Mr. F R I S B I E's A N E U L O G Y ON THE ILLUSTRIOUS CHARACTER OF THE LATE General Ceorge tESaaa&tngton, COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF ALL THE ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : Who died on Saturday, the 1 4tL of December, 1 799. Delivered at Ipfwich, on the -yth day of January. 1800. By LEVI FR1SB1E, A. M. \\ Minifter of the Gofpel in the fir ft parifh of faid to\vn. PUBLISHED BY DESIRE OF THE HEARERS. The. Righteous Jhall bt in ever lofting remembrance. DAVI> He mourns the dead, who lives as they defire. YOUNG. TO WHICH IS ADDED General WASHINGTON'S parental and affectionate ADDRESS to his Country, declining their future fuffrages for the Prefidency. Printed at Newburyport, by EDMUND M. BLUNT, 1800. TO THE READER. THE authors, of whofe affiftance the compofer of tbe following Eulogy has availed himfelf, are Doftors Morfe, Ramfey, Young and Mefllre Flechier. He has marked the ideas, cited from thefe authors in their own words, with inverted commas ; but if the reader fhould meet with other thoughts, as probably he may, felected from the fame authors, but clothed in the compofer's own language, and accomodated to his iubject, he will give due credit for them to their original owners. The paffages cited from the immortal WafhingtQi!* writings needed nothing to diftinguifh them but their own fupe- ?jor merit. AN EULOGY ON THE LATE general George II. CHRON. xxxvth Chap. 24th and 25th verfes. And till Judah and Jerujalem mourned for Jofiah, and Jtrt- iniah lamented for jfojiah, and all the finging men and finding wo- men fpake of jfojiah in their lamentations to this day. JL HEIR mourning and lamentation were a fuita- ble precedent for us on this fadly folemn occafion. The wifeft, the beft and moft amiable of men, like Jofiah, though their friends and countrymen vvifli and pray ever fo earneflly for their continuance, cannot live here for- ever. IT is the prerogative of Him who reigns in the Hea- vens, and governs all the dates and kingdoms of the earth, to raife up men of eminent talents and virtues to blefs the countries to which they belong ; and it is his prerogative to remove them at his pleafure, as a correc- tion for the errors and vices of their countrymen ; and to teach them the vanity and uncertainty of thofe riches, honors and pleafures, they fo fondly purfue. When men of fuch excellent characters are given to a people, it is their duty to acknowledge the diftinguifhing gift of heaven with gratitude and praife ; and when they are torn from them by a fudden and furprifin;* ftroke, it be- comes M38285 comes-them to lament the' lofs ' of fuch eminent bene- factors with a forrow and humiliation, as deep and ex- tenfivc as the frown of heaven, and the lofs they have fuflained. What words have then an emphafis fufficient to exprefs the gratitude we owe to God for the gift of a WASHINGTON, and the anguifli and lamentation of our country that its illujtrious Friend and Father is no more f Yes, he was the Father of our country ; raifcd up by the hand of gracious heaven to affift the birth, to nourifh the infancy, to direct and defend the childhood of our new born empire : but alas ! he is removed from his charge and left us, as deftitute orphans to bewail our unfpeakable lofs ! And yet he is not loft j he lives, he greatly lives in the benefit and glory of his actions, in the veneration and affection of his grateful countrymen, and will live in the records of fame as long as liberty and virtue fhall be relpected and admired. The fragrant odour of his memory fhall flow down the current of fu- ture generations, till they are loft in the ocean of eter- nity. SHALL we not then, while we deeply deplore the me- lancholy event, be permitted to confole the forrow of qur hearts, and illumine the fable cloud of our afflictions by contemplating his illuftrious talents and virtues, cele- brating the praife of his eminent and glorious fervices and achievments, and holding him up to view as an example to all who are ambitious to excel, as a model for War- riors, for Statefmen and Magiftrates through all ages, in our own country and throughout the world ? To ( 7 ) To aflift your minds in thefe fadly folemn, but highly ufef ul reflections, is the talk affigned me on this interefting occafion A tafk how honorable ! and yet how delicate, how arduous; and, I had almofl faid, how ufelefs ? For who is not acquainted with the deeds, the virtues of a Wafhinston ? Whofe heart and mouth is not filled with 9 his praife ? Yet why mould it be deemed arduous and difficult to dojuftice to his merit, for who can think of his virtues and not catch from their influence fuch an in- Ipiration, as well render him eloquent in Eulogiums to his memory ? Certainly * no fubject was ever more fuf- ceptible of a folid and fublime eloquence than the Life and the Death" of THE GREAT, the immortal WASHINGTON, COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF ALL THE AMERICAN ARMIES, PRESIDENT FOR MANY YEARS OF THESE UNITED STATES, AND LATE GENERAL AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF ALL THEIR FORCES. " In what perfonage did ever the effects of moral, military, and political virtue fhine with greater fplendor, than in this renowned Chief ? How ftrikingly were they exhibited in the formation and con- dud of armies, in bold encounters, honorable retreats and hard fought battles -, in conquering his enemies by force, or wafting away their flrength and numbers by patience and addrefs ;" in accepting, with a becoming diffidence, the higheft offices his country could beftow, in filling them with dignity, wifdom and fidelity, in re- figning them with modefty and moderation, in counfel- ing and advifing the officers and fubjects of government to ( 8 ) to a courfe of conduct mofl wifely adapted to fecure their liberty, their harmony, virtue, dignity and profperity to the remoteft generations ? " Where can we find another fo liberal, fo difinterefted, fo devoted to the glory and happinefs ot his country ; fo great in adverfity by his courage, in profperity by his medefly, in difficulties by his prudence, in dangers by his valour, and in religion by his piety ?" But no pen, no tongue^ but his own, could do juftice to his merits ; yet thefe were always as filent in his own praifes, as they are at this melancholy moment. Let then his works, and his writings fpeak his juft praifes, thefe will be found the trueft mirrour of his virtue, and his fame. Let as contemplate our beloved Hero enga- ged in the arduous labours of the cabinet and the field. But thefe are fo vaft, fo complicated in their number and variety, that we know not where to begin, or where we fhall be able to end LET us then recur to the time and the place at which he made his entrance on the ftage of the world. The parifh of Wafhington in the county of Weftmoreland, and ftate of Virginia, was the favoured fpot, which, on the lith of February old flyle, in the year 1732, gave birth to our illuftrious Hero. Yes, he was a. pure Ame- rican ; he was born in our country ; his genius, his virtues, his actions, are all our own AT an early age, he was deprived of his father's patron- age, and the kind attention of his eldeft brother, by their death, and left an object of watchful care and tendernefs to < 9 ) to an affectionate mother. His genius needed ndt, iikfi thofe of an inferior grade, the labored inftrudions, dif- cipline and ftimulus of a public univerfity, to call forth its energies, and ripen its improvement. Under the nur- turing care of a private tutor, his active and penetrating mind was able to acquire thofe principles and rudiments of knowledge and fcience, which were neceifary to pre- pare him for the difcharge of thofe high and important offices, he was, hereafter, to fu (lain. What though he \vas not mailer of the language of Greece or of Rome 5 he was matter of virtues and accomphlhments fuperior to the nobleft of their fans WHEN he was 15 years of age he entered as midlhip- man on board a Britifli veflel ot war, but was prevented taking pofleffion of the'ftation he had obtained, by thsr averfion of his mother to a profefllon fo unfavourable to his morals and his life. Thus an Omnijdent Providence prevented his becoming a fkillful artift in hurling that Britifh thunder, againft whofe bolts, he was deftined to defend the lives and liberties of his countrymen. Hav- ing a firm and enterprizing foul, united to a healthful and vigorous body, neither corrupted nor inervated by the vices and exceffes of youth, he was fitted to perform the duties, and endure the hardlhipsofa life, devoted ta the fafety, the happinefs and glory of his country IN the year 17^3, when he wss but little more than .21 yars of age, he accepted and executed a miffion tc B treat treat with the French and Indians at Fort Du Quefne, and to remonftrate to the former againlt their encroach- ments upon the lands of our now weftern territory. To accomr)Rh this miffion, he had to pafs a wild and howl- ing wildernefs for feveral hundred miles, bcfet with ia- vage beafts and more favage men ; and to guard againfl the attacks of violence, and