest manufacturers in the United States gives the following list: " A gall of varnish will cover approximately 600 sq ft, 1 coat. PAINTING 273 A gall of shellac will cover from 700 to 750 sq ft. A gall of water stain covers about 650 sq ft on open-grained woods, and on close grained hardwoods 100 sq ft more. On soft woods a gall of water stain will cover from 400 to 500 sq ft. A gall of spirit stain will only cover about half the area covered by the same quantity of water stain. A gall of oil stain will cover about 600 sq ft on all woods. A gall of paste filler reduced for use covers about 300 sq ft. A gall of shingle tint covers about 160 ft, 1 coat, if brushed on; 1* galls covers the same surf, 2 coats. From 2 to 2 galls will dip 1,000 shingles, and another gall is enough for i brush coat in addition, after the shingles are laid." HARDWOOD FLOORS are becoming more popular every year. One dealer has prepared the following estimates for a floor 15'xl8', or 30 yds. (See Chap. XXVI for Maple Floors) : For a New Floor, Hard or Soft, in Filler and Wax 5 Ibs Paste Wood Filler, at 15c $0.75 2 Ibs Prepared Wax, at 60c 1.20 $1.95 For a New Hardwood Floor with Dye, Filler, and Wax 2 qts Wood Dye, the desired shade, at 85c $1.70 5 Ibs Dark Paste Wood Filler, at 15c 75 2 Ibs Prepared Wax, at 60c 1.20 $3.65 For a New Floor, Hard or Soft, in Varnish Finish 2 qts Wood Dye, desired shade, at 85c $1.70 i gall Floor Varnish 1.50 1 Ib Prepared Wax . .60 $3.80 If filler shades are desired, substitute five Ibs of Paste Wood Filler for Wood Dye. For Refinishing a Pine Wood Floor with Dye and Wax 1 gall Electric Solvo $2.50 5 Ibs Crack Filler, at 20c 1.00 2 qts Wood Dye, desired shade, at 85c 1.70 } gall Under-Lac 1.50 2 Ibs Prepared Wax, at 60c .^ 1.20 $7.90 274 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR For Refinishing a Hardwood Floor with Filler and Wax 1 gall Electric Solve $2.50 5 Ibs Paste Wood Filler, desired shade, at 15c 75 2 Ibs Prepared Wax, at 60c 1.20 $4.45 For Kitchen, Store, Bath Room or Porch Floors, Hard or Soft 5 Ibs Paste Wood Filler, at 15c $0.75 \ gall Floor Finish, No. 1 1.20 $1.95 For the woodwork of a room this size we estimate three-fourths the quantity of material required for the floor. QUANTITIES Prepared Wax 1 Ib covers 250 sq ft. Powdered Wax Large size can covers 10,000 sq ft. Electric Solvo 1 gall softens 300 sq ft of old finish. Kleen Floor 1 gall cleans 700 sq ft. Wood Dye 1 gall covers 700 sq ft upon hardwood and 400 sq ft on soft wood. Crack Filler 1 Ib ordinarily covers 30 sq ft. Paste Wood Filler 1 Ib fills 40 sq ft. Floor Finish No. 1 1 gall covers 600 sq ft. Under-Lac I gall covers 500 sq ft. Weather Proof Liquid 1 gall covers 500 sq ft. Floor Varnish 1 gall covers 500 sq ft. Interior Liquid 1 gall covers 500 sq ft. WEIGHTED BRUSH, 15 Ibs, $2.50; 25, $3. WAX may cover only 200 sq ft instead of 250. COLD WATER PAINT COMPRESSED AIR: It is usually put on with compressed air, but a brush has to be used where finished work is apt to be spoiled with waste material falling on it. COST: On a surf of more than 4,000 yds, the material ran to $113 and the labor to $190, or 7c per yd for 2 coats with compressed air; but this does not include the cost of air. On a building with more than 1,000 yds done with a hand PAINTING 275 pump the cost was 9c per yd for 2 coats. The material costs from 6c to 7c per Ib, but large quantities can be bought cheaper. A safe figure is 5c for labor and 3 for stock. With some kinds of cold water paint mixing takes more time than painting. In the use of compressed air the labor depends a good deal upon the ease with which the work can be reached. On the building with 4,000 yds inside there were 1,200 yds of brick, actual measurement, outside. The labor for 2 coats of lead and oil was only $12, but 150 galls of mixed paint were used. The coat was about 12c per yd, or say, 13c with cost of air. The experience at the World's Fair in Chicago showed that for large, plain surfaces this method is far ahead of the old one, but it soils everything within reach. Of course buildings differ. On the same building, owing to considerations of ac- cessibility the outside cost is, as we have seen, Ic per yd, and the inside 4|c, but the men had to crawl among rafters. QUANTITIES: Quantities for large work may be estimated from the following data: On 16,000 yds 7,000 Ibs were used, or .44 to sq yd, brush. On 7,800 yds 4,200 Ibs were used, or .54 brush; on 5,700, 2,200, or .4 brush; on 4,000, 2,100 were used, or .525, compressed air. KIND OF WORK: All work was 2 coat on brick and lumber. Actual surf only is given openings being deducted. But joists have to be measured both sides, not merely taken with the surf of the ceiling. In some cases the one item is larger than the other. The largest quantity was used on No. 7 and the other allowances on buildings close by. The differ- ence between quanties for compressed air and brush is not so great as is sometimes necessary. QUANTITY: On the 33,500 yds 15,500 Ibs were used, or a little less than J Ib to the yd. This is a safer figure than any of the 4, for while the total quantity was used for the total surf the distribution between the various buildings might not be exact. A manufacturer's catalog at hand gives the following data: " For smooth, hard boards allow 1 Ib for 50 to 75 sq ft, 1 coat; lor rough bds, stone and brick, 25 to 40 sq ft. Allow 2 parts powder to 1 cold water." 276 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR According to these figures 1 Ib will do from 3 to 8 yds, 1 coat; according to the actual results given for 2 coats, \ Ib covers 1 yd. But much depends upon the proportion of ma- terial. Suppose it is reversed and 2 parts cold water used to 1 part powder? Bbls weigh from 350 to 400 Ibs; kegs, 100. Half bbls and kegs are also standard, and smaller amounts are packed in wooden cases. LABOR: On one buildings the labor is already given. On No. 7 it ran for 2 coats cold water, 4c per yd, but scaffolding was included for high roof. On another building, 4c; on still another, 6c. 2 coats lead, by hand on No. 7 ran to lOc, but ttie trusses were hard to reach, although several thousand yds of plain steel work reduced their high aver. Labor on lead and oil on another building with plain surf ran to 8c; but wages were not more than 30c on all work. ALABASTINE: "A 5 Ib package will cover from 33 to 50 sq yds." White, 50; tints, 55c. CEMENT WATERPROOF STAIN Cabot manufactures a cement waterproof stain. " One gall will cover 200 sq ft, 2 coats on rough concrete, and 250 on smooth." It is sold for $1 to $1.25. This is applied on the outside of cement blocks. IRONITE Another preparation is " Ironite." It costs 25c per Ib, is mixed with water, and applied like paint. One Ib will cover about 25 sq ft. The cost is from $3 to $6 per sq." It is a filler, not a paint. DEHYDRATINE Dehydratine costs 80c per gall, or 3c per sq ft applied to inside of walls before plastering to keep out damp. This is No. 1. In small lots, $1.25. Two coats are used. No. 2 for exteriors, $1.50; small lots, $2.00. One gall is allowed by manufacturer for 50 to 70 sq ft, 2 coats. PAINTING 277 DAMP PROOFING An eastern damp proofing estimate of several methods of damp proofing is as follows: " After a thorough discussion of all the elements and prin- ciples involved a comparison of cost of the several methods considered showed up as follows: COST PER SQ YD Asphalt Film, Between Wall and Plaster $0.20 Metal Furring, Between Wall and Plaster 30 Hollow Tiles, Excluding Dampproofing 63 Hollow Tiles, Including Dampproofing 75 Outside Coating, Applied Under Pressure 30 Cost of Preparing Concrete Surface for Plastering 55 The amount of work to be done in case the outside coat- ing method was used was only 60% of what would have been required for interior damp proofing, as some of the walls were built directly against the adjoining property, and, therefore, not exposed; the total cost of the latter method was then about 60% of any of the others." The Toch R. I. W. or "Remember It's Waterproof" mix- tures are well known among builders, especially in the east. One kind is for inside walls before plastering; another for the outside; and others are cement fillers and floor paint. The Trussed Concrete Steel Co. of Detroit also has a full line of waterproof stains to be used on masonry, and espe- cially on concrete. CHAPTER XVIII PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING CATALOGS: Some plumbers and steam-fitters' catalogs have several hundred pages of descriptive matter and price lists. Why expect more here than a mere glance at a subject which requires so much space if treated exhaustively? We may, however, set down some things that are not found in the catalogs, which are full of an embarrassing wealth. COST OP SEWERAGE: About the smallest trench that can be used is 18" wide by the necessary depth. Digging and backfilling mean so much more than the laying of the pipe that if they are carefully figured the rest is easy. In fair ground with a depth of 5 ft, 50c per cy is enough, and 5c per If for the laying of the pipe. If sheet-piling is used allow as listed in Chap. I. But too much depends upon the character of the soil to set any hard and fast figures. LABOR: In soft ground an Omaha plumber allows lOc per If for 6 ft deep; and 30c to a depth of 14 ft. But these figures are too low, although for excavation only. Of course they are reasonable if plenty of tunneling can be done. On 1,000 ft of pipe laid by another plumber to a depth of 5 ft, the time was 220 hours, or less than 6c. On 1,400 ft of pipe recently laid only 1 ft deep the cost of excavation and laying without cost of pipe, was lOc per If which is too high a figure. Laying of 12" pipe is worth 7 to lOc per ft; 4", 5c. Some work recently done in wet soil at a depth of from 4 to 5 ft with 6 to 10" pipe cost for excavation and laying 28, 31, and 43c, with more than 1,000 ft in each case. But sup- pose that rock has to be cut? Or that 100 ft of a sewer are only 4' felow the surf, while the next 100 have to go througll a deep bank? Each job has to be estimated to suit the local conditions. After a depth of 6 ft is reached the earth has to be handled twice, and a scaffold built in the trench to hold it. (See Chap VI, for prices of Omaha sewers.) 278 PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING 279 LABOR ON WATER PIPE: The time is practically the same as on sewer pipe of same depth. Some plumbers allow less for water than for sewer pipes. The pipes come in 12 ft lengths, and a good deal of boring can be done if the soil is" fair. For 5 ft deep 12c ought to be enough under ordinary conditions and digging the whole length. But this price is sometimes doubled and trebled owing to one cause and an- other. A long straight line can be laid cheaper than many short lengths. On several thousand of 6 and 10" recently laid, the labor ran to 35c per ft; and on 500 ft to 48c. This in- cluded, like the foregoing figures, excavation, laying, and backfilling. A fair idea of what laying alone is worth may be obtained fromi the following figures put in by 8 bidders for work in New Hampshire. Price is given in cents per ft: 3,100' of 12", aver 36c from 30 to 43c; 4,800' of 10", aver 33c, 27 to 41; 2,800' of 8", aver 30c, 23 to 38; 10,000' of 6", 27c, 20 to 35; 4,300' of 4", 24c, 19 to 32. On a contract in another part of the country the price ran, 12", 33c; 10", 25c; 8", 22c; 6", 20c; 4", 19c. On 11 bids for 10,000 of 48", in Boston, the successful figure was $2.25; highest, was $3.53; aver, $2.73. For ordinary supply pipes to a building 8e per ft is a safe enough figure in fair soil; only about half the line is ex- cavated and the rest bored with an auger thus reducing the cost per ft. But paving may be extra. In August, 1908, I saw a man lay 300' of f" galv iron pipe, and the time taken was 36 hours, and 3 hours of a plumber to make connection. Wages of layer, 35c, and plumber, 62^c, $14.48, or 5c per ft. About i was dug, and the rest bored in good, firm soil that required no bracing. Inside of a building a man will lay 100' of supply pipe in a day. LABOR ON SOIL PIPE: It is hard to give a figure that will apply to all buildings. How many branches are there? How many bends and angles? Or is it in a straight line? Somtetimes a plumber will take a day to 40'; again he may do 100; a fair average is 50'. A good deal depends upon the s i z e 4 and 6" are given above. Soil pipe has to run a dis- 280 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR tance of 4' outside of buildings in Omaha. Sewer pipe is not allowed inside a building. The weights for extra heavy pipe are : 2", 5.5 Ibs; 3", 9.5; 4", 13; 5", 17; 6", 20; 8", 33.5; 10", 44; 12", 54. An 8" pipe is nearly 3 times as heavy as a 4", and this counts in the labor. VENT PIPES: When run singly they are from 1J to 2" diam. Allow 75' in a day for 1 man; 4", 45'; 6", 40'; 8", 35'. WASTE PIPES: For water closets, 4"; slop sinks, 2" and 3; other fixtures from 1^ to 1. The time on waste pipes is in- cluded in the fixture time. LABOR ON FXTURES: "Allow $8 for connecting up each fixture all supply and soil pipes being in place ready to con- nect." A fair aver is $5, but residence work costs a trifle more than warehouse. Wash basins in ranges should be con- nected at rate of 2 in 8 hours for 1 man. A water closet ought to be connected for $5. A plumber should do the work in half a day; of a day is ample. It should never take a whole day unless at a far distance from the shop, for plumbers usually report there in the morning instead of at the building. A day's work should be 3 closets, all rough pipes being in place. Not so long ago safes had to be put below water closets, and it took longer time to finish; but now open plumbing is universal, and usually com- pulsory. In ranges allow about same time. All pipes being ready, a bath tub should be set for $3. For a house with bath, water closet, and wash bowl in bath room; with sink and boiler in kitchen; and water closet and sink in cellar, allow 6 to 12 days for 1 man to rough in and finish complete; 9 is a good aver. SLATE: Setting per sq ft costs about lOc. DOORS: Hanging water closet doors, 8 of pine in a day for 1 carpenter. Some men will do 10. TUBS: To set a range of 3 laundry tubs, 1 day. METER: To connect a small meter for house, $3; a large one for factory, $10. HYDRANT: To connect yard hydrant, $2. PUMPS: To connect a pitcher pump, $1.20. PLUMLING AND GAS FITTING 28l Plumbers' wages are now (1913) 6S|c per hour; helpers' 35 to 40c. For an approx estimate, allow from 20 to 25% of the cost of material for labor but some bath tubs cost $30, some $150, while labor is about the same. Plumbing and heating run about 10% of cost of building. MATERIAL CAST IRON SOIL PIPE, SINGLE HUB Size in inches 23456 8 10 12 Price per ft, standard lOc 12c 16c 22c 26c 65c $1.00 SI. 50 Price per ft, extra heavy... lie 18c 23c 32c 36c 1.15 1.50 2.00 Extra heavy is almost always used, so that the calking can be done without bursting the pipe. DOUBLE HUB Standard.. . .55c 65c 85c $1.25 $1.55 $3.65 $6.00 $8.75 Ex heavy 65c 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.10 6.40 9.0011.50 Both single and dbl-hub pipe comes in 5 ft lengths. On aver work allow 30% of straight pipe for all fittings; water pipe, from 38 to 40% vent, 45. SEWER PIPE Inside Diam Straight Pipe Curves Traps Weight per Ft 3 6c 19c 65c 61bs 4 8c 23c 80c 9 Ibs 5 lOc 28c 95c 12 Ibs 6 12c 38c $1.10 16 Ibs 8 18c 65c 1.80 23 Ibs 10 25c $1.00 2.40 33 Ibs Other fittings may be approximated from the foregoing list. Junctions are about 15% more than curves; dbl junctions, 50%; and increasers, decreasers, and slants, about the same. See also Chap VI. CAST IRON WATER AND GAS PIPE AVERAGE WT OF PIPE AND JOINTING MATERIAL Lead for Ea Joint Yarn in in Ibs oz 34 6 44 7 8 9 11 11 15 13 Inside Diam Inches W per Ft Water W per Ft Gas 3 15 Ibs 13 Ibs 4 22 Ibs 18 Ibs 6 32 Ibs 30 Ibs 8 42 Ibs 40 Ibs 10 60 Ibs 50 Ibs 282 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Weight of fittings for water pipe for the 5 sizes given: Elbows 40, 70, 102, 205, 260; bends 50, 80, 133, 201, 300; sleeves 24, 40, 70, 120, 150; plugs 8, 12, 20, 40, 60; tees 3", 60; 4, 115; 4x3, 85; 6, 190; 6x4, 155; 6x3, 140; 8, 260; 8x6, 250; 8x4, 235; 8x3, 190; 10, 430. Crosses 75, 120, 109, 225, 200, 175, 325, 285, 255, 206, 565, to suit the 11 tees given. The weights for gas fittings are from 10 to 15% lighter than for water. LENGTH: Cast iron pipe comes in 12' lengths. The weights vary 5% either way. The price of pipe is about 2c per Ib; of fittings, 3. WRT IRON PIPE FOR STEAM, GAS, AND WATER BLACK AND GALV: The following are 1913 prices of galv pipe. Standard Extra Strong Wt per Ft Price per Wt per Ft Price~ per Inside Diam in Ibs Ft in Cts in Ibs Ft in Cts i 24 3.0 .29 7 J .42 3.0 .54 7 .56 3.0 0.74 7 I .84 4.0 1.09 7 | 1.12 4.7 1.39 7 1 1.67 6.6 2.17 9 H 2.24 9.0 3. 12 li 2.68 11.0 3.63 15 2 3.61 14.5 5.02 20 2J 5.74 23.0 7.67 33 3 7.54 30.0 10.25 42 4 10.66 44.0 14.97 60 6 18.76 76.0 28.58 1.20 Dbl ex strong is about 100% more in price than ex strong. LENGTHS: From 16 to 20 ft; aver 18. CUTTING AND THREADING: Each cut and thread up to I, 3c; 1, 3^c; li, 3; 1|, 4c; 2, 6c; 3, 12c; 6, 32c. This thread- ing is done by a machine; when done by hand it is worth at least twice as much. Couplings are about 30% lower in price than 1 ft of straight pipe of same size; small ells are lower, large ones higher than straight pipe; small unions, about same large 50% higher; tees, about same, except in larger sizes which are higher; crosses, same in small pipe, twice as high in large. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING 283 G-LOBE VALVES: 11, $1.25; 1$, $1.60; 2, $2.50; 2$, $5.60; 3, $7.70; 4, $9. GATE VALVES: 1, $1.60; 2, $2.50; 2*, $3.65; 3, $4.40; 4, $6.25; 6, $9.75; 8, $16. SMALL LEAD PIPE: 8c per Ib. WATER CLOSETS: Which of more than 400 styles is to be taken as a standard? Siphon jet, wash down, and wash out are the 3 leading styles. A good siphon-jet closet with tank, pipes, etc, complete may be bought for $25; other styles may be had for $20; some people might find their ideal at $70. A wash out closet costs about $15. These prices do not include setting. Low tanks being almost noiseless are coming more into use. URINALS: Earthenware urinals are of different sizes and styles. They run from $4 to $6 each. If slate urinals are used the slate must be taken by the sq ft and the fittings allowed extra. SLATE: At the thickness of 1", 50c per sq ft; li, 60c; 2", 80c. ITALIAN MARBLE: |, 80c; U, $1; 2, $1.50. PARTITIONS: Slate partitions are 4' high by various widths, from 14" to 4' 6". Allow lOc per sq ft to set slate; marble is used for basin tops and such trimmings. In general the cost of putting it in place is included in fixture allowance. DOORS: Water closet doors run to about $8 per pair, finished by painter. If hinges are of best quality nickel plated, allow $4.50 per door not per pair of doors. PARTITION FITTINGS: Nickel plated standards to keep slate up from floor, $2 each. They are 14" long. Rail on top of slate partitions, 40c ft. Angles and bolts to hold slate, 30c each. BATHS: There is no limit to the cost of' baths. Enameled tubs may be had for $15 in 4'; $20 for 4' 6"; $24 for 5'; $25 for 5' 6" in lengths, with all necessary trimmings. Long baths are seldom used now. In porcelain the same sizes would cost about $150. 284 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Shower baths are a trifle cheaper than tubs, and if a cement floor is put down they can be used where the space is limited. With a single pipe, $10 might buy a bath of this kind. In an excellent work, " Municipal Engineering & Sanitation," by M. N. Baker, associate editor of " The Engineering News," this style of bath is recommended on account of its cheapness. It would seem to be necessary in our summer climate if Mr. Baker's statistics are correct; for it appears that only 3 to 5% of houses in such cities as Baltimore and Boston have baths. The building codes ought to be so amended that all new houses should have at least some cheap bath. St. Louis has set a good example in this way. LAVATORIES: Square, with marble slab and back, brackets, basin and all fittings, $15; corner, $18. With floor slab, etc, from $50 to $75. Porcelain is much dearer. Enameled iron, from $10 up. MEDICINE CABINETS: Size is about 26" wide x 30" high of different styles. .No. 1 $55.00 No. 4 $70.00 No, 2 60.00 No. 5 75.00 No. 3 64.00 These prices include plate glass mirror, and two (2) |" plate glass shelves. Without mirror and shelves prices are: No. 1 $44.00 No. 4 $56.00 No. 2 46.00 No. 5 65.00 No. 3.. . 50.00 These cabinets are made of brass and finished in heavy nickel plate. Each cabinet is supplied with (2) metal uprights, with slots to all of the shelves to be set at any desired height. For another make the cost is $38 for 21x25, mirror, 19x23; 29x24, $50; 24x29, $50; 34x29, $81. BOILERS: For galv iron boilers used in kitchens with stands, couplings and tubes; 30 gals, $7.50; 40, $10; 52, $16; 79, $24. The same sizes with coils are worth additional: PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING 285 $8.40, $9.60, $12.80, $14.40. These prices are for standard boilers; ex heavy cost 20% more. SINKS: For kitchen sinks, enameled iron, the usual size of 18x30, allow $2.40. There are many varieties, sizes, and prices. Roll rim sink with back, $10; with drain board and back, full length, $19. LAUNDRY TUBS: Price of 2 part, $17; 3 part, $25, includ- ing standard and all fittings. LEAD AND SOLDER: Sheet lead, 7c; solder, half and half, 20c per Ib. Kidder gives 7 Ib lead to sq ft for roofs and gutters; 6 for ridges; 4 for flashing. WATER METERS: Small | meters for dwellings are sold at $11.50 each. See also page 336. GAS PIPE: For all pipe 1" and under allow 12 to 15c put in building complete. An aver day's work for 1 man is 80'; it was formerly set at 100, but now the day is shorter. Sometimes the gas piping is figured at $1.60 per outlet for a rough approx estimate. OAKUM: 4c per Ib; and 50 Ibs per bale. EJECTORS: When closets, etc., are below, the level of the street sewer, as in almost all skyscrapers now, an ejector plant is usually installed. For a 50 gall steam operated plant set in place, about $1,400; for a duplicate 50 gall plant, about $2,300. Electrically operated, about 30% more. No chamber included, so that brickwork, concrete, etc, would be additional; also piping to the ejector. Another duplex system " costs from $1,500 to $2,500, depend- ing upon requirements." A 50 gall plant, fob New York, with motor, $950; for steam air compressor, $900. For 100 gall, $1,200 and $1,150. These prices are based on a maximum 10' lift. The cost increases if the lift is higher. In the new Custom House, New York, the lift is 46'; in the St. Regis Hotel, 42 ft. There are at least 37 ejectors in the subway, New York. 286 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR The standard sizes are 35, 50, 100, and 150 galls, but any desired size is made. An automatic syphon ejector for draining cellars may be had for $35 to $125, and capacity from 250 to 8,000 galls per hour. See Chap XXI for " Septic Tanks." LABOR ON GAS PIPES : They are put about 3'-6" in the ground. In winter allow 20' per man per day; in summer 35' for complete labor. Joints of pipe are now made in cement at 5c. each. Lead was formerly used. The cost of a 6" joint was 35c.; a 4", 25c. In a city of the size of Omaha, 125,000 in 1910, there are as many as 1200 old houses wired for electric lights in a year. The cost varies with the fixtures chosen. With an average quality of fixtures a seven room house can be equipped for $8 per room. The gas companies offer to install piping for a small price in order to get customers. For piping alone the charge is for a 5 : room house, $17.50; 6-room, $20.75; 7-room, $24.75; 8-room, $27.00. Fixtures have to be added. CHAPTER XIX HEATING AND LIGHTING The heating systems in ordinary use are steam, hot water, hot blast, and furnace. Heating by electricity is a matter for experts to deal with. PRICE: The price of pipe is given under "Plumbing." Standard wrought iron pipe is used not extra Heavy. The number of ft of radiation being obtained an approximate price of work in place may be found by mult by 75c per ft, with- out boiler; 95c with boiler. Plain buildings do not quite reach these figures, but dwellings with hot water heat, often run to $1. Two recent steam heated depots with from 2,600 to 3,000 sq ft of radiation ran to 65 and 80c without and with boilers. Hot water is higher than steam by 15 to 35% as more radiation is required. Boilers are sold at all prices. A sectional hot water boiler for 1,000 to 1,200' radiation can be furnished and set for $180 to $190. RADIATORS: They are of many kinds and sizes. The standard height is 38". In the catalogs the number of sq ft is given for each loop or section. Allow 25c per sq ft for radiator, without valves and fittings. Allow 2.3' of li" straight pipe as an equivalent of a sq ft, and price pipe radiators same as the newer style. Radiator valves run from 50c to $4. A fair valve may be bought for $1.50. Steam valves are the most expensive. Hot water, 1", 76c; 1}, $1.08; H, $1.50. Steam: 1, $1; li, $1.25; li, $1.70. Radiator pedestals or feet, are from 5 to 15c each. Pipe hangers from 8 to 15c each. EXPANSION JOINT: When a pipe is over a certain length an expansion joint is required. The expansion averages V in 50'. The price is regulated to some extent by the expansion or "traverse." For 10" traverse allow the following prices: 3" pipe, $12; 4, $20; 5, $25.50; 6, $32; 7, $40; 8, $48. But a 10" traverse is longer than the standard which for a 3" pipe 287 288 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR is 2f; 4", 3i; 5", 4; 6", 5; 8", 7. The price of a 3" ex joint is about $6.50; 4, $10.50; 5, $17; 6, $19.50; 8, $39. All prices given are for iron body, brass sleeves and flanges screwed joints are from 10 to 50% cheaper. Brass expansion joints are sometimes used for the smaller sizes. They run about 50% higher in price than iron. COILS: Allow 30c per sq ft for 1" coils of fair length, set in place. PIPE COVERING: The best has 85% magnesia coupled with 15% of other constituents. The price delivered in Omaha is from 12" pipe, 65c; 10, 56; 8, 50; 6, 40; 5, 36; 4, 28; 3, 23; 2i, 19; 2, 17; 1$, 14; U, 12. A cheaper covering is asbestos and woolen felt: 2", 9c; 2$, 10; 3, 11; 3$, 13; 4, 14; 4i, 15; 5, 16; 6, 18; 7, 22; 8, 24; 9, 26; 10, 32c. Wool felt is often used to cover cold water pipes. These prices include canvas covering and metal bands. An ell 'is worth about the same as a If of same size; a tee and valve about 30% more; a cross from 60 to 70 more than a straight ft; but for such angles the raw material is usually plastered on a bag of raw material costs about $4. Sec- tions of covering are made 3' long. Plain 1" lagging for boilers and such work is worth about 21c per sq ft put on. Magnesia and asbestos coverings are used above ground; for underground work Wyckoff covering is better. It is made of asbestos in a hexagonal wood duct from 8 to 12' long. For new work the pipe is put in on end for work in place the box is split. The box is, of course, larger as these sizes are for pipe. Sometimes asbestos is used below ground in a box, but Wyckoff is better. Allow lumber at regular price, and 5c per If for carpenter labor alone if a box is used, but not for Wyckoff. The price given on Wycoff covering is for a 2", 3", and 4" thick shell. For 3" pipe, 26c, 38, 45; 4" pipe, 32c, 41, 50; 5", 38c, 45, 57; 6", 43c, 53, 68; 1", 49c, 60, 77; 8", 57c, 72, 90; 10", 75c; 90, $1.12. And if tin lined pipe is used add about 25% to these prices. For a 4" wrought iron pipe with Wycoff tin-lined covering and a 5" expansion joint 1,100' cost $1,251, laid at a depth of 3'. Digging and backfilling, 15c per If, included. HEATING AND LIGHTING 289 LABOR: For laying 3 or 4' pipe in a box several hundred ft long without a turn, allow from 3 to 6c per ft. The lengths are merely to be screwed together. No. 2 has about 300 ft of 6" hung to girders in a tunnel; allow about 12 to 15c. When such lengths are used an expansion joint is necessary. For inside of a building allow for risers, etc, from 8 to lOc per ft. The lengths are short and require extra labor. A radiator should be connected for $1.50 to $2 for steam, which is usually connected at. only 1 end; for hot water 50c more ought to be sufficient. Radiators weigh about 7 Ibs to sq ft; allow $5 per ton for hoisting. As with all kinds of work short material and angles take most labor. The estimator must make allowance for the character of the job. Approximately allow 25% of price of material for labor. Wages are 50c per hour for fitters, and 25c for helpers. From 4 to 7c ought to cover digging and laying of box for pipe, or for Wyckoff covering, as trench does not require to be deep. Allow for pipe. Pipe covering ought to be put on at 3c for small pipe up to 8 or 10 for the largest sizes; but everything depends upon the number of angles. LARGE INSTALLATION: For the heaviest kind of work, with pipes from 2" to 16", allow 25% of total cost of material for labor. On a very large equipment with steam, water, and air pipes, this was exact figure. RADIATION There are various rules for obtaining the number of ft of radiation required. Each room is sometimes taken by itself on a different basis; again glass is considered, and its surf with respect to total wall exposure; and Baldwin sets a popu- lar rule. A building divided into small rooms requires more than a large hall or room. Halls and sleeping rooms are not heated so much as parlors. Some take the cf and divide by 60, and up to 100, or even 150 for large spaces; others go as low as 30 for a unit. The quotient gives the number of cf required for steam; hot water requires 20 to 25% more. 290 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR RULE: A common rule for finding radiation is as follows: Get the cubical contents of the room in ft, and divide by 100 for sq ft of radiation; get the sq ft of outside wall ex- posure, not deducting glass surf, and divide by 30 for sq ft of radiation; then get glass surf and divide by 3. Add the 3 figures together for total. Thus a corner room 10x15x10 high would have 15 sq ft for contents; 8.3 for wall exposure; and 12 for glass, with 2 windows each 3x6; or a total of 35.3 sq ft of radiation. The same room not on a corner, with 15' to the street, would have 32 sq ft. A room 12x20x10, 3 windows, would have 53 and 49, for corner and inside with long side to street. Multiples are usually in 5, so the sq ft would be 55 and 50 in the last case. But supply pipes are usually included in the radiating surf. RULES FOR RADIATION: One large supply house sends out the following rules for 10 below zero. STEAM HEATING DIRECT RADIATION Frame Residences, down stairs 1 sq ft to 50 cf air Frame Residences, up stairs 1 sq ft to 60 cf air Brick Residences, down stairs 1 sq ft to 60 cf air Brick Residences, up stairs 1 sq f t to 70 cf air Office Buildings 1 sq ft to 60 cf air Factories 1 sq ft to 125 cf air Churches and Assembly Halls 1 sq ft to 200 cf air Indirect Radiation, 50% more surface. Direct-Indirect Radiation, 25% more surface. HOT WATER HEATING DIRECT RADIATION Frame Residences, down stairs 1 sq ft to 25 to 30 cf air Frame Residences, up stairs 1 sq ft to 30 to 40 cf air Brick Residences, down stairs 1 sq ft to 28 to 35 cf air Brick Residences, up stairs 1 sq ft to 40 to 45 cf air Office Buildings 1 sq ft to 40 cf air Factories 1 sq ft to 70 cf air Churches and Assembly Halls 1 sq ft to 100 cf air Indirect Radiation, 50% more surf Direct-Indirect Radiation, 25% more surf For ordinary buildings divide the cf by 45 and mult the sq ft of radiation thus obtained by $1 for the cost with; HEATING AND LIGHTING 291 boiler. Plain buildings are sometimes heated with coils for as low as 1.4 to 2c per cf without boiler. An exact estimate can be had by making a piping plan and taking off the material and labor in the ordinary way. Both steam and hot water can be installed with either the single or dbl pipe sys- tem. The water may be returned to the boiler in the same pipe by which steam or hot water is supplied, but a heavier pipe is required, and many experts prefer the 2 pipe system. For steam, allow 35% of straight pipe for fittings, for hot water, 40. When there is little time to take off a bill in detail this will serve for an estimate. *--- ^s, The pipe radiator is not so much used now, as the others serve for both steam and water instead of steam only as it does. Each loop or section has from 5 to 10 sq ft of heating surf, varying with height and width, so that a price can not be set without size and number of loops if the work is taken in detail. HOT BLAST: I have had something of a prejudice against the fan system since No. 3 was built. There the hot air was pumped from the basement at such a rate that it went through the roof without having time to call on the offices. The tenants used to sit with their overcoats on while the fireman worked below throwing coal into the boilers. The coal and vacant office bills ran so high that the system was torn out and steam put in its place. I have been assured that office buildings are now successfully heated by this system the 13 story Builders' Exchange at Buffalo, for example. But for halls, schools, theatres, manufacturing buildings etc, the system is a success if carefully installed. Nos. 7, 8, and 14 are heated with it. As a rule the manufacturers put in the plant themselves. An aver figure for complete system is from ^ to &c per cf. But this does not include any boilers or supply pipes leading from them. There are various methods of installing the plant; sometimes ducts are used below the floor; sometimes pipes overhead. Prices vary ac- cording to plans. FURNACES: Approximately, allow $17 per room in houses for furnaces ready for lighting. Some may run more, some less 5 to 7 rooms about $19. The heating capacity is found 292 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR by cubing the entire house if it is all to be heated. The figures in the first column of the following table give the outside diam of the furnace casing; in the second col the number of cf heating capacity; in the third col the price del'd at build- ing, but not set. There are, of course, a hundred different styles with as many different claims, so that some allowance has to be made for a departure from an aver type. 36" 10,000 to 12,000 cf . . . $56 40" 12,000 to 15,000 cf 67 42" 15,000 to 18,000 cf 80 44" 18,000 to 23,000 cf 94 48" 23,000 to 30,000 cf 109 50" 30,000 to 40,000 cf 120 A margin of safety is allowed, however, as a furnace should not be driven to the limit. A 40" is usually put in a 5 to 7 room cottage complete at $117. A soft coal furnace is a little cheaper than one for hard coal. Pipes of an aver size may be estimated in place at 25c all through. These are double; 6x22 single, lined with asbestos paper, 35c in place. An easier way is to allow $3.50 to $4 per run for all pipes to first floor; and $8 to second, including box and shoe. Elbows run from $3 to $6 per doz; 8" and 9", about $3.50. After material is made ready it does not cost much to put it in place; aver 8 room houses run from $20 to $28 for all labor on furnace, pipes, and registers. One roll of asbestos paper is sufficient for the large pipes when they are used. The carpenter sometimes makes the fresh air duct from the nearest window. CARLOAD: There is about 35 furnaces to a carload. REGISTERS: There are many kinds of registers; but a fair idea of value may be had from this list: Size in Floor Inches Register Reg Face Border 4x8.. $0.45 $0.30 $0.28 7x10 50 .35 .32 9x12 63 .50 .39 10x12 72 .53 .41 10x20 2.69 1.50 1.16 HEATING AND LIGHTING 293 Size in Floor Inches Register Reg Face Border 10x24 $3.65 $1.75 $1.54 12x20 2.70 1.55 1.20 12x24 3.66 1.75 1.56 16x30 8.00 3.80 3.60 18x36 11.40 4.90 3.60 30x30 15.00 5.60 4.85 38x42 36.00 15.00 11.00 These prices are for black japanned; white jap are 20 to 30% higher; gold, silver, copper, nickel plated or bronzed finish registers are also about 30% more than black jap. There are many other finishes and designs with special prices. The ordinary wall frame is 2" deep; 4" costs about 50% more. HOT WATER HEAT: For a house of 8 rooms allow $400 for hot water heat. GAS WATER HEATERS, $10 to $15 for an 8 room house. ELECTRIC LIGHTING PRICE: Allow $2.50 on aver house work, for each It with wiring, switches, cut-outs, sockets, etc, complete. This is for open work, weatherproof wire. For concealed work with rubber covered wire, $3. For open work, wire only, $2 per It. These prices are per It, not outlet, as an outlet might have- a dozen Its. Push button switches, $1 extra. No. 14 wire is used for ordinary work. An arc It costs about $30. It is impossible to set a figure- on the large work for such buildings as Nos. 7 and 8; and the bids showed that even experts do not agree on values. CONDUIT WORK: For railroad work in pipes about half an inch in diam, allow from $5 to $6 per It. COST OF HOUSE: For a house of 8 rooms allow $40 to $50 for wiring; and about the same for fixtures. But wiring might be dbl that figure; and fixtures 10 times as much. DUPLEX: For each lamp controlled^ duplex switch, add about $6. FACTORY: For factory Its with large number of drops to tables, benches, etc, $2.50 per lamp. 294 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR PASSENGER STATION: For the aver passenger station, 100 to 125' long, with fixtures, $140 to $200. FREIGHT DEPOTS: For freight depots 100' long, $80 to $125. For each It in such stations $4; but $6 is required on some buildings. ENGINE HOUSES: $70 per stall. PRICES: No. 14 rubber-covered wire, $12 per 1,000'. Green drop cord 5c per yd. Incandescent lamps, 16 c p 20c. Arc lamp (not set or wired) $12. Electro duct 8c per ft. LIGHTING ACETYLENE is conveyed in pipes the same as gas, so that that part of an estimate goes on the 12 to 15c a ft price as gas pipes do. The basis for usual illumination is 25 c p to each square the incandescent lamp is rated at 16 c p. A room 10x10 lighted with acetylene would therefore have more than 1 incandescent power. Burners are $4 per doz. Fix- tures are of all prices, like those for gas and electricity. The generators fob Omaha run about as follows: For 35 light $120 For 75 light $200 For 150 light . . . $360 For 50 light 140 For 100 light 240 For 200 light ... 400 The installation of the generator is merely a case of low- ering it into place and connecting it. It is easier set than a small furnace. Sometimes a dbl generator is used and this runs up the price, but makes a better plant. Then some manufacturers put in better material than others, or charge a higher per- centage for their work. With good fixtures complete I have seen bids for 150 Its, dbl generator at $784; 200, $822; 300, $894; 400, $1,000; and again a plant to run 75 to 100 Its, single generator, with fixtures complete for $425. The government has lighted Fort Meyer, Va., and many Indian schools with acetylene. CHAPTER XX TILING PRICE: Out of 18 designs at hand 17 run from 50 to 65c per sq ft of hearth tile fob Omaha. The exception is a white body and white and gold for a border. That runs to 80c. The sand and cement are to be added, and also the laying. Usually everything has to be prepared for the tilelayer up to within 1 inch of finished surf, so that there is only \" to f" of mortar. A layer and helper should finish a hearth in a day; with 2 in a house 14 days are usually sufficient. But time is taken up going from building to building as the work does not last long. The surf is small, so that profit can not bo made very large at best; expressage is to be paid both going and coming, and store rents are always collected. Allow from 75 to 90c per sq ft in place for the average hearth. All these hearth prices include border. FLOORS: Marble tile, black and white, about lOxlOxf, 45 to 50c per sq ft laid with \" of cement. Tennessee marble, 6x6, with concrete, 60 to 75c per sq ft. CEMENT TILE laid on 2" of concrete 28c for sq blocks about 10x10; for octagon, 2c less. Concrete from 2 to 3 inches deep is put from 7 to 8c per sq ft and included. Hexagon, white, vitreous tile, 3", with concrete, 70 to 7f>c on a large piece of plain work 50 to 55c is enough even for 1|" and 1" hexagons, as in bath rooms. Hex, buff, unglazed. 3", with concrete, 40 to 45c. Encaustic tile, including 2" of concrete, 45 to 50c. TERRAZZO floors in the east run from 20 to 30c per sq ft. Contractor's profit is- included in the foregoing prices, which are for work done or from bids put in. SIZE: But the size of tile has to be considered. The fac- tory list has 4 divisions according to number of pcs in a sq ft; 4 to 65; 65 to 129; 129 to 513; 513 and more. The follow- ing vitreous list, fob Omaha, will give a fair idea of the dif- ference in price: 296 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR White, Cream 36c 48c 60c 72c Silver Gray 37c 49c 61c 73c Celadon, Sage, Light Green, Light Blue.. 43c 55c 68c 80c Dark Blue, Dark Green 52c 54c 76c 91c Pink 58c 71c 83c 96c In plain colors, semi-vitreous, 7 varieties, 4 divisions; 24c, 40c, 54c, 70c. THICK TILE: f, 30c; 1", 35c; unglazed in 7 plain colors. Glazed tiles are worth from 30 to 60% more than unglazed. Imitation mosaic tiles from 30 to 55c per sq ft. Inlaid tiles, unglazed, above l$xl$, from 70c to $1.50, de- pending upon the colors. Glazed, from 30 to 60% more. Round tile are sold at the same rate as sq tile of same size. Enameled tile in the 4 divisions run 50c, 65c, $1.30, $1.85. These prices are for various colors; ox-blood, red enamel is about 15c per sq ft extra in each division. For antique or dull-finish tiles on white body add 25c per sq ft to enamel prices. 100 KINDS: Out of more than 100 floor designs with un- glazed tile the lowest price is 24c and the highest 65c. Most are between 25 to 35c. Borders are the same, or a little more or less, depending upon the pattern. Ceramics, \" thick, mounted on paper or twine, run to 35c per sq ft in several dozens of patterns. Borders are about the same. These tiles are usually about f to 1" round, sq, or hexagon. Ceramic, mosaic, enameled tile are about 3xxJ, and cost 65c. For all kinds of floor tile add lOc per sq ft if less than 25 sq ft in order. Letters or numbers, lOc each. WAINSCOTING: With cap and base included from 55 to 65c per sq ft. Special designs are of course higher, but the fore- going prices fob give a beautiful piece of work in enameled and majolica. But white enameled 6x2 can be set complete on a good sized piece of work for 65c; white opalite about lOc less; and there are wall tiles at 40c set; 75c to $1 is safe. MANTEL FACINGS: Here we enter the region of high art with prices to correspond. For the 6x6 size 17 tiles are al- TILING 297 lowed to a mantel; for the 4^x4^, 26. For the set, enameled, from $2 to $6; gold decorated, $8 to $12; Palissy decorated, $4; gold and Palissy, $12. But in renaissance the prices soar from $10 to $50. If special designs the cost is even more. DECORATED TILE: Palissy, embossed, from 80c to $1.75 per sq ft; gold, $1.50 to $3; gold and Palissy, $2.15 to $3.75. Solid gold on plain tile, $4 to $5. Hand painted work is priced according to the reputation of the artist. BASE, CAPE, COVE, AND BEAD TILES: The prices run from 12 to 25c for each piece 6" long. Angles are 50% dearer. These prices are for glazed or enameled tile gold decorated work is from 2 to 3 times as much more. MARBLE BASE, $1.65 per ft in place. BRASS FOOT RAIL, $1.25, in place. BATH ROOM BASE with cove, 65c in place, profit included. If walls are tiled, 75c per sq ft. MEASUREMENT: An accurate plan should be sent to the factory. One plan is better than 10 letters. Tile should be measured by the sq ft; cap and base for wall tile may be taken by the If, each tile figured 6" long. Special care must be taken with all angles, stops and returns. QUANTITY: There is always waste in laying. The factory sends 2% more than enough to cover the surface unless special orders to the contrary are given, so that this extra must be included in the price. Tile, unlike pressed brick, may be returned. One bbl of Port cement will lay 100 ft of tile. Make mortar 1 to 1. Concrete should be 3" deep, of 1 to 3 if natural cement is used. (See Chap III.) Wood strips are required for guides. The " Tile Manufacturers of the U. S." specify Keene's imported cement for wall tile joints. "FACTS ABOUT TILE." Enameled and wall tiles when packed weigh about 5 Ibs to ft; plain unglazed floor tiles, about 6 Ibs; vitreous floor tiles, 6. Ceramic, mosaic, tiles, i" thick, 2J Ibs to ft; plain and vitreous floor, as well as enamel and wall tiles, are about i thick. A large bbl holds about 85' of wall or enamel tile; small bbl, 50 to 60'; lar&e bbl, 60' of plain unglazed tile; small bbl, 52. 298 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR BASE: Concrete is often put down upon a rough wood floor; sometimes the floor or support is cut in between the joists; again, ex metal is used: the base must be estimated in its proper place separate from tile. All work is usually prepared to within 1" of finished surf for the tiler, unless a specially thick tile is used. Allow half an inch for mortar in all cases. LABOR: The prices already given, unless otherwise speci- fied are fob Omaha. Hauling, mortar, and labor are to be added. Ceramics are not much more difficult to lay than ordinary tile for they are all mounted on paper or cord. Number of pcs of different sized tile in a sq ft. Size In a Sq Ft Size 6 x6 4 9 x3 41 x41 8 71x3| 3 x3 16 6 x4 21 x2i 32 6 x3 2 x2 36 6 x2 14 xi4 64 6 x!4 128 6 xl 1 xl 144 6 x | 1 x | 256 6 x 4 1 1 576 6 diag 8 41x14 44 diag 16 41x1^ 3 diag 32 41x | 24 diag 64 4 x4 2 diag 72 3 x!4 14 diag 1^ diag 128 256 3 xl 3 x | 1 diag 288 3x4 1 diag 512 3x1 4 diag 1152 In a In a SqFt Size Sq Ft 54 2 xl 72 54 21x1 }V 64 6 I4x i 128 8 6" oct 4; 12 41" oct 9. 16 3" oct i8i 24 6 x3 hex 10^ 32 6" hex 6J 48 3" hex 24 16 2* hex 54 22f 1" hex 205 32 3" lozenge 184 45 9 3" triangle 14" triangle 37 144 32 | Round 250 48 Stars 44 64 Cross 63 96 14 Round 814 192 Cusps 298 COMPARISON: As a comparison of cost a large contract was listed as follows: For tiling on tables, $1.15; on floors, $1.05; on walls, 95c. Labor should not be more than 35c per sq ft on tile alone, not including base of concrete. INTERLOCKING RUBBER TILE is laid preferably on a cement base. It is f" thick, waterproof, noiseless, lasting, and expensive. One brand costs 85c fob Philadelphia. With TILING 299 base of concrete at 8c, laying of tile 8c, we have a price of $1.01 per sq ft without freight. Another maker lists his at $1.35. Still another price is $1 fob New York; and a maker in Akron, O., gives $1 fob there. BASE: For a rubber baseboard, 2 members, 6|" high, $1.05 per If, New York. Setting, about 6c per If. One maker allows 3 to 5c. STEP NOSINGS, $1 per If Any colors are supplied. CORRUGATED floor rubber per yd, $1.30. AN ASBESTOS SANITARY COMPOSITION floor is one type of several. It takes 2* Ibs of dry material to the sq ft \" thick. For every 2$ bbls of dry material, or 750 Ibs, 1 bbl of liquid is supplied, 600 Ibs. In Philadelphia the price is 6c per Ib for the dry, but the liquid is included. For a floor 18x50, or 100 sq yds, an estimate would be, without freight: 2,250 Ibs of dry at 6c $146.25 Labor of cement finisher and laborer 18.00 Unloading, etc 10.00 $174.25 Or per sq $19.36. This is about 20c per sq ft without freight or profit. Quantities are usually given too small by manu- facturers. ASBESTOLITH, another floor of the same kind, is laid in St. Louis for 35c per sq ft, profit included, and base for 50c per If. " MONOLITH," another floor costs 25c, and base I8c. " MARBLEOID " costs about 85c sq ft laid; and " SANITAS " fireproof floor, 35c. CORKOLIN costs from 14 to 18c per sq ft laid. WOOD PULP floors, per sq ft, 28c. CHAPTER XXI COST OF BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF Only approximate estimates can be taken from the follow- ing figures. Local conditions affect the result so much that one building might cost 25% more than another of the same size, in the same section of the country, and at the same rate for labor and material. In the one case the ground might be 12' below grade, and in the other as much above; piling might be required in the one and rock blasting in the other. Sometimes 25% of the total cost of a building is expended before foundations are up to grade. But for aver buildings approx figures are useful. SCHOOL HOUSES: No. 12 built about 15 yrs ago, of plain design, $75 per scholar; 8 rooms, 400 seats; brick and wood construction. Another Omaha school house erected later of the same size costs $115. Material and labor are higher, and the design is more ornate. In the country the cost might be reduced from 10 to 15%. An addition to the Omaha high school, finished in 1913, strictly fireproofed, Bedford stone on 3 fronts, 16c per cf. The complete cost was about $775,000. With 4 stone fronts the cost might have run to 18c. The H plan for school houses has been adopted in New York. "Upwards of eighty school buildings have been con- structed since 1896, and the aver cost of building has been only 18c per cf." They are fireproof. These 80 cost about $12,000,000. A high school erected in Boston, Mass., cost 22.39c; and another 24.98, both fireproof. A number of schools in St Louis, not fireproof, ran from 14 to 17c per cf; and from $5,600 to $6,700 per room. A fireproof school in Palo Alto, Cal., cost 18c per cf. From lOc per cf up to 15c will build non-fireproof schools; and from 18c to 30c fireproof ones. 300 COST OF BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 301 FIRE ENGINE HOUSES: At low cost an Omaha house was built for 6c per cf ; at high, the city paid $4.25 per sq ft for one; and lie per cf for another. WAREHOUSES: Three of the largest in Omaha, built when prices were low, cost from 6 to 8c per cf. They are of mill construction, and from 5 to 6 stories high. Bids on 2 others ran under 7c. One of cheaper construction cost 5c. One story 12' high, no basement, 1.80 per sq ft. Another building with 600,000 cf cost 16c, but this figure was reduced to 13c, if heavy retaining wall, not properly to be charged to structure, steel roof, and piling were omitted. Partly used for office. Tile roof. WAREHOUSE: "The Railroad Gazette," in a good article, gives the comparative cost of slow burning wood, and a steel frame factory building with brick walls. The floors are designed for load of 100 Ibs to sq ft. The size is 60'xlOO', 7 stories high. Cost of slow burning construction, $35,000; fireproof, $57,000. Per cf 6.2c and 10.2c; per sq ft of entire area 83c and $1.36. Cost of floors and cols per sq ft 27c and 75c, SLOW BURNING FIREPROOF Excavation 1,800 cy 1,800 cy Cellar floor 6,000 sq ft 6,000 sq ft Foundation concrete. . 150 cy 150 cy Brick 39,000 cf 39.000 cf Windows, 4'x7' 238 238 Roofing 60 sqs 60 sqs Timber, yp 116,000 ft bm, Steel Columns. . 105 tons Flooring, yp 73,000 ft bm, Steel Beams... . 252 tons Flooring, f" yp 46,000 ft bm, Concrete Floors Iron Work 46 tons and Roof 42,000 sq ft The building is very plain. Basement walls, 24"; 17" for next 4 stories; 13" for 2 top stories. For ordinary construction lOc is now (1912) a fair price in the up-to-date part of the continent; but 7c might be enough where material and wages are low. As to fireproof work it may run from 16c to 50c. A fine building erected in 302 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 1904 in Atlanta, for example, cost 41c. The Letter Building, Chicago, wholesale and retail store, with granite on 3 sides, 8 stories, cost in 1892, less than 20c. A very plain storehouse of 2 stories, no basement, brick walls, reinforced concrete floors, and galv iron frames in 1907 ran to $6.34 per sq ft of ground area, and 161c per cf, but this included $5,000 for shelving. Size 49'-4" by SO', and 153,900 cf to under side of first floor. " CONCRETE BUILDINGS are practically the same in cost as similar ones of steel frame construction up to about 6 stories in height in most parts of the United States. "For warehouses and manufacturing buildings, concrete is as reasonable as timber in first cost, unless the latter is com- paratively cheap. Late bids on 10 and more story loft and office buildings in New York City were approximately 10% higher than bids for steel frame buildings received at the same time. On the other hand, bids for manufacturing build- ings 6 stories high were the same percentage lower for con- crete than for steel frames. First costs for mill construc- tion warehouses up to 8 stories in height were slightly less than for similar buildings of concrete. One story structures can be erected with flat concrete roofs under favorable circum- stances as cheaply as in timber, unless the latter may be of open joist construction. In general, little can be saved by building in concrete, ex- cept in liability of loss by fire and its attendant inconveni- ences, delays, etc. In engine beds, col footings, etc, the old style unreinforced design, which has proved eminently satisfactory in the past, is often cheaper than the new style of reinforced work." Engineering Record. FACTORIES: Cotton mills are usually estimated by the sq ft taken on all floors. In New England the cost runs from 85c to 1.25, while in some southern states 70c is a large enough figure. In 1884 Mr. Edward Atkinson gave the following estimates: COST OF BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 303 MILL with 3 stories for machinery and a basement, 75 to 80c. MILL with 2, as above, no basement, 65c. MILL with 1 story, about 1 acre of floor, and small basement, 85c. The cf price is from lOc to 14c. " FACTORY BUILDINS of reinforced concrete," says one au- thority, " including windows, doors, and roofing, cost from 8 to 16c per cf." SPRINKLER SYSTEM: For a system installed in a 7 story building with 56,000 sq ft of ceiling, the cost was $5,500, or practically lOc per sq ft. The following extracts of a letter from an Eastern Mutual Fire Ins Co., give some useful figures on sprinklers: COST: "In general the cost of automatic sprinkler system installed (wet pipe) is not less than $3 per sprinkler, this, however, including only the pipe inside the building. In large cities where cost of labor is heigher and hours shorter, this cost runs up to something over $4. If a dry pipe sys- tem is installed it will add about $1 for each sprinkler head installed. AREA: The aver area covered by 1 sprinkler is perhaps 75 sq ft. Under light forms of construction the area is not over 60 sq ft, whereas in the better types of fireproof and slow burning construction the area per sprinkler varies between 90 and 100 sq ft. This will give some idea as to the approx cost of equipping the building. SUPPLY: To these figures there has to be added the cost of the water supplies. In some cases elevated tanks are needed in connection with fire pumps and in other cases public ser- vice connections are made with either tank or pump as may be deemed best to suit the conditions. The cost of tanks and pumps varies considerably from time to time." GRAIN 'ELEVATORS: To build an entire plant dryer house, power house, coal sheds, office, etc., allow $11.00 per 304 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR sq ft of elevator proper taken on ground floor only. For elevator alone, $8.60. For equipment, allow about 30% of total cost of all buildings. This plant cost nearly $220,000. Minor buildings of brick, main one of wood. Another cost $11 on basis of sq ft of elevators proper on ground floor; and $7.50 for elevators alone. About $320,000. Brick and wood as on first. BRICK STORES AND FLATS ABOVE: I have put in bids for a large number of these buildings, but have let the sizes slip. A figure of 10 to 14c per cf seems about right. For frame buildings 7 to lOc. FLATS: For dbl 2-story and basement brick, hardwood fin- ish on first floor, $210 per If from front to back; 5 per sq ft on area of first flooor, or 16c per cf. I built a pair in 1907-8, and the assessor got the value cor- rectly enough much more so than on large business build- ings. This figure does not include any profit. For frame, 15% less. But what are known as flats in New York, with fine masonry, elevators, and strictly modern equipment run as high as 25 to 35c for fire resisting floors and wood con- struction. TENEMENTS: Allow from $375 to $450 per room. HOSPITALS: No. 2, strictly fireproofed, 14c per cf; No. 1, of wood construction, about half as much; but both are only shells with practically no partitions. For fireproofed build- ings fully equipped, 30 to 40c. General hospitals per bed, $550 to $800. Cottage, $1,100 to $1,200. Complete hospital "plant," per bed, $1,800 to $2,400. HOTELS: From 20c for brick with ordinary construction to 50c per cf for fireproof work. Brown-Palace hotel, Denver, 30c; fireproof hotel, New York, 44c. RESIDENCES: Anywhere from lOc per cf. One of the best houses in Omaha cost from 20c to 22c, brick; a better one of stone, about 37c, but neither is fireproofed. Chicago price for city dwellings, 17 to 20c. For frame houses without mod- ern improvements, with shingle roofs, $300 to $350 per room; COST OF BUILDINGS PER SO AND CF 305 with modern imps, and part or all hardwood finish, slate roofs, $450 to $700. Brick houses, 8 to 10 rooms, 16c, ordinary finish with hardwood on first floor. Two story flats as already given are $5 on ground area, or $2.50 if both floors are taken. Residences may run all the way from $1.50 per sq ft of floor space to $10, and this with- out dealing with palaces. VENEERED houses 15 to 20c. For a 2 story frame, brick basement, 27,x56', finished for family on each floor, heated and modern, pitched roof, $3.60 per sq ft of ground floor, and 10*c per cf. COTTAGES: See Chap XXVII. SLAUGHTER HOUSES: Seventeen cents per cf. DRILL HALLS: Sixteen to 20c or $2 to $3. CHURCHES: Twenty to 50c; $5 to $14 per sq ft; per sitting $60 to $150. PUBLIC BATHS: From 35c to 45c. THEATRES: Per chair, $60 tc $120 per cf, 30c to 50c. ORDINARY CITY HALLS: From 25 to 40c. COURT HOUSE: Cook Co., Chicago, said to be the largest in the United States contains 12,000,000 cf, and the unit cost was 35c. Ordinary 25 to 30c. GARAGE: Of cement construction 16 to ISc per cf. STABLES: From 18 to 22c; $2.50 to $3.25; per animal $230 to $100 on ordinary building. DAIRY BARNS: Large frame barns, $1.50 per sq ft, 5c to 6c cf. Concrete basement. Brick, 7 to 8c. GREENHOUSES: Ordinary construction, 50c per sq ft; with brick foundations, 60. This is for the very cheapest style of construction, heated by supply from another building. The following figures are from the leading greenhouse builder in the United States. At best they are approximate, because each installation has its own details and environ- ments. Some require a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees; 306 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR others, 65 to 70; there are all cypress wood benches; iron frame benches and with cypress sides and bottom; or cypress and porous tile or slate; and the same ground plan might have an elevation costing twice as much as another. The first col gives the cost of house proper, the " extras " col is for excavation, foundation, boiler, cellar, work room, and hauling. No grading included, as that item is uncer- tain, water supply not brought to. building, and no cement sidewalks included outside. Area of house proper only is taken for both cols: work room is about 12'x20'. THE COST is given within a hundred miles of New York. The construction is of iron frame ventilated, heated, water piped, galv iron plant bench with cypress sides and porous tile bottoms for greenhouses; and the same with slate tops for palmhouses. Description 1| && 8 2l p 1 X H Sq Ft Price Complete No. 1, 18'x33' 4", Shingles 3' 0" High on Studs and Boarding; above Straight Double Slope Roof $1,500 $2.50 $380 $3.30 No 2 18'x66' 8" as above 2,700 2.25 460 2.64 No. 3, 1,167 sq ft, Curved Roof, Masonry Walls about 3' above ground 3 100 2.66 900 3.43 No. 4, 1,000 sq ft, Curved and Straight Roofs Masonry a J VI ,'- : *oo Sliding doors; 2 3-4 in. thick Lumber delivered $ 2 ?-0 pine, hung on Coburn hangers. Nails, delivered 1.35 Total square f ee t of surface of Labor 2.05 doors, 565. Lumber milled and deliv- Per M in place in building $25.40 e red .T.... ..... ..... $0.3326 Cost per square (100 sq. Hangers and other hard- ft. surface) , $6.06. ware 097 Matched spruce upper floor, laid Labor 0884 diagonally : Lumber, delivered $22.00 Total cost per square foot Nails, delivered 1.10 of door $0.488 Labor 8-30 Clapboards ; No. 2 pine, 4 in. to Per M in place in building $31.40 ClapbSuflV and nails deliv- Cost per square, $3.63. e*ed $47.00 Matched Norway pine wall and Labor 12.60 roof covering : Lumber, delivered $22.00 Per M in place on building $59.60 CHAPTER XXII RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF (SEE CHAP XXIII FOR ENGINE HOUSES.) STATIONS AND DEPOTS SqFt FRAME STATIONS with living rooms, pile foundations 1.70 FRAME STATIONS with brick or stone foundations... 1.70 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT DEPOTS, frame, pile foundations ;..... 1.50 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT DEPOTS, frame, brick or stone foundations $1.80 to 2.60 If not a standard the cost might be increased from 10 to 50 per cent. PASSENGER STATIONS, MODERN: Brick, stone, slate roof, hardwood finish, aver of 6 designs built, $3.60; running from $3.41 to $3.77. One of larger and better design cost $4.20. A western station, built about 20 yrs ago, with offices on 2d floor, cost $7.17 per sq ft of ground area. It is of stone with a slate roof. This includes area of baggage room, etc. BAGGAGE ROOMS, EXPRESS ROOMS, and such minor parts of the main structure run from $2 to $3 per sq ft if taken alone. FRAME STATION: A small frame station built in 1903 cost $2.50 per sq ft. The details of special work raised the cost. FREIGHT DEPOTS: Brick, $2.25 to $2.75 per sq ft with boiler room below. About 35c less without boiler room. SIGNAL TOWERS: These buildings are expensive when their small ground area is considered. For one 15'x25', con- crete basement, and 2 stories above, plate glass on 2d story, and furnace, but no equipment, $5.65 per sq ft, or 18c per cf. 314 RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 315 Another of the same style ran to $7 and 23c. But these prices might be cut in 2 for some kinds of towers. SHOP PLANTS POWER HOUSES: From $4 to $5 per sq ft for shell of build- ing only, without any equipment. See " Power Plants." BRICK CHIMNEY STACKS: The cheapest one I know of is sq, 150' high, and cost without profit, $35 per ft, foundation in- cluded. One of large radial brick, 175', 10' to T core, $45; an- other 200, 11 to 9 core, $55; both circular, but foundations are not included. A stack of radial brick 100'xS', $2,200; 125x6, $3,200, without foundations but distance from yard, etc, affects price. FOUNDATIONS: On the 200' stack the foundation would run about as follows: Excavation $210 Piling (if required) 600 Concrete 1,900 $2,710 REINFORCED CONCRETE STACKS: For the following ap- prox figures I am indebted to the Weber Co., of Chicago, This company has built about 500 stacks. Under this system the foundation necessarily goes with the stack so that the re- inforcement can be anchored. Height Diam. Foundation Total Cost 200 10 $400 $6,000 175 8 300 5,000 150 6 200 3,300 125 5 200 2,500 The foundations, on fair soil, go about 8' deep on a 200* stack on 6' on one of 175' high. One Reinforced Stack in Butte, is 350'xl8* One Reinforced Stack in Tacoma, is 300'xl8' One Reinforced Stack in Georgetown, is 275'xl7' One Reinforced Stack in New Orleans, is 250'xl5' One Reinforced Stack in London, Eng., is 250'x2(/ 316 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR STEEL STACKS: Self-sustaining steel stacks 7' diam, 150 ft high, without foundation, $29; 9' and 200', $33 set. For small guyed stacks allow per ft at factory as follows: 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" No. 14iron $1.35 $1.71 $2.07 $2.43 $2.79 No.l2iron 1.84 2.32 2.80 3.28 3.76 No. 10 iron 2.38 2.92 3.46 4.00 4.54 Allow setting extra at $15 to $40. Wire rope, f", 3c per ft; i", lc. For sizes not given allow 4 to 4c per Ib at factory. In 1904 a short 10'' stack cost 80c; 14", $1; 24", $1.15. See also Chap XIII, page 222. MACHINE AND ERECTING SHOPS: With areas of 50,000 to 100,000 sq ft the aver of 5 built when prices were low, was $1.80. The figures ran from $1.27 to $2.40. The Rock Island shop 860 ft long, is given in " The Railway Age " of Feb. 26, at $1.50. But cost of shops is heavily affected by foundations, and by style of construction. Foundations to grade may easily cost 25% of the total; and the lean-to style of the R. I. shop is far cheaper than if the outside walls were carried to level of main roof.. Everything is ready for cranes but none included. Piling if required, 14c per sq ft of total area. The highest price per cf, heated, should not exceed 8c. A M. & E. shop erected in 1902 with piling and extra heavy concrete foundations cost $2.97 per sq ft and 5.7lc per cf. Area 60,000 sq ft. BOILER SHOPS: From $1.30 to $1.85 with aver of $1.56 on 4 large ones built when prices were low. Piling about 9c if required per sq ft of total area. On one built in 1903 the sq ft cost was $2.67, and cf, 5.8c. Area 46,000 sq ft. BLACKSMITH SHOPS: The aver of 4 of large area in widely separately part of the country was $1.32 per sq ft when prices were low. The figures ran from $1.15 to $1.70. Piling if required, 6 to 7c. A shop built in 1906 cost $2.20 per sq ft. Area 34,000 sq ft. IRON HOUSE: Per sq ft, $2.00. COAL SHED: From $1.00 to $1.50. The following are the detailed percentages of a modern RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 317 BLACKSMITH SHOP AND A FOUNDRY B 'smith Foundry Excavation 46 1.11 Piling .... 1.98 2.55 Concrete Foundations and Small Floors . . 5 . 70 8 . 09 Concrete Water Table 60 .52 Cut Stone Window Sills 60 .51 Brickwork 13.70 14.81 Lumber 3.25 2.94 Millwork and Glass 3.62 3.29 Carpenter Labor 2.31 2. 19 Gravel Roof 1 .39 1 .43 Skylights 7.20 3. 11 Steel Lintels 2.58 3.58 Floor Track 1 .40 .22 Hardware, Ladders, Lantern Gearing 1 . 31 1 . 47 Painting , . 2.67 1.40 Galv Iron and Copper 1 .79 .80 Lockers 1.15 .84 Plumbing 4.10 2.66 Plaster 24 .07 Heating, Blast, Exhaust, Sump 3.34 7.73 Structural Steel 12.55 28.28 Structural Steel, Erecting 1 .54 3.41 Piping for Air, Steam , Water, Oil 5 . 27 4 . 20 Bins , Outside and Motor Platforms 3 . 70 4 . 79 Machine Foundations 7.01 Wiring, Lighting, Power 6.00 Furnaces and Foundations 4 . 24 Water Filter.., .40 100.00 100.00 SQ FT: Blacksmith shop, $2.20 per sq ft; foundry, $3.25. Add from 50 to 100% to cost of buildings proper for tools and equipment. No grading or filing. No fee or percentage. BINS: Outside foundry bins for coal, etc., 23c per sq ft on ground. LABOR: Carpenter labor on blacksmith shop, 5c per sq ft of area over building; car shop, 4$c; paint and wheel shop, 5.4c; foundry, 5.6; mill, 6.6c; all at 40c per hour. SQ AND CF COST: A comparison of sq and cf prices on actual cost of buildings proper runs as follows: Machine and erecting shop, $2.964 sq, 5.71c, cu; Boiler Shop, $2.665, 318 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 5.78c; Storehouse, $3.99, 12.2c; Pattern Shop, $2.863, 7.54c; Oil House, $2.03, 10.7c. STOREHOUSES: Of the heaviest construction, 2 stories, no basement, concrete, brick, steel, $3.80 sq ft. Without electric elevators, fireproof shutters, etc, $3.50. Deduct 25c if plat- forms are not required. A large storehouse, 2 stories and basement, was built for $3.05. But I know of another build- ing of the same nature and height with more and better out- side and inside finish, plumbing, elevators, electric wiring, etc, which ran to $5.25, or 13c per cf. For shelving and uprights allow about 2| ft for each sq ft of total net floor space. Piling, if required, 13c sq ft of ground floor. But the Rock Island storehouse at Moline, 111., is given in the " Railway Age " of Feb. 26, '04, at $1.50 per sq ft. It is a 3 story brick, wood construction inside, and the price is based on the ground area only. The total area is 5 times as large as that of the new Union Pacific storehouse, Omaha. The size is 500'xlOO'; and and 3.6 per cf matches the price given on the sq ft basis. It seems too low a figure; but the cost is not official. The storehouse for the Seaboard Air line at Portsmouth, Va., cost $1.17 per sq ft on ground floor; but it is brick only to the window sill, and unsheeted frame above covered with galv iron. It is 2 stories and a basement. The frame building described on page 35 is a kind of a storehouse. It is sheeted inside on first story, and has shelv- ing, refrigerator, and office in 1 end. Without any founda- tion, $1.16 per sq ft. OIL HOUSES AND PLATFORMS: From $2.50 to $3.50 per sq ft of building, but this included platforms. Platforms are about 50% more than buildings proper. Concrete and brick. But here it may be worth while to say that to get good results from either the sq or cf basis it is necessary to have a building of reasonable size. An oil house might be 150' long, or it might be 20, but in both cases 2 gables are required. The cost is distributed over a large area in the one case, and a small in the other. RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 319 CAR SHOPS The detailed percentages of two large buildings will serve as a guide for an approx estimate. No. i No. 2 Excavation 66 .23 Concrete Foundations 7.40 5.38 Concrete Coach Pits 3.73 1 Concrete Floor in Coach Repair Shop 1 . 38 ( 7. 22 Concrete Floors in Two Lavatories 23 J Concrete Water Table and Door Sills 38 Stone Window Sills 28 Brickwork 12.47 11.22 Lumber 5.56 3.68 Millwork and Glass 2.68 2.84 Carpenter Labor 2.67 2.73 Steel Lintels 2.05 1.84 Structural Steel (450 tons) 20 . 08 23 . 02 Unloading and Setting S. Steel 2 . 47 2 . 55 Galv Iron and Copper 1.58 1.73 Skylights 9.39 9.21 Gravel Roof 1.58 1.93 Floor Track 1.58 1.61 Hardware, Ladders, Lantern Sash Device 1.41 1.68 Lockers 74 1.10 Painting 1.51 1.58 Plumbing 3.51 2.10 Heating 8.24 8.48 Air, Steam and Water Pipe 8. 24 8. 52 Plaster in Lavatories 18 .06 100.00 100.00 REMARKS: In No. 1 the total area over the walls was 85,980 sq ft. The cost as above, without architect's fee or contractor's percentage, 6c per cf; $1.70 per sq ft. The height to eaves 25 ; 4". No grading or filling is allowed. Owing to nature of ground the foundations had to run deep one-half the amount might be sufficient for foundations and pits. If piling is required allow 7c per sq ft of total area. In some shops pits are not used. The total area of No. 2 was 84,113 sq ft. The cost as on No. 1, $1.68. The height to eaves 25' 4". No grading or fill- ing. Foundations were as deep as on No. 1, but did not have to be so far spread as there was no piling. 320 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR In both the figures for heating and piping are approximate and safe. WOODWORKING: On 3 built, $1 to $1.40. CAR AND COACH SHOPS: From $1.25 to $2 on several. PAINT AND FREIGHT: From $1.25 to $2 on several. DRY KILN: From $1.60 to $3. LAVATORIES: Separate 1-story brick buildings, with the finest plumbing, ex metal lockers, etc, $3.70 to $4.25 per sq ft. The aver of 3 is $3.75. Inside of main building, $3. Approx, 12c per sq ft of complete ground floor area of main buildings. Ex metal lockers, $5 each. All figures given are for best construction of concrete, brick and steel. SAND HOUSES: On 2 the estimates were 78c and 80c per sq ft without crane. Size 14'x20' and 16'x20'. Crane com- plete with base and labor, $156.00. On house proper labor is 50% of material. LUMBER SHEDS: Allow 48c per sq ft of actual ground surf, with deep concrete piers set 16' centers. With piers about 4' deep instead of 9', 40c. About 16' high, with second story floor over of area. BUNK HOUSES: From $1.05 on pile foundations to $1.25 for stone or brick. ICE HOUSES: On 8 houses with floor space from 5,000 to 11,000 sq ft the estimated cost was from 80 to 96c per sq ft, with an aver of 89c. Machinery, $600 to $900 each house extra. For dbl platforms $5.00 per If. On a house of later design, $1.30 per sq ft; 57c per sq ft of outside walls to level of wall plates, not including gables; 5.4c per cf to level of wall plates. Material 63%; labor 37% of total. Size 24'xl60'x24' high to plates. No machinery or percentage. For houses 32' high $1.50 to $2. But sometimes the sq ft cost is doubled, and the labor instead of being reasonable is several times higher than it should be. RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 321 AN ARTIFICIAL ICE plant costs about $1,000 per ton capacity. YIELD OF ICE: An acre of ice, 12" thick, yields about 1,000 tons. It costs from 80c to $1 to put ice in house. The shrinkage from time of packing to August is about 12% in an unopened house. ICE HOUSES for private families, 8'x8'x8', are described in " Carpentry and Building," Aug., '07. They cost from $100 to $200. STAND PIPE: Mansfield, 12", $320; 10, $220. Pit, $125. One of reinforced concrete, 40'xlOO', $34,000; in steel, $37,500 bid; Attleboro, Mass. SHELTER SHEDS: Wood posts, flooring and gravel roof, no floor, 2 coats mineral paint, 33 to 45c per sq ft of roof surf depending upon length, etc. COACH SHOP: The Seaboard Line Coach shop, brick to window sills, studs unsheeted, covered with galv iron, 68c; planing mill of same style, $1.29. The published figures of cost of the WABASH PLANT AT DECATUR: cf Power House 3.4c Blacksmith and Machine Shop 3.0c Car Shop 2.7c Store and Office 5.5c Wood Mill 2.9c Tin, Cabinet and Upholstery 4.5c Dry Kiln Lavatory 5.4c Dry Lumber Sheds 2.3c Iron, Coal and Coke . 