^Qr2^ .::' $ fn\ J^iR Brake SUPPLEMENT TO "THE SCIENCE OF RAILWAYS BY MARSHALL MONROE KIRKMAN. PUBLISHED BY THE WORLD RAILWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY, ILLUSTRATING AND EXPLAINING THE WORKINGS OF THE AIR BRAKE. PRICE $2.50. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO: The World Railway Publishing Company, 1902 copyright by The World Railway Publishing Company, 1900, 1302, AU rvjlUs reserved. Al£0 Entered At Stationer's Hall, London, England, The Hen.n'eberky Co., Printers, Chicago. THE AIR BRAKE THE AIR BRAKE AND ITS WORKINGS. The vast and unexampled use of the Air Brake makes a clear knowledge of it of vital import- ance to every one actively interested in the movement of trains. In order to bring this about more fully, I have prepared, as a supple- ment to " The Science of Railways " the accom- panying plates and descriptive matter, illustrating and explaining the Westinghousb Quick Action Automatic Brake Apparatus. It embraces the latest improved appliances and such as the Westinghouse Company includes under that head. The diagrams, therefore, will be found espe- cially interesting and valuable to all who have occasion to use or make a study of such matters. Nothing could be more clear than the cuts and the explanations that accompany them, as they have in the main been prepared under the im- mediate eye of the Westinghouse Company. The rapid increase in the use of the " High- Speed Brake" in fast express service, and the favorable results obtained in handling heavy trains on mountain grades by the employment of the High-Pressure Control Apparatus (Plate G 49) lend especial interest to the accompanying illus- trations of these devices, to which the attention 4 THE AIR BRAKE AND ITS WORKINGS, of the student in such matters is especially directed. Attention is also directed to Plate G 1 which illustrates the entire brake, and to the colored Plates, G 2, G 3 and G 35, which show the appli- cation of the various parts of the apparatus to the engine, tender and cars. The cuts that fol- low show, in detail, the various parts which go to make up the complete machine. In addition to the air brake the Train Air Signal Apparatus is also portrayed herein. See Plate F 33. A carefully prepared index will be found on pages 5 and 6. In Volume 1, Chapter 6, of the '' Science of Railways,'' the evolution of the brake is illus- trated, followed by a carefully prepared account, with attendant cuts of the air brake and its con- struction and management. It is again referred to with considerable particularity in Volumes 4 and 12 of the same work. This supplement, I beg to state, is not intended to supersede what is said in the *' Science of Railways'' in regard to the air brake, but to be auxiliary thereto, for the better elucidation of this very complex and im- portant feature in the operation of trains and in the mechanical department of railroads. M. M. KiRKMAN. RULES REGAEDING THE OPERATION OF THE AIR BRAKE. Information and rules on the following points will be found in the ''Science of Railways," in the volumes and at the pages indicated: The First Form of Air Brake How to Use the Air Brake General Instructions to Enginemen Making up Trains and Testing Brakes Application of Air Brake in Service Application of Air Brake in Emergency When Brakes are Applied from an Unknown Cause. Braking by Hand Cutting out Brakes Double Headers Extra Hose Sliding Wheels Additional Instructions to Engineers Test of Brakes '. Defective Car Running Position Clean Valves Pump Stopped Air Signal Handling Trains To Release a Part Air Train While Moving Train Parted, etc Avoiding Over Reductions Passenger Trains To Avoid Sliding of Wheels General Instructions to Trainmen Making up Trains and Testing Brakes Use of Hand Brakes Detaching Engine or Cars Frozen Couplings Brakes Sticking Train Breaking into Two or More Parts Cutting out the Brake on a Car Conductor's Valve Burst Hose Call for Brakes Brakes Not in Use Pressure Retaining Valve Reporting Defects to Inspectors Extra Hose Additional Instructions to Trainmen Blow out Hose Coupling and Uncoupling Discovering Leaks Emergency when Service is Intended Charging Air Cocks Cars Cut Out Disabled Cars . .305 .314 .315 .317 .317 .319 .319 .319 .320 .320 .321 .321 .363 366 368 .368 .368 .321 .321 .323 .324 .324 .324 ,326 .326 .327 .327 .370 .370 .371 .371 .372 .372 .373 4a 46 THE AIR BRAKE AND ITS WORKINGS. VOLUME PAGE Hand Brakes on Air Braked Cars 1 374 Releasing Brakes 1 374 Triple Valve Blowing 1 374 Retainer Stopped Up 1 375 Leaving Train at Terminals 1 375 Test Brakes After Change I !!.375 Operating Train Air Signal I ....376 General Instructions to Engine House Foremen ar d Inspectors 1 328 Air Pump 1 328 Pump Governor 1 328 Engineer's Brake Valve 1 328 Adjustment of Brakes 1 329 Brake Cylinders and Triple Valves 1 329 Draining 1 329 General Instructions to Car Inspectors 1 330 Making up Trains and Testing Brakes .1 330 Cleaning Cylinders and Triple Valves 1 331 Adjustment of Brakes 1 332 Braking Power 1 332 Repair Parts 1 332 Hanging up Hose 1 333 Responsibility of Inspectors 1 333 Full Description of the Air Brake a; d its Parts Fully Illustrated 1 333 Instructions to Switchmen and Yardmen 1 376 Cause of Leaks 1 376 ' 'Bleeding of Train" 1 376 Car Design 1 377 Brake Cylinders 1 377 Stiff Brake Rigging 1 378 Hand Brake 1 378 Braking Power 1 378 Brake Hangers 1 379 Style of Brake 1 379 Piping 1 379 Locomotive Design I 380 The Main Reservoir 1 380 The Steam Brake 1 380 Brake Cylinders 1 380 Braking Power 1 380 Piping 1 380 Metallic Gaskets 1 381 Location of Air Pumps 1 381 Pump Packing 1 381 Tender Brake 1 381 Repairs on Locomotives 1 382 Air Signal 1 382 Repairs on Cars 1 382 Yard Testing Plants 1 382 Triple Valves 1 382 The Sweeney Brake 1 383 Air Brake Examination, Questions and Answers XII 100 INDEX. ». T, Page Air Pump 8 Air Gauge, Duplex and Semaphore 14 Air Strainers 14, 40, 44, 58 Angle Fittings 14, 44 Angle Cocks 40i 58 Automatic Brake Equipment, Diagramatio Illustration Opposite 6 Brake-Pipe Air Strainer 40, 58 Car Discharge Valve Opposite 42 Car Cylinders, Passenger 34, 38, 39 Car Cylinders and Reservoirs, Freight 50 to 56 Cleaning Tool, for Coupling Groove 58 Conductor's Valve 40 Cross Heads 23 Cut-Out Cocks . . 