the arts of negociation; but with a con r cioufncfs of his own integrity, a modeft con- fidence in his own abilities, and a humble reliance on the protection of divine Providence, lie " executed the duties of a miffion, fo arduous and difficult, with fingular in- duftry, intelligence and addrefs" IN the year 175;, we meet with our beloved Hero making a more confpicuous entrance on the theatre of war ; a theatre on which he was defiined to fhine here- after with fuch diftinpuifhed glory. He be2;an morede- . ' O J O cidedly to improve his mind in the practical knowledge of military fer vice in the office of Colonel of the Virginia provincial troop?, under the orders and difcipline of Ge- neral Braddock. This gentleman was Britifh comman- der of an expedition n^ainft the French forces at a pod lince denominated Fort Pitr ; and though ikillfu! in the ici- enceand practice of war, he unvvariiy fell into an ambuf- cade near the banks of the river Monongahela. He immediate'y drew up his troops in.clofe order of battle. thereby expofing them, in open view, to the deadly fire of His enemicr, foncca'cd and kcurcd behind the logs and trees of the foreft ; whr, !r!M.'J; far inferior in num- bers bers to his own forces, cut them down by hundreds and by thoufancls, and left them to lie unburied in the ranks in which they fell a prey to favage beads, and a perpetual monument of the utter infufficiency of a commander who does not unite in his charade r prudence with cou rage, judgment and fagacity with the art of war. COL. Wafhington had the prudence and courage to defend the fhattered remains of the routed army againft the further attacks of their enemy, and to conduct their retreat to a ftation of fafety. And he doubtlefs had the vvildom to profit by this fatal inftance of inattention and temerity in his genera!, and to bear it on his mind, as an affeclif^g caution to be forever on his guard againft fuch a difittrous lurprize and defeat. No inftance, it is prefumed, can be found in the whole lerics of his mili- tary operations, in which he prefenteJ an advantage to his enemy, by unguarded (ecurity or intemperate ram- nefs. He knew when to advance and when to retire. No hazards or labours could deter him from engaging an enemy, when warranted by wifdom and prudence : No provocations of his enemy, no cenfure from his pro- fefled friends, no dread of diihonour to his military cha- racter, could impel him to rifque a battle againft the dictates of his own enlightened judgment : his foes might defeat his troops, but could never fubdue their General : they might force him to retire, but could never take him by furprize. It was by a firm and refolute perfeve- rancc in this line of conduct, that hejuftiy acquired the illuftrious title of the AMERICAN FABIUS. AND AND that we may be convinced how fully the truth qf thefe oblervations was verified in his practice, let us pafs over in filence the other paflages of his life, and ha lien to that eventful period, when he was chofen Com- iti Chief of all the American forces. HE was a member of the Congrefs which convened at Philadelphia on the icth of May, in the year 1775: a year forever cMfpicnous in the annals of American liberty. The f.vord of Britilh (laughter had already been drawn on the plains of Lexingron, and dyed its guilty blade in American blood. An army had been haftily affembled in the vicinity oi: Bofton, compofed of the hardy fons of liberty, whole courage, enthullaftic zeal for the freedom and iafety of their country, and their indignation againft its hwlefs invaders were to fupply the place of military experience, difcipline, and the complicated apparatus cf war. And foon after a detachment from this army gave to the Britons, at the battle of Bunker's hill, a terrible fpecimen of their obftinate valour, and taught them, by the: wide extended (laughter which laid wafte the flower of t' or to be raifed, for the defence of the colonies. And fuch was the public opinion of his virtues, that the choice was univerfally approved. BUT what muft have been the feelings of this great and good man at this awful crijis ? He was fully apprized of the great naval and military ftrength of Great Britain, the fkill and courage of her troops, and her boundlefs re- iources for war ; " he knew that her fleets rode miftrefs of the ocean, and that her flag had waved in triumph over the four quarters of the world." He knew that the A- mericans, though brave, were deficient in martial fkiil and experience, and almoft entirely deftitute of military (lores and the neceflary furniture for war. He knew that their armies muft be at fir ft but little Superior to an undisciplined rabble, and that a feries of months and perhaps years, and an infinite expenfe of labour, of pnti- cnce, and application muft be employed to form them to fuch difcipline, fubordination, and confidence as would enable them to take the field, with a profped of fuccefs, againft an army of veteran foes. He knew that if they mould fail of accomplishing the great objects of their conflict, the yoke of flavery might be riveted forever on the necks of his dear countrymen, and himfelf with his principal ( 14 ) principal affociates in this arduous enterprize might pro- bably be facrificed to Britifh pelicy or reientment. What courage, therefore, what finiYhefs, what confidence in the juftice of liis caufe, what ardent afiedion for the liberty and fafety of his country, what reliance on the protection of Heaven, muft have infpired his bread, to induce him to accept a command fo full of difficulty, labour, and hazard ? But under the influence of thefe noble princi- ples, he did cheerfully accept it, though with unexampled tnodefty, as may appear from his reply to the Prchdent of Congrefs, announcing his appointment, in the follow- ing words: " Though I am, truly fenfible of the high honour done me in this appointment, yet I feel great dif- trefs from the confcioufnefs that my abilities and military experience may not be equal to the extenfive and im- portant truft. However, as the Congrels defire it, I will enter upon the momentous duty, and exert every power I pofiefs in their fervice, and in fupport of the Glorious Caufe." He proceeded to further exprefllons of a modeft con- fidence, but with a caution not to entertain too exalted expectations of his fuccefs, and then added : " As to pay, Sir, I beg leave to affure the Congrefs that, as no pe- cuniary confideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employment at the expence of my domef- ticeafe and happinels, I do not wiQi to make any profit from it ; I will keep an exacl account of my expence?, thofe I doubt not they will difcharge, and that is all I dffire." ( '5 ) In thefe effufions of a great and liberal mind, what an amiable combination do we f-e of magnanimity and mo- defty, of a generofity and courage, worthy of a Wafti- ington. Immediately on receiving his commiflion, he repaired to Cambridge and took the command of the army, al- ready aiTembled at that place, and began to make fuch arrangements and regulations, as were neceffary to ren- der it refpectable and formidable to its enemies. And here he commenced in earneft the arduous courfe of his military operations, hazards and toils. Minutely to de- tail them, is neither neceflary nor poflible. But could I form a miniature picture of the whole, or could I caufe them to rife up to your view, and pafs in rapid fucceffion before your eyes, I might point out our indefatigable Hero on the heights of Charleftown, of Cambridge, of Roxbury, and Dorchefter ; on the latter I might fhevv you works riling in one night, like an exhalation from the earth, to the furprife and terror of his enemies. I might fliew you thefe enemies haftily evacuating the town of Boflon, and fpeeding their courfe to New- York. I might point out our watchful commander already at that pofl with his army, prepared to receive them, for- tifying, contending, retiring, oppreffed, but not dejected by difappointments and defeats I might prefent him to your wondering eyes, now fighting, and now retreating with mafterly addrefs beneath the covert of the night, and the mifty clouds of the morning, by which heaven Concealed his movements from the view of the enemy, and C 6 ) nd exerting all the powers of his mighty foul to fave his army and his country from that utter deftruction, which fcemed juft ready to overwhelm them. I might invite you to notice the various emotions painted on his manly countenance, and the generous tear fwelling in his eye, when he faw his beloved foldiers fubje&ed to defeat, to capture, dejection and death. For his heart was full of ienfibility, and though his pafiions were never permitted to controul his judgment, to dethrone his realon, or to de- range the order and harmony of his foul ; yet, as be- came a moral and a chriflian hero, he indulged, as wif- dom and generofity prefcribcd, to the tender and benev- olent emotions and fympaihies of his heart. Ready, when- ever the duty of his ftation, and the importance of his object required it, to expofe his troops and himfelf to the labors and dangers of fighting