3.5c The buildings are of timber frames with No. 24 ex metal and plaster 1" thick outside, 1" inside, and an 8" air space. The following useful figures are taken from the Railroad Gazette of July 1, 1904. They are compiled by Master Mechanics: 322 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR COST OF LOCOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOPS " In selecting units on which to base cost figures the sq ft and the cf have generally been used for buildings; in . power plants the engine h p, boiler h p and generator kilowatts have also been used;- in roundhouses the stall has been taken as the proper unit. In computing the sq ft of buildings, the outside dimensions have been used (giving the ground area covered) ; in computing the cf of buildings, the aver external height has been taken ( giving the total volume occupied). In the figures which follow, the different items are identi- fied by reference numbers only, with such explanatory notes added as will aid in interpreting the unit prices; shops built prior to 1895 are designated as " old," those built since 1895, as "modern;" in a few cases the notes are based on uncer- tain information and are followed by an interrogation mark (?). It is believed that in most cases the cost of a proposed shop will be asked for as soon as the layout plan has been completed, and that the following is the best basis for mak- ing an estimate: List up all the buildings, with their ground area in sq ft, all the miscellaneous structures, either on the sq ft, the If, or the unit basis (as may appear best), all the track on the If basis, the turnouts on the unit basis, etc; assign a unit price to each item, as determined by the special local conditions, carry out the cost extensions and totalize; to the total thus obtained add a percentage to cover inci- dentals and items not shown by the layout plan; this per- centage may vary from a minimum of 10% to a maximum of 25%, according to the completeness of the layout plan and the degree of confidence which may be felt in the unit prices assumed; the grand total should represent the approx cost of the plant, exclusive of the cost of land and grading, which should be estimated separately, these two items not being susceptible of reduction in a unit basis. If the build- ings have been designed in detail their cost may be checked upon the cf basis. The report is signed by R. H. Soule, Chairman; L. R. Pomeroy, T. H. Curtis, S. F. Prince, Jr., A. E. Manchester. RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 323 POWER PLANTS TOTAL COST Cost per Cost per Engine Generator Cost per Cost per Item HP K W Sq Ft CF Notes 131 131.33 219.00 11.40 .40 Far West, modern; a sub- stantial effective plant devoid of ornamentation refinement; coal dumped from trestle and shoveled t ashes shoveled. 132 140 . 27 210 .00 7 . 00 .18 Middle West modern; build- ing has considerable orna- mentation inside and out, but the equipment auxili- aries are simple; overhead crane in engine room. 133 115.00 167.00 12.20 .28 East, modern; building has considerable ornamenta- tion alternating current apparatus inside and out; principally with auxiliary direct current equipment. 134 185.06 278.00 11.50 .36 Middle West, modern; in- cludes (besides boilers, en- gine generators, and air compressors, induced draft apparatus, coal and ash handling apparatus, hydraulic plant, etc. 135 129.28 210.60 14.62 .33 Middle West, modern; a very complete plant both mechanically and architec- turally. 136 123.00 191.00 14.30 .36 Middle West, modern; large enough to allow for a one- third increase in capacity of plant. 137 129.00 225.00 10.40 .58 East, modern; fireproof con- struction throughout. 138 90.90 151.50 10.40 .24 West, modern; a simple but "effective plant limited to direct current, no coal or ash handling apparatus. 139 128.60 211.00 10.55 .31 Middle West, modern; con- densing equipment. 324 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR ERECTING AND MACHINE SHOPS Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 140 3.50 1.08 .71 5.34 .076 .115 141 1.03 2.49 .187 3.70 .034 .123 142 .706 1.78 .... 029 143 1.67 2.05 .086 3.79 .051 .118 144 2.43 .81 .... 051 145 1.65 2.69 .... 041 146 1.80 1.65 .... 046 147 1.82 .050 148 3.08 1.65 .073 140. East, modern; brick and steel transverse shop, erect- ing shop has both heavy and light cranes; machine shop has crane service throughout, saw tooth roof. 141. Middle West, old; brick and wood, transverse shop in 2 parts, 1 part 1 story with slate roof, the other part 2 stores with gravel roof. 142. Middle West, old; stone and wood, transverse shop, gravel roof supported by posts. 143. Middle West, old; brick with wood and iron roof trussing and shingle roof, longitudinal shop, machine shop on one side, traveling cranes in erecting shop. 144. Middle West, modern; brick and steel, transverse shop, high for f of width with heavy crane, the remaining being low, with saw tooth roof. 145. Middle West, 3 old, new, brick and steel, transverse shop, new part 2 stories; no traveling cranes. 146. Pacific Northwest, modern; brick and steel, over- head crane. 147. Pacific Southwest, modern; brick and steel, overhead crane. \ 148. Far West, modern; brick and steel, overhead crane. MACHINE SHOP Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 157 .952 .038 157. Middle West, old; brick and wood, gravel roof sup ported by posts. RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF BOILER AND TANK SHOPS 325 Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 158 159 160 161 162 163 2.98 1.58 .84 1.66 .99 1.53 .72 .40 .94 .48 '.96 ,84 !676 ,083 4.54 i!87 2.24 .083 .049 .033 .059 .025 .095 .127 '.075 .080 158. East, modern; brick and steel, cranes cover entire floor, saw tooth roof. 159. Middle West, modern; brick and steel, one-half width high for crane service, the other half lower and without crane. 160. Middle West, old; brick and wood with slate roof. 161. Middle West, old; brick and wood, shingle roof, gal- lery along one side, cranes over part of floor space. 162. Pacific Southwest, modern; brick and steel, overhead crane, smith shop in one end. 163. Middle West, f old, new; brick and wood, new part 2 stories, no overhead cranes. (?) SMITH SHOPS Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. .110 .171 .050 .348 164 .... .734 165 2.'63 .982 166 1.79 .144 167 .432 2.26 168 1.06 1.09 169 2.25 t 170 1.43 '.'665 171 1.50 .... 172 2.37 i.'96 173 1.21 .... 174 1.38 175 .91 .60 3.78 2.77 2.22 4.68 Cost per CF Total Building only Total .080 .049 .019 .035 ;642 .'052 .041 .115 .074 .104 .055 164. Middle West, old. 165. East, modern; brick and steel, high and light, thoroughly equipped. 166. Middle West, modern; brick and steel, 100' wide, hip roof without posts. 326 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 167. Middle West, old; brick and wood with slate roof. 168. Middle West, old; brick and wood, shingle roof. 169. Southeast, modern; brick and steel, unusually high (33' from floor to lower chord of roof truss.) (These figures should be used with caution, as they are not official, but were taken from a published statement.) 170. Middle West, modern; brick and steel. 171. Middle West, modern; brick and steel, tile and gravel roof. 172. Middle West, modern; brick and steel, brass foundry and car machine shop under same roof, equipment very complete. 173. East, modern; concrete and steel, 80' span, no posts. 174. Northeast, modern; brick and wood, 60' span, no posts, simple construction. 175. Middle West, old, J new; brick and wood (?). IRON FOUNDRY Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 176 3.18 .... 176. Brick and steel, modern; U. S. Navy Yard, Bremer- ton, Wash. PATTERN AND UPHOLSTERY SHOP Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 178 .857 .... .131 .988 .043 .050 178. Middle West, old; modern building, 2 stories. PASSENGER CAR REPAIR SHOPS Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 179 1.24 .016 1.25 .042 .043 180 1.20 .... .... 181 2.64 .044 .096 2.78 .099 .105 182 1.34 .... .015 1.35 .056 .057 183 .68 .003 .057 .74 .026 .028 184 .83 .029 RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 327 179. Middle West, modern; longitudinal shop, brick and wood. 180. Southeast, modern; transverse shop, brick and wood, has upholstery and cabinet shops under same roof. (These figures should be used with caution, as they are not official, but were taken from a published statement.) 181. Middle West, modern; transverse shop, brick and steel, includes upholstery and trimming shop and hot air heating. 182. East, modern; transverse shop, brick and steel, with cement foundation, saw tooth, wooden roof. 183. Southeast, modern; transverse shop, brick up to window sills, corrugated galv iron sheathing on wooden frame above, gravel roof, granolithic floor, used also for painting and varnishing. (Identical with Passenger Car Paint Shop No. 193.) 184. Middle West, old; brick and wood (?). PASSENGER CAR PAINT SHOPS Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost'per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 185 1.24 .044 1.24 .04 .04 186 1.94 .055 .092 2.09 .072 .178 187 1.02 .... .... 033 188 1 . 20 189 1.01 .... .039 1.05 .035 .036 190 .35 191 2.36 .009 .056 2.43 .081 .084 192 1.13 .... .009 1.14 .051 .052 193 .68 .003 .057 .74 .026 .028 194 .89 .... .... 032 185. Middle West, modern; longitudinal shop, brick and wood. 186. East, modern, longitudinal shop, brick and steel, saw tooth roof, hot air heating. 187. Pacific Southwest, modern; transverse shop, brick and steel. 188. Southeast, modern; transverse shop, brick and wood, has varnish room and pipe shop under same roof. (These figures should be used with caution, as they are not official, but were taken from a published statement.) 328 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 189. Northeast, modern; longitudinal shop, brick and steel, includes small paint, varnish and boiler rooms at one end. 190. South, old; wooden structure. 191. Middle West, modern; transverse shop, brick and steel, includes cleaning room , varnish room and hot air heating. 192. East, modern; transverse shop, brick and steel with cement foundations, saw tooth, wooden roof. 193. Southeast, modern; transverse shop, brick up to win- dow sills, corrugated galv iron sheathing on wooden frame above; gravel roof, granolithic floor, used also for coach re- pairs. (Identical with Passenger Car Repair Shop No. 183.) 194. Middle West, old; brick and wood (?). FREIGHT CAR REPAIR SHOPS Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 195 .40 .... .016 .415 .022 .023 196 2.12 .123 .047 2.29 .075 .080 197 .29 .... .... .29 .015 .015 195. Middle West, old; wooden building, longitudinal, entirely enclosed. 196. Middle West, modern; brick and steel, longitudinal, includes cabinet shop and hot air heating. 197. Middle West, old; large shop, longitudinal, construc- tion not known, but probably wood with partly open sides. CAR SMITH AND CAR MACHINE SHOPS Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 199 .77 1.06 .... 028 199. Middle West, old; brick and wood (?) WHEEL AND AXLE SHOP Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 200 4.03 2.16 .72 6.91 .16 .276 200. West, modern; brick and steel, for car work only. CAR REPAIR SHOP AND PLANING MILL Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 201 .975 ,.031 RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 329 201. Pacific Southwest, modern; brick and steel, has inter- mediate 2-story section for sub departments. PLANING MILLS Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 202 .487 .54 .010 1.04 .026 .056 203 1.15 1.18 .25 2.58 .045 .102 204 .76 1.21 .292 2.26 .033 .098 205 1.85 .... .... 206 .37 .... .... 207 2.54 1.44 .082 4.06 .095 .153 208 2.53 .558 .... 057 209 .39 .50 .... 014 210 .74 .485 .239 1.47 .037 .073 202. Middle West, old; wooden building, tools and equip- ment very light. 203. Southeast, modern; brick up to floor line, then cor- rugated galv iron on insulated wooden frame, basement and 1 story, gravel roof, mechanical power in annex, cabinet shop in wing. 204. Middle West, old; brick and wood, slate roof. 205. Southeast, modern; steel and brick. (These figures should be used with caution, as they are not official, but were taken from a published statement.) 206. South, old; wooden structure. 207. Middle West, modern; brick and steel, does not in- clude cabinet shop, which is separate. 208. Middle West, old; brick and wood, includes pattern shop (?). 210. West, modern; wooden (?). STOREHOUSES. Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 211 1.142 .168 1.31 .044 .050 212 3.60 213 3.05 .67 3.72 .073 .089 214 2.40 .... 2.72 .110 .124 215 2.00 .... .... 050 211. Southeast, modern; brick up to window sills, then corrugated galv iron on unsheathed wooden frame, 2 stories, gravel roof, platform, bins, shelves, etc., complete. 330 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 212. Southeast, modern; brick and steel, 2 stories and basement, extensive offices in 1 end on both floors. (These figures should be used with caution, as they are not official, but were taken from a published statement.) 213. Middle West, modern; brick and wood, 3 stories. 214. East, modern; concrete construction, 1 end 2 stories, upper floor used for offices. 215. Middle West, old; brick and wood, 2 stories (?). OIL HOUSES Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. 216 217 218 219 216. 5.41 3.52 1.33 2.15 Cost per CF Total Building only Total 1.43 6.84 .208 .263 1.55 5.07 .196 .302 089 1.34 3.49 .097 .159 Middle West, modern; brick and steel, basement and 1 story, full equipment of tanks, etc. 217. East, modern; concrete walls and roof, 1 story with deep basement. 219. West, modern; brick and steel, tile roof, 2 stories. Item 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 ROUNDHOUSES Cost per Stall No. of Stalls Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. 18 46 10 10 30 13 8 7 33 44 30 25 48 25 18 23 44 40 1,388.88 1,155.00 2,400.00 1,757.70 1,040 ! 66 2,750.00 1,033.00 1,998.00 4,150.00 1,950.00 2,480.00 1,719.00 1,011.00 1,065.00 1,740.00 1,875.00 133.00 328.00 87.50 787.50 Total 2,090.00 1,500.00 2,200.00 1,845.00 2,459.00 2,455! 66 2,750.00 RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 331 220. Middle West, old; 63' span, brick and wood, slate roof, trussed (no posts). 221. Pacific Southwest, modern; 80' span, brick and wood, roof supported by posts. 222. Far West, modern; part 75' span, part 85' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 223. Far West, modern; 85' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 224. Middle West, old; 65' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 225. Middle West, old; 78' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 226. Middle West, modern; 89' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 227. Middle West, old; 80' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 228. East, modern; 81' span, brick and steel, gravel roof, supported by flat truss (no posts), rolling steel doors, cost does not include heating equipment. 229. Northwest, modern; 84' span, brick and wood, gravel roof supported by posts, cost does not include heating equip- ment. 230. Northeast, modern; 80' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts, annex with boilers, heating appara- tus (hot air), and air compressor. 231. East, modern; 90' span, brick and steel, slag roof, with crane runway covering outer half of span, has very heavy pile and stone foundation. 232. East, modern; 80' span, concrete and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 233. Northeast, modern; 75' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 234. Northeast, modern; 75' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 235. Northeast, modern; 72' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, supported by posts. 236. West, modern; 80' span, brick and wood, gravel roof, suppor.ted by posts. 332 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 237. Middle West, part old, part modern; 70' and 85' spans, gravel roof, supported by posts ( ?) . LAVATORY Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 239 .... 2.55 239. Middle West, modern; aver of 3 large lavatories (in- cluding water closets, urinals, wash room and locker rooms) ; buildings of concrete and brick with tile roofs on wooden trusses; cement floors, complete with contents, ready to use. OFFICE BUILDINGS Cost per Sq Ft of Ground Area Cost per CF Item Building only Tools Misc. Eqpt. Total Building only Total 240 .306 .030 241 8.01 .557 .295 8.86 .167 .187 242 1.04 .... .034 240. Middle West, old; frame building with brick founda- tion, includes M. M. store department, steam heat. 241. Middle West, modern; brick and wood, basement, 2 stories and attic, ornamental architecture. 242. Middle West, old; wooden, 2 stories and base- ment (?). TRACK Cost Add for Item per LF each Switch NOTES 243 0.70 170.00 Based on use of " fit " (second hand) 67 Ib rail. 244 1.00 180.00 Based on use of "fit" (second hand) 85 Ib rail. fl.OO 75.00] 245 \ to to \ Based on use of new rail, according to [1.25 125. 00 J weight. TURNABLES Item Diameter Cost NOTES 246 70 ft $3,000 Exclusive of pit. 247 70 ft 5,091 Including pit (?). Item 248 249 RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF TRANSFER PITS AND TABLES 333 Cost per Sq Ft of Pit Pit Table Total .31 .17 .48 .43 .16 .59 NOTES Far West, modern; to handle the heaviest class of engines. East, modern; pit of concrete through- out; capacity of table, 200 tons. Item 250 251 252 253 254 255 MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES Name Cost Ash Pit $30.20 per If. Coal Chute 65 per sq ft. Water Tank 1,900 .00 total Water Pipe, Underground Laid. . . Sewer Pipe, Underground Laid Long lines of Wrt Iron Pipe (for Air, Gas or Water), with Usual Proportion of Valves, Fittings, etc., in Place. NOTES 1.43 per If. 2. 88 per If. 25. 00 per 100 If I" diam. 45. 00 per 100 If 2" diam. 85. 00 per 100 If 3" diam. 130. 00 per 100 If 4" diam. 251. Two sided with trestle approach (?) 252. Fifty thousand gall capacity on timber trestle (?) 252. Large system, pipes from 12" down to 4". 254. Large system, pipes from 24" down to 12". 255. Given by large pipe contracting firm of PTttsburg. MINOR BUILDINGS Cost Item Name per SF 256 Iron Storehouse 24 257 Brass Foundry 1 . 96 258 Upholstery Shop 58 259 Paint Mixing Shop.. .58 260 Paint Storehouse 1 . 75 261 Freight Repair Shed . 11 262 Dry Kiln 79 263 Lumber Shed 21 264 Storehouse Shed 31 265 Coal Shed 24 266 Coal Shed 25 267 Charcoal shed 21 268 Ice House 57 269 Ice House 60 270 Crematory 2.52 271 Small Office Building .50 Cost perCF .011 .098 .029 .029 .087 NOTES Old, Wooden (?). Old, Brick and Wood (?). Old. Brick and Wood (?). Old, Brick and Wood (?). Old, Brick and Wood (?). New,Wooden,OpenSides(?). .039 Old, Wooden (?). Old Wooden ,OpenSides(?) Old. Wooden (?). Old, Wooden (?). Old, Wooden (?). Old, Wooden (?). .015 .020 .021 .017 .028 .030 .210 Old, Wooden (?). Old, Wooden (?). . . Old, Wooden, One Story. (The Report of the Master Mechanics ends here.) 334 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR SHOP EQUIPMENT FOUNDATIONS FOR STEAM HAMMERS: The following figures are approx, as depth, soil and manufacturers' ideas differ. On good soil piles are unnecessary. See page 45 for cost of concrete for machine foundations: 800 Ib HAMMER: 1,050' lumber $31.25 15 yds excavation 7.50 12 piles 72.00 12 cy concrete 84.00 Bolts 5.00 $199.75 1,100 Ib: 1,650' lumber $49.50 15 yds excavation 7.50 12 piles 72.00 12 cy concrete 84.00 Bolts , 8.00 $221.00 2,500 Ib: 2,150' lumber $64.50 25 yds excavation 12.50 16 piles 96.00 25 cy concrete 175.00 Bolts 12.00 $360.00 5,000 Ib: 3.350' lumber $100.50 30 yds excavation 15.00 22 piles 132.00 28 cy concrete 196.00 $443.50 RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 335 CRANES: 50 ton electric, 75' span $19,000 25 ton electric, 75' span 12,000 10 ton electric 6,200 15 hand 1,000 Motors included. Prices vary according to span, etc. 15 ton electric, 50' span and 5 ton auxiliary hoist. . $4,800 10 ton electric, 53' 3,750 2 ton electric, 24' 2,000 20 ton electric, 50 4,750 60 ton stationary, electric 7,000 2 ton jib, electric 450 5 ton jib, electric 1,300 1 ton wall, electric 150 10 ton gantry, 53' 4,600 No freight or erection. SAND CRANE installed, $175. CUPOLAS FOR FOUNDRIES: For 63", $975; 78", $1,380. CONDENSER for 2,000 h p, $10,000. BLUE PRINTING: Electric machines (large) from $230 to $400. BENCHES BRAZING with I" steel top, 3" plank, drawers and doors, $6.00 per If. CABINET MAKERS' BENCH fully equipped, to special design, $75. MACHINE BENCH, covered with |" steel top, 4 large drawers, 15 trays, both of steel, and doors, $8 per If. CARPENTER'S BENCH on average building, $4.10. BOILERS For 250 h p marine, $3,900, not set. For 100 h p, $1,100, not set. For 2 42"xl4' set up, $1,450. 336 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR MOTORS For 12 h p, 185 r p m $700 For 5 h p, 870 r p m 140 For 5 h p, 1,100 r p m 180 For 3 h p, 1,600 r p m 80 For 3 h p, 1,100 r p m 105 For 7 h p, 1,180 r p m 140 For 7 h p, 1,456 r p m 185 For 10 h p, 1.175 r p m 170 For 2 h p, 1,200 r p m 80 For 30 360 FANS: For 60" $400 Chicago For 45" 330 With 4 and 3 h p motors. For 36" with motor attached $180.00 net For 30" with motor attached 140.00 net For 24" with motor attached 110.00 net For 18" with motor attached 85.00 net WATER METERS 2" $66 3" 140 Crown 4" 251 Crown 6" 500 See also Chap XVIII. WATER FILTERS: For 240 men, $300 in place, 7 to 14 galls per minute. For 15 to 30 galls, $400 set up; 24 to 48 galls, $630; 100 to 200 galls, $1,700. For domestic use from $10 up. TURNSTILES: From $40 to $200. TRANSFER TABLES AND PITS: Pits may cost from $25 to $35 per If, depending upon depth and sections; for an 80' table $6,600; 90', $7,000 to $7,500. REFRIGERATORS:! 7'xlO'xl2', $225. 1 9'xl9'xl2', $460. Or 27c and 23c per cf for common work of 3 thicknesses of flooring, 4 of paper, and 1" of mineral wool. RAILROAD BUILDINGS PER SQ AND CF 337 HEATER BOX: One 12'xl4'x9'-6" high, ceiled both sides, and lined with No. 22 galv iron, heated by coils, $360, complete, or 23c per cf. Coils 40c per sq ft. SILVERING TABLE: Copper lined, $2 per sq ft. LIGHTNING RODS: They should weigh not less than C oz to the foot. They are worth in place for ordinary buildings 45c per ft; and for chimney stacks, $1. WINDMILLS: For 12', $250; 20', $400; 25', $475. TRACK: Standard gauge $1.25 per ft; 2' gauge light rails, 65c. Turntables $50. WATER PIPE: Laid, 6" $1.40 per ft Laid, 8" 1.60 per ft Laid, 10" 1.80 per ft Laid, 12" 2.20 per ft Laid, 18" 3.50 per "ft Laid, 24" 5.00 per ft Laid, 36" 8.75 per ft Laid, 48" 15.50 per ft LABOR on laying 18", 50c; 24, 75c; 36, $1; 48, $1.50, included in total. But cast iron pipe varies greatly in weight, according to use, pressure, etc. See table in Chap XXVIII. SEWERS: See under "Municipal Work." SHOP FLOORS: For a damp proof floor, 8 bbls cinders to 1 of coal tar, laid 6" thick, allow 8c per sq ft; and for the 3"x4" bedded 16" on centers in the mixture, and covered wth 3" flooring, 16c making a total of 24c per sq ft. Various kinds of these floors run from 24c to 30c. COAL TAR costs more than water gas tar. Bids on a large quantity ran from $2.70 to $3.90 per bbl of 52 galls. Water gas, about $2.00 to $2.50. Coal tar is used on gravel roofs. CHAPTER XXIII STANDARD 10-STALL 79.5, 85, AND 90 ENGINE HOUSES ALSO A 50-STALL RECTANGULAR ENGINE HOUSE The standard engine house is now being increased from 80 to 85 and 90' on main lines of railroad. Standards naturally differ on different roads, but a fair aver may be obtained from the following figures. As the 85 and 90' houses are of recent growth the estimate will be of value, but a few remarks are necessary to remind the reader that all kinds of changes are possible and that local conditions might seriously affect the total. Length is over walls not inside: EXCAVATION: The allowance is about 4' below base of rail. Instead of excavation a fill might be necessary, or the natural surf might be several ft too high, perhaps adding hundreds of dollars to the cost. Then the pits might not require to be excavated in the center, but only for footings run down on each side in the firm soil. CONCRETE OR RUBBLE : Quantity depends upon the sec- tion used, and price upon locality. Footings are estimated 3' wide. The bottom of pits might be of same thickness full length; or might have to be level on base and the slope of solid concrete. There is more labor required on pits and angles than on a straight wall. Am. Portland is estimated. CUT STONE: Water table and sills are estimated at 8x8; for ordinary work 5x7 is used. Door sills are est stone. Water table might be of concrete. Window caps might be of stone, and not old rail to be cut and set. Pier blocks might be iron and not stone as below. A local stone might be sup- plied for $1.20 per cf instead of $1.40 as estimated. Unload- ing and setting, 15%, total, $1.61. -Range work might have to be added. 338 ENGINE HOUSES 339 8S38888888888888 TH t^ CO 00 O tO i"H *O ^^ O^ tQ ^^ ^^ O O 00 CO COCOCOCO i iI>'(NiO*O'-HiO CO O *O ^ r- ( O O5 O O CO ^ to CO i I X^ OS O5 O CO 00 00 QO rt^ < CO CO ^^ l-H CO iO I-H i-i o o '06 rJ s, N 5 e 340 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR BRICK: Walls ought to be 17", but in a fit of economy they might be cut to 13"; and height might be changed. Size and number of openings; price of brick, pilasters, and cornices are all subject to change. Pressed brick might be used. Number is given in wall measure. LUMBER: This material is of various prices in different sections of the country; millwork varies by 20 to 30% even in the same section; carpenters are paid 30c in one place and 45 in another; and paving might be used in one house and left out in the next. An extra line of inside posts is used on the 90' house. There is no painting ets'd on brick, posts or ceiling. Smoke jacks and ventilators are of wood add $230 if steel is wanted. PITS: Pits are deducted from paving; and length is in- creased to correspond with house. PIPING is for air, steam and water. There is no gutter. Net prices are used. DROP PIT: If drop pit is used allow $400 extra. The aver contractor would take such buildings for a profit of 5%, or about $800 additional; and out of this pay insur- ance, etc. If thrown open to bidding a cut of 10 to }5% might be made and the usual crop of accidents, liens, lawsuits, etc, sprung up to vex the earth. On the basis of 17 used on No. 2 (See Chap V). 160,600, 170,700, and 179,800 actual brick are required; at 17 to the cf, as with very small brick, 165,350, 175,800, 185,100; at 15$ for very large, 146,500, 155.700, and 164,000, or a difference of about 20,000. On the 16i basis used on No. 8 153,550, 163,200, 171,900 for the 3 different houses in round numbers, with brick clear to grade. INSIDE STALLS For inside stalls on same basis: Excavation... 95 cy 103 113 $28.50 $30.90 $33.90 Concrete 61 68 75 335.50 374.00 412.50 Cut Stone 25 25 28 40.25 40.25 .45.10 Brick 11,500 11,800 12,100 126.50 129.80 133.10 Old Rail.. 12.00 12.00 12.00 ENGINE HOUSES 341 Lumber 10,20010,70011,500 183.60 192.60 207.00 Millwork 80.00 80.00 80.00 Carp Labor.... 87.00 95.00 105.00 Gravel Roof. . . 63.00 67.95 72.90 Hardware 30.00 30.00 30.00 Painting 20.00 20.00 20.00 Smoke- jack & vent 55.00 55.00 55.00 Track 48.00 51.00 54.00 Piping 160.00 165.00 170.00 Paving 119.00 130.00 138.85 Total $1,388.35 $1,473.50 $1,569.35 Add whatever profit is considered possible to total cost price. For 8 inside Stalls $11,106.80 $11.788.00 $12,554.80 For 2 Outside Stalls 4,785.20 5,099.40 5,387.85 $15,892.00 $16,887.40 $17,942.65 For 1 Outside Stall $2,392.60 $2,549.70 $2,693.95 For 1 Inside Stall 1,388.35 1,473.50 1,569.35 Difference $1,004.25 $1,076.20 $1,124^0 At 17 brick to the cf an inside stall requires 8,700, 8,900, 9,150. PIT: For the excavation of a standard pit allow 34 cf to each If full length of pit. and add 3 cy for the deep end. For concrete or rubble deduct the 2 ends, or 6' 2", from extreme length, and allow 184 cf for them; then multiply each If of straight pit by 21.07, and add 184 to the result for the total in cf. PILES: If piles are used, staggered about 4' centers, allow for walls and piers, 64 for the 2 end stalls, and 14 for each inside stall. For each pit, 36. At $5 per pile, $268 per stall on a 90', 10 stall house. If concrete is used instead of timbers, allow 2.5 cf to each If of pit, a total of 23.57 cf. RECTANGULAR ENGINE HOUSE: When finishing the foregoing estimates I saw a plan of a rectangular engine house in "The Engineering News," New York, N. Y. It is rather an interesting substitute for the ordinary roundhouse, and as the cost was not given among the other advantages or drawbacks I made an estimate, as nearly as possible with- out working plans, so that a comparison might be had with the 342 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 85' radial house. To correspond with that the size of the plan was changed to 85' over walls instead of inside. The depth of footings and height of walls are the same; roof is est at i" rise to the ft; prices are same. Steel lintels are put over triple openings, and that increases the cost; but there would not be sufficient light with 2 ordinary windows. Skylight and lantern are extra, and none too large. The cost of a transfer pit recently erected was $21 per If; but in some cases with deep concrete this might run as high as $35; with end walls not necessary in " Eng News" plan, and with 1 wall fewer in center the cost is $18 on same sec- tions and depth. Pit is given separately, although enclosing walls necessarily go with building. Paving is not figured in pit. Traveling crane, drop pit, etc, are not estd, but both buildings kept on same basis. Summary of "Eng News" plan of a 50 stall, 85' rectangular engine house, 240'x471': Excavation . $1,590 Skylight $4,300 Concrete 18,293 Hardware and Lantern Cut Stone 2,700 Gearing 1,200 Brickwork 6,636 Painting 1,050 Steel Lintels 2,590 Smoke- jacks and V's 2,750 Lumber 12,384 Track 2,326 Millwork 4,000 Piping 7,500 Carpenter Labor 6,000 Paving 6,875 Gravel Roof 4,644 Flashing 200 Summary of Transfer Pit : $85,038 Excavation $1,800 Concrete 5,462 Rail, Bolts, and Clips 908 Transfer Table 6,600 Side Coping Timber 240 $15,010 Summary of a 50-stall, 85 ft, radial engine-house: * ' 2 Outside Stalls $5,100 48 Inside Stalls 70,728 1 Turntable 5,125 50 New Frogs 1,000 5000' Track bet Table and Doors 4,000 $85,953 Difference.. $14,095 ENGINE HOUSES 343 The roundhouse is 16% cheaper than the rectangular plan, The plain L. S. D., "dollars and cents," argument is against a change unless other reasons than cost carry the day. And Mr. Nichols admits that a turntable is still necessary in the yard. If the transfer table is cut out the walls can be ma- terially shortened and the cost reduced, but a new method of working is required. FIRE: Fire walls are not estimated on either plan. For a radial house, if used, allow $800 to $900 each, complete. HEATING: In these estimates the pipes are in place ready for steam heating: if the hot blast system is used instead, the supply has to be brought to the blower from which dis- tribution is made. The cost is about the same as with the pipe system. Of 6 engine houses in different parts of the country heated by the blast system the aver of the work was $191 per stall; the price ranged from $165 to $245. If the highest figure is eliminated the aver is $181. STANDARD: The standard house is, of course, different on railroads, but the one from which the detailed figures are given is heavy enough to serve as a safe building to estimate from an approx estimates. COST: On another plan an 8 stall 90' house cost $24,000 in one place, and $21,700 in another; and had 100,000 actual brick, with 15,000 for the two outside stalls. In the first case the cost per stall is $3,000, which is far too high. Careful esti- mates are as nothing in the face of incompetent management. A 90' FRAME HOUSE should not cost over $1,550 per stall. REINFORCED CONCRETE ENGINE HOUSES: At Gale- wood, 111., the estimated cost of 36 stalls was $80,000, or $2,200 per stall. This was for concrete up to the window sills and brick above. Another of the same design and 30 stalls was built at West Milwaukee for $65,000, $2,167 per stall. Both were 84' over all. SMOKEJACKS are of various styles and prices. A cast iron fixed one is $87 fob Chicago; another $100; 3 styles of asbestos building lumber are $90, $150, $165. Wood, from $40 to $75. 344 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LIGHTING: Allow in addition to all foregoing estimates $70 per stall for electric lighting, if required. TURNTABLES For a 72' table allow $2,300 fob Chicago wt, 31 tons; 1,000 cy excavation; 127 cy concrete or rubble; 60 cy gravel for slope; 21 piles if any are used; $200 for ties, bolts, coping, and labor; $70 for 70 Ib pit rail; $30 for catch basin; and $300 for bending rail, unloading and setting table, a total without the piles of $4,078.50, with excavation at 30c, concrete at $5.50, and gravel at $3. Piles, freight and percentage to be added if required. For a 75' table allow $2,650, Chicago, wt, 38 tons; 1,070 cy excavation; 136 cy concrete; 66 cy gravel; 21 piles; $225 for ties, bolts, etc; $73 for pit rail; $30 for catch basin; and $330 for unloading, bending and setting, a total of $4,575. Add piles, etc, if necessary same as on 72' table. The 66' table is now out of date. For an 80' turntable and pit complete, allow $7,200. For an 8' table, plain top, weight, 5,800 Ibs, $200, at Chicago. STREET CAR BARNS : Per sq. ft. Timber barn, two-track bays, sides covered with corrugated iron $0.55 to $0.70 Timber barn, three-track bays, brick or stone walls 1.10 to 1.30 Fireproof concrete barn, three-track bays, con- crete or brick walls 1.25 to 1.50 Clear span steel roof, eight to ten tracks, brick walls 1.40 to 2.00 CHAPTER XXIV STANDARD SIZES AND GRADES The theory of standard sizes and shapes is correct. After the pattern is made it serves for many castings as easily as for one. Only one drawing has to he made, and this, too, is worth noting. CUT STONE: The sizes are marked on plans, for most of it is special; but if not specified, window sills are 5"x7" for ordinary walls, but always wide enough to reach about 2" under the wood. The lugs extend 4" on each side into the brickwork, unless slip sills are used. If thicker sills are wanted the size must be marked or specified. Door sills are 1\" thick and of width to suit the thickness of the wall 11", 15", 19". They extend about 1" outside of brick, and should always, unless for some special reason, join with the floor below the door so that joint can not be seen from outside or inside. They usually extend 4" in on each side like window sills and lintels. Lintels are 8" in height by thickness to reach to the face of frame, thus giving the mould for cover. Unless otherwise specified ashlar may be used all over only 4" thick. An ordinary front is laid in 4 and 8" blocks. BRICKWORK: In the majority of American cities the national size is now standard, although some makers still use their old sizes in spite of law which makes 2x4x8i com- pulsory for common brick. For the sizes of pressed brick, see Chap V. CEMENT AND LIME: A bbl of Port cement weighs 376 to 380 Ibs net, and comes in 4 sacks of cloth or paper if not barreled. Natural cement weighs about 266 Ibs for western and 300 for eastern brands, and is delivered in 2 cloth, or usually 3 paper sacks. Lime weighs about 200 Ibs, and equals 2 bus. 345 346 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR _ LUMBER: There is so much trouble and confusion with' sizes and quality of lumber that it is worth while to clear up a few points but those who know how the lumbermen them- selves quarrel over grades will not expect much here. The subject is as wide as the continent; and the Forest Service, Washington, D. C., sells for 15c a book of 126 large pages, entitled, " Rules and Specifications for the Grading of Lumber." LENGTHS: It would, of course, be absurd to change the design of a building to suit the standard lengths of lumber; but sometimes without going so far a useless waste might be avoided if architects would only remember that it comes with a difference of 2' in length. It sometimes seems that it might be cut to the odd as well as to the even sizes; but lumber men know their own business best, and we have to accept what they give. But unless for a weighty reason why make a space 19' 8" instead of 19' 4"? In some cases there is no possibility of changing the width, and the material must be lost; in others it might just as well be made to suit 20' joists. It is not always best to space purlins exactly the same; sometimes by the change of a few inches 2' of lumber can be saved on both sides clear across a roof hundreds of ft long. This 24" dif- ference in length is worth some attention when dealing with flooring, ceiling, shelving, etc. The lengths upon which prices are based are 12, 14, 16; lumber 10' long usually costs more, because it has to be cut from 20' lengths. Above 16 the price rises, and the longer the timber the higher the price. For yp, the " Association " rules are : " The standard lengths are multiples of 2', 10 to 24', inclu- sive, for boards, strips, dimension, joists, and timbers. Longer or shorter lengths than those herein specified are special. Odd and fractional lengths shall be counted as of the next higher even length. On stock width shipments of No. 1 common and better lum- ber, either rough or dressed 1 or 2 sides, no piece shall be admissible that is more than ^" scant on 8" and under; |" scant on 10", or \" scant on 12" or wider. All 4" and wider, No. 2 common stock may go \" scant in width." STANDARD SIZES AND GRADES 347 Flooring and ceiling are never more than 16' long; above that length is special, and more so than with dimension lum- ber. It is necessary for both architect and estimator to watch the spacing of the first joist at the wall, and especially if mill construction with centers of 4 to 8' is used. The floor- ing or ceiling has to reach the wall, past the center of the wall joist; and therefore the spacing must be from the wall or else the ceiling and flooring will only reach the edge of the further joist; and with wide centers this means waste. When ordering large quantities of flooring or ceiling it is safer to give the proportion of lengths that will be accepted, or the whole bill may come in 12's. The following sizes are from the lumbermen's printed list for yp; 95% of southern lumber is graded and classified ac- cording to these rules: STANDARD SIZES OF DRESSED LUMBER FINISHING: 1" SIS, or 2S to if, 1|" SIS or 2S to 1&, !$' SIS or 2S to 1J4, 2" SIS or 2S to If". MOULDED CASING AND BASE: }. 1x4 SIS shall be 3i" wide, finished; 1x6 S4S shall be 5i" wide finished. FLOORING: The standard of 1x3, 1x4 and 1x6" shall be }x2i, 3i and 5i; U" flooring shall be W thick. DROP SIDING: D and M |x3i and 5$". DROP SIDING: Shiplap, fx5" face, 5$ over all. PARTITION: |x3i and 5i". CEILING: f" ceiling, &"; \" ceiling, T V'; f" ceiling, &"; f" ceiling, }J". Same width as flooring. The bead on all ceil- ing and partition shall be depressed ^ of an inch below surf line of piece. BEVEL SIDING: To be made from stock S4S to }|x5 and resawed on a bevel. WINDOW AND DOOR JAMBS: Dressed, rabbeted, and plowed as ordered, worked i" scant of width. BOARDS AND FENCING:!" SIS or 2S to }|". SHIPLAP: 8, 10, and 12". }x7|, 9& and 11". D AND M: 8, 10, and 12". }|x7|, 9J, and 11 J". 348 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR GROOVED ROOFING: 10 and 12" SIS and 2E to }|x9 and lli". DIMENSION: 2x4 D1S and IE to Ifx3f"; 2x6 D1S and IE to 11x51"; 2x8 D1S and IE to Ifx74"; 2x10 D1S and IE to Ifx9"; 2x12 D1S and IE to Ifxlli"; 4x4 and 4x6 D1S and IE to f" off side and edge; S4S 1" off each side. Dimension lumber comes from f to \" less than the speci- fied size, for, in Omaha, at least, it is always surfaced on 1 side and 1 edge. If wanted rough it has to be so ordered, and the price is $1 extra per M on account of freight charges. This applies to yp. With Oregon fir it is different, for it is never surfaced unless so ordered; but it is surfaced on 1 to 4 sides as required. While yp loses to $" in surfacing 1 side, Oregon fir is surfaced 2 sides with a loss of only i". Thus yp 8x12 would come about TixllJ, while Oregon fir would be Vfxllf. But again, the Oregon figures are not always reli- able; the price list calls for i extra on each side for sur- facing if exact dressed size is required. JOISTS: Years ago the Omaha architects made a fight against this surfacing, and specified that no joists would be accepted under 1|" thick; but they had to end by accept- ing market sizes which will be sustained by any court. The remedy is to place the thin joists closer together, or to specify 2i thick; and in either case the price is increased, the owner refuses to build, the architect is in danger of los- ing his percentage and eagerly accepts any thickness and iurns his eyes in the other direction. DROP SIDING AND SHIPLAP : Drop siding and shiplap come about the same as flooring of equal width. While 6" shiplap is a standard size it is never seen in this territory; 8" is usual; 10" is seldom handled. SIDING: V siding is 5i" wide; 4", 3. SHEETING: Sheeting or common boards come about tfie same as dimension lumber i" narrower than the theoretical size. Here it is worth while to state that sheeting and sheathing are not the same, although often used for each other. Sheeting is sheathing; but sheathing may not be sheeting. According to the latest dictionary it may be STANDARD SIZES AND GRADES 349 tongued and grooved bds, metallic shingles, paper, tile, or indeed anything that sheaths or encloses. A specification is not complete when it calls for sheathing unless it gives the kind. Whether specified or not all sheeting, Oregon fir in- cluded, is surfaced 1 side, but 1 side only. SHINGLES: There are 250 dimension shingles 4" wide in a bunch; in common, there are enough of varying widths to cover the same surf. The thinning process has gone so far with them too that architects now specify that the thickness of 5 at butts shall not be less than 2'.'. The thinner shingles 6 to 2 are also narrower and require more to the sq. LATH: A bundle contains 50 pcs 4' long, which suit joists at either 16 or 12" centers. A shorter length 32 which does not suit 12" centers is now on the market. FINISH: Unlike joists and dimension lumber finish comes within a trifle of the thickness; and the rough size is never taken when making out a bill. All good finish comes sur- faced on 2 sides so that it is not necessary to specify sur- facing. A cheaper kind is SIS only; but when wanted, it must be specially mentioned. By referring back to the table it will be seen that the thick- ness is marked if, 1& and 1J$. Contractors never use these sizes, but J, 1$, 1, 1, If, and 2", for the various kinds. It is better to keep to the common usage which is understood by all who handle lumber. One sometimes sees |" finish speci- fied in 3 or 4 different ways- f, }|, f, and 1". It is not safe to use f for |, as there is a thin finish that is occasionally seen on the market. White pine is graded here as No. 1, 2, and 3 ; Chicago grades are A, B, and C. The price increases with the thickness. LENGTH: The longest length of finish in this market is 16'; special lengths are seldom seen as standard sizes can easily be joined. STOCK BDS: Stock boards, which are cheaper than yp finish, are used for shelving. They are S2S, and never more than 12" wide. So far as the lumber yard is concerned, then, this prin- ciple is clear: all sawing and surfacing are done inside of the 350 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR specified size. Even down to furring strips this holds good; for they come ifxlf instead of 1x2. FINISH: But the width on a drawing or order is preserved at the planing mill when finish is billed. Corner-bds come to the exact size, and so does all such work when both edges are exposed. But a frieze, or plancher may be a trifle nar- row as the bed moulding covers the joint. With corner bds, belt courses, etc, it is better to give the exact width, but with ridges, cornice lumber, etc, to send the boards and let the carpenter do the fitting. Sometimes a ridge may be better if put on wider than shown on drawing, owing to spacing of shingles; and this is just one illustration" BOARD MEASURE: Lumber or timber is estimated in " bm," or reduced to 1" thick. READY RECKONERS: Most of the lumber yards hand out measurement tables. To get the quantity in bm mult the section or end of the dimension lumber in inches and divide by 12, then mult the If by the product. Suppose we have 100 pcs of 6"x6"xl6'; 6 mult by 6 equals 36, which divided by 12 gives 3, which mult by 1,600 gives 4,800' in bm. If 2x4, the result would be 1,067, or of the If, for 8 is of 12. If 2x10, 2,667, for 20 divided by 12 equals If. A timber 14x16x24 has 444' bm, for 14 mult by 16 and divided by 12 equals 18, which mult by length is 444. The disadvantage of some tables is that each piece is figured by itself without fractions, and when many are required with a fractional ending there is apt to be a slip, while by reducing to If the fraction can come only once. Thus a 2x8x16 is sometimes listed at 21' bm; it really contains 21 '; and if this figure were used for 100 pcs the total would be 33J' more. Flooring, ceiling, siding, shiplap, etc, are taken at standard width, and everything less than 1" thick is counted as 1". But the price per M sometimes differs. This rule applies to finish also 4" thick counts as 1". A flooring board 16' long by 4", contains of length in bm ; and so for any width the same rule applies: 5" would contain ^ of length, but unless for some special reason odd sizes are counted even. GRADES: White pine flooring is graded No. 1, 2, 3, 4, or A, B, C, D. The best quality of yp flooring is variously known STANDARD SIZES AND GRADES 351 as rift sawed, q s, vertical grain, straight grain. There are 3 grades of this flooring A, B, and C. The angle of the grain must not be more than 45 from the vertical; if more angle is shown the flooring is classed as flat grain. Flat grain is also classed as A, B, and C; and below are No. 1 and 2 fence. Yellow pine ceiling is graded as A, B, No. 1 and 2 common. Yellow pine drop siding, A, B, No. 1 common. Bevel sid- ing the same. Yellow pine partition: A, B, and No. 1 common. Yellow pine casing and base, A and B; window and door jambs the same. Yellow pine common boards, shiplap and barn siding; No. 1, 2, 3, common; fencing the same. Yp finishing is graded 1st, 2d, 3d, clear. Most people would naturally look upon No. 1 as being the best of its kind, but it is only the best common. A, B, and sometimes C, come before this grade. There have been quarrels enough over grading, but it would still seem that either the alphabet or figures might be chosen and grades based accordingly with less chance of confusion. MILLWORK: It is not always an evidence of genius to change from a stock pattern to- something new. It is not without reason that mill books have as an opening sentence, " It is economy to conform to regular sizes and styles as much as possible." One mill book charges everything less than 100' as 100 for changing machine for odd work; another 60c extra for the same work; and 10% extra for all moulding if less than 200' are taken. MOULDING: It is sometimes necessary to mark the size of a moulding on a drawing so that it may be examined and criticized; but not on a bill of material; take the advice of the mill man and order by number. The moulding book is universal. Nearly 500 pcs are listed. Sash, doors, blocks, gable ends, porch posts everything is listed by number. FLOORING: Fine flooring is usually supplied by the mill- man. Maple and other hardwood floors have to be watched, as 2 to 16' lengths are standard. Some architects specify 352 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR long lengths, but this means an increase in price. There is a brand sold at only 9" to 20" long. It means a spoiled floor. MAPLE: No. 1, or clear maple, is the standard; and coloi must not be considered. Strictly clear is from $10 to $15 per M more. No. 1, 4 to 16', and trimmed with matched ends to ft and half ft. Proportion of 4 to 5' long may be 10%. No. 2 small knots, sound, 2 to 16. No. 3, or factory, is inferior with some waste in cutting. The standard width of 2" is If face; 2f, 2 face; 3, 2 face; 4, 3J. Maple, No. 1 grade is made from f to If thick; but I, i, f fig is made in If and 2 face only if maple; but i and f in other woods sometimes run to 2. The same lengths and widths apply to maple, oak, birch, cherry, and walnut. SASH: The listed thicknesses are 1&, If, and If: the actual are only a trifle less. Stables, coal sheds, and such buildings are fitted with 1$; and they are also used for storm sash. The If are for cottages with 4" studding; and most of them have that width. "Doors, blinds, and sash are often ordered 1, 1$, and 2" thick. Do not use these terms, as it only delays orders." An extra price is charged for thicknesses not listed. The width of a window is of course regulated by the glass. Add for 2 It windows 4&". This gives the size of the frame, as J" is allowed for play, and the wood is 2" beyond the glass on each side. All 2 It standard windows are 6" longer than glass, and this also gives frame. With sash and doors, the order is width, length, thickness. Thus a specimen order might be, " 10 win, 2 lit, 24x24xlf , SS " or DS as the thick- ness of glass, single or dbl strength. It is safer to specify check rail if wanted. The size of the frame would be 2' 4i"x4' 6". The length of a 4 It window is the same; but 5" wood in- stead of 4, as center bar is f thick. The frame for a 15x24 is 2' Il"x4' 6". For an 8 It window, 5" of wood; but length is same, as cross bars are not quite thick. An 8 It, 10x12 frame is 2' I"x4' 6". For 12 It window cross bars are i. Frame for 10x12 is 2 10*x4' 6". STANDARD SIZES AND GRADES 353 It is sometimes desirable to use wider sills and thicker cross bars, and the frame has to be increased to suit. Store sash have 3 stiles and 4i bottom rail. DOORS: Standard thicknesses are 1|, If, if. There are doors H thick, but they are of small value. The mill book gives a long list of standard sizes, and it would be well if they were always followed. Doors may be sent open or glazed as ordered. Mill glazing is generally cheaper. BLINDS: They are listed at U, and If thick, both for out- side and inside. The thicker ones are seldom seen. Outside blinds are seldom used now. STAIR WORK: Balusters, If; newels, 5 and 6". But there is endless variety. PANELED WAINSCOTING: Thickness is usually 1J; but J is also made. CHAPTEE XXV ODDS AND ENDS MINERAL WOOL: This is a fibrous material of the nature of glass. Wood strips are sometimes used and must be in- cluded in estimate according to thickness of wool on floor. Sometimes strips are nailed on sides of joists and boards laid across to support the wool in the same way that almost all houses in the United Kingdom are deafened with cinders and mortar. Details should be seen before estimate is made. Floor is at least 1$" thick. Outside walls are often packed full width of studs. For ordinary wool allow 1 Ib per sq ft for each inch in thick- ness, but deduct all openings, chimneys, studs, joists, etc, and proceed on exact surf. For selected wool Ib is the allow- ance. The material is packed in 3 bushel bags, for which a price of lOc is charged, but as with hard plaster, etc, they are returnable at cost if freight is prepaid. The following table gives weight, price, etc: Cost per 100 Ibs Lbsper Sq Ft CF (in ton lots) Cost per CF at Average CF 1" thick to Ton at Fact 'y Fact'y in ton lots Ordinary Slag Wool 12 lib 166 $1.00 12c Selected Slag Wool 9 fib 223 1.67 15c Extra Slag Wool 6 \ Ib 333 4.00 24c Ordinary Rock Wool 12 lib 166 2.00 24c Selected Rock Wool 8 $ Ib 250 4.00 32c Extra Rock Wool 6 Jib 333 7.00 42c Note. In less than ton lots add 25c per 100 Ibs to factory prices. The wool usually put in buildings costs about $17 per ton fob Omaha in car load lots 30% more in small lots. A mini- mum car load is 10 tons. The labor of putting it in place varies according to thickness. It may be averaged at 12c per cf, although floors should not cost more than half. But both for labor and material it is necessary to watch ceil- ings as joists are sometimes stripped with a band of corru- 354 ODDS AND ENDS 355 gated iron, stapled on edge with metal lath below and wool laid on top of lath. Strip is at least 1" wide, but sometimes 2 for fire protection. Staples for lath may have to be 3" long. Brick walls are sometimes furred, dbl boarded with paper between, then lined with mineral wool between studs, and boarded on face before finishing. This to emphasize the necessity of seeing full details. The complete cost of pro- tecting a house is set at from $75 to $250 according to size. DEAFENING QUILT: This material is made 1 yd wide and bales contain 500 sq ft. Single ply bales occupy about 8 cf of space. Per Bale Half-Bale Single ply $4.50 $2.50 Double ply 5 . 50 3 . 00 Asbestos 9 . 00 4.75 Delivered on board cars or boat at Boston. Freight as far as Omaha is $1 per bale. Agents and dealers should add freight. Bales containing 500 sq ft each; half bales 250 sq ft. Weights: Single ply, 85 Ibs; dbl ply, 140 Ibs; asbestos, 170 Ibs per bale. REFRIGERATORS: In residences the best plan is to order refrigerators with door to feed the ice from the outside. They may be had of all styles and price from $40 up. AIR TIGHT DOORS: The Stevenson door has been installed in thousands of cases for refrigerators, smoke houses, lime houses, etc. Doors are of yp, no varnish. For 2'x7', about $23; for 4x6, $26; if track above as in beef doors add $6. A 4x6 heavy special door $47. Lined on back as well as front, add $10. For bronze hardware, 2 hinges, add $11. Galv hardware is included in door price. Prices are fob Chester, Pa. UNLOADING: Given the proper place, car, and facilities, we are now assured that a car can be emptied for Ic. Build- ing contractors have neither place, car nor facilities for this kind of work. To unload crushed stone from cars allow from 20 to 25c per ton. More than 1,000 tons on No. 7 and other buildings 356 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR were unloaded for 20c. Equal quantity of sand cost lOc. But sand costs more in winter. On some of the cars for No. 2 the sand froze in such shape that it cost twice as much to move it. At all times bank sand is easier handled than river saiid. The one is worth 5c per yd more to handle than the other. On railroad work earth and ballast are dumped from cars for 10 to 16c. Loading of gravel, 7 yds for 1 man in 10 hours. BRICK: Allow 25c per M to unload from car and put on wagon; loading at brickyard is worth from 25 to 40c. UNLOADING SLATE: See Chap XVI. LUMBER: Allow 50c per M for 2" lumber; f is worth about 75c. WRECKING: Each building has its own environments only a hint can be given. Allow for brick basement and frame above, 3c per sq ft where everything is handy; twice that price might not be enough. For 2 and 3 story brick buildings, 5 to 8c. If work is laid in good cement more time is taken than if old, lime mortar falls out of joints. On a high wall the cost of carefully taking down 185,000 brick, wall measure, was $450. Then the inside might be full of well framed carpentry, or might be vacant. For 1 story brick S^ to 4c ought to be enough if there is no basement. In general the brick taken out of old walls do not more than half pay for wrecking and cleaning. RAISING ROOFS: For heavy roofs about 20 to 30' from ground allow 8 to 9c per sq ft of floor surf. BUILDING DIRECTORY: Complete with plain unlettered black cards. All quotations are fob Chicago. Space Size Tiers Spaces each Width-Height 50 1 11 f "x26}" Single Door $15 . 00 100 2 50 19i"x26i" Single Door 30 . 00 150 3 50 26 "x26i" Single Door 45 . 00 200 4 50 381"x26}" Double Door 60.00 300 6 50 53f"x26i" Double Door 90 . 00 75 1 12i"x361" Single Door 22.00 150 2 75 19"x36F Single Door 44 00 225 3 75 27 i"x36 J" Single Door 66 . 00 300 4 75 39*"x36y Double Door 88 . 00 450 6 75 54|"x361" Double Door 132 . 00 ODDS AND ENDS 357 ELEVATORS: For hand elevator 4x4 to 5x5 with 2,000 Ibs capacity, 1 story building, erected complete, $125 to $140. Allow $10 additional for each extra story. For 8x8, 5,000 Ibs capacity, electric, with motor, 1 story, $1,300 to $2,000. Safety gates extra, about $35 a floor. For passenger to 5 or 6 story building, $4,500, with shaft, doors, etc, all made ready for the elevator company. Less would do on some buildings and 50% more could be put on others. PUSH BUTTON AUTOMATIC, for 2 stories, $2,800, 4'x6'. GASOLINE ENGINES: For an approx price: 6 HP.. ..$400 8HP... 450 10 H P 500 32 H P 1,100 40 H P 1,300 50 H P 1,550 BONDS AND INSURANCE: Something was said in the in- troductory part about insurance. It is now necessary to give the cost of fire, accident insurance, surety bonds, etc. As- soon as a building is enclosed it may be insured for the regu- lar rates and periods. An owner sometimes does this, and the contractor finishes his work without expense for insur- ance. Sometimes, again, insurance has to be taken out as payments are made on the work, and the owner puts this on the contractor's shoulders. Annual policies can be taken out by contractors as work goes along and cancelled at short rates when the job is safely accepted and paid for. In Omaha the charge is $"1 per $100 for 1 yr on all kinds of property for builders' risk. The short rate scale is the same as it was 15 yrs ago, as I find on referring to an old list, but the annual premium is now less. The rate is given for about 50 periods for our purpose a few are sufficient. For 5 days 7% of annual premium. For 10 days 10% of annual premium. For 15 days 14% of annual premium. For 20 days 17% of annual premium. 358 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR For 30 days 20% of annual premium. For 40 days 26% of annual premium. For 50 days 28% of annual premium. For 60 days 30% of annual premium. For 70 days 36% of annual premium. For 80 days 38% of annual premium. For 90 days or 3 months, 40% of annual premium. For 120 days or 3 months, 50% of annual premium. For 150 days or 3 months, 60% of annual premium. For 180 days or 6 months, 70% of annual premium. For 240 days or 8 months, 80% of annual premium. But the $1 rate is on basis of houses distant from each other at least 25'; if between 25 and 15 add 5c more for each exposure; under 15 add. lOc. Thus a house under 15 on 2 sides would be rated at an annual premium of $1.20 per $100. ACCIDENT INSURANCE: A guarantee is given to protect contractor from all damage suits and verdicts in return for a premium based upon wages paid during a year, which is usually taken as a unit. A policy may be taken out for $1,000 or $100,000 of wages. When the specified wages are paid a new policy has to be taken out, as the basis is for an amount of money and not for a period. On a small amount like $5,000, the rate is about 3$%; on a large amount, 2$. SURETY BONDS: For small bonds about 1% is charged; for large, of 1% on the amount of the contract. Thus on a bond for $3,000, $30 would be charged; on a $60,000 con- tract, $300. These are the top rates for the highest price company. A millionaire can naturally get a bond at a lower rate than a man with only $50 capital. Formerly the pre- mium for the bond covered the whole expense until the building was finished and accepted; now it is again collected at the end of a year. A careful understanding as to whether rate is annual, or for an accepted building should be seen to, and a receipt taken. But if the building is finished before the end of the second yr a proportion of the second pay- ment is returned. A lower priced company furnishes bonds for 25c per $100 of the contract price. This would be $150 on a $60,000 con- tract. ODDS AND ENDS 359 PRICE BOOK: Prices sometimes change in a week, and estimates must change with them.. An alphabetically in- dexed pocket price book is useful, as each change of price can be entered under the proper date. A book of this kind soon becomes valuable and should last for years. I recently saw a good one 10 yrs old. Under N comes nails, $2.25 to $2.60 as may be; C, cement, L, lime, etc. Cement, Am Portland, $1.50, 6-20-1912. Cement, Am Portland, $1.60, 6-18-1913. A card index system is also of great value. POLES: The total number of poles, more than 20 ft. long, purchased during 1906 by telegraph, telephone, electric com- panies, etc, according to a circular of the U. S. Forest Ser- vice, was 3,574,666, valued at $9,471,171 at the point of pur- chase. The average value per pole at point of purchase of the principal kind of round poles was as follows: Length 25ft. 30ft. 35ft. 40ft. 45ft. Cedar $1.19 $3.22 $4.94 $6.17 $9.08 Chestnut 1.42 2.52 3.35 4.64 7.08 Cypress 1.09 1.24 3.04 4.42 6.28 Juniper ..,1.62 2.70 3.68 4.09 5.76 Pine 1.68 3.18 4.84 5.13 12.41 Oak 1.16 2.11 .... .... 2.44 Fir 1.49 2.31 2.72 2.85 4.00 These costs are "at the point of purchase," without freight, profit of retailer, etc. DIGGING: The cost of digging 600 holes for a trolley line is given in "Engineering-Contracting," March, '08. The holes ran from 6' to 12' deep, and had to be large enough for one 3' cross brace underground. A comparison of the cost of each group is shown in the following table, also the average cost for the entire job: Total Cost per Cost per No. cost. hole. cu. yd. poles. Group I $123.15 $1.50 $0.60 82 Group II . . . 106.10 1.21 1.16 Group III Group IV Group V Average . 427.15 1.33 0.81 320 49.50 0.79 1.10 64 66.00 0.96 0.72 69 1.24 0.82 It will be noticed that the cost per hole varied directly with the size of the hole Adding to the diameter and the depth increased the cost. The cost per cubic yard was high when the hole was small and low when the hole was large. CONCRETE POLES: For a 30', $7.50, 2000 Ibs; for a 45', $17.50, unset. CHAPTER XXVI HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING This chapter and the following one were not written for archi- tects or builders, but for their " victims," and may be passed over, if desired, by those who are well enough acquainted with all the tricks of the trade. It is not the want of informa- tion that keeps us back there are libraries with a million volumes, and still we lag. There are only a few hints given here for plain people who build plain houses. The other kind can hire experts. There are figures enough elsewhere in this book; these two chapters are for the aver man and his wife, and are written in a popu- lar way. DESIGN As to general design I prefer the plain gable roof, because a fine attic is always possible, while the roof that pitches to the center has too small an enclosed space to be of much use. By pitching the roof to the center the only saving is the gables for the areas of the two kinds of roof are practically the same; and the extra cost of a hip roof about swallows up the saving by leaving the gables off, so that there is the loss of the attic space without any real gain in money. Of course there is also a loss of attic stair space on the second floor to be considered with the gable plan. Fashions come and go it used to be the "Dutch" roof, now it is the square hip roof, but as the gable plane was fashionable centuries ago so it will always be. It is not only safe, but useful. If there is a shortage of money the attic need not necessarily be floored and finished when the house is built. But it is ready at any time for an extra or storage room. As to the bungalow, now so fashionable, see Chap XXVII. 360 HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 361 BRICK OR STONE VERSUS WOOD I never saw a wood house before I reached the shores of the United States, and one of the strangest and most beau- tiful panoramas that has never faded out of my memory in a score of years, was Staten Island and the white houses stretching 'over the land. They were not only interesting and strange in themselves, but had an added charm because I knew that the " Yankees " lived in them. The best architect is he who can put up fine buildings with the material at hand. In Greece he used marble, but in the Low Countries he was driven to brick; and the development of the frame house in the United States shows that the plenti- ful woods of the forests can be made attractive enough in design and treatment to take the place of any material used in the older countries. Which is best marble, stone, brick, concrete or wood? They are all best, but it often seems that the wood house is by far the most attractive, especially when newly painted. The aver European idea of a wood house is a shelter of logs with the bark on, a hole in the roof to let out the smoke, and a few pairs of wolves' eyes glaring in the darkness. We know that they are a very different character. The danger in a frame house is from fire, but when a fire breaks out the difference between brick and wood is not so very great after all. There is really no good reason why houses should be built within 2 ft of each other, as is often done. A visitor from Mars might inquire if there was a scar- city of land or wonder to see one-fourth of residence parts of a city lying vacant. A city law might be made compelling owners to leave 10 ft between the nearest cornices of adja- cent buildings, unless divided by a wall of fireproof construc- tion. For light, ventilation, and consequent good health, as well as fire protection, a law of this kind should be in force. But in Baltimore and San Francisco we had a lesson from a fire that went through all kinds of buildings. If the workmanship is good, if the timbers are of the right size, and the outside covering of the proper quality, a frame house can be built as near perfection, from all standpoints, as any dwelling inhabited by man. Of course, it must not be 362 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR forgotten that there is now a new danger with frame houses that is a quicker decay. With good wp and cypress shingles a well built house ought to last for a century, with proper care; but wp siding is now scarcely ever seen, and cypress shingles are expensive. All joints where water is apt to go should be painted with white lead and oil when they are put together; nailed to- gether when they open; and the house should be painted every 4 or 5 yrs, and so on. By the time the original extra good work is paid for, and $1 to $1.50 per month allowed as a sure depreciation of painting on an 8 roomed house, one is apt to think that, what with high lumber and other con- siderations the era of cheap frame houses is gone with the age of chivalry. MOISTURE: A brick house absorbs moisture, but it can easily be protected by wood furring or by the inside lining of 4" hollow tile that is now becoming popular. The plaster is put on the rough tile, without furring strips, and the dan- ger from fire running behind the lath is obviated. COMPARATIVE COST: As compared with frame a reason- able brick house is about 15% extra; but $12 to $15 per annum is saved on paint on an 8 roomed house, and that is good interest on $200. The choice of material is largely a matter of taste, loca- tion, and purse, except in some rather dull looking cities which do not permit frame houses inside their limits. Of course it is reasonable that certain portions of a city should be protected from the danger of fire traps, but frame houses are an ornament to any residence district. EXCAVATION Digging a hole in the ground does not require much ex- planation almost any one can do that part of a contract. Sometimes a house is set upon posts to save expense, and if a cellar is afterwards required, the digging has to be done at a much increased cost. PLASTERING: Cellars are often plastered with cement on the hard natural earth. In some soils this system is satis- HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 363 factory; in others it is merely a waste of money, as the earth crumbles away and leaves the broken surf. A lining of brick is better even for a cheap cellar. FOUNDATIONS THICKNESS: On page 63 the thickness of the walls of a 1 story cottage is given at 2'. This is one extreme; the other is 9". Just about between the two is safe. For a basement of more than 6' high the walls should be 13", or 3 bricks in width. If of stone they are usually made 16", as that is about as cheap as 12". Concrete should not be less than 10". A 9" basement wall, even T high, is safe enough if really good brick are used, and if they are carefully laid in cement; but very often inferior brick are used, carelessly laid in lime mortar, and in the end there is trouble that far outruns the original saving. In cement stone an 8" or 9" wall, 7' is safe enough also if good work is done, and if not too deep in the ground so as to have a heavy earth pressure. A poor founda- tion is a luxury that few can afford. PLASTERING: The walls below the ground should be care- fully plastered on the outside with good Port cement not less than I" thick, in the proportion of 1 cement to 2, or even 3, of sand, if the 3 is not made 4. It is strange that this simple precaution against water going through the wall is often neglected. A trifling saving is made, but there is, at least in some locations, a spoiled wall to watch and repair. As a safeguard of health, cellars or basements should have cement floors, and walls should be plastered on the outside below grade. Port cement should be used for the \" top covering in the cellar, but the concrete below may be made of natural cement, although the other is better all through. The floor should be made about 3" or 4" thick, although 2" can be made to serve. No. 2 has only 2V'. HARD BRICK: The outside face brick ought to be hard. 4 There is no cure for a soft brick in an outside wall but re- moval, and this is apt to be expensive. It is better to be careful at the start. While, of course, hard brick are to be preferred all through, there is not much risk in a soft brick in the center of the wall. 364 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Unless of a very inferior nature a practical bricklayer would just about as soon as not use a soft brick in his own house, when concealed, but with face work it is different. Inside as well as outside it should be of good material with joints struck neatly with the edge of the trowel, and not with the flat in a plasterer's fashion. PORCH PIERS: Porch piers should not be less than 12"xl2"; for good porches they should be 17x17. KIND OF MATERIAL: A first class foundation can be made of stone, brick, concrete, or the artificial stone now becom- ing so popular. The chief danger is poor workmanship, and too much sand. PRESSED BRICK: Many people prefer pressed brick for the outside walls. There are beautiful shades on the market, and it is a pleasure to look at a fine front, but first class work can be made with good, common, hard brick. Europe has brick buildings hundreds of yrs old, of good, plain ma- terial and they are among the most beautiful specimens of the brickmaivs art. Some of the American architects are getting back to the old style, the indispensable condition of successful work being brick made of good clay, well burnt and shapely. Many fine pressed brick fronts are spoiled after a rain storm by the alkali coming out; there is no danger of this with common brick, so that all things considered, no one should be depressed by the fact that purse or locality forbid the more stylish article. SIDEWALKS: It is best to put down permanent walks at first, and save trouble afterwards. Wood begins to rot as soon as laid. If it is used the stringers should be of wp. Yp rots in a very short time. Cement or brick pays in the long run. (See pages 18, 21, 90, 110; for prices of plank and permanent sidewalks.) CHIMNEYS: Hard brick should be used for all exposed work, and more especially above the roof. To repair a chim- ney above the roof is rather expensive, as a scaffold is re- quired. Why not make it of first class labor and material and be done with it for 20 yrs? A stone or iron cap should HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 365 be put on, as the brick loosen at the top if left unprotected; or a heavy coat of good Port cement may be used. It is bet- ter to lay all the chimney brick above- the roof in Port cement, and to make no projecting courses. FIRES: A startingly large proportion of fires are due to deflective flues. In most cities now, tile linings inside of the brick are obligatory. If they are not used the joints should be struck on the inside and all the surf afterwards plastered. In time the plaster burns out, and the fire gets through to the woodwork, Carpenters should not be allowed to drive plugs of wood into chimneys. A chimney should be as straight as possible, and be car- ried up above the highest point of the roof to draw well. ROOMS: Make them as large as you can, but not too large either. Why heat useless space? "A little house well filled, a little farm well tilled." In most houses with stoves only one room is really well heated in winter. The one selected should be made the largest. As a rule, make the second story rooms full height. There is not much economy in half story rooms with a part of the slope of the roof used, and they are hot in summer. I have followed this method of construction several times and regretted it. Rather than do so for a home one should leave off all the lath, plaster, and finish on the full height top story, and wait until money enough was at hand to finish a house that would always please and not sometimes provoke. Of course, some have to be content with this construction, but it is not desirable. DORMER WINDOWS: The half story house often make them necessary. If there is any place that requires care it is a dormer window. If they once begin to leak there often seems to be no cure but tearing down to find the trouble. The best tin, the best workmanship, the best paint are neces- say. See page 29 for cost. CLOSETS: In spite of the newspaper jokes, neither archi- tect nor contractor delights in small closets. There are, of course, some who waste money enough on useless ornamenta- tion to give plenty of closet space, but in general small 366 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR closets are due to small pocket books. Many, in fact, most, women do not have any idea of sizes when marked on a plan, and are disappointed when the house is built. It often seems that a good idea would be to have a covered enclosure in a city where for a small fee 2"x4" plates would be laid down and moved to suit the actual sizes wanted. It is easy enough to make rooms and closets of any required size if the cost is not limited, but it is hard to supply a No. 1 article at a No. 4 price. CEILINGS: Some are made 11' high, others 9'. For the first floor 9' 6" is the lowest height that ought to be used, and 10' 0" makes a better house. For the second floor 9' 0" is low enough, but 8' 6" is sometimes used. These heights are between finished floor and plaster. Allow for sheeting, if put on, top floor, and plaster, or 3" altogether. WOOD FRAMING SILLS: Some prefer a solid sill laid on the basement walls, and others use a " box " sill of 2 planks, the one flat, and the other of the same width as the joists standing on edge on top of it, and flush with the studs, which are set on a plate of their own width nailed to the planks. I like the box sill as the full strength of the joist is insured, but some cities make the solid sill obligatory. When a solid sill is used a notch has to be made for the joists which are then cut to fit. Usually they are cut about half way up, and the whole bearing comes on the upper half, while the lower is left to swing free instead of being blocked up on the foundation. We know that a good carpenter does not do such work we also know that in half the houses built the joists have their throats cut in just this fashion. Sills are sometimes 6x6 or 6x8 for ordinary houses. The joists are put flush at bottom line, and stand up above the sill. A piece should be nailed on top of the sill and even with the top of the joist, so that the floor would close the space to keep back cold air, fire, or mice. GIRDERS: Many cottages are spoiled for want of a central girder with posts set on wide foundations to support the HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 367 joists. When the weight of the plaster is put on the floors begin to sag. JOISTS: The joists should be 2xlO's well bridged; 2x8's are strong enough if the span is not too great. Even for an attic floor not less than 2x8's should be used. The saving in using 2x6's is not very much, and if the span is wide the floor is spoiled and the plaster below cracks. On a 1-story cottage 22'x40' the difference in cost in 2" of width is only about $12, for joists set 16" centers. Why spoil a house for $12? All floor joists should be bridged when the span is more than 8'. Below partitions, joists should be doubled, or 2x4's spiked in between the 2 bearing joists. WALLS AND PARTITIONS: The walls of the aver house- are usually built of 2x4's set 16" centers; 2x6's- are better, unless for small cottages, as, after surfacing, the 2x4's are only I|"x3f". Rough lumber costs about $1 per M more, owing to freight. All window and door openings should have dbl studs. All corners and doors should have nailing blocks- for base, as there is no nailing on the stud after the thick- ness of the plaster is deducted, in the corner, and after the door casing is put on. A 2" thick fire stop should be cut in behind the ribbon strip, between stories. There is a good deal of difference between a well built house and one of the other kind. HEATING: For furnace heating pipes all partition studs on first floor should be 2x6's. RAFTERS: In some cheap houses the rafters are set at 2' centers they should not be set more than 20" in any house; and 16" or even 12" is often used for long spans, slate or tile roofs, etc. For cottages, 2x4's are large enough, but 2x6's should be used for a really good house. Too many carpenters neglect to brace and tie ceiling joists and rafters together, and the roof sags. Many roofs are spoiled before the car- penter has time to finish his contract, for want of a little care and a slight expense. PITCH: The least pitch of a shingle roof should be $. A pitch of 4 is better, especially if attic is to be used. (See page 174.) For a gravel roof 1" rise to 12" is enough. 