40, 44, 58, 66 Cylinder Head Types • 17 Drain Cock 14, 24 Driver Brake Cylinders 18, 19, 20, 21 Dummy Couplings 40, 44, 58 Duplex Pump Governor 64 Engineer's Brake Valve 10 Engine and Tender Brake Apparatus, Detail Parts 14 Feed Valve 10 Feed Valve Pipe Bracket 66 Flexible Hose Connection for Truck-Brake Cylinder 66 Freight Car Brake Equipment Opposite 46 Freight Car Brakes, Cylinders a nd Reservoirs 50 to 56 Freight Car Brake Apparatus, Details 58 High-Speed Brake Opposite 70 High-Speed Automatic Reducing Valve 60 High Pressure Control Opposite 68 High-Speed Plain Triple Valve 62 High-Speed and High-Pressure Control, Detail Parts 66 Hose and Fittings 40. 44, 58. 66 Locomotive and Tend er Equipment Opposite 6 Passenger-Car Brake and Train Air Signal Apparatus Opposite 6 Passenger-Car Fixtures, Details 40 Passenger-Car Brake Cylinders 34, 38, 39 Plain Triple Valves 26, 28, 62 Pressure Retaining Valve 58 Pump Governor 12, 64 Quick-Action Freight Triple Valve 48 Quick- Action Passenger Triple Valve 22, 36 Reducing Va" ve Opposite 42 Release Valve 58 Retaining Valve 58 Reversing Cock 66 Reservoirs 24 Reservoir Unions 14 Reservoir Drain Cock 14, 24 Safety Valve 66 Signal Valve Opposite 42 Signal Whistle Opposite 42 Signal Pipe Air St ainer 44 Slide-valve. Feed Valve 10 Steam Valve 14 Tender Drain Cup 14 Tender-Brake Cylinder 30 Train Air Signal Equipment Opposite 42 Train Air Signal, Detail Parts 44 Triple Valve, Plain 26, 28 Triple Valve, Quick-Action Passenger 32, 36 Triple Valve, Quick-Action Freight 48 Triple Valve, High-Speed 62 Truck-Brake Cylinder 22 PLATE G 1. Diagramatic Illustration of the Westinghouse Quick- Action Automatic Brake. — Opposite, PLATE G 2. Westinghouse- American Locomotive and Tender Equipment. — Opposite. PLATE G 3. Westinghouse Standard Passenger Car Brake and Signal Equipment. — Opposite, SEMAPHORJe GAUGE CUT OUT COCK. EQUAL] dr; IMl INS, AND LEVCRS ILLUSTRATED ARE M. C. iWHBfiE PRACTICABLE TO EMPLOY BENDS IN HEAyy CLAMPS. Use no lead inside of ids; Copper pipes "ar^ recommended fc V PLATE Qa. WESTINQHOUSE-AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE AND EXPLANATION OF ' IMPORTANT SUGGESTIONS. BRAKE AND SIGNAL il I 1 tAKE RODS, PINS. AND LEVERS ILLUSTRATE )T BE U5E0 WHERE PRACTICABLE TO EMP MEANS Or HEAVY CLAMPS USE NO lE. WITH SOAPSUDS I PLATE O3. WESTINGHOUSE STANDARD PASSENGER CAR BRAKE AND SIGNAL EQUIPMENT PLATE F4. NINE AND ONE-HALF INCH AIR PUMP. ^74 113 ^3fi».2 lie PLATE F4. NINE AND ONE-HALF INCH AIR PUHP. Ko. Nine nud One-half inch Air Pump, complete— Wo. CO. Top Head, complete (includes one each of Nos. 72, 73, 74, 75, 7G, 83, 84, 85, 108, and 100, and 8 of No. 110) 61. Steam Cylinder, complete (in- cludes one each of Nos. 90, 91 , 92, 93 and 94, and 2 of No. 105). 02. Center Piece, complete (includes 2 each of Nos. 95, 96, and 97, and one of No. 98). 63. Air Cylinder, complete (includes 4 of No. 86, 2 each of Nos. 87. SB, and 89, and one each of Nos. 90, 91,92, and 106). 64. Lower Head, 65. Steam Piston and Rod (includes 2 each of Nos. 67. 68. and 70, and one of No. 69). 66. Air Piston, complete (includes 2 of No. 67). 67. Piston Packing Ring 68. Piston-Rod Nut. 69. Reversing-Valve Plate 70. Reversing-Valve-Piate Bolt 71. Reversing-Valve Rod. 72. Rever.«;ing Valve. 73. Reversing-Valve-Chamber Bush. 74. Reversing-Valve-Chamber Cap. 75. Main-Valve Bush. 76. Main Valve, completc(includes Nos. 77, 79. and 81. and 4 of No 82). 77. Large Main-Valve Piston (in- cludes 2 of No. 78). 78. Large Main-Valve-Piston Packing Ring 79. Small Main-Valve Piston (in- cludes 2 of No. 80). 80. Small Main-Valve-Piston Packing Ring. 81. Main-Valve Stem. Fo. 82. Main-Valve-Stem Nut. 83. Main Slide Valve. 84. Right Main-Valve Cylinder Head. 85 Left Main-Valve Cylinder Head. 86. Air Valve. 87. Air- Valve Seat. 88. Air-Valve Cage. 89. Valve-Chamber Cap. 90. One and One-fourth inch Union Stud. 91 One and One-fourth inch Union Nut. 92. One and One-fourth inch Union Swivel. 93 One-inch Steam-Pipe Stud. 94. Governor Union Nut. 95. Stuffing Box. 90 Stuffing-Box Nut. 97. Sluffiiig-Box Gland. 98. Air-Cylinder Oil Cup. 99 Short Cap Screw (fxlf) 100 -J^ong Cap Screw (§"x6r) 101 Upper Steam-Cylinder Gasket 102. Lower Steam-Cylinder Gasket 103 Upper Air-Cylinder Gasket 104 Lower Air-Cylinder Gasket. lO.T Drain Cock. 100 Air Strainer. 107. One-inch Steam-Pipe Sleeve 108 Left Main-Vaive-Head Gasket 109 Right Main-Valve-Head Gasket 110 Main-Valve-Head Boll (r'-xli") 111 Cap Screw (rx2"). 112 Cylinder-H"ead Plug. 113. Packing and Cap-Nul Wrench 114. Air-Valve-Seat Wrench. 115 Air-Valve-Cage Wrench HO. Cap-Screw Wrench. The accompanying cat illustrates the Standard 9 1.2-inch Air Prnnp. which Is osnally located on the right side of the locomotive. A special ~Lefl-hand 9 1/2-inch Air Pump" 13 also manofactured As its n;ime indicates, it is designed for inRtallaUon on the left side of the locomotive; but all its carts »re Interchangeable with those of the Standard Pump, and its steam and exhaust-pipe connections have 4een so arranged that It can be sobst K nted tor tto same «n<) used oo tbe rigbt side U A'»ffire <1 9 PLATE G6. ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE. ir:^ i> 10 .w.^i. 124 I PLATE 6. CNQINCER'S BRAKE VALV& No. No. 100. Drake Valve with Slidc-Valve Feed Valve, Onc-Tuch Cut-out Cock (Fig O, Plate G32), nud Equalizing Kcservoir (Fig. 4, PlateTGSa) Complete. Brake V.alvo proper (without Feed- Valve Attachment); covers Nos. 2 to 32, Inclusive. Piston Valve (includes No. 19). Piston Ring. Three-eighths inch Union Nut. Three-eighths inch Union Swivel. E.Khaust-Pipe Fitting. One^nch Union Nut. One-inch Union Swivel. Holding Nut. Gauge-Pipe Fitting, Feed-Valve-Case Gasket. Half-inch Nut. Half-inch Bolt. Feed-Valve Stud. Upper Gasket. Lower Gasket. overs Nos. CI to C7, inclusive. Regulating- Valve Spring. Jlcgulating-Valvo Cap Nut, Spring Box, Diaphragm Ring. Diaphragm Spindle, Regulating Nut. Check Nut, Regulating Spring. No, 2, Valve Body. No. 18. 3. Rotary-Valve Seat. 19. 4. Bottom Case. 20. 5. Bottom Cap. 21, 6. Jam_ Nift. 22. 7. Top' Nut. 23. 8. Hanc]le(includesNos.9,10,andll). 24. 9. Handle Bolt. 25, 10. Handle-Bolt Spring. 20, 11, Handle-Bolt Sci*ew. 27. 12. Rotary- ValvG Key. 28, 13. Washer. 29. 14. Rotary Valve. 30. 15. Gauge-Pipe Tee. 31. 16, One-fourth inch Union Nut. 32. 17, One-fourth inch Union Swivel. No. 50. Slide-Valve Feed V.alve, comi )letc; 51. Feed-Valve Body (bushed). 60. 52. Flush Nut. 61, 63. Cap Nut. 62. 54. Supply-Valve Piston. 63. 55. Supply Valve. 64. 56. Supply-Valve Spring. 65. 57. Diaphragm (2 pieces). 60. 58. 59. Supply-Valve-Piston Spring. Regulating Valve. 67, 11 PLATE F7. ONE-INCH PUMP QOVERNOIt VTANOARD for nine and ONC-HAir INCM PUI 34 TO BOILER - j,-P.Pe NOTE.-When used in conjunction with an Engineer's Brake Valve having a Feed Valve as in most Instances, the Pump Governor should be piped to the Main Reservoir Connection at the Brake Valve, as indicated on Plates"F6*' anA"OQ", when an Excess-Pressure Valve is used in place of a Feed Valve, however, the Governor is actuated by Train Line Pressure, and should be piped to Train Line aooordingly. 12 PLATE Ft, ONE-INCH PUnP GOVERNOR. Mo. I. OoT'lnch Painp Governor, compIcCo. 25. Steam-Valve Body 35. Waste-Pipe Stad. 26. Steam Valve. 36. Waste-Pipe Union Noi. 27. Cylinder Cap. 37. Diaphragm Body. 28. Governor Piston (includes No. 29). 38. Spring Box. 29. Piston Packing Ring. 39. Cap Nut. 30. Governor-Piston Nut. 40. Regulating Nut 31. Governor-Piston Spring. 41. Regulating Spring. 32. Steam-Valve Cylinder (includes 42. Diaphragm, coinplel*. No. 35 and 36). 43. Diaphragm Ring. 83. One-inch Union Nut. 44. Union Nut. S4. Oae-incb Unioo Swivel. 45. Union SwivoL 13 PLATE G 9. DETAIL PARTS OF ENGINE AND TENDER BRAKE APPARATUS. fig. 11. PLATE 0^. DETAIL PARTS OP ENQINB AND TENDER BRAKE APPARATUS. 2. 3, 4 5. 6. Fig. 1. SCftodard Duplex Air QtMSO, Fio. 2. Semaphore Air Gauge. Fia. 3. One-inch by One-half iuch Brake* Pipe Air Strainer, complete. Strainer Body. One-inch Union Swivel. Union Nut. Union Gasket. Strainer. Fio. 4. One-inch Steam Yalve, complete. Hand Wheel. Valve Stem. Packing Nut. Packiag Gland. Neck Piece. Union Nut. Valve Body. Union Swivel.* Valve Stud* Hand-Wheel Screw Hand-Wheel Washer Hand-Wheel Sgcket. Steam-Pipe Swivel. Fro. 5. PUUb Triple- Vaive Brackets 1. 2. Fig. 8. Tender Drain Cup, compleSOi Tender Drain Cup. Tender Drain Cock. FiQ. 7. Plain Triple- Valve Kippts. Fio. 8. One-inch by One and One«foarCb inch Angle Fitting. Flo. 9. Three-fourths iucl» Resenrolr Union, complete. No. 2. 3. 4. Union Swivel. Union Nut. Union Stud. Fio 10. No. 2. 3. 4. One-inch Reservoir plete. Union Swivel. Union Nut. Union Stud. Fio. 11. No. 2. 3. 4 One and One-fourth Union, complete. Union Swivel. Union Nut. Uoioo Stud. Unloa« inch RoMorvoir 15 PLATE G14. PRESSURE HEADS FOR BRAKE CYLINDERS. rt a IZZJ Wg. I. Pig. 8. Fig. a. 3«(hPCT*P.--0 / B FiS. 4. jfp,ptTAP--Q Fig, 5. IZZJ jKv,Ptx»P-^ Fig. e. EXPLANATION OF TYPES ILLUSTRATED. Fig. 1. Type 0— Plain Head. Fig. 2. Type P — Plain Head with Slack Adjuster Lug. Fig. 3. Type Q— Bracket Head. Fig. 4. Type R— Quick-Action Triple Valve Head. Fig. 5. Type S— Quick-Action Triple Valve Head with Slack Adjuster Log. Fig; 6- Type T — Quick-Action Triple Valve Head with Bracket 17 PLATE P15. STANDARD PUSH-DOWN TYPE DRIVER=BRAKE CYLINDERS. OUTEE FLANGES FULL. No. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. Cylinder Body. Piston aud Rod (includes Follower Studs and Nuts). Non-Pressure Head. Pressure Head. Release Spring. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Nut. Cylinder Gasket. Cylinder No. Diameter. Strota. 11 Sin. X 7 in. 13 12 " z a - 15 12 " X 10 " 30 10 •♦ X 6 " 33 8 " X 6 ♦• 35 10 " X 10 " 39 12 " X 12 " 42 14 " X 12 *♦ 47 16 " X 12 •• 48 6 *' X 8 " 49 12 •• X 7 " 50 13 " X 12 " 51 10 " X 6 " 55 10 •♦ X 8 " 66 6 " X 6 *♦ 99 10 "* X 12 " OUTEE FLANGES REMOVED. Crilniler No. Diameter. stroke. 22 8iiL X 7 in. 31 10 " X 6 « 36 10 « X 10 " 40 12 « X 12 " 44 8 •• X 6 « 77 6 ♦* X 6 " 88 10 " X 8 " No. 9. Cross Head (select kind desired from Plate F 22). 10. Follower. 11. Packing Leather. 12. Packing Expander 13. Follower Stud and Nut 14. Oil Plug. 18 PLATE Fi7. BTANDARD PUSH-UP TYPE DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS. Ji'PfPCTAP OUTER FLANGES PULL. OUTEB FLANGES REMOVED. tlllndef No. Olam.tef. Stroke. Cfllnder No. Olameter. siiokft, 16 Sin. X 7 m. 17 Sin. X 7ia 18 10" X 8** 19 lO** X 8* 23 12 '* X 10" 46 12 " X a** - Ho. No. 2. Cylinder Body, 8.. Cylinder Gasket, 3. Piston and Rod (includ es Fol- 9. Cross Head (select kind deai»<| lower Studs and Nuts). from Plate F 22). 4. Pressure Head. 10. Follower. 