THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ROCHESTER : E. DARKOW & co., PUBLISHERS, 1902. rutss CF I . C . VON A RX NEW YORK. COPYRIGHT, 1884. BY A. NEWMAN LOCKWOOD. THE MORNING BREATH OF JUNE. A POEM. ^ ILLUSTRATED BY C. J. TAYLOR AND E. J. MEEKER. 613036 ILLUSTRATIONS. Its towering greatness, Gains her new Life, The currency of day is Gold, On Blades of Grass, The Morning Breath of Early June, 'Twas wind wooed, The Breather dreams, The Nun whose days, From the painting of the Nun by While at the Eve, Could we like Joshua, Nor could cold element, From painting Hero and Leander by On Sixteenth Morn, Locked in each other's arms, Drifted to Shallows, Mid other wrecks, And when the Angel, They lingered Captives, When eyes more dazzling, O'er Rustic Bridge, When Feathered Choristers, Worn with the revels, Carry her prayer to God, "A thousand times" Good-By, ARTIST. E. J. Meeker E. J. Meeker E. J. Meeker E. J. Meeker E. J. Meeker E. J. Meeker C. J. Taylor E. J. Meeker C. J. Taylor Tr n Keller Taylor Taylor Meeker Meeker Taylor Taylor Taylor Meeker Meeker Taylor Taylor Taylor C. J C. J E. J. E. J. C. J C. J C. J E. J. E. J. C. J C. J. C. J tt Y T 'HE MOSNING OF JUNE. r ~PIIERE is a mount upon an island home, That feels at once the influence of each zone; Its towering greatness shadows neighbor isles, And Winter chills, while round it Summer smiles. Its crest is frigid in eternal snow, Its swelling breasts with temperate fruits overflow, While its broad base, the naked native's home, Broils in the summer of a torrid zone. TJ APPY our land, where all the seasons range, Where blest and strengthened by successive change We do not envy in his hut of snow, The dreamless slumber of the Esquimaux; Nor the proud Turk to lust and luxury bound By circling summers in their endless round. Happy our land, the broad Atlantic's door, Opens to usher in the changing four Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter; and again A repetition of the varied train. In smiles and tears, sunshine and shower doth bring Bulbs to the birth couch of prolific spring; And bulbs and buds to flowering fruits expand, Building a Heaven within our summer land: ' 'Its towering greatness shadows neighbor isles, And winter chills, while round it summer smiles." And Bummer's treasures Autumn's lap doth hold, Till, by her magic they are changed to gold; When fruit-cloyed nature, surfeited to death, Gains her new life from Winter's bracing breath. Each has his favorite season. > Weather epicures may name May or September, and assert their claim; Lovers' and poets' harps are most attune When them hast touched them; Morning Breath of June. "\ A 7IIERE'ER the sun or moon doth range, Twixt the low Earth or vaulted Heaven, God hath a medium of exchange, "Gains her new life from winter's bracing breath " To mortals and immortals given. The currency of day is geld, Displayed in beams of light; Swift passing through a different mould, Silver's the coin of night. ~*IS night! The amorous God of day From earth hath turned his face away, While silence with the darkness creeps O'er labor-resting man; The lonesome Heaven above him weeps, Lamenting day's short span. A thirsty earth drinks tears of dew, Yet generously leaves a few Vv "The currency of day is gold, displayed on beams of light; Swift passing through a different mould silver's the coin of night " On blades of grass, on violet's head, in lily's cnp; Nature to nature kind, it knew That a returning morrow's sun, Swift traveling to the heat of noon, In thirst, at need, would take them up. r TMIE Morning JBreath of early June Rose sweet from meadows full in bloom; Like spice barque on the Indian seas, 'Twas caught and carried by the bree/c, 'Twas wind-wooed, till at length it broke Upon the city's distant towers, To mingle with the dust and smoke; Its airv skirmishers strav in "On blades of grass, on violets head, in lily's cup." The drear abodes of want and sin. Unbidden guest of rich and poor, Essence of joy and health, Flood through the casement and the door, Unpurchasable wealth! Then break again with blessings full Upon the noxious hospital: Impatient nurse, so swift to seek And kiss the exhausted sleeper's cheek, To fan away the fever breath, To check the clammy sweat of death; Till lost in atmosphere so rare, The breather dreams 'tis childhood's air; His trooping thoughts go wandering back "The morning breath of early June, Rose sweet from meadows full in bloom." Across life's winding desert track. All present troubles