368 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR BOARDS: Roof covering is best laid close in cold climates, but it is sometimes kept about 2" apart to save lumber. SHINGLES: The best on the market should be used. There are many places to economize, but the roof covering is not one. I have a cottage with cypress shingles put on about 19 yrs ago. They have never been repaired, and are still in fair condition. Exactly 6 yrs ago, I shingled another cottage with a second grade quality of white pine shingles. They are already loose, the nails are rusted, the nail holes worn, and in about a couple of yrs a new roof covering will be required. That is a practical illustration of quality. As the labor on a poor shingle is often more than on the best, the advantage of putting on the best is easily seen. Galv nails should be used, as they do not rust like the common kind. Shingles should not be laid more than 4$" to the weather, unless on a very steep roof. Even on that, 5" is the limit. Cypress comes first, then redwood, then cedar. One table gives the life thus: Spruce 5 to 7 yrs Cedar 12 to 15 yps Sawed pine 16 to 20 yrs Cypress 30 to 50 yrs The asbestos shingles described under " Fireproofing " are called " Century " also, because, according to the makers, they are to last 100 yrs. There are some excellent stains on the market, and it pays to dip the shingles. For the cost se.e pages 269, 270. If stain is not at hand linseed oil may be used, as it is a good preservative. Common paint is not desirable , as it glazes over the the surf and ends, catches water, and induces dry rot, while the oil or stains go into the pores. Some roof paints are rather suspicious. Good linseed oil, the base, costs 50c to 60c per gall how can paint be sold for 40 to "50c if the requisite proportion of oil is used? BOARDING: Either common boards, shiplap, or flooring -will do for the outside covering. Usually the boards are mailed on horizontally, but sometimes on an angle of 45. HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 369- Waste and labor are greater, but the framework is better braced with angle boarding. Sometimes, again, men without a conscience nail the siding directly on the studs; in buy- ing a house built in a boom town it is advisable to see that there is sheathing between the siding and the framework. Paper must be used between boards and siding. BASE AND CORNER BOARDS: Good houses have a board around them at level of foundation. The sheeting should be flush with the masonry, and the base board set down about an inch to cover the joint. The water table is nailed on top- to receive the siding. Corner boards and frame casings should be !" thick. Sometimes the base board is not used, but the siding is put clear down. As a picture looks best inside of a frame, so does a house inside of a border. SIDING: White pine siding is the best, but it is not so com- mon now as formerly. A good substitute is California redwood or cypress. Siding looks well when mitered at the corners, but costs more than if corner boards are used. But unless the lumber is dry the corner board shrinks, and a bad joint is tfie result, clear from base to roof. With mitred siding the danger is that all the joints will open in time. Either 6" or 4" siding is standard, but the narrow kind is now used on the best houses. It costs more than the wide.. (See Siding in Index.) Sometimes the sides of a house are shingled. I do not like the style, but it is a matter of choice. Gables, bay windows, bands, etc, look well when treated in this way, but an entire- house covered with shingles is rather monotonous. PORCHES: Do not make the posts too large for a cottage. In former yrs they used to be about 4"x4" now they are 12" in diam. A 4 room cottage is not a Greek temple. Why put up such disproportionate cols for a little porch? Is there no fair medium between the spindle and the " monolith " ? The ordinary porch of a dozen yrs ago was spoiled bjr being made too narrow. The minimum width from house to outside edge or floor should be 6': 6" of that, at least, are lost by posts and railing. The wide veranda is becoming: popular: 10' is now common; 8' is about right. 370 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR TOWERS: There is a difference between a cottage and a castle. Each may be a beauty, but what fits one may be out of place on the other. Be sparing of towers, drawbridges, moats and battlements on an ordinary house. After all, plain Mose Smith is a far better neighbor than Sir Brian de Bois Guilbert would be. THE LINE OF BEAUTY: For outside work in general, an architect of experience will not use much fancy scroll cut material, brackets, ridges, circles, curves, etc.. The ama- teur and the country carpenter delight in that kind of dis- play, but the owner of the house has to pay the bill in a very few yrs when the sun and rain do their work. Just as with marble, stone, brick or wood houses, the architects of all countries in the yrs behind us have had to adapt themselves to the materials at hand, and local environments, so their brothers of America might just as well accept the July sun as an established fact and stop fighting it. The contest is too unequal. There is a difference between the simple, beautiful, square house with the plain roof, and the one we built when Queen Anne was the reigning monarch. The bills for repairs have been coming since then. WINDOWS: In many ways the little details of American houses are more convenient than those of European ones but rattling sash are unknown in Europe, while they are everywhere here, and they are anything but a blessing. The trouble is with the outer sash. It is made to fit easy, and it fits loose. As the blind stop and the parting strip between which it slides can not be moved the rattling comes as soon as the wind rises. If the meeting rail were left wide enough to plane, and fitted hard against the one on the inner sash, the pressure would prevent rattling there espe- cially after the lock was in place; but machine made stuff must be ready to slide without planing and there is no mar- gin for a proper fit. The inner sash can easily be fixed right, as the stop can be moved in to suit. Stops should be screwed on, but they are usually nailed in ordinary houses. HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 371 FLY SCREENS: They are most serviceable when they cover the entire window on the outside, as both sash can then be moved, but they cost more than half screens and rot sooner owing to exposure to the weather. Outside blinds can not be used with full screens. BLINDS: Neither outside nor inside blinds are so popular as they once were, especially for good houses. Heavier glass, sometimes plate, is used, and the danger of breaking from hail is ended. But, of course, the New York ruralists will cling to them for ages yet. As salt goes with egg, corned beef with cabbage, and butter with bread, so with them, green blinds go with white houses, one and inseparable now and for evermore. They are truly rural. GROUNDS: To keep the plaster straight it is better to use grounds all over the house. There are from f" to I" thick x 2" wide, planed smooth on one side, and are nailed around all openings, and under base, wainscoting, etc. In cheaper houses the window frames and finished door frames are used, so that the expense of grounds may be saved. (See pages 164, 177.) But the plaster stains the wood, and if natural finish is used instead of paint the blemish is always seen. If grounds are not put around window openings care should be taken to keep lath clear of the frame which is often pushed in far past the straight line. Grounds may be left off under base if the plasterer is care- ful with his work. But if they are not used the position of the studs should be marked on the floor before the plaster- ing is done, so that the base may be nailed solidly, and not merely to the lath. FINISH FLOORS: Yellow pine flooring is not well adapted for out- side work, at least north of Mason and Dixon's line. When laid near the ground it rots in a few years. Wp is the best; Oregon fir is a fair substitute. UNDER FLOORS: If the expense is not too much, under floors of sheeting, shiplap, or cheap flooring should be put down all over the house. The plastering is then done before 372 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR the finish floor is laid. On the first floor, at least, an under floor should be put down, and after the plastering is finished, building paper and the finish floor. It is better laid on an angle of 45, not merely for bracing, but because of a more equal surf than when the boards run parallel with the top floor. The inequalities of the under floor are not then repro- duced on the upper one. OAK FLOORS: The new and better style is to use rugs instead of carpets, and good floors, or at least, good borders are necessary for them. Good oak floors cost money. (See page 22.) But if |" material is used a hardwood border only may be put down, and the center of the room filled in with ordinary flooring. There is no real necessity of cover- ing the whole floor with hardwood, but it is, of course, better to do so. The thin material may be treated in the same way, but special flooring is required for the center, while any lum- ber yard carries |" material. When laid after plastering, and well smoothed and var- nished, good yp makes a beautiful floor, as fine a floor, indeed, as the aver man could desire. 'Tis the aver woman who sighs for the other. TWO KINDS: Quarter sawed or "rift" sawed, yp is by far the best material. There are several grades of this. The common flat sawed flooring becomes in time a source of trouble with slivers. There are several grades of this common stock. The difference between edge grain, or q s, and the common No. 1 in a house 22'x40' is about $13 per story. If the q s is not used for the main part it should certainly be used for the kitchen, as there is no possibility of slivers arising from the edge grain, owing to the way the tree is sawed at the mill. The old flat grain is never used in a good house now. WIDTH: Flooring should not be wider than 4", or 3|" face, except for an attic store room. Narrower than that is bet- ter, but more expensive. Care should be taken to prevent the use of too many short lengths. (See page 352.) MAPLE: Narrow maple really makes the best kitchen floor, but it costs money to put it down. (See page 22.) Sq edged is not adapted for houses. HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 373 OAK: Oak floors are used in the front rooms. They are even more expensive than maple, and require to be carefully laid. They ought to be q s to look well. The " are best, but the thin floor is often used. (See pages 22, 162.) White and red oak are used. White is harder and better than red and costs more. Plain red oak floors are really good enough for most purses. DAMP: It is a mistake to lay floors too soon, unless in sum- mer when the plaster soon dries. Neither architect nor con- tractor is to blame for dampness in a new house, as natural conditions can not be forced; but kiln dried flooring, doors, etc, immediately begin to swell when put in the building. The doors have to be stripped until they will close, and when they dry they are too narrow to look well. The floors shrink until they are spoiled. We are a very illustrious people here, as it were, but we have acquired the unfortunate habit of planting a bush at night and going out to pluck a rose next morning. Usually bath room floors are of tile, and also the base. JOINTS: 111 trained carpenters often make the joints of a floor all clustered together, owing to the length of boards, when they might as well be distributed; and they join mem- bers of base, cornice, etc, within too short a distance, thus spoiling the look of the finished work and weakening its strength. STAIRS: Make sq platforms, unless winders can not be avoided. See that steps and risers are grooved together and blocks glued in behind, or the stair will soon creak. Try to so arrange a plan, for even a cheap house, that there is a separate entrance to the kitchen from the stairway. This is often done by making one stair serve from the second floor to the first landing, but running two flights from there down to first floor, one to the back, another to the front part of the house. But there should always be a straight passage from the kitchen to the front door without going over steps, and this should be at side of stair so that the main rooms need not be used. DOORS: Narrow doors are a source of much trouble. Front, kitchen and cellar doors should not be less than 3' 0" 374. THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR wide; main room, 2' 10"; bed room, 2' 8"; closet, 2' 4". A closet door may be 6' 0" high when below a stair, etc, but 6' 8" is the least desirable height for any door, and 7' 0" is better. Doors ought to be on a level if possible. Transoms give light and ventilation to halls. Some do not like them. CASINGS AND BASE: Finish of all kinds is easiest treated when plain. The Japanese, among their other eminent quali- fications, have the knack of living in simple houses with simple furniture. We fill houses full of hard work, and scrub and fight and worry over useless mouldings, useless furni- ture, useless stair ornamentation, grilles like Chinese puzzles, and a score of other useless dust collectors. It is done to please " flub-dub " architects who talk of " Louis Quatorze, Quinze, Seize," or some other man or woman with a thou- sand servants. OPEN PLUMBING: Why were we so slow in discovering open plumbing? It seems strange that we should have used tEe old kind so long. Our descendants will say, "Why were they so long in discovering simplicity of style in houses and furniture? Why did they keep their shoulders below use- less loads?" Here, we are at least further advanced in tfie right direction than the British and Germans. They box everything, and make their furniture heavy enough to last for a thousand years. VENTILATION: The under side of the casings of a window should be within 6" of the ceiling, if we are to believe the sanitarians. This gives good ventilation, but spoils ttie border for paper and picture mould. Each builder must decide for herself whether esthetics or health is to have first place. HEAT: If house is to be heated by furnace, steam or hot water, be sure to let door jambs and plinth blocks, or casings, run clear down to the under floor, so that when the wood joists shrink the jambs will still be covered. On flats I put up in 1907 the joists shrunk nearly " in some places, but the jambs had been let down, so that no harm was done. On one large apartment house I know of, pieces had to be glued in below jambs, blocks, and base. The small moulding at floor on base can usually be left unchanged if it has been nailed to the floor and not to the base. HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 375 WAINSCOTING: The walls of kitchens and bath rooms are seldom wainscoted now. They are either plastered with hard plaster or tiled. This style of finish is much better. Of course, paneled wainscoting is still used in fine houses. Dining rooms look well with paneled wainscoting. It gives a kind of a " baronial " flavor to the ordinary house, but it costs a good deal. (See Index.) A plate rail may be used if wainscoting is too expensive. WOODS: There are a score of woods to choose from. Wp or yp as we used to called it on the other side, our yp being know as "pitch " pine is better for paint and better than yp even for oil finish. The best grades are now so expensive, however, that some millmen would just as soon supply red oak, which, of course, requires more labor to put in place. The usual fashion for a house costing from $1,800 up, is to finish the main rooms on the first floor in oak, or some other hardwood, and make yp, cypress or a cheap wood serve for the kitchen and upstairs. White oak is more expensive than red; q s than plain, but the difference is seen in the finished work. GLASS: Beveled plate looks well, but again we come to the old trouble it costs more than common plate. Plate glass is far superior to common glass, AA, common to A, and A to B. Dbl thick is naturally stronger than single. (See page 205.) When good plate is put in it can scarcely be seen, if well cleaned. There are two qualities of plate. BENT GLASS: In general, it is a mistake to use circular or bent glass. If a light gets broken it is often necessary to wait for weeks before another comes from the factory, and the price is several times as much as for straight. BEDDING: The best work is bedded with putty before the glass is laid in the rabbet, then small galv angular brads, or points, are pressed in to hold the light in place. Common: work, mill glazed, is often left without back putty. TIN GUTTERS: Some prefer gutters built up on the roof rather than those which hang at the eave. The roof gutter looks 376 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR a, little better, but costs more. Other gutters are concealed inside of the cornice, clear of the walls, just as the hanging ones are, so that there is no danger of water going through the boarding if a leak takes place. The roof gutter should also be clear of the main wall. DOWNSPOUTS: All downspouts should be connected to sewer or if there is no sewer, some means should be taken to lead the water away from foundation. They should be made of I X or galv iron. QUALITY: It it cheapest in the end to use the best tin, but even if the poorest material is used, with a hanging gutter there is no trouble in putting on a new one. It is otherwise with those that are built up. The tin goes under the shingles, and several courses have sometimes to be taken up where repairs become necessary, and the expense is considerable. The best material should be used when running under shingles, and it snould be painted two coats of mineral paint on the under side before being laid, to prevent rust, and two coats on the upper also when in place. VALLEYS: In valleys, especially, where two roofs meet, the one plane running north and the other east, for example, see that the best quality of tin is put down regardless of the cost. Economize on something else than tin in such a place, for if poor material is used and the shingles all cut to an angle at the bottom have to be lifted on both sides to get the new tin under, repairs are unusually expensive. The old proverb of penny wise, pound foolish applies here. The difference,. then, is clearly seen: one may use poor tin for Hanging gutters, or they may be left off altogether, for that matter, but flashing around chimneys, dormers, valleys, tin shingles on corners, and such work as can not be easily repaired without tearing up the roof should be of the best material carefully painted. BRANDS: Some of the best brands of tin are Taylor's Old Style, M. F., and Merchants Old Method. These brands are stamped in the sheet. I X of the various brands should be used for valley linings. It is the tinning and not the iron that makes for durability, but where rough usage is expected the stiffer brand should be used. HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 377 Galv iron is now often substituted for tin, and it is bet- ter than the cheap brands, but not so good as the ones men- tioned above. (For prices, see Chap XV.) SIDING, ETC: Pressed brick siding, rock faced siding, tin shingles over entire roof, and such devices to imitate better material, are seldom seen in cities, but are much admired by those whom the New York Sun " The Impartial Shiner " calls " the ruralists." LATH AND PLASTER LATH: Metal lath is the best, but it is more expensive than wp, the next best. It is seldom used for ordinary dwellings, but both for clinching the mortar and for fire protection it is superior to wood. But for metal the joists or strips, espe- cially on ceilings, should not be more than 12" centers, as it sags at a wider distance When joists are wider they are usually furred with Ix2's. For wood the joints are broken every 15" or so to keep the plaster from cracking in a straight line from iloor to ceiling. Outside brick walls are now often lined with 4" hollow brick which take the place of the inside course and make the use of wood strips unnecessary. In Scotland split lath is used almost exclusively, and it ia much better than the sawn lath, as the surf is necessarily straight grained and not cut across, thus weakening the strength of the wood. Lathers should not crowd lath against window frames. MORTAR: Cement plasters have now taken the place of the old lime kind. (See page 3.) SAND: Sand for all plasters should be screened. It is pos- sible to spoil the plaster by using too much sand. COATS: The ordinary small house is finished in 2 coats, but all, except the very cheapest, should have 3. The first coat, the brown coat, usually put on at the same time as the first, and, after thorough drying, the white, or putty coat. Sand finish is not usually put on dwellings, but it is best for halls and large rooms where the surf is to be painted instead 378 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR of papered. Three coats are necessary for metal lath, as the first has to be thin and dry before the next is put on. PROTECTION: The walls of kitchens, pantries, corridors, halls, stairs and bath rooms are now often finished to a height of 3 or 4' with the hardest of cement plasters, such as Best Brothers', Keene's Cement, and no wood wainscoting used. It is the cleanest and best finish short of enameled tile or such expensive material. At base, wood wainscoting, and around all openings where wood finish is to be nailed on, the plaster should be carefully straightened. METAL CORNERS: Use metal corners at angles. Then the plaster can not be broken. Wood corner beads or strips are not nearly so good. They are only 5c or less per ft. SCREENS: It is sometimes hard to keep even the best plaster from cracking. Muslin screens should be put over all openings to keep out the hot summer air which dries the mortar too soon. BURLAP: After a time, where paper is not used, burlap is put on the side walls and unbleached muslin on the ceiling and the surf painted, but ordinary houses are not usually treated in this way The burlap is either plain and painted after it is put on, which appears to be the more satisfactory way, or it can be bought already stained in various shades. The joints should of course be butted and not lapped like some cheap wall paper, as it is thick. It is too heavy for ceilings. SUBSTITUTES: There are several "Board" inventions to take the place of plaster. They are extra good when repair- ing a house where one does not care to spoil floors with plaster; but are not in general favor for new houses. HARDWARE See page 223, and buy according to your purse. Good, ser- viceable, and even beautiful hardware may be had at a very reasonable price. All the rest is leather and prunella, bow- ing in the house of Rimmon, and so forth but the hard- ware men are as much entitled to their share of the extrav- agance as other merchants, and they can supply a quality of HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 37 goods which would have surprised the founders of this repub- lic. We excel in hardware on this side of the Atlantic. KINDS: Use loose pin surf or ordinary butts, so that doors can be removed without using a screw driver. Cast iron is cheap, and may serve for years, but may be broken in a day; wrt iron is safer. Put on mortise locks, not rim locks. Slid- ing doors should be hung from the top. Some run on tHe floor, other on side devices. Sash should be hung on weights, and not on any kind of balances. (See page 166.) If fly screens are to be put on the inside, flush sash lifts should be used, as the book or bar lifts project from the sash. PAINT: Under no circumstances should hardware be put on before the painter is finished. It is next to impossible to paint around it without smearing. With varnish the results are worse than with paint, for the one is seen, and the painter has to be careful, but the other is t not, and is run over the face of locks on doors and windows, clogging them and pre- venting working. The hardware man is often blamed when the painter is at fault. PAINTING SHINGLES should be dipped, but not painted. NO. O~F COATS: Houses are often painted with only 2 coats on the outside, but at least 3 are necessary to give a proper finish. White lead mixed with linseed oil is the best material for the first, and subsequent costs, with the coloring matter added. We live in an era of adulteration, when even food is poisoned, and baking powder partly made of ground rock, and why expect pure white lead? Ochre is not so good as lead, but it is cheaper, and is often used for the first coat. NO. OF COLORS: The former style of decorated painting is now out of date. Houses are often painted in only one color with the exception of the sash. Pure white looks well but it can not be produced with fewer than 3 coats, and 4 or even more, are better. A. shade of coloring matter hides many deficiencies at first, and much dust afterwards. PUTTY: A good painter will never do any puttying before the first coat is put on. The raw wood absorbs the oil 380 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR from the putty, and it dries and falls out. For the same rea- son the rabbets of sash must be primed before the glass is put in. There is more opportunity for using poor material in paint- ing than almost any other branch of building. Architects usually specify that all materials must be brought to the job in original packages. Good paint lasts for a long while; poor paint fades in less than a year. INSIDE PAINTING: There is the choice between paint and finishing in the natural color, or staining and varnishing (See page 270 for standard finish.) FINE PAINT: White and gold make a fine combination, Si beautiful finish, but from five to eight coats are required to cover the raw wood and bring out the proper shade. Such work is expensive. It is not possible to get the white effect with 2 coats. A little color, inside even more than outside, covers all blemishes, and makes a cheaper finish than the pure article. Yp is not adapted for painting nearly so well as wp. or cypress. VARNISH: A cheaper finish than the pure white may be had with the usual hard oil treatment. Of course, this does not mean the first quality of work with the requisite number of coats, and rubbing down, but merely a presentable finish at a cheaper rate than for pure white paint. But with a little ground pumice stone and linseed oil any one can do the rubbing down to the much admired " egg shell gloss," and save that part of the painter's bill, or, indeed, buy the ma- terial and put on all the coats. (See page 267.) FLOORS: There are a hundred and one preparations for hardwood floors. Painters stand by the regular finish, and it is sure: Paste filler, 2 coats of grain alcohol not wood alcohol shellac, 1 coat of good varnish, sand papered be- tween coats and slightly rubbed down on the last. For all work sandpapering is essential, and it should be done with the grain of the wood, and not across. Another good finish is filler, and waxing 2 coats with a weighted brush. Still another is filler, 1 coat of shellac, and 1 of wax. Or filling and 2 coats of floor varnish, or florene, but this is not so good as the shellac treatment. Floor var- HINTS ON HOUSE BUILDING 381 nish costs about $1.75 per gall; white grain, and not wood alcohol, shellac, $3.50. An experienced painter gave me his choice for floors as follows: No. 1: Filler, 1 coat of shellac, 2 of varnish, and rubbing down. Cost, with profit included, 50c per sq yd. No. 2: Filler, 1 coat shellac, 1 of wax, 30c. Such woods as oak require to be filled owing to the pores; yp, wp, etc, do not require filling. MAPLE FLOORS: It is hard to say what is the best finish for maple floors. There are a dozen and one guaranteed finishes, and 11 of them are almost sure to fail. There is one good finish, and if it will not glisten, neither will it come off. Carpenters used to polish up their beech planes according to this one. Maple, is, of course, not so- porous as beech. Take a rag dipped in boiled linseed oil and rub the floor all over with it, then at once rub it off with a cloth to a dry surf. If the oil is not rubbed off the floor will be " oily, 5 ' and half spoiled. After the oil has had time to soak in apply another coat in the same way and dry thoroughly at once. Repeat the coat once a week and after a time once in two weeks, and always be ready, with a kind of pride, to give it a coat and a dry scrub just the same as a horseman gives his horse a currying. After a certain time a dull egg shell gloss wiTl be there " for keeps," because the oil will have soaked into the pores so deep and thoroughly that the boards would have to be planed down a quarter of an inch to get the original color of the wood. This takes patience, but I have often seen planes glisten- ing with this finish. It means a spoiled floor if the oil is not carefully rubbed off. On the other hand some painters say never to put lin-. seed oil on a floor, but they mean in the ordinary way. For a time quite a time linseed oil on any floor Is a disap- pointment. But once on, it can not be marred with casters or chair legs. If this system is followed it must be with the same patience that a smoker uses to color a meerchaum pipe. .382 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR The only reward is a sight of the finished article. Finis coronat opus! MAPLE FLOORS: The Painters' Magazine recommends what for most people will be a more satisfactory treatment -of the much discussed maple floors. It is as follows: Use 2, or better still, 3 coats of bleached grain alcohol shellac not wood alcohol when the natural color of the "wood is to fte preserved. After shellac is dry rub on a coat 'of floor oil composed of 9 parts raw linseed oil and 1 part drier. This will give a smooth dull finish. Once a month or oftener go over with a floor oil, 8 pints of raw linseed, 2 pints turpentine, and 1 pint white or orange grain shellac Tarnish. Apply with a brush, and rub in by wrapping a cloth around a weighted floor brush. Paraffine oil, pale and light, will also clean off floor and preserve shellac body PLASTER: If plaster is painted in ordinary fashion, it is often stippled to take off the brush marks and the gloss. But "bath rooms, etc, are often finished in enamel paint. A coat the magazine 388 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR advertisement the house has been built several hundred times for $1,125, presumably including a good profit for the con- tractor. No wonder the plans are selling. That is only $188 per room with plumbing thrown in. A CHEAP HOUSE: But for a "cheesebox " cottage the low figures will pass; and a plain house that is owned by the occupants is more to be desired than a stylish one owned by some one else. Take a 1-story house 18'x36', with no projections, 4'x9" foundation, 9' ceiling, 3 rooms and pantry, plain porch, chimney set on a bracket, and the cost at city prices, should not run over $648, or $1 per sq ft. If posts and sheeting are substituted for brick foundations, $600 is enough. Paint- ing, set at $50, might be done later on, and $550 taken as the figure. But this means a hole dug in the ground for a cellar, pine finished, no fancy angles outside or inside, no blinds, no sink, water supply, or cistern. In some localities half that figure would be enough. Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis, Salt Lake City, New York, represent the one extreme; the mountains of North Carolina, the forests of Washington and the pleasant climate of Florida make the other possible. The porch left off cuts the price down $50 more; and for those who prefer a home of their own without plaster to a plastered one belonging to some one else, for the course of the summer, a deduction of $75 may be made. But a con- tractor could not build such cottages and live. A good car- penter, just starting out, is willing to take such small con- tracts for the chance of making a little more than by work- ing by the day. But let the distinction be kept clear between such ordinary shelters and the miniature palaces shown in the magazines. ANOTHER: In looking through some recent trade journals, I found a house almost the same as the St. Louis one, and the trade publications have to present another kind of esti- mates than those in the illustrated magazines, for their * readers are acquainted with prices. The size is 28'x30' over all, there is a cellar throughout entire house. There is no hall, but 4 rooms and a pantry on first floor, and 4 rooms with closets above. The divi- COTTAGES IN SPAIN 389 sion of the partitions is practically the same, but a box stair is used. There are only 4 corners, and the finish, outside and inside, is of the plainest. The ceilings are 9' 0" and 8' 6". It is as plain a house as could be built, and yet the cost per room is $278, and the rooms are small. The cost and percentages are as follows: Cost Per Cent Excavation and Masonry $315 14 . 2 Lumber 538 24.2 Millwork and Glass 390 17 . 5 Carpenter Work 420 18. 9 Hardware and Tin 100 4.5 Kitchen Sink 40 1.8 Plaster 180 8.1 Painting 140 6.3 Incidentals.. 100 4.5 $2,223 100.0 There is no plumbing except the sink. On the St. Louis house some of the millwork was made by hand fhus reducing cost of this item and raising carpenter work; on the foregoing house the mill work is figured ready to put on. The rate per hour of carpenters is not given. But the two houses made a very close comparison. On the first the cost per sq ft is $2.22; on this one the cost is $2.65; on still another plan, originally made by a friend for competition in " The Ladies Home Journal," but never sent in, the cost is $4.14, the difference being due to furnace, plumbing, detail work and better finish. "Did you send in the plan?" I asked him, "No," he replied, "when I found that the cost ran to more than $4 per sq ft without contractors' prolt I let it go." His plan is sq, 29'x32' with a cemented basement all through; attic is floored but not finished; there are halls and 4 rooms on each floor besides 2 bath rooms, and plenty of closets with windows. Counting bath rooms, makes 10 rooms at $384 each. The estimate made for him by a con- tractor is given below: 390 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Cost Per Cent Excavation and Masonry $492 12 . 82 Lumber 500 13.03 Millwork and Glass 906 23 . 61 Carpenter Labor 758 19 . 75 Plastering 234 6 . 09 Hardware 77 2 . 01 Tin 65 1.70 Painting 280 7 . 30 Heating and Mantel 200 5 . 22 Plumbing 325 8.47 $3,837 100.0 BUNGALOWS: The real American palace, we are told, is a bungalow. Like a palace, in one respect, the cost some- times runs higher than is expected. The bungalow fad is at present sweeping over the land in rather a strong way. The little nook and corner castle makes a pretty picture, but has weak points as well as strong ones. I have seen many of them in the beautiful semi-tropical country around Los Angeles, and there is their proper home. Often a structure of plain rough boards and battens, such as we use in other regions for a coal shed, is built, and what with stained walls, roses, palms, and luxuriant foliage, it makes a picture for an artist. But that style will not do in zero weather. In California, near the sea, no basement or cellar is re- quired, as meat hangs in the open air. Then, a founda- tion is not really necessary even on top of the ground, to say nothing of going below the frost line. A cheap shelter can easily be built there. From a Bungalow Book at hand I find that sq ft prices run from $1 to $2.10 for well finished, beautiful structures. What with foundations, cellars, the necessity of guarding against zero weather and high cost of special millwork, usually shown, these prices might easily be doubled. The founda- tion and roof area of a bungalow is necessarily much larger than those of a 2 story house; and a roof costs almost as much, even at the same area, on a 1-story house as on a 2. One bungalow put up in Omaha in 1908 cost $4,000. The size is 24'x36' on ground floor, so that the rate per sq ft is COTTAGES IN SPAIN 391 $4.50. There is a cemented basement all through, oak finish on first floor, rooms in the attic, and everything finished in the best manner. Ceilings are only 8'-6" and 8'-0", which is too low. For general purposes a 2-story house is more to be desired. Two others cost $3; one with a single story, $2.50. Then, in a bungalow the bed rooms are usually on the first floor and if the door happens to be left open when the preacher calls at 4 P. M., and through some accident the work is left undone, there is soon apt to be a sermon on the ant, that marvel of industry. If foundations have to run down 3'-6" for frost, and floor is, say, 2'-6" above ground there is a brick walF 5'-0" deep around a space about 30x45 instead of one 24x28. In the 2 story, you can excavate all the space, and have enough room if you do this in the bungalow you have far too much room, the work is too expensive, especially if you put in a concrete and cement floor, and if you excavate only a part, there is the rough earth to look at instead of a finished wall. A reinforced concrete bungalow was put up in 1907 at Fort Thomas, Ky. It cost about $3,800, or $3.90 per sq ft of ground area. Regular first floor rooms, and also attic. Red tile roof. The bungalow is an artistic and suitable building for the bungalow country, and, indeed, for any country if you can afford the expense. Of course a summer home can be built cheaply enough anywhere, but for a permanent winter home in a zero country, strictly well built, a bungalow is a high priced luxury. SOD: For sod around buildings the charge in Omaha is 12c per sq yd laid. In Chap VI we see bids were put in on 230,000 yds for 2 and 3 cents. No matter how well you build your house it will not satisfy every one. There are many different tastes, and it is well that there are. In "The Canadian Architect and Builder," for instance, there is a pleasant little article which may be read with profit: 392 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR MISTAKES IN HIS NEW HOUSE. O. M. Weand, a railroad contractor, of Reading, Pa., has just finished building a house for himself and to commemo- rate the event, has published an illustrated pamphlet of 50 or more pages containing the criticisms of leading citizens. The title of the book is " The Mistakes I Made in Building a House." Following are some of the criticisms of his friends: " Of course, you are building the house, but if it were mine, I would run an open porch around the corner so as to con- nect the 2 porches." " I would prefer one large window in the second story front, instead of the dbl window." "You'll make a mistake if you don't pebble dash the exterior." "You better run the 13 inch walls all the way up. It gets pretty windy out here sometimes." " I think the ceilings are too low. " My! How small the rooms are." " You ought to be on the other side of the street." "If it were my house, I would prefer to have the cornice several inches higher." "By all means put a dbl line of boards on the first floor. It keeps the cellar dust from coming through." " Those chimney tops look like tombstones." " The lawn steps should have been immediately in front of the main entrance." "Why didn't you set the house in the middle of the lot? " " Personally, I prefer steam heat to the hot water system." CHAPTER XXVIII WEIGHTS AND MEASURES PROPERTIES OF THE CIRCLE Diam X 3. 14159 = circumference. Diam X .8862 = side of an equal sq. Diam X .7071 =side of an inscribed sq. Diam 2 X .7854 = area of a circle. Radius X 6.28318 = circumference. Circumference -r- 3 .1 41 59 = diam . 1st. The circle contains a greater area than any plane figure, bounded by an equal perimeter or outline. 2d. The areas of circles are to each other as the sq of their diam. 3d. Any circle whose diam is double that of another contains four times the area of the other. 4th. Area of a circle is equal to the area of a triangle whose base equals the circumference, and perpendicular equals the radius. TABLE OF DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS 8THS 1/8 equals 125 5/8 equals 625 1/4 equals 250 3/4 equals 750 3/8 equals 375 7/8 equals 875 1/2 equals 500 16THS 1/16 equals 0625 9/16 equals 5625 3/16 equals 1875 11/16 equals 6875 5/16 equals 3125 13/16 equals 8125 7/16 equals 4375 15/16 equals 9375 32DS 1/32 equals 03125 17/32 equals 53125 3/32 equals 09375 19/32 eqpals. 59375 5/32 equals 15625 21/32 equals 65625 7/32 equals 21875 23/32 equals 71875 9/32 equals 28125 25/32 equals 78125 11/32 equals 34375 27/32 equals 84375 13/32 equals 40625 29/32 equals 90625 15/32 equals 46875 31Z32 equals 96875 393 394 , THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Table of Decimal Equivalents Continued 64THS 1/64 equals 015625 33/64 equals .515625 3/64 equals 046875 35/64 equals 546875 5/64 equals 078125 37/64 equals 578125 7/64 equals 109375 39/64 equals 609375 9/64 equals 140625 41/64 equals 640625 11/64 equals 171875 43/64 equals 671875 13/64 equals 203125 45/64 equals 703125 15/64 equals 234375 47/64 equals 734375 17764 equals 265625 49/64 equals 765625 19/64 equals 296875 51/64 equals 796875 21/64 equals 328125 53/64 equals 828125 23/64 equals 359375 55/64 equals 859375 25/64 equals 390625 57/64 equals 890625 27/64 equals 421875 59/64 equals 921875 29/64 equals 453124 61/64 equals. 953125 31/64 equals 484375 63/64 equals 984375 USEFUL MEMORANDA AND TABLES 1 ci of Cast Iron weighs 0.26 Ibs 1 ci of Wrought Iron weighs 0.28 Ibs 1 ci of Water weighs 036 Ibs 1 cf of Water weighs 62.321 Ibs 1 United States gall weighs 8.33 Ibs 1 Imperial gall weighs 10. Ibs 1 United States gall equals 231. ci 1 Imperial gall equals 277.274 ci 1 cf of Water equals 7.48 U. S. gall CONVENIENT MULTIPLES For the side of an equal sq of a circle, mult diam by .8862. For the surf of a sphere, mult sq of diam by 3.1446. For the Solidity of a sphere, mult cube of diam by .5236. For the side of an inscribed cube, mult the radius of a sphere by 1.1547. The area of the base of a pyramid, or cone, whether round, sq or triangular, mult by one-third of its height, equals the solidity. The base of a triangle mult by half the height equals the area. RULE For finding the weight of castings or forgings by the weight of their patterns. Mult the weight of the wp pattern by 16 for cast iron, 25 for lead, 17.1 for wrt iron, 12.2 for tin, 17.3 for steel, 13 for brass, 18 for copper, 11.4 for zinc, and the product is the weight of the casting. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 395 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES Diam Circum Area Diam Circum Area 1 3.1416 .7854 64 201.06 3216.99 2 6.2832 3.1416 65 204.20 3318.31 3 9.4248 7.0686 66 207.34 3421.19 4 12.5664 12.5664 67 210.49 3525.65 5 15.7080 19.635 68 213.63 3631 .68 6 18.850 28.274 69 216.77 3739.28 7 21.991 38.485 70 219.91 3848.45 8 25.133 50.266 71 223.05 3959.19 9 28.274 63.617 72 226.19 4071 .50 10 31.416 78.540 73 229.34 4185.39 11 34.558 95.033 74 232.48 4300.84 12 37.699 113.1 75 235.62 4417.86 13 40.841 132.73 76 238.76 4536.46 14 43.982 153.94 77 241.90 4656.63 15 47.124 176.71 78 245.04 4778.36 16 50.265 201.06 79 248.19 4901.67 17 53.407 226.98 80 251.33 5026.55 18 56.549 254.47 81 254.47 5153. 19 59.690 283.53 82 257.61 5281.02 20 62.832 314.16 83 260.75 5410.61 21 65.973 346.36 84 263.89 5541.77 22 69.115 380.13 85 267.04 5674.50 23 72.257 415.48 86 270.18 5808.80 24 75.398 452.39 87 273.32 5944.68 25 78.540 490.87 88 276.46 6082.12 26 81.681 530.93 89 279.60 6221.14 27 84.823 572.56 90 282.74 6361.73 28 87.965 615.75 91 285.88 6503.88 29 91.106 660.52 92 289.03 6647.61 30 94.248 706.86 93 292.17 6792.91 31 97.389 754.77 94 295.31 6939.78 32 100.53 804.25 95 298.45 7088.22 33 103.67 855.30 96 301.59 7238.23 34 106.81 907.92 97 304.73 7339.81 35 109.96 962.11 98 307.88 7542.96 36 113.10 1017.88 99 311.02 7697.69 37 116.24 1075.21 100 314.16 7853.98 38 119.38 1134.11 101 317.30 8011.85 39 122.52 1194.59 102 320.44 8171.28 40 125.66 1256.64 103 323.58 8332.29 41 128.81 1320.25 104 326.73 8494.87 42 131.95 1385.44 105 329.87 8659.01 43 135.09 1452.20 106 333.01 8824.73 44 138.23 1520.53 107 336.15 8992.02 45 141.37 1590.43 108 339.29 9160.88 46 144.51 1661.90 109 342.43 9331.32 47 147.65 1734.94 110 345.58 9503.32 48 150.80 1809.56 111 348.72 9676.89 49 153.94 1885.74 112 351.86 9852.03 50 157.08 1963.50 113 355. 10028.75 51 160.22 2042.82 114 358.14 10207.03 52 163.36 2123.72 115 361.28 10386.89 53 166.50 2206.18 116 364.42 10568.32 54 169.65 2290.22 117 367.57 10751.32 55 172.79 2375.83 118 370.71 10935.88 56 175.93 2463.01 119 373.85 11122.02 57 179.07 2551.76 120 376.99 11309.73 58 182.21 2642.08 121 380.13 11499.01 69 185.35 2733.97 122 383.27 11689.87 60 188.50 2827.43 123 386.42 11882.29 1 191.64 2922.47 124 389.56 12076.28 62 194.78 3019.07 125 392.70 12271.85 -63 197192 3117.25 126 395.84 12468.98 396 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LEAD PIPE Weight per LP Inside Diam. Thickness in In A i A * 1 i 1 I in Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs .427 .97 1 65 2.44 4.38 .548 1.21 2.01 2.93 5.11 7.79 .670 1.46 2.38 3.42 5.85 8.77 i2'.2 .791 1.70 2.74 3.90 6.58 9.75 13.4 i7'.6 .911 1.95 3.11 4.39 7.31 10.7 14.6 19.1 1 1.03 2.19 3.47 4.88 8.04 11.7 15.8 20.5 1.28 2.69 4.21 5.85 9.5 13.7 18.3 23.4 1.52 3.18 4.94 6.83 11. 15.6 20.7 26.3 1.76 3.67 5.67 7.81 12.4 17.6 23.2 29.3 2 2.01 4.16 6.40 8.78 13.9 19.5 25.6 32.2 2.25 4.65 7.13 9.76 15.4 21.5 28.1 35.1 2.49 5.14 7.86 10.7 16.8 23.4 30.5 38. 2.73 5.63 8.59 11.7 18.3 25.4 32.9 41. 3 2.98 6.12 9.32 12.7 19.7 27.3 35.4 43,9 - i 3.46 7.10 10.8 14.6 22.7 31.3 40.3 49.7 4 3.95 8.08 12.2 16.6 25.6 35.2 45.2 55.6 CAST IRON PIPES Weight of a LF gfi Thickness of Metal in In &s i 1 i i f 1 1 H U 11 Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 2 5.52 8.74 12.27 16.11 20.25 24.70 29.45 34.52 39.88 51.54 2i 6.75 10.58 14.73 19.18 23.95 28.99 34.36 40.04 46.02 58.91 3 7.93 12.43 17.18 22.24 27.61 32.29 39.27 45.56 52.16 66.27 3i 9.20 14.27 19.64 25.31 31.29 37.58 44.18 51.08 58.29 73.63 4 10.43 16.11 22.09 28.38 34.98 41.88 49.09 56.60 64.43 80.99 4i 11.66 17.95 24.54 31.45 38.66 46.18 54.00 62.13 70.56 88.36 5 12.89 19.79 27.00 34.52 42.34 50.47 58.91 67.65 76.70 95.72 5i 14.11 21.63 29.45 37.58 46.02 54.76 63.81 73.17 82.84 103.08 6 15.34 23.47 31.91 40.65 49.70 59.06 68.72 78.69 88.97 110.45 7 17.79 27.15 36.82 46.79 57.06 67.65 78.54 89.74 101.24 125.17 8 20.25 30.83 41.72 52.92 64.43 76.24 88.36 100.78 113.52 139.90 9 22.70 34.52 46.63 59.06 71.79 84.83 98.18 111.83 125.79 154.63 10 25 16 38 20 51 54 65 19 79 15 93 42 107 99 122 87 138.06 11 27.61 41.88 56.45 71.33 86.52 102.01 117.81 133.92 150.33 12 30.07 45 56 61 36 77 47 93 88 110 60 127.63 144.96 162.60 13 32.52 49! 24 66! 27 83 .'60 101 ! 24 119il9 137.45 156.01 174.87 14 34.98 52.92 71.18 89.74 108 . 61 127.78 147.26 167.05 187.15 15 56.60 76.09 95.87 115.97 136.37 157.08 178.10 199.42 ..'!!! 16 60 29 80.99 102.01 123.33 144 96 166.90 189.14 211.69 18 67.65 90.81 114.28 138.06 162!l4 186.53 211.23 236.23 20 100 . 63 126.55 152.79 179.32 2Ofi 17 233 32 260 . 78 22 110.45 138.83 167.51 196.50 225.8(1 255.41 285 . 32 24 120.26 151.10 182.24 213.68 245.44 277.50 309.87 NOTE. For each joint add a ft in length of the pipe. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 397 U. S. GALL IN ROUND TANKS For One Ft in Depth Diam of Tanks No. U. S. Gall CFand Area in SF Diam of Tanks No. U. S. Gall CF andl Area in SF Diam of Tanks No. U. S. Gall CF and A.rea in SF 1' 5.87 .785 5' 8" 188.66 25.22 19' 2120.90 283.53 1' 1" 6.89 .922 5' 9" 194.25 25.97 19' 3" 2177.10 291.04 1' 2" 8. 1.069 5' 10" 199.92 26.73 ' 19' 6" 2234. 298:65 1' 3" 9.18 1.227 5' 11" 205.67 27.49 19' 9" 2291 .70 306.35 1' 4" 10.44 1.396 6' 211.51 28.27 | 20' 2350.10 314.16 1' 5" 11.79 1.576 6' 3" 229.50 30.68 20' 3" 2409.20 322.06 1 6" 13.22 1.767 6' 6" 248.23 33.18 20' 6" 2469.10 330.06 1' 7" 14.73 1.969 6' 9" 267.69 35.78 20' 9" 2529.60 338.16 1' 8" 16.32 2.182 V 287.88 38.48 21' 2591. 346.36 1 9" 17.99 2.405 r 3" 308.81 41.28 21' 3" 2653. 354.66 1' 10" 19.75 2.640 7' 6" 330.48 44.18 21' 6" 2715.80 363.05 1' 11" 21.58 2.885 r 9" 352.88 47.17 21' 9" 2779.30 371.54 2' 23.50 3.142 8' 376.01 50.27 22' 2843.60 380.13 2' 1" 25.50 3.409 8' 3" 399'88 53.46 22' 3" 2908.60 388.82 2' 2" 27.58 3.687 S' 6" 424.48 56.75 22' 6" 2974.30 397.61 2' 3" 29.74 3.976 8' 9" 449.82 60.13 22' 9" 3040.80 406.49 2' 4" 31.99 4.276 9' 475.89 63.62 23' 3108. 415.48 2' 5" 34.31 4.587 9' 3" 502.70 67.20 23' 3" 3175.90 424.56 2' 6" 36.72 4.909 9' 6" 530.24 70.88 23' 6" 3244.60 433.74 2' 7" 39.21 5.241 9' 9" 558.51 74.66 23' 9" 3314. 443.01 2' 8" 41.78 5.585 10' 587.52 78.54 24' 3384.10 452.39 2' 9" 44.43 5.940 10' 3" 617.26 82.52 24' 3" 3455. 461.86 2' 10" 47.16 6.305 10' 6" 640.74 86.59 24' 6" 3526.60 471.44 2' 11" 49.98 6.681 10' 9" 678.95 90.76 24' 9" 3598.90 481.11 3' 52.88 7.069 11' 710.90 95.03 25' 3672. 490.87 3' 1" 55.86 7.467 11' 3" 743.58 99.40 25' 3" 3745.80 500.74 3' 2" 58.92 7.876 11' 6" 776.99 103.87 25' 6" 3820.30 510.71 3' 3" 62.06 8.296 11' 9" 811.14 108.43 25' 9" 3895.60 520.77 3' 4" 65.28 8.727 12' 846.03 113.10 26' 3971.60 530.93 3' 5" 68.58 9.168 12' 3" 881.65 117.86 26' 3" 4048.40 541.19 3' 6" 71.97 9.621 12' 6" 918. 122.72 26' 6" 4125.90 551.55 3' 7" 75.44 10.085 12' 9" 955.09 127.68 26' 9" 4204.10 562. 3' 8" 78.99 10.559 13' 992.91 132.73 27' 4283. 572.66 3' 9" 82.62 11.045 13' 3" 1031.50 137.89 27' 3" 4362.70 583.21 3' 10" 86.33 11.541 13' 6" 1070.80 143.14 27' 6" 4443.10 593.96 3' 11" 90.13 12.048 13' 9" 1110.80 148.49 27' 9" 4524.30 604.81 4' 94. 12.566 14' 1151.50 153.94 28' 4606.20 615.75 4' 1" 97.96 13.095 14' 3" 1193. 159.48 28' 3" 4688.80 626.80 4' 2" 102. 13.635 14' 6" 1235.30 165.13 28' 6" 4772.10 637.94 4' 3" 106.12 14.186 14' 9" 1278.20 170.87 28' 9" 4856.20 649.18 4' 4" 110.32 14.748 15' 1321.90 176.71 29' 4941. 660.52 4' 5" 114.61 15.321 15' 3" 1366.40 182.65 29' 3" 5026.60 671.96 4' 6" 118.97 15.90 15' 6" 1411.50 188.69 29' 6" 5112.90 683.49 4' 7" 123.42 16.50 15' 9" 1457.40 194.83 29' 9" 5199.90 695.13 4' 8" 127.95 17.10 16' 1504.10 201 .06 30' 5287.70 706.86 4 / g* 132.56 17.72 16' 3" 1551.40 207.39 30' 3" 5376.20 718.69 4' 10* 137.25 18.35 16' 6" 1599.50 213.82 30' 6" 5465.40 730.62 4' 11" 142.02 18.99 16' 9" 1648.40 220.35 30' 9" 5555.40 742.64 5' 146.88 19.63 17' 1697.90 226.98 31' 5646.10 754.77 5' 1" 151.82 20.29 17' 3" 1748.20 233.71 31' 3" 5737.50 766.99 5' 2" 156.83 20.97 17' 6" 1799.30 240.53 31' 6" 5829.70 779.31 5' 3" 161.93 21.65 17' 9" 1851.10 247.45 31' 9" 5922.60 791.73 5' 4" 167.12 22.34 18' 1903.60 254.47 32' 6016.20 804.25 5' 5" 172.38 23.04 18' 3" 1956.80 261.59 32' 3" 6110.60 816.86 5' 6" 177.72 23.76 18' 6" 2010.80 268.80 32' 6" 6205.70 829.58 5' 7" 183.15 24.48 18' 9* 2065.50 276.12 32' 9" 6301 .50 842.39 31 i Gall to 1 Bbl To find the capacity of tanks greater than the largest given in the table, look in the table for a tank of one-half of the given size and mult its capacity by 4, or one of one-third its size and mult its capacity by 9, etc. 398 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR C3 < S I U Q OC rt co u. O QJ OQ 5 D Z 52 S I jl|lliiill 12!i; ^is c e c c : ,- t- 5 O .a iiiliiiiilii W ?! ^H ? D t~ t- 00 C gl! 1 C D C ^ } IS ; 52 S iiiigiliiiii; 5 05 r4 ( i -* i 1 to C 00 C n I : .a - 52 illiiiSiiilii liiii ' 52 2 ililiiiiiiiii ( 00 (M_ O < 6 10 w o' o *S CO t* TH ^ 5 to 50 *- t 6 < i a - 2S2"w*ooojlSwl 52 5^2SaS2lgSSoT??? S g 52 * !||l||pilH!: 6 C b- O 20oJcIa5c.qNT^cooOi-jcoicr>;oo-ooq'-jNco^ *Crl5cOo6ddc ; cDiC'*coiN^Hqoq OC^T^CDt^OJ^OOiCt^OJi-^COTfJ ^.-Hr-it-i^Hi-HiMtMe^lN l>t>OOOOOOOSOSOSOOO OCOCDOCOCOOCOCOOCOCOOCOCOOCOCOOCOCDO 00 rH CO 10 q - O CO 1O CO rH -rtH lO IO lO if} CD CO co CD O CO CD OS rH TjH IN! l>- t*- l> GO 00 CO co q q co co 06 rH co d os CO t^ J> t^ l> lOrHOtNt^coco-^qiOrHqiNr^cooq^qiOrH " & SS d 22 SS SS d 2J ""' ~ ' ' "~ ~ C^C<)C^COCOCOCO^Tr CD (N SS rH 10 q * oq co co d co" 16 t^ d coqqcoqqcoqqcoqqcoqqcoqq dco'rHcoiooo'dc;qw^qcqrHcoiot>.qMTjjq coco'codc q CN WEIGHTS * OS 00 1-1 90 " CO CO S t^ 00 00 AND MEASURES qcN-*qcOi-icoiqt; 417 q I-H CN co * iq cxj co d *" 06 CN CO CO t> t> t- 00 CO I> 00 O rH CN CO s^^s iq iq iq iq iq iq OS CO t^ i-H IO OS iO CO CO l> l>- t> 10 iO CO 00 iO iO iO r-i IO OS OS OS OS 10 10 IO 10 10 >Q IO 1C w t^ I-H CN CN CO TJJ CO CN OS id OS CO ^H Tfl Tfl IO rH 00 N; q 10 t>I T-H if 00 (N CO "5 CO CO CO t^ t> * CO O 't 00 00 CN rH q CO CN CO 00 OS OS CO rn 80 oo co r>: d * IN q t>. io 00 IN CD O3 CO to CO CO CO I> CO TH : - ^ J> 00 oq q * ^ 00 CN 00 00 OS c* q i> iq to 5 S 53 ^ OS O O O I-H ^ 00 CO 10 06 c. rs. h^ ori cri on iq CN oq iq cxi co os co OS OS OS O 00 O N rH CD CX| OS' CN CO rH q rH CO CXI t> CO CO rH 10 I> CO 00 q iq rn CO (N t> O T-H 1-H q * oq 2 fe o co &$*&'*& q rH IO l> rH Tf 10 CO CO CO CO t^ 2Z CN q rH iq q id 06 CN i-d cs 00 00 OS OS OS MH CO CO 8 8 8 00 (N iO ^ T)5 00 ^H "- 1 CO CO Tjn oq CN iq r)< CO -H T}< Tj( IO oq CN iq sss oq CNI T)H CO CO CO iq oq CN r4 ^H 00 t^- i> r- iq oq CN iq oq rH MH OO rH Tt^ CO 00 00 CS OS CN 10 oq 00 i-5 TJH OS O O t^OCNTj 00 rH CO 10 N; . (N * Tji 1^1 O 05 O O o r^ oo 2 O CO CO CO CO Tf! rH IN co co CO rt_ O q t>- r}< IO iO >O O CO rH Tji CO rH CO CO t*- iq iq iq co cs d iO iO 10 00 iO 10 10 o 10 10 10 rH q oq id 06 o 1^ CO 10 CO CO O oq t>- q iq * CNiOOOrHTfCOOSCNidoO iOiOiOcOCOOCOt^-t>-I>- CN rH O s CO iq rH CO CO oq q TJ< ^ t>l I OS CJ CN CO iO CN 00 iO 00 iq C5 CO c\i oq COOO lOiOioScOCOCoS O O - CO 00 C^gcO rj< q iq 3 CN t> cq oq *_ q iq I-H co cocScoidoorHcocdoo HHiOiOiOiOCOCOCOCO q Ttj oq GO : OS CO rH iO O Tf* 00 CO CCN^Ht^OSCN-HHt^OSCNTttCOOS Tj-TfTtiTtiTtiiOiOiOiOcOCOcOcO oq CN iq oq cxi iq "5 id 06 c5 cxi id f>I rH rH CN CM CN CN CO CN CO OS CO CO iq oq CN -H CO CO ocxiocxiio I-H cq iq t^ OS rH CN CN CO CN <* q CO C5 CN q CN T^ CO CO O 10 10 CO q t> oq rH CO IO CO * 10 ^ CO 00 CN CN CN 00 O rH # t^ OS co co co CM co * iq I-H co id t^ os id t>l os r4 co * Tf< rj< lO IO O rH CN CO T}< CN CN CN CN CN 418 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR OCONlOCOcNiOCOCNiqcOCNiOCOcNOoqcNOOqCNIO CO 00 r-l t^ 00 00 q CN CO 1-^ o o T^;qoqi-jcoiqi>.q ^ rH 238coco3 lOCOr^OOOrHCNCO cqt>>oqqi-HCNco^ Oi-ii-HINCNCNCOCO oqoqoqoqcoGCGOoqoqoqcooqoq THiooicoi^rHiooico'i^THioai oqcoGCGOoqoqoqoq OOT-lrHi-HCNfNCO 10 Tt< CO CN 1-1 O 00 * GO 00 00 CO ^ ^H IO 00 (N CD O5 CO t>-' O & 00 t>-cooooooiOiaiOO'-i^Hi-i qiOi-HcqcNi^cooq OiCNCDOiCOCOOCO O iO I-H CD (N i-H TJ! 06 ^H 10 t^cooq^qiOi-HCD SSSJSSSS^ GOOiOiOiOOl"!' I CN CO ^H 10 Tj< CO CO t^ d * CO CD (N CD I-H iO ^ Tj5 06 ^ I s - I s * t^ 00 q^COCOt^tNCDi-t sss IO OO CN O 00 CN CO Tj IN. i-H "- 1 CO CO Tt* iq oq CN 10 oq IN iq oq CN iq oq CN iq coooooo5OiO5od cq oq ^H ss co iq i> q CN * CO CO r-l CO ^H - oq q 00 rH 10 ^ iO iO r-t N CO ^ IO GO ^H TJH r^ d iO CO CO CO t- oq q i-j CN co Tij 10 GO -H oq oq oq GO oq iO iO CD CO CD cooqcooqoqoqoqoq OOCNjOOO^H^t^O COt^-t^I^QOGOOOOi ^83 cocN-iqoqi^cqiq^cocqiq-*co cdoii-H^t^dco'co CDCDt-t^t^OOOOGO CO CO CO ^H oq cq d CN 10 TJJ - CN CO r-> Ui 00 r-J CO CO 00 O M< 00 CO SCO IO 00 CD CO CO co co d CN CN CO q oq cooooo5C5C5OOrH c rj< rH -Goq O>CC5COt^rHiCO5COt^CM tr-l>OOOOO5O5O5OO'-irHCMCMCMCO qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq ooGocMcDd^o6cMcod^o6c x icod'^ i^TjHiOiCCOCOCDl^t^-GOOOOOOSOSOO q q CM o o o o o rH rH CM CM qic-*cocMrHqoqt> : cqic-*cocM'* t>lCO5COt^rHiCO5(Ncdd^COlNCDd -iT}l>OOOOOOO5O5O q oo *' 1~- O O r^ 1C rH CO ^ rH rH CM CM (N corHooq^cMqi>iocorHGoq ^COl^d^GOINCOOSCOt^rHT^OO '- | -<}I>00000'j CO rH 00 CD q q co q "5 rH T}! 00 CM coqcqcoqcqeoq iOCOCOt^t^t-0000 cDcococo T t*o6cMio'c5CMCDOCo't^O'*H^rHTl5 - | CO^'*'*iCiCCDCOCOt>J>t>0000 rH CO CM t>; CO 05 CM CD 05 CO CO CD O5 CO CO CO CO O CO t^ O T}< rt 1C 1C 1C CO 00 CO I"-; CM q rH 1C CO t-^ O ^ t^ rH Tj! CO CO l> t^ 1> 00 GO q * GO <-H OO O5 oo co (> T)5 OO rH q co CD q co 2 c<5 e5 ^ ^ 5J CO CO O CO CO O CO <> o ^ r^ P ^ r^ q co TjJ t^ 00 00 O CO CO O Tin h^ O ^ 05 05 O O GO rH CO 1C t^ co t-: d co co CO CD t> t>- t>- q ; *$ t^ ^ *& q oq 90 q o rH co q rH oq q * CM O CM C CO rH 1C 1C 1C 1C CO CO rH GO CO O CO CO O cq co q GO rH ^ CO "* Tf q co q q co CD 05 CM * 1^ ^ Tf 10 1C 1C co q cq eo q Sco d co co CD t^ t^ i> CO CM CD rH ^ ic t^ d CM* 10 rH rH (M ; M CD CO 1C t- O C<) -H rH r-l (N (N co CD q co cq q co S 8 3 3 ^ q q co cq q CM 1C t^ O5 CM 1C 1C 1C 1C CO 420 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR t^r-coGOcscioorH^IS i-Hicq^cocot>(NqrHicq WiCGOC t- GO O5 C^j t>I rH 1C - 1 1C 1C CO CO CO O * GO CO t~^ rn rH (M ;^lC05'c6l>rHlCO5COt^rHlC05COt^rHICO5CO^r4 rH^lOlClCCOCDt^t^t-OOGOOiOSOSOOrH^HrHINC^CO Tl;q Oic'oic6i^rHT)5GOoi 1 ~ l ^^iiCiCCOCOCOI> ic TJJ co qiCT)I rH 1C GO CNJ GOiCCIGOlCC CO c> * CO CO oq^qiCrHqc^t^ t^ rH ic GO IM' ic 05 c4 GOO5O5O5OOO qrHicq^oocoi> NiCOJINCOOSCNicOOS rHCOCO-<*- GO q GO rH Tj5 t^I O CO I> * ic q t> O5 (N 1C GO iccococot^r^t^GO GO GO GO GO GO 00 CO WlCGO-^Tft^OCO CO O5 sss t^CDCOCOO5 t- t>- t- * CO IN rH O GO 1C CO rH CO CO rt< c^qt^iccorHcoq^cxjoi^icco COCOGO'rHTJHI^Os'lN'lCGOr^COcdOS *-*Tt.C5(N'^I^C3 TjtTjiiCiCiCiCCOCDCDcO NqrHicqrt- 00 00 03 co oq 1C i-l CO N 06 co t- ci t^ 00 CO 03 5 cot>;C-< GOOOa3OC3OOi-li-HCNCN; oq q rH CO 6 * 00 CO ^ t>- OO O i-H CN CO CO (>I ^H irj O3 CO rH Tl< 1C 1C 1C CO iCiCiCiCiCiClCiC rH 1C O3 CO l> <-H t> I> J> 00 00 01 iCCiCiCiCiCiCiC 1C Tt* CO t> t>I ^H 1C 00 CN i-H O ^H rt r-t CN CN Ot^iCCOi-HOOCO'*CNOb-iCCOi-iOOcO'*iCt>00000003O>05OOO'-i oicNCOOJCNiCCJoiiCOO^iCOO C1COCOCO'<*IT}<' CNCNCOCOCOCO-ti^-'^lO iCiCCOCOCOcOt>.t>.t^OOOOOO CNiM(NCOCOCOCOTt*Tj- t> t^ * CO C3 CN * rH rH CN CN t--OCNiCOOOCOcOCO^HTt.OCN CNCOCOCOCO-^^^^iCiCiC 1C CO CO O t^ t^ O 1C 1-1 CO : r4 CO t^ t- 00 COOO^OiOrHCO- 10 rH q IN t- co O5 ^ 00 CO l^ q co ^H 10 00 00 COCOOCOCOOCOCOO t^ - q IM' CD 1-5 CO .CO Tf oq q rH IN t^ IN co d CO Tjj * 00 rH N CO ^ lO CO (> rH lO OS t> oq q t^ rH CD (N CO CO q q q q q rH IO O5 CO t> iO iO iO CO CO q q ^H 10 q q q q q q g^r:s2 00 I> t> co ^ ^H 00 00 05 oq i-^ q 10 Tij co T)< 06 IN co d TJH 05 O5 O O rH rH 01 rH od ci cd CO rH 00 CO t^ O 00 00 05 Tj5 06 co (N CO O3 CO CO O 00 00 00 O5 O5 O oq co t^ c< q rH 10 iO iO iO CO CO CO t^- co q q co q q co ^H TjJ 10 10 coqqcoqqcoqq rl5t^rHT)il>IrHTjH|^rH l>t^OOOOOOO50505O q oq t>I O * O i-J CO O !> rf t^ d co 10 io co co t-; 00 O rH - 00 O rHc^co^ioqt"oqq cdos'widoorHT^t-IrH cocor>-t^.t>.ccooooo5 oooooooo ooooooooooooo coc^rHqoqt^qio dcocdo5i-HT^t>Jd IM(M(N- O CO i-H GO CM CO IO CM CO I-H l> t^ CO CM 00 IO 00 O5 O3 CM CO ss CMGOiOCMOqiqCMoqiO ^00 CO CO CM t>^ CM CO i-H 1-HrHlNCMCOCO-^TjllO CM I> CO OS CO 00 CO l> t> co * q CM r^ CM' 00 CO 03 ^-1 CO S3 CMtN-COOOrtHqiOrHcq d^'oscoco'co't^cMcd i-H^Hi-HCMCMCOCOTf<^ cd d id CO l> t> co I-H 10 q d id 05 rj5 CO CO t>- %&i CM 10 GO CO O r}J t^ GO 00 CMiooqcMiooqcMiooq osco'f^cMco'didcjsco CM IO CO OO CM CO CM CO CO f- O CM * CD CO i^ CO CM t^ ^ 4 s * t^ 00 >o t>- q id O3 Tj5 CO 00 O5 CM^cDCOi-HCOiOt^O CM CO I ' 1-H iO CO 1-H IO O3 co co co 10 CO 1> CO t>^ CO * IO CO 00 CM CD O oq q --J CO CO t>^ I-H CM CXI CMCMCMCMCMCXjCMCMCXJCMCMCMCMCMCM 00 CM 00 CM CM d * CM CM CM CM * 06 cxi CD d O5 O5 O O I-H " 3 ^ 3> Ji-HOGOt>.CDOT)HCOIN -'-'(NCOd^OOCMCO i-j q oq i> cq iSois nj co CO t^ CM q i> 10 co ^H Tj^ iO IO iO CD CD CO CO Th d * 06 Sis CM CO IO CM 00 id GO CM CO O5 oq 10 CM co i-5 id os CM 00 00 00 O5 CM CO IO s CM t> co oq TJH q CM id os CM' CD d IO ^H CD St-I d CD !> i> co oq rjj q t> I-H Tj5 CO CM l>. CO 00 00 O5 10 i-j cq id O3 CM* CM cq ^H 10 q O5 CM CD O3 CO GO CO t^ d co co iO CD CO cq I-H 10 q ^ t^ t^ oo oo oo CM iO 00 CM iO CO cdo5CMcdO5CMCOO3CMCO COCO^^^iOiOiOCOCD CM iO CO "s 10 oq CM 10 oq 05 CM CO O5 CM CO t^ l> t^ 00 CM 10 oq CO O5 CM 00 00 O5 IN * CO CO CO CO t-; id 03 iO iO 10 i> q ^ * 00 00 00 CO CM CO rP IO CD l> CM id co q ^H 00 CM CO * IO CO 00 O i-l CD Q CO t>- CO 00 CM CM CM CM CM CM 10 06 ^H CM CM CM CM t^ d co cd os iO CD CO CO CO CM CM CM CM 10 CO CO CM ^H O CO "*. n . O CO CD rj< CM O CO H os CM' id oq CD * d co CM CO CO CO 00* OS id i-I CM CO q t>- 10 co I-H ^ 10 10 10 co 10 CO t>i 00 OS r* CM 424 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq " qqcoqcDcoqcqcoqcDcoqcqcoqqco qic>-ico(Ni>.cooo-*q i s -oscoo6c^'i>-HCD'd'cd '~'lCCOCOI>l>OOOOCi05O q TJH oq co t>; I ^ OCOCOOCOCDOCOCDOCOCOOCOCOOCO 00 >-l CO 1C I> C.i-(CDO COCOt^t^J>OOOOCSOSOOO^H--- co oo cCOOO ^cd'HiCOOiNCDOS t^OOOOOOOOSOSOS q -* oo C5 (N >C (N CO CO liiililil cor^c^coi-Hicq-^ dcot^d^r^.4^ t>t>.t N OOGOOOOSOS CO OS IN M Si CO q co CD q co OCOCOOCOCOOCOCDOCO q oo i i co ic %$%%% Slli CO 00 rH CO 1C r-H Ct^ WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 425 HAND VERSUS MACHINE "LABOR. The following data are from actual work done, and are reliable. In many industries the hand method has gone altogether, but in quite a number of others it still holds the field, -to at least some extent. Occasionally, even in our age, the old method has to be relied on, as in mining camps and mountain regions where machinery has not yet been intro- duced, but where preparations are being made for it. The following records are of value for this and other work, and are here presented in shape for general use. The time is given in hours and minutes for one person, and not for two, as in the rest of the book. These tables are reliable, but I always suspect a man who pretends to too much accuracy in estimating. Even in mathematics we find that it is often impossible to get some of our figures correct. The exact area of a circle has never yet been found. Patient men have carried out the decimals to 600 places, and given up the task. Perhaps 600 more would be figured out without finding a place to stop. The first 127 are given below, and they are enough for ordinary use. The other 473 are only for the contractors who need them in their business. To get the exact circumference of a circle you must not multiply by 3 1-7 or 3.146, but by the 600 decimals. Even then you will not be correct. So it is best not to pretend to be too accurate. For probably thousands of years men have tried to "square the circle," or to find out the exact size of a square that holds the same area as a given circle. The contract is still open for any one to sign. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028844197369399375105 820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148 0865132723066470938446 About the time this table was being printed I was making an estimate on more than a score of granite columns 3' in diameter and over 20' long. At least a hint of the time re- quired to manufacture them is given in the first table which includes a marble column 2' in diameter and about 16' long. Hints are sometimes useful. 426 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR BRICK AND STONE WORK Description Quantity Handwork Machine Propor- tion Making common brick 1000 1000 100-ft. 52 14 If 10 If 1 20 If 112 If 48 sq. ft. 100 sq. ft. 18 If 100 If 106 5 8 8 10 35 25 1 1 1 25 100 30 1 100 100 100 10 tons 216 100 Hrs. 20 33 8 8303 246 31 388 106 244 75 64 60 134 35 12 60 92 4 20 6000 155 82 234 79 650 89 30 504 36 166 11 400 50 Mins. 36 52 44 23 56 10 35 22 30 39 18 10 10 37 39 47 9 40 10 10 12 40 32 Hrs. 7 8 2 653 137 18 321 31 59 38 9 21 21 29 9 10 11 3 6 11 44 7 104 23 10 14 1 131 11 101 8 78 4 Mins. 30 43 12 26 25 46 15 2 46 40 6 36 42 10 57 7 30 20 44 10 43 52 30 23 50 22 50 15 4 25 3 to 1 4tol 4 to 1 13 to 1 2 tol 2tol 3 to 1 4 to 1 2tol 7 to 1 3 to 1 6tol 6 to 1 8 to 1 3 tol 537 to 1 3* tol 10i to 1 2tol 4 to 1 65 tol 5i to'l 22 to 1 4 to 1 3 tol lUol 5 to 1 11 to 1 Making paving brick Making sand and cement sewer pipe, 9" Granite balusters, 2' 4" long, base 4|" x6", cap 3^"x6" Carving granite block 5j" wide f" relief, Romanesque Tracing ivy leaf design on polished granite block. Design, 4" wide . . . Cutting marble column, 15' 9" long, diam. at base, 2' 1 *", at top, 1' 10". . Cutting marble cornice 102", O. G., double fillet, Q. R. section Cutting marble wainscoting cap, fillet and O. G. . . Dressing granite, 6-cut work Dressing granite, 6-cut work Cutting iV'xli" flashing groove in granite block Cutting f"xl" flashing groove in Cutting l" and 2" letters in polished Cutting 4" letters, 10-cut finish, in polished granite slab I*olishing granite, sq. ft Sawing marble slabs, 8' 4"xl / ' . . . Cutting granite urn, 20" high, diam- eter of bowl, IS", of neck, 8" Cutting marble urn, 24", 10", 5* Cutting granite vase, 30", 18", 8" ... Cutting sandstone window sills, 7"x 5"x4' Breaking 100 cu. yds. stone Drilling 2$" holes, 18" deep, in granite rock Drilling 2" hole, 12' deep in hard blue Quarrying granite, cu. ft Quarrying granite, cu. ft Quarrying granite, cu. ft Quarrying limestone WEIGHTS AND MEASURES WOODWORK 427 Description Quantity Handwork Machine Propor- tion Making oak bookcase, 3' 7"x5' 6". . . . Making open oak bookcase, 2' 6"x5'. . Cutting out lumber for No. 1 cases 12 12 Hrs. 654 480 24 48 120 120 36 48 120 36 36 6 120 443 28 90 20 84 13 6 24 24 18 18 18 11 49 364 1224 792 470 970 40 110 Mins. 40 Hrs. 157 43 2 2 9 3 156 1 4 4 4 60 108 8 2 6 3 2 1 4 11 1 13 66 287 280 39 182 4 4 Mins. 14 12 6 24 45 53 45 48 5 11 40 8 24 21 31 11 44 8 50 24 12 48 5 45 31 30 4tol lOtol 9tol 20 to 1 12tol 40 to 18 to 25 to 30 to 8 to 8 to 33 to 2 to 4 to 1 3tol 37 to 1 3 to 1 24 to 1 6 to 1 4 to 1 5 to 1 2 to 45 to 90 to 22 to 10 to 4 to 1 5 to 1 4tol 3 to 1 12 to 1 5toi 10 to 1 26tol Same for No. 2 Planing and jointing lumber for No.l . Same for No 2 Smoothing before putting together, No 1 Same for No. 2 . ... ... Lock mortising for No. 1 Making plain drawer pine bureaus . . . Making plain 4-drawer walnut bureaus 16"x42" 12 12 Cutting lumber for No. 1, above. . . . Same for No. 2 Planing, jointing and gluing, No. 1 . . Same on No. 2 Dovetailing drawers, No. 1 Grooving, No. 1 Smoothing No 1 Molding No. 2 Tenoning No. 2 Drawer fitting No. 2 Lock fitting No. 2* ... Clothes horses, 3'x4' 12 12 12 12 12 1 Oak combination desks and book- case^, 28"x54"xl2" deep, carved lids Oak, 8 drawer.fl at top desks, 28"x48" x30" high Walnut 9 drawer, flat top desks, 27x48 x30" high Ladies' oak desks, 26"x42"xl4" deep . Sideboards, oak antique, quartered, 7'x8', 2 cupboards, 5 drawers, 5 shelves Making moldings for above Making curved work for above *A lock fitting machine has a capacity of 1300 per day. 428 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Wood Work Continued Description Quantity Handwork Carving above Hrs. 300 4 210 1380 354 117 40 26 103 58 9 12 462 696 487 37 62 25 25 150 83 196 144 27 10 1385 325 75 100 100 150 702 120 100 75 Mins. 30 40 15 30 30 30 30 30 20 50 30 1 Dovetailing drawers Putting together above Oak dining tables, 6'x4', 5 leaves, carved feet, round ends Walnut tables, 6'x3'4", 3 leaves .... Poplar, kitchen tables, 36"x48", square 12 12 12 1 cord 1 cord 12 12 Preparing kindling wood, 6* pine . . . Preparing kindling wood, 9" pine . . . Ladders 30 ft. spruce and oak Stepladders, 6 ft. spruce Planing for 30-ft. ladders Boring for above Making W. P. outside blinds, 27"x63" 3 sections, rolling slats 50 pr. 50 pr- 50 pr. As above, but 31x65, stationary slats . As above, but Y. P., rolling slats Rabbeting No. 1 Smoothing No. 1 Planing for No 2 Tenonin^ for No 2 Brackets, oak, mantel, 9x15", carved 12 12 Brackets, rough carving above Brackets, whitewood, shelf, 5"xll" . . Shaping above ... .... Making cherry, 5 panels door, 3' x 6' 6", solid panels, veneered rails and stiles 50 Cutting out lumber for above Cutting veneering on above Planing after gluing Cutting lumber to exact size Doors, oak, 4-pan, 2'8"x6'10" raised 50 Planing for above . . Mortising for above Tenoning for above Machine Hrs. 98 18 700 134 15 3 2 46 14 1 2 114 56 110 4 3 3 3 1 2 63 24 3 510 20 12 16 8 32 131 8 4 Mins. 30 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Wood Work Continued 429 Description Quantity Handwork Machine Propor- tion Doors, W. P., 4-pan., O. G., 2'4"x6'8" 50 1 50 pr. Hrs. 412 38 37 42 300 56 12 37 37 18 312 170 383 325 71 8 Mins. 30 15 30 30 30 45 30 20 40 Hrs. 87 5 10 12 21 1 2 2 2 30 9 92 71 16 2 Mins. 30 15 30 30 15 30 15 30 20 5 to 1 7tol 3i to 1 3Jto 1 14 to 1 112 to 1 10 to 1 18 to 1 18tol 9tol 10 to 1 18 to 1 4 to 1 4*tol 4itol 4 to 1 Mortising above Tenoning above Mantel, oak, 60x76", 10"shelf, 12"x36" mirror, piano finish White pine window sash, 4 Its., 12x24, Planing for above Laying out above Tenoning above Mortising above Molding above Sash, Y. P., 12 Its. 10x15 Stair risers and treads, getting out, 3' wide, 17 R, 16 steps Window frames, W. P., for brick, 2'10' / x6'10' / 50 pr. 10 sets 50 50 50 5000 Same for frame houses Window screens 30x30 Loading lumber B. M PIPE WORK Description Quantity Handwork Machine Propor- tion Hrs. Mins. Hrs. Mins. Cutting off and threading 3" iron pipes Tapping pipe for l" pipe 100 100 100 26 40 6 1 40 5 16 to 1 25 to 1 The lesson all through is that it is useless to fight the machine. But the hand figures are valuable for estimating. Both together, especially on mill work, give a good guide for pricing special stuff. 