5. Non-Pressure Heac 11. Packing Leather. C. Follower Stud and Nut. 12. Packing Expander. 7. Cyliuder-Head Bolt and Nut. 13. OU Plug. 19 PLATE F19. STANDARD TYPE •• B " PUSH DRIVER°BRAKE CYLINDERS. OUTER FLANGES FULL. Cjllnder No. 11-B 13-B 15-B 21-B 33-B 35-B 39-B 42-B 47-B 48-B 49-B 5 OB 51-B 55-B 90-B Diameter. 8 in. 12 " 12 " 14 " 8 " 10 " 12 " 14 " 16 " 6 " 12 " 13 '• 10 " 10" 10 *' stroke. 7 in. 8 " 10 " 10 " 6 " 10 " 12 " 12 " 12 " 8 " 7 " 12 " 6 " 8 " 12 " OUTER FLANGES REMOVED Cylinder No. 22-B 36-B 44-B 88-B Diameter. 8 in. 10 '• 8 " 10 " stroke. 7 in. 10 " 6 '• 8 « •No. 2. Cylinder Body. 3. Piston and Rod (includes No. 9, and Follower Studs and Nuts). 4. Non-Pressure Head. 5. Pressure Head. 6. Release Spring. 7. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Nut. 8. Cylinder Gasket. 9. Push-Rod Holder. No. 10. Follower. 11. Packing Leather. 12. Packing Expander. 13. Follower Stud and Nut. 14. Push Rod, complete (includes Nos. 15 and 16). 15. Oil Plug. 16. Push-Rod-Holder Pin, with Cotter 17. Push-Rod Pin, with Cotter. 20 PLATE F20. STANDARD TYPE «• C " PUSH DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS. 3 7 OUTER FLANGES PULL. No. 11-C 13-C 15-C 21-C 30-C 33-C 35-C 39-C 42-C 55-C 89-C Diameter. 8 in. 12 " 12 " 14 " 10 " 8 " 10 " 12 " 14 « 10 " 10'* stroke. 7 in. 8 " 10 " 10 " 6 " 6 •• 10 •' 12 " 12 « 8 ♦' 12 " 2. Cylinder Body. 3. Piston and Rod (includes Follower Studs and Nuts). 4. Non-Pressure Head. 5. Pressure Head. 6. Push Rod, complete. 7. Cylinder-Head Bolt aad Nuk OUTER FLANGES REMOVED, Cylinder No. 22-C 31-C 36-C 44-C 88-C Olameter. 8 in. 10 " 10 ♦♦ 8 " 10 •* Strtke. 7 in. 6 - 10 - 6" 8- 8. Cylinder Gasket. 9. Follower Stud and Nu». 10. Follower. 11. Packing Leather. 12. Packing Expander. 13. Oil Plug. 31 PLATE F21. STANDARD TYPE "D" ENQINE-TRUCK BRAKE CYLINDERS. XPiPz Crllnaer Ne^ 11-D 35-D 43-D 48-D 49-D 55-D 66-D 99-D 8 in. 10 '• 8 •• 6 " 12 " 10 " 6 ♦• 10 *• Stroka. 7 in. 10 ** 12 ** 8 " 7 " 8 •' 6 •• 19 •• 2. 3 0. Cylinder Body. Piston and Rod (includes 9, and Follower Studs Nuts). Pressure Head. Non-Pressure Head. Release Spring. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Not. Cylinder Gasket. Pash-Rod Holder. No. and No. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Follower. Packing Leather. Packing Expander Follower Stud and Nut. Push Rod, complete (includesNos. 15 and 16). Oil Plug. Push-Rod-Holder Pin, with cotter. Push-Rod Pin, with cotter. PLATE F 23. PISTON CROSS MEADS FOR DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINDERS. 18 «<^|tj0W «^v Kf.: ;©i i^ 22 *;nD^ •^rnrni © L.-^ ■£^ g 85lOJ (^~Q) '38 40 (5—0) r' al 12^' O) lo. ^. m J-e-tf' 60 30 61 m 6S U-H •^»< -r X jfi O O 8T 07 Q 08 08 60 00 CO 7.0 •lf« 01 71 II J 63 ra 63 73 \r f^" '^31 m (otj-y (o o) (oo) igi © o 01 n t" e-i PLATE G23. RESERVOIRS. Pier. 1. Pig. 5. Pig. 2. PLATE G 23. Pio. 1 RESERVOIRS. Main Reservoirs of the type illustrated, and of any desired length, are manufactured of the following standard diameters in iiicnes, outsiJe measurement; viz., 16, 18^,20^, 22|, 24i, 20^, 28i, 30i, 32§, 34i,' 36J To ascertain approximate capacity in cubic inclies, multiply the square of the inside diameter (which is ^ inch less than the size specified) by .7854, and the product by the length, less an allowance of three inches to cover flanges. Main-Reservoir capacity for Passenger Engines should not be less than 20,000 cubic inches, and for Freight Engines, not less than 40,000 cubic inches. Fig. 2. Standard Auxiliary Reservoirs of the type illustrated are manufactured in the following sizes.^-inch pipe." Fig. 4. i Equalizing Reservdr, 10-in. by 12-in For use in connection with "i Engineer's Brake Valve. Tapped for ^-inch pipe. Fio. 5. ^ Eleservoir Drain Cock. 25 PLATE Q 24* PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE. FOR e-INCH, AND 10-INCH CYLINOeRS S 0- Q < J^IPE TAP TO AUXILIARY RESEFiyOIR PIPC T^P TO TRAIN PIPE 26 PLATE Q24. PLAIN TRIPLE VALVB. rOfl e'INCH, AND tO'lNCH CYUNOERa Vo, I. "O 24" Plain Triple Valve, complete. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Triple-Valve Body (bushed) Cylinder Cap. Cap Nut. Piston (includes No. 12) Slide Valve. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. •Graduating Spring. Graduating-Stem Nut. Cylinder Gasket. Packing Ring. Bolt. 7. 8. Graduating Valve. Graduating Stem. 18. Slide- Valve Spring. ♦GRADUATING SPRING SPECIFICATIONS. Phosphor- Bronze Spring Wire, No. 14 a O.; xih Inches In diameter: 12 coils ,3 1/2 inches free height . H inches inside diameter. 27 PLATE F 25. PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE. FOR ia>INCH. 14-INCH. AND lef-INCH DRIVER-BRAKE CYLINOERQk 4" Pipe TAP ^Jfffj TO AUXILIARY RESERVOIR i'PlPtTAP , TO TRAIN PIPE NOTE.-The "F25" Plain Triple Valve should be used with 12-lnoh, 14-lnoh, and le-inofc Driver-Brake Cylinders, with or withoot Tn3f>.k Brake ; and for no other purposa 28 PLATE F25. PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE. rOH 12-INCH. 14-INCH. AND 16-INCH DRIVER-eRAKE CrLINOtft* No. 1. "FSG" PlaiQ Triple V No. No. 20. Triple- Valve Body (bushed). 27. 21. Cylinder Cap. 2S. 22. Cap Nut. 29. 23. Piston (includes No. 30). 30. 24. Slide Valve. 31. 25. Graduating Valve. 32. i6. Graduating Stem. Graduating Spring. Graduating-Stem Nut. Cylinder Gasket. Packing Ring. Bolt and Nut. Slide- Valve Springy 29 PLATE Oa6. TENDER-BRAKE CYLINDERS. :V\N^S.\^W^^^^^i;^^^^^^^^ M^^r?rfM ^ij^ijuyy^^ 7 t^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^'it^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 12 II No. 1. Tendcr-BraKe Cylinder, complete. Ifo. 2. Cylinder Body. 3. Piston and Rod (includes Fol- lower Studs and Nuts). 