and fatigue,yct was he never prodigal of their ftrengthor of their lives ; not a man of them was ever facrificed to his own perfonal honor or fame; not a drop of their blood was med but for the fervice and benefit of his country. His foldiers were his children and friends, they loved, they revered, they adored him as the beft of fathers, and the greateft of men. His voice was their oracle, and his word was their law Yet all their love and veneration for their leader, all their zeal for the liberty and happinefs of their country, could not always render them firm and undaunted in the face of their enemies Hence that ftorm of conflicting paflions, which, on his retreat from New-York, for a moment, harrowed up his foul, magnanimous as it was, when he faw ( '7 ) law the dejection, the defertion, and diminution of his army, and beheld at one view the dreadful horrors which mud inevitably follow their total defeat and deftrudion. But this conflict was but the agonizing crFort of honor, courage, and patriotifm fuelling and draggling with mighty energy to drive back that formidable engine of hoftile power and violence which feeme'd ju d ready tof crum his beloved country - y and, when deferred by others, to rufh forward, and like another Sampfon, witli his own fingle arm, to make and tumble it td the ground, though at the hazard of burying hirhfelf in the wide-fpreading ruins of its fall. But how Toon did thefe paflbns fubfide into a calrri fub- miffion to the difpofals of Providence, and a determined refolution to defend thecaufe in which he had embarked to the lad extremity, and never to defert it, while one man could be found to aflid him in its fupport ? fo that when he was alked where he mould make a (land ? he coolly, but fignifkantly replied, " Beyond the Allegany mountains, if we are not able to do it before" Behold him, therefore, retreating through the Jerfeys with an handful of troops, deditute of tents, of cloathing and of almod every convenience neceffary to mield them from the rigid feverities of the fealon ; their undiod, wounded feet marking their footdeps with blood ; (corned by their enemies, deferted by their friends, and ready to be overwhelmed with an ocean of furrounding evils and en- emies ; yet under the preffure of this mighty load of complicated fufferings and dangers, his heart /'; ajlranger t9 C to timidity cr dtfpair. Confcious of the rectitude and purity of his own principles, confident in the juftice and magnitude of his caufe, and relying on the protection of that providence, which had hitherto preferved himfelf and his country from utter ruin ; he waited, in the em- ployment of every practicable meafure, and every pofiible exertion, for the favourable moment which fhould arreft and roll back the headlong current of his affairs. AND beheld that favourable moment is happily real- ized when, on the 25111 of December, '76, our immor- tal Commander^ having recruited and marmaled his little army on the Pennfylvania bank of the river Delaware, recrofles that river, clogged with ice, in the darknefs of the night, and in the very teeth of the cold driving tem- ped of fnow and hail, attacks, kills and captures above nine hundred Heffians Rationed at Trenton, and retires with his prifoneis in fafety and triumph ! Behold, a few days after, the enemy coming down upon him, at the fame Trenton, like an angry lion, feeming to have en- circled him within the grafp of his paws, and lying down to reft for the n'ght, fecure of his prey, when tlie cold piercing wind of favouring heaven blowing from the north and congealing the fpongy earth to the hardnefs of a pavement beneath the feet of his troops, (for the ele- ments fought for fflajhitigton) he, with a mafterly addrefs, by a fecret, rapid and circuitous march, gains the rear of the enemy, attacks, defeats and captures their troops at Princeton, and retires in fafety, before the enemy, amazed and embarrafTed, could arrive to revenge the un- cxpeded dif after ! Iw ( 19 ) IN this rencounter, our valiant hero delayed a Ipirit of daring intrepidity apparently bordering on raQmefs, by expofing his life, in a critical moment when his troops b?gan to give way, to the mod imminent danger ; but well he knew, that it would be no temerity to hazard a life, however precious, at iuch an interefling crifis, when a failure of fuccefs would render it ufelefs to his country, and liable to be doomed a facrificc to an ignominious fate The deadly balls of the enemy, being turned afide by an invilible hand from bis bread, drove on with in- dignant fury and pierced the gallant bofom of the much lamented Mercer. THESE brilliant operations and fucceffes, though by no means decifive, yet furprifed and confounded the ene- my, and were to the army and the country like life from the dead And by letting in motion the fprings of uni- verfal activity and enterprize, produced confequences of the utmoft utility and importance. BUT all thefe confequences did not immediately fol- low. For, in the fucceeding year of '77, at Brandywine, at Gernuntown, at Ticonderoga, and at other places, which need not be mentioned, defeat and dilaftcr at- tended the operations of our arms. FOR the character and example of our beloved hero were not to be rompleated by a fhort courfe of victories and fuccefles, and then to fink, like a blazing meteor, into. ( 20 ) into the (hades of darknefs and oblivion. His divine rpafter was forming him in the (chool of adverfity to -a fpirit of refignation, patience and piety, preparing him to aA a part of: diftinguiilied dignity andufefulnefs in future eminent flations, and to exhibit a fhining example of vir- tue and goodnefs to warriors and ftatefmen, and even to perfons of every rank in life, to all future generations In the greateft extremity of his misfortunes, and the low- ed depth of his dipreflion, Congrefs was fo intirely fatis- ficd with his abilities and conduct, and placed fuch a per- fect reliance on the wif-Jom, vigour and uprightnefs of his principles and operations, that they vefted him with powers, the moft ample, compleat, and exter.five in re- gard to the appointments, arrangements and proceedings necdTiiry to the profecution of the war This ponder- ous weight of care and refponfibility he willingly atium- ed with a fingle view, as we have the fulled reafon to believe, to the prefervation and eftablifhment of the lib- erty and independence of his country And hence it was that, far fuperior to thofe ignoble paflions of envy and regard to perional honour and appiaufe, which have fometimes had too much influence on minds, otherwile, in a degree, great and generous, he rejoiced in the fuc- cefs and victory of generals acting at a diftance under his own orders, or thofe of Congrefs, as cordially as if they had been his own With what gladnefs did he hear that the coo!, fteady, and fagacious courage and conduct of General Green, had contended againR his noble antag- pnift with fuch energy and effect, as to leave him only the the empty name and honor of a victory, without per- mitting him to reap any folid advantages from it ? With what lively fatisfaction and triumph did he welcome the intelligence, that, the northern army under the direction of General Gates, infpired by the headlong courage of Arnold, and the difpaffionate intrepidity of Lincoln, had been crowned with the compleat fuccefs of capturing General Burgoyne with his whole army ? Perhaps his generous heart fwelled not with more grateful emotions at the decided iuperiority of his own troops over the forces of Britain at the battle of Monmouth, on the 28th of June, '78, when he had the unfpeakable pleafure of realizing the fruits of his indefatigable activity and dili- gence in forming them to fuch a perfection of military difcipline, courage and {kill, that they were able fuccefs- fully to contend with the braved foldiers in the world. BUT paffing over in filence a variety of interefting events and operations ; omitting to mention the detefta- ble plot, and vile defection of an Arnold, which have branded his name with everlafting infamy ; and to expa- tiate on the companionable fate of the haplefs and gene- rous Andre, and the painful regret which wounded the heart of our benevolent hero under the imperious ne- cefiity of putting that amiable youth to an untimely and diihonorable death j we haflen on to the clofmg and crowning operation of this long and calamitous war. The capture of Lord Cornwall is with his whole army, at York-Town, on the i9th of October, 1781, by the uni- ted ted forces of America and France, afforded the moft lively fatisfadion to the heart of our beloved hero, not only as it witnefled a decided luperiority of his troops over thofe of the enemy, an J crowned them and their Ge- neral with never-fading laurels ot victory and glory, but more efpecially as it furnimed ample ground of hope, that this long and difallrous war would foon be conclu- ded by an honourable and lading peace : a peace which would forever fecure to united America her Liberty, her Sovereignty and Independence The happy event offuch a peace, which had been the objed of all the