are forgot, While memory revels in that dearest spot Ambition cares no more to roam. His ward is Heaven, his couch is home. Great non-respecter, ever thus Breathe thou on purity and lust, Baptize the just and the unjust. ~*HE nun, whose days and nights are spent In prayers and vigils long, Steps from her cell at dawn, to hear The church bells' matin song. Why are their songs at morning time "Twas wind wooed till at length it broke, Upon the city's distant towers, To mingle with the dust and smoke." Purer than vespers' softer chime? Why does she morn's delight to hear? Why are they sweeter to her ear? Is it because in morning gray They carol birth of holy day, While at the eve in mournful strain They toll its funeral dirge again? Yes; 'tis thy Morning Breath, O June, That sets them to a different tune; Bathed in its atmosphere of balm, They sing to her a holier psalm; Thy virgin perfume tills their lungs, Its freshness swells their throats, Its kisses tip "The breather dreams 'tis childhood's air." Each brazen lip, Its moisture wets their iron tongues, Changing their very notes. f^vIJ) fairies, with discretion rare, Compound thy tinctures in the air? Was it thy breath, so soft and cool, Troubled Bethesda's sacred pool 2 Made its calm breast for man to heave, And all his pangs and pains relieve? Its passive bosom for him feel? The malady of sin to heal! 1 /^OULD we, like Joshua, at will Bid the red marker of the day ' 'Steps from her cell at dawn to hear, The church bells matin song." To stay his march, and stand as still As the fixed stars that line his way Then might we, Morning Breath of June, Retain thy presence and perfume In early morn's perpetual glow Maintain a rival heaven below. T love to trace the doubtful dates Of deeds for heaven done, Back to this month, and say they were Born of June's breath and sun. Above all creeds, to angel deeds Man's quickened spirit soars, "While at the eve in mournful strai^ They toll its funeral dirge again." When June's Morn-Breath, floods wood and heath, And through his being pours. T F bold Leander had essayed in June To cross thy wave, thou treacherous Hellespont, I think its breath, essence of life in bloom. Through surging waters safe had borne him up, To let possession, with its holy fire, To summer, change his winter of desire: Nor could cold element, nor jealous Jove, Gain such a victory over venturing love. Perchance 'twas June. What mortal can gainsay? Perhaps the witchery of her winning breath Lit passion-fires that slumbering in him lay, "Could we like Joshua, at will bid the red marker of the day To stay his march and stand as still." And impulse drove him to his fated death. Heroes of love! upon their grave to-day June's breath doth nourish laurel trees and bay. Let envious deities of sea and grove, Charge not on June such crime 'gainst human love. June was not witness to their death; No sensuous odors to despoil her breath, Welled from the honeyed sips Of the pale Hero, when she lay Beneath the wave, and kissed away Her life upon his lips. T UNE is the Breath of love- a\ , Held their men-captives till the month of May, And after pairing, did their victims slay. But waiting once till June had spread her charms, They lingered captives in their captivo' arms. "And when the angel with the flaming sword, Drove the first pair from presence of the Lord, Ii followed them." '""PHE changeless iceberg, anchor-locked and fast, Moored to its place through ages that are past, So many winters down its slopes have run, Resists with ease, the influence of the sun, Till loosed at last by some chance polar gale, For tropic seas majestically shall sail; Feel June's soft land breeze, Fresh from blossomed trees, Turn to pure crystal, Melt to swell the seas. So doth Thy Breath change selfish human hearts; Turns thoughts from self, benevolence imparts. Ileleased from self, e'en coldest natures prove They have no weapon 'gainst thy clasp of love. "They lingered captives in their captives arms." T OV'ST thou a maid That long has held her heart Beyond the reach of any gallant's art? Press not thy suit at marriage feast, or hall; Distracted beauty will not heed Love's cull When eyes more dazzling than the jewels bright Flash back on torches a surpassing light; When the deep flagon and plethoric bowl Fill with false fancies elevated soul, Nor in the mazes of the mystic dance, E'en Cupid's darts there often fly askance; Nor at day's acme seek secluded bower, For the high noon is not Love's promised hour. Trust not thy