430 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR HOW TO GET THE AREA OP A ROOF The ordinary rules are easily found in any arithmetic. Each part or plane has to be taken off separately. On a cut up roof it is a tiresome kind of a job. There is a quicker way that is exact; and by using it there is no chance of missing some corner. The rule is, Get the exact area of the plan on the outside of the walls, level with the wall plate where the rafters rest, and add as follows: For y 2 pitch add 42 per cent., or 142 on the rake to 100 on the level. This means that every square on the level of a half pitch roof requires 42 sq. ft. extra for the rake. Lay it out on a board and try it, or better still, figure it up. It does not matter how short or long, wide or narrow, any part of the roof is, this proportion must hold. If you get the exact area on the level you cannot miss it on the rake. Look at No. 11 in this book. If the slopes are all the same the area is easily obtained, but you can see what it means to figure it in the old way. TABLE OF ROOF PROPORTIONS FOR AREA. Pitch Percentage Pitch Percentage to add to add One-half 42 Three-eighths 25 One-third 20 Five-eighths 60 One-fourth 12 Three-fourths 80 The three ordinary pitches are given first. See page 174 for definition of pitch. For an odd pitch, work the problem in simple proportion. If there is a deck it is easily deducted, because 100 of deck means 142 of pitched surface, and simple proportion does the rest. But this rule applies only to exact area on a plumb line outside the walls, and does not include gable or cornice pro- jections of any kind. They are easily taken off and added. Dormer roofs, and all kinds of little roofs are safely included, but no projections. EXAMPLE: Suppose we have a plan at the level of the wall plate that measures 40x22' outside of the walls. The area is 1008. For a half pitch the roof is 1432; a third, 1210; a fourth, 1129; three-fourths, 1815. The figures are not down to a fraction, but that is not required on roof measurements. CHAPTER XXIX COUNTING THE COST If you are building with a hammer what chance has your work to stand if another man is destroying with a sledge? Of what avail is a careful estimate if the man in charge of the construction has practically no acquaintance with building, and time required to perform work. It would need a mint to keep some of the theorists going. They ap- pear to have unbounded faith in the old proverb, "Fill, and fetch more." Money flows, rather than talks with them. They can execute any piece of work on earth if careful at- tention is paid to their primary want an unlimited supply of money. What they need is a reservoir of cash with a pipe at their side and a full head behind it. Then it would be not so much a case of "Let her rip!" as of "Let her flow!" Mr. Carnegie had such a system of keeping costs that the men used to grumble that they could not get a brick with- out the bookkeeper knowing of it. There is such a thing as overdoing this much advertised "system" such a devotion to gathering useless details as makes it necessary to spend $5 to keep track of $2.50; but the system that cautions one not to burn electric light, at Ic per hour, or waste pencils, and keeps no record of cost on $100,000 buildings is top heavy. Nine building contractors out of 10 are able to tell how much each item cost 'them how much for sand, cement, or lumber; carpenter, brick, paint, or other kind of labor, and that without any complicated diagrammatic nonsense. The contractor has to be able to tell or go into bankruptcy; he has to do the work in a simple, sensible way, for life is too short and money too valuable to do it in any other. The poorest system that can give actual costs in detail is better than the most costly and elaborate that fails here. 431 432 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR There is no use thinking that returns in buildings are going to compare in all respects with careful estimates; the clever schoolboy may look for that kind of work, but not the practical builder. There may be delays; the ground that was to have been excavated dry may have been flooded; the planing mill which gave the low figure may have failed, and the figure may have to be increased 50%; or the expen- sive retaining wall may have been washed in. There are a score of changes possible, sometimes on the good side, often on the bad. But if reasonable allowances are made there should still be a tolerably close resemblance to the estimate if it was properly prepared, and is not dated too far back when prices were different. Reference is made elsewhere to a temporary cement house that cost $375 for a building 40'xlOO', 1-story. Now, a builder would think himself extravagant if he spent $375 for that. On No. 2, for example, a much larger building, I put up one for perhaps $50, but $75 would seem to the average man to be the limit. What became of the other $300? For engineering, there was a charge of $350 or so. As the owner did the work by day labor there was no use for any supervision except that by a good foreman, yet the "engineering" cost $350. About $10, on such a building, is what contractors pay for their engineering. What of the loss of at least $300 here? The brickwork cost $29 per M for labor alone. On one large building, as already seen, labor, high scaffold and pro- fit cost $641; and some pressed brick work is given on page 93 for $4.75 to $5.75 for labor. As the theoretical student would say. "There is a slight discrepancy here," large enough, however, to get a contractor into trouble unless he had a reservoir behind him. There is much virtue in a reservoir. I remember once, years ago, making a bill of material which called for a certain number of brick. A theorist ' |f COUNTING THE COST 433 ordered over 100,000 more, on a building having something like half a million. Some one blundered. They were de- livered, and although, owing to a change, 22,000 extra were used, there was still a train load to haul aw r ay. The un- loading was extra, the reloading also, and there were enough left to build a dbl flat. A contractor has to keep costs, and that kind of work does not pay. He can not af- ford to let this brick be figured by logarithms. They are good in their place but too much of a luxury near a com- mon, ordinary brick pile. You must keep the cost, and put men at work they are familiar with. I once knew of more than 8 tons of sash weights ordered and delivered, and not one of them could be used. No carpenter would have ordered them, because he knows the size of window boxes. That bill amounted to more than $200. Years ago I knew of a small building that cost $10,000 more than the estimate, and that after all the very large allowances for extras. No one knew where this small for- tune went. How much did the brick cost? No one knew, apart from the woodwork or wiring. How much was the labor on the brick and carpentry? "There is no way of finding out." No check on waste, no division among the labor to see which branch is at fault and take the proper course, no anything but a big reservoir with a good pres- sure behind it. Keep costs! It pays! Do not figure paint- ing by the higher mathematics. It does not pay. There is need for technical man and practical man, but it is usually vanity that makes the former believe he knows his own sphere and the other's also. While he has been. finding out about curves and cosines, or the Five Orders, the other has not been idle. The practical man never knows what the theoretical man knows but the rule works, the other way also. Both may be educated to the tips of their fingers, but the education is along different lines. The one is complementary to the other, and not antagonistic, and it is only the narrow minded and incapable who sup- 434 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR pose that either one should be held inferior to the other. There are some who seem to think that all knowledge may be held in one head. They are amusing. It was a wise man who said that God made men, not man, in order that the one should help the other. I have climbed up to the top of "Liberty" near New York Harbor. It is made of copper, for this metal lasts. An educated man once asked what color the copper cornice of a building he was superintending was to be painted. His education did not embrace the building line. He was out of his element. Costs are seriously affected if the wrong man is in charge. Can a mason navigate a ship? Why go to a blacksmith to have a prescription filled. If several of the wrong men are in charge the flow is large enough to tap a hole in the reservoir, especially when "Fill and fetch more," is the motto, without any check. Once there was a stoical oriental potentate visiting the czar. The guest was shown all the wonders, but scarcely paid any attention to them. The Russians did not like this, and at last the czar hit upon a happy thought, "Show him the building accounts of the Moscow Railroad," he whispered, "if that does not as- tonish him nothing will." When contractors visit your city and refuse to be im- pressed take them to some of the railroads which lump their labor returns in one glorious integer and show them that. A few illustrations have been given to point out the ne- cessity of having a check on labor returns, of insisting that each trade shall be returned separately, so as to see where the leakage is, and to show also that while every allowance must be made for accidents and so forth, there should be a stop put to wasting thousands of dollars. I have come to the conclusion: In building, as in every- thing else, experience counts. In these days all is being subdivided there are municipal engineers, for example, who confine their practice to sewers alone, others to pav- COUNTING THE COST 435 Ing, and so forth. You can take the sewer engineer and tell him to go ahead and put up a building, and send the builder to plan the sewer, but if cost is any object the other course is better. Whatever the sewer man may believe, he is not long at the work, even with the "executive ability" we hear so much about, before the average apprentice knows through the smiles of the men, that he is a shining success elsewhere. He is not worth $50 per month at the work to a contractor, he is worth so much less than that, that it would often pay to give him $50 per month just to stay at home. What contractor has a purse deep enough to stand a drain of $29 per M for labor on brick? The conclusion of the whole matter is just this: Do not put men at work they are not acquainted with: Keep costs separate; for unless you do, this book is of no value to you any more than it was to a man who told me he did not need it, even while the brick he was laying cost $10 for labor. He had a pipe to the reservoir. If you have you are lucky, and do not have to compile dusty books. CHAPTER XXX ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE The reinforced concrete system of construction is becoming so popular that it has been considered well to give more data than is contained in Chapter VII. By far the best figures ob- tainable are the following from a paper by Mr. Leonard C. Wason, President of The Aberthaw Construction Company, Boston. The paper was presented at the Convention of the Na- tional Association of Cement Users at Cleveland, in January, 1909, and published in " Cement Age, " March of the same year. Mr. Wason is progressive enough to give actual costs to the public, unlike the old-style builder who keeps everything under lock and key. He wishes the cost to be so well known that bids will run as reasonably close together on this com- paratively new class of work as on brickwork or cement side- walks. He gives the 'figures for protection, and not " for pure philanthropy." We are glad to get them for any reason. Mr. Wason says of reinforced concrete : " In the writer's opinion, there is no class of construction where more painstaking skill, and often technical knowledge, is required, than in reinforced concrete. When well done, the resulting building is satisfactory to the owner beyond that ob- tained from any other material, and when poorly done, is the least desirable, even if not actually dangerous. Concrete is either good or bad. There is no half-way state, and the dif- ference in cost of materials to the builder, between perfect results and a dangerous structure, is only five per cent. Therefore, there is likely to be serious injury done to a rap- idly-growing industry by novices, either on account of igno- rance, though coupled with honest, well-meaning intent, or through skinning a job on which they are sure to lose money. Moreover, the older firms in the field have little to fear from the beginner, because so much depends on personal ability as 430 ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 437 well as experience. With growing competition, improvements are constantly being developed. The standard of cost is not yet fixed, but is being reduced steadily. The desire of reduc- ing the present wild bidding and having only intelligent com- petition, as well as saving some poor builder a loss he cannot afford, is the real inspiration of this paper. The author has undertaken it with the understanding that other competent writers would discuss it so that a greater good will result. METHOD: In order to have an intelligent understanding of the meaning of the figures hereinafter given, the method of collecting data will first be described. When making up an estimate of the cost of a building, in scaling the plans, it is found convenient to take off the volume of excavation and back-filling, the cubic feet of footings, foundation and wall, the square feet of forms for walls of foundations and above grade, the lineal feet of belt courses, moldings, cornices, etc.; also the size of special features of exterior treatment. Simi- larly, the superficial area of column and floor forms are meas- ured by themselves. Concrete of each different mixture is scaled off in cubic feet and totaled separately. Steel of each kind is taken off in pounds. Granolithic finished surfaces in square feet, and so on, in detail, every item is measured. As the work progresses, it is desired to know weekly how the actual experience compares with the estimate and at com- pletion to compile correctly the costs of each item, to com- pare with estimate, and to aid in obtaining the true cost of future structures of a similar kind. The method of account- ing was developed to fit the estimate." BOOKKEEPING: The system of bookkeeping employed by the Company is described, and the paper goes on: METHOD OF ESTIMATING "Carpenter work on forms is reported by the number of square feet of surface in contact with the concrete erected. Thus, walls are measured two sides without deducting doors and windows, as it is usual to let the form work run straight across these unless it is im- possible on account of moldings, in which case the framing of the opening will cost as much as the form work omitted. 438 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Beam floors are measured around the perimeter of the beam and the flat surface of the panel and around the perimeter of girders. No deduction is made for the loss of area by the intersection of beams and girders, and small openings in the floor are not deducted. Anything as large as an elevator or stairway is usually deducted. Form work for columns is measured for entire area of surface contact between wood and cement, all four sides. These reports are made out on the job daily and sent to the office. The bookkeeper works these reports up into units of measurement, as cost of labor per cubic foot of concrete and number of cubic feet of con- crete per barrel of cement, number of square feet of form work erected, etc., and from this it is easy to obtain the unit costs hereinafter given. The bookkeeper can take the reports of four or five jobs, employing in the aggregate five or six hundred men, and in a single day work up the complete re- port for a week's time; thus it will be seen that there is really little extra labor involved in the sub-dividing of reports into a useful form over merely reporting the time so that the payroll can be accurately made. MASTER CARD: When a job is entirely completed and the ledger account is closed, a master card is worked out giving the complete history of the cost. On one side of the card are written the items which went into the original estimate, such as excavations, back-fillings, footings, foundations, columns, floors, walls, stairs, etc. In parallel columns is placed the actual amount of the estimate with the actual experience, reduced to cost units, such as cubic feet, square feet of form work, etc., and the percentage of profit or loss between the estimate and actual results. On the reverse side of the card the principal items are worked out more in detail. Thus, form work is reduced to cost of labor, lumber and nails, wire or other sundries used in the forms per square foot of sur- face. Concrete is itemized into the superintendent's general labor, labor of mixing and placing, cost of cement, sand, stone, miscellaneous expenses such as teaming, plant and other general items reduced to cubic foot measurement, which makes the total cost of the concrete in place in each ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 439 division of the building itemized for ready reference when making up future estimates on work of a similar character. An exhibit is given of these forms in an appendix. COST: It is well known that the costs of materials and labor in different parts of the country vary somewhat. It has been the writer's experience that, although the rate of wages and cost of materials vary somewhat in different parts of the country, the variations frequently offset one another so nearly that the sum total of the unit cost obtained in one place may be used in another. PROPORTIONS: In general the standard mixture for all floors has been either 1 : 3 : 6, or 1 : 2 : 4, if the floor is sub- jected to extremely heavy loads and service. Walls are mixed 1:3:6 and columns usuallyl : 2 : 4; in some cases where they are very heavily loaded, a richer mixture is used. As these mixtures are common to nearly all construction, the costs here given may be applied with little danger of error from neglecting the mixture on any work. Of course, it can read- ily be understood that in the large number of jobs which have entered into the averages given (there being as many as eighteen in the case of beam floors) different methods of conducting the work have been used, and many different fore- men. Therefore, while the general average is doubtless safe for any work of an average character, some latitude may be allowed the judgment in determining whether any specific case is likely to be difficult, easy or average. The writer has found quite a difference, for instance, in cost of identical work handled by different foremen, due to the personal equa- tion of their painstaking, supervision and ability. CLASS OF WORK : In the following tables only typical jobs are given, whose results are correctly known. It appears to the writer that the results from a few typical jobs would be of more interest than a mass of figures from all kinds, eome of which would be of no value. Enough are given for a fair average, except in the case of long span flat slab, which is, by comparison, a recent type of construction. The figures for the highest, lowest and average totals in the fourth and 440 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR last columns are taken from the vertical column in which they stand and have no relation to the other figures in their horizontal line." COST OF FOOTING AND MASS FOUNDATIONS Forms per Sq. Ft. Concrete per Cu. Ft. fc 1 Location ll J IE 13 !i g! | .2 ?J "c 1 >-5 &j p H | d S1| V tc Slag J3 Pi f 6 ^ z 6" O M 1 P & "o H O ** < H 831 Filter, Warren, R. I .103 .048 .004 .155 .062 .037 .086 .068 .012 .031 .296 809 Tar Well, Spring- field, Mass .071 .031 .002 .104 .040 .015 .094 .075 .013 .040 .277 757 Tunnel, New Bedford, Mass. . . . .048 .045 .001 .094 .213 .019 .203 .092 .057 .015 .599 756 Filter, Exeter, N. H .124 .067 .002 .193 .064 .021 .071 .116 .034 .019 .325 729 Filter, Lawrence, Mass . . .058 .042 .001 .101 .046 .017 .083 .054 .012 .032 .244 708 Theatre, Port- Land, Me .081 .024 .003 .108 .112 .013 .073 .078 .003 .020 .303 685 Warehouse, Portland, Me .053 .009 .001 .063 .040 .019 .060 .070 .029 .017 .235 673 Residence, North Andover, Mass . . . .047 .019 .001 .067 .108 .006 .082 .045 .015 .010 .266 *541 Filter, Lawrence. Mass .048 .035 .002 .085 .055 .006 .039 .027 .011 .010 .148 637 Residence, North Andover, Mass . . . .065 .019 .001 .085 .087 .012 .6 V 72 .045 .013 .010 .239 633 Retaining Wall, Naugatuck, Conn . .134 .047 .001 .182 .097 .018 .056 .032 .022 .010 .235 621 Hospital, Waltham, Mass . . . .048 .028 .001 .077 .043 .019 .038 .063 .026 .010 .199 544 Greenhouse, Brookline, Mass . . .032 .035 .001 .068 .051 .007 .078 .043 .013 .010 .202 543 Hotel, Brookline, Mass . . .037 .018 .001 .056 .043 .002 .080 .054 .010 .010 .199 Highest .134 .048 .004 .193 .213 .037 .203 .116 .057 .040 .599 Lowest .032 .009 .001 .056 .040 .002 .038 .027 .003 .010 .148 Average .068 .033 .002 .103 .076 .015 .080 .062 .019 .017 .269 442 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR COST OF CONCRETE COLUMNS Job No. Location Forms per Sq.,Ft. Concrete per Cu. Ft. Carpenter Labor Lumber Nails and Wire H Concrete Labor l o^ Cement 1 1 Team and Misc. 1 I 865 788 '762 747 733 732 731 685 499 Office Building, Portland, Me Coal Pocket, Lawrence, Mass . . Mill, Southbridge, Mass .133 .057 .097 .093 .080 .098 .071 .118 .061 .133 .057 .082 .039 .024 .082 .022 .056 .047 .051 .016 .013 .082 .013 .036 .001 .001 .002 .001 .001 .002 .002 .001 .001 .002 .001 .001 .173 .082 .181 .116 .137 .147 .124 .135 .075 .181 .075 .130 .064 .166 .073 .110 .108 .089 .070 .087 .095 .166 .064 .096 .004 .003 .056 .014 .048 .043 .028 .027 .019 .056 .003 .027 .087 .073 .107 .062 .100 .069 .072 .087 .109 .109 .062 .085 .084 .041 .035 .038 .037 .055 .058 .070 .027 .084 .027 .049 .012 .008 .027 .013 .013 .017 .041 .039 .018 .041 .008 .021 .022 .016 .030 .034 .034 .013 .020 .025 .015 .034 .013 .023 .273 .307 .328 .271 .340 .286 .289 .335 .283 .340 .271 .301 Mill, Attleboro, Mass Mill, Southbridge, Mass. Coal Pocket, Hartford, Conn. . . Garage, Brook- line, Mass. Warehouse, Port- land, Me. . Textile Mill, Lawrence, Mass . . Highest Lowest Average of 9 ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 443 COST OF BUILDING WALLS ABOVE GRADE Forms per Sq. Ft. Concrete per Cu. Ft. o J? 1 Location Carpenter . Labor 1 3 Nails and Wire I Concrete Labor dS o3 1 Aggregate 1 I H 852 Fire Station, Weston, Mass .... .116 .038 .004 .158 .100 .007 .069 .053 .026 .039 .294 804 Mill, Greenfield, Mass .062 .038 .002 .102 .060 .011 .084 .086 .007 .055 .303 802 Waterworks, Waltham, Mass. . . .137 .024 .001 .162 .146 .007 .058 .057 .014 .047 .329 788 Coal Pocket, Lawrence. Mass . . .118 .056 .002 .176 .042 .004 .073 .043 .009 .019 .190 747 Mill, Attleboro, Mass .103 .024 .001 .128 .129 .018 .074 .048 .017 .043 .329 732 Coal Pocket, Hartford, Conn . . .096 .047 .002 .145 .118 .052 .097 .055 .017 .013 .350 729 Filter, Lawrence, Mass .046 .032 .001 .079 .046 .017 .083 .054 .012 .032 .244 704 Italian Garden, Weston, Mass .... .101 .073 .002 .176 .102 .008 .105 .081 .019 .010 .325 703 Stable, Beverly, Mass .099 .030 .002 .131 .078 .019 .071 .062 .018 .010 .258 680 Residence, North Andover, Mass . . . .078 .016 .001 .095 .096 .014 .046 .050 .008 .010 .174 648 Observatory, Milton, Mass .... .056 .038 .002 .096 .095 .012 .060 .187 .058 .005 .417 640 Office, Boston, Mass .105 .030 .002 .137 .096 .033 .066 .114 .066 .005 .380 638 Tunnel, Boston, Mass 112 .045 .005 1R2 .126 .016 .066 .106 .077 .005 .330 621 Hospital, Waltham, Mass. . . .058 .028 .001 .087 .089 .017 .034 .063 .023 .010 .236 536 Residence, Boston, Mass .108 .036 .001 .145 .110 .015 .077 .069 .026 .005 .446 515 Coal Pocket, Providence, R. I . .087 .020 .001 .108 .052 .005 .102 .090 .015 .010 .274 500 Italian Garden, Brookline, Mass . . .064 .027 .001 .092 .048 .011 .080 .071 .019 .010 .239 Highest .136 .073 .005 .176 .146 .052 .105 .187 .077 .055 .446 Lowest .046 .016 .001 .079 .042 .004 .034 .043 .007 .005 .174 Average of 17 .085 .036 .002 .128 .090 .016 .073 .076 .025 .019 .301 444 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR COST OF FLAT SLAB FLOORS Forms per Sq. Fr. Concrete per Cu. Ft. !| ' Location 1 K 8 1 IB 3 is 8 "a I N "S 1 E T 1 Ja 03 1 r s ^ 865 Office Building, Portland, Me .078 .039 .001 .118 .043 .004 .087 .084 .012 .022 252 852 Fire Station, Weston, Mass .... .067 .038 .003 .108 .103 .007 .092 .053 .026 .039 .320 727 Church, Boston, Mass .067 .037 .002 .106 .146 .017 .109] .072 020 010 374 Highest .078 .039 .003 .118 .146 .017 .109 .084 .026 .039 .374 Lowest .067 .037 .001 .106 .043 .004 .087! .053 .012 .010 ,252 Average .071 .038 .002 .111 .097 .009 .096 .070 .019 .024 .315 COST OF CONCRETE SLABS BETWEEN STEEL BEAMS Forms per Sq. Ft. Concrete per Cu. Ft. 1 Location Carpenter Labor Lumber Nails and Wire I Concrete Labor gl 0$ Cement 1 1 <, "O i Ji [ '. 1 "3 S10 Bleachery, East Hampton . . . .054 .027 .002 .083 .092 .007 .137 .073 .012 .046 .367 799 Machine Shop, Milton, Mass .087 .027 .003 .117 .090 .033 .114 .075 .016 .034 .362 792 Foundry, New Britain, Conn .... .078 .046 .002 .126 .095 .021 .076 .078 .004 .022 .296 778 Stable, Boston, Mass .064 .012 .001 .077 .101 .019 .129 .070 .020 .015 .354 774 Residence, Milton, Mass .110 .071 .003 .184 .105 .048 .132 .080 .053 .010 .428 752 Power-House, Pittsfield, Mass. . . .029 .030 .001 .060 .131 .008 .123 .068 .013 .010 .353 725 Laundry, Boston, Mass .058 .024 .001 .083 .092 .021 .098 .089 .022 .010 .332 676 Prison, Ports- mouth, N. H. .... .068 .017 .001 .086 .073 .005 .208 .075 .006 .010 .377 652 Paper Mill, Mittineague .097 .071 .002 .170 .144 .033 .143 .062 .027 .010 .419 584 Power-House, Quincy .Mass .... .047 .025 .001 .073 .073 .021 .159 .085 .064 .020 .422 583 School, Waltham, Mass. . . .029 .028 .001 .058 .138 .009 .102 .078 .018 .015 .360 494 Foundry, Provi- dence, R. I .028 .020 .001 .049 .084 .012 .114 .026 .026 .010 .272 494 Foundry, Provi- dence, R. I .043 .021 .001 .065 .111 .010 .128 .029 .029 .010 .317 Highest .110 .071 .003 .184 .144 .048 .208 .080 .064 .046 .428 Lowest .028 .012 .001 .049 .073 .005 .076 .026 .004 .010 .272 Average .061 .032 .002 .095| .102 .019 .128 .068 .024 .017 .359 1 ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 445 COST OF BEAM FLOORS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE Forms per Sq. Ft. Concrete per Cu. Ft. o fc g Location Is 1 IB "3 Is ao "S I 1 S3 o c o *t ft 8 3 iJ f -5 P *% ^3 1 s M SS <3 II s 827 Power-House, Greenfield, Mass. . .165 .107 .003 .275 .143 .020 .109 .101 .008 .016 .397 809 Tar Well, Spring- field, Mass .064 .041 .002 .107 .076 .005 .026 .075 .013 .040 .335 804 Mills, Greenfield, Mass. .106 .061 .004 .171 .077 .011 .109 .086 .007 .055 .345 796 Car Barn, Danbury, Conn. . . .044 .051 .001 .096 .128 .013 .086 .071 .011 .010 .319 788 Coal Pocket, Lawrence, Mass . . .072 .039 .002 .113 .056 .004 .073 .041 .009 .019 .202 762 Mill, Southbridge, Mass .067 .062 .002 .131 .137 .029 .191 .051 .038 .014 .460 747 Mill, Attleboro, Mass .062 .032 .002 .096 .071 .023 .098 .062 .021 .055 .330 744 Bridge, Ply- mouth, Mass .047 .050 .001 .098 .078 .019 .100 .040 .027 .010 .274 741 Garage, Newton, Mass .104 .033 .002 .134 .116 .020 .121 .084 .038 .010 .394 733 Mill, South- bridge, Mass .057 .051 .001 .109 .119 .027 .132 .037 .013 .034 .362 732 Coal Pocket, Hartford, Conn. . . . .060 .033 .001 .094 .047 .023 .081 .055 .017 .013 .236 731 Garage, Brook- line, Mass .105 .038 .002 .145 .160 .032 .088 .058 .041 .020 .399 729 Filter, Lawrence, Mass .048 .032 .001 .081 .102 .016 .085 .054 .012 .032 .301 694 Storehouse, Chelsea, Mass. . . . .064 .043 .002 .109 .153 .035 .115 .068 .052 .020 .443 685 Warehouse, Portland, Me .037 .029 .001 .067 .186 .030 .096 .069 .043 .046 .470 614 Textile Mill, Lawrence, Mass . . .045 .042 .001 .088 .130 .013 .071 .037 .025 .010 .286 499 Textile Mill, Lawrence, Mass . . .053 .033 .001 .087 .116 .033 .194 .049 .035 .015 .442 471 Chapel, Portland, Me .053 .027 .002 .082 .100 .008 .127 .091 .041 .010 .377 Highest .165 .107 .004 .275 .186 .035 .194 .101 .052 .055 .470 Lowest .037 .027 .001 .067 .047 .004 .071 .037 .007 .010 .202 Average of 18 .070 .045 .002 .116 .111 .020 .106 .063 .025 .024 .354 446 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR STEEL Job No. Location Weight Cost of Handling Cost per ton 865 852 846 843 829 831 816 809 807 804 799 788 762 759 747 741 733 732 729 685 630 788 729 Office Building, Portland, Me Fire Station, Weston, Mass. . 324, 8: 65; 8; 55 19 8^ 15^ 24^ 92^ 201 28 53^ 293 49^ 20 30 195 44^ 62 199^ tons tt (i u tt a " u ( ( f , r ' - ; i i - : - " $5,115.32 40.26 548.81 61.75 506.76 102.59 69.38 59.21 136.84 1,232.01 177.16 461.16 142.76 3,079.60 286.02 86.55 100.03 2,316.60 112.84 462.99 1,547.00 $15.76 4.74 8.41 7.26 9.18 5.40 8.16 3.82 5.58 10.20 8.75 16.47 2.67 10.51 5.78 4.33 3.34 11.88 2.54 7.47 7.75 16.47 2.54 8.52 Mill, Chelsea, Mass Coal Bins, Dalton, Mass Dam, Auburn Me Filter, Warren, R. I. . Tank, Lincoln, Me. Tar Well, Springfield, Mass.. . Monument, Provincetown, Mass. Mill, Greenfield, Mass Machine Shop, Milton, Mass. . . . Coal Pocket, Lawrence, Mass. ... Mill, Southbridge, Mass Mill, South Windham, Me Mill, Attleboro, Mass Garage, Newton Mass Mill, Southbridge, Mass Coal Pocket, Hartford, Conn. . . Filter, Lawrence, Mass . . Warehouse, Portland, Me Standpipe, Attleboro, Mass Highest . Lowest . . . Average of 21 FORMS " By reference to the general averages on form work in the foregoing tables of forms per square foot of surface contact, namely, columns $.13 floors with reinforced concrete beams $.116, flat floors without beams $.111, short spans slabs between steel beams, including the fireproofing on the sides of the beams, $.095, walls exposed to view above ground, $.128, foundation walls $.103, mass foundations $.093, the writer believes all higher in price than is usually believed to be a fair cost by the majority of builders. It is upon the suc- cess of handling forms that good results financially depend. CONCRETE: In regard to concrete, labor is the variable item which must be carefully considered. Anyone of intelli- gence can make a careful estimate of the materials to be ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 447 used, but note the average prices per cubic foot of labor, namely for columns, $.123, beam floors $.131, flat floors $.106, floors between steel beams $.121, walls $.106, founda- tions $.091, and mass work in connection with build- ings $.052; not until the last item is reached is a price ob- tained in experience which, according to the observation of the writer, the majority expect to obtain in building work in general. Many men who have had wide experience in hand- ling large quantities of concrete in mass have at times at- tempted a lighter type of construction and been greatly sur- prised at the large expense connected therewith. It has come to the writer's notice a number of times that men with this experience have added from fifty per cent, to one hundred per cent, to the cost of mass work and felt that they were amply covered for light structural work. The fallacy of this can be seen by a very recent experience of the writer's. In building a dam this past year across the Connecticut River, about 5,500 cubic yards of concrete were placed. Cement and aggregates were received on a bridge abutment twenty-six feet above the river. Aggregates were dumped upon an in- clined chute where they were to be washed, and from the end of the chute they fell into bins, from which they were drawn through measuring hoppers into a mixer and dumped from this into tram cars four feet above the water. The total ex- pense for labor of washing, charging, mixing and dumping into the cars was only $.12 per cubic yard, and for moving it in cars, an average distance of 700 feet, dumping and placing was only $.30 per cubic yard, or a total cost of $.0155 per cubic foot. MASTER CARD: In the exhibit at the end is given an exact copy of a " master card " which gives the complete financial history of the job when it is finally completed. It will be seen that on some items a loss was incurred, as well as a profit on others, showing that it is difficult, even on work which a company is fairly experienced on, to reach the right price on everything, and also that when slight changes are made by the owner or architect they often entail heavy loss. Take one case of the external walls. The owners furnished 448 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR the window-frames and sash, which were all of metal. The original design was for a frame with two-sash which could easily be put into a six-inch wall. They later decided, for greater fire protection, to use four-sash. This required an eight-inch wall instead of six-inch, and the form work on the inside had to be built inward and then the space under the windows paneled to save material. This slight change, when the job was entirely complete, showed that the concrete on the walls showed an actual loss instead of profit, and that form work cost more than twice what was originally es- timated that it should cost. TOOLING : Regarding the tooling of wall surfaces, we orig- inally planned to do this when the cement was less than ten days old, but, on account of the various changes, forms had to be left on a considerably longer time, and it was incon- venient to tool the surface until the cement Was so thor- oughly set that the cost of dressing was considerably greater than was first anticipated. ; MAPLE FLOOR: Again, by reference to the y 8 -inch maple floor which was placed upon the concrete construction, a cost of $89.44 per M. bd. ft. will be observed, and by refer- ence to the details on the back of the card it will be seen that repairing floor cost $248.50 or $12.42 per thousand. This was due to the fact that the owners did not deliver or set the window-sash at the time agreed, and therefore the maple floors lay exposed to the weather in the building for several weeks, swelled, and after laying, shrunk, leaving large cracks which the owners insisted on being filled before they would accept the work. These indicate how matters which appear trivial at the time may cause serious loss, if over- looked. As seen by the large list of items entering into the esti- mate as given by this master card, there are various items of cost entering into the construction besides those which are enumerated. Nevertheless, the matter of the forms, steel and concrete cover by far the largest proportion of the cost of a reinforced concrete structure, and the minor items are those which are peculiar to each individual case and which any person can easily estimate for himself. ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 449 MASTER CARD Mill, Tappan Bros-. Attleboro, Mass. Job No. 747 Date, May 24, 1906 Proposal Actual Cost Per cu. ft. Profit Loss Per cent Total $35,164.55 790.00 1,738.00 1,955.00 1,520.00 8,883.00 2,869.00 832.00 883.00 469.00 348.00 44.00 852.00 1,770.25 253.00 387.00 1,086.00 2,839.00 1,738.00 379.50 98.00 1,255.00 1,009.00 429.00 400.00 300.00 1,860.00 100.00 77.80 $31,330.48 823.18 1,033.57 2,162.02 3,630.08 6,544.16 1,713.51 676.65 910.35 636.53 164.33 35.64 729.99 1,656.35 257.06 654.00 835.12 1,431.69 1,788.88 533.19 70.07 1,026.06 647.54 316.90 375.00 218.91 2,271.73 120.00 67.97 .021 .137 Per sq. ft. .190 .125 .339 .237 Per lin. ft. 1.470 .912 Per sq. ft. .056 Each 2.19 Per sq. ft. .189 Per M. 52.17 33.30 89:44 98.89 Per sq. ft. .094 .211 .175 $3,834.07 704.43 2,338.84 1,155.49 155.351 183.67 8.36 122.01 113.90 250.88 1,407.31 27.93 228.94 361.46 112.10 25.00 j 81.09 9.83 $33.18 207.02 2,110.08 27.35 167.53 4.06 267.00 50.88 153.69 411.73 20.00 11 Footings and fn Exterior walls Wall and fn. centers Floors, 6f thick .... Roof, 5J" thick Columns, 20"x20" Stairs Tool surface Ornaments and cornice Ventilators on roof . . . Set windows and door frames Interior partitions .... Bolts and iron works . . . Stair railing and grill . . Screens and setting .... 2" spr. plank and lay- ing . |" Maple, laying Motor shaft Motor shaft foundation Roofing and conductors Retaining Wall Centers per sq. ft. . . Concrete per cu. ft. . Painting Steel footings and walls . Plant, frt., etc Bond Extras Mr. Wason then goes on to the cost of concrete buildings. " It has been a common method to estimate the approximate cost of a building by either the square foot of floor or the cubic foot of space enclosed. As stated, after making this comparison, I am convinced that neither method is accurate enough to put much reliance on, but that the square foot method is a little safer than the other. Four additional tables are presented herewith. In each case the total cost includes 450 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR masonry and carpentry work without interior finish or deco- rating, plumbing and heating. The effort has been made to put the buildings upon a comparative basis as regards the amount of work done on each. The first table consists of the total cost of actual contracts executed. The second table consists of bona fide bids on complete buildings on which we were not the lowest bidders, but where the difference was not, as a rule, very great. The third and fourth tables are bona fide bids on work by an- other contractor whose experience was similar to our own. As a rule, cubic foot measurements are given in cents only, seldom being carried to any closer subdivision. In reference to Table IV. on second-class buildings, it will be noted that for the largest building a variation of one cent per cubic foot amounts to over $28,000, while the smallest one in the list amounts to only a little over ,$5,400. Again, on the last three items, the cubic foot price is practically identical, while the square foot measurements corresponding vary by more than 100 per cent, with no easily apparent reason in the design. TABLE I. COST OF FIREPROOF COMPLETED CONTRACTS Floor Unit Cost Kind of Building Job Cost in Cu. Ft. Area in Sq. Ft. Per Cu. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. Offices and stores .... Offices and stores .... Factory $181,194 61,646 12,774 1,365,830 496,780 112,440 90,474 39,840 7,519 $.133 .124 .114 $2.00 1.545 1.70 Factory 44,652 746,674 49,546 .060 902 Factory .... 39,830 312,000 24,960 .127 1.60 Garage 10,436 156,198 10,806 .085 1.23 Filter 19,993 149,250 19,208 .134 1.04 Fire Station 6,757 44265 2,982 .153 226 Observatory Filter .... 3,625 20,076 9,734 59,991 657 5,243 .373 .333 5.45 3.82 Highest Lowest .333 .06 3.82 .90 Average .138 1.72 ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 451 TABLE II. COST OF FIREPROOF COMPLETE BUILDINGS Kind of Building Job Cost Volume inCu. Ft. Floor Area in Sq. Ft. Unit Cost Per Cu. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. Storehouse $141,755 60,800 61,646 200,051 19,292 141,529 76,796 91,377 136,880 13,064 75,604 23,332 1,714,448 703,692 496,780 1,535,000 212,400 1,327,868 1,140,000 1,380,500 693,840 105,600 1,211,364 180,000 168,696 57,654 39,840 154,000 15,000 106,022 146,000 90,240 56,552 8,800 74,604 16,394 $.0827 .0865 .124 .13 .091 .107 .0685 .067 .197 .124 .0625 .129 .197 .0625 .1088 $ .84 1.05 1.545 1.30* 1.28 1.335 .575 1.01 2.42 1.485 1.01 1.42 2.42 .575 1.27 Hospital Office building, Cold storage Factory Factory . Storehouse Mfg. building Office Factory Factory Factory Highest . Lowest Average In Table III. another discrepancy is noticed. In the first and the last items, the highest and the lowest per cubic foot, as well as per square foot, are on office buildings of similar type which were within one mile of each other where there is no apparent reason for such discrepancy in the design or difficulty of access in the erection of the building. I would recommend that very little reliance be placed upon this class of estimates. 452 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR TABLE III. COST OF FIREPROOF BUILDINGS Volume Floor Unit Cost in Cu. Ft. Sq. Ft. Per Cu. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. Office building $ 70690 441,000 35,854 $ .159 $1.97 Cold storage Hospital 132,365 44,451 1,016,400 348,320 101,640 34,832 .13 .127 1.30 1.27 Hospital . . . 51,574 414,732 29,838 .124 1.73 Bank 65,580 533,750 .123 Masonic 180,197 1,479,456 ; .122 Warehouse 31,280 259,700 24,500 .120 1.28 Garage Warehouse 59,105 275,723 497,420 2,597,000 212,000 .118 .106 1.30 Hotel 220,646 2,116,106 .104 Hospital 49724 485,789 38,247 .100 1.30 Office 25,151 264,687 .095 Cold storage Club . 82,711 43,586 909,240 513,808 66,745 .091 .085 1.24 Office . . . 60,003 501,575 67,400 .084 1.12 Highest 159 1.97 Lowest Average .084 .113 1.12 1.39 5 variatiop high and low 53.8% 57.0% ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 453 TABLE IV. COST OF MILL CONSTRUCTION OR SECOND-CLASS BUILDING Volume Floor Unit Cost Kind of Building Job Cost in Cu. Ft. Area in Sq. Ft. Per Cu. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. Mill ...,..:..'.:. $ 66,516 544,788 44,172 $.122 $1.51 Warehouse 337 000 ' 2 808,850 .121 Mill 113 288 1,271,300 129,920 .089 .875 Storehouse . ... 101,098 1,714,448 168,696 .059 .60 Mill 90,703 1,622,128 152,200 .056 .60 Mill 72,048 1,331,200 83,200 .054 .865 Mill 85,754 1,752,609 81,500 .048 1.05 Mill 122,128 2,641,000 98,059 .046 1.25 Mill 94341 2,036,731 174,000 046 .542 Mill 129,405 2,867,535 157,730 .045 .82 Highest . . .122 1.51 Lowest , .045 .542 Average .069 .90 COST OP MODERATE PRICED DWELLING HOUSES OF REINFORCED CONCRETE. So much has been said regarding the cost of moderate priced dwelling houses of reinforced concrete that an esti- mate has been made on four of the prize designs of the com- petition held by the Association of American Portland Ce- ment Manufacturers. These have been figured out on aver- age unit costs given in the preceding tables. First prize was for a $2,000 house, single and double, and for a $4.500 house, single and double. The first figure is for a house as designed by the successful competitor, the second figure for a dis- tinctly monolithic fireproof house en the same design. It will be seen that these houses cost more when estimated, based upon experience hereinbefore given, than the sort given in the competition. It is nevertheless the writer's opinion that small detached houses cannot be built as cheap, as a rule, as the average unit price upon which the estimate is based, because these unit prices are obtained from much 454 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR larger buildings, the majority of which are much plainer in design, which thereby simplifies the construction. There has been some inquiry regarding the cost of work- men's cottages, and a design has been made for a block house to be built in not less than 20 at one time in blocks of 10 or more in length. These are two-story houses with cellar for storage of coal, two rooms on the first floor, four cham- bers and toilet on the second; 17 feet front, 27 feet deep, fire- proof throughout. These could be built for $1,600 each, or 16.9 cents per cubic foot, and $1.73 per square foot of floor space. If built of the same design, only of wood, the cost is estimated to be $1,355, or 14^ cents a cubic foot, $1.48 a square foot, a saving between concrete and wood of $245 or 15.3 per cent. Considering the severe wear and tear such a house receives from the class of pople who occupy it, this difference in price is very well justified. Prices given here are for everything necessary for the building complete, ready for immediate occupancy. Cost of Four Houses. Prize Designs from the Competition Held by the Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers. (The houses are complete except for heating, lighting and plumbing. The third column is figured out by unit costs given in the preceding tables for a house with concrete walls and wooden interior as per the competition; the fourth col- umn is for the same house built entirely fireproof.) No. 158. EUGENE WARD, JR., Architect Single house, 26 feet front by 20 feet 8 inches deep; 2 stories and cellar; 4 rooms and bath $2,000 $ 3,694 $ 4,315 No. 177. ANDREW LINDSAY, Architect Double house, 66 feet 6 inches front by 28 feet deep; If stories and cellar; 4 rooms and bath $4,000 6,716 8,385 No. 156. EUGENE WARD, JR., Architect Double house, 72 feet 8 inches front by 30 feet 10 inches deep; 2$ stories and cellar; 8 rooms and bath $9,000 10,440 12,507 No.. 96. W. CORNELL APPLETON, Architect Single house, 33 feet front by 28 feet deep; 2 stories and cellar; 7 rooms and bath $4,500 5,847 7,112 Mr. Wason's valuable paper ends here. ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 455 At this Cleveland Convention another expert gave the fol- lowing comparison of cost : " Reinforced concrete buildings of reasonable size, that is, costing $60,000 and upwards, can be and actually have been erected at costs running from 10 per cent, to 20 per cent, lower than the best bid received for steel construction on the same plans. On medium propositions concrete will not ex- ceed first-class mill construction by more than 10 per cent., and in several instances where the estimated cost of the building has run over $150,000, the figures submitted by the concrete contractors have been slightly lower than those of the mill construction men." THE FERRO-CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Another excellent record of actual costs was sent me near the end of 1909 by The Ferro-Concrete Construction Company of Cincinnati. This Company put up the 16-story Ingalls building, one of the first of the new style; and has since erected nearly 200 other structures of all sorts and sizes. METHODS : Mr. Anderson, the president, says : " To make a proper estimate the cost of the form work should always be kept separate, and as a general thing, this cost is about the same as the entire cost of the concrete itself, including material and labor on the concrete, as the cost varies with the type of building. For instance, the cost of form work for the fireproofing of a steel building is much less per square foot than the cost on a reinforced concrete build- ing where there is no steel frame. The reason for this is that where there is a steel frame the carpenters have the height of the floor fixed by the steel work, also all the positions of the beams and girders are fixed, while in a strictly reinforced concrete building all of these dimensions have to be care- fully measured and determined by the carpenter. COSTS: "The unit cost of high and narrow buildings, such as the Ingalls, is much greater than buildings which are more spread out. Each floor has to be concreted before do- ing any work on the one above, and this causes delay. Then 456 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR the men do not work so fast on the outside work when so high in the air. COST OF FORMS: "The actual costs on the Ingalls Build- ing for form work came to 11.39c. per square foot; the cost of lumber and nails being $5,669.11, and the cost of labor being $22,910.58, making the unit cost of material 2.2Tc. per square foot, and the cost of labor 9.12c. per square foot. At this time we were paying 37.5c. for carpenters. MEASUREMENT: "In getting the number of square feet of form work we count on form work that comes in contact with the concrete, making no allowances for the deductions which actually occur at intersections, thus on the walls we count for each square foot of wall two square feet of form work, as both sides touch the wall. " In figuring columns we figure all sides and count the full story height, making no deduction for the thickness of the floor itself. " In figuring girders we figure the full length of the build- ing, making no deductions for that portion where the girders go through a column, which has already been counted in the column forms; likewise, we make no deduction where the beams and girders intersect. Also we make no deductions for stair openings or elevator openings, as the additional cost of framing around these places more than overcomes the amount saved by the opening. " These rules in so far as intersections and openings go also apply in obtaining our quantities for concrete and steel. MIXING AND PLACING: "The cost of placing concrete on the Ingalls Building was $1.46% per cu. yd. with labor at 17M>c. per hour. COST OF FORMS: " The costs of form work on some of our other jobs were as follows: ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 457 Name and Address Labor Cents Material Cents Total Cents Carpentry Per Hr. Cents Richardson Paper Co., Lockland, Ohio 9.23 .92 10.15 Citizens Motor Car Co 10 2.62 12.62 Barney Warehouse, Dayton, O. . Extension No. 3 Bullock Elec. & 7.3 .8 8.1 Mfg. Co., Norwood, Ohio 11.45 4.04 15.49 42.5 Frank Bldg., Cincinnati, O 6.69 3.30 9.99 37.5 and 40 Ware Residence, Ft. Thomas, Ky. 6.62 2.72 9.34 37.5 Hauck Bldg., Cincinnati, O 7.7 2.66 10.36 37.5 American Book Co., Cin'ti, O. . . 6.24 2.08 8.32 37.5 McDonald-Kiley Warehouse .... 7.76 2.84 10.6 37.5 American Snuff Co., Memphis, Tenn. 5.66 3.29 9.95 45 " The labor cost per cubic yard of concrete and steel in dol- lars per ton on some of these jobs was as follows: Name Concrete Steel Extension No. 3 Bullock Elec. & Mfg. Co American Snuff Co $1.585 2.46 $ 8.16 6.40 Barney Warehouse 230 1320 Citizens Motor Car Co . 1032 Henderson Litho. Co ___ 11.04 Richardson Paper Co 2.99 14.04 Hauck Building 1.745 8.32 W^are Residence 2.65 " These are actual costs taken from our records. " It would be well, however, for me to tell how we make our estimates before these would mean much. There are certain fixed expenses which of course we do not include in these costs and which on the average amount to about 10 per cent., wo that these figures would have to be increased by 10 per cent, to get the actual costs. The expenses I refer to are general operating expenses, liability insurance on our work- men, superintendents, watchmen and similar expenses. 458 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR " In some of the costs for form work the material cost was very low. This was due to the fact that we had other jobs we could take the lumber from, and so a low lumber cost was thus obtained. " Of course anyone starting in business will probably have their costs run higher at the start than would be the c.-ise in an old established firm, as the latter naturally know how to handle their work better and are apt to have better work- men." TRUSSED CONCRETE STEEL COMPANY One of the largest companies doing reinforced-concrete work is the Kahn Co., or Trussed Concrete Steel Co. of De- troit. Some data from this company are already given on pp. 124-125. The following figures sent me in 1909 from their Hy-Rib engineer deal with this new development. They are supposed to apply to all the larger cities of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan, if not to any city in the country, with the possible exception of New York, Philadel- phia and Chicago, where higher prices prevail. One large con- tract this company secured in 1908 was the Ford Motor Co. factory at Detroit 75'x862'x4 stories; and the cost was only 5c. per cubic ft. Floor costs are given complete. "'All the figures given are actual costs, not including con- tractor's profit, with the exception of the figure given on side walls made with Hy-rib, where we have named the contract prices as well as actual costs. The figures below are based upon the following unit costs: Portland cement $ 1.10 per bbl. Good clean sand 1.00 per cu. yd. Crushed stone 1.35 per cu. yd. Common labor 20 per hour Skilled labor for concrete work 40 per hour Carpenter labor 40 per hour Plasterers' labor 50 per hour Plasterers' helpers 20 per hour Lathers' labor 40 per hour Lumber for shoring 18.00 per thousand 28 gauge Hy-rib painted or unpainted 3.75c. per sq. ft. f.o.b. Youngstown, 0. ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 459 26 gauge Hy-rib painted or unpainted 4.2c. per sq. ft. f.o.b. Youngstown, O. 24 gauge Hy-rib painted or unpainted 5.5 c. per sq. ft. f.o.b. Youngstown, O. TYPE A : A floor like type A, on 6' spans to support 100 Ibs. per sq. ft. live load will cost about 24.5c. per sq. ft. of floor area. This figure includes the fireproofing of the beams. The same floor on an 8' span will cost 26.5c. per sq. ft. TYPE B: Referring to type B, this floor to support 100 Ibs. per sq. ft. live load will cost about 19c. per sq. ft. on 6' spans and about 21c. per sq. ft. on 8' spans. These costs include the fireproofing of the beams. TYPE C: Referring to type C, this floor to carry a live load of 100 Ibs. per sq. ft. would cost on G' spans about 26c. per sq. ft., and on 8' spans about 28.5c. per sq. ft. TYPE D: Referring to type D, this floor to support 100 Ibs. per sq. ft. live load would cost about 17.5c. per sq. ft. for 6' spans and about 19.5c. per sq. ft. for 8' spans. These costs include the fireproofing of the beams as shown. TYPE E: Referring to the upper figure marked type E, where the arched Hy-rib is used on steel I beams, this floor will cost on 6' spans about 18.5c. per sq. ft.,, and on 8' spans about 21. 5c. per sq. ft. This slab will support a load of 600 to 800 Ibs. per sq. ft. None of the above figures include the cost of the steel frame work. All the above figures include the cost of fireproofing the beams as shown in the sketches, and in fact the cost of the completed floor just as shown, including the plastering un- derneath the Hy-rib, as per specifications in the new Hy-rib Catalogue. In all those cases where a wooden finished floor is not shown we have figured on 1" of first-class cement finish on the top of the concrete slab itself, this finish being figured at a cost of 2 1 / 4c. per sq. ft. in place. 460 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR ROOFS: The cost of the roof depends largely on the span. The standard thickness of roof slab constructed on Hy-rib is 1*" above the base of the Hy-rib and about %" plastered on below. This slab will cost, in addition to the cost of 26 gauge Hy-rib itself, about 8c. per sq. ft. complete, besides the spe- cial waterproofing, such as Carey Roofing or Barrett Speci- fications or something of that kind. (This waterproof roofing will usually cost somewhere between 2% and 3M>c. per sq. ft) This cost is made up of the following items: Removing Hy-rib from car and placing on the roof, 7%c. per sq. ft. Temporary shoring (if 26 Hy-rib is used on spans greater than 4' or if 24 Hy-rib is used on spans greater than 5') ^c. per sq. ft. l 1 /^" of best 1:2:4 rock concrete in place, 4c. per sq. ft. Plastering underneath, 2.75c. per sq. ft. If thicker roof slabs are required lc* per sq. ft. for each additional %" in thickness is a liberal allowance. The figure of %c. for temporary shoring is based on sup- porting the Hy-rib along one line at the middle of its span. If the span is so great as to require two supports, %c. per sq. ft. of floor should be used instead of %c. REGARDING COST OP WALLS: Hy-rib side walls are be- ing built, the total thickness being usually 1%", for 11 to 13c. ,per sq. ft. complete. The writer knows at the present time of contracts covering several hundred thousand square feet of this wall at a price of 12^. per sq. ft, all openings being deducted in figuring the cost. In this price is included 26 Hy- rib at 4^c. per sq. ft. with freight allowed to destination. We ordinarily recommend 28 Hy-rib which is approximately %. cheaper per sq. ft. The above figures for Hy-rib walls are the contract prices and include a contractor's profit. The actual cost not in- cluding profit will run from 10 to 12c. per sq. ft. of actual area, openings being deducted. SOLID PARTITIONS: Solid partitions built with Hy-rib having a thickness of 1%" to 2" will cost complete in place, ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 461 including the finish coats of plaster on both sides, about $1.05 per sq. yd. This cost includes all labor and all material. HOLLOW PARTITIONS: If desired to use Hy-rib for hol- low partition construction the studding can be spaced at least 4' apart and the Hy-rib sheets run horizontally. A partition thus constructed with studding about 4' on centers, with Hy- rib run horizontally, and plastered on the outside only as or- dinary lath is plastered, would cost about $1.10 per sq. yd. complete. CEILINGS: An ordinary ceiling made with 28 gauge Hy-rib on joists or studding spaced 16" on centers would cost about 65c. per sq. yd. The joists could as well be spacec 1 3' on cen- ters so far as the Hy-rib is concerned and the corresponding saving be made in the cost of the ceiling. On suspended ceilings where it is necessary to have a fram- ing of light steel work spaced about 4'-6" center to center to which the Hy-rib is to be attached, the cost of the completed job including steel framing, Hy-rib, and all labor and ma- terials will average about 95c. per sq. yd. REGARDING SILOS: A silo with a single wall can be con- structed for about loc. per sq. ft. of wall area. This, how- ever, does not include -the doors, the roof, nor foundation, but simply the walls. If a double wall is desired this figure should be increased to about 25c. per sq. ft. of wall. This figure also does not include the doors, roof, nor foundations. REGARDING WALLS FOR RESIDENCES: The cost in Detroit of such a wall will be 20 to 21c per sq. ft. of actual wall surface. This cost includes the studding, the furring strips, the asbestos board or building paper, the 6" strips of building paper, the Trus-con Bonding Coat, the Waterproof Filler, the Hy-rib Sheathing, the Rib Lath, the Cement mor- tar, the interior plastering, and all labor of putting all these materials in their place. There is absolutely no question about the strength, durability and artistic appearance of this construction." 462 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR The following cuts are the ones referred to in the forego- ing statement. The short descriptions are to give a clearer understanding of the system. HY-RIB FLOOR TYPE A. HY-RIB sheets are laid on top of steel beam, concrete poured in, and under surface plastered no centering is used. HY-RIB FLOOR TYPE B. Finished concrete slab is flush with top of steel beam, giv- ing greater head room below beams HY-RIB sheets are supported on the sides of beam boxes used as centering for the steel beam fireproofing no other centering is necessary. HY-RIB FLOOR TYPE C. Flat ceiling is secured by constructing HY-RIB slab on the lower flange of beam a light cinder fill over the slab brings the finished floor flush with top of steel beam no centering is necessary. ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 463 HY-RIB FLOOR TYPE D. Ends of HY-RIB sheets are curved and rest on lower flange of beams. HY-RIB provides the fireproofing of steel beams without the use of any centering. With reinforced concrete beams the sides of the beam boxes are done away with as the ends of the HY-RIB sheets rest on the bottom board. HY-RIB FLOOR TYPE E. Arched concrete floors used for carrying heavy loads. HY-RIB comes to the job bent to exact curve. Ends of sheets rest on lower flange of beam. Concrete is poured in above and plaster applied to the lower surface. No center- ing is necessary. HY-RIB FLOORS WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS TYPES A, B AND C. HY-RIB sheets are supported on the sides of the beam boxes used for centering the concrete beams no other cen- tering necessary. If HY-RIB extends over concrete beams, punch out the lathing between the ribs to permit filling of the beam. 464 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR HOOFS: The construction of roofs is similar to that of floors, except that the loads are lighter and a correspondingly lighter construction is desirable. In this field HY-RIB is especially useful, as slabs as thin as 1% inches can be built. It saves in the dead weight of the construction, and conse- quently permits the use of lighter roof trusses. Concrete construction has at times been rejected when desired for roofs of industrial plants, solely because of the prohibitive cost of the falsework when roofs are 20 to .50 feet above the ground. With HY-RIB no centering is neces- sary, and it can be as readily installed as ordinary wood boards. ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 465 .Or\C gElT E. ^.l-AS 1 BE-jT! j a&a ,rnr- 5 L-A CEILINGS. HY-RIB, as used in ceilings, does away entirely with the small channels, T's, angles, and studs necessary where the ordinary type of lath is used. HY-RIB is placed with the lath surface downward, pre- sents a straign true surface for plastering, and requires a minimum amount of material. Full Size Cross Section Hy-Rib Slab or Wall. Note rigidity and perfect surface for plastering. THE ROEBLING CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. This system is not a purely reinforced concrete one, but is used in combination with steel columns and floor girders. As noted in Mr. Wason's paper, all heights of stories and spacing of beams are already attended to before any form work has to be laid out, and this part of the contract is cheaper in consequence. The following figures were sup- plied by the company in the early part of 1910. COST: " SEGMENTAL ARCH, with concrete filled flush with the top of the beams and with the flat steel and wire 466 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR lath ceiling construction, will average about 23c. per sq. ft. between 10" beams in spans of 6' or less between beams. COVERING: For the concrete column and girder protection with interior steel anchors, providing for a minimum thick- ness of 2" at the corners of the members, an average price of about 16c. per sq. ft. of plastering surface should be allowed. FOR OUR SEGMENTAL ARCH system, without ceiling protection and with the soffits of the beams protected, the price will generally average 20c. per sq. ft. in spans of 7' or less between 15" beams. The soffit protection provides a minimum thickness of 2" of concrete to the beam. FLAT SYSTEM: For the flat reinforced concrete floor con- struction , Type 10, the price per square foot, between 10" beams and spans of 7' or less with the concrete slab 4'* in thickness and including the flat light steel and metal lath ceilings, will average 20c. The column and girder protec- tion the same as already named. PANELED: For the flat system paneled ceiling effect, Type No. 6, without flat wire ceilings, the price is 17c. per sq. ft. between 10" beams and in spans of 7' or less. The Type 10, with 4" concrete slab flush with the bottoms of shal- low beams, that is, beams not exceeding 9" in depth, the price is 14c. per sq. ft. CONCRETE FILLER: None of the above figures include any plaster work, wood work, or concrete fill. Our standard fill consisting of one part Portland Cement to ten parts steam boiler cinders (without sand) is worth about Ic. per sq. ft. per inch of depth when the fill is 2" or more in depth. PARTITION: In the partition construction, the solid 2" concrete partition is worth about $1.35 per sq. yd., erected in place; similarly, the hollow partition, finishing 4" thick, is worth about $1.10 per sq. yd. The single partition finishing 2" thick is worth about 70c. per sq. yd. The above prices in- clude only metal work and framing around door and sash openings and include no plaster or wood work. ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 467 CORNICES, ETC.: Furring and lathing for ornamental cor- nices, coves, etc., where the perimeter does not exceed 2', 15c. per sq. ft. of plastering surface. The plain boxing of girders where the surfaces are plain and the corners square, simply furring them out to larger dimensions, the price is about lOc. per sq. ft. of plastering surface. DOMES: Large ornamental domes, vaulted ceilings, groined arches, etc., 20c. to 40c. per sq. ft. of plastering surface, in- cluding the furring and light metal supports and metal lath ready to receive plaster." The following illustrations show the " Types " referred to in the Roebling statement. TYPE 1. This illustrates the flat construction with a 4-inch thick re- inforced cinder concrete slab finishing 2 1-2 inches above the top of the beams and 2 inches below the bottom flange of the beams. This type was designed to meet the requirements of the new building code of New York City. This shows the 4-inch reinforced cinder concrete slab con- struction, finishing flush with the top of the beam, and the same as Type 1, in other respects. 468 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR TYPE 9. Another method of flat construction, showing the method used in attaching wire lath ceiling. Used extensively in residential and office building construction in New York City and else- where. TYPE 10. This illustrates the reinforced cinder concrete slab construc- tion, finishing flush with the top of the beam and without soffit protection, and showing the wire lath ceiling clipped direct to the under side of the beam. TYPE 19. /.'/'I ^Vi * * V The reinforced cinder concrete slab construction illustrated here finishes either flush vith the bottom or 1 1-2 inches below the bottom flange of the beam, with a cinder fill on top of same to and flush with the top of the beam. THE REINFORCING used throughout consists of 2x1-8 inch or 1 1-4x3-16 inch flat steel bars set on edge and spaced 16 inches on centers with the bars, attached to the beams by clamping their ends around the top flange of same, or by hanging them in stirrups from the top flanges. These bars are held in posi- tion by separators made of No. 5 round rods, and are placed two to a span. A STANDARD MIXTURE for this type of construction is one part cement, two parts sand, and five parts cinders.. ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 469 -- ' < _r - C cS SS o ej 2 J3 ? '> <*- - M '| F QC^'f i ^: i s 'R-.-a's bfl 13 o> oT o> I*!" .- CD '3 C ^ fS 1 s^^ i^ o oo 470 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR THE HENNEBIQUE SYSTEM This is one of the pioneers in the new construction. The company has already put up 22,000 buildings in Europe, Africa, China, Mexico, and the Americas. As contractors it has finished more than $100,000,000 worth of work; and em- ploys also a corps of consulting engineers. There have been many official tests of reinforced concrete, but the Hennebique Company supplied one of the best tests yet devised; and it was an unexpected one. Two five-story grain warehouses in Tunis settled and leaned over like the tower at Pisa. They were loaded with sand on the high side, and by excavating on the same side were brought back to position uninjured. It has been said that the more a man knows about any- thing the greater he sees his ignorance to be; and this com- pany, while willing to give costs on any specific work, did not like to give tables of averages for " The New Building Estimator," as the other companies already quoted, owing to differences due to location, nature of building, etc. The following useful figures are from their printed cata- logue: ECONOMY: "The cost of the Hennebique System of Ar- mored Concrete ranges between that of mill construction and steel skeleton fireproof construction. Considering the item of insurance, however, Armored Concrete becomes more eco- nomical than the apparently cheaper mill construction. In the item of insurance alone the saving on premiums for three or four years would more than make up the increased cost of Armored Concrete over the other non-fire systems. Take, for example, a Warehouse which would cost say $100,000, and in which merchandise to the amount of $200,000 would be stored. The insurance premiums for mill construc- tion at the rate of $1.40 per hundred would amount annually to $4,900. If built in the Hennebique System the premiums would be at the rate of 35 cts. per hundred, or $1,050 per annum, an annual saving of $3,150, equal to 3.15 per cent, of the investment. As Hennebique structures are but 10 per cent to 15 per ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 471 cent, more expensive than non-fireproof constructions, in three or four years the increase in cost of the building will have been saved by the reduction in insurance premiums. In replacing structural steel or masonry by Armored Con- crete, a reduction in the thickness of the walls and floors of structures is possible. Where a twenty-four inch brick wall is required a seven or eight inch concrete wall will replace it. The dead space is considerably reduced and the renting space of the building is consequently increased. If we take an ordinary office building in which seven-inch walls are used instead of brick walls, the increase, of renting space would be about 15 per cent, per floor. By using an Armored Concrete floor the thickness of the floor is also reduced and this permits a saving of space in the total height of the building. We often use five-inch slabs for long spans where steel and fireproofing would require a fourteen-inch thickness of floor. This causes a saving of nine inches for each floor, or ten feet six inches on a fourteen-story building, thus saving an entire story in the height, a gain of 14 per cent. The use of Armored Concrete makes it possible, in New York, to construct an eight-story tenement house of the same height as a seven-story building if other materials are used. The small dimensions of Armored Concrete structures are not only of importance in saving dead space of buildings, but also in dimensions of foundation and retaining walls, where the saving is a great one. Where a foundation of five or six feet is required in ordinary masonry, it is possible to do this in Armored Concrete with a fifteen-inch footing." OTHER DATA: The foregoing figures give a valuable pre- sentation of the cost of reinforced work, both detailed and complete, by the leading construction companies; and taken together with Chap. VII supply what builders require for comparison. The following items of cost, etc., are from vari- ous sources, and are also worth preserving: In " Carpentry and Building," August, 1909, there is a sum- mary from Emile G. Perrot's paper on the Cost of Reinforced Concrete Buildings. A few of the conclusions are as follows: THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR " Reinforced concrete costs from 10 to 30 per cent, more than slow burning mill construction." But the cheaper in- surance has to be considered. In comparing the cost of reinforced concrete construction with steel construction fireproofed, we find that concrete construction is cheaper. Actual bids on the two types of con- struction for the same buildings obtained reveal some inter- esting facts. REINFORCED CONCRETE VS. STEEL CONSTRUCTION For the Ketterlinus Building in Philadelphia, which is an eight-story and basement building, reinforced concrete was decidedly cheaper by about 20 per cent., and made a much stiff er building to resist the shocks of ^the heavy lithographic presses in the fifth and sixth stories of the building. Another notable instance of the saving effected by the use of reinforced concrete is the Boyertown Building, Philadel- phia. The owners saved about $60,000 by the skillful use of reinforced concrete for the entire construction, representing a saving of about 30 per cent. It is 10 stories and basement, built of a concrete cage having the front veneered with gran- ite in the first story and brick and terra cotta in the upper stories. To sum up, the cost of reinforced concrete buildings can best be considered by classifying them under several head- ings: 1. Warehouses and manufactories. Cost 8 to 11 cents per cubic foot. 2. Stores and loft buildings. Cost, 11 to 17 cents per cubic foot. 3. Miscellaneous, such as schools and hospitals. Cost, 15 to 20 cents per cubic foot. These costs include the building complete, omitting power, heat, light, elevators and decorations or furnishings." COST OF FORMS, ETC.: The average contractor cannot ex- pect to handle this class of work so well as those who make it a specialty. The following figures from Fred. W. Hagloch are worth noting as a caution to some who want to walk be- fore they creep: ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 473 " The labor cost in concrete form building is a very uncer- tain figure as no two men do the same amount of work per day. I have had a squad of carpenters and helpers that would build forms for 24 by 24-inch columns at less than 10 cents per foot height and again I have seen it cost as much as 35 cents per foot. Then conditions make a wide differ- ence and I recall an instance where forms cost as much as 70 cents per cubic foot of concrete, as no form could be used over again in stories higher up. The side wall forms are worth from 6 to 20 cents per square foot for labor, but it is all guess work, for even the nature of the lumber affects the labor cost data. Besides that, the cost of forms is always the big item in reinforced concrete, and until we have a sys- tem of changeable forms, it always will be. I recall an in- stance where a contracting firm underestimated the cost of forms $28,000 on a building which they contracted to build for the sum of $230,000. In fact, their estimate as to cost of forms was only $17,000 and the total cost amounted to $45,000. The cost of labor per cubic yard for reinforced work of sizes given will be as follows: First-story columns, $2.35 per yard; walls, $2.75 per yard. Second-story columns, $2.66 per yard. Walls, $3.00, and so on up. These figures are based on machine mixing and elevator." UNLOADING MATERIAL: The following data by T. Her- bert Files in " Engineering-Contracting," April 7, 1909, are valuable for cost of unloading. Actual costs are given for all the figures. The wages paid per hour ran to I7%c. for unskilled labor; 19%c. for concrete workers; for steel, 25c.; rough carpentry, 30c.; carpenters, 41c.; foremen in their or- der, 30c., 40c., 30c., 50c. UNLOADING: FOR CEMENT unloading directly into stor- age shed, with little carrying 6 men can handle 600 bags or 150 barrels in 3 hours, at a unit cost of 2c. per barrel. If unloaded by wheelbarrows with a distance of 100 ft, it will cost 4c. per barrel, but may run up to 5c. or 6c. if the men are not handled in the proper manner. SAND AND GRAVEL will cost on an average of 8c. per cu. yd. for unloading, laborers shoveling it from the car to the 474 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR storage pile nearby. The cost varies from 6 to 10c., depend- ing upon conditions. REINFORCING STEEL BARS can be unloaded at a cost varying from 35c to $3.00 per ton, depending upon the carry- ing distance. Here are some actual costs: Unloading %"x20' twisted steel, from box cars and piling it on ground beside car, 32c. per ton. Unloading from gondola cars, carrying 300 ft. and piling on racks in steel shed, $3.00 per ton. LUMBER: The unloading of lumber differs considerably in cost, same depending upon the distance carried and the size of the sticks. It was found, however, from our records that it cost from 70c. to $1.00 per 1,000 ft. B. M. to unload, haul 200 ft. and pile form sheathing. FORMS: The following are some of the costs of forms made in a field carpenter shop, which consisted of two saw ma- chines, a planing and a boring machine, with a shop foreman in charge. Per Sq. Ft. of Surface. Girders and beams 5 cts. Floor panels 2 cts. Wall panels 3 cts. The cost of setting forms for the floors, which included time spent in the moving of the forms from one floor to an- other, erecting and setting the forms of columns, beams, and floor panels and the falsework supporting them, was figured per sq. ft. of floor surface. The costs of different floor set- ups varied, because the men at first were unskilled and not well organized. From 1,300 to 1,800 sq. ft. of floor were set up in a day These costs ranged from 13c. per sq. ft. for the first set-up to 4.7c. for the roof set-up, making an average of 8.4c. per sq. ft. The stripping of the floor forms cost from 2.5c. to 1.5c. per sq. ft, or an average of 1.9c. per sq. ft. of floor. This makes the cost of setting up and stripping of forms for floors aver- age 10.3c. per sq. ft. of floor. ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 475 The curtain walls, between columns, were put in place after the floors and cost from 6 to lOc per sq. ft. of form surface for setting up, or an average of 8c. The cost of stripping these was y 2 c. per sq. ft. Partition walls and outside plain walls cost from 4 to 8c. per sq. ft of form surface, or an average of 5c. for setting and y 2 c. per sq. ft. for stripping. STEEL: The cost of the steel work is divided as follows: Per Ton. Unloading $2.00 Making up steel 5.50 Carrying 1.75 Placing 1.00 Total $10.25 CONCRETING: The greatest wheeling distance was 350 ft. and the least 50 ft., making the average distance 200 ft. The cost of concreting columns and floors ranged from 2.8c. to- 4.2c. per cu. ft., or an average cost of 3.5c. per cu, ft. CENTERING OR FORMS: A word of caution is necessary as to the difference of cost of form work for rough and fin- ished surfaces. If an extra smooth surface is insisted on, then the inside of the forms has to be carefully built, and, ac- cording to one expert, the cost is at least doubled. EXPANDED METAL SHEETS: The ordinary 3'xl2' sheets can be laid by two men at the rate of 125 to 150 in a day, when working under average conditions. The lighter material naturally costs more than the heavy sheets. The cost per ton can be estimated according to the rate of wages. PERCENTAGES: On a number of office buildings the per- centage of cost ran as follows: Labor 40 Steel 20 Cement 14 Lumber 11 Stone and sand 10 Miscellaneous 5 DETAILED COSTS: In "Engineering-Contracting" for April 29, 1908, there is an account of a factory building 100' xlOO', with extension of 55' on one side. The first story was 476 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 18', the second 12'. There were 847 cu. yds. of concrete used. It was machine mixed and hoisted. The figures are valuable for the average contractor: MATERIALS Per Cu. Yd. Cement at $2.05 per bbl $ 3,314 $ 3.91 Sand and gravel at $1.25 per cu. yd 1,054 1.20 Reinforcement at $55 per ton 2,314 2.75 Form lumber 4,944 5.84 Nails, etc 107 0.13 Total materials $11,733 $13.88 LABOR Building runs, hoisting and mixing engineer, 378 hrs. at 25 cts $ 94.50 $ 0.111 Laborers, 3,826 hrs. at 17 cts 669.55 0.790 Carpenters, 308 hrs. at 35 cts 107.98 0.127 Total $872.03 $ 1.028 PLACING AND TAMPING Laborers, 3,211^ hrs. at 17$ cts $562.00 $ 0.663 PLACING REINFORCEMENT Laborers, 1,263 hrs. at 17| cts. 42 tons $221.00 $ 0.260 BUILDING AND ERECTING FORMS Carpenters, 4,700 hrs. at 35 cts $ 1,645.00 $ 1.942 Carpenters, 1,212 hrs. at 30 cts 364.50 0.430 Total $ 2,009.50 $ 2.372 STRIPPING CENTERING, CLEANING UP Carpenters, 420 hrs. at 30 cts $ 126.00 0.148 Laborers, 1,451 hrs. at 17 cts 253.93 0.299 Total 379.93 0.447 SUPERINTENDENCE Foreman, 44 days at $6 264.00 .311 Superintendent, 2| months at $100 250.00 0.295 Engineering inspecting, inc. trav. exp 200.00 0.236 Total $ 714.00 $ 0.842 Tools and depreciation 338.00 0.386 Total labor $ 5,096.46 $ 5.998 Total materials and labor $16.829.46 $19.878 ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE. 477 SUMMARY: The experience of several of the largest firms is better than that of any one man or company; and costs compiled from many buildings in different sections are su- perior to those that are found by taking only one building in one corner of the United States. It is well, however, to re- member that Mr. Wason's experience is that location does not affect costs as much as is often supposed, as one item frequently offsets another. The cost of reinforced-concrete work is being steadily re- duced, according to the Aberthaw records; but the ordinary contractor who only occasionally erects a concrete building will seldom be able to equal, let alone reduce, the figures in this chapter; and thus for general use they may be held to be as nearly correct as is possible to obtain for a fair com- parison and check, for a long time to come, or until radical changes are made in the system of forms used. SETTING STEEL A great variation in the cost of setting steel per ton is shown on page 446. Figures are given on pp. 216-218 for ordinary and special work of this kind. On an 18-story building erected in 1912 the steel was set for $11 per ton complete, with one coat of paint, and a haul of half a mile included. SURFACING CONCRETE: Business buildings are not usu- ally covered with stucco or other material as dwellings are, but may be treated in another manner. One way is to improve the surface with various tools driven by compressed air. Another is by sand blasting. These methods break through the glazed surface that, in damp climates, at least, many would rather see preserved, but gives a finish that does away with all appearance of joints, irregular and rough surfaces. Bush hammers, bush chisels, and sand blasting are the principal agencies. Some cost figures are given in "Concrete" for January, 1912. Working with hammers and chisels on panels, balustrades, molding and soffits of arches the cost came to 5 1-2 cents 478 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR per square foot with labor at 30 cents per hour. This does not include compressed air. With concrete 30 days old 100 sq ft of fiat surface was done in 9 hours, but only 40 to 50 on more intricate surfaces. From 10 to 20 per cent more can be done with concrete only 4 days old. SAND BLASTING: A complete outfit of machinery for this work comes to about $450 in eastern cities, with freight to be added for other points. The hose for the air costs about 50 cents per foot, with 80 ft included in the above price. With such an equipment 600 sq ft can be blasted in a day, at a cost of from 4 to 5 cents per sq ft. Some contractors figure such work at 8 to 10 cents per sq ft. The height of the work from the ground has to be considered, and whether scaffolding is in place or has to be supplied. The character of the surface naturally governs the price. Some buildings are plain all over, and others are covered with pilasters, pediments, balustrades, and moldings. A large amount of this kind of work has been done in renovating the facades of the brownstone houses in eastern cities, and especially in New York City. (See page 72.) WHITE CEMENT: On page 72 allusion is made to La Farge cement, an imported article used for non-staining purposes on stone setting. For this purpose, and also for white ar- tificial stone, there are now several brands made in the United States. The price runs from $4 to $6 per barrel, de- pending upon freight, etc. Some of the brands are supplied by the Atlas Portland Cement Company, Sandusky Portland Cement Company, Vul- canite (Berkshire) Portland Cement Company, Blanc Stain- less Cement Company, Allentown, Pa. LARGE WINDOWS: On such buildings as are shown in the cuts, Nos. 7 and 8, the area of glass may run to 30 or 40 per cent. In one of them it is 40. In reinforced concrete buildings as much as 80 per cent may be openings. The new style of reinforced concrete construction, coupled ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE. 479 with the desire for strictly fireproof buildings, has brought with it metal window frames and sash to suit. One of the most popular of these makes is the Fenestra, manufactured by the Detroit Steel Products Company. The square foot prices given below were furnished for this work by the com- pany. Of course they are approximate only, as different sizes of glass, weight of metal, and other factors affect the price. There are about 200 standard makes for all purposes. The sash get one factory coat of paint, and the glazing is done after erection. The putty goes on the inside of the building. It is made of lead and linseed oil, but has 20 per cent of litharge. It may be supplied by the factory at a cheaper rate than it can be manufactured by the contractor. A 10x16 light requires 9 ounces, and a 12x18 about 11, but this is approximate. The following prices are fob Detroit, and consequently freight, hauling from depot, putty and erection have to be added. The glass size all through is 12x18 standard. For 10x16 the price would be 5 or 6c per sq ft extra. The glass is not included, as different kinds may be used. (See p 206 for price of common, ribbed, wire, plain or polished.) Per Sq Ft WINDOW A, semi-circular head 25c WINDOW B, camber head '. 31c WINDOW C 22c WINDOW D 24c WINDOW E 19c WINDOW F 22c The necessary hardware is included to attach the frame to the masonry or steel work. ERECTION: As a general rule the allowance of 5c per sq ft covers the work. In a steel frame it can be done for 3 1-2 to 4c. LABOR GLAZING: The cost of this, including the putty, runs from 8 1-2 to 9c per light. This does not include glass. 480 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 481 482 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR i : ACTUAL COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 483 As the standard light is 12x18, or exactly 1 1-2 sq ft, the cost per sq ft may be set at 6 cents. On page 206 lights of 10x14 are noted as being set for 1 l-2c without putty on the win- dows of Nos. 7 and 8, but the sash were handled on the ground, while the Fenestra is glazed after erection. VENTILATORS are swung on pivots. They may be of any size desired. TOTAL: Window A 25c for sash and frame; 5c erection; 6c glazing and putty; 12x18, D. S. common glass, 11; total 47c per sq ft. Allow freight and hauling extra. COMPARISON: The 60-light windows in Nos. 7 and 8 cov- ered 250 sq ft. The cost unglazed, but delivered at the build- ing; is given on page 182, also the weight of the sash. Each frame included 3 sets of windows. Allowing at 25c in stead of 22 the frame and sash come to $62.50; 180 lights 10x14, S. S., $11.70: setting same, $2.70; putty, 25 Ibs. at 4c, with points, $1 (see page 206, bottom) ; carpenter la- bor, $18; sash cord, weights, lifts and locks, $8; total, $103. 90, or about 42c per sq ft complete. But 22c would more than cover cost if thinner sash were used, as 2" was the thickness. An allowance of 38c would be fair. Using type E as a comparison with Nos. 7 and 8 in wood, we have 19c for frame and sash; and 22c for the other items, a total of 41c. But the 12x18 was allowed in the first total for the Fenestra at D. S. glass while the wood had S. S. On page 206 we see that the difference is about 4c, leaving the Fenestra at 37c. There is no freight or hauling to be added on the wood construction. It should be noticed, however, that E is the cheapest type, while on page 181 a lower figure than 22c is given for frame and sash delivered and glazed with S. S. glass, and even with D. S. Labor and hardware have to be added. On page 192 glazed prices without frames are also given. TILE ARCHES: On some buildings, old style or reinforced concrete, the ceilings and domes are covered with mosaics. 484 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR and tiles of various descriptions. On a large railroad sta- tion for which I made a valuation the mosaic cost $1.50 per sq ft. On the same station the Sienna marble was valued at $2.50 per sq ft, 1" thick. Domes in churches, stations, etc., are of so many kinds that only an approximate idea of cost can be given. The following figures were supplied by the Comerma Company, New York City. Approximate Cost of Cohesive Tile Arches per sq ft. CARRYING WEIGHT. WITHOUT WEIGHT. Unglazed Glazed Matt Unglazed Glazed Matt Glazed Glazed Flat' Arches ... $0.93 $1.01 $1.10 $0.78 $0.86 $0.95 Domes 1.01 1.09 1.18 .86 .94 1.03 The above figures are on the basis of building the arches or domes themselves, as well as the tile lining below, but do not include any filling above. The construction carries its own weight, and the floor load. The scaffold is not in- cluded below the spring of arch or dome. ITALIAN MARBLE wainscoting set in place, $1.10 to $1.25 per sq ft. CHAPTER XXXI. MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK SYSTEM: On pages 10, 49, 61, 74, 134, etc., the system of measurement adopted for this "Estimator" is explained. It is based upon actual quantities, as a rule, with a few tri- fling exceptions, one of which may be noted at the bottom of page 259. But there is such a difference of opinion among contractors ^as to the respective merits of this manner of estimating buildings, and the old trade rules based upon increasing quantities rather than prices for exceptional work, that the subject is worth examining to some extent. First of all, as a contractor I had been in the habit of figuring masonry, plastering, etc., in the trade way, and get- ting into trouble over the usual list of many exceptions to one rule. I then went to the engineering department of a railroad where part of my duty was to make estimates and bills of material for buildings, large and small. I followed the trade custom for a time, but finally adopted the engin- eering one of taking actual quantities only. This system is better in every way. Assume that the brickwork of a building is estimated in the trade way: The corners are doubled; an extra length is allowed on intersecting walls to make up for the time lost plumbing the corners; and pilasters, ledgings, and such flat surfaces are taken by a special rule that changes according to projection; while piers are measured on two or three* -sides depending upon their size. Ordinary openings are not deducted .those above a certain number of square feet are deducted, if of a certain area half the surface is deducted, and so on. It is the same with stone, plaster, paint, and other factors entering into construction. DETAILS: After I had a building estimated I usually had to make out the bills of all material for the complete struc- ture. Before getting at the quantities required the work had 485 486 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR to be gone over again to take out the double corners, all or part of the openings; and the rest of the trade jumble set to rights. Brick and mortar are not necessary at the open- ings, and are not doubled at the corners, and concrete and plaster are required for only the actual surface, or capacity. But when the exact surface is taken at first all brick, lath or mortar can be at once detailed out without another calculation. Where only one building comes up in a month, or only a few contracts are secured in a year, the method followed does not matter so much, but when sev- eral have to be detailed out in a week there is no time for useless work. The old system wastes time, and is not so good as the new, and is, furthermore, quite frequently a source of quarreling and dissatisfaction between the owner and the contractor. I know of one set of large buildings where a settlement was held up for a long time owing to the contractor's desire to double all corners and intersections in a heavy concrete foundation, instead of taking actual quantities. The differ- ence between the systems amounted to something like a couple of thousand dollars. LOCAL CUSTOM: Another trouble comes from the fact that different sections of the country have customs that vary; and some states have had building measurements en- acted into laws by the legislature. The courts have held that local custom governs, so that the only method of pro- venting misunderstanding is to have a clause in the specifi- cation saying that only actual quantities will be allowed. Law suits are undesirable. In the case of railroads running into various states, and into different sections of these states, with local measure- ments to suit the varying ideas, the danger of confusion is too great. Consequently, with most, if not all, railroads square and cubic feet and yards are used on actual measure- ments, and not cords and perches that mean 16 1-2 cu ft here, and 24 1-2 there, coupled with trade rules enough to fill a pamphlet. MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 487 LARGE OPENINGS: Again, with such shops as are shown on illustrations 7 and 8, this book, the openings amount to from 35 to 40 per cent of the walls, and the only proper way to make an estimate is to deduct them entirely, to take the actual surface, and to raise the unit price to suit the work of plumbing the corners. Reinforced concrete buildings often have one-half of their wall area in openings, and some have as high as 80 per cent. EXTRAS: There is no gain by using the trade rules in competitive bidding, because the cost of the work can be found by the actual method as well as by the trade one. The sole chance of gain lies in the possibility of extras, just as with the concrete foundation already alluded to, when the measurement is raised enough to create ill feeling on the part of the owner who thinks he is victimized. NET FIGURES: Many of the largest contractors now fol- low the actual measurement system, and change the price unit for difficult work. One of the leading contracting com- panies in the United States is the Aberthaw Construction Co. (see pages 436, 440-450). Commenting upon the Rules of the Chicago Associations in the Building Age for May, 1911, an official of this company says that the fundamental law of measurement is that all quantities of material and labor should be measured net as finally left in the building or structure, and that all extra labor, waste, etc., should be allowed for in the price and not in the measurement. That is to say, the extra work on brick pilasters, cornices, piers, and corners should be considered when estimating, and the price for the work per thousand raised to suit; and that a carpenter laying a floor should not be paid for the waste in the boards, which often require one-fourth more material than the actual area, and neither for the ends of the boards that are cut off, no matter if he is flooring an angle, circle, or octagon, but only for the actual number of sq ft left when the work is finished. SCAFFOLDS: Further remarks on this interesting subject by the Aberthaw official are: "All work of temporary char- 488 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR acter should not be measured unless it forms a distinct labor item which can be taken separately; for example, staging for brick masons, or painters, sheeting for trenches, etc., should not be measured separately, but should be included in the unit price of brickwork, painting or excavation. On the other hand, forms should be measured separately, be- cause they are a separate and distinct operation of labor necessary to the construction of concrete work, and simi- larly, painting on structural steel should be measured sep- arately and not included in the price per ton. CONCRETE: "The committee has disregarded the cost of placing concrete in thin walls and floors, and has also en- deavored to eliminate all measurement of forms to concrete work, allowing an excess measurement of concrete to pay for both. There are a number of difficulties in the way of paying for forms for concrete work at unit prices, among them being the fact that they will not be seen when the building is finished, and furthermore, that there is no estab- lished unit of measure for them. For example, an extrava gant use of lumber is apt to result if board feet are desig- nated as the unit for basing prices. The most logical method seems to be to base estimates for form work on the square foot of concrete surface in contact with forms. This does give a definite and unchanging unit, as there will always be the same number of square feet to center in the under side of a floor, and the sides of a beam, although the lumber used on similar work by different contractors may vary. Much here depends on the design of forms used. "To show how erratic the application of these rules (The Chicago ones) to concrete work might be, let us take an actual instance of their working. Assume two walls, one 6" and one 12" thick, with a unit price of 30c per cu ft. The rules would allow 1 1-4 cu ft of concrete per sq ft for the 6" wall, and 1 1-2 cu ft for the 12". Assuming the actual cost of concrete without forms to be 25c per cu ft, this would leave 25c in the first case, and 20c in the second, although the work is the same. Again, if a richer mix were adopted for MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 489 another 6" wall, and the unit price raised to 35c, we should have 28 3-4c left for forms, the same as those paid for at 25c and 20c in the other wall. It appears that the funda- mental error is the effort to adjust quantities rather than prices. "On municipal work especially, adjusting quantities as a basis of measurement might bring the contractor or others into embarrassing situations, for it would be practically im- possible to make an untechnical committee see the justice in, for example, charging for 70 cu ft of concrete in a column containing only 10." UNIFORMITY: The trouble would be in getting an ideal set of rules adopted over the entire country, even of the kind the trade rule men would approve. The state legisla- tures, or some special interest, might block a uniformity that is desirable enough. But there is one system that is already known and understood in every part of the United States, and that is the one that is based on actual measure- ments, with price as the unit instead of quantity. If not customary locally, it is easy enough to make it obligatory by a clause in all specifications. DIFFICULTIES: In some cases it is hard to get mathe- matical rules to suit estimating. Just to give one illustra- tion, the best way of getting at the cost of forms for con- crete is by the square foot in contact with the surface, as al- ready noted in the Aberthaw comments; but even that metn- od is not perfect. A hint is given of another way on pages 45 and 46 merely as a check. PIERS: Take, for instance, two piers with many angles: it is not the few feet of plank that count, but the labor in making the forms. Assuming one pier with 8 angles x 10 ft deep, and girt of 16 ft, and another with the same angles and depth, but measuring 24 ft around. There is a differ- ence of 80 sq ft, or say 220 ft B. M. of lumber, allowing for studs, braces, etc. This amounts to about $6 extra for lumber and nails. There is not much difference in the labor 490 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR in both cases, for the extra comes on the plain plank, and not on the angles, and would not be more than $2, making a total of $8. Yet setting the sq ft price at 20c. the one would take $32 and the other $48. ANGLES: In making forms for isolated piers, especially battered ones, it is angles that count, and not square feet, and even when a high unit price is set the one pier might cost, twice as much as the other owing to the angles, although all through a foundation the average has to be struck. For this reason machine foundations are very expensive. The labor on the forms is noted on page 45 as 5 times as much as for straight work. QUANTITY: On page 46 it is stated that each 1,000 yds of concrete required 7,000 ft. B. M. of lumber. On the con- crete foundations of the Woolworth building 24,000 yds took 75,000 ft B. M. A SET OF TRADE RULES As many contractors like the old system the following trade rules are given. The first set relates to excavation and concrete, and was adopted in 1911 by the Chicago Con- tractors' and Masons' Association, the Chicago Architects' Business Association, and the Western Society of Engineers and thus there is the weight of good authority behind what seems to be a bad system: RULES OF MEASUREMENT FOR EXCAVATING AND CONCRETE WORK. EXCAVATION OF CELLARS AND BASEMENTS. 1. Excavation to be measured and computed by the actual amount of material displaced. If unit price is based upon loose measurement, add forty (40#) per cent, to actual bank measurement, except if consisting of sand and gravel, when only twenty (20) per cent, will be added. If rehandling be- comes necessary, same to be done at a special price agreed upon in addition to the above. MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 491 EXCAVATION OF TRENCHES AND PITS. 2. Excavation of trenches, pier holes, or pits when more than 3 ft. wide to be computed on actual contents when less than 5 ft. deep. When less than 3 ft. wide excavation of trenches, pier holes or pits to be computed on actual contents if less than 2 ft. deep. If more than 2 ft. deep, compute contents of trench on base of 3-ft. width, even though same is narrower. If less than 2 ft. in depth, estimate actual width. For pits and pier holes more than 2 ft. deep and less than 12 sq. ft. in area estimate area of same on base of 12 sq. ft. multiplied by depth of same down to 5 ft., and of more than 5 ft. deep, estimate on same basis as given below for addi- tional depth of trenches, with the same percentages of in- creases added. Add 75 per cent, to actual contents of excavation of trenches, pier holes or pits for depth between 5 ft. to 10 ft. Add 150 per cent, to actual contents of excavation of trenches, pier holes or pits, for depth between 10 ft. and 15 ft. Add 225 per cent, to actual contents of excavation of trenches, pier holes or pits for depth between 15 ft. and 20 ft. Add 300 per cent, to actual contents of excavation of trenches, pier holes or pits for depth between 20 ft. and 25 ft. Add 375 per cent, to actual contents of excavation of trenches, pier holes or pits between 25 and 30 ft. in depth. Add 450 per cent, to actual contents of excavation of trenches, pier holes or pits between 30 ft. and 35 ft. in depth, and so on, adding 75 per cent, accumulative for every 5 ft. additional depth. BACK FILLING AND GRADING. 3. Soil required for back filling or grading to be meas- ured by computing from cross-sectioning cubic contents of area to be filled or graded. 4. Sheet piling and lagging to be estimated per thousand feet of lumber required. Kind of lumber to be specified. 492 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 5. Shoring of earth banks to be done at unit price, per square foot of shored surface of bank. 6. Pumping or bailing when required to be done at special price, in addition to excavation unit price, as the excavation rules are based on dry work; this, however, does not apply to rain or storm water. CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS. 7. Foundations for walls to be measured actual contents when made with square and level off-sets. Footings with sloping or beveled off-sets less than 30 per cent, from the horizontal multiply area of base by greatest height of footing. This applies to piers also, except when courses in pier foundations are less than 12 ft. in area, when 1 cu. ft. will be added for each corner for every foot in height of such course. 8. Foundations for all projections, such as chimney breasts, pilasters, buttresses, or flues, connected with walls to be measured actual contents contained therein, and 1 cu. ft. added thereto for each corner for every foot in height. 9. Recesses and slots in foundations to be measured solid and in addition thereto allow two (2) cubic feet for every foot in height or length. 10. Arches in foundations. Multiply length of chord at spring arch by height from chord to extrados by thickness of arch, and add to the wall measurement. Height of arch ring equal to thickness of wall. 11. Circular or polygon foundations to be figured at double actual contents. 12. For wall 14 ft. or less in height, 24 in. or more in thickness, use the actual thickness as basis in computing the volume. For walls less than 24 in. in thickness, add one-half the difference between the actual thickness and 24 in. in computing the volume. If walls are more than 14 ft. in height between floors, add to cubic contents fifteen (15) per cent, for every additional 4 ft. in height, on accumulative scale, as given for trench excavation. MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 493 13. For circular walls of radius sufficiently large to obvi- ate the necessity of using specially prepared lumber for forms, add one-fifth of length to girt of wall, and figure cubic contents, on the same basis as prescribed for external and division walls, paragraph 12. 14. For battered or sloping walls, estimate contents on same basis as for external and division walls, and add one- half of contents of wedge, or batter to same when narrower on top than 24 in. See paragraphs 12 and 17. Intersection and division walls, 24 in. thick or less (bonded together in any manner not abutting), to be meas- ured as slot or recess. When thicker, add 1 ft. to length of wall for every intersection when measuring. 15. In retaining walls, reinforced with beams, columns or girders, figure concrete casing a minimum thickness of 12 in. from outside edge of steel on side next to earth bank and 6 in. from outside edge of steel on opposite side i. e., compute wall 1 ft. 6 in. thicker than width of steel. For all other retaining walls, compute on same basis as for external walls, paragraphs 12 and 17. No deduction in cubic contents of concrete to be made for metal imbedded in same. 16. Hollow walls to be at special rates. 17. For each corner of wall more or less than 90 deg., add 1 ft. 6 in. to girth length of walls in measuring. The term corner is used for salient angles of walls, and angle for re-entering angles. 18. All plain projections, such as chimney breasts, piers connected with walls and pilasters, to be measured actual contents contained therein, and 1 cu. ft. added for each cor- ner for every foot in height. 19. Independent plain square piers to be measured by same rule, i. e., add 1 cu. ft. for each corner for every foot in height. For plain polygon or round piers, add 4 cu. ft. for each foot in height. 20. Recesses and slots to be measured solid. In addition thereto allow 2 cu. ft. for every foot in height or length. 494 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 21. In vaults, multiply length of chord at spring of arch by height from chord to extrados by thickness of arch. In walls, find contents of arch by same rule and add same to wall measurement, as called for in paragraph 10. In sewers and tunnel arches, multiply length of extrados by thickness of arch. OPENINGS WITH FRAMES BUILT IN. 22. Deduct contents of windows, doors and other open- ings, measuring from jamb to jamb and from top of sill to spring of arch, and add 2 ft. of wall for each jamb for every foot in height of opening when plank frames are used; if box frames are used, add 4 ft. of wall for each jamb for every foot in height. OPENINGS WITHOUT FRAMES. 23. Deduct contents of openings, same to be measured from top of sill to spring of arch and shortest distance be- tween concrete jamb for width, and add for each jamb 2 it. of wall for every foot in height of opening. Circular, oval or other special shaped openings to be fig- ured at special price. CHIMNEY BREASTS, FLUES AND PILASTERS. 24. All flues or hollows in chimneys or walls less than 2 ft. in area figure solid and add 2 cu. ft. for every foot in height. All flues and hollows in chimneys or walls from 2 ft. to 4 ft. in area to be measured solid. When larger, de- duct one-half of contents of flue. Detached portions of chimneys in buildings and plain chimney tops above roof to be measured solid, and 1 cu. ft. to be added for each corner for every foot in height. 25. Detached chimney stacks to be figured at special rates. 26. No deductions allowed for omissions of concrete for cut stone, terra cotta or other trimmings, bond blocks, tim- ber, joists or lintels. All ornamental or moulded work in cornices, gutters, belt or sill courses, etc., to be figured at special rates. MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 495 27. Cutting and patching of joists, girder, or other holes, slots, panels, recesses, etc., to be paid for on basis of time and material required. 28. When ordered by owner, architect, engineer, or the superintendent in charge of the work, to rack or block in consequence of delay of delivery of iron, steel, stone, terra cotta, or other material, the concrete that may connect with such racking or blocking shall be measured as extra work, as follows: Increase girt length of such line by one- half and multiply by thickness of wall. CONCRETE FLOORS ON SOIL AND TILE ARCHES. 29. Floors to be measured by the superficial surface be- .tween outside walls of building. No deductions to be made for floor sleepers, conduits, pipes, drains, division or partition walls. No deduction to be made for any piers, columns, chimney breasts, pilasters or other projections of walls of 10 ft. or less in area. CAISSONS. 30. Owing to grillage in caissons being left at different heights in same building, unit price for caissons will be com- puted on excavated contents, including necessary wood-lag- ging and rings for same. Cubic contents of excavation of caissons to be computed from top of first set of lagging to bottom of caissons and from outside to outside of lagging. If steel or any other special casing is required, same to be paid for additional at special unit price per pound. 31. Area of bottom of bell to be multiplied by height of bell to neck for cubic contents. 32. For caissons 7 ft. or more in diameter, estimate actual contents from outside to outside of lagging. For caissons from 7 to 6 ft. 6 in., inclusive, add 5 per cent, to actual contents. For caissons under 6 ft. 6 in. to 6 ft., inclusive, add 15 per cent, to actual contents. For caissons under 6 ft. to 5 ft. 6 in., inclusive, add 25 per cent, to actual contents. 496 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR For caissons under 5 ft. 6 in. to 5 ft., inclusive, add 35 per cent, to actual contents. For caissons under 5 ft, add 50 per cent, to actual contents. 33. If compressed air is required, same to be paid for in addition to the above. 34. If rings are ordered left in caissons, same to be paid for additional at unit prices per pound. 35. Pumping and bulkheading to be paid for at additional price. 36. No deduction to be made for cubic contents of metal imbedded in concrete. Concrete for filling of caissons to be computed on actual contents per cubic foot of concrete, but no deduction to be made for any metal imbedded in same. REINFORCED CONCRETE WORK. 37. Reinforced walls: Compute concrete on same basis as specified in sections 12 and 17 for external and division walls, and add to same cost of reinforcing metal put in place. If through changes or revisions cutting of reinforcing metal de- livered or ordered becomes necessary, estimate the full length of such bars or metal fabric, and add to same cost of cutting and fitting required. Reinforcing metal to be com- puted on unit price per pound or square foot. No deductions to be made in estimating cubic contents of concrete for any metal imbedded in same, such as wire netting, expanded metal, bars, beams, columns, etc. COLUMNS. 38. Measuring of plain uniform size column to be cov- ered by the foregoing paragraph 19 relating to piers. 39. Capitals, cap, brackets, panels, moulding or other ornamental or moulded work to be figured special rate. GIRDER, FLOOR BEAMS OR OTHER DROP PROJEC- TIONS BELOW FLOOR SLAB. 40. For projections named in this paragraph, add for each corner and angle to cubic contents 1 cu. ft. for each foot in length. For each chamfered or rounded corner or angle add MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 497 y 2 cu. ft. for each foot in length in addition to the above. 41. Floor and roof slabs to be estimated on same basis as called for in paragraph 29 for floors on soil, and at a mini- mum thickness of 6 in. Less than 6 in. in thickness will be computed as 6 in. 42. No deductions to be made in floor area for opening of less than 20 sq. ft. For larger openings, after deducting full area of opening, add one superficial foot to floor area for each foot in length of girt of opening, and 1 cu. ft. extra for each corner or angle. 43. For pits, baskets, or other depressions in floor, add one superficial foot to the area of walls and floor of same for each foot in length of each corner and angle. 44. Setting of facias, frames, pipes, sleeves, bolts, rods, clamps, etc., imbedded in concrete to be paid for additional at special price. FLOOR BASE AND COVES. 45. Floor base and coves to be estimated at special price per lineal foot, with 1 ft. added to length of same for each corner and angle. For base or cove around round columns, estimate three times girt of column, and for square or poly- gon columns, add 1 ft. for each corner to girt of same. 46. Concrete stairs to be estimated square foot area of face of treads and risers. Stair landings and platforms be- tween floors to be same unit price per foot as stairs. 47. Curbs and roofs of skylights to be estimated on same basis as called for in sections 40 and 41, except that quanti- ties for same shall be doubled. 48. Sidewalks laid on soil or tile brick arches to-be esti- mated same as floor slab, section 29, with special unit price. MISSOURI MEASUREMENT LAW The following law was passed by the Thirty-eighth General Assembly (To apply when special agreements are not made.) Section 1. EARTH WORK: Earth excavation shall be measured by the cubic yard. For all trenches and pier holes double measurement shall be allowed. When the earth is 498 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR left in a cellar to protect the adjoining banks or walls the same may be charged double the amount when required to be removed. Section 2. STONEMASONRY WORK: Rubble masonry shall be measured by taking the length on the outside of the wall, including the corners, multiplied by the width or thickness of the wall, and this product multiplied by the height will give the amount of cubic feet contained in the wall; this divided by 22 will be the amount in perches. PROJECTIONS from the face of the wall, including chimney breasts, flues, pilasters, and the like, 12 inches and under, shall be measured by taking the face and adding the two returns to the same; this multiplied by the " thickness and height will give the contents. For projections exceeding 12 inches, measure the length and add one return to it, and then proceed as last above provided. PILASTERS or buttresses, beveling from top to bottom, shall be calculated the same as projections, except that the measurement shall be taken at the bottom. FOR ISOLATED WALLS measure length and add two jambs (thickness), multiply by width (thickness) and height. All walls under 18 inches thick shall be measured as 18. FOR ARCHES in walls, the superficial face of the arch mul- tiplied by the thickness shall be added to the full measure- ment. Separate arches shall be calculated at double meas- urement. ALL CUT STONE WORK backed with rubble masonry shall be measured as rubble masonry in full. No deductions shall be made for openings, but if the same exceed 6 feet in length they shall be deducted, less the amount of jambs on both sides of the opening. AREA WALLS shall be measured by taking the outside mul- tiplied by the height, and with the latter calculated at not less than 18 inches. Slides and rises under steps shall be measured by taking the length multiplied by the width and MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 499 thickness of same, the latter at never less than 18 inches. CHIMNEY TOPS shall be ^measured by taking the full face and adding two return (widths), and multiplying this amount by the width and height. FOR CIRCULAR WORK double measurement shall be al- lowed. For all corners more or less than a right angle, and carried up plumb, add for each 18 inches additional measure- ment. FOR SQUARE, ISOLATED PIERS 3' 6" square and under double measurement shall be allowed; from 3' 6" up to 5' square, l 1 /^ measurement; from 5' up to 7', Ij^; over T sin- gle, or actual contents. For all battering piers take the average width and allow double measurement. RANGE WORK shall be measured by the superficial foot, and all openings shall be deducted, less the returning jambs. Steps, sills, caps, and coping shall be measured by the lineal foot. Arches over openings are taken in addition to wall measurement. Should there be a different price stipulated for pier work, it shall be measured only for actual contents. Section 3. BRICKWORK: To ascertain the amount of brickwork done in a building, it shall be an established rule that a wall being 4 inches, or one-half a brick wide, or thick, shall be calculated at 7 bricks to the superficial foot; a 9-ineh, or one brick wide wall, at 14 bricks to the superficial foot; a 13-inch, or iy 2 bricks, at 21; an 18-inch, or 2 bricks, at 28, and raising 7 bricks for every additional brick in width. METHOD: To find the amount of brickwork done, measure the length of the wall by the height of the same, which will give the superficial area in feet, then multiply this amount by either 7, 14, or any other number of bricks respectively, as the thickness of the wall is one-half, one and one-half or other number of bricks wide, and the result will give the exact amount of brickwork done, including the mortar. EXAMPLE: Thus, for an illustration of the rule, and an example: A wall measuring 30 feet in length, 21 in height, 500 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR and one brick wide has how much brickwork? 30x21x14= 8820. EXTRA MEASUREMENTS: Measure outside from corner to corner, thus allowing double measurement for each corner in the building. For gable and other triangular shaped walls, measure the length, multiply by one-half of the height, and by the respective number of bricks for the thickness. Pro- jections on walls, chimney breasts, flues, pilasters, etc., are measured by adding one return to the length, multiplied by the height and respective thickness; no deduction shall be made for the inside vacancy. CHIMNEY TOPS shall be measured by taking the face and one return for the length, multiplied by the height above wall, and by the number of bricks. Example: A chimney top's face measure is 4'xl8"x6' high: how many bricks? Answer: 4+1 1 6"=5' 6"x6'x28=924. No deduction shall be made for inside flues. ALL CHIMNEY STACKS, whether square, circular, or octa- gon shafts are measured solid cubic contents, and allowed at 21 bricks to the cubic foot. ALL OPENINGS in walls shall be deducted, less the reveals or jambs outside of frames. When openings have arches, deduct for height of openings the distance from the sill to the spring of the arch. Openings built without frames shall have the jambs on each side deducted from the width. For example: If an opening in a 13-inch wall measures 4' in width, the deduction will be only 1' 10" multiplied by the height and respective thickness; or, in this case, by 21 bricks. NO DEDUCTIONS are to be made for plates, bond timbers, joists, sills, caps, lintels, etc., but 2" in height is to be al- lowed for bedding plates where no brickwork is over them. TO MEASURE CORNICES take the length and height by the greatest projection, which in no case shall be less than 4" wide, all fractions to be put in the next higher class; caps are to be measured the same as cornices. MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 501 FOR MEASURING PARTITIONS take the dimensions clear of the front and rear walls. For fire walls and gables add 2 courses of bricks, or 5", for cutting the brick and waste thereon. / \$ PILASTERS are measured over face and one side for length, multiplied by height and thickness. ARCHES, ETC.: No deductions are to be made for circular or semi-circular openings for arches, vaults, sewers, etc.; take outside circumference by the length and thickness. For arches in solid walls add to the measurement the super- ficial area, multiplied by the thickness of the wall. Project- ing arches are to be measured by the length and height from .the spring to top of center of the arch by the thickness of the projection, which in no case shall be less than 4", or one-half brick wide. Vault arches are to be measured one and a half times the outside girth. Ovens, coppers, boilers, etc., are to be measured as solid work, deducting only the ash holes, but the fire bricks, tiles, etc., are not deducted. PIERS AND WALLS: In measuring isolated piers take the face and one return for the width, and multiply by the height and thickness. Isolated walls are to be measured by adding to the face two returns, or thickness of wall, for the length, multiplied by the height and thickness; on corners more or less than a right angle, allow additional the thickness of the wall for each corner in the length. FACE BRICK: In measuring stock pressed brick fronts take the area and returns at each corner and deduct open- ings; all openings where frames occur to be deducted, less the reveals. When the openings are without frames and have the jambs faced through the full thickness of the wall, both jambs to be measured, and 4" on the inside to be al- owed. A superficial foot of facing to front will take 7 bricks. Pointing fronts is to be measured by the superficial foot. BRICK PAVING is to be measured by the superficial yard, and 40 bricks to the yard allowed when laid flat. In brick 502 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR paving, paving on edge or border, allow double the afore- said measurement, and in brick on end allow four times the aforesaid measurement. Section 4. STONECUTTING WORK: For plain rubbed face to ashlar, platform, posts, water-tables, cornices, take the superficial measurements upon all parts of the work where exposed. For moulded work to cornices, architraves, imposts, etc., girth the whole face of the mouldings, begin- ning with the tape at the extreme edge, and emerging it into the hollows and quirks across the whole face. The dimensions multiplied by the length will give the superfi- cial feet. CIRCULAR AND PANEL WORK: Take all flat circular work at one and a half times the straight, add when of a quick sweep 15" radius or under, twice the straight. Panel work measures double. LABOR PER LINEAL FOOT: Measure the different kinds of work for labor as follows, only by the lineal foot: Rough bush-hammered work, 1' and under; checks under 10" and over 2", measure double. Rebates, steps, and moulded nos- ings, window sills with nosings, window caps, moulded string course, pier caps, plain pilaster caps, moulded cornice, moulded fence coping. Returns for the whole of the above to be measured double. If over 1' high, measure superficial; ditto, tooled. LABOR PER SUPERFICIAL FOOT: The following kinds of W 7 ork for labor only shall be measured by the superficial foot: Bush-hammered door sills, bush-hammered piers of 2, 3 or 4 sides, lintels, pier blocks, base blocks, plinths, measur- ing 4' and less, measured double beveled ashlar. All returns for above, measured one and one-half times. Ring stones, saddle back coping, fence posts of various kinds, coarse fire wall coping, chimney tops, double measurement. Platforms measured same as steps, 1' from front, the balance per superficial foot. If the bottom bed is worked to be charged the same as ashlar. Bed over 12" wide to be paid for as MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 503 rough bush-hammered work, with the exception of plinth blocks. Rusticated quoins under 12" in bed, superficial measurement; over 12" thick, cubic measurement. Rusti- cated ashlar, superficial measurement. Section 5. PLASTERING WORK: Plain plastering is to be measured by the superficial yard. In measuring take the girth of the walls in a room for the length and multiply by the height from floor to ceiling. From this product deduct one-half of the amount of the openings, such as doors, win- dows, etc. ALL CORNICES and mouldings, and all work where run- ning mould is used, are to be measured from the nose of the moulding to the wall, and a moulding is designated as being so many inches according to the girth; the length is taken on the wall line, and 1' lineal is allowed to each miter. Measure all plain or moulded cornices under 12" girth by the running foot at their separate values. The plain parts of ornamental cornices shall be first taken as plain, and the several enrichments therein taken per running foot at their separate values, which added to the price of the plain moulding will give the correct value per foot run of the whole cornice. Complete mouldings encircling centers to be measured as mouldings. SPECIAL WORK: All circular work double measurement. All inclined or raking ceilings under an angle of 22 degrees wit'i the horizon to be measured as level; over 22 degrees, one and a half measurement. Twenty-two degrees is equal to one-fifth of the span. Closets and presses under 4x8 ft double measurement. Privies shall be measured double; all ex- ternal angle beads and quirks per running foot; furring, regulating or stripping on all lath, per square. Niches and centers are valued at so much each. Cast and enriched centers to ceilings, fixed and put on complete, so much each according to diameter. All circular enrichments to be twice the price of straights of the same description. When the enrichments are moulded from original designs, 504 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR the expense of moulding to be paid for extra. All work done on stone walls with cement or mastic, measured same as plastering, but no openings deducted. WHITENING AND COLORING to be measured in the same manner as plastering. Section 6. ROOFING WORK: Slaters' work is to be measured by the square of 100 superficial feet of covering; to this add 6" run for the trouble of cutting the slates on each side of the hips, eaves, valleys, or wherever cut to irregular lines. No deductions are made for dormer windows, sky- lights, chimneys, etc., unless they are over 50 superficial feet contents, then one-half is deducted. COMPOSITION AND TIN ROOFING is measured in the same manner as the slate roofs, with the exception that nothing is added for hips, eaves, valleys, etc. (NOTE: SUB-HEADINGS have been inserted, and para- graphs and some slight verbal changes made in the forego- ing legal code.) ROOF MEASUREMENT: The standard rule for slate roofs runs as follows: For plain roofs measure the length and multiply by the length of the rafter. For roofs with hips, valleys, gables, etc., measure each section through the center and multiply by the length of the rafter. In addition to the actual surface of such roofs multiply the length of all hips and valleys by one foot wide; also what the first, or eave course, shows to the weather by the length of the eave. No deduction is made for dormer windows, skylights, chimneys, etc., unless they measure more than 4' square, when one-half is deducted; if more than 8' square the whole is taken out. OMAHA SYSTEM One of the best set of rules of measurement under the old system is THE OMAHA MASONS' MEASUREMENT NUMBER OF BRICKS (See page 75). MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 505 HOLLOW WALLS: All hollow walls to measure as solid wall in same ratal as above up to 4" hollow space, and all above that measure to deduct one-half up to 8", and deduct all above 8" inches, and measure both sides only as wall. HEIGHTS: The heights of all walls, piers, chimneys, breasts, etc., to be their net measurements. The lineal measurements of all walls to be taken over their longest points, as shown by the following diagram, with dotted lines, witness marks, etc.: CROSS WALLS: All cross or partition walls to measure one-half way through the wall against which they come in contact. PIERS: All iy 2 brick piers and under to measure two ends and one side for lineal measure, thus and all piers over iy 2 bricks The thickness of thick to measure one end and one side for lineal measure,thus : a pier to be gov- erned by the wall joining or above it, but where they are beneath columns and not in conjunction with any walls, their thickness is to be considered the narrowest way. PILASTERS, CHIMNEY BREASTS, FIRE PLACES, ETC.: of one brick projection from walls, or less, to measure both ends and their face for lineal measure; and more than one brick projection to measure one end and their face, and to be counted as wall their projection from the wall, but in no case to count less than one-half brick wall. 506 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LEDGINGS: Ledgings for joists, etc., to be measured square, their height and projection from wall to be counted as wall the amount of their projection, but in no case to count less than one-half brick. COPINGS: Coping course projections of one or more courses each side of wall to be allowed, same as ledgings. CHIMNEYS above walls to be measured same as piers, and as solid work. The projection of caps of chimneys to be pleasured same as ledgings and coping courses, according to their styles. The measurements for lengths of chimney caps girth the chimney on the projection of the cap, and the bases and chimneys to be governed by the same rules that govern the caps. Angle chimneys to measure across their _< o > longest sides for lineal measure, and from a to ft for thickness of wall, thus: FOUNDATIONS, FOOTINGS, ETC.: Foundation walls, footings, etc., to be measured from out to out, same as walls of superstructures, and of their average thickness. Foundations of footings of partition walls to measure one- half way through their cross walls, same as partitions. Every two courses in height of footings to measure 6" in height. Foundations of piers, pilasters, etc., to be governed by the same general rules of measurement that govern their super- structures. CORNICES: Brick cornices to be measured their height and projection as solid wall, and in no case to be less than one-half brick wall, and all over one brick to count as one and one-half, and so on. Circular and octagonal smoke stacks, chimneys, etc., to be counted square at their mean diameter, and counted as solid wall. CISTERNS, ETC.: Cisterns, catch-basins, wells and circular privy vaults, etc., to be measured on outside girth and of their mean heights. MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 507 CORBELINGS: In places where corbelings occur, the ad- ditional thickness o fwalls to measure from the bottom of corbels. OPENINGS: No deductions to be made for any openings measuring less than 100 square feet; and for all openings of more than 100 square feet and less than 150 square feet, one- half of all over 100 square feet will be deducted; and for all openings of more than 150 square feet and less than 200 square feet, two-thirds of all over 100 square feet will be deducted; and for all over 250 square feet the entire opening will be deducted; but the return of the jambs will be allowed as lineal measure to the wall. In openings where deductions are made, the measurements will be taken from jamb to jamb and from sill or bottom of opening to the springing of the arch. STORE FRONTS: Nothing will be allowed to measurement for store fronts, and all measurements of brick work above store fronts to be taken from the bottom of the lintels. In store fronts where isolated brick piers occur, they will be measured under the head of piers. But when a pier occurs in a store front on the end of a longitudinal wall, the face of the pier will be allowed to the lineal measure of the wall; if the pier breaks out on the side of the wall it will be meas- ured as under the head of piers, and the lineal measure of the wall will cease at the back of pier. When return store front windows occur, with iron columns on the corner, the lineal measure of the side wall will stop off at the window, but the return jamb will be allowed to the lineal measure of wall, and when there is a brick pier on the corner, the wall and the face of the pier will be allowed to the lineal measure of the wall, and the opening will be governed as under the head of openings. Where the ends of walls are faced with iron pilasters the lineal measure will be the net length of the wall. VAULTS: the walls of vaults to be governed by the same general rules above specified, except the arches, which will 508 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR be measured solid from the springing to their crowns, and from the inside of the walls, and all grating, concreting, etc., to be measured as solid brick work. No deductions to be made for any lintels, ends of timbers or joists, bond-timbers, cut-stone, boxing for window or door frame, etc. CHURCH BUTTRESS: Buttresses in church work, etc., to be measured as under the head of piers, the height of the buttresses to be measured net from bottom of piers to top of each coping. PLASTERING to be measured by the square yard, and no de- ductions to be made for any opening of less than 150 square feet. All walls to measure from floor to ceiling, and no deduc- tions to be made for any base casings, except wainscoting not plastered behind, and all ceilings to be measured from wall to wall. Attic rooms to be measured square. When quarter circles, cornices, etc., occur, the plain plas- tering to measure same as square angles, and where there is an off-set below or above the quarter circle, the amount of the off-set to be added to the wall or ceiling, as the case may be. Cornices to be measured by the running foot, the measure to be taken on the wall, and to girth all chimney breasts, etc., that the cornice breaks around, and one foot of measurement to be added for each and every angle and circle made by the cornice. PAINTERS' WORK The following set of trade rules from the BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR gives a fair idea of the old-style way of measuring paint work. ALL SURFACES where the brush touches must be meas- ured. OUTSIDE WORK: Measure solid. No opening under 100 sq ft to be deducted. Count windows and doors separately, and charge so much each. MEASUREMENT OF BUILDING WORK 509 LATTICE WORK: Double measurement on each side. HANDRAILS AND BALUSTRADES: Double the measure- ment on each side. PLAIN CORNICES: Where ladders and scaffolding are used measure one running foot as one sq yd. ORNAMENTAL CORNICES: Multiply the length by three or four times the girth. DIPPING SHINGLES: Multiply each square by four. STAINING SHINGLES: Measure solid. Allow additional price if work is difficult to get at. Allow scaffold extra if required. INSIDE WORK: Count all doors and windows and charge BO much each. BASE BOARDS, PICTURE MOLDINGS, PLATE AND CHAIR RAILS: Measure in running feet, and allow so much, per ft. DADOES AND FRIEZES: If plain measure solid, and if paneled allow two or three times the width according to the number of panels. WALLS AND CEILINGS: Measure solid, including open- ings under 100 sq ft. "ADD 33 1-3 per cent to net cost for profit, rent, taxes, in- surance, tools, and fixed charges." CHAPTER XXXII. COMPARATIVE COSTS In a discussion of the use of reinforced concrete buildings for textile mills before the Cotton Manufacturers, and also before the Machine Tool Makers, Mr. J. P. H. Perry of the Turner Construction Company gave the following figures as to time of construction and cost: TIME: One building 60x70xlO-story took just 47 working days after the foundation was put in for erection. In all, the time of erection was three and a half months, before turn- ing over to the owners. Another 40x80x7-story and basement took only 48 working days to put on the roof after the excavation was finished, and three months in all before the owner moved in. Still another 75x600x6-story and basement had the roof on in 63 working days after the piles were driven. These are fast records but builders have noticed that many reinforced structures have fallen on account of hav- ing the forms removed too soon. THE COST FIGURES are as follows: "REINFORCED CONCRETE will generally run from 5 to 15 per cent higher in first cost than first-class 'mill construc- tion,' and will be from 10 to 20 per cent lower than steel construction fireproofed. A large warehouse in Brooklyn was begun in May, 1908. At that time new construction work was scarce and all contractors figured very closely. The successful reinforced concrete figure was $30,000 lower than the best bid on the same plans in fireproofed structural steel. A large factory in Philadelphia was designed in steel. The architects considered an alternative in reinforced con- crete and saved $60,000. A large publishing house and loft building was recently completed in Springfield, Mass., of re- inforced concrete throughout, thereby saving $40,000 over 510 COMPARATIVE COSTS 511 the probable cost in steel. These three instances represent respectively savings of 12, 25 and 10 per cent. In competi- tion with mill construction the percentage depends almost entirely on the size of the building. For structures costing $40,000 and less, and of a height of four stories or less, the brick and wood construction will run about 15 per cent less than concrete. On larger buildings, however, concrete gets closer to the cost of the mill con- struction. The designers of a very large hardware building in Minneapolis were surprised to find concrete figures slightly under those of mill construction. A similar case oc- curred in Toledo, Ohio. Both of these propositions exceeded $150,000 in value. In considering the costs of different types of construction the initial cost should not be the only criterion. There are certain fixed charges which enter into the relative values of buildings. These may be briefly summarized as follows: In- surance, maintenance, depreciation, amount of light available, freedom from vibration, elimination of vermin and the as- surance that a fire cannot destroy the building. It is difficult to put an exact monetary value on these different items. Each plant manager would have his own views and local conditions would alter materially any assumptions. If, how- ever, due consideration be given to the saving which can be obtained on each of these items by the use of reinforced con- crete building, it will generally be found that even though the concrete structure cost complete 10 per cent more than mill construction, there will be a saving annually of from IMs to 2 per cent." (See also pages 39, 113-115, and 472 for other data.) The following table is presented in "Factories and Ware- houses," by the Assoc. of Am. Portland Cement Manufac turers. 512 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR COMPARATIVE COST OF BUILDINGS OF MILL CONSTRUCTION AND CONCRETE Initial cost of Building Yearly charges: Interest at 6^ Taxes at \% Fire Insurance: Building Contents Depreciation Items charged against mill construction only: (a) Loss due to vibration, Mill Construction $100,000 Reinforced Concrete $115,000 at 70c. at 90c. at (b) Increased light, \% increase in efficiency of labor. Assume labor equal to 1-4 value of contents or $50,000 ... (c) Vermin losses (d) Heating charge (e) Protection against fire at 0.5$ on value of 50$ of building and contents $6,000 1,000 700 1,800 1,250 450 500 100 100 750 at 25c. at 60c. at 0.25$ $6,900.00 1,150.00 287.50 1,200.00 287.50 $12,650 $9,825.00 Annual saving of concrete over mill construction $2,825 If the saving of $2,825.00 per year be capitalized at 6 per cent; it would represent an investment of $47,083.00. In other words, a concrete building, though 15 per cent higher in initial contract cost than a mill building of similar design, would save each year 2 8-10 per cent on all fixed charges. (But the depreciation on the concrete building is too low. A period of 400 years is unreasonable for a factory structure.) THICKNESS: In the early days of reinforced concrete sev- eral large buildings were erected with walls only 2 and 3 inches thick. San Francisco in the ordinance of 1910 sets the minimum thickness at 6 inches when the wall space be- tween the columns does not exceed 300 sq ft; between 300 and 400, 8 inches thick; and 12 inches when the area is over 400. DWELLINGS: At the 1911 meeting of the National Build- ing Brick Manufacturers' Association a paper was read by Mr. J. P. B. Fiske giving the results of a careful investiga- COMPARATIVE COSTS 513 tion of the cost of the average 8-room house when con- structed of various materials. A set of plans was made, specifications prepared for the various types, and bids taken from 5 contractors on 9 different styles of outside wall con- struction. One of the types was actually built. DESCRIPTION TYPE NO. 1: Frame covered with boards and finished with clapboards over building paper; inside surface furred, lathed and plastered. TYPE NO. 2: Frame covered with boards and finished with shingles over building paper; inside surface furred, lathed and plastered. TYPE NO. 3: A 10" brick wall, that is, two 4" walls tied together with metal ties and separated by a 2" air space; inside surface plastered directly on the brickwork. TYPE NO. 4: A 12" solid brick wall, inside surface furred, lathed and plastered. TYPE NO. 5: Hollow terra cotta blocks, 8", stuccoed on the outside and plastered directly on the inside. TYPE NO. 6: Hollow terra cotta blocks, 6", finished with a 4" brick veneer on the outside and plastered directly on the inside. TYPE NO. 7: Frame covered with boards and building paper, furred and covered with stucco on Clinton wire cloth; inside surface furred, lathed and plastered. TYPE NO. 8: Frame covered with boards (building paper omitted) and finished with a 4" brick veneer on the outside; inside surface furred, lathed and plastered. TYPE NO. 9: Frame finished on the outside with a 4" brick veneer tied directly to the studding (boarding omit- ted) ; inside surface furred, lathed and plastered. (It is not usual to fur frame dwellings on the inside, and this is probably a misprint.) 514 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR ^ o| sl !I8 =33 DESCRI TION iiiin t>r CD co" t>" t" t>r 88888:3 8SS i~l b- O5 T}< t^. CN I s - co co rC i>" t" g|88i 00_ T}< 00 O CD 05 eo co" CD" t>T t>T co" 8S888S 8?5888S eo ,-H 05 c^i o b :||888 Q i-H Q ^ ^ . F-^ TjH^ OO C^ O " I s * !> t> 00 t^* 8^888^ T eo" i-l (N CO * IO 6 d o 6 6 o to J4 . rl *H FT- 4 So Jffl I- - o CO C 9 5 5 0^ DESCRIP TION O5 00 CO CO N- Oi >-* c4 ei <$ e. >0 00 00 rJH l>^ O IN i-l CO t^ t^ CO O Tji 1^1 t>I N CO O5 00 CO CD O .' CC C3 CO O CO o nj o co ^j tN 00 CO CJ CD O5 000000 llll 2 ^^ 3 2 CQ ffl COMPARATIVE COSTS 515 DETAILS COMMON TO ALL TYPES A Foundations Local Stone B Cellar Floor. Finished with 2" concrete of Portland cement C Chimney Faced with Brick costing $17.50 per M. D Fireplaces . . Faced with Brick costing $17.50 per M. E Plastering First-class "two-coat" work F Exterior Finish Cypress- G Blinds White Pine H Screens Copper bronze on white pine frames I Window Frames Hard Pine J Floors. .. .Double Floors throughout, with paper between except in unfinished attic; Georgia pine upper floors; main hall on first floor of oak. K Inside Finish North Carolina Pine L Doors Washington Cedar M Hardware Bronze finish of ordinary type, costing $60.00 for the job. O Conductors Copper P Flashing Tin Q Electric Fixtures Costing $80.00 R Hot Water Heating Costing $250.00 complete S Wiring Costing $68.00 T Plumbing Costing $370.00 U Painting. Exterior and interior; clapboard house, $225.00; other houses, $130.00. V Glazing Double thick German Glass- Note: Shades, kitchen range and tile work not included. DETAILS: It is, of course, possible to increase the cost of any house by using expensive materials, such as the highest grades of pressed brick, or the more expensive tapestry qualities. And so on in other fields than masonry. Tapestry bricks are of many styles and colors, but the tints are burned in instead of coming from artificial mixtures. There is a great variety of colors. The usual sizes are 8x2i4x3%; 12x2*4x4; 18x2x6. The mortar joints run as wide as 1%", so that a wall with this size has half the surface of mortar. The face patterns are of all kinds. 516 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR For the ordinary work with a rough joint, the laying is, if anything, easier than for common pressed brick; but the pattern work takes more time according to design. (See also pages 117 and 454 for some other dwelling data.) RIVALRY: The success of the reinforced system of con- struction has rather stirred up the "old line" fireproof com- panies and the brick manufacturers. Competition is the life of the interesting comparisons that are always being made between the costs of the various systems. It should be remembered that in an ordinary dwelling or structure it is principally the framework that is affected by the kind of material used. The newer fittings of fireproof finish for doors, base, etc., are not applied, even in a house that is called fireproof. Walls, floors, ceilings, partitions being attended to, the millwork, plumbing, plaster, electric fixtures, painting (inside) and other factors should not enter into a comparison. They are but slightly affected by the style of construction. The National Fireproofing Company, dealing in hollow tile, publishes a table giving costs of various types of construction, based on an average frame dwelling costing $10,000 complete in the vicinity of New York City. The figures are based on averages taken from two architects and two builders witb experience in the type selected. TABLE OF COST (A) $10,000 Frame. (B) 11,000 Brick outside walls, wooden inside. (C) 10,000 Brick outside walls, backed up with Natco hol- low tile. (D) 10,250 Stucco on expanded metal, wooden inside. (E) 10,500 Natco hollow tile, stuccoed, wooden inside. (F) 12,000 Natco hollow tile, stuccoed, fireproof throughout except roof. (G) 14,000 Natco hollow tile walls faced with brick, fire- proof floors and roof. (H) 15,000 Brick walls, fireproof floors and roof. COMPARATIVE COSTS 517 INSURANCE: The method of allowing for this item in a non-fireproof building is shown on page 115. This expense should always be considered in comparing the fireproof structure with the ordinary type. If an expense of $100 per annum has to be met this means an investment of $2000, at- the rate of 5 per cent. The difference in the yearly insurance bill should first of all be ascertained to see if the principal necessary to produce the amount would not be better put in a fireproof building. LOSS: Another danger is loss of business through a fire. This sometimes amounts to a great deal. Still another is loss of rentals, and one more is depreciation, which is more on ordinary structures than strictly fireproof ones. EXTERIOR WALLS: COST OF SOME TYPES PER SQ. FT. With Net Rubble with 16" walls and cut stone openings area trimmings for doors and windows 30 cents 34 cents Rubble as above covered with rough cast 35 " 39 COMMON BRICKWORK (On basis of 1000 sq ft.) Thick- Number Number Cost at $12 ness Required Required in per M in of in Wall Actual or Wall Wall Measure Kiln Count Measure (22V 2 ) (17) 4%" 7500 5667 9c per sq ft. 9" 15000 11334 18c 13" 22500 17000 27c 17" 30000 22668 36c PRESSED BRICKWORK (On basis of 1000 sq ft.) Actual number required, 6500 at $20= - - - $130. Labor laying 75. Mortar - - 10. $215.00 Profit 21.50 $236.50 Allow per sq ft 24 cents 18 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR COMMON BRICK FACED WITH $20 PRESSED Thickness over all Per sq ft 9" 33 cents 13" 42 " 17" 51 " 21" 60 " COMMON BRICK FACED WITH $40 PRESSED (Pressed brick alone, 39 cents.) Thickness over all Per sq ft 9" 48 cents 13" 57 " 17" 66 " 21 75 " MOISTURE PROOFING: Add for this, per sq ft, 2 coats, 3 cents. FURRING: 16" centers (no lath): Add per sq ft frotri 2 to 3 cents, (see page 136.) PLASTER: 2-coat on moisture proofing, per sq ft 3 cents. PLASTER: 2-coat on wood lath, per sq ft 4 cents. (See page 136.) BRICK VENEERING (On basis of 1000 sq ft.) COMMON BRICK: Number required in wall measure, 7500. Number required in actual or kiln count, 6000 at $8 - - ; - .- .' -'- $48 Mortar - - - V* * :X 10 Labor - - - - * 78 Profit, 10^ - - - - v '.-.' - 14 Per sq ft 15 cents $150 PRESSED BRICK AT $20 VENEERING 6500 brick at $20 .... $130 Mortar 12 Labor - 90 Profit, 100 23 Per sq ft 26 cents $255 COMPARATIVE COSTS 519 PRESSED BRICK AT $40 VENEERING 6500 brick at $40 - - - - $260 Mortar 12 Labor 100 Profit 37 Per sq ft 41 cents $409 MOLDED or other stone sills, clips, etc., not allowed. NOTE: In making a comparison of walls there is one point that has to be remembered with a 9" brick one: When on an upper story it requires a 13" wall below. That it does not always have a p.oper foundation is beside the question. It ought to have one. For a stud wall on a common dwelling a 9" foundation is usually made to serve, and it is strong enough if well laid in mortar with not less than half cement, and with an oc- casional buttress, bay extension or partition to brace it. A mortar of cement alone is naturally better. Take, for illustration, the wall of a common flat. Assume that it is 8' 6" from the bottom of footings to the top of the first floor, 9' 6" clear, and 1 ft to top of second floor, a total of 19ft high by 1ft wide, or 19 sq ft at 13". The second story 9ft in clear, and averaged 2ft for slope of roof, a total of 11 sq ft of 9". The 19 sq ft of 13" common brick, at 27 cents=$5.13; the 11 sq ft of 9" at 18 cents=$1.98, a total of $7.11. Dividing this by the total number of sq ft=23.7 cents, or practically 24 averaged all over the wall. To get a fair average of a certain class of wall the necessary foundation ought to be included, and the price taken from footing to the coping, or plate. Take next a building with one story and basement: Allow 8' 6"xl3" from bottom of footings to top of floor as before; and Il'x9" for the top story. On the same unit prices the cost of the basement wall, 1ft wide, is $2.30; and of the top story, $1.98, a total of $4.28. This divided by the total sq ft gives an average of close to 22 cents. In comparing a 9" brick wall with a stud one, therefore, the foundation must be 520 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR remembered, for a light 9" may be used with frame con- struction. In all cases the figure should be from, footing to top of wall. CEMENT BLOCK WALLS For 12" and 8", 2-story, averaged per sq ft at 30 cents For 8". 