wifhes and efforts of our hero, and which terminated his military career with felicity and glory, was compleated on the jd day of September, 1783. An event, the bleffmgs of which would probably never have been realized by the States of America, had it not been for the talents and virtues of their ineftimable Wafhington. It was an event, however, of which the happy fruits were in danger of being blaftedby the officers of the American army, when they difcovered that they were to be discharged without re- ceiving that compenfation for their fervices, which they juftly expected, and by the meafures which their refent- ment at fuch unworthy treatment, excited them to pur- fue, for obtaining fatisfadion to their juft demands. In this moft difficult and delicate conjnndure, all the powers and virtues of our hero's ioul were called fourth to a new train of objeds and exertions. But inftead of availing himielf of the difcontent and refentment of the 9 army army to ufurp the powers of government, and render himfelf the fovereign mafter of his country, a conduct to which an ambitious and afpiring mind would probably have been prompted, he employed the whole influence of his authority and addrefs, and of his intereft in the affec- tions of his officers, to calm their paffions and to fatisfy their minds that juftice would be done them by their much indebted country. THIS noble effort of juftice and benevolence to his mil- itary friends, and of refpecl and affection to the liberties and conflituted authorities of his country, ever facred and dear to his heart, was complcated in his farewell or- ders, in which, with all the dignity of a commander, and all the piety and affection of a father, he gave the mod falutary advice to his officers, and bid them a long and affectionate adieu. As thefe orders breathe an ardent and amiable fpirit of wifdom and goodnefs, of generous affection to his ar- my and his country, and of piety to his God, I cannot forbear citing a paragraph or two from fuch an excellent performance, as ftrongly exprefiive of the genuine cha- racter of his heart "A CONTEMPLATION" (fays the venerable Chief) " of the compleat attainment (at a period earlier than could have been expected) of the object for which we contended, againft fo formidable a power, cannot but in- fpire us with aftonimment and gratitude. The difad- vantageous ( 24 ) vantageous circumftances on our part, under which the war was undertaken, can never be forgotten. The fin- gular interpofitions of Providence in our feeble condition were fuch as could fcarcely efcape the attention of the mod unobferving, while the unparalleled perfeverance of the armies of the United States, through almoft every poffible fuffering and difcouragement, for the fpace of eight long years, was little fhort of a (landing miracle." ct And the General being now to conclude with thefe Jaft public orders, to take his ultimate leave, in a fhort time, of the military character, and to bid a final adieu to the armies he has fo long had the honour to com- mand j he can only again offer in their behalf, his re- commendations to their grateful country, and his pray- ers to the God of armies. May ample juftice be done them here, and may the choiceft ot Heaven's favours, both here and hereafter, attend thofe who under the di- vine 'aufpices have fccured innumerable bleffings for others. " WITH thefe wiihes and this benediction, the Com- mander in Chief is about to retire from lervice. The curtain of ieparation is drawn, and the military fcene to him will be doled forever." Now from this general review of a long and compli- cated ferics of operations and events, various, intereft- ing and extending (rom one extremity of United Ameri- ca to the other, to Canada, to the ocean, and to the king- doms of the European world, mud we not be led to form form the mod enlarged and exalted idea of the genii:'::, the talents and virtues of our mofl excellent Chief ? Of that invincible fortitude and courage which could fuftain his mind under fuch an accumulated load of labor and difappointments ? Of that amazing penetration, force of judgment, and flrctch of thought, which enabled him to look through fuch an endlefs variety of affairs, to give direction to fuch a multitude of movements, and to devife plans and mcafures for carrying into execution fuch vaft and numerous defigns ? The weight of our rifing Empire was laid upon his fhoulders, and he be- came the principal pillar in fupporting the liberty, the independence, the honour and fafety of our weftern world. LET no honeft and fcrupulous, but erring mindj let no heart, attempting to difguife far different fentiments under the fpecious covering of humility and piety, cen- fure the honours we pay to his memory as far tranfcend- ing the merit of a mortal j and tax us with idolatry in paying an homage to his virtues, which is due only to the perfections of his God. For we religioufly avow, and wifh to have it forever underftood, that we devoutly ac- knowledge his whole bright afTemblage of abilities, vir- tues and achievements, to have been given him from Heaven in tendernefs and mercy to thefe United States ; and to that original, inexhauflible fountain of being and happinefs, our unfeigned tribute of gratitude and praife, is, and ought to be ultimately, paid. Of this our humbte D Waj was himfelf deeply fenfible ; this he devoutly and uniformly confefled. And by a fingular humility and modefty, which, while it deprefled and annihilated his virtues and fervices in his own eyes, exalted them in the eyes of God and man, he, for a long time, con- founded the malignant eye of Envy, and awed to filencc her flanderous tongue. THUS our beloved hero, having finimed the numerous aiiu arduous labors of his military life, having refisned O O his cominifllon with a folemnity and dignity, and vvirh expreflions of gratitude and piety becoming a general and a chriftian, retired to the favourite pleafures and em- ployment of rural and dom.efi.ic life. AND here, if time would permit, we might view him exercifing, in the fhades of retirement, all the mild and amiable virtues of the gentleman, the citizen, the hui- bandman, the companion, the matter, the hufband and the friend. BUT from thefe domeflic and rural enjoyments, ever ineilimabiy dear to his heart, he was foon called forth by his afTecY:cnate and admiring country to a new feries of arduous and important labors. Chofen as a delegate, and elected to preiide in a convention affembled at Philadel- phia, in the month of May, 1787, for the purpofe of forming a con ft i tut; on of government for the United States, he contributed the whole force of his political knowledge knowledge and experience to the accompli foment of thatdefign. And when it was completed and ratified by a large majority of the ftates in the union, the wif- dom, the gratitude and efteem of his countrymen led them to elect him, by their unanimous Cuff rages, to pre- fide as their fupreme magiflratc, and to carry into exe- cution that coniYitution of government, which his talents and virtues had affifted to form. He entered upon the arduous work of this difficult and delicate adminiftration on the 3oth day of April, 1789, at the city of New- York. " The ceremony of his inauguration (lays a ce- lebrated writer) was performed in the open gallery of Federal Hall, in the view of many thoufand fpectators The oath was adminiflered by Chancellor Livingfton Several circumstances concurred to render the fcene un- ufuaily folemn The prefencc of the beloved Father and Deliverer of his Country The impreffions of gratitude for his pall fervices The vaft concourfe of fpedtators The devout fervency with which he repeated the oath. and the reverential manner in which he bowed to kils the facred volume Thefecircamftances, together with that of his being chofen to the mod dignified office in America, and perhaps in the whole world, by the unan- imous voice of more than three millions of enlightened freemen, all confpired to place this amongft the mod auguft and interefting fcenes which have been exhibited on the theatre of this globe." AND who, with any appearance of reafon or juftice, can venture to aflert, that the progress of his whole ad- miniftration ininifi ration was not anfwerable in wifdom, fidelity, and integrity to the grandeur, folemnity, and piety of this commencing ad ? To attempt a particular detail of the mod important meafures and tranfadions of this admi- nitlration, to fpccify the particular difplays of prudence, impartiality, firmnefs, and political ability, exhibited by the Prefident, in times the moft trying and critical, nmidft the intrigues and collifions of contending parties and rival interefts, and the dangerous and deluding influ- ence of foreign powers and domeftic factions, would be a tafk as far exceeding my abilities, as the bounds allot- ted to the preicnt performance. BUT can any perfon, even of a moderate {"hare of con- fideration, candour and judgment, fufped that this great man was drawn forth from a retreat, which he qffitres us himfelf, he had chofen with the fondefl predilection, and in his own