fortune in the serenade Night is the time for contemplation made. Ask her to walk with thee on June's first morn, Just when, in glory, summer's month is born; Like Eve and Adam, wander hand in hand Through glistening gardens Shenstone might have planned; O'er rustic bridge that spans the mimic flood, Down where the by-paths interlace the wood, Where feathered choristers from bush and sod, Warble a chorus to a listening God. There in His temple, boldly then and there, In holy confidence repeat Love's prayer; The long resisting-one shall grant the boon: A conquering ally is the Breath of June. ID EMAINING fragrance of May's violet tomb, Brooding o'er summer's earliest bloom, From grassy altars ever rise Accepted incense to the skies. Delicious Breath, can all the amorous East Thy power augment, thy Heavenly wealth increase? Can all the spies of Arabia rare, Add to the sweetness of thy summer air? Precious as ointment that ran down From Aaron's beard to Aaron's gown; Odorous as ointment woman showered Upon the head of Christ the Lord; Estrayed from Eden, ever drift With us, round us, priceless gift. "When eyes more dazzling than the jewels bright." ' I ^ LIE scarlet woman God erase her crime Drops on dishonored conch at morning time, Worn with the revels of the masking night: Her painted cheek shuns day's disclosing light. She sleeps From Mercy's wings the Breath of June Through broken pane drifts in and fills the room. She dreams of happier hours before she fell; She stands another woman at the well: On pastures new her pardoned soul hath burst, One bids her drink and never after -thirst. Long, and in vain, shall lecherous passer-by, Look to her house for beckoning hand and eye, "O'er rustic bridge that spans the mimic flood, Down where the by-paths interlace the wood." While chaster sisters, with a demon's scorn, Point her to Hell, and bar her from reform. Shake the contiguous dust from off their feet, Gather their skirts and leave her in the street. Forgive her! 'tis her woman spirit cries To Heaven, appealing from this sacrifice. Forgive her! 'tis her woman's spirit dies Upon thy altar, custom's sacrifice. Carry her prayer to God, sweet Breath of June, For penitents, at least in Heaven, there's room. TDERFECTED Breath! the time shall come when men, Weary of sin, shall turn to Heaven again. In human hearts no evil shall have birth, "Where feathered choristers from bush and sod, Warble a chorus to a listening God." For the just meek shall reap the rolling earth; Nor Babel's head, again o'er Shinar tower To mock the mercy of a Saviour's power; But all mankind, one people with one tongue, To the Messiah, raise a welcoming song: And a glad earth Thy breath and garb resume In royal robes receive Him-Final June! TDEEPETUAL Breath, did not the Hand divine Set June lirst month upon the wheel of tin if ? Perpetual June, shall not Thy Morn-Breath stay When time and seasons shall have passed a\v;iy? TN that last morning, whose unbounded light Shall see no noon, no sunset, and no night; "Worn with the revels of the masking night, Her painted cheek shuns day's disclosing light," In that last morning when, in every clime, Eternal power shall stop the wheels of time, And check the busy seasons as they run T'will halt the earth beneath June's morning sun. Of day eternal June shall be the soul; And spread its sweetness even to the pole: Sahara's desert, June's bright green shall wear, And Iceland's mountains June's red rose shall bear. No fickle spring shall ever weep again, Nor for earth's fountains winter forsre a chain. C7 No hot July shall imitate its bloom, Nor scorching August wither with its noon; Nor autumn's breath prepare for winter's tomb, That heavenly beauty, that is only June. "Carry her prayer to God sweet Breath of June." NCE I ascended in a ship of air, To Und the boundary where conjunction's made;- To find what part of Thee is earth so rare, What part from Heaven had strayed. But I descended soon, for mortal cannot find Where earth leaves off, where Heaven to earth is joined. T7\\REWELL! thou fairest of the rosy train; We know sweet Breath, thoul't visit us attain * o Good-by! another month with youth elate Ambitious blushes at day's Eastern i;ate; 'A thousand times" Gooci-by. While peering hope, and sad regret, In every heart doth cry, Like Juliet from her balcony, "A thousand times," Good-hy! Erastus Dai row dt Co, , Publishers Booksellers and Stations* 285WMNST.E., BOCHFSTtP, H. Y. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 372 295 4