4. Non-Pressure Head. *5. Pressure Head. 6. Follower. 9. 10. 11. 12. Packing Leather. Packing Expander. Release Spring. Follower Stud and Nut- Cylinder-Head Bolt and Nut. Cylinder Gasket. ♦ NOTEl-For locomotive tenders, the light weight of which does not exceed 35,000 pounds, use the 8-inch TendCT-Brake Cylinder; for tenders of greater weight, use the lOinch size The style ol cylinder head, illustrated above, viz.. "Plain Head, with Slack-adj uster Lug." is considered standard. 30 PLATE F27. QUICK-ACTION PASSENGER TRIPLE VALVe. TO AUXILIARY *^ESEBVOlR TO BRAKE CVUNOER NOTE.-The " F 27 " Triple Valve should be used In connection with the following apparatus only: Passenger-Car Brake Cylinders, 1 inches AND LESS in diameter ; High-Speed Tender-Brake Cylinders. 1 Inches In diameter. Though similar In appearance, this valve differs essentially from the " F 36," or Freight Triple- Valve, and should never be employed In connection with Freight-Car Brakes. In common with the other Passenger Triple. " F 29," it may be distinguished from the Freight Triple by the fact that it has but one exhaust outlet while the " F 36 " Valve has two. The three Quick-Action Triple- Valves may be Identified also by the bore of the Slide-Valve Bush which measures 1 3/8 inches ia the " F 87." 1 3/4 inches In the " F 29." and 11/4 inches in the " F 36 " Valve. PLATE Fa7. QinCK-ACTION PAjSSENQER TRIPLE VALVE. No. 1. •• P 27 " Quick-Action Passent'er TPriple Valve, ooiupietB. \ Triple-Valve Body (bushed). No. 17. Union Nat. 3. Slide Valve. 18. Union Swivel. 4. Piston (includes No. 5). 19. Cylinder Cap. 5. Packing Ring. 20. Graduating-Stem Nut. 6. Slide-Valve Spring. 21. Graduating Stem. 7. Graduating Valve. 22. *Graduating Spring. 8. Emergency-Valve Piston. 23. Cylinder-Cap Gasket. 9. Eraergency-Valve Seat. 24. Bolt and Nut. 10. Emergency Valve. 25. Half-inch Cap Scre-w. 11. Rubber Seat. 26. Half-inch Plug. 12. Check-Valve Springi 27. Union Gasket. 13. Check-Valve Case (bushed). 28. Emergency-Valve Nut* 14. Check-Valve-Case Gasket. 29. Cotter Pin. 15 Check Valve. 30. Emergency. Valve Piston Packing 16. Strainer. Ring. ♦ GRADUATING SPRING SPECIFICATIONS: Eight one "hundredths (i|,) inches Kickeled Steel " Piano " Wire ; 13 1/4 coils; 2 5/8 inches free height; || inches iaside PLATE FaS. I^N-iNCH PASSENQER-CAR BRAKE CVUNOEJtS. No. I. Ten^ncb PasBengrer-Car Brake Cylinder, complete. Packing Leather. Packing Expander. Follower Stud and Nut. Jlelease Spring. Cylinder-Head Bolt and llut. Triple-Valve Bolt and Nut. Triple-Valve GaakeL Half-iDch Plug. 90- Ho. 2. Cylinder Body. 9. 3. Piston and Rod (includes Follower 10. Studs and Nuts). n. 4. Non-Pressure Head. 12. 5. PressureHead. 13. 6. Gross Head. 14. 7. Cylibder Gaakek 15. a Follower. 16. 84 PLATE F2p. QUICK-ACTION PASSENGER TRIPLE VALVE. TO TRAIN PrPE NOTE. -The " F 29 " Triple Valve should be used in connection with Passenger-Car Brake Cylinders, 12 and 14 inches in diameter. Though similar in appearance this valve differs essentially from both the "F27 " and "F36" Triples, and should never be employed except as specified. It may be easily recognized by means of the letter " O " cast on the valve body. 'In common with the other Passenger Triple, "F27," it may be distinguished from the Freight Triple by the fact that it has but one exhaust outlet while the " F 36 ' valve has two. The three Quick-Action Triple-Valves may be identified also by the bore of the Slide- Valve Bush which measures 1 3/8 inches in the "F27." J 3/4 inches in the " F 29." and I 1 /4 inches in the "F 36 "Valve. 36 PLATE P39. QUICK- ACTION PASSENGER TRIPLE VALVE. No. 1. "F 29" Quick-AcUon P. Msengei No. 2. Triple- Valve Bo4y (bushed). No. 17. 3. Slide Valve. 18 4. Piston (includes No. 5). 19. 5. Packing Ring. 20. 6. Slide-Valve Spring. 21. 7. Graduating Valve. 22 * 8. Emergency-Valve Piston. 23. 9. Emergency-Valve Seat. 24. 10. Emergency Valve. 25. 11. Rubber Seat. 26. 12. Check-Valve Spring. 27. I'S. Check-Valve Case (bushed). 28. 14. Check-Valve-Case Gasket. 29. 15. Check Valve. 30. 16. Strainer. Union Nut. Union Swivel. Cylinder Cap. Gradijating-Stem Nut. Graduating Stem. 22. 'Graduating Spring. Cylinder-Cap Gasket. Bolt and Nut. Half-inch Cap Screw. Half-inch Plug. Union Gasket. Emergency- Valve Nut. Cotter Pin. Emergency- Valve Piston Packing Ring^. • GRADUATING SPRING SPECIFICATIONS: Eight one hundredths (r^s' Inches diameter NilOlMled Steel ' Piaao " Wire ; 1 8 1/4 coils ; 2 5/8 inobes free height ; || inches inside diameter. 37 PLATE F30. TWELVEINCH PASSENQER=CAR BRAKE CYLINDER. No. 2, 8. 4. 6. 6. 7. 6. S No. I. Twelve-iuch Passenger-Car Brake Cylinder, complete. Cylinder Body. Piston and Rod (includes Follower Studs and Nuts). Non-Pressure Head. Pressure Head (includes No. 16, and 2 of No. 14). Cross Head. Cylinder Gasket. Follower. No. 9. Packing Leather. 10 Packing Expandei'. Jl. Follower Stud and Nut. 12. Helease Spring. 13. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Nut. 14. Triple- Valve Bolt and Nut. 15. Triple- Valve Gasket. 16. Triple-Valve Stud and Nut. 17. Half-inch Plug. PLATE P31. FOURTEEN-INCH PASSENQER-CAR BRAKE CYLINDER. 5 No. 1. Fourteen-lnch Passcnger-Car Brake Cylinder, complete. Packing Leather. Packing Expander. Follower Siud and Nut. Release Spring. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Nut. Triple-Valve Bolt and Nut. Triple-Valve Gasket. Triple- Valve Stud and Nut. Half-inch Plug. No. No. 2. Cylinder Body. 9. 3. Piston and Rod (includes Follower 10. Studs and Nuts) 11. 4. Non-Pressure Head. 12, 5. Pressure Head (includes No. 16, 13. and 2 of No. 14). 14 6. Cross Head. 15 7. Cylinder Gasket. 16. 8. Follower. 