1-story 25 cents MOISTURE PROOFING or furring to be added the same as already given for brick. AVERAGE: All that the figures are expected to give is an average. For example, the brickwork ought to be cheaper for a 17" wall than for a 9" per M, but there is no change in the table. FRAME WALLS (See pages 24-27.) DETAILED COST OF 1 SQUARE OF WALL WITH 2x4 STUDS AT 16" CENTERS: Studding, 80ft B. M. at $24 $1.92 Labor at $12 per M 96 Nails 10 $2.98 Sheeting, 116ft B. M. at $27 .$3.14 Labor at $7 per M 82 Nails 10 $4.06 Paper .25 Siding, 6" plain work with corner boards, 120ft at $34 $4.08 Labor , 1.60 Nails 10 $5.78 Painting, 3 coats 2.75 Profit, 10 1.58 Total ~ $17.50 Per sq ft 18 cents NOTE: The cost of this wall is the same as the one with 9" common brick, but the difference comes in the use of a 13" wall for a basement in the brick building, while a 9" COMPARATIVE COSTS 521 serves in the frame. But the sill must be added for the frame. AVZRAGE: It would be easy to make a wall cost from 25 to 100 per cent more than the PLAIN one detailed above. Angles, bays, projections, etc. are costly. Corner boards, outside base, window or door frames, cornice, etc. are not included. With the above detailed wall as a basis, the following figures are made: p er sq f t Wall as given without plaster, (No. 1) 18 cents " " with inside 2-coat plaster, (No. 2) 22 " " " with other plasters see page 136. " " with share of sill on 1-story bldg. add 2 cents per sq ft; for 2-story add 1 cent. For No. 1 19 and 20 With inside plaster No. 1 23 and 24 (A 6x8 sill at 20 cents per lin ft is allowed.) Wall with angle sheeting instead of level 20 Wall with 2x4 studs set 12" instead of 16" 19 Wall with 2x6 studs, 16" centers, instead of 2x4 19% Wall with 2x6 set 12" centers 20% Wall with 4" siding instead of 6", with corner boards. .20% Wall with 6" mitered siding instead of corner boards Wall with 4" mitered siding instead of cor. bd. and 6". Shingles, undipped, plain work 18 Shingles, dipped in creosote 21 (See page 26 for itemized, approximate figures) Plaster on the inside is not given above except on the No. 2 wall. The allowance for sill is not included, except as noted. FOR PLASTER: Wall as above detailed out, without siding and paint, but including furring strips at 10" centers on outside, metal lath and plaster 24% Add for sill, cornice, etc. as may be required. There are some substitutes for metal lath on the market, but. in general, it is not advisable to use them on the outside. CHAPTER XXXIII. CORNICES AND CANVAS ROOFS As a contribution from a practical cornice maker the following material is worth putting by the side of the other information on pages 240-241. It appeared originally in "Tiie Sheet Metal Shop." PER FOOT: "The best way is to estimate as nearly as possible the cost of the -labor and materials required per foot of cornice and then add for each miter, after which an addition should be made of the allowance determined as the proper percentage to charge for general expenses. WIDTH: "To get the amount of the material add the height of the cornice to its projection, and the result will generally be about the girth, unless there is a foot mold with a pro- jection, in which case twice the projection should be added. Then, if the cornice cover is to be included, it should be added also, making an allowance of 3 or 4 inches for it to turn up against the wall, and an allowance of 6 inches for a cap flashing. After figuring the cost of the galvanized iron add the iron lookouts, if they are to be included, and then add any stamped zinc work, panels, or dentils, including with each the labor required to solder or rivet these to the cornice. "This gives the unit cost per foot of cornice. "Multiplying this by the number of feet gives the cost of the cornice at the shop. To this should be added so much for each miter, and for cartage, labor erecting, etc. "DENTILS: In figuring the dentils the number per foot should be averaged, the size noted, and the cost of making and attaching each set down as nearly as possible. Find from this the cost per foot for dentils. 522 CORNICES AND CANVAS ROOFS 523 "MODILLIONS and brackets should be figured in the same way of getting the cost of each, and then per foot of cornice for these items. "ZINC: The cost of this item must be carefully figured from the catalog and discount sheet. The cost is regulated by the figures chosen, some being shallow, stamped, and cheap; while others are of the highest priced designs, with stamping deep and bold, and possibly undercut. "SPECIALS: Still other work may require stamped designs that have to be especially made, and are thus more costly than stock, especially if quantity is small. "It will thus be seen that a small stamped mold of a ^ertain design might cost: 10 cents per foot in a shallow stock design; 25 cents per foot in a heavy better grade of stock design; $1 per foot, probably, for a small quantity of special design. A liberal price should be made, as express charges are heavy on this material. "METHOD: It is better to make an estimate this way than to figure the total cost of all the iron for the whole job, then the number of brackets, etc., and add a lump sum for the labor of making and erecting, because it is easier to find how much time will be required to make a foot of cornice than to lump it all together, for then the tendency is to get the total too high or too low. And by figuring the cost per foot, it is easy to make any changes in price made necessary by addition to or deduction from the job. A further advantage is that the unit price gives the estimator a chance to compare the price per foot with other similar jobs. "EXAMPLE: A practical illustration of this method is about as follows: Take a building 30'x60' with a cornice all the way around, 3' high by 2' projection, with a foot mold projecting 4"; to have one row of 3" egg and dart mold, and a frieze enrich- ment 10" wide; plain modillions 8" deep x 10" wide x 18" projection, all outside measurement, spaced 3' on centers. 524 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR with a row of 3"x2"x3" dentils. The material to be No. 26 galvanized iron put on wood lookouts furnished by general contractor. An estimate would run like this: Building 30'x60'x2'= 180' Add for 4 projections 8' Add for laps, 1%" for each 10' length= 2' Total number of feet 190' Projection 2', height 3 f , foot mold 4"x2=total of 5' 8". Allowing for laps make the girt 6' even. "No. 26 galvanized iron weighs about 9-10 Ib. per sq ft, and thus the total for 6 sq ft is 5.4 Ibs. The galvanized iron costs us, say, 3 1 /& cents per Ib. at the freight station. Adding cartage, handling, storing, etc. will easily bring the price to 4 cents. Many estimators make the mistake of figuring the iron at the invoiced price, forgetting cartage, handling and the loss of the band iron holding the sheets together, but it is a question if y 2 c per sq ft extra is enough to cover these items. "We have, then, per lin ft 5.4 Ibs of galvanized iron at 4c =21.6, or 22c in even figures. LINEAL FOOT COSTS For 5' 8" girt, figured at 6' $0.22 Labor molding same 08 Mold, 3" egg and dart, and express charges .10 Labor putting on egg and dart mold 05 Enrichment for frieze, 10" zinc at 20c 20 Solder and labor putting on enrichment 05 Modillions, 3' apart, 90c each, per ft 30 Dentils, per ft , .15 Total cost of cornice at shop $1.15 Total number of feet required 190x$1.15= $218.50 Addition for making 4 miters at job . . 4.00 Addition for cartage 2.00 CORNICES AND CANVAS ROOFS 525 Labor erecting (scaffold furnished by general contractor) : One man 3 days at $3.50 *. 10.50 Two helpers 3 days at $2 12.00 Total cost of labor and material $247.00 Addition for general expense, 10 per cent 24.70 Total cost of job $271.70 Allow for profit, 20 per cent 54.34 Bid for the work $326.04 The cost per lineal ft of net size of the building is $1.81. In case of extras, such as scaffold, board for out of town work, freight, etc. an allowance has to be made. CANVAS ROOFS ROOFING: After the cornice, comes the roof covering. Prices on many kinds are found from Index, but canvas roofs are not included. They are popular in eastern states espe- cially, and almost anywhere on the sea coast. As an average the following prices are taken for New York and St. Louis, Boyle & Company. FOR PORCH ROOFS, PIAZZA FLOORS, ETC. GULF STREAM ROOFING CANVAS Widths Grades per yd D P H J 26" $0.45 .39 .35 .29 30" 52 .45 .40 .33 36" 62 .54 .48 .40 The discounts on the above are 30 per cent off for rolls of about 100 yards, and 20 per cent for smaller quantities. For roofs and porches where there is much walking grades D and F are best; where there is no walking, H or J. Labor laying and painting have to be included. 526 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR BAYONNE ROOF AND DECK CLOTH Fabric 1287 Fabric 1288 Fabric 1299 Color 0-107 Color 0-107 Color 0-107 $0.59 .74 .86 .68 .82 .95 Widths 30" 36" The discounts on the above are 35 per cent off for full rolls of about 100 yards, and 25 for cut lengths. LAYING: First of all, a smooth surface of jointed boards is imperative for a foundation. The GULF STREAM brands are unpainted canvas. The method of laying them is to give the wood one coat of lead and oil paint and lay the canvas when the paint is wet. Roll canvas on a stick to keep taut. Laps must be at least l 1 /^". Tacks not more than %" apart. The edges must be painted before lapping. After laying give two coats of lead and oil in the regular way. The BAYONNE is laid in the same way, but without painting the boards, or the laps. The canvas is prepared in a way that preserves the fibre, and unless there is much walking, requires only one coat of paint after laying. It does not buckle as the ordinary material often does, and while the first cost is greater, the fibre lasts longer, and is really more economical. The tacks are 17oz, tinned. One method of laying is described above, but sometimes roofing paper is laid down on rough boards. This is not so good as when laid down on smooth boards. After the canvas is wet, it is painted with lead and oil before it dries to waterproof it. The painting is then done on top, and a finish made with an iron-clad paint. As may be seen, the cost of a good roof runs into money when covered with canvas, just as it does with other materials. Take a 36-inch width of Bayonne at 95 cents. In a square there are 11 1-9 yards, but allowing for laps and a little waste, 12yds would be required. This comes to $11.40, less CORNICES AND CANVAS ROOFS 527 a discount of 35 per cent, on the basis of using at least a roll. The net sum is $7.41. Material per square $7.41 Labor laying (See page 247) 54 One coat of paint on top 1.00 $8.95 Or, selecting a cheaper grade of 36" J at 40 cents per yard, the figures would be: Material per square $4.80 less 30^ $3.36 One coat of paint on boards : . . . . 1.00 Labor laying 60 Two coats paint on top 2.00 $6.96 Profit has to be added. On large surfaces the figures may be reduced. CHAPTER XXXIV. THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM COST: On page 303 the average cost of sprinkler equip- ment is given. The systems differ so much, however, that to get the exact value, a plan and bill of material have to be made on the complete installation in the regular manner. Neither the square foot nor the cubic foot systems will work for anything else than an approximate idea of the cost; and a better way of getting this is to count the outlets. In New England, where mill building has been reduced to a science, the cost is lower than elsewhere, being only about $2.75 per head or outlet. For fireproof work in the same section $4 is sufficient. But in such cities as New York and Chicago mill outlets may run to $4, and in reinforced con- crete buildings and other fireproof structures to $6 and $6.50. A former fire chief of New York City gave the value of a complete sprinkler equipment as 4 per cent of the cost of the building. As may be judged by what has been already written, this is only an approximate figure. What is said to be the largest system of sprinklers in the United States was installed in 1911 in the Armour packing plant in South Omaha. According to the newspaper report the cost was $160,000. In this system there are 50 miles of pipes, 28,000 sprinkler heads, high pressure pumps, and a steel tank with a capacity of 100,000 gallons. A separate water system is used. When a sprinkler head is released it sounds an alarm in the engine room, and starts the fire pumps going. Every room in the plant, every bridge and platform is protected. The cost is about $6 per head. A western planing mill has a system that takes care of 166,000 sq ft. The cost was 6 cents per sq ft, but the instal- lation was made when figures were low, or about $3 per head, not including tank and connections. For this kind of work a figure of $5 to $6 is not unusual. 528 THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 529 The Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, 31 Milk St., Boston, issues a pamphlet with full instruc- tions for various layouts, with sizes of supply, etc. All plans are examined, criticised and approved, free of charge, before insurance is granted. By this system the hest expert advice is obtained, and expensive changes are never necessary. AUTOMATIC SYSTEM: Some of the special rules of this company are given here, so that sizes of supply and other pipes may be judged for appraisal where plans are not ob- tainable. VALVE: First of all, there has to be a valve about 40 to 50 ft away from the building. In general, the supply or con- necting pipes from the valve in to the building should not be more than 6"; but sometimes 8" are used, with 2 risers of 6". Small buildings with not more than 50 sprinkler heads may have a 4" supply. An independent system should be used if possible, and not one connected with the regular fire supply, especially when that comes from a tank. "Supplies from two independent sources are necessary, at least one of which should be auto- matic." It is considered a good idea to put up a tank dis- charging into the yard system and serving both fire hose and sprinklers. The capacity should not be less than 30,000 gal- lons, and the bottom of the tank should be from 75 to 100 ft above the yard level. The supply does not come directly from the tank, but from the yard system, which is reinforced by the extra pressure. HANGERS: They are made of round iron rod. The size for %" to 2" pipe is 5-16"; 2 Ms" to 3", %"; Zy 2 " to 6", %"; 7" to 8", %". If the rods are threaded, they msut be about y s " more in diameter than the foregoing. PIPE: The best is galvanized iron, painted every year with red lead and linseed oil. WINDOWS, CORNICES, and other parts of a building are often supplied with sprinklers to let down a sheet of water. DANGER: One of the dangers of the sprinkler system is 530 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR the accidental release without any fire. This results in great damage from water. But the best modern systems are safe- guarded against this contingency. EFFICIENCY: Manufacturers and merchants all over the country are now paying more attention to sprinklers than formerly. The system has so many advantages that it is considered to pay for itself in six or seven years through the reduction in the rate of insurance. In the first quarter ol 1911, of 1086 fires under sprinkler risks, 646 were practically or entirely extinguished, 403 were checked, and in only 37 did the system fail to give satisfaction. Sprinklers are ready all the time, start only when the head or outlet melts under a temperature of 140 to 160 degrees, throw the water only where needed as the fire spreads and melts new heads, and keep going in a heat and smoke where firemen could not live. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: In the case of an appraisal the size and distance of the inside pipes can be seen, as distin- guished from those that are buried in the ground. If, in spite of the sprinkler system, the building is a total loss, and an estimate has to be made of the piping, it is rather hard to do anything without a plan or a knowledge of the number of outlets. The latter may have been 8' apart in 12' bays, or 12' apart in bays of 6' for ordinary hazard; and 7' to 11' if the hazard is special. According to the regular table this would be when the water pressure exceeded 20 Ibs. per sq. inch. When less, or -supplied by a tank the fig- ures for centers of outlets would be 7' to 11' for ordinary- risk, and 6' to 10' for special. The foregoing is for regular mill construction. For joisted ceilings the figures in the first case would be 8' to 10', ordinary; 7% to 9' special; in the second with tank supply, 7% to 9'; and 6^ to 8'. Unless a plan is available or sizes and centers known, ?t is thus seen to be rather a difficult undertaking to get an accurate valuation of a sprinkler system if the building is burnt; and we must always remember that it was in Boston THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 531 itself, the center of the best sprinkler installations, that the fire chief said he knew of only one really fireproof struc- ture, and that was "the reservoir. For ordinary work without long runs or special require- ments the sizes of pipe for a minimum number of automatic sprinklers are as follows: %-inch pipe, 1 inch pipe, 1*4 inch pipe, iy 2 inch pipe, 2 inch pipe, 2y 2 inch pipe, 3 inch pipe, 3y 2 inch pipe, 4 inch pipe, 5 inch pipe, 6 inch pipe, 1 Automatic 2 Automatic 3 Automatic 5 Automatic 10 Automatic 20 Automatic 36 Automatic 55 Automatic 80 Automatic 140 Automatic 200 Automatic Sprinkler Sprinklers Sprinklers Sprinklers Sprinklers Sprinklers Sprinklers Sprinklers Sprinklers Sprinklers Sprinklers DATA: The size of the risers may be estimated from the table. The center of the system is naturally the best place to put the riser, but sometimes it is put on the side when the branch lines are not too long. Not more than 6 sprink- lers should be put on a branch. The size of the distributing pipe tapers from the riser down to the end of the run. The following figures show layouts from which a fair idea of systems and sizes may be obtained for valuation. 532 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 3 in. Acceptable Arrangement. COST OF INSURANCE: When a good sprinkler system is installed the rates of insurance are lowered from 50 to 35 per cent, depending upon the character of the work. On the wet-pipe system, double supply, the above reductions are put in force in Boston. With Sprinkler Notification the rate is 35 per cent off; with Automatic Fire Alarm, Watch Supervi- sion, and Sprinkler Notification, 50 per cent. The Boston Chamber of Commerce Committee set forth the advantages of the Sprinkler system in September, 1911, thus: "The following illustration is typical of the cost of insur- ance before and after sprinkling. This illustration is taken for a building which has about 35,000 sq. ft: Value of building $ 53,000.00 Value of contents 150,000.00 Five-year rate on building per $100 before sprinkling, $0.36 per annum, which makes the insurance $ 190.80 Annual rate on contents, $1.15, which makes the cost of insurance of contents before sprinkling 1,725.00 Total cost of insurance per annum $1,915.80 THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 533 "The cost of the installation of sprinklers would be ap- proximately $1750, and the reduction in insurance premiums would be 40 per cent. Forty per cent of $1915.80 is $766.32. That is, an investment of $1750 would make a saving of $766.32 in insurance rates. If we charge 15 per cent interest and depreciation on the investment, it still leaves a net profit of $503.82, by which the sprinkler installation would pay for itself in three and a half years." CAST-IRON WATER PIPES: For factory yards the sizes are given by the Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. To clear the frost the depth of earth covering over the top of the pipe should run from 2' 6" in the south to 5' 6" in Canada, New England, Northern New York. Local conditions have to settle this matter, which involves the cost of excavation. HYDRANTS ought to be set about 50 ft away from the build- ing protected, so that they will not be smashed by falling walls. They may be better protected from danger behind a low building or other barrier. LENGTH of pipe is 12 feet, exclusive of socket. The three following tables give the sizes, etc., for pres- sures that do not ordinarily exceed 125 Ibs, but may occa- sionally go as high as 150 without danger. The tables are those of the Water Works Associations: Class E of New England W. W. Assoc. Specifications. Nominal In- side diam. of pipe Thickness of shell. Weight per length incl. socket. Weight per ft. including socket. Weight per ft. excluding socket. (inches) (inches) (pounds) (pounds) (pounds) 4 .39 230 19 17 6 .46 380 32 29 8 .53 575 48 44 10 .60 810 67 64 12 .65 1040 87 82 14 .70 1310 109 103 16 .75 1600 133 125 18 .80 1910 159 148 20 .85 2260 188 176 24 .95 3000 250 234 30 1.10 4340 361 338 36 1.25 5900 492 460 534 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Class C of American W. W. Assoc. Specifications. Nominal In- side diam. Thickness of shell. Weight per length Weight per ft. including Weight per ft. excluding of pipe incl. socket. socket. socket. (inches) (inches) (pounds) (pounds) (pounds) 4 .48 280 23 21 6 .51 430 36 33 8 .56 625 52 48 10 .62 850 71 65 12 .68 1100 92 85 14 .74 1400 117 108 16 .80 1725 144 133 18 .87 2100 175 162 20 .92 2500 208 191 24 1.04 3350 279 258 30 1.20 4800 .400 367 36 1.36 6550 546 498 5. Lead and Jute. The approximate amount of lead and jute yarn required for making joints is shown in the table below. This is based on pipe in twelve-foot lengths. Where many fittings and bends are required, larger amounts should be allowed. The lead in each joint should be run at a single pouring. WEIGHT OF LEAD AND JUTE REQUIRED IN LAYING PIPE. Size of Pipe (inches) Lbs.of Lead per ft. of Pipe j per S ft f of 1 pfpe j - 020 - 024 - 028 - 034 Ml ' 48 - 052 - 062 - 069 - 085 - 105 - 120 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.9 2.3 2.5 3.0 3.8 4.5 CHAPTER XXXV. SILOS. SHAPE: The makers of silos are agreed upon at least one proposition, and that is that the round form is the best. It gives more capacity for the least material, and packs better. But this shape has one drawback, so far as the concrete silo is concerned: the forms are expensive. Even when all the labor is given free by a farmer this shape is hard to make and handle. If several silos are to be built of the same diam- eter, the cost is spread among them. SIZE: The diameter of a silo should not exceed half the height, or be more than 20 ft for general use; but some are made as wide as 24 ft, and one is listed at 60 ft inside by 40 high. A limit of 36 ft is used for height, as a rule, but there are silos as high as 50, and even 60 ft. Wind pressure has- to be guarded against with unusual heights. Some wood silos have been blown over. It is often better to build two of smaller diameter than one of large, in order to be able to use enough silage to keep ahead of the mold about 2" per day and for ease of filling. When more than 400 tons are required in a season it is ad- visable to use two. The well-known rule as to capacity of circular bodies should always be remembered in arranging for silos circles are to each other as the squares of their diameter. Thus, a silo 10 ft inside has just about half the area of another at 14, for 10x10=100, while 14x14=196, or close to twice as much. A silo of 20 ft., or just twice as much as the 10-ft one. has four times the area and capacity per ft of height. The following table gives the silo data used in most calcu- lations. The average feed for one animal is 40 Ibs per day. 535 536 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR SILO DATA. NUMBER OF Cows IN HERO FEED FOR 180 DAYS FEED FOR 240 DAYS ||| Kg 03 O a 111 W Size of Silo. tfusg i!' l s OOQ 1*1 ||l W B Size of Silo .i ss w &s U J Q 1 i 1 1 1 10 12 15 Tons 36 43 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 216 252 Feet 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 Feet 25 28 29 32 33 34 34 35 37 37 39 40 Acres 2i 3 4 5 6 7i 81 10 11 12 14| 17 Tons 48 57 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 288 336 Feet 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 Feet 31 35 36 39 40 37 38 39 39 39 40 Acres 31 4 5 1* 10 11 13 14| 16 19 20 25 30 . 35 40 45 50 60 70 EXAMPLE: Assume that we are going to build a silo with 12 ft inside diameter and 24 ft high. EXCAVATION: First of all comes the excavation, which must be made deep enough to clear the frost and leave banks to resist wind pressure, but not more than 6 ft below the barn floor. In some soils the hole can be made of the exact out- side size, while in others the excavation has to be extended far enough past the building line to keep the earth from falling in. Let us allow the outside walls at 10-in, as in a cement block silo, although the concrete ones are only 6-in. This makes the outside size 13' 8". An extra 2 ft on each end will usually be sufficient for the slope that may be necessary on soft earth, to a depth of 5 ft. Across the top of the circle would thus be 17' 8", or say, 18' even. At the bottom, in even figures, 14', an average excavation of 16 x 5 deep. SILOS 537 APPROXIMATE CAPACITY IN TONS OF ROUND SILOS (The diameter is shown at the top of the columns and depth at the left) HEIGHT II OF SILO INSIDE DIAMETEK OF SILO IN FEET AND THE CAPACITY IN TONS (2000 Ibs.) 10ft. 11 ft. 12ft. 13ft. 14ft. 15ft. 16ft. 17ft. 18ft. 19ft. 20ft. Feet Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons 20 26 21 28 22 30 36 23 32 39 24 34 41 49 25 36 43 52 26 38 46 55 64 27 40 49 58 68 28 42 51 61 71 83 29 44 54 64 75 87 30 47 56 67 79 91 105 31 49 59 70 83 96 110 32 51 62 74 86 100 115 131 33 53 65 77 90 105 121 138 31 56 68 80 94 109 126 143 162 35 58 70 84 98 114 132 149 169 36 61 73 87 102 118 136 155 176 196 37 63 76 90 106 123 142 161 183 204 38 66* 79 94 110 128 148 167 191 212 237 39 68 82 97 115 133 154 174 198 221 247 40 70 85 101 119 138 160 180 205 229 256 280 Referring to the table of areas of circles on page 395, we find that a 14-ft one has 201 sq ft, which, multiplied by 5 equals 1005 cu ft, or practically 37 cu yds. A trench is sometimes cut around under the walls, and the ground may be unequal a fair allowance for a silo of this diameter and depth in the ground in soft soil would be 40 yds of excava- tion; in hard soil, allowing 14 ft diam, or 154 sq ft area, about 28V& yds, or 30 in even figures would be close enough. The cost might be $8 to $6 in country districts, depending upon rate, and nature of soil. First of all, get the area of the circle to suit the nature of the soil, multiply by the depth in feet, divide by 27 to get the yards, and then figure at the local rate for hard or soft soil. Some silos go 20 feet in the ground; most of them from 538 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR 4 to 5. For a deep silo see the chapter on Measurement, this book, and get rate allowed by the Chicago contractors ac- cording to depth. (See page 41 for data.) TABLE OF EXCAVATION: On page 397 of the "Estimator" there is a table that gives the gallons in round tanks. The area in sq ft is also given, and as the figures are made out on the basis of 1 foot deep, the area corresponds to the cubic feet also. Thus, a tank 26' 9" inside contains 562 sq ft, and for each foot of depth 562 cu ft. If, then, we divide the 562 by 27 we get the number of cu yds to each diameter of inside or outside size, as may be selected. The excavation of a silo or any circular body is easily figured from this table. We get the distance over the walls, or the footings if they extend, look in the table for the nearest figure that suits the diameter, and multiply by the depth. Thus, a tank or silo 18' 9" over the walls, and without any extension for footings or soft soil, has an area of 276.12 sq ft. Assuming that it goes down 8 ft in the ground, the excavation would be 276.12x8, and divided by 27 equals 2208.96 cu ft, or close to 82 yds. CONCRETE BASE On the bottom of the silo there should be a concrete base. A thickness of 4" is sufficient on hard soil, but some silos have 6. In wet soils I have seen water come through 18" and more in thickness, and this when mopped tar paper was spread in between layers of concrete. Here, again, each case must be settled for its own conditions. The size we have selected, 12' inside diameter and 10" walls, makes 13' 8" over all. The area of a circle 13' 9" is 148.49 sq ft. This is close enough for our purpose. There are 16^ sq yds. On page 59 the price of this kind of plain work is given under various conditions. The ordinary price for sidewalks in cities is 13c per sq ft. At this unit the cost is $19.30, labor included. Allow $20. For ordinary conditions, a mixture of 1 of cement, 3 of sand, and 6 of stone is suffi- cient, but wet soils must have 1, 2, 4. This increases the cost a little. SILOS 539 FOOTINGS: If a trench has to be cut for wider footings than the walls themselves provide, multiply the diameter by 3 1-7 for the length around, and by the section for the con- tents; or the circumference may be found for even figures on page 395. Thus, the size of 13' 8" over the walls we are figuring would be 12' 10" to the center line, or so close to 13 ft that we call it that for concrete. Assuming that the ring is 18" wide and 12" deep, we have 41 ft practically around x 1' 6" x 1', or Gl 1 /^ cu ft. A more exact way is to get the areas of the outside and inside circles, and subtract the one from the other. QUANTITIES FOR CONCRETE BASE, FLOORS, SIDE- WALKS, ETC. RULE: From the total thickness deduct the surfacing, then, find the actual number of cu yds in the base. Multiply by the Quantities given on pages 54 and 55, according to the: proportion and size of stone selected. For example, in the floor of a silo 13' 9" over all there are 148 -sq ft. At 4" thick this makes 49 1-3 cu ft, or, for the calculations of a building contractor, 2 cu yds,' allowing a little to fill inequalities in the ground, waste, etc. For a 1, 3, 6 mixture, using 2%" stone, the quantities are 2 bbls ce- ment, 1 yd sand, and 2 yds stone. The surfacing has to be added, as given on page 60, for the above is supposed to be the base alone. But silos do not require a fine surface. The excavation and concrete base may apply to any kind of'a silo. We have now to consider different kinds of super- structures. CEMENT BLOCK SILOS. The advantages of this style are that no forms are re- quired, and that the blocks have hollow spaces to keep out damp and frost. In the more severe latitudes this provision is not always enough, and double walls with air space used. 540 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR About every third course the cement block silos are rein- forced by an iron rod embedded in the masonry, in a special groove. Many of these block silos have been wrecked for want of reinforcement. A farmer might supply all the labor on a solid wall, rein- forced concrete silo, and in this way, if forms were at hand, find it cheaper than the cement block one, because the blocks are usually made in machines too expensive to buy for a single silo, and the labor and profit of the block-maker have to be paid for. Occasionally a farmer gets over this by making a wood mold for the blocks. A thickness of 10" 13 usually allowed for the lower third of the cement block silo, and 8" for the upper two-thirds. The distance around the outside of a 13' 8" silo is 43 ft, on the 3 1-7 principle. The total height is 24 ft, or 1032 sq ft in all. There are, then, 344 sq ft at 10", and 688 at 8". Practi- cally the difference in cost is not great, for the heavy blocks are as easy laid a little below and above ground level as the lighter ones are higher up, and the material does not cost so much extra. At 20c per sq ft, without profit the total is $206.40, including scaffolding, etc. REINFORCEMENT would be a Vz" rod every 2 ft in height. Allowing for laps, each rod would be 46 ft long. There would be 10 above ground,=460 ft=303 Ibs x 3c=$9.10. Allow $10. GROUTING: The inside is often plastered with a very thin coat, or a grout made and the finish put on as in a cistern, with equal parts of cement and sand. For this work and pointing up all the outside allow $18, which is a third more than many would charge. Other items are given in the table. COST OF CEMENT BLOCK SILO, 12 FT INSIDE X 24 HIGH Excavation $ 8.00 Concrete base 20.00 Cement blocks 206.40 Reinforcing rods (horizontal only) 10.00 Cement wash and pointing 18.00 Doors (4) 40.00 SILOS 541 Roof and vent 40.00 Small dormer 18.00 Ladder rungs and bolts 10.00 , Profit for contractor, 10^ 37.00 $407.40 SOME UNIT PRICES: The area is 147 sq. ft on the ground, and this gives $2.77 per sq ft. It seems a high price, but few contractors would care to take the contract at city rates for only one. What allowance is there for liability insurance? In my "Contractors' and Builders' Handbook" there are some cases given for only one state where verdicts were rendered for sums ranging from $5000 to $40,000 for deaths by accidents or carelessness. Farmers who build silos seldom think of the risk of accident or death and heavy verdicts. The rate per cu ft is 11.6 cents; per sq ft taken on the out- Bide of the walls, 39.5 cents. The actual figures on a cement block silo built in Michigan are given below. The size is 14 ft inside diameter x 35 ft high. The lower third is of 10" blocks, and the upper two- thirds of 8". A reinforcement of y 2 rod is used every 2 ft horizontally. The blocks are 8" x 16" face size. The mortar 1 cement to 2 sand. COST OF CEMENT BLOCK SILO 14 FT INSIDE X 35 HIGH 50 Barrels of cement $62.50 37 Loads of sand and gravel 22.50 Iron door and frame 15.00 Steel reinforcement 41.30 Roof complete 27.30 Labor (except roof) 139.70 Extra team work 2.00 $310.30 UNIT COSTS: There is no profit allowed in the above figures, but net cost. Even at that the total is low. Allow- ing $350 with profit, the unit costs are per sq ft on ground, $42 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR $1.82; per cu ft, 5.2 cents; per sq ft taken en the outside of the walls, 20.3 cents. Some small items like ladder rungs are not given. A reasonable allowance is made for a silo given in a lead- ing farmers' journal. It is 16 ft inside diameter x 34 ft high, with 12" solid concrete walls without reinforcement, and being inside of a large barn has no roof. A total of 74 cu yds of concrete is put at $8 per yd, making $592. Excavation is not required. Allowing $15 for a light floor, $40 for doors, $10 lor ladder rungs, etc., the figure is $657, or $725 including a profit. But a silo inside a barn is hard to fill, and some say there is danger of tainted milk. UNIT COSTS: This is at the rate of $2.85 per sq ft of ground size; a little less than 8^c per cu ft; and about 38c per sq ft around the walls. ANOTHER EXAMPLE: The actual figures on a silo of 10 ft inside diameter x 31 ft deep with 6" concrete walls were as follows: EXCAVATION through stone and gravel, 11' x 13' deep, took 18 days for 1 man. The total is 46 cu yds, or 2 6-10 yds per day. LABOR on the silo itself was 41 days for 1 man. MATERIAL for the silo proper was $70. There were 20 yds of concrete in the walls. Putting the excavator's time at $1.75 per day, the total for this item is $31.50. Allowing a constructor's and laborer's time at $2.50 for 41 days, or $5 for half that time, we get $102.50. Without any profit or reinforcement, $204. Allow- ing $21 for a small profit, $225. The lumber was used over again, and the cost of this item is not given. A plain roof was put on, covered with prepared roofing. UNIT COSTS: The sq ft cost, ground size, is $2.37; cu ft cost, less than 7% cents; and the cost per sq ft of wall sur- face around the outside, 21 cents. The above, however, is one of those structures so economi- cally put together that the average contractor could not make a living building them. SILOS 543 IDEAL SIZE: One Michigan farmer gives the best size of silo for general use as 15 ft inside diameter by 25, 30, or 33 ft, as may be desired. Of course, in the cement blocks the smooth wall has to be on the inside, and the change from 10" to 8" thickness shown on the outside. This allows the silage to sink and pack easily. REINFORCED CONCRETE SILOS. This is a common and excellent system of construction, but the trouble comes with the forms. Farmers sometimes join together and make one set to serve a dozen silos. The following "Atlas" table gives the necessary data for the construction of silos of the sizes listed. The stone used DATA FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE SILOS (Including 6-inch Floor) Proportions: 1 Part "Atlas" Portland Cement to 2 Parts Sand to 4 Parts Gravel or Stone HORIZONTAL Height Inside Diameter Thickness of Wall REINFORCEMENTS Cement Sand Stone O] 7ft Spacing Qize C. to C. Feet Feet Inches Inches Inches Bbl CuYds CuYd 10 5 6 1 12 61 2 4 10 10 6 12 181 4 8 15 5 6 12 9^ 3 6 15 8 6 12 14 4 8 15 12 6 12 24 6| 13 20 8 6 12 19| 5 10 20 12 6 12 29 8 16 20 15 6 12 38 10 20 25 10 6 12 27| 7 15 25 15 6 12 45 12 24 25 20 6 12 62 *6| 33 30 10 7 12 37 10 20 30 15 7 12 58 15| 31 30 20 7 12 80 22 45 40 15 8 12 80 22 45 40 20 8 12 114 30| 61 40 25 8 1 12 147 38| 77 Place vertical rods same size as horizontal, 2J feet apart. A cubic yard is about H single load or J of a double load. 544 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR should not be large, except on the bottom if desired. A size of %, or gravel, is better than the ordinary sizes. The table allows for a 6" floor. The proportion for the walls is 1, 2, 4; for the floors, 1, 3, 6 is considered right for dry ground. The quantity of cement allowed is ample. QUANTITIES: The proportions may not always be the same as given in the table, and the walls may not go clear around as there figured, but have a continuous opening 2' 6" wide for doors. The method shown below will apply to any mixture or sizes. The idea is, as already explained for base, sidewalks and floors, to find the number of cubic yards and then use the tables on pages 54 and 55. EXAMPLE: Take a silo 12 ft inside diameter by 20 high, and with the usual 6-inch walls. The outside diameter is 13 ft, and this is close enough for such calculations, although 12' 6" should be used, or the area of the inside circle sub- tracted from that of the outside one to find the surface of the 6-inch ring. The distance around a 13-ft diameter circle is 40.841 ft, as is shown on page 395. This is 40' 10". Multiplied by the height of 20 ft, the area is 816.82 sq ft, say, 816 at 6" thick. This means 408 cu ft. equaling 15 cu yds. With a 1, 2, 4 mixture, using stone not over 1", as large stone is not fit for silo walls, we require 1.46 bbls. cement, 0.44 yd of sand, and 0.89 yd of stone. For 15 yds the quantities are 21.9 bbls. cement, or 22 in even figures, 6.6 yds sand, 13.35 yds stone. All this for the walls only. The floor has an area over the walls of close to 133 sq ft (See page 395). At 6" thick this is 66.5 cu ft, or 2.46 cu yds. A mixture of 1, 3, 6 is usually sufficient for a floor, and large stone may be used if desired. The units given on page 54 for 2y 2 stone are 1.06, 0.48, 0.97, or, close enough for this work, a bbl of cement, half a yd of sand, and a yd of stone. We require 2y 2 bbls of cement, l 1 ^ yds of sand, 2% yds of stone. The totals are 24^ bbls cement, 7.85 or 8 yds of sand, and 15.85 or 16 yds stone. The allowance in the table is high SILOS 545 for cement, but with thin walls there is sometimes waste; a footing course is often used, and all the work is spoiled if enough cement is not put in the mixture. Then the floor may be 1.2.4 instead of 1.3.6, as above figured, and some may want a sidewalk surface. LABOR: Of 110 silos investigated by the Universal Port- land Cement Company, 74 were built by contractors, 9 by owners with foremen, and 27 by owners alone. The labor is given without the height as follows: Hours Diameter Days per day No. men 8 10 to 14 4 4 12 10 to 16 4 4 16 10 to 16 4 4 to 5- 20 10 to 20 4 5 22 12 to 20 4 5 CHUTE: Some silos are built with a chute. Material must be allowed extra for them. A good size for monolithic con- struction is 3 ft x 4 ft inside measurement. For a block construction as close to this as the blocks allow. EXAMPLE: Two ailos 16x40 inside were built for the fol- lowing detailed figures, each: 45 cu yds of gravel, at 30 cents $13.50 68 bbls ot cement, at $1.25 85.00 1700 Ibs of iron, at $2.15 per hundred 36.55 Use 01 lumber for scaffold 10.00 Hauling of gravel 20.00 Excavating 6.00 Labor, 6 men for 7 days, at $2 84.00 Use of concrete mixer 35.00 Superintendent, and use of forms 80.00 $370.05 THE WALLS were from 9" to 10" at bottom, and 5^" at top. The iron used was %", round for the uprights, and 546 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR square for the level. The uprights were set at about 2 feet centers, and the horizontals about 9 inches. THE DOORS were 26" x 60", with about 3 feet of solid wall between the head of the one and the bottom of the other. A %" iron .was used across the center of the door, and ex- tending into the concrete on each side about 5 feet. Square irons were placed up the sides of the doors. A MIXER does the work faster and better, but the labor costs as much, for, with small buildings, hand labor is about as cheap. The foregoing silos were built in Indiana. NO FORMS: Some of the expanded metal companies recom- mend a silo built on a removable framework of 2 x 4's. The studs are set up all around close enough to make the circle, a small diameter requiring more than a large, and the metal is bent around on the inside and fastened. The plaster is then applied on the inside only. After it dries the studs are removed and reinforcement wound around the outside. Then the plaster is put on in the usual way, making the total thick- ness about 3". Still another method is to leave the studs standing and lath on the outside with the metal, thus giving a hollow space. Steel studs are sometimes used. As with other build- ing structures, there is quite a variety in silo construction. The Universal Portland Cement Company of Chicago and Pittsburg collected some excellent silo data to encourage the use of its product. Some of the figures are used below. LARGE SILO: The largest silo built up to 1912 is 60 ft in diameter by 40 high. The capacity is 2250 tons; the cost was $2500, or $1.11 per ton capacity. It is in Waukesha, Wiscon- sin. It is monolithic, or made out of mixed concrete, and not cement blocks. The next one in the high price column is $1600. The size, 24 ft diameter by 50 ft high. The cost per ton capacity, 97 cents. AVERAGE COST PER TON CAPACITY: For silos under 100 tons, $2.89 monolithic; $3.52 cement block; from 100 to SILOS 547 200, $2.38 and $2.88; over 200 tons, $2.18 for monolithic. Average of more than 100 silos investigated, $2.30 for mono- lithic, and $3.11 for cement block. The lowest cost of mon;> lithic is in Wisconsin, at $2.10, and the highest cement block in the same state at $3.36. As already stated, the cost per ton of a large silo may be as low as 97 cents and $1.11 for monolithic, but the smaller sizes come to more per unit. Thus, a 12x27x58 tons is $4.15; a 16x30x120 is $4.16; a 14x28x83 tons is $4.8Q Two at 20x40x282 tons are $1.76. Average figures are all that can be given, unless the cost, of material and labor is known. Where there is a clear range- of figures from 97 cents per ton to $4.80, several factors have to be considered material, labor, effect of size upon price, the skill of the builder, whether profit is included or not, and so on. The concrete block silos cost a little more than the mono- lithic. Of 30 listed, the lowest is $1.42 per ton, and the high- est $5.70. A farmer can build a monolithic silo easier that- a block one. The small sizes cost more here, as elsewhere* with ordinary buildings. An 8 ft x 37 x 40 ton cost $5.70; a 10 x 20 x 36, $4.20; a 12% x 38 x 100, $5. The lowest is 20 x 60x530, $1.42. FORMS: For a reinforced silo the forms are usually made about 3 ft high, with a wood framework covered with No. 24 galvanized iron. They are raised a little less than 3 ft after eacn filling, so that they will not come above the finished work. For lumber, bolts, sheet metal, labor and scaffold a price of 25c per sq ft of forms is low. Thus, on an inside diameter of 10 ft the outside and inside forms would have a surface of 200 sq ft, at 3 ft wide, and this would make a figure of $50. The scaffolding is sometimes only a few planks laid around on top of the forms. A few uprights are required for a lever to lift up the forms. For an inside diameter of 15 ft x 3 there would be practi- cally 300 sq ft=$75. Once made, a set of forms might be< used for a hundred silos of the same size, with proper care.. 548 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR EXAMPLE: A reinforced concrete silo 15 ft inside and 36 ft high took the following material. The roof is of concrete, reinforced the same as the wall. No forms included. The entire labor took 5 men 13 days. Allowing $3 for a foreman and $1.75 for the others, the wage bill is $130. COST OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SILO, 15 FT INSIDE X 36 Crushed rock, or screened gravel, 40 cu yds, at $1.10,. .$44.00 Sand, 20 cu yds, at $1.00 20.00 Portland cement, 54 bbls., at 2 108.00 Reinforcing, 425 pieces of %" x 10', 1564 Ibs, at 3c 46.90 Labor 130.00 Ladder rungs, etc 10.00 Toors 40.00 Profit 40.10 ' $439.00 UNIT COSTS: The sq ft cost, ground size, is $2.19; cu ft, l-10c; per sq ft of wall surface less than 25c; reinforcement, less than 9-10 Ib to sq ft of wall surface; cost per cu ft of wall, not including floor or roof, $13.14. But in this silo, as in others, local prices for material and labor have to be filled in before a new total is found to suit location. The forego- ing silo seems to be high in cost, but there is not much profit to induce a builder to risk taking the contract. Most men who do such work fail to carry liability insurance. They taka the chance of an accident. HOLLOW WALLS: In this class of silos the forms are set about 12" apart, instead of 6" as for the single wall, and 4" filling pieces made to fit the circle are placed all around before the concrete is poured in. The fillers are. kept wide enough apart to allow ribs to connect the two walls. The outside ring is made 3", and the inside one 5". The cost of this style of construction is set at 25# more than for the single-wall silo. The quantity of concrete is increased from 6" to 8", and fillers are to make and set The main SILOS 549 forms are the same, except as to a slight change in diameter, and the work of raising them is no greater. The hollow space is not started until the ground level is reached. SPACING OF RODS: In the table already given the vertical or upright rods are spaced at 30" centers, and the horizontal ones of different stees at 12". In the silo 15' x 36 the vertical rods were set at 18" centers, and from the top down the hori- zontals were 7" from 36 ft to 30; 8", from 30 to 25; 10", from 25 to 20; 12", from 20 to 15; 15", from 15 to 10; and 18", from 10 ft to bottom. QUANTITY: The Atlas Portland Cement Co. gives an illus- tration of a silo 20 ft inside diameter x 28 ft x 12" reinforced walls. There were 111 bbls of cement used. This just fits the allowance of 1.46 bbls to the cu yd given on page 54 for a 1, 2, 4 mixture. FORMS: These do not cost any more for a 10-inch wall than for a 6, and thus per cubic foot of concrete they are cheaper. SOME SILO EXTRAS. HY-RIB: There is a cost figure given on silos made with this material on page 461, but several items have to be added to the total of the walls. These items may be found under the detailed cost of a cement block silo, with changes to suit the diameter, etc. But the price of 15c, as given by the man- ufacturer, is too low for most localities. FERRO INCLAVE: On page 127 the cost of this system is given for straight work. The curved sheets for silos cost a little more. One advantage of this system is that no forms are required. The sheets come curved to the circle neces- sary to suit the diameter. They are made with a dovetail on both sides that holds the plaster. The ends of the sheets are pushed together and riveted. The plaster is put on in three coats, and it should be at least 2" thick. COST: From a large percentage of silos the manufacturers put the cost of the finished wall at 22c per sq ft, but this does not include anything except the wall proper. Excava- 550 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR tion, base, foundation, doors, roof, profit, etc., have to ue added. WOOD SILOS. Many silos are built up of staves, hooped on the outside and drawn air-tight. The walls are of 2" lumber for ordinary use, but any required thickness may be had. The finished thickness is, as usual, about 1%". For silos of ordinary di- ameter this thickness is sufficient, but for the largest some specify more. Yellow pine and Oregon fir are mostly used. ERECTION: The companies usually sell F. O. B. factory, and let customer put up the work themselves. Foundations, etc., have to be attended to as for a concrete silo. Four or five men make the best erecting force, and the time required is from a day on medium and small sizes to three days on the largest. This does not include the roof, which, however, may be bought in several sections ready to set in place. ANCHORS: Wood silos have to be anchored or tied to another building as a protection against wind. Three to eight, anchors should be used. They cost about $2 each for ordinary diameters and lengths. ROOFS: Sectional roofs cost from $2.50 to $3 per ft of diameter supplied at the factories. Thus, a silo 16 ft diame- ter at $2.50 would require an allowance of $40 extra for a roof. This does not include covering, but matched boards are often considered sufficient. The following table gives the factory price of roof framework alone without boards at Waterloo, Iowa: PRICES FOR FRAMES FOR SILO ROOFS. Silo Diameter of Weight Price 10 ft 210 Ibs $7.75 12 ft 235 Ibs 8.05 14 ft 250 Ibs 8.65 16 ft 265 Ibs 9.00 18 ft 400 Ibs 10.90 20 ft 500 Ibs 15.30 SILOS 551 The following table shows factory prices for 2" silos. Erection, tar inside, if used, freight, hauling, and painting have to be added. TABLE OF PRICES FOR SILOS These prices do not include the roof or anchor rods Diameter Ft. >> 11 u Number Cows I 1 ^^^^ / X, i 1 \ 1 \ f \ 1 \ 1 \ \ I I i I \ I \ y \ / \ / \ / \ / / s / 5 / ^ \ / \ / ^^ / PHYSICAL VALUATION GENERAL PRINCIPLES 575 WAGES, ETC.: The accompanying table from page 319 of the Bulletin tells the story of the general rise in prices for the 21 years. As a matter of arithmetic, all wages, salaries, rents, pensions, income from bonds, interest accounts from savings banks, etc., should have risen in the same propor- tion, in order that those drawing them should be able to buy the same quantities of the 257 commodities listed by the government Bulletin. The units to be considered are Things to be purchased, and not Dollars. The reproduction value of a building has to be expressed in Things lumber, iron, paint, glass, hardware, plaster before we begin to even think of depreciation. Many of the great strikes that have vexed this country, and European countries, have simply been the outbursts of men and women who could not get the same allowance of Things that their incomes formerly provided. The materials for a house, for example, cost far more than they used to. Boards listed in the government table at 98.1 in 1890, and at 90.6 in 1898, are 140.3 in 1903 and 200.1 in 1910. The wages or income would have to be more than twice as much in 1910 as in 1890 to get the same number of feet of boards for a cottage. A general view of the rise in building material for the 21 years is given in the accompanying table taken from page 322 of the Bulletin; and an average basis for each year from 1900 to 1910 in the list from page 328. The reason why so many fail to grasp the underlying prin- ciple of fluctuating values is that they assume the monetary standard to be fixed. Instead of being a "constant," how- ever, it is a "variable," just like potatoes or boards. Gold buys brick, but brick and steel beams buy gold. A great flood of gold would change all our physical valuations. For this reason it is commonly agreed among the authorities of all nations that a commodity basis is the best one for a cur- rency. But it is hard to get one, and we have to keep to gold and watch it rise and fall. 576 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR PRICES OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Year or Month Metals and Implements Lumber and building materials Relative Price i Per cent of increase Relative Price * Per cent of increase- In 1910 over each Preced- ing Year In Decem- ber, 1910, over each Preceding Month of Year In 1910 over each preced ing year In De- cember 1910,over each Pre- ceding Month or year 40.9 44.3 52.1 53.5 62.4 66.2 67.5 73.0 63.3 47.8 35.2 34.0 31.6 28.8 27.5 22.5 11.6 6.5 17.5 13.0 2.1 4.8 3.2 3.4 2.9 3.4 3.2 1.8 .8 .3 .3 2.1 1890 119.2 111.7 106.0 100.7 90.7 92.0 93.7 86.6 86.4 114.7 120.5 111.9 117.2 117.6 109.6 122.5 135.2 143.4 125.4 124.8 128.5 129.7 129.3 128.9 131.5 129.9 129.1 128.2 127.0 127.0 127.2 127.1 126.8 7.8 15.0 21.2 27.6 41.7 39.7 37.1 48.4 48.7 12.0 6.6 14.8 9.6 9.3 17.2 4.9 2 5.0 2 10.4 2.5 3.0 6.4 13.5 19.6 25.9 39.8 37.8 35.3 46.4 46.8 10.5 5.2 13.3 8.2 7.8 15.7 3.5 2 6.2 2 11.6 1.1 1.6 2 1.3 2 2.2 2 1.9 2 1.6 2 3.6 2 2.4 2 1.8 2 1.1 2 .2 2 .2 2 .3 2.2 111.0 108.4 102.8 101.9 96.3 94.1 93.4 90.4 95.8 105.8 115.7 116.7 118.8 121.4 122.7 127.7 140.1 146.9 133.1 138.4 153.2 149.3 151.5 151.3 152.0 151.2 151.6 153.2 155.6 155.9 155.9 156.5 156.4 38.0 41.3 49.0 50.3 59.1 62.8 64.0 69.5 59.9 44.8 32.4 31.3 29.0 26.2 24.9 20.0 9.4 4.3 15.1 10.7 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 . . 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 . ... 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 . 1907 1908 1909 1910 1910 January .... February . . . March April . . May June July August September . . October November . . December . . 1 Average for 1890-1899 = 100.0. 2 Decrease. PHYSICAL VALUATION GENERAL PRINCIPLES 577 AVERAGE PRICES Metals and Implements Lumber and Building Material 1900 . ..120.5 1900 115.7 1901 111.9 1901 116.7 1902 117.2 1902 118.8 1903 117.6 1903 121.4 1904 ...109.6 1904 122.7 1905 122.5 1905 127.7 1906 135.2 1906 140.1 1907 143.4 1907 146.9 1908 125.4 1908 133.1 1909 124.8 1909 138.4 1910 128.5 1910 153.2 IF BOOK VALUES are taken, a start should be made on the basis of the figures given for the year of erection, and the rise or fall of prices made to suit the year of valuation. As many materials entering into a building are not listed in the Government Bulletin it would either be necessary to find out the percentage of rise or fall for them also, or to as- sume that the general average found for the 28 applied to all. When the difference in wages is considered, say, between 1893 and 1911 another factor comes in to make trouble, and modify original costs. BIDS: Of course, all through it has to be remembered that responsible bidders often vary on their bids from a few dol- lars to 20 per cent, and over. How or why it would be hard to say, but we know that it is done; and thus book values "cooked" up to suit a percentage of rise or fall in prices would probably come as close to the real value as the bid of some contractor. Really, the only safe method is to take off a bill of material and figure up the building in the regular way, adding a contractor's profit, and an architect's percent- age. But unless for special buildings this is not necessary for assessors or Railway Commissions. MATERIALS: The building materials listed in the Bulletin are common brick, cement, lime, hemlock, red cedar and cy- press shingles, pine, maple, oak of various kinds, boards of various kinds, glass of various kinds, poplar, white lead, tur- pentine, linseed oil, tar, putty, doors, and oxide of zinc. 578 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Another list headed "Metals and Implements" includes many materials used in building, such as bar and pig iron, builders' hardware, nails, copper, lead pipe, steel rails, sheets and billets, and tin. Steel rails are averaged at 121.9 in 1890, 92.1 in 1894, 107.9 in 1899, 123.9 in 1900, 104.9 in 1901, and singularly enough 107.4 from 1902 to 1910 inclusive. Builders' hardware rises from 103.7 in 1890 to 216.1 in 1910, but nails fall from 131.2 to 94.4 in the same period. The general rise in this Metal and Implement group has been already given. The accompanying Table on building material was used in the Cleveland Valuation, that went into effect in December, 1911. It was compiled from the figures given by the Bureau of Labor. It is supposed to be used for a general figure, and not for 23 items only, as in the 1911 Bulletin. Thus, the ma- terial in a building valued at $111.8 in 1890 would be listed at $146.9 in 1907. RELATIVE WHOLESALE PRICES OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Per cent, of Relative increase of 1907 Year. price. prices over pre- ceding years. 1890 111.8 31.4 1891 108.4 35.5 1892 102.8 42.9 1893 101.9 44.2 1894 96.3 52.5 1895 94.1 56.1 1896 93.4 57.3 1897 90.4 62.5 1898 95.8 53.3 1899 105.8 38.8 1900 115.7 27.0 1901 116.7 25.9 1902 118.8 23.7 1903 121.4 21.0 1904 122.7 19.7 1905 127.7 15.0 1906 140.1 4.9 1907 146.9 PHYSICAL VALUATION GENERAL PRINCIPLES 579 "That is to say," explain the compilers of the Table, "the 1907 prices are 4.9 per cent, higher than the 1906 prices, 15 per cent, higher than the 1905 prices, etc." The 1910 index prices on further investigation proved to be about the same as in the year of 1907." HOUSES: In an investigation in Philadelphia of the cost of standard 2-story dwellings of a cheap type, apart from the value of the land, the following table was made out: Year Cost Year Cost Year Cost 1895 $1458 1899 $1588 1904 $1981 1896 1484 1900 1712 1905 2038 1897 1567 1901 1746 1906 2500 1S98 1595 1902 1756 1907 2093 1903 1821 The general rise is seen in the table, which starts at prac- tically $1500 and ends at more than $2000. ARCHITECTS: In addition to the increased cost of ma- terials and labor, many architects have raised their percent- age on small buildings, and especially on residences. Some charge as high as 10 per cent.; but there are others who do work for as low as 3. All factors have to be taken into ac- count before finishing a physical valuation. CAUSES: One discouraging feature of this physical valua- tion of large properties is the continual change of prices. Everyone engaged in this work should understand some of the main causes for the changes, even if they lead into an- other field of investigation, for prices are going to rise in the future. The Government Bulletin does not go very far into this side of the question. "The causes are too complex," it is said, "the relative influence of each too uncertain, in some cases involving too many economic questions, to permit their discussion in the present report." Some of the influences are given, however. They are "va- riations in harvest, which contract or expand supply, and so increase and decrease price, not only of the particular com- modity itself, but of others dependent upon it; changes in de- 580 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR mand due to changes in fashions and seasons; inspection as to purity of food, etc.; improvements in methods of produc- tion; cheapening of transportation or handling; cornering of products; panics; expanding or contracting credit; unusual demand; short supply; organization or combination; and all hinging on one another." GOLD: But the chief cause of all is ignored. This is the startling increase in the supply of gold. We are far enough away from the free silver, "16 to 1" days to look at this question in a somewhat more dispassion- ate manner than was then common. One of the main argu- ments against the theory was that all fixed incomes, sal- aries, returns from bonds, etc., would have had less purchas- ing power in other words, that prices would have risen. The mortgage or bond would have been satisfied with the same number of dollars, but the owners of such securities would not have been able to get an equal number of feet of lumber, or quantity of other commodities. This theory was correct. The same cause is operating now to raise prices, and will continue to operate, only the gold that was lauded to the skies in 1890-96 is the main factor that is disturbing all values. Two specially good articles on the subject appeared in Success Magazine for August, 1907, and the Atlantic Monthly for October, the same year. The one is entitled, "The Flood of Gold;" and the other, "The Gold Output and the Higher Cost of Living." These articles, like many others appearing in the eastern publications, give the key to the chief trouble with physical valuations that mount the appreciating side of the ladder at a faster rate than they go down the depreciat- ing one. The Success article says that from 1821 to 1840 the entire world's production of gold was averaged at $11,446,000; from 1896 to 1905, $305,760,000; in 1907, about $425,000,000. The Financial Chronicle gives the figures for 1909 at $455,965,831; for 1910, $455,984,828; and for 1911, $460,000,000. PHYSICAL VALUATION GENERAL PRINCIPLES 581 The New York World Almanac gives the gold production for 1893 at $157,494,800; for 1900 as $254,576,300; for 1908 as $441,932,200. The same authority gives $113,996,000 as used in the arts over all the world. Making all allowance for ar- tistic requirements and increase of population, that require more currency, it is yet seen how the figures are leaping. The Success writer says, "Even as late as 1848 the total amount of gold was only $2,800,000,000. Beyond a doubt we shall duplicate this amount in the next six years." The fig- ures for 1911 show that is being done. "The medium by which all values are determined has almost doubled in ten years." "The gold standard is doomed." The conservative "Republican," of Springfield, Mass., also says that a more unstable and dishonest dollar than the yel- low one does not exist. A clear presentation of the effect of gold production on prices is given in the Saturday Evening Post for March 16, 1912. The theory accepted in the article is that if gold in- creases the price of buildings, and everything else must rise. If this increased production continues we might go on for ever making physical valuations and find them worthless in a comparatively short period. CONTINGENCIES: When making original estimates for groups of buildings it is customary to allow 10 per cent, for contingencies. In making a valuation after they are built, however, there are no contingencies to be taken into account. In Minnesota an allowance of 5 per cent, was nevertheless allowed by the State. This matter is settled when the gen- eral summary of all the factors in a complete railroad is made and the part of a building appraiser is to allow contractor's prolit, architect's percentage, and end there. INTEREST during construction and such items are all at- tended to in the general summary. There may be quite a few of such accounts that have to be added at the end. There are store expenses, for instance, sometimes set at 5 per cent, on the material delivered, and use of tools and equipment on construction charged for at 2 per cent, on the total. 582 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR SEVERAL FACTORS: After the physical valuation of a railroad is made the work is only well started. A celebrated Frenchman once gave the right rule for doing anything. It ran, "First of all, define your terms." The cost of a railroad is not its value, reproduction value is an indefinite term, there is, or there is not such a thing as depreciation, and so on, words without end, Amen. Some believe in public ownership of railroads and other utilities, and others do not. Regardless of which is right, it may be safely concluded that few men are doing more for the success of thepublic ownership theory than the lawyers who take hold of a physical valuation and make a rubber band of it, stretched long or short to suit the side that hired them. Regulation has failed in some countries and govern- ment ownership has come. Those who do not like that should do their best to get everything connected with their particular semi-public utility regulated on a fair basis. The Supreme Court of Minnesota considered that the cost of reproduction is practically the only element necessary to be considered by the state in fixing rates; the Supreme Court of the United States declared this to be only one element of several. The Washington State Commission before determin- ing the market value ascertained (1) The original cost of construction. (2) Cost of reproduction new. (3) The depreciated value. (4) The amount and market value of outstanding stocks and bonds. <5) The density of population and traffic. (6) The nature and permanency of population and traffic. (7) Facilities for doing business. (8) The physical conditions under which the road is operated. CHAPTER XXXVIII. PHYSICAL VALUATION. DETAILS. TOOLS: When A. B. C. is sent to measure up for appraisal railroad buildings stretching over several hundred miles of a state, he is almost sure to forget to take something with him that is as valuable as a tape line, a long rule, and a note book. That is a kodak. Some one has said that an ounce of notes taken on the place is worth a pound of recollection; and a small picture brings back features of a building in a way that the memory alone can never do. With field notes, memory, and a picture of any special structure, or unusual part connected with it, the office work of figuring up and sum- marizing the items becomes almost as easy as if one were on the ground. It is quite often possible to get a picture of a railroad building for a few cents, as most towns have their prominent improvements photographed. A good set of plans makes the best picture of any build- ing, especially if there is a specification with them, but they are not always obtainable, and actual measurements have to be taken, often in the dark cf a basement, or up in smoky roofs thick with the dust of a quarter century. CHANGES: Even if plans are provided it is not safe to rely upon them without an examination of the special structures. Some buildings shown on a yard plan have been taken down or have been burned, and others have been added to until the original structure is scarcely recognizable from the plans. BLANKS: About the poorest way of conducting such an in- vestigation is to oblige the valuator to make notes on every- thing connected w ;i h a building. The city of St. Paul, with about 25,000 building, and 150.000 lots, was measured for assessment about the beginning cf this century under the Somers svstem; ard *ve s*m svstem was used in Cleve- land in 1910 to anr^a'pe IOOPAO buildings, and 145,000 par- cels cf land. Ela^ -? -- rrp ivr^ed in each case, and the 583 584 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR descriptions of the buildings merely filled in with a circle over the selected word. This is not only a quicker way of getting the necessary information, but a surer, for it is hard for a man with a notebook to get all the hundreds of items in each building. It is true, as has been pointed out by one Railroad Commission, that no one blank can be made to em- brace everything, but it is easy to attend to any unusual fea- tures. There are so many items in a building connected with excavation, piling, concrete, steel frame, brickwork, cut stone, carpentry and millwork, plaster, plumbing, heating, paint, sheet metal, skylights, electrical work, floor and wall tile, roofing, piping under and over, floors and sidewalks, that it is not only wasteful of time to follow the notebook method alone, but decidedly unfair to the estimator. Printing is cheap, and blanks pay for themselves a hundred times over. In Cleveland, for example, a city badly cut up with creeks, rivers, runs, valleys, railroads, lake coast, and inequalities in general, and thus hard to value, the cost of making out an entirely new assessment roll for 145,000 parcels of land was only 87 cents each. Philadelphia pays $3.40; the New York yearly revision cost 99 cents. When a physical valuation of this kind is once carried through it is an easy matter to keep it up to date. If prices rise a percentage can be added to the building; and the usual allowance deducted for depreciation. The people of Vancouver have ended the system of taxing buildings, and raise the necessary funds for city expenses from land values only. This is an excellent law for architects and builders, as it almost compels the owners of vacant property to build in order to get returns for the city treasurer, and it exempts their building when finished. In 1901 the population of Van- couver was about 26,000; in 1911, 130.000, Here, then, we have some requirements for appraising almost any building or property tape line, long rule to reach high, kodak, notebook, and, above all, printed blanks. A sample of the blanks used in Cleveland is given here- with. The small circles are put over the necessary word. PHYSICAL VALUATION DETAILS 585 Examined. ../^.*?r???V../.s?. .1910 one side of one ol Duple* double house row bouse No. ....... Assistant Assessor NO.. Material -siding drop. lap. shiQles. br&. common, stone, cut. rough, concrete tile T. C. Trimmii . .tfle. cQ. rough T. C.. brick, woo?. Upon a foundation ol stone, brflk. tile, concrete, posts. ""' floor ^et above ground Dimensions vfo& 40ty wide, deep, wide, deep, wide; deep. *J story wide deep, Wide, deep. wide. deep. s lSH 0L~ high Injections -One^tjry two story three story tower bay window bay window bay window I /OS&7-1- Boof-shingrles, slO. tile: srravel. composition, tin. copper. Hip. gaCJ, flat, mansard donjjjs or gatjto C ornjce plffll. orna. mental, -wo0. metal, stone, T. C. Ditisloua nasement. celO. unOrwhOe. frout^ middle, year, containing. 1st story, h^> parlor. sitQif .library, diAtf - kitcO. **th bed room. rooTu. room, room 2nd story. bed3bm. bath rOm. otherQn 3rd story, bed rooms. bath room oiher room* 4th story bed bath other A ttlc, '_, room, room, rooms nN finished. Inside Fiuisli- Main part, lower story ornamental. plaO. hardUGod. pinO dt3X>aint. Upper story hardwoQ. piO ojQpaint Heatingstoves furnace. hot Oter. steam. combination. Water -Open city. in yard. base- first second third well nient. story story story wa9f *"*. lau-*y si^K barn pluinMn? opQ closed g -Gas EledQlc. Oil Fixtures P1&.Q OrnaQntal Drainage -Cesspool. seOt. Building in g<^3> fair. bad. repair. Vacant. occufi^J. ownQ tepaut. who estimQts. pays, rent a per month* states buildings were constructed in Name of OO 1 *. Agent Tenant. 586 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR It u& V-T7... Kate ..... .....** per~ ....-..$" ...... square .......... $ ...-foot-.......- Barn, -wood.. brick, stone, wfile. deep. stories high contains talls. livin* room$ Sidewalk -wood. st0 o Contractor's profit, 10^ 72.00 $788.00 616 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR The cost per foot of depth is $32.83. Using the squares of the diameters, and reducing in the proportion of 6 to 12 256 and 144 the total is $598; in proportion to the circum- ference of a 16 and a 12 ft 50.2 and 37.7 the figure is about $800. TANKS AND TOWERS The following tables of cost are from the catalog of the "W. E. Caldwell Company, Louisville, Ky. They are naturally approximate, as local conditions differ in many ways. They are priced F. O. B., knock down at factory, and freight and erection must be added, as well as foundation. A barrel throughout is figured at 3ly 2 gallons. HEAVY STEEL TANKS AND COVERS FOP Storage of Water, Oil, Turpentine, Etc. Gallons Diameter Height Price. Tank Price. Cover 1,000 | 6 feet i 5 feet 1 $42.00 | $11.10 2,000 7 feet 7 feet 65.40 15.12 3,000 8 feet 8 feet 84.55 15.72 4,500 10 feet 8 feet 109.75 22.26 7,000 10 feet 12 feet 149.00 22.26 10,000 12 feet 12 feet 223.15 36.72 15,000 14 feet 14 feet 296.65 48.54 20,000 16 feet 14 feet 349.65 92.52 26,000 18 feet 14 feet 520.80 112.26 30,000 18 feet 16 feet 573.85 112.26 40,000 20 feet 18 feet 822.15 207.90 50,000 22 feet 18 feet 936.10 254.10 60,000 24 feet 18 feet 1,053.15 347.82 65,000 24 feet 20 feet 1,146.60 347.82 80,000 24 feet 24 feet 1,321.95 347.82 100,000 | 26 feet 26 feet 1,530.90 403.92 The smaller sizes of tanks are built of %-inch steel; the intermediate sizes of %6-inch an d %-inch, and the larger sizes of %-inch and %6-mch. RAILROAD FIGURES 617 GALVANIZED STEEL TANKS Galvanized Round Storage Tanks Diameter Feet Height Feet Capacity Gallons Price 2V 2 i 2i/ 2 78 $7.00 3 3 157 11.50 4 4 338 16.50 4 5 423 19.00 5 5 675 25.50 6 5 1,000 30.00 6 8 1,600 49.00 8 6 2,400 56.00 10 8 4,500 95.00 12 12 10,000 165.00 14 14 15,000 195.00 16 14 20,000 215.00 16 16 23,000 245.00 These capacities are, however, not meant to be absolutely exact, but reasonably close. Prices do not include covers. List prices of all tanks are based on No. 20 Gauge. For tanks 6 ft. di- ameter, 6 ft. high, to 8 ft. diameter, 8 ft. high, inclusive, we recommend No. 18 Gauge; for tanks 10 ft. diameter, 8 ft. high, and 10 ft. diameter, 10 ft. high, No. 16 Gauge; for tanks 12 ft. diameter, 10 ft. high, and 12ft. diameter, 12 ft. high, No. 14 Gauge. Larger tanks, No. 12 and No. 10 Gauge. No. 18 Gauge increases the price 30 per cent.; No. 16, 60 per cent.; No. 14, 90 per cent.; No. 12, 140 per cent.; No. 10, 200 per cent. RECTANGULAR TANKS cost a little more than the above round ones, and square ended rectangular cost more than round ended. The following prices are for the steel towers only, and do not thus include tank. The panels are all cross braced with turn buckle rods. An iron ladder is supplied, also the wood base for the tank to rest on. PRICE LIST OF TUBULAR COLUMN STEEL TOWERS CLASS O For 1000 to 1500 Gallon Tanks. .s d | I Jh' iL 11 It |o|g ii 11 w d II 1JI.S 15 1,592 $59.16 20 2,044 83.80 27 2,183 92.12 39 2,822 127.12 $15.00 51 3,614 171.74 63 4,438 216.22 75 5,318 263.70 Extra for I-Beam Foundation, $20.00 .CLASS A For 2000 to 3000 Gallon Tanks. G J3 .SP-S o> 55 Bfc Weight in Pounds. Prices Complete. Estimated Cost of Foundations in Ground. 