CAPTAIN LOVE THEODORE ROBERTS LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of CAPTAIN LOVE WORKS OF THEODORE Captain Lose .... $1.50 The Tied Feathers. . . 1.50 {Brothers of 'Peril ... 1.50 Hemming, the Adventurer 1.50 L. C P^GE dr COMPANY New England Building, Boston, Mats. " AT LAST A FEW LINES WERE ACCOMPLISHED." (See page 194.) CAPTAIN LOVE The History of a Most 'Romantic vent in the Life of an English Gentleman During the Reign of His Majesty George the First. Containing Inci- dents of Courtship and 'Danger as Related In the Chronicles of the Period and Now Set Down in Print THEODORE ROBERTS j4uthor of " T^ed Feathers, " " Brothers of 'Peril, ' ' Hemming the Adventurer, ' ' etc. Illustrated by LOUIS T>. COWING BOSTON <& L. C.