17. I PLATE O32, DETAIL PARTS OP PASSENQER-CAR BRAKE APPARATUS, Fig. I. Fig. 8. Fig. 4. Fig. 2. i 8*r PLATE 03^. DETAIL PARTS OP PASSENQER-CAR BRAKE APPARATUS. Fio. I. BtandATd One-inch Hose and CoapUng, complete. Hose 22 inches long (order in paira. ) Fm. 2. Standard Oue-inch Hose CoupUop (or- der In pairs). IT*. 1. Hosef-Coupling Case. 2. Hose-Coupling Packiog Ring. Fio. 3. Ooa-lnch by One and One-fonrth inch Uose Nipple. Fio. 4. One-inch Hose Clamp, complete. Ho. 1. One-inch Hose Clamp. 2. One-inch Hose-Clainp Bolt. Fio. 6. One*tncih by One and One-fonrth ineh Angle Cock, complete. ITo. I. 2. Angle-Cock Body. Angle-Cock Key. 3. Angle-Cock Cap. 4. Angle-Cock-Key Spring. 6, Angle-Cock Handle. 6. One and One-fourth inch to One- Inch Eeducer. Fio. 6. One-Inch Oot-out Cock, complete. Ko. 76. Coci Body. 77. Cock Key. 78. Cock Cap. 79. Key Spring. 80. Handle. Fio. 7. Conductor's Valve, complete. Ho. 2. Valve Body. 3. Valve Key. 4, Valve Cap. 5. Key Spring. 6. Key Stop. 7, Key Escutcheon. 8. Valve Handle. 9. Key Nut. Fio. 8. One-inch Bralt^Pipe Air Strainer, complete. Strainer Body. One-inch Union Swivel. Union Nut. Union Oaakel. Strainer. Fio. 9. Oo«-lncb Dummy Coupliog. 41 PLATE F 33. Westinghouse Standard Train Air-Signal Equip- ment. — Opposite. [QUIPMEINT. :.;^ Id 16 j/PiPE '«TAP ■:-X PLATE F33. STANDARD TRAIN AIR-SIQNAL APPARATUa Fio. 1. Oar Discharge Valve, complete. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Discharge-Valve Body. Diacharge-Valve Stem. Discharge- Valve Spring. Discharge- Valve Handle. Stop Piu. .Cap Nut. Union Nut. 9. Union Swivel 10. Union Gasket. Fio. 2. 8i(n^ Valve, complete. Mo. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 Fio. S, *Iilf);>poved Reducing Valve, com' pl^te. Reducing-Valve feody (bushed) Spring Box. Supply Valve. Supply- Valve Cap Nut. Supply-Valve Spring. Reducing-Valve Piston (Includes No. 8). 8. Piston Packing Ring 9. Piston Nut. 10. Piston Rod. 11. Diaphragm (two pieces). 12. Diaphragm Ring 13. Regulating Spring. 14. Regulating Nut. 15. Check Nut. 16. Cock Cap Nut. 17. Cock Spring. 18. Union Nut. 19. Union Swivel. 20. Union Gasket. *The improved Redtioing Valve is a^jnstM to govern Train Signal-Pipe Pressure AT A MAXIMUM OF 40 POUNDS PER SQUAkE INCH, and any necessary readjustment must be made for thai pressure in order to secar^ the best result*. Fio 4. Sigoal Whistle, complete. 43 PLATE Q34. DETAIL PARTS OF TRAIN AIR-SICKAL APPARATUS^ Vig.1. Vig. S. xdceS 2i^' Pig. 2. Fig. 4- Pig. 6. Pig. e. MAIN SIGNAL PIPE ~" MAIN SIGNAL - PIPE TO CAR DISCHARGE VALVE Pig. 7. Pig. & Fig. & 44 PLATE Q34. DETAIL PARTS OP TRAIN AIR-SIQNAL APPARATUS. Fio. 1. StendArd Slgnnl Hose and ConpllD|r> complete. One-incb Hose, 22 inches long with fittings for J-incb pipe. Fig. 2. Standard Signal Hose CoupUoer, com- plete (order in pairs). Ko. 1. Signal Hose-Coupling Case. 2. Signal Hose - Coupling Packing Ring. Fig. 3. Signal Hose Clamp, complete. Re. 1. Signal Hose-Clamp Body, 2. Signal Hose-Clamp Bolt. Fig. 4. Oae-lneh by Three-fourths inch Hose Nipple. Fig. 5. Three«foartlu inch Angle Fitting. Fig. 6. One-half Inch Cut-out Cock, complete. 2. Cock Body. 3. Cock Key. 4. Cock Cap. 5. Key Spring. 6. Cock Handle. Fro. 7. Three-fourths Inch Signal-Pipe Strainer, complete. Strainer Body. Union Swivel. Union Nut Union Gasket. Strainer. Fig. 8. Three-fourths inch Cock, complete. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cock Body. Cock Key. Cock Cap. Key Spring. Cock Handle. Fig. 9. Signal Dummy Coupling. 45 PLATE G 35. Westinghouse Standard Freight Car Brake Equipment. — Opposite, 46 CAR BRAKE 1 PLATE Q35. WESTINQHOUSE STANDARD FREIGHT CAR BRAKE EQUIPMENT. PLATE F36. QUICK-ACTION FREIGHT TRIPLE VALVE.' TO AUXILIARY RESERVOIR TO BRAKE CYUlNOtR TO TRAIN PIPE NOTR-" F 36 " Triple Valves shonld be nsed in connection with the following apparatus otJ^ Freight-Car Brake Cylinders, 6 inches and 8 inches in diameter. High-Speed Tender-Brake Cylinders, 8 inches in diameter. Though similar in appearance, this valve differs essentially from both the Passenger Triple Valves, and should never be employed except as specified. It may be distinguished from the "F 87* and " F 29*" Quick-Action Triples by the fact that it has TWO exhaust outlets (one of which is plOggedJl and also by Uie bore of its Slide- Valve B&sb, whiob is I I /4 iQfibies in diameter. 48 PLATE F 36. QUICK-ACTION FREIGHT TRIPLE VALVE. Vo, I. " P 36 •• Quick-Action Freig 2. Triple- Valve Body (bushed). No. 17. 3. Slide Valve. 18. 4. Piston (includes No. 5). 19. 5. Packing Ring. 20. 6. Slide- Valve Spring, 21. 7. Graduating Valve. 22. 8. Emergency-Valve Piston. 23. 9. Emergency-Valve Seat. 24. 10. Emergency Valve. 25. 11. Rubber Seat. 26. 12. Check-Valve Spring, 21. 13. Check-Valve Case. 28. 14. Check-Valve-Case Gasket. 29. 15. Check Valve. 50. 16. Strainer. Union Nut. Union Swivel. Cylinder Cap. Graduating-Stem Nut. Graduating Stem 22. *Graduating Spring. Cylinder-Cap Gasket. Bolt and Nut. Half-inch Cap Screw. Half-inch Plug. Union Gasket, Emergency- Valve Nut. Cotter Pin. Plug for Exhaust Outlet. ♦GRADUATING SPRING SPECIFICATIONS : Forty-nine one thousandths (raoj) inches dlam eter. Niokeled Steel " Piano " Wire ; 1 6 ooils , 2 3/4 inches free height ; |f inches inside diameter. 49 PLATE F37. NARROW-QAUQE FREIGHT-CAR BRAKE CYLINDER AND AUXILIARY RESERVOIR COMBINED, WITH ••F36" TRIPLE VALVE. NOTE. -The "F37" Brake Apparatus illustrated above is furnished with "Schedule H-4" fot freight cars, the light weight of which does not exceed 16,000 pounds. The Brake Cylinder is 6 inches in diameter by 8 inches stroke. No. 1. Nawow-Gauge Preiglit-Car Brake Cylinder ana Auxiliary Reservoir Combined, with " F 36 " Triple Valve, complete. 