15 20 27 39 51 63 75 87 2,428 3,047 3,191 4,006 4,939 5,893 6,910 8,244 $81.12 114.24 122.22 165.68 217.08 267.96 322.14 391.06 $20.00 Extra for I-Beam Foundation, $20.00 618 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR PRICE LIST OF TUBULAR COLUMN STEEL TOWERS- Continued. CLASS B For 5000 to 7000 Gallon Tanks. CLASS E For 20,000 to 23,000 Gallon Tanks. Height in Feet. JS II II J o w^ il 11 1 111 Hi Pu,0 i h l!^l sin 15 20 27 39 51 63 75 87 100 3,385 4,275 4,450 5,596 6,888 8,225 9,650 11,168 12,597 $109.10 155.50 164.64 223.84 292.52 361.58 435.02 513.08 584.78 $25.00 15 20 27 39 51 63 75 87 100 8,220 8,840 10,419 12,753 15,236 17,966 20,648 23,581 26,663 $278.08 316.12 402.72 533.48 671.46 817.56 969.08 1,128.94 1,296.10 $50.00 Extra for I-Beam Foundation, $25.00 Extra for I-Beam Foundation, $100.00 CLASS C For 10,000 to 12,000 Gallon Tanks. CLASS F For 25,000 to 33,000 Gallon Tanks. 15 20 27 39 51 63 75 87 100 5,014 5,924 6,536 8,171 9,983 11,863 13,884 16,016 18,274 $156.56 203.80 232.72 313.80 405.76 499.12 598.90 703.76 814.64 $32.50 15 20 27 39 51 63 75 87 100 11,508 12,578 14,086 16,802 19,667 22,679 25,844 29,162 32,636 $368.66 430.32 513.10 664.34 822.92 988.60 1,161.50 1,342.28 1,530.50 $60.00 Extra for I-Beam Foundation, $60.00 Extra for I-Beam Foundation,.'$166.00 CLASS D For 15,000 to 17,000 Gallon Tanks. CLASS G For 35,000 to 45,000 Gallon Tanks. 15 20 27 39 51 63 75 87 100 6,330 6,986 8,132 10,030 12,047 14,185 16,444 18,826 21,331 $196.82 230.66 286.30 380.38 480.10 585.54 696.22 812.86 935.38 $40.00 15 20 27 39 51 63 75 87 100 14,715 15,379 17,908 21,271 24,818 27,547 32,461 36,566 40,851 $538.36 578.70 715.96 901.10 1,0?4.94 1,297.34 1,508.50 1,728.66 1,957.58 $75.00 Extra for I-Beam Foundation, $100.00 Extra with I-Beam Joists, $110.00 The Foundations in ground may be of concrete, brick or stone. The heights given above are standard, and are from the ground or grade line to the bottom of the tank. The prices of Towers include Timber Foundation at top of Tower for Tank, with extension for Octagonal Walk-Way with Iron Hand-Rail and with Iron Ladder, except Class G, which has I-Beam caps or girders. Note xtra price for I-Beam Foundation. These Towers take a very low rate of freight. RAILROAD FIGURES C19 ALL-WOODEN TOWERS (No Tank) CLASS A. ESTIMATED FOUNDATIONS, $20 Height in Feet Capacities of Tanks Towers will Support Shipping Weight Iron Work Lbs. Cost Iron Work Shipping Weight Tower Complete Lbs. Cost of Tower Complete 15 2,000 412 $ 32.56 3,244 $ 85.57 39 to 646 54.66 6,070 157.22 63 3,000 920 77.38 9,889 247.65 75 gallons 1,082 91.08 12,206 302.67 CLASS C. ESTIMATED FOUNDATIONS, $33 15 7,000 572 44.91 5,945 145.38 39 to 908 73.31 10,211 249.10 63 10,000 1,331 110.89 15,611 382.08 75 gallons 1,561 130.41 18,481 452.20 CLASS E. ESTIMATED FOUNDATIONS, $50 15 15,000 796 62.28 9,568 227.18 39 to 1,197 98.43 15,912 377.23 63 20,000 1,768 140.18 23.620 555.78 75 gallons 1,925 165.26 27,965 655.38 CLASS F. ESTIMATED FOUNDATIONS, $60 15 20,000 988 76.96 13,053 306.63 27 to 1,213 95.70 17,085 398.35 51 75 25,000 gallons 1,806 2,484 148.15 206.48 26,576 37,590 621.35 877.75 620 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR GRAVITY TANKS TO SUIT INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS These prices are for tanks built to suit the requirements of either the Factory Mutual Insurance Companies or any of the Stock Companies. Such tanks are required to be built of a certain size for a given capacity and to be provided with, round iron (not steel) hoops of a specified number and size. They must be constructed of 2^-inch material if of 20,000 gallons or less, and of 3-inch for larger sizes. If furnished complete, the tanks must be provided with a Shingled Conical Roof covered with Shingles, Rubberoid or Metal, and an Inside Flat Cover for frost proofing, together with an Indicator or Tank Register, an Inside Wooden Ladder, an Outside Iron Ladder extending three feet above tank with ends curved over, and sub-joists or bed pieces for the support of the bottom of tank. Towers are not included, as these tanks quite often rest on the top o-f brick walls clear of the roof. Tank with Plain Conical g> Cover, Cypress Shingles, Flat Cover, Ladders, Indicator and d II it JO'S if & Dunnage. 11 31 i if Gallons. Ft. In. Ft. In. Lbs. 8 5,000 10.0 11.4 5,451 $245.86 7,500 11.6 11.4 6,819 291.53 10,000 12.6 13.4 8,236 355.86 12,000 13.6 13.4 9,259 390.01 15,000 14.0 15.4 10,615 453.41 20,000 16.0 15.4 * 12,589 535.24 25,000 16.0 17.4 15,494 726.44 30,000 18.0 17.4 18,193 809.83 40,000 19.6 19.4 22,212 1,031.79 50,000 22.0 19.4 26,451 1,226.20 60,000 24.0 19.4 30,936 1,441.46 75,000 24.0 23.4 36,956 1,850.72 100,000 28.0 23.4 47,380 2,374.72 RAILROAD FIGURES 621 KEY TO PRICELIST OF ROUND WOODEN TANKS LIST PRICES are for Round tanks without a top head or cover. They are based on 2-inch material for tanks up to and including 20' 0" in diameter, and for 3-inch above that. THICKNESS of Cypress Tanks furnished is 1%, 2, 2% and 3-inch. Of White Pine and Poplar is 2-inch, and tanks of these woods are not supplied over 16 feet in diameter. Of Yellow Pine is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-inch. We recommend 1^-inch Cypress for tanks as large as 8 ft. in. in diameter and 8 ft. in. high, and it is often used in much larger tanks. Two-inch material is used right along in tanks 16 and 18 feet in diameter, and sometimes 20 feet. We advise 2 1 /&-inch, however, for 17 to 20 feet diameter, and 3- inch for larger sizes. SHIPPING WEIGHTS for tanks 20 feet in diameter and less are based on 2-inch material for either Cypress, Poplar, Fir or White Pine. 1^-inch Cypress tanks weigh about 20% less; 21/2 and 3-inch about 40% and 60% more respectively. Yellow Pine tanks weigh about 40% more than Cypress. 622 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR LIST PRICES OF ROUND TANKS. Cypress, White Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir and Poplar. Number Gallons Inside Diameter Inside Depth S wlgh. g Price Ft. Li. Ft. In. Lbs. Louisville 1 127 3.0 2.5 199 $11.12 2 158 3.0 221 12.38 3 180 3.5 251 14.04 4 174 3 (\ 2.5 234 13.08 5 216 3.0 260 14.58 6 246 3.5 295 16.48 7 226 4 2.5 274 14.70 8 281 3.0 304 16.34 9 321 3.5 344 18.46 10 413 4.5 404 21.76 11 288 4 2.5 314 16.90 12 357 3.0 346 18.66 13 407 3.5 392 21.04 14 526 4.5 458 24.66 15 501 5 3.5 443 22.86 16 587 4.0 479 24.74 17 648 4.5 521 26.90 18 794 5.5 608 31.32 19 317 6 1.5 357 17.68 20 422 2.0 417 20.60 21 527 2.5 461 22.80 22 720 3.5 562 27.82 23 845 4.0 606 30.02 24 934 4.5 658 32.54 25 1,145 5.5 768 37.92 26 1,356 6.5 872 43.04 27 1,567 7.5 980 48.34 28 1,778 8.5 1,068 52.74 29 1,989 9.5 1,176 58.08 30 1,096 6 6 4.5 721 35.64 31 1,344 5.5 839 41.44 32 * 1,592 6.5 950 46.90 33 1,840 7.5 1,069 52.72 34 2,088 8.5 1,163 57.42 35 2,336 9.5 1,381 63.22 36 1,271 7 4.5 790 39.06 37 1.659 5.5 917 45.24 38 1,847 6.5 1,042 51.40 39 2,135 7.5 1,162 57.30 40 2,423 8.5 1,271 62.68 41 2,711 9.5 1,404 69.18 42 1,790 7 5.5 991 49.00 43 * 2,120 6.5 1,128 55.56 44 2,450 7.5 1,255 61.82 45 2,780 7 8.5 1,371 67.56 46 3,110 9.5 1,513 74.50 47 563 8 1.5 545 26.90 48. 751 2.0 613 30.28 4-OlC S88 CO*QO"co"o NAME OOL BU SQUARE FOOT ( CO rH 00 O O IO l> r- ^0^00 :OSTS 643 CO 00 O O rH rH O O5 T)5 f -.,- W ',* rH rH rH o o o c 1 1 g co" cs T* Of GO" O~ r)^ IN CO CN 6 - i-H rH rH 6 - rH rH rH :*? CN 05 cc Q rH rH rH CO 10 rH j CO C* 5 f r- g 01 I . ' S ;. S cvf GO irf c O 00 c^ T- CC^ f> i^ 1 I O5 Tf< CO CO rl< 00 CO" 10" rH > co S 3 vO .^ ^ iO ^ g? ^ iO IO ^ ^oo oo j: 2 2 oo ^- S $ 3 & S3 g S 00 C5 O C* 1 O **, t t>I co co w CO rH CO r- C^ b- CO t> 05 05 t- C CO ^ ci" 06" CO . ifJi^-fr> t^ rH co >O O5 O iO iO CO O O O rHos^^ OCOCOO lOrHiOlO TfOOO lOOt^-O TjlOCO O5QOO51O COt^-TfO5 COt>CCOO lOOCOiO CNO5OI>* COO5^CN Iferf r W^ W r B^ r H r r W r A;w r li l-s ' 1 5 || a o | j |z ^ -^ ^ w n O O 13 jj 13 1 m I . 1 j I 1 p p ? p ? P r 644 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR CONCRETE COTTAGES: The Atlas Portland Cement Company send out a pamphlet with many styles of dwell- ings of this kind. The walls are mostly monolithic, with re- inforcements above openings. Some of them have studs with solid concrete filled in between, scoured to a sand finish while green, and bands nailed over the studs to make a panel in the half timbered style. In this system the walls are 4 inches thick to fill out to the stud on both sides. In most of the other houses illustrated the basement walls are 10 inches, and the ones above, 8. COST PER ROOM: Of 12 cottages, not including bathroom or halls, there are 4 costing $60,0 per room, 2 at $640, and $645, 1 at $682, and the highest at $833; 2 of simpler con- struction cost $418, another, $566; and 1 is set at $226, which appears to be too low. Detailed estimates are given. GARAGES: The old question of, How long is a string? might be amended by asking, What is the cost of a garage? It all depends upon the string, and the size and style of the building. There are hundreds of thousands of "autos" now in existence, and most of them have individual houses. Some with a few boards nailed together in Southern California or Florida may cost less than 30 cents per square foot, and there are many at $5, with all kinds of prices between these limits, and many above the highest. There might be a score of classifications of these small buildings in a city valuation. The figures given on page 305 will suffice for a good type; those on pages 450, 452 are rather low. A garage 20 x 30, of 6-inch terra cotta blocks plastered both sides, with auto space, bedroom, and bathroom, all on one floor in Boston, cost $3.35 per sq. ft. and 18.7 per cu. ft. from the bottom of the footings to the average height of the shingle roof, at 1911 prices. Heat is supplied from a small plant connected with the garage. PORTABLE FIREPROOF GARAGES. Some companies make a specialty of manufacturing gal- vanized iron garages, hunting lodges, cottages, etc. Freight SQUARE FOOT COSTS 645 is paid east of the Rocky Mountains on the Pruden type. Concrete or other floors, erection, painting, if desired, haul- ing from the cars, and profit, have to be included. PRIVATE GARAGE FOR SINGLE CAR. Standard equipment furnished with each building: 1 Pair Double Entrance Doors with Yale Locks. 1 Single Entrance Door. 3 Windows (wire glass, unless clear glass specified). 1 Ornamental Gable. 2 Ventilators. 2 Ridge Terminals.' 2 Door Stops for Double Doors. 4 Metal Corner Shelves. 2 Metal Side Shelves. All bolts, nuts, screws, rods, etc., for the complete assem- bling of these buildings included. Side walls are 8 ft. to eaves. May be 10 ft., if desired, for 15# extra. Net Prices. Length 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 42 Width, 10 $160 $175 $189 $204 $218 Width, 12 177 194 210 228 244 $278 Width, 14 212 232 252 272 308 $348 Width, 16 261 284 306 349 391 $455 Width, 18 316 340 388 436 484 $604 Width, 20 375 427 480 533 665 PRIVATE GARAGE FOR TWO CARS. Equipment same as for Single Garage, except that there are two pairs of Double Entrance Doors with Yale Locks. Net Prices. Length 18 20 22 24 Width, 18 $328 $352 $376 $400 Width, 20 387 413 439 646 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR GARAGE FOR THREE OR MORE CARS. Equipment same as for Single Garage, except that there are a paid of Double Entrance Doors for each car capacity, as well as one Window for each car capacity. , Net Prices. 3 Cars 4 Cars 5 Cars 6 Cars Length 26 34 42 50 Width, 16 $401 $497 $593 $680 Width, 18 432 540 648 756 Width, 20 461 582 702 822 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS: Two examples are here given to show Cost and Insurance rates. The rate per square foot is actual surface on all floors, and not on ground alone. Both structures are of reinforced concrete. Bush Terminal Co., buildings Nos. 5 and 6. Each build- ing is 600' x 75' in plan, 82' high 6 floors. There is a con- necting wing between the two buildings which is 100' x 205'. 94' high 7 floors. Designed floor load, 200 pounds per square foot) windows, 50 per cent, of wall area; beam and girder construction; column spacing, approximately 25' x 18'; con- crete curtain walls; roof, concrete covered with Barrett roof- ing: floors, granolithic concrete; fire protective devices, sprinklers, hose, tanks, fire doors and wire glass; insurance rate varies from 8.4 cents to 11.9 cents per $100 on buildings. Cost of construction, 6 cents per cubic foot; 81 cents per square foot. Sugar and coffee warehouse of Arbuckle Bros., Brooklyn, N. Y. Size, 206' x 200' in plan, 162' high 12 floors. Designed floor loads, 200 and 300 pounds per square foot. Windows, 50 per cent, of wall area. Beam and girder construction; col- umn spacing, 18' 2" x 22'; concrete curtain walls; loose, cold twisted bars for reinforcing; roof, concrete, covered with Barrett roofing; floors, granolithic and also maple flooring. Protective devices, sprinklers, hose, tanks, fire doors, wire glass and scuppers. Insurance rate, 14.6 cents per $100 on building and 46.6 per $100 on contents. SQUARE FOOT COSTS 647 UNIT COSTS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES The following table is used by a large eastern designing firm. As an approximate allowance it is of value, but it will be noticed that the units are much lower on Machine Shops, Power House, and Store Houses than those given on pp. 316-333. Type of Building Dimensions Live load per sq. ft. Cost above f dtn. Costs inc. fdtn. sq. ft. cu. ft. sq. ft. cu. ft. Machine Shop . . 120 x 50 150# $1.05 $0.08 $1.17 $0.09 4 sto. Machine Shop . . 220 x 100 .... 1.65 0.09 1.75 0.10 1 sto. sawtooth skylights CartridgeFactory 223 x 56 300# 1.40 0.09 1.55 0.10 2 sto. Cotton Mill 550 x 129 75# 0.99 0.07 1.06 0.075 2 sto. Weave Shed . . . 341 x 231 125# 1.66 0.064 1.79 0.07 1 sto. sawtooth skylights Power House . . 90 x"62 2.53 0.115 2.67 0.12 Store House . . . 181 x 56 150# 1.08 0.065 1.15 0.07 4 sto. Store House . . . 256 x 100 150# 0.90 0.09 0.98 0.105 12 sto. Store House . . . 223 x 56 300# 1.20 0.08 1.35 0.09 2 sto. and 1000# Coal pockets above 3,000 ton capacity cost from $6.00 to $7.50 per ton. Reinforced concrete stand pipes above the foundation cost from 2% to 3 cents per gallon. RAILROAD SHOPS: The most expensive ones in Ne- braska are valued at $4.20 per sq. ft. This high price is on account of heavy stone walls laid up in a first class manner. CHAPTER XLII. APPROXIMATE COST OF WOOD TRUSSES. SCAFFOLDING: No allowance is made. It might be neces- sary to erect a special scaffold in one case, and in another the scaffold in use might serve. PROFIT: Net cost is given without profit, which ought to be added in a lump sum for all the building, and not sepa- rately for each part of it. LEGEND: Lower chord, L. C.; top chord, T. C.; Rafters, R.; struts, S. TRUSS A: Span 60 ft; height 13 ft. Chords and rafters 12" x 12"; struts, 8" x 12"; including splices, waste lumber, etc., 2100 ft. B. M. Rods, iy 2 diameter. Lumber, $30; labor, $25. 2100 ft. at $55 $115.50 Rods, plates, bolts and nails 12.50 $128.00 A similar truss to the above has a span of 100 ft, yet there are only about 500 ft., B. M., of extra lumber in it. The labor is worth at least $10 per M more, for the cost of rais- ing is greater in proportion to the amount of lumber. A fig- ure of $175 is fair. Truss A. Truss B. 648 APPROXIMATE COST OF WOOD TRUSSES TRUSS B: Span 50 ft; height, 11 ft. Chords 8" x 10"; struts 8" x 8". Center rod 1%"; side rods, 1". Lumber, $28; labor, $22. 900 ,ft B. M. at $50 Rods, plates, etc 649 $45.00 6.00 $51.00 Truss C. TRUSS C: Span 64 ft; height, 16 ft Chords and rafters, 10" x 10"; struts, 8" x 10". Center rod, 1%; side rods, l 1 ^. Lumber, $30; labor, $28. 1700 ft B. M. at $58 $98.60 Rods, plates, bolts, etc 16.40 $115.00 Truss D. TRUSS D: Span 84 ft; height, 19 ft Chord is 2 rods iy 2 " diameter. Rafters, 2 pieces 6" x 12"; struts, 6" x 8". Rods, 2" diameter. 1400 ft B. M. (lumber only) at $30 $42.00 Rods and eyes (1400 Ibs.) 3c 42.00 Plates and bolts 8.00 Total labor . 40.00 $132.00 650 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Truss E. TRUSS E: Span 75 ft; height, 23 ft. Lower chord 3 pcs., 3 x 10. Rafters 10 x 12. Struts (average) 8x8. Rods, 2 center, iy 2 ; side, %. Lumber, $30; labor, $35. 2300 ft. B. M. at $65 Rods, plates, bolts, shoes, etc. TRUSS F: Span 44 ft.: height, 12 ft. 330 ft. B. M. $27 Labor Bolts and nails . $149.50 30.50 $180.00 $8.90 5.95 3.15 $18.00 The truss P. is merely a good strong rafter put together in a simple manner. Truss P. Truss G. TRUSS G: Span 45; height, 10 ft. 520 ft. B. M. at $28 14.55 Labor, $25 13.00 Rods, plates, bolts, etc $6.45 $34.00 APPROXIMATE COST OF WOOD TRUSSES 651 Truss 32x14. Truss 39x13. Truss 30x11. Truss 50x12. Truss 32' x 14' high $65.00 Truss 39' x 13' 80.00 Truss 30' x 11' 55.00 Truss 50' x 12' 90.00 The above 4 are strong trusses to carry purlins, and not of the light construction of trusses P. and G. Howe Truss (Shown for double and single). HOWE TRUSSES. Lumber is allowed at $30, and labor, $45. Owing to dif- ferent loads and conditions, the same span and height often have heavier timbers in given trusses. Type A in the fol- lowing table is taken as an average standard; and an extra allowance made for a heavier truss under B. 652 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR TABLE OF NET COST OF HOWE TRUSSES, INCLUDING RODS. Span Hight Chords Braces Cost, A Cost, B Lumber, Lumber, A B 36' 6' 8"x 8" 6' 'x 8" $53 $73 600BM. 730BM. 42 7 8 xlO 8 x 8 75 100 860BM. 1080 48 8 8 xlO 8 x 8 75 110 980 1240 54 9 10 xlO 8 x 8 113 140 1340 1640 *60 10 10 xlO 8 xlO 130 160 1500 1880 70 11 10 x!2 10 xlO 175 215 2100 2640 80 13 10 x!4 10 xlO 240 280 2780 3450 *On page 152 there is a description of a truss with 60 ft. span, but only 6 ft. in height. The high cost of the labor was owing to the construction. While the lower chord was made up of four timbers with the struts running down be- tween, and thus easier handled than a solid one, there were many pieces 1" thick bolted between, and also notched into both sides. Thus, for every upright piece there were several notches in the timbers. The rods were also double instead of single. Part of the extra cost was owing to the ceiling which made more scaffolding necessary than is usual. Each truss cost about $275, but this included the scaffolding. This illustration shows that the figures in the table have to be taken as average, and that special construction or condi- tions as to height of ceiling, etc.. might raise the amount. The design of the truss on page 152 was bad. It was too low, as there was plenty of chance to make it higher. The centers sank after a time, and had to have posts put in; and when an additional story was added the trusses were re- moved. The contractors were scored for minor defects in the timbers, yet the whole design was spoiled. So it often is. TRUSSES 100 ft. span by 25 ft. high in two long buildings were estimated at $275 each. They were supported in the center by two columns to each, , and thus lighter timbers served than for a Howe truss of the same span. They were of the usual triangular style. Each contained about 3500 ft. B. M. See Index for figures on other trusses, including some of steel. CHAPTER XLIII. SHORT CUTS. BINS, CASES, ETC. : In making a physical valuation of such a great plant as a yard full of railroad shops there are many smaller items outside of the buildings proper that can not be neglected, because in the aggregate they run into a large sum of money; but they are of such a nature that a greater amount of time can be consumed in making a detailed esti- mate of them than is justified by the results. Such are boxes, bins, racks, cases, and shelving, the former covering large areas when considered collectively, and sometimes fill- ing whole buildings, and the latter running into tens of thousands of square feet. Whatever may be claimed, there is no one who can guess anywhere near the value of all these items. About the only way is to make a standard price for a certain size of opening and thickness of materials, and then to count the openings; and a price per sq. ft. for the shelving. With iron shelving, sizes have to be taken and the weights figured up. In a certain building I estimated in detail $10,000 worth of iron racks and shelving, and at a guess most men would have considered half that amount suf- ficient. But where hundreds of standard buildings are taken by the sq. ft. there is no reason for taking off carloads of lumber in racks and bins. The shorter way gives close enough results. DEPTH: The depth of a large area of racks, or box-like openings, regulates the price to some extent, if there is a back, for this costs no more on a deep case than on a shal- low one. In most yards the bins, shelving, and racks have been used so many years that while they can not be neglected it is easily seen by their condition that the best estimate can only be approximate, and that, therefore, a fair price per opening or per sq. ft. is all that can be reasonably expected 653 654 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR to be set, and the depreciation allowed on the reproduction value after this is done. SIAMESE TWINS: Another trouble comes with the depre- ciation for this class of property: When a large set of new bins is attached to a building worth onlv 30 per cent, of its value new, the bins have to be depreciated with the build- ing, for they are made useless by the removal or destruc- tion of the main structure. So with platforms, except for the small allowance for salvage, w r hen they are taken down. Each case has to be decided on its own merits, and can best be done on the ground. EXTRAS: Sometimes % casings and ledges are nailed on the face of the bin openings. There might be such condi- tions attached to the building of a particular bin as to greatly increase the cost; or so much time wasted as to make the labor bill run to twice as much as it should do. It might be, again, that a man was sent a hundred miles to build a case worth $12, and that he might have to wait a day for material. No allowance is made for contingencies like this in the following estimates. They are based on the sup- position that a good workable number of cases are to be built at the same time, and that the undertaking can be gone about systematically. Much railroad work is necessarily done under the piecemeal system, and costs more than it would if all done at once. Here is another factor that those who want a high valuation could properly urge in favor of a greater total than a contractor would allow. NO PROFIT: Cost price without profit is given. The labor is set at 40 cents per hour and it would often pay railroads to employ 40-cent carpenters instead of 22y 2 cent men who "learned carpenter work on the farm with father." Lumber is set at $26. Some extra lumber is allowed for blocking. Nails are included. No. 1. Bin, 6 ft. high x 30 ft. long x 24 in. deep with back. All of plain 2" plank. Openings, 4 in height x 18 in length 18" x 20" centers 72 in all. Lumber, 1550 ft. B. M. Total, SHORT CUTS 655 $55: 31 cents per sq. ft, and 77 cents per opening. If bin is set on a platform and lower shelf is not required, make 29 cents per sq. ft., and 71 per opening. No. 2. Same bin and conditions as No. 1, but only 18" deep. Lumber 1250 ft. B. M., $44, 25c. per sq. ft, and 61 per opening, with bottom shelf included. No. 3. Same as No. 1, but only 12" deep. Lumber 970 ft B. M., $35, 20c. sq. ft, 49c. per opening. No. 4. Without a 2" back for above bins the sq. ft. price would be 7c. less; and 3V& cents for % boards. No. 5. Bin 6' x 30'. No back; 12" deep; 3 openings in height x 12 in length; 2" plank; openings to centers, 24" x 30". Lumber, 450 ft B. M.; $16; 9c. per sq. ft; 45c. per opening. For 18" deep, and as above, add 50 per cent. For 24" deep, double the total. Add back if required at 7c. per sq. ft for 2", and 3^ for %. No. 6. Bin 5' x 20' x 12" deep. No back; 5 openings in height x 8 in length 12" x 30" centers 2" plank, 370 ft. B. M.; $13; 13c. per sq. ft; 33c. per opening. For 18'.' deep add 50 per cent For 24" double. Add back if required. No. 7. Bin as above and 12" deep, but with % uprights=320 ft B. M.; $12; 12c. per sq. ft; 30c. per opg. Add for extra depth and back if required. No. 8. Bin or counter, 3' x 16' x 12" deep; 3 openings in height x 5 in length 12" x 38" centers 2" plank; 170 ft B. M.; $7; 15c. per sq. ft; 47c. per opg. Add for extra depth or for back if required. No. 9. Bin or counter on top of No. 8, 4' x 16' x 12" deep; 4 opgs. in height x 12 in length 12" x 16" centers 2" up- rights, % shelving; 200 ft. B. M.; $8; 13c. per sq. ft 17c. per opg. Add for extra depth or back if required. 656 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR DOUBLE: Many such bins are double, and thus require only one back between the two sides. After figuring accord- ing to width both bins north and south the back can be added. CHEAP: All of the above work is of the plainest character merely rough planks and boards squared across and nailed into divisions for bolts, nuts, washers, hangers, hinges, and all the large and small miscellaneous equipment of railroad shops. There is no painted work included, nor is the lum- ber estimated to be of the kind that gets painted, except sometimes with the standard red mineral. BOARDS: The following cases are made of ordinary % boards squared and nailed together without dadoing. Like the plank bins, these are not for paint, but for the roughest work. They are not to be compared with such cases as are listed on pages 32 and 171, for example, where from 3 to 5 cents per sq. ft. is allowed for labor alone. The allowance here is $26 for lumber, and not more than $25 for labor, de- pending upon the size of the compartments, for the smaller ones take more time. A back is not allowed, but can be added at 3y 2 to 4c. per sq. ft, as the cases with most com- partments take more labor for nailing on back. A bottom shelf is allowed about 4" up from the floor. If strips are nailed on the front add from 1 to 2c. per lineal foot. Add profit. No. 10. Case 7' x 20' x 12" deep; 10 openings in height x 20 in length 8.4" x 12" centers 400 ft. B. M.; $21; 15c. per sq. ft; 10.5c. per opening. Add for extra width or back if required. No. 11. Case T x 20' x 12" deep x 6 opgs. in height x 20 in length; 14" x 12" centers 320 ft B. M.; $16; 12c. per sq. ft; 14c. per opg. Add for extra width or back if required. No. 12. Case 7' x 20' x 12" deep x 5 opgs. in height x 16 in length 17" x 15" centers 280 ft. B. M.; $13; lOc per sq. ft; 16c. per opening. Add for extra width or back if required. SHORT CUTS 657 No. 13. Case 3' x 16' x 12" deep x 3 opgs. in height and 10 in length 12" x 19" centers 110 ft. B. M.; $6; 13c. per sq. ft; 20c. per opening. Add for extra width or back if required. DETAILING: Nothing is allowed for detail drawings for the above work. The sizes are supposed to be given to a foreman as sufficient for such rough bins. When drawings are made for storehouse cases, as for the 60,000 ft. B. M. alluded to on page 171, the details are so different for each case, and there are so many compartments, that 10 per cent, ought to be added for drafting. The two classes of work are entirely different. Pages 32 and 17 deal with the painted and varnished class. The following case is also mill made and the only one listed here: No. 14. Case with back, 161 holes, 2%" x 10%" x 13 deep; 5' 9" x 6' 6" over all, dadoed, and painted, spruce, $53, or 33 cents per opening, including profit of millman. PROFIT must be added at the end of the summary of cost of all the cases, and there would have to be quite a few made at one time before a contractor could afford to fix a reasonable figure; and it must be also considered that draw- ings may have been required. RACKS: It is hardly possible to set a figure for racks. The posts are of all kinds, and are spaced closely in the one rack, and wide apart in the next, depending upon the load; the iron supports in one are light pipes, and in others solid rods 1" in diameter; and the compartments are of all kinds of sec- tions and lengths. Very often an approximate figure can be guessed at and in a yard where the machine shop may run to $200,000 or twice as much, and the trackage to more, the proportion of wrong guessing on racks is easily swallowed up. FINE SHELVING, CASES, AND COUNTERS: See pages 32, 33, 171, 188, for good approximate figures. The counters on page 188 are as near as can be approximated for ticket 658 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR offices in cities. The price might easily be doubled if the designer wants to. It is all a matter of detail. OFFICE PARTITIONS are found on page 187. There are usually some in ticket offices, and detail regulates price. As a, mere hint of cost of equipment in ticket offices in cities of 50,000 to 150,000, of a half dozen the cheapest was worth $700 new, and the most expensive $2000. But the latter with electric lighting system, and some other extras included would have amounted to $2500. This applies to offices in the city proper, and not at the station. These figures would be far too low for the finely equipped offices in the larger cities, some of them costing a small fortune. EXCAVATION: For an ordinary house wall allow 1-3 cu. yd. to the lineal foot. For a heavier factory wall allow % cu. yd. The above will suit in northern climes to go below the frost line where the depth can not be ascertained, and allow a little for backfilling. ENGINEERING: Some of the unit costs used in the Wash- ington valuation are given below: Clearing of ground per acre $100.00 Grubbing per sq. rod 1.65 Cutting trees, each , . 2.00 Ballast with gravel, per mile 1,100.00 Siding track, labor only, per mile 600.00 Main track, labor only, per mile 700.00 Earth ballast, per mile 600.00 Cattle guards, crossings, and signs, per mile 25.00 Engineering expenses, 3y 2 per cent. (The cost is usually 6 per cent., and sometimes runs much higher one company wanted 15). Legal expenses 1 to iy 2 per cent. IN GENERAL: See pages 11 to 38 for short cut methods, where square foot cost is not taken, and when it is not de- sired to make out a bill of material. See Trusses in another chapter, and in Index. CHAPTER XLIV. EQUIPMENT OP BUILDINGS. FURNITURE AND MACHINES: In a physical valuation this is another feature that makes a good deal of work. Tables, desks, filing cases, safes, typewriters, adding ma- chines, and a hundred other items do not seem te be of much account in such a valuation, but taken in the aggregate they come to a large figure. Some of the newer style of electri- cally operated adding machines, etc., cost heavily. In one building the total, including the law library, ran to nearly $60,000; in another, $40,000; in still another, $10,000; and this at the depreciated figures. When new the cost would be much higher. This kind of valuation is totally distinct from any motive power work. It related solely to what is connected with in- stallations for clerical use, and warehouse work. Generally speaking, the proper method of estimating the value of all such equipment is to put a present value price on it. It is not worth while, in nine cases out of ten, to put down original cost. There is work enough connected with listing $40,000 to $60,000 worth of old and new furniture, wall cases and shelving by the thousand sq. ft., typewriters, and other machines, without putting down two valuations. There should be no such thing as averaging up the deprecia- tion on equipment from a few months to forty years old. Each item, or each class, should be priced on the spot and finished. Ordinarily the railroads are willing enough to render all assistance required. Their furniture expert is sent along, and the original cost figures given whenever possible. The law library is priced, and so are all expensive machines. What- ever law squabbles may be had over the main features of a railroad valuation running into millions, most recognize that this class of equipment bears a small proportion to the 659 660 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR complete summary, and that the best way for all is to get through with it as easily as possible. LAW LIBRARIES may run to any price some I saw were listed, present value, at $9000, and others at $14,000. A li- brary was valued on the basis of $6 for recent textbooks, $5 for older, but still standard works, and $2.50 for the oldest books. Some experts allow a rate of $2 per volume averaged over the whole library. ENGINEERING: In the engineering department of a rail- road there are thousands of drawings, maps, building plans, and other data; and also costly instruments. There is no way of valuing the first lot. A road might put almost any figure upon it, within reason. Surveys are costly, the records are useful, and remain so. Building plans of a standard type are used year after year; and the bills of material attached to them save the work of making new ones as often as an- other building is erected from the type. What would cost an architect a hundred or several hundred dollars, can often be done for a few cents in a railroad office by making a set of blueprints. HOTELS. ETC. Monthly reports are made of all silverware, dishes, bedding, towels, napkins, and the whole equipment of such places. By far the easiest way of valuing such stock is to get the reports. Beds themselves, stoves, tables, benches, and all the larger items not included in the lists have to be valued on the ground. Furniture, carpets, and shades, may be taken at so much per room, unless they are of the more expensive kinds. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE tables and equipment are not taken in the same classification as the other furniture, etc , but separately. REFRIGERATORS: Here we enter a field without bounds, We may have a refrigerator for $25 up to as high as we please. For a house planned to ice from the outside an al- lowance of $75 is fair. This might be increased to several hundreds, according to size, number of compartments, style of finish, etc. EQUIPMENT OF BUILDINGS 661 One of the largest makers says that zinc lined refrigera- tors are poisonous. Wood lining is preferred to zinc. As an approximate price per sq. ft. the following figures will be useful: (Thus, the front size being 3 wide and 4 high = 12 sq. ft. Only the front is estimated for size.) WOOD LINED, ANTIQUE OAK: From $4 to $6. WHITE ENAMEL LINED, OAK FINISH: From $6 to $8. OPAL GLASS LINED. QUARTERED OAK: $8 to $12. PORCELAIN TILE LININGS: NO WOOD OUTSIDE: $18 up. RUDD HEATERS: Dwelling size, $100 on cars, east of Mis- souri river; $115 on the Pacific Coast. REVOLVING DOORS: There are scores of varieties in all styles of finish, and thus it is impossible to give a price with- out knowing the requirements. But for a physical valuation or an approximate estimate a fair idea is better than none. These doors run higher in cost than is commonly supposed. About the cheapest door for a good front is $580 in New York city, or at factory. From this price to $800 may be said to cover ordinary requirements. Freight and setting have to be added. A large collapsible door, electrically operated was installed in a skyscraper in the west in 1912 for $2500. This price is greatly exceeded for the doors in fashionable hotels and department stores. A revolving fire door is an excellent method of checking a fire. The cost varies with the style and finish. A wood door, lined with tin, may be used in factories, but not in fine apartment houses. A price of $300 may be set for an or- dinary installation. DAHLSTROM DOORS, ETC.: There are many kinds of fireproof doors and windows now on the market. An ap- proximate price on one kind will serve for an estimate on all. Doors range from $1.25 to $1.70 per square foot without glass or hardware, but with hardware fitted. The one panel doors are the cheapest. Jambs and casings are not included. 662 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR For 6" partitions with 5" casings both sides, the cost is 95 cents per lineal foot. These prices include a grained enamel finish; a plain color finish is 5 per cent. less. For quantities of 25 deduct 10 per cent, from above prices, which are F. O. B. New York. Doors with 5 panels in the regular style naturally cost more than with one, as there is welding to do at all joints. The above prices are based on a door 3' x 7'. Freight, hard- ware, glass, and erection have to be added. Office partitions and wainscoting are figured at the same price per square foot as doors* The cost of erection is set by the manufacturers at from 20 to 30 per cent, of the cost of material, under ordinary conditions. Two sheets of asbestos are used inside the doors, with a sheet of felt between. A strip of cork iy 2 " wide is used in- side the hollow stile to reduce the metallic ring when shut- ting. VACUUM CLEANERS. (The following information is supplied by the McCrum- Howell Co. for this book. Prices are, of course, changed to suit conditions.) There are two kinds of Vacuum Cleaners, viz.: portable and stationary. Portable machines range in price from $65.00 to $225.00 depending on size and capacity. Where practicable, stationary machines installed in cellar are pref- erable. Stationary Vacuum Cleaners can be readily installed in all classes of buildings. The machines are operated by steam, electricity, or gasoline engine. Machines are rated according to their sweeper capacity, i. e., a machine may be capable of operating one sweeper at one time, two sweepers at one time, etc. For residences, small apartments, etc., one- sweeper plants are commonly used, while multi-sweeper plants are installed in large buildings. EQUIPMENT OF BUILDINGS 663 The following estimates are based on "RICHMOND" elec- trically driven machines, with positive, rotary pumps. COST OF MACHINES FOR ONE-SWEEP CAPACITY FOR RESIDENCES AND SMALL BUILDINGS. 1 H.P. Electric one-sweeper machine $300.00 2 H.P. Electric one-sweeper machine 450.00 3 H.P. Electric one-sweeper machine 700.00 Above approximate figures include complete machine, i. e., motor, pump, dust separators, etc., ready to operate, also one complete set of hose and cleaning appliances. These fig- ures include freight except in extreme Southern and West- ern states. The two chief items connected with installation are pip- ing and wiring. Piping for one-sweeper plants is usually iy 2 " in size. Figure roughly 50c to 60c per foot for 1^" pipe installed with long sweep drainage fittings. The cost of wiring depends upon H.P. of motor and length, of wire to be installed. When required, rheostats are fur- nished with machines without extra charge. The simplest form of electrical connection is to connect rheostat direct with service wires with switch near machine. Cost of this- style of connection varies from $10.00 to $30.00, depending on size of motor and length necessary to run. If desired, remote control system can be installed for motor, in which case, automatic starter is desirable with push buttons where required. For automatic starters, both direct and alternating currents, costs are about as follows: 1 H.P. Automatic Starter $20.00 2 H.P. Automatic Starter 25.00 3 H.P. Automatic Starter 30.00 For wiring and push buttons, add about $15.00 for first, and $10.00 for each additional push button or remote control station. 664 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Below is a typical estimate of 1 H.P., one-sweeper electri- cal machine for installation in average residence of, say, ten rooms : Cost 1 1-H.P. One-sweeper machine complete $300.00 5 1" Service inlets or hose connections, to be placed on piping 7.50 20' of iy 2 " Horizontal vacuum main installed in base- ment, with recessed long sweep fittings 11.00 34' of iy 2 " Vertical vacuum main installed to third floor, fittings ditto 18.70 12' of 2" Exhaust pipe from machine to flue 7.80 Electrical connection with one single throw switch in basement , 15.00 Cartage on machine 5.00 Test and demonstration 5.00 $370.00 Add profit (1,5^) 55.50 $425.50 If remote control for motor with three push mutton sta- tions is to be installed, add $40.00 to above estimate ($55.00 less $15.00 allowed for straight connection). For larger buildings which require plants of more than one-sweeper capacity, all items of cost run higher. On large installations the entire job is usually laid out in detail. The cost of plain electric connection will depend on H.P. of motor and length of wire; from $20.00 to $60.00 should cover this. Add to the above items, cost of cartage, freight, if any, installation and setting of machine, testing, and any extras called for. For rough estimates, the following figures can l)e used to cover multi-sweeper electric Vacuum Cleaners, positive rotary pump type. These figures include freight except for extreme Southern and Western states. With all EQUIPMENT OF BUILDINGS 665 machines are included the same number of sets of hose and tools as the sweeper capacity rating. Sweeper Capacity H.P. Cost 2 5 $1000.00 3 IVz 1400.00 4 10 1800.00 5 12^ 2125.00 6 15 2375.00 Larger plants are used only in very large buildings. For estimating on size of plant necessary, it can be said roughly that one operator, with machine sufficiently power- ful, can clean about 2500 square feet per hour on carpets, rugs, etc., and about 4000 square feet per hour on bare wood and tile floors. Proper size of piping is most important. The following general rules cover most cases: 1. Use no piping smaller than l 1 /^". 2. Leave 1" outlets for hose connections. 3. For one-sweeper machines use iy 2 " pipe. . For two-sweeper machines use 2" pipe. In case there are branches on which not more than one-sweeper will be used at a time, a iy 2 " can be used. 5. For three-sweeper machines, use 2V 2 " pipe for mains, with 2" and iy 2 " branches, according to number of sweepers to be operated from branch. 6. For four-sweeper machine, use 3" pipe with smaller branches. 7. For five-sweeper machine, use 3*" pipe with smaller branches. 8. For six-sweeper machine, use 4" pipe with smaller branches. 9. Always use long sweep fittings with recessed threads, with brass cleanout plugs at all turns. Sanitary drainage fittings or "RICHMOND" Smooth-bore fittings are satisfac- tory. All pipe ends must be carefully squared and reamed. 666 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR On electrically driven reciprocating pump machines, prices are about as follows: 2 H.P. one-sweeper capacity machine $ 450.00 3 H.P. one-sweeper capacity machine 900.00 iy 2 H.P. two-sweeper capacity machine 1400.00 10 H.P. three-sweeper capacity machine 1750.00 15 H.P. four-sweeper capacity machine 2250.00 15 H.P. five-sweeper capacity machine 2625.00 20 H.P. six-sweeper capacity machine 3000.00 Steam aspirator plants are very efficient and economical when steam is available at 65 Ibs. or over. The following estimates include complete machines with hose and tools as per sweeper rating. The installation costs are about the same as for electric, and the same rules for pipe sizes apply. One-sweeper capacity $ 480.00 Two-sweeper capacity 720.00 Three-sweeper capacity 960.00 Four-sweeper capacity 1200.00 Five-sweeper capacity 1440.00 Six-sweeper capacity 1680.00 If desired, remote control system can be installed for motor, in which case, automatic starter is desirable with momentary contact push button switches on each floor where required. For automatic starters, costs are about as follows : A.C. B.C. 1-H.P. Automatic Starter $20.00 $30.00 2-H.P. Automatic Starter 25.00 32.50 3-H.P, Automatic Starter . 30.00 35.00 CHAPTER XLV. APARTMENT HOUSES, METHOD: In a discussion of the merits of such an exten- sive physical valuation of property as that of Cleveland many real estate men said that a better index of value is the return from the investment. As we have seen in the chap- ter on Physical Valuation, the amount and market value of stocks and bonds are taken into account in valuations of railroad property, and the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that the reproduction value is only one element of several to be considered. It is seen, therefore, that the appraiser of property has to consider more than the value of the brickwork and other items in a building. As a guide to getting at the cost of operating apartment houses the following tables are given. They are from the accurate book accounts of one of the large companies in New York City/ that makes a specialty of caring for this class of property. They are the averages for three years. OLD-STYLE, NON-FIREPROOF, HIGH CLASS APART- MENT HOUSES DESCRIPTION: Seven stories; brick on corner lot; high ceilings; trim, birch, cherry, mahogany; 1 hydraulic and 1 electric elevator; buildings are kept in highest state of re- pairs, and the service is first class. No. 1 No. 2 Number rentable rooms (excluding baths and closets) 96 15& Cubical contents in feet 327,900 682,700 Gross rents $17,670.00 $28,200.00 Vacancies and loss of rent 667 668 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR COSTS TO GROSS RENTS. Percentage Percentage Heat and hot water 6.50 Heat, power and mechanical repairs . . . 8.02 Fuel and removing ashes 7.10 Elevator service 4.80 Elevator labor, repairs and supplies . . . 5.46 Janitor's labor and supplies 3.78 5.97 Public lighting and supplies 1.23 1.80 Supervision 3^ 6.02 Building repairs 11.80 8.05 Insurance 1.44 1.59 Water .99 1.24 Taxes 9.48 16.70 Gross cost of operation 55.19 57.45 Net cost of operation 45.71 38.98 Heat and hot water per 1000 cu. ft. per season $2.69 Hepairs and supplies per elevator per annum $180.00 100.00 Janitor's supplies to his labor 7.3^ Electric power per elevator per annum 504.00 Mechanical repairs and supplies to- coal bill 38^ PER RENTABLE ROOM PER ANNUM. Gross rent $184.00 $178.50 Heat, power, repairs and supplies 27.80 11.58 Elevator service (labor, repairs and sup- plies) 10.00 8.60 Janitor service 6.95 10.70 Public lighting 2.26 3.21 Supervision 5.50 10.70 Building repairs 21.60 14.40 Insurance 2.66 2.82 APARTMENT HOUSES 669 Water Taxes 15.55 29.80 Sundries 4.96 5.38 Vacancies . 3.16 Gross cost of operation per rentable room per annum $99.11 $102.56 Net return to owner per rentable room per annum .' 84.89 75.94 Per cent, net return to book value of prop- erty 3.95 5.34 To the ordinary investor the rate of net return does not seem large enough to tempt him to buy shares in such a building but owners often manage an apartment house themselves with better results, although they do not always charge up the proper amount for salaries for their own labor. Then, there is no allowance in the foregoing table for depre- ciation. A fund ought to be set aside for that. MODERN, SEMI-FIREPROOF, MEDIUM GRADE APARTMENTS DESCRIPTION: Seven to eight stories; electric elevators; two baths per apartment; marble and gilt entrance halls. No. 1 No. 2 Number of rentable rooms (no closets or bathrooms) ...................... 110 248 Cubical contents in feet .................. 349,920 701,000 Gross rents ........................... $15,800.00 $35,200.00 Vacancies and loss of rents to gross rents COSTS TO GROSS RENTS Percentage Percentage Heat and hot water ................... 10.45 5.02 Elevator service ...................... 6.88 5.94 Janitor's service ...................... 2.07 2.04 Public lighting ..................... 2.11 3.48 670 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Supervision 2.72 2.59 Building repairs 10.10 11.30 Insurance 1.59 .75 Water 2.44 1.09 Taxes 9.70 13.00 Gross cost of operation 48.06 59.61 Net cost of operation (taxes) 38.36 32.21 MISCELLANEOUS COSTS. Heat and hot water per 1000 cu. ft. of bldg. per season $4.80 $2.52 Heating, repairs and supplies to cost of coal .37.100 13.000 Repairs and supplies per elevator per annum $155.00 $143.50 Elevator and house pump power per ele- vator per annum 330.00 415.00 Janitor's supplies to his labor 14.100 19.700 PER RENTABLE ROOM PER ANNUM Gross rent $143.50 $144.00 Heat rent 15.05 7.12 Elevator service 9.87 8.42 Janitor's service 2.94 2.89 Public lighting 3.02 4.90 Supervision 3.90 3.68 Building repairs 14.46 14.88 Insurance 2.83 1.25 Water (No. 1, meter; No. 2, front charge) 3.49 1.16 Taxes 13.86 19.60 Loss of rent and vacancies 20.15 Gross cost of operation 69.42 84.05 Net return to owner 74.08 59.95 Per cent, net return to book value of property 6.780 5.950 APARTMENT HOUSES 671 GOOD GRADE NON-FIREPROOF FLATS DESCRIPTION: Five stories; no elevator; brick; bath and toilets; cold water; stores on ground floor which bring up rent average per room; janitor service for halls only; tene- meDt rented by a good class of tradesmen. No. 1 No. 2 Number of rentable rooms, equivalent . 120 111 Gross rents $7661 $7000 COSTS TO GROSS RENTS Percentage Percentage Janitor service 4.70 6.00 Public lighting 1.90 1.50 Building repairs 12.50 14.80 Insurance 1.10 1.50 Water 2.40 2.10 Taxes 15.00 13.50 Sundries .20 .41 Supervision 5.00 5.00 Operation, gross 42.80 52.00 Operation, net 27.80 31.40 PER RENTABLE ROOM PER ANNUM Gross rents $64.00 $63.10 Janitor service 3.00 3.78 Public lighting 1.20 1.00 Building repairs 8.05 9.38 Insurance 0.70 0.94 Water 1>56 It32 Taxes 9 . 60 g.54 Sundries 0.12 0.25 Supervision 3.24 3.14 Vacancies 4 50 Gross cost of operation 27.47 32.85 Net cost of operation . 36.53 30.25 Per cent, net return to book value of property 4.87 5.15 672 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR INTEREST: The rate of return on all the classes listed runs from 3.95 per cent, per annum to 6.78; and there is no allowance for a depreciation fund. Many real estate men as- sert that the man with the mortgage or the bond always comes out ahead in the long run. A net return of six per cent, on a mortgage is not unusual, and there is no worry on any account if it is well placed no vacancies, repairs, cy- clones, earthquakes, or loss of income through fires. OPERATING COST: Some authorities say that four months' rent should cover all expenses of operating a mod- ern apartment, or 33 1-3 per cent, of the returns, while others allow 40 per cent. In case of a panic or dull times the apartments with the highest rents suffer most. PHYSICAL VALUATION: If the valuation is to be based on the reproduction cost alone and a depreciation allowed, the rate of net return does not have to be considered as a fac- tor; but if it has, the foregoing figures may surprise some. An operating cost ranging from 33 to 40 per cent, cuts down a high valuation, unless a low percentage is accepted for the unit. CHAPTER XLVI. WAGE TABLES So far as wages go, the table is self-explanatory; but it may also be used as a multiplication table, or to check cal- culations from any numbers from 10 to 90 multiplied by any from 1 to 60. Thus, 59 times 81=4779; 24 times 14=336. The rate from 10 cents per hour to 90 will cover all build- ing work under ordinary conditions, but by adding two num- bers together a larger rate can be figured. Thus, 85 cents and 10 make 95, which multiplied by, say, 43 hours=$4.30 added to $36.55=$40.85. The fractional table is used by adding the two sums to- gether. Thus, 56 hours at 67^ cents=$37.52 added to $0.28=$37.80. Fractional Table Hours Rate Iff Am't Rate \i Am't Rate \t Am't Hours Rate It Am't Rate \t Am't Rate It Am't 1 , * | 31 71 15* 231 2 i 1 if 32 8 4 16 24 3 | 1* 21 33 81 16* 243 4 1 2 3 34 8* 17 25* 5 H 2* 31 35 81 17* 261 6 1* 3 4* 36 9 18 27 7 If 3* 51 37 91 18* 271 8 9 2 21 4 6 61 38 39 9* 91 19 19* 28* 291 10 2* 5* 7* 40 10 20 30 11 12 21 3 6 2 81 9 41 42 101 10* 20* 21 301 31* 13 31 6* 91 43 101 21* 321 14 3* 7 10* 44 11 22 33 15 31 7* HI 45 111 22* 331 16 4 8 12 46 11* 23 34* 17 41 8* 47 111 23* 351 18 4* 9 13* 48 12 24 36 19 41 9* , 141 49 121 24* 36f 20 21 5 51 10 10* 15 151 50 51 lit 25 25* 37 * 22 5* 11 16* 52 13 26 39* 23 51 11* 171 53 131 26* 39| 24 6 12 18 54 13* 27 40* 25 61 12* 55 131 27* 411 26 6* 13 19* 56 14 28 42 27 28 29 61 7 71 1!! 201 21 211 57 58 59 141 14* 14f 28* 29 29* 421 43* 441 30 7* 15 22* 60 15 30 45 673 674 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR HOURLY TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Hour, from 10 cents to 20 cents Rate 10* 11* 12* 13* 14* 15* 16* 17* 18* 19* 20* Hours Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't 1 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 2 .20 .22 .24 .26 .28 .30 .32 .34 .36 .38 .40 3 .30 .33 .36 .39 .42 .45 .48 .51 .54 .57 .60 4 .40 .44 .48 .52 .56 .60 .64 .68 .72 .76 .80 5 .50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 .80 .85 .90 .95 1.00 6 .60 .66 .72 .78 .84 .90 .96 1.02 1.08 1.14 1.20 7 .70 .77 .84 .91 .98 1.05 1.12 1.19 1.26 1.33 1.40 8 .80 .88 .96 1.04 1.12 1.20 1.28 1.36 1.44 1.52 1.60 9 .90 .99 1.08 1.17 1.26 1.35 1.44 1.53 1.62 1.71 1.80 10 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 11 1.10 1.21 1.32 1.43 1.54 1.65 1.76 1.87 1.98 2.09 2.20 12 1.20 1.32 1.44 1.56 1.68 1.80 1.92 2.04 2.16 2.28 2.40 13 1.30 1.43 1.56 1.69 1.82 1.95 2.08 2.21 2.34 2.47 2.60 14 1.40 1.54 1.68 1.82 1.96 2.10 2.24 2.38 2.52 2.66 2.80 15 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.70 2.85 3.CO 16 1.60 1.76 1.92 2.08 2.24 2.40 2.56 2.72 2.88 3.04 3.20 17 1.70 1.87 2.04 2.21 2.38 2.55 2.72 2.89 3.06 3.23 3.40 18 1.80 1.98 2.16 2.34 2.52 2.70 2.88 3.06 3.24 3.42 3.60 19 1.90 2.09 2.28 2.47 2.66 2.85 3.04 3.23 3.42 3.61 3.80 20 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 21 2.10 2.31 2.52 2.73 2.94 3.15 3.36 3.57 3.78 3.91) 4.20 22 2.20 2.42 2.64 2.86 3.08 3.30 3.52 3.74 3.96 4.18 4.40 23 2.30 2.53 2.76 2.99 3.22 3.45 3.68 3.91 4.14 4.37 4.60 24 2.40 2.64 2.88 3.12 3.36 3.60 3.84 4.08 4.32 4.56 4.80 25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.CO 26 2.60 2.86 3.12 3.38 3.64 3.90 4.16 4.42 4.68 4.94 5.20 27 2.70 2.97 3.24 3.51 3.78 4.05 4.32 4.59 4.86 5.13 5.40 28 2.80 3.08 3.36 3.64 3.92 4.20 4.48 4.76 5.04 5.32 5.60 29 2.90 3.19 3.48 3.77 4.06 4.35 4.64 4.93 5.22 5.51 5.80 30 3.00 3.30 3.60 3.90 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.10 5.40 5.70 6.00 31 3.10 3.41 3.72 4.03 4.34 4.65 4.96 5.27 5.58 5.89 6.20 32 3.20 3.52 3.84 4.16 4.48 4.80 5.12 5.44 5.76 6.08 6.40 33 3.30 3.63 3.96 4.29 4.62 4.95 5.28 5.61 5.94 6.27 6.60 34 3.40 3.74 4.08 4.42 4.76 5.10 5.44 5.78 6.12 6.46 6.80 35 3.50 3.85 4.20 4.55 4.90 5.25 5.60 5.95 6.30 6.65 7.00 36 3.60 3.96 4.32 4.68 5.04 5.40 5.76 6.12 6.48 6.84 7.20 37 3.70 4.07 4.44 4.81 5118 5.55 5.92 6.29 6.66 7.03 7.40 38 3.80 4.18 4.56 4.94 5.32 5.70 6.08 6.46 6.84 7.22 7.60 39 3.90 4.29 4.68 5.07 5.46 5.85 6.24 6.63 7.02 7.41 7.80 i 40 4.00 4.40 4.80 5.20 5.60 6.00 6.40 6.80 7.20 7.60 8.00 41 4.10 4.51 4.92 5.33 5.74 6.15 6.56 6.97 7.38 7.79 8.20 42 4.20 4.62 5.04 5.46 5.88 6.30 6.72 7.14 7.56 7.98 8.40 43 4.30 4.73 5.16 5.59 6.02 6.45 6.88 7.31 7.74 8.17 8.CO 44 4.40 4.84 5.28 5.72 6.16 6.60 7.04 7.48 7.92 8.36 8.80 45 4.50 4.95 5.40 5.85 6.30 6.75 7.20 7.65 8.10 8.55 9.00 46 4.60 5.06 5.52 5.98 6.44 6.90 7.36 7.82 8.28 8.74 9.20 47 4.70 5.17 5.64 6.11 6.58 7.05 7.52 7.99 8.46 8.93 9.40 48 4.80 5.28 5.76 6.24 6.72 7.20 7.68 8.16 8.64 9.12 9.CO 49 4.90 5.39 5.88 6.37 6.86 7.35 7.84 8.33 8.82 9.31 9.80 50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 51 5.10 5.61 6.12 6.63 7.14 7.65 8.16 8.67 9.18 9.69 10.20 52 5.20 5.72 6.24 6.76 7.28 7.80 8.32 8.84 9.36 9.88 10.40 53 5.30 5.83 6.36 6.89 7.42 7.95 8.48 9.01 9.54 10.07 10.60 54 5.40 5.94 6.48 7.02 7.56 8.10 8.64 9.18 9.72 10.26 10.80 55 5.50 6.05 6.60 7.15 7.70 8.25 8.80 9.35 9.90 10.45 11.00 56 5.60 6.16 6.72 7.28 7.84 S.40 8.96 9.52 10.08 10.64 11.20 57 5.70 6.27 6.84 7.41 7.98 8.55 9.12 9.69 10.26 10.83 11.40 58 5.80 6.38 6.96 7.54 8.12 8.70 9.28 9.86 10.44 11.02 11.60 59 5.90 ft 49 7.08 7.67 .26 8.85 9.44 10.03 10.62 11.21 11.80 60 6.00 6.60 7.20 7.80 8.40 9.00 fi.60 10.20 10.80 11.40 12.00 WAGE TABLES 675 HOURLY TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Hour, from 21 cents to 30 cents Rate 2U 22i 23 i 24 1 25t 26 Hi 28 29* 30 Hours Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't 1 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 ' .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 2 .42 !44 .46 .48 .50 .52 .54 .56 .58 .60 3 .63 .66 .69 .72 .75 .78 .81 .84 .87 .90 4 .84 .88 .92 .96 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 5 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 6 1.26 1.32 1.38 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.62 1.68 1.74 1.80 7 1.47 1.54 1.61 1.68 1.75 1.82 1.89 1.96 2.03 2.10 8 1.68 1.76 1.84 1.92 2.00 2.08 2.16 2.24 2.32 2.40 9 1.89 1.98 2.07 2.16 2.25 2.34 2.43 2.52 2.61 2.70 10 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.50 3.CO 11 2.31 2.42 2.53 2.64 2.75 2.86 2.97 3.08 3.19 3.30 12 2.52 2.64 2.76 2.88 3.00 3.12 3.24 3.36 3.48 3.60 13 2.73 2.86 2.99 3.12 3.25 3.38 3.51 3.64 3.77 3.SO 14 2.94 3.08 3.22 3.36 3.50 3.64 3.78 3.92 4.06 4.20 15 3.15 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.SO 16 3.36 3.52 3.68 3.84 4.00 4.16 4.32 4.48 4.64 4.SO 17 3.57 3.74 3.91 4.08 4.25 4.42 4.59 4.76 4.93 5.10 18 3.78 3.96 4.14 4.32 4.50 4.68 4.86 5.04 5.22 5.40 19 3.99 4.18 4.37 4.56 4.75 4.94 5.13 5.32 5.51 5.70 23 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 21 4.41 4.62 4.83 5.04 5.25 5.46 5.67 5.88 6.09 6.30 22 4.62 4.84 5.06 5.28 5.50 5.72 5.94 6.16 6.38 6.60 23 4.83 5.06 5.29 5.52 5.75 5.98 6.21 6.44 6.67 6.90 24 5.04 5.28 5.52 5.76 6.00 6.24 6.48 6.72 6.96 7.20 25 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 26 5.46 5.72 5.98 6.24 6.50 6.76 7.02 7.28 7.54 7.80 27 5.67 5.94 6.21 6.48 6.75 7.02 7.29 7.56 7.83 8.10 28 5.88 6.16 6.44 6.72 7.00 7.28 7.56 7.84 8.12 8.40 29 6.09 6.38 6.67 6.96 7.25 7.54 7.83 8.12 8.41 8.70 30 6.30 6.60 6.90 7.20 7.50 7.80 8.10 8.40 8.70 9.00 31 6.51 6.82 7.13 7.44 7.75 8.06 8.37 8.68 8.99 9.30 32 6.72 7.04 7.36 7.68 8.00 8.32 8.64 8.96 9.28 9.CO 33 6.93 7.26 7.59 7.92 8.25 8.58 8.91 9.24 9.57 9.SO 34 7.14 7.48 7.82 8.16 8.50 8.84 9.18 9.52 9.86 10.20 35 7.35 7.70 8.05 8.40 8.75 9.10 9.45 9.80 10.15 10.50 36 7.56 7.92 8.28 8.64 9.00 9.36 9.72 10.08 10.44 10.80 37 7.77 8.14 8.51 8.88 9.25 9.62 9.99 10.36 10.73 11.10 38 7.98 8.36 8.74 9.12 9.50 9.88 10.26 10.64 11.02 11.40 39 8.19 8.58 8.97 9.36 9.75 10.14 10.53 10.92 11.31 11.70 40 8.40 8.80 9.20 9.60 10.00 10.40 10.80 11.20 11.60 12.00 41 8.61 9.02 9.43 9.84 10.25 10.66 11.07 11.48 11.89 12.30 42 8.82 9.24 9.66 10.08 10.50 10.92 11.34 11.76 12.18 12.60 43 9.03 9.46 9.89 10.32 10.75 11.18 11.61 12.04 12.47 12. SO 44 9.24 9.68 10.12 10.56 11.00 11.44 11.88 12.32 12.76 13.20 45 9.45 9.90 10.35 10.80 11.25 11.70 12.15 12.60 13.05 13.50 46 9.66 10.12 10.58 11.04 11.50 11.96 12.42 12.88 13.34 13.80 47 9.87 10.34 10.81 11.28 11.75 12.22 12.69 13.16 13.63 14.10 48 10.08 10.56 11.04 11.52 12.00 12.48 12.96 13.44 13.92 14.40 49 10.29 10.78 11.27 11.76 12.25 12.74 13.23 13.72 14.21 14.70 50 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 51 10.71 11.22 11.73 12.24 12.75 13.26 13.77 14.28 14.79 15.20 52 10.92 11.44 11.96 12.48 13.00 13.52 14.04 14.56 15.08 15.6O 53 11.13 11.66 12.19 12.72 13.25 13.78 14.31 14.84 15.37 15.SO 54 11.34 11.88 12.42 12.96 13.50 14.04 14.58 15.12 15.66 16.20 55 11.55 12.10 12.65 13.20 13.75 14.30 14.85 15.40 15.95 16.50 56 11.76 12.32 12.88 13.44 14.00 14.56 15.12 15.68 16.24 16.8O 57 11.97 12.54 13.11 13.68 14.25 14.82 15.39 15.96 16.53 17.1O 58 12.18 12.76 13.34 13.92 14.50 15.08 15.86 16.24 16.82 17.40 59 12.39 12.98 13.57 14.16 14.75 15.34 15.93 16.52 17.11 17.70 60 12.60 13.20 13.80 14.40 15.00 15.60 16.20 16.80 17.40 18.00 676 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR HOURLY TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Hour, from 31 to 40 cents Rate 310 32 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 i Hours Am't Ain't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't 1 .31 .32 .33 :34 .35 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 2 .62 .64 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .78 .80 3 .93 .96 .99 1.02 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.17 1.20 4 1.24 1.28 1.32 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.60 5 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 6 1.86 1.92 1.98 2.04 2.10 2.16 2.22 2.28 2.34 2.40 7 2.17 2.24 2.31 2.38 2.45 2.52 2.59 2.66 2.73 2.80 8 2.48 2.56 2.64 2.72 2.80 2.88 2.96 3.04 3.12 3.20 9 2.79 2.88 2.97 3.06 3.15 3.24 3.33 3.42 3.51 3.60 10 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.CO 11 3.41 3.52 3.63 3.74 3.85 3.96 4.07 4.18 4.29 4.40 12 3.72 3.84 3.96 4.08 4.20 4.32 4.44 4.56 4.68 4.80 13 4.03 4.16 4.29 4.42 4.55 4.68 4.81 4.94 5.07 5.20 14 4.34 4.48 4.62 4.76 4.90 5.04 5.18 5.32 5.46 5.60 15 4.65 4.80 4.95 5.10 5.25 5.40 5.55 5.70 5.85 6.00 16 4.96 5.12 5.28 5.44 5.60 5.76 5.92 6.08 6.24 6.40 17 5.27 5.44 5.61 5.78 5.95 6.12 6.29 6.46 6.63 6.80 18 5.58 5.76 5.94 6.12 6.30 6.48 6.66 6.84 7.02 7.20 19 5.89 6.08 6.27 6.46 6.65 6.84 7.03 7.22 7.41 7.60 23 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.80 7.00 7.20 7.40 7.60 7.80 8.00 21 6.51 6.72 6.93 7.14 7.35 7.56 7.77 7.98 8.19 8.40 22 6.82 7.04 7.26 7.48 7.70 7.92 8.14 8.36 8.58 8.80 23 7.13 7.36 7.59 7.82 8.05 8.28 8.51 8.74 8.97 9.20 21 7.44 7.6S 7.92 8.16 8.40 8.64 8.88 9.12 9.36 9.CO 25 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 26 8.06 8.32 8.58 8.84 9.10 9.36 9.62 9.88 10.14 10.40 27 8.37 8.64 8.91 9.18 9.45 9.72 9.99 10.26 10.53 10.80 28 8.68 8.96 9.24 9.52 9.80 10.08 10.36 10.64 10.92 11.20 29 8.99 9.28 9.57 9.86 10.15 10.44 10.73 11.02 11.31 11. eo 30 9.30 9.60 9.90 10.20 10.50 10.80 11.10 11.40 11.70 12.00 31 9.61 9.92 10.23 10.54 10.85 11.16 11.47 11.78 12.09 12.40 32 9.92 10.24 10.56 10.88 11.20 11.52 11.84 12.16 12.48 12.SO 33 10.23 10.56 10.89 11.22 11.55 11.88 12.21 12.54 12.87 13.20 34 10.54 10.88 11.22 11.56 11.90 12.24 12.58 12.92 13.26 13.60 35 10.85 11.20 11.55 11.90 12.25 12.60 12.95 13.30 13.65 14. CO 36 11.16 11.52 11.88 12.24 12.60 12.96 13.32 13.68 14.04 14.40 37 11.47 11.84 12.21 12.58 12.95 13.32 13.69 14.06 14.43 14.80 38 11.78 12.16 12.54 12.92 13.30 13.68 14.06 14.44 14.82 15.20 39 12.09 12.48 12.87 13.26 13.65 14.04 14.43 14.82 15.21 15.60 40 12.40 12.80 13.20 13.60 14.00 14.40 14.80 15.20 15.60 16.00 41 12.71 13.12 13.53 13.94 14.35 14.76 15.17 15.58 15.99 16.40 42 13.02 13.44 13.86 14.28 14.70 15.12 15.54 15.96 16.38 16.80 43 13.33 13.76 14.19 14.62 1.5.05 15.48 15.91 16.34 16.77 17.20 44 13.61 14.08 14.52 14.96 15.40 15.84 16.28 16.72 17.16 17.60 45 13.95 14.40 14.85 15.30 15.75 16.20 16.65 17.10 17.55 18.00 46 14.26 14.72 15.18 15.64 16.10 16.56 17.02 17.48 17.94 18.40 47 14.57 15.04 15.51 15.98 16.45 16.92 17.39 17.86 18.33 18.80 48 14.88 15.36 15.84 16.32 16.80 17.28 17.76 18.24 18.72 19.20 49 15.19 15.68 16.17 16.66 17.15 17.64 18.13 18.62 19.11 19.CO 50 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 51 15.81 16.32 16.83 17.34 17.85 18.36 18.87 19.38 19.89 20.40 52 16.12 16.64 17.16 17.68 18.20 18.72 19.24 19.76 20.28 20.80 53 16.43 16.96 17.49 18.02 18.55 19.08 19.61 20.14 20.67 21.20 54 16.74 17.28 17.82 18.36 18.90 19.44 19.98 20.52 21.06 21.CO 55 17.05 17.60 18.15 18.70 19.25 19.80 20.35 20.90 21.45 22.00 56 17.36 17.92 18.48 19.04 19.60 20.16 20.72 21.28 21.84 22.40 57 17.67 18.24 18.81 19.38 19.95 20.52 21.09 21.66 22.23 22.80 58 17.98 18.56 19.14 19.72 20.30 20.88 21.46 22.04 22.62 23.20 59 18.29 18.88 19.47 20.06 20.65 21.24 21.83 22.42 23.01 23.60 60 18.60 19.20 19.80 20.40 21.00 21.60 22.20 22.80 23.10 24.00 WAGE TABLES 677 HOURLY TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Hour, from 41 cents to 50 cents Rate 41* 42^ 43i 44,5 45^ 46ji 47 1 48ji 49^ 50^ Hours Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't 1 .41 .42 .43 .44 .45 .46 .47 .48 .49 .50 2 .82 .84 .86 .88 .90 .92 .94 .96 .98 1.00 3 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.35 1.38 1.41 1.44 1.47 1.50 4 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84 1.88 1.92 1.96 2.CO 5 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 6 2.46 2.52 2.58 2.64 2.70 2.76 2.82 2.88 2.94 3.00 7 2.87 2.94 3.01 3.08 3.15 3.22 3.29 3.36 3.43 3. SO 8 3.28 3.36 3.44 3.52 3.60 3.68 3.76 3.84 3.92 4.00 9 3.69 3.78 3.87 3.96 4.05 4.14 4.23 4.32 4.41 4.5O 10 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 11 4.51 4.62 4.73 4.84 4.95 5.06 5.17 5.28 5.39 5.5O 12 4.92 5.04 5.16 5.28 5.40 5.52 5.64 5.76 5.88 6.00 13 5.33 5.46 5.59 5.72 5.85 5.98 6.11 6.24 6.37 6.&0 14 5.74 5.88 6.02 6.16 6.30 6.44 6.58 6.72 6.86 7.CO 15 6.15 6.30 6.45 6.60 6.75 6.90 7.05 7.20 7.35 7.50 16 6.56 6.72 6.88 7.04 7.20 7.36 7.52 7.68 7.84 8.00 17 6.97 7.14 7.31 7.48 7.65 7.82 7.99 8.16 8.33 8.50 18 7.38 7.56 7.74 7.92 8.10 8.28 8.46 8.64 8.82 9.00 19 7.79 7.98 8.17 8.36 8.55 8.74 8.93 9.12 9.31 9.5O 20 8.20 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 9.80 10.00 21 8.61 8.82 9.03 9.24 9.45 9.66 9.87 10.08 10.29 10. SO 22 9.02 9.24 9.46 9.68 9.90 10.12 10.34 10.56 10.78 11.00 23 9.43 9.66 9.89 10.12 10.35 10.58 10.81 11.04 11.27 11.50 24 9.84 10.08 10.32 10.56 10.80 11.04 11.28 11.52 11.76 12.00 25 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00 11.25 11.50 11.75 12.00 12.25 12.50 26 10.66 10.92 11.18 11.44 11.70 11.96 12.22 12.48 12.74 13.0O 27 11.07 11.34 11.61 11.88 12.15 12.42 12.69 12.96 13.23 13.50 28 11.48 11.76 12.04 12.32 12.60 12.88 13.16 13.44 13.72 14.00 29 11.89 12.18 12.47 12.76 13.05 13.34 13.63 13.92 14.21 14.50 30 12.30 12.60 12.90 13.20 13.50 13.80 14.10 14.40 14.70 15.00 31 12.71 13.02 13.33 13.64 13.95 14.26 14.57 14.88 15.19 15.50 32 13.12 13.44 13.76 14.08 14.40 14.72 15.04 15.36 15.68 16.00 33 13.53 13.86 14.19 14.52 14.85 15.18 15.51 15.84 16.17 16.50 34 13.94 14.28 14.62 14.96 15.30 15.64 15.98 16.32 16.66 17.00 35 14.35 14.70 15.05 15.40 15.75 16.10 16.45 16.80 17.15 17.50 36 14.76 15.12 15.48 15.84 16.20 16.56 16.92 17.28 17.64 18.0O 37 15.17 15.54 15.91 16.28 16.65 17.02 17.39 17.76 18.13 18.50 38 15.58 15.96 16.34 16.72 17.10 17.48 17.86 18.24 18.62 19.00 39 15.99 16.38 16.77 17.16 17.55 17.94 18.33 18.72 19.11 19.5O 40 16.40 16.80 17.20 17.60 18.00 18.40 18.80 19.20 19.60 20.00 41 16.81 17.22 17.63 18.04 18.45 18.86 19.27 19.68 20.09 20.50 42 17.22 17.64 18.06 18.48 18.90 19.32 19.74 20.16 20.58 21.0O 43 17.63 18.06 18.49 18.92 19.35 19.78 20.21 20.64 21.07 21.50 44 18.04 18.48 18.92 19.36 19.80 20.24 20.68 21.12 21.56 22.00 45 18.45 18.90 19.35 19.80 20.25 20.70 21.15 21.60 22.05 22.5O 46 18.86 19.32 19.78 20.24 20.70 21.16 21.62 22.08 22.54 23.00 47 19.27 19.74 20.21 20.68 21.15 21.62 22.09 22.56 23.03 23.50 48 19.68 20.16 20.64 21.12 21.60 22.08 22.56 23.04 23.52 24 .00 49 20.09 20.58 21.07 21.56 22.05 22.54 23.03 23.52 24.01 24.50 50 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 25.0O 51 20.91 21.42 21.93 22.44 22.95 23.46 23.97 24.48 24.99 25.5O 52 21.32 21.84 22.36 22.88 23.40 23.92 24.44 24.96 25.48 26.00 53 21.73 22.26 22.79 23.32 23.85 24.38 27.91 25.44 25.97 26.5O 54 22.14 22.68 23.22 23.76 24.30 24.84 28.38 25.92 26.46 27.00 55 22.55 23.10 23.65 24.20 24.75 25.30 28.85 26.40 26.95 27.50 56 22.96 23.52 24.08 24.64 25.20 25.76 26.32 26.88 27.44 28.0O 57 23.37 23.94 24.51 25.08 25.65 26.22 26.79 27.36 27. S3 28.5O 58 23.78 24.36 24.94 25.52 26.10 26.68 27.26 27.84 28.42 29.0O 59 24.19 24.78 25.37 25.96 26.55 27.14 27.73 28.32 28.91 29.5O 60 24.60 25.20 25.80 26.40 27.00 27.60 28.20 28.80 29.40 30.00 678 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR HOURLY TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Hour, from 51 cents to 60 cents Rate 5M 52^ 53^ 54^ 55j< 5Gt 57i 58* 59* 60* Hours Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't 1 .51 .52 .53 .54 .55 .56 .57 .58 .59 .60 2 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.20 3 1.53 1.56 1.59 1.62 1.65 1.68 1.71 1.74 1.77 1.80 4 2.04 2.08 2.12 2.16 2.20 2.24 2.28 2.32 2.36 2.40 5 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 6 3.06 3.12 3.18 3.24 3.30 3.36 3.42 3.48 3.54 3.60 7 3.57 3.64 3.71 3.78 3.85 3.92 3.99 4.06 4.13 4.20 8 4.08 4.16 4.24 4.32 4.40 4.48 4.56 4.64 4.72 4.80 9 4.59 4.68 4.77 4.86 4.95 5.04 5.13 5.22 5.31 5.40 10 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 6.00 11 5.61 5.72 5.83 5.94 6.05 6.16 6.27 6.38 6.49 6.60 12 6.12 6.24 6.36 6.48 6.60 6.72 6.84 6.96 7.08 7.20 13 6.63 6.76 6.89 7.02 7.15 7.28 7.41 7.54 7.67 7.80 14 7.14 7.28 7.42 7.56 7.70 7.84 7.98 8.12 8.26 8.40 15 7.65 7.80 7.95 8.10 8.25 8.40 8.55 8.70 8.85 9.00 16 8.16 8.32 8.48 8.64 8.80 8.96 9.12 9.28 9.44 9.60 17 8.67 8.84 9.01 9.18 9.35 9.52 9.69 9.86 10.03 10.20 18 9.18 9.36 9.54 9.72 9.90 10.08 10.26 10.44 10.62 10.80 19 9.69 9.88 10.07 10.26 10.45 10.64 10.83 11.02 11.21 11.40 20 10.20 10.40 10.60 10.80 11.00 11.20 11.40 11.60 11.80 12.00 21 10.71 10.92 11.13 11.34 11.55 11.76 11.97 12.18 12.39 12.60 22 11.22 11.44 11.66 11.88 12.10 12.32 12.54 12.76 12.98 13.20 23 11.73 11.96 12.19 12.42 12.65 12.88 13.11 13.34 13.57 13.80 21 12.24 12.48 12.72 12.96 13.20 13.44 13.68 13.92 14.16 14.40 25 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 14.50 14.75 15.00 23 13.26 13.52 13.78 14.04 14.30 14.56 14.82 15.08 15.34 15.60 27 13.77 14.04 14.31 14.58 14.85 15.12 15.39 15.66 15.93 16.20 28 14.28 14.56 14.84 15.12 15.40 15.68 15.96 16.24 16.52 16.80 23 14.79 15.08 15.37 15.66 15.95 16.24 16.53 16.82 17.11 17.40 30 15.30 15.60 15.90 16.20 16.50 16.80 17.10 17.40 17.70 18.00 31 15.81 16.12 16.43 16.74 17.05 17.36 17.67 17.98 18.29 18.60 32 16.32 16.64 16.96 17.28 17.60 17.92 18.24 18.56 J8.88 19.20 33 16.83 17.16 17.49 17.82 18.15 18.48 18.81 19.14 ^9.47 19.80 31 17.34 17.68 18.02 18.36 18.70 19.04 19.38 19.72 20.06 20.40 35 17.85 18.20 18.55 18.90 19.25 19.60 19.95 20.30 20.65 21.CO 33 18.33 18.72 19.08 19.44 19.80 20.16 20.52 20.88 21.24 21.60 37 18.87 19.24 19.61 19.98 20.35 20.72 21.09 21.46 21.83 22.20 38 19.38 19.76 20.14 20.52 20.90 21.28 21.66 22.04 22.42 22.80 39 19.89 20.28 20.67 21.06 21.45 21.84 22.23 22.62 23.01 23.40 40 20.40 20.80 21.20 21.60 22.00 22.40 22.80 23.20 23.CO 24.00 41 20.91 21.32 21.73 22.14 22.55 22.96 23.37 23.78 24.19 24.60 42 21.42 21.84 22.26 22.68 23.10 23.52 23.94 24.36 24.78 25.20 43 21.93 22.36 22.79 23.22 23.65 24.08 24.51 24.94 25.37 25.80 44 22.44 22.88 23.32 23.76 24.20 24.64 25.08 25.52 25.96 26.40 45 22.95 23.40 23.85 24.30 24.75 25.20 25.65 26.10 26.55 27.00 46 23.46 23.92 24.38 24.84 25.30 25.76 26.22 26.68 27.14 27.60 47 23.97 24.44 24.91 25.38 25.85 26.32 26.79 27.26 27.73 28.20 48 24.48 24.96 25.44 25.92 26.40 26.88 27.36 27.84 28.32 28.80 49 24.99 25.48 25.97 26.46 26.95 27.44 27.93 28.42 28.91 29.40 50 25.50 26.00 26.50 27.00 27.50 28.00 28.50 29.00 29.50 30.00 51 26.01 26.52 27.03 27.54 28.05 28.56 29.07 29.58 30.09 30.60 52 26.52 27.04 27.56 28.08 28.60 29.12 29.64 30.16 30.68 31.20 53 27.03 27.56 28.09 28.62 29.15 29.68 30.21 30.74 31.27 31.80 54 27.54 28.08 28.62 29.16 29.70 30.24 30.78 31.32 31.86 32.40 55 28.05 28.60 29.15 29.70 30.25 30.80 31.35 31.90 32.45 33.00 56 28.56 29.12 29.68 30.24 30.80 31.36 31.92 32.48 33.04 33.60 57 29.07 29.64 30.21 30.78 31.35 31.92 32.49 33.06 33.63 34.20 58 29.58 30.16 30.74 31.32 31.90 32.48 33.06 33.64 34.22 34.80 59 30.09 30.68 31.27 31.86 32.45 33.04 33.63 34.22 34.81 35.40 80 30.60 31.20 31.80 32.40 33.00 33.60 34.20 34.80 35.40 36.00 WAGE TABLES 679 TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Hour, from 61 cents to 70 cents Rate 01* 62j< 63^ 64^ 65^ 66^ 67^ 68^ 69^ 70^ Hours Ain't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't 1 .61 .62 .63 .64 .