flattering hopes, with an immutable decifion, as the afylum of his declining years $ a retreat that was rendered every day more necelfary, as well as more dear to him by the addition of habit to inclination, and of the frequent interruptions in his health to the gradual wafle committed on it by time can any perfon believe that this great man was thus drawn forth to alTume a itation of the higheft labor, difficulty and refponfibility, hy any other motives than a veneration and love for the voice of his country, and a pure and ardent zeal for the promotion of her deareft intereft, honour and happinefs ? And \yill not every one acknowledge that, from the long experiment experiment which had been made of his virtues and a- bilities, they muft have juftly appeared to his countrymen more equal to the truft he confented to aflame, than thofe of any of his compatriots ? DID he nominate and appoint to Rations of fuperior importance men whofe political fentiments he knew to be different from his own ? This was an expreffion of the independence and impartiality of his heart, and was done from a generous preemption, arifing from his own confcious integrity, that they would be influenced by a facred regard to the honour and happinefs of their coun- try, and would facrifke their own private fentiments to the public good. AND will it not be acknowledged by every candid mind, that he clearly underftood, and faithfully confult- ed the benefit of his country, in taking, decidedly, a neutral ftation with regard to the contending powers of Europe, and in ftudioufly avoiding the calamity of being involved in the diftracling politics and deftruftive wars of the European Nations: and that while he flrenuoufly cultivated the friendfliip of each, he was rdigioufly faithful and afiiduous to acknowledge the claims, refped: the rights, and promote the intereft and honor of all ? IF his talents, his meafures and exertions, were, in any inftance, ineffectual to the execution of a tafk fo arduous and difficult, where is the man whofe talents and ( 30 ) and meafures would have fecured fuccefs ? Ant! if, in iome inftances, he was not fo happy as to gratify his own wifhes in fatisfying the defires and expectations of all his countrymen, fuch a failure cannot be ftrange ; to have avoided it, muft have baffled the powers of an an- gel, and never can be imputed to the want of ability or virtue in a man. And as his conduct in the adminiftra- tion of Government was full of dignity and excellence, fo unexampled an evidence of his modefty and modera- tion was exhibited in his voluntary retirement from the higheft ftation and firft honors of his country to the comparative filence and obfcuvity of a private life. And his affectionate zeal for the honor and happinefs of his countrymen, in prefent and future generations, was difplayed in that admired Legacy of moral and political wifdom and exhortation, which he bequeathed to them immediately before his retirement. ONE act more was neceflary tocompleat his characler, and to crown his moral, political and military virtues and glories with that height of perfection, to which they were deflined to arrive. And that aft he performed by a cheerful acceptance, from the hands of our moft worthy Prefident, of an appointment to the office of General and Commander in Chief of all the armies railed, or to be railed, for the fervice of the United States A principal deiign of raifing thefe armies, being to repel the apprehended attacks or invafions of a powerful and infidious enemy ; the General had " the boundlefs field ( 3' ) field of public a&ion, inceffant trouble and high ref- ponfibility," which fuch a defign muft comprehend, fully in view ; and his letter to the Prefident, announc- ing his acceptance, is altogether worthy of himfelf. It breathes the warmed fentimcnts of love to his country, the fulleft approbation of the firm, but pacific meafures of government, a juft and dignified indignation againft the bafe and infidious treatment of it, by its enemies, and a determined refolution to oppofe, with all his powers, their unrighteous and hoflile cefigns. <{ It was notpoflible," fays he, for me to remain igno- rant of of indifferent to, recent tranfadtions." Thefe tmn(a6lions he particularly recites, and then adds : Thefe could not fail to excite in me correfponding fentiments with thofe my countrymen have fo generally expreflcd in their affecYionate addrefles to you. Believe me. Sir, no one can more cordially approve of the ivife and prudent meafures of your adminijlra tion. They ought to injpii e uni- verfal confidence. Satisfied therefore that you have Jincere* ly wijhed and endeavoured to avert war, andexhaujledto the hjl drop the cnp of reconciliation, we can with pure hearts appeal to Heaven for thejujlice of our caufe ; and may con- fidently truft the final refult to that kind providence zvbo has heretofore, and Jo often^fignally favored the people of the U- niied States" " Thinking in this manner, and feeling how incum- bent it is upon every perfon, of every defcripticn to con- tribute at all times to his country's welfare, and efpecial- . ]y in a moment like the prefent, when every thing we hold dear and facred is fo ferioufly threatened ; I have finally determined to accept the commiflion of comman- der in chief of the armies of the United States." Yes, ye fons of America, ye officers and foldiers, who have enjoyed the happinefs and glory to fertre under his unrivalled command in former years of your country's danger, and are indiflulubly attached to him by the ftrongeil ties of gratitude, veneration and love Your beloved general had determined again to clothe himfelf in armour, and to expofe that venerable head, now grown grey and facred with labours, with years and with honors, to the hazards of the hofli'.e field, in defence of the liberty, the religion, the independence and glory of his country. How did your hearts exult in the prof- peel ? How did you already anticipate, in your imagi- nations, the idea of fuccefs and victory ? How did you feem to behold the defeat of your enemies, and the ter- ror and confufion which feized upon their fouls at the very fight of your Wamington ! BUT how can I venture toroufe you from the Reverie of this pleafmg dream ? The God of armies had ap- pointed him to a conflict of a far different kind. To contend with the only enemy by whom he could be van- quilhed. { 33 ) u Death ! great proprietor of all, 'tis thine To tread out Empires and to quench the Stars 1" Thine all-fubduing, unrelenting hand Has laid our precious Hero in the duft ! How dsep the wound infix 'd in every heart ? THE fighs ot forroW are as fincere as his virtues, and as extenfive as his fame Our churches are hung with fables, and every object feems clad with a garment of wo The countenances of the young and the fair have loft their fmiles j their faces are covered with a gloom, and their eyes fuffufed with tears Children lilp the praifes of Walhington, and weep that he is dead The hardy bofoms of ftatefmen and warriors are foftened with grief, and their manly eyes do not difdain to pour a tri- bute of tears on the grave of their own and their coun- try's father and friend Virtue and religion lament the lofs of their favourite fon And were any fo obdurate as riot to lament it, they might expect that the plains, the forefts and the rocks, which have witneflcd his virtues and achievments, would reproach their ftupidity by burfting into fighs and groans ! AND have not all the children of America reafon to tremble at the frown of Heaven, and look forward with anxious prefages to the calamities which may fucceed fo doleful an harbinger ? Should not each one lay his hand on his heart, and afk himfelf; Whofe fin has done this execrable deed ? Wai it mine ? Was it my fin whiff) has Jlain the father of my country ? let me tear the execrabk murderer forever from my heart And let me look to that E gracious ( 34 ) gracious and holy Saviour, with penitence and hope, who calls me, in thefe loud accents of mingled difpleafure and mercy, to be humble, to reform, and to imitate, to the utmoft of my power, the virtue and the piety of that venerable man, whofe death I fo juftly deplore For though I mall never be able to referable their magnitude, yet I may hope to imitate their fincerity. AND thofe virtues, and efpecially that humble and un- affected piety, which was the bads and parent of them all, and which elevated, adorned and fanclified his other il- juftrious talents, accomplimments, and fervices, may not only ferve as an example for imitation, but prove a fourcc of confolation to our wounded fpirits. We may be con- foled with the animating confideration, that death has only hid his mortal clay to fleep for a feafon in the filent tomb ; but that every thing ufeful, amiable and venera- ble in his capacious foul, lives, and will live and fiourilh for ever in the happy climes of immortality AND thefe fuggeflions are not the incenfe of cuftomary flattery, offered on the altar of an illuflrious Tomb. For thofe, who had the moft intimate knowledge of the fentiments of his heart, and the actions