2. Cylinder Body. 3. Piston and Rod (includes lower Studs and Nuts). 4. Non-Pressure Head. 5. Follower Stud and Nut. 6. Follower. 7. Packing Leather. 8. Packing Expander. Fol- No. 9. Release Spring. 10. Reservoir(includes Nos. 11 and J2). 11. Drain Plug. 12. Reservoir Stud and Nut. 13. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Nut 14. Cylinder Gasket. 15. Triple- Valve Gasket. 50 PLATE P38. NARROW-QAUQE FRErOHT^AR BRAKE CYLINDER AND AUXILIARY RESERVOUL DETACHED, WITH -P36" TRIPLE VALVa Nt)TE.-The'"F 38 " Brake Apparatus Hlastrated above is furnished with "Scbedale H-5" for Freight Cars, the light weight of which does not exceed 15,000 pounds, bat the construction of which prevents the application of the combined-cyHnder-aad^reservoir type of braie illustrated on Plate " F 37." The Brake CyUuder is 6 Inches ia diameter by 8 Inches stroitfe Sarco«r«Gaage Freight-Car Brake Cylinder and Auxiliary Beservoir Dotacbed» with "FSe** Triple Valve, conaykste. 1. Brake Cylinder, complete. 9. Release.Spring. 2. Cylinder Body^ 10. CvJinder Gasket. 3. Piston and Rod (includes Follower 11. Cylinder-Head Bolt and NaL Studs and Nuts). 12. Pressure Head. 4. Back Head. 13. Special Auxiliary Reservoir (in» 6. Follower Stud and Nut. eludes Nos. 14 and 1G)» 6- Follower. 14. Drain Plug. 7. Packing Leather. 15. Triple-Valve Gasket. 8. Packing Ezpaodec 16. Eeservoir Stud and Nut 51 PLATE F39. TWIN-CY UNDER " FREIGHT-CAR BRAKE APPARATUS WITH AUXILIARY RESERVOIR DETACHED, AND "Fad" TRIPLE VALVE. NOTE. -The "F39" Brake Apparatus illustrateft above is furnished with " Schedule H-6** for freight cars, the weight and construction of which prevents the use of a single*cylinder bralie, either of the combined or detached type. Each of the cylinders illustrated is 6 inches ih diameter by 8 inches StroJT^ 52 PLATE F39. •TWIN-CYLINDER" FREIGHT-CAR BRAKE APPARATUS WITH AUXILIARY RESER- VOIR DETACHED, AND "F 36" TRIPLE VALVE. ••Twin-Cylinder' Freight-Car Brake Apparatus witli Auxiliary Beserroir Detached, and "F 36" Triple Valve, complete. Ho. 1. Brake Cylinder, complete. 2. Cylinder Body. 3. Piston and Rod (includes lower Studs and Nuts). ' 4. Non-Pressure dead. 5. Follower Stud and Nut 6. Follower. 7. Packing Leather. 8. Pafikidg Expander. Fol- No. 9. Release Spring. 10. Cylinder Gasket. 11. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Nut. 12. Pressure Head. 13. "Special Auxiliary Reservoir (in* eludes Nos. 14 and 16). 14. Drain Plug. 15. Triple-Valve Gasket. 16. Reservoir Stud and Nut. 53 PLATE P40. STANDARD FREIGHT-CAR BRAKE CYLINDER AND AUXILIARY RESERVOIR COMBINED, WITH oF3(S" TRIPLE VALVE. NOTE.-The"F 40 "Brake Apparatus Illustrated above Is famished with ** Schedule H-1" for freight cars, the light weight of which exceeds 15,000 pounds. The brake cylinder is 8 inches in diameter by 12 inches stroke. Together with the additional fixtures Included in "Schedule H-1 J* it constitutes the Standard Automatic-Brake Equipment for Freight Cars. No. t. Standard Prelght-Car Brake Cylinder and Au3Eiliary Beserrolr Combined, with ««F36" Triple Valve, complete. Reservoir (includes Nos. 11 and 32). Drain Plug. Reservoir Stud and Nut. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Nut Cylinder Gasket. Triple Valve Gasket. 2. 3. 4. Cylinder Body. Piston and Rod (includes Follower Studs and Nuts). Non-Pressure Head. No. 10. 11. 12. 6. Follower Stud and Nut. 13. 6. Follower. 14 7. 8. 9. Packing Leather. Packing Expander. Release Spring. 15. 54 PLATE F4t. STANDARD FREIOHT-CAR BRAKE CYLINDER AND AUXILIARY RESERVOIR DETACHED, WITH "F36" TRIPLE VALVE. NOTE.— The" F 41, "Brake Apparatus illustrated above is furnished with "Schedule H-2"tor freight cars, the light weight of which exceeds 15,000 pounds, but the construction of which prevents the application of the combined-cylinder-and-reservoir type of brake illustrated on Plate " F 40." The brake cylinder is 8 inches in diameter by 12 inches stroke. Standard Prefglit-Car Bt&ke Cylinder and Auxiliary Reservoir Detached, wlUi «P36" Triple Valve, complete. Kow 1. Brake Cylinder, complete. 2. Cylinder Body. 3. Piston and Rod (includes Follower Studs and Nuts) 4. Non-Pressure Head. 5. Follower Stud and Nut 6., Follower. 7. Packing Leather. 8. Packing Expander. No. 9. Release Spring. 10. Cylinder Gasket. 11. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Not 12. Pressure Head. 13. Special Auxiliary Reservoir Cin« eludes Nos. 14 and 16) 14 Drain Plug. 15. Triple-Valve Gasket. 16. Reservoir Stud and Nut. 55 PLATE P42. SHORT-STROKB FREIQMT-CAR BRAKE CYLINDER AND AUXIUASV RE5ERV0lft COMBINED. WITH "F36" TRIPLE VALVB HOTK-Tfie "F42" Brake Apparatna lllostrated abov» Is ftirnlshed with " Schedule H-3 " Ibr ft*elght cars of medlam weight to which a combined cylinder and reservoir of greater length cannot b» SQCcessfolly applied. The brake cylinder is 8 Inches in diameter by 8 inches stroke- Ko. 1. Sliort>Stroke Freight-Car Brake Cylinder and Auxiliary Reservoir Com- bined, with «*F36" Triple Valve, complete. 2. Cylinder Body. ITo. 9. 3. Piston and Rod (includes Fol- lower Studa and Nuts). 10. 4. Non-Pressure Head. 11. 5. Follower Stud and Nut. 12. 6. Follower. 13. 7. Packing Leather. 14. 8. Packing Expander. 15. Release Spring. Reservoir (includes Nos. 11 12). Drain Plug. Reservoir Stud and Nut. Cylinder-Head Bolt and Not. Cylinder Gasket. Triple-Valve Gasket. 