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 .70 2 1.22 1.24 1.26 1.28 1.30 1.32 1.34 1.36 1.38 1.40 3 1.83 1.86 1.89 1.92 1.95 1.98 2.01 2.04 2.07 2.10 4 2.44 2.48 2.52 2.56 2.60 2.64 2.68 2.72 2.76 2.80 5 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.30 3.35 3.40 3.45 3.50 6 3.66 3.72 3.78 3.84 3.90 3.96 4.02 4.08 4.14 4.20 7 4.27 4.34 4.41 4.48 4.55 4.62 4.69 4.76 4.83 4.90 8 4.88 4.96 5.04 5.12 5.20 5.28 5.36 5.44 5.52 5.60 9 5.49 5.58 5.67 5.76 5.85 5.94 6.03 6.12 6.21 6.30 10 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 7.00 11 6.71 6.82 6.93 7.04 7.15 7.26 7.37 7.48 7.59 7.70 12 7.32 7.44 7.56 7.68 7.80 7.92 8.04 8.16 8.28 8.40 13 7.93 8.06 8.19 8.32 8.45 8.58 8.71 8.84 8.97 9.10 14 8.54 8.68 8.82 8.96 9.10 9.24 9.38 9.52 9.66 9.80 15 9.15 9.30 9.45 9.60 9.75 9.90 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 16 9.76 9.92 10.08 10.24 10.40 10.56 10.72 10.88 11.04 11.20 17 10.37 10.54 10.71 10.88 11.05 11.22 11.39 11.56 11.73 11.90 18 10.98 11.16 11.34 11.52 11.70 11.88 12.06 12.24 12.42 12.60 19 11.59 11.78 11.97 12.16 12.35 12.54 12.73 12.92 13.11 13.30 20 12.20 12.40 12.60 12.80 13.00 13.20 13.40 13.60 13.80 14.00 21 12.81 13.02 13.23 13.44 13.65 13.86 14.07 14.28 14.49 14.70 22 13.42 13.64 13.86 14.08 14.30 14.52 14.74 14.96 15.18 15.40 23 14.03 14.26 14.49 14.72 14.95 15.18 15.41 15.64 15.87 16.10 24 14.64 14.88 15.12 15.36 15.60 15.84 16.08 16.32 16.56 16.80 25 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 17.50 26 15.86 16.12 16.38 16.64 16.90 17.16 17.42 17.68 17.94 18.20 27 16.47 16.74 17.01 17.28 17.55 17.82 18.09 18.36 18.63 18.SO 28 17.08 17.36 17.64 17.92 18.20 18.48 18.76 19.04 19.32 19.60 29 17.69 17.98 18.27 18.56 18.85 19.14 19.43 19.72 20.01 20.30 30 18.30 18.60 18.90 19.20 19.50 19.80 20.10 20.40 20.70 21.00 31 18.91 19.22 19.53 19.84 20.15 20.46 20.77 21.08 21.39 21.70 32 19.52 19.84 20.16 20.48 20.80 21.12 21.44 21.76 22.08 22.40 33 20.13 20.46 20.79 21.12 21.45 21.78 22.11 22.44 22.77 23.10 31 20.74 21.08 21.42 21.76 22.10 22.44 22.78 23.12 23.46 23.80 35 21.35 21.70 22.05 22.40 22.75 23.10 23.45 23.80 24.15 24.50 35 21.96 22.32 22.68 23.04 23.40 23.76 24.12 24.48 24.84 25.20 37 22.57 22.94 23.31 23.68 24.05 24.42 24.79 25.16 25.53 25.90 38 23.18 23.56 23.94 24.32 24.70 25.08 25.46 25.84 26.22 26.60 39 23.79 24.18 24.57 24.96 25.35 25.74 26.13 16.52 26.91 27.30 40 24.40 24.80 25.20 25.60 26.00 26.40 26.80 27.20 27.60 28.00 41 25.01 25.42 25.83 26.24 26.65 27.06 27.47 27.88 28.29 28.70 42 25.62 26.04 26.46 26.88 27.30 27.72 28.14 28.56 28.98 29.40 43 26.23 26.66 27.09 27.52 27.95 28.38 28.81 29.24 29.67 30.10 44 26.84 27.28 27.72 28.16 28.60 29.04 29.48 29.92 30.36 30.80 45 27.45 27.90 28.35 28.80 29.25 29.70 30.15 30.60 31.05 31.50 46 28.06 28.52 28.98 29.44 29.90 30.36 30.82 31.28 31.74 32.20 47 28.67 29.14 29.61 30.08 30.55 31.02 31.49 31.96 32.43 32.90 48 29.28 29.76 30.24 30.72 31.20 31.68 32.16 32.64 33.12 33.60 49 29.89 30.38 30.87 31.36 31.85 32.34 32.83 33.32 33.81 34.30 50 30.50 31.00 31.50 32.00 32.50 33.00 33.50 34.00 34.50 35.00 51 31.11 31.62 32.13 32.64 33.15 33.66 34.17 34.68 35.19 35.70 52 31.72 32.24 32.76 33.28 33.80 34.32 34.84 35.36 35.88 36.40 53 32.23 32.86 33.39 33.92 34.45 34.98 35.51 36.04 36.57 37.10 54 32.94 33.48 34.02 34.56 35.10 35.64 36.18 36.72 37.26 37.80 55 33.55 34.10 34.65 35.20 35.75 36.30 36.85 37.40 37.95 38.50 56 34.16 34.72 35.28 35.84 36.40 36.96 37.52 38.08 38.64 39.20 57 34.77 35.34 35.91 36.48 37.05 37.62 38.19 38.76 39.33 39.90 58 35.38 35.96 36.54 37.12 37.70 38.28 38.86* 39.44 40.02 40.60 59 35.99 36.58 37.17 37.76 38.35 38.94 39.53 40.12 40.71 41.30 60 36.60 37.20 37.80 38.40 39.00 39.60 40.20 40.80 41.40 42.00 680 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Hour, from 71 cents to 80 cents Rate 71* 72 73^ 74j5 75^ 76* 77^ 78i 79i 80f< Hours Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't 1 .71 .72 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .80 2 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.50 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.60 3 2.13 2.16 2.19 2.22 2.25 2.28 2.31 2.34 2.37 2.40 4 2.84 2.88 2.92 2.96 3.00 3.04 3.08 3.12 3.16 3.20 5 3.55 3.60 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.80 3.85 3.90 3.95 4.00 6 4.26 4.32 4.38 4.44 4.50 4.56 4.62 4.68 4.74 4.80 7 4.97 5.04 5.11 5.18 5.25 5.32 5.39 5.46 5.53 5.60 8 5.68 5.76 5.84 5.92 6.00 6.08 6.16 6.24 6.32 6.40 9 6.39 6.48 6.57 6.66 6.75 6.84 6.93 7.02 7.11 7.20 10 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 11 7.81 7.92 8.03 8.14 8.25 8.36 8.47 8.58 8.69 8.80 12 8.52 8.64 8.76 8.88 9.00 9.12 9.24 9.36 9.48 9.60 13 9.23 9.36 9.49 9.62 9.75 9.88 10.01 10.14 10.27 10.40 14 9.94 10.08 10.22 10.36 10.50 10.64 10.78 10.92 11.06 11.20 15 10.65 10.80 10.95 11.10 11.25 11.40 11.55 11.70 11.85 12.00 16 11.36 11.52 11.68 11.84 12.00 12.16 12.32 12.48 12.64 12.80 17 12.07 12.24 12.41 12.58 12.75 12.92 13.09 13.26 13.43 13.60 18 12.78 12.96 13.14 13.32 13.50 13.68 13.86 14.04 14.22 14.40 19 13.49 13.68 13.87 14.06 14.25 14.44 14.63 14.82 15.01 15.20 20 14.20 14.40 14.60 14.80 15.00 15.20 15.40 15.60 15.80 16.00 21 14.91 15.12 15.33 15.54 15.75 15.96 16.17 16.38 16.59 16.80 22 15.62 15.84 16.06 16.28 16.50 16.72 16.94 17.16 17.38 17.60 23 16.33 16.56 16.79 17.02 17.25 17.48 17.71 17.94 18.17 18.40 24 17.04 17.28 17.52 17.76 18.00 18.24 18.48 18.72 18.96 19.20 25 17.75 18.00 18.25 18.50 18.75 19.00 19.25 19.50 19.75 20.00 26 18.46 18.72 18.98 19.24 19.50 19.76 20.02 20.28 20.54 20.80 27 19.17 19.44 19.71 19.98 20.25 20.*2 20.79 21.06 21.33 21.60 28 19.88 20.16 20.44 20.72 21.00 21.28 21.56 21.84 22.12 22.40 29 20.59 20.88 21.17 21.46 21.75 22.04 22.33 22.62 22.91 23.20 30 21.30 21.60 21.90 22.20 22.50 22.80 23.10 23.40 23.70 24.00 31 22.01 22.32 22.63 22.94 23.25 23.56 23.87 24.18 24.49 24.80 32 22.72 23.04 23.36 23.68 24.00 24.32 24.64 24.96 25.28 25.60 33 23.43 23.76 24.09 24.42 24.75 25.08 25.41 25.74 26.07 26.40 34 24.14 24.48 24.82 25.16 25.50 25.84 26.18 26.52 26.86 27.20 35 24.85 25.20 25.55 25.90 26.25 26.60 26.95 27.30 27.65 28.00 36 25.56 25.92 26.28 26.64 27.00 27.36 27.72 28.08 28.44 28.80 37 26.27 26.64 27.01 27.38 27.75 28.12 28.49 28.86 29.23 29.60 38 26.98 27.36 27.74 28.12 28.50 28.88 29.26 29.64 30.02 30.40 39 27.69 28.08 28.47 28.86 29.25 29.64 30.03 30.42 30.81 31.20 40 28.40 28.80 29.20 29.60 30.00 30.40 30.80 31.20 31.60 32.CO 41 29.11 29.52 29.93 30.34 30.75 31.16 31.57 31.98 32.39 32.80 42 29.82 30.24 30.66 31.08 31.50 31.92 32.34 32.76 33.18 33.60 43 30.53 30.96 31.39 31.82 32.25 32.68 33.11 33.54 33.97 34.40 44 31.24 31.68 32.12 32.56 33.00 33.44 33.88 34.32 34.76 35.20 45 31.95 32.40 32.85 33.30 33.75 34.20 34.65 35.10 35.55 36.CO 46 32.66 33.12 33.58 34.04 34.50 34.96 35.42 35.88 36.34 36.80 47 33.37 33.84 34.31 34.78 35.25 35.72 36.19 36.66 37.13 37.60 48 34.08 34.56 35.04 35.52 36.00 36.48 36.96 37.44 37.92 38.40 49 34.79 35.28 35.77 36.26 36.75 37.24 37.73 38.22 38.71 39.20 50 35.50 36.00 36.50 37.00 37.50 38.00 38.50 39.00 39.50 40.00 51 36.21 36.72 37.23 37.74 38.25 38.76 39.27 39.78 40.29 40.80 52 36.92 37.44 37.96 38.48 39.00 39.52 40.04 40.56 41.08 41.60 53 37.63 38.16 38.69 39.22 39.75 40.28 40.81 41.34 41.87 42.40 54 38.34 38.88 39.42 39.96 40.50 41.04 41.58 42.12 42.66 43.20 55 39.05 39.60 40.15 40.70 41.25 41.80 42.35 42.90 43.45 44.00 56 39.76 40.32 40.88 41.44 42.00 42.56 43.12 43.68 44.24 44.80 57 40.47 41.04 41.61 42.18 42.75 43.32 43.89 44.46 45.03 45.60 58 41.18 41.76 42.34 42.92 43.50 44.08 44.66 45.24 45.82 46.40 59 41.89 42.48 43.07 43.66 44.25 44.84 45.43 46.02 46.61 47.20 60 42.60 43.20 43.80 44.40 45.00 45.60 46.20 46.80 47.40 48.00 WAGE TABLES 681 TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Hour, from 81 cents to 90 cents Rate 81* 824 34 8*4 854 864 87 1 884 894 904 Hours Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't Am't 1 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .90 2 1.62 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.76 1.78 1.80 3 2.43 2.46 2.49 2.52 2.55 2.58 2.61 2.64 2.67 2.70 4 3.24 3.28 3.32 3.36 3.40 3.44 3.48 3.52 3.56 3.60 5 4.05 4.10 4.15 4.20 4.25 4.30 4.35 4.40 4.45 4.50 6 4.86 4.92 4.98 5.04 5.10 5.16 5.22 5.28 5.34 5.40 7 5.67 5.74 5.81 5.88 5.95 6.02 6.09 6.16 6.23 6.30 g 6.48 6.56 6.64 6.72 6.80 6.88 6.96 7.04 7.12 7.20 g 7.29 7.38 7.47 7.56 7.65 7.74 7.83 7.92 8.01 8.10 10 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.CO 11 8.91 9.02 9.13 9.24 9.35 9.46 9.57 9.68 9.79 9.80 12 9.72 9.84 9.96 10.08 10.20 10.32 10.44 10.56 10.68 10.80 13 10.53 10.66 10.79 10.92 11.05 11.18 11.31 11.44 11.57 11.70 14 11.34 11.48 11.62 11.76 11.90 12.04 12.18 12.32 12.46 12.60 15 12.15 12.30 12.45 12.60 12.75 12.90 13.05 13.20 13.35 13.50 16 12.96 13.12 13.28 13.44 13.60 13.76 13.92 14.08 14.24 14.40 17 13.77 13.94 14.11 14.28 14.45 14.62 14.79 14.96 15.13 15.30 18 14.58 14.76 14.94 15.12 15.30 15.48 15.66 15.84 16.02 16.20 19 15.39 15.58 15.77 15.96 16.15 16.34 16.53 16.72 16.91 17.10 20 16.20 16.40 16.60 16.80 17.00 17.20 17.40 17.60 17.80 18.00 21 17.01 17.22 17.43 17.64 17.85 18.06 18.27 18.48 18.69 18.90 22 17.82 18.04 18.26 18.48 18.70 18.92 19.14 19.36 19.58 19.80 23 18.63 18.86 19.09 19.32 19.55 19.78 20.01 20.24 20.47 20.70 24 19.44 19.68 19.92 20.16 20.40 20.64 20.88 21.12 21.36 21.60 26 20.25 20.50 20.75 21.00 21.25 21.50 21.75 22.00 22.25 22.50 26 21.06 21.32 21.58 21.84 22.10 22.36 22.62 22.88 23.14 23.40 27 21.87 22.14 22.41 22.68 22.95 23.22 23.49 23.76 24.03 24.30 28 22.68 22.96 23.24 23.52 23.80 24.08 24.36 24.64 24.92 25.20 29 23.49 23.78 24.07 24.36 24.65 24.94 25.23 25.52 25.81 26.10 30 24.30 24.60 24.90 25.20 25.50 25.80 26.10 26.40 26.70 27.00 31 25.11 25.42 25.73 26.04 26.35 26.66 26.97 27.28 27.59 27.90 32 25.92 26.24 26.56 26.88 27.20 27.52 27.84 28.16 28.48 28.80 33 26.73 27.06 27.39 27.72 28.05 28.38 28.71 29.04 29.37 29.70 34 27.54 27.88 28.22 28.56 28.90 29.24 29.58 29.92 30.26 30.60 35 28.35 28.70 29.05 29.40 29.75 30.10 30.45 30.80 31.15 31.50 36 29.16 29.52 29.88 30.24 30.60 30.96 31.32 31.68 32.04 32.40 37 29.97 30.34 30.71 31.08 31.45 31.82 32.19 32.56 32.93 33.30 38 30.78 31.16 31.54 31.92 32.30 32.68 33.06 33.44 33.82 34.20 39 31.59 31.98 32.37 32.76 33.15 33.54 33.93 34.32 34.71 35.10 40 32.40 32.80 33.20 33.60 34.00 34.40 34.80 35.20 35.60 36.00 41 33.21 33.62 34.03 34.44 34.85 35.26 35.67 36.08 36.49 36.SO 42 34.02 34.44 34.86 35.28 35.70 36.12 36.54 36.96 37.38 37.80 43 34.83 35.26 35.69 36.12 36.55 36.98 37.41 37.84 38.27 38.70 44 35.64 36.08 36.52 36.96 37.40 37.84 38.28 38.72 39.16 39.60 45 36.45 36.90 37.35 37.80 38.25 38.70 39.15 39.60 40.05 40.50 46 37.26 37.72 38.18 38.64 39.10 39.56 40.02 40.48 40.94 41.40 47 38.07 38.54 39.01 39.48 39.95 40.42 40.89 41.36 41.83 42.30 48 38.88 39.36 39.84 40.32 40.80 41.28 41.76 42.24 42.72 43.20 49 39.69 40.18 40.67 41.16 41.65 42.14 42.63 43.12 43.61 44.10 50 40.50 41.00 41.50 42.00 42.50 43.00 43.50 44.00 44.50 45.00 51 41.31 41.82 42.33 42.84 43.35 43.86 44.37 44.88 45.39 45.90 52 42.12 42.64 43.16 43.68 44.20 44.72 45.24 45.76 46.28 46.80 53 42.93 43.46 43.99 44.52 45.05 45.58 46.11 46.64 47.17 47.70 54 43.74 44.28 44.82 45.36 45.90 46.44 46.98 47.52 48.06 48.60 55 44.55 45.10 45.65 46.20 46.75 47.30 47.85 48.40 48.95 49.50 56 45.36 45.92 46.48 47.04 47.60 48.16 48.72 49.28 49.84 50.40 57 46.17 46.74 47.31 47.88 48.45 49.02 49.59 50.16 50.73 51.30 58 46.98 47.56 48.14 48.72 49.30 49.88 50.46 51.04 51.62 52.20 59 47.79 48.38 48.97 49.56 50.15 50.74 51.33 51.92 52.51 53.10 60 48.60 49.20 49.80 50.40 51.00 51.60 52.20 52.80 53.40 54.00 682 THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR WEEKLY TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Week, from $2.50 to $12.00 BATE 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 8.00 9.00 10.50 12.00 days .42 .50 .58 .67 .75 .83 1.00 1.17 1.25 1.33 1.50 1.75 2.00 2 .83 1.00 1.17 1.33 1.50 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.50 2.67 3.00 3.50 4.00 3 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 5.25 6.00 4 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67 3.00 3.33 4.00 4.67 5.00 5.33 6.00 7.00 8.00 5 2.08 2.50 2.92 3.33 3.75 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.25 6.67 7.50 8.75 10.00 6 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 8.00 9.00 10.50,12.00 7 2.92 3.50 4.08 4.67 5.25 5.83 7.00 8.17 8.75! 9.33 10.50 12.25 14.00 8 3.33 4.00 4.67 5.33 6.00 6.67 8.00 9.33 10.00 10.67 12.00 14.00 16.00 9 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 6.75 7.50 9.00 10.50 11.25 12.00 13.50 15.75 18.00 10 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.67 7.50 8.33 10.00 11.67 12.50 13.33 15.00 17.50 20.00 11 4.58 5.50 6.42 7.33 8.25 9.17 11.00 12.83 13.75 14.67 16.50 19.25 22.00 12 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 13 5.42 6.50 7.58 8.67 9.75 10.83,13.00 15.17 16.25 17.33 19.50 22.75 26.00 14 5.83 7.00 8.17 9.33 10.50 11.67 14.00 16.33 17.50 18.67 21.00 24.50 28.00 15 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 11.25 12.50 15.00 17.50 18.75 20.00 22.50 26.25 30.00 16 6.67 8.00 9.33 10.67 12.00 13.33 16.00 18.67 20.00 21.33 24.00 28.00 32.00 17 7.08 8.50 9.92 11.33 12.75 14.17 17.00 19.83 21.25 22.67 25.50 29.75 34. CO 18 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 13.50 15.00 18.00 21.00 22.5024.00 27.00 31.50 36.00 19 7.92 9.50 11.08 12.67 14.25 15.83|19.00 22.17 23.75 25.33 28.50,33.25 38.CO 20 8.33 10.00 11.67 13.33 15.00 16.67 20.00 23.33 25.00 26.67 30.00 35.00 40.CO 21 8.75 10.50 12.25 14.00 15.75 17.50 21.00 24.50 26.25 28.00 31.50 36.75 42. CO 22 23 9.17 9.58 11.00 11.50 12.83 13.42 14.67 15.33 16.50 17.25 18.33 19.17 22.00 23.00 25.67 26.83 27.50 28.75 29.33 33.00 30.6734.50 38.50 40.25 44.CO 46.00 24 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 '36.00 42.00 48.00 25 10.42 12.50 14.58 16.67 18.75 20.83 25.00 29.17 31.25 33.33 37.50 43.75 50.00 26 10.83 13.00 15.17 17.33 19.50 21.67 26.00 30.33 32.50 34.67 39.00 45.50 52.00 27 11.25 13.50 15.75 18.00 20.25 22.50 27.00 31.50 33.75 36.00 40.50 47.25 54.CO 28 11.67 14.00 16.33 18.67 21.00 23.33 28.00 32.67 35.00 37.33 42.00 49.00 56. CO 29 12.08 14.50 16.92 19.32 21.75 24.17 29.00 33.83 36.25 38.67 43.50 50.75 58.CO 30 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50 25.00 30.00 35.00 37.50 40.00 45.00 52.50 CO.CO |12.92|l5.50|18.08|20.67|23.25|25.83|31.00|36.17|38.75|41.33|46.50|54.25|62.00 Rate per day when 7 working days constitute the week .36 43 SO 59 .64 71 .86 1. 00 1.07 1.14 1.29 1.50 1.71 This Table is calculated upon six working days to the week, and is applicable to either eight, nine, or ten-hour days. The rate per day, where SEVEN working days constitute a week, is given in heavy type in the bottom line of table. When fractional parts of a day are to be reckoned the other tables in this book may be used -to advantage in connection with the above. WAGE TABLES 683 WEEKLY TABLE OF WAGES Calculated upon Rate per Week from $13.50 to $33.00 HATE 13.50 15.00 16.50 18.00 19.50 21.00 22.50 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 days 1 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 2 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 3 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.00 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 13.50 15.00 16.50 4 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 5 11.25 12.50 13.75 15.00 16.25 17.50 18.75 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 6 13.50 15.00 16.50 18.00 19.50 21.00 22.50 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 7 15.75 17.50 18.75 21.00 22.75 24.50 26.25 28.00 31.50 35.00 38.50 8 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 36.00 40.00 44.00 9 20.25 22.50 24.75 27.00 29.25 31.50 33.75 36.00 40.50 45.00 49.50 10 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 32.50 35.00 37.50 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 11 24.75 27.50 30.25 33.00 35.75 38.50 41.25 44.00 49.50 55.00 60.50 12 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 39.00 42.00 45.00 48.00 54.00 60.00 66.00 13 29.2532.50 35.7539.00 42.25 45.50 48.75 52.00 58.50 65.00 71.50 14 31.50 35.00 38.50 42.00 45.50 49.00 52.50 56.00 63.00 70.00 77.00 15 33.75 37.50 41.25 45.00 48.75 52.50 56.25 60.00 67.50 75.00 82.50 16 36.00 40.00 44.00 48.00 52.00 56.00 60.00 64.00 72.00 80.00 88.00 17 38.25 42.50 46.75 51.00 55.25 59.50 63.75 68.00 76.50 85.00 93.50 18 40.50 45.00 19.50 54.00 58.50! 63.00 67.50 72.0C 81.00 90.00 99.00 19 42.75 47.50 52.25 57.00 61.75 66.50 71.25 76.00 85.50 95.00 104.50 20 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 21 47.25 52.50 57.75 63.00 68.25 73.50 78.75 84.00 94.50 105.00 115.50 22 49.50 55.00 60.50 66.00 71.50 77.00 82.50 88.00 99.00 110.00 121.00 23 51.75 57.50 63.25 69.00 74.75 80.50 86.25 92.00 103.50 115.00 126.50 24 54.00 60.00 66.00 72.00 78.00 84.00 eo.oo 96.00 108.00 120.00 132.00 25 56.25 62.50 68.75 75.00 81.25 87.50 93.75 100.00 112.50 125.00 137.50 26 58.50 65.00 71.50 78.00 84.50 91.00 97.50 104.00 117.00 130.00 143.00 27 60.75 67.50 74.25 81.00 87.75 94.50 101.25 108.00 121.50 135.00 148.50 28 63.00 70.00 77.00 84.00 91.00 98.00 105.00 112.00 126.00 140.00 154.00 29 65.25 72.50 79.75 87.00 94.25 101.50 108.75 116.00 130.50 145.09 159.50 30 67.50 75.00 82.5090.00 97.50 105.00 112.50 120.00 135.00 150.00 165.00 31 |69.75|77.50|85.25)93.00 100.75| 108.50| 116.25 124.00| 139.60| 155.00| 170.50 Rate per day when 7 working days constitute the week 1-93 2.14 2.36 2.57 2.79 3-00 3-21 3-43 3-86 4.29 4.7: This Table is calculated upon six working days to the week, and is applicable to either eight, nine, or ten-hour days. The rate per day, where SEVEN working days constitute a week, is given in heavy type in the bottom line of table. When fractional parts of a day are to be reckoned the other tables in this book may be used to advantage in connection with the above. 684 THE NEW 8 ?S88?88SSSS BUILDING ESTIMATOR COt^COOt^COOl^COO cocorooocoococoo 1-1 rH N CO CO * TJH >0 CO 8IS38S8S8S8S8 I rH rH ^ (N CO CO T(5 Tt 10 lO |-*tiOO>OCOOOOiOCOOOOiO t^ IC^^Ci^OiCOGOCOCOC^t^ 10 IrHCOiOOOOCOiOOOOCOiO CN IN Tfl 00 (N t- rH lO OS "* 00 CN ^H iH O O W O (N I * ' rH rH rH rH (N IN (N 812? IN I lO |O5 GO i 5|q-. COOOOIOCOOGOIO iOt^OOOO O O O O OiO O o OrHco-^ot^osqiNcoio >0 COCOiOOOOCOOOOOCO0 co co t^ oo o rH ca SiiOOOOOOOOOOO qrHc^coTjjiocot^oociq SCO O O ^O < O O rH rH ( C5 ^HCOiOOOOCOiOOOO OOOOrHrHrHr-<(N( o I | i a ^H (M (M CO CO -! i-l (N COt^OC01>OC01^O rHfocoqcocoqcotoq rHrHrHcoot^co< _ O rH IN C^_ CO TJH r(H 10 ScOrHr^iNoocooiTtio OrHrHININCOCOTfiq qqqOrHrHrHrH( X n a 00 10 O iO O iO O O O cot^ioc^qt^-^ooic ' rH IN CO CO TjH 10 CC ' rH rH IN CO CO r)< I 05 05 O5 OS 00 1> t^ CO 10 (NlOrHJ>COO5lOrHr^ ' rH rH (N IN CO T)H 00 CO CO 03 rH 00 t C -l rH (M IN CO CO COt^^ -rHiqcoOOiOOOOOO rH C^ 10 t> O M t^ O OOCOrHt^COOO^OlO O rH CO Tj< CD l> 05 O THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Presbyterian Semiuary, Omaha Block of Flats, Omaha TYPICAL BUILDINGS ANALYZED Roof of Passenger Station Bancroft School, Omaha THE NEW BUILDING ESTIMATOR Half of Steel Framework of No 7 Part of Steel Framework of U. P. R. R. Boiler Shop, Omaha TYPICAL BUILDINGS ANALYZED 1 IIP INDEX. Abutments, concrete 107 ' lace wk o2 ' stone 02 Accuiacy 425 Acetylene 294 Ada, muriatic 96 Actmolite 247 Actual quantities concrete ... 52 Air tight doors 355 Alabastiue 276 Anchors 13, 19, 63, 220 Apartment houses 667, 672 Appreciation 572, 573 Approaches 609 Approx estg 11 to 39 Arches, brick 85, 87 " concrete 108 " tile 484 Area of circles 425 Artificial ice plant 321 Asbestolith 299 Asbestos 24 " cost 127 ' floor 299 " lumber ....127 " paper 256 " sheathing 127 " shingles 28, 128, 368 Ash pit 333 " " doors 234 Ashlar granite 109 " measurement 68 " setting 69 Asphalt 246 " paint 265 " paving 100, 110 " shingles 128 Asphaltum 97 Assessing 630 Automatic sprinklers 303 Aver carpenter labor ...156,157 Axle pulleys 233 328 Backfilling 42, 105, 491 Backing, brickwork 80 " rubble, concrete 109 Back plaster per sq yd ..26, 136 Baggage rooms 314 Balances, sash 166, 233, 379 Balusters 187 " cement 133 " porch 202 Bands, wood, labor 159 Barbed wire 229 Barbers' poles 270 Barns 305, 313, 344 Barrel bolts 232 ' capacity 83, 263 Barrett roof 248 Base, cement 60 ' cost of wood 32 " inside price, wood 185 ' labor, wood 159,167 ' marble and tile 297 Base, price, wood 199 Basement sleepers 17, 18 Bases, for metal cols 21 Bases, for porch cols . 221 Baths 283, 305 Batten doors 183 Battens 185 Bedford stone, cost 67, 73 " " cost per If 69, 70 Benches, cost 335 Beveled plate 190 Bids on fireproofing 119 Bids, variation 577 Bins 317, "653, 657 Blackboards, plaster 145 " slate 254 Blacksmith shop ...316, 317, 321 " cost 325 Blinds 270, 353, 371 ' labor 171 ' price , 184 Block paving 106 Blocks, cement 130 " " cost 130 ' " factory 131 " wood, price 184, 201 Blue printing mch., cost ....335 Bm in roof per sq . , 28 Bm or If 151 Bm system of estg 150 Bm table 411 Boat spikes 226 Boiler setting 85 " shops, etc 38, 316, 325 ' " steel wt 215 Boilers, cost, heating 335 " heating 287, 626, 628 " kit 284 Bolts 226 " barrel, flush 232 Bond in brick 96 Bonds 357 Boring posts 171 Boston schools 639, 643 Brackets, galv iron 241 " iron, siielf 234 " wood 33, 186, 188 Brass butts ....231 " footrail 188, 297 " foundry, cost 333 " track 233 - " weight 213, 406 Brick : arches 85, 87 " bond 96 " carload 87 Brick, chipped 96 " cleaning 86 " cornices , 88 " danger 81 " enameled 87 " examples of estg .76, 77, 78 " general 590 " hollow wall 80 " houses 36 " in engine house ...339 " in machine shop 78 " laid in sewer 101 " loading and unloading . .356 " making 426 " nogging 81 " or cement block 132 " " glass 39 " paving 97, 99 " " No. to yd 99 " per cu yd 80 " " sq ft 133 " pilasters 79 " platforms 99 " pressed, measurement . . 86 " quality 363 " required 79, 80 " required for boilers 85 " sewers 101, 104, 110 " size 74, 75, 345 " stacking 86 " to cu ft 74, 75 " to sq ft 74, 75 " vitrified paving 97 " waste 80 " wt 406 " $29 432, 435 " 100,000 more 432 Brickmasons & lab proportion 92 Brick work, backing 80 " chimneys 83, 84 " cost of 11, 81, 113 " cost of lab 79, 91-94, 96 " double faced 95 " enameled 95 " expensive 95 " measurement 74-78, 499, 505-508 " mortar 88, 89 " patching 82 " per cu yd Ill " pressed, cost of 12, 517 Brick work, rate of 113 " shoved work 81 " taking down 356 " tapestry 515 " Underpinning 82 " veneering 96, 518 " washing down 96 Bridge, stone, cost 63 Bridges, concrete 613-614 " depreciation 562, 611 " " values 613 " " weight 612 Bridging, cost 17 " cutting 189 " lab 157 " material 173 ' metal 16 " partitions 24 " wood 13 Bronze railing 110 Brush, weighted 274 Brushes 272 Building paper, per sq . .23, 256 " percentages 33-38 " permit 8 " tile, hollow 82 Bunk houses 320 Burlap 272, 378 Butts ".379 " prices 230 Cable Ill Caissons, measurement of 495,496 Calking 246 Calsomine 261, 266 Canvas roofs 525, 526 Caps and bases, ci 21 " composition 201 ' for cols, plaster 145 " galv iron 241 " trim, wood 200 Card index system 359 Carey roofing 29 247 Carload, brick 87 " cement 56 " ferroinclave 126 " furnaces 292 " lime 91 " tile 255 Carpentry, approx est 12 "lab .... 14, 15 " lab general 150, 427-429 " lab on cottages 385, 386 " lab per sq ft on shops .317 " rough 114 Carpet lining ^..257 Car shop cost 319, 320, 321 " " steel 215 Cartage of earth 42 Cases, pantry 202 " per sq ft 32, 33, 656, 657 Casings 184 199 Castings, wt 394 Cast iron 210 Cast iron cols 21, 211, 212 Cast washers 227 C 1 pipe, wt ....396 Caution, no profit 9 Cedar block paving 101 " posts 30 Ceiling beams 166 " height of 366 " lab 157, 166, 167 " material 179 " metal 23, 241 " on studs 26 " on walls, lab 167 " paneled 166 " per sq 22, 25 Cellar drainer 286 " sash 193 Cellars, brick floor 100 " in general 362 Cement, blocks or brick .132, 520 " blocks mat'l required 131 " brick 133 " coated nails 226 " for concrete 50, 51, 52 " grouting 97, 98 " house, cost 432 " mortar 64, 89 " natural 49 " non-staining 72, 478 '* packed, unpacked 56 " production 57 " roofing, slaters 249 " wall -..520, 540 Cement, stone, cost 129 " tile 295 " walks 110 " wt 53, 345 Centering 86, 108, 179 Cesspools 83 Chain bolts 232 " railing 110 Chair rail 32 Charcoal 235 " iron 243 Cheapness 388 Checking mat'l 176, 178 Chicago millwork 190 Chimney foundations 315 " stacks ....83, 315, 591, 611 " wrecking 611 Chimneys breast 84 " cost, lab 83 " quality 364 " table of costs 84 " top, rebuilding 84 China closets 171, 202 " " doors 192 Chipped brick 96 Choice of mat'l 361 " " wood 375 Churches 305 Chute, escape, iron 221 Cinder concrete 57, 122 Circle, properties 393, 425 Circular woodwork 188- " work 502 Cisterns 82, 506 City Halls 305 Cleaning brick 86- (Technical World Magazine, January, 1900, tells of ma- chine that cleans 15,000 to 20,000 per day.) Cleaning concrete 124. " old paint 267 " old stone 72 " steel 265 Clearing lot 40 Clearstory per If 29 Cleveland valuation 634 Clocks 595 Closets 365 Coach shop 321 Coal bins 610 " buckets 610 " chute 333 ' hole covers 218 " pockets 647 " shed 316 333 " tar 337 " to cu ft 610 Coils, heating 288; 291 Cold water paint 3, 275 276 Color 264, 269 " mortar 91 Columns c i, wt 211 ' cut stone 69, 425, 426 " granite 73 " porch 201, 202 " wood for doorway 203 " wood, wt 408 Combinations per sq 23, 24 Comparative Costs : 1 brick & glass 39 1 brick & wood 39 " brick, fire and ordinary 113-117, 302, 510, 517 " nouses ....117, 362, 512, 517 Compo board 136, 146 Composition caps 201 " of gravel roof 245 Compressed air painting ....274 Concrete abutments 107 arches 108 base 98 99 block table 130 cinder 57 conduits 124 cottages 644 drilling holes in ....57, 214 filling on arches 114 floor, cost 113 floor, quantities . 59, 495 floor, surfacing 60, 126 Concrete forms 45, 106, 493 " gutters ,. 59 " heating and hoisting ... 48 " in detail 49, 57 " in engine houses 339 ' in partitions ....122 " in platforms, steps 109 " Kahn's 124, 125 " lab 45, 48, 106, 107 " machine foundry ...45, 334 41 machine mixing 48 " measurement 49, 488, 489 492-497 ' mixers 48 " natural cement 49 " piers 489, 492 " piles 44 porch cols 114 posts 133 price ....11 45, 49, 109, 113 projections 493 quantities 49-52 sewers 104 stairs 125 " storage cellar 554, 555 " tables 54-56 " tanks ; 553 " walls and floors 58, 59 " warehouses 302, 646, 647 " water table 57 " wt 56 Condenser 335 Conduits : " concrete 124 " electric 293 " price Ill Contingencies 9, 432, 581 "Contract, Uniform" 7 Convenient multiples 394 Coping, stone 70 " tile, wall 88 Copper cornices 244 ' painting of 433 " per sq 28 " rods 406 " wt 213 Cord, disuse of 3 Corkolin 299 Corner beads 184 " boards, lab 159 Cornice, brick 88, 506 " copper 244 " galv iron 240, 241 " " " detailed cost 523-526 " mitre galv iron 240 " plaster 144, 503, 508 " wood per If 33, 157, 167 Corrugated floor rubber 299 " iron 237 Cost, actual only 9 " and size 630, 632 " electric light 293 " fireprooflng 118 Cost, houses ...384, 387, 389, 390 " of roofs per sq 27, 28 " paint itemized 262 " per sq and cu ft 300-314 " tile, fireproof, per sq ft 119 ' tin, per sq 235, 236 " walls, brick, per sq ft .133 ' walls, wood, per sq ft . 25 " windows 192 Cottage, Chaps 26 & 27 Cottages, concrete 644 Counters 188 Counting the cost 343, 431 Coursed ashlar 69 Court houses 305 Covering joists per sq 21 " Pipe 288 1 roofs, per sq 28, 29 " studs, per sq 26 Cranes, electric, cost 335 " sand 320 " setting, etc 218 Crematory 333 Creosoted block paving 105 Creosoting timber 173 Cresting 188, 238 Crowning joists 189 Crusher 56, 426 Cubing 630 Culverts 106 Cupolas for foundry 335 Curbing 97, 98, 99, 105, 110 Cut stone 68 69, 70 " " cols 69 " sills 69, 338, 345 Dairy barns 305 Damp proofing 82, 276, 277 Danger in brick 81 Deadening felt 256 Deafening quilt 355 Decay in lumber 362 Decimal equivalents 393, 394, 412 Decorated tile 297 Dehydratine 276 Depot, freight, mill work 186 " freight, mill work cost .314 Depreciation buildings : " appreciation 561 " average 560, 612 " buildings 564, 565 " Cleveland tables of 569, 570 " for new conditions .558, 559 " importance 559 " in general .310-312, 556, 627 " 5s there any ? 567, 568 " life of bldgs 556, 557 " methods of 557, 559 " Neb. tables of 561-567 Derrick 154 Design of houses 360 Detailed schedules 588, 596 Dimension lumber, etc. .150-172 Directory, building 356 Discounts, glass 205 " millwork 180 Dome interiors 467, 484 Doors : " batten 183 " cheeks 232 " china closet 192 " cost of 31, 190 " factory 183 " fire 128, 610 " fireproof 244, 661 " grained 191 " hardware 227 " in general 373 " iron grilles 689, 690 " jambs 198, 199 " korelock 191 " lab 168, 169 " mausoleum 691 " per sq ft 183 " revolving 33, 661 " sizes 353, 373 " springs 232 " vault 219 " W. C 280, 283 " wt of 408 Dormers 29, 365 Downspouts ....31, 235, 238, 376 Drawers 188 " pulls 233 Dredge 42 Drift bolts, price 226 Drill halls 305 Drilling, concrete 214 " stone 71, 426 Driving piles 43 Drop pits 340 Dry kiln 320, 321, 333, 610 Dry lumber sheds 321, 333 Dumbwaiters 228 Duplex hangers 220, 221 " post caps 20 " switches 293 Eagles Earth, load " slope Egg and dart molding Ejectors, cost Elastic pulp plaster ....146, Elaterite roofs 29, Electric light, cost 286, 293, 344, Electric light standard Elevators 357, 595, " enclosures " grain ..155, 156, 303, 625 Embankment walls Enamel paint 267 Enameled brick 87 241 41 42 241 285 147 247 595 700 628 62 271 95 "Engineering" 432, 658, 660 Engine houses ..330, 338-343, 605 " " concrete 339 " cost 339-343 " " drop pits 340 " electric light 344 " " fire walls, frame ..343 ' mat! and lab 339 " " number brick 339 " piles 339 ' pits 341, 610 " " rectangular 341 " " reinforced concrete 343 " " smokejacks 343 Engines 626, 628 Equipment of shops 323-334 Erecting shops 38, 316, 324 " shops brick on 78 Erection of steel 216 Escutcheons 232 Estimates, approx 5-39 ' keeping 6 Estg. by sq 12-30 " separating items 5 " time taken 5 Exact cost 9 Excavation: 11, 490, 491, 590, 658 " actual 40, 41, 105-7, 109, 113, 449 " circular 538 1 general 11, 490, 491, 590, 658 ' machine foundations 41, 334 " machine work 102, 105 ' rock 41, 109 ' table 42 " trench, and pit work 278, 491, 497 Expanded metal 3 ' metal cost 121 ' metal, fire proofing 120, 123 ' metal, forms, lab 122 " metal, lath, sizes, walls 121 Expansion bolts 226 " joint 287 Exposition buildings 300 Express rooms 314 Exterior walls, cost of 487, 517-522 Extras 7, 487 Facade cleaning 71 Factories 302 Factory doors 183 ' electric lights 293 ' of cement blocks 131 Falsework 155 Fans 336 Felt 23, 246, 255, 256, 257 Fences, general 596 Fences, iron, railroad 219, 608, 609 " wood 30 156 Fenestra 479 Ferroinclave 126, 549 Filling earth ...42, 100, 10!), 110 " wood 201, 204, 271, 273 Filters, water 336 Finials 238 Finish : " hardwood 203 " lumber 33, 179 " oak 187 Fire brick 95 " clay 90 doors 128 Engine houses 301 escapes 221 loss 112, 113, 310 proof doors 244, 661 proof vaults 308 proof windows 243 risk 365 walls 343 proofing, bids on 119 proofing, centering 86, 120, 122, 124 proofing, comparison 113,117 proofing, cost 113 117, 123 proofing, ex-metal ..122-125 ' proofing, general 591 Fire proofing, lab, hauling, lumber, mortar 120 " proofing reinforced 121 ' proofing, tile 118-120 Fittings, plumbing and steam heat 283, 291 Fixtures, plumbing, setting .280 Flagstones 69, 110 Flashing 31, 237 Flats 304, 305 Flemish bond 96 Flexifold partitions 25 Flooring hardwood 203 ' on studs per sq 26 " per sq 21, 22, 23 " size, grade ....351, 371, 372 " wt of 409, 410 Floors allowances 179 ' asphalt 246 " concrete 59 ' finishes 273, 380 " fire-proof cost 125 " kind 371 lab 154, 159, 160, 161 oiling 273 plank 177 plank 2-in. T G 154, 160 pulp 299 shop 337 " smoothing by machin- ery 162 " special 594 " tile 295 " 6-in lab on 163 Flue doors 234 Flue linings,, cost 84 Flush bolts 232 " tanks 103 Fly screens 185, 371 Folding doors 610 Footings 590 Foot rail, brass 297 Forms 107, 108, 122 ' cost 45 " cost reinforced fireproof 123-126 ' m system 126 ' material req'd 490 " measurement of 488, 493 " nails for 46, 225 " rule for 46, 47 " (See "Silos") " sheet 411 " waste in 124 Foundries 215, 317, 326, 333 Fountains 610 Frame Engine house .343 " stations 314 " walls, cost 521, 522 Frames win and door 183, 184, 197, 198 Framing, wood 114 " & hauling on tile ..119, 120 Freight depot electric light .294 " depot mill work 186 Fretwork 370 Front doors 31, 183, 190 Furnaces 291, 382 Furring : 158, 177, 242 " per sq 29 Gable, advantage of 360 ' ends 186 Gable, ornaments 241 " per sq 24 Gall in bbl 82, 263, 397 " in tanks 397, 398 Galv i cornice 240, 524 " i in general 235 " i in heavy pipes 243 " i per sq 29, 31 ' i sheets to sq 404 Garage per sq ft 305, 450, 452, 644-646 Gas pipe 281, 285, 286 " pipe rail 110 219 " tar 237 ' water heaters 293 Gasoline engines 357 Gates, iron 219, 699 " wagon 30 Girders 171, 366 " wt of steel 215 Glass bedding and quality ..375 " discounts ...205 Glass net prices 208,209 " or brick 39 " partitions per sq 25 " prices 205, 206 " prism 207 " Salvage 207 " salvage, setting 207 " setting 207 " skylight 207 " translucent 20.7 " tile 255 " wt and quality 207, 599 Glazing, cost ...205, 206, 353, 479 Gold leaf 260 " letters 271 " production 580, 581 Goosenecks 244 Grades, lumber 347-351 Grading 98, 99 Grain elevator, lab 156 " elevator depreciation ...312 " elevator per sq ft 303 Graining 271 Granite Ashlar 109 " cols 73, 425 " cost of 67 " lab ..." 66, 67 " paving 98, 191, 105 " work 109, 426, 591 Graphite 260, 269 Grates, vent 234 Gratings, wrot iron 219 Gravel roof per sq 23, 245 " walk ' 110 Greenhouses per sq ft . .305, 306 Grilles, iron 689, 690, 695, 697, 699 " wood 187 Grounds 164, 165, 177, 371 Grouting 97, 98 100 Guards, snow 253 Gutters, construction 376 " copper 244 " galv i 238 " street 98, 99 " wood 159, 176 Hair 142 Hand labor 425-429 Hangers, beam 19, 220, 221 " duplex, etc 19, 220, 221 " sliding 228 Hardware 223, 593 " for large door 227 " for large win 227 Hardwood flooring 22, 160, 163, 203 " flooring, lab on 161, 162 ' flooring, oiling 273 " flooring, wt 410 Hauling 71, 105, 120, 253, 591 Hearth tile 295 Heater box ... ...337 Heaters, gas 293 661 Heating 287-293 595 " buildings per cf ...291, 316 " boilers 287 " coils 288, 291 " cost 287 " Engine houses 343 ' ex joints 287 " for concrete 48 " for plaster 136 " furnace 291, 367, 382 " hot blast 291 " hot water 287, 290, 293 " pipe 4-in. cost 288 Heating radiators 287 " steam 290 High priced paint 270 High prices 572 Hinges 230, 231 " strap and tee 233 Hip rolls 241 Hods 233 Hoes, mortar 233 Hoisting for concrete 48, 59 Hole digging in concrete ... 57 " digging in earth 359 " digging in stone 71 Hollow building tile 82 " tiles, cost 118 " walls 80, 505 Hose 234 Hotbed, sash * 196 Hospitals per sq ft 304 Hotels 304 Houses, cost of 384, 512-515 Howe truss 29, 152, 652 Hydrants ...280 Ice houses 320, 321, 333 " houses, small 321, 608, 609, 646 Inside paint 270 Insurance 7, 8, 115, 517, 532 " adjusting 310 " fire, liability 357 " tanks 619 Iron and coal shed 321 " and steel ...12, 210, 214, 591 Iron caps and bases 20, 21 " chain railing 110 cols 211, 212 cost 103 detailed prices 222 house ...316 setting 214, 216 stair railing, wt iron 692-694 stairs 222 wickets 697-699 wt 213, 399, 407 Ironite 276 Italian marble 283, 484 Itemized cost of paint 267 Jack arches 87 Jamb guards, iron 229 Jambs 184, 198, 199 " paneled 169 Joints in finish 373 Joist hangers 19, 220, 221 Joists by sq 12, 14, 15 ' covering per sq 21 " crowning 189 " No. to sq 14 " sizes ...172, 348, 367 " sizing 154 Jute and lead . ...534 Kahn system data 124, 125 Keene's cement 136, 140, 141 Keeping count 431 " estimates 6 Kinds of glass 206 King turntables 600-604 Knobs 232 Labor : carpentry 14, 150-171 carpentry of 6-story building 154 culverts 106 dimension lumber 152, 154, 155 grain elevator 155 large galv i pipes 289 on mat'l on painting . .268 passenger stat'n carpen 157 pipe covering 289 RR shops per sq ft ....317 " trestles 155 See article required as "shingles," under that heading. Laborers on brickwork 92 Ladders, iron , .221 " sliding 33 La Farge cement 72, 478 Lag screws 226, 400 Lanterns shop, per If 29 Large RR shops 217 Lassig turntables 600-604 Lath 136, 137, 143, 349, 377 Lattice work 186 Lavatories 284 Lavatory buildings 320, 321, 332 Lawn vases 133 Lead 285 " and jute 534 " pipe 103, 283, 396 " paint ..263 " sash wts 228 " wt 213, 407 Leaded glass 190, 206 Left hand door 229 Letters in galv i 241 ' in paint 271 ' in stone 71 Libraries, cost 308, 659, 660 Library fittings 701-705 ' stone 68 Lighting 286, 293, 294 Lightning rods 337 Lime, car load 91 ' mortar 64, 89 ' plaster 3, 142 " wt 345, 407 Limestone cutting 66 ' for concrete 53 Lining, vault 219 Lintels, sills, and base plates, iron 218 Load, earth 41 Loading brick, gravel ...356, 426 Local stone 69 Lockers 320 Locks 231, 232, 379 Lumber, hardwood 203 ' finish 33 Lumber, fire proofing 120 ' forms 46, 47 ' general 592 ' lab on 109, 110, 150-171 " lengths ....171, 179, 346-350 ' mat'l 171-179 1 price 15 " reckoner 350, 411 ' sheds 320, 333 ' sizes, grades, etc. ..346-351 ' unloading 356 " wt 409 Lunch counter 188 Luxfer prisms 207, 218 M Macadam 105, 110 Machine bolts 226, 400, 401 " bolts, lab 425-429 ' bolts, price 226 " excavation 102, 105 " shops ..38, 316, 321, 324, 647 ' shops, brick 78 " shops, foundations 45 " shops, steel wt 215, Mahogany counters 188' ' lumber, price 204 " wainscoting 186 Mail chute 633 Manholes 102, 103, 105, 111 Mantle facings 296 " wt of 408 Manufacturing buildings 37, 58, 647 Maple flooring by sq 22 ' flooring, lab 160, 161 ' flooring, price 189 " flooring, sq edge 178 Maple floors 351, 372 " floors, oiling 380 " floors per sq 22 Marble ....67, 114, 426, 591, 594 " artificial 148 44 base 297 " sienna 484 " wainscoting 484 Marbleoid 299 Masonry : " trimmings 591 " wt of 407 Master keys 232 Mat'l and lab on Engine house 339 " required for paint 261 Measurement, courts on 486 44 in general 10, 485 " net 487 44 of brickwork 74 ". of excavation 40 44 of fireproofing 119 " of floor tile 297 44 of pilasters, etc 79 " of stone -, 67 (See item wanted, such as concrete, excava- tion, Mo., etc.) Medallions, galv i 241 Medicine cabinets 186, 284 Metal bridging 16 44 ceilings 23, 241 44 corners, plaster 137, 378 " sash 243, 479 " studs 222 44 wainscoting 242 " windows 479-483 Metals, wt of 406 Meters 280, 285, 336 Mill construction 20, 155 " discounts 180 Mills, cotton 303 Millwork ..31, 180, 351, 592, 593 " labor 427-429 sizes 351-353 44 stock patterns 351 Mineral paint 260, 269 44 quantities 263 " wool 354 Mirrors 206 Missouri brickwork 499-501 44 circular work 502 " cornices 500 44 excavation 498 44 labor 502 44 measurement 497 44 paving 500 44 plaster 503 44 roofing 504 44 stone 499, 502 Mistakes 392 Mixed paints 263 Moisture in brick 362 Moisture proofing 518 Money drawers 188 Monitors per If 29 Monolith .; 299 44 base, floors 115 Mortar color 90 44 for brick, quantity . 88, 89, 91 44 for cut stone 70 " for flrep roofing 120 44 for lime 65 44 for rubble 62, 64, 65 4 for sandstone 72 44 how much 1 44 on brick, cost 79, 132 Mosaic floors, etc 114, 484 Moscow railroads 434 Motors 336 Mould 110 Mouldings 184, 186, 199 Mouldings, book 351 Multiples, useful 394 Municipal work 97 Muriatic acid 96 N Nail, allowances 225 Nails, cement-coated 226 44 for forms 46, 225 44 for lath 137, 225 44 for slate 252, 253 4 No. to Ib 224 44 per sq 13 44 table ; 224 Neponset papers 257 Newels 187, 693 Nogging 81 No. brick in sidewalks 100 44 coats paint 266, 379 " joists to sq 14, 18 " pieces of wood in bldg...588 " tiles to sq ft 298 " 26 galv i, 1 sq 237 Oak extra 179 44 finish 187, 203 44 flooring, cost 189, 203 44 flooring, grade 204 " floors per sq 22 " grading 204 " lab 161, 162, 163 " quality 372 1 wainscoting 179 187 Oakum 285 Ochre 266 Ofllce buildings 306-308, 332 Oil houses 318, 330 Omaha measurement 505 Open plumbing 374 Openings, cost of 31, 32, 39 " deductions 494, 500, 507 " size of 487 Order of estimating 5 Ornamental iron work 592, 681, 700 " tile work 297 Outside walls per sq 24 Pails 233 Paint brushes 272 " coldwater 274, 275 " cost of 33 " filling ....261, 264, 271, 273 " gall in bbl 263 " gold leaf 260 " kind of 380 " lab 266 " mineral .30, 260, 262, 263, 269 " on plaster 266 " per steel ton , 266 " priming 262 " required 263, 264 " shops 327, 333 " wt 263, 264 Painting 259 " colors 379 cost 262, -268 measurement . .259, 508, 509 No. coats 379 of copper 433 on brick 260, 265 on steel 265 per sq 23, 26 prices inside 271 quantities 260, 266 spheres 260 tin 235 Paint shops 320, 327 Paneling per sq ft 186 Pantries, lab 171 Pantry draw cases 202 Paper, building 177, 256 Parquet floors 189 " roofing 246, 256, 257 Parlor cols 203 Paroid roofing 257 " roofing, nails for 257 " roofing, wt of 257 Partitions ceiled per sq 25 " flexifold per sq 25 ' iron studs 122 " mahogany 186 " office 187, 658, 662 " per sq 24 " rolling per sq 25 41 tile 82 Passenger car paint shops ..327 " repair shops 326 " station lab 157 " station lighting 294 " station millwork 186 Patent roofs 246 Pattern shops 326 Patterns for castings ...210, 394 Paving 69, 97, 98, 99, 105, 106, 596 ' brick, cost ....100 ' flagstone 69, 110 ' granite block' 101 Payment of ests 8 Pediments, galv i 241 Percentages 307, 633 ' blacksmith shop and foundry 317 ' car shop 319 " in buildings 33-38, 116 Perch, disuse of 3, 486 Photos 153 Physical Valuation: ' blanks 583, 585, 586 ' Cleveland 634-638 ' cost of 584 ' in general .571, 582, 583, 634 ' on interest rate 672 ' square ft 587 Picket fences 30 Pickets 188 Picture mould 32, 200 Piers, brick, porch ..364, 501, 505 ' concrete 489, 493 ' stone 62, 499, 598 Pigeon holes 33 Piles 43, 44, 109, 597 ' concrete 44 ' in Engine house 341 " wood 43, 105 Piling 11 " per sq ft of building 316, 318, 319 Pipe covering 288 ' galv i 31, 235, 238 " lab 429 ' lengths, wrot iron 282 ' sewers 103, 104, 111, 333 " water, etc. Ill, 282, 287, 333, 337 Piping, special 595 Pitch 245, 246 Pitch of roof 174, 367 Pits 341, 610 Plank floors 177 " lab on 154, 156 " per sq 21 Planing mills 329 Plaster back 136 " blackboards 145 ' blocking 136 ' centers 145 ' cols and caps 145 ' cornices 144, 503 ' cost of 135, 518 hair 142 " heating 136, 144 " kind of 3, 134, 142, 377, 594 " lab 137, 143 Plaster measurement 134, 503, 508 ' muslin 144 ' No. coats 377 " of Paris 142 " old brick 144 ' on brick 135 " on ferroinclave 127 " on old concrete 277 " on tile, etc 115, 135 " on wood lath 114 " 1 3-4 136, 460, 466 " outside 136, 148 " paint on 382 " partitions, wt 144 " patching 143 " per sq 23, 26, 27 " per yd 31, 135 " prices 143 " pulp 146, 147 ' putty 142 " quantities required 138, 139, 140, 142 " sand, sand finish 138 " screens 144 " stucco 138 " tables 415-424 Plasterers and laborers 144 Plate rail 200 Platforms, brick 99 " general 596 " heavy 610 " lab, wood 155 ' per sq wood 30 " roofs per sq 30 Plugs, wall 158, 228 Plumbii/g 278 (See baths, soil pipe, or any article required, under proper heading.) " lab ..278, 279, 280, 283, 594 Pointing : brick 96 stone 71, 72 Poles, wood, concrete 359 Porch balusters 202 cols cement 133 col bases c i 221 floor per sq 22 lab 164 piers 364 posts 187, 201 rail 202 Porches, design 369 Portland cement, bbl 52 " cement, plaster outside 148, 149 Post offices 307, 309 Posts, boring 171 " cedar 30, 359 " concrete 133 " hole digging ..156, 229, 359 Power houses 315, 321, 323 Pressed brick 364 Pressed brick, cost ...87, 88, 113 " brick, fine work 95 1 brick, No. laid 96 " brick, quantity required 12, 86 " brick work 12, 132 Price, Bedford stone 67 Price book 359 " list of papers 256 " of iron and steel 218 Prices of bldg material, etc. 576-579 " of electric fittings 294 ' of glass 205, 206 " of joists per sq 14, 15 " rising 572, 574, 578 " " causes 579-581 Prism glass and lights ..207, 218 Profit 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 Prong studs 122 Pull downs 233 Pulleys, sash 198 Pulp floors 299 Pumping water 105, 107, 492 Pumps 626, 628 " house 280, 600 Purington block 97, 100 Purlins, lab on 154 Push plates 232 Putty 260, 265, 379 ' required for glazing 206, 479 Q Q S flooring 22, 372, 373 Quality of paint 268 Quantities, paint required 260,266 ' for cold water paint ..275 ' tin required 239 " to sq lumber 14 Quarrying granite 66, 426 Quarter round 200 Quoins 149 Racks 657 Radiation, how to est 289 Radiators 287, 289, 413 Rafters, in general 367 " lab 157 " mat'l 173, 174 " per sq 27, 28 Rail, gas pipe 110, 219 Railing, bronze 110 ' " iron 110, 624-699 " stair, wrot iron 692-694 Railroad buildings 314 ' fences 219 ' shops, large 217 " to Moscow 434 Rails, win 185 Raising roofs 356 Range work 499 Eansome bars 126 Raymond piles 44 Heady mixed paint 269 Ready reckoners ...350, 410, 411 Rectangular Engine house ..341 Red lead 269 Red rosin 256 Refrigerators 33ti, 355, 661 Registers 292 " stove pipe 234 Reinforced arches 108 ' Engine house 343 ' flreproofing 118 roof 125 ' sewers 104 ' stacks 315 Reinforced Concrete: Aberthaw Co 436 Average work 439 Bank, cost 452 Beam floors 445, 462, 466 Card, master 438, 447, 449 Ceilings 461, 465 Cold storage, cost 451, 452 Columns 442, 449, 473 Comparison of cost 113-117, 302, 470, 472, 510-512 Concrete . . . 440-447, 456 " filler 466 " good and bad 436 " labor on 456, 457, 475 " light and heavy 447 Cornices 467 Costs of work 472 Covering 466 Details of costs 476 Domes 467 Excavation 449 .Expanded metal, unloading 475 Factory, cost 450, 451, 458, 475 Ferro-concrete Co 455 Fireproof bldgs, cost ..450-452 Fire station, cost 450 Floors, cement 459 (See beam and slab.) Floors 440-446, 448, 455, 456, 457 473-476 Forms, smooth, danger ....475 Foundations ..440 441, 449, 471 Frames, setting 449 Garage, cost 450, 452 Hennebique system 470 Hospital, cost 451, 452 Hotel, cost 452 Hy-Rib system 458, 459 Insurance, saving in 470 Location and cost 439 Lumber ..440-445, 449, 474, 476 Mfg. bldg, cost 451 Maple floor 448, 449 Master card ......439, 447, 449 Measure, how to 437, 438, 456, 496 497 Reinforced Concrete : Mill, cost 453 Mill construction 453 Nails and wire 440-445, 476 Of&ce bldg, cost 450-452 Paneled work 466 Partitions ...449, 460, 461, 466 Paving 449 Percentages 475 Plank, labor 449 Plastering 460 Proportions 439, 467 Reinforced dwellings .453, 454 Relative prices 574 Retaining wall 449 Roebling system 465 Roofs 449, 460, 464 Shoring 460 Silos 461 Slab floors 444, 449, 459, 466, 471 Sq or cu ft costs 449-453 Stairs 449 Steel, setting 446, 457, 473, 475 Storehouses, cost 451 Stores, cost 450 Testing in Tunis 470 Thickness 512 Time of erection .510 Tooling 448, 449 Trussed Concrete Steel Co 458 Unloading 473, 474 Vaulted ceilings 467 Walls 443, 449, 460, 461, 471, 473 Warehouse, cost 452, 453 Relative cost of brick glass 39 Repair shops 326, 327, 328 Repaving 97 Reserve of ests 8 Reservoir 625, 627 Residences 36, 304, 305, 310 Revolving doors 33, 661 R I W 277 Rift flooring 22, 372, 373 Rising prices 572-575 Risk 8 Rivets 213, 215, 216, 217, 402 Rock excavation 41, 109 Rock faced stone 67 Rods, lightning 337 Rolling partitions per sq 25 Roofing : canvas 525-527 measurement 504, 593 paints 263 papers 246, 256, 257 steel 243 Roofs, per sq 27, 28, 29 " pitch and area 174, 430 " raising 356 ' reinforced 125 " slate 28, 248 " tile 28, 254 Rooms, sizes 365 Hope 233 Rosedale cement cf 52 Rosin 235 Roundhouse, see Engine house Rubber base 299 " roofing 257 " tile 298 Rubbing down paint ...265, 272 Rubble, cost 11, 62, 63, 517 " dry Ill " lab 65 ' masonry 109, 110 " measurement 61, 498 " mortar 62, 64 " quantities, wt 61 Ruberoid per sq 29, 247 Ruud heaters 661 Rules, for radiation 289, 290 S Sackett board 136, 145 Safes, home 219 " large, moving 220 Safety treads 221 Sand blasting 72, 478 " cranes 320, 335, 478 " finish, plaster 136, 138 " for brick mortar 90 " for concrete 49, 50, 51 " for plaster 138 " houses 320 " screening 377 Sanding, paint 268 Sandstone, cost 72 " paving 101 " setting 66 Sash balances 166, 233 " centers 233 " cord ....228 " glazing 205, 206 " lifts, locks 233 " prices 180, 181, 192-196 " pulleys 198 " sizes 352 " wts ..182, 227, 228, 379, 433 Scaffolding 179, 222, 487 Scagliola 114 Scales, track 600 Schedules 588-596 Schools 37, 300 " detailed cost 640 " per pupil 638 " per sq and cu ft 638-643 Screens, fly 185, 371 " plaster 378 Screws 233 Scroll work 370 Sectional sash wts 228 Septic tanks 308, 309 Setting glass 207 " iron and steel 214, 216-218, 446, 477 Sewer ditch 42 Sewers, brick ..101, 102, 104, 105 " concrete 104, 426 " cost, brick, laid 102, 104, 105, 111 " cost, pipe, laid 103, 104, 333 " labor 278 " pipe alone 105, 281 " sheet piling 42, 105 " size trench 278 Sheds, lumber 320 " shelter 321 Sheeting, labor 156 " material 175, 369 " per M 156 ' per sq 21, 26 " quantities 15 " timbers 110, 111 Sheet lead 285 " metal 593 " piling 42, 105, 491 " steel 218, 399 Shelf hardware 229 Shellacs 264, 273 Shelving, labor 171 " material 318 Shingles, asbestos 128, 368 " dipping 379, 509 " kind of 368 " labor on 158 " life of 368 " material 175 " nails 225. 368 " per sq 26, 28 " sizes 349 " stains ....269, 270, 273, 368 " tin 235, 242 Shiplap, general 369 " labor 156 " material 175 " per sq 21, 26 Shop floors 337 ' lanterns per If 29 " roofs, reinforced per sq.125 ' roofs, wood, per sq ... 29 " unit cost 317 Shops, R. R., etc. . . .316-344, 647 (See also under particu- lar building required.) Shoring 492 Shoved brickwork 81 Shovels 233 Shrinkage of ice 321 Shutters, rolling steel 219 " wrot iron 219 Sicilian rock asphalt 246 Sideboards, lab . .170 Sidewalk lights 218 Sidewalks 99, 100, 364 Siding, in general 369 " lab 159 ' material 176 ' per sq 26 Siding, size 348 " steel and tin 243 Sienna marble 484 Signal towers 314, 315 Sills, concrete 129 " stone 70, 345, 426 " wood 366 Silos 535 " capacity 536, 537 " cement block 539-541 " cost per ton 547 " details 545, 548 " forms 546, 547, 549 " labor 545 " reinforced concrete .543, 545 " roofs 550, 553 " sq ft costs 542, 548 " wood 550-552 " cost 551, 552 Silvering table 337 Sinks 285 Site clearing 40 Size and cost 630-632 " of brick 80, 87, 95 " on plaster 260 Sizes, rooms 365 " lumber 347-351 " millwork 351-353 " standard 345 and on Sizing joists 154 " (painter) 268 Skylights ..31, 207, 238, 239, 594 Skyscrapers, general 632, 633 " setting steel 477 " values 632, 638 Slate blackboards 254 " cement 249 " hauling, lap 253 " lab 249 " nails 252 " partitions 283 " per sq 28, 29, 248, 249 " punching 250 " quantity, size 252 Slate, quantity 251 " setting partitions 280 Slaughter houses 305 Sleepers in basement per sq 17, 18 " lab 154 " large sizes 19 Sliding doors 31, 168 " door hangers 228 " door ladders 33 " door locks 231 Slope of earth 42 " of stove lining 63 Smokejacks 343 Smoothing floors by machines 162 Snow guards /. .253 Sod 110, 391 Soil pipe, lab 279 " pipe, prices 281 Solder .....235, 285 Speaking tubes 239 Spikes 224 1 boat 226 Spindles, cement 133 " wood 188 Spreading stone 60 Sprinklers, cost 303, 528-532 Square 412 Square cost of sheeting, ship- lap, flooring, plank, etc. 21-26 Square of tin itemized ..235, 236 Sq ft cost of bi-ick 133 " costs, general 629-643 " prices of bldgs 300-337 " valuation 634 Sq root 174 Sq system of estg 150 Stables, cost 305 Stacking, brick 86 Stacks, chimney, brick 83, 315, 506, 591, 611 ' chimney, reinforced ....315 " chimney, steel 316 " chimney, steel, taking down 222 Staff 145 Stain, waterproof, cement . .276 Staining sash 267 " wood 226, 264, 270, 272, 273 Stair railing, wrot iron ..692-694 Stairs, concrete ..1.09, 125, 497 " cost 32, 187,202,353 " how to build 373 " iron 221, 222 " labor, wood 169 Standard sizes in general ..345 " sizes, lumber 345-351 " varnish finish 270 Standpipes 321, 647 Staples for met lath 137 Stations, RR 314 Steam hammers 334 " heat ....290 " piping 282 " piping, lab on large sizes 289 Steel and iron, cost 12 Steel : beams 110 cor bars for curbing ...105 danger of changes 119 general 210, 591 girders, posts, bracing 110 Kahn system 125, 126 painting 261, 265 per sq ft of buildings .215 " ribbon 228 " setting 110, 216, 477 " sheet, lab 218 ' siding 243 " stack, taking down . . .222 " studs 221 Steps, concrete (with table figures) 57, 109, 125 Steps, stone 70, 109 Stevenson doors 355 Stiles and rails, win 185 Stippling paint 268 Stirrups 19, 220, 221 Stock boards 349 Stone, concrete 50, 51 " crusher 56, 426 " lettering 71 " lining of slopes 63, 64 " measurement 67, 73, 498, 499, 591 " paving 97 ' quantity 67 " sills, steps, coping ..70, 345 ' spreading 60 " wall, cost 517 Stools, win 185, 200 Stoops 185, 200 Storage cellar 544 Store and office 321 " cost 32 " fronts lab 165, 507 " millwork 183 Storehouse 318, 329, 333 Storerooms, lab 171 Stores and flats 36, 304 Storm sash 181 Stove pipe fittings 234 Street-car barns 344 Studs, general 367 " lab 157 " mat'l 172 " metal 222 " per sq 24, 25 " steel 221 Subbids 7 Surfacing concrete 477, 478 Surfacing concrete floors 60, 121 " wood floors 188 Surf butts 230, 231 System of valuation 597-599 Table of bm 410, 411 " nails required 224 " plaster 135, 136, 140 1 wages 673-684 Tablets, bronze and iron 685-688, 690, 691, 695 Tanks 218, 397, 398, 595, 600 ' and towers 616-624 " concrete 553, 554 Tapestry brick 515 Tar 246 " coal 337 " felt .23, 426, 257 Team, traveling 64 Telegraph desk 187 Telford 110 Tenements 304 Terra cotta 88, 113 Terrazo floors 295 Thickness of walls ...79, 82, 363 Thimbles, partition 234 Thresholds 184= Ties, cross 562 Tile arches 483 " building 82 '* facts about, floor 297 " glass, roofing 255 " Kahn 125 ' kind, size, floor ...295, 296 " per sq roofing 28, 29 ' roofing 254, 255 " wainscoting 296 Timber for sheathing 109 " in place 110, 156 Time on paint 266 Tin lined pipe, covered 288 " per sq 28, 29 " prices 235 ' quality 376 " shingles ...242 " siding 377 " wts 236 Tinned doors 128, 610 Tons 2000 or 2240 Ibs 213 Tools for RR shops 323-337 Towers : " slate .'...250 " steel 616-618 " style 370 " tile 256 " wood 155, 619-624 Tracery 71 Track 332, 337, 596 " brass 233 " scales 600 Trade rules 487, 490 Transfer pit ...333, 336, 342, 610 " tables 333, 336 Translucent fabric 207 Transom cost 31, 181, 139 " lifts 232 Treads, safety 221 Trees 40, 658 Trestles, lab 155 Trimmings, masonry 591 Trusses, cost 29, 648-652 " lab 152 " steel, wt 215, 216, 598 Tubs 280, 285 Turnstiles 336 Turntables .333, 344, 596, 600-604 U Umbrella sheds 30, 609 Underpinning 81 "Uniform contract" 7 Unloading brick 100, 356 " earth, lumber, sand, slate, stone 355, 356, 473 Upholstery shop 333 Urinals 283 Urns, galv i 241 Vacuum cleaners 662-666 Valleys 31, 376 Valuation (see Physical Val) 634 " system 597 Values 582 Valves 283, 287 Variations in estimates 4 Varnishes 261 " outside 264 " removers 261, 267 " wt 264 Vases, lawn ..0 133 Vats 595, 600 Vault doors 219 Vaults, fireproof 308, 507 Veneered houses 96, 305, 519 Venetian blinds 184 Ventilation 308, 374 Ventilator 238 Vent pipes 280 Viaduct paving 106 Voids 51, 56 W Wages, plumbers' 281 " tables, average 412 " " daily 684 " " fractional 673 " " hourly 674-681 " " weekly 682-683 Wagon gates 30 Wainscoting, Artificial marble 143 " lab, wood 167 " mahogany 186 " mat'l 179 " metal 242 " paneled 253 " per sq 32 plaster 375, 378 Walks 59, 100, 110, 364 Wall coping 88 " paper 272 Walls, per sq, brick .133, 517, 520 " per sq, wood ....24, 521, 522 " plugs, metal 158, 223 " thickness 363 " 9-in short cut 76 " tile 298 Wardrobe hooks 233 Warehouses 30, 36, 301 Washers, cast 227 Washing fronts 71, 96 Waste pipes 280 Water and excavation 41 " closets 283 " for brick 90 " for concrete 65 " for plaster 143 " pipe, lab 279 " pipe laid Ill, 333, 337 " pipe, mat'l .281 282, 533, 534 Waterproofing 110, 147 Waterproof stain 276 Water pumping 105, 107 " table 57 " tank 333, 600 Waxing 273, 380 Wear and tear of buildings .311 (See Depreciation) Weight, brass, copper, lead .213 " c i cols 211, 212 " cement 53, 407 " concrete 140 Ibs to cf " galv sheets 403, 404 " glass 207 " machine bolts 400 " paint 263 ' partitions, plaster 144 " steel on buildings per sq ft 215 " steel trusses 215 " substances 406-408 " wrot iron 213, 399 Wells 614-616 Wheelbarrows 233 Wheeling 42 Wheel shops 328 White cement 478 White lead 4 269 Wickets for stationary win 218, 697-699 Windmills 337 Windows, " "Chicago" 192-196 " cost ....31, 32, 180, 181, 182 " dormer 29, 365 " extras 196 " fireproof 243, 479-483 " fireproof, cost 192, 483 " frames 181-183, 197 " general 370 " odd 196 " sizes 352 " wt 182, 408 Wire, barbed 229 " panels 229 " rope 233 Wood fences 30 Wrecking 356, 611 Wrot iron grilles 689, 690,, 695, 697, 699 " iron newels 693 " iron pipe 693 " iron pipe laid 333 " iron prices 220 " iron stair rails 692 693 Wyckoff covering 288 Y. M. C. A. buildings, cost ..', Zinc .238 OUR HOME CITY IS to be a Central or Western Neb. Model City to begin with 1000 families, or 5000 people. Each family is to put up a building. The total investment in buildings and municipal work will be at least $2,000,000.00 in a place of such size. The rise in the land values will amount to more than this sum, on the basis of the relative values of land and improvements in all established towns and cities. There will be at least 1000 buildings erected as a begin- ning. We require people in all lines of business for such a city, but more especially men connected with building and building material. There will be no land speculation. Lots will be owned by the city only, and leases given for 99 years. Thus, there will be no money required to secure a site for business or home, but a monthly payment to the city only. Liquor will not be sold. A model plan has been made for the streets, parks, etc., and the best building code adopted. No fran- chises will be granted, but the city only will own and operate water-works, gas-works, electric light plant, etc. The altitude will be at least 1800 feet above sea level, and from border to border Nebraska is a healthy state. We shall be located in the best part of it. The most careful provision has been made for health, education, amusements, and a just taxing system. No move will be made until 1000 families are secured. This makes a successful city certain, and safeguards every- body. With nothing to pay for a lot, a home may be had for a few r hundred dollars, to as high as desired. In order to see what we shall do for a living, go to a city of 5000 and look around you. It is already built, but we shall have to build ours. I wish to hear from all who want a new opportunity under better environments than are common. Address WILLIAM ARTHUR, 4160 Davenport St., OMAHA, NEB. SOME USEFUL BOOKS Selected from the List of Live Up-to-date Work Published and For Sale By DAVID WILLIAMS COMPANY Publishers of The Building Age 239 WEST 3pTH STREET, NEW YORK. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND SUPER- INTENDENCE, CARPENTRY, JOINERY, ETC. Kidder's Building and Construction and Superinten- dence. Size of volumes, 7x9 3-4 ins. Sold separately. Part i Mason's Work. Ninth Edition; Revised and Enlarged by Thomas Nolan. 992 pages; 628 illustra- tions. Cloth bound. Price, $6.00 Treats broadly on everything comprised under the heads of Foundations on Firm Soils; Foundations on Compressible Soils; Masonry Footings and Foundation Walls; Shoring and Underpinning; Limes, Cements and Mortars Building Stones; Cut-stonework; Brick and Brickwork; Architectural Terra Cotta; Fireproofing of Buildings; Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Construc- tion; Iron and Steel Supports for Masonwork-Skeleton Construction; Lathing and Plastering; Specifications. Special attention is given to fireproofing and concrete, both reinforced and plain. Foundations has received careful consideration, and many examples of the latest and most approved work in recent structures on difficult soils are shown. Part 2 Carpenter's Work. Seventh Edition; 544 pages; 537 illustrations; 14 tables. Cloth bound, Price, $4.00. This work is much more than a treatise on carpentry. It covers the work and manipulation of materials, in con- nection with any character of construction that could be included in a set of carpenter's specifications, including interior trim and equipment, light and heavy framing, etc., all well illustrated. Part 3 Trussed Roofs and Roof Trusses.. By F. E. Kidder. Second edition. 300 pages; 306 illustrations. Cloth bound. Price, $3.00 This work is designed more particularly for the use of architects. It is therefore not so well suited to the re- quirements of builders and carpenters as the author's "Strength of Beams, Floors and Roofs," but it describes plainly nearly every type of roof construction commonly met with in buildings, and points, out the advantages of the different types of wooden and steel trusses for differ- ent spans and building requirements. It explains the process of computing the loads, drawing the stress dia- gram and proportioning the members and points to the stresses. The .mechanical principles are clearly set forth and the method of obtaining the stresses. Kidder's Strength of Beams, Floors and Roofs. 230 pages. Size, 51-2x8 ins.; 164 engravings; 21 tables and diagrams. Cloth bound. Price, $2.00 It explains the mechanical principles of all ordinary types of wooden trusses, and the methods of computing the stresses and proportioning the members. Gives new light on making and estimating the strength of truss joints. Illustrates a variety of types of approved wooden trusses. Points out common mistakes in designing which often result disastrously. Dustman's Book of Plans and Building Construction. 238 pages. Size, 9 x 13 ins. Oblong. Bound in cloth. Price, $2.00. A practical treatment of all phases of construction, with many tables and diagrams, and including comprehensive articles on estimating time, labor and material, specifica- tion writing and plan reading. There is also given an excellent collection of designs of attractive cottages and double houses of moderate cost, with exterior views, floor plans and details. Building Superintendence. By Edward Nichols. 200 pages. Size, 63-4 x 93-4 ins. Cloth bound. Price, $1.50 This is a working guide to the requirements of modern American building practice and the systematic supervi- sion of building operations. The Architects' and Builders' Pocket Book. The Fif- teenth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 1700 pages; 1000 engravings; morocco binding. Price, $5.00. In the author's own words, it is "a general index to the many lines of work, methods, materials and manufactured products entering into the planning, construction and equip- ment of buildings." A modern construction handbook, indispensable to the professional man and the student of to-day. CONTENTS: Terms Used in Mechanics; Foundations and Spread Footings; Masonry Walls and Footings Cement and Concrete; Retaining Walls Vault Walls; Strength of Brick and Stone Masonryand Concrete; Composition and Resolution of Forces Centre of Gravity; Stability of Piers and Buttresses; The Stability of Arches; Bending Moments and Supporting Forces; Moments of Inertia and Resistance. Radius of Gyration. Dimensions and Properties of Structural Shapes; Resistance to Tension Physical Properties of Iron and Steel; Resistance to Shearing Riveted Joints Proportions of Cast-iron and Steel Bearing-Plates and for Brackets on Cast-iron Columns; Strength of Posts, Struts and Columns. Standard Connec- tions for Steel Beams; Stiffness' and Deflection of Beams; Strength and Stiffness of Continuous Girders; Riveted Steel- Plate and Box Girders; Mill and Warehouse Construction; Fire- proofing of Buildings; Reinforced Concrete; Roof-Trusses Types of Wooden and Steel Trusses; Stresses in Roof -Trusses; Proportioning Members of Roof-Trusses and Details of Joints; Wind Stresses and Bracing in Towers and High Buildings; Heat, Fuel, Water, Steam and Air; Drying by Steam; Systems of Piping for Steam Heating; Steampipe Fittings and Valves; Rules for Proportioning Radiating Surface; Hot-Water Heat- ing; Furnace Heating; Specifications for Heating Apparatus; Tables of Hot Air Stacks, Registers, Steam Piping, etc.; Smoke Prevention; Ventilation; Chimneys; Hydraulics; Private Water Supply, Pumps, Windmills etc.; Fire Streams; Construction of Cylindrical Wooden Tanks; Capacity of Tanks; Plumbing Ma- terials and Details; Plunge-Baths; Illuminating-Gas; Piping a House for Gas; Notes on Lighting and Illumination; Electric- ity; Electric Lighting and Wiring; Specific Weights and Grav- ities of Substances; Wire and Sheet Metal Gauges; Weights of Wrought Iron, Steel, Copper and Brass Sheets; Weight of Lead, Copper and Brass; Size, Weight and Kinds of Smooth Steel Wire; Weights and Areas of Round and Square Bars; Weights of Flat-rolled Steel Bars; Data for Estimating Weight of Cast Iron, Wrought Iron and Steel; Screws and Expansion Bolts; Stonework; Bricks and Brickwork; Lime; Sand and Gravel; Lathing and Plastering; Lumber and Carpenters' Work; Paint and Varnish; Glass Price Lists; Galvanized Iron; Floor and Wall Tiling; Mineral Wool; Estimating the Cost of Struc- tural Steel; Standard Steel Classifications; Cost of Buildings per Cubic Foot; Cost of Buildings per Square Foot; Stairs; Sash Weights; Capacity of Churches, Theatres and Opera-Houses; Elevators; Mail Chutes; Refrigerators; Tower Clocks; The Classical Orders; Lightning Conductors; Efflorescence of Brickwork; Force of the Wind; Horse-Power, Pulleys, Gears, Belting and Shafting; Chain Blocks. Martin's Details of Building Construction. Containing 33 quarto plates with sectional views, working details and full memoranda for the construction of doors, windows, casements, gutters, cornices, and other finish. Large quarto. Cloth. Price, $2.00. DESIGNS FOR HOUSES, BUNGALOWS, CHURCHES, STORES, SCHOOLS, BARNS, ETC. The following books afford invaluable suggestion on the design and construction of modern dwellings, etc., showing views and plans of successful structures that have been de- signed and built by able, practicing architects. No class of books give more for so little, or serve so many useful purposes to builders and those intending to build. The Carpentry and Building Series of Designs, compris- ing the six following volumes, are very complete, giving perspectives, elevations, floors, plans and details of construc- tion drawn to scale. Each of the volumes of this series con- tains 200 or more pages on fine plate paper. The size of pages is 9x13 inches, oblong. Cloth bound. Price, $1.50 each. Per set, Delivered, $7.50. No. i. Cottage Designs with Constructive Details. Containing 25 designs of simple cottages originally costing from $600 to $1500. No. 2. Low-Cost Houses with Constructive Details. Containing upward of 25 designs of cottages costing originally from $750 to $2500. No. 3. Modern Dwelling with Constructive Details. Containing plans costing approximately from $2800 to $7000. No. 4. Suburban Homes with Constructive Details. Containing plans costing approximately from $5000 to $20,000. No. 5. Cement Houses and Private Garages with Con- structive Details. Containing about 30 designs of artistic structures. Approximate cost of house from $2500 to $10,000. No. 6. Bungalows with Constructive Details. Containing about 30 designs of attractive structures erected in various sections of the country, at costs ranging from $1000 to $15,000. Two-Family and Twin Houses. Size 8x9 1-2 ins. 127 pages. Bound in cloth and boards. Price, $2.00. An attractive book, illustrating some of the latest and best work of architects in various sections. Prepared to meet the demand for improved house ac- commodations on comparatively small lot areas. Con- tains sixty designs, including fl"6or plans, with descrip- tions covering all the latest improvements in sanitation, heating, lighting, etc., also two detailed specifications. California Bungalow Homes. By Henry Menken. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 128 pages. Size, 71-2x11 ins. Oblong. Heavy paper. Price, .50. This book contains 87 different floor plans of bunga- lows and cottages, suitable for any climate; with photo- graphic views of exteriors, interiors, cozy corners, .man- tels, fireplaces, buffets, furniture, etc. They have all been built at prices ranging from $1000 to $4500. Working plans and specifications are obtainable at a nominal price. The Bungalow Book. By H. L. Wilson. Fifth Edition. 159 pages. Size 7 1-2 x 10 1-2 ins. Attractively bound in cloth. Price, $1.00. The 117 different floor plans shown in this volume, with photographic views and sketches of exteriors, interiors, cozy corners, etc., should enable the intending builder to make a satisfactory selection. The bungalows listed range in cost of construction from about $1000 to $4500. Working plans and specifications of any of these may be procured at a nominal price. Cement Houses and How to Build Them. With per- spective views and floor plans of 77 cement plaster and concrete-block houses. 158 pages. Size, 8 x 10 ins. Substantially bound in cloth. Price, $1.00. Contains illustrated details of cement construction, standard> specifications for cement, standard specifications for concrete blocks, general information concerning waterproofing, coloring, aggregates, mixtures, paving, reinforcing, foundations, walls, steps, sewer pipes tile, chimneys, floors, porches, use of concrete on the farm, etc. Concrete Block Houses. By Henry Wittekind. A port- folio of 27 designs. Size, 7 1-4 x 10 3-4 ins. $1.00. With perspective views and floor plans of attractive houses of concrete block and concrete block and stucco, ranging in cost of construction from $1200 to $5400. The working plans and specifications may be bought at a nomi- nal figure. They will be furnished to accommodate any size block. Churches and Chapels. By F. E. Kidder. Third edition. Revised; with 120 illustrations in the text and 67 full- page plates. Oblong volume. Size, 7 x 10 1-2 ins. Substantially bound in cloth. Price, $3.00. Goes fully into modern church construction, equipment and planning and is much the most exhaustive and use- ful work published for those who are seeking suggestion preparatory to church building. School Architecture. By Edmund M. Wheelwright, 350 pages; 250 illustrations. Cloth bound. Price, $5.00. A general treatise for the use of architects and others. 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Stone arches and joints are described and illustrated, with ample instruc- tions for working them. Masonry Construction. By A. E. Phillips and A. T. Byrne. 145 pages; 44 illustrations. Cloth. Price, $1.00. A handbook of practical information for stonemasons, stonecutters, bricklayers, cement and concrete workers, etc., describing the various kinds of building stone; man- ufacture of brick, cement and mortar; methods of test; foundation work, pile-driving; dam and wall construc- tion; arch and bridge construction; reinforced concrete, etc. Practical Bricklaying Self-Taught. By F. T. Hodgson. 277 pages; 330 illustrations. Cloth. Price, $1.00. This book is one of the latest on the subject, treating bricklaying in such a way as will enable the attentive student to execute almost any kind of practical and artis- tic work. Covers all important subjects, such and bond, ornamental brickwork, damp courses, quality of brick- work, forming 1 of pilasters, quoins, skew arches, splay work, brick joints, chimneys, fireplaces, flues, brick pav- ings, etc. DRAWING: ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL. Architectural Drawing. By C. F. Edminster. Size, 7x9 inches. 242 pages, including 105 full-page plates. Cloth bound. Price, $2.00. Presenting a practical and complete course in the ele- ments of architectural drawing, designed to meet the re- quirements of tradesmen, draftsmen and students. Practical Lessons in Architectural Drawing. By W. B. Tuthill. 61 pages n 1-2 x 7 1-4 inches. 33 full page plates and 33 illustrations. Cloth. Price, $2.50. This work contains scale drawings of plans, elevations,. sections and details of frame, brick and stone buildings, with full descriptions and specifications. A Manual of Mechanical Drawing. By P. D. 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A simple, practical explanation of the meaning of vari- ous lines, marks, symbols, etc., used on working drawings. ESTIMATING AND SPECIFICATION WRITING. Estimating the Cost of Building. By Arthur W. Joslin. 218 pages. Illustrated. Cloth. Price, $1.00. This book presents in compact and handy form the author's serial articles which were recently published in the columns of "Carpentry and Building," where they at- tracted wide interest and approval. The work is practical, analytical and thorough in style. It will be an excellent prompter and guide to every one who has to do with building costs and superintendence, constituting as it does a systematic treatise on the sub- ject. There are important chapters on "Estimating the Cost of Building Alterations" and on "Systems in the Execu- tion of Building Contracts." Hicks' Builders' Guide. By I. P. Hicks. Revised 1913; twentieth thousand. 168 pages. Size, 5x6 3-4 ins. 114 illustrations. Cloth. Price, $1.00. Presents a system of simple and practical application for estimating materials and labor chiefly as applied to suburban residential work. One of the most serviceable books for contractors and builders as well as for car- penters, who will find it to contain also a very complete treatment on framing roofs of all descriptions. The "Guide" was designed by a man who understood the needs of the young carpenter and builder, and the knotty problems of the daily work are solved in the sim- plest and best ways. Estimating Frame and Brick Houses, Barns, Stables, Factories and Outbuildings New Edition, 1913. By Fred T. Hodgson, architect. 248 pages. Illustrated. Size, 5x6 3-4 ins. Cloth. Price, $1.00. The book aims to give a careful consideration to all the items and elements of cost in construction, beginning at the foundation of the building and progressing to the finished structure. Young contractors and builders es- pecially will find it to cover the subject in a plain, practi- cal way, with detailed consideration of cost factors, items and quantities. There is a detailed estimate of a $5000 house and addi- tions; detailed estimates of kitchen, dining room, parlor, den, halls, bedrooms, conservatory, basement, bath room, closets, etc., all figured out and measured by the quickest and simplest methods. The author also tells how to es- timate by cubing, by the square of floors or walls, and by the process of comparison, and gives hints and prac- tical suggestions for taking measurements and making tenders for work. Estimating. By Edward Nichols. 140 pages. 14 full- page plates. Cloth. Price, $1.00. Tells how to go about making an estimate intelligently. As a practical example, a complete plan of a house is given, and the estimates of cost are worked out from this, with bills of material and working data. Handy Estimate Blanks. By A. W. Joslin. 32 pages, 71-2x10 ins. Paper. Price, 25 cents each; $2.50 per doz. These blanks have been prepared with the idea of furnishing to contractors and builders a convenient form upon which to make an estimate and record of cost of work which they figure on and execute. Space is provided for recording all the material usually required on Residences, Schools, Stables, Garages, Apartment Houses, small Factories, and Office Buildings. Contracts and Specifications. By J. C. Plant. 130 pages. Fully illustrated. Cloth. Price, $1.00. A practical working guide for the contractor, architect and owner. With forms and an explanation of duties and responsibilities incident to public and private con- tracts. Hicks' Specification Blanks for Frame or Brick Build- ings. 18 pages; size, 8 x 13 3-4 ins. Single, 35 cents; per dozen, $4.00. Covers everything in the building; carpenters' work, masonry, hardware, plumbing, heating, painting, tin and sheetmetal work, etc. Eureka Building Specifications. 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