of his private life, aflure us, that he was a ferious and exemplary be- liever of the truths and precepts of our holy religion ; that he was, fo far as their obfervations could determine, aconftant and humble performer of the duties of fecret retirement and devotion -, and that, in ail the trying fcencs and conjunctures of difficulty and diftrefs, with which he was called to encounter, he undoubtedly had recourfe ( 35 ) teccurfe to God by prayer for fupport, defence and di- redion. Hence we more eafily account for the uniform conflancy, dignity and excellence of his character, which, like the face of Mofes, fhone with an amiable and ven- erable luftre derived from his fecret intercourfe with God : and for the ultimate, fignal fuccefs of his great defigns, feeing, for their accomp'.ifliment, he had engaged the alliance and afiiftance of heaven. And this fpirit of piety and devotion was evident in his humble and devout at- tendance on the facred ordinances of public wcrfliip and religion. A folemn acknowledgment of the fupreme do- minion of the moft High, of conftant dependence on his allwife and powerful Providence, and of great obligations to his infinite gocJnefs and mercy for all public and pri- vate benefits, were frequently introduced, with marks of cordial lincerity and fatisfadion, into iiich public ads, orders, and addreifes as were of a nature properly to admit of fuch an acknowledgment In the fpeech which he delivered to the fir ft Congrefs, under the new Conftitu- tion, he fays : " It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this firft official ad my fervent fopplicatioas to that Almighty Being, who rules over the univerfe, who prefides in the Councils of Nations, and whofe providen- tial aids can fupply every human defed ; that his bene- didions may confecrate to the liberties and happinefs of the people of the United States, a government inftituted by themfelves for thefe eflcntial purpofes, and may ena- ble every inftrument employed in its adminiftration, to execute with fuccefs the fund ions allotted to his charge. In tendering this homage to the great Author of every public and private good, I affure myfeif that it exprefics your ( 36 ) your fcntiments not lefs than my own ; nor thofe of my fel'ow citizens at large lefs than either. No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invifible hand which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States. Every ftep, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent Nation, ieems to have been diftinguifhed by fome token of pro- vidential agency. And in the important revolution juft accomplimed in the iyftem of their united government, the tranquil deliberations and voluntary confent of fo many diftin<5r. communities, from which the event has re, fulted, cannot be compared with the means by which mod Governments have been eftablifhed, without fome return of pious gratitude along with an humble anticipaT tion of the future bleffings which the pad feem to prefage. Thefe reflections arifing out of the prefent crifis, have forced themfelves too, ftrongly on my mind to be fuppreff. ed. You will join with me, I truft, in thinking there are none under the influence of which, the proceedings of a new and free Government can more aufpiciou% com* mence." In a following paragraph he adds: " There is no truth more thoroughly eftablimed, than that there exifts in the economy and courfe of nature, an indiflblu- ble union between virtue and happinefs ; between duty and advantage ; between the genuine maxims of an hon- eft and magnanimous policy, and the folid rewards of public profperity and felicity. And we ought to, be no Jefs perfuaded that the propitious fmiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that difregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itfelf has, ordain- ed.'* BOIB ( 37 } BOLD and uncharitable indeed mud be the lips* which will dare to infinuate, that, confidering the man, and the magnitude of the occafion on which he uttered thefe fentiments, they are not the effufions of a truly pious and magnanimous heart. AND thofe, who were fpe&ators and witncfles of the folemn fcene of his laft and expiring moments, allure U s, that they bore an exact correfpondence to the auguft and amiable tenor of his preceding life and actions ; that his foul was patient, ferene, and undaunted at the ap- proach of death, I bat he clofed bis mouth and eyes iviib Us own band, and expired without aflntggU and without agrcan ! O ! blefled man ! How haft thou fled forever from our fight ? But thy righteous name (hall be had in everlaft- ing remembrance ! Yet what is that to thee, if thou art fallen proftrate, funk and loft forever beneath the inexor- able Tiand of fate ? But can we, can we ever believe that the Many the Cbriftian, the Hero, the Saviour, the Father, the Eoajl and Delight of his country ; the bright affem- blage of every amiable aud exalted virtue, the example of good- tiffs and great nefs to the Citizen, the Soldier, the Statef- jnan and the General ; the favourite of his friends, the ter- ror of bis enemies, the glory rf his fpecies and the admiration of the world ; can we believe that he has funk into the drear}' abyfs of eternal nothingnefs and oblivion ? Can we believe that the man, whom many millions of his fellow- citizens lament with fighs of undilTembled forrovv, whom thoufands of furviving military aflbciatcs remember with reverence and Jove, and deplore with vivid emotions of painful painful regret, is forgotten by his God? And forever loft in " the common mafs of matter never dignified with life ?" If we could but fufpeft, that fuch were his myfterious Dsf- tiny> our tears might flow forever without hope of folid alleviation to our diftrefs Even his guardian angels might be fuppofed to weep over this dejtiny of their late delightful charge ! BUT they do not, they need not weep j for Faith, Hope, and Chanty faw them, though invifible to mortal eyes, fUnding in the attitude of fufpence, and waiting, with folemn expectation, around his dying bed ; tney beheld them receive his mortal fpirit, when fet at liberty from the ruins of its body, beneath the friendly covert of their wide-extended wings, and efcort it along the etherial road to the realms of light, and to the tribunal of its Redeemer and Judge; who gave to this his faithful fer- vant his full acquittance and applaufe, purged away the fpots and (tains of blamable infirmity and imperfection, which (till adhered to him as a fon of Adam's fallen race, and then adorned him with a crown of glory and a robe ot light* They fuw the faints, the holy martyrs, heroes and angels, thofe blefled inhabitants of the bright abodes, welcome this new-made angel to their blifsful fociety, as a partner and alTociate with themfelves in all that celeftial liberty, perfection, bleflednefs and glory which will beau- tify, improve and enrapture their immortal natures throughout all ages, world without end. THE THE ADDRESS OF THE LATE ppofition to its acknowledged authority, but alfo fiidl you refill with care, the fpirit of innovation upon its principles, however fpecious the pretexts. One method of afiault may be to effect, in the forms of the conftitu- tion, alterations which will impair the energy of the fyftem, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown. In all the changes to which you may be invited, remember that time and habit are at lead as ne- ceffary to fix the true character of government, as ot ? other human inftitutions ; that experience is the fureft (landard, by which to telt the real tendency of the exift- ing constitution of a country that facility in changes upon the credit of mere hypothefis and opinion, expofes to perpetual change, from the endlefs variety of hypothe- fis and opinion j and remember, efpecially, that for the efficient management of your common intereft, in a country fo extenfive as ours, a government of as much vigor as is confident with the perfect fecurity of liberty is indifpenfable. Liberty itfelf will find in fuch a go- vernment, with powers properly diflribu ted and adjufted* its fureft guardian. It is, indeed, little elfe than a name, where the government is too feeble to withftand the en- terprifes of faction, to confine each member of the fociety within the limits preicribed by the laws, and to main- tain all in the fecure and tranquil enjoyment of the rights of perfon and property. I HAVE already intimated to you, the danger of parties in the ftate, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical difcriminations; Let me now take a more comprehenfive view and warn you in the mod folemn manner againft the baneful effects of a fpirit f party, generally. G ( 5 ) THIS fpirit, unfortunately, is infeparable from our na- ture, having its root in the ftrongeft paflions of the human mind. It exifts under different ihapes in all govern- ments more or Jefsflifled,controuJed, orreprelfcd ; but in thofe of the popular form, it is feen in its greateil fanknefs and is truly their worft enemy. THE alternate domination of one faction over another, fhaipened by the fpirit of revenge, natural to party dif- fention, which in different ages and countries has perpe- trated the moft horrid enormities, is itfelf a frightful def- potifm But this bads at length to a more formal and permanent defpotifm. The diforders and miferies,which refult, gradually incline the minds of men to feek fecurity and repofe in the abfolute power of an individual j and focner or later the chief of fome prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this difpofition to the purpofes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty. WITHOUT looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which neverthelcfs ought not to be entirely out of fight) the common and continual mifchiefs of the fpirit of par- ty are fnincient to make it the intereft and duty of a wife people to difcourage and reftrain it. IT ierves always to dtftraft the Puplic Councils and enfeeble the Public Adminiflration. It agitates the o community with ill founded jealoufies and falfe alarms j kindles the animofity of one part againft another, foments occafionally riot and in fur reel ion. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated accefs to the government itfelf through the channels of party pafifans. Thus tue policy and will of one country are fubjected to the policy and will of Ano- ther. THERE is an opinion that parties in free countries arc ufeful checks upon the adminiftration of the government, and Icrve to keep alive the fpirit of Liberty. This with- in certain limits is probably true, and in governments of a. monarchial caft, patriotifm may look with indulgence, if not with favour upon the ipirit of party. But in thofe of the popu)ar character, in governments purely elective, it is a fpirit not to he encouraged. From their natural tendency it is certain there will always be enough of that fpirit for every falutary purpofe. And there being con- ftant danger of excels, the effort ought to be by force of public opinion, to mitigate and affuage it. A fire not to be quenched ; it demands uniform vigilance to prevent its burfting into a flame, lead inftead of warming it fhould confume. IT is important likewifc, that the habits of thinking in a free country, fliould infpire caution in thofe entruft- ed with its adminiftration, to confine themfelves within their refpective constitutional fpheres, avoiding in the ex- ercife of the powers of one department to encroach up- on another. The fpirit of encroachment tends to con- folidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real defpotifm. Ajuft eflirnate of that love of power, and pronene r s to abufe it, which predominates in the human heart is fufficient to fatisfy us of the truth of this pofition. Tho neceffity of reciprocal checks in the exercife of the political power ; by dividing and distributing it into dif- ferent depofitories, and conflituting each the guardian ot he public weal againft invafions by the others, has been? evinced by experiments ancient and modern j fome ef them in our country and under our own eyes. To pre-^ ierye them muft be as neceHary as to inftitute them. If, in the opinion of the people, the diftribution or modifi- cation, of the conftitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way \vhich the conftitution defignates But let there be no change by ufurpation ; for though this, in one inftance, may be the inftrument of good, it is the cuftomary wea- pon by which free governments are deftroyed The pre- cedent rnuft always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or tranlient benefit which the ufe can at any time yield. Of all the diipofitions and habits which lead to polit- ical profperity, Religion and Morality are indifpenfable (upports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotifm, who would labor to fubvert thefe great pillars of human happinefs, thefe firmed props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man ought to refpect and to cherifh them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it fimply be afked, where is the lecurity for property, for reputation, for life, if the fenfe of religious obligation defert the oaths which are the in- flruments of investigation in Courts of Juflice ? And let us with caution indulge the fuppofition, that moral- icy can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded of the influence of refined education en minds of peculiar ftructure, reafon and experience both forbid us to expeft that national morality can prevail in fion of religious princiffles. IT is {ubftantially true, that virtue or morality is a ( 53 ) neceflary fpring of popular government. The rule in- deed extends with more or lels force to every Ipecies of free government. Who that is a fincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to (hake the foun- dation of the fabric ? PROMOTE, then, as an object of primary importance, inftitutions for the general diffufion of knowledge. In proportion as the ftructure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is eflential that public opinion fhould be enlightened. As a very important fource of ftrength and fecurity, cherim public credit One method ofpreferving it is to u(e it as fparingly as poflible ; avoiding occafions of ex- pence by cultivating peace, but remembering alfo that timely dilburfements to prepare for dangers, frequently prevent much greater difburfements to repel it. Avoid- ing likewiie the accumulation of debt, not only by (hun- ning occafions of expence, but by vigorous exertions in time of peace to difcharge the debts which unavoidable wars may have occafioned, not ungeneroufly throwing upon pofterity the burthen which we ourfelves ought to bear. The execution of thefe maxims belongs to your reprefentatives, but it is neceffary that public opinion fhould co-operate. To facilitate to them the perform- ance of their duty, it is eflential that you mould practi- cally bear in mind that towards the payment of debts there muft be revenue , that to have revenue there muft be taxes and none can be devifed which are not more or lefs inconvenient and unpleafant that the intrinfic embarraflinent infeperable from the (election of the pro- per objects (which is always a choice of difficulties) ught to be a decifive motive for a candid ccnftruction t 54 ) of the conduct of the government in making it, and for a fpirit of acquiefcence in the meafures for obtaining re- venue which the public exigencies may at any time dictate. Obferve good faith and juftice towards all nations cultivate peace and harmony with all Religion and morality enjoin this conduct ; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it ? Jt will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and (at no diflant period) a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted juftice and benevolence. Who can doubt that in the courfe of time and things, the fruits of fucli a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be loft by a Ready adherence to it ? Can it be, that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with Virtue ? The experiment, at lead, is recommended by every fentiment which eno- bles human nature. Alas ! is it rendered impofiiblc by its vices ? In the execution of fuch a plan, nothing is more ef- fenfial than that permanent, inveterate antipathies againfl particular nations, and paffionate attachments for others Ihould be excluded ; and that in the place of them, juil and amicable feelings towards all (hould be cultivated. The nation, which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondnefs, is in fome degree a flave; It is a Have to its animoftty or to its affedtion, either of which is fufficient to lead it aftray from its duty and its intereft. Antipathy in one nation againft ano- ther difpofes each more readily to offer infult and injury, to lay hold of flight caufes of u&brage, and to be hsugh* ( 55 ) ty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occafions of difpute occur. Hence frequent coliifions, obftinate, envenomed and bloody conteits. The nation, prompted by ill will and refentment, fometimes impels to war the government, contrary to the bed calculations of policy. The gov- ernment fometimes participates in the national proper fity, and adopts through pafiion what reafon would re- ject ; at other times, it makes the animofity of the nation fubiervient to projects of hoftility inftigated by pride, ambition and other finifter and pernicious motives. The peace often, fometimes perhaps the liberty, of nations has been the victim. So likewife, a paffionate attachment of one nation for another induces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nations facilitating the illufion of an imaginary common intereft, in cafes where no real common intereft exifts, and infufing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars o( the latter, without adequate inducement or juftification. It leads alfo to conceffions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the conceffions ; by un- necefi-mly parting with what ought to have been retain- ed ; and by exciting jealoufy, ill-will, a difpofition to re- taliate, in the parties from whcm equal privileges