56 PLATE Q 43. DETAIL PARTS OF STANDARD FREIGHT-CAR BRAKE APPARATUS* Pig. 7 PLATE G 43. DETAIL PARTS OF STANDARD FREIGHT=CAR BRAKE APPARATUS. Fig. 1. Standard One and One-quarter inch Hose and Coupling, complete. Hose 22 inches long (order in pairs. ) Fig. 2. Standard One and One - quni-ter inch Hose Coupling (order in i>airs). No. 1. " One and One-quarter inch Hose Coupling Case. 2. One and One-quarter inch Hose- Coupling Packing Ring. Fig. 3. One and One-«iuarter incli Hose Nipple. Fig. 4. One and One-quarter inch Bj'akc-Pipc Air Strainer, complete. No. 2. Strainer Body. Union Swivel. Union Nut. Union Gasket. Strainer. Fig. 5. One and One-quarter inch Hose CLamp, complete. One and One-quarter inch Hose Clamp. One and One-quarter inch Hose- Clamp Bolt. ■Fig. 6. One and One-qn.artcr inch Angle Cock, complete. Angle-Cock Body. Angle-Cock Key. Angle-Cock Cap. Angle-Cock Spring. Angle-Cock Handle. Fig. 7. One and One-quarter inch Cut-out Cock, complete. 9. 10. 11. 12. Cock Body. Cock Key. Cock Cap. Key Spring. Cock Handle. Fio. 8. Release Valve, complete* No. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Release-Valve Cylinder, Release- Valve Stud. Vent Valve. Release-Valve Spring. Release-Valve Handle. Release-Valve Pin. Fio. 9. Improved Pressure complete. Retaining Valve, No. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Retaining-Valve Body (includes Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8). Retain ing-Valve Case. Retaining- Valve Weight. Retaining-Valve Handle. Retaining-Valve-Cock Key. Retaining-Valve-Cock Cap. Retaining-Vatve-Cock Spring, Fig. 10. Coupling-Groove Cleaning Tool. Fig. 11, One and One - quarter inch Doromy Coupling. PLATE P45. man-spEED brake automatic reducinq valve 1698 PATTERN. onA^KS. cruNOin. 60 PLATE F45. HIGH=SPEED BRAKE AUTOMATIC REDUCING VALVE. No. 1. Higrh-Speed Brake Automatic Ueducing Valve, complete. No. So. 2. Valve Body. 13. Check Nut. 3. Spring Box. 14. Union Stud. 4. Valve Piston (includes No. 5). 15. Union Swivel. 5. Packing Ring. 16. Union Nut. 6. Piston Stem. 17. Union Strainer. 7. Piston-Stem Nut. 18. Union Gasket. 8. Slide Valve. 19. Bolt and Nut. 9. Slide-Valve Spring. 20. Leather Washer. 10. Cap Nut. 21. Piston Disc. U. Regulating Spring. 22. Spring Abutment 12. Regulating Nut 23 Cotter Pin. 61 PLATE F46. HIGH-SPEED PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE. TO AuliLiARv R£St"VOiR TO TO (SilV P'?t NOTR-This Triple Valve is designed specially for use in crtmbination with other ^gh'Speed Brake Appliances, for operating both Driver and Engine-Truoii Brakes, and most nofbe used for otbes purposes. PLATE F46. HIQH-SPEED PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE. Ko. 1. High-Speed Plaiu Triple ValT«. complete. ft*. No. 2. Triple-Valve Body (bushed) 9. Graduating Spring. 3. Cylinder Cap. 10. Graduating-Stem Nut 4. Cap Nut. IL Cylinder Cap Gasket 5. Piston (includej No. 12). 12. Packing Ring. 6. Slide Valve. 13. Bolt and Nut. 7. Graduating Valve. 14. Slide- Valve Spring. 8. Graduating Stem. •ORADUATINO SPRING SPECIFIC ATIOKS : Phospor-Bronze Spring Wire, No. 14 R W. (> ij)« laolMS Id diameter , 12 coils . 2 1<2 Inohes free Ueigl^t ; ii Loclies iusidfi diameter. 63 PLATE F47. DUPLEX PUMP GOVERNOR. J^PIPC 35 36 34+- TO BOILER I'PIPE ' TAP TO. Pump The diaphragm portion of this Governor at the right 58. adjusted to govern the 1 TO-lb. pressure, and the one at the left the 90-lb. pressure for ordiiisiry braking. A 1 /4-inch Cut-out Cock must be nsed in the pipe attached to fitting 45 (see Plate " G 50 ") of the low-pressure diaphragm, and must be closed when operating the High-Speed Brake. 64 PLATE F47. DUPLEX PUMP GOVERNOR. No. 1. Duplex Pomp Governor, complete. »K Ho. 25. Sleam-Valve Body. 36. Waste-Pipe Union Nut 26. Steam Valve. 37. Diaphragm Body. ^7. Cylinder Cap. 38. Spring Box. 28. Governor Piston (includes No. 29y 39. Cap Nut. 29. Piston Packing Ring. 40. Regulating Nut. 30. Governor-Piston Nut. 41. Regulating Spring. 31. Governor-Piston Spring. 42. Diaphragm, complete. 32. Steam-Valve Cylinder (includes 43. Diaphragm Ring. NOS.--35 and 36). 44. Union Nut, 83. One-inch Union Nut. 45. Union Swivel. 34. One-inch Union Swivel. 46. Siamese Fitting. 35. Waste-Pipe Stud. 65 PLATE F4a. DETAIL PARTS OF HIOH-SPEGD BRAKE AND HIQH-PRESSURE CONTROL APPARAHIS. Fig, 2. llg.4 Am d!-i\ \ 'Z TIP Pig. 3L no. 6* ^6 Fig- e» PLATE F48. DETAIL PARTS OP HIQH-SPEEO BRAKE AND niQH PRESSURE CONTROL APPARATUS. Fio. 1. Feed-Valve Bracket with BeTersiiig Cock, complete. No. 2. Reversing-Coctc Body. 3. Reversing-Cock Key. 4. Reversing-Cock Spring. 6. ReversiDg-Cock Cap. 6. Reversing-Cock Handle. Fio. 2. Safely Valve, complete. No. 2. Safety-V6lv0 Body. 3. Regulating Nut. 4. Cap Nut. 5. Regulating Spring. 6. Valve. Fi4. 8. Feed- Voire Pipe Bracket. Fio. 4. Tender -Cylinder Head for Quick- Action Triple Valve wltli Steck- Adjuster Lug. Fio. 6. One-foortb incb Cock. Fio. 6. Flexible Hose Connection wltb Pit* tings for Half-lncb Pipe. 67 PLATE G 49. Diagramatic Illustration of Westinghouse High Pressure Control Apparatus. — Opposite, \J HIGH PRESSURE /lojosT£a r f ■i EXPLANATION. "ALLATION OF THE APPARATUS FOR C \RD Brake Equipment of a Loco^ HEOULE U," AND THE DEVICE IS TH PLATE 49. DIAQRAMATIC ILLUSTRATION OF WESTINQHOUSE HIGH PRESSURE CONTROL APPARATUS. Tir-^offf - ^«««- < a BLOW OUT PIPES WITH STEAM, Ah INSIDE OF SOCKETS; IF NEEDED, SOAPSUDS. Copper pipes are recommended for Air ' EMPLOV BENDS ND PUMP-GOVERNOR CONNECTION G TRAIN-LINE PRESSURE TENDER. The ADDITION FREQUENTLY DESIGNATED i 1 PLATE G 50. Diagramatic Illustration of the Westinghouse Standard High Speed Brake. — Opposite. 70 ^ojuireo ro/9 //o'' W ^ /^A/G/A/^ r Aui(/L/A/f) vt:iii 1 TT PLATE Qso. DIAQRAMATIC ILLUSTRATION OF TME WESTINQHOUSE STANDARD HIGH SPEED BRAKE. rffmuc-t. V-^v,- n H 2 5' K5^ THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL .iBRARy FACurr A 000 622 596 5