are witheld : And it gives to ambitious, corrupted or de- Juded citizens (who devote themfelves to the favorite na- tion) facility to betray, or facrifke the inrerefts of their own country, without odium, fometimes even with pop- ularity ; gilding with the appearances of a virtuous fenfe cf obligation, a commendable deference for public opin- ion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the bafe or fool- iili compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation. As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, fuch attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many op- portunities do they afford to tamper with domeftic fac- tions, to practice the arts of feduction, to miflead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils ; fuch an attachment of a fmall or weak, towards a great and powerful nation, dooms the former to be the fatellits of the latter. AGAINST the infidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow citizens) the jealoufyof a free people ought to be conftantly awake; fince hiftory and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the mod baneful foes of Republican Government. But that jealouly to be uleful muft be impartial ; elfe it becomes the inftruoient of the very influence to be avoid- ed, inftead of a defence againft it. Exceffive partiality for one foreign nation, and exceffive diflike of another, caufe thofe whom they actuate to fee danger only on one fide, and ferve to veil and even fecond the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may refift the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become fuf- pected and odious ; while its tools and dupes ufurp the applaufe and confidence of the people, to furrender their interefts. THE great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as poffible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perred good faith. Here let us flop. * ( 57 ). EUROPE has a fet of primary interefh^ which to tig have none or a very remote relation. Hence Hie muft be engaged infrequent controverfies, the caufes of which are eflentially foreign to our concerns. Hence there- fore, it muft beunwife in us to implicate ourfelves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary viciffitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collifions of her friend- fhips, or enmities. OUR detached fituation, invites and enables us td purfue a different courfe. If we remain one people un- der an efficient government, the period is not far offj when we may defy material injury from external annoy- ance ; when we may take fuch an attitude as will caufei the neutrality we may at any time refolve upon, to be fcrupuloufly refpected ; when belligerent nations, under the impofiibility of making acquifitions upon us will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation -, when we may choofe peace or war, as our interefts, guided by juftice, fhall counfel. WHY forego the advantages of fo peculiar a fituation ? Why quit our own to ftand upon foreign ground ? Why, by interweaving our defliny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and profperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalfhip, intereft, humour or caprice ? 'Tis our tnae policy to fteer clear of permanent alli- ances, with any portion of the foreign world ; fo far, I mean,as we are now at liberty to do it : for let me not be underftood as capable of patronizing infidelity toexifting engagements. I hold the maxim no lefs applicable td public than to private affairs, that hontfty is always tht' H ( 58 ) beft policy. I repeat it therefore, let thofe engagements be obferved in their genuine fenfe. But in my opinion, it is unneceffary and would be unwife to extend them. TAKING care always to keep ourfelves, by fuitable ef- tablifhments, on a refpectabledefenfivepofture, we may fafely trull to temporary alliances for extraordinary e- mergencics. HARMONY, liberal intercourfe with all nations, sre recommended by policy, humanity and intereft. But even our commercial policy Ihould hold an equal and impartial hand ; neither fending or granting exclu- five favors or preferences confulting the natural courfe of things ; diffunngand diverfifying by gentle means the ftreams of commerce, but forcing nothing ; eftablifhing, with powers fo difpofed, in order to give trade a ftable courfe to define the rights of our merchants, and to en- able the government to fupport them j conventional rules cf intercourie, the beft that prefent circumftances and mutual opinion will permit, but temporary, and liable to be from time to time abandoned or varied as experi- ence or circumftances fhall dictate ; conftantly keeping in view, that 'tis folly in one nation to look for difinter- efted favors from another : that it muft pay with a por- tion of its independence for whatever it may accept un- der that character; that by fuch acceptance, it may place itfelf in the condition of having given equivalents ibr nominal favors, and yet of being reproached with in- gratitude for not giving more. There can be no greater error than to expect, or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation. 'Tis an illufion which experience iriuftcure, which ajuft pride ought todifcard. ( 59 ) IN offering to you, my countrymen, thefs counfels of an old affectionate friend, I dare not hope they will make the flrong and lading imprefiion I could wi(h that they will controul the ufual current of the paffions, or prevent our nation from running the courfe which has hitherto marked the defliny of nations : But if I may even flatter myfelf, that they may be productive of iume partial benefits, fome occafional good ; that they may now and then recur to moderate the fury of party fpirir, to warn againft the mifchiefs of foreign intrigue, to guard againft the impoftures of pretended patriotifm ; this hope will be a full recompsnfe for the folicitude for your welfare, by which they have been dictated. How far in the difcharge of my official duties, I have been guided by the principles which have been delinea- ted, the public records and other evidences of my con- duct muft witnefs to you and to the world. To my- felf, the aflurance of my own confcience is, that I have at lead believed myfelf to be guided by them. IN relation to the ftill fubfifting war in Europe, my Proclamation of the 22d April, 1795, is the index to my plan. Sanctioned by your approving voice, and by that of your reprefentatives in both Houfes of Congrefs, the fpirit of that meafure has continually governed me, unin- fluenced by any attempts to deter or divert me from it. AFTER deliberate examination, with the aid of the bed lights I could obtain, I was well fatisfied that our country, under all the circumftances of the caf.-, had a right to take and was bound in duty and intereft to take a neutral pofition. Having taken it, I determined, as far as (hou'.d depend on me, to maintain it with mo* deration* THE con fiderat ions which refpect the right to hold this conducl, it is not neceffary on thisoccafion to detail. I will only obferve, that according to my understanding pi the matter, that right, fo far from being denied by any of the Belligerent Powers, has been virtually admit- ted by all. THE duty of holding a neutral conduct may be in- ferred, without any thing more, from the obligation \vhichjuftice and humanity impofe on every nation, in/ cafes in which it is free to ac~l, to maintain inviolate the Delations of peace and amity towards other nations. THE inducements of intereft for obferving that con- duct will beft be referred to your own reflections and ex- perience. With me, a predominant motive has been to endeavour to gain time to our country to fettle and mature its yet recent inftitutions, and to prcgrefs with- out interruption, to that degree of ftrength and confift- ency, which is neceffary to give it, humanly (peaking, the command of its own fortunes. THOUGH in reviewing the incidents of my adminiura- tion, I am unconfcious of intentional error : I am never- thelefs too fenfible of my defects not to think it probable that I have committed many errors. Whatever they may be, J fervently befeech the Almighty to avert or mitigate the evils to which they may tend. I (hall allo carry with me the hope that my country will never ceafe to view them with indulgence ; and that after forty- five years of my life dedicated to its fervice, with an up- right zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be configned to oblivion, as myfelf mud loon be to the manfions of reft, RELYING on its kindnefs in this as in other things, and actuated by that fervent love towards it, which is To na- tural to a man who views in it the native foil of himfelt and his progenitors for fevera) generations j I anticipate with pleafing expectation that retreat, in which I prom- ife myfelf to realize, without alloy, the fweet enjoyment of partaking in the midft of my fellow-citizens, the be- nign influence of good laws under a free government the ever favorite objecl: of my heart, and the happy reward as I truft, of our mutual cares, labors and dangers. yearae, rr a